HS TORAGE 1045 .A342 W322 1884 A 58332 4 GENERAL LIBRARY -OF- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. PRESENTED BY Prof. Geo W. Hempl 3. Nov. 1894-- HS 1045 A342 W322 1884 () CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS 2016 AND RULES OF ORDER OF WASHTENAW LODGE, NO. 9 I. O. O. F. As Amended 1884. LODGE INSTITUTED MARCH 25, 1845. ANN ARBOR: REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE. 1884 28 Mar'16 REMARKS. Odd Fellowship was introduced into this coun- try in 1819, and we now number the Fraternity by hundreds of thousands. During the lapse of time its blessings have been everywhere acknowledged and commended. The sick have been relieved, the destitute comforted, the widow made happy, and the orphan educated. Wherever our Order flourishes, it will be found that the virtues of benevolence, economy and harmony are culti- vated. A member of the Order can always count on "troops of friends," who will never leave him in adversity or affliction. Wheresoever he goes, he is surrounded by brethren, who, at a word, will hasten to do him good. The chronicles of our Order contain numerous illustrations of the beneficence of the institution. Many virtuous but indigent families have been saved from de- spair and crime by the munificent charity of our lodges. This charity is, indeed, secret, and there- fore more gratefully efficient. No sense of mor- tification is attendant on relief furnished by the iv REMARKS. Lodge. The benefit is a right, not a boon. No matter how long the recipient of our good offices has been an invalid, the relief given is never grudgingly bestowed. It is as much a duty to re- ceive as it is a duty to give. We expect no grati- tude for our favors; for every member of our Lodge has an undisputed right to demand them. Such mutual giving and taking preserve a man's soul in independence. An Odd Fellow takes but his own when he receives anything from his lodge; for his own contributions have constituted the fund he draws from. He must be worthy, however. No invalid, through intemperance or immorality, can participate in our bounty. The dissipated man, if known to be such, can never enter among us; but should any such unworthy individual be introduced, by successful fraud, into the fraternity, he will soon be taught that his own inventions will return to plague him. We can- not undertake to exhibit, at this time, all the pe- culiar excellencies of our Order. An examination of the following pages will present many of them in detail, and initiation into the mysteries will, in due season, display to the candidate the beau- tiful uses of Odd Fellowship. DISPENSATION. I. O. O. F. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, WILLIAM DU- TOAL WISON, MOS Worthy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of Michigan, and the jurisdiction thereunto belonging: FRIENDSHIP, LOVE AND TRUTH. KNOW YE, That, by virtue of the powers in us vested, we do hereby authorize and empower our trusty and well-beloved brethren, JAMES E. PLATT, JAMES M. WELCH, N. H. EGGLES- TON, M. D. HOWARD. and WILLIAM J. WELLES, their successors, duly and legally elected, to constitute a Lodge in the town of Ann Arbor and County of Washtenaw, to be known and hailed by the title of "WASHTENAW LODGE, No. 9." And we do further authorize and empower our said trusty and well- beloved brethren and their successors, to admit and make Odd Fellows, according to the ancient usages and customs of the Order, and not contrariwise; with full power and authority to hear and determine all and singular, matters and things re- lating to the Order, within the jurisdiction of the said Lodge, according to the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan: Provided always, That the said above named brethren and their successors, pay due respect to the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan, and the ordinances thereof otherwise, this Dispensation to be of no force or effect; and provided also, That this Dispensation shall be ap. proved by the said Grand Lodge at the next meeting thereof. GIVEN under our Hand and Seal, at the City of De- troit, in the State of Michigan, this twenty-fifth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and of our Order in the United States the twenty-sixth. L. S. WM. DUANE WILSON, Grand Master. GENERAL LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SUBORDINATE LODGES OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, AS AMENDED TO THE CLOSE OF THE FEBRUARY SESSION, 1883. PREAMBLE. For the purpose of effecting as much uniformity as possible in the administration of the privileges, honors and benefits of the Order, within its juris- diction, the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan, the supreme tribunal of Odd Fellowship in this State, without whose sanction and control no Lodge can exist within its limits, ordains the fol- lowing articles for the government of Subordinate Lodges: ARTICLE I. Lodges shall be constituted by at least five members, who shall have attained the Scarlet Degree, and shall be hailed and entitled 2 Lodge No. -, I. O. O. F., and shall possess the full power and privileges of a subordinate Lodge, holding a legal, unreclaimed dispensation or Char- ter duly granted, and formally presented by the Grand Lodge of the State of Michigan. 2 GENERAL LAWS. ARTICLE II.-OF MEMBERSHIP. SECTION FIRST. Admission, etc. CLAUSE 1. No person shall be permitted to be- come a member of any Lodge unless he be a free white male, not under twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, who believes in a Su- preme Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe; be free from disease, and have some known, reputable means of support, nor for a less sum than five dollars; nor (unless by deposit of card) until he shall have been a resident of this State, and the territory over which the Lodge has jurisdiction, six months last preceding the time of his making application. CLAUSE 2. The territorial jurisdiction of a Lodge shall extend half way from its place of meeting or Lodge room to the nearest Lodge by an air line, except when there are two or more Lodges located in the same city or village, in which case they shall have concurrent jurisdic- tion. And no Lodge shall receive a petition from, or admit to membership any person living within the jurisdiction of another Lodge, without the consent of the Lodge under whose jurisdic- tion the applicant resides, such consent to be in writing and under seal, and any Lodge violating the provisions of this clause, shall, on conviction, pay to the Lodge under whose jurisdiction the applicant resided at the time of admission, all moneys received from such applicant for initia- tion or admission and degrees up to the time of conviction. GENERAL LAWS. 3 CLAUSE 3. Applications for membership by initiation shall be made in writing, and signed by the applicant, setting forth his age, occu- pation and residence, and signed by two Broth- ers as reference, which must be entered upon the record, and the subject referred to three Brothers for investigation, who shall make diligent in- quiry as to the character and qualifications of the applicant, and report at the succeeding regular meeting, unless further time be granted them by action of the Lodge. Upon the report of the com- mittee, the applicant shall be balloted for with ball ballots: Provided, That the Lodge shall have power by a two-thirds vote to postpone the bal- loting until the next regular meeting after that upon which the committee report. Upon the ballot being taken if less than two black balls appear the applicant shall be elected; but if two or more black balls appear he shall be rejected, and so declared, and no further balloting shall be allowed unless all the Brothers who cast the black balls, within four weeks, voluntarily move for a reconsideration of the same, when the vote shall be taken by ball ballot, when if all the balls be white the reconsideration shall be had, where- upon the application shall lie over till the next regular meeting, when another ballot shall be had, and if the same be unanimously in favor of the applicant, he shall be elected; but if one or more black balls appear in either ballot, the ap- plicant shall be rejected, and in no case shall a reconsideration be had except upon the voluntary motion of all who cast the black balls, and never more than one reconsideration in the same case shall be allowed. 4 GENERAL LAWS. CLAUSE 4. When a candidate has been rejected, notice thereof shall be sent without delay to all the Lodges having concurrent jurisdiction, and no person so rejected shall be again balloted for, in any Lodge, for the space of six months: Pro- vided, That the provisions of this clause shall not apply to a rejected applicant by card, who may renew his application at any time within the lifetime of his card. CLAUSE 5. A Brother of the Order, wishing to become a member, shall present a Petition, to- gether with his Card from the Lodge of which he was a member, which shall be referred to a com- mittee of three, and in all other respects disposed of as provided by Clause 3 for applicants, and, on being admitted, shall pay a sum not less than one dollar. CLAUSE 6. An Ancient Odd Fellow, whose card is out of date, or the holder of a Dismissal Cer- tificate, may be admitted as provided in Clause 5, by paying into the Lodge Fund" a sum not less than five dollars, conforming to the "Special Direction" of the work of the Order, and to such other regulations as the N. G. may direct. CLAUSE 7. Any non-affiliated Odd-Fellow, hold- ing a regular Withdrawal Card, expired or in date, or a Dismissal Certificate, and who has held a membership in the order for at least five con- secutive years, and who at the time of making application is over fifty years of age, may be ad- mitted as a non-beneficial member, and shall be subject to such dues as may be fixed in the By- Laws of the several Lodges for non-beneficial GENERAL LAWS. 5 LO members, and enjoy all the rights and privileges of other members, except the right to benefits, sick or funeral. Any person entitled to and de- siring membership under this clause shall pre- sent a petition setting forth the facts, accom- panied with his Withdrawal Card or Dismissal Certificate, which shall be referred to a commit- tee of three, and in all other respects disposed of as provided in Clause 3 of this section, and on being admitted shall pay not less than five dol- lars. CLAUSE 8. When an applicant shall have been elected under the provisions of clauses 5, 6 or 7 of this Section, it shall be the duty of the N. G., upon such applicant presenting himself in the ante-room during the session of the Lodge, to ap- point a committee of three, one of whom must be the V. G., or some P. G. known to be in posses- sion of the A. T. P. W., who shall examine the applicant in the A. T. P. W., and the work of the Order, and upon the report of the committee that he is correct, he shall be introduced and sign the constitution, after which he shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership: Provided, That if the applicant be an Ancient Odd Fellow, or the holder of a Dismissal Certifi- cate, he shall not be required to be in possession of the A. T. P. W. CLAUSE 9. A Lodge having elected a person to membership, who is, prior to his admission, found to be unworthy, may reconsider his elec- tion by a two-thirds vote of the members present. When the election of an applicant is recon- sidered, he shall be again balloted for under the provisions of Clause 3 of this section. 6 GENERAL LAWS. SECTION SECOND. Contributions and Benefits. CLAUSE 1. The regular contributions to the Lodge Fund, shall be determined by the By- Laws, as well as the amount for Education Fund and Funeral Tax: Provided, That should there be insufficient in the Lodge Fund to pay the dues and assessments made by the Grand Lodge, the Lodge may assess the sum necessary to pay the same upon its members, and such assessment shall be immediately due and payable. CLAUSE 2. Every bona fide member who shall be qualified as required by the By-laws, shall, in case of sickness or disability, be entitled to re- ceive such weekly benefits as may be fixed by the By-Laws, from the funds of the Lodge. CLAUSE 3. In case of the death of a Brother who shall be qualified as provided in Clause 2, there shall be allowed from the Lodge a sum not less than fifteen dollars to defray the expenses of burial, which shall be paid over without delay to the deceased Brother's nearest of kin. The N. G., in the absence of competent relations, shall take charge of the funeral, and receive accounts of disbursements. SECTION THIRD. Suspensions and Re-instatements for Non-payment of Dues. CLAUSE 1. Any member being in arrears for dues to the amount of eleven months' dues, shall be notified thereof by the Secretary having in GENERAL LAWS. 7 charge the accounts between the Lodge and its members, and if such arrearages are not paid within one month, the member so in arrears shall be suspended. CLAUSE 2. Any member under suspension for non-payment of dues or assessments, applying for re-instatement, may be re-instated by a two- thirds vote of the members present at any regu- lar meeting: Provided, That the Lodge may, if they desire information as to the character or health of the applicant for re-instatement, refer the application to a committee to report at the next regular meeting. All members re-instated within one year of date of suspension, shall pay the amount of one year's dues. After one year from date of suspension, a member re-instated shall pay the same amount as an initiate of the same age, or such less sum as may be fixed in the By-Laws of the Lodge. CLAULE 3. Any member over 50 years of age who is under suspension for non-payment of dues, and who has held membership in the Order for at least five consecutive years, may be re- instated by a two-thirds vote of the Lodge sus- pending, as non-beneficial member, on the pay- ment of three dollars, and shall be entitled to the rights and privileges and subject to dues as prescribed for non-beneficial members by Clause 7, Section 1, of this Article. CLAUSE 4. A Lodge resuscitated on the appli- cation of a legal number of the former members of such Lodge, has jurisdiction over all the mem- bers of the Lodge who were in good standing or under suspension at the time the Lodge ceased 8 GENERAL LAWS. to work (except those who may have received cards from the Grand Lodge), and may re-instate them in the manner prescribed in Clause 2 of this section. Members so re-instated within one year of the resuscitation of the Lodge, shall pay the amount of one year's dues as fixed by the By-Laws of the Lodge. After one year from date of resuscitation, members re-instated shall pay the same amount as an initiate of the same age, or such less sum as may be fixed by the By-Laws. CLAUSE 5. Any member under suspension for non-payment of dues, on being refused re-instate- ment, shall be entitled to a Dismissal Certificate on making application therefor and the payment of one dollar, without any action on the part of the Lodge. CLAUSE 6. Any member under suspension for non-payment of dues, desiring to join a Lodge in this jurisdiction, may be re-instated and granted a Withdrawal Card any time within five years of suspension, upon the payment of one year's dues and the usual price of a card, or the Lodge may, on proper application and the receipt of $1.00, at its discretion, and by a majority vote of the mem- bers present, grant such suspended member a Dismissal Certificate to enable him to join a Lodge in this jurisdiction before the five years have expired. After five years from date of sus- pension, a member desiring to join a Lodge in this jurisdiction, shall be entitled to receive, and the Lodge shall grant, upon proper application, a Dismissal Certificate on the receipt of one dollar. CLAUSE 7. A member suspended for non-pay· ment of dues desiring to join a Lodge in any GENERAL LAWS. 9 other jurisdiction, shall be entitled to receive, and the Lodge shall grant on proper application, a dismissal certificate on the receipt of one dollar. SECTION FOURTH. Penalties and Trials. CLAUSE 1. Any member who shall violate any of the principles of the Order, or offend against these Articles or the By-Laws, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, as the By-Laws may direct, ancient usage re- quire, or the Lodge determine. CLAUSE 2. Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offense involving reprimand, suspension or expulsion, except where made liable by non-payment of dues; but no member of a Lodge shall be put on trial unless charges, in the following general form be submitted to the Lodge in writing, signed by two Brothers: 1st. The general charge shall be an averment of conduct unbecoming an Odd Fellow. 2d. The specification or specifications on which the charge is based, shall state definitely the time, place and circumstances connected with the al- leged offense or offenses, and each offense alleged shall be the subject of a separate specification. CLAUSE 3. When charges are preferred against a member they shall be read in full by the Sec- retary, when the N. G. will decide [subject to appeal to the Lodge] whether they are in ac- cordance with the general provisions of the pre- ceding clause. If the charges are held to be improper in form they shall be returned to the Brother presenting them, but if they are held to 2 3 4 10 GENERAL LAWS. be in proper form the Secretary shall enter them in full on the record, and transmit a certified copy to the Brother accused, and at the same time notify him to be present at the next regular meeting of the Lodge, at which time the N. G. shall, under the head of unfinished business, ap- point a Committee of Trial, to consist of five (5) inembers, who shall be appointed, if possible, from among those who have attained the same, or a higher Degree than the accused, and such committee or any member thereof may be chal- lenged for reasons given by either party inter- ested or their counsel. If any member or mem- bers of the committee are objected to, the Lodge shall hear the parties interested, and determine by a majority of votes whether the member or members objected to shall be confirmed as mem- bers of the committee, The committee being appointed and confirmed, the Secretary shall furnish the first named member of the commit- tee with the original copy of the charges certified, and under seal, together with a list of the mem- bers of the committee, He shall also notify each member of the committee of his appointment, and furnish the accused a list of the Committee of Trial. Should the By-Laws so provide, the minority of the committee will be appointed by the V. G. CLAUSE 4. The Committee on Trial shall or- ganize, notify the parties, proceed with, and conduct the trial in accordance with the code for trials. Having concluded the trial and agreed upon a report, they will submit it to the Lodge, and if not involving suspension or expul- sion, and if no appeal be taken from their decis- GENERAL LAWS. 11 ion, it shall be final, without action of the Lodge. Should the committee deem it necessary to expel or suspend the accused they shall submit a reso- lution for that purpose to the Lodge for action. Within three days after the report of the com- mittee is presented to the Lodge the Secretary shall present the accusers and accused with a copy thereof. CLAUSE 5. When a trial committee submits a resolution for the suspension or expulsion of the accused for contempt, it shall be competent for the accused to appear before the Lodge at any regular meeting before final action is taken at the time designated in Clause 6 of this Section, and purge himself of contempt by affirming that his failure to appear before the committee to answer to the charge was occasioned by his not receiving notice of time and place, or not receiv- ing it in time, or from some other cause beyond his control, and that he desires to appear before the committee and make answer to the charge against him. In which event the case shall be re-committed to the committee, and they shall proceed to hear and determine the case as if the accused had appeared at the first citation. When the committee report that the accusers failed to appear and prosecute the charge at the time desig- nated, the report shall lie upon the table for two weeks, or until the second meeting after its pre- sentation, at which time the charge shall be dis- missed unless the accusers shall appear before the Lodge and object on the ground that their failure to appear before the committee and prosecute the charge was occasioned by not receiving no- tice of time and place, or not receiving it in time 12 GENERAL LAWS. or from some other cause beyond their control, and that they desire to appear and prosecute the charge. In which event the case shall be re- committed to the committee, and they shall proceed to hear and determine it the same as if the accusers had appeared at the first citation. CLAUSE 6. When a motion for expulsion or suspension of a Brother shall have been sub- mitted in due form, it shall be announced at two regular meetings previous to the action being taken, and shall be acted on at the third regular meeting after its presentation, and the Secretary shall in writing, and under seal, summon the accused to be present at such meeting, at which time, whether the accused be present or not, the Lodge shall proceed under the head of unfinished business to consider and determine it. If the accused or accusers be present either in person or by counsel, they shall be fully heard, in the order named; and the committee shall also be heard, and at the request of any member, the evidence taken before the committee shall be read in whole or in part, as desired. The parties having been fully heard, and the discussion closed, the accused Brother shall withdraw from the Lodge, and the members shall proceed to ballot without further debate. Two-thirds of all the members present, and entitled to vote, voting in favor of the reso- lution, it shall be adopted. But if the resolution fail to receive the necessary two-thirds vote, the Lodge shall immediately proceed to vote on the next Order of Punishment, and continue until the necessary, vote is received, or the Order of Punishment gone through with, and a fail- ure to impose any of the Orders of Punishment GENERAL LAWS. 13 shall be an acquittal. If the vote be in favor of suspension, the Lodge shall immediately by res- olution fix the duration of the same, which must be for a definite period not exceeding one year, and the penalty of suspension or expulsion shall take immediate effect. An appeal to G. L. shall be a stay of proceedings in case the penalty is a reprimand or fine. CLAUSE 7. The Orders of Punishment shall be expulsion, suspension, or reprimand, and where the By-Laws so provide, fine. The first two shall only be imposed by a two-thirds vote, the last two by a majority vote, in all cases to be by ballot. CLAUSE 8. When the report of a trial com- mittee [not involving expulsion or suspension] is not satisfactory to all parties, either of those interested shall have the privilege of an appeal to the Lodge: Provided, Such appeal be pre- sented at the first regular meeting after the re- port of the committee is received by the Lodge. At the time appointed for trying the appeal, which shall not be more than two weeks after its presentation to the Lodge, the committee shall present to the Lodge, in writing, the grounds on which their decision was founded, and the parties shall have the privilege of being heard before the Lodge, and the Lodge shall determine the correctness of the decision of the committee by a majority of votes of the members present and entitled to vote. The vote to be by ballot, and a failure to sustain the decision of the committee shall be an acquittal, except in cases where the committee have dismissed the charge on the ground that the alleged offense is not within the 14 GENERAL LAWS. legal jurisdiction of the Lodge, or that the com- plaint contained in the specifications is frivolous, in which case, if the decision of the committee is not sustained, the case shall be re-committed to them and they shall proceed to hear and deter- mine it. CLAUSE 9. When the Lodge shall have taken final action upon the report of the Trial Commit- tee the Secretary shall at once notify the accused Brother of the result of such action, and any Brother feeling aggrieved by the decision of the Lodge against him, may within ninety days after being informed of such decision give notice to the Lodge of an appeal to the G. L., which appeal shall be taken, and disposed of in the manner prescribed in article IV of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. CLAUSE 10. Any Brother having been suspend- ed or expelled, notice thereof shall be sent to all Lodges in the vicinity, and a Brother who has been legally expelled shall not be again admitted to membership without the consent of the Grand Master. CLAUSE 11. When a person who has been regu- larly expelled from the Order, desires to be re-ad- mitted to membership therein,such expelled mem- ber may present a petition to that effect, to the Lodge expelling. When such Lodge shall refer the application to a committee of three, who shall investigate and report as to the propriety of re-admitting to membership such applicant upon the report of the committee. The appli- cant shall be balloted for under the provisions of clause 3, section 1 of article 2, of these laws. If the ballot be favorable to the applicant, the N. GENERAL LAWS. 15 G. and Secretary shall prepare and forward to the Grand Master, a statement of the case, giv- ing the cause for which the applicant was ex- pelled, and the reasons why the Lodge desire to re-admit to membership, and asking his approval of the action of the Lodge, and consent to the re-admission to membership of such applicant. If the Grand Master approve the action of the Lodge, and grant the consent asked, the appli- cant upon the payment of not less than five dol- lars, and signing the Constitution, shall become a member of the Lodge, and shall be entitled to such rank in the Lodge as he held previous to ex- pulsion. If the ballot above provided for should be unfavorable to the applicant, or the Grand Master disapprove the action of the Lodge, and refuse his consent to the re-admission of the ap- plicant, he shall be so informed, and his petition shall not be again received for the space of six months. ARTICLE III.-OF OFFICERS. SECTION FIRST. Elected and Appointed Officers. CLAULE 1. The elective officers of a Lodge shall consist of N. G., V. G., Secretary and Treas- urer, and when the By-Laws so provide, a Perma- nent Secretary, who shall serve a regular term each except the Permanent Secretary, who shall serve for one year, and such number of Repre- sentatives of the Grand Lodge of the I. O, O. F. of the State of Michigan as the Lodge may be entitled to under the Constitution of said Grand 16 GENERAL LAWS. Lodge, to serve for one year from the third Tues- day in February ensuing. their election. CLAUSE 2. The appointed officers shall consist of a W., C., I. G., O. G., R. S. N. G., L. S. N. G., R. S. V. G., L. S. V. G., and R. and L. S. S., who shall serve a regular term each; and the N. G. may, at his option, appoint a Chaplain. SECTION SECOND. Duties of Officers. CLAUSE 1. The duties of the various officers shall be laid down in the charges of their office, and as specified by these Articles and the By- Laws of the Lodge. CLAUSE 2. A Permanent Secretary, when one has been chosen by the Lodge, shall take charge of the accounts between the Lodge and its mem- bers; and make out the annual report for the Grand Lodge required by clause 2, section 2 of article IV.; but the Recording Secretary shall record the proceedings and perform all other duties of the office. SECTION THIRD. Elections, etc. CLAUSE 1. No Brother shall be eligible to the chair of the N. G. unless he has served a regular term as V. G.; nor shall any Brother be eligible to the chair of the V. G. unless he has served twenty-six nights in some inferior office. CLAUSE 2. Nominations for the elective offices shall be made only on the two meetings imme- diately preceding that of the elections, except when the nominees of an office all decline. GENERAL LAWS. 17 CLAUSE 3. All past officers shall be eligible to re-election. CLAUSE 4. The elective officers, except Perma- nent Secretary and Representatives to the Grand Lodge, shall be elected at the last regular meet- ing of the Lodge in the months of June and December of each year. The installation of of- ficers shall take place at the first regular meet- ings in July and January. The election of Per- manent Secretary (when one is provided for by the By-Laws) and Representatives to the Grand Lodge shall take place at the last regular meet- ing in December of each year. When at the time of election there is more than one nominee for an office, the voting shall be by printed or written ballots, and a majority of the valid votes cast shall be necessary to elect. Should no can- didate have such majority on the first ballot, the candidate having the smallest number of votes shall be dropped at the next ballot, and so on at each successive ballot until an election is had. All ballots cast for Brothers not in regular nomi- nation shall be excluded from the count. When there is but one candidate in nomination for an office, the election may take place on motion. CLAUSE 5. Any officer, except Representative to the Grand Lodge, absenting himself for more than three successive meetings, his seat may be declared vacant by a vote of the Lodge. Any office becoming vacant shall be filled by a person who was eligible thereto on the commencement of the term during which the vacancy occured. Nominations except for Representative to fill vacancy, shall be made on the meeting previous to election, and officers so elected and serving 18 GENERAL LAWS. shall alone receive the honors of such office for the term, provided, that should a vacancy in the office of Representative to the G. L. occur and but one Lodge night shall intervene between the occurrence of the vacancy and the time of the assembling of the Grand Lodge, the office of Representative may be filled by nomination and election at the same evening. ARTICLE IV.-TERMS AND RETURNS. SECTION FIRST. Terms. Regular annual terms shall commence on the first regular meeting in January, and the regular semi-annual terms shall commence on the first regular meetings in July and January of each year; and all terms shall end on the day on which the succeeding ones commence. SECTION SECOND. Returns. CLAUSE 1. It shall be the duty of the last past-officers to prepare and forward to the Grand Lodge, immediately, a regular report of the work of the term, including the names of those in- itiated, admitted by card, rejected, withdrawn by card, suspended, or expelled, and the cause thereof, re-instated, and deceased; together with the number of degrees conferred, the whole num- ber in membership, and the result of the election of officers, accompanied by whatever amount may be due to the Grand Lodge. GENERAL LAWS. 19 CLAUSE 2. It shall also be the duty of each Subordinate Lodge to forward to the Grand Lodge the Annual Report, up to the first day of January of each year, which report shall contain the fol- lowing, as required by Clause 3, Section 1, Article 5, of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge : Name of county, town, or city where the Lodge meetings are held, together with the night of meeting; number initiated, admitted by card, and Dismissal Certificate, as Ancient Odd Fellows, and re-instated during the year; number with- drawn by card, suspended, expelled and died during the year, number of members in good standing, ranked according to degrees taken, and number of Past Grands; number of Brothers relieved, number of widowed families relieved; number of weeks' sick benefits paid during the year; amount paid for sick benefits; amount paid for relief of widowed families; amount paid for burying the dead; amount paid for the educa- tion of orphans; amount paid for charity, and amount paid for current expenses during the year; total amount of income from all sources during the year, together with Past Grands' and Representatives' certificates in the form required by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, such cer- tificates to be duly signed and sealed. CLAUSE 3. The above-mentioned reports to the G. L. shall be delivered to the D. D. Grand Mas- ter previous to installation, and the dues for- warded to the Grand Secretary. If there is no D. D. Grand Master, the reports shall be for- warded to the Grand Secretary, with the dues. 20 GENERAL LAWS. SECTION THIRD. Forfeiture of Charter. Should a Lodge fail to make its returns, as re- quired by the second section of this Article, for two successive terms, it shall thereby forfeit its charter and become extinct; and it shall become the duty of the last installed officers to transmit or surrender to the Grand Secretary (or such other Brother as may be appointed by the Grand Lodge to receive them), the charter, books, papers, furniture and funds of the Lodge. ARTICLE V.-DEGREES. SECTION FIRST. Eligibility for Degrees. Brothers shall be eligible to degrees one week after initiation, but not more than one degree shall be conferred on a brother at the same meet- ing, unless the most urgent necessity is proven, such necessity to be determined by the Lodge. SECTION SECOND. Rates of Degrees. No Degree shall be balloted for until the appli- cant shall have paid the amount required there- for, which shall not be less than three dollars for each Degree: Provided, That until the first day of July, 1882, Subordinate Lodges may confer any or all of said degrees on brothers now in mem- bership, or who may become members previous to the first day of April 1882, upon the payment of such amount as the Lodges may severally de- termine (any provision of their By-Laws to the GENERAL LAWS. 21 contrary notwithstanding); but no member tak- ing any or all of the degrees under the conditions of this proviso, at such reduced rates, shall be entitled to claim any additional pecuniary bene- fits over and above the amount allowed by the By-Laws of his Lodge to members of the degree, from which he has been advanced, at such reduced rates; but if, at a subsequent time, he shall pay into the Treasury of his Lodge such additional sum as will make up the full amount charged by the By-Laws of his Lodge for the degrees, he shall thereafter be considered and become a full benefit member. When proper application is made for degrees, it shall be announced and the ballot taken on the night the application is made, and when the Lodge is open in the Third or Scarlet Degree, where two black balls will cause the applicant to be rejected. When an applicant for degrees is rejected, his application shall not again be re- ceived until after the expiration of three months. ARTICLE VI. OF AMENDMENTS.-Amendment. SECTION FIRST. CLAUSE 1. When doubts arise of the true meaning of any part of these Articles, it shall be determined by the Grand Lodge. CLAUSE 2. No alteration or amendment shall be made to the General Laws, except by motion or resolution, submitted in writing, at a regular session of the Grand Lodge; nor unless such motion or resolution assume upon its face to 22 GENERAL LAWS. make such alteration or amendment, and state distinctly the clause, section and article to be affected, when such alteration or amendment may be adopted by a majority vote of the mem- bers present. SECTION SECOND. By-Laws. Lodges shall stand fully invested with power to adopt such By-Laws and Resolutions, from time to time, as may be deemed expedient, pro- vided they do not in any wise contravene any part of these Articles, the Laws or Constitution of the Grand Lodge, or the principles of the Order. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I.-MEETINGS. SEC. 1. The Stated meetings of the Lodge shall be held on Friday evening of each week. Spec- ial meetings shall be called by the N. G., at dis- cretion, or on the written request of five mem- bers, due notice to be given as the N. G. shall direct. SEC. 2. The hour of meeting shall be at half- past seven o'clock. SEC. 3. The Lodge shall be opened at pre- cisely the hour appointed. In the absence of the Ñ. G., the V. G. shall act as N. G. pro tem, and in the absence of the N. G. and V. G., a P. G. shall preside. SEC. 4. At a stated meeting of the Lodge five members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business, one of them being qualified to fill the chair. SEC. 5. No brother shall be permitted to enter the Lodge unless in proper regalia. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the officers and members of the Lodge, carefully to fold and re- place their regalia, under the direction of the Warden. ARTICLE II.-OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. SEC. 1. The elective officers of this Lodge shall consist of those enumerated in Clause 1, 24 BY-LAWS. Section 1, Article III, of the Constitution, and the Lodge may elect a Financial Secretary annually. They shall be voted for, separately, by ballot. SEC. 2. All appointed officers shall consist of those mentioned in Clause 2, Section 1, Art- icle III of the Constitution, and of a Chaplain, and shall be appointed by the N. G. immediately after his installation, except the R. and L. S. of the V. G, who shall be appointed by the V.G. SEC. 3. All officers must be clear of the books at their installation. SEC. 4. The N. G., shall preside at all meet- ings of the Lodge, and preserve order and decorum therein; but all questions of order shall be subject to appeal from his decision to the Lodge. He shall appoint the majority of every committee, (unless it be otherwise ordered by the Lodge,) leaving the appointment of the minority to the V. G. He shall be entitled to his vote as a lay member, on all questions of membership and the election of officers; but on all other questions, to the casting vote only. He shall give the charge of his office, on the in- itiation of a candidate, and thereupon present to him a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Lodge. He shall see that all officers of the Lodge perform their respective duties, as en- joined by the several charges and these laws. He shall, in conjunction with the V. G., inspect the result of all ballotings for membership; and he shall announce the result of all votes. He shall safely keep the charter, and always have it in the Lodge while in session. He shall draw upon the Treasurer for all sums which have BY-LAWS. 25 been voted for by the Lodge, or which may be required to pay the benefits provided for by these laws. And he shall perform all other duties which appertain to his office by the cus- toms of the Order and its usages. SEC. 5. The V. G. shall assist the N. G. to preside in the Lodge. He shall appoint the minority of every committee, unless it be other- wise ordered by the Lodge. He shall, in con- junction with the N. G., inspect the result of all ballotings for membership, and shall announce the same to the N. G. He shall have special charge of the inner door during the ceremony of initiation; and he shall perform all other duties required by the charges and usages of the Order. SEC. 6. The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Lodge. He shall write all communications; fill up all certificates and cards granted by the Lodge; issue all summons or notices required; attest all moneys ordered paid at a regular meeting, and none other. He shall have and safely keep the Seal of the Lodge; and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Lodge and his charge, and deliver up to his successor all books, papers and other properties belonging to his office, and at the end of each term assist the P. S. in making out the Reports to the G. L. SEC. 7. The Financial Secretary before his installation, shall execute to the N. G. and V. G., a bond in the penalty of three hundred dollars with at least two sureties to be approved by the Finance Committee and held by them, for the faithful performance of his duties as Permanent Secretary. He shall keep just and true accounts 26 BY-LAWS. between the Lodge and its members. He shall pay over all moneys received by him each week to the Treasurer, and shall give to said Treasurer a statement showing-1st. The amount received for initiation fees; 2d. The amount received for degrees; 3d. The amount of fines collected; 4th. The amount of dues received, at the same time stating from whom they were respectively re- ceived, showing the amount and date; and he shall, at the next regular meeting of the Lodge, deliver said statement to the Lodge under the head of "the good of the order, "at which time any Brother may have an opportunity of point- ing out any error, (if any,) and said statement and receipt shall be filed by the Secretary, and kept by him with the books of his office until examined and acted upon by the Finance Com- mittee. He shall make out a semi-annual report to the Lodge under the following heads, viz:— 1st, Amount received for Initiation Fees; 2d, amount received for deposits of cards; 3d, amount received for Degrees; 4th, amount re- ceived for Fines; 5th, amount received for Dues; 6th, amount received for Cards. He shall also embrace in his report-1st, the amount of dues remaining on his books unpaid, and from whom, and 2d, the amount of fines remaining on his books unpaid, and from whom they are due. He shall, at the close of each term, notify every member who is thirteen weeks in arrears, of the amount due by him to the Lodge; and at the end of his official term, make out for the Lodge a statement of all moneys received and paid by him to the Treasurer, and deliver up to his suc- cessor all books, papers, etc., appertaining to his } BY-LAWS. 27 office, in his possession. He shall keep and pre- serve the printed Constitution and By-Laws, and shall, with the assistance of the R. S., make out, at the end of each term, for the G. L., a full return of the Lodge during that term. SEC. 8. The Treasurer, before his installation, shall execute to the N. G, and V. G., a bond, in sufficient penalty, with at least two surettes, to be approved and held by the Finance Committee, for the faithful performance of his duties as Treasurer. He shall receive and safely keep the moneys and funds of the Lodge, and make such investments of the same, from time to time, as the Lodge shall require. He shall pay all orders drawn on him by the N. G., and duly countersigned by the Secretary, or Relief Committee, and none others. He shall keep the accounts in a fair and legible manner, exhibiting the sources, with the purpose and amount of disbursements. He shall keep a record of all warrants paid by him, and immedi- ately upon paying any warrant, cancel the same by marking "paid" across the face thereof, and place the same upon the file with the books of his office until called for by the Finance Com- mittee. His books shall be opened for the in- spection of the members at every regular meet- ing; and at the end of each term, he shall have his account closed, and shall submit a full state- ment thereof to the Lodge; and deliver to his successor in office, when legally called upon, all moneys, books, vouchers, etc., belonging to the Lodge. SEC. 9. The Warden shall take charge of the properties of the Lodge, and shall report any damages done to them, to the N. G. He shall 2 28 BY-LAWS. canvas all votes on motions and resolutions, and be the messenger of the Lodge. SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of the Junior P. G. of this Lodge, to attend and act in the capacity of P. G., and deliver the charge of the office to candidates, or see that the same is done; and perform all other duties appertaining to the office. SEC. 11. The I. G. shall admit no brother un- less he be in proper regalia. He shall announce to the Lodge the names of the candidates in waiting; and he shall faithfully perform all other duties prescribed for him by the customs and usages of the Order. SEC. 12. Every officer who may be required to explain his duties, or deliver a charge in the Lodge, shall commit the same to memory within six weeks from the time of his assuming the office if possible. SEC. 13. All other officers shall perform such duties as are prescribed for them by the regula- tions and charges of the Order, and such as may be required of them by the presiding officer. SEC. 14. Every officer shall fill his station during the space of twenty-six Lodge nights. ARTICLE III.-ELECTION OF OFFICERS. SEC. 1. At all elections of officers, it shall be the duty of the N. G. to appoint two tellers, who with the Warden, shall canvass the votes given, and declare the result to the N. G., by whom it shall be announced to the Lodge. Any candi- date to be elected, must receive a majority of all the votes given. BY-LAWS. 29 SEC. 2. No Brother, either before or after his nomination, shall ask the suffrage of any Broth- er, or cause the same to be done, for any office in this Lodge; and upon conviction of having done so, he shall, for the first offense, be fined $5, and for the second, suspended during the pleasure of the Lodge. ARTICLE IV.-MEMBERSHIP AND INITIATION. SEC. 1 No person shall be permitted to be- come a member of this Lodge, unless he believes in a Supreme Being; sustains a good moral char- acter; be free from disease, and has some known reputable means of support; nor unless he shall have been a resident of the city of Ann Arbor, or the vicinity over which this Lodge has jurisdic- tion, for the space of six months next preceding his application for membership; nor shall he be under twenty-one years of age. SEC. 2. All persons desirous of becoming members of this Lodge shall transmit a petition in the following form, recommended by two members of the Lodge, and accompanied by the initiation fee: Form of Petition. To the Officers and Members of Washtenaw Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows: The petition of the subscriber respectfully showeth, that he is desirous of becoming a mem- ber of your benevolent and honorable Order. He has examined your Constitution and By-Laws, 30 BY-LAWS. and is ready and willing to yield obedience thereto. His age is years; his occupation and his residence (Signed.) Recommended by CD & EF A B SEC. 3. A committee of three shall thereupon be appointed, who shall make diligent inquiry as to the qualifications of the individual petitioning to become a member, and shall report either for or adverse thereon at the next stated meet- ing. SEC. 4. If the committee report favorably or unfavorably of an applicant, he shall be duly balloted for, and if no black balls appear, (or if no more than one) the candidate shall be declar- ed elected. Any applicant, who prior to his ii- tiation is found to be unworthy, shall be refused initiation by the Lodge, and they may by a two- thirds vote, reconsider their previous vote and reject him. SEC. 5. Should two black balls be deposited, the applicant is absolutely rejected. And when an applicant is rejected, his petition shall not again be received until after six months have elapsed. SEC. 6. When a person has been proposed for membership, the fact that such proposition has been made, shall not be mentioned by any brother to any person whatever, except he be a brother, until a decision shall have been had on the proposition; nor then, except the decision be favorable. BY-LAWS. 31 SEC. 7. Any member willfully and knowingly violating any of the above sections of this article, shall be suspended from all weekly benefits in case of sickness, and shall not be permitted to vote or debate in this Lodge for six months. SEC. 8. No person shall be initiated, who shall fail to present himself within one month after his election, to the right of membership, unless he shall reside more than ten miles from the place of meeting of the Lodge, or upon good cause being shown that he could not present himself sooner; but he shall be again proposed as if he had not been elected. SEC. 9. In balloting for candidates, the ballot- box, having first been offered to the N. G. and V. G., in their respective chairs for their ballots, shall be placed in full view of the N. G., and the members shall deposit their ballots therein, and the result of the balloting having been inspected by the N. G. and V. G., the V. G. shall announce the result to the N. G., who shall declare the same to the Lodge. SEC. 10. Every member, on being admitted, shall sign the Constitution and By-Laws of this Lodge, and thereby agree to support the same, and pay all legal demands against him so long as he remains a member. ARTICLE V.-FEES, DEGREES, ASSESSMENTS AND APPROPRIATIONS. SEC. 1. All persons initiated into this Lodge, shall pay as follows: for every person under the age of 45 years, $5; and an additional sum of $1 32 BY-LAWS. per year when over 45 and under 50; and such additional sum as the Lodge may determine, when over the age of 50 years. SEC. 2. The Degrees conferred by this Lodge, with their cost, shall be as follows: The first, or Degree of Friendship, $4.00; The second, or De- gree of Brotherly Love, $4.00; The third, or De- gree of Truth, $3.00; the fee to accompany the application. SEC. 3. All applications for degrees shall be made to the secretary; such applications to be determined when open in the third degree, where wo black balls will cause the candidate to be rejected, and when so rejected his applica- tion shall not be again received within three months. SEC. 4. Brothers admitted to membership by deposit of Card, shall pay $3, and for each degree thereafter conferred, the sum set forth in section two of this article. SEC. 5. Any Brother admitted to membership in this Lodge, as an Ancient Odd Fellow, shall pay the sum of $5. Subject to section one as to age. SEC. 6. Every member of this Lodge shall pay into its General Fund, the sum of 75 cents quarterly. SEC. 7. When a funeral Benefit has been paid, or the Lodge made liable therefor, if there is less than two hundred dollars in the Treasury, a sufficient sum to refund the same shall be as- sessed by the P. Secretary, upon all the members of the Lodge, equally; and such assessment shall be at once due and payable. BY-LAWS. 33 SEC. 8. No appropriation of moneys to an amount exceeding twenty-five dollars shall be made by this Lodge, except for funeral benefits, unless one week's notice shall have been given of an intention to move the same. Action to be had on such notice at the regular meeting after the expiration of that time. ARTICLE VI.-BENEFITS. SEC. 1. Weekly Benefit.-A worthy brother who shall have been a contributing member of this Lodge for six months, shall be deemed a benefit member. If such benefit member shall be disa- bled by sickness or bodily infirmity, from pursuing his daily business for one week or more, he shall be entitled to receive the sum of one dol- lar and fifty cents per week, if he be a member of the Initiatory Degree, and two dollars per week if of the Scarlet Degree; Provided such sickness or disability be not occasioned by intem- perance or other immoral conduct; and provided further, that he be not under the restrictions or prohibitions of the 3d section of this article. If there be not sufficient funds in the treasury to meet this appropriation, the Secretary shall weekly assess upon all the members of the Lodge equally, such a sum as shall be needed to supply the deficiency; such assessment, as soon as made, to be due and payable. SEC. 2. Family of a Brother.-If a deceased brother, who at the time of his death was a benefit member, shall leave a family unprovided for, without a protector or guardian, it shall be the duty of the Visiting Committee to endeavor 34 BY-LAWS. to place them in a situation where they may be made comfortable, and be preserved from vice and infamy. SEC. 3. No member shall be entitled to the benefits of this Lodge who is in arrears for dues of more than thirteen weeks, or who is other- wise indebted to the Lodge; or who, having been suspended or expelled, had not been re-in- stated at least thirteen weeks prior to such sick- ness; nor can he come in while sick and pay his dues so as to make him a benefit member during such sickness. SEC. 4. On the death of any worthy brother, who is a benefit member, the sum of fifty dollars shall be allowed as a Funeral Benefit, which shall be disposed of as provided for by Clause 3, Sec. 2, Article II. of the Constitution, and the Secretary shall notify the members of this Lodge of the death of a worthy brother, and they shall, if the Lodge so determine, attend the funeral in full regalia, if agreeable to the friends of the deceased. SEC. 5. On the demise of the wife of a benefit member of this Lodge, he shall be entitled to twenty-five dollars, as a Funeral Benefit. SEC. 6. If a member from a distant Lodge apply to this Lodge for relief, his case shall be referred to the Committee of Relief, to investi- gate his circumstances, and they may in their discretion draw on the Treasurer of the Lodge for such sum as they may deem the case re- quires, not exceeding ten dollars. The same rule shall also apply to the wife or widow of a brother, but in no case shall the donation exceed that amount, unless by vote of the Lodge. BY-LAWS. 35 SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of any benefit member who shall be taken sick, to inform the Visiting Committee, or the Lodge, of his illness, inside of two weeks, if within five miles of the city, a neglect of which shall be a forfeiture of his benefits. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of a brother at a distance from the city of Ann Arbor, in case of sickness to send a true statement of his case to this Lodge attested by the N.G. under the Seal of the Lodge nearest to the place where he may be, or if no Lodge be near, his case, complaint, condition and circumstances shall be certified by a practic- ing physician. A failure to comply with the re- quirements of this section within four weeks from the commencement of such sickness, shall be a forfeiture of benefits up to the time such re- port shall be made. SEC. 9. Aged and indigent members of this Lodge who are clear on the books may receive from time to time, such aid as may be deter- mined by a majority vote of all the members pres- ent at any regular meeting: Provided, such broth- ers are not at the time, drawing weekly benefits. ARTICLE VII.-CARDS. SEC. 1. When any worthy brother desires to withdraw from this Lodge, he shall signify his desire in open Lodge; and if he is clear of the books, he may receive a card of clearance, if granted by a majority vote with ball ballot, the expenses of which shall be 50 cents. SEC. 2. When a worthy brother of this Lodge may desire a Visiting Card, he shall, if clear of the books, be entitled to it if upon paying up his 36 BY-LAWS. dues, etc., to the end of the time for which it is given; the charge for which shall be 30 cents, and if applied for in writing, the N. G. and Sec. may issue the same when the Lodge is not in session, to be reported to the Lodge at the first meeting thereafter. ARTICLE VIII.-STANDING AND SPECIAL COM- MITTEES. SEC. 1. The N. G. shall, immediately upon his installation, appoint (subject to the approba- tion of the Lodge,) the following standing com- mittees, to serve one term, viz: Finance Com- mittee, Committee of Correspondence, and Com- mittee of Relief. SEC. 2. The N. G., V. G., T., the R. and L. S. to N. G., and R. and L. S. to V. G., shall constitute a Visiting Committee, whose duty it shall be to visit the sick within twenty-four hours after re- ceiving information of the same, and continue to render them during their sickness, such assist- ance as the law provides; and it shall be the duty of the N. G. so to arrange that the sick brothers shall be visited at least once a day during their illness; and he shall have a correct roll of the members of the Lodge, for the use of the Visit- ing Committee; and, if need be, and the cir- cumstances require it, the Visiting Committee shall notify two of the members, as they stand on the roll, to attend such members during the night, and to render such assistance as may be in their power: Provided always, That the disease be not contagious, infectious, or dangerous to others; in which case the Committee shall, if necessary, BY-LAWS. 37 employ a nurse, to be paid from the funds of the Lodge. SEC. 3. The Committee of Finance shall con- sist of three members. It shall be their duty to superintend the financial concerns of the Lodge; to inspect and audit, semi-annually, the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer, or other officers or committees charged with the receipt or ex- penditure of moneys of the Lodge; and they shall be authorized to examine the books and ac- counts of any officer or member of committee of the Lodge, whenever they think proper, and to report as speedily as possible on all matters they may have in hand. And they shall receive from the Treasurer, at the end of each official term, all warrants paid by him, and together with the Secretary, shall examine and check the same on the record kept by him, and report such warrants to the Lodge to be destroyed by fire before witness. SEC. 4. The Committee of Correspondence shall consist of three members. It shall be their duty to take into consideration such com- munications as shall be referred to them, and re- port thereon to the Lodge. SEC. 5. The Committee of Relief shall consist of three members in regular attendance, one of whom to be in possession of the A. T. P. W., to whom shall be referred all claims for relief or donations, who shall investigate the same and report to the Lodge-except as provided for in Sec. 6 of Art. 6-and no claim rejected by them shall be allowed by the Lodge except by a two-thirds vote of members present. 38 BY-LAWS. SEC. 6. Every Special Committee, Committee, unless otherwise ordered, shall consist of three mem- bers. SEC. 7. Any member or members of any com- mittee, having official notice of their appoint- ment, excepting the Visiting Committee, failing to attend to the duties of his or their appointment, shall be fined not less than twenty-five cents, un- less excused by the Lodge. SEC. 8. Any failure of duty on the part of the Visiting Committee shall subject the delinquent to a fine of fifty cents, unless satisfactory excuse be given and received by the Lodge. ARTICLE IX.-FUNDS. SEC. 1. There shall be but one fund of the Lodge-the General Fund, which shall consist of all the money belonging to the Lodge. ARTICLE X.-PENALTIES. SEC. 1. Any member of the Lodge who is in arrears over thirteen weeks, for dues, or fines amounting to 75 cents, shall not be privileged to vote or speak in the Lodge, except in explana- tion. SEC. 2. Every member who shall refuse or neg- lect to pay his dues and arrears to the Lodge for the space of eleven months,shall be officially noti- fied thereof by the P. Secretary, attested by the R. S., if his address is known; and if, after four weeks, his account still remains unsettled, he shall be suspended during the pleasure of the Lodge; and on re-instatement, shall pay the amount standing against him at the time of his suspension, if within two years; if after two years, such sum as the Lodge shall determine. BY-LAWS. 39 SEC. 3. Every elected officer who shall be ab- sent fifteen minutes after the time of meeting, shall be fined ten cents; every appointed officer who shall be absent shall be fined ten cents. Should either the Secretary or Treasurer, fail to have his books in the Lodge beyond the time last specified, he shall forfeit the sum of twenty- five cents in addition. Should any person having charge of the keys of the Lodge room fail to be present with them, or to have the keys there, he shall pay a fine of two dollars for every such neg- lect. But a reasonable excuse for any such absence or delay, may be received by the Lodge, in lieu of the fine imposed. SEC. 4. Any member who shall, in the Lodge, make use of any profane or indecent language, or refuse to obey the commands of the N. G. when called to order, or use disrespectful ex- pressions toward the officers, or members of the Lodge, shall be subject to a fine for each offence, not exceeding five dollars. SEC. 5. Any member who shall be guilty of improper conduct, in or out of the Lodge, or shall bring charges against a brother, which he knows he is unable to prove, or designedly propose persons of unworthy character for mem- bership, shall subject himself to fine, suspension or expulsion, according to the enormity of the offense. SEC. 6. Any member being guilty of drunken- ness, or of henious offences against the laws of the land, or of feigning himself sick, with a view to abuse the benevolent intentions of the Order shall be expelled. UgrM 40 BY-LAWS. SEC. 7. No smoking or refreshments other than water, shall at any time be allowed in the Lodge room. SEC. 8. Any member who shall accept an office in this Lodge, and who shall refuse to per- form the duties of such office, shall be fined not less than five dollars, or expelled, at the option of the Lodge. SEC. 9. If any member divulge the name of a brother who shall think proper to speak or vote against a candidate proposed for initiation; or if any brother make public any business which should be confined to the Lodge, he shall be fined or expelled, at the pleasure of the Lodge, such fine to be, in no case, less than $5. SEC. 10. If it be established to the satisfaction of the Lodge, that the answers to the questions signed by a member previous to his admission be untrue, the offender shall forfeit all claims to benefits, and after a fair trial be subject to sus- pension or expulsion. SEC. 11. Every member who has been regu- larly notified to attend a sick brother during the night, and shall neglect the duty, or neglect to provide a substitute, shall be fined $1; nor shall any excuse be deemed sufficient, unless two-thirds of the members present shall by their votes pro- nounce it so. SEC. 12. For any failure by the Financial Sec- retary to notify brothers of their fines and arrearages, as provided for by these By-Laws, he shall be fined $2. BY-LAWS. 41 + SEC. 13. Any guardian, by neglect, permitting a brother or stranger to enter the Lodge, contrary to the rules of the Order, shall be fined or sus- pended as the Lodge may determine. SEC. 14. The Lodge may remit, either in whole or in part, any of the fines or penalties enumerated in these By-Laws by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting, except in the case provided for in sec- tion 11 of this article: Provided, the motion or excuse be made at the next regular meeting at which the delinquent shall be present, under the proper head. SEC. 15. All fines and penalties enumerated in these By-Laws shall be disposed of as pro- vided for in Sec. 3, Clause 3, Art. 2 of General Laws, except Sec. 4 and 12 of this Art., which shall be decided by a two-thirds vote of the Lodge. ARTICLE XI,-FRATERNAL COURTESY. It is particularly enjoined by the Lodge, that all its members treat each other, during its sit- tings, with due consideration and respect; that every brother carefully avoid all ungenerous re- marks, personal allusions, and sarcastic language, by which the feelings of any brother may be wounded, or those proverbial and prominent ob- jects of the Order-Friendship, Charity and Har- mony-lessened or in anywise interrupted; and that all the discussions be conducted in that lovely spirit of candor, which inevitably leads men to the practice of good fellowship-the cousin-german of Odd-Fellowship divine. 42 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE XII.-AMENDMENTS. Any proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be offered in writing to the Lodge, at the last regular meeting in any term; and at the next regular meeting, the action of the Lodge may be taken on such amendment. Two-thirds of the members present shall constitute a majority to decide on amendments thus proposed: Provided, however, That any amendment of which notice shall have been given, in writing, at two regular meetings in succession, and which shall be acted upon at the first regular meeting after the second notice, may be adopted if sanctioned by a unanimous vote of all the members present, and go into effect as soon as approved by the Grand Lodge. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Opening of the Lodge. 2. The proceedings of the last meeting read, and if no objection be made to any part thereof, they shall stand approved without vote. 3. Reports of Visiting Committee. 4. Reports of Committees on Candidates. 5. Balloting for Members. 6. Candidates admitted for Initiation. 7. Propositions for Membership. 8. Reports of Committee on Correspondence, and disposed of. 9. Reports of Committee of Finance. 10. Reports of Special Committee, by seniority. 11. Unfinished Business, by priority. 12. New Business. 13. Has any Brother anything to offer for the good of the Order. The order of business as herein arranged, may, at any time for an occasion, be dispensed with, by a special two-thirds vote of the Lodge. 3 DECORUM. RULE 1. During the continuance of the meeting, the officers and members shall retain their re- spective seats, and no one shall leave the room without the permission of the V. G., or enter without the consent of the N. G., or V. G. 2. Every officer and member shall be desig- nated in debate, or otherwise by his proper office or title, according to his standing in the Lodge. 3. No member shall be permitted to vote or speak unless clothed in regalia appropriate to his rank or station. THE CHAIR. RULE 1. The N. G., while presiding, shall state every question coming before the Lodge, and immediately before putting it to vote, shall ask: "Is the Lodge ready for the question?" Should no one rise to speak, he shall rise to take the ques- tion; and after he has risen, no member shall speak upon it, unless by consent of the N. G. He shall pronounce the vote and decision of the Lodge on all subjects, except on a ballot for mem- bership, when the V. G. shall announce the re- sult to the N. G. His decisions on questions of order shall be without debate, unless, entertain- ing doubts on the point he invites it; and he shall have privilege of speaking only on such questions from the chair. When his decision has been ap- DECORUM. 45 pealed from, the question shall be put thus- "Will the Lodge sustain the Chair in its decision ?" DEBATE. RULE 1. Every member, when he speaks or offers a motion shall be standing, and shall re- spectfully address the Chair; and when finished he shall resume his seat. While speaking he shall confine himself to the question under de- bate, avoiding all personality and indecorous language, as well as any reflection upon the Lodge or its members. 2. Should two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Chair shall decide which shall be entitled to the floor. 3. No member shall interrupt another in his remarks, unless to call him to order for words spoken. 4. If a member, while speaking, be called to order at the request of the Chair, he shall cease speaking and take his seat until the question of order is determined, when, if permitted, he may again proceed. 5. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question (unless in explanation), without the permission of the Chair. QUESTIONS AND VOTES. RULE. 1. When any communication, petition or memorial is presented, before it is read or any vote taken on it, a brief statement of its contents 46 DECORUM. shall be made by the Chair; and after it has been read, a brief notice of the purport shall be entered upon the Journal. 2. No motion shall be subject to action till seconded and stated by the Chair; and, at the desire of any member, such motion shall be re- duced to writing. 3. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be taken first upon the highest sum or number, and the longest or latest time proposed. 4. Any member may call for division of a ques- tion, when the sense will admit of it. 5. When a question is before the Lodge, no motion shall be received, unless To ADJOURN; THE PREVIOUS QUESTION; TO LAY ON THE TABLE; to postpone indefinitely; to postpone to a certain period; to refer; or to amend; such motions shall have precedence in the order herein arranged; the first three to be decided without debate; but no motion to adjourn, shall be in order until after the reports of Special Committees, and imme- diately after the passage of such a motion, the Lodge shall proceed to close in the usual form. 6. After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, has been decided, any two mem- bers who voted in the majority, may, at the same or next succeeding meeting, move for a reconsid- eration thereof. 7. The previous question can be called for by two members, if seconded by a majority, and shall be put in this form-" Shall the main question be now put?" If carried, all amendments not DECORUM. 47 already adopted shall be precluded, and the main question taken without further debate. 8. When one-fifth of the members present rise in favor of taking a question by yeas and nays, they shall be ordered to be so recorded. 9. Every member present shall vote on any question before the Lodge, unless personally in- terested in the result, or otherwise incapacitated. 10. All further rules for the government of the Lodge, shall be the common parliamentary law as laid down by Cushing in his Manual. Filmed in 1984-Preservation UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02350 4957 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD