な ​B 436340 ARTES 1837 MIU VERITAS LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LE FLURIBUS UNUM TUE BOR SCIENTIA OF THE SI-QUAERIS-PENINSULAM AMOE NAMA CIRCUMSPICE SAPATMALAALAN KUKOSAVTORJAJ, HUNG MINNIE i Sam 2497 Return to shelf though worn. 8-1-62 SF 53 .19 1853 ( 12 - LIBRARY Cek Do OF THE ༦༥: ERSITY OF MICHE ошт ON THE DOMESTICATED ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 1} { 24367-9 ERSITY OF M OF THE Croatia ATYY HY VIVE! VERSITY OF LIBRARY 263839 2686 OF THE HIGAN WHDavi Hadoo SWWW www ww MF wj The English Cart Horsel. The First Prize Animal of the Royal Agricultural Society at Derby, 1845. DOMESTICATED ANIMALS 2492 ON THE BRITISH ISLANDS: - OF THE ** THE NATURAL AND ECONOMICAL HISTORY OF SPECIES AND VARIETIES ; COMPREHENDING THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTIES OF EXTERNAL FORM; AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF BREEDING. BY DAVID LOW, ESQ., F.R.S.E., PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH; 3 MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURE OF SWEDEN, AND OF THE ROYAL ECONOMICAL SOCIETY OF SAXONY; HONORARY AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ECONOMICAL SOCIETY OF LEIPZIG, AND OF THE SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURE AND BOTANY OF UTRECHT; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE CC CONSEIL ROYAL D'AGRICULTURE DE FRANCE "" · THE " SOCIETE ROYALE ET CENTRALE," &c. OF LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN & LONGMANS. BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY. MDCCCLIII. CH-6-36 MUIS ENGLISH CART HORSE A LEICESTER RAM A WEST HIGHLAND Ox AN ABERDEENSHIRE POLLED BULL A NORTH DEVON STEER A FIRST-PRIZE SHORT-HORNED BULL د. Figure 1. ANATOMY OF THE HORSE 2. 3. 4. "" ,, "" "" 353 335 99 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 18 99 "" 29 19 "9 "" LIST OF STEEL ENGRAVINGS. 39 "" $9 LIST OF WOOD-CUTS. "" 5. 6. 7. 8. RACE HORSE, CHARLES XII. 9. DRAY HORSE OF ENGLISH BLACK BREED 10. OUTLINE OF A GALLOWAY HEIFER 11. BULL OF LONG-HORNED DISHLEY BREED 12. OUTLINE OF DAIRY Cow oF AYRSHIRE BREED 13. 14. 15. 16. "" دو .9 39 "" "" 99 GOATS OF THIBET SOUTH DOWN EWE AND LAMB 99 SHORT-HORNED BULL SIAMESE BREED OF HOGS ARABIAN HORSE SCOTTISH DEER HOUND "" "" 9" OF A RAM OF THE NEW LEICESTER BREED OF A WILD BOAR AND SOW OF AN OLD ENGLISH Sow OF A GRADE BREED "" • To face Titlepage. Page 190 300 315 345 379 "" "9 99 39 Page lxxii lxxv lxxvi lxxvii lxxviii lxxix lxxxiii XCV xcvi xcix C cvi cviii cxii cxiii cxiii 1 22 206 395 435 622 1 ! PREFACE. FROM early times, Great Britain has been distin- guished for the numbers and excellence of the Animals reared for the uses of the inhabitants. The cultivation of the Horse began in the earlier periods of our history, for the purposes of war and the tournament, and has subsequently been carried to great perfection, for the race-course, the chase, the saddle, and for draught. The cultivation of Sheep was early the subject of pub- lic attention, and, as being connected with the woollen manufactures of the country, was favoured by numerous laws; and within a period comparatively recent, extra- ordinary attention has been devoted to the means of cultivating animals for human food. It is during this latter era, which began about the middle of last cen- tury, that the greatest additions have been made to the value of the Live-stock of the country, and that the practice of breeding has been reduced to a system, and founded upon principles. Of the species of the Domesticated Animals natural- 7 & < ฟ vi PREFACE. ized in the British Islands, numerous varieties present themselves, to which we apply the term Breeds. The characters of species may have been imprinted by ori- ginal organization, or may have been the result of laws of organic development and change, of whose nature and operation we are ignorant. The characters which distinguish varieties are those which may reasonably be ascribed to known agencies, as climate, and the supplies of food. The differences of character, indeed, produced by agencies of this kind, may be very great; and, in the case of many animals, the naturalist may be left in doubt, whether the differences observed are the result of original organization, or of more recent changes. But however species may have originated, or varieties. have been produced, all animals submitted to domesti- cation are subject to modifications of size, form, and other characters, dependent on the conditions under which they are reared; and by breeding, we can com- municate the distinctive properties of parents to the progeny. In the rural economy of this country, a high degree of importance is to be ascribed to a knowledge of the distinctive characters of Races or Breeds. Much of the profit of the owners depends upon adapting the breed of any animal to the circumstances in which it is to be placed. By rearing, for example, a breed of large and delicate oxen, in a country unsuited, from its natural or artificial productions, to maintain it, we incur the hazard of loss in various ways; while, on the C ! IL F I $ | ' 1 1 PREFACE. vii other hand, by rearing an inferior breed in situations where one of greater value could be maintained, we deprive ourselves of the profit which the natural or acquired advantages of our situation present. An error of another kind is the subject of constant observation, the result likewise of imperfect knowledge of the distinctive characters of breeds. For the pro- curing of a breed adapted to the situation in which it is to be reared, two general methods may be pursued ; either a new breed may be substituted for that which exists, or the old one may have its characters modified There are or changed by crossing with other races. many cases in which scarcely an error can be commit- ted in our practice in these respects, provided we resort to a really superior race; but there are many other cases in which a change of this kind may be injurious, or attended with doubtful benefit. Animals become gradually adapted to the conditions in which they are placed, and many breeds have accordingly become ad- mirably suited to the physical state of the country in which they have been naturalized. Thus, the West Highland Breed of cattle has become suited to a humid climate and a country of mountains; the beautiful breed of North Devou, to a country of lower altitude and milder climate. In these, and many cases more, an intermixture of stranger blood might destroy the characters which time had imprinted on the stock, and produce a progeny inferior in useful properties to either of the parent races. Not only have individual breeders 4 + viii PREFACE. erred in the application of this kind of crossing to practice in particular cases, but several entire breeds. have been lost which ought to have been preserved. There are many breeds, indeed, so defective in them- selves, that time and capital would have been lost in endeavouring to cultivate them; but not a few, as will be seen in the sequel, might have been improved to the degree required, by mere selection of parents, and attention to the known principles of breeding. Not only do animals become adapted in constitution, temperament, and habits, to the situations in which they have been naturalized, but characters communi- cated by art become permanent by continued repro- duction. Thus, in the case of the Dairy Breed of Ayrshire, by breeding from females that possess the property of yielding a large quantity of milk, a pecu- liar breed has been at length formed, exceedingly well suited to the purposes of the dairy, and at the same time hardy and fitted to subsist on ordinary food. Now, such a breed might be injured, and not im- proved, by crossing even with a race superior to itself in many properties. Thus, a cross with the Durham or Hereford Breeds would produce animals of larger size and superior fattening properties to the native race; but even in these properties, the progeny would be inferior to either the Herefords or the Durhams, and inferior, as a hardy race of dairy cattle, to the Ayrshire Breed itself. Hence, the crossing of a breed of cattle with a race apparently superior, will not 1 H *** } Para m 1 1 ţ + we are PREFACE. ix always be attended with ultimate good; and caution and knowledge of the end to be arrived at are required even in the cases where the good seems most easily attained. Another error of a different kind, but proceeding like- wise from imperfect knowledge of the relative value of breeds, prevails to a great extent. Breeds, in themselves bad, are obstinately retained in districts fitted to sup- port superior races. In every part of the kingdom, we see breeds which are unworthy of being preserved, while the easiest means are at the command of the farmer of supplying their place by others suited to the lo- cality. Thus, over the greater part of Wales, there are races of wild diminutive Sheep, which, in economical value, can bear no comparison with those which could be supplied from other places. In Kerry, and other mountainous districts stretching along the western coast of Ireland, in place of such Sheep as the coun- try could maintain, are to be seen assemblages of animals of the size of dogs, and as wild as antelopes, neither having wool fitted to the manufactures of the country, nor being capable of fattening to any size. Even in the heart of Yorkshire, as we shall see in the sequel, a breed of Sheep is preserved, covering a con- siderable tract of country, which, from its coarseness of form, and inaptitude to fatten, ranks in the lowest class of cultivated Sheep in England; and in every part of the kingdom, we may see examples of the vast public and private loss which results from unacquaint- S X PREFACE. ance with the relative value and economical uses of the different breeds of our domesticated animals. To remove the causes of mistaken practice, in a branch of industry so important to the interests of producers and consumers, may be regarded as matter of national interest. From the produce of live-stock in this country, a large part of the subsistence of the people, of the materials of our manufactures, of the profits of the farmer, and of the revenue of the land- holder, is derived. In many parts of the kingdom tillage is difficult or impracticable, and the only valu- able production is live-stock; and it is not too much to assert, that half the rental of the British Islands is derived from this source. These considerations will make it appear, how much the study and advancement of this department of rural economy merit the atten- tion of those who seek to widen the channels of native industry. Several years ago I published an account of the Breeds of the more important Domesticated Animals of this country, the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Goat, the Hog,-accompanied by an extensive series of coloured lithographic prints, being portraits of animals of the different races, selected from the stocks of the most eminent breeders in different parts of the king- dom. This Work, in two large Volumes, is before the public, and has been republished in other countries. It has appeared to me,,that the substance of it might be presented to agriculturists in a different and less 2 PREFACE. xi use. expensive form, and thus be adapted to more general I have, accordingly, re-written the description of the species and varieties, adding such remarks on the properties of external form, and the principles and practice of breeding, as may supply, in part, the want of the original figures. I have likewise added to the description of the other animals, that of the Dog, both on account of the general interest of the subject, and of its particular relation to the production of varieties, and the effects of breeding. ↑ INTRODUCTION. 1. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, 2. PROPERTIES OF EXTERNAL FORM, I. THE GOAT. CONTENTS. SPECIES AND VARIETIES, II. THE SHEEP. SPECIES AND VARIETIES, WOOL, BREEDS OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS, viz. :— 1. The Breeds of the Zetland and Orkney Islands, 2. The Soft-Woolled Sheep of Scotland, 3. The Breed of the Higher Welsh Mountains, 4. The Soft-Woolled Sheep of Wales, 5. The Breed of the Wicklow Mountains, 6. The Kerry Breed, 7. The Forest Breeds of England, 8. The Black-Faced Heath Breed, 9. The Cheviot Breed, 10. The Old Norfolk Breed, 11. The Penistone Breed, 12. The Old Wiltshire Breed, 13. The Dorset Breed, 14. The Merino Breed, 15. The Ryeland Breed, 16. The South Down Breed, 17. The Old Lincoln Breed, 18. The Romney Marsh Breed, 19. The Older Long-Woolled Breeds, 20. The Cotswold Breed, 21. The New Leicester Breed, • · • • • • PAGE xvii 1xx 1 22 41 58 63 64 67 71 75 80 84 93 114 118 120 122 126 155 160 169 174 180 186 190 0 fun + xiv III. THE OX. SPECIES AND VARIETIES, CONTENTS. THE DAIRY, BREEDS OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS, viz. :- 1. The Wild or White Forest Breed, 2. The Zetland Breed, 3. The West Highland Breed, 4. The Pembroke Breed, 5. The Kerry Breed, 6. The Angus Breed, 7. The Polled Aberdeenshire Breed, 8. The Galloway Breed, 9. The Polled Suffolk Breed, 10. The Polled Irish Breed, 11. The Falkland Breed, 12. The Alderney Breed, 13. The Ayrshire Breed, 14. The Devon Breed, 15. The Sussex Breed, 16. The Glamorgan Breed, 17. The Herefordshire Breed, 18. The Long-Horned Breed, 19. The Short-Horned Breed, IV. THE HOG. V. THE HORSE. SPECIES AND VARIETIES, BREEDS, viz. :— The Siamese Breed, The Breeds of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, The Old English Breeds, The Berkshire Breed, &c., SPECIES AND VARIETIES, CLASSES AND BREEDS of British Horses, 1. THE RACE-HORSE, • 2. THE HUNTER, 3. HORSES FOR LIGHTER CARRIAGES AND THE SADDLE, viz. :- The Old English Coach-Horse, The Cleveland Bay, The Hackney, The Cavalry Horse, 4. HORSES FOR HEAVY Draught, viz.:- 1. The Old English Black Horse, 2. Breeds of the North-Eastern Counties, • PAGE 207 267 296 ib. 300 304 309 312 315 317 322 327 328 333 339 345 351 356 362 367 379 395 425 429 ib. 431 435 503 525 587 601 602 604 ib. 608 613 1 2 N WAT T 3. The Clydesdale Breed, 4. The Suffolk Punch Breed, VI. THE DOG. CONTENTS. SPECIES AND VARIETIES OF THE CANIDE, CLASSIFICATION OF THE DOMESTICATED RACES :- 1. THE LYCISCAN GROUP. Dogs of the Arctic Regions, Shepherd's Dogs, Great Dog of Newfoundland, 2. THE VERTRAGAL GROUP. Greyhounds, Irish Wolf-Dog, 3. THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. Mastiff, Bull-Dog, Dog of St Bernard, Old British Blood-hound, 4. THE INDAGATOR GROUP. 1. THE TRUE Hound, Stag-Hound, Fox-Hound, Harrier, Beagle, 2. THE MUTE HOUND, Pointer, Setter, 3. THE SPANIEL, 4. THE BARBET OR WATER-Dog, 5. THE TERRIER, D • • • ERRATUM. Introduction, p. lxxiii, line 15 from bottom, for scapula read sternum XV PAGE 615 618 622 700 706 711 715 722 723 728 732 734 736 739 740 741 742 743 ib. 744 ib. 746 747 î **[ į : A 2 INTRODUCTION. FIIVERSITY ALIS OF THE LIBRARY رودهن OF CLA9% FMICHIGS I. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. b ALL bodies may, with relation to their modes of existence, be divided into two great classes, the first comprehending those which consist of common matter, subject to the laws of chemical action; the second comprehending the bodies in which matter is further subject to those other laws to which matter endowed with life is subject. A stone, a metal, or a piece of earth, is common matter, subject to known chemical actions. A plant or an animal is likewise matter, subject to changes of place, or disposition of its constituent particles, by chemical forces. But, while the plant or the animal lives, it is under the influence of other powers, and has its form, ac- tions, and relations, determined and controlled by a distinct system of laws. It is then a living body, and it is only when it ceases to live that it becomes wholly subject to the chemi- cal laws of common matter. Of the laws which produce the condition to which we ap- ply the term Life, we know nothing but from certain pheno- mena which the living body presents. The essential cause is amongst those ultimate truths which human reason cannot reach. No approach has been made to solve the mystery of Life; and at this hour we are as ignorant of the cause of life, and of the agency which connects the powers of mind and the mechanism of the body, as at the first dawning of human inquiry. xviii Of living bodies there are two great divisions, the Vege- table and the Animal. In the vegetable there is life, but, so far as we know, there is no sensation, nor power of motion dependent upon the will. In the animal there is sensation, and the power of voluntary motion. An aphorism frequently quoted is, that plants grow and live; that animals grow, live, and feel. Life, then, pervades both kingdoms; but life, in the animal, performs other functions, and sensation is added to the powers merely vital. INTRODUCTION. Besides that distinction between common matter, and mat- ter under the influence of the vital principle, which is founded on the different powers and functions of bodies, there is an- other distinction, obvious to the senses, founded on the dif- ferent structure and form of the bodies. Matter uninfluenced by the powers of life, presents itself in masses, or in regular forms termed crystalline. In living bodies, the particles con- stituting the organism do not arrange themselves in masses or crystals, but form fibres, sacs, tubes, or other parts, suited to particular functions. This structure is termed organiza- tion, and is proper to the living kingdom, vegetable and ani- mal. Hence the further distinction exists between the mine- ral and living kingdoms of nature, of Organic and Inorganic. Inorganic matter has its substance increased by the addi- tion of further particles. Organic matter is likewise increas- ed by the addition of further parts, but then it adds to its own substance by the action of its proper organs. A mineral is increased in volume or weight by the simple addition of new parts: a plant, or an animal, deriving matter from other substances, converts it, by the action of its organs, into the various tissues which constitute its own substance. Organic bodies, therefore, only can be said to grow. As the particles of living bodies are determined and con- trolled in their actions and relations by peculiar forces, so living bodies resist changes, physical and chemical, which, in the dead state, would take place. The influence of heat, moisture, or other agents, which would subvert the union of PORN [ Į 1 xix the particles of a body when dead, can be resisted by the same body when it is endowed with life. Animals, when alive, have the power of resisting extremes of heat, which acting upon the dead body would dry up and dissipate its fluid parts, nay, reduce it to a cinder. Many persons have subjected themselves to a temperature of the air far exceeding that of boiling water, and yet the heat of the body itself has very little exceeded that of its natural state. A few years ago a French mountebank exhibited, night after night, to thou- sands of spectators, in London, his power of entering a heat- ed oven, in which he remained while a piece of flesh was roasted. A coal-mine in Scotland, in the valley of the Forth, having taken fire, burned for years, and long resisted all the attempts to extinguish it. Miners frequently worked in the vicinity of this burning mine, when the heat of the air was nearly equal to that of boiling water. They pursued their labour in this torrid atmosphere, without seeming injury to their health, or other inconvenience than continued perspira- tion and many more examples could be given of the power of the animal frame to resist extreme heat, while the tempe- rature of the blood and other fluids within the body remained without sensible change. : DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. As the vital powers of the animal enable the body to resist intense heat, so they enable it to resist excessive cold. At degrees of temperature at which all the fluids of the dead body would be frozen, the living body retains its natural temperature, and performs its wonted functions. Even in these latitudes of ours, there every year occur periods of cold, when the temperature of the external air is below that at which water congeals, and at which all the fluids of the body would freeze were they separated from it. In countries of the higher latitudes, the mean temperature of the year falls below the melting point of ice, and yet such countries are in- habited by numerous animals. The recent voyages of intrepid travellers, the Parrys, the Franklins, the Rosses, and others, have shewn that, at a degree of cold below that at which + XX INTRODUCTION. mercury freezes, the human beings subjected to it can take their wonted exercise and perform their accustomed duties. Nay, there are cases to shew that certain animals may have the great mass of their fluids frozen, and yet be preserved from death. Fishes have been dragged up from the circum- polar seas, which froze, as the nets were in the course of be- ing raised, into masses so hard that they might have been shivered to pieces by a stroke, and yet they would recover if thawed. A common eel has been frozen like a piece of ice, and been conveyed in a state of torpor thousands of miles, and then been restored to its state of activity by the applica- tion of warmth. But there are degrees of cold to which the frame of cer- tain animals in their state of activity is unsuited. Nature here provides a remedy by rendering them torpid in the ab- sence of necessary heat. Thus innumerable insects are ren- dered insensible to the action of the external air during the winter season. In the case of the animals termed hyber- nating, sensation becomes suspended, the fluids of the body circulate more slowly, and respiration and all the vital ac- tions become less active. The torpor of the creature is like death rather than sleep, and yet enough of vital action re- mains to preserve it from the external agents, which, in its condition of activity, would destroy it. It remains as if dead, but as soon as the air recovers the due warmth, the vital functions of the animal regain their powers, and it awakens from its long trance. The dormouse, the marmot, the hedge- hog, the bat, are with us familiar examples of animals that undergo this state of winter sleep, during which they are so dead to feeling that they may be tossed about, nay, sometimes have the limbs separated from the body, or the most vital parts exposed, without their exhibiting symptoms of sensation. The swallow, which migrates to us in the early part of summer, quits us on the approach of the colder season. But some, too young or too feeble for flight, remain behind. These betake themselves to holes in walls and the 1 1 } xxi earth, to remain in their state of slumber till the return of the warmer season shall call them again into life. And other mi- gratory birds, as the cuckoo and the corn-rail, are sometimes overtaken by this sleep of winter before they have been able to make their periodical flight, during which they may be tossed about without their moving a joint of the body. The lower tribes of animals, whose sensations are obtuse, present examples yet more striking than the higher tribes of the power of the living principle to preserve the animal organ- ism from the action of external agents. Many species will survive the most cruel torments, and revive after a long period of seeming death. Certain species of vibrio have been so dessicated by the sun that they have become like dust, and, after twenty years, have been restored to life by sprink- ling them with a little water. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. W Of the power of the living body to resist those agents which would otherwise act upon and decompose it, an ex- ample is furnished by a substance, the production of the body itself. The gastric juice is secreted from the interior of the stomach, and is employed to dissolve the food which is received into the alimentary canal. This substance possesses a prodigious solvent power, yet it never acts upon the living organs with which it comes into contact in the body, although capable of dissolving all animal matters when deprived of life. Numerous parasitic creatures are formed to live in the stomachs of other animals. When alive they resist all the actions of the powerful solvent by which they are surrounded, but the moment life is extinct in them, they become subject to its powers, and undergo decomposition. Examples, too, of the property of bodies having life to resist those agents which would destroy them in their dead state, may be everywhere drawn from the vegetable king- dom. All the hardier forest trees resist the intensest cold of the climates where they are naturalized, and the vegetable juices remain without being frozen. Every perfect seed con- tains within itself an embryo plant, which only requires the ... xxii INTRODUCTION. fitting influence of heat and moisture that it may become a living plant similar to the parent. But seeds which had been buried deep in the earth for a period beyond computation, have been found to vegetate and grow when exposed again to the influence of air, heat, and moisture. Earth turned up from the bottom of wells and mines, has been found to give birth to plants whose seeds had been mixed with it, and which may have remained for many thousand ages beneath the surface of the ground. Death, as well as life, is a law of Nature, and life with all its powers is but the gift of a season. The organised fabric, so marvellously formed, contains within itself the germs of decay. The circulating fluids become more thick, the textures more rigid, and the vital organs less fitted to perform their functions. The balance is lost between the waste of the system and the means of supplying its parts with nutriment; and thus, independently of all external injury, the time ar- rives when the mechanism of the body can no longer work with the vigour required to maintain the animal functions. And when life at length ceases to animate the organised fabric, the change that ensues in the body marks the cessa- tion of all those powers which had enabled it to resist the chemical effects of the agents with which it had been sur- rounded from the period of its existence. Some of its parts are exceedingly hard and durable, as the bones; but they are no otherwise distinguished, in their subjection to che- mical agencies, from the flesh and softer parts which are subject to so rapid a change. The heat which pervaded the animal frame, and which may be believed to have arisen from within by the exercise of the vital actions, is gone, the muscles have lost their power, and all the gifts of thought and con- sciousness have been seemingly taken away. The living kingdom, we see, comprehends two great divi- sions, the vegetable and the animal; and each of these king- doms is divided into innumerable species and tribes of crea- tures, distinguished by their form, powers, functions, and • } 1 12 xxiii relations with the world which they inhabit. In both king- doms, we find not only an infinite diversity of organised structures, but a passing from simple to more complex forms. In the beings, the lowest in the scale of either kingdom, the organs are few, or imperfectly developed. As we ascend in the scale, further parts appear, further organs are called into play, and further powers are given. At the lowest point, the tribes of the two kingdoms seem allied, and proceed, as it were, from a common root, and then progressively diverge. In the simplest of plants, little can be discovered beyond a series of minute cells. As we ascend in the scale, we find tubes traversing this tissue, leaves unfolded, and other or- gans called forth. So, in the animal kingdom, we find a pro- gressive advance from simple to complex forms of structure. At the limits of the descending scale are creatures so simple in their organism, that they are scarcely to be distinguished by the eye from plants; and, like plants, they are fixed to the spot which they inhabit. Ascending higher, we find creatures with more expanded powers and more developed organs, and so, in an ascending series, until we reach those in which the highest development is presented to us of the organs necessary for the exercise of the animal functions. By the term Species, naturalists designate those animals. which are essentially alike in themselves and their progeny. The number of animal species is exceedingly great. Many thousands have been examined and arranged by the unspar- ing labour of naturalists; thousands are known imperfectly; and thousands must for ever escape our observation. Of the individuals comprehended under these species, the numbers exceed our powers of conception. The air is alive with liv- ing creatures; every plant has its crowds of inhabitants; and all the waters of the sea and land teem with life. Numbers of these creatures are so minute, that some hundred thou- sands may exist in a drop of water. In order to classify these innumerable forms of life, they are arranged into Groups, the members of which agree in DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. レン ​; 1 ; : xxiv certain characters. The most general or comprehensive of these divisions are termed Kingdoms, Sub-Kingdoms, &c. These, again, are divided into Classes, Orders, Families, or Tribes; and these, again, into Genera or little Families, consisting of one or more Species, that is, of animals essen- tially alike in themselves and their progeny. The lowest division that can be made is into Varieties, Races, or Breeds, which consist of animals agreeing in the characters which we term specific, but differing in certain minor characters, assumed to be the result of known agencies, as climate, temperature, and food. The classifications most commonly received are founded upon that of the illustrious Cuvier, who divided the whole animal kingdom into four great groups, namely, 1. Radiata, or Radiated Animals; 2. Articulata, or Jointed Animals; 3. Mollusca, or Soft Animals; 4. Verte- brata, or Animals having the basis of the nervous system enclosed in vertebræ, or hollow bones. The Radiata are so named from the general tendency of their organs to proceed like radii from a common centre. They may be regarded as the simplest in their forms of ani- mated creatures. The nervous system, which, in the higher order of animals, is developed in ganglia and a brain, is in them rudimental, visible, when it can be discovered at all, in a few fibres, surrounding the entrance of the alimentary canal. Many of them present the appearance of a simple digestive sac or tube, furnished with little arms or tenta- cula, or with mouths for fixing themselves to the substances on which they feed. Many of them are so small as to be invisible to the unassisted eye, nay, some so inconceivably minute, that a million of millions, it has been calculated, might be comprehended within the space of a cubic inch. The spe- cies, however, present a vast variety of size as well as of form, from the simplest of all, to those in which new organs are developed, suited to more varied functions. They are all the inhabitants of water, and almost all those whose ha- bits can be observed are predaceous, seizing their prey by INTRODUCTION. < རྣ f } ! + : DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. XXV means of their numerous arms, and myriads of cilia. Many of them are, like plants, fixed to the spot on which they live and perish, as the varied species of Sponge, which are met with on every rocky coast from the equator to the polar seas; and such are the innumerable Polypi, whose calcareous se- cretions stud the ocean as with bushes and forests, and form new islands and continents of Coral. Many species are ge- latinous, and so transparent as scarcely to be distinguished by the eye from the element in which they live. Yet such creatures have a will, the faculty of motion, and the force to prey on other animals. Such are the Medusa, some large, some microscopic, which float in myriads together, so that the whole ocean seems to be alive with them, giving often a tinge to the waves over many hundred miles, and in the dark emitting sparkles of phosphorescent light. The Radi- ata, passing through almost every conceivable form, from the simple digestive sac, to the sea-urchins, star-fishes, and simi- lar creatures, which we may see studding the submerged margins of our coasts, advance, by insensible gradations, to the groups above them. The divisions above the Radiata, are the Mollusca and Ar- ticulata, nearly of an equal rank in the organic scale, but differing from one another in the conformation which they tend to assume. In the Articulata, the nervous system begins to be extended in length, and with this the form of the body. Some of them are minute transparent ani- malcules, invisible to the naked eye; and some of them are like little wheels, continually revolving, and preying upon the yet feebler creatures with which every drop of water seems filled. A little higher in the scale are the innumer- able parasitic creatures which suck the fluids of other ani- mals, living within their bodies, and frequently proving dan- gerous enemies even to man and the larger animals. Above these are the annulose, or worm-like animals, whose skins are furnished with rings, giving the articulated form typical of the group; next are the creatures formed with numerous } + + C 1 1 } xxvi INTRODUCTION. moveable segments and feet, as the Earwig and Scolopen- dra; next the innumerable tribes of Insects, most of which feed on plants, but many of which are predaceous; next the Arachnida, comprehending the Spiders and Scorpions, crea- tures strong, voracious, and endowed with wonderful in- stincts, and frequently supplied with poison to destroy their prey, or with secretions to form nets for entangling it; and, lastly, are the Crustacea, as the Lobster and Crab, having a horny skeleton, enveloping the softer parts, and formed with articulations or joints, to allow of the requisite freedom of motion. K The Mollusca differ from the Articulata in not having jointed bodies and limbs, but a soft body, covered by a mus- cular integument, which assumes various forms in the differ- ent tribes, and in most of them gives out a calcareous secre- tion, which, hardening, forms a shell to serve for the pro- tection of the animal. They are aquatic, with the exception of a few tribes. They are infinitely diversified in size and form; but they are generally either slow-moving or fixed to a spot, as the Oyster, the Mussel, and other animals termed shell-fish. There are many of them phosphorescent, and emit a brilliant light. They abounded in the past ages of the world; and whole mountains, and immense calcareous strata, are formed of their remains. The lowest in the scale are those which are soft, without heads, and destitute of cal- careous secretion without or within the body: the next are those which have shells, but are without heads, though fur- nished with mouths, and numerous eyes around the mar- gins of their integument: the next are those which have shells, and a muscular disc extended under the abdomen, and serving like a foot for crawling along the surface: the next are those which are especially adapted for swimming, and are either with or without a shell: the last and highest in the scale are those which have feet and arms disposed around the head, and which are, many of them, powerful beasts of prey, furnished with large tentacula with which they xxvii entangle their victims. Amongst these are the Sepiæ termed Cuttle-fish, which have the property of emitting an inky fluid, either to conceal themselves from their enemies, or permit them to approach their own prey. In all the kinds of animals enumerated, no brain, pro- perly so called, exists, the rudiments of it merely appearing in ganglia, or knots of nervous filaments. Now, the nervous system is the instrument by which the knowledge of external objects is conveyed to the sentient being, and by which the dictates of the will are transmitted to the various organs of the body. In proportion to its development, the animal rises higher in the scale of living beings, and is endowed with more varied powers. In the lowest tribes of all, it is merely developed in bundles of fibres, surrounding the alimentary canal; ascending higher, it forms knots or ganglia, and still higher, it changes its place, and expands towards the head, and stretches along the dorsal region. In the highest order of animals of all, it enlarges into a true brain, and, extending along the back, is inclosed in numerous bones termed vertebræ. The Vertebrata, or animals possessed of vertebræ, are usually divided into four groups, which may be termed sub- kingdoms. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 1. Pisces. 2. Reptilia. 3. Aves. 4. Mammalia. All the Vertebrata have a series of bones moveable upon one another, and bound together, termed the Spine. Each vertebra has a perforation through it, so that, when the whole vertebræ are joined together, a long continuous canal passes through the spinal column. At the upper or anterior termi- nation of the column, the vertebræ change their form, become flat, and, being fixed together, form a rounded cavity termed the Cranium; connected with which, but distinct from it, are the bones of the face, in which are the receptacles of the special senses, namely, sight, smell, hearing, and taste. The cra- J 1 xxviii nium encloses the brain, the substance of which is prolonged through the canal of the vertebral column, forming the spinal chord, terminating in the lower vertebræ. From the under part of the brain, and from the spinal chord, proceed bundles of nervous filaments, which, dividing, subdividing, and inter- mixing, communicate with every sensible part of the body. All the vertebrata have ribs, or hoops of bone, for protect- ing the lungs and other organs, with the exception of a few tribes in which the ribs are rudimental. Their limbs con- sist of two pairs, though one and sometimes both pairs are rudimental or wanting. The upper or anterior limbs may be arms and hands, as in man and the monkey tribes; legs and feet, as in quadrupeds; organs for flight, as in birds; fins, as in fishes: the hinder or inferior limbs may be feet, legs, or fins, according to the uses to which they are des- tined. INTRODUCTION. All the vertebrata have a muscular organ, the heart, con- tained within the chest, for propelling the blood through the system. They have all respiratory organs, in which the blood, passed through innumerable capillary tubes, finer than the finest hair, is acted upon by the air of the surround- ing medium. In fishes, and certain reptiles, the respiratory apparatus is termed branchiæ or gills, over which the water, containing air, passes; in all the other vertebrata, the res- piratory apparatus, termed lungs, consists essentially of a congeries of minute cells, into which the air is drawn through the trachea or windpipe from the mouth and nostrils. In all the vertebrata there is a continued canal, which, commencing at the mouth, extends through the body, and which, enlarging within the abdomen, forms the stomach, consisting of one or more cavities, in which the food is re- tained for a time. The food is then acted upon by various fluids, secreted from the interior surface of the stomach, by the action of which it becomes a pulpy mass, to which is ap- plied the term Chyme. The chyme thus formed passes on- wards by the extremity of the stomach towards the remain- - 1 { DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. xxix ing part of the canal, termed the intestines, which consist of a tube of prodigious length, convoluted and packed within the abdomen. The chyme, as it passes onward, mixes with other fluids secreted from the liver and other organs, and is separated into two portions, one of which, termed Chyle, is to form the matter of nutrition to the body, and the other to be excreted at the termination of the intestinal canal. Com- municating with this canal is a vast system of vessels, termed absorbents, which drink up, or absorb, the matter of the chyle, and which, gradually uniting into larger branches, carry on- ward the matter of the chyle, and at length uniting, pour it into veins which are carrying the blood to the heart, and thus mingle the nutrient matter of the aliment with the blood. The blood, carried to every part of the system in myriads of vessels, gives off the various matters which form the tissues of the body, as the matter of muscle or flesh, where that is required to be formed, bone, where bone is to be deposited, nerve, fat, and all the other matters which form the animal substance. In all the vertebrata, the sexes exist in distinct indivi- duals. The female has one or more organs from which the ova, which contain the germ of the young, are detached after conception. In the greater number of tribes, fecundation takes place before the ovum leaves the body; in certain rep- tiles, and in most fishes, impregnation takes place after the exit of the ovum. The vertebrata, it has been seen, are divided into four groups; each distinguished by peculiarities of organization, but all conforming to a common type. The simplest are Fishes, the next Reptiles, the next Birds, the last, and most perfectly developed in their organs, Mammalia. Fishes have organs suited to the liquid medium which they inhabit. They breathe by means of gills; and have but the rudiments of lungs, which are presented in the form of simple air-sacs. Their bones are more soft and cartilaginous than in the orders above them. Their limbs are short and * XXX INTRODUCTION. expanded into fins, which, with the tail, are the organs of progression. By contracting or expanding the air-sac, they are enabled to alter the specific gravity of their bodies, and rise or sink in the liquid in which they float. Their brain is small; their blood is red, but cold; and the temperature of their bodies is little above that of the surrounding element. They are exceedingly voracious, preying incessantly the strong upon the weak. Like all the other creatures, they pass progressively from the simpler to the more developed, until they are connected with the group above them, namely, the Reptiles. The division Reptilia comprehends creatures varying greatly in their forms, but all conforming to a common type. Some, like fishes, have gills in the young state, the lungs being only developed when they are able to quit the liquid me- dium in which they are born, while a few retain both gills and lungs through life, so that they are true Amphibia. This group comprehends the Batrachian reptiles,—the frogs, the toads, the salamanders, and others; the Chelonian rep- tiles, as the tortoises and turtles; the Saurian tribes, as the lizard and crocodile; and the Ophidean, comprehending the snakes and serpents of all kinds. All the reptiles are cold-blooded, and have a languid circulation. A few have wings, and in a former age of the world the winged reptiles were numerous, and of huge dimensions. The serpents, partly aquatic, and partly living on land, are without feet, and those which are inhabitants of land crawl upon the ground, and many of them are furnished with a poison, with which they are enabled to inflict deadly wounds. This sub- stance, secreted by glands situated beneath the eyes, is con- veyed to large tubular teeth in the mouth, by which the venom is conveyed to the wound. RAD Rising higher in the scale of organization are the beauti- ful and varied tribes of Birds. The bodies of these creatures are protected by light plumage: their posterior extremities are limbs of support when at rest, and instruments of pre- [ I ! hors are and with ? DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. xxxi hension and progression on land, and their fore-extremities, expanded, covered with strong feathers, and moved by pow- erful muscles, serve as the organs of flight. Their jaws ter- minate in a pointed beak; and their necks are long and flex- ible, so that by moving it, they may vary the centre of gra- vity of the body, bringing it forwards when in flight to be more under the wings, and backwards above the limbs of support when at rest. The external air permeates the body, passing from the lungs even into the bones, so that the body may be rendered buoyant. Their respiratory action is strong, their blood warm, and their movements are agile and power- ful. Impregnation takes place within the body, and the egg, when protruded, is covered by a calcareous shell; the heat required to hatch it being usually supplied by the body of the parent. In birds, the nervous system is more developed than in the tribes below them, and their intelligence may be be- lieved to be superior. In them we first find animals resign- ing their natural wildness, changing their form and instincts with the new conditions in which they are placed, and thus submitting themselves to true domestication. The Mammalia derive their distinctive name from mam- ma, a breast, having glands by which the female is en- abled to supply milk to the young. The mammalia are, most of them, inhabitants of land, but some of them are formed to live wholly in water, and some of them live partly in water, and partly on land. The greater number are quadrupeds, the members of both extremities being limbs, formed to sup- port the animal, and serve the purpose of locomotion, and in numerous cases of prehension. The monkey tribes possess four members, having hands, but their natural motion is on all-fours. Man possesses but two limbs of support, and is formed to walk erect, his upper extremities or arms being left free for the various uses to which they are to be applied. All the mammalia bring forth their young alive, and so are termed viviparous. They are divided into various groups, which may be termed Orders. * 3 xxxii 1. Cetacea, the Whale tribes, which, though viviparous, breathing by means of lungs, and suckling their young by mammæ, are formed on a plan which fits them to live in water. Some are formed like fishes, as the Porpoise and the Dolphin, having a smooth and glossy skin without hairs, and connected with the skin the fatty tissue termed blubber, from which oil is obtained. The next in order are the true Whales, of which some are the hugest creatures to which life is given on this planet. They have no teeth, but they have enormous mouths, which enable them to take in, along with the water, shoals of worms, little shell-fish, and innu- merable animalcules. It is when they rise to the surface to breathe that they spout forth from their nostrils the water which they had swallowed with their prey, in great jets. They yield a vast quantity of oil, for which production they are pursued in the seas which they inhabit, and harpooned when they rise to the surface to breathe. 2. Ruminantia, so named from the faculty possessed by them of returning to the mouth the food which has passed into the stomach, and subjecting it to a second mastication. All the ruminantia live on vegetable food, have the feet cloven, and defended at the extremities by horn. They con- stitute an order of creatures of the highest interest, com- prehending the Stag, the Antelope, the Giraffe, and others, amongst the wilder races; the Goat, the Sheep, the Ox, the Camel, amongst those which have been subjected to human control. Living on vegetables alone, they are never incited, by the appetite for food, to prey on other creatures. Some of them are fitted to save themselves from their enemies by flight, and are amongst the fleetest of quadrupeds, as the Elks, the Deers, the Gazelles, which delight the eye by their graceful motions. Some dwell on the summits, and amid the crags, of mountains, as the Ibex, the Chamois Antelope, and the Wild Sheep. Some are supplied with organs placed in the head, which can often be used with deadly effect for protection or revenge. These arms are antlers, or horns, : INTRODUCTION. 1 xxxiii the former being cast off and renewed every year, the latter enduring for the life of the animal. The Stag and other allied species are furnished with antlers; the Antelope, the Goat, the Sheep, and the Ox, with horns. The ruminating tribes may be said to be the most important of any other to the interests of the human race, some of them being endowed with instincts which cause them to relinquish their natural wildness, and submit themselves entirely to our purposes. The Camel is fitted beyond all other creatures to traverse the burning sands of the desert; the Ox, the Sheep, and the Goat, have been the servants of man from the earliest records of our race. The very species have been subjected to our will: they till the ground for our support, and bear our bur- dens; they yield us milk, and hair, and wool; and, finally, they render up their bodies for our food, and their skins for our covering. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 3. Pachydermata, or thick-skinned animals, comprehend- ing,—(1.) The Tapir, the Wild and Ethiopian Hogs, the Pec- caries, and others, of which the Wild Hog is formed, beyond any other animal, to submit himself to human control, and multiply in the state of slavery; (2.) The Hippopotamus, the Rhinoceros, and the Elephant, of which, in a former age of the world, many species abounded, whose bones alone now remain to attest their former existence; (3.) The Solidungu- la, comprehending the Horse, the Ass, the Zebra, and other allied species; some of which beautiful creatures remain in a state of liberty, and refuse to resign themselves to bond- age: while others—the Horse and the Ass-have been sub- mitted to domestication from the earliest records of human societies; (4.) The Dugongs, usually classed with the Whales, which live in the sea, but crawl on shore to feed; creatures strong, but harmless and timid, and betaking themselves, when alarmed, to their natural element. 4. Edentata, or animals destitute of incisor teeth, as the gigantic Megatherium and Myolodon, now extinct; the family of Sloths, fitted to pass their lives in trees; the Armadilloes, с * די xxxiv INTRODUCTION. supplied with a natural armour; the Ant-eaters, and two re- markable creatures of New Holland, the Duck-billed Water- Mole, and the Porcupine Ant-Eater, which connect this order with the Birds. 5. Rodentia, or Gnawing animals, as the Mouse, the Rat, the Hare, the Squirrel, the Beaver, and the Porcupine. These creatures are some of them predaceous, and others live wholly on vegetable food. There are several of them possessed of wonderful instincts for constructing their dwellings, and many of them remain torpid during the season of cold. Some visit our dwellings, as the Rat and the Mouse, without sub- mitting themselves to our power; and the greater number are timid, and shun the presence of man. 6. Marsupialia, animals of different orders, having a pouch underneath the abdomen, where the young receive their milk from glands, to which they attach themselves,-as the Opos- sum, the Kangaroo, and the Phalangers. 7. Carnivora, or Feræ, animals especially destined to feed on flesh, and which may be termed beasts of prey, comprehend- ing, (1.) the Seals and Walruses, not less fierce and bloody in the ocean than the others are on the land; (2.) the Dog tribe, comprehending the domesticated Dogs, the Wolves, the Jack- als, the Foxes, and other wild Canidæ ; (3.) the Ursidæ, com- prehending the Bears, the Raccoons, and other allied ani- mals; (4.) the Civet and Weasel tribes, as the Ichneumon, the Polecat, the Ferret, the Badger, the Otter; and, lastly, the sanguinary family of Cats,-the Lion, the Tiger, the Leo- pard, the Panther, the Wild Cat, and others. 8. Insectivora, animals that live chiefly on insects, and which are, most of them, subterranean in their habits, as the Hedgehog, the Shrew, the Mole. 9. Cheiroptera, constituting the varied tribes of Bats, which alone, of all the mammalia, are endowed with the power of flight. To this end their anterior limbs are expanded into broad membranes, and their posterior limbs are furnished with hands, by which they hang from trees and the roofs of 1 14 1 点 ​t L DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. XXXV caverns. Some of them live on fruits, most of them feed on nocturnal insects, which they pursue from twilight to dawn, and a few have the singular propensity of sucking the blood of larger animals while asleep. 10. Quadrumana, comprehending the Apes, the Monkeys, the Baboons, and others; creatures approaching the nearest to man in the form and disposition of their organs, living in some cases amongst rocks, but for the most part on trees, and forming marvellous commonwealths in the rich forests of the warmer countries. 11. Bimana, having two perfect hands, and comprehend- ing a solitary genus, Man, classed with the Mammalia by the relations of form and animal attributes, but raised far above them all by those powers of mind which fit him to perform the functions for which he is destined. He alone is endowed with force of reason to know that the marvellous system of which he forms a part has been ordained by a Superior Power, and to believe that, when the frail fabric by which he is permitted to communicate with the external world shall have been resolved into its elements, the con- sciousness will be preserved to him of his former being. In the Mammalia, as in the groups before them, a pro- gression may be traced of animal forms, not indeed in a merely linear series, such as the imperfection of our know- ledge causes us to adopt in our systems of natural classifica- tion, but in a certain relation, which we can trace to the degree of being assured, that the Mammalia, like the groups before them, pass from lower to higher degrees of organic development. And when we look to the past history of the organic world, as it is revealed to us in the innumerable remains preserved in mineral depositions, we are presented with the like evi- dences of a gradation of animal forms, from the simpler to the more composite. Nay, there is just reason to believe that animal life was first introduced on our planet in its simpler forms. For, in the oldest fossiliferous strata, the xxxvi organic remains which we discover are always those only of the simpler forms, but chiefly the Mollusca, whose calcareous coverings have remained after the softer parts have decayed. At a long posterior era, we find the remains of Fishes, the next in order of the animal tribes above the Mollusca; and, at length, as successive periods rolled on, we find the remains of Reptiles, and at length of Birds and Mammalia, all con- forming to the more general types of animal forms, but all distinct as species from any now inhabiting the land or wa- ters of the globe and continually, as the earth approaches. to the present conditions of its surface, new species appear, until at last we discover animals identical with those now existing, or differing slightly from them. By Species we designate animals resembling one another in their essential characters, and possessed of the power, common to the vegetable and animal kingdoms, of reproduc- ing individuals similar to themselves and to one another. Now, in the past eras, as in the present, we find animals essentially alike, and which we infer were possessed of the power of reproducing the like forms. A question which enters into the fair range of philosophical inquiry may arise, whether, in the course of immense periods of time, these species have been so modified, in obedience to some grand system of natural laws, as to become suited to new conditions of external nature, or whether each mutation has been a new act of creative power, called forth as the occasion arose, to produce a new race of beings? We cannot certainly resolve this problem by any knowledge we possess of the actual changes of animal species; and it is only from analogy that we can venture to infer, that the operation of the same laws, under which species have been called forth by the decrees of an Omnipotent Power, may have adapted species to new states of existence. Animals, it may be believed, must be suited to the conditions of external nature under which they are called to exist. The digestive organs must be adapted to the nature of the aliment from which the system of the INTRODUCTION. G ↓ I ! i , *_*_** **** 1 xxxvii body is built up and sustained, and the respiratory organs to the physical and chemical constitution of the elements which the living creatures respire; and when great changes take place in the relations of living bodies with food, air, and other external agents, either we must suppose that the species perish utterly, or that they become adapted to the new conditions in which they are placed. The temperature of this earth, and, consequently, of the air and water with which it was in contact, must at one period have been ex- ceedingly great, as measured by the sensations of animals now living; and with the temperature, the physical and che- mical relations of the solids and fluids of the globe must have varied. We cannot suppose that the pristine ocean contained the same earthy, saline, and other constituents, in the same proportions as the present seas, or that the at- mosphere, with respect to density and other conditions, was the same as now. But variations in the conditions of ex- ternal nature, having taken place from era to era, we have equal reason, at least, to believe that corresponding changes have taken place in the form and attributes of species, as that alternate destruction and creation have been the law of nature. For what periods of time the condi- tions of the earth, with its waters and surrounding gases, have changed so little as to have remained suited to the maintenance of existing species, we do not know; but the period must be believed to have been vastly great, when measured by our ordinary conceptions of duration, though but as a drop, perhaps, in the stream, when compared with the whole duration of the period since animal life was called forth upon our planet. The age of the gigantic mastodons, the huge tapirs, and the extinct carnivora of the tertiary de- posites, which must have long preceded the era of man, is yet but as yesterday compared with the age of the great reptiles of the lias and oolite; and the age of these again must have been inconceivably posterior to the era of the fishes and mollusca of the first fossiliferous strata. Although, DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. * Xxxviii then, we cannot, with many physiologists, maintain that species are immutable, and exempt from the laws of change, to which all organic matter seems subject, we can say that species may remain unchanged for periods of time beyond any to which our inquiries, for the purposes of useful infer- ences, need extend. It is matter of merely speculative in- quiry, whether now, as in all the period of the past, the earth, the air, and the relations which connect external nature with the living kingdom, are not undergoing pro- gressive though insensible changes, which may in the course of unmeasured periods of time, react upon all the existing species, not excepting man himself. It suffices for us to know that species are to us realities, and remain constant in their essential characters for a time which we cannot compute. But there is a class of changes in organic forms which fall more within our cognizance, and which merit our attention in an especial degree ;-this is the class of changes, which produce what we term Varieties or Races, in which the spe- cific type is generally so far preserved that the animals may, with more or less certainty, be referred to it, although very often the divergence is so great that nothing can be traced beyond the affinities which we term generic. The human races, as well as the lower tribes, are subject to this class of changes, under the influence of temperature, food, habitudes, and other agencies. INTRODUCTION. Man, it has been seen, of all the Mammalia, constitutes a Genus, into the circle of which none of the tribes, even the nearest to him in conformation, enters. Many divisions have been made of the different groups of men according to the external characters, habits, traditions, and affinities of speech, which have been supposed to connect them. One great division has been supposed to comprehend, gene- rally, the inhabitants of Western Asia and Europe, from the first historical records to the present time. This group of nations has been termed Caucasian, from the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, where the inhabitants have been f + h #sur DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. xxxix supposed to present the characters most typical of the group. Similarities of speech, customs, and traditions, strongly indi- cate a common lineage of these people, and we naturally look to some region of Western Asia as the great centre whence they have been spread. Let us assume for the mo- ment that this region is near to the western termination of the great Himàlaya range, termed Hindû-koh, signifying literally the Indian Mountain, and corresponding in part with the ancient Aria, and that the race spread itself south- ward beyond the Indus, northward to near the Arctic Circle, westward into Arabia, and, by the Don and Bosphorus, to the extremities of Europe, and again into Africa by the Isthmus. of Suez and the Red Sea; and then we may understand the meaning of the term Caucasian as it has been employed by some, and Arian by others, to designate a great section of the human family. In this sense, the Arian or Caucasian Family comprehended the ancient Hindoos, who are supposed to have migrated southward beyond the Scinde; the Assy- rians, Medes, and Persians, who founded early empires in the East; the Scythians and others, who migrated north- ward, and were afterwards known in Europe as Goths, Scan- dinavians, Sarmatians, &c.; the ancient Chaldeans, Arme- nians, Phoenicians, and other people, formerly inhabiting Asia Minor and Syria; the Arabians of Asia and Africa; the Celta, Iberi, and other early colonists of Europe, who are supposed to have migrated westward from the countries south of the Euxine; the Greeks, the Latins, and others, who occupied the same countries at a subsequent age. Amongst these people a certain relation exists, in customs as well as languages employed, from early times. Thus, traces of the Sanscrit, of which a dialect is still spoken near the Hindû-koh, is found in the Scandinavian and German lan- guages of Northern, and in the Celtic of Western, Europe. Further, the members of this group are supposed to be dis- tinguished from all the others by certain physical and psychi- cal characters. Their complexion varies with the climate, + H ཀ T xl from the dusky colour of the Hindoo to the fine dark olive of the Central Asiatics, the swarthy tinge of the Greeks and Italians, and the florid complexions of the nations of the north. The face is oval, straight, and relatively small, with the features distinct, the nose tending to the aquiline, the mouth small, the teeth perpendicular. The hair is soft and slightly curling, black in the warmer countries, and of various colours in the colder, as black, flaxen, brown; red. The irides are generally dark when the skin is of that colour, but in other cases light-blue, with intervening shades. In this race the intellectual endowments of the species have been the most highly developed. With it have originated nearly all the sciences, and the most useful of the arts; and in literature and arms it has hitherto surpassed, and yet sur- passes, the other races. INTRODUCTION. Turning to the elevated regions of Central Asia about the 70° of longitude east, at the great Altaic chain of mountains, termed by the ancients Imaus, and held by them to separate the Scythi of the West from the Scythi of the East, another group of races, or, as we may rather say, another great Family of mankind, presents itself, as if derived from some region to the east or south-east. This family is commonly termed Mongolian, from the supposed name of a great country of Eastern Asia, comprehended within the boundaries of Chinese Tartary. But the name Mongolia, it is believed, is of European origin, and applied erroneously to a great country of Asia; the term Mog-huls, from which the name seems to have been taken, being merely applicable to a certain tribe of Tartars. Be this as it may, the Mongolian Family, so called, comprehends all the Kalmuks, and other allied tribes of East- ern Asia. It comprehends the inhabitants of Thibet, of China Proper, of Japan, of Corea, of the greater part of the coun- tries termed Indo-China. The Mongolian Family thus in- cludes a great proportion of the whole human race. It is characterised by the head tending to the square form, by the face being broad, the nose flat, the cheek-bones promi- E F ! 1 xli nent, the eyes oblique, and the ears large. The colour of the skin tends to an olive-yellow; the eyes are dark, the hair is black, straight, and thin, and the beard is scanty or wanting. These, the most striking characteristics of this immense group, distinguish the Mongolians, so called, from all the races of the family termed Caucasian. They have in certain cases been conquerors, formed great empires, and arrived at a considerable degree of stationary civilization; but they are suspicious of strangers, tenacious of old usages, and have never arrived at distinction in science. They have formed a written language, eminently copious, but rude, inartificial, and wanting in the precision of grammatical construction. The term Malay, or Polynesian, has been applied to the inhabitants of the peninsula of Malacca, and the greater part of the inhabitants of Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, of New Zealand, and the Islands of the South Sea. In this race, or group of races, the head is somewhat narrow, the bones of the face are prominent, the nose is broad, the lips are thick. The colour of the skin varies from a tawny olive to nearly black, and the hair is dark and curled, but not what is termed woolly. These people, however, extending over a vast tract of ocean, and being in certain cases mixed in blood with other races, their characters vary so greatly, that it is impos- sible to reduce them to a common standard. They have the habits of islanders, and are, for the most part, bold, active, and of warm temperaments, but unforgiving, treacherous, and cunning. Within the limits, too, of the region of this group, are tribes altogether distinct in speech, customs, and external characters, and remaining in the savage state. Such are the inland tribes of some of the great islands of the Eastern Seas, and the black inhabitants of the insular continent of New Holland. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. In the great African Continent, the human race presents itself with characters which, like those of the other animal species of the same region, may be said to be peculiar to it. $ xlii Of all the African Races, the most distinct is the true Negro, inhabiting a prodigious extent of country on either side of the equator, and fitted, by all the characters impressed upon his race, to inhabit the wild and burning regions which are proper to him. In the true Negro, the skull is narrow laterally, the forehead is sloping, the cheek-bones are pro- minent, the jaws elongated, the front teeth oblique, the lips thick, the nose is broad and flat, the irides are dark, and the hair is black and what is popularly termed woolly, and the colour of the skin approaches to a jet-black. This race has never yet exhibited great intellectual powers; although, under the guidance of humane instruction, the youthful Afri- can has proved to be not unapt to learn all that we can teach to Europeans at a tender age. The temper of the people is eager, light, and joyous; but their actions indicate want of reflection. They have, in some cases, united to form large communities, but these have been always barbar- ous, and maintained by the present tyranny of the chief. Although possessed of physical powers far exceeding those of the tribes which have settled in their country, they have seldom united their arms to arrest the progress of their ene- mies, or avenge the wrongs inflicted upon themselves. Few useful arts have yet penetrated their native wilderness, and the race seems at this hour to be little advanced beyond what it may be conceived to have been in the earliest times. But the African characters recede from the grosser forms typical of the true Negro, until they approach nearer to the Caucasian type. Of this character are some of the races of the interior, and above all, those which extend from the great Sahara towards the shores of the Mediterranean, east- ward through the Libyan deserts to the Nile, and southward through Nubia to the high lands of Abyssinia, and again into the countries of the Caffres; and of this character, judg- ing from their delineations of the human figure, were the ancient Egyptians; so that the Negro form, however typical of the African race, becomes insensibly modified under the · INTRODUCTION. LA — 1 19 DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. xliii influence of external agents. Through the Berebers, that is, the ancient inhabitants of Northern Africa, the Nubians, the Abyssinians, and others, there is a chain of connexion, indicated by physiological characters and ancient dialects, between the great African Family, and the Arabians, now termed Asiatic. But the Arabians are included, by almost all geographers and naturalists, in the Caucasian division of mankind, although grave doubts may exist with respect to the justness of this classification. The Arabians, in- deed, were early mixed in blood, and connected in speech, with the Western Asiatics; but if we regard locality, ancient dialects, habits, and physical characters, the Arabians are more connected with the Berebers, the Nubians, and other Africans, than with the people of Asia or Europe. What contrast of form, temperament, and character, can be more striking than that between the pale Hollander, beside the dikes of mud which his labours have raised up, and the light and dusky Arab in his tent of skin, amid the burn- ing sands of his wild and desolate country. Yet, if we assign a common lineage to the Caucasian and Arabian groups, we must believe that the squat and clumsy peasant of the marshes of the Zuyder Zee, with his brawny limbs, is not only of the same species, but of the same variety or race, as the wild wanderer of the southern deserts, with his swarthy skin, his coal-black hair, his keen dark eye, his well-braced muscles and sinewy form, properties of the body which, reacting, as it were, on the mind, have rendered him active, enthusiastic, bold, and free, enabling him to roll back the tide of conquest on the Northern Family, and become for a time the master of the fairest portions of the globe, nay, to found a religious faith which has enslaved, for more than a thousand years, a third part of the human race. Turning to the great American Continent, termed New, with relation to our knowledge of it, but which we have no reason to believe posterior in the order of existence to those parts of the world which we term Old, we find innu- → F * xliv GEN merable animal species, and amongst these Human Beings, apparently as proper to the regions where they are found as those of Europe, Africa, and Asia, are to the Eastern hemi- sphere. But America, extending over all the varieties of climates in which living creatures can exist, its human in- habitants present great diversities of form and aspect, though conforming to a general order of characters, which may be termed American. The great distinction of the in- habitants is between those on either side of the elevated countries on the Caribbean Sea. The northern races gene- rally resemble the Eastern Asiatics more than they resemble the other families of mankind. The forehead is sloping, and the middle part of the cranium elevated, the irides are dark, the face is broad across the cheeks, the mouth is wide, the lips are thick, the ears very large. The colour of the skin tends more or less to a copper-red, and the hair of the head is black, straight, and long. The southern races, again, exhibit cha- racters proper to their own region. If we compare the wild warrior of the Canadian forests with the feeble remnant of the misused Peruvian, the black Indian of the Caribbean Sea, the savage horseman of Paraguay, or the athletic hun- ter of Patagonia, we find differences as great as are employed to distinguish the inhabitants of the Caucasus from the Kal- muks of Eastern Asia; but there is a relation between even the most distant tribes, as in the copper hue of the skin, the darkness of the eye, the lankness of the hair, which connects the American nations by a certain general similitude. There were in early times, it may be believed, partial mixtures with Asiatic, Polynesian, and even perhaps African colo- nists, yet we have no more reason to question that the Americans were, from the earliest distribution of animal species, as proper to the regions which they inhabited, as the Negroes to the intertropical countries of Africa, or the Cau- casians, so called, to Western Asia. Most of them had not advanced beyond the hunter state, though there are traces in the country of anterior inhabitants, and though empires INTRODUCTION. است J xlv had been formed of considerable power and splendour, yet destined to fall an easy prey to European strangers. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Looking at the great diversities which present themselves in these different races of the human family, a natural curio- sity prompts us to inquire whether they are of one species; and whether, on the assumption that they are of one species, they have sprung from the same stock, and spread over the earth from some common centre; or whether they have been called into existence, either contemporaneously, or at diffe- rent epochs, according as the different parts of the earth be- came fitted for their reception. If, by species, we understand animals possessing certain characters in common, which we term specific, and having the power, which we see them to possess, of reproducing creatures having the same characters, there can be no diffi- culty in admitting that all the races of man, in so far as they have yet been examined, are of one species. If, indeed, we were to place beside a Persian of Ispahan, or a mountaineer of the Caucasus, a Negro of the Gambia, with his sooty skin, his wool-like hair, his projecting jaws; or a Bushman of the Gariep, with his pigmy form, his yellow hue, his restless eye; or a savage of Van Dieman's Land, with his lank hair, his large head, his slender limbs; we might find it hard to believe that creatures so unlike were identical as species. But, great as the differences of external form here are, we fail to discover any difference of conformation which can be regarded as essential, or which we should call specific. The individuals of the most dissimilar tribes breed freely with one another, and the progeny has nothing of a hybridal cha- racter, but is as fruitful as the parents from which it springs: and, however dissimilar the races in question may appear in their external characters, there is nothing like that great dissimilarity which we continually see in creatures admitted to be of the same species,-as the wild and domesticated Hog, and our Dogs of all sorts. The other question, whether the human races have all xlvi sprung from the loins of the same parents, or been called into existence in different regions contemporaneously, or at different epochs, though continually mixed with the question as to the identity of the species, is in no respect necessarily involved in it. Although we see far greater differences in the characters of animals produced by agencies which we can trace than in the different races of mankind, and therefore may reasonably believe that all men have proceeded from a common centre, and then have assumed, in the course of great periods of time, the characters which they now retain, yet this does not resolve the question as to which was the mode which the Creator, in his infinite wisdom, ordained for peopling the earth which he had called into existence; whe- ther, by diffusing the species from one region of the earth, or from more than one. We are not entitled to assume that identical species cannot have been called into existence in different regions of the globe, either at the same or at different times. We know nothing of Creation, whatever fancies we may build up on our assumed knowledge. We may imagine that we can observe something of the first ap- pearance of life, as in the fungus, when it multiplies its or- ganized cells at the rate of some millions in an hour, or in the globules of the chyle, which, in their passage to the heart, become organized beings; but of the modes or times in which species first manifest themselves in any given place, we are as ignorant as of the laws which determine species to their allotted forms. We may suppose that different parts of the world have produced identical species, as much as that differ- ent parts of the world have produced different species; and it were absurd to seek to limit, as it were, the Creative power to our narrow conceptions, by arguing that, under the same laws by which unlike animals have been called forth in dif- ferent parts of the world, the like animals cannot have been so. It is no solution of the problem regarding the origin of man, to adopt, as has been recently done, peculiar definitions of the term species,-as that a species consists of the like ani- INTRODUCTION. ha ha ha habang ang band } · xlvii mals proceeding from the same stock, or, in other words, from the same individual or pair of individuals. For this is not a logical definition, but a proposition, which itself involves the very question at issue. It may be believed by every one that all men fall within the limits of the same specific form; but it were to reason in a circle, to define species as being the like animals derived from a common stock, and thence to infer that all men are derived from a common stock, because they are like one another. All that we know of species, it has been said, is the similarity of the characters which we call specific, to which we may add the possession of a power, which we observe in all known species, to reproduce creatures possessing the like characters. But there is nothing in any known phenomena of the organic kingdom to shew, that in the animal any more than in the vegetable kingdom, it is a law of nature, that animals which fall within the limits of what we regard as the same specific form, must have been derived from a common stock. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. - We can know nothing, then, by means of the unassisted reason, of the production of the human species; and if we are permitted to reason concerning the times and modes of its diffusion over the earth, we must call to our aid analogy and reasonable probabilities, unless we are to assume that the dispersion of man was itself a miracle, exempt from the common course of natural events. It were rash, nay, impi- ous, to assert that man could not be, or has not been, called into existence in one part of the earth's surface, and dis- persed, as from a common centre, to all the parts of the world which he now inhabits. But treating the question as one on which we may lawfully employ our judgment, it is reasonable to inquire whether it be more consonant with the known course of natural events to infer that different races of men-though within the limits of the same specific form, and so creatures of the same kind—had been called forth in differ- ent regions of the earth to occupy it, or that one race only, and this produced in a single spot of a boundless surface, had 4 7 } xlviii been called into existence. We must remember that the time which chronology assigns to the period of the disper- sion, little more than 2000 years before the birth of our Sa- viour, is a period wonderfully short for such mighty changes. And it is hard to conceive, that, within periods of time ap- proaching to this, human creatures can have transported them- selves through desolate, and even yet almost inaccessible, re- gions, to the most distant islands of the remotest seas, nay, lived and multiplied until every trace of their ancestry had been lost, until every art which they had carried with them, even to every word of their own tongue, had been forgotten, and until they themselves had receded so far from the pris- tine type of their race, as to leave the naturalist to question whether they were not to be classed with an inferior tribe of beings. These are great difficulties, not to be removed by tracing the similarity of speech and customs, by which different sections of mankind are connected. For what does this similarity of speech and customs, even where it seems to be the most clearly established, prove? It may prove the relations established between tribes and nations after ages of strife, migrations, and admixture of races, but it cannot prove the relations between pristine tribes, every trace of whose very existence may have been lost. It has been be- lieved, that the people we call Hindoos extended themselves beyond the Indus within the historical æra, but who were the pre-existing inhabitants whom the Hindoos, under their Brah- minical leaders, subdued? There are the vestiges of anterior races in the country as distinct from the Hindoo as the lat- ter is from the Kalmuk, in aspect, speech, customs, and tra- ditionary legends; and in several of the great Islands of the Eastern Seas, are insulated tribes of savages wholly distinct from the other inhabitants, the manifest relicts of an anterior people. In Europe the Celta are known to have settled from a period beyond the records of any history, and yet the Celta were a people possessed of a religion, laws, an order of priests, and arts, comprehending the knowledge of metals. INTRODUCTION. ! ↓ ! t 引 ​I 8 xlix But all over the north of Europe, the relics are found of people assuredly anterior to the Celta, who used stone- hatchets and flint-headed arrows, inferring a condition en- tirely savage. Now, when we compare languages as the proof of a common descent amongst tribes and nations, we must, in order to make our argument worth anything, com- pare the languages of people in the first ages, all the traces of whose speech we may suppose to have perished with the people themselves. When we compare the languages of a posterior era, after unknown periods of war, colonization, and the mixture of races, we may prove the connexion esta- blished between countries and their inhabitants, but cer- tainly not the pristine relation of the first people with one another, or with any common stem. Thus a race of men, we have seen, is assumed to have extended from the ancient Aria, southward into the plains of India, and northward into the wilds of Scythia, the manifest traces of whose lan- guage, the Sanscrit, are found in the speech of the Teutons of the north, of the Greeks of the west, of the Indians of the south. This proves the relation between the members of this people, but not the relations between races who, for anything we know, may have previously inhabited the same countries long before written speech was known. It is no- thing strange that there should be analogies in the language of different countries, when we consider that, beyond any re- cords of history and tradition, tribes and nations have been engaged in endless migrations and strife, exterminating or mingling with one another; and that within the period called historical, empires have been formed, embracing large sec- tions of the whole human family. Further, all men have the like faculties and organs of speech, and it is not possible that there should not be analogies in the structure of lan- guages, even of the most distant and divergent tribes, and even similarity of words derived from the same natural sounds. But when we consider the faint similitudes which all the unsparing labour of philologists has been able to trace d DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 5 · : • [ * 1 INTRODUCTION. between the dialects of the rudest nations, whose language alone bears upon the question, we have less cause to wonder at the resemblance between them than at the radical diver- gence which they present, in sound, words, and construction. And with respect to similarities of customs, all men have, within certain limits, the same wants, and must, in innumer- able cases, be conducted to the same means of satisfying these wants; and when we connect with this general cause, the effects of intercourse during unknown periods of time, we have far less cause to wonder at the resemblances, than at the differences, in the customs of nations. It will be seen, then, that great difficulties present them- selves to the supposition of the derivation of all the varieties of mankind from a common centre, at least within the period which chronology assigns to the existence of the human race; nor are difficulties of a different kind wanting, under any hypc- thesis we can form. It is not, however, necessary, with relation to our present inquiry, to pursue this subject. Whether we suppose all men to be of the same species, derived from a com- mon centre, or of the same species, derived from different centres, we equally reason on the assumption, that great changes have been produced on the individuals by the influ- ence of the agents affecting them. If we adopt the hypothesis of one centre of dispersion for all the races of mankind, we must suppose that change of place has converted the White man into a Negro, and may convert the Negro into a White man. If we suppose that the Primary Races of the species were spread from different centres, as the Negro from some part of intertropical Africa, the Caucasian from some country of Western Asia, the Mongolian from some region of the East, the Polynesian from one or more foci in the innumerable islands over which he is spread, and the American from re- gions proper to the great Continent to which he belongs, and so on; we do not, therefore, infer that these Races are not severally subject to the influence of external agencies, and capable of undergoing great mutations, under different con- → + ¦ J I E I 1 li ditions of food, temperature, and habits. The Negro has all his grosser features softened as he recedes from the burning regions of swamp and jungle, where his most typical form is developed; the Kalmuk loses much of his harsher features, as he becomes naturalized towards the confines of Europe, and even assumes a new aspect, when forced to inhabit the glacial regions of his own continent; the Turcoman approaches more to the squat and sturdy form of the Mongolian Tartar as he extends eastward, while the Hindoo, acclimated in the valley of the Ganges, differs so widely from the native of the plains of Germany, that the aspect alone of the individuals would not allow us to identify them as being of a common lineage. These changes are the result of external agencies, and may be regarded as the adaptation of the animal form to new conditions. But the effect, as it may act on the or- ganism of the Negro, the Mongolian, the Caucasian, the Malay, must differ in each, and hence a great apparent mul- tiplication of races throughout the world may take place, although it may be the effect of the same agents acting on a few distinct primary forms. If, from the human species we turn to the inferior animals, we shall find the like evidences of the power of external agents to modify the animal form, and adapt it to new con- ditions of life. Certain animals, in the state of nature, have a limited habitat, and so present characters nearly uniform throughout; others have a very wide range of place, in which case we never fail to find them more or less modified in their form and habits. The Common Wolf, the most bold and savage of the canine family, stretches over the greater part of the Old Continent, and is found in the New, from Behring's Straits to near the Isthmus of Panama. Under these immense limits he often seems so changed that he can scarcely be referred to the same specific type. The Bear extends from Norway along the limits of the Arctic Regions, and thence to the Caucasus and all eastward, wherever woods suited to his habitudes exist, but so changed DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 1 lii INTRODUCTION, that he can scarcely be identified with the Brown Bear of the Norwegian Alps. In these and other cases, the changes produced furnish continual matter of debate to zoologists, whether the animals are to be regarded as distinct species, or as varieties of the same species. The changes produced on animals in a state of nature by different circumstances, as the nature of the country they inhabit, the means of obtaining their food, temperature, and altitude, are often very great; but it is when they are reduced to the domesticated state, that all the changes which they are capable of undergoing are manifested in the great- est degree. Sometimes, as in the case of the Dog, it would seem as if the influence of human reason worked a charm upon their nature, nay, modified the form of their bodies, as if to suit them for new services. Sometimes by the mere supply of aliment, different in kind from that which they procure in the natural state, or in greater quantity, the form of the body changes, and with this their instincts and habits; and further, this change in their conformation is capable, under certain limits, of being transmitted to their descendants, and, by continued reproduction, of producing a new breed, variety, or race. The Wild Hog, which extends over the greater part of the Old Continent, is the undoubted progenitor of the common domesticated races of Europe. When this powerful and soli- tary creature is subjected to domestication, we shall find, in the sequel, that not only his form, but all his habits change. He may be said, in fact, to become a new species; and he transmits all his acquired characters to his descendants. The parts of his conformation regarded as the most constant in the discrimination, not only of species but of genera, change under the new relations in which he is placed. In the wild state, he has six incisor teeth in the upper, and six in the lower jaw; but, under the effect of domestication, the number is generally reduced to three in each jaw. The num- ber of his dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebræ, vary } ! 1 1 liii so much, that it may be asserted, that he differs far more from the Hog in the state of liberty, than many animals re- garded as distinct species differ from one another. Amongst ruminating animals, the Ox and the Sheep are subject to great changes of form and character, dependent upon the kind and abundance of aliment. With increased supplies of food, the abdominal viscera become enlarged, and other parts partake of corresponding modifications of form. To suit the increased size of the stomach and intestinal canal, the trunk becomes larger in all its dimensions; the respira- tory organs adapt themselves to the increased dimensions of the alimentary canal, which is indicated to the eye by a change in the form of the chest; the limbs become shorter and farther apart, and the body being nearer the ground, the neck becomes more short; various muscles, from disuse, diminish in size, and the tendency to obesity increases. With the form of the animals, their power of active motion dimi- nishes, and they acquire habits adapted to their changed condition. These new characters they communicate to their progeny; and thus races differing from those which, in the state of nature, would exist, are produced. The Carnivorous animals, in like manner, when taken from the state of nature, and made to reproduce in a state of slavery, manifest their subjection to the same laws of change. The size and proportion of their organs of digestion and re- spiration, nay, of the brain, the organ of thought, change; and with these, the relative proportion of the head, limbs, and other parts, as we shall see in the sequel, in the case of the Dog, who becomes almost plastic under the habitudes to which we inure him. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. And if we turn from quadrupeds to the feathered tribes, we shall find the like proofs of the power of food and habi- tudes to change the form, and with it the very instincts of the animals. The Domestic Goose is derived from the Wild of the same species, which inhabits the boundless marshes of northern latitudes. This noble bird visits us on the ap- * • liv INTRODUCTION. proach of the arctic winter, in those remarkable troops which all of us have beheld cleaving the air like a wedge, often at a vast height, and sometimes only recognised by their shrill voices amongst the clouds. When the eggs of this species are obtained, and the young are supplied with food in unli- mited quantity, the result is remarkable. The intestines, and with them the abdomen, become so much enlarged, that the animal nearly loses the power of flight, and the powerful muscles that enabled him, when in the wild state, to take such flights, become feeble from disuse, and his long wings are rendered unserviceable. The beautiful bird that out- stripped the flight of the eagle, is now a captive without a chain. A child will guide him to his resting-place with a wand, and he is unable to raise himself by flight above the walls of the yard that confine him; and he gives birth to a race of creatures as helpless and removed from the natural condition as he himself had become. The Wild Duck, too, affords us a similar example. This wary bird arrives in flocks from the vast morasses of the colder countries. Many pairs remain in the swamps, pools, and sedgy rivers, of lower latitudes; but the greater number retrace their flight to the boundless regions where they themselves have been hatched, and where they can rear their young in safety. If the eggs of this bird be taken, and the young be supplied with food in the manner usual in the do- mestic state, the animals will have changed the form, in- stincts, and habits of their race. Like the Goose, they lose the power of flight by the increased size of their abdomen, and the diminished power of their pectoral muscles; and other parts of their body are altered to suit this conforma- tion. All their habits change; they lose the caution and sense of danger which, in their native state, they possessed. The male no longer retires with a single female to breed, but becomes polygamous, and his progeny lose the power and the will to regain the freedom of their race. The Swan, the noblest of all the water-fowls, becomes chained, as it were, i J · DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. lv to our lakes and ponds, by the mere change of his natural form. The common gallinaceous fowls, in the state of nature, live amongst trees, and, when subjugated, still retain the desire to roost on elevated objects. But they can now with difficulty ascend the perches prepared for them; their abdo- minal viscera having extended, their bodies have enlarged posteriorly, the breast has become wider, and the neck more short, and their wings having become insufficient to support the increased weight of their bodies, they have almost lost the power of flight; and so changed is their entire conforma- tion, that naturalists can but conjecture from what parent stock they have been derived. Besides the effect of increased or diminished supplies of food in modifying the animal form, much is to be ascribed to temperature, humidity, altitude, and, consequently, the rarity or density of the air. The effect of heat is everywhere ob- served, as it modifies the secretions which give colour to the skin, and the degree of covering provided for the protection of the body, whether wool or hair. In the case of the human species, the effects of temperature on the colour of the skin, and, with this, on the colour of the eyes and hair, are sufficient- ly known. We cannot pass from the colder parts of Europe to the warmer, without marking the progressive diversities of colour, from the light complexion of the northern nations, to the swarthy tinge of the Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks; and when we have crossed the Mediterranean into Africa, the dark colour, which is proper to all the warmer regions of the globe, everywhere meets the eye. The Jews, naturally as fair as the other inhabitants of Syria, become gradually darker, as they have been for a longer or shorter time accli- mated in the warmer countries; and in the plains of the Ganges, they are as dark as Hindoos. The Portuguese who have been naturalized in the African colonies of their nation, have become entirely black. If we suppose, indeed, the great races of mankind to have been called into existence in differ- ==% lvi INTRODUCTION. ent regions, we must suppose that they were born with the colour, as well as the other attributes, suited to the climates of the countries which they were to inhabit. It accords with this supposition, that the Negro remains always black, even in the highest latitudes to which he has been carried; and that the black races of the Eastern Islands retain the colour proper to them in the mild temperature of Van Diemen's Land. The Mongolian, even in the coldest regions of North- ern Asia, retains the hue distinctive of his family, but with a continually deepening shade as he approaches to the inter- tropical countries. The native of China, of a dull yellow tint at Pekin, is at Canton nearly as dark as a Lascar. The American Indian retains his distinctive copper hue amid the snows of Labrador; but, on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, becomes nearly as black as an African. Temperature likewise affects the size and form of the body. The members of the Caucasian group towards the Arctic Circle are of far inferior bulk of body to the natives of tem- perate countries. The Central Asiatics, in elevated plains, are sturdy and short, the result of an expansion of the chest; the Hindoos are of slender form and low physical powers, so that they have almost always yielded to the superior force of the northern nations, from the first in- vasion of the Macedonians, to the ultimate establishment of European power in the Peninsula. The Negro, on the other hand, in the hottest and most pestilential regions of the habitable earth, where the Caucasian either perishes, or becomes as slender as a stripling, is of a strength and sta- ture which would be deemed great in any class of men, affording a strong presumption in favour of the opinion of the distinctness of his race, and its special adaptation to the region in which it has been placed. In quadrupeds, the effects of temperature are everywhere observable in the covering provided for their body, whether wool or hair, and which, in the same species, is always more abundant in the colder than in the warmer countries. In DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. lvii all quadrupeds there is a growth of down or wool under- neath the hair, and more or less mixed with it. In warm countries, this wool is little if at all developed; but, in the colder, it frequently becomes the principal covering of the skin, forming, along with the hair, a thick fur. In the warm- est regions, the domestic sheep produces scarcely any wool; in temperate countries he has a fleece properly so called; and in the coldest of all, his wool is mixed with long hair which covers it externally. The wool, an imperfect conduc- tor of heat, preserves the natural temperature of the body, and thus protects the animal from cold, while the long hair is fitted to throw off the water which falls upon the body in rain or snow. But in the warm season the wool, which would be incommodious, falls off, to be renewed before win- ter, while the hair always remains. The Dog, too, has a coat of wool, which he loses in countries of great heat, but which, in colder countries, grows so as to form, along with the hair, a thick fur, so that, in certain cold countries, there have been formed breeds of dogs to produce wool for cloth- ing. The dogs of Europe conveyed to warm countries fre- quently lose even their hair, and become as naked as ele- phants, and in every country their fur is suited to the nature of the climate. Similar to the effects of temperature is that of humidity, the hair becoming longer and more oily in the moister coun- tries. Even within the limits of our own Islands, the Ox of the western coasts, exposed to the humid vapours of the At- lantic, has longer hair than the Ox of the eastern districts. Even the effect of continued exposure to winds and storms may modify parts of the animal form. There are certain breeds of gallinaceous fowls which are destitute of the rump so called. Most of the common fowls of the Isle of Arran, on the coast of Scotland, have this peculiarity. This little island consists of high hills, on which scarcely a bush exists to shelter the animals which inhabit it from the continued gales of the Atlantic. The feathers of a long tail might in- 1 · F lviii INTRODUCTION. commode the animals, and therefore, we may suppose, they disappear; and were peacocks to be reared under similar circumstances, it is probable that, in the course of successive generations, they would lose the beautiful appendage which they bring from their native jungles. The effects, likewise, of altitude are to be numbered amongst those which modify the characters of animals. In general, the animals of mountains are smaller and more agile than those of the same species inhabiting plains. In man, the pulse increases in frequency as he ascends into the at- mosphere, so that, while at the level of the sea the number of beats is 70 in a minute, at the height of 4000 feet the number exceeds 100. The air being rarer, a greater quan- tity of it must be drawn into the lungs to afford the oxygen necessary to carry off the excess of carbon in the system. But gradually, as man and other animals become naturalized in an elevated country, the digestive and respiratory organs, and with these the capacity of the chest and abdomen, become suited to their new relations. Humboldt remarks on the ex- traordinary development of the chest in the inhabitants of the Andes, producing even deformity; and he justly observes, that this is a consequence of the rarity of the air which de- mands an extension of the lungs. The effects have been referred to of use or exercise in mo- difying certain parts of the animal form. The limbs of many animals inured or compelled to speed become extended in length, as of the dogs employed in the chase of the swifter ani- mals. The limbs of an animal deprived of the means of mo- tion become feeble and small, as the wings of domesticated birds. In the natural state, the cow has a small udder, yet sufficient to contain the milk which her young requires; in the domesticated state, by milking her, the organ becomes enlarged, so as to contain a quantity of milk, beyond what the wants of her own offspring demand. Nor are the charac- ters thus acquired confined to the individuals on which they have been impressed, but may be transmitted to their pos- J مت 1 lix terity. Some of the wild horsemen of the plains of South America are, from infancy, continually on horseback, and their limbs are observed to become slender and almost unfit for walking, which characters reappear in the children of the tribe. Amongst the causes, then, which tend to form va- rieties, are to be numbered the habitudes of animals, whether in the wild or domesticated state. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Of the means by which the animal organism becomes adapted to new relations we know nothing. We see that within the limits of the specific form, animals become suited to the nature and abundance of their aliment, to the condi- tion of the external air with respect to temperature, humi- dity, and density, and to the habits imposed upon them for obtaining their vegetable food when they are herbivorous, or capturing their prey when they feed on flesh; but how or why this is, we know no more than how or why animals as- sume and preserve the form proper to their species. We may well believe that species are called forth, and their forms placed in the fitting relation with external nature, in obedience to some grand system of Natural Laws, the results of which we may hope in certain cases to trace, but of the efficient cause of which we cannot hope to obtain a know- ledge. But when we speak of causes in common language, we do not, it is well known, refer to what metaphysicians term efficient causes, but to the antecedents of those pheno- mena which we term effects; and it is in this sense that we say that the causes of the varieties of animal species are food, climate, habitudes, and the other agencies whose effects we have the means of observing. But all the causes enumerated would not of themselves be sufficient to form permanent varieties or breeds, were it not for that other law of the animal economy by which animals are enabled to communicate the characters acquired to their progeny, and by which the latter are enabled to retain those characters with more or less constancy. That animals which, from any cause, have acquired a pecu- Sh !! lx liar conformation, may transmit the same properties of form to their young, and these again to their descendants, has been matter of observation in every age. The greyhound com- municates to his progeny, the flexible neck, the long back, the slender agile limbs, which fit him for capturing his prey by speed; the blood-hound transmits his expanded nostril, fitted for that surpassing sense of smell which enables him to follow the evanescent traces of his victim upon the ground; the bull-dog transmits to his young his muscular form and powerful jaws. No one ever expects to see two greyhounds produce an animal like a terrier; two blood-hounds, one re- sembling a shepherd's cur; two bull-dogs, any animal dif- ferent in essential characters from themselves. And in all those varieties of the other domesticated animals which we term breeds, the constancy of the law of transmitted proper- ties is alike manifested. The Merino sheep communicates to its young the properties which it has acquired on the moun- tain pastures of Spain, of producing a short unctuous wool, and this in localities so different as in the granitic soils of Sweden, the plains of Silesia, the sands of the Cape of Good Hope, and the myrtle forests of New Holland. The Horse of the Arabian deserts, wherever he is carried, communicates to his descendants the properties distinctive of his race. The great Black Horse of the meadows of Flanders transmits to his progeny the massive form and very colour which he has himself acquired; the Race-Horse of England, the conforma- tion which adapts him to rapid motion; the Pony of Norway, the characters which have fitted him for a country of heaths and mountains: and so on in every case where animals, by successive reproduction with one another, have acquired the common properties which constitute a breed. In the human species, that similarity of features which is termed family likeness, is a familiar example of the same effect, not only manifesting itself in the immediate descend- ants, but reappearing often after several generations. The community of character which constitutes national resem- INTRODUCTION. V lxi blance, is matter likewise of common observation. By the successive reproduction between the individuals of a tribe or nation, a common set of characters is by degrees acquired, which, becoming permanent, generate a true race. This effect is most notable in small and insulated tribes, whose members intermarry only with one another. In the Ameri- can forests, many of the tribes of Indians can be distinguished from one another at a glance. In the case of the Celtic na- tives of Europe, the Clans became frequently as much dis- tinguished from one another by feature as by their mutual hatred; and the characters which they had acquired are in many cases retained by their descendants to the present hour. In the countries of the East, where the barrier of castes had been established, all the distinctions of race are seen to be established, so that the members of different castes can be discriminated from one another as readily as the in- habitants of distant countries. - DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. It has been frequently observed, that what are termed ac- cidental variations are susceptible of being transmitted and rendered permanent characters. Some persons have been born with six fingers or toes, and this peculiarity being trans- mitted, has continued in the same family for generations. The case of a family in England, whose bodies were covered with cuticular appendages resembling the quills of porcu- pines, has been often cited; and a breed of sheep in America was procured, having short limbs resembling those of an otter, and therefore termed the otter breed. We cannot, however, term such varieties accidental. . There is nothing in the phenomena of nature, to which the term accident can be justly applied. The characters were doubtless the result of some organic change proper to the animals in which they appeared, and their transmission to their progeny is only the exemplification of a law common to other cases of transmitted characters. GRE The permanence of characters acquired by varieties is often wonderfully great. In the sculptured monuments of the ་ · -y lxii INTRODUCTION. Egyptians, are to be found the delineation of features which may still be traced in the degraded Fellahs of the country. The Jews, after the lapse of many centuries, retain, in in- numerable cases, the lineaments of their race, and although influenced, in the colour of the skin, by effects of temperature, may yet be discriminated, in countries where they have been naturalized, as a distinct people. The wandering tribes of Gipsies, which are spread over a great part of Europe, retain, after many centuries, the essential characters of their race,- the swarthy visage, the keen dark eye, the lank black hair. In India, there exist whole tribes as much distinct in aspect, as in speech and customs, from all around them, although every trace of their ancestry has been lost; and in the same country the Parsees, driven beyond the Indus by the Moham- medans, seem to be nearly the same people as when expelled from their Persian homes. The Laplanders, amid the snows of the Arctic regions, have preserved the colour and features indicative of their Asiatic descent; and the Negroes, reduced to bondage in a distant land, have preserved from age to age all the essential lineaments and characters distinctive of the African family. In the case of the domesticated quadrupeds, we find simi- lar evidences of the wonderful permanence of characters once acquired and imprinted on the animals. In certain breeds of oxen and sheep, the animals retain from generation to gene- ration their distinctive marks, the presence or absence of horns, the length and peculiar bending of these appendages, and even the minutest variations of colour, as spots of white or black on certain parts of the body. We are made ac- quainted with the peculiar colour of the horses of some of the barbarous hordes that entered Italy when the empire fell, as piebald and clouded; and the colour is yet preserved in some of the races of modern Italy. The degree of permanence of the acquired properties of races may be supposed to bear some ratio to the time during which an intermixture of blood has been continued amongst 2 4 lxiii the members of a common stock. When two animals of dis- similar characters breed together, the progeny partake of the properties of both parents. It is only by continued repro- duction between their descendants, that a common class of characters is acquired, and a true variety formed; and the longer this successive reproduction and intermixture of blood are carried on, the more permanent may the transmitted characters be supposed to become. It appears, too, that the nearer animals are allied in blood, the more quickly is the similarity of characters distinctive of a breed acquired. In the practice of English breeders, it has not been uncommon to unite brothers with sisters, and pa- rents with their direct progeny, and to carry on this system for a long period. The physiological effect is remarkable, not only producing more quickly that community of charac- ters which constitutes a breed, but affecting the temperament and constitution of the animals. Under this system long continued, the animals manifest symptoms of degeneracy, as if a violence had been done to their natural instincts. They become, as it were, sooner old; the males lose their virile aspect, and become at length incapable of propagating their race, and the females lose the power of secreting milk in suf- ficient quantity to nourish their young. These effects may not for a time be very observable, but, by carrying on the system sufficiently far, they never fail to manifest themselves. Dogs continually reproduced from the same litter exhibit, after a time, the aspect of feebleness and degeneracy. The hair becomes scanty, or falls off, the size diminishes, the limbs become slender, the eyes sunk, and all the characters of early age present themselves. Hogs have been made the subjects of similar experiments. After a few generations, the victims manifest the change induced in the system. They become of diminished size, the bristles are changed into hair, the limbs become feeble and short, the litters diminish in frequency and in the number of the young produced, the mother becomes unable to nourish them, and, if the experi- DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGHOM. • ปี + ! #+ 7 1 ( L I lxiv INTRODUCTION. ment be carried as far as the case will allow, the feeble and frequently monstrous offspring will be incapable of being reared up, and thus the miserable race will utterly perish. In the state of liberty these effects do not manifest them- selves. The instincts of the animals, it may be believed, cause them to choose the fitting mates for propagating their own race. In man, the continued alliance of individuals too near in blood, is prevented by conscience, and by feelings which seem innate. In carnivorous quadrupeds, what we term instinct supplies the place of judgment and reflection, and the females make choice of certain males in preference to others, by which means, it is to be believed, the race is preserved from deterioration by unsuitable combinations. In the case of the social herbivorous quadrupeds, the end is at- tained by the males being possessed of the power and desire to expel the feebler members of the herd during the season of sexual intercourse. The bull, with his powerful neck, possesses only short blunted horns, fitted, not to destroy his rivals by shedding their blood, but to expel them for a time from the herd. Thus he drives away the younger and feebler members, until compelled in his turn to yield to younger rivals. The ram is furnished with a thick forehead fitted for butting, by which means he is enabled to stun, without de- stroying, his rivals of the flock. In the deer tribes are pro- duced, at the season of sexual desire, those huge antlers by which the stronger males are enabled to terrify and subdue the weaker; but these organs are temporary, and, after the season of rutting, fall off, to be renewed at the fitting time in the following year. By these and other means we are entitled to infer that a natural provision is made against the effects of unsuitable alliances of animals in the natural state. It is only when in the state of absolute slavery, that we are enabled to overcome the instinctive feelings of the animals subjected to our power, and to compel them to relinquish, as it were, their natural appetites. - The characters which animals of the same species trans- 3 ► lxv mit to their descendants so as to constitute varieties, are, we have seen, those of the body; but the mechanism of the body reacts upon the mind, and faculties which we term mental are therefore transmissive. No one can doubt that instinct is due to the mechanism of the nerves, and that even the higher attributes of reason are due to the develop- ment of the nervous system in the brain. But we can ob- tain, by breeding, animals with crania of different size and form, and consequently, with brains of different capacity and powers. Thus we can produce, by exercise, and by selection of the parents, a dog, whose cranium shall be small and flat, corresponding with the elongation of the muzzle, and who shall possess different propensities from another, whose brain being rounder, is larger, and who is enabled to exercise facul- ties for our preservation and defence, which we cannot dis- tinguish from reason. The Hog, we have seen, communicates to his posterity, along with his change of form, instincts and habits as diffe- rent from those existing in the natural state as if he had be- come a new species. From being a nocturnal animal, he has acquired a desire to seek his food during the day, and, from being solitary, he has become social, so that the male never, in a state of the utmost liberty we allow him, separates from his fellows of the herd. The subjugated birds convey to their descendants a new set of habitudes and propensities: they lose the once irresistible desire to retire in single pairs, and bring up the young apart, and become entirely polyga- mous. The greyhound, whose nose is small, and his body fitted for rapid motion, conveys, with the conformation of his organs, the desire of capturing his prey by speed alone. A puppy greyhound will, the first time he springs a covey of partridges, dash after them at speed; while the young pointer, with the great development which has been communicated to his nasal organ, will stand as if entranced, nay, if of a highly cultivated breed, will couch upon the ground like the parents e DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. į lxvi who had been disciplined to the act. The young terrier, the first time he sees a rabbit, will track him to his burrow; the young water-spaniel will strive to seize the objects which he sees floating in the stream, though he has never before be- held a rivulet; the young bull-dog will fly at the throat of the first animal that assails him. The race-horse, to whom we have communicated the conformation which suits him for rapid motion, will manifest the fiery spirit proper to him, by his mother's side, a few hours after birth. The Arabian horse, with his broad and high forehead, indicating a larger development of the brain, manifests a far superior sagacity to the humbler horse of inferior lineage. Of the breeds of the domestic sheep, some are acclimated in countries of heaths and mountains, and some in the richer plains. Each has acquired the conformation which suits him to these condi- tions. If we take the mountain-lamb from its mother's teat at the very birth, and bring it to the valley below, we shall find it still, when grown to maturity, prefer the smaller grasses, the wild thyme, and other plants of mountains, to the richer herbage, and betake itself to the arid eminences of its pasture-fields in preference to the sheltered hollows, and communicate these desires to its offspring. Are not such propensities as these mental, and the result of a con- formation of the animal organs, and consequently transmis- sive from the parents to the young? Thus, habits acquired may assuredly be communicated from animal to animal. We cannot indeed suppose that a young puppy would turn a spit, or dance to a tune, because its parents had been taught to do so, but we can suppose that if a race of dogs had been compelled, from generation to generation, to dance and turn spits, they would acquire the conformation which would suit them to perform these offices; which would be nothing more than one of innumerable examples of the progressive adap- tation of the form of animals to the uses to which they are habituated. Even mutilation of the body may, in certain cases, produce INTRODUCTION. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. lxvii partial changes of conformation, which, being communicated, become permanent characters. If one organ is injured or removed, a provision is frequently made to compensate the loss. In some parts of Scotland it appears to have become a practice to scoop out the horns of young cattle, on the sup- position that the animals would become more quiet, and less apt to attack or gore one another. It would appear that the system of the animal tended to repair this injury by a larger development of the bony ridge of the forehead, from which the osseous nuclei of the horns proceed; and that this pro- cess, carried on from generation to generation, became at length a character, so that a hornless breed was produced. There is a race of shepherds' dogs in this country, in which it appears it had become a fashion to shorten the tails of the animals. Now, a diminution of the caudal vertebræ may produce a modification of the sacral in contact with them, and thus a peculiar conformation be communicated to the animals, which may become permanent by successive repro- duction. Whether this be the origin of the peculiarity of the race of dogs in question, cannot be determined; but it is known, that when, from any cause, dogs are born destitute of tails, the peculiarity may be communicated to their de- scendants, and become permanent.* Characters, then, of form, and of habits and instincts the results of form, may be communicated from animals to their progeny, and form Varieties, Races, or Breeds. We distin- guish a species from a variety by this, that in the species. we regard the modification of a higher or more general type, namely, of a genus, tribe, or family; in the variety, the modi- fication of a lower or less general type, namely, of a species. But the variety is likewise the modification of the more gene- * There is an authentic record, quoted by Dr James Anderson, of a cat which was accidentally deprived of its tail when young. The kittens of this animal were born without tails, which character their descendants retained as long as they were kept free from intermixture with other breeds; and in the Isle of Man, at this day, all the native cats have the tails short or rudimental. $ + lxviii ral type, and there is, thus far, no distinction between the va- riety and the species. It may be said, indeed, that the charac- ters of the species are more lasting than those of the varie- ty: but, unless we are to assume that the forms of animals are immutable, this is a difference in degree and not in kind; and a variety, therefore, does not differ in kind from a spe- cies. It may readily be supposed, then, that with respect to certain animals, questions may arise, whether they be species or varieties. But if the only real difference between a spe- cies and variety be, that the characters of the one are more lasting than those of the other, innumerable cases must pre- sent themselves, in which we cannot determine whether a given animal be what we call a species or a variety. Yet eager debates are continually carried on by naturalists whe- ther certain animals are to be regarded as species, or as varieties. Thus, the Common Wolf of America differs some- what in aspect from the Wolf of Europe, and some natu- ralists hold that he is specifically distinct; but all that we can truly say is, that the wolf of Europe and the wolf of America present varieties of that form which we term Wolf, and our knowledge of the animal conducts us no further. The Domesticated Dogs present greater varieties of form and characters than many animals which are considered to be specifically different. The question has arisen whe- ther these dogs are of different species or of one species? The resolution of the question, it is manifest, depends mainly upon the meaning which we assign to our own terms. If we are to include, under the same specific form, the long muzzle and slender limbs of the Greyhound, and the short muzzle and stout limbs of the Bull-dog, then the Greyhound and the Bull-dog are of one species; if we hold that the elongated muzzle and slender limbs of the one constitute a specific dis- tinction, then the Greyhound and the Bull-dog are of different species according to our definition. But a species, it has been supposed, differs from a variety in this, that while animals of different species will not breed INTRODUCTION. C - [ lxix together and produce a fruitful progeny, varieties of the same species will breed together, and produce a fruitful pro- geny. We shall be able, perhaps, in the sequel, to shew the fallacy of this rule, as it is applied to many animals. It is true that observation shews that animals which diverge from one another beyond certain limits do not breed together, or, breeding together, do not produce a fruitful progeny; but it is equally true, that animals may diverge from one another beyond the limits of forms which we call specific, and yet breed together. Many examples of this occur in the case of the gallinaceous fowls which we rear in poultry-yards, and of the little singing-birds brought up in cages; and in the case of fishes, experiments, from the facility of fecundifying the sperm, are easily made to shew that not only animals so divergent as species, so called, but as genera, may be made to produce a fertile progeny. The Sheep and the Goat breed together, and produce a progeny as fruitful as the pa- rents; yet the sheep and the goat are held to be distinct ge- nera. They are distinct genera, indeed, according to our classification, but it appears, from the effect, that they do not diverge so much from one another in those characters which enable animals to breed together, as to be incapable of producing a common race; and so it will be seen, in the sequel, it is with other animals reduced to the state of do- mestication. In the natural state, indeed, unions of this kind rarely take place, a provision having been apparently made against their occurrence, in the habits and instincts of the animals themselves. Species in the state of nature will very rarely intermix; and even varieties, produced by arti- ficial breeding, tend to preserve themselves unmixed, when in a state of liberty. If a flock of Merino Sheep, consisting of rams and ewes, be mixed together in the same field with a similar flock of the Heath Sheep of Scotland, there will be no mixture between them, the females of each selecting the rams of its own variety. In Wales, there are two varieties of Sheep, one of which inhabits the higher mountains, and So DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. + ! · I lxx the other a lower range; yet these sheep, though mingled in the commons of the country for ages, preserve themselves distinct; and even the female of the Dog, if left free to choose her mate, will almost always make the selection of one of her own kind, a greyhound of a greyhound, a terrier of a terrier, and so on. Were not some natural provision of this kind made, we might expect to meet innumerable hy- bridal animals in the state of nature; for there can be no reasonable doubt that many animals which we call distinct species, are capable of breeding together, and producing a fruitful offspring. INTRODUCTION. II. PROPERTIES OF EXTERNAL FORM. The characters, in animals, of external form, may be com- municated, it has been seen, from the parents to the young; and upon the constancy of this effect may be said to be founded the whole principle of what is termed Breeding, whether pursued to the degree of forming distinct varieties, or of merely communicating to individuals the peculiar cha- racters which we desire them to possess. If we would form a variety or breed, we must select the animals possessed of the characters sought for, and, by breeding from the progeny, endeavour to give permanence to the characters acquired. If we wish to procure individual Horses possessing the fa- culty of speed, we unite in blood those which possess, in the requisite degree, the form and properties which we seek to reproduce in the progeny; if we design to procure Horses having the strength fitted for labour, and the exertion of their powers in draught, we select the males and the females whose external form indicates their adaptation to the uses required; if we are to propagate animals for the production of muscle and fat, we choose for the parents those whose conformation indicates the faculty of soon arriving at maturity, and readily assimilating nourishment. A EXTERNAL FORM. Of the domesticated animals, that whose form and proper- ties have excited the greatest observation and interest, is the Horse, whether designed for the exercise of the powers of speed, for the bearing of burdens and drawing of loads, or for any other use to which he is adapted. In the Horse, as in all the mammiferous animals, there is the long chain of distinct bones termed vertebræ, which, bound together by joints, cartilage, and ligaments, consti- tute the vertebral or spinal column. Each vertebra has a perforation through it, so that, when the whole vertebræ are connected together, there is a continued canal passing along the interior. Besides the perforation for forming this canal, each vertebra has exterior projections, two lateral, termed transverse processes, and one upwards, termed the spinous process, the latter forming that sharp elevation of bones which commences with the withers, and extends along the back. At the anterior termination of the spinal column is the cranium, connected with which are the jaws and other bones of the face. The bones of the face consist of two divi- sions, the first, the lower jaw in one large piece; the second, the upper maxillary bones, and various other pieces united together. In the sockets of the bones of both jaws are in- serted the teeth. These consist of 6 incisor teeth in each jaw, that is, of 12 incisors, or, as they are called, nippers; of 2 canine teeth or tusks in each jaw, one on each side of the incisors, that is, of 4 canine teeth; and next to these, and at a distance from them, of 6 molar or grinding teeth on both sides of each jaw, that is, of 24 molar teeth in all. The dis- position of the teeth, the organs of mastication, may be re- presented thus: N Canine. Incisor. 1 6 6 lxxi Canine. 1 1 Molar. 6 6 Molar. 6 6 1 Upper jaw, Under jaw, in all 40 teeth, the canine teeth being generally wanting in the female. The cranium is composed of ten distinct pieces, namely, the two frontal bones which form the forehead, the temporal ** lxxii bones which lodge the internal organs of hearing, and others. It forms a cavity separated from the chambers of the nose, the eyes, and the mouth. Contained within it, and filling it, is the Brain, the substance of which passes along the whole vertebral column, and terminates in the upper vertebræ of the tail, so that the spinal cord is a prolongation of the nervous matter of the brain. Proceeding from the brain and spinal cord, pass to the organs of the special senses, and to every sensible part of the body, the fine cords termed Nerves, made up of minute tubular filaments, each of which filaments is finer than the spider's thread, and separately invisible to the unassisted eye. Next to the cranium are the cervical vertebræ, or bones of the neck, in number 7; next to these are the dorsal vertebræ, or bones of the back, 18 in number; next are the lumbar ver- tebræ, or bones of the loins, 5 or 6 in number; next is the sa- crum, so called, consisting of 5 vertebræ united together, and forming a single piece; and last are the caudal vertebræ, or bones of the tail, varying in number from 13 to 18. In the following figure, 1 is the lower jaw, 2, 3, 4, 5, are Fig. 1. u U ✔ d P INTRODUCTION. d c ASELZOR MA папилло n m k -78 + h 7 lxxiii the other bones of the face, bb the cervical vertebræ, c c the dorsal vertebræ, dd the lumbar vertebræ, ee the sacral ver- tebræ united into one piece, and ƒ is the caudal vertebræ or bones of the tail. EXTERNAL FORM. With the vertebral column are connected, (1.) the ribs iii; (2.) the scapula or shoulder-blade g; (3.) the bones of the pel- vis p. With the shoulder-blade are connected the fore-limbs, consisting, (1.) of the humerus or great bone of the shoulder k; (2.) the fore-arm 7 m, of which m is the elbow; (3.) of the bones of the carpus or knee n; (4.) of the cannon-bone or shank o; and (5.) of the bones of the pastern and foot 6. With the pelvis, p, are connected the bones of the posterior limbs, namely, (1.) the femur or great bone of the thigh q; (2.) the patella or stifle-bone r; (3.) the tibia or great bone of the legs; (4.) the bones of the hock t; (5.) the cannon- bone u; (6.) the bones of the pastern and foot 6. It is from the dorsal vertebra, or bones of the back, that the ribs proceed, forming hoops which enclose the chest and a part of the abdomen. The number of dorsal vertebræ, and, consequently, of ribs on each side, is eighteen, but sometimes one, or even two more are developed. The ribs are mostly connected by cartilaginous bands with the scapula or breast- bone, of which the upper termination, h, appears in the figure. The breast-bone, flat and of a spongy consistence, is formed of several pieces united together, and is sometimes likened, from its form, to the keel of a ship. The chest contains the lungs and heart, and is separated by a muscular partition from the abdomen, which contains the liver, the stomach, the intestinal canal, the kidneys, and other organs. The shoulder-blade or scapula g, of which there is one on each side of the chest, is a flat triangular bone, with its nar- row end pointing obliquely downwards. It is attached to the chest by intervening muscles, and strengthened in its position by other powerful muscles with which it is con- nected. Into a shallow cavity at the lower part of this bone, is in- 1 lxxiv serted the humerus or bone of the shoulder. The humerus corresponds with the bone of the same name in man, that is, with the portion of the human arm which is between the elbow and shoulder, but is so covered with muscles in the horse, as to seem to form a part of the trunk. It is bent downwards and backwards in a direction opposite to that of the shoulder-blade, by which disposition the parts act like a spring to lessen the effects of those terrible shocks which they sustain, when, the animal being raised from the ground, his weight is received upon his fore extremities. The head of the humerus working in a very shallow cavity in the shoul- der-blade, the bone has great freedom of motion. Its lower extremity is fitted by a hinge-like joint into the next in order of the bones of the limb, namely, the bone of the fore- arm. INTRODUCTION. The bone of the fore-arm corresponds with that portion of the human arm which is between the elbow and the wrist, but the fore-arm, in the human subject, consists of two bones, termed respectively radius and ulna. In the horse, there were likewise two bones in the young state, but they became joined together; though the ulnar portion, as in the figure, is still to be distinguished projecting behind the upper part of the fore-arm, and receiving the name elbow in the horse as in man. To the elbow are attached powerful muscles, for extending the limb; and its size is one of the points looked to by jockeys, as indicative of what is termed action. The part termed the knee in the horse corresponds with the wrist of the human arm, and is for this reason termed carpus. It is composed of seven, and sometimes of eight, small bones. These bones serve for the attachment of muscles, and for giving flexibility to the joint. By being many, the weight is divided amongst them, and thus the ha- zard of fracture or dislocation is lessened. They are sepa- rated by elastic cartilage, bound firmly together by ligaments, and kept constantly lubricated by a secreted liquid. They form an exceedingly strong and perfect joint, scarcely subject 8 EXTERNAL FORM. to dislocation of parts, although, being the farthest removed from both extremities of the limb, they are at the part of it most apt to be injured. The next bones form what is termed the fore-leg of the horse, which consists of three bones, namely, the large can- non-bone, or shank, with the two smaller splint-bones, as they are called, behind. The splint-bones extend downwards for about two-third parts of the length of the principal bone, with which they are united by a ligamentous matter. This matter tends to become bone, and the ossification extending beyond the point of union of the bones, there is formed the bony tumour so common in the horse, Splint. The last of the series of bones of the limbs are those of the pastern and foot. The uppermost of these, the upper pas- tern, is jointed to the lower part of the cannon-bone. Inferiorly it is jointed to the lower pastern, or coronet-bone; and the coronet-bone, again, is articulated with the coffin-bone, which is of a soft and spongy nature, and inclosed within the horny covering of the hoof. These several bones of the limb are more dis- tinctly represented in the accompanying figure, where s is the lower part of the shoulder-blade, h the humerus, work- ing, by its rounded head, into the socket of the scapula, f the fore-arm, e the elbow, c the carpus or knee, o the can- non-bone, or shank, with its splint-bones. behind 7, p the upper pastern, q the lower pastern, or coronet-bone, r the coffin-bone, x the hoof. Besides the bones enumerated, there are small bones, g, v, placed behind the others, and acting somewhat in the manner of pulleys, < r XC h Fig. 2. f TUNY lxxv V lxxvi namely, (1.) the sesamoid bones, g, behind the joint commonly termed the fetlock; and, (2.) the navicular bone, v, placed behind the common joint of the coronet and coffin bones. Over these small bones pass, from the cannon-bone, a liga- ment and tendons, which, being connected with the bones of the foot, give surpassing elasticity combined with strength, to these parts. In the an- nexed section of the foot, L is the ligament, T the ten- dons, and N the navicular bone. The hoof, by which the foot is covered, is of a substance tough and elastic in an eminent degree. Fig. 3. INTRODUCTION. Directing attention to the hinder part of the vertebral column, Fig. 1, there is the pelvis, p, formed by two large bones, one on each side of T N -L the spine, and firmly united to it. The upper part of each pelvic bone, termed the ilium, forms the haunch-bone, or hip-bone; and into a cavity in the lower part of the same bone is inserted the round head of the first of the bones of the posterior limbs, namely, the femur, q, or great bone of the thigh. The femur is not vertical, like the thigh-bone in man, but it has an oblique direction from behind forward. It corresponds with the thigh-bone in man, but being covered, in the horse, with the thick muscles employed in moving it, it appears to be a part of the trunk. The size of this bone is connected, in an important degree, with the power of pro- gression of the animal; for, being extended backwards by the action of the muscles, while the foot remains fixed, it forces the body forward. In front of the lower extremity of the femur is the patella, or stifle-bone, r, which corresponds with the pan of the knee in man. It is one of the class of bones termed sesamoid, and lxxvii. is designed for the attachment, and passing over it, of ten- dons of muscles. EXTERNAL FORM. Jointed to the lower part of the femur is the tibia, or great bone of the leg, connected with which, by ligamentous mat- ter, is the small bone termed the fibula. These two bones form properly the leg of the horse; but they are, in popular language, termed the thigh, although they correspond, not with the bone of the thigh in the human species, but with the leg. Fig. 4. Next to these bones are those of the hock, which corre- spond with the bones of the ankle or instep in man; and on one of them the tibia works by means of a hinge joint. They are six in number, and one of them, corresponding with the great bone of the heel in man, pro- jects backwards, and has powerful muscles for extending the limb in- serted into its extremity, so that it acts as a strong lever in aiding the forward motion of the animal; and, as in the fore extremities we look to the size of the elbow as a point to be regarded, so, in the posterior limbs, we look to the size of the bone of the heel. The next bones below correspond entirely with those of the fore extre- mity. They are, (1.) the cannon- bone, or shank, with the two splint- bones attached; (2.) the pastern ; (3.) the coronet bone; (4.) the cof- fin bone, with the sesamoid and na- vicular bones, as in the fore extre- mities. These several bones of the hinder limb are represented in the e annexed figure, where p p are a part of one of the pelvic bones, q the femur, r the stifle bone, X Camping q W 20 ע. 1 * B+ /> lxxviii 7 the leg, formed of the two bones tibia and fibula, h the hock, whereof c is the bone of the heel, u the cannon-bone, with its splint bones g, f the upper pastern, d the lower pas- tern, e the coffin bone, t the sesamoid bones, v the navicular bone, the hoof. X INTRODUCTION. This chain of bones being extended, performs the functions of a lever in moving forward the body, the foot fixed to the ground being the fulcrum. In like manner, the other move- ments of the animal are performed by the flexure and exten- sion of the bones, thus- ( Fig. 5. RE/MAX C INMAAK VTTOMIA FEMENIN It is by means of the muscular forces that all the flexure of the bones, and movements of the other parts, are performed. The muscles constitute the greater part of all the solid matter of the body, forming the flesh of the animal, and entering into the composition of vessels, ducts, and sacs within the 虞 ​4 ' body. They are possessed of the property of contracting under the influence of the will, and often independently of it, and, by this contraction, of producing motion in the parts with which they are connected; and all the movements of animals, from the smallest inflexion of the voice to the most extended motions of the limbs, are produced by the contrac- tile power of these organs. When they are to give motion to bones, the fleshy part terminates in tendons, which are attached like ropes or cords to the parts to be moved. The muscles of the horse, as of other animals, may be divided into classes, according to the functions which they have to perform, or the parts of the body to which they pertain.* Fig. 6. y t' EXTERNAL FORM. a W b cc R T- n The muscles belonging to the head are numerous. They *The figure represents the principal external muscles, namely, Dilatator Naris Lateralis. Nasalis Longus Labii Superioris. Levator Labii Superioris Alæque Nasi. lxxix I f lxxx d e ƒ I h i k τ ι po are thin on the external parts of the face and cranium, so that the head of the animal may be said to be nearly of the form indicated by the bones which compose it. 112 n น บ บ 0 p g Trapezius. Complexus Major. Splenius. ተ s and e é Serratus Magnus. é t Pectoralis Magnus. Latissimus Dorsi. น x x z z b'b' c'c'c' ď ď ƒ g h i k' 'm' n' Ó p g 2 s' 8' { ť u' v w x y 22. INTRODUCTION. } Orbicularis Oris. Levator Menti. Zygomaticus. Depressor Labii Inferioris. Masseter. Orbicularis Palpebrarum. Levator Palpebræ Superioris. Attollentes et Adducentes Retrahentes et Abducentes Sterno-Maxillaris. } Subscapulo-Hyoideus. Levator Humeri. Pectoralis Parvus. Triceps Extensor Brachii. Flexor Brachii. May Extensor Metacarpi Magnus. Extensor Pedis. Obliquus Externus Abdominis (rolled up to shew the muscle beneath). Obliquus Internus Abdominis. Gluteus Externus. Gluteus Maximus. Adductor Tibialis. Biceps Abductor Femoris. Vastus Externus. Antea-Spinatus. Postea-Spinatus. Teres Minor. Aurem. 7 5 Flexor Metacarpi Externus. Extensor Suffraginis. Lumbrici, Anterior et Posterior. Extensor Pedis. Peroneus. Gastrocnemius Externus. Plantaris. Flexor Pedis, Extensor Metacarpi Obliquus vel Parvus. Flexor Pedis Accessorius. 5. lxxxi The movements of the external ear are effected by a set of small muscles in contact with them on the upper part of the head. By their means the external ear is erected, depressed, or rotated, so that it may collect the sounds as they come from different points; and the spirit and temper of the ani- mal may frequently be judged of by the movements of these organs. EXTERNAL FORM. Various muscles are employed in the movement of the eyes and eyelids. Some of them are within the sockets, and vary the position of the globe, so as to suit the relative position of external objects. A set of muscles are connected with the movements of the jaws, the mouth, and the nostrils. These cover the maxillary bones, form the cheeks, and, stretching to a circu- lar muscle which surrounds the mouth, form the lips. By means of these muscles the jaws are moved upon one another with great force, the nostrils are dilated to admit the air into the trachea, and the varied movements of the lips are pro- duced. In the horse of high breeding the nostrils are dilated, and the muzzle is delicate. Another numerous class of muscles, which are internal, are connected with the varied movements of the tongue. They produce the actions connected with deglutition, and the inflexions of the voice. The bones of the neck are enveloped in a vast mass of muscles, subservient to the numerous motions of the head and neck. They stretch from the head to the chest, and their expansion therefore indicates power of the fore-extremities." The chest and abdomen are covered with muscles, several of them flat, and expanded over a large surface. Some lie beneath the shoulder-blade, and are otherwise connected with it, retaining it in its place, and, aided by several muscles of the neck, producing those changes of position which are re- quired by the motions of the fore-limbs. Along the back extend very powerful muscles, producing the necessary flexure of the back; and some pass along the inner side of the ver- f • : lxxxii tebral column, acting upon the pelvis and thighs; and a set extending backwards cause the motions of the tail and other parts. The ribs are connected together, and moved, by numerous muscles passing between them; and the abdo- men is covered by flat tendinous muscles, which support the contained viscera. The diaphragm, extending within the trunk from the spine to the breast-bone, separates the cavities of the chest and abdomen. The hinder extremities, which are the main instruments of progression, are moved by muscles of prodigious force, connected with the spine, sacrum, and bones of the pelvis, giving motion to the thigh and leg. One set is employed in bending the limb under the body, another in extending it backwards. The muscles which extend downward to move the lower part of the limb, become tendinous as they descend, until, having reached the hock, they are almost wholly tendinous. By this mechanism the various pieces of the limb are either flexed or extended, without loading with muscle the parts to be pulled. The fore extremities are moved by a series of muscles at- tached to the shoulder-blade, and by others, extending from the higher parts of the limb downwards. These last, like the muscles of the hinder extremity, become tendinous down- wards, until, at and below the knee, they are almost wholly tendinous. They are distinguished into those which extend the humerus and other pieces of the limb forwards, and those which bend them backwards. The parts of the limb being extended, and at the same time bent, the limbs clear the ground, when the animal is propelled forwards. In order that they may be raised sufficiently to clear the ground, and move in harmony with the hinder limbs, there must be a peculiar adaptation of parts, and fitting strength of muscle. The due performance of these functions constitutes chiefly what is termed action in the horse, and we judge essentially of his safety and usefulness from the form and movements of his fore-extremities. The horse, when we regard him in profile, is compre- INTRODUCTION. - lxxxiii hended, abstracting from the neck and head, within a square, the limbs occupying somewhat more than one-half. EXTERNAL FORM. Fig. 7. Jus Were the limbs to occupy too large a proportion of the square, the horse might be full of mettle, and possessed of great power of speed, but he would be wanting in the power of endurance necessary to suit him for useful services. A certain depth of chest and body is required in every horse from which we look for continued labour. This is essential in the horse of heavy draught, the hackney, the ordinary saddle-horse, and the hunter. A horse having this conforma- tion is said to be short-legged. A length of the limbs dis- proportionate to the depth of chest and trunk, is only admis- sible in the case of the race-horse, in which the property of speed is alone regarded. In an ordinary horse, the charac- ter of too long legs is universally regarded as a defect. Such a horse, whatever spirit he may possess, is easily tired, and, after severe exercise, is frequently unable to take his food. He is subject to be purged often by a draught of cold water, lxxxiv or a quick gallop. Such horses are familiarly said to be light in the carcass, to stand high in the legs, and so forth. A section of the chest of the horse, at its commencement at the breast, approaches to an oval form, and, proceeding from the first rib backwards, it enlarges in capacity in both directions. This progressive enlargement should go on to behind the shoulders, where the depth, and consequently the girth, should be relatively large. This conformation shews that there is due space for the action of the respiratory or- gans; and, it may be said, that no horse will be found pos- sessed of health and endurance without a sufficient depth of chest. INTRODUCTION. But an enlargement of the chest may take place by means of increase in width as well as in depth. When, how- ever, the chest approaches too much to the circular at the breast and shoulders, it deviates from the form adapted to speed and action. A cart-horse may possess a circular breast, and this class of horses have always more or less of this character; but we desire to see the chest deep as well as broad. If the breast be very wide, the fore-limbs will be placed far asunder. But this is a disposition of parts which, though fitted for physical force, is not so for speed, and the power of active motion. Independently of the too great weight before the limbs, which renders the horse too heavy before, the further evil results, that a straddling motion is communicated to the animal in the gallop, which is alto- gether unfavourable to the exercise of this movement. The fore-limbs, therefore, must not be too far asunder, by the ex- tension of the chest in width at the breast. In other quad- rupeds possessed of great powers of speed, we invariably find that the fore-limbs are somewhat close together, as in the case of the greyhound as compared with the mastiff amongst dogs, and in the case of the deer as compared with the sheep amongst ruminating animals; but yet a certain lateral expansion of chest is connected with physi- EXTERNAL FORM. { t lxxxv cal strength, health, and the property of readily assimilating nourishment. In the case of the horse employed entirely in slow labour, the possession of a round wide breast is not only of no detriment, but it is a property to be desired. A cer- tain width of breast is desirable, but in a less degree, in the hackney and common saddle-horse, in which the power of speed is held to be secondary to other properties. In the hunter it should exist to a medium extent, and it is only in the race-horse that we can afford to regard it as a secondary property; yet even in the race-horse, although too great a width of breast is to be deprecated as utterly unsuited to his destination, we still desire to see the chest expand gradually to behind the shoulders, so that its capa- city shall be sufficient for the action of the respiratory organs. The ribs, rising from the vertebræ of the back, increase in length until the ninth, and in curvature to the last, so that the body gradually passes from the elliptical form, and be- comes nearly circular. The ribs should possess the proper degree of curvature, so that the sides shall not be flat, and the body narrow. A horse having the body narrow is said to be flat-sided, and has frequently the belly pendent, because the abdominal viscera have not sufficient space laterally. Such a horse never possesses endurance, and rarely good action. The head of the horse should be symmetrical, and rather small than large, a large head not conducing to any pur- poses of active motion, and frequently indicating sluggish- ness of temper, and coarseness in other parts. Yet the mere difference in the size of heads of horses of the same race is not a very important character, and, other points being good, may be disregarded. A certain breadth and height of forehead, however, indicates the horse of high breeding, and may be supposed to be connected with greater sagacity and spirit. The ears should be free from coarseness. The spirit of the animal is judged of by these parts being pointed, and 1 lxxxvi INTRODUCTION. frequently erect. He manifests momentary irritation, or ha- bitual ill temper, by retracting them firmly backwards; but often this is done in play, or when he is tickled in the skin. The ears of certain horses hang habitually down, as if the muscles wanted power to sustain them. Such horses are termed "lob-eared." They are sometimes good and endur- ing; but, for the most part, the character indicates a slug- gish temperament. The eyelids should be thin, and the eyes large, and some- what prominent, as expressive of vigour and spirit. When the eyes are sunk in the sockets, and the surrounding muscles are thick, the horse is said to be "pig-eyed." When the horse is apt to shew much of the white of the eye, his tem- per may be suspected; though, in some cases, the white or sclerotic portion is large in proportion to the coloured or corneous, and then its habitual appearance does not neces- sarily indicate badness of temper, The profile of the face should be nearly straight. When it is concave, there is often a defect of temper; when con- vex, the animal is usually good-tempered, and may possess useful properties. But yet the latter conformation is not of itself to be desired. A horse possessing it is familiarly said to be "Roman-nosed." Many excellent horses possess this character, which is, therefore, to be regarded as trivial, when the other points are good. The nostrils should be expansive, and not thick and nar- row. The horse breathes through the nostrils, and the power of expanding these cavities is connected with his power of filling the lungs with air, and, consequently, with the pro- perty of speed. All horses having the power of rapid motion have expanded nostrils; and there is, perhaps, no example of narrow nostrils in combination with the property of rapid progression. The lips should be thin, and the mouth exter- nally of some depth, characters which render the horse sen- sible to the guidance of the rein; whereas thick, short, and · D lxxxvii coarse lips, indicate a dulness of feeling in the parts, and are only tolerable in the horse employed in labour. The muscles which cover the face should be distinctly marked, and not loaded with integument and fat: The su- perficial bloodvessels should be distinct, and somewhat pro- minent. EXTERNAL FORM. The windpipe should be prominent and large. The bones of the lower jaw should be thin, and the branches between which the windpipe passes should be sufficiently wide; for, otherwise, the horse will be incommoded when reined up, and will be apt, accordingly, to bore upon the hand. The neck should be of medium symmetrical length. A too great length of neck unnecessarily loads the fore-extre- mities, while a too short one renders the horse unapt to the guidance of the rein, incapable of easy flexure of the body, ungraceful, slow, and often unsafe. All horses possessed of much speed have the neck somewhat long; and, comparing the two kinds of conformation, it is better that the neck shall approach to the extreme of length than of shortness. The bones of the neck are covered by powerful muscles connected with the motions of the head and fore-arm. Pro- ceeding from the head, the muscles should progressively in- crease in volume to the breast, where a want of muscular ex- pansion indicates a want of action. The upper part of the neck, formed of the splenius and other muscles, frequently termed the crest, should be sufficiently, but not excessively, developed. Considerable elevation of the crest is connected with high and powerful action; but its excessive expansion has relation to vigour of the fore extremities rather than to speed, and hence, in the race-horse, the crest is' compara- tively thin. But the character is not inconsistent with the power of rapid motion. The Flying Childers, one of the fleetest horses,that ever was upon the English turf, had the crest remarkably large. The neck should be somewhat arched or convex, a charac- - --- * lxxxviii INTRODUCTION. ter depending, in part, upon the obliquity of the shoulder; but when mere speed is regarded, the neck may be straight, or even concave above. The latter conformation forms what is termed the "ewe-neck." It renders the horse unapt to the guidance of the rein, uneasy to the rider, and unsafe; but may exist in the class of horses in which speed alone is sought for. Many excellent race-horses have exhibited this conformation, which is that likewise of the deer and other swift-footed ruminants. The back consists of the dorsal and lumbar vertebræ, with the powerful muscles covering the parts. It commences with the elevated ridge formed by the spinous processes of the first dorsal vertebræ, termed withers, and familiarly known as the part between the pommel of the saddle and the termination of the mane. Elevation of withers is connected with the vigorous movement of the fore-extremities, and is, consequently, indicative of action. All jockeys look to the height of the shoulder, which is indicated by the elevation of the withers, as a point connected with usefulness and safety in the saddle-horse; and dealers, accordingly, usually seek to exaggerate the height of the horse before, by placing him, when he is to be examined, with his fore-feet on the higher ground. Great elevation of the withers, however, is more connected with good action than extreme speed; and in the race-horse it is regarded as a secondary character. A great proportion of the horses distinguished on the turf have the withers of moderate height. In Eclipse, whose form has been minutely scrutinized, the withers were very low; and the same conformation is observed in other species of animals fitted for great speed. But although the power of speed is connected with another class of properties than elevation of the withers, yet the latter character is never to be disregarded, when we look to utility and safety in the saddle-horse. It gives not only grace to the animal, but a sense of ease and security to the rider. When the withers lxxxix are low, the saddle bears upon the shoulder, and the rider neither feels nor possesses that security which the elevated shoulder gives. The horse of this form, however suited for direct progression, is rarely well adapted to quick turnings, and the other movements which we seek to communicate by education. The want of space for the attachment of the muscles of the neck, if compensated at all, must be so by an enlargement of the muscles themselves, which renders the shoulders thick, and what is called "cloddy." Cloddy shoul- ders, indeed, are not inconsistent with good properties in the saddle-horse; but the far greater presumption is, that they will have the effect of rendering him heavy before, unplea- sant to the rider, and unsafe. They are not even absolutely inconsistent with great speed, though their existence is' ad- verse to the expectation of this character. In Eclipse, the shoulder was cloddy in a remarkable degree, but this proves only that one defect may be counterbalanced by great excel- lencies, as was the case in this remarkable horse, whose obli- quity of shoulder, and vast expansion of the posterior extre- mities, were sufficient to produce his surpassing powers of progression, without our being allowed to infer that those powers would have been less, had the spinous processes been increased, and the muscular substance attached to them di- minished. EXTERNAL FORM. The dorsal and lumbar vertebræ, with the muscles cover- ing them, form the back. Debates have sometimes taken place regarding the proper length of this part. But the pro- portion of this, as of other parts of the frame, is not subject to any definite rule. A short back, like a short rod, is more strong than one of the same substance which is extended in length. A short back, in the horse, indicates strength and capability of bearing the burden of the rider. Further, it indicates hardiness of constitution, the power of supporting fatigue, and the property of subsisting on a small quantity of food. When we seek, then, for a horse, as the road-horse J 2 : 1. 1. xc INTRODUCTION. and hackney, in which strength and endurance of long fatigue are regarded as essential properties, a short back, like short limbs, indicates that the animal is suited to our purposes. But a horse whose back is short, is less easy in its paces, shorter in its step, and slower in its motions, than one which has a longer back; and when we regard speed, a certain length of back is necessary to suit the longer stride which rapid progression demands. The property of shortness of back, therefore, is disregarded in the race-horse; but we may say that a medium length of back, tending to the short, is to be desired in horses where a reasonable degree of speed is to be combined with strength, that is, in all ordinary horses employed for the saddle, not excepting the hunter, and even, though in a less degree, in the horse employed in the lighter vehicles in harness. In a horse whose back is short, the last of the ribs is brought nearer to the pelvis. Such a horse is said to be "well-ribbed home," and this point is looked to by jockeys, as characteristic of hardiness and good constitution. The back of the horse sometimes declines considerably from the withers, forming a concavity or hollow. This form produces easy motion of the rider, but it is not consistent with strength and the best position of the parts in other re- spects. Even when we look for a certain length of back, as in the horse designed for rapid motion, we should see that it is straight as an indication of strength. In certain cases, the back is convex, and not hollow. A horse thus formed is said to be "roach-backed;" but when this conformation exists, the horse is uneasy in all its motions, awkward in his paces, slow, and unapt to turn, and bend himself to the move- ments which we seek to communicate by training. The lumbar portion of the back should be broad, which is the result of the lateral extension of the transverse pro- cesses of the lumbar vertebræ. This conformation indicates, in all cases, strength, is not inconsistent with speed, but con- +4 EXTERNAL FORM. xci ducive to it, and therefore is to be desired in horses of every kind. One may see well the advantages of this form from the coach-box of our heavily-loaded public vehicles, where animals of different conformation are yoked together. While the narrow-loined horses will be seen to be suffering from the combined effects of the rapid pace and heavy load, the broad-loined horses will be observed performing their task with comparative facility. With the sacrum commences the part of the horse termed the haunch or quarter, which extends from the sacrum back- wards to the tail, and downwards so far as the larger muscles extend. The upper line of the haunch formed by the sacrum, and part of the caudal vertebræ, is usually termed the croup. The croup has a natural convexity, forming a kind of arch. In certain horses, the croup is much elevated. But this con- formation is not to be desired: it is a usual accompaniment of the hollow back, and is less favourable to speed than if the parts were extended in length rather than in curvature. In other cases, in place of an elevation, the croup suddenly declines to the tail. This conformation is ungraceful, inju- rious to the breeding-mare by diminishing the size of the pelvis, and less favourable to progression than a horizontal extension of the part. In the highly-bred horse, the croup is so gently curved as to appear nearly straight; and this is the form which may be regarded as the most symmetrical and perfect. In the larger horses employed for labour, the croup is never so straight as in the horses of superior breed- ing; but even in them, it is desirable to see an approach to the more perfect conformation. The main indications of the power of progression in the horse, as in all swift-footed quadrupeds, are afforded by the posterior extremities, which contain the bones, whose exten- sion backwards, when the foot is placed on the ground, forces the animal forward. We look, therefore, as an essential character in horses of every kind, to the expansion in every direction of the haunch or quarter, understanding by these xcii terms the bones of the pelvis and femur, together with the muscles which cover or are attached to them. INTRODUCTION. The upper or iliac portion of the pelvis, commonly termed the haunch-bone, projects more or less outward. To this part large muscles are attached, subservient to the move- ments of the posterior limbs. The haunch-bone should, therefore, be relatively large, and even an apparent coarse- ness of it may be tolerated. A horse in which the projection is so great as to appear unsymmetrical, is said to be "ragged in the hips." It is not, however, to be desired that the part shall be ragged, as it is called, but simply that the width of the haunch, measured over the iliac protuberances of the pelvis, shall be large, as indicating the lateral expansion of the haunch. The pelvis and femur form an angle with one another, and by the forcible extension of the latter backwards by the action of the muscles, the main spring is given by which the body of the animal is urged forward. Hence will appear the advantage of an increased length of the femur, by which the means are afforded of giving a large sweep or spring, when it is extended by the action of the muscles. Further, the length of the femur is indicated externally by the length of the haunch, measured from the haunch-bone backwards; and hence it is, that length of haunch in this direction is charac- teristic of the power of progression of the horse. Further, as the movements of the posterior limbs must be performed by muscles of great power, we desire that the muscles of the haunch shall be of sufficient volume. This, too, is indicated to the eye by the expansion of the haunch in its different directions. In the English race-horse, the character of a large quarter is developed in a greater degree than in any other known race of horses. And not in the horse only, but in all swift- footed quadrupeds, the power of rapid motion has an inti- mate relation with the expansion of the posterior extremity. In the greyhound, which is the fleetest of all the races of EXTERNAL FORM. cxiii dogs, the haunch is large and high, as compared with the shoulder. The same character is seen in the deer and ante- lope tribes; and yet more in the hare, an animal whose swiftness far surpasses that of the horse, the greyhound, or the antelope, when the relative size of the animals is taken into account. Important points in the conformation of the horse are the form of the limbs, and their disposition with relation to the parts with which they are connected. The humerus, it has been seen, works into a shallow cavity in the scapula; and, moving forward on this point as a pivot it describes an arc of a circle, so that the limb is raised above the ground. To admit of this action being performed with the required facility, the scapula should have considerable obliquity, rendering the shoulder what is termed oblique. Further, the humerus should be relatively short, because its function being to move in a circle, the same arc will be de- scribed by a smaller radius as by a larger, and this with less displacement of the parts. Further, when the humerus is too long, the breast is placed too far in front of the fore- limbs, and thus the horse is rendered heavy before. The next bones of the limb, forming the bones of the fore- arm, should be somewhat long relatively to the cannon bone below, for the fore-arm being muscular, while the parts lower down are tendinous, its length increases the volume, and, consequently, the power of the muscles subservient to the movements of the limb. Further, the muscles of the fore- arm should be well developed down to the carpus or knee. The elbow or ulnar part of the fore-arm should be long, so as to be adapted to its function of moving the arm, which it does in the manner of a lever. A good size of the elbow is, accordingly, regarded by jockeys as one of the points con- nected with action in the horse. The bones of the carpus or knee should be sufficiently large for the attachment of muscles, so that the knee shall appear broad when seen from the front. A <+ 1 xciv INTRODUCTION. The cannon bone must be of sufficient strength, but its thickness will vary with race, being greater in the breeds of larger horses than the more delicate and higher bred, whose bones are more dense than those of horses of inferior breeding. When viewed from the side, the limb should appear compara- tively broad in any kind of horses, indicating the size of the sesamoid bones behind, and the sufficiency of space for the tendons and ligaments connected with the pastern and foot. The pastern, formed of the upper and lower pastern bones, should be more oblique and long in proportion as the animal is destined for more rapid movements. In the race-horse they are peculiarly long and oblique, affording a more yield- ing spring to the animal when at speed. But a medium length and inclination only is suited to the horse in which strength is to be combined with ordinary powers of speed, as in the saddle-horse and lighter carriage-horse. When the parts are too short and upright, the animal becomes unsafe for the saddle, and unsuited for the exercise of even common speed; and it is only in the horse employed in slow and heavy labour that a short and upright pastern is an admis- sible character. The hoof should be well formed, and of symmetrical size. Its colour will depend upon that of the integument, but it is better that it be dark in colour than light. On the suitable conformation of the shoulder and fore- limbs depends the property of what is termed action, which consists in a ready elevation and flexure of the fore extremi- ties. This property is less regarded in the race-horse, in which it is only required to the degree that the horse shall have the power to clear the level surface over which his powers of speed are exercised; but in all the classes of horses which undergo continued fatigue, and bear the burden of a rider, good action is an essential property. In the hinder limbs, which are designed essentially for progression, is the femur, which, for the reasons before given, should be relatively long. The tibia or leg proper 3 · î EXTERNAL FORM. XCV should, for the same reasons, be long with relation to the part below the hock, and the muscles which cover it should be well developed. The patella or stifle bone should be of good size. The hock should be large, indicating an adequate extent of surface in the bones which compose it. When seen from the side it should appear to the eye broad, and the os calcis, or great bone of the heel, should be long, to adapt it to its function of a lever in extending the limb backwards. To the cannon bone, the pastern, and the foot, the same re- marks apply as to those of the fore-extremities. The aspect of horses must greatly vary with size, and the conformation acquired either naturally or by artificial breed- ing. Whatever be the race, those characters should be cul- tivated in the individual which adapt them to the uses to which they are especially destined, whether for the course, the chase, the ordinary uses of the horseman, or the duties of heavier labour. The following figures will exhibit the contrast between animals destined for different uses, yet each exhibiting the characters proper to its own condition. The one is an outline of a race-horse, Charles XII., the other of a dray-horse of the old English Black Breed:- Fig. 8. { * 1 4 3 xcvi INTRODUCTION. Fig. 9. In the case of the Horse, we have considered the proper- ties of external form, which we seek to communicate to an animal whose physical powers we call forth for particular ends. But other kinds of animals are destined for other uses, and each has a conformation proper to itself, and in them we endeavour to produce a class of characters depen- dent upon their own nature and our purposes in rearing them. Amongst these animals, the Ox, the Sheep, the Goat, and the Hog, are domesticated chiefly for the purpose of pro- ducing human food and clothing, but, above all, for the pro- duction of food, either the flesh of the animals themselves, or the milk of the females, produced for the nourishment of their young. The characters indicative of the faculties best suited for these different purposes differ in the different species. But there are certain characters common to all of them, which indicate in a greater or less degree their adap- tation to the production of flesh or muscle, which, along with the fatty secretion, constitutes food. The muscular tissue or flesh consists of a series of fine tubular fibres or threads. These fibres united form fasciculi, 7 xcvii or bundles of fibres, which, again, being united, form larger fasciculi. These fibres and fasciculi are separated by a fine intervening tissue of cells, in which is secreted the oily sub- stance, fat. This latter substance is intermingled with the muscular or fleshy tissue, and is found in large quantity be- neath the skin and in the muscular tissue connected with it, and surrounds, or is intermingled with, the various viscera within the body, as the intestines, the heart, the kidneys, and other organs. It affords nourishment to the system, is ex- hausted when the animal is deprived of food, and increases largely in quantity when abundant sustenance is supplied. The muscular tissue or flesh grows with the animal, and is essential to its existence and power of motion. When it arrives at its full growth, little further addition can be made to it by means of food. But it is otherwise with the fatty matter which surrounds and is intermingled with its sub- stance. When the food which the animal assimilates by the action of its organs is no longer needed to form muscle and bone, it produces fat; the muscles become enlarged, and the integuments extended, and the accumulation of fat takes place in great quantity within the trunk. By merely feeding an ani- mal, we may not have the power of increasing its muscular substance, but we have a great power over the increase of the fatty matter, which, along with the fleshy fibre, forms food. Now, a certain set of characters indicates in all the ani- mals enumerated the property of arriving speedily at ma- turity of bone and muscle, and of readily secreting fat. As the property of quickly assimilating nourishment depends on the action of the digestive and respiratory organs, so it has been inferred that a large chest for containing the organs of respiration, and a capacious trunk for containing the stomach and other viscera employed in digestion, are connected with the property of easy digestion and assimilation. But what- ever be the causes assigned, experience shews that, in every case of a healthy animal, the property of fattening quickly is combined with a capacious body. Further, as an indica- tion of the property of secreting fat, we find an absence of EXTERNAL FORM. ' • : · 4 9 xcviii INTRODUCTION. thickness or coarseness, as it is termed, of the bones of the extremities, as of the head, limbs, and caudal vertebræ or tail. A thick and large head, massy limbs below the hock and knee, and a thick tail, may indicate strength and large muscles; but they do not manifest that peculiar delicacy of form which experience shews to exist in an animal that can be fattened with facility. Besides those indications of a tendency to fatten readily, which are exhibited by the conformation of the animal, there is one of essential importance indicated by the touch. The skin is found to be soft, and, as it were, expansive. This property differs from mere thinness of the integuments, which, as in- dicative of want of hardiness, would be regarded as a defect. It is a softness combined with elasticity, conveying the idea of a fine membrane spread over a soft cushion. The differ- ence between the mellow feel, as it has been termed, of an animal which fattens readily, and the hard inexpansive skin of an animal which does not possess this property, is readily discriminated. These characters, the broad chest and expanded trunk, the fineness of the bones of the extremities, and the soft ex- pansive integuments,-have been found indications of the property of secreting the fatty tissue in all the animals which we domesticate. They extend to the horse, the rabbit, the domesticated fowls, and even to the dog, nay, it is believed,, to the human species. In the most numerous kennel of hounds, we should have little difficulty in pointing out, by means of the wide chests, the round bodies, and soft skins, all the individuals which became the most quickly fattened by the food consumed by them. The Horse may, for the uses for which we design him, be too much loaded with muscle and fat. This can never be to the degree of being defects in the animals which we rear for the production of these substances. The greater the volume of muscular and fatty substance which such an animal bears, and the larger the space which his body occupies in proportion to his limbs, the more adapted is his form to the uses to which xcix he is to be applied. In all cases, then, of animals to be fat- tened, we desire that the trunk shall be large in proportion to the limbs, or, in other words, that the limbs shall be short in proportion to the trunk. In the Horse, we cultivate the characters of form which in- dicate the power of active movements of the body. In ani- mals which we design to rear up to the earliest possible ma- turity of muscle and fatness, we desire no other power of active motion than consists with the means of procuring their own food; and when the state in which we keep them is per- fectly artificial, so that food is supplied to them in unlimited quantity, we cultivate characters entirely the opposite of those which indicate activity. EXTERNAL FORM. Of the animals reared in this manner for human food, the Ox is one whose form has, in this country, been brought to great perfection with relation to his power of arriving at early maturity, and becoming soon fat. The Ox differs essentially from the Horse in his internal conformation and exterior form. Being of the class of Ru- minants, his body is largely extended in the abdominal re- gion, and the form and capacity of his chest are modified in a corresponding degree. While the Horse stands within a square, of which his body occupies about one-half, the Ox stands within a rectangle, of which his body occupies a larger proportion than the half, as in the following figure, which is the outline of a Galloway Heifer. Fig. 10. } 1 + } M C The teeth of the ox consist only of two kinds, namely, the sharp-edged, or incisors, which perform the office of cutting the substances presented to them, in the manner of shears or chisels, and the molar teeth, which are situated farther back in the jaw, and are designed for grinding or bruising. In the ox, there are 8 incisors in the lower jaw, and none opposite in the upper. In place of incisors in the upper jaw, there is a kind of cartilaginous pad, against which the incisor teeth press in the act of dividing the food; and it is by means of the incisors and this pad, that the ox partly cuts and partly tears the herbage plants on the ground. He has 8 incisors, then, in the lower jaw, and 6 molars in the upper jaw, and 6 in the lower, on each side, in all 32 teeth, disposed thus: INTRODUCTION. Molar. 6 6 The Ox, like most of the ruminating tribes, is furnished with horns, which are the weapons of defence given to him. In certain cases, under the influence of domestication, the horns disappear, yet even then the animal instinctively strikes with his forehead, which, in the absence of horns, is strength- ened by a greater expansion of the frontal bones. In other cases, the horns become short and lose their sharpness, or even assume a direction which unfits them for inflicting wounds, as in the following figure of a Bull of the Long- horned Dishley Breed. Upper jaw, Under jaw, PYTHINGLESIA ► Canine. 0 0 Fig. 11. Incisors. 0 8 Canine. 0 0 AP Molar. 6 Calg 6 ci The Ox possesses 7 cervical, 13 dorsal, 6 lumbar, and 5 sacral vertebræ united into one piece, with a varying number of vertebræ of the tail. EXTERNAL FORM. Proceeding at first horizontally from the spine, the ribs bend downward somewhat vertically, so that the back is broad. The ribs are very broad, and as they proceed back- ward, each projects more outward than the anterior one, so that at the abdomen the trunk is very large. As compared with the horse, the scapula is less oblique, and, with the humerus, forms a more upright shoulder; the vertebræ of the loins and back are of greater size, the transverse processes are larger and stronger, the sternum is broader, presenting a larger surface to support the more extended chest of the animal, and for the attachment exteriorly of that mass, partly muscular and partly cartilaginous, which is termed the brisket, and which, in these animals, when largely fed, be- comes sometimes of great dimensions, almost reaching to the ground. The bones of the limbs are analogous to those of the horse, but at the fetlock-joint divide into two sets, so that in each limb there are two pastern, two coronet, and two coffin bones. The hoofs are thus said to be cleft, and each division has its own defence of horn. —, The muscular system of the ox is very large, covering in great mass the breast, the shoulder, the back, the haunch, the sides. The blood-vessels are of great size, the quantity of blood is large, and the circulation, as compared with many other quadrupeds, slow. The integuments consist of a thick skin covered with hair. As the natural conformation of the Ox differs greatly from that of the Horse, so there is an equal divergence in those characters of form, which we endeavour to communicate to him for the purpose of suiting him to our purposes. In the horse we require the exertion of physical force for the carry- ing of loads, for the drawing of weights, or for rapid motion. These purposes may be sought for in the ox intended for labour; but generally our purpose in rearing the ox is the L cii INTRODUCTION. production of human food, either the flesh of either sex, or the milk of the female for the products of the dairy. For the former of these purposes, namely, the production of the muscular or fatty tissue, we require in the Ox, as in all the other animals cultivated for the same productions, that the chest shall be wide and deep, and the trunk capacious, that the body shall be large in proportion to the limbs, or, in other words, that the limbs shall be short with relation to the bulk of the body, and that the bones shall be what is called fine, as indicated by the delicacy of the extremities. The head should be somewhat small, and rather elongated than short and thick. But in the bull, the forehead is na- turally more broad than in the female. When the head of the bull approaches to the narrow and elongated form of that of the female, he may be docile, and apt to fatten readily, but he will have lost too much of his masculine character, and may give birth to too delicate a progeny. Even in the refinement of breeding, therefore, we should desire to see the bull possess so much of the masculine characters as to com- municate a sufficient degree of strength and hardihood to his descendants. On the other hand, should the head of the female approach too much to the masculine character of the bull, we shall have reason to infer from experience, that she will be deficient in the faculty of yielding milk. The chan- nel of the lower jaw should be wide, and the eyes, as indica- tive of health, prominent and clear. S The bony ridge on the summit of the head, from which the horns proceed, should be somewhat raised, so that the horns shall appear to be slightly attached to the head. The length and size of the horns vary with temperament and race, and in certain breeds they do not exist. But, cæteris paribus, it is to be desired that the horns shall be delicate rather than coarse and thick; great thickness and coarseness of horn being usually connected with coarseness of the cuticular system. The neck, in the natural state, must be of such length that EXTERNAL FORM. ciii the animal can reach the ground, and collect his food; but if the limbs be short, so will the neck be in proportion to the size of the trunk; and hence shortness of neck, with relation to the size of the body, is one of the points of character re- garded in the Ox. But an undue shortness of neck, like all deviations from the natural form, may likewise indicate dimi- nution of strength and hardiness. By refinement in breed- ing, and by giving the animal his food from the birth in stalls and mangers, his neck may become so short as to render him unable to reach the ground, and collect his natural suste- nance. A capacious trunk being connected with the property of fattening, the ribs should be widely arched, rising almost horizontally from the spine, and then bending downwards with a sweep, producing a wide and flat back, and likewise round sides, as far as the natural form of the animal will allow. This is an important character in the Ox, in which narrowness of back, and too great flatness of sides, scarcely ever consist with the property of fattening quickly. In the Horse, we have seen, this conformation indicates weakness, and in a no less degree it indicates, in the Ox, the want of that vigour which is connected with the power to fatten. In the Horse designed for active motion, we required that the chest, at its commencement, should not be too wide, so as to place the fore-limbs too far asunder, and that the breast should not extend too much in front of the fore-limbs, so as to render the animal heavy before. In the Ox, none of these characters can exist to the degree of being injurious. We require that the breast shall be wide and well extended for- ward, and that the fore-limbs shall be far asunder. The shoulders should be broad at the top, and well covered with muscle. The spines of the back and loins should be so enveloped in muscle as to cause the back to appear nearly straight from the neck backwards. The back and loins should be somewhat long; for although a short and compact body indicates greater robustness and tendency to fatten, yet M ·- civ. length of body increases the space for muscles, and conse- quently the weight of the animal. Breeders, therefore, look to length of trunk as connected with economical value; yet if this character be not combined with others which are good, as depth and roundness of trunk, and strength and breadth of back and loins, there will be more of loss by the dimi- nished tendency to fatten, than of gain by the larger extent of muscular surface. INTRODUCTION. The size of the haunch of the ox is not connected with the property of fattening; but it is connected, in an important degree, with the weight and economical value of the animal. The haunch commences with the iliac portion of the pelvis, or haunch-bone, commonly called, in the case of this animal, the hook-bone or huckle-bone. These protuberances should appear as if nearly on a level with the back, and they should be distant from one another, indicating breadth over the loins. The upper line of the haunch should be long and straight to the bending downwards of the tail. The femur and tibia should be long, so that the size of the haunch shall be increased, and a larger space afforded for muscular substance. By enlarging the haunch in all its directions, the weight of the animal is increased, and this in a manner which does not, as in the case of extending the back alone, tend to pro- duce weakness. Corresponding with the width of the trunk, the fore and hinder limbs respectively will be far apart; and this, accord- ingly, is a point of form looked to by breeders as indicative of that lateral expansion of the body, which is sought for in the Ox, as in every animal to be fattened. The limbs, it has been seen, should be relatively short; but the fore-arm to the knee should be long in proportion to the part from the knee to the hoof; and, in like manner, in the posterior limbs, the leg to the hock should be long in proportion to the part below the hock. This character is desired in the Ox, 1st, because the parts above the knee and hock, respectively, contain muscle, while those below consist almost entirely of tendon; 2dly, - EXTERNAL FORM. CV because the character indicates that delicacy of the extremi- ties which experience shews to consist with the property of fattening quickly. The Ox, when viewed in profile, should exhibit a square and massive form, filling the greater part of the rectangle in which he is contained. When viewed from behind, he should present the same square and massive aspect; and the muscles on the inner side of the tibia, forming what is technically termed the twist, should be largely developed. The large flat muscles which surround the abdomen should be of suffi- cient strength to keep the belly from hanging. Generally, the muscular parts should appear to pass without abruptness from the one to the other. Thus, the muscles of the neck should gradually expand into those of the breast, and these again into the shoulders, while the muscles of the shoulders should pass into those behind, so as to leave little hollow- ness; and the flanks before the stifle-bone should be well filled up.* * The following are the popular characters usually given as indicative of the property of fattening, and the suitable form, in the Ox; from which it will be seen, that the results of observation and experience accord with those which may be derived from an examination of the functions and structure of the parts. 1. The head shall be fine, somewhat long, and diminishing to the muzzle, which shall be thin. 2. The horns shall be fine, and placed on the summit of the head; the eyes shall be prominent and clear. 3. The neck shall be free from coarseness, large where it joins the shoulder and breast, and diminishing to the head. 4. The breast shall be wide, and project well in front of the fore-limbs. 5. The shoulder shall be broad, but join without abruptness to the neck be- fore, and to the chine behind. 6. The back and loins shall be straight, wide, and flat. 7. The girth behind the shoulders shall be large, and the ribs well arched. 8. The hook-bones shall be far apart and nearly on a level with the back- bone; and from the hook-bone to the bending down of the tail, the quarter shall be long, broad, and straight. 9. The tail shall be broad at the upper part, and small and progressively diminishing towards the extremity. 10. The legs shall be short, fleshy to the knee and hock, and below the joints flat and thin, and the hoofs shall be small. 11. The skin shall be soft to the touch, the belly shall not hang down, there shall be little hollowness behind the shoulders, and the flanks shall be well filled up. + I : cvi INTRODUCTION. These are the principal characters which indicate, in the Ox, the property of adding to the fatty matter of the body, and, consequently, of becoming sooner fitted for human food. Those which indicate, in the female, the faculty of yielding much milk, differ in certain respects. The extreme broad- ness of chest, so important in the case of the fattening animal, is not required in the case of the milch cow, although there is nothing inconsistent between this conformation and the power of yielding much milk. But the points essential to the milch cow are rather connected with the hinder than with the anterior extremities. The loins should be wide, and the trunk deep from the loins to the mammæ. This form exist- ing, the more the cow possesses of the other characters, the better is she fitted to combine the property of yielding milk with that of fattening. In a cow designed for breeding ani- mals to be fattened, the milching property is only secondary, yet a cow will produce the better calves that she is wide and deep in the lumbar region. A purely dairy cow should have a soft skin, clear eyes, and a narrow and elongated head; the udder should be of good size, but have sufficient muscular power to prevent its being flaccid. The superficial veins near the udder should be well marked, but especially the large vein which runs along the lower side of the belly on each side, termed the subcutaneous abdominal vein. This last is popularly called the milk-vein, although it is not directly connected with the mammary organs. The follow- ing is an outline of a Dairy Cow of the Ayrshire Breed. Fig. 12. 1 EXTERNAL FORM. cvii The skin of the ox, it has been said, should be soft to the touch, but not thin; it should likewise be unctuous, and well covered with soft hair. By refinement in breeding, and espe- cially by breeding from animals near of blood, the hair be- comes short and scanty; but when this is so, we are reminded that we are deviating from the natural characters in a point connected with hardiness of constitution. The colour of the hair depends upon causes which we have not yet been able to trace. In this country, certain races tend to the black colour, while others are never found but of the lighter. The Short-Horned and Hereford breeds are never found but red or white, while the Long-horned, like the cattle of the moun- tains, are often black. It does not appear that the colour of the hair is of very great moment with regard to the hardi- ness of the animal, though, in cases of high breeding, as in the Short-horned variety, the white colour seems to be a con- sequence of constitutional deviation from the natural state. The muzzle, in certain breeds, is light or flesh-coloured, and in others black; and this character frequently affords an indica- tion of the purity of an animal, or, in other words, its free- dom from intermixture of blood with other races. The Sheep differs greatly from the Ox in size and form; but there are certain characters common to both, which in- dicate their adaptation to the same uses. In the Sheep, the cranium is relatively larger than in the Ox, the pieces are more closely united, and the frontal bones forming the fore- head comparatively more thick, as if to fit the animal for that method of attack which is natural to him; but generally the bones of the sheep are of a greatly less dense consistence than those of the ox. The Sheep has usually horns, which are rough, angular, and tending to the spiral, but under the effects of domestication, the horns frequently disappear in one or both sexes; and the largest and most highly culti- vated races of this country are destitute of horns. The or- bits of the sheep are large, and the eyes correspond in size and prominence with this conformation. < The Sheep, like the Ox, is furnished with a cartilaginous 7 ! : : C C ! A cviii pad in the upper jaw, on which the incisor teeth of the lower press. His incisors have a certain power of motion, so that the animal can suit them to sinuosities of the surface when pasturing; and his upper lip being partially cleft, he has the power of placing his mouth close to the ground, so that he can crop the shortest herbage. He has 8 incisor teeth in the lower jaw, and 6 molars on each side of both jaws, so that the disposition of his teeth may be represented, precisely as in the case of the ox, thus : Upper jaw, Under jaw, INTRODUCTION. Molar. 6 6 Canine. Incisor. 0 0 0 WE ARE AN IN اد 8 MIRA Canine. 0 0 The Sheep has 7 vertebræ of the neck, 13 of the back, 6 of the loins. The sacrum terminates in the caudal vertebræ, which vary in number to 21. The sternum is thin, and has attached to it the projection, partly cartilaginous and partly muscular, termed the brisket. The integuments of the sheep are thick and dense, covered partly with hair and partly with wool, kept soft by an oily secretion from the skin. In the wilder races the hair is largely mixed with the wool; under artificial treatment, the hair diminishes in quantity, and at length is confined to the face and legs, all the rest of the fleece being woolly. The filaments of the wool possess more or less tenuity, softness, and length. Molar. 6 6 The following figure is an outline of a ram of the New Leicester breed, divested of his wool. Fig. 13. 1 * EXTERNAL FORM. 1 cix The Sheep may be cultivated chiefly for the production of human food, or chiefly for wool for clothing. In this country the Sheep is chiefly cultivated for the former of these pur- poses; and the same general characters which indicate the facility of fattening readily in the Ox, indicate it in the Sheep. But in producing those characters in the Sheep, there is a class of considerations to which we must pay regard even more than in the case of the Ox, namely, those which relate to health, and the conditions under which the animal is to subsist. The Sheep is subject to a multitude of dangerous maladies; and great losses, extending to the destruction of whole flocks, may result from increasing his fattening properties, at the expense of robustness and general health. In certain cases he is maintained in an artifical state in a country of enclosures, but in others he is compelled to submit to the inclemency of all weathers, and to travel to great distances over the steril mountains, heaths, and downs, which afford him herbage. The same delicacy of form which might adapt him to one condition of external agents might unfit him for another; and even under the most favourable circumstances, his deli- cacy of form and fattening properties may be increased at the expense of others not less necessary to be taken into the account. The Sheep, like the Ox, may be said to stand within a rect- angle ; and the more of the rectangular space his body occu- pies in proportion to his limbs, the better is he fitted for producing a large quantity of muscle and fat in propor- tion to his dimensions. When we look, therefore, for this property alone, we say that in the Sheep, as in the Ox, the body should be large in proportion to the limbs, or, in other words, that the limbs should be short in proportion to the body. The head should be relatively small, as indicating that delicacy of the extremities which denotes an animal that readily assimilates his food. The face should be covered with short hair, the channel of the jaws should be wide, the I I # CX INTRODUCTION. external ears should be thin, the eyes prominent and clear, the neck should be short and well covered with muscles, which should expand quickly from the points of attachment at the cranium and jaws towards the breast and shoulder. A thinness of the neck, although not inconsistent with the property of fattening, usually indicates a deficiency of muscle on the breast and shoulder, and, generally, a want of vigour in the animal. The neck should be slightly arched; but in certain races it is nearly level with the back. From the neck to the pel- vis the upper line of the back should be straight, and nearly so from the loins to the bending downward of the tail. The back should be of medium length, and the distance between the last rib and the pelvis relatively short. Breeders, in- deed, desire a long sheep; but the character of length, de- rived from extension of the dorsal and lumbar parts, does not indicate vigour or disposition to fatten, but merely a larger extent of muscular substance. But the haunch should always be long from the haunch-bones backward,-this con- formation never indicating the weakness which may result from a too great extension in length of the back and loins. The upper line of the haunch, it has been said, should be long and straight from the haunch-bones backward. When it droops considerably, as in the less cultivated breeds, the conformation is regarded as defective. Further, the whole haunch or quarter should be broad and deep, corresponding to the depth of trunk, and the muscles should be largely de- veloped in the inside of the tibia, forming what is popularly called the twist. The ribs should be very curved, proceeding at first hori- zontally from the spine, from which conformation it will re- sult that the back will be broad as well as straight. In cer- tain highly cultivated breeds, the horizontal expansion of the ribs is so great that often it seems to the eye as if the body were more broad than deep. The transverse processes of the lumbar region should, in an especial degree, be large, } EXTERNAL FORM. cxi indicating broad loins, a character denoting, in the case of all animals, strength of back and general hardihood. The haunch-bones should be distant from one another, in- dicating the character, before referred to, of broadness of the haunch; the breast should be wide, largely covered with muscle, and projecting well in front of the fore-limbs. In consequence of the width of the breast, the fore-legs will be distant from one another, and the same character should ex- tend to the posterior limbs, indicating the lateral extension of the body at every part. The limbs should be fleshy down to the knees and hocks, and below these joints, narrow when seen from the front, and flat when seen in profile. There should be a general absence of angular points and hollows, as where the neck joins the shoulder, the shoulder the parts behind, and the loins the haunch. The skin, too, should present that softness to the touch which indicates facility in fattening in all animals known to us. It should be closely covered with wool, extending to the face, which is covered with a short hair, and to the knees and hocks, where the tendinous parts of the muscles begin. The characters which indicate the property of producing wool of different length and fineness have not been so accu- rately determined. It is known merely that different races have the faculty of producing wool different in the length, tenuity, softness, and other properties of the fibre. In gene- ral, the sheep long naturalized in countries of abundant herbage produce long thick wool, while those acclimated in countries yielding the finer herbage plants, produce wool more or less short and fine. But whatever be the conditions under which different kinds of wool are produced, it is known that the property can be transmitted from the parents to the young, in the same manner as other characters acquired. The Hog differs greatly in conformation and habits from the animals that have been described. His face is termi- nated by a cartilaginous disc, endued with great strength and exquisite sensibility, with which he grubs up the roots, 2 WED BUT cxii INTRODUCTION. larvæ, and other food which he finds under ground. His neck is strong and muscular; his limbs in the natural state are short and stout; his skin is very thick, and covered with bristles. He possesses the kind of teeth suited to animals that are omnivorous, and the canines bending upward, be- come in the male formidable weapons. His feet are cloven, and defended by strong hoofs, and he has toes behind which do not reach the ground. The following is an outline of the Wild Boar and Sow, brought from the south of Europe. H Fig. 14. Gang ! F Differing so greatly in conformation as this animal does from those which have been described, yet the same general characters indicate in him, as in all the others, the faculty of readily assimilating his food, and of quickly arriving at that maturity of muscle and fatness, which fits him for the uses for which he is destined; and there is no other animal known to us which so easily receives the characters which we seek to impress upon it, or transmits them more faith- fully to his offspring, The breast should be wide and deep, and the trunk capa- cious. The extremities, namely, the head, the tail, and the lower part of the limbs, should be delicate; and the legs should be short in proportion to the size of the trunk. $ : my EXTERNAL FORM. cxiii The skin should be soft and expansive, and the bristles soft and approaching to the character of hair. The following figures will shew the surprising deviation from the natural form which the animal, under the influence of domestication, exhibits. The first is an outline of the Old English Sow, exhibiting almost all the characters of external form which breeders study to avoid; the second is an outline of a cross between a female of the Siamese race and a native male of a fine breed, shewing the characters which are held to be good, and the consequent tendency to obesity which these characters indicate. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. 1 اروری The physiological effects have been referred to of breeding from animals nearly allied to one another in blood. When carried to the degree of continually reuniting animals of the nearest affinities, as parents with their offspring, and brothers with sisters, the effect, after a time, is manifested in the im- h 1 *** 髯 ​htt ↑ [ J E | E cxiv INTRODUCTION. pairment of the constitution of the animals, and at length in unfitting them for reproducing their own kind. In the practice which has existed in England of forming artificial breeds of sheep and cattle, this class of experiments has been made to the degree of shewing the limits to which it can be carried, under a regard to the safety, and even existence, of the animals. In the original formation of some of the finer artificial breeds of this country, animals were sought for having the characters which it was designed to cultivate. But the breeders, unwilling to mix the blood of inferior races with that of their own improved stocks, con- tinued to breed from them alone, and found, by experience, that the nearer in affinities of blood, and consequently of characters, the parents were, the more their progeny re- sembled them. Hence the extensive system of breeding in-and-in," as it was called, pursued by the earlier breed- ers, as Bakewell, Colling, and others. The effect was very quickly to produce a distinct family, distinguished by the characters communicated to it. But this effect was followed by another which was not contemplated, and could scarcely have been inferred independently of experience. The ani- mals arrived sooner at maturity, and thus became more quickly adapted to the uses for which they were intended,— the supply of human food: so that one of the most import- ant ends of the breeder was attained, the procuring of ani- mals fitted to arrive at early maturity of muscle and fatness, in which respects some of the artificial breeds of England became the finest in the world, and still surpass those of any other country. But the practice was soon discovered to have its limits, and, when carried too far, to produce all the effects on the system which have been referred to. The animals, with their earlier maturity, and increased tendency to obe- sity, became less hardy; their skins became thinner, and the hairy or woolly covering more scanty; their limbs be- came more slender; the males lost so much of the masculine characters as often to be incapable of propagating their race, 66 my ho * EXTERNAL FORM. 3 1 CXV while the power of the females to secrete milk diminished; and both sexes were rendered more subject to diseases, as apoplexy, and inflammation of the digestive and respiratory organs. While, then, it is important to be aware of this mean of communicating certain properties to animals culti- vated for human food, it is no less important to be aware of its tendency to impair that sound health, and constitu- tional hardiness, on which the profit of the breeder may often more depend, than even on an early maturity of the animal system. : COATS OF THIBET. 1. THE GOAT. THOMPSON resses Or the Ruminating Animals, the most varied in their forms, the most beautiful and swift, are the Deer and Ante- lope tribes; the former furnished with solid antlers of bone, which, in all the species but one, are confined to the male, and which fall off after the season of sexual intercourse; the A 2 THE GOAT. -- latter possessed of hollow horns, like those of the Ox, the Sheep, and the Goat, enveloping permanent nuclei of bone proceeding from the forehead. Of the many species of Deer, only one, the Reindeer, an inhabitant of the northern glacial region, has been subjected to true domesticity, although in- dividuals of the other species may be readily tamed to sub- mission and dependence. Of the Antelope tribes, all the species remain in a state of liberty, apparently endowed with instincts which cause them to shun the dangerous vicinage of man. But the Antelopes, wild, timid, and indocile as they seem, are most of them gentle and submissive when reared up under human protection, and might, doubtless, like their congeners, be reduced to domestication: and further, the Antelopes approach by insensible gradations to the forms of those animals which Nature has fashioned to subject them- selves most readily to the physical force and moral influence of our race. At one point they are connected with the mas- sive forms of the Bovine group, and at another they pass into the Goats so nearly, that the line which separates the species scarcely forms a natural boundary. The chief dis- tinction between them and the Goats is in the bony nuclei of the horns, which, in the Antelopes, are hard and solid, in the Goats cellular, and communicating with the frontal sinuses. As the Antelopes pass into the Goats, so the latter pass into the Sheep. The internal organization of both the families is the same; they bear their young for the same period, have a similar sound of the voice, and they breed with one another, giving birth to a progeny partaking of the characters of the parents. Both are covered with a mixture of hair and wool; but in the Goats the true wool rarely predominates over the hair, so as to form the essential covering of the body. The horns of the Goat are more straight and upright than those of the Sheep, though in some varieties of Goats the horns are spirally twisted, and in some varieties of Sheep, as in the short-tailed kinds of northern Europe, the horns are as straight as in the Goat. The Goat has generally bristly HISTORY. 3 hairs on the breast, throat, and lower jaw, forming a distinct beard; but in some Goats these are wanting, and in some of the ruder varieties of Sheep a beard appears, although it is never so fully developed as in the male of Goats. The Goat has a short tail, naked below, and carried more or less up- right; but this character likewise exists in certain races of Sheep, as in those of the Zetland Islands, and generally in the other races of the extreme north of Europe. The skin of the Goat emits a peculiar musky odour, which, so far as is known, does not exist in any race of Sheep; yet there are Goats in the countries of the East which are destitute of the hircine odour. It is said, indeed, that the Sheep is distin- guished from the Goat by the former possessing interdigital glands; but this character is not ascertained to be univer- sal; and it must, therefore, be admitted that all the charac- ters of form employed to discriminate the two groups are technical and trivial. It is chiefly by the general aspect and habitudes of the species that we can separate them into ge- nera. The Goat always approaches more in form and habits to the Antelope tribes than the Sheep, and may be regarded as the connecting link between them. While the Sheep, in the state of domestication, is comparatively submissive and timid, the Goat is restless, bold, and independent, even when most enslaved. He is familiar and capricious, wanders at will from his fellows of the flock, and seeks the craggy sum- mits of the mountains where his native plants are to be found. He boldly faces the enemies that assail him, and manifests a greater confidence in his human protectors than the Sheep. From the earliest period of human societies, this wild and erratic creature seems to have been subjected to the power of man. We read of him as coeval with the Ox and the Sheep in those fair regions of the East where the first dawn of civilization appears through the mists of time. He en- tered into the mythological systems of the first nations, and, by the earlier observers of the heavens, was appointed to be a sign in the Zodiac, with Aries and Taurus, his fellows in the service of man ; although, in ancient Indian delineations of the - * 1 NA 4 THE GOAT. Zodiac, the Antelope, and not the Goat, is used as the sign of Capricorn. The Sacred Writings continually refer to the Goat as forming, along with the Sheep, the Ox, and the Camel, the riches of the patriarchal families. He is one of the ani- mals permitted by the laws of Moses to be used as human food, and he is ordained to be employed in a remarkable re- ligious ceremony. He was cultivated by the Hindoos from the earliest times; and he is figured on the sculptured monu- ments of the Egyptians, in their representations of mystic emblems, religious rites, and rural labours. By the earliest writers of Greece and Rome he is continually referred to as yielding food and raiment; and superstition connected him with the attributes and service of the Gods. He was dedi- cated to Jupiter Conservator, and sacrificed to Apollo, Diana, Bacchus, and the Paphian Venus, and his skin was the Ægis of the Goddess of Wisdom and Arms. His form was one of the attributes of Pan and the Satyrs, indicating the procrea- tive power and rustic plenty. He was domesticated by the Lybians and the nations that stretched along the southern shores of the Mediterranean inland to the mountains of Atlas. He was cultivated by the Dacians, Sarmatians, and other nations stretching from the Euxine into the wilds of Scythia. The Gauls and all the Celtic people of Europe appear to have been possessed of him in the domesticated state, using his hair and skin for garments, and his flesh and milk for food. Up to nearly the present day, the descendants of the pristine Celtæ cultivated the Goat, as one of the most useful of the animals given to them for food. Until a recent period, the Cambro-Britons and the Celtic people of the mountains of North Britain and Ireland, made greater use of the Goat than of the Sheep; and many of their appellations of families, places, mountains, rivers, and natural objects, are derived from the name which it bears in the Celtic tongue. In like manner, the Scandinavian, the German, and other Teutonic nations, who had migrated in the first ages into Europe from the East, were possessed of this gift of Providence, used his spoils for raiment and food, and coupled him with their wild 5 HISTORY. 5 superstitions. In short, the Goat appears to have been domesticated wherever the traces are found of that great Western Family of mankind, which, united by analogies of form, speech, and traditionary legends, appears to have been derived from a common source, and spread from a common centre. But the domesticated Goat was not confined to this division of the human race. It extended, beyond a question, all through the boundless regions of Eastern Asia to the ocean, comprehending tribes and nations, which, however distinct from the western family of the human race in aspect, character, and speech, yet agreed with it in this, that the same domesticated animals ministered to the wants of both. But the insular continent of New Holland never possessed the Goat; for no trace of this, or of any of the ruminating animals which had elsewhere followed the footsteps of man, as instruments of civilization, was found at the discovery of this new world. Neither did it exist in any of the Polyne- sian Islands; and, more strange and incomprehensible still, no vestige either of the domesticated Goat, or of his uni- versal companions in the ancient world, the Sheep, the Ox, and the Horse, was found in the great American Continent, though peopled from end to end. The wild animals of the Caprine group which have been as yet discovered, and described by naturalists, are the fol- lowing: 1. CAPRA IBEX, the Alpine Ibex. 2. CAPRA CAUCASICA, the Caucasian Ibex. 3. CAPRA SIBIRICA, the Siberian Ibex. 4. CAPRA NUBIANA, the Nubian or Abyssinian Ibex. 5. CAPRA ÆGAGRUS, the Ægagrus. 6. CAPRA JEMLAHICA, the Jemlah Goat. 7. CAPRA JAHRAL, the Jahral Goat. The ALPINE IBEX, the Bouquetin of the natives of the Alps, the Stein-bok, or Rock-Goat of the Germans, inhabits the Pyrenees, the Alps of Switzerland, and the Tyrol, and pro- bably other mountainous parts of Europe. He resembles the .: 2: ... : : ļ ! ; 6 THE GOAT. domestic Goat in his external form, but surpasses it in sta- ture. He is protected by a coat of lank hair covering å down of delicate wool, which falls off in the warmer season. The colour of his fur is a grayish dusky brown, fawn-coloured on the belly, and whitish on the inner part of the thighs, the in- side of the ears, and a part of the tail. He has a beard, and a dark brown ridge of bristly hairs extending from the neck to the tail, which is short and naked underneath. He has large black horns, bending backwards, and turning outward towards the points. His hoofs are large, widely cleft, and sharp at the exterior edges, so that he can fix himself se- curely on the points and shelving sides of rocks. This con- formation, joined to his surpassing power of balancing his body, and the great strength of his posterior limbs, enables him to make those amazing bounds from crag to crag, by which he is enabled to traverse the wilderness of rocks which he inhabits. He has been seen to spring up the steep side of a precipice of many feet, nay, striking the sides to give himself a fresh impetus, ascend to the perilous summit as if by a single effort; and, on the other hand, to precipitate himself from an eminence, alighting securely on the verge of the precipice. It is believed by the hunters of the Alps, that, when springing from a great height, he bends his head be- neath his forelegs, so as to break his fall by striking the rock with his horns. It is rather to be believed, that his power of thus precipitating himself is due to his nice power of balanc- ing his weight, and the conformation of the horny covering of his feet. The female resembles the male, but her horns are shorter, more slender, and less curved. She has two mammæ, forming an udder. She goes with young somewhat more than twenty weeks, and produces one, or often two, at a birth. She receives the male about the end of October, so that the kids may be born when the new shoots and leaves of the vernal season appear. When about to give birth to her young, she seeks some lonely place where she may be safe from surprise, usually near some rivulet or spring, pro- ceeding from the glaciers and mountains of snow which sur- 7 round her. The kids, when born, are covered with a short gray fur of hair and wool; their limbs are stout, and their bodies light and buoyant; and in a few hours they are able to follow the dam, who vigilantly guards them from the at- tacks of eagles and other beasts of prey. These wild and powerful Goats are gregarious, and found in small flocks; but individuals separate from the herd, and form their solitary lairs, like the stag and other deer. At the rutting season, desperate conflicts take place for the pos- session of the females, the stronger expelling the weaker, and thus fulfilling a natural provision for preserving the proper- ties of the race, by giving the privilege of propagating it to the most vigorous. They inhabit the highest part of the mountains, near the line of perpetual congelation and the limits of vegetable life, and beyond the range of the wildest of the Antelopes. They feed on the herbaceous willows, the juniper, the crowberry, and other plants of the higher moun- tains. In winter they descend to the lower slopes of the hills, but never venture into the plains and woods of the level country. They have the senses of sight, smell, and hearing, in exquisite perfection. Perched on the loftiest peaks, in the region of clouds and mist, they watch the mo- tions of their enemies, and on their approach give signal of danger to their comrades by a shrill whistle, when all betake themselves to the neighbouring mountains of rock and ever- lasting ice, where human foot cannot follow them. Yet they are made the subject of the chase by the hardy hunters of the Chamois Antelope, who steal upon them in their lonely lairs, or bring them down by the fatal ball from the distant preci- pice. When brought to bay, it is said they have been known to precipitate themselves upon their pursuers, and hurl them down a precipice. Incessant persecution has thinned their numbers; so that, in the mountains of Europe, where they once abounded, they are now scarcely to be found. This creature, so powerful, vigilant, and wild, is yet formed to submit himself to human control. When the kids are HISTORY. K + • Co THE GOAT. taken young, they are tamed with facility, and adopt the habits of the domesticated flock. They breed with the tame race, when kept together; and it is an old opinion of the shepherds of the Pyrenees and Alps, that Bouquetins some- times come down from the higher mountains and mingle with the females of the flock. The offspring of these supposed unions are said to be larger and more robust than the com- mon Goats, and are selected by the shepherds to be leaders of the flock. The CAUCASIAN IBEX, inhabiting the mountains of Taurus and the Caucasus, so nearly resembles the Alpine Ibex, in habits, colour, and form, that there seems to be no sufficient reason for regarding it as specifically distinct. The princi- pal divergence is in the horns; but how greatly the horns of the ruminating tribes vary with age and place, is known in other cases; and it is altogether probable, that the Ibex of the Caucasus is no other than the Ibex of the Alps of Eu- rope: and the same remark applies to the Ibex of the Ura- lian mountains, termed Siberian. If future observation shall shew that these species are identical, then the Ibex must be characterized as having a surprising range of country. He is an inhabitant of most of the great mountain ranges of Asia and Europe, stretching from the Pyrenees to the Caucasus, and thence, it may be believed, eastward to the snowy heights of central Asia, and northward, by the Uralian and other mountain chains, to Siberia and the Sea of Okotsk. But Africa, where the forms of animal life present them- selves under a new aspect, possesses likewise its mountain Goats. The NUBIAN or ABYSSINIAN IBEX, has been found at the eastern termination of that prodigious chain of moun- tains, which, more or less continuously, seems to intersect the continent from east to west. It is believed, but upon doubtful grounds, that the same species is found in the moun- tains of Arabia. The Abyssinian Ibex is described as being larger than the Ibex of Europe; as having little beard, but a ridge of long hairs on the throat and sternum, and a dark a 1.4 HISTORY. 9 line on the anterior part of the legs and along the back; and as having very large horns bent in a half circle.* The ÆGAGRUS, Capra Ægagrus of Pallas, inhabits the mountain chains of Western Asia, from the Caucasus east- ward, by the countries of the Caspian, to an unknown dis- tance, and southward, through the high lands of Persia and Caubul, into Hindostan. It is the Pazan of the Persians; and is believed to be one of the animals which yield the concre- tion termed Bezoar, to which certain healing virtues are ascribed by the Orientals. It resembles the common Goats in its general form : it has very large horns, sometimes want- ing in the females, of a brown ashy colour, marked with tubercles, and sharp at the anterior edge, bending backward and turning outward at the points. The hair of the body is a grayish-brown, with a dark ridge along the spine, extend- ing to the termination of the tail. The beard, of a rufous colour, is long in the male, but shorter in the female, and coarse hairs extend from the throat down the breast. This creature is exceedingly wild, but inhabits a lower range of altitude than the Ibex. It is numerous in the higher parts of Asia Minor, and is believed by many naturalists to be the parent stock of most of the domestic Goats; and by some to be the common Goat restored to a state of liberty. The JEMLAH GOAT, Capra Jemlahica of Colonel Hamilton Smith, is found in the most elevated parts of Central Asia. It is described by this eminent naturalist, from a skin trans- mitted to the British Museum, as being nearly of the size of the Ibex, and as having the horns nearly in contact at the base, of a pale ashy-buff colour, nodose, very depressed, nine inches long, bending outwards, then turning suddenly, so as to meet nearly over the neck. The bones of the head are dense and ponderous, the tail is very short, and there is no true beard. The colour of the hair, with the exception of some darkish streaks, is a dull light fawn, with locks of *Colonel Hamilton Smith. 1 [ E 3 ..... • 10 .. THE GOAT. brown interspersed; and on the cheeks the hair is long and coarse, hanging like a lion's mane on each side of the head. Nothing is known of the habits of this beautiful Goat. Its external characters shew it to be distinct from the Ibex of the Caucasus and Europe. The JAHRAL GOAT, Capra Jahral of Hodgson, has been found in the mountains of Nepaul. It is described as having the head finely formed, full of expression, clad in short hairs, and without any vestige of beard. It is of a compact and ro- bust make; is found solitary or in flocks; is bold, capricious, wanton, pugnacious, and easily domesticated. It has the horns nine inches in length, smooth, and sharpened towards the points, and not turned inward or nodose, like those of the Jemlah. It is clothed with a coat of hair covering a fine and delicate wool, of one length and colour. Superficially the hair is brown, but internally it is blue, and the mane is for the most part of the same colour. The tongue, the palate, and the skin of the lips, are black, and the iris is of a deep reddish hazel.* In America, the Goat is represented by the Wool-bearing Antelope, which approaches so nearly in character to the Goat, that it is by some naturalists included in the latter genus. Such are the wild of the Caprine family which naturalists have discriminated; but how far the list yet remains to be corrected, or extended, is unknown. The great mountains and elevated plains of Central Asia have as yet been imper- fectly opened to European research, and the paths of the tra- veller are but as specks and lines in the countries to be ex- plored. The boundless terraces and interior mountains of the African continent, which may be regarded as the centre of a distinct order of living beings, may be said to be as yet untrodden by the foot of civilized man; and we know nothing of the treasures which this vast wilderness may contain, be- * Hodgson-Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 1 11 yond the animals which approach the coasts, or are found in the few countries which are accessible. We may expect that, as future explorers advance into the wilder regions of the two continents, the natural history of the Caprine family will be illustrated and extended. But, as domesticated Goats are found in the possession of almost all the nations of the Old Continents, a natural inquiry, even in the present state of our knowledge, arises, as to the parent stock from which these animals, so generally diffused, have been derived. HISTORY. Ancient writers frequently speak of Wild Goats in a man- ner which leads us to conclude that they regarded them merely as the wild of the common race. But the notices of these writers are so vague and imperfect, that we do not know whether they referred to the Ibex, the Ægagrus, the Chamois Antelope, or any other species formerly inhabiting the same countries, but now driven away or destroyed. The opinion prevalent until a recent period was, that the Ibex was the parent stock of the common Goats; but since the Ægagrus has been admitted to be a distinct species, the general opinion of naturalists has been, that the latter rather than the Ibex, is the wild of the common Goat. But the Ægagrus does not approach nearer in habitudes and form to the common Goats than the Ibex; and although the latter inhabits a higher range of mountains, he seems to resign his natural liberty with equal readiness. Further, the Jemlah Goat, and, by analogy, we may believe, others of the genus, seem to be all endowed with the faculty of resigning their natural freedom, and submitting to domestication. The most probable supposition, therefore, is, that the domesticated Goats have been derived not from one, but from different species. Not only do the Goats of different countries differ from one another, but there exist in the same country, under the same conditions of climate and food, races so divergent, that it is scarcely possible to believe that they have not been derived from stirpes distinct in the wild state. The Syrian Goat, so called, with a convex face and with an udder in the 1 12 THE GOAT. female hanging to the ground, is as different from the Com- mon Goats of the same country as the Jackal from the Wolf, and has retained, as we know from ancient notices, its dis- tinctive characters for twenty centuries at least; that is, for nearly two thousand generations of the race. The little Goats of the coast of Guinea have been acclimated in America and the West India Islands for more than a hundred years, without making the least approach to those carried to the same countries from Europe. These and similar facts are irreconcilable with the supposition of a common descent, and lead to the conclusion, that different species of Goats, having the property of procreating with one another, have produced the domesticated races. The Goat, extended throughout so many climates and dis- tant countries, and subjected to conditions of life far different from those to which his natural instincts adapt him, must present himself to us with great variations of form and aspect, independently of the diversities arising from those of the parent stock. Sometimes the horns disappear in one or both sexes, and in certain cases the animals become poly- cerate; sometimes the hair is long, and sometimes it is as short as in the fallow deer; and sometimes the beard is very long, and sometimes it is rudimental. The colour assumes every variety, from sandy-black to milk-white, and the size and form of the body are greatly varied. Of the Goats of Central Asia the most celebrated and best known in Europe are those of Thibet, which are noted beyond all others for the soft and delicate wool they produce, and which falls off in the warmer season, affording the material of one of the most beautiful fabrics of the Eastern looms. These Goats are long in the body, having large falcated horns, stout limbs, and long glossy hair, frequently a foot and a half in length, trailing almost to the ground. The colour is fre- quently milk-white, but more generally it is brown, with points of a golden yellow. The wool, tending of itself to fall off at a certain season, is easily separated by means of combs, 1 HISTORY. 13 while the hair is left. It is then spun by females, and after- wards the threads are dyed of the colours required. A shawl of the finest fabric takes a year or more in making. Four persons, and in the case of plain shawls, two, sit at a frame, using numerous needles. In working, the rough part of the shawl is uppermost. A superintendent regulates the pattern, and when the shawl is woven it is carried to the custom- house, stamped, and a duty paid upon it corresponding to its fineness and value.* In the province of Cashmere alone, it is computed that 30,000 of these beautiful fabrics are manu- factured every year. They are in universal demand over the East for their softness, durability, and the beauty of their colours. The Goats which yield the wool are chiefly derived from Thibet; Cashmere itself being too warm for the growth of the finest wool. The Goats of Thibet and the neighbour- ing countries have been introduced into Europe, in the hope of producing the fine wool which gives them so great a value in their native clime. In France especially, eager endeavours were made to establish the manufacture of shawls similar to those of Cashmere; but from the small quantity of wool yielded by the Goats, and the great manual labour required, the manufacture did not succeed as a branch of national industry. Attempts, too, were made to introduce these Goats, for the production of wool, into England, but with still less prospect of a favourable result, from the humidity of the climate. The native country of these Goats, it is to be observed, being vastly elevated, is subject to extremes of temperature; and the growth of fine wool being a natural provision for keeping the animals warm, it would probably soon cease to be produced in more temperate climates. Stretching from the mountains of Thibet into the elevated steppes of the interior, northward to the Arctic Regions, eastward through Chinese Tartary to the ocean, and westward through the vast dominions of Russia to the confines of Europe, * Tour in the Upper Provinces of Hindostan. +1 1 î ✔ 14 the Goats of the settled inhabitants and nomadic tribes are in prodigious numbers. These Goats are thickly covered with long coarse hair, usually of a dark hue; but in the cul- tivated countries, they vary greatly in colour and other cha- racters. In the northern provinces of China, there are Goats, of a small size, which yield wool as abundantly as the sheep of the same country. Extending over the varied surface of Hindostan, the Goats assume a prodigious diversity of colour, aspect, and form. Sometimes they have horns, and some- times they are destitute of horns; sometimes they have long pendulous ears; sometimes they have a short fur, like that of a fawn, and sometimes fine silky hair falling in glossy ringlets on each side of the dorsal line. The largest of the Goats of Hindostan are brought from Caubul, Thibet, and the high lands of Persia. In the Turkish dominions in Asia, the races of Goats are greatly varied, and often very beautiful. The Goat of Angora is the native of a district of Asia Minor, and is remarkable for its long waving silky hair, which is spun into threads, of which a kind of camblet is made, esteemed beyond all other cloths of the East for its durability. The Goats of Angora have been brought to France, where they have become readily naturalized, and do not appear to be more tender than the common kinds. They have been carried likewise to Sweden, and other parts of Europe; but it may be believed that, after a time, they will lose that peculiar softness of the hair which characterises them in their native country. The soil of An- gora is a chalky marl, which seems to have the property of communicating to the animals that live upon it a silky tex- ture of the hair. The Dog and Cat of the same country are distinguished by the glossy softness of their fur, and are very beautiful. THE GOAT. Of the other Goats of Asiatic Turkey, one is so peculiar, that it is plainly to be referred to an origin distinct from that of the Common Goats. It is frequently termed the Syrian Goat, though it is not confined to Syria, but extends, by the HISTORY. 15 countries of the Euphrates, into Arabia, and, with some slight change of characters, into Upper Egypt and Nubia. This kind of Goat was known to the ancients, who mention it by the name of the Syrian, and sometimes of the Damascus Goat. It is generally without horns, has the face singularly con- vex, long pendulous ears, delicate limbs, and short hair, usually brown. The mammæ of the females hang almost to the ground. These Goats are more docile than any other, and, yielding a large quantity of milk, are greatly valued in the arid countries over which they are spread. The same form of the Goat appears in Hindostan, and doubtless in other countries of Eastern Asia. In Nepaul a beautiful Goat is domesticated, which so much resembles the Syrian that both appear to be derived from a common stock. It is of a slender form, with a convex face, without horns, and with long pendulous ears, which are generally white, or of a paler tint than the rest of the body. Africa abounds in Goats as well as Sheep. Along the Barbary coast, the Goats are very fine, resembling those of Greece, and other countries of the Mediterranean. From this country the Romans derived their choicest breeds. But southward of the mountains which bound the great basin of the Mediterranean, Nature presents a new aspect, and beyond the great Sahara, every living thing, up to man him- self, seems changed. But of the Goats of the interior we learn little from the casual notices of travellers. We are told only that Goats are very numerous, and often so nearly resemble Sheep, that the one might be mistaken for the other. On the coasts of Guinea, however, the cruel visits of Europeans have made us acquainted with a race of Goats, which differ from any other known to us. They are of diminutive size, very pretty, with short pricked-up ears, and generally with slender falcated horns. They have been carried by the slave-ships to the settlements of the Spaniards and Portuguese in Ame rica, and to the West India Islands, and they have multiplied and remained distinct from the other races. F 16 THE GOAT. Of the Goats of Europe, the most varied and beautiful are those which inhabit the countries of the Mediterranean. They have generally horns, long flowing beards, and hair of divers colours, from milk-white to black. Those of Greece and the Islands of the Archipelago have been in esteem from early times. The writers of Greece refer to the Achaian, as a breed greatly valued The Romans cultivated the Goats largely, and their rustic writers give us numerous details regarding the modes of rearing and treating them. In modern Italy, Goats are very numerous, especially in Cala- bria and the mountainous countries. They abound likewise in Spain and Portugal, where they are cultivated chiefly for their milk, and the flesh of the kids. The Goats there are to be seen driven into the cities in the morning, and milked at the doors of the houses. In France, there are consider- able numbers of Goats, but of no peculiar beauty of race. A strong prejudice exists against them on account of the injury they cause to the vines and forests. The district in France most celebrated for Goats is the Canton of Mont d'Or, where, in a space not exceeding two leagues at its largest diameter, upwards of eleven thousand are kept, chiefly for the supply of the city of Lyons with cheese. In the northern countries of Europe, Goats are in considerable numbers; but for the most part they are inferior in size and beauty to those of the countries of the Mediterranean. In the heathy mountains they become of small size, and are covered with a shaggy coat of long brown hair. Sometimes they have escaped from servitude, and become as wild and difficult to be approached as the Deer of the same countries. The Goat, though obeying the law to which all the domesti- cated animals are subject, and presenting itself under a great variety of aspect, retains many of the characters and habits which distinguish it in the state of liberty. It is lively, ardent, robust, capable of enduring the most intense cold, and seemingly little incommoded by the extremes of heat. It is wild, irregular, and erratic in its movements. It is bold in 17 its own defence, putting itself in an attitude of defiance when provoked by animals, however larger than itself. Its horns turning outward at the points, it rises when it fights upon its hinder legs, and throwing the weight of its body sidewise, endeavours to maim its enemy by oblique strokes of the horns. The Ram, on the other hand, whose horns are turned inward, cannot use this method of attack, but rushes blindly upon his enemy, endeavouring to stun him by the violence of the shock: while the Bull must lower his head to the very ground, in order that he may receive his adversary on the points of his horns. A dog that will despise a ram, and assail a bull, is frequently cowed by the peculiar mode of attack and bold de- meanour of the Goat. The domesticated Goat, like those of the wild species, is capable of nicely balancing its body; and its hoofs being widely cleft, moveable, and sharp at the exte- rior edges, it possesses the faculty of fixing itself on the shelv- ing edges of rocks, and of leaping from crag to crag. The Arabs teach a curious feat to their Goats, which manifests the wonderful power in the animals of balancing the body. A cylinder of wood is placed on the ground, on the top of which the Goat places all his feet; another piece is then added, on which the animal likewise mounts; and then another, and another, until he stands at the summit of the column. When two Goats meet on a narrow ledge of rock, or the top of a high wall, the one crouches down, that the other may pass over his body. The Goat, obeying his pristine instincts, de- lights in high places, climbs to the tops of walls and houses, and leaps over the barriers intended to confine him. When kept in herds, individuals continually stray from the flock, and station themselves on the heights. In feeding, the flock gradually ascends to the higher grounds, preferring the shrubs and aromatic plants of the mountains to the richer herbage of the plains. Goats will eat of many bitter and narcotic plants which other animals reject, nay, of some which are deemed poisonous, as the hemlock and foxglove. They gnaw the bark, and crop the tender shoots, of shrubs B HISTORY. ¦ : 18 and trees; and hence they are the pest of the cultivated country, destroying the hedges, the woods, and orchards of the planter. In the countries of the vine, they are regarded as enemies whose trespasses must be curbed by the severest means. When mingled in the flock with Sheep, the Goats invariably assume the guidance of their more timorous com- panions, leading them from the richer pastures to the more steril hills. When the Goat is kept apart from the flock, he becomes attached to his protectors, familiar and inquisitive, finding his way into every place, and examining whatever is new to him. He is eminently social, attaching himself to other animals, however different from himself. He is fre- quently kept in stables, under the belief that he contributes to the health of the horses. The effect, if any, is probably to be ascribed to his familiar habits, it being known that horses in their stalls are fond of companions to cheer their solitude. The Goat is frequently attached to the little car- riages of children, and appears to delight in the gay equipage, and capricious commands, of the youthful charioteers. Two children, in London, having escaped from their nurse, seated themselves in their tiny vehicle, and set off, whip in hand, along the Strand, The Goat, apparently enjoying the frolic, carried them full tilt through the most crowded parts of the city, nicely avoiding every obstacle, and foiling every attempt of the passengers to arrest him. Having satiated himself and his young masters with their morning's drive, he brought them back to their home in safety. The female of the Goat produces, in the natural state, in spring; but when food is supplied to her, she will receive the male at almost any season. She goes with young upwards of twenty weeks, and is very prolific, generally producing two at a birth, and often breeding twice in the year. The Kids are exceedingly hardy, and the most sportive of animals. The mother watches them with tender care, protecting them from every assailant. She yields a large quantity of milk in proportion to her size, a common produce being two quarts in THE GOAT. i ÷ HISTORY. 19 the day for five or six months. Her milk is viscid and nourish- ing, little productive of oil, but abundant in the matter of cheese. She allows herself to be milked without reluctance, and readily adopts other animals, and nurses them as if they were her own. When she has suckled such animals as the foal and the calf, it is interesting to observe how she attaches herself to them, and still watches over their safety, when their own habits cause them to separate themselves from her. In India, the children of the Hindoos, who have lost their parent, are frequently suckled by Goats. Travellers report that, in the countries of the Negroes, this is very frequent. The Goat comes to the cradle where the infants lie, and ma- nifests the utmost tenderness towards them; nay, when they are able to walk and play, she does not forget her maternal cares, but follows them as if to keep them from harm. The Goat, besides the milk of the female, affords hair, which is shorn from the body, and made into certain coarse fabrics of the nature of camblets. Of this substance are formed the tents of the Arabs, of the Turcomans, and of all the migratory tribes of the Tartar countries. The hair of the Goat is likewise fabricated into ropes. With such ropes, the hardy natives of St Kilda used to swing themselves over the dreadful precipices of their coasts, in search of the eggs of sea-fowls. The skin of the Goat is made into leather, which is more useful and durable than that of Sheep. It forms the fine Morocco leather of commerce, and is largely used for sandals, boots, gaiters, and similar parts of dress. In the countries of the East, the skin is likewise made into bags, for containing water, wine, and oil; and on many rivers, as the Nile and Euphrates, it is made into bags, for floating the inhabitants across the stream. The skin of the kid is in universal demand for the manufacture of gloves. The flesh of the kid, when very young, is nearly as delicate as that o the lamb. The flesh of the older Goats is hard and ill- flavoured, and therefore always gives place to that of the Sheep, as countries become cultivated. • .... 1 20 THE GOAT. In the British Islands, the number of Goats has been con- tinually diminishing, with the extension of sheep, and the progress of agriculture. In the Highlands of Scotland, they used to be very numerous, but are now confined to a few of the remoter districts, where their milk is employed for the making of cheese. Wales long abounded in Goats: they are now in small and decreasing numbers, and the finer and larger kinds have been lost. But in Ireland, there are still great numbers of Goats, scattered throughout the country, and kept by the poorer inhabitants for supplying them with milk. The Goats of Ireland are many of them very fine: those of Kerry and the other mountain districts, resemble the best Goats of the Mediterranean, and even exceed them in size. In this country, it is chiefly for the supply of the domestic dairy that the Goat can be regarded as of economical value. This arises from the want of demand for the flesh, even for that of the kid, which is so delicate. Were it otherwise, the Goat could be cultivated in the mountainous parts of the country with perhaps greater advantage than the Sheep. The hair of the Goat is indeed less valuable than wool, yet the skin is of greater value than that of the Sheep. The animals, too, are more hardy, and exempt from those fatal diseases which yearly destroy so great a proportion of the Sheep of the higher countries. The Goat, too, is more easily maintained, especially in countries of heath, and the females are more prolific. But an insurmountable objection exists to the extension of the husbandry of the Goat, from the want of all demand for the flesh of the fattened animal. Yet if the caprice of taste could be reconciled to the use of the kid, the Goat could be kept for the rearing of her young as a substi- tute for the house-lambs, now produced at so much cost. The females, in this case, could be made to yield their kids at any season. They could be kept in houses and fed on the commonest hay, with occasional portions of turnips or green food of any kind. They could be maintained at less expense than the Sheep; and as they are more prolific, and yield a 21 large supply of milk after the kids are taken away, the profit would certainly be greater than from the ewe under the same circumstances. But as the habits of a people, with respect to food, cannot without great difficulty be changed, it is probable that, in these Islands, the Goat will continue to be only par- tially cultivated, as now, for the milk of the female. But for this purpose its value, as a source of household economy, is much greater than many imagine. Families who keep a single cow would find a Goat or two always useful, as sup- plying milk when that of the other was wanting; and expe- rience shews, that the humbler cottagers would derive a profit from having one or two of these animals, which could be maintained on food which the cow would reject. Persons even in large towns could, by means of the Goat, readily sup- ply themselves with milk far superior to that which they can now obtain; and it is surprising that a method so simple, of avoiding the frauds too much practised in the case of this kind of food, should be neglected. Goats bear well the motion and confinement of shipboard, and are better fitted for supplying milk on sea-voyages than any other animal. HISTORY. · 4 12 Mung ads up on! olda Julia 2011oll SOUTH DOWN EWE AND LAMB. II. THE SHEEP. Southe The OVINE FAMILY, it has been seen, differs so little in conformation from the Caprine, that zoological characters can scarcely be found to discriminate them. Yet, in every coun- try where these animals are known, they are separated in popular language, shewing that each possesses habitudes and external characters sufficient to distinguish it from the other. Sheep have the bodies more massive, and deviate more from the Antelopian type, than Goats; the horns, where they exist, are generally more angular, furrowed, and spiral; and the rams are destitute of the hircine odour. Of the spe- HISTORY. 23 cies of true Sheep which have been found in the state of na- ture, those most generally admitted into zoological systems are:- 1. OVIS AMMON, the Argali of Asia. 2. OVIS MONTANA, the Rocky-Mountain Sheep. 3. OVIS TRAGELAPHUS, the Bearded Argali. 4. OVIS MUSIMON, the Musmon. The ARGALI of ASIA is somewhat less than the size of a stag. He has enormous horns, measuring about a foot in circum- ference at the base, and from three to four feet in length, triangular, rising from the summit of the head so as nearly to touch at the root, ascending, stretching out laterally, and bending forward at the point. He has a fur of short hair, covering a coat of soft white wool. The colour of the fur externally is brown, becoming brownish-gray in winter: there is a buff-coloured streak along the back, and a large spot of a lighter buff colour on the haunch, surrounding and in- cluding the tail. The female differs from the male in being smaller, in having the horns more slender and straight, and in the absence of the disc on the haunch. In both sexes the tail is very short, the eye-lashes are whitish, and the hair beneath the throat is longer than on other parts of the body. These creatures inhabit the mountains and elevated plains of Asia, from the Himmalaya Mountains westward to the Caucasus, and eastward and northward to Kamschatka and the Ocean. They are agile and strong, but very timid, shun- ning the least appearance of danger: their motion is zigzag, and they stop in their course to gaze upon their pursuer, after the manner of the domestic Sheep. They are usually found in very small flocks; and, at the rutting season, the males fight desperately, using their horns and forehead in the man- ner of the common ram. They are hunted by the people of the countries for their flesh, which is esteemed to be savoury, and for their skins, which are made into clothing. In autumn, after having pastured during the summer on the mountains # J { $ I : I .. 24 and secluded valleys, they are fat, and in request; but as winter advances, and they are forced to descend from the mountains in search of food, they lose their plumpness, and are sought after only for their skins. When taken young they are easily tamed, but the old ones never resign their natural wildness. THE SHEEP. The ROCKY-MOUNTAIN SHEEP, or Argali of America, is allied to this species, or identical with it. It inhabits the loftiest mountain chains of North America. It was long ago described by Spanish writers as the Sheep of California, and is familiar to the Indians and fur-traders of Canada. It equals or surpasses the Asiatic Argali in size, and is taller than the largest of our Domestic Sheep. Its horns are very large, approaching, but not touching, one another at the base. The horns of the female are small, and slightly curved. The fur is of a reddish-brown colour, but becomes paler in winter, and in spring the old rams are nearly white. The face and nose are white, and the tail and buttocks present the buff- coloured disc which distinguishes the male of the Asiatic species. They collect in flocks, under the guidance of a leader. They pasture on the steepest parts of the moun- tains, and on the approach of winter descend into the plains. They are wild and timid, betaking themselves on the least alarm to the summits of the mountains. They are pursued and killed by the Indians for their flesh and skins, and have never been subjected to domestication. The BEARDED ARGALI inhabits the inland steeps of Barbary and the mountains of Egypt. It is larger than a fallow deer, and nearly equal in size to a stag. The horns are thirteen inches in circumference at the base, approaching near to one another on the top of the head, angular, black, bending back- wards and downwards, and about two feet in length. The hair on the lower part of the cheeks and under-jaw is long, forming a divided beard. The under part of the neck and shoulders is covered by coarse hair; on the upper part of the neck, and especially at the withers, the hair is long and HISTORY. 25 bristly, forming a mane; the knees are covered by long dense hairs, as if to protect them when the animal kneels ; the hair on the rest of the body is short, and underneath the whole is the rudiment of a soft fine wool. It is a gentle and petulant creature, fond of ascending to high places, as the roofs of houses, capable of running swiftly, and of bounding with prodigious force. The MUSMON inhabits the lofty regions of the Caucasus and ancient Taurus, and still lingers in the islands of Crete and Cyprus, and the mountains of Greece. It is smaller than the Argali. In the male the horns are two feet in length; in the female they are often wanting. They are very thick, and they turn inward at the points, in which respect they differ from the horns of the Argali, which bend outward. The fur consists of a brownish hair, concealing a short, fine, gray-coloured wool, which covers all the body. The Musmons, although resembling the Argalis, are small- er and less powerful, and inhabit, apparently, a lower range of mountains. They are gregarious, assembling in large flocks during the summer months; but, at the rutting season, fierce contests take place between the rams, and the herd divides into smaller bands, consisting of a male and several females. These animals are readily domesticated, and exhi- bit all the habits of the Domestic Sheep, although, in the first generation at least, they do not entirely resign their natural wildness. They breed freely with the Domestic Sheep, and the offspring is fruitful. Pliny mentions such alliances as be- ing common, and states that the progeny were termed Umbri. A species, or variety, termed by M. G. St Hilaire, Mou- flon d'Afrique, appears to resemble the Musmon of Asia and Europe. It has been found on the mountains bordering upon the plain of the Nile. It is about the size of a com- mon ram. The horns are two feet long, and eleven inches in circumference at the base, diverging outwards, so that the extremities are about nineteen inches from one another. Another species of Musmon, or an animal nearly allied to cof 1 26 it, has been found in Nepaul, both on the Indian and Thibe- tian sides of the snowy crests of the Himmalayas. It is de- scribed as having horns twenty-two inches along the curve, diverging greatly, but scarcely spiral; and as having fur of a bluish-gray colour inclining to red, the hairs concealing a scanty fleece of fine soft wool.* THE SHEEP. These are the wild species of Ovide which have as yet been described. But there is just reason to believe that others exist, although as yet too imperfectly known to be placed in the catalogues of naturalists. It is certain that Wild Sheep, approaching even more to the characters of certain domesti- cated races, exist in the immense countries bordering on the Hindoo Koosh, namely, Caubul, and the countries of the Tur- comans, Persians, and others, towards the Caspian. One of these is described by Mr Fraser, in his interesting travels in these wild countries, as having been killed by the hunters of his party, and as being a fine animal, equal in size, and supe- rior in strength, to the largest of the common races. It pro- bably resembles a race of Sheep widely domesticated in the same countries, which has by some been termed the Persian breed, but which is to be distinguished from another race, to be afterwards referred to, found in the same country, and likewise termed Persian. The Sheep in question are covered with a very coarse hairy fur of a gray colour. Their horns are bent outward in the manner of the Argali, and, what is worthy of note, the head entirely resembles that of the Ram, as it is depicted on Eastern sculptures. This domesticated race is very widely diffused, extending to the Tartar countries inland; to Arabia, where it forms the most common breed of the Be- douins; and across the Indus over a great part of Hindostan. Ancient writers, too, speak of Wild Sheep, but with notices so indistinct, that no conclusions can be founded upon them. It is not certainly known whether Wild Sheep existed in the west of Europe. Boetius, a chronicler extremely credulous, * Proceedings of the Zoological Society, and the Asiatic Transactions, ŵ * 27 yet worthy of trust as to what he says he heard or saw, mentions the existence of a race of Wild Sheep in the deso- late island of St Kilda. He describes them as being larger than the largest goats, and as having tails hanging to the ground, and horns more bulky than those of the ox; and, ac- cording to Mr Pennant, an animal corresponding with this description is figured on a bas-relief taken from the wall of Antoninus, near the modern city of Glasgow. Looking at the vast diversities in the Sheep of different and distant countries, and the constancy with which certain races preserve their distinctive characters under the same conditions of temperature, food, and treatment, we are conducted to the conclusion, that Wild Sheep proper to different countries have been domesticated by the inhabi- tants; and, accordingly, that the domesticated races are not of one, but of various species, having the property of procreating with one another in the reclaimed state. The same hypothesis, we have seen, has been applied to the Goat, there being no other which satisfactorily explains the per- manent differences which races of those animals exhibit under the same conditions from age to age. A like suppo- sition, we shall see in the sequel, must be made in the case of the Dog, in order to enable us to account for those great variations which the domesticated races present in almost every country. The opinion, we shall see, that may most reasonably be entertained regarding the origin of the Do- mestic Dogs, is, that they are descended from the Wolf and other Canidæ yet found in the wild state; and there is no more difficulty in assuming the derivation of the Sheep than of the Dog from species yet existing in the state of nature, since the habits and forms of the Argalis and Musmons as nearly resemble the cultivated Sheep as the Wolf and other species of Canis resemble the common breeds of Dogs. Even the blood of the Goat, though of a species admitted, under every zoological system, to be distinct, has certainly been HISTORY. 28 mixed with that of the Sheep of various countries. Sheep and Goats, indeed, when left free to select their own mates, do not breed together, but the union is readily produced when the males of one species only are present at the rutting season; and it has been long known to shepherds, though questioned by naturalists, that the resulting progeny is fruit- ful. Breeds of this mixed race are numerous in the north of Europe, and can scarcely have failed to take place in every country where Sheep and Goats are herded together. We may believe, then, that the Domesticated Sheep, the OVIS ARIES of naturalists, is a factitious species, and not one which has been called forth in the natural state. A species of this kind, however, having been formed, by whatever mix- tures of blood, the members of it must have been subject, like every other family mixed or pure, to vary under the influence of external agencies; and thus, independently of the differ- ences produced by differences of origin, there are those which have been produced by climate, food, and domestication, giv- ing rise to those great varieties which, even under the nar- rowest geographical limits, present themselves. From whatever sources derived, these valuable animals, we know, have been subjected to servitude from the earliest times. The most ancient written records of the Southern Asiatics refer to the Domesticated Sheep; and he is figured on the oldest monuments of the past, which time has left us, in Western Asia. On the sculptured remains of Egypt, the Sheep continually appears, and of a form which we can identify with that of the same animal still existing. The Sacred Writings record its existence along with the first known inhabitants of the earth; and the flocks and herds of the wandering Shepherds of the East, are described with a minuteness, which enables us to compare the pursuits of the most ancient people with those of the inhabitants of the same countries at the present hour. Scarcely any thing seems to have changed in the habits of men in those countries of pas- THE SHEEP. 29 toral tribes. Where Abraham pitched his, tent, with his "sheep and oxen," and "asses and camels,"-where he sat at the door of his tent,-where the stone was rolled from the wells from which his maidens drew water, there the Arab or the wandering Turcoman encamps, and all the scene is like a vivid panorama of the past. In the case of the present people of the Desert,-their tents, their journeyings, their household cares, their flocks, their camels, their wells,-all inform us with what a matchless fidelity the Sacred History has been told. HISTORY. Of the Sheep, we learn that its fleece was used by the Shepherds of Syria for the purposes to which it is now ap- plied, and that it was shorn from the skin. "Then Jacob rose up and set his sons and his wives upon camels; and he carried away all his cattle, and all his goods which he had gotten, the cattle of his getting which he had got in Padan- aram, for to go to Isaac his father in the land of Canaan : And Laban went to shear his sheep." * "And Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheep-shearers at Zim- nath." And at a long subsequent period, when the de- scendants of Judah had become a nation, and acquired the Land of Promise, the season of sheep-shearing is referred to as one of rustic labour. Further the wool was woven into cloth, which infers an advancement beyond the ruder stages of the arts. The mere barbarian uses, for raiment, the skin of the Sheep or Goat, with its covering of hair, as was prac- tised by the Scythians, by the Gauls and Britons, and at the present day by the Kalmuks and other nomadic people of Asia, and by the Hottentots and other inhabitants of Southern Africa. When cloth is made by barbarous tribes, it is simply by pressing the wool together in a moist state, so as to form felt, as we yet see done in the case of hats and beavers; by * Genesis, xxxi. 17, 18, 19: And it is worthy of note, that the undergoing of a period of servitude to acquire a wife, recorded in the history to which these passages refer, exists at the present day amongst a wild tribe in the heart of India, which is designated by the term Laban-a. † Genesis, xxxviii. 12. L i 30 HISTORY. 1 which means the fibres adhere, and become intertwined in such a manner as to form a species of cloth; and of this simple manufacture were the woollen garments of the rude people in the north of Asia and Europe. The use of the dis- taff and the shuttle infers a considerable advancement in the arts. Yet at this stage, we know, by indubitable records, the wandering tribes of Syria had arrived, long ere the golden fleece had been acquired by Jason, or ere Minerva had com- municated to her Athenians the gifts of spinning and weaving. And besides the spindle and the simple loom of the East, the Syrian Shepherds had, from early times, acquired the know- ledge of the art of communicating to their cloths and gar- ments those beautiful colours which so much please the eye. The fondness of a parent, and his gift of a many-coloured garment to a favoured child, gave rise to a tale which, in beauty and pathos, cannot be surpassed; and even yet, amongst the people of India, the practice exists of giving to a favourite boy a garment of many colours, as a charm against evil. The flesh of the Sheep was likewise used, but with that temperance which still distinguishes the people of those countries in the use of animal food. It was from the milk of their flocks that they derived the chief part of their daily food. They understood the art of curdling the milk of their goats and ewes; and cheese and butter, with fat and honey, formed the simple repasts of these early. shepherds, as of the Kurds, the Turcomans, and Arabs, of the present day. Domestication renders the Sheep more suited to our uses, but diminishes his physical powers, and adapts him to another condition of life. When once completely subjugated, he never again appears to acquire the faculties which fit him for a life of liberty. Give him afterwards what freedom we may, he remains more or less dependent upon us, and would fall a prey to wolves, and the swifter feræ, were he not under human protection. Yet he is not the stupid and insensible creature which some represent him to be. When entirely 31 subdued, indeed, his natural instincts are blunted, and he loses the providence and sense of danger which are natural to him; but when left in a state of comparative liberty, as on the mountains of Scotland and Wales, he shews that, though comparatively feeble, he is not without the power of guard- ing himself from danger. When attacked by dogs or foxes, the flock forms a circle, with the rams in front, presenting a face to the enemy. The rams rush forward on the assailant, and strike him with their powerful horns; and in their con- tests with one another for the possession of the females, they fight with amazing determination, stunning one another with the violence of the shocks. The Sheep is an exceedingly hardy animal with respect to temperature, his close covering of wool defending him well from cold. He foresees an impending fall of snow, and takes shelter from its violence. When buried underneath the snow, as he sometimes is, he often survives for many days, and even weeks, and may be digged up with- out injury, provided he have escaped suffocation; for in such a situation, his thick fleece, which, as well as the snow, is a slow conductor of heat, retains the natural warmth of the body in such a degree as to preserve life. The ewe bears that affec- tion to her offspring which Nature has imprinted, as it were, on the heart of every animal. Should mishap befal her young one, she mourns over it, and will not be comforted: should it wander from her side, her anxious bleatings are everywhere heard; and the little creature rewards her cares with surpris- ing fondness. Who that has seen shearing of the flock, has not marked the startled aspect of the lamb when the mother first runs toward it divested of her covering, and how quickly it is reassured, and how sensibly it expresses its joy, when it hears the well-known voice, and receives the wonted caresses! The Sheep appears insensible and stupid, because it is rarely at- tached to us by acts of familiarity and kindness. But let the orphan lamb be brought up at the shepherd's cot, and fed from his hand, and we shall find it to be nearly as fami- liar as a dog,-fond of being caressed, and unwilling to leave HISTORY. 32 its protector to join its fellows of the flock. In countries where the shepherd guides his flock, and does not herd it by dogs in the manner practised in other places, the docility which the animals acquire is wonderfully great. Where the shepherd leads they follow; they observe his motions and hear his voice, and when he uses a pipe or horn, they listen to the well-known sound, and obey the signal. In the Alps of Switzerland, and in the mountainous parts of Italy, in Greece, and elsewhere, we are yet charmed with this rem- nant of pastoral simplicity and innocence. The shepherd boy knows all his little favourites, he remembers their names, and, when called, they leave the flock and come to him. When the numbers are great, he selects a few, teaches them their simple lesson, and they become the guides of the rest to their allotted pastures, and learn to collect the wan- derers. The music of the mountain shepherd we find to be no poetic fiction. In the mountains of the South, we yet hear the soft and artless tones of his pipe. In the morning he leads forth his little flock, and plays as he marches at their head, and at sunset returns in like manner to the fold, where he pens them, that they may be kept from the wolves. The fur of the Sheep consists partly of hair, but essentially of wool. In cold, moist, and elevated countries, the hair often becomes so long as to cover the wool; and when the wool falls off in the early part of summer, the covering of hair remains to protect the animal. In warm countries, the wool is often scarcely developed, and nearly the whole coat is of hair, just as in the case of the Deer, the Antelope, and the Goat; yet this is not always the case, even in the warmer countries, in which the fur is sometimes fleecy, soft, and thin. Often the wool is long, and the filaments thick, without being hairy, as in the case of the Sheep of the richer plains of Eng- land; sometimes it is short, fine, and curling, as in the case of the Mountain Sheep of Spain. We can sometimes trace · the influence of climate in modifying the characters of wool, but often it is affected by causes which we are unable to dis- THE SHEEP. 3 1 # cover. HISTORY. It is often affected by domestication and artificial treatment. The difference in the character of wool renders it more or less valuable, and more or less suited to different manufactures. Thus, the long thick wool of the Sheep of the plains of England is suited to the manufacture of flannels; that of the South Down, Ryeland, and Merino breeds, to the fabrication of cloths; that of the Blackfaced Heath Sheep of Scotland, to the making of carpets and coarser stuffs. The colour of the wool of Sheep is yet less dependent upon any known causes than its texture, length, or fineness. Some- times it is black, sometimes it is gray, sometimes it is brown, and in other cases it is white, or partly black and partly white. We know no law which determines these colours. There is reason to believe that the colour of the fleece in the earlier Sheep tended to the darker colours rather than to the lighter, as it yet does in Sheep that are left long in their natural state. But the white colour came to be more valued, as being more agreeable to the eye, but chiefly because white wool is better fitted to receive those bright and beautiful colours which we are enabled to communicate by the dyeing process. But the desire to obtain white wool being formed, it was easy to procure white Sheep, by using males and females for breeding which were possessed of that colour. With respect to the races of Sheep which have been domes- ticated in different countries, a diversity so great is presented in the form and size of the animals, nature of the fleece, and other characters, that nothing beyond the most general classi- fication can be made when we refer to Sheep extended over many and distant countries. 33 Looking to Asia, which may be considered as the cradle of the principal domesticated races, it may be said that there are two groups of cultivated Sheep, each, however, compre- hending innumerable breeds ;-first, those with flat tails naked underneath; and, secondly, those with long round tails covered with wool. The Flat-tailed races have a won- derfully wide range, extending from Caubul northwards to с Ꮯ 10 + F : 34 near the Arctic Circle, eastward through the boundless wilds of Chinese Tartary, and westward through Persia into Asia Minor and Syria. In the higher latitudes of Asia, the same character is retained; but the Sheep themselves become di- minutive, and the tail is small, and carried upwards in the manner of the Goat. The small Sheep with this character have been regarded by naturalists as a variety or class, which has been termed Brevi-cauda. In the more tem- perate latitudes, the flat tail becomes long, and, in certain countries, is loaded with fat, so as to form a great part of the weight of the animal. This peculiarity is the most deve- loped in the Sheep of the countries of the Euphrates, in Asia Minor, Syria, and part of Arabia; where, when the animals receive rich food, or are kept in pens and houses, the tail becomes of such large dimensions, that it trails upon the ground, so that it is frequently supported by little sledges to keep it from incommoding the animal. The Sheep having these broad fat tails are frequently designated the Syrian Breed, and are sometimes brought to England under the name of Turkish Sheep. Aristotle, Pliny, and others, refer to them; and there is reason to believe, from certain no- tices in the Levitical laws, that they were the kind of Sheep cultivated by the ancient Jews. They are a very valuable race in the countries which produce them. The large tail, weighing sometimes of itself 40 or 50 lb., is greatly valued, and the fat is used along with other food as butter or oil. The ewes are prolific, producing twice in the year, and yield- ing a larger quantity of milk than any other known race of Sheep. But towards the countries of the Caspian Sea, a remarkable deviation from this form occurs. The tail becomes short, or rudimental, and the fat accumulates on the haunches, form- ing two great cushions. This character is chiefly observed in the Sheep of the countries bordering on the Caspian, and the great saline lake of Aral, becoming less prominent as we recede from the immense basin which contains these seas, THE SHEEP. 35 and ultimately disappearing. It has been conjectured that the character itself arises from the Sheep feeding on the bit- ter and saline plants found in these countries; and it is said, that when they are removed from the places in which these plants grow, the fatty excrescence becomes less. It may justly be assumed, indeed, that this character is the result of peculiarities of food, although we cannot determine physiolo- gically in what manner the effect is produced. The Sheep in which this singular character appears have been regarded as a natural variety, and termed Steatopyga. The races of Sheep, again, having round tails covered with wool, are widely diffused over the Asiatic Continent. From this group of breeds the finest wool is produced, though, in the greater number of them, the wool is extremely coarse, and largely mixed with hairs. Some of them are of a large size, as in Thibet, where they are employed for carrying bur- dens. The Sheep of the Tartars may be referred in part to this group, and in part to the broad-tailed. The Tartar Sheep are remarkably strong and hardy, but, for the most part, of bad form, and covered with coarse wool. But when we speak of Tartary, or rather Tahtary, it is to be remembered that we use a vague term for a region which comprehends a great part of all Asia, and includes tribes and nations entirely distinct from one another in speech, customs, and country. The inhabitants, however, generally agree in this, that they are rude shepherds, subsisting on the produce of their flocks and herds, with which they migrate from place to place; but their domesticated animals differ greatly with place, so that the Sheep of the Turcomans and other western Asiatics are distinct from those of the Kalmuks, Mantchoories, and others. Towards the Eastern Ocean, comprehending the fertile plains of China Proper, the Sheep, like the Horses of the same country, become of small size; and the same re- mark applies to those which are found in the luxuriant Islands of the Eastern Archipelago. Hindostan contains races more diversified in size, form, and the character of the wool, than HISTORY. Į at o * 2 36 THE SHEEP. • those of any other country of Asia of the same extent. The finest and largest are derived from Caubul and the other countries westward of the Indus; towards the more arid re- gions of the south the Sheep become of diminutive size, and are in many cases covered with short hair, with scarcely the vestige of a fleece. Some of the Indian Sheep have very pe- culiar characters, as the Mysore Breed, the Pürek Breed, and others. Africa abounds in Sheep, as in Goats and all the ruminat- ing tribes. In the countries of the great Mediterranean basin, comprehending Barbary, from the Atlantic to the de- serts bordering on Egypt, the races are greatly varied. In many parts, chiefly in the Regency of Tunis, are found the Broad-tailed Syrian Sheep. Some are many-horned, having a coarse fleece. The more common Sheep of the Barbary States have long limbs, ungainly forms, and shaggy hair. They have been termed by naturalists the Long-legged Breed of Africa, which, however, rather indicates a character than a breed. They have a mixed fur, chiefly of hair; but towards the great mountains inland are found races of Sheep entirely different, covered with a fine wool fitted for the most delicate fabrics of the loom. In Abyssinia and the countries of the Red Sea is found a race of Sheep differing entirely from any existing in Europe, and which, if we are to pay regard at all to external cha- racters in discriminating species, must be regarded as a dis- tinct species. These sheep are covered with short glossy hair, with scarcely the rudiment of a fleece. They have thick necks, with well-formed heads. The head, and part of the throat and neck, are black, and the rest of the body is pure white, without any tendency to the rufous colour characteris- tic of our common Sheep. They have short or rudimental tails, and are destitute of horns; and the fat accumulates largely on the buttocks and inside of the thighs. This race is found in Arabia, and has been carried, by the countries of the Euphrates, into Persia, whence it has been sometimes erro- 1 37 neously termed the Persian Breed, though in no degree pro- per to Persia. These Sheep thrive on the withered herbage of the countries they inhabit, and where the Sheep of Europe would perish. They are found in Madagascar, and along the south-eastern coast of Africa, together with the broad-tailed breeds. Of the races of the boundless countries of the interior of the African Continent we know scarcely any thing. Travel- lers, indeed, speak of Sheep as being numerous in the countries they have traversed, but they give us no characters by which the races can be discriminated. But in the rich and pestilential countries of the Negroes of the western coasts, the Sheep are better known to us. They are in great numbers, and of characters as distinct from those of Asia and Europe as other quadrupeds of the same countries. They are covered with short hair without any wool, and have tails like those of swine; and some of them have singular enlargements on the cheek, throat, and sometimes on the forehead. They are familiar to the slave-traders, who carry them away as sea-stock, along with their human victims. In the milder countries southward to the extremity of the Continent, there are large flocks of Sheep reared by such of the nomadic tribes as their own endless wars and the cruel avarice of European colonists have spared. The Hottentot Sheep are of slender forms, resembling foxes rather than Sheep, and having long tails on which the fat accumulates. They have been confounded with the broad-tailed Syrian race, from which they are distinct. They have been long available to the Indian voyagers as sea-stock; but they are of delicate constitution, and frequently perish with the first gales on quitting the Cape of Storms. Few of them, how- ever, now exist in the pure state in the territory of the Cape, a mixed race having been formed by the Dutch and English colonists. HISTORY. Turning to Europe, we find the Sheep varying in every country, and, like the human inhabitants, exhibiting the most ri في t # * ( t } ] ; * 1 | 1 : ... : 38 THE SHEEP. marked traces of a mixed descent. It has been questioned whether the pristine inhabitants of Europe possessed the domestic Sheep, and did not, like the wild tribes of the North American forests, live solely by the spoils of the chase. We cannot resolve this question, because we do not know who were the pristine inhabitants of Europe. But we have reason to believe, that the early Celtic and Teutonic nations were in possession of Sheep, which, indeed, they could hardly have failed to bring with them in their migrations westward,—the Teutons from the countries north of the Black Sea and the Caspian, and the Celts from those other regions of the East where the Sheep had been cultivated from the first ages. Yet the greater part of Europe was long a great forest, un- favourable to the cultivation of Sheep; and they are rarely mentioned by early chroniclers. It is a mistake, however, to contend, as some have done, that Sheep did not find their way into Western Europe until about the Christian era. Indisputable proofs to the contrary exist, as in Spain, which was long before this era inhabited by Sheep, and even in North Britain, where the remnants of the Celtic Sheep are still to be found, and where the early language of the people shews their familiarity with these animals. In the south of Europe, we may suppose that the Sheep of Asia were added to those of the pre-existing races. They may be believed to have found their way into Greece by the Hellespont, with the introduction of civilization and letters. The Sheep of Arcadia became at length the boast of Greece; and innumer- able allusions in the writings of her poets, historians, and philosophers, shew us in what estimation this gift of the Gods was held. Italy likewise possessed her Sheep from an un- known period; but the inhabitants, even up to a period com- paratively recent, seem to have directed their attention to the Goat more than to the Sheep. Long after Rome was founded, the inhabitants had not learned to shear the fleece; and, until the time of Pliny, the practice of plucking it from the skin was not wholly abandoned, so long had the humble shep- 1 HISTORY. 39 herds of Syria preceded, in their knowledge of necessary arts, the future conquerors of their country. In the highest latitudes of Europe are found the short- tailed Sheep of Northern Asia, which had even found their way from Scandinavia to the most northerly of the British Islands, where they still exist. In certain countries, too, of the north of Europe, are found Polycerate Sheep; but the greater part of the Sheep of Europe are of the common long- tailed varieties, though manifestly derived from different sources. For the most part, the Sheep of the richer countries are larger than those of the poorer; but this is not without exception, since, in fertile countries, are found races of Sheep, which, amidst the most abundant herbage, remain diminutive in size. In European Turkey and Greece, the Sheep do not now correspond with their ancient fame. They are of small size and indifferent form. They are often of the broad-tailed race of Asia Minor; and some of them have the horns twisted like certain Antelopes, forming the race designated Strepsiceros, and sometimes termed the Cretan breed. In the Islands of the Archipelago few Sheep are reared. Some of them are of the Cretan, some of the Syrian breed, and some of them are polycerate. Ascending the Danube, the Sheep are found to be of the long-tailed varieties, with more or less of the characters of the Cretan race. The breed of Wallachia may be regarded as the type of the races which extend through Moldavia, Transylvania, and westwards towards Vienna. They have black faces, and long wiry wool, much mixed with hair. Italy, once so renowned for her Sheep, can now boast little of this production of her bounteous clime. The Ro- mans, whose dress was woollen, cultivated in an especial degree the fineness of the fleece; and it was not until the days of the Empire that the silk and cotton of the East be- gan to supersede the ancient raiment of the Roman people. The finest wools of ancient Italy were produced in Apulia J * .. : J · 7 : i • I- + 1 40 and Calabria, being the eastern parts of the present kingdom of Naples. Pliny informs us that the best wool was that of Apulia, on the Adriatic Sea; that the next best was further to the south, on the Gulf of Tarentum; that the Milesian or Asiatic Sheep carried the third prize; and that, for white- ness, there was none better than that produced on the Po. The care of the Romans in causing the wool to grow fine, exceeded, in the case of certain breeds, any thing that is now attempted. The sheep were kept in houses, and con- tinually clothed, so that the filaments of the wool might be- come delicate: the skin was smeared with fine oil, and mois- tened with wine; the fleece was combed, so that the wool might not become matted; and the whole was washed seve- ral times in the year. Under this artificial treatment the breed became tender, subject to diseases, voracious of food, and the females so incapable of nourishing their young, that many of the lambs were obliged to be destroyed. The Apulian and Tarentine breeds probably ceased to exist even before the fall of the Empire, or were swept away by barbar- ous conquerors, with all the arts of the lovely land. There are still in Italy many fine-woolled Sheep, but of small bad form, and ruined by neglect. The same remark applies to the Sheep of Sicily, which were greatly celebrated for the fineness of their wool, and which have not yet lost this an- cient character. THE SHEEP. Of all the countries of Europe, Spain has been the longest distinguished for its Sheep. This fine country, more varied in its surface and natural productions than any other region of the like extent in Europe, produces a great variety of breeds, from the larger animals of the richer plains, to the smaller races of the higher mountains and arid country. Besides the difference produced in the Sheep of Spain by varieties of climate and natural productions, the diversity of character in the animals may be supposed to have been in- creased by the different races introduced into it, 1st, from Asia, by the early Phoenician colonies; 2d, from Africa, by 5 41 the Carthaginians, during their brief possession; 3d, from Italy, by the Romans, during their dominion of several hun- dred years; and 4th, again from Africa, by the Moors, who maintained a footing in the country for nearly eight centuries. The larger Sheep of the plains have long wool, often coloured brown or black. The Sheep of the mountains, downs, and arid plains, have short wool, of different degrees of fineness, and different colours. The most important of these latter races is the Merino, now the most esteemed and widely dif- fused of all the fine-woolled breeds of Europe. In the British Islands the races of Sheep present extraor- dinary diversities of size, form, and other characters, caused, it may be believed, in part, by a difference of descent, in part by the long-continued influence of climate, food, and other agencies, and in part by the effects of breeding and artificial treatment. But before describing the breeds proper to, or naturalized in, these Islands, it will be well to direct atten- tion to the nature of Wool, which forms an important pro- duction of the Sheep in all countries. WOOL. WOOL. The Hair of animals, of which Wool is a variety, springs from the cellular tissue, immediately underneath the corion or true skin. It grows from a soft pulp included in a little sac, into which nerves and bloodvessels pass from the sur- rounding tissue. It extends outwards, passing through the true skin and epidermis in the form of a fine cylinder. It pos- sesses externally a scaly texture, the lamina pointing in one direction from the root to the tip, and is protected by an unctuous secretion. Wool is chiefly distinguished from hair by its growing in a spiral form, by its greater softness and pliability, and by a property to be referred to, by which the separate filaments adhere under the influence of moisture and pressure. On account of these properties, wool is ↓ K 3 1 F ---- 1 U 42 THE SHEEP. greatly better suited than hair for being spun and woven into cloth. Hair is often largely mixed with the wool of Sheep, and, in the wilder races, forms the principal part of the animal's covering. By frequent shearing of the fleece, the hair di- minishes in quantity, and the wool is proportionally de- veloped, until at length, under the influence of continued domestication, the essential covering of the animal becomes wool, of greater or less tenuity and softness. In the culti- vated Sheep of England, hair covers only the face and part of the limbs, but often hairs are mixed with the wool of other parts of the body; and this, as it regards the manu- facture, is an imperfection, and it is a process of art to separate the intermixed hairs from the wool. Generally speaking, the wool of Sheep in these latitudes is yearly renewed, the older part falling off at the com- mencement of the warmer season, and it is then that we anticipate the process of nature by shearing the fleece. But the wool may be shorn at any time, and, like hair, will grow again. In this country, however, it is never thought bene- ficial to shear the wool more than once in the year, and this at the commencement of the warmer season, when the older portion is about to fall off. In certain parts of this country, favourable with respect to the mildness of the climate, the wool of lambs is shorn; but the practice is unsuited to a cold climate, and is only, therefore, very partially pursued. The wool of lambs employed in the manufactures of this country is chiefly derived from the skins of animals that have been killed for the butcher, though largely, also, from the importation of the skins of lambs with the wool from other countries. The wool of different races or families of Sheep is greatly distinguished by the length of the staple and the tenuity and softness of the filaments. And not only does the wool of different Sheep differ in these properties, but the wool of the same individual is more or less soft and fine, according WOOL. 43 to the parts of the body from which it is derived. In gene- ral, the wool becomes less fine, proceeding from the neck towards the extremities, so that the wool on the breech is more coarse than that on the back and sides. It is a pro- cess of art to separate the finer from the coarser parts in an individual fleece, and this into such number of divisions as suits the nature of the wool, or the manufacture intended. The number of these divisions varies from six to ten, or, in many cases, to a greater number. The fleece being un- rolled, the workman at his table, with a clear light thrown upon him, and guided by the eye and touch, culls out the several locks, as distinguished by the fineness of the fila- These being put into baskets placed around him, are afterwards collected into distinct packages; and thus the manufacturer is supplied with wool of the peculiar quality required. This operation is sometimes performed under the direction of the manufacturers themselves, but more com- monly by a class of persons termed wool-staplers, who pur- chase the raw material from the grower, and dispose of it after being assorted to the manufacturer. The operative part of the process is one of great nicety, to which men are trained, as to. the other mechanical arts, by a regular ap- prenticeship.* ments. Wool is eminently suited to the reception of colours by the dyeing process, excelling in this respect silk, and much more cotton, and all other vegetable substances. White wool receives the colouring matter more readily than black, the finer parts of the fleece more readily than the coarser, and the wool of healthy Sheep more readily than that of those which are unhealthy. The natural colour of wool is often black, and black filaments are frequently mixed with the white. The intermixture is regarded as a great defect, the black filaments being unsuited for the reception of the brighter and more delicate colours in dyeing. The inter- mixture of black wool with white is most apt to take place * Remarks by the Author on Wool, aliunde. L ** 44 in the case of the breeds of Sheep whose legs and faces are covered with dark hair. THE SHEEP. The kinds of wool, as distinguished from one another by the length of the staple, are termed Long and Short. In this country the long wools are the produce of the larger Sheep of the plains, and possess a staple of seven inches and upwards. The short wools are the produce of the smaller Sheep of the mountains, downs, and generally of the drier or less fertile country, and have wool of a staple from two to four inches. Wool is prepared for being spun into thread by two pro- cesses entirely different in the effect and mode of execution : the first is termed Combing, and prepares the wool for being spun into worsted yarn, which is the kind of thread employed for the stuffs called worsteds; the second is termed Carding, and prepares the material for being spun into woollen yarn, which is the kind of thread suited for the manufacture of woollen cloths. In combing, the process consists in dividing the wool by means of fine steel teeth, acting in the manner of the com- mon comb on knotted or entangled hair. The comb is kept hot, and the wool is oiled, in order that it may pass more easily between the teeth of the comb. In this manner, the filaments are smoothed and arranged side by side, some- what in the manner in which the fibres of hemp and flax are assorted for spinning, and being then drawn out to the de- gree of tenuity required, are twisted or spun, forming worsted yarn. The tenuity given to these threads is of every degree, suited to the various kinds of manufacture, from the thickest and stoutest substances, to the most delicate articles of clothing and dress. The fineness to which woollen threads can be spun almost exceeds belief. It has been computed that, in ordinary spinning at Norwich, a pound of wool may be extended to 13,440 yards, or in superfine spinning, to 37,200 yards, or about 224 miles, so that a fleece yielding 7 lb. would produce a thread of 155 miles in length: and even this degree of fineness can be exceeded. The exporta- 1 45 tion of worsted yarn was formerly prohibited by law; it is now permitted, and forms an increasing and profitable branch of trade. WOOL. The preparation of wool by carding, for the manufacture of woollen cloth, is performed in an entirely different manner. In this process, the filaments are not kept entire and laid parallel to one another in the direction of the thread to be spun; but they are torn and broken into innumerable minute fragments, and then mingled together in every direction. By the spiral growth of wool, as distingushed from that of hair, each filament, or portion of a filament, is curled at its ex- tremity, and the broken or divided parts tend to hook them- selves to one another, so that, when a portion of wool is forcibly broken into pieces, the fragments remain loosely adherent, and may then be twisted or spun. The operation of breaking the wool by means of the card is performed by machinery; but the principle of the process will be under- stood from the following explanation :— Let there be supposed to be a board with a handle attached, and that in this board is fixed a great number of crooked wires, all bent in one direction. These wires are then par- tially filled with wool. Another board with the same kind of wires or teeth is then pulled in such a manner as that its teeth shall pass through amongst those of the other board. By the repeated action of these two cards, the wool is broken into minute fragments, which, from the curling property of the wool referred to, hook themselves together, and are formed into long rolls or cardings, which, being drawn out and twisted, form the thread. This peculiar mode of forming the thread of woollen yarn has relation to the kind of fabric to be formed, namely, woollen cloth, which is a substance of a dense and close tex- ture; while the fabrics formed of worsted thread are of a lighter and looser texture. The denser consistence is given to the woollen cloth by means of the property termed Felting. The property of felting consists in a tendency of the fila- I + I t r I I I 1 I I + 1 1 } 46 THE SHEEP. ments of wool to unite or adhere when moistened and com- pressed. By compression in the moist state, a mass of wool becomes a dense body, as we see in the case of hats or beavers, which are formed of the wool and down of animals subjected to pressure and moisture. Nay, by this process alone, with- out the intervention of spinning or weaving, cloth can be formed. Thus, in ancient times, and among certain people of the East at the present day, caps, mantles, blankets, carpets, and the covering of tents, are formed by felting alone. In England, recent experiments have shewn, that tolerably good cloths, both with respect to durability and fineness, may be formed by this means. The property appears to depend on the form of the filaments before referred to. Each filament is seen to be notched all round with minute serrations, formed by fine sharp laminæ, proceeding from the pile like the leaves of an artichoke, all pointing in one direction from the base to the extremity. Now when, by the process of carding, the filaments are broken into minute fragments, the parts are in- termingled in every direction, and the serrations tend to lock themselves into one another by meeting in opposite direc- tions. But when wool is prepared by combing, the serrations lie in one direction, and do not in the same degree tend to lock themselves together. In the manufacture of woollen cloth, the felting process is not called into operation until the threads are spun and woven, and in the preparatory process the tendency of the filaments to cohere is prevented by oiling the wool. But when the cloth is woven, it is subjected to a process termed Fulling, for the purpose of freeing it from the oily matter. The fulling is performed by machinery, and consists in press- ing the cloth in water along with clay, the aluminous matter of which combines with the oil of the cloth. It is in under- going this operation that the threads and filaments cohere together, so that the cloth becomes more thick, and does not unravel when cut. From this account, it will be seen that, while the facility 1 47 of felting is an important property in the case of all wool designed for the manufacture of cloth, and prepared by the card, it is not required in the case of wool intended for worsted, and prepared by the comb. Certain kinds of wool have this property in a higher degree than others, and are consequently better adapted for the making of woollen cloth. In general, the shorter kinds of wool having also fine fila- ments, are those of which the laminæ are most numerous and distinct, and are those accordingly in which the felting property is the greatest. The property, however, is not in proportion to the tenuity of the fibres, since certain short and slender wools possess it in an inferior degree. Of all known wools, that derived from the Merino race possesses the felting property in the greatest perfection, and is accord- ingly the best adapted of all others for the making of cloth; while the long and tough wool of the larger sheep is imper- fectly adapted to the preparation of woollen yarn, and ac- cordingly is never prepared by the action of the card. It is, therefore, the short and felting wools which alone are fitted for this process; and until a period comparatively recent, they were, with few exceptions in this country, never prepared by any other means. This gave rise to a popular distinction, long in use, and not yet entirely abandoned. The long wools were termed Combing wools; the short, Carding wools. But these designations are no longer applicable. By improve- ments in the woollen manufacture, the means have been found to prepare the shorter and more delicate wools by the comb as well as by the card; and now a great proportion of all the short wool of this country is converted into worsted yarn. The South Down wool, which was formerly, and until a recent period exclusively, prepared by the card, is now in a still larger degree prepared by the comb for the manufac- ture of worsted. It has fallen.in price, indeed, from its being no longer used for the finer cloths, but the range of its utility has been greatly extended. Thus it is also with the wool of the Cheviot, the Norfolk, and other Short-woolled breeds; WOOL. + 48 and there cannot be a doubt, that, although individual in- terests may have been injuriously affected by the fall in the price, the nation has been benefited by an extension of the purposes to which this class of wools can be applied. Nay, the general good of the wool-growers themselves has been eminently served. The demand for their commodity has be- come more steady, and the trade been placed on a surer basis, by being founded on an enlarged demand, and supported, not by artificial regulations and fiscal restraints, but by an exten- sion of the woollen manufacture. Soon after the peace of 1814, alarm was raised among the British wool-growers lest the price of the raw material should be reduced below what they chose to term a remunerating price. The Government of the day, in an evil hour, yielded to the influence exerted; and in the year 1819, heavy duties were imposed on foreign wool, with the design of keeping up the price of the native pro- duce, under the specious pretext of encouraging British agri- culture. In six years this monstrous law was repealed, but not until it had done all that the shortness of the time allowed for establishing the manufactures of foreign rivals, and giv- ing them the ascendency in the markets of Europe. But the price of short wool continuing to decline, renewed efforts were made by the wool-growers to induce the Legislature to re- store the former restrictions. This, in 1828, led to a parlia- mentary inquiry, when a mass of evidence was produced, proving beyond all cavil the danger and evil of interfering, through the medium of duties and fiscal regulations, with the raw material of a manufacture which could only be sustained by freedom of trade and production. It was proved by the con- current testimony of witnesses from all parts, that the cloth made from British wool alone could no longer find a market in Europe, and was even deemed too coarse for the clothing of the labouring classes at home; and that, without a free command of the wool of other countries, a great part of the woollen export trade of Great Britain would be for ever lost. It may well excite surprise that any class of men amongst THE SHEEP. 7 0 49 us should have dared to demand that the manufacturers of the country should be prevented from procuring the materials of their manufacture where they could be obtained cheapest and best; nay, should not only be prevented from exercising this natural and necessary right, but compelled to take from the wool-growers at home, and at a price enhanced by fiscal regulations, what was absolutely unsuited for the purposes of commerce. The disgraceful law of 1819 had already shewn, that, by refusing to take the wools of other countries," we depressed the price of the raw material abroad, and thus gave an indirect premium to the foreign manufacturer; and that, by forcing our manufacturers to employ wools of inferior quality and higher price, we directly unfitted them for com- petition in the general market of the world. It was of the repeal of the law of 1819 that the wool-growers thought fit to complain, as having produced the depreciation which had taken place in the price of the clothing wools, not perceiving that, in admitting the depreciation from this cause, they ad- mitted at the same time the magnitude and injustice of a burden, which had been so heavily taxing the manufacturing industry of our own country, and fostering that of others. What, it may be well asked, did the wool-growers hope for by forcing up the price of wool by such expedients? To the mere occupier of the land a forced rise of the raw material could only be beneficial during a passing term. On the ter- mination of the lease, the benefit would go to the owner of the land in the shape of increased rent. Thus, in order to raise the rent of the land, the wool-growers were prepared to lay a tax on every consumer of wool, that is, on every indi- vidual in the kingdom, and to cripple the trader in his means to maintain his equality in the foreign markets. It is known that, in these times, the great danger to the manufacturing prosperity of the country is the progress of other nations in those arts in which we have hitherto excelled, and that our relative superiority in such arts can only be maintained by our being enabled to supply the productions of them on the D WOOL. ! % # 啼 ​50 THE SHEEP. cheapest terms; and granting that the wool-growers could, by means of an ill-judged monopoly, have forced up for a time the price of the native wool, would they not thereby have abandoned a yet more safe and permanent means of effecting the end, namely, that which would have resulted from in- creasing the demand for the manufactured commodity? The injurious measure contended for was, however, happily re- sisted, never, it is to be trusted, to be brought forward again; and the trade of wool, by being thrown open to the world, has been placed on a far surer foundation than if it had been made to rest on the narrow and insecure basis of monopoly and restriction.* The woollen trade of England has been cherished by the laws from early times, and has long been regarded as a main branch of the industry of the country. The Romans extended and perfected the arts of spinning and weaving in Britain, as in other of their provinces, and taught the natives to clothe themselves after the Roman fashion. They established fac- tories, of which that at Winchester was long distinguished. But the garments and woollen fabrics of the people were for the most part spun and woven by themselves, under that system of domestic manufacture which is the first in order of time in all rude countries. The employment of spinning and weaving was chiefly devolved on females, whence the term Spinster, which has been in use from time immemorial. Ed- ward the Elder, who died in the year of our Lord 925, mar- ried, we are told, the daughter of a shepherd or countryman of mean rank; and being desirous that his children should have a princely education, "he sette his sons to scole, and his daughters he sette to woll werke, takyne example of Charles the Conquestour."+ In the succeeding times of the Norman princes, the state of the woollen trade is made known to us by the records of customs, subsidies, fines, and fiscal regulations. Wool formed * Remarks on Wool, aliunde, by the Author. † Fabian's Chron. } WOOL. 51 the chief revenue of the prince, and the subject of continued exaction on the people. Sometimes the woollen subsidies were paid in kind, but more generally in heavy duties laid upon the sale or exportation of the wool. In these early times the raw material alone was exported. It was carried chiefly to the Low Countries, where it was manufactured into cloths and worsted stuffs by the Flemings, then become the great weavers of Northern Europe. These industrious people maintained their superiority in the woollen manufacture for many ages, and during this period acquired that wealth which enabled them to render their country the most populous and fruitful in Europe. Their chief dependence for the raw mate- rial was on England, which alone could supply them in the due quantity with the wool which their innumerable looms required. They returned the manufactured commodity at a high price; and yet the trade was mutually beneficial, and calculated to advance the industry of the ruder, as well as the more cultivated, people. But Edward III., soon after his ac- cession to the crown, resolved to wrest the woollen manufac- ture as much as possible from the Flemings, and establish it at home. He encouraged the resort of foreign artisans to England; and, availing himself of certain discontents in Flanders, he invited over weavers, dyers, fullers, and others, and established them in different parts, affording them pro- tection and privileges. He caused it to be enacted, that all merchant strangers and denizens might buy and sell within the realm, freely and without interruption, and that all foreign clothmakers should be received from whatever foreign parts they came. To encourage the home manufacture, he even resolved to prevent the exportation of English wool, and the importation of foreign cloths. At a parliament held in March 1337, it was enacted that no wool of English growth should be transported beyond sea, and that none should wear any cloths made beyond sea. But this statute soon gave way the exigencies of the exchequer, and the temptation of im- posts, licenses, and fines. to *. 1 Ł d Į " P } + ** ** 52 THE SHEEP. This prince has been regarded as the great founder of the manufacturing prosperity of England,-with what justice, let the records of his exchequer, and the complaints of his harassed subjects, declare. He bestowed his favour upon the woollen trade, it is true, but merely as an engine for extorting money; and in no previous reign had the exactions on this part of the industry of the country been more grievous. We are amazed at the sums he drew from forced subsidies, customs, fines, and otherwise. On one occasion having, without the sanction of Parliament, and contrary, accordingly, to Magna Charta, laid a heavy impost on all wool sold within the kingdom, the Commons agree to give him 30,000 sacks of wool for his re- lief, on condition that he should keep to the customs ordained by law; and the Lords, after humbly praying "that the great wrong set upon wool be revoked," offer him in return the tenth sheaf of all the corn of their demesnes, and the tenth fleece of wool, and the tenth lamb of their own stores, to be paid within two years. The clergy sometimes assisted him, as, on one occasion, by raising for him 20,000 sacks. When these woollen subsidies were to be levied, care likewise was used that the king's market was not interfered with. Pro- clamation was sometimes made, "that no person buy any wools before the king be served, whereunto all customers shall have an eye. ""* On one occasion, the king having re- solved to export 20,000 sacks on his own account, his ready Parliament enacted that no man before that time should pass over any wool on pain of treble loss, life and member! Such was the protection afforded to the woollen trade on the part of our earlier governments. By the increasing power of the people, the exactions of the prince were better resisted in the following reigns; but yet we recognise little of just and liberal principles in the legislation of the times. Guilds and corporations with exclusive privileges were multiplied, and thus monopoly crept into all the departments of the woollen * Smith's Memoirs of Wool. WOOL. 53 trade; foreigners were treated with jealousy and injustice; and restrictions were extended to every branch of the manu- facture. Still, the woollen manufactures of the country con- tinued to extend; but it was not until the more settled times of Henry VII. that cloth began to be exported in any quan- tity. But how little of this advancement was due to the wis- dom of the laws, may be seen from the statutes which were before and afterwards enacted. Certain towns and districts were frequently allowed the exclusive privilege of manufac- turing and selling certain kinds of goods. An act of Henry VIII. declares, that worsted yarn is the "private commoditie" of the city of Norwich, and county of Norfolk; and therefore enacts" that none shall be transported, nor shipped to be transported, nor bought, nor caused to be bought, by any but weavers in the said city or county." Another act recites, that "the city of York afore this time hath been upholden principally by making and weaving coverlets, and that the same have not been made elsewhere in the said county till of late, and that this manufacture had spread itself into other parts of the county, and was thereby debased and discredited;" and therefore ordains, "That none shall make coverlets in Yorkshire but inhabitants of the city of York." An act of the same prince revives certain older laws against enclosures, and another limits the number of Sheep which any one shall keep, on account, it is stated, of the rise in the price of victual and clothing. By an act of William and Mary, it is ordained that no clothier out of a burgh, market town, or corporate town, shall have above one loom; that no weaver dwelling out of a city shall have above two looms; that no weaver shall be either tucker, fuller, or dyer; that no fuller or tucker shall keep a loom; that no person shall cause any white broad woollen cloths to be made but in a city, or where such cloths have been made for the space of ten years before; that no weaver dwelling out of a city shall have above two apprentices at one time; and that none shall set up weaving unless he have been apprentice to, or have exercised the # ༑ལ 1 $ $ 1. { 差 ​¦ 54 same, for seven years, and so forth. Absurd as are these, and many more of the laws of the times, the woollen trade and manufacture had been continually extending; and, in the glorious reign of Elizabeth, became one of the main sources of national opulence and power. - With the progressive increase, during the preceding reigns, of the foreign export trade in manufactured goods, the ex- portation of raw wool had been gradually declining, and became continually less a means of supplying the wants of needy princes. Elizabeth, with a provident sagacity, did not prohibit the exportation of the raw material; and thus, while she supported the manufacturer, she encouraged the growth of native wool, by suffering the growers to send their produce to the most suitable market. This wise policy had a happy effect; while events arose, in connexion with the melancholy history of other countries, which gave a new vigour to the manufacturing industry of England. Charles V. had succeeded, together with his other fair dominions, to the sovereignty of the Low Countries, then including the Dutch provinces. The doctrines of the Refor- mation, so well suited to the genius of a frugal and calcu- lating people, had early made a silent progress in the coun- try; but here, as elsewhere, the strength of authority was put forth to repress the spreading heresy. Civil grievances were added to religious quarrels. Charles lived to witness and deplore the growing discontent of his once faithful people; but it was reserved for his son and successor Philip II. to fan the embers of rebellion into flame, and complete the ruin of his rich and peaceful provinces. The people, who had been termed in contempt Geux, or beggars, by the minions of the Court, assumed, with bitter irony, the wallet and the staff as the ensign of their confederacy, and everywhere made head against their oppressors. A civil war ensued, rendered hor- rible by the merciless severity with which it was carried on; by the sacking of rich towns, and other excesses of merce- nary soldiers; by confiscations and judicial murders. After THE SHEEP. WOOL. 55 a time, ten of the provinces remained subjugated, but seven achieved their independence, and became, under the name of the Seven United Provinces, or Republic of Holland, one of the most powerful nations of Europe. On the death of Philip, in 1598, the subdued provinces enjoyed a kind of repose; but the commerce that made them powerful was gone, and all their arts were in a state of decay. During forty years of war and misrule, multitudes of artisans had migrated with their families to other countries, and in an especial degree to England, where they were received with sympathy and fa- vour. It is supposed that about 50,000 of these unfortunate refugees found shelter in England soon after the first inva- sion of the barbarous Duke of Alva. They were settled in all parts of the kingdom, and contributed to give that perfec- tion to the English manufactures, particularly of the finer stuffs, in which they were formerly deficient. This, in con- nexion with the growing commerce of the country, extended the woollen trade of England to every part of the world, and made it be regarded as the most important department of national industry. The illustrious De Witt, in lamenting the destruction of the woollen manufacture of the Nether- lands, first by injurious laws at home, and then by the cruelty of the Duke of Alva, observes, that afterwards "The English by degrees began to vend their manufactures throughout Europe, and then they became potent at sea; and he who is powerful at sea is a lord at land, and more especially a king of England.-" During the reigns of the princes of the House of Stuart, the woollen trade continued in a languishing condition. The commercial legislation of this period, with respect to wool, was marked by the spirit of monopoly and exclusiveness, a short-sighted regard to little interests, a petty intermeddling with the details of trade, and a jealousy of particular classes, interests, and countries. The Dutch, then becoming a ma- nufacturing as well as a trading people, were the subjects of especial jealousy and dislike. They had become the princi- & 1. I 56 THE SHEEP. (C pal dyers of Europe. King James I., in the plenitude of his wisdom, resolved to take the process of dyeing into his own hands. He gave exclusive patents to persons at home to perform it, and ordained that no cloth but that dyed in Eng- land should be exported. The Dutch and Germans retaliated, and refused to take cloth dyed in England. But jealousy was not confined to aliens. The woollen manufacture had taken root, and was making progress in the sister Island, when addresses were presented to the King and both Houses of Parliament, beseeching his Majesty to take effectual measures to prevent the growth of the woollen manufactures in Ireland." The exportation of Irish wool to any country but England was rendered a felony; and the importation of manufactured goods into England itself was prevented by restrictions equivalent to a prohibition. The exportation, even, of our English wool, was rigidly prohibited; and the protection given to stranger artisans was so counteracted by the miserable laws of corporations, that numbers of the former refugees quitted the country in disgust. During the reigns of Queen Anne and the two first sove- reigns of the House of Hanover, the home consumption of woollen goods greatly increased, but the foreign woollen trade remained nearly stationary. During the first part of the reign of George III., it progressively extended, but yet not to a degree corresponding with the increasing wealth of the country. The chief demand was for the West India Islands and the North American Colonies. After the year 1773, a revolution occurred in manufacturing industry, which may be said to have changed the condition of human society. Machinery was applied to the fabrication of cotton, and the stupendous power of steam was called into more extended action. First came the Spinning-jenny, by which a child could direct a hundred spindles and more, all at a time; then the beautiful Frame of Arkwright, which required merely that the raw material should be supplied, in order to be spun into threads of surpassing fineness; then the Mule-jenny; 57 and last the Power-loom, which substituted mechanical for hu- man power in the forming of the cloth. A similar machinery was applied to the spinning and weaving of wool, and the whole processes of the art were changed. The variety, qua- lity, and cheapness of the productions increased in a won- derful degree; and, notwithstanding the amazing extension of the use of cotton in furniture, clothing, and dress, the con- sumption of wool in England has not only not diminished, but is at this time greater than in any former age. The number of Sheep in the British Islands has been va- riously computed at from thirty to thirty-five millions. Tak- ing the latter sum, which probably falls below the real amount, and assuming the produce, after making allowance for the deficient weight of the wool of slaughtered sheep and lambs, to be 43 lb. the fleece, the total quantity produced will be 157,500,000 lb. 4,603,799 Whereof are exported in the raw state, Leaving to be manufactured, 152,896,201 lb. WOOL. And assuming the price to be 1s. 3d. per lb., the value of the raw material will be The value of foreign wool imported, 56,700,895 lb. at 2s. 6d., is L.9,556,012 11 3 7,087,611 17 6 L.16,643,624 8 9 Supposing, then, the value of the manufactured commo- dity to be 21 times that of the raw material, the value of manufactured woollen goods produced in Britain will be L.41,609,061: 1:10. This great national manufacture supplies a larger internal consumption than takes place in any other country; and affords a surplus, valued at between six and seven millions sterling, besides yarn, valued at about half a million, for an export. trade to all parts of the world, being more than one-eighth I L J i 1 F 58 part of the whole export trade of the kingdom. The woollen trade is, therefore, of surpassing importance to the nation. It has to contend with the fiscal regulations, and the increas- ing production and rivalry of other countries; but hitherto the superior capital, machinery, and industry of the country, and the facilities of an extended commerce, have given advan- tages to the British manufacturer which no European coun- try as yet possesses. This brief account of the nature and properties of wool, will prepare us for considering the characters of the various breeds of Sheep which have been naturalized in these Islands. THE SHEEP. I. THE BREEDS OF THE ZETLAND AND ORKNEY ISLANDS. The Sheep of this race inhabit the group of Islands and Islets which lie to the north of the Pentland Firth, extending to about the sixty-first degree of north latitude. They have been in numerous cases intermixed with Dutch Sheep, brought by the fishing-craft which frequent these northern seas, and likewise with the Sheep of the Main. They thus differ in some degree in the different islands, and even in different flocks of the same island; but they have manifestly a common origin with the Sheep of Norway and other parts of Northern Europe. These wild little Sheep are possessed of a fur consisting partly of hair and partly of fine wool. They are of different colours, black, brown, or white; and more often they are of a gray colour, from the mixture of black and white, and are often curiously streaked. There are horns in both sexes, but more generally they are wanting in the females, and some- times in the males. Their horns are short, and often so straight and upright, as to resemble those of the Goat. Their tails are short and broad, and their limbs slender, their aspect is wild, and their motions are active. 4. BREEDS OF THE ZETLAND AND ORKNEY ISLANDS. 59 These Sheep have acquired the characters which fit them for the condition in which they are placed. The country which they inhabit possesses a climate eminently cold and humid, and is exposed to continual gusts and storms. Scarce a tree is to be found, or a shrubby plant, beyond the heath which covers the soil. Many of the islets are little else than rocks, with a covering of peat, washed by the spray of the boisterous seas which surround them, and occupied only by a few Sheep left to find their own food. Under these circum- stances, the Sheep are small in size, but hardy, and capable of subsisting under great privations of food. The wethers may be fattened, on a medium, to 6 or 7 lb. the quarter. At certain seasons they find their way from the mountains to the shores, and feed on the fuci and other marine plants. It is remarkable to see them, on the receding of the tide, running down from the hills, as if possessing an instinctive knowledge of the time of ebb. They remain feeding while the sea allows; and sometimes they are caught by the surrounding tide and drowned. Sometimes they are unable, from exhaustion, to ascend again the cliffs of the coast, and so perish; sometimes they are driven into coves, where they are imprisoned until the retiring tide permits them to escape. It is remarkable that these Sheep feed readily on animal substances. One of the greatest resources in some of the islands for keeping them, when no other provender exists, is fish, which are dried on the rocky shores for that purpose. These Sheep manifest, in their habits, the rudeness of their condition. The rams will often set upon the other sheep of the flock if wounded, and destroy them. They will furiously attack the females and new-born lambs, as if, in the dreary circumscribed islets which they inhabit, they had acquired the instinct of endea- vouring to prevent the too great multiplication of their num- bers. The ewes, conscious of the danger, make their escape at the time of lambing, that they may bring forth their young in secret. When brought to the richer countries, these wild creatures make every effort to escape from the enclosures • · • 4 : I 1 60 THE SHEEP. which confine them, find their way to the nearest elevated grounds, and wander from place to place. They crop the tops of herbs in the manner of goats, and endeavour to reach the branches of shrubs and trees. Their descendants, for more than one generation, retain the wild habits of the race. Of these Sheep, the least mixed with foreign blood are those of the remoter Islands, chiefly of Zetland. The Sheep of Orkney are of a more mixed descent, and the impure breeds have not the fineness of wool which distinguishes the ancient race. In these animals, the hair grows mixed with the wool all over the body. The wool falls off at the commencement of the warmer season, leaving the hair to protect the animal. Previous to the winter months, the wool has again grown, and, along with the hair, forms a thick fur, suited to afford a covering during the intense rigour of the colder season. The usual practice is to pluck off the wool, and not to shear it. This practice has been described as rude and cruel. It is, however, the method of treatment which is the best adapted for obtaining the wool unmixed with the hairs, which would render it unsuited for being spun and woven. The wool may, in this manner, be taken from the skin without violence, and would fall off naturally, and be left amongst the heaths and in the bogs. The wool is scarcely ever washed before being pulled, and the quantity is very small, not exceeding from 1½ to 2 lb. in the unwashed state. It is remarkable for its soft- ness and the tenuity of its filaments. It is admirably suited for being made into hose and fine flannels, but is deficient in the property of felting, and is therefore ill adapted for the making of cloths. The black-coloured wool is the most valued for the making of hose and caps, because it does not require the addition of dyes. The hides with the wool form beautiful pelisses, and would be valuable on this account, were such dresses in demand in this country. The Sheep, over a great part of these islands, are pastured in common, and the general treatment of them is rude in a remarkable degree. The animals are often left entirely to : 61 BREEDS OF THE ZETLAND AND ORKNEY ISLANDS. their own resources in the bleak and desolate islands in which they are imprisoned. They are collected by being hunted to- gether once a-year, stripped of their fleeces, marked by their respective owners, and then turned adrift, until such as sur- vive are caught again in the following year, and subjected to the same treatment. In all cases, the number of Rams is allowed to be disproportioned to that of the Ewes; and, in many cases, the number of the sexes are nearly equal. When Sheep are wanted from the pastures, they are run down by dogs; and hence these poor creatures acquire as great a ter- ror for the dog as in other countries they do for the wolf or other beasts of prey. The dogs, termed Had or Sheep Dogs, are taught to select a particular Sheep, and run him down ; and curious old laws existed regarding the property and con- trol of these animals. Under the whole of this barbarous system, the mortality is excessive; all the profit to be de- rived from a proper management of a flock of sheep is lost; and all the means are foregone of improving the breed, by the selection of the male and female parents. It is painful to draw such a picture of neglect, as appli- cable to the rural economy of any part of a country like Bri- tain. Yet it is consoling to know that the seeds of improve- ment are scattered in these long-neglected Islands. In seve- ral of them are settled various landed gentlemen, who are equal in intelligence to any in the kingdom, and who have begun to give the due attention to the resources of their country. The efforts of such individuals to improve the do- mestic animals of their estates cannot fail to meet with suc- cess, nor the benefits of their example to be gradually dif- fused. The power of steam has further been called into ope- ration, to bring those remote Islands into contact with the markets of the South; and now the breeders, instead of suf- fering their Sheep to become the prey of eagles, ravens, and gulls, and to perish through hunger and neglect, have the means of carrying their rich and delicate mutton direct to the best markets of consumption in the kingdom. + ľ ! I 1 w 62 THE SHEEP. A question of economical interest for these Islands is, whether the existing breeds should be preserved, or new ones substituted. The interests of individuals may be ex- pected to lead them to the latter course, at least to the ex- tent of crossing the native races with superior stock. In this manner an immediate profit may be expected; and it is not to be supposed that individual breeders will abandon a mean of present profit for one more distant and contingent. Under this system, indeed, the pure Scandinavian Breed will diminish in numbers, and ultimately disappear; but this could scarcely be regretted, if a more useful class of animals were to be substituted. If it were wished to preserve the ancient race in such of the Islands as yet produce them, then the attention of breeders should be directed to the proper management of their flocks, to better feeding, and to long and persevering care in the selection of the males and females. Without attention to these things, the present race of Zet- land Sheep can never be recovered from the degeneracy into which it has fallen during ages of maltreatment and neglect. The Merino Sheep have been tried for the purpose of cross- ing the native race; but, as might have been anticipated from the habitudes of the Merino parents, the progeny was found unfitted to withstand the rigour of the climate, and the exposed situation of the country. The Cheviot Sheep have, however, been used for crossing with advantage, and appear to be the breed which is greatly the best for the purpose. The Short-tailed Sheep of Northern Europe had also been early carried to the Hebrides, doubtless by the Norwegians. Some of the descendants of these Sheep remain, but only in scattered remnants, which are rapidly disappearing, their size being diminutive, and the interest of the breeders having everywhere led them to adopt breeds of more economical value. Polycerate Sheep, too, are sometimes found in the Islands of Scotland, doubtless the descendants of the same race in Iceland and the north of Europe, but they are gene-, rally worthless, and are nearly extinct. I THE SOFT-WOOLLED SHEEP OF SCOTLAND. 63 II. THE SOFT-WOOLLED SHEEP OF SCOTLAND. Although the early inhabitants of North Britain directed more attention to the Goat than to the Sheep, it appears that Sheep were reared by them in some numbers in the higher countries, and largely in the plains, when the country had become cleared of wood and partially cultivated. Rem- nants of the older races existed up to a late period in the last century; but on the introduction of Sheep of a larger size, and of more economical value, the older races progres- sively disappeared, until a few scattered flocks only were left in some of the more distant parts of the country, chiefly in the Hebrides and Central Highlands. These Sheep pre- sented different characters, according to the nature of the localities in which they were reared; but they may be de- scribed, in general, as being of small size, and lank agile forms; as having generally short slender horns; and as hav- ing a soft wool, fitted for the making of flannels, but not well adapted for felting. They had the tails long, and not short and flat like the Sheep of northern Europe; so that they differed entirely in race from those which, at a sub- sequent period, were introduced into the remoter Islands by the Scandinavian pirates. They were of various colours, frequently brown, and often this brown colour remained on the face when the rest of the body had become white; on which account they sometimes received the name of the Dun- faced breed. They were exceedingly wild, and hardly to be confined by common enclosures. They were hardy in a re- markable degree, subsisting on scanty fare, and bearing the rudest treatment, and were remarkably exempt from those maladies which frequently produce such ravages in the mo- dern races. I G The Soft-woolled Sheep may be said to be now nearly ex- tinct as a separate variety in Scotland; but kindred races £ ** ا. + ¿ 64 still exist in Wales and Ireland, the remnants, we may be- lieve, of the ancient Sheep of the country. THE SHEEP. III.—THE BREED OF THE HIGHER WELSH MOUNTAINS. The Sheep of Wales, inhabiting a country partly of moun- tains and partly of valleys and plains, may be expected to present great diversities of character. Accordingly, we find a variety of breeds, from the wilder races of the higher mountains to the larger Sheep of the lower country. The latter classes of Sheep, however, are not truly Welsh. They are the Leicester, Cotswold, and other Sheep of the English plains, either pure or mixed with the races of the mountains. It is the Mountain Sheep alone that we are to regard as the genuine Sheep of Wales, the descendants, it may be believed, of the ancient Sheep of South Britain. Of the Mountain Sheep of Wales there are numerous minor varieties, but generally they may be divided into two groups, which may be regarded as the types to which all the others have more or less affinity. A great part of the mountains of Wales, it is to be observed, is absolute com- mon, in which animals of every kind may be mingled to- gether; and however distinct the original races may have been, it is not to be supposed that they can have remained without intermixture during the many ages in which Wales has existed nearly in its present state. Notwithstanding, however, of this amalgamation, there may be traced the characters of two very distinct groups; the first, the wilder Sheep of the higher mountains; the second, a race generally inhabiting a lower range of pasturage, and possessed of pecu- liar characters. The first may be termed the Sheep of the Higher Mountains, as indicating their habitat; the second, the Soft-woolled Sheep of Wales, as denoting the character of the fleece. 1 1 65 The Sheep of the higher mountains are of small size, scarcely capable of fattening to above 5 lb. the quarter, and have horns, both in the male and female, slightly curved, and stretching backwards in the manner of the Goat; their tail is of ordinary length; they have a ridge of coarse hairs pass- ing along the spine to the tail, surrounding the neck and reaching to the dewlap; the wool on the sides is of medium fineness, and on the haunch it is coarse and wiry. The colour of the fleece is black, gray, or brown. This remarkable race has the wool and aspect of the Sheep, but in habits it rather resembles the Goat. It seeks the summits of mountains; it vaults, rather than runs ; and feeds on the dry aromatic plants of mountains in prefer- ence to the herbage of the lower valleys. Like all the na- tive Sheep of elevated regions, the fleece of these wild little animals is a mixture of hair and wool, so that their bodies may be better protected from the inclemency of the weather. They are almost as difficult to be approached in their native haunts as the Deer or the Antelope. Some say that they station sentinels on the higher ground, who give notice to the scattered flock of the approach of danger by a kind of shrill bleat resembling a falsetto tone. As in the case of the An- telope, no sooner is one alarmed, than all the others bound off together, gazing behind them as they run in the manner of the Musmon and Argali. The rams attack the ewes at the period of bringing forth their young-a singular instinct, existing, it has been seen, in the wild races of the Zetland and Orkney Islands, and given, it may be believed, to pre- vent the multiplication of their numbers beyond the means of subsistence. THE BREED OF THE HIGHER WELSH MOUNTAINS. It may appear remarkable that this race should preserve itself distinct from the others with which the commons and mountains of the country are stocked. It is to be observed, however, that this is in accordance with the habits of all Sheep possessing a peculiar character and temperament. Thus, the naturalized Merino Sheep never amalgamate tho- * 5 F + { £ -- 1 E I ! & I [ 66 THE SHEEP. - roughly with the races with which they are mingled in the same pastures; they collect in separate flocks upon the higher grounds, and crowd together when alarmed; in like manner, if any of the breeds of Forest Sheep are mingled with those of the lower country, they congregate together, and pursue their own range of pasturage. Now, from what- ever causes the wild Sheep of Wales assumed their existing character, they have acquired the habits proper to their situation. They keep by choice to their natural habitat, and herd together; and hence it is that the original characters of the race have not merged in those of other varieties. This race of Sheep, though with some change of character, is found all over the most elevated parts of Wales, from the inland mountains of Glamorganshire to those of Merioneth and Caernarvon. They are numerous in Caernarvon, and when seen by the traveller have more the aspect of Dogs and Foxes than of Sheep. As this race becomes naturalized in a lower range of mountains, or in any way is placed under more favourable circumstances with respect to the supplies of food, it becomes enlarged in size, and loses part of its natural rudeness. Ac- cordingly, gradations are observed in the character of the race, from the more elevated and barren mountains, to those which are of a lower altitude, or more productive of herbage. The Sheep of Radnor and some other parts are of the same descent, but are so changed by the more favourable circum- stances under which they are reared, that they are looked upon as distinct breeds. They have manifestly, however, a common origin with the wilder Sheep of the higher moun- tains; and there are everywhere examples to shew the pro- gressive steps by which the wilder race may assume a new set of characters, in consequence of better food and atten- tion to the parents in breeding. All the varieties of the Welsh Sheep which have an affinity with the race of the higher mountains have horns, and have more or less of black hair on the face and legs. 67 The wildest race of Sheep in Wales is susceptible of im- provement; but, to accomplish this to the required degree, a long course of selection, combined with a proper practice with respect to feeding, is required. But this wilder breed presents no characters which can render it expedient to expend time and capital in cultivating it in preference to others already formed. The basis is bad, and the inter- ests of breeders will be served, either by substituting at once a superior breed, or by crossing the native race until one with better properties has been produced. Two races of improved Sheep exist in this country, which might either supplant the existing races of the Welsh mountains, or be employed for crossing until a new class of properties were produced. These are the South Down and the Cheviot breeds. The South Down is rather suited to a dry than a moist climate, and its natural habitat is not similar to the humid soils of Wales. It is conceived, therefore, that the Cheviot breed, though inferior as a breed to, the South Down, presents a combination of properties which may adapt it better to this part of the country. It is, in all useful pro- perties, vastly superior to the indigenous race, and has al- ready been acclimated in countries more elevated and inhos- pitable than the highest ranges of the mountains of Wales. THE SOFT-WOOLLED SHEEP OF WALES: IV. THE SOFT-WOOLLED SHEEP OF WALES. C The most characteristic race of Sheep in Wales is that which has been termed the Soft-woolled breed. It may re- ceive this name on account of the quality of its wool, which, though mixed with hairs, is much less so than that of the wilder breeds referred to, and has a softness and tenuity of filament which peculiarly fit it for the making of flannels, one of the staple native manufactures of the Principality. It may, however, be more appropriately termed the White-nosed C 唱 ​* ** r I * } * + M " + ( 1 + ** ↓ T ) 65 + $ 1 T 1 F + # ( { L 68 Breed, from a character which distinguishes it from every other in Wales. THE SHEEP. This race of Sheep is spread over the whole of Wales, and is truly the distinctive breed of the country. The animals are of small size, usually weighing from 5 lb. to 7 lb. the quarter, when grown and fat. They are of the long-tailed variety of Sheep, thus agreeing with the Sheep of the Celtic nations of Europe, and differing from those of the Scandina- vians. The males have horns, which are thin, slightly curved, and bent backwards; the females are generally destitute of horns, and sometimes the males. Their noses are white, or pink-coloured. They have lengthened hair beneath the throat like a beard. Their figure is very slender, and their posterior limbs long, as if to fit them for vaulting as well as running. Their neck is thin, and thrown back in the manner of the Antelope or Deer. The fur of the face and body is white, but sometimes, as in almost all breeds of Sheep, individuals wholly brown or black present themselves. These Sheep have all the wild characters of a mountain breed. They are of wandering habits, and range from pas- ture to pasture; they prefer the plants of mountains to the more succulent and nutritive herbage of plains; they delight to browse on the leaves of the ivy, and on the shoots of bitter shrubs, and they rise upon their hinder legs to reach them after the manner of the Goat. They are fond of taking their station on elevated points, and making their way amongst crags and cliffs. They are wary and timid, and, like the wilder Sheep of the mountain summits, give notice of ap- proaching danger by a signal. They steal down from the hills at night, and make inroads into the fields of wheat and other green plants. They are with difficulty confined by arti- ficial barriers, leaping over walls, and making their way through the interstices of hedges; nay, sometimes they have been known, when driven to a distance, to escape from the vigilance of their keepers, and regain their native mountains. They are driven to London and other markets of consump- 7 THE SOFT-WOOLLED SHEEP OF WALES. 69 tion, being generally kept by the way to be fattened in the richer pastures. Their mutton, like that of all the Sheep of Wales, is excellent, and, when fat, brings a high price. Many carcasses are sold in London under the name of Welsh mutton, when, in truth, they are the produce of crosses of dif- ferent kinds. The wool weighs from 1 lb. to 2 lb. the fleece; it is never free from hairs or kemps; it possesses the character of long wool, and is, therefore, suited for the making of flannels, hose, and similar loose fabrics, rather than cloths; never- theless, all the home stuffs for country use were formerly made of this and the other kinds of native wool. The Welsh long preserved the simplicity of ancient manners, and manu- factured their woollen stuffs at home. The cheapness of mechanical labour is rapidly putting an end to this domestic manufacture; to the increase, doubtless, of the resources of the country, though not perhaps to the advancement of rural industry and happiness. A singular character exists in the case of this race of sheep. The wool of the neck tends to fall off that part of the body, and hence it is a fre- quent practice to clip the wool of the neck and face before winter. The Sheep of Anglesea are allied to this race, but, being reared in a lower country, they are larger than the common Sheep of the mountains. Crosses have been made from time to time with the Sheep of Anglesea, but the affinity of the native race with the Soft-woolled Sheep of the mountains is easy to be traced, in the height behind, the low and narrow forequarters, and the character of the wool. The attempts to improve the old breed of Anglesea by crossing have not been successful, owing, it may be believed, to the want of per- severance and system; and graziers and butchers prefer the native to the mixed races. The Old Radnor Sheep have some characters in common with the White-nosed Breed, but they are more distinctly connected with the Sheep of the higher mountains. They Ž * → $ 4 # { 2 [ E 1 * 1 70 are of larger size and better form than the White-nosed Breed, fattening to from 7 lb. to 9 lb. the quarter. Their wool is of the long or combing character, but, like that of all the Sheep of Wales, is soft, and suited to the making of flannels. It is to be observed that the modern Sheep of the district, known commonly as the Radnor Breed, differ considerably from the true Radnors, having been crossed with the Shrop- shire and other breeds of the low country. THE SHEEP. A staple production of Wales being its Sheep, a question of much interest is the manner in which the different breeds may be improved. The people of Wales, with the attach- ment to old habits which distinguishes them, are averse to changes, and, in the case of their Sheep, there are obstacles to improvement, independent of the habits of the people. A great part of the whole mountain pastures is common. Under such a system, it is difficult to introduce a beneficial management of sheep. At present, the treatment of the animals is defective in a high degree. No care is used in the selection of the breeding parents, and no provision is made for the proper feeding of the animals in winter: they are left in a state of nature, and scarcely looked to but when they are to be caught for divesting them of the fleece. It is not un- common to shear the lambs in the first year, a practice highly detrimental in a moist and elevated country; but the still worse practice exists of weaning the lambs at an early season, in order to milk the ewes. The lambs born in March are frequently weaned in May, and the ewes are milked night and morning until the middle of September. This miserable system is calculated to destroy the vigour of the Sheep, and take away the means to produce and rear a healthy offspring; and, until it is abandoned, we may be assured that the Sheep of the Welsh mountains will continue puny and degenerate. The substitution of another breed would not remedy the evil, if this destructive management were continued, and there- fore, the primary improvement of the Sheep of Wales must be a change of the system of management. - 1 71 It were certainly to be desired, that the ancient breeds of these mountains could be preserved, as being naturalized to the country, and producing a kind of wool, which is suited to a useful class of manufactures; yet, undoubtedly, individual breeders will find it more for their interest to adopt a breed already improved, than to incur the long delay and expense of improving the existing ones. Crossing will probably be resorted to more frequently than an entire substitution of a new breed; and it is important, that the breeders proceed with judgment in the system of crossing which they adopt. They should select the breed which experience shews to be the best calculated to amalgamate with the existing race. The most suitable for this purpose seems, as has been already said, to be the Cheviot, as being the inhabitants of an elevated country, and producing a kind of wool, which, though dif- ferent from the Welsh, yet brings a good price in the market. The Southdowns, with all their valuable properties, seem scarcely so well suited to these humid mountains, as the more robust Cheviots; and it is remarkable, that the South Down Breed is less in favour with breeders in the moist cli- mate of the western parts of this country, than towards the eastern coasts, where the drier climate is nearer to that of the Chalky Downs which may be regarded as the native country of the race. Some attempts have been made to cross the Welsh Sheep with the Black-faced Heath Breed of Scot- land. But a race superior to the Black-faced Heath Sheep could exist in the mountains of Wales, and the effect of such an intermixture would be to destroy that fineness of fleece which is proper to the existing breeds. } THE BREED OF THE WICKLOW MOUNTAINS. V. THE BREED OF THE WICKLOW MOUNTAINS. Ireland, from the fertility of the soil, and the mildness and humidity of the climate, is in an eminent degree adapted to [ # 2 7 4 F 4 N ) " 1 Г I 4 I 然 ​K } ** 72 the production of the grasses, and consequently, to the rear- ing of Sheep. It is known, that from early times Sheep were amongst the domestic animals of the country, affording by their skins and fleeces covering to the inhabitants. After the country fell under the dominion of England, the estima- tion and importance of this native production is chiefly made known to us by cruel laws, prohibiting the exportation of the wool of the country; which, notwithstanding, found its way in great quantity from the west of Ireland to Flanders and other countries where a demand for it existed. There were then no large manufactories in the country itself; but the inhabitants, like the Welsh, prepared their wool at home. This system, the happiest that could be for the industry and virtue of the people, remained even when the rural popula- tion was undergoing an unhappy change; and a great deal of coarse stuff is still made in this way by the poor peasantry. There are now also large manufactories of wool in Ireland; and, after supplying these, there is an extensive exportation of the raw material and of worsted yarn to this country. THE SHEEP. The Sheep of Ireland consist partly of mountain breeds, and partly of a large long-woolled race, which exists, with very uniform characters, over the greater part of the country. This latter race, which resembled the coarser extinct breeds of the midland and western counties of England, is not now to be found in its unmixed state. It has undergone an entire change by the effects of crossing, and is every where greatly improved. Of the Mountain Sheep of Ireland there are several breeds, with characters more or less distinctly marked. Those of Kerry and the west of Ireland are the most extended and remarkable: that of the Wicklow Mountain's has a more li- mited range, but is the most valuable. This breed inhabits the Wicklow Mountains in the county of that name. These mountains are of considerable eleva- tion, exposed to high winds, and possessing a humid climate. + : 73 Remnants only of the pure breed remain, chiefly in the vale of Glenmalure, the original race having been very generally crossed by the South Down and other breeds. THE BREED OF THE WICKLOW MOUNTAINS. The Sheep of the Wicklow Mountains have an evident affi- nity with the Sheep of Wales. They are of small size, but of tolerably good form, and the mutton is excellent. They are very wild, and at night steal down to the lower grounds to pilfer the growing corn. They are destitute of horns in both sexes. Their faces and legs are white, but there is a con- stant tendency to the production of black lambs; and there cannot be a doubt that the breed, if left to itself, would be- come wholly of that colour. A local law exists that all black lambs shall be destroyed. The wool is soft and fine, and somewhat long in the staple; but it is always more or less mixed with hairs. The quality of the wool, however, as well as the general character of the Sheep, varies with the eleva- tion. In the lower rocky hills, as those which do not exceed 800 feet above the level of the sea, the wool is more fine and less mixed with hairs. At a higher elevation, where heath and wet bogs begin, the Sheep become smaller and wilder. In these, a ridge of bristly hairs extends like a mane along the neck and spine, and hair is likewise found in quan- tity on the hips and dewlaps, as in the wilder sheep of Wales. There is here that adaptation which is every where observed in this species of animals, to the physical conditions of the country in which they are naturalized. The ridge of hair along the spine, and on the haunches and breast, causes the moisture to fall off; nay, the lambs are born with a provision against the wetness of the boggy soil, there being a large growth of hair upon the parts which are in contact with the ground when the animals repose, namely, the breast, the limbs, and the belly. The county of Wicklow, lying contiguous to the capital, is favourably situated for the rearing of Sheep, fitted for the demand of a numerous population. The practice of rearing lambs for early consumption has long prevailed in the dis- ,> १ Į 2 * + " 曲 ​1 A T 74 trict. The Sheep of the mountains are purchased by the breeders of the lower farms. The Rams are turned amongst the Ewes in the beginning of June, and by the end of July the greater part of the latter are impregnated, so that the Lambs are born in the months of December and January. At the end of a fortnight or more they are separated from the dams, and placed in pens in the feeding-house. The Ewes are driven into the feeding-house twice a-day, and those whose Lambs are dead, or have been disposed of, are first held to be suckled, and then the Lambs are permitted to suck their own dams. After a time they are further fed with milk from the cow in addition to that of the Ewes. In this manner the Lambs are fed for about six weeks, when they are ready for use. Under this system, the inhabitants of Dublin are supplied with as fine early lamb as any part of the United Kingdom. The Wicklow Ewes are good nurses, and hence are tolerably well adapted to this kind of manage- ment. By retarding the period of receiving the male, the Ewes are made to be impregnated in the months of summer, and having acquired the habit, the Ewes retain it, and are kept by the breeders as long as they will bear lambs. From the quality of the wool, the goodness of the mutton, and the adaptation of the females to the rearing of early lambs, the pure Wicklow Mountain Breed was not undeserv- ing of being preserved and cultivated. The practice of cross- ing, however, has been introduced, and from the more im- mediate profit which it affords, is more likely to be pursued than a system of progressive improvement by breeding from the native stock. The South Down Sheep have been those chiefly employed for crossing, and are, doubtless, calculated to produce a race greatly superior to the indigenous one. It may be believed, however, that the Cheviot, already accli- mated in an elevated country, would, as in the case of the Sheep of the Welsh Mountains, have been found better adapted to the crossing of the Sheep of these moist mountains. Nevertheless, a perseverance in a course begun, will be bet- THE SHEEP. 17 75 ter than a change of purpose; and, whichever race be pre- ferred, the effect will be beneficial, and in a few generations the indigenous race of the Wicklow Mountains may be ex- pected to cease to exist any where in the pure state. The full benefits, however, of any kind of crossing cannot be obtained, unless a better system of management is intro- duced amongst the neglected flocks of the district. At pre- sent, the smallness of the possessions, and the existence of commons, are eminently unfavourable to the bringing of these Sheep to any perfection. Their wildness of habits, is mainly the result of the circumstances in which they are placed, and can only be corrected by enclosures, by subdivision of flocks, and by a regular system of management. THE KERRY BREED. VI. THE KERRY BREED. The Breeds of Sheep of Ireland may be divided into two general Classes, those of the mountains, bogs, and moors, and those of the plains, valleys, and richer country. In the former class, one breed has been described, that of the Wick- low mountains, which has been seen to be closely allied to the ancient Sheep of Wales. The mountain breeds of other parts of Ireland present very different characters, and so little resemble any other breeds of Sheep in the British Islands, that we might suppose them to have a distinct parentage, did we not know the great changes produced in the form and characters of the species by the agency of food, climate, and situation. It is in the west of Ireland that we naturally seek for the more ancient races of the country, and we there find them mingled in blood with one another, and with the imported varieties which have spread over the same tracts, but in many cases presenting such characters as to indicate the traces of distinct breeds, under the common acceptation of the term. But it would be uninstructive to discriminate the minor varieties. It will suffice to present Stace 1 3 1 * L San : Į 1 1 1 عمر t 1 1 76 an example of one, which may be regarded as the type of several others, and whose characters lead us to conclude that it has remained for ages in its present state. The Kerry Breed of Sheep, notwithstanding of neglect and, insufficient food, exceeds in size the breeds of Wales, of the Wicklow Mountains, and of many of the Old Forests of Eng- land. The horns are generally small and crooked, and some- times wanting in the female, although some of the allied varieties of other parts have the horns large and spiral. The wool is coarse, and hairy on the haunches, and to a certain degree along the ridge on the back, but on the sides it is very short and fine. The white colour of the fleece prevails, but there is a constant tendency to the development of the darker shades; and the whole Sheep would become black and brown, were it not for the choice by breeders of those which are white. These Sheep are in a remarkable degree wild and restless in their habits. In shape, eye, neck, position of the head, and general aspect, they approach to the Antelope or Deer tribes more than any other Sheep of this country. They fatten so slowly, that, even after they have arrived at matu- rity of age, they require a long time to become fully fat. They have, however, a great disposition to accumulate fat internally, and they are fit for the butcher when their ex- ternal appearance would indicate that they were still lean. Their mutton is juicy and of good flavour, which causes them to be greatly valued for domestic consumption. This is their really valuable property, but it is not of itself sufficient to render them deserving of extended cultivation. Although Ireland, from the mildness of its winter and mois- ture of the climate, is in a peculiar degree suited to the produc- tion of the grasses and other herbaceous plants fitted for the food of Sheep, yet a great part of the country is covered with peat, either collected in vast beds in the plains, or rising into eminences, or spread in thinner strata over the hills. Like all the countries of ancient Europe, Ireland was once covered with great forests, which neglect, and the prodigal waste of THE SHEEP. - i THE KERRY BREED. 77 timber for fuel, and above all, the ravages of incessant wars, have long since eradicated. Giraldus Cambrensis, who came into Ireland after its first conquest by Henry II. in the twelfth century, states, that the country was full of woods on every side, but that the English, on gaining possession of it, cut them down, partly to deprive the banditti of their lurking- places, and partly to gain space for cultivation. For centuries the work of destruction proceeded on every hand; and, on the quelling of the great Rebellion in the reign of Elizabeth, the remaining forests were still further reduced. To the motives which formerly operated was now added the desire of gain, and immense ship-loads of magnificent timber were sent to foreign parts, and many charcoal manufactories were esta- blished. Even in the seventeenth century, the ruin of these noble woods had not been completed. Boate, who published his Natural History of Ireland about the middle of the cen- tury, though he complains that many great woods which the maps represent had vanished, still describes numbers as ex- isting which are now no more. Speaking of the province of Leinster, he says, that Wicklow, and King's and Queen's counties, were throughout full of woods, some many miles long and broad, and that part of the counties of Wexford and Carlow were greatly furnished with them. Of Ulster, he writes, that there were great forests in the county of Donegal, and in the north of Tyrone; likewise at Fermagh, along Lake Erne, in Antrim, and in the north part of Down. The greater part of the latter county, however, as well as Ar- magh, Monaghan, and Cavan, which, in the war with Tyrone, had been encumbered with thick forests, had then become almost bare. With respect to Munster, he tells us, that the counties of Kerry and Tipperary possessed many great forests, notwithstanding that the English, especially the Earl of Cork, had made great havoc with the woods. In this manner proceeded the spoiling of the natural riches of the beautiful Isle. The last Wolf was killed at the be- - " 1 1 / 1 1 14 " 1 / 7 4 J } 1 G 1 5 A ་ ► 78 THE SHEEP. ginning of the eighteenth century, shewing that then the destruction of the great Irish forests was nearly completed. In the place of these verdant Woods, have arisen the dreary Bogs which have covered so great a part of the land with the aspect of desolation, affording fuel, indeed, by the sweat and toil of the miserable inhabitants, but covered with the innutritious plants proper to peat, and affording but a scanty sustenance to the herds and flocks that tenant them. The general treatment of the Sheep of the mountainous and peaty tracts of Ireland is rude, in a degree which the breeders of England will find it difficult to credit. Some- times the animals are mixed in common on the peaty moun- tains and flat bogs, where numbers of them perish from want and disease; and often they spread like wild beasts over the country, stealing what they can obtain: sometimes they are coupled together, and left to find their food as they may, or tethered on patches of grass and rushes, or kept in the miserable cabins of their owners. All over the west of Ireland, from Donegal to Kerry, are to be found half-starved Sheep, either straying in wild flocks, of every age and kind together, or dragging one another in couples along, or fastened where they can find any food. "Our best sort," says Mr Sampson, in his Survey of Londonderry, "are bought either in the fairs of the south-western counties, or else at Dervock, to which they are driven by jobbers from those pasture counties. I need say nothing of them. Our own strain is of all shapes and qualities, horned and without horns, coarse- woolled and fine; almost all are humpy-boned and restless. Not long ago, one might see hundreds of Sheep travelling from farm to farm unnoticed and unowned. Every servant boy in the county who had a few shillings saved, laid it out on a Sheep or two, which he let loose on the bounty of Pro- vidence, and the toleration of his neighbourhood. Towards May, all these flocks were driven to the mountains. In the 47 I THE KERRY BREED. 79 time of snow, these depredators, like the locusts of Egypt, devoured every thing before them. I have lost at one time two thousand head of curled kale. They get no winter fod- der but what they can steal." These remarks applied to the smaller races of the bogs and mountains, and are still partially applicable. The long- woolled Sheep of the richer country are under different cir- . cumstances, and will be referred to hereafter. The means by which the more neglected races can be improved, are the same as in other cases have been adopted,-a system of judi- cious crossing, or the substitution of superior breeds, and a better system of feeding and general treatment. But when we speak of defects in the husbandry of Ireland, we must remember that the removal of them is not always within the reach of common remedies. The evil may be seen, but the source of it may lie in the condition of the people, the state of property, and the relations between landlord and tenant. Six hundred years ago, Ireland was subjugated by her avaricious neighbour, and successive rebellions led to repeated overthrows, and to renewed plunder. The country was divided amongst the conquerors and their adherents, and for ages a great part of the disposable produce was with- drawn. Absenteeism became the habit of the favoured few; and at this hour, a larger tribute is thus imposed upon the industry of the country than any conqueror ever imposed upon a subject colony; and the country is poor, her labourers are unemployed, and her population is discontented, notwith- standing that she exports the largest quantity of raw produce of any country in the world of the same extent. One effect results from this destitution, that there is no barrier between the tenant and the demands of the receiver of rents. In England, the habits and condition of the people are opposed to an excessive exaction on the industry of the farmer. The English yeoman will not take land at all unless he has the means to live, and to obtain a fitting return from his capital 1 1 臭 ​80 in trade. The Irish peasant must take land in order that he may subsist, and is compelled to share his pittance with another to the uttermost residue that will permit himself to live. Hence the rents in Ireland are larger, in proportion to the means of payment, than in any country in Europe. While this defective relation exists between the landlord and tenant, -while the disposable produce of the land is expended out of the country which it should enrich, and away from the poor man whom it should employ,-while the land is parcelled out in order that excessive rents may be wrung from those that till it,—while the pecuniary claims of the landlord or middle men are more directly answered by means of peasants content to subsist on the scantiest pittance, than by the in- dustry of tenants possessed of means to improve the land, we must expect that the resources of the country will be imperfectly developed, and that poor and wretched husband- men, as well as miserable breeds of Sheep, will possess it. THE SHEEP. VII.—THE FOREST BREEDS OF ENGLAND. England, like the sister Island, was once covered with noble forests, which gradually fell before the ravages of war, and the progress of the settler. But, on the conquest of the Normans, vast tracts of fine country were retained in the state in which they then existed, for the purposes of the chase, but retaining the names of forests, chases, and other denominations indicative of their original nature, and the purposes to which they had been applied; such were Windsor Forest, Sherburne Forest, Mendip Forest, and many more. Even to the reign of Elizabeth, a large part of the whole sur- face of England was in the state of forest; but, in place of vast tracts reserved for the capricious sports of the sove- reign, or the great feudatories, the unoccupied grounds had J * THE FOREST BREEDS OF ENGLAND. 81 been gradually settled upon, acquired by individuals through royal grants and otherwise, or left in a state of common pro- perty, in which inhabitants of towns or the neighbouring country acquired the privilege of pasturage and other rights. The Royal Forests were by degrees reduced to a small ex- tent, as compared with their former state, and are now partly planted for the supply of naval timber; and, with respect to the Commons, these have been long in the course of division, under the sanction of Acts of Parliament. The native Sheep kept on these forests and larger com- mons often acquired distinctive characters, forming well-de- fined breeds. Of these several yet remain, and, until late in the last century, they were very numerous. Most of them, however, are no longer to be recognised as separate varie- ties, and few of them remain without intermixture with the Sheep of the adjoining country. They were generally of small size and defective form, but had usually short fine wool, suited for the manufacture of cloths. Their faces and legs were sometimes white, but generally black, gray, or dun: they had usually horns, but sometimes the horns were want- ing in one or both sexes. They were wild and thriftless, but, like all the smaller unimproved races, yielded excellent mutton. The cultivation of the forests, in all cases, caused the substitution of superior breeds; and, even where cultiva- tion did not take place, the interests of the owners led them to cross their flocks with the superior breeds of the cultivated country. In the poorer and more elevated parts of the counties of Stafford, Leicester, Cheshire, Shropshire, and others, are still to be found the remains of old Forest Sheep, distinguished by black or gray faces and legs, and yielding short clothing wool. Those of Cannock Chase yet exist, though they have been mostly crossed. They are destitute of horns in both sexes, and the wool weighs from 2 to 3 lb. the fleece. The Sheep, likewise, of the ancient Forest of Delamere in Che- shire are still in existence: they are the type of the old F • ! $ i 82 THE SHEEP. Sheep of Shropshire, and approach to the general form of the Southdown. Of the Forest Breeds, two remarkable ones yet exist in the elevated country between the Bristol and British Chan- nels, the one inhabiting the heathy tract of granite forming the Forest of Dartmoor, the other the district of greywacke of the Forest of Exmoor, at the sources of the river Exe, on the confines of Somerset and Devon. These two races have long attracted attention, from their having supplied the well- known Oakhampton mutton, so named from the sheep having been killed at that town, whence the carcasses are sent to London. But the Oakhampton mutton now not only includes that of the Forest Sheep, but that of the crosses between them and other breeds. The Dartmoor Sheep are very small in size, and, like the Sheep of Wales, have long soft wool, in which respect they differ from the other Forest Breeds. The faces and legs are white, and the males have horns. They are exceedingly wild and restless. They are reared in their native pastures of heath, and fattened in the lower country. They will re- main feeding in the valleys in winter, but no sooner does the vegetation of spring commence than they seek to regain their native pastures, and endeavour to break through the fences opposed to their return; and even the crosses retain this instinct of the race. These Sheep produce mutton which bears a high price, and are constitutionally well suited to the barren undrained dis- trict to which they are indigenous; but yet they are an unprofitable race of Sheep, from their small size, defective form, and, above all, their wild and restless temper. The im- mediate profit from crossing them has been so great, that the pure breed is rapidly diminishing in numbers, and will soon become extinct. The principal breeds with which they have been crossed are the Leicester and South Down. The Leices- ter cross is preferred, being more hardy than that with the Southdowns, which seem to amalgamate less freely with the 83 long-woolled breeds of Wales and the west of England, than even the long-woolled breeds of the plains. THE FOREST BREEDS OF ENGLAND. The Exmoor Sheep are yet smaller, more wild, and more intractable than the Dartmoor. The district they inhabit, near the Bristol Channel, is of limited extent. Although their habitat is so near to that of the Dartmoors, they pos- sess their own characters, and so may be termed a breed. The males have a large beard under the chin, from which cause they have the aspect of Goats; and they have much of the agility and strength of these animals. Like Goats, they ascend precipices, and are with difficulty confined by ordinary walls and fences. They are very bold, attacking Sheep much larger than themselves. The females, as in the case of other wild breeds, are considerably smaller than the males, from whom they receive the roughest treatment. The wool of these curious Sheep is long and silky, and their mutton is excellent. Like the Dartmoors, they are disappearing in their pure state, from the effects of crossing, and have even, in some cases, given entire place to the Cheviots, which have been introduced into the district, and are found in all respects superior to the native stock. A race of Sheep, of allied characters to the Exmoor, stretches westward along the Bristol Channel to the rich country on the Parret; and even on the Mendip hills, to the eastward, traces of the Exmoor form appear in the races of the country. On the great Forest of Mendip, the Sheep were formerly distinguished by the fineness of their wool; but, with the enclosure of the forest, the ancient race ceased to exist in a state of purity. Of the various Forest Breeds of England, none is now likely to be cultivated in the pure state, because a long course of careful breeding would be required to communicate the suitable development of form, and because superior breeds have now been produced, which can either be made to cross the original ones, or be substituted for them. But it is to be regretted that earlier attention was not directed to some f 84 of these races, which possess fine wool, and which, by being acclimated in a lower country, would have increased in -size and economical value. Some of the Forest Sheep of Stafford- shire were at least equal to the original Southdowns; and, had they been cultivated with the same care, might have been extended to districts to which the Southdowns, bred in a country of chalk and fine herbage, are less adapted. THE SHEEP, VIII-THE BLACK-FACED HEATH BREED. From the high lands of Derbyshire on the south, to the confines of Scotland on the north, extends a chain of rugged heathy mountains, whose summit ridge separates the waters of the Tyne, the Tees, the Swale, the Wharfe, and other rivers which flow to the eastward, from those of the Ribble, the Lowther, the Lune, and others which flow westward. The elevation of this tract is from 1200 to 3000 feet, the highest summits being Cross Fell, near the sources of the South Tyne and Tees, on the eastern part of Cumberland; Skinner Fell, on the confines of Yorkshire and Westmoreland; Wharnside and others in the westerly part of Yorkshire. This central chain-is separated from the yet higher mountains of Cum- berland and Westmoreland on the west, by the beautiful vales of Kendal and Eden. The tract is destitute of bold- ness and grandeur, and, towards the east, passes into the tame moors of Northumberland, Durham, and Yorkshire. This dreary tract is generally covered with coarse heaths, mixed with sedges, rushes, and the less nutritious grasses, and, from being exposed to the winds of both the eastern and western seas, possesses a cold climate. It has given rise to a race of Sheep now very widely diffused. This race has been termed the Black-faced Heath Breed, a name which, though it does not distinguish it from some of the Forest Breeds, may be retained, as indicating its peculiar habitat in a country of heaths. 85 The Black-faced Heath Breed is chiefly found in the more northerly division of the chain of mountains referred to, be- ginning in the heathy lands of Yorkshire and Lancashire. It extends across the vales of Kendal and Eden to the higher mountains of Cumberland and Westmoreland on the west, and by the Carter Fell into Scotland, where it occupies the great range of the greywacke hills stretching from St Abb's Head on the east to the Irish Channel on the west. It stretches through the upper part of Lanarkshire into Argyle- shire, and all through the Highlands of Scotland, from the Grampians to the Pentland Firth. It has spread to all the Hebrides, and even to the Islands of Orkney and Zetland. This breed may be supposed to have found its way into Scotland by the mountains of the north of England. It has been settled for a period unknown in all the high lands of the countries of Roxburgh, Dumfries, Selkirk, Peebles, La- nark, and the adjoining districts. Tradition asserts that it was introduced into Etterick Forest by one of the Kings of Scotland, but it is rather to be believed that it found its way into the Border counties by the natural route of the moun- tains. Its introduction into Argyleshire, and the Central and Northern Highlands, has been of very recent origin, having taken place about the middle of last century, when Sheep began to supersede the herds of cattle which then abounded in the Highlands. By degrees, it displaced the ancient races of the country, of which only scattered remnants now exist. The Black-faced Heath Breed possesses characters which distinguish it from every other in the British Islands. It is of the smaller races of Sheep with respect to the weight at which it arrives, but it is larger and more robust than the Zetland, the Welsh, and the ancient Soft-woolled Sheep which it dis- placed. It somewhat resembles the Persian, so that it might be conjectured that it is derived from the East. But it is more natural to assume that its peculiar characters have been communicated to it by the effects of food and climate, in the THE BLACK-FACED HEATH BREED. # 1 • 86 THE SHEEP. rough heathy district from which it is derived. The male and the female have horns, very large and spirally twisted in the male, but sometimes disappearing in the female. The limbs are long and muscular, and the general form is robust; but the shoulders are not so low as in the Welsh breeds, nor are the posterior limbs so long. The face and legs are black, and there is a tendency to this colour in the fleece; but there is no tendency to the brown or russet colour, which distin- guishes the older fine-woolled races. The fur is shaggy and the wool coarse, in which respect it differs from that of all the other mountain breeds of the country. It is of medium length, and weighs about three pounds the fleece when washed. These Sheep are very hardy, and capable of subsisting on the coarsest heaths. They do not, however, like the Sheep of Wales, prefer the summits of mountains, but feed wherever pasture can be obtained; and are not so nice in the choice of herbage as the Southdowns, Merinos, and other races de- rived from countries yielding the finer grasses. Although wild and independent in their habits, they are not so restless as the mountain Sheep of Wales and other parts, but can be induced to remain in enclosures, when sufficient food is sup- plied to them. The ordinary weight of the wethers, when killed at the age of about four years, is fifteen pounds the quarter; but individuals are made to exceed this weight, when properly treated and sufficiently fed from an early age. The mutton is not so delicate as that of the Sheep of Wales, or the Southdowns of England, but it is more juicy, has more of the venison flavour, and is preferred to every other by those who are used to it. It is the mutton which is princi- pally consumed in all the larger towns of Scotland; and great numbers of the Sheep, at the age of three years and up- wards, are carried to the pastures of the south, to be fattened for the English markets. An important property of this breed is its adaptation to a country of heaths, in which respect it excels every other. It 3 THE BLACK-FACED HEATH BREED. 87 is this property, as much as its hardiness, that has rendered it so suitable to the heathy mountains where it is acclimated, and where it finds subsistence beyond the ordinary range of other Sheep. It feeds on the loftiest mountains, up to the very verge where the heaths give place to the musci and other plants of the higher latitudes. Feeding much on the shoots of heath, these Sheep find subsistence, in the times of snow and severe frosts, better than any other in this country. The mothers are hardy nurses, and are able to bring up their young, when they themselves have been exposed to severe privations. A great defect of this breed is the character of the fleece, which, besides being thin on the body, yields wool fit only for the manufacture of carpets and the coarser stuffs. Little general attention has been paid to the quality of the fleece, although it is susceptible of considerable improvement. A defect of the wool, very common in this breed, is the ex- istence of what are termed kemps. These consist of hard and wiry filaments mixed with the pile. They are deficient in the felting property, and in the oily secretion which moistens the true wool. The removal of kemps is effected by superior food, and by breeding from parents free from the defect. Sometimes individuals of this breed are born with wool which is fine and short. Were advantage taken of this occurrence, it might be possible, by means of breeding, to produce a variety with fine in place of coarse wool. This breed, extending over a great variety of situation and soils, from the moist moors of Yorkshire and other parts to the rocky mountains of the north of Scotland, presents a great diversity of size and aspect. In some of the lower and less heathy moors both of England and Scotland, the Sheep. have so far deviated from the ordinary type, as to have lost. their horns, and the black colour of the legs and face. This variety is generally of smaller size, and less hardy habits, than those which are naturalized on the drier mountains of abundant heath. The best of the breed are found in Tweed- dale in Scotland, which may be partly due to the nature of ] 88 the country, and partly to the superior care bestowed in breeding. Those existing in the hills of Cumberland, West- moreland, Yorkshire, and Lancashire, are much inferior to those of the Border counties of Scotland. Over a great part of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, the breed has de- generated, from the want of care, and from insufficient food. In many of these situations, indeed, the stock may be said. to be mixed, for it has been the result of crosses with the original races. This is in an especial manner the case in the Hebrides, where the animals are small, and every way in- ferior to the genuine Heath Breed. THE SHEEP. The treatment of this hardy race of Sheep has a necessary relation to the circumstances of the country in which it is produced. The breeder of the Sheep is not usually the per- son who fattens them for use. He rears them to the age which suits the nature of his farm, and disposes of them to others who have farms on which they can be kept till they have arrived at the proper age for being fattened. They are then disposed of to the graziers and farmers, whose pastures, or means of supplying artificial food, enable them to prepare them for the butcher. This species of transfer is continually going on, and the numerous fairs of the country are the marts to which vast flocks of these Sheep are brought at different times. They find their way to the ultimate markets of con- sumption at various ages, but mostly when between three and four years old, and when the mutton has arrived at its greatest perfection in juiciness and flavour. Increasing numbers of them are now carried to the markets of London and other great towns, aided by the facilities of intercourse afforded by steam navigation. The means of rearing these numerous Sheep are afforded by the stocks of ewes maintained on the farms of the breeders, the number of each flock of ewes depending on the quality and extent of the natural pastures, and the age to which the progeny is reared on the breeding-farm. Thus, when the Sheep are sold when lambs or hoggets, the proportion of 89 ewes is in a corresponding degree larger than when the pro- geny is kept to the age of wethers. In general, one shep- herd is reckoned sufficient for twenty-five scores of ewes, but for a much greater number of young sheep and wethers. The rams are admitted to the ewes about the 22d of No- vember, so that the season of lambing may not begin before the tardy vegetation of spring may be expected. During the months of winter, the pregnant ewes are suffered to range over those parts of the farm where food can be picked up; the rushes, sedges, and other herbaceous plants mixed with the heaths, affording a scanty subsistence, rendered precari- ous by the falls of snow which often cover these dreary wastes for weeks or months at a time. The artificial provender that can be supplied is confined to a little coarse hay during deep snows, but even this is often wanting, and all the food sup- plied is what the animals can collect on their natural pas- tures. These wild and hardy Sheep, however, dig up the snowy surface to reach the herbs beneath, and support life under circumstances in which the more delicate races would perish. Yet, as it is, many die from the inclemency of the weather and the want of food, and numbers often are over- whelmed by falls of snow so sudden and violent that there is no escape. In districts where the mountains are of less. elevation, and artificial shelter can be supplied, the condi- tion of these mountain flocks is in a corresponding degree less precarious; but, generally, they are placed in situations which subject them to the evil of frequent destitution. When the season of lambing arrives, the ewes are often in a very emaciated condition; but such good and hardy nurses are these mountain Sheep, that they are able to bring up their young under privations which few other breeds could contend against. The shearing of them takes place about the beginning of July. The ewes, as well as the other grown sheep on the farm, are driven to a river or pool, and made to leap from the bank and swim across. The same care is rarely bestowed on washing these wild THE BLACK-FACED HEATH BREED. Hom 1 L THE SHEEP. Sheep as in the case of the finer breeds. In a few days after being washed they are shorn. After the middle of July, or about three months from the birth, the lambs are separated from the mothers. This is done simply by re- moving them to another part of the farm. In a short time they forget one another, and the milk of the dam ceases to be secreted. It was formerly the universal practice to milk the ewes for six or seven weeks, or even more, after the lambs were weaned. This practice is now considerably dis- used in the districts where the management of Sheep is the best understood, it being found that the profit from the milk is rarely compensated by the disturbance of the flock, and the exhaustion of the ewes previous to the perilous season of winter. 90 The lambs on being weaned become, in the language of farmers, hoggets or hogs. The wether hogs may then be disposed of, and such of the ewe hogs as are not to be re- tained for the purpose of supplying the place of the old ewes, which, after having borne lambs for three or four years, are to be disposed of. After the lambs are weaned, such of the ewes as have borne the proper number of lambs are selected, and sold in the course of the autumn. When the young Sheep are not disposed of in the first year, they are kept until the second year, and sometimes until the third or fourth years. Their treatment while on the farm is the same as that of the ewes. A practice exists in the case of these mountain Sheep, the utility of which is proved by long experience, of anointing the skins previous to the months of winter. The substances generally used are tar and butter, prepared by boiling the butter and tar together. The proportions used vary in dif- ferent districts. In some places, six pounds of butter, and one gallon of tar, are used for twenty Sheep, and in others the quantity of tar is larger. The period of smearing is the end of October or beginning of November. The method is to separate the wool by the finger, and spread the ointment 91 longitudinally from head to tail, so that the whole body shall be covered. The purpose served by the process is to re- move insects and cutaneous diseases, and to defend the skin from wetness. It is peculiarly beneficial in the case of this breed, whose fur is less close and fine than that of any other Sheep. The effect, however, is to diminish the value of the wool, by staining it with the colouring matter of the tar, which renders it less fitted for receiving the brighter colours in dyeing. But it increases the weight of the fleece, and conduces in so great a degree to the health of the animals, by rendering them less liable to be injured by the coldness and humidity to which they are exposed, that, whatever doubts may exist of the expediency of the practice in the case of other mountain breeds, experience shews its import- ance in the case of this one all over the stormy countries which it inhabits. THE BLACK-FACED HEATH BREED. This breed does not seem to amalgamate very readily with other races, so that crossing has not generally been success- ful as a means of permanent improvement. It has been frequently crossed by the Cheviot, but the descendants have been found inferior in weight, form, and quality of wool, to the pure Cheviots, and to the Black-faced Heath Breed in hardiness and aptitude to thrive in an upland country of heaths. But as it is not always deemed safe to change a stock of Sheep habituated to their locality, the practice of a continued crossing with the Cheviot, until the flock has acquired the characters of the latter, has been sometimes adopted, so that the original Black-faced stock has become in time almost Cheviot. Another species of crossing has been remarkably successful, namely, the employing of males of the Leicester or South Down breeds for a first cross. The lambs, the result of this mixture, are excellent, rising to a much greater weight than those of the pure Black-faced blood. Great numbers of this mixed race are now produced, and an increased source of profit is thus opened to breeders by the sale of their young Sheep. Of these crosses, the best has Ax 1 : 92 THE SHEEP. been found to be with the Leicesters. That with the.South- downs produces very handsome Sheep, having perfectly black faces and legs, and a close good fleece; but they scarcely attain the size of the Leicester crosses, and the latter ac- cordingly are preferred for the special purpose for which this species of breeding is designed. Seeing the large tract of country which is occupied by this breed, it is of great importance to improve it to the de- gree to which it is susceptible. This, as in other cases, may be done by due selection of the breeding parents, and by rearing the animals under circumstances favourable to the full development of their forms. By adopting this practice, we have in every case the means of improving a breed of Sheep. Adequate nourishment is essential to the enlarge- ment of size; and all the properties of form, which consist with the character of the race, may be communicated and rendered permanent by a due attention to breeding. The wool of this breed being of small comparative value, the at- tention of improvers may be mainly directed to the carcass. By attending to the roundness of the trunk and breadth of the chest, we not only produce animals which more readily fatten, but which are more hardy; for in the case of all breeds, it is found that narrow-chested and flat-sided ani- mals are less vigorous, and more subject to diseases, than such as have the body round and the chest wide. It is painful, however, to state, that this breed, so widely diffused, has been treated with comparative neglect. Vari- ous breeders have distinguished themselves by their atten- tion to the form of the animals, and have reaped the reward in the superior character of their stock; but, over the wide tract of country which the breed occupies, it is far inferior in economical value to that to which, by due attention, it might arrive. Breeders would find it for their interest to procure rams from the southern counties of Scotland, and from the stocks of the breeders whose farms are good, and who have paid the most attention to the character of their stock. F 93 The Black-faced Heath Breed, after having displaced the former races of a large tract of country, has itself, in the natural course of improvement, been giving way to another mountain breed of different characters. This is the breed of the Cheviot mountains, likewise derived from a high and stormy country, but reared under circumstances more favour- able with respect to the supplies of food, possessing fine and not coarse wool, and cultivated with greater attention on the breeding farms. But the hardier Heath Breed is still the more suitable to a great extent of country, where the preva- lent herbage is heath, and still therefore merits the careful attention of a numerous class of breeders. · THE CHEVIOT BREED. IX. THE CHEVIOT BREED. The Cheviot Breed of Sheep is derived from a district of por- phyry, situated in the north of Northumberland, and extend- ing into Scotland, forming the mountains termed Cheviot. These mountains are in contact with the rugged country of heath, which has been seen to be the habitat of the Black- faced Breed; But the true Cheviot district is limited in extent, and differs greatly in its character from the heathy wastes adjoining. It is composed of a range of beautiful mountains tending to the conical, and mostly covered with grasses, ferns, wild thyme, and other plants distinctive of trap, often to the very summit. They are frequently in contact at their bases, or separated from one another by narrow valleys. While they pass on one side into the district of heaths, they are connected on the other with a rich cultivated country. Their highest summit is 2658 feet above the level of the sea, and they are frequently capped with snow long after it has dis- appeared from the lower grounds. This district has produced, from time immemorial, a race of Sheep entirely distinct in its characters from the Wild ! J • 1 喀 ​4 ! 94 Heath Breed of the elevated moors adjoining. The Cheviot Sheep are destitute of horns in the male and female: their faces and legs are white, exceptions merely occurring in the case of individuals in which these parts are dun. The body is very closely covered with wool, which is short and suffi- ciently fine for the making of certain cloths. The two shear- wethers, when fat, may weigh, on a medium, from sixteen to eighteen pounds the quarter, though with great differences, dependent on the natural productiveness of the pastures, and the method of treatment when young. The ewes are usually reckoned to weigh from twelve to fourteen pounds the quarter, though with such differences as depend on the nature of the soil and pastures, and the method of treatment. The mutton of these sheep is very good, though inferior in delicacy to that of the South Down and Welsh Sheep, and in flavour to that of the Black-faced Heath Breed. Their natural form is, like that of all mountain breeds, with a light fore-quarter; but this cha- racter is removed by the effects of breeding, and the modern Cheviots are of good form. The body is somewhat longer than is usually the case with the Heath Breed, which has given rise to the popular distinction, in districts where both breeds are cultivated, of Long and Short Sheep. They are larger in the lower countries, where a supply of turnips can be given: they are lighter in the more elevated tracts, where artificial food is scanty, or wanting. The breeders adopt the kind of animal which is suited to the pastures, preferring a short-legged larger Sheep for the lower farms, and one of lighter and more agile form for the more upland and colder. The Cheviot Sheep are of quiet habits, possessing, indeed, the independence of a mountain race, but having none of the indocility which distinguishes some other races. They are exceedingly hardy, their close covering of fine wool enabling them to resist the extremes of cold. They feed more on the grasses, and less on the shoots of heath, than the Black-faced Breed, and hence they are less adapted to a country of entire THE SHEEP. 95 heath, and require a larger range of pastures to support an equal number of animals. THE CHEVIOT BREED. The Cheviot Sheep have spread from their native mountains to a large extent of country. They now cover a great part of the elevated moors from which the Black-faced Heath Sheep were derived. They have spread over the southern moun- tains of Scotland, supplanting to a great extent the Heath Breed, which previously existed. They have been carried be- yond the Grampians to the extreme north of Scotland, where they are reared in increasing numbers. To the late Sir John Sinclair is due the honour of having first carried them to the county of Caithness. But in some cases they have been placed in situations to which the coarser Heath Breed would have been better adapted, and many farmers, after experi- ence of the effect, have reverted to the ancient race. The breed, however, has a greatly more extensive range than has yet been assigned to it; for it is evident that the Cheviot, like every breed of Sheep, has the property of adapting itself to the country in which it is naturalized. Thus, the Sheep which are reared in the north of Scotland must give birth to a hardier race than is produced in the lower mountains of the south; and thus we may expect to see the range of the breed gradually extended, and narrowing the bounds occupied by the coarser Black-faced. The extension that has already taken place of this hardy breed, must be regarded as having been of singular benefit to breeders and the country. It has been recently carried to the west of England and Wales, and has every where been found suited to a cold and mountain- ous country. In its native country of the Cheviot Hills, it has been cultivated with great care by a class of breeders inferior to none in the kingdom for intelligence and enter- prise; and thus breeders from every part of the kingdom have the power of resorting to the native districts of the breed, for the means of maintaining their stocks in a state of purity.. The wool of this breed weighs about three and a half pounds 96 the fleece. It formerly used to be employed for the making of cloths; but, from the extensive employment of the Merino wool of Saxony and Spain, it is now scarcely employed for this purpose, and is prepared by the process of combing in place of carding, for the coarser manufactures. The atten- tion of breeders, too, having been mainly directed to the fat- tening properties of the animal, the wool has diminished in fineness, though it has increased in length and weight. Its quality varies somewhat with the pastures, being finer where the shorter grasses prevail, and coarser where the herbage is rough and heathy. The management of the Cheviot resembles that of the Black-faced Heath Sheep; but as, for the most part, they occupy a lower range of mountains, better means exist of sup- plying them with food during the inclement season of winter. They are suffered to range over the grounds assigned to them, and their artificial food is only subsidiary to the natural herbage of the farm. It is supplied chiefly during falls of snow, and consists either of the hay of the cultivated grasses or clovers, where this can be obtained, or is the produce of the swamps and perennial meadows of the farm. When tur-. nips can be produced, these likewise are supplied at the fit- ting times. The breeder of these Sheep, as in the case of the Black-faced Heath Breed, is not necessarily the person who feeds them for ultimate use. He rears them to a cer- tain age, and then transfers them to those whose farms enable them to bring them to the required maturity. This consti- tutes the great traffic between the farmers of the higher and lower country, and is a fitting division of labour and employ- ment. Sometimes, indeed, the breeder of these Sheep, by possessing low and cultivated ground, or otherwise, is en- abled to combine the practices of rearing and fattening; but the essential destination of the higher farms is the rearing and not the fattening of stock, and the two occupations, though they may be combined, are essentially distinct. The stock often passes through several intervening graziers and THE SHEEP. 9 THE CHEVIOT BREED. 97 feeders, before it is fattened for ultimate use. In general, the Cheviot Sheep are fattened at an earlier age than the Black-faced Heath Sheep, partly on account of the greater precocity of the animals, but chiefly on account of the supe- rior treatment which they receive when young. The Cheviot breeder may sell his Sheep in the first year when hoggets, but very generally in the second year, either when they re- tain their fleece and are still hoggets, or after they are divested of their fleece and are shearlings, or, in the lan- guage of the northern farmer, dinmonts and gimmers. They are rarely fattened when shearlings, the usual period being after they have lost their second fleece, and are wethers. The ewes, after having borne lambs for several years, generally three, are sold, and their place supplied by the younger females reared on the farm, which at that time are in the autumn of the second year, and about nineteen months old. The rams are usually admitted to the ewes about the 20th of November, so that the season of lambing may com- mence in the early part of April. One ram is assigned to sixty ewes. The ewes, during the period of gestation, feed on the natural pastures of the farm, but, on the falling of heavy snows, receive a supply of hay, which may be spread upon the surface. But the Sheep have a wonderful faculty of collecting their food, even when all the ground is covered, by scraping away the snow with their feet, and they prefer this natural food to the dried provender. When turnips as well as hay are produced on the farm, the ewes receive them likewise during falls of snow; but it is especially at the period of lambing, and during its continuance, that this spe- cies of food is supplied. When the period of lambing arrives, all the vigilance of the shepherds is required. Sometimes the ewes are so en- feebled by want of food, and the inclemency of the weather, that they have not milk sufficient to nourish their young, and G $ $ 98 then the maternal feeling seems to become extinct. But this latter accident is of partial occurrence, and it is rare that the mothers altogether abandon their young. Sometimes the lambs, at their birth, are so weak that they cannot rise from the ground, and thus perish. In such cases, the shepherd is at hand to assist the young to the teat, and often he takes the ewe with her young to a place of shelter, where they can be more carefully tended. When a ewe dies, and it is wished to give her lamb to one that has lost her own young, or when a ewe has twins, and it is wished to give one of them to be suckled by another whose own lamb has perished, some art is often required to induce the ewe to adopt the stranger. The most common method is to confine them together to a narrow space, holding the lamb to the teat until it has been suckled. In certain cases, when the lamb of any ewe has perished, its skin is taken off and put on the lamb to be adopted. The ewe, deceived by the smell of her own off- spring, suffers herself to be sucked, and from that time for- ward adopts the little orphan, and treats it with all the kind- ness of the natural parent. It is of painful interest to see a ewe, whose lamb has perished, mourning over its little one, and refusing to leave it or be comforted. If the dead body is dragged along the ground, the poor mother will follow it even into the cot of the shepherd, fiercely driving away the dogs or sheep that approach it. Even when the ewes them- selves are in the agonies of death, they will be seen calling piteously to their young ones, and offering them the last store of milk with which Nature has furnished them. When the ewes have twins, and thus have two lambs to nurse, it is usual to give them a more liberal supply of food. It is held to be convenient to have an enclosure of early grass near the place of lambing or the shepherd's cottage, to which ewes with twins, such as have too little milk, and such as are sick and infirm, or from any cause require more careful attend- ance than the rest of the flock, may be taken. Though va- rious ewes produce twins, it is regarded as a favourable cir- THE SHEEP. 99 cumstance in the case of this class of Sheep, in the more mountain districts, when one lamb can be reared for each ewe of the flock. It is thought to be well when eighteen or nineteen lambs can be brought up for every twenty ewes. The time of shearing these Sheep is from the middle of June to the beginning of July. The precise period is denoted by the wool being fully grown, and separating readily from the skin when pulled. The Sheep are first washed, which is done by men standing in the pool, and washing each Sheep separately, or more generally, when the flock is large, by causing them to swim two or three times through the water to the opposite bank. After being washed, they are kept as much as possible on ground where they can be prevented from rubbing on banks, or otherwise soiling their wool. In two days, if there be no rain, they are shorn, but it is generally thought better to wait seven or eight days, in which case the unctuous secretion which protects the wool has again been formed. As soon as each Sheep is shorn, it is usually marked with a stamp dipped in boiling tar thickened with pitch. The mark is made on different parts of the body, as the near shoulder, the far shoulder, the near haunch, the far haunch, so that the different kinds and ages of the Sheep may be known at a glance. Soon after shearing the ewes, the lambs are weaned, which is simply effected by a short separation of them from the dams. The lambs are now, in the language of farmers, hog- gets or hogs, under the respective denominations of tup-hogs, wether-hogs, and ewe-hogs. The tup-hogs intended for use upon the farm or sale, and such of the ewe-hogs as are designed for receiving the male in the following year, are retained. The remainder of the ewe-hogs, and all the wether-hogs, are either now disposed of, or kept throughout the winter and sold in the following year, either, as has been observed, pre- vious to the period of shearing, when they are still hogs, or after having lost their fleece, when they are dinmonts and or M THE CHEVIOT BREED. } 1 1 t عليه L A 100 THE SHEEP. t gimmers. Sometimes they are kept until they have yielded a second fleece. All the old ewes which have borne the re- quired number of lambs are disposed of before winter, and not only such ewes as are old, but such as are of bad form, or which it is wished for any cause to get rid of. The hogs which are retained are treated in the same manner as the breeding ewes, except that it is common to put them on some grassy and sheltered part of the farm where they can be best pastured. They receive hay in falls of snow, and, if possible, turnips are supplied to them during the whole win- ter, which may be done at the rate of a cart-load per day for every seven or eight scores. The practice of smearing the skins before winter with tar, was formerly in more general use in the case of this breed of Sheep than it has since become. It is now chiefly con- fined to the more elevated districts, or the more northern counties. The disuse of the practice has arisen, not on ac- count of any experience of its inefficiency as a preservative to the health of the animals, but on account of the injury to the quality of the wool, occasioned by the tarry ingredient. On this account, substitutes for the tar are now very gene- rally employed. These are, olive oil mixed with turpentine, impure naphtha, commonly called spirits of tar, or other substances, which serve the purpose of destroying vermin and removing cutaneous affections, but which are scarcely so efficient for preserving health as the old mixture. In the modern management of these Sheep, a principle observed is to suffer them as much as possible to pasture undisturbed. On this account the dividing of the stock of the farm into a number of flocks or hirsels, to each of which is assigned a certain range of pasturage, is much less used than formerly. The practice of folding Sheep at night, for the purpose of manuring parts of the farm, is now abandoned by all who are conversant with the proper management of this kind of Sheep. The practice, too, of milking the ewes Macu I 101 for several weeks after the lambs are weaned, is now very much given up, experience shewing, that the exhaustion and disturbance of ewes render them less fitted to withstand the- privations and severities of winter, and to nourish their young when the season of parturition arrives. It is usual, however, to milk the ewes after weaning for a few days, so as to run them dry by degrees. In cases where the practice of milking for several weeks is adopted, the milk is churned for the use of the farm; and twenty ewes will yield five pounds of butter in the week. The number of Sheep assigned to the care of one shepherd is from 400 to 500. When the flock consists wholly of ewes, this number is as much as one man can conveniently manage, but when the flock consists of hoggets and shearlings, one shepherd may manage 700 or 800. An average allowance for one shepherd is 400 ewes and 200 hoggets. To the shepherd of these mountainous countries, the ser- vices of the Dog are indispensable. Without this faithful creature, his individual labour would be insufficient to collect the animals from distant parts, drive them in flocks, or per- form the other innumerable services required. The breed of Dogs used in the mountains of Cheviot, and the pastoral districts of Scotland, is of small size and homely exterior, but adapted in an eminent degree to the services to be per- formed. For sagacity and fidelity, these humble Dogs cannot be surpassed; they understand the language of their master, and almost seem to divine his thoughts. Their whole habits seem fashioned to the life they lead. When taken from their natural pursuits, their spirit seems to droop, or at least they never manifest, in other situations, that matchless sagacity which distinguishes them in the occupation of the shepherd life. THE CHEVIOT BREED. The entire management of these and the other mountain Sheep of the northern part of Britain, has no parallel, it is believed, in the same latitudes in Europe. In no other I I Joe 1 → T } =- 1 16 *** 102 THE SHEEP. country, similarly situated with respect to climate, are the Sheep kept so entirely exposed to the inclemencies of the weather, without the shelter of pens and houses. The ab- sence of Wolves is the cause of that freedom which is allowed to these mountain flocks; and the shepherds have been taught by experience, that the animals may be exposed by night as well as by day without harm. Were these Sheep managed as in other parts of the Continent of Europe, penned and fed in houses, and prevented from taking their natural food, the mountains of the country could not maintain one-fourth part of the present numbers. The great desiderata sought for in the elevated countries of these mountain Sheep, are the supply of food and shelter in winter. The essential food, when the ground is covered with snow, is hay; a field or more being formed, one of which is mown annually. Rough boggy ground, producing the rushes proper to the situation, as the sharp-flowered jointed rush or sprit, is suited for yielding a kind of hay, which, though coarse and comparatively innutritious, is eaten by the Sheep in the absence of other food. Where irrigation is practicable, watered meadows are sometimes constructed, affording the cheapest and securest means of supplying pro- vender in these elevated countries. In all cases a quantity of hay is provided, which should be equal to three months' consumption, at the rate of one and a half pound per day to the breeding ewes, and one pound to the younger sheep. When whins grow naturally, they are preserved, as affording not only food but shelter. When the pastures consist of rough heath, it is common to burn it at intervals of several years, in the early part of spring. This, destroying the more shrubby stems, produces an increased growth of the more tender shoots. Draining is held to be very important in the countries oc- cupied by these Sheep. The drains are narrow open trenches, a spade's breadth in width. They are carried along the flat | 1 THE CHEVIOT BREED. 103 marshy grounds, or along the declivities of hills, wherever water may stagnate. They are designed to allow a speedy egress to water on the surface, and the effect is to improve the pastures, and lessen the tendency to the dangerous malady of rot. When land exists capable of cultivation, the resources of food may be greatly extended, for then turnips as well as hay can be supplied. But an error, too common in such dis- tricts, should be avoided, of ploughing more land than is required for the ends proposed. The purpose of tillage in such situations is the raising of turnips and clover hay for the supply of the stock; and this end being attained, the farmer ought never to carry his system of tillage further on a purely breeding farm. In order that the Sheep of these farms may pasture with- out disturbance, and that the labour of the shepherds may be abridged, it is held to be highly useful, and even neces- sary, that each farm be enclosed. The suitable fence for such situations is the stone wall, for the forming of which ample materials are for the most to be found on the grounds. This species of wall is formed of stones without the aid of lime, about five feet in height. Sods are sometimes used in place of stones; but the fences are greatly less permanent and useful, and ought never to be formed where better mate- rials exist. The uses and value of shelter in countries so elevated and exposed are everywhere recognised. When natural valleys and glens exist, these are taken advantage of to shelter the flock from the piercing storms of the inclement season. In such cases, the shepherd himself drives his flock to the places which afford shelter, and the Sheep of their own accord be- take themselves to the natural coverts of the farm. But though the instincts of the animals will cause them to avoid a coming tempest, by repairing to the lee sides of eminences for shelter, these are the very situations in which they may be overwhelmed by heavy falls of snow, which, when accom- } £ T • i } 1 I 101 panied by winds, sometimes fill up all the hollows in a few hours. These accidents occasionally occur, and so sudden and violent is the storm, that whole flocks of Sheep are buried under masses of snow. Nay, sometimes the shepherds themselves, in their attempts to discover and save the scat- tered flocks, are bewildered and suffocated in the tempest. THE SHEEP. It is regarded as of high importance, then, not only to provide shelter against the piercing blasts of these elevated countries, but to afford places of refuge to the stock in cases of danger. Plantations of wood are always found to be be- neficial in these mountain farms, and when the means exist of rearing wood, may be formed with profit. They should be of the size of not less than four or five acres, so that the trees may shelter one another, and formed with salient angles, so that the Sheep may have shelter from whatever point the wind may blow. blow. They are enclosed with stone walls, so that the trees may be protected from the inroads of the Sheep. The wild pine and spruce are found to be the best suited for the purpose, though the larch will grow in situations more elevated. But wood cannot always be cultivated in situa- tions so bleak and exposed, and a simple substitute is adopted. This is a small enclosure, termed a Stell, capable of contain- ing a flock of Sheep. It consists of a dry-stone wall, six feet high, and is usually circular, with a narrow opening, and may be made of a size to contain 200 Sheep or more. Into these places of refuge the Sheep are driven when occasion requires. They are thus protected from danger, and a stack of hay being placed at the entrance, or within the enclosure, they may be fed during the continuance of the snow. A sufficient number of these stells being placed in suitable situations, there exist places of security, to which the Sheep on different parts of the farm may be promptly conveyed. No words can convey to those who have never witnessed the scene, an idea of the terrible effect of the winter storms which ravage these alpine regions. In an amusing series of Tales, by James Hogg, commonly known as the Etterick 105 Shepherd, graphic descriptions are given of the scenes of desolation which sometimes present themselves, and of which the memory survives from generation to generation in the traditionary annals of the shepherds. Of one of these, fami- liarly termed the Thirteen Drifty Days, he thus speaks from tradition :- THE CHEVIOT BREED. "It is said, that for thirteen days and nights the snow- drift never once abated: the ground was covered with frozen snow when it commenced, and during all the time of its con- tinuance, the Sheep never broke their fast. The cold was in- tense to a degree never before remembered; and about the fifth and sixth days of the storm, the young Sheep began to fall into a sleepy and torpid state, and all that were so affected in the evening died over-night. The intensity of the frost- wind often cut them off, when in that state, quite instanta- neously. About the ninth and tenth days, the shepherds be- gan to build up huge semicircular walls of their dead, in order to afford some shelter for the living remainder; but such shelter availed little, for about the same time the want of food began to be felt so severely, that they were frequently seen tearing one another's wool with their teeth. When the storm abated, on the fourteenth day from its commencement, there was on many a high-lying farm not a living sheep to be seen. Large misshapen walls of dead, surrounding a small prostrate flock, likewise all dead, and frozen stiff in their lairs, were all that remained to the forlorn shepherd and his mas- ter; and though on low-lying farms, where the snow was not so hard before the tempest began, "numbers of sheep weathered the storm, yet their constitutions received such a shock, that the greater part of them perished afterwards; and the final consequence was, that about nine-tenths of all the sheep in the south of Scotland were destroyed. In the extensive pas- toral district of Eskdale-muir, which maintains upwards of 20,000 sheep, it is said none were left alive, but forty young wethers on one farm, and five old ewes on another. The farm of Phaup remained without a stock and without a ten- : I C │ ن 3 L 106 B ant for twenty years after the storm; and when at length one very honest and liberal-minded man ventured to take a lease of it, it was at the annual rent of a great-coat and a pair of hose!' It is now rented at L.500 a-year. An ex- tensive glen in Tweedsmuir, now belonging to Sir James Montgomery of Stanhope, became a common at that time, to which any man drove his flocks that pleased, and it continued so for nearly a century." THE SHEEP. He continues: "The years 1709, 1740, and 1772, were likewise all years notable for severity, and for the losses sus- tained among the flocks of sheep. In the latter, the snow lay from the middle of December until the middle of April, and was all that time hard frozen. Partial thaws always kept the farmer's hopes of relief alive, and thus prevented him from removing his sheep to a lower situation, till at length they grew so weak that they could not be removed. There has not been such a general loss in the days of any man living as in that year." "But of all the storms that ever Scotland witnessed, or I hope ever will again behold, there is none of them that can once be compared with that of the memorable night between Friday the 24th and Saturday the 25th of January 1794. This storm fell with peculiar violence on that division of the South of Scotland that lies between Crawford-muir and the Border. In these bounds seventeen shepherds perished, and upwards of thirty were carried home insensible, who after- wards recovered. The number of sheep that were lost far outwent any possibility of calculation. Whole flocks were overwhelmed with snow, and no one ever knew where they were till the snow was dissolved, and they were all found dead. I myself witnessed one particular instance of this, on the farm of Thickside: there were twelve scores of excellent ewes, all one age, that were missing all the time that the snow lay, which was only a week, and no traces of them could be found; when the snow went away, they were dis- covered all lying dead, with their heads one way, as if a flock THE CHEVIOT BREED. of sheep had dropped dead going from the washing. Many hundreds were driven into waters, burns, and lakes, by the violence of the storm, where they were buried or frozen up, and these the flood carried away, so that they were never seen or found by the owners at all. The greater part of the rivers on which the storm was most deadly run into the Sol- way Frith, on which there is a place called the Beds of Esk, where the tide throws out, and leaves, whatever is carried into it by the rivers. When the flood after the storm sub- sided, there were found on that place, and the shores adjacent, one thousand eight hundred and forty sheep, nine black cattle, three horses, two men, one woman, forty-five dogs, and one hundred and eighty hares, besides a number of meaner ani- mals." After describing his return from a distant excursion through the mountains, and certain presages of a coming storm, he continues: "I then went to my bed in the byre-loft, where I slept with a neighbour shepherd, named Borthwick; but though fatigued with walking through the snow, I could not close an eye, so that I heard the first burst of the storm, which commenced between one and two, with a fury that no one can conceive who does not remember it. Besides, the place where I lived being exposed to two or three gathered winds,' as they are called by shepherds, the storm raged there with redoubled fury. It began all at once, with such a tremendous roar, that I imagined it was a peal of thunder, until I felt the house trembling to its foundation. In a few minutes I thrust my naked arm through a hole in the roof, in order, if possible, to ascertain what was going on without, for not a ray of light could I see. I could not then, nor can I yet, express my astonishment: so completely was the air overloaded with falling and driving snow, that, but for the force of the wind, I felt as if I had thrust my arm into a wreath of snow. I deemed it a judgment sent from Heaven upon us, and went to bed again, trembling with agitation." "I kept my bed ' 107 ܕ } ***** *** * w } 1 喔 ​• I I 2 4 1 { ܐܢ 1 PI # 1 t " & ÷ 108 for about three quarters of an hour longer; and then rose, and on reaching the house with much difficulty, found our master, the ploughman, Borthwick, and the two servant maids, sitting round the kitchen fire, with looks of dismay, I may almost say despair. We all agreed at once, that the sooner we were able to reach the sheep, the better chance we had to save a remnant; and as there were eight hundred excellent ewes, all in one lot, but a long way distant, and the most valuable lot of any on the farm, we resolved to make a bold effort to reach them. Our master made family worship, a duty he never neglected; but that morning the manner in which he expressed our trust and confidence in Heaven, was particularly affecting. We took our breakfast -filled our pockets with bread and cheese-sewed our plaids around us-tied down our hats with napkins coming below. our chins-and each taking a strong staff in his hand, we set out on the attempt. THE SHEEP. No sooner was the door closed behind us than we lost sight of each other: seeing there was none-it was impos- sible for a man to see his hand held up before him—and it was still two hours till day. We had no means of keeping to- gether but by following to one another's voices, nor of work- ing our way save by groping before us with our staves. It soon appeared to me a hopeless concern, for, ere ever we got clear of the houses and hay-stacks, we had to roll ourselves over two or three wreaths which it was impossible to wade through; and all the while the wind and drift were so violent, that every three or four minutes we were obliged to hold our faces down between our knees to recover our breath. We soon got into an eddying wind that was altogether insuffer- able, and, at the same time, we were struggling among snow so deep, that our progress in the way we proposed going was very equivocal indeed, for we had by this time lost all idea of east, west, north, or south. Still we were as busy as men determined on an enterprize of moment could be, and perse- vered on we knew not whither, sometimes rolling over the 109 snow, and sometimes weltering in it up to the chin. The fol- lowing instance of our successful exertions marks our pro- gress to a tittle: There was an enclosure around the house to the westward, which we denominated the Park,' as was customary in Scotland at that period, and in that quarter, where a farm seldom boasted more than one enclosed piece of ground. When we went away we calculated that it was two hours until day; the park did not extend above three hundred yards; and we were still engaged in it when day- light appeared. When we got free of the park, we also got free of the eddy of the wind. It was now straight in our faces; we went in a line before each other, and changed places every three or four minutes, and at length, after great fatigue, reached a long ridge of a hill where the snow was thinner, having been blown off by the force of the wind, and by this we had hopes of reaching within a short space of the ewes, which were still a mile and a half distant. Our master had taken the lead; I was next him, and soon began to sus- pect, from the depth of the snow, that he was leading us quite wrong; but, as we always trusted implicitly to the person that was foremost for the time, I said nothing for a good while, until satisfied that we were going in a direction very nearly right opposite to that we intended. I then tried to expostulate with him; but he did not seem to understand what I said; and, on getting a glimpse of his countenance, I perceived that it was quite altered. Not to alarm the others, nor even him- self, I said I was, becoming terribly fatigued, and proposed that we should lean on the snow, and take each a little whisky (for I had brought a small bottle in my pocket, for fear of the worst), and some bread and cheese. This was unanimously agreed to, and I noted that he swallowed the spirits rather eagerly, a thing not usual with him, and when he tried to eat, it was long before he could eat any thing. I was convinced that he would fail altogether, but, as it would have been easier to have got him to the shepherd's house, THE CHEVIOT BREED. #m 1 21 1 110 which was before us, than home again, I made no proposal for him to return. On the contrary, I said, if they would trust themselves entirely to me, I would engage to lead them to the ewes, without going a foot out of the way. The other two agreed to this, and acknowledged that they knew not where they were; but he never opened his mouth, nor did he speak for two hours thereafter. It had only been a temporary ex- haustion, however, for he afterwards recovered, and wrought till night as well as any of us; though he never could recol- lect a single circumstance that occurred during that part of our way, nor a word that was said, nor of having got any re- freshment whatever. About half an hour past ten we reached the flock, and just in time to save them." Again: "It was now wearing towards mid-day, and there were occasionally short intervals in which we could see round us for perhaps a score of yards; but we got only one momentary glance of the hills around us all that day. I grew quite impatient to be at my own charge, and leaving the rest, I went away to them by myself, that is, I went to the division that was left far out on the hills, while our mas- ter and the ploughman volunteered to rescue those that were down on the lower ground. I found mine in miserable cir- cumstances; but, making all possible exertion, I got out about one-half of them, which I left in a place of safety, and made towards home, for it was beginning to grow dark, and the storm was again raging in all its darkness and fury. I was not in the least afraid of losing my way, for I knew all the declivities of the hills so well, that I could have come home with my eyes bound up; and indeed, long ere I got home, they were of no use to me. I was terrified for the water (Douglas Burn), for in the morning it was flooded and gorged up with snow in a dreadful manner, and I judged that it would be now quite impassable. At length I came to a place where I thought the water should be, and fell a-boring and groping for it with my long staff. No: I could find no THE SHEEP. THE CHEVIOT BREED. 111 water, and began to dread that, in spite of my supposed ac- curacy, I had gone wrong. This greatly surprised me, and standing still to consider, I looked up towards Heaven, I shall not say for what cause, and to my utter amazement thought I beheld trees over my head, flourishing abroad over the whole sky. I never had seen such an optical delusion before; it was so like enchantment that I knew not what to think, but dreaded that some extraordinary thing was coming over me, and that I was deprived of my right senses. I con- cluded that the storm was a great judgment sent on us for our sins, and that this strange phantasy was connected with it, an illusion effected by evil spirits. I stood a good while in this painful trance; but at length, on making a bold ex- ertion to escape from the fairy vision, I came all at once in contact with the Old Tower. Never in my life did I expe- rience such a relief; I was not only all at once freed from the fairies, but from the dangers of the gorged river. I had come over it on some mountain of snow, I knew not how nor where, nor do I know to this day. So that, after all, what I had seen were trees, and trees of no great magnitude neither; but their appearance to my eyes it is impossible to describe. I thought they flourished abroad, not for miles, but for hun- dreds of miles, to the utmost verges of the visible heavens. Such a day and such a night may the eye of a shepherd never again behold!" C No apology can be due for extracting those passages. Had the author never written more than his account of the storms of Etterick, he would deserve to be remembered. Even if we shall imagine that a little fancy has been mixed with the reality of the story, we must feel that the Shepherd Boy had really mingled in the scenes which he lived to paint so well. One passage more is worthy of note. It refers to a faculty known to be possessed by the Dogs of these moun- tains, of discovering the Sheep which have been buried be- neath the snow. We know that a similar instinct of the N זי نعيد 1 ♪ 4 ↓ + 112 L THE SHEEP. noble Dogs of St Bernard, is employed to discover the re- mains of the perished traveller. “Next morning the sky was clear; but a cold intemperate wind still blew from the north. The face of the country was entirely altered. The form of every hill was changed, and new mountains leaned over every valley. All traces of burns, rivers, and lakes, were obliterated." "When we came to the ground where the sheep should have been, there was not one of them above the snow. Here and there, at a great distance from each other, we could perceive the heads or horns of stragglers appearing; and these were easily got out; but when we had collected these few, we could find no more. They had been lying all abroad in a scattered state when the storm came on, and were covered over just as they had been lying. It was on a kind of sloping ground, that lay half beneath the wind, and the snow was uniformly from six to eight feet deep. Under this the hogs were lying scat- tered over at least one hundred acres of heathery ground. We went about boring with our long poles, and often did not find one hog in a quarter of an hour. But at length a white shaggy colly, named Sparkie, that belonged to the cowherd boy, seemed to have comprehended something of our perplexity, for we observed him plying and scraping in the snow with great violence, and always looking over his shoulder for us. On going to the spot, we found that he had marked straight above a sheep. From that he flew to ano- ther, and so on to another, as fast as we could dig them out, and ten times faster, for he sometimes had twenty or thirty holes marked beforehand." Although these dreadful tempests occur but occasionally, bad seasons, that is, seasons in which the ground is covered for a long period with frozen snow, are common, and never fail to affect, in a serious manner, the health and condition of the flock. When they take place at the period of lamb- ing, great numbers of the young creatures perish, notwith- standing every care on the part of the shepherds. 1 113 The Cheviot Breed, naturalized in countries so cold and tempestuous, and spreading over so large a tract of country, must be seen to be of the highest economical importance. The attention of agriculturists, in the district proper to the breed, has been skilfully directed to its improvement. Su- perior feeding has had the effect of enlarging the size of the animals, and increasing the produce of wool; but the wool, as was before observed, has become less fine, and has almost ceased to be used in the manufacture of cloths. It has, therefore, become the interest of breeders to direct attention to the improvement of the form of the animals, holding the quality of the wool to be a secondary consideration. Never- theless, to this extent, attention to the wool is proper: a fine and close fleece indicates constitutional hardiness in the in- dividuals, and should therefore be carefully attended to as a character in the breeding parents. THE CHEVIOT BREED. The Cheviot Breed amalgamates readily with the Leices- ter; and a system of breeding has been extensively intro- duced for producing the first cross of this descent. The rams employed are of the pure Leicester breed; and the progeny is superior in size, weight of wool, and tendency to fatten, to the native Cheviot. The lambs of this descent are sometimes disposed of to the butcher, and sometimes fed until they are shearlings, when they can be rendered as fat as the parent Leicesters, and not much inferior in weight; and further, they can be raised to maturity under less favour- able conditions of soil and herbage than the Leicester. The benefit, however, may be said to end with the first cross, and the progeny of this mixed descent is greatly inferior to the pure Cheviot in hardiness of constitution. The system is attended with considerable profit in many cases. The danger is, that it may insensibly produce a mixture of the Leicester blood on the breeding farms. Even this may an- swer peculiar situations; but there cannot be a question that, for general cultivation in the high and tempestuous countries to which the Cheviot breed is adapted, the race H 1 Į F · Z 1 f } f امی ༔ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ * 114 should be preserved in its native purity. Every mixture of stranger blood has been found to lessen that character of hardiness which is the distinguishing character of the race. The beautiful breed of the South Downs would seem to be of all others that which is best adapted to improve the Cheviot ; and yet the experiments that have hitherto been made have shewn, that the mixed progeny is inferior to the native Cheviot, in its adaptation to a country of cold and humid mountains. THE SHEEP. The Cheviot Breed, it has been seen, has been gradually extending throughout the mountainous parts of Scotland. It has penetrated southward in the part of the central chain of elevated moors from which the Heath Breed has been derived. It might be yet greatly more extended in this direction, and supersede many of the flocks of ill-formed animals which in- habit this range. It has been carried to Wales, to the high lands of Dartmoor and Exmoor, and in small numbers into Cornwall. In all these cases it has been found superior to the native races. It has even been carried by settlers to the boundless wastes of New South Wales; but the suitable breed for that country, in which the wool alone is of value, is the Merino, although, as we shall afterwards have occasion to see, some of the Long-woolled Breeds may, with advantage, be transported to this magnificent Colony. X.-THE OLD NORFOLK BREED. A remarkable variety of Sheep, usually termed the Old Norfolk Breed, occupies the higher lands of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge. These Sheep, once very numerous in the heathy districts of this part of England, are a wild and hardy race, well fitted for a country of scanty herbage. Both sexes are armed with horns, which, in the male, are thick and spiral. Their limbs are long and muscular, their bodies are long, and their general form betokens activity and strength. They, 1 1 115 accordingly, have been regarded as well-fitted for distant journeys, and for bearing the rough treatment of the fold, They hold their necks erect, and, in their carriage, resemble Antelopes. Their faces and legs are covered with short black hair: their wool weighs from two and a half to four pounds the fleece, is fine and silky, and possesses sufficient felting properties to fit it for being made into second or livery cloths. It formerly brought a high relative price in the market; but, in consequence of the increased use of the finer wools of Spain and Saxony in the manufacture of superior cloths, the wool of this, as of the numerous other breeds which formerly pro- duced short or clothing wools, has declined in value. THE OLD NORFOLK BREED. These Sheep have much of the aspect of the Black-faced Heath Breed, but differ from that race in their longer body and limbs, and in the characters of the fleece; their wool not being harsh and wiry, as in the case of the Heath Breed, but soft, and suited for felting. The softness of their fleece gives them some affinity with the Southdowns; but they differ from that race in their robuster form, and in their bolder, wilder, and more restless habits. We must suppose that the characters of this breed have been acquired from peculiarities in the soil and climate of the district which it inhabits. This tract is calcareous, sandy, and naturally pro- ductive of heaths, with hard and wiry grasses. Being obliged to traverse extensive tracts to procure sufficiency of food, the animals have become active and muscular; and the country they inhabit being somewhat elevated, and exposed to dry easterly winds, they are furnished with a fleece sufficiently close to defend them from the chill breezes, without having that long coat of wool which is needed in situations more humid and mountainous. Inhabiting, too, a country in which chalk, and the detritus of chalk, exist, the wool has acquired that fineness which generally characterizes other races accli- mated in calcareous districts. This breed must be referred to the same general type as the Black-faced Heath Breed; and we may believe, that the characters which distinguish it " · • 116 are such as the Black-faced Heath Breed would itself, in the course of ages, assume in a lower country of chalk and heath. These Sheep were greatly esteemed in the districts which produced them, and were spread over a large tract of coun- try. Their mutton was, and still is, held in high estimation; and they were valued by the butchers for producing a large proportion of internal fat, and by the farmers for their adap- tation to the husbandry of the fold. They were long the prevailing breed of Norfolk and Suffolk; but, as improve- ments extended, they became more confined to the higher grounds, and animals of more docile habits and superior fat- tening properties supplied their place in the cultivated coun- try. Other causes, also, have contributed to lessen the num- bers of this breed, and limit its range. With the more im- proved races, these wilder sheep produce admirable first crosses, either for being killed as lambs, or when of an older age. The ewes prove excellent nurses, and give birth to a robust progeny; and no finer lambs are brought to the Eng- lish markets than the first crosses between them and the Leicester or South Down rams. This circumstance produces a gradual intermixture with the blood of other varieties, and a progressive diminution of the numbers of the pure race. To such a degree has this intermixture taken place, that the perfectly pure Norfolk Breed is now becoming rare, and, if breeders have not inducements afforded them to preserve it, will soon cease to be found. It is to be observed, that the greater number of Sheep now brought to the markets of Lon- don under the name of Norfolks, are crosses, or the offspring of crosses, especially with the Southdowns. The Old Norfolk is thus sharing the fate of the various Forest and other breeds of this country, by giving place to races of superior value with respect to the power of arriving at earlier maturity of muscle and fatness. A certain feeling of regret may perhaps exist, that a race possessing many good properties, should have been extinguished rather than improved. That the Old Norfolk was, like every other breed THE SHEEP. 1 I THE OLD NORFOLK BREED. 117 of Sheep, susceptible of an essential change of characters, cannot be doubted. While it might still have retained its property of hardiness and robustness, the too great length of the limbs, the flatness and lankness of the body, and, with the change of external form, the too great wildness of tem- per, might have been corrected, as in the case of every other race of Sheep to which the care of the breeder has been directed. But few breeders appear to have thought the Nor- folk so deserving of preservation and improvement, as to have deemed it necessary to apply to it those principles of breed- ing which have been successfully applied to other races. Very lately, indeed, the matter has occupied the attention of the possessors of the few unmixed flocks which remain; but, unless these gentlemen are seconded by more extensive sup- port than they have yet received, it is to be believed that this ancient race will, at no distant time, be merged in others which have acquired a higher value by the care of the breeder. The breed which of all others has the most trenched upon the domains of the ancient Norfolk is the South Down. This admirable breed has not only occupied districts formerly pos- sessed by the Norfolk, but has been largely used to cross the latter; and experience has shewn, that these crosses are su- perior in form, though not in weight, to those of the Leices- ter. This is a conclusion which might have been drawn even without the aid of experience. The Southdowns, which are a short-woolled race, and indigenous to a calcareous country, which is also the geological character of the country of the Norfolks, have a greater affinity with the Norfolks than the long-woolled Leicesters and Lincolns, and are therefore bet- ter suited to amalgamate with them. It has been seen, on the other hand, that the long-woolled Sheep of the plains are better fitted to unite with the Welsh, the Dartmoor, and Ex- moor, than the fine-woolled Southdowns ; illustrating a prin- ciple of breeding too often disregarded, of bringing together animals which possess a certain community of characters. wey E ፡ 118 THE SHEEP. XI. THE PENISTONE BREED. As connected with the Heath Breeds of the country may here be mentioned one of remarkable characters, termed the Penistone. This race inhabits a district of the coal forma- tion on the confines of Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Derbyshire. It is found in the higher parts of this district, where a coarse heathy herbage prevails, occupying a limited tract of about twenty-six miles by twenty. On the slopes of the hills, the older breeds merge in the crosses that have been made, chiefly with the Leicester. The Sheep are termed Penistone, from the market-town of that name, lying a few miles to the south of Huddersfield, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and to which they are usually driven for sale. These Sheep have wool of a medium length, of a silky ap- pearance, but harsh and wiry, and weighing from four to five pounds the fleece. They have white faces and legs. The rams exceed the size of the ewes and wethers in an unusual degree; a peculiarity which is ascribed to their being taken to the lower country to be reared. The rams alone have horns, which are very large, lying close to the head, and projecting forward. A distinguishing character of this breed is an ex- treme coarseness of form, and especially of the extremities. The feet are large, the limbs bony, the shoulders heavy, the sides flat; but the most singular characteristic is the length and muscularity of the tail, in which respect the Penistone Sheep differ from all others in this country. This enlarge- ment of the tail is merely muscular and bony, and not at all analogous to the growth of fat which takes place in the tails of certain Sheep of Eastern countries. The mutton of these Sheep is highly valued for its juiciness and flavour. The Penistone is manifestly to be referred to the same general type as the Black-faced Heath Breed. It approaches to this race in the character of its wool, but differs from it in its clumsier and less agile form. The individuals are very • 119 large, but weigh the least perhaps in proportion to their offal and bulk of body, of any sheep of this country. It may excite surprise that a breed possessing such charac- ters should have maintained its place in the centre of Eng- land, in the vicinity of some of the most opulent towns, and on the borders of districts the most celebrated for their breeds of Sheep. The Penistone district is, however, of peculiar characters. It is high, yet yields a plentiful coarse herbage of heath and intermixed grasses. It is scarcely sufficiently fertile, or sufficiently improved, for the Leicesters, and is just such a district as would appear to be suited to support a coarse race of native Sheep. Farmers have found these animals to be hardy, and adapted to the country in which they are naturalized, and hence have been disposed to overlook their defects. Yet a gentle crossing with more improved breeds, might have corrected their more palpable defects, without rendering them too fine for their situation. It may be expected, however, that this coarse unthrifty breed will disappear, either by the effects of crossing, or by the sub- stitution of superior varieties. A breed which seems well suited for this district, at least so long as it remains in its present uncultivated state, is the Cheviot, which is calculated to thrive well in a country of heaths with intermixed grasses. Cheviot flocks have indeed been introduced into the Peni- stone district, but the farmers dislike them on account of their smallness of size, not considering that a greater number of these smaller sheep could be maintained, and would yield a larger produce of mutton with less of offal, on the same space of ground. The pure Southdowns would be out of place in these rugged pastures, which are not adapted to a race the natives of a country of short and fine herbage. Still more unsuitable are other breeds which have been employed to cross these coarse animals, as, for example, the Ryeland, one of the prettiest little breeds in the country, but differing in all its characters from the Penistone. THE PENISTONE BREED. } ་ 1 ¿ L * ↓ 氯 ​E i P ? 1 J " 0 JI 3 1 TE } 7 I | I - 120 THE SHEEP. XII.—THE OLD WILTSHIRE BREED. The Old Wiltshire was a race of Sheep which extended over the greater part of the county of Wilts. They were the largest of the fine-woolled Sheep of England. Their heads were clumsy, and the outline of the face remarkably arched. They had horns in the male and female: their legs and faces were white; their wool was very fine, weighing about two and a half pounds the fleece: their mutton was of tolerable quality, and the wethers, although they fattened slowly, arrived at a good size. This breed was long regarded as well adapted to the situa- tions in which it was reared: its wool was in great request, and large numbers of the fattened Sheep were driven to the London markets. The breed may be said to be now nearly extinct in the pure state, scattered remnants of it only ex- isting. It has been entirely superseded by the South Down breed, which has either been directly substituted for it, or been made to cross it, until its distinctive characters have been lost. The vexation was very great of the older farmers of Wilts on marking the progress of the Southdowns, and the gradual disappearance of the race which they had been taught to regard as the best in the kingdom. Some of them declared that there would not be a pile of grass in the county if these little black-faced Southdowns were allowed to take the place of the fine tall Wiltshire. The figure of the Old Wiltshire affords an exemplification of almost every external character which the breeder wishes to avoid. The large coarse head, the flat sides, and the length and thickness of the limbs, are very remarkable; and, by comparing these points with the conformation of the beautiful race which is now reared in the same district, we have an instructive lesson on the proper form of Sheep, and on the changes which the care of the breeder can effect. The Old Wiltshire breed, however, had become adapted, in a ' 1 THE OLD WILTSHIRE BREED. 121 remarkable degree, to the conditions, both natural and artifi- cial, under which it was reared. The animals lived in a country of chalky hills, inland, and not exposed to severities of temperature, but unshaded from the sun's rays: the herb- age being scanty, they had to move to considerable distances to collect their food; and the practice, from time immemorial, had been established, of driving them great distances to and from the fold. To these circumstances was adapted an ani- mal having a light fleece, with strong muscular limbs, and with the habitude of subsisting on scanty herbage. Its fleece was not only light, beyond that of any other Sheep in this country, but its belly was destitute of wool, a character which would not have existed but in the case of a warm dry soil, where the animal did not require a coat of wool between his belly and the humid earth. The animal, however, which had acquired these properties was eminently deficient in others which are sought for in the more improved state of the Sheep. Subsisting on scanty dry food, he had acquired the habitude of fattening slowly; and the Old Wiltshire, though greatly valued by the butchers, was one of the most difficult to be fattened of the larger Sheep of England. There cannot exist a doubt of the great benefit which accrues to individuals and the country, by the substitution of the Southdowns for this coarse uncultivated race. It may be asked, Could not the Wiltshire Sheep have been improved, the faults of their form corrected, their size preserved, and the fineness of their fleece maintained? Beyond a question all these purposes could have been effected by the care of breeders, directed for a sufficient period to the improvement of the animal. But these are labours which would have re- quired a generation at least; and the interest of breeders was better served by taking that which was formed to their hands, than by waiting the slow improvements of a race so radically defective.* * * In my large Work, a representation is given of the ancient Wiltshire Breed unmixed with any other blood, affording perhaps the last record that 1 ! I { + 122 THE SHEEP. The Wiltshire Breed may be regarded as the type of somet others which inhabited a portion of the midland chalk coun- ties of England until a recent period. The Old Hampshire Sheep may be referred to this group. They were horned, had the faces and legs white, though in some cases speckled, long limbs, and lank bodies. This race has been supplanted by the South Down, or so crossed with it, as to have lost its original characters. The ancient Sheep of the adjoining county of Berks were of two kinds. One had horns, and the other was destitute of horns. Both were coarse slowly- fattening animals, tall and muscular, with an arched chaf- fron. Their wool was short, and fitted for felting. These breeds have been universally crossed with the South Down, and may be said to be nearly extinct in the pure state. Be- sides, few Sheep are now reared in the county of Berks, the farmers of which derive their Sheep for fattening from other districts. XIII. THE DORSET BREED. A breed of Sheep has, from time immemorial, been na- turalized in the county of Dorset, which formerly extended over a large tract of country. These Sheep possess small horns, common to the male and female. They have white legs and faces: their wool is fine, but only applied to the making of second or livery cloths, and it weighs about four pounds the fleece. Their limbs are somewhat long, but without coarseness; their shoulders are low, and the loins broad and deep; their lips and nostrils are black, though with a frequent tendency to assume a fleshy colour. The will be presented to the public of a breed once so esteemed and celebrated. The individuals represented form part of a flock on an estate in the county of Wilts, bequeathed and held on the singular condition, that the proprietor should maintain a flock of the pure old Wiltshire Sheep. The former owner adopted this expedient for perpetuating the existence of his favourite breed. -19 1 L THE DORSET BREED. 123 wethers fatten at three years old to about eighteen pounds the quarter. They are a hardy race of Sheep, docile, suited to the practice of folding, and capable of subsisting on scanty pastures. Their mutton is very good, but not equal in juiciness and flavour to that of the mountain breeds. The property of the Dorsets which remarkably distin- guishes them, is the fecundity of the females, and their readiness to receive the male at an early season. They have been known, like the Sheep of some warmer countries, to produce twice in the year. This, however, is rare; but it is common for the females to become impregnated while they are nursing their young. They will receive the male so early as the months of April or May. The common period of admitting him is in the early part of June, so that the lambs shall be born in October, and be ready for use by Christmas. This has given rise to the practice of rearing the lambs in houses, until they are ready for the market. The system has long been regularly pursued, especially with- in reach of London, where a great demand exists for this kind of luxury. The rams employed to cover the ewes for these early lambs are not usually the Dorsets, but the Lei- cesters or Southdowns, and chiefly the Southdowns. The crosses are excellent, and no better nurses can be found than the Dorset mothers. The form of the Dorsets has a great resemblance to that of the Spanish Merinos. The resemblance, however, is entirely in figure, for the properties of the two races are very different. While the females of the Merino race are bad nurses, the Dorsets are the most productive of milk of any of our races of Sheep. In the broad and deep loins of this race, we have the same external character which, in the case of the Cow, indicates the faculty of yielding abundant milk. The remarkable fecundity of these Sheep has given rise to the supposition that they are derived from some warmer country, where the females bring forth twice in the year; but the property may be one which is due to situation. + " | 1 · L 1 1 A ✰✰ ▾ 124 The country of the Dorsets is calcareous, being partly on the limits of the chalk formation, and partly on the lias and oolite; and the climate is mild, and the herbage is mixed with wild thyme and other aromatic plants. Formerly, the race was greatly more diffused in England than it now is. William Ellis, in his Shepherd's Guide, published in 1749, describes the west country Sheep as having "white faces, white and short legs, broad loins, and fine curled wool." He says they are of different sizes, the smaller sort being fed on commons, and that they are more tender of their young than any other, and in an especial manner the Dorsetshire variety. "Where- upon," says he, "those farmers that live in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Middlesex, Surrey, and Kent, and would be masters of a fine kind of Sheep, for folding, fattening, and breeding lambs, cannot have a better sort." THE SHEEP. Since the period referred to, however, this race of Sheep has been continually diminishing in numbers. The extension of the improved Leicesters and Southdowns gradually cir- cumscribed the limits of the ancient Dorsets; and in the various midland and eastern counties in which they formerly abounded, scattered flocks only are found, and these rarely pure. The crosses of this breed with the Leicesters and South- downs being superior to the original stock, a powerful cause is in operation to produce an intermixture of blood; and were it not for the demand which exists in the great towns, and especially in London, for early lambs, the Dorsets might be expected, like so many of the older breeds of the country, to become extinct. Should this take place, we know of no means of supplying its place, for no other breed of these Islands possesses the properties of early breeding and fecun- dity in the same degree. While, therefore, the rearing of early lambs continues to be profitable, care should be used in preserving the purity of this ancient race, and in calling forth, by selection of the male and female parents, those 125 properties which it possesses in so eminent a degree. The purest of the race are now to be found in a district round Dorchester. The Dorset Breed extends to the rich and beautiful county of Somerset, where it is now reared in greater numbers than in Dorsetshire itself. It here exhibits, however, some differ- ence of character. It is distinguished from the true Dorset by the colour of the nose, which is of a fleshy or pink colour, resembling that of the Merino. The Pink-nosed Somerset is larger than the Black-nosed Dorset, and of lanker form. The wool is somewhat longer, but nearly of the same fine- The wethers, when fattened, attain to greater weight, and the lambs are larger. The Dorsets, however, are consi- dered as exhibiting the characters proper to the females in greater perfection. In the case of the Somersets, the usual period of admitting the males to the females is about the 10th of May, so that the ewes may lamb in September or early in October. ness. In both of these counties, especially in Dorsetshire, the Southdowns have been making continual progress, being either substituted for the native races, or employed to cross them. They are better suited than the Leicesters to mingle with the Dorset race, producing well-formed animals, and in- creasing the value of the fleece. The numerous varieties of the same group which inhabited the older commons are now nearly extinct, although traces of the characteristic form may still be observed in certain places. One variety, however, is still to be found in a state of purity. It inhabits the Isle of Portland, where it has been kept unmixed for an unknown period. These little Sheep have horns in the male and female. They are gentle, and of good form. They have a tinge of dun on the face and legs. Their wool, like that of the Dorsets, is of medium fineness, weighing about two pounds the fleece. They are washed, before being shorn, in the salt pools left on the shores by the returning tide. Their mutton is exceedingly delicate, and THE DORSET BREED. P As 1. I 126 the wethers, when fat, at two years and four months old, weigh from ten to twelve pounds the quarter. The climate of the Isle of Portland is moist, and the natural herbage is largely mixed with wild thyme. The number of Sheep in the Island amounts to about 4000. Some years ago a flock of them was taken to the Derby hills by Sir George Crewe, M. P., and it is said that they supported well this change of climate and situation. No purpose, however, of economical utility can be served by carrying this curious breed beyond the narrow limits where it has acquired the characters which are proper to it. THE SHEEP. XIV. THE MERINO BREED. From early times, Spain has been noted for the production of numerous flocks of Sheep, and of wool adapted to the fabrication of the finer cloths and tissues. This country presents great diversity of surface and natural productions. Towards the south and east it is more African in its charac- ter than any other part of Europe. The interior consists of elevated plains, bounded and traversed by long ranges of mountains, the summits of which sometimes rise almost to the region of perpetual congelation. Descending from these chains of mountains are several noble rivers, which carry their waters to the Mediterranean and Atlantic through plains and valleys of surpassing richness and beauty. The climate varies greatly with the altitude, but the air is every where pure and dry. The vegetable productions are those of the warmer as well as of the colder parts of the northern temperate zone. The orange, the citron, the olive, and the vine, are common productions of the lower plains; the rocky mountains are covered with cisti, arborescent heaths, and many beautiful and fragrant herbs; and, in the cultivated country, are mingled the plants of the warmer with those of the temperate regions,-the maize, the sugar-cane, the rice, • THE MERINO BREED. 127 and the sorghi, with wheat and other cerealia. Numerous varieties of Sheep occupy the plains and mountainous coun- try. Some produce a long wool, deficient in the property of felting, but fitted for the manufacture of the looser fabrics, as carpets and flannels, as well as serges and the lighter tissues. These long-woolled Sheep are found in the lower and more cultivated countries. The short-woolled Sheep in- habit, for the most part, the sandy downs, and the mountains and elevated plains of the interior, where a finer herbage prevails. They are altogether distinct from the larger Sheep of the richer plains, although both have been largely mingled in blood together, and have produced a mixed progeny, which is very numerous. - This fine country, so rich and beautiful, has rarely been permitted to avail itself of its unrivalled resources. With a few happy intervals, the history of Spain is one of intestine troubles, of foreign wars, of civil intolerance, and religious bigotry. Its former inhabitants, apparently of the same great family of mankind which peopled Gaul and other coun- tries of Western Europe, were early visited, for the purposes of commerce, by Phoenician voyagers, and subsequently by the Samians and other Greeks, who were permitted to esta- blish towns on the coasts of the Mediterranean. These strangers at first contented themselves with their little mari- time colonies, and with the means of intercourse which these afforded with the native inhabitants; but at length the Phoe- nicians, with that desire of colonization which distinguished them, founded the city of Gades, now Cadiz, beyond the Gaditanian Strait. The natives, alarmed at this encroach- ment, prepared to attack the intruders; when the latter, in an evil hour, called to their aid the Carthaginians, then the most powerful maritime people of the Mediterranean. Diş- regarding its allies, this ambitious state began, on its own account, a system of cruel conquest, penetrating through the very heart of the country to the Ebro, establishing fortresses and founding cities, amongst which was the noble city of 1 F t 敷 ​} } 1 I T 1 L- #f 128 New Carthage, which to this hour retains the name of Car- tagena. In the year 216 B. C., the fatal siege of the city of Saguntum, situated in the modern kingdom of Valencia, gave rise to the memorable wars between Carthage and Rome, which ended in the destruction of the Carthaginian Common- wealth, and the supremacy of its relentless rival. In the meanwhile, the Romans pursued the conquest of the devoted country to which they had been called as protectors. But nearly 200 years elapsed before they were able to bring it under subjection. At length all Spain became a peaceful province of Rome, receiving in exchange for her independ- ence a longer exemption from the troubles of war, and a greater degree of public prosperity, than she has ever again been permitted to enjoy. Under the wise administration of Roman laws, Spain soon became the richest, most indus- trious, and most powerful, of all the dependent nations of the empire. It was during the period of Roman dominion, continued for more than 450 years, that this country became distinguished for her commerce, her agriculture, and her other arts. Some of her cities were reckoned amongst the most opulent of the ancient world; and aqueducts, bridges, and ways of communication, now in ruins, attest a degree of civilization and refinement to which, except under the partial dominion of the Caliphs, she never again reached. The Roman writers, in their casual notices of the produc- tions of this important province, speak of its wool as being greatly esteemed for its fineness. It is described as being black. Pliny the younger informs us that the finest wool, of a black colour, was brought from Turditania; and Strabo, who wrote in the reign of Tiberius Cæsar, says, that wool, suited for the finer garments of the Romans, was brought from the same country. Pliny, while he mentions the fine wool of Turditania, states, that yet superior to it was the red wool of Boetica, that is, of the countries of the Boetis, now the Guadalquiver, forming the modern Andalusia, and part of Estremadura. The red wool of Boetica still remains, and 3 THE SHEEP. 1 1 THE MERINO BREED. 129 is probably the same as that distinguished by the ancients under the name Milesian, brought from Asia. It is stated by Martialis, himself a native of Spain, to be of the colour of wine. It is long and very soft, differing entirely from the wool of Spain, now so celebrated, termed Merino. The Roman power in Spain terminated in the year of our Lord 456, and was supplanted by that of the Northern Bar- barians. In the year 409, the Vandals, Suevi, and Allani, having forced the passes of the Pyrenees, carried rapine and desolation throughout the tranquil and happy land. The Roman legions, few in number, and fallen off in discipline, and the inhabitants become unwarlike from disuse of arms, were unable to make head against these cruel enemies, who did not, however, long enjoy their bloody triumphs. A nation of Goths, who had become the allies of the sinking empire, drew their swords for the recovery of Spain, and, after a series of murderous conflicts, succeeded in restoring it nomi- nally to its ancient masters. The Goths were worsted in their turn; but at length their king Theodoric, by one deci- sive battle, established a Gothic monarchy in Spain, an event which introduced the feudal system in its rigour, shook the whole framework of society, and has influenced the fortunes, character, and institutions, of the Spanish people up to the times in which we live. The term Hidalgo, or son of a Goth, became a title of distinction, and those privileged classes were established which have been the bane of the country ever since. During the long dominion of these Gothic princes, upwards of 250 years, civil and religious wars desolated the country; and nothing can be recorded favourable to industry and the arts except that, towards the termination of this pe- riod, the enslaved country began again to enjoy something like repose. The Gothic dominion was doomed in its turn to a terrible overthrow. In the year 712, the Arabs, then termed Sara- cens, having overrun the whole of Mauritania except the little fortress of Ceuta, landed a tumultuary army on the 1 I 130 shores of Andalusia, and in one great battle, fought at Xeres, decided the fate of Spain. They defeated the Christian army of a hundred thousand men, and, pursuing their victory, re- duced, in an incredibly short space of time, nearly all Spain to the dominion of the Caliphs, leaving the vanquished in possession of their laws and religion, under payment of the tribute prescribed by the stern tenets of the Koran. A remnant of the Goths, under their leader Pelagius, retired to the mountains of the Asturias, whence they were afterwards able to roll back the tide of conquest on the invaders of their country. The Moors, as the mixed races of Arabian and African conquerors were termed by the Spaniards, brought with them the arts of the East to their new country, and cultivated them with success during their long dominion. Although their possessions were at length divided into separate states, often at war with one another, and almost always with the Christians in contact with them, they brought the subject country to a high degree of prosperity and civilization. No people ever underwent so sudden a change of character and habits as the wild and fiery Arabs in the delicious country which they had rendered their own. They cultivated agri- culture, and brought the art of irrigation especially, to great perfection. They were skilled in the useful mechanical arts, and established looms, forges, glass-houses, dye-works, and manufactures of silk, cotton, paper, leather, and the like, in all their principal cities. They even cultivated letters and the fine arts, when all the rest of Europe was sunk in dark- Their aqueducts, bridges, mosques, and other edifices, remain to this hour the monuments of a taste, industry, and skill, which their successors have never been able to equal. But that of all their arts which the most interests us with relation to our present subject, is their woollen manufacture. They fabricated cloths and carpets, with serges, and the other lighter tissues suited to the warmer countries. In the city of Seville alone were many thousand looms constantly at ness. THE SHEEP. 7 THE MERINO BREED. 131 work, and others of their cities were scarcely less distinguished for the same class of manufactures. The woollen tissues of Spain were then the finest in the world, and not only sup- plied the demands of luxury at home, but were carried to other parts of Europe, to Africa, and all the countries of the Levant. But the splendid dominion of the Moors in Spain had early begun to be circumscribed by warlike enemies, and at length, in the course of ages, passed away. The Christians, under their Gothic leaders, emerging from their northern fast- nesses, wrested back, by slow degrees, kingdom after king- dom; and, after the lapse of 780 years of heroic struggles, unexampled in the history of mankind, Granada alone re- mained to the Moslem conquerors of all their rich dominions. This, too, fell after a gallant defence; the inhabitants being left, by treaty, in possession of their property and the exercise of their religion. The fall of Granada took place in 1492, by which time all the separate kingdoms of Spain had been united, by conquest or inheritance, in the persons of Ferdi- nand and Isabella, so that Spain once more became a king- dom; and the discovery of the New World, with its bound- less treasures, seemed to render it at once the most powerful in Europe. But the seeds of decay had been sown along with the Chris- tian triumphs. As one kingdom after another was wrested from the Moors, they were partitioned among the great seig- niors, and the system of feudal vassalage was established in its worst form. The powers conferred on these warlike feuda- tories were alike in opposition to the rights of the people, and the prerogatives of the executive power. The laws were dis- regarded by subjects so powerful, and tumults and conflicting jurisdictions destroyed the peace of the country. Religious intolerance, and the usurpations of priestly authority, aggra- vated the civil disorders; and triumphs, which should have been hailed as the harbingers of peace, did nothing to pro- mote the industry and happiness of the country. Ferdinand ZY I 1 [ } ř } 132 and Isabella, wise and sagacious as their general administra- tion was, were embued with all the bigotry of the age in which they lived. They established the Inquisition, one of the most savage institutions which has arisen since the dark ages. This junta of sanguinary priests directed their ven- geance against the Jews, in whose hands was the principal part of the internal traffic of the country. It has been com- puted, that, within four years after the establishment of that tribunal, six thousand of these unfortunate persons were pub- licly burned, and that a hundred thousand suffered every cruelty short of death. But it was against the Moors, who, in the days of their prosperity, had shewn so noble a for- bearance, that the rage of these merciless ruffians was espe- cially directed. No sooner had Granada fallen, than this unhappy race was doomed to all the cruelty and indignity which savage minds could devise; and by degrees all the be- nefits of their industry were lost to the country which they had enriched. Such was the state of Spain when Charles V. succeeded to the fairest dominions that ever European prince had possessed. The history of his ambitious life is known to all the world. With the glory of his magnificent reign, the decay of Spanish power proceeded with silent steps. At the age of fifty-six, amidst the germs of future wars, he re- signed his crown to his son Philip, who, though not destitute of talents, never arrived at the reputation of his father. This cruel Prince was defeated in almost all his schemes of selfish ambition; and the treasures of America, so far from adding to the wealth of his country, destroyed its prosperity, by withdrawing the attention of the inhabitants from those arts which could give it true riches. The persecution of the Moors was continued by him with increasing atrocity. The fires of the Holy Inquisition continued to burn by his com- mand. The resistance which this provoked in the victims, was the signal for further butcheries; and, in the reign of his successor Philip III., the ruin of the industry of the country was completed by the expulsion of the remnant of the THE SHEEP. + 133 devoted race. Those that survived had conformed to the observances of the Christian faith; but they were now to be driven away like felons from the land. The pretence was, that, though Christians in appearance, they were Mahomme- dans in their hearts. Thirty days were allowed these vic- tims, above six hundred thousand in number, to prepare for their departure; after which it was death for any one to re- main. Spain thus lost, by acts of imbecility and tyranny, the most industrious of her population. The effects of this loss she never recovered; but, exhausted by wars, emigra- tion, and imposts, sank into a state of languor and impo- tence, which rendered fruitless the blessings that Nature had left her. The flocks of her mountains remained, but the in- dustry that gave them value was taken away. In place of the beautiful fabrics which the arts of her people produced, it is the raw produce only which is now exported, and that in diminishing quantity from year to year. The Spanish Sheep, it has been said, consist of two general classes, comprehending' (1.) those which produce long wool, and which are generally the inhabitants of the more culti- vated countries; and (2.) those which produce short and felting wool, and which are chiefly found on the mountains, elevated plains, and downs. Of the latter varieties of Sheep, greatly the most numerous and valuable are termed Merino, a word of doubtful origin, but derived from the adjective Merino, applied by the Spaniards to sheep moving from pas- ture to pasture; whence, too, the word Merino, signifying a judge of the sheep-walks, and Merinadad, denoting the juris- diction of the judge. Numerous conjectures have been formed regarding the origin of this race of Sheep, so distinct from any other indigenous to Europe. It cannot, however, now be known from what beginning, or by what progressive steps, this remarkable race has acquired its distinctive properties. Spain appears to have been distinguished, in every known age, for the fineness of the wool of its Sheep, which we may reasonably believe to be due to the climate, herbage, and THE MERINO BREED. P f 1 134 other physical circumstances of the country in which the ani- mals are naturalized. It is, however, a reasonable supposi- tion, that the Merino race, which produces not only a fine, but a remarkably oily and felting wool, has been formed by some mixture of other races with the Sheep indigenous to the country. It has been supposed by some that it is derived from the Oves Molles, or fine-woolled Sheep of ancient Italy; but the evidence upon which this opinion rests cannot be re- garded as satisfactory. Columella, a native of the South of Spain, informs us, that his uncle, of the same name, intro- duced some of the fine-woolled Sheep of Italy into his Spanish farm; but he likewise informs us, that he procured some African rams, which had been brought to be exhibited at the public shows at Rome. How far these crosses affected the native breeds cannot be known; but the facts may lead, per- haps, to the conclusion, that the wool of Spain, although dis- tinguished for its fineness, had not attained the perfection at which it afterwards arrived. There is great probability that the Sheep of Northern Africa were mingled in blood with those of Spain during the long period of Moorish dominion. We have no accounts, indeed, of the importation of African Sheep by the Moors; but if Sheep existed in Africa capable of yielding wool suited to the manufacture of the finer cloths and tissues, it is certain the Moors would obtain them; and we learn from the chronicles of the Spanish writers, that one at least of their own princes resorted to Africa for Sheep; and the illustrious Cardinal Ximenes, who governed the country during the minority of Charles V., is distinctly re- ported to have brought Sheep from Africa to improve the Spanish wool. It has been said, indeed, that we know of no race of African Sheep that produces wool resembling the Merino. Even if this were so, it would not invalidate the reasonable conclusions that may be drawn. The wool of the Sheep of Africa, like that of other warm countries, iş mixed with hairs; but underneath these hairs is a short and downy fleece, and it is easy to suppose that, on such Sheep THE SHEEP. #4 THE MERINO BRRED. 135 being transported to a colder country, the woolly portion would be more developed, so as to afford a covering to the animal; but, in truth, it is known, that exceedingly fine wool is found in the north of Africa, though the races of Sheep that produce it have not been discriminated by travellers, and that there is a remarkable tendency in the Sheep of Africa to produce that copious oily secretion of the skin which distinguishes the Merino race from any other in Europe. The fine woollen fabrics of the Barbary States are known over all the countries of the Levant, and are one of the few manufactured productions which these long-desolated coun- tries export. It has been the opinion of many, that the Merino Sheep of Spain have been derived from England. Stow, in his Chronicles, informs that "this yere" (namely, 1464), "King Edward IV. gave a license to pass over cer- tain Cotteswolde Sheep into Spain;" and Baker says, King Edward IV. enters into a league with John King of Arragon, to whom he sent over a score of Costal ewes and four rams, a small present in show, but great in the event, for it proved of more benefit to Spain, and more detrimental to England, than could at first have been imagined." From this slender incident it were idle to infer that the modern Merino owes its origin to the Sheep of England, though cer- tainly the resemblance of the Dorset breed of England, and particularly of the variety termed the Pink-nosed Somerset, would seem to be sufficiently striking to give some counte- nance to the supposition. But the successor of King John of Arragon was Ferdinand, who married Isabella of Castile, and it was the minister of these Sovereigns who resorted to Africa for Sheep to improve the Spanish wool. Our early writers, who assign an English derivation to the fine-woolled Sheep of Spain, were probably ignorant that already Spain was in possession of the best wool, and manufactured the finest woollen fabrics, in Europe. Upon the whole, although authentic documents on the subject are wanting, there is a presumption that the Sheep of Africa were employed to per- "" } < I I 1 + * F { 136 fect the Sheep of Spain, with respect to the production of wool. The Merinos exhibit certain characters, which seem to shew them to have been derived from some country warmer than that in which they were naturalized, and it was during the dominion of the African possessors of the country, that the wool of Spain arrived at its greatest excellence. The Spanish Merino Sheep are of small size. The skin is of a reddish fleshy colour, and the wool is white, although black or dun sometimes appears on the legs, faces, and ears. The forehead is covered with a tuft of coarse wool, and coarse wool likewise appears on the cheeks. The males have large spiral horns; but the females are usually destitute of horns. Both sexes have a certain looseness of skin under the throat, which is valued by the Spanish shepherds as indicative of a productive fleece. The legs are long, the sides are flat, and the chest is narrow. The fleece is altogether peculiar; it is close, short, and unctuous, weighing, from these causes, more in proportion to its bulk than the fleece of any other known race of Sheep. From its closeness, it feels hard when compressed, but, on examination, the filaments are seen to be of extreme tenuity, and no wool has been found comparable to it for the property of felting. It is not annually renewed, but will con- tinue to grow for several years. The Spanish Merino Sheep, when we regard them as ani- mals to be fattened for human food, are of an inferior class. Their flesh is of indifferent quality, and they are of tender constitutions. The females are the worst nurses of any race of Sheep which inhabit Europe. So great is their defect in this respect, that in Spain half the lambs are killed in order that the ewes may be enabled to suckle the remainder, it being calculated by the Spanish shepherds, that the milk of two ewes is required to bring up one lamb in a proper man- ner. Abortions are frequent, parturition is difficult, and the ewes are more apt to desert their offspring than any other Sheep which are known to us. In these respects the Me- rinos resemble the ancient Oves Molles of Italy, which were THE SHEEP. } I 137 remarkable for the delicacy of their constitution, their vora- city, unthriftiness, and inferior power of secreting milk. The same causes, it would appear, have produced the same effects. Attention having been mainly directed in both cases to the production of wool, the other properties were disregarded, of hardiness and the power of yielding fat and milk. The Spanish Merinos, although retaining a certain degree of wildness, are yet very docile in their tempers. No Sheep place themselves more unreservedly under the guidance of the shepherds; and, although late in arriving at maturity, and difficult to be fattened, they are readily satisfied with dry and innutritious pastures. When put amongst other Sheep, they keep together, generally on the higher grounds. At night they form themselves into a circle, the rams and stronger sheep being on the outside, retaining thus the in- stincts which they had acquired in their native habitation. They are incapable of bearing the same extremes of cold and wetness as the hardy Mountain Sheep of Northern Europe; and yet they do not seem to be peculiarly affected by changes of temperature, which, doubtless, their dense fleece enables them to resist. THE MERINO BREED. The Spaniards, who by degrees subdued the Moorish king- doms, neglected tillage, and attended chiefly to their flocks and herds; and then it was that those immense sheep-walks seem to have been formed, which cover so great a part of the country. Writers of the middle ages speak of the large flocks possessed by individuals, amounting to thirty or forty thou- sand each. Whether it was found that the continued heat of the southern parts of Spain was less favourable to the fine- ness of the fleece, or whether convenience or necessity led to a change of pasture during the summer months, a practice was early established of driving the flocks of sheep to the cooler countries of the north in summer, and back to the southern pastures on the approach of winter. These migra- tory flocks are by some termed Transhumantes; while the I $ 1. 138 sheep that remain in the same district during the year are termed Estantes, or stationary. THE SHEEP. The stationary Sheep consist partly of the larger sheep of the lower country, partly of mixed races, and partly of pure Merinos, which do not differ in any respect from the migra- tory Sheep of that name, except in the method of treatment. The stationary Merinos are reared where the district or farm affords them sufficient food during the whole season. They are most numerous in the central countries, where the pas- tures are less apt to be scorched by the heats of summer, as . in Segovia, and the mountain ranges to the north of Madrid. The migratory Sheep have been reckoned to amount to ten millions, which is probably equal to half the whole number of the sheep of Spain. They may be divided into two great bodies; those which are to pass chiefly into the kingdom of Leon, and those which are to pass further to the eastward, to Soria, or even beyond the Ebro. These great hordes of sheep break up from their winter cantonments south of the Guadiana, about the 15th of April, and proceed slowly north- ward. The rams having been admitted to the ewes in the month of July, the lambs are born in November. In the course of their journey northward, they are shorn in large buildings erected for that purpose. The western or Leonese division, crosses the Tagus at Almaraz. The easterly or Sorian division, crosses the same river further to the east- ward at Talavera, and in its course approaches the city of Madrid. Having reached their destination, they are pas- tured until the end of September, when they recommence their journey southward. Each of these journeys, of several hundred miles in length, occupies about six weeks, so that a fourth part of the year is consumed in travelling. The older Sheep, it is said, when April arrives, know the time of sett- ing off, and are impatient to be gone. In the ten or twelve latter days, increased vigilance is required on the part of the shepherds, lest the Sheep should break away. Some of 磐 ​T 139 them do so, and pursue their accustomed route, often reach- ing their former year's pastures, where they are found when the main body arrives. But, for the most part, these strag- glers are carried off by the wolves, which abound along the course which the migratory flocks pursue. These migratory Sheep are divided into flocks of a thou- sand or more, each under the charge of its own Mayoral or chief shepherd, who has a sufficient number of assistants under his command. It is his province to direct all the de- tails of the journey. He goes in advance of the flock; and the others follow with their dogs to collect the stragglers, and keep off the wolves, which prowl in the distance, migrating with the flock. A few mules or asses accompany the caval- cade, carrying the simple necessaries of the shepherds, and the materials for forming the nightly folds. In these folds the Sheep are penned throughout the night, surrounded by the faithful Dogs, which give notice of the approach of danger. THE MERINO BREED. Mode When the Sheep arrive at the Esquileos, or shearing- houses, which is in the early part of their journey north- ward, a sufficient number of shearers are in attendance to shear a thousand or more in a day. The Esquileos consist of two large rude rooms, with a low narrow hut adjoining termed the sweating-house. The Sheep are driven into one of the large rooms, and such of them as are to be shorn on the following day are forced into the long narrow hut as close as they can be packed, where they are kept all the night. They undergo in this state a great perspiration, the effect of which is to soften the hard unctuous matter which has collected on the fleece. They are then shorn without any previous washing, and the wool is left in the Esquileo, where it is sorted, and made ready for sale. By this ar- rangement 1000 Sheep or more are shorn, with the delay of only a single day. The Shepherds employed in tending these Sheep are cal- culated to amount to 50,000, which, supposing there to be ten millions of Sheep, is at the rate of 200 to each shepherd. J * i 記念 ​B ; 140 The number of Dogs is calculated at 30,000. These shep- herds form a peculiar class of men, strongly attached to their pursuit, and living in a state of great simplicity. Their food is chiefly dark bread, oil, and garlick. They eat the mutton of their Sheep, when they die or meet with accidents. In travelling they sleep on the ground, wrapping themselves in their cloaks; and in winter they construct rude huts to afford shelter. They seldom, it is said, change their calling. The whole of this extraordinary system is regulated by a set of laws; and an especial tribunal, termed the Mesta, exists for the protection of the privileges of the parties hav- ing the right of way and pasturage. These parties claim the right of pasturage on all the open and common land that lies in their way, a path of ninety paces wide through the enclosed and cultivated country, and various rights and im- munities connected with the pasturage of the flocks. The system is opposed to the true interests of Spain. A change of pasture may be required for the flocks in the drier coun- tries at certain seasons, but the periodical migration of so great a body of Sheep cannot be necessary to the extent to which it takes place. Enormous abuses are committed on the cultivated country as they pass along. A fourth part of the year consumed in travelling, must be prejudicial to the health of the animals in a greater degree than the benefits they derive from a change of pasturage. A prodigious mor- tality accordingly takes place amongst these Sheep; and more than half the lambs, it is said, are voluntarily killed, in order that the others may be brought to maturity. The sale of the lamb-skins, which form a subject of export to other countries, is indeed a source of profit, but nothing equal to what the rearing of the animals to their state of maturity would pro- duce. That these extensive migrations are necessary to preserve the fineness of the wool, is conceived to be an error. Attention to breeding and rearing would more certainly pro- duce this effect than a violent change of place. In Spain itself there are numerous flocks of stationary Merinos, whose THE SHEEP. C 1 THE MERINO BREED. 141 wool is of all the fineness required; and in other countries of Europe, where the Sheep are never moved off the farms that produce them, wool is produced superior to that of the migra tory flocks of Spain. But the system is of great antiquity, and is so riveted in the habits of this ignorant and intractable people, that it is likely to be one of the last of those ancient abuses which will yield to the desire of change, which at this moment agitates the feelings of men in this distracted country. The Spaniards long preserved the monopoly of this race of Sheep with jealous care; but other countries at length were able to carry off the Golden Fleece of Spain, and the Merino race is now spread over a great part of Europe. It has been carried to North America, to the southern extre- mity of Africa, and to the boundless plains of New Holland, in all of which places it has been found to retain, with won- derful constancy, the characters which had been imprinted on it in its native pastures, and in certain cases to surpass in useful properties that of the parent stock. The first country, it is believed, which acquired the pure Merinos, was Sweden. In 1723, M. Alstroemer, a spirited and patriotic individual, was enabled to import a small flock of pure Merinos. In 1793, the Swedish Government entered with zeal into the plan, established an agricultural school under the superin- tendence of M. Alstroemer, and used every means to extend the breed. The measures adopted succeeded, to the degree of diminishing the importation of short wool, and increasing the manufacture of the finer cloths; and, after the lapse of more than a century, the stranger race produces wool nearly as soft and fine as at its first importation. The Sheep are housed during the six months of winter, and generally during the nights in summer; and it is by means of this artificial treatment that the wool preserves its original properties. The ewes are between two and three years old before they are suffered to breed, and seven years old before they are fattened for the butcher. They are far inferior in hardiness 142 to the native races; and, if due attention were paid to the cultivation of the latter, it may be questioned if they would not be of superior economical value to the breeders. It is supposed that there are about 100,000 of the pure and mixed Merinos in Sweden, reckoned to be about 1-25th part of the Sheep of the country. THE SHEEP. France, although in contact with Spain on the Pyrenees, did not attempt to acquire the Merino race until some time before the middle of last century, when the illustrious Col- bert, pursuing his numerous plans for extending the arts and commerce of France, brought several Merinos across the mountains for the purpose of improving the native Sheep. His plan, though well devised, was opposed by the prejudices of the people, and entirely failed. But in the year 1786, the French Government, adopting the same design, imported a considerable flook of pure Merinos, and established them at the royal farm of Rambouillet, near Paris, where their de- scendants yet remain. Every means were used to extend the breed amongst the agriculturists of France, but with little comparative success. In 1796 the Directory of the French Republic took yet more active means to multiply the breed. By a secret article in the treaty of Bâle, they obtained power to import from Spain 100 rams and 1000 ewes annu- ally for five years. The Spanish Government quickly re- pented of this forced concession, and political events pre- vented the completion of the scheme, so that, of the stipulated number, only 2000 rams and ewes reached their destination. Napoleon resumed the project, and during his reign many Merinos were brought across the frontiers. In this manner have been introduced a great number of Merinos into France, which have either remained pure, or been employed to cross the native races. But, upon the whole, France has not been very successful in this branch of husbandry. Although the climate and soil of France are eminently suited to the pro- duction of fine wool, the minute division of property in land, · 143 the small extent of sheep pastures, and the habits of the peasantry, have not been favourable to any general system of improvement applied to this race of Sheep. It is in the German States that the Merino race has been the most widely diffused, and the most successfully culti- vated. The Elector of Saxony, on the close of the Seven Years' War in 1765, obtained from the King of Spain 100 Merino rams and 200 ewes, taken from the best flocks of Spain. He kept them partly pure on his own farms near Dresden, and he partly distributed them throughout the country, for the improvement of the native Saxon Sheep. It was soon found that the race preserved all its properties, and was capable, under skilful treatment, and by due selec- tion of the breeding parents, of surpassing, in the excellence of the fleece, the stock from which it had been derived. The most judicious means were employed to extend this branch of husbandry, by the establishment of schools for the instruc- tion of shepherds, by the circulation of tracts, and otherwise, and very soon the wools of Saxony became the finest in Europe. The Saxon sheep-masters bestow a care in the selection of the Sheep producing the finest wool, which has no parallel in any other country. The best are reserved for propagating the race, and by this means the characters which indicate the property of producing fine wool, are main- tained or increased in the progeny. This is an application of the true principles of breeding; and the care with which the system is pursued, is the main cause of that unrivalled excellence to which the fine-woolled Sheep of Saxony have attained. The Sheep are kept in houses during the winter; and the general treatment of them, with respect to food, is adapted to promote the fineness of the fleece, the production of mutton being regarded as of secondary moment. Prussia followed Saxony in the same course of improve- ment. In the year 1768, M. Fink, near Halle, in the Duchy of Magdeburg, introduced some Saxo-Merino Sheep, and ten years later several pure Merinos from Spain. His endea- THE MERINO BREED. **** " ↓ 1 144 vours to improve the Sheep of the country attracted at length the notice of the Prussian Government, and, in 1786, Frede- rick the Great imported direct from Spain 100 rams and 200 ewes of the pure Merino Breed. The greater part of this imported flock died near Berlin of various maladies; and those that were sent to distant parts of the country degene- rated, through the carelessness and want of skill of those to whom they were entrusted. M. Fink was commissioned to make a second purchase of 1000 pure Merinos; and agricul- tural schools were established, under the superintendance of M. Fink himself, for the instruction of shepherds, and for disseminating a knowledge of the method of treatment of the Sheep. These endeavours were successful, to the extent of improving, by the admixture of blood, the native races, and shewed that the pure Merinos could be reared in Prussia without deterioration of the properties of the fleece. The animals are chiefly fed on hay, straw, and corn; and the same precautions are used as are necessary in other north- ern countries for protecting the Sheep from the inclemencies of the weather. A considerable number of Merinos of pure and mixed races are now produced in the Prussian States. The wool of Silesia, in particular, stands in the first rank, and has been made greatly to surpass that of the finest of the migratory Sheep of Spain. Austria early pursued the same course which had been followed elsewhere. In 1775, the Empress Maria Theresa imported into Hungary 300 Merinos, and established them at the imperial farm of Meropail. A school for farmers and shepherds was established, and printed instructions were issued, regarding the nature of the wool, and the methods of treatment to be adopted. Subsequent importations were made, and now a large proportion of the Sheep of Hungary are either pure Merinos, or Merinos mixed in blood with the indigenous races. The enormous estates of the Hungarian nobles, whatever may be their effect on general industry, are well adapted to the husbandry of Sheep; and this country 9 • THE SHEEP. IA 145 can now boast of wool equalling in fineness that of the mountains of Spain. In Bohemia, and almost all the other Austrian States, Merinos have been introduced, and every- where have been seen to equal or surpass the parent stock. In Wurtemberg, Hanover, Bavaria, and other countries of Germany, the same means have been employed with suc- cess, to introduce the Merino race. It has been carried to Denmark and Norway, to Poland and Switzerland, and to the dominions of Russia, especially on the Black Sea, where a climate exists calculated to bring every natural production to excellence. The Merino race has thus been naturalized over the greater part of Europe, from Scandinavia to the Crimea; and Spain can never more possess the monopoly of a production which had descended to her as an inheritance for so many ages. The experiments shew, that a certain class of characters having been imprinted on a breed of ani- mals, these characters can be preserved under very varying conditions of soil and temperature, by artificial treatment suited to the ends proposed, and by selecting, for the con- tinuance of the race, the animals in which the properties required are sufficiently developed. The Merino Breed, which had extended to so many coun- tries of Europe, was at a period more recent introduced into the British Islands. George III., a zealous and patriotic agriculturist, resolved to make a trial of this celebrated breed on his own farms, and means were taken to obtain a small Merino flock. This was done clandestinely; the ani- mals were selected from the flocks of different individuals, where they could best be got; and were driven through Portu- gal, and embarked at Lisbon. They were safely landed at Portsmouth, and conducted to the King's farm at Kew. The flock was bad; the selection had been carelessly or igno- rantly made; and the animals being taken from different flocks, presented no uniformity of characters. It was then resolved to make direct application to the Spanish Govern- ment for permission to export some Sheep from the best K THE MERINO BREED. 7 } • + ... 146 flocks. The request was at once complied with; a small and choice flock was presented to His Majesty by the Mar- chioness del Campo di Alange of the Negretti flocks, esteemed to be the most valuable in Spain; and, in return, His Majesty presented to the Marchioness eight splendid coach-horses. This flock arrived in England in 1791, and was immediately transferred to the Royal farms, while all those previously imported were disposed of or destroyed. On the first change of these Sheep to the moist and luxu- riant pastures of England, they suffered greatly from dis- eases, and, above all, rot, which destroyed numbers of them; and from foot-rot, which affected them to a grievous extent. By a little change of pastures, these evils were remedied; and, after the first season, the survivors became reconciled to their new situation, and their progeny seemed thoroughly naturalized, and remained as free from diseases as the Sheep of the country. The wool was from year to year carefully examined: that of the original stock remained unaffected by the change of climate, while, in that of their descendants, little degeneracy could be detected either in its felting pro- perties or fineness. THE SHEEP. This experiment excited extreme interest throughout the kingdom. Various individuals endeavoured to cultivate the pure race, but experiments were mainly directed towards crossing the native breeds with Merino rams, in the hope of combining the fineness of the Spanish fleece with the econo- mical qualities of the English Sheep. With this design, the Merino rams were made to cross the South Down, the Wilt- shire, the Leicester, and the Ryeland ewes; and in some cases the experiment was reversed, and the English rams, especially of the Ryeland Breed, were put to the Merino ewes. Many distinguished agriculturists, Mr Coke, after- wards Earl of Leicester, Sir Joseph Banks, the Duke of Bed- ford, the late Lord Somerville, and others, prosecuted these curious and important experiments; and the writings of Dr Parry and others brought the subject in a prominent manner before the country. THE MERINO BREED. 147 In the year 1804, when the sale took place from His Ma- jesty's stock, many purchasers, the advocates of the Merino Breed, came forward, and the Sheep were sold at high, though not at exorbitant, prices; the average price of the rams being L.19, 14s. a-head, and that of the ewes L.8:15: 6. In the following autumn, a similar sale took place at advanc- ing prices. Seventeen rams and twenty-one ewes were sold for L.1148, 14s., being at the average rate of L.30:4:6. At succeeding sales, these rates were maintained or increased. In 1810, thirty-three rams brought L.1920, 9s., or L.38:9: 11 a-head, and seventy ewes, at the average rate of about L.37, 10s. In the year 1811, a society was established under the pre- sidency of the distinguished and indefatigable Sir Joseph Banks, with the express design of promoting and encourag- ing the cultivation of the Merino breed. Fifty-four vice- presidents were named, and local committees established in almost every district, or county, of England. This Society, the most influential, from its numbers and the agricultural skill of its members, that had yet been established in Britain, pursued their task with spirit and zeal. Amongst other means adopted for promoting the purposes of this institution, was the offering of premiums for pure Merinos, or for the crosses with the native Sheep. Every thing favoured the purposes of this patriotic band, and in an especial degree the unex- ampled prosperity of the landed interests of the country, and the enormous prices of the finest class of wools, produced by the events of the war. Public opinion, however, and the practical judgment of farmers, had, even before this period, been reducing the pre- tensions of the Merino breed, and the mixed progeny, to the proper standard, as the subjects of economical culture. It was found, that however promising were the crosses at first, the progeny invariably fell short of the expectations formed. They were small in size, less hardy than the British parents, and generally of inferior form. So perfectly have time and experience confirmed these results, that there scarcely exists, ** + ров T 148 except in the hands of the curious, a single flock of the mixed progeny from which so much was anticipated. They have either been abandoned altogether, or the breeders have gra- dually recrossed with English blood, until almost all traces of the Spanish mixture have been lost. In place, however, of attempts to engraft the Spanish upon the English stock, other breeders preserved the pure Merinos, and this experiment was greatly more successful than the other. The naturalized Merinos have been found to increase in size, in disposition to fatten, in the power of the females to yield milk, and, by attention in breeding, to improve in the external form. The wool becomes longer, and loses some- what, though not much, of its tenuity, unless, indeed, the means are taken to secure the animals, as in Saxony, from cold, the necessary effect of which is to call forth a greater production of wool for the protection of the animal. The naturalized Merinos have never acquired the hardiness of the native races, and would perish at once on the mountains on which the Welsh, the Cheviot, and the Black-faced Heath- breeds, are acclimated. Nevertheless, analogy conducts us to the conclusion, that the Merinos are capable of becoming, by degrees, adapted to the climate in which they are reared. The objections to the cultivation of Merinos in the Bri- tish Islands are not that they cannot be reared, inured to the cold, and improved in form, with a moderate preservation of the characters of the wool, but that they do not, as a breed, equal, in economical importance, those of which we are already possessed. The wool, indeed, is the most va- luable and abundant of that of any race of Sheep that we can rear; but the wool is not the only profitable produce of Sheep in this country; and it is by a combination of the pro- duction of mutton and wool, that the interests of the farmer are best served. The breed is in the country, can be ob- tained by every one, and has been the subject of trial by the best farmers; and yet we see it almost everywhere aban- doned in favour of the native races. Did the British farmer, like the Saxon, derive his principal profit from the fleece, THE SHEEP. 149 and little from the carcass, then he might cultivate the pro- duction of the one in preference to the other; but this is not the case under the present circumstances of this country, and the British farmer's interest is therefore different. He can- not afford to shut the animals in houses for half the year, for the purpose of protecting them from the inclemency of the weather, in order that the wool may be fine; nor to feed them on hay and corn, in preference to the abundant roots, herbage, and forage plants, with which the agriculture of the country enables him to supply his animals. If individual interest does not admit of the cultivation of fine wool in preference to abundant mutton, and the adoption of a breed of inferior hardiness, early maturity, and fatten- ing powers, so neither does it seem that the national interest requires it. Spain, and other countries of Europe where the fleece is more valuable than the carcass, are employed in producing fine wool, and the extended commercial relations of England enable her to obtain it, in the quantity which her manufacturers consume, from all these countries. Even her own colonies are now enabled to supply it in increasing abundance. Is it not better, then, that we should trust to commerce for the supplies of a commodity which can be raised more cheaply than at home, and devote our Sheep especially to the production of that food with which no other country can supply us, contenting ourselves with a kind of wool which, though less fine than that produced elsewhere, is all required and consumed by the manufactures of the country? THE MERINO BREED. The most distinguished breeders of Merinos at this time in England are Lord Western and Mr Benett, M. P. for Wiltshire. Lord Western's stock is either Saxon, or has been crossed by Saxon rams; Mr Benett's is pure Spanish, and has undergone progressive improvement, by selection of individuals of the same blood. The number of his flock amounted at one time to 7000; but it was subsequently reduced to 3500. It was treated in the ordinary manner of Sheep in t 150 this country. Lord Western's, it is believed, is managed more in the Saxon manner, with respect to protection from the weather. Mr Benett's fine flock, notwithstanding that it had been thus acclimated, perished in great numbers in a severe winter some years ago, proving that the race had not yet lived sufficiently long in England to be perfectly inured to its cold and variable climate. Other gentlemen have imported Merinos direct from Saxony, and thus obtained at once the highest perfection of the fleece; but there is little reason to believe that their experiments will be more successful than those that had been previously made. Merinos have been lately carried in some numbers to Ireland, and may perhaps prove more advantageous than some of the existing breeds; but this will not shew the great value of the Merinos, but the comparatively little value of the races which they have supplanted. THE SHEEP. The Merino breed of Sheep has likewise been carried to a different region of the globe, and been subjected to a new set of external agents. The great insular continent of New Hol- land, presenting characters, in its vegetable and animal pro- ductions, which distinguish it from all other countries, has now received this important race, which has been found to adapt itself with the utmost facility to its new condition. The first European settlement in this remarkable country was made in the year 1788, when a party of English crimi- nals was landed in Botany Bay. To supply the early colo- nists with wool and mutton, and establish a permanent flock for their future maintenance, Sheep were imported from Bengal. These were the small hairy animals found in that part of India. It was soon discovered that these miserable Sheep improved in their useful properties by the change of climate and food. They became prolific, the hair diminished in quantity, and a fleece of soft wool, though not of great fineness, succeeded. This simple experiment added to the many proofs before existing of the all-pervading influence of external circumstances over the form and characters of ani- THE MERINO BREED. 151 mals. The importation of Bengal Sheep was soon after followed by that of superior races from the mother country. Individuals of the Leicester and South Down breeds were by degrees imported, affording the kinds which were wanted by the infant colony, namely, animals that should supply food rather than wool. This experiment was entirely successful, and the intermixture of the new Sheep enlarged the size, and increased the economical value, of the original race. The wool even of these crosses, notwithstanding of the most slovenly treatment on the part of their owners, was found equal or superior to the finest produced in the mother country; and in twelve years from the first landing of the settlers, the Sheep of the colony had increased to upwards of 6000. The result of these trials, and the growing prosperity of the settlement, produced a desire on the part of the wealthier colonists to try the fine-woolled Sheep of Spain, which had been introduced into the British Islands. A few of this race were obtained from England, and the result, like all the pre- vious experiments, proved the admirable adaptation of the country to the rearing of Sheep, and in an especial degree to the production of a fine and soft wool. After a few crosses with the existing race, the wool produced was found to be nearly equal to that of the pure Merinos of Spain; and when the original race was preserved without intermixture, the wool became more fine and soft than that of the same race in their native pastures. Merinos were now imported direct from Saxony, and this experiment likewise was successful. When the breed was preserved pure, the wool preserved its essential properties, with that increase of flexibility and soft- ness which is the distinctive character of the Australian wools. Some of the wool of these Saxon Sheep, when it had been properly cleaned and attended to, brought the highest price of any other in the English market, and led to the belief, that these rising colonies were destined to supply the manufac- tures of England with wool superior to that of any other country. These expectations were formed chiefly in con- اكبر * 1 * 152 THE SHEEP. sequence of the peculiar softness of these new wools, which fitted them to amalgamate admirably with the harsher wools of the country in certain manufactures. But although the best of the Australian wools still sustain a high character, they are not found to equal the Saxon, in fineness, and that peculiar property which fits them for the manufacture of cloth. This is indeed the consequence of the different con- ditions of the two countries. In Saxony labour is cheap, and an attention can be devoted to the improvement of the Sheep and their wool, which is impracticable in a thinly peopled country, where the want of labourers cannot be supplied at any price. Under such circumstances, there must be a rude- ness of management inconsistent with the minute attention necessary to preserve and increase to the uttermost the valu- able properties of the fleece. The matter of surprise is not, that, under such circumstances, the Australian production should be inferior to the Saxon, but that it should so nearly equal it. The island of Van Diemen's Land, situated to the south of New Holland, between the latitudes of nearly 41° and 44° south, enjoying a cooler temperature, and being more exempt from the severe droughts of the sister country, was settled by two ships which had proceeded from England with con- victs. The first destination of these persons was Port Philip, which they reached in the autumn of 1805; but it being con- ceived that obstacles existed to the establishment of a per- manent settlement at that port, they were carried to the river Derwent, where, soon after, Hobart Town, the capital of the new colony, was founded. Sheep of the defective Indian breed were soon afterwards introduced into the colony; but it was not until the year 1820, that the cultivation of fine- woolled Sheep was fully established. A flock of 300 Merino lambs was imported from Sydney; but, in consequence of a distemper which broke out amongst them previous to sailing, only 181 arrived at their destination in September 1820. These were distributed amongst the colonists about Hobart THE MERINO BREED. 153 Town; and, some years later, pure Merinos were imported from Saxony. Thus the basis of a fine-woolled breed of Sheep has been laid in this interesting island, although as yet the wool produced has not equalled in value that of the sister colony. The progressive increase in the numbers of sheep in these noble possessions is without example. In the year 1810, only 167 lb. of wool were imported into England from the colony of New South Wales. In 1820, the quantity had increased to 99,418 lb.; in 1830, to 973,336 lb.: in 1832, the quantity brought from both colonies was 3,516,869 lb.; in 1838, 8,067,243 lb.; and since this period the importation has been proceeding in a constantly increasing ratio.. Other settle- ments have been established on the coasts of New Holland, at Swan River, at Port Philip, and elsewhere; and more re- cently the tide of emigration has flowed into the lovely islands of New Zealand, which, however, being covered with dense forests, are less suited to the multiplication of sheep than the vast plains of New Holland. Thus, in regions almost un- known to the civilized world until within the memory of the living generation, are to be found the means of supplying the woollen manufactures of England with the raw material in boundless quantity; and it is gratifying to humanity to think that the foundations of this great storehouse of public wealth have been laid, not on violence and bloodshed, but on agricul- tural prosperity, and the improvement of the fleece. The attention of the Australian colonists has been natu- rally directed to the cultivation of fine wool; but it is evident that there are limits to the profits to be derived from this commodity, both from the increasing production of the coun- try, and from the rivalship of the districts of Europe where the Merino wool is cultivated. It is a question, therefore, whether the colonists should not now direct attention to the long or combing wools as well as to the short or felting. It is probable that the long wools of England would acquire, in these favoured climes, the very properties which would benefit · 1 Fe [ 1 A 154 them the most, and that the heavier fleeces of the Leicester, the Cotswold, and the Old Lincoln Sheep, would yield a larger profit to the wool-grower than even the higher priced Merino. But the two classes of Sheep should be kept entirely distinct. The Merino breed should be selected and cultivated with all the care which the state of the country will allow. Merinos of the pure race may be obtained in England; but in num- bers too small to supply any considerable demand. They would be more conveniently procured from Saxony, proper precautions being employed in making the selection from flocks of established reputation. The best period for exa- mining the flocks is the month of January, or even February. The cheapest mode of getting an improved stock is to pur- chase the refuse or cast ewes; but the proper mode to insure the obtaining of them of the best sorts is to make a selection out of the good flocks of the country. Unless, however, the purchaser is a very good judge of the quality of the wool, he will require an assistant in the country, who, for a fixed amount per head, will make the selection; and it will be proper for those who are to make considerable purchases to send a trusty person to the country. The price for refuse ewes is from four to eight dollars, at 3s. per dollar; of se- lected ewes, from ten to twenty dollars, and of rams, from L.3 to L.20. Some remarkably fine rams even bring prices so high as from L.50 to L.200; but this great expense can never be required, except in the case of individuals who al- ready possess highly improved flocks, which they are desirous of bringing to the greatest degree of perfection. In the case of Australian settlers, it would be well for a number to com- bine and purchase a considerable number at once, as from 1000 to 2000 ewes, with a corresponding number of rams. The best mode of proceeding would be, to collect the Sheep at Riesa on the Elbe, and ship them to Hamburg, a separate boat being hired for the purpose. Shipments might also be made from Dresden. The precautions to be used in making these purchases are, to deal only with persons of known cha- - THE SHEEP. C 155 racter, and, as has been said, to obtain an assistant in the. country to select the Sheep, and to send a trusty servant to take charge of them. The expense of purchasing and trans- porting the Sheep to England is not considerable; and when we consider the immense national importance of conveying to our Australian possessions the best of the race that can be obtained, it is to be trusted that the colonists will find it for their interest to resort to countries where the animals can be obtained in the greatest purity and perfection. THE RYELAND BREED. XV. THE RYELAND BREED. In the tract of country lying westward of the Severn, and bounded by the mountains of Wales, there has in every known period existed a race of Sheep, of small size, destitute of horns, and noted for the softness and fineness of their wool. The part of England where this breed was long the most diffused and cultivated was the county of Hereford, a tract of the old red sandstone formation, stretching from the confines of Wales to near the Severn. But the breed ex- tended into Monmouthshire on the south, into Shropshire on the north, and into Gloucestershire and Warwickshire on the east, occupying many forests, commons, and wastes. The variety reared in the county of Hereford was generally termed the Hereford Breed. Sometimes it was characterized by the names of the places in which it was found in the greatest numbers or perfection. It was sometimes termed the Archen- field Breed, and sometimes the Ross Breed, from the south- eastern district of the county lying between the Forest of Dean and the Malvern Hills. But it became at length more generally known by the name of the Ryeland Breed, from certain sandy tracts formerly devoted to the production of rye, situated southward of the river Wye. We have no historical record of the derivation of this breed from any other country, and may therefore assume K J .* 5 156 that it had been indigenous beyond all memorial to the dis- tricts which it inhabited. It may not unreasonably be in- ferred to be a variety of that widely-diffused race of soft- woolled Sheep which formerly extended from the mountains and islands of Scotland to the mountains of Wales, and which was probably in possession of the earliest Celtic in- habitants of the British islands. From its diminutive size, its patience of scanty food, and the lightness of its fleece, we may conclude that it was the native of countries of a low degree of fertility, probably of districts of forest, which, until cleared of their wood, are always unproductive with respect to the nutritive grasses. The county of Hereford, it is to be observed, though now rendered rich and beautiful by art, was formerly covered with woods, and interspersed with ex- tensive commons and chases, which long remained waste and barren. We are not therefore to conclude, that, because the country is now fertilized, it was not formerly suited to the maintenance of a race of small Sheep. The nature of the wool of this breed, too, which was noted beyond any other for its fineness, caused the breed to be preserved unmixed, and with nearly its pristine characters, long after the county of Hereford had become capable of supporting larger ani- mals. THE SHEEP. The wool of the Ryeland breed was long regarded as the finest that the British islands produced. The ancient city of Leominster, being surrounded by a country producing this kind of wool, and being the market-town to which it was brought for sale, gave name to the wool of the country, which was termed Lemster Wool, or Lemster Ore. Drayton, who wrote in the reign of Henry VIII., when comparing the wool of the Cotteswold Hills with the lighter fleeces of Lemster, bears testimony to the superior fineness of the latter. Cam- den, describing the town of Leominster, "which," says he, CC was also called Leon Minster, and Lyon's Monastery, of a Lyon that appeared to a religious man in a vision," says, “ The greatest name and fame is of the wool in the territories I 1 157 round about it (Lemster Ore they call it), which, setting aside that of Apulia and Tarentum, all Europe counteth to be the verie best." THE RYELAND BREED. A method of treating the Sheep of this part of England, calculated to preserve and increase the fineness of the wool, existed until a recent period. The animals were kept during the night in large houses termed Cots, capable of containing from 100 to 500 Sheep. This practice was probably adopted in early times, for the purpose of protecting the animals from the wolves which greatly abounded in the forests of the western counties. It may be supposed to have been continued afterwards by habit; but experience would shew that it was eminently calculated to preserve and increase that fineness of the wool for which the breed was distinguished. The animals in these cots were sparingly fed with pease-straw and other dry forage, a system eminently favourable to the production of a short and delicate fleece. The modern Ryelands, where they yet exist, retain the diminutive size of their progenitors. Their form is compact, and their mutton is juicy and delicate. They are gentle and well formed; and they are patient in a remarkable degree of scanty fare. Both sexes are destitute of horns. The colour of the whole fleece is white, and the wool extends forward to the face, forming a tuft on the forehead. This wool is yet the finest produced in England. It is not, how- ever, equal in this respect to that of the Spanish Merino, nor so well suited, by its felting properties, for the purposes of the clothier, on which account, since the extensive intro- duction of the fine wools of Spain and Germany, its relative value has greatly declined. Further, the Sheep are of small size, and inferior in economical value to the races which the country is capable of maintaining. Hence, the inducement to cultivate the breed has been constantly diminishing, so that it has now almost ceased to exist in a state of purity. The smallness of the size of the Ryelands led to innumer- able experiments in crossing, with the design of increasing ! 158 the weight of the animals, and in the hope of maintaining the fineness of the wool. The experiments failed, as might have been anticipated, with respect to the preservation of the quality of the wool, but succeeded in increasing the size of the progeny. But the system of crossing, which excited the greatest attention, and from which the most favourable results were anticipated, was with the Spanish Merino, soon after the introduction of that celebrated breed into England. Strenuous exertions were used by individuals and public associations to introduce the Spanish blood, and sanguine calculations were made of the benefits likely to result to the woollen manufactures of the country. Time and experience have proved the fallacy of all these hopes, and left to agri- culturists an instructive lesson on the principles of breeding. The first crosses promised well; but, in breeding from the mixed progeny, it was found that, while the wool had become inferior to that of the Spanish stock, the hardy qualities, the goodness of form, and the aptitute to fatten, of the English breed, were impaired. The crosses became remarkably di- minutive; and the whole labour of the experiments was found to have been thrown away. It was assumed that the Spanish Merino and the English Ryeland' were the same race. A better knowledge of either would have shown that the two races were remarkably distinct in their characters; and that, if any of the English breeds were suited to this kind of crossing, it was the Dorset and Pink-nosed Somerset, and not the diminutive Ryeland. This species of crossing has been long in disuse, but numbers of the flocks in Hereford- shire and the adjoining counties still exhibit traces of the Spanish mixture. Some breeders endeavoured to improve the native race by selection of individuals and superior feeding. The breed, however, was naturally diminutive, and numerous genera- tions of Sheep must have passed away before this radical character of the race could have been changed. The system, therefore, was resorted to, of effecting the end by crossing THE SHEEP. 6 1** 1 + 1 THE RYELAND BREED. 159 with larger animals, as the Southdowns, the Leicesters, and the Cotswolds. It was found, however, that scarce any of our races of Sheep was with more difficulty amalgamated with others than the ancient Ryeland; and a vast number of worthless Sheep were long produced in Herefordshire by these crosses. A better course was found to be, to substitute at once the stranger stock which it was proposed to culti- vate. Numbers accordingly, chiefly Leicesters and Cotswolds, are now reared in the country, and the Ryeland breed is diminishing from year to year. The last great cultivator of the Ryeland Breed was Mr Tomkins of Kingspion, the dis- tinguished improver of the modern breed of Hereford cattle. Mr Tomkins persevered in keeping up the breed of his native county. He succeeded in communicating to it greater symmetry of form, but he did not succeed in enlarging the size to the degree of rendering it of equal economical value with the races by which it has been supplanted. All the minor varieties of this once celebrated breed have partaken more or less of change. One variety, greatly dis- tinguished, inhabited the Forest of Dean, a tract of the coal- formation lying between the Severn and Wye. This tract was formerly covered with one of the densest forests in England," So dark and terrible," says Camden, "by reason of crooked and winding waies, as also the grisly shade thereof, that it made the inhabitants more fierce, and boulder to com- mit robberies." By the discovery of mines in this forest, the woods were gradually thinned, and at last nearly extirpated; and it then continued to be occupied by a kind of Sheep, which, until our own times, were held in the greatest esti- mation for the fineness of their wool. The Dean Forest breed has now disappeared in the pure state, having merged in the crosses of all kinds that have been made with it. A similar variety occupied the Malvern Hills on the confines of Worcestershire; but here the flocks have likewise become a mixture of various races. In Shropshire were several varieties of the same hornless sheep, inhabiting the different $ F 我 ​Angela 160 The Chum Forest breed had wool forests and commons. weighing from 2 lb. to 3 lb. the fleece; and the Shawberry breed, sometimes called the Tadpole, from its diminutive size, had wool of extraordinary tenuity and softness. The mere remnants of these and other varieties are now only to be found; the admixture of the races of the lower country, or of the mountain breeds of Wales, having nearly obliterated the former distinctions. THE SHEEP. Thus, the finest-woolled Sheep of the British Islands may be said to be extinct as a breed. Their former value, arising from the adaptation of their wool to the manufacture of native cloth, has been lost. Commerce now supplies us with wool more adapted to the purposes of the clothier; and other native races afford a material better suited, by the length and strength of its filaments, to the class of manufactures in which the combing wools are employed. These longer- woolled Sheep are likewise fitted to yield a larger return to the breeder who has artificial food at command; and hence the disappearance of the fine-woolled Sheep of the western counties, is merely the result of the better cultivation of the country, and of changes in the channels of commerce and manufacturing industry. XVI. THE SOUTH DOWN BREED. Of the breeds of Short-woolled Sheep which formerly in- habited the mountains, downs, forests, and less fertile dis- tricts of the country, some, it has been seen, were distin- guished by being of small size, by being mostly destitute of horns, and by having the legs and faces white; and to this class is to be referred the beautiful little breed of Hereford- shire, and other districts west of the Severn, already men- tioned. But another class of breeds, still more diffused, is distinguished by the individuals having the legs and faces of a dark colour, and, in most cases, by the presence of horns 2 + THE SOUTH DOWN BREED. 161 in both sexes. Under this class is comprehended the Black- faced Heath Breed, which, it has been seen, inhabits the cen- tral chain of bleak mountains which, stretch from the borders of Scotland southwards. This breed has large spiral horns, has the face and limbs covered with black hair, and has a moderately short, yet harsh and shaggy fleece. But these characters, proper to the race in the more elevated moun- tains which it inhabits, yield to the influence of external agents, so that, as we recede from the wilder country, a change appears in the form and aspect of the animals, and in the properties of the wool. Westward of the central moun- tains, in the counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland, the wool becomes more soft, and the form of the animals less robust. In the Yorkshire Wolds, to which the same race formerly extended, there was an equal deviation from the parent type; and still more in the commons and forests of Derbyshire, Staffordshire, and other inland counties. As we approach to the confines of Wales, the Black-faced breeds approximate more to the characters of the Sheep of the higher Welsh mountains, the wool becoming more soft. Ap- proaching to the Welsh type are the Delamere Forest Breed in the county of Cheshire, and the Morfe Common Breed in the county of Shropshire. The latter inhabited a country of limited extent near Bridgenorth, on the Severn; and, until our own times, was noted for the fineness of its wool. A similar race extended southward through Herefordshire, which, from the delicacy and softness of its wool, was reck- oned little inferior to the Ryeland itself. Turning to the great chalk districts of England, occupying the south-eastern parts of the island, there were likewise numerous varieties of Short-woolled Sheep, in some of which the horns, and even the dark colour of the face and limbs, disappeared. In this class are the Old Norfolk, still inhabiting the heaths of Nor- folk and Cambridge, the Old Wiltshire, the Old Berkshire, the Hampshire, and numerous minor varieties, which formerly possessed the various commons, and heaths of this part of L 162 THE SHEEP. England. But, of all these varieties, now the most import- ant and generally diffused, is that which inhabits the range of chalky hills of Sussex, commonly termed the South Downs. The South Downs of Sussex consist of a range of low chalky hills, of five or six miles in breadth, stretching along the coast upwards of sixty miles, and passing into the chalky lands of Hants on the west. In contact with this range of hills, is a tract of low cultivated ground, which is usually connected with the Down farms, although many of the latter have no vale or flat land attached. The herbage of these hills is short, but well adapted for the keeping of Sheep, of which vast numbers have, in every known period, occupied the pastures. Whilst the dryness of the air, the moderate elevation of the land, and consequent mildness of the climate, are all eminently favourable to the rearing of a race of Down or Mountain Sheep, the contact of the cultivated country affords the means of supplying artificial food in due quantity. It is this combination of favourable circumstances which has rendered these calcareous hills capable of supporting a greater number of Sheep than perhaps any tract of similar fertility in the country, and has afforded the means to the breeders of applying the resources of artificial feeding to their improvement. The original breed of the Sussex Downs was not superior to that of many other districts of the Chalk- formation; but the means of supplying the animals with arti- ficial food, which the geographical situation of this long and narrow chain of hills in contact with the richer country afforded, aided the breeders in applying to the improvement of the race a system of breeding and feeding, which has ren- dered the South Down Breed the most esteemed in the countries suited to it of all the Short-woolled Sheep of Eng- land. The native breed of the South Down hills was of the smaller kinds of Sheep, with light fore-quarters, narrow chests, long necks, and long, though not coarse, limbs. The wool was short, fine, and curling, although not equalling in AL 4 THE SOUTH DOWN BREED. 163 delicacy and softness that of the White-faced hornless breed of the western counties, nor even that of the Black-faced varieties of the older forests and commons. Both sexes were destitute of horns, at least up to the times of which we have any records; but, it is probable that the older race was possessed of horns, like other varieties inhabiting the same kind of country. The faces and limbs were covered with black hair; and a tendency existed in the entire fleece to as- sume the same colour. • The modern South Down Breed is destitute of horns in the male and female, has the face and legs of a dusky gray, and has the body closely covered with short and curling wool. While the general form of the older breed has been preserved, the too great lightness of the fore-quarters has been cor- rected, the chest has been widened, the back and loins have become broader, and the ribs more curved; and the trunk has been rendered more symmetrical and compact. The limbs have become more short with relation to the body, or, in other words, the body has become more large with relation to the limbs. The neck retains the arched form characteris- tic of the older race, but has become more short. The wool comes well forward upon the face, and terminates in a tuft on the forehead. The animals are docile in their tempers, and suited to the husbandry of the fold, which is yet gene- rally pursued in the Downs. They are capable of subsisting on the short herbage of the drier soils, and yield mutton which has always been held in great estimation. The wethers are usually fattened after having completed their second year, although individuals of superior flocks are often ready at the age of about fifteen months; whereas the wethers of the older breed were rarely killed until they had completed their third, or arrived at their fourth, year. It is to the effects of careful culture, under favourable cir- cumstances, that the modern breed of the South Downs owes the superiority which it has acquired over all the other Short- woolled Sheep of the midland and southern counties of Eng- } 164 land. With the advancement of tillage, and the larger pro- duction of turnips and other succulent plants, the breeders of Sussex had the means of treating their animals well while advancing to maturity; while increased attention was given to the selection of the breeding parents, and to the conse- quent calling forth of those properties of form which evince the tendency to arrive at early maturity of muscle and fat- ness. The improvement of the South Down Breed began about the period of the American war, but it received its chief impulse with the commencement of the contest with the French Republic, and has continued progressive until the present time. Amongst the individuals most distinguished as the improvers of this breed, was the late John Ellman. This gentleman began his important experiments about the year 1780, when he acquired possession of the farm of Glynde, near Lewis, in the county of Sussex. He remained in this farm more than fifty years, during which period he directed his attention, in an especial degree, to the improvement of the native Sheep of the Downs. He pursued his system of progressive change with judgment, perseverance, and zeal; and he must be regarded as one of the most skilful and suc- cessful breeders whom this country has produced. He dis- played none of the too narrow selfishness which, it is to be regretted, appeared in the proceedings of his distinguished contemporary Mr Bakewell. He freely communicated the details of his valuable practice, and shewed himself to be entirely exempt from illiberal prejudices. He did not ex- perience the necessity of creating, as it were, a breed, but was contented to adopt the basis which was afforded him in the one already naturalized in the Sussex Downs. He did not carry any of his principles of breeding to an extreme, but acted under the guidance of temperance and judgment. He sought for the properties of health and soundness of constitu- tion, as well as for those of external form, and facility of fattening; and therefore he did not, like Bakewell, confine himself rigidly to the blood of his own stock, but resorted to THE SHEEP. • $ THE SOUTH DOWN BREED. 165 others, that he might infuse fresh vigour into his flocks, and prevent them from becoming too delicate. His aim, in short, was the really useful; and, though he reaped the due reward of his enterprise and skill, it was never obtained by arts of any kind, by deception, or useless ostentation. His charac- ter throughout was one of sincerity and manly simplicity; and it is pleasing to add, that he closed a long and honour- able life, respected and regretted by all that came under the influence of his social virtues. He died in 1832, having entered into his eightieth year. Contemporaries and successors of Mr Ellman have pursued, with deserved success, the cultivation of the South Down Breed, which may now be said to be brought to all the per- fection, with respect to early maturity and fattening power, of which it seems to be susceptible. The system of selling and hiring out rams was early adopted, and is now exten- sively pursued by eminent breeders, who devote attention to the rearing of rams as an especial branch of their profession. This is a division of labour highly conducive to the perfecting of the breed, and the extending of it in its state of purity and highest cultivation to different parts of the country. But the breeders of rams naturally rear the animals, under favourable circumstances with respect to the supplies of food; and thus a tendency is produced to an enlargement of size beyond that characteristic of a breed suited to a district of downs and short herbage. The appropriate localities of the South Down Breed are those which are suited to the lighter kinds of Sheep. To the richer and moister plains are adapted other breeds, which produce a long and heavy fleece, and are the native inhabitants of districts of abundant herbage. Such are the Leicester, and other varieties of Long-woolled Sheep, to be afterwards described. Doubtless, the South Down Breed may, by the stimulus of artificial food, and by being naturalized in a country fertile in grasses, become as large as the Leicester and other Long-woolled breeds of the plains; and it has been long making progress to this condition in the + 1 L : = : 166 hands of the principal Sussex breeders. But the change is one which, in proportion as it may adapt the breed to a richer country, may render it less suited to those more dry and steril tracts over which it has been spread, and in which hardiness and soundness of constitution, and the capacity of subsisting on scanty food, are properties to be regarded as much as the disposition to arrive at early maturity and fatten quickly. Nevertheless, the past efforts of the Sussex breeders to improve the breed, by rearing it in a more artificial con- dition than is suited to it, have hitherto been eminently suc- cessful in rendering it of more economical value. The earlier improvers of this breed paid especial attention to the fineness of the wool, which then bore a high price for the purposes of the clothier; but attention having been insensibly directed to other properties, the staple of the wool became longer, and the filaments less fine, and now, by changes in the demand, from causes before adverted to, the relative value of this kind of wool greatly declined; and, in the cultivation of the breed, the production of fine and delicate wool is everywhere regarded as secondary to the properties of form, and the value of the animals for food. • THE SHEEP. The South Down Breed has spread over a great tract of country, and either superseded the pre-existing varieties, or been so mingled with them in blood, as to have modified all their characters. But it is in an especial degree in the countries of the chalk-formation, that it has been generally established. It has superseded the ancient breeds of Berk- shire, Hampshire, and Wiltshire; and, extending into the counties to the westward, has greatly circumscribed the limits of the horned Dorsets. It has spread from the wastes of Surrey to the heaths of Norfolk, displacing the ancient breeds, or mixing with them, so as to obliterate their former distinc- tions. It has been carried beyond the countries of the chalk- formation, although in decreasing numbers. It has extended into Herefordshire, and partially into Devonshire and the lower parts of Wales, and northwards even to Westmoreland - = 167. and Cumberland. But, beyond the limits of the countries of the true chalk, or of the calcareous district in contact with the chalk, it is only found occupying tracts of narrow extent, or is employed as a means of improving the flocks of the heaths, commons, or other tracts which are still occupied by races of smaller Short-woolled Sheep. It has been introduced into Scotland, and partially cultivated with some success; but it has made no general progress in that country, and does not seem calculated to displace the hardier mountain breeds already acclimated. The wide extension of a breed so greatly improved as the South Down, must be regarded as having been in a singular degree beneficial. Although itself the native of a dry coun- try, and therefore, it may be supposed, imperfectly suited to a humid soil and atmosphere, yet its range is not confined to very narrow limits. It is naturally of a healthy constitution, patient of scanty herbage, and, from the closeness of its fleece, fitted to resist changes of temperature. Further, like every other race of Sheep, it possesses the faculty of becom- ing inured to new conditions of soil and temperature; and experience, accordingly, has shewn, that it may be gradually naturalized in countries very different from that from which it has been derived. By crossing, it can be readily amalga- mated with all the varieties of Sheep which can be referred to the Black-faced Heath Breed as their type; and it can be made to improve the Black-faced Heath Breed itself, in situa- tions in which hardiness, and adaptation to a rude climate and country, are not more to be regarded than the improvement of the form and fleece, THE SOUTH DOWN BREED. The wool of the South Down Sheep weighs, when washed, about 3 lb. the fleece; but, in some of the more highly-fed flocks of the lower countries, its weight is now 4 lb. or more, The staple, or length of the filaments, is from 24 to 4 inches, while that of the older breed rarely exceeded 2 inches, and more frequently fell short of that length. The wool, although fine and short, is somewhat harsh and brittle, and never was + t ܐ ܒ .168 well fitted for the manufacture of the finer woollen cloths, requiring always a large admixture of the softer wools of home or foreign growth. But the war with France having at length excluded the manufacturers of England from most of the foreign markets which supplied the raw material, the woollen fabrics of the country were chiefly prepared from na- tive wool. This circumstance gave a high relative value, not only to the South Down wool, but to all the finer and shorter kinds produced in the country, as that of the Norfolk, the Wiltshire, the Dorset, the Ryeland, the Cheviot, and the other varieties of Short-woolled Sheep which then abounded in the country. But, when the memorable events of 1814 opened all the ancient marts of trade, wool of superior fine- ness was obtained, in the quantity required, from the coun- tries of Europe in which the Merino race was cultivated, and, after a time, from the boundless wilds of the Australian colo- nies. This produced an immediate change in the market- price of all the finer wools formerly employed in the manu- facture of woollen cloth, and at length caused them to be applied to other purposes. In place of being used for the manufacture of woollen cloth, they were extensively employed for the lighter and looser fabrics classed under the name of Worsteds. This difference in the destination of the shorter wools, coupled with the diminution of the market-price, has produced an important change in the cultivation of Sheep in this country. It has led to an extension in the number of the Long-woolled Sheep, and a decrease in the number of those cultivated for the fineness of their wool; and, in the case of the latter, has caused attention to be directed rather to the weight of the fleece, than to those properties which fit it for the manufacture of cloth. All the lesser kinds of Sheep, as the Ryeland, Morfe Common, and Dean Forest breeds, producing a fine and delicate wool, are either extinct, or have lost their distinctive characters by intermixture with other races; and, throughout entire tracts of country, which, not more than twenty-five years ago, were occupied by Short- THE SHEEP. 1 I THE OLD LINCOLN BREED. 169 woolled Sheep, not a single flock of this kind is to be found. The South Down Breed, it has been seen, has been exten- sively substituted for many of the older breeds; but the Long-woolled Sheep of the lower country have likewise been progressively extending, and have either displaced the Short- woolled varieties altogether, or, by means of crossing, changed their character with respect to the production of wool. XVII.—THE OLD LINCOLN BREED. The breeds of Sheep hitherto described are proper to the mountains, moors, downs, and less cultivated districts, and most of them produce a short wool fitted for preparation by the card. The breeds that remain to be described are of entirely different characters, with respect to form and the nature of the fleece. They are of large size, and, until im- proved by art, of coarse form; and the wool which they yield is long, thick, and tough in the filaments, of inferior felting properties, but tolerably soft to the touch, and rarely approaching to the harsh and wiry character of hair. This kind of wool, from the strength and toughness of its fibres, is unsuited for being broken into fragments by the action of the card, and is, accordingly, never prepared except for worsted yarn, and by the assorting of the comb. If the British Islands are inferior to other countries in the produc- tion of the finer felting wools, they are superior to any in the case of those adapted to the worsted manufacture. The long wools of the plains of England have in every known period been of the highest estimation. They were early carried to other countries, and now produce fabrics which are diffused throughout the markets of the world. The Long-woolled Sheep of England are the natives of the richer plains, although they have long been carried to all parts of the country where agriculture has provided the means of supplying artificial food. The first and most ex- N t 1 ܕ 170 tensive locality of this class of Sheep is the fine tract of new red sandstone which, extending southward from the lower valley of the Tees, forms the fertile valleys of York and Trent; and which, extending from the vale of Trent to the mouth of the Severn, and thence northwards, includes the greater part of the counties of Nottingham, Leicester, War- wick, Worcester, and a part of Stafford and Lancaster; com- prehending a tract of the highest fertility with respect to the production of the grasses and other herbage plants. But connected with this tract, as a locality of the Long-woolled Sheep, are districts of the lias and oolite formations, com- prehending the counties of Rutland, Northampton, Glouces- ter, part of Oxford, and others, to which may be added the lower parts of Devonshire, and the valleys of the larger rivers in different parts of the country. The second locality of the Long-woolled Sheep comprehends the flat alluvial tracts of fens on the eastern coasts and the shores of Kent. Conformably to this division, the Long-woolled Sheep may be arranged in two general groups; first, those of the inland plains, represented by the Teeswater, Leicester, and other varieties; and, secondly, those of the fens and alluvial coun- try, represented by the breeds of Lincolnshire and Romney Marsh. THE SHEEP. Of the breeds which have been mentioned, those of the marshes and fens are the most marked and peculiar in their characters. The rich and marshy tract of land, extending from the Humber southwards, through Lincolnshire into Norfolk, Cambridge, and the adjoining country, is a fitting habitation for the coarser and heavier kinds of Sheep. The lower part of Lincolnshire, accordingly, and the fertile tracts in connexion with it, are inhabited by a race remarkable, be- yond any other, for their size, their coarse and massy forms, and the length of their wool. The type of these breeds has been termed the Old Lincoln, which requires, however, to be distinguished from the race of mixed lineage which now inhabits the same country. 171 The Old Lincoln Sheep, of which the remnants now only exist, are destitute of horns, are of coarse form, have large limbs and hoofs, hollow flanks, and flat sides. Their long unctuous wool almost hangs to the ground, and they have a large tuft on the forehead. Their fleece weighs from 10 to 12 lb., and, in the rams and fattened wethers, often greatly exceeds this weight. They fatten slowly, and consume much food, but are valued by the butchers for their tendency to produce internal fat. About seventy years ago, when the New Leicester, or Dishley breed of Bakewell, became dis- tinguished, the Lincolnshire breeders resorted to this stock as a means of communicating to their own the property of early fattening, for which the new breed was eminent. This system of crossing was carried on until the close of the last century, and has been continued up to the present time, so that the old breed is scarcely any where to be found of un- mixed blood. The figure given in my larger work is taken from a flock which has been maintained perfectly pure from a period previous to that in which the Dishley blood was in- troduced. The worthy owner, amidst all the changes of the times, has continued to maintain the stock which his fore- fathers had cultivated. By the continued breeding from the same blood, this particular flock has doubtless suffered de- terioration; but it retains all the essential characters of the ancient race, and presents, perhaps, the only living example of the most remarkable breed of Sheep which the British Islands have produced. THE OLD LINCOLN BREED. The crossing of the Old Lincoln with the Dishley blood, was not at first effected without great opposition, and a contest arose between the supporters of the ancient breed and the new, which lasted for more than a quarter of a century. The advocates of the older breed contended for its greater hardi- ness, its better adaptation to the rich pastures of the country, the enormous weight to which individuals could be raised, and, above all, their unrivalled fleece. On the other hand, the earlier maturity, and the greater aptitude to fatten, of the · 4 F * 172 THE SHEEP. new breed, were considerations urged by those who favoured the system of crossing which had been resorted to; and it was contended, that, although the weight of individual fleeces was diminished, the value of wool produced on the acre was increased, from the greater number of animals that could be maintained on the same space.* * A correspondence on this subject, in the year 1788, has been preserved, between Mr Chaplin, a distinguished breeder of the Old Lincolns, and Mr Bakewell of Dishley, which is curious, as shewing the angry feelings of the time, and bringing before us, and in his own words, one so distinguished for what he has done, and so little known by any thing he has written,-Mr Bake- well. It had been proposed, it seems, that a show of rams should take place at Partney, for the purpose of comparing together the old and new breeds. Mr Bakewell had declined allowing his rams to be seen until they were sorted, as it is termed, but appears to have thought that there would be no great harm in taking a peep at his rival's, even in their state of disorder. Mr Chaplin re- senting the proceeding, thus addresses his wily opponent:- "The extraordinary art made use of in the exhibition of your stock at Dishley, points out, in the strongest manner, the impropriety of shewing it in a disorderly state; and after my refusal on the 21st instant to let you see my sheep before they were collected and sorted at home, I did not expect to hear of your meanly sneaking into my pastures at Wrangle, on the 24th, with two other people, driving my sheep into the fold, and examining them. Such unwarrantable conduct can only be accounted for by your great anxiety about the show of rams at Partney, near Spilsby, on the 18th of September, which was proposed for the purpose of mak- ing the comparison between those bred from your sheep and the original breed of the county. The small sheep that have no cross of the Durham kind, which you have had the address to impose upon the world, without size, without length, and without wool, I have always held to be unprofitable animals; but that I may not appear to be too tenacious of my own opinion, I hope you will produce them at Partney, on the 18th September next, to meet the Lincoln- shire sheep, where there will be many better judges than ourselves to decide on their merits." The reply is characteristic. "On my return home on Tuesday last, I saw your letter addressed to me of the 26th of August, in the Liecester paper of the 6th instant, in which you are pleased to notice the extraordinary art made use of in the exhibition of the stock at Dishley; which you have seen at several different times. Surely you cannot say you have observed any unfair practices, or that you was ever denied seeing what was not engaged for the season, on account of their not being sorted, or being in a disorderly state. At Horncastle, on Thursday the 21st of August, I asked you if I might see your rams near Saltfleet. You did not say I should not, but that they were not sorted, and that when they were you would be glad to see me at Tathwell. I did not go to Saltfleet, but into the marshes, near Skegness; and from thence, on the Satur- day afternoon following, to Wrangle; the next day, Sunday the 24th, to Free- ston, where I met with two graziers, with whom I had not any acquaintance till that day. They proposed on Monday to go to Skegness, and asked me if I • 173 The claims of the modern breed in the end prevailed, and the remarkable old race of the fens was by degrees displaced, or mixed largely in blood with the new variety. The breeders of Lincolnshire doubtless consulted their immediate interests, in availing themselves of the improved stock of Bakewell, to give at once those qualities to their own in which it was defi- cient; but at the same time, great regrét may now be enter- tained, that the native breed had not rather been improved by an application of the principle of selection, than destroyed in its distinctive characters by indiscriminate crossing. The wool of the true Old Lincoln breed was altogether peculiar, and such as no country in Europe produced. That of the THE OLD LINCOLN BREED. < He answered they had. thought they could see your rams. I told them I was informed on my way to and at Wrangle, that they might. We set forward together, and called at the inn at Wrangle, which I came from the day before, and there passed what you are pleased to term, my 'meanly sneaking into your pastures on the 24th.' We asked a young man if you had any rams there; he informed us you had. 'Where are they?' 'In the close next the house.' 'May we see them?' 'Yes.' Who would shew them?' 'I will.' From which we supposed he had fre- quently shewn them to others. We then alighted and went into the close; he opened the pen-gate, and we assisted him in driving them in, about fourteen in number. The age or breed of any of them I do not know. From thence we went to the person who has the care of your rams, about a mile and a-half nearer Skegness, and asked if we could see them; he refused us, saying he had received orders by a letter from you not to shew them to any one. He was then asked if they had not been shewn before. 'When did he receive the order not to shew them?' 'On Saturday night last.' Had we known this before, we should not have been guilty of what you term 'such un- warrantable conduct.' I have long made it a rule not to find fault with another person's stock. Why should you be so severe upon mine? And I now take the liberty of requesting you to explain what you mean by sheep without size, without length, and without wool,' which you say I have had the address to impose upon the world; and of informing you that I am fully persuaded there are ten rams without a cross of the Durham, or any other kind, let for a thou- sand guineas more this season than the same number of the 'true Old Lincoln- shire breed, of the long staple,' some of these at the highest prices, into the counties of Lincoln and Nottingham; and to breeders, many of whom have used the Dishley sort of sheep for upwards of twenty years, and who have agreed for some, and offer higher prices for others, for future seasons, than they have yet given, and may surely be supposed capable of knowing the value of what 'you have always held to be unprofitable animals.' Did they not find their interest in so doing, would they persevere? The address must be extraordi- nary, indeed, that could impose upon them against their interest and so long experience." C - 174 New Leicester breed is shorter and finer; but it wants the toughness, softness, and length of fibre which distinguish the other, and which, could it now be obtained, could be used with great advantage in various worsted manufactures. It cannot be doubted, that the same principles of breeding which enabled Mr Bakewell to form a new breed, could have been applied by the Lincolnshire breeders to remove the defects of the native race, and call forth its useful properties. But although the Old Lincoln breed is now almost extinct in the pure state, the breed of mixed lineage which has suc- ceeded to it in the countries of the fens often retains much of its peculiarities. In this rich district are yet to be found the largest sheep of the Island, and, it is believed, of Europe, with fleeces superior in weight and value to any other. They do not fatten so quickly as the New Leicesters, but they arrive at great weight, and pay the graziers well, on the fer- tile pastures which are proper to them. The wethers are fre- quently killed at the enormous weight of 50 or 60 lb. the quarter. Great numbers of these large sheep may be seen pasturing on the rich flats on the Thames, for the supply of the London market. The mutton may not be sufficiently de- licate for the palates of the opulent, but for the supplies of the numerous population of labourers in our large cities, who are contented with wholesome, nourishing, and cheap food, the mutton of the countries of the fens is as much valued as any other in the kingdom. It is of national as well as of private concern, therefore, that the modern Lincoln breed should be preserved; and he would merit well of the country who should devote attention to its improvement. THE SHEEP. XVIII.—THE ROMNEY MARSH BREED. The Sheep of these Islands, it has been seen, may be di- vided into two general classes: 1. The smaller Sheep, inha- biting the mountains, moors, downs, and less fertile tracts, THE ROMNEY MARSH BREED. 175 and producing, for the most part, short wool, fitted for pre- paration by the card, and the manufacture of cloths; and, 2. The larger Sheep, naturalized in the plains, marshes, and richer country, producing wool which is long in the filaments, and adapted to the manufacture of stuffs termed worsted. With the progress of cultivation, and the increased means of supplying artificial food, the Long-woolled breeds have been continually gaining in numbers upon the Short-woolled. They be divided into those which inhabit the fens and marshes, and those which are found in the inland and drier country. Of the former class, greatly the most numerous and remark- able was the Old Lincolnshire Breed already described, of which the remnants only now exist in the unmixed state. Another variety of the same class inhabited a limited tract of low ground termed Romney Marsh, situated on the south- ern coast of Kent, at the western entrance to the Straits of Dover. may Romney Marsh is a plain of alluvial land nearly on the level of the sea, protected from the tides by dykes in the manner of the marshy flats of Holland. It extends from Hythe to the river Rother, about fourteen miles; and, at its broadest part, from Dengeness to Appledore, ten miles. It is divided into four districts-namely, Romney Marsh Pro- per, which is the largest and most westerly division; Wal- land Marsh, the next adjoining to the westward; Denge Marsh, with South-Brooks on the south, and Guildford Marsh, the greater part of which is in the county of Sussex, on the west. This tract was known to the Anglo-Saxons by the name of Merseware or Mersewarum, and the inhabitants were designated by a term signifying marsh-men or fen-men. It was early fenced from the overflowings of the sea, and the conservation of the dykes and drainage was provided for by local laws and observances, which, so long ago as the reign of Henry III., were denominated ancient and approved cus- toms. The land consists in part of infertile sand, gravel, or peat, but essentially of a deep rich alluvial clay, bearing the } L ! 176 grasses and other herbage plants abundantly, and never having been subjected to the action of the plough. "It ys," says Leland, “a marvelous rank ground for fedying catel, by the reason that the grasse groweth plentifully upon the wose, sum tyme cast up there by the se." The land is sub- divided by rails, and deep ditches filled with stagnant water. There are scarcely any hedges or trees to afford shelter. The roads are broad miry paths, rudely fenced off from the marsh, and scarcely to be passed after heavy falls of rain. The inhabitants are few in number, scattered over the flat monotonous surface in mean hamlets or villages, and mostly employed in tending the numerous Sheep by which the ground is depastured. The air is humid from stagnant water, and the wealthier possessors of the farms reside, not in the marshes, but on the more elevated grounds surrounding them; and the animals which are reared or fattened on the marsh, depend on the natural herbage which it produces. The principal produce is Sheep, which are reared in greater numbers than in any similar space in the kingdom. The ancient native Sheep of this district had coarse heads, furnished with a tuft of wool; thick necks, long stout limbs, broad feet, narrow chests, flat sides, and great bellies. They were of the larger class of Sheep, but yet fell short in weight of the heavy-woolled Sheep of the eastern counties. The wool weighed 7 lb. or 8 lb., had the usual qualities of long wool, was moderately soft, but unequal, and coarse on the posterior parts. These Sheep were slow in fattening, the wethers being rarely fit for use until they had completed their third year; but yet they were favourites with the butch- ers, from their yielding a large proportion of internal fat and offal. They bore well the exposed maritime situation in which they were placed, and acquired the habit of avoiding the dangerous ditches by which the country is intersected. THE SHEEP. The modern breed of Romney Marsh, which has extended. into other parts of Kent, still exhibits much of the charac- ters of the ancient family, the individuals being, for the 3 i 177 most part, long-legged, flat-sided, and coarse in the extre- mities. But a surprising change has taken place within the present century, and there now exist entire flocks, which cannot be recognised as the descendants of the older race. This change has arisen in part from intermixture of the New Leicester blood, and in part from the increased attention of breeders to the form and qualities of the animals. The Leicester Breed found its way into these marshes more slowly than into most other parts of the kingdom, and violent prejudices, not yet subdued, for a time resisted its reception. But about the beginning of the present century, a general desire began to manifest itself amongst the more enlightened breeders, to avail themselves of the means of improvement which a breed so highly cultivated as the New Leicester presented to them; and great numbers of rams from the midland counties were accordingly introduced by individual breeders. The effects were soon apparent, even in the flocks of those who were the most opposed to the foreign breed; and it may be doubted if there now exists a single long-woolled Sheep in the county of Kent, in which the influence of the New Leicester blood does not appear. The first effect of the crossing was to reduce the bulk of the -native Sheep, but to give them a greater symmetry of parts and tendency to fatten; and, independently of the effects, direct and indirect, of the mixture, the placing of superior models before the eyes of breeders, produced a beneficial result throughout the whole district, so that more attention was from this period bestowed on improving the native stock by selection. After a time, indeed, the feeling in favour of the older race began to revive; and, for a considerable period past, the Romney Marsh breeders have, with few exceptions, continued to breed from the indigenous stock. Nevertheless, the effects of the change produced by the former crossing remained, and the modern Sheep of the marsh, although still retaining a greater degree of coarseness and lankness of body than can be approved of, form a very different race M THE ROMNEY MARSH BREED. I | ! --- 178 of animals from the Kentish Sheep of the beginning of the present century. The arguments used against the introduction of the more cultivated breed were similar to those employed by the breeders of the eastern marshes. It was argued, that the decrease of size and deterioration of the fleece, were not compensated by the earlier maturity, and greater tendency to fatten, of the imported breed; that the latter were less saleable to the butchers, and that the ewes were less pro- lific, and inferior as nurses. It was contended, besides, that the new breed and its descendants were less suited than the former to the open marshes on which they were to be reared without shelter or artificial food; and that they were apt to be driven into the ditches by the strong gales which at cer- tain seasons swept over the marsh. A satisfactory answer can be given to the greater part of these objections. The decrease of weight was, to a certain extent, more apparent than real, arising from a diminution in the size of bone and the coarser parts; and there was always a more than cor- responding gain, by the breeders being enabled to bring their animals to market at an earlier period. The deprecia- tion in the weight and quality of the wool was little in the case of this breed; the wool of the Romney Marsh Sheep never having been in the first class, with respect either to quality or productiveness. That the new breed was less ac- ceptable to the butchers is true; but this was because the fat was more deposited on the external parts, and because the offal was less. The interest of the butcher, it is to be observed, corresponds only in certain points with that of the breeder. The butcher prefers the animals that yield him most profit from the parts sold in retail; but he has no con- cern with the quantity of food consumed by them, with the period required for bringing them to maturity, or with the details of management, which yield a profit to the owner. The butchers, as a class, have rarely been the advocates of those changes which have added so great a value to the live- THE SHEEP. 12 THE ROMNEY MARSH BREED. 179 stock of the country; and, in the preference which they long gave to the coarse sheep of Romney Marsh, their opinions exercised a peculiarly injurious influence on the breeding of Sheep in this part of England. The opinion frequently ex- pressed, that the new breed is less productive of lambs than the old, does not seem to be well founded. Generally, in- deed, all the coarser varieties of sheep are better nurses, and more prolific, than the more highly improved, under similar treatment. But it does not appear that the Romney Marsh Sheep were ever peculiarly noted for producing numerous lambs, or for being good nurses. No sheep in this country had so much difficulty in parturition, or were so apt to desert their offspring, as the Romney Marsh ewes. With respect to the averment, that the old breed was better suited than the new to withstand the stormy climate of the marsh, and preserve itself from the open ditches with which the country is intersected, it is to be observed, that some truth, mixed with more of error, exists in the statement. The New Lei- cester Breed is reared with facility in situations greatly more cold and exposed than the Romney Marsh, which possesses. as good a climate, with respect to temperature, as exists in England. That the Romney Marsh Breed is better calcu- lated to preserve itself from the accidents resulting from the open ditches of the country than a breed naturalized in a dif- ferent situation, may be admitted; but the danger itself ought to be provided against by suitable enclosing, and not used as an argument against the cultivation of a superior breed. Fur- ther, the fact, if it shall be admitted, that the one breed is bet- ter fitted than the other to subsist without artificial food and shelter, is no argument against the reception of the superior breed, but a strong one in favour of a better system of ma- nagement. There cannot be a doubt that the Sheep of the Romney Marsh have been signally benefited by the blood of the New Leicester race. The Romney Marsh breeders may now please themselves by believing that their own breed is superior to the imported one; and no harm will result from i I 1 1 F 知 ​$ 180 the opinion, provided they discard their other prejudices, and breed from the best of their own stock, and upon a suitable model. The long and constant error of the Kentish breeders was their looking to size more than to the other qualities in- dicative of a good stock of Sheep. Size, indeed, is not to be disregarded in any breed reared in a country of rich pastures; but that just conformation of parts, which indicates the dis- position to arrive at early maturity and fatten readily, is yet more to be regarded. THE SHEEP. XIX. THE OLDER LONG-WOOLLED BREEDS OF THE INLAND DISTRICTS. The Sheep of the marshes and fens are represented by the Lincolnshire and Romney Marsh Breeds already described. Minor varieties of the same breeds existed in detached allu- vial tracts along the coasts; but they were confined to nar- row localities, and have now all merged in the races of the adjoining districts. The other class of breeds consists of those which have been naturalized in the valleys, plains, and richer tracts of the inland parts. The great district of these breeds is the rich tract of the new red sandstone, which, commencing with the country of the Tees, extends southward by the Vales of York and Trent to the lower valley of the Severn, and thence again northward; although, it is to be observed, that it is chiefly in the eastern and midland counties that these breeds are found, and that, as we approach to the western limits of the new red sandstone in the north of Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire, the long-woolled breeds are in smaller numbers, and mixed with, or allied to, the ancient breeds of the forests, wastes, and chases. The most remarkable of the inland breeds was the Old Teeswater, so named from the valley of the beautiful river which separates the counties of York and Durham. This valley is exceedingly fertile, though of limited extent; but the breed to which it gave a name extended, with some ፡ 1 THE OLDER LONG-WOOLLED BREEDS. 181 change of characters, northward into Durham, and south- ward through the greater part of Yorkshire, until-it merged in the heavy-woolled Sheep of the marshes on the one hand, and those of Leicestershire and the other midland counties on the other. The true Teeswater Sheep, as reared in their native valley, were of the larger class, very tall, bearing a long but not a very thick fleece, inferior only in toughness and length of filaments to that of the ancient Lincolns. The wool was, however, more hard, less uniform in the staple, and very coarse towards the extremities. These Sheep were of an exceedingly uncouth form. They had coarse heads, large round haunches, and long stout limbs. They were slow in fattening, and required for their support good pastures, with a supply of hay and corn. They were the most prolific of all our races of Sheep, bearing usually two, and not unfrequently three, lambs at a birth; and they were surpassed by no other Sheep in the faculty of yielding milk. This coarse and heavy breed has now entirely disappeared in its original form. The New Leicester Breed progressively extended northward through the Vale of York, and at a still earlier period had been established in Northumberland, by breeders, the con- temporaries of Bakewell. Under these circumstances, the older breed of the Tees soon gave place to the new breed of the Midland Counties, either by substitution of the one for the other, or by the effects of crossing. At the commence- ment of the present century, a few individual Sheep only of the older breed were to be found in the hands of some old farmers, unwilling to relinquish preconceived opinions and habits. At the present time, not one living example, perhaps, remains of the true Old Teeswater Breed. The only traces of it that present themselves are in the largeness of size of the sheep of particular breeders, who have continued to pre- fer a stock of larger sheep to the more modern variety of higher breeding. Proceeding southward, the Teeswater and its varieties gradually merged in the former breeds of Leicestershire and 1 • + 帶 ​↓ A M 1 ***** 182 the adjoining counties. These latter varieties were smaller than the true Teeswater, but of figures equally ungainly. They had coarse heads, thick hides, and long lank bodies; and, corresponding with the defects of their external form, was their slowness in fattening and arriving at the required maturity. A Ram of the Warwickshire variety is described by Mr Marshall as having "a frame large and remarkably loose, his bone heavy, his legs long and thick, terminating in great splaw feet, his chine, as well as his rump, sharp as a hatchet, his skin rattling on his ribs." The wool of these sheep varied with the locality, but generally it was inferior in weight, shorter in the staple, and more slender in the fila- ments, than that of the genuine Teeswater. All these varie- ties of sheep have disappeared, so that not a living example of them is to be found; and their place has been long taken by the beautiful breed, to which reference has been so fre- quently made, and of which more especial notice will be taken in the sequel. THE SHEEP. In the western counties, from the southern division of Staffordshire northward to the Solway Firth, the long-woolled varieties were rare, and found only in a few places. They were all of the coarsest kinds of sheep, and inferior in weight of body to those of the eastern and midland counties. Some of them lingered until a recent period in the lower parts of Westmoreland and Cumberland, and some of them extended across the Solway into the west of Scotland. They have now all disappeared, or left only indistinct traces of their for- mer existence in the flocks of a few careless Sheep-masters. It is not known whether Scotland originally possessed a na- tive race of Long-woolled Sheep; but sheep of this kind were early in the last century introduced into the south-eastern border counties, and, about the time of the American war, were largely mixed in blood with the improved New Leicester. Another district of Long-woolled Sheep is found in England just beyond the tract of the lias and oolite limestone, in the counties of Devon and Somerset. One variety of them in- 183 habited the southern part of Devonshire from the Vale of Honiton westward, and another was found more to the north stretching to the river Parret in Somersetshire. The first of these varieties, termed Southam Notts, had brown faces and legs, crooked limbs, and flat sides. They carried a fleece of long wool, moderately soft, weighing from 9 lb. to 10 lb., and at 30 months old the wethers weighed from 22 lb. to 25 lb. the quarter. The other variety was termed Bampton Notts, from the village of that name on the confines of the counties of Devon and Somerset. They had white faces, bore a very weighty fleece of long wool, and weighed at two years old from 30 lb. to 35 lb. the quarter. These breeds have been largely crossed with the New Leicester, and may be said to be now extinct in their pure state. The first mix- ture of blood produced at once animals greatly superior to the older race. The defect of these sheep was their clumsy forms and thick hides, and consequent indisposition to fatten. These faults have been entirely corrected by the crossing that has taken place, although this was more tardily carried into effect in Devonshire than in any other part of England: and, on the basis of the older breeds, has been formed a very fine race of sheep, diminished in bulk of body from the ori- ginal Bamptons, but still amongst the largest sheep in the kingdom. Thus a wether of mixed blood, killed in 1835, had arrived at the prodigious weight of 70 lb. the quarter; and one lately living in the neighbourhood of Exeter weighed 430 lb. live weight. The breeders of Devonshire take a just pride in their newly-formed breed, but do not seem disposed to reduce the size to the standard approved of by the Leicester breeders. THE OLDER LONG-WOOLLED BREEDS. XX.—THE LONG-WOOLLED BREEDS OF IRELAND. Ireland, from the fertility of the soil, the humidity of the cli- mate, and the mildness of the winters, is well suited for the rearing of Sheep of the larger kind; and Sheep appear, in every * Q I Last 184 known period, to have existed in numbers throughout the country. They consisted partly of Short-woolled breeds, to which reference has been already made, and partly of a Long- woolled race, which extended with pretty uniform characters over the greater part of the level country. This latter race was of large size, and of a form peculiarly coarse and unthrifty. They are described by Mr Culley as they were seen by him at the fair of Ballinasloe, in the latter part of last century, thus:- "I am sorry to say I never saw such ill-formed ugly sheep as these: the worst breeds we have in Great Britain are much superior. One would almost imagine that the sheep-breeders in Ireland have taken as much pains to breed plain awkward sheep, as many of the people in England have to breed handsome ones. I know nothing to recommend them except their size, which might please some old-fashioned breeders, who can get no kind of stock large enough. But I will endeavour to describe them, and leave my readers to judge for themselves. These sheep are supported by long, thick, crooked, and gray legs; their heads long and ugly, with large flagging ears, gray faces, and eyes sunk, necks long, and set on below the shoulders; breasts narrow and short, hollow before and behind the shoulders; flat-sided, with high narrow herring backs; hind quarters drooping, and tail set low. In short, they are al- most in every respect contrary to what I apprehend a well- formed sheep should be."* Of the fidelity of this description no doubt can be entertained, although the change that has since taken place is so great as to leave little likeness of the former picture. There yet remain, indeed, some of the dis- tinctive characters of the older family,—the large heads, the flat sides, the narrow breasts; but all that excessive ugliness of form which placed the Irish below the worst breeds of England, may be said to have disappeared. This has been the result of crossing with the New Leicester Breed, which began about the time Mr Culley wrote, and has been con- * Culley on Live Stock. - THE SHEEP. 1 , 185 tinued since with such success that it is now difficult to find an individual of the unmixed race in the whole country. Many of the wealthier breeders acquired at once flocks of the pure New Leicester Breed; but the main effect was produced by crossing, which everywhere took place with a rapidity which may well be deemed remarkable in a country where so defective a state of property exists, and where so many obstacles counteract the natural course of improvement. But the present Long-woolled Sheep of Ireland still want much of the perfection at which they are capable of arriving. They are yet, for the most part, too coarse in their general form, narrow in the chest, and flat-sided. The wool is only of medium quality and weight; and there is a sort of harshness about it, which shews that the long wool of Ireland was never of good quality. The breed is more valued by the butcher in its present state than when more highly improved; but there is manifestly too great a proportion of waste for the profit of the breeder, and it does not appear that the mutton is superior to that of the New Leicesters. It is the fear of many breeders in Ireland, that the system of crossing has been carried too far, and that the Sheep of the country are becoming too small. The same fear was entertained by the owners of the Teeswater, the Romney Marsh, and other Long-woolled Sheep of England, when the Leicester blood was first introduced. But time allayed these misapprehen- sions, at least to the extent to which they were at first ex- cited; and although, in many districts of England, the breeders seem now disposed to resist the further change of their stock by crossing, this was not until after a larger infusion of the blood of the new breed than has yet taken place in the great mass of the Long-woolled Sheep of Ireland, which certainly cannot be said to have arrived at a degree of refinement in- jurious to their useful qualities. They have still, for the most part, too great length of limbs with relation to the depth of carcass; and their apparent bulk of body may yet be materially lessened without diminution of the weight. THE LONG-WOOLLED BREEDS OF IRELAND. • 1 Fors 186 THE SHEEP. XXI.—THE COTSWOLD BREED. + The Cotswold Breed of Sheep derives its name from a tract of low calcareous hills in the eastern division of the county of Gloucester, forming a part of the great Oolite for- mation of England, which, commencing with the moorlands of Yorkshire, stretches diagonally across the island, and loses itself in the British Channel, near the Isle of Portland. The Gloucester portion of this tract is of moderate elevation, com- paratively infertile, yet capable of cultivation, and yielding in the natural state a short sweet herbage. It was formerly a range of bleak wastes, employed in the pasturage of Sheep, and much of it was in the state of common; but with the progress of the last century, the commons were appropriated, and cultivation was extended. It derives its name from Cote, a sheep-fold, and Would, a naked hill. It was early noted for the numbers of sheep which it maintained, and the fine- ness and abundance of their wool. "In these woulds," says the translator of Camden, "they feed in great numbers flockes of sheep, long-necked and square of bulk and bone, by reason (as is commonly thought) of the weally and hilly situation of their pasturage, whose wool, being most fine and soft, is held in passing great account amongst all nations." Other writers refer to the excellence and abundance of the wool of the Cots- wold Wolds. Drayton contrasts the rich fleeces of Cotswold with those of the flocks of Sarum and Leominster, and gives the palm to Cotswold for its more abundant produce.* The faith- ful and laborious Stowe, in his Chronicles, states, that, in the year 1464, King Edward IV. "concluded an amnesty and league with King Henry of Castill, and John, King of Ara- gon, at the concluding whereof, hee granted licence for cer- *"T'whom Sarum's plaine gives place, though famous for its flocks; Yet hardly doth she tythe our Cotswolde's wealthy locks: Though Lemster him exceed in finenesse of her ore, Yet quite he puts her downe for his abundant store.” POLY-OLBION. 187 tain Coteswold Sheepe to be transported into the country of Spaine, which have there since mightily increased and multi- plied to the Spanish profit, as it is said." The worthy writer is not so well satisfied as some of his countrymen, that the Spaniards owed all their Sheep to England; for, adds he, “true it is, that long ere this were Sheepe in Spaine, as may appear by a patent of King Henry the Second, granting to the weavers of London, that if any cloth were found to be made of Spanish wool, mixed with English wool, the maior of London should see it brent." Adam Speed, who wrote in 1629, describes the wool of the Cotswold Sheep as similar to that of the Ryeland. "In Herefordshire, especially about Lempster, and on those famous hills called Cotswold Hills, sheep are fed that pro- duce a singular good wool, which, for fineness, comes very near to that of Spain, for from it a thread may be drawn as fine as silk." The precise character of the Sheep which pro- duced this wool is now unknown. They were probably simi- lar to the large fine-woolled breeds of the adjoining counties of Wilts and Berks, a supposition which agrees with the locality of the districts, and with "the long necks and square of bulk and bone" ascribed to the Cotswold Sheep by Camden, and explains the distinction of Drayton between the wealthy locks of Cotswold, and the less abundant ore of Lemster. Markham, indeed, a writer of the time of Elizabeth, speaks of the Cotswold Sheep as having long wool, but this testimony cannot weigh against the direct authority of Speed in a later age; and it may be believed, that the term long, as used by Markham, is merely relative, as applied to the two kinds of wool. THE COTSWOLD BREED. The Sheep, however, which now possess the same country, and have inhabited it beyond the memory of the living gene- ration, are a Long-woolled race, and thus entirely distinct from the Sheep of the ancient forests, wolds, and downs, which produced the former fine wool of England. They are of the larger class of British Sheep, and all their characters denote them to be a breed of the plains and richer country. The A ↓ 3 188 period of their introduction is unknown; but it probably took place pretty late in the last century, with the appropriation of the commons, and the extension of tillage in a degree suf- ficient to supply artificial food to a larger kind of animal. A traditionary belief has always existed in the country, that the modern race is not the original one of the Cotswold Wolds; but no intelligible account can be obtained from any one now living of the time or manner of its introduction. It was probably derived from the upper part of Oxfordshire, or from Warwickshire, the ancient breed of which it seems in some respects to have resembled; and the change may have been chiefly produced by crossing. Mr Marshall and some intelligent writers, indeed, have believed that the Cotswold Sheep have always been a Long-woolled breed, and have cited, in support of this opinion, the absence of any information to be obtained in the district itself regarding the supposed change of breeds. But we know how quickly the memory of such events is effaced, and that changes as great as that in the Cotswold Sheep have occurred in all parts of the king- dom, without our having the means of obtaining any account of them after the lapse of a short period. It would be op- posed to all that we know of the natural history of the Sheep, to suppose that a tract of country so recently cultivated and enclosed as the Cotswold Hills, could have maintained on its natural herbage one of the largest races of Sheep in England, and communicated to it the property of growing long wool. Such a race, we must suppose, was indigenous to the plains, and has merely taken the place of an older breed, in a man- ner similar to that which has been continually occurring during the last fifty years over a great part of the British Islands. THE SHEEP. • But the Long-woolled Sheep of the Cotswold hills have themselves undergone an important change within a period comparatively recent. They were formerly of greater bulk of body and coarser forms, and are said to have borne a greater weight of wool than they now yield. But about sixty years THE COTSWOLD BREED. 189 ago, the New Leicester Breed, on its extension throughout the central counties, was made to cross the Cotswold as well as all the Long-woolled sheep of Gloucestershire. This sys- tem of crossing was pursued so extensively, that after a time there did not, perhaps, exist a single Cotswold flock which was not more or less mixed in blood with the New Leicester Breed. The effect was, as in other cases, to diminish the bulk of body of the existing breed, and lessen the produce of wool, but to communicate to the individuals a greater deli- cacy of form. Between twenty and thirty years ago, how- ever, the Cotswold breeders began to apprehend that their flocks were losing too much in carcass and fleece, and be- coming less fitted for the climate of their native hills. From this period, a preference began to be given to the native stock, and for many years past, crossing has been scarcely practised, and most of the breeders have been desirous to revert more to the former model of their breed. The modern Cotswold Sheep are of a size somewhat supe- rior to the highest bred New Leicesters, and their wool is more close upon the body. The staple measures from 6 to 8 inches, and the fleece weighs, upon a medium, from 7 to 8 lb., that of the inferior flocks not exceeding 5 and 6 lb. It is strong, of a good colour, rather coarse, but of a mellow quality. These sheep have not been brought to the same perfection of form as the New Leicester, and, like the sheep of Romney Marsh, they tend to accumulate fat on the rump almost to the degree of producing deformity; but they are hardy, and usually of sound constitutions. The females are prolific, and good nurses, and the lambs are early covered with a close fleece. At a former period, when tillage was less. extended than now, the Cotswold Sheep were frequently sent in winter to the valleys of the Thames and Severn, and gene- rally sold in the lean state at between two and three years old. But since the old sheep-walks have been broken up, and turnips and artificial grasses cultivated, the greater part of the sheep that are reared in the country are likewise fattened T Į 薪 ​.. 1 ป 1 Ă } Ľ 190 in it. They are kept on turnips, vetches, hay, and the grasses and clovers, and disposed of in the fat state at from a year and a-half to two years old; and within these last seven or eight years, the practice has been introduced of bringing them to market at twelve or fourteen months old. At the latter age they weigh from 15 to 24 lb. the quarter; and, when from a year and a-half to two years old, their medium weight is calculated to be from 20 to 30 lb. the quarter. The Cotswold Breed, after having long yielded to the pro- gress of the more highly cultivated New Leicester, has of recent years been attracting the attention of general breeders, and is now contesting the ground with the Leicester in various districts of England and Wales. The qualities that in an especial degree recommend it to notice are, its hardiness and property of thriving under common treatment, and the faculty of the females of yielding numerous lambs, and supporting them well. The breed is still far short of the New Leicester in form, but it has been making continued advances to a more perfect state, by the increased attention bestowed on selection and general treatment. The system of letting Rams for hire has been adopted on the large scale by some of the Cotswold breeders; and from the attention which this necessarily di- rects to the rearing of superior males, it cannot be doubted that the Cotswold Breed will be yet further extended and improved. THE SHEEP. XXII.—THE NEW LEICESTER BREED. * MG ™ E Leicester, is so named The Breed of Sheep terme ? from the county of Leicester, where had its origin. It was formed by Robert Bakewell of Dishley, whence it is likewise termed the Dishley Breed. It was about the year 1755, that Mr Bakewell began those experiments on the breeding of animals, which led to such important results. His purpose was to produce sheep exempt from the defects of the races LIBRARY 26439 OF THE 2336 OF ATVERSITY MICHIG CE Dans ER TO 33 22 H.Beckwith A Leicester Ram Bred by & the Property of M. Sam! Bennett, of Bickering's Park, Bedfordshire which obtained the first prize of £30, at the Meeting of the RAS at Cambridge: July 1840. . Ling ** ▸ # THE NEW LEICESTER BREED. 191 then cultivated, and possessed of a greater aptitude to fatten and arrive at early maturity; and the means which he em- ployed were, breeding from the individuals possessed of the properties sought for, and rendering these properties perma- nent in the offspring. It is known that, by continued selec- tion of the male and female parents in a given number of animals, the characters deemed defects can, under certain limits, be removed, and the acquired properties rendered per- manent in the progeny by continued reproduction with one another. The principle that the virtues of parents are com- municated to their young, was not newly discovered; but it was reserved for Bakewell to apply it in the case of the ani- mals used for human food in a new manner, and to produce more remarkable results than had before been arrived at. He perfectly understood the relation which exists between the external form of an animal and its aptitude to become fat in a short time. He saw that this relation did not depend upon size, nor, in the case of the Sheep, on the power of the individual to yield a large quantity of wool. He therefore departed from the practice of all former breeders of the Long- woolled Sheep, who had regarded size and abundant growth of wool as primary properties in the parents. Holding bulk of body, and the produce of the fleece, to be secondary pro- perties, Bakewell directed especial attention to the external form which indicates the property of yielding the largest quantity of muscle and fat, with the least bone, and what is usually termed offal. He aimed, too, it is said, at producing the fat on the most valuable parts; but this is merely a sub- sidiary property, dependent upon general harmony of con- formation. Progressively perfecting his animals by skilful selection, he necessarily continued to breed from his own stock, and did not scruple to connect together animals the nearest allied in blood to one another. This system, con- tinually pursued, not only gave a permanency to the charac- ters imprinted on his sheep, constituting a breed, in the pro- per sense of the term, but tended to produce that delicacy of 1 $ * * ㅎ ​JT 臭 ​༣ 192 THE SHEEP. - form, which experience shews to be connected with the power of secreting fat, and arriving at early maturity, or what may be termed premature age. The system, acted upon for suc- cessive generations, tended likewise to render the animals more the creatures of an artificial condition, more delicate in temperament as well as in form, less prolific of lambs, and less capable of supplying milk to their offspring. It cannot be supposed that Bakewell was unobservant of these effects; but he appears to have regarded them as being of a con- sideration secondary to the property of producing, in the shortest time, the largest quantity of fat, with the least con- sumption of herbage and other food. That this was the main result at which he aimed, all his practice shews; and his success corresponded with the skill and perseverance with which he applied his principles to practice. His stock became gradually known and appreciated in the country around him; but it was not until after the lapse of nearly a quarter of a century, that it arrived at that general estima- tion in which it was afterwards held. He early conceived the idea of letting his rams for the season, in place of selling them. The plan was ridiculed and opposed in every way, and it was not until after the labour of many years, that he succeeded in establishing it as a regular system. It is said that his rams were first let, in 1760, at 17s. 6d. each; but this was certainly before his breed had arrived at its ultimate perfection. His usual price afterwards became a guinea, and, in rarer cases, two or three; but the price rapidly ad- vanced with the increasing reputation of his stock. In 1784-5, the price had risen to about 100 guineas for his best rams. In 1786, he made about 1000 guineas by the letting of his stock; and in 1789, he made 1200 guineas by three rams, and 2000 guineas by seven; and in the same year, he made 3000 guineas more by letting the remainder of his rams to the Dishley Society, then instituted. These facts deserve to be re- corded, as manifesting the high estimation in which the breed of Bakewell was held as soon as its properties became known. 2 TÁKY - 學 ​1 1 ! THE NEW LEICESTER BREED. 193 Controversies have arisen regarding the parent stock from which Bakewell produced his breed. He himself chose to adopt a studied mystery on the subject. Some have imagined that the basis of his breed was the Old Lincolnshire, some the Teeswater, some the Warwickshire, while others con- tend that he crossed with the Ryeland, the South Down, the Charnwood Forest, or some other of the Short-woolled breeds, in order to communicate that fineness of bone, and peculiar character of wool, distinctive of his breed. But whatever were the first experiments of Bakewell, the knowledge of them perished with the individual; and there is nothing in the breed, as it was at length perfected, which can enable us to explain the progressive steps by which its characters were acquired. In one of his letters to Mr Chaplin, he admits that he had at one time made use of Old Lincoln rams; but he states, at the same time, that he had not done so for many years, and he ever afterwards expressed the utmost dislike of this coarse and unthrifty breed, which was, indeed, the most removed of any other from the model which his own principles of breeding led him to adopt. Neither was the Old Teeswater one which presented the characters required. This, it has been seen, was a very large and coarse breed, and not one, therefore, which Bakewell was likely to select as the basis of a stock, of which he sought rather to diminish than increase the size. Besides, the wool of the Old Tees- water Breed was extremely long in the filaments, and differed greatly in this respect from the shorter and finer fleece ac- quired by the New Leicesters. All the presumption is, that the basis of Bakewell's breed was the Long-woolled Sheep of the midland counties, from which he may be supposed to have made such selection as suited his purposes. On his obtaining his paternal farm, he would necessarily succeed to a stock of sheep similar to that which existed on the neigh- bouring farms, and it would only be in accordance with the practice of ordinary caution, that he should endeavour to im- prove this stock rather than at once adopt another of a dif- N 1 X Brandy t .0 $ ן M=== + 194 THE SHEEP. Γ ferent race. It is commonly believed, that a little before the improvements of Bakewell, one breeder, at least, in the county of Leicester, had acquired the distinction of possessing superior sheep, and disposed of rams for the purpose of breed- ing. Whether Bakewell owed anything to the anterior im- provements of others, is unknown. From what we know of his character and habits, he himself would have been the last to acknowledge his obligations to another breeder; but he used such precautions for concealing the sources from which he derived the means of improving his animals, as may well favour the suspicion that he was not wholly without obliga- tions to the labours of his cotemporaries or predecessors. With respect to the opinion that he crossed his stock with the Short-woolled Sheep, it rests upon no actual knowledge of the fact. It appears that he made numerous experiments in the early period of his breeding; and it is not impossible that he may have made a partial cross by such animals as seemed to suit his purposes, without reference to their origin. A certain darkness of colour in the skin of the face of his Sheep may seem to favour the opinion that he had made a cross with some of the dark-faced Down or Forest breeds; but we do not know whether the Old Leicesters did not, like the Southam Notts, and some others of the larger varieties, possess something of this peculiarity. With regard to the delicacy of form, and shortness of wool, of the New Leicester Breed, it is not necessary to account for their existence by resorting to the supposition of a mixture of blood with any of the short-woolled races. Both characters were necessarily communicated by the system of breeding which Bakewell pursued. Not only did he regard the growth of wool as a secondary effect, but he appears to have entertained the opinion, that the production of a large quantity of wool was inconsistent with the property of yielding much fat ; and this opinion would necessarily conduct him to the choice of ani- mals for breeding which produced a lighter fleece. Besides, the Sheep of the midland counties did not always produce F ་ 195 wool which was long in the staple. A part of the counties of Leicester and Warwick lies in a calcareous country favour- able to the production of the shorter and finer kinds of wool; and the wool of the Old Warwickshire Sheep, in particular, appears to have closely approximated to that of the modern Leicesters. There is no reason, therefore, to assume, from any of the characters presented by the wool of the New Lei- cester Breed, that the parent stock was any other than the Long-woolled Sheep of the midland counties. THE NEW LEICESTER BREED. The New Leicester Sheep, though smaller in bulk of body than the long-woolled races which they supplanted, are yet of the larger class of Sheep with respect to weight. Their limbs being shorter, and their bodies more round, compact, and deep, than in the former breeds, they are of greater weight in proportion to their apparent bulk. Their actual size is various, depending on the wishes of breeders to pos- sess larger or smaller animals, and on the fertility, natural or acquired, of the districts in which they are reared. In general, it may be said that the wethers weigh from 25 lb. to 35 lb. the quarter, when fattened in their second year. The wool is of medium length, having a staple of from six to eight inches, and weighing about 74 lb. the fleece in Sheep of fifteen or sixteen months old. It is too short and weak · to be admitted into the first class of combing wools, and, in the properties which fit it for the manufacture of worsted, it falls short of the wool of the older breeds. Nevertheless it is more evenly grown, is soft, and of good colour, and pos- sesses several properties of long wool in perfection. But it is neither in the size or weight of body, nor in the productiveness or quality of the wool, that the real value of the New Leicester Breed consists. Its value and superiority are to be found in its more perfect form, and aptitude to fatten at an early age, in which respects it surpasses all the other varieties of Long-woolled Sheep which have been culti- vated in this country, or naturalized in any part of Europe. The New Leicester Sheep can, under the ordinary manage- * J mt 2 I I " I f * THE SHEEP. 196 ment of the farm, be readily fattened for human food at the age of fifteen months, that is, when, in the language of far- mers, they are shearlings; and in no case of practice do they need to exceed the age of two years and a few months, whereas the older breeds were not usually fattened for the market until late in their third, or until their fourth year. The females are not regarded as so prolific as those of the older breeds, nor are the lambs so hardy or quickly covered with a coat of wool, nor are the mothers such good nurses; and yet the breed is not deficient in these properties, except where such refinement of breeding has been practised as to produce a too delicate temperament. In this breed the hind and fore quarters more nearly approximate in weight than in the less cultivated varieties. The fatty tissue, too, is more equally spread over the external muscles, and tends to accumulate less about the kidneys and internal parts, and hence the breed has never been so much a favourite with the butchers as the less improved races. The flesh, as of all the long-woolled breeds, is more lax in the fibre, and less deli- cate, than that of the smaller breeds of the mountains, forests, and downs; but the mutton does not seem in any respect to have been inferior to that of the older breeds of the same class. 1. Mr Bakewell, it has been said, early conceived the idea of letting his rams on hire in place of selling them to the breeders. The animals were exhibited at Dishley at a stated time, in the latter end of July, or beginning of August; and the hirers put their own valuation on the rams they selected, and the offers were accepted or refused, without any auction. Certain conditions were understood or stipulated for, but no written legal agreement was made, every thing being trusted to the honour of the parties. About the middle of Septem- ber, the animals were sent to their destination in carriages hung on springs, and about the beginning of December, the hirer was expected to return them in safety; but if a ram died from any cause while in the hands of the hirer, the loss > : : 197 fell upon the owner. The whole system manifested a won- derful degree of confidence and mutual good faith, and con- tributed, in an essential degree, to the diffusion of the new breed. Contemporaries and successors of Mr Bakewell adopted the same plan, and the sums expended by distant breeders in procuring, by this simple mean, the new breed of which Leicester was the centre, were surprisingly great. Up to the present time the practice has been carried on by breeders of the first distinction, some of whom acquired the unrivalled stock of Bakewell after his death, and are under- stood to have preserved it unmixed to the present hour. Nor was this system long confined to the county of Leicester, but it extended to other parts of the kingdom. Mr Culley, who had been a pupil of Bakewell's, early established it on the large scale in the north of England, in the county of North- umberland, and various breeders, whose stock had acquired the necessary breeding and reputation, adopted it; so that there was scarcely a district of the Long-woolled Sheep in which one or more breeders did not pursue the practice of letting rams. Not only did the system facilitate the diffu- sion of the new breed, but it contributed in an eminent de- gree to maintain its purity and goodness. It even enabled a certain class of breeders to direct attention to the rearing of rams as a distinct profession, and thus created a division of labour in the practice of breeding singularly conducive to its perfection. THE NEW LEICESTER BREED. The formation of the New Leicester Breed of Sheep may be said to form an era in the economical history of the do- mestic animals, and may well confer distinction on the indi- vidual who had talent to conceive, and fortitude to perfect, the design. The result was not only the creation of a breed by art, but the establishment of principles which are of uni- versal application in the production of animals for human food. It has shewn that there are other properties than size, and the kind and abundance of the wool, which render a race of Sheep profitable to the breeder; that a disposition 1. • रँ * : ܕܦܨ 1 L 198 to assimilate nourishment readily, and arrive at early ma- turity, are properties to be essentially regarded; and that these properties have a constant relation to a given form, which can be communicated from the parents to the young, and rendered permanent by a mixture of the blood of the animals to which this form has been transmitted. Bake- well, doubtless, carried his principles to the limits to which they could be carried with safety and profit to the owner of Sheep. Looking to symmetry and usefulness of form as the essential characters to be cultivated, he was too apt to re- gard the others, not merely as secondary, but as unimport- ant. He is reported to have said that he did not care whe- ther his Sheep produced wool at all; and he endeavoured, on all occasions, to shew the inutility of size as compared with the fattening property. But a close and abundant growth of wool, it is known, is connected with a healthy state of the system, and with the power of the animals to resist cold and atmospheric changes;, and a certain size is found, by the experience of all breeders of Sheep, to be an element in the profit to be derived from them. Every owner of Sheep is taught by the result, that an animal of a size to fatten to 40 lbs. the quarter, is more profitable than one that is capable of reaching only to 30 lbs. in the same time. Weight of body, therefore, and the nature and productive- ness of the fleece, are not to be overlooked in the cultivation of Sheep; and although they may be regarded as secondary properties, they cannot be held to be unimportant ones. But if Bakewell carried his principles of breeding to an extreme, there is no reason why his successors should not now profit by the knowledge acquired by observation and experience, and cultivate a profitable size, and suitable fleece, as far as these consist with the other properties sought for. Bake- well was compelled, in a sense, to confine himself to his own stock, and to the blood of one family, in order to preserve that standard of form which he had produced. From the subsequent multiplication of the New Leicester Breed, THE SHEEP. 1 THE NEW LEICESTER BREED. 199 modern breeders are relieved from all necessity of this kind. They can obtain individuals of the form required from dif- ferent flocks of the same breed, and need never, by a con- tinued adherence to the blood of one family, produce animals too delicate in form, deficient in weight of wool, and in that hardiness and soundness of constitution, which are even more necessary than the perfectness of individual form, for the safety and profit of the breeder. The sacrifice of the second- ary properties which Bakewell did not hesitate to make, was the result of circumstances which do not now exist; and the present feeling of breeders is to maintain a larger and more robust form of the animals than seemed good to the earlier improvers. Thus, the Cotswold Breed of Sheep, though far inferior in form to the pure New Leicester, is maintaining a successful rivalship with it over a large extent of country: the lowland Gloucestershire, the Devonshire, and many of the Lincolnshire agriculturists, are propagating a larger race than is approved of by the Leicester breeders; and even in the north of England, where the Leicester Breed was early established, a heavier race is preferred to the purest of the Dishley stock. But whatever diversities of opinion may exist with respect to the degree of breeding, as it may be called, which it is ad- visable to communicate to the several varieties of Sheep now comprehended under the common denomination of Leicester, no doubt can be entertained of the great benefits conferred on the breeders of the country by the formation and diffusion of the beautiful breed of Bakewell. Its superiority over all the older races of the long-woolled districts is attested by the degree in which it supplanted them, and the eagerness with which it was everywhere received. In less than fifty years from the first establishment of the shows of Dishley, it had either superseded all the older Long-woolled Sheep of the country, or been so mingled with them in blood, as to have effaced their former distinctions. Not only did it supplant or become mixed with the older races of heavy Sheep, but, / + I 1 » 1 Į { 1 Y J 200 after a time, it effected an important change in a great part of the lighter Sheep of the country. In many cases it has become mixed in blood with them, and in many it has caused a substitution of the heavy-woolled for the light, over large tracts of the country, so that entire districts, which, little more than twenty years ago, were stocked with the Short- woolled breeds, have not now one flock of them remaining. In every way, then, the diffusion of this breed has added to the value of the live stock of the country. It has caused a superior race of animals to be reared in former districts of the Down and Forest Breeds, and extended over the richer country one more suited for general cultivation than the older and coarser races; and has been the means of commu- nicating to the former varieties of Long-woolled Sheep a uni- formity of character eminently favourable to further improve- ment, by multiplying the animals of a given breed which can be selected for breeding. It has even improved the agricul- ⚫ture of the country in an eminent degree, by calling forth a larger production of forage and herbage plants, for supplying food to a superior race of animals. THE SHEEP. Objections have been, from time to time, urged against the extension of this breed, founded on its supposed inferiority in size, in growth of wool, in hardiness, and fecundity of the females, to some of the breeds which it supplanted. The inferiority in size has been generally exaggerated with rela- tion to this breed, and in all cases it produces a greater weight with the same bulk of body; and even where it is deficient in weight, there has been a compensation in that tendency to arrive at an earlier maturity, in which it emi- nently excels all the races which have preceded it. If the wool shall be less in quantity, or inferior in certain proper- ties, to that of some of the older varieties, it must not be for- gotten, that the most esteemed of these varieties, as the Old Lincoln and Teeswater, were not suited for that extensive diffusion, which has given so great a public importance to the breed of Bakewell, and that the extension of the new F I +1 201 breed has added prodigiously to the total quantity and value of the long wool produced in the country. With respect to the supposed deficiency of this breed in hardiness, and fecun- dity of the females, it is to be observed, that this, where it really exists, is the result of that refinement in breeding which would equally affect any race of Sheep subjected to the same treatment. The more we remove a race of animals from the natural state, by stimulating the system to an early maturity, the more we may expect them to lose that hardi- ness which is proper to them in a ruder condition. The New Leicester is a breed of artificial formation, and its establish- ment and maintenance infer a certain advancement in agri- culture, the due supply of cultivated food, and that care of the animals which their acquired habits and temperament demand. It is not denied that the New Leicester breed is more delicate and less prolific than some of the coarser races whose places it has taken; but these defects exist only in a degree to be injurious, where refinement of breeding is carried to an excess which every breeder has now the power to avoid. THE SHEEP. The BREEDS OF SHEEP of the British Islands which have been generally referred to, or of which particular descrip- tions have been given, may be thus classified :— 1. The Zetland and Orkney Breeds, of the variety brevi- cauda.-They inhabit the most northerly islands, and are dis- tinguished by their bearing a fleece of fine soft wool, largely intermixed with hairs. The purest of them are found on the remoter Islands of Zetland. They are hardy, wild, and of small size; and do not merit extension beyond the countries which they now occupy. 2. The Older Soft-woolled Sheep of Scotland.—They are of small weight, have long lank bodies, and bear a short soft wool, fitted for the manufacture of flannels, but deficient in the property of felting. These varieties are now nearly ex- N 1 · Į I { I I ! 1979 1 202 tinct, or confined to the remoter islands and islets of the Hebrides. 3. The Sheep of Wales, which may be divided into two classes; 1. The Sheep of the Higher Mountains, horned, of diminutive size, usually of a dark colour, and bearing soft wool, largely intermixed with hairs; 2. The Hornless Soft- woolled Sheep, likewise of small size, bearing wool of a soft texture, fitted for the manufacture of hose and flannels, but deficient in the property of felting. To the typical forms of these races all the Mountain Sheep of Wales are more or less allied. They are valued for the delicacy of their mut- ton, and are carried in numbers to the lower country, for the purpose of being fattened. They are hardy, but impatient of restraint, when removed from their native pastures. Allied in their characters to the Mountain Breeds of Wales are the Sheep of the Wicklow Mountains, now disappearing in the pure state, from the effects of crossing. 4. The Kerry and other Sheep of the high lands of Ire- land, wild, slow in arriving at maturity, and producing a fleece of medium softness, but irregular, and mixed with hairs. THE SHEEP. 5. The Black-faced Heath Breed, inhabiting the central chain of heathy mountains and moors which extend from Derbyshire northward. These sheep have long been carried to the mountains of Scotland, and now extend all northward through the northern Highlands to the Pentland Firth. They are armed with horns, and are the hardiest and boldest of all the races of British Sheep. They have dark-coloured faces and limbs, and bear shaggy fleeces of coarse wool. Their characters change when they are naturalized in the less In the lower heaths of York- rugged mountains and moors. shire, they approximate, through the coarse and unthrifty breed of Penistone, to the larger sheep of the plains: in other cases they pass into the finer-woolled sheep of the Commons, lower Heaths, and Forests. They produce a juicy and well- ( i 203 flavoured mutton, and are brought in great numbers from the mountains, to be fattened in the lower country. 6. The Cheviot Breed, derived from a limited tract of green hills in the north of England, and thence widely spread over the mountainous districts of Scotland, and some parts of England and Ireland. These sheep somewhat exceed in weight the Black-faced Heath Breed: they are less robust, and less suited to a country of heaths, but yet they are amongst the hardiest of our Mountain Sheep. They are des- titute of horns in both sexes, and bear wool of medium fine- ness, fitted for preparation by the card, and employed in the manufacture of the coarser woollen cloths. THE SHEEP. 7. The Old Norfolk Breed, reared in the heathy parts of the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge.—They are a strong and agile race of Sheep, armed with horns in both sexes, bear a clothing of wool of medium length, and are greatly valued for the excellence of their mutton. They pro- duce admirable crosses with the more highly cultivated breeds, and especially with the South Down, from which cause they are rapidly diminishing in numbers in the pure state. 8. The Breeds of the Older Forests, Commons, and Chases. -These vary in their aspect, size, and properties, with the localities in which they have been naturalized. They have often dark or gray faces and limbs, have sometimes horns, and are sometimes destitute of horns, and bear, for the most part, a short felting wool. They have been continually diminishing in numbers with the appropriation of commons and the improvement of the country, so that few now remain without a mixture of the more cultivated breeds. In the West of England, however, are still to be found the Dart- moor and Exmoor breeds in considerable numbers, the for- mer occupying the high lands of Devonshire in the forest of Dartmoor; the latter, a rugged district of limited extent at the sources of the river Exe in Somersetshire. They are both very wild and hardy races of small Sheep, and differ 10 ! ↓ } اگل 空 ​C ! 1 ↓ A 2 1 J ĥ h } ¡ *__* 204 THE SHEEP. from the other Forest Breeds by producing wool of medium length, and more fitted for preparation by the comb than the card. 9. The Ryeland Breed, the remains of some of the smaller fine-woolled varieties of the western counties. These Sheep are hornless, of small size, and of good forms, patient of scanty food, and productive of a fine short felting wool, which was long the most esteemed for the making of cloth of any in England. This breed, from the substitution of the larger varieties, and the effects of crossing, has been long diminish- ing in numbers, and is now nearly extinct. 10. The South Down Breed, derived from the chalky hills of Sussex on the British Channel. It is to be classed amongst the Down and Forest Breeds, but it has been made to surpass them all by the effects of breeding and careful culture. It has been widely spread over all the south-east- ern counties of England, and has passed into districts be- yond the countries of the Chalk, taking the place of the pre- existing breeds of the downs and commons. The Sheep of this breed are destitute of horns, have dark-coloured faces and limbs, and produce a short felting wool fitted for pre- paration by the card. Their size varies with the locality, and the taste and opinions of the breeders; but they are of greater weight, and bear heavier fleeces, than the older Sheep of the Sussex Downs. They are adapted to a lower range of pastures than the Black-faced Sheep and Cheviot Breeds, and are better fitted for a dry and temperate climate than for a cold and moist one. 11. The Old Wiltshire.-This and the other varieties of the larger fine-woolled Sheep of the central counties of Chalk, may be said to be now extinct beyond a few scattered rem- nants. They produced good felting wool, and fattened to a considerable weight; but they were of coarse forms, and have universally yielded to the progress of the more highly cultivated Southdowns. 12. The Dorset and Pink-nosed Somerset Breeds, natural- I * L THE SHEEP. 205 son. ized in the calcareous district of the south-western counties. They have horns in both sexes, bear a clothing wool of me- dium quality, and are noted, beyond any other breed, for the faculty of the females to receive the males at an early sea- This latter property has caused them to be extensively cultivated for the rearing of house-lambs. They have now been much diminished in numbers by the effects of crossing, and the substitution of other breeds regarded as more pro- fitable. Allied to these varieties is the Isle of Portland Breed, of small size, and of little economical importance be- yond the narrow district which it inhabits. 13. The Merino Breed, derived from the mountains of Spain, but partially naturalized in England. It bears the finest wool of any known race of Sheep. On account of this property it has been extensively diffused over a great part of Europe, and carried to America, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Colonies of England in Australia. The individuals, however, are of defective forms, of tender constitutions, defi- cient in the power of yielding milk, and slow in arriving at maturity. For these reasons, the Merino Breed, notwith- standing the abundance and excellence of its wool, has been received with little favour in England, and is deemed inferior in value to the more improved varieties of the country. * 14. The Long-woolled Sheep, comprehending, First, the pure New Leicester Breed; and, Secondly, the varieties more or less intermixed with it in blood, of which the principal are: 1st, the larger class of Lincolnshire Sheep; 2d, the Romney Marsh Breed; 3d, the Cotswold Breed; 4th, the Devonshire Notts; 5th, the Long-woolled Irish varieties. All these Sheep are of large size, are destitute of horns in both sexes, and bear long wool, unsuited for preparation by the card, but eminently fitted for preparation by the comb, and the manufacture of stuffs termed Worsted. They are the kinds of Sheep more especially adapted to the plains, and the districts where arti- ficial food can be reared in the necessary quantity. They have been continually increasing in numbers with the exten- 3 4 1 $ 4 } b [ 3 206 sion of tillage and the general improvement of agriculture. Of the several varieties, the New Leicester Breed occupies the first class with respect to form and the aptitude to fatten readily. The larger Lincolnshire, the Romney Marsh, the Cotswold, and the improved Devonshire Breeds, have each properties which render their cultivation profitable under particular circumstances. The Irish varieties have not yet generally attained to the perfection at which the others have arrived. THE SHEEP. } Um SHORT-HORNED BULL. III. THE OX. The important family of which the common Ox may be regarded as typical, divides itself into three groups,-the BISONTINE, the BUBALINE, and the TAURINE. The Bisons inhabit both the Old and New Continents, and are distin- guished by round smooth horns, and a musky odour which exhales from the skin. The Buffaloes are characterized by angular horns, and a fainter odour of musk, and are natives of the warmer regions of Asia and Africa. The Taurine group, comprehending the common Ox and its different races, forms the most important division of Bovidæ. Į Į 1 208 THE OX. The EUROPEAN BISON, Bison Europæus, which once abounded in the great forests of Europe, is a fierce and powerful creature. He is the Brown of the Greeks, the Bison of the Latins, the Wisent of the Older Germans, the Zubr of the Poles, and the Zub of the Arabians. He for- merly abounded in the Hercynian and Sarmatian forests, and was regarded as the largest of the quadrupeds indige- nous to Europe. But, like many animal species, the great Bison of Europe seems doomed to perish under a condition of countries that is no longer suited to him. He merely lingers in a portion of the vast regions of forest which he once inhabited. He is found in herds in the marshy forest of Bialowieza in Poland, where he is protected by the Go- vernment of Russia. He does not wander beyond the woods where he yet lingers, because it is probable the sustenance which suits him is not to be found in another habitat; and even in this retreat, he would probably cease to exist, were it not for the care used in supplying him with food during the snows of winter. Bisons are still found in considerable herds in the woods of the Caucasus. According to the recent travels of Nord- man, they exist in the greatest numbers from the Kuban to the Psib. In some places they inhabit the mountains in summer; in others, they are met with in swampy places all the year round. They are killed by the natives, and their horns, formed into drinking cups, are used by the wild chief- tains of the country. A large kind of Bison is likewise found in British India; but whether it is identical with the Bisons of Western Asia and Europe, or a distinct species, has not been determined. It is termed Gaur by the natives, and by some naturalists Bos gaurus. It has been hitherto found in the thick jungles in the western confines of the provinces of Bengal and Bahar. It is often killed by British sportsmen, but of the young none has yet been captured. The villagers have a superstitious terror of these creatures, and cannot be persuaded to go in search of the calves; believing that, if *** HISTORY. 209 the Gaurs are in any way molested, they will attack the per- sons disturbing them, and never quit them till they have put them to death. The European Bison is a large animal, equalling in stature the tallest of the domestic oxen of the countries he inhabits. His head is broad, and the forehead bulging; the horns are round, thick, black, and of a hard consistence, and larger in the male than in the female: the eye is small, and its usual character is placid; but when the animal is roused to anger, the pupil narrows to a slit, the coat becomes inflamed, and all the expression indicates blind fury and madness. The tongue is covered with tubercles, and, together with the lips, gums, and palate, is blue. The trunk and hinder parts of the body are relatively slender, the shoulders thick, and in the adult male the spines are so lengthened as to form withers. The skin is exceedingly thick, and emits the odour of musk. The trunk, down to the knees, is covered with woolly hair, the top of the head, neck, and shoulder, with long hair mixed with frizzled wool, forming a mane, and from the chine to the chest is a kind of beard. The tail comes below the hocks, and at its extremity is furnished with a brush of long bristly hairs. The female has smaller horns than the male, and less elevated withers. Though a large animal, she has an udder smaller than that of the least of the domestic Cows. These creatures are ferocious, strong, and fearless of ene- mies. They hold their heads low, are swift of foot, but are soon worn out, seldom running farther than one or two Eng- lish miles. They swim with facility, and delight to cool them- selves in water. Their favourite places of resort are thickets near the swampy banks of rivers. In the warmer season they frequent shadowy spots; in winter they keep quiet during the day, in the thickets of firs and pines, browsing only at night, and finding sustenance on the bark of young trees. The thrusts of an old bull will overturn trees of five or six inches diameter. An old bull, we are informed, is a match 0 西学 ​+ 1 1 H 1. | { ! | $ 210 THE OX. ! for four wolves, though packs of the latter animal will hunt down a full-grown bull when alone.* Like all the Bovine race in a state of nature, they avoid the dangerous approach of man. When suddenly come upon, they rush upon the intruder with fury. When taken young, they become used to their keepers, but resent the intrusion of strangers, and seem incapable of resigning their natural wildness, and submitting to domestication. They abhor the domestic races, shunning them, or goring them to death. Four young ones, captured in the forest of Bialowieza, af- forded to M. Gilbert, who had long resided in Poland, op- portunities of observing their habits. They refused to take the milk of the cow, but at length submitted to be suckled by a she-goat, raised on a table to the level of their muzzles. When satisfied, they sometimes tossed the nurse and the table to the distance of several feet. The two males died within a month. The females survived: they became docile and obedient to their keeper, licking his hands, rubbing his body gently with their heads and muzzles, and coming to him when they heard his voice. They hated the sight of scarlet, and drove all the common cows from their pastures. They came into season at the age of two years, and rejected the approaches of the domestic bull. The forest in which these creatures are preserved, con- tains about 352 geographical square miles, of which about one-sixth part consists of rushy swamps, and is intersected by numerous rivulets, and by one considerable river. The number of Bisons consists, at present, of about 700: they are protected by the Government, and are only suffered to be killed in small numbers, by especial permission. When the wolves are to be hunted, it is done with caution, and by a small number of dogs; and any noisy occupations which might disturb the animals, are prohibited within the forest.t • Weissenborn, Magazine of Natural History. † Weissenborn. 211 From the habits of this creature, his indocility, and the in- stinctive aversion to the domestic races, it will appear that he is not one of those animals which Providence has ordained to yield up their services to man, and become an instrument of good to our race. He is rather to be numbered amongst those which are destined to disappear before the progress of civilization and the arts. By a rare chance, human interfer- ence has saved the wreck of the species in Europe from that destruction which awaited it; but this can only be for a season, and the time will doubtless come, when the great Bison of the European woods will be numbered with those extinct species, whose bones alone remain to testify their former existence. HISTORY. The next to be mentioned of the Bisontine group is proper to another hemisphere, and was only made known to us when the rich savannahs and boundless forests of the Western Con- tinent revealed their living inhabitants to the wondering eyes of European travellers. The AMERICAN BISON, Bison Ame- ricanus, commonly, but erroneously, termed a Buffalo, re- sembles the Bison of Europe in his general form, and in some of his habits. His head is large; his forehead is broad and convex; his horns are short, thick, and black; his eyes are small, clear, and piercing, with a placid expres- sion, except when he is irritated, and then the expression turns to that of ferocity and rage. He is very bulky in front, and has large withers, to which powerful muscles are attached to support his ponderous head. The back droops from the withers, and the posterior part of the body is meagre and thin. On the summit of his head there is an abundance of long woolly hair, which hangs over the face, the ears, and the horns. The throat, the neck, the shoulders, and the breast, are covered with long hair; the back, and the rest of the trunk, are covered with short hairy wool. The colour of his fur is, in summer, a light brown, in winter a brownish-black. The tail is about eighteen inches I L T 212 long, terminated by a tuft of hair. The female is smaller than the male, and has shorter horns, and less of hair on the anterior parts. The male, when fully grown, has been some- times found to weigh 2000 lb., though the average weight is said to be 12 or 14 cwt. THE OX. This is a very strong and agile creature, making its way with great swiftness through tangled brushwood and heaps of snow. He is more irritable than dangerous, and flies from the sight of the hunter. When attacked by large dogs, he defends himself with courage. If his enemies catch him by his shaggy coat, he tosses them overhead in an instant. Should they succeed in pinning him by the nose, after the manner of attack by the bull-dog, he spreads his fore-legs, and brings his hind-feet forward till he treads the dog be- neath him. He then tears his head loose, regardless of the wound, and crushes his enemy beneath his feet. These animals are eminently gregarious and migratory. They feed on the herbage of plains, and the sedgy plants of morasses and swamps. They are fond of salt, and travel great distances to the saline springs which yield this condiment: they swim with ease, crossing the most rapid rivers: they delight in coolness and moisture, bathing in pools and lakes during the heat of summer: in the winter season they dig the snow with their feet, that they may reach the plants beneath. They inhabit the temperate parts of North America, congregating in herds, in the woods and vast plains and savannahs where they feed. In summer they migrate northward, and then it is that they are seen in those prodigious herds that strike the traveller with wonder. The countless multitude seems to darken the plain, and stretch to the horizon. Captains Lewis and Clark, on one occasion, mention that the moving mass which they beheld could not be less than 20,000 in number. At another time, they saw a herd crossing the Missouri, which, though the river was a mile in breadth, stretched across it from side to side as thick as the animals could swim. 213 The paths they make to the pools of fresh water or saline springs which they frequent, are often as numerous and trod- den as the highways of a peopled country; and all travellers in the western countries speak with amazement of the traces of their numbers. They retire to the boundless wilds of the interior before the progress of the settler, and from the per- secution of the chase. Formerly they were to be found to the eastward of the Apalachian Mountains; but they are now driven to the remoter wilderness towards the Ohio, the Mis- souri, and west of the Mississippi on the south. They are the subjects of incessant attack and pursuit by the Indian tribes, who feed upon their flesh, and make cloaks, sandals, and other fabrics, of their hides. They are often slaughtered in vast numbers together. Sometimes they are driven in crowds into ravines, and to the edges of precipices, where they are killed by lances and other missiles. Sometimes, the grass being set fire to, the herd is encompassed and thrown into confu- sion, and all other means which their savage persecutors can devise are employed to entrap and destroy them. This fright- ful carnage cuts off by degrees the sources of the future sup- ply; and the time may come when this marvel of the Ameri- can wilderness will be as rare to be seen as the Bison of the Lithuanian forests. HISTORY. Of the fitness of this creature for domestication no doubt can exist. He is the native Ox of America: and had the country been inhabited by civilized communities, in place of tribes of savage hunters, a creature so formed by Nature for the service of man could not have remained unsubdued. He is far more docile than the Bison of Europe, and mani- fests no antipathy to the domestic race. He breeds with the latter; but how far the mixed progeny would be fruitful with one another, has not, it is believed, been determined. He is tamed with great facility, and manifests no ferocity. Numbers are sometimes separated from the herd by the back-woodsmen of the United States, driven long journeys, and brought in, perfectly subdued, to the American towns, to 214 be disposed of to the inhabitants. It is said that they are sometimes kept on the farms of Kentucky, where the objec- tions to them are, that the cow yields a small quantity of milk, and of a musky flavour; and that she is restless, leap- ing the barriers intended to confine her, and enticing the other cattle to follow her to the woods. The flesh of the animal is reckoned good, and in an especial degree the tongue, and fleshy hump upon the shoulder. The hair has so much of the woolly character, that it may be woven into cloth, or formed into hats by the felting process: the skin is very thick, and when tanned, or else with the wool upon it, forms a warm covering, used by the Indians for cloaks and blankets. But the chief value of the domesticated Bison, it may be be- lieved, would be for the purposes of labour, for which his agility and the great strength of his shoulders seem pecu- liarly to adapt him. A farmer on the great Kenhawa, we are informed by Mr Bingley, broke a young Bison to the yoke the animal performed his work to admiration, and the only fault his master had to find with him was, that his pace was too quick for the steer with which he was yoked. Beyond the range of the American Bison, and stretching into regions of everlasting ice, is the habitat of another spe- cies of Bison, suited to other conditions of temperature and food. The MUSK OX, Ovibos moschatus, first appears about the 60th degree of northern latitude, and thence is found to the very extremity of the American continent, wandering in search of food to the dreary islands beyond it during the brief space of the arctic vegetation. This creature is about the size of the little Ox of the most northerly Highlands of Scot- land. He has no muzzle, or naked space around the nose and lips, like the Common Ox and Bison, but, like the Sheep, he is covered to the lips with hair; and hence the genus has been termed Ovibos, as partaking of the character of the Ox and the Sheep. His horns, broad at the base, covering the upper part of the forehead, and bending downward, and then upward, enable him to defend himself against the Bear and THE OX. * HISTORY. 215 the Wolf. To protect him from the cold, he is enveloped from head to foot in a dense fur, consisting partly of hair and partly of wool. The long hair almost trails to the ground, and underneath is a thick coat of delicate wool, of which fabrics like the finest silk may be formed. He has short muscular limbs and hoofs, like those of the Rein-deer, and he is endowed with great activity, scaling the icy rocks of the country when pursued. He feeds partly on grasses and partly on lichens, and he is usually seen browsing in small herds or bands. His skin emits the strong odour of musk. Though suited, perhaps, to perform the same services as the Rein-deer, he has never been subjected to servitude. He is hunted by the rude Indians for his skin and flesh, which last is hard, lean, and tainted with the flavour of musk. The Esquimaux, whose country he inhabits along with the Rein-Deer, cover their heads and faces with his long hair, to defend them from the bites of musquitoes. They eat his flesh, and devour the con- tents of his paunch, which is filled with the lichens and other plants on which he feeds.* A like form of the Bison seems to have extended westward into Asia, by Behring's Staits, along the shores of the Icy Ocean. But the osseous remains of this animal alone exist, and naturalists have not determined whether he was identi- cal with the species of America, or distinct from it. His habitat shews that he was, like it, formed to brave the rigour of the coldest climates of the globe. Proceeding southward into Central Asia, another species of the Bisontine family appears, with habits which adapt him to the services of man. This creature is the Yak of the Tar- tar nations, the Bos gruniens of modern naturalists, so named on account of the sound of his voice, which, like that of other Bisons, resembles the grunting of the Hog. This animal is found, both in the wild and the domesticated state, extending from the mountains of Thibet, through the vast countries of * Richardson, Faun. Bor. Amer. # T 1 1 } I 17 } 216 THE OX, the Kalmuk and Mongolian nations, to the Pacific Ocean. In the wild state his chief habitat is near the chain of snowy mountains separating India from Tartary. This species of Bison is about the size of the lesser breeds of Oxen in Britain; but he is of a stout form, with short mus- cular limbs. He has fourteen pairs of ribs like the European Bison, and the anterior spines of his back are so lengthened as to form withers. He is armed with short and smooth horns, which frequently are wanting: they are black, or white, or white tipped with black, and bend upwards at the points. His muzzle is narrow, and covered with hairs, approaching in this respect to the character of the Ovibos. He is thickly elothed with hair and wool, to protect him from the cold of the elevated country which he inhabits. On the forehead, the hair is short and curling; on the back, long, pendent, and mixed with wool; and along the spine runs a kind of mane. The tail reaches to the heels, and is covered with long, fine hairs, giving to the animal the aspect of an ox with a horse's tail: hence he has been sometimes termed the Horse-tailed Buffalo. The colour of the hair varies in the domesticated race; it is usually black, or brownish-black, but other parts of the body are white, as the legs, the back, and the fine and graceful tail. The height of the animals at the withers is said to be about three feet ten inches, but there must be great variations in size; for, in the British Museum, there is preserved the tail of a Yak, which measures six feet in length.* The Yaks, in their state of nature, seem to prefer the woods of mountains to the valleys and open plains, and, like other Bisons, to seek the neighbourhood of rivers, lakes, and pools'; and this fondness for an aquatic situation they retain in the domestic state, wallowing in pools when occasion offers, and swimming when they come to rivers. They have a some- what gloomy aspect, and are said to be suspicious of strangers, * Griffith's Animal Kingdom. I 7 HISTORY. 217 and are even dangerous to be approached. Thus travellers on advancing to the Tartar camps, have seen the herd ap- proach as if to make an attack, whisking their long tails, and tossing their heads in a menacing manner. This species is the only kind of cattle cultivated by many of the Kalmuk tribes, and even by some of the Western Tartars. It seems to be well adapted to the condition of those elevated plains, where continual changes of place are required to afford fresh pasturage for the flocks and herds of the communities. The Yaks are well suited for these fre- quent journeyings, being hardy, sure-footed, and capable of bearing burdens. The natives make tents and ropes of their hair, and coverings of their skins. The milk of the female is plentiful and good, yielding excellent butter. Thus the Yak is a valuable animal in those countries of migratory herdsmen, yielding at the same time food and the means of transport. A profitable trade, too, is pursued by the Tartars in the white tails which many of the oxen produce. These tails are dyed of various beautiful colours, and are in request over all the East. They form the standards of the Persians and Turks: they are used in India and Persia as chouries or fly-fans, for which purpose they are supplied with ivory handles finely carved: they are used as ornaments for the harnessing of elephants and horses: the Chinese dye the hair of a beautiful red, and form it into tufts for their bon- nets. The next in order of the Bovide is the BUBALINE group, distinguished hy a narrow convex forehead, higher than wide, and by angular, not rounded, horns. The general aspect of these animals is clumsy, their limbs are strong, their muzzle is broad, their ears are large and pendent; their hide is thick, usually coal-black, partially covered with hairs, and in the warmer countries nearly destitute of hairs. They are fond of water, and, like Hogs, wallow in moist and miry places. The female has four mammæ, but two sometimes are not de- veloped. I + 急 ​218 THE OX. Of Buffaloes in the state of nature, there seem to be more than one species which have not been sufficiently described. One of these, inhabiting the forests of India, is of great size and strength, with horns of enormous length. No live speci- men of this animal has yet been brought to Europe, but the head and horns have been obtained, and are to be found in various museums in England. The horns are of a crescent form, and have been obtained six feet in length, measuring a foot and a half in circumference at the base, and covering from point to point a space of ten feet. The skin of this ani- mal is covered with hair, in which respect it differs from others of the genus, and the tail extends no lower than the hock. It is surprising that various naturalists should main- tain that this species is identical with the Common Buffalo. The widest differences of external form must be disregarded in discriminating species, if such an opinion can be sustained. This gigantic creature has been seen and killed by British sportsmen, and is certainly distinct from the Common Buf- falo. He is the Bos Arni of Shaw; the Gigantic Arnee of travellers and writers. Another variety of Arnee is more abundant, and congregates in herds. His horns are very long, and have likewise a crescent form. Droves of them are to be seen floating in the Ganges, suffering themselves to be carried by the current to the creeks and islands where they feed. But whether this creature differs from the other in any other respect than age, has not been determined. The COMMON BUFFALO, Bos bubalus, Linn., inhabits the marshy forests of India. These creatures are found, both in the wild and the tame state, throughout Hindostan and other countries of the East. They run with their heads held in a horizontal position, so that their horns rest upon their shoulders. Though more or less independent in their habits, they yet assemble in herds for mutual protection, or when in search of food. They avoid the short herbage of hills, pre- ferring the coarser plants of moist woods and marshy plains. They delight in water: they float upon the current, and cross , HISTORY. 219 without hesitation arms of the sea and the broadest rivers. They are seen to dive as they swim, and drag up by their horns the aquatic plants on which they feed. In the domesticated state, they retain the love of moist situations; they haunt the banks of rivers; they love to wallow in pools and swamps; and will lie for hours in mud, or sunk, their heads alone visible, beneath the water of pools. Whole herds are to be seen crossing the Euphrates or the Nile, their keepers direct- ing them, and stepping from back to back as on a floating raft. Their sense of smell is acute, and they are persever- ing in pursuit of assailants. They are fierce when irritated, and will not turn from their enemies. Even the Tiger dreads their formidable strength. When brought to fight with other animals in the arena, to afford a cruel pastime to Indian princes, the courage of the Tiger quails the instant the Buf- falo enters the arena: he would willingly shun the combat; while the Buffalo, excited to fury at the sight of his natural enemy, bends his head level with the ground, that his horns. may be in a position to strike, and rushes, notwithstanding the wounds he receives, on his terrible opponent. These powerful animals seem to be insensible of fear. When they fight, they strive to lift their enemy on their horns, and when he is thrown down, to crush him to death with their knees. Their fury then seems to be insatiable: they trample on the mangled body of their victim, and return again and again as if to glut their vengeance. They have a memory tenacious of wrongs, and will resent them when occasion offers. In- stances are known, when, after having been brutally forced by their keeper to tasks beyond their strength, they have seized the first opportunity to rush upon their tyrant and put him to death. Like all the Bovine family, they are roused to fury by the sight of scarlet and bright colours. The Buffalo is a creature of vast strength, which, in the state of servitude, he exercises in the pulling of loads and the bearing of burdens. In this respect he far surpasses any other of the Bovine family. When yoked in rude waggons * 3 4 1 ** →→ Badge 220 and cars, he drags them through miry tracks, swamps, and shallow rivers, with a force which no other animal but the Elephant could exert, and performs tasks of continued labour, under which the strongest horses and bullocks would sink down and die. His pace, however, is measured and slow, and unless he is cooled and largely supplied with water, he becomes feeble, and subject to mortal diseases. He may be termed the Camel of a country of marshes, but he would perish under the toils and thirst of an arid country. Though retaining, in the state of servitude, the sullen aspect and sus- picious character which are natural to him, he yet can be re- duced to complete subjection. He is managed by a ring, or simply by a rope, passed through the cartilage of his nose. Much of his acquired docility depends upon education and treatment. In Eastern countries, where he is used with gentleness, and carefully instructed, he manifests an intelli- gence in which no other oxen surpass him, and becomes so gentle, that he may be guided by a child in all the labours of the field. THE OX. The flesh of the Buffalo is hard and coarse, and could not be endured in countries where a value is set upon delicate animal food. His skin is esteemed for its thickness and dura- bility, surpassing greatly in this respect the hide of the Ox. It is so tough that it is used for defensive armour by the Javanese and other people of the Indian islands. The milk of the female is nutritive and well-tasted; but she yields it in smaller quantity than the common cows of Europe, and be- comes sooner dry when separated from her young, for whom she manifests the strongest affection. The Buffalo is extensively domesticated in India, Siam, China, and all the warmer countries of the East. He extends westward through Persia and Arabia to the shores of the Red Sea and the Hellespont. He spreads from Egypt along the southern coasts of the Mediterranean. He is found in Greece and the islands of the Archipelago, in Spain, Italy, Hungary, and in part of the Russian dominions in Europe. - T 3 ľ 221 In the warmer regions of the East, the Buffalo has been domesticated beyond all memorial of tradition and history. But his introduction into Europe did not take place until an era comparatively recent. He was first known to the Greeks, and then only by description, on the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. Aristotle correctly describes him as being of a black colour, and as having a strong body, and thick horns lying backward: but the Boußaλos of Aristotle, as well as the Bubalus of the early Roman writers, was of the Antelope family, and distinct from the modern Buffalo. From the period when the Buffalo of the East was first re- ferred to by the great naturalist of Greece, nearly a thousand years elapsed before he was introduced as the beast of labour into Europe. It has been supposed that the Huns and other barbarians of the East brought him with them when they migrated for settlement and conquest towards the Roman States; in which case he may be supposed to have been first introduced into Thrace and other countries of the Danube. Warnefried states that Buffaloes appeared in Italy in the year 596; and some of the earlier Monkish chroniclers refer to them with a sort of horror, as a strange kind of Oxen brought from Pagan lands. The Buffalo has been long in use in Egypt, though it does not appear that it was cultivated by the early Egyptians. Some suppose that he was not in- troduced into Egypt until after the conquests of the Saracens. The Arabian Mahommedans refuse to eat of the flesh of the Buffalo, on account, it may be believed, of his resemblance to the Hog. They have a strange tradition that the Hog and the Buffalo were the only animals which the Prophet was unable to convert to the true faith! HISTORY. Of the European countries, Italy is that in which the Buf- falo is the most largely used as the beast of labour and the assistant of the husbandman. He there forms the riches of the poor inhabitants, who feed upon his milk and flesh, and use him in all the labours of carriage and the field. He finds L 222 } THE OX. a fitting habitation in the pestilential swamps with which this beautiful country is defaced. Vast herds of them are seen grazing in the wild and swampy plains of Calabria, in the Pontine Marshes near Rome, and in other places along the shores which the deadly malaria renders nearly unfit for hu- man abode. In such cases the Buffaloes live almost in the state of nature, under the guidance of armed herdsmen, who acquire by habit a wonderful command over them. Often they are brought to Rome to be baited in the public shows by trained combatants, who exhibit surprising feats of courage and address. The Buffalo owes his general diffusion in the domesticated state to his hardiness, to his power of subsisting on coarse food, and to his great strength and fitness for labour. It becomes a question, whether it would be expedient to carry him be- yond the countries in which he is now naturalized, to others more distant, as France, Holland, and England. The ques- tion, it is believed, must be answered in the negative. The Buffalo is really the creature of the warmer countries, and his superiority over the Domestic Ox continually diminishes as we arrive at countries where the common grasses become abundant. He is in all cases, indeed, to be preferred for physical strength and endurance of labour to the Ox, but his pace is slow, and his action sluggish. In this country he cannot in any degree be compared to the Horse for the active labours of the road and farm, while the flesh would be in no demand, and the milk yielded by the cow would be too incon- siderable to be of value for the dairy. The Bubaline family likewise appears in Africa, and with such modifications of form as the peculiar physical condition of this vast continent produces in so many animal species. Although it may be the Asiatic Buffalo which has been do- mesticated in Egypt, and perhaps along the southern shores of the Mediterranean, yet it follows in no degree, that species or varieties proper to that continent have not been subdued. I 223 Bruce informs us that Buffaloes exist in great numbers in the woods of Abyssinia. Denham and Clapperton found them in the kingdom of Bornon, on the lake of Tchad, in the heart of Africa, and thence innumerable traces of them appear through all the intermediate countries to the Atlantic. Cap- tain Lyon mentions three kinds of Buffaloes which are found in great numbers in the kingdom of Fezzan; the first, an animal about the size of an Ass, with large head and horns, a reddish hide, and large bunches of hair hanging from each shoulder to the length of eighteen inches or two feet, and of a fierce disposition; the second about the size of a Cow, red in colour, slow in its motions, and having large horns; and the third a white Buffalo, lighter in shape, and more active in its motions than the others, and so shy and swift that it can rarely be obtained. Unfortunately the gallant traveller gives us no details, and probably merely speaks from common reports. The information afforded by other travellers re- garding the Buffaloes of the interior is alike defective. We merely learn that these animals abound throughout the forests of Northern and Central Africa; but of their distinc- tive characters, no information satisfactory to the naturalist has yet been afforded. HISTORY. There is one African species, however, of which we have authentic accounts, namely, the CAPE BUFFALO, the Bos Caffer of Sparrman, and admitted by that name into the cata- logues of naturalists. This formidable animal is found at the Cape, and extends to an unknown distance into the interior. He bears a distinct affinity in habits and character with the Buffalo of Asia, but is yet clearly marked by characters of his own. He is a large animal, being about five feet and a half in height at the shoulders, and nine feet long, having short muscular limbs, and a ponderous head. His horns are long, thick, and black, spreading over the whole forehead until the bases nearly touch. The root of these rugged horns, overhanging the red and piercing eyes of the animal, gives him a sullen and malignant aspect. His ears are shaggy > * 224 and pendent, and about a foot in length, and are frequently found to be jagged and rent by the sharp spines of the dense and tangled brushwood through which he forces a passage. The Hottentots believe that the animals belong to demons, and that the rents in the ears are the marks by which these super- natural beings distinguish their own cattle. The hide is thick, black, tough, and covered with wiry hairs. On the throat, and along the dewlap, is a beard of stiff hairs, and on the neck and spine a scanty mane: the tail is bare, with a tuft at its extremity. THE OX. These animals dwell in small herds in woods and thickets, though sometimes they unite in larger bodies, as of 150 or more together. They delight in moisture, passing hours in pools of water, and rolling themselves in mud. They are described by travellers as savage, treacherous, and vindic- tive. The bull, it is said, will lurk behind the covert of thickets, and rush on the unwary traveller, whose only hope of safety is to reach a tree, should one happily be near. He cannot save himself by flight, for the furious brute quickly overtakes him, throws him to the earth, tramples upon him with his feet, and crushes him to death with his knees. Nay, it is said that, after having mangled his victim, the creature retires to a distance, and then returns again and again with increased ferocity, as if to gratify, by repetition, his thirst of . vengeance. The account of the animal's lurking behind thickets is doubtless incorrect, for it is not the nature of her- bivorous animals to prey on other creatures from a desire of blood. And with respect to his treachery and cruelty, it is to be asked-which, in the eye of humanity and reason, is the most treacherous and cruel, the traveller and stranger who steals upon the lonely animal in his native haunt to shed his blood, or the victim who uses the powers which Nature has given him to protect himself from slaughter? Sparrman describes an encounter with several of these animals on the Great Fish River. The party advanced within twenty yards of one of them, when, actuated in some degree : 31 Š HISTORY. 225 by their fears, they discharged their pieces nearly at the same time. The Buffalo, who had just turned his head round as if about to assault the intruders, fell on the discharge of the pieces, but, rising again, ran to the thickest part of the wood. Supposing that the shot was mortal, the travellers, in their hurry and ignorance of the danger, followed the ani- mal into the thicket; but they found, in the sequel, that the balls had only struck him on the spine and stunned him, and been shivered to pieces on the bones. The travellers, now joined by their Hottentots, endeavoured to find out his re- treat in the vale below; but the animal, having recovered his surprise, came forth of his own accord to the skirts of the wood, and faced his assailants, who, happily for them, had the advantage of the higher ground. Three shots were in- stantly fired, and one, entering the belly, proved mortal. The Buffalo again retreated to the shelter of the vale, dyeing the ground and bushes all the way as he went with his blood. The hunters followed with the utmost caution through the thin and pervious part of the thicket. Again their victim advanced to make an attack, but one of the party, from the place where he was posted, had the fortune to lodge a shot in the lungs; yet still the wounded animal had the strength to make a circuit of 150 paces before he fell. "During his fall, and before he died," continues the narration, "he bel- lowed in a most stupendous manner, and this death-song of his inspired every one of us with joy, on account of the vic- tory we had gained: and so thoroughly steeled is frequently the human heart against the sufferings of the brute creation, that we hastened forward to enjoy the pleasure of seeing the Buffalo struggle with the pangs of death. I happened to be foremost among them, and I think it impossible for anguish, accompanied by a savage fierceness, to be painted in stronger colours than they were upon the face of this Buffalo. I was within ten steps of him when he perceived me, and, bellow- ing, raised himself suddenly again upon his legs." The tra- veller was so terrified, that, hastily firing his piece, his shot F I *** 226 missed the huge animal before him, and he precipitately fled. But it was all over with the poor Buffalo; he had made his last effort; he had left to his conquerors the happiness of having shed his blood, by means of deadly weapons, which all the vast strength and noble courage with which Nature had endowed him could not enable him to withstand; he had left them the privilege of prating of their courage, philosophy, and love of nature, and of his malignity, cruelty, and vindic- tiveness. THE OX. The same and other travellers give numerous accounts of their encounters with these strong and fearless creatures. M. Thunberg informs us, that, when travelling in Caffraria, he and his companions had just entered a wood, when they discovered a large old Buffalo, lying quite alone in a little space free from bushes. The animal no sooner observed the guide, who went first, than he rushed upon him with a dread- ful roar. The man was able to turn his horse quickly round a large tree, when the furious beast rushed upon the next of the party, and gored his horse so dreadfully in the belly, that it died soon after. The two men fled to trees, and when the furious creature rushed on towards the next of the party, a horse without a rider chanced to be in front: the Buffalo at- tacked him with such fury, that he drove his horns through the horse's breast, and out again through the very saddle. The horse was thrown to the ground with dreadful violence, and instantly died. Thunberg, coming up at the moment, found himself in the way of the enraged animal, but, from the narrowness of the path, he had no room to turn. He abandoned his horse, and took refuge in a tree. But the Buf- falo had now done: on killing the second horse, he turned suddenly about, and retreated to the covert. Some Europeans at the Cape, in chase of one of these animals, pursued him into a narrow path. He turned round, and rushed upon a man of the party, who plunged into the stream, and swam off. In an instant the Buffalo followed, and was close upon him, when the man, to save himself, 1 · 227 dived. He dipped down overhead, and the Buffalo for the mo- ment lost sight of him, and swam toward the opposite shore, three miles distant, and would have reached it, but for a shot from the gun of a ship, which chanced to be lying at a little distance. * HISTORY. The following incident is recorded in a periodical work, on the authority of a Dutch-African farmer, who had been a witness of the scene fifteen years before. "A party of boors had gone out to hunt a troop of Buffaloes, which were graz- ing in a piece of marshy ground, interspersed with groves of yellow wood and mimosa trees, on the very spot where the village of Somerset is now built. As they could not con- veniently get within shot of the game without crossing part of the valei or marsh, which did not afford a safe passage for horses, they agreed to leave their steeds in charge of their Hottentot servants, and to advance on foot, thinking that, if any of the Buffaloes should turn upon them, it would be easy to escape by retreating across the quagmire, which, though passable for man, would not support the weight of a heavy quadruped. They advanced accordingly, and, under cover of the bushes, approached the game with such advantage, that the first volley brought down three of the fattest of the herd, and so severely wounded the great bull leader, that he dropped on his knees, bellowing with pain. Thinking him mortally wounded, the foremost of the huntsmen issued from the covert, and began reloading his musket as he advanced, to give him a finishing shot. But no sooner did the infuriated animal see his foe in front of him, than he sprang up, and rushed headlong upon him. The man, throwing down his empty gun, fled towards the quagmire; but the savage beast was so close upon him that he despaired of escaping in that direc- tion, and turning suddenly round a clump of copsewood, be- gan to climb an old mimosa tree which stood at one side of it. The raging beast, however, was too quick for him. Bounding forward with a roar, which my informant (who was one of the party) described as being one of the most frightful T I do ང་ • 228 THE OX. sounds he ever heard, he caught the unfortunate man with his horns, just as he had nearly escaped his reach, and tossed him in the air with such force, that the body fell, dreadfully mangled, into a lofty cleft of the tree. The Buffalo ran round the tree once or twice, apparently looking for the man, until, weakened with loss of blood, he again sunk on his knees. The rest of the party then, recovering from their confusion, came up and despatched him, though too late to save their comrade, whose body was hanging in the tree quite dead."* These animals, fierce and cruel as they seem, do not cer- tainly seek occasions for attacking even their deadliest enemy, Man. Although in herds of great numbers together, and when they could beat their pursuers to the dust, like reeds, they invariably seek to save themselves by retreating to the nearest thickets. The females exhibit the warm attachment to their offspring which is characteristic of the whole Buba- line race, and which a beneficent Providence has imprinted in the bosoms of the rudest creatures. It is for the safety of the young and females, that the bulls seem to act as the guardians of the herd. At the season, too, of sexual desire, numbers of the bulls being expelled by their fellows from the community, wander about for a season with excited passions, and then manifest that ferocity which has been witnessed. The chase of these animals in the forests of tangled brush- wood which they frequent, is attended with much danger. Their strong hides resist the rifle ball like a target, and common balls of lead are flattened when they strike their bones. For this reason, the balls employed are of great weight, and alloyed with tin, and even then they are some- times shattered, as if they had struck a wall of steel. The Hottentots are extremely dexterous in this dangerous chase, crawling on their bellies until they reach their victims, and using, instead of their ancient weapons, the rifles and long muskets with which their rude masters have supplied * Penny Magazine, 1832. I 229 them. But the Caffres are in a peculiar degree attached to this dangerous exercise: they pursue the chase in companies; and when an individual discovers the herd, he winds a small pipe made of the thigh-bone of a Sheep, and his companions hastening to his aid, they environ the game, and pierce them with spears. The Bushmen, for the same purpose, use jave- lins and arrows dipped in poison. HISTORY. * The flesh of these animals is said to be juicy and well- flavoured. But it is chiefly for their hides that they are valued by the African hunters and the farmers of the Cape. These are so thick and tough, that they may be formed into targets, musket-proof; they are used, too, for whips, and for the straps of harness, and are said to form the only halters that can be depended upon for securing horses and oxen, when picketted in travelling, and alarmed by the stealthy approach of the Wolf, or the rustle of the Lion.* The use of fire-arms is rapidly thinning the number of these powerful creatures within the European territory of the Cape: they slowly retire to the woods of the interior, where they can be safe from the dangerous weapons of their destroyers. Nor is man their only enemy: the Wolf, the Hyæna, and other fierce creatures, are the inhabitants of the same woods ; and the Lion, it is said, steals upon and attacks them. The natives speak of having been witnesses of these murderous conflicts; and say, that wounds inflicted by Lions are often observed in the muzzles and bodies of such Buffaloes as are killed in the chase; and that the carcasses of Lions are some- times found gored by the terrible horns of the Buffalo. A question that arises is, can these wild and dangerous animals be subjected to servitude and domestication? Sparrman in- forms us, that he saw a Buffalo calf, taken soon after birth, grazing amongst the other calves of the farm, and as docile as any of the herd. He accordingly expresses his belief, that the Buffalo calves, if taken young and properly trained, might be broken to the yoke. But the animals should not only be Sparrman's Voyage. } ነ } 1 ا ما + + 230 taken young, but should be born and made to breed in the state of servitude, in order that it might be fully known what ultimate changes domestication would produce in their habits, and to what degree they could be rendered the assistants of man, instead of being, as now, the victims of his persecution. The next to be mentioned of the Bovine family is a native of India. The GAYAL or JUNGLE OX, the Bos frontalis of Lambert, inhabits the mountain forests east of the Brahma- pootra, but doubtless extends far into the dense regions of forest beyond that noble river. The precise place which this species occupies amongst the Bovide has not been sa- tisfactorily determined. He seems allied to the Bisontine and Taurine groups, and is probably to be regarded as the connecting link between them. The Jungle Ox has the head broad and flat above, and con- tracting suddenly to the muzzle. The horns are distant, thick at the base, and slightly compressed, the flat sides be- ing towards the front and rear; the ears are long, the eyes are like those of the Common Ox, the muzzle is destitute of hairs. A sharp ridge runs from the back part of the neck and top of the shoulder, along about a third part of the back, and then suddenly terminates. The sacrum has a consider- able declination to the tail, making the rump round like that of a hog. The tail descends to about the hock, is covered with short hairs, and terminates in a tuft. The prevailing colour is brown of various shades, and the legs, belly, and tip of the tail, are white. This animal has a somewhat clumsy aspect, but is yet possessed of great activity and strength. He is of the size of an ordinary Ox of this country. He does not grunt in the manner of the Yak of Tartary, but lows like the Ox of Europe, although with a shriller and softer tone. In their wild state, the Gayals seem to be entirely the inhabitants of a country of dense forest, never, of their own accord, approaching to the plains; and this habit they do not lose in the state of slavery. They delight to roam in the thickest woods; they neglect the grasses, and rather love to THE OX. : 1 HISTORY. 231 browse on shrubs and tender shoots of trees: they repair to the jungle in search of their natural food, and ruminate under the shade of trees. They have not the habit of the Yak and the Buffalo of wallowing in water, but rather, in their habits, approach to the domestic race. The female goes with young eleven months: she yields very rich milk, but neither abun- dant nor lasting: she receives the male of the common race, and the progeny, it is said, is fruitful. The Gayals are hunted by certain tribes for their flesh, but they are also reclaimed to some extent in the East. They are perfectly docile in their domestic state, and are so fleet and active, that they may be used for the saddle. Cer- tain sects in India, it is said, sacrifice this animal to their gods; but the Hindoos will not shed the blood of the Gayal; their sacred books informing them that the female of the Gayal is like the Cow, and to be held in the same veneration. The Taurine group of Bovide comprehends the DOMESTIC Ox, Bos Taurus, under its several modifications of varieties or species. Whether the various members of this group are to be regarded as species, or merely as modifications of a common stock, that is, varieties or races, depends upon the meaning which is to be assigned to these terms. The Taurine group throughout the world possesses characters of resemblance, which may allow the naturalists to regard them as a single species, just as we may so regard the various races of Dogs: but, at the same time, there are dif- ferences between the members quite as great as in other cases are employed to discriminate species. The Zebu of the East differs as much, in external characters, from the Ox of Europe, as the Ass from the Zebra; and there are subor- dinate races so divergent, that it is difficult to resist the conclusion, that the Domesticated Oxen of different parts of the world have been derived from animals so distinct in the natural state, that they may either be regarded as species, or very permanent varieties. Of the wild species of Ox, we have authentic records of > ↓ $ } ནི'' 232 THE OX. one, at least, which existed in the ancient forests of Europe, and which, we shall see, is not yet extinct. This animal was termed Urochs by the older Germans, a word which is de- rived from Ur, a root common to many languages, and signi- fying original or old, and ochs, an ox. The Greek and Ro- man writers employed the term Urus, either borrowed from the Teutonic, or derived from the same root, Ur, which entered into the composition of their own Taugos and Taurus. From the same source are derived the Shur and Tur of the Hebrew and other languages of the East; and hence, too, the Thur of the Poles, the Tyr, Tyer, Stier, Steer, in the dialects of northern Europe. We find, too, terms derived from the designation of the bull applied to the names of countries, mountains, and forests; as the Turan of Persia, the Turan of the Caucasus, the Turin of Italy, the Tours of France, the Thuringian forest, and many more. The Uri are described by Julius Cæsar as existing in the Hercynian forest, as being little short of elephants in size, and as being of the kind, colour, and figure of the bull.*. Pliny refers to them as inhabitants of Scythia and Germany, along with the Bison, adverting, at the same time, to the vulgar error of confounding the Urus with the Bubalus, which, says he, was an animal like a Stag brought from Africa. Solinus repeats the opinion of Pliny. "In the tract of the Hercynian forest, and in all the northern regions, are likewise Uri, which the ignorant vulgar term Bubali." But the great confusion which subsequently took place, was in confounding the Urus with the Bison, although the dis- tinction had been drawn by Pliny, Seneca, Pomponius, and other writers. More modern authors still more distinctly point out the difference between those animals. Thus, Lau- rentius, in his commentaries on the affairs of his own time, writes: "In Lithuania there are Bisons, Uri, and likewise Elks: those are in error who call the Bisons, Uri; for the * In Sylva Hercyniæ nascuntur qui appellantur Uri. Hi sunt magnitudine paulo infra Elephantos, specie et colore et figura Tauri.-De Bello Gallico. : L 233 Bisons differ from the Uri, which have the form of an Ox, in having manes, and long hairs about the neck, in having a beard hanging from the chin, and in smelling of musk." In an ancient poem on a hunting match near Worms, we have a distinct account of the number of Bisons, Uri, and Elks, which were respectively slain; and various chroniclers refer to the hunting of the ancient Uri in the forests of Europe. Heberstein, De Rebus Muscov., and Martin Cromer, De Situ Poloniæ, writers of the sixteenth century, describe the dis- tinction between the Bison or Zubr of the Poles, and the Thur of the same nation; and Anthony Schneibergen de- scribes the Thur as differing from the domestic race only in size and colour. Yet, in the middle ages, Albertus Magnus, and other writers, fell into the error of confounding those animals; and several German writers applied the term Urochs or Auerochs, the undoubted designation of their own Urus, to the Bison; and modern naturalists, in opposition to the testimony of the older writers, are yet found to maintain the same error.* HISTORY. * Fossil skulls have been found in various parts of Europe resembling those of the domestic races, and differing from them only in size. But these bones indicate an animal greatly surpassing in magnitude any of the modern races of cattle. They are usually about one-third or more larger in linear size, indicating an animal nearly three times the bulk of the oxen of the present time. Their remains are found in the same alluvial deposites as those of the Elephant, and other large animals which formerly inhabited Europe, prov- ing that they lived at the same era: they are found likewise in the same situa- tions as the great extinct Irish Elk, and thus seem to have survived various species with which they were associated, and even, perhaps, to have survived till within the historic era. A question, however, which has been agitated by naturalists is, Whether these huge animals are the origin of the domestic races, and may not even have been the Uri described by Cæsar? The question is one which bears less than is assumed upon the origin of the existing races. We can, by all the evidence which the question admits of, trace existing races to the ancient Uri which, long posterior to the historical era, inhabited the forests of Germany, Gaul, Britain, and other countries. It is a question involving an entirely different series of considerations, whether these Uri were themselves descended from an anterior race, surpassing them in magnitude, and inhabit- ing the globe at the same time with other extinct species. While there is nothing that can directly support this hypothesis, there is nothing certainly founded on analogy that can enable us to invalidate it. There is nothing more • 234 THE OX. The Uri of the forests of Europe seem to have rapidly decreased in numbers, with the progress of settlement and cultivation in different countries. Anthony Fitzstephen, who wrote in the latter part of the reign of Henry II., describes them as then abounding in the great forests round London. John Leslie, Bishop of Ross, who wrote in 1598, states that the Wild Ox, which he terms Bos Sylvestris, was found in the woods of Scotland; that it was of a white colour, had a thick mane resembling a lion's; that it was wild and savage, and, when irritated, rushed upon the hunters, overthrew the horses, and despised the attacks of the fiercest dogs. He says that it had formerly abounded in the Sylva Caledonia, but was then only to be found at Stirling, Cumbernauld, and Kincardine. CC Hector Boéce, in his History and Chronicles of Scotland, bears testimony to the like effect:-" At this toun" (namely Stirling), began the grit wod of Calidon. This wod of Calidon ran fra Striveling throw Menteith and Stratherne, to Atholl and Lochquabir, as Ptolome writtis in his first table. In this wod wes sum time quhit bullis, with crisp and curland mane, like feirs lionis, and thoucht thay semit meek and tame in the remanent figure of thair bodyis, thay wer mair wild than ony uthir beistis, and had sic hatrent aganis the societe and cumpany of men, that thay come nevir in the wodis, nor lesuris quhair thay fand ony feit or haind thairof, incredible in the supposition, that animals should diminish in size, with changes in the condition of the earth, than that they should be extinguished altogether, and supplanted by new species. The fossil Urus inhabited Europe when a very different condition existed with regard to temperature, the supplies of vege- table food, and the consequent development of animal forms. Why should not the Urus, under these conditions, have been a far larger animal than he subse- quently became? We know by experience the effects of food in increasing or diminishing the size of this very race of animals. The great Ox of the Lin- colnshire fens exceeds in size the little Ox of Barbary or the Highland Hills, as much as the fossil Urus exceeded the larger Oxen of Germany and England; and we cannot consider it as incredible, that an animal which inhabited Europe when Elephants found food and a climate suited to their natures, should have greatly surpassed in magnitude the same species under the present conditions of the same countries. + *ני 235 any mony dayis eftir, thay eit nocht of the herbis that wer twichit or handillit be men. Thir bullis wer sa wild, that thay wer nevir tane but slight and crafty laubour, and sa impacient that, eftir thair taking, they deit for importable doloure. Alse sone as ony man invadit thir bullis, they ruschit with so terrible preis on him, that they dang him to the eird, takand na feir of houndis, scharp lancis, nor uthir maist penitrive wapinnis." "And thoucht thir bullis wer bred in sindry boundis of the Calidon Wod, now, be conti- wal hunting and lust of insolent men, thay are distroyit in all partis of Scotland, and nane of thaim left bot allanerlie in Cumarnald." * 等 ​HISTORY. In this their last retreat, they were subjected to persecu- tion: In a remarkable document written in 1570-71, the writer, describing the aggressions of the King's party, com- plains of the destruction of the Deer in the forest of Cum- bernauld, “and the quhit ky and bullis of the said forrest, to the gryt destructione of polecie, and hinder of the common- weill. For that kynd of ky and bullis he bein kepit thir money zeiris in the said forrest, and the like was not man- tenit in ony vther partis of the Ile of Albion."† Thus were the Uri of the Scottish forests driven from the woods which they inhabited, destroyed, or made captive. Part, indeed, had been preserved in some of the parks at- tached to the religious houses, their flesh being more esteemed than that of "their awin tame bestial." But, with the de- struction of the Ancient Establishments, the oxen were dispersed, destroyed, or mingled with the common races. In a few places only they seem to have been preserved without intermixture,-chiefly in the Parks of the Dukes of Queensberry at Drumlanrig, and of the Dukes of Ha- milton, called the Chace of Cadzow. Those at Drumlanrig were, many years ago, destroyed by an order of the late - * History and Chronicles of Scotland, by Hector Boece, translated by John Ballenden. † Illustrations of Scottish History, preserved from Manuscripts, by Sir John Graham Dalyell, Bart. 1 1 E } * 236 Duke of Queensberry: those at the noble park of Hamilton are yet in existence, preserved with care. They have lost the thick mane ascribed to them by the early writers, and the females have generally become destitute of horns; but all their other characters shew them indubitably to be the descendants of the ancient race. They are of the size of the cattle of the West Highlands: they are of a dun white colour; and the muzzle, the inside of the ears, the tongue, and the hoofs, are black. They are very wild, and cautious of being approached; and when suddenly come upon, they scamper off, turn round as if to examine the intruder, and generally gallop in circles, as if meditating an attack. They are not, however, vicious, though some of the bulls have manifested the savage and dogged temper of their race. Some persons have been pursued to trees. One poor bird-catcher, we are informed by Mr Patrick, when exercising his trade in the forest, was attacked by a savage bull: he had time to save himself by climbing up a tree; and he had there an opportu- nity of observing the habits of his assailant. The furious creature seemed to quiver with rage, and frequently attacked the tree with his head and hoofs. Finding his efforts vain, he left off the attempt, and began to browse at some distance. The prisoner then tried to descend, that he might make his escape; but the watchful brute was at his post in an instant, and the poor man was not relieved until after many hours, on assistance arriving. Another individual was attacked on a summer evening: he was fortunate in reaching a tree, but was watched by the implacable brute throughout the whole night, and until late on the following day. These examples are remarkable, shewing, in the Wild Ox, that savage, per- tinacious, and implacable temper, which we know some others of the Bovine family display in their state of nature. The females conceal their calves amongst thickets or long grass, returning to them cautiously twice or thrice in the day, to suckle them. The little creatures exhibit the instincts of their race: when suddenly approached, they manifest extreme trepidation, throwing their ears close back upon their necks, THE OX. 1 ர * 237 G and squatting upon the ground. The only method of killing the older animals is by shooting them. When the keepers ap- proach for that purpose, the poor creatures seem to be aware of their danger: they gallop away with speed in a dense mass, preserving, we are informed, a profound silence, and keeping close by the coverts and fences: the cows, in the mean time, that have calves forsake the herd, and repair to the places where their young are concealed, in order to defend them. The remains of the same remarkable race are to be found in several parks in England, differing only from those de- scribed in so far as differences of situation may be supposed to have affected their characters. Of these, the most re- markable are those kept in the ancient park of Chillingham, the property of the Earl of Tankerville. These appear to have remained the nearest in their characters to the original race. The herd at present amounts to about eighty in num- ber, consisting of about twenty-five bulls, forty cows, and fifteen steers. The eye-lashes and tips of the horns are black, the muzzle is brown, the inside and a portion of the external part of the ears are reddish-brown, and all the rest of the animal is white. The bulls have merely the rudiments of manes, consisting of a ridge of coarse hairs upon the neck. The bulls fight for supremacy, and the vanquished submit to the law of superior strength. They are very shy and wild, and start off on the approach of danger; and, when they threaten an attack, they make circles around the object, ap- proaching nearer at each time. Lord Tankerville describes their method of retreat, which is eminently characteristic of their wild habits. Like the Red Deer, they place the in- equalities of the ground between them and their pursuers : they set off in a kind of walk, which increases to a trot, and then, having got the ground between them and the object, they retreat at a gallop, availing themselves of the inequali- ties of the ground in such a manner, that they will traverse the whole park almost without being seen. The females conceal their young, returning to suckle them several times HISTORY. · r 2 } 1 WIP 1 238 THE OX. a-day. The calves have the instinctive wildness of the parents, couching on the ground like fawns, when surprised. It is said that, when one of the herd is wounded, or disabled from age, the rest will set upon and destroy it; a trait com- mon to other ruminants,-to the Deer, and even to the Sheep, in its wildest and rudest state. These animals can be all readily domesticated. When taken young, and treated in the manner of the common oxen, they assume entirely the habits of the domestic race. One circumstance common to both the herds of Wild Oxen referred to, is the tendency of the young to deviate from the marking," as it is termed, of the parents; that is, to be- come altogether black, or altogether white, or to have black ears in place of red ears, and so on: these animals are de- stroyed, and, therefore, the interesting part of the experi- ment is interrupted, of shewing what characters they would assume, were they to be left in the natural state. Nothing is better known to breeders than that, by such means, all the characters of colour can be produced in any breed; thus the North Devon can be kept all red, the Pembroke all black, and so on; and this is done from generation to generation, by the course pursued in the case of these wild herds. The other parks of England in which the remains of this race have been, or are yet, preserved, are at Chartley, in Staffordshire, at Wollaton in Nottinghamshire, at Gisburne in Craven, at Limehall in Cheshire, at Ribbesdale in York- shire, and at Burton Constable in Yorkshire. The wild cattle at Chartley Park, the property of Lord Ferrers, resemble those at Chillingham, but they are of larger size, and have the muzzles and ears black. They frequently tend to become entirely black; and a singular superstition prevails in the vicinity, that, when a black calf is born, some calamity impends over the noble house of Ferrers. All the black calves are destroyed; and thus, as in other cases, we are unable to know what ultimate character of colour the race would assume. This park is a very ancient one: it belonged CC • I 1 or • 239 to Devereux, Earl of Essex, and the cattle have existed in it from time immemorial. HISTORY. Those which are kept at Ribbesdale are destitute of horns. The breed at Burton Constable, situated in the district of Holderness, perished all in the course of the last century, of an epidemic disorder. They were of large size,-a conse- quence of the richness of the pasture in which they fed. They had the ears, muzzle, and tip of the tail, black. Other herds of this race appear to have existed in different parts of England, but they have merged in the common breeds of the country, and the records of them have been lost. Fortunately, however, for the inquiries of the natu- ralist, the same animals are yet to be found in that part of the kingdom where we naturally should look for the exist- ence of an indigenous race of cattle, namely, Wales, under such circumstances as to set at rest the questions that have been agitated regarding the relation which exists between them and the domestic race. The ancient Britons, it is known, when their country was overwhelmed by the Roman power, made a brave defence in the mountains beyond the Severn, preserving their flocks and herds, in all times the cherished possession of the Celtic nations. Although overrun for a season by the Roman legions, they defended themselves against the Saxon nations with determined courage, and only yielded at length, at a long posterior period, to the English power, when it became too strong to be resisted; and even then they retained their customs, their language, and their national feelings. It is here, as in the countries beyond the Grampians, that we must look for the older races of the domestic oxen of the country. It appears from various notices, that a race of cattle, similar to that which we now find at Chillingham Park and elsewhere, existed in Wales in the 10th century. Howell Dha, surnamed the Good, describes certain cattle of Wales as being white, and having red ears. At a subseqent period, we are informed that, as a compensation for offences com- 3 ( 240 mitted against certain Princes of Wales, there were de- manded 100 white cows with red ears; but that, if the cattle were of a black colour, 150 were to be given. When the Princes of Wales were compelled to render homage to the Kings of England, the same kinds of cattle, we are in- formed, were sometimes rendered in acknowledgment of the sovereignty. In an old history of Flanders, quoted by Holin- shed, it is stated that the lady of the Lord de Breuse, in order to appease King John, whom she and her husband had mortally offended, sent to the Queen a present of 400 kine and one bull, all of white colour except the ears, which were red. The individuals of this race yet existing in Wales are found chiefly in the county of Pembroke, where they have been kept by some individuals perfectly pure, as a part of their regular farm-stock. Until a period comparatively recent, they were very numerous; and persons are yet living in the county of Pembroke, who remember when they were driven in droves to the pastures of the Severn, and the neigh- bouring markets. Their whole essential characters are the same as those at Chillingham and Chartley Park, and else- where. Their horns are white, tipped with black, and ex- tended and turned upwards in the manner distinctive of the wild breed. The inside of the ears and the muzzle are black, and their feet are black to the fetlock joint. Their skin is unctuous, and of a deep-toned yellow colour. Individuals of this race are sometimes born entirely black, and then they are not to be distinguished from the common cattle of the moun- tains. THE OX. The same race has been found in several parts of the Continent of Europe. In Italy a few herds have been pre- served. In the North of Sweden, the race can yet be dis- tinguished amongst the reclaimed cattle of the country. In the defiles of the Pyrenees, they have been observed by English sportsmen, altogether wild, and marked in the same manner as the cattle of the parks, and in no respect to be distinguished from them. 6 5 3 HISTORY. 241 The peculiar colour and marking which this race assumes and retains in the English parks, has been supposed by some to indicate a distinction of species. But colour, as is well known to naturalists, is one of the external characters of ani- mals the least to be regarded as indicative of specific dis- tinctions; and, in the case of these oxen, it has been seen that the character itself is not constant. It may seem remark- able that these animals, in their wild state, should be all white, with coloured muzzles and ears; but this is not more remarkable than that Boars, in the wild state, should be brown, or Turkeys in the wild state black, with white tips to their wings. The colour, we may suppose, is that which the animals tended to assume in a wooded country in the climate of Albion. Under other conditions of tempera- ture and food, the colour of the same variety might become black, with a peculiar marking equally constant. An ancient writer, speaking of Uri in the woods of Poland, describes them as black, with a white streak along the chine. In the North Highlands of Scotland, the prevailing colour of the cattle is black: but sometimes individuals are born white, with coloured ears and muzzle, so nearly resembling the Wild Cattle of the parks, that they would be mistaken for them. The habits of the wild race have been supposed to present an impassable distinction between it and the tame; but this difference assuredly does not constitute a distinction of species. It is known that the instincts and habits of animals are suited to the condition in which they are placed, and change with that condition. The Wild Hog, a bold and powerful creature in his state of liberty, is no sooner submitted to domestica- tion, than his habits adapt themselves to his new condition, and he communicates to his offspring all the habits which fit them for a state of slavery; and so it is with other animals subjected to domestication. The Wild Oxen of the parks, breeding solely with one another, and living, in so far as their confined condition will allow, in the natural Q • 1 L 1 7 1 } 242 state, retain the habits and instincts proper to them in that condition, and communicate these to their young. Hence the young calves couch themselves on the ground, and tremble when approached; but these characters disappear in the next generation, when the animals are domesticated: hence the mothers conceal their calves, and return to suckle them at stated times; but the same thing has been observed in the case of cows of the Scotch mountains, when left in a state of liberty. All the habits of these animals, in short, includ- ing that of goring to death their wounded companions, are those of the wild'state, and disappear when they are reclaimed. Thus we have all the evidence which the question admits of, that no real distinction exists between the Wild Oxen of the parks, and those which have for ages been subjected to domestication in the same country; and that these Wild Oxen are no other than the Uri of the ancient forests of Eu- rope. That the wild of the Bos Taurus inhabited, in like manner, the woods of Western Asia, may, from analogy, be inferred. The Scriptures speak of Wild Oxen, as distin- guished from those that are tame; and the Arabian poets abound with allusions to the hunting of the Wild Bull, but do not afford data for determining whether this was the Urus, the Bison, or any other species. The Ox has been domesticated from the earliest records of human society, and may be deemed to have been an in- strument, under Providence, for leading men from the savage state. Although endowed with vast physical powers, his instinct leads him to yield up his faculties to the service of man, by assisting him in bearing burdens, and tilling the earth; and in every age his patient docility has been applied to these ends. The wealth of the first people was their flocks and herds: "And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold; and he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Hai, unto the place of the THE OX. I HISTORY. ! 243 altar which he had made there at the first; and there Abram called on the name of the Lord; and Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents." And in the case of all the early nations of which we read, the Ox was amongst the valued possessions of the people. He was a me- dium of traffic, and his image came at length to be stamped upon the metals used as money. His flesh was usually per- mitted to be eaten, though, in certain cases, the use of it was limited, or altogether forbidden, as when he was em- ployed in labour, or when his numbers were few, as in the earlier stages of societies. The Hindoos were forbidden to shed his blood at all; the Egyptians were only permitted to do so at sacrifices; and other nations were compelled to equal abstinence. The Jews were suffered to partake of his flesh freely, on the condition, simply, that the firstling of the herd should be dedicated to the Lord, and that no part of the blood should be tasted; but the Jews were naturally abste- mious in the use of animal food, and such of the calves as were not killed, were mostly brought up for the purposes of labour, or the yielding of milk. History, sacred and profane, evinces to us in what estima- tion this gift of Providence has been held in every age. The Bull became one of the signs of the Zodiac in the earliest period of nations. He formed an object of adoration to people of the East, as he yet does to their descendants, after the lapse of an unknown period. The Egyptians made him the subject of a preposterous worship, as did the Lybians and other ancient nations; and he entered largely into the my- thological systems of Greece and Rome. Independently, too, of religious feeling, a certain respect was manifested towards the Ox, on account of the services he rendered. The precept of the Jewish law, "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn," which likewise is a precept of the Hindoo law, was an observance founded on tenderness towards the animal, as well as an expression of thankfulness at this the crowning labour of the har- ་ • 1 à 244 vest. The rustic writers of the Romans, in their lessons on the treatment of the labouring Ox, shew how much of real humanity entered into their feelings regarding this ancient and docile assistant of the husbandman. They direct that the length of the furrow shall not exceed 120 paces, or else that the oxen shall have a time for breath- ing allowed them before they are urged to renewed efforts. The ploughman is required to shift the yoke, that their backs may not be galled,-to moisten their mouths with water, and to strengthen them with wine when they are suffering from fatigue. Even the safeguard of the laws was thrown around these humble servants of the farm. To destroy them wantonly was a public crime. A Roman citizen, we are informed by Pliny, was condemned to exile, because he had killed his labouring ox, to gratify the appetite of a capricious boy; and other examples are on record, to testify how greatly the useful services of the Ox were valued. The Celtic na- tions of Europe seem to have possessed somewhat of the same sentiments, mixed with religious feelings. Even to our own day, certain superstitious remembrances are attached to the Red Cow, whose milk is believed to be a charm for certain ailments. THE OX. The Ox contributes to human support, by other means than his strength employed in labour, or his body rendered to us when dead. The female yields her milk in quantity not only sufficient to rear her own offspring, but to afford a salutary food to her protectors. She gives it with a facility and in an abundance unknown in the case of any other animal. While most of the mammalia will refuse to yield their milk unless their young be suffered to partake of it, the Cow gives it beyond the period of maternal solicitude as freely as when her young is before her eyes. She is every where docile, patient, and gentle. She remains quiescent with the herd, or shares with humbleness her portion of the shed which is their common shelter. She obeys the commands of her keeper, and recognises the milkmaid's voice. 1 1 245 He scarcely While the female is thus gentle and humble, the bull re- tains much of the natural fierceness of his race. fears an enemy, and is easily excited to rage. He can be reduced to subjection by the effects of discipline, and made to assist in all the labours of the field; but yet his passions are often suddenly excited, and his great strength may be dangerously exerted. But, by depriving him of his virile powers, all the native ferocity of his race disappears, and he becomes as submissive as the heifer. It is then that he gives us the benefit of his vast strength, exempt from the danger of his natural temperament, bending his neck to patient toil, and grazing with content in his allotted pastures. We are apt to associate with the character of this useful creature, ideas of apathy, and want of intelligence. But the brain of the Ox is larger than that of the Horse; and, though he is far inferior to that noble creature in spirit and grace, it is questionable if he falls short of him in sagacity. The bull has been known to charge himself with the guardianship of the herd, to keep them from wandering into forbidden pastures, and to protect from intruders their allotted bound- aries. When beasts of prey approach, he is at the post of danger, marshalling the herd into a phalanx, and placing the young in the centre and rear. When the season of sexual desire arrives, fierce combats ensue between the rival Bulls. Their eyes sparkle with rage, and they rush upon one another with desperate force. But their fury is given, not for the purpose of mutual destruction, but for an end connected with the preservation of the health and vigour of the race. It is necessary that the strongest males should propagate the race, to preserve it from feebleness and degeneracy. They contend with the powerful strength and arms with which Nature has supplied them, for the mas- tery of the herd. But they do not seek to shed each other's blood. The vanquished yield to the law of superior strength, and the most powerful assumes his fitting place. In the vast plains of South America, where the emanci- f HISTORY. I $ | F - ¿ 246 pated herds have regained a certain degree of natural liberty, travellers have observed that, when a bullock has been slain for food, the herd surround the murderers of their comrade, and express, by loud cries and groans, their sympathy and sorrow, while tears have seemed to roll from their eyes. They cannot know why the blood of their fellow should be shed, and his body mangled; but they shew that nature has not rendered them insensible to the sufferings of their comrades. When the Ox is merely a beast to be fattened and destroy- ed,-when he neither shares the toils of his master, nor par- ticipates in his regards,-when his instincts have been blunt- ed, without instruction having been supplied, he does indeed seem to become the stupid and insensible brute which we hold him to be. What need has he of intelligence in order that he may be tied to the stall, or driven to his pasture, and back again to the slaughter-house? Nature is sparing of her mental gifts, giving to each creature that which fits it for its condition. What, to the victim of our gluttony and avarice, destined to unnatural repletion at the stall that he may be fattened in the shortest time, and doomed to die a cruel death, would avail the gifts of consciousness of danger, doci- lity, and the knowledge of what is good for him? His brief life would be the more embittered, and the bounties of Na- ture would be a cruel present. But let us look at those wild Oxen which have never been reduced to slavery, as the Uri of our parks, or the European Oxen, which, in the fertile wil- derness of the New World, have regained their liberty, and we shall find a creature altogether different from the stupid and insensible slave whom we have degraded. We shall find him wary of danger, resolute in his defence against the beasts of prey, agile and swift, and calling into action all his instincts for his own defence, and braving death that he may protect the feeble of his herd. Nay, let us regard him, even in his enslaved condition, but when human reason has aided him with a ray of light, and we shall see him become almost as docile as a dog, guarding the property of his master, nay, so THE OX. · " L - * 247 far departing from his natural habits, as to mingle, for his master's sake, in scenes of strife and bloodshed. HISTORY. In the vast regions of Southern Africa, peopled by tribes of warriors and herdsmen, cattle abound and multiply, and form the wealth of the little communities. The simple and patient Hottentots, while yet they had a country which they could call their own, were rich in this kind of possession; and even yet, after generations of servitude, retain the habits and feelings of their nomadic state. The tending of cattle is still the favourite employment of their lives. They know the individuals of the herd, and address them by their names. They had their backleys, or trained oxen, of which each kraal had at least six: they were selected from those which seemed the most capable of receiving instruction, and when one died or became unserviceable from age, another was chosen with due solemnity by the elders of the tribe to supply its room. They were taught to become the guardians of the flocks and herds of the little community; and they kept watch against the attacks of beasts of prey. The Hyæna, we are told, however hungry, would not venture to attack a flock guarded by two or three of these courageous creatures, which, when in sufficient numbers, would even make head against the Lion in defence of their charge. They kept watch against the robbers of other tribes. They knew all the inhabitants of the kraal, men, women, and children, and manifested towards them the same respect which a dog displays to those who live in the house of his master. Whilst, therefore, there was no inhabitant of the kraal who might not with safety have approached the flocks, yet, should a stranger have attempted to do so, and especially a European, without being accompanied by a Hot- tentot, he would have been in great danger: the backleys would have come upon him at speed, and, unless he had fire- arms to defend himself, or had the means of escape to a tree, or was within reach of the shepherds, he would surely have been killed.* Not only were these backleys employed to be * Kolben, vol. i. 1 р I [ 7 2 F Į I # " ļ "T page * T Insula THE OX. יו 248 the guides and protectors of the common flock, but others were trained for the purposes of war. Even still, these war- oxen are used by the Caffres and independent tribes of the in- terior. They are taught to share the fierce passions of their masters; to rush upon the opposing ranks, trample the men under their feet, and gore them with their horns.* Nothing seems more unlike the dull and apathetic tem- perament of the Ox than a love of distinction; yet that a feel- ing akin to this may exist, appears from a curious fact fre- quently mentioned. In the mountains of Switzerland, where a beautiful race of cows is reared, it is the practice to attach bells to the most trusty of the cows, that the sound may keep the herd together, and direct the herdsman to the place where they are pasturing. These cows are the pride of the cowkeeper: he has various sets of these bells, and on cer- tain occasions, the favourite cow has the finest and largest bell assigned to her, and the gayest trappings: the others have inferior bells, and less ornamented collars, in a gra- dation downwards to those to which no distinction is awarded. To deprive the cows of their wonted ornaments is to inflict upon them a punishment which they grievously feel, mani- festing their sense of humiliation by piteous lowings. On gala days, a kind of procession takes place; the herdsman is in the van, and next in order comes the favourite cow, lead- ing the herd, ornamented with her tinkling bells, and gay apparel. Should another, from any cause, be made to take her place, she manifests her vexation by continued lowing, abstains from food, and attacks with fury the rival that has gained her honours. A certain cow, M. Latrobe informs us, who had long borne the badge of distinction, had just given birth to a calf, and was reckoned too feeble to bear her usual post in the honours of the day, and even the ordinary bell was thought to be too heavy for her. The gay procession moved on, but the poor cow that had been stripped of her accus- tomed honours did not share in the general joy: after a few * Le Vaillant, vol. ii. T I * 3 249 steps she faltered in her pace: the attendants tried to coax her on, but in vain: she stopped, and at length lay down as if to die. An old herdsman soon divined the cause: he brought from the house a bell and collar, such as she had been used to bear: she no sooner felt the well-known appen- dage at her neck than she rose from the ground, bounded gaily, as if in possession of her usual health, and, taking her place in the van, was, from that moment, as well as ever. It is known, that a practice of the mountain peasants of Switzerland, is to collect the herds by sounding a long wooden pipe, whose deep and simple tones, mellowed by distance, delight the ear. No sooner does the well-known sound reach the herd, than they all obey the signal, and hasten to the place of rendezvous. Should one, from any cause, as from falls or weakness, be unable to keep pace with her fellows, she utters loud and painful lowings, as if calling for assist- ance, and testifying that it is want of power, and not of will, that makes her linger behind her comrades. The simple tones of the herdsman's pipe form the well-known air of the Ranz de Vaches, which is known to thrill like a charm to the heart of the mountain Swiss, when distant from his beloved land. HISTORY. Such is the creature which reason and conscience teach us to treat with humanity and justice. It is painful to say that it is too often made the victim of wanton cruelty. Who has not heard of those barbarous sports which are yet practised in the southern countries of Europe, where the bull, brought into the arena, is roused to phrensy, and put to a cruel death? The bull-fights of Spain and Italy are yet the de- light of all conditions of people in those countries, and afford the evidence of the power of habit to blunt the most natural feelings, and reconcile us to the most revolting spectacles. Throughout the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal are ex- tensive forests, in which large herds of cattle find support, almost in a state of natural wildness. It is from these herds that the fiercest and strongest bulls are obtained, by a kind I ❤ 1 I í 250 of hunting, nearly as dangerous as the subsequent combat in which the victims are to engage. The country people, from great distances, assemble, mounted on horseback as best they can, and armed with long staves, terminated by long spikes. Lines being formed, they surround the herd, and endeavour to separate the bulls. This they do by galloping to a bull, and goading him with their spikes; the animal, enraged, turns upon his assailant, and pursues him; but another horseman attacking him in a similar manner, the animal turns upon his new enemy, who is in like manner relieved, and so on, until at length the bull, tired out and bewildered, is separated from his fellows. A sufficient number having been treated in this manner, they are hemmed in by the armed horsemen, and goaded forward to the town or place where the future combat is to take place.* THE OX. The fights of the Circus itself have been described by all travellers who have visited these beautiful countries. The bull, admitted into the arena, is received with the shouts of the assembled spectators. Bewildered and amazed, he rushes forward, but is at once confronted by the Picadore on foot, armed with short darts. The animal rushes wildly on his opponent, who, with matchless dexterity and grace, avoids the onset, and plants his short darts in the neck and body of the victim. Bellowing with rage and pain, the wounded ani- mal gallops round the slaughter-house, and is confronted by other Picadores with the like success, until the spectators, satiated, permit him to be relieved from persecution, or direct him to be slain. But, in other cases, armed horsemen enter the lists, and attack the bull with lances. In this manner, the youthful cavaliers display, to the best advantage, their courage and address. But this sport is more dangerous and bloody than the other, for often one or more horses are mor- tally wounded, while shouts and screams of joy attest the delight of the spectators. In modern Rome, the same sports * Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Menageries. 4 I HISTORY. 251 are practised, though with somewhat less of inhumanity than in Spain. The bulls are of the fine race of the Campagna di Roma, which are of larger size than those of Spain. They are cruelly baited, but never put to death, though the less manly practice is sometimes adopted of setting upon them with large dogs, chiefly of the Corsican breed, which pin the bulls by the ears and lips. The dogs, however, are often the victims, the infuriated bulls catching them with their long horns, tossing them in the air, and goring them to death. The Ox, in certain cases, regains his liberty, and multi- plies in the natural state. Thus, in the forests of Spain and Portugal, emancipated oxen, it has been said, are numerous. They have become more wild, swift, and wary, but have not deviated from the external characters of the subdued race. When taken, and reduced to captivity, they soon reassume the general habits of the domesticated breeds. In Italy, great numbers of cattle may be said to be nearly wild: they are the inhabitants of those flat and pestilential tracts which stretch between the Appenines and the sea, from Naples, northward, including the well-known Campagna di Roma. To this dreary tract is applied the general term Maremma, which, during a period of the year, is the abode of pestilence and death, and is thinly strewed with inhabitants, the vic- tims of terrible diseases. The cattle are under the charge of armed herdsmen, who, when the animals are to be taken to the towns, pursue them on horseback, fasten them to one another by the horns, and goad them onward with their long spears. But it is in the fertile plains of South America, that the phe- nomenon presents itself, on the grandest scale, of the escape of oxen from captivity, and of their multiplication in the state of nature. The origin of those amazing herds which cover the plains of Paraguay, Buenos Ayres, and other noble provinces, is traced, by Spanish writers, to the arrival, by the way of Brazil, of seven cows and a bull from Andalusia, at 1 252 the city of Assumption, on the Paraguay, in the year 1556. The owner of these animals having driven them overland to the Great Rio Grange or Parāna, constructed a rude raft, and entrusted them to the care of one Gaete, who descended the Parāna, and then, ascending the Paraguay, landed his precious charge at the city of Assumption. As his re- compense for many months of toil and danger, Gaete re- ceived one cow, which gave rise to the saying, common in these provinces, that a thing is as dear as Gaete's cow. Whether all the vast herds of South America are derived from this humble source, may be questioned. But however this be, it is certain that the cattle of Europe soon multi- plied amazingly, found their way to the woods and rich Pampas, where they increased in the state of liberty, and now extend in countless multitudes from the southern boundary of Buenos Ayres, to far within the tropics to the north, stretching, in many cases, from the Atlantic to the Cordilleras. They are found in the Brazilian as well as in the Spanish provinces, in the wild as well as in a domesti- cated state, and have extended beyond the Andes into the beautiful countries on the Pacific, where they are reared in the state of domestication. But it is in the more temperate parts of Paraguay, and the countries of the Rio de la Plata, extending westward, that their numbers have become the greatest, and that those marvellous herds of them are to be beheld, which have escaped entirely from the dominion of man, and fly from his presence like beasts of chase. They migrate in search of fresh pastures with the changes of the season, the strongest of the bulls assuming the guidance of the herd. They have deviated little from the Andalusian type, except that they have assumed a greater uniformity of colour, and that the bulls exhibit less of ferocity and bold- ness, as is common with other animals naturalized in Ame- rica. Their colour is a blackish-brown; their size is nearly the same as in the original race, exceeding it in the more temperate countries, and falling short of it in the warmer. The THE OX. • * 253 power of the female to yield milk constantly diminishes with the heat of the climate, until, at the tropics, it does not amount to one-third of the ordinary quantity. They are reclaimed with such facility, that the wildest herds may be domesticated in a month. They are hunted for their hides by people of the country, or Gauchos, who pursue them on horseback at speed, forming two lines, meeting at an angle in the rear. The person who is behind at the angle or meet- ing of the lines, is armed with a sharp instrument, of a cres- cent-shape, fixed to a long handle. With this he hamstrings the oxen as he comes up to them, the party all the time con- tinuing the pursuit. When a sufficient number have been maimed, and left on the ground, the party returns, the prin- cipal hunter piercing the prostrate oxen with a spear, and others instantly dismounting, and stripping off the hide: the carcasses are left as of no value, to be devoured by vultures and other beasts of prey. Those cattle which are in a semi-domesticated state, and are the property of individuals, are kept in large herds. They are under the charge of a superintendent with several assist- ants, whose province it is to prevent them from straying, to protect them from the Jaguars, and other beasts of prey, and to catch those which are to be slaughtered. They are caught by means of the well-known Lazo, which incessant practice teaches those wild people to throw with match- less dexterity. It consists of a plaited thong of hides, forty or fifty feet in length, with a noose and iron-ring at one end. Swinging the noose end round and round with the right arm, the other end being coiled over the left arm, and fixed to the saddle girth, they throw their singular missile, themselves all the while at speed, and entangle the victim by the horns, the neck, or by one or both legs, as may be wished, and in an instant hurl him to the ground. One superintendent, with four assistants, is reckoned sufficient for the tendence of from 4000 to 5000 head of cattle, often extending over a space of eighteen square miles of country; and this esta- HISTORY. народ 1 254 THE OX. blishment, according to Azara, requires about 70 horses, the Gauchos almost living on horseback. Individual proprietors have often enormous herds, some, according to Spix, as many as 40,000 head. In Paraguay, the practice is to drive the cattle once a-week, or oftener, to an elevated circuit, termed the Rodeo; in other cases this is only done once a-year, when the bulls are emasculated, generally at the age of two years, and the cattle branded with the owners' mark. These animals do not differ in appearance from those that are entirely wild. But, besides these wilder herds, it is common for the owners to keep a number of tame cattle, which are used for draught, or for yielding milk, which is partly made into cheese. But so little do the people of the country understand the making of butter, that the Emperor of the Brazils, in possession of the finest herds in the world, used to obtain the butter for his own use from Ireland, after a voyage of several months. The flesh of these tame cattle is preferred to that of the wild. They are kept in enclosures during the night, and permitted to pasture, during the day, in the meadows and adjoining plains. From these herds of cattle are derived those enormous supplies of skins which form the chief export of the countries of the Rio de la Plata and the interior. Azara informs us, that, in 1796, the export of hides from Buenos Ayres and Monte Video alone was from 800,000 to a million annually; but, to form an idea of the magnitude of the continued car- nage of those noble herds, we must consider the vast and pro- digal consumption of the interior, where no value is set upon the lives of animals so bounteously supplied. They afford the only animal food of the settled inhabitants, who use it with a waste that exceeds belief, selecting the favourite parts, and leaving the rest in the wilderness. The animals, too, are killed in multitudes by the Indians, who plunder them from the farms, or pursue them in mere wantonness. Further, the mortality amongst them is excessive, from the attacks of wild beasts, the torments of venomous insects, which pursue + - 3. 1 255 them in clouds, and the effects of the barbarous treatment of their wild keepers. The time, indeed, The time, indeed, it may be believed, will come when those rich and beautiful lands, so blessed by the bounties of Nature, so cursed by the ignorance of man, in place of yielding ship-loads of hides, will support an in- dustrious population capable of appreciating and using the natural gifts of their country. The Ox has thus found a new habitat more suitable for the increase of his numbers, than in the most fertile plains of Asia and Europe. He has also been carried to North America and its islands, wherever the settlements of Europeans are found, and equally adapts himself to these situations as to those which are nearer to his native climes. In the United States, he is cultivated with considerable care, and has the same useful characters communicated to him by artificial treatment, and the selecting of the parent stock, as in the countries of Europe, where attention has been paid to the development of his properties. But in the warmer regions of Eastern Asia, the Ox appears with such distinct form and characters, as to leave the na- turalist in doubt whether he ought to be regarded as a dis- tinct species, rather than as a variety or race. He is gene- rally termed the Zebu, from an Indian name; and though he differs greatly in size in different localities, he presents every where the same general character which ancient figures shew him to have possessed from the earliest times. HISTORY. The Indian Ox has a flatter and more oblique forehead than the Ox of western Asia and Europe; his horns are more straight, short, and directed backwards; his ears are very long, and pendent. He is furnished with a large fleshy lump upon the shoulders, his haunch is very round, like that of the Gayal, and his limbs are slender and graceful. His skin is soft, and he is furnished with a large dewlap hanging down in folds. In his general form, he approaches more to the larger Antelopes than the Ox of the West. The Zebu is found throughout the whole of Hindostan, and • 4 1 J 256 THE OX. L stretches all eastward through China, to Japan, and other islands of the East. He gradually diminishes in numbers beyond the Indus to the west, and in Persia gives entire place to the common races. He is found, however, in Ara- bia, having been probably carried thither from India. An animal similar with respect to the possession of a dorsal hump, but probably of African descent, is numerous in Abys- sinia and Upper Egypt, extending along the eastern coasts of Africa to the Island of Madagascar and the country of the Caffres, and westwards from Abyssinia to the Niger. He was found in Syria before the Christian era, Aristotle distinctly mentioning the humped oxen of Syria. It has been observed as remarkable, that the Grecian sculptors gave a dewlap to their oxen somewhat like that of Eastern countries. No conclusion can be founded on this concidence, with respect to the existence of this race in Greece. The description and sculptures of the Greeks exhibit the common, and not the Indian form. Dewlaps are largely developed in all races of Oxen which approach the natural state; and in copying the wilder bulls of their own country, the sculptors of Greece had sufficient examples of the graceful dewlap to guide them in their ideal representations. In the figures of the Zodiac by the Egyptians and Greeks, the form of the bull is always that of the common races, and never of the Indian animal. On the other hand, on the most ancient monuments of the East, as those of Elephanta, all the memorials of whose origin are hidden in the obscurity of the past, the representations of the Ox always exhibit the Zebu form. From the remotest anti- quity, therefore, the form of the Indian Zebu has remained unchanged. Nay, some have believed that the Zebu is the original type of the Ox, that the warmer regions of the East are the native country of the race, and that it is only as he is removed from these that he assumes the ordinary form. It is more natural to believe that the Indian Ox is distinct in the natural state. The Zebu differs greatly in size in different parts of Hin- 10 HISTORY. 257 dostan, and other countries of the East. Like many species, he dwindles towards the countries of the Pacific, so that in Corea and the Islands of Japan he is little larger than a Hog, shewing that these countries are at the limits of the natural habitat of the species. The finest breeds of the Eastern Zebu are produced in the northern provinces of India. There they are tall and graceful animals, surpass- ing in the power of active motion any of the races of Oxen with which we are conversant in Europe. They are used for the saddle, for chariots, for the bearing of burdens, for common draught, and all the labours of the field. They accompany the predatory armies of Indian nations in thou- sands, carrying the materials of war. They are used in state processions by the Princes of India. They are guided by a cord passed through the septum of the nose, to which are attached the bridle-reins, which, when not used, rest upon the hump of the shoulder. Their motion is easy, and they trot and gallop almost as freely as a horse. They have great powers of endurance, frequently travelling sixty or eighty miles a-day. When employed in chariots or the plough, they draw by a yoke, which rests upon the shoulder. They are exceedingly tractable, and become attached to their keepers. The milk-white colour is esteemed by the Hindoos, which it likewise was by the ancient Egyptians, as having a charac- ter of sanctity. Very often rich Hindoos dedicate a parti- cular bull of the sacred colour to Siva, when he is branded by the emblem of the god, and thenceforward becomes ex- empt from the contumely of servitude. He wanders where he will, and no one strikes, molests, or turns him from his path: he feeds in the gardens, the rice fields, or wherever he chooses to enter: he finds his way into the market-places of towns, and helps himself to the green herbs and choicest fruits, without any one driving him away. Impunity ren- ders him familiar: he will take food from the hand like a dog, and everywhere dainties are presented to him by simple R " + 258 THE OX. devotees. These consecrated bulls are described by English residents as absolute pests in the villages of India, thrust- ing their noses into the stalls of fruiterers and pastry-cooks, robbing the peasants of their little treasure, and helping themselves to whatever they please. The reverence, how- ever, paid to the Bull and the Cow is not extended to the emasculated Ox, who is treated with the utmost harshness, under the solitary exception of obedience to the law common to the Hindoos and Jews, of not muzzling the Ox when he treadeth out the corn. Examples of the larger as well as smaller races of these animals have been frequently brought to England, and they have been made to cross the common breeds of the country. The mixed offspring are fruitful with one another, and the In the characteristic hump disappears with the first cross. year 1832, a bull and cow of the finer breed were exhibited at the Christmas Smithfield Show in London, under the name of Nagpore cattle. The following account of them, derived from Mr Perkins, to whom they belong, is given by Mr Youatt, in his valuable Treatise on Cattle, contained in the Library of Useful Knowledge. CC They were bred by Lieutenant-Colonel Skinner, at his farm at Danah, near Pokah, on the borders of the Bichaneer desert, 100 miles to the westward of Delhi. They are not Buffaloes, but of the highest breed of Indian cattle. They are used in India by the higher orders to draw their state- carriages, and are much valued for their size, speed, and en- durance, and sell at very high prices. These specimens arrived at Calcutta, a distance of 1400 miles, in January 1829, and were then something under six months old. They were sent as a present to Mr Wood, who was then residing at Calcutta, and by whom they were presented to Mr Perkins. Colonel Skinner has a large stock of them, and six or seven beasts are always kept saddled to carry the military dis- patches. They remain saddled three or four hours, and if not wanted in that time, fresh ones are brought to relieve " · 259 their companions. They will travel with a soldier on their back fifteen or sixteen hours a-day, at the rate of six miles an hour. Their action is particularly fine, nothing like that of the English cattle, with the sideway circular action of their hind-legs; the Nagpore cattle bring their hind-legs under them in as straight a line as the Horse. They are very active, and can clear a five-barred gate with the greatest ease. Mr Perkins has a calf which has leaped over an iron fence higher than any five-barred gate; and the bull fre- quently jumps over the same fence in order to get at the water, and, when he has drunk his fill, leaps back again. The bull was in high condition when exhibited. He is em- ployed in a light cart in various jobs about the farm. Some- times he goes fore-horse in the waggon-team to deliver corn; he also drags the bush-harrow, and draws the light roller over the ploughed land. He is very docile and tractable when one man drives him and attends upon him, but he has now and then shewn symptoms of dislike to others. He is fed entirely on hay, except that, when he works, a little bran is given to him, and in the turnip season, he is treated occa- sionally with a few slices of Swedes, of which he is very fond. He was at first very troublesome to shoe, and it was neces- sary to erect a break in order to confine him. He was un- willing to go into it for some time, but now walks in it very contentedly. He is very fond of being noticed; and often, when he is lying down, if any one to whom he is accustomed goes and sits down upon him and strokes him over the face, he will turn round and put his head on their lap, and lie there contentedly as long as they please. The cow is at grass with the milch cows, and comes up with them morning and even- ing, when they are driven to be milked." But the Ox extends to another division of the globe, where we may expect him to exhibit modifications dependent on the peculiar conditions under which he is placed, and which exert so great an influence on the development of animal forms. But a vast part of the African continent is HISTORY. F F 5 . 1 -* hema 260 yet untrodden by the feet of naturalists, and we are left to draw our knowledge of its animals from the uncertain notices of travellers, often too much occupied with the dan- gers around them, to be able to afford us the details required. We know, however, that the Ox, under various modifications, abounds throughout those vast countries, is everywhere sub- jected to servitude, affords milk and flesh to the inhabitants, and assists them in their rude labours; but of the species or races, our knowledge is in a high degree imperfect. So far as we know, the common Ox prevails along all the countries on the Mediterranean, and a part of the shores of the Atlan- tic; but how much it occupies of the interior, travellers, the most observant, have failed to inform us. The same form appears in Southern Africa, in the races which are cultivated by the Hottentots, the Caffres, and other tribes stretching to the deserts of the interior. The oxen of these races are of small size, like those of the mountainous parts of Europe, and are possessed of great activity and power of endurance. But, in Africa, the Ox likewise presents itself under a dif- ferent form, having the large hump of the Indian Zebu, but being distinguished from the latter animal by large, light, and spreading horns. This race appears in Abyssinia, whence it extends down the Nile to the tropic of Cancer, and perhaps beyond it, westward through the unexplored regions of the countries of the Negroes to the Niger, and southward again through 40° of latitude to the country of the Caffres. It thus seems to extend over nearly all the burning regions of the continent, and it is difficult to believe that an animal so diffused is not indigenous to the country which produces it. It may be conjectured, indeed, that the African is merely the Asiatic Zebu, transported from the East to Western Africa. Though we have nothing to invalidate this opinion, it certainly seems to be a very violent hypothesis; and a more natural supposition is, that an animal occupying all the intertropical regions of Africa, is as proper to the country itself as the Zebu of India is to the countries of the East. THE OX. + HISTORY. ▾ 261 Unfortunately, the accounts of travellers are not sufficiently precise to enable us to compare the Indian with the African Ox; and it is doubtful if a single specimen of the Humped Ox of Africa has been brought to Europe. Bruce, on entering Abyssinia by the mountain of Taranto, describes the bulls and cows as of exquisite beauty, as being completely white, with large dewlaps hanging down to the knees, with horns and hoofs completely well turned, with the horns wide, and the hair like silk. In another place, he informs us that, in the fertile and populous province of Woggora, the oxen have large and beautiful horns, exceed- ingly wide, and that they have bosses on their backs like camels. Other writers agree as to the great size of the horns of the humped cattle of Africa. Captain Clapperton describes the race of Bornon, likewise humped, in the very heart of the continent, as being of a white colour and large size, and as having horns, very light, of three feet seven inches in length, measured along the curve. We cannot say, indeed, that the mere tendency to a large development of horn constitutes a specific distinction; but as this is a character which remark- ably distinguishes the humped cattle of Africa from those of India, it furnishes a reasonable ground for believing that the humped cattle of Africa have characters proper to themselves, and are as much an original race as the Zebus of India. The accumulation of fatty matter on the shoulder of the Ox, may not unreasonably be regarded as a natural provision for fitting him for countries of intense heat. The cultivated Ox of England accumulates fat largely within the body; but this might not consist with the exercise of the animal func- tions in a climate of high temperature; and, therefore, the fatty secretion may be placed externally on a particular part of the body. In certain races of sheep in Africa the same tendency is observed, lumps of fatty matter appearing be- neath the skin, on the shoulders and head, and in other races, as has been shewn in another place, on the tail, which be- comes of an enormous magnitude. The hump of the Camel ע ܡ I " 262 THE OX. seems to be a similar provision for the accumulation of nutri- ent matter, and may be supposed to be connected with the extraordinary patience under abstinence from food, which distinguishes this child of the desert. The fatty hump of the Ox of warmer countries, may thus be regarded as an adapta- tion of the animal to the condition in which it is placed. Another provision for fitting the Ox of warmer countries to the circumstances of his situation, is the possession of a light, sinewy, and active form. The heavy Ox of the plains of Holland and England, could not subsist in the arid climate, and on the scanty herbage, of the African desert. Hence we find the Oxen of Africa of less bulk of body, and more agile in their motions, than those in the temperate countries of abundant herbage. All over Africa, these animals are em- ployed in laborious journeys, and for the bearing of heavy loads. Their appearance and employment in these arid coun- tries are thus described by a recent traveller : "The bullock is the bearer of all the grain and other articles to and from the markets. A small saddle of plaited rushes is laid upon him, when sacks made of goat-skins, and filled with corn, are lashed on his broad and able back. A leather thong is passed through the cartilage of his nose, and serves as a bridle, while on the top of the load is mount- ed the owner, his wife, or his slave. Sometimes the daughter or the wife of a rich shouaa will be mounted on her particu- lar bullock, and precede the loaded animals, extravagantly adorned with amber, silver, rings, coral, and all sorts of finery, her hair streaming with fat, a black ring of kohol, at least an inch wide, round her eyes, and, I may say, arrayed for conquest at the crowded market. Carpets or tobes are then spread on her clumsy palfrey; she sits jambe deçà, jambe delà, and, with considerable grace, guides her animal by the nose. Notwithstanding the peaceableness of his nature, her vanity still enables her to torture him into something like caperings and curvettings."* * Travels in Africa, by Major Denham and Captain Clapperton. 263 In the country of the Cape, the value of the agile form and powers of endurance of the African Ox, are shewn in the ser- vices he performs. These oxen are used for carrying bur- dens, in the manner of mules and pack-horses in other coun- tries. A traveller, describing this employment, observes: "We proceeded nearly the whole way at a brisk step, some- times trotting, and at other times galloping, while the three bushmen, who drove the pack-oxen on before us, hurried them over the rocky ground at so extraordinary a rate, that, even on horseback, I found it not easy to keep up with them; and often, when the surface was so thickly covered with stones and large fragments of rock, that my horse could scarcely find where to place his foot, I was obliged to call out to them to slacken their pace. ""* These oxen are likewise trained to the saddle. They are broken in, we are told, when they are about a year old. A slit being made in the cartilage between the nostrils, large enough to admit the finger, a strong stick, stripped of its bark, is passed through, and to each end of it is fixed a thong of hide, of length sufficient to reach round the neck, and serve as reins. The saddle is formed of sheep-skins with the wool on, and the stirrups consist of a thong across the saddle, with loops for the feet. While the animal's nose is still sore, he is mounted and put in training, and, in a week or two, is gene- rally rendered sufficiently obedient to the rider. "The faci- lity and adroitness," says Mr Burchell, "with which the Hot- tentots manage the Ox, has often excited my admiration. It is made to walk, trot, or gallop, at the will of its master; and being longer legged, and rather more lightly made than the Ox in England, travels with greater ease and expedition, walking three or four miles in an hour, trotting five, and galloping, on an average, seven or eight." These oxen are likewise used in the drawing of those covered waggons which the Dutch settlers have introduced, and with which they transport their merchandise, and perform their long journeys * Burchell's Travels in Afriça. HISTORY. 篆 ​X 1 }' E 1 .264 from the interior. These waggons, though now much smaller than those used by the earlier boors, are still very weighty vehicles, drawn by teams of ten or twelve oxen. They are usually driven by a Hottentot, who manages his enormous team with perfect skill, and without the aid of reins. He sits behind, holding in his hand a tremendous whip of plaited thong, the handle of which is twelve or fourteen feet in length. He uses it with ease, cracking it loudly over the heads of the animals, and, when necessary, hitting an offend- ing bullock but his chief instrument of guidance is the voice he speaks to the animals by name, directing them to the right or left, to stop or to quicken their pace, and enforc- ing his commands, when necessary, by the stroke of his ter- rible lash. When the team is large, a boy, usually a Hot- tentot, leads the foremost oxen by a thong fastened about their horns. THE OX. But to turn from the Oxen of distant countries to those whose economical uses are so important to the civilized na- tions of Europe, we find that the animals, though agreeing in certain common characters, yet very greatly differ in their temperament, form, and uses, with the physical condition of the countries in which they are reared, and the artificial treat- ment to which they are subjected. It is upon the supplies of food that the size of the animals seems mainly to depend. Wherever food is supplied in abundance, the Ox becomes. enlarged in bulk; and wherever food is deficient, whatever be the nature of the climate, his size becomes less. The Ox of Barbary is as diminutive as that of the Highlands of Scot- land, because the grasses, his natural food, are burned up during a great part of the year, leaving plants for him to subsist upon as innutritious as the heaths of the northern mountains. But where the grasses abound, and where the heat of the climate is not sufficiently great to wither them up during a great part of the year, the Ox assumes an entirely different character with respect to magnitude and strength. The largest Oxen in Europe are to be found extending west- £ HISTORY. 265 ward by the Ukraine, and the rich valley of the Danube, through Hungary, the more fertile parts of Germany, part of Denmark, Holland, and to England. In the richer parts of other countries on either side of this tract, as in the Ma- remma of Italy, and the finer valleys of Switzerland, and in certain parts of Spain and France, are also to be found large Oxen, the size of the animals always being in proportion to the natural fertility of the pastures. Art, indeed, by sup- plying cultivated food, can remedy the effects of natural scarcity; but, in a general sense, we find that always the larger breeds are formed in countries of abundant herbage. The British Islands present, in the productiveness of the soil, such extremes of fertility and barrenness, as enable us to mark the constancy of this law in a greater degree perhaps than in any other country of the same extent. Over the more elevated parts of the country, where the heaths, carices, and innutritious junci, form the principal part of the herbage, the Oxen are of small stature: as the grasses and leguminous herbage plants become mixed with the others, the size of the Oxen becomes enlarged, and still more when artificial food is added to the natural; and in the richest plains of all, where the natural productions of the soil, and the resources of con- tinued cultivation, are combined, the animals acquire their greatest development of form. The Ox of the Sutherland mountains, and the Ox of the Yorkshire vales, present to the eye a diversity of size and aspect, such as we might hold in other cases to distinguish species; but these extremes are con- nected by all the intervening gradations from the smallest to the largest. Looking to bulk of body as a character, we may be said to possess two general classes of breeds in this country; first, those which are proper to the more mountainous and less fertile districts; and, secondly, those which are proper to the plains and richer country. The first class comprehends the breeds of Wales, of the mountains of Scotland, and of the high lands of Ireland, as the Pembroke, the West Highland, the Kerry; the second comprehends the Long-horned breed ! · L 266 and its varieties, the highly cultivated breed of Short-horns, and the Hereford: and, again, there is a class of breeds in- termediate between the smaller breeds of the mountains and the larger races of the plains, as the Galloway, the Angus, and the beautiful breed of North Devon. THE OX. But, besides the effects of the natural and acquired fertility of districts in modifying the form and characters of these animals, so as to form varieties, art and a fitting selection of the breeding parents exercise an influence scarcely less im- portant. Experience shews that the characters of the Ox, as of all animals subjected to domestication, are communicated with surprising constancy to the young, and become perma- nent by reproduction between similar individuals. Not only are the properties of form so transmitted, but those pecu- liarities of temperament which render the animals fitted to particular uses, as for the exertion of strength in the yoke, for the secretion of fat, or the production of milk. Besides, then, the characters of breeds which are the result of natural causes, there is a class of characters the result of breeding and artificial treatment. Some of the finest of the breeds of England may be termed artificial, with relation to the means employed to give them their distinctive characters: such was the variety of the Long-horned breed formed by Bakewell, such is the modern Durham improved by Colling, and such is the highly esteemed breed of Hereford, perfected by Tomkins. These breeds, the finest in the world with respect to their economical uses, although bearing an affinity to the parent stocks from which they were derived, have had those peculiar properties which fit them for the uses for which they are de- signed mainly communicated by the art of the breeder. Of the properties which artificial breeding is employed to call forth, that which holds the first place in this country is, an early maturity of the animal, and a tendency to the secre- tion of fat. But the production of milk is likewise important, and particular breeds are valued for the faculty of yielding this substance in abundance. Before describing the various 267 breeds of the country in-detail, it will be well to direct at- tention to the subject of Milk and its products, as connected with the economical value of breeds, and, in certain cases, serving to distinguish them. THE DAIRY. THE DAIRY. MILK is the liquid food derived from the blood of mam- miferous animals for the nourishment of their young. It is secreted in glandular sacs termed mammæ, the number and disposition of which vary in different tribes of animals. Some- times they consist of a single pair, as in the female of the Horse, the Sheep, the Goat; sometimes of more than one pair connected together, as in the Cow; and sometimes of several pairs, extending along the lower part of the abdomen, as in the Hog, the Dog, the Cat. These organs are filled with innumerable glandular lobes, from the size of a millet- seed upwards, through which the blood, circulating in myriads of vessels finer than the finest hair, gives off the milky secre- tion. From these lobes proceed little ducts or tubes, which, gradually uniting, form larger ducts, and then reservoirs or sinuses, which communicate with the papillæ or nipples. The milk is secreted at the birth of the young, and continues to be supplied for a longer or shorter period, according to its wants. It differs somewhat in its composition in different species; but in all of them it is a whitish liquid, opaque, and of a slightly saccharine taste. It consists essentially of wa- ter, holding in solution and suspension various substances, some of which can be readily separated from the rest. Of these the principal are, 1. An oily substance, which, from its less density, rises to the surface, and, being agitated, forms butter; 2. An albuminous matter, which, by the action of certain substances, coagulates, and forms curd or cheese; and, 3. A species of sugar, which can likewise be obtained separately from the other constituents. 268 THE OX. -Man, deriving his first nourishment from the breast of his parent, must, in every age, have been taught by his reason to apply to his uses the milk of his flocks and herds. From the earliest times, accordingly, we read of the milk of Goats, and Sheep, and Kine, as being the food of our species, either in its natural state, or separated into those bland and nutri- tive substances which, by the easiest arts, can be derived from it. When Abraham sat at the opening of his tent, in the heat of the day, in the plains of Mamre, "He lift up his eyes, and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and, when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent-door, and bowed himself toward the ground, and said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant. Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree: and I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on; for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, So do as thou hast said. And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf, tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it. And he took Butter and Milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat." The scene, apart from the mission of the heavenly guests, might represent the hospitality of the wandering Syrians at the present hour: and all over the East, from Aleppo to the Ganges, the milk of flocks and herds supplies to the inhabitants a mild and grateful food. The earliest writers of Greece and Rome speak of cheese and milk as a food familiar to every one. In the fatal cave * of the Cyclops, Ulysses finds the milk of Goats and Sheep stored in baskets of osier, the shelves bending under loads of cheeses; and innumerable other allusions to this early food of mankind are scattered through the writings of the + THE DAIRY. 269 poets, philosophers, and historians of Greece. But the Greeks, living in the country of the olive, made no use of butter, and became only acquainted with it from those whom, in the arrogance of their hearts, they chose to style barbarians. Aristotle says of milk, that it consists of two parts, the cheesy and the watery; and it is only in another place that he refers, incidentally as it were, to the oily matter which rises to the surface. Hippocrates, who wrote in the fifth century before Christ, speaking of the Scythians, says, that they poured the milk of their mares into wooden vessels, and agitated it violently, which caused the fat part, which was light, to rise to the surface, becoming what they call butter; and Herodotus, who was contemporary with him, mentions, that they placed the milk in deep wooden vessels, and caused it to be agitated by their slaves. Both writers manifestly speak of something which was new to their own customs; and, for many centuries afterwards, we know that the Greeks made use of cheese and oil, but not of butter. Dioscorides, who wrote thirty-one years before Christ, seems to have been the first of the Greeks who suggested to his countrymen that this food of the barbarians might be used for diet. He says, that it might be melted, and poured over pulse and other vegetables, instead of oil; but ages elapsed before the Greeks adopted the customs, in this re- spect, of the nations they despised. The Romans, in like manner, although they made large. use of cheese, were ignorant of the use of butter, until they had extended their conquests among the Gauls, Germans, and Britons; and it was not until the age of the empire, that they began to make use of it as an ointment in their baths, and ultimately as food. They lived in the land of the olive and the vine; and their rustic writers, while they treat largely of milk, cheese, and oil, say nothing of the prepara- tion of butter. On the other hand, we learn, from many of their writers, that it was familiar to the Gothic and Celtic nations of Northern Europe. Pliny affirms that the barbar- + • 270 ous nations made not only cheese but butter, which they used as an agreeable food. He says, that they made it from the milk of the Goat, the Sheep, and the Cow; but most commonly from that of the Cow, although the milk of the Ewe produced the fattest butter. He describes the form of the vessel employed in making it, which seems to have been similar to that now in use. The northern nations were like- wise acquainted with the use of cheese, although some of the Roman writers declare that they knew not how to prepare it, which can only mean, that they did not do so after the Roman fashion; for Pliny himself, who denies this know- ledge to the Germans, describes their manner of making cheese, by rendering the milk sour, and pressing the whey from the curd. Cæsar says of the same people, that the greater part of their food consisted of milk, cheese, and flesh. Strabo confirms the testimony of Cæsar; and Tacitus states that the food of the Germans was of the simplest kind, namely, wild fruits, game recently killed, or concrete milk, which must mean milk rendered concrete by curdling it. Of the Britons, Cæsar observes, that those of the interior, for the most part, did not sow corn, but lived on milk and flesh. And Strabo states, that some of them, though they had abun- dance of milk, were so ignorant as not to know how to make cheese. But if some of them only were thus ignorant, the rest must have possessed the knowledge; and we learn, from other sources, that the Celta of the wilds of Britain, where the Roman arms never reached, were familiar with this early food of the people of the East. They had learned to prepare it, it may be believed, before Romulus drew milk from the teats of his Wolf, or before the city of the Seven Hills had a name. THE OX. All the ruminating animals subjected to domestication are capable of yielding milk to their protectors; and all the mem- bers of the great Western, and even the Negro, family of man- kind, make use of it as food. It is obtained from the domestic Cow, the Asiatic and African Zebu, the Buffalo, the Yak, the 1 271 Camel, the Goat, the Sheep, the Rein-deer. It is yielded likewise by the Mare and the Ass. The milk of the rumi- nating tribes is the richest in cream and cheese, and that of the Equine family is the most abundant in saccharine prin- ciples, and approaches nearest to that of the human species. The milk of Mares is used by the Kalmuks and other East- ern Asiatics. The Chinese, who are of the same family of mankind, make scarcely any use of milk as food; and the Red Men of America, who are the nearest connected by their phy- siological characters with the Eastern Asiatics, manifest the like indifference to it; and, until the present hour, have nót learned to tame the milk-bearing animals of their country, the Rein-deer and the Musk Ox of their regions of snow, and the Bisons of their rich savannahs and boundless forests. Passing from Eastern Asia into its innumerable islands, we find that milk is scarcely at all used by the inhabitants. To the savage tribes of Borneo, New Guinea, and New Holland, this salutary food is unknown. THE DAIRY. Of all the ruminating animals, the Cow is that which yields her milk the most freely, and in the largest quantity. This animal possesses two pairs of mammæ united together, forming a large udder, whereas the Sheep, the Goat, and the Deer, possess only one pair. She gives her milk beyond the period of maternal solicitude, and in quantity far more than suffices to nourish her own offspring. Her milk holds a middle place between that of the Ovine family and the Equine, with respect to the production of cheese, butter, and sugar, and it is more agreeable to the taste than any other. The milk of the Buffalo is more watery than that of the Cow, and the cream and butter are colourless. The milk of the Yak is rich, but, like that of the other Bisons, has the odour of musk. The Camel, inhabiting the vast deserts of Asia, and ex- tending over a part of Africa, yields milk which may be used as food. There are two species, the Bactrian Camel, having two large protuberances on the back, being adapted for the *EX 2 ង THE OX. 272 colder deserts, and extending from the Caspian Sea eastward through Central Asia to the Indian Ocean; and the Arabian Camel, having one protuberance only, and being fitted for warmer climates and more steril deserts. The female of the former species is little used for yielding milk, because, in the countries which she inhabits, other animals better suited to that end are found. Nevertheless, her milk is sometimes used by the Eastern nations to produce, by fermentation, an inebriating liquor. The other species of Camel is the trea- sure of the wandering Arabs, and has so long been subjected to domestication, that not a trace of it has been found in the wild state. The conformation and habits of this animal are suited to its condition. Its broad cleft hoof, covered with a callous skin, does not sink in the sand, and suits itself readily to the sharp stones and pebbles with which the sur- face may be covered. It bears thirst and hunger better than any known creature: it feeds on the withered herbage, the thorny shrubs, and bitter plants of the desert, and can take into its stomach a supply of food for the wants of a long journey. In its stomach is developed a series of deep cells for containing water; and when the Arabs, on their distant journeys, and in danger of perishing from thirst, are com- pelled to kill their faithful Camel, its store of water is pro- The milk cured as pure and wholesome as from a fountain. of the female is made use of by the people as food; it is serous, and nauseous in taste to the stranger, but to the Arab it proves a resource beyond all price in the burning wilds which he inhabits. 1 The Goat, we have seen, is spread over all the old conti- nent, and many of its islands. The female yields milk in considerable abundance, and nearly as freely as the Cow her- self; and she readily submits to be the fosternurse of other animals, and treats her adopted offspring with affection. Her milk is thick, more abounding in cheese than that of the Cow, and plentiful in cream. It has a peculiar taste and odour, to which use reconciles those who feed on it, and it is 10 H 273 eminently nourishing and salubrious. The butter which it yields is of a firm consistence, and nearly as white as snow. The cheese has a strong and peculiar flavour, not ungrateful to those who are accustomed to it. It is produced in all the parts of Europe where the Goat is reared, and largely in the Levant, Italy, Spain, and other countries of the Mediter- THE DAIRY. ranean. The Ewe yields milk, but not so abundantly, freely, or for so long a period, as the Goat. It is the most productive of cream of any kind of milk; but the butter which it yields is of a soft consistence, leaving a fatty impression, like tallow, in the mouth. The cheese has a strong stimulating flavour, which increases with age. It is largely produced in some of the more mountainous parts of Europe, furnishing a food grateful to the people of the countries that produce it, but far inferior in general estimation to the cheese of the Cow. At the limits, and beyond them, of the region of the Goat and the Sheep, exists a creature, fitted by a boun- teous Providence to subsist on the herbs of the arctic zone, and yield its milk for human support, in lands of ice and snow. The Reindeer inhabits the glacial regions of Europe and Asia, migrating along the snowy mountains of the interior, almost to the line of the Caucasus. In America, too, it is found, but with characters proper to that continent; and there it is the subject of persecution by savage hunters, who seem incapable of rising even to the pastoral state. But, in Europe, the Reindeer has been reduced to servitude by a race of men seemingly placed beyond the limits of humanized society, but possessed of arts which tribes of barbarous hun- ters do not acquire. The Laplanders, in scanty numbers, are spread over the extreme north of Europe, occupying a country of 300 miles by 500 on the Arctic Ocean. Distinct in aspect, character, and speech, from the Scandinavian people in contact with them,-their swarthy colour, their dark eyes, and black hair, indicate a southern origin; and their simple and expressive language exhibits a striking S • SAL 1 * M14 " 274 affinity with those of the countries of the East. They are a remnant, it may be believed, of ancient settlers in Europe, driven by stronger enemies into regions of almost perpetual winter. They have tamed the Wild Deer of their country, and rendered it a substitute for the Sheep, the Ox, nay, for the Horse, of happier climes. They derive from it milk, and know how to fabricate butter and cheese. They separate the butter by agitating the milk with their hands, and em- ploy herbs to coagulate the curd. They prepare, from the milk, many simple delicacies, which they use with the wild fruits of their brief summer. In the season of their dreary winter, the milk of the Doe freezes as soon as it is drawn from the teats, and in this state it is preserved, to be thawed when required for use. The Doe yields about the same quantity of milk as the Goat, and it is rich in caseous matter. Some of the wealthier Laplanders have as many as a thou- sand head of those fleet and powerful Deers: the less affluent have herds of 300 or less. THE OX. The milk of the Mare is used only in those boundless plains of Central Asia, where the Horse can be reared in numerous herds. It contains a larger proportion of sugar than that of the ruminating quadrupeds, but less of caseine, or the matter of cheese, and oil. It yields curd, but the cream is in small quantity. From the abundance of the saccharine principle, it readily undergoes the vinous fermen- tation, and the wandering tribes have long learned to con- vert it into a fermented liquor, which they use in excess. They have even attained the art of separating the alcohol by distillation, long, it is probable, before the alchymists of the West had discovered the Aqua Vitæ which they fancied was to confer upon them immortality. The Western Tartars still use the milk of their mares; but, from the diminished number of Horses, in less quantity than in former ages; for these tribes, now controlled by the powerful sway of a vigo- rous government, have become less predatory, and cultivate the ruminating animals more than the Horse. But the Kal- ? 7 t THE DAIRY. 275 muks, and other Eastern Asiatics, still make considerable use of the milk of their numerous Mares. The milk of the Ass possesses nearly the same properties as that of the Mare, but it contains still less of oil and the matter of cheese. It has been used from early times as a medicament. It is sweet and wholesome, and, from the small quantity of oil which it contains, it is the most easily assimilated by the digestive organs of any kind of milk. The butter which may be obtained from it by long agitation, is soft and insipid, and possesses the property of mixing again with the whey. Milk, like all the secretions of the animal body, is a very compound substance. It consists of about 90 per cent. of water, holding in solution and suspension the substances which enter into its composition. These are, 1st, The matter of butter, diffused in myriads of globules throughout the fluid; 2d, Caseine, or the matter of cheese, which is held partly in solution, and partly in suspension; 3d, Lactine, or the sugar of milk; 4th. An animal extract, like that yielded by flesh, various soluble salts, and, in some cases, a quantity. of free acid. When milk is suffered to remain at rest, it separates slowly into two parts. The lighter globules of oil rise to the surface, carrying with them a portion of the caseous matter and serum, and forming the unctuous coat termed cream. The rising of the cream is favoured by employing shallow vessels, and the separation continues for twenty-four hours or more, according to the kind of milk, and the tem- perature of the air. The entire oil does not separate, but a portion of it remains suspended in the liquid. When the cream is removed, the remaining liquid is still opaque, is of a bluish-white colour, and has had its density increased by the removal of the lighter globules. This substance, in com- mon language termed Skimmilk, is perfectly nutritive, con- taining nearly all the caseous and saccharine principles, with a certain portion of the butyraceous. + - 10 M སྙ } 4 1 را I 276 THE OX. When cream is agitated for a time, or when the entire milk, without separation of the cream, is agitated, the buty- raceous globules collect and adhere together, forming a soft solid, which is Butter, and which floats in the liquid. The separation of the butter, which takes place suddenly, is per- formed by the familiar process of churning, and in certain countries by agitating the milk in bags of hide or leather. What remains after the separation of the butter is termed Buttermilk. Buttermilk is therefore merely milk deprived of its butter, and still contains the caseous and other con- stituents. Butter thus obtained has the properties of an expressed oil, and fuses at about the temperature of the human body. It is a very compound substance, being resolvable into various animal fats and acids; and, further, it is not obtained pure by the mechanical means employed to separate it, but retains a portion of caseine, serum, and the soluble matter of the milk. When exposed to the air, it speedily undergoes a change, and becomes rancid. To preserve it from decompo- sition, it is mixed with salt and other substances. The people of the warmer countries of the East subject it to fusion, by which means the extraneous matters are sepa- rated. It is then termed Ghee, in which state it is used by the Hindoos and other Asiatics. The Arabs consume it in enormous quantities. Burckhardt informs us, that it is a common practice among all classes to drink every morning a coffee-cupful of ghee. The taste for it is universal, and the poorest persons will expend half their daily income, in order that they may enjoy their melted butter in the morn- ing and at noon. Large quantities of this substance, accord- ingly, are yearly shipped for Arabia from Abyssinia and Egypt. The butter of milk, it has been seen, is separated by means purely mechanical; the caseous or cheesy portion is obtained by causing the albuminous matter of the milk to co- here or coagulate. When milk, with or without separation - : THE DAIRY. 277 of its cream, is kept for a time, the caseous matter diffused through it, or dissolved in it, coagulates and forms curd. This coagulum envelopes the parts which still remain liquid, and renders the whole of a gelatinous consistence. By pressure, and breaking the coagulum, the greater part of the liquid readily separates, and the curd, being compressed, forms cheese. But the process of coagulation may be has- tened by the mixture of various substances. All the acids possess the property of coagulating milk, even at common temperatures, and more readily when assisted by heat. Even alcohol, gum, sugar, and soluble neutral salts, produce the formation of curd. Certain vegetable principles, as tannin, and the juices of numerous plants, likewise coagulate milk, as an infusion of the stems or leaves of sorrel, of butterwort, of ladies' bedstraw, of the flowers of the artichoke, and of the roots of the marsh-marigold. But the substance the most approved of for producing coagulation is runnet, whic is prepared by macerating the stomach of a sucking animal in water, so as to extract the gastric juice, of which a very minute quantity, contained in the infusion, suffices to coagu- late a large quantity of milk. As acids promote the coagu- lation of milk, so the alkalies prevent it, by rendering the caseous matter soluble. When, therefore, soda, potassa, or ammonia, exists in milk, coagulation will not take place until the alkalies are neutralized by the addition of acids, or by their spontaneous formation in the milk. After the curd has been formed, either by the slow forma- tion of acids in the milk, or by the addition of coagulating media, the curd is broken, and the liquid which it envelopes is separated by pressure. The expressed liquid is Whey; and whey, therefore, is merely milk deprived of its cheesy matter. Whey accordingly contains butter, in so far as the cream has not been separated, and butter, therefore, may be derived from whey. It contains likewise the sugar of milk, which may be obtained separately, in the crystalline form, by evaporation; and, in certain parts of Europe, the sugar i A 278 THE OX. of milk is prepared on the large scale, and forms the subject of commerce. Whey is sometimes used as human food, but more generally for feeding the animals of the farm. It quickly becomes acid, and yields vinegar; it passes likewise through the vinous fermentation, in which state it has an in- toxicating effect. Cheese, as formed by the common methods, is a mixture of the caseous with the oily matter of milk, to which it owes its richness. When the cream, therefore, is separated from the milk before coagulation, the cheese contains less of oil, and is of inferior estimation. When newly made, cheese is soft, gelatinous, and mild, but after a time it undergoes a chemi- cal change, and becomes strong-scented and stimulating. It produces certain fungi, termed mould, and becomes the abode of innumerable larvæ, derived from the eggs of two insects, the one a species of bug, the other a kind of fly. It is when in a state of decomposition, and inhabited by these disgust- ing creatures, that it is the most valued as a stimulant to the appetite. : Milk then, it is seen, may be separated by easy means into four parts 1st, into Butter, which is obtained by simple agitation, either of the entire milk, or of the cream separated from the milk; 2d, into Buttermilk, which is obtained by separating the butter; 3d, into Cheese, which is produced by coagulation either of the whole milk, or of the milk after se- paration of the cream; and, 4th, into the liquid residue, or Whey. The means of obtaining these several products are so easy, that it is not surprising that they should have been known from the earliest times, and practised by the rudest people. In the more advanced stages of rural economy, the art of the dairy is reduced to principles, and merits the highest attention as a branch of public industry and domestic economy. The Cow goes with young about nine months, but with. great inequality of time beyond this period, dependent on temperament, food, and treatment. The lacteal secretion is observed previous to the birth, but only takes place in quan- • THE DAIRY. 279 tity when the young is born, though in a few rare instances, heifers, without contact with the male, have been known to produce milk; and the same curious anomaly has been ob- served in the case of young mares. For a few days after the birth, the milk, then termed Colostrum, is viscid, and of a deep yellow colour, and tends more readily than other milk to undergo decomposition, and yields butter with difficulty. The colostrum should not, therefore, be mixed with the other milk of the dairy, but be given to the new-born calf. The milk, in a few days after the birth, assumes its usual proper- ties, and for about ninety days is yielded abundantly, and with an increase of richness in cream. The produce after a time continues to diminish, and in about forty days before the birth, the milk becomes alkaline and incapable of coagu- lation, and ceases to be saccharine. The further milking of the animal should then cease. Cows are usually milked twice in the day throughout the year, in the morning and evening, but they may be milked three times in the day when very full in milk. The operation should be performed with gentleness and care, and the milk withdrawn to the last portion. The first drawn milk is always comparatively serous, while every succeeding quantity improves in richness and abundance of cream, so that the last portion contains many times the pro- portion of cream contained in the first. The domestic dairy is directed indifferently to the procur- ing of milk for food, to the preparation of butter, and some- times to the production of cheese. But the larger dairies designed for the sale of milk and its products, are devoted more exclusively to one or other of these productions. The first class of dairies consists of those directed to the disposal of milk in the fresh state as human food. Of this kind gene- rally are the dairies in and around towns. These are the dairies in which the largest return is obtained from the pro- duce of the Cow. The second class consists of those in which the milk is chiefly employed for the production of butter to be disposed of in the fresh state. These are the next in pro- fitable return to those in which the milk itself is disposed of; i • " I -- Fr : 280 and they are generally limited to the vicinity of the markets of consumption, or to places having easy access to them. Where the market is remote, or the access to it difficult, the butter, in place of being used in the fresh state, is salted for preservation. The third kind of dairy is chiefly employed in the preparation of cheese; but, for the most part, in the prac- tice of the dairy, the manufacture of cheese is combined with the preparation of butter to be disposed of in the salted state. The interests and habits of the dairyman will lead him to the kind of dairy which he shall establish. If he is in the vicinity of a town, he will generally adopt that which is to supply the inhabitants with milk in the natural state. In this kind of dairy the rule of practice is, that the milk shall be conveyed to the consumer before the cream has separated from the liquid, and before acidity has taken place by the formation of acids. To prevent ascescence and the separation of the lighter parts, it should be kept at the greatest possible degree of cold. The ascescence and coagulation of the milk, too, may be retarded or prevented by the addition of an alkaline carbonate, of which the most suitable is carbonate of soda. The crystallized salt, being dissolved in two or three times its weight of cold water, is to be mixed with the milk, until a slip of turmeric paper, dipped into the fluid, retains its yellow colour, or rather just begins to change its yellow colour to brown. And even when milk has become acid and curdled, it may have its properties restored by this mean. Milk, too, may be preserved by heating it when taken from the Cow, and once a-day afterwards. When milk is evaporated to dryness, the residuum, in the form of a powder, may be preserved in close bottles; and when required for use, mixed with water, to be formed into an emulsion, which is not very different in its flavour and qualities from the ori- ginal milk; and in this manner the substance of milk may be preserved for the longest sea-voyages and distant jour- neys. The trade in milk in large towns has given rise to a system of adulteration which ought to be punished as a fraud upon the consumer. The primary adulteration is dilution by THE OX. 4. ; 1 281 water, which is known to be practised to a great extent in some of the capitals of Europe, and chiefly in London and Paris. The effect is not confined to an impairing of the nutritive properties of the milk: it leads to other devices, still more criminal, for the purpose of concealing the adul- teration. The next destination of the dairy is the production of Butter. The preparation of butter is a simple process, capable of being performed on the large scale, as well as on the small by the domestic inmates of the household. It may be ob- tained either by separating the cream from the milk and churning it, or by churning the cream and milk together. By churning the cream alone, butter will be obtained of better flavour and more valued for domestic use; by churning the milk without separation of the cream, butter will be obtained in larger quantity, and, though not usually so delicate in its fresh state, equally suited for being salted. When butter is to be prepared by churning the cream alone, the following is the method adopted. The Cows being milked, the milk is carried home to the dairy in pails or larger vessels, into which the smaller ones have been emptied, with the least possible delay or agitation of the milk. For which reasons, as well as in order to economize the time of the milkers, the cows to be milked may be driven quietly home to the vici- nity of the dairy. The milk is passed through a hair-sieve into the vessels in which it is to remain. These vessels may either consist of shallow troughs formed of marble or slate, of a size to contain the milk of several cows, and having an aperture with a stopcock at bottom; or of shallow circular vessels capable of containing from half a gallon to a gallon. The latter are made of wood, but better of unglazed earthen- ware; and, with still greater advantage, of zinc, or of cast- iron softened by annealing, turned smooth inside, and coated with tin. Whichever class of coolers is employed, the milk is emptied into them to the depth of from four to six inches, and the liquid is left at rest in the milk-room. In twenty- THE DAIRY. = 282 four hours, the greater part of the cream will have risen to the surface; but a larger quantity will be obtained if the milk is allowed to stand for a longer time. Sometimes, in very cold weather, it is permitted to stand for forty-eight hours; but twenty-four will suffice for obtaining all the more valuable part of the cream. When the larger troughs are used, the stop-cock is turned, and the serous milk is with- drawn from beneath the cream; and then the cream is in like manner withdrawn into a separate vessel; and in the case of the smaller coolers, the cream is skimmed off, which may be done by a flat perforated dish of tin. Sometimes re- peated skimmings of the cream take place, and sometimes its separation is favoured by the application of heat. The apartment for containing the milk, commonly termed the milk-room, should be well protected from the effect of the sun's rays, and formed so as to admit of easy ventilation. It should, if possible, be arched with brick or stone, have a northern exposure, and be distant from standing ponds of water and putrid effluvia. THE OX. The cream being removed, is put into a vessel, frequently a barrel, but better a jar of unglazed earthenware, or vase of marble. Fresh portions of cream, from successive milk- ings of the cows, are added, until a sufficient quantity is col- lected for churning. It may remain a week, but it is better that the period should not exceed four or five days. In this state the whole cream becomes acid and coagulates, which favours the separation of the butter; and in order to produce coagulation, the acid juice of lemon may be added. When the necessary quantity of cream has been collected, it is put into the churn. Churns are of various kinds. The most common is the Plunge-churn, as it is called, moved by the hand. It consists of a cylindrical vessel of wood placed upright. The agitation is given to the milk by a perforated board, which nearly fits the cylinder, and to which is attached a long handle. This being moved up and down, the milk is agitated, and the butter, + - 283 after a time, is separated. The other kind of churn, termed the Barrel-churn, consists of a cylindrical vessel of wood, placed horizontally, through which an axle passes having sparred arms or wings, which are fixed to it within the cylin- der. A handle is attached, and either the churn is moved round, or the axle with its arms is moved, the churn remain- ing stationary. Of the two kinds described, the best is the plunge-churn, which may either be moved by the hand, or be on the larger scale, and driven by machinery. The best temperature for churning is about 56° of Fahren- heit, the heat of the milk rising 4° by the action of churning ; and in the warmer season of summer, the most suitable time for performing the operation is in the cool of the morning. In winter, when the weather is cold, the temperature of the milk should be raised to 60° or more, by the addition of warm water. The time required for churning by the hand varies from about an hour and a quarter to two hours; and in win- ter to three hours. The process should be begun gently, so as to break the coagulum, and then continued equally and without intermission. THE DAIRY. The butter being formed, is collected and removed from the churn. It is then worked to and fro on a board, or smooth slab, so as to express the serum, dried with a cloth, or moderately washed with water. The operation of knead- ing may be performed by the hand, but it is better done by wooden spatula, the contact of the hand injuring the butter. When the butter is not designed for immediate use, the pres- sure and washing should be so performed as that all the serum shall be separated, any portion of it remaining caus- ing the butter to spoil in a short time. When the butter is intended for sale, it is mixed with a little pure salt, and formed into lumps or rolls, usually of a pound or half a pound each. It is kept cool, but in no case under water. When the butter is not designed for present consumption, it is more or less impregnated with salt, in the proportion of an ounce or less to the pound. The salt being worked into the : 句 ​# I + 284 butter, the latter is put in jars or casks. The casks should be of lime-tree, or other hard wood, carefully seasoned by being boiled for several hours before being formed into casks, and afterwards by being exposed to the air, and well soaked in cold water or brine previous to use. The cask being rub- bed in the inside with salt, the butter is pressed into it, and in seven or eight days a quantity of melted butter, or a satu- rated solution of salt and water, may be poured in to fill up any vacuity between the butter and the wood; and the whole being then covered with a layer of salt, the top of the vessel is put on. With the salt employed in curing may be mixed a proportion of purified nitrate of potash, and sometimes a quantity of sugar, which preserves the butter without com- municating a saline taste. THE OX. The other method practised consists in churning the milk and cream together. In this case the milk, as it is brought from the cows, is put into the cooling vessels, as before, in order that it may cool down quickly to the temperature of the milk-house. When this has taken place, or even with- out the preliminary cooling, the whole milk is emptied into a barrel, where it remains until it becomes acid and coagu- lates. This will take place in a week or less, according to the temperature of the air. It is then put into the churn, and gently churned for a few seconds, so as to break the coagulum, and mix its parts; and then a little hot water is added, so as to raise the temperature to 70° or 75°. The addi- tion of hot water is not necessary, but it saves labour by causing the butter to separate more readily. The process of churning is more laborious than when the cream alone is used; and therefore machinery should be employed to move the churn. In the larger dairies the churn may be made to contain sixty or seventy gallons or more, and this quantity of milk may, by means of a small pony or slight water-power, be churned in an hour and a half. When the cream alone has been used in churning, the re- siduum, after removal of the cream, is skimmilk. This sub- 11-2 F THE DAIRY. 285 stance still retains the caseous matter of the milk, and may, therefore, be employed for the making of cheese. But it is not so well suited for this purpose as the entire milk, because the cream, which adds to the richness of the cheese, has been mostly withdrawn. It may be used for human food, and is perfectly nutritious, containing both the cheesy matter and sugar of milk. Over a large part of England it is chiefly employed for the feeding of Hogs, which is a great misappli- cation of a substance fitted for human aliment, and practised in no other country in Europe. When the milk and cream are churned together, the dairy affords no skimmilk. But in place of it there is the butter- milk, which is a greatly more nutritive substance than that which is obtained when the cream alone is churned. It is merely, in truth, the milk deprived of its butter. It is sub- acid and cooling, and is used for food in some of the western counties of England, largely throughout the west of Scotland, and all over Ireland. It may be coagulated, and cheese pre- pared from it; but the cheese of buttermilk is of little esti- mation. When buttermilk is kept, it partially undergoes the alcoholic fermentation, and becomes intoxicating. The consumption of butter in the British Islands is prodi- giously great. It is used by all classes in the solid form as a grateful food; and is applied to the same purposes of house- hold economy for which oil is used in the countries of the olive. Notwithstanding the vast internal production, a large importation takes place from other countries, chiefly from Germany and Holland. The principal district of the butter dairy in England is the southern and south-eastern counties. Butter is brought to London in the fresh state from the dis- tant provinces; and even when salted, it is the practice of the dealers to wash out the salt, and sell the butter to the inhabitants as fresh. The other product of the dairy is Cheese, which may either be produced by curdling the entire milk, or by separating the cream and coagulating the milk alone. The first process is 국가 ​* 286 THE OX. the preparation of the coagulating medium termed runnet or rennet, which is most conveniently derived from the gastric juice contained in the abomasum, or fourth stomach, of a sucking calf. When the animal is just killed, this organ with the coagulated milk and chyme which it contains, is taken out to be preserved by salting and drying in the man- ner of bacon. When required for use, it is cut into small pieces, and macerated in water for a few days, and the liquor, which is Runnet, is preserved in bottles. Prepared stomachs of the calf form the subject of commerce. They are imported from Ireland under the name of Vells; but every dairyman should prepare them for himself, as in this way only he can be assured of the strength and goodness of his runnet. When a cheese is to be formed, the course of proceeding is determined by the quantity of milk at the command of the dairyman. If there is a sufficient number of cows to make one or more cheeses at each milking, then the milk, as it is brought from the cows, is strained through a hair-sieve into a tub or vat, and while it is yet warm the runnet is added; and if it shall have been too much cooled after milking, it is raised to the required temperature by the addition of hot water. The quantity of runnet used depends upon its strength, and this again on the method by which it has been prepared; so that no precise rule exists for adapting the quantity of runnet to that of the milk to be acted upon. It is used in all quantities, from a table-spoonful or two to the third part of a pint, the rule of practice being to employ it in such a quan- tity, as shall just suffice to coagulate the milk in the space of not less than an hour. Previous to the addition of the run- net, it is common, in the English dairies, to add some colour- ing matter, in order to give a red tinge to the cheese. The substance commonly employed is arnotto, which is derived from the red pulp covering the seeds of the shrub Bixa Orel- lana, and is imported from South America and the West Indian Islands in the form of red balls. It is dissolved in a bowl of milk by rubbing a small piece of it on a smooth stone ! ↑ 287 kept for the purpose, which causes the milk to assume a deep red colour; and the milk thus coloured, is added to that to be curdled in the quantity required to give it a deep orange tinge. The dye being mixed, the runnet is added, and the whole being stirred, the vat is covered with a thick canvass cloth, so as to prevent the milk from cooling: the whole is then left at rest, and the coagulation proceeds to its termination. This is the method of proceeding, when there is a sufficient quantity of milk at each milking of the cows to form one or more cheeses; but when there is not a sufficient quantity of milk for this purpose, or when for any reason the milk of a pre- vious collection is mixed with the new, then the older milk is to be heated to the required temperature before being mixed with the new. This may be done by heating the old milk in a boiler to the temperature of about 90°, or better, by putting the milk in a tin or copper can, and placing this in a cauldron of boiling water; or else by heating only such a portion of the milk as, when added to the remainder, shall raise it to the temperature sought for. The heated milk and the new being then mixed together, the colouring matter and runnet are added, the vat is covered, and the coagulation allowed to proceed. THE DAIRY. The most suitable temperature for the milk to be curdled is found to be about 90°. The quantity of runnet should be so adjusted to the liquid, as that the coagulation shall take place in about an hour. If the coagulation take place too quickly, either from an excess in the proportion of runnet, or too high a temperature of the milk, the curd produced is hard and tough, and the cheese is wanting in delicacy of texture and flavour; and if, on the other hand, the strength of the runnet, or temperature of the liquid, is too small, the curd does not acquire sufficient consistence. The curd being formed, the whey is expressed. This is at first done gently, because otherwise, before the curd has acquired consistence, a portion of the cream would be ex- pressed along with the serum. The most approved practice Ge 扁 ​1 1 3 تشره * * 288 is to cut the curd quickly, and in all directions, with a knife. A common table-knife will suffice; but it is better that it be formed of several blades, at the distance of an inch from one another. On dividing the curd, the whey rapidly exudes and rises to the surface, and the curd subsides to the bottom. As soon as this has taken place, the whey is to be rapidly removed. This is done partly by pouring it off, and partly by baling it out with wooden bowls, although it might be better done by a syphon. The subdivision of the curd with the knife at the same time is continued, and when all the whey that can be separated in this manner is removed, the curd is taken out and placed on a long sieve, and permitted to drain. When the whey by these means has been drained to the utmost, the curd is placed on a board, or in a perforated vat. It is then minutely comminuted and compressed by the hands; and this manipulation is continued so long as any whey can be expressed. THE OX. یس The curd is then to be subjected to the action of the cheese- press, in order that it may be consolidated, and that all the further serous matter may be expressed. To this end it is pressed into the mould, which is a wooden vessel of the size and shape of the cheese to be made, formed generally by the turning-lathe out of a solid block of wood, and furnished with a thick separate top, of a size sufficient to fit the interior of the mould. A linen cloth, to be folded round the cheese, is put into the mould; and the comminuted curd is heaped into the cloth, which is covered over it, and the whole is put under the press. The curd remains in the press for an hour or two; when it is taken out, wrapped in a fresh cloth, and replaced in the press. After this it is taken out every six hours, or oftener, the same operations being repeated. In three days, or more, according to the degree of previous ma- nipulation, the operation will be completed. The pressure on the curd should have been gradually increased from about 60 lb. to 300 lb., or more. The cheese has now to be removed to a warm apartment. 3 289 If it has not been previously salted, which may have been done either by salting the curd, or by rubbing the cheese with salt each time it was taken out of the press, it is now to be salted. To this end, it is to be rubbed with salt daily for eight or ten days. It may likewise be washed once or twice with hot water, and finally rubbed with butter, so as to soften the external surface, and prevent its cracking. It is then placed in the store-room, on a shelf, where it remains until disposed of. It is for a time to be turned daily, and the skin is to be kept clean and soft, by anointing and brush- ing it. The cheese apartment should be moderately cool, and be ventilated without admitting any current of wind. It should be kept exceedingly clean, and the walls and other parts should be frequently washed with a solution of chloride of lime, so as to destroy effluvia, and prevent the multiplica- tion of insects which deposit their eggs in the cheese. When cheese of peculiar richness is required, the prac- tice is to add a further quantity of cream to the milk to be curdled than that which itself produces: thus the cream of one milking is added to the milk of the following one, which is made into curd. By this mean the milk for each cheese has not only its own cream, but that of the previous milking. There is waste in this practice, but the higher price of the cheese compensates the dairyman. In this manner are made the rich cheeses of Stilton, Cottenham, and Southam, usually termed cream-cheeses. The process is, after having milked the cows in the morning, to skim off the cream of the pre- vious evening, and mix it with the new milk. The runnet being added, the coagulation is allowed to take place in the usual manner, with this difference, that the temperature of the milk is kept somewhat lower, and the coagulation more slowly produced. To retain the cream, too, the whey is more cautiously separated, and, in place of the strong pres- sure of the cheese-press, the cheese is pressed with cloths bound round it. In the preparation of the cheese called Stilton, which is the most esteemed of this class, the curd, T THE DAIRY. * 290 THE OX. after being formed, is gently lifted out of the vat and placed on a sieve. When the whey is strained off, the curd is care- fully compressed by the hand till it has become dry and firm, and then placed in a box or mould. It is afterwards set on a dry board, and bound round with fillets of linen cloth, which are tightened as occasion requires. The ends of the cheese are carefully brushed, and when the cloths are re- moved, the sides are treated in the same manner; and this manipulation is continued for two or three months. Some- times the curd is hung upon nets, but the cheeses formed in this way are not so much valued as those which are made in moulds. • Another class of cheeses consists of those which are made after a separation of the cream, usually termed skimmilk cheeses. They are less oily, and consequently less valued than the others; but they are nearly equally nutritious, and are largely consumed in the recent state by the less opulent classes. They withstand the heat of warm climates better than the richer kinds, are less subject to injury from the larvæ of insects, and are better suited, accordingly, to the victualling of ships. They should be made in the same man- ner as the full-milk cheeses, with equal attention to the slow coagulation of the milk, to the careful separation of the whey, and the gradual pressure on the curd. Cheese is produced in almost every part of the United Kingdom; but its quality varies greatly in different districts, according to the care with which the manipulation is per- formed, and the skill derived from experience. The manu- facture is more especially carried on in the country north and west of the line extending from the Wash to Somerset- shire. The centre of the principal cheese-district of the south-western division of the kingdom, is the county of Gloucester, where the rich vales of the Severn and the Avon are depastured by extensive herds of dairy cows. The cheese of Gloucester is of two kinds, the single and the double. The first is made with new milk in the morning, to which Sam 291 is added the milk of the previous evening deprived of its cream, which is made into butter. The single Gloucester, therefore, contains only half the natural cream of the milk; yet it is so admirably made, that it excels that of other dis- tricts where the whole cream is consumed. The double Gloucester, the greater part of which is produced in the hun- dred of Berkley, is made of the milk with all its natural cream. It is the most generally esteemed kind of cheese produced in England, possessing all the richness that ought to be required, with a mild and grateful flavour. Although Gloucestershire still retains its pre-eminence, the same kind of cheese is produced in all the neighbouring counties. The Berkley cheeses are purchased by the cheese-factor about Michaelmas: he judges of the quality by the blue colour of the skin appearing through the red dye with which their surface is tinged: he used to walk over each cheese; if it yielded to the pressure of the foot, it was said to be heaved, and was rejected as unfit for the London market. The Vale of Berkley alone is computed to produce annually from a thousand to twelve hundred tons of these unrivalled cheeses. THE DAIRY. J From Gloucester the manufacture of cheese, on the large scale, extends into Oxfordshire, and up the Avon into War- wickshire, which is computed to produce above twenty thou- sand tons annually, and into all the neighbouring districts. The county of Somerset likewise abounds in dairies, but ap- plied as much to the production of butter as of cheese. The marshes between Bridgewater and Cross produce a fine oily cheese; and that of the Vale of Cheddar has something of the flavour of Parmesan. In North Wiltshire, likewise, are many dairies. The cheese is prepared nearly in the same manner as that of Gloucester. It is mild and agree- able: the cheeses are small, and being made into fanciful forms, as pine-apples, and the like, are widely distributed in the towns. The next great cheese-manufacturing district is Cheshire, which has been earlier distinguished for this production than L 1 4 292 any other part of England. The cheese of Cheshire is pre- pared from the milk of the morning, to which is added that of the previous evening, with its cream. It undergoes a more laborious manipulation than that of Gloucester, and it is more largely saturated with salt. It is not only salted when in the state of curd, but it is rubbed externally, and steeped in brine. The cheeses are made very large, weighing from 60 to 100 lb., and more. They are not regarded as matured for use until they are two years old. They have a strong taste, which increases with age, and are altogether different in texture and flavour from the mild and fragrant cheeses of Gloucester and the adjoining districts. But they keep ad- mirably well, and are more largely carried to other countries than any of the other cheeses of England. The same kind of cheese is largely produced in Shropshire on the south, and likewise in Lancashire on the north. THE OX. Turning to the eastern counties, the extensive district stretching from the Humber northward, and comprehending the counties of York, Durham, and Northumberland, neces- sarily yields a large quantity of milk, and all the products of the dairy. But this is rather a breeding and fattening than a dairy district; and the cultivation of Cows for milk is sub- ordinate to the other purposes of the grazier. The main productions of the dairy are milk and butter, which, with the cheese produced, are chiefly, though not exclusively, destined for the supply of the numerous population of the country itself. The cheese of this part of England differs greatly from the strong and harsh cheese of Cheshire; but it is in- ferior in delicacy and flavour to that of the south-western counties. In contact with Yorkshire to the west, is Derby- shire, in which numerous dairies are established. The cheese of Derbyshire is known in the market by its own name; the butter used in the same district is chiefly derived from whey. Crossing the Humber to the south, we enter the district where the richer cheeses, with an excess of cream, are pro- duced. They are termed Stilton, from the market-town of 293 that name where they first became known. They are chiefly produced in the county of Leicester, and especially in the villages round Melton Mowbray; but they are likewise manu- factured in the counties of Lincoln, Huntingdon, and Rut- land, still retaining the name of Stilton. These cheeses, it has been said, are formed from the morning's milk, with the addition of the cream of the preceding evening. They are in great request, from their superior richness and agree- able flavour; but, from their high price, their consumption is limited to the more wealthy classes, and their economical importance is therefore greatly inferior to that of the more common kinds. They are not reckoned sufficiently mellow for use until they are two years old, when they are in a state of incipient decomposition. In the county of Cambridge are produced the rich cheeses of Cottenham and Southam. Another kind of cheese is produced in Yorkshire, Lincoln- shire, and many parts of England, formed wholly of coagu- lated cream. This must be used in the recent state, and is merely the subject of household luxury. Scotland, although abounding in milk, is greatly inferior to England with respect to the production of the finer kinds of cheese. The cheeses of Scotland are, for the most part, meagre and deficient in richness, flavour, and aroma; but, with the progress of the dairy, this manufacture has been long in a state of improvement. The district of Cuningham, in Ayrshire, became the first distinguished for the manufacture of cheese, which is known by the name of Dunlop, and has long been much esteemed, and is largely used in the western counties of Scotland. It is mild and well tasted, but want- ing in the peculiar pungency which distinguishes the finer cheeses of England. It has, however, been continually im- proving with the enlarging demand, and more extended prac- tice of the dairy. Similar cheese is produced in the neigh- bouring counties of Renfrew and Lanark. In general, the practice in the Scotch dairies is economical, simple, and efficient; but the manual processes are less carefully executed THE DAIRY. - W & + Į f I ་ ' __ + 294 than in the practice of the superior dairies in England. Ire- land is in no way distinguished for the manufacture of cheese. The principal destination of the dairy in that country is butter and buttermilk, which better consists with the state of the poorer tenants, and the divided possessions of the country. The manufacture of skimmilk cheese is not confined to any part of the kingdom, but is carried on wherever the dairy is established. As the food of the working classes, this kind of cheese is deserving of much attention. But from the greater demand for the richer cheeses which exists in Eng- land, and the consequent inferiority of the price of the other kinds, it has happened that the manufacture of skimmilk cheese is often performed in a too careless and imperfect manner. On this account the skimmilk cheeses of England are inferior to what the experience of other countries shews they could be rendered. With respect to the produce of the dairy, the ordinary computation is, that from 7 to 8 pints, or nearly a gallon, of new milk, will produce 1 lb. of cheese. When the cream is removed, the residuum or skimmilk will produce in about the proportion of 25 per cent. less of cheese than if the cream had remained. Somewhat more than 2 gallons of milk, with its cream, will produce 1 lb. of butter; but if the cream be removed and churned separately, about 3 gallons of milk will be required to yield 1 lb. of butter. The price of full-milk cheese may be estimated on a medium at 6d. per lb.; that of skimmilk cheese at from 3d. to 4d.; that of butter at from 10d. to 1s. The quantity of milk yielded by a Cow varies greatly with the breed, and properties of the individual. In the case of the smaller and inferior class of Cows, the produce may be from 200 to 400 gallons in the year; in the case of the superior class, from 500 to 1000 gallons. The quantity, too, varies much with the abundance and quality of the food supplied, so that, cæteris paribus, a Cow will yield milk nearly in proportion to the nutriment she is enabled to assimilate. THE OX. THE DAIRY. 295 The high value of the products of the dairy, and the prodigi- ous diversity in the faculty of individual Cows to yield milk, shew the great importance of extending a knowledge of the best modes of performing the manufacture, of cultivating a suitable race of Cows, and of feeding them in the best man- ner which the means at the command of the dairyman will allow. The Dairy is a branch of rural industry deserving of at- tention in the highest degree. There are no other means known to us by which so great a quantity of animal food can be derived for human support from the same space of ground. In the British Islands the production of this kind of aliment is very great, and its entire value forms no inconsiderable pro- portion of the yearly created produce of the land. There is no class of persons by whom milk in one or more of its forms is not used. Cheese may seem to be a mere superfluity to those who feed largely on other animal food; yet, even amongst this class, the consumption, from its regularity, is consider- able; but amongst the far more numerous classes to whom cheese is a part of their customary diet, the consumption of this substance is very great. Butter is used by almost every family above the poorest, and to an enormous extent as a substitute for oil in culinary preparations. Simple milk, too, enters into the diet of every class; with this peculiarity, that it is consumed in larger quantity in the rural districts than in the towns. It may be difficult to make an approximate calculation of the quantity and value of milk consumed by the twenty-six millions of inhabitants of the British Islands. It is perhaps a reasonable calculation, that, of twenty mil- lions of these, each individual consumes a pint of milk in a day in its different forms, which would produce 912,500,000 gallons per annum, and at 8d. the gallon, L.30,416,666, besides more than 200 millions of gallons employed in the rearing and fattening of Calves. Great as this production is, it is not sufficient for the supply of the inhabitants; and an importation takes place both of butter and cheese, which an 2+ 7 • S M ** terra m ד 296 THE OX. extension of the native Dairy would enable the country to dispense with. We will now review the various Breeds of British Cattle, whether suited for the dairy, or for being grazed and fat- tened. I. THE WHITE FOREST BREED. The Wild Breed, or, as it may be termed when domesti- cated, the White Forest Breed, identical with the ancient Urus, is still preserved, it has been seen, in a few Parks, where the animals, herding and breeding only with one an- other, retain their pristine characters. Numbers, however, existed in the domesticated state in Wales, until late in the last century; but they have now, for the most part, become so changed in colour and habits, that they can rarely be dis- tinguished from the ordinary races of the country, although scattered individuals are yet to be met with, as in the county of Pembroke, in no respect distinguishable from the Wild Cattle of the Parks. Between Stafford and Lichfield, too, cattle of this race are in considerable numbers. They are here destitute of horns, in which respect they resemble those which are kept at Ribbesdale. They are of good size, and are valued by the farmers as dairy cows. This race could, doubtless, like any other, have its useful properties called forth by the care of the breeder; but little benefit, it is con- ceived, would result from generally domesticating it, or re- sorting to it for the purpose of crossing the common varieties. II. THE ZETLAND BREED. In the Zetland Islands, races of Cattle, Sheep, and Horses, have existed from time immemorial, distinct in their charac- ters from those which are indigenous to the Northern High- lands, and other parts of Scotland. These remote islands, 1 297 the Thule of the Roman writers, were early united to the kingdom of Norway, and, in the middle ages, were in the hands of those lawless rovers, whose piracies extended to the fairer portions of Europe. The Islands were at length trans- ferred to the Crown of Scotland, and were for ages subjected to the servitude of the feudal system in its most cruel form. But the inhabitants, though mixed with their conquerors, remained essentially Norwegian; and, even until the last century, the Norse language continued to be that of the op- pressed inhabitants. The domestic animals of the country were, in like manner, distinct from those of the Celtic in- habitants of the Main, and to this day present the traces of their Scandinavian descent. THE ZETLAND BREED. The cattle are distinctly Norwegian in their characters, and a similar race extends to Iceland. They are small, but of very good form when pure, and fatten with great quick- ness when carried to superior pastures. Their horns are short, their skin is soft, and their flesh is equal to that of any cattle produced in the British Islands. They are of various colours, generally party-coloured, and tending more to the lighter shades than the cattle of the Highlands. The females receive the male at an earlier age than is known in the case of any other breed in this country. The heat oc- curs at the age of five or six months, and has been observed even at four months, indicating an early precocity of the animals, and a tendency to arrive soon at old age. The cows are tolerably good milkers, in which respect they agree with the cattle of Norway, and differ from those of the High- lands; and in this respect too, they agree with the cattle of Jersey and the islands of the Channel, which are likewise believed to be of Norwegian origin. These cattle are smaller than those of Norway, which is to be ascribed partly to the absence of shelter, and partly to the want of artificial food. These islands, though exposed to perpetual storms from the tempestuous seas that surround them, have not so cold a climate as Norway; but they are · : THE OX. + 298 totally destitute of the noble forests which, in the latter country, afford shelter from the icy blasts of winter, while the tillage of the country is every way inferior. Norway is a country of independent proprietors, main- tained, by their laws of equal succession, in a happy medio- crity of condition, cultivating their paternal fields, and reap- ing the direct reward of their individual industry. In the Islands of Zetland, the cultivators of the soil are mostly miserable tenants, who labour for others, and have neither the means nor the will to call forth the resources of their country. Hence it is, that, while the rude industry of the Norwegians suffices to supply their domestic animals with such food as the country affords, the cattle of the Zetland Islands are left almost in a state of nature, without sufficient sustenance in winter, and with scarce any other shelter than the desolate rocks of the country supply. Thus they remain without that development of form which sufficient food and careful treatment never fail to produce. Like the Sheep of the same country, they eat the fuci and other alge of the coasts, and wait the ebbing of the tide, that they may pro- cure this species of food. GE The cattle of Zetland have necessarily become much mixed with those of Orkney, and the latter again with those of Caithness and the Northern Highlands. These mixed races are rarely equal to those of pure descent. The crossing, too, has never been pursued on fixed principles, and hence the mo- dern cattle of Zetland are far inferior to what they might have been rendered by cultivating with care the parent stock, But, above all things, the starving of the animals while young, has contributed to render them puny and degenerate, as com- pared with the ancient Scandinavian stock. It is pleasing, however, to record, that the seeds of improvement are scat- tered in these islands, and that the attention of intelligent gentlemen is now directed to the improvement of the country, aided by the increased intercourse which steam navigation has opened up with the markets of the south. This latter 299 circumstance may be expected to increase the profits of the producers of cattle, and enable them gradually to extend their supplies of artificial food. A question of economical importance is, the manner in which the existing race of Zetland can be improved. The first means, certainly, are a better system of feeding and general treatment, applied to the animals when young. The next mode is the introduction of suitable males for breeding. These might be obtained from the West Highlands, but the end would probably be still more effectually attained by re- sorting to Norway, where excellent bulls of the parent stock can be obtained with facility. THE ZETLAND BREED. It is remarkable, that the little cattle of these islands form admirable first crosses with superior breeds, as the Short-horned; but this system of crossing, though it may be more profitable to individual breeders, can do nothing for the general improvement of the stock of the country itself. The animals reared must be of a kind suited to the conditions in which they are placed. They must be small, hardy, and adapted to the state of agriculture which circumstances allow to be pursued. The same general remarks will apply to the cattle of the Orkney Islands. These likewise present the traces of their Scandinavian descent, but they are greatly more mixed with the races of the Main. In particular, many bulls of coarse form have been introduced from Caithness, itself possessing a mixed breed, and thus herds, without definite characters, are everywhere produced. In every considerable tract of country, it may be observed, many advantages result from possessing a well defined breed. In this case, the breeder has merely to select for propagation the best animals of the race. He has the assurance that the progeny will possess the general characters which he wishes to communicate. But when there is no distinct breed, in the ordinary sense of the term, his expectations will be con- tinually subject to disappointment, by the progeny present- • 300 ing characters different from those of the parents. An effect of the same kind is seen every day in the case of Dogs. If we breed solely from Greyhounds, Terriers, or Sheep-dogs, we calculate securely on obtaining those varieties respec- tively, with more or less of the virtues of the parents; but if we produce a mixed race, we can predicate nothing certainly regarding the form and qualities of the mongrel progeny. F THE OX. III THE WEST HIGHLAND BREED. The High at Primary district of Scotland, usually termed the Highlands, has been occupied, beyond the records of history and tradition, by numerous herds of cattle, which have ac- italy get fu * 蟋 ​- IN quired the characters suited to a country of heaths and high mountains. These cattle, although varying in size and aspect with the nature and altitude of the country, present, with few exceptions, such characters in common, as to entitle us to refer them to a common origin. In the Zetland and Orkney Islands, there has existed the peculiar race which has been described; but in all the Highlands, properly so called the herds of cattle, however distant in their habitat, constitute a group, connected by affinities which form a breed in the usual sense of the term. They are small in size; have horns in the male and female, turning more or less upwards at the points, have short, muscular limbs, and are largely covered with hair. Their muzzle is usually black; they have dewlaps, and on the neck a ridge of coarser hair, forming a mane. Their colour is various, often black, sometimes brown, or a mixture of brown or black, and often mouse-dun. They are hardy beyond all the races of the cattle reared in the British Islands. Their size bears a constant relation to the supplies of natural food. In the Northern and Central High- lands, it often does not exceed that of the calves of a few months old of the larger breeds. Towards Argyleshire, on the south-west, including several of the Hebrides, where the 鏡​の​ちと ​2 • 1 LIBRARY 66%D9 OF THE 2828 MICHIGS NIVERSITY OF WH.Davis. A West Highland Oxl. The Property of Mr. Elliott of East Ham. Essex. H.Beckwith + , THE WEST HIGHLAND BREED. 301 production of the grasses and other herbaceous plants is more abundant, the size of the animals becomes in a corresponding degree enlarged. In like manner, towards the eastern coast, where the mountains pass into the lower country, the cattle gradually assume a character approaching that of the larger breeds. All analogy leads us to infer, that the Mountain Breeds of Scotland are identical with those which formerly inhabited the woods of that country, which, we have seen, were the ancient Uri, and which we may term the White Forest Breed. The physical circumstances of Scotland, however, have vastly changed even within the historical era. Like Norway and other countries of the north of Europe, it was once covered with great forests, nearly all of which have disappeared, leaving the country destitute of shelter, and covered with heaths and the plants peculiar to peat. Under such circum- stances, we must expect a corresponding distinction between the ancient cattle of the forests, and those which have for ages inhabited, in a state of semi-domestication, the bleak mountains of the country. The main difference consists in habits, the one class natural to a state of liberty, and the other of dependence; yet this difference disappears when the animals are placed under similar circumstances. The Wild Breed becomes domesticated with the utmost facility; and the tame breed, if left in a state of entire liberty, assumes the more striking habits of the wild,—the shyness, the swift- ness, the concealment by the mothers of their young, and the like. In some of the few remaining pine forests of the north of Scotland, cows which are left to stray become as wild as deer, and are shot in the same manner. The white colour of the Urus in many cases returns, so that we have almost complete restoration of the ancient characters of the race. Individual cattle are sometimes met with amongst the droves of the Northern Highlands, resembling, even to the marking of the ears, the White Forest Breed of the parks. The finest of the native cattle of the Highlands are bred * +f! ho ↓ P * 4 B L ? I T 5 £ 9 * 1 f 302 in Argyleshire and the neighbouring Islands. This charac- ter they owe to the greater development of their forms, to the superior herbage of the western coasts, but in a great degree, likewise, to the superior care bestowed in breed- ing. After the middle of last century, Archibald Duke of Argyle, a worthy and patriotic individual, bestowed consi- derable attention in improving the cattle of the district sur- rounding his own seat of Inverary; and more recently, nu- merous gentlemen of the Western Highlands have devoted sedulous attention to the improvement of this breed. On these accounts, the variety of the Western Highlands is usually referred to as the model of the breed, just as that of Pembroke is regarded as the model of the Mountain Breeds of Wales. But the West Highland Breed has extended to Perthshire and other parts; and in almost every part of the Highlands, are now to be found gentlemen devoting their attention to the improvement of this staple production of their country. THE OX. Ma Although it is well known to all breeders, that a certain class of external characters indicates a disposition to arrive at an early maturity of bone and muscle, and to become easily fat, namely, a large cylindrical body, dependent upon the greater curvature of the ribs, a body large with relation to the limbs, or, in other words, limbs short with relation to the body, a broad expanded chest, a skin soft to the touch and expansile, a relative smallness of the bones, and an ab- sence of coarseness in the extremities; and in certain breeds of the lower countries, these characters may be developed to a high degree; yet, in a country of mountains and heaths, with a cold, humid, ungenial climate, there must be com- bined with these a set of characters indicative of that hardi- ness of constitution, without which the animals would be un- suited to the condition in which they are placed. That ex- treme delicacy of form which can be easily communicated by breeding, must be avoided. The hair, while it is silky, unctuous, and free from harshness, should be abundant and ► ร 1 THE WEST HIGHLAND BREED. 303 curling; the neck should be strong and muscular; the fore- head rather broad; and the nose, from the eyes to the muzzle, somewhat short; a dewlap should exist as a character of the breed; the eyes should be prominent and clear; the horns should be of good length, without approaching to coarseness, spreading, and tipped with black. Now, in the genuine West Highlanders, we shall find such a combination of these characters, as to shew them to be well fitted to the country in which they are reared. Their limbs are short, though muscular, their chests wide and deep, their ribs well arched, and their backs as straight as in any other breed. The neck, indeed, and dewlap, seem somewhat coarse in the bull, but these are characters indicative of their moun- tain state; and almost all their other points are what breeders would term good. They are of various colours. A disposi- tion exists in the breeders of the Highlands to cultivate the black colour, as conceiving it to be more indicative of hardi- ness; and hence the greater number of the cattle of the High- lands are black. But the brown colour, or the mixed black and brown, or the mouse-dun, are yet more generally indica- tive of a disposition to fatten. The brown is attended with that orange tone of the skin which is valued in other breeds, as the Pembroke and the Devon; and there is a constant ten- dency in the best bred cattle of the Highlands to assume it. The breeders, therefore, should look to the essential charac- ters of form, without limiting themselves to a black colour of the hair, which is a property altogether secondary. The Cows of this breed, like those of many alpine districts, are deficient in the power of yielding milk. The milk they give is rich in cream, but it is in small quantity; and they very quickly tend to run dry. They are usually allowed to suckle their own young, and often manifest the wildness of their race, by refusing to yield milk, and quickly running dry, unless their young be suffered to suck them. Attempts have been sometimes made to cross this breed with the cattle of the lower country, with the Ayrshire, and 24 C 2 ! I I A 304 even with the Short-horns. Fine animals are produced by first crosses of this kind; and many of the fat oxen sent to be exhibited at cattle-shows are thus obtained. But the benefit may be said to end with the first cross: the future progeny is inferior to either of the parent races; to the larger cattle of the plains in their peculiar characters, and to the mountain breed in their adaptation to a steril country. Every consideration, therefore, founded on our knowledge of the character of the animals, and the nature of their country, indicates the propriety of maintaining the purity of the race of the Highlands, and calling forth its useful properties by careful breeding. Over all the Northern and Central High- lands, a vast scope for beneficial improvement is open; and no easier method of effecting it presents itself, than the ob- taining of Bulls from those districts where circumstances have enabled the breeders to bring them to the greatest per- fection of form. THE OX. IV. THE PEMBROKE BREED. The Pembroke Breed of Cattle is proper to the county of that name, which occupies the south-western extremity of the principality. But the breed extends to all the neigh- bouring districts, and may be said to be the type of the whole Mountain Breeds of Wales. It has been seen that the White Forest Breed, by the mere change of colour, becomes similar to the modern Pembrokes, and is indeed identical with them. The latter possess the distinctive horns of the Wild Breed, and the yellow unctuous skin which character- izes it. The horns are fine, tapering, turned upwards at the points, and tipped with black, and the yellowness of the skin appears as a deep orange, nearly black, on the inside of the ears, the mammæ, and other naked parts. The skin is soft, and well covered with hair,-a character which always indicates a humid climate. The colour preferred by the *** 3 12 305 breeders is black, and, in breeding, they adhere strictly to this colour. They regard a mixture of white as a mark of impurity, though it is manifest that it is not so, but a ten- dency to the original character of the race. The size of the Pembroke Cattle is that of the larger class of the breed of the West Highlands of Scotland. They have naturally a light hind-quarter, which is a character common to other mountain breeds; but this is a defect which a due attention to breeding corrects. Their flesh is excellent, the fat being well mixed with the muscular parts. They produce a large quantity of tallow, and, on this account, are esteemed by the butchers; and great numbers of them are fattened in the rich valley of the Severn, and elsewhere, for the supply of the market of London. They are hardy, and subsist well on scanty food: they are tolerably good feeders, to use the technical term; and soon assume an appearance of maturity and age. The females have fair milking qualities, and the cows are accordingly esteemed in all parts of Wales for the domestic dairy. The dark orange colour of the skin, ap- proaching to black, is deemed an important indication of the milking properties of the cow. The Pembroke has been sometimes crossed by the Devon and the Hereford breeds; but a just estimation of the cha- racters of the former, will shew the error of this species of intermixture. The Pembroke is truly a Mountain Breed, and well adapted to the situations in which it is acclimated; and a mixture of foreign blood takes from its hardiness, and fitness for a country of mountains and scanty herbage. The other races of the Welsh mountains have more or less of an affinity with the Pembroke, and exhibit the traces of a common origin; but they are most of them smaller in size, lighter in the hind-quarters, and otherwise of inferior form. Such are those of Caernarvon and Merioneth, which are uncultivated in a high degree. The best method of improv- ing these neglected breeds would be crossing with the ge- nuine Pembroke. THE PEMBROKE BREED. U • L # - 1 J I ' 1 I + के 1 +1 * ג ¡ } I ¡ } ? 306 THE OX. Anglesea is a low insular tract of North Wales, about twenty-four miles by seventeen, separated from Caernarvon by a narrow strait of the sea. It produces the grasses, but yet is of only moderate fertility. It rears a considerable number of cattle, which used to be forced to swim across the Straits of Menai, until the noble iron-bridge which now connects the island with the main was formed. During this transit, the younger cattle were often carried several miles by the current, or drifted seaward; and yet the Roman cavalry swam across this strait, when, under Paulinus Sue- tonius, they attacked this last stronghold of British liberty and Druidical worship. The native cattle of this island are allied, in their essential characters, to the Pembroke breed, and manifest a common origin; but they are of larger size and coarser form, having acquired the characters suited to a lower country. The genuine Angleseas are distinguishable by the upright position of the horns, and the orange-yellow colour of the skin. This breed has been much mixed with Long-horns, chiefly from Ireland; and various attempts have been made by individuals to improve the breed by crosses of different kinds. These attempts seem to have been made without system, perseverance, or knowledge of the charac- ters of the native race. They may be said to have produced no beneficial effect upon the cattle of the country, the best of which are manifestly those which approach the nearest to the ancient type. The main end to be aimed at in the im- provement of the breed of Anglesea, is to remove that coarse- ness of form which is characteristic of the race; and this could be effected by a fitting selection of individuals for breeding, from the best and purest of the native stock. Another and important breed of Wales is the Glamorgan ; but the improved Glamorgans are to be ranked with the larger oxen of the plains, rather than with those of the mountains. They will be treated of in the sequel, along with the Herefords, and other breeds of the lower country. The parent stock of the Mountain Breeds of Wales, it has I 1 307 been seen, is distinguished by a tapering upright horn. As the mountainous country passes by gradations into the lower, the cattle deviate from the native type, and assume insen- sibly the character of what are termed Long-horns. This character is indicated by the direction as well as by the length of the horn. It may be considered as a character connected with that thickness of skin which the Ox, under certain cir- cumstances of feeding and treatment, tends to assume; for the corneous system, as could be shewn, is intimately con- nected with the cuticular. It is the character which a very large proportion of the oxen of these Islands had acquired; and, accordingly, of the breeds of this country, the Long- horned, as will afterwards be seen, were the most numerous. They formerly extended over all the midland counties of England, and the plains of Ireland. It is this tendency of the oxen in the central parts of Wales to assume the Long- horned character, as well as actual intermixture with the breeds of the plains, that produces that mixture of races which is to be seen in the country. These mixed races ave generally of coarse and defective form, and greatly inferior, as fattening animals, to those which approach the nearest to the parent stock. THE PEMBROKE BREED. Although Wales is generally a country of mountains, in which the animals reared must mainly depend on the natural pastures, yet it is intersected by many fertile vales, and often the mountains pass by degrees into the richer plains of the lower country. In such cases, it is not required that breed- ers should confine themselves to the smaller cattle of the mountains. They may adopt the breeds which their respec- tive localities enable them to maintain, as the Durham, the Hereford, and the superior class of Glamorgans. In this case, their own judgments must guide them in the selec- tion of the kinds of animals best suited to the nature of their respective farms. But, in general, the breeders of Wales would do well to avoid that system of indiscriminate crossing and changing, which prevails in so many parts of 1 1. A 308 the country. A true breed, it is to be observed, is never to be formed by casual crossing, but by long perseverance in breeding from similar animals, until a uniform class of cha- racters is acquired and rendered permanent. For this rea- son, it is generally better to adopt a good breed already formed, than to attempt to produce a new one by a mixture of the blood of dissimilar animals. THE OX. The Pembroke Breed is well adapted to all the moun- tainous parts of Wales; and it is important that it should be cultivated with care. It is not necessary that the breeders resort to other races for its improvement. They have merely to apply those principles of selection, which in all other cases have been successful, to render the breed good with relation to the circumstances in which it is reared. The district of Castle-Martin is that from which the finest of the Pembrokes are at present derived. The breeders in this district strictly adhere to the black colour, which has become at length regarded as indicative of the purity of the breed. This colour has, indeed, no necessary connexion with the really useful properties of the animals; but having be- come a test of the purity of the breed, both on the part of the producers and consumers, it is to be believed that the character will, on this account, be preserved, just, as in the case of the North Devons, the red colour is retained as an index of the purity of descent. The breeders of the Castle-Martins, however, have fortunately not confined their attention to the secondary character of colour. They have devoted assiduous care to the really useful characters of the breed. Preserving its essential characteristics, they have removed the too great lightness of the hinder quarters, and given that general symmetry of form, which experience shews to have an intimate connexion with the economical proper- ties of all animals cultivated for human food. THE KERRY BREED. V.—THE KERRY BREED. 309 The native breeds of Irish cattle may be divided into those of the mountains, moors, and bogs, and those of the richer plains, with intermixed breeds resulting from the union of different races, foreign or native. The mountain breeds ap- proach to the characters of the ancient White Forest Breed, in a sufficiently near degree to indicate a common descent with the cattle of the mountains of Scotland and Wales, and the high lands of Devon. Of the native breeds of Ireland, one very peculiar and well defined is derived from the mountainous county of Kerry, the most westerly land in Europe, and remarkable for the humidity of its climate. The Kerry cattle of the mountains are generally black, with a white ridge along the spine, a character agreeing with the account which older writers have given of the Uri of the woods of Poland. They have often also a white streak upon the belly, but they are of various. colours, as black, brown, and mixed black and white, or black and brown. Their horns are fine, long, and turned upward at the points. Their skins are soft and unctuous, and of a fine orange tone, which is visible about the eyes, the ears, and the muzzle. Their eyes are lively and bright, and, although their size is diminutive, their shape is good. These cattle are hardy, and capable of subsisting on scanty fare. Although stunted in size when brought from the bogs and barren pastures on which they are reared, they make a wonderful advance in size, even though seven years old, when supplied with suitable food. The fat of their beef is well mixed with the muscular parts, or, in technical language, marbled; and they fatten well in the inside, a character which renders them valuable to the butcher, and distinguishes them in a remarkable degree from the Long-horned Breeds of the lower country. But the peculiar value of the Kerry Breed is the adapta- 1 I I I F I E T F 310 tion of the females to the purposes of the domestic dairy. In milking properties, the Kerry Cow, taking size into account, is equal or superior to any in the British Islands. It is the large quantity of milk yielded by an animal so small, which renders the Kerry Cows so generally valued by the cottagers and smaller tenants of Ireland. She is frequently termed the Poor Man's Cow, and she merits this appellation by her capacity of subsisting on such fare as he has the means to supply. This fine little breed has been greatly neglected. Scarcely any means have been used to produce a progressive develop- ment of form, by supplying proper nourishment to the breed- ing parents and the young, and no general care has been be- In almost stowed on preserving the purity of the stock. every part of Ireland the breed has been crossed with the Long-horns, and a great proportion of the Cows of the country known under the name of Kerries, are the result of crosses of this kind, and so have deviated in a greater or less degree from the native type, and almost always for the worse. A few honourable exceptions, however, exist to this too general neglect of the mountain dairy breed of Ireland. One attempt had succeeded to such a degree as to form a new breed, which partially exists with the characters communi- cated to it. It has been termed the Dexter Breed. It was formed by the late Mr Dexter, agent to Maude Lord Haw- warden. This gentleman is said to have produced his curious breed by selection from the best of the mountain cattle of the district. He communicated to it a remarkable roundness of form and shortness of legs. The steps, however, by which this improvement was effected, have not been sufficiently re- corded, and some doubt may exist whether the original was the pure Kerry, or some other breed proper to the central parts of Ireland now unknown, or whether some foreign blood, as the Dutch, was not mixed with the native race. One character of the Dexter Breed is frequently observed in cer-, tain cattle of Ireland, namely, short legs, and a small space THE OX. THE KERRY BREED. 容量 ​311 from the knee and hock to the hoofs. This has probably given rise to a saying sometimes heard, of "Tipperary beef down to the heels." However the Dexter Breed has been formed, it still retains its name, and the roundness and depth of carcass which distinguished it. When any individual of a Kerry drove appears remarkably round and short-legged, it is common for the country people to call it a Dexter. Amongst the successful cultivators of the dairy breed of Ire- land ought to be mentioned the late Bishop of Killaloe. He sedulously endeavoured to preserve and improve a breed which he conceived to be so useful to the peasantry of Ire- land; but his example has scarcely spread amongst other. breeders of the country. The Kerry Cows afford admirable first crosses with the Short-horns, Herefords, and other larger breeds. Of these crosses, that with the Short-horns is the most general, and appears to be the best. The crosses are found to be well adapted to fattening, as well as to the dairy; and the profit from this system is so immediate, that it is to be believed that it will be more largely resorted to than a progressive improvement of the parent stock. Nevertheless, the cultiva- tion of the pure dairy breed of the Kerry mountains ought not to be neglected by individuals or public associations. The breed is yet the best that is reared over a large extent of country, from its adaptation to the existing state of agri- culture, and to the humid mountains and bogs in which it is naturalized. Were it to be reared with care in a good dis- trict, the form would be gradually more developed, and the Kerry breed might then bear the same relation to the moun- tain breeds of Ireland which the Castle-Martin does to those of Wales, or the West Highland to those of the north of Scotland. 14 ד ` + H 1 312 ▸ THE OX. $ VI. THE ANGUS BREED. • י The country from which this breed of cattle is derived is the tract of Old Red Sandstone which forms the plains and less elevated parts of the counties of Forfar and Kincardine. This tract of country is of varying fertility, has long been enclosed, and is now extensively applied to a mixed system. of tillage and grazing, and, in a peculiar degree, to the pro- duction of turnips. The breed of cattle is to be regarded as one of those races which are intermediate between the races of the mountains and those of the richer plains. The older breed of the district was horned, but with a tendency, it may be believed, to assume the hornless character. But, however this be, the hornless variety ultimately became the predomi- nant one, and is now to be regarded as the cultivated breed of the district. The animals are termed by the country people dodded, and sometimes humbled, cattle. Attention seems to have been especially devoted to them as a separate variety soon after the American war, when the agriculture of this part of Scotland began a course of rapid improvement. During the war with France, the cultivation and improve- ment of them continually extended, and numbers of them were driven to the English markets under the name of Gal- loways, which they resembled in their aspect and general character. There has been ever since a large exportation of them to Yorkshire, Norfolk, Leicester, and other grazing counties, where they are fattened for a longer or shorter time according to their condition. They find their way in num- bers to Smithfield, and form a part of the consumption of the capital. This breed has a certain resemblance to the Galloway, and a mixture of blood seems to have taken place between them; but the cattle are less compact in form, and longer in their limbs, than the true Galloways, and have not the depth of rib so characteristic of the latter breed. But the Angus, living → THE ANGUS BREED. 313 in a less humid climate, being subjected to more artificial treatment, and being less exposed, accordingly, to the incle- mency of the weather, have a finer though not a softer skin, and a less rough coat of hair, than the Galloway. They are better treated when calves, and during the whole period of their growth; and, though less uniform and confirmed in their characters than the Galloways, owe more to art and careful culture. Finer animals have been produced, by the care of distinguished breeders, in Forfarshire than in Galloway, though those of the latter district have the advantage de- rived from a country of milder temperature, and more pro- ductive of the natural grasses. The Angus are better milkers than the Galloway, though the dairy does not form an object of especial attention in the district. The Angus are of different colours, but are mostly black, with white marks. Many of them are brindled, as it is term- ed, or a mixture of black and brown with different shades. The Angus breeders prefer the black, without confining them- selves with the same rigidity as the breeders of Galloway to that colour. The breeders of both districts would do well to disregard this secondary character of colour, and look solely to the form and superior fattening powers of the indi- viduals. The Angus breed has recently been much extended in the north of Scotland, and is justly gaining preponderance over the native cattle of some of the districts adjoining. The coun- try which it inhabits, from its excellent state of cultivation, is suited to maintain any race of cattle, and the Short-horned breed has accordingly been introduced, and may be expected to gain on the native race. The interests of breeders them- selves will determine, in the several cases that may arise, when the preference should be given to the native, and when to the imported, breed. An error regarding the value of the different breeds of cattle may be here noticed. Over a great part of this coun- try the fattening of cattle is not the purpose of the breeder. จ W J f 314 He rears the cattle to the age which consists with the nature of his farm, and then disposes of them to another class of traders, who fit them for ultimate consumption. Vast num- bers of cattle are reared in the mountainous and less fertile districts and farms, and then transferred to the lower coun- try and richer farms to be fattened for use. This species of transfer is continually going on, and constitutes a great part of the trade in cattle in the British Islands; and much of the profit of graziers and others.depends on the skill with which, on the one hand, the purchases are made, and, on the other, on the manner in which the processes of grazing and fatten- ing are carried on. The person who purchases lean stock for fattening may often be better paid by the smaller cattle than by the larger and finer; that is, he may receive a larger return from the capital laid out. But it were an error on this account to say, that the one breed is equal or supe- rior to the other. The value of a breed is not determined by the profit which persons may obtain by purchasing, but by the nett produce derived from the animals from the period of birth to that of maturity. An Ox that, at the age of two years old, can be fattened to the weight of sixty stones and upwards, like those of the Short-horned breed, is regarded as a more valuable animal than one that would require three 'or more years to be fattened to the same weight. The Angus is a good breed, well adapted to the natural and acquired fertility of a great tract of country; but it cannot be brought to the same weight of muscle, and degree of fatness, and in the same period of time, as the Short-horns and Herefords. The latter, therefore, form the more valuable breeds, in the sense in which the term valuable is here employed. In like manner, the Short-horned and Herefords are said to be supe- rior in value as breeds to the West Highland, though the latter is immeasurably superior to the others in adaptation to the countries in which it is naturalized, and may be equally a subject of profitable trade to the grazier and feeder. When we employ the term valuable, then, in the abstract, with re- THE OX. } | A 2950 3XL 10 42.298 AO. MICHIG WH Davies. The Property of Mr. Isaac Machray.. H.Beckwith An Aberdeenshire Polled Bull, Torie Form, Kincardineshire, which received the first prize at the Highland Society's Show, at Aberdeen, October 1840. THE POLLED ABERDEENSHIRE BREED. 315 lation to a breed, it must be understood as denoting the qua- lity of reaching to the greatest weight of muscle, and degree of fatness, in the shortest time, and with the least consump- tion of food, and not the adaptation of the race to peculiar localities, or the profit that may be derived between the periods of buying and Bething These considerations kept in mind, may prevent some of thos which sometimes relative superiority arise between persons contending of their respective breeds of animals Sometimes the Angus breed has been crossed with the Short-horned, and in this way very fine animals, superior to the native race, have been produced but the benefit ends in a great degree with the first cross and the subsequent pro- geny is inferior to the pure Short-horns in size and tendency to fatten, and to the indigenous stock in hardiness and adapta- tion to rough treatment. The safer course, therefore, to pur- sue, is to preserve the two breeds distinct and pure. Where the condition of farms, or the wishes of breeders, induce the adoption of the Short-horned breed, this ought to be cul- tivated in it state of purity, where other circumstances exist, the native breed should be preserved unmixed, care being used to call forth its useful properties by proper feed- ing, and due attention to the selection of the breeding parents. VII. THE POLLED ABERDEENSHIRE BREED. The county of Aberdeen, covering nearly a sixteenth part of the entire surface of North Britain, produces numerous cattle which have long been a staple production of the dis- trict, for the consumption of the towns, and for exportation to the markets of the south. This extensive county consists essentially of gneiss and granite, but presents great diversity of surface, from the lofty mountains of the south-west and west, some of whose summits rise nearly to the region of perpetual congelation, to the sheltered valleys of the rivers, *** A 316 and the lower grounds of the coasts. But, generally, the county of Aberdeen may be described as being rocky, barren of soil in most parts, and interspersed with great tracts of peat, covering the site of those noble forests which once over- spread this part of Scotland. The cattle vary with place, and the natural or acquired fertility of the parts where they have been naturalized. In the higher and wilder districts inland, they are identical with those of the Central High- lands; and even in the lower country, where a mixture of blood has taken place, their characters evince that the parent stock has been that of the Highland mountains. But in the cultivated country, they have become enlarged in size with the progress of cultivation, and altered in their characters by the admixture of other races. Up to a late period in the last century, all the principal labours of tillage in this part of Scotland were performed by oxen, which caused the farmers to cultivate size and strength as a property of their cattle, and to resort to the richer districts southward for larger ani- mals than their own district produced, and especially to the eastern part of Fifeshire, where the Falkland breed was reared. Although the cattle of the lower parts of Aberdeen- shire became, from these causes, enlarged in size, they long remained of bad form, having thick skins, long horns, and coarse extremities. With the progress of improvement, how- ever, during the present century, a variety has been culti- vated and widely extended, now generally termed the Polled Aberdeenshire Breed, in which the absence of horns may be ascribed in part to the introduction of the hornless cattle of other districts, but mainly to the breeding from animals of the native stock which possessed this peculiarity, in prefer- ence to those having the long horns characteristic of the older race. This modern variety, however, scarcely even yet presents that uniformity of characters which constitutes a true breed, although it is continually approaching to this condition, in consequence of increased attention to breeding; and more extended intercourse between the different parts of THE OX. 1 317 the country. The individuals are of better form than the older race, and generally of larger size, weighing upon a me- dium when fat, at the age of four years, from forty-seven to sixty stones English. They are rarely fattened at an earlier age than four years, when they are valued by the butchers for the manner in which they cut up, and the comparative absence of coarser parts. Although improved, and conti- nually improving, they are yet, with respect to form, and tendency to fatten at an early age, greatly short of the per- fection to which they are capable of being brought. THE GALLOWAY BREED. ✔ Into this district, as into most others where artificial food can be raised in sufficient quantity, the Short-horned breed has been introduced. It is cultivated by several breeders in the pure state; but more generally it is made to cross the native stock, by which means a present profit is obtained. But, from the nature of the far greater part of the district, the importance will appear of carefully preserving the native stock, and communicating to it those properties of form which it is capable of receiving. Extending from Aberdeenshire northwards to the Pentland Firth, is an extensive tract of country, more or less fertile and improved, lying between the sea and the great moun- tains of the Highlands. The cattle of this extensive district are of mixed blood, and rarely present such uniform charac- ters as to allow them to be classed as true breeds. They have long been undergoing progressive changes, by the in- creased attention paid to the selection of superior animals for breeding, and latterly by the partial introduction of the Tees- water Short-horns. VIII.—THE GALLOWAY BREED. The district termed Galloway forms the termination on the west of the range of greywacké hills, which stretch from + 1 f 318 St Abb's Head, on the east coast, to the North Irish Chan- nel. It comprehends the modern counties of Wigton and Kirkcudbright, but formerly included, and still does so in popular language, a portion of the shires of Ayr and Dum- fries. The general character of the district is moist. The winters are more temperate than on the eastern coasts, snow does not remain long upon the ground, and the soil tends to produce the grasses, rushes, and other herbaceous plants, rather than the heaths. This district has long produced great numbers of cattle, which have acquired a distinct class of characters. THE OX. The breed of Galloway is properly one of the mountains rather than of the lower country, and its characters adapt it well to the degree of productiveness of the district, the nature of its agriculture, and the humidity of the climate. The cattle are of larger size than those of the Highlands of Scot- land, but smaller than the breeds of the plains. Their ave- rage dead weight, when fat, at three years' old, may be reckoned about 45 stones, of 14 lb. to the stone: those sold in London at the age of nearly four, weigh from 55 to 60 stones. The skins are thick, though soft to the touch, and the hair is long and soft. The predominant colour is black, the breeders preferring that colour, and regarding it as in- dicative of hardiness and purity of blood. The form of the body of these cattle is compact, the limbs are short and fleshy to the knee and hock, the chest is moderately deep, the throat is furnished with a dewlap, and the neck is somewhat coarse. The sides are very long, and this character distinguishes the breed. The "Galloway rib" is well known in Smithfield, and the general form of the animal is valued by the butchers. These cattle are hardy, exceedingly docile, sufficiently good feeders, when carried to suitable pastures, and weigh well in proportion to their bulk; and they produce beef, which is esteemed in the English markets, on account of the fat being well mixed with the muscular parts. Hector Boece, who 1 • THE GALLOWAY BREED. wrote in the 16th century, speaking of the cattle of Galloway, says, “In this region ar mony fair ky and oxin, of quhilk the flesh is right delicius and tender." 319 The cows are indifferent milkers, and soon run dry. In this respect they resemble other mountain breeds of Scot- land. The character may be partly the result of breeding, the care of the breeders of the district having been always directed to the grazing, and not to the milking, properties; but the milk, though comparatively small in quantity, is rich in cream. A remarkable character of this breed is the absence of horns in the male and female. It is said that the older breed of Galloway, as it existed in the middle of last century, possessed horns; but this is not perfectly ascertained, and some earlier notices rather conduct us to the conclusion, that the absence of horns has been for a much longer period a distinctive character of the race. It may be either due to the physical circumstances of the country, which produce this constitutional character, or to the effects of selection in breeding, or to a combination of these causes. If the consti- tutional tendency existed, it was easy for breeders, by breed- ing only from animals destitute of horns, to render all the breed hornless. Sometimes, even yet, the horns are developed in individuals, and, as this is regarded, erroneously indeed, as a test of impurity, they are cut out. In a few cases the development of the horns is partial: the nucleus or bony part is wanting, but the horny part has been formed, and hangs loose on the skin. The trade in cattle between Galloway and England appears to have begun soon after the union of the two Crowns, and for upwards of 150 years has been regular and extensive. It is computed that upwards of 20,000 head are annually exported from the district, of which from 16,000 to 18,000 are sold at Smithfield; but it is probable that the total ex- port exceeds the quantity mentioned. They are reared to the age of two or three years on the farms of the country, ? ** 1 ļ 14 THE OX. } ! 320 and are driven southward, mostly in the latter part of the season, and chiefly to the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. They are purchased by the English graziers, wintered on straw, hay, and green food, and fattened on the grass of the following season, and driven to Smithfield, supplying a large part of the consumption of the city from Christmas to July. They are well known, accordingly, in this great market, and are greatly valued by butchers and consumers. A number are likewise fattened in the lower parts of Dumfriesshire, and indeed, over a great part of that extensive county, the prevailing breed has hitherto been the Galloway. But for many years the Ayrshire breed has been gaining ground in Dumfriesshire with the progress of the dairy, and in some cases the Short-horns have been introduced, In Galloway proper, the management of the cattle when young is rude, but suited to the character of the district. The calves are generally permitted to suck the dams, are fed on the coarse herbage of the country, left a great part of the winter in the fields, or kept on straw or coarse hay. The production of corn in the district is limited, and is regarded as subordinate to the purpose of producing straw for the stock. The habit of trading in cattle was very general amongst the farmers of Galloway, and gave rise to a spirit of speculation which was somewhat unfavourable to the pursuit of regular agriculture. The farmers are still in the practice of attending markets, and making purchases and sales of cattle, with the view of a profit on the transfers. The great trade, however, is in the hands of the Norfolk and Suffolk drovers, who used to settle with the owners by bills, which was attended with hazard to the sellers, and was sometimes productive of great losses to the district. The practice of spaying the heifers prevails to a greater extent in Galloway than in any part of the kingdom. The operation used to be performed at the age of twelve months, but is now very gene- rally done at two months. The greater part of those that are not retained for breeding are thus treated. Those heifers 10 : THE GALLOWAY BREED. . 321 do not quite attain the size of oxen, but they are regarded as better suited for fattening, and their beef is reckoned more delicate, and brings, accordingly, a somewhat higher price. The practice, however, though it may be justified on these grounds, is unfavourable to the improvement of the breed, by limiting the number of females, from which a selec- tion may be made for breeding. Extensive as has been the trade in this staple production of the country, it was long before any thing like attention to the principles of breeding was given by the farmers. Not- withstanding the spirited efforts of individuals, the stock of the country was treated with much neglect, with relation to the preserving and improving of the breed. The bulls were almost always defective in essential points, and an injurious mixture had progressively taken place with cattle from Ire- land, 10,000 and more of which are supposed to pass every year through the country, by way of Donaghadee and Port- Patrick. Efforts have, from time to time, been made to cross the breed by the Dishley Long-horns, the Ayrshire, and the modern Short-horns. These attempts, it is believed, have been all failures, in so far as they were designed to im- prove the general breed of the country; and modern breed- ers, with better knowledge, have turned their attention to the improvement of the existing race. In this field there is a wide scope for the exertion of individuals, and, if steadily pursued, the system cannot but be attended with beneficial results. The breed of Galloway is peculiarly confirmed in its characters, and thoroughly adapted to the condition of the country; and all that is wanted to promote its progres- sive amelioration, is a careful selection of suitable males and females for breeding, with that due attention to early and liberal feeding of the young stock, which, in every case, tends to the production of superior animals. If, on any par- ticular farm, another race of cattle can be reared, as the Short-horns, let this stock be substituted; but it would be an error to attempt a mixture of blood with the race so T X i ¡ t 3 F ↓ my fre 322 long acclimated, and so excellent in itself, as that of Gal- loway. The great advantage of having a breed possessing uniformity, is manifest in Galloway, as in every country where a race with determined characters exists. The breeder has always in such a case the assurance of being able to reproduce in the offspring the essential properties of the parents; whereas, in countries where no uniform breed has been established, he never can be so assured of the result of coupling animals together. The cattle of Galloway, though they have all the characters of resemblance which constitute a breed, yet vary greatly in size and form, according to the fertility, natural or acquired, of the farms on which they are reared, shewing the importance of providing an increase of food for the animals when growing in bone and muscle. One of the great defects, at the present time, over a large part of Galloway, is the not supplying the growing stock with suffi- cient food. THE OX. IX. THE POLLED SUFFOLK BREED. The Polled Suffolk Breed is usually termed the Suffolk Dun, from the county of Suffolk, where it is found in the greatest numbers, and from the mouse-dun colour which was once the prevailing one of the breed. Although termed Suf- folk, the breed extends over Norfolk, Cambridge, and a part of Essex, where it either remains pure, or has been mixed in blood with other races. In Smithfield, the fattened cattle, whether of pure or mixed lineage, receive the name of Home- breds. The Polled Suffolk cattle are, as the name denotes, desti- tute of horns. They are mostly of small size, and of defec- tive form, when we regard them as animals to be fattened. The characteristic colour of the older breed was a mouse- dun, or some shade approaching to that colour; but now they are generally reddish-brown, or brown mixed with THE POLLED SUFFOLK BREED. 323 white. The general form of the unmixed race is uncouth; the head is heavy, and the extremities are coarse. The belly is large, and the back narrow, which gave occasion to Bake- well to observe of them, that they were too like a penthouse- top, and would do very well if turned upside down. The cows have the udders very large, with the subcutaneous ab- dominal vein prominent,-a character which always indicates the power of the female to yield much milk. Nearly a cen- tury ago, the cows were described as having "the carcasses large, the belly heavy, the back-bone ridged, the chine thin and hollow, and the loin narrow." With the exception of the narrowness of the loin, this description applies truly to such of the descendants of the older breeds as remain un- mixed. They are found in the greatest purity and numbers. in the middle division of the county of Suffolk, where numer- ous dairies are established. This may be regarded as the central habitation of the breed, its characters changing as we recede from this district. About Ipswich, and southward to the coast, the animals are larger, and of coarser bone, retaining, however, the conformation and colour distinctive of the breed. In Cambridge and Essex, they exhibit a greater or smaller degree of departure from the parent type. In Norfolk, they are mixed in blood with an older race, distin- guished by small upright horns, which has now disappeared, either by the substitution of the pure Suffolk, or by the effects of crossing. The breed was probably formed at an early period, its pe- culiarities having arisen from the attention of breeders being mainly directed to the fitness of the animals for the dairy. Camden thus describes the county of Suffolk between two and three centuries ago: "A large country it is, and full of havens, of a fat and fertile soil (unlesse it be eastward), being compounded (as it is) of clay and marle; by meanes whereof, there are in every place most rich and goodly corne fields, with pastures as battable for grazing and feeding of cattell. And great store of cheeses are there made, which, to the + $ 2 H B 1 324 great commodity of the inhabitants are vented into all parts of England, nay into Germanie, France, and Spaine also, as Pantaleon, the Phisitian writeth, who stucke not to compare these of ours, for colour and tast both, with those of Placen- tia."* And Speed, who wrote in 1676, thus speaks of the productions of the same part of England: "The commodi- ties of this shire are many and great, whereof the chiefest consist in corn, cattle, cloth, pasturage, woods, sea-fish and fowle; and as Abbo Floricensis hath depainted, This country is of green and passing fresh hue, pleasantly replenished with orchards, gardens, and groves: Thus he described it above six hundred years since, and now we find as he hath said; to which we may add their gain from the pail."† These notices suffice to shew that it is long since a breed of cattle suited to the uses of the dairy had been established in the county of Suffolk. Some, judging from the absence of horns, and the size and general aspect of the animals, have imagined that the Polled Suffolk is a variety of the Galloway breed of Scotland, introduced into this part of England by the long intercourse between the Scotch breeders and the Suffolk and Norfolk graziers. The Polled Suffolk, however, has as much the characteristics of a distinct native breed as the Galloway itself. The individuals differ from the Gallo- ways in the colour of the skin and hair, in the muscular de- velopment of the neck and shoulders, which are naturally large in the Galloway, but thin in the Polled Suffolk, in the smaller depth of the ribs, and in the superior milking pro- perties of the females. THE OX. The Polled Suffolk breed is regarded as hardy to the de- gree of bearing careless treatment, and subsisting on in- different food; and the cows are noted, as in former times, for the large quantity of milk which they yield, in proportion to their size and the food consumed. It is this property * Camden's Britannia, translated newly into English by Philemon Holland, Doctour in Physick—1610. † Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain. 325 which gives its real value to the breed, which otherwise could not have maintained itself in a fertile district, amidst all the improvement which the cattle of the country have undergone. Suffolk is still distinguished as a dairy district. The prin- cipal manufacture is butter, which finds a sale in London, and other markets. It also produces great quantities of skimmilk cheese; which has given rise to the saying, that Suffolk produces the best butter and the worst cheese in England. From this kind of cheese being well suited to withstand the heat of warm countries, it was formerly largely employed in victualling the Navy. In consequence of the early attention paid to the produce of the dairy, it is easy to see that cows the best suited for that purpose would be sought for, in preference to those possessing the property of early fattening. The dairy farmers hold it sufficient to ob- tain a good Milch-Cow, and, accordingly, the only principle of choosing bulls is that of selecting those which possess the reputation of breeding a good dairy stock. This system being pursued for a long period, the result has been what our knowledge of the principles of breeding would lead us to expect. The characters which indicate a disposition to arrive at early maturity, and secrete fat, have been disregarded; while those that indicate a disposition in the female to pro- duce abundant milk, have been alone valued. It is remarked by Arthur Young, that the Suffolk breed has been preserved by a kind of accident. This observation cannot be admitted to be just. The Suffolk breeders, indeed, may not have been guided by very fixed principles in the choice of animals, but they have followed a certain rude experience, which has led them to select such as were suited to their uses, and they acquired, accordingly, a race of animals admirably adapted to a particular end, however defective they may be in those other properties, which have long been desired by the breed- ers of the country. The Cows of Suffolk, though subjected to careless treatment, and supported on the most common kinds of food, are scarcely surpassed by any other in their power of yielding abundant milk. THE POLLED SUFFOLK BREED. Ι + ܐ - " ཀ དརྗE" 326 It is a question of economical interest for an extensive, rich, and populous part of the country, whether the breed thus formed, during so many ages, should be preserved and improved on the present basis, or whether it should be abandoned for some other possessed of different properties? Were the pro- duce of the dairy the sole end of farming in Suffolk, then, perhaps, no better course could be followed than to preserve the breed as it exists, confining attention to the removing of its more obvious defects. But Suffolk is not merely a dairy county, but, like every other in England, employs a large capital in grazing for the butcher; and, therefore, it does not seem necessary or expedient to confine attention exclusively to a race of ill-formed animals, merely because they possess one property in perfection. This district is capable of rear- ing any of the superior breeds of the Island, and others, therefore, might be produced in it, combining a greater num- ber of useful qualities than the native race. But, looking to the actual state of Suffolk, as a district in which the hus- bandry of the dairy is extensively established, and success- fully pursued, it is rather to be regretted, that a race of cattle so well suited to the uses required, should have been so much neglected: for it is to be observed, that the forming of a good dairy breed is greatly more difficult than the procuring of one adapted to the purposes of the grazier. But the breed has been long decreasing in numbers and purity, and it is probable that it will ultimately be merged in races which are made to cross it. The Ayrshire has been introduced to a great extent into the district; but though the Ayrshire is certainly a superior race to the Suffolk, for a combination of useful qualities, it is greatly to be doubted if it is equal to it in the power of yielding a large quantity of milk on indiffer- ent food. THE OX. I Attempts have been made to improve the Polled Suffolk breed, for the purpose of rendering it suitable to the grazier as well as to the dairy. Mr Reeve of Weighton, near Wells, began a system of improvement of this kind more than fifty years ago. He adopted the practice of careful selection, | 1 327 confining himself, however, to a particular colour, which, in compliance with the popular opinion, was red, in place of the dun, more characteristic of the race. The stock acquired the conformation which he aimed at, and the property of arriving at more early maturity. His son-in-law, Mr England, pre- served, until a recent period, the same stock, and carefully cultivated the properties which it had acquired; but, not- withstanding of the perfection to which Mr Reeve's stock had been brought, during a lifetime of attention, Mr England found it for his interest to abandon it, and adopt the Short- horned breed, as being more profitable. This, and other ex- periments, lead to the conclusion, that, though the Polled Suffolk is admirably adapted to the dairy, it does not form a good basis for a breed suited to the mixed purposes of the dairyman and the grazier. THE POLLED IRISH BREED. X. THE POLLED IRISH BREED. The Polled Irish Breed is a variety scarcely known to the breeders of England, but which, from its properties, deserved far more attention than it has received in the parts of the country where it had been naturalized. It has existed in Ireland for an unknown period, and appears to have been once widely diffused. It is now scattered throughout the country, but is only found in some numbers in the vale of Shannon. The cattle are of a light brownish colour, and destitute of horns, on which account they have been sup- posed to resemble the Suffolk Duns. But they are superior in size to the Suffolk Duns, equalling, in this respect, the larger class of Short-horns. The breed has been probably formed by an early mixture of Dutch cattle with some of the native races. It has been long diminishing in numbers, in consequence of the immediate profit derived by a first cross with the improved Short-horns. From this cause, and from long neglect, the Polled Irish Breed will probably, in a few 1 F +! ? kam + J Pas 328 THE OX. ' Get M ༽ years, cease to be found. Had attention been directed at an earlier period to its preservation, Ireland might have now possessed a true Dairy Breed, not surpassed by any in the kingdom. XI. THE FALKLAND BREED. The peninsula of Fife, stretching into the German Ocean, between the noble estuaries of the Forth and Tay, has long been possessed of cattle of a larger size than those of the higher countries, and exhibiting such points of resemblance with one another, as to have acquired the appellation of a Breed. The existing cattle of Fifeshire, however, do not really con- stitute a breed or family. They are rather a mixture of breeds, the members of which are not so amalgamated with one another as to present a uniform class of characters. They vary greatly in size, aspect, and shape. Some have horns, and some are destitute of horns; and, for the most part, they are of coarse angular forms. The prevailing colour is black, or black mixed with white. They are hardy, and subsist well on indifferent food, and the Cows are usually good milchers. Like all the races of the lower country termed home-breds, they are slow in arriving at maturity, but the muscular sub- stance is well mixed with the fatty; and as they produce a good proportion of internal fat, they are valued by the butchers in the markets to which they are carried. The mixture of races which exists in Fifeshire, is to be ascribed in part to the locality of the district, intermediate between the northern and southern divisions of Scotland, and in part to the condition of its agriculture up to a recent period. On the west and north-west, it lies in contact with a tract of country in which numbers of a kind of home-breds are rear ed, and of which there has been long an influx into the richer parts of Fifeshire, for the purpose of being grazed. On the north, again, the country is only separated by the Frith of ( * • 329 Tay from the breeding county of Forfar, from which numbers of cattle have been introduced; and a general favour having existed in Fifeshire for hornless cattle, the Angus Breed has been largely mixed in blood with the native stock. The do- mestic dairy, too, having been extensively cultivated by the numerous smaller possessors of the district, Cows have been sought for possessed of the properties of good milchers, without relation to the breed, and thus Calves of a very mixed lineage have been continually reared, and mingled with the other varieties. Further, although the county of Fife was early noted in the history of Scotland for its populousness, and the number of its towns, its rural population has not, until lately, been very forward to introduce modern improvements. After the glorious peace of 1763, when every branch of industry in Scotland received a new impulse, Fife seemed rather to lan- guish. Its fisheries decayed, in consequence of the extension of the same branch of industry elsewhere; its rich mines were not yet sufficiently called into operation, and the popu- lation of its numerous towns and hamlets shewed a tendency to decline, while a long period elapsed before its minutely- divided farms could be so united as to favour general im- provement. By the commencement of the present century, however, a great change had been effected in the condition of this as of other parts of North Britain; but still the im- provement of its cattle did not advance in a corresponding degree, or rather they had been undergoing deterioration, by a continued departure from the type of the only really pure and valuable breed which the country produced. This breed was termed the Falkland, from the ancient royal manor of that name. THE FALKLAND BREED. The domain of Falkland, situated in the lower part of the vale of Eden, had early merged into the possessions of the powerful Earls of Fife, the descendants of that illustrious chief who, as Macduff the Thane, has had a memorial of his name bequeathed to every age, by the creative genius of poetry. In the reign of James I., all the possessions of this J } } 2 答え ​330 ancient family were forfeited to the crown for multiplied acts of treason; and from that period the manor of Falkland, with its noble palace, its woods, and hunting-grounds, became the favourite retreat of the princes of the House of Stuart. James II. erected into a royal burgh the little town of Falk- land, because, as the preamble of the charter states, "of the frequent residence of the king at the manor of Falkland, and of the damage and inconvenience from the want of victual- lers, to the prelates, peers, barons, nobles, and others of the king's subjects who came to the Court." Falkland was equally the favourite retreat of his son James III., and of the gay and gallant James IV. during the few brief years accorded to him ere he rendered up his crown and life on the bloody field of Flodden. It was the early residence, likewise, of the accomplished James V., who, less happy than his father, died of a broken heart at the youthful age of thirty-one; and, in more peaceful times, it became the frequent residence of his grandson James VI., ere he had the happy fortune to unite into one the long-divided realms of Scotland and Eng- land. It is from the domains of this ancient seat, rendered memorable by the abode of so many princes, that the breed of Falkland cattle beyond a doubt originated. A tradition has been handed down, that James IV., when he married Margaret, the daughter of Henry VII. of England, received, along with the dowry of his youthful queen, a present of 300 English Cows, which were conveyed to the park of Falkland, whence their descendants spread into the neighbouring coun- try. There is nothing inconsistent with probability in this tradition; although the Falkland Breed appears to be of foreign origin. It resembles the Black Dairy Breed of the Low Countries, common in the dairies of Holland; and, therefore, if brought from England, it must have been an im- ported race, though not the less likely, on that account, to have been deemed a gift worthy a royal prince. It may rather, however, have been brought directly from the coun- tries that produced it. Fifeshire, like all the rest of the east THE OX. - 331 THE FALKLAND BREED. of Scotland, early received numerous colonies of Flemings, and had carried on with the opposite continent such an inter-. course as the limited commerce of these rude times admitted. The Flemings and Hollanders were, even at this early period, known for their Cows; and it is altogether probable that some of these animals were brought to the royal park of Falkland, as something that was curious and useful. The ancient kings of Scotland, it is to be observed, were farmers and breeders of the useful animals on the great scale, nearly all their household revenue being derived from the produce of their own domains. Of this, innumerable evidences are de- rived from the charters and other documents of our early history; and it is reasonable to believe, that, during the fre- quent residence of the royal household at the rural retreat of Falkland, cows, and the produce of the dairy, were not neglected. But however the dairy breed of Falkland found its way thither, whether from England, or from the marshes of the Scheldt and Rhine, it is manifest that it had been natural- ized at some early period in the place where its remains are yet found. Unfortunately, it has been so merged in the common races of the country, that individuals can now with difficulty be obtained pure. It was of a black colour, marked often with white, and having the skin of an orange-yellow tinge. It had short and very white horns, turned up in a manner sufficient to distinguish it. Although now difficult to be obtained free from mixture, its traces are everywhere to be found in all the home-breds of the eastern parts of Fife; and it is probably to this intermixture that the modern Fifeshire cattle owe the most useful qualities which are sup- posed to distinguish them. It is much to be regretted that the former breeders of Fifeshire should have been too care- less of the preservation of a breed so much superior to the mixed varieties that have succeeded to it. Had the Falkland Breed been cultivated with care, during a period when arti- ficial food could have been supplied in the requisite quantity, # I 찾아 ​332 it is probable that Fifeshire would now have been possessed of a breed combining, in a degree not surpassed by any other in the kingdom, the properties of grazing and yielding milk. But the breed of Fifeshire being now, from whatever causes, mixed, and the Falkland Breed existing in too small a number to allow of any reasonable hope of restoring it, the economical question which arises, is, in what manner the existing varieties may be best improved? This certainly may be effected in the case of the Fifeshire, as of any other cattle, by a careful selection of the parents, and by a conti- nued system of breeding amongst the individuals of the im- proved progeny; but the end could not be accomplished without the long labour which such improvements demand, and hardly without a more general accordance in the opinion of breeders than now exists, with respect to what the Fife- shire breed really is, or what it should be. While one class of agriculturists shall cultivate a race on the model of the Angus or Galloway, and another, one on the type of the horned Falkland, particular herds and stocks may be im- proved, but no uniform breed can be established. It would seem better, then, to recur at once to a breed already formed, and of recognised goodness. The improved Short-horns, or Durhams, have already supplanted the coarser home-breds over a great part of the British Islands. They have taken root far beyond the Forth, even in the most northern coun- ties; and in the high range of the Lammermuir, to the south of the same river, the breed is now reared in its purity by every farmer; and it would be absurd to contend, that a low country like Fife, abounding in fertile soil, capable of pro- ducing turnips and the cultivated grasses, and continually advancing in its agriculture, should not be able to support any of the finest and largest breeds which the Island can produce. Intelligent individuals have already introduced stocks of pure Short-horns, but even the merely crossing with superior Bulls of the breed would at once remove all the harsher characters of the Fifeshire varieties; and although THE OX. THE ALDERNEY BREED. 333 crossing, in the case of certain breeds which have acquired a fixed class of characters suited to the condition of a particu- lar country, as the Ayrshire and the Galloway, might be in- judicious, it would never be found to be so with a class of cattle so mixed and various as that of Fifeshire. Doubtless the Durham Breed is not so well fitted for the ordinary pur- poses of the dairy as the home-breds of Fifeshire; but then, in that locality, the dairy, though extensively pursued, is little more than an affair of the household. The main purposes of the grazier are grazing and fattening; and it seems proper that a breed of the first class should be established in a dis- trict so well fitted to pursue this branch of industry. Extending from Fifeshire westward to the Ochil Hills, the cattle are generally hornless, and of a size intermediate be- tween the breeds of the Highland mountains and those of the plains. Some of these cattle, especially those of the Ochil Hills, are really good, and suited to the country in which they are reared, and merely demand that attention to the selection of the breeding parents, which shall call forth their more useful properties. f XII. THE ALDERNEY BREED. The Breed termed Alderney is derived from the group of beautiful islands, pertaining to the British Crown, which lie near the shores of France, in the bay formed by the coasts of Normandy and Britany. Although termed Alderney, the breed, with some difference of characters, is common to all the islands. The Cows are imported into England in consi- derable numbers, and are esteemed beyond those of any other race for the richness of the milk, and the deep yellow tinge of the butter. Hence they are in demand by the more opulent classes for the domestic dairy, and regarded as a kind of appendage of the park and rural villa. They are in- troduced likewise into the regular butter dairies, chiefly of # 4 > ་ ( 334 THE OX. Dorsetshire and Hampshire, and they are mingled in blood with the native races, especially the Devon and its varieties. To supply these sources of demand, the importation from the islands is regular, and forms a considerable branch of their commerce. The cattle of this race are small and ill-formed, when regarded as animals to be fattened. The cow is greatly below the male in strength and stature, in which respect she resembles the cows of the Devon and its kindred breeds. Her neck is thin, her shoulder light, her chest narrow, and the belly large. The limbs are slender, the pelvic bones prominent; the lumbar region is deep, the croup short and drooping, and the udder large. The muzzle is narrow, the horns are short, slender, and curving inwards. The colour is usually of a light red or fawn, mixed with white; but fre- quently individuals are black, mixed with white or dun, and sometimes cream-coloured. The skin is thin, and of a rich orange-yellow, and the fat, as well as the milk and butter, is tinged with the same colour. The animals are gentle, and somewhat delicate in constitution. Being small in size, the milk they yield is likewise small in quantity, although fully in proportion to their bulk of body; and it is viscid, and rich in cream. In their native country, the Bullocks are used for labour, to which they are better adapted than, from the slender form of the dam, might be inferred. The islands from which these cattle are derived, are the sole remaining appanage to the English crown of the ancient Duchy of Normandy. When the rude Northmen had hewed a passage by the sword to the fair plains of Western France, they subdued likewise the lovely little islands on its shores; and, after a hundred years of strife, having ravaged Bur- gundy and the adjacent provinces, and twice assailed the city of Paris, and once reduced it to ashes, these wild invaders were put in possession of the conquered lands by a formal investiture. In the year of our Lord 912, Charles the Simple concluded a treaty, from which a thousand mighty events 1 335 were to spring, with Rollo, the Scandinavian chief, to whom was yielded up the whole of Normandy and its dependencies, to be held for ever as a fief of the crown of France, but in truth to be an independent kingdom; for so little did the warlike Northman understand or regard the feudal fiction, that he refused to undergo the customary forms. One hundred and fifty years later, his great successor, surnamed the Con- queror, added the proud kingdom of England to his Norman inheritance. In the memorable course of events, the Duchy of Normandy was severed from the English sway; but the islands on its coasts were preserved, and have remained, in all the changes of fortune, to the present hour, a part and dependency of England. The customs and language of the people were retained by them, and their laws and ancient privileges have been respected for the long space of 900 years. The inhabitants have been treated by England with the favour which their fidelity and peculiar condition seemed to demand. While all the privileges of British subjects are accorded to them, with respect to their commerce with other countries, they are freed from the heavy imposts to which the parent country is necessarily subject. Their corn, their timber, their wine, their sugar, and all colonial and foreign merchandize, may be imported by them free of all the cus- toms and restraints which, in England, must be imposed for the purposes of revenue and protection; while they may ex- port them again, as well as their own productions and manu- factures, to all the world. Although Norman in their ori- gin, and speaking the ancient language of the country from which they have been severed, they are English with respect to their interests, their religion, and their feelings as sub- jects. Insulting, as it were, by their contiguity, the proud and warlike nation which regards their country as a natural adjunct of France, they have bravely aided in repelling the attempts of repeated armaments to subdue them. But their true defence is the powerful navy of England, without whose C THE ALDERNEY BREED. The 336 1# THE OX. 1 incessant vigilance in the time of war, nothing could guard them from surprise and subjugation. The islands are four, Alderney, Jersey, Guernsey, and Sark, with their dependent islets. The most northerly, and nearest to the coast of France, is Alderney, which is well protected by its rocky shores and dangerous currents. The most wes- terly is Guernsey, which is the least fertile in soil; and the smallest is Sark, which consists of a beautiful table-land, scarcely accessible from the sea, and capable of being de- fended by a handful of men. The largest, richest, and most populous is Jersey, lying about six leagues from the coast of France. Its surface, except where it rises into rocky emi- nences, presents to the eye a rich forest of fruit-trees, gar- dens, and little cultivated fields, among which are to be seen the villas and chateaus of the opulent, with the lowlier, yet not less beautiful, dwellings of the humbler classes, green with vines and myrtles, and embosomed in groves of the cider-apple. When viewed more near, all the surface of the country is seen to be intersected with innumerable banks of earth, covered with trees, and verdant with the leaves of bushes and the creeping ivy. These are the divisions of the numberless little fields and possessions of the inhabitants, into which, as an effect of the old Norman law of succession, enforcing an equal division of land amongst the children of a family, the whole country has been partitioned. The neces- sary effect of this law, operating for more than nine centuries within the narrow limits of a small island, has been to re- duce all the land of the country into small possessions. Scarcely an estate is to be found in the whole island of forty acres, many vary from five to fifteen, and the greater number fall below the extent of the least of these. The tendency and effect of such an institution, continued from age to age, might seem to be to produce an interminably minute division of property in land; and yet experience proves that there are limits to such a division, even in a tract so narrow and $ *** 2 4 337 populous as Jersey. The children, in succeeding to the par- celled inheritance, make such arrangements with one another as their interests require. The younger sells to the elder, and he who does not wish for land to him who does; and thus, besides the law of mortality, which unites, from time to time, the scattered possessions into one, the interests of the possessors present a barrier to an indefinite subdivision. The law, founded on the simple principle, that every man is bound to provide equally for his children out of his stock in land, and that every lawful child has an equal right to the inheritance of his father, is cherished by these islanders as the most venerable of their institutions. It was derived by them from their Norwegian ancestors, in whose country it exists to the present hour; and where, after the lapse of more than a thousand years, it has not produced an excessive subdivision of estates. The land of Norway is indeed more divided than it would have been under the feudal system, but not into smaller possessions than the interests of the in- heritors demand; and in no country in Europe does there exist a happier and more independent race of yeomanry than the Udal proprietors of Norway. In Jersey, and its sister islands, the division has been more minute, merely because a greater number of families can subsist on a given space of ground. W All the practices of rural industry in these islands are mo- dified by this ancient institution. The land thus partitioned is cultivated in the manner of a garden, and the industry of the people supplies the place of that art which simplifies and economises labour; and that the substitution is sufficient ap- pears from this, that larger returns in produce and money are here obtained than in the richest parts of the British Islands; and in the island of Jersey, in the cases where it is let on lease, brings from L.4 to L.5 and upwards the acre; and in the neighbourhood of St Helier, the principal town, it lets as high as from L.8 to L.12; and at these enormous rents, it is to be observed, families are reared in humble affluence on THE ALDERNEY BREED. Y F t 338 spots which elsewhere would be considered insufficient to maintain the poorest labourer. The people cultivate cider as the principal subject of export, and fruits of different kinds; and in an especial manner, lucerne, clover, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, and cole, for the food of their cows. They cultivate, likewise, pease and the cereal grains, and reap abundant returns. Their land never lies fallow for a season, but is either in patches of fertile meadow, or yields continued crops in the manner of a garden. They manure it with the marine plants which grow in great abundance over all their rocky shores. The sea-plants thus collected, they term Vraic, and use either fresh or burned. They obtain their vraic as it is cast on shore, or they shear it from the rocks at stated times. The periods and the mode of gathering it are nicely regulated by the insular laws, so that all the people may equally partake of this natural gift of their seas. It forms their domestic fuel, and the ashes are carefully preserved for use. The Cow, in an especial degree, is the subject of the care of these island farmers. She is penned on a narrow space, and shifted to fresh spots of herbage several times in the day, and in the nights of winter she is warmly housed, and, when about to calve, is nourished with cider. Through- out all the year these little cows are to be seen in their patches of meadow, often under the shade of the apple-trees, and so fastened that they cannot raise their heads to pull the fruit. In addition to their herbage, they are fed with lucerne, clover, carrots, parsnips, and the large Jersey cole, the leaves of which are stripped off as they grow. A value is here attached to the Cow greater, perhaps, than in any other part of Europe. She is the resource of the household for food, and her surplus produce is a part of the returns of every farm. A Jersey man, it is said, will treat every ani- mal on his farm with neglect except his cow. To preserve the purity of the race, an act of the insular Legislature was passed in the year 1789, and yet subsists, by which the impor- tation into Jersey of any cow, heifer, calf, or bull, is prohibited THE OX. ų 339 under the penalty of 200 livres, with forfeiture of the boat and tackle, and a further penalty of fifty livres is imposed on any sailor on board who does not inform of the attempt. The animal itself is to be immediately slaughtered, and its flesh given to the poor. The breeds of the several islands are essentially the same, although that of Guernsey deviates from the common type, and presents a greater affinity with the races of Normandy, the individuals having more spreading horns, the size being larger, the form rounder, and the bones less prominent, than in the cattle of the other islands. The true Alderney has a great resemblance to certain breeds of Norway, which leads to the conclusion, that, in the intercourse with the North which followed the subjugation of Normandy and its dependencies, Scandinavian cattle were introduced into the Islands of the Channel. THE AYRSHIRE BREED. XIII. THE AYRSHIRE BREED. Of the cattle of these Islands, reared especially for the uses of the Dairy, those of but a few districts present such an affinity in conformation and habits as to be regarded as constituting breeds or families. But the cattle of Ayrshire, 'which are reared exclusively for the supply of milk, have spead over a large tract of country, and, by continued inter- mixture with one another, have acquired such a community of characters, as to form a distinct and well-defined breed. The county of Ayr, stretching along the estuary of the Clyde, and the Irish Sea, for about eighty miles, consists in part of moory hills, in part of an undulating surface of common clay, intersected by narrow vales, and in part of a flat tract nearer the coast, bounded towards the sea by a belt of barren sand. The climate is moist, but not intem- perate, although the country, like that of all the western shores of Scotland, is too much exposed to the continued winds J 340 and humid vapours of the Atlantic. It contains fertile tracts, and presents to the eye picturesque scenes; but throughout it is only of a very moderate fertility, and exhibits a far dif- ferent aspect from those rich and verdant plains of the Severn and the Avon, of the Trent and the Cam, where the largest cattle in Europe can be reared, and the richest productions of the Dairy obtained. And further, the artificial improve- ment of the country is but as of yesterday, when compared with that of the fertile plains of England. Within the memory almost of the living generation, the agriculture of Ayrshire was in a state of utter rudeness. Its condition at the middle of the last century, and long afterwards, is thus described by eye-witnesses. There was hardly, says Colonel Fullarton, in his Survey of Ayrshire, a practicable road in the country. The farm-houses were mere hovels, built with clay, baving a fire-place in the middle, with an open space for the escape of the smoke, and they were placed in a dunghill. The lands were overrun with rushes and weeds of all kinds. There were no fallows, no green crops, no sown grasses, no carts or waggons, no straw-yards. Hardly an esculent root was raised, nor indeed any garden vegetables, beyond some Scotch greens, which, with milk and oatmeal, formed the diet of the people. There was little straw, and no hay beyond the scanty portion collected from the bogs and wastes. The little dung produced was dragged to the ground on cars or sledges, or on what were called tumbler-wheels, which turned with the axle-tree, and supported the wretched vehicle scarcely able to draw five hundredweight. The ground was scourged with successive crops of oats after oats so long as it would pay the seed and labour, and afford a small surplus of oat- meal for the subsistence of the family. It then remained in a state of absolute sterility, and covered with thistles, until rest again enabled it to produce a scanty crop of corn. The rent was generally paid in kind, on the condition of what was termed half labour. The stock and implements were fur- nished mutually by the parties concerned, or on such terms THE OX. + 341 as could be agreed upon, one-half of the crop going to the landlord as rent, and the other remaining to the tenant, to enable him to maintain his family and cultivate his farm. There being scarcely any enclosures, the horses and cattle were either tethered during the summer months, or intrusted to the discretion of the shepherd and his cur, by whom they were kept in continued agitation, being impelled, through famine, to fly from their bare leas, and commit continued de- predation on the adjacent crops. The cattle being starved during winter, were hardly able to rise without assistance in spring, and were never in fit condition for the market. No tenant could command money to stock his farm, and scarce a landlord could raise the means to improve his estate. Such was the condition, not of Ayrshire alone, but of a great part of Scotland, during half the reign of George III., and down to the times which men yet living can remember. Ayrshire did not surpass, in the course of improvement, districts like itself, but rather lagged behind, Scarcely any thing that deserves the name of agricultural improvement was effected in it until after the disastrous close of the American war; most of what has been done has been effected since the com- mencement of the present century; and much of it within a few years. It is under these circumstances that a race of cattle has been formed and perfected, which, with relation to the purposes to which it is especially destined, ranks with some of the most useful produced in Britain. Authentic records are wanting to shew by what progres- sive steps the Dairy Breed of Ayrshire has been moulded into its present form. That it was late in arriving at the estimation in which it is now held, is sufficiently known. Mr Culley, who wrote his treatise on live-stock before the year 1790, does not even mention the Ayrshire as one of the re- cognised breeds of the country, nor once refer to it in the subse- quent editions of his work; and Colonel Fullarton, in describ- ing the country in which it was found, speaks of it in a man- ner so general, as to shew that he did not regard it as any THE AYRSHIRE BREED. اسلام *** } 342 thing remarkable. The older breed of the country seems to have been one of those varieties of coarse cattle, with horns of a medium length, which formerly occupied all the central mountains south of the Forth, and extended into the plains. Mr Ayton, who published a treatise on the Dairy Husbandry of Ayrshire in 1825, describes them, from his own recollec- tion, as having been a puny unshapely race, not superior to those yet met with in many of the higher districts. They were mostly, he tells us, of a black colour, marked with white on the face, the back, and the flanks, and few of the Cows yielded more than from one and a half to two gallons of milk in the day, at the height of the season, or weighed, when fat, more than 20 stones. But previous to the period referred to, cattle of other races had been mingled in blood with the native Ayrshire. It is stated, on competent authority, that, even so early as the middle of the century, the Earl of March- mont had brought, from his estates in Berwickshire, a bull and several cows which he had procured from the Bishop of Durham, of the Teeswater Breed, then known by the name of the Holstein or Dutch Breed; and mention is made of other proprietors who brought to their parks foreign Cows apparently of the same race. To what degree these casual importations affected the native breed of Ayrshire is not cer- tainly known; but tradition refers likewise to an early impor- tation of individuals of the Alderney Breed to the parish of Dunlop, which became first distinguished for its Cows and the produce of its dairy. This tradition is almost confirmed by the similarity existing between the Alderney Breed and the modern Ayrshire, which is so great as to lead us, inde- pendently of tradition, to the conclusion, that the blood of the one has been largely mixed with that of the other. There is the same peculiar character of the horns, and colour of the skin; and the general resemblance of the form is so great, that in many cases a Jersey Cow might be mistaken for an Ayrshire one. We may assume, then, from all the evidence which, in the absence of authentic documents, the case admits THE OX. 55 THE AYRSHIRE BREED. 343 of, that the Dairy Breed of Ayrshire owes the characters which distinguish it from the older race to a mixture with the blood of races of the Continent, and of the Dairy Breed of Alderney. mæ. 1; The modern Ayrshire may stand in the fourth or fifth class of British Breeds with respect to size. The horns are small, and curving inwards at the extremity after the man- ner of the Alderneys. The shoulders are light, and the loins very broad and deep, which is a conformation almost always accompanying the property of yielding abundant milk. The skin is moderately soft to the touch, and of an orange- yellow tinge, which appears about the eyes and on the mam- The prevailing colour is a reddish-brown, mixed more or less with white. The muzzle is usually dark, though often it is flesh-coloured. The limbs are slender, the neck is small, and the head is free from coarseness. The muscles of the inner side of the thigh, technically called the twist, are thin and the haunch frequently droops much to the rump, a charac- ter which exists likewise in the Alderney Breed, and which, although it impairs the symmetry of the animal, is not re- garded as inconsistent with the faculty of secreting milk. The udders are moderately large, without being flaccid. The cows are very docile and gentle, and hardy to the degree of bearing to subsist on ordinary food. They give a large quan- tity of milk in proportion to their size and the meat con- sumed, and this milk is of excellent quality. Healthy cows, on good pastures, will give from 800 to 900 gallons in the year, although, taking into account the younger and less pro- ductive stock, 600 gallons may be regarded as a fair average for the low country, and somewhat less for a dairy-stock in the higher. Few of the steers of this breed are reared for grazing, and the male sucking-calves are sold to the butchers either when young, or when fed with milk for a longer or shorter time. The cows, when they become dry, fatten quickly, which is a property common to all good milch-cows. But the value of } • E 1 L 1 1 | יו 3. } + 344 the breed is to be estimated solely by its adaptation to the uses of the dairy. The attention of breeders having been directed exclusively to this end, the animals have acquired, in an eminent degree, the properties sought for; and their external form accords with that which indicates this faculty, and not with that which shews a disposition to arrive at early maturity of muscle and fatness. Those, therefore, who sup- pose that the Ayrshire Breed combines the properties of a dairy and grazing stock, entirely mistake its distinctive cha- racters. It stands in the first class as a dairy stock, but occupies an inferior place as one to be reared for fattening. The Ayrshire Breed has long been extended from its na- tive districts to all the neighbouring counties where the regu- lar dairy is established. It now forms the prevailing stock of Renfrew, Dumbarton, Stirling, and Lanark, and it has ex- tended into the shires of Dumfries, Wigton, and Kirkcud- bright. It has been carried into England, where, however, it has never arrived at the estimation which it possesses in its native pastures. All cows succeed best in the places where they have been reared, and those of Ayrshire appear to have the peculiarity of tending too much to fatten, with a corre- sponding diminution of milk, when they are transported to richer herbage than is natural to them. They have been tried in the great dairy establishments of London, but have always been relinquished in favour of the Yorkshire and larger breeds. THE OX. Some breeders in Ayrshire have begun to cross the breed with the Short-horns. This may suit the purposes of parti- cular breeders, because the first crosses will always be supe- rior to the native stock in size, form, and grazing qualities, and little inferior to it for the production of milk; but the practice cannot benefit the general breed, now so uniform in its characters, and so well suited to the husbandry of the country. The true method of improving it is to preserve it in the purity which it has acquired, and to adopt such modes of treatment and feeding as shall conduce to the further de- Edit HO ALISHLA 29879 EL MO 68730 DIN MICHIGAN SMALL LIBRARY Beckwith. A North Devon Steer The Property of M. The Umbers of Wappenbury, near Royal Leamington Spa for which the First Prize and Silver awarded in Class Three at the Smithfield Cattle Show, Dec. 1843. were awards THE DEVON BREED. 345 velopment of its properties and form. The Ayrshire Breed has been nearly doubled in weight, with a great increase in its power of yielding milk, within the present century; and, with the further progress of cultivation, its improvement cannot but be progressive. rela XIV HE DEVON BREED. 随着 ​On the southern side of the Bristol Channel extends the country of the ancient Damonii, comprehending the present counties of Devon and Cornwall Much of this tract re- sembles Wales in its aspect and reological characters; and like Wales, it afforded in a former age a refuge, amongst its mountains, rocks, and fastnesses for the Celtic Britons. In this country we find the remains of the same older breeds of cattle which yet exist in the Welsh mountains, modified by the effects of a lower altitude and more temperate climate. In the county of Cornwall to the westward, the old breeds of cattle resembled those yet existing in the mountains of Wales, although they have been long so mixed with other races and with one another, that it is difficult to assign to them any distinctive characters. But farther to the east- ward, and occupying the high lands of Devonshire on the Bristol Channel, is a peculiar variety of cattle, distinguished by such a common resemblance of properties and form as to render it one of the best-defined breeds of the British Islands. It is usually termed the Devon Breed, and sometimes the North Devon, from its being found in the greatest purity in the northern division of the county. These cattle have been extended very widely, but their peculiar district is the north- ern slope of Devonshire, extending from Barnstaple eastward beyond the river Exe. The true North Devons are to be classed with the breeds of the higher country. They exceed a little in weight the hardier and more muscular Pembroke and West Highland cattle; but they fall short of the Long-horned, Hereford, = • İ ! : ! : + 346 ; and other varieties of the lower plains. Their general form is light and graceful; their skin is of an orange-yellow colour and they are distinguished by having the hair of a bright red, and by their eyes being surrounded by a ring of the colour of the skin. The nose is likewise of the same colour, and the inside of the ears is orange-red. Their horns are of medium length, very fine, and bending upwards in the manner of the Wild Cattle of the parks. Their skin is unctuous and soft to the touch, and the hair is fine, and tending to curl, like that of other cattle inhabiting a humid climate. The neck is long, and the chest has little dewlap. The shoulders are oblique, the hoofs and bones of the extremities are small, the limbs are slender and long, the chest is only of moderate width, the back is long, and the distance large between the last asternal rib and the pelvis. These are the most marked characteristics of the true Devons, taking as the type of the breed the variety proper to the elevated district of North Devon. As we recede from this centre, the size and form of the animals deviate more or less from the pure type. In the countries of richer herbage they become enlarged in size, and lose somewhat of the delicacy of shape which they ex- hibit in their native pastures. They appear to be of that variety of the ancient cattle which were valued for their white colour, and the peculiarity of their red ears. THE OX. The females of this race are small as compared with the bulls and oxen, deficient in the power of yielding milk, and tending to run soon dry. Nevertheless the milk is very rich in cream, and of a fine yellow colour, on which account many prefer the Devons, for the domestic dairy, to other races whose milk is more abundant. The flesh of the cattle is juicy and tender, and tolerably well mixed with the muscular parts. The fat has a peculiarly yellow tinge, corresponding with the colour of the integuments; but this is not regarded as an imperfection in those markets where the principal beef is the Devon, and where the eye is reconciled to this peculiarity in the colour of the fatty tissue. The Devon cattle are gentle, agile, and above all our races E 347 adapted to active labour. Their shoulders have that obli- quity which enables them to lift freely their fore extremities; and their quarters behind are relatively long, which is a cha- racter connected in the Ox, as in the Horse, with the power of active motion. Their bodies, too, are light, and their limbs long, muscular to the hock and knee, and below these joints sinewy. These cattle, then, although wanting in the power of heavy draught which the larger Oxen can exert, have the faculty of muscular exertion in a higher degree. They trot well in harness, and will keep pace with a horse in the or- dinary labours of the farm. They are largely employed throughout the county of Devon for the purposes of labour, usually four together, and mostly attached by the yoke and not by the collar. The team of the labouring Oxen in this beautiful county is one of the charms of the rural landscape. A boy accompanies the ploughman and his team to drive the Oxen. He chaunts continually a simple melody in low notes rising to the higher. From morn to night this simple song is heard, the ploughman putting in from time to time his lower notes in happy keeping. The beasts seem cheered by the music; and from hour to hour the team may be observed in motion, without a harsh word being uttered by the plough- man or his youthful companion.* Although the Devon Ox presents a symmetry of parts. which pleases the eye, yet his form is not precisely that which the breeder seeks for in an animal destined to fatten quickly and arrive at great weight. His neck is too long, his chest is too narrow, his sides are too flat, his limbs are too long in proportion to his body, or, in other words, his body is too small in proportion to his height. The Devon Ox is a kindly enough feeder, but he requires good pastures and a some- what favourable climate, and could barely subsist on food which would suffice to fatten some of the hardier mountain breeds of nearly his own size. THE DEVON BREED. * Mr Youatt, Library of Useful Knowledge. 1 t 1 + J ă हॅ d **- 348 THE OX. But the defects in the form of the genuine Devons are capable of being removed by the care of the breeder. How- ever long the Devon has been in existence as a separate variety, nothing like care had been bestowed on its improve- ment in the country which it inhabits, until a recent period. Even until several years after the commencement of the last war, the breeders of Devonshire seem to have been ignorant that there was any thing remarkable in their native breed; and they appear to have only become aware of its importance, and the profit of improving it, by the demand which arose for it in other districts. Since the beginning of the present century, however, the breed has received its full share of public at- tention. Many eminent breeders in different parts of the country have adopted it, and, by selection of the parents, and enlarged supplies of food given to the animals when young, have succeeded in imparting to it properties which it had not acquired in its native district. But, nevertheless, the Devon Breed, however much the defects of its conformation may be corrected, and however desirous graziers may be to procure it from the district in which it is reared for the purpose of fattening, is not calcu- lated to supplant other breeds to any great extent in this country, when the end is rearing as well as grazing. It does not equal in hardiness some others nearly similar in weight, as the Pembroke, the West Highland, and the Galloway. It falls short, in the weight at which it usually arrives, of the Short-Horned and Hereford Breeds, and will not generally yield so large a return as they will do from the period of birth to maturity, however well it may remunerate the grazier be- tween the periods of buying and selling. Neither is the breed well suited to the bringing up of calves, or to the hus- bandry of the dairy, in which the profit depends on obtaining a large quantity of milk for a considerable period of the year. For these reasons, the breed of North Devon, however greatly it is to be valued, is not now found to extend itself in dis- tricts where the richer pastures are found, and where the 349 means exist of cultivating artificial provender. In such situa- tions, the larger individuals of the Short-Horned and Here- ford races are preferred by those whose purpose is breeding as well as grazing; and we may be well assured that the in- terests of individuals have conducted them, in this respect, to the course which is most profitable. The Devon Breed, however, must always be held in estimation over a large tract of country. It will be sought for by those who purchase cattle to graze for a limited period, and sufficient inducement is therefore held out to the Devonshire breeders to preserve the purity of their native race, and to bring it to all the per- fection to which, by a careful selection of the parents, and liberal feeding of the young, it can be brought. There is no need of exaggerated statements of the superiority of the Devon Breed over others, in order to place it in its proper rank. Like the West Highland, the Castle-Martin, and the Galloway Breeds, it has a high intrinsic value for the gra- zier; but assuredly it does not surpass, as some of its too eager admirers maintain, other breeds which arrive at greater weight, and attain earlier maturity. The Devonshire breeders adhere scrupulously to the deep red colour of the hair, and reject individuals having a ten- dency to produce white on the face and the body. This is a merely conventional test of purity and goodness, for certainly white is, still more than red, the pristine colour of the race, and its appearance ought not to be regarded as a sign of degeneracy. But although the strict adherence to a given colour may limit in some cases the selection of males and females for breeding, it tends in an eminent degree to ensure the general purity of the breed. The deep blood-red colour of the pure North Devons is so peculiar, that there is no other race in this country, in which an admixture of foreign blood is so easily traced, or which, accordingly, has remained so free from foreign intermixture. Inasmuch, then, as this limitation of colour ensures uniformity in the typical charac- ters of the race, it is beneficial; and it is not, therefore, ex- THE DEVON BREED. J 350 THE OX. pedient that the agriculturists of North Devon should de-. part from the standard of the purity of their beautiful breed which has been so long established. The Devon Breed extends from the northern division of the county into South Devon all the way to the British Channel. Here the red colour characteristic of the purer race becomes less bright, and white frequently appears on the body and extremities, and the animals become enlarged in size, corres- ponding with the increased fertility of the country, and as- sume a coarser form. The South Devons, accordingly, are held in far inferior estimation to the variety proper to the higher country for ready fattening; but they are greatly valued in their own district as rising to a good weight, and supplying the larger beef which is in demand at the numerous shipping ports of the coast. For this latter purpose, indeed, the Durhams and Herefords would probably be found better adapted; but if the breeders of South Devon shall continue to prefer the existing.race, then surely the means ought to be used to improve it in the degree of which it is susceptible. It is absurd to say, as some have done, that the South Devon breed is bad in itself, and incapable of improvement. The South Devon Breed is only bad because sufficient attention has not been paid, by selection of the parents, to the improve- ment of the progeny. As connected in some characters with the Devon group, may be mentioned a variety of cattle rendered remarkable by the striking contrast of colours on the body, which is found in Somersetshire and some other of the south-western coun- ties. It is usually termed the Sheeted Breed of Somerset- shire. It has existed in the same parts of England from time immemorial. The red colour of the hair has a light yellow tinge, and the white colour passes like a sheet over the body. The individuals are sometimes horned, but more frequently they are hornless. The cows are hardy, docile, and well suited to the dairy. The beef of the oxen is of good quality and well marbled. The breed has become rare, THE SUSSEX BREED. 351 which is to be regretted, since it is much better suited to the dairy than others that have been adopted. The peculiar marking which distinguishes these cattle is not confined to any one breed. It appears amongst the cattle of Wales when they are crossed by the White Forest Breed; and is frequent amongst those of Ireland, and used to be so amongst the older Galloways of Scotland. It is very com- mon in Holland, where the colours are black and white. It may be ascribed to the intermixture of two races having each a tendency to produce the pristine colour of the stock from which it is derived. Thus a mixture of the White Forest Breed and a Devon might produce an animal resembling the Sheeted Somerset, with the Black Falkland, one resembling the sheeted varieties of the Dutch, and so on. The pecu- liarity, when communicated, is very constant; and, when two animals possessing it are mixed together in blood, the pro- geny never fails to preserve the marking of the parents. XV. THE SUSSEX BREED. The North Devon Breed of cattle, it has been seen, in- habits the elevated district on the southern side of the Bris- tol Channel, and is manifestly derived from the older race which inhabited the same country. In passing from the greywacké district of Devonshire into the calcareous country to the eastward, comprehending the greater part of Somer- setshire, and the counties of Dorset, Wilts, Berks, and Hants, the Devon Breed ceases to appear, or, if found, is manifestly not indigenous to the districts, but derived from those to the westward. It reappears, however, in the county of Sussex, a portion of which differs entirely, in its geological charac- ters, from the districts with which it is in contact. The Weald of Sussex, or, as it termed by geologists, the Wealden, is believed to have been a deposite from some vast river flow- ing from a continent, no longer existing in its former state, 1 女 ​i 1 [ * 352 and long accordingly before the historical era, and before the Island of Britain had assumed its present form. This stream of fresh water appears to have formed at its mouth a delta like that of the Ganges, the Nile, and other great rivers, washing along with it numerous animals, whose remains exist, and testify to the living generation the prodigious revolutions which this globe has undergone in its physical constitution and animated inhabitants. Amongst the amaz- ing monuments of a former age, which this remarkable delta presents, is a reptile which fed on herbage, and which, from the measurement made of its bones, appears to have been upwards of seventy feet in length; and there are found, too, the remains of numerous other species, not one of which now inhabits the earth. The Wealden forms part of Sussex, and extends into Kent, and is distinguished by its surface being a tenacious clay, entirely distinct from the chalky soils which surround it. In later ages this tract became covered with dense forests, and is yet remarkable, beyond any part of England, for the number of noble trees which it produces. "The hithermore and northern side thereof," says Camden, in describing this part of Sussex, "is shaded most pleasantly with woods, like as in times past, the whole country through- out, which, by reason of the woods, was hardly passable. For the wood Andraswald, in the British language Coid Andred, taking the name of Anderida, the city next ad- joining, tooke up in this quarter, a hundred and twentie miles in length, and thirtie in bredth; memorable for the death of Segibert, King of the West Saxons, who being de- posed from his roiall throne, was in this place stabbed by a swineherd, and so died." Long after the Romans landed in Britain, the Wealden continued to be a vast thicket of wood, in which the persecuted natives sought refuge, and it abounded with the Uri, and other wild animals of the Island, even until the times of the Norman princes. This, then, is a part of the country in which we might look for the preservation of ancient races of the domestic animals; and, THE OX. 3 : 353 accordingly, it is found that the same race of cattle which exists in the mountains of North Devon, yet survives in the Wealden. The breed of the Wealden is usually termed the Sussex Breed, from its being chiefly reared in that county. It pos- sesses all the essential characters of the Devon Breed, but more resembles the variety of South than of North Devon, being reared in a country which affords larger supplies of artificial food. It is accordingly of larger size than the North Devon Breed, and of coarser form. It has not, per- haps, been preserved in the same degree from foreign inter- mixture; yet it is a very pure breed, and exhibits as great a uniformity of characters as almost any other in the Island. The Sussex is to be ranked amongst the larger breeds of the country. The skins of the individuals are covered with short hair, but have not usually the same unctuous feel which so eminently characterizes that of the true North Devons. Their horns are longer, approaching in this respect to the character of the Long-horned varieties of the central counties. Their shoulders are thick; and their legs, though moderately short, have not the fineness of bone which is dis- tinctive of the North Devons; nor have they the same length of body and elegance of general form. The distinctive colour is red, but of a less florid shade than in the North Devons; and often it is mixed with white on the face and body. The cows are restless, eminently deficient in the faculty of yield- ing milk, and little used accordingly for the regular dairy. They are likewise small as compared with the males, a character which seems to be common to all the members of the group with which they are associated, and which al- ways indicates a deficiency in the milching properties of the females of a race of cattle. THE SUSSEX BREED. The practice of employing oxen in the labour of the farm is universal in the county of Sussex; and the native breed is eminently suited to this purpose, combining weight of body with a sufficient degree of muscular activity. For the pur- Ꮓ DE 感 ​7 I 2 354 poses of labour, indeed, the Suffolk Breed is equal, if not superior, to any in the kingdom. It has more action than the Hereford, and more physical strength than the Devon; and is superior to the Long-horned varieties for a combina- tion of activity and strength. The employment of oxen for labour prevails all over Sussex, but chiefly in the stiff soil of the Wealden. The animals are usually worked four, and sometimes six and even eight together; and heifers as well as oxen are employed. They are broken to the yoke at three years old, worked usually until the age of five or six, and then they are fattened for the butcher. The employment of oxen in the labours of the farm is recommended by certain apparent advantages, which has led to some erroneous con- clusions with respect to the extent to which these animals may be profitably employed in the ordinary business of the farms of this country. The Ox is reared to the age of labour at less expense than the Horse, his subsequent charge of maintenance is smaller, he requires less care and attend- ance, and at a certain age, when unfitted for labour, he can be fattened; whereas the Horse declines in value soon after his prime, and ultimately becomes useless. On the other hand, the Ox, although well suited for a slow and steady draught, such as the plough demands, is not so well adapted as the Horse for active motion, for distant journeying, or for those sudden and unequal exertions which the varied labours of a modern farm require. When oxen, too, are employed largely on the farm, and disposed of after two or three years' labour, there is a continued recurrence to the training of young oxen for the yoke, by which means time, so necessary to be economised on a well-ordered farm, is lost in a degree which does not occur when horses are the beasts of labour. Even in those parts of the country where the working of oxen is the most largely practised, and where the breeds of the country are the best adapted for the pur- pose, few farmers attempt to cultivate their farms by oxen alone: they employ horse-teams in at least equal numbers; THE OX. THE SUSSEX BREED. 355 thus shewing, by their practice, that, even under circum- stances the most favourable to the employment of this kind of draught, the Horse possesses certain qualities in which the Ox is deficient, and that at best the use of oxen can only be subsidiary to that of horses on ordinary farms. The use of oxen has invariably declined in those parts of the country where improvements are the most extended, and where the most active system of farm-labour has been established; and now it may be said, that the general use of oxen is confined to those parts of the country where the peculiar races of cattle suited for labour are reared. In all the districts where the Short-horned Breed of cattle is established, the employment of oxen in labour is almost unknown; and, in all the districts where the active labour of the turnip-culture is largely prac- tised, the Horse is almost exclusively made use of. Indeed, it may be said, that this is an arrangement indicating an advanced state of agriculture. By means of it, the two kinds of animals are employed for the purposes to which they are, respectively, the best adapted--the Horse for active labour; the Ox for being reared the most quickly to that maturity which fits him for human food. It is with the especial view of directing attention to this result that these remarks are made. The principle of breeding, when applied to an animal to be fattened, is to develope those properties which have relation to the earliest maturity of muscle and fat; and the principle of fattening is to apply to the animal the largest quantity of nutriment, from his birth to maturity, which con- sists with the preservation of his health, or which the means of feeding at our command may allow. But these principles. cannot be fully applied when the oxen of the farm are to be employed for labour. The external form which indicates the fitness of an animal for the exertion of its physical powers is different from that which indicates its adaptation to the purpose of early fattening; and hence, the general employ- ment of oxen in tillage is unfavourable to due attention to another class of properties, while it does not admit of that • J • : 356 A THE OX. continued feeding from the birth which brings the animal soonest to the maturity required. Reasons, then, it will be seen, exist for confining the use of oxen for labour within certain limits, and for not extending the system to parts of the country where breeds of animals unsuited to the purpose are now reared, or where a different system of agriculture is established. The Breed of Sussex has, like every other, had its warm ad- mirers, as well as its too prejudiced opponents. If it has not obtained that favour which has been sufficient to cause its extension to other parts of the country, this has not been because the breed is naturally bad, but because the same attention has not been employed in calling forth the proper- ties now most generally valued in a race of cattle. It is nct until a period comparatively recent, that much general atten- tion has been paid to the improvement of the Sussex Breed, with respect to symmetry and early maturity. Latterly, how- ever, great attention has been paid to these properties. Va- rious eminent breeders have employed the usual means for correcting the defects of the existing race; and, at the pre- sent time, numerous admirable oxen are derived from this county, to supply the larger markets with which it is in com- munication. XVI. THE GLAMORGAN BREED. The county of Glamorgan is a district of the coal-forma- tion, situated on the Bristol Channel. In its geological cha- racters, it differs entirely from the elevated parts of Wales with which it is in contact. Towards the north, it consists of mountains producing a coarse herbage of grasses, largely mixed with sedges, rushes, and other innutritious plants; its central part is less elevated, and more productive, but still chiefly adapted to pasturage; its southern division lying on the coast, and extending from six to ten miles inland, forms THE GLAMORGAN BREED. 357 a fine undulating vale, mostly on a substratum of carbonifer- ous limestone. From time immemorial, this part of Wales has been distinguished for the production of numerous herds of cattle. "The air," says Speed, " is temperate, and gives more content to the mind than the soile doth fruit, or ease unto travellers; the hills being high and very many, which, from the north notwithstanding, are lessened as it were by degrees; and towards the sea-coasts the country becometh somewhat plain, which part is the best, both for plenty of grain and populous of inhabitants. The rest, all mountain, is replenished with cattel, which is the best means to wealth which this shire doth afford; upon whose hills you may be- hold whole herds of them feeding; and from whose rocks most clear springing waters through the valleys trinkling, which sportingly do pass with a most pleasant sound-." The cattle of Glamorganshire, naturalized in a tract of country differing somewhat in its vegetable productions from the higher parts of Wales, have assumed a class of charac- ters proper to themselves. The colour of the hair, like that of the Devons, tends to red, in place of the black character- istic of the races of the higher country; but the skin pos- sesses the same orange colour which distinguishes the Pem- broke and allied breeds, manifesting an identity of origin in these races. It has been imagined by some that the pecu- liarities of the Glamorgan breed are due to foreign intermix- ture, and this has been referred to so remote a period as the age of William Rufus, when certain Norman knights seized violently upon the country, and partitioned it amongst them- selves and their retainers. But this country possessed its native cattle long before the Normans had acquired a footing in it, and the pursuits of these barbarous soldiers were far other than the improvement of flocks and herds. Rapine, the chase, and warlike exercises, occupied their thoughts; and the occupations of peaceful industry were left to their dependants, too ignorant and oppressed to think of any thing beyond the rude wants of their condition. In such a state [ | 358 of society, the improvement of breeds of cattle by foreign im- portations, could scarcely take place. Approaching nearer to our own times, when freedom of intercourse between dif- ferent parts of the country was established, it may be sup- posed that cattle from other districts found their way into Glamorganshire, but not in sufficient numbers to obliterate, or change essentially, the characters of the native cattle. These, from some old notices, seem to have been of a red- dish colour. A Welsh writer, upwards of a hundred years ago, describes the Cows as being of large size, some red and some pied; which sufficiently agrees with the aspect of the present breed, whose colour is a dark reddish-brown, broken with white. Within the last forty or fifty years, in- deed, various attempts have been made to improve the cattle of Glamorganshire by crosses with the Hereford, Devon, and other breeds; but still the essential characteristics of the native race remain sufficiently distinct and uniform to constitute a well-defined breed. THE OX. The breed of Glamorganshire differs in the size of the in- dividuals, according as they are the natives of the hilly parts of the country, or of the lower and maritime. The breed, however, is essentially the same in both districts, and varied only by the condition of the country, and the care with which the animals have been selected and reared. In the higher country, where their food is the rough herbage of mountains, the cattle are in a corresponding degree small, but coarse and robust in form, active like other mountain cattle, but slow in arriving at maturity. In the Vale, where the her- bage is fine, and the means exist of cultivating artificial pro- vender, the cattle become of larger size, of more developed forms, and having a greater aptitude to fatten readily. The Glamorgans of the lower country fall short of the ordinary size of the Durhams and Herefords; but yet they are of the larger class of cattle. Their horns are small, fine, and point- ing somewhat upwards; and in the breed of the hills, the horns have yet more of the upright curvature. The skin is generally • THE GLAMORGAN BREED. 359 orange-yellow, and the individuals are most esteemed in which this colour prevails. The hair is dark-brown, usually broken with white; and very generally there is a uniform marking of the latter colour, extending along the belly, and forming a streak along the back. Their chests are well formed, with moderate dewlaps, and their beef is excellently marbled. The Cows are exceedingly good milchers, giving a rich yellow cream. The domestic dairy has always been an important object of attention in this and other parts of Wales, and hence the property of yielding abundant milk has been sought for and obtained in the races of the country. In this respect the Cows of Glamorgan differ essentially from those of Hereford and North Devon, in which the attention of breeders has been directed to grazing, and not to the dairy. It is an opinion frequently expressed by Glamorgan breed- ers, that the native breed had been injured by an intermix- ture of other races. This deterioration is supposed to have taken place after the commencement of the last war; and one of the proofs of it cited is, that the Glamorgan cattle, which had formerly been in great request for grazing, began to lose favour in the districts to which they had before been carried, as in Leicestershire, and other grazing counties. This effect, however, is sufficiently accounted for by the increased attention which had begun to be paid throughout the country to the improvement of live stock, and to the extension of su- perior breeds. It is less likely that the Glamorgan cattle had become deteriorated, than that the breeders of them had failed to keep pace with those of other parts of the country. With respect to the presumed mixture of other blood, this has probably been as little in Glamorganshire as in most parts of the kingdom. The native farmers appear to have long taken a peculiar pride in their ancient breed, and are at this hour very generally as tenacious of its purity as any breeders can be supposed to be. Individuals, indeed, chiefly in the Vale, have made experiments in crossing, just as has happened in other parts of the country; and insensible mixtures may have + *** I 360 taken place with the Herefords and cattle of the neighbour- ing districts; but that the Glamorgan breed has remained wonderfully pure, especially in the higher country, may be inferred from the uniformity of characters which it has pre- served. Various modern breeders, instead of a system of crossing, have, with better judgment, directed their attention to the improving of the breed which their country has for so many ageş produced. These improvements have been chiefly carried on in the Vale, where the means are favourable to the rearing of a superior breed of cattle. The result of these experiments has shewn, that the native Glamorgan affords the basis of a valuable breed, requiring only that the same care and time shall be given to breeding and rearing which must be bestowed in order to bring any race of animals to a perfect state. Many of these improved Glamorgans have been able to contend successfully, with respect to early ma- turity, symmetry, and even weight, with the Durhams and Herefords; and they are certainly superior to either of these breeds in their adaptation to the dairy. No question, then, can exist, that the breeders of Glamorgan are able to bring the breed of the country to the degree of size, aptitude to fatten, and economical value, which consists with the na- ture of the district, and the state of its agriculture. The improved Short-horns have, indeed, been largely introduced into the Vale of Glamorgan, as into most other parts of the country where the means exist of supplying them with suf- ficient food; and there has been a great inducement to culti- vate them, seeing that this breed has been already perfected, and that it is found in numbers sufficient to allow any one to obtain and rear it, whereas the finest class of Glamorgans are only as yet in the hands of a few breeders who have made them the subject of especial attention. But, excellent as the imported breed is, this advantage would have resulted from adhering to the older race, that the whole county would have then been occupied by a uniform race; and that from the lower country to the higher superior males might have been THE OX. 361 carried, so that the cattle of the mountains would have been gradually improved to the degree which was suitable to the nature of the pastures. As it is, this advantage will not be obtained by the introduction of the Short-horns, for these are unsuited to the higher country, and the degree of cultivation which must necessarily exist in it. The cultivators of the superior Glamorgans will find it difficult, in a district so li- mited, to pursue their improvements in opposition to the ex- tension of another breed; and Glamorganshire will probably present the singular example of having the general improve- ment of the live-stock of the country retarded by the impor- tation of a breed in itself good, and calculated to benefit the individuals who adopt it. But it is the interests of the breeders themselves that must determine the question as to the breeds to be adopted, and it cannot be supposed that considerations founded on general benefit will prevail against private interests. But this the landed gentlemen of the country may do: they may and ought to give all encourage- ment to the preservation and improvement of that race which is naturalized, which occupies so great a part of the country, and which experience shews to be susceptible of so much im- provement. The native and imported breeds should be kept distinct and pure.-Besides the Short-horned, the Dairy Breed of Ayrshire has been introduced into this district, though it is difficult to see with what aim. The native cattle already possess the qualities of milch cows in a very high degree, and they have this advantage over the Ayrshire, that they are the natives of the country. Individuals may, in- deed, if they think fit, possess themselves of an Ayrshire or any other stock, but no benefit could result from mixing these strangers with the native race. - THE GLAMORGAN BREED. : I दै 1 1 362 THE OX. XVII.—THE HEREFORDSHIRE BREED. Extending along the base of the mountains of Wales is a tract of fertile country, calculated to increase the size, and so to modify the characters, of the cattle which it maintains. This effect is seen in the fine race produced in the Vale of Glamorgan, in the mixed races which occupy the lower parts of Montgomeryshire, and yet more in those of the richly cul- tivated county of Hereford. If we suppose that at any time a common race of cattle occupied the higher country and the lower, we must believe that its characters would gradually diverge as the animals became naturalized in mountains of natural herbage, or became the inhabitants of a cultivated country capable of yielding artificial food. Herefordshire was of old a part of the country of the Cambro-Britons, but at a very early period fell under the dominion of the Anglo- Saxons. Yet although it has thus for a vast period been connected with Wales only by contiguity of situation, its cattle retain the traces of a common ancestry. They have that orange-yellow colour of the skin which distinguishes the Pembrokes and the Devons, and that medium length of horns which separates these breeds and their varieties from the race termed Long-horned. It cannot be supposed that they have been kept free from intermixture with the Long-horned and other varieties of the lower country, but they may be re- ferred to that group of breeds which comprehends the Pem- broke, the Devon, the Sussex, and the Glamorgan, and which some writers have proposed to term Middle-horned, a desig- nation which distinguishes them from the Long-horned on the one hand, and the Short-horned on the other, but which does not sufficiently separate them from other very different va- rieties, as those which occupied many of the former forests of the country, and even from the older Yorkshire Short- horns. Of the changes which the Herefords have, until a period comparatively recent, undergone, from mixture or ixt 7 ? THE HEREFORDSHIRE BREED. 363 otherwise, we know nothing from any authentic records. When we first obtain accounts of them, they appear to have been of a good size, but of mixed characters. The Dairy was at a former period largely pursued in Herefordshire, the effect of which must have been to collect together animals of mixed descent, and only agreeing in the common character of yielding much milk. Many of them were black, many red, and so far were they from exhibiting the common charac- ters of a breed or family, that a skilful observer, who saw them late in the last century, believed them at first to be a mixture of Welsh Cattle and Long-horns, although it appears, from the remains of the older race which yet exist, that the greater part of them consisted of a race of red cattle, which, in colour, and in the upward curvature of the horns, re- sembled the coarser kinds of Devons. But whatever were the characters of the former cattle of Herefordshire, the breed, as it now exists, owes all its repu- tation to modern changes. About the year 1769, the late Mr Benjamin "Tomkins began a system of breeding, which ulti- mately exercised a great influence on the stock of this part of England. It appears that size, and adaptation to the dairy and the purposes of labour, were then the properties chiefly sought for by the breeders of Herefordshire. Mr Tomkins, when a young man, was in the employment of an individual, afterwards his father-in-law, and had the especial charge of the dairy. Two cows had been brought to this dairy, supposed to have been purchased at the fair of King- ton, on the confines of Wales. Tomkins remarked the ex- traordinary tendency of these animals to become fat. On his marriage he acquired these two cows, and commenced breeding from them on his own account. The one with more of white, he called Pigeon, and the other, of a rich red colour, with, a spotted face, he called Mottle; and it is remarkable that the marking of the two cows may be distinguished in their descendants at the present day. Mr Tomkins appears to have selected good cows where he could obtain them in S 1 ! C I THE OX. 364 the district, but to have reared his bulls from his own stock, although, in the earlier stage of his improvements, he some- times made use of other bulls when they suited his purpose. After a time, however, he abandoned this practice, and con- fined himself in breeding to his own stock. It thus appears that the principle of his system was selection of the most suitable individuals for breeding, and that having produced, by this mean, animals of the properties required, he con- fined himself to his own herd. Having arrived at the im- provement sought for, he communicated to the individuals, by intermixture with one another, that uniformity and per- manence of character which constitutes a breed. In this latter respect, however, he was not so successful as Bake- well, and many of the Herefords deviate considerably from a common type. Tomkins, indeed, had what he termed his different lines of stock, as his Mottle line, and his Pigeon or Silver line, from which we are merely to infer that his ani- mals had not been so amalgamated as to acquire a perma- nent class of common characters. Tomkins continued his improvements during a long life. He was a person of very retired and unassuming habits, seldom, if ever, shewing his cattle from home, or concerning himself much about what was passing beyond his own circle. In this respect his con- duct was the reverse of that of his distinguished contem- porary Bakewell, who took every opportunity to derive ad- vantage from his stock, and to spread the reputation of it throughout the country. In one respect, indeed, the course of the two breeders was similar. Each maintained the ut- most reserve with respect to his mode of practice, and the sources from which he derived his original stock. It is merely known that Tomkins began breeding from the humble stock of cows which he had early acquired; but of the breed of ⚫ these cows nothing is known, nor of the animals, male or fe- male, which he afterwards made use of for extending and improving his herd. It may be believed that the selection was made from the best of the cattle then existing in the dis- THE HEREFORDSHIRE BREED. 365 trict; and that thus the breed of Tomkins was formed from the pre-existing cattle of Herefordshire, rather than by any mixture with dissimilar kinds proper to other parts of the country. The Short-horns were then of little estimation be- yond the districts which produced them, and there is little appearance of the Long-horned blood in the modern breed. A resemblance, indeed, has generally been sought for between it and the Devons. The resemblance, however, is merely such as may be supposed to arise from a common and distant ancestry; and the form of the modern Herefords differs greatly from that which is typical of the true Devons. There is nothing, therefore, in the breed as it now exists, which can lead us to the conclusion, that its original improver had re- course to any other races than those which he found na- turalized in his native district. From the unobtrusive course pursued by Tomkins, it was only by slow degrees that the merit of his stock became known, and its influence felt; and early as had been the period at which the improvement of it had commenced, the Hereford Breed was late in being brought prominently before the public, as one possessed of the valuable properties which are now, by common consent, ascribed to it. The progress of the breed, however, though slow, was sure, and it silently extended itself throughout all the county of Hereford, gra- dually assimilating to a more uniform standard the stock of the county; so that Herefordshire became the most import- ant breeding district of a distinct family of the larger cattle in the West of England. Tomkins himself died at an ad- vanced age, having realized the honourable competence to which his high merits as an original, skilful, and successful breeder, entitled him. Eminent agriculturists in the district and elsewhere contributed to extend the reputation of the breed; amongst whom it may not be regarded invidious to mention the names of the Honourable George Germain, Mr Price, and the Earl of Talbot, who became purchasers of the ! you ན 366 stock of Tomkins, and cultivated it with a scrupulous regard to the purity of descent. The modern Hereford is a breed of the larger class, the oxen attaining a weight scarcely surpassed by any other in the kingdom. The colour is a dark red, or reddish-brown, with white faces, and more or less of white on the back and belly; and the aim of modern breeders has for a considerable period been to produce more of the white colour, which is characteristic of the Pigeon or Silver line of Tomkins, and to which the preference has long been given. The horns are of medium length and spreading, but sometimes very short in the bulls; the forehead is broad, and the countenance open and mild; the shoulder is well formed, and the chest broad and deep. Their beef brings a good price in the market, al- though it is not so well marbled as that of some other breeds, even of the lower country. They tend to accumulate fat upon the rump, but not in the same degree as the Long-horns. They fatten readily, and on ordinary food; and hence the general estimation in which the oxen are held for the pur- poses of grazing. Although a docile race, the bulls frequently become vicious when old. The cows, like the Devons, are small as compared with the size to which the oxen attain. They are likewise indifferent milchers, so that this breed is rarely employed in the regular dairy. This must be ascribed to the exclusive attention bestowed by modern breeders on the fattening property, for the unimproved Herefords do not seem to be deficient in this property, and the Glamorgans, which are nearly allied to the Hereford Breed, possess it in a high degree. By the acquisition of this beautiful breed, Herefordshire has become a breeding rather than a grazing district. Com- paratively few of the Herefords are fattened in the county itself. They are bought by the graziers of other districts, and thus fattened for the London and other markets. Num- bers of them, after being worked for several years, are car- THE OX. 367 ried to these markets, presenting as fine specimens of the matured and fattened Ox as are to be seen in any country. The Hereford breeders naturally set a high value upon this breed. They esteem it to be the finest in England. It has, indeed, many excellent properties for the grazier; but the general judgment of the breeders has long been pronounced in favour of another breed, likewise perfected by the skill of the breeder-the Short-horned Teeswater, or, as it is now frequently termed, the Durham Breed. This has for many years been progressively extending, and been carried even within the native districts of the Herefords. The Herefords will frequently pay the graziers better than the Durhams; but the value of a breed is to be determined, not by the pro- fit which it yields between buying and selling, but by that which it yields to the breeder and the feeder conjointly from its birth to its maturity; and taking into account the early maturity of the Short-horns, and the weight to which they arrive, it may without error be asserted that they merit the preference which has been given to them. The two breeds have been sometimes crossed with one another; but, although fine animals are produced by a first cross, the future progeny rarely equals the parents of pure blood. Unless, therefore, the Herefords were to be crossed until they became Short- horns, the proper course seems to be to preserve the two breeds in a state of purity, the breeder and the grazier con- tenting themselves with the excellencies which each has ac- quired. THE HEREFORDSHIRE BREED. XVIII.—THE LONG-HORNED BREED. The term Long-horned, when applied to a variety of Bri- tish cattle, denotes not only a simple character of the horns, namely, their extension or length, but a certain similarity in the external form of the animals, which united a great pro- portion of the older cattle of the country into what might be ཀ I * F ร 1 368 termed a breed. Length and grossness of horns may be sup- posed to be connected, in certain circumstances, with the nature of the pastures and the humidity of the climate. A moist climate tends to produce thickness of skin and length of hair; and the corneous system is so connected with the cuticular, that it is reasonable to believe, that what affects the skin and its covering, may exercise an action on the parts connected with them. The true Long-horns seem to have been the inhabitants of the western parts of the British Islands. They extended nearly over all the plains of Ireland, and the greater part of the mountains, and yet form the pre- vailing race of that country. In England, they occupied Lanca- shire, extending northward into Cumberland and Westmore- land, and southward through Cheshire and Shropshire, to the districts on the Severn, and even into Somersetshire, where the traces of them still exist in the higher country. From the mouth of the Severn they extended inland through the midland counties even to Leicestershire. They were found, and are yet reared, in Derbyshire, and partially occu- pied, and still occupy, the bleak range of heathy hills which extend from that county northwards, and which divide the more westerly and humid country on the Atlantic from the eastern and drier on the German ocean. But, on the eastern slope of this range of hills, they gradually diminished in numbers, until the traces of them were lost; and they were not found within the period of any records in the south- eastern counties of the Chalk. Although they had stretched through the midland counties as far to the eastward as Lei- cestershire, yet, as they extended eastward, their characters appear to have undergone a progressive change; for, al- though Leicestershire became in time the centre of a highly cultivated breed of Long-horns, the older cattle which pos- sessed it seem either to have been a mixed race, or to have deviated greatly from the type of the true Long-horns of the western counties. Thus the Long-horned Breed appears to have been derived from the western and more humid THE OX. 8 3 THE LONG-HORNED BREED. 369 countries, and to have disappeared, or lost its distinctive characters, in the eastern and drier; and hence it seems reasonable to infer, that it owed the characters which dis- tinguished it to the influence of climate. Yet in the west of Ireland, in the moistest climate of Europe, and spread exten- sively over the whole country, there is a race, the Kerry, which differs, in almost every respect that constitutes a breed, from the Long-horns. The Wild White Forest Breed, though reared for ages in parks in the west of England and Scotland, never assumes the characters of the Long-horned race. The North Devon, and all the native cattle of the humid mountains of Wales, are alike removed from it ; and in all the west of Scotland, in tracts exposed to the con- tinued vapours of the Atlantic ocean, no trace of the charac- ters distinctive of the Long-horned race presents itself. The Kerry Breed, the Devon, the Welsh, and the Scotch Highland, differ as much from the Long-horned as the white man from the negro; and the two classes retain their charac- ters distinct, though naturalized in the same tract of country, beyond all records. The influence of climate alone, then, does not satisfactorily account for the formation of breeds, which, naturalized under conditions apparently similar, differ so greatly from one another; and we are rather conducted to the inference, that races so unlike were derived from dis- tinct sources. But if the Kerry and other breeds inhabit- ing the country have been derived from natural stocks dis- tinct from the Long-horned, all the traces of their naturali- zation have been lost in the obscurity of time. The Long-horned Breed, as it existed before the artificial improvements to which it has been subjected, varied in size with the natural and acquired fertility of the districts to which it had become indigenous, being larger in the richer plains, and smaller in the mountains. The prevailing colour of the animals was black and brown, and they had more or less of white on the body, a streak of that colour always extending along the spine. They had thick dark skins, and 2 A ** ↓ A f Jin W 4 [1 2 3 Fr Į ↓ L -། t K T ז * 370 THE OX. abundant hair. Their horns were long, and bending down- wards; a peculiarity, however, which seemed to give place to the influence of external agents, since, at the eastern and southern limits of the breed in England, their horns fre- quently turned upwards, in the manner of other cattle in- habiting these districts. Their bodies were long, their sides flat, and their shoulders heavy as compared with their hind quarters. They were hardy, capable of subsisting without shelter, and on indifferent food, but they were slow in arriv- ing at maturity. Their flesh was of a dark colour, and the fat of a yellow tinge. They were of docile tempers, and steady in the yoke, though sluggish in their motions. They were with difficulty amalgamated with other varieties, re- taining with greater obstinacy than any other race their dis- tinctive characters. The females were suited to the domes- tic dairy, yielding good milk, though not in large quantity. This breed having been naturalized in Ireland from a period of unknown antiquity, it may be believed that the fertile pastures of that country would tend to produce a great development of form and size in the animals. Very large cattle, accordingly, appear to have been produced on the rich plains of the Shannon and elsewhere. Early writers, however, give us little information further than that the country abounded in cattle, which were the chief wealth of the inhabitants. But soon after the middle of last century, competent judges bear testimony to the excellence of many of the Long-horned cattle of Ireland. Mr Bakewell found, in the fair of Ballinasloe, individuals of the breed, which he re- garded as inferior only to those which he himself had per- fected; and it may therefore be believed, that cattle were produced in Ireland not inferior to those of the same race in the sister island. In England, the nursery of this breed was the county of Lancaster. Writers frequently refer to the fair beeves, with spreading horns, of this part of England. "A man may judge," says Cambden, "of the soile partly by the constitution and complexion of the inhabitants, who 1 F THE LONG-HORNED BREED. 371 you are to see to, passing faire and beautifull, and in part, if please, by the cattaille. For in their kine and oxen, which have goodly heads and faire spread horns, and are in body well proportionate withall, you shall find in maner no one point wanting, that Mago, the Carthaginian doth require, as Colu- mella specifieth out of him." And another and later writer observes of the same country, "The soil, for the generality, is not very fruitful; yet it produces such numbers of cattle, of such large proportion, and such goodly heads and horns, as the kingdom of Spain doth scarce the like." From Lan- cashire the same breed extended not only into Westmoreland and Cumberland, but across the intervening moorlands into Yorkshire, occupying the more elevated tracts which formed the ancient county of Richmond. The district of Craven, in an especial degree, became distinguished for its breed of Long-horns; so that bulls, we are informed, used to be sent from it to other districts, even to Leicestershire and the mid- land counties. The Craven Breed is still to be found in the same district, now crossed by the improved variety of the midland counties, but differing in no essential respect from the native race of Lancashire. The ultimate improvement of this breed, however, took place, not in Lancashire or Craven, but in the midland coun- ties; and we are informed that breeders there had been early in the habit of procuring stock from Lancashire and the adjoining districts, for the purpose of improving their herds. Amongst the earlier breeders of this part of Eng- land is mentioned Sir Thomas Gresley, in the county of Staf ford. He is said to have kept a fine stock of Long-horns, at his seat, near Burton on the Trent. Little, however, is known of the breeding experiments of Sir Thomas Gresley; but it is well established that another individual, Mr Web- ster of Canley, near Coventry, in the county of Warwick, had, sometime about the middle of last century, become one of the most eminent breeders of Long-horns in that part of England. His stock became known as the Canley Breed. ; # 1 | I 372 He is said to have bred on the basis of cows derived from the stock of Sir Thomas Gresley, but to have afterwards resorted for bulls to Lancashire and Westmoreland. The Canley Breed is described by contemporaries, as being the best that had been then produced in England. The Canley Breed, however, after a time, gave place to one yet more distinguished, the formation of which became an era in the history of breeding in this country, and ulti- mately exercised an important influence on a great propor- tion of the Long-horns reared in the British Islands. Robert Bakewell of Dishley, in the county of Leicester, was born at that place about the year 1725. His father and grandfather had been considerable farmers upon the same estate; and, on his succeeding to the farm of Dishley, about the year 1755, he began to pursue with diligence those plans for the improvement of the domestic animals, which had, doubtless, occupied the thoughts of his earlier years. He cultivated alike the Sheep, the Ox, the Horse, and the Hog, and ap- pears to have early laid down a set of principles to which he steadily adhered. He sought for the best animals of their respective kinds, and, coupling these together, endeavoured to develope, in the highest degree, those characters which he deemed good. He appears to have disregarded, or made light of, size in all the animals which he reared, and to have looked mainly to those characters of form which indicate a disposition to arrive at early maturity, and become readily fat. He acted to the fullest extent upon the principle that the properties of the parents are communicated to their de- scendants. This led him to attach the highest importance to what is termed blood, or breeding from individuals the descendants of those of approved qualities. A maxim of his was, that "like begets like"-a principle in nothing new, but never, perhaps, acted upon in breeding to the like degree before. He aimed at producing the large cylindrical body, in all the animals destined to be fattened, and a smallness of the head, neck, and extremities, or what is called fineness THE OX. # 1 373 of bone. A saying of his, often quoted, is, that "all was useless that was not beef;" and hence his endeavour to lessen the quantity of what is usually termed offal. He adopted, too, the homely profit-and-loss maxim of breeding the ani- mals large in the parts which are of most value to be sold; and hence, in his breed of cattle, he made the shoulders com- paratively small, and the hind-quarters proportionally large. He had a thorough confidence in his own judgment, and relied entirely upon his own resources. In the whole series of his numerous experiments, he appears to have consulted, and even trusted, no one. It is said that his only confi- dant was an old shepherd, who alone knew what animals were covered, and with what blood. Although young gentle- men resided with him, for the purpose of receiving instruc- tion, they knew nothing of the course of his experiments; and when it is mentioned, that amongst these individuals were the late distinguished Earl of Leicester, Mr Cully, Mr Buckley, and others likely to take a deep interest in the pro- ceedings, it will be seen what a methodised system of caution and secrecy was pursued. He seems to have obtained the respect of those connected with him, for his character and judgment; but within the circle of reserve which he cast around him, where his own proceedings were concerned, no one was permitted to pass; and, strange to say, he left not behind him a single written record of his curious experi- ments. It is not probable that this can be ascribed to any higher motive than the selfishness of a trader, careful to pre- vent others from profiting by his acquired knowledge. But yet it manifested a certain strength of character, and may shew that Bakewell, though actuated by ordinary motives, was not an ordinary man. He struck out for himself a new course of action; and, carrying on a long course of peculiar experiments, ultimately succeeded, and laid down, by his ex- ample, principles which experience has since proved to be sound. There had not before been another Bakewell; and all who have sought the same end have but followed in his THE LONG-HORNED BREED. 1 [ Į | 374 track. Amidst many disappointments, he never despaired of his ultimate purpose, but bore up against ridicule, neglect, and predictions of failure, till the end. He was at one time involved in great pecuniary difficulties, but at length he suc- ceeded in all his plans, and left a competent fortune to his successors. Even after he had succeeded in perfecting his stock, he kept all kinds of animals in his park, and was con- stantly engaged in his favourite experiments. He died, universally regarded as the most successful breeder that this country had produced, in his 70th year. THE OX. Much fruitless inquiry has arisen regarding the precise course followed by Bakewell in forming his breed of Long- horns. The opinion, seemingly founded on the best autho- rities, is, that he obtained some of his first cows from Mr Webster of Canley, but that he likewise selected elsewhere the best animals, male and female, that he could obtain. He is said to have purchased, amongst others, a very fine cow from Sir William Gordon of Garrington, near Loughborough, and from her to have had a fine bull, which he called Two- penny, because a person had observed of him that he was not worth twopence. This bull became the most celebrated of the early stock of Bakewell, and is constantly referred to in the pedigrees of the improved Long-horns. It must be observed, however, that other accounts are given of the de- scent of Twopenny; and that much uncertainty necessarily exists in everything that relates to the origin of the Dishley stock, since this was precisely the point of practice which Bakewell himself desired to involve in mystery. Mr Bakewell adopted the practice of breeding from ani- mals without relation to their affinities in blood, in a degree which had perhaps never before been attempted. He pro- bably adopted this system from the very commencement of his experiments, and ultimately confined himself entirely to his own herd; one exception only being recorded, when, at a late period, he bought a cow from Mr Harris, a descendant, however, from the Dishley stock. The effect was, that he 1 375 gave a permanent uniformity to the characters of his ani- mals, and formed, after a time, a distinct and well-defined breed. Further, the effect of continually breeding from ani- mals near of blood, is attended with the effect of giving a delicacy of temperament and form to the progeny. It dimi- nishes the size of the bones, and produces, as it were, a ten- dency to arrive at premature age. The animals, getting soon old, arrive quickly at maturity of bone and muscle, which is the very end aimed at by the breeder. Bakewell probably adopted the system from the mere desire of pre- serving the properties of form which his stock had acquired ; but he would learn by experience, in the sequel, that the effect was likewise to produce a more complete development of those properties. THE LONG-HORNED BREED. The success of Bakewell called other breeders into the field. Of these the earliest and most distinguished was Mr Robert Fowler of Little Rollright, in the county of Oxford. Mr Fowler purchased several heifers from Mr Webster of Canley, and hired the bull Twopenny from Mr Bakewell, from which stock he bred several fine cows. He continued to hire bulls from Mr Bakewell, and, in particular, one in the year 1778 or 1779, called D, which, by one of his first cows of the Canley stock, produced a bull termed Shakspeare, the most celebrated in the annals of the improved breed, and continually referred to in the pedigree of the stock. Mr Fowler became the breeder of numerous other fine bulls. His splendid stock was sold in the year 1791, at high prices. # * Garrick, a bull, 5 years old, by Shakspeare, of Bro- ken-horn Beauty, which came of Long-horn Beauty, L.215 0 0 brought Sultan, 2 years old, by Broken-horn Beauty, Washington, by Shakspeare, out of Washington's mother, Young Sultan, one year old, by Garrick, Brindled Beauty, a cow, by Shakspeare, of Long-horn Beauty, Cow, by Shakspeare, of Broken-horn Beauty, Cow, by a son of old D, brother to Shakspeare, 220 10 0 215 5 5 0 210 0 0 273 0 0 * 120 15 0 194 5 0 &c. + f ま ​ई * ་ ་་ 1 # 376 Mr Princep of Croxall, and numerous other individuals, ac- quired and bred from the Dishley stock; and the rearing of bulls for hiring and sale became a distinct branch of the profession, by which means the influence of the new breed was extended in a surprising degree. The midland counties became the great centre, from which it extended beyond the limits which the older Long-horns had occupied in the country. The effects were beneficial in a high degree. The Dishley Breed itself, indeed, has now lost the favour which it once possessed; but the traces of its influence remain in the parts of the country in which the Long-horned breed is still cultivated. L སྐ The Dishley Breed is of good size, but generally inferior in weight to the old Lancashire Long-horns, the Short-horns, and Herefords. The horns, for the most part, bend down- wards by the side of the head, having more the appearance of bent hops than arms of defence. The shoulder is well formed, the neck remarkably thin, the head fine, and the limbs are moderately short and small boned, in which respect the artificial differs from the natural breed. The skin, though thick, is soft, and the hair is usually reddish-brown, with more or less of white on different parts. The ribs are remarkably well arched, forming a fine cylindrical trunk; the loin is mo- derately broad, and the hind quarters are long. The animals are docile, easily maintained on ordinary food, and readily fattened. The flesh has never entirely lost that darkness of colour distinctive of the unimproved race, and the fat is less mixed with the muscular parts than in any other kind of British cattle. The tendency of the fat to accumulate on the rump is so great, as to produce a kind of deformity in the fattened animal; yet this character might not of itself be regarded as an imperfection, were it not indicative of the general tendency of the fatty tissue to remain separate from the muscular. The fat, too, retains the tinge distinctive of the older race; so that it became a familiar remark of the opponents of Bakewell, that breed as he might, he would not སྐ THE OX. THE LONG-HORNED BREED. 377 get rid of the black flesh and yellow fat of the Long-horns. The cows are eminently deficient in their power of yielding milk. They are in this respect greatly inferior to the older Long-horns, and are scarcely ever used for the purposes of the regular dairy. The character of the beef, and the defi- ciency in the females of the power of yielding milk, are the most manifest defects of this breed; and, notwithstanding all the care bestowed on the formation of it, few individuals of the race are now reared in England for the purpose of graz- ing. The breeders of the pure Dishleys confine themselves chiefly to the rearing of bulls and cows for the purpose of breeding; and the really beneficial influence of the stock has been the crossing of the older and coarser kinds yet reared in different parts of the country. In this latter respect the Dishley stock has been of great economical importance; but the breed itself, in its state of purity, is deficient in the really useful properties of a grazing stock. It has been questioned whether Bakewell acted with judgment in taking the Lancashire Long-horns as the basis of his new breed. There is little ground, however, for impugning, on this ac- count, the judgment of Bakewell. The Long-horned Breed was then regarded as the most valuable in the kingdom; and it was a natural course for an original improver to en- deavour to form a superior one on its basis. The modern Herefords were not then called into existence; and the Short- horns were a coarse race, of no estimation beyond the limits of a few districts. Bakewell, therefore, adopted what must have seemed at the time a fitting course; and no one will deny, that in what he attempted, he succeeded to the utmost extent which the natural characters of the pristine race allowed. This description of the once celebrated Dishley Breed will account for the singular fact, that its reputation has passed away, even more quickly than it was acquired. It has given place to other breeds, possessing characters as grazing stock, in which it is deficient. A few eminent breeders still employ # • ' L | ↓ } ķ 378 THE OX. themselves in the rearing of bulls, chiefly for exportation to Ireland; but the numbers of the breed reared in England are continually diminishing, and the time will probably arrive when all that remains of the breed of Dishley will be the record of a bold, curious, and interesting experiment. On the very farm on which Mr Bakewell's original experiments were instituted and completed, and within many miles around, there does not exist a single bull, cow, or steer, of the breed which he had cultivated with so much labour. Its history forms a singular contrast with that of another race of animals which he had formed by similar means, namely, his breed of Sheep, which has extended over all the kingdom, and which remains established as one of the most important additions to the domestic animals of these Islands. The history of the breed of Bakewell has shewn, beyond anything before attempted, the power of cultivation over the form and properties of animals, and has shewn us, too, the limits within which the efforts of art must often be confined. Bakewell looked to the property of acquiring fatness as the essential one to be aimed at in breeding. He acquired for his beautiful stock this property in an eminent degree, but he acquired it in excess. The fat mingled less with the lean than even in the older race, spreading itself in a thick layer under the skin, and even accumulating in a cushion upon one part of the body. "Having painfully, and at much cost,' observes an amusing writer, "raised a variety of cattle, the chief merit of which is to make fat, he has apparently laid his disciples and successors under the necessity of substi- tuting another which will make lean." Looking to this pro- perty of making fat as the sole end to be aimed at, this emi- nent breeder disregarded other properties which, though they may be said to be secondary, are yet a necessary element in the economical value of a breed of cattle. "" AIVERSITY OF MICH 7850 OF THE 44530 LIBRARY H.Darts A First Prize Short, Horned Bulls H.Bedr THE SHORT-HORNED BREED. XIX.-SHORT-HORNED BREED. 379 While Ireland and the western parts of England have been possessed, for an unknown period, of a race of cattle having long horns, and furnished with thick skins and abundant hair, fitted to protect the animals from long and continued rains, the eastern and drier districts towards the German Ocean have been inhabited by varieties of cattle having thinner skins, shorter hair, and horns comparatively short. In the fens of Lincolnshire, and the other tracts of alluvial country towards the Wash, the cattle were of great bulk and coarse figure, and had usually a dingy colour of the skin, and short blunt horns. More inland, and following the course north- ward of the Vale of Trent, and thence across the Ouse, through the central plains of Yorkshire, to the river Tees and beyond it, the cattle assumed a less gross and unwieldy form, but were still a very tall race, of varied colours, with horns of medium length, but which might be termed short with relation to the same parts in the Long-horned breed. In comparing these varieties of cattle with the races of the opposite continent, the large dingy breed of the Fens may be compared with the native black cattle of the flats and marshes of Holland, and the more varied kinds north of the Humber, with those of Holstein and Jutland, whence the finest cattle of the north of Europe have been derived. It is not unreasonable to believe, that the latter, during the early period of Saxon colonization, may have been brought to the country by the Jutes and Angles who settled in this part of England. But however this may be, no other race of cattle, except that which may be termed Short or Middle-horned, has ever, within the period of any known records, inhabited the Fens and north-eastern parts of England. But at a long subsequent period, near our own times, it appears that cattle were frequently brought from the oppo- site continent, and mingled with the native varieties. They Br # 380 were chiefly imported from Holland, the Cows of which country were the most celebrated of all others in the north of Europe, for the abundance of their milk, and their uses for the dairy. The earliest importations seem to have been made to the country of the Humber, where the port of Hull maintained a constant and extended intercourse with Ham- burgh and the United Provinces. The Dutch Breed was especially established in the district of Holderness, on the north side of the estuary of the Humber, whence it extended northward through the plains of Yorkshire; and the cattle of Holderness still retain the distinct traces of their Dutch original, and were long regarded as the finest dairy cows of England. Farther to the north, in the fertile district of the Tees, importations likewise took place of the cattle of the opposite countries, sometimes from Holland, and sometimes, by the way of Hamburgh, from Holstein, or other countries of the Elbe. Sir William St Quintin of Scampston is said to have procured bulls and cows from Holland, for the pur- pose of breeding, previous to the middle of last century; and at a later period, Mr Michael Dobinson, in the county of Durham, visited Holland, for the purpose of selecting bulls of the Dutch breed. Other persons had resorted, for their breeding cattle, to Holstein, whence the finest of the Dutch breeds had themselves been derived. Of the precise extent of these early importations we are imperfectly informed; but that they exercised a great influence on the native stock, ap- pears from this circumstance, that the breed formed by the mixture became familiarly known as the Dutch or Holstein Breed, under which names it extended northward through Northumberland, and became naturalised in the south of Scotland. It was also known as the Teeswater, or simply the Short-horned, Breed. THE OX. Improvers of the Teeswater Short-horns existed early in the last century, both in Durham and the neighbouring parts of Yorkshire. One of these, Mr Millbank of Barningham, was early noted for the excellence of his stock, some records # I 381 of which have come down to us, shewing the great weight at which individual animals from time to time arrived. Mr Dobinson, before referred to, became likewise a very success- ful breeder; and various other gentlemen are noted as im- provers of the Teeswater Breed, chiefly after the successful experiments of Bakewell had excited a spirit of emulation in this species of improvement. Up to the period of the Ame- rican war, however, the Teeswater Breed had not gained greatly in public estimation, beyond the district to which it had early extended. Great size seems to have been chiefly aimed at by the breeders; and the animals, though valued on this account, were of forms comparatively coarse, great con- sumers of food, and deficient in many of those points which are now regarded as essential in a well-formed ox. In the qualities of form and disposition to fatten readily, the Short- horned Breed fell short of that which Bakewell had already perfected in the midland counties, although excelling the latter in the quality of the flesh, in the production of inter- nal fat or tallow, and in the adaptation of the females to the uses of the dairy. THE SHORT-HORNED BREED. The improvement of the Teeswater Short-horns, however, had been continually advancing in the hands of the breeders who cultivated it, when Charles and Robert Colling of Dar- lington became its ultimate improvers, removing, with admi- rable skill, the defects which it inherited, and communicating to it properties which it did not before possess in the same degree. These individuals had become considerable farmers soon after the year 1770. Mr Charles Colling, the younger brother, is justly regarded as the founder of the new breed, although his elder brother followed him in his course of en- terprise and improvement, step by step. Charles Colling cannot, indeed, be compared with Bakewell for boldness and originality of design; but he was greatly more fortunate in the selection of a basis for his breed. Colling, like Bake- well, seems to have regarded size in his animals as a qua- lity secondary and subordinate to those which he wished 2 + I J 4.** * J ê།,",,- * # je månad ** ཅ་ ** 11 * 7 J is *** * : + 编 ​# $ 3 } 1 1 1 [ | 382 to communicate, and to have directed almost exclusive at- tention to beauty and utility of form, and development of the properties of early maturity and facility of fattening. Having, by selection and the skilful conjunction of the best individuals for breeding, become possessed of animals with the properties sought for, he continued to breed from his own stock, disregarding affinities of blood; by which means he gave to it the necessary permanence of characters, and that delicacy of form which this system of breeding tends to communicate. He adopted the practice of hiring out his bulls, by which means he realized a competent fortune, and extended the influence of his stock to the districts around him. THE OX. The information possessed by us regarding the early prac- tice of Colling, in his course of improvement, is meagre and obscure, since he himself manifested a great dislike to throw any light on his views and practice. It is generally believed, that the first radical improvement which he effected on his stock, was through the medium of a young bull, which he acquired by a kind of chance. This animal is said to have been a calf belonging to a poor man who grazed his cow on the sides of the highway. The calf was purchased from its owner by Mr Waistel and Mr Robert Colling, and soon after- wards transferred to Charles, whose sagacity led him to per- ceive the value of the young animal. He seems, likewise, to have acquired the cow, which, however, on being removed to superior pastures, became so fat that she did not again breed. The calf inherited the same, property, and as he grew up be- came so fat as to be useful as a bull only for a short time. This bull was termed Hubback. He was below the ordinary size of the Teeswater cattle, but his points and touch were admirable, and he is generally regarded as the father of the improved Short-horns. However this may be, Colling, from this period, continued to produce many fine bulls, as Petrarch, Bolingbroke, Favourite, Comet, and others whose names are quoted in the pedigrees of the Short-horned Breed, in the 10 筛 ​1 י THE SHORT-HORNED BREED. ? 383 same manner as those of the Darley Arabian, and Godolphin Barb, in the case of Horses of the Turf. The properties of his stock thus became more and more appreciated through- out the district of the Short-horns, and, about the year 1800, had begun to extend to distant parts of the country, where hitherto the Short-horned Breed had not been cultivated. A circumstance, apparently trivial, contributed in a consi- derable degree to this result. A fine animal, termed the Durham Ox, the son of Favourite by a common cow, was sold for public exhibition, and carried in a caravan to all parts of the country. He was exhibited in this manner for nearly six years, and excited much interest amongst the country people. He arrived at great weight, but was chiefly remarkable for the fineness of many of his points. When killed, after two months' illness, during which he had lost considerably in flesh, he weighed 165 stones 12 lb., besides tallow and offal. Colling, by continually breeding from his own stock, seems to have pushed refinement in breeding to its limits, and pro- bably began to experience that impairment of constitution in his animals which never fails to accompany a continued and forced intermixture of blood, in a limited number of indi- viduals. Whether from this cause, or from a mere desire to try experiments, it is understood that he attempted various crosses with the cows of other breeds, and chiefly, it is said, with the Scotch Highland and the Galloway. The experi- ment with the former did not succeed, but that with the latter led to a remarkable result. Colling procured a fine Galloway cow, of a red colour, and this cow was covered by one of his best bulls, a grandson of Bolingbroke. The pro- duce was a bull-calf, which in due time was conjoined with a fine Short-horned cow, Johanna. The produce of this union was likewise a bull-calf, which, in the fitting time, was put to another fine Short-horned cow, Lady, from whom has de- scended a family termed, in reproach, the Alloy. The family of the Alloy, however, has proved not inferior to those of • m W › ε a summe von me [ { * ‚ 384 what are termed pure blood. At the sale of Mr Colling's stock, which took place in 1810, this cow, Lady, with her descendants, sold at enormous prices, shewing that, in the estimation of the public, the Galloway cross had not impaired the excellence of the pure stock. Thus it appears, that by a single cross with another race, and then by breeding back again to the superior one, no injury was sustained; nay, a fresh infusion of vigour was probably made into the parent stock. Similar results are common in the breeding of horses, dogs, and other animals. The proceeding, in the case of Colling, was nothing more than a rash experiment, the favourable result of which should not diminish the caution of breeders, in preserving the purity of a family of animals whose characters have been established. The whole of the unrivalled stock of Colling was sold in the year 1810. The particulars of this sale have been long familiar to the breeders of this country. It is important, as a record of the successful result of the experiments of Col- ling, of the high estimation in which his stock was held by English breeders, and as enumerating the names of animals, most of which are continually referred to in the pedigrees of the breed.* * LIST of SHORT-HORNED CATTLE the property of Charles Colling, Esq., sold October 11. 1810. Names. Out of Cherry.. Old Cherry... Kate..... ………. ... Peeress...... Cherry Countess Lady Celina .. Countess... Johanna Johanna. .... Lady………………….. Old Phoenix Laura........ Lady Cathelene Lily...... Daisy { THE OX. ... A daughter of the dam of Phoenix Daisy....... Old Daisy ·· COWS. Got by Favourite Comet... Favourite Cupid..... Favourite Do. { A grandson of Lord Bo- lingbroke Favourite .. } Washington Comet...... A grandson of Favourite Carry forward, ……. Cows' Sold for Age. G8. 11 4 5 9 5 4 14 4 8 3 6 83 35 170 400 200 130 206 210 150 410 140 2134 1 ་ . ? 禁止​さ​れ ​385 Contemporaries and successors of Colling followed the same course of improvement. His brother, Mr Robert Colling, was very distinguished as a breeder, although his stock did Names. Cora...... Beauty.... Red Rose... Eliza Flora Miss Peggy ... Names. Comet Yarborough Major Mayduke Petrarch Northumberland Ossian Harold Alfred Duke... Alexander ·· Countess.... Miss Washington Magdalene.. A heifer by Washington Comet...... • Names. Ketton... Young Favourite George.. Sir Dimple..... Narcissus.. Albion... Cecil... Charlotte Johanna Names. THE SHORT-HORNED BREED. Phobe Young Duchess Young Laura Young Countess Lucy' Out of .. COWS-continued. Age. 6 Phoenix. 9 3 Lady... 3 Cherry 2 2 1 1 1 Cora a. 1 Magdalene 1 Old Venus Venus Duchess Age. 3 2 Cherry.. Countess Lady Daisy Flora BULLS. Out of Red Rose...……………… Out of Beauty... Peeress Favourite Marsk. Comet. Do. · Got by Brought forward, BULL-CALVES, UNDER ONE YEAR OLD. Got by A son of Favourite 2 2 2 1 1 Johanna • HEIFERS. Out of Dam by Favourite..... Do. do. Laura Countess .. Comet Do. Do. Do. Do. …….. Dam by Washington.. Cathelene Got by Favourite..... Do. Comet Do. Do. Favourite Comet Do. Do. Favourite.... Windsor Do. Do. Got by Cows' Sold for Age. Gs 2134 70 120 Comet Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ....... 444K ∞ c 3 3 3 .. 45 70 60 170 2669 Price. Gs. 1000 55 200 145 365 80 110 105 63 76 50 2249 Price Gs. 50 140 130 90 15 60 170 655 Price. G8. 105 183 101 206 132 136 35 898 HEIFER- + T 1 2 $ 2 B Li FRA 386 not altogether reach the high reputation at which the other had arrived. It was sold, however, in the year 1818, at great prices :- 4141 guineas. 1287 do. 1343 do. 713 do. 7484 guineas. Up to the present time, the breed of Colling has main- tained its early reputation, and extended its influence to most parts of the kingdom, where the natural or acquired fertility of the country is favourable to its cultivation. It is usually termed the Short-horned Breed, but modern breeders frequently term it the Durham Breed, as indicating the part of the country where it was perfected, and as distinguishing it from the older varieties of Short-horns, and the less im- proved ones yet existing. It is the practice to preserve and record the pedigrees of the animals employed in breeding, their descent being usually deduced from the stock of some distinguished breeder, and traced, more or less remotely, to that of the Collings. Various breeders devote their atten- tion exclusively to the rearing of bulls, as was practised by Bakewell and the breeders of the Dishley stock; but innu- merable agriculturists, in the ordinary practice of the farm, bestow assiduous care on the perfecting of their stock by selection and careful culture, so that increasing numbers of 34 Cows produced the sum of 17 Heifers, 6 Bulls, 4 Bull-calves, 61 THE OX. Names. Lucilla Calista White Rose.. Ruby.... Cowslip....... .. HEIFER-CALVES, UNDER ONE YEAR OLD. Got by Out of Laura.... Cora... Lily.. Red Rose... -BAILEY's Report on the County of Durham. Comet Do. Yarbro❜ Do. Comet ·· ……………… Price. Gs. 106 50 75 50 25 306 andy THE SHORT-HORNED BREED. 387 animals, of the first class, are now every year produced throughout the country. The Durham, or improved Teeswater Breed, differs nearly as much from the older cattle of the Tees, as the Dishley Breed of Long-horns from the older race from which it was derived. The height is less, but the trunk is more round and deep; the limbs are shorter in proportion to the depth of body, and the chest, back, and loin, more broad, so that with less apparent bulk of body the weight is usually greater. The skin is light-coloured, and the hair reddish-brown or white, either separate or mixed. The muzzle is flesh-coloured, and rarely black, the appearance of which colour on the skin indicates the revival of a character of the older varieties, which modern breeders study to exclude. The horns are shorter than in the former breed, light-coloured, blunt, and sometimes laterally flattened. The skin is soft to the touch, the general form square and massive, the shoulder upright, and the hind-quarter large. The uprightness of the shoulder produces a hollowness behind, which does not exist in the same degree in the Devons, the Herefords, and other varie- ties allied to them. The uprightness of the shoulder is re- garded as a defect, but it were more correct to say that it is a character in harmony with the squareness of form distinc- tive of the breed. Although Colling preferred cattle of a medium size, yet the breed being derived from one of great bulk of body, there is a constant tendency to the production of large animals. The breed communicates its characters readily to all others, and the first progeny, even with races the most dissimilar, is usually fine. The females retain, in a considerable degree, the properties of the Holstein race, in yielding a large quantity of milk, in which respect they greatly excel the Long-horns, the Herefords, and the Devons. In the property of yielding milk, however, the new breed is inferior to the older and less cultivated one, shewing that refinement in breeding, and the greater tendency to produce fat, are unfavourable to the secretion of milk. Individual : # ↓ ļ 5 | 1 te | 1 | [ [ ¦ 388 cows, indeed, are found to retain the milching properties of the older race, but this is an exception to the common re- sult. The Oxen are eminently distinguished by the property of arriving at early maturity of muscle and fatness. Great numbers of them are now disposed of at the age of about twenty-four months, in the highest perfection, and of a weight at which no other cattle in Europe arrive at the same age. This highly cultivated breed, it has been seen, extended from the district of the Tees, as from a centre, as soon as its value became known. It quickly spread northward all through Durham and Northumberland into the valley of the Tweed, and in later years, it had extended northward through the eastern lowlands of Scotland to the Pentland Firth, and is now mingling with the native breeds. It soon extended southward through Yorkshire, where it was cultivated on the largest scale. The district of Holderness, it has been said, early obtained cows from Holland, and became distinguished beyond any other part of England for the excellence of its dairy stock. Many cows of the Holderness variety are yet to be found, but generally they have been more or less mixed with the Durham blood. The effect has been to improve their form, but to impair their milching properties; never- theless, the modern Holderness still stands in the first rank of dairy cows, and the great London dairies are chiefly sup- plied by them. The Durham breed extended likewise across the Humber, and was largely mingled with the cattle of Lin- colnshire and the neighbouring districts. Individual animals are still to be found in the fens, with the clumsy form, dark muzzle, and dingy skin, of the former race; but, generally speaking, the blood of the improved Teeswaters has been more or less infused into all the cattle of this part of Eng- land. Further, the breed has extended westward through Leicestershire and most of the midland counties, where it is either cultivated in a state of purity, or has been so mingled with the former breed as to modify or efface the Long-horn characters. It has taken root in Lancashire, Westmoreland, THE OX. [1 389 and other parts, where the Long-horned Breed had been the most firmly established, and it has been carried to the coun- ties bordering on Wales, where the breeds allied to the Devon have been before cultivated. It has passed into the drier counties of the Chalk, though in smaller numbers, than into the central and western counties. It has been trans- ported to Ireland, and, in an incredibly short space of time, has effected a great change in the cattle of the breeding dis- tricts. Being made to cross the native Long-horns, the first progeny is always found to be good, and this effect naturally leads the breeders to resort again to the superior race, so that after a time the traces of the Long-horns become lost. This breed, so highly valued at home, has been carried to the Continent of Europe, to the United States of America, where it is cultivated with perfect success, and to the brilliant colonies of England, now rising to greatness in the Southern Ocean. THE SHORT-HORNED BREED. A The multiplication, in this country, of a breed so greatly improved by art, must be regarded as highly conducive to the improvement of this branch of rural industry. A large part of all the cattle of England consists of a mixture of races, having no uniformity of characters, and generally de- fective in some important points. The possession of a breed which can always be resorted to for crossing these mixed and defective races, is a great mean of improvement, appli- cable to a class of animals that require it the most, causing the larger cattle of the country to approach to a better model, and assume a greater degree of uniformity. Further, the extension of the pure breed, and the mul- tiplication of its numbers, are conducive in a high degree to its own permanence and improvement. When but a few cultivators of it were to be found, the system of breeding from animals of the same family, and from the nearest affi- nities of blood, could scarcely be avoided by those who wished to preserve their stock from deterioration; but now so many fine animals are reared of the same race, that no one is laid " * 1 L I I - IN A W *m. **T 537 390 under the necessity of breeding solely from a few individuals; and in the future cultivation of the breed, hardiness, sound- ness of constitution, and the milching properties of the females, may all receive their due share of attention. The external form has been already brought to all the perfection which art seems capable of communicating; and now those other properties remain to be attended to, without which no fur- ther refinement of breeding will avail for the purposes of profit to individuals, and benefit to the country. I THE OX. The Breeds of British cattle which have been described K are,- 1. The Wild or White Forest Breed, derived from a race which formerly inhabited, in a state of liberty, the woods of the country. Remains of this remarkable race have been preserved for ages in the parks of opulent individuals, where the animals, herding and breeding exclusively with one an- other, retain the habits of their wild condition. In other cases, they have been reared in a state of domestication, when they assume the habits and essential characters of the common varieties. 2. The Zetland Breed, of Scandinavian origin, inhabiting the remote islands of that name, and spreading over the Orkneys. These cattle are of diminutive size, but fatten readily, and are valued by the consumers. The females ex- cel the cattle of the Highlands in the faculty of yielding milk. 3. The Breeds of the Highlands of Scotland, spreading over the primary mountainous tracts of North Britain. These cattle are of small size, covered thickly with hair, hardy, and suited to a country of heaths and mountains. The finest, usually termed the West Highland Breed, are produced in the countries on the western coasts, and certain islands of the Hebrides, the smallest in the central Highlands, and the . 1 J THE OX. • 391 largest towards the eastern coasts, in the countries mixing with, or bordering on, the plains. These hardy cattle are reared in vast numbers on the natural herbage of the moun- tainous country where they have been indigenous from time immemorial, and whence they are transferred, at the suit- able age, to be fattened in the lower country. 4. The Welsh Breeds, somewhat exceeding in size the West Highland Breed, and, like it, suited to a country of hills and natural herbage. They have dark or orange-yel- low skins, and are mostly of a black colour. The finest are reared in the county of Pembroke, in the district of Castle- Martin. 5. The Kerry Breed, naturalized in the mountains of Kerry, but spread over all parts of Ireland. The cattle of this breed are of small size, and of various colours, with tapering horns. They subsist on scanty food, and the fe- males, yielding milk abundantly, are valued by the poorer inhabitants for the dairy. 6. The Polled Angus Breed, allied, in its essential charac- ters, to the cattle of the mountains, but increased in size by being naturalized in a country of richer herbage, where arti- ficial food can be supplied. This breed has dark skins, and is destitute of horns. It has been greatly improved by the care of the breeders, and is reared over a considerable tract of country. 7. The Polled Aberdeenshire Breed, of mixed origin, and reared in the lower parts of the county of Aberdeen. 8. The Galloway Breed, inhabiting a tract of greywacké hills in the south-west of Scotland; the cattle of which are greatly valued for their hardiness, their adaptation to the purposes of the grazier, and the quality of their beef. They are carried in great numbers to the pastures of England, chiefly of Norfolk, whence they are transferred to the London and other markets. They have deep bodies, dark skins, and are destitute of horns. 9. The Polled Suffolk Breed, cultivated, for an unknown 1 2 " F I 5 ✓ 4614 * | $ M الحد 1 392 THE OX. period, in Suffolk and the adjoining districts. The indivi- duals are of medium size, with defective forms; but the cows are admirable for the quantity of milk which they yield. The breed is losing ground continually, from the want of care of the breeders, and the effects of crossing. 10. The Polled Irish Breed, of large size, and well suited to the dairy, but much scattered, and merging in the races with which it is crossed. 11. The Falkland Breed of Fifeshire, apparently derived from Holland, inheriting the milching properties of the Dutch races, but now nearly extinct in the pure state. 12. The Alderney Breed, reared in the Norman Islands of the Channel, of small size and ungainly form, with short crumpled horns, of delicate constitution, and requiring a tem- perate climate, but yielding a rich and finely-coloured milk. This breed is regularly imported into England, where it is kept for the luxury of the opulent, or partially employed in the regular dairies of the countries of the Chalk. 13. The Ayrshire Breed, derived from the county of Ayr, but widely spread over the dairy districts of Scotland, and extending in considerable numbers to Ireland. This is the most numerous breed, cultivated exclusively for the dairy, in the British Islands. The individuals are of medium size, and of various colours, with short horns. They are capable of subsisting on ordinary pastures, and yield a large quan- tity of milk in proportion to their size and the food con- sumed. 14. The Devon Breed, naturalized in the higher parts of Devonshire, on the Bristol Channel, but spreading through the lower country. These cattle have orange-yellow skins, fine tapering horns, and are of a deep red colour. They are of a light and graceful form, agile, and suited for active labour. They fatten with sufficient facility on good pastures, and in a temperate climate; but they are inferior in hardi- ness, and the power of subsisting on scanty herbage, to the mountain cattle of Scotland and Wales. They increase in 1 393 bulk when naturalized in a lower country, so that the breed of South Devon differs in size and aspect from that of the higher lands. The females are small, and deficient in the power of yielding milk, though the milk which they afford is well-coloured and rich in cream. THE OX. 15. The Sussex Breed, a variety of the Devon, and inhe- riting its properties, but of larger size, and less delicate form. This breed is now undergoing great improvement, but is little sought for, for the purposes of grazing, beyond the district in which it is reared. 16. The Glamorganshire Breed, proper to the county of that name, common to the high and low grounds, but only brought to perfection in the vale of Glamorgan. This breed possesses valuable qualities, and combines well the properties of milching and fattening; but the numbers of the improved variety are limited, and circumscribed in their diffusion by other breeds more generally cultivated. 17. The Herefordshire Breed, greatly valued for its fat- tening properties, and extensively diffused, for the purposes of grazing, in the west of England. It has a remote affinity with the Devon Breed, and the cows inherit the defect of the latter, in being small and imperfectly suited to the dairy. 18. The Long-horned Breed, from time immemorial spread over Ireland and the western counties of England, still occu- pying a great tract of country, both in the mountains and plains, and varying in size with the fertility, natural or ac- quired, of the districts in which it has been naturalized. It was on the basis of this widely-spread race, that Bakewell reared the beautiful Breed of Dishley, which spread over the midland counties, and extended its influence by crossing the older and coarser varieties. The Long-horned Breed is now giving rapid place to others better suited to the purposes of the breeder, the grazier, and the consumer. 19. The Tees water Short-horned or Durham Breed, de- rived immediately from the district of the Tees, and per- fected by Charles and Robert Colling, in the county of Dur- * 61 394 THE OX. ham. This breed is believed to possess a better combination of properties than any of the larger cattle yet produced in the British Islands, is everywhere extending its limits, and superseding the pre-existing breeds, or modifying their cha- racters by intermixture. To these breeds of British cattle might be added a numerous class of mixed character and origin, but which rarely exhibit such a uniform class of characters, as to admit of being re- garded as true breeds. These mixed races are to be found in all parts of the kingdom, and especially in the countries of the dairy, where individuals are selected for their milching properties, without reference to a common origin. It is the effect of a better knowledge of the practice of breeding, and of more extended intercourse between different parts of the country, to diminish the number of these mixed, and mostly inferior, races, by adopting superior modes of breeding. SIAMESE BREED. IV. THE HOG. THE HOG FAMILY comprehends various species, and, ac- cording to the views of modern Zoologists, several genera. All the species are allied in the form, temperament, and habits of the animals: the face is prolonged, truncated, and terminated by a moveable cartilaginous disc; the skin is thick; the body is covered more or less with bristles and hairs; the neck is strong and muscular; the limbs are stout and short. All the species feed on plants, but especially on roots, which their strong and flexible trunk enables them to | L j [* 396 grub up from the earth. They devour animal substances, but they do not seek to capture other animals by pursuit. Like the thick-skinned animals to which they are allied,- the Elephant, the Rhinoceros, the Hippopotamus, and the Tapir,—they delight in humid and shadowy places. They are voracious, and bold in their own defence, but have nothing of the thirst of blood which distinguishes the carnivorous tribes. Their voices is a kind of groan, or grunt, though, when wounded, they utter piercing cries: their senses of smell and hearing are eminently acute. The species may be divided into two groups, 1st, Those inhabiting the Old Continents; and, 2d, Those proper to the New; namely (1.), The Wild Hogs of Europe, Asia, and Africa, the Babiroussa of the Indian Islands, and the Wood Swine and Wart-bearing Hogs of Africa; and (2.), The Pec- caries of America. THE HOG. The WILD HOG or Wild Boar, Sus aper, is greatly the most diffused and important. He can be domesticated with the utmost facility; and, in a single generation, his descend- ants relinquish the habits proper to them in the state of nature. The BABIROUSSA, Sus babirussa, is found in Sumatra, Java, and other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, and some say in the marshes of the Indus. He is of lighter form than the common Wild Hog. He is thinly covered with bristly hairs of a reddish-brown colour, and he is distinguished by the remarkable position of his upper tusks, which, penetrating the skin, bend upwards like horns rising from the snout: He grunts in the manner of the common Swine, but when irritated he utters a hoarse growl. These creatures asso- ciate in herds, dwelling in the impenetrable marshes of the sea-coasts, where they feed on herbs and shell-fish. When pursued, they throw themselves into rivers or the sea, and swim with ease and swiftness. They are sometimes seen in large herds swimming from island to island, or crossing the broad estuaries of rivers. It is then that they are 397 attacked with spears by the Malays and other natives, from canoes, and slain in such numbers that the waters are dyed with their blood. The people preserve their skins and fat, which last is melted, and used in place of butter or oil. In- dividuals are easily tamed, and they could, doubtless, be sub- jected in any number to permanent servitude. A male and female were brought by the Astrolabe to Paris: the female bred after arriving in Europe, but the progeny perished in the second or third year, of diseased lungs, from the effects of cold; the male lived the usual term, and became very fat, feeding and grovelling in the manner of common swine. The female used to cover him with straw, and slip underneath the litter, so that both remained concealed from view. The MASKED AFRICAN BOAR, or Wood Swine of the Cape Colonists, Sus larvatus, is a native of Madagascar, and the south of Africa. He has a larger head and shorter neck than the common Swine, and he has a fleshy excrescence on each side of the face beneath the eyes, giving him a savage and hideous aspect. He dwells in holes which he has ex- cavated. He is ferocious, prompt, and swift of foot: he does not court a contest with enemies, but, when molested in his lonely cavern, he rushes forth upon his assailants with resistless fury, snapping their limbs asunder in an in- stant, and ripping them up with his for midable tusks. The natives say they would as soon encounter a Lion as a Wood Swine. THE HOG. Whether these fierce and powerful creatures breed with the domestic species is not known. Sparrman states, that he saw two of them at the house of a farmer in the province of Lange-Kloof perfectly tame. They went down on their knees to graze, and changed their posture to that of standing with the greatest ease. An individual of this species was sent by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope to the Hague, in 1763, as a present to the Prince of Orange. He was gentle, except when offended, and then his keepers were afraid to approach him. But, for the most part, whenever his cage A TAGS I 1 1 I ! 398 was opened, he came out in good humour, and frisked gaily about in search of food, devouring greedily whatever was offered to him. He was pleased to be stroked, and delighted in a rough brush. Sometimes, with his tail erect, he would amuse himself for hours, pursuing the fallow-deer and other animals. On one occasion, being left alone for a few minutes in the court-yard, he was found, on the return of the keepers, employed in digging the earth. He had made a large exca- vation over a sewer, which doubtless he intended to reach. It was only by the force of several men that he could be made to relinquish his attempt; and then he expressed his grief and resentment by uttering a sharp and mournful noise. The family of Hogs presents itself also, under a slight change of characters, in other parts of Africa, constituting the PHACOCHÆRES, or WART-BEARING HOGS, so named on account of certain fleshy prominences and excrescences on the face. These creatures appear to be wild and fierce, and are armed with tusks of great magnitude, which they use with deadly effect when attacked or disturbed in their re- treats. It has been supposed that there are two species; one of which, inhabiting Guinea, the interior of the Cape, and a vast extent of country, is the Phacocharis Africanus, DES.; another, found in Kordofan and Abyssinia, is by some believed to be the creature referred to by Ælian as the Hog with four Horns, and hence has been termed Phacocharis Eliani. He has a mane of long bristles extending along the back, powerful tusks, and on each of his cheeks two fleshy lobes, one larger and one smaller. He is an inhabi- tant of forests and bushy tracts, and his principal food, like that of others of the family, is vegetable. It is not known whether any of the Wart-bearing Hogs have been reduced to domestication by the tribes of Africa, or whether they breed and form a fruitful progeny with the Common Swine. In the New World, the Hog family likewise appears, but under a distinct form. It is there represented by two species, characterized by a glandular opening in the back, whence the THE HOG. 399 term dicotyles, signifying a double navel, has been applied to the genus. These animals, termed PECCARIES, are smaller than the common Swine of Europe, but resemble them in their general form. Their canine teeth are sharp, and capa- ble of inflicting severe wounds, but do not curve upwards in the manner of tusks. The glandular openings on their backs exude a peculiar liquid, the use of which is unknown. They are nearly destitute of tail; and are covered with stiff bristles, very long upon the neck and spine, which they erect when irritated. They dig the earth with their trunk, and grunt in the manner of the common Swine, but make a loud clashing with their teeth when alarmed. They are omnivorous, but feed chiefly on vegetable substances: their flesh is leaner, and less delicate than that of the common Swine. They are readily tamed, and are pleased with the caresses of those with whom they are familiarized. Of the two species, the one, the Collared Peccary, Dicotyles torquatus, inhabits the countries of the Atlantic from Guiana to Paraguay, and is found in pairs, or in small numbers together; the other, the White-lipped Peccary, Dicotyles labiatus, inhabits nearly the same regions, and congregates in herds. The habits of the latter species have been well described by Azara and other writers. They are eminently gregarious, associating in bands of many hundreds: they traverse the country in quest of food, unimpeded by the broadest rivers, and making their way through the densest thickets. Should the cultivated lands of the settler lie in their course, they devastate every field that can afford them food, lay waste the inclosures, and trample down and devour the growing corn. They defend themselves resolutely against the beasts of prey by which they are unceasingly assailed. Erecting their long bristles, and clashing loudly their teeth, they rush upon their as- sailant, and unless he shall have escaped to a tree, or saved himself by rapid flight, surround and tear him to pieces in an instant. Even the formidable Jaguar, it is said, fears to at- tack these united hordes. He follows them in silence, and THE HOG. * 71 ÷ 1 1 I ܘܬ • 400 THE HOG. seizing on an individual in the rear, in an instant strikes him dead, and then escaping to a tree, waits until the herd, un- able to reach their enemy, pass on, leaving their wounded or dead companions behind. The Indians shoot them with arrows from trees and inaccessible rocks. They are said to be under the guidance of a leader, and to take to flight the moment he is slain. A singular description of an encounter with these creatures is given by M. Schomburgk, in his ac- count of his ascent of the river Berbice. While his men were employed in cutting a mora tree, information was brought that a herd of Indian Hogs was feeding at a little distance from the river. All the guns were immediately put in requisition, and the party started off in pursuit. M. Schomburgk himself first came upon the herd: he found them in a muddy pool of water, wallowing and enjoying themselves, the younger ones in the centre. When within fifteen yards, the sentinel observed him; his bristles rose, and turning to- wards the intruder, he clashed his teeth; but the next instant he was prostrate, pierced by the ball of the rifle. The traveller graphically describes the bustle, the rush, the clashing of the tusks of the herd, which sought security in rapid flight in the opposite direction. They were followed by the party, and M. Schomburgk himself, having given up his arms, remained alone. In a little time he heard a rush- ing noise approaching through the thickets, and the well- known growl and clashing of teeth left him in no doubt as to the cause. The herd had divided, and a part was coming directly upon him. He stood alone, unarmed, and had not even a knife to defend himself. He knew not how he climbed the lower part of a mora tree, when past they rushed, their rough bristles erect, and their muzzles almost sweeping the ground. They came and passed, he says, like a whirlwind, and before he had recovered his astonishment he heard them plunge into the river, to swim to the opposite bank.* These * Menageries; Lib. of Ent. Know., vol. iii. . A : 401 little Hogs do not breed with the common race, and they had not been domesticated by the native inhabitants. They are far inferior in economical uses to the Swine of Europe, which were introduced by the Spaniards, have multiplied wherever the European settler has formed his home, and have even found their way into the woods, and increased in the state of liberty. Of all the species of the Hog, the most important, with re- lation to his uses, is the Wild Hog, commonly so called. This creature, in almost every country which he inhabits, seems to have been captured and enslaved. But we are not entitled to say that all the domesticated races of the world have the same descent. We are yet too imperfectly ac- quainted with the subdued races of the interior of Africa to be able to maintain that they are all descended from the Wild Hog; and in the countries of the Indian Archipelago and the South Seas, it may be that other species, endowed likewise with the faculty of resigning their natural wildness, and changing their characters under the influence of domes- tication, have been reduced to slavery. Nay, the Wild Hog, so called, varies so much in characters as he is an inhabitant of Western Asia and Europe, of Eastern Asia, or of the equinoctial parts of Africa, that naturalists have apparently as much reason for regarding these races as distinct species, as many other animals which are held to be so. THE WILD HOG. The Wild Hog is the inhabitant of the temperate and warmer parts of Asia, Europe, and a great part of Africa. His colour varies with age and climate, but in our latitudes it is usually a dusky brown, with black spots and streaks. His skin is covered with coarse hairs or bristles, but with a soft wool intermixed, and with coarser and longer bristles upon the neck and spine, which he erects when in anger. He is a very bold and powerful creature, and becomes more fierce and indocile with age. He feeds on herbs, and delights in roots, which his nice sense of smell and touch enables him to 4. H 2 2 c 1 #1 I 1 $ | J 吃 ​THE HOG. 402 find beneath the surface. He feeds, too, on animal sub- stances, as worms and larvæ, which he finds under ground, on the eggs of birds, and on the young of animals, which he comes upon in his progress, and even on snakes, which, though venomous, he attacks with impunity. He eats, too, of carrion, but rarely, and perhaps only when pressed by hunger. Like other hoofed animals, he is unfitted to capture animals that secure themselves by flight. He dwells in moist and shady places, which he quits in search of food when the shades of evening fall; and he employs the night in search of food, grubbing up the ground in long ridges. He is swift of foot, keeping pace for a time with a horse at speed. His common pace is a walk or trot, though, when urged, he passes into the gallop. He readily descends steep places, notwith- standing his bulky form. He bites with prodigious force, and inflicts desperate wounds with his sharp and crooked tusks. He quickly bleeds to death, so that he is not so tena- cious of life as the Bear and some other animals. The female carries her young for four months, or sixteen weeks. She produces a litter once in the year, and in much smaller numbers than when in the domestic state. She is rarely seen with the male but in the rutting season, which, in our latitudes, is in the months of December and January. She suckles her young for several months, and retains them for a yet longer time afterwards to protect them. When as- sailed, she defends her offspring with surprising courage, and the young reward her cares by a long attachment. She is often seen to be followed by several families, forming a troop formidable to their assailants, and destructive by their ra- vages to the vineyards and cultivated fields. When the young have acquired sufficient strength to protect themselves from their enemies, they generally assume the solitary habits of the race, and dwell apart in the recesses of the forest. The male is endowed with the singular instinct of seeking to destroy his own young at the birth, as if to prevent too great ( 3 403 an increase of the numbers of his race. The female, con- scious of the danger, seeks to conceal herself for a time after the young are born. There is something noble in the courage of this powerful and solitary creature. All his strength seems to be given him for self-defence. He injures no one, unless when dis- turbed in his retreat, or in the search of the food which his nature leads him to seek. He does not court a combat with enemies that thirst for his blood, but for the most part seeks to secure himself by betaking himself to the nearest covert. If attacked by savage dogs, he sullenly retreats, turning often upon them, and driving them back by his formidable tusks. When wearied and tormented, and forced at length to fight for his life, he turns on his persecutors, and aims at ven- geance. If struck by the spear or ball of his pursuers, he has been known to disregard all his other enemies, and single out his destroyer. When pursued by dogs, he rushes fiercely upon the foremost and strongest, maiming and killing num- bers of the pack in an incredibly short time. In like manner, he dashes upon the foremost horseman, overthrowing the horse and rider in a moment. THE WILD HOG. The hunting of the Wild Hog has been, from early times, a sylvan sport familiar to the people of Asia and Europe. The classic writers of Greece and Rome abound with allu- sions to the chase of this dangerous creature. Homer, the magic of whose genius carries us back through thirty cen- turies to the homes and feelings of the rustic warriors of his country, refers to the grisly tenant of the woods in a multitude of passages that live in the memory of every scholar. Later writers inform us, that the practice was to hunt him with large dogs, to encounter him with spears or javelins, and sometimes, it would seem, to drive him into nets or pallisades, in the manner pursued in Europe until our own times. Dur- ing the middle ages, we have numerous accounts of the hunt- ing of the Wild Boar. In England, the rude Anglo-Saxons brought to their new country the fondness for this sport { 1 τ Manda $ i tahay in =s 2 से } • 404 which they had acquired in their native forests; and our chroniclers and early writers describe the arms employed, which seem to have been chiefly the boar-spear, and power- ful dogs trained to the chase. The animals, however, became gradually thinned in numbers by the persecution to which they were subjected; and the Norman invaders endeavoured to protect them, by their numerous forest laws, against the encroachments of the people. A law of William the First enacts, that any one found guilty of killing a Wild Boar shall have his eyes put out, and other savage enactments are on record for preserving this and other beasts of venery. The Wild Hogs continued for some centuries after the Norman conquest to linger in the woods of Scotland and England, and many places in both kingdoms retain names derived from re- miniscences connected with their existence, and the heraldic devices of illustrious families record the valour used in their destruction. Fitzstephen, who wrote in the latter part of. the 12th century, in the reign of Henry II., informs us, that Wild Boars abounded, together with Wolves, Wild Bulls, and other game, in the great forests surrounding London; and we learn from the Scottish writers their existence in the woods of Caledon. The precise period of their disappearance in Britain has not been determined. Charles I. endeavoured to restore the race in the New Forest, but all the animals he turned loose for this purpose were destroyed during the civil wars. But the forests of other countries of Europe, as of.Russia, Poland, Germany, and Spain, yet contain the Wild Hog, along with his perpetual enemy the Wolf. He is killed by fire- arms, or destroyed by the ancient methods of the boar-spear, and pursuit of hounds. The Germans, in an especial degree, have retained their fondness for this exercise; but it is solely the occupation of the Lords of the soil, whose rights of chase are guarded by rigorous laws. Sometimes the animals are butchered in great numbers together: they are driven into enclosed spaces in the woods, by surrounding their places of THE HOG. 405 retreat, when, as they issue forth, terrified by shouts and clamour, they are killed by fire-arms and spears. But the most animating accounts we possess of the modern hunting of the Wild Boar are from our countrymen in the East, where the gallantry and address of the youthful hunters may perhaps console us for the shedding of the blood of ani- mals so unoffending, and so brave in their own defence. The Hogs inhabit the thick jungles of the country, which men and horses cannot penetrate; but often they quit these im- penetrable coverts, either driven by the periodical firing of the jungle-grass, or proceeding in search of food into the plantations of sugar-canes, and the fields of rice, or of rhur (a kind of legume, growing from four to six feet high), which are often of great extent, or into the patches of long grasses, several feet high, which are found in these countries of rich vegetation. In such cases the game is to be dislodged, which, in the cane plantations, is done by numerous natives with staves or poles, drums, and other instruments, marching in lines; and in other cases by the huntsmen themselves, on horseback, entering with their attendants the ground where the quarry is supposed to lodge. Elephants are likewise. employed in this sport, in which Tigers may be dislodged from their retreats. The Hog, being forced from his cover, is followed by several horsemen with spears, which they use in the manner of javelins. They pursue the animal at speed as he makes his way to the nearest cover, darting their spears into his body as they come up to him. "Those horsemen," says Captain Williamson, "who are posted at the nearest corners, should gallop round to watch for the Hog passing on, and giving the halloo, should dash at him at full speed, spearing as they come up. Some Hogs, however, are aware of the scheme, having been hunted before: many may be seen with large scars, evidently the result of wounds received on former occasions; and such are extremely difficult to deal with. They will break the line repeatedly, ripping all they meet, and eventually creating such terror as effectually to THE WILD HOG. L I ! 1 I 1 1 vad val Head f ENGA [1 ジャーニー ​406 THE HOG. discourage the beaters, who thence get into groups, and, though they continue their vociferation, act so timorously, as to render it expedient to withdraw them for the purpose of trying a fresh cover. It is very common to see ploughs at work at the very edge of the canes where the villagers are beating for Hogs; and, as the bullocks employed are ex- tremely skittish and wild, it rarely happens but, on the Hog's debût, they take fright and run off with the plough, which is often broken to pieces. The ploughman, alarmed equally with his cattle, also takes to flight, as do all the peasants who may see the bristling animal galloping from his haunt.”* Mr Johnston, in his Indian Field-sports, gives us spirited accounts of the danger and excitation of this kind of chase. "It is difficult," says he, "to imagine or express the anxiety a keen sportsman feels when sitting on his horse near a sugar- cane, hearing the beaters calling out burrah suer (a large Boar), and perhaps at the same instant hearing his grunt, and the crashing of the cane, as he dashes on before them through it, expecting every moment to see him come out. I have often been thus situated, and have trembled all over as if I were in a fit of ague, which did not arise from fear, but from extreme anxiety, which went off the moment the Hog made his appearance. When a Hog has proceeded to what is considered a sufficient distance from a cane, the nearest hunter should follow at a good rate, and, when he is off about a quarter of a mile, should put his horse out at full speed, pressing him as much as possible, observing minutely his motions. If he slacken his pace suddenly, he is probably waiting for an opportunity of making a desperate charge at the horse, and if he be in wind, it would be hazardous to withstand his charge; but if the hunter is determined to push on and spear him, which is often necessary near a heavy cover, by understanding and observing his manœuvres, he will be prepared for the charge. If the country is open and * Williamson's Oriental Field-Sports. 1 13 2 THE WILD HOG. 407 clear, I think it is more prudent to draw in the horse, slacken- ing his pace agreeably to the Hog's, keeping nearly at the same distance from him as before he shewed signs of hos- tility. When he finds the horse does not come on as he ex- pected, he will be induced to increase his speed again, and will soon be out of wind, and allow the hunter to ride up near him without preparing to charge. Now, however, the hun- ter should dash on at full speed, and as soon as he arrives within a proper distance he should deliver his spear, and having done so turn his horse instantly off to the left. If other gentlemen are following, the nearest to the first should keep immediately behind him, to take his place when he has delivered his spear." 1 The same writer describes another scene eminently cha- racteristic of the desperate fierceness and strength of the animal. He was one, he informs us, of a party of eight gentlemen on a sporting excursion, near the city of Patna, on the banks of the Soane river. Returning one morning from shooting, they met with a very large Boar in a rhur, which they did not fire at or molest, as several of the party were fond of hunting, and they had no spears with them. The next morning they all sallied forth in search of him, and, just as they arrived at the spot where they saw him the day be- fore, they discovered him at some distance trotting off to- wards a grass jungle on the banks of the river: they pressed their horses as fast as possible, and were nearly up with him, when he disappeared all at once: the horses were then nearly at their full speed, and four of them could not be pulled up in time to prevent their going into a deep branch of the river, the banks of which were at least fourteen or fifteen feet high : happily for them there was no water in it, or any thing but fine sand, and no person was hurt. One of the horses which was very vicious got loose, attacked the others, and obliged all the gentlemen to quit them and walk to their tents. A few days afterwards they went again early in the morning in pursuit of the same Hog, and found him further off from the : 11 T Ę 3 i By 408 THE HOG. grass jungle in a rhur field, from which with much difficulty they drove him into a plain, where he stood at bay, challeng- ing the whole party, boldly charging every horse that came within fifty yards of him, grunting loudly as he advanced. "The horse I rode," says Mr Johnston, "would not go near him, and when I was at a considerable distance off, he charged another horse with such ferocity, that mine reared and plunged in such a violent manner as to throw me off: two or three others were dismounted nearly at the same time; and al- though there were many horses present that had been long accustomed to the sport, not one of them would stand his charges; he fairly drove the whole party off the field, and gently trotted on to the grass jungle (foaming and grinding his tusks), through which it was impossible to follow or drive him." 11 * These anecdotes of the habits, the courage, and strength, of this wild and solitary creature, are interesting as facts of natural history, and likewise physiologically, as shewing the vast change which domestication produces on his character: and not more remarkable is the difference in the conditions of liberty and subjection in the case of this animal, than the readiness with which he yields up his natural instincts, and resigns himself to bondage. If the wild pigs be taken young from their mothers in the woods, they become nearly as do- cile as the domesticated races, and in a single generation all the fierceness which distinguished the parents is lost. Their very form becomes changed, and those characters which fit them for a state of liberty disappear, as if in obedience to some natural law. When the Wild Hog is subjected to domestication, these changes, amongst others, take place: The ears, not being required to collect distant sounds, become less moveable: the formidable tusks of the male, no longer needed for self- defence, diminish: the muscles of the neck, not being exer- Johnston's Indian Field-Sports. 29.2. 409 · - cised in the same degree as in the natural state, become less developed, and the head becomes more prone: the back and loins become more long, the body is rendered more capacious, and the limbs become shorter and less muscular: and ana- tomy shews that the stomach and intestinal canal have ex- tended. With the enlargement of the trunk, the animals be- come less suited for active motion, and, along with the form of their bodies, their habits and instincts change. They are more insatiate of food, and the tendency to obesity increases. They become diurnal in their habits, and so do not choose the night for their search of food. The male no longer seeks to dwell secluded from his fellows, and the female brings forth her young more frequently, and in greater numbers. With the diminished strength and power of active motion, the desire of liberty leaves them: they become content to grovel in the sty, and to return to it after a few hours of freedom. The creature that would have rushed on the armed horseman, and laid prostrate the fiercest dogs, now flees from the swine- herd's cur, and yields obedience to the voice of a child. Nay more, they communicate their change of form, appetites, and habits, to their progeny; and a new race of creatures, in truth, is formed, suited to a new condition. Nor is it certain that the animals ever revert to their former state. At least, when the domestication has continued for a long time, as in the case of the common Swine of Europe, the tendency to return to the ancient type proceeds with a degree of slowness which is imperceptible. Many of the Swine of South America carried thither by the Spaniards have escaped into the woods, but they have not become Wild Hogs, but remain in herds. In the woods of Sweden and Norway, where pigs are allowed to roam at large, they are troublesome, and even dangerous to be met with, but they remain together, and are easy to be distinguished from the parent race. In the North Highlands of Scotland the pigs are left almost in the state of nature, being suffered to graze on the hills like sheep, and to search undisturbed for their food; yet these creatures, although THE HOG. · →→ 1 - 1 || ! | { E K ₹ Jovem m 410 they acquire a certain wild and grisly aspect, never reassume the true characters of the Wild Hog. They remain grega- rious, the male continuing with the herd, and never betaking himself to his solitary lair: they are somewhat more wild and agile than the breeds of the lower country, but they never regain the swiftness, the strength, and the courage of the parent stock. THE HOG. Of the causes which produce this adaptation of the animal to a new condition, one may be believed to be the difference in the nature and supplies of aliment. When the Hog is brought from the wild to the domestic state, food is supplied to him in larger quantity than he is enabled to procure in his natural condition. This produces an enlargement of certain parts of the body; but the increase of size in one part of the body necessarily implies a corres- ponding modification in others. Thus, when the supplies of food are increased, the size of the stomach and intestinal canal, and consequently of the abdominal cavity, becomes extended; and this is indicated by a prolongation of the back, and enlargement of the capacity of the trunk. To support this increased volume, the limbs are placed at a greater la- teral distance from one another. The tendency to secretion of fat increases in a greater proportion than the tendency to the production of muscle and bone. With these changes the animal becomes less fitted for active motion, and the exercise of his powers of self-defence; and not only do those changes take place in the individual, but he communicates them to his progeny, and thus a form acquired becomes permanent in the race. Nor are the changes which thus occur in the form and characters of this animal, from alteration in the conditions in which he is placed, of a slight or superficial kind. They are often as great in degree as those employed to distinguish species; and if we were to apply the term species to indicate differences of form alone, we might say that the Domesticated Hog was specifically distinct from the Wild one. The num- IX √225 411 ber of teeth, regarded as the most constant of characters in the discrimination of species, and constantly employed in classification, varies with the external agents which affect the animals. In the wild state, the Hog has six incisor teeth in the upper, and six in the lower jaw; but, under the effects of domestication, the number is reduced to three in each jaw, and this number is not constant. The vertebræ of the back vary from fourteen to fifteen in number, the lumbar from four or five to six, the sacral from four to six, the caudal from twenty-three to three or four, the tail being often rudi- mental in the domesticated races. THE HOG. From the earliest times the Hog has been subjected to domestication; and his flesh has furnished food to the inhabi- tants of Europe, and other regions of the Old Continents, beyond all the records of tradition and history. By most of the ancient nations his flesh was in great estimation, but by 'others it was held in the utmost abhorrence. The Egyptians not only abstained from the flesh of the Hog, but regarded the very touch of the living animals as pollution, and the persons employed in tending them as degraded outcasts. The same feeling was entertained by the Hindoos, from whom the Egyptians appear to have derived a part of their arts and religious observances. In the marvellous Commonwealth of Moses, a like absti- nence from the flesh of the Hog was enjoined upon all the people of Israel. The Levitical code upon this subject is precise: and in the precepts, warnings, and threatenings of the Prophets, the use of swine's flesh is denounced as a breach of the law, and an abomination in the sight of God. The Jews were not even permitted to offer this detested creature as a victim of the sacrifice, as the Egyptians were allowed to do, and as the Greeks, Romans, and other people practised. The sacrifice of the Hog is declared to be an abomination to the Lord, and is compared in the degree of guilt with the killing of a human victim, or the immolation of a dog. To precepts so clear, and denunciations so ter- 1 F F £ 1 1 2 ļ 1 t } J. I 412 rible, is to be ascribed that unconquerable aversion to the unclean beast which the Jewish people came at length to entertain to such a degree, that they would not even pro- nounce its name; and no example, mockery, or persecution, ever brought them to adopt the usages of other nations in this respect. Yet it is known that great numbers of Hogs were reared in the country of the Jews, probably for the uses of the strangers who dwelt amongst them, or for the purposes of traffic with the neighbouring countries. But even now, when all the glory of their beloved land is but to them a splendid vision,-when their altars and tabernacles have mouldered into dust with the temples of the idolators and the palaces of their tyrants,-when nearly twenty centuries have seen them scattered like chaff over every land, the humblest mendicant that boasts the blood of Jacob would not pollute his lips with the food which his forefathers held it impious to taste. THE HOG. La nos Writers have laboured to explain the reason of this re- markable prohibition against the use of an aliment so whole- some and nutritious as the flesh of the Hog. One writer will have it, that it was owing to the filthiness of the animal, and the impurity of his food, the law carefully providing against all filth in the fields, the camp, or in cities:* another maintains that it was a lesson to the Jews to abstain from the sensuality and grossness of which this animal was typi- cal.† Tacitus informs us, that the Jews abstained from it in consequence of a leprosy by which they formerly suffered, and to which the animal itself was subject; and the common opinion is, that the use of swine's flesh is calculated to pro- duce that leprosy to which it is known the inhabitants of Palestine, and the neighbouring countries, including Egypt, were subject. To this has been attributed the rigid inter- diction of its flesh for food by the Egyptians and Jews. It may be doubted if any of these reasons are good with regard * Maimonides, More Nevochim. † Lactantius, Inst. -- 413 to the latter people. It is more safe to assume, that the prohibition of the use of swine's flesh was a law, of whose ultimate purposes we are ignorant, connected with the cere- monial system of the Jewish ritual. We can no more know why the Hog was prohibited than other animals, as the Hare, whose habits are in no degree unclean, and whose flesh has never been supposed to produce leprosy, or other maladies of the country. Mohammed, in imitation probably of the Jews, or in com- pliance with prejudices existing in his own country, inter- dicted, in like manner, the flesh of the Hog to his disciples; and Mohammedans observe the law of the Prophet in every country, however suitable for this species of food. Here there is no Divine ordinance promulgated for purposes which to us are unknown; but the art of an impostor has prevailed against the common sense of mankind, in a matter affecting the means of comfortable subsistence throughout a great part of the habitable world. The flesh of the Hog is nutritive and wholesome, and it is an error to suppose that it is more unsuited to warmer coun- tries than any other species of animal food. On the con- trary, this kind of flesh seems peculiarly suited to the warmer countries. It is in them that the animal arrives naturally at his greatest perfection of form, and his flesh at its greatest delicacy and excellence. It is the principal animal food made use of by the Chinese, and by the people of the hottest islands of the Indian Archipelago, and it is used by the Negroes all over the burning regions which they inhabit. The practice of Europeans, who reside in the warmest parts of the Old and New Continents, shews, that not only is the flesh of the Hog not unsuited to the warmer countries, but that it is the best and wholesomest animal food that can be used. That it is the cause of leprosy, is not in accordance with effects observed. The Egyptians and Jews, who ab- stained from this food altogether, were the greatest victims of THE HOG. . ? 461 *L ↑ لي } 帄 ​I Į ܕ Į ¿ } [ 1 414 THE HOG. leprosy, while the people of the same countries who now feed upon it, are comparatively exempt from that terrible malady. All the older nations of Europe made large use of the flesh of the Hog. The Greeks fed much upon it, as innumerable references in their writings testify. To the Romans it afford- ed a large part of the food of the people. So much attention did the Romans pay to the rearing of the Hog, that their writers describe it as a branch of rural economy, under the term porculatio. They carried their fondness for this species of food to excess in their modes of preparing it for use; and numerous ordinances of the censors were passed against the supposed abuse. These rigid monitors prohibited the use of certain parts of the animal at festivals and repasts, as the mammæ, the glands, the muzzle; but no laws could check the brutal gluttony of the Roman people. To produce a dis- eased state of the liver, they fed the animal on dried figs, and then killed him by repletion with honeyed wine.* It was their custom to torture the animal to death, that a higher flavour might be given to his flesh. In the days of the Em- perors, the dish called Porcus Trojanus became so extrava- gant with relation to expense, that sumptuary laws were passed to restrain the cost. This dish consisted of a Hog roasted whole, stuffed with animals of all kinds,-beccaficoes, thrushes, larks, nightingales, oysters,-bathed with the rich- est wines and gravies. The laws sought to restrain the ex- cess of expense, but they could not cure the corruption of manners, which called for brutal banquets without regard to animal suffering. ་ Plinii Historia Naturalis, Lib. viii. The Hog, in the state of domestication, has spread over nearly all the world without the polar circles. He was not, however, indigenous to America, though he was carried thither by the earliest voyagers, and has now multiplied throughout the continent, wherever the descendants of Euro- S Vi 1 譬 ​Fi 415 peans are found. Neither was he found in New Holland, though now he has been transported thither, and finds a habitat as suitable as any other on the globe. This univer- sal diffusion seems due to the remarkable fecundity of the animal in the domestic state, his easy maintenance, and his adaptation to almost every situation. Even in the wild state the female is prolific, but this faculty increases in a remark- able degree in the state of slavery. The Sow frequently gives birth to fifteen, to twenty, nay, sometimes she has been known to produce upwards of thirty at a birth, although she has not mammæ to nourish such a number. She is compa- ratively a long-lived animal, living to the age of twenty years or more: she is ready to receive the male before she has reached the age of twelve months, and of giving birth to two litters in the year, or even to five litters in two years. M. Vauban, the great military engineer, made, long ago, a calculation of the possible produce of an ordinary Sow in ten years. He allows twelve at a litter, and excludes from his calculation the males, which yet would be as numerous as the females. The result is, that, in eleven years, which is equivalent to ten generations, there would be 6,434,838 pigs, or taking round numbers, six millions of pigs, which is about the number existing in France. Were we to ex- tend our calculation, says M. Vauban, to the twelfth gene- ration, we should find as great a number to result as all Europe is capable of maintaining; and were the calculation extended to the sixteenth generation, there would be as great a number as would people the whole globe. With powers of production so great as this animal possesses, it will appear that, let the consumption be ever so great, the largest means will exist of supplying it. Let us contrast this vast power of increase with that of another of the Pachydermata, the Elephant, and we cannot fail to discover a law of beneficent design. This vast creature might be made to overrun the whole earth, were not his reproductive powers limited. The female brings forth only once in several years, and only one J THE HOG. - Y 3 4 ་ 1 M 1 ** I ! › 416 at a birth; and in the state of slavery, the male refuses to propagate at all, or does so with the utmost rarity and re- pugnance. An instinct which we may well call divine, seems to prompt him not to produce a progeny of slaves, whose strength and sagacity might administer to the most destruc- tive passions of the human race. The learned and ingenious Buffon, in his history of the Hog, both in the reclaimed and wild state, describes it as being the rudest of all quadrupeds, and as forming, even in the conformation of its body, a kind of anomaly amongst brutes. The imperfections of its form, says he, seem to influence its dispositions; all its habits are gross, all its tastes unclean; all its sensations reduce themselves to a furious luxury and brutal gluttony, which makes it devour every thing that presents itself, even its own progeny. Its voracity seems to depend on the continual necessity it is under of filling the capacity of its large stomach, and the gross- ness of its appetites on the dulness of its senses of taste and touch. The roughness of the hair, the hardness of the skin, and thickness of the fat, render the animal little sensible to blows, and mice have been seen to lodge in its back, and eat its fat and skin, without its appearing to feel it. "Its body is as unshapely as its physiognomy is stupid; its neck is so thick and short, that its head almost touches its shoulders: its forelegs are so short, that it seems forced to lower its head in order to support itself upon its feet, and all its body seems as if it were about to fall forward. No ease appears in its motions; no suppleness in its limbs, which it scarcely bends in order to carry itself in advance. Even in its mo- ments of greatest fury, it has always a dull and constrained attitude; it strikes, thrusts, and tears with its tusks, but always without agility and address, without the power of being able to raise its head, or to bend its body like other quadrupeds." These are the remarks of a writer whose elo- quence never fails to charm, even when his arguments the least satisfy the judgment. THE HOG. A 2 417 But the Hog, in its conformation, presents no anomaly, as our eloquent naturalist assumes, but is one of the links or reticulations by which all the forms of animated beings are connected. He is one of the pachydermatous or thick-skin- ned animals, of which the existing genera are the Elephant, the Hippopotamus, the Rhinoceros, the Hyrax, the Tapir, the Hog. But while these types of many species alone remain, it appears that, in a former condition of this planet, ere Man himself was called into existence by his Creator, the Pachy- dermata were numerous, and formed a large proportion of the animated inhabitants of the earth. Their bones remain in vast numbers, but entire families of them have altogether ceased to exist. From the form of their teeth, it appears that they were herbivorous, and those the most nearly allied to the Hogs seem to have frequented vast rivers or fresh- water marshes. While these creatures inhabited the earth, the ruminating tribes, in which are comprehended the Sheep, the Ox, the Deer, were comparatively rare; but as countless periods -rolled on, and the earth became suited for a new order of life, shall we say for the habitation of the last of created beings, Man, the number of the pachydermatous tribes diminished, and the ruminating, so essential to man- kind, took their place. The huge Mastodons, Tapirs, and gigantic Hogs, or creatures resembling Hogs, though re- quired to consume the abundant herbs of a then prolific earth, were not, we may infer, adapted to the present condition of the world and its inhabitants; and therefore, we may be- lieve they ceased to exist. Of these tribes, the few genera that have been enumerated alone remain, and the number and productiveness of each seem to be adjusted on the nicest balance to the order of things which an Omnipotent Provi- dence has ordained. The Elephant, which once spread in countless herds to the Polar Circles, is now confined to the woods of the Tropics; the Rhinoceros, yet more rare, is limited to the hottest regions of India and Africa; the Hip- popotamus, one of the hugest of living quadrupeds, is con- THE HOG. $ 4 2 D i 유 ​Į 418 fined to the larger rivers of Africa, where he passes his harm- less life under the waters; and the Tapir, a creature inter- mediate between the Pig and the Elephant, merely lingers in some of the forests of intertropical countries. But the Hog, the contemned and misshapen glutton, the lowest of brutes, and an anomaly amongst his fellows,-survives the revolutions of thousands of ages, and is reproduced in count- less multitudes in every region of the earth. Let us consider how far his form is imperfect, and how far he merits. the obloquy which is cast upon the habitudes and instincts with which Nature has endowed him. THE HOG. The Hog, we have seen, is chiefly herbivorous in his state of nature, or, at least, he does not prey upon animals that fly from him, and much of his food consists of the roots of plants, and the worms and larvæ which he finds under ground. To fit him for grubbing up this kind of food, the spinous pro- cesses of the vertebræ of the neck and back are of great size and strength, and large muscles attached to them and the cranium, give a prodigious power to the neck, whose strength is further increased by its shortness and little flexibility. His fore limbs are short, and his face is prolonged, that, in digging, he may reach below the plane of the surface on which he stands; his face is wedge-shaped, that it may the better penetrate the ground, and terminates in a moveable disc of strong cartilage, furnished largely with nerves to give it sensibility. The eyes are small and sunk, that, when the animal rushes through thick coverts of brushwood, they may not be lacerated; and, as a further defence to the eyes when the animal rushes through woods, the tusks of the male curve upwards before the orbits. The height and strength of his haunch and limbs enable him to throw forward his body with vast force; and his tusks are so placed that he can inflict despe- rate wounds, by bringing them underneath his enemy, and tear- ing or ripping him; and his strong jaws enable him to seize ob- jects with such force, that the bite of no animal is more danger- ous. So far is he from manifesting want of address in his modes xì 419 of attack and defence, that both are precisely those in which he is enabled to employ his natural weapons with the surest effect. And with respect to his want of speed, it is seen that it suffices for the purposes of his own safety, enabling him to outstrip for a space the beasts of prey that are his assailants. When the Hog is described as a creature of gross habits and unclean tastes, as having the senses of touch and taste obtuse, and as being so insensible that mice may burrow in his fat without his seeming to feel, and so forth, we must see that this is not the description of an animal as he has been formed by nature, but as he is measured by some standard of our own. We cannot say that he is unclean, because Nature has furnished him with powerful organs of digestion, which enable him to derive nourishment from so many substances; and with respect to his voracity, what is this but the result of the ex- tent and perfection of his digestive and respiratory organs? We cannot know what his sensations of taste are, but have no reason to conclude with M. Buffon that they are obtuse. The dulness of his sense of touch is inferred from the exist- ence of the thick layer of fat which envelopes his body; but the plexus of nerves which give sensibility to the skin, is ex- terior to this fatty layer, and is not affected by it. The skin of the Hog is far from being insensible. He suffers under the irritation of gnats and other insects, and endeavours to protect himself from their persecution by rolling in moist places, and covering himself with mud. He feels blows acutely, and manifests his suffering by loud cries; and, with respect to the burrowing of mice in his fat, this can scarcely but be a fable, though vouched for by Varro, and handed down as truth from writer to writer for 1800 years. However grovelling and mean may appear the habits of the Hog, when reduced to the degradation of slavery, yet he is not destitute of sagacity, nor unsusceptible of attachment. When he lives in the cabin of the peasant, he loses much of his rudeness, suffers himself to be caressed, and recognises his protectors. Instances are known in which the Hog, for THE HOG. 4 | t C L Į - 1 * 1 1 I T } k [ ÷ t ¡ } [1 Jez **** ut फुट ! t 420 the purposes of exhibition, has been brought to perform a number of feats, displaying a marvellous degree of docility. An instance, often quoted, of the degree of education of which he is susceptible, is the case of a Sow which came into the possession of Sir Henry Mildmay, which had been trained by a gamekeeper to point at game in the manner of a pointer. She was of the New Forest Breed, exquisite in her sense of smell, delighting in the sport, and nearly as steady as the best trained pointers. Colonel Thornton had a Hog trained in like manner to point at snipes and other game. Intractable, rapacious, and selfish, as we are wont to es- teem this animal, no mother is more tender of her young than the Sow, or more resolute in their defence. When the young are born, it is interesting to see the little creatures make their way to the head of the prostrate parent, to caress her and soothe her, as it were, for the pains they have caused her. Instances indeed do occur, though rarely, and never, it may believed, in the state of nature, in which the mother de- vours her young as soon as they are born. We cannot ac- count for an act so revolting, though it may not unreasonably be ascribed to pain and irritation, arising from the unnatural and confined situation in which the animal is kept, in filthy pens, and amid disturbance of every kind. It is known that the Sow is very irritable at this period, snapping at animals when they approach her; and that in proportion as she is ten- derly treated, kept from annoyances, and supplied with proper sustenance, the hazard of the accident diminishes or ceases. Hogs are not insensible to natural affections: they are gregarious and social, warming one another with their bodies in cold weather; and, when assembled in herds, manifesting the utmost sympathy for one another's sufferings. Should one give signal of distress, all within hearing rush to his as- sistance: they gather round their comrade, and fiercely assail the largest animals that have injured him. In Calabria, where they are grazed in herds, the keeper uses a kind of bagpipe, which, when at sunset they are to be driven homeward, in- THE HOG. t 1 421 stantly collects them from all parts. In certain villages there is a common swineherd: in the morning, when he sounds his horn, all the pigs rush forth and follow him to the place of feeding; in the evening they return under his guidance, and when they enter the village each runs to his own sty without mistake. In some of the Southern United States, it is usual to turn the pigs into the woods, but to collect them together once a-week, by giving them salt and maize, or other favourite food. At the very hour they are to receive their weekly present, they reassemble from all parts, without a straggler. They have the sagacity always to discover the food that suits them, never being, like some other animals whose senses are blunted by domestication, poisoned by the plants they find in the wild state. Their exquisite senses of smell and touch direct them to earth-nuts and other roots, acorns, and the like, which are found buried in the ground. They are conscious of an impending storm, and carry straw, as if to shelter themselves from its violence. They are agi- tated when the wind blows violently, screaming and running to the sty for shelter, which has given rise to this singular saying of the country people, that "pigs see the wind." The explanation is, that the Hog dreads wetness and cold, and is eminently sensitive to coming changes of the weather. THE HOG. The Hog is an animal of vast importance, as affording the means of subsistence to the inhabitants of different countries. The quantity of food of this kind consumed in our own country is exceedingly great. The animals being reared at home for domestic use, the number brought to market, large as it is, does not give an idea of the prodigious quantity of pork pro- duced and consumed. It is almost the only animal food which the peasants of many parts of the country ever touch; and, happily, the animal can be reared on the small scale as well as on the large, by the peasant at his cabin, as well as by the opulent farmer. His food, too, is what others reject, and which would be wasted were it not consumed by him. But the importance of the Hog as a mean of human subsistence. ***7 1 | 1 i 1 G 422 THE HOG. is yet more seen in newly settled countries. It is the surest resource of the settler during his first years of toil and hard- ship. It is the soonest brought to maturity of all the larger quadrupeds, the most easily fed, and the least subject to ac- cidents and diseases in a new situation. The fat of the Hog forms a thick layer beneath the inte- guments. It is termed lard, and differs in chemical compo- sition and properties from the fat of the ruminating animals. It more readily imbibes salt than any other kind of fat; and the same property being possessed by the flesh, there is no animal food better suited than pork for preservation by salt- ing. On this account it is largely employed in the victualling of ships. When it is preserved by drying as well as salting, it forms bacon. In rearing and fattening, the Hog presents less difficulty than any other animal. The Sow goes with young four lunar months, bringing forth in the fifth, but, as in the case of all animals reduced to servitude, with some irregularity as to time. She indicates the period when she is about to produce her litter, by carrying straw in her mouth to make her bed. For a considerable time, however, before this period, she should have been separated from her fellows of the herd, placed in a warm house, supplied with suitable food, and kept carefully littered with clean dry straw. These precautions are required to allay that irritation to which she is subject at the time of producing her young, increased by her being suddenly removed from her companions, and put in a strange place. Care must be taken not to handle the young pigs, or remove them from the places in which they have been put by the dam, for she herself knows where they nestle, and in this case takes care not to crush them when she lies down. The straw, too, should be short, and in moderate quantity, lest the young should creep underneath it unperceived by the mother. During all the period of nursing, the Sow should be well fed, and the troughs so placed, that the pigs may be allowed to partake of the food. In six weeks, if the pigs have been well 423 fed, they may be weaned, and in all cases in two months. When they are separated from the dam, they should be re- gularly fed three times in the day, and their food should at first consist of whey, milk, or any refuse of the dairy or kitchen, mixed with a little warm water, so as to be raised to the temperature of the mother's milk. In a short time they learn to partake of all edible substances that are pre- sented to them, as potatoes, turnips, tares, lucerne. The females reserved for breeding are to be sufficiently fed, and not over-fattened. The other pigs should receive from the period of weaning, until they are fit for use, a full allow- ance of such food as the means at our command will allow. In this manner the animal arrives the soonest at its maturity of flesh and fatness, and the younger it is when it arrives at this state the more delicate is its flesh. Any kind of vege- table or animal food may be given to pigs, in the course of being reared and fattened, and it constitutes the peculiar value of these animals that they can be maintained on almost any kind of aliment. They will feed even on herbage, pas- turing in the fields and commons; but roots rather than her- bage are their native food. Acorns, chestnuts, beech-mast, hazel-nuts, and other esculent fruits, are eagerly consumed by them; and in countries of forests they may be convenienly suffered to range in the woods, and find their own food. They are fond of all fruits; and hence, in the countries of the grape, the ravages which the Wild Hog commits: in the places where cider is produced, they are fed on spoiled fruits, and on the residue of the cider-mill; in the countries of the olive, on the refuse of the oil-press; and generally, where the olea- ginous plants are cultivated, on the refuse of the manufac- ture. Hay or dried fodder is not adapted to these animals, though, if chopped and boiled, they will not reject it. But their proper vegetable forage is that which is moist and suc- culent; and hence they will feed on clovers, tares, lucerne, sainfoin, succory, and the like. They feed eagerly on all kinds of roots and tubers, as the turnip, the potato, the THE HOG. * { T ✰ * *****- I ما I } I [ Į } L } J ✡ I j | I كم I $ 1 * { t ****** 424 YE A + THE HOG. Jerusalem artichoke. This kind of food they will eat either in the natural state, or when prepared by boiling. This latter process is well adapted to prepare several kinds of roots, as the turnip, for fattening these animals. They de- light, in an especial degree, in all kinds of farinaceous sub- stances, as meal, bran, pease or beans bruised, and generally on the seeds of all gramineous and leguminous plants, the buckwheat and others. They may be fattened on the grains of breweries, and on the grains as well as the wash or liquid refuse of distilleries. They may be fattened, too, with ani- mal substances, and, above all, with the refuse of the kitchen and the dairy. Attention to warmth and cleanliness should, at every period, be paid to them when confined. It is an error to suppose that they may be left in a state of neglect and filth. It may seem absurd to say that the Hog is a cleanly animal, yet it does not appear that his endurance of filth is a matter of choice, or his rolling in the mire, any thing but the effect of that love of coolness and moisture which distinguishes him in the state of nature. The Hog is subject to remarkable changes of form and characters, according to the situations in which he is placed. When these characters assume a certain degree of perma- nence, a breed or variety is formed; and there is none of the domesticated animals which more easily receives the charac- ters we desire to impress upon it. This arises from its rapid powers of increase, and the constancy with which the charac- ters of the parents are reproduced in the progeny. There is no kind of live-stock that can be so easily improved by the breeder, and so quickly rendered suited to the purposes re- quired. And the same characters of external form indicate in the Hog a disposition to arrive at early maturity of muscle and fatness, as in the Ox and Sheep. The body is large in proportion to the limbs, or, in other words, the limbs are short in proportion to the body; the extremities are free from coarseness, the chest is broad, and the trunk round. Pos- sessing these characters, the Hog never fails to arrive at · Ea : 425 earlier maturity, and with a smaller consumption of food, than when he possesses a different conformation. Of the races or breeds of the Hog in different countries, the varieties are innumerable. One that requires especial notice, as having been mixed in blood with the Swine of some parts of Europe, and very largely with those of Eng- land, is the widely-diffused SIAMESE BREED. } ན་ λ The south-eastern countries of Asia, it is well known, comprehending the territories of the Birmans, the kingdoms of Cambodia, Siam, Cochin-China, Malacca, and others, are covered with forests of magnificent growth, which are filled with numerous animals, amongst which the Hog abounds. In all these countries the Hog has been reduced to domesti- cation, and all the rich and populous empire of China proper, and neighbouring islands and countries, it is largely cultivated for human food. The Hogs of these coun- tries present certain characters which may distinguish them from those of Europe, but they have all the habits of our common Swine, and breed as freely with them as the latter do with one another. ; BREEDS. The race supposed to be the most typical of the domesti- cated Hogs of those countries has been termed the Siamese breed, from the kingdom of Siam, situated on the gulf of that name, nearly in the centre of the countries sometimes termed India beyond the Ganges. But the terms the Bir- man, the Cambodian, the Malacca breed, would be equally applicable; and, therefore, by the designation Siamese Breed, must be understood not a race proper to Siam, but to a vast extent of country situated in this part of Asia. The individuals are of small size, and have a cylindrical body, with the back somewhat hollow, and the belly trailing near the ground, in consequence of the shortness of the limbs. The bristles are soft, approaching to the characters of hair: the colour is usually black, and the skin externally of a rich copper colour. The ears are short, small, and somewhat erect. The animals are less hardy and prolific than the native races 44 J } I } 1 碍 ​426 of Europe, and the females do not yield the same quantity of milk; but they arrive very soon at maturity, they fatten on a small quantity of food, and their flesh is white and delicate. THE HOG. The varieties of this widely extended race with which we are chiefly conversant in this country, are derived from China, being brought hither as sea-stock, or otherwise, by the vessels employed in the trade which England has so long carried on with the Chinese empire. They have usually the dark colour characteristic of the race, but they are often also white, and of a size exceeding the medium; for in China there are varieties of breeds, just as in other countries. Some of them kept in the temples attain, in consequence of age and long fattening, to enormous magnitude; but it does not appear that these sacred pigs are any otherwise distin-· guished from the common breeds. The Chinese race with which we are chiefly familiar, is derived from the neighbour- hood of Canton. Those of the interior, or bordering on the Tartar countries, are little known to us. It is well known that the Chinese feed more largely on pork than on any other kind of animal food. To this cause some have attributed the rejection by the Chinese of the Mohammedan faith. However this be, the flesh of the Hog appears to have been long the food of this singular people, and the animal itself is almost the only considerable quadru- ped except the Dog, which is cultivated by them for human subsistence. It is said that they sometimes use the milk of the Sow; at least, there is reason to believe that they supply with this substance the strangers who visit them. The Eng- lish merchants and sailors who arrive at the port of Canton are thus unconsciously furnished with a substance, perfectly wholesome and nutritious, it may be believed, but the use of which is revolting to the habits of Europeans. The Chinese pay a minute care to the rearing and feeding of an animal so important to them as a mean of subsistence : but the information of travellers is exceedingly scanty with * * 427 respect to the really useful details of practice in this as in other branches of their rural economy. We learn, however, that, in the treatment of the animal, an extreme attention is paid to cleanliness and regular feeding. English traders who have resided in the suburbs of Canton, describe the care of the Chinese, in this respect, as exceeding any thing that is practised in Europe. It is much to be regretted that we remain so ignorant of the few useful arts, in which we might hope to profit by the experience of this jealous people. Their knowledge of details, founded on experience and practice, is nearly all they have to communicate. Of principles, and any thing that can be termed science, they are as ignorant as barbarians: they can exhibit mechanical skill, and imi- tate what is placed before them; but in almost every thing that relates to the higher powers of inventive genius they are as yet in the state of children. During their boasted dy- nasties of numerous centuries, the Chinese people have been the slaves of etiquette and form. They have formed an em- pire, but one in which the human mind has been doomed to stationary bondage. The Hogs of China which have been introduced into Eng- land, are too delicate and sensible of cold to be of much eco- nomical value. The breed, therefore, is rarely maintained in its state of purity. It is chiefly by intermixture with the native races that its value is recognised; and it is in this respect that the introduction of the Chinese breed into Eng- land has been attended with beneficial results. The fault of the old Swine of England was their coarseness of form, and their consequent inability to arrive at early maturity of muscle and fatness. The mixture of the Asiatic blood has everywhere tended to correct this defect; though, at the same time, it has lessened the size of the native races, and perhaps their power to produce numerous young. The flesh of these Eastern Hogs is peculiarly tender and good, but it is suited for pork for the table, rather than for bacon. The pure race communicates the quality of its pork to its mixed descend- BREEDS. -'+ 44.2 7 { 8 imy * F i 1 428 ants; and it is this transmitted character, as much as the aptitude to fatten, which has induced so general an infusion of the Siamese blood into the breeds of this country. Of the other races of Eastern Asia, we scarcely know any thing. In the woods of the large and fertile Island of Papua, or New Guinea, has been found a race of small Hogs, which has been classed as a distinct species, under the name Sus Papuensis. They are destitute of tusks, and the tail is want- ing. The colour is brown, and, in the young state, five streaks of bright yellow extend along the back. The animals are caught by the natives in the woods when young, and re- tained in a state of captivity. THE HOG. On the discovery, by European voyagers, of the Islands of the South Seas, a kind of Hog was found in great numbers, affording to the simple natives their principal animal food. He was held by them in a kind of veneration, and was offered up to their divinities as the most acceptable sacrifice. They could give no account of his introduction amongst them, but regarded him as coeval with themselves. They fed him with yams, and such other nutritive plants as the islands produced. His flesh is described by our early voyagers as de- licious, the fat resembling, in delicacy and flavour, the finest butter. It has been doubted by some whether this race is of the widely diffused Siamese breed, or whether it is allied to the Sus Papuensis, or some other species yet undescribed, pro- per to the Islands of the Eastern Seas. None of this breed, so far as is known, has yet been introduced into Europe. The Breeds of European countries vary so much, even within the narrowest limits, that no classification of them can be made. In general, it may be said, that the most de- licate Hogs are found in the warmer latitudes. In the cooler countries of richer herbage, as Holland, Belgium, part of Germany, and the north of France, they tend to become large in bulk, having long bodies, and pendent ears. In Sweden, the north of Russia, and the higher latitudes generally, they are frequently of a rufous-brown colour, of small size, and 429 wild habits, as if deviating less from the type of the Wild Hog, than in the more temperate countries. The Breeds of the British Islands, which may be regarded as native, may be divided into two general classes; first, those of smaller size, with the ears erect, or tending to erect; and, secondly, those of larger body, with the ears long and pendent. But between these extremes, there are such de- grees, that numbers cannot be reduced to either class. Of the smaller breeds, with sub-erect ears, the most marked are those of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. These creatures are of very small size, usually of a dusky- brown colour, having an arched back, with coarse bristles along the neck and spine. They approach to the aspect of the Wild Hog, without having acquired its habits. They are hardy in a remarkable degree, and adapted to find their food in the situations in which they are placed. They are left to forage for themselves, and have usually no shelter afforded them. They graze on the heathy hills and moors, grubbing up the roots of plants with their strong snouts, and feeding on the sea-coasts on algæ, shell-fish, and the bodies of fishes which are cast on shore. In ranging over the hills, they destroy the eggs of plovers, grouse, and other birds, nay devour such new-born lambs as come in their way. They are the pest of the cultivated fields, rooting up the growing potatoes, and committing prodigious havoc in the corn-fields of their care- less masters. They are generally very lean, and their flesh, in this state, is coarse and fibrous; but when confined and fed in a proper manner, they become fat more quickly than their grisly exterior would indicate. When their principal food is fish, their flesh acquires an oily disagreeable taste. The next class of breeds consists of those having a large body, and long pendent ears. These are the races of the lower country, which have been long in the domesticated state. They are of different colours, but are mostly white, or white spotted with black. They fatten slowly, require much food, and are late in arriving at maturity. When fat- BREEDS. ܐܘܕ: wo 1 Maple L h peter pas Ka✡ to L 韶 ​430 tened at the age of two or three years, they become of enor- mous magnitude. Few, however, perfectly unmixed with foreign blood, now remain. Those that are to be found, are merely scattered individuals, in remote districts, or in the hands of old farmers unwilling to change their modes of hus- bandry, or in the possession of persons who retain the fe- males for the purpose of rearing large pigs. They are chiefly to be found in Ireland, and, until lately, were very numerous in that country. The cause of their disappearance is the mixture of blood with that of the more improved breeds. THE HOG. In the cases where the older races exist without intermix- ture, the animal presents remarkable characters. Its form is uncouth; the bones are large, and the limbs long; the back is arched and narrow, the shoulder low, the face long, the ears are large and flapping. It presents, in truth, a combination of the characters which breeders now wish to avoid. Yet, with all their defects, these animals possess one important property. The females produce large litters, and are the best of all nurses for their young. If crossed with the supe- rior races, as with the Chinese or the Berkshire, the imme- diate progeny is always good, retaining the size of the dam, and acquiring the aptitude to fatten of the superior male. Thriftless, then, as these animals are in themselves, with relation to their power of fattening on a given supply of food, yet any one who possesses a Sow of this kind, will find her more valuable than any other for the purpose of rearing pigs. In Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, and generally in the eastern counties, there are breeds of large size, of a white colour, and with pendent ears. These breeds have been cul- tivated with more or less care, and have all been affected in their form and characters by crossing. The county of Suf- folk has been long noted for producing large quantities of pork, chiefly for the supply of the London market; and the white breed of Suffolk became early known for its goodness. This breed, however, has been crossed and recrossed by the 1 431 Chinese, or descendants of the Chinese variety, so as to suit its size to the demand of the consumers. The Essex breed has, in like manner, been crossed with the smaller and finer breeds, so as to lessen its size, and increase the delicacy of the pork; and the Essex Hogs are peculiarly distinguished by the fineness of the skin and softness of the hair. The same system of crossing has been applied to all the former breeds of the country, the Northampton, the Shrop- shire, the Hampshire, the Rudgwick. The latter, so called from a village of that name on the borders of Surrey and Sussex, were the largest Swine in England, and perhaps in the world. The Hampshire Hogs were also a very noted breed, from their being of large size, and well suited for bacon. But the distinctive characters of these various races have been more or less effaced, so that varieties described by for- mer observers cannot now be traced. In general, it may be said that all the breeds of this country have been tending to a smaller size and greater uniformity of character. Of the breeds of England, one greatly valued is the Berk- shire. It is so termed from the county of that name, though the principal improvement of the breed was made in the counties farther north, chiefly in Leicestershire and Stafford- shire. It still retained, however, its original designation, and the Berkshire has been long known as one of the most generally spread of the improved breeds of England. The true Berkshires are of the larger races of Swine, though they fall short in size of some of the older breeds, as the Hampshire, the Rudgwick, and others. They are usually of a reddish-brown colour, with brown or black spots, a cha- racter which makes it appear that one of the means employed to improve them was a cross with the Wild Hog. The Berk- shire is still regarded as one of the superior breeds of Eng- land, combining size with a sufficient aptitude to fatten, and being fitted for pork and bacon; and it is held to be the hardi- est of the more improved races. But the Berkshire breed has, like every other, been crossed • BREEDS. -100 ** 2 } J 432 and recrossed with the Chinese, or Chinese crosses, so as to lessen the size of the animals, and render them more suited to the demand which has arisen for small and delicate pork. Many of the modern breed are nearly black, indicating their approach to the Siamese character, and sometimes they are black broken with white, shewing the effects of the cross with the white Chinese. From this intermixture, it becomes in many cases difficult to recognise, in the present race, the characters of the true Berkshire. The great improver of the breed was Richard Astley, Esq. of Oldstonehall. Although no doubt can exist with respect to the great benefit that has arisen from diminishing the size and coarse- ness of the former Swine of England, yet, assuredly, there should be limits to this diminution of size in the Hog, as of every other animal cultivated for food. In many cases the diminution of size has been merely to suit the caprice of taste. The larger kinds of pigs do not find a ready sale in the mar- kets of great cities, and hence the more essential property of an abundant production of butchers' meat is sacrificed. But we should remember that the supply of pork is of great im- portance to the support of the inhabitants of this country. In the state of bacon it is largely consumed by the mass of the people, and in the salted state, it is used for the supplies of our numerous shipping. It is not, therefore, for the gene- ral good, that the old breeds of England should be merged in the smaller races of China and other countries. THE HOG. While we should improve by every means the larger breeds that are left us, we should take care that we do not sacrifice them altogether. The country might one day regret that this over-refinement had been practised, and future improvers exert themselves in vain to recover those fine old breeds which had been abandoned. In place of unceasing crossing with the smaller races, it would be more praiseworthy and beneficial to apply to our larger races those principles of breeding which, in the case of our other animals, have so well succeeded. By mere selection of the parents, we could re- 9 ↓ T 433 move the defective characters of the larger breeds, and give to them all the degree of fineness which consists with their bulk of body; for there is no animal so easily changed in form and moulded to our purposes as the Hog. Amongst the kinds of crossing, that with the Wild Hog has been lately revived to some extent. The only good effect of this cross is a certain improvement of the flesh, by mixing the fat more equally with the lean; for, in the Wild Hog, as in all the less cultivated races of the Domestic Animals, the fat is more mixed with the muscular parts. But otherwise the crossing with the wild race does not seem to be advisable. The form of the Wild Hog is not the perfect one at which the breeder should aim, and we have greatly better models presented to us in the best of the breeds already improved. by cultivation. THE HOG. + Hogs are from time to time brought by our innumerable shipping from the countries of the Mediterranean, as Italy, Turkey, Spain, and mingled with the Swine of the country. Of the Mediterranean breeds, the Maltese was at one time in favour. It was of small size, of black colour, nearly des- titute of bristles, and capable of fattening quickly. At the present time a breed from the country near Naples has been introduced, and has been employed very extensively to cross the other breeds. This breed, like the Maltese, is of small size, and of a black colour. It is nearly destitute of hair or bristles, but, on being bred several times in this country, the bristles come. The flesh is exceedingly good, but the ani- mals themselves are destitute of hardiness, and unsuited for general use. But they have been made to cross the other Swine of the country, and the progeny exhibit much fineness of form and aptitude to fatten. Their flesh, too, is delicate, on which account the Neapolitan crosses are at the present time in 'considerable favour in several parts of England. But there are other races of Italy which might, with greater benefit than that of Naples, have been introduced into this country. The best Hogs of Italy are supposed to be pro- + L 3 2 E 434 * duced in the Duchy of Parma. They are of larger size than those of Naples, while they possess even greater aptitude to fatten, and yield pork equally white and delicate. Hogs are sometimes introduced from Africa. Their descendants are of tolerable size and square form, and, like the other Hogs of warmer countries, fatten with facility. THE HOG. ARABIAN HORSE. V. THE HORSE. 11 Foll THE EQUIDE constitute a small but noble tribe of quadru- peds, which have been termed Solidungula, from their hav- ing but single apparent toes, covered by undivided integu- ments of horn. Their stomach is single, and their food vege- table. Their limbs are strong and sinewy, and their general conformation is adapted to rapid movements. They have the neck and tail covered with hair, longer than that of the other parts of the body. Their ears are.very moveable, and their eyes so placed as to include a large range of vision: their voice is loud, in some of the species harsh and braying, in others shrill and sonorous. They are social and migra- 5 哥 ​436 THE HORSE. tory, inhabiting the open country rather than woody coverts. They abounded in a former condition of the world, their fossil remains existing in numerous mineral deposites. Va- rious species are yet found living in the state of nature, or reduced to servitude. These species have usually been re- garded by naturalists, following the illustrious Linnæus, as constituting a single genus, Equus; although some prefer dividing them into two distinct genera, namely, ASINUS, of which the Ass is typical, and EQUUS, represented by the Common Horse. But these genera pass the one into the other, so that they can only be separated by conventional characters; and we shall equally avoid confusion by regard- ing them as forming a single genus, of which the species may be considered as approaching more or less to the type which we term Asinine, or more or less to that which is pre- sented in the Horse. In this, as in all parts of the animal kingdom, we find a progression, as it were, from species to species; so that it may be said the living Equidæ present gradations in form and attributes, from the humbler Ass, with his homely exterior, his rudimental mane, and his harsh and grating voice, to the beautiful creature, in which the form and qualities of his tribe are most highly developed. The WILD Ass, Ovaygos of the Greeks, Onager of the Ro- mans, inhabits the regions of steril wilderness which stretch from the deserts of Syria eastwards between the northern shores of the Persian Gulf and the great saline Lake of Aral, extending his range eastward into the boundless regions of the Tartars, and southward to the deserts beyond the Indus. He is found congregated in troops, sometimes in great num- bers together. He trusts for safety to the exquisite senses with which he is endowed, and shuns the fatal neighbour- hood of man. In this his natural state of freedom, he shews himself to be endowed with characters and instincts which fit him for his condition. He prefers the bitter and saline plants of the desert to the herbage of the richer plains. He con- tents himself with the water of brackish pools and saline 437 springs. He is wary in a high degree, exquisite in his senses of sight and hearing, swift in flight, bold in scaling the rocky precipice, and resolute in his own defence. When attacked, he employs his teeth and posterior limbs, without abating his flight. He is hunted by the tribes of the desert for his skin, and for his flesh, which is greatly esteemed by the Tartar nations. He is sometimes, it is said, taken in pitfalls, and thus reduced to servitude. He is hunted by the Persians with a large kind of greyhound trained to the chase. From the earliest times we have records of the habits and condition of this wild and migratory creature. The Sacred Writings make him the subject of many beautiful descriptions and allusions. “Who hath sent out the Wild Ass free? or who hath loosed the bands of the Orud? whose home I have made the wilderness, and the salt land his dwellings. The range of the mountains is his pasture, and he searcheth after every green thing." He is often referred to as typical of indocility, perverseness, and scorn of control; and his very presence is associated with images of barrenness and desolation. "Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers, yea, upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city; because the pa- laces shall be forsaken; the multitude of the city shall be left; the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of Wild Asses, a pasture of flocks." The Wild Ass of the Desert is yet familiar to the people of the countries which he inhabited of old. In stature he equals the larger domesticated breeds. His ears are long, and very moveable. His fur varies in colour, from brownish to a silvery gray, being paler on the head, shoulders, and haunches, nearly white on the limbs and lower part of the belly, and dark brown on the mane, with a streak of the same colour, forming a cross on the shoulder, and extending along the spine. He is termed by the Persians Gor; and this name coupled with Khur, the Persian term for an Ass, forms Gor-Khur, by which designation the Wild Ass is known in various countries of the East. HISTORY. I • 438 THE HORSE. But besides the Wild Ass, properly so called, it has been believed that another species, approaching yet more in con- formation to the domesticated kinds, is found within the same geographical limits. It has been described as the Hamar of the Persians. But Hamar is merely the Arabic for a male Ass; and the figures given by travellers of a species of this name, are manifestly the representation of an animal that has been domesticated, and not of a species really wild. But Wild Asses extend to the great African Continent, and present characters which appear to distinguish them from those of Asia. They were classed by the Romans under the general term, Onager, and were from time to time exhibited in the bloody sports of the amphitheatre, while their colts were regarded as a luxury by the gluttonous epicures of Rome. They have been seen by many travellers, from the countries of the Red Sea to Cape Verde on the Atlantic; and they have been recently observed in great numbers above the cata- racts towards the high lands of Bahr-el Ariad, or White Nile. They are described as being of delicate form, as having the hair very fine, of a silver-gray colour on the back, and pale ashy-blue on the neck and sides, with the mane and tail black, a dark cross on the shoulder, and a streak along the dorsal line of the same colour. It is not known whether all the Asses of Africa present the same characters. Those in the subjugated state exhibit a certain difference of aspect in dis- tant localities. Adanson, in describing those of Senegal, brought by the Moors from the interior, says that he could not recognise them to be the same animals as those of Europe. From the Onagri of Asia and Africa, however distinguished from one another by minor characters, it is reasonable to suppose the domesticated races have been derived. But, at the same time, from the different characters which appear in the subjugated races, even in the same localities, it is not im- possible that the blood of allied species, as of the Hemionus, to be immediately referred to, has been mixed with that of the common kinds. But from whatever stirps in the natural I $ 439 state the Common Ass has been derived, this creature, we know, has been subjected to captivity from the earliest con- gregation of men into societies. Amongst the treasures of the early shepherds of Syria, the Ass is continually men- tioned, along with the Camel and the Ox, as the beast em- ployed in journeyings and the bearing of burdens; and even after the return of the descendants of Israel from a country of chariots and horses to the land of their promised inheri- tance, they preserved the simple habits of their forefathers in the use of this ancient servant. They seem to have had their asses of nobler blood, to which they applied a peculiar term. Princes and the honourable of the land did not dis- dain to be borne by this ancient steed. Saul, when called by a glorious destiny to be the King of Israel, was in search of his father's asses, or atonoth, which had strayed. His warlike successor had his superintendent of atonoth, as of the other branches of his government; and even after the Horse was introduced for the purposes of traffic and war, the services of the patient Ass were neither disused nor de- spised. He was, in like manner, domesticated from the earliest times by the Arabians, the Persians, and other people of the East. He was familiar to the Egyptians, as history and their sculptured monuments attest; to the Libyans; and, it may be believed, to the other inhabitants of Africa bordering on the Great Desert. He was known to the Greeks, as we learn from their earliest writers; to the Romans, who cultivated the race with care; to the Spaniards, whose early intercourse with the Phoenicians and Carthaginians could not fail to make them familiar with so useful a creature. Ac- cording to Strabo, he was unknown to the Britons, and to the inhabitants of the countries of the Baltic. He at length found his way beyond the Alps into Gaul, and, at a period comparatively recent, into the northern countries of Europe. The Ass, reduced to bondage, loses the fleetness, the spirit, and the wildness, which he possesses in the state of nature. Unlike to the Horse, who readily becomes devoted to his HISTORY. F + I I Wad 4 440 THE HORSE. master, and gives up all his powers to his use, this creature seems to yield an unwilling service, and to feel the degrada- tion of servitude. Yet he submits with patience to his lot, and his progeny do not seem to recover the wildness of their parents; for it is not known that the progeny of the domes- ticated Ass ever seek to regain their liberty by joining their fellows of the desert. It is otherwise with the Horse, who is readily tempted to join the emancipated herds, and fly from the bondage in which he has lived. In South America, nu- merous Asses have been allowed to escape into the plains, and multiply in a state of nature; but they never acquire the habits of their free-born progenitors of the desert: they linger near the places of their birth, and fall an easy prey to their enemies. The change of nature in the Ass, by the effects of subjugation, is entire. It seems to be less the effect of discipline and education than of simple deprivation of liberty. Thus it is that the Ass was amongst the earliest of the quadrupeds subjected to permanent servitude, and re- tains so strongly the impress of slavery. In his state of domestication, the Ass is patient of thirst and toil, and able to subsist on dry and scanty' forage. He does not seem to be sensible of cold, but he fears wetness, and is reluctant to enter pools and rivers. He is a strong animal, and is better adapted to the bearing of burdens and drawing of weights than, from his slender limbs and relative bulk of body, could be inferred. He is docile and cheerful under his burden when kindly used; but when urged to tasks beyond his strength, and assailed by unmerited blows, he manifests his natural temper. He sometimes draws up his lips in a peculiar manner, and shews his teeth with a savage grin; an expression of dumb agony which should speak to the feelings, in place of exciting derision and repetition of insult. It is painful to think that this creature, so meek, so patient in our service, so grateful for our kindness, should be too generally treated with contumely and harshness. Do we not consider that he is a creature who is only degraded + 素 ​441 by our abuse of him, and a slave because Nature has formed him with the instinct to resign his physical powers to our service? His figure, his voice, his very patience and sub- mission, have been the subject of ridicule in every age. He has been regarded as the very emblem of stupidity, per- verseness, and obstinacy, "tardus, piger, stupidus, stolidus.” With respect to his form, we say that this, like that of all the Equine family, is indicative of activity. His ears indeed are somewhat long for our taste; but his ears, we should remember, are the organs which in the desert enable him to collect the distant sounds, and avoid the danger of his ene- mies; and his voice, which appears to us so inharmonious and rude, is designed to resound through the wilderness he inhabits, to warn his comrades of danger, and collect the distant members of the troop. His submission and patience do not surely demand excuse, yet even these are not the cha- racteristics of his free-born state, but of that condition in which Nature forms him to be useful to us. His stupidity is merely inferred from his external aspect; for his actions do not exhibit a want of sagacity; and with respect to his obstinacy and perverseness, it may be said that these are the result of our ungenerous use of his services, for, when treated with kindness, he manifests neither indocility nor want of attachment to his protector. HISTORY. This animal, though capable of enduring great cold, is the creature of the temperate and warmer countries. It is to them that his temperament is adapted, and his spirit seems to droop when he is reared in the higher latitudes. The Asses of the north of Europe cannot be compared with those of Syria, Persia, and the countries of the Levant, nor with those of Spain and the north of Africa. The Persians, though a nation of horsemen, pay great attention to the rearing of an animal so suited to a rocky and arid country. They have their different breeds, some of which are very large, and suited to draught and the bearing of burdens, and others are light and fitted for the saddle. Also, in Syria and Asia * I } + F J I 442 J THE HORSE. Minor are to be seen fine asses employed in travelling and the labours of the field. In the arid deserts of Arabia, the Ass shares with the Camel the burden of transporting the tents and merchandise of the wandering tribes, the goods of the caravan, or the solitary traveller. In Barbary and Egypt, a light and agile kind of Ass is found. In Cairo, numbers of them are to be seen standing ready saddled for hire, serving the same purpose as hackney-coaches with us. They are treated by their owners in the same manner as horses, rubbed carefully, and fed on chopped straw, beans, and barley. They are healthy, cheerful, and gentle, and the safest animals that can be ridden. Their usual pace is a pleasant amble, and they carry their riders rapidly and with- out fatigue from place to place in the straggling city. The Asses of the caravans of the interior frequently arrive in Egypt, after having carried their riders sixty days and more through the deserts, as fresh as if they had started the day before. It is in situations like these that the services which this creature renders save him from the unmerited contempt which elsewhere accompanies him. Of the Asses of European countries, those of Greece, Italy, and Spain, have long possessed the greatest reputation for their superior qualities. Greece had the means of obtaining the Asiatic races from the countries on the Black Sea and the Caspian. Those of Arcadia are celebrated by early writers, and Cappadocia is mentioned as supplying Greece with a valuable race. The breeds of modern Greece and the islands of the Archipelago, though treated with the neglect with which every thing useful is treated in those countries, are still greatly superior to those of the northern parts of Europe. The Romans paid extreme attention to the rearing of this animal; and in the days of the Empire paid enormous sums for procuring those that were the most beautiful and of the finest races. Italy still produces Asses of a valuable kind. But of all the countries of Europe, Spain is the most distinguished for these animals. Many of them are fifteen 4 เ 1 HISTORY. 443 hands high, and of corresponding strength and fine figure. The communication of this country with the East and with Africa, doubtless produced an early attention to the race; and the extensive employment of the Mule has since caused an extreme care to be devoted to the rearing of the parent stock. The Asses of Spain are more numerous than the Horses. In the New World, the Ass, like all the domesticated ani- mals of the Old, has found a habitation suited to his condi- tion. He is sometimes employed, though more rarely than the Mule, in the bearing of travellers and burdens through the terrible passes of the Andes, and then he manifests courage, fidelity, and sagacity. He bears his rider along the ledge of the precipice, where the foot can scarcely find a resting-place, and where a false step would entail destruction upon both. Sometimes he descends declivities so steep and dangerous that they seem impassable. The faithful creature stops when he arrives at the edge of the descent, pauses, and will not move until he has prepared himself for the danger. He views the path before him, and at length, bringing his hinder legs beneath him, he glides down the precipice with frightful rapidity. He follows the winding of the path as if he had fixed in his mind the very track he was to follow. The rider trusts all to his guidance: the slightest check of the rein might disturb the equilibrium, and cause both to be hurled into the abyss below. In the British Islands, asses are in great numbers, chiefly used by the poorer classes. The animal was known in Eng- land even during the reign of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, but their numbers were small; for even in the reign of Elizabeth they were regarded as foreign to the land. During the reign of James I., however, they had become common. They are now an object of economical importance. They are chiefly, indeed, the property of the poor; but, whoever owns them, they are beasts of useful labour, largely used by a numerous class, and meriting more attention than they have yet re- To + t 444 THE HORSE. ceived. Great numbers of she-asses are kept about London and the larger towns, for the purpose of supplying a mild, salutary, and nutritive liquid to the infirm. Although the Ass does not well support the temperature of the higher latitudes, yet beyond a question the breed could be greatly improved even in countries colder than our own. Were a proper selection to be made of the parents for breed- ing, and were the young to be properly fed, so that their form might be developed, and were they to be sheltered from the inclemency of the weather in the same manner as the Horse, we would succeed in rearing Asses greatly superior in strength and spirit to the diminutive creatures which we see on our highways and commons. The animals, indeed, are mostly in the hands of those who have not the means to pro- cure proper males, or pursue a right system of management; but on this account it is the more important that some atten- tion should be paid to the subject by the wealthier classes. Our commercial relations with Spain and the Levant would enable us, at no great cost, to improve the defective races of the country by the easiest means. Besides the direct services which the Ass can render to us as a beast of burden, he is endowed with the faculty of pro- pagating a race of animals superior to himself in strength, and equal in sagacity, patience, and fortitude. The Mule is a creature invaluable in the countries in which he is reared for his many and varied services. In Spain, he is the beast of burden the most generally used and esteemed. He is em- ployed in coaches and chariots of all kinds, and used for the saddle even by people of condition, as safe, hardy, and suited to distant journeys. In a rocky and precipitous country he is, of all known animals, the best adapted for the carrying of loads. He has the mountain habits of the Ass with the strength of his other parent. Countries divided from one another by precipitous mountains would remain separated in intercourse but for this hardy creature. In the transporting of merchandise across the dreadful cliffs of the Cordilleras, 4 445 no animal can be compared with the Mule. The parent Ass, sagacious as he is, though he will bear the rider through the dizzy pass, cannot support those weighty loads which the Mule can carry with ease. Even when human life is at stake, the sagacity and sure-footedness of the Mule may be equally trusted as the parent Ass. Like him, he moves along the slippery edge of the precipice, climbs the barrier of rocks, and slides down the steep descent. In the Alps and Pyrenees his services are in continued requisition, and the danger of transporting the traveller and his baggage would be extreme without his assistance. In the tropical settlements of Europeans, where the sugar-cane is cultivated, the Mule is greatly superior to the Horse for the labours of the mill and other works. HISTORY. The Mule was known in the earliest ages. The Jews made use of him, though their law prohibited the coupling of dif- ferent kinds of animals together. He was well known to the Persians and other Asiatics, to the Greeks, who employed him in rural labour, as we learn from Hesiod and others, and to the Romans, who made use of him in their equipages and in various ways. The race cannot be propagated by breeding from the individuals, though instances exist of the fertility of mules with a horse or ass. The Mule may be the produce either of a male-ass and a mare, or of a she-ass and a horse; but it is remarkable that, in all cases, the former is the larger, finer, and more spirited animal. The progeny always most resembles the dam. The Mule in which the Ass is the mother has long ears, and is of a duller temperament and less beautiful form. The mare receives the male Ass with a species of aversion, though, when the union takes place, conception seems to be as cer- tain as when the animals are of the same species. The breeds of the Mule are greatly varied, for the progeny is affected by the difference of character of both parents. The Spaniards use the tallest and finest asses for breeding, but the progeny varies according as the mare shall be of the 氯 ​1 2. 3 1 I 1 1 ¿ 446 lighter and more delicate breeds, as the Andalusian, or the heavier and larger breeds, suited to the labour of draught. By employing large mares, as those of Friesland and Nor- mandy, mules can be produced nearly equal in stature to the tallest horses: these are suited to the plough and the draught of any kind when the mare is finer bred, the mule is best fitted for the saddle. Not only in Spain, but in other parts of the South of Europe, we meet with fine and graceful mules whenever due attention has been paid to the qualities of the parents. The Mule differs in this from the parent Ass, that he can be reared in the colder countries equally well as in the warmer; nay, he seems to be more robust when the cli- mate is not too warm. The Mule is greatly less nice with respect to the choice of food than the Horse, is more easily maintained, more free from diseases, and less subject to ac- cidents. He is soon fit for labour, but is long in arriving at maturity. He is very long-lived, and preserves his vigour to the last. THE HORSE. The expedience of extending the cultivation of the Mule in Great Britain is in a high degree worthy of consideration. Our means of doing so are equal to those of any country; for, though we must have recourse to other countries for the male asses, our intercourse with the countries of the Medi- terranean would now render this peculiarly easy; and in the variety of our fine mares, we should have the readiest means of producing mules adapted to any kind of work. The Cleve- land Bays, the Suffolk Punches, and other breeds of the larger horses, would afford us materials for producing mules of a size which would fit them for the dray, or for any kind of work to which the largest horses of the country are applied; while, should we require lighter mules for the road, our thoroughbred mares and hunters would give us the finest that any country has produced. It is the larger class of mules, however, that would probably be the most calculated to produce national benefit and private profit. The advan- tages to be derived from the use of the Mule in labour might I 447 / be more considerable than many who have never seen the animal in his state of improvement could believe. We should have an animal with speed superior to the draught-horse, hardy, free from innumerable maladies to which the Horse is subject, easily maintained, and as docile to the yoke as any animal used in labour. It is an error to believe that the Mule is vicious and intractable: this is the result of de- fective education and improper usage, and will rarely occur when the animal is trained up with care, as he should always be, in the manner of the saddle-horse. When a number of horses are used in carriers' waggons, as in England, we should derive this advantage from the substitution of the Mule, that an equal number of mules would do the same work as the larger horses,-would be fed at considerably less cost,- would be less liable to accidents and diseases, especially of the feet and limbs, from which the Mule is remarkably ex- empt,—would continue to work longer without fatigue,—and would last longer. The farmer, too, might derive consider- able advantages from a partial use of the Mule. He would certainly find him able to maintain an equal pace in the field with his other working cattle, and as fit for every labour of the farm. As an animal of all work upon a farm, many indi- viduals have found the advantage of possessing a single mule. Although made the common drudge, subjected to irregular labour, harnessed or ridden as the case may require, this, the worst-used animal on the farm, has been found to main- tain his condition with the best, and at less expense of feed- ing. In the few cases in this country where mules have been used for the humbler classes of carriages, as taxed carts, common gigs, &c., they have been found to endure fatigue and careless usage to an extent which no horse could sus- tain; and these trials, it is to be observed, have been usually made with an inferior breed of mules, destitute of size, strength, and good breeding. The Ass of Africa, it has been said, differs in certain cha- HISTORY. + I J 448 racters from the Ass of the saline deserts of Asia. It has been found in the state of subjugation as far as travellers have yet penetrated to the north of the line: but at length it gives place to another creature of the same tribe, but more graceful in form, more beautiful in colour, not inferior to the Wild Ass in swiftness, and still less subject to the influence of Man. THE HORSE. The ZEBRA, the Wild Paard of the colonists of the Cape, inhabits the mountains of Southern Africa, extending into the interior to an unknown distance. He resembles the Ass in general form, but he is more compact, graceful, and sym- metrical. He is about four feet in height at the shoulder; and his limbs are delicate, and his head and hoofs finely formed. The ground colour of his fur is whitish, but the whole of his body, head, and limbs, is covered with bright black or brown- ish-black bands, placed wider or closer together; those on the upper part of the body connected with the dorsal line; those on the face terminating in the bay-coloured nose. His ears are long and moveable, tipped with black, with streaks beneath; his tail is dark, and tufted at the extremity; his mane is erect and bushy, and adorned with alternate bands of black and white; but the Zebra seems to vary in size and colour with place, which has given rise to the conjecture, that there may be more than one species. This wild and elegant creature inhabits the mountains, but descends from time to time into the plains, cheering the desert with his graceful motions. Like all the Equine tribe, he is gregarious, and migrates from place to place in troops. He differs in this from the Ass, that he does not tamely resign his freedom. Like other wild animals, indeed, he may be reduced to a cer- tain degree of subjection; but he rarely resigns his natural indocility, or shews that resignation to the power of man which constitutes domestication. We must believe, then, that this gay and beautiful Ass is not destined to administer to the uses and enjoyments of society, by submitting himself 3 449 to human control. He breeds with the mare, and the hybrid progeny resembles the Mule. } The QUAGGA is taller than the Zebra, his height at the withers being about four feet and a half. His body is more round than that of the Zebra; his limbs are robust; and his arching neck is surmounted by an upright mane streak- ed with bands of brown. His ears, of moderate length, are marked with irregular bands, and, like the Horse, he pos- sesses a tail covered with long hairs. The colour of the head, the neck, and the upper part of the body, is a reddish- brown, marked with dark brown bands. The streaks be- come fainter until they are lost in the shoulder; a broad dark line extends along the back; the brown colour of the back becomes gradually more pale towards the lower parts; and the belly, legs, and tail are white. The Quagga inhabits the plains of Southern Africa, within nearly the same geographical limits as the Zebra, and extends to an unknown distance into the interior. He is found within the territories of the Cape, but the use of fire-arms has thin- ned his numbers, and driven him beyond the limits of the settlers. He is found in the interior in countless herds, spreading over all the plains where water and herbage can be found. He is hunted for his flesh by the African tribes. The Quagga is of a greatly more gentle and pliant temper than the Zebra, and he has sometimes been tamed for the purposes of draught by the Dutch inhabitants of the Cape. Sparrman saw one driven through the streets of Cape-Town, in a team with five horses. Another, which had been taken young, was so tame, that it came to be caressed when ap- proached. Many years ago, a pair used to be seen at Hyde Park, in the gay season, attached to a curricle, and as sub- servient to the rein as well-trained horses. Thus this beau- tiful and agile creature is capable of domestication, and might doubtless be applied to all the purposes for which the Horse is used, in the wild and arid regions which he inhabits. Were not Africa peopled by human beings seemingly in the → HISTORY. 1 t + 7 LA 2 F 1 Į • H t + Th が ​* 450 infancy of intellect, we might wonder that this the native Horse of Southern Africa had not long ere now been sub- jected to domestication. It is more surprising that the European inhabitants of the Cape Colony should have omit- ted to subdue an animal so easy to be obtained. These lethargic Colonists, however, have manifested equal indif- ference to the other means by which their intercourse with one another might be facilitated. They have not introduced the Camel, so well adapted to the long journeyings of a sandy country; nor the Mule, which would doubtless surpass the Ox for the transporting of merchandise. The STRIPED QUAGGA, the Dauw, or Bonti Quagga of the Cape colonists, was long mistaken for the Zebra, until it was distinguished from it by Burchell, from whom it has been termed Equus Burchellii. He is about the height of the Common Quagga, but less robust in his proportions. He has the ears comparatively short, and the hair of the tail white and long; and his arching neck is surmounted by an upright mane, about five inches in length, streaked with alternate bands of black and white. The muzzle is black; the general colour of the head, neck, and body, is a light sienna-brown, variously streaked with black and deep brown bands; the belly, legs, and tail, are of a pure white. This beautiful creature is found within the territories of the Cape, but chiefly beyond the Gariep river, where it is seen in great herds, stretching over boundless plains. It extends to an unknown distance, probably beyond the line, even to the southern mountains of Abyssinia. It has been found in Congo, with a slight difference in colour, and may be supposed to vary in other places with the physical state of the country it inhabits. The Zebras, the Quaggas, and the Dauws, that people the wild regions of Southern Africa, confound the imagination by their numbers. Mingled with the Gnoos, the Elands, the Caamas, the Camelopards, and all the beautiful species of Antelopes, they gladden the face of the wilderness, and give THE HORSE. 21. HISTORY. "" 451 an aspect truly African to the scene; whilst Lions, Leopards, Hyænas, Jackals, and other Feræ, restrain their numbers within fitting limits. Captain Harris, in his Account of the Interior, gives vivid portraitures of the mass of life which these wild scenes sometimes present. "On the morning of the 9th October," says he, "when the waggons had started on their way to the Meristane River, our next stage, I turned off the road in pursuit of a troop of Brindled Gnoos, and pre- sently came upon another, which was joined by a third still larger, and then by a vast herd of Zebras, and again by more Gnoos, with Sassabys and Hartebeests, pouring down from every quarter, until the landscape literally presented the ap- pearance of a moving mass of game. Their incredible num- bers so impeded their progress, that I had no difficulty in closing with them, dismounting as opportunity offered, firing both barrels of my rifle into the retreating phalanx, and leaving the ground strewed with the slain." Again, in de- scribing his further hunting in the country of the Meristane River," We soon perceived large herds of Quaggas and Brindled Gnoos, which continued to join each other, until the whole place seemed alive. The clatter of their hoofs was perfectly astounding; and I could compare it to nothing but the din of a tremendous charge of cavalry, or the rushing of a mighty tempest. I could not estimate the accumulated numbers at less than 15,000, a great extent of country being actually chequered black and white with their congregated masses. As the panic caused by the report of our rifles ex- tended, clouds of dust hovered over them, and the long necks of troops of ostriches were also to be seen towering over the heads of their less gigantic neighbours, and sailing past with astonishing rapidity. Groups of purple Sassabys, and bril- liant red and yellow Hartebeests, likewise lent their aid to complete the picture.' "The savages kept in our wake, dexterously despatching the wounded Gnoos by a touch on the spine with the point of an assagai, and instantly cover- ing up the carcasses with bushes to secure them from the ↓ 5 J I P } F [ CI 罪​で ​452 ✓ → THE HORSE. voracity of the vultures, which hung about us like specks in the firmament, and descended with the velocity of lightning, as each discharge of our artillery gave token of prey." Turning from these scenes of life to the elevated deserts of Central Asia, we find another great region of the Horse, consisting of mighty chains of wild mountains, and boundless plains, often without a tree or a bush for hundreds of miles, where various species of Equidæ have been able to preserve themselves in the state of liberty from age to age. Of the species which inhabit this vast wilderness, now mostly com- prehended in the empires of Russia and China, one, known from early times, is the Wild or Cappadocian Mule of the Greeks, the Dziggithai of certain Tartar tribes, the EQUUS HEMIONUS of modern naturalists. This creature was known to the Greeks, from his inhabiting the deserts of Asia Minor; but the Greeks scarcely distinguished it from the Common Mule, terming both 'novos, or Half-Ass, although some of them knew that the Wild Mule was fruitful, while the hybrid progeny of the Horse and Ass was barren. The Hemionus, intermediate, as it were, between the Asinine and Equine groups, has a wide range of place, but prevails in the more temperate parts of Central Asia, whence he extends westward towards the confines of Europe, eastward to China Proper, and southward into Caubul, Beloochistân, and the deserts beyond the Indus. His stature is that of the Mule, but he is more graceful and swift. His fur is of a bay or fawn colour, long in winter, but smooth and glossy in summer. He has a bushy mane, which extends from the nape to the withers, and his tail is terminated by a tuft of hairs about a foot in length. Like the Horse in the wild state, he lives in troops, migrating from place to place, mainly in the open plains, and rarely approaching the forest. The animals are hunted by the people of the desert for their skins and flesh. They have the senses of sight and smell in exquisite perfec- tion, and, when put to flight, they dart along with the swift- ness of the antelope. They can be tamed when taken young, • 1 453 but when old, do not resign their natural wildness. They have been partially domesticated, and may even have been mixed in blood, in early times, with the Horses and Asses of certain countries. HISTORY. Besides the Dziggithai, other species of Equidæ, exhibit- ing, in like manner, a class of characters intermediate be- tween those of the Horse and Ass, appear to exist in the same regions. But, as yet, our information regarding them is too imperfect to allow us to include them amongst determined species. They seem to resemble the Hemionus, or to be identical with it. One has been found at the sources of the Kiang or Yong-ste river, in Thibet, scouring in herds along elevated plains, at the height of 16,000 feet above the level of the sea. This appears to be the animal described by Colonel Hamilton Smith, from an individual found in a livery stable ´in London. It is described as being about three feet high at the withers, of a reddish colour, with a dark dorsal line, and streaks on the shoulder and limbs; as having a short tail,. scantily supplied with long hair, an upright mane, ears moderately short, the head graceful, and resembling that of an Arabian horse, with the shoulder, croup, and limbs asinine. But of all the Equidæ found in the wilds of Asia, that which the most interests us is the true or Common Horse, Equus Caballus. Wild Horses, it is known from the con- current testimony of many writers, existed in a former age in Europe. Herodotus mentions their existence in Thrace, Varro in Spain, Appian and other writers in different parts of the Roman dominions. They appear to have been found in some parts of Europe even up to the sixteenth century. Boece mentions them as amongst the "Harts and other Wild Bestiall" found in Scotland in his day, and refers to the means by which the inhabitants were enabled to reclaim them; and up to a later period, herds appear to have been kept by Polish nobles in parks, in the manner of deer, for venison; and in Corsica, at this day, a race of small wild horses, 5 [ **** Į * ม z + ĭ *1 12. 1F_R. Ab 454 THE HORSE. vicious and intractable, still lingers in the less accessible mountains. But with the progress of population and settle- ment in Europe, the Wild Horses, like the ancient Uri, were subdued, dispersed, and exterminated; and they are now to be found only on the Asiatic side of the Volga, but stretching thence, over the boundless wilds of the interior, to the East- ern Ocean. But they are chiefly known to us as they are found in the Tartar dominions of Russia, where they are familiar to all the nomadic tribes. As they are presented to us in a state of nature in these countries, they are far infe- rior in beauty and nobleness of form to the domesticated races. Their heads are large, thick, and very convex above the eyes. Their ears are long, habitually carried low, and hanging backwards. Their limbs are long, but stout; the muzzle is thick, and garnished with bristles; and long hairs grow be- neath the jaws and under part of the neck. The mane is thick and bushy. The hair of the body is long and shaggy, and sometimes frizzled. It is usually brownish-dun, ap- proaching to a muddy cream-colour. These horses are gre- garious; they are often observed in numbers of several hun- dreds together; but, for the most part, they are in little bands, under the guidance of a stallion. Their senses of smell and sight are acute. They are vigilant in a high de- gree, the stallions guarding the troop from surprise. They shun the presence of man; and, when alarmed, set off at speed, and are quickly lost in the distance, availing them- selves of the inequalities of the surface to conceal themselves in their flight. They are hunted by the people of the desert for their flesh and skins, and sometimes they are captured alive, chiefly in winter, when the snows arrest their progress, and allow them to be driven into hollows and ravines. In the neighbourhood of the Sea of Asoph are horses in the state of liberty, which Pallas supposes to be the descendants of Rus- sian horses employed at the siege of Asoph in 1697, and turned adrift for want of forage; but, although emancipated horses are doubtless to be found here, as well as in the remoter de- C K 455 serts, they are readily distinguished by the natives from the true Wild Horses, by the more varied colour of their fur, their tamer habits in the state of liberty, and the greater facility with which, when captured, they can be reduced to servitude. HISTORY. Of the Wild Horses of Africa, our knowledge is less pre- cise than of those of Asia. In the range of mountains which may be said to bound the basin of the Mediterranean on the south, is found a race of small Horses, first, it is believed, made known by Shaw, under the name Coomrie, applied to them by the Moors or Negroes. They are from 10 to 11 hands high at the shoulder, usually of a reddish colour, with- out any dorsal streak. They have the head broad at the forehead, short, and narrowing much to the muzzle, the ears wide, the eyes small, the hair long and woolly down to the eyebrows, the mane black, the tail clothed with a short fur at its commencement, and terminating with a tuft of long black hair. This creature is exceedingly swift and wild, taking refuge in woody coverts, and baffling pursuit. It is not known whether it has been subjected to domestica- tion. It may, perhaps, be one of the Wild Horses of Africa, referred to by the Roman writers, and which were brought to the shows of the amphitheatre. Of other Wild Horses in Africa, we have merely the pass- ing notices of writers and travellers. Leo Africanus men- tions their existence, and describes them as being of a dusky- gray colour, with short manes and tails. Wild Horses have likewise been seen towards Cape Verde; and Mungo Park states, that he met with a troop of them near Ludamar, which fled at his approach, snorting and looking behind them; but he gives us no further details. Thus meagre is our knowledge of the unsubdued horses of Africa; but we must remember, that the African region, which, of all others, is likely to be the habitat of native horses, is as yet un- known to civilized man, namely, the great range of moun- tains and elevated terraces, rising, in some parts, to the - # T J + I J } I 1 1 1 I 1 1 : T I 1 I J : + អ -} *-*** 「ボット ​{ 456 regions of snow, which appear to stretch across the Conti- nent, from the high lands of Abyssinia, until they terminate towards the pestilential shores of the Atlantic. From one or more of the wild of the species, whether of Africa, Asia, or Europe, must be supposed to be derived those innumerable varieties of the Horse which have been subjected to human power. Whether those varieties are to be regarded as a single species, or as several, depends upon the meaning which we attach to our terms. If we include, under the same specific type, all the characters presented by the domesticated varieties, of colour and external form, then all the subjugated horses are of one species, just as all the varieties of the human race are of one species. But, admit- ting that all the subjugated as well as wild horses are specifically the same, which it is most consonant with our ideas of natural classification to admit, the question still arises, whether all Horses have been originally placed in one region of the globe, or in more than one? for, as has been before observed, we are not entitled to assume that the like species may not have been called into existence in different parts of the world, either at the same or at different periods. We may either suppose, then, that the Horse, descended from a single pair or family, was produced in some spot of earth, whence he has been diffused, as from a common centre, to all the parts of the earth which he inhabits; or that he has been called forth in different parts of the earth's surface, whence he has been diffused, as from different centres. If we shall decide in favour of the former opinion, namely, that all the Horses of the world have descended from a single pair or family, and been dispersed from some one spot on the earth's surface, then we may amuse our fancy by conjecturing where this favoured spot is, whether in Central Asia, where the animal so abounds, or on the banks of the Euphrates, whence we believe our own species to have been dispersed, or in the valley of the Nile, where we first hear of chariots of war, or ín Arabia, as some naturalists have maintained, or at the THE HORSE. 457 sources of the Indus, as the Hindoos assert, or, for any thing we know, in the mountains of the Moon, which the Negroes may, with equal reason, believe: and then, having indulged our imagination with finding out the spot where the first pair of Horses was called forth, we may exercise our ingenuity in devising means for enabling them to trans- port themselves, without the aid of wings, to so many dis- tant regions. But, in truth, the origin of the Horse does not admit of determination by any facts known to us; and we have merely to consider whether it be more consonant with reasonable probabilities that all the Horses of the world have been produced in one spot, and spread from a common centre, or have been placed ab origine, that is, from the com- mencement of the present zoological distribution of animals, in the regions proper to them. From whatever regions we may suppose the Horse to have been derived, we know that, from early times, he has been subjected to human control. We read of him in the earliest annals of the East, as typical of power and splendour, as harnessed to the chariot of the Sun, as a sign in the firma- ment, and as the object of adoration and sacrifice to mortals below. The first great conquerors of the regions beyond the Sinde, whom we call Hindoos, proceeded, there is reason to believe, from near the western termination of the great Hi- màlaya Mountains, where the most ancient and refined of written languages, the Sanscrit, still lingers in the speech of the people. We may suppose them to have been a nation of horsemen and charioteers; and they themselves, in their le- gends, derive the great river which has given name to their country from the mouth of a Horse. Proceeding westward, we have the first accounts of great empires, the Assyrian, the Babylonian, and the Persian, where, as records, sacred and profane, inform us, the Horse, with Chariots of War, existed from the first ages. Proceeding still westward, and nearly in the same parallel of latitude, we reach a kingdom of Africa, where the Horse was subdued from the earliest HISTORY. f ī 업 ​ร π र 458 ages, and where marvellous monuments, which have sur- vived the lapse of thousands of years, and all the ravages of war and barbarism, attest the early subjugation of the ani- mal. THE HORSE. In innumerable sculptures, as fresh as if they had been chiselled yesterday, the Horse of the Egyptians appears as harnessed to the chariots of their warriors and kings; and all the history of the country shews how much it depended upon his power in war. Although the Egyptians were not ignorant of the use of cavalry, for we learn that they had their horsemen as well as charioteers, yet, like the other civilized nations of the same era,-the Greeks, the Hindoos, the Persians and other Asiatics,-they gave the preference to the chariot, which consisted of a light low carriage, open be- hind, containing the charioteer and the combatant, having a shaft or beam, and drawn by two or more horses yoked abreast. ------ và man From the records of the Jewish history we receive notices. of the horses of the Egyptians; and from the same docu- 1 459 ments we learn, that the ancestors of the Israelites were not possessed of horses when they dwelt in the plains of Syria. When Abraham sent his servant from Palestine to Mesopotamia to bring a wife for his son Isaac, the man announces himself to Laban, the brother of Rebecca, thus: “I am Abraham's servant, and the Lord hath blessed my master greatly, and he is become great; and he hath given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and men-servants and maid-servants, and camels and asses." No mention is made of the Horse, nor, in the subsequent enumeration of the treasures of Isaac, is the Horse once spoken of. And when Jacob returned from Mesopotamia to the land of his kindred, he had oxen and sheep, and goats and asses, and camels, but no horses. In a later age, the descendants of Jacob multiplied in a district of Egypt, lying between the Nile and the Red Sea, whence their great legislator con- ducted them to the country which they were to render their own. During their long abode of more than four hundred years in the land of Egypt, they retained the habits of their ancestors in what regarded the Horse. In the law which they were required to obey, reference is made to the Ass, in order to denounce its flesh as unclean, to condemn the sin of coveting it when it belonged to a neighbour, and to com- mand that it should be suffered to rest from its labours on the Sabbath-day; but no allusion is made to the Horse as a part of the goods of the people. Nay, it is an injunction to them, that they shall not possess themselves of this ani- mal in the land to which they were journeying. This rocky and limited territory was then, as it is now, little suited to the rearing of the Horse, and never could be so well defend- ed by cavalry as by infantry; and it is a historical fact, that the Jews were never so successful in war as when they trust- ed to the latter arm, as in the earlier period of their history, and at a subsequent age, during the glorious struggle of the Maccabees. Moses, with a prescient knowledge of the na- ture of the country which was to be subdued, discourages HISTORY. • + + " # Į i ! I + 1 460 the cultivation of an instrument of war which other nations valued so highly. He counsels the people, when they go to battle, to have no fear of the horses and chariots of their enemies; but to put their trust in the God of Israel, who had brought them from the land of Egypt. He directs the future ruler of the country not to multiply horses in the land, and so literally was the order obeyed, that it became the practice to hough the horses which were made prize of in the field. King David, on one occasion, in which he took 700 horses and 1000 chariots, hamstrung them all except 100 of the chariot horses which he reserved. He speaks with a proud disdain of horses as an instrument of war; and represents them as employed only by the enemies of his country. But the restraints of custom and the laws were soon broken through, and Solomon formed a numerous body of cavalry and chariots. He even established a regular trade in horses with Africa, and supplied the neighbouring country with those of Egypt. Further, it is remarkable, that when the Jews entered Palestine from the south, they encountered no horses; for no mention is made of cavalry during the first campaign of Joshua. The Philistines alone possessed horses in the south of Syria, and they seem to have been an Egyp- tian colony. Nay, it appears that Arabia, and all the coun- tries stretching from Palestine to the Persian Gulf, were at that time destitute of horses. When the Midianites, an Arabian nation, were subdued, the spoil consisted of sheep, oxen, and human captives, but no horses are mentioned. When, in the reign of Saul, a war was carried on with cer- tain Arabian nations on the Persian Gulf, the spoil consisted of slaves, of camels, of sheep, and asses; and in an attack on Judea by the Midianites, in a subsequent age, they came, we are told, "with their cattle and their tents; and they came as locusts for multitude;" and no mention is made of horses. And in the remarkable account of the trade of Tyre given by the Prophet Ezekiel, we learn that the trade in horses and mules was with them "of the house of Togar- THE HORSE. 4.. I 461 mah;" but that the trade with the Arabians and all the princes of Kedar, was in "Lambs, and Rams, and Goats." Although the Jews, on their first entrance into Palestine from the south, encountered no horses, yet, no sooner did they come into contact with the nations to the north, than they were met by warlike enemies possessed of horses and chariots. But these nations approached the countries of the great region of the Asiatic Horse, whence, doubtless, they derived their horses, and not from Africa, with which they could have no intercourse, nor from Arabia, which had no horses. We must come, then, to the conclusion, that Arabia, and the southern deserts of Syria, were not countries of the subjugated horse at a period posterior to the historical era, and must be supposed to have derived the horses which they possessed in a subsequent age, not from the south, but from the great Officina Equorum in the north. It was from contiguity to this region of the Horse that the great empires of Assyria and Persia so early became nations of conquerors and horsemen ; and we may believe that the people of Nor- thern Syria derived the horses with which they encountered Joshua and the Jewish infantry from the same source. From other documents we learn that Asia Minor, from the earliest times, was a country of horses; and these, we must believe, were derived from the north, and not from the south. The conclusion, further, which we may draw from these histo- rical notices, sacred and profane, is, that the Egyptians de- rived their horses from the vast continent which they them- selves inhabited, rather than from a region from which they were separated by a tract of country in which the Horse did not exist in the first ages. In the high lands of Central Africa, at this day and for ages, are the Gallas, and innume- rable tribes of nomadic horsemen, whose horses we have as much reason to regard as indigenous to Africa as those which inhabit the wilds of Tartary are to Asia; and we may reasonably believe, that the Horse, like other animals fitted HISTORY. K * 1 4 Į [ " ་ Į || } → 462 to yield up their powers to human service,-the Goat, the Sheep, the Ox, and the Hog,-was acquired and subdued in different parts of the world where he was found. The Horse, as he is presented to us in the state of domes- tication, is not more remarkable for the grace and nobleness of his form, for his strength, agility, and swiftness, for his boldness and spirit, than for the docility with which he re- signs his vast powers to the service of mankind. The sub- jection of this noble creature is complete; but it is not the degradation of unwilling bondage, but the instinctive sur- render of physical powers for the purposes for which they were given. If we can read design at all in the functions of the animal economy, we must believe that the Horse, how- ever we may have abused his powers, has been formed for the service of mankind, and has had the faculties assigned to him which are fitted for that end. His vast strength, his courage, his powers of rapid progression, would avail us nothing, were he not endowed with a temperament which causes him to submit his actions to the control of superior reason. Were he like the Zebra of the African mountains, or the Dziggithai of Tartary, he would be the subject of per- secution and the chase, instead of being an instrument of civilization, by augmenting our means of mutual intercourse, and increasing our command over the objects which surround us. Nature has not formed this powerful creature to shun entirely the control of man, but has linked him by his natural wants and instincts to our society; and it is only when under human guidance that his most useful faculties are exercised, and that his full maturity of strength and form is attained. The Horse is distinguished from all the others of the Equine genus, by the superior expansion of his chest, the larger development of his muscles, the greater strength and lateral distance of his limbs, the elevation of his withers, the long and flowing hairs of his mane and tail, and his loud and sonorous voice. His hoofs are round at the base, whereas, THE HORSE. ን 463 in the asinine group, the soles of the hoof are oval. He is herbivorous, and delights in the fruits of the gramineous and leguminous plants,-as of the oat, the wheat, the maize, the rice, the bean, the pea. He partakes, too, of succulent roots and tubers, and in some cases even will eat of animal food. He prefers soft water, as that of rivers, nay, of standing pools, to the hard water of springs. His stomach is of me- dium size, but the cœcum is very large; and, though he seeks food frequently, he can endure considerable abstinence, but less than the Ass, the Mule, and the Camel. He can rest from fatigue, and enjoy sleep, in the standing posture. At the age of two years he is able to propagate his race; and at the age of five he has arrived at the full maturity of youth. The male is a more powerful and courageous animal than the female, more ardent in his temper, more difficult of subjuga- tion, but not less attached and generous. His neighing is more loud, sonorous, and frequent, and his action is more noble. When deprived of his virile powers, he approaches more to the character of the female; and although his strength, ardour, and noble carriage are lessened, he retains enough of these characters to fit him for every service, and becomes more gentle, tractable, and safe. The female goes with young eleven months, but with some variation, beyond the medium term, dependent upon food and temperament. The foal is born with long limbs, which enables it to reach the mamme of the mother. It has considerable strength even at the birth, and is soon able to follow the dam at speed, and learns to take solid food by her side. In the fifth or sixth month it is able to dispense with the milk of the mother, and may be separated from her without injury to its growth. HISTORY. ✓ The brain of the Horse is small; but he manifests in a sufficient degree the sagacity which fits him for his condition. His sense of sight is moderately acute, and he has the faculty of seeing well in the dark; but the deficiency in the sense of touch at his extremities, which are defended by thick horn, 1 T 2 3. 1 # [ I f * 464 renders him not always sensible of the nature of the objects which are presented to him, on which account he is easily startled at the sight of what is unusual. His sense of hear- ing is good, and his large external ear is readily turned to col- lect distant sounds. He is cheered by the voice of his rider, and certain sounds give him pleasure, as the tones of distant · music, the baying of the hounds when he has been used to the chase, and the noise of rejoicing and triumph. He re- His memory is tenacious with regard to localities. members the path which he has once travelled after a long interval, the place at which he is accustomed to feed, and the tanks and pools at which he has quenched his thirst. A horse lost in the desert of Southern Africa, has been known to find his way for 500 miles to his native farm. He has the faculty, like the Camel, of discovering water in the distance; and hence he has sometimes been able to save the life of the sinking traveller. The horse is fond of caresses, and susceptible of attach- ment in a high degree. The Arabs, who never beat their horses, but treat them like the children of the tent, often owe their lives to their gentleness and fidelity. The Desert- Horse, so full of fire, should his master fall wounded or faint- ing from the saddle, will stand by him till he rise, and neigh for assistance, will shelter him from the burning sands of the desert, stand over him during the glare of noon, and stretch himself on the ground beside him when the dews of night begin to fall. Major Denham thus speaks of his feelings on the loss of a favourite Arab in the heart of Africa :— "The horse that carried me from Tripoli to Mourzuk, and back again, and on which I had ridden the whole journey from Tripoli to Bornou, had died a few hours after my departure from the latter. There are situations in a man's life in which losses of this nature are felt most keenly, and this was one of them. It was not grief, but it was something very nearly approaching to it; and though I felt ashamed of the degree of derangement which I have suffered from it, yet it was se- 8 THE HORSE. X , 1 465 veral days before I could get over the loss. Let it be, how- ever, remembered, that the poor animal had been my support and comfort,-may I not say companion,-through many a dreary day and night ;—had endured both hunger and thirst in my service with the utmost patience; was so docile, though an Arabian, that he would stand still for hours in the desert, while I slept between his legs, his body affording me the only shelter that could be obtained from the powerful influence of a noon-day sun."* HISTORY. The Horse manifests sensibly the pleasure which he feels in the presence of those who treat him with kindness. The Turks, who use their horses with a humanity which they do not always exhibit towards their fellow-creatures, may be sometimes seen followed by their fiery chargers as if they were household friends. Sometimes the Horse forms strong attachment to other animals which may have been useful to him, or which may have remained with him in his stall to cheer his solitude. Dogs are frequent favourites,-nay, other animals less likely to form the subject of attachment. Chillaby, a very ferocious race-horse, took an affection for a lamb which used to employ itself in butting away the flies. The Godolphin Barb formed an attachment to a cat, who used to sit upon his back when in the stable, or nestle close to him when he lay down; and the affection was mutual, for, on the death of the horse, the cat refused to take food, pined away, and died. As the Horse is susceptible of kindness, so is he resentful of wrongs. A foal that has been cruelly treated remembers, when he has arrived at his full strength, the person that had injured him, and sometimes endeavours to avenge the wrong. A fine Cleveland Bay, who was noted for the sweetness of his temper, had on several occasions been maltreated by a strange groom. Once an unmerited blow was given on the head, when the indignant animal raised his fore-foot, and * Travels of Major Denham and Captain Clapperton. { + 1 2 G { 肇 ​} t T { ť 1 اء I ག 466 struck the offender dead in an instant, but never afterwards shewed any symptoms of vice. The following singular story is related by Mr Rolle, a gentleman of Devonshire :-A cer- tain person of rank conceived the cruel idea of tiring out a favourite hunter. After a long chase in the forenoon he dined, mounted the horse again, took him to the hills, and galloped him furiously, until the faithful creature had nearly sunk down from exhaustion. On his being brought to the stable, the groom shed tears at seeing the condition of his poor favourite. The rider himself, some time afterwards, came into the stable, but the insulted horse, languishing and overcome as he was, sprung upon the wretch, and, but for the attendants, would have put him to death. Even harsh language used to a horse in the stall will cause his pulse to rise many beats in the minute. THE HORSE. The Horse is susceptible of the feelings of pride and rivalry. In triumphal processions and displays of parade, he manifests distinctly the pleasure which he feels in his gay and glittering caparisons. In the race-course, the spectators are able to observe the ardour of the rival horses, the im- patience with which they wait the moment of starting, the spirit with which they press onward in the contest of speed. It is manifestly less the terrors of the whip and spur, than the passions which the contest itself engenders, that call forth the exertion of the animals' powers. When the struggle reaches the crisis, life or death seems to depend on victory. A fine horse called Forester, known on the turf as having been the victor in many well-contested races, found himself on one occasion closely matched by a younger rival. The latter began to gain ground; the horses at length ran side by side, neck by neck, when Forester, finding his strength failing, and his rival about to pass him, made a desperate spring, seized his competitor by the jaw to hold him back, and could scarcely be forced to quit his grasp. In those ruder kinds of races, in which horses without riders are matched against one another, the rivalship is more apparent to the + • -1 467 spectators, though not perhaps more keenly felt by the com- batants. Ancient writers give us examples, from the games of the Hippodrome, in which horses, deprived by accident of their riders, pursued the course, and came in the conquerors. The Horse shares even the feelings of his master, and enters with joy into his pursuits. Who that has seen the hunter in the fields has not marked the fire which lights up his eye, the eagerness with which he pricks up his ears, and listens to the voice of the pack, the courage with which he surmounts the obstacles opposed to him, and the ardour with which he pursues the sport! Nay, not only in the pastimes which suit his spirit and love of action, but in the sterner pursuits of his master, is this gentle and generous creature formed to take a part. Nothing seems more foreign to the very na- ture of such a creature than martial strife and the shedding of human blood; yet when, alas, has been the age in which the Horse has not been made the instrument of cruelty and bloodshed, and not even, it would appear, the unwilling in- strument, for his gentle nature seems to adapt itself to the purpose to which he is rendered subservient, and he becomes fierce and cruel because his master wills it so! He shares the fatigues of war, delights in the noise of arms, and braves the shock of combat and the danger of wounds. "Hast thou given the Horse spirit? has thou clothed his neck with thun- der? Canst thou make him bound like the locust? The glory of his nostrils is terrible: He paweth in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength: He goeth on to meet the armed men: He mocketh at fear and trembleth not; neither turneth he back from the sword. The quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear and the shield. He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage. He believeth not at first that it is the sound of the trumpet which he heareth; but at the full blast of the trumpet he crieth ha! ha! and smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains and the shout- ing." The Horse is seen to be affected in his character and form UorM HISTORY. 24 L L + I f } N #. L = [( ** 468 by the agencies of food and climate, and, it may be, by other causes unknown to us. He sustains the temperature of the most burning regions; but there is a degree of cold at which he cannot exist; and, as he approaches to this limit, his tem- perament and external conformation are affected. In Ice- land, at the arctic circle, he has become a dwarf; in Lap- land, at latitude 65°, he has given place to the Rein-deer; and in Kamtschatka, at latitude 52°, he has given place to the Dog. As he approaches to the limit of his natural habi- tat, he loses much of the fiery spirit and swiftness which he possessed in more genial climes. He may be hardy, saga- cious, and enduring; but he needs the whip and the spur, and is rarely roused to continued action by his natural energy and love of motion. The nature and abundance of his food, too, greatly affect his character and form. A country of heaths and innutritious herbs will not produce a horse so large and strong as one of plentiful herbage. The horse of the mountains will be smaller than that of the plains, the horse of the sandy desert than the inhabitant of the watered valley. By a combination of these, and, it may be, of other less apparent agencies, the Horse, like the Ox, the Sheep, and other creatures formed for the companionship of man, becomes suited to the conditions under which he is called to exist. In the mountains of the colder countries he is small, hardy, short, and muscular in his limbs, and covered with abundant hair. Such is the little horse of Norway, of a great part of Sweden, and other mountainous countries of the north of Europe. In countries of abundant herbage, such as Hol- stein, Jutland, Flanders, he becomes enlarged in his form, and fitted for the exercise of physical strength, with a dimi- nution of the powers of speed. When he passes into coun- tries where, from the heat of the climate, his natural food is burned up for a part of the year, he becomes of smaller bulk, and suited to subsist on scantier food. Thus, the horses of the south of Europe are of lighter form, and more easily nourished, than those of England and other countries where THE HORSE. } thank HISTORY. 469 grasses are abundant; and this change of character still more appears when we have passed into Africa, or the sandy deserts of Asia. There the light and agile horse of the desert shews himself to be adapted to the scantier nourish- ment on which he must subsist. The heavy horse of Eng- land and the plains of Germany could no more subsist on the herbs of the sands of Tripoli than on the heaths of Lapland. He would perish in such circumstances, did not Nature pro- vide the remedy, by adapting him to his condition. The colour of the hair of the Horse varies with causes which we are unable to trace. Certain races exhibit a ten- dency to certain colours, and retain them with surprising constancy. A common colour of the domesticated Horse is brown, of various shades, from light dun and chestnut to bay. In various countries, from the Gulf of Bothnia to the islands of the Indian Seas, are found horses of a mouse-dun colour, with dark manes and tails, and a dark streak along the spine, and sometimes even a cross at the shoulder. Sometimes Horses are milk-white, of which colour are many of the finest horses of Asia Minor, Persia, and the deserts of Syria. These cream-coloured Horses have been held in esteem in every age, and regarded as the fitting steeds of the chariots of kings and heroes. The Circassian chiefs appro- priated them to these uses; and at this day some splendid re- giments of Russian cavalry are mounted upon them. Often the fur is clouded, of which the most common variety is gray ; and sometimes it is brown upon a white ground, as in a beautiful race found in the western termination of the Him- alaya Mountains in Caubul; and sometimes the different colours are distinct, as in the variety termed piebald, a cha- racter which remarkably distinguishes the mountain ponies of parts of High Asia. The black colour is distinctive of certain races of Europe, as those of Flanders and the fens of England; it is common, too, in Africa, but rare in Arabia and the countries of the East. It is a common aphorism of jockeys, that a good horse is never of a bad colour; but Dorm - wing fa i T S + , 1 n { A : 470 yet colour is looked to, as it may gratify the taste, discrimi- nate certain races, or denote the care bestowed in selection and breeding. THE HORSE. Looking to the Horses of different countries, we find them distinguished in every degree, by size, form, hardihood, the power of speed, and other qualities. The Horses of Africa, like the human inhabitants, present characters proper to the region they inhabit. They are distinguished from the Asiatic horses by their longer limbs, and by their smaller girth at the loins. They more resemble the foal at the side of its dam, than the more matured form of the Horse of Western Asia. They are very fleet, and patient of thirst and hunger. They have a high and graceful action, and present much of that peculiar motion which every one will understand who observes the movements of a foal, which, it is to be observed, is an exceedingly fleet animal in propor- tion to its strength and size. The race most characteristic of the African form is found in Nubia and the adjoining de- serts. The district of Dongola, lying about 20° of north latitude, has been traversed by various travellers, and the horses have been described. They are mostly of a black colour, or black with white legs. They stand about sixteen hands high, and, contrary to the form of the Asiatic horse, their height is greater than their length from the neck back- ward. They are described by travellers as forming the most splendid cavalry in the world. Bruce, who was a skilful horseman, speaks of them with admiration, and states that they are docile and full of spirit. Bossman gives a similar testimony, extolling their beauty, their symmetry, and their docile and affectionate tempers. Some of them used to bring enormous prices at Cairo. They have now become common in that city, where they are to be seen ridden by persons who prefer their high and showy action to the more useful pace of the Arabian. It cannot but be regarded as remark- able, that a race of such tall and powerful horses should be produced in one of the most steril countries on the globe. MU - + + 4 I 471 The Arabian horse, in the same latitudes, scarce exceeds the size of a pony; which leads us to the conclusion that the African horse is distinct from the Asiatic, attaining his maxi- mum of development, like the negro race of mankind, under conditions of temperature and natural productions entirely different from those which favour the growth of the Asiatic species. How far this remarkable race of horses extends into the burning regions of the interior we are ignorant, on ac- count of our imperfect knowledge of these countries; but the same general form of the animal has been observed in Bornou, in the very heart of the Continent; and we have reason to believe, from the notices of travellers, that the horses in the countries extending westward have much of the same charac- ter of lightness of body, and high and imposing action. Travel- lers who have visited Abyssinia, which, however, is a country of mountains, and therefore fitted to produce a small race of horses, speak of them as possessing the proud aspect and action of the horses of the Nubian deserts. Bruce describes a favourite black horse which he himself rode, and with whose action and demeanour he expresses himself charmed. It is probable that the horses of Africa, as we depart from this centre, deviate from the parent type. Passing through the boundless countries of the Negroes to the south, the Horse seems at length to disappear; and towards the countries of the coast of Guinea, which differ greatly in their character from the Nubian deserts, he appears to degenerate. We learn, however, that horses exist in vast numbers through- out all the interior, from the Red Sea to the Gulf of Benin, and that they are everywhere used for the purposes of war, of pomp, and of racing. But the horses of Africa, with which we are most familiar in Europe, and which have been largely mixed in blood with the horses of Southern Europe, and even of England, are those which inhabit the countries of Africa north of the desert of Sahara. They are termed Barbs, and they inhabit the kingdoms of Fez, Morocco, and all the coun- tries eastward to the deserts bordering on Egypt. HISTORY. 15 + 3 W i I F ł # -- H ! 472 THE HORSE. The country of the Barbs approaching in its geographical situation to Europe, it may be supposed that the horses, like the human inhabitants, approach nearer in their characters to the European varieties. But this affinity has been in- creased by an admixture of races from early times. First, by means of the Phoenician colonies; secondly, by the long subjugation of the countries of the coast to the Republic and Empire of Rome; and thirdly, and far more extensively, by the conquests of the Arabs, who settled in great numbers in the country, and now form a large proportion of the inhabi- tants. Notwithstanding of this admixture, the character of the horses of Barbary indicates distinctly their African lin- eage. They are about fourteen and a half hands high. They are sufficiently deep at the girth, but tucked up in the belly, giving that peculiar greyhound aspect which is characteris- tic of this race. Their necks are long and well-formed, their heads moderately fine, the chafron tending to the convex; their shoulders are oblique, and the withers thin and well raised. Their limbs, though thin and delicate, are sinewy; their pasterns are oblique, and the feet well formed. They are gentle and full of spirit; they are somewhat careless in their paces, but distinguished by their graceful action. As compared with the Arabians, they are more swift, but less enduring, and their breeding and training have not been at- tended to with the same care. The Moors, though admirable horsemen, are harsh to their horses, as compared with the Arabians and Western Asiatics. They use tremendous bits, and the sharp edges of their stirrups serve the purpose of spurs. These countries were of old inhabited by the Mauri- tanians, the Numidians, the Getulians, and other nations of horsemen. The horses were known and valued for their fleet- ness before the Asiatic horse had found its way across the Syrian wastes, and a thousand years and more before the warlike soldiers of the Prophet had issued from their native deserts. In the ages of the Roman empire, they were car- ried to Italy to give swiftness to the horses employed in the 1ܐ 5 473 sports of the Circus. They were mixed largely in blood with the horses of Sicily and Spain; and, in a subsequent age, they contributed to give its peculiar characters to the race-horse of England. The finest of the Barbary horses have been de- rived from the countries of the coasts of Fez, Morocco, and Tripoli. Those of the interior, on the confines of the Great Desert, are described as of a smaller size, but as being swift, and wonderfully patient of thirst, hunger, and toil. Some of them in the inland mountains of Morocco are said to be of matchless endurance, to be swift,-swallowers of the wind, as they are termed, but to droop and die when brought to the countries on the sea, and deprived of their habitual aliment. Turning from the regions of the swift and agile Horse of Africa to the countries of the Euxine and Caspian Seas, we find the animal reared under different conditions, and exhi- biting a different class of characters. He is here of a robuster form, with broader chest and more muscular limbs. He is superior in strength of body to the slender African, but infe- rior in speed. His bearing is more bold, his aspect more noble. He is capable of tasks to which the strength of the African is unsuited; but he requires a larger supply of food, and would sink under the thirst and slender nourishment on which the other can subsist. This race is found in perfec- tion in the countries near the Caucasus, in Armenia, and other parts of Asia Minor. The Circassians, amongst the western Asiatics, are noted for the beauty and excellence of their horses. These warlike mountaineers have their breeds of noble blood, on which they set an extreme value. They brand them by peculiar marks, as a horse-shoe, an arrow, a lance, the imitation of which they punish as a capital crime. The Turcomans possess horses of great strength and power, fit for war and the chase; and likewise the Kurds, who have in every age maintained their liberties. It is from the same countries that the Turks derived that splendid cavalry with which they subdued the neighbouring nations. Recurring to the happier ages when Asia Minor was covered with cities, HISTORY. , + " J 4_$ : 1 n t I ། } J k نا 5 pas c J !] **3= (k+ +3 ܒ. ܝ ܐ ܀ नार हु * THE HORSE. : 474 and the monuments of civilization, we find that it was distin- guished for its horses as for all its productions. Armenia supplied with horses and mules the merchant princes of Sidon `and Tyre; and, in a subsequent age, the horses of the same countries are described by Vegetius and other writers as being a race tall and beautiful. Homer, nearly a thousand years before the Christian era, speaks of the horses of the same countries as yoked to the chariots of his heroes; and, at a subsequent period, the horses of Cappadocia, Phrygia, and the neighbouring states, furnished steeds to contend in the Olympic games of Greece. Now the fertile regions of Asia Minor are laid desolate. The glory of its twenty na- tions has passed away like a dream. Ages of tyranny and misrule have marred the image of the lovely land, and left us but the recollection of its former happiness. Its arts have disappeared with the palaces of its kings and the tombs of its heroes. If its noble horses still survive, though deprived of their ancient glory, this is because the tyranny of man has not been able wholly to destroy the bounties of nature in ber animal productions. All the horses of the countries referred to, although varying in strength and size with the fertility of the districts they inhabit, exhibit a common class of cha- racters. - To the southward, we enter the deserts of Syria and Me- sopotamia, and the arid wilderness of Arabia. Of all the countries of the East, Arabia has become the most celebrated for its horses. This wild and barren country, however, does not seem to have acquired the Horse until the less remote periods of its history. The Camel, the Ox, the Sheep, the Goat, afforded the inhabitants of old, as at the present day, their chief means of subsistence. The Horse appears to have been added as their habits became more predatory. Their contact with Persia, and the countries of the Horse on the north, put it in their power to obtain horses; and they acquired them, just as we see tribes of savages in modern times possess themselves of fire-arms, which they use for I 475 mutual destruction or defence. No records exist to shew at what era the Arabians began to use horses, but it appears that they were little multiplied in the country till after the Chris- tian era. Even in the reign of Tiberius Cæsar, Strabo states, of the south of Arabia, then termed Arabia Felix, that it had neither horses nor mules; and regarding the north of Arabia, or Arabia Deserta, he says that it had no horses, and that camels supplied their place. The warlike successors of Ma- homet became horsemen, and laid the countries of the Horse in the East under contribution; but up to the age of the. Prophet himself, the horses of the country were neither nu- merous nor generally diffused. On his advance to Mecca, to take vengeance on his enemies of the Koreish, he had only two horses in his army; and in the list of plunder which he carried back with him, while there were camels, sheep, silver, and human captives, not a single horse is mentioned. When once, however, the Horse was added to the domesti- cated animals of this eager and wandering people, the gift was cultivated with boundless care. With them the Horse acquired a value which it could scarcely anywhere else pos- sess. Not luxury and enjoyment alone depended on their horses, but liberty and life; and they acquired a love and regard for the animal which no other people have manifested in the like degree. They speak of their horses with all the warmth of eastern enthusiasm, they cherish the memory of their feats, and boast of their ancestry. They have formed to themselves families which they hold to be of noble lineage; and, breeding from these, and preserving the purity of de- scent, they have succeeded, beyond all the people of the East, in perpetuating a race of horses possessed of properties which have suited them, in an eminent degree, to the condi- tion of the country, and the uses of the people. The horses of Arabia are connected, in all their charac- ters, with those of the Caucasus and Asia Minor, as might be inferred from the geographical position of the country in contact with the great region of the Asiatic Horse on the HISTORY, t } } J 476 north. But inhabiting a very dry and arid region, their cha- racters have become adapted to these conditions of climate and food. They are more compact than the horses of Bar- bary, having a rounder body, shorter limbs, with more of sinew, or what is termed bone. Yet they are of the smaller class of horses, very little exceeding, on a medium, fourteen hands, or fifty-six inches in height. As compared with the horses of countries abounding in the grasses, their aspect is lean, their form slender, and their chest narrow. But the slimness of figure of these horses is not inconsistent with muscular force; and their movements are agile, their natural paces swift, and their spirit is unmatched. The power of their delicate limbs is indicated by the well-marked muscles of the fore-arm, and the starting sinews of the leg. The shoulder is sufficiently oblique; the withers are elevated; the back is moderately short; and the quarters are good. The head is well formed; the forehead is broad; the ears are somewhat long, but alert; the eyes full and clear; the veins prominent;—the whole rather indicating a happy union of gentleness and spirit, than that fiery temper which is asso- ciated with the common ideas of the Desert Horse. Bishop Heber, in the narrative of his journey through the Upper Provinces of India, gives, in a passing notice, a more correct notion of the Arab than the more laboured descriptions of others" My morning rides," says he, " are very pleasant. My horse is a nice, quiet, good-tempered little Arab, who is so fearless, that he goes without starting close to an ele- phant, and is so gentle and docile that he eats bread out of my hand, and has almost as much attachment and coaxing ways as a dog. This seems to be the general character of the Arab horses, to judge from what I have seen in this country. It is not the fiery dashing animal I had supposed, but with more rationality about him, and more apparent con- fidence in his rider, than the majority of English horses." The Figure at the head of this section represents correctly the form of the genuine Arab. The horse here represented THE HORSE. Ng 477 was taken in an attack by an Arab tribe on a party of the Royal Family of Persia, when journeying on a pilgrimage. The Arab chief who headed the attacking party was killed, and his charger, running into the Persian ranks, was taken. A ransom, enormous for so poor a tribe, was subsequently offered by the Arabs for their noble horse, but refused; and he was brought to England by Sir John M'Neil, the British Resident at the Court of Persia. He stands fourteen and a half hands high. He is gentle in the highest degree, and so thoroughly trained to that kind of exercise which the Arabs are careful to teach their horses, that he may be gal- loped round the narrowest circle. When his portrait was in the course of being painted, he was languid from the cold of the weather. It was wished to rouse him for a little, and the idea occurred of trying the effect of some tones of simple music. The sounds no sooner struck his ear than his whole frame was agitated; his heart throbbed so violently, that its beating could be seen; and so great was his excitement, that it was necessary instantly to stop the music. Some chord of feeling, it seems, had been struck: perchance he was reminded, for a moment, of his desert home, and of the friends from whom he had been so rudely severed. The horses of England would perish under the scanty nourishment, the toils, and privations of the Arab. These Desert horses subsist on the scantiest fare, and are patient of hunger and thirst in a degree unknown in any other races except the African. They feed on the scanty plants which the borders of the desert supply, and when these are wanting, they are fed on a little barley, with chopped straw, withered herbs, roots dragged from the sands, dates, when these can be obtained, and in cases of need, the milk of the Camel. They drink at long intervals, and in moderate quantities. They bear continued exposure to the fiercest heat, and day after day pursue marches of incredible toil through the burn- ing sands of the wilderness. The temper of these beautiful horses is no less happily moulded than their bodily powers HISTORY.. F ↓ F 기 ​478 to their condition. They are gentle, patient, and attached to their rude and simple protectors. This, indeed, is to be regarded as the effect of training as much as of tempera- ment; for these horses, under the charge of Europeans, fre- quently manifest a vicious and indomitable temper. But the Arab treats his horse as a companion, never beats him, but cheers him with his voice, and only uses him with seeming cruelty in those demands on the physical powers of the ani- mal which necessity requires. In the desert, the mare of the Bedouin and her foal inhabit the same tent as himself and his children. She is the friend and playmate of the little household; her neck is often their pillow, and the children roll upon and caress her and her foal, and no accident ever happens. The mare of the Arab thus acquires a docility and attachment to man which nothing afterwards destroys. She is obedient to her master's voice, and will neigh when she hears his footsteps. Without a bit she will obey the slight- est motion of the rider, stand at a word, or put herself at speed in an instant. Such is the creature so happily formed for the scanty herbs, the thirst and toils of the desert. These fine little horses have extended over all the East, and their descendants retain for a long time the characters which had been imprinted npon them in their native wilderness. The horses of Arabia are produced in the greatest num- bers in the countries bordering on Syria and the Euphrates, and there likewise the finest races are reared; nay, a great part of the horses called Arabian are in reality produced beyond the true geographical bounds of Arabia. The larger part of Arabia, consisting of sands and rocky deserts, has never in any age been fitted for the rearing of many horses; and it is altogether an error to suppose that these steril regions are countries abounding in horses. Not only are the countries too barren for the rearing of horses, but the burning climate of the greater part of the country ap- pears to be eminently unfriendly to the health and growth of the animal. Those that are reared to the south of the THE HORSE. = 10 I HISTORY. 479 countries stretching from Mecca to the Persian Gulf are stunted in their forms, and so few in number, that there is scarcely any inhabited country that contains so small a num- ber of horses as the regions which some have supposed to be the cradle of the race. When the united chiefs of the Wahabees attacked Mehe- met Ali at Bysset in the year 1815, there were only 500 horses in their whole army of 25,000 men; and when horses are found in the most fertile parts of South Arabia, they are reckoned a rarity, and are only in the possession of princes and people of rank. "In affirming," says the distinguished traveller Burckhardt, in a letter to Mr Sewell, "that the aggregate number of horses in Arabia, as bordered by the Euphrates and Syria, amounts to about 50,000, I am confi- dent I have not underrated them. The richest country in this part of the East appears to be Mesopotamia. The tribes of Kurds and Bedouins in that quarter very likely possess more horses than all the Arabian Bedouins put together; for the richness of their pastures easily propagates their studs. The best pasturing places of Arabia not only produce the greatest quantity of horses, but likewise the best and most choice breeds. The finest Koheyls of the Khomb are met with in the Medgid on the Euphrates, and in the Syrian deserts; while in the southern parts of Arabia, and especially Zemba, no good breeds of horses exist but those imported from the north. In the tract between Mecca and Medina, between the mountains and the sea, a distance of, at least, 260 miles, I do not believe that 200 horses can be found; and the same proportion of numbers is to be remarked all along the Red Sea from Zemba up to Akaba." It is certain, then, that Arabia is a country remarkably poor in horses, and that, just as might be inferred from analogy, the best of the race are to be found in the countries where the climate is most temperate, and where a sufficient degree of food is produced. It is, however, in the remoter districts inland that the purest of the race exist, because the greatest attention is there paid W I #! + + + 华 ​פ י 1 X ་་ . THE HORSE. 480 to the rearing of them. It is usual to name the horses of the Bedouins of the interior desert the Nedjed Breed, from the desert of that name, extending from Medina eastwards; but very few horses are produced in the Nedjed itself. There used to be considerable difficulty in procuring the horses of the inland tribes of even the Syrian deserts, from the sup- posed hazard of confiding in the faith of the people, but, in reality, from the distrust which these wandering tribes enter- tained of the inhabitants of the towns. The intercourse, however, has become more considerable within the last thirty years, in consequence of which circumstance, the pashas and other rich individuals in Syria have been enabled to supply their stables with Nedjeds; and from the same cause, French, Russian, and Prussian agents, have been able to procure many fine stallions of the races of the remoter Bedouins, for their respective governments. In the year 1817, according to Mr Barker, whose long residence at Aleppo gave him full opportunity of observing the growing intercourse of the Be- douins with the settled inhabitants, three very numerous tribes, who had never before beheld a Turkish minaret, pitched their tents within a few miles of Aleppo, bringing along with them, at least, 6000 horses. From these it was easy for Europeans residing in Syria to select a number of splendid stallions, but none of them, it is said, found their way to England.* But though the breeds of the interior may have been obtained with difficulty, a great number of horses are continually being exported from the northern parts of Arabia. The Turks of Asia Minor and Syria obtain consi- derable numbers; but the principal trade is to the East Indies, from Bussora on the Persian Gulf. The exportation is chiefly of stallions, the Arabs retaining the mares for breeding, and preferring them for the purpose of the saddle. The Arabs, we are assured, pay great attention to the purity of the descent of their horses, and have certain races of them * St John's Egypt. * 2 ** " x=1 1 " HISTORY. 481 which are deemed of noble blood. Contrary to the practice. of Europe, they reckon their descent by the dam; but they never attempt to prove the genealogy of their horses, except by tradition, and the beauty of their form. The pretended hujjis, or written attestations of descent produced by dealers in Arabian horses, are, we are assured, a trick, either on the part of the Moslem jockeys or the Christian. : In contact with Arabia upon the east is Persia, a country of horsemen and soldiers from early times, in which we find the same form of the Horse distinctly exhibited. Persia is a country of much diversity of surface. It is very elevated, and possesses an atmosphere of great purity and dryness. Towards the south it presents much of the arid character of Arabia; towards the north it is productive of the grasses and other herbaceous plants, and retains its verdure for a great part of the year. In the northern provinces, accordingly, the horses are of greater size and more developed forms. Some of them near the Caspian Sea are as large as the horses of Normandy. Towards the south they resemble more the horses of Arabia, with which, besides, they are much mingled in blood but they have not the same delicacy of figure, and are not so much valued in their own and other countries. They are fed sparingly, like all the horses of the same warm regions. The custom is to feed and water them at sunrise and sunset; and the ordinary provender is barley and chopped straw. They are kept clothed, and at night are piquetted in open yards, their hinder legs being confined by cords of twisted hair, fastened to rings with pegs driven into the ground. The same practice is described by Xenophon as in use amongst the Persians more than 2000 years before. All persons of the least distinction in Persia ride on horseback, and scarcely any one will deign to go the shortest distance on foot. Sir John Malcolm gives an amusing anecdote illus- trative of the national feeling. A naval officer belonging to one of the British frigates, in paying a visit to the Envoy, thought it fitting to procure a horse; but unfortunately, like 1 2 H & J ? } W 482 other gentlemen of his profession, he did not feel himself quite at home, as we say, in the saddle, that is, he rode very ill. The native who supplied the ship with vegetables, jealous of the honour of his European friends, excused the matter to his countrymen by giving it out privately that the English gentleman was drunk, conceiving it to be less dishonourable to his new friends to be drunk at noon than to be unable to ride. To the north and east of Persia are countries where the same form of the Horse presents itself, but large and powerful, and suited for the exertion of physical strength. These countries, usually termed Independent Tartary, abound in the grasses, and give birth to horses, not very handsome, but possessed of good action, and great powers of endurance. The horses of some of the Turcoman tribes are sixteen hands high. THE HORSE. Eastward of the modern limits of Persia is the wild, beau- tiful, but now long-desolated country of the Afghâns, inha- bited by races of men of mixed lineage, of old under the stern dominion of the Persian kings, but now almost savage from the absence of law, and perpetual feuds. The Horses of this country are partly similar to those of Persia, and partly a race of stout agile ponies, suited to the mountainous coun- try and barbarous condition of its inhabitants. Many of them are beautifully spotted, and sought after in the countries of the East for their rarity and beauty. In contact with Caubul on the south, and of the same physical characters, is the ancient Gedrosia, now Beloochistân, inhabited in like manner by law- less herdsmen and robbers, in possession of numerous horses. Eastward we enter the noble region of the Seven Rivers or Punjaub, the lower valley of Sinde, and the wide coun- tries of India, so called. Over a country so vast and diver- sified, numerous breeds of Horses necessarily exist, whose characters have been formed by the nature of the localities in which they have been naturalized, and by the introduction of foreign races, either by the various conquerors of the country, or by the means of commerce and otherwise. In general, it may be said that India is not a country very fa- → 483 vourable to the production of the Horse. The tallest and strongest are found in the northern provinces, in the coun- tries near the Indus; but towards the warmer countries of the south and east, they fall off in strength and development of parts. The Indian horses are generally of the smaller class, seldom rising above fourteen and a half hands in height, and mostly falling below that standard. They are showy enough, but are deficient in bone, slim below the knee, and often of bad temper. But there are prodigious numbers of fine horses in India, chiefly of foreign lineage, either pure, or mixed with the native races. There is a constant trade in these animals going on from Persia, Caubul, and even Bok- hara; and a continued importation from Arabia to Bombay and other parts of the coast. This is due to European indi- viduals and the wealthier natives; and the East India Com- pany has long employed active means to improve the indige- nous races by the establishment of studs, with the especial design of being enabled to procure horses for their numerous cavalry. In this manner are superior horses introduced, and the races of the country preserved from deterioration. In India are various races of diminutive horses or Ponies, some of which have apparently acquired the characters proper to them in the high lands and deserts of the interior of the country itself, amongst which are the small coarse race termed Tattoos, valued by the natives for their hardiness, and power to subsist on common fare. Others are derived from the mountainous tract which lies between the plains of India and the crest of the great Himàlaya range, forming the country of Nepaul and others, westward to beyond the Sutludj. This is a region somewhat like Switzerland, but more bold and rugged. It produces a great number of moun- tain ponies, stout, and capable of sustaining drudgery and hard usage. To the ponies of these mountains the natives of India apply the term Tang-huns, which is likewise appli- cable to the party-coloured race of Thibet. The Himalaya mountains, so named from the Sanscrit, HISTORY. j 484 THE HORSE. denoting a Region of Snow, ascend from Hindû-koh in Caubul to their greatest elevation, about 85° of longitude, and then decline by the mountainous country of Bhootân to the valley of the Brahmapootra. Beyond the highest crest of these noble mountains lies the country of Thibet, stretching from east to west nearly 2000 miles, and mostly bounded on the. south by a parallel chain of lower altitude. In this the highest inhabited land of Asia, whence proceed its most celebrated rivers, the Indus, the Ganges, the Brahmapootra, are found Horses raised in such numbers as the rugged na- ture of the country will permit the inhabitants to rear them. They are small but sinewy, and agile in a wonderful degree. They are employed by the natives for the saddle, and, along with the Mule, the Sheep, and the Yak, to carry merchandize through the terrible passes of the wild mountains that bound the country on different sides. They are often party-coloured, or, as we say, piebald. Accustomed to make bounds to over- come the obstacles they encounter, they retain the habit when harnessed, and demand some care in training. They are said to fall off in spirit when brought to the plains of India; but yet they are greatly valued there, and a considerable exporta- tion of them takes place to the northern provinces. They extend westward into Caubul, but chiefly eastward by Bhootân into China, where their characteristic colour appears among the races of the lower country. They have extended along the river Kiang, which, taking its rise in Thibet, flows east- ward in a course of 3500 miles, until it falls into the sea at the noble city of Nankin. Of the Horses of the Chinese, we can say little from any certain knowledge obtained by us. The Chinese scarcely make use of Horses except to fatten and eat them, although, in the provinces bordering on Tartary and Thibet, they are numerous. In one of the latter, Gutzlaff informs us, Horses are so abundant, that even the women will scarcely stir from their houses but on horseback. But although the Chinese are themselves no horsemen, they maintain a numerous army of • GORE 485 Tartar cavalry, capable of maintaining the influence of the Empire amongst the neighbouring countries, but unable, as events have shewn, to withstand for an hour in the field the skill, discipline, and valour of European soldiers. The great countries of Indo-China, south-east of the Brah- mapootra, comprehending the dominions termed Siam, Cam- bodia, Malacca, and others, are, generally speaking, a re- gion of thick forests, unfavourable to the rearing and mul- tiplication of Horses. The inhabitants of these countries, therefore, can never have been horsemen like the nations of Western Asia, or the nomadic tribes of the interior. The horses, accordingly, of this part of India, are few in number, and little cared for by the inhabitants. Those, however, which are known to us, as at the sea-ports, are of good form, of the pony size, fiery, and tolerably fleet, though not pos- sessed of great power of endurance. In the rich and beautiful islands which stretch from the sea of Japan to Java, the Horses resemble those of the neighbouring continent; and most of the islands to the west- ward, of 125° of longitude, appear to possess them. So far as they have been observed, they are all of them small, and even diminutive in size, but possessed of stout shoulders, having good action, and manifesting no want of spirit, though apparently incapable of much endurance. Horses do not seem to extend to the eastward beyond the island of Timor, so that they are not found in the great and fertile island of New Guinea. They did not exist in New Holland, although now the finest races of the East have been carried to it, and appear to find a habitat as suitable as any in the world. No Horses existed in any of the Polynesian Islands at their dis- covery, and none in America, although now multiplied in every part of it where European arts have extended. To return to Thibet, the highest land of the Old Continent in which the Domestic Horse is reared. To the north lies the sandy desert of Kobi, in contact with other tracts of boundless deserts, stretching nearly from east to west. Be- ¿ C HISTORY. 1 - 1 e= T 486 THE HORSE. yond this dreary wilderness are the vast countries of the Eastern Tartars, extending on the west to the little Altaic mountains, the ancient Imaus; to the mountains of Siberia on the north; and to the Sea of Okotsk on the east. This great region is now included within the nominal and actual dominions of China, and was long known as Chinese Tartary. It is known to modern geographers as Mongolia, and the in- habitants as Mongoles, names which probably have had no other origin than the misapprehension of writers. It is the great seat of the Kalmuk and allied people. It abounds with Horses, which form the wealth of the nomadic tribes, who have been horsemen and wanderers in every known period. The horses of these countries are stout and enduring, but very small, being, in truth, merely what we term ponies. They have been the instruments, however, of extensive re- volutions. It is generally believed that the Huns came from this country. But, however this be, we learn that the pre- datory horsemen of Eastern Asia were in the earliest periods of history the ruthless enemies of the settled inhabitants within their reach. The annals of the Chinese relate chiefly to the unceasing contests with these barbarians, and inform us, that at length a wall, more than 1200 miles in length, was raised up against their encroachments. This wall, the most remarkable monument of human labour in the world, still exists, to inform us how frail a barrier it proved against the warlike horsemen it was designed to curb. Twice after- wards they rendered themselves masters of the empire, and now remain its sovereigns. In the beginning of the thir- teenth century appeared Genghis, the Pagan, the most ruth- less conqueror that had appeared in the world. Uniting the various tribes, both of the Eastern and Western Tartars, he subdued, in an incredibly short time, the greater part of Asia, bringing havoc and desolation wherever he carried his hordes. To the eastward of Thibet is what is termed Independent Tartary, inhabited by the Turcomans, the Kirguisans, and + HISTORY. 487 others. But these races are not confined to this part of Tar- tary, but extend more or less continuously southward into Caubul, Persia, Syria, and even beyond the confines of Europe, northward into Siberia, and eastward, beyond the Altaic Mountains. These people, aided by their instrument of war, the Horse, haye again and again been conquerors; but, far superior as a race to the Kalmuks, they have been able to found enduring kingdoms and empires. It was this race which really supported the empire of Genghis, as it did about 170 years later that of his successor Leng the Mos- lem, generally known to us as Timur-Leng, or Tamarlane, who, adding religious fanaticism to his thirst for power, renew- ed the system of conquest and extermination of his precur- sor. He overran Persia, sacked Bagdad, and, crossing the Indus, laid Delhi in ashes, carrying off an enormous booty of treasure and captives, and murdering the miserable inha- bitants by thousands. This wretch died in the year of our Lord 1405, and his empire soon after crumbled to pieces. The Western Tartars became divided, and the greater part of the Kalmuk tribes resumed their pristine habits, and are now again herdsmen and horsemen, restrained from violence by the arms and policy of the Chinese. Of the same race were the people known to us as Turks, who subdued the fairest parts of Western Asia, northern Africa, and Greece, where they are still permitted to possess, through the mu- tual jealousy of European powers, the throne of the eastern Cæsars. And of the same class of rude horsemen, but mixed in lineage, were the first Mahommedan invaders of India, who, in the year 1208, founded the Moslem dominion in India, which, afterwards known as the Empire of the Môguls, or descendants of Timur, survived until our own times. The Horses of these people are much superior in strength and stature to those of the Kalmuks, manifesting the influence of a more genial climate on the development of the animal form. Northward of Independent and Chinese Tartary, are the andy મ 1 I dad de 488 THE HORSE. immense dominions of Russia in Asia. Here, likewise, are found nomadic tribes, but reduced to entire snbmission by the powerful state under whose dominions they have lived for ages. This region, now generally known as Siberia, con- tains, we have seen, the Wild Horse; but, from the scanti- ness of the population, domestic Horses are few as compared with those of Chinese and Independent Tartary. The Horses are small, sturdy, and enduring, but continually degenerating with the increasing rigour of the climate, until, as we ap- proach nearer the Arctic regions, they cease to be found either in the wild or subjugated state, giving place to the Rein-deer and the Dog. Turning to Europe, the Horses are seen to partake of the mixed lineage and character of the inhabitants. Northward and westward of the chain of the Caucasus extend the gigantic dominions of Russia in Europe, comprehending the countries inhabited of old by the Sarmatians, and other warlike nations of herdsmen and soldiers, known generally as Slavonians. The horses of these countries are hardy, muscular in their limbs, and capable of enduring great labour and privations; but the finest of these are found in the countries near the Black Sea, where a charming climate calls forth a rich vege- tation. The Ukraine in particular, lying between the Don and the Dnieper, is noted for producing a fine race of Horses, distinguished by their long manes and flowing tails. These countries have in various ages poured their swarms of emigrants and conquerors westward or southward, car- rying with them their Horses, the great engine of their con- quests; and, at this day, Russia possesses the most for- midable and well-equipped army of cavalry in the world. The Horses of the Slavonic nations still prevail in Poland, Moldavia, Hungary, and other countries of the Danube; and they have penetrated into Prussia and the countries of the Baltic. The first of the European countries in which we have his- torical records of the domestication of the Horse is Greece; 1 HISTORY. 489 but it does not follow that Greece was the first of the coun- tries of Europe in which the Horse was subdued. On the contrary, the legends of the Greeks themselves inform us, that they had to maintain fierce contests with more early horsemen under the fabled names of Centaurs, probably from Thrace and the countries beyond the Danube. They had contests, too, with the Amazons, so called, whom they fabled to be women, but who were probably Kurds or other Asiatics, clothed in the flowing robes distinctive of their country. The Greeks never, in any age, became distinguish- ed as horsemen. They did not, until a late period, learn the use of the stirrup and the horse-shoe, which, from the remains found in tumuli, there is reason to believe, were familiar from time immemorial to the Tartar horsemen. But the Greeks established, at an early age, the noble games termed Olympic, which, by common consent, were held at Elis, which became the theatre to which the warlike youth of Greece resorted to claim the olive crown for victory in the chariot race and athletic combats. Games at other places were established, and continued after Greece had ceased to be a country of warriors and freemen. The races of the chariot were the first in order of time and pre-emi- nence; but about the fifteenth Olympiad, the simple horse- race was added, and sculptured monuments remain to show the Grecian Horse as he was caparisoned for either use. The Hippodrome, in which the horse and chariot races took place, was of narrow extent, and from the frequent turnings, all the address and courage of the charioteers and horsemen was called for. The horsemen, using no saddles or stirrups, the difficulty of the exercise was increased, and the horses were unshod. The Greeks derived their finest horses from Asia Minor, but the races of the country were then, as now, of mixed blood, partly derived from the countries south of the Caucasus, and partly from Thrace and the countries of the Danube. The sculptured representations of the Grecian horse which have reached us exhibit much of what may be D / 490 called the Caucasian character, mixed, however, with the hardier aspect of the horses of the North. The modern in- habitants of the same countries have likewise races of horses of mixed lineage. The finest of the Turkish horses are de- rived from the Asiatic provinces; the most esteemed for the saddle are obtained from the Syrian deserts and Arabia; and the most robust and most active and useful from Servia, Bosnia, and the other provinces of the north. In Italy, the Horse had been subjugated from periods of great antiquity; but the Romans were long contemptible horsemen, and to the last never equalled the Asiatic riders. Even Julius Cæsar, we are informed by modern military offi- cers, made such dispositions of his cavalry, as could only have arisen from ignorance of the proper functions of this arm in war. Of the character of the early horses of the Italians we know nothing; but the representations of the Horse, in a later age, lead us to the conclusion, that the Romans cultivated a stout and muscular horse, rather than one of much lightness and elegance of figure. But during the luxury of the empire, horses were necessarily derived from many sources, and races of mixed lineage established. Of the native breeds, the Tuscan and Etrurian were the most esteemed; of foreign races, the Spanish and Sicilian were valued; and, in a later age, those of Barbary were introduced, to give greater light- ness to the horses employed in the Circensian games. The games of the Circus were established at an early period, and included both horse and chariot races. The Circus Maxi- mus, first built by Tarquinius Priscus, was an oblong of three and a half furlongs in length, with rows of seats, one above another, all round, capable, according to Pliny, of con- taining 250,000 persons, and, according to modern measure- ments, 380,000. Along the centre of the space ran a thick low wall, at the ends of which were pyramidal columns, rising from one base, termed Metæ, round which the horses and chariots turned. The race usually consisted of seven rounds, equal to between seven and eight miles. The horse- THE HORSE. Gy A 491 men were generally slaves, or trained performers. A num- ber of horses started together, and the riders were divided into parties, distinguished by the colours they bore. The spectators interested themselves in the success of these par- ties, rather than in that of the individual horses, as on the modern Turf; and the contests were altogether of a ruder character than we now associate with the ideas of this kind of exercise. HISTORY. The Horses of modern Italy present a great diversity of character. On the irruptions of the barbarians, those of the northern wilderness were introduced in great numbers, and have left their traces, even to the colour of the skin, to the present day. During the times of chivalry, and the heavy-armed cavalry of the middle ages, it may be believ- ed that the more powerful kinds of horses would be sought for; and there are many of these still in Italy. The horses of Naples are yet in high estimation for their strength and noble action. Many of them were formerly introduced into England, and contributed to form the mixed races of that country. But the horses of Naples, as of other parts of Italy, have lost their value, as compared with foreign races, and few are now carried out of the country. Spain is a country in which the Horse has been more mixed with African blood than in other parts of Europe. In the early part of the eighth century, the Moors and Arabs of Northern Africa invaded the country, and maintained a long dominion over it. During ages of heroic struggles, they were by degrees subdued; and, after the lapse of nearly 800 years, the remains of them, when deprived of weapons, and engaged in the pursuits of peaceful industry, were expelled by edicts of unheard of bigotry and cruelty. During this long period, the horses of Africa were introduced in great numbers, and affected, in an important manner, the charac- ters of the native races. This mixture of blood was the greatest in Andalusia, Granada, and other kingdoms of the south; and here it is that the Spanish Jennet was formed, ? * # + 34 ** 492 and is still found with its pristine characters. These elegant little horses were greatly valued over Europe. They are stouter than the Barbs, but have much of the same graceful and easy action. They are gentle, spirited, and capable of long and rapid journeys. They were used as Palfreys in the middle ages, and numbers of them being brought to England, they were mingled with the native races. THE HORSE. France has long produced a vast number of horses for war, for the chase, for the saddle, and for carriages of every kind. The native horses of France vary in strength and size with the fertility of the districts in which they have been naturalized. In the countries of abundant herbage they tend to the massy form characteristic of the great horses of Northern Europe. In the southern districts, and generally in those in which the production of herbage is scanty, they assume a lighter form. But besides the charac- ters acquired from the nature of the districts in which the horses are naturalized, there are other characters imprinted by mixture of foreign blood. French writers divide the horses of France into those of the Common and those of the Fine race; the latter having had their characters communicated to them by means of foreign blood. The largest and most power- ful horses of France are produced in Normandy and Picardy. The best for the saddle used to be derived from Limousin, but the horses of Limousin are now greatly degenerated. In the year 732, a mighty army of Saracens penetrated even to the walls of Poictiers, where they were totally routed by the heroic Charles Martel. It is perhaps to the horses then left in the country, that those of Limousin and the neighbouring districts owe that lightness of form which dis- tinguishes them. Towards the mouth of the Rhone is like- wise a race of agile horses, having the characters of Barbs, from which they are probably descended. But the native horses of France may be generally described as destitute of that elegance and lightness of action which characterize the horses of southern lineage. Astonishing pains, however, G * 493 have been taken by successive Governments of France to improve the breeds of native horses. This was a favourite object of Napoleon, who introduced considerable numbers of Arabians by the way of Germany. But the enormous de- struction of horses by war in the Revolutionary and Imperial armies, and the necessity of resorting to every race of the tributary countries around for cavalry, have greatly retarded the improvement of the races of France. Since the peace, the high-bred horses of England have been much sought for, as possessing the qualities in which the French horses are supposed to be deficient, namely, bone and action. Germany is a country which, in every known age, has produced numerous herds of horses. The native horses of Germany vary with the fertility of the countries which pro- duce them; but generally, Germany is a country productive of the grasses and corn, and the horses are large and fitted for the exercise of physical strength, but deficient in agility and fleetness. They are well suited for heavy cavalry, for which the Germans have always been noted in modern wars; and, during the middle ages, the larger horses were especially cultivated for the knights and heavy-armed horsemen of the time. Lighter horses have also been introduced from the Ukraine, and other countries to the eastward. The largest horses in Germany are found in Holstein, Mecklenburg, and other countries rich in the grasses, on the shores of the Bal- tic, and the valleys of the great rivers. The same race of heavy horses extends to the Danish dominions of the Conti- nent, which have long supplied the other parts of Europe with coach-horses. In Holland and Flanders the same kinds of horses exist, but of yet more bulky and clumsy form shewing that when the climate is moist, when the grasses are abundant, and when artificial food is largely sup- plied, the Horse assumes that grossness of form which in- creases his powers of mere strength, but diminishes his speed, and capability of active exertion.-The Horse of the nor- thern marshes of Germany was probably that which gave HISTORY. ! 1 I 494 THE HORSE. distinction to the Belgian cohorts in the armies of the Ro- mans: and, at a subsequent age, the great Black Horse of the Vandals excited terror amongst the nations of Southern Europe. Scandinavia, though imperfectly fitted for the rearing of many horses, yet possesses them in greater numbers than, from the nature of the country, and the pursuits of the in- habitants, might have been expected. But the warlike North- men, themselves derived, as their legends, mythology, and language attest, from those countries eastward where the Horse abounded, retain a considerable attachment to these animals. Their horses vary in strength and stature with the fertility, natural or acquired, of the districts where they have been naturalized, from the Alps of Norway to the provinces of the Baltic shores. But, with the exception of the larger kinds fitted for the labour of draught, the Scan- dinavian horses may be described as being of small size, as having stout muscular limbs, with great power of enduring steady labour, but as being wanting in the spirit and fleet- ness which characterize the horses of warmer climes. In the British Islands the Horses present a greater diver- sity than perhaps in any other country of the same extent. This diversity arises in part from the different degrees of al- titude and productiveness of the various parts of the country, and in part from the great admixture that has taken place of the blood of foreign races. But, before describing the Horses proper to or naturalized in these Islands, we shall consider the Horse as he is presented to us in another part of the world, where, in regions of boundless fertility and ex- tent, he has been subjected to the influence of new agents, and regained his natural liberty under circumstances the most favourable to the extension of his race. When the Spaniards, forgetful of the precepts of the im- mortal Genius who had guided them to the peaceful shores of the New World, began a war of extermination against the unoffending natives, they everywhere carried with them 1 F : 495 the Horse, and employed his powers to terrify and subdue their victims. Wherever these merciless invaders established their unjust dominion, the Horse was carried, and he multi- plied with a rapidity unknown in the richest parts of the ancient continents. And now, after the lapse of little more than three centuries, he is found naturalized from the frozen Straits of Magellan to the snows of Labrador, under every variety of climate and country. From the oppressors he has passed to the victims; and the most savage tribes of the in- terior, from Patagonia to the Missouri and Columbia, have been enabled to appropriate this gift of Providence, and em- ploy it for their mutual destruction. The most remarkable circumstances attending the history of the Horse in Spanish America, is his escape from human control, and multiplication in the state of liberty. This first took place, according to Azara, about the year 1535, when the city of Buenos Ayres was suddenly abandoned by its in- habitants, who in their flight left behind them on the plains five horses and seven mares, which had been brought from Andalusia. These soon multiplied and gave origin to those innumerable herds which people the boundless plains south- ward and westward of the Rio de la Plata; while others, escaping from the settlements north of the same river, mul- tiplied in Paraguay and other parts of the interior. These emancipated horses are at times in little herds, a stallion attaching himself to a certain number of mares; but these smaller herds likewise congregate into herds so vast in num- bers as to strike the beholder with amazement. Many thou- sands may often be seen together, acting upon a principle of apparent subordination and union. HISTORY. Certain of the troop assume the guidance of the rest, place themselves in the van when the herd migrates to new ground, and, when danger is threatened, give the signal to advance or fly. They gallop boldly up to the traveller and objects that are new to them, unlike to the wilder race of Tartary, who station sentinels around the troop, and fly from the sight e 8 } the pl - 496 of danger and the footsteps of man. When they see the do- mesticated horses, they gallop up to them, caress them with affectionate neighings, and use every mean to induce them to escape with them to the wilderness. The latter are not slow to accept the invitation, and, when once restored to liberty, never willingly submit to bondage again. When the wild troops draw near, all the vigilance of the travellers is required to prevent the desertion of their horses, who struggle to disencumber themselves of their trappings and get free. The Wild Horses advance in columns, never in a line, some- times retreating and returning several times, before they can be driven away, and sometimes charging the equipage, and throwing every thing into confusion, in order to effect the rescue. This generous sympathy for their subjugated fellows does not exist in the wild races of Tartary, and, in the case of the Spanish horses, may be safely pronounced to be the result of instinctive feelings connected with their former state of domestication. An amusing traveller, speaking of some captured horses driven cruelly along at speed, goaded and wearied, through the more settled parts of the country, thus describes the effect upon their fellows. "As they are thus galloping along, urged by the spur, it is interesting to see the group of wild horses one passes. The mares, which are never ridden in South America, seem not to understand what makes the poor horse hang his head so low and look so weary. The little innocent colts come running to meet him, and then start away frightened; while the old horses, whose white marks on the flanks and backs betray their acquaintance with the spur and saddle, walk slowly away for some dis- tance, then breaking into a trot as they seek for safety, snort and look behind them, first with one eye and then with the other, turning their nose from right to left, and carrying their long tail high in the air."* These Wild Horses are easily restored to domestication. THE HORSE. H * Head's Journey across the Pampas. 8 # 497 Either some of the docility of temper remains which the race had acquired in the domestic state, or the genial clime and abundant herbage render them of gentler temperament than the pristine horses of the Asiatic deserts. The means, how- ever, taken to subdue them are of unequalled barbarity, and altogether different from the careful culture with which, in other countries, the youthful colt is reconciled to obedience, and gradually trained to administer to the wants and plea- sures of his protector. When it is intended to capture a Wild Horse or Baguale, as it is called, the Guachos, or inhabitants of the plain, set out in search of the herd on horses trained to the chase. Either by means of the bolas and lazo, or of the lazo alone, the animal is entangled, thrown to the ground, and either at once mounted and furiously ridden, or tied to a post for se- veral days without food or water, castrated and mounted. The bola referred to consists of three stones rolled in leather, and tied to a common centre, with strong leather cords more than a yard in length. One being taken hold of, the others are swung around the head, and, when the necessary impe- tus is acquired, thrown with matchless dexterity round the limbs of the animal to be entangled. The lazo has been often described. It consists of a rope, about the thickness of the finger, made of twisted thongs of untanned hide, fifteen or twenty yards in length. It has a ring at one end forming a running noose. The other end is attached to a strong belt of hide, bound tightly round the horse. The coil is held by the left hand of the horseman; the noose end trails on the ground, except when in use, and then it is swung round the head, when it expands in a circular form, and is discharged from the hand with unerring aim, falling upon the part at which it is aimed, the neck, or one or more of the legs, or round the body, as may be wished, the horseman himself at speed all the while. The entangled animal is hurled to the ground with tremendous violence, and, before he can recover himself, is seized, and sometimes a saddle is strapped upon HISTORY. } 2 I 1 } M 498 his back, and a bit forced into his mouth, before he is suffered to rise from the ground. Such is the effect of the formidable missile, which, in all these countries, is used to capture the horse and other animals, and which incessant practice from childhood teaches the Guacho to use with matchless dex- terity. The very children, we are told, begin the practice of the lazo almost as soon as they can run about, entangling all animals that are so unfortunate as to come within their reach-dogs, pigs, poultry, and the everywhere-persecuted cat; so that, by the time they are able to sit on horseback, they are dexterous in its use. Not only the wild but tame horses are seized by this formidable engine, and the latter, who have experienced its effects, regard it with terror. The Guacho, it has been said, secures by it the wild horse which he wishes to subdue. Nay, sometimes when pursuing a jour- ney, he supplies himself in this manner with fresh horses, and pursues his course on an animal which had never before bent its neck to servitude. Approaching the wild animal, the lazo is cast upon him with unerring aim, and in a mo- ment hurls him to the ground. Before the animal can re- cover the shock, the Guacho springs upon him, and snatching the cloak from his own shoulders, wraps it round the head of the prostrate animal. He then forces into his mouth one of the bridles of the country, straps a saddle on his back, and bestriding him removes the cloak, when the animal springs upon his legs, and, by a thousand efforts, endeavours to free himself from his new master. His efforts are vain: the Guacho keeps himself firm in his seat, and, by the force of his arm and dreadful spurs, reduces the animal to entire obedience. The subjection is complete: the Guacho pur- sues his journey on the captive horse, who, finding resistance vain, yields himself to necessity, and becomes the slave of man. These horses, though not very fleet, have amazing powers of endurance. In this their state of sudden bondage, they are sometimes ridden sixty, seventy, nay, it is said, a hundred miles, urged on at speed by the spur of their bar- THE HORSE. I HISTORY. 499 barous rider. When the dreadful task is done, mangled, terrified, and fainting from fatigue, they are turned loose on the plains to perish, or rejoin, as best they may, their lost companions. These Horses have reassumed, to a certain degree, the cha- racter of the wild type, as it is exemplified in the Horses of Tartary. The head has become larger, the ears more long, the limbs more muscular, and the general form less sym- metrical, than in the race from which they are descended. Their hair, however, has not become long and shaggy as in the Tartar horses, because they inhabit a soft and genial clime; but it has tended to that uniformity of colour which distinguishes the wild from the domestic races of all animals. Their colour is always of a chestnut-brown, and never dun, as in the Tartar races; and whenever a bay, a black, or other colour appears, it is inferred that the individual is of the domesticated race, and has made its escape and joined the wild herds. They are enduring, it has been said, but not very fleet, and are easily run down by the subjugated breeds. The domesticated horses of these countries possessed by the Spanish Americans, possess the general characters of the race from which they are descended; but being treated with the utmost severity, and bred without attention to the choice of the parents, they have lost much of the grace of form and elegance of action which distinguish the true An- dalusian. Stallions and mares are never ridden, and geld- ings only are used for the saddle. They are usually kept in extensive pasture-grounds, and driven periodically to the corral, when the lazo and spur of the Guacho are employed to remind them of their dependence. When colts are to be broken in, they are driven in a herd to the corral, subjected one by one to the discipline of the lazo, and by mere force and terror reduced to obedience. From the conquerors of these noble provinces, the Horse has passed into the hands of the Indians of the interior, pro- T 4 Ι → d 1 ↑ + 500 ducing a great change in the habits, though but a slight one in the moral feelings, of the Red Man of the plains. These brave tribes, who have escaped the bondage of so many of their fellows, may be said to pass their lives on horseback: their very limbs have become feeble from disuse of walking; but they are amongst the most perfect horsemen in the world. Naked as when they were born, without a saddle, with a bit made of hide, their long light lances in hand, they are ever in motion, migrating from place to place as the pasture around them is consumed. They have no tents, not even a covering for the head; they have no bread, no cultivated vegetables, no fruits, no salt. Their only food is the flesh of their mares, which they never ride, or the produce of the chase, which is not plentiful. Their whole thoughts and the pleasure of their lives are riding and war. "Their system of warfare," says Head, "is more noble, unencumbered, and perfect in its na- ture, than that of any nation in the world. When they assemble, either to attack their enemies, or to invade the country of the Christians, with whom they are now at war, they collect large troops of horses and mares, and then utter- ing the wild shriek of war, they start at a gallop. As soon as the horses they ride on are tired, they vault upon the bare backs of fresh ones, keeping their best until they posi- tively see their enemies. The whole country affords pasture to their horses, and whenever they choose to stop, they have only to kill some mares. The ground is the bed on which, from their infancy, they have always slept; the flesh of their mares is the food on which they have ever been accustomed to subsist." These wild people have not yet acquired fire- arms, which might render them the most formidable of caval- ry; but they have learned the use of intoxicating liquors, which they obtain by barter from the towns. They have some rude ideas of a future state, believing that, when they die, they will be transferred to a paradise, where they will be always drunk, and always on horseback. As they gallop over the plains at night, we are told, they will point, with their THE HORSE. 501 long spears, to constellations in the heavens, which, they say, are the figures of their ancestors, who, riding in the fir- mament, are mounted upon horses swifter than the wind, and hunting ostriches. When they bury their dead, they kill several of their best horses, believing that their departed friends would otherwise have nothing to ride.* The Horse is domesticated throughout all the settled parts of South America, but is nowhere treated with the care which is required to produce the full development of his form and useful properties. If he is inferior in many qualities to the races from which he is sprung, we may be assured that this is no result of the absence of the bounties of nature in the countries to which he has been carried. These are all that can be desired for the perfecting of the Horse. If, in cer- tain parts, a too humid atmosphere, and rank vegetation, are calculated to give grossness to the animal form, there are others embellished with every gift that can give to it lightness, buoyancy, and grace. There are regions more pure of air than the Caucasian Mountains, or the Syrian Plains; and were but a tenth part of the care bestowed on rearing the Horse in these beautiful countries as in the de- serts of the wandering Bedouin, it cannot be doubted that South America would produce Horses equal to any in the world. HISTORY. North America seems equally adapted to the temperament of the Horse as any similar countries in the Old Continent. The Mexican horses are derived from Spain, and seem in no other respect inferior to the European, than a less careful management may account for. Mexican horses have likewise escaped into the woods and savannahs of the prodigious countries which extend northward and eastward from the Gulf of Mexico; but they have not multiplied in the same numbers as in the plains of the Plata. They have extended northward even to the Rocky Mountains, and the sources * Head's Journey. · ܚ ܝ : N HXX { * 502 of the Columbia, in the 52d or 53d parallel of latitude. The Indians of the country have learned to pursue and capture them, employing them in hunting and transporting their fami- lies from place to place; the first great change that has taken place for ages in the condition of the Red Man of the North American woods. The highest ambition, we are told, of the young Indian of these northern tribes is to possess a good horse for the chase of the buffalo. The Ossages form large hunting parties for the chase of horses in the country of the Red Canadian River, using relays of fresh horses, until they have run down the wild herds. The horses in these parts are yet more precious in the estimation of the Indians, than in the countries of the South, where they have multiplied more. To steal the horse of an adverse tribe, Dr Richardson informs us, is considered by the people as an exploit nearly as heroic as the killing of an enemy; and the distances they will travel, and the privations they will undergo, in these predatory excursions, are scarcely to be believed. So pre- cious do they hold this new gift, that, in some cases, an In- dian who owns a horse will scarcely continue to sleep after nightfall, but will sit at the opening of his hut, with the halter in one hand, and his gun in the other, the horse's legs at the same time being tied with thongs of leather. Not- withstanding of all his care, it sometimes happens that the wearied hunter, suffering himself to be overcome by sleep for a few minutes, is awakened by the noise of the thief gal- loping off with his plunder. The Anglo-Americans, the Canadians, and the European Colonists of the West India Islands, have all acquired the domesticated horse. The horses of Canada, chiefly of French lineage, are coarse and small, but hardy, muscular, and use- ful. Those of the United States are of every variety, de- rived originally from England, but crossed by the modern English racer, and even by the horses of Syria and Arabia. From this cause, and the great variety and extent of these countries, the inhabitants of the States have a very mixed THE HORSE. 2 1 ? CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. 503 race of horses, many of which are excellent. It is the cha- racter of this people to carry ardour and boldness of execu- tion into every favoured pursuit, and the improvement of their horses at this time occupies much of their attention. They are fond of horse-races, particularly in the Southern States, and have adopted, to a certain degree, the usages of the English Turf. The nature of their country leads them to cultivate useful horses for the road, and for their innu- merable private and public carriages. They prefer the trot to the paces more admired in the Old Continent; and, hav- ing directed attention to the conformation which consists with this character, the fastest trotting horses in the world are to be found in the United States. The breeds of the West India Islands are those of the parent states. The horses of Cuba are derived from Spain, and retain the dis- tinctive characters of the parent stock. Those of the Eng- lish Colonies have been improved by the continued inter- course with the mother country. M CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. When JULIUS CÆSAR landed amongst the Belgæ on the shores of Kent, about fifty-four years before our common era, he found the natives possessed of Horses, which they used for cavalry, or attached to chariots of war, after the manner of the Assyrians, the Persians, and other people of the East in the first ages, of the Egyptians in the remotest times, and of the Greeks in the era termed Heroic. The early use of the Horse, in a manner thus artificial, by nations so remote from one another as the inhabitants of Celtic Britain and the first civilized communities of the East, may be regarded as one of the many proofs derived from history, from language, and from similarity of customs, religious and social, of the pristine relation between these early settlers of Europe and -1 F I ፫. I A 1 1 504 the people of Western Asia, who used the same engine of war. The most simple and natural manner of reducing the Horse to subjection, is by making him bear the burden of his rider; and it may be assumed that this was the method of domestication which preceded that of attaching him to an armed equipage, the construction of which infers a certain advancement in the useful arts. It cannot be believed that the scattered tribes which peopled Europe during the earlier periods of colonization, had themselves devised a me- thod of using the Horse so little suited to their wants, and to the countries of marsh, forest, and mountain, over which they were spread. It is more consonant with reasonable pro- bability to suppose, that the early settlers brought with them the practice from the countries from which they were them- selves derived. THE HORSE. Of the pristine inhabitants of Europe, we know nothing whatever; but, with respect to its later inhabitants, the most reasonable supposition is, that they were derived from Asia, and that they had spread themselves, in the manner of colo- nists, westward; first, the Celtic and other allied people, from the south of the line of the Caucasus; and, secondly, at unknown and posterior epochs, when population had extended northward into the regions known generally and vaguely to the ancients as Scythia and Sarmatia, the other settlers, who gave origin to the Scandinavian, the modern German, and other nations, commonly comprehended under the general term Teutonic, or, less correctly, Gothic. These migrations may be supposed to have followed one after another, slowly westward, like wave succeeding wave; and the latter settlers, pressing upon the former ones, either dispossessed them, or became mingled with them. But whatever be the particu- lar history of these pristine movements, two races of men, at least, were found, in the course of ages, inhabiting West- ern Europe, distinguished from one another by speech, by social habits, and religious observances; the first of which the Celta may be considered as the type, and the latter ' I CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. 505 usually denominated Teutones or Gothi; the one, it has been said, apparently derived from the countries south of the line of the Caucasus, the other from the ruder regions extending northward. The southern emigrants were usually found in patriarchal communities of tribes or clans, generally dis- united, and at war with one another, or only combined for the purpose of aggression or mutual defence. The people were submissive to authority, and had an order of priests of great influence and power, who taught the immortality and transmigration of the soul, worshipped in groves, erected altars and sacred enclosures of unhewn stone, of which innu- merable remains are yet spread over Europe,-paid, like the Persian Magi, a reverence to fire, to the heavenly bodies, and to certain plants,-and adopted the horrid rite of human sacrifices, as practised by the Phoenicians and other Syrians. On the other hand, the ultra-Caucasian or Scythian colonists. formed larger communities, under a system rather feudal than patriarchal. The people, although influenced by a wild superstition, were tenacious of individual rights, like the free Scythians in every age. They had horses, whose flesh they sometimes used as food, and which they offered up in sacri- fices to their divinities, but which, so far as is known, they never attached to chariots of war, like the true Celtæ. C The Celta, continually pressed upon and driven westward, were found, at the period of the Roman conquests, in Spain, Gaul, part of Germany, and the Islands of Britain; and the latter Islands appear to have been in their exclusive posses- sion at the time of the Roman invasion. Some, indeed, have supposed, that at this period a nation of Gothic origin had found its way to Britain, and occupied, under the name of Belgæ, the part of the country where Cæsar landed. This is probable; but, at the same time, the Belge rather appear to have been themselves a Celtic people, at least the testimony of Strabo, and the description which Cæsar gives of them, seem to shew that they were a race differing in no essential respects from the other Britons. But be this as But be this as it may, it was not for many . た ​י M 1 1 [ I f I it ¿ 506 ages afterwards, during the decline of the Roman empire, that the really Gothic nations found their way in such num- bers into Britain, as to reduce the greater part of it to sub- jection, and impose upon it their customs, laws, and language. At the time of our Saviour, and long afterwards, the inhabi- tants of these Islands were essentially Celtic; and that the same race had inhabited the country from an early time, ap- pears from innumerable remains of ancient forts, sepulchral tumuli and cairns, rude altars, and circles of stones and other monuments, which can be referred to no other race but the Celtic; and from the names of mountains, rivers, promon- tories, and other natural objects, which to this hour retain the designations imposed upon them by the Celtic inhabi- tants. THE HORSE. When these Islands, then, became the prey of Roman am- bition, the horses of the country were those of the Celtic natives, either brought in a state of domestication from the East, or derived from the wild races existing in the wastes of Europe. That they were in great numbers, we learn from the Roman writers. Cæsar continually refers to the daring cavalry and destructive chariots by which he was opposed. At his landing, the Britons, spurring their horses into the sea, assailed his legions ere they could reach the shore. In his first expedition, he merely saw the country which he came to subdue. In his second, he followed the Britons into the interior, and, fording the Thames, he routed on its banks their great leader Cassivelaunus, who, he tells us, having lost all hopes of success by battle, disbanded the greatest part of his forces, and retained about 4000 chariots, with which he harassed the Romans as occasion offered. Sub- sequent writers speak of the horsemen and charioteers of the Celtic Britons. Tacitus, in describing the last great battle which the Caledonii fought with Agricola near the passes of the Grampians, states that their first line was in the plain, and the next on the sloping ascent of the moun- tains, and that the space between the armies was filled with • * 507 the cavalry and charioteers of the Britons rushing to and fro with loud noise. They rushed, he tells us, in their armed chariots at full speed, and mixed in battle with the infantry. Their first impression struck terror, but their career was soon checked by the thick ranks of their enemies and by the inequalities of the ground, and, crowding upon one another, they were thrown into disorder. Chariots without a guide, and horses without a rider, broke away in wild confusion, and trampled upon the ranks. The horses of the country, it is certain, must have been numerous when they formed the strength of an army in a country so wild and mountainous. Whatever was the character of these early Horses with respect to size, strength, and other properties, it is probable that for many ages they underwent little change. Previous to the fall of the Roman Empire, northern pirates had ravaged the coasts of Britain, and fixed themselves in some of the remoter Islands. But it was not till the fifth century that Gothic hordes began those regular invasions which termi- nated in the subjection of nearly all the Island, and the im- position of a new language and new customs on the people. They seem first to have landed in numbers on the shores of the Firth of Forth, although history usually refers their first permanent settlement to an invitation of the Romanized Bri- tons of the south for protection from the ravages of the northern tribes. However this be, it is certain that about the year 449, when the falling Empire could no longer pro- tect the distant provinces, the Saxons, a Gothic people from the countries of the Elbe, landed in South Britain, and being followed by successive swarms of Saxons, Jutes, and Angles, their countrymen, continually disembarking on the country from the Forth to the shores of Kent, established a domi- nion which, by creating a new nation, may be said to have affected the whole condition of societies throughout the civi- lized world. CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. The supremacy of the Saxons in England lasted for more than 600 years, when it was overthrown by the Normans, a 3- + 4 ] | F L ! Į 508 THE HORSE. mixed class of military adventurers from the north of Eu- rope, of Scandinavian lineage. Scotland during this period had continued essentially Celtic, with the exception of the kingdom of the Lothians, extending from the Forth to the Tweed, which had been early colonized by Saxons; and, with the exception of a portion of the extreme north, colo- nized by Scandinavians. The Celtic inhabitants of North Britain were known to the Romans as Caledonii, and some- times as Picti, although the latter term is by many antiqua- ries supposed to indicate a distinct race of men. In the third century, in the reign of Dioclesian, we first hear of another people, certainly Celtic, who were to give their name to the whole of North Britain. These were the Sceite or Scots, the Scoti and Scoticæ gentes of the Roman writers, who, landing from the north-east of Ireland on the nearest coasts, gradually extended their power. In the beginning of the sixth century, they had occupied the Peninsula of Caentir or Cantire, and they gradually advanced northward and eastward until about the year 843, when they had ac- quired the ascendency over nearly all the native tribes, giv- ing that name to the whole of North Britain, which it will for ever retain. In the year of our Lord 1066, that is, 605 years after the first settlement of Saxons in England, the dominion of the Anglo-Saxon princes was overthrown by an army of Normans. But by this time a new race of men had been formed, of mixed lineage, but now possessed of a common language, and mould- ed to a common standard of national character. Scotland was never subjected to the Normans; but in thirty-one years after the Norman Conquest, a race of Scoto-Saxon princes succeeded to the Scottish crown, and from that time the Saxon speech and customs rapidly extended over all the Lowlands of Scotland. Coincidently in time with the Saxons in England, the rem- nants of the Britons existed in Wales, and preserved a brave independence in the mountains and fastnesses of that coun- 1 CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. 509 € try. They preserved the native Horse; but it does not ap- pear that they ever made the least figure as horsemen, in which respect they resembled other Celtic nations who have occupied countries of mountains. The Saxons, though a Gothic nation, were little given to the multiplying of Horses; and it does not appear that they ever became distinguished as horsemen in their new country. It cannot be supposed that they transported many horses to a country already possessed of them, in the small and dan- gerous vessels with which they navigated the northern seas; and therefore it may be assumed that, up to the period of the Norman Conquest in England, and for many centuries after- wards in Scotland, the Horses of the country remained essen- tially the same as when the Romans first encountered them in the battle-chariots of the Celta. But the Normans were ardently devoted to the Horse, as an instrument of their wars and silvan exercises. William I: transported with him a numerous cavalry, to which he mainly owed the first victory which enabled him to give law to the country, and his rude successors and feudatories retained in after ages the Norman tastes in what regarded the Horse. War and the chase occupied the thoughts of these barba- rians, and the barons and great vassals of the Crown, amongst whom the wretched kingdom was partitioned, carried the Norman passion for the Horse to their newly-acquired pos- sessions. But the Normans, although they conquered the country, did not, like the Saxons, colonize it. They forced upon it their laws and polity, but were too few in num- bers to alter essentially the characters, the language, or, for many ages, the social habits of the people. Neverthe- less, with the conquest of the Normans began a change in the Horses of England. The communication with France, the Low Countries, and the neighbouring parts of Germany, being opened, horses superior to those of the ancient Bri- tons and Anglo-Saxons could be obtained. Then, too, was the age of chivalry, of heavy-armed knights, and men-at- I ¿ I | L } 3. } Ì → $ 510 arms, for whom horses of good strength and size were re- quired. The great Black Horse of Flanders and the plains of Germany was in especial request; and our earlier re- cords shew that the Norman princes largely resorted to these countries for supplying their studs and armies. The Crusades, too, had conveyed a knowledge of those gay and elegant steeds which happier climes and distant lands pro- duced; and by degrees horses from Spain and Italy, Bar- bary and the countries of the Levant, found their way to the land of the Anglo-Normans. King John, during his troubled reign, found time to devote his attention to the improvement of the native Horse. He imported at one time a hundred stallions from Flanders. Edward II. imported Horses from Lombardy; and Edward III. took yet more active means to obtain the horses of foreign countries. The annals of his reign shew that he was indebted in large sums to the Prince of Hainault and other powers, for horses obtained for the supply of his cavalry. He devoted the sum, great in those days, of 1000 merks for the purchase of Spanish stallions. While eager to avail himself of foreign horses to improve the native races, and pursue his wars, he resolved that other countries should not reap a corresponding advantage. He prohibited the exportation of horses from England under heavy penalties, and succeeding princes continued the sys- tem; and up to the reign of Elizabeth, it was felony to carry horses even from England to Scotland. In these ages, then, it appears that not only were the larger horses fitted for heavy armour and the tournament brought into England, but by degrees the lighter and more active horses of the South and East; and the employment of fusees in war, and the gradual change of heavy armour, led to a more general pre- ference of horses of lighter form and easy action. Henry VIII. was the last of the English kings who maintained the usages of chivalry. But even he saw the superiority of the finer horses of the South and East, and imported them in some numbers from Turkey, Naples, and Spain, for the im- THE HORSE. y 1 CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. 511 provement of the Royal stud. Yet, with all the inconsis- tency and stupid barbarity of his character, he determined to keep up the size of the great horses of England. He en- acted that all his prelates and nobles, "whose wives wore velvet bonnets," should keep stallions for the saddle at least fifteen hands high. He caused an act to be passed that all stallions found on commons below a certain size should be confiscated, and that any mare or filly not likely to bear foals of a reasonable size, or to do profitable labours, should, at the discretion of the drivers of the commons, be killed and buried. These monstrous edicts, could they have been car- ried into effect, would have thinned the number of useful horses in England, already reduced by the destructive wars of the houses of York and Lancaster. So great had been the decline in the number of horses in England, that Queen Elizabeth could only muster about 3000 cavalry when the terrible Armada of Spain threatened her kingdom with de- struction. Contemporary writers give us no high idea of the English horses at this period. They are described as strong and sturdy indeed, but as fit only for draught. The coarse cart-horse form was the prevailing one, even for horses em- ployed in the chase. We see then, that, up to this period, no very great change had taken place in the general character of the horses of England. By the foreign importations, in- deed, a class of horses had been formed called Running Horses. These were not exclusively devoted to the race, but were merely distinguished for a somewhat superior power of speed. During the reign of Elizabeth, the use of heavy armour went gradually into disuse, notwithstanding the jousts and sports of the tilting-yard, which were still eagerly pursued. When James I. ascended the throne, these sports were in the wane, and he afforded them little support. James had no fondness for warlike exercises. He is said to have observed that he loved armour, because it both prevented the wearer of it from being hurt himself and from hurting others. He, however, gave great encouragement to a sport · **** I I [ ↑ 512 which has exercised an important influence on the characters of the Horses of the country. This was the Horse-race, which laid the foundation of a system by which a breed of horses was formed solely for running. The system was per- fected in the reign of Charles II., and from this period a vast care has been bestowed in breeding a race of horses exclusively devoted to the Course. This has been effected by mixing the blood of the horses of the warmer countries with that of the horses of England, and breeding from the best of the mixed progeny. The horses imported were chiefly from Africa, from Asiatic Turkey, and ultimately from Arabia. The Barbs came generally from Morocco and Fez, and the Turks from Smyrna and other ports of the Levant; the Arabs generally from the deserts adjoining Syria. From the reign of King James to that of Queen Anne, in the beginning of last century, the imported horses were Barbs and Turks, but chiefly Barbs, which had there- fore the greatest share in forming the original characters of the English Race-horse. The pure Arabs were chiefly in- troduced in the early part of the last century. They con- tinue to be imported up to the present day, but in diminished numbers, and with little effect on the existing race, whose characters have been long formed. THE HORSE. When the system of the Turf was perfected, those horses only were able to contend in the race which possessed in the requisite degree the property of speed; and as this property is derived from animals possessed of the same virtue, the horses used for the turf came to be distinguished by their pedigree; and all may be traced by the parents to horses of the South and East, which had been mingled in blood with the pre-existing race. The pedigrees of horses which claim the privilege of running, or rather which possess the proper- ties of speed in a sufficient degree to enable them to run, have been preserved with jealous care, so that there has been formed a privileged class which may be termed horses of noble blood, as amongst the Circassians and Arabs. The 2 * ► | 513 horses of this caste or family being made to breed with one another, its characters became permanent, and a distinct breed, in the proper sense of the word, was produced. The triumph of art was complete, and the breed produced, for a combination of strength with the power of rapid motion, became unequalled in the world, excelling in fleetness the horses of the Arabian deserts, and surpassing in strength and beauty the chariot steeds of the Olympic games. It was not merely by mixing the blood of the African and Asiatic horses with those of England that the full end was arrived at. It was by continued reproduction between the descendants of the mixed stock, selecting for breeding those which possessed the characters required. Foreign nations are desirous to obtain the Race-Horse of England for im- proving the native breeds, and to this end these noble horses are eminently suited; but this of itself will not form a race of horses possessed of permanent characters. To effect this, the long-continued care of breeding is required, until a race shall be formed having that identity and permanence of pro- perties which constitute a true breed of any kind. To the class of characters which distinguish the horses of Africa. and the southern parts of Western Asia from those of the colder countries is applied the technical term “blood ;” and a horse is termed a "blood-horse" which possesses these cha- racters in an eminent degree. Thus, while many of our horses possess more or less of the characters denoted by the term blood, the term Blood-horse is limited to the race whose espe- cial destination is the Course; and to this race of horses is likewise applied the term Thoroughbred, which is regarded as the more precise and sportsmanlike. The formation of this race of horses, of mixed lineage, yet moulded to a common standard, and capable of transmitting the characters acquired to their remoter descendants, has an important relation to the history of the breeds of horses existing in the British Islands. Not only have the indige- nous races their peculiar characters, acquired by the in- CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. 2 K 3 1 ↑ да я у 1 514 THE HORSE. ན fluence of climate, soil, and food, but they have the charac- ters communicated to them by a mixture of the blood of the superior race. The thoroughbred horses of England have been employed to a vast extent to communicate the proper- ties of increased action and spirit to the inferior races. By this mean all the larger horses used for the saddle, for the chase, for cavalry, for the innumerable lighter carriages of every kind, nay, sometimes for the labour of heavy draught, have had their characters modified by an admixture, more or less, of what is termed blood. The history and character of the British Race-Horse, and the institution of games to which it is rendered subservient, will demand a more detailed investigation. The effect has been, that a breed of horses has been formed, of peculiar lineage and characters, and been mingled in blood with the native varieties in every de- gree. In this manner, certain properties have been com- municated to the inferior races, and varieties have been mul- tiplied without limits. Not only does there exist the diver- sity of what may be termed natural breeds, but those fur- ther differences produced by the greater or less degree of breeding communicated to individuals. Many remain with little or no admixture of the blood of the Race-Horse, and so may be regarded as native breeds or families; but others are so mixed with the superior Horses, or with one another, that they cannot be treated of as Breeds, but must be re- garded as Classes, suited to particular uses. Of the races which have no mixture of the blood of the Race-Horse, one inhabits the Islands of Zetland. These are the least in size of any of the varieties produced in the British Islands. They resemble the ponies of Norway, Sweden, and Iceland, but they exhibit likewise traces of mixture, which may be derived partly from ancient, and partly from modern times. It is not certainly known whether these desolate islands were inhabited at all when first oc- cupied by Scandinavian plunderers; but being taken posses- sion of, they long continued attached to the Crown of Norway, + 1 515 and it was not until the 15th century that they became sub- ject to the Scoto-Saxon Princes. Their first and most inti- mate connexion having been with Norway, it is reasonable to suppose that their horses were derived from that country; or that, if an anterior race existed in the country, it was mixed in blood with that of the horses of the Northmen. The more recent intermixture may be supposed to have been with the horses of the adjoining islands of Orkney, and in later times with those of Scotland proper. But tradition refers to a further intermixture with the horses of Spain, when the terrible Armada of Philip pursued its disastrous flight round the extreme north of Scotland. Many of the huge galleons and smaller vessels of that ill-fated expedition were stranded on the Zetland shores, and others found refuge in the creeks and natural bays of the country. It is further known that the Spanish ships were largely supplied with horses; and it may therefore be believed that some of these Spanish horses were left behind, which could not fail to im- press their characters on those of the Islands, probably few in number, and held in little esteem. But this supposition is almost confirmed by the aspect and properties of many of the existing race, numbers of which are extremely handsome, are fleeter in proportion to their size than any of the other ponies of Scotland, and tend very generally to the brown or bay colour, characteristic of the horses of southern climates. But whatever be the origin or degree of mixture with other races of the horses of Zetland, their diminutive size marks the influence of a rigorous climate and scanty nourishment. Their ordinary height is about 36 inches, or 9 hands; many of them do not exceed 7 hands, or 30 inches; and some fall even below the latter standard. CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. L These little horses in their native islands are left almost in the state of nature until they are caught for use. They have no shelter from the continued storms of tempestuous seas, beyond what the crags, ravines, and sides of hills, afford; and they scarcely ever receive any food but what they can ► 4 ↑ + 7 3 1 ****** * 1 है 莲 ​516 collect on the sedgy bogs, the heathy hills, and barren shores of the country. They are thickly covered with a coat of long hair, which becomes felted upon them like a garment during the inclement season. Their colour is generally bay or brown, sometimes mixed with white, and often it is of a dullish black, and sometimes piebald. They are sagacious and cunning, stealing into the patches of growing corn when opportunity offers. They are gentle, and easily reduced to obedience, and when domesticated and kindly treated, ex- hibit almost as much sagacity as a dog. They will enter an apartment and receive crumbs from the table, and stretch themselves on the floor. They have sometimes been put in hampers, and thus carried to a distance. They are in great request for equestrian exhibitions, and are more easily trained Thus to the feats required than any other kind of horses. they may be made to' leap through hoops, and in passing a bar, to stoop beneath it, or leap over, as directed. The chief demand for them is for saddle-horses for children. They are the safest animals that can be used for this purpose; and as the demand is considerable, and would be much greater were the supply more extended, there is good reason for directing attention to the rearing of them, and preserving those peculiarities of size and form which give them their value. THE HORSE. The Orkney Islands possess likewise their breeds of ponies; but they are of more mixed descent, and of larger size and coarser form, than those of Zetland. These islands, the Orc of the ancient British, were discovered by the Roman fleet, which, by command of Agricola, sailed round the Island. They early formed the haunt of northern rovers; and, to- wards the end of the 9th century, were reduced to subjection by Harold Harfagre, the Norwegian, who established a dy- nasty of Earls, who reduced Caithness, and parts of Suther- land, Ross, and Cromarty, and made themselves be felt for ages as the terror of the neighbouring coasts. In the year 1468, the Orkney, together with the Zetland Islands, were 1 517 given in pledge to King James III. as the dowry of his wife. Margaret, the daughter of Christian, King of Denmark; and, in 1472, they were annexed to the Crown of Scotland, by an act of the Scottish Parliament. The early conque- rors of these islands were pirates; and, fighting on foot, made little use of the Horse in battle; so that the horses of the country were probably few in numbers. Those which it now possesses are small, although, in the progress of culti- vation, others of a larger size have been introduced. They are mostly of a dull black colour marked with white, or dun marked with the dark streak along the spine, charac- teristic of a widely diffused family. A few are white, and some piebald, which has been ascribed to the wreck of a number of white German stallions, which took place in the latter part of last century. The Habudes of the Roman geographers, by an early error of transcription, changed into Hebrides, consist of two groups of Islands; the first, the Outer Hebrides, consisting of Lewis, Harris, and others, lying out in the western ocean, and ex- tending in a long chain of about 140 miles; the second, the Inner Hebrides, lying nearer the coast, and stretching from Bute, in the Firth of Clyde, to Skye on the coast of Ross. These numerous and gloomy islands were, beyond a doubt, pos- sessed by the same Celtic race which peopled the other parts of Britain, as is attested by the existing names of places and natural objects, which have survived many bloody changes, and by the like rude monuments as extend from Cornwall to the ancient Orc,-from Wilts to the mountains of Kerry. But the same ferocious seamen who ravaged the northern islands, formed settlements in these. In the Outer Hebrides, Scandinavian names have generally supplanted the Gaelic, and the language of the people is mixed with the Frisian and Norse. The Inner Hebrides were not so long and wholly subject to these strangers, and the Gaelic names accordingly prevail over the Scandinavian. The conquerors of these islands cared for the sea, and made little use of horses. CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. ► J 暴 ​է 1 1 C 1 $ སམཱན, སོསྶ ***** # 518 ? THE HORSE. Nevertheless, all the islands of any magnitude produce horses in considerable numbers. Those of the Outer He- brides are small, round-shouldered, muscular, and thickly clad with long hair. Those of the Inner Hebrides are usu- ally of somewhat larger stature. The best of them used to be produced in Mull, Barra, and Islay; and here, too, tradi- tion refers to changes produced by the horses of the wrecked Armada, a part of which having rounded the North Cape, found its way to these dangerous coasts. It is abundantly pro- bable that here, as elsewhere, some of the stranger horses were left behind; but no such traces exist in the present horses of the country as can enable us to refer them to Spanish lineage. They are mostly of a brownish-black colour, some brown, bay, or dun, some of a dull cream colour, and some gray. They have the common characters of round shoulders, stout limbs, and short upright pasterns.. They are hardy in a high degree, but they have little speed. They have lost much of the reputation which they once possessed. Be- ing employed in carrying loads when young, they are gene- rally bent in the back, and otherwise thrown out of shape. No care is bestowed in selection, and the best of them being picked up by dealers, those that remain suffer continued de- terioration, so that it is now difficult to obtain a tolerable pony in places where a few years ago they were numerous. It will scarcely be credited, that numbers of them have been recently bought by dealers to be fattened and sold as Irish beef. Yet the demand for a better class of them exists,. suf- ficient to induce attention to the breeding of them, and they would become a valuable production of the country, were the most ordinary care bestowed on their improvement. But it is painful to state, that the condition of the greater part of these lonely islands is far from being one of much advancement, notwithstanding that the extended communication by steam is eminently calculated to promote their industry and pros- perity. The proprietors are generally non-resident; the farms, as in Ireland, are divided into miserable possessions, • · · CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. 519 at excessive rents; and the mass of the people accordingly are in such a state of penury as to preclude a beneficial em- ployment of their industry. The same kind of horses extends to the neighbouring parts of Argyleshire, and, with some change of characters, depend- ent on the greater elevation and productiveness of the heathy pastures, through all the central and northern Highlands. The prevailing colour is a dull brownish-black. They have abundant hair, stout limbs, and short pasterns. They have good feet, and are sure-footed and hardy in the highest de- gree. They are well suited for climbing mountains, and mani- fest great sagacity in making their way through swamps and bogs; but they are lazy and slow, and altogether destitute of the fire and mettle distinctive of the Arabs, the Barbs, and other horses of warmer climates. They are carried in con- siderable numbers to the low country, where they are valued for their power of subsisting on scanty food, and enduring careless treatment. • The mountains of Wales, in like manner, give birth to a race of small horses, adapted to an elevated country of scanty herbage. The Cambro-Britons necessarily depended for pro- tection on their foot soldiers, and not on their cavalry, and never appear to have been distinguished as horsemen in the mountainous country which they so valiantly defended. From their laws and chronicles we learn some curious details re- garding their horses. Hywelda or Howell, surnamed the Good, who lived in the tenth century, condescended to legis- late on every subject of household and general economy. He fixed the price of all things to be bought and sold within his dominions, from horses to cats. The price of a foal under fourteen days old was to be 4d., of one a year and a day old 48d., and so on. He turned his royal thoughts to the tricks of horse-dealers, a class of persons who seem in every age to have adopted the maxim of never speaking the truth in mat- ters of trade. For every blemish discovered in a horse after sale, one-third of the money was to be returned, except the } 1 K 520 THE HORSE. blemish should be on the ears or tail! The buyer was to have a certain time allowed him to ascertain whether the horse was free from three diseases, namely, three nights for the staggers, three months for the wind, and a year for the glanders. Whoever borrowed a horse and rubbed the hair off, so as to gall the back, was to pay 4d.; if the skin was forced into the flesh, 8d. ; if the flesh was forced to the bone, 16d. No horse was to be used in the plough; but he was to be brought up as a serving horse or palfrey, and his price was then to be 120d. Horses can only be supposed to have been valuable from the smallness of their numbers when such absurdities could have become the laws of even the pettiest province. When the Normans conquered and partitioned Wales, other horses than those of the country could not fail to be introduced. Roger de Bellesme, afterwards Earl of Shrewsbury, is said to have brought the Spanish Jennet to his estate of Powisland, to which circumstance has been as- cribed the reputation which the horses of that part of Wales once possessed. But whatever changes may have taken place in the ancient horses of Wales, it is plain that many of those which now possess the country are of mixed lineage. In the higher country, indeed, considerable numbers of ponies are reared, which may be supposed to be pure with respect to their descent from the pristine race. They are much neglected, but are usually superior to the ponies of the Highlands of Scotland, having better shoulders, finer limbs, and superior action. They tend to the lighter colours of brown or bay, have good feet, and are sure-footed. But the progress of cultivation has caused a class of larger horses, suited for draught, to be reared in all the less elevated dis- tricts; which, though useful, hardy, and true to their work, are far inferior in symmetry to the race of the mountains. In the forest of Dartmoor is reared a race of ponies, of coarse inelegant figures, but hardy, sure-footed, and capable of undergoing extreme drudgery; and in the high lands of Exmoor is a similar race, but of somewhat smaller size. I CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. 521 These little horses are thickly covered with long hair, and until caught for use are left nearly wild. They are resolute and cunning, ascending the rocky eminences when pursued, leaping from blocks of rock, or even jumping over their pur- suers when hemmed in. The New Forest of Hampshire, which William the Conquerer converted into a hunting ground, by driving away the wretched inhabitants, and burn- ing all the towns, villages, and churches within a compass of many miles, long produced a race of ponies, of which the re- mains yet exist. They are ugly, large-headed, and short- necked, but hardy, sure-footed, and capable of bearing care- less usage. In like manner, over all the ancient wastes and forests of England, formerly covering the larger part of the surface of the country, were reared varieties of horses, the size and strength of which bore a relation to the quality and abun- dance of the natural herbage. Sometimes they were of the pony size, falling short of twelve hands high; sometimes they reached fourteen hands, and in rarer cases fifteen. They were of coarse form, with short hairy limbs, and were capable of much drudgery, but were destitute of elegance, and un- suited for speed. From this class were derived the older Pack-horses, which were used throughout the country before roads were formed, and which, until late in the last century, were the most numerous class of horses employed for draught or riding. They were good drudges, hardy and sure-footed, but wanted action and lightness for the saddle; while, for the purposes of labour, they were inferior to the larger horses now employed. Numbers of this very ordinary kind of horses are yet to be seen in Cornwall and other hilly parts of Eng- land. In the high parts of Devonshire they are still employed in carrying loads. They are numerous likewise in Ireland, and in parts of Scotland; and wherever they exist, exhibit that form which the greater part of the horses of these Islands possessed, until mingled in blood with the finer races of Barbary and the East. 鼻 ​Th 522 THE HORSE. A variety of horses, differing from the ordinary pack-horses in their greater lightness and elegance of figure, were termed Galloways. They exceeded the pony size, and were greatly valued for their activity and bottom. They were derived from the countries near the Solway Firth; and an opinion fre- quently expressed is, that they had been early improved by horses saved from the wreck of the Armada. There is nothing beyond tradition to support this opinion, and it is known that the Horses of Galloway were distinguished long before the age of the Armada. The nature of the country, mountainous, but not heathy and barren, may account for the production of a larger race of ponies, without our resorting to the supposition of foreign descent, just as the same country at the present time produces a peculiar breed of cattle, larger than those of the higher mountains, but smaller than those of the richer plains. Besides, this part of Scotland was a country of forays during the rude border wars of the times, when a more agile race than the ordinary pack-horse was naturally sought for; and all along the borders of the two kingdoms, a class of similar properties existed. Many of the true Galloways of the western counties were handsome, and their general characteristic was activity, and the power of enduring fatigue. In former times this breed was in great demand in England, and the people of the country where they were produced, up to a period not very distant, were noted as horse-dealers. In England the term Galloway came at length to be applied to horses of a particular size, without reference to their origin, and this application of the word is still in use. The term Pony is applied to Horses of twelve hands or less, the term Galloway, to those of about fourteen hands. The finer kinds of Galloways have long disappeared in the district which formerly produced them, the farmers having cultivated a race of larger size for the purposes of labour. A race of Horses, of foreign lineage, but long naturalized, exists in the West of Ireland, almost unknown to the breed- + + 523 ers of England. They inhabit the Connamara district of the county of Galway. The tradition is, that, from the wreck of some ships of the Spanish Armada on the west coast of Ire- land, in the year 1588, several horses and mares were saved, which continued to breed in the rugged and desolate country to which they were thus brought. But the aid of tradition is in no degree necessary to prove the origin of these horses, since all their characters are essentially Spanish. They are from twelve to fourteen hands high, generally of the pre- vailing chestnut colour of the Andalusian horses, delicate in their limbs, and possessed of the form of head characteristic of the Spanish race. They are suffered to run wild and ne- glected in the country of mixed rock and bog which they inhabit, and where they are to be seen galloping in troops amongst the rugged rocks of limestone of which the country consists. When they are to be caught, which is usually when they are three or four years old, they are driven into the bogs, and haltered. They are hardy, active, sure-footed in a remarkable degree, and retain the peculiar amble of the Spanish Jennet. Any selection may be made from the wild troops, after being hunted into the bogs; and individuals are obtained at a trifling expense. It must be regarded as re- markable that these horses should retain the characters of their race for so long a period, in a country so different from that whence they are derived. They have merely become smaller than the original race, are somewhat rounder in the croup, and are covered, in their natural state, with shaggy hair, the necessary effect of a climate the most humid in Europe. From mere neglect of the selection of the parents in breeding, many of these little horses are extremely ugly, yet still conforming to the original type. It would be desir- able that the gentlemen of Ireland should direct attention to this remarkable race, which would supply a class of horses, of the Galloway size, now much wanted. By importing some of the best Andalusian stallions, a wonderful change could CLASSES AND BREEDS OF BRITISH HORSES. t i } [ In t 524 be effected in the breed, which would thus be rendered of economical importance to the district which produces it. But a class of native horses, of great importance, as the basis on which have been formed the superior draught-horses of the country, consists of the larger breeds of the plains, distinguished by their size from the smaller varieties of the higher countries, commons, and forests. These horses are merely a larger variety of the Pack-Horse. They have stout limbs, with long hair at the fetlock and on the legs. They are of all colours, with abundant hair, and long bushy manes. They are slow and unapt for rapid motion, but capable of exerting great physical force in the drawing of loads, or bearing of burdens. THE HORSE. From these native horses, all influenced, with respect to size and form, by the nature of the districts in which they have been reproduced, are derived, by amalgamation with, one another, and then by the mixture of foreign blood, the endless varieties which are now multiplied throughout the country. Some of these varieties possess such a community of characters, arising from common descent, or long inter- mixture with one another, that they may be regarded as families or breeds. But many more cannot be classified in this manner, and therefore it has become common to arrange the different kinds, not into Breeds founded on common re- semblance, but into Classes founded on the uses to which they are applied. Under this kind of arrangement, our Horses may be divided into two general classes; first, those employed for the saddle and the lighter wheel-carriages, and, secondly, those employed in the heavier labours, and which are commonly called Draught and Cart Horses. In the first class are the Race-Horse, the Hunter, the Coach-Horse, and all the varieties used for the saddle: in the second class are the Cart-Horse, the Waggon-Horse, the Dray-horse, and others. י THE RACE-HORSE. I.—THE RACE-HORSE. 525 The progressive steps have been referred to by which a race of Horses has been formed, of recognised lineage, des-' tined to a particular end, and possessed of a class of com- mon characters. Although early importations of the lighter Horses of the countries of the Mediterranean had contributed to form the class termed Running Horses, it was not until the reign of James I. that a race of Horses in the country was especially devoted to the Course. James, while in hist native country, had displayed a strong passion for field-sports and rude horse-races; and, on his accession to the English Crown, he had the means afforded him of gratifying his tastes. He soon established regular courses; and, before the expiration of his reign, a code of regulations was formed, which became the foundation of the refinements of the mo- dern Turf. Charles I. was not less attached to horse-races than his father, but he brought greater taste and judgment to the pursuit; and he would have been one of the great im- provers of the English Horse, but for those civil disturbances which deprived him of repose and life. Notwithstanding the bloody dissensions of this period, the passion for horse- racing gained ground amongst the people, whilst the ancient sports of the tilting-yard declined. Cromwell, with all the severity of his character, shewed no distaste towards these pastimes. He had probably the sagacity to perceive the national advantages to be derived from improving the Breeds of Horses through the medium of popular sports. He culti- vated his own stud with care, and did not disdain to exhibit his skill of four-in-hand. But it was to Charles II. that the final establishment of horse-racing, as a system and fashion of the opulent, is to be ascribed. It was a sport entirely suited to his own gay temper, while it was pursued with re- newed eagerness by the people, tired of the fanatical seve- rity of recent times. Charles sent abroad his Master of the • 1 Į T Į } Į 526 THE HORSE. Horse to make purchases for his stud. Two Barbs which he imported are familiarly known as the Royal Mares, and stand the first in rank amongst the parents of the turf-horses in England. He continued all his life to take extraordi- nary delight in this amusement. The place where he used to sit at Newmarket, surrounded by his joyous Court, can yet be pointed out as the King's Chair. James II. partook of the same feeling, and attempted to pursue the same pleasures during his brief and agitated reign. King Wil- liam did not disdain this sport of the nation, and paid great attention to the improvement of the Royal Stud. Queen Anne had a decided taste for the same pursuits, and kept a considerable number of race-horses. Amongst those which we read of in the racing annals of the time, are the now well- known names of Pepper and Mustard, which seem to have been the most successful. The two first Sovereigns of the House of Hanover gave way to the public feeling. George III. was a judicious patron of the Turf: and George IV., long the gay leader of elegance and fashion, was strongly devoted to this class of spectacles. - The lighter horses for speed, introduced previous to the reign of James I., were Spaniards, Barbs, and Turks. But King James, on his accession to the English Crown, resolved to try the Arabian, with which his reading had probably rendered him familiar. He purchased a horse of that race, imported from the East by an English merchant, Mr Mark- ham, for which he paid the sum, great in those days, of L.500. This horse, however, in no way distinguished on the turf or for his stock, attracted little attention. The Duke of Newcastle, who afterwards wrote a remarkable work on Horses, took an especial dislike to this Arabian, abused him as a bony creature, good for nothing, because, being trained to the course, he could not run. This opinion seems to have exercised a great influence on the breeders for the turf; and it was not until after the lapse of more than a hundred years that the neglected Arabian was again resorted to. During 8 7 ་ THE RACE-HORSE. عمر 527 this long period, Barbs, and Turks from the Levant, were the horses chiefly imported and mingled in blood with the pre- existing race. Of the foreign horses early introduced into England, one, familiarly known as the White Turk, was the property of Mr Place, the stud-groom of the Lord Protector Cromwell. Another was brought by the Duke of Berwick from the siege of Buda, in the reign of James II.; and a third, the Byerly Turk, became the most distinguished of all the foreign horses of that period. He was the charger of Captain Byerly, in the wars of William in Ireland, about the year 1689. Of the lineal descendants of this horse, one was King Herod, born in 1758, bred by his Royal Highness William Duke of Cumberland, brother of George II. This fine horse, on re- tiring from the turf, was employed as a stallion, and got 497 winners at our various race-courses, computed to have gained to their owners L.201,505. From the celebrity of Herod and his stock, it is usual to call the descendants of the Byerly Turk the Herod line of horses, and this distinction is still recognised by English sportsmen. In the latter years of Queen Anne, an Arabian had been brought to England, which tended to impress a new charac- ter on the English turf. This animal, the progenitor of some of the finest horses that have perhaps existed in the world, was purchased at Aleppo by a merchant, the brother of Mr Darley of Yorkshire. He was supposed to have been of the Desert Breed, although his precise lineage was not deter- mined. He got the Devonshire or Flying Childers, and another horse, termed Bartlett's Childers, who was never trained, but who was the ancestor of Eclipse, one of the most remarkable horses of which we have any records. The Devonshire or Flying Childers, born in 1715, was so named from his breeder Mr Leonard Childers, of Carr House, near Doncaster, from whom he was purchased, when young, by the Duke of Devonshire. He was a chestnut-horse, with four white legs. He was of noble form, of matchless courage, 1 1 • ༈ I ; M 1 Į L ז * a = потоа пре J f 528 and the fleetest horse that had ever been upon the English turf. He was at first trained as a hunter; but his surpass- ing speed being observed, he was translated to the turf. About the year 1721, he ran a trial race with two of the finest horses of the day. Carrying 9 st. 2 lb., he ran over the Round Course of Newmarket, 3 miles 4 furlongs and 93 yards, in 6 minutes and 40 seconds; and over the Beacon Course, 4 m. 1 fur. 138 yards, in 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Eclipse was got by Marske, a grandson of Bartlett's Chil- ders, out of Spiletta. He was foaled in the year 1764, dur- ing the eclipse of that year; from which circumstance he took his name. He was bred by the Duke of Cumberland, and, on the death of that Prince, sold to Mr Wildman, a salesman at Smithfield; and afterwards he became the pro- perty of Mr O'Kelly. Eclipse had not the grandeur of form of the Flying Childers, and might have escaped notice, but for the accidental trial of his stupendous powers. He was about fifteen hands and one inch high. His shoulders were very low, oblique, and so thick above, that, according to the observation of the time, a firkin of butter might have rested upon them. He stood very high behind, a conformation suited to his great power of progression. He was so thick- winded as to be heard blowing at a considerable distance. In the language of honest John Lawrence," he puffed and blowed like an otter, and galloped as wide as a barn-door." No sooner were his powers exhibited on the turf, than every eye was set to scrutinize his form, and he was then admitted to possess in perfection the external characters indicative of great speed. A volume was written on his proportions by M. Saintbel, a veterinary surgeon, whose investigation shewed that his figure differed greatly from the conventional form which speculative writers had assigned as the standard of perfection. He was of an indomitable temper, and his jockeys found it in vain to attempt to hold him, but con- tented themselves with remaining still on the saddle, while he swept along, his nose almost touching the ground. His THE HORSE. 2 7 17 529 full speed was not determined, since he never met with an opponent sufficiently fleet to put it to the proof. He not only was never beaten, but he was able to distance some of the best horses of his time; and the fleetest could not keep by his side for 50 yards together. This remarkable horse first appeared on the turf, at the age of five, in 1769. In the first heat, he set off of his own accord, and easily gained the race, his rider pulling him in vain with all his force for the last mile. O'Kelly observing this, and aware of his horse's powers, offered, in the second heat, "to place the horses," and he took heavy bets that he did so. When called upon to declare, he said, “Eclipse first, and the rest no place." He gained his wagers: Eclipse was first, and all the others were distanced, or, in the lan- guage of the turf, had no place. From this time Eclipse was continually on the turf, and gained every race. No horse daring to contend with him, he closed his career of seventeen months by walking over the Newmarket Course for the King's Plate, in October 1770. During this brief period, it is said that he gained L.25,000 for his owner. He was then employed with prodigious profit as a stallion. He got 334 winners at our numerous race-courses, who are com- puted to have gained about L.160,000 to their owners, be- sides cups and plates. He died in 1789, at the age of twenty- five. THE RACE-HORSE. Eclipse, it will be seen, was directly descended from the Darley Arabian, and, besides, united in himself the best blood of the turf. It has been proposed to distinguish the line which he adorned as the Eclipse line of horses, just as that in which Herod is found has been designated the Herod line. Another horse of foreign lineage, scarcely inferior to the Darley Arabian in the fame and value of his descendants, and by many supposed to have exercised a yet more im- portant influence on the horses of the turf, is the Godolphin Barb, who lived a short time later than the Darley Arabian, having been born about the year 1724. This splendid horse T 2 L J 530 was long regarded as an Arabian, although his characters approached to those of the Barb. He was found dragging a water-cart in France, and was probably one of those neglected presents of horses, frequent at that time, from the Barbary Powers to the French Court. He was brought to England, and finally presented to Lord Godolphin, in whose stud he remained a considerable time before his value was suspected; and then only it was discovered in consequence of the ex- cellence of one of his sons, Lath, out of Roxana, who proved to be the fleetest horse, Childers excepted, that had, till then, appeared on the English turf. His grandson Matchem, was in a peculiar degree noted for the excellence of his stock. This latter horse is supposed to have yielded his owner, Mr Fenwick, upwards of L.17,000 as a stallion alone. He died in 1781, having had 354 sons and daughters, all winners at our numerous race-courses, and computed to have gained to their owners L.151,097. From the importance of the progeny of Matchem, it has been proposed to term the line to which he belongs the Matchem line. As the greater part of the horses of the modern turf are more or less allied in blood to Herod, Eclipse, and Matchem, it has been proposed to classify them by their lineal descent from these celebrated horses. This classification cannot be deemed satisfactory, from the mixture of blood that has taken place; but yet it is convenient, and may be found useful.* THE HORSE. * The following Table will suffice to give some idea of the mixture of blood that prevails in the modern Race-Horse. Thus, it will be observed, that though the sire and dam of Bay Middleton are both in the Herod line, they yet partake more or less of the blood of both the Matchem and Eclipse lines. In the same way, Charles the Twelfth, though lineally descended from Eclipse, partakes of three successive infusions of the Herod blood; and Dr Syntax, though belong- ing to the Matchem line, inherits also the blood of both Herod and Eclipse. The same remark, indeed, applies even to Herod, Matchem, and Eclipse them- selves; for, on referring to the Table, it will be seen that they all possessed more or less of the blood of one another. The Table will be readily understood when read thus: The Byerly Turk, and a mare descended through her sire from the D'Arcy Yellow Turk, produced Jigg: Jigg, and a mare descended through her sire from Curwen's Bay Barb, produced Partner; and so on :— BAY 1 J 531 The record of the pedigree of the horses of the English Turf exhibits distinctly the formation of a race of horses of HORSE. Byerly Turk Jigg Partner Tartar Herod Woodpecker Buzzard Selim HORSE Squirt Marske ST Eclipse King Fergus Hambletonian Whitelock Blacklock Darley Arabian Bartlett's Childers HORSE. Sire-SULTAN. MARE descended through her Sire from Eclipse Herod SULTAN. D'Arcy Yellow Turk Curwen's Bay Barb White D'Arcy Turk Darley Arabian Godolphin Barb Matchem Sire-VOLTAIRE. THE RACE-HORSE. BAY MIDDLETON. MARE descended through her Sire from D'Arcy Yellow Turk Lister Turk Herod Herod Eclipse Herod VOLTAIRE. Hutton's Bay Turk Godolphin Barb Alcock's Arabian Sire-PAYNATOR. CHARLES THE TWELFTH. PAYNATOR. MARE descended through her Sire from HORSE. Godolphin Barb St Victor's Barb Cade Matchem Conductor Trumpator Byerly Turk Jigg Partner Tartar Herod Highflyer Sir Peter Walton Phantom HORSE. Eclipse Don Quixote DOCTOR SYNTAX. Dam-COBWEB. Darley Arabian Bartlett's Childers Squirt Marske Sancho Prime Minister HORSE. MARE descended through her Sire from D'Arcy Yellow Turk Curwen's Bay Barb White D'Arcy Turk Darley Arabian Godolphin Barb COBWEB. Dam-WAGTAIL. Darley Arabian Eclipse Eclipse Matchem Darley Arabian Partner, or Byerly Turk Bartlett's Childers Darley Arabian Squirt Partner, or Byerly Turk Marske Alcock's Arabian Eclipse King Fergus Beningbrough MARE descended through her Sire from D'Arcy Yellow Turk Lister Turk Hutton's Bay Turk Godolphin Barb Holderness Turk Herod Herod Eclipse WAGTAIL. Dam-BENINGBROUGH MARE. MARE descended through her Sire from X D'Arcy Yellow Turk Lister Turk Hutton's Bay Turk Godolphin Barb Alcock's Arabian. Herod Godolphin Barb BENINGBROUGH MARE. 1 1 4 F { * ť ་ 1 1 # ་་” ་ 1 4 ! } 7) Toma 532 THE HORSE. 6C f exclusive lineage, or at least of a lineage interrupted only by the further infusion of the blood of those races of other countries from which its own characters have been derived. The record is of great interest and value, not only with re- spect to the matters of the Course, but as it relates to the physiological history of the Horse, and the principles of breeding. It proves, in a manner which no similar docu- ment has done, the constancy of the law by which the pro- perties of conformation and character are transmitted from one animal to another, even to their remoter descendants. It shews, beyond dispute, that the change produced on the properties and figure of the ancient horses of this country has been the result of the mixture of the blood of the horses of the warmer countries, and explains the meaning of the terms so often used, but so ill defined, of "blood," and thoroughbred.” For the most part, the horses of this privileged class have, since the more regular institution of the turf, been kept wonderfully free from intermixture with those of inferior breeding. Frauds have doubtless been committed, and horses introduced into the racing lists with false pedigrees; but, in general, an extreme vigilance has been exercised in this matter by those whose attention is constantly directed to the subject; and it may be safely said that, for the last century and more, the instances of this kind have neither been numerous nor important in their re- sults. It has rarely happened that the inferiority of the spurious breed has not been rendered manifest by deficiency in the speed and other properties of the individuals or their descendants; and though a few of doubtful origin may have been introduced into the Course, one of two effects has gene- rally resulted: either the animals have been of themselves so good that no injury has resulted to the general race from the supposed taint, or they have been so inferior in character and value, that the blood has not been extended. In the last age, a very famous horse called Sampson, the property of the Marquis of Rockingham, was supposed to present such 1 533 a deviation from the ordinary type of the Race-Horse, that a very general opinion long prevailed on the turf that he was of impure pedigree. He was a horse of immense size and strength, was born in 1745, and died in 1777, at the age of 32. When he first appeared for trial on the turf, nothing could exceed the ridicule of the jockeys at an attempt to run a coach-horse, as he was called. Sampson, however, turned out a racer of amazing power, and beat most of the horses of the day with which he entered into contest. The pre- vailing opinion of modern breeders is, that Sampson was really of pure blood, and that his peculiarity of form was a variety. The records of recognised authority with respect to the pedigree of Turf-horses, are the Stud-Book and Racing Calendars. These works afford every detail required re- garding the horses recognised as thoroughbred. It will be seen that, while the pedigree of the dam is carefully re- corded, descents are reckoned by the male. The Arabs, it has been said, adopt a different practice, and reckon descents by the female. Either usage is founded on the assumption that the virtues of the parents are reproduced in the progeny. The English breeders adopt the most natural course, that of reckoning by the parent whose influence is the most extensive with regard to the numbers to which he communicates his qualities. The practices are not essen- tially different in the result; for a male possessing certain properties derives them, on the assumption of the regularity of our law, from a male that has possessed the same virtues. The establishment of a true system of genealogy, it is appa- rent, must be founded on the derivation of both parents. THE RACE-HORSE. The Race-Horse, cultivated for a peculiar purpose, pre- sents the conformation of parts which adapts him to the ends proposed. His height is from fifteen to sixteen hands. A medium, or even a smaller size, is preferred to one exceed- ing the usual standard. Few very tall racers have been re- markable for their performances on the turf, while many of • $ ↓ i 1 變 ​$# } La 4 534 THE HORSE. the smaller size have proved themselves the most trustwor- thy and valuable. He is somewhat light in the body; and the limbs, with relation to the trunk, are somewhat longer than in the horses suited for the endurance of fatigue, or the exertion of physical force, as the Hunter, the Hackney, the Cart-Horse; in which respects the Race-Horse approaches nearer to the African than the Asiatic type. The chest is deep, but narrow-a conformation suited to the exertion of speed. The shoulder is finely formed, and oblique, but gene- rally more low than consists with the safe and powerful action of the fore extremities. The back is somewhat long, and the distance between the last rib and the pelvis greater than in the hunter, in which strength and the power of en- durance are more regarded. The croup is long, the breadth and length of the hind-quarters are large, and the muscles are well developed. In these latter points, connected in the first degree with the power of progression, the Race-Horse sur- passes all other known breeds. The head is fine and mode- rately small, the forehead broad; the eyes are large and brilliant, the ears delicate, the lips thin, the nostrils wide, the subcutaneous veins apparent. The neck is somewhat long, straight, and thin, and the windpipe appears distinct. The limbs are muscular to the knee and hock, and below these joints, tendonous, thin, and flat. The pasterns are long and oblique, and the hoof is well formed. The whole conformation of the animal indicates lightness, activity, and the power of rapid motion. To these properties, in- deed, others have been sacrificed, indicative of strength, safe action, and the power of endurance. A painter or a sculptor, were he to choose the model of a beautiful horse, would not select the thoroughbred Horse: he would prefer the Turk, with his nobler carriage, or the Hunter, with his broader chest, his shorter back, his more elevated crest and withers; but knowing the uses to which the Race-Horse is destined, we are reconciled to the peculiarities of his form, and even associate them with ideas of beauty and harmony THE RACE-HORSE, : 535 of parts. The prevailing colour of the modern Race-Horse is the bright brown or bay, so generally characteristic of the Horses of the East, with black legs, mane, and tail. A rich chestnut, too, the colour of Eclipse, is not unfrequent. The bright black, common to the larger horses of the plains of Germany, is rare, although good horses, chiefly those of the Trumpator blood, have been of this colour. Gray sometimes presents itself; but dun, roan, and piebald, are unusual. As the conformation of the Race-Horse has become adapt- ed to the exercise of a peculiar class of powers, so his treat- ment, food, and discipline, have relation to the same end. From an early period of his life, he is placed in what may be termed an artificial condition with respect to temperature, nourishment, and exercise. He is scarcely separated from the dam before he is clothed, placed in a hot stable, put on a diet of dry food, and exercised according to rules. He is brought upon the turf at the age of three years, or sooner. According to a modern practice unhappily introduced, he is frequently run at the age of two years, or even before. This system is calculated to produce an injurious effect on this noble race of horses. It deprives the animals of that food which is best suited to the system in early life, substitutes artificial discipline for that natural exercise which the young and immature animal requires, and tasks his powers to the extreme, before his natural growth has been completed. It impairs by over-excitement the vigour of the system, pro- duces a tendency to many maladies, and shortens the dura- tion of life. Not only does it affect the individual, but it acts upon the progeny, causing feebleness and disease, and impairing the natural powers of the race. The principle of the treatment of the modern Race-Horse, which is to be brought to a forced maturity of muscle and bone, is to keep him in what is termed condition, allowing him only a period of relaxation after the labour of the sea- son. He receives dry and nourishing food, is kept in a high temperature by the heat of the stable and continued clothing, ļ } L -- ! 536 and is rarely exposed to the atmosphere uncovered. Under this system the fatty secretion is interrupted, the organs of respiration are kept in a state of constant activity, and the muscular fibre acquires that tenseness which fits the animal for the severest exercise of his physical powers. What the heat of the climate and the aridity of the soil produce in the case of the Horses of the Desert, artificial treatment effects in the case of the Race-Horses of England, though with vio- lence to the general system. The first training or breaking in of these Horses is of the simplest kind, and has reference to nothing beyond the exercise of the animals' powers on the turf. None of that careful discipline and progressive instruc- tion which are required in the case of the Saddle-Horse is needed for an animal which has never to exercise his speed but for a short distance, and on a level surface. In the case. of these animals, we do not require to give an artificial car- riage, for the purpose of rendering them docile and pleasant to the rider, but we seek to preserve their natural paces, and to call forth to the utmost the exertion of their muscular powers in running. No discipline is required by which the centre of gravity shall be thrown back, the horse brought upon its haunches, and a higher and safer action given to the fore extremities. It suffices that he clears the turf on which he is exercised; and the weight of his body is to be thrown forward, and not backward. He is therefore ridden by light boys, whose weight does not require him to bear on his pos- terior limbs, and who give him his daily exercise on a turf similar to that on which his powers are to be called forth. His walk is the long stride proper to the uninstructed colt; and the only other paces required of him are the natural canter and gallop. In these motions he is continually exer- cised; and if he answer the rein to the degree of allowing himself to be pulled up, and turned at the post, little more in the way of instruction is required of him. He is from time to time exercised in trials at running with his fellows, and thus acquires the habits of exertion suited to the race- THE HORSE. } મ 1 2 537 course. This species of training, it will be seen, has relation only to a given end, and will be inapplicable to any other. The horses thus educated are frequently unsuited to useful purposes: they are so unsafe that they can scarcely be trust- ed to ride over a rough surface; and great numbers of them break down on the level turf on which they are exercised. Numbers of them are so little obedient to the rein, that even in the race they must be ridden with running martingales, though, by this means, their necks and heads are placed in a position unfavourable to speed. THE RACE-HORSE. The more immediate training for the Course consists of a repetition and extension of the same system of treatment, with the addition of physic and forced perspiration. The horses being fed, are taken out early in the morning for se- veral hours, and again for several hours in the afternoon. They are mounted in the stable by the boys, and one taking the lead, the others follow to the training-ground, which is usually in the immediate vicinity of the stables. The pace of the animals is gradually extended, until it becomes what is termed a brushing gallop. They are occasionally tried at speed with their fellows; and the period and degree of ex- ercise are suited to the temperament and age of the animals, as determined by the judgment of the training-groom. The effect of this continued and severe discipline is to brace the muscular fibre, to maintain the strength and activity of the body, and to keep the respiratory organs in active play. To prevent the undue secretion of fat, purgative medicines are administered more frequently than in the case of any other class of horses; and the animals are occasionally subjected to a severe sweating, which is produced by clothing them thickly from head to tail, and galloping them for a shorter or longer space. When all the pores of the skin are opened by this exercise, the horses are taken to an adjoining house, and then scraped and rubbed till dry. These sweats are repeated once a-week, or thrice in the fortnight, according to the con- dition and constitution of the horse. The effect of the train- .' - 538 ing is visible to the eye, in the distincter marking of the ex- ternal muscles and tendons, the prominence of the subcuta- neous bloodvessels, and the force, lightness, and celerity of the movements of the limbs and body. But a treatment thus artificial, carried to the degree required, must necessarily react upon the system, excite to excess the circulatory organs, enfeeble the powers of digestion, and induce many maladies. These horses, accordingly, arrive at premature age, are rarely long-lived, and are subject to numerous diseases of the limbs and viscera; and great numbers of them break down after their first exercises on the turf, or sink under the preliminary trials. THE HORSE. ▾ The practice of the Course itself merits consideration, not merely as a gay and exciting spectacle, affording relaxation and delight to great numbers of people, but as a system of games affecting public taste, national manners, and private morals,—as putting to the hazard of chances an enormous amount of capital,—and as being connected with the preser- vation of a beautiful race of horses, especially destined for the sport. The number of established race-courses of the British Islands amounts at present to 153; namely, 132 in England, 9 in Wales, 9 in Scotland, and 3 in Ireland. The value of the stakes and prizes run for amounts to L.148,775,* forming, however, a mere fraction of the vast sums dependent on bet- ting. The number of Royal Plates is 50, now commuted into payments of 100 guineas each, defrayed partly from the Privy Purse, partly from the department of the Master of the Horse, and partly from an annual Parliamentary grant. Of the English race-courses, that of Newmarket is the first in rank and early celebrity. The town itself stands partly in Cambridgeshire and partly in Suffolk, 61 miles NNE. from London, on the great road leading to Norwich. King James I. built a house here, that he might enjoy the recreation of * History of the Turf, by James Christie Whyte, Esq. . 539 the chase, and Charles II. added to and repaired it, after it had fallen into decay during the Civil Wars, frequently grac- ing it with his presence during the races on the adjoining Heath. The original palace of James has long been sold and applied to other uses. The structure erected by Charles is chiefly used for training-stables. Mansions in and around the elegant little town are the memorials of success on the turf. Club-rooms, coffee-hquses, billiard-tables, and circu- lating libraries, afford relief from the ennui of the intervals of business. They very air seems tainted with the spirit of the place; and, from the Three Tuns to the aristocratic rooms of the Jockey Club, all is redolent of betting and play. The very boys of the place, we are told, consume their winter evenings in cock-fighting and dog-matches, and at halfpenny roulette tables stake their all as freely as their betters. The racing-ground is reckoned the finest in England, from the variety of its surface, and the dryness, softness, and elasticity of the turf. It is in the vicinity of the town, is four miles in length, and is vested in the Jockey Club, as holding it under the Duke of Portland. The training-grounds, a mile and a half in length, are equally suited to their purpose. Four hundred horses are frequently to be seen in training during the greater part of the year; and the spectacle of so many fine creatures at their daily exercise on the heath is scarce inferior in curiosity and interest to that of the final exercise of their powers. The racing-ground is in eighteen divisions, termed Courses, of which the longest is the Beacon Course, 4 miles 1 furlong 138 yards: the next, the Round Course, 3 m. 4 f. 187 yds.: the last division of the Beacon Course is 3 m. 45 yds.: the middle portion of the same course 2 m. 97 yds.; and so on to the Yearling Course, 2 f. 147 yds. The variety of these courses, some on the rise, some on the descent, and some flat, afford means of selecting ground for matches suited to the age, strength, and qualities of the horses. The chair of the Judge is on wheels, moveable from place to place. The duty of the Judge is to declare the THE RACE-HORSE. " } 1 1 # Y I + 17 L j .. T ĭ I Th 뛰어서 ​글 ​540 winner, which he does by the colour worn by the rider, which is handed to him before starting. He does not, as in other places, superintend the weighing of the jockeys, or take any cognizance of them in the race; and he rarely even sees the horses till they come upon the course. Betting-posts are placed at suitable places, to which the sportsmen resort after each race, to make their bets for the following one; and the process of offering, taking, and booking bets, is performed with a quickness, regularity, aud decision, which cannot be surpassed. As only half an hour elapses between each race, the interest and excitement of the scene never flag. By the time of starting, the eager crowd that had surrounded the betting-post disperse, as if by a common impulse, some gal- loping to the starting-post, some placing themselves where the ultimate struggle of the horses is expected to take place, and some surrounding the Judge's chair, where they can soonest learn the momentous issue. All has an air of busi- ness, which no other course in the kingdom presents. No noisy crowds, as at the more popular meetings, fill the space, and distract the attention by clamour. Rarely the number of spectators exceeds 500 or 600, the majority of them on horseback, and deeply engaged in the business of the day. In the following morning all the bets are paid, when more than L.50,000 may change hands in an hour. The meetings at Newmarket are seven in the year :-first, the Craven Meet- ing, so named in compliment to Lord Craven, commencing on Easter Monday; and then, at intervals of a fortnight, the First and Second Spring Meetings; then the July Meeting; then three in October, the last of which, termed the Hough- ton, is more numerously attended than any of the others. Next in rank to Newmarket for its races is Epsom, situ- ated about fifteen miles south-west from London, on the verge of the Banstead Downs. Upon the open space formerly stood an ale-house, called the Oaks, which was purchased by General Burgoyne, and fitted up for a hunting-seat. It was sold to the Earl of Derby, one of the most perfect sportsmen of THE HORSE. 1 THE RACE-HORSE. 541 his day, who enlarged the mansion-house, and beautified the domain. In 1779 he established the Oak Stakes, so named from his seat, and in the following year the Derby,-both of which have been run for ever since, forming the most popular races in the kingdom. The racing-ground is on the Downs. The new course, termed the Derby, is a mile and a half, somewhat in the form of a horse-shoe; the first three-quarters of a mile are nearly straight, the next quarter of a mile forms a gradual bend, corresponding with that of the shoe, and the last half mile is straight. The first part of the course, for about half a mile, is an ascent; the next third of a mile is level; the remainder is on the descent, until within the distance, when the ground rises again to the winning-post. The subdivision courses are, the new Two-year-old Course, T. Y. C., of six fur- longs; the old T. Y. C., of somewhat less than four; and the Craven Course, one mile and a quarter. The Great Stand, erected in 1830, is capable of containing between seven and eight thousand persons; and various minor stands line the course to a distance, while innumerable temporary ones are erected during the period of the race. The first spring meeting, of minor interest, takes place in April; the great meeting, at which the Derby, the Oaks, the Craven, and other stakes are run for, commences on the Tuesday, and continues until the end of the week preceding Whitsuntide. The Derby is run for on Wednesday, the Oaks on Friday. The Derby stakes, for a mile and a half, are fifty sovereigns each, for three-year-old colts carrying 8 st. 7 lb., and for fillies carrying 8 st. 2 lb. The Oaks offer the same condi- tions for fillies carrying 8 st. 4 lb. These races excite intense interest; and the winning of the Oaks or Derby is an object of the first ambition to all connected with the English Turf. These popular races present, it may be believed, an ap- pearance very different from that of the quiet order and business-like arrangements of Newmarket. Here we are in contact with a vast city, pouring forth its countless multi- tudes to enjoy a spectacle. The scene is unequalled in its : I * ** I ๆ ** I 1 4 Tag propʻzgar ཙཱཏོ སྶཾཡ॰ ༩ ༢ཋཱཎྷསྨཱ ཙྪཝཾ ནྡྷ! ཨིག- 542 kind in the world. All the approaches far around exhibit a moving mass of horsemen, carriages, and pedestrians, hurry- ing to the spot, while all the grounds which can command the course are filled with spectators. Nothing appears to the eye except the excitement and delight of eager crowds; but when we mark the start, on which the fortunes of hun- dreds hang, with half a million perhaps depending on the result, to be decided in a few brief anxious minutes, then we feel that there is something in the drama to be played that must agitate many a heart. The whole spectacle is of deep curiosity and interest, and to be in any degree appre- ciated must be beheld. THE HORSE. The races of Ascot Heath, in the county of Berks, take place in the end of May, closely following those of Epsom, and they last for several days. These races were established by the Duke of Cumberland. They are largely attended by the more opulent classes of the Capital and neighbouring country. They last for several days, and deep betting takes place. The favour of the Court has been especially shewn to these meetings; and, from the rank and wealth of their sup- porters, it is usual to regard them as more the races of aris- tocracy and fashion than any other in the kingdom. The Goodwood races, so named from the noble mansion of the Duke of Richmond, near Chichester in Sussex, although amongst the most recently established, are now the most popular in the south of England. From the fineness of the course, the excellence of the regulations, and the value and variety of the prizes, the best horses of Newmarket are brought to this course. The meeting takes place in the end of July, and lasts four days. The races of York, instituted in the reign of Queen Anne, and taking place in a district the most famous of any in Eng- land for the rearing of Horses, are well supported, and the money run for in Plates and Stakes is very large. The course is perfectly flat: the meetings are three in the year, namely, in April, August, and October. ** 44 L 1 543 But of all the meetings in the north of England, that of Doncaster has occupied the most prominent place, on account of the institution of the St Leger stakes, which had their origin in the year 1776. The commencement of this cele- brated race was a sweepstakes of twenty-five guineas each for three-year-old colts carrying 8 st., and for fillies carrying 7 st. 12 lb. for a two-mile heat. There were six subscribers, and the stake was won by a bay filly by Sampson, belonging to the Marquis of Rockingham, who beat Colonel St Leger's bay filly and the other horses. In the following year it was suggested by Colonel St Leger that the sweepstakes should be continued annually on the same conditions; and the race was accordingly named the St Leger, in compliment to the proposer of it. The original conditions were continued until the year 1832, when the stakes were altered to fifty sovereigns for each subscriber, with one-half forfeit; the weights being, for colts, 8 st. 6 lb., and for fillies 8 st. 3 lb.; and the owner of the second horse receiving one hundred sovereigns out of the stakes. The Doncaster race-course is round, and nearly on a dead level. The Four-mile Course, so called, twice round is 3 m. 7 f. 219 yds.; the Cup Course is 2 m. 5 f.; the Two-mile Course is 2 m. 52 yds.; the St Leger, 1 m. 6 f. 132 yds; the Fitzwilliam Course, 1 m. 4 f. 10 yds. ; the Two- year-old Course, 7 f. 189 yds.; the Red-house is 5 f. 164 yds.* These courses are adapted to the various stakes and matches, which are numerous at these races. The meetings are held annually in September, a fortnight previous to the first New- market meeting in October; on which occasion a vast con- course of individuals interested in the turf assembles from all parts of the kingdom, and heavy betting takes place. In like manner, the other race-courses of the kingdom might be referred to, all of them exciting intense interest throughout large districts of country, collecting for a time great crowds as to a common centre of occupation and THE RACE-HORSE. * Whyte's History of the Turf. + 3 Į 544 THE HORSE. amusement, and involving the hazard of incredible sums of money. Those of Bath, Chester, Liverpool, Harwich, Man- chester, Wolverhampton, are familiar by name to most per- sons in this country. That of the Curragh of Kildare in Ire- land is at the little town of Kildare, on the great road lead- ing from Dublin to Limerick. The ground on which the races are held is a noble undulating down, six miles in length by two in breadth, which, for all the requisites of running and training, is deemed superior to Newmarket itself. There are five meetings within the year at the Curragh, at which many fine horses run, where a large crowd of all kinds of persons collects, and where much dangerous betting takes place. The horses, it has been seen, which are capable of en- gaging in these contests, are a peculiar variety, whose cha- racters have been acquired by a mixture of the blood of the lighter horses of other countries with that of the pre-existing race, and then by continued breeding between the individuals of the mixed lineage. The variety thus formed has become a caste, whose comparative freedom from intermixture is ensured by its superiority for the purposes to which it is destined over the races of inferior breeding. But the latter, although they cannot engage on equal terms with the swifter breed, may do so with one another. Hence races have been established for horses that are not thoroughbred. To this class of half-bred horses has been applied the absurd term Cocktails. The races for half-bred horses have now become very common at the different race-courses of the kingdom, with the exception of Newmarket, where their introduction has been always resisted. This kind of race has never been regarded with much favour by sportsmen. Objections to it are, the frauds to which it gives rise, and the disputes of which it is productive. It is very difficult to prove that a horse is thoroughbred, if the owner chooses to conceal or falsify the pedigree. Hence thoroughbred horses may be fraudulently introduced into this class of races. The consequence is, that 10 " I 11 THE RACE-HORSE. : 545 the prize is almost certainly carried away from the horses which alone are entitled to run. The fraud is difficult to be prevented, in consequence of the large amount of stakes of this kind established at the provincial meetings, which hold out a strong temptation to deception on the part of the lower class of persons connected with the turf. Some years ago, a horse described as half-bred, under the fictitious name of Tom Paine, was hawked about the country, and won many valuable stakes. On investigation, it was found that this pretended Tom Paine was Tybalt, a thoroughbred horse by Thunderbolt, from a mare of Lord Grosvener's, Meteora, one of the best in England of her day; and similar, though less impudent, frauds have in other cases taken place. Half- bred horses, too, are suited for different and more useful purposes than racing, and they are, for the most part, ruined by the severe training necessary to put them into a condi- tion for running; and, when a number of half-bred horses contend together, it can scarcely happen that all will be put upon an equal footing with respect to training, so that, in this respect, a practical inequality is introduced, independent of the merits of the horses. It may seem that stakes limited to hunters, which have been regularly hunted for the season, are more free from objection. It is to be observed, however, that a hunter is destined for a particular class of services, for which mere speed is not the most important requisite; and it is cruel to put a hunter, after the hard services of the season, under the severe discipline necessary to fit him for running. Besides, many hunters are now thoroughbred, and this is a source of inequality, independent of the real value of the animals as adapted to the chase. For these reasons, it appears to many that this class of stakes ought to receive no encouragement on the regular turf; and fur- ther, that yeomanry races, farmers' races, and the like, should all be proscribed. No good, with respect to the improve- ment of the breed of these kinds of horses, can result from this class of races. A race-horse is intended to exert the f #1 2 M ! 2 } H 546 powers of speed, and that is the best race-horse which most excels in this quality. But is this the property sought for in a hunter or in a road-horse? Or is a race on a level turf the fitting mean to prove that either is a good hunter or a good roadster? What should we think of a race of dray- horses? THE HORSE. Sometimes, though very rarely, half-bred horses are brought upon the regular course; but their inferiority is always ba- lanced by a large discount in their favour of the weight borne. Arabs and other Eastern horses likewise have some- times been run, but with scarce a chance of success against the thoroughbred horses of the country. Only one Eastern horse, it is believed, ever acquired any moderate reputation on the turf. A race was once established at Newmarket expressly for Arabs; but the experiment failed, from the want of interest excited, in consequence of the inferior speed of the horses as compared with those of native breeding. Even the first descendant between the native and Eastern race is usually inferior. By the regulations for the Goodwood Cup, the first descendants of Arabian, Turkish, or Persian horses, are allowed a discount of 18 lb. of weight; and, when both parents are of these countries, a discount of 36 lb. In other cases, English race-horses have been tried against the horses of other countries. They are frequently carried to India, and matched against the best Arabs of the country; but the con- tests, it is believed, are almost always, under a parity of cir- cumstances, in favour of the English racer, although the heat of the climate appears to be eminently unsuited to the exertion of his powers. Sometimes accounts reach us, through the continental journals, of the same kind of trials, with a different result; but we do not learn in how far the conditions of weight, training, and the like, were such as to put the horses on a fair equality. In the year 1825, a race was run in Russia between two English thoroughbred horses, Sharper and Mina, and three Cossack horses, the latter se- lected, after numerous trials, from the best that could be 547 procured in the countries of the Don. The distance to be run exceeded forty-seven miles. On starting, the Cossacks took the lead, the English following about three or four lengths. They had not proceeded half a mile, before the stirrup-leather of Sharper broke, and he ran off with his rider, followed by Mina. Before they could be brought up, they had run more than a mile, and up a hill. The race, however, continued, and half the distance was run in an hour and four minutes. At that time both the English horses seemed fresh, and one of the Cossacks. Mina fell lame, and was withdrawn. The remaining Cossacks began to flag, and Sharper soon likewise shewed symptoms of distress. The Russians and Cossacks, jealous of the honour of their coun- try's horse, dragged him along by the bridle, threw away the saddle, and mounted a child upon his back, nay, at length dragged him by a rope, and even endeavoured to support him by riding alongside of him. Sharper did the distance in two hours and forty-eight minutes, followed by the Cossack, who came in eight minutes later. In the accounts given of this extraordinary race, it is stated that the English horses carried at starting 3 st. more than their rivals; while, during half the race, it has been seen the Cossack was ridden by a mere child. If these accounts be correct, it is evident that the Cossack horses were immeasurably beaten, even in that kind of race the most favourable for the trial of their pecu- liar powers. The accident to Sharper, and the distress oc- casioned him by running up a hill, were sufficient to have turned the day against him; but when to this is added the difference of weight, it is evident that the Cossack horses had not the remotest chance of success on equal terms. It would be interesting, however, to repeat this kind of trial, though for a less cruel distance, so as to determine, in a satisfactory manner, the relative powers of two races of horses both so excellent of their kind. THE RACE-HORSE. A class of Races introduced into this country has found favour among certain persons, but with little of reason to } + $ L J کے > : J 1 ↓ 1 7 the-15 ****** 548 THE HORSE. defend them. The Steeple-chase, or, as our ancestors termed it, the Wild-goose chase, is well calculated certainly to shew the fearlessness of the rider, but scarcely his humanity and judgment. At any time, the high leap is a severe tax on the muscular powers of the horse; but when he is out of breath, and sinking under the exertion of severe riding, the forcing of him over an obstacle is injurious and cruel. The riding across a country is the regular exercise of a hunting field; but in the Steeple-chase, it is the wanton abuse of the powers of a generous creature intrusted to our humanity. It is not justified by any end of utility; any enjoyment beyond the barren applause for risking the safety of the rider and the life of his victim. We say, then, let those unhappy exhibi- tions of fool-hardiness and cruelty be proscribed by public opinion, and abandoned by the youth of the country. The Rules and Conditions of Racing have been gradually reduced to a system, and recognised by common consent. The regulations of Newmarket have the highest authority, and are adhered to in their essential details at the other races. The race may consist of heats of one or more miles, in which the winner of the majority of heats becomes the victor; or of matches, consisting of a single race, by which the contest is at once determined. The system of heats is adopted in the case of royal and other public plates and prizes; the single race generally in the case of private and subscription matches or sweepstakes. But, as an addition to the weight carried makes an amazing difference to an animal moving at its utmost speed, the regulation of the weight is an essential element in the conditions of a race. When the animals are of the same sex and age, the weights should be the same, in order to shew their relative powers; but, when animals of different age and sex contend together, they are put as nearly as possible in a state of equality by the difference of weight assigned to each. A larger weight is carried by stallions than by mares or geldings. The usual difference between a colt and filly of the same age is 3 or 4 lb., : 549 and the ordinary weight carried by a colt three years old is 8 st. 6 or 7 lb. The difference allowed for difference of age progressively diminishes as the animals become older, until it ceases. But, besides the difference of weight determined by age or sex, there are differences determined by conven- tion. Thus, parties having a match together determine by agreement, founded on their real or supposed knowledge of the powers of the respective horses, the weight which each shall carry. This is usually termed a handicap match. Some- times it is stipulated that horses which have gained stakes, as the Oaks or Derby, shall carry an additional weight; while, on the other hand, horses whose advantages of breed- ing or otherwise have been inferior, are allowed a discount of weight in their favour. The differences of weight which different classes of horses shall carry, in order that they may be placed in a certain degree of equality, are plainly not reducible to any fixed practical rule, much less to any mathematical theorem founded on the relative powers of the horses under different conditions. The whole adjustment is one of convention, based on the practical observation of sportsmen of the average power of horses, as exhibited in different circumstances. When it is considered that an ounce of additional loading to the same horse may make the difference of a yard or more in half a mile of running, it will be seen how greatly the weight borne may affect the issue in the case of horses of equal powers. From mere experience, without any application of principles, it is surprising how well those practised in the business of the turf are able to calculate the effects of weight on the chances of success. In a match which took place many years ago at Newcastle- under-Line, the horses were handicapped, having their re- spective weights assigned to them by an umpire. Sir Thomas Stanley's Cedric, three years old, was to carry 6 st. 13 lb. ; Mr Mytton's Handel, four years old, 7 st. 11 lb.; Sir Wil- liam Wynne's Taragon, four years old, 8 st.; Sir John Eger- ton's Astbury, four years old, 8 st. 6 lb. For three succes- sive heats Taragon and Handel came in nose to nose, reeling , THE RACE-HORSE. - W · ¿ L I Papavers 550 at the last, and 'scarce able to carry their riders to the scales. In the first heat Astbury was third, but so near were all the horses that his place could with difficulty be determined. Lying by, however, after the first heat, he came forward in a final one, and won. In the first dead heat it is apparent, the weight of a few grains might have turned the scale. * THE HORSE. · By the former practice of the turf, the weights were heavy and the courses long. Up to the commencement of the pre- sent century, the weights for plate horses were from 10 st. 4 lb. to 11 st. 6 lb., and the heats were of three or four miles. By modern practice, the length of heats is reduced to one or two miles, and the weight to about 8 stones. The weight does not include the shoes of the horse, which are therefore made of the slightest construction. The saddle usually weighs 3 or 4 lb., and sometimes it does not exceed 2 lb. When weight is to be carried, either the saddle is loaded with lead, or the weight is attached to the person of the jockey, which is conceived to distress the horse less than a stationary load. The jockey, with his appurtenances, is weighed before he starts, and again on coming in, he must proceed mounted to the place of weighing. If he dismounts before, or wants weight, he is held to have been distanced, unless he has been disabled by accident, in which case he may be led or carried to the scales. The balancing of the horses' powers by their weights being a necessary element in the race and in the calculations of success, it is important to the person who bets to have a good knowledge of the characters of the horses, of their age, and of their powers, as shewn by their running. But, besides the public manifestation of the horses' powers on the course, it is not unfrequent to make private trials of the horses which are to run, which enables their owners to speculate more securely on the ultimate result. It is not deemed expedient to prevent this system, but an endeavour is made to lessen * Mr Apperly, Quarterly Review. 551 as far as possible the hurtful effects which may result from it. One evil, scarcely to be guarded against, is the circula- tion of false reports of the trials, whereby horses which it is known beforehand will lose are rendered favourites for the great stakes. This has taken place in many cases to the de- ception of the public, and the injury of those to whom the reports were communicated. The watching of trials is strictly prohibited, at least by the Newmarket regulations; but watch- ing notwithstanding takes place, and the result is communi- cated with the speed of a telegraph to the different clubs, and those who have the means to pay for the intelligence. But in this game of trick the watcher and his correspondents are often cheated in their turn. The training-grooms may make a horse win or lose as suits the purpose to be served; nay, the jockeys who ride may be as ignorant of the result as the horses themselves. The one jockey, we will suppose, has gained the race by a single length, or by half a dozen of lengths; but he knows not the load of shot that has been privately stuffed into his rival's saddle; and the latter, good man, is equally ignorant of the leaden spell that has been laid upon the powers of his horse. But the story which of all others has been the most frequently told upon this sub- ject, and which best deserves to be repeated, relates to a famous match in the reign of George I. A horse, Merlin, was to run against another, the property of the well-known Tre- gonwell Frampton, then styled the Father of the Turf. The match excited intense interest among the sportsmen of the north in favour of Merlin, and among those of the south in favour of his rival. The horses had been for some time in training at Newmarket, when Frampton's groom, with the knowledge of his master, endeavoured to induce the groom of Merlin to have a private trial with the weights and for the distances agreed upon, which he asserted could not fail to make both their fortunes. The groom in charge of Mer- lin had the honesty to communicate the proposal to Sir Wil- liam Strickland, who took the charge of the match for Mer- THE RACE-HORSE. • - } F -། { ! +4 + * J Į 552 lin. The Baronet coolly desired the groom to accept the offer, but, at the same time, privately instructed him to put 7 lb. more of weight into his saddle than were to be used at the match. Frampton had previously given the very same orders to his groom, and the two horses started on their trial, each loaded with 7 lb. beyond the weight which he was to carry. In the trial Merlin beat his antagonist by a length. This being duly communicated by the grooms to their respec- tive masters, each became certain of success. If my horse, argues the Baronet, can beat the other with 7 lb. extra weight, he is sure to win the race; if mine, says Frampton, can come in within a length, loaded with his extra 7 lb., his success in the race is certain. The patriarch communicated the mo- mentous secret to his friends, and numerous bets were offered and accepted on the result. At length the important hour arrived, and the betting was beyond all former example. The south country gentlemen, confident in the stratagem of their chief, declared that they would bet their gold while they had it, and then their land: the north country squires, equally assured of the success of their plot, took the bets to any amount. The horses started, the jockeys did their duty, and, just as was to be expected, the race was gained by Merlin by the same distance as in the secret trial. The confusion was immense; the secret came out; and the wily father of the Turf found, as many are said to have since done, that his opponent was too far north for him. Numbers of gentle- men were ruined by this event; and soon afterwards a law was passed for preventing the recovery of gaming debts be- yond the amount of L.10 sterling,—a foolish law, seeking in vain to counteract the natural feelings of gentlemen, by re- lieving them of the obligation to pay their debts. Frampton, the party implicated in this affair, deserves notice. He was born in the reign of Charles II., and had been keeper of the Running horses at Newmarket to King William III., Queen Anne, and George I., as he continued to be to George II., in whose reign he died, at the age of eighty-six. He was a man THE HORSE. 1 553 of birth and fortune, esteemed by his private friends; but he had the misfortune to be regarded by the world as the great- est rogue of his age. One act of his is recorded, so full of meanness, avarice, and cruelty, as to be incredible. We will not repeat it, because we say that the evidence which has been produced in support of it is not worth a straw; because the victim of the tale has lain a hundred years and more in his grave without a tongue to defend him; and because, ac- cordingly, every man who values for himself a good name after death is bound to pronounce a verdict of "not guilty" in favour of the unhappy Frampton. The means of judging of the success of rival horses on the turf unfortunately do not depend upon events which may be the subject of reasonable calculation, but on mere contingen-. cies. A horse may be run to lose as well as to win, and other circumstances may affect the result, having as little relation to the powers and merits of the horses as events in the moon. But, before speaking of these things, it will be well to turn for a moment to the classes of persons who are engaged in this stupendous system of amusement and play. The humblest class connected with the business of the turf consists of the Boys of the Stables, to each of whom is assigned the care of one horse, with the duty of riding it at exercise of these poor youths the number is very great. They enter on their hard duties at a period of life so early, that the stable becomes to them a little world, which bounds. their thoughts, and influences all their habits. One of their number has given us a whole book, under a title eminently characteristic of the stable, "Genius Genuine." Another, however, has really lived to distinguish himself as a man of letters, and has given us the singular story of a Stable-boy's Life. This is Holcroft, known in his age as a dramatic writer and novelist of no mean note. THE RACE-HORSE. The boys, he tells us, rise at half-past two in summer, and at between four and five in the depth of winter. When they begin to awaken one another for their morning task, the f ! • か ​2 ୮" I 34 ! ¡ 1 554 horses are on the watch, neigh, and express their joy. Food being supplied, the litter is shaken, the stalls are made comfortable, and the animals dressed. They are mounted in the stable, and taken out to the downs and heaths for exercise, which lasts for several hours. On their return they are again dressed, and the boys permitted to break their fast; and nothing, our author tells us, can exceed the enjoyment of a stable-boy's breakfast. The duties of the stable are then resumed, and again the horses are taken to the training-grounds, and again subjected to their long exer- cise. These horses, hot in blood, tender from constant cloth- ing and rubbing, are skittish, often vicious, easily and sud- denly alarmed, irritable, and dangerous even in their play. The youthful horsemen acquire by degrees a firm seat, cling- ing to their fiery steed by their knees and legs, and manag- ing it with courage and address. Their seat has not the graceful ease of the manège, but accords with the practice found suitable for the Course. In the stable they acquire a wonderful command over the hot and dangerous creatures with which they are in contact, ordering them with authority, roughly rubbing their irritable skins and dangerous heels, a single stroke of which would terminate the joys and sorrows of the tiny groom. While often a man and a stranger durst no more enter the stall or loose box of one of these fiery creatures than the den of a tiger, these boys are to be seen as much at their ease as if they were playing with a cat; so strong is the power of reason, even in a child, over brute force and the wildest passions of inferior natures. THE HORSE. In a community of such lads, far away from the vigilance of early friends, associated with evil minds, and witnesses of gross pursuits, an extreme severity of discipline is called for. Woe it is to him, our author tells us, who is absent at stable hours; but how many are the minor offences which lie be- tween this extreme and the mere thoughtlessness of boyhood, for which the harsh reproof, the ashen rod, the abrupt dis- missal, are put in force! The want of sleep may seal the THE RACE-HORSE. 555 urchin's eyes even when he approaches the brushing gallop; how much more soundly is he likely to slumber upon the truss of straw in the warm stall! His dreams, however, may be interrupted by the ready broom, and more effective switch.. "I remember to have been so punished once," says our author, describing his falling asleep in the horse's stall, "when the blow, I concluded, was given by Tom Watson, as I thought no other boy in the stable could have made so large a wale: it reached from the knee to the instep, and was of a finger's breadth." Here the chastisement may have been wholesome; but to the forlorn boy, the more cruel dismissal may bring destitution, sorrow, and crime. Mr Holcroft describes his own mental sufferings in a case of this kind, the penalty of an unlucky tumble from a dark-gray filly, by which he nearly broke his neck. But for what further relates to our author's personal adven- tures, reference must be made to his own amusing memoirs, where we find detailed his first feelings of joy on partaking of a breakfast of cold meat, Gloucester cheese, and white bread; his exultation at finding himself, in place of driving a shoemaker's donkey through the dirt, mounted on an animal outstripping the wind; his fall from the dark-gray filly, and its results; and the final ruin of all his equestrian hopes, by his being found “idling away his time in reading;" by his scratching ciphers on the paling of the stable-yard with a nail; becoming actually able to spell a word of six syllables, to the surprise of his drunken schoolmaster; by his being found studying psalmody under the guidance of a journeyman leather-breeches maker; and finally, by his throwing away all his earnings, by betting, like his betters, on the stirring events of the heath. While these things may make us smile, they may furnish food for graver thoughts. Can nothing be done to benefit the condition of these youthful instruments of so many pleasures? Of all the vast sums which are squan- dered on licentious sports, can no mite be saved to gain some little food of the mind for these severely-tasked boys, even to - - t · 7 1 556 the degree of teaching them to spell words of six syllables? Can nothing be allotted for relief to them during the trying hours of destitution, when the failure of employment renders them helpless and heart-broken, even though their dismissal should have been merited, and for offences greater than fall- ing from a dark-gray filly, or singing psalms with a leather- breeches maker? We do not think they would make the worse grooms if some substitutes were provided for skittles, cock-fighting, and halfpenny-roulette tables. The prospects of this class, it is believed, are sufficiently melancholy. They soon outgrow the light weight which is necessary for the ha- bitual exercise of the Race-Horse. Their highest ambition is to become jockeys; but, in ninety-nine cases out of a hun- dred, Nature refuses to limit their growing forms to the Lil- liputian standard of 8 st.; and a few only accordingly attain the honours of jockeyship. THE HORSE. The Jockeys, again, form a class of higher importance and rank; the success of the race mainly depending on the skill, the coolness, and promptitude, with which they perform their part. The jockey must be of small size, to suit the light weight of the modern Turf, while he must possess the phy- sical strength of limbs and body required for his dangerous exercise. His seat on the saddle differs from that of the ordinary horseman : he supports himself on his stirrups, and by the pressure of his thighs and knees, and throws the centre of gravity more forward than in ordinary riding, grasping each bridle-rein, and holding his hands low upon the withers. He rarely moves the position of his hands and body, or if he does, it is imperceptibly, so as not to interfere with the pace and stride of the horse. The instrument for urging forward the horse is the spur, used according to the emergency and the temper of the animal. The whip is held in the right hand, only to be used when necessary at the final set-to, or ultimate struggle, when the arms are raised, and the position of the body changed, so as to produce a tem- porary excitement in the horse. Not only does the jockey ( 557 consider the temper and capacity of his own horse, but the speed and capability of his rivals; and a part of his nice game is to avail himself of the advantages presented to him by the deficient powers of the rival horses, or the faults of the riders. His eye is directed to all their movements; while to the observer he seems intent only on the part he has himself to perform. He seeks to gain the race, but with no more expenditure of his horse's powers than suffices for the end. If his own horse possesses superior speed, but less endurance, his game is not to urge his rival forward, but to wait until he reaches the distance at which he knows his own superior speed will bring him in. If, on the other hand, his horse has greater endurance, but inferior speed, he reverses the manœuvre; he presses his rival to his utmost powers, and trusts to the property which his horse possesses to carry him in first to the goal. But when the distance to be run is very short, the artifices must be modified in a corresponding degree. In this case, it is important to get the horse the soonest possible on his utmost stretch, so that space may not be gained by the rival. No rules, however, can be given to suit all the cases that may arise. There are jockeys so per- fect in their art, that nearly every thing is trusted to their judgment; but there are numerous cases of others less skil- ful, as when boys must ride on account of the very light weight required, and then specific instructions are given by the training groom, founded on his knowledge of the horse, of the ground, and of the capacity of the rivals. There is always on the turf a certain number of jockeys of reputation, whose professional services are in continued request. These persons are frequently engaged to ride various races in a day, and are often required to make rapid and distant jour- neys from place to place. To adapt the jockeys to the weights required, the process of wasting, as it is termed, is in use. The means used for wasting are, abstinence, walking exercise, sweating, and me- dicine; the degree in which each is used depending on the THE RACE-HORSE. H = 1 ] * " } 558 time allowed, and the temperament and condition of the patient. The dress is of stout soft flannel, and generally consists of from two to three pairs of drawers, and from four to six waistcoats and jackets, and over all a suit of loose common clothes. The jockey having taken some light food, starts early in the morning on his walk. He commences at a moderate pace, which he gradually increases; and having gone a distance of four miles or more, he has usually a room prepared, in which he can partake of some warm liquid. Having somewhat rested himself, he returns homeward at a smart pace, usually swinging his arms to increase the muscular action. Entering the house in a state of profuse perspiration, he takes some warm liquid, and reposes for an hour or more covered with blankets: when the per- spiration has subsided, he places his feet in warm water, sponges his body, and dresses himself as usual, taking care that his clothing is sufficiently warm, and avoiding unneces- sary exposure to cold and moisture. He retires to rest at an early hour, and rises betimes to renew his walk. Coin- cidently with this exercise, he observes a strict and abste- mious diet his common food is tea and plain toast, with a little animal food at noon. Distilled liquors are proscribed, and the only fermented one allowed is wine, and this in the smallest quantity, and largely diluted. Aperient medicines are sometimes used by those who dislike severe walking, but never with such good effect as the simple exercise. Under this system a man can reduce his weight a pound or more in the day, without injury to his general health, or temporary im- pairment of his natural vigour. On the contrary, all jockeys admit that they receive benefit from the training process, and that it is only when they return suddenly to a system of re- pletion that inconvenience is experienced. When jockeys exceeding the required weight are in practice throughout the racing season, they must keep to this system of diet with extreme rigour. Relaxation even for a single day will in- crease the weight of the body many pounds. A single glass : THE HORSE. 14 1 ། THE RACE-HORSE. 559 of brandy, by exciting the external absorbents, will undo the effects of several days' wasting. It will appear, then, that it requires no slight degree of self-control in the jockey to maintain, during a period of seven months of laborious exer- cises, a system of abstinence to which the fast of Ramaddan is a jest; and it is not to be wondered at that, when his long lent is over, he is too ready to welcome the season of good cheer. It was the practice of Frank Buckle, on the last day of the Houghton Meeting, always to order a goose for sup- per; and where is the lover of good things who might not have envied Frank Buckle his goose? Of the jockeys who have been in practice, some have been so distinguished that they are regarded as masters of their art. Francis Buckle first appeared as a rider in 1783, when his weight, including the saddle, was a pound short of 4 st. He soon became the most successful rider on the turf. He rode the winners of five Derby, seven Oaks, and two St Leger stakes. In 1802, he took long odds that he would win both the Derby and Oaks, on horses not considered likely to win. His horse at the Derby was the Duke of Grafton's Tyrant, with 7 to 1 against him. Young Eclipse, considered to be the best horse of the year, made play, and was opposed by Sir Charles Bunbury's Orlando, who contested every inch for the first mile. Buckle, from his observation of the pace, and his fine judgment, was satisfied that both horses would flag, so following and observing them, he came up with Tyrant, and won; Tyrant being considered the worst horse that till then had won the Derby. Buckle had thus secured one of the two ends proposed. The other was effected under circumstances not less remarkable. The horse he rode, Scotia, was beaten three times between the Tattenham Corner and home, a distance of 4 furlongs; but, by dint of superb riding, Buckle got her again forward, and won the race by a head. Other instances might be given of his power to overcome difficulties by his judgment and fine horseman- ship. He was once beaten by a lady, Mrs Colonel Thornton, 10 ↑ I the | | 暗 ​560 THE HORSE. scarcely, perhaps, inferior as a rider to himself. This was in a match between Colonel Thornton's Louisa and Mr Brom- ford's Allegro. Mrs Thornton, caparisoned in purple cap and waistcoat, with nankeen skirts, not so long as to conceal her embroidered stockings and purple shoes, took the lead at starting, and kept it till approaching the distance. Here Buckle, putting forth all his jockeyship, succeeded in gain- ing the lead; but the lady, with no less address and skill, whipped her horse, pushed onward, and won the race by half a neck. This was the second race to her on the same day. In a match for four hogsheads of Côte Rôti, 2000 guineas, and 600 guineas more betted on her account, she cantered over the course, Mr Bromford, against whom she was to ride, paying the forfeit. The same bold lady had once be- fore appeared in a match on the race-course at Knavesmire. A hundred thousand persons had assembled to witness the spectacle, and more than L.200,000 sterling depended upon the result. The lady, after displaying unwonted jockeyship, spirit, and good humour, lost the day, to the regret of the assembled multitude. Honest Buckle could scarce feel mor- tification at being overcome by such a rival. He continued to ride with undiminished reputation till past his sixty-fifth year, and died lately in a state of honourable competence, leaving behind him the character of a perfectly honest, kind- hearted man. • Samuel Chifney preceded Buckle in time, but was cotem- porary with him for a part of his career. Chifney stood in the first rank of riders of a former age. He was principal jockey of the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Bedford, the Earl of Grosvenor, and other sportsmen of the time. He wrote the work called "Genius Genuine," which, notwithstanding its absurd title, and barbarous style, is worthy of attention. It shews the distinction between the riding of the turf and that of the manège or hunting-field. Chifney likewise illus- trated the difference in practice, being as timid and awkward in the hunting-field as he was bold and skilful on the course. 9 • ** 561 Chifney bequeathed his mantle to his son, long one of the most eminent jockeys of his day. Samuel Chifney the younger was distinguished by his bold- ness, his originality, his tact, his elegance of seat, and his judgment of what is termed pace. His maxim was to wait until the time of decisive action arrived, which he calculated with remarkable precision; then stealing quietly but rapidly up to his opponents, he made the terrific rush, which decided the race. He was averse to "making running," as it is called, almost to a fault. Let the number of horses have been what it might, Chifney was generally amongst the last, calmly ob- serving the movements of his rivals, and waiting his time. In a famous race, in which his opponent was James Robinson, a rider not less distinguished in his style, than Chifney in that in which he claimed pre-eminence, the peculiar character of Chifney's riding was finely shewn. Robinson, on Lucetta, led; Chifney, on Priam, followed close in his wake. If Robinson attempted to look over his shoulder to see how his opponent was running, Chifney was bent to the opposite side, so as to be out of sight. In this manner the race was run almost from end to end, nor could Robinson once get sight of his wily adversary until the latter passed him to gain the race. When this Fabian horseman used to ride, the betting on his horse never failed to rise. Another rider, of a different school, but perfect in his own, is James Robinson, just mentioned, educated in the stables of one of the chief trainers of Newmarket. The distinguish- ing characters of this jockey are coolness, gentleness, and thorough tact. Robinson, though the most elegant rider on the turf, makes his superiority be felt rather than seen. The greatest reliance is placed by every one on his steady judg- ment; and so great is his success, that a popular saying is, that Robinson is worth half a stone to the horse he rides. All his fellows, Chifney excepted, have yielded the palm to this ac- complished rider, and feared to encounter his unfailing skill. He has won more races than any man on the turf. In 1827 THE RACE-HORSE. ✓ 2 N 4 T 1 1 J } 562 he rode the winner of the Derby and St Leger, and, it is re- ported, received a present of L.1000 for the latter race from a gentleman whom he had never before seen. It is said that in 1824 he declared to his friends that he would win the Derby on Cedric, the Oaks on Cobweb, and be married within the week; all of which undertakings he accomplished.* Fur- ther accounts might be given, of the Goodisons and others of a former age; and of the Scotts, the Days, and the Flax- mans, and others, of the present one; but these examples will suffice to shew the class of superior jockeys employed in the active duties of the Course. THE HORSE. The next class of persons connected with the turf are the Training-grooms. Numbers of opulent sportsmen have their own training-grounds. The public establishments of the kind are at Newmarket; at the towns of Epsom and Ascot; at Black Hamilton in Yorkshire, on the road from Thirsk to Helmsley; at Langton Wolds, near the town of Malton, and separated from the race-course by the public road; at Middle- ham Moors, also in the county of York; at Whiteclift Moors, near the town of Richmond; and at the Curragh of Kildare. The Heads of those establishments are called training- grooms. They are persons in whose fidelity, judgment, and knowledge of the business of the turf, great confidence must necessarily be reposed. The more immediate duties of the training-groom are the care of the horses with respect to health, and preparation for the turf: but with these duties are joined others, of counsel and aid, founded on the trainer's knowledge of the horses intrusted to him, and the general business of the turf. It is evident that, were a training- groom to be unfaithful, a given horse might neither be in the condition suited for running, nor under the other cir- cumstances favourable to his owner's success. But what are the other classes concerned in this system of public sports? Who are the owners of these innumerable * Whyte's History of the Turf. £125, 563 horses? What is the main support of this machinery? And who are the workmen who set in motion its countless wheels? Whence is derived that incredible capital which is put to the hazard of chances in this deep and exciting game ? The horses of the turf are reared or acquired by many persons of the community, from the stabler, the training- groom, the horse-dealer, to the farmer, the country gentle- man, the master of fox-hounds, the opulent merchant, the banker, the peer. None is excluded from this lottery of fair prizes, and every one may derive reputation and advantage from the possession of a horse qualified to take his place in lists confined to no order of chivalry, and demanding no heraldry but the purse. No difficulty anywhere exists in obtaining horses of the privileged caste. Great numbers of them break down in the preliminary trials, and many of the purest blood, after having run the first desperate match which disables them for ever, may be purchased for the price of carrion. Nothing, then, is so easy as to obtain the ma- terials for rearing the solitary Race-Horse, or, if the means allow, the extended stud; and, accordingly, if we shall look to our racing calenders, and inquire into the history of the horses entered to run at the different courses, we shall find that they are derived from every class of dealers and breeders in the country. At the same time, there are always indi- viduals of opulence and rank, who have made the business of the turf an especial concern, and maintain extensive studs, from which they can make a fitting selection. Turning to the last century, which may be termed the golden age of the turf, we find amongst its unwearied sup- porters the Devonshires, the Boltons, the Rutlands, the Portmores, of those days; but perhaps the greatest sup- porter of the turf of the last age was William Duke of Cum- berland. This Prince possessed the most numerous stud in the kingdom. He was the owner of Herod, and of many fine horses. Herod, it has been seen, was the progenitor of a vast number of distinguished racers. In 1764, he beat the THE RACE-HORSE. 4 f 1 嘗 ​Į Kill * * 564 Duke of Doncaster's Antinous at Newmarket, with six to four on Antinous, for 500 guineas a-side; and in the follow- ing year he beat the same horse, giving him 9 lb., over the same course, for 1000 guineas a-side. The match excited greater interest than any previous one in England. It was won by Herod by half a neck, and more than L.100,000 depended upon the issue. The Duke died in 1765. The year before his death, Eclipse was born in his stud, and passed into the hands of Mr O'Kelly, who became the great- est breeder of the time, chiefly from the blood of Eclipse. This individual was born in Ireland, of very humble parent- age. From the lowest degree of wretchedness he rose to extraordinary wealth. He entered deeply into all kinds of gambling, but, on the turf, displayed shrewdness, judgment, and caution. He bred many fine horses, and acquired the most valuable stud of breeding mares that any individual had before or has since possessed. Contemporary as a breeder, for a period of his life, with the Duke of Cumber- land and O'Kelly, was the Earl of Grosvenor, whose stud came to surpass, in extent and magnificence, any that had preceded it. He had many horses of great reputation, and gained immense sums on the turf,-insufficient, however, to cover the expenses of his breeding establishment. He died in the year 1802, after fifty years' connexion with the turf, his splendid stud passing into the hands of the late Marquis of Westminster. The Marquis of Rockingham and Lord Bolingbroke were likewise distinguished for their studs at this period, as were the Dukes of Ancaster, Cleveland, King- ston, Northumberland, and many more. The early part of the reign of George III., indeed, was remarkably noted for the great support "given to the turf by persons of distinction. The King himself gave a judicious encouragement to the sport; and, during the progress of his memorable reign, the. passion for horse-racing lost none of its force. On the con- trary, it extended with the greater opulence of the country, and studs and race-horses increased in number, and in the THE HORSE. 11 3. A 565 cost of the establishments. The Earl of Derby, the founder of the Oaks and Derby stakes, produced many fine horses on the turf, one of which, Sir Peter Teazle, is distinguished in the annals of racing. The Earl of Clermont, who died in 1834, at the age of eighty-three, having been nearly sixty years connected with the turf, the Honourable Richard Ver- non, and Sir Charles Bunbury, are noted amongst the sports- men of this period. The latter gentleman survived until the year 1821, at the age of eighty-two, keeping up his con- nexion with the turf till the last. He was mainly instru- mental in doing away with the four-mile races at Newmar- ket, and in producing the unhappy innovation of running two-year-old colts. THE RACE-HORSE. The name of the Duke of Queensberry is associated with all the proceedings of this period. He was successful, shrewd, and skilful in resources. Old Q., as he was afterwards called, was never to be taken in. His famous carriage match, about the middle of the century, is well known. The match was for 1000 guineas. A carriage was to be con- structed, with four wheels, to carry one person, and to run nineteen miles within the hour. On the day of trial, a car- riage, of the weight of an alderman, appeared on the heath of Newmarket, with spokes of whalebone, traces of silk, and so forth, drawn by four thoroughbred horses, ridden by boys, dressed, we are told, in blue satin waistcoats, buckskin breeches, and white silk stockings, followed by a postilion in red silk stockings, and preceded by a groom in crimson vel- vet, to clear the way. The traces were made with springs to roll up on the relaxing of the draught, so that they might not get beneath the horses; and cases of tin kept dropping oil on the axletree, to prevent its taking fire. A space for the course was corded in round the heath, and the fairy equi- page was in motion with the speed of the wind. The horses ran away with their riders, and did the first nine miles in four minutes; and the match was completed in fifty-three minutes twenty-seven seconds. Other stories are on record 1 I | I $ pe Ey F 566 THE HORSE. L regarding the eccentric Duke. On one occasion of a match, a large sum of money was offered to his jockey, if he would lose the race. The jockey honestly told the Duke, who coolly desired him to take the money. When the horse came to the starting-post, the Duke too was there. He said he had a mind to ride the horse himself, so, throwing off his greatcoat, he was seen to be equipped in racing attire, and mounting, he won the race with ease. In 1756, he had a successful match with the Duke of Hamilton, when both noblemen rode their own horses, and when enormous sums depended on the result. His horse, Dash, beat Sir Peter Teazle over the six-mile course of Newmarket; and he gained two others, thousand-guinea matches, three times round the Round Course, or a distance of about twelve miles. He kept a select, but not a numerous stud. He died in 1810, at the age of eighty-six. In 1784, we find the gay and accomplished Prince of Wales, then twenty-two years of age, an eager supporter of this class of amusements. In 1791, an event occurred, which caused the Royal Prince to quit the turf in disgust. The story has been often told; but, as it has not been always fairly told, it is but just to repeat it. On the 20th October, the Prince's best horse, Escape, ridden by Samuel Chifney the elder, was beaten at Newmarket by Coriander and Skylark, Escape being the favourite horse in the betting. On the following day, the betting being 5 to 1 against Escape, this horse, ridden by Chifney, beat Skylark and the other horses easily. At this result, a violent outcry was raised by the losers, who did not hesitate to say that, on the 20th, Chifney rode to lose, and that the Prince himself was implicated. The cha- racter and station of the youthful Prince might have saved him from this cruel suspicion. He declared that he had no bets on the first day's race, and but inconsiderable ones on the second. He caused Chifney to be rigidly examined, when the latter made affidavit that he had done everything which his judgment suggested to him to make his horse win THE RACE-HORSE. * 567 on the first day; and thirteen years later, in his Genius Genuine, he gave a narrative of the proceeding, accounting for the defeat of Escape on the first day by his being short of work, and for his winning on the second, by the effects of the gallop, in putting him in trim. Notwithstanding the ex- planations given, the Jockey Club, through Sir Charles Bun- bury, informed the Prince, that if he suffered Chifney to ride his horses again, no gentleman would ride against him. The proceeding seems contrary to the rules of evidence, and the principles of fair dealing. The Prince declared his own in- nocence; and no fact, which has ever been communicated to the world, proved his guilt, or even rendered the surmise of it probable. If he believed his jockey innocent, he could not dismiss him without injustice or dishonour; and the demand that he should do so, was in itself an insult and a wrong. The Prince felt it to be both, and for many years retired from all connexion with the turf. About the year 1800, however, his Royal Highness began to restore his stud, in which he took great delight, and resumed his accustomed amusement. He sent his horses to Brighton, Lewis, Ascot, Goodwood, and other meetings, even after he had ascended the throne, and by degrees restored the Royal stud to great magnificence; and to his latest hour, his Majesty took much interest in the amusements of the course. The stud at Hampton Court passed into the hands of his late Majesty King William, who judiciously abandoned training for the turf, but acted on the principle of encouraging the breed of horses, by instituting annual sales of the young horses which were bred at the establishment. Soon after the accession of her present Majesty, the stud at Hampton Court was wholly broken up. It is to be regretted that the horses, amongst which were some Arabians, presented by the Imaun of Mus- cat, believed to be of the purest of the Desert Breed, should have been dispersed, and carried to other countries. But, otherwise, the measure, which excited so much angry dis- cussion at the time, appears to have been discreet and wise. { < I J Tu | L सभी में के मत में f " F 568 Fitting encouragement can be given, by means of the Royal plates and otherwise, to the rearing of horses for the turf, without connecting with its concerns the personal acts of the Sovereign. THE HORSE. Of the other great supporters of the turf, from the period of the American war down to our own times, were Earl Fitz- william, who succeeded to the stud of his uncle the Marquis of Rockingham, and died in 1833 at the age of eighty-five, having been about sixty-two years actively connected with the turf; the Dukes of Grafton, Hamilton, Dorset, Portland, Bedford, and many noble persons more, all keepers of large studs. Of commoners the list is very extensive. Amongst these it will appear strange to include the illustrious name of Charles James Fox; yet so it was. Mr Fox's own stud was not remarkable for its goodness, but he betted largely, as was the fashion at the time, and it is said with success. At a match at Newmarket in 1772, he is said to have won about 16,000 guineas, by taking the odds on a horse that lost by half a neck. On coming into office with Lord North, in 1783, he suddenly gave up his stud, and abandoned the racing clubs; but this was only for a season, for, when still in office, in the same year, we find him at the meetings of Newmarket exhibiting all his accustomed eagerness,―his marvellous and versatile genius appearing to vulgar observers as much in its proper sphere at the betting-post as in the senate. Approach- ing nearer to our own times, we find the name of Sir Henry Vane Tempest. This gentleman was early on the turf. A famous match of his is familiar to all sportsmen. His horse Hambletonian, got by King Fergus, dam by Highflyer, gran- dam by Matchem, ran a match with Mr Cookson's Diamond, descended from Herod, over the course at Newmarket. The match was for 3000 guineas, besides large bets between the parties. So close was the contest, that, even within a few strides of the winning-post, the horses were head to head, when, by a grand effort, Hambletonian, ridden by Buckle, came in by half a neck. Incredible sums depended upon this I THE RACE-HORSE. 569 contest, the north country gentlemen betting on Hamble- tonian, who was Yorkshire born, and the Newmarket gentle- men as freely taking the odds in favour of his rival. In this contest the blood of Eclipse prevailed over that of Herod, and Sir Henry Vane Tempest, with just feeling, would never per- mit his noble horse to hazard his honours by entering the lists again. We find also living, or lately living, in our own times, amongst the supporters of the turf, the names of the Dukes of Grafton, Cleveland, Richmond, Rutland, Portland; the Marquises of Westminster, Exeter, Conyngham, and Sligo; the Earls of Egremont, Burlington, Warwick, Veru- lam, Chesterfield, Sefton, Jersey, Lichfield, Albemarle, Wil- ton; the Lords Lowther, Wharncliff, Suffield; Sir Francis Standish, Sir Mark Wood, Sir J. Shelley, Sir Gilbert Heath- cote; Generals Grosvenor and Gower; Colonels Peel and Wilson; Messrs Wilson, Wyndham, Rouss, and great num- bers more, recorded in the sporting annals of the times; and even if we could exhaust the list of those who are chiefly found at the great courses, as Newmarket, Epsom, Ascot, Doncaster, we should have a catalogue behind of those who confine themselves to what may be called the provincial courses, and then we should have those who, without keep- ing regular racing studs, rear thoroughbred horses, and bring them from time to time upon the turf. - The classes referred to are the legitimate supporters of this system of amusement. They bet upon the result; but the bet, generally speaking, may be regarded as secondary and subservient to the sport. But the sport involves not merely the contest for victory in the race, but the contest of judgment on the merits of the rival horses, and on the chances of success or failure. No mode except the bet has been de- vised, or appears suitable, for this purpose, and hence it has become an integral part of the system. The bet, however, may degenerate into abuse, and connect with the business of the turf persons whose sole end is gain, and who avail them- selves of the recognised usages of betting to make the sys- " { | [ .. Be 570 tem an engine of mere mercenary calculation. In this class are comprehended persons of various ranks of society, from the lowest retainers of the course, hostlers, discarded jockeys, and blackguards of every degree, to those who have the means to make good their engagements. The former are mere ruffians, known under the name of blacklegs, and fit- ting subjects for the pillory or the whipping-post. Many of the others are adventurers, who are not less alien to the legitimate business of the turf, who contribute nothing to its support, and who merely make it the subject of a calculation of chances for the purposes of profit. Some of these adven- turers, indeed, acquire studs, and then take their station amongst the contributors to the actual business of the course, the origin of their connexion with it being forgotten in their success. It is impossible, indeed, to draw a line of demarca- tion between such persons and those who merely bet as oc- casion offers. Numbers of these last are of the more opulent classes, as country gentlemen, the wealthier yeomen, and persons of trades and professions of all kinds. And besides these, are the ordinary frequenters of the racing grounds, who assemble merely to enjoy the spectacle, and bet, because it amuses them, on the favourite horses, or in such other way as the feeling of the moment dictates. It it plain that these classes are distinct in their relations to the turf from the class of gambling adventurers. The bet with them is merely part of the sport, and the test of judgment on the chances of the winning and losing horses. But doubtless there is a mixed class of feelings introduced, and no certain means exist for discriminating between the regular gambler, who speculates upon the events of the turf with the same feelings as on the chances of the dice, and those who make the business of betting secondary and subservient to the plea- sure and interest they derive from the spectacle itself. }; THE HORSE. The institution of the Course is plainly one in accordance with national character, and interests deeply a great part of the population of all classes. The prevailing fondness for ५ * 179 THE RACE-HORSE. 571 this gay and animating pursuit need be sought for, it is ap- prehended, in no other principles of human nature than are employed to explain the love of all those sports and occupa- tions of the same kind which keep the mind in action. We need no more inquire why a man acquires a love for the race- course than for the chase, for travelling, or for active occu- pation of any kind. The machinery of human thought, it seems, must not be allowed to rust from inaction, and those who would limit its movements in any single course, assur- edly manifest an ignorance of human nature. What is term- ed amusement can no more be excluded from the category of human pursuits than the occupations of business, of philoso- phy, or of all the graver objects which occupy the mind, and which, as society advances, become more multiplied and va- ried. One of the sternest of ancient moralists declares, that the man who has no time to be idle is a slave; but the idleness of which he speaks is merely the diversion of thought to another class of objects. Limiting our reflec- tions to the condition of society which exists in this coun- try, it were as foolish as vain to seek to restrict within too narrow a sphere the pleasures of the people. If they are rudely restrained within one channel, they may take another less favourable to private happiness, to public mo- rals, and to national character. The horse-race has been a pastime of the people of England for generations, has super- seded many rude and cruel sports, and has attained a re- finement in accordance with the spirit of a more cultivated age; and it may be questioned if there is any one pursuit in the class of what are called public amusements, which, with so little prejudice to the character of the people, is calculated to produce so great a degree of interest and relaxation. It will be said that the system is tainted with the spirit of gambling and play. Would that it were less so! but the fact admitted does not invalidate the fair conclusions which may be drawn. The love of gain cannot be truly said to be the primary end of those who delight in this gay and ani- R · I y r } L ཀ 1 1 . 572 mating spectacle. The bet is but the test of skill with respect to the issue; and the nature of the pleasure derived from success is not altered because the guerdon is a purse of gold and not an olive crown. If the gain is acquired, the loss is as freely hazarded. Will it be said that the whole is a game of chances, and therefore immoral? This sour morality has as yet found favour in no age of mankind. If the principle were admitted, that gain is unlawful when derived from a calculation of probable results, we must interrupt not only the pastimes but the business of mankind. We must close the stock exchange, proscribe assurance companies, and stay every freighted vessel that quits our shores on a voyage of adventure. The objection, we think, can scarcely be to the principle of the system of betting, as connected with the chances of the turf, but to the extent to which it is carried, and the abuses which accompany it. The sums hazarded, in- deed, are large; but these must be measured in some sort by the wealth of the community and the usages of society. It does not appear that, in any kind of games, the greatness of the stake is a serious evil. Experience would rather lead to the conclusion that it is the reverse, as it affects the charac- ter and feelings of the parties concerned; and if at the race- course large sums are won, corresponding sums are lost, and the general balance is not greatly affected. With respect to the abuses of the system of the course, these indeed are many, but all of them are not necessarily inherent in the system of the course. Persons make the business of the turf an engine of gambling; but it must be remembered that gambling is not confined to the turf; and that the same persons who gamble on the chances of a horse winning or losing at a race, will gamble on the chances of a dye, or any other contin- gency that presents itself. The gamblers of the towns, who scarcely know a horse from a cow, would, if horse-races were abolished to-morrow, find subjects equally suited to their purposes. It is not found that gambling is less ex- tended in countries where the race-course is unknown; nor THE HORSE. 6 2 24 * 573 does it seem that morality in these countries would suffer if the hazard were on the winning of horses, in place of on the chances of cards, or the turning of dice. THE RACE-HORSE. But unhappily the abuses of the turf are of no trivial kind, and may excuse the severest scrutiny. These abuses have attained a magnitude which the world will find it diffi- cult to credit, and have been combined with a system of methodized villany and plunder, which, if not counteracted by all the power which can be employed, must, at no distant time, banish this noble pastime from the sports of the people of England, and drive away from its contamination its most honourable supporters. The system of betting, as applied to this amusement, it is to be observed, is of great com- plexity, involving calculations on the chances, not only of the winning, but of the losing horses, and on a variety of con- tingencies distinct from the chances of a horse winning or losing by the exercise of its powers. Often when bets have been taken on the winning or losing of a horse, contingen- cies may arise to affect the result in a manner unseen. A horse that has one day been a favourite, and largely backed, may, on the following one, have his chances of winning re- duced to nothing. The person who bets watches the turn in the odds, as a stockbroker watches the changes in the market, and avails himself of these by such a system of bet- ting and counterbetting, as throws the most expert calcula- tions of the Stock Exchange into the shade, and would do credit to the most skilful calculator of chances. A man, for example, begins to "make his Book," as it is termed, at the new year, on the Derby, the Oaks, and other great stakes. The nominations have taken place when the colts were a year old, and consequently many of them die before the day of running, and many of them turn out good for nothing on trial; and of a hundred or more entered, only twenty may start. Now, reflecting on the vast variety of contingencies here called into play, until the horses appear at the starting- post, we may imagine what a curious complication this Book Ge ' 574 ones. must present, and how much of skill it must demand to place the bets in the most favourable position to gain, or to avoid loss. How often does it become necessary "to hedge," when a false or dangerous move has been made; that is, to make a series of bets in an opposite course from the previous A man may win, by giving odds against every horse in the field. Thus, if five horses start, by betting 4 to 1 against each, he loses nothing, for only one can win, on which he loses 4, and the remaining four lose, on which he gains 4; but if he bets 3. to 1 against all, he must win, for on the winning horse he loses 3, but on the losing horses he gains 4. If twenty horses run, 18 to 1 may be betted against every horse in the field; for only one can win on which 18 is lost, but nineteen must lose on which 19 is gained. This is the simplest case that can be put; but it shews that, by a skilful adjustment of odds, a man may gain a large sum on a race, while he cannot lose anything. But while it is rare for a person to be able to balance all his bets so that he must win, and cannot lose, yet the cases are innumerable in which he is able so to hedge or counter-bet, as to bring the chances in his favour for winning to a maximum, and reducing those against him to a minimum. Large fortunes have been ac- quired by skill in betting and counter-betting; yet the sys- tem is legitimate in itself, and nothing more than a fair exercise of the knowledge and address of the individual. But what shall be said if fraud is used, either to support the system, or to counteract it when fairly pursued? What if horses heavily backed are fraudulently withdrawn from the course at the moment of running? What if those that could win are made to lose? It is seen that the owner of a horse may, by betting against his own horse, gain by his losing the race; and, by having his horse largely backed, and then running to lose, pocket enormous sums. Trainers and jockeys are now in the habit of betting largely, not on the horses intrusted to them, but on the general business of the race. What a frightful temptation is this to people in THE HORSE. • $ 8 THE RACE-HORSE. 575 their condition of life, and how multiplied is the temptation, when there are confederacies of gamblers, chiefly in the great cities, who have the means to offer bribes, too great for ordinary virtue to resist? Deceptive trials, and lying re- ports, may all lend their aid; and even the poisoned tank, and debilitating ball, may be called into action, the one to deprive the noble victim of life, the other, with scarcely less nefarious aim, to unfit him for exercising his powers when brought into the field. In the year 1812, a ruffian called Dawson, was executed for administering poison to various horses. He had been engaged in these practices for four years. He had effected his ends by means of arsenic or cor- rosive sublimate, sometimes introducing the poison by means of a syringe into the locked troughs at which the horses drank. The wretch suffered, while the heartless criminals who had set him on remained undiscovered. One of the practices pursued is to get up favourites for the great stakes. This is done by means of lies, false trials, deceptive bets, high prices paid for horses, so as to enhance the public opinion of their value, and by devices of all sorts. Large sums are staked on the favourite horse by the public. But is it intended that he shall win? No: it is settled that he shall lose. A little management of the jockeys will save appearances, and thousands are to be duped that the owner and his confederates may pocket the spoil. Enormous sums, as 3000 guineas, or more, are paid for a colt, we will sup- pose, to start for the Derby. What is the meaning of this? Is the owner to back this colt against a hundred horses he has never seen, twenty or thirty of which (many of them, for any thing he knows, better than his own) are to start? No: -The purpose is not to win the Derby. The owner and his confederates are to gain by the loss of the race, and the dupes are to back the favourite. One of the finest horses that has appeared on the modern turf, Plenipotentiary, who had never been defeated,-who had gained the Derby with- out a struggle,—and had walked over Ascot Heath, because कश 室 ​E ***** រ 电子 ​Į ******* } ** 576 no horse had dared to contend against him,-started for the St Leger with 5 to 2 in his favour. Did he win the race? A horse with 50 to 1 against him came in the winner. Another, who had not even been placed at the Derby, defeated this unrivalled horse, who came in the last but one of eleven that started. In the following year he reappeared at New- market with such success, as to make it be believed, that not a horse at Doncaster could have kept pace with him for fifty yards together. He was then backed at great odds to run at Ascot; but on the day before the race he was carried away, to the consternation of the backers, no one knew wherefore, and never again was seen on the turf. Don- caster had already become noted for exploits of a suspicious kind. In the year 1832, at the commencement of the meet- ing, it had become known that the proprietor of the Athe- næum gaming-house in London, as yet new to the public honours of the turf, had purchased Ludlow, a horse in high favour, for the St Leger, for 5000 guineas. Suspicion was at once excited, and mistrust accordingly marred the sport of the day. The gambler declared that all his intents had been fair and honourable; that he had betted L.15,000 on the horse; and defied all the world to prove that he had betted one guinea against him. 1 * THE HORSE. 1.jp The betting of jockeys and trainers, to a vast amount, has now become a sytem extensive, open, and avowed. It is no longer the restricted and temperate betting, which prevailed in former times, on horses in which the masters and employ- ers of these people had an interest, but they must have their Books as regularly as the boldest gambler of the course. Now, here is a system which strikes at the very root of all confidence in the affairs of the turf. What! the horses of sportsmen to be intrusted to a set of avowed gamblers, who may have a direct interest in causing their defeat. What confidence can be placed in a jockey on whose success in a match with another horse he or his confederates may have thousands depending? Will he win in opposition to an in- || 577 terest so great? Those who believe so, must have a higher confidence in the virtues of Newmarket than our knowledge of human nature elsewhere justifies. The first admission on record of a jockey betting on the horse opposed to that which he himself rode, is by the elder Chifney. He lost the race; but he justifies himself by saying, that he knew the horse he rode was unfit to win. The argument of the jockey is not worth the tassel of his velvet cap; and the principle con- tended for needs only a little extension to justify every kind of roguery. This very jockey lived to acquire a splendid stud, to build houses, to sport his equipage, and to experience the revolution of fortune's wheel, by dying a beggar. But the training grooms, more trusted still, what can be said of their concern with the gambling speculations, by which their interest and their duty may be placed at variance? What need of their master-key to guard their troughs from the in- troduction of the arsenic or sublimate, or of the live fishes, to shew that the water is as pure as their own thoughts? A few orders of the head groom on the training-ground, few doses out of time of Barbadoes aloes, a gentle opiate from the apothecary's shop, all for the health of the horse, will answer every end. Or, should these disgraces not be perpetrated, how many are the means by which races may be lost and won! A simple breach of confidence may answer the end; information may be conveyed, sufficient to neutral- ize the hopes of the confiding employer, and the one Book be made square, although the other may become a memorandum of ruin. It were most harsh, most unjust, to say that, amongst the training-grooms of our great courses, there are not, and have not been, many worthy men, as incorruptible as the proudest that can command their services; and the more to be honoured that they are exposed to such corruptions. It is the system which is here in question, which places men's interest in opposition to their duty, and leads them into a temptation too strong for human weakness. That it is through the inferior instruments employed, that the higher 20 THE RACE-HORSE. 1 23 1 578 and more guilty agents are enabled to move their machinery of fraud is beyond a question; for how should a race be lost at will, if those who ride the horses, or prepare them for the turf, were not implicated? These superior agents may, in- deed, influence the jockeys; and we must pity the poorer riders who are required to lose a race, although the scoun- drels that corrupt them are able to reward their obedience. It is the first lesson in deception they receive, the effect of which is to rear up a generation of profligates, ready to sell their services, until they shall have acquired the means to set up for themselves. But it is apparent that the facilities for this kind of corruption are immeasurably increased, when the superior jockeys and trainers enter on the turf as princi- pals, and become necessarily implicated in the same class of proceedings. Therefore, we say, that the strictest means ought to be adopted for preventing trainers and jockeys from engaging in the gambling business of the turf. Of the effects of this system of pollution, the proceedings of the modern turf are a continued exemplification. It has almost ceased to be the practice to bet on horses, from a simple knowledge of their powers and qualities, as exhibited by their public running. The bet is often founded on pri- vate information, purchased at a high price, and by a betray- ing of confidence; or on a knowledge of what parties bet for or against certain horses. The trumps are marked, and the pack is shuffled, by those who are deepest in the game, while others are content to observe their superiors in intelligence, and to play their own stakes accordingly. When a number of influential bettors back a horse to lose, he will be a bold man who will back him to win, founding on mere knowledge of the animal's powers. One of the best authorities upon such subjects declares, that a horse "with the best blood of England in his veins, and the best jockey on his back, shall have no more chance to win, when backed heavily to lose, than a jack-ass." Another authority, himself a rider and owner of race-horses, long ago declared, that, if Eclipse were THE HORSE. · THE RACE-HORSE. 579 now in the field, and heavily backed to lose by certain influ- ential bettors, he would have no more chance to win than if he had the use of only three of his legs. In the great Derby stakes of 1832, in which a chestnut colt, St Giles, of no pe- culiar promise, was the winner, it was believed that every horse but one had been "made safe;" and other examples could be given, in which similar suspicions, whether well founded or not, shew the opinion of the parties best qualified to judge of the integrity of those on whom the winning or losing of the race depends. Such is the condition to which the English turf is reduced by confederacies of gamblers and swindlers, who are able to apply their ill-gotten gains to contaminate the whole body of those whom money can render subservient to them. It is only within a period compara- tively short that this practice of wholesale villany has arrived at its full maturity of system, and that persons raised from the lowest condition of life, and pursuing gambling as a trade, have acquired that influence on the turf, which enables them to move the inferior puppets at their will, and elbow from their proper place the legitimate supporters of this an- cient sport of the people. That abuses, and grievous ones, have always existed in the system, is too true; but these abuses were as dust in the balance to the heavy mass of profligacy and dishonour which now weighs down the scale. Foreigners will hear with wonder, that, not in the city of London only, but in many of the larger provincial towns, there are regular establishments, where betting proceeds as systematically and constantly as the business of the Stock Exchange. In one great establishment alone in London, Tattersall's, L.100,000 and more sometimes change hands in a day. But this is the regular establishment for gentle- men really connected with the turf. There are, however, clubs or houses in the Capital, which are mere places of gambling, where the parties frequently know nothing of horses, except as things to make money of. Many of these are a sort of low taverns, called Sporting Public-houses, fre- $ ***** } 6 1 Į F 1 r *** ? | } > 580 THE HORSE. quented by broken-down hangers-on of the turf, and sharpers of every degree, who bet small sums, and make prey of trades-people and others, who are foolish enough to draw in this lottery of many blanks. But the grand performers in the play are a very different class of persons. These gentle- men have risen far beyond the vulgar honours of the Sport- ing-House. They "do the thing" on a princely scale, and can exhibit “Books" enough to make a "royal merchant" stare. The principal of the present "extensive operators on the betting market," as Mr Whyte gently terms them, are, or were, it seems, Messrs Theobald, Bland, Bond, Robinson of Of Manchester, Holliday, Justice, Greatorex, Wakefield.* the kinds of persons who, in the deep lottery of the turf, are able to rise with the wheel of fortune, the following graphic sketch, from the pen of Mr Apperley, the most useful and happy writer on this class of subjects, will convey an idea. "Of the public racing men at Newmarket, Messrs Crockford, Gully, Ridsdale, Saddler, the Chifneys, &c., we need not say much, their deeds being almost daily before us. But look- ing at the extraordinary results of these men's deeds, who will not admit racing to be the best trade going? Talk of studs, talk of winnings, talk of racing establishments! Our Graftons, Richmonds, Portlands, and Clevelands, with all their means and appliances to boot, are but the beings of a summer's day when compared with those illustrious person- ages and their various transactions and doings on the turf. Here is a small retail tradesman dealing in a very perishable commodity, become our Modern Croesus in a few years, and proprietor of several of the finest houses in England! Be- hold the champion of the boxing-ring, the champion of the turf, the proprietor of a noble domain, an honourable mem- ber of the Reformed Parliament, all in the person of a Bris- tol butcher! Turn to a great proprietor of coal-mines, the * Whyte's History of the Turf. €1 1 → 581 owner of the best stud in England, one who gives 3000 gui- neas for a horse, in the comely form of a Yorkshire footman! We have a quondam livery-stable keeper, with a dozen or more race-horses in his stalls, and those of the very best stamp, and such as few country gentlemen, or indeed any others, have a chance to contend with. By their father's account of them, the two Messrs Chifney were stable-boys to Earl Grosvenor at eight guineas a-year and a stable suit. They are now owners of nearly the best horses, and, save Mr Crockford's, quite the best houses in their native town. There is the son of the hostler of the Black Swan at York, betting his thousands on the heath, his neckerchief secured by a diamond pin. Then, to crown all, there is Squire Beardsworth of Birmingham, with his seventeen race-horses, and his crimson liveries, in the same loyal but dirty town in which he once drove a hackney coach." If the institution of the turf is to be preserved to the people of England, it is manifest that means must be used to free it from the taint and scandal which are now attached to it. In a country where the civil and moral relations of men in society are deemed worthy of regard, it is impossible that a system, based on deception, founded on the corruption of the humbler instruments employed, and methodized into a course of public plunder, can be suffered to remain grafted on the pastimes of the people. Here is no question of a wretched gambling-house to be put down, of a petty culprit for some miserable game of chances to be rendered amenable to penal statutes, but of a system of wholesale fraud, carried on by troops of plunderers in the face of day, supported by funds of incredible amount, and spreading the poison of a danger- ous example through the medium of public sports. Is this a matter to be left to the conventional regulations of clubs, and to the inconsiderable powers of stewards of race-courses? The matter, we say, is one of public concern, involving re- sults affecting national character, and public decency and THE RACE-HORSE. I ƒ 1 [ E + 3 $ J T [ Į L 4 봅 ​582 THE HORSE. morals; and if these popular sports are to be preserved at all, it is the imperative duty, too long neglected, of the legis- lative powers to provide for their fitting control. Can any- thing be more monstrous than that, when harsh laws are levelled against humble sports, a system of gambling, une- qualled for foul dealing in any country in the world, is suf- fered to take root in the heart of society, without a single check to its utmost abuse? Can the continued contact of such contamination be without its effects on the moral feel- ings of the people? Can the youth of the country come safely within the poisoned atmosphere of the betting-room, and learn that men may, without reproach, rise to affluence by the basest arts? Can the gentlemen of England main- tain the honour of their rank while mixing in the pursuits of felons, and sharing a dishonest spoil? Few lessons, let us be assured, are more dangerous to the people than that of successful fraud: And woe it is to a country, when men are taught to look lightly on offences which touch the principles of honest dealing. Excessive public gambling, under any circumstances, is perhaps to be regretted; but when it is fraudulent at the same time, it calls for all the punishment which laws tempered with mercy can inflict on thieves and swindlers. It may be said that it would be difficult to reach this class of offences; and so it is to reach the crimes of forgery and other secret acts against society; but ought the laws therefore to sleep, and allow the plunderer to carry off the spoil in safety? It cannot be doubted that a system of law vigilantly executed, applicable to the concerns of the turf, would quickly abate the existing evils, and restore this popular sport to at least its former character. This is not the place to enter on so wide and delicate a subject. A par- liamentary inquiry would seem to be the most suitable course, the effect of which would be to expose the full degree of the evil, and suggest the fitting remedies. All men who abhor fraud and value public decency should support such an in- 1 583 quiry, and none more than the country gentlemen of Eng- land, who take pleasure in this sport of their ancestors, and desire to see it freed from pollution and dishonour. One abuse connected with the sports of the turf remains to be referred to, which does not demand the interference of the law, but may be corrected by the good feeling and judg- ment of the legitimate supporters of the course. THE RACE-HORSE. The Race-Horse, we have seen, has been cultivated for a particular end, and the purpose of the breeders has been to call forth in the highest degree those characters which indi- cate the power of rapid motion. These purposes have been fulfilled, and the form of the animal answers the conditions required; yet this form does not wholly accord with those ideas of symmetry which, without relation to the particular uses of the horse, we might have formed. His length is greater than consists with perfect beauty, the power of speed having been sought for in a higher degree than that of strength and endurance. His legs are longer and his trunk smaller than the eye indicates as strictly graceful. The length and depth of the hind-quarters, a point essential to the power of making long strides, are extended to the degree of appearing disproportionate. The chest is narrow, and the fore-quarters are light, points likewise characteristic of speed. The neck is straight rather than gracefully arched, and the pasterns are very long and oblique. Thus may the Race-Horse not only lose somewhat of that apparent harmony of parts which the eye delights to trace in the animal world, but some even of the really valuable properties of the horse may be sacri- ficed to insure others which, with relation to mere utility, may be of secondary importance. Thus, strength and the power of endurance may be sacrificed for the property of speed, and even soundness of constitution to the artificial uses to which we destine the animal. Not only may these things be, but there is reason to infer that this yet unrivalled breed has already suffered deterioration. It is difficult to institute a precise comparison between the w + 7 *axim **-1 ae by cash, ma I 584 horses of a former age and those of the present day; but it is the opinion of the most careful observers, that the present breed of Race-Horses has for a period past been tending to become small, long limbed, delicate in constitution, and, accordingly, inferior to the older horses of the turf. The reasons assigned are, unfortunately, sufficient to account for the effect, or rather the effect must necessarily result from the causes in operation. In the former practice of the turf, the courses were of several miles, and the horses were not brought upon the field until of an age when their form was developed and their strength matured. Now the practice prevails of having very short courses, and of running the horses at two years old or earlier. From the first of these causes, speed alone is looked to as the end to be aimed at, without relation to the essential properties of endurance and strength; and from the second cause results the yet greater evil of calling into action the powers of the animal before he has acquired the strength and development of parts which fit him for the services demanded from him. Now, expe- rience shews that we are able to adapt by degrees the form and habits of the animal to the conditions to which we sub- ject him. We can cultivate the characters of form which have relation to speed, rather than those which have rela- tion to strength, and we know that the early development of form which enables us to call his powers into premature ac- tion, may, to a certain degree, be arrived at by the stimulus of feeding, and by training at an early age. The latter re- sult, however, cannot be attained without a violence done to the natural habits of the animal, and an impairing of the powers of the constitution; and these things affect injuri- ously not only the individual, but the progeny to which its properties are communicated. The system of short races is justified on the ground that, in the case of the long course, there is only a part of the space passed over at which the animal is urged to his utmost speed, and that therefore the long course is unnecessary for the essential purposes of the THE HORSE. | THE RACE-HORSE. 585 race. The argument is not perfectly satisfactory. The race is a trial of the power of the horse, and of the skill of the rider, and we diminish the claim of superiority in both when we reduce the contest to a furious gallop. Is it no- thing to take from the interest and curiosity of the spectacle, to lessen its value as a trial of the powers of the animal, and to reduce to the mere determination of a bet that which can be rendered subservient to the gratification of public taste, and to purposes yet more useful? But if an argument can be used in favour of this innovation upon the ancient prac- tice of the turf, with respect to the distances to be passed over, what shadow of an argument can be produced to justify the practice of employing horses in this severe exercise, and in the laborious training which it demands, before they shall have acquired their natural powers? The growth of the Horse is indeed very rapid for so large an animal, but yet a few years are absolutely required to allow his fine form to acquire its full expansion and adjustment of parts, his bones and cartilages to attain their due solidity, his muscles, liga- ments, and tendons, to arrive at their natural toughness and strength. The slightest knowledge of the physiology of the animal makes us acquainted with these truths, and shews that he undergoes from his birth to maturity of youth a series of progressive changes, which we ought not to inter- rupt. Why should we anticipate powers which will be so soon at our command without reproach? What is a year, or what are two years gained, of services from the young and immature animal, when we consider how many more we may deprive ourselves of when he is more fitted to render them. Nothing is better established in the practical ma- nagement of the Horse, whether intended for the chase, for the carriage, or for the labour of heavy draught, than the importance, with relation to his future services, his health, and longevity, of never over-taxing his powers of action. when young; and in the case of the horse designed for the turf, the error is, if possible, yet more palpable. The powers. • i 1 1 ↓ "L I 24 586 which the Race-Horse is required to exercise are those of excessive speed, which infers the greatest tension and dis- placement of parts of any other kind of labour. Nothing, it is known, gives so great a tendency to founder, spavin, curbs, sprains, hernia, and the like, as excessive exertion of the powers of speed by a young animal; and, even when no per- ceptible effect of this kind is produced, how often are the seeds of disease sown in the system, to appear in an after season in the disordered functions of the respiratory and other organs? Nor is this all in the case of the Race-Horse thus cruelly misused. To fit him for his future task, he must be deprived of liberty, and subjected to artificial feed- ing and training almost from the time he quits the side of his dam. No time is allowed him for that exercise in the fields which his instincts point out as the most suitable and natural, nor for partaking of that food in the open air, which is the best fitted of all others to preserve health, and answer the demand of the sanguiferous system in a young animal. He must be trained, bled, physicked, sweated, and subjected to restraint in his natural motions, at the time when the animal functions should have their natural play. Can any one who has any knowledge of the animal system in general, or of the temperament of the horse in particular, doubt that such a system must enfeeble the powers of the body, and act injuriously upon the progeny? Is it possible to believe that, under a system of this kind, carried to the degree to which it now is carried, numbers of the turf-horses of England are not broken down and undermined in constitution long before their natural powers have been perfected? Childers and Eclipse did not appear on the turf until the age of five. Had these fine creatures been run at the age of two, a very different estimate might have been formed of their powers, and themselves have been racked, foundered, or otherwise injured, before their full forces could have been exhibited, and thus the English Turf might have been deprived of all the benefit which it has derived from the numerous progeny THE HORSE. 3 3. 1 587 ⚫ which these animals left behind them. Further, the Race- Horses of England have become the boast of the country, and are the means by which the property termed blood is communicated to all the inferior races. Is it fitting that a breed of horses which has been cultivated with so much care, which has attained to so much excellence, and which may be applied to purposes so useful, should undergo deteriora- tion, in however slight a degree, in order to promote the purposes of selfishness and gambling; and of gambling, too, not depending upon the powers of an animal capable of ex- erting them, but of a young creature overburdened by a cruel task? What is this but the stealing of a miserable year or two from the youth of the growing horse, that he may sooner bring to his owner an unworthy gain? The scandal should be proscribed on the English Turf. If the feelings of those engaged in it will not lead them to abandon it, legis- lation will not be out of place to preserve the breed of these noble horses, and protect them from the cruelty and impro- vidence of their masters. THE HUNTER. II. THE HUNTER. To the Horses which, in the British Islands, are peculiarly fitted for the exercise of the modern chase, it is usual to apply the term Hunters. These form a class rather than a breed of horses, because different varieties of horse may be used for the purpose of hunting, as the Race-Horse itself, or the superior class of saddle-horses of any kind. Yet, as the methods of hunting now pursued throughout the country are nearly similar, and as horses possessing a peculiar kind of properties are the best suited for this exercise, a certain similitude of characters has been established between all the members of the class. The modern Hunter differs greatly in his characters and form from the horses formerly employed in the chase in this + " ! 1 ! 1 1 588 THE HORSE. country, having partaken of that tendency to a lighter form, of which all the horses used for the saddle have partaken, and this in an increasing degree within the last half century. The same means, although with certain modifications, have been employed to form the Hunter as those used for the Race-Horse. The lighter and more agile horses of the warmer countries have been mixed in blood with the pre- existing races, so that the form of the latter has been moulded to a new standard. But this has not been done with the same system in the case of the Hunter as of the Race-Horse, nor with the same exclusive reference to the properties of speed. No breed of distinct lineage has been formed, whose descendants, mixing only with one another, have at length approached to a common type. The Hunters have been mixed not only with one another, but with every other race which seemed fitted to give the conformation and characters required. The Horses of Spain, Italy, and Turkey, nay, of Barbary and Arabia, have been resorted to in the case of the Hunter as of the Race-Horse; but the greatest and most direct effect has been produced through the medium of the Race-Horse itself, which has been employed ever since the institution of the regular Course to communicate its proper- ties to the Hunter, as to the other classes of saddle-horses of the country. This mixture of the blood of the Race-Horse with that of the horses designed for the chase has been con- tinually increasing, so that the characters of the modern Hunter have been more and more approximating to those of the thoroughbred horse. Yet a great distinction has hitherto existed, and ought still to be preserved, between them. The Race-Horse is designed essentially for the exercise of the property of speed: the Hunter is also required to possess a degree of speed sufficient for the uses to which he is des- tined, but with this he should be possessed of endurance, and of the strength required for carrying the weight of his rider over an unequal surface. We may, if we please, so alter the character of the chase as to render it a rapid gallop → E 1 1 в ди 589 for a short space, so that fleetness and lightness shall be more sought for than strength and the power of endurance ; but even in this case a distinction will exist between the characters suited for the Course and those required for the Hunting-field. The Hunter should possess a good fore-end, that he may pass safely along the rough surface over which he is urged, and over the obstacles which he encounters. The low fore-end and elevated hind-quarters, which are suited to the power of rapid progression over a smooth surface, would, in the Hunter, be inconsistent with safety; and the tendency to the ewe neck, which, in the short and violent gallop of the Course is admissible, would, in the case of the Hunter, be inconsistent with sensitiveness to the rein and the ease of the rider. The neck of the Hunter should be sufficiently muscular, and his chest just so broad as to indi- cate strength without heaviness. The long stride of the Racer not being required in the Hunter, he should possess the conformation which indicates strength in the dorsal and lumbar regions, that is, he should be well-ribbed home, and have the back moderately short. In the length and develop- ment of the hind-quarters, in the formation of the limbs, muscular to the knee and hock, and below these joints tendi- nous; and, indeed, in almost all the other characters which indicate a well-formed horse, the two classes may be said to agree, except that the Hunter should be shorter legged, ac- cording to the common expression, that is, should have the limbs bear a less proportion to the trunk than the Racer, in whom this character may be sacrificed for speed. To de- scribe the Hunter, indeed, is merely to describe a well-formed horse, in which exists that harmony of parts which consists with the best exercise of the powers of the animal. The per- fect English Hunter is beyond a question the finest variety of horse that exists in any country, combining in a yet hap- pier proportion than the Race-Horse the lightness of the horses of the warmer regions with the strength of the ancient races of Europe. If we compare the Hunter in his confor- THE HUNTER. 17 現 ​E + Y E P I 590 mation with the Race-Horse, we shall find him inferior in the characters which indicate the power of speed, but far excelling in those which shew the adaptation of the animal to useful services. The vast number of these beautiful horses that are found in this country, not merely employed for the chase but for the saddle, for military chargers, and for chariots and the lighter carriages with which the country abounds, excite the admiration of strangers, greatly more even than the exciting spectacle of the race-course, and manifest in a more obvious manner the perfection to which the cultivation of the Horse has been carried amongst us. It is a truth, that it is this class of horses which is princi- pally sought for by foreign agents, and that for many years past a great and silent drain of them has been taking place to other countries. Foreign dealers and agents are con- stantly looking out for superior mares and stallions of this class. We hear of the thoroughbred horses that are carried off, but we are unsuspicious of the vast extent to which, under the unnoticed operations of common trade, the expor- tation of the most useful horses of all is continually taking place. It is certain that it is to this cause that is to be ascribed the difficulty which is everywhere complained of, in procuring good horses for the saddle. The mares, on which the breed depends, being removed, the market ceases to be supplied as before. No remedy exists for this evil but that increase of the price which shall render the home market more profitable than the foreign, and the exciting of public attention to the value and importance of the class of horses which we are suffering to escape from us. We may be assured, that the race of true Hunters, if materially di- minished or injured in its characters, will not without great difficulty be restored. A simple cross between a thoroughbred horse and a common mare may produce a good individual; but this is very different from that progressive change by which a class of characters can be communicated and rendered permanent, and a true breed formed. It may THE HORSE. 591 be believed that, while Britain preserves the opulence of a great commercial and manufacturing country, the wealth of the inhabitants will give encouragement to the production of the best horses, as well as of every thing else which the wants of such a community call for; but horses with the properties required will not start up at the command even of wealth, and we must take the means to preserve the pro- perties which ages of diligent cultivation have communicated to our horses, if we design to preserve them in the most perfect state. While horsemanship is pursued amongst us, as a pleasing and exhilarating exercise, and while the su- perior saddle-horses are in request for the luxury of the lighter equipages, it may be believed that there will always exist a great demand for the races of horses combining strength, action, and speed. But it is for the Hunting-field that a large part of the supply will be required, and there- fore it is to be desired that this elegant, manly, and popular amusement should be so conducted, as to aid in the main- tenance and improvement of that fine race of horses which is rendered subservient to it. THE HUNTER. The practice of the modern Hunting-field differs essen- tially from the methods of pursuing game adopted in former times in this country, or in others where the larger beasts of chase abound. The dogs employed in the modern chase are a variety of a race, which will be described in the sequel, distinguished from the most ancient times by following their prey by the scent, hunting in concert, and employing the voice in the manner of certain wild dogs, for the purpose of cheering their fellows or terrifying their victims. Of the kinds of hunting pursued in this country, that of the Stag, Cervus Elephas, came to be regarded as the most noble, and was eagerly practised when other kinds of game had become scarce. During the reigns of the Norman Kings, the preservation of this species of deer, and of the roebuck, likewise an indigenous species, was especially aimed at in those inhuman forest-laws which so long dishonoured the M * 8 592 THE HORSE. country. During the reigns of the Stuart Princes, the chase of the stag still continued to be the favoured pursuit of the privileged classes, but the numbers of the animals became gradually thinned, so that, by the beginning of the last cen- tury, they were scarcely to be found in the wild state. In the Highlands of Scotland they are yet in considerable num- bers, but in a country so wild, dangerous, and rocky, that they cannot be pursued by horses and hounds. When stags could no longer be found in their wild state in the woods, it became common to rear them in enclosures, and turn them out to be pursued: but this destroyed the very idea of hunting; and though the sport was pursued by George III., and till our own times, it has lost all favour amongst sportsmen of the present day, who are in the habit of ridiculing it as "calf- hunting." The ridicule is in no degree merited with refer- ence to the hunting of the stag in his natural state, which is undoubtedly the most noble and animating of all the kinds of chase in which the hound is employed. With the decline of the hunting of the deer, that of the Hare, which had been a very ancient sport, gained ground. The hounds employed in this amusement were early termed Harriers and Beagles, the latter a race of dogs with sharp but musical voices. Con- siderable numbers of harriers are still maintained in differ- ent parts of the country, but a greatly swifter race of dogs being employed, the sport has wholly changed its character. The runs are more rapid and short, with some loss, assuredly, of that pleasure which was derived from observing the ex- quisite powers of the pack, and the artifices of the prey. The substitution of the Fox for the Hare is comparatively recent. Although foxes were followed and killed by various means, with the same feelings as other noxious animals were destroyed, it seems only to have been about the beginning of last century that they began to be regularly pursued by how- hounds as a source of amusement. It was soon found, ever, that this animal, after the destruction of the deer and other game of the woods, was really the best suited of all / 10 THE HUNTER. 593 others for the sports of the field, possessing strength, hardi- hood, and speed, sufficient to call forth the utmost powers of the pack. With the increasing improvement of the country, too, and the diminution of the larger forests, the haunts of the animals became more known, so that they could be rea- dily found, while the multiplication of artificial coverts of gorse and brushwood, with the increase of the smaller game which served them as food, afforded the means of increasing their numbers in almost any degree required. This new kind of sport continued to be received with in- creasing favour during all the reign of George III., and by degrees underwent great changes. The breed of dogs was rendered more compact and symmetrical in their form, and consequently more agile and fleet; and a lighter kind of horses was employed. The general practice of the Hunting- field, too, was insensibly changed. Under the older system, the hounds were taken out by break of day, and the fox, after having returned from pursuing his prey during the night, was tracked to his cover by the scent of his returning footsteps, or, in technical language, "the drag;" so that there were in truth two chases, the one the tracking of the animal to his cover, and the other after he was "unkennel- led," corresponding with the modern fox-chase. The hounds are now at once taken to the cover, and, in place of the tem- perate riding of former times, the sportsmen press more closely on the pack, which may justify the modern phraseo- logy of riding to hounds, in place of the former more correct. expression of riding after or following them. The chase has now become a short and fiery gallop, and few horsemen, out of a numerous field, can keep pace with the pack when at speed. It has now become common to have relays of horses, so that the sportsman may mount a fresh Hunter when his first one is exhausted. In every part of England are to be seen packs, brought to the utmost perfection with respect to equipment, and the breeding and discipline of the hounds; but Leicestershire has acquired a sort of pre-eminence, from • 1 2 P 3/2 594 the number and excellence of the packs maintained in it, the nature of the country, consisting chiefly of meadows of old turf, and from the great resort of opulent sportsmen. It is here, and especially at the little town of Melton-Mowbray, that the stranger will best learn the nature of the sport as it is now pursued. The times and places of meeting of the various packs having been advertised, the preparation begins by the various horses being sent off to cover, the principal sportsmen sending two horses, each mounted by a groom, one of which is to serve as a relay. In an hour or more, the sportsmen themselves are to be seen in motion, some riding to cover on their hacks, as they are termed, but which, in truth, are horses of the first class, whilst others are to be seen rolling rapidly along in their gay and glittering equipages; a singular contrast with the same sport in times when the good squire, roused from his slumbers long before the break of day, sped his weary way through mist, darkness, and mud, to the place of meeting. The hour of assembling is usually eleven, when a field of from one to two hundred sportsmen is to be seen congregated from all the neighbouring country near the place of throwing off. The whole has an air of business and system, surprising to those who have been used to the pomp and clamour of the chase of other countries. There is assembled a concourse of persons of every rank, from the farmer to the peer, all with the air and feeling of independ- ence, mounted on highly-conditioned horses, and deeply in- tent on the dangerous and exciting game to be played. The Fox is almost certainly found in the first cover, or in one of the neighbouring ones, so that what are called blank days very rarely occur. When the fox breaks cover, followed by the leading hounds, the eager crowd of horsemen is all in motion and at speed. But it were useless to describe a scene familiar to so many, and which must be seen to be at all un- derstood. It suffices to observe, that the chase is a rapid gal- lop, interrupted by the most formidable obstacles of fence, gate, stile, and brook, which a completely enclosed country THE HORSE. ♥ 595 can present. The courage and bottom of the horses, and the boldness and address of the riders, are deserving of great admiration; and it may be safely said, that there is no school of horsemanship in Europe which can at all be com- pared with an English Hunting-field. But perfect as the general system has been rendered, it is to be feared that re- finement has been carried to its limits. The rapidity of the pace has been carried to a degree that assimilates the sport to a race, animating, certainly, in the highest degree, but dif- fering in its character, and in the feelings which it excites, from the legitimate exercise of the Hunting-field. The effect begins to be perceived in the character of the horses em- ployed, which, in the great hunting countries, are manifestly tending to a lighter form than ought to characterize the genuine Hunter. Nay, it is now very common for sportsmen to use horses entirely thoroughbred; and, if such horses are sufficiently trained for riding, it cannot be denied that they possess properties which fit them for the short and violent exercise which they are required to undergo. The fact, how- ever, proves, that the increased speed and diminished length of the chase have been carried even beyond the bounds which a just consideration of the nature of the pursuit should as- sign to it. THE HUNTER. An argument employed in justification of the excessive speed of the modern chase is, that it has become necessary, in order that the hounds may escape from the pressure of the crowd of horsemen, who are now more numerous than in former times. The reason can scarcely be held to be suf- ficient. The present mode of riding to hounds is merely a fashion, introduced at the end of the last century, and may, like every fashion, yield to the influence of the taste and judgment of those whose situation enables them to set an example. The modern Fox-hound could easily be bred back a little to the older standard, without any impairing of his essential properties; while a more subdued system of riding would probably afford a pleasure more accordant with the Į AY L * J " 596 THE HORSE. nature of the pursuit. But however this be, a relaxation of the speed of the chase would certainly tend to preserve the distinctive character of that unrivalled race of horses, which is rendered subservient to this fine and animating exercise. The generous sportsman may look to something beyond the triumph of his own skill in excelling a field of numerous com- rades. He may look to the Hunting-field as an arena in which all may find delight, and which collects together indi- viduals of every degree in a common pursuit. The sport is truly British, and has as yet taken root in no foreign land. It is a pursuit which is in accordance with the gay hilarity of early life, which binds the youth of the country to the halls of their country homes, and which provides a substitute for those less manly amusements which, in other countries, become necessary to fill up the intervals of more serious occupation. III. HORSES FOR LIGHTER CARRIAGES AND THE SADDLE. The RACE-HORSE may either be regarded as a Breed, constituted by a common set of characters, or as a Class, composed of individuals reared and educated for a particular purpose. This variety, it has been seen, is wholly of mixed lineage, and deviates more from the type proper to the coun- try than any other. The basis was the ancient Horses of England, which were modified, after the Norman Conquest, by progressive changes, and at length by a large infusion of the blood of the Horses of Africa and Western Asia. The mixed progeny thus formed, being made to breed only with one another, or with the races of the East, to which they were already allied in blood, have assumed the common cha- racters of a family or race. Their form is that which an almost exclusive attention to the property of speed has tended to produce. They have the broad forehead, the bril- ❤ 597. liant eyes, the delicate muzzle, the expanded nostrils, and the wide throat, characteristic of their Eastern progenitors. Their light body is comparatively long, and suited to the ex- tended stride. Their chest is deep, so as to give due space to the lungs, but comparatively narrow, so as not to over- load the fore extremities, and throw the limbs too far asun- der in the gallop. Their shoulder is oblique, to give free- dom of motion to the humerus; and their haunch is long and deep beyond that of any other known race of Horses, indi- cating the length of those bones of the hinder extremities on which the power of progression essentially depends. - The HUNTER, so named from the gay and exciting exer- eise to which he is destined, is rather to be regarded as form- ing a class than a breed, since different varieties of horses, if they possess sufficient speed and bottom, may be used for the chase. The modern Hunter, like the Race-Horse, is derived from the pre-existing races of the country; but, in place of a direct mixture with the Horses of the East, he has gene- rally had the property of blood communicated to him through the intervention of the Race-Horse. This variety presents a greater diversity of characters than the Race-Horse. The individuals are made to breed less exclusively with their fel- lows, and a less jealous attention is paid, in the breeding of them, to purity of descent. They do not require the power of rapid progression in the same degree as the Race-Horse, but they demand the possession of properties in which he may be, and often is, greatly deficient; namely, action, and the power of enduring fatigue. Any good saddle-horse may be a hunter, and the Hunter therefore does not form an ex- clusive caste like the Race-Horse, but a class into which any kind of horse may be admitted which possesses the proper- ties required. The true English Hunter must be regarded as a saddle-horse of the first-class, combining, in the tion required, the strength of the races of Northern Europe with the spirit and fleetness of those of the South and East. Not only are these strong and elegant horses employed in propor- LIGHTER CARRIAGE AND SADDLE HORSES. TARA T ¿ A ! t + 1 晤 ​A - | } 5 * I Ĭ < *** ཁྐྲི་༢༢༦ 598 the exercise of the hunting-field, but they are used for the ordinary purposes of the saddle, for military chargers, for the lighter wheel-carriages which luxury has multiplied, and even for many of the innumerable public vehicles which the improvement of roads has brought into operation in every part of the kingdom. THE HORSE. From the Race-Horse, which occupies one extremity of the chain, and the Hunter, which, though inferior to him in speed, is superior in useful properties, down to the races in which either no admixture, or a slight one, of foreign blood exists, the varieties of horses used for the saddle, or for the lighter carriages of all kinds, are without definable boundaries. Each individual, indeed, may be said to form a variety, according to the degree of crossing with those of higher breeding. A common mare with a thoroughbred stallion, a hunter, a coach-horse, or any male of an intermediate degree of breeding, will give birth to a different variety in each case, and each of these varieties again will produce another, ac- cording to the race or breeding of the male employed. Hence it is that we see in this country horses of such endless variety in size, form, aspect, and properties. In other countries, the horses of a large district usually present a certain similitude, which connects them together as a breed or family. In Eng- land, every kind seems to be collected, with no greater re- semblance between the individuals than if they were brought from different parts of the globe. In general, the saddle and carriage horses of this country have been tending, for a period past, to the lighter form cha- racteristic of superior breeding, and many of the older varie- ties have either become rare or extinct. This change has been proceeding in an accelerated ratio since the commence- ment of the present century. It may be ascribed to the in- creasing taste for the lighter and more elegant forms of the Horse; but in an important degree also, to the improvement in the means of internal communication, and a change in the modes of travelling. · I LIGHTER CARRIAGE AND SADDLE HORSES. 599 Within the last sixty or seventy years, a surprising revolu- tion has taken place in the means of communication through- out the British Islands, by the extension and improved con- struction of roads. The increase of highways has accom- panied the general improvement of the country; and during the latter part of the period in question, the application of a few simple principles has rendered the roads better fitted for all kinds of wheel-carriages. From these two causes, the means of internal intercourse have been prodigiously in- creased, and the modes and rate of travelling greatly changed. The method of conveying letters by public coaches, begun in 1784, was immediately followed by a more expeditious rate of travelling, and by an increase in the number of public carriages throughout the country. The rate of travelling, from being four or five miles in the hour, increased to six, seven, and eight, and now at length to ten, and even twelve." The effect of this change in the rate of travelling has pro- duced a corresponding one in the kinds of horses employed. The coarse and heavy horses of former times were little fitted for this increased exertion, and hence the substitution became necessary of a lighter class with superior breeding. The de- mand, too, for horses thus employed has been large and con- stant, not only from the numbers employed, but from the waste of the animals. Although a class of horses better suited for the service than the old has been employed, and the stages have been greatly shortened, the burdens could not be reduced in proportion to the increase of speed; and hence the exaction on the muscular powers of the animals has been greatly augmented. We may please ourselves with ** * From twenty to thirty miles a-day, at the rate of four miles an hour, was the usual work of the few public coaches in England so late as the accession of George III. At that period, there was but one public coach from London to Edinburgh, which started once a-month, and occupied nearly three weeks in the journey. The other heavy coaches which set off from London performed in like manner slow journeys, in the manner of waggons, to distant parts of the kingdom. Now, more than 1000 well-equipped carriages, with relays of horses at short stages, start from the same great city every day, besides several hun- dreds which proceed to the towns, villages, and populous places around. A ! } SA I * | F i 1 ܢ ܝܕ do ง - * * * *** — 600 the speed and facility with which our journeys are performed, but assuredly our convenience is served at the expense of an unheard of degree of animal suffering. In no country does so great waste of the lives of horses take place as in England, and in no country, it is humiliating to own, is there so much cruelty exercised towards these faithful servants. The mor- tality of horses in the British Isles is, at least, as three to one, as compared with that which exists in any other country in Europe. Not only does the general demand for horses of all kinds cause them to be employed at an earlier period of life than in other countries, but the cruel service of these public carriages being one in which our finest saddle-horses are often doomed to end their lives, a great increase in the general mortality is produced. When the powers of our saddle-horses begin to fail from age, or when they have met with accidents, or have suffered from the effects of diseases, they are transferred, in the course of trade, to this their new and last employment. How many fine hunters and saddle- horses of all kinds, after having rendered their best services to successive masters, are forced into this terrible service, from which they are never released until they have sunk under their tasks! How many beautiful creatures do we see, spavined, greased, foundered, and otherwise lame, whipped along in our heavily loaded vehicles, and forced to fulfil tasks under which they must shortly perish! Such are the spec- tacles that meet our eyes on every highway; such is the price paid for our convenience in the sufferings of our help- less servants. But in the marvellous progress of invention, an agent, by which mechanical is substituted for animal power, has been called into action, which, amongst other great. changes, seems destined to lighten that mass of suffering of which we have been so long the witnesses. THE HORSE. Not only did the system of public conveyance by coaches call forth a lighter and more agile race of horses, but it has acted in another way on the saddle-horses of the country. By altering the mode of performing journeys, it has diminished . 2 + 601 the inducement to cultivate particular kinds of horses. Few persons now make distant journeys on horseback, and are willing to travel at the rate of five miles an hour when they can be carried forward at the rate of ten or more in common coaches, and at the rate of thirty and more by the aid of steam. A horseman with his load of saddlebags is now almost as rare a sight as an elephant. A class of saddle- horses, accordingly, formerly used for journeys, has now almost disappeared. They were termed ROAD-HORSES, and were suited to their employment. They were strong, useful, and safe, but had little or no breeding. Their paces were the walk and trot; and the canter and the gallop were nearly as much out of place with them as with the cart-horse. The COB, too, a little squat horse fitted for drudgery, is with some difficulty to be procured. For the shorter journeys now in use, and for all the usual services of the horseman, animals of lighter form and more easy paces are preferred, and few habitual riders are satisfied with horses that have not more or less of breeding. The OLD ENGLISH COACH-HORSE may be said to have dis- appeared, or rather to be used only for the heavier labours. of draught. He was a large animal of the cart-horse form, usually black, denoting his affinity with the horses of Flan- ders, which long supplied England and other countries with this kind of horse. He was round-shouldered and heavy in his paces; but being generally trained in the manner of the manège, he had a high and prancing action. His pace was the slow trot, and rarely exceeded four or five miles in the hour. Some of these horses are still to be seen in the car- riages of the nobility and older gentry of England; but for the most part they have given place to animals of far supe- rior breeding and action. The modern Coach-Horse is a very different animal from the old. He is a large Horse, having a degree of breeding conducive to spirit and action, with the strength and bone required for draught. He is greatly used in private carriages, as chariots, gigs, and the innumerable LIGHTER CARRIAGE AND SADDLE HORSES. : WHERE ARE A { 4 ! 女 ​L A .. +++ & 602 other light and elegant vehicles which are every where to be seen. But not only is the modern Coach-Horse largely used, but likewise others taken from the various kinds of saddle- horses with which the country abounds, from the high-bred hunter down through every degree of strength suited to the weight of the equipage; and universally the tendency is to use horses of lighter form than were thought suited to the heavier carriages and less improved roads of former times. This results from the practice long and extensively pursued all over Yorkshire and Durham, of breeding horses especially for the saddle and the lighter carriages. From this cause horses of some breeding become employed in common labour, and the blood of the Race-Horse is insensibly diffused through the general mass. Of the varieties of Coach-Horses, one in general estima- tion for private carriages is the CLEVELAND BAY. It is termed Bay, from the prevailing colour, derived from ap- proximation to the superior races, and Cleveland, from the fertile district of that name situated in the North Riding of Yorkshire on the Tees. About the middle of last century this district became known for the breeding of a superior class of powerful horses, which, with the gradual disuse of the heavy old Coach-Horse, became in request for coaches, chariots, and similar carriages. The breed, however, is not now confined to the district of Cleveland, but is cultivated throughout all the great breeding district of this part of England, although Cleveland yet preserves its pre-eminence, and supplies with stallions the parts of the kingdom where superior Coach-Horses are reared. The true Cleveland Bay may be termed a Breed, from the similitude of characters presented by the individuals of the stock. It has been formed by the same means as the Hunter, namely, by the progressive mixture of the blood of the Race- Horse with the original breeds of the country. But a larger kind of horse has been used as the basis, and a larger stand- ard adopted by the breeder. By coupling a Race-Horse with THE HORSE. · 603 a Draught-mare, an animal will be produced partaking of the properties of both parents, and which may be employed as a Coach-Horse. But the results, as was before observed, of such a mixture are uncertain, and the progeny will probably be wanting in just proportion of parts. Many Carriage- Horses are doubtless produced in this manner, but many of them, if their history were told, have been found to be worth- less. To rear this class of Horses, the same principles of breeding should be applied as to the rearing of the Race- Horse himself. A class of mares, as well as of stallions, should be used having the properties sought for. It is in this way only that we can form and perpetuate a true breed in which the properties of the parents shall be reproduced in their descendants. The district of Cleveland doubtless owed the superiority which it continued to maintain in the produc- tion of this beautiful race of horses to the possession of a de- finite breed, formed not by accidental mixture, but by conti- nued cultivation. LIGHTER CARRIAGE AND SADDLE HORSES. The demand for these Horses has long been very great in London and all the more opulent towns of the kingdom, and the number carried abroad is large. The English purchasers generally require the bay stock; but the foreign dealers do not reject what are called the vulgar colours, and therefore carry away many horses which could not be sold in England but at a low price. Although the Cleveland Bay appears to unite the blood of the finer with that of the larger horses of the country, in the degree sufficient to combine action with strength, yet modern taste has been continually refining upon this form of Coach- Horse by adopting a lighter standard. The Cleveland Bay, having arrived at a certain degree of breeding, can receive, without the violence of too extreme a mixture, a still further infusion of the blood of horses nearer to the Race-Horse. Many of them are accordingly crossed by Hunters and even Thoroughbred Horses, and thus another variety of Coach- Horse is produced of lighter form and higher breeding; and, + ¡ F 604 in truth, many of our superior curricle and four-in-hand horses are now nearly thoroughbred. THE HORSE. A variety of cream-coloured Horses is found in Germany suited for the coach. They are valued chiefly for purposes of parade and pomp. The cream-coloured breed of Hanover was brought to England by George II., and is reared exclu- sively for the Royal stud. The Horses are used only on state occasions: they are of noble aspect, but of a soft tempera- ment, and unfit for active exercise. The term HACKNEY, in common use, from the French Haquenée,' is employed to denote a kind of Horse fitted for general services; and is, therefore, understood to ex- clude the horses of the highest breeding, as the Thorough- bred Horse and Hunter; and there is further associated with the idea of a hackney, an animal of moderate size, not exceeding fifteen hands, and possessing action, strength, and temper. The hackneys of the present day are of lighter form than those formerly sought for, and there is greater difficulty in obtaining them to suit the services required, from our present mixed varieties of half-bred horses, than when horsemen were contented with the older class of hack- neys of stouter form but inferior breeding. In truth, there are few countries in which it is more difficult to obtain what may be termed a Hackney than England. The Horses of the Ukraine, and generally of the Cossacks of the Don, would be invaluable in this country for the purposes for which the hackney is valued. The PALFREY of the middle ages was a Horse of the lighter kind, instructed in the paces of the manège. The most esteemed of the older Palfreys were the Spanish Jennets. At present the term Palfrey is not in popular use. It may refer, however, to the smaller class of Horses of high breeding, suited especially for ladies. The CAVALRY HORSE is selected from the mixed races of the country, and has been subjected to the changes which all the others have undergone. He has become lighter and higher bred, insomuch, that the horses of various regiments ، | * LIGHTER CARRIAGE AND SADDLE HORSES. 605 approach the breeding of Hunters. There are regiments, indeed, in which a more powerful class of horses is retained, but yet these differ greatly from the Heavy Dragoon Horses of former times. They have the characters of the modern Coach-Horse, and not of the Horse of heavy draught. They would have been the pride of the times of chivalry, and afford now the example of the most powerful cavalry horses that are any where to be found. The memorable field of Waterloo shewed their importance. It is known that the lighter mounted regiments would have been overborne by the heavy armed cavalry of France but for the presence of the household troops. On the other hand, the lighter horses of our ordinary cavalry have proved themselves fitted, by their spirit and endurance, for all the ordinary purposes of the campaign. Although the change so widely produced in the horses of this country, by aiming at a lighter standard, has doubtless given us animals more spirited, active, and graceful, it has, at the same time, had the effect of causing great numbers to be reared defective in form, deficient in strength and bone, and which have lost the hardy qualities of the older races, without having arrived at the properties which superior breeding should communicate. The deterioration is gene- rally admitted, and the causes are deserving of consideration, as indicating the remedies. A full account has been already given of the system of the modern Course, and the effects have been pointed out of the prevalent practice of running short races, with colts not yet arrived at sufficient maturity of bone and muscle to fit them for the full exercise of their powers. The consequence of the system is, that exclusive attention has been directed to the properties of speed, and that the important requisites of strength and power of endurance, have come to be re- garded as secondary in the cultivation of the animals. Their form, suiting itself by insensible degrees to the conditions re- quired, a race of surpassing swiftness, but inferior in strength дяво ! Y 繩 ​t E 1 Th Ľ 606 and bone to the older horses of the turf, has been called into existence. Now, as this is the race employed to communi- cate its peculiar properties to the others, it is manifest that a deterioration of its properties, from whatever cause, is calculated to exercise an injurious influence on all the indi- viduals with which it is mingled in blood. But yet more injurious than the rearing of a race of swift but feeble horses, is the constitutional injury inflicted upon the indivi- duals of the race by that system of early forcing, with re- spect to food and discipline, to which they must be subjected at the earliest possible period of life. Hence the mortality amongst these animals, the strains, the founders, the herniæ, and other accidents consequent on over-tension of the parts, and all the functional maladies in the respiratory and other organs, which a premature and unnatural exertion generates in the system, and which, not confined to the individuals, descend to the offspring. The evil resulting from these causes to the other breeds of the country, is in proportion to the just estimation in which this noble race of horses has been hitherto held, and the increasing desire to communicate its properties to the inferior races. The remedy might be found in determination, rigidly carried into effect, by the in- fluential supporters of the turf, to root out the more flagrant corruptions which fashion and cupidity have introduced, espe- cially with respect to the age at which horses shall be per- mitted to run; or, should the influence of individuals be in- sufficient to effect the necessary reformation, then legislative measures should be called for to correct abuses which are no- wise essential to the legitimate purposes of the turf, and which deprive the country of the benefit which it is entitled to derive from a race of horses, brought to a high degree of perfection, not by the modern gamblers of the turf, but by the care of former generations. Another cause of the deterioration of the horses of the country is to be ascribed to errors in breeding, arising chiefly from injudicious and extreme mixtures of blood, and in atten- THE HORSE. 3 i LIGHTER CARRIAGE AND SADDLE HORSES. 607 tion to the soundness and qualities of the female parents. It is shewn by experience, that the nearer the characters of the parents approach, the more likely we are to succeed in communicating their common properties to the progeny. By extreme crosses good animals may, without doubt, be pro- duced, but this will be by a kind of chance, and the greater probability is, that the offspring will be defective in some point or other. Nothing may seem so easy to the inexperienced breeder as to produce a splendid coach-horse, or charger, or hunter, by crossing a large cart-mare with a thoroughbred horse; yet how rare are the cases in which the offspring of such extreme mixtures is good! Either the body is too large for the limbs, the head too large for the neck, or some other want of harmony of parts presents itself, which renders the animal comparatively worthless. This effect is constantly observed in the numerous attempts which are made to pro- cure horses of breeding from coarse ungainly mares through the means of extreme crosses. Repeated failures are too often required to convince the breeder that this is not the mode by which well-proportioned animals are to be obtained. We may readily produce a fine Ox from animals the most dissimilar; but where everything depends, as in the horse, upon a nice adjustment of parts, it is rare that the dissimi- lar characters of the parents will be so harmonized in the offspring as to produce a well-formed individual. The other error, still more common, is to disregard the soundness and other properties of the mare in breeding. A mare, which is good for nothing else, is by too many thought sufficiently good for bearing a foal, and hence numbers of worthless ani- mals are destined to a purpose for which they are in a pecu- liar degree unsuited. Even in such a case, chance may do something for the ignorant and careless breeder; but the far greater presumption is, that the offspring will inherit the defects of the dam, and prove of little value. • The remedy for such mistakes is increased intelligence on the part both of those who rear horses, and those who ac- ยุ L * まずい ​608 quire them. The breeder, by possessing adequate know- ledge of the principles of breeding, will avoid the error of injudicious mixtures of blood, and of employing females for breeding which are unsuited for the purpose; and the con- sumer will refuse to purchase animals which are wanting in that harmony of conformation, and constitutional soundness, without which no horse can be depended upon for perform- ing the services required of him. The more palpable defects of a large proportion of our mixed class of half-bred horses are the want of depth of the chest, the flatness of the sides, and the too great apparent length of the limbs. Such horses are technically termed Weedy, and they form perhaps the worst class of saddle-horses in any country in Europe. They have, for the most part, spirit enough, but they are deficient in strength and bottom; and, although they may be easy in their paces, they are usually feeble in their limbs, and un- safe. Great numbers of these very worthless creatures are every year reared and brought to market, which the result shews not to be worth half the food they have consumed. THE HORSE. IV. - HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. 1. THE OLD ENGLISH BLACK HORSE.-From early re- cords we learn that a race of Horses of a black colour has existed in Europe from a remote age. It appears to have been the prevailing race of the north of Gaul, and of Ger- many from the mouth of the Rhine eastward, having in- habited, it may be, in the wild state, the vast regions of marsh and forest which stretched all through Europe east- ward to the Euxine Sea. It was well known to the Romans, who derived the most powerful horses of their cavalry from Belgic Gaul; and when at length, in an evil hour, the Bar- barians, as if by a common impulse, poured their swarms into southern Europe, then the Great Black Horse of the North became an instrument of destruction, and an object of terror; 2 t 1 1 ; HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. 609 living long in many a legend and tale of blood, and becoming associated in the minds of the distracted people with ideas of the anger of the gods and the power of demons. It was carried into Italy, where its descendants yet exist, and into Spain, whence it probably passed into Muritania with the Vandals. In the middle ages these powerful Horses were the steeds of knights and men-at-arms, and are used for mounting the heavy cavalry of the great military govern- ments of Europe in the present day. The race of the European Black Horse exists unmixed in the countries of the Lower Rhine, of the Meuse and the Scheldt, comprehending the States of Holland and the king- dom of Belgium. It is in these countries, as in ancient times, that the Black Horse of Europe retains the weight and size which were regarded as characteristic of his race. But the same stock extends from the Low Countries east- ward through central Germany, diverging to the north and south from Switzerland to the Baltic, and exhibiting those diversities of size and aspect which differences of food, cli- mate, and elevation, tend to produce. Its typical form is round and massy, the chest is wide, the neck strong and muscular, the limbs are short, stout, and hairy. It possesses physical strength and safe action, but is wanting in lightness and speed. It presents every variation of size, from the little sturdy German Hackney, to the larger animals suited for the waggon and heavier carriages. The same widely-spread race extends into England, where it presents itself with the same general characters as in the ancient countries of the Belgic Gauls, the Batavi, the Fri- siandones, and others. It is found in numbers, from the Humber to the Cam, occupying the rich fens of Lincoln and Cambridge, and extending westward through the counties of Huntingdon, Northampton, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Warwick, and Stafford, to the Severn. Although most abun- dant in these districts of rich pastures, it has extended north- ward, and very widely southward, into the countries of the a 2 Q k 1 наша неща будет корот *_6241 -- 610 Chalk, retaining the typical characters, but varied with the climate, food, and other circumstances affecting its culture and condition. In the commons and poorer grounds it pre- sents the coarse pack-horse form, distinctive of the greater part of the older horses of England. But in the fens and richer cultivated country, it attains to the strength and stature of the largest horses which the world produces. But the older Black Horse of the fens and midland coun- ties differs in several respects from the modern cultivated race. Few now exist in their original state of rudeness but scattered individuals are still to be met with, bordering on the commons, or in possession of very old farmers, and their condition shews the changes which time and cultiva- tion have effected on the race. These older Horses possess the bulky form which seems everywhere to characterize the black stock in the countries where rank pastures exist. They have coarse heads, large ears, and thick lips, largely garnished with hairs. They have coarse shoulders, stout hairy limbs, broad hoofs, and short upright pasterns. They are strong, of a soft temperament, and eminently deficient in action, spirit, and bottom. The first regular attempt which we are informed of to improve this ungainly breed, was made by one of the Earls of Huntingdon, who imported several Dutch Coach Stallions, which, with great difficulty, he per- suaded his tenants on the Trent to make trial of. Many years afterwards Robert Bakewell, of Dishley, in the county of Leicester, began to apply those principles of breeding to the improvement of the Draught-Horse, which he had adopted with unrivalled skill and success in the case of the other domestic animals. He acted upon the conviction, that the properties of the parents, with respect to both form and tem- perament, can be transmitted to the progeny, and rendered permanent by continued reproduction. He went himself to Holland, and importing several mares, crossed them with native stallions; and pursuing a course of careful selection, he formed at length a stock, which he regarded as possessed of THE HORSE. ; G ; ♦ 611 the properties required. He does not appear to have at- tempted any mixture of the blood of horses of high breed- ing, but to have confined himself to the kinds suited for slow labour. His stock was highly valued, and its descendants were preserved with care by succeeding breeders. If the figures of some of them do not exhibit what would now be regarded as the form of a perfect Draught-Horse, they shew the degree of breeding which Bakewell thought sufficient to be communicated to horses employed in draught. His example was beneficial; and Leicestershire, as well as the adjoining counties of Derby and Stafford, became distinguished for the breeding of this class of Horses. The modern English Black Horse retains the general characteristics of the pre-existing race, but greatly modified. His colour is usually a sooty black, with frequently a white lozenge-shaped mark on the forehead; and he has very gene- rally one or more of the feet, and part of the legs, and not unfrequently the muzzle, white. His body is massive, com- pact, and round; his limbs are stout, his chest is enor- mously broad, and his neck and back are short. His mane is thick and somewhat frizzled, and his legs below the knee and hock are hairy down to the heels. His whole aspect con- veys the idea of great physical power without corresponding action. The main defects of his conformation and tempera- ment, are his too great bulk of body, and want of action and mettle. For a pull with a heavy weight he is admirable; but he steps out short, and is slow in all his motions. These powerful horses are in extensive demand, not only in the midland counties, where they are chiefly reared, but over all the south of England, for the labours of the field, and for waggons and heavy carriages of all kinds. They are everywhere to be seen, moving at a slow pace, in the numer- ous heavy waggons by which merchandise is conveyed inland, and in great numbers in all the larger cities and sea-port towns, where they are used for the transport of heavy goods at wharfs, for the carriage of coals, timber, building mate- HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. - K + F 3 J 2 ¿ 1 + ཨཡཱ ཏི ཙྪཱ " ་ 612 rials, and for a thousand purposes. In London, where the largest and finest are in demand for the carts of brewers, the waggons of coal-merchants, and other uses, the stranger sees with admiration the vast number of enormous carriages in endless motion through the crowded streets, drawn by teams of the largest horses in the world: and, doubtless, there is something noble in the aspect of these huge creatures, yoked in lines, and obedient to the voice, amidst all the tu- mult of a great city; but examination shews, that there is an excessive waste of power, both in the unnecessary bulk of the animals, and in the manner in which their services are performed. They are usually attached in lines, which causes them to pull by sudden jerks, and with unequal force; and, in turning the corners of narrow streets and lanes, it is often seen that the entire weight of the enormous carriage is thrown, for a time, upon the shaft horse. It is contended by many, that extreme weight and bulk of body are necessary for these horses, to enable them to resist the jolting and sud- den obstacles encountered on the rough pavement, which they never leave. But, in truth, it is habit, and a species of pride, which lead the owners of waggons to prefer the largest and most shewy horses to those of moderate size and more useful action; for experience cannot but shew, that it is muscular force, and not the vis inertia of great weight of body, which best enables a horse to overcome continued ob- stacles. The mere gratification of taste, however, in the employment of these splendid horses, would scarcely re- quire a passing censure, were it not that this gratification exercises a really hurtful influence in the breeding districts, causing attention to be directed to size and appearance, rather than to useful properties, and tending to perpetuate that unnecessary bulk of body, which constitutes so great a defect in the breed. Nor is this influence unimportant in degree; for it is to be observed, that the demand for horses of the largest class is not confined to the capital, but extends to all the numerous cities and populous towns where drays THE HORSE. 1 I 613 and waggons are in use. When animals of the largest size are in demand, and the highest prices are paid for them, it becomes the interest of breeders to employ large stallions, and use every means to favour the development of size in individuals. In the counties of Lincoln and Cambridge, whence the great London drays are chiefly supplied, a breeder measures his success by the stature of the individuals which he is able to rear. At the age of two years and a half, the colts are often seventeen hands high. They are bought at this age by graziers near the capital, and used in the light work of the plough until four years old, when they are fit for the services to which they are destined, and disposed of at high prices. But the great English Black Horse, with all his existing defects of temperament and form, undoubtedly affords the basis of a valuable breed of horses, suited to the labour of the fields, and heavy draught of every kind. But, in order that he may be brought to the degree of improvement of . which he is capable, sound opinions must prevail regarding the properties required in a horse of draught, and the means of using his powers. Strength and weight are, doubtless, an essential requisite in this class of horses: but the strength required is that which is produced by a just conformation of parts, and not by mere weight of body. A Draught-Horse should, along with the form indicative of physical strength, possess length and depth of the posterior extremities, with the form of shoulder which shall allow him to step out freely. In these points the English Black Horse is eminently defec- tive, and his pace, accordingly, is slower-than that perhaps of any other horse of the same class in Europe. Neverthe- less, a great improvement has recently been effected on the breed, which, it is to be trusted, will be progressive. HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. II. BREEDS OF THE NORTH-EASTERN COUNTIES.- The Black Horse, it has been seen, is widely spread over the central and southern counties of England, extending from · The } I 5 才 ​Y } W ↓ 614 THE HORSE. Lincolnshire westward and southward. But, on crossing the Humber to the north, a change appears in the form and cha- racters of the ordinary horses of the country. The black gives place to the brown and lighter colours, and the horses become less bulky, and of a form more indicative of activity. This change appears throughout Yorkshire, Durham, North- umberland, and beyond the Tweed, and distinguishes, at a glance, the northern breeds of the larger horses from the slow and weighty Black Horse of the southern counties. When we compare the coasts of Britain with those of the opposite continent, we find a striking similitude in their geological formation, and in their animal and vegetable pro- ductions. All along the British Channel, from Land's End to the Straits of Dover, we have a country resembling, even to the indentations of the coast, the countries of France from Ushant to the Pas de Calais. Bending northward, the flat alluvial countries of the eastern coasts of England correspond in the closest degree with the low lands of Belgium and Hol- land. The marshes of the Zuyder Zee seem to be repro- duced in the fens of Lincoln, and in both localities the horses resemble one another, even to the colour of the skin. Stretch- ing, again, from the Humber northwards, the country in England corresponds with the Danish dominions of Holstein, Sleswick, and Jutland, and each locality produces horses tall and strong, where circumstances favour the development of their forms, of diversified colours, and differing from the great horse of the marshes; and we might pursue the paral- lel until we reached the granitic mountains of Norway and the Scottish Highlands. The country from the Tweed to the Humber, forming a part of the ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumberland, was early noted for the numbers and quality of its horses. The Northumbrians, engaged in incessant forays and wars, were distinguished as the most daring horsemen of the Island; and their horses are described as stout, agile, and hardy. Durham, although it early became the patrimony of HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. 615 St Cuthbert, did not, on this account, become the less war- like and predatory; and Yorkshire long retained the sad distinction of being the most frequent arena of the foreign and civil wars which desolated the kingdom. The people of these countries have retained their ancient passion for the Horse; and, in more peaceful times, Yorkshire became a nursery for horses, and is now the greatest breeding district in England. The horses reared in this part of England are of all the varieties suited to the saddle, the coach, the waggon, and the plough; and present every diversity of size, colour, and breeding. It is the peculiarity of the entire district, that much of the blood of the superior races has been communi- cated to the common kinds, and that comparatively few of those employed even in the labour of heavy draught are alto- gether unmixed. This results from the practice, long and extensively pursued all over Yorkshire and Durham, of breeding horses especially for the saddle and the lighter carriages. The larger kinds, used solely for draught, are chiefly reared in the northern part of the district, of which the county of Durham may be regarded as the centre. These, when unmixed with the blood of horses of high breeding, are a tall and powerful race of animals, adapted to every labour requiring weight and muscular force. III. THE CLYDESDALE BREED.-The Horses of Scotland employed in labour, pass by gradations from the smaller va- rieties of the mountainous districts, to the larger breeds of the plains and cultivated country. It is in the Lowlands that those adapted for the heavier labours, and properly termed Draught-Horses, are reared. Although varying in size, form, and properties, in different districts, they have been gradually approaching, with the increased means of general intercourse, to a greater uniformity of characters. The part of Scotland which had early become the most dis- tinguished for the production of the larger horses for draught Fl i = 616 was the county of Lanark, otherwise termed Clydesdale. This district, intersected in its whole extent by the river Clyde, comprehends a large portion of that vast field of coal, to which Scotland owes its existence as a manufacturing coun- try; and contains within its bounds the city of Glasgow, which, from a secondary town, has become, within the period of less than a century, one of the most rich and populous cities of the empire. The rapid and continuous increase of this great manufacturing city, and the prodigious land-car- riage in the rich mining district connected with it, created a demand for horses of superior strength and size, for the pur- poses of draught. The kind of carriage employed for the transport of minerals and all kinds of goods, being the single- horse cart, the horses required were those which should com- bine with weight of body a considerable degree of muscular activity. Those of the district have become, in an eminent degree, adapted to the conditions required; and, being inter- mixed in blood, and formed on a common model, a breed has been produced with well-defined characters. It is termed the Clydesdale Breed, because the individuals are mainly derived from the district of that name. THE HORSE. The Clydesdale breed of horses has a manifest affinity with the Black Horse of Holland and the Netherlands; and universal tradition refers to an importation, at an early pe- riod, of a number of Flanders stallions to the neighbourhood of Hamilton, by one of the Dukes of that name. That a mix- ture between the Black Horse of the Continent and the native race took place at some period, cannot be doubted; and there is good reason to believe, that the tradition is well founded, which refers this national boon to the Noble House of Ha- milton, whose extensive domains embrace the district the most early noted for the production of this race of horses. But it may likewise be believed, that horses from different sources have been, from time to time, introduced into the populous mining and manufacturing district of this part of Scotland, and that thus the breed of Clydesdale is really of ► HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. 617 very mixed lineage, although its distinctive characters have been communicated to it by the blood of the Black Horse. The Clydesdale breed of horses, as it now exists, is of the larger class, the ordinary stature of the individuals being six- teen hands. Their prevailing colour is black, but the brown or bay is common, and is continually gaining upon the other, and the gray not unfrequently manifests itself although the parents should have been dark. They are longer in the body than the English Black Horse, and less weighty, compact, and muscular; but they step out more freely, and have a more useful action for ordinary labour. They draw steadily, and are usually free from vice. The long stride character- istic of the breed is partly the result of conformation, and partly of habit and training; but, however produced, it adds greatly to the usefulness of the horses, both on the road and in the fields. No such loads are known to be drawn at the same pace by any horses in the kingdom as in the single- horse carts of carriers and others in the west of Scotland; and in the labour of the field these horses are found to com- bine activity with the physical strength required for draught. The horses of this breed are now reared over all the coun- ties of Renfrew, Ayr, and Dumfries, but they are still pro- duced in the greatest numbers in Lanarkshire. They have fair justice rendered to them when young, by their being allowed their natural exercise over a large range of pastur- age until the age at which they are taken up for work. Al- though not pampered, the mares, when in foal, are kept in good order by means of turnips, potatoes, and similar food. The only kind of horses, too, reared by the farmers being those of the native stock, there is no mixture of breeds, and little employment of those half-bred mares which are com- mon in other breeding districts. On the other hand, the rearing of draught-horses being more a part of the regular routine of the farm than elsewhere, the farmers are usually satisfied to obtain a fair average stock without seeking to produce horses of superior figure and higher price. Fewer G f 1 まだ ​→ 618 THE HORSE. examples of very fine horses may be presented here than in other breeding districts, but fewer fall below the standard aimed at. These horses are disposed of in great numbers at the fairs of Glasgow, Rutherglen, and others in the district, and nume- rous dealers resort thither from different parts of the king- dom to procure them. They are carried largely to Lanca- shire, and even to the southern counties of England. They are taken in considerable number to the north of Ireland, where they are used by carriers and others. They have spread over the whole Lowlands of Scotland from Caithness to the Solway Firth, and have been mixed in blood with all the other varieties. They are now reared in the eastern as well as in the western counties, with more or less of inter- mixture with the pre-existing breeds. The Clydesdale Horses, although inferior in weight and physical strength to the Black Horse, and in figure and showy action to the better class of the Draught-Horses of Northumberland and Durham, yet possess properties which render them exceedingly valuable for all ordinary uses. On the roads the individuals perform tasks which can scarcely be surpassed, and in the fields they are found to be steady, docile, and safe. It is important not only to the district which produces them, but to all the others to which they are carried, that a due attention be given to a development of the useful properties distinctive of the breed. In Clydesdale, some breeders apply themselves to the rearing of Stallions, and exhibit in their practice the skill and liberality which can be desired; but in the case of the mass of breeders in the district, no peculiar energy or skill is exhibited. They are often too easily contented with cheap and inferior mares, and not always sufficiently aware of the importance of em- ploying stallions of the first class. IV. THE SUFFOLK PUNCH BREED.-Besides the heavy Black Horse, and the other larger horses of the country em- HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. 619 - ployed in draught, a variety exists possessed of such peculia- rities of form and colour, that it is properly regarded as a family or breed. It is termed the Suffolk Punch Breed, from the county of Suffolk, where it has been long reared, and from the stout or punchy form distinctive of the individuals. It ex- tends from Suffolk throughout the neighbouring counties of Norfolk and Essex, where it is held in estimation for the pur- poses of common labour. It is distinguished by its colour, which is of a light dun or sorrel, sometimes deepening into chestnut, with lighter coloured mane and tail. It was held to be a useful kind of horse, naturally of moderate stature, and though slow, possessed of good endurance. But for a long period the breed has been largely crossed with other varieties, so that it is now somewhat difficult to obtain the Suffolk Punch in a state of purity. The older breed was especially valued for the steadiness of the individuals in draught, and the true- ness with which they performed their work of all kinds. No horses exerted themselves better at a dead pull. A true Suffolk Punch would draw almost till he dropped down. A team, àt a signal given, would, without a whip, bend in a moment to their knees, and drag everything along. * This property was so remarkable in the old Suffolk Punches, that cruel wagers used to be laid on their powers of draught, and many fine horses, it is said, were ruined by their indomitable spirit. They were, besides, a hardy race of horses, capable of subsisting on ordinary food. Their form, however, was peculiarly plain. The heads were large, the necks short, the muzzles coarse, the shoulders low and cloddy; but the limbs were short, the backs straight, the loins wide, and the haunches well developed. The colour distinctive of this variety con- nects it with the race widely diffused throughout the north of Europe and Asia, from the Scandinavian Alps to the plains of Tartary, in which the dun colour prevails. It is believed to have been carried to the eastern counties of Eng- * Library of Useful Knowledge. 1 620 land from Normandy, which yet possesses many fine horses of this variety, introduced, it may be believed, by the Scan- dinavian invaders. THE HORSE. The Suffolk Punch breed of England, it has been said, has been crossed with other varieties. These are chiefly the larger horses of Yorkshire and Durham. By this mixture individuals have been improved in figure and action, but that uniformity of the breed, which enabled the breeder to repro- duce with certainty the characters of the parents in the pro- geny; has been to a certain degree taken away, with some- thing, too, of the hardiness and peculiar temperament of the older family. Fashion and taste have had more to do with this change than considerations of utility. The dun colour is in less request than the darker brown or bay, although the former is characteristic of the hardiest breeds of horses in Europe. Of recent years a considerable demand has arisen for Suffolk Punches, for the purposes of the dray and wag- gon. Many fine teams of this variety are to be seen in Lon- don, where, amid the tumult of the crowded streets, the massy forms and bright manes and tails of the horses pre- sent a striking appearance. The modern Suffolk Punch is certainly superior to the Black Horse in activity and endur- ance, and is at least equally well suited to the continued ser- vices of the dray; but the demand for large horses has the effect, as in the case of the Black Horse, of inducing atten- tion to size rather than the useful properties. Sometimes the Suffolk Punch has been crossed with horses of high breeding. In this way good horses may occasionally be pro- duced adapted to the chariot and coach; but unless a breed were formed, as in Cleveland, by progressive intermixture, no permanent supply of superior horses could be calculated upon from this source. Other varieties of the larger horses suited for labour exist in different parts of England, but, for the most part, they are either of too mixed and varying characters to be regarded as ** HORSES FOR HEAVY DRAUGHT. 621 breeds, or too few in numbers to be of economical interest beyond the districts which produce them. When unmixed they are often merely the older pack-horses, somewhat en- larged in size, and presenting the varieties in colour and form which these native horses have possessed for an unknown period. In Cornwall and the higher parts of Devonshire, Wiltshire, and elsewhere, low sturdy horses are in common use, which are active and useful beyond what their external appearance would indicate. The lower parts of Wales, in like manner, produce horses of moderate stature and ordinary form, but which are hardy and true to their work; and the same remark will apply to a great part of the horses of the districts bordering on Wales. Northward through Lanca- shire, we find horses of a mixed breed, generally inferior in figure to those of the eastern counties, but stout and well adapted for common labour. In Cumberland, many good horses are produced, which may be regarded as related in part to the Durham breed, and in part to the Clydesdale breed of Scotland. · + 1 SCOTTISH DEER-HOUND, VI. THE DOG. THOMPSON The DOG, reduced to servitude from the earliest civiliza- tion of our race, forms, nevertheless, a member of a group of beasts of prey, whose common characters unite them into a family or tribe. The Canidæ are spread over every region of the habitable earth; and are all fitted to live on flesh, al- though they may subsist on vegetable food, and, in the do- mesticated state, are sometimes fed entirely upon it. They are mostly swift of foot, and endowed with a delicate sense of animal odours, which enables them to pursue the traces of their prey. They are either gregarious, living in packs and # 623 combining their forces to captivate their victims, or else they are more or less solitary, remaining in pairs during the season of sexual desire, or while they have their young to defend. They have not generally the same thirst of blood as the feline tribes, although, when urged by their wants, they are bold, voracious, and dangerous. They do not possess the agility and suppleness of body for which the feline tribes are distinguished; but they are more enduring of fatigue, more wary, sagacious, and patient, and many of them are furnished with temperaments which cause them to resign readily their natural habits, and live under new conditions of life. Judging from organic remains, the Canidæ do not seem to have been called into existence on this planet at the very earliest periods, but to have succeeded, in the order of time, most of the more sanguinary carnivora. They are the instinctive and most powerful enemies of the feline tribes, killing not only their cubs in great numbers, but being fre- quently enabled, by their union, sagacity, and power of smell, to hunt them down. HISTORY. Connected by certain relations with the Dog is the vora- cious family of Hyenas, which earlier naturalists compre- hended in the same genus. But the Hyænas, although some of them approach very near to the conformation of the Dog, possess habitudes and characters different from the true Ca- nidæ, and are regarded as forming a distinct group. While at one point they pass into the Dogs, at another they are connected with the Civet tribe. Of the Hyænas, the most numerous are the Spotted and the Striped; the former inhabiting Southern Africa, and the latter the countries north of the great Sahara, extending through Arabia, Syria, Asia Minor, and other warm parts of Asia, to the forests beyond the Ganges. In a former age of the world, the family, although of species now extinct, extended even to the higher latitudes of Europe, and have left their remains in rocky caverns and mineral de- posites. I I 624 THE DOG. The Hyæna is of savage aspect, and ungainly form. Like the Wolf, his eyes glare in the dark. Many of the ancient nations regarded him with a kind of terror. They held him to be possessed of magical powers, so as to be capable of imitating the human voice, of changing his own sex, of charming the senses, and riveting the beholders to the spot where they stood. The head of the Hyæna is large; his neck is rigid, which gave rise to the ancient fable that it was of one bone; and his jaws being moved by powerful muscles, the ani- mal is enabled to bite with tremendous force, and crush the bones of his victims in an instant. The Hyænas live in holes and caverns, and issue forth under the cloud of night, prowling in troops, and uttering frightful and mournful cries. With the exception of one species, the Cape Hunting Hyæna, they are little fitted for pursuit, but steal upon the largest ani- mals, as the bullock, the ass, the horse, and the camel, and, entering the sheep-folds, commit frightful havoc upon the unresisting flock. They feed largely on garbage, and the putrifying flesh of animals, which they seem to prefer to other food. They skulk into towns and villages in the dark, and, with the vultures and outcast dogs, assist in clearing away the filth and offal which the habits of Africans and Asiatics allow to accumulate around their dwellings; and entering the churchyards, they dig up the bodies of the dead. They abound in the warmer regions of the Old Continent, but are most numerous in Africa. They are so abundant in Abyssinia, according to Bruce, that they are regarded as a general scourge in every situation, both in the city and in the field; " and I think," continues the traveller, "surpassed the sheep in number. Gondar was full of them from even- ing till the dawn of day, seeking the different pieces of slaughtered carcasses which this cruel and unclean people expose in the streets without burial." Although bold and savage in claiming the food which their appetites require, yet they are rarely dangerous to man. The Moors of Bar- bary are in the habit of entering the cavern in which a 2 | 1 625 Hyæna has concealed himself with a burning torch, throw- ing a blanket over his head, and tying his feet, as if he were a calf; and the people in the Moorish towns, when they meet hyænas in the streets, will frequently, we are told, pull them by the ears in sport, without their offering any other resistance than to pull back. Fierce and ravenous as these animals are when prowling for their prey, they are yet ca- pable of domestication, and become as submissive as a dog. But they pine and fret under a deprivation of liberty, and when chained or confined in a cell like wild beasts, preserve the fierceness and indocility distinctive of their rudest condi- tion. The Hyænas certainly approach very near, in certain characters, to the Dog; and it is just possible, that the blood of this rude and ravenous creature may have been mingled with that of certain domesticated breeds. It is said that the Dogs of some of the African tribes have much of the aspect of this animal; and even in our own country, we sometimes see, in the case of the larger dogs fed on the garbage of shambles, something like an approach to the marking of the fur, the ex- pression of the eyes, and general appearance, of these animals. But the true Canidæ are certain species of Dogs which exist in the Old and New Continents, including, 1st, the Wolves, the Jackals, and Foxes, so called; 2dly, various species of Wild Dogs, which approach more or less to the typical forms of the Wolf, the Jackal, and the Fox, and which might, doubt- less, were our knowledge of them sufficiently precise, be in- cluded in one or other of these generic forms; and, 3dly, the Fennecs, or Zerdas, little animals of the Dog kind, inhabit- ing the African Continent. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. Of these animals, the Wolf is that which, from his num- bers, and the terrible ravages which his sanguinary appetites, his hardihood, and surpassing sagacity, have enabled him to inflict on other animals, has excited the greatest interest, and, in every age, been placed in a painful relation with the ruder as well as the more civilized inhabitants of countries. His howlings in the dead of night, or when the moon shines 1 2 R F b V ↑ * L 626 forth, the glaring of his eye, his mysterious crossing of the path of the lonely traveller, the pertinacity with which he tracks the steps of his human victim, and even enters his dwelling, have in all ages tended to excite ideas of a myste- rious power, and notions which yet find a place in the super- stition of the vulgar of different countries. Even the terror which this creature has inspired, has rendered him the object of preposterous adoration. He was held sacred to Apollo, whom a she-wolf suckled, and to other fabled divinities of the first ages. Under the gloomy superstition of the Scandina- vian nations, he was regarded as a type of the destroying demon, who was to appear at that terrible epoch when even the Gods should perish. More often he was held to be typical of noble daring, ever the first of virtues amongst barbarians. He was an attendant upon Odin, in the gloomy Shades of the northern nations, as on Mars, in the fairer Heaven of the Olympic Gods. He suckled the founders of the Roman state, and gave cognominations to the noblest families of Greece and Rome. But it is chiefly amongst the Teutonic nations that we find the Wolf associated with the memory of great actions; and giving names to nations, tribes, and warlike leaders. THE DOG. The Common Wolf, Lupus vulgaris, the most numerous of the species, inhabits all Europe, from the Icy Cape to the shores of the Mediterranean. He is found, too, in all North- ern and Central Asia, extending through the wilds of Siberia to the shores of Kamtschatka. He is found in the countries of the Caucasus, and all along the Himàlayas; and, by ana- logy, he may be believed to occupy all the higher ranges in contact with that mighty mass of mountains. Stretching along the secondary chains, he appears in the plains of In- dia, and beyond the Brahmapootra. His limits in the African Continent are unknown; but it is believed that he exists from Morocco eastward to the Libyan deserts, and even that he extends to the high land of Abyssinia, and the mountains stretching inland. In the New World, he is found from 14 3 " 627 Behring's Straits, by Baffin's Bay, to the desolate shores of Greenland; and he extends through all the wilds of North America, to the narrow isthmus which separates the Pacific from the Caribbean Sea. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. Within these vast limits, it may well be inferred that the Wolf has assumed characters which fit him for the varied conditions in which he must exist, with respect to place, cli- mate, and the nature and abundance of his prey. According- ly, he is often found so changed in colour, form, and gene- ral aspect, that naturalists remain in doubt whether certain wolves are to be regarded as distinct from one another, or varieties of the same specific form. Of these there are two, which naturalists generally regard as distinct species,—the Black Wolf, and the Dusky Wolf. The Black Wolf, Lupus Lycaon, is sometimes termed the Pyrenean Wolf, from his being the prevailing kind of that lofty chain; but he inhabits other mountainous parts of Southern Europe, and appears to extend to the countries of the Arctic Ocean. He re-appears, likewise, of the same or nearly allied species, in the New World, stretching from the Arctic Circle into Florida. He has muscular limbs, and a shaggy coat, and is more like a dog than even the Com- mon Wolf; and, indeed, so much resembles the Dogs of some countries of Europe, that, to the eye, he appears to be the same. The Dark or Dusky Wolf (Lupus nubilus, Willd.) in- habits likewise the high latitudes of both continents, but has scarcely the same claim to be regarded as a distinct species as the Black Pyrenean Wolf; and, in truth, neither differs so much from the Common Wolf as others which are regarded as varieties. The Common Wolf, which may be regarded as the type of the group, is about the size of the larger class of the domes- ticated dogs. But he is longer in the body than they: his limbs are stouter, the ball of the foot is more hairy, and the claws are larger. The incisor teeth are and his canines more trenchant and strong. more projecting, His eyes, which His • 4 $ " 3 628 } in the dark glisten like globes of fire, are smaller, and, being placed more obliquely, give to the animal that cunning and sinister aspect which has been so often commented upon. His face is broader above the eyes than in the domesticated Dogs; and his ears are shorter and more erect. His muzzle, which he uses in place of his feet for making holes in the ground for hiding his prey, is narrow, and the edges of his lips are black. His tail is bushy and pendent, and is rarely curled upwards, in the manner of the common dogs, except for a moment when he is at play. His skin emits a strong odour, his hair is coarse, and he is furnished with a bristly mane, which he erects when in anger. His voice is a dismal howl, although, when tamed, he readily learns to imitate the barking of the common dog. In the higher latitudes, his fur is usually a fulvous-gray; and in the Arc- tic regions, it often becomes as white as that of the Polar Bear. In the very highest latitudes, too, his body is stouter than elsewhere, his feet are more webbed, and his habits more aquatic, so that he can cross from land to land, and pursue seals and other prey even in the water. Towards the temperate latitudes, his fur becomes more fulvous, and in the warmer, it deepens even to a russet-brown; and in countries of great cold, it is more shaggy than in those which are temperate. In elevated countries, destitute of trees, he has longer limbs, and is more swift of foot, than in woody plains where his prey is abundant; and, in short, there is no animal which presents, in the state of nature, greater va- riations than the Wolf. Hunters are aware of these differ- ences, and distinguish the wolves of different parts of the same country. Even in the same litter, individuals are pro- duced, so different in form and colour, that naturalists some- times suppose them to be of distinct species. The season of heat of the female is in autumn, and she goes with young about sixty-three days, which is the medium period of gestation of the Dog; but far otherwise than in the case of dogs, the male and female wolf retire apart to • THE DOG. 里 ​25 SPECIES AND VARIETIES. * 629 some secret covert, and when the time of parturition arrives, select some fitting place, as a hole in the earth, a crevice of a rock, or even a hollow tree, and prepare a bed with soft moss, which the female lines with the fur of her own body, which at that season is easily detached. The cubs, like all other dogs, are born blind, and remain so for ten or twelve days. During this period, ere light has dawned on the eyes of the young, the male, it is said, seeks to destroy them. The fact is questionable; but if it were true, it would not be with- out parallel, as in the case of the Wild Hog, the Rabbit, and other animals, to whom this remarkable instinct is given. But whatever the truth be with respect to the Wolf, the pa- rents, it is well known, combine their cares to rear their young. The male pursues the chase, and brings food to his mate when suckling her whelps. When the young can eat of solid food, both parents busy themselves in obtaining it, the one keeping watch while the other is absent, and ready to die rather than abandon the charge. It is said that they bring to their hole little animals alive, as leverets, moles, and even mice, which they teach the young to kill. After a time the whelps are led forth, and taught by the parents to worry, to run, to follow the smaller animals, and even, it is said, to bear pain without flinching. The lessons being concluded, the male assumes the independent habits proper to him; but the female retains the whelps near her for a considerable time to defend them, until at length, in obedience to the instincts which are given her, she quits her long-cherished offspring, that they may perform the functions proper to them. The habits of the Wolf have been again and again de- scribed. His appetite for food seems to be insatiable, and his craving for it incessant. The tiger, when he has devoured the flesh, and lapped the blood, of his victim, lays himself down to repose in his lonely lair: the wolf seems to know no pause in his work of havoc; except that, like every carnivor- ous quadruped, he demands a long period of sleep to repair the wants of the system. This sleep he takes during the day 呀 ​* . 1 1 ĭ Į L | ↓ | + For J¹ F 630 from dawn to sunset, but may be roused at once from his per- turbed and sullen slumber by the calls of hunger, and then he is as fierce and insatiable as during the night. When prey is abundant, he contents himself with devouring the most savoury parts, but when it is scarce, he buries the flesh under ground, and returns again and again, in silence and alone, to feed. When prowling in the dark, he suf- fers no creature which comes within his grasp to escape with life; for instinct, it appears, instructs him to kill even though he should be unable to devour. The Wolf is thus the terror of the weaker animals; and even the strongest and fleetest do not escape him. Yet he is rather ferocious and cunning than truly daring, except when urged by hun- ger, and then no danger seems to appal him. But he gene- rally seeks to circumvent rather than make a direct attack on animals able to resist him. He crouches on the ground, and avails himself of every cover, or sinuosity of the surface, to take his victim unprepared. When the sentinels of armies are placed in woods where wolves abound, they are often de- stroyed ere the alarm can be given, or help afforded. The wolves, lurking and concealed around, watch in silence every motion of the man, and in an instant, when he turns his back, or is off his guard, spring upon him and tear him to pieces. In India the young villagers, when employed in ploughing or other labours of the field, are not unfrequently carried off by the wolves of the neighbouring jungles. The animals, skulking in the hollows of the ground, and availing themselves of every bush, approach unseen, and, when the back of the victim is for a moment turned, spring upon him. In this manner, a few years ago, near a particular village in India, more than a dozen of poor boys were carried off in quick succession during the period of the active labours of the season. The pertinacity with which a wolf will watch and pursue his solitary victim is wonderful. He will follow him for mile after mile, crouching and concealing himself. During the long continued snow in 1845, the French Jour- THE DOG. 1 SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 631 nals inform us, that, as a public diligence was passing along the road, the conductor heard the loud cries of a man for assistance. The man stated that he had been for some time followed by a wolf, which he had had the utmost difficulty in keeping off. The man was taken into the diligence, and car- ried on for ten or twelve miles. He then got out to pursue the rest of his journey on foot, but he had scarcely left the vehicle when the passengers were again alarmed by his cries for assistance. The insatiable wolf, it appears, was once more by his side. But generally, when wolves have enemies capable of resisting their attack, they assemble in bands. When the Spanish shepherds, aided by innumerable dogs, are conveying their great flocks of sheep from the southern to the northern provinces, the wolves prowl in the distance all around, prepared to take every opportunity to seize upon the stragglers. The muleteers of the same country, when crossing the defiles of the Pyrenees, as night approaches, have sometimes difficulty in saving the mules from the fero- city of these enemies. The wolves are to be seen in the dusk, stealing from bush to bush as the cavalcade moves on, ready to spring upon the first unguarded mule. In the progress of armies through wild countries, wolves are often seen to fol- low their march in bands, ready to seize the straggling horses and other animals, and to feast, it must be believed, on the bodies of the wounded and dying. In the memorable re- treat of the French from Moscow, the northern wolves continually hung in the rear of the two armies. Many of them, of a more shaggy and ferocious aspect than had before been seen in the same parts, reached the banks of the Rhine, and were killed by the country people. When wolves are pressed by long famine, they not unfrequently combine in large numbers to enter the neighbouring hamlets-and vil- lages. The pack rushing suddenly in, tear to pieces the do- mestic dogs, and, entering the outhouses, kill every animal they meet. Sometimes even they force themselves into dwell- ing-houses, and spring upon the people. - ì 1 632 THE DOG. When wolves have by any means learned to feed on human flesh, they ever afterwards make increased efforts to obtain it. In India, where the heat of the climate causes the na- tives to sleep much in the open air, they are often the vic- tims of these midnight prowlers. But the animals rather attack children than those who can offer resistance. They have been known to spring upon women when suckling their children, and carry away the babes, amid the cries, the mis- siles, and unavailing pursuit of the throng; and yet the wolves of India are nothing like so powerful as those of the higher latitudes, but being in a populous country, they have learned to attack men, whom in other localities they would not have dared to face. Wolves are less gregarious than many others of the canine family. They rather assemble together than live in commu- nities. They are enduring, and pertinacious in pursuit, fol- lowing their game by the scent as well as by the eye. A single wolf has been known to run down a stag or elk. They are sometimes seen hunting in little packs, which, when the quarry is in view, divide into sets, some following behind, and others keeping in flank to intercept the bewildered victim, as he vainly strives to save himself by turning to one or other side. It When the Wolf invades the cultivated country, he becomes the scourge of the inhabitants. For the most part he easily subdues the domesticated dogs, whom he maims by snapping at their limbs, which he frequently breaks, so that few even of the largest and fiercest dogs willingly encounter him. is said that he has the art of luring house-dogs from their stations, in order that he may turn upon them. When he attacks a sheep, he either devours it on the spot, or, throw- ing it over his shoulder that he may the more easily support its weight, drags it away. But, generally, he does not limit himself to a single victim in the case of such animals as the sheep, but endeavours to destroy as many as he can; and it is remarkable that this is the very practice of the domesticated * 633 dog when he has by any chance acquired the habit of run- ning down sheep. When the wolf enters a sheep-fold, which he does by leaping over the walls, or digging underneath them, the havoc he commits is excessive. If time be allowed before the alarm is given, he frequently does not depart while a single animal is alive, but flies from one to another, as if his appetite for slaughter increased with the means of grati- fying it. Sometimes, indeed, in mountainous countries, the rams, placing the females in the rear, present a front to the wolf, and endeavour to rush upon him with their powerful foreheads, and stun him by the shock. But the hazard is, that the marshalled ranks will be thrown into instant confusion, when nothing but the appearance of the shepherd with fire- arms, or his faithful but terrified dogs, can save the remnant of the flock. When a wolf advances to a herd of oxen, they assemble in a mass, and endeavour to trample him with their feet, an instinct which even the helpless oxen of our fields retain, as we may see when a strange dog intrudes into their pasture grounds. But the Wolf never assails a whole herd of these animals. He seeks to surprise the scattered mem- bers, and then he runs at them from behind, and hamstrings them by his powerful bite; and it is curious that the larger drover's dogs in this country imitate, without inflicting wounds, the same mode of attack. When the Wolf assails a horse, he adopts a different practice: he avoids both the pos- terior limbs and fore-feet of the animal, and endeavours to spring upon his back, or seize him high up by the buttocks. The Wolf, wary by nature, has all his habits of caution increased when brought into contact with man. When he sets forth from his covert, when the shades of evening have fallen, he snuffs the gale to windward, that he may know whether an enemy is in the distance. When he steals into the neighbouring country in search of food, he sometimes effaces the marks of his footsteps by his bushy tail, that the retreat from which he has issued may not be discovered; and when several wolves go forth in company, they frequently follow SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 1 : 634 one another, step by step, so that not more than one mark may be made, and this to be effaced by the last of the file. When a wolf, alone or along with others, approaches an outhouse or other place where he looks for prey, and finds that it can- not be entered with safety, he abandons for the present his design. When the practice is adopted of laying poisoned carrion in the woods, he suspects the food of dead animals which he meets with in the same situations, and, though famishing, will abstain from the dangerous lure. He knows the effect of fire-arms, and takes the means to keep without their range. THE DOG. He is often hunted by hounds trained to the chase; but no other animal is with such difficulty run down. When forced from his covert in the forest, he boldly strikes off for the next place of safety, though often at a vast distance, en- deavouring to gain time, and put the hounds at fault by bounding from the direct path, by entering pools of water, nay, by crossing the widest rivers, as the Rhine, and swim- ming down to a distance with the current. But should he be unable to reach a place of safety, so that the hounds gain upon him, he turns back for an instant, snaps at the limbs of the foremost dogs, so that he may maim them, and then continues his retreat. When Europe was almost one continued forest, the wolves were the subject of continued dread to the inhabitants. Every one is aware of the many allusions in the pages of the classic poets to the ravages of the wolf on the flocks and herds of the southern shepherds. But the northern nations were more subjected to the depredations of this animal, from the greater extent of their forests. With the progress of settlement and cultivation, the wolves of Europe progressively diminished in numbers, but this only by the use of fire-arms, and by in- cessant persecution carried on from age to age. But even yet, wolves are in many parts of Europe so numerous as to be troublesome and dangerous, as in the Pyrenees, and yet more in the countries where large forests exist, as in Poland and SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 635 Russia, where the depredations committed are often exceed- ingly great. By an official report made to the Russian Go- vernment in 1822, it appears that in one year there were killed in the province of Livonia, 1841 horses, 1807 oxen, 733 calves, 15,182 sheep, 726 lambs, 2545 goats, 183 kids, 4190 swine, 312 young pigs, 703 dogs, 673 geese, and 1243 other fowls. In England, wolves so abounded at one period as to make it dangerous to pass through the woods after sunset even for the shortest distance. In the ancient forests of Kent, and in those surrounding London, they so swarmed that no animal kept about human dwellings was safe; and one of the early cares of the Anglo-Saxon princes was to adopt public measures for their destruction, to which end many remarkable laws and edicts are recorded. They con- tinued, however, numerous during the reign of the Tudor Princes, and were only exterminated at length- by the gene- ral use of fire-arms, and by the destruction of nearly all the noble forests which once covered the country. The last wolf of Scotland, we are informed, was killed in the wilds of Loch- aber, by Sir Ewan Cameron of Lochiel, in the year 1680; and the last for which the statutory recompense was claimed in Ireland, was in 1710. From the terrible ravages committed by this creature, and the indomitable ferocity which he manifests, he has been in every age loaded, as it were, with malediction and reproach. His treachery, malignity, and unsparing cruelty, have been the subject of popular outcry, as well as the theme of learned writings. His skulking gait, the odour which exudes from his skin, the very expression of his countenance, have been com- mented upon as something to make him loathed; nay, he has been held to be typical of the worst passions which we can fancy to exist in our own species. But do we forget that this animal is a member of that marvellous system of organized forms of which we ourselves are but a part, and that faculties have been assigned to him, which consist with the purposes he has to fulfil? Destruction keeps pace with existence, "M 1 H 636 else so many living forms could not enjoy the brief period allotted to them for sensation and thought; and even our own species is ordained to be an instrument for depriving ani- mals of life. The Wolf, indeed, is one of the most destruc- tive beasts of prey which the northern hemisphere of the world produces. No animal is gifted with such powers of destruction as he. Even the victims of the tiger are trifling in number when compared with those which are continually sacrificed to that craving for food, which, in the Wolf, no- thing seems to satiate. But we must remember that but for these wild and sanguinary dogs, other species would multiply not less noxious, as the lynxes and other tribes of felidæ, which once occupied the same regions: and no other creature seems to have been so well fitted as the Wolf, by his combined powers of scent and speed, his strength, his hardihood, and his matchless sagacity, to restrain within the fitting limits his fellow carnivora. Fierce and indomitable as we esteem the Wolf to be, yet even in his rudest condition, we may discern the germ of faculties and affections, which should save him from the ob- loquy with which he is loaded. We have seen the fidelity with which he assists his mate in rearing their common young, the tenderness with which both parents provide for the safety of their offspring amidst the mass of dangers which surround them, and the courage with which they pro- tect them. Even when the adult wolf is taken in a trap or pitfall, and imprisoned in a cell, deprived of all the freedom of action which he had till then enjoyed, and reduced to a miserable captivity, in the midst of animals the most hate- ful to him, we yet find him submitting himself like a spaniel to his keepers, and manifesting an enduring attachment to those who treat him with kindness. And not only is this docility of temper shewn towards persons who tend and feed him, and who thus acquire that kind of ascendancy which the fiercest animals submit to, but it is manifested in the case even of strangers only casually known to him. A she- THE DOG. .41 ♫ SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 637 wolf, we are informed, in one of the London Menageries, was in use to manifest unbounded joy whenever a young lady, who sometimes visited the collection, made her appear- ance within.* What chords of feeling had been touched we know not: probably the mere expression of kindness, as evin- ced by looks and gentle words, had sufficed to win the gra- titude of the captive. And such examples are the more to be noted, as they occur when the animal is subjected to conditions of life far foreign to his habits, and fretted by hopeless captivity. It is known that even the gentlest dog may be rendered vicious by being deprived of liberty; and that the mastiff, continually chained, becomes too furious to be approached. In those menageries, where the young wolves are reared with some care, and accustomed to be ap- proached like common dogs, they seem to receive the utmost delight from being touched and patted. They will rub them- selves on the legs of the person who notices them, lie down, and, looking fondly in his face, implore him, as it were, to continue his caresses. M. Frederick Cuvier mentions the case of a she-wolf in the Parisian Menagerie, which evinced more of sensibility than the most faithful dog would have done. At the least word expressed with kindness, at the least sign of encouragement, she would press against you, turn in all manner of ways as if to touch you better, and send forth a soft and plaintive cry expressive of the pleasure she felt. Should the Wolf, instead of being enslaved and imprisoned, be reared up from infancy like the dogs of the household, he becomes as tame and familiar as they do. He attaches him- self to his more immediate master, as if he knew to whom his gratitude was most due, and manifests towards him that affectionate regard which has been held to be the characteris- tic virtue of the Dog. M. Cuvier mentions a case, which has again and again been cited, but which will scarcely tire by * Naturalist's Library. Г | 638 THE DOG. repetition. A male wolf, brought up by a gentleman in the manner of a young dog, became familiar with every one whom he was in the habit of seeing. He followed his mas- ter wherever he went, was as obedient to his voice as the most docile dog, and differed, in truth, in nothing with re- spect to manners and habits from the dogs with which he associated. His master being obliged to travel, made a pre- sent of him to the Royal Menagerie of Paris. Here, shut up in his narrow compartment, the animal remained for many weeks listless and sad, and almost without tasting food. By degrees he recovered his spirits, attached himself to his keepers, and to all appearance lived as if he had forgotten his early friend, when, after an absence of eighteen months, the gentleman returned. At the very first word he uttered, the Wolf, who did not yet see him in the crowd, recognised in an instant the well-known voice, and testified his joy by loud cries. Being set at liberty, he flew to his friend, and overwhelmed him with caresses. Unfortunately his mas- ter was a second time obliged to quit him, and again the poor wolf relapsed into his former condition. Time, how- ever, slowly allayed his grief, and he gradually attached himself, as before, to the persons who tended him. Three years rolled on, a young dog had been given to him as his companion, and he seemed to pass his hours of confinement in tranquillity, when the gentleman once more returned. It was evening when he came, and the door of the prison-cell was shut, so that not a ray of light could pass through. But the poor wolf had heard the voice so familiar to him. He uttered loud cries, which redoubled when the bars which confined him were removed. He rushed forward, placed his fore-feet on the shoulders of his long-remembered friend, licked his face all over, and threatened with his teeth the keepers who might remove him. But separation, it is pain- ful to state, once more became necessary. From that instant the poor wolf became sad and immoveable. He refused all food, he pined away, his hairs became dry and bristling, as 4 77 | SPECIES AND VARIETIES. } 639 in the case of animals that are sick, and his death was daily looked for. Once more, however, his health returned, his glossy fur was restored to him, and his keepers could again approach him. But his former gaiety never returned: he submitted to the soothing of his keepers, but he answered the advances of strangers only with menaces. Let us be just, then, to the loathed and persecuted Wolf, with respect to those attributes with which Nature has sup- plied him. In the state of nature, he possesses the habits and attributes which adapt him to his condition. But let him be withdrawn from the wild and savage state in which he must subsist, be relieved from the pressure of his natural wants, be aided by human intelligence, and soothed by the sympathy for which he is formed to be grateful, and we pro- duce a change, which may well be deemed the triumph of reason over the wildest propensities of inferior natures. The Wolf, in truth, becomes a Dog,-a member of that commu- nity of creatures which have become humanized, as it were, by intercourse with us, which yield up their powers to our service, which will remain attached to us when all the world may for- sake us, and will lay down their lives for our safety. But al- though the Wolf be beyond any reasonable question a Dog, yet it is not to be maintained that all dogs are derived from the Wolf. The Canidæ of many species are spread over all the world, are probably all endowed with the same faculty of submitting themselves to human power, and, so far as is yet. known, or a fair analogy will lead us to infer, are capable of breeding with one another, and producing a common race, in the domesticated state. But when the people of distant re- gions met and became mixed together, as was the case with the inhabitants of Europe and Western Asia, it may reasonably be believed that dogs of the different kinds which had been domesticated would be brought together, forming a race, like the human inhabitants, of mixed descent. But then it may be asked, is not the Dog, the Canis familiaris of Lin- næus, a species? The answer, as has again and again been 7 7 L 640 THE DOG. observed, depends upon the meaning which we assign to the terms we use. If by species we mean, with many natural- ists, animals descended from a common stock, as a pair of individuals, 'then we have little reason to suppose that the do- mestic dog is a species. Neither is he a species, if we do not extend to the species we call Dog all the essential charac- ters possessed by all the individuals, the long muzzle of the greyhound, as well as the short one of the bull-dog,—the long ears of the spaniel, as well as the short ones of the terrier: but if we shall comprehend all these and the other characters common to all the varied kinds of dogs in our category, then, at least, in so far as characters of conformation connect ani- mals into a species, the Dog may be a species; and if we find that the members of this group have the power of pro- creating with one another, and producing a fruitful progeny, then we have all the tests by which we discriminate species applicable to the Common Dog. The Count de Buffon, after various failures, succeeded in rearing a mixed progeny of wolves and dogs, which he found to procreate freely with one another. Experiments, indeed, much more numerous and important, we have reason to be- lieve, have been made again and again. The Esquimaux, who use dogs for sledges, are in the habit of uniting their dogs with the wolves proper to these latitudes; and the same thing, it is believed, is done in certain parts of the south of Europe, in the case of the Black, and perhaps also the Gray, Wolves of these countries. The shepherds tame the young wolves, when they can procure them; and the whelps, being brought up with the sheep-dogs, are mixed with them in blood. But these being experiments of which no records are kept, we do not know to what degree, and in what manner, the subsequent progeny have been mingled in blood; and we are, therefore, obliged to refer to experi- ments conducted on the animals, with an express relation to the results to be observed. M. Frederick Cuvier gives a record of certain experiments made in the Royal Menagerie C L } 1 2 1 SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 641 of Paris, in which dogs and wolves were united together, and their progeny made to breed with one another; but he draws the singular conclusion, that the progeny were hybrids, and not the offspring of the same species, because the mixed breed became deteriorated from generation to generation. But the fact proves nothing with respect to the argument of M. Cuvier, and is but one of innumerable examples of effects long known in the practice of the breeders of domesticated animals. Not only is the dog not exempt from the injury to the constitution which results from continually reuniting animals of the same family in blood, but he is peculiarly sus- ceptible of deterioration from this cause. The experiment is easily and quickly made. If we shall breed a pair of dogs from a male and female of the same litter, and unite again the off- spring of this pair, we shall produce at once a feeble race of creatures; and the process being repeated for one or two generations more, the family will die out, or be incapable of propagating their race. A gentleman of Scotland made the experiment on a large scale with certain fox-hounds, and he found that the race actually became monstrous, and perished utterly. We do not know the precise details of M. Cuvier's experiment, but if it at all approached to that referred to with respect to the nearness of blood of the animals united, the result is no other than what might have been inferred from old experience. Nay, the want of due exercise and suitable treatment, would account for a decay of physical strength in the animals subjected to the experiment. At Moscow, we are informed, on the authority of Pallas, a mixed breed was produced between the Black Wolf and the Dog, the descendants of which were fruitful with one another ; and no notice is taken of subsequent degeneracy. In truth, there is not the least reason to believe, that a mixture of the blood of the Wolf with that of the Dog would produce de- scendants whose progeny would degenerate. Analogy rather leads us to infer, that a mixture of the blood of the wilder and stronger animal would add strength and vigour to the ▸ 2 s I 1 642 THE DOG. domesticated race; and it is believed, that, when shepherds have crossed their dogs with wolves, one of their purposes has been to give vigour and courage to their sheep-dogs. But a fact even more conclusive, if possible, than the union of wolves and dogs in the domesticated state, is, that they unite together in the state. of freedom. In the expedition of Cap- tain Parry to the circumpolar seas, a she-wolf, at the period of heat in these latitudes, paid almost daily visits to the neighbourhood of the ships, and continued to do so until she was joined by a setter dog belonging to one of the officers. "They were usually together," says Captain Sabine, "from two to three hours; and, as they did not go far away, unless an endeavour was made to approach them, repeated and de- cided evidence was obtained of the purpose for which they were thus associated.' ""* The difference between the aspect and form of the Wolf and of the Dog, is the greater strength of shoulder of the unreclaimed animal, his stouter limbs, his longer claws, his stronger teeth, the greater obliquity of his eye, and his coarser fur,—differences not greater in degree than have been pro- duced in various other animals by domestication, as between the Wild Hog and the reclaimed, the Wild Horse of Tartary and the Hackney of England, the Wild Turkey and tame. But, further, it is not with dogs of mixed race, as those of Southern Europe and Western Asia, that we ought to com- pare the Wolf, for the purpose of determining the differences between him and the domesticated animals, but with those dogs, if they can be obtained, in which no mixture of races may be supposed to have taken place. Now this compari- son we have the power of making, in the case of the dogs of the Laplanders of Europe, of the Greenlanders, and of the Esquimaux of America. These dogs approach in so great a degree, in their external characters, to the wolves of the same latitudes, that often the eye alone cannot distinguish * Supplement to the Appendix to Captain Parry's First Voyage. 643 them ; and the dogs of the Kamtschatkans do not seem to be more different from the Siberian wolves, than the latter are from the wolves of France and Spain. The proposition that Wolves, by domestication, may be- come Dogs, it is to be observed, is very different from the proposition that all Dogs are descended from Wolves; and yet the arguments directed against even the latter hypothe- sis, have nothing of the force which has been ascribed to them. It has been again and again contended, that the won- derful divergence of dogs from the normal characters of the Wolf, proves the animals to be distinct; and that what we term domestication of the wolf is nothing more than a kind of taming, such as may take place in the case of the tiger, or any other animal. But it is manifest, that the divergence of dogs from the typical characters of the wolf presents pre- cisely the same difficulty as the divergence of the characters of dogs from some common species, some Canis Primordialis, either existing or extinct. If we can suppose this assumed species to have given rise to animals so different as the grey- hound and the terrier, surely we can suppose that the Wolf, or any other known Canis, can have given rise to the same animals. And again, with respect to the assertion that the wolf is tamed, but not domesticated, we ask, Is not the Wolf domesticated who acquires all the habitudes, even to the modulation of his voice, of the domesticated dog, who de- votes himself in the like manner to our service, and who relinquishes the appetites proper to him in the state of na- ture? If this be not domestication, some new definition must be given of the term. It has been said that the tamed wolf cannot be depended upon, may prove treacherous, may return to his ancient propensities of killing poultry, and eat- ing animals, not excepting his own master; and, lastly, that the instinctive antipathy between the wolf and the dog proves that they cannot be the same. But do not dogs sometimes prove treacherous; and would they not devour our geese, if they were not subjected to the wholesome terror SPECIES AND VARIETIES. + 1 v4th 2 644 with which we contrive to inspire them? The tamed wolf, doubtless, manifests a taste for poultry, as well as his mas- ter; but even a single generation is not always required to banish a propensity which seems almost instinctive. M. Frederick Cuvier mentions the case of a she-wolf who had been taken in a trap when an adult, but who became so gentle, that she could be left in a poultry-yard, without her offering the least violence. That tamed wolves may attack other animals and devour them, is what the ruder dogs will do, if not subjected to due discipline. Is it not marvellous, then, that the Wolf, even before a few genera- tions have passed between that of his wild state and his pre- sent condition, should be taught to abandon such a propen- sity? With regard to the Wolf's attacking his master and devouring him, no instance of the kind, it is believed, is on record. Colonel Hamilton Smith, indeed, mentions a story told him by a butcher of New York regarding a tamed wolf, which the man asserted had attacked him when he entered at night the shambles in which the animal was confined. But, giving all credit to the story as it was told by the man, what does it prove? The wolf, it seems, had been chained for two years in a slaughter-house, and lived, we are assured, "in a complete superabundance of blood and offal,” that is, he was kept in a situation in which he was the constant wit- ness of all that was calculated to excite and keep alive his fiercest appetites. It would have been a marvel if, under such circumstances, the animal had not remained wild and savage. Besides, we know nothing of the manner in which this wolf was treated by his master, except that he was chained in a slaughter-house. But wolves, we may believe, are, like dogs, resentful of injuries, as well as grateful for benefits. It is known that the larger dogs of this country will fly upon their master, as upon any one else, if they are mal- treated by him. Even fox-hounds, though trained up under the terror of continued discipline from the litter, will fall upon their keeper, if he suddenly enters their kennel under night THE DOG. 6 645 Need we wonder that a wolf, fed on blood and garbage, should have attacked any person, whether his master, so called, or' another, who had the hardihood to enter his prison under the cloud of night. With respect, again, to the antipathy ad- mitted to exist between the Wolf and the Dog, what reason- able inference can be drawn from the fact with respect to the identity or non-identity of the animals? Dogs them- selves, we know, even of the same litter, will fight with and destroy one another. Is it wonderful that wolves, placed in a state of habitual enmity with animals so different in habits and aspect from themselves, should treat them in the same manner as they would any other prey; or that the protected dogs should manifest antipathy to so cruel an ene- my? But when wolves are truly domesticated, so far are they from manifesting antipathy to the common dogs, that they attach themselves to them in a remarkable manner, and become their fondest associates. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. The largest and fiercest of the Canidæ are commonly termed Wolves; and there is no other essential distinction between them and the smaller Canidæ, into which they pass by gradations. Of the Wolves of Asia, greatly the most diffused seem to be the Common and Black Wolves, and their varieties; although others, equally entitled to be re- garded as species, may be believed to exist in the vast re- gions of the centre and east, as well as in the numerous Islands of the Eastern Seas. One from these Islands, in- deed, has been for some time known to European naturalists. It is the Canis Javanicus of French naturalists, and is of the size and proportions of the Common Wolf. Of the Wolves of Africa, our knowledge is yet more confined. It is ge nerally believed, indeed, that the common Wolves of Eu- rope inhabit the mountains of Northern Africa, and even extend to the high lands of Abyssinia on the east. But of the immeasurable deserts of the interior, we know little re- garding the living inhabitants. Travellers, indeed, speak of dangerous wolves found in Senegal and elsewhere; but they 646 do not communicate the information necessary to enable the naturalist to recognize the species. The term Wolf, it has been said, is merely employed to designate the larger and fiercer Canidæ, though it appears to have been employed in a more extensive sense by the ancients, and to have included various species which we should now rather term Wild Dogs. The less fierce and powerful mem- bers of the group are yet more numerous in species than the wolves, so called. They are the inhabitants especially of the warmer or temperate countries; are generally more limited with respect to range of place than the larger wolves, and less ferocious and sanguinary, though not always more ready to resign themselves to domestication. Yet they all appear to be possessed of this same faculty, and some of them to have been domesticated from early times, contributing to give us those smaller and gentler varieties of the domestic dogs with which we are familiar, and, being mingled in blood with the other members of the family, to produce, under the various agencies affecting them in the subjugated state, that end- less variety which characterizes the community of domes- tic dogs, and which no other hypothesis but that of a differ- ent descent can explain. THE DOG. Of the Wild Dogs of a former age, and yet existing in the state of liberty, one is the Canis anthus of Frederick Cuvier, the Deeb of the Arabs. This dog was regarded by the an- cients as a wolf, and still inhabits the deserts bordering on the Nile. He is about 16 inches high at the shoulder, and measures from the nose to the tail about 24 feet. He greatly resembles many of the dogs or wolves sculptured on the an- cient monuments of Egypt; and may be reasonably supposed to have been one of the species from which this early people derived their domesticated races. A head, taken from the catacombs of Lycopolis, the City of Wolves, is supposed, by the traveller Rüppel, to be of this species; and with respect to the Egyptian dogs, as they are generally represented on •16 647 the monuments, it is to be observed, that they have a far nearer resemblance to the lighter forms distinctive of the African dogs, than to the more massive forms of those of northern countries. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. The whole of Africa, it may be said, abounds in Canidæ, many of them very elegant and variously coloured. Some of them have very long ears, a character which connects them with the Fennecs or Zerdas, a curious tribe of dogs, which are more fitted to live on fruit, honey, the eggs of birds, and insects, than the other Canidæ, but which likewise pursue the smaller game. They burrow in the sandy de- serts, frequently under the roots of the palm and other trees, in the manner of foxes. Their large external ears are fitted to endow them with an exquisite sense of hearing, which may be supposed to be a mean of avoiding their enemies, or of being conducted by the sound to their proper prey. They are furnished, too, with fur on the soles of their feet, appa- rently to enable them to tread softly on the ground, and ap- proach their prey in silence. Wild Dogs of different species, some of them very fierce, fleet, and wild, have been found in almost all the countries of Africa that have been visited, from the Libyan deserts to the countries of the Bushmen and Hottentots, who, although amongst the rudest of men, have yet learned to turn to use those animals of their coun- try; and, indeed, it may be said, no people have yet been discovered so rude as not to have domesticated the dogs pro- per to the countries they inhabit. J The ancients frequently refer to Wild Dogs, as inhabiting their own or the neighbouring countries. They were found, and are yet found, in Arabia, Syria, and Asia Minor. They appear to extend all eastward through Persia, to the coun- tries connected with the great Himàlaya range and its tribu- tary chains. They live in bands, and pursue their prey in the manner of all the Canidæ, namely, by scent, by speed, and generally by uniting into packs; and are of different species, often confounded under the name of Chacals, or : 13 97 M 648 some corresponding term, proper to the dialects of the Tur- comans and other Asiatics. THE DOG. The Dog of Beloochistan is a wild ferocious dog, shy, and keeping aloof from human habitations. These dogs hunt in packs, during the day, of twenty or thirty together, and tire out their prey by the pertinacity of their pursuit, following it hour after hour, league after league, from twilight to dawn. They will attack the buffalo, or the largest animals of the country, and pull them down by their united force. They are like stout hounds, of a rufous colour, and somewhat short in the legs. It is not known how far this species extends into the wild countries adjoining, or what relations it has with the next mentioned species, with which it may be even identical. The Buansa of Nepaul, Canis primævus of Hodgson, ap- pears to be a species very widely extended. It is in size be- tween a wolf and jackall, and may be compared to a stout fox-hound. It hunts by day as well as by night, in troops of from six to ten individuals, following its game rather by scent than by sight, and wearing it out by persevering pur- suit. It barks, though with a tone of voice somewhat pecu- liar to itself. It is very untameable, unless when taken young, but the puppies which are reared amongst domestic dogs seem to exhibit equal sagacity. The species seems to belong to the woody and rocky mountain ranges between the Sutledj and Brahmapootra, but it appears, with some varia- tions of character, to extend greatly to the south, as to the Ghauts, the Nielgherries, and the coast of Coromandel; at least, Dogs so nearly resembling it have been found in these different localities, that they have been generally assumed to be the same. Mr Hodgson, who was long a resident in Nepaul, was the first to give us distinct accounts of this species. He supposed it to be the original of all the domes- tic dogs in the world, and hence termed it Canis primævus. This kind of dog, indeed, having all the habits of the Hound, may well be supposed, amongst nations of hunters, to have + 1 649 been early reclaimed and trained to the chase, for which he is so admirably fitted, and, perhaps, to have given origin to the hunting dogs of very distant countries; but there is nothing in the characters of this, more than in those of any other given species, that can enable us to conclude that it can have produced all the dogs of the world. There is no more re- semblance between the mountain hound of Nepaul, and the sledge-dog of Greenland, than between the greyhound of Per- sia and the terrier of England. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. Another class of Wild Dogs, which have received the name of Dholes, are found in various parts of India, and, doubtless, in other countries of the East. They seem to be of different species, but have the general habits of the other Canidæ. Some of these are described as approaching to the conforma- tion of the Persian Greyhound, and as being very fleet. Some of them have been domesticated, and employed in the chase. Captain Williamson refers to their fleetness, but states that they are not to be depended upon for coursing, being apt suddenly to give up the chase when it is severe, and often to prefer the chase of the goat or sheep to that of the hare. He says that they are valuable in hog-hunting. The Dog appears with different characters in China and the islands of the Eastern Seas. We have been rendered familiar with this class of dogs by means of the Dingo of New Holland, so called, it is believed, from a name given to certain wild dogs found near the Gulf of Guinea. This ani- mal has probably been carried from the adjoining countries to this vast insular continent, because it differs from all the other animals distinctive of it. Be this as it may, it has mul- tiplied in an astonishing degree, and has become the pest of the settled inhabitants. It is a wild and agile dog, very fleet and fierce. It pursues the Kangaroo, and the flocks of sheep which have now multiplied in the country, destroying them in the manner of the Wolf. The Dingo has the habit of burrowing, and does not bark in the wild state; but by do- mestication it learns to imitate the barking of domestic dogs, 1 650 though imperfectly. It has been partially reclaimed by the savage inhabitants of New Holland, and taught to assist them in the chase. It breeds with more difficulty with the common dogs than these dogs do with the wolf or even the fox; yet occasionally a union takes place. The mixed race partakes of the characters of both parents; and, for the first generation at least, retains much of the wild habits of the Dingo.* Many of the domesticated dogs of China and Japan have a distinct relation to this type. They hardly bark, and though very playful, have less docility than the domesticated dogs of Western Asia and Europe. The Chinese dogs of this race have the tongue and palate black, and they are used for food by this singular people. Of the various groups of Canidæ, the most extensive, with respect to the number of individuals, is that which compre- hends the species included under the term Jackal or Chacal, a name derived from several languages of Asia. But the Jackal receives numerous names in the dialects of the coun- tries he inhabits, usually indicative of his peculiar cry, which is that of howling, so that he is termed the Howling Dog, the Chief of the Howlers, and so forth. THE DOG. The Jackal, of his proper species and varieties, has a vastly extended geographical range. He is found all over Africa, from Barbary to the countries of the Caffres and Hottentots. He exists in Arabia and the neighbouring deserts, and has even been carried, though at a period comparatively recent, westward into Greece, and northward into the Steppes of Southern Russia. But his appropriate range is from Arabia through the warmer and temperate parts of Southern and Central Asia all eastward. Thus he is found in Asia Minor, in the countries of the Euphrates, eastward through Persia to the Indus, and even spreading northwards into the coun- * A female Dingo, which I had for several years, produced a litter to a common Dog. They were handsome and playful, but not very docile. They retained the disposition of their mother to dig holes in the ground, as if desirous to burrow. They began to attack poultry when merely puppies, and could never be cured of the habit. 651 tries of the Turcomans. Crossing the Indus, he is found over all Hindostan to the regions beyond the Ganges. He appears in China Proper, and stretches northward into the countries of the Kalmuks; and he is found in Borneo and other great islands of the Eastern Seas. Thus the Jackal, of whatever species or varieties, occupies a great part of the habitable world. His temperament, indeed, seems best suited to the warmer and less humid countries, where he multiplies in the greatest degree; although, extending north- wards into the deserts of the Turcomans and Kalmuks, it seems that he is fitted to endure a considerable degree of cold. This curious dog approaches in certain of his characters and habits to the fox, and may be regarded as intermediate between foxes and the diurnal dogs. But he is longer in the limbs than the fox, has a shorter fur and less bushy tail, and has the pupil of the eye circular, whereas in the fox it is elongated. He burrows like the fox, but is nothing like so solitary and nocturnal in his habits. On the contrary, he is eminently gregarious and social; and although, as in the case of other wild animals of prey, the night is the time which he takes to seek his food, he does not fear to issue from his retreat at any time. He is of all the wild Canidæ the most familiar with man, congregating around his dwel- lings, that he may share or purloin his food. Like all the Feræ in a state of nature, he is voracious, hunting during all the night, entering the hamlets and villages, and, like the hyænas, carrying off the garbage and offal which he finds 8; nay, it is said, digging into the sepulchres, and violating the remains of the dead. He has the cunning habits of the fox, with far greater audacity. He examines the fastenings of doors and windows, that he may enter into yards, outhouses, and unguarded dwellings, stealing whatever he can reach, as skins, and any edible substance; and, entering the hen- roosts, he kills every animal. Like the fox, too, he feeds on certain ripe fruits, and, lurking in the vineyards, fattens upon the grapes. The cry of the Jackal is peculiar and distinguish- SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 652 able from that of all other dogs. It is a shrill yell, no sooner uttered by one than responded to by all within hearing, in every conceivable variety of tone. The chorus begun, is heard far and wide through the neighbouring wilds and jungles, intermitted only to be raised again and again, louder and louder, and almost banishing sleep from those who are unused to it. The slightest note of one of their number suf- fices to raise the wild cry all round, nay, even a note of music, or a sound of the human voice. At the cantonments of Euro- pean troops in the woody parts of India, where a great deal of animal food, which the natives will not touch, is cast about, the Jackals, after the sun is set, draw silently near, and nothing betrays their presence. But should an alarm be given, or one of their number, from any cause, be in- cited to utter the signal cry, in an instant the sympathetic chorus is raised, and responded to from the distant jungles. At the charming period of the tropical day, when, the sun being just sunk, a brief twilight ensues, scarcely giving warn- ing of the coming darkness, an English gentleman with a very young lady was walking in the gardens of his mansion. The young lady, who knew that the gentleman sang, asked him to give her some old-remembered tune. The first notes were hardly uttered, when hundreds of Jackals, couched all around unseen, answered with an appalling cry, which rung through the neighbouring woods, as if thousands of wild beasts were ready to fall upon the musician. But there is another cry of the Jackal which is not thus responded to. This is uttered by the solitary Jackal, who is watching the stealthy march of the lion or the tiger. He follows the murderer at the fitting distance, and utters from time to time his warning cry. It is understood by those for whose safety it is uttered; and now, in place of the wild chorus, a silence like that of the dead prevails around. These animals, it has been said, are eminently social. They form their burrows near to one another, and, congregating together, pursue their prey in concert, hunting in packs like well-trained beagles. When THE DOG. FI 653 one of their number is assailed, and utters a cry of distress, all who are within hearing hasten to the rescue, and, if they are able to master the enemy, fall upon him. They combine to protect themselves from attack, and join in the pursuit of the domestic dogs which they may wish to chase away. These creatures are unmolested by the Mahommedans, who, al- though they hold the dog to be unclean, will not take away his life; but sometimes they are hunted by English sports- men after the manner of their country, either by common dogs or fox-hounds. They are easily run down by the former when at a distance from their burrows, and, in the case of hounds, do not afford the same sport as the hardy fox of Europe. They make, however, desperate resistance, biting very fiercely the dogs that come up to them; and when at length they are overpowered, it is said they will pretend to be slain, and allow themselves to be pulled about as if dead, as is the case with the polecat and some other animals in this country. The Jackal is eminently susceptible of domestication. The offensive odour proper to him in the natural state goes away, and he speedily acquires the manners of other dogs. But he is taught to bark with difficulty, and so is little suited for watching. He is further very timid, so that jackals are not fitted to form a useful class of dogs, though some of the Tur- coman tribes, according to Pallas, have no other kind for watching their flocks. From the wide diffusion of this ani- mal, his familiarity, and near resemblance to the common dogs, it was long an opinion of many naturalists, that he was the parent stock of the domestic races. This opinion is now generally abandoned; but yet it is probable that the blood of the Jackal has, in numerous cases, been mingled with that of the domestic races of the countries which he inhabits. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. - From the Jackals, and other diurnal Canidæ, there is a gradation to the true Foxes, forming an intermediate group. In India they are usually regarded as small jackals; but in the countries where jackals do not exist, they are naturally 654 THE DOG. arranged with the foxes, which, indeed, they more nearly resemble. In this group are usually comprehended the Cor- sac, inhabiting the great deserts of Tartary toward the sources of the Irtish, and the same species, or others nearly resembling it, found in the warmer countries of the East, including the little Indian dog of Malabar, the Pale Dog- fox, an inhabitant of Darfur and Kordofan, burrowing in the sand, and hunting only at night, the Turkish Dog-fox, and others. The true Foxes inhabit every part of the world, from the Arctic Regions and the gloomy shores of Terra del Fuego, to the most burning regions of either continent. They are distinguished from the wolves and dogs, so called, by their having the pupil of the eye elongated, so that, by expanding or contracting it, they can admit a greater or smaller quan- tity of light; by their living apart in deep holes, which they form for themselves; by their pursuing their prey alone and at night; and by their never uniting, accordingly, to capture it by the chase. Like most nocturnal burrowing animals, they emit a fetid odour from the skin; their feet are covered with hair, so that they may steal softly upon their game; they are clothed with a thick fur, partly of hair, and partly of wool, which grows underneath the hair, and is covered by it. They have the tails long and bushy, and the fur is of various colours, generally tending to black or brown. When fine and woolly, as in the colder countries, it is greatly sought after, and thousands of the animals are killed every year for supplying this production. Of the many species of Fox, that which is the most fami- liar to us is the Common Fox, Canis Vulpes, which has a wider range of place than any other. Like all other ani- mals having an extensive range, his characters vary greatly according to climate, locality, and the nature and abundance of his prey. Even within narrow geographical limits, the Common Fox presents himself with considerable differences of external characters. Thus, in the British Islands, sports- 655 men recognize the long-legged fox of the mountains, which has to travel to great distances to obtain his prey, and which they call the Greyhound Fox; the fox of certain woody dis- tricts, called, from his larger size, the Mastiff-Fox; and the common Cur Fox, which is the least of all, and approaches nearest to our dwellings. The Fox is characterised by the wary habits which his condition requires. His prey is the smaller game, rabbits, hares, birds which build their nests on the ground, and the eggs and young of such birds. He steals upon his prey, and does not, like the wolf and the wild hounds, seek to capture it by pursuit. He lies in wait, or, cautiously approaching, springs upon the game. Although a strong animal in pro- portion to his bulk of body, he never courts a combat with any animal that can oppose him by physical strength. It is in the night only that he quits his hole or covert, although he sees perfectly during the day, contracting the pupils of his eyes to the degree required to allow of perfect vision. In pro- portion to his intercourse with his greatest enemy, man, his caution and sense of danger increase. In wild and distant places, as the fur-countries of America, he readily enough falls into the snares prepared for him in the woods. But, in settled countries, he is suspicious, in the highest degree, of means employed to entrap him. He will sometimes enter into out-houses, where fowls and other small animals are kept, but never until he has examined the place again and again, and provided for safety and escape. If he sees a trap, or even a string suspended, his suspicions are excited, and he turns back until frequent visits have assured him that no danger exists. When at length he is resolved to make his way into a hen-roost or poultry-yard, he makes the utmost of his opportunities. Killing the animals with the least pos- sible noise, he removes them one by one, and conveys them to his hole, or buries them in the ground where he may find them again, and never, like the wolf or dingo, destroys from the mere instinct of destruction. SPECIES. AND VARIETIES. 7 656 THE DOG. The female goes with young sixty days or more, and the season of heat is in winter, so that she may bring forth when young game is plentiful, and easy to be obtained. The puppies are born blind, and remain so for ten or twelve days. The mother is the most tender of nurses, and she keeps the whelps carefully concealed until they are able to venture forth. When she fancies that their retreat has been dis- covered, she carries them away, one by one, in her mouth, and takes them to a place of safety; nay, she has been known, after she had heard the noise of the hounds, and knew that her life was at stake, to carry away her little whelps, before she quitted the cover, to which she might never return. The Fox shews that he knows full well the purpose for which he is sought by the numerous dogs, which, for our sport and his destruction, we bring to the place of his retreat. The wiles he employs to save himself are too familiar to need to be mentioned. They are calculated to excite our admira- tion and pity, even when they contribute to our pastime. He makes every effort to save himself which his wonderful sa- gacity enables him to employ, and when at length, after the fruitless exercise of his strength and powers, he is overtaken by the pack, he sells his life bravely, though he knows that it cannot be saved, and dies without a groan. The Fox, when taken young, is playful and familiar like other dogs, and manifests his attachment to those who treat him with kindness; but even in captivity, he retains the in- stincts of his race, of stealing upon the animals which are his natural prey, as poultry of all kinds, and hence it is necessary to keep him in confinement, so that it may be doubted if a single instance has occurred in which a breed of foxes has been subjected to true domestication. The wolf, wild and fierce as he is, submits himself to the power of superior reason: the fox seems to abandon tardily the instincts proper to him. But the fox breeds with the do- mesticated dog; although, in the state of captivity, he does so with reluctance, as if he feared to propagate a race of 657 slaves. In the state of liberty, however, the union is not unfrequent. The fact, though questioned by naturalists, has been long known to shepherds. By tying the female sheep-dogs, when they are in heat, at a distance from houses, they have been again and again impregnated by the wild foxes which are attracted to them. The result of the union is a race partaking of the characters of both parents. They are less fitted for being sheep-dogs than the cultivated breeds, but they are sagacious and bold, and manifest a peculiar ap- titude for attacking weasels, rats, badgers, and other ani- mals termed vermin; and are, in truth, a kind of terriers. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. Certain Canidæ, it has been seen, of the Old World have found their way to the New, and multiplied in the boundless regions where they have acquired a habitation. The Com- mon and the Black Wolves, it is easy to conceive, may still find their way thither when the Arctic Regions are covered with ice; but being placed under new conditions with re- spect to climate and the nature and abundance of their food, the animals undergo modifications, from the extent of which some naturalists have conceived that the common wolves of North America are specifically distinct from those of Asia and Europe. But the differences are in external aspect and trivial characters, and are less in degree than those which present themselves between the wolves of one part of Europe and another. But whatever the conclusion arrived at with respect to the identity or non-identity of certain groups shall be, it is perfectly certain, that wolves of the higher latitudes of North America have been reclaimed, and become the dogs of the rude inhabitants. The wild and the tame of the species present no greater differences than we see in the case of other animals in the state of nature and of domestication. The intrepid Arctic travellers, who have recently added so wonderfully to our knowledge of these desolate regions, have assured us, that the sledge-dogs of the natives, and the wolves of the country, are the same. They inform us that they have more than once mistaken the bands of wild wolves 计 ​2 T X I ↓ 1 | I 1 F 658 which they encountered for the domestic dogs of an Indian party. The animals howl in the same manner, and exhibit the same habits; and that they breed with one another, is indisputable. Captain Back informs us, that the mixed pro- geny of wolves and dogs are perfectly known to the natives, and are valued by them as being stronger, as beasts of draught, than the ordinary dogs. No doubt, then, exists, that the large dogs of these people are true wolves, and wolves not less fierce and strong than those which have been reclaimed by the Laplanders and northern inhabitants of Europe. The American wolves, indeed, are not so ready to attack human beings as those of Europe and the more populous parts of Asia, but this is not because they are less fierce and strong, but because they have fewer opportunities of trying their powers on man. In the spring of 1826, a large gray wolf was driven by hunger to prowl amongst the huts erected in the vicinity of Port Franklin; but he did not venture upon an attack, and being foiled in his endeavours to procure food, was found a few days afterwards dead upon the snow. Yet Dr Richardson was informed that a poor Indian woman had been some time before strangled by a wolf, before the husband, who saw the attack, could hurry to the rescue. Of the bold- ness of these animals, numerous examples might be given. Captain Lyon, speaking of the wolves of Melville Island, says, "The wolves had now grown so bold as to come alongside, and on this night they broke into a snow-hut, in which a couple of newly purchased Esquimaux dogs were confined, and car- ried them off, but not without some difficulty, for in the day- light we found even the ceiling of the hut sprinkled with blood and hair. When the alarm was given, and the wolves were fired at, one of them was observed carrying a dead dog in his mouth, clear of the ground, at a canter, notwithstand- ing the animal was of his own weight. Before morning they tore a quantity of canvass off the observatory, and devoured it." At Cumberland House, a wolf, which was seen prowling about the fort, was fired at, struck by a musket-ball, and THE DOG. · SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 659 severely wounded. He returned again in the dark, stream- ing with blood, and carried off a dog from amongst fifty others. Although the wild and the tame animals are assu- redly identical, yet such has been the effect of slavery on the one, and of liberty and the continued exercise of their powers on the other, that the subjugated dogs have the ut- most dread of their savage congeners, and can scarcely mus- ter courage to face them, even in self-defence. All the tribes of North American Indians have dogs, but differing much in size and other characters from the large sledge-dogs of the northern natives. It may be believed, therefore, that different canine species have been domesti- cated in different parts of these vast countries. Of these there is one which seems, by its temperament, to be pecu- liarly fitted for domestication, the Prairie Wolf or Prairie Dog. The Prairie Dogs are found in great numbers towards the sources of the Missouri and elsewhere, from about the 55° of north latitude southward. Their fur is mostly of an ashy- gray colour, with the cheeks, chin, throat, belly, and inside of the thighs, white, and the tail is bushy, and clothed with long hair and wool. They are smaller than the gray wolves, and not unlike the shepherd's dogs of some countries of Europe. They burrow like foxes, and are very swift of foot, and, assembling in numbers together, hunt in packs, pur- suing the deers, the bisons, and other animals. They have a barking voice, and assemble round the hunter at the first report of his gun, as if conscious of his purpose, and hoping to share the spoils of the chase. They are easily tamed, and form, either pure or mixed with other races, the dogs of Indian tribes. Of the domesticated Dogs of the North American Indians, one is the Hare Indian Dog, cultivated by the tribes fre- quenting the borders of the Great Bear Lake, and the banks of the river Mackenzie. It is minutely described by Dr Richard- son, who informs us that it is used by the Indians solely for 4 I ů I Ľ ܒ ܐ 660 the chase, being too small for a beast of burthen or draught. It has a certain degree of independence, and dislikes con- finement, but is exceedingly playful, is of an affectionate temper, and is readily gained by acts of kindness. Dr Rich- ardson had himself one, which, when only seven months old, ran on the snow by the side of his sledge for 900 miles. It was at length killed and eaten by an Indian, who pretended that he had mistaken it for a fox. Dr Richardson states, that it is inferior to the Prairie Wolf in size, but that its resemblance to it in other respects is so great, that he could discover no difference of form except in the smaller size of the cranium. The length and fineness of the fur, and the very arrangement of the spots of colour, he says, are the same in both; and in fact, adds he, it bears the same rela- tion to the Prairie Wolf that the Esquimaux Dog bears to the Great Gray Wolf. It is remarkable that the learned and observing naturalist should seem desirous to escape the necessary conclusion, namely, that the Hare Indian Dog is merely the Prairie Wolf in the state of domestication. Dr Richardson likewise describes the domesticated dogs of the native tribes of parts of Canada and the countries of Hud- son's Bay. They appear to be intermediate in size and form between the larger Dog of the Esquimaux, and the smaller one of the Hare Indians. They will be best described in the words of the bold traveller himself. "This breed wants the strength of the Esquimaux dog, and does not possess the affectionate and playful disposition of the Hare Indian va- riety. It is used at certain seasons in the chase, and by some tribes as a beast of burthen or draught; but it has all the sneaking habits of the wolf, without his courage, and without the intelligence of that animal. It unites with its compa- nions to assail a stranger on his approach to the hut of its master; retreats on the least shew of resistance, or endea- vours to get behind him, and silently snap at his legs. A little Scotch terrier that accompanied us on the last expedi- tion, disconcerted the largest of them by the smartness of THE DOG. ↓ 661 his attack, and used to send an animal more than four times his own size howling away, although the density of its woolly covering prevented his short teeth from wounding the skin, When they fight among themselves, the dog that is van- quished is not unfrequently torn in pieces by the rest of the pack. They hunt the larger domestic animals in packs, snap- ping at their heels, and harassing them until worn out, but scarcely ever venture to seize them by the throat." The Dogs of Labrador, however, are of larger size, and are dis- tinctly to be referred to the type of the great Gray Wolf of the same country. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. Proceeding southward, other species of Canidæ present themselves, of which one is the Mexican Wolf, Lupus Mexica- nus of Smith. The range of this species is unknown, but individuals have been found as far to the north and east as Virginia. This animal is equal in stature to the Common Wolf, but has the head broader, with a thick neck, and he has a fur of varied colours. It is not known whether it has been domesticated. Southward of the mountains of Mexico, various species of Canidæ are found, distinct from those of the north. One of the largest of them is the Maned Aguara, which is found only to the south of the line, inhabiting chiefly the swampy and more open countries. It is a large animal, with stout limbs, and is furnished with a remarkable mane; but it is greatly inferior in strength to the true wolves, and manifests nothing like the courage and ferocity of these animals. Its prin- cipal prey seems to be the smaller game, and, in a peculiar degree, aquatic animals, on which account it is formed to swim with facility. It pursues its prey during the night, and does not hunt in packs like the Prairie Dog, or the Wild Hounds of Asia. It is solitary and timid when reduced to captivity. The other Canide of South America, usually termed Aguaras by the natives, are of different species, and in external aspect somewhat resemble the curs and jackals with which we are familiar in Asia and Europe. J ! 1 A 662 THE DOG. When the rich and smiling shores of the New World were first visited by European plunderers, the natives were every- where found in possession of innumerable dogs, manifestly derived from the wild of species proper to the countries which they inhabited. They all differed from the dogs of Europe. They are yet possessed in considerable numbers by the ruder tribes, and are used for the chase of land-ani- mals, and in some cases for fishing. They are generally re- linquished by the Indians, when they can obtain those of European lineage, which are far superior in sagacity, courage, and power of endurance, to the native dogs of South America. Thus, in regions the most remote, and by people the most dissimilar, the Canidæ proper to different countries have been subjected to the uses of the human inhabitants. The Com- mon Wolf, under the modifications of character which he has tended to assume in the state of nature, is proper to the northern division of both hemispheres, and has been domesti- cated, accordingly, by the inhabitants of both. Southward of the glacial regions on either continent, other dogs have been subdued,—in America those proper to the New World, and -in Asia and Europe those pertaining to the Old. Africa, too, has produced its dogs for the uses of its inhabitants. The Common Wolf, though with those characters which pe- culiar agencies seem to produce on all the animal inhabit- ants of this continent, has doubtless yielded his services to the natives of Africa, as well as to those of Asia and Europe. But there are other Canidæ proper to the same vast conti- nent, which we may believe to have been likewise subdued, as the Egyptian Wolf or Deeb, and the Canidæ of Senegal and the interior, and perhaps the Hunting Hyæna, and even the beautiful little Zerdas with their soft hair, their long ears, and gentle habits. The dogs of Africa, indeed, seem to be extremely varied; and it is reasonable to believe, that it is to this source that we owe some of those gentler and smaller dogs with which we are familiar, and which have always been derived in the greatest numbers, or rather all origi- } 663 nally, from the countries of the Mediterranean. When the Canaries were discovered, numerous dogs, of a large size, were found in the possession of the inhabitants. In the heart of Africa, dogs have been found having much of the charac- ters of the older Blood-hounds of England. Two of these were brought home by Major Denham, who states that he had seen them hunt the Gazelle by the scent with exquisite pre- cision, taking short cuts when the animal made a turn, so as to come again upon the track. Africa, then, abounds in Dogs of various kinds, and which we have as much reason to be- lieve indigenous to the regions they inhabit, as those of the Asiatics are to the continent where they are found. During the intercourse carried on beyond all memorial of tradition and history between the people of Africa and Europe, it is not possible that the dogs of the one people should not have been communicated to the other; and thus we may believe that, with the mixed varieties of dogs with which we are con- versant in Europe, the blood of the African as well as the Asiatic races has been mingled. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. The ever ingenious and eloquent Buffon eagerly maintain- ed that the Shepherd's Dog, which, from its habits, he sup- posed to be the nearest to the native type of the species, was the original of all the dogs known to us. But the Shepherd's Dog differs in different countries as much as the other dogs of the same countries. The Shepherd's Dog referred to by the French naturalist is that of France, which is merely a variety of the dogs of shepherds, although agreeing in many characters with those of other parts of Europe. But this variety resembles the Wolf much more nearly than it re- sembles such dogs as the Spaniel, the Mastiff, and Grey- hound; and it is surely more reasonable to believe that it is derived from the Wolf, which it resembles, than that it is the parent stock of Dogs which it does not resemble. Were the theory good, we must suppose that this species assumes in Siberia characters so like a Wolf that it cannot be dis- tinguished from one, in Thibet the characters of a Mastiff, £ ** 4 664 in England of a Bull-dog, in Malta of a dog little larger than a rabbit, in another country of a Hound, in another of a Greyhound, and so forth; and that even in the very same country which itself inhabits, all these different forms of the Dog may exist from age to age, with as little tendency to change as in the case of the Shepherd's Dog itself. The theory of the French naturalist is unsupported by a single fact known in natural science, and would scarcely merit notice, were it not that it has been followed by many subse- quent writers, and that even yet there are naturalists who give it a tacit support. Much, indeed, must be ascribed to the effects of climate, food, and domestication, in modifying the characters of the Dog; but it is plain that we ascribe to these agencies far more than the case requires, when we as- sume that such a dog as the Shepherd's Dog of France, liv- ing no more in the state of nature than many others, can have been the root of them all; that in England it may be a Bull-dog, in the Pyrenees an animal so like a wolf as not to be distinguishable from one, and in the country which itself inhabits, a Mâtin or a Poodle. THE DOG. The latest theory regarding the origin of the Dog, is that which derives all Dogs from the Buansa of Nepaul, thence termed Canis primavus. But the Hound of Nepaul merits still less the distinction of being the progenitor of all dogs than the Shepherd's Dog of France. For we must suppose that this hound has given origin to an animal so unlike itself as this very Shepherd's Dog, that in Siberia it has become a Sledge-dog, and in Malta a Shock-dog; nay, that in the very region which itself inhabits, it may become a Mastiff and a Terrier, both of which inhabit the mountainous country of Nepaul, apparently as constant in their proper characters as the Wild Hound of the same country. - Another hypothesis, greatly more reasonable, indeed, but yet very far from answering the conditions of the problem to be resolved, is, that all dogs are derived from the Common Wolf. That certain dogs, perhaps the most useful of any, > i 665 - are derived from the Common Wolf, must be admitted, un- less we are to reject evidence which, in every branch of natural science, would be received. But there is more than one species of Wolf, and there are other wild canide which we may term Wolves, which are equally fitted to submit themselves to the influence of domestication. The Prairie Dog, or the Prairie Wolf, has been domesticated, as well as the Aguaras of America; the Dingo of New Holland has been tamed by the rudest savages, and is one of the dogs of China and Japan; the Dholes of India have been domesti- cated, and, we can scarcely doubt, the Hounds of Nepaul; and the dogs of Africa are very numerous, and must be be- lieved to have been derived from the Canidæ proper to that continent. If we assume, then, the Common Wolf to have been the origin of all dogs, we must equally assume it to be the parent stock of all the wild species of canide which have been subdued,―of the Prairie and Aguara dogs of America, of the Dingo of the Eastern Islands, of the Dholes of India, and of the numerous species which have yielded dogs to the inhabitants of Africa. The Common Wolf is certainly the parent stock of numerous dogs of the northern hemisphere; but, 'unless we are to assert that it is the parent stock like- wise of many canide which we hold to be specifically dis- tinct from one another, and from the Wolf, we cannot ad- mit it to be the parent stock of all domesticated dogs. Another theory is, that the primal type of the Dog is lost, and that it is from some one species now extinct that all the varieties of the existing races have sprung. But this hypothesis involves us in suppositions which we are unable to support by any truths known, or which can ever be known to us, in natural history. For, admitting this hypothesis, we must believe that the primal type of the Dog, whatever it be, is likewise the type of the Wolf, and that thus the Wolf is sprung from an animal which we suppose to have resem- bled the domestic dogs. It is true that there may have been, although we never can have a knowledge of the fact, some SPECIES AND VARIETIES. . } # · 666 THE DOG. animal, in a previous distribution of living forms, from which all existing Canidæ have been derived, the Wolf, the Jackal, the Fox, and others, with all their varieties; but this, it is manifest, is a theory founded upon no basis of known truths. We cannot say how species were formed, and must wander in the regions of absolute conjecture, when we ven- ture to assume that some one species, in a former distribu- tion of living beings, gave origin to animals now distinct from one another, as the Wolf, the Jackal, and the Fox. This may have been, nay, probably was; but when we at- tempt to investigate the origin of the Dog and such animals, it is useless for us to go farther than animal forms, as they are exhibited to us in living species or remains. All that we can hope to determine regarding the origin of Dogs is, from what species, one or more, now existing, or whose re- mains exist, they have been derived. If we assume that some primal species of dog existed, we must assume that this species gave origin to the Wolf, as well as to every spe- cies of Canis which has been domesticated. There are, then, insuperable difficulties in the supposition of the origin of all the various races of Dogs from any one species. But knowing, as we do, that many species of Canis exist in the wild state, and have been domesticated, and that all the domesticated Canidæ, so far as is known, breed with one another; that tribes and nations of men have been mingled together by migration, conquest, or otherwise, from the remotest ages of the world; it is reasonable to believe that different kinds of dogs, the inhabitants of different coun- tries, have been mingled together in blood. It is in this way, and in this way alone, that we can satisfactorily ac- count for those endless varieties which the races of dogs of long-peopled countries present, and the constancy with which certain races preserve the characters proper to them, dis- tinct from others produced, under the same conditions, from age to age. The subjugation of the various races of Dogs, may well be 667 regarded as one of the most useful triumphs which reason has been permitted to gain over the instincts and habits of the lower tribes of animals. We may believe, too, that it was effected during the earliest periods of society, since we can hardly conceive communities to have existed at all in wild countries without such assistants, and since we scarcely know a tribe, from the Esquimaux of the Arctic wilderness to the savages of New Holland, so rude as not to have appropriated the dogs of the countries they in- habit. We may say that there is no period in the past history of our species, of which we have any knowledge at all, in which the Dog did not exist in the subjugated state. We find him represented to us as a sign in the heavens along with the Bull, the Ram, and the Goat, his early fellows in the service of our race, nay, distinguished from these by being placed in both hemispheres of the fir- mament, first beneath the feet of Orion in the southern hemi- sphere, and again in the northern, where he indicates the place of Sirius, the brightest of the fixed stars of the firma- ment, from the heliacal rising of which, corresponding with the extreme rise of the Nile, the Ethiopians and Egyptians dated the commencement of their year. He is sculptured on the earliest monuments of human arts, from the sacred caves of the East, to the proud structures of Persepolis and the Nile. By the Egyptians he was consecrated to their god Anubis, whom they represented with the figure of a man and the head of a dog; and he enters into a mass of symbo- lical representations, whose meaning cannot now be disco- vered. Nor was the adoration of the Dog confined to this singular people, so prone, like most of the African nations, to pay a blind worship to the objects of the senses, but it extended to almost all the members of the family termed Caucasian. He was everywhere sacrificed to the gods; and traces of the same rites have been found in people so remote as the worshippers of Brahma, the Phoenician Canaanites, and the Teutons of Northern Europe, the latter, up to a pe- SPECIES AND VARIETIES. X-R ? کر 668 riod which may be called historical, making use of the Dog, as of other victims, in their bloody worship. He entered into the mythological systems of Greece and Rome; and even in the superstition of the vulgar of Europe to the present day, usages connected with the worship of the Dog may be traced. One exception, and that a remarkable one, occurred in early times, and has exercised a singular action on the condition of the Dog over a great part of the world. The worship of the Dog was interdicted to the Jews, with dread- ful denunciations. He was proclaimed to be unclean; and even the price which might be received for him was placed on a level with the wages of a harlot, and was not to pollute the temple of the Living God. The people of this family, ad- hering to the letter of their stern law amidst all the fortunes of their unhappy race, even now retain much of their ancient feelings towards this gift of Providence. Nay more, the Arabs, taught by an Impostor, who derived much of what he taught from Jewish usages, have conceived something of the same feelings towards this creature. But the Arabs cannot dispense with the services of the Dog amid their own wild deserts of sand, and much less when they have passed be- yond them; and all the restraints of superstition have been unable to prevent the freest use of the dog in the countries to which the Arabian faith has extended. Yet everywhere, in countries of Mohammedans, the Dog is regarded as some- thing unhallowed and unclean. The True Believer, indeed, will not shed the blood of the Dog, but he will not afford him the shelter of his dwelling, nor admit him to that companion- ship for which Nature has fashioned him. Hence, in Moham- medan countries, the Dog rarely assumes that docility which he elsewhere possesses; and hence much of that multiplica- tion of unowned dogs in Eastern towns which live on garbage, and share with the hyenas and vultures the task of remov- ing impurities. This, indeed, is due only in part to Moham- medan feeling; for we know that something of the same kind existed from the earliest times in the countries of the THE DOG. * ¿ X 1. 669 East, even in Egypt, where the Dog was venerated, and in Greece during the ages termed Heroic. It is generally be- lieved that the Hindoos have acquired the feelings of their Mohammedan tyrants towards the Dog: but this is an error. The Hindoos, like other people of the East, have nume- rous unowned dogs in their towns, but the Hindoos, though restrained by feelings connected with their ideas of the sanctity of food, from admitting the dog to that familiarity which is customary with us, have a great fondness for the Dog, in which respect they resemble all the other members of the Caucasian family not Mohammedan. It is the Jews and Mohammedans alone who regard this animal as some- thing unhallowed; but it is not they alone who vilify their enemies as dogs and the sons of dogs. For, the people of all countries, even those who profit the most by the services of the animal, employ expressions of hatred and contempt, founded on what they conceive to be the most vile and hate- ful in his attributes. His greediness, his uncleanness, his impudence, his quarrelsome temper, nay, his submission and fawning, have furnished us with epithets wherewith to insult one another. The cause, perhaps, lies no deeper than this, that the Dog living in our society, we are able to observe his habits and actions, and perhaps to find in them too faithful a similitude of some of our own. Were monkeys to live amongst us, we should doubtless be able to find in them some traits of character which we might apply to our neigh- bours, and so be as ready to speak of the son of a Monkey as the son of a Dog. To the Domestic Dog, we have innumerable references in almost every kind of writings, from the songs of the people to the disquisitions of the naturalist and metaphysician, and even treatises have been devoted to the subject, of ancient date, of which some, in whole or in part, have come down to us. Of these the most remarkable are the Cynegetica of Xenophon, who lived 445 years before Christ, and Ar- rian, who flourished in the reigns of Hadrian and the An- SPECIES AND VARIETIES. • 670 THE DOG. tonini. But the ancients give us little information with re- spect to what may be called the Natural History of the Dog, and almost all their notices refer to his properties and ser- vices chiefly as an instrument of the chase. They had their swift-footed Dogs, Canes Celeres, which they employed in cour- sing; their Canes Sagaces, comprehending the dogs employed to track the game by the scent; their Canes Bellicosi, or dogs employed in the destruction of the larger animals, and in war. Their methods of chase appear to have been the same as prevailed in a later age, up to the general use of fire- arms. They pursued the practice of tracking the game in the woods, and rousing it from its retreats, by hounds which followed the scent, and of running it down by the swifter dogs; and, in fowling, they employed dogs, such as the modern spaniels, to drive the feathered game into nets or other snares. They employed powerful dogs to defend their herds and flocks; and the "Cave Canem" on the portals of the Roman houses, shews that the same means were employed to protect goods from plunder as in the present day. The Dog was used by the Romans for food, as it still is, but far more extensively, by the Chinese and other Eastern Asiatics, by the inhabitants of the Polynesian Islands, and by the Negroes. Dogs, we are informed, were largely employed by the Cel- tic Gauls and other barbarians in war, and even up to a later age, the same cruel instrument of destruction was not dis- used. The Spaniards made use of dogs against the helpless natives of South America, and even the Tudor Princes of England, we are informed, employed them in their Irish wars; and the traces of the practice long existed in the Bor- der districts of England and Scotland, in the use of blood- hounds, trained to the chase of human victims. The use of fire-arms put an end to these as to many barbarous usages, and dogs at length were only employed in war, in a man- ner in which they may be lawfully used, that is lawfully, so long as the destruction of our fellow-creatures is regarded as lawful, namely, as sentinels to give warning of danger. 1 SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 671 For this purpose they were kept in all the ancient fortresses, as they still are in the countries of the East. The Romans, every year, with characteristic brutality, whipped a dog to death, in memory of an event, which probably never hap- pened,—the saving of their Capitol by the cackling of geese, while the dogs slept at their posts. The names applied to the Dog differ so much in the various languages of Asia and Europe, that no relation can be traced between most of the designations; and yet there are cases. of widely-spread languages, in which we can trace a com- mon root in names applied to the animal. He is the Ci and Cu, pronounced Ki and Ku, of the Celtic Britons, the Kubb of the Arabs, the xuw of the Greeks, the Canis of the Latins; terms, again, which are found in innumerable derivatives ap- plied to countries, tribes, nations, and divinities. The Eng- lish term Dog is derived from the German Dogge; but the Dog is properly the Hund of the Germans, whence the Anglo- Saxon Hounde, and the English Hound. The female of the dog goes with young sixty-three days, but with a slight variation within this period, dependent upon temperament and race. She sometimes receives, when in heat, more than one male, and it has been supposed that puppies resembling the different males have been produced in the same litter; which may perhaps be ascribed to the tendency observed in the female of the Dog as well as of some other animals, even the Mare, to reproduce in their subsequent offspring animals resembling the previous ones. The female of the Dog, when she is not under restraint, makes selection of her mate, the mastiff selecting the mastiff, the terrier the terrier, and so on. The puppies are born with the eyelids closed by a membrane, which divides about the tenth day. The mother nourishes her young with un- ceasing fondness, and, when they have acquired sufficient strength, leads them forth, and teaches them to chase, to worry, and usually the habits proper to her peculiar race. She gradually weans them by refusing to yield them milk, ". 672 and when they have left her, no other tie than between any other dogs seems to exist between the members of the family. It is common to destroy the young puppies which are not to be brought up, by drowning them. The mother has been seen to search the neighbouring pools, and, hav- ing found her little ones, to bring them to her couch, and fondle them with anxious moanings. When the déstruction of the entire litter has been more than once repeated, the anxious mother has been known to carry off her whelps as soon as born and conceal them, stealing to them from time to time to suckle them. A mother deprived of her own cubs has been known to steal one or more of the young of another and suckle them, nay, to nurse the young of other animals, as the fox, the rabbit, the cat, and treat them with the same tenderness as her natural offspring. The form and habits of Dogs vary in every degree with race, and the habitudes to which the parent stock has been long inured. A race of dogs accustomed to follow a parti- cular kind of game communicates the like propensities to the offspring. The Pointer, inured from generation to gene- ration to steal on birds, and stand when he approaches them, communicates the same propensity to his progeny, who scarcely require even discipline to teach them the arts of the parents. The Wolf-hound communicates to his young an instinctive antipathy to the Wolf, which reappears even after several generations. The Terrier who has been used to the chase of the polecat or any other of the weasel tribe, com- municates to his descendants his own fierce hatred to the same animals, which the whelp will manifest the moment he comes upon the track, although he may never before have seen one of the species; while the young of the Cocker manifests no antipathy to the same kinds of animals, though it will pursue with ardour the scent of the woodcock or phea- sant. A puppy of the breed of the Great Dog of St Bernard's will follow the track of human footsteps on the snow, al- though it may have been brought to a distant country from THE DOG. : 2 673 its mother's breast. A Shepherd's Dog, of a race inured to the care of flocks of sheep, communicates to its young its own habits, so that the latter only require a little educa- tion to teach them their duties. But if the parents have been taken to another employment, as the driving of herds of cattle, their young have no such aptitude to learn, and fre- quently require long and painful discipline to bring back the pristine habits of the breed. Hence a rule, universally appli- cable to the breeding of dogs for any specific purpose, is to breed from those of a pure race, whose habits have been im- printed upon it from generation to generation. Although discipline will do much to impress peculiar ha- bitudes on dogs, yet Race has a still greater influence. The Mastiff, of a peculiar breed having great muscular strength, has remarkable habits of watchfulness, which his young exer- cise instinctively, and without any instruction. We can teach the mastiff many things, even to diving in water, and the pursuing of human beings, but we cannot teach him to fol- low the hare like a greyhound by the eye, to hunt in concert, using the voice, like the hound, or to adopt the habits of the terrier in discovering the retreat of the polecat and the badger. The Barbet or Water-Dog will hunt the margins of the lake or river for water-fowl, and swim and dive to bring the quarry which has been wounded or killed, but he will not, like the terrier, attack an animal of five times his own strength, or encounter the bite of the badger and fox in their subterranean dwellings. We can teach him a multitude of feats for our gratification, just as we can teach a monkey to walk on two legs, and imitate human actions; but there are limits to our efforts, in the physical powers and tempera- ment of the animal himself, which we cannot pass. There are thus races of dogs which are endowed with peculiar faculties and powers, which we can cultivate to a surprising extent, and which we can even cause to react, by continual use, on the conformation of the animals, who, nevertheless, will still retain the essential characters of their race. k Fur- 2 U SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 1.00 L * } ► N 1 L 674 ther, we have an increase of power over the services of the Dog, by the races being endowed with the power of breed- ing with one another, so that we can form a breed, or produce individuals, partaking of the attributes of both the parents. Thus, by uniting a mastiff with a greyhound, we can pro- cure individuals combining in a certain degree the speed of the one with a portion of the physical strength of the other, forming a Wolf-Dog, or dog suited to the chase of the wolf; by uniting a terrier with a hound or barbet, we shall form an Otter-Hound, or dog fitted for the chase of the otter, and so on. In this manner, numerous mixed races have been produced fitted for particular services. The Dog appears to have the faculty, beyond any known animal, of becoming adapted, even in the conformation of his body, to the services and actions to which he is inured. A race of dogs employed from generation to generation in the dragging of loads, has the size and muscular strength in- creased; while another, employed in no service which requires enlargement of the muscles, becomes smaller and smaller, until it is suited to its permanent condition. A race of Grey- hounds, employed in the chase of the Stag, acquires the strength and energy suited to this service; while another, em- ployed in the chase of the Hare, acquires a form by which the individuals can turn more quickly, and reach with their teeth the victim on the ground; and further, if the same race be withdrawn altogether from the pursuits natural to it, and be reared up as a plaything in our dwellings, it becomes a lap-dog, as in the case of the little Italian Greyhound. The Spaniel is a dog of some size in the countries proper to it: in the houses of the opulent, brought up as a lap-dog, it be- comes a dwarf. The Great Wolf-Dog of Ireland has now nearly disappeared, in a great degree, because the wolves, his appropriate prey, having been extirpated, there is little inducement to cultivate the breed; but partly, and we may believe mainly, because, being no longer employed in his for- mer pursuits, he ceases to be adapted to them, and his mus- THE DOG. 675 cular development approaches to that of common dogs. The utmost care, it is known, has been used by opulent indivi- duals to keep up this magnificent breed; but in spite of every attention, the animals, from generation to generation, have diminished in strength and stature, so that they can now be scarcely recognised as being of the ancient race: and there is not a breed of dogs, from the Wolf-Dog to the Spa- niel, in which we do not find varieties of size, for which we can assign no other cause than the difference in the purposes to which the physical strength and faculties of the animals are applied. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. The Dog has his habits affected in a wonderful degree by those of the people amongst whom he lives. It was an old remark, that one might judge of the civilization of a people by their dogs. Amongst savages, the Dog is rude, treacher- ous, and vindictive. He will snatch at the food in his mas- ter's hand, and purloin it from his stores; he will steal be- hind the unwary stranger, and bite him; and he will remem- ber an injury, and avenge it. The dogs of the Esquimaux will often, in revenge for the treatment they receive, endea- vour to overturn the sledge of their master, or break it to pieces by running down a precipice, or drag it into a pool. Amongst mere barbarians, as the nomadic tribes of Asia, the dog is fierce and inexorable like his human instructors. The large dogs employed to guard the tents of the Arabs and Turcomans, will rush upon the helpless traveller and drag him to the ground. Still more rude and savage are those dogs of the Turkish towns which are left without protection, disowned and shunned by every one, and compelled to share with hyænas and vultures their miserable food. These dogs are the pest of the Mohammedan towns. In Constantinople a stranger cannot pass through the foul and narrow streets, even at noon, without the hazard of being wounded. At night he cannot do so without the risk of being torn to pieces. These creatures stand in some awe of the club of the Believer; but the "Christian Dog" who should venture F الله P • I [ { * 676 THE DOG. amongst them after sunset without a light and guards, might as well pass through a crowd of wolves. These animals, ac- customed to prey on human bodies left in the streets, will devour the stranger whom they may happen to master, as readily as they would a kid or a lamb. If a strange dog ventures amongst them, they will, in an instant, surround him and tear him to pieces; or, should one of their number fall down from wounds or fatigue, his fellows will set upon him on the instant and devour him. Yet these rude dogs, in the absence of human protection, have devised something like laws of their own. Each community has its own quar- ter of the city; and should a straggler from another quarter enter it, he will in a few minutes be surrounded and torn by a hundred mouths. But should he be happy enough to escape over his own frontier, he turns fiercely round upon his assail- ants, knowing that he will be immediately supported. It is in the Mohammedan towns that the worst of these hateful dogs are now found; but the nuisance seems to have existed in every age in the same countries. How many are the allu- sions in ancient writers to the fate of enemies to be thrown to the dogs to be devoured! Even Hector promises his Tro- jans that the body of their bravest enemy shall be given to the dogs of Troy; and who does not remember the pleading of the noble Hector himself, when, pierced by the fatal spear of Achilles, he finds words to deprecate the same cruel fate! "C By thine own life, by theirs who gave thee birth, And by thy knees, oh! let not Grecian Dogs Rend and devour me ; and the inexorable reply, "Dog! neither knees nor parents name to me, so true it is and sure That none shall save thy carcass from the Dogs." In the cities and villages of India, are likewise numerous outcast dogs; but, living amongst a mild race of people, they have nothing of the savage temperament of those of the 677 Turkish towns. They are termed Pariahs by Europeans, sup- posed to be from misapprehension of the Hindoo word Paraeea or strange, as if an Englishman, on asking a native what dog this was, the answer should be Paraeea, it is a strange dog: but this term must not be confounded with the Hindoo term Paharee, which is applied to dogs or anything proper to mountains, as the Wild Hounds of Nepaul. These Pa- riah dogs are of all races, though, breeding together, they acquire something like a community of characters. They are, in truth, nothing else but the domesticated dogs of the country suffered to live and multiply in the streets. Although they have no individual masters, they will fawn upon the stranger who looks kindly upon them, and attach themselves to his service. An English gentleman, Colonel Smith in- forms us, travelling in a palanquin, a pariah dog, fainting with thirst and hunger, looked him wistfully in the face, as if im- ploring succour. The dog strove to follow the palanquin ; but, the bearers passing rapidly on, his strength failed him, and he laid himself down to die. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. The Dog has the senses of hearing and smell acute in a surpassing degree. He hears the distant footstep, and dis- tinguishes the tread of his master and friend. But of his senses, that of smell appears to be the most perfect. The mem brane which lines the nasal organ, and on which the olfac- tory nerve is spread, is of surprising extent. If spread out it would envelop a great part of the body of the animal, whereas, in the human subject, it would not cover the head. Endowed with this sense in a surpassing degree, the Dog can follow the evanescent traces of his prey by the odour left on the ground. He can distinguish the smell of different animals, and pursue those which he is instructed to chase, and neglect those which he is not permitted to follow. The older Stag- hounds of England, which were employed to rouse the game in woods, could distinguish, by the scent alone, the full- grown hart from the fawns too young to be hunted, or from the female when out of the season of the chase. A dog has I I Î 678 been known to follow the footsteps of his master through a city where he had never before been. The ancient Blood- hound, when put upon the track of his human victim, would pursue it whatever steps might have crossed the path. The Dog, when he meets any person from whom he has been long separated, begins to smell him so as to assist the eye by his recollection of odour, indicating alike the delicacy of his sense of smell and his power of memory. When dogs meet they smell one another, the glands with which they are furnished giving off an odour, which probably conveys some intimation of temper or other feeling from one to the other. THE DOG. The Dog is endowed with the faculty of remembering places, times, and events. He knows the path which he has once travelled, and can retrace it after an interval of years; nay, he possesses the faculty of being able to find his way to a known place by a route different from that which he had before travelled. A little Spaniel, reared on the banks of the Tweed, was shipped to London at a sea-port town more than twenty miles distant from his home. After an absence of twenty days, he arrived at his former residence. He had found his way through the enormous city, and over a tract of country of more than 300 miles in which he had never once been. A dog can count intervals of time with surprising ac- curacy. If he is used to perform any act which gives him pleasure, or which from habit becomes a duty, on a certain day of the week, and at a certain hour of that day, he knows the hour as it comes round to a minute. How he calculates the intervening time is unknown, but the instances are in- numerable in which dogs of every race will perform this kind of reckonir g with the exactness of a clock.* * It was an old practice of the shepherds of the south of Scotland to be ac- companied by their dogs on Sabbath morn to the parish church. The dogs knew the day and the hour of setting forth as well as their masters. During the time of the service they usually conducted themselves with great decorum, but when, at the conclusion of it, the congregation rose from their seats, accord- ing to the practice of the Scottish Church, to receive the parting benediction of the pastor, the dogs likewise started on their feet, and, more audibly than con- 679 Dogs, having the senses in great perfection, probably en- joy the mere feeling of existence in a degree which we can- not estimate. They manifest the utmost pleasure when they are permitted to exercise their natural powers. Dogs of chase exhibit intense delight when brought to the hunting- field, and pursue the sport to the last with an ardour which even stripes and the harshest words cannot abate. The Terrier delights to be exposed to the attacks of the fierce animals with which he is made to contend, and, though cruelly maimed, returns again and again to the charge. The Setter bounds with joy when he sees the fowling-piece in the hands of his master, and is conducted by him to the fields, although he shares no part of the spoil, and is frequently subjected to the severest discipline, to restrain his natural ardour, and prevent his running upon the game. Yet he will run upon it again and again, although knowing well that he will be subjected to punishment. He will run at the forbidden hare, and when he has fruitlessly pursued it for a little space, return, and crouch at the feet of his mas- ter, that he may receive the castigation which he knows awaits him. We cannot ascribe this to anything else but the excessive feeling of enjoyment to the animal which the exercise of his natural powers affords him. Even when the dog is put to tasks of severe labour, he sensibly manifests the pleasure he receives. A blacksmith taught his dog to SPECIES AND VARIETIES. sisted with the sanctity of the place, expressed their satisfaction at the approach- ing release, so that the concluding words of the clergyman were generally lost in the hubbub. The device was thought of, of allowing the congregation to sit quietly in their seats while the blessing was pronounced. But the dogs were rarely to be thus taken in. Somehow or other they contrived to find out that the service was at an end, and, by a sympathetic whimpering, announced that they were not sorry to be set at liberty. Later clergymen endeavoured to put a stop to the ancient practice, and the dogs were ordered to be left at home. To this end, however, it was necessary that they should be confined by a suitable halter when the day came round. They knew this full well, and even to this day the dogs in some of the pastoral districts of Scotland contrive to keep out of reach betimes, taking their place at some con- venient distance on the road, so as to join the family circle in its progress. I 680 work the bellows, which he did with zeal, watching with im- patience for the signal to begin. The little dogs taught to turn spits, before the modern refinement of jacks, used to attend at the minute when the cook was ready, and set themselves to work the wheel without a murmur. The dogs of waggoners, fastened to the carriage, will be seen, pulling with all their force, from morning to night. Many of us have seen the dogs which are harnessed to little trucks and carriages, dragging their load along through mud and clouds of dust, with unceasing ardour and seeming enjoyment. In the towns of Holland these curious little teams may be seen in almost every street, the dogs sleek, fat, and seemingly con- tented. It may be suggested to politicians of our own coun- try, who are ready to put down these harmless vehicles by Act of Parliament, that if they are to legislate for the pro- tection of dogs, it should be for those which they themselves cause to be deprived of freedom of motion, chained to posts at the doors of their mansions, and compelled to linger out a miserable life in captivity, rather than for those which are permitted to exercise their natural powers for our service. THE DOG. The Dog has the sense of sight in a degree sufficient to see objects well in the dark. He can discriminate colours, although we do not know what feelings the impression of the different colours excites. If a set of little light balls be each coloured, as black, red, blue, green, a dog, taught to carry, will bring the black, the red, the blue, or the green, as he may be directed by the voice, so that he not only dis- tinguishes colours, but associates them with sounds. It is even said that the dog has been taught to carry coloured letters to specified houses or places according to the colour of each. If this be so, it renders conceivable the singular accounts that have been given of dogs having been taught to distinguish certain cards in a pack, and even to play certain simple mechanical games. The tricks that dogs can be taught by jugglers are very remarkable, after making every allowance for the deception practised by the juggler himself, 1 681 as by his directing the dog by signs not observed by the spec- tators. Dogs have again and again been taught to perform little pantomimes. They have been made to attack and de- fend a mimic fortress, to pretend to be wounded or killed, to limp, and allow themselves to be dragged about by their fellows as if dead. This will not appear incredible when it is known that even horses have been taught feats of the same kind. Several years ago, at Astley's, a horse might be seen to imitate to the life the actions of a bull, and go through all the representation of a bull-fight. Covered with skins, and supplied with horns, he imitated the very gait of the animal. When assailed by mimic darts, he affected rage, rushed upon the combatants, pursuing them round the ring, and finally fell down as if mortally wounded. Yet the Dog immeasurably exceeds the Horse in the readiness with which he receives instruction of any kind. Many have seen little dogs, especially of the barbet or poodle kind, performing a number of curious actions, as begging for food, ringing a bell, carrying their master's slippers and other parts of dress to him in the morning, and so on; and these things are not unworthy of note, as shewing the power of the animal to connect certain actions with the words addressed to him. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. Dogs learn to answer to their names, nay, know the names of their fellows, for if any one will carefully observe a num- ber of dogs kept together, he will see that when any one of their companions is called, the others know which of them is expected to answer. It is but a further exercise of the same faculty, that dogs comprehend the meaning of short sentences addressed to them, as the various orders of the hunting- field. But few are perhaps aware how extensive this class of phrases really is. The shepherd almost seems to hold a continued converse with his dogs as he directs them in their various duties. In communicating with the familiar dogs within our houses, we shall be surprised at the number of verbal directions we give them almost without our being con- 1 682 THE DOG. scious of doing so. It is difficult to believe that a dog can comprehend what is said, unless the sentences are very short, especially addressed to him, and frequently repeated in con- nexion with the actions which he is expected to perform. Yet there are cases in which the dog seems to gather some- thing of the purport even of connected sentences. Mr Hogg, well known as the Ettrick Shepherd, mentions a curious case of this kind. He had resolved to go, on the following day, to the house of a friend, many miles distant. He mentioned his intention to the old dame, his mother, adding, "But I will not take Hector with me, for he is constantly quarrelling with the rest of the dogs, singing music, or breeding some uproar." These were all the words, he says, that passed on his part; but Hector had comprehended enough to know that he was to be made a prisoner in the morning; and when the time for securing him came, he was nowhere to be found. "The Yarrow," says Mr Hogg, was so large as to be quite impassable, so that I had to go up by St Mary's Loch, and go across by the boat; and on drawing near to Bowerhope, I soon perceived that matters had gone precisely as I expected. Large as the Yarrow was, and it appeared impassable by any living creature, Hector had made his escape early in the morning, had swum the river, and was sitting, like a drookit hen, on a knoll at the east end of the house, awaiting my arrival with much impatience. The older shepherds of Scotland, it is to be observed, uni- versally believe that their dogs have the power of compre- .. ""* * Shepherds' Calendar by James Hogg. The "singing music," referred to by our author, as one of Hector's offences, was a propensity not uncommon in Dogs of his class, of joining in the psalm tunes, or other music which they heard. Mr Hogg being obliged sometimes to supply his father's place as clerk or precentor in the parish church, used to be thrown into a fever, whenever Hector made his appearance at church; for Hector never failed to join his master with all his might when the tune was struck up, and the two together so overpowered the lungs of the rest of the congregation, "that he and I,” says Mr Hogg, "seldom got any one to join in the music but ourselves.”— "I was, time after time," says he, "so completely put out of all countenance by the brute, that I was obliged to give up my office in disgust." ; SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 683 hending what is said, even when the words are not specially addressed to them. We must chiefly, however, ascribe their power of doing so in any case to their faculty of minute ob- servation, by which they are enabled to gather something of the purport of what is said from the looks and motions of the speaker. This faculty of nice observation is in itself very remarkable, but yet more is the process of reasoning, if we may so term it, by which the animal is able to draw cor- rect inferences from what he observes. The story recorded by the illustrious Leibnitz of the dog of the Saxon peasant who had been taught by his master, a boy, to pronounce certain words, has been long familiar to the learned of Europe. From the account given, however, it does not appear whether the dog associated any ideas with the words which he had been thus painfully taught to articu- late; but it is not improbable that he did, since it cannot be more difficult for a dog to associate ideas with his own words, than with those of another. Something of this power has been observed in the case of other animals far inferior in intelligence to the dog. A parrot can readily be taught to call for certain things, as a nut, a piece of bread, or a lump of sugar; and manifestly connects the sound with the sub- stance and the act of bringing it to him. One of these birds, long kept at the door of an inn, was in the habit, when a stranger arrived, of calling out, waiter, hostler, and so forth, as the case might require. A gentleman in Norfolk, now liv- ing, kept a pack of fox-hounds, and had a tame Raven, which had been taught to pronounce words, as that animal can be readily taught to do even more perfectly than the parrot. The raven, from being used to hear the huntsman call the different hounds by name, as Jupiter, Juno, Ranger, and so on, learned to imitate the same sounds; and persons who ob- served him closely, were of opinion that he knew the individual dogs to which the names were applied. Be this as it may, the raven contrived for himself a singular pastime. He used to place himself by the side of a little hole in the door of the ken- • ܚܕܐ 1 684 nel, and then call the name of any particular hound. The dog, answering the call, thrust his nose through the hole, and the raven was as prompt to peck it with his sharp beak, so as often to draw blood, and send the dog howling away; and he always seemed vastly delighted when he succeeded in the trick. THE DOG. The Dog is affected by certain notes of music, and espe- cially of wind instruments, as the organ and trumpet. He will sometimes howl loudly till the music ceases, or the note is changed; and he is sometimes affected in the same man- ner by causes which are unknown to us, as when the moon shines bright. Dogs have been observed to howl before an earthquake, aware, probably, of the movements underneath, before the sounds could impress the human ear. Supersti- tion, it is well known, has connected the howling of the dog with the presage of events, and, above all, with the death of friends. In the latter case, the effect seems due to the dog's nice observation of what he sees, as when he misses any one of the household with whom he was familiar, and sees the sad countenances of friends. A dog has been known to lay himself upon the grave of his master, and continue his me- lancholy howling until forced from the place. In like man- ner, if the master of a dog has met with some dreadful acci- dent, as the being rendered insensible by falling from his horse, his dog has been known to utter loud howlings, indi- cative of grief or alarm. The Dog, like other quadrupeds, has sounds of the voice, expressive of his proper wants and emotions. The cry of grief, of joy, of recognition, of defiance, can all be distin- guished; and it is wonderful, when we attend to the modu- lations of the animal's voice, how varied they become, accord- ing to the exciting cause. The Canidæ, in the state of na- ture, rarely bark, though it is not correct to say that they never do so. Even the fox has been heard to bark; and the peculiar cry of the hound when in chase is heard in certain 685 wild Canidæ, as the Jackal, the Dog of Beloochistân, and the Prairie Wolf. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. The Dog, by whatever means, has the power of communi- cating his wishes and purposes to his fellows. A terrier, having discovered a hare in its form, found its way to a neigh- bouring house where a greyhound was kept, and brought it to the place where the hare was couched. A little dog, re- peatedly assailed by another more powerful than himself, set forth in quest of a neighbouring watch-dog to punish the aggressor. A dog, whose companion had been caught in a gin, has gone in search of others to assist in the release of his companion. The following story is told by M. Blaze, in his Histoire du Chien. "Three dogs belonging, two of them to M. G., and one of them to M. P., of Saint Bonnet sur Galanne, in the department of Drôme, went out to hunt by themselves. One of the dogs followed a rabbit so far into a deep burrow, that his escape became impossible. The two other dogs strove ineffectually to scrape away the earth, so as to relieve their imprisoned companion. They returned to their respective masters, worn out and sad, and on the following day found means to rejoin one another, and again in the evening returned to their respective homes, ha- rassed with fatigue, refusing all food, their paws bloody, and their bodies covered with dust. For several days this was repeated, when one morning, at dawn of day, M. G. was awakened by the scratching of dogs at his door. Descend- ing, he found the dog which he had given up for lost, weak, languishing, and like a skeleton, escorted by his two deliver- ers.' But innumerable instances might be cited, in which dogs unite for specific ends, in such a manner that no one can doubt that the means are possessed by them of communi- cating their purposes to one another. The power of observation possessed by these creatures is often remarkably evinced. A dog, observing a theft secretly committed, has been known to seize the culprit, when no one else observed the act. Dogs, it is said, have surmised in- "" - V L + 686 THE DOG. tended crimes, when, to human eye, nothing indicated an evil design. When Henry III. of France fell by the dagger of a monk, history records that a dog of the household mani- fested extraordinary fury towards the assassin as he ap- proached his victim, the animal, doubtless, observing some- thing in the demeanour of the villain which indicated his purpose. The ancients record instances of this kind, which they ascribe to supernatural power, and which the moderns sometimes endeavour to explain by assuming the existence of some senses in the lower tribes unknown to us; but the more natural hypothesis, in the case of the Dog, is, that his acute senses, and surpassing faculty of observation, enable him to discover what escapes our cognizance. The promptitude and precision with which dogs adapt means to an end, are worthy of our admiration. A child, falling into a river, was hurried down the stream with fright- ful rapidity, and in a few moments would have been out of reach. A little dog standing near the bank flew to the rescue, but instead of swimming to the child in the water, in which case his utmost powers would have been unavailing to over- take it, he ran farther down, plunged into the stream, and intercepted it. When persons are engaged in endeavouring to effect some given purpose, it is surprising how quickly dogs divine their intentions, and with what sagacity they lend their aid. A dog, seeing the ineffectual attempts made to communicate with a stranded vessel, has seized the rope, and swum with it so that the crew might catch it. In one of the mountainous parts of Scotland, the only child of a poor peasant had wandered from home, lost its way, and strayed farther and farther from the path. Night came on, and the anxious parents, assisted by their neighbours, searched every corner round and round in vain. The search was continued throughout the night, and as the miserable parents were about to abandon it in despair, they heard the barking of a dog in the distance, who, unknown to them, had likewise set out in the search. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 687 They hurried forward, and, with feelings not to be expressed, beheld the sleeping child, the dog couched beside it, so as to protect it from the snow which was then fast falling. But volumes might be filled with anecdotes of the sagacity which these animals evince, under the different conditions in which their faculties are exercised. In the chase, but espe- cially when the animals hunt alone, and are thus permitted to exercise their powers uncontrolled, it is seen how admi- rably they meet the varying arts of their victims, and adapt their own actions, singly or in combination with their fel- lows, to the cases that arise. The old Lurcher, a crafty dog, intermediate between the shepherd's cur and the grey- hound, was the favourite dog of the poachers of the last generation. When employed in his unlawful trade, he was aware of the necessity of concealment, and used all his arts to escape detection for himself and his master. The latter concealing himself in some convenient place, the dog entered the preserve to be plundered, pursuing the game in dead silence, and bringing the booty, as it was secured, faithfully to the rendezvous. The Tumbler was a little dog employed to plunder rabbit-warrens. He affected indifference to the game, and rolling himself about as in play, pounced suddenly upon his victims, when thrown off their guard. When two were employed, one resorted to the usual arts, while the other kept watch at the burrows, to intercept the prey which escaped his companion. When dogs of different kinds hunt together, they combine their efforts to assist one another; so that, while one is pursuing the game, the others are keep- ing watch at the places by which it is likely to pass. The Esquimaux dogs are in use to scatter pieces of carrion about, so as to lure their game. The dog of the Blind Beggar is one whose actions we have sometimes the means of observing in this country, but much more in those parts of Europe where mendicity is the habit of the poorer classes. The dog either conducts his blind master to the place where he takes his stand to solicit the 7 7 1 H 688 pity of the passing crowd, or conducts him from door to door. The animal will be seen to stop at the particular houses where alms are wont to be bestowed, sometimes uttering a low whine, as if supplicating the attention of the inmates. Where there are churches, he makes his way to them at the times of the day when they are most frequented. He knows every pathway through which he has occasion to pass; and it is interesting to observe with what caution he leads his help- less master along, avoiding every obstruction, and keeping him out of the reach of carriages and other dangerous ob- structions. When passing along a river or canal, he keeps between the blind man and the bank; and when a path is rugged and narrow, he directs his companion along the smoother and broader part, himself taking the rougher and narrower. When a piece of money is thrown down, he has been taught to pick it up; nay, there have been cases in which he has been known to carry money to a neighbouring shop, and exchange it for a loaf, or such article of food as the mendicant had been in use to obtain at the same place. THE DOG. The Dog can be taught arts of deception; and although it is painful to contemplate this creature made subservient to unlawful acts, our admiration of the animal is not the less, since it is manifest that the turpitude is not in the dog but in his human guide. Dogs have been taught to steal, and it is wonderful to what arts they will resort to accomplish their purpose and escape detection. In London, a dog was lately taught to pilfer little articles of provision from shops and stalls, which he managed to do with consummate address. He never stood for a moment to gaze at the articles to be plundered, but kept moving about until, the owner being off his guard, the opportunity presented itself of escaping with the prize. Another was disciplined to snatch reticules from the hands of ladies when walking, another to seize hats hung up for display at the doors of shops, and so on. The employment of dogs, in certain parts of the Continent, for smuggling prohibited goods across the frontiers, as tobacco, muslin, and SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 689 and small wares of all sorts, has been often described. These dogs become aware of the nature of their employment, and the arts by which it must be carried on. They watch the motions of their enemy the revenue-officer, steal past him when the opportunity offers, or conceal themselves until he is out of sight. They make their way to the receivers of the goods, and when they arrive at the door of the hut or cot- tage where they are expected, announce their arrival to the inmates. But should the customhouse-officer be on the watch, they hide themselves in the neighbouring bushes or hedges until they may come forth. Although thousands of these dogs are every year destroyed, the trade continues. The quantity of goods smuggled in this way across the Rhine exceeds belief. It has been necessary for the revenue-offi- cers to procure dogs to detect and circumvent those of the smugglers, so that the system has become a war of dogs, each class perfect in its own tactics, and zealous in the dis- charge of its own duties. But not less remarkable than these smuggling-dogs, were the sheep-stealing dogs of Scotland. The offence of sheep-stealing, it is to be observed, prevailed to an enormous extent in the south of Scotland during a great part of the last century. In all cases the sheep-stealers depended upon the sagacity of their dogs. When the stolen sheep were intrusted to these animals, they conducted them through unfrequented paths, in silence and alone, to the places of rendezvous. Very late in the century, a sheep- stealer who was tried on various charges for this offence, was in almost every case able to prove an alibi. It was proved, however, that his dog conducted the stolen sheep to his con- federates. So perfect was the animal in his lesson, that when his master examined a lot of sheep under pretence of pur- chasing them, it sufficed that he pointed out to the dog, by secret signs, the particular sheep which he wished to appro- priate. The dog, returning in the dead of night, selected them from the flock, and brought them to the place appointed. The 精 ​2 X -**** M 1 I ! 1 I KI 鮪 ​690 THE DOG. sheep-stealer was condemned to die, and, proh pudor! the matchless dog, whose only crime was his fidelity. The Dog knows when he has committed an offence, and not unfrequently seeks to conceal it. Some dogs acquire the habit of destroying sheep, in the manner of the wolf. Con- scious that they are committing an offence, they employ ex- treme precautions to prevent detection, using the dead of night to steal upon the flock, avoiding those in their imme- diate vicinity, and taking a wide circuit in returning home, so that the place where they live may not be discovered. They have been known to wash themselves in a pool or river, that the marks of the blood might be effaced; and in all cases they clean themselves carefully of dust and blood before morning. Sir Thomas Wilde was cognizant of a case in which a dog addicted to this offence used to slip his head from his collar when he went away, and slip it back again when he returned.* * The Dog, beyond any animal known to us, is grateful for benefits received. Should any one chance to save the life of a dog, or rescue him from some cruel persecution, the animal ever afterwards manifests gratitude. Rude and savage as are the unowned dogs of the Turkish towns, should the pass- ing traveller bestow upon one of them, when in distress, a morsel of food, and speak kindly to him, the dog will wag his tail, and manifest, by the expression of his counte- nance, his gratitude to the stranger for the unwonted boon. Should a dog be wounded, as by a thorn running into his foot, it is wonderful how perfectly he understands the pur- pose for which he is put to pain in the attempts to relieve him. A dog will submit to the surgeon's knife, and lick the hand of the operator, and ever afterwards fawn upon his preserver when he meets him. Again and again have dogs been known to submit to the reduction of painful fractures, lying almost motionless for weeks until the cure was effected. * Quarterly Review, 1844. * SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 691 As the dog is grateful for benefits, so he sometimes shews that he can remember wrongs. To a stranger who may have cruelly used a dog that may come into his power, the animal will frequently manifest, even to the close of life, an antipa- thy or indifference which subsequent favours cannot over- come. The devotedness of the dog to his immediate master is generally so great, that he will submit to much harsh and injurious treatment. He will seek to disarm resentment by increased obedience, and, at the first kind word or mark of confidence, seem to forget all that he has endured. Yet this is not always the case, and often resentment lurks secretly in the feelings of the animal, to be revealed when least ex- pected. A fine Newfoundland dog, that had long been the favourite of his master, and accompanied him in his walks, was ordered by him to be tied by a collar and chain, in order that he might watch an outhouse. The master, after an in- terval, visited the captive, and was about to renew his ca- resses, when the dog fiercely repulsed him. It may be be- lieved that the animal knew or suspected the author of his captivity. A dog ordered by his master to be put to death for some trivial fault, looked upon him ever afterwards with suspicion. Dogs, it is said, recognise habitual dog-stealers in towns; but however this be, it is certain that they know the persons appointed to kill dogs found wandering in the streets without masters, and manifest the kind of dislike to them which a thrush or a jay exhibits towards a kite or a sparrow-hawk. Dogs have been sometimes observed to ex- tend their feelings of dislike of a dog that has injured them to the owner of the dog, thus associating the acts of the mas- ter with those of the servant. Dogs frequently manifest extreme jealousy of other ani- mals, even of a different kind, when they see them receiving the caresses to which they themselves have been used. This is especially observed in the case of the little pampered lap- dogs of ladies. If another lap-dog is brought amongst them, they will snarl at him, persecute him, and even refuse their R I L 1 692 own food for days together; and they will exhibit the same feelings towards a kitten, or even a child, that is fondled by their mistress. A beautiful little dog that had lost its mas- ter, and was wandering about perplexed and forlorn, made up to another dog, a pampered favourite, reposing at the por- ter's gate of a mansion. The little dog used all his arts to win the favour of the happier stranger, laid himself down beside him, and gambolled about him. But the favourite was inexorable. He thought, perhaps, that the beauty and winning ways of the little wanderer might gain him favour within; and, on the latter attempting to follow him beyond the gate, shewed his teeth, raised his bristles, and threat- ened to oppose the entrance. The little dog flew at the churl, bit him severely, put him to flight, and then departed indig- nantly, like a hero of romance denied the rites of hospitality. As Dogs may be jealous of their fellows, so they may be forgiving and generous. Dogs, from their habits, and their intimate connexion with man, are naturally repulsive and suspicious towards strangers of their own species. But, should two dogs be brought up together, it is wonderful how attached they become, the one frequently pining, and re- fusing his food, when his companion is taken away. The powerful dog rarely attacks one much weaker than himself, and never a puppy, however he may growl at it and frighten it. When one dog, from any cause, attacks another, he rarely, unless urged on, carries his resentment beyond a moderate chastisement, and is almost always mollified by sub- mission. A dog, who has seen another in want of food, has been known to carry him daily a portion of his own allowance. A Barbet, or Newfoundland Dog, that will save the life of a man, will plunge into the water after a drowning fellow, and bring him on shore. A Newfoundland dog, once teased be- yond endurance by a cur, took the aggressor in his mouth, dropped him quietly over the bank of a neighbouring canal, and having suffered him to flounder about for a while, leaped into the water and brought him on shore. THE DOG. 693 But of all the attributes of the Dog, those which seem the most to have claimed attention are his attachment to man in general, and his fidelity to individuals in particular. The Dog very rarely, and never but under peculiar circumstances, seeks to gain his natural liberty. He prefers, to the state of freedom, the protection of man, and lingers near our dwellings, even when he is shunned and disowned by us. When he attaches himself to any one, all his actions indicate that the relation is one which has a foundation in the affec- tions of the animal, and does not vary with the degree of benefits conferred. The dog that shares the lot of the miser- able and poor, is no less faithful than another that enjoys all that can gratify the senses. The peasant boy, who rears up his little favourite in his cabin of mud, and shares with it his scanty crust, has a friend as true as he who has ease and abundance to bestow. Release, from the cord of the blind beggar, the dog that leads him from door to door, and will he follow you a step for all with which you can tempt his senses? Confine him in your mansion, and feed him with the waste of plenteous repasts, and let his forlorn companion approach your door to crave a scrap of food, and the dog will fly to him with fidelity unshaken, and bound with joy to be allowed once more to share his miserable lot. Again and again has the dog of the humblest and poorest remained faithful to the last, and laid himself down to die on the grave of his earliest friend. Recently, a poor boy in a manu- facturing town had contrived, from his hard earnings, to rear up a little dog. The boy, as he was passing along to his daily work, was struck down, and dreadfully maimed, by the fall of some scaffolding. He was carried on a shutter, mangled and bleeding, to an hospital near, attended by the dog. When he was brought to the door, the dog endeavoured to enter along with him; but being shut out, he laid himself down. Being driven beyond the outer gate, he went round and round the walls, searching for any opening by which he could enter. He then lay down at the gate, watching every SPECIES AND VARIETIES. # 1 VI 1 • 694 one who entered with wistful eyes, as if imploring admit- tance. Though continually repulsed, he never left the pre- cincts night or day, and even before the wounded boy had breathed his last, the faithful dog, struck with total paraly- sis, had ceased to live. It is well known that the soldiers of the French levies were often mere boys, brought from their country homes, to undergo at once all the rigours of the ser- vice. They were often accompanied by their little dogs, who followed them as best they could. Often, after the carnage of a desperate field, these dogs have been found stretched on the mangled bodies of their youthful friends. A French officer mortally wounded in the field, was found with his dog by his side. An attempt having been made to seize a military decora- tion on the breast of the fallen officer, the dog, as if conscious how much his master had valued it, sprung fiercely at the assailants. An unfortunate soldier, condemned for some of- fence to die, stood bandaged before his comrades appointed to give the fatal volley, when his dog, a beautiful spaniel, rushed wildly forward, flew into his arms to lick his face, and for a moment interrupted the sad solemnity. The comrades, with tears in their eyes, gave the volley, and the two friends fell together. A youthful conscript, severely wounded in the terrible field of Eylau, was carried to the hospital amongst hundreds of his fellows. Many days after- wards, a little dog had found its way, no one knew how, into the place, and amongst the wounded, the dying and the dead, had searched out his early friend. The faint- ing boy was found by the attendants with the dog beside him, licking his hands. The youth soon breathed his last, and a kind comrade took charge of the dog: but the animal would take no food, pined away, and shortly died. And a thousand other examples might be given of an affection in this creature unaltered by changes of fortune, and enduring to the last. THE DOG. · The Dog, if we can judge by his motions in sleep, possesses the faculty of imagination. His eyelids move, his lips quiver, 1 3 695 his limbs are alternately stretched out and contracted, as if he felt himself engaged in some contest with a fellow, or rushing upon his victim in the chase; and sometimes he utters cries, and starts from his dream bewildered and amazed. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. But far beyond a passing excitation of the nerves, is that terrible malady to which this faithful creature is subject, and which has excited in every age so painful an interest. The Rabies, or Madness of the Dog, is unlike anything else in the same class of diseases, inasmuch as it not only affects the individual, but impels him, by an irresistible impulse, to communicate to other creatures the venom with which his own system is tainted. The miserable dog will not spare the friend for whom he would have laid down his life; but more frequently he communicates the poison when licking the hand that caresses him, for it is remarkable, that the affection of the animal for his master increases after the taint has been received, as if he knew that they must soon part for ever. But even when the disease has reached the crisis, the dog does not seek for human victims, but rather shuns the path of man. It is upon the lower animals, and, above all, those of his own species, that he is urged as if by the in- fluence of some malignant power. Stealing upon his victim, he inflicts in an instant the fatal wound, and then pursues his haggard flight, snapping at any creature that crosses his path, or which his bewildered senses permit him to reach. He runs along with reeling gait, his eyes inflamed, his tongue hanging out, his lips tumid and black, until exhausted he falls down, biting the ground. Sometimes he sinks into a deep slumber, which lasts for many hours, and then start- ing from his trance, pursues his way as before, until, faint and blind, he sinks down and dies. Ta nên When a dog has received the venom by the bite of another, the first symptoms observed are an agitated look, and rest- less change of place, an insatiable thirst, and a perverted appetite, which causes the animal to devour the most revolt- 节 ​¡ * ! .. 1 } 696 ing substances. His eyes shine with an unusual brightness, and he seems to follow certain images in the air, at which he frequently darts as if to clutch them. Whenever this latter symptom appears, the animal must be chained or destroyed, for then no doubt remains regarding the nature of the malady. While the afflicted creature pursues with his eye the spec- tral visions around, it is marvellous, that should a familiar voice, as of his master or some remembered friend, fall upon his ear, he is suddenly recalled to sense: he crouches down, draws near to receive the wonted caresses, and looks implor- ingly around as if to inquire what it can be that thus afflicts him. But soon the countenance changes again, and the eyes as before follow the phantoms of the brain. The voice as- THE DOG. sumes a tone unlike to that of any known animal sound: it is a hoarse convulsive bark, terminating in a low shrill howl, which once heard can never be forgotten. Sometimes the animal is nearly mute, and the disease passes through its At other several stages without his exhibiting violence. times, and this much more commonly, his muscular power increases, and his agitation is beyond control. He gnaws his chain, tears the boards about him to pieces, and grinds them to powder, and from time to time darts at the imagi- nary beings which he fancies to float before him. The period of excessive fury, however, is generally brief, and death re- lieves him from his sufferings. Mr Youatt, who has well treated of this subject in his history of the Dog, thus describes the early stages of the malady in a Newfoundland dog put under his charge. "He was brought to me this evening, his eyes were wild, the con- junctiva considerably inflamed, and he panted quickly and vio- lently. The eyes were wandering, and evidently following some imaginary object, but he was quickly recalled from his delirium by my voice or that of his master. He had pre- viously been under my care, and immediately recognised me, and offered me his paw." 11* * "The Dog," by William Youatt, Esq. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. 697 When the disease is communicated to the human species, the symptoms may be described, but no description can paint the agonies of the sufferer. The disease generally appears before the sixtieth day; but often the virus remains dormant in the system for a longer period, sometimes for several months, and some say, but happily it is believed erroneously, for several years. The human sufferer has not, like the dog, an unnatural thirst, but, on the contrary, is terrified at the sight of liquids, so that it is in the human subject only that the disease can be called Hydrophobia. The human sufferer, like the dog, fancies himself surrounded by spectral images ; and, strange to say, may be recalled from the dreadful visions by the voice of a friend, and for a short interval be restored to all his faculties. Often he acquires an amazing strength, so that several men may be required to hold a stripling. The following is a case of a human patient, cited by Mr Youatt, from Dr Bardsley :-" I observed that he frequently fixed his eyes with horror and affright on some ideal object, and then, with a sudden and violent exertion, buried his head beneath the bed-clothes. The next time I saw him repeat this action, I was induced to inquire into the cause of his terror. He asked whether I had not heard howlings and scratchings. On being answered in the negative, he suddenly threw himself on his knees, extending his arm in a defensive posture, and forcibly threw back his head and body. The muscles of the face were agitated by various spasmodic contractions; his eye- balls glazed, and seemed ready to start from their sockets; and, at that moment, when crying out in an agonizing tone, 'Do you not see that black dog,' his countenance and atti- tude exhibited the most dreadful picture of complicated hor- ror, distress, and rage, that words can describe or imagina- tion paint." The same frightful malady may be conveyed to different animals,—the Ox, the Sheep, the Horse, the Cat,-affecting each in a different manner. It is not unfrequently commu- nicated to horses by the little dogs kept in stables. These : !. * t I σ 1 698 dogs, when in the streets, and following a carriage, are apt to be bitten unobserved by rabid dogs, and when they return to the stable, and fondle the horses by licking their lips, which they are apt to do, they communicate the poison. This terrible malady, it would appear, is found in one of the Canidae in the state of nature. The Common Wolf has been repeatedly seen in the state of madness, not shunning, like the domestic dogs, the path of man, but rather seeking him out as a victim. It is not known whether it appears in any of the other wild canidæ, but it is certain that it prevails most in the countries where the dogs are allied to the wolf. Whether it may be excited in the system of the dog inde- pendently of communication of the poison from animal to animal, has not been determined; but it is probable that it may be so engendered, and there is even reason to believe, that we owe much of the extension of this malady to those brutal fighting-matches of dogs which are still pursued to an incredible extent in our towns, and, above all, in those of our mining and manufacturing districts. Frightful as this malady is, its existence should not make us hate the Dog. There is doubtless an end or purpose, although we may not discover it, in this as in other bodily sufferings. It affords us at least a lesson of humility. It teaches us, that the same agent that destroys the faculties of the dog may take away the higher attributes of mind in man, may place the same phantoms before the eyes of the human victim and the brute, and reduce both for the time to a common level of wretchedness. THE DOG. Whether the distinctive characters of dogs are the result of pristine organization, or of changes produced in the natural state, or of forms and habitudes acquired by domestication, there is a remarkable distinction, we have seen, between the different Races. From the intermixture of these races con- tinued from age to age, and from the endless varieties pro- duced in individuals by place, temperature, and the habitudes to which they are inured, it has become impossible to refer 699 the various groups to the types to which they may have be- longed in the state of nature. We find, indeed, in the natu- ral state, the Wolves, so called, the Hounds of Central Asia, the Dingo of the East, the Dholes of India, and others; but the descendants of these having been mixed in every degree together, it is only in a few cases that we can trace the re- lation between the subjugated dogs and their prototypes. And further, there are dogs whose types, in the state of nature, we have not yet been able to discover, as the mas- tiff, the barbet, the spaniel. Any classification, therefore, that we can make of the races of dogs, founded on their assumed origin, must be imperfect; and all that can be done is to refer them, as far as the cases will allow, to certain types which may be held as the most characteristic of the different groups. Adopting this principle, we may arrange the principal European races in four general groups. SPECIES AND VARIETIES. I. The LYCISCAN GROUP, comprehending dogs approach- ing more or less to the conformation of the Common Wolf. II. The VERTRAGAL GROUP, comprehending the swift- footed dogs, of which the Greyhound is typical. III. The MOLOSSIAN GROUP, of which the great Mastiff of Central Asia may be regarded as a type. IV. The INDAGATOR GROUP, comprising dogs which pur- sue their prey chiefly by the scent, and which, again, may be divided into five sections:- 1. The True Hound, which hunts with his fellows, and employs the voice in concert. 2. The Mute Hound, which hunts with others or singly, but without using the voice in concert. 3. The Spaniel. 4. The Barbet. 5. The Terrier. 盆 ​+ ** } t J 700 THE DOG. I. THE LYCISCAN GROUP.* Of the Lyciscan group of Dogs, those which inhabit the Northern Glacial Regions may be generally regarded as the least removed from the natural state. Within the limits of the vast countries where these dogs are found, extending many degrees on either side of the Arctic Circle, nearly all round the globe, from the shores of Greenland westward, by Behring's Straits, to Nova Zembla, and the western extremity of Lap- land, are tribes of men having a wonderful similarity in ha- bitudes and aspect. Those of the Western Hemisphere are termed Esquimaux, though tribes of Copper-coloured In- dians inhabit the same region; those of the wilds of Siberia are Samoïedes, Kamtschatkans, and others; those of the extreme north of Europe are Laplanders, who, living in a less rigorous climate, have made greater advances towards a set- tled state of life than the others. Within the limits of the gloomy region inhabited by these tribes, the sun for a pe- riod of the year never sets, and for another period is below the horizon. At about the noon, as it may be called, of their long day, and into the brief space of eight weeks are crowd- ed spring, summer, and autumn, during which a scorching sun melts the snow, and calls forth a rapid vegetation, while innumerable animals of the land and water rear their off- spring; and myriads of insects fill the air, tormenting to the inhabitants, but yet a bountiful provision to them, since the larvæ of the insects, hatched in their lakes and rivers, furnish food to innumerable fishes. The winter begins with tempests and snow, and, for ten months of the year, the rigour of the cold is intense. In certain parts, the inhabitants con- struct their winter habitations of blocks of frozen snow, with windows of ice, which admit the light of their winter twi- So named from Lycisca, a term applied by the ancients to dogs supposed to be derived from the union of the wolf and common dogs. The term Lycisca was likewise applied to Shepherd's Dogs. * }, 701 light and their brilliant aurora; and, when the snow covers all the frozen huts to the top, the red glimmer of their light of whale-oil alone testifies to those above that human beings breathe below. Into these holes are crowded men, women, and children, like pigs beneath their straw, with all their store of blubber and flesh, producing an odour more fetid than the caves of wild beasts, and habits more disgusting than civilized men can imagine. But do the victims of so many horrors murmur at their lot? They would not ex- change it for all the pomp of cities; and Nature has been no more neglectful here of her living offspring than in her happiest climes. In these regions of winter, the human body becomes adapted to the conditions affecting it as per- fectly as in the intertropical plains. By a marvellous pro- vision, the people become fitted to breathe an atmosphere in which the vital air would seem to be almost exhausted, and enjoy cheerfulness of mind, and health of body, which those might envy who are doomed to suffer bodily afflictions worse than death on beds of down. They issue forth from their steam- ing holes to an atmosphere without, where mercury freezes in a few minutes, and infants at the breast endure a cold which would destroy a giant of the lower latitudes. The women, clad like the men in skins, pursue their daily toils without a murmur; and the men follow the chase, their darling pur- suit, over wastes of frozen snow, and in pools, morasses, and seas filled with moving ice. Nor are the subjects of the chase wanting to them in their frozen deserts. The seas abound in seals, walruses, and whales; the reindeers, in herds, find food in plants elsewhere innutritious; bears are everywhere; the waters are alive with fishes; and innumer- able waterfowls cover the rocky shores and inland rivers. These men, savages as we deem them to be, have been able to form weapons for all their uses, canoes of skin, and garments of hide, nay, to subject the animals of their icy wilderness to their service. Some of them have subjected the Rein- deer to a domesticity as perfect as that of the Sheep in other THE LYCISCAN GROUP. *M 702 THE DOG. countries; and all of them have subdued the Wolf, and pro- duced a race of Dogs, adapted to the chase, and to every service required. The Dogs of these people have been often described by travellers, and by none so well as by our own daring naviga- tors in the Arctic Seas. They are muscular, and adapted to speed as well as the dragging of loads. They have the body covered with coarse shaggy hair, underneath which grows a coat of delicate wool, which falls off in the season of heat, to be renewed when the sun, about to sink beneath the hori- zon, gives warning of the coming night of winter. The co- lour of the fur is usually a tawny gray, but sometimes it is as white as that of the Greenland Wolves. The dogs are begun to be trained almost as soon as they can walk, and when about two months old, are disciplined to the sledge. They are each attached by a single trace without reins; and in the front, at a little distance from the others, is the leader, who is chosen for his superior docility and experience. The man sits on the fore part of the sledge, using his foot on either side to steady it amongst blocks of ice, and ready to spring off and vault again into his seat when any impediment occurs. He holds in his hand a whip, with a short handle a foot long, having a thong of hide from 18 to 24 feet. In some cases he merely uses a crooked stick, which he throws at an offending dog, recovering it again from the surface with matchless dexterity. But, for the most part, the voice alone suffices to direct the wild but willing team. Each dog has his name, which, when uttered with a certain tone of voice, calls his attention to the orders given. The animals turn to one or other side, and hasten or slacken their pace, as directed. When they meet a sledge coming in the oppo- site direction, they give it the right hand, as readily as the waggoners of England do in the case of carriages, under the penalties of Acts of Parliament. When the sledge is stop- ped, and the whip laid gently over the backs of the dogs, they lie down, and remain on the snow for hours, until the 7 703 master returns to them. The leader, to whose guidance the general conduct of the team is trusted, manifests surprising docility, as if conscious of the trust reposed in him. He fol- lows the course indicated to him, avoiding the places of dan- ger, although every trace of the path is buried under fathoms of ice; and although vapour and falling snow darken the air, so that he cannot see a foot before his eyes. When game is started, the whole team set off at speed, that they may bring the hunter within its reach, and themselves assist in destroying it. It is then that the man loses his command over his wild pack, so that the vehicle is dragged along with frightful violence. The game pursued is of every kind, from the Elk, the Reindeer, the Fox, the Otter, to the Polar Bear, which last the dogs attack, or keep at bay, while the hunter uses his spear. These dogs have an astonishing power of endurance. They will travel with a loaded sledge sixty or seventy miles with- out food. "A walrus," says Captain Lyon, "is frequently drawn by three or four of these dogs, and seals are some- times carried home in the same manner, though I have in some instances seen a dog bring home the greater part of a seal in panniers placed across his back. The latter mode of conveyance is often used in summer, and the dogs also carry skins or furniture overland to the sledges, when their masters are going on any expedition." . . . "Cold has very little effect on them, for, although the dogs at the huts slept within the snow passages, mine at the huts had no shelter, but lay alongside with the thermometer at 42° and -44°, and with as little concern as if the weather had been mild. I found, by several experiments, that three of my dogs could draw me on a sledge weighing 100 lb. at the rate of one mile in six minutes; and, as a proof of the strength of a well-grown dog, my leader drew 196 lb. singly, and to the same distance, in eight minutes. At another time, seven of my dogs ran a mile in four minutes, drawing a heavy sledge full of men. Afterwards, in carrying stores to the THE LYCISCAN GROUP. A 704 Fury, one mile distant, nine dogs drew 1611 lb., in the space of nine minutes." At another place, he observes of one of two sledges in which his party was conveyed, "the leader was instant in obeying the voice of the driver, who never beat, but repeatedly called to him by name. When the dogs slackened their pace, the sight of a seal or bird was sufficient to put them instantly to their full speed; and even though none of these might be seen on the ice, the cry of a seal,' THE DOG. 6 a bear,' ' a bird,' &c., was enough to give play to the legs and voices of the whole pack. It was a beautiful sight to observe the two sledges racing at full speed to the same object, the dogs and men at full cry, and the vehicles splash- ing through the holes of water with the velocity and spirit of rival stage-coaches. There is something of the spirit of professed whips in these wild races; for the young men de- light in passing each other's sledge, and jockeying the hinder one by crossing the path."... "The voice and long whip an- swer all the purposes of reins, and the dogs can be made to turn a corner as dexterously as horses, though not in such an orderly manner, since they are constantly fighting; and I do not recollect to have seen one receive a flogging, with- out instantly wreaking his passion on the ears of his neigh- bours. The cries of the men are not more melodious than those of the animals, and their wild looks and gestures, when animated, gave them an appearance of devils driving wolves before them. Our dogs had eaten nothing for forty- eight hours, and could not have gone over less than seventy miles of ground, yet they returned, to all appearance, as fresh and active as when they first set out." These dogs, when the snow melts, and they are no longer needed for the sledges, are frequently turned adrift to find their own food as best they may, on the river-banks, the sea- shore, or wherever they choose to roam; and it is remark- able that, notwithstanding the rigorous treatment they have to endure, they faithfully return to their respective owners, or are easily collected by them, at the fitting season ; though • - : 3 705 they must necessarily stray to great distances in pursuit of their game, and could easily make their escape from the bondage in which they have lived. Of the Northern Sledge-Dogs, those of Greenland are bet- ter known to us in England than any of the others, indi- viduals being sometimes brought by our whaling ships. They are generally of a white colour, like the wolves of the same country. The old dogs are sufficiently fierce and rude, but their progeny, reared in the domestic state, become as gentle, social, and attached, as any other dogs. They have been reared in different parts of Europe, and retain their likeness to the primitive stock, even to the colour of the fur. They are prized for their docility, fidelity, and social habits. They are favourite companions of the conducteurs of diligences in France. They lie at the feet of their masters, and are the trusty guardians of the property intrusted to them, and will hold the reins of the carriage in the absence of the coachman. On the Asiatic side of Behring's Strait, the dogs employed for dragging sledges and bearing loads are more numerous than on the American. They are also taller and handsomer than the American race, but they have all the same essen- tial characters, and are manifestly no other than the Wolves of the country they inhabit. They are employed in Siberia by the Russian Government, and relays of them are kept for travelling, as horses are in other countries. Frightful ac- counts are given by travellers of the sufferings of these creatures in long journeys, from the failure of food. They will, in this case, tear their harness to pieces, and eat it, and, when one of their fellows falls down, set upon him and devour him, as in the case of wolves when any of their com- panions are maimed or killed. THE LYCISCAN GROUP. Southward of the Arctic Regions, the Dogs become of more varied kinds, so that we can then observe the effects of that mixture of races which, in all the more temperate countries, the domesticated dogs exhibit. Yet generally, in the highest latitudes of the temperate zones, the prevailing 2 Y ) [ 1 Z # 706 THE DOG.. form of the more common dogs is that of the Wolf. In the northern parts of Norway and Sweden, the dogs have so much of the external characters of wolves, that the portrait of a peasant's dog might serve for that of a wolf of the neighbouring woods. Dr Clark refers again and again to this resemblance; and every traveller who has visited the north of Europe must have been rendered sensible of the close affinity, or rather the absolute identity, of the wolves and common dogs of the country. The kinds of dogs termed, in different parts of Europe, Wolf-Dogs, from their being especially employed in the chase of the wolf, are only in part to be referred to the present group. Some of those of Spain, indeed, have so close an ana- logy with the Pyrenean Wolf, that they must be regarded as the same; but for the most part, the dogs termed Wolf-Dogs are of mixed descent, and have a relation to the Vertragal and Molossian types rather than to the Lyciscan, as the old Irish Wolf-Dog, the Spanish Mastin, the French Mâtin, and others. # But more distinctly to be referred to the Lyciscan type, are the common dogs of shepherds, to which the term Shep- herd's Dog is, with us, more especially applied. Various kinds of dogs, however, are employed in different countries for the tending of flocks and herds. In some they approach to the Mastiff type, as in the countries of the East, where they are employed to protect the flocks, not only from wolves, but from human enemies. In others they approach to the characters of the common wolf, and are of sufficient strength to encounter these enemies. Such are the Shepherd's Dogs of the Pyrenees, which so much resemble the Black Wolves of the same country, that they may be mistaken for them. In Hungary, the common Shepherd's Dogs so much resemble wolves, that a recent traveller tells us, that the owner of large estates in that country informed him, that he could not distinguish the dogs of his own shepherds from the wolves of the same locality; and in other countries of the Danube the ! 707 same resemblance is observed. In the Celtic parts of Scot- land, previous to the extensive introduction of sheep, the Shepherd's Dogs were a kind of Terriers. For the most part, however, the common Shepherd's Dog with which we are familiar in this part of Europe, has deviated in certain cha- racters, especially in size, from the pristine type of the wolf, though still the affinity may be sufficiently traced in indi- viduals to indicate their origin. Thus, if we shall place the older Shepherd's Dog of the south of Scotland, termed a Colley, beside an Esquimaux Dog, we shall discover little difference between them in their essential characters, and still less between the Esquimaux Dog and the Shepherd's Dog of Iceland. The dogs of this class have a certain like- ness to one another, which may be ascribed, independently of a common origin, to their being employed in the same pursuits, and treated nearly in the same manner. They are of small or medium size, have the muzzle narrow, the ears sub-erect, the hair long and coarse, and the tail bushy. When these dogs are inured from generation to generation to the tendence of flocks, they acquire the habitudes proper to this service: they become devoted, as it were, to the shepherd and his flock, and exhibit, in the discharge of their peculiar functions, a high degree of sagacity, patience, and fidelity. It is common for naturalists to exalt the Shepherd's Dog, with respect to his natural endowments, beyond all the other races of dogs. But the Shepherd's Dog, though wonderfully sagacious in every thing that relates to his peculiar services, does not appear to merit, with respect to intelligence, the highest place amongst dogs. He is inferior to the barbet and its varieties, in his aptitude to receive instruction; and in particular qualities he falls short of others. Thus, in vigi- lance, he is not equal to the mastiff; in docility, he is inferior to the spaniel; and in courage, he cannot be compared to the little terrier of the same countries. His habits vary with the education he receives. Where his province is to supply the absence of enclosures, and protect the vineyards and cul- THE LYCISCAN GROUP. } I + I -g 708 tivated crops, he becomes vigilant, keeping his eye upon the flock, so that they may not stray into the forbidden grounds, and gently turning them back when they pass beyond their allotted limits. This is the peculiar duty of the Shepherd's Dog in most parts of France, which has given rise to those charming descriptions of the habits of this animal which the poets and naturalists of the country have given us. It is in- teresting to observe these docile creatures watching their little flock, obeying every sign of the shepherd, and slowly pacing round the little patches of pasture on which the animals are confined. In countries, again, where the flocks are large, and suffered to spread over great tracts of ground, as in the mountainous parts of England and Scotland, the same delicacy of management is not necessary or practicable. The dogs in this case are taught to run swiftly to distant parts, to head the flock, to turn it to either hand, or bring it back to the shepherd. In the British Islands, the Shepherd's Dogs present consider- able diversities of form and habits. Those of the southern counties of downs are mostly a peculiar breed, with shaggy furs, pricked ears, and generally with short or rudimental tails. They are rude, noisy, and generally less tender to- wards their charge than the dogs of the cultivated parts of France and Germany. In the countries of enclosures, the English Sheep-Dogs are of every sort, and have rarely the characters distinctive of a true breed. In the mountainous parts of the north of England and south of Scotland, the dogs of this class have acquired a more uniform set of cha- racters, and so have become a breed or race, the individuals resembling one another; and they excel all the others in the faculties and habits proper to their condition. They are termed Colleys, probably from the Celtic Coillean or Cuillean, signifying a little dog or whelp. This kind of dog is placed more in habitual communication with his master than most others. He inhabits the same cabin, and becomes, as it were, a member of the household. He contracts much of the simplicity of habits and manners distinctive of those THE DOG. t THE LYCISCAN GROUP. 709 with whom he associates. He is homely in his demeanour, indifferent to the caresses of strangers, whom he rather re- pulses than courts, and seemingly sedulous only in the dis- charge of his proper duties. He attaches himself to his im- mediate master; and frequently, when transferred to a stran- ger, pines, and yields an unwilling service. The race is frequently crossed with other breeds; but, for the most part, those are the most useful and trusty which retain the con- formation of the older colleys. They are faithful, and never reluctant to exert their powers. When directed by the voice and gestures of the shepherd, they collect the straggling sheep, and bring them in a body to the places appointed. They run in silence; but, when driving the sheep into pens and houses, or forcing them to cross rivulets or narrow passes, they use the voice, barking with a sharp and peculiar tone. They have been known to follow a strayed sheep to a distant farm, separate it from the flock with which it had mixed, and bring it back again to its own pastures. Won- derful instances are on record of their sagacity and perse- verance, when left to their own resources. A curious case is mentioned by the Etterick Shepherd. A flock of newly weaned lambs under his charge, 700 in number, from some unknown cause, took sudden fright. In the endeavours of himself and an assistant to collect them, they separated, and fled in three divisions to the neighbouring hills, south, west, and east. Apostrophising his dog, the Shepherd exclaimed, “Sirrah, my man, they're a' away!" Sirrah comprehended the import, and without a word of direction, and although it was now midnight, set off alone in the pursuit. The night passed on, while the anxious Shepherd and his fellow-labourer traversed separately every neighbouring hill for miles. Nei- ther the sheep nor the dog were to be anywhere seen; and the Shepherd and his friend, after the sun had been up, were returning to their master with the ungrateful intelligence that every one of his flock of lambs had been lost. On their way homeward, they discovered a number of sheep at the A 1 + 1 耆 ​710 bottom of a ravine, the faithful Sirrah watching them, and looking round for relief. They thought at first that this was one of the three divisions, which the dog, in this parti- cular situation, had been able to master. "But what was our astonishment," says the Shepherd, "when we discovered by degrees that not one lamb of the whole flock was want- ing! How he had got all the divisions collected in the dark, is beyond my comprehension. The charge was left entirely to himself from midnight until the rising of the sun; and if all the shepherds in the Forest had been there to assist him, they could not have effected it with greater propriety. All that I can further say is, that I never felt so grateful to any crea- ture below the sun as I did to Sirrah that morning." Anec- dotes of a like kind might be multiplied without number. The older shepherds of Tweeddale and the Cheviots delight to tell of the fidelity and services of these their humble compa- nions; and any one who would spend a day with a shepherd of Etterick, amongst his flocks on the hills, would receive more remarkable information regarding the habits of dogs than he could derive from all the cynegetica of Greece and Rome. Beside the true Shepherd's Dog, there is a class employed in the duty of conducting those innumerable flocks and herds which are continually in the course of being conveyed along the highways to the towns and markets. The dogs em- ployed in this service are of a very mixed kind, and gene- rally more muscular than the true sheep-dogs. They acquire a great aptitude for their peculiar service. When conduct- ing their charge, often through crowded highways and the streets of towns, they keep the animals together, head them or follow them as the case may require, and make circuits, that they may take their stations at the lanes and bye-ways into which the animals are likely to turn. They may be seen lying for hours together on our public roads, watching their charge, and preventing the animals from straying away, or being mixed with other passing herds, while all the time heir careless masters may be indulging themselves in the THE DOG. & 711 neighbouring alehouse. Some of them have been known, by themselves, to conduct a flock of sheep, or herd of cattle, through a crowded city to the pen or yard to which they had been in use to go. But they are much more rude and harsh towards their charge than the genuine sheep-dogs. They do not hesitate to inflict wounds, when necessary to urge on- ward the terrified and exhausted flock. This difference be- tween their habits and those of the shepherd's dog is the result of the peculiar employment of each. The shepherd's dog is the guardian of the flocks, and fulfils the duties as- signed to him; the drover's dog is a jailor, conducting an unwilling charge to the slaughter-house. Allied to the Lyciscan group, are likewise numerous other dogs, more or less mixed in blood. Such are the dogs termed Curs, which are frequently the offspring of the shepherd's dog and terrier; the Lurcher, which is the product of a shep- herd's dog or barbet and the greyhound; the Ban-dog, in which the blood of the bull-dog is to be recognised; and such are many more which do not admit of classification. THE LYCISCAN GROUP. But there is a race of dogs of mixed descent, yet so allied in blood to the Wolf, that he may be referred to the Lycis- can type. This is the Great Dog of Newfoundland, whose parent stock appears to be the Wolf-dog of Labrador, but which itself, there is reason to believe, has been formed by a mixture of this race, and some of the larger dogs of Europe. The Island of Newfoundland stretches from the icy shores of Labrador, from which it is separated by a narrow strait about twelve miles broad, across the Gulf of St Lawrence for nearly 400 miles, having to the south-east the vast submarine bed of rock and sand termed the Bank of Newfoundland. The Island towards the coast is rocky, and indented on every side by arms of the sea extending inland. In the interior it is wild and rugged, mostly covered with forests of dwarf pine and firs, and filled with innumerable marshes, pools, and lakes, whence streamlets and rivers, swarming with fishes, take their rise. It was discovered by John Cabot on the F | 1 H. : 712 24th of June 1497, and, after several unsuccessful attempts at settlement, received a small English colony in 1623, and after fierce contentions, long carried on between the French and English for the possession, was finally ceded to the latter power by the Treaty of Utrecht. The settlements upon it are very numerous, but are all confined to the coasts and bays. They consist, exclusive of the capital St John's, of little villages for the curing of the fish caught on the great Bank, and for carrying on a trade in the salt and other commodities which the fishery requires. The country, when discovered, was possessed by Esquimaux and a few tribes of Red Indians, long since almost exterminated by their mutual wars, and intercourse with lawless Europeans. It was probably from the Esquimaux that the early settlers obtained their first dogs, and learned the uses to which they might be applied for draught; but it is evident that European dogs, probably of the Mastiff breed, were early introduced. The dogs are em- ployed for dragging logs from the neighbouring woods for fuel and the uses of the fish-curers. They feed on the waste fish and garbage, which is everywhere found, and become so fond of this kind of food, that they will readily devour live fishes as they are brought out by the nets. They are made to un- dergo incredible labour, and great numbers of them perish every season from the cruel tasks imposed upon them. They have acquired the conformation and habits which suit them to the services to which they are inured, and transmit their acquired characters to their offspring. Their limbs are more muscular, and their bodies more bulky, than in the native sledge-dogs, while they want the power of speed which the lat- ter possess, and the faculty of following the deer and swifter animals in the chase. They are wonderfully patient, and never seek to escape from their taskmasters, whose com- mands they readily comprehend. Yoked to their trucks or sledges, they go, without a guide, to the woods where they are to be loaded, and bring back their burden, and, when unloaded, return again and again. Being continually on the THE DOG. ་ 2 } THE LYCISCAN GROUP. 713 sea-shore and the banks of rivers amongst the fishing-craft, they have become eminently aquatic in their habits, swim-. ming and diving with ease, and picking up and bringing on shore any thing which may fall into the water. These dogs have been largely introduced into Europe, where they are admired for their massive forms, their docile habits, and the fidelity with which they attach themselves to our service. But it is to be observed that the dogs of the country itself, employed in the labours of draught, differ greatly from those which we bring up in a state of ease, and whose faculties we cultivate for our gratification. The dogs of the Island approach much more nearly to the sledge- dogs of Labrador than those which are reared up at our towns and country houses in Europe. They have the same wolf-like aspect as the dogs of Labrador, resembling them in the obliquity of the eye and red colour of the iris; and they have the odour of the wolf so strong as to be scarcely fit to enter a human dwelling. The Newfoundland Dog, as he is known to us in Europe, manifests a degree of sagacity rarely surpassed in any other race. He has not, indeed, the watchful habitudes, nor sur- passing instincts of the Mastiff, in guarding our persons and property; but when he is intrusted with any charge, he manifests no indifference towards the performance of it. He will rarely attack human beings unless rendered vicious by confinement; but when a thief enters the guarded precincts, the dog will follow him from place to place until he has departed. He is fond of carrying any thing for the grati- fication of his master, and can be readily taught to go to markets and other places to bring the comnfodities with which he is intrusted. He delights to dash into the waves, and bring what is cast into them. But of all his endowments, that which has excited the greatest interest, is the instinctive desire which he manifests to save the lives of drowning per- The efforts which he makes for this purpose, too, are combined with such adoption of the fitting means as are cal- sons. • ✔ J 714 culated to excite our admiration. When he seizes a drown- ing person, he endeavours to keep his head above the water, and makes use of his own body for the purpose of buoy- ing up the load. In the case of stranded vessels, he has been again and again employed to carry a rope from the shore to the vessel, or, if himself on board the sinking ship, to convey a rope to the persons on the shore, evincing by all his actions that he knows full well the service required of him. Many years ago, a vessel was wrecked on the coast of Norfolk, and all the crew perished. A Newfoundland dog had been on board belonging to the captain. He had made his way through the terrible breakers, and was observed to have something in his mouth. This was a pocket-book, con- taining the ship's papers and other documents. It is sup- posed that the captain, faithful to his duty to the last, had intrusted these documents to the fidelity of his dog. When the dog reached the shore, he surrendered the pocket-book to one of the people on the beach. Mr Bewick, who re- lates the story, says that he afterwards assisted in bringing parts of the wreck on shore; others say that, on deposit- ing his pocket-book, he fled, and was no more seen. Seve- ral years ago, a steam-ship, crowded with passengers, was run down in the Firth of Clyde by another vessel of the same class coming in the opposite direction. Many of the passengers were in the cabin, and were there drowned; others were on deck, of whom the greater number perished. A Newfoundland dog, whose owner was never discovered, but who was one of the sufferers, was observed to bring a lady, who was struggling in the waves, to the shore. The lady was carried insensible to a neighbouring house, followed by the dog, and the usual means were resorted to for restor- ing her. The dog was observed earnestly to watch the pro- ceedings: the lady recovered, but some harsh words having been used by the people of the house to the noble dog, he fled, and was no more seen; and the lady endured the cruel mortification of never beholding her preserver. A long time THE DOG. 1 į THE VERTRAGAL GROUP. 715 ago, a gentleman in Virginia had occasion to cross a rapid river when in flood in a light boat rowed by a friend. He had with him a dog of this race. The party had left the shore but a little way when the boat was swamped. The friend of the gentleman perished, and he himself, deprived of consciousness, was hurried down the stream. More than a mile from the place of the accident, a person on the bank saw something dark in the flood, which an eddy brought suf- ficiently near to enable him to reach with a pole which he had in his hand. It was a man supported by a dog, the lat- ter nearly exhausted. The person laid the gentleman on the bank, and by rubbing him, endeavoured to restore heat to his body. The gentlemen awoke as from a frightful dream; and became at once conscious of what had taken place, when he saw the red torrent sweeping past, the stranger endeavour- ing to restore him to animation, and his faithful dog licking his hands. II.—THE VERTRAGAL GROUP.* The nearest allied, in conformation and habits, to the Lyciscan Group of Dogs, is the Vertragal, of which the com- mon Greyhound is typical. The Greyhound appears to have preserved his distinctive form, and to have been used for the services in which he is now employed, from early times. We can distinguish the characteristic form of the race in the representations of the Dog in Egyptian sculptures, where he is sometimes depicted as held in pairs by the leash, ready to be slipped at the game, as in modern times; and on nume- rous medals which have been recovered from ancient ruins, and especially on those representing the Dea Venatrix, whose worship appears to have extended from the Indus to West- ern Europe, we find the Dog represented of a form which So named from Vertraha (Grat. Cyneg.), a Dog used for the chase of the Deer and Hare. H 2 F 716 we cannot refer to any other type but this. In many coun- tries of the East, Greyhounds are very numerous. They abound, and have abounded, in every known age in Persia; and they extend into the countries beyond the Indus. They are in the possession of all the nomadic tribes of Western Tartars, who use them largely in the chase; and they extend northward into Siberia, westward into Asia Minor, Syria, Arabia, and Northern Africa, and all over the temperate countries of Europe. They were known to the Greeks, as their medals and sculptures evince. But it is remarkable that Xenophon, in his enumeration of the dogs of chase of his country, does not enable us to recognise the Greyhound as a distinct breed, though he speaks of the breeds noted for their swiftness. This can only arise from imperfect description: yet Arrian, in a long subsequent age, drew, from the apparent silence of Xenophon, the conclusion, that the Greeks of that age were unacquainted with the true Greyhound, which, he asserts, the Romans only obtained a knowledge of from the Celtic Gauls, whence the Greyhound was termed Canis Gallicus or Celticus. But the Gauls and other Celtæ derived the knowledge of their principal arts from the East, where the existence of the Greyhound is at- tested by monuments of an antiquity far beyond the age of Xenophon. Against the testimony of these ancient re- cords, the opinion of the noble Arrian avails nothing; and is contradicted, besides, by relics derived from Greece itself, which exhibit to us the figure of the Greyhound, that is, of an animal which we should now term a greyhound, though of ruder characters than by cultivation it can be made to acquire. THE DOG. # Further, there is reason to believe that, from early times, the Teutonic as well as the Celtic nations were in possession of this race of dogs. The Greyhound is the Windhund of the Germans, as he was the Gaothar, so named from Gaoth, the wind, of the Celtic Britons. He was the Grew-hunde, or Grig-hunde, of the Anglo-Saxons, 717 whence the English term Greyhound. During the middle ages, we have innumerable notices of the Greyhound, and of the services in which he was employed. We find him depicted on heraldric escutcheons, and sculptured on the tombs of persons of illustrious rank. The Welsh Princes, by many curious laws on the subject of the chase, evinced the estimation in which the Greyhound was held beyond all other dogs. The Norman Princes of England carried their passion for this animal to that excess which they manifested in every matter in which the chase was con- cerned. They founded prodigal hunting establishments, in which the care of their troops of greyhounds occu- pied a primary place. They levied taxes of greyhounds, and, in return for gifts of these animals, commuted heavy imposts, and granted tenures of land and posts of dignity. They even sought to restrain the use of this kind of dogs to the privileged classes, so that it became a saying, that a gentleman was to be known by his greyhound and his falcon. They enacted, in their forest-laws, that no greyhound, unless deprived of some of its claws, should come within a certain distance of the Royal Forests, shewing, by these and other barbarous enactments, that the Greyhound was then held to be the first in rank and importance of the Dogs of Chase. With respect to the origin of this swift and elegant class of dogs, the same obscurity exists as in the case of others whose prototypes we have been unable to discover in the state of nature. We might reasonably suppose that dogs of the Lyciscan group, habituated from generation to genera- tion to the chase of the swifter animals, assumed by degrees the conformation proper to this group. But it is more pro- bable, that it is not to the Common Wolf, but to some of the swifter Canide of warmer countries, that we owe the true Greyhound. Some of the Dholes of India, it is known, are exceedingly fleet, and so much resemble, in their form and modes of chase, the Persian Greyhound, that travellers de- scribe them by their resemblance to that animal. But the THE VERTRAGAL GROUP. - } 718 Persian Greyhound is of the same race with those of other countries of the East; and it is a reasonable supposition, that the Celta, as well as the Teutons of Europe, derived their greyhounds from this source, or, at least, that the greyhounds of the East were mixed in blood with the dogs of different countries, giving their distinctive characters to the breeds we term Greyhounds. But whatever be the pris- tine stock, one or more, of the Greyhound, the conformation of these animals, wherever they are found, shews us that they possess a certain common class of characters, and are fitted to pursue their prey by speed of foot rather than by the powers of scent. The form of the true Greyhound is peculiar, and distinguishable from that of any other class of dogs. His jaws are elongated, so that he may seize his prey when at speed; his neck is long, and his back extended and flexible; and, the caudal vertebræ corresponding with the ex- tension of the dorsal, his tail is long. His shoulder is oblique, so as to give freedom of motion to the fore-extremities. His limbs are long, tendinous and slender below the knee and hock, and bent and elastic from the fetlock-joint. His breast is deep, so as to give space for the lungs, but nar- rowed before, so that the limbs may not be thrown too far asunder in the stride. His abdomen is contracted, his loins are strong, and his posterior limbs are long and muscular to the hocks. His ears are delicate and slightly pendulous, and his sense of hearing is acute his eyes are large and brilliant, and his integuments thin. But the external cha- racters of the Greyhound vary with the agencies affecting the animal. In the colder countries, his hair is long and wiry; in the more temperate, it is short and smooth. When he is habituated from generation to generation to the chase of the larger animals, as the stag, he acquires a more mus- cular form than when he is employed in the chase of the roe, the fox, and the hare; and when he is withdrawn altogether from the pursuits natural to him, and reared up continually in an artificial state in our dwellings, he acquires the charac- THE DOG. $ * 719 ters of a lap-dog. Further, by calling forth, by breeding and selection of parents, the conformation required for speed, we modify in a corresponding degree his faculties, as his strength, his courage, and his sense of animal odours. The greyhounds of different countries, therefore, though conform- ing to the type of the group, vary, in their physical and psychical characters, with place, climate, the habitudes to which they are inured, and the degree of culture bestowed upon them. In the British Islands, the Greyhounds were formerly of greater size and muscular power than they have now be- come. Although employed in the pursuit of the hare, the fox, and the roe, their appropriate occupation was the chase of the stag, the fallow-deer, and even the boar and the wolf, until the latter were extirpated. They were employed along with hounds, the proper function of the hounds being to find the game and pursue it by the track, while that of the grey- hounds was to run it down. The coursing of the larger deer by greyhounds continued to be a favourite pastime until the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., when the progress of popu- lation, the destruction of the forests, and, above all, the use of fire-arms, changed the current of this class of sports. The hounds were now employed alone and in large packs, and the greyhounds were used only in the chase of the hare and the fox; and ever since this period the coursing of the hare has been eagerly followed as a popular sport, and a race of grey- hounds has been formed fitted beyond any other for this kind of chase. But in Scotland, the coursing of the stag and the employment of the larger greyhounds continued for a much longer time. These larger greyhounds were numerous in all the Highlands of Scotland until after the middle of last century, but rapidly diminished in numbers with the multi- plication of sheep, the use of fire-arms, and the change in the habits of the Celtic gentry. They are now to be found only in small numbers, sometimes crossed with other races, as the Pyrenean and German wolf-dogs, or, when pure, preserved THE VERTRAGAL GROUP. 1 J. * | } THE DOG. 1 720 with difficulty, from the smallness of their numbers, and the consequent necessity of breeding from members of the same family. They are generally termed Deer-hounds, but do not differ, except in superior strength and stature, from the com- mon greyhounds of the country. They were a powerful and agile race of dogs, with stout loins, muscular limbs, and a rough wiry fur. They were of surpassing courage, could use the scent as well as the eye, and were capable of making amazing bounds amongst the rocky mountains where the stag pursued its flight. The same race of greyhounds ex- isted in Ireland before the ancient forests were destroyed. But their remains only are now to be recognised in the smaller race of shaggy greyhounds, which are yet preserved in some parts of the country. With the reigns of Elizabeth and James, it has been said, the ancient modes of employing the Greyhound began to be disused, and the coursing of the hare gained favour. In the time of Elizabeth coursing matches were established, which have exercised a great influence on the British Greyhound. For the regulation of these matches a set of rules, by com- mand of the Queen, was drawn up by the Duke of Norfolk; and these rules were so perfect in themselves, that they have continued to be the model, in the case of this class of sports, up to our own times. The principle of them is, that the comparative merit of the dogs shall be tested solely by their power of speed; to which end every kind of artifice on the part of the dogs, as the lying in wait, or other unfair advan- tage over the game, is discouraged. Two dogs only are per- mitted to run at a time. The finder of the game goes in front, and a person follows with the dogs in leash, who slips them when the game has reached a sufficient dis- tance, and on the word being given; and it is remarkable that the same practice was followed by the Celtic Gauls, and afterwards adopted by the Roman sportsmen. The merits of the rival dogs are determined by an umpire, accord- ing to the rules, but always on the principle of giving the THE VERTRAGAL GROUP. 721 award to the dog that manifests the power of speed in the highest degree. Hence, the heading of the hare, and turn- ing it, is reckoned so much in the game, a wrench or half- turn so much, and so on. These courses, since their institu- tion, have ever been in great favour, and numerous clubs are established in different parts of the country, which have their stated meetings, where the prizes are cups, collars, and the like, heavy betting, besides, taking place on the rival matches. It is to this system of matches in an especial degree, and to the general practice of coursing by the gentry of the country, since the destruction of the larger game, that the English Greyhound has attained the high perfection at which it has arrived. The principles of breeding applied to its improve- ment are the same as in the case of the Race-Horse and other animals, and the pedigrees of greyhounds are recorded, and large sums given for those of superior blood. The names of Snowball, Major, and others, are as familiar to the fol- lowers of this class of sports, as those of Matchem, Herod, and Eclipse, are to the breeders of the horses of the Turf. By the system of breeding so assiduously pursued in the case of these animals, the British Greyhound has acquired, in an eminent degree, the conformation which suits him for the kind of chase to which he is appropriated, and become the most beautiful and swift of all this class of dogs. But, exclusive attention having been devoted to the property of speed, other faculties have become impaired. He has lost the hardihood and boldness of the older greyhound; his muzzle having been narrowed, the space for the extension of the nasal membrane has been lessened, and his sense of smell impaired, and, with the diminution of the cranial cavity, his general intelligence and aptitude to receive in- struction. Yet the greyhound, even thus changed, is not the stupid and insensible creature which he is generally repre- sented to be. When bred up in the kennel, indeed, and used solely as an instrument of the chase, his finer faculties are not developed. But when reared up in companionship with → 1 3 A Į Į 722 his master, the greyhound manifests neither indocility nor want of sagacity. He is affectionate, faithful, and delighted with the caresses and favour of his protector. With respect to the older greyhounds, they were remarkable, not only for their affection and fidelity, but for their sagacity and courage. The fine euloguim of Arrian on the virtues of his greyhound is familiar to every classical scholar; and the minstrels of the middle ages have left us many charming descriptions of the fidelity, courage, and intelligence, of these animals. THE DOG. The blood of the older greyhound can be traced, in innu- merable varieties of dogs, found in all countries. It was a common practice of the ancients to unite different races of dogs together, so as to communicate to the one more or less. of the properties of the other; and the same practice has been continued up to our own times. The union with the greyhound is calculated to give speed to the slower dogs. In this manner were produced the Lurcher, and, apparently, the old Gaze-hound, which seems to have been the offspring of the talbot and deer-hound. This dog was employed in the pursuit of the stag or fallow-deer. When one of a herd was wounded, or otherwise pointed out to him, he selected it from the rest, and pursued it, using the scent and eye, with indomitable perseverance. In like manner, by uniting the greyhound with dogs of the Molossian Group, were produced many of those varieties which are termed Wolf-dogs and Boar-hounds, from their special adaptation to the chase of the wolf and boar. The great Irish Wolf-Dog was a dog of this class. He was one of the tallest of the dogs of Europe, measuring from three to four feet high at the shoulder. He approached to the general conformation of the ancient deer- hound, but his muzzle was broader, his neck relatively thicker, his breast proportionally wider, and his limbs were more mus- cular. He followed the game chiefly by the eye, grasping it in the manner of the greyhound with his long and power- ful jaws. He was a dog of amazing courage, and could de- stroy unaided the fiercest wolf; and he communicated to his THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. 723 young his instinctive antipathy to that animal. This fine variety is now scarcely anywhere to be found. With the disuse of his appropriate services, he seems to have gra- dually diminished to the size of other dogs, so that the few that have been preserved pure cannot be compared in strength and stature to the ancient model. It has been usual for naturalists to class with the Irish Wolf-dog the great Dog of Denmark. But the Danish Dog is characterised by the clouded colour of his fur, which is probably the result of some intermixture with the races of warmer countries; for the peculiarity is not uncommon in the dogs of the South and East. It was known to the ancients, who absurdly ascribed it to an intermixture with the blood of the tiger. In England we are familiar with this peculiar colour in the case of a beautiful race of dogs which we call Dalmatian, from their being found in some numbers in the ancient pro- vince of that name lying on the shores of the Adriatic. They are common attendants on the carriages of the opulent in this country, and, being kept in stables, they manifest an ex- traordinary love of horses, which, like other acquired pro- pensities, they transmit to their offspring. ¿ III.—THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. The Molossian group of dogs comprehends the larger and fiercer kinds, which approach more or less to the type of the Mastiff. The most typical of this extensive group is the noble Mastiff of Central Asia, which, from the high lands of Thibet, seems to have extended to the western limits of Europe. This is the most massive in his form of known dogs. His limbs are muscular, his breast is wide, his head large, and his muzzle broad. His upper lips hang over the lower jaw, giving him a sullen and austere aspect. The colour of his fur in his native region is a deep brown, nearly black; and over each eye is a light tawny mark, which 7 . ↓ ܕܐ 7 724 THE DOG. generally remains even when the colour of the rest of the body has become changed. His voice is hoarse and deep, striking when heard in the silence of the night. His sense of smell is acute, but he is little fitted for the exercise of speed, and does not join other dogs to hunt in concert. The powers with which he has been endowed for his own defence are strength, vigilance, and courage. Were we to suppose such a dog to exist in the state of nature, his prey, we should infer, would be the larger animals, as the wild bull, the buffalo, and the boar. But we do not know of any species of Canis yet existing in the natural state which may be regarded as the parent stock of the Mastiff, though that such may exist, or have existed, is rendered probable by the characters of the race, which have remained constant from age to age, and distinguish the true Mastiff from any other race of dogs. Neither do we know whether Africa, in which some very large and fierce dogs are found, has not likewise produced its Mastiffs. The Asiatic Mastiff appears to have been known from the earliest periods in which we have any records of the Dog. He was familiar to the Greeks, who derived their finest breed from Molossis, a district of Epirus, opposite to the Island of Corfu ; and hence the Romans employed the term Molossus as a ge- neric term for this class of dogs. From the high lands of Middle Asia, where the typical form of the race seems to be the most developed, the Mastiff may be supposed to have been carried northward by the Scythi, and all westward to the extremities of Europe. It was particularly cherished by the Celta, to whom a dog so powerful and vigilant must have been of inestimable price, in countries of dense forest, pos- sessed by the larger wild animals, and by human enemies yet more dangerous. The Roman writers, accordingly, speak of the Molossi of the Barbarians, and especially of those of the Gauls, which they describe as being savage and power- ful, and as being employed by the natives in war. They speak, likewise, of the Molossi of the Britons, which were so - 725 greatly valued, that functionaries were employed to collect them, that they might be transmitted to Rome, and employed in the cruel combats of the amphitheatre. THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. The Mastiff, although he retains with considerable con- stancy the form and habitudes distinctive of his race, yet, like all the Canidæ, varies greatly under the influences to which he is exposed. Hence we find the mastiffs of different countries diverging so much from the normal type, that their affinity with it can with difficulty be traced; and further, the Mastiff has been, in a remarkable degree, subjected to mixture with other races, either that his properties of strength, daring, and vigilance, might be communicated to them, or else that the properties of these races, such as their powers of speed, might be communicated to the Mastiff. In England, where mastiffs were once very numerous, they are now scarcely to be found, the larger dogs, generally termed Watch-dogs, being almost in all cases of mixed blood. The true Mastiff is wonderfully fitted to be impressed with the temper and habitudes which we seek to communicate to him. Although a fierce dog, he possesses docility and saga- city in a high degree; and, although solitary in his habits with relation to his own species, he is fond of the companion- ship of man. When chained to a post as a sentinel to our dwellings, from day to day, and from night to night, he knows, indeed, and fulfils the duties imposed upon him. He maintains unwearied vigilance, giving warning of danger by his loud and threatening voice, and manifesting the fierceness of a tiger to the stranger who approaches the limits of his chain. But, under such circumstances, he has no scope af- forded him for the exercise of his faculties and powers, and becomes sullen, fretful, and savage, with the cruel captivity to which he is doomed. But let the same animal be brought up in the state of liberty, and treated with kindness by those to whom he owes obedience, and he will fulfil all his duties without sullenness or rage. When the shades of night be- gin to fall, he will walk around the premises he has to de- L pl 726 fend; and, on seeing that all is secure, will either betake himself to the couch prepared for him, ready to awake on the slightest alarm, or, if danger be imminent, will move like a sentinel in his allotted bounds from midnight to dawn. He will not, unless trained to murder, take away human life. He is tender of those who may have come with no evil intent within the guarded precincts; but his sagacity enables him to detect the stealthy pace and suspicious demeanour of the midnight thief. He will rush upon the caitiff and hold him fast, or, if he offers to resist, throw him down, and stand over him, until assistance arrives. At a mansion, surrounded with its park by a high wall, a gentleman, on a visit to the owner, strolled out after sunset amongst the shrubberies and pleasure grounds. A large mastiff employed to guard the pre- mises was in use to be turned loose at a certain hour. The gentleman, pursuing his solitary saunter, was alarmed by a rustling among the bushes behind him, and, suddenly turning round, beheld the dangerous mastiff close upon him. The gentleman offering no resistance, the mastiff quietly caught him by the skirt of his coat, and brought him a prisoner to his master. When the mastiff saw the recognition of the two friends, he seemed entirely satisfied, and used afterwards to follow the gentleman in his solitary walks like a spaniel. There are too many cases, indeed, in which the fierce pas- sions of the man may be made to react upon the instrument, and adapt him to the most terrible deeds. Who has not heard of the frightful butchery perpetrated on the unoffend- ing inhabitants of the Antilles by sanguinary plunderers, who, not contented with common weapons, brought dogs from Europe to run down their victims. These dogs were mastiffs of the race common in Spain termed Mastins. They were speedily trained to the dreadful chase; but the thirst of blood was not in the dog, but in the merciless men who abused their power over the instincts of the brute. In other cases in which the mastiff is trained to shed human blood, we may find a justification, perhaps, in the necessity of self-defence, THE DOG. " : 727 In those wild countries of Asia, where no law exists to pro- tect the weak, where robbery and murder are but common events, and where every stranger is presumed to be an enemy, the dogs manifest inexorable severity. Families, in order to protect themselves, rear numerous dogs of this race, which, when the men are absent, are the only guardians of the children and women. These dogs will not spare the stranger, who, however incautiously, enters the forbidden precincts. Even in Greece, and all over Turkey in Europe, the large dogs kept for protecting dwellings and herds, and which are a kind of mastiffs, are often very troublesome and dangerous. They will set upon the traveller and stranger the instant he appears; and who, if not well armed, will do well to sit down upon the ground, throwing away his stick, or whatever may appear to be a weapon. The dogs will place themselves around, keeping stern watch over the slightest motion of the captive, until the owners arrive. Such was the device which, we are informed, was practised by Ulysses, when, in the garb of a beggar, he was assailed by the dogs of his faithful Eumæus. THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. Although the Mastiff may be trained to the destruction even of man, yet, in his natural temperament, he is nothing like the fierce and savage creature which he is supposed to be. He is more slowly moved to anger than other dogs far inferior to him in strength of body. No dog submits so patiently as he to the teasing petulance of curs, even when they purloin his food. Conscious of his strength, he seems to despise what would rouse other dogs to rage. He has been known to take a little dog which tormented him in his mouth, shake it roughly, and then drop it in any collection of mud or water within reach. He is remarkably docile towards children, who frequently pull him by the ears and tail, mount on his back, and perform other dangerous freaks. He has been known, when children have strayed from home, to take them gently by the clothes, and lead them to their No dog exhibits more steady attachment to any one nurse. ។ } I ww 赢 ​ព 728 THE DOG. with whom he is connected by special service. He will watch over the safety of his master, and brave death in defending him. In his proper province of watching, he often exhibits surprising instincts. At the seat of the Earl of Lichfield, three miles from Blenheim, is a portrait in the dining-hall of a former owner of the manor, Sir Henry Lee, with the figure of a noble mastiff, who had saved the owner's life, executed by Johnston, a painter of the time. A servant, it appears, had formed the design of assassinating his master and rob- bing the house. On the night of the intended murder, the dog, who had never before been much noticed by his master, followed him for the first time up stairs, and resisted every effort to drive him away. In the dead of night, the servant entered the apartment to execute his bloody design, when he was in an instant seized by the dog, and, being secured, con- fessed his purpose. The dog, it may be supposed, had sur- mised the design of the villain from the preparations he had made, either by himself, or in conjunction with others. A somewhat similar incident occurred about the middle of last century, in the case of a nobleman of the Scottish Border, who, when travelling in Italy, was compelled to lodge at an obscure inn, where, it was afterwards discovered, many mur- ders had been committed. The dog, obstinately resisted his master's intention to go to the bed prepared for him, and the nobleman happily confided in the sagacity of the animal. The bed set apart for the travellers to be sacrificed was, it seems, so contrived, that it could be lowered into a cellar un- derneath. At midnight, the nobleman, from the chair on which he had placed himself, witnessed the silent descent of the empty bed, and, keeping to his arms, and guarded by his noble dog, escaped destruction. Conforming to the Molossian type, but yet differing greatly in temperament from the Asiatic Mastiff, is a race of dogs which has existed in the British Islands beyond any record. This is the Bull-dog, which, though it must be referred to the present type, yet presents a set of characters which dis- 2 729 His muzzle is very tinguish him from the true Mastiff. short and truncated, the jaws are large and powerful, the lower projecting beyond the upper; and, corresponding with the strength of these organs, is the expansion of the tempo- ral and other muscles employed in moving them. The fore- head is short, and the cranium is extended in breadth pos- teriorly, producing an excessive expansion behind the ears, shall we say, of the region of the brain, indicative of the in- stinct to destroy, which many believe the same conformation to indicate, even in the human species? His loins and pos- terior extremities are relatively small, but his neck is very thick, and the muscles of the breast and shoulder are largely developed. His fore-limbs are bent outwards above, so as to afford a sufficient basis of support to his broad and mas- sive chest. THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. 1 • All the habits of this fierce and dangerous dog indicate the predominance of the purely animal propensities over those faculties which, in the lower animals as well as in man, we may term intellectual. He is less apt to receive the impres- sions we seek to convey to him than any of the larger dogs. He defends, indeed, our persons and property with deter- mined resolution, but this is rather by the exercise of brute force than by the manifestation of those powers which cha- racterise the services of our superior dogs. He follows si- lently at the heels of his master, runs fiercely at other ani- mals, and bites without giving that warning by the voice which other dogs are in use to give. He sullenly repulses the advances of strangers, and shews none of that forbear- ance towards the weak of his own kind which the nobler mastiff displays; and he is almost the only dog that does not seem to respect the weakness of the child. He feels his own strength, but seems to be incapable of measuring that which is opposed to him. Thus, he will fly at the throat of the lion or the tiger as freely as at a calf, when a single stroke of the paw of one of these terrible creatures would lay him dead in an instant. When he seizes an animal he 730 holds fast, and will endure mutilation rather than quit his hold. He has little power of speed, and does not join other dogs, in the manner of the hound, in pursuit of game. From the singular temperament of this dog, some natu- ralists have conceived it probable that he has been produced by a mixture of the blood of the Hyæna with that of the common dogs. This may have been, although the hypothesis appears to be a violent one; and we may more naturally seek for the origin of the Bull-dog in the adaptation of his form and habits to the services required of him. Dogs of the Mastiff kind, we know from our early writers, were em- ployed in these Islands, in remote times, for the destruction of the Boars, which were then numerous, and of the Wild Oxen, which abounded in the woods of the country until the fourteenth century. If any kind of dogs were devoted espe- cially to the destruction of the Wild Cattle, it would be merely in accordance with what we know to take place in analogous cases, that the animal would become suited to the employment, in habits, temperament, and form. Now the Bull-dog is fitted, beyond any other dog, for the attack of the Bull. While all the dogs of the Lyciscan group imitate the wolf in attacking this animal behind, the Bull-dog at once assaults him in front, and endeavours to seize him by the muzzle, which is the most tender part, and, held by which, the bull becomes almost helpless. So perfectly is this method of attack the habit of this race of dogs, that even a whelp of a few months old adopts it, and manifests the ut- most antipathy to a bull, though he may never before have seen one. Further, the bull himself, when he attacks an animal, lowers his head that he may use his horns with effect. The Bull-dog, that he may meet this method of at- tack, runs close to the ground, and his fore-limbs are bent outwards, which brings his body nearer to the earth than in the case of any other of the larger dogs. Were a tall dog to attack a bull in front, he could scarcely escape being gored, Further, the lower jaw of the Bull-dog projects beyond the THE DOG. THE MOLOSSIAN GROur. 731 upper, which gives him the very advantage which he requires, in running directly from the front to grasp the muzzle of his antagonist. Thus the Bull-dog exhibits that adaptation to the uses to which he is rendered subservient which we see in every race of dogs; and we have only to suppose the pe- culiar characters of the animal called forth from generation to generation by selection and breeding, to be assured that a true breed would be formed. This has been so in a re- markable degree in the case of the Bull-dog. After the Wild Oxen of the woods were destroyed, the practice was intro- duced, so early, we learn, as the reign of King John, of bait- ing the domesticated bull and other animals; and thus the breed of dogs suited to this end was preserved, nay, culti- vated with increased care up to our own times. The extent can scarcely be imagined to which this savage practice was carried in England, even till late in the last century. On the accession of George III., there was scarcely a consider- able town in England in which there was not a bear-garden, or some place set apart for these frightful exhibitions; and even after they had ceased to be common, great numbers of bull-dogs were kept for fighting with one another, and for exportation to Germany and other countries. But the Bull-dog, as he has received a peculiar class of characters, so he may lose them under new conditions of life. The jaws may diminish in size, and, with this change, the short- ness of the frontal bones, and lateral expansion of the pos- terior part of the skull, to which we may reasonably ascribe that conformation of the cranial cavity to which the peculiar propensities of the animal are due. The number of these dogs has been greatly diminished, and of those that remain, few retain the strength and ferocious temper of the older race; and we may hope to see this variety of dog disappear with the disuse of the cruel occupations to which it has been ren- dered subservient. Fierce and indomitable as this kind of dog seems to be, it is certain that there are cases in which he has manifested affection and fidelity. More than one in- 1 ! 732 stance, it is believed, is on record, in which a Bull-dog has leaped into water to save a drowning person. The Asiatic Mastiff seems to have been widely spread over the temperate countries of Western Asia and Europe, and his characteristic form and habit may be traced in numerous dogs in all these countries, as in most of those employed in the chase of wolves and boars, such as the great Irish Wolf- dog, and most of the German Boar-hounds, but still more in the larger dogs used for protecting our persons and property, as the Albanian Sheep-dog, the English Ban-dog, the Spanish Mastin, the French Mâtin. Of these mixed races it is un- necessary to treat in this place; but there are two races con- forming to the Molossian type, which merit a passing notice, -the Great Dog of St Bernard, and the Old British Blood- hound. THE DOG. The Great Dog of St Bernard is found in the mountains of Switzerland; but is better known as the breed reared at the Hospice, as it is called, situated at the pass of the Great St Bernard, one of the defiles connecting the high lands of Switzerland with Italy. This Hospice is an ancient Monas- tery, placed amidst a wilderness of rocks at the summit of the pass, more than 8000 feet above the level of the sea. It is inhabited by a small number of monks of the order of St Augustin, who, at the early age of eighteen, devote themselves to the purpose of affording succour to persons in distress, and way-worn travellers, of whom great numbers traverse the dreadful pass even in winter. The period of the vow of the brethren is fifteen years, the term of which few of them reach, on account of the maladies to which they become sub- ject, from the rarity of the air, and the rigour of the cold, in a region of clouds and storms. Scarcely four months in the year include spring, summer, and autumn, during which the water in the pools and tanks freezes every night, and clouds of snow frequently cover the mountains. The remaining eight months of the year are the proper winter, during which snow falls almost daily, covering all the rocky mountains to ? 733 their summit, and accumulating in vast heaps, which fill up the hollows and ravines. The snow, as it falls in this high region, does not descend in the form of flakes as in the lower country; but, as it passes through the rarefied air, it freezes, and comes down in the form of a fine powder, which, when the wind blows strong, is raised again from the surface in clouds. When a sudden tempest arises, the whole air is filled in an instant with this powder, through which the light of the sun can hardly penetrate. When the lonely traveller is overtaken by one of these Tourmentes, as they are called, his life is in the utmost peril. Every moun- tain top, or object that can guide him, is hidden. Bewil- dered, he loses all knowledge of place, and strays from the course he should pursue, until, lost in the darkness, and struggling vainly amidst the soft snow under foot, he perishes miserably. The kind monks and their assistants are con- tinually on the watch, aided by their matchless dogs, which have acquired, in a surprising degree, the faculty of discover- ing the path of the traveller, or indicating the place where he lies buried, perhaps under fathoms of snow. The dogs are sent out alone by day or by night. They have frequently attached to their neck a light hamper, in which is contained a little food and cordial. When they reach the wanderer, they conduct him to the Hospice, or if they find him, as too often happens, stretched on the snow, and unable to move, they bay aloud to give notice that some one has been found, and often stretch themselves over him, that they may defend him from the drifting snow, or warm him with the heat of their own bodies, or, hurrying back to the monastery, bring the assistance required. In this manner, great numbers of human beings have been saved. Often, however, the dogs find but the grave of the hapless traveller, already buried underneath the drifting snow. In this case they utter a loud and mournful howling, which, heard amid the darkness and roaring of the storm, announces to the anxious fathers, that they can now but render the last rites due to the dead. The • THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. 734 body is dug up, and preserved for the recognition of friends; and such is the effect of the sudden congelation, that the frozen corpses will often remain for years unaltered. The dogs endowed with these amazing faculties, transmit them to their offspring, so that a breed is formed scarcely requir- ing human instruction to fit the young for their duties. The number kept at the Hospice itself is very small, but the race extends to the neighbouring country, and individuals can be easily obtained. THE DOG. The Old British Blood-hound was a powerful dog, memor- able for the cruel uses to which his faculties were applied. He had the form, and the colour of the fur, even to the tan- coloured mark above the eyes, distinctive of the Asiatic Mas- tiff. But he had the ears longer and more pendulous, resem- bling in this respect the older hounds of England, so that we may believe him to have been intermediate in blood be- tween the Mastiff and the Hound. In early times, he seems to have been employed for the rousing of the fiercer game, coming under the class of hounds termed Lyme-hounds. His especial employment afterwards became the following of the track of wounded deer. He was termed Blood-hound, from the erroneous opinion that he followed the wounded prey by the scent of blood. In Scotland he received the name of Sleuth-hound, which, however, was an appellation common to dogs that followed game by the sleuth or track. We are ignorant of the time when he began to be em- ployed in the pursuit of human beings, though it was pro- bably very early, and a relic, perhaps, of the ancient use of the Canes bellicosi. However this be, it is certain that the Blood-hound was for many ages, and especially in the border districts of England and Scotland, extensively used for this cruel purpose. He was made to hunt felons, nay, persons of distinction who might have escaped from the field of battle. His last illustrious victim in the British Islands was the un- fortunate Duke of Monmouth, who was found concealed in a ditch. When put upon the track of his human prey, he fol- 3 735 lowed it with indomitable perseverance, hour after hour, nay, it is said, day after day. When once upon the scent, nothing could divert him from his purpose. Unravelling every maze of the hunted wretch, he uttered, from time to time, the deep and solemn bay which announced to those who followed that he was upon the fatal scent. It is said, that when he came up to his victim he did not seek to shed his blood, but held him fast until the pursuers arrived. It is amazing to what extent the use of this dangerous instrument was carried in a former age in these Islands. By a law of the Scottish Par- liament, it was declared that no one should "perturbe or slay" the Sleuth-hound, or those who were with him, when in pursuit of malefactors; and by the Border laws, an impost was levied for the keeping of blood-hounds, of which any one was entitled to claim the use for the discovery of stolen goods. With the employment of fire-arms, and the establishment of settled government, the use of the Blood-hound passed away, and the race almost ceased to be anywhere reared. A few of them are still kept, for the discovery, it is said, of deer-stealers, but they are rarely so pure as to present the uniform characters distinctive of a true breed. But what is worthy of note, they still retain the acquired instincts of their race, and can be taught, with the utmost facility, to follow the footsteps of human beings. It can scarcely be desired that a race of dogs that may be applied to purposes so dangerous should be preserved; and yet the faculties of which it is possessed are worthy of our admiration. The Blood-hound that has been instructed to make prey of man follows, we may be assured, no instinct of nature, but merely yields to the power which is exercised over him. The same faculties which enable him to pursue the footsteps of the midnight felon, could be employed, as in the case of the noble dogs of St Bernard, to trace the path of the lonely traveller, and rescue him from destruction. THE MOLOSSIAN GROUP. 1 + 736 THE DOG. ¿ IV. THE INDAGATOR GROUP.* I. THE TRUE HOUND.-There are Canidæ, it has been seen, in the state of nature, which pursue their prey in packs, and use the voice in concert, as the Wild Hound of Nepaul, the Dog of Beloochistân, the Jackal, and the Hunting Canidæ proper to Africa. It is from this class that we must sup- pose the various races possessing the same faculty in the domesticated state to have been directly or indirectly de- rived. But the hunting dogs of different countries have been so mixed in blood with one another and with other races, that it is now impossible to refer any given race to its source; and all that we can safely infer, in the state of our know- ledge, is, that the domesticated dogs, having the property of hunting their prey by the scent and in concert, must have derived this property from canida endowed with the same faculty in the natural state. Of the wild of the species, the Dogs of Nepaul and Beloochistan the nearest resemble the Hounds, so called. But we cannot with any assurance assert that they are the sole progenitors of all hunting dogs, any more than we can maintain that all dogs are derived from the common wolf. The ancients, in their different Cynegetica, give us an ample enumeration of the various kinds of hounds employed by them in the chase, sometimes distinguishing them by their qualities, and sometimes by the places or countries in which the most eminent breeds were produced. Thus, they speak of the Spartan, the Cretan, the Locrian, and many more, which probably resembled the Stag-hounds of another age, the Metagon, or Mute-hound,-the Petronius, which * So named from indagare, to search in the manner of a hound. It cor- responds with the Canes nare sagaces of the Roman writers, according to their threefold division; << -illæ gravioribus aptæ Morsibus; hæ pedibus celeres; hæ nare sagaces." { 2 737 appears to have resembled the modern harriers and fox- hounds, the Agassæus or Beagle, and so on. During the middle ages, all the nations of Europe were in possession of Hounds; but it was only by degrees, and in certain countries, that they were employed in the manner distinctive of the modern chase. They were used to find and start the game, and drive it into nets or palisades, or to bring it within reach of the swifter dogs, or of the wea- pons of the hunters, rather than to follow the track of a single victim, and pursue it, unaided, till the end of the chase. Up to the close of the Anglo-Saxon dominion in England, and amongst the Celtic Britons of Wales and North Britain till a late period, this mixed method of chase, in which the only end was the destruction of the game, appears to have been the prevailing one, just as it was amongst the Greeks of the age of Xenophon. When the fiercer game was de- stroyed, and the deer only remained of the larger beasts of chase, and when the deer themselves became scarce, then a more refined method of chase was by degrees introduced. Single victims were selected, and pursued by packs of hounds; but still the mixed method of hunting was the more common. In England, until the reign of Elizabeth, we can scarcely recognise any other in the accounts we possess of the hunting-matches of the times. Greyhounds were almost always taken out along with the hunting-dogs, and either mixed with them in running, or kept in relays to be slipped when the game came in sight; and every ad- vantage was held to be allowable for the destruction of the quarry. The animals chiefly hunted were the native deer, of which the swiftest, boldest, and most powerful, was the Stag or Red Deer, Cervus Elephas, of which the male of a certain age is termed Hart, and the female Hind. When this creature is pursued, he stretches boldly across the neighbouring country, stops from time to time to listen to the baying of the pack, and then pursues his flight. But the hounds, THE INDAGATOR GROUP. " 3 B 738 THE DOG. threading every maze of his track, continually gain upon him, while he vainly calls forth all his remaining powers to escape; and when at length the dogs reach him, he makes a last sad effort for the preservation of his life. He turns round, striking on every side with his formidable antlers, and betakes himself, when the case allows, to a pool or river, where the dogs are at a disadvantage. But in the end, sur- rounded on every side, he is torn down, or pierced by the knife of the hunter, if he be not, as is now practised, saved, in order that he may undergo another day of agony and terror. This fine species scarcely now exists in the wild state in England and Ireland, a few scattered pairs only being found in the high lands of Devonshire, and in the West of Ireland; and it only exists in considerable herds in the most mountainous parts of Scotland, where the nature of the country does not admit of its being pursued by hounds.-The Fallow-deer, Cervus Dama, of which the male is termed Buck, and the female Doe, is now very rare in the state of liberty, being almost exclusively confined to parks and preserves. The fallow- deer is greatly smaller, and less wild and powerful, than the stag. But when chased by hounds, he runs with amaz- ing swiftness, stopping, in the manner of the stag, to listen, from time to time, to the baying of the hounds in the dis- tance. Like the stag, he stands at bay as a last resource, while tears seem to stream from his eyes, and avails himself of neighbouring water, that he may the better defend him- self. The Roe, Cervus capreolus, is the smallest, most gentle, and elegant, of the native deer. But the roe is now exceed- ingly rare in the wild state, being confined to a few woods and mountain copses in the ruder parts of Scotland. It has surpassing fleetness, but has nothing like the strength and boldness of the stag and fallow-deer, and used to be run down by greyhounds in the manner of the hare. When chased by hounds, the gentle creature employs innumerable wiles to save itself, seeking to baffle the dogs by doubling and crossing its own path, and by leaping to a side, and 739 couching down until the hounds have passed; and when over- taken, conscious of its want of power, it offers no resistance. THE INDAGATOR GROUP. It was chiefly for the preservation of these deer, but, above all, of the stag, that the spirit of the ancient forest-laws of England was maintained, while almost a herd of deer was to be found in the woods. But, with the interrupted reign of the Stuart family, the civil wars, and the freer use of fire- arms by the people, the numbers of the native deer con- tinually diminished, until, with the exception of those found in the wilds of Scotland, they were almost confined to the parks and preserves of the opulent. The hounds employed in England for the chase of the wild deer were generally termed Raches. They likewise received the name of Talbots, a word of uncertain origin, perhaps merely the proper name of some person, or of some place where a good breed was reared. They were a race of large dogs, nearly of the size of mastiffs, and with something of the same aspect. They had the muzzle broad, the upper lip hang- ing over the lower, the ears long and pendulous, the chest wide, with a kind of dewlap, and the limbs muscular and crooked. Their voice was deep and sonorous, and they were endowed with an exquisite sense of smell. They were far inferior in speed to the modern hunting dogs, but excelled them in their adherence to the track of the game, and their pertinacity in pursuing it. At first a few only of the more experienced hounds were let into the covert, in order to find the game, when they manifested unrivalled sagacity and power of scent. Disregarding all inferior quarry, they could discriminate, by the smell alone, what was called the warrantable game from the fawns which were not to be hunted, and the hinds when out of season for the chase. The instant a dog caught the scent, he opened, and was joined in chorus by his fellows. But a few lines, often quoted, of our great dramatic poet, describe to the life the ancient Stag-hounds of England. 66 My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind, So flew'd, so sanded, and their heads are hung • * î + 赛 ​} < T ↓ HO 7 740 THE DOG. With ears that sweep away the morning dew; Crook-knee'd, and dew-lap'd, like Thessalian bulls; Slow in pursuit; but matched in mouth like bells, Each under each. A cry more tuneable Was never halloo'd to, nor cheer'd with horn, In Crete, in Sparta, nor in Thessaly." The Stag is still hunted in England, the animals, however, being merely taken from the preserves and parks, and turned out before the hounds. A few packs of stag-hounds are kept for this species of chase, which differs entirely in its character from the chase in any country where deer are found in the wild state. The great supporter of this sport, long after it had declined in public favour, was His Majesty George III., who was a bold rider, and who main- tained a pack of stag-hounds with royal magnificence. The dogs were nearly the same as the ancient Talbots; but his Majesty having received a present from the Duke of Richmond of a well-equipped pack, better suited for pursuit, the older race was discarded, for a smaller kind more swift of foot. With the progressive destruction of the wild deer, the practice was introduced of hunting the Fox by hounds in- stead of greyhounds; and it was soon found that this animal was better suited than any other for the chase, such as could be practised in a cultivated country cleared of natural fo- rests. This new kind of chase gained continually in public favour; and, in the reign of George the First, various packs of hounds, employed exclusively in the chase of the Fox, were established in different parts of the country. The dogs employed were a variety of the ancient stag-hound, but of smaller size, and which, being confined to one kind of game, acquired in a high degree the characters and discipline suited to their employment. These older fox-hounds, however, still differed materially from the modern breed. They had the broad muzzle, the wide chest, the short limbs, the hanging dewlap, and long pendent ears, of the ancient race, and dif- fered from it chiefly in bulk of body. They were admirable 741 for the delicacy of their scent, the pertinacity with which they unravelled every maze of their prey, and the fine chorus of their united voices, so delightful to the ear of the older sportsmen of England. Time, however, and mixture of races, continually modified the form and characters of these dogs. They were rendered more swift, but with a loss of much of the power of scent and patient habits of the older race. A new method of hunting was introduced, and at length finally established as the practice of the English hunting-field. In place of tracking the game to its retreat by the trail, at an early hour, and while yet the scent lay on the ground, the dogs were at once taken to the cover, and the fox being un- kennelled, he was run down by the combined power of scent and speed. Instead of the chase being continued hour after hour, often from sunrise to noon, the modern chase is a short and fiery gallop, rarely lasting, at its utmost speed, for more than thirty or forty minutes. To this kind of chase, entirely unlike that of any other country, the dogs have become adapted in an eminent degree, and differ as much from the former hounds of England as the modern greyhound from the ancient deer-hound. THE INDAGATOR GROUP. The Fox-hound is not a peculiarly handsome dog, although, knowing him to be suited to his uses, the eye of the sports- man associates his form with symmetry and beauty. He is, on a medium, from 22 to 24 inches high at the shoulder. His muzzle is only moderately broad; his ears are pendu- lous without being very long; his fur is smooth, and gene- rally spotted with brown upon a white ground. He has great power of speed, and we should say that he had also great power of scent, did we not compare him with the race he has supplanted. He requires the restraint of careful discipline; and hence it is that English fox-hounds have never succeeded in the hands of foreign masters. The term Harrier has been long employed in England to designate the hunting dogs chiefly employed in the chase of the Hare. It used to include different kinds of dogs, but } # 742 THE DOG. - came at length to be exclusively applied to a race of hounds differing chiefly from the ancient fox-hounds in size. They were patient in the chase, and had admirable powers of scent, but were slow in their motions as compared with modern dogs of the same class. They were frequently followed by the country people on foot, who carried long poles in their hands by which they were enabled to make surprising leaps over brooks, ditches, and hedges. This species of sport was long a great source of enjoyment to the country people of England. The hare, it is to be observed, when pursued by the fleeter dogs, uses all its powers to reach a covert, avail- ing itself of hedges, ravines, and any inequalities of the ground, to elude the sight of its pursuers, so that it may gain upon them. When chased by hounds, however, the hare en- deavours to baffle the scent by doubling and a thousand ar- tifices, generally running in a circuit, so that she does not go far from the place where she has started; hence, with the older harriers, the hare afforded a chase with which any one, however ill mounted, might keep up, and which even persons on foot could enjoy. With refinement in the mode of hunt- ing, however, a swifter kind of dog was employed, and the chase changed its characters. It is now pursued in the same manner as the fox-chase; and the hare being started is soon run down, having little time to pursue those wiles which used to put to proof the powers of scent of the dogs, and really constituted the spirit of the chase. Many packs of harriers are kept in the country; but this kind of sport is not in the same favour as formerly, and is usually discouraged by the masters of fox-hounds, as interfering with what is re- garded as the regular chase. The smallest of the races of hounds is the Bigle, or Beagle, apparently the Ayaddeus of the Greek and Agassæus of the Roman Cynegetica. This diminutive hound may be reason- ably supposed to be derived in part from some of the smaller Canidæ of the warmer countries. It was known in the Bri- tish Islands from the earliest period at which we have any 743 records of the chase, and was probably introduced by the Romans. It was employed in the pursuit of rabbits and hares. It has a large head, long ears, and a shrill voice, which it uses in concert with its fellows. When in packs, these little dogs are wild, active, and pertinacious in pursuit, threading every maze of the game, and running with their muzzles close to the ground. They are now very rarely to be seen, the habits of sportsmen leading them to prefer the more decisive practice of the modern chase. But it may be questioned whether much of the real enjoyment of the hunting-field is not lost to the people of the country by this change of tastes and habits. Every one cannot maintain a pack of harriers, and few are equal to the desperate riding which the modern fox-chase requires. But the squire of another age could enjoy the chase of his little pack of har- riers or beagles without too great a sacrifice. His own saddle-horse was sufficient for the slow and temperate chase, which afforded him a cheerful recreation; and John the butler, or Tom the groom, enacted sufficiently the parts of huntsman or whipper-in. THE INDAGATOR GROUP. II. THE MUTE HOUND, comprehending the Merayovres of the Greeks, the Canes taciti and ductores of the Latins, in- cluded races of dogs differing from one another, yet agree- ing in the common property of running silently upon their game. Of this class of dogs was the Lyemmer, Lymer or Lyme-hound of the English, so named, it is supposed, from Lyam, a leash, by which the dogs were conducted to the field. It included the dogs more especially employed by the fowler for capturing birds by means of nets and other de- vices, and it comprehends, accordingly, the modern Pointer and its congeners. The Pointer does not differ essentially in his characters from common hounds; and it may be supposed that almost any race of the Indagator group, trained especially for scenting the game in silence, and stopping on approaching it, would # ! 1 1 ****** 1 Į 1 [ Ma 744 become in time a true fowler's breed. In England we early possessed dogs suited for fowling; and the pointer appears to have been derived from Spain, which is still noted for pro- ducing this class of dogs. The pointer was accordingly termed Spainyeart or Spaniel, though the true Spaniel is distinct from the Spanish Lyme-hound or Pointer, and ought not to be confounded with it. THE DOG. From whatever mixture of blood the Pointer may have been derived, yet being descended from animals habituated to a particular pursuit, the habit acquired by him has become, as it were, an instinct of the breed, so that the whelp of the true pointer scarcely needs even instruction to teach him to steal upon his game in silence, and stand when he approaches it. Education, indeed, is required to instruct him in the particu- lar practices which the nature of the sport requires, but the general habit may be said to be as natural to him as that of pursuing game by the eye is to the greyhound, or by the scent to the beagle. The term Setter is in England applied to different kinds of dogs employed in the chase of feathered game; and most of them have a relation more or less defined with the pointer. The Old English Setter, now rare, is a highly esteemed dog of this class, and has given birth to numerous varieties more or less approaching to it in characters. The setters are by many sportsmen preferred to the pointers, as being more agile and enduring, and so better fitted for following game in a mountainous country; but they require a longer course of dis- cipline than the pointers, and do not in the same degree trans- mit the habitudes impressed upon them to their offspring. III. THE SPANIEL is a general name for certain races of beautiful dogs which we owe to the countries of the Mediter- ranean, and in which, it is probable, the blood of the African Canidæ has been mixed with that of the dogs of Western Asia and Europe. From the great variety which this class of dogs presents, it is reasonable to believe that they are of mixed blood. 745 But the Spaniel, which may be regarded as typical of the breed, appears to be proper to the African rather than the European side of the Mediterranean. It is known to us in this country by a diminutive variety, usually termed Charles the Second's Breed. It has the body gracefully formed, the forehead rela- tively broad, the ears long, the eyes large and brilliant, the tail bushy, and the hair soft, curling, and silky. The feet are remarkably large, broad, and webbed, rendering it pro- bable that it was originally derived from a country of sands. It is found in numbers all along the Barbary coasts, and extends to Spain, Italy, and the islands of the Mediterranean, whence the finest spaniels have always been derived. Varieties of it are known to British sportsmen, as Springers and Cockers, characterized by their active habits, the delicacy of their smell, and their generally giving tongue when they come upon the game. Of all known dogs, the Spaniel is the most remarkable for its docile habits and affectionate temper. It will never turn against its master, but will lick his hand when he chastises it. It will watch the expression of his countenance, and at- tend him in his sick-room like a nurse. Even the Arabs find an excuse for fondling the Spaniel, by asserting that it is not a dog. It is not to be wondered at that the Spaniel has, of all our dogs, been admitted to the closest companion- ship with us; but it is strange that the very qualities which attach him to us have been made matter of reproach. To fawn like a spaniel, is an expression common not to one lan- guage, but to many. But the fawning of the spaniel is the result of the gentle temperament with which he is endowed, and of his fidelity to his human protector. The Spaniel has been largely mixed in blood with other races; and many dogs are termed Spaniels which are only remotely related, or not related at all, to the true Spaniel. THE INDAGATOR GROUP. IV. The BARBET, or WATER-DOG, Canis aviarius aquaticus of Linnæus, has been spread from time immemorial over a 5 1 ! 746 great part of Europe. All the characters of this dog indi- cate that he is the creature of an aquatic situation, suited to find his prey in marshes, pools, and rivers, where water-fowls abound. His feet are webbed, and he swims and dives with rapidity and ease. His fur is shaggy and curling, his ears are pendent, and his tail is short or rudimental. He is not a fierce dog, and avoids the combats to which other dogs are prone. He delights to fetch and carry, and is well adapted to the hunting of wild ducks and other aquatic birds, whose nests he ferrets out among the reeds in which they are con- cealed. He is used in this country as a retriever, in districts of sedgy rivers and marshes, and on the coasts where the shooting of sea-fowls is practised. He is a favourite with sailors, on account of his readiness to leap into the sea, and recover what has fallen overboard. THE DOG. The purest of this race are derived from the marshy coun- tries of Northern Europe and Asia. But the Barbet as- sumes a great variety of aspect, according to situation, and the uses to which he is habituated. He is large or small, according to the degree in which his muscular powers are called forth by exercise, and more or less covered with hair, according to the climate. When reared up as a household dog in our dwellings, the race progressively diminishes in size, and loses the rude and shaggy aspect distinctive of it in a state of greater liberty. The little Barbet of the French, termed by us a Poodle, is one of the most curious varieties of the race. It is wonderfully fitted to receive instruction of any kind, and even imitates the actions of persons about it. It is likewise a faithful dog, and manifests great attachment to its immediate master. A fine variety of the Barbet group is the English Water- Spaniel, popularly so called. The fur of this dog is short, curly, and usually of a deep brown colour, and his general aspect is mild and graceful. He is docile and sagacious, valued by the sportsman as a retriever, and capable of receiving any kind of instruction. The race has now become rare. It was 2 747 probably produced by a mixture of the blood of the Barbet with that of the Old English Setter. THE INDAGATOR GROUP. V. THE TERRIER forms a class rather than a breed of dogs. It is more nearly related to the Lyciscan than to any of the other groups, and can only be included in the class of hounds on account of its performing some services in the chase in common with these animals. Its habits seem to connect it with the burrowing Canidae; and the most probable supposition as to its origin is that it has been produced by a mixture of blood of some of those species, as the Jackal, or even Common-fox, with the domesticated dogs of different countries. But however produced, dogs which we call terriers, though differing greatly from one another, are widely diffused, being found from the high lands of Central Asia to the western limits of Europe. They have the common property of prey- ing on such animals as form their dwellings under ground, as the rabbit, the polecat, the weasel, the otter, the badger, the fox, and will pursue these animals to their subterranean retreats, which no other dog will do. To the weasel tribes, in particular, the terrier manifests the fiercest antipathy; and he is the only known kind of dog that seems especially des- tined to prey on these animals, which he pursues for the mere purpose of destroying, since he shews no disposition to devour them. This singular temperament of the terrier has rendered him a useful servant in wild countries; and, even in those which are populous and improved, his hatred to rats, and other animals termed vermin, is often turned to account. In the British Islands, the Terrier has been cultivated from times of unknown antiquity, yet we cannot say that the terriers of this country form a true breed, since they differ from one another almost as much as races which we hold to be distinct. The terriers of the Western Islands of Scotland have long lank hair, almost trailing to the ground. Those of the Central Highlands, which formed the ancient shepherd's ļ 1 } 748 dogs of the country, are rough, shaggy, and not unlike the older Deer-hounds in general form. The terriers of England have a smooth fur, sub-erect ears, a thick skin, a stout body, and short limbs. THE DOG. A favourite sport of the common people of England was the chase of polecats, badgers, foxes, and other burrow- ing animals which formerly abounded. After the greater part of these animals were destroyed, the terrier was reared in considerable numbers, for the disgusting sport of baiting animals, especially the badger and polecat, and even for worrying the wild and common cats. There was scarcely a village in which some unfortunate victim of this kind was not nightly sacrificed; and such was the grossness of manners, until within little less than a century past, that persons of every rank took delight in these barbarous spectacles. When the regular fox-chase was established, terriers were employed for unearthing the fox; but, in the modern chase, this practice is nearly abandoned, and few of our present packs are accompanied by terriers. The ter- rier is now chiefly cultivated as a household dog. He has nothing of the winning habits, the gentleness, and docility S of the spaniel; but he has a certain rough fidelity, which, with his courage, renders him a general favourite. The blood of the terrier has been largely mixed with other races, forming a numerous class of curs. Such are the divisions under which we may conveniently arrange the varied races of domesticated dogs. But it must be held sufficient, for the present, to have pointed out such a classification as may exhibit the general distinctions and re- lations of the more important groups. To have described the subordinate varieties, with the detail which a complete history of the Dog would require, would have greatly ex- ceeded the limits which could be assigned to the subject in the present work. It is trusted, however, that the history 749 of this animal has been pursued to the degree of shewing that it involves many subjects of curiosity and interest. Of all the animals that have been subjected to our power, the Dog is that whose condition and faculties we have the best means of observing. No creature more distinctly shews the power of external agents to affect the form of the body, and react upon the attributes which, even in the lower animals, we may term mental. The Dog, we have seen, when inured to the exercise of certain muscular powers, acquires, within given limits, the conformation of parts which adapts him to the services to which he is habituated. The Sledge-dog of the Laplander becomes fitted for tasks under which other dogs would perish; while a dog of the same descent, used only for the care of flocks, becomes the common Shepherd's Dog. The Bull-dog acquires the powerful jaws, and short limbs, which fit him for subduing the animal to which he is opposed, and with this conformation, he assumes the fierce- ness and resolution which such a service demands. The Greyhound, inured to the chase of the mountain stag, ac- quires and maintains a robuster form than the dog of the same race, used to the chase of the feebler game. The Dog habituated to the destruction of the wolf, when withdrawn from this pursuit, loses by degrees the strength and courage which formerly characterised his race; and dogs of every sort, which are not required to exercise their muscular powers, but are reared up as playthings in an artificial state, become so diminutive and feeble, that they could not exist were they not continually protected by us. We cannot ima- gine that a creature so helpless as a pug-dog could exist in the state of nature; nor can we assign any other cause for its having become what it is, than the progressive adapta- tion of its race to the artificial condition in which it has been reared. Such effects, indeed, are not proper to the dog, but have been observed in the case of all the animals which we have subjected to domestication. They are seen even in some of the lower orders. Thus, certain little fishes of the CONCLUSION. ¿ H - P } Į Į N * 750 minnow tribe, having been put when young into a small jar of water, never increased in size, but remained suited, in their dimensions, to the little space allotted to them. After the lapse of nine years, they were transferred to a larger jar, and immediately began to increase in bulk of body, until they attained their natural size. The progressive adapta- tion of the Dog, then, to new conditions of life, presents no anomaly, but illustrates a law common in the animal king- dom, though, as the changes produced in his physical con- formation exert a sensible action on his temperament, habits, and faculties, they are calculated to excite peculiar interest. Whether we assume that all dogs have been derived from some common stock, and have acquired their distinctive cha- racters under the effects of domestication, or whether we assume that they have acquired the characters which we term specific in the state of nature, we equally reason upon the assumption that the animals have, in a certain degree, become adapted, with respect to form and attributes, to the conditions affecting them. As the natural history of the Dog may supply us with subjects for physiological inquiry, so it may afford us matter for reflection regarding the mental attributes of the Dog in particular, and of the lower orders of animals in general. Eager disputes, it is known, have arisen, in every period of metaphysical inquiry, regarding the precincts of Instinct and Reason. By not a few philosophers it has been contended, that the actions of all the animals inferior to man are the result solely of what is termed instinct, and that these crea- tures have not the power to compare, to reflect, to will, or to draw conclusions of any sort, but are impelled by the train of their ideas, or by some unknown influence, to act precisely as they do. But does our observation of the Dog afford the least support to such a hypothesis, or rather, does it not refute it at every point? Not only do we recognise in this creature senses like our own, and, in certain cases, more perfect than ours, but we see these senses adapted by THE DOG. 751 the animal itself to every varying contingency. We see, by a thousand actions, that he has the sense of pleasure and pain, and can express his emotions by signs and sounds of the voice intelligible to his fellows and often to us. We see that he is resentful for wrongs, and may take revenge; and that he is grateful for benefits, and manifests his sense of them by the services he renders us. We know that he com- prehends our commands, and employs the fitting means to perform them; and that he has a memory of times and events, and draws conclusions from what he remembers, as well as from what passes before his eyes. He can thus will, compare, draw conclusions, and adapt means to the ends which he seeks to attain. If these powers be not at- tributes of the reasoning faculty, in what category are they to be placed? They cannot surely be instinctive, for then we should be forced to hold, that similar faculties were, in man himself, instinctive. Can it be said, as has again and again been done, that brutes do not form abstract ideas, and therefore cannot reason? But how do we know that brutes do not form abstract ideas, as they are called, to the degree which their own powers of reasoning require? They act precisely as if they did. A dog can avail himself of ex- perience; but, to apply the results of experience to any kind of actions, necessarily implies the exercise of memory, and a certain degree of generalization or abstraction. If the Dog reasoned only from particulars, and never from generals, how should he apply his knowledge of height, distance, time, and place, to the actions which we see him continually perform. He could not know that a wall was too high for him to leap over unless he tried to leap over this particular wall. But he knows, by the height of a wall, though he may never have seen it, that it is too high for him to scale; and if this be not abstraction or generalization, we ask what it is? Whether the Dog can form the abstract conception of right and wrong, our limited means of communication with him do not enable us to determine; but he knows when he has committed an : CONCLUSION. A รส 752 THE DOG. offence, though no human eye may have seen him commit it. Some metaphysicians, indeed, affirm, that we can only reason from generals by means of words or signs; but is a person born deaf and dumb incapable of reasoning from generals? Has not such a person an idea of time, place, and distance, though he has no sound of the voice with which to associate his ideas? The Dog has probably no sound of the voice to express his conception of distance, time, and place, but he has corres- ponding ideas to the degree necessary to compare one distance with another, one period of time with another, and to know and distinguish places. He knows the period required to pass over a given space to a minute, can count recurring intervals of time with precision, and knows, of place, that which enables hini to act as if he had a term to express his conception of it. The power, indeed, of abstraction or generalization, is probably very limited in the inferior animals; but yet it must be believed to exist to the degree of enabling them to compare, to reflect, and to draw conclusions, to the extent to which they exercise these faculties. But even if we were to admit the position that dogs and other animals cannot form abstract conceptions, notions, or ideas, that would not shew that they did not reason, but merely that their power of reasoning did not extend to the degree of forming such conceptions, notions, or ideas. The singular tendency, distinctive of the metaphysical re- searches of certain philosophers, to reduce the numberless creatures which a gracious Providence has been pleased to call into being, into mere machines, destitute of the power of thought and reflection, seems to have its origin in the mis- taken notion that we can exalt the human species by degrad- ing all the others. But surely the chasm between the mental attributes of man and those of all other animated creatures is too wide to give us cause to fear that they can be confounded. The inferior animals may compare, may reflect, may will, may adapt means to ends, nay, may possess the faculty of abstraction to the degree of allowing them to exercise the 2 07 753 reasoning powers with which they are furnished, and yet be placed so far beneath the human species in all the attributes which we term mental, as to indicate that a far different des- tiny has been ordained for Man and for them in the scheme of Universal Providence. The faculties which we term Instinct in the lower animals, are perfect with relation to the ends to be served, but do not admit of continued improve- ment; and all the knowledge which these animals can ac- quire by means of experience and instruction, is as nothing, when compared to that at which improvable reason can ar- rive. Even in what relates to the mere supply of animal wants, scarcely a parallel can be drawn between the endow- ments of man and the inferior animals. Not one of them can construct a wheel, a screw, or the simplest machine, or form the rudest weapon for capturing its prey: not one of them has acquired the art of clothing itself, or ministering to its wants by other means than the Instincts with which Nature has already supplied it: not one of them has learned the means of warming its body by fire, or procuring for itself an artificial day, when the light of the sun is withdrawn. Man alone has the power of associating every idea which arises in his mind with signs and sounds, and thus he alone can connect proposition with proposition to the remoter con- sequences. He alone can cultivate science and improve the arts, and communicate to another age the results of his rea- soning and experience. He alone, of all living creatures, can distinguish right from wrong, and truth from falsehood, in the degree which can render him an accountable being: And he alone, we must believe, can trace, in the works of Nature, the harmony of universal design, and so be conduct- ed to the conclusion that there is a First Cause, and an Om- nipotent Providence. CONCLUSION. } • 3 c INDEX. Aberdeenshire Breed of Cattle, Polled, 315-general characters of the Cattle of Aberdeenshire, 316-recent for- mation of the Polled breed, and the improvement of which it is suscep- tible, ib. 317 — introduction of the Short-horned breed into the county, 317-character of the Cattle occupy- ing the district extending northward from Aberdeenshire to the Pentland Frith, ib. Ægagrus, description of the, 9—its affi- nity with the domestic Goats, ib. Aguara, Maned, 661. Alderney Breed of Cattle, 333-its na- turalization in the Norman Islands of the British Channel, ib.-impor- tation of the Cows into England for the purposes of the Dairy, ib.-exter- nal characters of the breed, and its excellent milking properties, 334- account of the Islands of the Chan- nel; the minute division of property in land, and the effects on the prac- tices of rural industry; the value attached to the Cow by the inhabi- tants; and the law of the insular legislature for preserving the purity of the race, 334-9. Alpine Ibex, natural history of the, 5 its susceptibility of domestication, 7. American Family of Mankind, xliv. Anglesea Breed of Cattle, 306-its affi- nity with the Pembroke breed; its larger size and coarser form, ib. Breed of Sheep, 69 — its affi- nity with the Soft-woolled Sheep of Wales, ib. Angus Breed of Cattle, Polled, 312- its cultivation in the plains and less elevated parts of the counties of For- far and Kincardine, ib.-the large exportation of the cattle to the graz- ing counties of England, ib.-compa- rison of their characters with those of the Galloway breed, ib.-the im- provement of the breed, and its recent extension to other districts, 313-notice of a prevalent error re- garding the comparative value of different breeds of Cattle, ib.—the in- troduction of the Short-horned breed into the district, and the propriety of keeping it distinct from the native breed, 315. XXXV Animal Kingdom, divisions of the: the Radiata, xxiv- the Articulata, xxv.-the Mollusca, xxvi-the Ver- tebrata, comprehending Fishes, Rep- tiles, Birds, and Mammalia, xxvii- division of the Mammalia into the fol- lowing tribes: Cetacea, xxxii-Ru- minantia, ib.-Pachydermata, xxxiii -Solidungula, ib. - Edentata, ib.— Rodentia, xxxiv-Marsupialia, ib.— Carnivora or Feræ, ib.-Insectivora, ib. Cheiroptera, ib.-Quadrumana, Bimana, ib. the different races of Mankind: the Caucasian Fa- mily, xxxviii-the Mongolian Family, xl-the Malay or Polynesian Family, xli-the Negro Family, ib.-the Ame- rican Family, xliv-inquiry into the origin of these different races, xlv- examples of the effect of climate in modifying the animal form, and adapting it to new conditions of life, li-the effect of increased supplies of food in changing the form, and with that the instincts and habits, of ani- mals; and examples of this in the case of the Dog, lii-of the Wild Hog. ib.- of the Ox and Sheep, liii-of the Wild ――― Valg S ! 756 Goose, ib.-of the Wild Duck, liv- of the Gallinaceous Fowls, lv-exam- ples of the effect of temperature, hu- midity, altitude, and peculiar habi- tudes, in modifying the animal form, lv-lix-examples of the faculty pos- sessed by animals of transmitting ac- quired properties to their progeny, lix the permanence of the cha- racters acquired by varieties; and examples of this in the case of the human species, and the domesticated quadrupeds, lxi-examples of the ef- fect of continued reproduction be- tween animals closely allied in blood, in producing a similarity of charac- ters, and, likewise, in impairing the constitution of the animals, lxiii-the natural provision for obviating the effects of unsuitable alliances of ani- mals in the state of liberty, lxiv—ex- amples of the power of animals to transmit their instincts and habits to their descendants, ib. exam- ples of the faculty possessed by ani- mals of communicating peculiarities of conformation, occasioned by muti- lation, to their descendants, lxvii— inquiry into the distinction between a Species and a Variety, ib. Antelope, Wool-bearing, 10, Argali, Asiatic, 23. Bearded, 24. - INDEX. M Arnee of India, 218. Ass, Wild, natural history of the, 436— his early subjugation, and the effects of domestication on his temperament and habits, 439-his special adaptation to the temperate and warmer cli- mates, and notices of the breeds of Eastern and Southern countries, 441 - his naturalization in the New World, 443-his abundance in the British Islands, and the importance of directing attention to his proper cultivation, ib. Ayrshire Breed of Cattle, 339-former rudeness of the agriculture of Ayr- shire, 340-characters of the older breed of the country; and inquiry into the origin of the existing Dairy breed, 342-its external characters, and superior milking properties, 343 -its extension to other districts of Scotland, 344 result of crossing it with the Short-horned breed; and the propriety of maintaining the purity of the native breed, ib. Babiroussa of the Indian Islands, na- tural history of the, 396-its capabi- lity of domestication, 397. Barbet or Water-Dog, 745. Beagle, 742. Beloochistân, Dog of, 647. Berkshire Breed of Swine, 431-its size, colour, and aptitude to fatten, ib.-ef- fect of crossing with the Chinese breeds in lessening its size, and in- creasing the delicacy of the pork, 432 -the limits to the profitable diminu- tion of the size of the Old Swine of England, and the facility with which their defective characters might be removed by careful selection of the breeding parents, ib.-inexpediency of the practice of crossing them with the Wild Hog, 433. Bison, American, natural history of the, 211-its fitness for domestication, 213. European, natural history of the, 208-its incapability of submit- ting to domestication, 210. Black-faced Heath Breed of Sheep, 84 -description of the heathy moun- tains from which it is derived, ib.- its diffusion over all the mountains of Scotland, 85-its external characters and fattening properties, and the ex- cellence of its mutton, 86-its pecu- liar adaptation to a country of heaths, 87-the coarseness of its wool, ib.- variety of size and aspect presented by these sheep in different districts, ib.-method of rearing and treating them in the mountainous countries which they inhabit, 88-results of crossing them with the Cheviot, Lei- cester, and South Down breeds, 91— economical importance of the breed, and the means of improving it, 92. Black Horse, Old English, 608—its re- semblance to the race of the same co- lour existing in the countries of the Lower Rhine, the Meuse, and the Scheldt, 609-its naturalization in England from the Humber to the Cam, and its extension westward through the midland counties to the Severn, and southward into the countries of the Chalk, ib.-external characters of the older race, and the improvement L INDEX. effected on it by the introduction of the same race from Holland, 610- description of the modern Black Horse; its great physical power, but deficiency in speed and action, 611- its extensive employment in the cen- tral and southern counties for the labours of the field, and for waggons and heavy carriages, ib.-the Dray- horses of London, 612-improve- ments of which the breed is suscep- tible, 613. Blood-hound, Old British, 734. Boar, Masked African, 397—its capabi- lity of domestication, ib. Buansa of Nepaul, 648. Buffalo, Cape, natural history of the, 223 on the possibility of domesticat- ing it, 229. Buffalo, Common, natural history of the, 218-its economical value in the state of servitude, 219-its diffusion over the warmer countries of Asia and Europe, 220-inquiry as to the period of its introduction into Eu- rope, 221-its extensive domestica- tion in Italy, and its great value to the inhabitants, ib.-inexpediency of attempting to naturalize it in the colder countries, 222. Bull-dog, 728. Butter. See Dairy and Milk. Carding, description of the process of, for preparing wool for being spun into woollen yarn, 45. Caucasian Family of Mankind, xxxviii. Ibex, 8-its probable iden- tity with the Ibex of the Alps of Europe, 757 viding winter supplies of food for them by the formation of watered meadows and otherwise, 102-the importance of draining and enclo- sures in improving their mountain pastures, ib.—the danger incurred by them from tempests and falls of snow, and the means of providing shelter by the forming of planta- tions or the erection of stells, 103→ great economical importance of the breed, and the attention of breeders to its improvement, 113-the results of crossing it with the Leicester and South Down breeds, ib. Cleveland Bay Breed of Horses, 602- its adaptation to coaches, chariots, &c., ib.-formation of the breed by the progressive mixture of the blood of the Race-horse with the larger horses of the country, ib.-the great demand. which exists for it in London and other opulent towns, and the large exportation of it to other countries, ib. -the crossing of it by Hunters and Thorough-bred Horses, and the pro- duction of Coach-horses of a yet lighter standard, ib. Clydesdale Breed of Horses, 615—its affinity with the Black Horse of Hol- land and the Netherlands, 616-its size, colour, form, and superior pow- ers of draught, 617—extensive diffu- sion of the breed, and its great eco- nomical value, ib., 618. Coach-horse, the Old English, 601-tho modern, ib. Cavalry Horse, 604. Cheese. See Dairy and Milk. Cheviot Breed of Sheep, 93-its deri- vation from a range of mountains in the north of England, ib. -- its external characters and fattening properties, and the goodness of its mutton, 94-its hardiness, adapta- tion to a country of mountains where the grasses are produced, and its wide diffusion, ib., 95—the weight and qua- lity of its fleece, 96—the method of rearing and treating the sheep in the mountainous countries which they inhabit, ib.-the means of pro- Combing, description of the process of, for preparing wool for being spun into worsted yarn, 44. Connamara Breed of Horses, 523-its Spanish origin; the neglect of the breed, and the means of improving it, ib. Cotswold Breed of Sheep, 186-account of the district of the Cotswold Hills, and notices of their former occupa- tion by a race of fine-woolled Sheep, ib. the modern breed of the Cots- wold Hills distinct from the former race, and opinion as to the time and mode of its introduction, 187-the changes which it has undergone by admixture with the New Leicester breed, its size, the weight and quality ป 3 758 of its fleece, and the prolificness of the females, 189. INDEX. Dairy, the various destinations of the, 279-its management when designed for the supply of Milk, 280—for the production of Butter, 281—and for the manufacture of Cheese, 285– the cheeses of different districts: of Gloucestershire, 290― of Somerset- shire and North Wiltshire, 291-of Cheshire, Shropshire, and Lancashire, 292-of the counties of York, Dur- ham, Northumberland, and Derby, ib. -of Stilton, Cottenham, and South- am, 293—of Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, and Lanarkshire, ib.—great import- ance of the Dairy as supplying a large part of the food of the people, 295. Dartmoor Forest Breed of Sheep, 82— its small size and long soft wool, its wild and restless habits, and the ex- cellence of its mutton, ib.-rapid di- minution in the number of the pure breed, from crossing with the Leices, ter and South Down breeds, ib. Deeb, Egyptian, 646. Denmark, Great Dog of, 723. Devon Breed of Cattle, 315-resem- blance of the older breeds of the coun- ties of Devon and Cornwall to the cattle of the Welsh Mountains, ib.- naturalization of the Devon breed in the high lands of Devonshire on the southern side of the Bristol Channel, ib.-its external characters and affi- nity to the ancient White Forest breed, 346-smallness of the females, and their deficiency in the power of yielding milk, ib.-the admirable adaptation of the cattle to the pur- poses of active labour, 347-the de- fects of their form, and the gradual removal of them through the increas- ed attention of the breeders, ib., 318- the adherence of the breeders to the red colour of the hair, and its effect in ensuring the purity of the breed, 349-the South Devon variety of this Breed; its larger size and coarser form, 350. Dholes of India, 648. Dingo of New Holland, 649. Dog, early subjugation and history of the, 667-the great diversity in his form and habits, according to the ser- vices for which he is employed, and his peculiar race, 672 — his habits as affected by those of the people amongst whom he lives, 675-the acuteness of his senses of hearing and smell, 677—his memory of places, times, and events, 678—his delight in the exercise of his natural powers, 679-his faculty of distinguishing colours, 680-his aptitude to receive instruction, 681-his faculty of com- prehending the meaning of short sen- tences, ib.-his power of communicat- ing his wishes and purposes to his fellows, 685-his remarkable power of observation, ib.-anecdotes of the sagacity displayed by him under dif- ferent circumstances, 686-his ca- pability of learning arts of deception, 688-his gratitude for benefits, and resentment of injuries, 690—his at- tachment to man, and fidelity to his immediate master, 693-the Rabies, or Madness of the Dog; and the symp- toms attending the communication of the disease to the human spe- cies, ib. Dogs, wild races of: the Egyptian Deeb. 646-the Fennecs or Zerdas of Africa, ib.-the Dog of Beloochistân, 647 -the Buansa of Nepaul, 648—the Dholes of India, ib.-the Dingo of New Holland, 649-the Wild Canidæ of America, 659-examination of the different theories advanced respect- ing the origin of all the domesticated races. 663-classification of the domes- ticated races, 699. Dorset Breed of Sheep, 122—its exter- nal characters, the quality of its wool, and the goodness of its mutton, ib.—the faculty of the females of re- ceiving the male at different seasons, and their employment on this account for the rearing of house-lambs, 123— resemblance in the form of this breed to the Spanish Merino, ib.-diminu- tion of its numbers in consequence of the introduction of the Leicester and South Down breeds, or of cross- ing with them, 124. Drover's Dog, 710. Dziggithai, natural history of the, 452 -his capability of domestication, ib. • 1 INDEX. Exmoor Forest Breed of Sheep, 83- its small size and wild habits, the character of its wool, and excellence of its mutton, ib.-gradual diminu- tion in the numbers of the pure breed from the effects of crossing, and the introduction of the Cheviot breed, ib.-notice of other races allied to it, ib. Falkland Breed of Cattle, 328-the mixed descent and characters of the cattle of Fifeshire, ib.-early estab- lishment of the Falkland Breed at the ancient royal manor of Falkland, and its resemblance to the Black Dairy Breed of Holland, 330-its near extinction in consequence of inter- mixture with the common races of the district, 331-means of improving the mixed cattle of Fifeshire, 332- character of the cattle occupying the district extending westward from Fifeshire to the Ochil Hills, 333. Fennecs or Zerdas of Africa, 646. Forest Sheep of England, 80-the ancient Forests of England, and the general characters of the races of Sheep inhabiting them, ib., 81-the Sheep of Cannock Chase and of Dela- mere Forest, 81-the Sheep of Dart- moor Forest, 82-the Sheep of Ex- moor Forest, and other races allied to them, 83. Fox, Common, natural history of the, 654-his power of procreating with the domesticated Dogs, 656. Fox-hound, 740. Galloway Breed of Cattle, 317-its naturalization in the south-western parts of Scotland, 318-its external characters, and adaptation to the countries in which it is reared, ib.— excellence of its flesh, and its inferior milking properties, ib.-the absence of horns in this breed, and origin of the peculiarity, 319-extensive ex- portation of the cattle for the supply of the English markets, ib.-general management of the breed in its native district, 321-failure of the attempts to improve it by crossing with other breeds, and the importance of attend- ing to the careful cultivation of the breed in the pure state, ib. 759 Gaur of British India, 208. Gayal or Jungle Ox, natural history of the, 230-its domestication in the countries of the East, 231. Gaze-hound, Old, 722. Glamorgan Breed of Cattle, 356-na- ture of the country in which it is na- turalized, ib.-its affinity with the Pembroke and its allied breeds, 357 -difference in the size and figure of the cattle as they are the natives of the hilly country or of the lower and maritime, 358-excellent milking pro- perties of the Cows, 359-remarks on the supposed deterioration of the breed in consequence of intermixture with other races, ib.-attention of the present breeders to the improvement of the native race, and the propriety of keeping it distinct from the Short- horned and Ayrshire breeds which have been introduced into the dis- trict, 360. Goat, its natural relations with the An- telope tribes and the Sheep, 2-chief- ly distinguished from the Sheep by general aspect and habitudes, 3—its early subjugation and diffusion in the countries of Asia and Europe, ib.- the Wild species: the Alpine Ibex, 5 -the Caucasian and Siberian Ibices, 8-the Nubian or Abyssinian Ibex, ib. -the Ægagrus, 9-the Jemlah Goat, ib.—the Jahral Goat, 10--question of the origin of the domesticated races, 11-influence of climate in modifying its characters, 12-its habits in the domesticated state, 16-prolificness of the female, 18-its milk, hair, skin, and flesh, 19-causes of its diminished cultivation in Britain, 20-economi- cal uses to which it may be rendered subservient, ib. Goats of Thibet, 12-of China and Hin- dostan, 14—of Angora, ib.—of Syria and Nepaul, 15- of Africa, ib.—of the countries of the Mediterranean, of Greece and the Islands of the Ar- chipelago, of Italy, of Spain and Por- tugal, of France, and of the northern countries of Europe, 16-of the High- lands of Scotland, Wales, and Ire- land, 20. Greyhound, early history and origin of the, 715-7-his peculiar conformation, 718-the ancient races of the British W 760 INDEX. Islands, and the purposes for which they were employed, 719-early esta- blishment of coursing-matches, and their influence in perfecting the cha- racters of the British Greyhound, 720. Hackney, 604. Hanover, cream-coloured Horses of, 604. Hare Indian Dog, 660. Harrier, 741. Herefordshire Breed of Cattle, 362- notice of the older cattle of the county of Hereford, and their general affinity with the races of Pembroke, Devon, Sussex, and Glamorgan, ib.-forma- tion of the modern breed by Mr Ben- jamin Tomkins, and the principles of breeding adopted by him, 363-the high reputation of the breed, and its progressive diffusion, 365-its exter- nal characters; its adaptation to the purposes of grazing, but indifferent milking properties, 366-the progress of the Short-horned Breed into the county; and the comparative merits of the two breeds, 367. Hog, form of the, and the characters indicative of the fattening property, cxi-his early history, and the singu- lar diversities of feeling with regard to the use of his flesh, 411-his uni- versal extension over the Old Conti- nent, and his multiplication in the New; his amazing powers of in- crease, 414-5-the erroneous opinions entertained regarding his conforma- tion and habits, 416—his vast import- ance as a means of subsistence to the human race, 421-the modes of rear- ing and fattening him with relation to his economical uses, 422. C Wild, natural history of the, 401 -his former abundance in the woods of Britain, and his existence at pre- sent in the forests of various coun- tries of Europe, 404-accounts of the hunting of this animal in the coun- tries of the East, 405-the remark- able changes effected on his form and habits under the influence of domes- tication, 408. Hogs, Siamese Breed of, 425 the Breeds of the Island of Papua or New Guinea, and the South Sea Islands, 428-the Breeds of Holland, # Belgium, Germany, France, Sweden, and Russia, ib.-the Breeds of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, 429-the Breeds of Yorkshire, Lin- colnshire, and Norfolk, 430-of Suf- folk and Essex, ib.-of Northampton, Shropshire, and Rudgwick, 431—of Berkshire, ib. the Maltese and Nea- politan Breeds, 433. Horse, description of the bones and ex- ternal muscles of the, lxxi-lxxxii My his suitable conformation, whether designed for the exercise of the powers of speed or of draught, lxxxiii-in- quiry into the origin and early his- tory of the domesticated, 456- his form, habitudes, and instincts, 463- influence of climate and food on his form and temperament, 468-the va- riety in the colour of his hair, 469. Horses of Africa, 470-of Barbary, 472 of the countries of the Euxine and Caspian, 473-of Arabia, 474-of Per- sia and Caubul, 481-of India and Thibet, 482-4 - of China, Indo- China, and the Eastern Islands, 484 of Chinese and Independent Tartary, 486- of Siberia, 488 - of the Ukraine, ib. — of ancient and modern Greece, 489-of ancient and modern Italy, 490-of Spain, 491-of France, 492-of Germany, Denmark, Holland, and Flanders, 493—of Scan- dinavia, 494-naturalization of the Horse in America; his escape from human control, and multiplication in the state of liberty; the habits of the emancipated herds, and the modes of capturing them, 494—ac- quisition of the Horse by the In- dians, and the remarkable conse- quences, 499-Horses of South Ame- rica, 501-of Mexico, of Canada, of the United States, and of the West India Islands, 501-3-Horses of the British Islands, 503-their employ- ment in war-chariots by the ancient Celtæ, in the manner of the nations of the East, ib. - the colonization of Western Europe by the Celtæ and Teutones; and the occupation of the British Islands by the former people at the time of the Roman Inva- sion, 504-account of the Roman In- vasion and the Saxon Colonization, and the small influence of these - J 4 events in altering the characters of the ancient Horses, 506-9-the im- portant changes effected on the Horses of England after the Norman Con- quest, by the importation of the Horses of foreign countries, 509— the institution of the Course, and its effect in forming a race of Horses destined exclusively for run- ning, and employed to communi- cate their properties to the inferior races, 512-Horses of the Zetland Islands; their resemblance to the Horses of Norway, and mixed line- age; their diminutive size and va- rious colours; their sagacity and docility, 514-Horses of the Orkney Islands; their small size and various colours, 516-Horses of the Outer and Inner Hebrides, 517-of the High- lands of Scotland, 519-of Wales, ib. of Dartmoor, Exmoor, Hampshire, and the older Forests of England, 520 the Pack-horses of England, 521-the Galloways of the Border counties, 522-the Horses of Conna- mara, in the west of Ireland; their Spanish origin; the neglect of the breed, and the means of improving it, 523. P INDEX. Hunter, the progressive steps in the formation of the characters of the modern, 588-distinction between the characters and form of the Race- horse and of the Hunter, ib.—the high estimation in which the English Hunter is held, and the great drain of the breeding mares to foreign countries, 590-difference between the older system of hunting and that now pursued, and the effect of the increased speed of the modern chase upon the characters of the Horses employed, 591–5. Hyæna, natural history of the, 624. Ibex, Alpine, 5. Caucasian, 8. Nubian, 8. Siberian, 8. Irish Breed of Cattle, Polled, 327—its external characters, probable origin, | and the rapid diminution of its num- bers from crossing with the Short- horned breed, ib. Jackal, natural history of the, 650-his 761 eminent susceptibility of domestica- tion, 635. Jahral Goat, 10. Jemlah Goat, 9. C Kerry Breed of Cattle, 309-its exter- nal characters, excellence of its beef, and its power of subsisting on scanty food, ib.-peculiar adaptation of the Cows to the domestic dairy, and their great value, on this account, to the tenantry of Ireland, 310- inatten- tion of the breeders to the preserva- tion of the purity of the stock, ib.— origin of the Dexter variety of this breed, ib. result of crossing the breed with the larger races, and the importance of maintaining its purity, 311. Kerry Breed of Sheep, 75-its external characters, the quality of its wool, its slow fattening properties, and the ex- cellence of its mutton, 76-notices of the ancient forests of Ireland, and the change which the country has under- gone by their destruction, 77-rude- ness of the sheep-husbandry of the bogs and mountains, 78-remarks on the defective relations between land- lord and tenant, 79. Leicester, New, Breed of Sheep, 190- its formation by Robert Bakewell of Dishley; the principles and practice of breeding adopted by him, and the eminent success of his experiments, ib.-question as to the original of this breed, 193—its size, form, wool, and property of arriving at early matu- rity of muscle and fatness, 195– Bakewell's system of letting rams on hire, and its effect in extending the influence and preserving the purity of the breed, 196-examination of his principles of breeding, 198-general diffusion of the New Leicester Breed, and its influence in improving the other Sheep of the country, 199— remarks on the objections urged against the extension of the breed, 200. Lincoln, Old, Breed of Sheep, 169— distinction between the Short and Long woolled Sheep of England, and the arrangement of the latter into those inhabiting the inland plains, and those inhabiting the fens and al- 762 luvial country, ib.-derivation of the Old Lincoln breed from the fens and marshes of Lincolnshire and the ad- joining districts, 170—the coarseness of its form, the weight and quality of its fleece, its slow fattening pro- perties, and the changes which it un- derwent by crossing with the New Leicester breed, 171-the Modern Lincoln Breed, and its properties, 174. Long-horned Breed of Cattle, 367-its naturalization for an unknown pe- riod in Ireland and the western counties of England; and the dis- tinction between it and the other races of the country, 368-external characters of the older breed, its slow fattening properties, and the adaptation of the females to the dairy, 369-improvement of the breed by Mr Webster of Canley, and after- wards by Robert Bakewell of Dish- ley, 371-the principles of breeding adopted by Bakewell in the forma- tion of his improved breed; its high reputation, and extensive diffusion, 372-6-description of the Dishley breed its size, form, colour, and fa- culty of fattening, 376-defects of the breed: inferior quality of the beef; tendency to the accumulation of fat on particular parts of the body; and deficiency of the females in the power of yielding milk, ib.-decline of the reputation of the breed in conse- quence of its inferiority for the pur- pose of grazing, 377. Long-woolled, Older, Breeds of Sheep, 180-the Old Teeswater breed, the Old Warwickshire breed, the breeds of the Western counties, and of De- vonshire and Somersetshire; and the important changes effected on them by admixture with the New Leices- ter breed, 180-3-the Long-woolled Sheep of Ireland; their ancient cha- racters, progressive improvement,and present condition, 183. ✰ " INDEX. Malay or Polynesian Family of Man- kind, xli. Maltese breed of Swine, 433. Mastiff, 723. Merino Breed of Sheep, 126-the cli- mate of Spain, and the great diver- sity of its surface and natural pro- ductions, ib.—the foreign invasions and civil convulsions of the country: its conquest by the Carthagenians, 127 by the Romans, 128-by the Goths, 129-by the Moors, 130—its ultimate restoration to the Christians, the final expulsion of the Moors, and the progressive decline of arts and industry, 131-3-inquiry into the origin of the Merino breed of Sheep, 133-its external characters, and the peculiar properties of its wool, 136— its slow fattening powers, and the inferiority of the ewes as nurses, ib. the stationary and migratory Sheep of Spain; and the injurious system of management adopted with regard to the latter, 138-history of the na- turalization of the Merino breed in different countries: in Sweden, 141- in France, 142-in Saxony, 143-in Prussia, ib.-in Austria, Germany, and other countries of Europe, 144— in England; unfavourable results of the experiments; and objections to the cultivation of the breed, 145- extension of the breed to New Hol- land; its prodigious multiplication, the delicacy and softness of the fleece, and the great importance of its pro- duction in these colonies to the manu- facturing interests of Great Britain, 150. Mexican Wolf, 661. Milk, chemical composition of, 267- use of it as food by the earliest people, together with its products, butter and cheese, 268-the milk of different species of animals: of the Domestic Cow, the Buffalo, and the Yak, 271— of the Camel, ib.—of the Goat, 272– of the Ewe, 273—of the Rein-deer, ib. -of the Mare, 274 of the Ass, 275– methods of separating it into its seve- ral products, viz., Skimmilk, 275— Butter and Buttermilk, 276-Cheese, ib.-Whey, 277. Mongolian Family of Mankind, xl. Mouflon d'Afrique, 25. Mule, his value as a beast of burden in rocky countries, 444-his employment from the earliest times in rural la- bours and otherwise, 445-the breeds of Spain, ib.-expediency of extend- ing his cultivation in the British Is- lands, 446. INDEX. Musk Ox of North America, natural his- tory of the, 214. Musmon of the Caucasus, 25-of Nepaul, 26. Neapolitan Breed of Swine, 433—re- sult of crossing it with the Swine of England, ib. Negro Family of Mankind, xli. Newfoundland Dog, 711. Norfolk, Old, Breed of Sheep, 114-its derivation from the high lands of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge, ib. -its external characters, the quality | of its wool, and its affinity with the Black-faced Heath breed, ib., 115 — the excellence of its mutton, 116-the system of crossing with the Leicester and South Down breeds for the pur- pose of obtaining lambs superior to the native stock, and the effect of this system in diminishing the number of the pure breed, ib.-its useful proper- ties and defects, 117. Nubian or Abyssinian Ibex, 8. Orkney Islands, Cattle of the, 299 their intermixture in blood with the Cattle of the Northern Highlands, ib. Ox, form of the, xcix-the characters indicative of the fattening proper- ty, cii-early domestication and his- tory of the, 242-its habitudes and instincts, 45-9-its multiplication in the state of liberty in the plains of South America, and the characters and habits of the emancipated herds, 251-its size and form, as influenced by climate, the supplies of food, and domestication, 264-diversity of the races naturalized in the British Islands, 265. 763 ters to the Pembroke, but of larger size and coarser form, 306-the mixed descent of the other cattle of Wales, 307-the means of improving the cat- tle-husbandry of the country, ib. Penistone Breed of Sheep, 118-its ex- ternal characters, quality of its wool, and excellence of its mutton, ib.-its affinity with the Black-faced Heath Breed, ib.—the general inferiority of the breed, and the adaptation of the Cheviot Breed to the district occupied by it, 119. Pointer, 743. Portland, Isle of, Sheep of the, 125— their small size, the quality of their wool, and their delicate mutton, ib. Prairie Dogs of North America, 659. Quagga, Common, 449-Striped, 450. / Race-courses of the British Islands, 538 -Newmarket, ib.-Epsom, 540-As- cot, Goodwood, and York, 542-Don- caster, &c., 543-—the Curragh of Kil- dare, 544-the practice of racing with half-bred horses, and objections to it, ib.-inferiority of the Arabs and other Oriental Horses for the Turf, 546-regulations relative to the ba- lancing of the powers of the Horses by weights; and the former and pre- sent practice of the Turf regarding the weights to be carried, 548-private trials of the speed of Horses and the results of the practice, 550-the classes of persons connected with the Course: the Stable-boys; their duties, ha- bits, and the means of bettering their condition, 553-the Jockeys; their qualifications, modes of riding, and the system of wasting or training to which they are subjected, 556-exam- ples of this class in the case of Buckle, Chifney the elder and younger, Ro- binson and others, 559-the Training- grooms, and public establishments for training, 562-the Owners of Horses, and influential supporters of the Turf: the Duke of Cumberland, Mr O'Kelly, the Earls of Grosvenor and Derby, &c., 563—the Duke of Queensberry, 565-the Prince of Wales, 566-Earl Fitzwilliam, Charles James Fox, Sir Henry Vane Tem- pest, &c., 568-the other classes of Papuan or New Guinea Hog, 428. Peccaries of America, Collared and White-lipped, 399. Pembroke Breed of Cattle, 304-iden- tity of its characters with those of the White Forest Breed; its colour, size, and form; the excellence of its flesh, and adaptation of the females to the dairy, ib.-error of intermixing it with other breeds, 305-affinity of the other Mountain Breeds of Wales with it, ib.-the Anglesea Breed; allied in its essential charac- L 764 INDEX. persons who support the Turf for the purposes of amusement and gambling, 569-remarks on the institution of the Course as a system of Public Games, 570-and on the fraudulent practices which have been introduced into it, as the withdrawing of horses, the running to lose, deceptive trials, the getting up of favourites, the betting by jockeys and trainers, 573 -continued exemplification of these abuses in the proceedings of the modern Turf, and the propriety of legislative interference in order to curb them, 578-remarks on the in- jurious effects of the present system of Short races, and running the Colts before they have acquired the neces- sary maturity of bone and muscle, 584. Race-horse, the progressive steps in the formation of the characters of the modern, 512—notices of the principal Horses which have contributed to that end, and their distinction on the Turf: the White and Byerly Turks, Herod, the Darley Arabian, the Fly- ing Childers, Eclipse, the Godolphin Barb, Lath, and Matchem, 527-re- cording of the pedigrees of the Horses of the Turf, and its importance in preserving the purity of descent, 531 -the conformation and colour of the Race-horse, 533—his rearing, educa- tion, and training, 535. Radnor Breed of Sheep, 66-its affinity with the Breed of the Higher Welsh Mountains, ib. Rocky-Mountain Sheep, 24. Romney Marsh Breed of Sheep, 174– description of the alluvial district of the Romney Marsh, 175-characters of the ancient race of Sheep reared upon it, 176-the changes effected on them by intermixture with the New Leicester Breed, 177-examination of the arguments used against the introduction of the New Leicester Breed, 178. Ryeland Breed of Sheep, 155-account of the district of the Ryelands, and origin of the breed, ib.-fineness of its wool, and the system formerly practised in order to preserve and increase it, 156-its small size, good form, and the excellence of its mut- ton, 157-failure of the experiments in crossing it with the Spanish Meri- nos, 158—progressive diminution in its numbers, in consequence of the introduction of more valuable breeds, 159-notices of the minor varieties of this breed, 159. Scotland, ancient Soft-woolled Sheep of, 63 their external characters, wild habits, and hardy properties, ib. Setter, 744. Sheep, form of the, cvii-the characters indicative of the property of fatten- ing readily, and of the faculty of pro- ducing wool, cix-its external cha- racters, as distinguished from those of the Goat, 22-the Wild species: the Argali of Asia, 23—the Rocky- Mountain Sheep, 24-the Bearded Argali, ib.—the Musmon of the Cau- casus, 25—the Mouflon d'Afrique, ib. the Musmon of Nepaul, 26-question of the origin of the domesticated races, 27-their ancient subjugation; and early acquaintance of the people of the East with the arts of weaving and dyeing their wool, 28-influence of domestication upon its characters and habits, 30-variety in the proper- ties and colour of its wool, 32-diver- sities of the domesticated races, 33— the flat-tailed sheep of Asia, the short- tailed Sheep of Northern Asia,and the large-tailed Syrian or Turkish Sheep, ib. the fat-rumped Sheep of the countries of the Caspian, 34 — the Sheep of Persia, Tartary, China, and the Eastern Islands, 35-the Sheep of Hindostan, 36-the Sheep of North- ern Africa, of the countries of the Red Sea, and of Western and Southern Africa, ib.-the Sheep of ancient Europe, and inquiry as to the time and mode of their introduction into it, 37-the short-tailed Sheep of North- ern Europe, and the polycerate Sheep of Iceland, 38-the Sheep of Euro- pean Turkey, Greece, and the Islands of the Archipelago, 39-of the coun- tries of the Danube, ib.- of ancient and modern Italy, and of Sicily, ib. -of Spain, 40 of the British Islands, 41. Madag Shepherd's Dog, 706. Short-horned Breed of Cattle, 379– 1 difference between the characters of the Long-horned Cattle of Ireland and the western counties of England, and those of the eastern and drier coun- ties towards the German Ocean, ib. -resemblance of the latter to the Cattle of Holland, Holstein, and Jut- land, ib.-importation of Cattle from Holland and the countries of the Elbe, and their intermixture with the native races, 380-the Cattle of the district of the Tees; their former characters, and progressive changes, and their ultimate improvement by Charles and Robert Colling, in the county of Durham, ib.-principles of breeding adopted by Charles Colling; the information possessed regarding his early practice; the means by which he perfected his stock, and the reputation which it acquired, 381-4 -sale and dispersion of his stock in 1810, and of Robert Colling's stock in 1818, 384 description of the modern Teeswater or Durham Breed: its size, colour, and form; its faculty of arriving at early maturity and at a greater weight than any other race of cattle of the same age, 387—its extensive diffusion, and great econo- mical importance, 388-principles to be observed in the further cultiva- tion of the breed, 389. Siamese Breed of Swine, 425-its wide diffusion in the countries of Eastern Asia, ib.-its form and properties, ib. the Chinese variety of this breed, its introduction into England, and the beneficial results of intermixing it with the native races, 426. Siberian Ibex, 8. Sledge-Dogs of the Arctic Regions, 700. Somersetshire Sheeted Breed of Cattle, M INDEX. 350-its adaptation to the dairy; ex- cellence of its beef; diminution of its numbers, ib. South Down Breed of Sheep, 160 notices of the Short-woolled Sheep of England, and the diversities produced by food, climate, and place, ib.—ac- count of the South Down Hills of Sus- sex, their adaptation to the rearing of a race of fine Sheep, and the cha- racters of the original breed occupy- ing them, 162 — description of the modern South Down breed: its ex- paddy 765 ternal form, excellent mutton, and power of arriving at early maturity, 163-progressive improvement of the breed by Mr Ellman and others, 164-its wide diffusion, chiefly in the dry and calcareous parts of England, 166-weight and quality of its wool, 167. A South Sea Islands, Hog of the, 428. Spaniel, 744. Stag-Hound, 739. St Bernard, Great Dog of, 732. Suffolk Breed of Cattle, Polled, 322- its size, form, and colour, ib.—its cul- tivation from an early period in the county of Suffolk, 323-its admirable adaptation to the dairy, but defec- tive fattening properties, 324-the attempts to improve it for the pur- pose of rendering it suited to grazing as well as the dairy, 326. Suffolk Punch Breed of Horses, 618– its colour, form, and powers of draught, 619-system of crossing pur- sued with the larger Horses of York- shire and Durham, 620-its supe- riority to the English Black Horse for activity and endurance, and the demand which has arisen for it for the purposes of the dray and waggon, ib. Sussex Breed of Cattle, 351-account of the Wealden of Sussex, ib.—affinity of this breed to the North Devon ; its larger size and coarser form, 353 -itsexternal characters, and deficient milking properties, ib.-its employ- ment for draught, and adaptation to that service, ib.-comparison between the Horse and Ox for the purposes of farm-labour, 354. Terrier, 747. Uri or Wild Oxen of the ancient Fo- rests of Europe, 232-their former abundance in the forests surrounding London, and in the great central fo- rests of Scotland, 234-their preser- vation in the parks of individuals in Great Britain; and their characters and habits in the unreclaimed state, 235-9-ancient notices of those ex- isting in Wales, and their preserva- tion in the county of Pembroke in the state of domestication, 239—their 4 766 INDEX. existence in Italy, Sweden, and the Pyrenees, 240-examination of the objections urged against their iden- tity with the Mountain Cattle of Scot- land and Wales, 241. Wales, Soft-woolled Sheep of, 67—their external characters, wild habits, and the excellence of their mutton, 68- economical value of their wool, 69– affinity of the Anglesea and Old Rad- nor breeds with them, ib,-the bad treatment of the Sheep, and the means of improving them, 70. Wart-bearing Hogs of Africa, 398. Water-Spaniel, English, 746. Welsh Mountains, Higher, Sheep of the, 64- their external characters, the nature of their fleece, and their wild habits, 65-reason why they remain distinct from the other Sheep of Wales, ib.-the change produced in their characters when naturalized in a lower range of pastures, 66-affinity of the Radnor and other Sheep of Wales with them, ib.-the means of improving them, 67. West Highland Breed of Cattle, 300- general characters of the Cattle oc- cupying the Highlands of Scotland; and their identity with the Uri of the ancient forests, ib.-the charac- ters indicative of the faculty of ar- riving at early maturity, and, at the same time, of adaptation to a country of mountains; and the existence of these characters in the West High- land Breed, 302-deficiency of the Cows in the power of yielding milk, 303-importance of maintaining the purity of the breed, 304. Wicklow Mountains, Sheep of the, 71 -adaptation of the soil and climate of Ireland to the rearing of Sheep, ib.-the breeds of the country di- vided into those of the mountains and those of the plains, 72-descrip- tion of the Breed of the Wicklow Mountains: its affinity with the Soft- woolled Sheep of Wales; its exter- nal characters, the excellence of its mutton, and its wild habits, 73- adaptation of the ewes to the rearing of lambs for winter consumption, 74 -continual diminution in the num- ber of the pure breed in consequence of crossing, ib. Wild or White Forest Breed of Cattle, 296-its identity with the Urus of the ancient Forests, ib.-its existence in the county of Pembroke, and in dif- parts of England, ib. Wiltshire, Old, Breed of Sheep, 120- its external characters, the fineness of its wool, and the quality of its mut- ton ib.-near extinction of the breed in consequence of the preference given to the South Downs, ib.—no- tice of extinct breeds allied to it, 122. Wolf, Common, Common, 626-Black, 627- Dusky, ib.-natural history of the, 627-his former abundance in the forests of Europe, and the gradual diminution of his numbers with the progress of settlement and cultiva- tion, 634-his susceptibility of do- mestication, 636-his power of pro- creating with the common Dogs, and producing a fruitful progeny, 640 examination of the arguments urged against his identity with certain of the domesticated Dogs, 642-the Wolf of the Eastern Islands, 645-the Mexican Wolf, 661. Wolf-dog, Irish, 722. Wool, variety in the properties and colour of, 32-how chiefly distin- guished from hair, 41-influence of domestication in developing the wool of the Sheep, 42-remarks on the shearing of it, ib.-method of sepa- rating the fine from the coarse wool in a fleece, 43-its eminent adapta- tion to the reception of colours by dyeing, ¿b.—its distinction into the Long and Short kinds, ib.-descrip- tion of the process of Combing, 44- of Carding, 45-of Felting, ib.-of Fulling, 46. K Woollen Manufacture of Great Britain, injurious effects of the law of 1819 upon the, 48-history and progres- sive increase of the, 50-its great im- portance as a branch of national in- dustry, 57. Yak of Tartary, natural history of the, 215-its economical value in the countries which it inhabits, 217. 1 : INDEX. York, Durham, and Northumberland, Horses of the counties of, 614. 767 their wool, 60-rudeness of their general treatment, ib.—the means of improving them, 62. Zetland Islands, Cattle of the, 296- their Norwegian origin, external cha- racters, and the precocity and milk- ing properties of the females, ib.— their rude condition and careless treatment, 298-means to be employ- ed for improving them, 299. Zebra, natural history of the, 448. Zebu, African, 260-its domestication all over Africa, 262. Indian, 255-its domestication in the countries of the East, 256, Zetland and Orkney Islands, Sheep of the, 58—their external characters, and wild habits, ib.—economical value of THE END. FRINTED BY NEILL AND COMPANY, EDINBURGH. #----- 5 + { Mate 24 of that was the " Bowling MEMORILOR MEN LUSTRADES SAY, APYRANG PRE KUNDEN ATOA MAROPS DARSANALOGIAS DA LISECONDREN CAPODACA TENDENESS AND BETKARSTARS MEGAFANEGAKCHIMENEA, SNEY AUG 1 1969 Form 95 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02424 4256 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE