” ENGIN. LIB. gr l‘ a ‘ “ ANC 2 r ' R ‘i B 802,420 I October 1952 fl}! » , r 0._.__, ~- - I 1~ ‘. Ground Loads “ MUNITIONS‘ BOARD AIRCRAFT COMMITTEE i‘ NMVERSW 0F hEa-LN Lk ANC-2 BULLETIN Ground Loads DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION - For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. 3. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. h C ISSUED BY THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON “AIR FORCE-NAVY~CIVIL AIRCRAFT DESIGN CRITERIA . OF THE MUNITIONS BOARD AIRCRAFT COMMITTEE The contents of this Document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without specific authorization of the Munitions Board Aircraft Committee Price 15 cents \522/ , /%.a§" W. s2) /§w:z NOTICE The reader is hereby notified that this document is subject to revision when and where such revision or amendment is necessary to effect agreement with the latest approved infor- mation on aircraft design criteria. When using this document the reader should therefore make certain that it is the latest edition and that all issued amendments, if any, are included herein. When ordering this document from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, a request for all revisions and amendments thereto should be made to insure receipt of a complete document. Copies of this document and amendments thereto may be obtained from the Superin- tendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. G. This edition supersedes all previous editions of ANG-2 and ANC—2a. aEllglfllsel‘mg, E i DEEJIRD aw ‘in umré'fb STATES or mamas.’ / a. - /0 s {2. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 . GENERAL 's g 1. 1. Introduction __________________________________________________ _ _ 1.2. Factor of Safety ______________________________________________ __ 1.3. Load Application ______________________________________________ _ - 1.4. Dynamic Loads _______________________________________________ _ _ 1.41. Landing Impact _______________________________________________ __ 1.42. Other Dynamic Conditions _____________________________________ _ - 1.5. Alternate Conditions ___________________________________________ _ _ 1.6. Design Parameters ____________________________________________ _ - 1.61. Weights ______________________________________________________ __ 1.62. ‘Center of Gravity Positions _____________________________________ __ 1.7. Symbols ______________________________________________________ _ _ I—lI—II—II—ll—II—ll—li—ll—lI—lH CHAPTER 2. LANDING CONDITIONS 2.1. General- _____________________________________________________ __ \ 2.11. Landing Parameters ____________ __~ _____________________________ _ _ 2.12. Deflections of Landing Gear Elements ___________________________ __ 2.2. Ground Reactions _____________________________________________ __ 2.21. Maximum Spin-Up ____________________________________________ _ _ 2.22. Dynamic Spring-Back __________________________________________ __ 2.23. Maximum Vertical Reaction ____________________________________ __ 2.3. Landing Conditions ____________________________________________ __ 2.31. Nose Wheel Type _____________________________________________ __ 2.32._ Tail Wheel Type ______________________________________________ _ _ mcococooaoaoacc‘oooo CHAPTER 3. TAXIING CONDITIONS 3.1. General ______________________________________________________ __ 3.2. Braking Conditions ____________________________________________ _ _ 3.21. Nose Wheel Type ____________________ __' _______________________ __ 3.22. Tail Wheel Type ______________________________________________ __ 3.3. Turning ______________________________________________________ __ 3.31. Outside Gear __________________________________________________ __ 3.32. Inside Gear ___________________________________________________ __ 3.33. Auxiliary Gear ________________________________________________ __ 3.4. Pivoting ______________________________________________________ _ _ 3.5. Minimum Load Factor For Take-Off _____________________________ __ 3.6. Special Tail Wheel Conditions ___________________________________ __ OQODQODGIOEOTUICHCHUI CHAPTER 4. HANDLING CONDITIONS 4.1 . General ______________________________________________________ _ _ 4.2. Towing _______________________________________________________ - _ 4.3. lacking ______________________________________________________ _ _ 4.4. Hoisting ______________________________________________________ _ _ 4.41. Navy Planes and Air Force Water Planes _______________ __i ________ __ 4.42. Air Force Land Planes _________________________________________ __ 4.5. Mooring ______________________________________________________ _ _ qqqqxlq-q CHAPTER 5. MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS Page 5.1. Rebound- ____________________________________________________ -_ ‘10 5.2. Extension and Retraction ______________________________________ __ 10 5.21. Flight Loads ___________________________________________________ __ 10 5.22. Friction, Inertia, and Air Loads _________________________________ __ 10 5.23. Gyroscopic Moments ___________________________________________ __ 10 5.24. Braking Loads ________________________________________________ __ 10 5.3. Load Distribution on Multiple Wheels ___________________________ __ 10 5.31. Dual or Twin Wheels (Side by Side) _____________________________ __ 10 5.32. Multiple Wheels Other Than Dual or Twin _______________________ _ _ 10 5.4. Tail Bumper Criteria- _________________________________________ __ 11 5.5. Turn-Over ___________________________________________________ __‘_ 11 CHAPTER 6. UNCONVENTIONAL GEAR CONFIGURATIONS AND HELICOPTERS 6.1. General ______________________________________________________ __ 12 6.2. Design Conditions _____________________________________________ _.. 12 6.21. Bicycle _______________________________________________________ __ 12 6.22. Quadricycle ___________________________________________________ __ 12 6.23. Cross-Wind ___________________________________________________ __ 12 6.24. Track ________________________________________________________ __ 12 6.25. Ski__ ___________________________________________________ 12 6.26. Skid _______ "7 _______________________________________________ __ 12 6.27. Helicopter ____________________________________________________ __ 13 6.28. Special _______________________________________________________ __ 13 CHAPTER 7. METHODS OF ANALYSIS 7.1. General ______________________________________________________ __ 14 7.2. Dynamic Landing Loads_ ______________________________________ __ 14 7.3. Spin-Up and Spring-Back Loads _________________________________ __ 14 7.31. Maximum Spin-Up- ___________________________________________ __ 14 7.32. Dynamic Spring-Back __________________________________________ __ 14 7.33. Dynamic Response__ __________________________________________ __ 15 7.4. Turning ______________________________________________________ __ 15 7.41. Outside Gear _____________________________________________ __*_ _ ___ 15 7.42. Inside Gear ___________________________________________________ __ 15 7.43. Auxiliary Gear ________________________________________________ __ 15 7.5. Braking Torque _______________________________________________ __ 15 7.51. Experimental Method _________________________________________ -_ 15 7.52. Alternate Method_ ____________________________________________ _- 16 7.53. Hydraulic Brakes ______________________________________________ __ 16 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1 .1 Introduction - The ground loads and loading conditions speci- fied in the following requirements are those that shall be considered as the minimum acceptable structural requirements for design. The require- ments of this bulletin (except Chapter 6) shall apply to the design of airplanes equipped with conventional main and nose or tail wheel gear configurations. They shall also apply to air- planes with unconventional gear configurations, except where replaced by pertinent criteria in Chapter 6 of this bulletin, or by requirements ap- proved by the procuring service or certificating agency. 1.2 Factor of \Safety The loads specified in this bulletin are limit loads and shall be multiplied by a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 to obtain design ultimate loads. 1 .3 Load Application The loads specified in this bulletin shall be con- sidered as external forces applied to the airplane structure, and shall be placed in equilibrium by means of translational and/or rotational inertia forces applied in accordance with rational or conservative methods. 1 .4 Dynamic Loads An investigation shall be made to determine the dynamic loads in the airplane structure and the landing gear when such loads may be significant. 1.41. LANDING IMPACT. The requirements and acceptable methods for determining the dynamic landing loads are given in Chapter 7 of this bulletin. 1.42. OTHER DYNAMIC CoNDITIoNs. When dy- namic loads resulting from conditions other than the landing impact may be significant, they shall be investigated using methods acceptable to the procuring service or certificating agency. 1.5 Alternate Conditions Deviations from the requirements set forth in this bulletin, or the substitution of alternate con- ditions or methods of analysis, shall be subject to the prior approval of the procuring service or certificating agency. 1 .6 Design Parameters 1.61. WEIGHTS. The design take-off weights and the design landing weights shall be specified by the procuring service or certificating agency. 1.62. CENTER or GRAVITY POSITIONS. The loads specified in this bulletin shall be determined for each of the design weight conditions and the cor- responding center of gravity positions, which pro- duce the maximum design loads. 1.7 Symbols The following symbols are used throughout this bulletin: d, Total deflection (feet) at time 25,, taken equal to x,+0.5 so, where a:,=tire deflection and wo=total oleo stroke. FDSU Maximum spin-up drag load, par- allel to ground line, before cor- rection for dynamic magnifi- cation, lbs. F0 Static ground reaction; the verti- cal component of the load on any gear corresponding to a resultant load factor of lg ver- tical acting through the c. g. F0, Static reaction on a jacking or hoisting point. FS Side load, lbs. FTOW Towing load, lbs. FV Vertical load, lbs. FVMAX Maximum vertical load, lbs. VSU Vertical load at tsu. g Gravitational constant, ft/sec.2 1,, Polar mass moment of inertia of rotating wheel assembly, slug ftg. KSB Ksv 1» 1st! Dynamic response (magnification) factor for spring-back load. Dynamic response (magnification) factor for spin-up load. Airplane pitching radius of gyra- tion, ft. Distance from most critical 0. g. position to airplane tail bumper, measured normal to the line of action of the resultant force at the tail bumper, ft. Wing lift, lbs. Effective mass, slugs. Side load factor at the cg. Ground reaction factor; the ratio of the vertical component of the total ground reaction on any gear to the vertical component of the static reaction on that gear. Tire rolling radius, ft. Natural period of landing gear in fore and aft vibration, sec. Time required for wheel circumfer- ential velocity to reach ground velocity, sec. Time required to develop maxi- mum vertical reaction after ini- tial instant of contact, sec. Landing speed for condition under investigation, ft/sec. Power-off stalling speed in the landing configuration for stand- ard sea level conditions, ft/sec. Power-on stalling speed in the take-off configuration for stand- ard sea level conditions, ft/sec. Airplane vertical velocity (sinking speed), ft/sec. Sinking speed for tail bumper de- sign, ft/sec. Design landing Weight, lbs. Design maximum take—off Weight, lbs. Angle between oleo center line and the vertical, deg. (Positive for oleo inclined forward from wing or fuselage.) CHAPTER 2 LANDING CONDITIONS 2.1 General The landing gear and the airplane structure shall be investigated for the landing conditions at both landing and take—off weights. 2.11. LANDING PARAMETERS. The ground reac- tion factors, fly, for the landing attitudes, the sink- ing speeds, Vv, for both landing and take-off design weight conditions, and the amounts of wing lift, L, acting shall be specified by the procuring service or certificating agency. 2.12. DEFLECTIONS or LANDING GEAR ELEMENTs. 2.121. H ydraulie Shock Struts. The vertical component of the ground reaction shall be assumed to develop with time in the manner specified in paragraph 7.31 unless otherwise substantiated. 2.122. Rubber or Spring Shock Struts. The load factor shall be assumed to be proportional to strut deflection with the maximum occurring with 100 percent deflection. 2.123. Tires. Either the actual tire deflection developed in the particular condition, or the static deflection of the tire obtained from the Tire and Rim Association Yearbook shall be used. 2.2 Ground Reactions Three combinations of vertical and drag forces acting at the center line of the axle shall be investi— gated in each of the landing conditions. (Refer to ch. 7 for acceptable methods of analysis.) 2.21. MAXIMUM SPIN—UP. A drag component (spin-up load) equal to the maximum force re- quired to accelerate the wheel assembly up to speed during the landing impact shall be combined with the vertical ground reaction existing at the time of the maximum spin-up load. This condition shall be investigated for the landing gear and the airplane structure. The load shall be distributed to the airplane structure in a rational or conserva- tive manner. 2.22. DYNAMIC SPRING-BACK. The loads in this condition shall simulate the forward acting dy- namic response of the landing gear subsequent to the initial impact. The maximum forward acting load shall be combined with the vertical ground reaction existing at the time of the maximum for- ward acting load. If the characteristics of the gear are such that the maximum vertical load has not developed at the time of maximum spring- back load, additional cycles of peak forward act- ing drag load shall be investigated to determine the combinations of peak forward acting drag load and vertical load that are critical for design. This condition shall be investigated for the landing gear and the airplane structure. The load shall be distributed to the airplane structure in a rational or conservative manner. 2.23. MAXIMUM VERTICAL REACTION. The max- imum vertical ground reaction shall be combined with a drag load equal to one-quarter of the maximum vertical ground reaction. This condi- tion shall be investigated for the landing gear and the complete airplane structure as a rationally or conservatively balanced condition. 2.3 Landing Conditions 2.31. NosE WHEEL TYPE. 2.311. Le’veZ Landing, Three Point. The main and auxiliary wheels shall contact the ground simultaneously. A range of forward ve- locities of from 1.0 VSL to 1.2 VSL shall be con- sidered. (Usually the main gear need not be investigated for this condition.) The vertical components of the ground reactions shall be those which would result from contacts with the speci- fied sinking speeds, wing lift, and energy distribu- tion to the landing gear units. For the spin-up and spring-back investigations, the rate of descent energy at contact shall be apportioned to the land- ing gear units in accordance with the static ground reactions, F 0. For the maximum vertical reaction investigation, the rate of descent energy at contact shall be apportioned to the landing gear units in accordance with one load factor vertical and one_ quarter load factor horizontal acting through the cg. 2.312. Le’vel Landing, Two Point. The main wheels shall contact the ground with the nose wheel just clear of the ground. A range of for- ward velocities of from 1.0 V SL to 1.2 VSL shall be considered. The vertical components of the ground reactions shall be those which would result from contacts with the specified sinking speeds and wing lifts. 2.313. Tail Down Landing. The airplane shall contact the ground in the attitude of maxi- mum lift, or in the maximum angle permitting ground clearance by all parts of the airplane, whichever is the lesser. The forward velocity at contact shall be VSU The vertical components of the ground reactions shall be those which would result from contacts with the specified sinking speeds and wing lifts. 2.314. One-Wheel Landing. The airplane shall land on one wheel with the same landing gear loads, attitude, and loading conditions as of para- graph 2.312. The wing and fuselage structure shall be analyzed for this condition. The unbal- anced rolling and yawing moments shall be ra- tionally or conservatively reacted by airplane inertia. The unbalanced pitching moments may be neglected. 2.315. Drift Landing. The airplane shall be in the level attitude with only the main wheels contacting the ground. The vertical reaction on each main gear shall be equal to one-half of the maximum vertical ground reaction obtained in the two point level landing condition, paragraph 2.312. The side loads shall consist of an inward acting load equal to 0.8 of the specified vertical reaction and an outward acting load equal to 0.6 of the specified vertical reaction. These loads, acting simultaneously, are applied at the ground contact points, and may be assumed resisted by airplane inertia. Drag loads may be assumed zero. 2.32. TAIL WHEEL TYPE. 2.321. Level Landing. The airplane refer- ence axis shall be assumed to be horizontal at ground contact. A range of forward velocities of from 1.0 VSL to 1.2 VSL shall be considered. The vertical components of the ground reactions shall be those which would result from contact with the specified sinking speeds and wing lift. 2.322. Tail Down Landing. The main and auxiliary gears shall contact the ground simul- taneously, with a forward velocity of VSL, The vertical components of the ground reactions shall be those which would result from contact with the specified sinking speeds and wing lift. The rate of descent energy at contact shall be apportioned to the landing gear units in accordance with the static ground reactions, F0. 2.323. One Wheel Landing. The airplane shall land on one wheel with the same landing gear loads, attitude, and loading conditions as of para- graph 2.321. The wing and fuselage structure shall be analyzed for this condition. The un- balanced rolling and yawing moments shall be rationally or conservatively reacted by airplane inertia. The unbalanced pitching moment may be neglected. 2.324. Drift Landing. The airplane shall be in the level attitude with only the main wheels contacting the ground. The vertical reaction on each main gear shall be equal to one half of the maximum vertical ground reaction obtained in the level landing condition, paragraph 2.321. The side loads shall consist of an inward acting load equal to 0.8 of the specified vertical reaction, and an outward acting load equal to 0.6 of the specified vertical reaction. These loads, acting simultane- ously, are applied at the ground contact point and may be assumed to be resisted by airplane inertia. Drag loads may be assumed to be zero. CHAPTER 3 TAXIING CONDITIONS 3.] General Unless otherwise specified herein, the landing gear and airplane structure shall be investigated for the taxiing conditions at landing and take-off gross weights, with zero wing lift acting, and with the shock struts and tires in static positions. 3.2 Braking Conditions 3.21. N OSE WHEEL TYPE. 3.211. Brall'recl Roll, T’wlO Point. The air- plane shall be in the three point attitude, with the nose wheel just clear of the ground. The vertical load factor acting at the cg shall be 1.2 at landing weight or 1.0 at take-off weight, which- ever is the more critical. A drag reaction, at each wheel in contact equipped with brakes, shall be assumed acting at the ground equal to 0.8 of the vertical reaction, and shall be combined with the vertical reaction. The pitching moment shall be balanced by airplane rotational inertia. 3.212. Braised Roll, Three Point. The air- plane shall be in the three point attitude. The vertical load factor acting at the cg shall be 1.2 at landing weight or 1.0 at take-off weight, which- ever is the more critical. A drag reaction, at each wheel in contact equipped with brakes, shall be assumed acting at the ground equal to 0.8 of the vertical reaction and shall be combined with the vertical reaction. The pitching moment shall be balanced by airplane wheel reactions. 3.213. Unsg/mmetrlcal Braking. The auxil- iary gear and fuselage structure shall be investi- gated for the loads developed in this condition. The airplane shall be in the three point attitude. The vertical load factor shall be 1.0 at the cg. One main gear shall be assumed braked and developing a drag load at the ground equal to 0.8 of the verti- cal reaction of that gear. The airplane shall be placed in static equilibrium, with side loads at the main and nose gears reacting the yawing moment, and vertical loads at the main and nose gears reacting the pitching moment. The forward act- ing load at the cg shall be 0.8 of the vertical reac- 224~486——-62-—-—2 tion on that main gear which is braked. The side load at the cg shall be assumed zero. The side load at the nose wheel shall be assumed acting at the ground, and need not exceed the vertical reac- tion multiplied by a coeflicient of friction of 0.8. The nose wheel shall lie in a fore and aft plane. 3.214. Reverse Braking. The airplane shall be in the three point attitude with the nose wheel just clear of the ground. The vertical load factor at the cg shall be 1.0. A forward acting drag reaction, acting at the ground, equal to 0.8 of the vertical reaction, shall be combined with the verti- cal reaction, for each wheel in contact equipped with brakes. The pitching moment shall be balanced by rotational inertia. 3.22. TAIL WHEEL TYPE. 3.221. Braised Roll, Two Point. The air- plane reference axis shall be horizontal. The ver- tical load factor acting at the cg shall be 1.2 at landing weight, or 1.0 at take-off weight, which- ever is the more critical. A drag reaction at the ground, at each wheel in contact equipped with brakes, equal to 0.8 of the vertical reaction shall be combined with the vertical reaction. The pitching moment shall be balanced by airplane rotational inertia. 3.222. Reverse Brakthtg. The airplane shall be in the three point attitude. The vertical load factor at the cg‘ shall be 1.0. A forward acting drag reaction, acting at the ground, equal to 0.8 of the vertical reaction shall be combined with the vertical reaction, for each wheel in contact equipped with brakes. The pitching moment shall be balanced by wheel reactions. 3.3 Turning The airplane in the static position shall execute steady turns by means of differential power or nose gear steering. The vertical load factor shall be 1.0 at the cg. The ratio of side to vertical load components shall be equal on all wheels. (See par. 7.4 for analysis.) 3.31. OUTSIDE GEAR. For that gear which is on the outside of a turn, the side load factor developed at the. cg shall be that value which is limited by overturning, except that it need not exceed 0.5. 3.32. INSIDE GEAR. For that gear which is on the inside of a turn, the side load factor developed at the cg shall be that value which results in the maximum outward load on the gear, except that it need not exceed 0.5. 3.33. AUXILIARY GEAR. For the auxiliary gear, the side load factor developed at the cg shall be that developed in the turn specified in paragraph 3.31. 3.4 Pivoting With brakes assumed locked on the wheels of the gear unit about which the airplane is rotating, the airplane shall pivot about one wheel, or in the case of multiple wheels, about the centroid of con- tact area of all wheels in the gear unit. The verti- cal load factor at the cg shall be 1.0, and the tire coefficient of friction shall be 0.8. 3.5 Minimum Load Factor for Take-Off The minimum limit load factor at the gear for the design of the airplane for taxiing at the max- imum take-off weight condition shall be 2.0. The airplane shall be in the three point attitude. This factor shall apply to the vertical reaction only, with zero drag and zero side loads acting. No wing lift may be considered acting. (This condi- tion is not required by the CAA. 3.6 Special Tail Wheel Conditions The airplane shall be in the three point attitude with the tail wheel swiveled 90° from the trailing position, or the maximum angle obtainable, which- ever is the lesser. A side load, acting at the ground, equal to the maximum static vertical reac- tion shall be combined with the maximum static vertical reaction. If the tail wheel is equipped with a shimmy damper, lock, or steering mech- anism, the gear shall be investigated for this side load with the wheel also in the trailing position and with the side load acting at the ground. CHAPTER 4 HANDLING CONDITIONS‘ 4.1 General Handling conditions are not required by the CAA. 4.2 Towing Towing loads shall be those specified in table 4.1, considering each condition separately. These loads shall be applied at the towing fittings and shall act parallel to the ground. A vertical load factor of one shall be considered acting at the cg. The shock struts and tires shall be in their static positions. The towing load, FTOW, is defined by figure 4.1, and shall be based on the maximum take-off weight. For towing points not on the landing gear but located near the plane of sym- metry of the airplane, the drag and side tow load components specified for the auxiliary gear shall apply. For tow points located outboard of the main gear the drag and side tow load components specified for the main gear shall apply. When the specified angle of swivel cannot be obtained, the maximum obtainable angle shall be used. Note: Attention is called to the possibility of attempt to steer the airplane with the tow bar, resulting in a moment at the tow bar attachment. 4.3 Jacking J acking loads shall be those specified in table 4.2. The load components shall besconsidered in all combinations which include the vertical com- ponent. The horizontal loads at the jack points shall be assumed to be reacted by inertia forces in such a manner as to cause no change in the verti- cal loads at the jack points. 4.4 Hoisting 4.41. NAVY PLANES AND AIR FORCE WATER PLANEs. The airplane shall be in the level atti- tude. The vertical component shall be 2.67 F01, where F o is the maximum reaction at a hoisting point based on a vertical load factor of one acting through the center of gravity and on a suitable gross weight approved by the procuring service (usually the maximum take-off gross weight). Horizontal loads shall be assumed zero. 4.42. AIR FORCE LAND PLANEs. The airplane shall be in both the level and the three point atti- tudes. The vertical component shall be 2.0 F 01, where F oj is defined in paragraph 4.41. Horizon- tal loads shall be assumed zero. 4.5 Mooring Mooring fittings and the structure to which they are attached shall be analyzed for loads re- sulting from a 7 5 m. p. h. wind parallel to the ground at any direction to the airplane. (Air Force requirement only. For Navy requirements see Bureau of Aeronautics Specification SS—l.) .252 ages m: o_ x >> can 03 03 on rs n6" sot \ \ 3. "22.... H 09. + 26 \ \ \\ F; 2.0 ">3 O- m- ON mm D» mm 0v m¢ Q_o| x Mold Table 4.1. Towing loads Load Tow point Position Magnitude No. Direction 1 Forward, parallel to drag axis. . . . 2 Forward, at 30° to drag axis. Main gear. 0.75 F'Tow per-‘main gear unit. 3 Ari; parallel to drag axis. - 4 Aft, at 30° to drag axis. I 5 Forward. Swiveled forward. 6 Aft. 1-0 FTow. . 7 Forward. Swiveled aft. 8 Aft‘ Auxiliary gear. . 9 Forward in plane of wheel. 0 7 Swiveled :15 from forward. 10 Afe, in plane of wheel. 0-5 Frow. . 11 Forward in plane of wheel. 0 I Swlveled 45 from aft’ 12 Aft, in plane of wheel. BALANCING FORCES The side component of the towing load at the main gear is reacted by a side force at the static ground line at the wheel to which load is applied. The towing loads at the auxiliary gear and the drag components of the towing loads at the main gear should be reacted in each of the following ways: a. Reaction shall be applied at the axle of the wheel to which load is applied, this reaction having a maximum value equal to the vertical reaction. Airplane inertia may be applied as required for equilibrium. 1). The loads shall be reacted by airplane inertia. Table 4.2. J aching Loads Landing gear Primary flight Component jacking points; structure jacking three-point attitude points; level attitude Vertical ________________________________ -_ 1.35 F0; 2.0 F0,- Fore or aft _____________________________ __ 0.4 F0,- 0.5 F0,- Lateral ________________________________ __ 0.4 F0; 0.5 F0,- F0,- shall be based on a suitable gross weight approved by the procuring service CHAPTER 5 MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS 5.l Rebound A rebound load factor of —- 20.0 shall be assumed to act on the unsprung weight along the line of motion of the strut as it approaches the fully extended position. 5.2. Extension and Retraction The landing gear, retracting mechanism, and supporting structure shall be designed for the fol- lowing loads: 5.21. FLIGHT LoADs. The loads occurring in the airplane flight conditions shall be considered in the design of the landing gear in the retracted position. 5.22. FRIoTIoN, INERTIA, AND AIR LoADs. The design shall consider the friction, inertia, and air loads occurring during retraction and extension at any airspeed up to the maximum landing gear operating speed, except not less than 1.75 VSL and any load factors up to those specified for the flaps extended configuration. 5.23. GYRosooPIo MOMENTS. The design shall consider the gyroscopic moments due to motions of the wheels about axes other than parallel to the axle centerline during extension and retraction. 5.24. BRAKING LoADs. All landing gear parts shall possess sufficient strength to withstand the loads imposed by the application of brakes, in- cluding spring-back effects, immediately after take-off. (See par. 7.5 for acceptable methods of determination.) The take-off speed shall be as- sumed as 1.3 VST at the take-ofi weight. The gear shall be in the fully extended position and in any position between fully extended and fully re- tracted. The following loads shall be considered acting simultaneously: a. Air loads resulting at an equivalent air- speed up to the take-off speed. 5. Dead weight loads at a vertical load factor of 1.0. 0. Brake torque as necessary to stop the rota- tion of the wheels from an initial peripheral veloc— ity equal to the take-off speed. 5.3 Load Distribution on Multiple Wheels 5.31. DUAL oR TWIN VVIIEELs (SIDE BY SIDE). When dual or twin wheels are used for the auxil- iary landing gear and/ or for each half of the main gear, the following load distributions between the wheels shall be investigated for each condition (ex- cept pars. 3.213, 3.214, 3.222 and 3.4), and the most severe loads resulting from these distribu- tions shall be used in the design of the structure: 5.311. Symmetrical Distribution. Fifty per-' cent on each wheel. 5.312. Unsymmetrioal Distribution. 5.3121. Unequal tire inflation. Sixty percent on one wheel (forty percent on the other) of the total vertical, drag and side loads for the landing gear unit. (In the Drift Landing Conditions, pars. 2.315 and 2.324, and the Turning Condition, par. 3.3, the sixty percent need not be applied to the inboard wheel of the outside gear with an in- ward acting side load, nor to the outboard wheel of the inside gear with an outward acting side load.) 5.3122. Flat tire. For the condition of one flat tire, the entire load specified for a particular gear unit in the following subparagraphs shall be applied to the other wheel. 5.31221. Landing conditions. Sixty percent of those loads specified for each condition with no tire flat. (The airplane need not be rebalanced for these conditions.) 5.31222. Taaiiing and handling conditions. A vertical load factor of one shall be considered acting at the cg. The side and/ or drag load factor at the cg shall be the most critical value up to fifty percent of that resulting from the most severe condition specified for no tires flat, except that the towing load, FTOW, shall be that defined by figure 4.1. 5.32. MULTIPLE WHmLs OTHER THAN DUAL oR TWIN. When multiple and/or tandem wheels are used for the auxiliary gear and/or for each half of the main gear, proposed criteria for load distri- 10 -.. bution shall be submitted for approval to the pro- curing service or certificating agency. 5.4 Tail Bumper Criteria The tail bumper must be able to absorb the kinetic energy of the airplane in its most unfavor- able cg position in a tail down attitude. A tail bumper first landing shall be assumed. The kinetic energy should be determined as follows: KE=-2- Vvb __ L [6112 Where Me—"g— A side load equal to 0.5 times the vertical load shall be combined with the vertical load. Vvb shall be ‘specified by the procuring service or certificating agency. 5.5 Turn-Over When turn-over structure is required, the fol— lowing load conditions shall be considered. The airplane shall be assumed to rest on the ground in at least one of the attitudes through which it passes or rests after turning over, whichever ap- pears most critical for the safety of the occupants, either as to immediate injury or damage to the means of exit. The turn-over structure and fuse- lage shall be designed for all possible combinations of the following loads acting at the cg, and con- taining a component normal to the thrust line of 3.0 WL: a. A forward acting component parallel to the thrust line equal to 1.33 WL. b. A component normal to the plane of sym- metry equal to 1.0 WL. 11 CHAPTER 6 UNCONVENTIONAL GEAR CONFIGURATIONS AND HELICOPTERS k 6.1 General The ground load criteria for the design of air- planes equipped with unconventional type landing gears, and for helicopters, shall be, where appli- cable, in accordance with the requirements es- tablished in this bulletin for the design of air- planes equipped with conventional type landing gears, except as modified by this chapter. If the requirements of this bulletin are inapplicable or inadequate, proposed substitute criteria shall be submitted for approval to the procuring service or certificating agency. 6.2 Design Conditions 6.21. BIoYoLE. Criteria will be inserted here when available. 6.22. QUADRIOYGLE. Criteria will be inserted here when available. 6.23. CRoss-WINn. here when available. 6.24. TRAoK. Criteria will be inserted here when available. 6.25. SKI. 6.251. General. Compliance with the follow- ing recommendations may be established by cal- culations, when the shock absorbing characteristics are known (for example, from tests on land plane landing gear). 6.252. Landing C'onditions. No types of ground reactions analogous to the Maximum Spin—up or Dynamic Spring-back conditions need be investigated, but in lieu thereof, a Vertical Re- action condition should be investigated. In this condition, a vertical reaction equal to the maxi- mum vertical ground reaction should be applied through the center line of pedestal bearing and through the center line of the ski. In all of the Maximum Strut Reaction conditions and in the One-Ski Landing conditions, a drag load equal to 25 percent of the vertical load should be applied at the center line of the pedestal bearing at a position above the center line of the ski. In the Drift Criteria will be inserted Landing Condition, the side load should be applied at the ski bottom directly under the pedestal bearing. 6.253. Tawiing and Handling Conditions. 6.2531. Turning. The attitude and the loads should be those established for a wheel type landing gear (par. 3.3). The side load should be applied at the ski bottom directly under the pedestal bearing. The vertical load should be ap- plied at the center line of the pedestal bearing. 6.2532. Tovgne. To provide strength for normal landing, taxiing, and ground handling conditions, a torque equal to 0.67 WT lb-ft should be applied about the vertical axis through the cen- ter line of each main ski pedestal bearing. For a steerable nose ski the torque should be equal to that applied to the main pedestal bearing multi- plied by the ratio of the nose ski static load to the main ski static load except that the torque on the nose ski need not exceed that which can be reacted by the maximum pilot effort specified for the de- sign of the steering control. A vertical reaction equal to the static reaction on the ski shall be ap- plied in each case through the center line of the pedestal bearing. 6.26 SKID. 6.261. Level Landing. The resultant ground reaction shall pass through the center of the skid’s contact area, and shall be obtained by combining the vertical component with a rearward acting horizontal component equal to one-half of the vertical component. Any unbalanced moments shall be balanced by a rational or conservative method. 6.262. Level Landing With Side Load. A side load equal to one-half of the vertical com- ponent of this paragraph shall be combined with one-half of the loads specified in the Level Land- ing condition, paragraph 6.261. These loads shall be applied at the center of the contact area of the skid. Unbalanced moments shall be balanced by a rational or conservative method. If more than 12 one skid is provided, each skid shall be capable of resisting this load. 6.263. Nose Down Landing. The airplane shall be considered to land in a 15° nose down attitude.~ The ground reactions shall be those of condition 6.261 with the resultant reaction passing through the most forward point suitable for the application of oblique loads. For aircraft with wheels and skid, the aircraft shall contact the ground on the nose skid and wheel(s) . The minimum resultant inertia force shall act at the center of gravity of the aircraft forward and downward at an angle of 14° to the vertical. 6.264. Note. Although only two points on the skid need be investigated, the skid and its sup- port should be of approximately uniform struc- ture throughout. ‘ 6.27. HELICOPTER. Criteria will be inserted here when available. 6.28. SPECIAL. Criteria will be inserted here when pertinent and available. 13 CHAPTER 7 METHODS OF ANALYSIS 7.1 General The methods of analysis presented in this chap- ter shall be considered acceptable by the procuring service or certificating agency. However, other rational methods, based on theory or experimental data will be acceptable, subject to approval by the procuring service or certificating agency. 7.2 Dynamic Landing Loads The dynamic loads imposed by landing impacts may result in more critical loads than those assum- ing the aircraft structure to be rigid. The meth- ods outlined in A. F. T. R. No. 5815, “Prediction of Dynamic Landing Loads”, may be employed in the computation of these dynamic loads. In cases where the natural frequency of the landing gear in a fore and aft direction approaches the natural frequency of a major structural compo- nent, the analysis shall be extended to investigate this condition. 7.3 Spin-Up and Spring-Back Loads 7.31. MAXIMUM SPIN-Ur. Assuming that the vertical load on the wheel develops sinusoidally with time and that an average coefficient of sliding friction equal to 0.55 exists during the spin-up pe- riod, the basic maximum spin-up loads may be considered as: - 7l' FVSU=FVMAX s1ntSU> for tSUtV FDSUZO'55FVMAX The basic loads (VSU, DSU) should be resolved parallel to, and normal to the oleo axis. After modifying the component normal to the oleo axis to account for dynamic magnification, the result- ant design loads will then be determined as com- prising the following componnets (see fig. 7.1) : Normal to oleo (aft) : KS U (FI DSU cos G—FVSU sin 6), Parallel to oleo =‘FVSU cos H—l—FDSU sin 6, (See fig. 7 .3 for the determination of the dynamic response factor, KSU.) In lieu of applicable test data, the values of tv and tSU may be obtained from the following formulae: t ___VV_ [VVZ—29.8 dV ng11/2 V'- - 14.9%, 2tv _ [ 'I/TL IW'II' t =— cos 1 1 —- ———-———————— fort t S” w 1.1tVr2FVMAX SU< V VLIW T'ZFVMAX 01' list]: IOI' tsU>tV 7.32. DYNAMIC SPRING—BACK. Subsequent to the instant of maximum spin-up load and the cor- responding rearward deformation, the wheel rota- tional speed is considered to have reached the air- plane’s rolling speed and the magnitude of the slid- ing friction load at the ground reduces rapidly to zero. The strain energy stored in the rearward deformation of the gear is considered to result in a springing forward of the axle and its associated masses so that, at the instant of reaching the maxi- mum forward deformation, a dynamic spring—back load may be considered to consist of the inertia of the effective mass at the axle acting forward nor- mal to the oleo. At this instant the vertical ground reaction is considered to have reached its maximum value. Taking into account dynamic 14 magnifications resulting from the rapid reduction in spin-up load and the elasticity of the structure, the resulting design load will be determined as comprising the following components‘ (see fig. 7.2) : Normal to oleo (fwd) =KSB(FDSU cos B—FVSU sin 0H— F FVSU (aw-lg) sin 0, Vsv Along oleo =FVMAX cos 0, (See fig. 7.3 for the determination of the dynamic response factor, K83.) 7.33. DYNAMIC REsroNsE. 7.331. Dynamic Response Factors. The dy- namic response factors, KSU and K513 shall be cal- culated by the use of figure 7.3. However, to eliminate the necessity for calculating the param- eter tn, required to determine the dynamic response factors, KSU may be taken equal to 1.4 and KSB may be taken equal to 1.25. 7.332. Landing Gear Natural Period. The landing gear natural period, in, is best determined from vibration tests of the gear as actually in- stalled in the airplane. It ‘may be computed from landing gears having oleo struts whose longitudi- nal center lines are within 20° of the vertical with the airplane thrust line horizontal, by the follow- ing formula: in=0.32‘/5 where w is the structural deflection (inches) of the axle, with the oleo fully extended, caused by an aft load which is normal to the oleo and equal to. the total Weight of the wheel assembly and the part of the strut extending from the center line of the wheel to a distance equal to the tire radius. The reactions for this force shall be assumed to be applied at the airplane fuselage. 7.333. Special Dynamic Analysis. Special dynamic analysis should be made for landing gears having oleostruts whose longitudinal center lines are at an angle greater than 20° with the vertical with the airplane thrust line horizontal, since for these cases the method used to compute figure 7.3 may not be applicable. 7.4 Turning The following formulae may be used to estab- lish the loads in connection with paragraph 3.3: (see fig. 7 .4) 7.41. OUTsIDE GEAR. FVM1=+7LS where ns=0.5 bt/de (which is the overturning value) although ns need not be greater than 0.5. FSM1=ns FVM1 FVA= W a/d FSA =ns FVA 7.42. INsIDE GEAR. FVM2= 0.5 Wb/d—ns We/t where ns=0.25 bt/de (which is the value giving maximum vertical and side load on the wheel on the inside of the turn), although ns need not be greater than 0.5. FSM2=nS FVM2 7.43. AUXILIARY GEAR. The values of para- graph 7.41 shall be used. 7.5 Braking Torque The following methods may be used for obtain- ing the braking torque for use with paragraph 5.24: 7.51. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD. Support the air- plane with the wheels clear of the ground. Turn the wheels up to take-off speed. Impose rapid application of the brakes. Use strain gages or other suitable instrimientation to measure the brake torque. Correction should be made for dy- namic magnification of the structure. *When the oleo is inclined aft from the wing or fuselage, i. e., where sin 0 is negative, the factor 0.9 shall be taken as equal to zero. 15 7 .52. ALTERNATE METHon. It may be assumed that the torque is equal to the nominal maximum static brake torque. The spring-back torque may be assumed equal to 2/3 of the ‘stopping torque. 7 .53. HYDRAULIC BRAKES. When hydraulic brakes are used a rational analysis for determining braking torque may be made by making the fol- lowing assumptions: a. Brake pressure increases linearly from zero tofia maximum in 0.2 seconds. I). Sliding coefficient of friction exists be— tween the wheel and the brake lining of 0.2 with an increase of 0.1 at the instant of stopping (un- less other values can be established by test data). 0. The dynamic response factors of figure 7.3 apply. 16 .asefieeoa asésam .2. 23mg m 2633 + 3 e835 226.. “5-2:; 22mg A wc “- = am @ Em we“. +¢ moo >h_ ll/ 8 263?. i w 3039.32 <_._.mu2_ 4wmI>> l7 * _ 0.9 FVSUSIN e - ALLOWANCE FOR NASNIFICATION RESULTING FROM SUDDEN REDUC- TION TO ZERO OF SPIN-UP LOAD AT SROU AS EOUAL TO ZERO WHEN O IS NEGATIVE. KSBIFDSUOOS e- Fvs sm e)= U ALLOWANCE FOR ELASTIC SPRING- BACK FROM DEFLECTION DURING SPIN-UP, INCLUDING DYNAMIC RESPONSE NASNIFICATION FACTOR. BASIC SPRING-BACK LOADS I‘ + F (0.9 + Vsu (4») runs FACTOR ls TAKEN K$B(FDSUCO$ 9 - FVSUSIN 6) F v F—"ilidsme Vsu F 00$ 9 VMAx ) DESIGN SPRING-BACK LOADS Figure 7.2. Spring-back reactions. 8|. 0.5 0.5 L0 Figure 7.3. Dynamic response factors for land/mg gea/r drag loads. //\\ \ l \\\ / \\ / \\\~~ / 1' SU I O O 33$) {*0 t n // / /// // ,/ /// / \ / \ / l9 F sMl F WHEELS 0N VIM OUTSIDE OF TURN "SW ' w F s M2 Fv WHEELS on M2 INSIDE OF TURN <1 ——-i d PLAN VIEW §—> nsw W e i [1 FSA. FSM| i VA VM| '‘ i END VIEW Figure 7.4. Tmwmg. U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1952 lllgljllllljlllljlllllljl ” i .'._ . . ..b-;L~ “a