ROBERTSON AND STONEY ON IN D I A N B R I D G E S. INDIAN BRIDGE sº I THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE OVER THE -> INDUSAT SUKECUR. By FREDERICK EWART ROBERTSON, M. INST. C.E. Wºmº II. THE NEW guTTRAVATI BRIDGE. By EDWARD WALLER STONEY, M.E., M. INST. C.E. -ms- " gº. WITH AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISCUSSION UPON THE PAPERS. EDITED BY JAMES FORREST, ASSOC. INST. C.E. SECRETARY. By permission of the Council. Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers. Wol. ciii. Session 1890–9F. Part i. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L O N DO N : 33ublighth fig tje itnstitution, 25, GREAT GEORGE STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. [TELEGRAMs, “INSTITUTION, LONDON.” TELEPHONE, “3051.”] 1891. [The right of Publication and of Translation is reserved.] Transportation library TG | 0 4 3 + 4 F Ti 3 ADWERTISEMENT. The Institution as a body is not responsible either for the statements made, or for the opinions expressed, in the following pages. honDON: PRINTED BY WM. CLOWES AND SONS, BIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING GROSS, i : 1-to-a- i. ly 4:4::3% 7 – 2 7 - */ THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. SECT. I.-MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. 2 December, 1890. SIR JOHN COODE, K.C.M.G., President, in the Chair. The following Associate Members have been transferred to the class of Memberg. MARCELIN JOHN CHABREL, B.E, FRANK GOTTO. EDWARD HOPKINSON, M.A., D.Sc. HUGH LEWIN MONK. JOHN HEMPHILL MORANT. GEORGE MOYLE. MATTHEw JAMES Joseph PATRICK NORMAN. HENRY OLIVER, ERNEST IFILL SHADBOLT. ERNEST ALFRED SIBOLD. ALEXANDER SIEMENs. JOHN SIMMONS. WILLIAM HARRY STANGER. f CHARLES FROGGATT WIKE. The following Candidates have been admitted as Students. ALFRED SEABOLD ELI ACKERMANN. EDWARD HAZLEDINE BARBER. IERNEST ALBERT SEYMOUR BELL, F.C.H. EDWARD CHARLES BICKERSTETH. ARTHUR GEORGE BRISTOW. HENRY CHARLES BRABAZON CAMPBELL. JoHN FRANCIS CARR. HARRY GEORGE CHRIST, Wh.Sc. FRANK CLAYTON, F.C.H. FREDERICK CHARLES COLYER. JULES FERDINAND CONRADI. OSMOND DAWNAY. STEPHEN MITCHELL DIxoN, B.A. RICHARD FREDERICK DRURY. NICEIOLAS DUNSCOMBE. BERTRAM WYBURNE ELLIS, SOMERS HOWE ELLIS. PAUL TRAUGOTT JULIUS ESTLER. FRANCIS DOUGLAS Fox, B.A. GEORGE WILLIAM GAIT. WILLIAM GILBERT, Wh.Sc. WILLIAM JOHN GRIFFITHS. ISIDORE HOFFMANN. HENRY WILLIAM MACLEAN IVES. WILLIAM ERIC LEIGH JENKINSON. PERCY JOHNs. CHRISTOPHER WATRINS KING. WILLIAM ARTHUR BAIRD LAING. RALPH MORGAN LEWIS. HARRY CALDER LöBNITz. DUGALD McLELLAN. ARTHUR WooDROFFE MANTON. WILLIAM GOSLING MooRE. ERNEST CHARLES ADAMS MUMME. GEORGE EDWARD LUTHER PouldEN. EDWARD HULME RIGBY, B.Sc. GERVASE HENRY ROBERTS. KEITH ROBINSON, A.K.C. LEONARD COWLEY SEAVILL. JOHN MILES SIMSON. ERIC ARNOLD SLATER. WILLIAM GRIMSHAw STONES. B 2 4. ELECTIONS, ETC. [Minutes of t - Students—continued. HUGH STOWELL. FRANK WILLIAM SWIFT. LUCAS THOMASSON. JOHN EDWARD THORNYCROFT, RICHARD FENWICK THORP. JoHN HENRY TONGE. STANLEY TOOTH, B.A. ROBERT PONSONBY LOFTUs Townsh;ND, B.A. BERTRAM WALLANCE. ERIO HAMILTON WHITEFORD. ARTHUR JOHN WILLIAMS. BENJAMIN LEONARD WILSON. NORMAN FORSTER WILSON. The following Candidates were balloted for and duly elected as Members. FREDERICK ROBERT BAGLEY. WILLIAM EVANS. HERBERT SEPTIMUS HARRINGTON. CLEMENS HERSCHEL. WILLIAM RICH HUTTON. JOHN JAMES Jon Es. WILLIAM REDFERN KELLY. MORICE LESLIE. HYALMAR FREDERICK STAVELIUS. WILLIAM THOw. Associate Members. Joshua THOMAS NOPLE ANDERSON, B.A., B.E. FRANK JAMES APPLEBY. THOMAS ARNOLD. SAMUEL ATHIM. JoHN EDMUND BACH. GEORGE HERBERT BAYLEY. RAYMOND JoHN BIRT, Stud. Inst. C.E. ARTHUR SACKVILLE BOUCHER. THOMAS ALLEN BULLOUGH. EDWARD BURTON, B.A., Stud. Inst. C.E. EVARISTO DE CHIRICO. THOMAS CLARKSON, Wh.Sc., Stud. Inst. C.E. DAVID DECIMUS CoATH. WILLIAM BARTHOLOMEW COLE, Stud. Inst. C.E. HENRY PAUL RAMSAY COPELAND. WILLIAM WALLACE COPLAND. ARTHUR CECIL CRAMPTON. GEORGE BLYTHE CUTHBERT. PETER DODD. HEBER DUCKHAM. ALFRED JOHN DUNCAN. FREDERIC MACDONNELL BVANSON. RoBERT DAVID FITZ-GERALD, Stud. Inst. C.E. WILLIAM RICHARD FLAVIN. FRANK FOSTER. ROBERT DIxoN ALISON FREw. HENRY AUGUSTUs GARRETT. JOGINDRA NATH GHOSH. CHARLEs GRIMSTON GoRDON. ALBERT DANIEL GREATOREx, Inst. C.E. JOHN MAXWELL SULLIVAN GREEN, Stud. Inst. C.E. - ANDREW AITKEN HADDIN. FRANCIS WILLIAM HARDWICK, M.A. CHARLES CHETWODE HARDy, Stud. Inst. C.E. GEORGE WILLIAM HICK. FREDERICK WILLIAM HUDSON. ALBERT FRANCIS JACOB. WILLIAM THOMAs Jon ES. CHARLES ALDWIN KEMPSON, Stud. Inst. C.E. ROBERT KENDALL. r HUGH TORRANCE KER, Stud. Inst. C.E. CHARLES EDWARD KNowLEs. ! DAVID LAIDLAw. FREDERIC NIX LATHAM, Stud. Inst. C.E. FREDERICK LowRY. PATRICK BLACKSTOCK McGLASHAN. JAMES MACKENZTE. JOHN SMITH MCNEILL. HOWARD MARTINEAU, Stud. Inst, C.E. GEORGE HENRY MEE. Stud. Proceedings.] ELECTIONS, ETC. y - & Associate Members—continued. JoHAN WIggo SIGVALD MULLER. ROBERT ANDREW MUNN. ERNEST ANTHONY NARDIN. ALBERT EDWARD NICHOLs, Stud. Inst. C.E. JAMES PALMER NORRINGTON. JoHN SEABURY O'Dwyer, B.A.Sc. (Montreal.) ASHBY FREDERICK OSBORN, Stud. Inst. C.E. ARTHUR OUGHTERSON, Stud. Inst. C.E. JAMES ALEXANDER PARKER, B.Sc. JAMES DONALD PATERSON. ALFRED PEARCE, Stud. Inst. C.E. HENRY WILLIERS PEGG, Stud. Inst. C.E. JAMEs ROBERTSON PORTER. REUBEN WILLIAM ROBERTS. WILLIAM ROSSBACH. JoHN ARTHUR SANER, Stud. Inst. C.E. FREDERICK WALTER THEODORE SAUN- DERs, Stud. Inst. C.E. FREDERICK GEORGE SHAw. EDWARD MARSH SIMPSON. ROBERT WILLIAM SMITH-SAVILLE, Stud. Inst. C.E. HENRY BATH SPENCER, Stud. Inst. C.E. ARTHUR WILLIAM STILWELL. PEDRO SUAREz. SAKURO TANABE, M.E. JOHN THOMAS. RICHARD EUSTACE TICKELL. AUGUSTE TouchON, THOMAS WILLIAM TOWNSEND TUCKEY. NICHOLAs KING TURNBULL, Wh.Sc., Stud. Inst. C.E. WILLIAM WADDELL. JAMES DOUGLAS WALLACE. ROBERT WARRACK, Stud. Inst. C.E. WILLIAM WATSON, B.A., B.E. JAMES PHILIP WEBSTER. HERBERT NICOL WELDON, Stud. Inst. C.E. WILLIAM HUGH WILLIAMS. ROBERT ANDERSON WYSE. CESARE ZANETTI. A880ciates. WILLIAM EDWIN ARCHDEACON, Staff | JoHN McCoRMICK. Comm., R.N. (Paper No. 2475.) “The Lansdowne Bridge over the Indus at Sukkur.” By FREDERICK EwART ROBERTSON, M. Inst. C.E. BETWEEN Peshawur and Kurrachee, the North-Western State Railway crosses the Indus twice—once at Attock, near its exit from the hills, where the river is bridged by two spans of 308 feet and three of 257 feet; and again at Sukkur, where the Indus passes through an isolated ridge of nummulitic limestone, and is divided into two channels by the island of Bukkur. The rise of the river in time of floods is 17 feet, and the velocity 9 miles an hour. The Sukkur Pass is bridged by three spans, of 278 feet, 238 feet, and 94% feet respectively, which call for no special remark." * The timber staging used in the erection of these spans was described in the Roorkee Professional Papers, No. 10, vol. iii., July 1885. 6 ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDownB BRIDGE AT Sukkur. [Minutes of The Rori channel is about 70 feet deep at low water, sloping down pretty steeply from the two sides, and is crossed by a single span, whose width at the site selected for the bridge could not be reduced below 820 feet. At the upper part of Bukkur island the channel could have been crossed by a span of 650 feet; but as the approach would then have cut right through the town of Rori, its increased cost, together with the heavy compen- sation for land, would have annulled the advantage of this route. - The steel superstructure for this span of 820 feet was designed by Sir A. M. Rendel, K.C.I.E., but its details, which would require a Paper to themselves, will not be alluded to further than is necessary to describe the erection. It consists of two single Cantilevers, each having a projection of 310 feet, and carrying between them a central girder 200 feet in length. The entire steel-work of each cantilever was made in England, and was put together upon a timber scaffold in the maker's yard before ship- ment. The floor is of corrugated deck-plating, filled with wood, so as to give a cartway on the same level as the (single) railway, and there is a footway for men and for beasts of burden, corbelled out on both sides. Plate 4 gives a general view of the span, and indicates the names by which the different members were distinguished. The foundation work consisted simply in clearing away the material down to the rock. The abutments are of Portland cement concrete, which was considered a better material than that furnished by any of the layers of Sukkur stone that would yield blocks of sufficient size for such work. The anchorages for the back-stays, or guys, are cellular structures, 32 feet by 12 feet by 6 feet, and are bedded in or behind the rock in cement concrete. The bed- plates for the support of the cantilevers are also cellular, 20 feet by 10 feet by 8 feet, secured to the abutment by fourteen holding- down bolts, 9 feet long and 3 inches diameter; and for further security against horizontal thrust, they are concreted up solid to the rock behind. f The large vertical member called the “pillar” has a height of 170 feet, and comes almost to a point at the bottom. In the final erection of the bridge it had to be built with a backward rake of 6 inches, to give the requisite camber to the nose of the canti- lever, and it was therefore necessary first to erect a staging to support it during construction." This was built to the profile of * Described in Indian Engineering of Nov. 5, 1887. Proceedings.] RobHRTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKKUR. 7 the back guys, and also served to erect them. The pillar was built up from the bed-plates, and the guy from the anchor, until they met at the top. The cover-plates in the last length of guy were left blank at one side of the joint, and the guy-plates were cut shorter to allow of making the joint at the actual temperature required to give the pillar 6 inches of backward rake at 100°, that being fixed upon as the normal temperature. The temperature in the sun runs up to 180°, and even at night often exceeds 90°. As the guy of the second cantilever was closed in much colder weather than that of the first, an allowance had to be made in the backward rake of the pillar, so as to keep the noses of the two cantilevers at the same level. After joining the pillar and guy, the next member to be built out was No. III strut. This is 230 feet long, and weighs 240 tons, and, being riveted to the bed- plate, it required some care to erect it without injury. The setting out, to keep it in line in both directions, was arranged as follows:—A sight-block with cross-wires was placed on each horizontal girder of the pillar against the front and the back leg; and when the cantilever was erected in England, a bull's-eye was painted and punch-marked on the spot where this sight cut No. III strut, and the exact position of sight-blocks was also marked. Re-aligning this sight gave the true position, both for line and for level. Measurements were also taken from certain places on the pillar to others on the strut, with a common tape and pocket spring-balance, a combination which will read to # inch in 100 feet. For longer lengths than 100 feet a wire was used. Fig. 9, Plate 6, shows the position of the ties used to support the strut during erection. The arrangements for the temporary ties will first be described. All these were of steel-wire rope, with a breaking-strain of 60 tons, the wire of which they were made having a strength of 135 tons per square inch ; and as they were to be afterwards used in the suspension staging for erecting the “horizontal tie,” they were all made of one length, with a strong thimble at each end. - Figs. 1 to 4, Plate 6, show the details of the attachment to the pillar and strut. Two 8-inch by 2%-inch steel channel-bars, rather longer than the width of the pillar, were drilled with holes of uni- form pitch, so that the bearing-plate and the bearings of the screws could be shifted to suit the taper of the pillar. The two screws were pitched such a distance apart as just to clear the pillar-leg; and the eye of the rope being shackled to one screw, it was taken round a stirrup of Small channel-bar on the leg of the strut, and secured * 8 ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKKUR. [Minutes of to a loose tail of rope shackled to the other screw, by three cast-iron clamps, of which the detail is given in Fig. 4. All the ropes that were tested to destruction in England were held by this arrange- ment, and it never failed, nor could the slightest injury to the rope be detected. A ply of canvas was generally wrapped around them, and the precaution was taken to tighten up the bolts as the strain came on. The screws were made with a taper thread, and the nuts had a spherical seat to prevent any tendency to bend the screws. In putting on a new tie, the rope was first pulled as tight as convenient with a block and tackle; then the tail was clamped on, the slack coiled away in a convenient place, and the screws tightened until the new tie took all the weight, when the old one was removed. The working-strain adopted for the ropes was in all cases fixed at less than one-sixth of the breaking-strain, in order to avoid trouble from stretching. As the temporary ties had to be removed for use in building the “horizontal tie,” and as it was also necessary to have the strut under control at the moment of junction, a special support, called the main tie, was employed for this purpose. The position and attachments of the main tie are shown in Plate 6, Fig. 9, and in Figs. 2 and 3; it consisted of four ropes doubled to each pillar, and coming to a bearing on the head of the pillar. For this bearing two 12-inch by 6-inch steel joists, a little longer than the outside width over the pillars, were laid across the heads, and were so arranged that they could be lifted by a hydraulic jack placed within, being guided by a couple of brackets bolted to the head of the pillar, as shown in Figs. 2, 3. Bars of iron, 4 inches square, were laid across the joists just clear of the pillar-head, the pro- jecting ends being rounded to fit into an ordinary railway-coupling, of which three were strung together to assist in drawing up the ties. One end of the ties was shackled direct to the couplings, and the other end, after passing round a thimble 2 feet 6 inches in diameter, was clamped to itself by two of the cast-iron clamps before described. The main tie was attached to No. III strut by passing it round a couple of steel joists, laid against the upper legs, and packed up with wood to such a diameter as not to injure the ropes. To distribute the pressure, a chain, set up by couplings, was also taken from the joists to the lower legs of No. III strut. The arrangements for erecting No. III strut are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, Plate 5. A staging to support the crane, and to guide the strut laterally, was built on the trimmer or girder of the roadway; but as this member was not nearly strong enough as a cantilever to carry such a load, it had to be supported from Proceedings.] ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKEUR. 9 below. A small temporary pier was therefore built in the river, and on this were placed iron cylinders, 3 feet in diameter, carried up to the level of the trimmers. The staging was then built on the trimmer, and on the staging was placed a double derrick crane, with sufficient sweep to build from the bottom up to the main tie. The wire-ropes of this crane were led away below to special winches, which also served other purposes, so that there was no gear on the crane itself. A piece of the strut, generally about 30 feet long, and weighing 5 tons, was lifted into its place, and held up by a 19-inch wire rope (7 tons breaking-strain), which was fitted with an eyebolt to put into a rivet-hole at the top until all the four were placed. Four distance-girders were next sent up, and the corners being thus connected a temporary tie was placed, after which the cross-braces were put on, and also the internal cross diaphragms, to keep the work square. Adjust- ment for line and level was next attended to, and then the riveting was put in hand. Most of the time was consumed in rigging up the small stages for the men to work on, as, owing to the shape and rake of the members, it was not found possible to arrange any form of staging to travel right up. After the strut had been built up beyond the reach of the double derrick, a pine derrick, 75 feet long, was erected on one of the main distance-girders between the legs. This was worked by three wire-ropes, one guy directly behind, and two side guys, passing through pulleys at the end of beams 'outrigged from the strut itself, all being attached to the special winches. The hoisting was done with an ordinary block and tackle from a steam-hoist; but owing to the great height, special coils of rope of double length had to be used. On the temporary pier, and bolted up against the cylinders on each side, were placed two Howe-truss cantilevers, to carry the inclined boom, which could not be conveniently supported from above, because it was outside the reach of the other members, as shown in the general plan. Thus the first and second lengths were supported, and the third length completed the junction with No. IV raker. On the completion of No. III strut, the span for the “horizontal tie’’ proved to be š inch too much on one side, and 14 inch on the other. The next operation was the erection of the “horizontal tie.” This member is 123 feet span, and weighs 86 tons, and as lifting it in one piece was out of the question, it was decided to erect it on a temporary suspension-bridge or staging; but the suspension- cables being attached to the strut at one end, the bridge presented the difficulty of having a flexible abutment, for the horizontal pull 10 ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKKUR. [Minutes of of the ropes when loaded was more than sufficient to counter- balance the weight of the strut by about 20 tons. As already mentioned, the ropes that first served as temporary ties for the erection of the strut were made of a suitable length for use in the suspension-bridge, and were provided with a thimble at each end and a screw-coupling to shackle thereto. Figs. 6 and 7, Plate 5, illustrate the temporary suspension- bridge. There were on each side four ropes, each forming a complete loop, laid on cast-iron saddles on the head of the large pillar and No. III strut, so that each side of the bridge had eight supports. To ensure perfect uniformity of strain the ropes were first strung on the saddles placed upon the ground at approxi- mately the correct span, and were adjusted by means of the couplings, until they all lay perfectly level at the lowest part. A mark was then scribed down the back of the saddle and the ropes, so that replacing them in the same position ensured the correct- ness of the dip, the couplings having been secured by a wooden chock, and the ropes marked for their respective positions. Planks suspended by an iron loop were next slid down the ropes, and these afforded a convenient platform for the men to work upon, and to arrange the trestles, which were simply pushed down to their proper places, and then held upright by the bracing. After this was completed, the planks which formed the temporary platform were removed. This suspension-bridge proved remarkably stiff, although during the erection the wind blew so strongly that the work was sometimes stopped by the camber-blocks being blown over. The tie was carried on sand-boxes, and all the pieces were laid in their places before the connections were made, so as to avoid any alteration in the figure, and consequent strain, by unequal loading of the bridge. The nose of No. III strut was loaded to the required extent to counterbalance the increasing horizontal pull of the bridge, by first slacking off the main tie, and then by adding load at the head. For the erection of the horizontal tie, this temporary bridge carried two travellers of the form shown in Plate 5, Fig. 6, the lifting gear being simply a 5-ton differential block hung from a 3-inch round bar rolling on the two scantlings which formed the nose of the traveller. The pieces were raised by a derrick on the large staging behind, and passed under the noses of the two travellers, where they were laid hold of. As soon as the first triangle was completed on each side of the river, by joining the pillar and No. III strut, a system of overhead suspenders or carrying-ropes was at once fitted between the tops of the two Proceedings.] ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKEUR. 11 triangles, spanning the intervening gap, and serving for the erection of a great part of the main superstructure. This apparatus is shown in Figs. 5 to 8, Plate 6, and is the only special plant used on the work. The winches were placed upon the permanent steelwork of the horizontal tie, and were worked by a running rope, driven by a portable engine placed at the foot of the main guy. The drums were 5 feet 2 inches in diameter, and 2 feet. 6 inches wide, and were driven by worm-gearing. There were three speeds, and the driving-shaft, which was fitted with one fast and two loose pulleys driven by a belt and crossed belt, could be also worked by hand. The wire-rope was attached to the drum, in the manner shown in Figs. 5, 6, being passed through a slit in the barrel, and held by clamps passing through the drum- head, so that the rope could be fastened at any point by over- running it, and coiling away the slack inside the drum like a tape. The arrangement of ropes, &c., was as follows:—A gallows was erected on the head of No. III strut, carrying two pulleys, 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, in the line of each tie, and a saddle on the top for the fixed end of one rope to pass over, and furnished with a projecting arm which on one side of the river carried a pulley, and on the other side a saddle. Referring to Fig. 7, Plate 6, which shows the arrangement on one side of the river only, it will be seen that No. 2 rope is a carrying-rope leading from a winch on this side of the river, and fixed at the other side, while the corresponding rope from the winch on the other side is No. 4, passing over the saddle and fixed. Both sides have No. 1, which has a loose end, and is the guiding-rope passing over the second pulley. No. 3 is the outside rope leading from a winch at one side, and fast at the other, its particular duty being to suspend the bottom of the raking-pieces. A piece to be erected was suspended from runners on two ropes, and raised as a whole, the level of the piece being adjusted by winding on both ropes, or on one more than another; and it was guided by the third rope, which was hooked directly to it. Thus a tie-piece would hang from the two winches in line, but a raking member such as No. I strut would hang by the head from the pulley in line, and by the foot from the projecting pulley. The ropes used were of 36 tons breaking-strain. Underneath each pair of winches ran a countershaft across the horizontal tie, and these were actuated by the running rope driven by the portable engine, so that to start, stop, or reverse a winch, all that had to be done was to pull the striking-gear at a given signal. This running rope-gear, when once rigged up, did the whole of the work with the greatest 12 ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKKUR. [Minutes of convenience, the pieces being drawn up by it until the rivet- holes met, and the finishing touches were then put in by hand. The largest piece lifted was the first joint of the inclined tie, 80 feet long, and 14 tons weight. While the erecting-gear was in progress, No. IV vertical and raker were dropped down, and the trimmers (as the girders of the internal viaduct are called) were connected with the vertical; and from these again the inclined boom was reached, and built up piece by piece till connected with the raker, thus completing the first quadrangle. The next step was to build No. II strut by a derrick from No. IV vertical, and then to connect it by erecting the inclined tie in the manner described above. The joint of the tie was first made good at the top, and then the head of the strut set to meet it exactly by the screws of the suspending-ropes already used as temporary ties for No. III strut. No. III vertical was next joined with the trimmer, and the boom carried forward to meet the raker as before; this series of operations being repeated for the remaining bays, except that the members had now become light enough to be picked up whole, as was done with No. I strut. Two large barges of 400 tons burden, formerly belonging to the Indus flotilla, were of great service for these operations when the current permitted them to work. It should be explained that the difficulty in making use of such floating craft lies not so much in the mere force of the current (for a wire cable can be got of almost any strength), as in the quantity of debris that the river brings down from the caving in of the banks at certain seasons. Whole islands of timber-trees sometimes come down, and if they foul a mooring it can never be freed. In fact, any mooring in the stream is certain to be lost, the pressure being sufficient to Com- pletely flatten a 4-inch rope in the hawse-pipe. These barges were fitted with a trestle, as shown in Figs. 3, 4, Plate 5, and with a large lifting-platform, which was so arranged that it could be adjusted at any height, to suit the different levels of the river, or of the work to be done. The barge was brought up in front of the bridge, and the piece to be lifted was pushed on board on rollers assisted by the crane. This crane was a 6-ton hand derrick-crane mounted on a high trestle, which ran on ways, so that if it was required to get the working platform under the bridge, the crane and trestle could be pushed back as far as required to clear the splayed-out booms. On the completion of the cantilevers, their noses were exactly level. The line, or rather the middle position of the diurnal variation, was also correct. As the bridge lies north and south, Proceedings.] ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKKUR. 13. the effect of the sun on alternate sides used to make the nose vary nearly 1 inch either way. The Author has not been able to obtain a record of this variation since the bridge was completed. The width of the central gap was also correct at mean temperature. It only remained now to erect the central girder. In designing the bridge in England, this was treated as a simple girder resting on rollers on the cantilever noses, and was arranged in such a way that it was impossible to build it out, as it had been taken for granted that it would be floated into position. This, however, was imprac- ticable during six months in the year, owing to the violence of the floods, while the selection of a site on which to erect the girder so as to be accessible during the low season was also a very doubtful matter. It was therefore concluded that the span must be built on the cantilevers; and after studying various projects for trans- porting the completed girders—a method of erection which was rendered difficult by their height being more than that of the first overhead bracings of the cantilever, and also by the confined space at the nose—it was finally determined to use a staging built out and hanging from the cantilever noses, as shown in Figs. 7 to 11, Plate 5. This temporary stage is a deck bowstring- bridge 196 feet 8 inches in span, and weighing 56 tons complete, excluding floor planking. It comprises a full system of adjustable diagonal bracing under the floor, which is not shown in the drawing. The end length of the top chord, with one post and bottom chord bars hanging, was first got up and hung from the cantilever by the links. Then the bottom chord was drawn across by the over- head gear and fitted; and the horizontal reaction necessary to convert it into a suspension bridge was obtained by means of a wire-rope and screws, from the back link shown in the drawings. On the pins were strung the stumps of the posts and of the diagonals. Next, a length of top chord, with the posts and long lengths of diagonals hanging, was sent out by the overhead gear and placed in position, each post being dropped over the stump belonging to it; and this operation was repeated until the bridge was completed, each bay being secured by the bracing as fast as it arrived. On the completion of the top chord, the back chains were slacked off, and the structure became a girder. This opera- tion took seven days, and in carrying it out some little trouble was experienced in getting the diagonals into their couplings. As they were too stiff to spring, each diagonal had to be brought. to meet the coupling, and then screwed up as the piece was lowered. This trouble might probably have been avoided by the adoption of a different form of connection for the diagonals. The joints in the top chord, and, in the foot of each post, and 14 ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKEUR. [Minutes of other places which would generally be filled by rivets in a perma- nent structure, were made by cottered pins, shown in Fig. 8, Plate 5. These were found easy to handle, and were apparently as tight as a riveted joint. The wind-pressure was taken by a bracket bolted to the cantilevers, and bearing against check-plates on the last cross-girder. The main girders were erected on sand-boxes, sufficient extra camber being given in laying out the bottom chord to allow for the deflection of the staging. On closing the main girders, the cross-girders and flooring were immediately proceeded with, the weight upon the staging being kept constant by slacking off the sand-boxes so as to keep the same deflection. The pieces were all run out by the overhead gear, and the main girder was erected, and the bottom chord riveted, in four and a half days. The cost of the whole bridge was as follows:— Items. Sukkur Channel. Rori Channel. Total. Rs. Rs. RS. Approaches and stations. & ſº e - 4,30,000 Foundations 1,60,000 2,76,000 4,36,000 Ironwork e - e. 1,99,000 || 17,01,000 | 19,00,000 Erection and painting 1, 13,000 5,70,000 6,83,000 Flooring and railing . . . . . 20,000 32,000 52,000 Staff quarters, workshops, sidings . & © G - 27,000 Plant from England . . . . 91,000 ,, from other works". 2,21,000 Boat service s tº * - - 10,000 Contingencies . 25,000 37,000 62,000 Grand total . . . . 39, 12,000 Deduct value of plant in hand . . . . . . 1,70,000 Net total Rs. . 37,42,000 The English charges amounted to Rs.21,42,000. The details of the charge for erection are as follows:— Rupees. Labour • e º 'º' 2,40,830 ,, in Painting . . 5,140 Cordage, fuel, special plant 1,22,733 Carriage and repairs of plant . 12,612 Large staging for pillar and guy— 4 Labour. . . . . . . 46,331 Timber 1,52,783 Stores . e 15,743 Foundations . 2,573 2,17,430 Less credits for timber transferred . 66,487 —— 1,50,943 Staging for tie and on barges, and other false works 34,105 Photographs, &c. . © e º tº e º 3,792 Total Rs. 5,70,155 Of this Rs. 67,300 was for carriage and new bottoms to the two big barges. Proceedings.] ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKKUR. 15 The present value of the rupee is about 18. 5d. In addition to the above works, others to the amount of Rs.90,000 were executed for the Military Department. The plant from England consisted of the following:—Four 6-ton derrick cranes, two portable 5-ton yard-cranes, two steam hoists, one set of riveting plant, wire-rope with specially large and strong pulleys, differential blocks, ordinary rope-blocks. The fol- lowing items of plant were also supplied, but not being useful for transfer to other works were debited to the erection :-special winches and running-rope gear, ironwork for the gallows, screws and clamps for the attachments of the ties, bracing-bars for sundry trestles, special double crane for No. III strut. Work was begun, with a few men only, on the anchors of the Bukkur cantilever in April 1887, and proceeded very slowly until September for want of ironwork. The bed-plates for the Rori canti- lever arrived in November 1887, and from that date the work of erection was pushed forward until its completion. The staging for the central span was begun January 18th, 1889, and the girder closed February 9th. The bridge was tested March 19th, 1889, and formally opened March 27th. The Paper is accompanied by five sheets of tracings, from which Plates 4, 5 and 6 have been prepared. [APPENDIX. 16 ROBERTSON ON THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE AT SUKKUR. [Minutes of APPENDIX. WEIGHT OF THE PRINCIPAL MEMBERS, {} Tons Large bed-plates . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Small 52 • * * * * * * * * tº e e 4. Large pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Small , e - tº e º º it e º te tº e e 7 Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Guys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233. No. I. Guy Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 » II. , 3 y . . . . . . . . . . . 9 , III. , 25 . . . . . . . . . . . 15 No. I. Struts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 » II. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 , III. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 , TV. , • * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 Boomfi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Horizontal tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Inclined tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Secondary tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 No. I. Vertical and raker . . . . . . . . . 4. ,, II. 22 22 e e º e º º is º e 4. , III. 5, 53 . . . . . . . . . 14 25 - 33 25 62 Trimmers . . . . . . . . . . 90 Distance-girders and wind-ties . . . . . . . . 39 Cross girders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Roadway and railing . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Total weight of the Bukkur cantilever . . . . 1,520 Add the Rori cantilever, of which the guy was 22 feet) 1,540 8 inches longer . . . . . . . . . . º Central span . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Total , . . . . . . 3,316 Proceedings.] STONEY ON THE NEW CHITTRAVATI BRIDGE. 17 9 December, 1890. SIR JOHN COODE, K.C.M.G., President, in the Chair. (Paper No. 2483.) “The New Chittravati Bridge.” By Edward WALLER STONEY, M.E., M. INST. C.E. AT a distance of 212; miles from Madras, the main line of the Madras Railway crosses the Chittravati River, and has for some years been carried upon a bridge of forty 70-foot openings spanned by plate girders. In this bridge, the abutments and ten of the piers on each side of the river had originally been built of masonry upon brick well foundations, while the remaining nineteen piers consisted of screw piles. The bridge was opened for traffic in 1868, and was partially destroyed by a great flood in October 1874, when nine of the masonry piers were undermined and overthrown. These were replaced by screw piles, and the structure has hitherto served to carry the traffic, but has now been superseded by the new bridge which forms the subject of this Paper. The new Chittravati bridge has a total length of 2,680 feet, con- sisting of nineteen spans of 140 feet, from centre to centre of the piers. Its position, in relation to the old bridge, and also the diversion that was necessitated in the line of the Madras Railway, for a length of 1% mile, in forming the approaches, is shown in Fig. 16, Plate 7. Fig. 1, Plate 7, is a geological section of the bed of the river. At the south abutment rock lies at a depth of 18 feet below the present bed, and dips gradually to a maximum depth of 80 feet at pier No. 17. Above the rock the deposits consist of varied and irregular strata of sand, gravel, clay, and large trap boulders, while mixed with the sand were found water-worn pebbles, and large fragments of rock, some sharp and others rounded. The Chittravati River rises 80 miles above the bridge, and in this distance drains an area of 2,400 square miles. Its fall, at the bridge, is at the rate of 8 feet per mile; and its mean velocity and discharge during the flood of 1874 were calculated to have been [THE INST. C.E. VOL. CIII.] * C - 18 STONEY ON THE NEW CHITTRAVATI BRIDGE. [Minutes of 8’46 feet per second, and 114,625 cubic feet per second respectively, and it is believed that the sandy bed of the river was then scoured to a depth of 15 or 20 feet. As a rule, the river remains practically dry for about nine months in the year, although the water-level never falls lower than about 3 feet below the surface of the sand. This favourable circumstance was taken advantage of in the erection of the bridge; and the dry bed of the stream was made use of, not only for the transport of materials, but also for the erection of the iron-work, and for the operations connected with the sinking of the pier foundations. PRELIMINARY WORKS. To facilitate the delivery of materials, a through siding was made alongside the main line at A C in Plate 7, Fig. 16; with branches to the stores and workshops, and also to the south end of the bridge, from which point three lines were laid across the whole width of the river-bed. Two of the lines through the river IQ, KO were kept parallel to the outside of the cylinder piers, 8 feet away, and on these ran and worked the cranes, dredgers, hoists, and other machinery, while a third IB was used for bringing up materials. These parallel lines were connected by cross-over roads L M, N O, and by traverser roads between the piers where required. They were protected from the action of floods by stones and boulders, from 6 inches to 12 inches in diameter, laid between the rails, and for a width of about 2 feet outside them ; and with the exception of the rails sinking a little, and getting crooked, no material damage has been done to them. SOUTH ABUTMENT. The abutments were built of coursed hammer-dressed masonry, of blue limestone, brought by rail from quarries 24 miles distant. Their construction is shown in Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 15, Plate 7. The south abutment, Fig. 15, was founded directly upon the rock by means of a cofferdam, which was designed to meet the existing practical conditions. The main piles, which were 20 feet long, were driven at a distance of 6 feet apart, and each pile consisted of a pair of double-headed 75-lb. rails, hooped together by wrought- iron bands. Behind these, planks 6 feet by 1 foot by 3 inches, with Proceedings.] STONEY ON THE NEW CHITTRAVATI BRIDGE. 19 planed edges, were pushed and driven down from the top as the excavation proceeded; and when the rock was reached, a wall of bags filled with clay was made upon it against the planks to exclude the outside sand. A water channel to the sumps was also formed with these bags, and two No. 8 pulsometers placed one at each end, beyond the newels, kept the dam dry. The rail piles were strutted transversely by old rails forced down between them to follow the excavation. The rock, which dipped rapidly, was cut into rough steps, all loose parts removed, and the foundation levelled up with concrete, - composed of 1 part of Portland cement, 2 parts of sand, and 4 parts of broken stone, by measure. The maximum head of water against the dam was 13 feet and the rock was covered by 11 feet of sand. The cost of the cofferdam, including labour and materials, was Rs.1,736; and the entire cost of the excavation, including coffer- dam, pumping and all charges, amounted to Rs.3 2a. per cubic yard of the net contents. NORTH ABUTMENT. As originally designed the foundations for this abutment con- sisted of seven brick wells on iron curbs, having an outside diameter of 12 feet; but as there was material to spare for cylinders, this design was altered, and three 12-foot cast-iron cylinders were used in the centre under the body of the abutment, with four brick wells, two under each wing wall, arranged as in Figs. 4 and 5, Plate 4. In order to avoid the trouble, delay, and expense of loading these cylinders on the top with rails, they were sunk by weighting them with an internal lining of masonry set in cement mortar. The ring of masonry was carried upon an annular plate of cast iron, designed for this purpose (Figs. 12, 13, and 14, Plate 7), and fixed between two lengths of cylinder. By this means the per- manent filling of the cylinders was made to do the useful work of sinking them. The weight of the masonry ring, before immersion, was about 4 tons per lineal foot of the cylinder. Priestman’s grabs were used for dredging out, the material, the sinking being continued until the cylinders reached the bed of boulders at a depth of 60 feet below the surface. The excavation was then carried on by divers, until the cylinders were sunk to a bed levelled in the rock at a depth of 66 to 68 feet. The brick wells were built on wrought-iron curbs, as shown in Figs. 7 to 11, and were sunk by means of Wild’s and Priestman's dredgers, and loaded with 75-lb. rails, 20 feet long. The load C 2 --- e- - - 2O". O N - %2. *4: ..., *R § . | N ** e? % x • V 2. / * Z * "S. $||S } N | > > A Scale for Figs, Nº 1,2,3,8; 4.30 Feet"= 1 Enchy. (ſ) $||3: . . Feet/?, , , § 10 15 29 25 30 60 9pHeet, Ll - (NR : | f 4" Tabey I2 lbs: Scale for Figs: Nº 5,610 &Il-10 Feev–TInciv- º ; : | ||||ſt ->||||| IFect, Q H + 3 + š , , , , 70 20 3OHeet G * Aſo cº < || tºº. - Scale for Fºg: 9–4 Feet –7 Indiv. s & x 2" | : | Heep?........+ 2 3 4. 5 ap+Feet) | | I g * = ! * \ Æeinfºrcing-Plate. : - ! N. -- º - S T A G | N G F O R C E N T R A L S P A N . G) 3%" x , , . 9- ONs - - - t i o 3%"x 7" Loop H|2 square | | F.E.ROBERTson, DEig - Minutes of Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. CIII. Session 1890–91 Part I. | THOS KELL & SONITIH.40 KING ST COVENT GARTYEN. - s U K K U R B R J D G = . Fºg : 7 : IPT, ATIF . 6. T't q " I . 4. Aº / tº .' 2. - g Wºuch 3 | N S | D E . SECTION ON a.b. __/?---------------------------------------- *- | w w -- a-- - - - - - - - - - - - - gift <9);C> D ! w 22ſ % T T ~ T ~ - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -= G) * < * > *-To Winch on rºſhi Abatment. -- - - - - - - t; § Ö 2^_^ / C C / Y----- SS s| • *~ ~ 2. , z / SS ^. : w | 2 * ~ * Y-> * - / / SS S - -- $ | º * 2° | C. C. Countershafts. / / Y S > < \\ | ~$: º | | ^. X | § t | | ſº "|< ~~ | - Š Clcºn ps. * | / - | E. +H ºf ~Y | ſ ! / *—-7b Saddle art/ rººf ſt.tº ! N. - x-. | z §, G) --" s | | / * 4. N . -], 4s. *N N | …” | l /'. | \\ /-/: t I Saddle. Sº SS // i 2" | / SS S \ SS . / / Ll N N / 2^ i 6 | / `s sº | N \ } // || > 5s N \ / / - | N S I D E . 2^2 /26 | | / `s,' N \ }^ / ss N N / / | 2^ 22 | | | | / - / X; / N. 2. - •. - | - | P I L L A R . S& n° 3. srRufº.” | Fille clº 22 | D . A G R A M o F E R E c T N G / G E A R/ : /><^ ASSAS - - -- 2^ 2. | | l Z / f 2 / SS *\s / 2\ \ | with wood, • 2^ 2. | | | / / | 2" / §\ N. *s / \ \ i 2^ 22 | | | | A. / i § s / \\ w 2^ 22 | | / / | | . ^. N | 2~ 2. | | | / / | \ i - ^2 | | / / | | - SSSSS: S&N SSSSS n 2^ 223 | | | - / / // l s 26) º: º 2. | | | A / \ G) I | / / - º i | | z / A. - | : / / Fig. 9 | ! | / l— --- | / / w | | / łºś | | | / / G= | | / / - 2 | | | / TH'.e. 4. - | / | / / O U T S ; D E . | | | / / | | | / Z W A R R A N G E N E N T S O F T | E S . / / sº Portable. Erld Cule' | | | | / / 3. actuating th? | | | | / / *_ Courtlershafts. S.2° | | | | / / - Y | | | / / sº. Fº - 3 2^ …” | | | / / $e Ag: - - JFu'ay: 5 w • 2^ 2^_^ | * | / / - ig. - Hig: 6 . … [Tº | | | / / 2^ 2" G) | ! ! l | / / * | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / Scale 4: Feet = 1 Ench for Fras: Nº. 1, 2, & 3. | | / / Foot-' () f 2 3 4. 5 10 Fect. | / / lf 11 i Lll 1 + 1 1 I l L i I | / | | / / --- - - - - / Scale 40 Feet” – I Inch for Fºgs: Nº 7, 8, & 9. . / / Jºleet. O 10 2G) 30 40 50 I()(). Hºetz'. / eet. '…}, Ll —l- —l l 1 _ttº.1:ee | | / / Zºey 3 f;. \ | / Z orrº. Z - Scale / Inch, - I Fool fºr Fºg Nº. 4. | | / / - METHOD OF SECURING Inch.cs, ſº I 3 & # 5 § 7 & # 10 in 13 1 Foot. | A / ROPE TO BARREL , —— I —1 | f Z s2; . &e, d & . ºffs: 8 . § Sº Steelwork, of Horšontal Tie. STN - * | - § | Sée A R R A N G E Nl E N T C F Ni Al N T | E . s s $2. F-----issi--------------------------------------------NE---N-----FE-- ~ E-F-7------- s | Lil | - | - > | Fuqs. 4. . H. •./ 2. - O Cown tersh cºſby. - D. EE Li- e. | - s - k----.5. - - - - - × P L A N . T h A R RA N G E M ENT OF W T N C H . T | E S FOR E R E CT 1 ON OF | | | ST R UT . DETA L C F C LAMP F O R T | E S . THO6 KELL & SON, LITH. 40 KING ST COVENT GARDEN . &BERTson DEL: Minutes of Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers Vol. CIII. Session 1890–91. Part I. TF.IE * (C. H. l if T R AWATſ’ l B R ] [D) (G E a - i - PLAT E . H., y . JFº - 9 5. 4. - 12. º O, - M. O. RTH 18, [...] T [...] i. n - [I [. [T] i. |- ſº - I. l:4, l3 Il } I [...] A BuT MENT Fif º [...] º F-l-º-º-º- - * - º SO UTH NNNNN [...] [...] tº I - s –E–F–H A Burm ENT. N N - - d - - º Rººtv Z * Rijºyº Zºilº 693-57 .." Re- TNºS. Tº TN 2AS Pºst 2^{2^N. 2-sº- 2 Tºº-º-º-º- | | c ZZZ 72-º-º: --- 3: gº *: Bºeº º Fº: "-º-º: rº-3 2. wº- - - º: * -º-; - - - - s - ====-ſº sº-º-º-ms----------- : §H. - - ..?...” § • r - º ‘. . Rºjº w ‘...º. %. §–% ::::::::::::.. i i iš šHà §. §§ §: ź #H; & iſ W. #º §§§ sº ſº t wº %\; ... • *.*.*.*, *.*, ,”, “ Nº.” ... . . . .”...*.*... . . . .”. r | Hº, ºrº #::::::::::######ifiſii º º ºgºs ÜVºž/ ºws: - - Nºw º - #|E|##|||}|†: , *, * * * *, *, *.*.*.* - iHillºtilliiºlº tºº/* ... -- 3 * * * * * * º ã|| inlill|||||ſ||llº * ::FE :=º #TÉ rº- #Sº H|º; § §º Uş % =}} ºğ N Ş. º sº %: % §º %\} | ºntºya, ‘R 6°C it'." '- - ſº ºn º ºw-rº º:-->Y-3 º - r - .ö. Hºº-ºo: 5.º;? - :... º.º.o.º.º. *- :=&SEC --~ º - º:=ºs: É #:2: # =&#:É º Fº: 3:? §:######### Rºrº -º § º Sºrº º §jč Vſ §72 NZ Wºź S 'N& !/2\º: *, £ §75R/ §º: ZYS : : … ." - tº: z - ºzawV2. l - | É##Eß º:Wºº -a, - Bº: ś § #={iº ğ.§§ º ſººnji=jº Wºlºſ, wº %sºtºº-Hº #253 Ésºsº § ſº §º §3 W/ Nº. W. §y/Sº - Á sº º srone º 7. | Fúd 15 YZ}\{3SW ÉÉ=#[[--- Égºšo É—######### # ºr £::$: 29. !'EºNº. Eğjºš ſ 㺠N As Q & § %NS r º s % ãº's º #N %N. , wriz- §§. §§ sº ^%!!...Sº \ſº Šá :----, § % Nº S㺠ºffº wº º #N %.S*"Kºš. - * Lo, - Nºjºyº - º sº-Trºttºnsºrrº vºxtrºv ºr vº - w º **º: Fººt-ºw, TVyNº - wº º & Tºº-ºS/32;Y. 23r º *A z- “ºlizix - * - * Z;". Knºw º - P-Mºº-ºº: ÉRºß- EZEºſ2; ſº • In its - - sº #; wºnº R O C K . *:::::::::::::Hºº". Fúd - sº r * R O C K . . - Es: { | •NY" . . . . . Fº 3. Joint” º e 19 Sparts of 140 Feet, Length”— 26 7.O Feet/. — Scale, för Fig.1,– 100 Fee8 = 1 Inchy. *::g –3–2– - - - - - sº- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.6: - º, o ºſº: 4– *H ~s | F. IO Aeet tºo , , * . . . . " i tºo —l 200 d 3?o 4qo ł sqo Feeb, -- - - -- - ~s t º - sº : #º # s | - g: ! .s ºr | * I - e]" º - - - Tú Th TTºl" - - - - SS | | 1%; 2%" it;" I •N --r " - - * ~ J tº º l -X- - > - *. ºf | | Vºxº~...:IEE.T. Sºss, §§ e | f ! t i { Scale fºr Fºg: 2,3,4,5,6 & 15, – 20 Feet = 1 Fruchy. * 4 t | &T’’ ---- T. 27: --> \, \ º SS I - 7 | S.-rr: i - ? - - * ...” or " - gº &c. - | 2\º -- " " ..." 2%%; ~ss SX2% Ş *g r g ſ F-Fº 3% --- _Fee & 19, | | | f | | | | ? 1p 20 t - 39 40 59 60 70 - 39 9p 1% ofeet. * º; - * 2^ .* X -- :- ** ~ ! E %x N §§ * --- - s .” 2’ .e. o 9 - 7 • *s H=4% 2 t------2----------------- t - * º: | Z 2 " 21s 6_94: º: s- W / SS NS X N — r---- p { * * z gºº .33 * Ss. 7 ^. ^ , W KSZ" \ w ſº - : § Cº. / /.2%; ãover Strip, A. 34-23;s& ‘s `N2% N l R. w II. % | Scale, for Fºg: 7, 12, 18, 14,- 4 Feeb =7 Frch. s º * z a - 2. Šs; ^ "Nº N. - * | // 22.4% sº *śsº 2^ *NN s 9 r º $) Jºches/3,4,6,7,9 1. 3. 3. + § º ! I ! 19 f f | t 15 l i ! t 20 Feet), I z z N z %kºv,” | - ~ * i * / /? 3/.” SS Y \, \,\ w i § t l t * / / 3 PlateNS: Åkº Yº - | : ©K.' & % 2^ N § zz .N | to - Fy " ... .º. 3 XSS/ %ab 2' N,N& * \ t Scale for Fºgº & & 9,- % inch-1 Foot. t s tº A | <3; %/eb. .." § zz \ \ s Inches 72. W -10 Feet * :- -- º z :* * \ º, w - º s $6 r: - *- j, º /* N& \, y \ W Nº 16, 1. i. 1 Q | % § 4. § 6. 7 3. § f l: tº | | t / , ~37& .." & \\ w Q - s tº * t - * , f z’ A \ . ~ * V \ \ w * - : 1 4. A LA- t - - -- 1 e 1 iſ 2^ - \"\ , , \ \ S Scale, för Fia: IO & T1, - I Frveh - I Foot, % % § % &S #3% º § | | | 2’ _ -- ~ W \ \ W Irvches 10 | 9 y z Z N’w z -- " - - º z - ~ * * - ^. In ches, % 2222*. . % § %; - #% S § | | 2’ . . . " \ . . y **@ ; , ; , 1 19 20 30 + 4p º % %3. %2% NSN ?? % I § | | | ,” - - - T M \ } \ - wº Zzy2%ive tº z z º,” t ſ rf e * \ ! | % Żºłº jº, N % 33% n 5- ! Al'A'v bolt, …” … • * ! l % % ...: - % NS | % % & bonda in K- - t e f so ºw ,’’ --- * F H - g % %iº § 3% % % * | I &: 34----> * ----->}} -1- =#| Scale for Fºg:16–15 Chains = 7 Hºcłv. Zz. * /22 NSN e zz, ſz 2%’. 1. - ---, T º •º * % % § % . % % ! | | | 11"-- a ,’ s | | ; Chaºs 70 , , , ś , , , , 9 19 20 3. 40 $o 6p Chains , % §§ §§ % & \ , , * 3: j . . . . £' | 80 _60 22/2 Z2 NNN' ; : Zºº, ºr zºº. . W ... • * ^ W * - * i Zzz z Z222 NS: .22%2 *Z/22; - * \ \ | _-- " º ! I | 3% t º | % % % N §§ % % S. --~~ ,” | | || qle,68wer %stfuck, Fig. 13. p \ - • • - % % º % R § #3% % : W \ºr’ _2. 22' ſo/ . ; }}- §H----------- *Iz'z www.S. N zz : \ \º - * f f p -- g s 2.22% Z2 z Z/2Z. NNN NS FI’,”,” 2% * *.s: s , : n º - * { # - - f ar t z % 1% RSS N ? j% 2,223; ">: --|--|--|| \", \ 2’ §§... ſºy ſº &f 94 Rivets. k--------------------- 7-6-4--------------------> l % % Nº N, 3% #!/? - \ ,’ ^{ % ºf /º | * a zºzz NYSN RRSN ' |2% $2%% - wº z Zs &a, /9% | w i zz// % ^º av NRN 2' Z// w z º SS &r-ſo k e SECTION ON A. B. %2 % R$ § 3% }% SECTION ON B.C - Q-- 'N 2' §§§ | - % % R& N |2% % * * * * ºr \. & Nºk ~ 9×S.S. J ----2” % % Š §§ % - $º, X& ׺ 22232 º ------zz========~~ * z z - w # / %%. % R$º § 3% $% * NºN \;<\,' Sº //2, | S a 14- — *zz.” z v * * - • z t % % R& § 3% ſº §N \X’s %/ ^ section on LINEs A.B. g [--- *** %2% N"JN NSN 2%. 2% * , K& * 2^ ./ * | % |% Nº N É%. % $Y^NXSS .” . * Z. \ %2 ZZ Rhº Ni Zºº. '.2%/ * * X^2^ t __– —— — — — — z_z.” ! {^2% NSNN: N ZZZZ ZZZ o ^ * * | z//z z/22 § - N, 1222 ZZ2 * …” ef \ ZZZ 222. * ". Nº. 12.2% z *~ s .* | % % Šišš Č % } % ST----- --~~~2-1. \Kon DAPuFAM STATlo N. % % Rºšščğ % Sºº-----|--|-|---~~~~ | | *~/. Z. N - NN Zz,2%, * ...[2%z/ - * - - - —H·-- * - - - -2° 22′ 2 º' Aftº ſº) N. Zºº"T T ~ Jººs, Tºss Wºº//// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / " … 2 …~" …T. …~ .2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × …,’ 2^_2, . . . . .” NSS, WNA - Taº agº. --> NY — — — — — - Z/2Z.A. Z2 NNN N %2% I tºº, *~~ -- ~ * zzzzz!" 2% NNN N' 22.2%: ; :22/2 * - - - -l. ----- * | Z/// *,2, YN :INNNN %2% - Z", | ZZZ |ZZZ NºNN. SNS % |%22 ./ 22 N.N. v. z.”z z % % NRN. § ºft |% - % % R$ § 1% §§ t %22%; ; % Nº SNSSN, 12.2% 'lºº. %% s %2 § - |N| % 42%% % S$º $. NSN ?% % - %jº §§ .NSS' 2% § P L A N - % ºft R$ RN & % W. R O U G HT I R O N W E L L – C U R B . zz * * * * *INNN ºf , ..]^zzzzi" * \ %. § RS RN, ºft ić } zz.A.s - . % NNN *NSS % §§. % SS :N 3% :2% g Ø *NSN ? % :2% § 2% % Cl - % SNS %2Z 22%% g * * * * * TSN |%. §2.2% O . RS #2% 2% y tº 3/// --- - §§§ 1%; § Bond, Ring 4% - º NS #2%; $2% til , S * Tw - - - - - - - - º 2 - * º ". IO: ** - F - *..." º º º - -- S. ~. r/ fy rf ºs - § - 12.7"diarnſ of Ring at centre, dzarrºſ. 6 to each, carb , & 2.1%".--> &3-64-6-4-6N, -1 - 2. º $º ñó) mºnºr. & * ... • 3)n& nº O -—x- - - *S a lºt Tºp | L DITIt! Tºmº, ºf c 2. $.". s” , - W - * lººzºli'ZºSIMZººlſ: - - HHºlſøylliſº *Nº N % Nº 'ta ; 8. Š [º * tºG)"G o §§§ .-- *Nº ºys)ºrºaſt _E Fºo 9 r (`A NIf/º T2 …T. 4. 1%. Bo Nº * - - :->> . .” - s & º Ž *. º º º: FR onT AND BACK ELEvation - T \scº - - - - - - ---> "… otz,”, 34,” * 2° 7/, / º a i 3%. 2/2"x}s | L 3'x3' x 7/2 2% ſº ** -º i SS º 2. º; •-, 2- - -2 °. .33ingle, 20fºopertin | §Sirº 6#Rail der: 21:46, Ičivet heads all countersitriley %Rives throughout. o o o o o o o o w | W wº £ | § 5% coves * Forº...! #: | * Trv Owzāside Platéey, R. - #!. 2% Engineers Rangalow, # 6. Az' * go Servants Qaarters. Quarters for Drivers *a ,”,’ *Stahle z z º, - ru tº wº // - - Nº. % 22' *Kitcherty, - ©Biºgeºlºrs Bangalow. 2." q9 Office). | | Ö O - §.s Stable, 22' ->k / ºf % Gºver. º PLATE s. - l %"Cover. | | -r- - * tº ” ... . *-*-* * - - - * 73 .2/2 r º * , º ty f - * A-f :// - 2% º Pla (c. 7& Rºvels 4’ſºcks. % Plate. % Flside (over 3.4%.1.3%%" ------------ - - - - - - - - - -2\,. ---> --> <--- ~~~~~ *-* * * ~ * r * > * > z <> --> --> --~~~~~~ * ~ * * * * > /* --~~~~ * ~ y, x - - - - - - - - - - - ". .4-" Inside Cover, 4.8%. 1.5°x33 k----------- - ** * § 7" W Fiq, 21 - - -- T - _j 77r1 º * LG A-2-1. * fr # ty axº~ * --- - - - c — g - – --x-—-—- * ºr 4%.4% strº ſ - I"bottº º () - : o o, o ji o 'o o o X, L& 4×4 ... • 0. 9 / - - Hº (% Jssi. . 24 tº ~ Figs º 2, i Jºdges tº be fºrcedy. | § & - - - • -,-11 ... " & tº t - ar \\ : # S H ! P M E N T J O | SH 1 PM E N Tº" J O J N T - sº ! l -- 348-10"------------- > # § ºf 34(Ptate. '...” c Ross Is Ection, ! | ADJusting top LENGTH. ſ? ! 3 ! 2" Covers. - ‘’o Covers. t * Ž l rs - o 12.'. ... w AT End P1LLAR. N EA R C E NTR E - ! ** -Rivets. Jºzizéây. % Cover's g ! S 4 t ‘ş */ º º Wy *f z P A N O F Pl | Š *4:#"X3#" * as 4%.3%3%" 4%. 3% 7%" 3%"x24"x24" as 3"x2% 3%. 2%" as 3%.2%"x%" %2fPlate, t Nº. t ! i- es. F | $ *y - º ºf fº rº #y *r y_” sº ** sy *** ----- y g f/ | £º cravanged to cºln cut of Erection. of Girclers t . §-S %"|Plate. %pate. %g Plate, 2/4"x}% 2%x% Bars 2%. % 2%x% 2%%" X- | K-- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - **!-0.". -------------------i. e I I a D $: , ' , - - X- 1. 3 × 3 × %" als !, his’ | - - } ---- - - t | There are also upper Lerwat - - S. r t I t Pp. ng l : 2 “Sº sº t ; Iſø § | of 2:0', 4.0", 5 o'certa, 6’ 6” Fig. 20. t ...: S. I 3/4 | 2.0', 4.0", 5: O cervá, 6' 6", | Ricci U T, eve ly, 699 - 51 . I tº to { % * | I Ş. S- § $º s G) * 3 # ~ | • * - ſ W -S 3's s RS 4.Rāſeţs. | f … . . - | sº ºr tº § S. E L E V A T 1 O N • St. | "...i. I'Bolts—The holes ºn Geoff Gänder. - § ‘s tº ! 6) °]h,7%Rive&. ,” W. W. W. i: Q ~ " : G) O z l /o - #: § -Y - r 3. | square , for these Bols to be / Ø # *S k------ 1454------> | *y . §: EN LARGED SECTION. º | ºrrietal 'c St. Shewing Stifºrmers of Top Boorn, of Top Bracºrua. #4trijeta L. --- * * “” vang P op is racing m º i. &ev, 6 82 - 5 h & - Re -- PLAN of 12 FEET cy. Lt N DER. - The AA/O h |- - - * - - : . | * E | At H. - - - r S. - t is | 4ſºft Z - - - - -\- - - - - -A- - - - - - -}}: --- — — — — — — — — — — — »e - - - - - - - -Nº-º-º- ** - - - - - -- - to Bºut against the - - | tº Fig |. I8. #.º.º. - / Plate of Foot= /These holis ºdiazºwiflvsjkº; | PLA N OF A DJ U STAB LE CAP. -----. i rockesonaued. */ - fº %, •p A ºf over Piery, and the rivalleable C.I.washers 6%.2%” 9 '' ()." ==T-F5 shipmentJoint. | \ % Gºes o ° e % ºvers NK. /% • ‘N %"Covers o . * f | L& 4"x 4"x %" * º 4%.4%% - s' "C3" § : / º t -—%----S 2 - &P/ t - - - fy - h ," \ ŽS afey, | * . . . 1394 &" Total Lenaff of Girider. ---------- #2 ...2.3".-J ºr....jä... . ;: ;------------ º:------------------ 2.3" 81?:#7), : 2^ * * * * * T." " " ": " : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --— — — — — — -,-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --if-- ſº-º-º-º-º-º-º- a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + -itº- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it 334 &" Toła L.L ength gf. 8:0%paré(centre & certà'e) placed opposite. Wºrtºcals - -- *-*.Aº- - - - t EN LARGED SECTION AT 1. K . | {T/ºrjetav | ,” s z- - i - : s , .” .S. | ! Oz' 4- SN S 1 \ ..." ;| ** * A. ... / ?... * 9 a...? o | | © o,” ‘s: ol'47.oles fºr draºrtage. o % Rivets & Pitch', | | ~ * ^. §| ** º - , t Lärove Joint; /* § | : 4tron Cover 4%.4%"..." Ç 4 -K - *-*-*** -> → * v- - - , rc - - - - * ~ * * * * * T * ~ * a ~ Kº" ~ * * * *- - - - 21 ºr * g. * * * ~ / C rºº - - - - - - - - - - - - - G - - - - - - -...- - - - .." t * * * * ~ * ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * . J3 I $/." 2’ k----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------1404.9". Centre+e Centre of Piers.--------- JFºa - 13. l & Gover Platey .. t S E C T | O N A L. P. L. A N OF r &: q. | | % 2^ | - "5 cy | i 2^ n o z -T-Y e * o 6. - - - - - . . º.º.S. º. ig 4. | E?' Fig 9. o g s: Rºžºilº | | | tº | 7C - 8. p 3. - *A #. 6. •. M C t * º ... Sº, Aoles fºr I"titrned. hoſts, | s g vº ºf t i Holes fºr I #nºſed holls, i . 1á bottholes : **. c . 1% bołł. : : : : | | r * * ZY ºr | £- *::::: :* § 77. f a :^*::::---...}. o g s: "[...|ſo holes |oic °, tºo Sºss t & Shºptraent Joint, | ! k ---21:10%".------, } - ić.3%.--1.0"---k---40%-->{{### w : É º ----|x||. . . SSSoº- §s. | 22 | ** Tº t †—FF- ſo so to o c SSJ E.E- ; ; ; ; ! --- o Çd o e SSS "º –2– 2. SH-i- : j iºšč. #H# ſº Ił. `sº | : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f :# :S º: ;2 º N S • w ! *S. o Š *}; *--left|† :. .#8 s PLAN of Bottom LENGTHs. I : § * S off?. KS o to .#" Q | Hº! --!!-----Y---|-li-------- - - ** | --~~ z ... [… - || |: ...[7%Plate.jºs RC | - z o Tºto". sš. . o § o so. °dibo sº w Wertical o *rrºr - ojºs- oic º;|he Is | - | § {T}. Tº ~~ jo 6 || Sº - - + of ozº o lº art rf º, a .6 – O a tº 1 0 Lo, 5 - 6 6 º *SS- w 12.0% : ; 7/?g cºver .g-lºſs Fig. 19. i I ; : • * |2||& . .#2 i. iſoles for 1% bolts, º 4'. Q." J cy +--|g|}|. ... cº Joint). ! iron Cover 4'x4'x}%." --- *- - - - - - - - - - - - N r * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : •S | | | | | |:#| || ºrmese::::::::tºmºmº-º-ºx===º:grº | º - #. `... j|*|† clo eiß-S Lirotºzºº" ſo Tຠ'Eºfºº To | HAL F PI-A N . SECTION ON o - sº loſºls—lºº §. “ x - i t & ! 3// - r : 'S ſºlº o]\@ je - © e o O & O § Sºle fºr Eaſ: 1,2,3. II, 12,13,14, 15,16, 17, 18–%ć-1Foot. - p o ... left|Fºliº, ºfte º ; : -- st - - * . ‘. –, - - 1% bolt s - º - I 6) © O 6) * - S X *’Éiºnſ—i # 5 f i if 7 i & Pºº. Fig. 12. : is ºft|*:::: ; Fig 16. - | © i gº i | | o * tº 6 | - * } G) C OR; 6) o 6 º' Gº, o ox' ºr -- 6. - *** º * º | Scale fºr." E.g.: 4, 5, 6, 8,9,10 19–38–7 Foot, : º g o o SS: To S$5%ver:Plates § Eéch, Zºº.73, L. f. , , ,? # *- + 5 Feeſ. o, CN o Ho e - \ , 6) o $ 6 o $o of]o [S - Ll E i ! I L I - --- - * - - *---- #ſo Ki & * try º - Ełº | %écovers N or e : - § . . ; ; ; |; • • *||* * * * *še c || || %; §§§ Sodºc for. E.g.: 20, 21.— 20 Feet =I Fr. ch. a o - |%2.1 &_. L. ----—#6,45° life : Š S |||s Bełłºżº ãºſºčáricºl - - ry x - - *> - º - - t r ," “ * Wºw º y Gº tº º ºf J T * * {{ſ-, * * ~ . ~~~~ -º;&Y&R º” IV2 Şāº); Fººt 2, . , , ; , , *— 19 j 20 ! 39 ºf ‘pfeet. o 6 JRivets. shaded, cºnd, black are to he sent, ozzt loose/ 4. B - • $ |: : %istrip *. *:::: º: #||73 Riveſ's 3. 89. Y º %2. 26. 8. S$2. 3%. Scole fºr Fº, 7–%"—ZRecſ. %. Holes fºr Rivets shaded Black to be drilled in the 3% Plates • *-īº g j i s e |& © & 6 6 & 6 |e £ch, --------. - co/e for Erg /-/4 = LBrºc/e), 27, late, fºr . . * * a ſº . . - - - - - - - - - - -- * *- - - - - - Act 1 ſº I ? {{ ? - ? + 5 7 § #Iaş and in the 4x4%%"Lºrons during Erection, in Endia. . t * ** r NZ ++++++++ ſ C R O S S S E GT1 O N OF PIE R 17. -- - * *-- .- 3:0"long with 6sq£iſashers. % Rivets, 4"Pºck). - +/ ºf S E CT I O N R O L L E R B E A R N G - Fix E D B E A R N G - L cover's x7% S E CT I O N A L E L E VAT I O N - l ON LIN E A.B. - « O N LIN E C.D. WROUGHT IRON BOTTOM LENGTH . - - EN LARGED VI EW OF SH 1 PM ENT joi NT. E. W. S T O N E Y, DE L T, THQ'º, KELL ****** Sº COVENT GARDEN - - - | - - | Minutes of Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. CIII, Session 1890–91. Part I, - - - | - e CAS T S T E E L . CA S T S T E E L . SECTION ON Ll N E E. F. - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN