GRAD A 657931 BULAR 888 Head WS MMAR SCHOOL 'sted Bars and PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY OF THE **v*,** UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN By the quar سینا ہے Mb Bret 18. | armaq had fun- Homer, Odyssey, Book I 31439 English to Greck WHITE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL TEXTS. THE FIRST BOOK HOMER'S OF ODYSSEY WITH A VOCABULARY AND SOME ACCOUNT OF GREEK PROSODY BY JOHN T. WHITE, L.D. OXON. THIRD THOUSAND LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1887 All rights reserved ¡ 888 1804 fعله BUNR Boli ! # T 1 ! : LONDON: gilbert and rIVINGTON, LIMIted, 6T. JOHN'S SQuare. : +1 PREFACE. FOR Some long time past it has been widely felt that a reduction in the cost of Classical Works used in schools generally, and more especially in those intended for boys of the middle classes, is at once desirable and not difficult of accomplishment. For the most part only portions of authors are read in the earlier stages of education, and a pupil is taken from one work to another in each successive half-year or term; so that a book needlessly large and proportionably expensive is laid aside after a short and but partial use. In order, therefore, to meet what is certainly a want, Portions of the Classical Writers usually read in Schools are now being issued under the title of GRAMMAR SCHOOL TEXTS; while, at the request of various Masters, it has been determined to add to the series some portions of the Greek Testament. Each TEXT is provided with a VOCABULARY of the words occurring in it. In every instance-with the exception of Eutropius and Æsop-the origin of a word, when known, is stated at the commencement of the article treating of it, if connected with another iv PREFACE. Latin, or Greek, word; at the end of it, if derived from any other source. Further still, the primary or etymological meaning is always given, within inverted commas, in Roman type, and so much also of each word's history as is needful to bring down its chain of meanings to the especial force, or forces, attaching to it in the particular "Text." In the Vocabularies, however, to Eutropius and Æsop-which are essentially books for beginners -the origin is given of those words alone which are formed from other Latin or Greek words, re- spectively. Moreover, as an acquaintance with the principles of GRAMMAR, as well as with ETYMOLOGY, is necessary to the understanding of a language, such points of construction as seem to require elucida- tion are concisely explained under the proper articles, or a reference is simply made to that rule in the Public Schools Latin Primer, or in Parry's Elementary Greek Grammar, which meets the particular difficulty. It occasionally happens, how- ever, that more information is needed than can be gathered from the above-named works. When such is the case, whatever is requisite is supplied, in substance, from Jelf's Greek Grammar, Winer's Grammar of New Testament Greek, or the Latin Grammars of Zumpt and Madvig. LONDON: September, 1880. INTRODUCTION. Of the country and age of Homer not even the ancient Greeks themselves had any certain knowledge. Out of about nineteen places, wherein it has been asserted that he was born, seven have been considered as having established, on various grounds, the better right to claim this high distinction. The names of these seven are con- tained in the following line :- M Smyrna, Rhodos, Colophon, Salamis, Chios, Argos, Athenæ. The generally received opinion has hitherto been that the pretensions of the rest must be set aside in favour of Smyrna; and, if it be accepted as the true one, Homer must have been an Asiatic Greek. The age, moreover, in which he flourished has been as much a subject of dispute as the place of his birth. Various dates have been assigned to it, ranging from B. C. 1184 to B. C. 684, and thus exhibiting a difference, between the earliest and the latest, of no less than five hundred years. An opinion that the poet was blind has more or less prevailed, though perhaps it has no better foundation than that, in the Cumaan dialect, unpos is equivalent to Tupλós, i. e. “blind." His τυφλός, very existence, even, has been called in question; and it has been affirmed that the poems which pass under his name are in reality the production of Bards known by the name of Rhapsodists. One thing, however, seems to be vi INTRODUCTION. generally recognized, viz. that the Homeric poems were. composed before writing was known, and were long handed down by oral teaching. From the poet's assigning especial prominence and glory in the Iliad to the Achaians, while he makes no mention of the Dorians, it has recently been held that he was in all probability an Achaian Greek living before the time of the Dorian conquest of the Peloponnesus (which took place about B.C. 1104), and in all likelihood at no distant date from the fall of Troy-probably within fifty years of that event. Again it is stated that the first result of the Dorian conquest was the Eolic migration. Many fugitives, expelled from various parts of Greece, passed first into the North of the Peloponnesus, and after- wards into Asia Minor. Together with these "the more genial and appreciative portion of the nation, the recitation of the poems could not but migrate too." And as the poems thus became domiciled for a while in Asia, all that related to them, and most of all Homer himself, came to be regarded as Asiatic. The grammatical construction of the language in the First Book of the Odyssey presents no especial difficulty. It is different, however, with regard to the Homeric Dialect. Information on this last subject is given at p. 81 of Parry's Greek Grammar; and the General View of the Dialects, at p. 169 of the same work, may be consulted with advantage. As an addition to what may be found at the places above mentioned, the following remarks are offered. The augment, whether syllabic or temporal, is frequently omitted in simple and in compound verbs alike; c. g. πλάγχθη for ἐπλάγχθη, v. 2 ; πάθεν for ἔπαθεν, v. 4 ; φύγον for ἔφυγον, v. II ; ὅλοντο for ὤλοντο, v. 7. In verbs compounded of a preposition and a simple 1 INTRODUCTION. vii verb, the preposition is often separated from the simple verb by the figure τμῆσις (“ cutting or severance ”) : κατὰ βοῦς ἤσθιον for βοῦς κατήσθιον, vv. 7, 8 ; ἐν δώματα ναίει for δώματα ἐνναίει, v. 51. The pronoun 8, й, Tó is found both as a demonstrative and a relative. Thus ó, vv. 23, 326; toû, v. 328; tá, v. 152; тhv, vv. 63, 113; тóv, vv. 44, 80, are demonstra- tive ;--- τῷ, v. 17 ; τόν, ν. 30, are relative. The present imperative, middle or passive, in ou often assumes the uncontracted form eo: ἐμπάζε (for ἐμπᾶζου) Substantives, and adjectives inflected according to them, undergo occasionally certain changes from the usual forms In the First Declension, the Genitive Singular of mas. culine nouns is at times changed from ov into ão; e. g. Μερμερίδαo for Μερμερίδου, v. 259 ; Ατρείδαο for 'Ατρείδου, vv. 35, 40 ; Ὀρέστο for Ὀρέστου, v. 40 :-also into ew, e. g. Πηληιάδεω for Πηληιάδου (Il. 1, 1). The Genitive Plural of both masculine and feminine nouns becomes awr instead of ῶν: e. g. θεάων for θεῶν, v. 14 ; δμωΐων for δμωῶν, v.435 ; παρείᾶων for παρειῶν, v. 334 :-50, αἰχμηταῶν for aixuntŵv (Il. 1, 152). The Dative Plural is found as ῃς, ῃσι(ν) for aις : thus πρώτῃσι θύρῃσι for πρώταις θύραις, v. 255. In the Second Declension, the Genitive Singular ou is often changed into oo, and the Dative Plural ois into οισι(ν): thus θαλάμοιο for θαλάμου, v. 441 ; ξείνοιο for ξείνου, v. 405 ; ἀνθρώποισι for ἀνθρώποις, V. 391 ; ἀμφι- πόλοισι for ἀμφιπόλοις, v. 357. In the Third Declension the form of the Dative Plural widely varies. Thus there occur μνηστήρ-σιν from μνηστήρ, v. 254; στήθεσσι from στῆθος; Κυκλώπ-εσσι from Κύκλωψ (= Κύκλωπ-ς); λεχ-έεσσι from λέχος, v. 366. In diphthong-nouns of this declension, those in eús viii INTRODUCTION. often have the Genitive, Dative, and Accusative Singular in ños, ñï, ña, and the Nominative, Genitive, and Accus- ative Plural in ñes, hwv, ñas: thus 'Odvoños, v. 65; 'Odvoñï, vv. 21, 48; 'Odvoĥa, vv. 74, 212, etc.; Baoiλña, v. 386; Baoiλñes, v. 394: so, vnós, vv. 171, 260; vña, vv. 303, 311. Other variations from the forms of words occurring in such Greek authors as are usually read in the earlier stages of a classical education will be found to occur more or less frequently, throughout the present Book of the Odyssey; but be they what they may, they are explained under the several articles in the Vocabulary. PROSODY. As the treatment of Greek verse is, for the most part, but little noticed in Elementary Grammars, if it be not altogether passed over, such particulars as appear requisite for understanding the formation of Homeric lines are here supplied for the use of those who desire to turn their attention to the subject. Hexameter, or Heroic Verse. The Hexameter (or Heroic Verse)-the metre in which Homer's Odyssey is written-belongs to Dactylic Verse. It consists, as its name implies, of six metres or feet, of which the first four may be either dactyls or spondees; the fifth is regularly a dactyl, though sometimes a spondee; the sixth always a spondee or trochee. When a spondee occurs as the fifth foof, the line is termed Spondaic; cf. vv. 29, 209, 219, etc. Cæsūra (roμn = cæsūra, "a cutting," i. e. a dividing of a verse into two parts) is required either, a. after the first syllable of the third foot (Toμn Tevonμiµepýs=semiquinaria, also masculine, cœsūra); or, b. after the second syllable of the third foot, if a dactyl (τομὴ κατὰ τρίτον τροχαῖον = trochaic, also feminine, cæsura); or, c. after the first syl- lable of the fourth foot (Toµǹ éponµiµepĤs = cæsura semi- septenaria or hepthemimeral cæsura). But no instance of this occurs in the first Book of the Odyssey. It need scarcely be added that cæsura is concurrent with the end of a word. a. ἀλλ᾽ οὐδ᾽ ὣς ἑτάρους—ἐρρύσατο, ἱέμενός περ, v. 6. b. ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα-πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλά, v. I. c. μάντι κακῶν, οὐ πώποτέ μοι-τὸ κρήγυον εἶπας (İl. 1, 106). X PROSODY. There is, also, a peculiar kind of casura called cæsura bucolica (roun Воνкоλikh, i.e. bucolic cæsūra), which is at times found at the close of the fourth foot after one of the before-mentioned cæsuræ. It occurs not unfrequently in Homer; but its name is of a later date than his age, being obtained from the fact of the Greek Bucolic poets having made great use of this form of the hexameter Virgil, following them, employs it frequently in his Eclogues and Georgics. Its tendency is to give a sudden check to the current of the line. verse. οἱ μὲν δυσομένου-Ὑπερίονος--οἱ δ᾽ ἀνιόντος, V. 24. ἀλλ᾽ ὅγε τέρπετο δαιτὶ-παρήμενος--οἱ δὲ δὴ ἄλλοι, v. 26. Prosodial Figures. (ἀφαίρεσις, Aphæresis (åpaípeσis, "a taking away") is the elision (of which the sign is apostrophe, ') of a short final vowel before the incipient vowel, whether long or short, of a following word :--πολλὰ δ᾽ ὅγ᾽ ἐν πόντῳ, for δὲ ὅγε, ν. 4 ; —κάκ᾽ ἔμμεναι, for κακά, ν. 33 ;--κείμεν' ἐπ᾿ ἠπείρου, for κείμενα ἐπί, v. 162 ;--πευθοίαθ᾽ οἱ ἄλλοι, for πευθοίατο (τ being changed into before the following aspirated vowel), v. 157.—N.B. The final of the dat. sing. and plur. of nouns of the 3rd declension is rarely elided. เ In Epic poetry the final at of verbal forms is sometimes elided; but rarely so in nouns. Except in the cases of μοί, συί, and perhaps μέντοι, οι is held not to be elided in Homer :-βούλομ᾽ ἐγὼ λαόν, for βούλομαι (Ι1. 1, 117);- ἔρχομ᾽ ἔχων, for ἔρχομαι (Ιl. 1, 168);—είπ᾽ ἄγε μ᾽, ὦ πολύαιν Οδυσεῦ, for μοί (Ιl. 9, 673). In Epic poetry the final a of the adverb &pa, and of the prepositions ἀνά, κατά, παρά is dropped before even a following consonant :-τίς τ᾽ ἄρ σφωε θεῶν, for ἄρα (Il. 1 PROSODY. xi 8);-θείομεν, ἂν δ᾽ αὐτήν, for ἀνά (Ιl. 1, 143);—πρίν τινα πὰρ Τρώων, for παρά (Il. 2, 355). (διαίρεσις, Diaresis (dialpeois, "a dividing or separating ") is the dividing of one syllable (being a diphthong) into two. It is signified by two points (·) being placed over the second vowel :-ôğéï, v. 99. Synæresis (ovvaípeσis, “a taking together") is the pronouncing of two syllables as one :— -πλέων ἐπὶ οἴνοπα πόντον (as if πλῶν), ν. 183;-ἐξ ἡμέων γάρ φασι (as if ἡμῶν), v. 33· Arsis (ǎpois, "a raising") is the term denoting that syllable on which in scansion the emphasis rests, and which in genuine feet is always a long one. In a Dactyl, or a Spondee representing a Dactyl, it rests on the first syllable (in an Iambus, on the last):-ǎvdpa μol ěvvete, Μοῦσα (the arsis falls on ανδρ, εν, Μουσ), v. I;—πολλῶν δ᾽ ἀνθρώπων ἴδεν (the arsis falls on πολλ, ἀν, ων), v. 3. A short syllable at the end of a word is sometimes made long in Arsis, if it begins a foot :-Znvòs evī peɣápolσi (the short is lengthened), v. 27;—èk yàp ’Opeσtão tíσis τίσις (the final o is lengthened), v. 40;—àprúµevõs žv (os is lengthened), v. 5. Position. A short final vowel before two consonants or a double consonant in the following word is mostly, but not always, long by position :-ὦ πάτερ ἡμέτερε Κρονίδη, ὕπατε κρει- όντων, v. 45 ; ὅππως κε μνηστῆρας, v. 270 ; ὰψ ἴτῶ ἐς μέγαρον, v. 276; ἀλλά ποθῖ Ζεύς, v. 348 :-- but ὑλήεντι Ζακύνθῳ, v. 246. Vowels and Diphthongs. Of the vowels, e and o are short, ŋ and w are long, by xii PROSODY. nature; but a, i, v are doubtful, i. e. are found sometimes short, sometimes long. All diphthongs are long. ¡ Long Vowel, or Diphthong, before a Vowel. A long vowel, or a diphthong, may be shortened at the end of a word, if the following word begins with a vowel; as, mλáyxoň étel Tpoíns, v. 2; Tpoíň èv evpeíņ, v. 62; ¿č ἐμεῦ οἷα φίλοι, v. 313; ἀνθρώπους ἐπεῖ ἔκτανε, ν. 299; παρτιθεῖ, εὖτ᾽ ἄν, ν. 192. Contraction. Every contracted syllable is long; as nvdã (contracted from ηὔδαε), v. 213 ; προσηύδα (contracted from προσηύδαε), v. 252 ; ἀρνεῖται (contracted from ἀρνέεται), v. 249. Hiatus. Hiatus (hiātus, "a yawning ") is the meeting of two vowels, of which the one forms the ending of a word, the other the beginning of the following word. It is admitted but rarely even into Epic poetry, and then only in the following instances:-a. When the former of the two words ends in a long vowel or diphthong ; as, νῆας ἐνιπρῆσαι, ὅτι μὴ αὐτός γε Κρονίων, where hiatus occurs at μή (Il. 13, 319).-b. Where the vowel is rarely or never elided; as, παιδὶ ὄπασσε (Ι1. 17, 196); καί δ᾽ ἦγον προτὶ ἄστυ ἀελπτέοντες σόον εἶναι (Il. 7, 31o).—c. Where the two words are divided by punctuation; as, ¿^^' ăva, ei ἀλλ᾽ μέμονάς γε καὶ ὀψέ περ υἷας Αχαιῶν (Ι1. 9, 247). --d. Where —d. the two words are separated by casura; as, ol d'àµp ᾿Ατρείωνα---ἀολλέες ἠγερέθοντο (Ιl. 23, 233); see, also, Digamma at end. PROSODY. XIii The Digamma. In the language of the Pelasgi, who are said to have been the earliest inhabitants of Greece, there was a letter occupying the sixth place in the alphabet which was named Digamma in consequence of its resemblance to two gammas (rг) placed one on the top of the other (F). Originally it was termed Bau or Fau. Its sound appears to have corresponded with that of the English for ph. The most ancient Greeks, it is said, pronounced it before every word beginning with a vowel, and also employed it between two vowels coming together in the same word, and before §. In later times it was termed the Eolic Digamma in consequence of the Eolians having retained traces of the original form of the national language much longer than any other of the Greek tribes. In other dialects than the Æolic the letter itself became obsolete at a very early date, although its power and its sound (modified variously into B, y, v, or ou) were in many instances preserved through customary usage. In Homer's time it still existed, though it seems to have been passing out of use. This is evident from the poet employing the same word either with or without the digamma according to the exigency of his verse, as will be presently shown. The digammated words found in the first Book of the Odyssey are ἄναξ, ἀνάσσω, ἄστυ, ἐείκοσι, the various forms of εἴδω (video), εἶπα, εἶπον and ἔειπον, ἕκαστος, ἔοικα, ἑός and ὅs (suus), ἔπος, ἔργον, ἐρέω, ἐρίηρος, ἕρκος, ἑσθής, ἕσπερος, ἕταρος, ἔτος, ἵεμαι, ἶσος, ἵστημι, οἶκος, οἶνος, otvoy, oû, oî, ë (sui, sibi, se), ws. In digammated verbs the digamma may be placed before the augment. The following are instances in which the same word, or a part of the same word, is used both with and without xiv PROSODY. the digamma :- ἀλλ᾽ ἄγε μοι τόδε Fεἰπέ, ν. 169; θύγατερ Διὸς, εἰπὲ καὶ ἡμῖν, v. 10 ;-ἔβαν οἶκόνδε Fἕκαστος, v. 424 ; ὅπως ἐθέλῃσιν ἑκάστῳ, V. 349. Further there is no real hiatus in Homer before digammated words. This may be seen in the instances. above given of the use of the digamma, and also in the following examples :---ἐγὼν οἴκοιο Fἄναξ ἔσομ᾽, v. 397 ; τρύχουσι δὲ Foἶκον, v. 248 ; πλέων ἐπὶ Γοΐνοπα πόντον, v. 183 ; εἰ μετὰ Foῖς ἑτάροισι, v. 237 ; see Hiatus. Moreover, a final short syllable, ending in a consonant, is found lengthened before a word which takes the digamma ; as, τῷ κεν Foἶ τύμβον, ν. 239. Final Syllables. 1. a. Words ending in a are short ; as, ἑλώρια, πρῶτα, θύγατρᾶ, ἄποινᾶ, ἀμφότερα (nom. and acc. plur. of ἀμφ- ότερος), ἔτυψᾶ, τέτυφα. b. Exceptions. Final a is long (a) In nouns in aa, ea, oa, va, wa; also, in nouns which have a consonant before a and form the genitive in as; as, Ναυσικάα, θεά, στοᾶ, γύα, μωᾶ (for μοῦσα); Λήδα; but see below, no. (f). (b) In polysyllabic nouns in αια ; as, ἀρχαία, σεληναία. But some polysyllabic names of places ending in ata follow the general rule; as, Ἱστίαια. ; (c) In dissyllabic nouns in eɑ; and in such polysyllabic abstract nouns in ea as are derived from a verb in eúw as, χρεία, λεία ;---βασιλεία (α reign, from βασιλεύω), Other polysyllabic nouns of this class follow the general rule ; as, ἀλήθεια, βασίλεια (α queen, from βασιλεύς). γλυκεῖα, ἱέρεια. (d) In nouns in ta; as, σοφία, φιλία, ἁγία. But the PROSODY. XV following classes of words fall under the general rule; viz. names applied to women, as, þáλtpiă, a female harper; the feminine adjectives diu, divine; ñótviă, venerable; µlă and ĭă, one ;—and all words having u before ια ; a5, μυϊᾶ, τετυφυΐα. บ (e) In dissyllabic words in ota, and feminines of adjec tives in os; as, Tola, the summer, the year; Tola, nom. fem. of Toîos; duola, nom. fem. of 8μolos. (f) In nouns in pa; except when pa is preceded by v, a diphthong, or a vowel before p§ ; as, ἀγορᾶ, ἡμέρα, λύρα, ἀμφοτέρα (non. fem. sing. of ἀμφότερος);—but γέφυρα, σφυρᾶ; μάχαιρᾶ, μοῖρᾶ, πεῖρα ; Πύρδα, Κεῤῥᾶ. Yet κολλύρα, éralpā have their last syllable long, notwithstanding the preceding v and diphthong. (g) In the vocative singular of nouns in as of first de- clension ; as, Αἰνεία, voc. of Αἰνείας ; ταμῖᾶ, voc. ofταμίας. (h) In the nominative, vocative, and accusative dual of nous of the first declension ; as, τελώνα, ταμία ; θαλάσσα, μούσα. (i) In the Doric genitive case of masc. nouns of the first declension; as, Boppā. (j) In poetic vocatives in a; as, Пoλvdaµā. (k) In all contracted words in a; as, riua for riuae; ηὔδα for ηὔδαε. (1) In the accusative singular of masculine nouns of the third declension in eύς; as, βασιλέα, ἱερέα. 2. a. Words ending in av are short; as, yaîav, µéyăv, μοῖρᾶν, μέλαινᾶν, ἤλᾶσαν, ἔτυψᾶν. , b. Exceptions. Final av is long (a) In the nominative singular of masc. nouns in av of the third declension; as, TIтāv. (b) In adverbs in av; as, répav. But örăv has its last syllable short. xvi PROSODY. (c) In the accusative singular of masculine nouns in as of the first declension; as, Aiveíāv, taµíāv ;—also of such feminine nouns of the first declension as end in a, and have the accent on the penultima ; as, σοφίαν, φιλίαν. 3. a. Words ending in ap are short; as, apăρ, avтăp, νέκταρ, ὄναρ. b. Exception. Final ap is long in monosyllables; as, Kāp, the head; Yap, a starling. Yet the conjunction yăp has ap short. αρ 4. a. Words ending in as are long; as, Atās, épétās, θεοπροπίας, θοᾶς. b. Exceptions. Final as is short (a) In nouns of the third declension not forming the genitive in αντος; as, Παλλάς, γῆρας, γέρας. (b) In the accusative case plural of nouns of the third declension ; as, δαίμονᾶς, κύνᾶς, νῆᾶς, πόδας. (c) In ἥμεᾶς for ἡμᾶς; ὕμεας for ὑμᾶς; σφέας for σφᾶς. (d) In the second person singular of the first aorist and perfect indicative; as, ἔτυψᾶς, τέτυφας. (e) In adverbs in as; as, àтpéμăs, without trembling; Ēkăs, far off. 5. a. Words ending in t are short; as, βασιλῆϊ, μάντι, Ιφῖ, κλῦθί, περί, τηλόθι. b. Exceptions. Final is long ↓ (a) In pronouns and adverbs which take the iota demonstrativum ; as, οὑτοσί, αὑτη, τουτί ; νυνῖ, δευρί, So ddi for öde; rauti for raûra. (b) In indeclinable words in ɩ; as, кpī, barley; §i, πi, the names of letters. 6. a. Words ending in tv are short; as, μάντιν, μηνῖν, µìv, πóλiv, üßpiv. Under this rule fall, likewise, all words to which v is added ; as, ἔστιν, προθέουσιν, χερσίν, πόλιν, PROSODY. xvii b. Exceptions. Final v is long (a) In all words having their nominative cases in either ty or is; as, ἀκτῖν, δελφῖν. (b) In all circumflexed words; as, ĥµîv, vµîv. 7. a. Words ending in us are short; as, avtis, µávtis, οὔτίς, πολύμητῖς. b. Exceptions. Final is is long (a) In all nouns increasing long in the genitive case; as, κνημίς, κνημίδος, a greave; ὄρνις, ὄρνιθος, a bird ; σφραγῖς, σφραγῖδος, a seal. (b) In monosyllabic nouns in is; as, bīs, the shore; pis, the nose; plur. the nostrils. But Tis is short. 8. a. Words ending in v are short; as, yλukŭ, yóvũ, δάκρυ, νῦ (adv.), ὀξύ, πολύ, στ. b. Exceptions. Final u is long (a) In the adverbs ypů, v. (b) In the names of letters ending in v; as, µv, vv. (c) In the third person singular of imperfect and 2. aorist indicative of verbs in μ of the fourth conjugation; as, ἀνέδυ, κατέδυ, ἔφύ. 9. a. Words ending in uv are short; as, γλυκῖν, εὐρῦν, Toívěv (but in Aristophanes, by poetic licence, тoív¯v), σύν. b. Exceptions. Final uv is long (a) In the nominative singular of nouns of the third declension which end in vv, ūvos; as, µóoovv, µboovvos, a wooden house or tower; Φόρκῶν, Φόρκυνος, Phorcyn or Phorcy's, a sea-deity. (b) In the accusative case singular of words which have their nominative in us; as iλū, from ¡λūs, mud; loxūv from loxūs, strength (but shortened in Pindar by poetic licence). (c) In the first person singular of imperfect and 2. aorist Ody's. Book I. a xviii PROSODY. indicative of verbs in μ of the fourth conjugation; as, ědūv, éŠeúyvūv, špūv. (d) In all circumflexed words; as, vûv, now; µûv, acc. of µûs, a mouse; îv, acc. of ûs, a hog. 10. Words ending in up are long; as, πup, fire (but in the oblique cases of this word the v is short; as, πuρós, etc.). II. a. Words in vs are short; as, Balus, deep; Bapus, heavy; κóρйs, a helmet; µápтus, a witness. b. Exceptions. Final vs is long (a) In monosyllabic words; as, µūs, oūs, vs. (b) In words of more than one syllable which take vos in the genitive singular; as, axλūs, gen. àxλvos, a mist; ἰχθύς, gen. ἰχθύος, a fish; Φόρκυς, Φόρκυος, Phorcys or Phorcyn, a sea-deity. (c) In dayus, gen. dayūdos, a wax doll, a puppet; kúµūs, en. kúµvlos, a bundle of hay, etc. (d) In participles of verbs in μ of the fourth conjuga- tion; as, Čevyvūs. ARGUMENT. THE Muse invoked. Subject proposed. Calypso detains Odusseus in her island. All the gods, Poseidon alone excepted, entertain feelings of compassion for Odusseus. Poseidon goes to feast on the offerings of the Ethiopians. In his absence Zeus hold a council of the gods on Olympus. Athenë pleads the cause of Odusseus. Zeus acknowledges the wisdom and piety of Odusseus, and explains that all his sufferings arise from Poseidon being enraged with him for blinding and killing the Cyclops. Polyphemus; and at the same time expresses an opinion that Poseidon would not persist in his wrath in opposition to the general wish of the immortals. Hereupon Athënë expresses her intention of sending Hermes to Calypso for the purpose of informing her that the departure of Odusseus is willed by the gods, and further, of going, herself, to Ithaca in order to give certain directions to Telemachus. Assuming the form of Mentes, prince of the Taphii, Athënë presents herself at the palace of Telemachus, and meets with a kind reception. The suitors of Penelopë enter and feast. The minstrel Phēmĭus compelled to sing for their entertainment. Telemachus, sitting close to his guest, so that his words may not be overheard, complains of the conduct of the suitors, and deplores the absence of his father. Inquires who his guest is, and whence he comes. Informed that his guest is Mentes, prince of the Taphii, and that in the course of a voyage to Teměsẽ he had touched at Ithaca. The supposed Mentes then states that he is an old guest-friend of the XX ARGUMENT. family of Laërtes, and expresses a conviction that Odusseus will speedily return home. He then asks if Telemachus is the son of Odusseus, adding that he had not seen the latter since his departure for Troy. Reply of. Telemachus. Inquiry is made as to the cause of the revelry going on in the palace. On Telemachus complaining of the conduct of the suitors, his guest expresses indignation and amazement, urges him to get rid of them, and tells him what course to pursue in order to effect their expulsion. Telemachus expresses gratitude for the advice given, and is desirous of making such a present as one guest- friend would give to another. The present declined under the plea of urgent haste. The guest then departs, having first filled Telemachus with might and courage, and put him in a higher degree in mind of his father. Telemachus joins the suitors. Phemius sings the mournful return of the Greek princes from Troy. Penelope, descending from her chamber, begs the minstrel to select some other theme. Telemachus desires her to return to her chamber, and defends the minstrel. Addresses the noisy revellers, tells them to enjoy the feast and the song, and bids them be present in the agora on the morrow, as he intended to order them to quit his palace. Their suppressed rage. Antinŏüs, one of the suitors, addresses him in a banter- ing tone. Telemachus replies, and concludes with saying that he intends to be master in his own abode. Eurymachus, another suitor, next addresses him, and, amongst other things, inquires if the guest brought any tidings of the early return of Odusseus, and who he was and whence he came. Telemachus answers that all hope of his father's return was gone, and the guest was Mentes. The suitors continue their revelry till the evening closes in, when they depart to their beds. Telemachus, attended by his old housekeeper, Eurycleia, retires to his chamber. ΟΜΗΡΟΥ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑΣ Α΄. ῎Ανδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ Πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν· Πολλῶν δ᾽ ἀνθρώπων ἴδεν ἄστει καὶ νόον ἔγνω, Πολλὰ δ᾽ ὅγ᾽ ἐν πόντῳ πάθεν ἄλγεα ὃν κατὰ θυμὸν, ᾿Αρνύμενος ἥν τε ψυχὴν καὶ νόστον ἑταίρων. ᾿Αλλ᾿ οὐδ᾽ ὣς ἑτάρους ἐρρύσατο, ἱέμενός περ· Αὐτῶν γὰρ σφετέρῃσιν ἀτασθαλίῃσιν ὄλοντο· Νήπιοι, οἳ κατὰ βοῦς Ὑπερίονος Ἠελίοιο Ἤσθιον· αὐτὰρ ὁ τοῖσιν ἀφείλετο νόστιμον ἦμαρ. Τῶν ἀμόθεν γε, θεὰ, θύγατερ Διὸς, εἰπὲ καὶ ἡμῖν. Ενθ᾽ ἄλλοι μὲν πάντες, ὅσοι φύγον αἰπὺν ὄλεθρον, Οἴκοι ἔσαν πόλεμόν τε πεφευγότες ἠδὲ θάλασσαν· Τὸν δ᾽ οἶον, νόστου κεχρημένον ἠδὲ γυναικὸς, Νύμφη πότνι᾽ ἔρυκε Καλυψὼ, δία θεάων, Ἐν σπέσσι γλαφυροῖσι, λιλαιομένη πόσιν εἶναι. ᾿Αλλ᾽ ὅτε δὴ ἔτος ἦλθε, περιπλομένων ἐνιαυτῶν, Odys Book I. B 5 IO 15 2 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. Τῷ οἱ ἐπεκλώσαντο θεοὶ οἶκόνδε νέεσθαι Εἰς Ἰθάκην, οὐδ᾽ ἔνθα πεφυγμένος ἦεν ἀέθλων, Καὶ μετὰ οἷσι φίλοισι. Θεοὶ δ᾽ ἐλέαιρον ἅπαντες Νόσφι Ποσειδάωνος· ὁ δ᾽ ἀσπερχὲς μενέαινεν ᾿Αντιθέῳ Ὀδυσῆϊ πάρος ἣν γαῖαν ἱκέσθαι. 0 ᾿Αλλ᾽ ὁ μὲν Αἰθίοπας μετεκίαθε τηλόθ᾽ ἐόντας- Αἰθίοπας, τοὶ διχθὰ δεδαίαται, ἔσχατοι ἀνδρῶν, Οἱ μὲν δυσομένου Ὑπερίονος, οἱ δ᾽ ἀνιόντος-- ᾿Αντιόων ταύρων τε καὶ ἀρνειῶν ἑκατόμβης. Ἔνθ᾽ ὅγε τέρπετο δαιτὶ παρήμενος· οἱ δὲ δὴ ἄλλοι Ζηνὸς ἐνὶ μεγάροισιν Ὀλυμπίου ἀθρόοι ἦσαν. Τοῖσι δὲ μύθων ἦρχε πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε· Μνήσατο γὰρ κατὰ θυμὸν ἀμύμονος Αἰγίσθοιο, Τόν ῥ᾽ ᾿Αγαμεμνονίδης τηλεκλυτὸς ἔκταν᾿ Ὀρέστης· 30 Τοῦ ὅγ᾽ ἐπιμνησθεὶς ἔπε᾽ ἀθανάτοισι μετηύδα· “ Ω πόποι, οἷον δή νυ θεοὺς βροτοὶ αἰτιόωνται. Ἐξ ἡμέων γάρ φασι κακ᾽ ἔμμεναι· οἱ δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ Σφῇσιν ἀτασθαλίῃσιν ὑπὲρ μόρον ἄλγε᾽ ἔχουσιν, Ὡς καὶ νῦν Αἴγισθος ὑπὲρ μόρον ᾿Ατρείδαο Γῆμ᾽ ἄλοχον μνηστὴν, τὸν δ᾽ ἔκτανε νοστήσαντα, Εἰδὼς αἰπὺν ὄλεθρον· ἐπεὶ πρό οἱ εἴπομεν ἡμεῖς, Ἑρμείαν πέμψαντες, ἐΰσκοπον ᾿Αργειφόντην, Μήτ᾽ αὐτὸν κτείνειν μήτε μνάασθαι ἄκοιτιν· Ἐκ γὰρ Ὀρέσταο τίσις ἔσσεται ᾿Ατρείδαο, Ὁππότ᾽ ἂν ἡβήσῃ τε καὶ ἧς ἱμείρεται αἴης. Ὣς ἔφαθ᾽ Ἑρμείας, ἀλλ᾽ οὐ φρένας Αἰγίσθοιο πεῖθ᾽ ἀγαθὰ φρονέων· νῦν δ᾽ ἀθρόα πάντ᾽ ἀπέτισεν.” 20 25 35 40 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 3 rr Τὸν δ᾽ ἠμείβετ᾽ ἔπειτα θεὰ γλαυκῶπις ᾿Αθήνη· “Ω πάτερ ἡμέτερε Κρονίδη, ὕπατε κρειόντων, Καὶ λίην κεῖνός γε ἐοικότι κεῖται ὀλέθρῳ· Ὡς ἀπόλοιτο καὶ ἄλλος, ὅτις τοιαῦτά γε ῥέζοι. ᾿Αλλά μοι ἀμφ' Οδυσῆϊ δαΐφρονι δαίεται ἦτορ, Δυσμόρῳ, ὃς δὴ δηθὰ φίλων ἄπο πήματα πάσχει Νήσῳ ἐν ἀμφιρύτῃ, ὅθι τ᾽ ὀμφαλός ἐστι θαλάσσης, 5ο Νῆσος δενδρήεσσα, θεὰ δ᾽ ἐν δώματα ναίει, Ατλαντος θυγάτηρ ὀλοόφρονος, ὅστε θαλάσσης Πάσης βένθεα οἶδεν, ἔχει δέ τε κίονας αὐτὸς Μακρὰς, αἳ γαϊάν τε καὶ οὐρανὸν ἀμφὶς ἔχουσιν. Τοῦ θυγάτηρ δύστηνον ὀδυρόμενον κατερύκει, Αἰεὶ δὲ μαλακοῖσι καὶ αἱμυλίοισι λόγοισιν Θέλγει, ὅπως Ἰθάκης ἐπιλήσεται· αὐτὰρ Οδυσσεὺς, Ἱέμενος καὶ καπνὸν ἀποθρώσκοντα νοῆσαι Ἧς γαίης, θανέειν ἱμείρεται. Οὐδέ νυ σοί περ Ἐντρέπεται φίλον ἦτορ, Ολύμπιε. Οὔ νύ τ᾽ Οδυσσεὺς ᾿Αργείων παρὰ νηυσὶ χαρίζετο ἱερὰ ῥέζων Τροίῃ ἐν εὐρείῃ ; τί νύ οἱ τόσον ὠδύσαο, Ζεῦ ;” 61 Τὴν δ᾽ ἀπαμειβόμενος προσέφη νεφεληγερέτα Ζεύς· “ Τέκνον ἐμὸν, ποῖόν σε ἔπος φύγεν ἕρκος ὀδόντων. Πῶς ἂν ἔπειτ᾽ Οδυσῆος ἐγὼ θείοιο λαθοίμην, Ὃς περὶ μὲν νόον ἐστὶ βροτῶν, πέρι δ᾽ ἱρὰ θεοῖσιν ᾿Αθανάτοισιν ἔδωκε, τοὶ οὐρανὸν εὐρὺν ἔχουσιν. ᾿Αλλὰ Ποσειδάων γαιήοχος ἀσκελὲς αἰεὶ Κύκλωπος κεχύλωται, ὃν ὀφθαλμοῦ ἀλάωσεν, ᾿Αντίθεον Πολύφημον, ὅου κράτος ἔσκε μέγιστον 45 55 65 ча P 2 4 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. Πᾶσιν Κυκλώπεσσι· Θόωσα δέ μιν τέκε νύμφη, Φόρκυνος θυγάτηρ, ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτοιο μέδοντος, Ἐν σπέσσι γλαφυροῖσι Ποσειδάωνι μιγεῖσα. Ἐκ τοῦ δὴ Ὀδυσῆα Ποσειδάων ἐνοσίχθων Οὔτι κατακτείνει, πλάζει δ᾽ ἀπὸ πατρίδος αἴης. ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἄγεθ᾽, ἡμεῖς οἶδε περιφραζώμεθα πάντες Νόστον, ὅπως ἔλθῃσι· Ποσειδάων δὲ μεθήσει Ὃν χόλον· οὐ μὲν γάρ τι δυνήσεται ἀντία πάντων ᾿Αθανάτων ἀέκητι θεῶν ἐριδαινέμεν οἷος.” Τὸν δ᾽ ἠμείβετ᾽ ἔπειτα θεὰ γλαυκῶπις ᾿Αθήνη· “Ω πάτερ ἡμέτερε Κρονίδη, ὕπατε κρειόντων, Εἰ μὲν δὴ νῦν τοῦτο φίλον μακάρεσσι θεοῖσιν, Νοστῆσαι Οδυσῆα δαΐφρονα ὅνδε δόμονδε, Ερμείαν μὲν ἔπειτα, διάκτορον, ᾿Αργειφόντην, Νῆσον ἐς Ωγυγίην ὀτρύνομεν, ὄφρα τάχιστα Νύμφῃ ἐϋπλοκάμῳ εἴπῃ νημερτέα βουλὴν, Νόστον Οδυσσῆος ταλασίφρονος, ὡς κε νέηται. Αὐτὰρ ἐγὼν Ἰθάκην ἐσελεύσομαι, ὄφρα οἱ υἱὸν Μᾶλλον ἐποτρύνω, καί οἱ μένος ἐν φρεσὶ θείω, Εἰς ἀγορὴν καλέσαντα καρηκομόωντας Αχαιοὺς Πᾶσι μνηστήρεσσιν ἀπειπέμεν, οὔτε οἱ αἰεὶ Μῆλ᾽ ἀδινὰ σφάζουσι καὶ εἰλίποδας ἕλικας βοῦς. Πέμψω δ᾽ ἐς Σπάρτην τε καὶ ἐς Πύλον ἠμαθόεντα Νόστον πευσόμενον πατρὸς φίλου, ἦν που ἀκούσῃ, Ἠδ᾽ ἵνα μιν κλέος ἐσθλὸν ἐν ἀνθρώποισιν ἔχῃσιν.” 95 Ὣς εἰποῦσ᾽ ὑπὸ ποσσὶν ἐδήσατο καλὰ πέδιλα, ᾿Αμβρόσια, χρύσεια, τά μιν φέρον ἠμὲν ἐφ᾽ ὑγρὴν > 99 75 80 85 υ 90 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 5 เก σαν το Ἠδ᾽ ἐπ᾽ ἀπείρονα γαῖαν ἅμα πνοιῇς ἀνέμοιο. Εἵλετο δ᾽ ἄλκιμον ἔγχος, ἀκαχμένον ὀξέϊ χαλκῷ, Βριθὺ, μέγα, στιβαρὸν, τῷ δάμνησι στίχας ἀνδρῶν κα Ἡρώων, τοῖσίντε κοτέσσεται ὀβριμοπάτρη. Βῆ δὲ κατ᾽ Οὐλύμποιο καρήνων ἀΐξασα, ΙΟΙ ܘ Στῆ δ᾽ Ἰθάκης ἐνὶ δήμῳ ἐπὶ προθύροις Ὀδυσῆος, Οὐδοῦ ἐπ᾿ αὐλείου· παλάμῃ δ᾽ ἔχε χάλκεον ἔγχος, Εἰδομένη ξείνῳ, Ταφίων ἡγήτορι, Μέντῃ, Εὗρε δ᾽ ἄρα μνηστῆρας ἀγήνορας. Οἱ μὲν ἔπειτα Πεσσοῖσι προπάροιθε θυράων θυμὸν ἔτερπον, Ἥμενοι ἐν ῥινοῖσι βοῶν, οὓς ἔκτανον αὐτοί. Κήρυκες δ᾽ αὐτοῖσι καὶ ὀτρηροὶ θεράποντες Οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ οἶνον ἔμισγον ἐνὶ κρητῆρσι καὶ ὕδωρ, Οἱ δ᾽ αὖτε σπόγγοισι πολυτρήτοισι τραπέζας Νίζον καὶ πρότιθεν, τοὶ δὲ κρέα πολλὰ δατεῦντο. προτ Τὴν δὲ πολὺ πρῶτος ἴδε Τηλέμαχος θεοειδής· Ἧστο γὰρ ἐν μνηστῆρσι φίλον τετιημένος ἦτορ, ὀσσόμενος πατέρ᾽ ἐσθλὸν ἐνὶ φρεσὶν, εἴποθεν ἐλθὼν Μνηστήρων τῶν μὲν σκέδασιν κατὰ δώματα θείη, 116 Τιμὴν δ᾽ αὐτὸς ἔχοι καὶ κτήμασιν οἷσιν ἀνάσσοι. Τὰ φρονέων, μνηστῆρσι μεθήμενος, εἴσιδ᾽ ᾿Αθήνην. Βῆ δ᾽ ἐθὺς προθύροιο, νεμεσσήθη δ᾽ ἐνὶ θυμῷ Ξεῖνον δηθὰ θύρῃσιν ἐφεστάμεν· ἐγγύθι δὲ στὰς Χεῖρ᾽ ἕλε δεξιτερὴν καὶ ἐδέξατο χάλκεον ἔγχος, Καί μιν φωνήσας ἔπεα πτερόεντα προσηύδα· --- ? (C 105 IIO 724 7PM - PubLLO Χαῖρε, ξεῖνε, παρ᾽ ἄμμι φιλήσεαι· αὐτὰρ ἔπειτα Δείπνου πασσάμενος μυθήσεαι ὅττεό σε χρή.” 120 6 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. Ὣς εἰπὼν ἡγεῖθ᾽, ἡ δ᾽ ἕσπετο Παλλὰς ᾿Αθήνη. 125 Οἱ δ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥ᾽ ἔντοσθεν ἔσαν δόμου ὑψηλοῖο, Ἔγχος μέν ῥ᾽ ἔστησε φέρων πρὸς κίονα μακρὴν Δουροδόκης ἔντοσθεν ἐϋξόου, ἔνθα περ ἄλλα Εγχέ᾽ Οδυσσῆος ταλασίφρονος ἵστατο πολλὰ, Αὐτὴν δ᾽ ἐς θρόνον εἶσεν ἄγων, ὑπὸ λῖτα πετάσσας, 130 Καλὸν δαιδάλεον· ὑπὸ δὲ θρῆνυς ποσὶν ἦεν. Πὰρ δ᾽ αὐτὸς κλισμὸν θέτο ποικίλον, ἔκτοθεν ἄλλων Μνηστήρων, μὴ ξεῖνος ἀνιηθεὶς ὀρυμαγδῷ Δείπνῳ ἀδήσειεν, ὑπερφιάλοισι μετελθὼν, Ἠδ᾽ ἵνα μιν περὶ πατρὸς ἀποιχομένοιο ἔροιτο. Χέρνιβα δ᾽ ἀμφίπολος προχόῳ ἐπέχευε φέρουσα Καλῇ χρυσείῃ, ὑπὲρ ἀργυρέοιο λέβητος, Νίψασθαι· παρὰ δὲ ξεστὴν ἐτάνυσσε τράπεζαν. Σῖτον δ᾽ αἰδοίη ταμίη παρέθηκε φέρουσα, Εἴδατα πόλλ᾽ ἐπιθεῖσα, χαριζομένη παρεόντων· Δαιτρὸς δὲ κρειῶν πίνακας παρέθηκεν ἀείρας Παντοίων, παρὰ δέ σφι τίθει χρύσεια κύπελλα· Κῆρυξ δ᾽ αὐτοῖσιν θάμ᾽ ἐπῴχετο οἰνοχοεύων. Ἐς δ᾽ ἦλθον μνηστῆρες ἀγήνορες. Οἱ μὲν ἔπειτα Ἑξείης ἕζοντο κατὰ κλισμούς τε θρόνους τε. 145 Τοῖσι δὲ κήρυκες μὲν ὕδωρ ἐπὶ χεῖρας ἔχευαν, Σῖτον δὲ δμωαὶ παρενήνεον ἐν κανέοισιν, Κοῦροι δὲ κρητῆρας ἐπεστέψαντο ποτοῖο. Οἱ δ᾽ ἐπ᾽ ὀνείαθ᾽ ἑτοῖμα προκείμενα χεῖρας ἴαλλον. Αὐτὰρ ἐπεὶ πόσιος καὶ ἐδητύος ἐξ ἴρον ἕντο Μνηστῆρες, τοῖσιν μὲν ἐνὶ φρεσὶν ἄλλα μεμήλει, 135 140 150 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 7 / Μολπή τ᾽ ὀρχηστύς τε· τὰ γάρ τ᾽ ἀναθήματα δαιτός. Κῆρυξ δ᾽ ἐν χερσὶν κίθαριν περικαλλέα θῆκεν Φημίῳ, ὅς ῥ᾽ ἤειδε παρὰ μνηστῆρσιν ἀνάγκῃ. Ἤτοι ὁ φορμίζων ἀνεβάλλετο καλὸν ἀείδειν, Αὐτὰρ Τηλέμαχος προσέφη γλαυκῶπιν ᾿Αθήνην, ῎Αγχι σχὼν κεφαλὴν, ἵνα μὴ πευθοίαθ᾽ οἱ ἄλλοι· “ Ξεῖνε φίλ᾽, ἦ καί μοι νεμεσήσεαι ὅττι κεν εἴπω ; Τούτοισιν μὲν ταῦτα μέλει, κίθαρις καὶ ἀοιδὴ, Ῥεῖ, ἐπεὶ ἀλλότριον βίοτον νήποινον ἔδουσιν, ᾿Ανέρος οὗ δή που λεύκ᾽ ὀστέα πύθεται ὄμβρῳ Κείμεν᾽ ἐπ᾿ ἠπείρου, ἢ εἰν ἁλὶ κῦμα κυλίνδει. Εἰ κεῖνόν γ᾽ Ἰθάκηνδε ἰδοίατο νοστήσαντα, Πάντες κ᾿ ἀρησαίατ᾽ ἐλαφρότεροι πόδας εἶναι Ἢ ἀφνειότεροι χρυσοῖό τε ἐσθῆτός τε. ' 155 160 165 Νῦν δ᾽ ὁ μὲν ὣς ἀπόλωλε κακὸν μόρον, οὐδέ τις ἡμῖν Θαλπωρὴ, εἴπερ τις ἐπιχθονίων ἀνθρώπων Φῇσιν ἐλεύσεσθαι· τοῦ δ᾽ ὤλετο νόστιμον ἦμαρ. ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἄγε μοι τόδε εἰπὲ καὶ ἀτρεκέως κατάλεξον· Τίς πόθεν εἷς ἀνδρῶν ; πόθι τοι πόλις ἠδὲ τοκῆες; 17ο ῾Οπποίης τ᾽ ἐπὶ νηὸς ἀφίκεο· πῶς δέ σε ναῦται Ἤγαγον εἰς Ιθάκην ; τίνες ἔμμεναι εὐχετόωνται ; Οὐ μὲν γάρ τί σε πεζὸν οΐομαι ἐνθάδ᾽ ἱκέσθαι, Καί μοι τοῦτ᾽ ἀγόρευσον ἐτήτυμον, ὄφρ᾽ εὖ εἰδῶ, Ἠὲ νέον μεθέπεις, ἢ καὶ πατρώϊός ἐσσι Ξεῖνος, ἐπεὶ πολλοὶ ἴσαν ἀνέρες ἡμέτερον δῶ ῎Αλλοι, ἐπεὶ καὶ κεῖνος ἐπίστροφος ἦν ἀνθρώπων.” Τὸν δ᾽ αὖτε προσέειπε θεὰ γλαυκῶπις ᾿Αθήνη· 175 سه 8 HOMERS ODYSSEY, BOOK I. “ Τοιγὰρ ἐγώ τοι ταῦτα μάλ᾽ ἀτρεκέως ἀγορεύσω. Μέντης ᾿Αγχιάλοιο δαΐφρονος εὔχομαι εἶναι Υἱὸς, ἀτὰρ Ταφίοισι φιληρέτμοισιν ἀνάσσω. Νῦν δ᾽ ὧδε ξὺν νηῒ κατήλυθον ἠδ᾽ ἑτάροισιν, Πλέων ἐπὶ οἴνοπα πόντον ἐπ᾽ ἀλλοθρόους ἀνθρώπους, Ἐς Τεμέσην μετὰ χαλκὸν, ἄγω δ' αἴθωνα σίδηρον. Νηῦς δέ μοι ἥδ᾽ ἕστηκεν ἐπ᾽ ἀγροῦ νόσφι πόληος, 185 Ἐν λιμένι Ῥείθρῳ, ὑπὸ Νηΐῳ ὑλήεντι. Ξεῖνοι δ᾽ ἀλλήλων πατρώϊοι εὐχόμεθ᾽ εἶναι Ἐξ ἀρχῆς, εἴπερ τε γέροντ᾽ εἴρηαί ἐπελθὼν Λαέρτην ἥρωα, τὸν οὐκέτι φασὶ πόλινδε Ἔρχεσθ᾽, ἀλλ᾽ ἀπάνευθεν ἐπ᾽ ἀγροῦ πήματα πάσχειν Γρηῒ σὺν ἀμφιπόλῳ, ἥ οἱ βρῶσίν τε πόσιν τε Παρτιθεῖ, εὖτ᾽ ἄν μιν κάματος κατὰ γυῖα λάβῃσιν Ερπύζοντ᾽ ἀνὰ γουνὸν ἀλωῆς οἰνοπέδοιο. Νῦν δ᾽ ἦλθον· δὴ γάρ μιν ἔφαντ᾽ ἐπιδήμιον εἶναι, Σὸν πατέρ᾽· ἀλλά νυ τόνγε θεοὶ βλάπτουσι κελεύθου. Οὐ γάρ πω τέθνηκεν ἐπὶ χθονὶ δῖος Οδυσσεὺς, ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἔτι που ζωὸς κατερύκεται εὐρέϊ πόντῳ, Νήσῳ ἐν ἀμφιρύτῃ, χαλεποὶ δέ μιν ἄνδρες ἔχουσιν, ῎Αγριοι, οἵ που κεῖνον ἐρυκανόωσ᾽ ἀέκοντα. Αὐτὰρ νῦν τοι ἐγὼ μαντεύσομαι, ὡς ἐνὶ θυμῷ ᾿Αθάνατοι βάλλουσι καὶ ὡς τελέεσθαι δΐω, Οὔτε τι μάντις ἐὼν οὔτ᾽ οἰωνῶν σάφα εἰδώς. Οὔτοι ἔτι δηρόν γε φίλης ἀπὸ πατρίδος αἴης Ἔσσεται, οὐδ᾽ εἴπερ τε σιδήρεα δέσματ᾽ ἔχῃσιν· Φράσσεται ὥς κε νέηται, ἐπεὶ πολυμήχανός ἐστιν. 205 196 180 191 200 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 9 ! ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἄγε μοι τόδε εἰπὲ καὶ ἀτρεκέως κατάλεξον, Εἰ δὴ ἐξ αὐτοῖο τόσος παῖς εἶς Ὀδυσῆος. Αἰνῶς γὰρ κεφαλήν τε καὶ ὄμματα καλὰ ἔοικας Κείνῳ, ἐπεὶ θαμὰ τοῖον ἐμισγόμεθ᾽ ἀλλήλοισιν, Πρίν γε τὸν ἐς Τροίην ἀναβήμεναι, ἔνθα περ ἄλλοι 210 ᾿Αργείων οἱ ἄριστοι ἔβαν κοίλῃς ἐπὶ νηυσίν· Ἐκ τοῦ δ᾽ οὔτ᾽ Οδυσῆα ἐγὼν ἴδον οὔτ᾽ ἐμὲ κεῖνος.” Τὴν δ᾽ αὖ Τηλέμαχος πεπνυμένος ἀντίον ηὔδα· “Τοιγὰρ ἐγώ τοι, ξεῖνε, μάλ᾽ ἀτρεκέως ἀγορεύσω. Μήτηρ μέν τ᾽ ἐμέ φησι τοῦ ἔμμεναι, αὐτὰρ ἔγωγε 215 Οὐκ οἶδ᾽· οὐ γάρ πώ τις ἑὸν γόνον αὐτὸς ἀνέγνω. Ὡς δὴ ἔγωγ᾽ ὄφελον μάκαρός νύ τευ ἔμμεναι υἱὸς ᾿Ανέρος, ὃν κτεάτεσσιν ἑοῖς ἔπι γῆρας ἔτετμεν. Νῦν δ᾽ ὃς ἀποτμότατος γένετο θνητῶν ἀνθρώπων, Τοῦ μ᾿ ἔκ φασι γενέσθαι, ἐπεὶ σύ με τοῦτ᾽ ἐρεείνεις.” Τὸν δ᾽ αὖτε προσέειπε θεὰ γλαυκῶπις ᾿Αθήνη· “Οὐ μέν τοι γενεήν γε θεοὶ νώνυμνον ὀπίσσω Θῆκαν, ἐπεὶ σέγε τοῖον ἐγείνατο Πηνελόπεια. ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἄγε μοι τόδε εἰπὲ καὶ ἀτρεκέως κατάλεξον· Τίς δαὶς, τίς δὲ ὁμιλος ὅδ᾽ ἔπλετο ; τίπτε δέ σε χρεώ; Εἰλαπίνη ἠὲ γάμος; ἐπεὶ οὐκ ἔρανος τάδε γ᾽ ἐστίν. 226 Ὥστε μοι ὑβρίζοντες ὑπερφιάλως δοκέουσιν Δαίνυσθαι κατὰ δῶμα. Νεμεσσήσαιτό κεν ἀνὴρ Αἴσχεα πόλλ᾽ ὁρόων, ὅστις πινυτός γε μ }) Τὴν δ᾽ αὖ Τηλέμαχος πεπνυμένος ἀντίον ηὔδα· “ Ξεῖν, ἐπεὶ ἂρ δὴ ταῦτά μ᾽ ἀνείρεαι ἠδὲ μεταλλᾷς, Μέλλεν μέν ποτε οἶκος ὅδ᾽ ἀφνειὸς καὶ ἀμύμων ". 221 232 10 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. Ἔμμεναι, ὄφρ᾽ ἔτι κεῖνος ἀνὴρ ἐπιδήμιος ἦεν· Νῦν δ᾽ ἑτέρως ἐβόλοντο θεοὶ κακὰ μητιόωντες, Οἳ κεῖνον μὲν ἄϊστον ἐποίησαν περὶ πάντων ᾿Ανθρώπων, ἐπεὶ οὔ κε θανόντι περ ὧδ᾽ ἀκαχοίμην, Εἰ μετὰ οἷς ἑτάροισι δάμη Τρώων ἐνὶ δήμῳ, Ηὲ φίλων ἐν χερσὶν, ἐπεὶ πόλεμον τολύπευσεν. Τῷ κέν οἱ τύμβον μὲν ἐποίησαν Παναχαιοὶ, Ηδέ κε καὶ ᾧ παιδὶ μέγα κλέος ἤρατ᾽ ὀπίσσω. Νῦν δέ μιν ἀκλειῶς ῞Αρπυιαι ἀνηρείψαντο Ὤχετ᾽ ἄϊστος, ἄπυστος, ἐμοὶ δ᾽ ὀδύνας τε γόους Κάλλιπεν· οὐδ᾽ ἔτι κεῖνον ὀδυρόμενος στεναχίζω Οἶον, ἐπεί νύ μοι ἄλλα θεοὶ κακὰ κήδε ἔτευξαν. Οσσοι γὰρ νήσοισιν ἐπικρατέουσιν ἄριστοι, Δουλιχίῳ τε Σάμῃ τε καὶ ὑλήεντι Ζακύνθῳ, Ἠδ᾽ ὅσσοι κραναὴν Ἰθάκην κάτα κοιρανέουσιν, Τόσσοι μητέρ᾽ ἐμὴν μνῶνται, τρύχουσι δὲ οἶκον· Ἡ δ᾽ οὔτ᾽ ἀρνεῖται στυγερὸν γάμον οὔτε τελευτὴν Ποιῆσαι δύναται· τοὶ δὲ φθινύθουσιν ἔδοντες Οἶκον ἐμόν· τάχα δή με διαρραίσουσι καὶ αὐτόν.” > ΤΕ 235 240 245 250 66 Τὸν δ᾽ ἐπαλαστήσασα προσηύδα Παλλὰς ᾿Αθήνη· Ὢ πόποι, ἦ δὴ πολλὸν ἀποιχομένου Οδυσῆος Δεύῃ, ὅ κε μνηστῆρσιν ἀναιδέσι χεῖρας ἐφείη. Εἰ γὰρ νῦν ἐλθὼν δόμου ἐν πρώτῃσι θύρῃσιν Σταίη, ἔχων πήληκα καὶ ἀσπίδα καὶ δύο δοῦρε, Τοῖος ἐὼν οἷόν μιν ἐγὼ τὰ πρῶτ᾽ ἐνόησα Οἴκῳ ἐν ἡμετέρῳ πίνοντά τε τερπόμενόν τε, Ἐξ Εφύρης ἀνιόντα παρ᾽ Ἴλου Μερμερίδαο Η 255 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. II ου κα > Ὤχετο γὰρ καὶ κεῖσε θοῆς ἐπὶ νηὸς Οδυσσεὺς Φάρμακον ἀνδροφόνον διζήμενος, ὄφρα οἱ εἴη Ἰοὺς χρίεσθαι χαλκήρεας· ἀλλ᾽ ὁ μὲν οὗ οἱ Δῶκεν, ἐπεί ῥα θεοὺς νεμεσίζετο αἰὲν ἐόντας, ᾿Αλλὰ πατρ οἱ δῶκεν ἐμός· φιλέεσκε γὰρ αἰνῶς. Τοῖος ἐὼν μνηστήρσιν ὁμιλήσειεν Οδυσσεύς· Πάντες κ᾽ ὠκύμοροί τε γενοίατο πικρόγαμοί τε. ᾿Αλλ' ἤτοι μὲν ταῦτα θεῶν ἐν γούνασι κεῖται, Η κεν νοστήσας ἀποτίσεται, ἠὲ καὶ οὐκὶ, Οἷσιν ἐνὶ μεγάροισι· σὲ δὲ φράζεσθαι ἄνωγα ῞Οππως κε μνηστῆρας ἀπώσεαι ἐκ μεγάροιο. Εἰ δ᾽ ἄγε νῦν ξυνίει καὶ ἐμῶν ἐμπάζεο μύθων· Αὔριον εἰς ἀγορὴν καλέσας ἥρωας Αχαιοὺς Μῦθον πέφραδε πᾶσι, θεοὶ δ᾽ ἐπιμάρτυροι ἔστων. Μνηστῆρας μὲν ἐπὶ σφέτερα σκίδνασθαι ἄνωχθι· Μητέρα δ᾽, εἴ οἱ θυμὸς ἐφορμᾶται γαμέεσθαι, *Αψ ἴτω ἐς μέγαρον πατρὸς μέγα δυναμένοιο· Οἱ δὲ γάμον τεύξουσι καὶ ἀρτυνέουσιν ἔεδνα Πολλὰ μάλ᾽, ὅσσα ἔοικε φίλης ἐπὶ παιδὸς ἕπεσθαι. Σοὶ δ᾽ αὐτῷ πυκινῶς ὑποθήσομαι, αἴ κε πίθηαι· Νῆ ἄρσας ἐρέτῃσιν ἐείκοσιν, ἥτις ἀρίστη, Ἔρχεο πευσόμενος πατρὸς δὴν οἰχομένοιο, Ἤν τίς τοι εἴπῃσι βροτῶν, ἢ ὄσσαν ἀκούσῃς Ἐκ Διὸς, ἥτε μάλιστα φέρει κλέος ἀνθρώποισιν. Πρῶτα μὲν ἐς Πύλον ἐλθὲ καὶ εἴρεο Νέστορα δῖον, Κεῖθεν δὲ Σπάρτηνδε παρὰ ξανθὸν Μενέλαον· Ὃς γὰρ δεύτατος ἦλθεν ᾿Αχαιῶν χαλκοχιτώνων. αι اد 260 265 270 275 280 185 12 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. • Εἰ μέν κεν πατρὸς βίοτον καὶ νόστον ἀκούσῃς, Η τ᾽ ἂν, τρυχόμενός περ, ἔτι τλαίης ἐνιαυτόν· Εἰ δέ κε τεθνηῶτος ἀκούσῃς μηδ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἐόντος, Νοστήσας δὴ ἔπειτα φίλην ἐς πατρίδα γαῖαν Σῆμά τέ οἱ χεῦαι καὶ ἐπὶ κτέρεα κτερεΐξαι Πολλὰ μάλ᾽, ὅσσα ἔοικε, καὶ ἀνέρι μητέρα δοῦναι. Αὐτὰρ ἐπὴν δὴ ταῦτα τελευτήσῃς τε καὶ ἔρξῃς, Φράζεσθαι δὴ ἔπειτα κατὰ φρένα καὶ κατὰ θυμὸν Ὅππως κε μνηστῆρας ἐνὶ μεγάροισι τεοῖσιν Κτείνῃς ἠὲ δόλῳ ἢ ἀμφαδόν· οὐδέ τί σε χρὴ Νηπιάας ὀχέειν, ἐπεὶ οὐκέτι τηλίκος ἐσσί. Ἢ οὐκ ἀΐεις οἷον κλέος ἔλλαβε δῖος Ορέστης Πάντας ἐπ᾽ ἀνθρώπους, ἐπεὶ ἔκτανε πατροφονῆα, Αἴγισθον δολόμητιν, ὅ οἱ πατέρα κλυτὸν ἔκτα ; Καὶ σὺ, φίλος—μάλα γάρ σ᾽ ὁρόω καλόν τε μέγαν τε ῎Αλκιμος ἔσσ᾽, ἵνα τίς σε καὶ ὀψιγόνων εὖ εἴπῃ. Αὐτὰρ ἐγὼν ἐπὶ νῆα θοὴν κατελεύσομαι ἤδη Ἠδ᾽ ἑτάρους, οἳ πού με μάλ᾽ ἀσχαλόωσι μένοντες Σοὶ δ᾽ αὐτῷ μελέτω, καὶ ἐμῶν ἐμπάζεο μύθων.” 0 300 - ευ 66 Τὴν δ᾽ αὖ Τηλέμαχος πεπνυμένος ἀντίον ηὔδα· ‘Ἐεῖν᾽, ἤτοι μὲν ταῦτα φίλα φρονέων ἀγορεύεις, Ωστε πατὴρ ᾧ παιδὶ, καὶ οὔποτε λήσομαι αὐτῶν. ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἄγε νῦν ἐπίμεινον, ἐπειγόμενός περ ὁδοῖο, Ὄφρα λοεσσάμενός τε τεταρπόμενός τε φίλον κῆρ, 31ο Δῶρον ἔχων ἐπὶ νῆα κίῃς, χαίρων ἐνὶ θυμῷ, Τιμῆεν, μάλα καλὸν, ὅ τοι κειμήλιον ἔσται Ἐξ ἐμεῦ, οἷα φίλοι ξεῖνοι ξείνοισι διδοῦσιν.” 290 295 305 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 13 6 Τὸν δ᾽ ἠμείβετ᾽ ἔπειτα θεὰ γλαυκῶπις ᾿Αθήνη· “ Μή μ᾿ ἔτι νῦν κατέρυκε, λιλαιόμενόν περ ὁδοῖο. 315 Δῶρον δ᾽ ὅττι κέ μοι δοῦναι φίλον ἦτορ ἀνώγῃ, Αὖτις ἀνερχομένῳ δόμεναι οἶκόνδε φέρεσθαι, Καὶ μάλα καλὸν ἑλών· σοὶ δ᾽ ἄξιον ἔσται ἀμοιβῆς.” Ἡ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ὣς εἰποῦσ᾽ ἀπέβη γλαυκῶπις ᾿Αθήνη, ῎Ορνις δ᾽ ὡς ἀνοπαῖα διέπτατο· τῷ δ᾽ ἐνὶ θυμῷ Θῆκε μένος καὶ θάρσος, ὑπέμνησέν τέ ἑ πατρὸς Μᾶλλον ἔτ᾽ ἢ τὸ πάροιθεν. Ὁ δὲ φρεσὶν ᾗσι νοήσας Θάμβησεν κατὰ θυμόν· οΐσατο γὰρ θεὸν εἶναι. Αὐτίκα δὲ μνηστῆρας ἐπῴχετο ἰσόθεος φώς. ως η Τοῖσι δ᾽ ἀοιδὸς ἄειδε περικλυτὸς, οἱ δὲ σιωπῇ Εἴατ᾽ ἀκούοντες· ὁ δ᾽ ᾿Αχαιῶν νόστον ἄειδεν Λυγρὸν, ὃν ἐκ Τροίης ἐπετείλατο Παλλὰς ᾿Αθήνη. Τοῦ δ᾽ ὑπερωϊόθεν φρεσὶ σύνθετο θέσπιν ἀοιδὴν Κούρη Ικαρίοιο, περίφρων Πηνελόπεια· Κλίμακα δ᾽ ὑψηλὴν κατεβήσετο οἷο δόμοιο, Οὐκ οἴη, ἅμα τῇγε καὶ ἀμφίπολοι δύ᾽ ἕποντο. Ἡ δ᾽ ὅτε δὴ μνηστῆρας ἀφίκετο δῖα γυναικῶν, Στὴ ῥα παρὰ σταθμὸν τέγεος πύκα ποιητοῖο, ῎Αντα παρειάων σχομένη λιπαρὰ κρήδεμνα· ᾿Αμφίπολος δ᾽ ἄρα οἱ κεδνὴ ἑκάτερθε παρέστη. Δακρύσασα δ᾽ ἔπειτα προσηύδα θεῖον ἀοιδόν· ΟΤΕ σε “ Φήμιε, πολλὰ γὰρ ἄλλα βροτῶν θελκτήρια οἶδας, Ἔργ᾽ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε, τάτε κλείουσιν ἀοιδοί· Τῶν ἕν γέ σφιν ἄειδε παρήμενος, οἱ δὲ σιωπῇ Οἶνον πινόντων· ταύτης δ᾽ ἀποπαύε᾽ ἀοιδῆς 320 325 330. 335 340 14 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 66 οι Λυγρῆς, ἦτε μοι αἰεὶ ἐνὶ στήθεσσι φίλον κῆρ Τείρει, ἐπεί με μάλιστα καθίκετο πένθος ἄλαστον. Τοίην γὰρ κεφαλὴν ποθέω μεμνημένη αἰεὶ ᾿Ανδρὸς, τοῦ κλέος εὐρὺ καθ᾽ Ἑλλάδα καὶ μέσον ῎Αργος.” Τὴν δ᾽ αὖ Τηλέμαχος πεπνυμένος ἀντίον ηὔδα· 345 “ Μῆτερ ἐμὴ, τί τ᾽ ἄρα φθονέεις ἐρίηρον ἀοιδὸν Τέρπειν ὅππῃ οἱ νόος ὄρνυται; οὔ νύ τ᾽ ἀοιδοὶ Αἴτιοι, ἀλλά ποθι Ζεὺς αἴτιος, ὅστε δίδωσιν ᾿Ανδράσιν ἀλφηστῇσιν, ὅπως ἐθέλῃσιν, ἑκάστῳ. Τούτῳ δ᾽ οὐ νέμεσις Δαναῶν κακὸν οἶτον ἀείδειν· Τὴν γὰρ ἀοιδὴν μᾶλλον ἐπικλείουσ᾽ ἄνθρωποι, Ἡτις ἀκουόντεσσι νεωτάτη ἀμφιπέληται. Σοὶ δ᾽ ἐπιτολμάτω κραδίη καὶ θυμὸς ἀκούειν· Οὐ γὰρ Οδυσσεὺς οἶος ἀπώλεσε νόστιμον ἦμαρ Ἐν Τροίῃ, πολλοὶ δὲ καὶ ἄλλοι φῶτες ὄλοντο. ᾿Αλλ᾽ εἰς οἶκον ἰοῦσα τὰ σ᾿ αὐτῆς ἔργα κόμιζε, Ἱστόν τ᾽ ἠλακάτην τε, καὶ ἀμφιπόλοισι κέλευε Εργον ἐποίχεσθαι· μῦθος δ᾽ ἄνδρεσσι μελήσει Πᾶσι, μάλιστα δ᾽ ἐμοί· τοῦ γὰρ κράτος ἔστ᾽ ἐνὶ οἴκῳ. Ἡ μὲν θαμβήσασα πάλιν οἶκόνδε βεβήκει· 360 Παιδὸς γὰρ μῦθον πεπνυμένον ἔνθετο θυμῷ. Ες δ᾽ ὑπερῷ ἀναβᾶσα σὺν ἀμφιπόλοισι γυναιξὶν Κλαῖεν ἔπειτ᾽ Ὀδυσῆα, φίλον πόσιν, ὄφρα οἱ ὕπνον Ἡδὺν ἐπὶ βλεφάροισι βάλε γλαυκῶπις ᾿Αθήνη. Μνηστῆρες δ᾽ ὁμάδησαν ἀνὰ μέγαρα σκιόεντα: 365 Πάντες δ᾽ ἠρήσαντο παραὶ λεχέεσσι κλιθῆναι. Τοῖσι δὲ Τηλέμαχος πεπνυμένος ἤρχετο μύθων· 350 355 "" HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 15 T CC “ Μητρὸς ἐμῆς μνηστῆρες ὑπέρβιον ὕβριν ἔχοντες Νῦν μὲν δαινύμενοι τερπώμεθα, μηδὲ βοητὺς Ἔστω, ἐπεὶ τόγε καλὸν ἀκουέμεν ἐστὶν ἀοιδοῦ Τοιοῦδ᾽, οἷος ὅδ᾽ ἐστὶ, θεοῖς ἐναλίγκιος αὐδήν. Ἠῶθεν δ᾽ ἀγορήνδε καθεζώμεσθα κιόντες Πάντες, ἵν᾽ ὑμῖν μῦθον ἀπηλεγέως ἀποείπω, Εξιέναι μεγάρων· ἄλλας δ᾽ ἀλεγύνετε δαῖτας, Ὑμὰ κτήματ᾽ ἔδοντες, ἀμειβόμενοι κατὰ οἴκους. Εἰ δ᾽ ὑμῖν δοκέει τόδε λωΐτερον καὶ ἄμεινον Εμμεναι, ἀνδρὸς ἑνὸς βίοτον νήποινον ὀλέσθαι, Κείρετ· ἐγὼ δὲ θεοὺς ἐπιβώσομαι αἰὲν ἐόντας, Αἴ κέ ποθι Ζεὺς δῷσι παλίντιτα ἔργα γενέσθαι· Νήποινοί κεν ἔπειτα δόμων ἔντοσθεν ὄλοισθε.” 380 Ὣς ἔφαθ', οἱ δ᾽ ἄρα πάντες ὀδὰξ ἐν χείλεσι φύντες Τηλέμαχον θαύμαζον, ὃ θαρσαλέως ἀγόρευεν. Τὸν δ᾽ αὖτ᾽ Αντίνοος προσέφη, Εὐπείθεος υἱός· Τηλέμαχ᾽, ἦ μάλα δή σε διδάσκουσιν θεοὶ αὐτοὶ Ὑψαγόρην τ᾽ ἔμεναι καὶ θαρσαλέως ἀγορεύειν· 385 Μὴ σέγ᾽ ἐν ἀμφιάλῳ Ἰθάκῃ βασιλῆα Κρονίων Ποιήσειεν, ὅ τοι γενεῇ πατρώϊόν ἐστιν.” T Τὸν δ᾽ αὖ Τηλέμαχος πεπνυμένος ἀντίον ηύδα· “᾿Αντίνο, ἦ καί μοι νεμεσήσεαι ὅττι κεν εἴπω ; Καί κεν τοῦτ᾽ ἐθέλοιμι Διός γε διδόντος ἀρέσθαι. 390 Η φῂς τοῦτο κάκιστον ἐν ἀνθρώποισι τετύχθαι ; Οὐ μὲν γάρ τι κακὸν βασιλευέμεν· αἶψά τέ οἱ δῶ ᾿Αφνειον πέλεται καὶ τιμηέστερος αὐτός. ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἤτοι βασιλῆες ᾿Αχαιῶν εἰσὶ καὶ ἄλλοι (C 31 370 375 16 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. Πολλοὶ ἐν ἀμφιάλῳ Ἰθάκῃ, νέοι ἠδὲ παλαιοὶ, Τῶν κέν τις τόδ᾽ ἔχῃσιν, ἐπεὶ θάνε δῖος Οδυσσεύς· Αὐτὰρ ἐγὼν οἴκοιο ἄναξ ἔσομ᾽ ἡμετέροιο Καὶ δμώων, οὕς μοι ληΐσσατο δῖος Οδυσσεύς.” 400 Τὸν δ᾽ αὖτ᾽ Εὐρύμαχος, Πολύβου παῖς, ἀντίον ηὔδα· Τηλέμαχ᾽, ἤτοι ταῦτα θεῶν ἐν γούνασι κεῖται, Ὅστις ἐν ἀμφιάλῳ Ἰθάκῃ βασιλεύσει ᾿Αχαιῶν Κτήματα δ᾽ αὐτὸς ἔχοις καὶ δώμασι σοῖσιν ἀνάσσοις. Μὴ γὰρ ὅγ᾽ ἔλθοι ἀνὴρ ὅστις τ᾽ ἀέκοντα βίηφιν Κτήματ᾽ ἀπορραίσει, Ιθάκης ἔτι ναιεταώσης. ᾿Αλλ᾽ ἐθέλω σε, φέριστε, περὶ ξείνοιο ἐρέσθαι, Ὁππόθεν οὗτος ἀνὴρ, ποίης δ᾽ ἐξ εὔχεται εἶναι Γαίης, ποῦ δέ νύ οἱ γενεὴ καὶ πατρὶς ἄρουρα· Ἠέ τιν᾽ ἀγγελίην πατρὸς φέρει ἐρχομένοιο, Ἢ ἑὸν αὐτοῦ χρεῖος ἐελδόμενος τόδ᾽ ἱκάνει ; Οἷον ἀναΐξας ἄφαρ οἴχεται, οὐδ᾽ ὑπέμεινεν Γνώμεναι· οὐ μὲν γάρ τι κακῷ εἰς ὦπα ἐῴκει.” Τὸν δ᾽ αὖ Τηλέμαχος πεπνυμένος ἀντίον ηὔδα· Εὐρύμαχ᾽, ἤτοι νόστος ἀπώλετο πατρὸς ἐμοῖο· Οὔτ᾽ οὖν ἀγγελίῃ ἔτι πείθομαι, εἴποθεν ἔλθοι, Οὔτε θεοπροπίης ἐμπάζομαι, ἥντινα μήτηρ ᾿Ες μέγαρον καλέσασα θεοπρόπον ἐξερέηται. Ξεῖνος δ᾽ οὗτος ἐμὸς πατρώϊος ἐκ Τάφου ἐστὶν, Μέντης δ᾽ ᾿Αγχιάλοιο δαΐφρονος εὔχεται εἶναι Υἱὸς, ἀτὰρ Ταφίοισι φιληρέτμοισιν ἀνάσσει.” 66 66 ܕܝ 395 405 410 415 Ὣς φάτο Τηλέμαχος, φρεσὶ δ᾽ ἀθανάτην θεὸν ἔγνω. Οἱ δ᾽ εἰς ὀρχηστίν τε καὶ ἱμερόεσσαν ἀοιδὴν 421 HOMER'S ODYSSEY, BOOK I. 17 Τρεψάμενοι τέρποντο, μένον δ᾽ ἐπὶ ἕσπερον ἐλθεῖν. Τοῖσι δὲ τερπομένοισι μέλας ἐπὶ ἕσπερος ἦλθεν· Δὴ τότε κακκείοντες ἔβαν οἶκόνδε ἕκαστος. Τηλέμαχος δ᾽, ὅθι οἱ θάλαμος περικαλλέος αὐλῆς 425 Ὑψηλὸς δέδμητο, περισκέπιῳ ἐνὶ χώρῳ, Ἐνθ ἔβη εἰς εὐνὴν πολλὰ φρεσὶ μερμηρίζων. , Τῷ δ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἅμ᾽ αἰθομένας δαΐδας φέρε κέδν᾽ εἰδυῖα Εὐρύκλει᾽, Ωπος θυγάτηρ Πεισηνορίδαο, Τήν ποτε Λαέρτης πρίατο κτεάτεσσιν ἑοῖσιν, Πρωθήβην ἔτ᾽ ἐοῦσαν, ἐεικοσάβοια δ᾽ ἔδωκεν, Ισα δέ μιν κεδνῇ ἀλόχῳ τίεν ἐν μεγάροισιν, Εὐνῇ δ᾽ οὔποτ᾽ ἔμικτο, χόλον δ᾽ ἀλέεινε γυναικός· Η οἱ ἅμ᾽ αἰθομένας δαΐδας φέρε, καί ἑ μάλιστα Δμωάων φιλέεσκε, καὶ ἔτρεφε τυτθὸν ἐόντα. Ωϊξεν δὲ θύρας θαλάμου πύκα ποιητοῖο, Ἕζετο δ᾽ ἐν λέκτρῳ, μαλακὸν δ᾽ ἔκδυνε χιτῶνα· Καὶ τὸν μὲν γραίης πυκιμηδέος ἔμβαλε χερσίν. Ἡ μὲν τὸν πτύξασα καὶ ἀσκήσασα χιτῶνα, Πασσάλῳ ἀγκρεμάσασα παρὰ τρητοῖς λεχέεσσιν, 440 · Βῆ ῥ᾽ ἴμεν ἐκ θαλάμοιο, θύρην δ᾽ ἐπέρυσσε κορώνῃ Αργυρέῃ, ἐπὶ δὲ κληΐδ᾽ ἐτάνυσσεν ἱμάντι. Ενθ' ὅγε παννύχιος, κεκαλυμμένος οὐὸς ἀώτῳ, Βούλευε φρεσὶν ᾗσιν ὁδὸν τὴν πέφραδ᾽ ᾿Αθήνη. Odys. Book T. 430 435 ABBREVIATIONS. a. or act. acc. adj. ady. Eol. aor. art. cf. • • comm. gen. comp. conj.. contr. dat. dem. Dor. Eng. Ep. et al. or monstr. • • • · • • - • • • • inf. Ion. irreg. m. or masc. mid. • · • • • • gen. gen. omn. imperat. imperf. or imp. de-} demonstrative. aorist. article. { confer, i... compare. common der. comparative. conjunction; conjunctive mood. contracted. dative. etym. f. (with subst..} feminine. or pron.) f. or fut.. future. folld., follg followed, following. fr. • { • • • · active. accusative. adjective. • adverb. Eolic. Doric. English. Epic et aliter. etymology. milit.. n. or neut. gen-pass. from. genitive. of all genders. imperative. imperfect. infinitive. Ionic. irregular. masculine. middle. neg. nou. poss. pres. prob. opp. opt. P. or part. p. or perf. pron. prps. rel. Sans. sing. sts. * • C • subj. subst. substt, sup.. t. t. V. VOC. vv. · V. a. v. mid. V. n. • • perfect. passive. paulo-post fut. or future perf. pass. for brevity 3. fut. (pass.) pluperf pluperfect. plur.. Poet. · · · · ❤ • • • • • • · * • • • J · • • • • • • • · • • · • · • · military. neuter. # negative. nominative. {opposite or op- optative. participle. plural. poetical. possessive. present. probably. pronoun. perhaps. relative. Sanscrit. singular. sometimes. subjunctive. substantive. substantives. superlative. technical term. verse. verb active. verb middle. verb neuter. vocative. verses. equal to. paragraph. N.B. Where the etymology is not given, the word is of very uncertain or unknown origin. In the Verbs such tenses alone are given as are known to exist; the authorities chiefly followed being "Veitch's Irregular and Defective Greek Verbs," and "Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon." N.B. Regularly-formed Participles and Tenses of Verbs are not separately given, except for special reasons. VOCABULARY. - A' (= πρŵтоs), First: First with A'iu 'Odvoσeías A'supply 'Payudía, a portion of an Epic poem adapted for recitation at one time; i. e. Book. ă, nom. and acc. neut. plur. of is. CC siege of Troy] Son of Aga- memnon; see 'Opéσrns. tr OS, ảyyed-in, ins, f. [Ep. and Iou. for ayyed-ia; fr. ǎyyed- a messenger" ("A (“A thing pertaining to an ǎyyeλ- os"; hence) 1. A message, tid- ings, news.-2. With Attribu- tive Gen. Tidings, or news, of or respecting. å-yăð-ós, ý, óv, adj. Good, excellent, of the kind. As Subst.: åyăðá, ŵv, n. plur. Good, or excellent, things. ἄγε, ἄγεθ' ; see ἄγω. Comp. (irreg.): åpeíwv, ȧy-ývwp, Gen. ývopos, adj. κρείσσων, λωΐων, φέρτερος; m. and f. [tor ἄγανερ; fi. Sup. (irreg.): apiσtos, pép-áy, base of adv. ǎy-av, “very τᾶτος, φέριστος [γαθ (like|much” ; ἀνήρ, ἀνέρ-οs, àvép-os, German gut, English good), man"] (" Being very much a akin to Sans. part. khyát-a, man "; hence) 1. Manly, fr. root KHY in original force brave, courageous.-2. Ina bad of "to shine"; and so, literally, sense: Proud,in olent,haughty, "shining": à is an inseparable overbearing, arrogant. prefix]. >> ἀγκρεμᾶσας (poet. for ἀνα- κρεμᾶσας), άσα, αν, 1. 1. Αγάμεμνον-ΐδης, ίδου, m. [᾿Αγαμέμνων, ᾿Αγαμέμνον-ος, aur of ἀνακρεμάννυμι. Agamemnon," king of Myc- ἀγόρευεν, Epic for ἠγόρευεν, enæ, and commander-in-chief 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind, of of the Greek forces at the | ¿yopeúw. CE Fil 20 VOCABULARY. ȧyóρɛvσov, 2. pers. sing. 1. aor. imperat. of ȧyopeúw. ἀγορ-εύω, f. ἀγορεύσω, 1. aor. nyóрevσa, v. a. and n. ἠγόρευσα, [ἀγορ-ά, an assembly " of the people] ("To speak in | aλ-os, "near the sea"; fr. ἄγχι, neir”; ἅλς, ἁλ-ός, "the sea"] (“Near the sea") Anchialus; the father of Mentes; see Mévтns. ἄγω, f. ἄξω, p. ἦχα, later a. With Acc. of thing: To speak, utter, etc., words, etc. the ἀγορά”; hence) 1. Act. :ἀγήχα, 2. aor. ἤγαγον, v. a. : 1. Of personal Objects: To lead, conduct, bring.-2. Of things as Object: To bring, convey, carry, bear.-3. Im- perat. pres., sing. and plur., as Adv.: aye, ayeTe (before an aspirated vowel ǎye0'), Come, come on :-strengthened by àλλá: But come, come then.- For ei d' ǎye vûv, see ei, no. 4; -at v. 76 ǎyee' is used in cou- nexion with the first person [akin to Sans. root AJ, "to drive"]. b. With Dat. of person and Acc. of thing: To speak, tell, or declare something to a person.-2. Neut.: a. Alone: To speak, harangue, etc.-b. With Dat. To speak, etc., to a person. ¿yop-n, ns, f. [Epic form of ἀγορ-ά, for ἀγερ-ά; fr. ἀγείρω, "to collect, assemble," through verbal root ȧyep] ("An as-plur. sembling"; hence) 1. An as· sembly :—άyophvde, to the assembly, v. 372; see 2. dé.- 2. A place of assembly. ǎyp-ios, la, io, adj. [àyp-concord with the Subject, is frequently joined to a finite verb, whero in English two finite verbs are used. The foregoing Greek idiom is most correctly rendered into English by two finite verbs, as above. ἀδήσειε(ν), for ἀδήσαι, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. opt. of obsol. àdéw, "to be sated": With Dat. of thing: (“To be sated with"; hence) To feel loathing at, to loathe.-N.B. The only other form of the above obsolete verb known to [exist is the part. perf. ἀδηκώς. ós, “a field"] ("Pertaining to aypós "; hence, "living in the country"; hence, "living wild"; hence, in a moral sense) Of persons: 1. Wild, fierce, savage.-2. Boorish, rude, uncivilized. CC ȧyp-ós, où, m. ("A field," esp. of arable land; hence) Country [akin to Sans. ajr- as cf. Eng. acr·e]. ǎyxɩ, adv. Near, nigh, close. 'Ayxiăλoto, Ionic for 'Ayxi- ἅλου, gen. of ᾿Αγχίαλος. Αγχί-αλ-ος, ον, n. [ἀγχί- ἄγων, ουσα, ον, P. pres. of ἄγω:-εἶσεν ἄγων, he led and seated. A participle, in VOCABULARY. 21 1. I I same root as ed-qv, "enough," i. e. ád-éw ; see ainσeler] ("Pertaining to adŋv"; hence) Crowded, or thronged, to- gether; numerous, etc. àð-ĭvós, ¡vý, ivóv, adj. [fr. |ary.-2. In adverbial force: Unwillingly, involuntarily, against one's etc. will, by constraint or compulsion. ἀθανάτοισι(ν), Ion. and Poet. for àlaváтois, dat. plur. of ἀθᾶνατος. | ἄεθλος (Epic form of ἆθλος), ov, m.: 1. A contest.-2. A conflict, struggle;-at v. 18 àé0xar is the separative Gen. after πεφυγμένος. << å-Oăvăt-os, n, ov (so, always in Homer-and os, ov), adj. "negative"; Oărăт-os, [ả, θανατος, death"] ("Not having, or without, eărăros"; hence) Immortal.-As Subst.: ả- C ǎede, 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of ȧeídw; v. 339. ἄειδε(ν), for ἤειδε(ν), 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of àelow; vv. 325, 326. θανατοι, ων, m. plur. The immortal gods, the immort- als. ȧeíd-w (Ion. and Poet. for &dw), f. àelooμai and gooμai, v. a. and n.: 1. Act.: To sing, sing of, celebrate in song or verse.-2. Neut.: Neut. To sing [akin to Sans. root vad, to] speak "]. CE άeipas, āσa, av, P. 1. aor. of άelpw for mode of rendering ἀείρω : παρέθηκεν ἀείμας, v. 141, see ἄγων at end. ȧeípw, f. àµw, 1. aor. heipa, v. a. (Ep. and Poet, for aïpw): 1. To lift, or raise, up.-2. To bear, carry. å-ék-ntɩ, ailv. [à, nega tive"; ek, base of к-wr, willing"] ("After the man- ner of one, etc, not willing"; hence) Against his, their, etc., will. ἀ-έκων, έκουσα, εκον, adj. [à, “negative”; év, "will ing"] 1. Unwilling, involunt << << ᾿Αθήνη, ης, 'A0ývn, ns, f. Athënë, the Roman Minerva; the goddess of wisdom, of skill in the arts, and of warlike prowess con- ducted with wisdom [akin to ἀνθ-έω, "to bloom"; hence, "to be brilliant "; and so, "The brilliant, or bright, One"]. ȧ-Opó-os, n, ov (also, os, ov), adj. [à, iu "intensive " force; Opó-os, "a confused noise"] ("Having great opó- os "; hence) 1. Of persons: Assembled ; collected together, or in a body.-2. Of things All together, at once ;—at 43 in connexion with ཙཱ. пávтα. 1. ai, fem. nom. plur. of us, %, 8. 2 ai, Ep. and Dor. for ei, conj. If. ala, Gen. ains (Poct. for 22 VOCABULARY. v. 41. yaîa = yî),f. A land, country; | burn "] 1. Burning, blazing. -2. Of metals: Bright, glit- Aiyíoboto, Ion. for Aly-tering, flashing. ίσθου, gen. of Αἴγισθος. aiké(v), or as two words a Ke (Ep. and Doric for ẻáv = ei av), conj. If Very fre- quently, but especially in Homer, the conjunctions éáv, v, at кe, El ke ať KE, are joined with verbs (in the Subj.) ex- pressing any action whate、 ?r, there being implied in these conjunctions the notion of Alylolos, ou, m. Egisthus; a son of Thyestes, and the paramour of Clytemnestra the wife of Agamemnon, king of Mycenæ. When Agamemnon returned from the Trojan war, Ægisthus invited him to a banquet, and treacherously murdered him. .. "" αἰδο-ῖος (trisyll.), ία, ῖον, σκοπεῖν οι πειρᾶσθαι, to see, adj. [aidús, aidó-os, in force of or try, if, or whether :-éjà reverence, respect "] (" Per-SE DEOÙS ETTIẞwσoμaι taining to αἰδώς ; hence) Regarded with reverence or respect; deserving respect, respected. aiel, aiév (Ion. and Poet. for deí), adv. Always, con- tinually, for ever [akin to Sans. ayus, "life"]. άiels, 2. pers. sing. pres. ind. of ato. alév; see aiel. Ail-i-o, отоs, m. [aï0-w, "to burn"; (4) connecting vowel; o, ỏπós, "the face"] ("One with a burnt-i. e. sun-burnt-face") An Ethiop-xwv ian; a man of Ethiopia, a country of Africa. aïow (only found in pres. and imperf.), v. a. and n.: 1.: a. Act. To light up, kindle. -b. Neut. To burn, blaze. -2. Pass.: allopat no. 1, b. αἴθομαι aï0-wv, or, adj. [aïl-w, "to : = ať · Ké modi Zevs Swoi, but I will call upon (or invoke) the gods, (to see or try) if ever Jove will grant, v. 379. αἱμύλιος, α, ον, adj. Flat- tering, wheedling, coaxing, wily. • aiv-ŵs, adv. [aiv-ós, of persons, "dread, terrible"] ("After the manner of the airós" ; hence, dreadfully, terribly "; hence) Strangely, exceedingly. (6 ài§as, āσa, av, P. 1. aor. of ἀΐσσω:-for βῆ ἀΐξασα cf. at end. airús, eîa, ú, adj. (“High, steep'; hence) Of destruction, etc.: Sheer, utter. aipéw -ŵ, f. aipńow, p. Hp- nka, 2. aor. eλov, v. a.: 1. Act.: a. To take with, or in, the hand; to lay hold of, grasp, seize.-b. To take from t VOCABULARY. 23 aiya, adv. Quickly, with speed, forthwith. a store, etc.; to choose, select; v. 318.-2. Mid.: aipéopar -οῦμαι, f. αἱρήσομαι, p. pass. in mid. force йpηµai, 2. aor. eiλóµny, To take, seize, etc., as one's own especial act or for one's self, etc. aĭpw, f. ¿¿ŵ, p. ñρка, 1. aor. ἀμῶ, ἦρκα, ¾pa, v. a.: 1. Act.: To lift, or raise, up.-2. Mid.: aip-ed, ομαι. f. ἐροῦμαι, 1. aor. ἠρᾷ- μην, 2. aor. (poet.) ἀρόμην, ¦ 2. aor. opt. of' ἄχομαι. (To lift, or raise up, for one's self"; hence) a. To win, gain, acquire.-b. To obtain, receive; v. 390. ato (found only in pres. and imperf.), v. a. To hear, hear of; to perceive by hearing. ἀκαχμένος, η, ον, P. perf. pass. found prps. only in Homer [prob. fr. root aк, "sharp"] Sharpened, point- sharp-edged. ȧκăɣоíμηv, 1. pers. sing. ἀκαχοίμην, | ἀκλει-ῶς, Ep. for ἀκλε-ῶς, adv. (ákλe-ýs," inglorious "] ("After the manner of the akλens"; hence) Ingloriously. ἀΐσσω, f. ἀΐξω, 1. aor. ϊξα, v. n. To move with a quick shooting motion; to rush, shoot, speed, hasten, etc. ἄ-ϊσ-τος, τον, adj. [for ἄ- id. Tos; fr. à, "negative"; 18, root of eidw, "to see"] Unseen. aioxos, eos ous, n.: 1. Shame, disgrace.-2. Piur.: Shameful, or disgraceful, deeds. ǎkoLT-Ls, ĭos, f. A wife, spouse [à, akin to Sans. sa, "one and the same "; KolT-n, кот-п "a bed"; and so, literally, "she who has one and the same bed"]. ȧkovéμev, Ion. for àkovei, ἀκουέμεν, pres. int. of aкоśw. ἀκούοντεσσι, Poet. for ἀκούουσι, dat. plur. of ἀκούων. αἰτι-άομαι -ὦμαι, f. αἰτι- ἀκούω, f. ἀκούσομαι (and άσομαι, 1. aor. ᾐτιασάμην, ¦ lute, ἀκούσω, p. ἀκήκοα (and v. mid. [airĭ-a, in force of "alate, charge, accusation"] With Acc. of persou: To bring a charge against, or to accuse, a person. Koukα), 1. aor. коvσα ἤκουκα), ἤκουσα (Ep. ǎkovou), v. a. and n. : 1. Act. a. With Acc. of thing or Gen. of person: To hear. -b. With Gen.: To hear of; a, aĭtĭ-os, α, ov, adj. [airi-a, "blame"]("Pertaining to alria "; hence) Blameworthy, blameable, worthy of blame. at v. 94 supply avтoû after ȧkovon.-c. With Gen.: To listen to, give ear to;-at v. 370 àkovéuer is a Substau- tival Inf., and is in apposition to the demonstrative TóYE (= TOûTÓ YE); this, indeed, is aiTιówvTaι, Ep. for airi@v- Tai, coutr. 3. pers. plur. pres. ind. of αἰτιάομαι. M } 24 VOCABULARY. good, viz. to listen to such a minstrel.-2. Neut.: To hear, give ear, listen [prob. to be divided a-ko-úw; fr. à, inse- ἁλί, dat. sing. of ἅλς, parable prefix in strengthening ἄλκ-ιμος, ἴμη, ἵμον, adj. force; root ko, found in Ko-éw, [ȧλк-ń, [ἀλκή, strength"] 1. Of "to hear"]. persons: Strong, brave, stout- 2. Of things: ἀκούων, ουσα, ον, P. pres. of | hearted. ȧкúш.-As Subst.: ȧKOVOVTES, Strong. w", m. plur. Hearers, listeners; v. 352. (ảλaów -ŵ, found only in) 1. aor. àλáwoa, v. a. With Acc. of person and Gen. denot- ing "eye": To blind a person of his eye; i. e. to deprive a person of his eye by blinding him; v. 69. , ἄ-λασ-τος, τον, adj. [for -λa0-тos; fr. à, "negative"; λαθ, root of λανθάνω, “ to lie hid"]("Not lying hid"; hence) 1. Not to be forgotten, unceasing, incessant.-2. In- sufferable, intolerable. áláwoa, 1. aor. ind. of ἀλαίω. ǎλye', by elision for yea, acc. plur. of ǎryos. or ἄλγος εος ους, n.: 1. Pain, whether of body nind.-2. Grief, sorrow. ἀλεγύνω, 1. που. ἀλέγυνα, v. a. To mind, pay heed to, find; v. 374.-This verb is found only in pres. and imperf. in Homer. ἀλέεινε, Ep. for 3 pers. sing. imperf. ἀλεείνω, ἠλέεινε, iud. of åλɛɛívw, found only in pres. and imperf. in Homer, v. a. To shun, avoid. << 1. ăλλa, neut. nom. and acc. plur. of aλλos. 2. åλλá (before a vowel ảλλ'), conj. [originally neut. acc. plur. of Aλos, "another,' with the accent changed] ("In another way, otherwise hence) But. ; ảλdýλocσi(v), Ion. and Poet. for ἀλλήλοις, masc. and neut. dat. plur. of ả\λý^wv. ἀλλ-ήλ-ων, pron. plur. without nom. [reduplicated and changed and changed from ἄλλος, "another "] Of, etc., one another. ἀλλό-θρο-ος,ον, adj. [ἄλλος, (uncontr. gen.) čλλo-os, “an- other "; @pó-os, in force of" a sound"]("Having another sound"; hence) Of persons: of another language; speaking another, or a foreign tongue. ǎλλoiσi(v), Ion. and Poet. for aλois, masc. and neut. dat. plur. of ăλλos. ãλλ-os, n, o, pron. adj. : 1. Sing. Another, other.-As Subst. : ἄλλος, ου, m. Another man or person; another.-2. Plur. Other.-As Subst.: a. : VOCABULARY. 25 äddoɩ. wv, m. plur. Other men or persons; others.-b. (In Greek in general with the article, but in Homer without it; see 1. 8) The other, the rest of.-As Subst.: (a) Masc. plur. The others, the rest; v. 11, etc. ;--(b) Neut. plur. : The other, or the rest of the, things [akin to Sans. an-ya, "other"]. ¦ ἀλλό-τρῖος, τρία, τρῖον, adj. [&Aλos, (uncontr. gen.) &Aλo- os, "another"] Of, or belong- ing to, another; another man's; another's. CC ἀλφηστῇσι(ν), Ion. for àλøηoraîs, dat. plur. of aλon- ἀλφησταῖς, ἀλφη- GTS. ἀλωή (Ep. for ἅλως), ἧς, f. A vineyard, garden, orckard ; at v. 193 in the first of the foregoing meanings. : ἅμα (before a vowel ἅμ᾽), prep. and adv.: 1. Prep. gov. Dat.: At the same time with, together with.-2. Adv.: At once ; at the same time, forth- with. ἀ-μβρόσ-ιος, ἵα, ῖον, adj. ("Inimortal, divine"; hence) Of things pertaining to the gods: Divinely fair or beau- tiful; ambrosial [lengthened and changed fr. a-ußpor-OS, "immortal"; akin to Sans. a-myit-a, "immortal"]. | ἀμείβω, f. ἀμείψω, 1. aor. ueita, v. a. "To change, ex- change."-Mid. àµeíßoμal, : ἀμείβομαι, f. ἀμείψομαι, l. aor. ἠμειψάμην, ("To change for one's self"; hence) 1. To go in turn or al- ternately :-άμειβόμενοι κατὰ οἴκους, going from house to in turn, v. 375.-2. With Acc. of person: To answer, reply to. ἄ-λοχ-ος, ου, f. ("One Occupying the same bed"; hence) A spouse, wife [for &- Aex-os; fr. prefix à, akin to Sans. sa, " one and the same"; λéx-os," a bed "; and so, liter- λέχτος, ally, "she who has one and the same bed "; cf. &koitis]. ἅλς, ἁλός, f. The sea [like äλs, m. (“salt "), akin to Sans. sar-as, salt," and so "the salt-water"]. ἀλφη-στής, στοῦ, m. [ἀλφή, | (uncontr. gen.) ἀλφή-ος; | house gain "]("One who gains"; hence) A gain-seeker, an en- terprising person; —at v. 319 in apposition to ȧvdpáσiv, to men who are gain-seekers, etc., i. e. in adjectival force, to gain-seeking, or enterprising, men.-N.B. The word is some- times explained as meaning "inventive reasoning." ἀμείνων, ov, comp. adj. Better, preferable. Pos.: àyăðós; Sup.: ăpiσros. ἄριστος. ἄμμε, ἄμμι, Pol. and Ep. for huas, uir, acc. and dat. plur. of eye. un- ἀμό-θεν, adr. [ἀμός, contr. gen.) àµó-os, an old T 26 VOCABULARY. | adj. els, "one," and, in in- definite force, "some one or other"; suffix 0e (=k), "from"] From some one source or other.-At v. 10 Tŵv (= ŵv) is not dependent on aμóeer, but is a partitive Gen. of Object dependent on einé: (Some) of which things from some one source or other tell unto us. ἀμοιβ-ή, ἧς, f. [for ἀμειβ-ή; fr. ἀμείβ-ομαι, in force of “ to requite " ("A requiting"; hence) Requital, recompense, return. Sea-girt ;-an epithet fre- quently applied to Ithaca; cf. vv. 386, 395. ἀμφΐ-πέλομαι, r. dep. [ἀμφί, "around"; Téλoμaι, "to be"] Of music, etc.: With Dat. of person: To be, or float, around;-at v. 352 the em- ployment of the Subj. alone shows that a statement of a fact is not made, but a mere supposition is advanced. | ả-µūµ-wv, ov, adj. [for å- μώμ-ων; fr. ἀ, “ negative"; μŵμ-os, "blame," the w being changed into v acc. to the Eol. dialect]("Not having μwμos"; hence) Distinguished, noble, etc. ȧµpă-8óv, adv. [Poet. for ἀμφᾶ-δόν, obsol. àvăpă-ôóv, for àvăpar- dóv, ir. åvăḍav, verbal root of àvŭ paívw, “to show forth"] ("Showing forth"; hence) Openly, publicly, without dis- guise. ἀμφιπόλοισι(ν), Poet. for ảµpiñóλois, dat. plur. of åµpi- ἀμφιπόλοις, ἀμφί. woλos. ἀμφίπολ-ος, ου, f. [ἀμφί- TOλ-os, "being about "; for άupì-πeλ-os; fr. àµupí, “about”; Téλ-w or Téλ-oµaι, "to be"] ("She who is about, or engaged in," some employment; hence) A hand-maid, waiting-woman. ἀμφί-ρύ-τος, τη, τον, adj. [aupi, “around"; pu, a root [ἀμφί, of péw, to flow"] Flowed around, around which water flows; sea-girt;-as an epi- thet of islands, and always in fem, in the Odyssey. CC ἀμφί (before a vowel ἀμφ'), prep. gov. dat. (and acc.) With Dat.: 1. Locally Around, round.--2. In causal force: About, for, respecting, on account of; v. 48. ἀμφίς, adv. [akin to ἀμφί, "around"] (“On both sides"; hence, with the accessory no- tion of separation) Apart, asunder: - αἳ γαϊάν τε καὶ oùpardv àµpls exovo1(v), which keep both heaven and earth asunder, v. 54. ἀμφι-ἅλ-ος, ον, adj. [ἀμφί, | "around ›› ; äλs, åλ-ís, "the av (Ep. кé, Kév), condi- sea"]("Having the sea a- tional particle modifying the round or round about "; hence) power of the word to which VOCABULARY. 27 it is subjoined: 1. With verbs ἀνα-βαίνω, f. ἀιᾶ βήσομαι, of all moods except the ina- p. ἀνᾶ-βέβηκα, 2. ποι. ἀν-έβην, perative: a. With Imperf. v. n. [ává, "up"; Baivw, "to | βαίνω, and 1. Aor. Indic.: (a) Con- go "] 1. To go up, ascend ;- dition not fulfilled: Would, at v. 362 folld. by ès (— eis) and should; would have, should Acc. of place.-2. To go up have. (b) Condition fulfilled: from the coast to a place To denote frequently. - b.inland. g | With Fut. Indic. in Homer: ἀνα-βάλλω, f. ἀνα-βάλω, Το express that which will p. ἀνα-βέβληκα, v. a. [ἀνά, certainly happen, if something "up"; Báλλw, "to throw "] βάλλω, else happens first, thus modi- 1. Act.: To throw, or toss, fying the peremptory force up.-2. Mid. : To lift up of the tense: Perhaps, I etc. one's voice; at v. 155 åv- suppose, probably, perchance; BánλETO is folld. by Inf. cf. v. 268.-c. With Opt.: (àcide) denoting a purpose (a) Condition being, or not or intention or intention: lifted up his being, fulfilled: Would, voice to sing; i. e. for the could. (b) Condition not purpose of singing, or in order fulfilled: Would, would have; to sing. could, could have.-(c) Con- dition fulfilled: Will, I think. (d) In apodosis to hypo- thetical statements: Per- haps, possibly :-the protasis is sometimes omitted. d. With Subj.: (a) The force of the particle is thrown ou some åvă-yɩyvóokw (later ảvă- γινώσκω), f. ἀνα-γνώσομαι, p. ȧv-éyvwka, 2. aor. àv-éyror, v. a. [ává, in “strengthening" preceding conjunction or rela-force; yiyvwok, "to know"] To know well, to know for a certainty. In this sense only in Epic poetry and in 2nd aor. tive word; see below. (b) In Homer: In a modified future force.-2. With Rela- tive pronouus, adverbs, etc. — English affix -ever: ds av, ös кe, whoever; öπov år, wherever. ȧváyêη, ns, f. Need, necess- ity, constraint. Adverbial Dat.: άváyкn, Perforce, by constraint, of necessity; v. 154. ȧvá, prep. gov. dat. and ace. : 1. With Dat.: On, upon.-2. With Acc. : a. Up, up along, throughout.-b. In time: Through, throughout. · åvăßás, āσa, áv, P. 2. aor of àvăßaíivw. ἀναβήμεναι, Doric for ἀνᾷ- βῆναι, 2. aor. iuf. of ἀναβαίνω. , ἀνάθη-μα, ματος, n. [ἀναθη, verbal root of arătionµi, “to set up as a votive gift"] ("That which is set up as a 28 VOCABULARY. votive gift"; hence, in Homer | of pov-euw, "to slay "] Man- slaying, man-killing. ouly in sense of) A delight, glory, ornament;—at v. 152 in plur., as speaking of both μολπή and ὀρχηστύς. ȧvéyvw, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of àvăyīvάoкw. ἀν-αιδ-ής, és, adj. [av, "negative"; aid-ús, "shame"] ("Not having aidés "; hence) Devoid of shame, shameless. ἄν-ειμι, v. n. [ἀν-ά; εἶμι, “to go"] 1. [ává, "up"] ("To go up"; hence) Of the sun, heavenly bodies, etc.: To rise. -2. [avá, "back"] To go ἀναΐξας, άσα, αν, P. 1. aor.back, go home, return. of ȧvatoow. ἀνείρεαι, Ion. for ἀνείρῃ, (C | ἀνείρομαι. dv-aiσow, 1. aor. àv-ńïça, 2. pers. sing. pres. ind. of v. n. [ἀν-ά, “ up”; ἀΐσσω, “to rush"] ("To rush up"; hence) To start, or rise, up suddenly from a sitting posture. ἀνα-κρεμάννυμι, 1. aor. àv-ekρéµãσa, v. a. [àvá, "up"; креμάνvõμι, “to hang"] To hang up, suspend. ܪ ǎvaέ, akтos, m. Lord, mas- ter, king;-applied to to all gods, especially to Apollo, and also to the Homeric heroes [akin to Sans. janaka, father"]. (C (C a CC áváσow, f. ávážw, 1. aor. Ep. ἄναξα, v. u. [for ἀνάκτ-σω; fr. ἄναξ, ἄνακτος, a lord, king," etc.] 1. With Dat. of place: To be lord, or master, in; to hold sway in or over. 2. With Dat. of person : To hold rule, or sway, among; to rule; to be king of. avdpeσσi, Poet. for àvdpáσi, ἄνδρεσσι, dat. plur. of ȧvýp. ἀνδρ-ο-φόν-ος, ov, adj. [ἀνήρ, ἀνδρ-ός, man"; (0) connecting vowel; pov, root ἀν-είρομαι, 2. aor. ἀν-ηρόμην, v. mid. [av-á, in "strengthen- ing" force; elpoμaι (mid.), "to ask "] With Acc. of per- son and Acc. of thing: To ask, or question, a person about something; to inquire some- thing of a person; v. 231. ἀνέμοιο, Ion. for ἀνέμου, gen. sing. of aveµos. ἄν-εμος, έμου, 1. (“The blowing thing"; hence) Wind [akin to Sans. root AN, blow"]. "to ἀνερείπομαι, 1. aor. ἀνήρειψε auny, v. mid. To snatch up and carry off-Homer uses only the 3. person plur. of 1. aor. ἀν-έρχομαι, 2. aor. ἀν-ήλυθ- ov and more frequently av- ñλ0ov, v. mid. [àv-ά, “back ”; ῆλθον, ěpxoμal, "to come, to go"] To come back, to go back, to return. | ἀ-νήρ, νέρος νδρός, m.: 1. A man:-often joined to another VOCABULARY. 29 C subst. denoting a person's pro- | In a hostile scuse: With Gen.: fession, occupation, etc.; cf. In opposition to, against; v. 100.-2. A husband [akin to v. 78. Sans nar-a, (C a man ": à is a åvrĭ-áw -ŵ, f. àvтiãow, 1. prefix]. aor. nvtična, v. n. [àvτi-os, ȧvηpeí avтo, 3. pers. plur. ἀνηρείψαντο, over against, opposite "] 1. aor. ind. of àrepeiñoμai. (To be avτios "; hence, "to ἀντῖος ἀνθρώποισι(ν), Ion. for go towards"; hence) Of the avoρúτois, dut. plur. of aveрwπ-gods, and with Gen. of thing offered: 1. To go, or come, to meet as it were; and so in past tenses, to have received, ac- cepted, etc.-2. To partake of, enjoy; v. 25. ἀντί-θε-ος, η, ον, adj. [ἀντί, -ŵ, f. aviãow, p. “equivalent to, like "; e-ós, hvīāka, v. a. [āvī-a, grief"]"a god"] Equivalent to, or 1. To cause grief to; to grieve, like, a god; equal to a god vex, etc.-2. Pass. : To be or the gods; godlike :—in grieved, vexed, etc.-Pass.: Homer an epithet of heroes. ἀντ-άομαι -ῶμαι, p. ἠνῖᾶμαι, 1. aor. ǹvíãðny, f. mid. in pass. force aviãσouai, (regular 1. fut. pass. ἀνιαθήσομαι, only in late imedical writer). Os. ǎveρwños, ou, comm. gen.: ἄνθρωπος, ου, 1. A human being; a man, person.-2. Plur. : Men [akin to àvýp, the Gr. stem of which is ἀνδρ]. ảvi-áw åvīnbeís (Ion. for åvīādels), éîoa, év, P. 1. aor. pass. of àviaw. ᾿Αντίνο”, by elision for ᾿Αντί- voe, voc. of 'Avtĭvoos. ᾿Αντίνους, ου, 1. [ἀντῖνος, opposite in mind "; fr. àvrí, ἀντί, opposite "; vóos, "mind"] (“One opposite in mind ") Antinous; a son of Eupeithēs a chieftain in Ithaca, and one of Penelope's suitors. | CC (4 ἀντών, οὖσα, όν, P. of ἄκειμι. ávoraîa, found only in ἀντίον, adv. [adverbial Odyssey 1, 320; and variously neut. sing. of avrios, “ ' op- explained 1. As adv.: Un-posite, over against "] Over noticed, unobserved.-2. As against, straight before: adj. High up in the air, àvтiov avdây (to speak over aloft, on high. against a person; i. e.) to speak to, or address, a person to the face; cf. vv. 213, 230, 345, etc. ǎvтa, prep. [akin to àvrí, "over against "] With Gen: Over against, before; v. 331.306, avria, adv. [adverbial neut. plur. of avrios, " opposite"] åvr-ios, ¡a, ¡ov, adj. [àrt-í, over against"](" Being CC 30 VOCABULARY. avrí"; hence) 1. Locally: pres. ἀντί of ἀπαμείβομαι :-for Over against, opposite.-2. mode of rendering anaμeißÓ- Opposite, contrary, the re- μενος προσέφη sce ἄγων at verse. end. ἀπ-άνευθε, adv. [ἀπ-ό, in "strengthening" force; avevee, "away, apart"] Away, apart, far off. å-tās, rāva, πāv, adj. [å, in "intensive" force; as, "all"]("Quite all "; hence) The whole of anything; the entire ;-Plur. a. All to- by-gether, all.-b. The whole of that denoted by the subst. to which it is in attribution. ȧπéßη, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ἀπέβη, ind. of arоßairw. ἀπειπέμεν, Ion for ἀπειπεῖν, inf. of àπεîπov. p. ἀπ-εῖπον, f. ἀπερῶ, àл еíрпка, v. a. [άπ-ó, iu "strengthening" force; elmov, "to say "] 1. To speak out, declare; v. 373.-2. With Dat. of person: To give full notice to a person; v. 91. of åπeípwv, ov, adj. [poet. form ἄπειρος ; fi. d, “ negative”; répas, "an end"] Endless, boundless. ἀντιόω -ῶ, Epic for ἀντιάω see ἀντιάω. P. ἀντιόων,όουσα, όον, uncontr. pres. of ἀντιόω. avwya, old Ep. perf. used in sense of a pres. imperat. arwx0, 3. pers. sing. subj. áváyn. To order, bid, com- mand, etc. aios; ǎžios, ia, iov, adj. [for fr. ay-w," to weigh" so mach]("Weighing" so much; hence, "worth"; hence) 1. Worthy, deserving.-2. With Gen. Worthy of, deserving of. ἀοιδ-ή, ἧς, f. [for ἀειδή; fr. àcid-w, "to sing"] 1. Singing, song.-2. A song, lay. CC ảoɩd-ós, oû, m. [for acid-ús; fr, ἀείδω, to sing"]("He who sings "; hence) A singer, minstrel, bard. ομαι, ἀπ-ἀμείβομαι, f. ἀπ-αμείψ. ouai, 1. aor. pass. in mid. force ἀπ-ημείφθην, [ἀπ-ό, àπ-nμeíponν, v. mid. [àπ-6, in "strengthening" force; aueiß- ομαι, "to answer"] To an- swer, reply to:-in Homer always in combination with ns, not caring for any- a second more definite verb; thing"] ("After the manner e.g. ἀπαμειβύμενος προσίφη,¦of the ἀπηλεγής”; hence) In v. 63; ἀπαμείβετο φώνησέν sneaking: Without caring ἀπηλεγ-έως, adv. [ἀπηλεγ- TE (Odyssey 7, v. 298). for anything; outright, plain- ȧлăμeißóμevos, n, or,, bluntly. ἀπαμειβόμενος, η, άπéτīσe, 3. pers. sing. 1. ἀπέτισε, aor. ind. of aπoтivw. 66 VOCABULARY. 31 ȧó (before a soft vowel Poet. ἀπ-ύλεσσα, p. ἀπο åπ'; before an aspirated vowel оλúλeкα, V. a. [àπ-ó, in [ἀπ-ό, ảḍ'), prep. gov. gen.: From ; strengthening" force; oλau- away, or at a distance, from;μ, "to destroy "; also, "to —at v. 49 àñó follows its case lose "] 1. Act. a. To destroy (pixwv), and hence its accent utterly.-b. To lose utterly; is thrown back on the former v. 354.-2. Mid.: åπ-óddŭµai, syllable, viz. &πо; ἄπο; this is f. ἀπ-ολοῦμαι, p. ἀπόλωλα, termed "anastrophë" [akin 2. aor. àπ-wλóμn", (“ To de- to Sans. apa," away from"]. stroy one's self"; hence) a. ἀπο-βαίνω, f. ἀπο-βήσομαι, Το perish, die ;—at v. 47 ἀπ- ῃ. ἀπο-βέβηκα, 1. aor. ἀπ- όλοιτο is used in the strict eßnoăµnv, 2. aor. àπ-éẞny, optative force of wishing: v. n. [àπó, "away"; Baivw, perish, or I would "to go"] To go away, de- may perish;-at part. v. 166 àπóλwλe is folld. by acc. of cognate meaning, (кαкòv) μópov, hath died an evil death. b. To be utterly lost:- νόστος ἀπώλετο πατρὸς ἐμοῖο, the return of my father is utterly lost; i. e. has gone for ever, there is no hope of it. áróλoito, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. opt. mid. of àπbaaūµí. ảτóλwλɑ, perf. mid. of à¤- ὁλλυμι. άπоеíтш, Ер. for àπeinw, ἀποείπω, 1. pers. sing. subj. of άπeîπov; see ἀπεῖπον; v. 373. ἀπο-θρώσκω, f. ἀπο-θοροῦμαι, 2. aor. άπ-éloрov, v. n. [àπó, from "; рwσкw, "to leap "] ρúσkW, With Gen. ("To leap from or up from"; hence) Of smoke: To rise up from; v. 58. << may that ảπ-óλλūµı (and ảπ-oλλŭw), f. ἀπολέσω, 1. aor. ἀπώλεσα, • ἀποπαύε, by elision for r ἀπ-οίχομαι, f. ἀπ-οιχήσομαι, 2. aor. ἀπῳχόμην, v. mid. [άπ-ó, "awaу"; otxoμai, “to | ἀποπαύεο, Ion. for ἀποπαύου, be gone"] Alone: To be gone 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. away, to have departed; | mid. of àñоñаús. v. 135. ἀπο-παύω, f. ἀπο-παύσω, "from"; Taúw, "to make to cease "] 1. Act.: To make to cease from; to stop or hinder from.--2. Mid.: ἀπο-παύομαι, f. ἀπο-παύσομαι, ("To make one's self cease from"; hence) With Gen. : To cease or desist from ; v. 310. ἀποιχομένοιο, Ion. for ἀπ-] v. a. [ἀπό, oixoμévov, masc. gen. sing. of àπоιxóμEVOS, Р. pres. of άπ- oíxoμai; v. 135;-at v. 253 the regular gen. ἀποιχομένου is found. 32 VOCABULARY. tr K >> ἀπο-ρ-ῥαίω, f. ἀπο-ῤῥαίσω, |1. aor. ἀπέωσα, v. a. [ἀπό, V. a. [ἀπό, away from ";" away"; wéw, "to drive or paiw, "to break," with the thrust"] 1. To drive, or δαίω, doubled] ("To break away thrust, away.-2. Mid.: άπ- åπ- from a person, etc.; hence) |ωθέομαι -ωθοῦμαι, f. ἀπ With Acc. of person and Acc. wσoμai, 1. aor. åñ-wσăµŋv, To of thing: To deprive, or be- drive, or thrust, away from reave, a person of something; one's self. to wrest away something from a person. ἀπώσεαι, Ion. for ἀπώσῃ, 2. pers. sing. 1. aor. subj. mid. of ἀπωθέω. άp; see ǎpa. ǎpa (before a vowel ǎp'; Ep. ap before a consonant; also Ep. pá), adv.: 1. Then, straightway, at once, forth- with.-2. Then, indeed. | ἀρ-άομαι -ῶμαι, f. ἀρᾶσομαι, Ion. ἀρήσομαι, 1. aor. ἠρησᾶ- uŋy, v. mid. [àp-ά, “a prayer”] ("To offer a prayer, to pray"; hence) With Acc. and Iuf., or with Inf. alone when its Sub- 66 ἀπο-τίνω, f. ἀποτίσω, 1. a01. ἀπ-έτισα, v. a. [ἀπό, in strengthening" force; rivw, in force of "to repay "; also, "to pay "] 1. To repay, pay back.-2. To pay for, or make atonement for, a thing.-3. Mid.: Alone : ἀπο-τίνομαι, f. ἀπο-τίσομαι, 1. aor. ἀπ-ετισά- uny, ("To get atonement made to one's self"; hence) To take vengeance, to avenge one's self, etc. ά-потμ-оs, oν, adj. [à, inject is omitted as being the "intensive force; TOTμ-os, same as that of the preceding "fate, destiny"; esp. "evil finite verb of its clause: To fate or destiny" ("Having pray, or wish, that; v. 164. much evil fate or destiny"; ἀρ-αρ-ίσκω, f. ἀρῶ, p. ἄρημα, hence) Ill-starred, unfortun-1. aor. pra, Ion. apoa [re- ate. Comp.: àπотμúтер- duplicated fr. root ȧp, ἀποτμίτερ- os ; Sup. : ἀποτμότατος. join"] ("To join"; hence, "to ἀποτμότατος, η, ov, sup. join together, construct"; adj.; see ǎтотμos ;-at v. 219 hence) To equip, fit, furnish, ἄποτμος folld. by partitive Gen. provide, etc. "to ἄ-πυσ-τος, τον, adj. [for ᾿Αργεῖοι, ων ; see ῎Αργος. ǎ-πVO-TOS; fr. a, "negative"; ἄ-πυθ-τος Αργειφόντης, ου, in. [poet. πυνθάνομαι, σε to hcare of,” | for Αργο-φονευ-τής ; fr.῎Αργ- through root πve] Unheard os, (uncontr. gen.) ˇApyo-os, of, not heard of. Argos" (the man appointed ἀπωθέω -ωθῶ, f. ἀπ·ώσω, [ by Hera (Juno) to take charge [C >> ܕܕ VOCABULARY. 33 E of the cow into which Ino hand been metamorphosed); poveú- ω, "to slay"] Argos-slayer, slayer of Argos; an epithet of Hermes (Mercury) as having slain Argos. CC Apyos, eus ous, n. [ăpyos, Thessalian or Macedonian for ἀγρός, a plain"] Argos ; the chief city of Argolis, a country of the Peloponnesus (now the Morēa), in S. Greece. -Hence, Apy-eîos, eía, eîov, adj.: a. Of, or belonging to, Argos; Argive.- As Subst.: Ἀργεῖοι, ων, m. plur. The men of Argos, the Argives. b. Greek, Grecian. As Subst. 'Apyeîot, av, m. plur. The Greeks. S K rr ἄρ-νῦμαι (only found in pres. and imperf. tenses and part.), v. mid. [åp, root of alpw, take"] 1. To take, or oblain, by one's own act; to win, gain, earn, etc.-2. To strive to secure; v. 5. to ǎp-oupa, oúpas, f. [àp-ów, "to plough"] ("Ploughed- land"; hence, "land" general; hence) Land, coun- try. in a Αρπ-υιαι, υἱῶν, f. plur. [åρπ, root of åµπ-ā(w, ˜“to snatch"] The Snatchers; name frequently employed in the Odyssey for whirlwinds, hurricanes, personified deities. ǎpoas, āva, av, P. 1. aor. of ¦ἀμαρίσκω. as ἀργυρέοιο, Ton. for ἀργυρέου, masc. gen. sing. of apyùpeos. ȧpyйp-ens, éα, cor, adj. ἀργύρεος,έα, ǎpyup-os, "silver"] (“Of, or belonging to, apyŭpos"; hence) Made of silver, silver-. | ¿péoðaɩ, 2. aor. inf. mid. of alpw. apnoaíar', by elision for apnσaiŭro, Ion. and Poet. for àрhσaiто, 3. pers. plur. 1. aor. ἀρήσαιντο, opt. of ἀράομαι. ἄριστος, η, ον (see ἀγαθός), sup.adj.: 1. Best.-2. Noblest. åpvelós, où, m. A young male lamh; a young ram, ἀρνέομαι -οῦμαι, f. ἀρνή. σομαι, 1. aor. ἠρνησάμην, ν. mid. With Acc. of thing: To refuse, decline. | ἄρχω, f. ἄρξω, p. ἦρχα, v. a. : 1. Act.: With Gen. of thing: To begin ; — at v. 28 folld, also by Dat. of person.-2. Mid. : ἄρχομαι, f. ἄρξομαι, 1. aor. ἠρξάμην : With Gen, of thing : To begin as one's own especial act or for one's self; v. 367, D Odys. Book I. àptŭvéovoi(v), 3. pers. plur. Ion. fut. ind. of apruvw. ἀρύνω, f. ἀρτυνῶ, Ion. åpnŭréw, 1. aor. žр1ūva, v. a. [Epic form of ȧptúw] To pre- pare, make ready, provide. CC cpx-n, ns, f. ipx-a, to begin"] A beginning, com- mencement:-¿§ àpxîs, (from the beginning; i.e.) from of old. 34 VOCABULARY. where it is also folld. by Dat. | the cause of the distres is expressed by the part. Méyo of person. άσkelés, adv. [adverbial OFTES. ἀσκελές, neut. acc. sing. of a-σkeλ-ns, dried up"; fr. à, "without force"; σkéλ-λw, "to dry up"] ("In a dried up way "; hence) Toughly, obstinately, stub- bornly. ἀσχαλόωσι, Εp. for ἀσχαλ- wai, contr. 3. pers. sing. pres. ind. of ảo xăλáw. ȧτáρ (Eр. avтáp), conj. But, yet, however, nevertheless. áσkéw -ŵ, f. ȧσкhow, p. ήσκηκα, ἥσκησα, ʊкηка, 1. aor. ňσkŋσα, v. a. ("To form by or with art"; ἀτασθαλία, as, f. Pre- sumptuous sin or wickedness ; recklessness;-at vv. 7, 34 in plur. to denote the several hence) Of a garment as Ob- acts of aтaolăλia of which ject: To arrange skilfully or the persons denoted were carefully; to sn oothe; v. 439. | guilty. A similar force at- άoπeρxés, adv. Hastily, taches to the plural of abs- hotly, perseveringly, unceas- tract words in general accord- ingly.-N.B. The etymologying to their respective mean- of this word is not a matterings. of certainty. Probably it is to be traced, through an obsol. adj. ἀ-σπερχ-ής, to d, in “in. tensive" force; σméрx-w, "to set in rapid motion "; pass., (C to be set in rapid motion, to move hastily"; so that the adj. would imply "moving very hastily"; hence, "hasty, impetuous." Homer uses the part. σπερχόμενος, in force of "hastily, hurriedly (Odyssey 9, v. 101, etc.). the "} ἀσπίς, ἴδος, f. 1 shield. ἄστεα, acc. plur. of ἄστυ. aσ-TV, EOS OUS, n. A city. town [akin to Sans. root VAS, "to divell "]. ảoxăλáw -ŵ, found only in pres. tenses, v. n. To be dis- tressed or grieved ;-at v. 301 ἀτασθαλίῃσι(ν), Ion. for àraσlăriais, dat. plur. ἀτασθαλία. of *Α-τλ-ας, αντος, m. [d, ina "intensive "" force; TA-ά, "to bear"] ("Mighty Bearer”) Atlas; one of the older deities, who according to mythology supported the pil- lars of heaven; v. 52. Ατρείδαο, Αl. for ᾿Ατρε- ίδου, gen. of ᾿Ατρείδης. Ατρε-ίδης(trisyll.), ίδου, m. [Ατρεύς, 'ATрé-os, "Atre- Ατρέος, us"; son of Pelops ard Hippodamia, king of Argos and Mycenae, father of Mene- lāus and Agamemnou] A son of Alreus, esp. Agamemnon. ἀτρεκ-έως, adν. [ἀτρεκ-ής, real, true"]("After the CC 1 VOCABULARY. 35 manner of the aтрEкns"; hence) Really, truly. 31. ἀτρυγέτοιο, Ion. for ἀτρυγ- ÉTOV, masc. and fem. (v. 72) gen. sing. of aτрÚYETOS. rr ȧ-трйу-εтos, εTOV, adj. [à, “ negative”; τρυγάω, "to gather in the harvest"] "From which no harvest is gathered in "; hence) Barren, unfruitful, yielding no har- vestan epithet of the sea. av, adv. 1. Of place or direction: Back, backwards. -2. In time: Again, anew, once more, afresh [akin to Sans. ava, Co away- aúd-áw -w, f. avdhow, 1. aor. nidnoɑ, v. a. [aúd-ń, speech" ("To utter audń"; hence) To speak to, address. CC 5) aúd-ń, î‹, f. The human voice, speech ;—at V. 371 folld. by Acc. of "Respect [akin to Sans. root VAD, to speak"]. ' αὔλ-ειος, εία, ELOV, adj. [avλ-n, "open court" before a dwelling; a court-yard"] Of, or belonging to, the court or court-yard. aŭpĭov, adv. On the mor- row, to-morrow. αὐτάρ, Ep. for ἀπάρ; see àτáρ. αὖτε (before a vowel αὖτ᾽), adv.: 1. Or time: Again.-2. In speaking, etc. In turn, in reply.-3. Furthermore, next. αὐτή, αὐτήν, αὐτῆς, fen. nom., acc., and gen. sing. of oí autós. I αὐτ-ΐκα (before a soft vowel avтík'; before an aspirated vowel avrix'), adv. [aùt-ÓS, self, very" ("At the self- same, or very," time; hence) Forthwith, immediately, at once. CC avris (Ion. for avis, a lengthened form of av) Again, a second time. auroîo, Ion. for auro, masc. gen. sing. of aùrós; v. 207. αὐτοῖσι(ν), Ion. for αὐτοῖς, masc. dat. plur. of autós. αὐτός, τή, τό, pron. adj. : 1. Self, very.-As Subst.: a. Of all persons: m. aud f.: I my- - self, you yourself, he himself, etc.-When apposition to a possessive or reflexive pron. av-λý, λñs, f. ("A court-occurs, the noun in apposition yard"; hence, " a dwelling- is put in the Gen., and refers place" surrounding the court- to the Gen. of the personal yard; hence," a dwelling or pron. implied in the possessive abode" in general; hence) A or reflexive pron.: thus as palace, etc. [either fr. &w, v. 7, in auтŵv σOетeṛņоLV "to blow," fr. Sans. root VA; àтασðаλíŋow, autor is in ap- VÀ; ἀτασθαλίῃσιν, αὐτῶν iu or akin to Sans. root VAS, position to the personal pron. "to dwell"]. opar (gen. plur. (f), implie l TOE TE D 2 36 VOCABULARY. .... • in the possessive or reflexive pron. σDETÉρnow; ef. v. 409, where αὐτοῦ is in apposition to οὗ (personal pron.), implied in (the possessive pron.) éóv; cf., also, tà σ' (= σá) avrîs čpya, v. 356.--When a verb is folld. by a reflexive pron. in Gen., Dat., or Acc., the reflexive sense becomes emphasized by the use of the nom. aurós, etc., as it brings the "self" of the Subject prominently forward: thus at vv. 33, 34, in aùrol Σφῇσιν ἀτασθαλίῃσιν . . . ἄλγε᾽ once. ἔχουσιν, the nom. pron. αὐτοί, as Subject, denotes that they themselves (i.e. men and men alone) are the cause of their own sorrows, not the gods; cf. the preceding context.-b. As sim- ple pron. of third person: In all genders and numbers: He, she, it, thy, etc.-2. With the article prefixed: The same.-- As Subst., of all genders and numbers: The same person, etc.; the same thing, etc. [akin to pron. av-a, preserved in the Zend langunge]. 1. auтoû, masc. gen. sing. of pron. αὐτός. 2. αὐτοῦ, adv. [adverbial|= gen. neut. of aùrós, "self; very "]("At the very " place; hence) There, just there, ctc. ἀφ-αιρέω -αἱρῶ, f. ἀφ-αιμήσω, p. ἀφύρηκα, Σ. aor, ἀφ-εῖλον, v. a. [àp' (= åñó), away, from"; aip.éw, "to take "] 1. ** : Act. To take away, take away from.-2. Mid.: ảp- αιρέομαι -αιροῦμαι, f. ἀφ-αιρή- σομαι, 2. aor. ἀφ-ειλόμην: With Acc. of thing and Dat. of per- son: To take away (for one's self or by one's own especial act) something from a person; to deprive a person of some- thing; cf. v. 9, where Tolow is the "Dat. of disadvantage' after apeiλero. "" apap, adv. Straightway, forthwith, immediately, at ảþeíλeto, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. mid. of àpaipéw. ἀφίκεο, Ion. for ἀφίκου, 2. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of àp- invéouai. ȧpīкeтo, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of apivéoµai. ἀφ-ικνέομαι -ικνούμαι, f ap-lgouai, p. àp-îyμai, 2. aor. ἀφ-ικόμην, v. wid. [ἀφ (= άró) denoting "completeness"; invéoμaι, "to come"] 1. To arrive.-2. In Homer, folld. by Acc. of person reached: To reach, come up to; v. 332. ἀφν-ειός, ειόν (also in Hesiod with a fem. -eiń), adj. [ăqv-os ἄφενος, "wealth, abund- ance"] ("Pertaining to tør- os "; hence) 1. Of persons: a. Rich, wealthy.-b. With Gen. of thing: Rich, or auealthy, in ; v. 165, where xpugoło is not the Gen. of thing com- pared, but Gen. of that wherein VOCABULARY. 37 F }} > βαίνω, f. βήσομαι, p. βέ- βηκα, pluperf. ἐβεβήκειν, 2. aor. ěßŋv, v. n.: 1. a. To walk or step.- b. With Inf.: To set out to do, etc. :-B tuev, set out to go, v. 441.-2. To go, go away, depart [akin to Sans. root GAM, “to go"]. Báλe, Ep. for ĕßăλe, 3. pers. βάλε, ἔβαλε, sing. 2. aor. ind. of ßáλλw; v. 364. Balλw, f. Băλŵ, p. Bé- Bλŋkа, 2. aor. čßăλov, v. a.: | βασιλ-εύω, f. βασιλεύσω, 1. aor. ἐβασίλευσα, V. [βασιλ-εύς, “a king”] 1. Alone: To be a king; to rule, to reign;-at v. 392 Baoiλ- βασιλο evéμer is a substantival luf. forming the Subject of čotí to be supplied; and as a sub- stantival Inf. is regarded as a neut. noun, the complement of the clause (kakór) is in the neut gender.-2. With Gen. : To be king of or over; to rule, or reign, over. 11. 38 VOCABULARY. Bǎoiλña, Băoines, Ion. βασιλῆα, acc. sing. and nom. plur. of βασιλεύς. Băσiλños, of βασιλεύς. Ion. gen. sing. βεβήκει, Ion. for ἐβεβήκει. 3. pers. sing. pluperf. ind of βαίνω. βίη, ης, f. [Ion. for βία] 1. Strength, force, bodily might. -2. a. Force, violence, etc. b. Bíŋ-div, dat. case of Bin, with old dat. case ending p or piv: By force or violence; v. 403. Bi-OTOS, Óтov, m. [Bi-lw, "to live"] 1. Life; v. 287.- 2. Means of life, i. e stance, property; vv. 160, 377, etc. βένθος, εος ous, n. The βούλευε, Ep. for ἐβούλευε, depth of the sea;-at v. 53 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of the final vowel of βένθεα | βουλεύω. (acc. plur.) is not elided before βουλ-εύω, f. βουλεύσω, p. οἶδεν, as that word takes the | βεβούλευκα, 1. aor. ἐβούλευσα, digamma [akin to Sans. root v. n. [Bouλ-ń, "counsel"] GAH, "to dive into "]. ("To take counsel"; hence) With (dat.) opeoir: To pon- der, revolve, debate, in the mind. [βουλ-ή, B₁, Ion. and Ep. for B, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of βαίνω. ("The seeing thing"; hence, Plur., "the eyes "; hence) The eyelids; always in this meaning in Homer. βλάπτω, f. βλάψω, p. βέ- Bλăpa, v. a. 1. To hinder, stop.-2. With Acc. of person and Gen. of thing (as se- parative Gen.): To hinder a person from a thing; to stop, or arrest, a person in some- thing; v. 195. Bo-nτús, vos, f. [Ion. for βόλησις, fr. βυ-άω, "to cry out"] Clamour, outery, shouting. βλέφ-αρον, ἄρου (mostly plur.), n. [for Вλéπ-ăрov; fr. βλέπω, "to see, have sight"] βούλομαι, f. βουλήσομαι, p. Beßoúλnual, v. mid. ("To wish "; hence) Of the gods: To will; v. 23ł; see Báλλ@, sub-no. 2 [root Bouλ (= Boλ), βουλ βολ), akin to Sans. root VI, "to choose"]. βουλ-ή, ἧς, f. [βούλομαι, "to will" 1. Will, purpose. 2. Plan, counsel.-3. Ad- vice, counsel. | 1. βοῦς, βούς, comm. gen. A cow, ox;-Plur.: Cattle in collective force [acc. to some from the natural sound Bo, and so the lowing or bellow- ing one"; acc. to others, akin to Sanscrit go, "a bull, a cow"; and in plur. "cattle "]. 2. Boûs, contr. fr. Bóas, acc. plur. of 1. Bous; v. 8. Bowv, gen. plur. of 1. Boûs. VOCABULARY. 39 ponderous. βρῖθύς, εῖα, ύ, adj. Heavy, ἐγημᾶμην: Of a woman as Sub- ject: To give herself in mar- mortal¦riage, to get married; to wed [akin to Sans. root JAM, an old form of yam, to tame "; and, in some combinations, "to marry"]. ẞporós, où, m. A man as opposed to the gods; a mortal [akin to Sans. marta (fr. MRI," to die "), "a mort- al man "]. βρῶ-σις, ( σκω, σεως, f. [βι-βρώ- to eat," through root Bpw] ("An eating "; hence) Food, meat. γάμ-ος, ου, m. [γαμ-έω, “ to marry "] 1. A marriage, a wedding. — 2. A wedding- feast. yăμéeσlaɩ, uncontr. pres. inf. mid. of yăuéw. γάμ-έω -ώ, f. γαμήσω, p. yeyάuŋka, 1. aor. ¿yάunoa and ěynua, v. a.: 1. Of a man as Subject: To marry a woman; v. 36-2 Mid.: γαμ-έομαι -οῦμαι, f. γαμοῦμαι, Ep. γαμ· έσσομαι, litte γαμήσαμαι, l. aor. yáp, conj. For :-usually the second word in the clause or sentence. y'; see yé. yaîa, as, Ep. ns (Poet. for yn), f. 1. The earth.-2. The ground, soil.-3. A land, country. yain-ox-os, ov, adj. [for γαιή-οχ-ος, ον, yain-ex-os; fr. yaîa, (Ep. γαιή-εχ-ος; gen. and uncontr.) yain os, yé (1 efore a vowel y'), en- clitic particle, throwing its force on the word which it immediately follows: At least, indeed, at any rate; cf. v. 229 [prob. akin to Sans. gha or "earth"; xw, "to hold"]ghâ, an old pronominal base j. (Earth-holding "; i. e.) 1. Earth-upholding, earth-sup- porting.-2. Earth-surround- ing, earth - encompassing. This word, in whichever of the two above-given meanings it is taken, is always an epithet of the sea-god Poseidāōu or Poseidon, the Roman "Nept- une." γείν-ομαι, 1. aor. mid. eyeш-aμny, v. pass. aud mid. [akin to yiyvopai; see yíyr- ouaι] 1. Pass.: In pres. To be born.—2. Mid. : In 1. aor. : Of a mother: To bear, bring forth; v. 223. | yev-eń, ens, f. [Ion. for yev- ed; through yev, root of ylyv- ομαι, "to be born"] ("A being born, birth"; hence) 1. a. Family, race. - b. Aả- verbial dat. : γενεῇ, By. family, i.e. by family-rights, by birth-right; v. 387.-2. Á birth place. yevéoðaɩ, 2. aor. inf. of γίγνομαι. γένετο (before a vowel γέν· 4.0 VOCABULARY. ET'), Ion. for éyéveтo, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of yíyroµaı. YevоíǎTO, Ion. and Poet. for YÉVOITO, 3. pers. plur. 2. aor. γένοιντο, opt. of γίγνομαι. Yép-wv, OVTOS, adj. Old, γέρων, οντος, aged. As Subst.: yépwv, OVTOS, M. An old, or aged, man [akin to Sans. root JRI, “to grow old"]. ; "know"]. γλαυκ-ώπις, ῖδος, adj. [Hr herto usually referred to an yλаûк-os, γλαύκ-ος, (of the eres) glaming”; ὤψ, ὠπός, “a: eye"] 1. With gleaming eyes. 2. But since numerous idols representing Athënë or Minerva (the patron deity of Troy) with an owl-face bave recently been dug up on the site of Troy, the etymology of the word must rather be CC γῆμ' (by elision for γῆμε), Iou. for ynue, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of yǎuéw. γῆρας, ἄος ως, 11. Old age [akin to Sins. root JRI, "to grow old"]. γίγνομαι, f. γενήσομαι, p. γέγονα, Ξ. aor. ἐγενόμην, v. inid. 1. a. To come into being, to be born.-b. With : γνώμεναι, Ep. for γνῶναι, 2. aor. inf. of yiyvŵσкw;-at v. 411 the Inf. denotes a pur- K and Gen. denoting the pose or intention for the father: To be born, or sprung, purpose of knowing him, i. e. from; v. 220.-2. Of things:"so that we may know and To be produced. 3. To be, become acquainted with him"; become, be made [akin to Sans.-supply aùtóv (= şeîvov) as αὐτόν root JAN, "to become "J. the Ojbect of γνώμεναι. γι-γνώ-σκω (γινώ-σκω), yóv-os, ou, m. [for yév-os; f. yvwow, yvwooμaι, p. ě-through yev, root both of yev- γνώσομαι, γνωκα, 2 aor. ěyvwv (im- váw, "to beget"; and yíyr- ἔγνων perat. yvw0, subj. yvŵ, ŵs, ŵ, ouaι, "to be born"] 1. (" A opt. yvoíny, inf. yv@rai, part. begetting"; hence, concrete) yvoús), v. a.: 1. To perceive, A father.-In like manner at consider, etc.-In past tenses, Iliad 14, 201 Oceanus is termed to know.-2. To recognize, by Homer yéveris deŵv, i. e. discern, etc. [root yvw, akin "the origin, source, producing to Saus. root JNA, "to know "; cause of the gods"; (concrete) cf. Lat. << nosco," Eng. "the father of the gods."-3. ("That which is born"; hence) Race, stock, descent.—N.B. Each of the foregoing mean- | | tr assigned to γλαύξ, γλαυκ-ός, "an owl"; &, wr-ós, "a face," and so, Owl-faced. γλαφ-ῦρός, ἅμά, Πρόν, adj. [yλáp-w, "to hew, carve, dig"] ("Hewn, carved, dug"; hence) Iulion. VOCABULARY. 4.I ings is variously assigned to v. 362 [akin to Sans, root JAN, γόνον at v. 216. The Schol-in transitive force, "to bring iast on Homer explains the forth "]. word as yourτopa (acc.), that is, "father." S'; see dé. γόνυ, γόνατος (Ep. Gen. δαιδάλ-εος, έα, εον, adj. [δαι- γαυνός, Dat. γουνί ; Pl. γοῦνα, δάλ-λω, “to work cunningly γούνων, γούεσσι), n. A knee: or skilfully"] Curiously, —TaÛTA DEŵv ev yoúrãoi keîtai, | skilfully, or cunningly work- these things lie on the knees of ed or wrought;-at v. 130 the gods, where the English δαιδάλεον belongs to θρόνον. idiom would rather say, "rest SatSas, acc. plur. of dats. in the bosom of the gods" [akin δαίνυμι, f. δαίσω, 1. aor. to Sans. júnu, “a knee "]. ědaioa, v. a.: 1. Act.: To gire a banquet or feast to; to feast, entertain.-2. Mid. : Saívõµaι, | yoos, ou, in. Weeping, wail- ing, lamentation, mourning; -at v. 242 in plur.; see ἀτασθαλία at end. δαίσομαι, 1. aor. ἐδαισᾶμην, To feast one's self, banquet [akin to Sans. root DÂ, "to divide"; and so, literally, "to divide, or apportion," food to a person]. Saívvolai, pres. inf. mid. of δαίνυμι. | found (δαίομαι), v. pass.: only in 3. pers. sing. pres., dalera (cf. v. 48), and in 3. pers. plur. perf.. dedalarai, Ion. for dédaiтai (cf. v. 23): To be divided [akin to Sans. root DA, "to divide"]. ". 1. Să-ts, idos, f. [da-lw (dissyll.), to kindle"; pass., "to burn, blaze "]("The burning, or blazing, thing hence) A torch;-at v. 428 in plur. 2. Sa-ís, Iтós, f. A feast, banquet [fr. same root dalvūμ, and so, literally, "a as yoúvăσɩ, Ion. for yóvŭσı, dat. plur. of yóvu. youvós,oû,m. Fruitful land. ypain, ns, f. Ep. for ypaûs; γραίη, ης, see ypaûs. γραῦς, γραός (Ep. γρης, yonós), f. An old woman [like yépwr, akin to Sans. root JRI, "to grow old"]. Ypηť. dat. sing. of ypnûs; see ypaûs. yuîov, ou, n. A limb :—in Homer always in plur. γυναικός, γυναιξί(ν), gen. sing and dat. plur. of yuvn | yŭv-ý, aikús, f. ("She who brings forth "; hence) 1. 4 woman, whether married or single, and without regard to age or station; v. 332.—2. A wife; vv. 13, 433.-3. Plur.: Maids, female attendants; 25 42 VOCABULARY. portion" of food divided out, or apportioned, to one; ste | δάμνημι. daiviu at end]. δαῖτας, δαιτί, δαιτός, acc. plur., and dat. and gen. sing. of 2. δαίς. δαι-τρός, τροῦ, m. [δαί-ω, "to divide"]("A divider"; hence) A carver of meat; v 141. • δατέομαι -τοῦμαι, f. δατή. σoμal, p δέδασμαι, 1. aor. éduσăun", v. mid. To divide or portion out; to distribute, share, etc. [akin to Sans. root Opovos, adj. δα-ΐ-φρων, [for dă i-øpev; fr. an old root | DA, "to divide”]. Sa, whence a perf. de-dά-nica, SǎTEûvто, Ep. and Ion. for "to know"; (1) connecting edaтoûтo, contr. fr. ¿daT- vowel; opηv, Opev-ós, “mind"]éovто, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ("Having a knowing mind "; ind. of daréoμal. δατέομαι. hence) Wise of mind, prudent, wise. P. 1. Sé (efore a vowel 8'), conj.: 1. And, also, further, too.—2. But; see μέν.-3. To introduce the final clause: Then in that case; yet. δακρῦσας, ᾶσα, αν, Ρ. 1. ao οἱ δακρύω. δακρ-ύω, δακμήσω, Sakр-uw, f. dakpйow, p. δεδάκρυκα, 1. aor. ἐδάκρυσα, v. n [dá×р-v, "a tear"] To [δάκρυ, shed tears, to weep. 2. Sé, enclitic accusatival suffix (= πpós), denoting “mo- tion towards": To, towards: -when a possessive pron. is joined to aù acc. to which dé is attached, dé is sometimes repeated with it; e g. övde dóµovde, v. 83. δάμ-άζω, f. διμάσω, p. δεδάμακα, 1. nor. ¿dáuăσa, v.a.: 1. To subdue, conquer. -2. To strike dead, kill, slay, esp. in fight. Pass. : δἅμ-άζομαι, p. δέδμημαι, late δεδάμασμαι, 1. aor. ἐδαμάσθην and ἐδμήθην, fut. δεδμήσομαι, 2. aor. édăµny [akin to Sans. root DAM, "to tame"; cf. Lat. "dom-o"; Eng. "tame"]. 3. δεδαίαται ; εee δαίομαι. Sédµηтo, Ion. and Ep. for ἐδέδμητο, pers. sing. pluperf. ind. pass. of déµw. δεῖπνον, ου, n. A meal, whether dinner or supper. δάμη, Ep. for ἐδάμη, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. pass. of δημάζω. δέμω, 1. aor. ἔδειμα, v. a. To build.-Pass.: perf. dédun- μαι, plup. ἐδεδμήμην (found perhaps only in 3. pers. sing. and plur.). Apr Sáμvηot, 3. pers. sing. of Sáμvnui, Poet. for Săuásw; see δαμάζω. Aăvăoí, âv, m. plur. ("The Danai"; . e. the people of Danãos, king of Argos; hence) The Greeks in general. VOCABULARY. 43 : δενδρήεις, ήεσσα, ηεν, adj. |vergy time that. — 3. With [dévdp-ov, “a "a tree"] Abound- verbs: Terily, truly, cer- ing in trees, well-wooded, tainly. woody. Sŋbá, adv. For a long time, | long. δεξ-ϊτερός, ἵτερά, ἵτερόν, adj. [poet. form of de-iós, "right," as opposed to "left"] Right, as opp. to "left" [akin to Sans. daksh-á, "right"]. δῆ-μος, μου, n. [prob. fr. dé-w, "to bind " ("That which is bound" together; hence) A tract of enclosed land; a district; "land, terr- itory, country, as opp. to πóxis, "a city"; vv. 103, 237. δήν, adv. For a long while, long. δέ-σμα, σμᾶτος, [δέω, dé-oµа, oμătos, n. [dé-w, "to bind " ("That which binds "; hence) A bond, chain. Seún. 2 pers. sing. pres. ind. of devopai. δεύομαι, f. δεύσομαι, v. mid. With Gen. ("To feel the want, or loss, of "; hence) To stand in need of. δεύτατος, η, ον, sup. adj. Last, latest ;-at v. 286 folld. by Gen. of thing distribu ted Coup.: δεύτερος, sec- 66 ond." δέχ-ομαι, f. δέξομαι, p. δέδεγμαι, ἐδεξάμην, dédeyμai, 1. aor. éde§ăµny, v. mid. To receive, take [akin to Sans. root DAGH, to attain "]. 66 Séw, f. snow, p. dédeкa and δήσω, δέδεκα δέδηκα, 1. aor. ἔδησα, r. . : 1. To bind, tie, tie on.-2. Mid. Séoμa, f. doua, : δέομαι, δήσωμαι, | 1. aor. ¿dýoăµŋv, To bind, tie, tie or put on, by one's own act [prob. akin to Sans. root DÂ, “to bind "]. δή, adv.: 1. Now, just, indeed.-2. With pronouns "to mark strongly" a person or thing :—¿§ où dn, from the 23 Snpóv, adv. [adverbial neut. acc. sing. of dnpós, "long" in time] Long, for a long time. 1. Siă, fem. nom. sing. of | 2. δῖος. 1. 2. Sĩá, prep. gov. (gen. and) acc.: In this book only with acc. : Locally: Through, throughout. 2. Through, by means of, etc. [akin to Saus. dva, "two"]. "to διάκ-τορος, τόρου, m. [for diúy Topos; fr. diay-w', carry, 01 convey, over"] ("He who carries, or conveys, over "; hence) 1. A conductor, guide.-2. As if conveying messages: A messenger.-N.B. The word is an epithet of Hermès or Mercury, and its meaning is much disputed. δια-πέτομαι, f. δια-πτήσο· paι (and dia-Teтnσoµαι, not in Homer), 2. aor, di-entăµnv and di-ETT buny, v. mid. [dìá,. di-ent through”; πέτομαι, "to *C 44 VOCABULARY. fly"]("To fly through" the air; hence) To fly away as a bird does; v. 320. 1. and also of the verb to be supplied, is the person ad- dressed, and so, if expressed, would be in the nominative. Hence if an adj. or part. be employed respecting it, such adj. or part. is put in the nom. This explains the employment of eλúr (uom.) at v. 318; -cf., also, the foregoing mode of construction at vv. 290–292 [lengthened and strengthened from root So, akin to Saus. root DA, "to give "]. Stéπrăто. 3. pers. sing. 2. διέπτατο, aor. ind. of diăréтouai. δίζημαι, 1. aor. ἐδίζησάμην, Ion. and Ep. v. mid. With Acc. of thing: To seek, look for with a view of obtaining. 1. Διός, gen. sing. of Ζεύς. 2. Sîos, a. ov, adj.: 1. Div- aine.-2. Of illustrious persons: Noble, godlike.-N.B. At vv. 14, 332 this adj. is used in reference to Calypso and Pěně- lopë respectively; and in each instance is folld. by a partitive Gen. (δία θεάων, δῖα γυναικῶν) as partaking of the nature of a superl. [akin to Sans. divya, "celestial"]. dia-p-paíw, t. dia-p palow, v. a. [diά, "asunder "; paíw, [διά, "to break, shatter"; with reduplication of $] (“To break asander, to shatter to pieces"; hence) To destroy utterly. Sĭ-dá-σкw, f. didacw, p. δί-δά-σκω, Sedijăxa, 1. uor. ¿didaţa, v. a and n.: With personal Object: To teach, instruct. 2. With Acc. of person and Inf: To teach a person to do, etc.; v. 381 [akin to lost Saus. rot Daç]. Sĭdóvros, masc. gen. sing. of διδούς, P. prus. of δίδωμι ; at v. 390 Aids didóvTos is the Gen. Abs. ― Sidoûσi(v), 3. pers. plur. pres. ind. of didwui, as if fr. form didów. | Sí-Sw-μi, f. dúow, p.) dé- δί-δω-μι, δώσω, Swxα, 1. aor. (only in indic.) ědwka, 2. aor. ědwv, v. a. To give; ;—at v. 317 dóµevai (Ep. for δοῦναι, inf. 2. aor.) is an Imperatival Iuf. Such an inf. is used in the place of an imperat. to express a com- mand, or wish, that the person addressed would himself do something. It depends on a verb of wishing, or desiring, in the speaker's mind, and can staud only for the second | person sing. or plur. Further, the Subject of the Inf. itself, | διχθά, adv. [Pout. for δίχα, fr. 8is, "twice"] Into, or in, two parts; in twain. Suwάwv, Eolic for duwwv, δμωάων, gen plur. of duwń. Sp-w, is, f.--in Homer only in plur. [for daμ-wn; fr. dăμ- dw, "to conquer"] (“A con- VOCABULARY. 45 i. e. quered woman,' female captured in war hence) A female slave in general; a female attendant, etc. " >> CC a δόρυ, δόρατος (Ep. δουμές), n. A spear [akin to Sans. daru, "wood "]. Δουλίχ-ϊον, ἴου, n. [δουλῖχ- ós, Ion. for doλix-ós, "long"] Suús, wús, m. [for deriva- Dulichium; one of the Echin tion see duwn] ("A slave ades (i. e. δμωή] "Sea-urchin is- taken in war"; hence) Alands "), a group of islands in slave, servant in general; the Ionian Sea, off the coast v. 398. of Acarnania. It derived its name from its long form, and bears at the present day the synonymous appellation of Makri (from old Gr. μakpús, "long"). Suwwv, gen. plur. of duús; v 398. Sokéel, Sokéovσl, uncontr. 3. pers. sing. and plur. pres. of δοκέω. δοκέω -ω, f. δόξω and δοκ- ήσω, p. δεδόκηκα, 1. aor. ἔδοξα, v. a. and n.: 1. Act.: To think, suppose, imagine.-2. Nent. To seem, appear. Soλó-μnt-is, i, adj. [86λ- δολό-μητ-ις, ι, [δόλ- os, (uncontr. gen.) dóλo-os, δόλους, "craft"; μnt-louai, "to de- μητ-ίομαι, vise "]("Devising craft"; hence) Crafty of counsel, wily. Sóλos, ov, m. ("A bait" for fish; hence) Craft, deceit, guile. 2 of Sóμevaι, Fp. for doûva, inf. δόμεναι, nor. oι δίδωμι; see δίδωμι for explanation of this inf. at v. 317. | | δόμος, ου, m. [for δέμ-ος; fr. deu-w, "to build "] ("That which is built"; hence) 1. 4 house, dwelling-nt v. 380 in plur. :—övde dóuorde, to his house or dwelling, v. 83; see 2. dé.—2. A house; i.e. house- hold, family. Soûval, 2. aor. inf. of didwui. Soûpe, Ep. for dópăte, acc. dual of dópu. CC δουρ-ο-δόκ-η, ης, f. [for fr. δόρυ, dop-o-déx-n; spear"; (o) connecting vowel; déx-ouai, "to receive"]("That which receives spears; spear- receiver "; hence) A stand for spears, a spear-stand. δύο, by elision for δύο; v. 331. રી δυναμαι, f. δυνήσομαι, p. dedurnuai, v. mid.: 1. With δεδύνημαι, Inf.: Το be able, have the power, to do, etc.-2. Alone: To he powerful or mighty. δυναμένοιο, Ion. for δυνα- μévov, masc. gen. sing. of durάueros, P. pres. of durăµai: —uéya dīvaµéroto, very power- δυναμένοιο, ful or mighty; v. 276, where v is lengthened by poetic licence. Súo or Súw (Gen. and Dat. dvoîv), dual numeral, adj. Two; 46 VOCABULARY. —at v. 331 in attribution to a plural word, àµpínoλo [akin to Sans. dvi, "two"]. δυόμαι, f. δύσομαι, 1. aor. édvoăµŋv, v. mid. ("To go into ἐδυσάμην, or under; to enter "; hence) Of the heavenly bodies: To set. δύσ-μορ-ος, ον, adj. [δυς ' οὗ ; see v. 321. (inseparable particle), "hard, evil, ill," etc.; μóp-os, "fate "]("Of hard or evil fate "; hence) Ill-starred, unlucky, ill-fated. Suσóμevos, n, ov, P. fut. mid. of dów, used in a present force. —— house, dwelling, whether of gods or men. δῶ-ρον, ρου, 11. [δω, a' root of δί-δω-μι, “to give’] (“Tht which is given "; hence) A gift, present. Sŵke (v), Ion. and Ep. for Sw×е(v), 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of didwul. น , acc. sing. of reflexive pron. δῶ-μα, μᾶτος, n. [for δέκα pa; tr. Séμ-w, "to build "] δέμω, ("That which is built; a building"; hence) An abode, ἔβαν, Dor. for ἔβησαν, 3. pers. plur. 2. aor. ind. of δύ-στη-νος, νον, adj. [for|βαίνω;—at v. 424 αὐτοί, the dúo-σtηė-vus; fr. dus (insepar-nom. implying the whole Sub- able particle), particle), "unlucky";ject of Bar, is not expressed, στĥ0-0s, "breast"] ("Having, but only implied in the plural or with, an unhappy breast or verb; ekαOTOs, which denotes heart ; hence) Unhappy, the several parts of the whole, unfortunate, wretched. As is in apposition to the implied Subst. : δύστηνος, ου, m. An αὐτοί. unhappy, or unfortunate, wretch; a wretched man; -at V. 55 by dúσTηrov, Odusseus is intended. "" δῶ, Ep. for δῶμα ; see δῶμα; -at v. 176 S is the Acc. denoting "motion to a place after ἵπαν. >> káv (Ion. ñv), conj. [contr. fr. ei-áv; fr. ei, "if"; con- ditional particle av] 1. With Subj.: If haply, if so be that. 2. In indirect questious: If, whether. 1 ἔβην, 2. aor. ind. of βαίνω. ἐβόλοντο, Ep. for ἐβούλοντο, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. of Bouλouai;-at v. 234 the read- |ing of some editions is ἐβάλ. ovro; see Báλλw. οντο βάλλω. "the ἐγγύ-θι, adv. [for ἐγγύς- 01; fr. évús, “near"; insepar- able suffix 0, denoting place at which"] Near, nigh, at hand, hard by, close. ἐγείνατο, eyeívăтo, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of yeívoμai. čyvw, 3. pers. sing. 2. acr. ind. of yiyvokw. VOCABULARY. 47 eyxe, by elision for yxea, nom. plur, of ěyxos; v. 129. ěyxos, eos ous, n. A spear, lance. ¿yú (Ep. ¿yŵv hefore vowels), Gen. quod, enclitic μov, pers. pron. I;-at v. 37 the nom. plur. ues with a plur. verb is used for èy and a verb in sing. The speaker is Zeus [akin to Sans. aham, "I"]. eywyɛ (before a vowel ěywy') ἐγώ and enclitic γέ: I at least or for my part; I in- deed. édéţăтo, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of' δέχομαι. édýσăto, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. mid. of déco. ἐδ-ητύς, ητύος, f. [ἔδω, "to eat"]("An eating"; hence) Food, meat, as that which is eaten. S-w (old Ep. pres., for which in Attic èool is used), f. ἔδομαι, p. part. ἐδηδώς, v. a. ("To eat "; hence) To eat up, devour, a person's property, etc. [akin to Saus. root AD, "to cat”; cf. Lat. ed-o; Eng. "cat"]. ἔδωκείν). 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of didwut. : čεSva (Ep. for ědva), ar, n. ἔεδνα plur. (very rare in sing.): 1. Generally Wedding-gifts presented by a suitor to a bride or her parents;-the bride's "portion or dowry was termed peprn, as that which she brought to her hus- band. But-2. At v. 276, Wed- ding-gifts made to a bride by her parents and friends; cf. the immediate context. 25 ἐεικοσ-ά-βο-ιος (six (six syl- lables), tov, adj. [éeíkoσ-1 (Peet. for loσ-), "twenty"; (a) connecting vowel; Boûs, Bo-ós, "a head of cattle; an ox"] ("Pertaining to twenty oxen"; hence) Worth twenty oxen; rr at v. 430 supply κтéανα. ἐείκοσι (Poet. for εἴκοσι), num. adj. indecl. Twenty [akin to Sans. vimçati (contr. fr. dvi, "two"; daçant (original form of daçan), “ten"; (1) suffix); whence also Lat. viginti). ἐέλδομαι and ἔλδομαι, v. mid. found only in pres., imperf., and pres. part., and in Epic poetry: With Acc. : To desire.-N. B. Verbs de- noting "to desire or long for" a thing commonly take a Gen. of that whence the desire arises. Sometimes they take an equivalent Acc. of that wherewith the desire is connected; as at v. 409, xpeîos ἐελδόμενος. The difference between the two cases is this: —the Object in the Acc. is re- presented as dwelt upon by the feeling; in the Gen. as awaken- ing the feeling. Loua, imperf. and 2. aor. égóµne, v. mid. To seat one's self, sit, sit down [for Ed- 48 VOCABULARY. coμal; fr. root 8, akin to Sans. root SAD, "to sit"?, ¿ðéλyoɩ(v), Poet. for 20éλ- ῃτι. ἐθέλῃ, Ti. old form of 0éλn, 3. pers. sing. pres. subj. of ¿ðéλw. A To | ἐθέλω, f. ἐθελήσω, p. ἠθέλ- nua, 1. aor. ǹléŋoa, v. n. [an- other form of θέλω] 1. Το will, be willing.-2. To wish, desire, etc.-N.B. The form éλw does not occur in Homer. ei, conj. : 1. If.-2. In com- bination with d to express a supposition which cannot be contradicted: If now as is the case; seeing that.-3. In com- bination with μèv dn at the beginning of a sentence: If, or since, then indeed, emphasis being laid on ei; v. 82.-4. Elliptical expression: ei d' aye vûy for el dè Boúλei, ¿ye vûv, (but, if you are willing, come on now; but commonly render- cd) but come on now, v. 271. omens. 3. The 2. aor. applies to the sight: (I) saw, beheld, etc.-4. Mid. : eïdopaι, 1. aor. eirăuny, Ep. deiàµn”, ("To appear or seem "; hence) With Dat. of person: To make one's self, etc., like; to assume the form of; v. 105 [akin to Sans. root VID, "to perceive, to know "]. | eïăтo, Ep. for hvтo, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. of huai. 8 eid-ap, ăтos, n. [ěd-w, "to ent"; with the root lengthened to ei8] (That which is eaten "; hence) Food, meat, victuals ;-at v. 140 in plur. I 1. eïdw, obsol. in pres., f. εἰδήσω aud εἴσωμαι, ν. οἶδα, subj. ew, part. perf. eidós, pluperf. ᾔδειν, 2. aor. εἶδον, (imperat. de, subj. tw, opt. ἴδοιμι, inf. ἰδεῖν, p. ἰδών) 2. aor. mid. eidóµn", v. a. : 1. To know, to perceive mentally.- 2. Perf. and pluperf. are used as a pres. and imperf. : (I know, (I) knew ;—at v. 202 folld. by Gen.: οἰωνῶν σάφα eidés, clearly knowing-i. e. having a clear knowledge of ― of olsa, 2. eïdw, subj. εἴδω, v. 174; see 1. eïdw. eiôús, vìa, ós, P. perf. of eĭdw; see 1. eldw. eidămĭvn, ns, f. A feast, or banquet, given at a sacrifice or on some great occasion, and prepared in a lavish manner at great cost;-at v. 226 the final vowel of eìxănĭvn is elided before the following vowel. CC εἰλ-ΐ-πους, πουν, gen. ποδος, adj. [elλ-w, “to roll"; (4) eidăra, acc. plur. of eîdap.connecting vowel; woús, εἴδατα, eldvia, fem. of eidus; see εἰδώς. a foot"] ("Having, or with, a rolling foot"; hence) Of cat- tle: Rolling in their gait. 1. εἶμι, imperf. ᾔειν, Ion. hia, imperat. 101, subj. Ye, opit. ἴοιμι, fuf. ἰέναι, part. iών, v. 1. 1 VOCABULARY. 49 | ¦ To go or come :-in pres. mostly in force of a future [akin to Sans. root I, "to go"]. 2. eiμí, f. tooμai, Ep. ooo- ἔσομαι, μai, v. n.: 1. As Copula: a. To be;-at v. 225 éσrí has for its Subject a neut. nom. plur., viz. Táde.-b. With Gen.: To belong to, to be the property of; v. 215.-c. With Dat. of person: ("To be to a person": i. e. of the person as εἴπομεν ; see προεῖπον. Subject) To have.-d. Impers.: Elπov, 2. aor. without pres., εἶπον, ein, With Dat. of person: It 1. elπa, v. a. : 1. To say, speak. | might be possible for -õppa-2. To tell, relate, mention, oi et̃n lovs xpieσdai xaλkýрeas, etc.-3. a. With Acc. of person that it might be possible for and Acc. of thing: To speak, him-i. e. that he might have tell, or proclaim something the power or be able-to smear of a person.-To this construc- the bronze-tipped arrows, tion belongs, b. eu eineîv and v. 261, where the clause loùs Acc. of person, eu being at Xpieσdai xaλkńpeas is the Sub- times used as a predicate: To ject of eĭn.—e. A tense of the speak well of a person; to verb eipí and a part. in con- laud, praise, extol a person cord with the Subject of the [akin to Sans. root VACH, 46 to verb are sometimes used in- speak "]. stead of the simple verb of such part. in the tense corre- sponding to that of eiµí, etc. This construction is used for the purpose of emphasis; see peúyw.-2. As copula and predicate (or complement): a. To be.-b. To be in existence; to be, exist, live; v. 378. civ; see èv. 1. eine, 3. pers. sing. ind. of εἶπον. · 2. elmé, 2. pers. sing. im- perat. of elmov; v. 10, etc. εἶπον Odys. Book I, εἰπεῖν, inf. of εἶπον. ㅠ ​εἴ-περ, conj. [εί, “if”; enclitic particle rep] Even if, even though, although in truth. einy, eiπyoi, 3. pers. sing. subj. of elπov; cf. ¿déλņoɩ. εἴ-ποθεν (more correctly as two words, e Tobev), conj. [ei, "if"; modév, ποθέν, "from some place"] If from some place or quarter. eiπw, 1. pers. sing. 2. aor. subj. of elπov; vv. 158, 389. εἰπών, οὖσα, όν, Ρ. οἱ εἶπον. eĭpeo, Ion. for elpov, 2. pers. sing. imperat. pres. of elpouaι. elpnai, Ion. for eten, 2. pers. sing. pres. subj. of expo- μai. | εἴρομαι, Ion. for ἔρομαι; see ἔρομαι. 1. eis (Iou. ès), prep. gov. 1. Into.-2. To, unto.- regard to, as to, in z acc. 3. In v. 411. EX 50 VOCABULARY. 2. els, µía, ev, num. adj. One;-at v. 339 folld. by Partitive Gen. ἑκάτερθε; sce ἑκατέρωθε. ἑκατέρῳ-θε (shortened ἑκά- τερθε), adv. [for ἑκατέρο-θε; fr. áтepos, (uncontr. gen.) EKATÉрo-os, "each "; suffix 06 ἑκατέ (= èk), “"from"]("From each side" of a person, etc.; hence) On each, or either, side. CC ἑκατόμ-β-η, ης, f. [for ἑκᾶ- τον-βό-η ; fr. ἑκατόν, “ Boûs, Bo-ós, ; a hun- elo-eîdov, 2. aor. without a pres., v. a. [eis, "towards, at"; elov, in force of "to look "] To look towards or at; to see, perceive, observe. εἰσ-έρχομαι. f. εἰσελεύσο-|dred”; βοῦς, βο-ός, “ a head of μαι, Ion, ἐσ-ελεύσομαι, p. εἰσ-|cattle, au ox"] ("A thing €λýλŭ¹α, 2. aor. eio-havlov and pertaining to a hundred head eio-λov, v. mid. [eis, "into"; of cattle, or a hundred oxen"; έρχομαι, pxoua, "to come or go"] hence) An offering of a hun- To come, or go, into or in; to dred oxen, etc.; a hecatomb. enter ;-at v. 144 put alone, and also in tmesis, és d'λoor. ěkdūve, Ion. and Ep. for ¿ésūve, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of èkdúvw; see ěkdùw. ་ | σeld', Ion. and Ep. and by elision for eireîde, 3. pers. sing. of εἰσεῖδον. ¿k-dūvw and ¿k-dŭw, f. ék- δύσω, p. ἐκ-δέδυκα, 2. aor. ἐξ- éduv, 1. aor. ¿§-édūσa, v. a. [èk, "out of, from "; duw, "to get into, or put on," clothes] ("To make to get out of clothes into which a person has got, or which he has put on"; hence) 1. In pres. éκdvw, ἐκδύω, imperf. cédňov, fut. èкdiow, and 1. aor. èçédūσa: a. With arc. of person and Acc. of thing: To strip a person of something; to take something off from a person.-b. With Acc. of person: To strip.- 2. In pres. èκdūvw, imperf. éédurov, 2. aor. ¿žéduv, p. èk- δέδυκα, Το put off from one's self, to take off; cf. v. 437. ekeî-Oev (Ion. and Ep. кe- 3. eis, 2. pers. sing. pres. ind. of 2. eiuí; v. 170. K (before a vowel ), prep. gov. gen. 1. Of place: From, : forth from, out of.-2. From a person.-3. Of a point of time: From.-4. To denote a father or parentage: From; see v. 220, where è follows its case; and as it is folld. immediately by the enclitic paol, it has the accent thrown on it, and becomes ěk; see, also, amb at end. ÉKασTOS, n, or, prou. adj. Each, every. As Subst.: ἕκαστος, ου, m. Each one, each;-at v. 349 Endory is in apposition to ἀνδράσιν ἀλφη- στnow:-for eBay Eкaσтus, v. 424, see ěßav. VOCABULARY. 51 Dev), adv. [èkeî, "there" suffix 0e(v) (= èk), "from"] ("From there"; i. e.) From that place, thence. èλealpw. ἐλέαιρον, Ep. for ἠλέαιρον, èkeî-vos (lou, and Ep. кe-3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. of vos), vn, vo, pron. dem. [èreî, "there"] The person or thing ἐλε-αίρω (Poet. for ἐλε-έω), there; that person, or thing; v. a. [exe-os, "pity"] With [ἔλεος, -frequently to mark some- | Acc. of person: To have pity thing that has preceded. As or compassion on; to pity, Subst. &. Masc.: That per- compassionate. son, he.-b. Neut.: That thing, that. ¿λevσeoðaɩ, fut. ind. of ἔρχομαι. ¿λ0é, 2. pers. sing. 2. aor. imperat. of pxouai. ἐλθεῖν (v. 422); see ἐπέρχ· • éλe, Ep. for elλe, 3. pers. sing. of exov, 2. aor. ind. of aipéw. ἐκεῖσε (Ion. and Ep. κεῖ- σe), adv. [èkeî, "there"; adverbial suffix σe, denoting "motion towards a place] ("To there"; hence) To that place, thither. " ἔκτα ; see κτείνω. ἔκταν, by elisiou for ἔκτανε, 3. pers. sing. of ктăvоν; v. 30. čkтăvov, 2. aor. ind. of κτείνω. | | ἐλαφρότερος, a, oy, comp. adj. ;—at v. 164 folld. by wódas | as Acc. of "Respect." ομαι. ἔλθῃσι, Poet. for ἔλθῃτι, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. subj. of ἔρχομαι; see ἐθέλῃσι. ἔλθοι, λ0, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. opt. of pxoμai;—at v. 403 λ00 is used in a strictly optative force, i. e. it denotes a wish. The wish is ironical; see the context. ĚKTо-0ev, adv. [for EKTOσ- θεν; fr. ἐκτό-ς, "without "; suffix 0e(v) (=¿K), "from"] ("From without, outside "; hence) With Gen.: Outside of, apart from; v. 132. ἐ-λαφ-ρός, ρά, ρόν, adj. | or ("Light, not heavy"; hence) Light, nimble, active. Comp.: λappóтepos; Sup.: ἐλαφρότερος ἐλαφρότατος [akin to Sans. lagh-u, "light": e is a pre- fix]. ἐλθών, οὖσα, όν, P. 2. aor. of pxoμai. ἔρχομαι. ἔλιξ, ἴκος, adj. [for ἔλιγος; fr. ἑλίσσω = ἑλίγ-σω, “to roll wind round ”] (“ Rolling or winding round"; hence) Of cattle: With twisted, or spiral, horns. ἔλλαβον, Poet. for ἔλαβον, 2. aor. ind. of λaµßărw. Ἑλλάς, ἄδος, f. Greece. ἑλών, οῦσα, όν, Ρ. 2. aor. of aipéw. ἔμβαλε, Poct. for ἐνέβαλε, E 2 52 VOCABULARY. ἐμβάλλω. ❤ 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of ἐμ-φύω, f. ἐμφύσω, p. ἐμε πέφυκα, 1. aor. ἐν- έφυσα, 2. aor. ἐν έφυν, v. a. and n [for ἐν φύω; fr. ἐν, “ it”; "f in púw, in force of "to engender"] ("To engender in"; hence) 1. Act. : In pres., imperf., fut., 1. aor.: To implant, or pro- duce, in.-2. Neut.: In perf., pluperf., 2. aor.: ("To be im- planted in "; hence," to grow in "; hence) With Dat. To cling to ;-at v. 381 in tmesis, ὀδὰξ ἐν χείλεσι φύντες (for ἐμφύντες); see ὀδάξ. èv (Poet. and Ep. eiv, èví), prep. gov. dat.: 1. In.—2. lu Epic poetry for eis, èπí, or πpós with Acc.: a. On, upon; vv. 267, 400.-b. Into; v. 200. -3. To form a dat. of the "instrument " " means ": By, by means of. or ἐμ-βάλλω, f. ἐμβαλω, p.| ἐμ-βέβληκα, 2. aor. ἐν έβαλον,] v. a. [for ev-ßáλλw; fr. év, “ in ”; βάλλω, "to throw " ("To throw in"; hence) With Acc. and Dat. To put, or place, something in some- thing. ué (before a vowel u'), acc. sing. of ¿yw. pres. queval, Ep. for elvai, inf. of 2. elui; v. 385. ἐμεῦ, Ep. for ἐμοῦ, sing. of ¿yw. gen. ěμiктo, Ep. for μéμikтo, 3. pers. sing. pluperf. ind. pass. of μίγνυμι. ¿µioyóµeda, 1. pers. plur. imperf. ind. pass. of μíoyw. μίσγω. ěμɩoyov, 3. pers. plur. im- perf. ind. of uloyw. ἔμμεναι, Ep. for εἶναι, pres. inf. of 2. eiui; v. 33, etc. ἐμοί, dat. sing. of ἐγώ. ἔμοιγε èuol, dat. sing. of ἐγώ; enclitic γέ. ¿-µ-ós, ń, óv, pron. adj. [μ-e, root of oblique cases of ¿yú, “I”] Of, or belonging to, me; my, mine. ἐμπᾶζεο, Ion. for ἐμπᾶζου, 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of ἐμπᾶζομαι. ἐμπάζομαι (found only in pres. tenses), v. mid. With Gen. To busy one's self about, to pay attention to, to care for. : (C ἐν-ἀλίγκιος, ἀλίγκιον, adj. [èv, expressing a " modified" degree ; ἀλίγκιος, like"] Somewhat like, like; v. 371 folld. by Dat. of person and Acc. of "Respect." at ἐνέπω and ἐννέπω (both used by Homer), f. ¿vionńow and ἐνίψω, 2. aor. ἔνισπον (the only forms used by Homer are EVVETE, pres. imperat. (as at v. 1), évveπe, 3. pers. sing. imperf., ἐνέποιμι, pres. opt., and événwv, part. pres.), v. a. [prob. only a lengthened form of (eπw) elπov] With Acc. of nearer Object and Dat. of per VOCABULARY. 53 son: To relate something to a person; to tell a person of, or the tale of, that denoted by the Acc. | ἔνθα (before a vowel ένθ'), adv. 1. Locally: a. There.- b. Where.-2. In time, etc.; a. Hereupon, thereupon.-b. There, at that time. éveă-de (before a ἐνθάδε (before a vowel ¿vôă-8'), adv. [évoa, "there"; δέ, to" ("To there"; hence) 1. To that place, thither.-2. a. To this place, hither.-b. Here. ἔνθετο, ἐνέθετο, eveeтo, Ep. for évébeтo, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. mid. of' ἐντίθημι. ἐνί; see ἐν. ἐνιαυτός, οὗ, m (“ Any m. ("Any long period of time, a cycle"; bence) Plur.: Times; at v. 16 πерiλоµévwv èviavт@v is Gen. Abs. ¿v-vaíw, v. a. [èr, "in"; [ἐν, vaiw, "to dwell"] With Acc. of abode: To dwell in, in- habit;-at v. 51 in tmesis, ἐν δώματα ναίει, evveπe, 2. pers. sing. imperat. pres. of évvéπw. In the Ep. ad Pisones Horace has a free rendering of the first two lines of the Odyssey: "Dic mihi, Musa, virum, captæ post tempora Troja, Qui mores hominum multorum vidit et urbes.” ἐννέπω, a lengthened of évéπw; see événw. Evós, masc. gen. sing. of 2. eîs; v. 277. 31 ἐνοσί-χθων, χθονος, m. [ἔνοσις, ἐνόσι-οs, “ a shaking χθών, χθονός, “the earth”] ("A shaking of the earth "; hence, concrete) Earth- shaker; an epithet of Poseid- ōn or Neptune. ἐν-τίθημι, f. ἐν-θήσω, v. a. [èv, “in "; tíonμi, “to put "] I. Act. To put in ;-at vv. 320, 321 in tmesis: év Ovμậ θυμῷ Onke μévos (for évéůnke), θήκε μένος placed spirit in his soul'; i.e. filled him with spirit, v. 321-2. Mid.: ἐν-τίθεμαι, 2. aor. év-e0éµny, ("To put in " as one's own act, or for one's self; hence) With Acc. of nearer Object and Dat. de- noting the "mind," etc.: To lay, or store up, for one's self, etc., in the mind; to lay something to one's heart, etc.; v. 361. ἕντο, r. 150 ; see ἐξίημι. έντοσθεν, adv. [ἐντός, within"; suffix 0e(v) (= èk), "from"] With Gen.: 1. From within. 2. Like simple érés: Within, in- side, inside of;-at vv. 128, 380 ěvToo0ev follows its case. ἐν-τρέπω, f. ἐν-τρέψω, v. a. [èr, "without force"; Tрénw, "to turn, to turn about "] 1. Act.: To turn about.—2. Pass.: form|ἐν-τρέπομαι (“Το be turned about"; hence) In feeling, 54 VOCABULARY. ¿§; see ěk. ἑξείης, alv. [ Poet. and Ep. for ἑξῆς] One after another, in order, in a row. etc.: a. To be turned towards fit, proper, etc.;-at v. 278 a person.-b. Το be turned or the clause ὅσσα φίλης ἐπὶ changed. παιδὸς ἕπεσθαι is the Subject of couce;-at v. 292 booɑ ἔοικε όσσα |ἔοικε = ὅσσα κτερεΐξαι ἔοικε, where ὅσσα κτερεΐξαι is the Subject of coke. ἔξ-ειμι, imperf. ἐξῄειν, v. n. [è, “out, forth "; elu, "to go"] With Gen.: To go, or come, out or forth from; v. 374. ἑνικώς, υία, ός : 1. P. of čolka.-2. As Adj.: Fitting, seemly, meet, suitable; v. 46. toio, Poet. for fois, neut. dat. plur. of éós; v. 430. éóv, masc. acc. sing. of éós; v. 216. ¿ţepénτal, 3. pers. sing. subj. pres. of ètepéouaι, Ep. forin of ἐξέρομαι ; see ἐξέρομαι. ἐξ-έρομαι (Ep. ἐξ-ερέομαι), f. ἐξ ερήσομαι, v. mid. [ἐξ (Ξ ék), in "strengthening" force; poμai, "to ask, or inquire, about] To ask, or inquire, about or respecting. ἐξιέναι, inf. of ἔξειμι. éóvτas, masc. acc. plur. of ἐών, Ep. for ὤν, P. pres. of 2. εἰμί. | éóvтes, masc. nom. plur. of av, Ep. for wv, P. pres. of čv, 2. eiuí. ¿-ós, ʼn, óv (Ep. ös, %, 8v), pron. reflex. [ễ, root of pers. pron. où, "of himself," etc.] -ínui, 2. aor. mid. eíunv, Ïon. è§-éuny (at v. 1501. in tmesis, è pov Évтo), v. a. [€¢, “out or forth"; Inui, "to send"] 1. Act. To send out or forth; to despatch.-2. Mid.: ("To send out, or away, from one's self"; hence) Of a desire for food: To get rid of; appease, satisfy. His, her, or its, own; his, etc.-2. For σốs, on, oồv, Thy, thine ;—at v. 402 the reading in some editions is dúμaσIV olow οἷσιν Ξ σοῖσιν, 2. éoûσav, fem. acc. sing. of év, Ep. for čv, P. pres. of 2. ciµl. | ἐπ᾽; see ἐπί. : COLкa (perf. without pres. and in force of pres.), pluperf. éke (as imperf.), v. n.: 1. With Dat. To be like to, to resemble ;—at v. 208 folld. also by Acc. of "Respect at v. 411 folld. also by eis and Acc.-2. Impers.: čoike, It is Ι étalaoréw, 1. aor. part. èñaλaorýoas, v. n. To be full of wrath. ἔπεα (before a vowel ἔπε), acc. plur. of ěños. 1. éret, adv. and conj.: Adv.: When. - 2. Conj.: Since, seeing that, inasmuch M VOCABULARY. 55 (C (( · • +5 ] occurs. as;-at v. 231 èreí connects ἐπ-έρχομαι, p. ἐπ-ελήλυθα, the vocative {eîv' (= §eîve) | 2. aor. èπ-îλlov, v. mid. [ẻπ-í, with the following clause, and upon”; ἔρχομαι, to come is equivalent to since I or go" ("To come upon "; upou"; will tell you. This use of a hence) 1. To go to, approach: particle for the above-named -for mode of rendering expna purpose after a Vocative often ἐπελθών, v. 188, see ἔχων at end. -- 2. Of evening, etc. : a. ἐπείγω, 1. aor. ἤπειξα, v. a. Alone: To come on, full ;-at (1. To press by weight.-2. v. 422 éπeλdev is in tmesis, To drive on, urge forward.- viz. en eσneρov èλ0еîv.—В. ἕσπερον ἐλθεῖν.—b. 3.) Pass. With Gen. : (“ To be With Dat of : person: To urged forward with respect to" come on, fall upon ; at a thing, etc.; hence) To be v. 423 éπnλdev is in tmesis, eager for, to long for; v. 309. viz. nl eσπEGOS λOEV. éπeteíλăto, 3. pers. sing. ἐπετείλατο, 1. aor. ind. mid. of èπitéλλw. étĭtéλAW. Téɣeve, 3. pers. sing. Ep. 1. avr. ind. of èñìxéw. π-ηv, couj. [contr. fr. éπel, "when"; av, see v] When- ǎv, ET-ELTα (before a soft vowel Ễπ-EɩT'), adv. [èπ-í," upon "; εἶτα, "then"] 1. To mark sequence: Thereupon, then.- 2. Just then, just at the time; v. 106-3. Then, in the next place, etc.-4. After a condi- tional conj. Then surely, then of a surety. ÉTEKλwσaνTO, 3. pers. plur. 1. aor. ind. mid. of éπikλ ÚOW. ¿πeλlúv, oûoa, óv, P. 2. aor. of ἐπέρχομαι. | M | ever. ἐπί (before a soft vowel ἐπ᾽, before an aspirated vowel p'), prep. and adv.: 1. Prep. gov. gen., dat., and acc.: a. With Gen.: (a) On,upon.—(b) In, at. -(e) Of a ship, etc.: On board ἔπερσε, Teрσe, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor.of, in.-(d) In the case of.— ind. of πέρθω. b. With Dat.: (a) On, upon. éréρvoσe, Ep. for énépvσe, (b) At.—(c) In, in possession ἐπέρυσσε, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of of;-at v. 218 follows its case, and its accent is thrown ' ་ ἐπερύω. ἐπ-ερύω, f. ἐπ-ερΰσω, 1. aor. [ back; viz. ἔπι; see ἀπό at ἐπ-είρυσα and ἐπ-έρῦσα, v. a. | end. c. With Acc.: (a) [èπ-í, “to”; èpow, "to draw | On, upon.—(b) To, towards. or pull" With Acc. of nearer—(c) Over.~(d) As regards. Object and Dat. of instrument: -2. Adv. Besides, in addi- To pull to, or fasten something|tion, moreover, with something; v. 441. ἐπϊ-βάλλω, f. ἐπὶ βαλω, 56 VOCABULARY. CC 2. aor. ἐπ-έβαλον, v. a. [ἐπί, upon ; βάλλω, “to throw |1. or cast"] ("To throw or cast upon"; hence) Of sleep as Object, and folld. by Dat. dependent on eri in the verb: To shed sleep upon; to let sleep fall upon; -at v. 361 El Baλe is sometimes said to be in tmesis ; see Báλλw. But whether it be so, or not, ἐπι-κλώθω, f. ἐπι-κλώσω, aor. ἐπ-έκλωσα, v. a. [ἐπί, "to"; KλOW, κλώθω, "to spin"] 1. To spin to a person; pro- perly of the Fates who spun the thread of men's destinies, and hence were called Karα- Kλ@es, "The Spinners," but applied to other deities and powers.-2. Mid.: ("To spin" as one's own act; hence) Of βλεφάροισι depends on ἐπί;|the deities as Subject: Το while the dative of (which as an enclitic loses its own accent on account of the acute accent on the penultima of the pre- ceding word) is a "Dativus Commodi." ordain, will, decree, etc.; v. 17, where it is followed by inf. véeo@al, before which autóv must be supplied (from the preceding personal pron. of-which being an enclitic Subject. ἐπί-βοάω -βοῶ, f. ἐπϊ-βοή- ¦luses its accent on account of σομαι, Ep. ἐπί-βώσομαι, late |the circunflex on τῷ which it èñï-Bohow, v. a. [èrí, "upon "; immediately follows) as its Boάw, "to call aloud "] (“To call aloud upon "; hence) With Acc. denoting a deity, elc. To invoke, call upon. ἐπιβώσομαι ; seu ἐπιβοάω. ἐπί-δήματος, τον, adj. [ἐπί, “ 11”; δῆμος, “ the people”] | (“ Being in the δῆμος”; hence) Among the people; i. e. among his own countrymen, or in the land; v. 233. "in"; | در << ¿mideís, eîoa, év, P. 2. aor. of ἐπιτίθημι. " ἐπι-κλείω, v. a. [erí, in strengthening force; émiλýσetai, 3. pers. sing. κλείω, poet. for κλέω, “to | fut. ind. of ἐπιλήθομαι. celebrate "] (“To celebrate ἐπὶ μάρτυρος, μαρτύρου, m. highly"; hence) To extol, [êπí, ἐπί, in strengthening praise highly. force; μáprupo's, Epic for 29 "C ἐπι-κρατέω, f. ἐπι-κρατήσω, v. n. [ení, "over"; Kрaтéw, κρατέω, "to rule " With Dat.: To rule over, hold sway over. " ἐπι-λήθομαι (more common than ἐπι-λανθάνομαι), f. ἐπί- λήσομαι, p. ἐπι-λέλησμαι, v. mid. [èní, in “ strengthen- ing force; noual, collat- eral form of λανθάνομαι, “to forget "] With Gen.: To forget; to lose thought or memory of. ¦ VOCABULARY. 57 >> | versant with; having dealings, or intercourse, with. The éπíμεLvov, 2. pers. sing. notion of "being acquainted 1. aor. imperat. of ἐπιμένω. is connected, as a result, with ἐπι-μένω, 1. aor. ἐπ-έμεινα, "conversant, having deal- v. n. [ění, in “strengthening" ings," and hence the employ- force; μένω, "to wait"]ment of the Gen. after éní- Folld. by ὄφρα: Το wait, or |στροφος. stay, until; v. 309. 1. aor. << μαι, 1. | ἐπί-τἄνύω, Epic 1. ἐπι - μιμνήσκομαι (Ion.|ἐπ-ετάνυσσα, v. a. [ἐπί, in ἐπι-μνάομαι), p. ἐπι-μέμνη- strengthening" force; Tav- aor. ἐπεμνήσθην, f. πω (= τείνω), “to stretch”] ἐπι-μνήσομαι, rarely έπι- π-("To stretch greatly"; hence) μvnovno oμas, v. mid. [ění, Of a bolt in a door: To draw μνησθήσομαι, in "strengthening" force; fast; to push, or pull, home; μιμνήσκομαι, "to call to -at v. 442 in tmesis, el dè mind, remember"] With |κληῗδ᾽ ἐτάνυσσεν. Gen. To call to mind, re- member, betkink one's self, etc., of. : cc μάρτυς, a witness"] witness. << 2. w, ἐπι-τέλλω, f. ἐπί-τελῶ, p. ἐπι-τέταλκα, 1. aor. ἐπ-έτειλα, v. a. [èní, upon”; τέλλω, ἐπιμνησθείς, εῖσα, έν, Ρ. “to make, accomplish”) (“ Το 1. aor. of ἐπιμιμνήσκομαι. make (to be) upon "; hence) ¿mɩ-oté¿w, v. a. [èxí, in 1. Act. With Acc. of thing: strengthening" force; σrép- To lay upon one; to enjoin, "to put around"; hence, impose, prescribe, etc. "to encircle"] 1. To encircle, Mid. : èπĭ-Téλλoµaɩ, 1. aor. wreathe, etc.-2. Mid. : Étɩ- éπ-eteiλăuny: With Acc. of στέφομαι, 1. aor. ἐπ-εστεψ-|thing ordered: To enjoin, oι ǎμny, ("To encircle," etc., as prescribe; to ordain, com- one's own act; hence) With mand as one's own especial Acc. of vessel, and Gen. of act. liquid: To fill a bowl, etc., high with wine, etc. or << ¿míσrpop-os, ov, adj. [for Enlσтрep-os; fr. èπioтрép-w, to "turn about "; mid., "to turn one's self about "; hence, as a result of turning one's self about, or being, some- where) With Gen.: Con- |τολμάω. ! - ἐπί-τίθημι, f. ἐπι-θήσω, p. ἐπὶ τέθεικα, 2. aor. ἐπ-έθην, v. a. [èní, "on, upon "; Tiðnui, "to put or set "] Of food, etc., as Object: To put, or set, on or upon the table; v. 140. éñitoàµātw, contr. 3. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of ènì- 58 VOCABULARY. 66 ; ἐπι-τολμάω -τολμῶ, f. ἐπί. | inperf. εἱπ-όμην, f. ἕψομαι (= τολμήσω, 1. aor. ἐπ-ετόλμησα, ἕπ-σομαι), 2. 2. aor. aor. ἑσπόμην, v. a. [èní, in "strengthening" v. mid. To follow ;—at v. 125, force; Toλμów (folld. by Inf.), alone ;-at v. 331 folld. by to have heart, or courage, | qua and its dependent dat. to " do, etc.] With Inf. To at v. 278 folld. by πí and its take heart, or have courage, dependent gen.: this last cou- to do, etc.; to submit to struction is rare. It is found, doing, etc. however, again at Odyssey 2, 197 [akin to Sans. root SACH, "to follow"; cf. Lat. sequ-or]. J π-os, EOS Ous, n. A word [akin to Sans. vach-as, "speech," fr. root VACH, "to speak "]. ἐπ-οτρύνω, úτρuvα, · ἐπι-χέω, f. ἐπι-χεῶ, 1. aor. ἐπ-έχεα, Ep. ἐπ-έχευα, v. a. [ἐπί, "upon "; xéw, χέω, "" to pour "] Of water as Object: To pour upon, or over, the hands;-at v. 136 supply χερσίν after ἐπέχευε (at Odyssey 4, 213 the expression | is given in full, χερσὶ δ᾽ ἐφ᾽ üdwρ Xevávтæv; so, also, at ὕδωρ χευάντων; Iliad 24, 303, xepolv vdwp ἐπιχεῦαι ἀκήρατον) οι χεῖρας, as at v. 146; Tрoxów is dat. of instrument;-at v. 146 the 1. aor. is in tmesis, el xeîpas ἔχευαν. CC ἐπι-χθόν-ίος, ἵον, adj. [ἐπί, upon"; xowv, x0ov-ós, "the χθών, earth"] That is, or are, upon the earth; earthly, mortal. ἔπλετο, by syncope for ÉTÉλето, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of πέλομαι. << èñ-oíxoµaɩ, v. mid. [èπ-í, "to"; oixoμal, "to go"] 1. With Acc. or Dat. of person : To go to; vv. 324, 143.-2. With accessory notion of pur- pose: To go to and perform or do work, elc.; v. 358. ἕπ-ομαι (Ep. ἕσπ-ομαι), 1. V. in aor. ἐπ- [ἐπί, strengthening" force; oтp- vw, "to stir up"] To stir up, rouse, stimulate, urge on; at v. 89 Tотрuvw is 1. pers. sing. pres. subj. ἐπῴχετο, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of èñoíxoµai. a. ěpăvos, ov, m. A friendly meal, to which cach person present contributed his share. From the context at v. 226 it would appear that it was of a frugal character, being opposed to both eixamĭvŋ and yáμos. 4: ěpy-ov, ov, n. [obsol. čpy-w, to do work "] 1. Work.-2. Women's work; i. e. weaving; rv. 356, 358.-3. A deed, action, act. ἔρδω, f. ἔρξω, 1. aor. ἔρξα, p. čopya, v. a. To do, perform, accomplish. ¿p-ecívw, v. a. [an Ep. and VOCABULARY. 59 Poet. verb akin to ěpoμai; see poμa] With Acc. of person and Acc. of thing: To inquire something of a person; to ask a person about something; v. 220. ἔρεσθαι, pres. inf. of ἔρομαι. Epέns, 2. pers. sing. 1. aor. ἐρέτης, του, m. [for ἐρέτ- subj. of ἔρδω. της ; fr. έρετ, root of᾽ ἐρέτ-τω ἔρομαι (Ion. εἴρομαι), f. (Ξ ἐρέσ-σω), “ to row ”] 4 ἐρήσομαι, Ion. εἰρήσομαι, 2. rower; usually in plur. aor. póuny, v. mid.: 1. To inquire.-2. With Acc. of person: To inquire of, ques- 4] rowers. tion. épérηoi(v), Ion. for épérais, dat. plur. of épéτns. ἐρίδαινέμεν, Ion. for ἐρίδ- αίνειν, pres. inf. of ἐρϊδαίνω. CC épid-aívw, Ep. 1. aor. èpid- nva, v. n. [ěpis, épid-os, a quarrel "] To` quarrel, wran- gle, etc. CC épí-np-os, ov, adj. [epi, ἐρί-ηρ-ος, [ἐρι, inseparable prefix, very, greatly"; np, lengthened fr. ap, root of ap-w (obsol.), "to fit"]("Greatly fitting"; hence) Morally: Faithful, loyal, i. e., at v. 346, to his master's house. ἕρκ-ος, εος ους, n. [for ἔργ- os; fr. ěpy-w, "to shut in "] ("That which shuts in"; hence, " a fence"; hence) In the phrase ἕρκος ὀδόντων: The fence, or wall, of the teeth, i. e. which the teeth form round the tongue; v. 64. ury of the Romans; the son of Jupiter and Maia, the messenger of the gods, the god of cunning and stratagem, and the conductor of departed souls to Hades. ep-os (Acc. ěpov, Dat. ěpy; other cases prps. not found), m. [old form of ep-ws, "love"; fr. ép-áw, "to love"] ("Love"; hence) Desire; v. 150. ἑρπ-ῦζω, 1. aor. εἵρπῦσα, v. n. [intensive verb fr. epπ-w, "to creep"] To creep, or crawl, about: in Homer always of persons of advanced age, or weighed down by deep affliction. éppúσăтo, 3. pers. sing. ἐῤῥύσατο, 1. aor. ind. of púouai. ἐρυκ-ἄνάω -ἄνῶ, v. a. [Poet. for éрúк-w, ἐρύκ-ω, "to hold back, restrain," etc.] To hold, or keep, back; to restrain. ἐρϋκανόωσ᾽, by elision for epikǎvówσi, Poet. for èpukar- |ŵr, contr. 3. pers. plur. pres. | ind of épūkăváw. ěρūкe, Ion. for hрuke, 3. pers. sing, imperf. ind. of epuкw. Ἑρμείαο, Aiolie for Ἑρμ- είου, gen. sing. of Εμμείας. Ἑρμείας, ου, m. [Epic for 'Epuns, oû] Hermes, the Merc- | لد ἐρύκω, f. ἐρύξω, 1. aor. ňpuša, v. a. ("To hold back, бо VOCABULARY. restrain"; hence) To detain by force, elc.; to confine. ἔρχεο, Ion. for ἔρχου, 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of ἔρχομαι ; v. 281. ἔρχεσθ’, by elision for ἔρχεσθαι, pres. inf. of ἔρχομαι; v. 190. oav, Ion. for oar, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. of 2. eiµí. ¿σeλeúσopal, Ion. for eio- ελεύσομαι, f. ind. of εἰσέρχο- μαι. ἐσ-θῆς, θῆτος, f. (“That which is worn"; hence) Cloth- ing, dress;-at v. 165 in col- lective force [akin to Sans. root VAS, "to wear "; cf. Lat. ves-tis]. EσTEто, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of eπoμal. ἔσσεται, Poet. for ἔσεται, 3. pers sing. fut. ind. of 2. eiuí. ool, Poet. for els or el, 2. pers. sing. pres. ind. of ἐστ᾽, by eligion for ἐστί; ἔρχομαι, f. ἐλεύσομαι, p. éλýλйoa, Ep. eiλýλoula, 2. aor. ἤλυθον and ἦλθον, v. mid. | 2. εἰμί. To come or go;-at v. 168 supply autóv (i. e. Odusseus) see σT((v). as Subject of ἐλεύσεσθαι [Suns. archchha (fr. root RICHH or RI, "to go")]. épxouévolo, Ion. for pxo-perf. ind. of loτnui. ἐρχομένοιο, μένου, misc. gen. sing. of čorηoe, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ἐρχόμενος, P. pres. of ἔρχομαι. ind. of ἵστημι. EστηKε(V), 3. pers. sing. čotηke(v), | ές ; see 1. εἶς. ẻσrí(v), 3. pers. sing. pres. ind. of 2. eiul ;-at v. 226 éσTív has a nom. neut. plur. for its Subject. EσTW, 3. pers. sing. pres. ἔστω, imperat. of 2. eiµí. ἔστων, Poet. for ἔστωσαν, 3. pers. plur. pres. imperat. of 2. eiuí. | ἔσσ᾽, by elision for ἔσσο, Poet. for ěσo = ἔσω ίσθι, 2. too, 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of 2. eiuí; v. 302. ἐσθλός, ή, όν, adj. Good of the kind, excellent. ἔσται, Poet. for ἔσεται ; see oσETAL. , ἔσχατος, η, ον, adj. Furth- est, most remote; -ut v. 23 folld. by partitive Gen. ἑταῖρος (Ep. and Ion. ἕτἄρ- os), ou, m. [prob. akin to ĕrns, čσke, Poet. for 7, 3. pers."a clansman, a neighbour”] sing. imperf. ind. of 2. eiµl. ἔσομ᾽, by elision for ἔσομαι; see ἔσομαι. Companion, comrade, etc. ἐτἄνυσσε(ν); see ἐπιτα τω and παρατἄνθω, ἔσομαι, fut. ind. of 2. εἰμί. EσπEpos, ov, m. Evening, eventide. ἑτάροισι(ν), Ion. for ἑτάροις, dat. plur. of ¤Tăpus; ἑταῖρος. seo VOCABULARY. 61 CC ἑτέρ-ως, adv. [Tep-os, "another"]("After the manner of the repos"; hence) In another way or manner; otherwise. ETETμOV (and without aug- ment Téτμov), 2. aor. without a pres., v. a. To reach, come up to, find. ἐτήτυμος, ον, adj. [length.|πλόκαμος. ened poet. form of ěтμos, "true"] True. : Tɩ (before a soft vowel er'), adv. 1. Of time: a. Present: Yet, as yet, any longer, still. b. Past: (a) Yet, still. (b) Already.-c. Future: (a) εὑρ-ίσκω, f. εὑρήσω, p. εὕρ- Yet, longer, still.-(b) Here-nка, 2. aoг. eûрov, v. a. [root after.-2. Of degree: Further, evp] To find, discover. moreover, besides, etc. ἕτοιμος, η, ον, adj. Ready, prepared. Ευρύκλει᾽, by elision for Εὐμύκλεια, voc. of Ευρύκλεια. *C ἔτος, eos ous, n. A year [akin to Saus. vatsas, year"]. ev, adv. Well [like good," akin to Sans. which signifies both "good and "well"]. Εὐρύ-κλε-ια (quadrisyll.), las, f. [eupv (base of many roots formed from evpús), "far-reaching, far-extending"; KλÉ-OS, renown"]("She who has far-reaching renown") Euryclea; a female slave, whom Laërtes purchased for twenty head of cattle, and who is represented at v. 429 as attending on Telemachus. cuvn, ns, f. A couch, bed. 1. Eŭ-§o-os, ov, adj. [for εὔ-ξε-ος ; fr. εὖ, well"; éw, "to polish "by scraping] Well-polished. 2. ΰξοος, Ep. for εὔξοος. Εὐπείθης, FOS ous, m. [εὐπειθής, "ready to obey, obedient"; also, in active force, " Evpŭ-µăx-os, ov, m. [evpv, see Ευρύκλεια ; μάχη, "bat- tle"]("He of the far-extend- ing battle") Eurýmăchus ; the son of Polybus, and one of Penelope's suitors. persuasive, convinc- evpús, eîa, ú, adj.: 1. Wide, ing"] Eupeithes ; an Ithacau | broad.-2. Spacious.—3. OF M a chieftain, the father of Anti- nous one of l'ēnèlõpë's suitors. 1. εὐ-πλόκαμ-οs, ov, adj. [fr. eû, "good, beautiful "; λÓк- πλόκο aμ-os, a lock" of hair; plur. locks," properly of women] With goodly, fair, or beautiful locks. *C | 2. ἐϋπλόκαμος, Ep. for eὖ- éús, su, "" (C eupe, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of εὑρίσκω. cupeï, masc. dat. sing. of eupús. εὐρείῃ, Ion. for εὐρείᾳ, fem. dat. sing. of eupús. ** 62 VOCABULARY. glory, etc. Widely spread, far-reaching. ἐφ-ίημι, f. ἐφ-ήσω, 1. aor. ἐφ-ἧκα, Ep. ἐφέηκα, 2. aor. 1. εΰ-σκοπ-ος, ov, adj. [fr. | subj. ἐφ-είω, v. a. [èø³ (= εὖ, “ well”; σκοπ-έω, "to πí), "to"; Inu, "to send"] ἐπί), ημι, see"] ("Well-seeing "; bence) ("To send to "; hence) Keen-sighted, sharp-seeing. 1. With Acc. of person aud 2. ¿úσкOTOS, Ep. for eu- Inf. To set on, or incite, one to do, etc.-2. With Acc. of weapon and Dat. of that which is attacked, etc.: To hurl, or launch, at or against. 3. With xeipas and Dat. of person, and with concomitant notion of violence, etc.: To lay hands on; v. 254. ἐφ-ίστημι, f. ἐπι-στήσω, aor. ἐπ-έστησα, p. ἐφ- έστηκα, 2. aor. ἐπ-έστην, v. a. and n. [ep' (= èπl), << over, at, by "; loτnu," to cause to stand; to stand "] 1. Act. : In pres, imperf., fut., and 1. aor. With Acc. of person [and Dat. of thing: Το set over, put in command of.-2. Neut.: In perf., pluperf., and 2. aor. a. To stand over or above. b. With Dat. : To stand at, by, or near; v. 120. ἐφ-ορμάω -ορμῶ, f. ἐφ-ορμ- ήσω, 1. aor. ἐφ-ώρμησα, V. 11. [p' (= èí), in " strength- ening" force; ópμáw (neut. ὁρμάω and with follg. inf.), “to be eager to do, etc.] 1. With Inf.: To be eager, anxious, or desirous, to do, etc.-2. Mid: ἐφ-ορμάομαι -ορμῶμαι = no. 1; see v. 275. >> Ἐφύρη, ης, f. [Ionic for σκοπος. Έ EUTE (before a soft vowel εὖτ᾽), EUT), adv. [Ep. for re] When:EUT' &v, whenever, i. e. (C as often as"; an ex- pression implying indefinite frequency. evxetάoμai -ŵµaɩ, v. mid., Ep. for εὔχομαι ; see εὔχομαι. εὐχετόωνται, Ρuet. for eὖ-[1. χετῶνται, contr. 3. pers. plur. pres. ind. of Euxeтáoμaι:: some editions have the imperf. εὐχετόωντο for εὐχετῶντο. Exoμaι, imperf. exóμny and ηὐχόμην, f. εὔξομαι, 1. aor. εὐξάμην aud ηὐξάμην, v. mid. With Inf., and in good sense: To boast one's self to be, etc.; i. e. to pride one's self, etc., on being, etc.; vv. 180, 418. pă0', by elision and before an aspirated vowel for eparо. ἔφαντ’, by elision for ěpavто, 3. pers. plur. 2. aor. ind. mid. of onuí. | paто, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. mid. of onμí. ¿pcín, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. subj. of ἐφίημι ; see ἐφίημι. ἐφέσταμεν, Ep. for ἐφεστᾶ- ναι, syncopated fr. ἐφεστη- κέναι, perf. inf. of ἐφίστημι. VOCABULARY. 63 ἐών, ἐοῦσα, ἐόν, Ion. for ὤν, ovoa, ov, P. pres. of 2. eiuí. 'Epipa, as] Ephyre; a town of Elis in the Peloponnesus (now the Morea). Ζάκυνθος, ου, f. Zacynthus, now Zante; an island in the Sicilian Sea lying off the western coast of the Pelopon- nēsus (now the Morea). Zev, voc. of Zeús. exe (v. 104), Ion. for elxe, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of ἔχω. exevav, v. 146; see π- χέω. xp, Exno(v), Poet. for 3. pers. sing. pres. subj. of ἔχω ; cf. ἐθέλῃσι. ¦ ✩ exo, imperf. elxov, Ion. exov, f. ἕξω and σχήσω, p. ἔσχηκα, 2. aor. eaxov, Poet. čoxelor, V. a. 1. Act.: a. To have, hold; part. pres. (Ĕxwv) (ἔχων) may often be rendered by with.-b. To have or possess ; to keep, or retain, in one's possession ;-at v. 402 čxois is used in true opt. force, i. e. to express a wish; so, also, is áváσools in the same line.-c. To hold up, support, sustain; v. 53.-d. To occupy as an abode; to inhabit, dwell in.- e. Of arms, clothes, etc.: Το have, bear, wear, carry, etc.-3. a. After words denot- -f. Of sorrow, etc. To have, ing comparison: Than.-b. If suffer, etc.; v. 34. g. To two properties of the same have under, or in, one's, etc., persou, etc., are compared in power.-2. Mid.: exouat, im- degree, they are sometimes perf. eixóun, Ion. exóun, f. signified by the comparatives ἕξομαι and σχήσομαι, 2. aor. of their respective adjectives ἐσχόμην, Το hold for one's and contrasted by ή :-ἐλαφρ- self or as one's own act;ότεροι πόδας ἢ ἀφνειότεροι v. 334 [akin to Sans. root | xpvorîo, (nimbler as to their SAH, "to sustain, support"]. feet than wealthier in gold; ἐῴκει, KEL, 3. pers. sing. of èkew; i. e.) possessed of a degree of nimbleness of foot greater or.-2. In direct double questions (or Tóтeρov) in the first clause is sometimes omitted; cf. v. 226, where the passage filled up would run thus: (or TÓTEрov) εἰλάπίνη ἐστὶ, ἠὲ γάμος ἐστί. sce ἔοικα. Ζεύς, gen. Διός and Ζηνός, m. Zeus; the Greek name of the Roman Jupiter, the king of the celestial deities fakin to Sans. div, "heaven "]. ¦ Zŋvós, gen. of Zeús. ζω-ός, ή, όν, adj. [ζάω, ζω, "to live"] Living, alive. 1. й (Ep. ǹé), conj.: 1. Or:- (†é) . . . ñ, either (whether) 64 VOCABULARY. gold, v. 164. than the degree of wealth in presently, forthwith [akin to Sans. adya, "to-day, now"]. hd-ús, eîa, ú, adj. (“ Sweet" to the taste; hence) Sweet, pleasant, agreeable, delight- ful. Euro Comp.: ἡδίων; Sup.: 8-10Tos [akin to Saus. svádu, "sweet"]. 2., adv.: 1. In truth, truly, verily, indeed. 2. Strengthened by uv, Ep. and Ion. μév: After verbs of swearing, etc. In very truth, in all truth.-3. In interroga- tive clauses: Pray? can it be? Ap 3., fem. nom. sing. of ős. 4., fem. nom. sing. of 8, n, Tó, whether as rel. or de- monstr. ἡβ-άω -ῶ, f. ἡβήσω, 1. aor. ἥβησα, v. n. [ßn, early "manhood"] To arrive at manhood. ǹßýσn. 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. subj. of ἡβάω. ἤγαγον, 2. aor. ind. of ἡγή-τωρ, τορος, m. [for nyé-Twρ; fr. nyé-ouai, in force of "to command"] ("A com- mander "; hence) A prince, chief, chieftain. ἠδέ (before a vowel ήδ”), conj. And. - nev, Ep. for v, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of 2. eiuí. ἠλακάτη, lākārη, ns, f. A distaff. ἦλθον, 2. aor. ind. of ἔρχο- ἄγω. ἡγεῖθ᾽, by elision for ἡγεῖτο, 'μαι ; see, also, εἰσέρχομαι and contr. 3. pers. sing. imperf. | ¿πéρxoμai. ind. of ἡγέομαι. ἡγ-έομαι -οῦμαι, f. ἡγήσο- | μαι, 1. aor. nynoǎuny, v. mid. Alone: To go before, lead the way. on, adv.: 1. Of the im- mediate past: By this time, before this, already.-2. Of the immediate future: Now, né, Ep. for ; see 1. ň. nede, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of acidw. Ἠελίοιο, Ion. for Ἠελίου, gen. sing. of 'Héλ-ios. ǹéλ-čos, ĭov, m. [Ep. for ἥλιος] The sun;---at v. 8 personified; i. e. Heëlios, the sun-god [akin to Sans. svár, "the sun"]. ἠμᾶθό-εις, εσσα, εν, adj. [Ep. for ἀμαθόνεις ; fr ἄμᾶθος, (uncontr. gen.) àµábo-os, ἀμάθο-ος, "sand"] Full of, or abound- ing in, sand; sandy. ἧμαι (only used in pres. and imperf.), v. irreg. To sit, be seated [akin to Sans. root AS, "to sit "]. ἦμαρ, ἡμᾶτος nuǎTos (Poet. for ἡμέρα), n. Day. for ἠμείβετ᾽, by elision hueißero, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. mid. of àµɛíßw. | ἡμεῖς, nom. plur. of ἐγώ. név, conj. correlative to VOCABULARY. 65 ndé, As well . as also; both... and. ἥμενος, η, ον, Ρ. of ἧμαι ;- at v. 108 the o in uevo is shortened before the following vowel • ἡμετέροιο, Ion. for ἡμετέρου, masc. gen. sing. of uéтepos. ἡμ-έτερος, α, ον, pron. poss. [nμ-eîs, "we"] 1. Of, or be- longing to, us; our, ours.—— 2. For quós: My, mine, my own; vv. 258, 397. ¦ uéwv (pronounced as dis- syll. v. 33), Ion. for Яμŵv, gen. plur. of èyú. ἠμί (= φημί), v. n. irreg. To say, speak. ἡμῖν, dat. plur. of ἐγώ, 1. v, conj. [Ion. for éáv, which Homer does not use] With Subj.: If. 2. v, fem. acc. sing. of us, ½, 8. 3. v, fem. acc. sing. of os (= éós), ½, öv; vv. 5, 21. 4. ἦν, imperf. ind. of 2. εἰμί. vτiva, fem. acc. sing. of ὅστις. йπειpos, ou, f. The land, main-land. ἤρατ᾽, by elision for ἤρᾶτο, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. mid. of alpw. ǹрýσavтo, 3. pers. plur. ἠρήσαντο, 1. aor. ind. of àpáoμai. PXE, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of᾽ ἄρχω. йp-ws, wos, m. A hero [akin to Sans. vîr-a, (as m. subst.) "a hero "]. pwa, йpwas, acc. sing. and plur. of ἥμως. Odys. Book I. ἡρώων, gen. plur. of ἥρως. 1. is, fem. gen. sing. of us (= éús), †, ov; v. 41. * 2. s, Ion. for aïs, fem. dat. plur. of os (éós), ½, öv; v. 401. oav, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. of 2. eiuí. ἤσθιον ; see κἄτεσθίω. you(v), Ion. and Poet. for afs, fem. dat. plur. of is (= éós), ñ, ¿v. OTO, Poet. for Tо, 3. pers. sing, imperf. ind. of ĥµai. Te, fem. nom. sing. of dσte. ň-Tol, adv. [, “verily"; enclitic particle Toi] Ferily, truly, indeed, in truth. Top (only in nom. and ace), n. The heart. ηὔδα, contr. fr. ἠύδας, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of avdáw. 65 @-0ev, adv. [Ep. for ew- [θεν; fr. ἕως, gen. ἕω, ew, day- break"; suffix 0e(v) (= èk), "from"]("From day-break hence) At earliest dawn, in the early morning. 33 0'; see Tε. 66 (+ θαλάμοιο, Ion. for θαλάμου, gen. sing. of taxăµos, θάλαμος, ου, 1. (* An inner chamber"; esp. of the mistress and also) 4 general. a bed-room" of the house; bed-room in F 66 VOCABULARY. V. The sea | θαυμάσομαι, p. τεθαύμακα, v. 11, and a. [for avμár-ow; fr. eavμa, lavuaт-os, "a wonder"] 1. Neut.: To wonder, marvel, be amazed.-2. Act.: To won- der at, etc. | Beá, as, f. [akin to eós; see Oebs] A goddess. θεᾶων, Jolic for θεῶν, gen. plur. of Oed. Oɛín, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. opt. of rionu. τίθημι. θείοιο, Ion. for θείου, gen. sing. of belos. θε-ῖος (dissyll.), ία, ῖον, adj. [0e-ós, "a god"] ("Per- taining to a Geós"; hence) God-like, divine. Betw, 1. pers. sing. 2. aor. subj. of τίθημι. θέλγω, f. θέλξω, 1. aor. ě0€λ§a, v. a. ("To stroke" with soothing power; hence) To soothe, charm, flatter, etc. θελκτήριον, ου ; see θελκτήρ- ios. 66 θάλασσα, ης, f. [prob. akin to Sans. root TRAS, to tremble"; and so, "the trembling or agitated thing," in reference to the action of the winds and tides]. θαλπ-ωρή, ωρῆς, f. [θάλπω, "to warm"; hence, "to com- fort"] A comforting, comfort, consolation, source of hope, etc. Papá, adv. [akin to aua, θαμά, together"] Often, oft-times, frequently, repeatedly. θαμβ-έω -ώ, f. θαμβήσω, p. теláµВηка, 1. aor. éváµßnoa, v. n. [0άµB-os, “amazement"] ("To have dάußos"; hence) To be amazed, astonished, or astonied; to be astounded. Váμßησe(v), Ion. and Poet. for 0άußnoe, 3. pers. sing, 1. aor. ind. of laµßéw. | یه ¤ăve, Ep. for ěvăve, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of Ovýσкw. | Oǎvéeɩv, Ep. and Ion. for θανεῖν, 2. πor. iuf. of θνήσκω. θανόντι, masc. dat. sing. of θανών ; see θανών, (C θελκτήρ-ίος, ἵα, τον, adj. [θελκ-τήρ, for θελγ-τήρ, θελγε τῆρος, a soother"]("Per- θανών, οὖσα, όν, Ρ. 2. aor.taining to a θελκτήρ”; hence) of θνήσκω. Soothing, charming, enchant- θαρσαλέ-ως, adv. [θαρσαλέ- |ing.-As Subst.: θελκτήριον, Os, bold"]("After ov, : a. A soothing, or manner of the apoăλéos"; charming, thing.-b. With nence) Boldly, with boldness. Objective Gen. : Things that báρoos, eos ous, n. Courage, soothe or charm; v. 337. boldness. the 11. "C θεο-ειδής, ές, adj. [θεός, (uncontr. gen.) DEO-OS, god"; eld-os, "form"] Hav- Jaúμµāļov, Ep. for élaúµáčov, θαύμαζον, ἐθαύμαζον, imperf. ind. cf Davµāśw. θαυμάζω, f. θαυμάσω anding the form of a god; gode a VOCABULARY. 67 like; usually of outward | spiration"; hence) Of poems, forin;-at v. 113 applied to etc.: Inspired. Telemachus. éтo, Ion. and Ep. for eтo, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. mich. of τίθημι. Beoîσɩ(v), Ion. for eois, dat. plur. of eós. θεοπροπ-ΐα, ἵας, f. [θεοπρεπ- éw," to prophesy"]("A pro- έω, phesying"; hence) A prophecy, oracle. θῆκαν, θῆκεν), Ion. for ¿Oñкaν, ¿Õîкε(v), 3. pers. plur. and sing. 1. aor. ind. of Tienµi. θνήσκω, f. θανοῦμαι, θνήξ- θεοπροπίη, ης, Ion. for ¦ ομαι, τεθνήξομαι, p. τέθνηκα, θεοπροπία. 2. aor. ěărov, v. n. irreg. To 1. Оεоπρóп-оs, ov, adj. [0eo- | die:-Perf.: ("To have died"; πроπ-éш (found only in part.. e.) To be dead [root @av, pres. masc.), "to prophesy "]akin to Sans. root HAN, Prophesying, prophetic.-As strike, to kill "]. Subst. : θεοπρόπος, ου, 11. 1 prophet, seer, etc. " to 2. θεοπρόπος, ου; see 1. θεοπρόπος. A θνη-τός, τή, τόν, adj. [θνη, a root of θνήσκω, "to die"] ("Dying"; hence) Subject to death, mortal.-As Subst.: θεός, ού, m. and f: 1. θνητοί, ὧν, w. plur. Mortal m. Sing. a. Masc.: A god ;-atmen, mortals. v. 323, though cóv refers to Oo-ós, ń, óv, adj. [for e-ós; Athënë, it is nevertheless fr. é-w, "to run"] (“Run- masc., as the goddess had ap-ning"; hence) Swift, rapid, peared to Telemachus in the quick;-when applied to ships, form of a man, viz. of Mentes, as at vv. 260, 303, probably prince of the Taphii.-b. Fem.: ships of war are meant, as op- A goddess; v. 420.-2. Plur.: posed to slow-sailing merch- The gods, whether male or antmen. female; the deities [akin to Sans. deva; cf. Lat. deus]. "> depăπwν, ovтos, m. An al- tendant in an honourable sense. 0-éσr-is, ios, m. and f. adj. [for θέλεσπις; fr. 0e-6s, god"; eimeîv, "to speak, through a root ơT (found ἔσπετε, in čσT-FTE, 2. pers. plur. imperat.)] ("God-speaking"; literally, hence, "speaking under in- carrier"]. - Oó-woɑ, ns, f. Thōōsa; a sea-nymph, the daughter of Phoreyn, and mother of the Cyclops Polyphemus. OpĤvus, čos, m. A stool for the feet, a foot-stool. Opóvos, ou, m. A seat, chair [akin to Sans. root DHRI, "to bear or carry ; and so, "the bearer 01' >1 F 2 68 VOCABULARY. | θυγ-ά-τηρ, ατέρος ατρός, f. A daughter [akin to Sans. duhitr-i, "a daughter"; fr. root DUI, "to milk "; and so, literally, "a milker "]. Où-µós, μoû, m. (" Breath"; hence, "the soul," as the principle of life; hence) 1. Life.-2. As evidenced by the feelings, etc. : a. Heart, in- clination, wish, desire.-b. Heart, mind [akin to Sans. root DHÛ or DHU, "to blow"]. θύρα, θύρη, Oúpa, as (Ion. Ovpn, ns), f.: 1. A door.-2. Plur. : a. Doors :-προπάροιθε θυρᾶων, before the doors, i. e. in front of the house, v. 107.-b. Fold- ing-doors, of a house, room, etc.; v. 436 [akin to Sans. dvâra, “ a door, a gate "]. Oŭpāwv, Æolic for upwv, gen. plur. of Oúpa. iéμevos, n, oy, P. pres. mid. of Inui. iepós, á, óv, adj. : 1. Sacred, hallowed, holy.-As Subst.: iepá (Ion. and Poet. ipá), ŵr', n. plur. ("Sacred things "; i. e.) Offerings, sacrifices.-2. Of places, etc.: Sacred, i. e. under the protection of a tutelary genius or deity;-at v. 2 there may be an allusion to Poseidon (Neptune) having assisted Apollo in building the walls of Troy for Laomedon. ὕζω, f. ἱζήσω, p. ἵζηκα, 1. aor. ἵζησα, Ep. εἶσα, v. a. Το make, | To or cause, to sit; to seat, place. ἵημι, f. ἥσω, 1. που. ἧκα, Ion. Enka, v. a. : 1. To send.- 2. Mid.: Cepat, imperf. ¡éµny, ("To send one's, etc., self; to hasten"; hence) a. With Inf. To be set on doing, etc., a thing; to be desirous of doing, etc.; to desire to do, etc.; v. 58.-b. In part. : Alone: Desirous, eager :- for ἱέμενός περ, v. 6, see πέρ aor.|[akin to Sans. root ISII, throw "]. Ἰθάκη, ης, f Ithace or f. Ithaca (now Teaki); an island off the western coast of Greece, and the home of Odusseus. "to θύρη, ης; see θύρα. Oúpnoɩ(v), Ion. for Oúpais, dat. plur. of Oúpa. ¡-ádhw, f. ¡ănŵ, 1. Inλa, v. a. (" To send forth "; hence) Of the hands as Object: To put forth [fr. same root as 1. equil. ide(v), Ep. for elde(v), 3. pers. sing. of eldor; see low. ἰδοίατο, Ep. for ἴδοιντο, 3. pers. plur. 2. aor. opt. of εἰδόμην ; see εἴδω. ïdov, Ep. for eldov (1. pers. sing.); v. 212; see ‹ldw. A ibús, eîa, ú, adj.: 1. Straight, direct.-2. In adverbial force, and folld. by Gen.: Straight towards; v. 119. ik-āvw, imperf. lk-āvov VOCABULARY. 69 (only found in pres. and im- perf.), v. u.: 1. To come.-2. Folld. by Acc. of person: To come to a person.-N. B. The is short in pres., and long in imperf. [root ix, whence in- véoµai and ik-w; akin to Saus. root VIC," to enter "] Ἰκαρίσιο, Ion. for Ἰκαρίου, gen, sing. of "lkǎpos. 'Ikăpios, ov, m. Icărĭus ; a Lacedæmonian, the father of Pēnělěpë. ixéoðaɩ, 2. aor. iuf. of ik νέομαι. ἱκνέομαι, f. ξομαι, p. fγμαι, 2. aor. ikóμny, v. mid. [root ik; see iκārw] 1. To come, arrive; v. 173.—2. With Acc. (so, frequent in Homer): To come to, arrive at; v. 21. | toos (Ep. Toos and čiros), η, ον, adj. : 1. Equal. 2. Acc. neut. plur. as Adv.: toa, With Dat. Equally, or in an equal degree, with; v. 432. Loτăто, 3. pers. sing. im- perf. ind. mid. of loτnu. ἵ-στη-μι, f. στήσω, 1. aor. of|ἔστησα, p. ἕστηκα, plup. εἱστή- κειν, 2. 101. ἔστην, v. a. and n. : 1. Act.: Pres., imperf., fut., 1. aor. To make to stand ; los, ov, m. Ilus; a son of Mermérus, and grandson Jason and Mēdēa. etc.: Charming, delightful, lovely. iva (by elision iv'), conj. That, in order that. iós, où, m. An arrow. ipá, Ion. and Poet. for lepá; see iepós. ἴσα; see ἴσος. toav, Ep. for hioav, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. of 1. elu. ἰσό-θε-ος, ον, adj. [ἴσος, (uncontr. gen.) too-os, “equal"; Be-ós, "a god"] Equal to a god or to the gods; divine. iµás, ávtos, m. A leathern strap or thong. iμeip-oμai, 1. aor. iμeipăμny, to set, set up, place, etc.-- v. n. [root iμelp, lengthened 2. Neut.: Perf., pluperf., fr. iuep, fr. quep-os, "desire "] 2. aor. To stand; -at v. 185 1. With Gen. of thing: TočσTηKEV is used of a ship that desire, long for, yearn to has been drawn on shore, as possess, a thing; v. 41.-2. the ships of the ancients ordin- With Inf. To desire to do, arily were when not in actual etc.; v. 59. use.-3. Mid. : ï-oră-µai, f. ἴμεν, Ep. for ἰέναι, pres. στήσομαι, 1. aor. ἐστησάμην : inf. of 1. elu. a. In pres. and fut.: (" To ἱμερό-εις, εσσα, ev, adj. make one's self, etc., to stand"; [iuepos, (uncontr. gen.) iuépo-h nce) To stand.-b. In 1. aor.: 05, "desire, love"] (“Full of ] (“To make a thing to stand"; quepos"; hence) Of singing, hence) To place, set [akin to 70 VOCABULARY. Sans. root STHA, "to stand"; | to, to reach "] ("To come cf. Lat. sto (= sta-o)]. down to, to reach to "; hence) ior-ós, où, m. [lor-nu, " to Of au affection of the mind as set up "] ("That which is set | Subject: To touch, affect, up "; hence, "the beam" of etc. a loom; hence, "the warp Kaí, fixed to the beam; hence) The web. 1 Tw, 3. pers. sing. pres. im- perat. of 1. elu;-at v. 276 the win Tw is shortened be- fore the vowel at the begin- ning of the follg. word. ἰών, οὖσα, όν, P. pres. of 1. εἶμι. : conj. and adv. 1. Conj. a. And.-b. Also.--2. Adv. : a. In strengthening force: Even, quite, yet.-b. In a weakening power: Even but, but even, if only; v. 58. κακά, ὧν ; see κακός, no. 2. κάκιστος, η, ον, sup. adj ; see κακός. κακκείοντες, Ep. for κατά- κείοντες, P. pres. of' κατακείω: For the purpose of lying down, in order to lie down see κατακείω. K'; see kε. καθ᾽; see κατά. καθ-έζομαι, f. καθ.εδοῦμαι, late καθ-εδήσομαι, v. n. [καθ᾿ (= κατά), "down"; Couai, "to sit "] To sit down;-at v. 372 каle (wμeola (Doric for кalejάueðα), 1. pers. plur. pres. subj., is used as a modi- fied imperative: let us sit down. This is called the "Subjunctivus Adhortativus.” -N.B. In prose the imperf. is ékǎbeČóµŋy, as if the verb were not compounded with a preposition. | | καθεζώμεσθα ; see καθέζο- : κακός, ή, όν, adj.: 1. a. Bad.-b. Sorry, worthless. As Subst. Kǎkós, où, m. A sorry, or worthless, fellow; v. 411.-2. Of things: Evil, baneful, pernicious, destruc- five.-As Subst. : kǎká, ŵr, n. κακά, plur. Evil things; evil, ill. καλέω -ῶ, f. καλέσω, Att. Kаλŵ, P. Kékλŋka, 1. aor. ékáλeσa, v. a. To call, sum- mon. κάλλιπε(ν), Ep. for κατ- έλιπε(ν), 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. μαι. ind. of καταλείπω. xăλóv, adv. [adverbial acc. neut. of κăλós, in force of beautiful, melodious"; see καθ-κόμην, καλός, no. 2] Beautifully, mid. [kað' (= kǎr-á), melodiously, sweetly. “ down”; ἱκνέομαι, "to come καλ-ός, ή, όν, adj.: 1. kåðîketo, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. iud. of καθικνέομαι. καθ-ικνέομαι -οῦμαι, f. καθη ίξομαι, 2. aor. V. C VOCABULARY. 71 Beautiful, beauteous, fair. 2. Of the voice, music, etc.: Beautiful, melodious. - 3. Good, excellent [akin to Sans. chár-u, "beautiful"]. | καλύπτω, f. καλύψω, 1. aor. ἐκάλυψα, v. a. To cover.- Pass.: KаλÚπтоμаι, p. кe- καλύπτομαι, . κάλυμμαι, 1. aor. ἐκαλύφθην, 1. fut. καλυφθησομαι. Kăλvýó, bus oûs, f. [for Kaλuπ-σ; fr. Kaλúnтw, "to Καλυπ-σώ; καλύπτω, hide or conceal," through root Kaλvπ] (“ Hider, Concealer") Calypso; a nymph, daughter of Atlas, living in the island of Ogygia. καμ-ᾶτος, ἅτον, m. [κάμνω (root kaµ), "to toil"] ("A toiling"; hence, "toil, labour"; hence) Weariness, fatigue, as the effects of toil. the more ancient times the Greeks in general wore long hair over all the head; while the Abautes, i. e. the inhabitants of Eubœa (now Egripo), wore long hair only at the back of their heads, as described by Homer, II. 2, 542:-~~ABAUTES ΰπῖθεν κοκόωντες. ་ Kǎvéolσi (v), Ion. for kay- έοις, dat. plur. of κάνεον. Kǎν-εov, éov, n. [kav-n, a rare form of κárva, "a reed"] κάννα, ("A thing belonging to-hence, made of-kάvn"; hence) 1 basket of reeds or cane, esp. for bread; a bread-basket; v. 147. katνós, où, m. Smoke. κἄρη-κομόωντες, κομοώντ. κατα-βαίνω, f. κατά-βή. ων, m. participial adj. plur. σομαι, p. κατα-βέβηκα, 2. ποr. [kápn, Iou. for κáрα, "head"; кат-éВην, Eр. 3. pers. sing. kápa, | kăt-éßny, KoμówνTES, Ion. for Kouvтes, 1. aor. mid. kǎTEßýσETо (Not contr. nom. mase. plur. of as in old editions of Homer κομάων κομῶν, part. pres. of|κατεβήσατο), v. a. [κατά, Kоμάw, "to wear the hair κομάω, "down"; Balvw, "to go"] To βαίνω, long"] Wearing long hair on go, or come, down; to de- the head; long-haired.-Inscend; v. 330. κάρηνον, ήμου, n.: 1. The head.-2. Of a mountain, etc.: A peak, crest, height, top [akin to Sans. çir-as, för original çar-as, "the head "]. κατ’; see κατά, κατά (before a soft vowel Kar'; before κατ'; an aspirated vowel καθ'), prep. gor. gen. and acc.: 1. With Gen.: Down from; v. 102.—2. With Acc.: a. Down along, down with.-b. On, upon.—c. Over, throughout;· -at v. 330 Kαтά follows its case ('10čkηº), and consequently has its augment thrown back (káтa); scе åñó, -d. Of the mind, etc.: In; vv. 4, 294, 323. vv. 4, 294, 323.-e. Distribu- tively By: κατ' οἴκους, house by house from house to house, v. 375. : Ma 72. VOCABULARY. ސ κατα-κείω, V. 1. [κατά, “down”; κείω, akin to κεῖμαι, έρχομαι. KǎTelevσoμaι, fut. of Kar- "to lie down "] Only in fut. κατ-ερύκω, f. κατ-ερύξω, force: To be about to lie | v. a. [xăt-ά, in "strengthen- down. ing" force; puw, "to hold płkw, κατα-κτείνω, f. κατα-κτενῶ, | back, detain ”] Το hold back, Ep. κατα·κτενέω, 1. aor. κἄτ- | detain.---Pass.: κατ ερῦκομαι. έκτεινα, 2. nor, κατ-έκτανον, κατ-έρχομαι, f. κατ-ελεύ- v.a. [κατά, in “strengthening” | σομαι, 2. aor. κατ-ήλυθον and force; κτείνω, “to kill ”] Το κατ-ἦλθον, v. ν. mid. [κᾶτ-ά; kill, slay. ἔρχομαι, pxoμaι, "to go or come] 1. κατα-λαμβάνω, f. κατά- ' [κᾶτ-ά, down; ἔρχομαι, “to λήψομαι, p. κατ-είληφα, 2. aor. go”] Τo go down;-at v. kǎt-éλăßov, v. a. [κăтά, in 303 the word is used of one "strengthening" force; Xauß-going down from the higher άνω, "to take"] To take land to the sea-coast. 2. possession of, seize, lay hold [KǎT-ά, in "strengthening of; at v. 192 kaтaλáßnow is force; Ĕpxoμai, "to come"] in tmesis, viz. Karà yvîa λáß- With Adv. of place: To come, ῃσιν. arrive, somewhere; v. 180. "" | K κατ-εσθίω, f. κατ-έδομαι, p. κατ-εδήδοκα and κατ-έδηδα, v. a. [κăт-ά, in "strengthen- ing" force; oblw, "to eat"] To eat up, devour;—at vv. 9, 10 in tmesis, viz. KATÀ Boûs σθίον. кăτýλŭðov, 2. aor. ind. of κατέρχομαι. κέ, κέν ; see 1. ἄν. κεδνά, ὧν ; see κεδνός. ked-vós, vý, vóv, adj. [prob- for καδινός ; fr. κήδομαι, in force of "to care for," through root κad] 1. Act.: ("Caring for "; hence) Of persons: Careful, diligent, discreet, trusty. 2. Pass.: kătă-λéyw, f. kătă-λé¿w, 1. aor. κατ-έλεξα (in Homer always in fut. or 1. aor.), v. a. [κατά, in strengthening force; λέγω, "to tell"] To tell at length or in order; to recount. CC در κατα-λείπω, f. κατὰ λείψω, p. κατα-λέλοιπα, 2. aor. κατ- έλιπον (Ep. κάλλιπον), v. a. [Kaтά, in "strengthening" [κατά, force; Acíπw, "to leave"] 1. Το leave behind.-2. Το leave|ably as a heritage; to bequeath; V. 242. ན. - • • • M kǎtǎležov, 2. pers. sing. 1. aor. ímperat. of кărăλéyw. KǎTEẞýσETо, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. mid. of kărăßalvw; | (" Cared for''; i. e.) Cherished, sce καταβαίνω. beloved, dear. As Subst.: VOCABULARY. 73 ("Things cared for "; hence) | v. 357 [akin to Sans. root KAL, "to impel "]. Duties-only in the phrase kédy' eidvîa; see v. 428. κεῖθεν; sue ἐκεῖθεν. Kεî-рaι, f. keinoua, v. mid.: κεῖ-μαι, κείτομαι, 1. To lie down, to lie.-2. To lie dead.-3. To lie un- buried. xeôăλ-ý, îs, f.: 1. Of the body: Head.-2. Head, for man, person; v. 343.-Virgil, Eu. iv. 354, uses caput in the same meaning; So, also, does Horace at Odes 1, 24, 2 [akin to Sans. kapál-as, "a head"]. Keiper', by elision for relμeva, neut. nom. plur. of part. pres. of κεῖμαι. κειμ-ήλιον, ηλίου, 1. [κεῖμ- ai, in force of "to be laid up in store; to be stored up"] ("That which is laid up in store or stored up"; hence) A treasure, an heir-loom. KeXóλwTaι, 3. pers. sing. perf. pass. ind. of xoxów. κεχρημένος, η, ον, P. perf. of xpánual. χράομαι. κήδε᾽, by elision for κήδεα, acc. plur. of kŷdos. κῆδ-ος, εύς ους, n. [κήδ-ω, "to trouble"] ("That which troubles"; hence) Trouble, sorrow, grief, distress. κῆρ, κῆρος (contr. from kéap), n. The heart [akin to Sans. hrid, "the heart"]. Kεíрw, f. Keрw, р. кÉкарка, 1. aor. čкeρoα, v. a. ("To ἔκερσα, destroy, consume "; hence, of wild beasts as Subject, "to tear, eat greedily "; hence) Of a man's substance as κήρυξ, ἧκος, 11. [= κήρυκος; Object: To devour, eat up, fr. кηpuк, root of knрúσow, κηρυκ, κηρύσσω, etc.;-at v. 378 after Kelper'"to make proclamation"] (by elision for reíρETE, 2. pers. ("One who makes proclama- reípete, plur. pres. imperat.) supply tion "; hence) A herald. αὐτόν, i. e. τὸν βίοτον; see preceding context. κεῖσε ; sce ἐκεῖσε. kéλevðns, ov, f. (Plur. irreg. κέλευθος, in poets, kéλevda, wv, n.) 1. A way, road, path, etc.-2. A journey; a voyage. Keλ-Eúw, f. Keλeуow, p. κεκέλευκα, 1. aor. ἐκέλευσα, v. a. ("To urge on, impel "; hence) With Dat. of person and Inf. To order, bid, or command a person to do, etc.; kins, 2. pers. sing. pres. subj. of kíw. κιθαρις, ίος (Acc. κιθάριν), f. [another form of ìðăpa, a word never used by Homer] d harp, lyre, lute. ki-w, v. n. To go [akin to Sans. root çvr, in meaning of "to go"]. 1. κΐων, ουσα, ον, P. pres. of riw; v. 372. 2. kiwv, ovos, mostly f. (sometimes m.) A pillar of a 74 VOCABULARY. palace, etc.;-at v. 53 (plur.) of the pillars by which Atlas keeps the heaven and the carth apart. κλαῖεν, Ep. for ἔκλαιε(ν), 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of, κλαίω. κλαίω, f.κλαύσομαι, κλαιήσω, κλαήτω, 1. aor. ἔκλαυσα, v. 2. To weep for, lament, bewail. κλείω ; see κλέω. Kλéos (only used in nom. and acc. sing. and plur.), n. Glory, renown, fame. V. a. κλέω (Ep. κλείω), 1. aor. (late) ἔκλησα, celebrate, tell of, famous. To make kλn-is, idos, f. [Ep. form of κλεί-ς, δός ; fr. κλείω, "to shut, to close"] ("The shut- ting, or closing, thing"; hence) A bolt for fastening a door; v. 442. κλïðîναι, 1. aor. inf. pass. of κλίνω. κλίμ-αξ, ἄκος, f. [for κλίν- aş; fr. kλīv-w, in pass. force of "to lean "] ("The leaning thing"; hence, in reference to leaning against something) 1. A ladder.-2. A stair-case. etc., down"; hence) To lie down, lie [akin to Sans. root CRI, "to lean"]. "to re- κλισ-μός, μοῦ, m. [for κλιν-μός ; fr. κλίνω, cline"] ("A thing for reclin- ing"; hence) A couch, easy- chair. κλυ-τός, τή, τόν, adj. [κλύ- w, "to hear of"] ("Heard of "; hence) Famous, far- famed, glorious, renowned. κοίλῃς, κοίλῃσιν, Ep. and Poet. for Koiλais, fem. dat. plur. of κοῖλος. κοῖ-λος, λη, λον, adj. Hollow [akin to Sans. root CVI, "to be swollen"]. κοιρᾶν-έω -ω, f. κοιρανήσω, v. n. [κоipăv-os, "a ruler"] ("To be a kolpǎvos"; hence) To rule; to hold sway. кóμile, Ion. and Ep. for ékóμīģe, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of Kouisw. κομίζω, f. κομίσω, Att. κομΐω, p. κεκόμικα, v. a. Of things as Object: To mind, give heed to, attend to :-for rendering of verb and part. see exwv at end. ων κορών-η, ης, f. ("Any- thing hooked, or curved” like a crow's bill; hence) A handle of a door. κλί-νω, f. κλίνω, p. κέκλῖκα, 1. aor. ěkλīva, v. a. 1. To bend, incline, bow.-2. To lay down, lay, recline.-3. Mid. : kotéσσetal, 3. pers. sing. κλίνομαι, 1. aor. ἐκλινᾶμην, fut. ind. mid. ofκοτέω; also (pass. in mid. force) at v. 101 roîolvde Kotéoσetai Exλion, p. pass. in mid. force = (τῷδε δάμνησιν) ἐκείνους, κέκλῖμαι, (“Το lay one's self, ' τοῖς (Ξοῖς) κοτέσσεται. ;- VOCABULARY. 75 2. κρειών, Ep. for κρεῶν, contr. gen. plur. of xpéas. | κοτ-έω, 1. aor. ἐκότεσα, Ep. κότεσα, p. perf. κεκοτηώς, v. D. [Kóτ-os,“ a grudge, rancour"] 1. (“To bear κότος ”; hence) With Dat. of person: To bear one a grudge; to feel rancour towards one; to be to be angry with one. 2. Mid. (Epic forms): imperf. 3. pers. plur. KOTÉOVTO, f. KOTéoσoμai, 1. aor. κοτεσσάμην = no. 1. κρή-δε-μνον, μνου, m. [for κράτ-δε-μνον; fr. κράς, κρᾶτός, "the head"; dé-w, "to bind"] ("The head-binding, or head- encircling, thing"; hence) A kind of veil which passed over the head, and hung down on each side, so that it might be drawn altogether over the face at pleasure;—at v. 334 in plur. koúpη (Ion. for кópn), ns, f.: 1. A maiden.-2. With Gen. of proper name: A daughter of; v. 329. κοῦρος (Ep. for κόρος), ου, mm. : 1. A youth, lad, etc.-2. An attendant or servant. κpad-in, ins (Ion. and Ep. for kaрd-iα), f. The heart, whether actually or figurative- ly [akin to Sans. hrid, "the heart"; cf. Lat. cor, cordis]. κρăvă-ós, ý, óv, adj. Rug- ged, rocky :-in Homer always as an epithet of Ithaca; cf. v. 247. and κρη-τήρ, τῆρος (Ep. aul Ion. for κρα-τήρ), m. [κρα, a гoot of кepárrūmi,“ to mix ”] A mixing cup or bowl, used in mixing wine, intended for a meal, with water. | Κρον-ΐδης, ΐδου, m.=Κρονίων. Kpov-iwv, iwvos, m. [Kpóv- as, "Kronos" (the same deity as the Latin “Saturn "), father of Zeus] Son of Kronos, i. e. Zeus. N.B. Homer makes long in the nom., and short in the other cases. KρǎT-OS, EOS Ovs, u. Strength, might [akin to Sans. krat-u, "power"]. Kpéa, coutг. acc. plur. of κρέας. κρέας, κρέατος, KρÉаs, KρÉαTоs, n. Flesh, meat [akin to Saus. kravya, raw flesh "]. CC 1. крeίwν, OVтos, m. Ruler, lord, master;-mostly used of kings and chieftains; some-in times of the gods; cf. vv. 45, 81. M κτέ-ἄνον, ἄνου (irreg. dat. plur. KтEάTEσot, as if fr. a κτεάτεσσι, form ктéαp), n. [KTÉ-Oμaι κτά-ομαι, "to acquire";—in perf. "to have acquired,” i. e. to possess "]("That which is possessed"; hence) A pos- session ;-Plur. (so mostly): Possessions, property:-esp. cattle, cf. vv. 430, 431. κτείνω, f. κτενῶ, p. ἔκτακα, Ep. 2. aor. čктav (3. pers. sing. 76 VOCABULARY. ěктα, v. 300), v. a. To kill, slay, slaughter.-Pass.: KTEίv- ομαι, 1. aor. ἐκτάνθην—in Homer 3. pers. plur. Ekтalev (= Èkтăðnσav) requires a 1. aor. kтčoŋν [akin to Sans. ἐκτάθην root KSHAN, "to wound"]. Kтépeα, wv (no sing.), n. ("Funeral gifts"; hence) Funeral honours; v. 291. κτερε-ΐζω, f. κτερεΐξω, l. aor. ἐκτερέϊξα, V. a. Kтépe-a, "funeral honours "] honours"] With cognate Acc. : To render funeral honours, to perform funeral rites; v. 291. Kтeρetaι, 1. aor. inf. of KTEPEÏ(W; SCe construction of Impeiat val Inf. explained | under δίδωμι. The Cyclopes; see no. 1, a, above. κυλίνδω (and in prose κύλινδ- éw), f. (late) kuλivdhow, v. a. To roll ;-at v. 162 the parti- cipial construction (keíµeva) is changed in the succeeding and connected and connected clause into that of the finite verb and a nom. case (... KUλírdet). κυλίνδει). κύμα, μᾶτος, 1. (“The swollen thing"; hence) The swell of the sea; a ware, billow [akin to Sans. root çVI, "to be swollen ']. κύπ-ελλον, έλλου, n. dim. [Kúπ-, “a (kind of) ship"; also, "a hut"] ("A little Kúπη"; hence) A big-bellied drinking vessel; a cup, goble', રી κτῆ-μα, μᾶτος, n. [κτη, a|beaker. root of κтάoμai, "to acquire"] ("That which has been ac- λάβῃσιν, Poet. for λάβῃ, quired, 07* is possessed"; 3. pers. sing. 2. nor. subj. of hence) Plur. : Possessions, | λαμβάνω; see κατἅλαμβάνω, wealth, property. aud cf. ἐθέλῃσι. Κυκλώπεσσι, Poet. for Λαέρτης, ου, m. Laertes; Κύκλωψι, Κύκλωψ; Kúλw, dat. plur. of Kúkλwy; the father of Ulysses. -at v. 71 KUкλwπeσσ is a local Dat.: among the Cyclopes. λădoíµnv, 1. pers. sing. 2. aor. opt. mid. of λar¤ăvw. Κύκλ-ωψ, ωπος, 1. [κύκλ- os, “a circle"; wy, “an eye"] ("Circle-eye," i. e. "Round- eyed One") 1. Sing.: a. A Cyclops; one of the Cyclopes, a savage race of one-eyed λα(μ)β-άνω, f. λήψομαι, p. elλnpa, 2. aor ἔλαβον, ν. 2. irreg.: 1. To take, receive.— 2. To get, obtain [strength- ened fr. root Aaß, akin to Sans. root LABI, "to obtain "7. | giants inhabiting ancient λανθάνω (Poet. λήθω), f. Sicily. b. The Cyclops; i. e. Polyphemus, son of Neptune; v. 69; cf. v. 70.-2. Plur.: Anow and Anooμai, 1. aor. (late) λήσω λήσομαι, čλnoa, p. λéλŋla, 2. aor. ἔλησα, λέληθα, čλŭlov, v. a.: 1. Act.: With | 4 VOCABULARY. 77 Acc. of person: To escape the Ainy (Ion. and Ep. for Aíav), notice uf-2. Mid.: Aaveăvo- adv. Very much, exceeding- μαι (Puct. λήθομαι),f. λήσομαι, | ly. 1. aor. (late) ¿Anoăunv, 2. aor. éλăbóμn: With Gen.: To ἐλαθόμην: forget; vv. 65, 308. Aïλaíoμaι, v. mid.: 1. With Objective clause: To eagerly desire that; to long for:· λέβης, ητος, m. dd basin,|λιλαιομένη πόσιν εἶναι, eagerly in which water for washing desiring that he should be her the hands before meals was husband, or longing for him handed to the guests, etc. to be her husband, v. 15, where acc. αὐτόν is to be supplied as the Subject of elvai. 2. With Gen. : To long for; v. 315. λέκ-τρον, τρου, n. [for λέγ. | τρον; fr. λέγω, in pass. force of "to lie asleep, to lie down"]("That which is made for lying asleepor lying down"; bence) A bed, couch. λιμήν, ένος, 11. 4 harbour, haven, port. λευκ-ός, ή, όν, adj. (“ Slin- ing, bright, brilliant"; hence) White; of the boues, bleach- ing, bleached [akin to Sans. root RUCH, "to shine". λιπαρός, ἄρά, ἄρόν, adj. [Aiπ-os, "fat"] (" Pertaining to Airos"; hence, " greasy, shining with grease"; hence) Of things: Bright, brilliant. λῖτα ; see λίτί. λϊτί, dat. sing. ; λῖτα (acc. plur.), n. [Homeric subst. found only in above-mentioned cases. The assumed nom. sing. is 7 or Aí, held by the best authorities to be an abbreviation fr. λiooóv, or Acîov, “smooth "] 1. Smooth λεῖον, cloth, linen cloth, as opp. to rich embroidered stuff's -2. Plur.: Plain linen seat-cover“, over which were thrown rich purple clothis.---N.B. For the above words there has been also assumed a nom. mase Als for Airs from Airov, linen"; and according to this Aira would be acc. sing. C. λεχέεσσι, Poet for λέχεσι, dat. plur. of λéxos. λέχος, εος ους, n. [for Aéy-os; fr. Aéy-w, in pass. λέγος; force of "to lie asleep, to lie down " ("A thing for lying down" in; hence) A couch, bed λύθω ; see λανθάνω. Aniloμai (Attic Alopai), f. Aniooμai, 1. aor. èλŋiσăµny, v. mid. [Anid-oopai; fr. Ants, Anid-us (Dorie for Acía), booty, spoil"] To seize us booty; to carry off as prey. Antoσaro, Ep. and Poct. for ¿Anioăтo, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ἐληϊσᾶτο, ind. mid. of λníçoµai. λήσομαι, fut. of λανθάνω. | 4. 78 VOCABULARY. λόγοισι(ν), Ion. for λόγοις, | μακρότατος [akin to Sans. dat. plur. of λóyos. root MAH, originally MAGH, "to be great"]. μάλ'; see μάλα. μάλ-α (before a vowel μάλ'), adv.: 1. Pos. : a. Tery, very much, exceedingly.-b. Strengthening the adj. to which it is attached: Very. c. Strengthening the adv. to which it is attached: Quite, λούω, f. λούσω, 1. aor. very.-2. Comp.: µâλ-λov, ěλovσa, v. a.: 1. To wash the More, in a higher degree.— body, etc.—2. Mid.: λούομαι, 3. Sup.: μάλ-ιστα, Most, f. Xovooμai, Poet. and Ep. in the highest degree, ex- λoéσσoμai, 1. aor. λovoăun, ceedingly, chiefly, etc.;-at Ep. and Poet. λocoσăμny, v. 431 folld. by Partitive Gen. λοεσσάμην, p. pass. as mid. λéλovµai, (“To [acc. to some, akin to Sans. wash the body, etc., for one's var-as, "remarkable "; acc. to | self, etc.; hence) To bathe. others, akin to Saus. root λυγρός, ά, όν, aulj. Sad, ΜAlt; see μακρός]. gloomy, dismal. λóy-os, ov, m. [for λéy-os; fr. λéy-w, “to say or speak "] ("That which is said or spoken "; hence) A word ;— Plur. Words, i. e. language, talk, speech. doeσσáμevos, n, ov, Ep. and Poet. for Xovoάuevos, P. 1. aor. midl. of λούω. | λω-ΐτερος, ϊτέρα, ἕτερον (used by Homer only in form AwlTepov), comp. adj.: More desirable, more agreeable; see ảyă¤ós [^ŵ, "to desire"; akin to Sans. root LASH, desire"]. "to μákaρ, ǎpos, m. adj.: 1. Bless- ed, happy:-an epithet of the celestial deities; v. 82.-2. Of men: Happy, fortunate, etc.; v. 217. μăкăρeσσi, dat. plur. μάκαρ. of μak-pós, pá, póv, adj.: 1. Long.-2. High, lofty. Comp. μакр-óтepos; Sup.: μακρότερος; μαλακοῖσι(ν), Ion. for μαλ- ἄκοῖς, masc. dat. plur. of µčλă«ós; v. 56. ་ μαλακός, ή, όν, adj.: 1. Soft to the touch.-2. Of words: Soft, mild, soothing, gentle. μάλιστα, μᾶλλον; see μάλα. μαντ-εύομαι; f. μαντεύσο- μαι, 1. aor. ἐμαντευσάμην, v. mid. [µávт-is, " a diviner"] To divine, foretell, prophesy. μάν-τις, τεως, Ion. ios, m. An inspired person; a sear, soothsayer, prophet [akin to Sans. root MAN, "to think "; also, "to know, to declare "; and so, "The one who knows or declares" the will of the gods or future events]. VOCABULARY. 79 i µéy'), adv. [adverbial neut. of μéyas, "great"] 1. Greatly, μέγας, exceedingly, very.-2. Might- ily, powerfully. 1. μέγα (before a rowel | [μεθ' (= μετ-ά), in force of "letting go"; inui, "to send"]. ("To let go and send"; hence) Of anger, etc. To give up, relinquish, remit, cast aside, 2. μéya, neut. uom. and etc. acc. sing. of µéyas. μeɣápolo, Ion. for μeyapov, gen. sing. of μέγαρον. μέγαρον, ου, n. A house, esp. a large one; a palace; -mostly plur. in this force. μέγ-ας, ἅλη, α, adj. : 1. Of size: Great, big, large.-2. Vast, high.-3. Great, mighty. Comp.: μéswv, μeiswv, μάσσων; Sup.: μέγιστος [fr. μέλλω. Sans. root MAII; see μakрós]. μέλλω, f. μελλήσω, 1. aor. μέδ-ων, οντος, m. [obsol | ἐμέλλησα, v. n. With Inf: μéd-a, "to protect, rule over"] 1. To mark free will: To be Protector, guardian, lord, about to do, etc.; to be on the ruler. point of doing, etc.; to intend, μe0-én, imperf. μe0-eirov, or purpose, to do, etc.-2. In Ep. μέθ-επον, f. μεθ-έψω, | Hower ἔμελλον with Inf. 2. aor. μeт-éσтov, v. n. [μe0' (mostly fut., but at v. 232 (= μET-ά), "after"; π-oμal, pres.) denotes destiny": "to follow," through root π] | Was, etc., destined, or fated, ("To follow after, to follow to be, etc. closely"; hence) To visit, pay a visit; v. 175. μετ-έσπον, [μεθ' CC μέθ-ημαι, v. mid. [ue' (=μET-á), "with"; uau," to μετά), sit"] With Dat.: To sit with or among. μεθήμενος, μέθημαι. μeonσeɩ, 3. pers. sing. fut. ind. of μεθίημι. | μέλω, f. μελήσω, p. μεμέλ. ηκα, 1. aor. ἐμέλησα, V. 1. With Dat. of person: 1. To be an object of care or interest to ;-at v. 159 péλei has för its Subject the nom. neut. plur. ταῦτα; ---at v. 151 μεμήλει has for its Subject the nom. neut. plur. Aλa.-2. Impers. μελέτω, with σοί, Let there of μεθ-ίημι, f. μεθήσω, 1. aor. [be a care to you, i. e. take μεθῆκα, Εχ. μεθ-έηκα, v. a. ]heed ;---it v. 305 μελέτω con- µédas, aira, av, adj.: 1. Black, dark-coloured.-2. Of the evening: Black, dark, dusky, murky [akin to Sans. mala, dirty"]. μελέτω ; see μέλω. μeλýσel, 3. pers. sing. fut. ind. of µéλw. μέλλε(ν), Ion. for ἔμελλεν, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of η, or, P. Cf 80 VOCABULARY. tains its Subject within its | Acc. of person: To await, or own meaning, viz. μéλnua, expect, a person; v. 304.-2. "a care, or charge." With Objective clause: To wait for the coming, etc., of something, etc.:—µévov d' ènì ἕσπερον ἐλθεῖν, and they wailed for the coming on of evening, or the evening's coming on, v. 423 ; see, also, ἐπέρχομαι. Μερμερίδαο, Aiolic for Mep- on the|μερΐδου, gen. of Μερμερΐδης. µeµýdeɩ, Ep. for µsμeλhkel, 3. pers. sing. pluperf. ind. of μέλω. • other hand.-2. To mark an Μερμερ-ΐδης, ἵδου, in. [Μέρ- μepos, "Mermerus"] Son of Mermerus; see *1λos. μeμvnμévos, n, ov, P. perf. of μιμνήσκομαι. µév, conj.: 1. Indeed, on the one hand :—pév on the one hand . δέ, • • • objection, etc.: Yet, however, still, nevertheless. μevéalve(v), Ion. and Ep. for èuevéaive (v), 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of μeveaívw. μενε-αίνω, V. n. [μένος, μéve-os, in force of " rage"] With Dat. of person: To be in a rage with, or enraged against; to be angry with. : μέσ-ος, η, ον, adj. 1. Mev-é-λãos, λãov, m. [µév- Middle.---2. Where a thing is w, in force of "to stand" an in the middle, i. e. the middle attack, "to withstand"; (e) of that denoted by the subst. connecting vowel; Aads, "the to which it is in attribution people"]("One withstanding [akin to Sans. madh-yas, the people") Menelüus; son "middle"; whence also Lat. of Atreus, brother of Aga-med-ius]. memnon, and husband of Helen. μένος, εος ους, 1. Spirit, passion, rage; esp. in warriors. Mévrηs, ou, m. Mentes; a Μέντης, ου, son of Anchĭălus king of the Taphii. His form was as- sumed by Athënë when she appeared to Telemachus. | μερμηρίζω, f. μερμηρίξω, 1. aor. èuepunpiča, v. a. [uép- μηρ-α (Poct. tor μέριμνα), CC thought" (To be in a state of μépunpa about"; hence) To devise, revolve, ponder, contrive. μένω, f. μενῶ, p. μεμένηκα, 1. aor. čμeiva, v. a. 1. With ἔμεινα, : μετ'; see μετά. མ• PETά (before a soft vowel per; before an aspirated vowel μɛ0'), prep. : 1. With Gen. : With.-2. With Dat. : Among, amongst.-3. With Acc.: Among, amongst, etc.-b. Afler.—c. In search of, in quest of for; v. 184. peraλlas, contr. 2. pers. sing. pres. ind. of µeraλλáw. μεταλλάω, VOCABULARY. &I imperf. ind. of μετα (C αυδάω. 66 un, adv. and conj.: 1. Adv.: Not.-2. Conj.: Lest. μετ-αλλ-άω -ώ, f. μεταλλ- | sing. ήσω, v. ii, [μετά, “ for, after”; a. ἄλλα, other things"] (“ To go after, or search for, other things"; hence, hence," to explore μηδέ (before a vowel μηδ”), carefully"; hence) With Acc. conj. and adv. [uń, not"; of person and Acc. of thing: dé, "and"] 1. Conj.: And To ask a person about a not, nor;-at v. 369 undé thing; to ask a person some-joins a negative clause to a thing; v. 231. positive one.-2. Adv.: Not a even. (6 μετ-αυδάω -αυδῶ, f. μετ- αυδήσω, v. a. [μετά, a- mong”; αὐδάω, "to speak"] ("To speak among "; hence) With Dat. of person: To address words, etc., to; v. 31. μετ-εκῖᾶθον, imperf. or 2. aor. of an obsol. verb μetă-nor. Kiǎow, only found in before- mentioned form, v. a. [μeт-ά, "to"; kiãow (lengthened form of kiw), "to go"] With Acc.: Was gone to, was gone to visit; v. 22. μETÉλoo, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. opt. of μετέρχομαι. μετελθών, οὖσα, όν, Ρ. 2. aor. of μετέρχομαι. CC μῆλ᾽, by elision for μῆλα, acc. plur. of uîλov. μῆλον, ου, n. 4 sheep. μή-τε, conj. [μή, “not TE, "and"] And not, nor :— μήτε . . . μήτε, neither . · >> 1. μῆτερ, voc. sing. of μή- Tηp; v. 346, etc. 2. μητέρ, by elision for unrépa, acc. sing. of unτnp. μή-τηρ, τέρος contr. τρός, f. A mother [akin to Sans. ma- tri; fr. root MA, in mean- ing of "to produce"; and so, a producer"; cf. Lat. ma- *C ter]. μετ-έρχομαι, f. μετ-ελεύσο- μητι-άω -ῶ, v. a. [μῆτις, μαι, p. μετ-ελήλυθα, 2. aor. μήτιος, "counsel "](“To μετ-ήλυθον and μετ-ῆλθον, take counsel about”; hence) | v. mid. [μer-ά, "among"; To devise, plan, bring about. ἔρχομαι, "to come"] 1. With μητιόωντες, Ep. for μητι- Dat. of person : To come ῶντες, contr. nom. masc. amongst; v. 134.-2. Absol. plur. of part. pres. of unτiáw. or with Dat. of person to be supplied: To come into the midst; to come into the midst of or among. μeτηúda, contr. 3. pers. Odys. Book I. μητρός, gen. sing. of μήτηρ. μιγείς, εῖσα, έν, P. 1. aor. pass. of μίγνυμι. μίγνυμι aud μίγνυω, f. μίξω, p. μéuixa, 1. aor. ĕuiža, v. a.: G 82 VOCABULARY. 1. To mix, mingle.-2. Pass.: |nected with the preceding μιγνύμαι, p. μέμιγμαι, pluperf. | elause by δέ. ἐμεμίγμην, 1. aor. ἐμίχθην, 1. fut. Mixohooμai, 2. aor. μιχθήσομαι, quĭyny, To be united in mar- riage, etc. μι-μνή-σκομαι, f. μνήσομαι, p. μéµvnuai, 1. aor. éµvnoăµnv aud éμvýolny, v. mid.: 1. ἐμνήσθην, Abs. To call to mind, re- member.-2. With Gen.: To remember, etc., a person, etc.; vv. 29, 343 [akin to Sans. root MNA, "to remember"]. μίσγω (aat.), μίσγομαι (pass.), Epic forms used by Homer for the present tenses μίγνυμι, μίγνυμαι : 1. Act: Το mic, mingle wine and water ; v. 110.-2. Pass.: With Dat.: ("To be mixed with "; hence) To be bound by ties of hospit- ality to; v. 209. μνάασθαι, for μνᾶσθαι, contr. inf. of uvávμaι; see μváoμaι. μνήσατο, Ion. for ἐμνήσατο, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. mid. μνά-ομαι -ῶμαι (only usedl pív, Ion. for avтóv, auτýv, in pres. and imperf. tenses), avró;-at v. 71 for autóv.v.mid. [root pva, akin to, if not αὐτό; When two relatival clauses identical with, the root of μ- follow each other, and the μvý-σkоμai, "to remember". μνή-σκομαι, verb of each requires a differ- the connexion between "bear- ent case, the Greeks avoid the ing in mind" and "desiring repetition of the relative either to obtain that which is borne by omitting it in the second in mind" being not difficult clause, or by using a demon- to trace] To woo, court, make strative (mostly autóv) or a suit to; vv. 39, 248. personal pron. in its place; so that the second relative clause assumes the character of al of μιμνήσκομαι. principal and demonstrative clause connected with the former by kal or dé. Thus at vv. 70, 71 ὅου κράτος ἔσκε μέγιστον is the first relatival | μνηστήρσι(ε). clause, and the second, strictly speaking, should be ὃν Θόωσα μνηστήρ. τέκε; but ἔσκε requires a μνη-στός, τή, τόν, adj. [for nom., and τέκε an Acc.; hence |μνα-στός; fr. μνά-ομαι, “ to µív (= aùtóv) is substituted | woo"] ("Wooed (and won)"; for dy, and the clause assumes hence) Wedded; v. 36. the character of a principal and demonstrative, and is con- CC to μνη-στήρ, στῆρος, m. [for i μνα-στήρ; fi. μνά-ομαι, woo"] A wooer, suitor. μνηστήρεσσι(ν), Poet. for µvŋotîpσi(v), dat. plur. of μv@vтaι, contr. 3. pers. plur. pres. ind. of μváoµai. VOCABULARY. 83 declare-at v. 124 the Acc. μοί, dat. sing. of ἐγώ. μολπ-ή, ἧς, f. [for μελητή; fr. μéλπ-w, "to sing "] A singing, song. after μυθήσεαι is the demon- strative pron. èkeîvo, which is omitted before the following μόρ-ος, ου, m. [μείρομαι, | relative ὅττεο. "to allot," through a root μυθήσεαι, Ion. for μυθήσῃ, pop] (That which is allot-2. pers. sing. fut. ind. of ted"; hence, "fate, destiny μυθέομαι. of man; hence) Doom, death, μôlos, ov, m.: 1. Word, μῦθος, destiny ;-for μópov at v. 166 speech.-2. Talk, conversa- see άτóλμ, no. 2, a :-unèption; mostly plur.-3. A άñókλūµi, μópov, beyond fate or destiny, speech, speaking, in the ayopá, said of those who by their i. e. public assembly; v. 358. own fault add to the misery assigned them by fate, vv. 34, 35. The two words are some- times written as one, viz. ὑπέρμορον ; see ὑπέρμορος. 4. Counsel, advice, etc. Movσa, ns, f. A Muse. The Muses were goddesses who presided over music, poetry, dancing, the drama, and all the fine arts. Their names were Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsi- chōrē, Erătō, Polymnia or Polyhymnia, Urania, Calliope (the muse of Epic poetry). Homer calls them at Iliad 2, 491 the daughters of Zeus; and at v. 601 of Iliad 1 they are represented as singing at the banquet of the celestial deities. ναίει, v. 51 ; see ἐνναίω, ναι-ετάω -ετῶ (only in pres. forms), v. n. [vai-w, "to dwell"] (Of persons: "To dwell."Of places: "To lie, be situated"; hence) To ex- ist. ναιεταώσης, for ναιεταούσης, uncontr. f. gen. sing. of part. of valeτáw. a vaûs, rews, f. A ship [akin to Saus. naus; cf. Lat. năvis]. ναύ-της, του, m. [for vaf. váF- Tns; fr. vaûs, vaF-os, " ship"] ("Ship-doer"; hence) A sailor, as one who does what is necessary for working a ship. CC νεμεσ-άω -ω, f. νεμεσήσω, μυθ-έομαι -οῦμαι, f. μύθο | 1. aor. ἐνεμέσησα, v. n. and al. ; hooμai, 1. aor. Ep. µvenoă- also, in Homer, Mid. in neut. μην, mid. [uve-os, aforce: νεμεσ-άομαι -ῶμαι, f. word”] (“Το utter a μῦθος”; νεμεσήσομαι, 1. aor. ἐνεμεσο hence, "to say, speak"; hence) noăuny aud (in pass. form) With Acc. To speak, tell, ¿veµcon0nv [véµeo-is, “wrath, V. G 2 84 VOCABULARY. ν indignation"] 1. With P. in 1. aor. ind. mid. (pass. form) concord with Subject: To feel of veμeoάw. wrath, or indignation, at being, νεμεσσήσαιτο, Ep. for etc.; to be angry at being, etc.; veμeσnoαιтo, 3. pers. sing. 1. v. 228.-2. With Objective aor. opt. mid. of veμeoάw. clause : To feel angry, or véoμal, v. mid.: 1. To go. indignant, that; v. 119.-3.-2. To go away or back; With Acc. of thing and Dat. to return; to depart. of person: To feel angry, or indignant, with a person at, or about, something;-at vv. 158, 389 pol is the Dat. of person; the Acc. of thing is the demonstrative exeīvo which is omitted before the follg. relative ÖTTI. véov, adv. [adverbial neut. sing. of véos, "new"] In time: Newly, lately, just now, just. vé-os (i. e. véF-os), a, ov, adj.: 1. New.--2. Young. Comp.: veάTepos; Sup. : VEάTǎTOS [akin to Sans. nav-a, "new"; cf. Lat. nov-us]. Νέστωρ, ορος, 111. Nestor; a son of Neleus, and king of Pylos in Triphylia. He was considered the wisest of the Greek princes at the siege of in〉Troy. νεφεληγερέτα, Ep. for νεμεσήσεαι, Ion. for νεμεσ- non, 3. pers. sing. fut. ind. wii. of νεμεσάω. veμeσiseto, Ion. for eveμeo- iseтo, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of νεμεσίζομαι. | νεμεσίζομαι (only used pres. and imperf.), v. mid. (= νεμεσάομαι (mid. of νεμεσ-νεφεληγερέτης. dw), in force of "to take νεφελη-γερ-έτης, έτου, m. shame to one's self, to feel [contr. for vepeλN-AYEP-ÉTNS ; shame "; hence) Of the gods as fr. vepéλn, (uncontr. gen.) Object: To dread, fear, stand repéλn-os, “a cloud "; ayep, in awe of, reverence; v. 263. a root of άyeípw, "to collect"] véµ-eois, éσews, f. [véμ-w, Cloud-collector, cloud-gather- "to distribute "]("A distrib-er-an epithet of Zeus. uting" of what is due; hence, in reference to what is wrong) 1. Anger, resentment, dis- pleasure.-2. A cause for anger, resentment, or dis- pleasure; v. 350. ve@v, gen. plur. of vaûs. νεώτᾶτος, η, ον; see νέος. vña (by elision vñ³), vñas, Ep. for vaûv, vaûs, acc. sing. and plur. of vaûs. vies, nom. plur. of vaûs. νήεσσι, Ep. for ναυσί, daΰ. plur. of vaûs. veμeoσnen, Ion. and Ep. νεμεσσήθη, for eveμeonon, 3. pers. sing. VOCABULARY. 85 vnt, dat. sing. of vaûs. Nýtov, ov, n. [prob. vios, "of, or belonging to, a ship'] (With opos, "mountain," un- derstood: " Ship-mountain ") Neion; a mountain of the island of Ithaca. At its foot the town of Ithaca was situate. vn-μept-ýs, és, adj. [for νη-αμαρτ-ής; fr. νή, insepar- able "negative" prefix; àµapт- ǎvw, "to err "] Unerring, in- ἄνω, fallible, sure of accomplish- ment. výпoɩvov, adv. [adverbial νήποινον, neut. of νήποινος, “un- avenged"] Without suffering vengeance; v. 160. νή-ποιν-ος, ον, adj. [νή, inseparable "negative" prefix; Tow-,"retribution, venge- Jance"] ("Without Town"; hence) Unavenged; v. 380. νήσοισι(ν), Ion. for νήσοις, dat. plur. of vñσos. νῆσος, σου, f. 4n island [akin to Sans. root SNA, "to bathe" ; as that which is bathed or washed" by the sea, etc.] vnós, Ep. for veús, gen. sing of vaûs. νηῦς, Ep. for ναῦς. vyvơí(v), Ep. and Poet. for vavoí, dat. plur. of vaûs. vīļov, Ep. for ěvišov, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. of vīęw. νήπιοι, ων; see 1. νήπιος. 1. vý-πì-os, a, ov (also -os, ov), adj. [for vn-éπ-ios; CC vīļw, f. viųw, 1. aor. ěviya, v. a. 1. Act.: a. To wash the hands, etc.-b. To wash, cleanse in general ;—at v. 12 of cleansing tables.-2. Mid.: fr., inseparable ‘nega- |νίζομαι, f. νίψομαι, 1. aor. tive" prefix; Ĕπ-OS, “a word"]("Pertaining to not a word"; hence) 1. Not speaking.—As Subst.: výπios, ov, m. sing. An infant, young child.--2. With reference to the mind, ele.: Foolish.-As Subst. výπio, wv, m. plur. výrĭoɩ, Foolish ones, fools;-at v. 8 vio has the of short before the vowel at the beginning of the follg. word. vηπɩ-ăа, čas, f. [Ep. for νηπῖ.α; fr. νήπιος, “a young child "] ("The state, or con- dition, of the výπios"; hence) 1. Sing.: Childhood. — 2. Plur.: Childish tricks Or. follies. ẻmţăµny, To wash the hands; v. 138. νίψασθαι, 1. aor. inf. mid. of rigw. νο-έω -ῶ, f. νοήσω, p. νενό- nka, 1. aor. érónoa, v. a. ἐνόησα, [ró-os, "mind, perception "] ("To have perception of"; hence) To perceive with the eyes; to see. νόος, νόου, …. The mind ;- 66 voor is Acc. of at v. (C 2. νήπιος, ου ; sec 1. νήπιος. | “ Respect.” 86 VOCABULARY. νοστ-έω, f. νοστήσω, l. aor. évóornoa, v. n. [voor-os, "a [νόστος, return home"] To return home;-at v. 83 the sentence νοστῆσαι δόμονδε is in apposition to TOûTo iu preced- ing line. | • • • • νόστ-ϊμος, ἵμη, ἵμον, adj. [id.] Of, or pertaining to, a return home :-vooтiμov ĥμap, the day of returning home. VÓσTOS, ou, m. A return home or homeward:-vóotos Tатрòя éμоîо, my father's return home, v. 413; cf., also, v. 326. vóσpɩ, adv. 1. a. Apart, aloof, far, away.-b. With Gen. Apart from, far away from; v. 185.-2. With Gen.: Except, with the exception of; v. 20. en.-2. Of persons: With auburn, chestnut, or golden hair; golden-haired. ξείνοιο, Ion. for ξείνον, gen. sing. of ξεῖνος. ξείνοισι(ν), Ion. for ξείνοις, dat. plur. of eîvos. ξεῖνος (Ion. for ξένος), ου, m. : 1. A guest-friend; i. e. a per- son (especially a citizen of a foreign state) with whom one has a treaty of hospitality for one's self and heirs, con- firmned by mutual presents and an appeal to Zeus Zévios.-2. A stranger. ξε-στός, στή, στόν, adj. [e-w, "to smoothe, or polish," by scraping, etc.] Smoothed, or polished, by scraping, etc. ξύν ; see σύν. | vú (enclitic); see vûv, no. 2. vúµọn, ns, f. A nymph; at v. 86, by Núuon Calypso is meant. - ¿ŭvicɩ, 2. pers. sing. pres. imperat. of guvinui, as if fr. a contr. form tuviéw. ξΰν-ἵημι (another form of oŭv-inµı), f. ¿vv-now, p. ¿ùv- eîkα, 1. aor. ¿ŭv-îka, Ep. ¿ŭv- éŋа, v. а. [¿úv (= oúv), "to- vûv, adv.: 1. Now, at this time.-2. Also in the forms vúv, vú: a. Then, thereupon.gether"; Inu, "to send"] -b. Then, therefore. — c. ("To send together"; hence) Surely, assuredly, forsooth; To perceive, hear, understand; v. 347, etc.—éƒeí vv, since v. 271. surely, v. 211 [akin to Sans. nu or nứ, “now "]. vúvvμvos, ov, adj. [Ep. for vóruμos] Nameless, unknown, inglorious. 1. 6, 7, ró, definite article: The :-the definite article, as such, is generally held not to exist in Homer, as passages which seem to favour its exist- žavðós, ý, óv, adj.: 1. Of the ence are said to be found on hair: Auburn, chestnut, gold-examination referable to the VOCABULARY. 87 CC | demonstrative &,, Tó; see distinct from others, rather 2.6 [akin to Sans. sa, one"; than to point him out: He, and ta, "he, she, it "]. she, it indeed or at least ;-at 2. ô, ǹ, tó : 1. Demonstra-v. 403 with a Subst. in appo- tive prou. That, this. As sition: ' àrýp, he indeed, Subst. That person, that the man. thing, etc.; he, she, it, etc.- ¿dáž, adv. [lengthened form a. The demonstrative 6, 1, ró | of dág = dákк-s; fr. daê, a root is often used in Homer to of dák-rw, "to bite "] By bit direct attention to some, with the teeth :-ỏdà év which is to follow, and which xeiλeo púνtes, (clinging to χείλεσι stands in apposition to it: their lips by biting or with the δ᾽ ἕσπετο Παλλὰς ᾿Αθήνη, and teeth ; i. c.) biting their lips she-Pallas Athène-follow- with rage, v. 381; sce èµpvw. ed, v. 125.—b. ẻ Too (se. Xpóvov), From that time, ever since, v. 212.-c. oi μév oi dé, those on the one hand those on the other; the one the other, v. 24.—2. Relative pron. (Ep., Ion., and Dor. for os,, 8): Who, which, that. The demonstrative pron. is sometimes omitted before the relative; e. g. at v. 338 τάτε = ἐκεῖνά τε, τά. | • • • ŏ-de, i-de, tó-de (by elision 88', 8, 768'), pron. demonstr. [old demonstr. pron. 8, "this "; euclitic dé] This person, or thing, here.-Adverbial neut. acc. Tóde (by elision 768'): To this spot, hither; v. 409.-As Subst., of all genders and numbers He, she, it; this thing; these, these things.- In Homer öde (as also ye, οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος) is often used in animated addresses, and even applied emphatically by the speaker to himself, or to hi- self together with others:- ἡμεῖς οἵδε περιφραζώμεθα πάντ- es, (let us all, these, debate ; i. c.) let us all who are here debate, v. 76. 3. %, neut. nom. aud acc. | of ös, ½, 8; also as adv. | CC ὀβρίμο-πάτρ-η, ης, f. [ύβρο uos, (uncontr. gen.) oßpiuo-os, mighty”; πατήρ, πατρός, a father"]("She that has a mighty father"; hence) Daughter of a mighty father, i. e. Athënë; v. 101. << ódoîo, Ion. for ódoû, gen. sing. of 55ús. Ðô-ós, on, f. (“That which approaches, or forms an ap- proach," to a place; hence) 1. 1 way, road, path.-2. A • ❤ # ŏ-ye (by elision oy'), -ye, 76-ye, demonstr. pron. [2. 8, , Tó, "he, she, it"; enclitic particle yé, “indeed "] Prop- erly to designate a person as • 88 VOCABULARY. travelling, or journeying, whether by land or sea; a journey by land; a voyage by sea ;-at v. 444 there is refer- ence to the voyage, etc., which Athénë had counselled Tele- măchus to undertake for the purpose of obtaining tidings of his father; cf. vv. 281 sqq. [akin to Sans. root SAD, "to approach "]. 1. oi, masc. nom. plur. of ὀδούς, όντος, m. (The eating thing "; hence) A tooth [probably doú-s for èdóvt-s; &, ñ, Tó. = | fr. ἔδων, ἔδοντ-os, part. pres. 2. of: 1. Dat. sing. of re- of d-w, "to eat"; cf. Sans.flexive pron. où-2. When dantas, "a tooth," fr. root AD, "to eat"]. euclitic of vv. 17, 62, etc. avr@, aùtîì; see ỏdŭvn, ns, f. Of the mind: Pain, grief, distress :-often, as at v. 242, in plur., and in connexion with yoo (plur.). 3. of, masc. nom. plur. of ös, %, 8. | ola, adv. [adverbial neut. acc. plur. of 2. ofos, "such as”] In such manner as, just as, like as, as. [1. οἴγω, later οιγνύμι, f. οἴξω, aor. ᾦξα, Ep. ὤϊξα, v. a. To open. To οἶδα (before a vowel οἶδ'); Ὀδυσσ-εία, είας, f. [Οδυσσ- | see εἴδω. "Odusseus"]("The oldas, 2. pers. sing. of thing-here, poem - pertain-oîda. εύς, ing to Odusseus"; i. e.) The 1. oïde, masc. nom. plur. of Odyssey; wherein Homer | ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε. ὀδύρομαι, f. ὀδυροῦμαι, 1. aor. dupăμny, v. mid. Alone: To bewail, mourn, lament. Οδυσεύς, ἧος, ῆι, ἧς, Epic forms of 'Odurσeús, etc.; see ; see Οδυσσεύς. relates the events connected with the return of Odusseus from Troy to his native laud of Ithaca. politic of the Greek princes at the siege of Troy. ὀδύσσομαι, ¿dúoσoμaι, Ep. v. mid. found only in 1. aor. duoăunv, and once in 3. pers. perf. ¿dúd- vora: With Dat. of person: To be angry, or wroth, with ; to be grieved at. υσται: o0, rel. adv. [Poet. for où (Sc. TÓTov), adverbial gen. of place; fr. 8s, "who, which "] Where. Ὀδυσσεύς, ἧος, 1. Oduss- eus (Lat. Ulysses); king of Ithaca, the wisest and most 2. oide, before a vowel oidev, 3. pers. sing. of oïda. oin, fem. nom. sing. of 1. οἶος. << a očк-oι, adv. [olk-os, house"] 1. At home.-2. In one's own country, etc. VOCABULARY. 89 oɩkolo, Ion. for oйkov, gen. sing. of oikos. ing"; i. e. having the appear- ance of (dark) wine"; hence) Dark-coloured, dark; an epithet of the sea. CC oikóv-de, adv. [olkov, acc. of olkos, "a house"; dé (=πрós), (=πρός), to"] 1. To one's, etc., house or abode; to one's, etc., dwell- ing.-2. To one's, etc., own country, etc. oio, Ion. for où, masc. gen. sing. of 2. us. ο-ΐ-ομαι (οἶμαι), imperf. ᾠόμην, f. οἰήσομαι (later oi- οἶκ-ος, ου, m. (“That which | ηθήσομαι), 1. aor. ᾠήθην, Ep. is inhabited”; hence) 1. 4ὠΐσθην, ὠισάμην, and ὀϊσάμην, house, abode, dwelling.-2. To think, imagine, suppose, House in meaning of property, etc.; at v. 173 folld. by goods, substance; vv. 248, Objective clause; -at v. 323 251.-3. A house, family, etc. auróv is to be supplied as the [akin to Sans. veç-a, "a Subject of elrai; see Oeós, house"; fr. root VIç, "to sit no. 1 [akin to Sans. root 1, down"; cf. Lat. vic-us]. "to go," which with prefix} ava (here represented by ỏ), viz. AVA-I, has the force of "to consider, believe "]. I, oivomédolo, fem. gen. sing. of οἰνόπεδος ; v. 193. oivó-πed-os, o», adj. [olvos, (uncontr. gen.) olvo-os, "wine"; Téd-ov, "the ground or soil"] ("Having wine-soil"; i. e.) Having a soil adapted to the growth of the vine; producing abundance of wine; v. 193. oivos, ov, m. Wine. οἰνοχοεύων, ουσα, ov, P. pres. of oivoxoeúw, Ep. form of οἰνοχοέω. CC oivoxo-éw -ŵ, f. how, v. n. [oivoxó-os, one who pours out wine, a cup-bearer"] To pour out wine; to be, or act as, a cup-bearer. | olov, adv. [adverbial neut. of ofos, "such as " 1. In exclamations: How! vv. 32, 410.-2. In comparisons: In such manner as, as, like as, just as. 1. olos, n, ov, adj. Alone; vv. 13, 244 [akin to Sans. eva, alone"]. (C : 2. olos, oïa (Ion. oïn), sivv, adj. 1. In independent sen- tences used in exclamations to express astonishment, etc. : Why, what a thing, etc.-2. In comparisons: What sort of, what manner of, etc.; v. 298.-3. As a correlative to τοῖος, τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, ex- pressed or understood: As, OS, oйv-oч, oños, m. adj. [oîv- "wine"; root on (found in ὄψομαι = ύπ-σομαι, “το see"; in pass. force, "to appear"] ("Wine-appear- such as; cf. vv. 257, 371. → ၄၁ VOCABULARY. 3. olós, gen. sing. of öïs; v. 443. 1. õis, õïos (contr. oiús; so alone in Homer), m. aud f. A sheep. 2. ois, masc. dat. plur. of 2. us; v. 237. bīσăτo (quadrisyll.), 3. pers. sing. of ὀϊσάμην, 1. aor. ind. of οἴομαι; see οἴομαι; v. 323. oloɩ(v), masc. dat. plur. of 2. os; vv. 19, 117, etc. OiTOS, OU, M. Fate in a bad sense; doom, ruin, death. οἴχομαι, imperf. ᾠχόμην (the only tenses used by Homer), f. οἰχήσομαι, p. οἴχ- @kα, р. pass. @xnuai, v. mid.: 1. Pres. as perf.: To be gone, to have gone :-for mode of rendering ἀναΐξας οἴχεται see exwv at end.-2. Imperf. as pluperf. (I, etc.) had gone. oixoμévolo, Ion. for oix- Quévov, masc. gen. sing. of οἰχόμενος, P. pres. of οἴχομαι. : 1. btw, Ep. for ofw = ôïoµai, or otoμai; found only in 1. pers. sing. The is long in Homer when the word occurs at the end of a line. 2. oių, masc. dat. sing. of οἶος. oiwvós, oû, m. ("A vulture, eagle, bird of prey"; hence) An omen drawn from birds of &λ] ("That which destroys"; hence) Destruction, ruin, death. ỏλéσðaɩ, 2. aor. inf. mid. of ὄλλυμι. ὄλλυμι, f. ὀλέσω, 1. aor. λeσa, v. a. 1. Act.: a. To destroy. b. To lose. — 2. |Mid.: ὄλλυμαι, f. ὀλοῦμαι, p. ἔλωλα, 2. aor. ὠλόμην, (“Το destroy one's self"; hence) a. To perish, come to an end.-- b. Of property as Subject: To be destroyed or wasted. öλoιode, 2. pers. plur. 2. aor. opt. mid. of õàλõµí. ὄλοντο, Ion. for ὤλοντο, 3. pers. plur. 2. aor. ind. mid. of čλλõμí. ἄλλυμι. ὀλοό-φρων, φρονος, adj. [for ὀλού-φρεν ; fr.ὀλούς, (uncontr. gen.) oλob-os, "destructive, mischievous ”; φρήν, φρενός, mind"] ("Having a destruc- tive or mischievous mind hence) Crafty, sagacious with the accessory notion of mischief; cf. v. 52. Ὀλύμπιος, ου ; see Ολυμπ- OS. 3) Ο-λυμπ-ος(Ion. Οὔλυμπος), ov, m. (“The abrupt, or steep, mountain) Olympus; a lofty mountain on the borders of Macedonia and Thessaly, the fabled abode of the celestial Wakabag J prey; an omen in general deities.-Hence, 'Ohúμmios, | Ὀλύμπιος, Lakin to Sans. vi, "a bird"]. ov, adj. Of, or belonging to, ὄλ-εθρος, έθρου, m. [ὄλλυμι, | Olympus ; Olympian. As "to destroy," through root Subst.: 'Olúμmios, ou, | Ὀλύμπιος, ου, 217. VOCABULARY. 91 The Olympian god, i. e. Zeus seeing thing"; hence) The [akin to Sans. root LUP, "to eye. break"; is inserted to strengthen the word; ò is a prefix]. μ ὀμφαλός, οὗ, 1. ("The navel"; hence) The centre or middle point; v. 50. óµăd-éw -ŵ, f. dµŭdńow, 1. ov, mase. acc. sing. of 1. aor. &μădnoa, v. n. [öµås-1. ös, relative pron.; vv. 69, os, "a clamour, din" To raise, or make, a clamour or din :-in Odyssey always used of Penelope's suitors. óμădnσav, Ion. and Ep. for wμüdnσav, 3. pers. plur. 1. aor. iud. of dµădéw. ὄμβρος, ου, n. A thunder. 2. δέ. storm, a storm. ὀνείαθ᾽, by elision for ῞Ομηρος, ου, m. Homer;ὀνείᾶτα (acc. plur. of ὄνειαρ) see Introduction. before an aspirated vowel; ὁμίλ-έω -, f. ὁμιλήσω, | ν. 149. p. ὡμίληκα, 1. aor. ὡμίλησα, v. n. [ὅμίλ-ος, “a throng of people" ("To be in an quiños"; hence) With Dat.: 1. To be in company with, to come into company with, to hold intercourse with.-2. In hostile sense: To meet a per- sou, etc., in battle; v. 265. ὁμιλήσειε ν), Eolic for Suiλhoai, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. opt. of ὁμιλέω. ὅμ-έλ-ος, ου, m. τόμός, "one and the same"; A-n, "a crowd"] (“That which is one and the same tλn"; hence) An assembled crowd, a throng | of people. ὄμ-μα, μᾶτος, n. [for ὕπ-μα; fr. root or (found in opoμai =π-σoμai), “to see"] ("The Ξύπ-σομαι), 218, etc. 2. ov, masc. acc. sing. of 2. os (= éós), possessive pron. övde = öv, masc. acc. sing. of 2. ös (= éós), possessive pron.; and dé (= πρós) ac- cusatival suffix; v. 83; see ὄν-ειαρ, εἰᾶτος, n. [fr. ὀν- ἴνημι, "to profit, benefit," through root ov] ("That which profits or benefits "; hence) 1. Sing.: Refreshment. -2. Plur.: Food, victuals, a repast; as being that wherein refreshment consists; v. 149. ôféï, masc. dat. sing. of oğús. ὀξ-ύς, εῖα, ύ, adj. Sharp, keen [akin to Sans. root ço, "to sharpen"]. čov, Ep. for où, masc. gen. sing. of 1. 8s, relative pron. ὅπη (Ep. ὅππη), adv.: 1. Where :-San ǎr, wheresoever, cf. 2. ǎr, no. 2.-2. In what way οι manner; how, as [either an adverbial dat. of obsol. pron. óñós = obsol. mós, 92 VOCABULARY. | akin to Sans. ka, "who?"; may happen, the verb being or lengthened fr. πî]. here emphasized :--ὅππως κε ὀπίσσω (Poet. and Ep. for μνηστῆρας ἀπώσεαι, exactly òniow), adv.: 1. Behind, back- | how thou mayest drive away, wards.-2. In time: Here- v. 270; cf., also, v. 342.--2. after, in time to come. Couj. a. That, in order that. b. With fut. Ind. after a primary tense: In such wise that one shall, or may, do, etc.; v. 57 [either from obsol. pron. drós nós, akin to Sans. kas, "who ?", or lengthened fr. πws]. δράω -ῶ, f. ὄψομαι, p. ἑόρακα, (later) ἑώρακα, v. n. and a. : 1. Neut.: To look, direct one's eyes, etc.-2. Act.: To see, perceive, observe. ὁπόθεν (Ep. δππόθεν), rel. adv. [either fr. obsol. drós, (uncontr. gen.) óró-os (see Óπn); Dev (= ék), "from"; or ὅπη); θεν a lengthened form of móbev, "whence "](" From which"; hence) From what place or quarter; whence. ὁποῖος (Ip. ὁπποῖος), α, ον, adj. [either fr. obsol. ónós (see 8); or lengthened fr. Totos] Of what sort or kind. ὅππη ; see ὅπη. ὁππύθεν; see ὁπόθεν. ὁπποῖος, α, ον; see ὁποῖος. оπTÓτE (before a soft vowel ὁππότ᾽; Ep. for ὁπότε), adv. When:-TÓT' av, whenever, whensoever; see ăr, no. 2. ὅππως; see ὅπως. > Ὀρέσταο, olic for Ορέ- στου, gen. of Ὀρέστης ; at v. 40 the final o of 'OpéσTao is lengthened in arsis. Ὀρέστης, στου, m. [ὄρος, ope-us, CC 'al mountain"] ("Mountaineer ") Orestes the only son of Agamemnou and Clytemnestra. On the return of Agamemnon from Troy, he was slain by his wife Clytemnestra and her par- amour Egisthus. Eight years subsequently Orestes avenged his father's death and killed Egisthus, and, according to some accounts, his mother also. ὄρνις, ὄρνιθος, m. and f. 4 bird. 7 ; ཟ ŏp-vūμµl, f. ŏpow, 1. aor. &pra, v. n. (“ To cause to go"; hence) 1. Act.: To stir up, VOCABULARY. 93 rouse.-2. Mid.: op-vůμal, as much as.-b. How many, f. ὀροῦμαι, 2. aor. ὠρόμην : Of|how much. the mind as Subject: ("To stir itself up"; hence) To be disposed or inclined; v. 347. ópów, Ep. for ópáw. opówv, Ep. for dpáwv, uncontr. P. pres. of Spáw. 1. öơσa, neut. acc. plur. of önσos; vv. 278, 292. 2. ὄσσα, ης, f. A rumour ; a word voiced abroad; v. 282. ooos (Ep. and Ion. ŏσσos), ὅσος ὅσσος), n, ov, adj.: 1. Of size: As great as; how great.-2. Of number, etc.: a. As many as, ὄσσομαι, found only in pres. and un-augmented im- perf., v. mid. [ooo-e, "the (two) eyes"] To see;-strictly with the eyes; but at v. 114 ỏpŭµaydós, où, m. A loud noise, din, as made by a tumultuous throng. ὀρχη-στύς, στύος, f. [fcrinentally. ὀρχε-στύς; fr. ὀρχέ-ομαι, “ to dance"] Dancing, the dance. ὅσσος, η, ον; see ὅσος. ŏσ-TE, ½-TE, 8-тe, pron. rel. [ös, “who, which " ; TE, Suffix without force] Who, which, that; vv. 52, 314, etc. ὀστέον, ου, n. A bone [akin to Sans. asthi, "a bone "]. 1. os,, 8, pron. rel. and demonstr. 1. Relative: Who, which.-Particular construc- tions: a. The neut. rel. some- times seems to refer to a masc. or fem. subst., but in reality ŏσ-TIS, ½-TIS, Ö-Ti, pron. [ös, it refers to the idea contained "who”; Tís, "any "] 1. In- in the demonstrative sentence; definite: ("Any one who, any- cf. v. 387, where 8 seemingly thing which," i. e.) Whoever, refers to '10ákn, but, in reality, whatever person or thing.-2. to Telemachus being "king Relative: Referring to a de- in Ithaca," i. e. to his having finite person, but with a certain the kingdom of Ithaca.-b. general notion, attaching to Acc. neut. sing. as adv.: 8,it: Who, which; v. 415;-at Because; frequent in Homer. v. 316 the relative (ÖTTI) -2. Demonstrative; especially attracts the subst. of the in connexion with yάp or kal: demonstrative clause into its γάρ καί He, etc.:—ὃς γάρ, for he, own : δῶρον δ᾽ ὅττι . . . δοῦναι v. 286;-at v. 219 without γάρ. 2. ὅς, ἥ, ὅν, pron. poss. = ös, ἑός; see ἑός. αὖτις ἀνερχομένῳ δόμεναι - ὅττι δὲ δοῦναι . . . αὖτις ἀνερχομένῳ δῶρον δόμεναι.-3. Interrog. That.-As Subst.: öтɩ, What thing, what. 1. ŏTE (before a soft vowel or'), adv. When. 2. 8-TE, K-TE, 8-тe, pron. 94 VOCABULARY. rel. [for oσ-Te; fr. os, "who," etc.; suffix Te] Who; which. 1. 8, Tɩ, adv. [adverbial neut. of bσTIS; see oσTIs, no. 3] ὅστις For what reason, why, where- fore. N.B. This word is written 8,7 and 8 Ti, to di- stinguish it from ori, "that"; see following word. 2. Tɩ (also, in Homer, %), adv. and conj. : 1. Adv.: That. 2. Conj. Because that, for that, because, since, inasmuch as. 3. örɩ, neut. nom. and sing. of ὅστις. ŎTIS, Ep. and Poet. for ὅστις ; v. 47. ôτρηpós, á, óv, adj. Quick, busy, active, nimble. ( acc. Maddy 3. où, masc. gen. sing. of ös, , öv; see éós. ἥ, 4. où (Dat. of, Acc. ), pron. reflex. (without nom.), m. and f.: 1. (Of, etc.) himself, her- self.-2. Enclitic: (Of, etc.) him, her. où-Sé (before a vowel ovd'), conj. and adv. [où, "not"; dé, "and"] 1. Conj.: And not, nor.-2. Adv.: Not even. ovdós, où, m. A threshold; an entrance to any place. οὐκ-έτι, adv. [οὐκ, “ not”; TI," any longer"] Not any longer, no longer, no more. oùκí, Ion. for οὐχί, a strengthened form of the nega- tive adv. où : Not; see 1. où.- This adv. is usually placed by Homer at the end of a clause, and generally at the end of a verse; see v. 268. Ovλúμmolo, Ion. and Ep. for 'Oλúμπov, gen. of 'OXvµπ- os. | ὀτρύνω, f. (in Homer) ὀτρυνέω, 1. aor. ὤτρύνα, v. a. With Acc. of person and Inf. expressed or understood: To spur on, urge, etc. :-supply iéval (inf. of 1. elu) after ὀτρώνομεν, v. 85; where OTрUVOμEV is the pres. ind.-2. Therefore, consequently. ὀτρύνομεν used of an immediately future time, to represent it as act-So. ually taking place. ouv, adv.: 1. Then, certainly. 3. To continue a narrative: OTTEO, Ep. for ourivos, neut. gen. sing. of 8σris; v. 124. SOTIS ŎTTI, Eр. for őтi, nom. and acc. neut. sing, of öσTIS. 1. où (before a consonant, our before a soft vowel, before an aspirated vowel oux), adv. Not. 2. où, masc. and neut. gen. sing. of us, ½, ő. રી οὔ-ποτε (before a soft vowel oUTOT'; before an aspirated vowel oйroe'), adv. [où, "not"; Toré, "at any time"] Not at TOTÉ, any time, never. oùpăvós, où, m. Heaven. ovs, masc. acc. plur. of rel. pron. ös, , 8. > V Odys. Book I. H πἄρ-ημαι, v. vid. [πᾶρ-ά, "by"; uai, "to sit"] With Dat.: Sitting, or seated, by 98 VOCABULARY.. Neut., in perf., pluperf., and 2. aor.: 1. Act.: ("To cause to stand beside, by, or near"; hence) To place, or set, some object beside, by, or near one.-2. Neut: With Dat. of person: To stand be- side, by, or near a person; v. 335. | πάροιθεν ; see τοπάροιθεν. Tápos, adv. of time: 1. Before, previously.-2. With Inf.: Before that; v. 21. παρτιθεῖ; see παρατίθημι, no. 1;—at v. 192 the diph- thong in TapTileî is made short before the follg. vowel. πᾶ-τήρ, τέρος τρός, ("A protector or nourisher,' as descriptive of) A father ;— at v. 28, etc., applied to Jupiter as father of the gods and men [akin to Sans. root PA, "to protect," also, nourish "; cf. Sans. pitri, Lat. pater]. << to πατ πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν, adj.: 1. Sing. All, the whole of, the πατρ-ίς, ίδος, f. adj. [πατήρ, whole; every.-2. Plur.: All. TаTр-ós, "a father"] Of, or ατρ-ός, -As Subst. a. Távтes, wv, belonging to, * a father or m. plur. All men, all.-b. fathers; father- :-TaTρls ain πατρὶς πάντα, ων, n. All things. or &poupa, father-land, native land or country. mâσi, mâoi(v), masc. and neut. dat. plur. of πâs. | πάσ-σαλος, σᾶλου, n. [by assimilation for πάγ-σάλος; fr. hyviui, "to make fast," πήγνυμι, through a root ray] ("That which makes fast or is made fast"; hence) A peg on which to hang clothes; v. 440. πασσάμενος, η, ον, Ep. for πασάμενος, Ρ. 1. aor. of πατ- έομαι. 190 folld. by cognate acc. πua; see πîμα. πα-τέομαι, f. πασομαι, 1. aoг. éπăσăµny, v. mid. : 1. To ἐπᾶσαμην, eat.-2. With Partitive Gen. as Object: To eat of, or some, food, etc.; to partake of [akin to Sans. root PA, "to nourish"]. - m. >> (C રી πατρ-ο-φονεύς, φονέως, 1m. [πατήρ, πατρ-ός, “ a father”; (o) connecting vowel; φονεύς, "a murderer"] Murderer of one's father;—at v. 299 the word is used of gisthus, who murdered Agamemnon, the father of Orestes. | πατροφονῆα, Ep. for πατρο- φονέα, acc. sing. of πατρο- φονεύς. πά-σχω, f. πείσομαι, 2. p. πέπονθα, 2. που, ἔπαθον, V. που, ἔπαθον, v. irreg. [for ά0-oxw; fr. root | παθ] In a bad sense : To πατρ-ώϊος, ωἵα, ώϊον (Ep. for πατρ·ῷος, adj. [πατήρ, Tarp-ós, "a father"] 1. Of, πατρός, ી or belonging to, a father ; suffer, undergo; at vv. 49, paternal.— 2. Inherited from VOCABULARY. ورة a father; v. 387; see ös, no. 1, a.-3. Hereditary; vv. 175, 187. a πέδ-ϊλον, ιλου, 1. [πέζα (=l πέδ-σα), Doric for πούς, foot "]("A thing pertaining to the foot"; hence) A sandul: -in Homer the word is always used in the plur. The sandals of the gods had the power of carrying their wearers over land and sea, but they were not winged. Such as had wings to them were termed TтEρоÉVτα médiλa.-N.B. The πτεροέντα πέδιλα. word is sometimes said to be derived from #éd-n, "a fetter"; but the etymology given at beginning of article seems preferable. πεζ-ός, ή, όν, adj. [πέζ-α, "the foot"](" Of, or pertain- ing to, Té(a"; hence, πέζα foot"; hence) By land. πεῖθ᾽; see πεῖθε. "C on Teîle (before a vowel reîe'), Ion. for Teide, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of relow. ΐδου, 111. Πεισηνορ-ΐδης, [Пeionvwp, Пelohrop-os, Peis- ēnōr; the father of Ops] Son of Peisenor. πέλομαι (only in pres. and imperf.), v. mid.: 1. To be. 2. To be wont, or accustomed, to be.-3. To become. πέμπω, f. πέμψω, p. πέ- πομφα, 1. aor. ἔπεμψα, r. To send. a. πéπνūμaι, Epic perf. pass. with pres. meaning of Tvéw, "to breathe": (To have breath or soul"; hence) To be wise, discreet, or prudent. πεπνυμένος, η, ον, P. of TÉTνÝμαi. πέρ, Tép, euclitic particle: 1. Imparting force to the word to which it is attached.-2. With Adj. and part. v: How- ever much, however, very much, altogether.-3. With participles which are them- selves emphatic to increase their power:-iéuevÓS TEP, however eager, | all eager though he was, v. 6.- 4. With Adv.: Tery.-5. To call at- tention to something, esp. to one out of a number: How- ever, at any rate, yet, at all events.-6. With ἔνθα, in | πείθ-ω, f. πείσω, p. πέπεικα, 1. aor. čπeiσα, v. a. [root mie] 1. Act.: To prevail upon, persuade, induce, etc.-2. Pass.: Teiloμaι, p. тéтeioμaι, 1. aor. éπeloony, f. meio dooμai: With Dat. a. To be per- suaded by.-b. To believe, to trust in; v. 414. : Пeionvopídão, Eolic for Пeconvoрidov, gen. of Пetonrop-strengthening force: There ΐδης. where just where; vv. 128, 21C. πένθ-ος, εος ους, n. [πάσχω, "to suffer,"through a strength- ened root Teve] (" Suffering"; hence) Grief, sorrow. H 2 X 100 VOCABULARY. Ĕπeрσа, 2. aor. čпра0оv, v. a. (in Homer only of towns as Object): To sack, destroy, lay waste. Téρow, f. πépow, 1. aor.ity, etc.; eiuí, "to be"] With Gen.: To be above; to sur- pass, excel;-at v. 66 folld. also by Acc. of "Respect (vóov) ; and, further, tmēsis, Tepl μèv vóov ẻσtí. περὶ μὲν νόον ἐστί. περι-καλλ-ής, ές, adj. [περί, augmentative" force; | TEρí, prep. and adv.: 1. Prep. gov. gen. (also, but not in this book, dat. and acc.): in περι-κλύ-τός, τόν, adj. [repl, "around"; Kλú-w, "to hear"] ("Heard around or all round"; hence) Illustrious, famous, renowned, etc. ' a. Around, about.-b. Re-Kάλλ-os, "beauty"] Having, specting, concerning; vv. 135, or possessing, great beauty; 405.-c. Above, beyond in de- very beautiful. gree; v. 235:- in this sense is often divided from its de- pendent gen. by intervening words; see v. 66: Teρl μèv Voov EσT Bрoтwv, is above | mortals in (or as to) mind. A similar construction and a corresponding notiou is found in Iliad 17, 171, σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, that you were above others in (or as to) understanding or mind.-2. | Adv. (with accent thrown back by anastrophe; viz. TÉρi): Very much, beyond others, especially :----πέρι δ᾽ ἱμὰ θεοῖσιν ἀθανάτοισιν ἔδωκε, and beyond others gave vic- tims (or offered sacrifices) to the immortal gods, v. 66 at end. That Tepi is in this place an adv. is shown by the fact that no such verb as περιδίδωμι is found. The mid. Teрididoμаι occurs, though in a widely different force from what is given above. περί-πέλομαι (used by Homer only in the syncopated part. Tepi-Tλóuevos), v. mid. [περί, “around”; πέλομαι, to be in motion, to move"] ("To move around "; hence) Öf time, etc.: To revolve : περιπλομένων ἐνιαυτῶν (Gen. Abs.), as years revolved, v. 16. π περιπλόμενος, η, ov; sue περιπέλομαι. | πepí-εiμi, f. πEpi-éσoμai, περί-ειμι, H. [Tepi, "above" in qual- περί " 13 in CC περί-σκεπτ-ος, ον, adj. [Tepi, "all around"; σкéπт- oμai, "to see"] ("Seen all around "; hence) Seen On every side; seen far and wide, far seen. περιο περι-φράζομαι, f. φρᾶσομαι, p. περί-πέφρασμαι, v. mid. [Tepí, "about, respect- ing"; opáCopaι (mid.), consider"] With Acc.: To consider, or deliberate, about; |—at v. 76 πepippašáμela is περιφραζώμεθα "to VOCABULARY. IOI the Subjunctivus Hortativus: suppose we deliberate about; seυ καθέζομαι. περί-φρων, φρονος, adj. [for περί-φρεν; fr. περί, "exceed- ingly"; Ophy, oper-ós,“mind"] ("Having opny exceedingly"; hence) Very thoughtful, very careful :—often used in the Odyssey as an epithet of Pénélopë; see v. 329. πεσσοῖσι, Ion. for πεσσαῖς, dat. plur. of reσobs. ¦ πεσσός, οῦ, m. ;- plur. πeooά, wv, n. (“An oval stoue for playing a game like our draughts"; hence) Draughts: -used almost exclusively in plur.; see v. 107. πετάσσας, ἀσα, αν; see ὑποπετάσσας and ὑποπετάν- νῦμι. 4 Пnveλóπela, as (Poet. for Πηνελόπη,ης), f. [prob. for Πην-ε-λέπ-η; fr, πήν-η, “ the web"; (e) connecting vowel; λér-w, "to strip off," though λέπτω, this verb is usually applied to stripping off leaves, bark, etc.] (“Web-stripper "; or “Puller off of the web") Penelopeia or Penelope; the daughter of Icurius, wife of Odusseus, and mother of Telemachus. During the long absence of her hus- band (who left her in order to go to Troy while her son was yet an infant) she was be- Tevooíal', by elision before an aspirated vowel, for eve- olάro, Ion. for Teveouro, 3. αμαι. pers. plur. pres. opt. of Teú0-sieged by many importunate suitors. To all of them she gave the reply that she was wear- ing a shroud for her father- in-law Laërtes, and till that was finished she could come to no decision. Each day she worked at her task, and each night she undid the work of the day. This course she pursued till her husband re- turned to his home. πικρό-γάμ-ος, ΟΥ, adj. Επικρός, (uncontr. gen.) πικρό- os, "bitter"; váµ-os, เ mar- Teúdoμal (only in pres. and imperf.), Poet. for πvveăvoμai; see πυνθάνομαι. πevoćµevos, n, ov, P. fut. of πυνθάνομαι. reḍevyús, vîa, ós, P. perf. of φεύγω. Téopad, by elision for ré- opade, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of opā(w; v. 444. Téppǎde, 2. pers. sing. 2. aor. imperat. of φράζω; v. 273. πεφυγμένος, η, ον, P. perf. pass. of peúyw; see peúyw. πήληξ, ηκος, f. A helmet. πῆ-μα, μᾶτος, ν. [πάσχα, "to sufier," through a root Y (found in a part. 1. aor. which occurs in Eschylus)] ("That which is suffered "; hence) Suffering, misery, woe. • 102 VOCABULARY. riage"] Having a bitter mar- sea;-at v. 183 Tλéwv is to riage.-N. B. The usual rend-be pronounced as one syllable ering is "miserably married"; [akin to Sans. root PLU, "to but the foregoing rendering swim, to navigate"]. seems to suit the context best, for none of the suitors had married Penelope. πνο-ή (Ep. πνοιή), ης, f. [for ve-; fr. πié-w, "to blow"] ("A blowing "; hence) Of the wind: A blast. tívat, ǎkos, m. ("A board or plauk "; hence) A wooden trencher or platter. πινόντων, Attic fur πῖν. Éтwσav, 3. pers. plur. pres. im- έτωσαν, perat. of πίνω. TVоns. Ep. and Ion. for πνοαῖς, dat. plur. of πνοή. πόδας, acc. plur. of πούς. πό - θεν, adv. interrog. Whence?-at v. 170 170 with follg. gen. [akin to Sans. pron. ka, "who, which "; cf. Ionic form ó-0εv]. TĭVũ-TÓS, TÝ, Tóv, adj. [prob. τόν, for πVU-TÓS, fr. πvéw, "to breathe; to have breath or soul," through root vu] που ποθ-έω -ώ, f. ποθήσω and (“ Having breath cr soul”; ποθήσομαι, p. πεπόθηκα, v. a. | hence) Wise, discreet, prud-[ról-us, "a longing"] To ent ; cf. πέ-πνῦ-μαι. entertain a longing for; to yearn for, long after. πi-vw, f. πíoμαι, р. Téяwкα, 2. aor. iov, v. a. To drink [roots mɩ and To, akin to Sans. roots Pî and Pâ," to drink "]. πλάγχθη, Ion. for ἐπλάγχθη, ¦ 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. pass. of πλάζω. 1. πόθι (Poet. for ποῦ), in- terrog, adv. Where? v. 170. 2. Tolí, euclitic adv.: 1. ποθί, Of time: Ener:-αΐ κέ ποθι, if ever, if at length, v. 379.— 2. To give indefiniteness to an expression: Haply, per- chance :-åλλá moli Zevs alt- :---ἀλλά ποθι ios, but haply Zeus is blame- able, v. 348. πλāšw, 1. aor. (Ion.) λάyga, πλάζω, πλάγξα, v. a. 1. Act.: To make, or cause, to wander; v. 75.-2. Pass.: πλάζομαι, 1. aor. Éπλáуxoŋv, fut. mid. in pass. force πλάγξομαι, (“Το made, or caused, to wander "; hence) To wander; v. 2. πλέω, f. πλεύσομαι, πλευσοῦ- that which is denoted by the , ποιέω - ὦ, f. ποιήσω, p. πε be¦ποίηκα, 1. aor. ἐποίησα, v. ii. : 1. To make.-2. With second Acc.: To make an object pai, and later πλ‹úσw, р. ñé-second Acc.; cf. 387. πλευκα, 1. aor. ἔπλευσα, v. n. | Of persons: To sail or sail moiéw. away; to take ship; to go by Tоiñσaι, 1. aor. inf. of ποιήσει ε(ν), Eolic for VOCABULARY. 103 Toihσaι, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. opt. of mоiew;-at v. 387 Tothσete(v) is used in the strict force of the opt. mood, i. e. to express a wish, which, however, πολλ-άκι (Ep. for πολλ- is uttered ironically. ἄκις), adv. [πολύς, πολλ-οῦ, ποιητοῖο ToiηTOîo Ion. for TomToû,"much," plur. "many"] Of masc. and fem. gen. sing. of time: At many times, often, ποιητός. frequently. πολλοί, ποιη-τός, τή, τόν, adj. [for ποιε-τός; fi. ποιέτω, make"] Made, constructed, etc. πολλῶν, masc. "tonom. and gen. plur. of woλús. πολλόν, Ion. for πολύ; see 2. πολύ. ποικίλος, ἴλη, ἴλον, adj. ("Many-coloured, mottled, dappled"; hence) Of a couch: 1. Covered with richly-worked cloths.-2. Inlaid, inwrought [akin to Sans. root PIC, adorn"; and so, literally, "adorned"]. to πolos, α, ov, adj. Of what sort or kind; what kind of, etc. 2. πoλά, adv. [adverbial moddá, neut. acc. plur. of moλús, "much"] Much, greatly, etc. v. 1. | wóλis, ios (Ep. nos), f. A eity :---πόλινδε (Ξ πόλιν, acc. sing.; dépós," to, towards"), to the city, v. 189; see 2. dé Lakin to Sans. pura, "a town or city "]. | 1. πολλά (by elision πόλλ'), neut. nom. and acc. plur. of πολύς. 1. Toλú, neut. nom. and acc. sing. of moλús. 2. Toλú, adv. [adverbial neut. of roλús, "much"] 1. 2. With Much, greatly. Comp. and Sup. adjectives : Much, far, by far. P Πόλυβος, ου, m. Polybos ; an Ithacan chieftain, the father of Eurýmachus. 33 πολ-υ-μήχαν-ος, ov, adj. πόλεμος, έμου, m. [prob. [πολύς, “ much ” ; in plur. for πάλ-εμος; fr. παλ, root of li many ; (v) connecting Tάλλw, "to brandish, hurl," vowel; unxar-ý, in force of etc.] ("A brandishing or hurl-"device, contrivance"]("Hav- ing" of weapons; hence) War. ing many devices or πόληος ; see πόλις. trivances ; hence) Of many πόλινδε; see πόλις. counsels, ever ready. con- πολ-ύς, πολ-λή, πολύ, adj. Much ; Plur. Many. - As Subst. : a. πολλοί, ῶν, 112. plur. Many persons or men; many.-b. Todλά, ŵv, n. plur. πολλά, Many things. Comp.: πλέων, or Tλeiwv; Sup.: πλείων; λOTOS [akin to pur-us, "much, many "]. Sans. در 104 VOCABULARY. πολύ-τρη-τος, Tov, adj. [Toλú (adv.), "much"; Tpq, [πολύ a root of obsol. Tpáw (= TE- Tрaívw), "to pierce, perforate"] τραίνω), ("Much pierced or perforated''; hence) Having many holes, full of holes; porous. πολύ-τροπ-03, οι, adj. [for πολύ-τρεπ-ος; fi. πολύ (adv.), "much"; тρéπ-w, "to turu"] ("Much-turned"; hence) Much-travelled, much- wandering-that this is the meaning at v. 1 is clear from the context, which has refer- ence to the wanderings of Ulysses after he left Troy. The word has, also, an act. force, "much turning"; hence, "wily, versatile "; but for the reason assigned above it does not bear this meaning in the passage in questiou. Ποσειδάων ; see Ποσειδῶν. Ποσειδῶν, ῶνος (Ep. Пoσeidäwv, wvos), m. Poseidon or Poseidãon (the Latin Neptune), god of the sea, and father of the Cyclops Polyphemus. Like Athene, or Minerva, Poseidon espoused the side of the Greeks at the siege of Troy. ποσί (Ep. ποσσί, ν. 96), dat. plur. of noús; v. 131. 1. πό-σις, σῖος, i. A hus- band; vv. 15, 363 [akin to Sans. pa-ti, "a lord, master"]. | 2. πό-σις, σῖος, f. [πο, a root of wivw, "to drink "] ("A drinking"; hence) Drink; vv. 150, 191. Πολύ-φημ-ος, ου, 1. [πολύ (adv.), "inuch"; pnu-l, "to speak "] (In pass. force, "One much spoken of"; hence, "One fainous or renowned"; -in act. force, "One speak- ing much or greatly"; hence, "One with mighty voice") Polyphemus; see Κύκλωψ, no. 1, b.-At v. 70 Пoλúpnμov (acc.) ought, strictly speaking, to be in the gen., Пoλupnμov, in apposition to KúkλwTos in preceding line. But a word which is in apposition to a subst. to which ટી relative pron. refers is sometimes put ποσσί; sue πυσί. 1. πό-τε (before a રી soft vowel ró-r'),interrog. particle, At what time? when? [akin to Sans. ka-s, "who ? cf. Ion. form xó-TE]. 2. Tо-TÉ, euclitic particle, At some time, at any time ; formerly, once [id.]. πότνια (before a vowel by attraction in the case of such relative pron. Thus, in the present instance, instead of Пoλupnμou in apposition to Kúkλwros, we find Пoλúpnuov in apposition to the relative pron. ὅν. TÓνTOS, OU, m. The sea. πόποι, adv. An exclama- tion of anger, surprise, or shame: Strange! shame! VOCABULARY. 105 revered, venerable, etc. C Tóτvi'), fem. adj. August, | To foretell;-at v. 37 in thesis, πρό οἱ εἴπομεν. προθύροιο, Ion. for προ- θύρου, gun. of πρόθυρον. πρό-θυρ-ον, ου, 1. [πρό, before, in front "; Ovp-a, a door"] ("That which is before the door"; hence) Sing. and Plur.: The door- way, the front door, of a house, etc. πρό-κειμαι, f. προ-κείσομαι, v. mid. [πpó, "before, in front of"; keiμai, "to lie "] (“To lie before, or in front of," a person," etc.; hence) Of food, dishes, etc. To be set before a person, etc.; to be placed, or set, on table. TоTOTO, lon. for TоTоû, gen. sing. of ποτόν ; see ποτός, πο-τός, τή, τόν, adj. [πο, a root of ivw, "to drink"] πίνω, That is drunk, for drinking.— As Subst. TOтóv, où, n. That which is drunk, drink. : 1. ποῦ, interrog. adv. Where? [fr. same root as 1. πό-τε; see πότε]. 2. TOú, enclitic adv.: 1. Somewhere.-2. To qualify an expression: In any wise, possibly, perhaps, perchance [id.]. πούς, ποδ-ός, TOÚS, Tod-ós, m. ("The going thing "; hence) A foot [for Tód-s; akin to Sans. pád, πόδις or pad, "a foot," fr. root PAD, προ-πάροιθε, adv. [πρό, "before," prefixed to a word "to go"; cf. Lat. pes, pěd-is; | of corresponding force to also, English foot]. strengthen its meaning; pо- πρίατο, Ion. for ἐπρϊᾶτο, πάροιθε, “before, in front”] 3. pers sing. 1. aor. ind. of With Gen.: Before, in front ὠνέομαι. : Tρív, adv. and conj.: 1. Adv. Before that time; ere that, first. 2. Conj. Before that;-at v. 210 in combination with Inf. J πρó, adv.: 1. Of place : Be- fore, in front.-2. Of time: Before, beforehand, pre- viously. πро-εìπоν, 2. nor. without pres., v. n. [pó, "before" in time; elmov, "to say "] ("To say before or beforehand "; hence) With Dat. of person: Tρós, prep. gov. gen., dat., and acc.; but in this book only acc.: 1. To, towards.— 2. With verbs implying pre- vious motion: Against, upon. προσ-αυδάω -αυδῶ, imperf. núdaov, núdwv, v. a. [πрós, [πρός, to"; avdáw, "to speak"] 1. With Acc. of person and Acc. of thing: To speak something to one; to accost one with.- 2. With Acc. of person: To speak to, address, accost. προσέειπε ν), Εp. for προσ- CL 106 VOCABULARY. EITE, 3. pers. sing. of mpoo- εἶπον. προσ- πρώτῃσι, Ion. for πρώταις, fem dat. plur. of πрŵτоs. π πрŵтоя, п, ov, superl. adj. [contracted fr. mрóăros, syn- copated fr. #ρó-Tαтos; fr. πрó, πρό, before," in time; with superl. suffix TǎTos] ("Most before" in place, rank, etc.; hence) 1. First, foremost, in place, time, order, rank:-ἐν πρώτῃσι θύρῃσιν, in the foremost, i. e.) outer- most doors, v. 255.-2. The first that; the first to do, etc., a thing; v. 113, where or πρότῖθεν, Ep. for προὐτῖ-|the us of πρῶτος is made long Deσav (πроεTibeσav), 3. pers. before following word de, θεσάν (= προετίθεσαν), plur. imperf. ind. of πроtionμ. which takes the digamma. προ-τίθημι, f. προ-θήσω, ° Comp.: πρότερος. προσ-εῖπον, 2. aor. without a pres., v. a. [πpós, "to"; εἶπον, "to speak"] To speak to, address, accost. πρоσéon, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. of πρόσφημι. Tроoηúda, contr. 3. pers. sing. imperf. iud. of πрoσ αυδάω. poσ πрóσ-onμɩ, 2. aor. έφην, [πρός, épny, v. a. [тpós, "to"; onμí, "to speak"] To speak to; to address. 66 - "C 66 a 1.aor. προὔθηκα (=προ-έθηκα); πτερό-εις, εσσα, ev, adj. v. a. [πρό, “ before ”; τίθημι, |[πτερόν,(uncontr. gen.)πτερό- "to place or set "] To place, os, a wing"]("Abounding or set, before a person. in TTEрóv"; hence) Winged; πρόχο-ος, ου, f. [for πρόχε- f. [for mрóxe--at v. 122 applied in os; fr. πpoxé-w, "to pour forth figurative sense to words = or out " ("That which pours rapid. forth or out"; hence) A pitcher, ewer, for pouring water upon the hands. πτολί-εθρον, έθρου, n. (dim. only in form) [πtóλIS, πtóxi- Os, "a city"] A city. πτύξας, ασα, αν, Ρ. 1. aor. tr CC πτύσσω, f. πτύξω, 1. aor. πρώθ-ηβ-ος, η, ov, adj. [for πρώτ-ηβ-os; fr. πρῶτος, of πτύσσω. first"; B⋅n, ἥβη, youth"] ("Pertaining to first, or ear-πтуğα, v. a. To fold; to fold, liest, youth"; hence) In the bloom, or flower, of youth. or double, up. πрŵта (also та πρŵтα), sup. adv. [adverbial neut. plur. of πρῶτος, "first"] In the first place, first of all, first. πύθω, f. πίσω, 1. aor. ἔπυσα, v. a. 1. To make to rot, to rot.-2. Pass.: miloµai, (" To be made to rot"; hence) Of boues as Subject: To rot, to be rotling ;-at v. 161 πüßeтαι VOCABULARY, 107 has a neut. nom. plur. (oσréa) | negative adv., with which it for its Subject [akin to Sans. is sometimes combined. root PÛY, "to become putrid, to putrefy"]. << ές, TUкa, adv. [adverbial acc. plur. of obsol. TÕKÓS = TVIVós, 'thick, firm "] Thickly, firmly, solidly. πυκ-ϊ-μηδ-ής, [obsol. TUK-ós" ( = πUK-vós), "close"; μnd-os, "counsel"] ("Pertaining to close counsel"; hence) Close in mind, etc. ; cautious, shrewd. adj. * 1. Tŵs, interrog. adv. In what way? how? [akin to Sans. kas, "who?". 2. Tws, enclitic adv.: 1. In some way, somehow, by some means, by any means. 2. Somehow or other, for some reason or other [id.]. p; see þá. pá (before a vowel p'), enclitic particle; Ep. for ǎpa; see ǎpa. ῥέζω, f. ῥέξω, 1. aor. ἔῤῥεξα, Of sacrifices as Object: v. a. : 1. To do, perform.—2. To perform, offer, etc.; v. 61. peia (by elision pet'), Ep. for sea; adv. [fr. the base of an obsol. adj. ¿ñïs or pâïs pádios, "easy"] Easily. Ῥεῖθρον, ου, ». [ῥεῖθρου, stream"] Reithron; a port, or harbour, of Ithaca. skin, of an animal. pīvós, où, m. The hide, or ῥύομαι, f. ῥύσομαι, 1. aor. ¿ppūσăuny, v. mid. (“To draw to one's self"; hence) To rescue, save, deliver. in a πυκιν-ως, adv. [πυκῖν-ός, in force of "wise, prudent"] ("After the manner of the TUKIVÓS"; hence) Wisely, πυκινός prudently; wise or prudent way. Πύλος, ου, ov, f. (and m.) Pylos; a district of Triphylia, in Peloponnesus, of which Nestor was king. πv(v)ð-ávoµai, f. Tevσoμal, p. πέπυσμαι, 2. aor. ἐπυθόμην, v. mid. irreg.: 1. To learn by asking, to inquire about; v. 94, where the fut. part. denotes a CC purpose": for the purpose of, etc. 2. With Gen. To hear of, learn tid- ings of; v. 281:-for force of fut. part. see no. 1, above.-3. Alone: To hear, understand [root rue, akin to Sans. root BUDA, "to understand "]. : πώ, , enclitic particle, Upwise Samos (now Samo); the to this time, as yet, ever ;— name, in Homer, of the island always in connexion with a of Cephallenia (now “Cephal- << a oá (before a vowel σ'), ace. neut. plur. of oós; v. 356. Σăun, ns, f. Samë, other- 108 VOCABULARY. onia"), from its chief city, which bore the same name. árvoμi, "to scatter," through root σked] A scattering. σκίδ-νᾶμαι (almost entirely confined to pres. and imperf. tenses), v. pass. [akin to oked- "to scatter"] Of several persons: To be scatter- ed; to disperse; v. 274. σκϊ-όεις, όεσσα, οεν, adj. σε-αυτοῦ, αυτής, αυτοῦ (only |[σκῖ· ά, “ shade ”] (“Full of, in sing. number), (contr. or abounding in, okiά; hence) σαυτοῦ, σαυτῆς, σαυτοῦ), re- |Of an abode, clamber, etc.: flexive pron. of 2. person [σú, Dark. "thou or you"; avтoû, gen. of autós, "self"] Of thyself or yourself, etc. εον, σέγ᾽ = σέ γε ; v. 386. σῆμα, ἄτος, n. (“ A sign or mark"; hence, "the sign or mark by which a grave is known"; hence) A sepulchral mound, or barrow, over દી person's burial-place. σïdńp-eos, éα, eov, adj. σιδήρ-εος, [σidnp-os, “iron"] ("Of, or belonging to, ridnpos"; hence) Made of iron, iron-. σίδηρος, ου, i. Iron. σîTOS, OU, m. (irreg. plur. σîτα,wv, n.) (“Wheat, grain"; hence, "flour, meal"; hence) 1. Bread as opp. to meat. - 2. Food, victuals, provisions in general. m. My σìwπý, îs, f.: 1. Silence.- σιωπή, 2. Adverbial dat.: owry, In silence, silently ;-this is the only form of the word found in Homer. σαυτῆς, fem. gen. of σεαυ- τοῦ; see σεαυτοῦ. CC σă¢-a, Poet. for aap-ws, adv. [σαφ-ής, “ clear, plaiu”]|άννυμι, Clearly, plainly, distinctly. oé (before a vowel σ'), acc. sing. of ou. σοί, dat. sing. of σύ. σoîs, masc. dat. plur. of σός. σoto, Ion. for σoîs; see σοῖς. σóv, neut. nom. and acc. sing. of oós. σ-ós, ʼn, óv, adj. [σ-ú, “ thou or you" Thy, thine; your, yours:—τὰ σ᾿ αὐτῆς ἔργα, (those thy works of thyself; i. e.) those thine own works, v. 356. Here the possessive Gen. auris is in apposition to the possessive pron. σ', i. e. σá; see aùrós. In some editions the reading is тà σautîs ĕpya, where oauris is fem. gen. of flesh-reflexive pron. σavтoû=σeaV- Toû.-For remark on déμarı σoîow, v. 402, see éós, no. 2. Σπάρτη, ης, f. Sparta (otherwise called Lacedæmon), the capital city of Laconia, a state of S. Greece on the Pelo- ponnesus (now the Morea):- σκέδασις, ἅσῖος, f. [σπεδ- Σπάρτηνδε (i. e. iec. Σπάρτην, VOCABULARY. 109 and dé = πрós; see 2. dé), to | acc.sing.;—plur. nom. σTĭXES, Sparta; v 285. acc. σTixas, fr. an στίχας, obsol. Σπάρτηνδε; see Σπάρτη. subst. στίξ (= στίχος), of σπέος, εος ous (coutr. and which other cases than those poet. dat. plur. σréoσi), n. A above mentioned are not cave, cavern, grotto. found [oreixw, "to walk, [στείχω, σπόγγοισι, Ion. σπόγγοις, |march,” through rout στιχ] dat. plur. of onbyyos. ("That which walks σπόγγος, σTÓуYOS, Oυ, m. A sponge. marches"; hence) Of soldiers, στα-θ-μός, μοῦ, 1. [ἵστημι, \ etc.: 4 rank, file, rou, etc. in neut. tenses) "to stand"] "That which stands "; hence) A bearing-pillar of a room or house. 01 στυγ-ερός, ερά, ερόν, adj. [σTUY-éw, "to hate "] 1. Hated, abominated.-2. Hate- ful, abominable. σrain, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. opt. of ἵστημι. σrás, âoa, áv, P. 2. aor. of ἵστημι. (strengthened form of σTevăx-w, and found only in pres. and imperf.), v. a. To bewail, or lament, much or deeply. σTη, lon. for eσrn, 3. pers. sing. of ěσrny, 2. aor. ind. of ἵστημι. σrevăɣ-īļw στενάχ-ΐζω >> σύ, σοῦ (plur. ὑμεῖς, ὑμῶν), pron. pers. Thou, you;-the gen., dat., and acc. sing. are used also enclitically [akin to Sans. yu-shmad). σúv (§úv), prep. with dat. only: With; together or a- long with. σύνθετο, Ion. for συνέθετο, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. mid. of ovvτionμ. σύν-ίημι (and ξύν-ΐημι), f. σύν-ήσω aud σῦν.ήσομαι, p. συν-εῖκα, 1. που, σύν·ῆκα, v. a. [our, "together"; Inui, "to send"] ("To send, or bring, together"; hence, with refer- ence to the mind or mental powers) Το perceive, hear, understand. στήθεσσιν, Poet. for στήθη eot, dat. plur. of orĥlos. στnlos, eos ous, n.: 1. The breast.-2. Plur.: The breast as the seat of mental emotion, etc.; the heart. >> στιβ-αρός, ἄρή, ἄρόν, adj. [OTELBw, "to tread upon [στείβω, hence, "" to press close, συν-τίθημι, f. συν-θήσω, through root στίβ] (“ Pressed | 2. aor. συν-έθην, v. a. [σύν, close"; hence) Strong, stout, "together"; Tienu, “to put"] sturdy. To put, or place, together.- στίχας ; sec στίχος. Mid.: συν-τίθεμαι, 2. aor. στίχ-ος, gen., iud στίχα ! σύν-εθέμην, (“ Τo put together and C To IIO VOCABULARY. for one's self"; hence) To | observe, notice, take heed of; v. 328. σφάζω, f. σφάξω, 1. aor. čopaşa, v. a. To slaughter, slay, kill [akin to Sans. root KSHAD, to carve, slaugh- ter "]. "C T; SCO TÉ. Tά, neut. nom. and acc. plur. of 2. 8, n, Tó, whether as relative or demonstrative. Os. ταλασί-φρων, φρονος, adj. [for τἅλασί-φρεν; apparently σφέτερα, ων; see σφέ- | from τάλᾶσις,ταλάοι·ος (found TEPOS. only as a simple word in late σφετέρῃσι(ν), Ion. for σφε- Greek), "boldness" ; φρήν, Tépais, dat. plur. of σpéтep- opev-ós, "miud"] (" Pertain- σφέτερ- ing to boldness of mind "; σφέ-τερος, τέρα, Tepov, hence) Stout-hearted, courage- possess. pron. [opeîs, opé-wvous, spirited, brave.-The first (plur. of reflexive pron. o; member of this word is com- see 4. où), "themselves "] monly assigned to rλáw, “to ("Of, or belonging to, opeîs"; bear," through root Taλ. If hence) Their own, their.- this be right, then art must ao As Subst.: opéтepа, wv, n. be held as forming a link plur. Their own property, or between the two parts; and their own abodes; v. 271. for this no authority can be σonσ(v), Ion. for opas, produced. σφῇσι(ν), fem. dat. plur. of σpós. σφί, σφί(ν), εpocopated forms of opioi(v), dat. plur. of reflexive prou. où; 4. où. ! τάδε (before a vowel τάδ'), neut. nom. and acc. plur. of öde. tăµ-in, ins, f. [Ion. for ταμεία; fr. τέμνω, “to cut,” through root raµ] ("A cut- seeter "; hence, in reference to cutting up food for distribu- tion to the household, etc.) housekeeper, housewife. τἄν-ὕω, f. τανύσω, 1. aor. ètárvoa, Ep. êtávvooa, v. a. : To spread, stretch, extend. -2. To stretch out, lay along [akin to Sans. root TAN, spread"]. A "to TáTE = Tá, neut. acc. plur. of rel. ; and ré; see 2. d, ¿ no. 2. ταῦθ᾽, ταῦτ᾽; see ταῦτα, CL σp-ós, n, óv, pron. poss. [for opé-os; fr. opeîs, opé-wv, they, they themselves"] ("Of, or belonging to, opeîs"; hence) Their, theirs, belong-1. ing to them, their own. oxóμevos, n, ov, P. 2. aor. mid. of exw. σχών, οὖσα, όν, Ρ. 2. aor. of ἔχω. VOCABULARY. III Taûpos, ov, m. ("The great, or strong, animal") A bull [akin to Saus. sthur-a or sthul-a, "great, strong"; whence sthaur-in, "a strong horse"]. Taûra (before a soft vowel ταῦτ᾽, before an aspirated vowel тave'), nom. and acc. neut. plur. of ouros. TaÚTηs, fem. gen. sing. of οὗτος, • • • M Téke, Ion. for ěteкe, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. iud. of TikTw. τέκ-νον, νου, 1. [τίκτω, “to beget"; also, "to bear," through root TEK] ("That which is begotten; that which is born"; hence) A child, whether actually or term of affection. Τάφιοι, ων ; see Τάφος, Tădos, ov, f. Taphos (now Meganisi); the principal is- land of the Taphiæ or Tele- boïdes, a group of several small islands off the western coast of Greece. Hence, Ταφίοι, ων, m. plur. The men of Taphos, the Taphii. as ધ્ર pres. τελέεσθαι, uncontr. τελέω. inf. pass. of Teλéw. τελευτ-άω -ῶ, f. τελευτήσω, p. τετελεύτηκα, 1. aor. ἐτελ εύτησα, v. a. [τελευτ-ή, “an end"] To bring to an end to finish, accomplish. ; τάχ-α (before a vowel τάχ), adv. [Tax-ús, "quick"] 1. Quickly, soon, forthwith.- 2. Sup. TǎxiσTа, Most speed- ily, with all speed. τελε Tǎɣισтα, suр. adv.; τάχα. T', '), τελ-ευτή, ευτῆς, f. [τελ-έω, "to finish"] A finishing, end- seeing, accomplishment :—TEX- ευτὴν ποιῆσαι, (to make an Té (before a soft vowel accomplishment =) to accom- before an aspirated vowel plish, i. e. her marriage, v. 249; conj. 4nd:-τέ . . . τέ (καί), supply αὐτοῦ = TÉ. γάμου; see both and :—Té. . . dé, preceding context. both and, v. 12 [like τελ-έω -ῶ ( Ep. τελ-είω), f, Lat. que, akin to Sans. cha, TEXÉow, Attic TEAŵ, P. TE- "and"]. τέλεκα, 1. aor. ἐτέλεσα, Ep. ἐτέλεσσα, v. a. [τέλ-ος, “ end"] (" To bring to an end or issue"; hence) To fulfil, complete, accomplish.—Pass.: τελ-έομαι -οῦμαι (Ep. τελ- CC an τέγ-ος, εος ους, 1. [another form of σréy-os, fr. σréy-w, "to cover"]("A covering thing "; hence) A hall, room, chamber. Téovηke(v), 3. pers. sing. perf. ind. of evńokw. Telvηús, vía, ós, Ep. for тeOvηкús, P. perf. of evńσкw. Teípw (found only in pres. and imperf.), v. a. ("To rub, rub away"; hence) To vex, afflict, distress. I 12 VOCABULARY. Teµéơn, ns, f. Těměsë; an ancient city on the W. coast of Bruttium, a country in the extreme S. of Italy. if fr. a pres. act. riée, "to make sorrowful"; with one exception (viz. τετίησθον, 2. pers. dual, Iliad 8, 445) found only in part. TETIηuévos, Made sorrowful; i. e. sorrowful, sorrowing, mourning ;-at v. 114 folld. by Acc. of "Re- spect." TEOîσ(v), Ion. for Teoîs, neut. dat. plur. of Teós; v. 295. τετιημένος, η, ον; see τετίη- μαι. τεός, ή, όν, Dor. and Ep. for σός ; see σός. τέρποντο, Ion. for ἐτέρποντο, 3. pers. plur. imperf. ind. mid. of τέρπω. TETÚXoaι, perf. pass. inf. of τεύχω. TEV (euclitic), Ion. for Tiós, gen. sing. of indef. pron. Tis. τέρπω, f. τέρψω, 1. aor. τεύχω, f. τεύξω, 1. aor. ĔtepŸa, v. a.: 1. Act.: a. To črevča, v. a.: 1. Act.: a. To please, delight, gladden.-b. make, produce.-b. To bring Alone: To give delight or about; v. 277.-2. Pass.: pleasure; v. 347.-2. Mid.: τεύχομαι, p. τέτυγμαι, 1. aor. τέρπομαι, 1. aor. ἐτέρφθην, ἐτύχθην, 3. fut. τετύξομαι, 2. aor. Ep. éтapróμny, and, ("To be produced "; hence) with reduplication throughout To arise, happen, exist, be; all moods, тетαрпóμпν: а. Tо v. 391. please one's self; to take pleasure or delight.-b. To enjoy one's self; to be merry; to make merry;-at v. 369 теряάμеðα (1. рers. plur. subj.) is the Subjunctivus Adhorta- tivus, used as a modified im- perative: suppose we make merry; let us be merry or enjoy ourselves; see кavéÇo- μαι ;-at V. 310 the part. TетаρTÓμEVOS is folld. by Acc. of "Respect." T εíομaι), P. TETÉλeσuaι, 1. aor. ÉTÉλÉσOηv, 1. fut. Teλeo σομαι. Tn, fem. dat. sing. of 8, 1, ró, whether as dem. or rel. TEтaρTÓµEvos, n, ov, P. 2. aor. mid. of réρπш. TETíquaι, Ep. perf. pass. as I TĤYE = Tîì, fem. dat. sing. of 8, demonstr.; and yé; v. 331. (* re- τηλε-κλυτός, κλῦτόν, adj. [Tλe, "afar "”; Kλŭtós, | κλῦτός, nowned"] Renowned afar, far-famed. Τηλέμαχ', by elision for Tnλéuaxe, voc. of Tηλéμăxos. Τηλέμαχ-ος, ου, m. [fr. τηλεμάχους, fighting from afar," with the accent chang- el to the antepenultima for the purpose of distinction] (6 VOCABULARY. 113 ("One fighting from afar ") the mind "; hence) To inspire Telemachus; the Soll of with.-2. Mid.: ri-0e-uai, f. Odusseus and Pěnělopë. Onσouai, 1. aor. (only in ind. τηλίκος, η, ον, adj. (“Ofj and part.) ἐθηκάμην, 2. aor. such an age"; hence) So 20éμny, To put, or place, as young; v. 297. one's own act lengthened τηλóð', by elision for rηλó-and strengthened from root Oe, akin to Sans. root DHÂ, θεο Tηλó-be´v), adv. [obsol. "to put "]. adj. rnλós, uncontr. Tλó-os, far off"; τηλό-ος, 0€(v) = èk, “from"] 1. From far off, from afar.—2. = tîλe, Afar, far off; v. 22. Tv, fem. acc. sing. of 8, , ǹ, gen. τίκτω, f. τέξω and τέξομαι, suffix | p. τέτοκα, 2. aor. ἔτεκον, V. a. Of a mother: To bear, bring forth [root TEK, akin to Sans. root TAKSH, "to fabricate, form, make"; whence Sans. T6, whether as demonstrative tok-a, "offspring i.w, "to "]. rî-µń, µñs, f. [Ti-w, honour" ("That which hon- ours"; hence) 1. Honour, esteem, respect.-2. Rank, dignity. or relative. Tývde (before a vowel rýv8'), fem. acc. sing. of 8de. Tĥode, fem. gen. sing. of ὅδε. 1. Tɩ, neut. nom. and acc. sing. of Ts, indefinite; and, also, in adverbial force; see τιμή-εις, εσσα, ey, adj. [Tiun, (uncontr. gen.) Tin- Os, "honour"]("Full of Tiμń"; hence) 1. Of persons: 2. Tí, neuter of Tís, inter-Prized, honoured, esteemed. rogative; used adverbially, 2. Of things: TIS. Prized, Why? wherefore? precious, costly, valuable. Tives, mase and fem. nom. plur. of interrog. pron. 7ĺs. τίπτε (before a vowel τίπτ'), [contr. fr. Tí-TOTE; i. e. Tí, "why"; TOTE, used in "intensive" force] Why ever; why in the world. 1. TIS, TI (Gen. Twós), pron. indef. Some, any.-As Subst. m. Some one, any one ;- Plur.: Some persons, some. Neut. T, joined adverbially 1 Tíe(v), Ion. for ĔTIE(v), 3. pers. imperf. ind. of Tíw. τι-θη-μι, f. θήσω, p. τέθεικα, 1. aor. (found only in indica-adv. tive mood) čeŋía, 2. aoг. čľný, ἔθηκα, ἔθην, v. a.: 1. Act.: a. Locally: To put, place, etc.-b. With Acc. of thing and Dat. of person: To assign, award, give some- thing to one; to bestow some- thing on one ; v. 223.-c. With evì Ovμ: ("To put in Odys. Book 1. 114 VOCABULARY. to verbs: In some degree, somewhat; in any degree, at all. 2. Tís, Ti (Gen. Tívos), pron. τίς, τί interrog. Who? what?-for Tí in adverbial force see 2. Tí. -As Subst. m.: Who? what person?-Plur.: What per-clitic. sons? who? *C Ti-ols, σews, f. [Ti-w, "to pay"]("A paying"; hence, payment "; hence) With Gen. of person: Retribu- | tion, or vengeance, for or on account of; v. 40. τίω, f. τίσω, 1. aor. ἔτῖσα,]άρα; fi. l. τοί, v. a. To pay honour to a person; to honour. Tó, neut. nom. and acc. sing. of d, ǹ, Tó, whether demon- strative or relative. 2. Tóde (by elision Tód'), as adv.; see öde. 1. To, enclitic particle, Doubtless, surely, verily, in truth. 2. Toí, Ion. and Ep. for roí, dat. sing. of σú;-always en- Tλaíns, 2. pers. sing. 2. aor. τλαίης, opt. of τλάω. Toto, lon. for tou, mase. gen. sing. of d, η, tó. τοῖον ; see τοῖος. 2. Tháw (pres. found only in late writers), f. Tλnooμaι, p. (as present) Tétλŋkа, 2. aor. ἔτλην, V. : 1. To bear, Toîos, a, ov, adj.: 1. Such ; suffer, undergo. 2. With of such a kind or sort. -2. Inf.: To dare, or venture, to Adverbial neut.: Tolov, So, do, etc.-3. Alone: To hold | so much, so very, very :—Oaµà out, endure, be patient, sub-roîov, very frequently; v. 209. mit; v. 288, where Tλains is 3. As a correlative to olos: folld. by Acc. of " Duration of Such as; v. 257.-4. Time" [akin to Sans. root Most commonly in Homer TUL, "to lift"]. without a correlative, and referring to something, etc., before: Such as is, etc., said,etc. τοιός-δε, τοιά-δε, τοιόν-δε, dem. pron. (correlative to los) [Toios, “such "; enclitic Sé] Such, of such a kind; v. 371, where it implies excellent." CC SO Tóye (before a vowel róy'), neut. nom. and acc. sing. of ὅγε. 3. Tol, Ion. and Ep. for oi, masc. nom. plur. of ô, η, Tó, demonstrative. Tоlavтa, neut. nom. and τοιαῦτα, acc. plur. of TOLOÛTOS; see, also, TOLOÛTos. τοιοῦτος. τοι-γ-άρ, Tou-y-áp, adv. [for rut-ye- "doubtless"; yé, “indeed "; ăpa, " then "] ("Doubtless then indeed" hence) 1. So then, therefore, accordingly.—2. Wherefore. 1. Tóde, neut. nom. and acc. sing. of ode. • VOCABULARY. 115 : τοιοῦδ᾽, by elision for τοι- oûde, masc. gen. sing. of To- όσδε ; v. 371. τοιοῦτος, τοιαύτη, τοιοῦτο (Gen.: TOLOÚTOU, TOLαúrns, τοιούτου, τοιαύτης, τοιούτου ; Dat. : τοιούτῳ, τοι- αύτῃ, τοιούτῳ, etc.), dem. pron. Of such kind, nature, or quality; such.-As Subst.: τοιαῦτα, ων, TоLaûтa, wv, n. plur. Such, or such like, things. Tоîσɩ(v), Ion. and Poet. for Toîs, masc. and neut. dat. plur. of 8, ǹ, Tó, whether de- monstr. or rel. | Tok-eús, éws, m. [for TEK- Eús; fr. TĺKTW, (of a father) "to beget," through root TEK] (A "begetter "; hence) A father; -Plur.: Parents, i. e. both father and mother; v. 170. TokĤes, Ion. for TоKées, nom. plur. of τοκεύς. τολύπευσε(ν), Ion. for e- TOλUTEVσE(V), 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. iud. of τολύπεύω. τολύπ-εύω, f. τολυπεύσω, 1. aor. ἐτολύπευσα, V. [τολύπη, "clew or ball" of wool wound up and ready for spinning] ("To make into a clew or ball; to wind off" carded wool; hence) To wind up, finish, put an end to, etc. Tóv, mase. acc sing. of ó, n, Tó, whether as demonstrative or relative. τόξον, ευ, 1. 4 bow. τοπάροιθε(ν) (now mostly written as two words, Tò náp- οιθε(ν); see v. 322), adv. Before in time; formerly, in time past. τόνδε (before a vowel τόνδ'), masc. acc. sing, of ö♪e. τόσον (Ep. τόσσον), adv. [adverbial neut. of róoos, "so much"] With Verbs and Ad- verbs: So much, so very, so greatly; cf. v. 62. τόσος (Ep. τόσσος), η, ον, adj.: 1. Of degree: So much.- 2. Of number: So many.—3. Of size, etc.: So great, so large, etc. τόσσον ; see τόσον. ; TÓTE (before a soft vowel Tór', before an aspirated vowel Tóð'), adv. At that time, then. Tou, mase. and neut. gen. sing. of 8, n, Tó, whether as relative or demonstrative. τοῦδε (before a vowel τοῦδ᾽), masc. and neut. gen. sing, of ὧδε. TOús, masc. acc. plur. of 5, a., Tó, whether as demonstr, or rel. I 2 τοῦτο (before a soft vowel ToÛT'); see ouтos. TOÚTOLOL(V), masc. and neut. dat. plur. of o&tos. TOÚT, masc. and neut. dat. sing. of ouros ;—at v. 350 dat. sing. of ouros as Subst. τρ-ά-πεζα, πέζης, f. [prob. snortened fi, τετρ-ά-πεζα, i. e. τετρ-ά-πεδ-σα=τετρ-ά-ποδ-σα; 116 VOCABULARY. (C fr. Térp (in composition for | Act.: ("To wear out"; hence) τέτταρ-ες), four"; (a) con- Of property, Of property, etc., as Object: necting vowel; TOús, Tod-ós, To waste, consume, devour, "a foot"]("A thing with eat up; v. 248.-2. Pass.: four feet"; hence) A four-тρйxоμаι, p. (borrowed fr. footed table; a table in gen- трúш) тÉтрνµµai: Mentally: eral. ("To be worn out, exhausted" τρέπω, f. τρέψω, p. τέτροφα | etc.; hence) Το be grieved, and Téтpapa, 2. aoг. ěтрăπоv, vexed, distressed, etc.; v. 288. v. a. : 1. Act.: To turn.-2. Tpŵ-es, wv, m. plur. [Tpús, Τρωός, Tros," an ancient Phrygian king, the mythic founder of Troy] ("The people of Tros"; i. e.) The Trojans. Mid. : τρέπομαι, f. τρέψομαι, 1. aor. έτρεψάμην, 2. aor. ẻтрañóµпν, To turn or betake one's self. τρέφω, f. θρέψω, p. τέτραφα and Téтpopa, v. a. To nourish; to nurse, rear. | tpeŸăμevos, n, ov, P. 1. aor. mid. of τρέπω. τρητοῖσι, Ion. for τρητοῖς, neut. dat. plur. of Tρητós. CC tfūɣw, f. тpúkw, v. a. : τύμβος, ου, m. ("The place where a dead body is burnt"; hence) A mound heaped over the ashes of the dead; a barrow, etc. τυτθός, όν (later τυτθός, ή, óv), adj. 1. Little, small.- : τρη-τός, τή, τόν, adj. [τρη, | 2. Young. a root of obsol. τράω (found in f. τph-ow, 1. aor. čтрn-dual of 8, ǹ, Tó, whether as oa, tenses assigned to re- demonstr. or rel. τραίνω, Tpa-ívw, trisyll.), "to bore through; to pierce"] (" Bored through, pierced "; hence) Of couches: 1. Inlaid.-2. With holes, through which the cords of the couch were drawn. -N.B. The word has each of the above meanings assigned to it by various writers. | Tpoín (Ion. for Tpoía), ns, f. Troy; a city of Asia Minor, which the Greeks took B.C. 1184, after a siege of ten years. 1. Tú, masc. and neut. nom. 2. T (enclitic), for Tv, masc. dat. sing. of 1. TIS. 3. T, masc. dat. sing. of 8, n, Tó, whether as demonstr. or rel. | 4. To, adv. [adverbial neut. dat. sing. of &, ĥ, Tó] On this account. T@v, masc. and neut. gen. plur. of d, ½, tó, whether as demonstr. or rel. ὑβρ-ίζω, f. ὑβρίσω, p. ὕβρε ῖκα, 1. aor. ὕβρίσα. v. a. [ὕβρε | ɩs, in force of "wantonness "] 1. VOCABULARY. 117 CC To act with ußpis"; hence) To wax wanton, run riot, whether in regard to superior strength and power or to sensual indulgence. vẞpis, ews (Ep. ios), f. Wantonness, insolence, riot- ousness. ὑγρή, ἧς ; see ὑγρός. vy-pós, pá, póv, adj. Wet, moist, fluid.-As Subst.: vypá, ᾶς (Ion. ὑγρή, ῆς), f. (sc. ἅλς οι θάλασσα) The moist (sea), the sea; v. 97 [akin to Sans. root UKSH, "to sprinkle"; and so, literally, "sprinkled"]. ὕδωρ, ἄτος, 11. Water. N.B. At v. 110 the & is long; at v. 146, short [akin to Sans. udan, "water"]. ὑμός, ή, όν, Ep. and Dor. for vuéтepos. ůπăтos, n, ov, sup. adj. [for iπéρTǎTOS] (Locally: "High- est, uppermost "; hence) In rank, power, etc.: Highest, most exalted ;-at vv. 45, 81 with a Partitive Gen., or Gen. of "Thing Distributed." Vπéμeve, 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of úñоμévш. ůπéμνησε(v), 3. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind. of ὑπομιμνήσκω. Vπéρ, preр.: 1. With Gen. : a. Over, above.-b. Beyond, above, higher up than.-c. On behalf, or account, of; for.- 2. With Acc.: Beyond [akin to Sans. upar-i, "above"]. >> m. "" v-iós (dissyll), 10û, ("One begotten or brought forth"; hence) A son [akin to Sans. root Su, "to beget," also, "to bring forth "]. ὑπέρ-βϊ-ος, ον, adj. [ὑπέρ, "above measure ; Bi-a, strength"] ("Having strength above measure ; hence, "of overpowering strength, of overwhelming might "; hence) Overweening, outrageous, violent. >> úλń-els, eσoa, ev, adj. [vλn, (uncontr. gen.) λn-os, "a wood, forest"] ("Having many a wood or forest ; hence) Well-wooded, woody; -at v. 246 ¿λýevtɩ is joined to fem. subst. (Zakúvew), as if it came fr. au adj. of two endings only. ¦ Ὑπερ-ίων, τονος, 13. [ὑπέρ, "above"; iwv, poetic suffix used in forming patronymics and so, "the son of him (here, god) above:"-by some con- sidered a shortening of 'T¬ep- τον-ίων (fr. Ὑπερίων, Ὑπερα ¡ov-os; suffix iwv, as above), and so, "the son of Hyperion"; seebelow] (According to myth- ology Hyperion was a celestial deity, son of Ourănos and Gaia, i. e. "Heaven and iµeîs, iµôv, iµîv, iµâs, plur. of ov. ὑμ-έτερος, ετέρα, έτερον, pron. adj. [vμ-eis, "ye, you"] ("Of, or belonging to, you"; i. e.) Your, yours. << 118 VOCABULARY. ὑπερφιάλ-ως, adv. [ὑπερ- piaλ-os, "exceeding in power"] ("After the manner of the Uπeрpiaλos"; hence) Exceed- ingly, excessively. Earth," father of Helios or Hěělĭus “the Sun"-and of Sělēnē and Eos-"the Moon and the Dawn." Homer, how- ever, always assigns the name to Helios or Heelios, and with but three exceptions combines the two names) Hyperion; the Greek sun-god. The ὑπερφίαλος, ον, adj. (“ Ex- companions of Odusseus in-ceeding in power"; hence) In curred his anger by killing the bad sense: Overbearing, over- finest of his cattle, which weening, arrogant, wanton.— were kept in the island of As Subst.: úπeppiădoi, wv, Thrinacia;-at v. 24 Treр- m. plur. Overbearing, etc., | ίονος δυσομένου is Gen. of|men or persons. place "where": where Hyper- ion sets, i. e. in the West. This gen. is almost wholly confined to poetry; cf. duσóuevos. Sup- ply, also, Trepiovos with avióvTos in same line: where ὑπερῷ, by elision for ὑπερ- Hyperion rises, i. e. in the a; see vπepos. ὑπερῷος. East.-N.B. The name was væreрwïóðev, v. 328, is held in ancient times regarded by some to be an adv. fr. as formed from ὑπέρ, and ϊών, ὑπερώϊον, (uucontr. gen.) part. of elu, "to go"; thus | vжeрwïo-os, "an upper cham- meaning, "One going, or ber"; suffix Oevek, "from"; moving, above." But to this and So, From the upper derivation there are two chamber.-By others the word objections. The first is that is regarded as the old form of iwv has the short; the second, the Gen. Teрwiov; cf. éμélev that the Gen. would end not in ovos, but in ovros. ὑπέρ-μορ-ος, ον, αι]j. [ὑπέρ, ¦ adj. beyond"; uóp ns, "fate, destiny"] Beyond fate or destiny. In the best editions of Homer the reading at vv. 34, 35 is vπèp µópov, not væép- ὑπὲρ μόρον, ὑπέρ- uopov; see μópos. With the = し ​ἐμοῦ; σέθεν – σοῦ; ἔθεν o (reflexive pron.). In this view ὑπερωϊόθεν is a “Gen. of Place": In the upper cham- ber; see 'Trepiovos. The Toû τοῦ at the beginning of the line is the Gen. masc. sing. of de- monstr. 6, and refers to doidós, just as å at v. 326 does. (( — Magda exception of the above doubt- ful passage, only úπéрμоpa, ὑπέρμορα, neut. acc. plur. in adverbial force, and a late adverb úπeρ- μópws, are connected with népμopos. ὑπερφιάλοισι, masc. dat. plur. of vreƑ¢ìãλos. VOCABULARY. 119 > ὑπο-πετάννυμι, f. ὑπο- πετάσω, 1. aor. ὑπ-επέτασα, v. a. [vπó, "beneath "; TETár- ruu, "to spread "] To spread beneath or underneath;-at v. 130 in tmesis, úrÒ XiTα λíra Teтáσσas. ὑπερώϊον, ου ; see ὑπερῷος. ὑπερ-ῷος, ῴα, ῷον, adj. [ὑπέρ, "above"] Being above or over. As Subst.: uneр@ov (Ion. and Ep. repάiov), ov, ὑπερώιον), n. (That which is above"; hence) The upper part of a house; the upper story or rooms ;--at v. 362 in plur. a. йπ-νos, vʊʊ, m. Sleep [akin to Sans. root SVAP, "" to sleep"]. ὑπό ió (before a soft vowel in', before an aspirated vowel up'), With Gen. : prep.: 1. Under, beneath.-b. Of the agent: By, through.-c. Of the feelings, etc.: Under the influence of, by, through.-2. With Dat.: a. Under, beneath; v. 96, etc.-b. Beneath, at the foot of, a mountain, etc.; v. 186.-3. With Acc.: Under.ayóp-as), ou, m. [54-1, 4. Alone: In adverbial force: high, aloft"; ayop-euw, "to Below, beneath, underneath speak "] (" One who speaks on [akin to upa, "under "]. high or aloft "; hence) A big- talker; a vaunter, boaster, braggart. . vπolnooµaι, fut. ind. mid. of ὑποτίθημι. ** ὑπο-μένω, f. ὑπο-μενῶ, 1. ὑψηλοῖο, Ion. for ὑψηλοῦ, aor. ὑπέμεινα, v. n. [úró, mase. gen. sing. of iynλós. "behind"; μéro, "to re- ὑψηλός, πλή, ηλόν, adj. main "] ("To remain behind"; [84-os, height" ("Per- hence) To wait; see yváμevai.taining to yos"; yos"; hence) ὑπο-μιμνήσκω, f. ὑπομνήσω, High, lofty. 1. aor. ὑπ-έμνησα, v. i. [ὑπό, "somewhat"; µµrýokw, “to remind " With Acc. of per- son and Gen.: To somewhat remind a person, or to put a person in mind, of; v. 321. ὑποπετάσσας (Ep. for ὑπο- πετᾶσας), ἂσα, αν, Ρ. 1. a01. of vπоπeтávvuμi. ὑπο-τίθημι, f. ὑπο-θήσω, v. a. [ὑπό, "from under "; τίθημι, rionu, “to put"] ("To_put from under "; hence," to hold out, present"; hence) 1. Act: To put forward, suggest.—2. Mid.: To-Tileμaι, f. dπо- Onoouar: With Dat. of per- son: To make a suggestion (as one's own act) to; to counsel, or advise, a person. v↓-ăyóp-ns (Ion. for v- " on Pe φάρμακον, ου, 11. ("A drug," whether good or bad; hence) In a bad sense: Poison. paoí, 3. pers. plur. ind. pres. of φημί ; see φημί. 120 VOCABULARY. păтo, Ion. for φᾶτο, paтo, 3. | BHUJ, "to bend ": Pass. in pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. mid. of reflexive force, "to incline or φημί. bend one's self"; cf. Lat. fug-io; Eng. budge]. pépe, dépov, Ion. for epepe, pepov, 3. pers. sing. and plur. imperf. ind. of pépw. φη-μί, f. φήσω, 1. aor. ἔφησα, 2. aor. ἔφην, 2. aor. péρLOTOS, n, ov, sup. adj.mid. èpăμny, v. a. and n. To used as a superl. of ayă0ós: say, to speak;-at v. 194 Best, most excellent. As | ἔφαντ᾽ (= ἔφαντο) is used in Subst, in Voc. pépɩote: Iron- an indefinite force: they, i. e. ically: Most excellent friend, men in general, said; or, more my very dear fellow; v. 405; freely, the report went;—so, see ἀγαθός. at v. 189, paol, men say, i. e. the report is or goes [root on or pa, akin to Sans. root BHASH, "to speak, to speak to"]. g " | þép-w, f. olow, p. évývoxa, 1. aor. veka, v. a. irreg. To bear, bring, carry, convey [in pres. and imperf. akin to Sans. root BHRI, to bear, carry, etc.; the other parts of the verb are to be assigned re- spectively to the bases of-w and évék-w or évéyk-w]. $(e)úy-w, f. peúčoμaι, 2. φεύξομαι, aor. ἔφυγον, 2. perf. πέφευγα, p. perf. pass. Tequyμévos, in act. force, v. n. and a.: 1. Neut. To flee, take to flight. -2. Act. a. To flee from, avoid, shun.-b. With Gen. (rare): To escape from;-at ἦεν 18 πεφυγμένος ἔφευγε; see 2. εἰμί, no. 1, e. -c. Of war, destruction, etc., φθον-έω -ώ, f. φθονήσω, as Object: To escape.-d. Of 1. aor. ¿¿ëóvnoa, v. n. [plóv- words, etc., as Subject: os, "ill-will "7 1. With Dat. With Acc. of person and of person: To bear ill-will Acc. of " Respect": To : To e- towards ; to feel envy to- scape, slip, come inconsider-wards; to envy, to be jealous ately, from a person as to; of.-2. With Acc. and Inf., as v. 64 [akin to Sans. root forming an Acc. of cognate V. Φήμιος, ἵου, m. [φῆμαι (plur.), "songs of praise"] ("He of the songs of praise") Phemius; the famous minstrel who entertained the suitors of Pēnělopë with his songs; v. 337. dñσι(v), 3. pers. sing. pres. ind. of pnuí. þeĭv-v0w (only in pres. and imperf.), Ep. imperf. pow- EσKOV, V. a. [lengthened fr. poív-w, "to waste away"] To waste away; to consume, de. vour, eat up. VOCABULARY. 121 notion : To begrudge that, etc. į Φόρκυν, ύνος, m. [another form of póрkus] Phorcyn (or pïλ' = pïλe, voc. of piños | Phorcys); an old sea-deity. (adj.), v. 158. φορμίζω, f, φορμίσω and φιλέεσκε, 3. pers. sing. Ion. |φορμίγξω, r. n. [for φορμίγγ- and Ep. imperf. of φιλέω ;- at |σω; fr. φόρμιγξ, φόρμιγγος, v. 264 supply μív (= avτóv) as a phorminx, a kind of Object; see piλéw. cithara or lyre, the oldest stringed instrument of the Greek minstrels] To play the phorminx or lyre. (C piλ-éw -ŵ (Ion. and Ep. imperf. piλéeσkov), f. piλhow, р. πeģiλŋка, v. a. 1. To love -2. To treat kindly or affec- φράζω, f. φράσω, p. πέ- tionately; to make welcome. Opǎka, 2. aor. Ep. étéopădov Pass.: φιλ-έομαι -οῦμαι, [and πέφραδον, v. a. : 1. Act. : p. πεφίλημαι, 1. aor. ἐφιλήθην, | a. Το indicate, point out. b. 1. fut. pianonooμaι and (in To tell, declare.-2. Mid.: mid. form) φιλήσομαι [akin to | φράζομαι, f. φράσομαι, Ep. Sans. root PRÎ, in force of "to opáσσoual, 1. aor. ¿ppăoăµny, love"]. ("To point out to one's self," etc.; hence) To think or muse upon; to ponder, consider, meditate, debate ;—at v. 294 opāČeσbaι is an imperatival Inf.; see construction explain- ed under δίδωμι. Opάoσeral, 3. pers. sing. of φράσσεται, Opάoooμal, Ep. fut. mid. of φράζω. Opeσí(v), φρεσί(ν), dat. plur. of φρήν. φρήν, φρενός, f. Sing. and Plur.: The mind, heart. þiλ-ńρeтµ-os, ov, adj. [for piλ-épeтμ-os; fr. piλ-éw, “to love or be fond of "; épeтμ-óv, an oar"] Loving the oar, fond of the oar. CC φιλήσεαι, Ion. for φιλήσῃ, 2. pers. sing. of piλnooμaι, used as fut. pass. of piλéw. φιλέω. 1. φίλ-ος, η, ον, adj. [φιλ-έω, "to love"] 1. Beloved, loved, dear, etc.-As Subst. : φίλος, ov, m. A friend;-at v. 301 piλos, nom., is used for pixe, φίλος, voc.-2. One's, etc., own; my, thine, his, etc.; vv. 114, 310, 316, 341, etc.; in each case see context. 3. Of things: Pleasant, pleasing, agreeable ;-at v. 82 folld. by dat. 2. piλos, ov; see 1. píxos. - "" φρον-έω -ῶ, f. φρονήσω, 1. aor. éppóvnoa, P. πeOρóνnka, v. n. [for ppev-éw; fr. ppńv, oper-ós, "mind "] With neut. φρεν-ός, Acc. of adj. as Acc. of equi- valent meaning: To be mind- ed or disposed in the way pointed out by the adj.; to 122 VOCABULARY. way: :-ȧyalà opovéwv, being well, or friendly, disposed; i. e. purposing good, v. 43; cf., also, v. 307. think, or purpose, in such | hence) Made of copper or bronze; brazen. χαλκ-ήρ-ης, εs, adj. [χαλκ- ós," bronze"; np, a lengthened form of root åp, whence ap- αρ-ίσκω, in force of “ to fit or furnish" with a thing) (“ Fit- ted, or furnished, with bronze"; hence) Of weapons: Tipped with bronze, bronze-tipped. φύγε ν), φῦγον, 3. pers. sing. and plur. 2. aor. ind. of φεύγω. þúνтes; see eμpuw, for v. 381. φων-έω -ω, f. φωνήσω, 1. aor. épúrnoa, v. n. and a. [φωνή, "the voice"] 1. Neut. (“To use the pwn"; hence) To speak.-2. Act.: With Acc. of person: To speak, or call, to. χαλκός, οὗ, m. : 1. Copper, bronze, or (acc. to some) brass.-2. As made of copper, etc.: A hatchet, A hatchet, axe, bill- hook. φώς, φωτός, m. A man, mortal, as opp. to a god [prob. akin to Sans. root BHU, "to be"]. φῶτες, nom. plur. of φώς. χαλκο-χίτων, χίτωνος, m. and f. adj. [xаλкós, uncontг. gen. χαλκό-ος, (6 copper or bronze"; xìTúv, “a cuirass " of soldiers] Having a cuirass of copper or bronze. χαριζετο, Ep. for ἐχαρίζετο, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of χαρίζομαι. χαίρω, f. χαρῶ, χαρήσομαι, χαρίζομαι, f. χαροῦμαι, late 1. aor. èxάpnoa, 2. aor. pass. ἐχάρην, v. n. : 1. Το rejoice, be glad.-2. In salutations: Xaîpe (and xaípeтe), Hail! [akin to Sans. root HARY, and χαιρήσω, p. κεχάρηκα, | χαρίσομαι, 1. aor. ἐχαρισάμην, p. pass. in mid. force kexǎpio- μαι, v. inid. [for χαρίτ-σομαι; fr. xápis, xápir-os, "a favour"] ("To show favour" to a per- son about something; hence) 1. With Part. in concord with Subject, to show the way in which the xápis is evidenced : To make one's self, etc., acceptable, or agreeable, by the course denoted by the χάλκ-εος, έα, εον, adj. Part.; to seek favour by ; [χαλκ-ός, "copper"]("Of, v. 61.—2. To give freely or or belonging to, xaλicós"; cheerfully;-at v. 140 folld. to desire"]. xăλeπós, ý, óv, adj.: 1. Hard to bear, sore, grievous.-2. Of persons: Cruel, harsh, stern. xaλkéŋ, Ion. for xаλkéα, fem. nom. sing. of xáλкeos. _ | VOCABULARY. 123 CC KE- xóλos, ov, m. (" Bile, gall"; χόλος, hence) Wrath, anger. xoλ-ów -ŵ, f. f. χολώσω, 1. aor. ἐχόλωσα, v. a. [χόλ-ος, xeîdos, eos ous, n. A lip. anger"] 1. Act.: To anger, Xeip, xeipós, f. A hand make angry, provoke. 2. [akin to Sans. root HRI, “to | Mid.: χολ-όομαι -οῦμαι, f. convey," also, “ to seize”; χολώσομαι, Ep. κεχολώσομαι, and so, literally, "a conveyer p. pass. iu nid. force Ke- or seizer"]. χόλωμαι, 1. aor. ἐχολωσᾶμην, χέρνιψ, χέρνιβος Xépvių, Xépviẞos (used by 1. aor. pass. in mid. force Homer only in Odyssey and in exoλwony: With Gen.: To Acc. xépvißa), f. [=xép-viß-s; | be angry, provoked, or en- fr. xep, Ion. base of the raged on account of; v. 69. oblique cases of Xelp, "a χείρ, χράομαι -ῶμαι, f. χρήσο- hand"; viß, root of viw, "touai, 1. aor. expnoăµní, p. pass. wash" ("Hand-washer"; in mid. force кéxрnuaι, v. hence) Water for washing the mid. : ("To furnish what is hands before meals; v. 136. needful"; hence) 1. With Xepoí(v), dat. plur. of xeip. Dat.: To use, make use of, χεῦσαι, 1. aor. inf. of employ.-2. Рerf. кéxρημai, in χέω. force of pres. tense: With Gen.: To be in need, or want, of; v. 13. C χρεῖος : see χρέος. xéw, f. xew, Ep. xevow, 1. aor. exea, Ep. exeva, v. a. ("To pour out anything liquid; hence) Of solids: 1. To shed, scatter, throw out. -2. As a result of "throwing out" from baskets, etc.: To construct, or raise, a sepul- chral mound of earth, etc.; v. 291, where xeûa is an >> Xpé-os (Ep. Xpeî-os), eos ous, n. [xpé-ouai, Ion. form of xpá-oμal, "to use"; and in perf. "to want or need a thing for use, etc.] 1. Want, need, necessity.—2. A busi- ness of necessity; and, gener- imperatival Inf.; see con-ally, business, matter, af- struction explained under fair; v. 409. by Partitive Gen. as Object: XapıŠoµévn пapeírtwv, giving freely of the things that were at hand or ready. χρε-ώ (Ep. χρει-ώ), όος, oùs, f. [xpé-ouai, Ion. form of xpá-opal, "to use"; and in χράομαι, perf. "to want or need” under-thing for use] Want, need.— Homeric elliptical phrase: a δίδωμι. χθών, χθονός, XOúv, xoorós, f. The ground, the earth [akin to Saus, Saus. kshama, ksham, "the earth"]. Xĭtúv, ŵvos, m. An garment, vest, tunic. ܙ 124 VOCABULARY. τίπτε σε χρεώ (se. ἱκάνει) ? why does necessity come to thee? i. e. what need hast thou of this? or why must thou so do? v. 225. It is to It is to be observed that that in this phrase xpe is always used as a monosyllable. << χρή, f. χρήσει, inpers. verb [perhaps for xpά; fr. Xpá-w, "to deliver an oracle"] (" It," Or a deity, delivers an ora- cle "; hence) 1. It is fated or necessary-2. With Acc. of person and Inf. It behoves, or befits, one to do, etc.; one must do, etc.; v. 296. In this construction the Acc. and Inf. form, strictly speaking, the Subject of xpn.-3. With Acc. of person and Gen. of thing: There is need to a person of something:-ÖTTEÓ σE XPη, of σε χρή, what there is need to thee, i.e. of what thou hast need, or what, 8. thou needest. In this con- struction xp contains its Sub- ject in itself, viz. χρέος or χρεώ. | ἑός. χρίω, f. χρίσω, p. κέχρῖκα, 1. aor. expiou, v. a. 1. Act.: χρίομαι, 'Nyvyin, ns, f. [Ion. for 'Qyvyia] Ogÿgië, or Ogygia; To anoint.-2. Mid.: xpiouaι, a mythic island in the Medi- f. χρίσομαι, 1. aor. ἐχρισάμην, | terranean. To anoint for one's self, or by one's own especial act :- ἰοὺς χρίεσθαι χαλκήρεας, to anoint (i.e. to besmear with poison) the bronze-tipped arrows, v. 262. de (by elision 8'), de- monstr. adv.: 1. In this way or manner; thus; as follows; | v. 236.—2. Of place: Hither, here; v. 182. ὠδύσαο, Ion. for ὠδώσω, 2. pers. sing. 1. aor. ind, of ὀδύσσομαι. χρύσ-εος, έη, εον, adj. [xpuo-ós, "gold"] (“Of, or belonging to, gold "; bence) 1. Made of gold, gold-, golden. -2. Ornamented, or inlaid, with gold. χρυσοίο, Ion. for χρυσοῦ, gen. sing. of xpūobs. χρυσός, οὒ, in. Gold. χῶρος, ου, m. A place, spot. Xpúσelos, n, ov, Ep. for χρύσεος; see χρύσεος. breathes : ψυχ-ή, ἧς, f. [ψύχω, breathe"]("That "to which or is breathed "; hence, "breath "; hence) Life. 1. 3, interj. O! oh!—As an exclamation: TóπOL, Oh! strange; oh! shame. 2. &, interj. gov. voc. O! vv. 45, 81. 3. , masc. dat. sing. of ős, 4., masc. dat. sing. of ös éós; vv. 240, 308, etc. ; see VOCABULARY. 125 ¡ Bike(v), 3. pers. sing. Ep. Opt. alone, to express a wish: 1. aor. ind. of otyw; see otyw. Oh! that, would that!-ws ὠκ-ΰ-μορ-ος, ον, adj. [ὠκ· ἀπόλοιτο καὶ ἄλλος, oh! that ús, “quick"; (v) connecting (or would that) every other vowel; μóp-os," fate" ("Hav. also might perish, v. 47. ing, or with, a quick fate "; hence) Quickly dying; doom- ed to speedy death. ὠνέομαι -οῦμαι,f. ὠνήσομαι, | p. Závnμai, 1. acr. wvnoăuny, Zwvnoăμnv, and eπp:ăuny (fr. obsol. πpíăµai), v. mid. With Acc.: To buy, purchase. O-TE (before an aspirated vowel woe'), adv. and conj.: 1. Adv. So as, just as.-2. Conj.: a. So that: (a) With Indic. to represent a fact.- (b) With Inf. to mark a result or effect.-b. With Inf. to mark an intention or in- tended result: So as, as for, for the purpose of doing, etc. -c. At the beginning of a sentence, to mark a strong conclusion: And so, con- as.sequently, therefore. ᾤχετο, XETO, 3. pers. sing. imperf. ind. of oixopal. οἴχομαι. ¿πɑ, acc. sing. of 1. č. *ros, gen. sing. of 2. 04. 1. os, adv. and conj: 1. Adv.: a. As, like as, just -b. As if, like as if.-c. In what way or manner; how. 2. Conj. a. That ;- with ind., 1. ὤψ, ὠπός, f, [for ὤπ-s; fr. or with opt. in oblique narra-, lengthened form of root tive, to denote a fact; with | ỏπ, "to see," found in inf. to denote a purpose, | ὄψομαι (= ΰπ-σομαι) used as result, consequence, or effect. fut. of Spáw, and in 2. perf. -b. So that.-c. That, in oπ-wπ-α]("That which sees"; order that, to the end that. hence, the eye"; hence) d. As, inasmuch as, since, Face, countenance. because. << 2. Ωψ, ῏Ωπος, m. [1. ὤψ] 2. s, demonstr. adv. So, Ops; the son of Peisenor, thus, in such or like manner. and the father of Eurucleia, 3. us, adv.: 1. As an em- | the nurse of Odusseus ; v. 429. phatic exclamation: How!--N.B. When a subst. or adj. ὣς δὴ ἔγωγ᾽ ὄφελον... ἔμμεναι, is used as a proper name, it is how indeed do I at least wish for the most part distinguish- that I was, i. e. would indeeded by a change in the accent; that I at least were, v. 217; cf. 1. wy. see ỏpeíλw, no. 3.-2. With λETO, 3. pers. sing. 2. aor. ind. mid. of õλλūµı. T GRAMMAR-SCHOOL TEXTS, WITH ENGLISH VOCABULARIES. EDITED BY JOHN T. WHITE, D.D. Oxon. LONGMANS & CO. desire to call attention to the important Series of very cheap Grammar-School Texts (Latin and Greek) which they are now publishing, each containing between one and two hundred pages, 32mo, in strong cloth binding, and sold at prices varying from Ninepence to Half-a-Crown. These Texts have been very favourably reviewed and noticed by the public press. GREEK TEXTS:- FABLES from ÆSOP and MYTHS from PALEPHATUS. HOMER, Iliad, Book I. HOMER, Odyssey, Book I. LUCIAN, Select Dialogues. Is. IS. XENOPHON, Anabasis. IS. 6d. each. XENOPHON, Anabasis. Book I. 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