Aletleri Vكر , & JAN 9 1920 17 ARTES LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TUE BOR SLOUERIS PENINSUL ANG NAM CIRCUMSPICE // 3 ( Driel 1.2 HA 432 ./9/5 A 3 C37 - w र. .. " HL UN The Commonwealth of Massachusetts THE DECENNIAL CENSUS 1915 Massachusetts. Bureau مانا۔ of TAKEN UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CHARLES F. GETTEMY 09 NMSU il Director of the Bureau of Statistics QVIETEM E PLACIDAM 9 BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS 32 DERNE STREET 1918 Di Jg&. Hia 1 Transfor 3922 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 266892 MARCH 1930 1 THE POPULATION OF MASSACHUSETTS FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO 1915. Explanatory Note. - The population figures as given herewith for the years specified from 1621 to 1755, inclusive, are estimates, the authority for which is a paper on the “Population of Massachusetts,” by Joseph B. Felt, published in 1845 in the first volume of the Collections of the American Statistical Association, and apparently the result of careful research; the figures in the first column for the years 1637, 1654, 1665, and 1673 are the aggregates of the estimates given by Felt separately for those years of the population of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies, respectively; and the figures for the years specified from 1696 to 1755, inclusive, are estimates for the Province of Massachusetts. Not until 1765 was there a definite census taken, but in that year the first general enumeration of the population of Massachusetts was under- taken in accordance with Chapter 275, Resolves of 1763–64, and Chapter 28, Resolves of 1764–65. The population as ascertained by this census is given in the text of the report of the State Census for 1865 (p. 176) as 238,545, and in the footing of a table (p. 204) as 238,423; while the report of the State Census of 1895 (Vol. I, p. 216) gives the figure as 239,764, and this is repeated in the State Census Report for 1905 (Vol. I, p. 902). These varying statements of the population by the Census of 1765 are probably the result of different computations based upon the doc- ument which had, up to 1905, been accepted as the authority for the population ascertained by this census, namely, a compilation published in the "Columbian Centinel" of Boston, August 27, 1822, as transcribed from a manuscript found by Judge Samuel Dana of Groton among the papers of a deceased friend. In 1905, however, there was published in Boston a monograph on "Early Census Taking in Massachusetts," written by the late Josiah H. Benton, Jr., who had come into possession of another manuscript copy of the Census of 1765 differing in some respects from the Centinel copy; and in view of Benton's careful research into the whole subject and his comparison of contemporary records, the tables given in his work have been accepted by the writer in making a new compilation for the State for the Census of 1765, with the resulting total here given. Various figures have also been published from time to time for the Census of 1776, but the tables of the State Census Reports since 1865 are con- sistent in placing the figure in 1776, including negroes and Indians, at 299,811, though the units as given in the manuscript records in the ar- iv 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS chives of the Secretary of the Commonwealth add to a total of 299,065; the difference is so slight, however, that the former figure, for the sake of uniformity, is carried in our table. The population figure 357,510 for 1784 is derived from Felt's article, though in a report of the General Court dated February 14, 1786, the figure is given as 356,542, but our early public functionaries were not always as accurate in making additions and subtractions as they might have been. The population figures as given in our table for the censuses succeeding that of 1784 do not appear, however, to be subject to dispute on the ground of authenticity or accu- racy of compilation. The discrepancy which may be noted between the State and United States Census figures for 1840 and 1850 is, partly at least, due to the exclusion from the state enumeration in those years of "paupers and convicts in the State prison." Estimated Population, 1621-1755. YEAR Population of Massachusetts Plymouth Colony Massachusetts Bay Colony 51 100 180 Tillos 506 396 8.461 549 1621 1622 1624 1629 1633 1637 1639 1654 1665 1673 1696 1701 1718 1723 1731 1735 1742 1747 1749 1755 2,941 5,310 9,410 7,912 8,592 16,026 23,467 35,644 18,967 28,777 45,054 62,724 70,000 80,000 94,000 120,000 144,308 164,000 192,000 220,000 234,000 งวา | | | | | | | | | | Population as Determined by Census Enumerations, 1765-1915. YEAR Population Authority Census Day 1765 1776 1784. 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1837 1840 1840 1850 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 240,433 299,841 357,510 378,787 422,845 472,040 523,287 610,408 701,331 737,699 719,364 994,514 973,654 1,132,369 1,231,066 1,267,031 1,457,351 1,651,912 1,783,085 1,942,141 2,238,943 2,500,183 2,805,346 3,003,680 3,356,416 3,693,310 Provincial Provincial State United States United States United States United States United States State United States State United States State State United States State United States State United States State United States State United States State United States State On or before May 25 March 20 September 1 August 1 August 1 August 1 August 1 June 1 May 1 June 1 May 1 June 1 May 1 May 1 June 1 May 1 June 1 May 1 June 1 May 1 June 1 May 1 June 1 May 1 April 15 April 1 CONTENTS. . . . PART I. – GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND POPULATION TABLES. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope of the Census; Provisions of the Census Act of 1915 Organization and Principal Personnel of the Census of 1915 Preparations for the Enumeration Publicity Preparation of Schedules and Forms Division of the State into Enumeration Districts Enumeration of Boston by the “Block System” Selection of the Field Force The Enumeration: Supervision and Checking of Field Work Card Punching, Verification, Counting, and Sorting Special Tabulations The Aged Dependent Inquiry Information for the Commission for the Blind List of Veterans of the Civil War The Census of Fisheries and Commerce The Census Finances Appropriations and Organization of Accounting Division Field Employees: Rates and Method of Payment Office Employees: Rates and Method of Payment Lease of Punching, Verifying, and Counting and Sorting Machines GENERAL POPULATION TABLES Population and Legal Voters Population by Sex Increase and Decrease --Growth of Urban Population - . Population of Various Political or Geographical Sub-divisions. Living Conditions of the Population TABLES Table 1. Population and Legal Voters of Cities (by Wards) and Towns, arranged by Counties (as returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth pursuant to the Provisions of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution and of Section 7, Chapter 692, Acts of 1914) Table 2. Population of Cities and Towns, arranged Alphabetically, by Sex, 1915, compared with 1910 and 1905 Table 3. Population of Cities and Towns, 1915, compared with 1905 and showing Increase and Decrease, arranged in Order of Size, 1915 Table 4. Population of Cities (by Wards and Precincts) and of Towns having Precincts, by Precincts, arranged Alphabetically, by Sex and Number of Families PAGE 3-32 3-7 7-10 11-18 11 11-13 13-15 15, 16 16-18 18–24 24-26 26-28 26 27 27 27, 28 29-32 29 29, 30 30, 31 31, 32 33–179 33 34 34-36 37 37-41 42–133 42-48 49-53 54-58 59-68 vi 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS PAGE 69 70-73 74-76 77, 78 79 80, 81 82-86 TABLES ('oncludel. Table 5. Population of Counties, 1880–1915, arranged Alphabetically Table 6. Population of Congressional Listricts by Courties, (itics, and Towns Table 7. Population of Judicial Listricts by Cities and Towns Table 8. Population of Fire, Water, and Light Districts, by Towns, arranged Alphabetically, by Sex and Number of Families Table 9. Population of Metropolitan Besten at Each Census since 1880 Table 10. Population of Boston by Geographical Sub-divisions, 1790- 1915. Table 11. Density of Population: Population, Net Land Area in Square Miles, Population and Families to a Square Mile, and Habitations to a Square Mile, of the Cities and Towns, arranged by Counties Table 12. Population and Families (in Dwelling Houses and in Other Habitations), Number of Rooms Occupied, Average Fer- sons to a Family, Rooms to a Family, and Fersons to a Room in Occupied Dwelling Houses; Presentation for Cities (by Wards) and Towns, arranged Alphabetically Table 13. Dwelling Houses and Other Habitations (Occupied, In- occupied, and under Construction) by Material of which Constructed, and Population of Cities (by Wards) and Towns, arranged Alphabetically Alphabetical List of Unincorporated Villages and Sections of Cities and Towns Having Distinctive Designations, showing Munici- pality and County in which situated Notes, with Statutory Citations, on Annexations, Changes in Boundary Lines, Place Names, etc., since 1900 The Median Point and Center of Population 87-94 95-133 134-168 169-175 176-179 1 Part II. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 183 184-285 EXPLANATORY TABLE 14. Composition and Characteristics of the Population by Sex, for the State and for Cities and Towns, arranged Alpha- betically (A) The Number of Native and Foreign Born. (B) The Number of il'hite Persons classified by Native of Native Parentage, Native of Foreign or Mixed Parentage, and Foreign Born; the Number of Colored Persons, classified by Native and Foreign Born; the Number of All Other Persons (including Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and All Other), classified by Native and Foreign Born. (C) The Number and Per Cent of Illiterates 10 years of Age and Orer; the Number and Per Cent of Vative, Foreign Born, Il'hite, and Colored Illiterates 10 Years of Age and Over; and the Total Number of Illiterates 21 Years of Age and Over. (D) The Number of Persons of l'oting Age (i.e., 21 Years of Age and Over), classified by Native and Foreign Born. (E) The Number of Foreign-Born ilhite Vales, classified by Alien, Naturalized, Unqualified, and Unknown. (F) The Number of Persons in Each of 21 Specified Age Periods. CONTENTS. vii PAGE TABLE 14 Concluded. (G) The Number of Persons 14 Years of Age and Over Engaged in Gainful Occupations as Distributed among the Following General Classes: (1) Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry. (2) Extraction of Minerals. (3) Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries. (4) Transportation. (5) Trade. (6) Public Service (not elsewhere classifed). (7) Professional Service. (8) Domestic and Personal Service. (9) Clerical. PART III. - NATIVITY, COLOR or RACE, ILLITERACY, POLITICAL CONDITION, AGES, AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. EXPLANATORY 288-310 Explanatory Notes 288 Nativity. 289-296 Native and Foreign Born 289 Number of Foreign Born Living in Massachusetts in 1915 289, 290 Increase of the Foreign Born 290-292 Distribution of the Foreign Born 292, 293 Parent Nativity 293-296 Color or Race 296, 297 Illiteracy 297, 298 Political Condition 299-301 Ages 301-306 Persons in the Dependent and Productive Age Groups 306 Persons of School, Militia, and Voting Age 306 Conjugal Condition 307-310 The Age Factor 308-310 Comparison for the 25-Year Period, 1890-1915 310 Tables 311-483 Table 15. Native classified by the New England States and New York, and Foreign Born by Country of Birth for the State; 1915 in Comparison with 1905, showing Increase or Decrease in Number and Percentage 311 Table 16. Distribution of Foreign Born by Cities and Towns in which the Foreign-Born Population of Certain Specified Coun- tries is represented by 50 or More Persons, arranged Alphabetically by Countries and by Rank of Cities and Towns; 1915 in Comparison with 1905 312-323 Table 17. Native, Foreign Born (by Country of Birth) by Sex, and ) Native by Parent Nativity, by Sex, for the State . 324, 325 Table 18. Native, Foreign Born (for Selected Countries and Sub-divi- sions) by Sex, and Native by Parent Nativity, hy Sex, for Places having a Population of 2,500 or More 326-409 Table 19. Native, Foreign Born (for Selected Countries and Sub-divi- sions), and Native by Parent Nativity, for Towns having a Population of Less than 2,500. 410-471 viii 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS PAGE . Tables Concluded. Table 20. Native and Foreign Born by Color or Race and Sex, showing Native for Each of the New England States and New York, and Foreign Born by Country of Birth, for the State 472, 473 Table 21. Illiterates in the Population 10 Years of Age and Over by Native and Foreign Born (Native White by Parent Nativ- ity and Foreign-Born White by Country of Birth), Color or Race, and Age Periods (10 and Over but under 21 Years, and 21 Years and Over, including Age Unknown) by Sex, for the State 474, 475 "Table 22. Political Condition of Males of Voting Age by Color or Race, by Native and Foreign Born; Aliens, classified by Length of Residence in the United States, for the State 476 Table 23. Political Condition of Foreign-Born White Males of Voting Age for Selected Countries of Birth; 1915 Compared with 1910, for the State 476 Table 24. Political Condition of Foreign-Born White Males of Voting Age, by Country of Birth; Naturalized, classified by Qualification for Voting, and Aliens, classified by Length of Residence in the United States, for the State 477 Table 25. Ages by Native and Foreign Born and Sex, and Native and Foreign Born by Color or Race, and Sex, for the State 478-481 Table 26. Conjugal Condition of Persons 15 Years of Age and Over, by Sex, Color, or Race, Age Periods, and Native White by Parent Nativity, for the State 482, 483 487-504 490, Part IV. - OCCUPATIONS. EXPLANATORY Tercentages of the Population Engaged in Gainful Occupations in 1900, 1905, 1910, and 1915 Comparison, 1910 and 1915, by Industries General Distribution by Age Periods and Sex General Distribution by Color or Race and Nativity Principal Occupations Represented Males. Females Foreign-Born White Colored The Day-time Population of Boston Married Women Engaged in Gainful and Non-Gainful Occupations in Principal Cities. TABLES Table 27. Gainful Occupations of Persons 14 Years of Age and Over, by Sex, for the State Table 28. Gainful Occupations of Persons 14 Years of Age and Over, by Sex, Age Periods, and Color or Race, for the State Table 29. Gainful Occupations of Foreign-Born White Persons 14 Years of Age and Over, by Sex, and Country of Birth, for the State 490 491 491-494 494 497 497-502 497, 498 498, 499 499-501 501, 502 502, 503 > 504 505-631 505-511 512-535 536-631 CONTENTS. ix : PAGE PART V. - THE CENSUS OF FISHERIES AND COMMERCE AND APPENDICES. EXPLANATORY 635-643 I. The Sea and Shore Fisheries 635-640 Equipment 635 Product 636-640 Fish 636-638 Whaling 638 Mollusks 638, 639 Crustaceans 640 Persons Engaged in the Fisheries 640 II. Ocean and Coastwise Commerce 640–643 Number and Kind, Gross Tonnage, and Value of Vessels of Five Tons and Over Built in Massachusetts from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 1917, as Registered in the United States 642, 643 TABLES (Fisheries and Commerce) 644-674 Table A. Value of Equipment and Product and Number of Persons Engaged in the Sea and Shore Fisheries, for the State and for Specified Cities and Towns, 1915 compared with 1905 644-670 Table B. Number and Kind of Boats and Vessels Engaged in Ocean and Coastwise Commerce in the State, by Port of Entry . 671 Table C. Number, Gross Tonnage, Value of Boats and Vessels, and Number of Crew Engaged in Ocean and Coastwise Com- merce, by Port of Entry 672 Table D. Number of Tons of Freight, Number of Passengers, and Amount Received for Transportation in Ocean and Coast- wise Commerce, by Port of Entry. 673 Table E. Number, Kind, Gross Tonnage, Value of Boats and Vessels, and Number of Crew Engaged in Ocean and Coastwise Commerce, by State or Country in which Registered 674 APPENDICES: Appendix A. Text of Act to Provide for Taking the Decennial Census (Chapter 692, Acts of 1914). 677-681 Appendix B. Text of Resolve to Provide for Securing in Connection with the Decennial Census Certain Information Relative to Aged and Dependent Persons (Chapter 120, Resolves of 1914) 682 Appendix C. Order of the House of Representatives, Adopted March 24, 1915, Requesting the Opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court Upon the Constitutional Author- ity of the Legislature to Fix the Census Day 683 Opinion of the Justices 684, 685 Appendix D. Proclamation of the Governor Relative to the Census 686, 687 Appendix E. Facsimiles of the Population Census Schedules 688–691 Appendix F. An Historical Survey of Census Taking in Massachusetts, including a Sketch of the Various Methods Adopted from Time to Time since 1780 for Determining and Apportion- ing the Membership of the House of Representatives and the Senate and Council 693–749 1 PART I GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND POPULATION TABLES THE DECENNIAL CENSUS OF THE COMMONWEALTH. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE CENSUS; PROVISIONS OF THE CENSUS ACT OF 1915. The primary function of the Decennial Census of the Commonwealth, taken by the Bureau of Statistics under the general authority of Section 7, Chapter 371, Acts of 1909, is to determine, as required by Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution, the number of legal voters in each city and town of the Commonwealth and in each ward of each city, and the number of inhabitants of each city and town. The object in ascertaining the number of legal voters is to furnish a basis for the apportionment of representatives and senators in the General Court for the periods between the taking of the census. The first census taken under these amendments was in 1857, the regular decennial series beginning in 1865. As each census period ap- proaches the Legislature passes an enabling act defining, in more or less detail, the scope of the census and providing for the necessary expendi- tures. This legislation, however, has not been limited to the specific re- quirements of the Constitution, and from 1875 to 1905, inclusive, the enumerations of population and legal voters as required by the Constitu- tion were not only elaborated so as to include the gathering of much data concerning the people themselves (e.g., state and country of birth, parent nativity, color or race, ages, literacy, conjugal condition, occupations), but were supplemented by censuses of manufactures, agriculture, fisheries and commerce, and the collection of information upon numerous other subjects of public interest. In making provision, however, for the Census of 1915, the act passed by the Legislature (Chapter 692, Acts of 1914)following the recommendations of the Director of the Bureau, contemplated a census much more limited in scope than any of the State censuses since 1875. That is to say, it made no provision for a census of manufactures or a census of agriculture, such as was formerly taken in conjunction with I "A census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, on or before the last day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven; and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty- five, and of every tenth year thereafter. In the census aforesaid, a special enumeration shall be made of the legal voters: and in each city, said enumeration shall specify the number of such legal voters aforesaid, residing in each ward of such city." Prior to the adoption of these amendments there had been numerous more or less complete enumerations of the population of Massachusetts in addition to those made decennially by the United States under the provisions of the Federal Constitution. : For the text of the Census Act see Appendix A. 4 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - the decennial census of population and legal voters required by the Consti- tution, and certain other subjects of inquiry in former censuses were also omitted from the scope of the Census of 1915, partly because of the ex- pense involved and partly because it was felt that this class of information was obtainable through other official channels.1 The act providing for the Census of 1915 accordingly contemplated only censuses of population, and of fisheries and commerce, the schedules of the former to embrace, besides the inquiries necessary to obtain the information required by the provisions of the Constitution, “such other questions as may be deemed expedient by the Director of said Bureau (i.e., the Bureau of Statistics), subject to the approval of the Governor and Council." The Legislature of 1914, however, passed a resolve (Chapter 120)2 for securing “in connection with the decennial census certain information relative to aged and dependent persons” for the in- formation of the Legislature in considering the subject of old-age pensions, so-called. Thus the chief functions of the Census of 1915 may be sum- marized as follows:- 1. To enumerate and determine the population and the number of legal voters in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution. 2. To collect such additional information relative to the composition of the population as might be deemed expedient by the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, subject to the approval of the Governor and Council. 3. To take a census of the fisheries and commerce of the Commonwealth. 4. To make a special investigation of the subject of aged dependents. The Director of the Bureau of Statistics was also authorized (Section 9) “to cause to be prepared and printed in such detail and with such analyses as he may deem advisable tabulations of the various classes of information” gathered in accordance with the Census Act and, further- more, "to prepare from information obtained in the census such tabula- “ tions from time to time as may be desired by any individual or organiza- tion and to charge therefor a reasonable sum based upon the cost of making the same.” He was also directed to make an enumeration of any .city, upon petition of the city government, “in such manner as to show the number of inhabitants and legal voters in each street, square, or 1 The entire cost of the Census of 1905, $478.859.36, was $105,000 in excess of the cost of the Census of 1895. In preparing for the Census of 1915 it was estimated that were it to be taken upon the same scale and cost proportion- ately the same as that of ten years earlier, making due allowance for the growth of the Commonwealth in the decade, it would involve an expenditure of approximately $600,000. But by eliminating entirely censuses of manufactures, agriculture, and certain other subjects from the scope of the Census of 1915, and by modifying the schedule of inquiries for the Population Census, thereby materially simplifying the latter, which it seemed quite possible to do without substantial sacrifice of valuable statistical information, and in the conviction, also. that appreciable economies could be effected in administrative methods, especially in the field service, it was believed that $400,000 would cover the legitimate requirements of the Census of 1915, or about $200,000 less than would have been necessary had it been proposed to follow the scope and method of the preceding census, taking into consideration the increase in population since, and about $80,000 less than the actual cost of the Census of 1905. This belief was amply justified by the results, the cost of the field work, which was approximately $187,000 in 1905, being reduced to $132,000 in 1915, or 29.4 per cent, notwithstanding the population enumerated increased in the meantime 23 per cent. For text of this resolve see Appendix B. 2 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 5 avenue, or in such blocks or squares of the city as may be designated, and specifying the detail with which it is desired the results thereof shall be tabulated,” the expense of such tabulations to be assessed upon the city. The fundamental purpose of the State census, to which all other considerations are incidental and subordinate, is to comply with the re- quirements of the Constitution in the matter of determining the num- ber of legal voters as a basis for the apportionment of representatives and senators in the Legislature. But while the Constitution requires a census of “legal voters” to be taken, it nowhere specifically defines the term, nor is it defined in any statute of the Commonwealth. It accord- ingly devolves upon the census-taking authority to determine what consti- tutes a "legal voter,” and this has always been done by giving the most feasible interpretation to the several qualifications laid down in the Consti- tution, the possession of which seemed to be intended by that instrument as conditions prerequisite for the exercise of the franchise. From these provisions it appears that a legal voter may be defined as a native male 21 years of age or over or a foreign-born male 21 years of age or over who has been naturalized either by his own act or that of his father, provided such person, whether native or foreign born has resided in Massachusetts one year and in the city or town six months and can read and write the English language and is not a pauper or under guardianship. The number of legal voters in the State and in each city and town is, therefore, a matter of deduction, being the number of persons in the entire population who can respond to these several qualifications. It should be noted that the term "legal voter” has within this interpretation a tech- nical meaning quite different from the term “registered voter.” A "legal voter,” in other words, is a person who is a potential voter, that is, he possesses the qualifications necessary, under the Constitution, to enable him to register for voting purposes; but while he may thus be, in a con- stitutional sense, a legal voter, he can, of course, have no legal right to exercise the act of voting without conforming to an additional require- ment imposed by a statute of the Legislature, namely, that of registra- tion. It is apparent that in order to ascertain the number of “legal voters in the Commonwealth in accordance with the definition above given, it is necessary to obtain certain specific information regarding each individual in the population which is incidentally of very great value in throwing light upon the economic and social condition of the people. For example, since a person must be a male in order to come within the category of "legal voters," it is first necessary to classify the population by sex, — and to do this we must ascertain the number of males and females, re- spectively; again, a male in order to qualify for voting must be 21 years of age or over, — consequently it is necessary to ask every male person his age in order that those 21 years of age or over may be separated from 6 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS those under that age; it is necessary, also, that he be a citizen, - conse- quently we must ascertain his place of birth, and if it appears that he is foreign born, it becomes further necessary to ascertain whether he has acquired citizenship by becoming naturalized by his own act or that of his father; his period of residence in Massachusetts and in the city or town in which he resides must likewise be ascertained for each male, in order to determine how many have resided in the State one year and in the city or town of residence, six months; and since, in order to qualify for the fran- chise, he must be able to read and write the English language, we must determine who are able to do this. It is further necessary to ascertain how many male persons are paupers or under guardianship a pauper being for the practical purposes of the census, one who from disease, in- temperance, misfortune, or any other cause has become dependent wholly or partially upon public charity; and a person under guardianship being for census purposes, one whom it is necessary to keep under restraint, such as an inmate of a penal institution, an insane hospital, etc., as well as an idiot cared for in a private family. In addition to the information necessary to procure for each male person of the population, in order to determine his political status under the Constitution, certain other questions, not specifically required by the Constitution, are customarily asked at each census for the purpose of se- curing certain data constantly called for by students of economic and social questions. Among these are inquiries regarding conjugal condition, so that we may know what proportion of the population is single, married, widowed or divorced; questions relating to parent nativity and occupa- tion; also an inquiry for the purpose of ascertaining the number of totally blind persons in the community for the benefit of the Massachusetts Com- mission for the Blind in its work of caring for those afflicted in this manner. If only the requirements of the Constitution were to govern the taking of the census, it would be unnecessary to procure any specific in- formation relating to females; but most of the questions asked for males are also asked for females, in order that we may have statistical informa- tion regarding the population, irrespective of sex, for social and economic purposes. Aside from the elimination of provisions for collateral censuses of manufactures, agriculture, and other subjects such as had been included in the State's former census undertakings, the act under which the Census of 1915 was taken embodied one radical departure from custom which had prevailed with respect to each census of population and legal voters hitherto taken under the requirements of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution. This was in the matter of the census day, i.e., the day as of which the enumeration was to be made. That day had uniformly been fixed in the enabling act for each recurring census as May 1, undoubtedly for the reason that formerly this was the date for the assessment of taxes and also, perhaps, because the precedent established GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 7 ! - in 1857 and the somewhat awkward phraseology of the constitutional pro- visions bearing upon the point had created a doubt as to whether the Legislature had authority to fix any other date. The great increase, how- ever, in recent years in the number of people who leave their usual place of abode each year before May 1 for summer residence elsewhere, together with the fact that subsequent to the Census of 1905 the date of assess- ment had been set forward by the Legislature to April 1, prompted me to call attention to the desirability of changing the census day to that date which, if done, would facilitate a more complete enumeration and at the same time make it possible to check the enumerators' returns to the assessors' lists; hence April 1 was fixed as the census day in the Census Act, al- though the question of the constitutionality of fixing a date other than May 1 was raised while the bill was pending. But just prior to April 1, 1915, it was wisely deemed to be of the utmost importance, since the validity of the legislative apportionment to be made in 1916 might prove to be involved, that all doubt with regard to the point should be decisively settled by the highest authority in the Commonwealth. Consequently, on March 24, 1915, the House of Representatives passed an order requiring the opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court. Their decision was favorable to proceeding on the date selected, the Court ruling that “under the Constitutional provision now in force the General Court may fix the first day of April as the date on which the census may be taken in any year following 1865." The authority of the Legislature to meet changing conditions by fixing any day in the calendar year which is the decennial anniversary of the year 1865 as a date as of which the enumera- tion required by the Constitution shall be made, would therefore seem to be no longer open to question. ORGANIZATION AND PRINCIPAL PERSONNEL OF THE CENSUS OF 1915. The taking of the Decennial Census of the Commonwealth, as required by the provisions of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution is a work, which, in magnitude and complexity of detail, has no analogy in any other branch of the State service, involving as it does an undertaking in which the field work must be prosecuted rapidly within a limited space of time by a large force of temporary employees, without previous experience, who are expected to work for small compensation. It is necessary, therefore, at each census to transfer to the census staff a certain number of the regular employees of the Bureau of Statistics who are experts on this work, for the purpose of perfecting the organization and carrying the task through to completion, and there were eight such transfers to the Census of 1915 for a considerable period of the duration 1 House Journals for 1914, June 1, 3, 4, 5. : For text of the Order of the House and the Opinion of the Court, see Appendix C. 8 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS of the work upon the same in addition to the Director and Deputy Director). This organization and its principal personnel (not including special agents and district inspectors) was as follows: - ADMINISTRATION DIVISION. - Charles F. Gettemy, Director, and William G. Grundy, Deputy Director, in immediate charge. This division made all the preparations for the census, the Director devising the schedules, appointing and organizing the field staff of about 2,000 persons, from among some 4,500 applicants, and the office staff of 200 employees at its maximum, preparing the examination papers used as a basis of appointments, the instructions to enumerators and the rules to be followed in editing schedules, and determining the classifications for the preparation of data for publication. The immediate duties of the Deputy Director embraced the laying out and planning of the field and office work of the census, the preparation of town and city maps, the division of the State into about 2,100 enumeration districts and 43 inspectors' districts, and describing the boundaries of the same, the preparation of forms and blanks, assisting the Director in pre- paring instructions to enumerators, the organizing of the field work and collecting of material, the checking and examining of returns, organizing and planning the work of examining, coding, punching, verifying, counting, sorting, and tabu- lating the population schedules and punched cards, from which the census tabu- lations are made, answering inquiries of the public in regard to census data, keeping of office records and accounts and the preparation of maps and checking of the assessors' block system of Boston. He also had general supervision over the Fisheries and Commerce Census and of special inquiries and tabulations called for by the Legislature and commissions or departments, in accordance with the census law, and the preparation of statistical tables and copy for census publications, as outlined and determined by the Director. DIVISION OF EXAMINATION OF SCHEDULES, CODING AND HAND COUNT OF POPULA- TION. – Annie L. Flynn, Chief. This division was organized into seven sections, each consisting of a group of clerks, segregated in separate rooms as far as possible, with a clerk in charge. Clerks employed for service in this division were first given preliminary oral instructions by the Chief of the Division, and then assigned to one of the several sections, being thereafter under the immediate supervision of the clerk in charge of the section. The clerks in charge of the several sections of this division were: Annie L. Flynn (Chief of Division), Mary M. Coakley, Laura G. Dillingham, Katherine F. Gorman, Gertrude A. Lambert, Helena E. Reardon, Edith M. von Kamecke. Miss Flynn, Chief of this division, began her duties in connection with the Census of 1915 on July 1, 1914, working through the remainder of that year in assisting the Director and Deputy in the making of the preliminary preparations. Her work during the preliminary period in- cluded assisting on the verification of boundaries of maps for the enumeration districts and the assessors' blocks of Boston, preparing various forms and blanks, etc., rating examination papers for inspectors and enumerators, and supervising the clerical part of the publicity work (circulars to women's clubs), listing desig- nations of appointments, making out inventories of material to be shipped to enumerators, keeping records of oaths, commissions, etc., mailed and received, mailing post cards, notices, etc., dividing districts where necessary, instructing special agents, inspectors and enumerators. During the period of editing and coding, she had under her supervision an aggregate of about 130 clerks, whom she instructed in editing and coding according to directions as formulated by the Director and Deputy Director; she personally worked with each individual clerk on at least one enumeration district in order to test her ability; dictated correction letters; verified, either by letter or telephone or research work, various GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 9 + returns on the schedules which seemed improbable or unknown to clerks, etc.; supervised the hand count of males and females, the legal voters, the count for 65 years and over, special tabulations, tabulations of dwellings, families, rooms, and villages, precincts of cities and towns, population by assessors' blocks of Boston, and aggregation of census reports; and kept various work and efficiency records. CARD PUNCHING AND VERIFICATION DIVISION. George A. Gerrish, Chief. The nature of the work performed in this division is described on page 24. The specific duties of the Chief of the Division included responsibility for the proper instruction of the operators of the machines; maintaining discipline; keeping an attendance record; keeping a record of the districts received for punching and verifying, that none be omitted or duplicated; keeping a record of the time consumed in punching and verifying each district, a record of the number of cards punched or verified by each clerk per month, and the number of errors, partly as a basis for payments by the bonus system and partly as a basis for cost accounts; assembling the punched cards into units (a unit being a town or city ward) for the Counting and Sorting Division. Mr. Gerrish entered the Census Office as a special agent and was Inspector of Population Enumerators in a Boston district before being made Chief of Division. COUNTING AND SORTING DIVISION. — Robert A. Warren, Chief. The work of this division in the counting and sorting of the punched cards by machines preliminary to tabulation of the census data is described on page 31. It was the duty of the Chief of the Division under the direction of the Director and Deputy Director to draw up all machine report forms so that when the data were taken off, they would be comparable with former State and Federal censuses; and to prepare forms and card indices for the keeping of the records of the department. He also had to determine the priority of the various machine reports and the methods of sorting, and was custodian of all punched cards. He also did most of the minor repairing and was responsible for the condition of the machines. The adding and checking of the machine reports as they had been run on the machines, as well as the aggregation of the majority of the reports, was under his supervision. He came into the Census Office as an Inspector in charge of Population Enu- merators in Waltham. DIVISION OF FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. Charles Thompson, Chief. This division was organized to have charge of the special canvass made for the Fisheries and Commerce Census, and was placed in charge of Mr. Thompson, who had been connected with the Bureau as a special agent since 1891, having been employed on censuses in the meantime both as an inspector of population enumerators and as a special agent on agricultural and fisheries and commerce censuses, and between censuses as a special agent in the collection of industrial data. He was transferred from the Bureau staff to the census in the autumn of 1914, being first engaged on important preparatory work, then as an Inspector of Enumera- tors in Lawrence, and finally being placed in charge of the Census of Fisheries and Commerce; and he was also called upon to have charge of editing and tabulating the information required for the preparation of the list of Civil War Veterans. On August 31, 1917, Mr. Thompson having been in the employ of the Bureau 26 years and being a veteran of the Civil War, 75 years of retired on his own petition by the Governor in accordance with the provisions of the Veterans' Retirement Act, so-called. DIVISION OF AGED DEPENDENT INQUIRY. Roswell F. Phelps, Chief. This division was organized to have charge of the Special Aged Dependent Inquiry undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 120, Resolves of 1914. A large part of the information in connection with the inquiry was not obtainable through age, was 10 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS the census, but had to be secured by means of a special canvass and conducted chiefly by correspondence, though certain basic data were derived from the census schedules. Mr. Phelps was placed in charge of this inquiry by virtue of his position as Chief of the Labor Division of the Bureau of Statistics. He had no direct connection with the regular organization of the census, except to take the data especially tabulated from the schedules for the purposes of the Aged Dependent Inquiry and adjust the same to the requirements of the inquiry. This brought him into close relations with the Census Office and by virtue of the fact that the additional clerical expense involved by the inquiry was paid from the census appropriation, he and the clerks working under him were classi- fied for the time being as a division of the Census Office. DIVISION OF RESULTS. - William G. Grundy, Chief; Annie L. Flynn and Robert A. – Warren, Assistants. This division was organized to have charge of the tabula- tions of data from the machine reports and the preparation of printer's copy for the published results of the census. DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS. — William W. Boardman, Chief. The proper accounting for the expenses of the census and their classification, so that the cost of the various branches of the work could be independently ascertained at all times during the progress of the work and so that a definite basis might be had for estimating the cost of future censuses, made necessary the creation of a Division of Accounts. (See “The Census Finances," p. 29.) The Chief of the Division, Mr. Boardman, was selected from the staff of Examiners of Accounts, attached to the Municipal Division of the Bureau of Statistics, from which he was trans- ferred on December 2, 1914, for a period of three years. The following regular employees of the Bureau of Statistics not mentioned above were transferred to the Census Office from time to time for extended periods: - Charles C. L. Moore, who had been for many years a special agent of the Bureau of Statistics, with experience on former censuses, was employed as a field agent in collecting preliminary information for the organization of the census, then as an Inspector of Population Enumerators, and again as a traveling special agent in the investigation of numerous questions arising from time to time in various parts of the State which required the service of some person of experience in census work to properly adjust. Mr. Moore having attained the age of 70, was retired from the service on August 21, 1916, under the retirement act. Alice S. Gerrish was transferred from the Bureau to the Census Office for a period of practically a year, being engaged, by virtue of her experience on this branch of the work in former censuses, in assisting in the laying out and de- scription of enumeration districts and in taking charge of the designation of interpreters and in keeping interpreters' records. Lura E. Carlson, a regular stenographer of the Bureau, by virtue of her general proficiency and familiarity with census procedure, was transferred to the Census Office for the period September 1, 1914, to June 1, 1917. Charles P. Sliney, a special agent in the Labor Division of the Bureau, was transferred to the Census Office and served from February 1, 1915, to September 1, 1916, being given entire charge of the shipment of schedules and their custody, a position requiring great aptitude for and appreciation of the importance of accuracy of detail in the keeping of records, so that in the case of the several million schedules, segregated into 2,100 parcels which were constantly changing hands, the location of the same could be told at all times. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 11 PREPARATIONS FOR THE ENUMERATION. Publicity. A campaign of publicity is deemed necessary in connection with the census, in order that the public may be of a receptive mind concerning it and be prepared to furnish the enumerators with the desired information when the canvass begins. Somewhat more elaborate preparations were made and carried out in this respect in connection with the Census of 1915 than had been formerly done. Forty-five thousand copies of a leaflet embodying the questions to appear on the population schedules, with a brief statement of the object of the census, were sent to the membership of the women's clubs throughout the State; and 10,000 copies of a pamphlet entitled, “Why the Census is Taken,” and embody- ing a brief sketch of the origin and development of census taking, were sent to various organizations, school teachers, and others in a position to distribute the same effectively. The Governor of the Commonwealth issued a proclamation' which was translated into seven languages, copies being printed in French, German, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Yiddish, and Portuguese, and these were distributed to churches, libraries, schools, and other organizations, arrangements being made to have the same read from the pulpits, and by teachers in the schools; and publication being secured in foreign language newspapers. Census Office. Owing to the fact that adequate office facilities for the census, which requires at the maximum approximately 200 clerical employees, cannot be furnished within the State House, it is necessary at each recurring census period to find suitable quarters elsewhere. For the purposes of the Census of 1915, accordingly, a former dwelling house was leased at 24 Mt. Vernon a Street, in close proximity to the State House, being suitably re-arranged, equipped with the necessary shelving for the accommodation of some 5,000,000 schedules and 4,000,000 punch cards, so-called, and duly in- spected for the strain to which the floors would be subjected by the in- stallation of the machinery to be used in preparing for the tabulations. Preparation of Schedules and Forms. The act to provide for taking the Decennial Census of 1915 was ap- proved by the Governor on June 20, 1914, and on July 7 a resolve making an initial appropriation of $15,000 for the work was signed. From that time the task of preparation and organization was prosecuted vigorously and as rapidly as possible, the specific inquiries to be asked on the popu- lation schedules, as devised by the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, being officially approved by the Governor and Council, in accordance with the provisions of the act, on July 15. 1 See Appendix D. 12 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS The matter of determining the precise form of the schedules was the subject of considerable preliminary study. The Massachusetts Population Census has been taken for several decades by means of card schedules; that is to say, the information obtained for each individual and each family was entered by the enumerator on a separate card (a supplementary card schedule being used for obtaining certain special information regard- ing veterans of the Civil War), the cards for males, females, and families being of different, distinctive colors (male, blue; female, red; family, yellow; veterans, white), and this method having been found to lend itself more conveniently to the office processes of editing, classifying, and tabu- lating than a schedule, such as is used by the United States, consisting of a single sheet on which the information for a large number of individuals is entered, it was again adopted for the Census of 1915. Since it is de- sirable that the cards be of a size convenient both for carrying in the enumerator's pocket and for handling in the office, it is necessary to condense the inquiries, with the spaces provided for the answer to each, into the smallest possible compass consistent with affording opportunity for clear and legible entries. The dimensions of the schedules for the Census of 1915 were, accordingly, 3} by 6% inches." The next most important form to be prepared is the Enumerator's In- struction Book, and although the process of taking a census has, from long experience, become in its general aspects standardized, and the pro- cedure followed both by the United States and by Massachusetts for the field canvass is substantially the same, certain variations and modifications in matters of detail, partly due to changing conditions and partly to im- proved methods suggested by experience, have always been found neces- sary at each census, so that a careful, minute revision of the instruction book must be made in preparing for each new enumeration. This book for the Census of 1915 consisted of 43 pages of text, together with facsimiles of the schedules. A memorandum book, styled the Enumerator's Street Book, is also found to be necessary for the purpose of checking the enumerator's work as to completeness of the canvass. In this book the enumerator is in- structed (1) to make a record of each house, apartment building, or other dwelling place at which he did not secure on the occasion of his first visit all the information required to be entered on the population schedules, thus necessitating a second visit; (2) to account for each closed house or apartment; (3) to account for each house, public building, business build- ing, shop or manufacturing establishment, whether consecutively numbered or not, for which there are no residents to be returned; (4) to account for each vacant lot or public square which, in the consecutive order of numbering on any street or avenue, represents house numbers for which no entries of population can be made; (5) to account for new streets, ave- nues, etc., for which there are no residents to be returned; also streets, 1 For facsimile of the schedules, see Appendix E. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 13 avenues, etc., having houses on one side of the thoroughfare only. Thus, by means of the street book and the population schedules combined, the enumerator is expected to account for each and every building or space within the limits of his district, whether inhabited or not, so as to provide the means for judging as to the thoroughness of his house-to-house canvass and, in general, the completeness and accuracy with which his work is performed. In addition to the preparation of the schedules and the enumerator's instruction and street books, there also had to be devised for the use of the enumerators and special agents, and in keeping the various records required by the clerical and mechanical processes of the office and for tabulating purposes a total, for the Census of 1915, of some 164 printed forms. Division of the State into Enumeration Districts. Of fundamental importance in preparing for the taking of a census is the division of the State into geographical units, termed enumeration dis- tricts, and the assignment of each of these districts to a canvasser, styled an enumerator, whose duty it is to perambulate his district and list or "enumerate" each person in the population thereof upon schedules fur- nished him for the purpose, the enumerators in the cities and large towns being under the immediate direction of inspectors appointed for areas com- posed of a convenient number of enumeration districts. The enumeration district is the basic, physical unit of the entire census from the first field work through the final tabulation, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that these districts be laid out with great care and their boundaries be determined with absolute accuracy, not only by lines drawn on maps, but by written descriptions in language so explicit that there can be no question as to the precise area included in each of the several units; and while the same general method of procedure is followed in this respect at each census, a new division of the State into enumeration districts must, nevertheless, be made in preparing for each recurring census, since increasing and shifting population, changes in boundary lines of political sub-divisions (such as wards, precincts, etc.), the laying out of new streets, changes in street names, etc., render useless the enumeration districts as laid out for any one census for the purposes of a subsequent enumeration. The fact that it is absolutely essential to a complete and intelligent enumeration, not only for the guidance of the enumerator in the field, but to enable the office to properly check his work, makes necessary the accumulation in advance of a considerable amount of information which can only be acquired by sending agents over the State. In preparing for the Census of 1915, this work was performed during the autumn of 1914 the Deputy Director and three agents assigned for the purpose. The most recent maps were first collected through correspondence from as many municipalities as could furnish the same, by purchase from map 14 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS makers, and by making photographic copies of topographical survey maps in the possession of the Harbor and Land Commission. The latter showed only main highways and even for these no names appeared; they formed, however, an excellent basis to work upon and were taken by the agents direct to the local authorities, who were requested to furnish a list of streets and highways laid out and names which did not show on the maps, and to indicate where such highways should be drawn; whereupon they were inserted with pen and ink and the names inked in. This process was also followed with reference to city maps, including those of quite recent date, it being particularly important that the names and proper location of principal thoroughfares which might be bounding lines of wards and precincts should be brought strictly up to date. In every census one of the most fruitful causes of confusion is the trans- gression by enumerators, through carelessness or misreading or misunder- standing of instructions, of the boundary lines of their districts and their enumeration of population in adjoining territory to which other enumera- tors have been assigned, thus creating complications and difficulties almost without number, which must be rectified in order to avoid duplications in the count and to insure that each political sub-division has returned for it its proper population and no more. A greater amount of preliminary work in the preparation of adequate maps, which had to be made in duplicate and sometimes in triplicate, was undertaken in preparing for the Census of 1915 than had been done for any previous census, and with results which were quite justified, since the maps supplied the enumerators throughout the State for the Census of 1915 were more complete and correct in detail than at any previous census, and there were, as a consequence, fewer difficulties in the actual taking of the census because of the transgressing of bound- aries by enumerators than ever before. Maps for each of the 353 cities and towns having been obtained and supplemented with the necessary collateral memoranda by correspond- ence and field agents, the division of the Commonwealth into enumeration districts is then undertaken, the bounding lines of the districts being indicated on city and town maps and determined in accordance with certain necessary rules and recognized principles of census procedure, a de- scription of which in some detail may be found on the files of the Bureau. The area embraced within each district must then be made the subject of a text description, which for approximately 2,100 districts, and involving careful comparison of the descriptions with the maps, is slow, tedious, monotonous work; but there is no single process in the whole organization of the census of greater importance, since the slightest error in describing a boundary line is likely, either to leave an area unassigned, with the re- sult that the population may be omitted from the enumeration, or, by overlapping, may result in a duplication of the canvass of certain streets or blocks and create a confusing situation involving delay and expense to straighten out. The total number of enumeration districts into which GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 15 the Commonwealth was divided for the Census of 1915 was 2,099. This number iņcluded 104 so-called “institution districts," — the larger public institutions, and certain private institutions containing a more or less constrained or permanent population living on the premises, being segre- gated from the population of the area in which the institution is located and the superintendent or some person designated by him being appointed an enumerator therefor; it also included 62 "x" districts, so-called, i.e., extra districts resulting from the sub-division of a regular enumeration dis- trict owing to sickness, death of enumerators, or the necessity of speeding up the field work. Enumeration of Boston by the “Block System.” By Section 3, Chapter 692, Acts of 1914, the Director of the Bureau was given authority to enumerate the population of any city “in such manner as to show the number of inhabitants and legal voters in each street, square, or avenue, or in such blocks or squares of the city as may be designated.” Boston was the only city which took advantage of this provision and the City Council on October 26, 1914, — responsive to the representations of the Chamber of Commerce, the Planning Board, and others interested in intensive studies of local economic conditions - passed the following order which was approved by the Mayor on October 28: Ordered: That, in taking the coming Decennial Census, the Director of the Bureau of Statistics be hereby requested to make an enumeration of the City of Boston, giving the number of inhabitants in each of the Assessors' Blocks established by the Assessors of the City of Boston. Generally speaking, an assessors' block is a parcel of land bounded by public thoroughfares or physical boundary lines; and the city of Boston in 1915 was plotted into 4,582 such blocks. The system of designating these blocks by numbers and letters which has grown up in the Boston assessors' office over a long period of years is extremely complicated and involved a great amount of expert clerical work upon original records before maps and descriptions could be made of each of the 4,582 blocks in order that the enumerators might be properly instructed to make the canvass of their respective districts in such a manner that the schedules for these small units could be segregated and their population reported separately. The principal purpose served in a tabulation of population for such a small unit as the assessors' block is to enable studies to be made of the move- ment of population from one section to another, its decline in the business areas, increase in residential areas, and also to trace changing real estate values and social conditions. The assembling of such small units can also be readily made into various combinations to obtain the population of any desired area, such as precincts, -- which the City Council may 16 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1 1 1 establish at will, – judicial districts, postal districts, etc. A return of the population of Boston by assessors' blocks was filed with the City Clerk May 17, 1917. Selection of the Field Force. By Section 2, Chapter 692, Acts of 1914, authority was given for the appointment of enumerators, inspectors, and special agents“ in accordance with such rules and tests as the Director may, with the approval of the Civil Service Commission, devise for this purpose; provided, however, that enumerators shall be, so far as practicable, residents of the cities and towns for which they are appointed.” A form of test was accordingly devised for determining the qualifications of such appointees, which was approved by the Civil Service Commission September 29, 1914. This test consisted of a series of questions accompanied by facsimiles of the population schedules and a narrative history of an imaginary family such as was calculated to elicit from applicants for these positions their practical quali- fications for securing and entering upon the schedules the required infor- mation in accordance with a pamphlet of instructions prepared and furnished them in advance. Candidates for the position of special agent and inspector were exam- ined at the Census Office on January 12, 1915, 83 participating in the test, as a result of which 43 appointments were made, the examination being the same as that to which candidates for enumerators' positions were sub- sequently subjected, but being supplemented by conferences at which the agents and inspectors were given verbal instructions by the Director and Deputy Director and permitted to ask questions as to their duties. The distinction between special agents and inspectors consisted in the fact that the latter were appointed with a view to having personal supervision over the enumerators of a given territory and were required to inspect their schedules from time to time for the purpose of testing the enumerators' understanding of their duties and to act, in general, as representatives of the Census Office in particular territory assigned. Usually inspectors were appointed only for city districts, although in some cases groups of towns presenting especially difficult local conditions, or towns immediately adjacent to a city, were placed under the supervision of an inspector; but it was not deemed practicable to appoint inspectors for large areas em- bracing several towns having only one enumerator each, since it would be impossible for an inspector in such a district to assemble, or keep in personal touch with, the enumerators; the enumerators in the greater portion of the State, outside the cities, therefore, were subject only to such supervision as could be provided directly from the Census Office or by a visitation from a special agent where peculiar difficulties were encountered. The special agents were supposed to have a more intimate knowledge of census procedure than the inspectors and were not assigned to particular districts, but were kept engaged on special assignments in territory where GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 17 there were no inspectors, the special agents being, with a few exceptions, recruited by transfer from the regular force of the Bureau of Statistics or from persons in the community who had had similar experience in former censuses. 1 > Beginning in the autumn of 1914 and continuing practically up to the date of enumeration, April 1, 1915, the office was constantly in re- ceipt of applications for enumerators' positions, although every effort was made to have as many applications as possible filed by the end of January. There were approximately 2,100 such positions to be filled, for which there were 8,184 applicants, of whom, however, only 4,567 actually took the examination. The surplus of not much more than an average of two to a district, while in some localities it was sufficient to afford a good margin for selection, was offset by a deficiency in other communities; yet because of the expense and temporary character of the work, it was not feasible to shift enumerators to assignments in other communities than those in which they resided. In all localities in which the applications were sufficiently numerous to justify the holding of a group examination, the candidates were so examined, but where such a group examination was not feasible, the applicants were permitted to take the examination at home by filling out the blanks and returning them to the Census Office. Practically every candidate was thus required to submit to a written examination calculated to test, in some measure, the extent to which he had familiarized himself with the instructions as a basis for determining his qualifications for the work. A force of clerks certified from the regular eligible lists of the Civil Service Commission was employed during Febru- ary and March in marking and grading the papers. Appointments were then made upon the basis of the ratings of the applicants, though in some cases it was necessary to depart from the strict ranking order of those who had passed the test and, in the interest of as efficient and economical a canvass as possible, to take into account the age and sex of the applicant, the language spoken by the population in certain localities, or other wholly impersonal considerations. This work of desig- nating enumerators and assignment to districts is one of the most arduous and difficult of any connected with the census, and for this reason it was performed personally by the Director with the assistance of the Deputy Director; it involved consulting the maps and descriptions of each district, a careful scrutiny of the test papers and application forms showing age, sex, and nationality of the applicants, and in many cases the office records of enumerators on former censuses, and in preparing for the Census of 1915 it had to be done almost entirely at night, that is, between 5 P.M. and 12 midnight and often later, over a period of several weeks, for the reason that the regular office hours during the day were devoted to other equally imperative duties. One enumerator was appointed in 1915 for each enumeration district, but in numerous cases when an enumerator had finished the canvass of his first district, he was appointed for another for 18 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS which no suitable person had been found. The number of separate enu- meration districts and the total number of enumeratorsemployed on this census are shown by the following statement: 1,933 Enumeration Districts as originally laid out, exclusive of institutions Enumeration Districts set off from the original districts after the enumeration had begun. 62 Total field enumeration districts Institution districts 1,995 104 Total enumeration districts . 2,099 1,847 . Number of enumerators, exclusive of institutional, appointed for one district only Number of enumerators, exclusive of institutional, assigned to more than one district (including two enumerators, each of whom had one regular district and one institution district). 72 1,919 62 Number of institutional enumerators, appointed for one district only Number of institutional enumerators appointed for more than one district 17 79 Total number of enumerators 1,998 THE ENUMERATION: SUPERVISION AND CHECKING OF FIELD WORK. As above stated, 43 inspectors were appointed whose duties were to meet and verbally instruct the enumerators of certain defined areas in their duties in advance of the enumeration, to check the canvass during its progress by a limited examination of the schedules, correct misunderstand- ings or misinterpretations of instructions, supplement faulty work of enumerators by enumerating omitted population and, in general, act as intermediaries between the Census Office and the field. Only the cities and, in certain cases, adjoining towns, and certain groups of towns pre- senting special problems due to congested or exceptionally cosmopolitan population, were set off as inspection districts, the largest number of enumeration districts or enumerators over which any inspector had juris- diction being 58, and the smallest, 21. These districts, the number of 1 Of the 1,919 individual enumerators of territory outside of institutions, 1,499 were males and 420 females; 1,905 were white, 11 were colored, one was an Indian, one a Chinaman, and one a half-breed; 135 were under 20 years of age, 932 were 20 to 29 years of age, 800 were 30 to 60 years of age, and 52 were over 60 years of age; 1,752 were native and 167 foreign born. Of the native, 1,511 were natives of Massachusetts; of the foreign born 43 were natives of England, 38 of Canada, 26 of Russia, 25 of Ireland, while 12 other countries were représented by from one to nine enumerators each. Four hundred and thirty-seven occupations were represented among the enu- merators. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 19 enumerators under supervision in each case, and the inspector in charge were as follows: DISTRICTS Number of Enumeration Districts Inspectors No. 1, Boston, Wards 1 and 2:1 Winthrop No. 2, Boston, Wards 3 and 4; Somerville, Wards 1, 2, and 4 : No. 3, Boston, Ward 5 No. 4, Boston, Wards 7 and 8 No. 5, Boston, Wards 6, 9, and 10 No. 6, Boston, Wards 12, 13, and 14 No. 7, Boston, Wards 15, 16, and 22 No. 8, Boston, Wards 11, 17, and 18 No. 9, Boston, Wards 19, 20, and 21 No. 10, Boston, Wards 23 and 24 No. 11, Boston, Wards 25 and 26; Brookline No. 12, Chelsea and Everett No. 13. Revere, Saugus, and Lynn, Wards 6 and 7 No. 14, Lynn, Wards 1 to 5, inclusive . No. 15, Melrose and Malden . No. 16, Waltham and Woburn No. 17, Cambridge, Wards 1 to 8, inclusive No. 18, Cambridge, Wards 9, 10, and 11; Arlington and Belmont No. 19, Newton and Watertown No. 20, Somerville, Wards 3, 5, 6, and 7; Medford No. 21, Quincy, Braintree, and Weymouth . No. 22, Brockton and Whitman No. 23, Taunton, Attleboro, and North Attieborough No. 24, Fall River, Wards 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 No. 25, Fall River, Wards 4, 5, and 6; New Bedford. Wards 1 and 2 No. 26, New Bedford, Wards 3 to 6, inclusive No. 27, Salem, Peabody, and Marblehead No. 28, Newburyport, Amesbury, Newbury, Rowley, and Ipswich No. 29, Gloucester, Rockport, and Beverly. No. 30, Haverhill and Methuen No. 31, Lawrence No. 32, Lowell No. 33, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Clinton No. 34, Marlborough, Framingham, Natick, and Milford No. 35, Worcester, Wards 4 to 8, inclusive No. 36, Worcester, Wards 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10 No. 37, Springfield, Wards 1, 2, and 3; and Chicopee No. 38, Springfield, Wards 4 to 8, inclusive; and West Springfield No. 39, Northampton, Amherst, Easthampton, Greenfield, and Montague No. 40, Holyoke, Westfield, and South' Hadley No. 41, North Adams, Adams, and Pittsfield No. 42, Islands in Boston Harbor (exclusive of Institutions), tug boats, and other craft, Boston fishermen, Special District No. 43, Southbridge, Charlton, Auburn, Oxford, Dudley, Webster, and Douglas 36 38 43 41 55 47 38 38 31 22 31 35 29 35 36 26 39 23 27 38 32 34 36 42 38 33 30 21 27 33 46 58 37 27 42 41 36 34 William S. Forster. Frank F. Morse. Philip Davis. Frederick W. Ringdahl. Charles C. Lee. Thomas F. Dolan. Bernard L. Gorfinkle. Albert C. Sawyer. John A. Sullivan. Thomas E. Clifford. George A. Gerrish. John D. Smith. Fred J. C. Brady. Herbert A. Caswell. Gordon I. Gerry. Robert A. Warren. Edwin A. Holmes. George H. Jennings. William H. Rand. John H. Thomas. Alfred M. Richardson. Walter H. Gilday. Dwight M. Miner. Harry F. Downs. Henry A. Stone. Charles E. Hardy. Frank A. Williams. Charles I. Somerby. Elliott Adams. Frank E. Mahon. Charles Thompson. Alexis F. Fecteau. Timothy J. Cahill. Charles F. McCarthy. Timothy F. Larkin. Frederick W. Hurlburt. Chester W. Allen. William H. Trowbridge. 30 42 39 Prof. F. Stuart Chapin. Michael H. Toomey. James W. Maher. Abram H. Nelson. 23 C. Hawley Moore. · Except the islands in the harbor, which were enumerated by a special agent separately assigned for the purpose. The enumerators in the remainder of the State not embraced within the inspection districts were supervised directly from the Census Office by correspondence through a system of daily reports, supplemented by visita- tions of special agents in cases of particular difficulty. During the period of the enumeration the daily mail of the office is of great magnitude and must be handled expeditiously. The incoming reports, cards, and letters are accordingly first sorted by enumeration districts and distributed among "correspondence clerks," of whom for the Census of 1915 there were seven, each in charge of approximately 300 districts. Where possible to segregate inquiries, or where the answer to an inquiry was considered such that all enumerators should have the benefit of it, form letters were prepared, but in a majority of cases, the proper answer to the inquiry could be found by consulting the instruction book and in such cases the original inquiry was returned to the writer with the phrase "See Paragraph - Instruction Book” stamped across the face, — there being no time to dictate and have - - , 20 1 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1916. written out a more formal reply. In case the correspondence clerk could not answer the inquiry, she passed it on to the head of the division, an experienced expert in census procedure, who, with an assistant, was kept occupied answering especially troublesome inquiries, many of which required rulings from the Director. Correspondence pertaining to employment of interpreters was delivered to the head of the Correspondence Division who had general charge of this part of the work and kept the necessary records. Requests for interpreters in districts under the supervision of inspectors were received directly from the inspectors and all correspondence pertaining thereto was handled through the inspector; in districts not under super- vision of inspectors, the arrangements were made by correspondence direct between the Census Office and the enumerator. In 62 cases in the Census of 1915, owing to various conditions, such as a district being found to be too large or an enumerator making too slow progress, it was found necessary to sub-divide the original enumeration dis- trict. This required careful and accurate consideration of the work al- ready performed and a clear understanding of what was necessary to be done in order to define the boundaries of the extra or "x" district, so- called. Wherever it was impossible for the originally appointed enumer- ator to continue with the work, it was necessary to obtain through the medium of the inspector a list of all of the "back calls” and unenumerated territory so that the new appointee could be thoroughly instructed and not duplicate any of the work of enumeration; and then to set off the un- enumerated territory as a new district. This district had to be described, a map made for the same, and a description and map of the old territory modified, so that the work of enumeration in both the "x" district and that part of the original district remaining would not conflict. All this work required very close supervision and records, so that the work when received in this office could be properly handled and checked in order to determine the fact that the entire original enumeration district had been properly enumerated. The schedules from some of the smaller districts begin coming into the office within a few days after the enumeration begins, but it is usually about three months before the last returns are made, delays being due to various causes, — such as failure to find, prior to the census day, competent enu- merators willing to take the position; inability of enumerators in some cases, even though appointed by the census day, to begin work imme- diately or to give all their time continuously to it; sickness, negligence, etc. Unfortunately, only in extreme cases of clear malicious neglect of duty, and where there is available material from which to make another appointment, is it feasible to dismiss an enumerator after he has once started upon the canvass of his district, since to do so means either an entire re-canvass of that portion of the district already canvassed for the a 1 The first district from which returns were received in the Census of 1915 was that consisting of the town of Mount Washington, which reported April 12; the last to report was a district consisting of a part of the town of Southbridge, on July 2. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 21 a a sake of insuring a complete canvass of the entire district, or a careful ex- planation by the deposed enumerator to his inspector of the condition of the work at the time it is turned over to the new appointee, - which, if the original enumerator is being dismissed for disciplinary reasons, is unlikely to be accomplished satisfactorily. In view, therefore, of the not infrequent unwillingness of enumerators, after finding that the duties expected of them are not as simple and easy as they had anticipated, to continue on the work, even though leaving it may mean forfeiture of pay, and the fact that the resulting confusion is likely to be more difficult to cope with than slow progress, the Census Office is confronted with a condition which it is obliged, by virtue of the peculiar character of the undertaking and the ephemeral nature of the employment, to tolerate as patiently as possible. The tardiness of a certain percentage of enumerators, however, in send- ing in their returns does not interfere with the office organization necessary for the examination of the schedules, for the returns are invariably re- ceived more rapidly than the office staff can be trained to handle them, particularly in view of the census practice in Massachusetts of subjecting the enumerators' returns to careful checking for the purpose of determining omissions of population, which necessitate re-canvassing either by the enu- merator on orders from the office under penalty of having his compensa- tion withheld, or by special agents assigned for such duty in districts where it may be apparent that the enumerator cannot be depended upon to go over the territory again. The Census of 1915 was taken as of April 1; the returns from the last of the 2,099 enumeration districts were re- ceived July 2; and the supplementary canvassing necessitated by omis- sions disclosed through re-checking and investigations following complaints from certain communities, was extended for about three months longer, it being definitely determined that no further enumeration on account of alleged omissions could be made after October 15, 1915. The following extract from a statement prepared for newspaper publi- cation under date of June 2, 1915, explains the condition with which the office is called upon to deal at this period of the census procedure: – In all censuses there are a certain number of persons who are not at home when the enumerator calls, even when a second or third call is made, and who are thus likely to be omitted from the count, however faithful the census taker may be; and in each census the difficulty of procuring the desired information with respect to certain classes increases, such as persons living in apartments, "kitchenettes," etc., and the floating population of foreign birth whose place of abode is constantly changing. This year the latter class has been inclined, in some instances, to be more suspicious and elusive of the census enumerator than usual because of the fear, notwithstanding it is groundless, that the informa- tion sought may in some way be furnished to the foreign nations at war. Because of these conditions and notwithstanding the enumerators have, on the whole, rendered conscientious service, every means possible is being utilized to check up the canvass. Judging by inquiries made for population figures almost as soon as the returns are made the Census Office, many persons seem to be of 22 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - the impression that the office merely counts the names turned in by the enumera- tors and should then be able to announce the population of a given city or town; but the determination of the population is by no means so simple as this. Enumerators' schedules are subjected to critical examination in comparison with the maps of their districts and the assessors' lists of polls, - and in Boston with the police listing of April 1, - to make certain that all blocks and streets have been duly canvassed and all buildings properly accounted for either by population being returned for them or a satisfactory explanation made, if no pop- ulation is returned. This, of course, takes time and necessarily proceeds some- what more slowly at the outset when the new clerks taken fresh from the Civil Service lists are acquiring training and experience in the task; and this work, absolutely essential to make the census as efficient as possible, explains why the final results cannot usually be announced in any census year until some months after the actual field work is substantially completed. Moreover, while the amination of the enumerators' schedules is in progress, thousands of returns are made by individuals through the mail or are obtained by other means direct by the Census Office and added to those sent in by the regularly commissioned enumerators. X- To meet these conditions an intensive office organization is necessary, the ramifications of which it is impossible to describe in completeness of detail, for the reason that the work is conducted under such high pressure and each succeeding step in the procedure follows its predecessor so closely that the duties of the various groups of clerks sometimes change rapidly and not infrequently overlap. During this period countless letters of " inquiry are being sent out to enumerators, or memoranda placed in the hands of special agents, calling attention to omissions, discrepancies, etc., such as street numbers for which assessors' lists show population when the enumerator has returned none, failure to account for certain house num- bers, streets on the map of the district for which no population has been returned, and no adequate explanation made of the omission, etc. The answers received from these inquiries are recorded on the schedules by blue pencil (in order to distinguish the added information from that obtained by the enumerator in the original canvass), and after all changes have been made, the letters and memoranda are filed by enumeration district numbers for future reference, the name of the clerk who made the entries on the schedules, and the date thereof being recorded on the "correction letter," so-called. This work requires a trained office force and proceeds somewhat slowly at the outset until the clerks become familiar with the enumerator's instruction book and the rules and regulations of the office.? 1 A more complete description of the office procedure with respect to the examination and editing of schedules for tabulation has, however, been prepared and placed on the files of the Bureau of Statistics. : In other states taking censuses the enumerators' returns are, I believe, usually accepted as final, but this has never been the case in Massachusetts, and the supplemental field work after the enumerators had completed their labors in the Massachusetts Census of 1915 resulted in the addition of upwards of 40,000 to the population above the aggregate number returned in the first instance by the enumerators. This fact, however, should not be taken as indicating any exceptional dereliction on the part of enumerators, for while in all censuses to which that of 1915 was no exception, & certain portion of the enumerators are negligent and lacking in a proper sense of re- sponsibility in the performance of their duties, the great majority are unquestionably faithful to their trust and industrious in its performance, and their failure in some cases to make an entirely satisfactory canvass on their first rounds is quite as likely to be due to conditions and circumstances over which they have no control as to any fault of their own. - C.F. G. 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 23 In the Census of 1915 after all feasible corrections and re-enumerations had been made and omissions supplied, a preliminary count of the popula- tion was taken from the enumerator's voucher and a verified hand-count made of the family, male, female, and veteran schedules in order to ascer- tain the amount due the enumerators for services, since payment was by the rate-per-name method. A second count was then made, care being taken that each enumeration district was counted by a different clerk from the one who counted it the first time, and the head of the room compared the two counts; if they were found to disagree, a third count was made by another clerk. The two counts that agreed were accepted as the correct count and the record forwarded to the Auditing Division. These counts, however, were made only for the purpose of determining the amounts due enumerators for their services and by no means took account of all the population actually enumerated, since additional material was being con- stantly received in the office after the verified count for the payment of enumerators had been completed. Consequently, a subsequent and abso- lutely independent hand-count of all the population schedules was necessary (this being done by districts and the results then assembled and aggre- gated for cities, towns, counties, and the Commonwealth) to determine the population of the State (which was thus established as 3,693,310) for the official report to be made under the law to the Secretary of the Common- wealth and which was rendered December 23, 1915, the return of the number of legal voters, as similarly required, being made at the same time. This count brought out the fact that the enumerators were entitled to pay for some of the subsequent material. After the examination, editing, and correction of the schedules, it was necessary in the Census of 1915 to code those for males and females by entering certain symbols in the several information spaces on the schedules as a necessary preliminary to preparing corresponding punch cards, so-called, by machinery for the counting and sorting process. Preliminary to the actual coding of the male schedules, however, they were subjected to re-examina- tion and scrutiny for the purpose of verifying the original editing so far as entries relating to political condition were concerned, and any errors found were corrected by the coding clerk, who then proceeded to code the schedules for political condition only, the coding of the remaining points on the male schedules being deferred to a later time. This division of the coding of the male schedules into two parts done at different times instead of completing the coding for all points on the schedules at one time, thereby necessitating the handling of the 1,813,713 male schedules twice for the coding process, had its obvious disadvantages; on the other hand, it seemed necessary for two important reasons, - first, because the proper coding for political condi- tion as the basis of the ultimate determination of the number of legal voters on which representation in the Legislature, under the Constitution, depends, was of such fundamental importance that it was felt that the 1 House Document 1169 (1916). 24 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - clerks should be required to concentrate their thought upon it to the ex- clusion of other matters and not be obliged, while coding for political con- dition, to remember the code symbols and affix them properly for other inquiries on the schedule which had no bearing on political condition; second, because the time element was also of vital importance, for it seemed doubtful whether if it were attempted to completely code the male schedules at one operation, the legal voter schedules could be segregated, counted, and the count verified in season to file the return with the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth by January 1. The division of the coding of the male schedules in the manner described was amply justified by the results:- The concentration of the attention of the coding clerks upon the inquiries relating to political condition not only developed expertness and incidentally made for speed, but notwithstanding the method adopted, it was Decem- ber 23 before the official return of population and legal voters could be filed.1 CARD PUNCHING, VERIFICATION, COUNTING AND SORTING. The sorting of the population card schedules incident to the segregation of various classes of data recorded thereon and the determination of the number of persons in each group to be statistically classified had hitherto always been done by hand in Massachusetts censuses, but the great prog- ress in the development of mechanical devices for performing these proc- esses of the tabulating procedure in recent years and their successful use by the United States Census Office and corporations having large statis- tical tasks resulted, after very careful consideration, in the decision to utilize them in compiling the results of the Census of 1915. The product of the Powers Accounting Machine Company seemed best adapted to this purpose, and a contract was therefore made in accordance with which the requisite number of punch, verifying, and counting and sorting machines were leased for various periods as the work demanded, and with entirely satisfactory results. A description in detail of the operation of these ma- chines would be too technical in this connection, it being sufficient to ex- plain that the data entered on the population schedules which it was pro- posed to tabulate were transferred to a specially prepared card, called a “punch card,” by means of perforations made by the “punch machine," so-called, the punching of the cards being then subjected to verification by means of the "verifying machine," and the punched cards finally run through the "counter and sorter,” which automatically sorted the cards and segregated them in accordance with the various classes of related facts to be tabulated, the process greatly facilitating the final preparation of the tabulations, and making easily possible numerous correlations of data such as were not feasible under the old hand methods except at great expense. 1 The coding process including the rules governing the same has been described in detail for the records of the Bureau of Statistics. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 25 The machines were operated by electric power, each being in charge of an operator who was paid a minimum flat day rate, plus a bonus based upon actual performance. The Chief of the Punching and Verifying Division kept records of the work of the punching and verifying of the cards of each of the enumeration districts, showing the clerks who per- formed the various processes and the time consumed by each one. This simultaneously supplied a record of the performance of the machines and, in conjunction with the record of the verifying machines, which disclosed any errors made in the punching, - an efficiency record of the punch ma- chine operators which, in turn, furnished the basis for determining com- pensation under the bonus system of payment adopted for this branch of the census work. All errors in punching as disclosed by the verifying machine were corrected by re-punching. A specimen record over a period of 13 months for a clerk whose performance represents substantially the average attainment of the best grade of operators of punch machines is appended: MONTH Average Num- ber of Cards Punched per Hour during the Month Per Cent of Errors per 100 Cards as Disclosed by Verifying Machine 1915 October November December. 343.1 365.7 375.0 1.6 1.9 1.5 1916 January February March April May June July August September October 378.0 391.6 426.4 422.9 461.5 474.4 491.3 519.1 531.2 555.9 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.3 0.9 1.1 1.1 Certain operators of these machines developed a much higher standard of efficiency measured both by speed and accuracy than is above shown. For example, the highest record made was by a clerk? who, during a period of 106 hours, 35 minutes, punched a total of 69,661 cards, with an aggre- gate of 622 errors, or an average number of cards punched per hour of 653.58 (nearly 11 per minute) and an average number of errors of 0.9 per 100 cards. Per contra, one of the lowest records was by a clerk who punched an average for a certain month of only 68.3 cards per hour, with a percentage of errors per 100 cards of 2.8, her best record being a monthly average per hour of 287.9 cards, with a percentage of errors per 100 cards of 1.3; this clerk, after four months' trial on the punch ma- chines, was transferred to the verifying machines, where her best average monthly record of cards verified per hour was 288.7. i See p. 31. · Miss Etta R. Weinberg. 26 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS The verification process which is intrinsically slower than the punching ran as follows for a verifying clerk who represented a fair average for the best grade of such clerks: - - MONTH Average Num- ber of Cards Verified per Hour 1916 February March April May June July August September October 175.5 224.4 259.2 303 4 333.8 350.7 398.5 412.9 394.4 The highest record on verifying was 45,871 cards verified in 111 hours, 5 minutes, or an average of 412.9 cards per hour. When the aggregations for the various units had been completed, such data as it was decided to publish were condensed for this purpose, the original charts, machine report forms, and aggregation sheets being perma- nently filed for reference and for use in the compilation of special tabula- tions from time to time. SPECIAL TABULATIONS. The Aged Dependent Inquiry. Following the count of the male schedules and determination of legal voters, the natural order of procedure in the compilation of the results of the Population Census of 1915 had to be interrupted for the purpose of complying with the provisions of the resolve “To Provide for Securing in Connection with the Decennial Census Certain Information Relative to Aged and Dependent Persons” (Chapter 120, Resolves of 1914). This necessitated a special tabulation of the population 65 years of age and over and the classification of this special group by nativity and length of resi- dence in the Commonwealth, and involved the segregation of the schedules for males and females 65 years of age and over from the total number of male and female schedules. After counting the schedules and making a record of the same by enumeration districts, they were sorted into three classes, — (1) native, born in Massachusetts; (2) native, born in other than Massachusetts; and (3) foreign born. Each of these classifications had then to be counted and recorded, and each nativity classification sorted and counted as to length of residence. The data thus secured from the census schedules were correlated with certain other information obtained by cor- respondence, special agents, and from official sources outside the Bureau of Statistics, and formed the basis of a special report made to the Legisla- ture under date of December 15, 1916. a i See Appendix B. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 27 Information for the Commission for the Blind. By the provisions of Section 6 of the Census Act (Chapter 692, Acts of 1914) and of Chapter 385, Acts of 1906, it was necessary to furnish the Commission for the Blind with certain information regarding blind persons obtained in the census; and accordingly an inquiry was inserted on the schedule for the purpose of enabling the desired information to be sup- plied. This involved, for the Census of 1915, an independent handling of the 3,693,310 population card schedules for the purpose of ascertaining which of them represented blind persons and whenever such a schedule was found, the clerk made a copy of the same, and the copied schedules were forwarded to the Commission. List of Veterans of the Civil War. By the provisions of Chapter 25, Resolves of 1915, the Director of the Bureau of Statistics was required to transmit to the Department of Mas- sachusetts, Grand Army of the Republic, 300 copies of "an alphabetical list by cities and towns of those persons recorded by the Bureau in the Decennial Census of 1915 as having served in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States during the Civil War.” Whenever, therefore, an enumerator found a male person who was a veteran of the Civil War, he, in addition to recording him as such in the space provided on the regu- lar blue male population schedule, proceeded to obtain certain additional information on the white veteran's schedule, so-called. These “veteran" schedules were found to number 15,212, the examination and editing of which was placed in charge of a regular employee of the Bureau, Mr. Charles Thompson, who was a veteran of the Civil War familiar with army and navy designations and with the census procedure and who made every effort to insure the list of names, addresses and designations being as complete and accurate as possible, the lists as returned by the enumer- ators being checked to names on the local assessors' lists of the various cities and towns of veterans exempt from taxation and also with the official records of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Census of Fisheries and Commerce. Section 8 of the 1915 Census Act provided for the taking of a Census of the Fisheries and Commerce of the Commonwealth. This was organ- ized independently of the Population Census, though paid for from the general census appropriation. The maximum number of special agents em- ployed on this work at one time was six, and of clerks, four, besides the chief of the division, a regular employee of the Bureau of Statistics having training and experience in similar census work who was transferred to the census organization partly for this purpose, who personally did considerable field work and who had personal charge of all the preliminary work. 28 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS The schedule used in the Census of 1915 for obtaining Ocean and Coastwise Fisheries (approved, with the schedules for the Census of Com- merce, by the Governor and Council February 17, 1915) was prepared after conference by the chief of the division with prominent persons en- gaged in the industry both in Gloucester and Boston, for the purpose of obtaining first hand information as to the proper method of recording the quantity and value of the catch of fish, so as to eliminate as far as possible duplication of product through the manufacture of by products. The re- turns for fisheries on this census pertained only to the quantity and value of the fish caught, the same being classified for tabulation by the following order: (1) Fish, (2) Mollusks, and (3) Crustaceans. The Boston Chamber of Commerce and large shipping concerns were interviewed prior to the preparation of the Commerce schedule and before the same was finally accepted by the office, a rough draft was personally submitted to leading concerns for their approval. The returns on com- merce embrace the quantity of freight, the number of passengers, and the amount for all transportation entering or leaving the ports of the Com- monwealth. The canvasses for the Fisheries and for Commerce were made, so far as practicable, simultaneously. Special agents visited the several Custom Houses in the Commonwealth, first to ascertain the names of all vessels registered which were owned or controlled by Massachusetts residents specifically engaged in Fisheries, and those engaged in Commerce, — both Coastwise and Ocean. These records gave the name of the vessel, the owner's name and address, the captain's name and address, and several other means of identifying the vessel, and also the name of the port from which and to which the vessel sailed, - information necessary as a basis for the correction of the schedules by special agents and also, so that duplications might be eliminated, a check list on the vessels engaged and the various trips made during the census year (i.e., the year ending Decem- ber 31, 1914). But in addition to the information for the larger registered vessels, it was necessary to procure data for boats of smaller tonnage than those required under the law to register, by personal visits to their re- spective owners. For certain classes of large vessels engaged in coastwise fishing information also had to be obtained from fishermen, whose names were obtained from the records of local authorities with which fishermen engaged in catching shell fish must register for the purpose of obtaining a permit to fish. Upon the receipt of the schedules in the office they were carefully scrutinized and edited, all omissions and corrections being made by personal visits or correspondence with the individuals or firms supplying the information, and after proper editing, were tabulated. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 29 THE CENSUS FINANCES. Appropriations and Organization of Accounting Division. By the terms of the Census Act (Section 11), the Director of the Bureau of Statistics was authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $400,000 in carrying out its provisions, exclusive of the cost of paper. Of this amount $15,000 was made available by appropriation during the year ending November 30, 1914, the first expenses being incurred as of July 1 in that year; $250,000 was appropriated in 1915; $70,000 in 1916; $50,000 in 1917; and the final $15,000 in 1918. To take charge of the accounts, make records of all financial transactions, prepare pay-rolls, and make purchases of supplies, etc., an Accounting Division was organized, of which an experienced accountant, transferred from the staff of Examiners of Accounts of the Municipal Division of the Bureau, was made Chief. A time-book was kept of all office employees, numbering at the maximum 200, the monthly pay-roll being made up from the same after checking the record in the time-book to the time reports rendered daily and required from all employees. All requisitions for supplies had to be 0.K.'d by the Accounting Division and the amount of supplies charged off to the particular branch of the work upon which they were used, so that upon the completion of the census a statement of functional costs could readily be prepared. Individual card ledger accounts were kept for the 2,099 enumeration districts showing in detail the compensation and expenses for each district, also records of the compensation and expenses of approxi- mately 63 special agents and inspectors. A careful record of the cost, not only by enumeration district units, but of each branch of the work was kept, the information being currently available at all times. This division required the services of from 4 to 14 clerks, being at its maxi- mum during the period when enumerators' accounts were being settled. Field Employees: Rates and Method of Payment. By the provisions of Section 2 of the Census Act, the Director of the Bureau was authorized to pay enumerators, interpreters, inspectors, and special agents "such rates of compensation as may be fixed by him, sub- ject to the approval of the Governor and Council, except that in extreme emergencies or in districts in which suitable enumerators and interpreters cannot be obtained at the rate of compensation fixed as aforesaid, the Director may fix a rate which, in his judgment, is reasonable under the circumstances”; it was further provided by Section 3 that “no allowance shall be made to any enumerator or interpreter for traveling or other ex- penses in addition to the fixed rate of pay, except in extreme cases, when in the opinion of said Director such extra allowance would secure economy in the enumeration." On December 16, 1914, the Governor and Council approved, as sub- 30 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS mitted by the Director, a rate for inspectors and special agents of not to exceed $5 a day, and a schedule for enumerators divided into classes com- posed of groups of cities and towns based upon density of population and other local conditions which it appeared necessary to take into account as determining factors. The maximum of $5 allowed by the Council for the payment of special agents and inspectors was, however, not availed of except in five instances for a brief period, a flat rate of $4 a day being fixed by the Director as a standard rate for this class of service, though in a few instances lower rates were paid. The rates submitted to and ap- proved by the Council for enumeration districts ranged from 21 cents to 11 cents per name for each person enumerated, one cent for each family schedule returned, and one cent for each veteran's schedule returned. The standard rate for interpreters was fixed at 30 cents per hour, which it was necessary in but a few cases to exceed. These rates for enumerators were adhered to for 1,991 districts out of a total of 2,099, but in order to obtain suitable enumerators in certain cases, it was necessary to take advantage of the clause in the act which permitted the Director, in emergencies, to fix a rate which, in his judgment, might be reasonable under the circum- stances, and accordingly in 108 instances the original rate was increased. In fixing rates of pay of enumerators allowance was made for the necessity imposed upon them in many rural districts to hire conveyances or to pay car fares, and in order to avoid the immense amount of detail and expense which would have been involved in auditing expenditures for these items, the enumerators were required, as a rule (to which exceptions were made in certain cases), to pay such expenses and their rates were adjusted so as to permit a fair net compensation. The largest single item of expense in the taking of any census is for compensation of enumerators, which in the Massachusetts State censuses has always, prior to 1915, been by the per diem method, a uniform rate of $3 a day being paid in 1905, when the ag- gregate amount paid to enumerators was about $160,000. In 1915 the method of piece payment, or a certain rate per card schedule returned, was adopted for the first time in a State census, with a resulting aggregate cost on account of this item of but a little more than $107,000 (including traveling expenses), or a saving of over $50,000 from the cost in 1905. Office Employees: Rates and Method of Payment. The Census Act (Section 2) provided that the compensation of clerks, stenographers, and other employees should be determined "in the same manner as that of the regular employees of the Bureau of Statistics”; that is, by the Director, except as the same might be subject to the classi- fication and grading act, so-called. The latter not being applicable to temporary employees, and since the census was a temporary undertaking, notwithstanding its prospective continuance over a period of more than three years and also because the length of service of individual employees could not be determined in advance, it was decided to classify all em- GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 31 ployees (except a few transferred from the Bureau who were trained ex- perts in census procedure) as temporary. The compensation of all clerks thus employed was fixed at the beginning of their service at the uniform rate of $1.50 a day, with the understanding that as individuals acquired proficiency and experience, the rate would be increased from time to time, and this was done in most cases when the clerk remained in the service for several months, to $1.65 a day; in certain other cases to $1.75 and $2 a day; and in rarer cases where supervisory duties or exceptional expert- ness was involved, to $2.25 or $2.50 a day. Certain exceptions were made with respect to machine operators because of the peculiarly exacting and physically fatiguing character of their work, though these employees were obtained for the most part from the regular Civil Service clerical list. These established rates of office employees were augmented by overtime payments at the regular rates, this being especially authorized by the Census Act, for the reason that a great amount of continuous overtime is unfortunately necessary in every census by virtue of the immense volume of work which must be performed within a limited time. No overtime work was necessary for the operators of punching and verifying machines, but it was found desirable to standardize this work, in view of the fact that with respect to the same, unlike purely clerical work, actual perform- ance could be measured definitely and recorded. Hence, in order to insure a certain uniformity in progress and just compensation for work performed, a bonus system was put into effect as follows: — - of errors, Punching Machine Operators:- Four hundred cards and over punched per hour with not over 1.5 per cent Per Day rate $2.00 Three hundred but less than 400 cards per hour, with not over 1.5 per cent of errors, rate 1.75 Two hundred but less than 300 cards per hour, with not over 1.5 per cent of errors, rate 1.65 Verifying Machine Operators: - Three hundred cards and over verified per hour, rate 2.00 Two hundred and fifty but less than 300 cards per hour, rate 1.75 Two hundred but less than 250 cards per hour, rate 1.65 . 1 . Lease of Punching, Verifying, and Counting and Sorting Machines. For the purpose of reducing the data as returned on the population schedules to proper form for tabulation, the Standard Commercial Punch- ing Machines of the Powers Accounting Machine Company were leased at the rate of $10 per month, and the verifying machines at $10 per month, the same being equipped with a device to manipulate the enumeration schedules, and the Standard Counting and Sorting Machines at the rate of $35 per month, equipped with twelve four ring box counters, one five ring sub-total counter, and one five ring grand total counter, with sorting racks. A special card printed to conform to the desired information to be 1 32 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - obtained from the schedules had also to be obtained from the Powers Com- pany for use with the machines, the 2,000,000 blue cards (male) and the 2,100,000 red cards (female) costing at the rate of $1.05 per thousand. The company, under the contract, opened a branch office in Boston and furnished without charge instruction in the operation of the machines and a certain amount of care by their own mechanics. CONCLUSION. The results of the Census of 1915 are not published in this volume in as great detail as has been done in former censuses, partly because of the expense and delay which would have been involved in so doing, and partly because it is believed that the census can be made to serve the practical purpose of investigators of social conditions who may require tabulations in considerable detail for particular localities or special corre- lations for intensive studies, by making the same available on the files of the office, and by retaining the original work sheets of material for the tabulation of which there is no immediate general demand. Nor have elaborate analytical studies of census data, such as would have materially postponed the making of the general results available to the public, been attempted in conjunction with the publication of the regular census re- port. The census in its completed form is the result of the combined labor of many hundreds of field and office employees, all of which is exacting and much of it andertaken and carried through under great physical strain, and while it is not possible to mention here all those members of the staff who have performed especially meritorious service, I desire to express my particular obligations in this connection to Mr. William G. Grundy, the very efficient deputy director of the Bureau of Statistics, and to Miss Annie L. Flynn, whose intimate knowledge of census procedure, born of long experience, have rendered their services in the organization and com- pletion of the Census of 1915 invaluable. CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Director, Bureau of Statistics. STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, March 14, 1918. GENERAL POPULATION TABLES. 33 GENERAL POPULATION TABLES. In this part of the presentation of the results of the Decennial Census of 1915, the population of the cities and towns of the Commonwealth is shown by various political and other sub-divisions. Population and Legal Voters. TABLE 1 presents both the population of the State, shown to be 3,693,310, and the number of legal voters, aggregating 775,889, of cities (by wards) and towns, arranged by counties, as returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, pursuant to the provisions of Articles XXI and XXII of the amendments to the Constitution and of Section 7, Chapter 692, Acts of 1914. The population and number of legal voters enumerated at each State census since the adoption of the census amendments to the Constitution in 1857, with the increase during each census period, are given below: INCREASE AS COMPARED WITH PRE- VIOUS Census INCREASE AS COMPARED WITH PRE- VIOUS CENSUS CENSUS YEAR Popula- tion Legal Voters Number Per Cent Number Per Cent 1857 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1,267,031 1,651,912 1,942,141 2,500,183 3,003,680 3,693,310 384,881 290,229 558,042 503,497 689,630 30.4 17.6 28.7 20.1 23.0 210,716 246,182 351,113 442,616 560,802 674,174 775,889 35,466 104,931 91,503 118,186 113,372 101,715 16.8 42.6 26.1 26.7 20.2 15.1 It thus appears that during the half-century which elapsed between 1865 and 1915, the population of the Commonwealth nearly trebled, increasing by 191.5 per cent, while the number of legal voters increased during the same period by 215.2 per cent. It is of interest to note that between 1905 and 1915, there was a very marked drop, amounting to 5 per cent in the rate of increase of legal voters from the preceding decade, notwithstanding a slight increase in the rate of population growth. But one need not look far to discover the cause of this fact; it may obviously be accounted for, -- first, by the enormous increase in immigration between 1905 and 1915 over the decade 1895–1905 of peoples largely from the Levant, Western Asia, and countries of Europe who have not taken as readily to American citizenship as did the immigrants of former generations from Western and Northern Europe; and second, to a less degree, by the outbreak of the European War, which, between August 1, 1914, and the date of the census, April 1, 1915, probably attracted naturalized citizens and their sons, to some extent, to emigrate for enlistment. > 34 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Population by Sex. TABLE 2 shows the population of each city and town of the Com- monwealth, classified by sex, for 1915 compared with 1910 and 1905, the totals and percentage of increase being as follows: INCREASE INCREASE INCREASE YEAR Total Popula- tion Males Females Num- ber Per Cent Num- ber Per Cent Num- ber Per Cent 1905 1910 1915 3,003,680 3,366,416 3,693,310 362,736 326,894 12.1 9.7 1,461,589 1,655,248 1,813,713 193,659 158,465 13.2 9.6 1,542,091 1,711,168 1,879,597 169,077 168,429 11.0 9.8 Increase and Decrease — Growth of Urban Population. TABLE 3 shows the increase or decrease in population of the cities and towns between the last preceding State Census of 1905 and the Census of 1915, both in number and percentage, the arrangement being in order of population rank by the Census of 1915. Segregating the population as shown by these tables so as to show the same by size groups, and presenting comparatively the corresponding population for each group for 5, 10, 25, 40, and 50-year periods, we have the following presentation: PLACES OF — 1915 1910 1905 1890 1875 1865 1,462,266 39.6 1,146,999 34.1 829,277 27.6 448,477 20.0 341,919 20.7 192,318 15.2 1,858,286 50.3 1,699,649 50.5 1,385,866 46.1 810,981 36.2 341,919 20.7 192,318 15.2 2,398,489 64.9 2,074,455 61.6 1,735,192 57.8 1,078,269 48.2 632,671 38.3 253,363 20.0 (1) 100,000 or over Per cent of total. 50,000 or over Per cent of total 30,000 or over Per cent of total 10,000 or over Per cent of total 5,000 or over Per cent of total 2,500 or over Per cent of total 2,937,267 79.5 2,606,380 77.4 2,255,142 75.1 1,478,806 66.0 910,171 55.1 539,647 42.6 3,300,208 89.4 2,949,211 87.6 2,574,809 85.7 1,728,856 77.2 1,111,891 67.3 749,797 59.2 3,476,484 94.1 3,125,367 92.8 2,766,293 92.1 2,003,854 89.5 1,382,832 83.7 989,369 78.1 (2) 50,000 but under 100,000 Per cent of total 396,020 10.7 552,650 16.4 556,589 18.5 362,504 16.2 61,045 540,203 14.6 374,806 11.1 349,326 11.6 267,288 11.9 290,752 17.6 4.8 (3) 30,000 but under 50,000 Per cent of total (4) 10,000 but under 30,000 Per cent of total 538,778 14.6 531,925 15.8 519,950 17.3 400,537 17.9 277,500 16.8 286,284 22.6 (5) 5,000 but under 10,000 Per cent of total 362,941 9.8 342,831 10.2 319.667 10.6 250,050 11.2 201,720 12.2 210,150 16.6 (6) 2,500 but under 5,000 Per cent of total 176,276 4.8 176,156 5.2 191,484 6.4 274,998 12.3 270,941 16.4 239,572 18.9 216.826 5.9 241,019 7.2 237,387 7.9 235,089 10.5 269.080 16.3 277,662 21.9 (7) Under 2,500 Per cent of total Total population of State 3,693,310 3,366,416 3,003,680 2,238,943 1,651,912 1,267,031 GENERAL POPULATION TABLES. 35 a The attempt is frequently made to divide the population more or less rigidly into two great classes based upon the degree of congestion which may characterize the living conditions of the people, and to meas- ure the same with a statistical yard stick with a view to showing the actual number and proportion of persons living under what are eu- phoniously termed “urban” and “rural” conditions. That this cannot be done through the use of population totals only, owing to the fact that urban and rural conditions are frequently found to exist side by side in the same community, is very often overlooked. There are, for ex- ample, numerous communities in Massachusetts, as every one familiar with the geographical characteristics of our cities and towns well knows, in which the mere aggregate population can by no means be accepted as indicating the presence of congested conditions, with the evils usually assumed to be incident thereto, nor does it follow that congestion is absent from communities arbitrarily classified as rural, simply because they have a population below a certain number. All that such a table as is here given can be accepted as showing, therefore, is the actual and relative number of persons living in places above a certain specified population size at each census; and without undertaking to draw further deductions from the presentation, it is, of course, significant to note that whereas 50 years ago, only a little more than 15 per cent of the total population of Massachusetts was to be found in communities of 100,000 or over, 39.6 per cent are now living in places of this size; and that while the relative proportion of those living in communities of 100,000 or over, respectively, remained substan- tially unchanged during the 15-year period between 1875 and 1890, there has been a steady increase during the 25-year period since 1890, in the tendency of places of 100,000 or over, to increase at the expense of smaller communities. It is correspondingly of interest to note that whereas nearly 22 per cent, or more than one-fifth of the total population of the State, were, in 1865, living in communities having a population of less than 2,500, somewhat less than 6 per cent of the total population in 1915 was found in these smaller communities. That the drift of popu- lation away from the small communities has been, moreover, — viewing the same for the 50-year period, — to the largest population group rather than to intermediary groups, would seem to be indicated by the second section of the above table, it being observed that the percentage of the total population classified as Group 1, with a very slight ap- parent decrease between 1875 and 1890, shows a practically continuous and substantial increase between 1865 and 1915, whereas Groups 4, 5, and 6 (with the exception of a slight apparent increase in Group 4 between 1875 and 1890), have been steadily growing proportionately smaller, and Group 3, which shows a large accelerated growth between 1865 and 1875, has declined in its proportion to the total since the census of the latter year. . 1 3 36 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS All of the cities in the State show an increase in population in 1915 over 1905, except Salem, Gloucester, and North Adams, but Gloucester and North Adams increased slightly in population between the United States Census of 1910 and the State Census of 1915. The population of Salem increased from 37,627 in 1905 to 43,697 in 1910, the large falling-off noted for 1915 being due to an entirely abnormal circumstance having no bearing upon natural conditions which determine population, namely, the disastrous conflagration which wiped out a large portion of the city, June 25, 1914. Of the 318 towns, 89 show a decrease in population since the State Census of 1905, but as compared with the United States Census of 1910, there were 70 which showed a decrease. The total population of the 35 cities of the Commonwealth on April 1, 1915, was 2,563,634, an increase of 499,438, or 24.2 per cent, over the total population for the same places in 1905, and 217,804, or 9.3 per cent in 1910. The total of the population for the 318 towns (exclusive for 1905 and 1910 of Hyde Park, Attleboro, and Revere) of the Commonwealth on April 1, 1915, was 1,129,676, an increase of 190,192, or 20.2 per cent, over the total population for the same places in 1905, and 109,090, or 10.7 per cent in 1910. Brookline, with a population of 33,490, remains the largest town in the Commonwealth, exceeding in population each of 13 cities (Medford, Waltham, Chicopee, Revere, Gloucester, Beverly, North Adams, North- ampton, Attleboro, Melrose, Woburn, Newburyport, and Marlborough); Peabody, the next largest town, exceeds in population each of five cities (Attleboro, Melrose, Woburn, Newburyport, and Marlborough); the towns of Westfield and Leominster are each larger than Melrose, Woburn, Newburyport, and Marlborough; Watertown is larger than the cities of Woburn, Newburyport, and Marlborough; and Gardner and Framing- ham are each larger than Newburyport and Marlborough. The town of New Ashford in Berkshire County continues the smallest town of the Commonwealth, with a population of 92. There were 40 towns having less than 500 population on April 1, 1915; in 1910 there were 39 towns in this class; in 1905 there were 36; and in 1900 there were 37. The largest city in the Commonwealth, Boston, having a population of 745,439, remains in a class by itself, no other city approaching it. The second city in the Commonwealth is Worcester, with a population of 162,697. There were in 1915 seven cities having a population of more than 100,000, namely, Boston, Worcester, Fall River, New Bedford, Cam- bridge, Lowell, and Springfield, Cambridge and Lowell having passed the 100,000 mark during the past decade, and New Bedford and Springfield having passed into the 100,000 group since 1910. The aggregate popula- tion of the seven cities having over 100,000 in 1915 was 1,462,266, or 39.6 per cent of the total population of the State. The population of Boston alone was 20.2 per cent of the total, as compared with 19.9 per cent in 1910 and 19.8 per cent in 1905. GENERAL POPULATION TABLES. 37 Population of Various Political or Geographical Sub-divisions. TABLES 4 to 10, inclusive, are self-explanatory and require no analysis. They are presentations respectively of the population by sex and number of families for cities and towns, having wards and precincts (Table 4); the population of counties (Table 5); the population of congressional districts (Table 6); the population of judicial districts (Table 7); the population of fire, water, and light districts (Table 8); the population of Metropolitan Boston (Table 9); and the population of Boston by geo- graphical sub-divisions (Table 10). Living Conditions of the Population. TABLES 11, 12, and 13 reflect the living conditions of the population expressed in various terms of density and kinds of dwellings. For the first time in any Massachusetts census, it is possible to make a presentation (TABLE 11) showing density of population on the basis of net land area in square miles, the number of families to a square mile, and the number of habitations to a square mile for each city and town, arranged by coun- ties. The net land area of Massachusetts is 7,876.3 square miles 1 and the population to a square mile in 1915 was 468.9; accepting the same number of square miles as the area of the State for former census-taking periods, the increasing density of population during the past quarter-century is shown by the following table: 1 Population YEAR Total Population to & Per Cent of Increase in Population Square Mile 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 2,238,943 2,500,183 2,805,346 3,003,680 3,366,416 3,693,310 284.3 317.4 356.2 381.4 427.4 468.9 11.7 12.2 7.1 12.1 9.7 Increase for the period 1,454,367 184.7 65.0 1 The net land areas accepted for the purpose of computing density of population as presented in this volume were as determined for this office by Mr. Henry B. Wood, Assistant Engineer of the State Commission on Water- ways and Public Lands. The method adopted was as follows: In computing the “net land areas" of the various cities and towns of the State, the "gross areas," or areas within the city and town boundary lines as published by the Harbor and Land Commissioners (Boston excepted) in their 37th annual report for the year 1915, were used. From each of these values the water areas of rivers, lakes and great ponds within the exterior boundary lines were deducted. Areas of rivers were measured from the best obtainable plans on file in this office, made from actual survey, using also, in some cases, various plans on file in other State departments. Plans of lakes and great ponds were measured from surveyors' large scale plans where obtainable, many being furnished by various city and town officials. Some, notably water supply reservoirs, were obtained from information on file with the State Department of Health or from local engineers. All other ponds were measured as shown on the original plane table sheets of the State topographical map, scale 1: 30,000, or four times the area of the State maps themselves. Ponds crossed by town lines were divided in the proper pro- portions. Brooks and small ponds were not considered, except in a very few scattering instances, where popu- lation was very small. In the case of cities and towns along the coast, basic gross areas are taken to high-water line only, and in tidal streams to the first bridge from the mouth of the same. The sum of the areas as thus determined for the several cities and towns, viz., 7,876.2528 square miles, was then taken as the area of the State. This figure differs from that used by the United States Census Office, which gives the land area of Massachusetts as 8,039 square miles, according to which the population per square mile by the Census of 1915 would be 459.4 instead of 468.9, the figure resulting from using 7,876.3, which we have adopted, as the divisor. The discrepancy in the square-mile area figures for Massachusetts adopted by the United States Cengus and by this office is due to the use of different maps not drawn on the same scale rather than to a difference in method of computing. 1 38 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Thus it appears that during the quarter-century 1890–1915 the popula- tion of Massachusetts has increased 65 per cent, and since the area has remained the same, the number of persons per square mile of area shows a similar increase. By the same method, i.e., using the areas of the cities as established for 1915 by the presentation of Table 11 the population to a square mile for 1890, 1905, and 1915, and the percentage of increase or decrease in density of population for the several cities for the 10-year period 1905–1915 and the 25-year period 1890–1915 is shown in the following table, the arrangement being in order of size by the Census of 1915: 1915 1905 1890 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN DENSITY CITIES 10-YEAR PERIOD 25-YEAR PERIOD Total Popula- tion Popula- tion to a Square Mile Total Popula- tion Popula- tion to a Square Mile Total Popula- tion Popula- tion to a Square Mile 1905-1915 1890-1915 BOSTON WORCESTER FALL RIVER NEW BEDFORD CAMBRIDGE LOWELL SPRINGFIELD LYNN LAWRENCE SOMERVILLE BROCKTON HOLYOKD. HAVERHILL MALDEN CHELSEA NEWTON QUINCY FITCHBURG PITTSFIELD EVERETT SALEM TAUNTON MEDFORD WALTHAM CHICOPEE REVERE GLOUCESTER BEVERLY. NORTH ADAMS NORTHAMPTON ATTLEBORO MELROSE. WOBURN NEWBURYPORT MARLBOROUGH 745,439 162,697 124,791 109,568 108,822 107,978 102,971 95,803 90,259 86,854 62,288 60,816 49,450 48,907 43,426 43,113 40,674 39,656 39,607 37,718 37,200 36,161 30,509 30,154 30,138 25,178 24,478 22,959 22.035 21,654 18,480 16,880 16,410 15,311 15,250 16,980.4 4,373.6 3,793.0 5,766.7 17,401.2 8,058.1 3,248.3 9,124.1 13,381.4 22,077.7 2,910.7 2,868.7 1,493.3 9,589.6 22,855.8 2,408.3 2,463.3 1,442.0 973.1 11,093.5 4,650.0 764.5 3,717.0 2,430.4 1,316.1 4,231.3 934.3 1,516.2 1,069.7 625.2 672.0 3,571.9 1,272.1 1,844.7 726.2 595,380 128,135 105,762 74,362 97,434 94,889 73,540 77,042 70,050 69,272 47,794 49,934 37,830 38,037 37,289 36,827 28,076 33,021 25,001 29,111 37,627 30.967 19,686 26,282 20,191 12,659 26,011 15,223 22,150 19,957 12,702 14,295 14,402 14,675 14,073 13,562.2 3,444.5 3,214.7 3,913.8 15,715.2 7,081.3 2,319.9 7,337.3 10,455.2 17,762.1 2,233.4 2,355.4 1,142.9 7,458.2 19,625.8 2,057.4 1,701.6 1,200.8 614.3 8,562.1 4,703.4 654.7 2,400.7 2,119.5 881.7 2,145.6 992.8 1.008.1 1,075.2 576.8 461.9 3,041.5 1,116.4 1,768.1 670.1 448,477 84,655 74,398 40,733 70,028 77,696 44,179 55,727 44,654 40.152 27,294 35,637 27,412 23,031 27.909 24,379 16,723 22,037 17,281 11,068 30.801 25,448 11,079 18,707 14,050 5,668 24,651 10,821 16,074 14,990 7,577 8,519 13,499 13,947 13,805 10,215.9 2,275.7 2,261.3 2,143.8 11,294.8 5,798.2 1,393.7 5,307.3 6,664.8 10,295.4 1,275.4 1,681.0 828.2 4,515.9 14,688.9 1,362.0 1,013.5 801.3 424.6 3,255.3 3,850.1 538.0 1,351.1 1,508.6 613.5 960.7 940.9 716.6 780.3 433.2 275.5 1,812.6 1,046.4 1,680.4 657.4 +25.2 +27.0 +18.0 +47.3 +11.7 +13.8 +40.0 +24.4 +28.8 +25.4 +30.3 +21.8 +30.7 +28.6 +16.5 +17.1 +44.9 +20.1 +58.4 +29.6 -1.1 +16.8 +55.0 +14.7 +49.3 +98.9 -5.9 +50.8 -0.5 +8.5 +45.5 +18.1 +13.9 +4.3 +8.4 +66.2 +92.2 +67.7 +169.0 +55.4 +39.0 +133.7 +71.9 +102.1 +116.3 +128.2 +70.6 +80.4 +112.4 +55.6 +76.8 +143.2 +80.0 +106.0 +240.8 +20.8 +42.1 +175.4 +61.2 +114.5 +344.2 -0.7 +112.2 +37.1 +44.5 +143.9 +98.1 +21.6 +9.8 +10.5 TABLE 12 is a comparative presentation for cities (by wards) and towns, arranged alphabetically, of population living in (a) dwelling houses and (b) all other habitations; the number of families living in (a) dwelling houses and (6) all other habitations; and the number of occupied rooms, the average number of persons to a family, the average number of rooms to a family, and the average number of persons to a room in the 524,911 occupied dwelling houses (see Table 13) in the State. By the Census of 1905 there were 660,053 families in the State living in all kinds of habitations; in 1915 there were 826,490, an increase of 166,437, or 25.2 per cent. The average size of the family was, by the . Census of 1915, 4.5 persons; in 1905 it was 4.6; in 1895 it was 4.6; in 1885 it was 4.6; and in 1875 it was 4.6. It is, therefore, clearly appar- GENERAL POPULATION TABLES. 39 ent from the census figures that the average size of the family in Massa- chusetts has remained practically the same since 1875, notwithstanding the increase in population and the changes that have taken place in the composition of the population, the most important of which are due to immigration. Indeed, it may, perhaps, be fairly assumed that it is the additions to the population caused by the immigration of large families of foreign born which have helped to maintain the family in Massachusetts at an average size, which has been normal for 40 years, and prevented any appreciable decrease, although this factor does not appear to have been so influential as is probably generally believed, since it is to be noted that the average size of the family by the Census of 1915 for the city of Lawrence, which had the largest percentage of foreign-born pop- ulation (45.8 per cent), was 4.9 persons, while the average size of the family for the city of Melrose, which had the largest percentage of native population (80.8 per cent), was 4.1 persons. In considering the number of families as given in census presentations it is well to bear in mind the fact that in the census the term “family” is used in a somewhat different and broader sense than is ordinarily implied by the word; although the distinction affects only negligibly the average size of the family when the whole number for the State is taken into account. This fact was clearly brought out in the analysis of the family presentations for the State Censuses of 1885 and 1895, and from the latter the following may be appropriately quoted here: 1– In conducting the census enumeration, every aggregation of individuals living under one roof, or related directly to one head, either arbitrarily or otherwise, is considered a family. This interpretation of the term "family” varies somewhat from that ordinarily given to the word, and it follows, of course, that the census family is not exactly identical with the normal family. For instance, a number of people living together in a hotel is considered a single family, the proprietor being taken as the head. In the same way, a penal or reformatory institution is considered a single family, the superintendent being the head. In 1885, however, it was shown by a careful analysis of the different families enumerated under this plan that, elim- inating the families coming under an artificial designation, such as we have explained, the average size of the actual normal family in the State was 4.45, and, therefore, that the influence upon the average by including the artificial or arbitrary families, so classed for census purposes, was immaterial, so far as the State taken as a whole was concerned, being but 0.13; and, as stated in that Census, "It makes but little differ- ence, so far as great bodies of people are concerned, as, for instance, the population of the State, whether the families are considered on the basis of the actual normal family, or on the ordinary census basis, which includes all aggregations living under one roof, or having certain relations to one head.” 9 The number of families, classified so as to distinguish those in private and all other groups, the corresponding aggregate population, and the average size of the family for these two principal groups for 1905 and 1915 are shown comparatively in the following table: i Census of 1895, Vol. 1, p. 444. 40 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS FAMILIES CENSUS YEAR Kind Number Population Average Size 1905 Private All other 653,094 6,959 2,911,950 91,730 4.5 13.2 Total 660,053 3,003,680 4.6 1815 Private All other 818,575 7,915 3,596,937 96,373 4.4 12.2 Total 826,490 3,693,310 4.5 Incidentally this table would appear to verify and confirm the conclusion based upon the analysis of the family presentations of the Censuses of 1885 and 1895 above referred to, to the effect that the average size of the family for the State is not materially affected by including the arbi- trary census families. It may, furthermore, be noted that the number classed as private families in the Census of 1905 comprised 98.9 per cent of the whole number, and in the Census of 1915, 99 per cent. But while the average size of the family for the State as a whole is not sub- stantially affected by the census definition of the term, this statement does not, of course, apply in the same degree to certain large towns which happen to be the seats of large institutions, as, for example, Bridgewater, Concord, Danvers, Medfield, Tewksbury, and Westborough. Of the total population in 1915 (3,693,310), there were 3,596,937, or 97.4 per cent, living in dwelling houses, and 96,373, or 2.6 per cent, living in all other habitations. The total number of rooms occupied in all habitations in 1895 was 3,568,385; in 1915 the number was 5,088,129,- an increase of 1,519,744, or 42.6 per cent for the 20-year period. The average number of persons to a room in all habitations in 1895 was less than one, viz., 0.7; in 1915 it was the same, - that is to say, for the State as a whole there were, on the average, 10 rooms in each habitation for each family group of seven persons, and assuming that in each unit of 10 rooms two should be deducted for kitchen, dining-room and pur- poses other than for sleeping, there were, on an average, for the State eight sleeping-rooms available for each seven persons of the population, 1 For the purposes of this table, persons found to be living in dwelling houses in the Census of 1915 are classed as private families, the distinction being relatively unimportant when dealing with aggregates. * All other habitations include hotels (this does not mean apartment houses and so-called kitchenette apart- ments), business blocks and stores in which population was reported as living, club-houses, camps or shanties, (such as temporary settlements of laborers employed on railroads or public works and living together in a single community), vessels, boats, stables, garages, penal and reformatory institutions, religious institutions and asso- ciations, public or private institutions, hospitals and asylums, boarding-schools, colleges, academies, and govern- ment stations that report the population living on the premises. $ It was not deemed feasible to include in Table 12 a presentation as to the occupancy of habitations other than dwelling houses, such as is given in the third section of the table for dwelling houses, for the following reasons: – Each cell in a jail, prison, or other penal institution and each private room, administrative and living room in a hospital was tabulated as a room, but wards in hospitals and dormitories in institutions, boarding- schools, academies and colleges were not included in the tabulation of rooms (e.g., if a hospital was returned as having 30 administrative and living rooms and 20 private rooms, four wards and two dormitories, it was tabu- lated as 50 rooms, the four wards and two dormitories not being included in the number of rooms in the insti- tution). Consequently as all of the rooms in hospitals and institutions were not considered as living rooms, it would not give a correct average number of persons to a room to divide the population reported as living in all habitations other than dwelling houses by the number of rooms tabulated. a GENERAL POPULATION TABLES. 41 or 1.1 rooms to a person, both by the Census of 1895 and that of 1915; but this average is, of course, not maintained for the cities and towns when separately considered, the degree of congestion being less than this in some instances and greater in others, being exceeded in the more densely populated portions of Boston and other cities.1 TABLE 13 shows dwelling houses and other habitations (occupied, unoccupied and under construction) by material of which constructed, and the population for all cities (by wards) and towns, arranged alpha- betically. The total number of occupied habitations in the State in 1895 (including not only dwelling houses but hotels, institutions, camps, boats, stables, etc.) was 397,633; in 1915 it was 532,327, — an increase of 134,694, or 33.9 per cent. The average number of persons to a habitation of any kind in 1895 was 6.3; in 1915 it was 6.9. The total number of occupied habitations of all kinds in 1895 (397,633) was 92.8 per cent of the total number of habitations occupied or unoccupied (but not including houses under construction) of all kinds; while in 1915 it was 532,327, or 91.3 per cent. The following table shows the number of habitations classified according to material of construction in 1895 and 1915: TOTAL OCCUPIED UNOCCUPIED PER CENT OF AGGREGATE MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED 1915 1895 1915 1895 1915 1895 1915 1895 Tho Stato Wood Brick Stone Cement All other 582,801 541,305 35,555 860 3,941 1,140 428,494 394,745 27,472 915 46 5,316 532,327 492,636 34,206 788 3,664 1,033 397,633 365,933 26,041 815 44 4,800 50,474 48,669 1,349 72 277 107 30,861 28,812 1,431 100 2 516 100.0 92.9 6.1 0.1 0.7 0.2 100.0 92.1 6.4 0.2 1.3 Following these tabular presentations is an exhaustive alphabetical list by municipalities and counties of unincorporated villages and sections of cities and towns having distinctive designations prepared especially for the Census of 1915, after much research; a compendium of notes, with statutory citations on annexations, changes in boundary lines, place names, etc., since 1900; and a statement relative to the median point and center of population. Conclusions as to the degree of congestion of population and living conditions, based upon the number of rooms in occupied dwelling houses as returned in a census, should not ignore the difficulty of enumerators in determining what constitutes a "room" when entering the number on the schedule, the definition of which may not always have been the same from census to census. The enumerators in the Census of 1915 were specifically advised, in reporting the number of rooms, to exclude bath-rooms, storerooms not habitable, and laundry rooms. · Less than one-tenth of one per cent. : All other includes wood and brick, wood and cement, wood and stone, etc., and not stated. 42 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 1. - POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS OF CITIES (BY WARDS) AND TOWNS, ARRANGED BY COUNTIES. (As returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, pursuant to the provisions of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution and of Section 7, Chapter 692, Acts of 1914.) COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters COUNTIES, CITIES, AND Towns Popula- tion Legal Voters Con, 145 137 127 487 BARNSTABLE Barnstable Bourne Brewster Chatham Dennis Eastham Falmouth Harwich Mashpeed. Orleans Provincetown Sandwich 1 Truro Wellfleet Yarmouth 502 90 28,818 4,995 2,672 783 1,667 1,822 545 3,917 2,179 263 1,166 4,295 1,500 663 936 1,415 BERKSHIRE Richmond Sandisfield Savoy Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringham Washington West Stockbridge Williamstowni. Windsor 80 7,346 1,311 624 237 534 582 151 834 603 81 345 788 377 147 291 441 564 564 524 1,862 1,901 327 275 1,277 3,981 375 291 1.024 117 61, 437 438 4,390 829 346,964 2,387 18,480 4,595 2,985 3,054 3,560 4,286 766 985 . BERKSHIRE Adams Alford Becket Cheshire! Clarksburg Dalton Egremont Florida' Great Barrington Hancock Hinsdale Lanesborough Lee Lenox Monterey. Mount Washington New Ashfordi . New Marlborough North Adams 1 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Otis. Peru? Pittsfield Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 114,709 13,218 271 973 1,535 1,114 3,858 599 427 6,627 514 1,257 1,089 4,481 3,242 358 95 92 1,030 22,035 3,047 3,089 2,259 3,692 3,090 2,992 3,866 442 195 39,607 6,060 5,944 5,996 4,933 5,529 6,272 4,873 25,982 2,310 71 265 350 249 913 160 86 1,471 137 306 318 1,039 717 92 22 26 297 4,654 670 616 602 728 766 632 640 122 58 9,319 1,247 1,588 1,361 1,318 1,385 1,213 1,207 BRISTOL Acushnet. Attloboro 1 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Berkley Dartmouth Dighton Easton Fairhaven Fall River Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Freetown Mansfield Now Bedfordi Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 North Attleborough Norton Raynham Rehoboth Seekonk Somerset Swansea Taunton Ward 1 Ward 2 5,330 2,499 5,064 6,277 124,791 23,028 13,420 14,922 12,245 11,823 17,844 5,601 10,649 15,259 1,663 5,772 109,568 23,376 19,211 11,768 10,999 17,354 26,860 9,398 2,587 1,810 2,228 2,767 3,377 2,558 36,161 3,813 3,280 863 906 1,026 241 1,005 487 1,284 1,200 19,853 3,796 2,208 1,427 2,423 1,545 2,338 1,481 2,249 2,386 390 1,358 17,053 2,796 2,768 2,888 2,803 2,807 2,991 2,384 571 384 494 606 653 538 7,370 946 876 See notes, pages 169-175. POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS. 43 TABLE 1.-- POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS Continued. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters COUNTIES, CITIES, AND Towns Popula- Legal Voters tion 725 . BRISTOL - Con. Taunton - Con. Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Westport 3,285 4,901 5,771 3,839 3,945 7,327 3,262 999 1,127 761 837 1,099 738 . . . DUKES Chilmark . Edgartown Gay Head Gounold Oak Bluffs 1 Tisbury West Tisbury 4,904 288 1,276 175 155 1,245 1,220 96 334 55 45 271 307 112 1,324 441 . . ESSEX - Con. Lawrence Con. Ward 5 Ward 6 Lynn Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Lynnfield Manchester 1 Marblehead Merrimac. Methuen Middleton Nabant Newbury' Nowburyport Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 North Andover Peabody Rockport . Rowley Salom Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Salisbury Saugus' Swampscott Topsfield Wenham West Newbury' ESSEX Amesbury Andover!. Beverly Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Boxford 1 Danvers Essex Georgetown! Gloucestor Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Groveland Hamilton Haverhill Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ipswich Lawrence Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 . 16,166 16,235 95,803 3,039 5,958 19,765 17,363 20,597 23,878 5,203 1,112 2,945 7,606 2,101 14,007 1,308 1,387 1,590 15,311 2,657 3,528 2,128 2,135 2,613 2,350 5,956 18,625 4,351 1,481 37,200 7,252 7,023 4,220 6,309 6,181 6,215 1,717 10,226 7,345 1,173 1,068 1,529 463,662 8,543 7,978 22,959 5,559 3,137 4,250 4,199 4,189 1,625 714 11,177 1,677 2,058 24,478 2,625 4,950 3,681 1,906 4,189 3,512 2,006 1,609 2,377 1,879 19,450 2,836 2,933 3,577 5.338 17,156 9,720 7,890 6,272 90,259 16,143 14,842 14,319 12,554 . 2,913 3,103 22,455 836 1,538 5,077 4,790 4,491 4,545 1,178 327 661 2,206 585 2,723 328 376 442 3,726 645 706 607 511 589 668 1,309 3,423 1,033 384 8,191 1,126 1,808 729 1,476 1,437 1,615 483 2,192 1,801 275 269 100, 445 2,167 1,731 5,195 1,239 777 814 1,115 872 378 190 2,517 489 565 5,857 703 984 882 554 986 918 376 454 608 399 11,211 892 829 800 1.403 2,767 2,484 2,036 1,091 14,813 2,313 2,297 2,074 2,113 . 1 423 . FRANKLIN Ashfield Bernardston Buckland. Charlemont Colrain Conway Deerfield Erving Gill Greenfield Hawley Heath 48,256 994 790 1,569 977 1,829 1,220 2,739 1,168 951 12,618 427 383 11,551 283 196 451 278 416 309 535 283 242 3,226 96 . 112 · See notes, pages 169-175. 44 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 1. — POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS - Continued. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters Con. HAMPDEN - Con. Wales Westfield West Springfield Wilbraham 337 18,411 11,339 2,521 114 3,516 2,389 353 7,925 FRANKLIN Leverett Leyden Monroe Montague New Salem Northfield Orange Rowe Shelburne Shutesbury Sunderland Warwick Wendell Whately BITTUNA ** 1,782 5,379 206 86 54 1,563 183 426 1,454 103 415 69 154 118 114 179 1,484 1,278 1,118 13,724 1,391 493 160 182 1,527 210 81 174 133 394 343 397 66 4,279 721 262,944 4,555 623 934 HAMPSHIRE Amherst. Belchertown Chesterfield Cummington Easthampton Enfield Goshen Granby Greenwich Hadley Hatfield Huntington Middlefield Northampton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Pelham Plainfield. Prescott Southampton South Hadley Ware 1 Westhampton Williamsburg Worthington 69,549 5,558 2,062 559 660 9,845 806 289 828 426 2,666 2,630 1,427 325 21,654 3,483 3,126 4,366 3,768 2,686 2,183 2,042 499 375 299 950 5,179 9,346 430 2,118 618 . . 582 842 . 1,344 30,138 4,132 3,205 4,580 4,327 4,769 2,839 6,286 1,939 784 562 . 613 . 51,228 902 188 234 334 4,339 376 545 371 770 908 470 899 365 210 175 45 10,974 1,365 1,381 2,118 864 1,268 1,779 2,199 451 . 532 427 132 109 88 225 670 HAMPDEN Agawam Blandford Brimfield Chester Chicopee Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 East Longmeadow Granville Hampden Holland Holyoke Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Longmeadow' Ludlow Mongon Montgomery Palmer Russell Southwick Springfield Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Toiland 159 60,816 9,320 9,694 11,138 8,798 1,059 1,516 116 468 181 5,399 672 945 8,005 8,462 1,782 6,251 5,004 230 9,468 1,104 1,365 102,971 11,663 19,844 10,668 13,313 9,922 10,864 9,752 16,945 199 65 1,482 239 321 22,864 2,578 3,575 2,234 3,215 2,595 2,452 2,636 3,579 51 MIDDLESEX Acton Arlington Ashby Ashland Ayer Bedford Belmont : Billerica Boxborough Burlington Cambridge Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 733,624 2,151 14,889 922 2,005 2,779 1,365 8,081 3,246 326 751 108,822 6,581 6,507 157,032 547 3,364 253 505 709 344 1,804 817 86 196 22,037 844 995 1,748 1,966 2,406 2,712 2,629 2,167 . 11,090 10,551 9,808 13,604 11,722 9,369 1 See notes, pages 169-175. POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS. 45 TABLE 1. - POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS Continued. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND Towns Popula- tion Legal Voters COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters Con. Con. 1 10,565 8,336 10,689 1,356 487 4,098 551 716 569 . . . . MIDDLESEX Cambridge - Con. Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Carlisle Chelmsford Concordi Dracut Dunstablo Everett Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Framingham Groton Holliston Hopkintoni Hudson Lexington Lincoln Littleton Lowell Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Kalden Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Karlborough Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Maynard Modford Ward 1 Ward 3 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 . 2,339 1,919 2,312 139 1,121 1,294 812 107 7,963 763 1,545 2,180 1,230 826 1,419 3,581 596 708 685 1,473 1,253 332 302 20,247 2,355 1,803 2,833 1,733 1,650 2,665 2,251 2,524 2,433 10,145 1,516 1,192 1,420 1,316 1,649 1,711 1,341 3,756 552 557 570 552 507 500 518 1,072 7,048 988 1,001 755 1,042 1,419 MIDDLESEX Modford - Con. Ward 6 Ward 7 Melrose 1 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Natick Newton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 North Reading' Pepperell Reading Sherborn Shirley Somerville Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Stoneham Stow! Sudbury Tewksbury Townsend Tyngsborough Wakefield Waltham Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Watertowni Wayland Westford Weston Wilmington Winchester Woburn Ward 1 Ward 2 3,182 6,681 4,022 362 37,718 4,427 7,382 9,833 5,681 4,609 5,786 15,860 2,333 2,788 2,475 6,758 5,538 1,310 1,228 107,978 9,560 13,699 12,367 9,649 9,794 20,697 10,721 10,803 10,688 48,907 5,949 6,393 5,650 5,264 7,250 7,673 10,728 15,250 2,258 2,249 2,418 2,532 1,876 1,880 2,037 6,770 30,509 4,418 4,195 3,034 4,560 6,784 5,311 2,207 16,880 2,172 2,646 2,575 1,912 2,139 2,740 2,696 11,119 43,113 5,614 7,956 6,870 4,695 7,074 6,963 3,941 1,292 2,839 6,805 1,696 2,251 86,854 11,953 13,586 8,041 8,458 12,196 15,661 16,959 7,489 1,127 1,206 5,265 1,812 967 12,781 30,154 4,817 4,782 4,530 4,101 3,350 5,183 3,391 16,515 2,033 2,843 2,342 2,330 10,005 16,410 2,832 3,264 482 491 697 592 2,816 9,284 1,066 1,597 1,553 1,129 1,562 1,443 934 363 738 1,745 304 362 19,519 2,519 2,341 2,004 2,073 2,816 3,586 4,180 1,878 255 325 498 500 224 2,895 6,594 1,228 682 845 908 . . . . 1 1 . . • 866 1,442 623 3,390 570 516 560 494 2,147 3,655 668 693 1 See notes, pages 169-175. 46 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 1. — POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS - Continued. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters MIDDLESEX - Con, Woburn Con. Ward 3 Ward 4. Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 . 1,701 1,921 3,689 . . . 2,732 2,805 1,426 2,357 994 623 643 309 494 225 638 . . NANTUCKET Nantucket 3,166 3,166 861 861 PLYMOUTH - Con. Carver Duxbury East Bridgewater Halifax Hanover Hanson 1 Hingham Hull. Kingston Lakeville Marion Marshfield Mattapoisett Middleborough Norwell Pembroke 1 Plymouth Plympton Rochester Rockland. Scituate Wareham West Bridgewater Whitman 2,666 1,796 5,264 2,290 2,580 1,491 1,487 1,725 1,352 8,631 1,563 1,337 12,926 599 1,160 7,074 2,661 5,176 2,741 7,520 296 546 928 130 677 468 1,371 645 545 409 327 515 295 2,107 478 361 2,505 151 254 1,998 738 1,052 615 2,102 NORFOLK Avon Bellingham Braintree Brookline Canton Cobasset Dedham Dover ? Foxborough Franklin Holbrook. Medfield Medway Millis Milton Needham Norfolk Norwood Plainville Quincy Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Randolph Sharon Stoughton Walpole Wellesley Westwood Weymouth Wrentham! 201,907 2,164 1,953 9,343 33,490 5,623 2,800 11,043 999 3,755 6,440 2,948 3,648 2,846 1,442 8,600 6,542 1,268 10,977 1,408 40,674 7,505 6,777 7,868 5,952 6.887 5,685 4,734 2,468 6,982 5,490 6,439 1,448 13,969 2,414 44,631 559 412 2,181 7,565 1,135 666 2,334 224 894 1,332 772 479 671 332 1,967 1,320 304 2,271 377 8,614 1,766 1,171 1,340 1,059 1,794 1,484 1,209 579 1,639 1,170 1,268 317 3,603 437 . SUFFOLK Bostoni Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 Chelsea Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 826,801 745,439 23,776 41,904 21,016 18,585 77,573 37,250 35,084 38,317 33,996 25,741 26,234 29,416 30,533 27,799 26,225 25,404 25,853 25,877 22,748 22,958 26,499 23,812 21,442 22,615 16,401 18,381 43,426 7,938 14,317 8,013 175,890 160,342 5,363 5,835 4,854 5,387 7,946 8,618 10,714 7,788 6,151 6,056 5,967 6,371 7,266 6,012 5,991 6,182 6,105 6,034 5,678 5,832 5,893 5,666 5,596 4,842 4,282 3,913 7,042 1,048 1,285 1,596 PLYMOUTH Abington. Bridgewater Brockton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 157,303 5,646 9,381 62,288 8,820 7,679 9,197 6,983 9,175 11,216 9,218 37,092 1,522 1,361 14,696 2,430 2,070 2,403 1,640 1,736 2,122 2,295 . I See notes, pages 169-175. POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS. 47 TABLE 1.-- POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS - Continued. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Popula- tion Legal Voters Con. 401 . . . SUFTOLK - Con. Choles-Con. Ward 4 Ward 5 Rovore: Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Winthrop, . 6,262 6,896 25,178 4,628 6,203 6,692 5,498 2,157 12,758 1,034 2,079 5,061 1,085 1,386 1,077 1,013 500 3,445 WORCESTER Lunenburg Mendon Milford Millbury'. New Braintree Northborough Northbridge 1 North Brookfield: Oakham Oxford Paxton Petersham Phillipston Princeton. . . . 430,703 2,059 9,783 3,281 3,476 43 Royalston 87,450 479 2,243 639 537 246 1,124 205 1 865 193 528 WORCESTER Ashburnham Atho! Auburnt Barre Berlin Blackstone Bolton Boylston : Brookfield Charlton : Clinton Dana ! Douglas Dudley : Pitchburg Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Gardner Grafton Hardwick Harvard'. Holden Hopedale. Hubbardston Lancaster Leicester Leominster 5,689 768 783 2,059 2,213 13,192 712 2,179 4,373 39,656 6,173 11,957 6,168 3,971 3,769 7,618 16,376 6,250 3,596 1,104 2,514 2,663 1,084 2,585 3,322 17,646 1,610 933 13,684 5,295 453 1,797 9,254 2,947 527 3,476 471 727 390 800 862 1,895 2,794 1,898 14,217 5,994 1,403 1,618 2,829 4,081 2,036 4,921 4,268 12,565 5,925 1,318 1,288 1,594 5,908 162,697 14,243 16,836 24,345 18,927 21,727 15,344 13,758 12,371 12,852 12,294 Rutland Shrewsbury Southborough Southbridge Spencer Sterling Sturbridge Sutton Templeton Upton ? Uxbridge: Warren Webster Westborough West Boylston' West Brookfield Westminster Winchendoni Worcester 1 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 . 253 2,654 1,107 109 466 1,673 697 145 745 107 199 97 206 202 469 641 466 2,458 1,488 339 404 486 812 491 1,008 748 2,089 1,089 305 344 336 1,317 33,670 3,342 3,308 3,653 3,342 3,175 3,205 3,414 3,415 3,542 3,274 525 2,610 175 411 662 7,231 1,283 1,470 988 1,044 1,002 1,444 3,015 1,120 494 269 541 723 277 486 740 3,956 . . See notes, pages 169-175. Includes Millville which was not set off as a separate town until May 1, 1916. Population of that part of Blackstone known as “Millville" April 1, 1915, was 2,010 and legal voters 422. ! 48 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - - 1 TABLE 1. — POPULATION AND LEGAL VOTERS — Concluded. RECAPITULATION. THE STATE AND COUNTIES Population Legal Voters THE STATE Barnstable Berkshire Bristol Dukes Essex Franklin Hampden Hampshire Middlesex Nantucket Norfolk Plymouth Suffolk Worcester 3,693,310 28,818 114,709 346,964 4,904 463,662 48,256 262,944 69,549 733,624 3,166 201,907 157,303 826,801 430,703 775,889 7,346 25,982 61,437 1,220 100,445 11,551 51,228 13,724 157,032 861 44,631 37,092 175,890 87,450 . POPULATION BY SEX. 49 TABLE 2.- POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY, BY SEX, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1910 AND 1905. (NOTE. - The population totals for 1910 are taken from the report of the United States Census for that year, which does not give a classification by sex for towns having less than 2,500 inbabitants.) 1915 1910 1905 CITIES AND Towns Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females THE STATE IIIIII! Abington Seton Acushnet Adams Agawam Halford Amesbury Amherst Andover Sarlington Ashburnham Ashby Ashfield: Ashland Athol SATTLEBORO Auburn Avon Ayer Barnstable Barre Becket Bedford. Belchertown Bellingham Belmont Berkley Berlin Bernardston BEVERLY Billerica. Blackstone1 Blandford Bolton BOSTON Bourne Boxborough Boxford Boylston Braintree Brewster Bridgewater Brimfield BROCKTON Brookfield Brookline Buckland Burlington CAMBRIDGE Canton Carlisle Carver Charleront Charlton Chatham Chelmsford CHELSEA Cheshire Chester Chesterfield CHICOPEE Chilmark Clarksburg Clinton Cohaseet Colrain Concord. Conway Cummington Dalton Dana Danvers Dartmouth 3,693,310 1,813,713 1,879,597 3,366,416 1,655,248 1,711,168 3,003,680 1,461,589 1,542,091 5,646 2,767 2,879 5,455 2,696 2,759 5,081 2,529 2,552 2,151 1,058 1,093 2,136 2,089 1,042 1,047 2,387 1,193 1,194 1,692 1,284 662 622 13,218 6,363 6,855 13,026 6,233 6,793 12,486 5,964 6,522 4,555 2,327 2,228 3,501 1,791 1,710 2,795 1,414 1,381 271 147 124 275 275 146 129 8,543 4,079 4,464 9,894 4,864 5,030 8,840 4,204 4,636 5,558 2,649 2,909 5,112 2,358 2,754 5,313 2,772 2,541 7,978 3,615 4,363 7,301 3,343 3,958 6,632 3,130 3,502 14,889 6,870 8,019 11,187 5,128 6,059 9,668 4,503 5,165 2,059 1,052 1,007 2,107 1,851 939 912 922 480 442 885 865 437 428 994 516 478 959 959 477 482 2,005 976 1,029 1,682 1,597 780 817 9,783 4,876 4,907 8,536 4,326 4,210 7,197 3,545 3,652 18,480 9,095 9,385 16,215 8,064 8,151 12,702 6,192 6,510 3,281 1,717 1,564 2,420 2,006 1,046 960 2,164 1,073 1,091 2,013 1,901 938 963 2,779 1,359 1,420 2,797 1,427 1,370 2,386 1,158 1,228 4,995 2,499 2,496 4,676 2,285 2,391 4,336 2,094 2,242 3,476 1,888 1,588 2,957 1,546 1,411 2,558 1,353 1,205 973 519 454 959 890 467 423 1,365 693 672 1,231 1,208 611 597 2,062 1,025 1,037 2,054 2,088 1,085 1,003 1,953 999 954 1,696 1,686 828 858 8,081 3,767 4,314 5,542 2,556 2,986 4,360 2,030 2,330 985 510 475 999 931 468 463 865 441 424 904 906 479 427 790 408 382 741 769 387 382 22,959 11,469 11,490 18,650 9,509 9,141 15,223 7,550 7,673 3,246 1,600 1,646 2,789 1,351 1,438 2,843 1,398 1,445 5,689 2,821 2,868 5,648 2,796 2,852 5,786 2,882 2,904 623 330 293 717 746 392 354 768 366 402 764 762 352 410 745,439 369,434 376,005 670,585 329,703340,882 595,380 290,309 305,071 2,672 1,420 1,252 2,474 1,786 906 880 326 173 153 317 324 174 150 714 350 364 713 665 309 356 783 406 377 714 649 340 309 9,343 4,583 4,760 8,066 3,966 4,100 6,879 3,324 3,555 783 375 408 631 739 345 394 9,381 6,060 3,321 7,688 4,991 2,697 6,754 4,215 2,539 934 531 403 866 894 474 420 62,288 30,781 31,507 56,878 28,293 28,585 47,794 23.574 24,220 2,059 994 1,065 2,204 2,388 1,194 1,194 33,490 13,254 20,236 27,792 11,038 16,754 23,436 9,606 13,830 1,569 811 758 1,573 1,500 748 751 397 354 591 588 324 264 108,822 51,995 56,827 104,839 50,161 54,678 97,434 47,231 50,203 5,623 2,731 2,892 4,797 2,352 2,445 4,702 2,266 2,436 490 263 227 551 523 276 247 1,701 930 771 1,663 1,410 828 582 977 524 453 1,001 1,002 472 2,213 1,163 1,050 2,032 2,089 1,054 1,035 1,667 801 866 1,564 1,634 801 833 5,182 2,537 2,645 5,010 2,524 2,486 4,254 2,175 2,079 43,426 22,353 21,073 32,452 16,709 15,743 37,289 18,549 18,740 1,535 822 713 1,508 1,281 662 619 1,344 705 639 1,377 1,366 697 669 559 294 265 536 563 300 263 30,138 15,296 14,842 25,401 12,736 12,665 20,191 10,090 10,101 288 144 144 282 322 167 155 1,114 580 534 1,207 1,200 609 591 13,192 6,380 6,812 13,075 6,185 6,890 13,105 6,184 6,921 2,800 1,391 1,409 2,585 1,241 1,344 2,727 1,271 1,456 1,829 949 880 1,741 1,780 906 874 6,681 3,608 3,073 6,421 3,509 2,912 5,421 3,224 2,197 1,220 626 594 1,230 1,340 686 654 660 339 321 637 740 374 366 3,858 1,795 2,063 3,568 1,685 1,883 3,122 1,403 1,719 712 331 381 736 763 372 391 11,177 5,477 5,700 9,407 4,578 4,829 9,063 4,482 4,581 5,330 2,760 2,570 4,378 2,256 2,122 3,793 1,956 1,837 752 530 1 1 - 1 Includes Millville, which was not set off as a separate town until May 1, 1916. Population of that part of Blackstone known as "Millville" April 1, 1915, was 2,010. 50 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 2. - POPULATION BY SEX — Continued. 1915 1910 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females 4,504 4,780 - 11 5,649 1,248 977 1,201 1,060 499 2,002 2,090 172 11 1,755 2,196 11,043 2,739 1,822 2,499 2,179 999 4,022 4,373 362 1,921 3,689 545 9,845 1,939 5,064 1,276 599 1,706 2,071 972 1,689 1,674 4,142 4,382 5,394 1,491 845 1,298 1,119 500 2,020 2,283 190 949 1,900 272 4,744 986 2,496 599 290 396 613 834 18,387 2,990 60,319 2,008 19,611 256 1,913 7,791 3,292 2,607 2,532 806 16,313 2,424 57,627 1,575 18,764 17,171 2,698 61,668 1,569 19,062 2,048 6,299 2,807 1,815 6,649 2,834 860 7,910 6,789 - III 12,675 11,723 2,779 2,926 Dedham Deerfield Dennis Dighton Douglas Dover Dracut Dudley Dunstable Duxbury East Bridgewater Eastham Easthampton East Longmeadow Easton Edgartown Egremont Enfield Erving Essex EVERETT Fairhaven FALL RIVER Falmouth FITCHBURG Florida Foxborough Framingham Franklin Freetown Gardner Gay Head Georgetown Gill GLOUCESTER Goshen Gosnold. Grafton Granby Granville Great Barrington Greenfield Greenwich Groton Groveland Hadley Halifax Hamilton Hampden Hancock Hanover Hanson Hardwick Harvard Harwich Hatfield HAVERHILL Hawley Heath Hingham Hinsdale Holbrook Holden Holland. Holliston HOLYOKE Hopedale Hopkinton Hubbardston. Hudson Hull Huntington Hyde Park 1 Ipswich Kingston Lakeville Lancaster Lanesborough LAWRENCE Lee. Leicester Lenox 1,789 273 5,101 953 2,568 677 309 410 555 843 19,331 3,287 64,472 1,909 20,045 171 1,842 8,069 3,148 803 7,831 80 1,017 451 12,023 120 61 3,188 366 364 3,451 6,269 199 1,237 1,249 1,203 258 933 315 236 1,280 882 1,791 566 1,140 1,129 25,391 174 175 2,744 605 1,531 1,241 78 1,436 31,457 1,295 1,287 529 3,398 814 709 1,168 1,677 37,718 6,277 124,791 3,917 39,656 427 3,755 15,860 6,440 1,663 16,376 175 2,058 951 24,478 289 155 6,250 828 784 6,627 12,618 426 2,333 2.377 2,666 638 1,879 670 514 2,666 1,796 3,596 1,104 2,179 2,630 49,450 427 383 5,264 1,257 2,948 2,514 159 2,788 60,816 2,663 2,475 1,084 6,758 2,290 1,427 2,820 5,268 9,284 2,209 1,919 2,235 2,152 798 3,461 4,267 408 1,688 3,363 518 8,524 1,553 5,139 1,191 605 874 1,148 1,621 33,484 5,122 119,295 3,144 37,826 395 3,863 12,948 5,641 1,471 14,699 162 1,958 942 24,398 279 152 5,705 761 781 5,926 10,427 452 2,155 2,253 1,999 550 1,749 645 465 2,326 1,854 3,524 1,034 2,115 1,986 44,115 424 346 4,965 1,116 2,816 2,147 145 2,711 57,730 2,188 2,452 1,073 6,743 2,103 1,473 15,507 5,777 2,445 1,141 2,464 947 85,892 4,106 3,237 3,060 3,106 5,159 8,545 95 1,041 500 12,455 169 94 3,062 462 420 3,176 6,349 227 1,096 1,128 1,463 380 946 355 278 1,386 914 1,805 538 1,039 1,501 24,059 253 208 2,520 652 1,417 1,273 81 1,352 29,359 1,368 1,188 555 3,360 1,476 718 7,774 2,112 1,998 2,070 2,120 636 3,537 3,818 412 2,028 3,169 519 6,808 1,327 4,909 1,175 721 973 1,094 1,790 29,111 4,235 105,762 3,241 33,021 424 3,364 11,548 5,244 1,470 12,012 178 1,840 1,023 26,011 277 161 5,052 747 865 6,152 9,156 475 2,253 2,401 1,895 494 1,646 561 434 2,176 1,490 3,261 1,077 2,291 1,779 37,830 448 356 4,819 1,452 2,509 2,640 151 2,663 49,934 2,048 2,585 1,205 6.217 2,060 1,451 14,510 5,205 2,205 912 2,406 845 70,050 3,972 3,414 3,058 3,726 1,089 886 1,094 1,072 331 1,800 1,934 209 1,036 1,571 255 3,217 670 2,458 554 361 502 568 901 14,170 1,988 50,387 1,680 16,230 228 1,673 5,411 2,587 727 6,324 97 895 640 13,601 151 98 2,413 410 458 2,956 4,482 249 1,110 1,145 1,038 279 830 279 225 1,086 732 1,659 520 1,079 1,016 18,025 243 186 2,216 736 1,194 1,333 79 1,278 23,769 1,088 1,282 637 3,046 1,236 698 7,189 2,525 1,086 454 1,030 431 34,064 1,984 1,676 1,581 4,048 1,023 1,112 976 1,048 305 1,737 1,884 203 992 1,598 264 3,591 657 2,451 621 360 471 526 889 14,941 2,247 55,375 1,561 16,791 196 1,691 6,137 2,657 743 5,688 81 945 383 12,410 126 63 2,639 337 407 3,196 4,674 226 1,143 1,256 857 215 816 282 209 1,090 758 1,602 557 1,212 763 19,805 205 170 2,603 716 1,315 1,307 72 1,385 26,165 960 1,303 568 3,171 824 753 7,321 2,680 1,119 458 1,376 414 35,986 1,988 1.738 1,477 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,836 1,688 IIII 21,607 22,508 2,289 2,676 1,500 1,316 1,316 27,671 1,395 30,059 3,377 3,366 7,744 2,874 7,763 2,903 6,272 2,580 1,491 2,585 1,089 90,259 4,481 3,322 3,242 3,136 1,265 810 1,088 574 44,702 2,327 1,604 1,656 3,136 1,315 681 1,497 515 45,557 2,154 1,718 1,586 42,858 2,076 1,582 1,534 43,034 2,030 1,65 1,526 1 Hyde Park annexed to Boston in 1911. POPULATION BY SEX. 51 TABLE 2. — POPULATION BY SEX — Continued. 1915 1910 1905 CITIES AND Towns Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females 8,744 8,836 2,580 2,338 . 54,769 2,522 44,751 51,525 2,426 44,585 20,927 1,426 2,643 3,446 23,477 1,247 2,540 3,892 7,181 7,398 3,317 1,448 10,877 1,322 7,210 3,073 2,018 12,273 1,374 8,505 - 5,493 4,124 5,955 4,090 1 6,745 2,359 6,310 2,381 7,052 349 2,127 240 607 595 457 44,870 1,873 656 38,126 395 17,580 1,334 2,078 3,453 513 6,796 874 177 573 3,180 1,365 9,343 1,317 6,493 475 908 4,179 3,386 23 439 6,293 2,300 625 3,212 170 2,087 3,668 239 147 44 470 1,295 4,559 2,024 55 35,731 265 762 6,882 626 328 16,169 3,533 4,391 2,327 3,492 Leominster Leverett. Lexington Leyden Lincoln Littleton Longmeadow LOWELL Ludlow Lunenburg LYNX Lynnfield MALDEN Manchester Mansfield Marblehead Marion MARLBOROUGH Marshfield Mashpee Mattapoisett Maynard Medfield MEDFORD Medway · WELROSE Mendon Merrimao Methuen Middleborough Middlefield Middleton Milford Millbury Millis Milton Monroe Monson Montague Monterey Montgomery. Mount Washington Nabant Nantucket Watick Needham New Ashford WEW BEDFORD New Braintree Newbury NEWBURYPORT Wew Marlborough New Salem NEWTON Norfolk NORTH ADAMS NORTHAMPTON North Andover North Attleborough Northborough Northbridge North Brookfield : Northfield North Reading Norton Norwell Norwood Oak Blufis Oakham Orange Orleans Otis Oxford Palmer Parton Peabody Pelham Pembroke Pepperell Peru Petersham Phillipston 2,431 3,374 17,646 779 5,538 344 1,310 1,228 1,782 107,978 6,251 1,610 95,803 1,112 48,907 2,945 5,772 7,606 1,487 15,250 1,725 263 1,352 6,770 3,648 30,509 2,846 16,880 933 2,101 14,007 8,631 32: 1,308 13,684 5,295 1,442 8,600 296 3,004 7,925 358 230 95 1,387 3,166 11,119 6,542 92 109,568 453 1,590 15,311 1,030 625 43,113 1,268 22,035 21,654 5,956 9,398 1,797 9,254 2,947 1,782 1,292 2,587 1,563 10,977 1,245 527 5,379 1,166 442 3,476 9,468 471 18,625 499 1,337 2,839 8,681 413 2,656 188 671 608 853 52,016 3,018 788 47,049 534 23,164 1,512 2,911 3,580 775 7,574 854 146 650 3,583 1,562 14,500 1,378 7,753 468 990 6,656 4,314 175 545 6,898 2,600 756 3,808 202 2,394 4,095 209 125 44 689 1,521 5,547 3,116 48 53,167 260 805 7,283 535 299 19,378 726 10,558 10,132 2,882 4,529 899 4,936 1,385 840 642 1,319 781 5,739 599 272 2,593 565 231 1,760 4,700 260 10,272 265 700 1,409 8,965 366 2,882 156 639 620 929 55,962 3,233 822 48,754 578 25,743 1,433 2,861 4,026 712 7,676 871 117 702 3,187 2,086 16,009 1,468 9,127 465 1,111 7,351 4,317 150 763 6,786 2,695 686 4,792 94 2,610 3,830 149 105 51 698 1,645 5,572 3,426 44 56,401 193 785 8,028 495 326 23,735 542 11,477 11,522 3,074 4,869 898 4,318 1,562 942 650 1,268 782 5,238 646 255 2,786 601 211 1,716 4,768 211 8,353 234 637 1,430 17,580 728 4,918 363 1,175 1,229 1,084 106,294 4,948 1,393 89,336 911 44,404 2,673 5,183 7,338 1,460 14,579 1,738 270 1,233 6,390 3,466 23,150 2,696 15,715 880 2,202 11,448 8,214 354 1,129 13,055 4,740 1,399 7,924 246 4,758 6,866 388 217 110 1,184 2,962 9,866 5,026 92 96,652 464 1,482 14,949 1,124 639 39,806 960 22,019 19,431 5,529 9,562 1,713 8,807 3,075 1,642 1,059 2,544 1,410 8,014 1,084 552 5,282 1,077 494 3,361 8,610 416 15,721 467 1,336 2,953 14,297 703 4,630 408 1,122 1,219 964 94,889 3,881 1,293 77,042 797 38,037 2,618 4,245 7,209 1,029 14,073 1,763 317 1,180 5,811 3,314 19,686 2,650 14,295 922 1,884 8,676 6,888 399 1,068 12,105 4,631 1,252 7,054 269 4,344 7,015 444 259 87 922 2,930 9,609 4,284 100 74,362 477 1,480 14,675 1,209 672 36,827 1,089 22,150 19,957 4,614 7,878 1,947 7,400 2,617 2,017 903 2,079 1,534 6,731 1,138 519 5,578 1,052 534 2,927 7,755 444 13,098 460 1,261 3,268 7,245 354 2,403 168 515 624 507 50,019 2,008 637 38,916 402 20,457 1,284 2,167 3,756 516 7,277 889 140 607 2,631 1,949 10,343 1,333 7,802 447 976 4,497 3,502 169 629 5,812 2,331 627 3,842 99 2,257 3,347 205 112 43 452 1,635 5,050 2,260 45 38,631 212 718 7,793 583 344 20,658 494 11,501 11,221 2,358 4,123 989 3,590 1,411 1,244 443 1,122 785 3,309 592 255 2,838 543 234 1,518 3,948 204 6,298 215 607 1,634 1,361 4,773 2,372 1,601 5,093 2,654 47,731 48,921 7,032 7,917 17,801 22,005 595 10,620 9,094 2,701 4,783 4,706 1,452 11,399 10,337 2,828 4,779 4,101 1,623 - 1,311 1,233 4,129 3,885 10,649 8,736 2,256 3,755 958 3,810 1,206 773 460 957 749 3,422 546 264 2,740 509 300 1,409 3,807 240 6,800 245 654 1,634 195 727 390 109 356 200 86 371 190 237 757 426 268 855 442 139 435 220 129 420 222 2,561 2,721 1,638 4,312 1,723 4,298 8,618 7,103 1,492 1,461 52 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 2. — POPULATION BY SEX — Continued. 1915 1910 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females 16,130 15,991 12,926 180 668 5,517 258 6,061 6,080 11 154 440 2,196 16,454 2,091 2,173 16,188 2,210 2,770 3,048 8,984 9,235 3,438 2,103 3,490 2,108 21,291 22,406 3,965 4,082 20,291 187 717 6,496 289 155 391 2,166 19,988 2,392 857 3,559 1,051 12,787 249 577 3,624 2,184 185 744 406 537 812 18,905 799 263 755 5,208 248 1,348 1,334 1,293 895 790 1,042 1,024 1,461 140 1,724 45,872 464 985 6,876 2,715 608 3,084 53,180 659 983 3,897 3,533 564 847 1,387 36,628 PITTSFIELD Plainfield Plainville Plymouth Plympton Prescott . Princeton Provincetown QUINCY Randolph Raynham Reading Rehoboth REVERE. Richmond Rochester Rockland Rockport Rowe Rowley Royalston Russell Rutland. SALEM Salisbury Sandisfield Sandwich Saugus Savoy Scituate Seekonk Sharon Sheffield Shelburne Sherborn Shirley Shrewsbury Shutesbury Somerset SOMERVILLE Southampton Southborough Southbridge South Hadley Southwick Spencer SPRINGFIELD Sterling Stockbridge Stoneham Stoughton Stow Sturbridge Sudbury Sunderland Sutton Swampscott Swansea . TAUNTON Templeton Tewksbury Tisbury Tolland Topsfield Townsend Truro Tyngsborough Tyringham, Upton Uxbridge Wakefield Wales Walpole WALTHAM Ware Wareham Warren Warwick Washington Watertown Wayland Webster 1,411 40,608 39,607 375 1,408 12,926 599 299 800 4,295 40,674 4,734 1,810 6,805 2,228 25,178 564 1,160 7,074 4,351 424 1,481 862 1,104 1,895 37,200 1,717 564 1,500 10,226 524 2,661 2,767 2,468 1,862 1,484 1,696 2,251 2,794 292 3,377 86,854 950 1,898 14,217 5,179 1,365 5,994 102,971 1,403 1,901 7,489 6,982 1,127 1,618 1,206 1,278 2,829 7,345 2,558 36,161 4,081 5,265 1,324 199 1,173 1,812 663 967 327 2,036 4,921 12,781 337 5,490 30,154 9,346 5,176 4,268 477 275 16,515 2,033 12,565 19,316 188 691 6,430 310 144 409 2,129 20,686 2,342 953 3,246 1,177 12,391 315 583 3,450 2,167 239 737 456 567 1,083 18,295 918 301 745 5,018 276 1,313 1,433 1,175 967 694 654 1,227 1,333 152 1,653 40,982 486 913 7,341 2,464 757 2,910 49,791 744 918 3,592 3,449 563 771 604 697 1,491 3,494 1,273 17,604 2,267 2,994 640 114 607 904 333 493 177 938 2,445 6,182 172 2,824 14,351 4,455 2,693 2,158 259 157 8,114 968 6,235 32,121 406 1,385 12,141 561 320 818 4,369 32,642 4,301 1,725 5,818 2,001 18,219 650 1,090 6,928 4,211 456 1,368 792 965 1,743 43,697 1,658 566 1,688 8,047 503 2,482 2,397 2,310 1,817 1,498 1,428 2,139 1,946 267 2,798 77,236 870 1,745 12,592 4,894 1,020 6,740 88,926 1,359 1,933 7,090 6,316 1,115 1,957 1,120 1,047 3.078 6,204 1,978 34,259 3,756 3,750 1,196 180 1,174 1,761 655 829 382 2,071 4,671 11,404 345 4,892 27,834 8,774 4,102 4,188 477 277 12,875 2,206 11,509 25,001 382 1,300 11,119 514 322 907 4,362 28,076 4,034 1,662 5,682 1,991 12,659 601 1,181 6,287 4,447 533 1,388 903 1,053 1,713 37,627 1,622 657 1,433 6,253 549 2,597 1,917 2,085 1,782 1,515 1,379 1,692 1,866 374 2,294 69,272 927 1,931 11,000 5,054 1,048 7,121 73,540 1,315 2,022 6,332 5,959 1,027 1,974 1,159 910 3,173 5,141 1,839 30,967 3,783 4,415 1,120 274 1,095 1,772 743 768 314 2,024 3,881 10,268 645 4,003 26,282 8,594 3,660 4,300 527 339 11,258 2,220 10.018 12,075 202 632 5,602 256 168 467 2,190 14,422 1,987 894 2,674 1,047 6,222 328 690 3,127 2,295 316 718 472 614 955 17,839 827 340 653 3,057 290 1,293 1,014 961 928 714 587 801 967 193 1,146 32,758 470 1,029 5,450 2,140 560 3,562 35,338 669 941 3,035 2,896 508 998 634 511 1,625 2,436 942 15,045 2,020 2,336 532 159 623 893 366 402 167 945 1,900 4,845 340 2,021 12,019 3,976 1,899 2,086 264 190 5,547 1,137 4,909 6,484 2,332 6,108 2,562 2,172 13,654 2,047 768 3,008 944 6,437 273 491 3,160 2,152 217 670 431 439 758 19,788 795 317 780 3,196 259 1,304 903 1,124 854 801 792 891 899 181 1,148 36,514 457 902 5,550 2,914 488 3,559 38,202 646 1,081 3,297 3,063 519 976 525 399 1,548 2,705 897 15,922 1,763 2,079 588 115 472 879 377 366 147 1,079 1,981 5,423 305 1,982 14,263 4,618 1,761 2,214 263 149 5,711 1,083 5,109 3,306 43,221 3,434 45,705 1 3,471 3,099 3,619 3,217 1 1 1 1 602 1,692 2,998 1,386 3,206 16,722 2,054 2,003 17,537 1,702 1,747 581 1,338 3,851 1,285 18,557 1,814 2,271 684 85 566 908 330 474 150 1,098 2,476 6,599 165 2,666 15,803 4,891 2,483 2,110 218 118 8,401 1,065 6.330 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,391 5,448 2,280 5,956 2,586 12,949 4,108 2,123 2,028 2,306 14,885 4,666 1,979 2,160 6,341 6,534 5,761 5,748 1 Abnormal decrease between 1910 and 1915 due to conflagration of June 25, 1914, POPULATION BY SEX. 53 TABLE 2. — POPULATION BY SEX - Concluded. 1915 1910 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS Total Males Females. Total Males Females | Total Males Females 2,306 2,608 8,268 1,417 Wellesley Wellfleet. Wendell. Wenham Westborough West Boylston West Bridgewater West Brookfield Westfield Westford Westhampton Westminster West Newbury Weston Westport West Springfield West Stockbridge West Tisbury Westwood Weymouth Whately. Whitman Wilbraham Williamsburg Williamstown Wilmington Winchendon Winchester Windsor. Winthrop WOBURN WORCESTER Worthington Wrentham Yarmouth 2,705 471 207 517 2,915 691 1,374 590 9,401 1,392 231 847 749 1,101 1,663 5,601 670 219 1,480 4,599 6,439 936 388 1,068 5,925 1,318 2,741 1,288 18,411 2,843 430 1,594 1,529 2,342 3,262 11,339 1,277 441 1,448 13,969 1,118 7,520 2,521 2,118 3,981 2,330 5,908 10,005 375 12,758 16,410 162,697 618 2,414 1,415 3,734 465 181 551 3,010 627 1,367 698 9,010 1,451 199 747 780 1,241 1,599 5,738 607 222 742 7,144 510 3,857 1,301 1,029 2,055 1,186 2,874 5,410 175 6,695 8,094 82,359 277 1,276 723 5,413 1,022 502 1,010 5,446 1,270 2,231 1,327 16,044 2,851 423 1,353 1,473 2,106 2,928 9,224 1,271 437 1,266 12,895 846 7,292 2,332 2,132 3,708 1,858 3,678 9,309 404 10,132 15,308 145,986 569 1,743 1,420 3,107 6,189 958 480 924 2,838 5,378 1,571 2,006 1,384 7,776 13,611 1,434 2,413 466 1,348 1,405 2,091 1,448 2,867 4,625 8,101 1,023 457 1,136 6,571 11,585 822 3,712 6,521 1,708 1,943 1,944 4,425 1,670 2,760 5,933 4,946 8,242 513 5,267 7,034 7,555 14,402 72,562 128,135 614 1,428 1,422 2,086 470 263 453 2,606 925 965 642 6,826 1,190 255 676 704 1,007 1,442 3,984 527 216 557 8,625 454 3,215 820 962 2,375 822 8,033 3,829 276 3,335 7,089 63,642 318 681 655 4,103 488 217 471 2,772 646 1,041 742 6,785 1,223 211 672 701 1,084 1,425 4,117 496 241 579 6,960 368 3,306 888 981 2,050 848 2,900 4,413 237 3,699 7,318 84,493 296 747 767 706 6,324 3,580 1,764 6,825 608 3,663 1,220 1,089 1,926 1,144 3,034 4,595 200 6,063 8,316 80,338 341 1,138 692 2,918 4,363 4,865 7,753 73,424 54 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 3. — POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1905, AND SHOWING INCREASE AND DECREASE, ARRANGED IN ORDER OF SIZE, 1915. INCREASE (+) or DE- CREASE (-), 1905-1915 CITIES AND TOWNS 1915 1905 Number Per Cent BOSTON WORCESTER FALL RIVER NEW BEDFORD CAMBRIDGE LOWELL. SPRINGFIELD LYNN LAWRENCE SOMERVILLE BROCKTON HOLYOKE HAVERHILL MALDEN CHELSEA NEWTON QUINCY FITCHBURG PITTSFIELD EVERETT SALEM TAUNTON Brookline MEDFORD WALTHAM CHICOPEE REVERE : GLOUCESTER BEVERLY NORTH ADAMS NORTHAMPTON Peabody ATTLEBORO Westfield Leominster MELROSE Watertown WOBURN Gardner Framingham NEWBURYPORT MARLBOROUGH Arlington Southbridge Methuen Weymouth Milford Adams Clinton Plymouth Wakefield Winthrop Greenfield Webster West Springfield Danvers . Natick Dedham Norwood Saugus Winchester Easthampton Athol Palmer North Attleborough Bridgewater Ware Braintree Northbridge Middleborough Milton Amesbury Belmont Andover Montague Marblehead Whitman Stonehamn 745,439 162,697 124,791 109,568 108,822 107,978 102,971 95,803 90,259 86,854 62,288 60,816 49,450 48,907 43,426 43,113 40,674 39,656 39,607 37,718 37,200 36,161 33,490 30,509 30,154 30,138 25,178 24,478 22,959 22,035 21,654 18,625 18,480 18,411 17,646 16,880 16,515 16,410 16,376 15,860 15,311 15,250 14,889 14,217 14,007 13,969 13,684 13,218 13,192 12,926 12,781 12,758 12,618 12,565 11,339 11,177 11,119 11,043 10,977 10,226 10,005 9,845 9,783 9,468 9,398 9,381 9,346 9,343 9,254 8,631 8,600 8,543 8,081 7,978 7,925 7,606 7,520 7,489 595,380 128,135 105,762 74,362 97,434 94,889 73,540 77,042 70,050 69,272 47,794 49,934 37,830 38,037 37,289 36,827 28,076 33,021 25,001 29,111 37,627 30,967 23,436 19,686 26,282 20,191 12,659 26,011 15,223 22,150 19,957 13,098 12,702 13,611 14,297 14,295 11,258 14,402 12,012 11,548 14,675 14,073 9,668 11,000 8,676 11,585 12,105 12,486 13,105 11,119 10,268 7,034 9,156 10,018 8,101 9,063 9,609 7,774 6,731 6,253 8,242 6,808 7,197 7,755 7,878 6,754 8,594 6,879 7,400 6,888 7,054 8,840 4,360 6,632 7,015 7,209 6,521 6,332 +150,059 +34,562 +19,029 +35,206 +11,388 +13,089 +29,431 +18,761 +20,209 +17,582 +14,494 +10,882 +11,620 +10,870 +6,137 +6,286 +12,598 +6,635 +14,606 +8,607 -427 +5,194 +10,054 +10,823 +3,872 +9,947 +12,519 -1,533 +7,736 -115 +1,697 +5,527 +5,778 +4,800 +3,349 +2,585 +5,257 +2,008 +4,364 +4,312 +636 +1,177 +5,221 +3,217 +5,331 +2,384 +1,579 +732 +87 +1,807 +2,513 +5,724 +3,462 +2,547 +3,238 +2,114 +1,510 +3,269 +4,246 +3,973 +1,763 +3,037 +2,586 +1,713 +1,520 +2,627 +752 +2,464 +1,854 +1,743 +1,546 -297 +3,721 +1,346 +910 +397 +999 +1,157 +25.2 +27.0 +18.0 +47.3 +11.7 + 13.8 +40.0 +24.4 +28.8 +25.4 +30.3 +21.8 +30.7 +28.6 +16.5 +17.1 +44.9 +20.1 +58.4 +29.6 -1.1 +16.8 +42.9 +55.0 +14.7 +49.3 +98.9 -5.9 +50.8 -0.5 +8.5 +42.2 +45.5 +35.3 +23.4 +18.1 +46.7 +13.9 +36.3 +37.3 +4.3 +8.4 +54.0 +29.2 +61.4 +20.6 +13.0 +5.9 +0.7 +16.3 +24.5 +81.4 +37.8 +25.4 +40.0 +23.3 +15.7 +42.1 +63.1 +63.5 +21.4 +44.6 +35.9 +22.1 +19.3 +38.9 +8.8 +35.8 +25.1 +25.3 +21.9 -3.4 +85.3 +20.3 +13.0 +5.5 +15.3 +18.3 1 Population as given for 1905 does not include Hyde Park, which was then a separate town having a population of 14,510. * Abnormal decrease between 1910 and 1915 due to conflagration of June 25, 1914. POPULATION, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1905. 55 TABLE 3. — POPULATION, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1905 — Continued. - INCREASE (+) OR DE- CREASE (-), 1905-1915 CITIES AND Towns 1915 1905 Number Per Cent Swampscott Rockland Stoughton Reading Maynard Hudson Concord. Great Barrington Needham Franklin Wellesley Fairhaven Ipswich Ludlow Grafton. Spencer North Andover Westborough Winchendon Mansfield Blackstone Abington Canton Amherst Lexington Walpole Orange Dartmouth Millbury Tewksbury Hingham Chelmsford South Hadley Wareham Easton Monson Barnstable Uxbridge Randolph Agawam Lee. Dudley Rockport Provincetown Warren Templeton Dracut Williamstown Falmouth Dalton Foxborough East Bridgewater Medfield Hardwick Oxford Barre Somerset Leicester Auburn Westport Billerica . Lenox Nantucket Holbrook North Brookfield Manchester Medway. Westford Pepperell Sutton Cobaseet Shrewsbury Holliston Ayer Seekonk West Bridgewater Deerfield Bourne Hanover Hedley Hopedale Scituate Hatfield. Norton 7,345 7,074 6,982 6,805 6,770 6,758 6,681 6,627 6,542 6,440 6,439 0,277 6,272 6,251 6,250 5,994 5,956 5,925 5,908 5,772 5,689 5,646 5,623 5,558 5,538 5,490 5,379 5,330 5,295 5,265 5,264 5,182 5,179 5,176 6,064 5,004 4,995 4,921 4,734 4,555 4,481 4,373 4,351 4,295 4,268 4,081 4,022 3,981 3,917 3,858 3,755 3,689 3,648 3,596 3,476 3,476 3,377 3,322 3,281 3,262 3,246 3,242 3,166 2,948 2,947 2,945 2,846 2,843 2,839 2,829 2,800 2,794 2,788 2,779 2,767 2,741 2,739 2,672 2,666 2,666 2,663 2,661 2,630 2,587 5,141 6,287 5,959 5,682 5,811 6,217 5,421 6,152 4,284 5,244 6,189 4,235 5,205 3,881 5,052 7,121 4,614 6,378 5,933 4,245 5,786 5,081 4,702 5,313 4,530 4,003 5,578 3,793 4,631 4,415 4,819 4,254 5,054 3,660 4,909 4,344 4,336 3,881 4,034 2,795 3,972 3,818 4,447 4,362 4,300 3,783 3,537 4,425 3,241 3,122 3,364 3,169 3,314 3,261 2,927 2,558 2,294 3,414 2,006 2,867 2,843 3,058 2,930 2,509 2,617 2,618 2,650 2,413 3,268 3,173 2,727 1,866 2,663 2,386 1,917 2,006 2,112 1,786 2,176 1,895 2,048 2,597 1,779 2,079 +2,204 +787 +1,023 +1,123 +959 +541 +1,260 +475 +2,258 +1,196 +250 +2,042 +1,067 +2,370 +1,198 -1,127 +1,342 +547 -25 +1,527 -97 +565 +921 +245 +1,008 +1,487 -199 +1,537 +664 +850 +445 +928 + 125 +1,516 + 155 +660 +659 +1,040 +700 +1,760 +509 +555 -96 -67 -32 +298 +485 +42.9 +12.5 +17.2 +19.8 +16.5 +8.7 +23.2 +7.7 +52.7 +22.8 +4.0 +48.2 +20.5 +61.1 +23.7 -15.8 +29.1 +10.2 -0.4 +36.0 -1.7 +11.1 +19.6 +4.6 +22.3 +37.1 -3.6 +40.5 +14.3 +19.3 +9.2 +21.8 +2.5 +41.4 +3.2 +15.2 +15.2 +26.8 +17.4 +63.0 +12.8 +14.5 -2.2 -1.5 -0.7 +7.9 +13.7 -10.0 +20.9 +23.6 +11.6 +16.4 +10.1 +10.3 +18.8 +35.9 +47.2 -2.7 +63.6 +13.8 +14.2 +6.0 +8.1 +17.5 +12.6 +12.5 +7.4 +17.8 -13.1 -10.8 +2.7 +49.7 +4.7 +16.5 +44.3 +36.6 +29.7 +49.6 +22.5 +40.7 +30.0 +2.5 +47.8 +24.4 +676 +736 +391 +520 +334 +335 +549 +918 +1,083 -92 +1,275 +395 +403 +184 +236 +439 +330 +327 +196 +430 -429 -344 +73 +928 +125 +393 +850 +735 +627 +886 +490 +771 +615 +64 +851 +508 * Includes Millville, which was not set off as a separate town until May 1, 1916. Population of that part of Black- stone known as “Millville," on April 1, 1915, was 2,010. 56 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 3. POPULATION, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1905 — Continued. - INCREASE (+) OR DE- CREABE (-), 1905-1915 CITIES AND TOWNS 1915 1905 Number Per Cent Lancaster Kingston Swansea . Wilbraham Holden Dighton Hopkinton Sharon Wrentham Acushnet Groveland Weston Groton Wilmington Hull Shirley Rehoboth Charlton Harwich Douglas Avon Acton Williamsburg Merrimac Belchertown Brookfield Ashburnham Georgetown Upton Wayland Ashland. Bellingham East Longmeadow Duxbury, Stockbridge Southborough Rutland. Hamilton Sheffield Colrain Dennis Townsend Raynham Northborough Hanson Northfield Longmeadow Marshfield Salisbury Carver Sherborn Essex Chatham Freetown Sturbridge Lunenburg Westminster Newbury, Buckland Norwell Cheshire West Newbury Sandwich Lakeville Marion Shelburne Rowley Westwood Millis Huntington Yarmouth Plainville Sterling Nahant Bedford Southwick Mattapoisett Chester. Pembroke Tisbury West Boylston Lincoln Middleton North Reading 2,585 2,580 2,558 2,521 2,514 2,499 2,475 2,468 2,414 2,387 2,377 2,342 2,333 2,330 2,290 2,251 2,228 2,213 2,179 2,179 2,164 2,151 2,118 2,101 2,062 2,059 2,059 2,058 2,036 2,033 2,005 1,953 1,939 1,921 1,901 1,898 1,895 1,879 1,862 1,829 1,822 1,812 1,810 1,797 1,796 1,782 1,782 1,725 1,717 1,701 1,696 1,677 1,667 1,663 1,618 1,610 1,594 1,590 1,569 1,563 1,535 1,529 1,500 1,491 1,487 1,484 1,481 1,448 1,442 1,427 1,415 1,408 1,403 1,387 1,365 1,365 1,352 1,344 1,337 1,324 1,318 1,310 1,308 1,292 2,406 2,205 1,839 1,708 2,640 2,070 2,585 2,085 1,428 1,284 2,401 2,091 2,253 1,670 2,060 1,692 1,991 2,089 2,291 2,120 1,901 2,089 1,943 1,884 2,088 2,388 1,851 1,840 2,024 2,220 1,597 1,686 1,327 2,028 2,022 1,931 1,713 1,646 1,782 1,780 1,998 1,772 1,662 1,947 1,490 2,017 964 1,763 1,622 1,410 1,379 1,790 1,634 1,470 1,974 1,293 1,348 1,480 1,500 1,534 1,281 1,405 1,433 912 1,029 1,515 1,388 1,136 1,252 1,451 1,422 1,300 1,315 922 1,208 1,048 1,180 1,366 1,261 1,120 1,571 1,122 1,068 903 +179 +375 +719 +813 -126 +429 -110 +383 +986 +1,103 +251 +80 +660 +230 +55 +237 +124 -112 +59 +263 +62 +175 +217 -26 -329 +208 +218 +12 -187 +408 +267 +612 -107 -121 -33 +182 +233 +80 +49 -176 +40 +148 - 150 +306 -235 +818 -38 +95 +291 +317 -113 +33 +193 -356 +317 +246 +110 +69 +29 +254 +124 +67 +579 +458 -31 +93 +312 +190 -24 +7.4 +17.0 +39.1 +47.6 4.8 +20.7 4.3 +18.4 +69.0 +85.9 -1.0 +12.0 +3.6 +39.5 +11.2 +33.0 +11.9 +5.9 - 4.9 +2.8 +13.8 +3.0 +9.0 +11.5 -1.2 -13.8 +11.2 +11.8 +0.6 -8.4 +25.5 +15.8 +46.1 -5.3 6.0 -1.7 +10.6 +14.2 +4.5 +2.8 -8.8 +2.3 +8.9 -7.7 +20.5 - 11.7 +84.9 -2.2 +5.9 +20.6 +23.0 -6.3 +2.0 +13.1 -18.0 +24.5 +18.2 +7.4 +4.6 +1.9 +19.8 +8.8 +4.7 +63.5 +44.5 -2.0 +6.7 +27.5 +15.2 -1.7 -0.5 +8.3 +6.7 +50.4 +13.0 +30.3 +14.6 -1.6 +6.0 +18.2 -16.1 +16.8 +22.5 +43.1 +108 +88 +465 +157 +317 +172 +76 +204 -253 +188 +240 +389 POPULATION, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1905. 57 TABLE 3. — POPULATION, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1905 - Continued. INCREASE (+) OR DE- CREASE (-), 1905-1915 CITIES AND TOWNS 1915 1905 Number Per Cent -96 +368 +254 +101 +179 --195 +107 +9 -120 +47 +78 #74 +114 -21 +100 +296 -86 +315 +27 +51 +244 -121 +144 -179 +363 +35 +54 -25 +83 +199 +23 +40 West Brookfield Sunderland West Stockbridge Edgartowa Norfolk Hinsdale Oak Bluffs Littleton Conway Sudbury, Topsfield Erving Orleans Rochester Stow Whately : Clarksburg Lynnfield Harvard Russell Lanesborough Hubbardston. Wenham New Marlborough Dover Ashfield, Berkley Charlemont Becket Tyngsborough Gill Southampton Wellfeet. Brimfield Mendon Ashby Berlin Royalston Granby Enfield Princeton Bernardston Granville Brewster Boylston Leverett. Bolton Burlington Petersham Boxford Dana Hampden Truro Cummington Halifas New Salem Blandford Worthington Egremont Plympton Sandisfield Richmond Chesterfield Eastham Oakham. Savoy Hancock Pelham Carlisle Warwick Paxton New Braintree Otis West Tisbury Westhampton Hawley Florida Greenwich Rowe Phillipston Wendell Heath Windsor Plainfield 1,288 1,278 1,277 1,276 1,268 1,257 1,245 1,228 1,220 1,206 1,173 1,168 1,166 1,160 1,127 1,118 1,114 1,112 1,104 1,104 1,089 1,084 1,068 1,030 999 994 985 977 973 967 951 950 936 934 933 922 865 862 828 806 800 790 784 783 783 779 768 751 727 714 712 670 663 660 638 625 623 618 599 599 564 664 559 545 527 524 514 499 490 477 471 453 442 441 430 427 427 426 424 390 388 383 375 375 1,384 910 1,023 1,175 1,089 1,452 1,138 1,219 1,340 1,159 1,095 1,094 1,052 1,181 1,027 822 1,200 797 1,077 1,053 845 1,205 924 1,209 636 959 931 1,002 890 768 1,023 927 958 894 922 865 906 903 747 973 907 769 865 739 649 703 762 588 855 665 763 561 743 740 494 672 746 614 721 514 657 601 563 519 519 349 434 460 623 527 444 477 534 457 466 448 424 476 533 442 480 356 513 382 +-81 167 -107 +21 -81 +44 +134 +76 +6 +163 -6.9 +40.4 +24.8 +8.6 +16.4 -13.4 +9.4 +0.7 -9.0 +4.1 +7.1 +6.8 +10.8 -1.8 +9.7 +36.0 -7.2 +39.5 +2.5 +4.8 +28.9 -10.0 +15.6 -14.8 +57.1 +3.6 +5.8 -2.5 +9.3 +25.9 -7.0 +2.5 -2.3 +4.5 +1.2 +6.6 -4.5 -4.5 +10.8 -17.2 11.8 +2.7 -9.4 +6.0 +20.6 +10.8 +0.8 +27.7 --15.0 +7.4 - 6.7 +19.4 -10.8 -10.8 +29.1 -7.0 -16.5 +0.7 -16.9 +16.5 -14.2 46.2 -0.7 +5.0 +1.5 -4.6 +18.4 +8.5 -6.3 -9.5 +6.1 -5.0 -17.2 -3.5 —7.7 -4.7 +0.7 -10.3 -20.5 -11.8 -19.2 +7.6 -26.9 -1.8 9782792179779976****9741111111 +27 -138 58 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 3. — POPULATION, 1915, COMPARED WITH 1905 - Concluded. - INCREASE (+) OR DE- CREASE (-), 1905-1915 CITIES AND TOWNS 1915 1905 Number Per Cent 412 Dunstable Monterey Loyden Wales Tyringham Boxborough Middlefield Prescott Monroe Shutesbury Goshen Chilmark Washington Alford Mashpee Montgomery Tolland Peru Gay Head Holland. Gosnold. Mount Washington New Ashford. 362 358 344 337 327 326 325 299 296 292 289 288 275 271 263 230 199 195 175 159 155 95 92 408 645 314 324 399 322 269 374 277 322 339 275 317 259 274 268 178 151 161 87 100 99797779497977997694141 -12.1 --19.4 -15.7 47.8 +4.1 +0.6 -18.5 -7.1 +10.0 -21.9 +4.3 -10.6 -18.9 -1.5 -17.0 -11.2 --27.4 -27.2 -1.7 +5.3 -3.7 +9.2 -8.0 POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES. 59 TABLE 4. — POPULATION OF CITIES (BY WARDS AND PRECINCTS) AND OF TOWNS HAVING PRECINCTS, BY PRECINCTS, ARRANGED ALPHABETI- CALLY, BY SEX AND NUMBER OF FAMILIES. (See note at foot of page 68.) POPULATION CITIES AND TOWNS Number of Families Total Males Females Abington Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Acton Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Agawam Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Andover Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Athol Precinct 1 Precinct 2 ATTLEBORO Ward 1 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Auburn Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Barnstable Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Belmont Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 BEVERLY Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Billerica Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Blackstone Precinct 1 Precinct 2 BOSTON Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 5,646 2,530 3,116 2,151 591 854 706 4,555 1,798 1,292 1,465 7,978 7,098 880 9,783 3,287 6,496 18,480 4,595 2,222 2,373 2,985 3,054 3,560 4,286 3,281 1,737 1,544 4,995 617 580 1,879 431 582 201 705 8,081 2,341 3,736 2,004 22,959 5,559 3,137 4,250 4,199 4,189 1,625 3,246 1,453 1,793 6,689 3,679 2,010 745,439 23,776 41,904 21,016 18,585 77,573 37,250 35,084 38,317 33,996 25,741 26,234 29,416 30,533 27,799 26,225 25,404 25,853 25,877 22,748 22,958 26,499 23,812 21,442 22,615 16,401 18,381 2,767 1,209 1,558 1,058 290 428 340 2,327 878 699 750 3,615 3,203 412 4,876 1,619 3,257 9,095 2,337 1,113 1,224 1,458 1,445 1,736 2,119 1,717 889 828 2,499 300 308 934 205 290 105 357 3,767 1,066 1,781 920 11,469 2,814 1,475 2,308 2,001 2,083 788 1,600 713 887 2,821 1,793 1,028 369,434 11,691 22,742 11,053 10,289 43,622 19,689 17,057 16,246 17,739 12,553 12,857 14,487 15,013 12,825 12,600 11,498 12,136 12,425 10,325 10,951 12,629 11,104 10,049 11,384 7,379 9,091 2,879 1,321 1,558 1,093 301 426 366 2,228 920 593 715 4,363 3,895 468 4,907 1,668 3,239 9,385 2,258 1,109 1,149 1,527 1,609 1,824 2,167 1,564 848 716 2,496 317 272 945 226 292 96 348 4,314 1,275 1,955 1,084 11,490 2,745 1,662 1,942 2,198 2,106 837 1,646 740 906 2,868 1,886 982 376,005 12,085 19,162 9,963 8,296 33,951 17,561 18,027 22,071 16,257 13,188 13,377 14,929 15,520 14,974 13,625 13,906 13,717 13,452 12,423 12,007 13,870 12,708 11,393 11,231 9,022 9,290 1,445 670 775 586 162 224 200 1,011 373 296 342 1,856 1,631 225 2,307 849 1,458 4,267 992 503 489 736 776 807 956 713 400 313 1,413 181 138 546 126 168 62 192 1,894 525 785 584 5,397 1,260 785 952 1,081 944 375 784 379 405 1,264 839 425 161, 106 5,217 7,888 4,347 3,653 14,457 6,849 8,293 8,064 7,032 5,669 5,835 6,621 7,391 5,927 6,011 5,742 5,951 5,778 5,366 5,264 5,706 5,438 5,136 4,945 4,568 3,958 60 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 4. - POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES Continued. POPULATION CITIES AND TOWNS Number of Families Total Males Females 687 428 259 2,194 850 704 640 15,006 2,196 766 1,430 1,944 748 1.196 2,376 1,371 1,005 1,713 841 872 1,974 891 1,083 2,461 721 Bourne . Precinct A Precinct B Braintros Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 BROCKTON Ward 1 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 2 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 3 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 4 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 5 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 6 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 7 Precinct A Precinct B Brookfield Precinct 1 Precinct 2 CAMBRIDGE Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 7 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 8 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 9 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 10 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 11 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Cholmstord Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 2,672 1,480 1,192 9,343 3,610 2,950 2,783 62,288 8,820 3,368 5,452 7,679 2,937 4,742 9,197 5,267 3,930 6,983 3,552 3,431 9,175 4,260 4,915 11,216 3,390 7,826 9,218 4,254 4,964 2,059 1,335 1,420 754 666 4,583 1,864 1,347 1,372 30,781 4,280 1,778 2,502 3,570 1,377 2,193 4,501 2,610 1,891 3,447 1,748 1,699 4,777 2,291 2,486 6,711 1,760 3,951 4,495 2,057 2,438 994 636 358 51,995 3,494 1,540 1,954 3,431 2,026 1,405 6,679 1,703 1,185 1,488 1,303 5,254 1,446 1,231 1,368 1,209 4,267 1,080 1,050 1,109 1,028 6,785 2,298 1,543 1,527 1,417 5,604 1,314 1,467 1,266 1,557 4,248 1,567 1,181 1,500 4,347 1,145 1,246 1,956 3,684 1,044 1,081 1,559 5,202 1,403 1,915 1,884 2,537 1,080 1,029 215 213 1,252 726 526 4,760 1,746 1,603 1,411 31,507 4,640 1,590 2,950 4,109 1,560 2,549 4,696 2,657 2,039 3,536 1,804 1,732 4,398 11,969 2,429 5,505 1,630 3,875 4,723 2,197 2,528 1,065 699 366 56,827 3,087 1,341 1,746 3,076 1,800 1,276 5,411 1,468 1,129 1,433 1,381 5,297 1,296 1,332 1,352 1,317 5,541 1,235 1,232 1,543 1,531 6,819 2,092 1,537 1,622 1,568 6,118 1,421 1,613 1,475 1,609 5,121 1,853 1,636 1,632 6,218 1,754 2,174 2,290 4,652 1,577 1,490 1,585 6,487 1,642 1,940 1,905 2,645 1,212 1,006 215 212 724 108,822 6,581 2,881 3,700 6,507 3,826 2,681 11,090 3,171 2,314 2,921 2,684 10,551 2,742 2,563 2,720 2,526 9,808 2,315 2,282 2,652 2,559 13,604 4,390 3,080 3,149 2,985 11,722 2,735 3,080 2,741 3,166 9,369 3,420 2,817 3,132 10,565 2,899 3,420 4,246 8,336 2,621 2,571 3,144 10,689 3,045 3,855 3,789 6,182 2,292 2,035 430 425 1,740 2,342 1,082 1,260 569 382 187 24,254 1,287 580 707 1,286 755 531 2,304 635 457 608 604 2,267 607 566 574 520 2,297 558 493 648 598 3,161 964 772 730 695 2,771 664 716 686 705 2,158 708 759 691 2,474 785 723 966 1,938 665 637 636 2,311 736 801 774 1,234 588 449 108 89 POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES. 61 TABLE 4. - POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES - Continued. . POPULATION CITIES AND TOWNS Number of Families Total Males Females CHELSEA Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 CHICOPEE Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Precinct A Precinct B Concord Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Deerfield Precinct A Precinct B Doanh Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Easton Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Erving Precinct 1 Precinct 2 EVERETT Ward 1 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Fairhaven Precinct 1 Precinct 2 YALL RIVER Ward 1 Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Precinct D Ward 2 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 3 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 4 Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Ward 5 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 6 Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Ward 7 Precinct A Precinct B 13,426 7,938 4,931 3,007 14,317 8,253 6,064 8,013 3,899 4,114 6,262 2,000 4,262 6,896 3,545 3,351 30,138 4,132 3,205 4,580 4,327 2,056 2,271 4,769 2,839 6,286 4,650 1,636 6,681 3,835 2,846 2,739 1,779 960 1,822 297 255 581 430 259 5,064 759 3,242 1,063 1,168 533 635 37,718 4,427 7,382 4,572 2,810 9,833 5,004 4,829 5,681 4,609 5,786 6,277 4,595 1,682 124,791 23,028 6,498 8,276 3,704 4,550 13,420 8,377 5,043 14,922 9,901 3,021 12,245 4,885 4,308 3,052 11,823 7,985 3,838 17,844 5,686 8,406 3,752 5,601 2,679 2,922 22,353 4,198 2,661 1,537 7,553 4,466 3,087 3,973 1,919 2,054 3,127 1,021 2,106 3,502 1,889 1,613 15,296 2,111 1,565 2,401 2,125 985 1,140 2,462 1,455 3,177 2,335 842 3,608 1,791 1,817 1,491 962 529 845 130 116 276 201 122 2,496 368 1,595 533 613 276 337 18,387 2,333 3,538 2,199 1,339 4,701 2,339 2,362 2,771 2,321 2,723 2,990 2,204 786 60,319 11,154 3,209 4,069 1,670 2,206 6,485 4,088 2,397 7,327 4,812 2,515 5,709 2,431 1,969 1,309 5,900 3,939 1,961 8,797 2,832 4,126 1,839 2,765 1,500 1,265 8,958 1,620 1,005 615 2,855 1,597 1,258 1,680 851 829 1,344 429 915 1,459 669 790 5,512 654 662 636 833 464 369 926 523 1,278 924 21,073 3,740 2,270 1,470 6,764 3,787 2,977 4,040 1,980 2,060 3,135 979 2,156 3,394 1,656 1,738 14,842 2,021 1,640 2,179 2,202 1,071 1,131 2,307 1,384 3,109 2,315 794 3,073 2,044 1,029 1,248 817 431 977 167 139 305 229 137 2,568 391 1,647 530 555 257 298 19,331 2,094 3,844 2,373 1,471 5,132 2,665 2,467 2,910 2,288 3,063 3,287 2,391 896 64,472 11,874 3,289 4,207 2,034 2,344 6,935 4,289 2,646 7,595 5,089 2,506 6,536 2,454 2,339 1,743 5,923 4,046 1,877 9,047 2,854 4,280 1,913 2,836 1,179 1,657 354 1,301 822 479 595 372 223 634 99 76 225 150 84 1,237 213 741 283 292 147 145 8,747 903 1,721 1,036 685 2,373 1,224 1,149 1,337 1,048 1,365 1,533 1,184 349 26,108 4,783 1,298 1,566 917 1,002 2,794 1,618 1,176 2,779 1,788 991 2,808 1,044 1,033 731 2,517 1,642 875 3,494 1,097 1,580 817 1,326 572 754 62 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 4. — POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES Continued. POPULATION CITIES AND TOWNS Number of Families Total Males Females 10,649 4,988 3,432 2,229 15,259 3,677 5,191 6,391 3,917 529 3,388 39,656 6,173 TALL RIVER - Con. Ward 8 Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Ward 9 Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Falmouth Precinct 1 Precinct 2 FITCHBURG Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Framingham Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Freetown Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Gardner Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Gill Precinct 1 Precinct 2 GLOUCESTER Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 7 Ward 8 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Grafton Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Great Barrington Precinct A Precinct B Groveland Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Hardwick Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 HAVERHILL Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 7 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Holbrook Precinct 1 Precinct 2 HOLYOKE Ward 1 Precinct A Precinct B 11,957 6,168 3,971 3,769 7,618 15,860 2,142 2,098 5,657 2,674 3,289 1,663 860 803 16,376 3,448 9,893 3,035 951 539 412 24,478 2,625 4,950 3,681 1,906 4,189 3,512 2,610 902 2,006 1,609 344 677 588 6,250 1,282 2,546 2,422 6,627 4,364 2,263 2,377 1,441 936 3,596 681 2,429 486 49,450 2,836 2,933 3,577 5,338 3,175 2,163 17,156 5,056 5,157 6,943 9,720 3,618 2,878 3,224 7,890 4,669 3,221 2,948 2,174 774 60,816 9,320 4,685 4,635 4,786 2,322 1,369 1,095 7,396 1,683 2,542 3,171 2,008 266 1,742 19,611 3,068 6,026 3,057 1,956 1,760 3,744 7,791 974 1,028 • 2,626 1,341 1,822 860 436 424 8,545 1,686 5,275 1,584 500 292 208 12,455 1,290 2,546 1,973 1,007 2,052 1,731 1,291 440 1,061 795 179 339 277 3,062 591 1,270 1,201 3,176 2,085 1,091 1,128 677 451 1,805 386 1,167 252 24,059 1,336 1,331 1,907 2,510 1,442 1,068 8,793 2,680 2,543 3,570 4,456 1,615 1,361 1,480 3,726 2,204 1,522 1,417 1,033 384 29,359 4,596 2,338 2,258 5,863 2,666 2,063 1,134 7,863 1,994 2,649 8,220 1,909 263 1,646 20,045 3,105 5,931 3,111 2,015 2,009 3,874 8,069 1,168 1,070 3,031 1,333 1,467 803 424 379 7,831 1,762 4,618 1,451 451 247 204 12,023 1,335 2,404 1,708 899 2,137 1,781 1,319 462 945 814 165 338 311 3,188 691 1,276 1,221 3,451 2,279 1,172 1,249 764 485 1,791 295 1,262 234 25,391 1,500 1,602 1,670 2,828 1,733 1,095 8,363 2,376 2,614 3,373 5,264 2,003 1,517 1,744 4,164 2,465 1,699 1,531 1,141 390 31,457 4,724 2,347 2,377 2,386 1,121 833 432 3,221 933 1,027 1,261 987 151 836 8,645 1,360 2,333 1,297 971 1,013 1,671 3,531 513 504 1,282 595 637 431 229 202 3,490 873 1,969 648 223 127 96 5,724 674 1,075 783 454 954 872 614 258 479 433 94 196 143 1,251 359 416 476 1,537 1,102 435 607 401 206 609 149 358 102 11,753 767 779 822 1,311 798 513 3,593 1,046 1,130 1,417 2,508 1,025 656 827 1,973 1,191 782 752 555 197 12,392 1,806 875 931 POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES. 63 TABLE 4. — POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES — Continued. POPULATION CITIES AND TOWNS Number of Families Total Males Females HOLYOKE -Con. Ward 2 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 3 Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Ward 4 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 5 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 6 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 7 Precinct A Precinct B LAWRENCE Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 2 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Ward 3 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Ward 4 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Ward 5 Precinct 13 Precinct 14 Precinct 15 Ward 6 Precinct 16 Precinct 17 Precinct 18 Precinct 19 Leicester Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 LOWELL Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 7 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 8 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 9 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 9,694 5,245 4,449 11,138 4,709 4,973 1,456 8,798 5,427 3,371 5,399 2,909 2,490 8,005 3,376 4,629 8,462 4,460 4,002 90,259 16,143 4,559 7,557 4,027 14,842 5,466 5,664 3,712 14,319 4,854 5,477 3,988 12,554 4,618 3,051 4,885 16,166 6,604 4,476 5,086 16,235 5,291 4,552 3,213 3,179 3,322 1,404 1,219 699 107,978 9,560 3,649 3,219 2,692 13,699 5,092 5,232 3,375 12,367 4,462 4,610 3,295 9,649 3,661 2,980 3,008 9,794 3,530 2,216 4,048 20,697 9,135 5,792 5,770 10,721 3,528 2,867 4,326 10,803 3,196 3,878 3,729 10,688 3,083 3,931 3,674 4,851 2,653 2,198 5,365 2,205 2,519 641 4,370 2,722 1,648 2,476 1,311 1,165 3,876 1,675 2,201 3,825 2,008 1,817 44,702 7,924 2,254 3,829 1,841 7,634 2,965 2,884 1,685 7,436 2,662 2,878 1,896 6,344 2,530 1,450 2,364 7,679 3,233 2,036 2,410 7,785 2,572 2,229 1,471 1,513 1,604 689 569 346 52,016 4,758 2,077 1,427 1,254 7,270 2,859 2,740 1,671 5,920 2,198 2,305 1,417 4,698 1,798 1,467 1,433 4,843 1,859 1,070 1,914 9,825 4,363 2,765 2,697 4,848 1,533 1,311 2,004 5,028 1,436 1,788 1,804 4,826 1,299 1,781 1,746 4,843 2,592 2,251 5,773 2,504 2,454 815 4,428 2,705 1,723 2,923 1,598 1,325 4,129 1,701 2,428 4,637 2,452 2,185 45,557 8,219 2,305 3,728 2,186 7,308 2,501 2,780 2,027 6,883 2,192 2,599 2,092 6,210 2,088 1,601 2,521 8,487 3,371 2,440 2,676 8,450 2,719 2,323 1,742 1,666 1,718 715 650 353 55,962 4,802 1,572 1,792 1,438 6,429 2,233 2,492 1,704 6,447 2,264 2,305 1,878 4,951 1,863 1,513 1,575 4,951 1,671 1,146 2,134 10,872 4,772 3,027 3,073 5,873 1,995 1,556 2,322 5,775 1,760 2,090 1,925 5,862 1,784 2,150 1,928 2,013 1,079 934 2,194 922 965 307 1,503 862 641 1,149 581 568 1,778 725 1,053 1,949 1,035 914 18,607 3,264 1,035 1,262 967 2,867 939 1,043 885 2,591 764 955 872 2,638 853 660 1,125 3,713 1,502 1,102 1,109 3,534 1,155 967 674 738 763 339 257 167 23,036 2,052 605 803 644 2,624 893 1,015 716 2,965 1,043 1,051 871 2,109 788 657 664 2,017 652 496 869 4,186 1,843 1,216 1,127 2,180 690 632 858 2,530 839 867 824 2,373 700 865 808 64 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 4. - POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES - Continued. POPULATION CITIES AND TOWNS Number of Families Total Males Females LYNN Ward 1 Precinct 1 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Ward 7 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Lynnfield Precinct 1 Precinct 2 MALDEN Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 7 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 MARLBOROUGE Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 MEDFORD Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 5 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 7 MELROSE Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 95,803 3,039 3,039 5,958 3,140 2,818 19,765 2,914 4,336 4,153 3,628 4,734 17,363 4,611 3,431 3,050 3,497 2,774 20,597 4,498 5,346 3,403 4,684 2,666 23,878 5,085 5,343 4,056 4,138 5,256 5,203 2,988 2,215 1,112 563 549 48,907 5,949 3,750 2,199 6,393 3,501 2,892 5,650 2,928 2,722 5,264 2,320 2,944 7,250 3,623 3,627 7,673 5,275 2,398 10,728 5,111 5,617 15,250 2,258 2,249 2,418 2,532 1,876 1,880 2,037 30,509 4,418 4,195 3,034 4,560 2,338 2,222 6,784 5,311 3,852 1,459 2,207 16,880 2,172 2,646 2,575 1,912 2,139 2,740 2,696 2,101 595 47,049 1,519 1,519 2,823 1,460 1,363 9,151 1,255 1,919 1,984 1,697 2,296 8,591 2,107 1,721 1,782 1,685 1,296 10,156 2,311 2,913 1,572 2,102 1,258 12,207 2,564 2,756 1,971 2,090 2,826 2,602 1,481 1,121 534 280 254 23,164 2,686 1,647 1,039 3,192 1,760 1,432 2,455 1,206 1,249 2,465 1,073 1,392 3,361 1,599 1,762 3,762 2,585 1,177 5,243 2,459 2,784 7,574 1,130 1,184 1,180 1,230 938 924 988 14,500 2,169 1,967 1,338 2,204 1,134 1,070 3,336 2,461 1,794 667 1,025 7,753 980 1,222 1,189 824 965 1,275 1,298 1,005 293 48,754 1,520 1,520 3,135 1,680 1,455 10,614 1,659 2,417 2,169 1,931 2,438 8,772 2,504 1,710 1,268 1,812 1,478 10,441 2,187 2,433 1,831 2,582 1,408 11,671 2,521 2,587 2,085 2,048 2,430 2,601 1,507 1,094 578 283 295 25,743 3,263 2,103 1,160 3,201 1,741 1,460 3,195 1,722 1,473 2,799 1,247 1,552 3,889 2,024 1,865 3,911 2,690 1,221 5,485 2,652 2,833 7,676 1,128 1,065 1,238 1,302 938 956 1,049 16,009 2,249 2,228 1,696 2,356 1,204 1,152 3,448 2,850 2,058 792 1,182 9,127 1,192 1,424 1,386 1,088 1,174 1,465 1,398 1,096 302 22,089 808 808 1,531 796 735 5,146 835 1,174 1,002 998 1,137 3,812 1,152 713 419 856 672 4,577 886 1,044 846 1,204 597 5,065 1,150 1,131 922 865 997 1,150 684 466 313 170 143 11,088 1,488 941 547 1,313 722 591 1,339 737 602 1,206 597 609 1,730 924 806 1,784 1,236 548 2,228 1,131 1,097 3,517 530 491 547 526 463 468 492 7,240 975 1,015 708 1,041 529 512 1,623 1,345 922 423 533 4,097 549 696 589 474 518 650 621 486 135 POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES. 65 TABLE 4. — POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES Continued. POPULATION CITIES AND TOWNS Number of Families Total Males Females Methuen Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Middleborough Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Montague Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Natick Precinct 1 Precinct 2 NEW BEDFORD Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 2 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Ward 3 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Ward 4 Precinct 13 Precinct 14 Precinct 15 Precinct 16 Ward 5 Precinct 17 Precinct 18 Precinct 19 Precinct 20 Ward 6 Precinct 2i Precinct 22 Precinct 23 Precinct 24 Nowbury Precinct 1 Precinct 2 NEWBUB YPORT Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 NEWTON Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 7 NORTH ADAMS Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 NORTHAMPTON Ward 1 Ward 2 14,007 6,921 3,195 3,891 8,631 525 8,106 7,925 5,934 952 1,039 11,119 9,868 1,251 109,568 23,376 4,902 6,367 6,251 5,856 19,211 8,863 4,124 3,245 2,979 11,768 4,127 2,266 2,384 2,991 10,999 3,285 2,484 2,866 2,364 17,354 8,721 3,418 2,420 2,795 26,860 7,775 7,596 6,597 4,892 1,590 715 875 15,311 2,557 3,528 2,128 2,135 2,613 2,350 43,113 5,614 2,772 2,842 7,956 2,491 2,593 2,872 6,870 4,470 2,400 4,695 4,070 625 7,074 2,336 3,391 1,347 6,963 3,104 2,652 1,207 3,941 22,035 3,047 3,089 2,259 3,692 3,090 2,992 3,866 21,654 3,433 3,126 6,656 3,233 1,444 1,979 4,314 262 4,052 4,095 3,095 481 519 5,547 4,940 607 53,167 11,562 2,424 3,032 3,169 2,937 9,529 4,587 2,027 1,484 1,431 5,410 1,968 967 1,043 1,432 5,235 1,576 1,214 1,330 1,115 8,127 4,335 1,507 1,046 1,239 13,304 3,881 3,733 3,232 2,458 805 359 446 7,283 1,253 1,689 1,061 963 1,228 1,089 19,378 2,710 1,427 1,283 3,653 1,075 1,060 1,518 3,081 2,146 935 2,174 1,845 329 3,237 1,152 1,577 508 2,941 1,306 1,208 427 1,582 10,558 1,448 1,475 1,034 1,786 1,411 1,389 2,015 10,132 1,751 1,159 7,351 3,688 1,751 1,912 4,317 263 4,054 3,830 2,839 471 520 5,572 4,928 644 56,401 11,814 2,478 3,335 3,082 2,919 9,682 4,276 2,097 1,761 1,548 6,358 2,159 1,299 1,341 1,559 5,764 1,709 1,270 1,536 1,249 9,227 4,386 1,911 1,374 1,556 13,556 3,894 3,863 3,365 2,434 785 356 429 8,028 1,304 1,839 1,067 1,172 1,385 1,261 23,735 2,904 1,345 1,559 4,303 1,416 1,533 1,354 3,789 2,324 1,465 2,521 2,225 296 3,837 1,184 1,814 839 4,022 1,798 1,444 780 2,359 11,477 1,599 1,614 1,225 1,906 1,679 1,603 1,851 11,522 1,732 1,967 3,357 1,652 806 899 2,252 156 2,096 1,695 1,168 222 305 2,674 2,384 290 24,435 4,764 1,049 1,314 1,263 1,138 4,059 1,588 949 805 717 3,102 1,019 652 677 754 2,909 893 632 760 624 4,084 1,921 839 642 682 5,517 1,477 1,657 1,338 1,045 417 187 230 3,637 641 784 492 522 597 601 9,353 1,108 510 598 1,685 577 606 502 1,489 958 531 1,090 956 134 1,546 513 758 275 1,529 699 593 237 906 4,909 697 641 561 773 758 695 784 4,558 729 690 66 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 4. POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES - Continued. POPULATION CITIES AND Towns Number of Families Total Males Females - 2,265 1,947 1,374 1,169 1,068 3,074 2,319 755 4,768 1,472 1,045 1,452 799 8,353 2,070 2,361 2,721 1,201 234 NORTHAMPTON -Con. Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 North Andover Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Palmer Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Precinct D Peabody Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Pelham. Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Popperell Precinct A Precinct B PITTSFIELD Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 QUINCY Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 REVERE Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Bockland Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Rockport Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Royalston Precinct 1 Precinct 2 SALEM. Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 3 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Ward 4 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Ward 5 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Ward 6 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 4,366 3,768 2,686 2,183 2,042 5,956 4,485 1,471 9,468 3,019 1,992 2,843 1,614 18,625 4,332 5,279 6,609 2,405 499 305 194 2,839 1,221 1,618 39,607 6,060 5,944 5,996 4,933 5,529 6,272 4,873 40,674 7,505 3,014 4,491 6,777 2,485 4,292 7,868 3,907 3,961 5,952 2,547 3,405 6,887 3,285 3,602 5,685 3,169 2,516 25,178 4,628 6,203 6,692 5,498 2,157 7,074 3,482 3,592 4,351 1,371 2,980 862 424 2,101 1,821 1,312 1,014 974 2,882 2,166 716 4,700 1,547 947 1,391 815 10,272 2,262 2,918 3,888 1,204 265 162 103 1,409 580 829 19,316 3,085 2,890 2,975 2,191 2,716 3,043 2,416 20,686 3,746 1,461 2,285 3,891 1,517 2,374 4,015 1,950 2,065 3,015 1,264 1,751 3,244 1,517 1,727 2,775 1,542 1,233 12,391 2,237 3,034 3,354 2,696 1,070 3,450 1,720 1,730 2,167 705 1,462 456 229 227 18,295 3,685 1,826 1,859 3,383 1,659 1,724 2,174 1,128 1,046 3,073 143 91 1,430 641 789 20,291 2,975 3,054 3,021 2,742 2,813 3,229 2,457 19,988 3,759 1,553 2,206 2,886 968 1,918 3,853 1,957 1,896 2,937 1,283 1,654 3,643 1,768 1,875 2,910 1,627 1,283 12,787 2,391 3,169 3,338 2,802 1,087 3,624 1,762 1,862 2,184 666 1,518 406 195 944 619 593 527 456 1,344 1,033 311 1,864 719 363 472 310 3,822 916 1,075 1,277 554 125 72 53 729 325 404 8,863 1,242 1,383 1,327 1,209 1,236 1,326 1,140 9,163 1,772 683 1,089 1,331 453 878 1,676 880 796 1,229 534 695 1,772 875 897 1,383 759 624 5,603 1,141 1,381 1,403 1,128 550 1,769 856 913 1,169 346 823 219 211 116 103 7,964 1,405 438 37,200 7,252 3,504 3,748 7,023 3,447 3,576 4,220 2,041 2,179 6,309 2,279 4,030 6,181 1,392 4,789 6,215 2,850 3,365 952 2,121 3,029 698 2,331 2,951 1,324 1,627 18,905 3,567 1,678 1,889 3,640 1,788 1,852 2,046 913 1,133 3,236 1,327 1,909 3,152 694 2,458 3,264 1,526 1,738 711 694 1,655 833 822 783 410 373 1,355 551 804 1,236 276 960 1,530 719 811 POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES. 67 TABLE 4. — POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES Continued. POPULATION CITIES AND Towns Number of Families Total Males Females 5,018 1,618 1,974 1,426 1,433 380 1,053 1,227 Saugus . Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Seekonk Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Shirley Precinct A Precinct B Somerset Precinct 1 Precinct 2 SOMERVILLE Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Ward 2 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 5 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Ward 7 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 South Hadley Precinct A Precinct B SPRINGFIELD Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Sutton Precinct 1 Precinct 2 TAUNTON Ward 1 Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Ward 2 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 3 Ward 4 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 5 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 6 Ward 7 Precinct A Precinct B Ward 8 Precinct A Precinct B Templeton Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Truro Precinct A Precinct B 10,226 3,323 4,098 2,805 2,767 721 2,046 2,251 366 1,885 3,377 1,397 1,980 86,854 11,953 4,628 2,606 1,929 2,790 : 13,586 4,216 6,397 2,973 8,041 3,998 4,043 8,458 4,419 4,039 12,196 4,531 3,795 3,870 15,661 7,018 4,783 3,860 16,959 3,076 4,187 4,690 5,006 5,179 4,005 1,174 102,971 11,663 19,844 10,668 13,313 9,922 10,864 9,752 16,945 2,829 1,392 1,437 36,161 3,813 2,681 438 191 1,036 1,653 702 951 40,982 5,925 2,283 1,240 930 1,472 6,670 2,177 3,022 1,471 3,658 1,783 1,875 3,944 2,093 1,851 5,619 2,010 1,789 1,820 7,334 3,309 2,238 1,787 7,832 1,377 1,894 2,204 2,357 2,464 1,988 476 49,791 5,756 10,000 5,318 6,222 4,374 5,024 4,702 8,395 1,491 717 774 17,604 1,817 1,268 214 335 1,598 951 647 1,648 2,314 1,388 926 2,767 1,174 1,593 1,942 1,898 1,308 590 3,620 2,085 1,535 2,267 386 377 258 1,246 333 150 183 5,208 1,705 2,124 1,379 1,334 341 993 1,024 175 849 1,724 695 1,029 45,872 6,028 2,345 1,366 999 1,318 6,916 2,039 3,375 1,502 4,383 2,215 2,168 4,514 2,326 2,188 6,577 2,521 2,006 2,050 8,327 3,709 2,545 2,073 9,127 1,699 2,293 2,486 2,649 2,715 2,017 698 53,180 5,907 9.844 5,350 7,091 5,548 5,840 5,050 8,550 1,338 675 663 18,557 1,996 1,413 224 359 1,682 866 2,397 804 967 626 643 170 473 451 90 361 795 323 472 21,075 2,796 1,111 665 462 558 2,934 919 1,394 621 2,015 1,003 1,012 2,187 1,154 1,033 2,960 1,161 940 859 3,816 1,559 1,258 999 4,367 828 1,016 1,183 1,340 1,113 857 694 816 1,637 2,587 1,563 1,024 3,004 1,258 1,746 1,897 2,047 1,429 618 3,707 2,157 1,550 1,814 359 361 211 883 330 166 164 256 24,173 2,665 4,359 2,389 3,279 2,585 2,638 2,521 3,737 633 329 304 7,761 971 705 105 161 789 399 390 696 1,139 754 385 1,243 543 700 837 876 640 236 1,210 631 579 898 182 195 99 422 185 89 96 3,280 1,817 1,463 3,285 4,901 2,951 1,950 5,771 2,432 3,339 3,839 3,945 2,737 1,208 7,327 4,242 3,085 4,081 745 738 469 2,129 663 316 347 68 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 4. — POPULATION BY SEX AND FAMILIES — Concluded. POPULATION CITIES AND Towns Number of Families Total Males Females Wakefield Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Walpole Precinct 1 Precinct 2 WALTHAM Ward 1 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 2 Ward 3 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Ward 7 Warren Precinct A Precinct B Watertown Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Wayland Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Westford Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 West Springfield Precinct A Precinct B Precinct C Weymouth Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Williamsburg Precinct A Precinct B Winthrop Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 WOBURN Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 WORCESTER Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Yarmouth Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 12,781 7,838 1,785 3,158 5,490 3,790 1,700 30,154 4,817 3,180 1,637 4,782 4,530 1,763 2,767 4,101 3,350 5,183 3,005 2,178 3,391 4,268 2,114 2,154 16,515 12,119 4,396 2,033 872 1,161 2,843 785 867 379 812 11,339 5,352 3,453 2,534 13,969 2,654 2,075 2,757 1,760 2,276 2,447 2,118 867 1,251 12,758 3,385 3,683 2,988 2,702 16,410 2,832 3,264 2,732 2,805 1,426 2,357 994 162,697 14,243 16,836 24,345 18,927 21,727 15,344 13,758 12,371 12,852 12,294 1,415 325 275 6,182 3,851 855 1,476 2,824 1,933 891 14,351 2,253 1,480 773 2,286 2,260 840 1,420 1,947 1,534 2,378 1,360 1,018 1,693 2,158 1,043 1,115 8,114 5,702 2,412 968 415 553 1,392 393 436 199 364 5,601 2,717 1,664 1,220 6,825 1,315 1,042 1,318 842 1,078 1,230 1,089 421 6,599 3,987 930 1,682 2,666 1,857 809 15,803 2,564 1,700 864 2,496 2,270 923 1,347 2,154 1,816 2,805 1,645 1,160 1,698 2,110 1,071 1,039 8,401 6,417 1,984 1,065 457 608 1,451 392 431 180 448 5,738 2,635 1,789 1,314 7,144 1,339 1,033 1,439 918 1,198 1,217 1,029 446 2,988 1,855 440 693 1,182 847 668 6,063 1,595 1,696 1,409 1,363 8,316 1,365 1,710 1,368 1,367 735 1,232 539 80,338 6,883 8,316 13,348 9,514 11,094 7,741 6,576 5,490 6,012 5,364 692 140 137 262 153 583 6,695 1,790 1,987 1,579 1,339 8,094 1,467 1,554 1,364 1,438 691 1,125 455 82,359 7,360 8,520 10,997 9,413 10,633 7,603 7,182 6,881 6,840 6,930 723 185 138 259 141 335 6,364 1,139 756 383 728 904 342 562 906 750 1,253 752 501 684 925 535 390 3,544 2,660 884 508 194 314 632 206 183 96 147 2,643 1,171 861 611 3,502 654 521 698 458 627 544 483 238 245 3,127 795 917 799 616 3,507 584 649 597 649 285 523 220 35,559 3,304 3,409 4,665 3,740 4,328 3,308 3,261 3,127 3,288 3,129 455 107 88 176 84 521 294 NOTE. A revision of ward lines was made in the cities of Boston, Pittsfield, Springfield, and Worcester during the year preceding the taking of this Census, but the new wards thus established not having been divided into precincts prior to April 1, 1915, the date as of which the Census was taken, the population of the precincts of these cities could not be shown in this table. None of the wards of the following cities are divided into precincts: – Beverly, Fitchburg, Marlborough, Newburyport, North Adams, Northampton, Revere, Woburn. POPULATION OF COUNTIES. 69 TABLE 5. — POPULATION OF COUNTIES, 1880–1915, ARRANGED ALPHA- BETICALLY. THE STATE AND COUNTIES 1915 1910 1905 1900 1895 1890 1885 1880 THE STATE Barnstable. Berkshire Bristol Dukes Essex. Franklin Hampden Hampshire Middlesex Nantucket. 11.16 3,693,310 3,366,416 3,003,680 2,805,346 2,500,183 2,238,943 1,942,141 1,783,085 28,818 27,542 26,831 27,826 27,654 29,172 29,845 31,897 114,709 105,259 98,330 95,667 86,292 81,108 73,828 69,032 346,964 318,573 269,257 252,029 219,019 186,465 158,498 139,040 4,904 4,504 4,551 4,561 4,238 4,369 4,135 4,300 463,662 436,477 381,181 357,030 330,393 299,995 263,727 244,535 48,256 43,600 43,362 41,209 40,145 38,610 37,449 36,001 262,944 231,369 196,013 175,603 152,938 135,713 116,764 104,142 69,549 63,327 62,227 58,820 54,710 51,859 48,472 47,232 733,624 669,915 608,499 565,696 499,217 431,167 357,311 317,830 3,166 2,962 2,930 3,006 3,016 3,268 3,142 3,727 201,907 187,506 167,537 151,539 134,819 118,950 102,142 96,507 157,303 144,337 127,932 113,985 101,498 92,700 81,680 74,018 826,801 731,388 652,362 611,417 539,799 484,780 421,109 387,927 430,703 399,657 362,668 346,958 306,445 280,787 244,039 226,897 Norfolk Plymouth • Suffolk . Worcester 70 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 6. — POPULATION OF CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS BY COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS. As established by Chapter 674 of the Acts of 1912, as amended by Chapter 226 of the General Acts of 1916.) DISTRICT No. 1. COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS Pop- ulation 1915 COUNTIES, CITIES AND Towns Pop- ulation 1915 977 1,829 1,220 12,618 427 383 344 296 424 1,484 Berkshire Adams Alford Becket Cheshire Clarksburg Dalton Egremont Florida Great Barrington Hancock Hinsdale Lanesborough Lee Lenox Monterey Mount Washington New Ashford New Marlborough NORTH ADAMS Otis Peru PITTSFIELD Richmond Sandisfield Savoy Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringham Washington West Stockbridge Williamstown Windsor 13,218 271 973 1,535 1,114 3,858 599 427 6,627 514 1,257 1,089 4,481 3,242 358 95 92 1,030 22.035 442 195 39,607 564 564 524 1,862 1,901 327 275 1,277 3,981 375 Franklin - Con. Charlemont Colrain Conway Greenfield Hawley Heath Leyden Monroe Rowe Shelburne: Hampden Blandford. Chester Granville HOLYOKE Montgomery Russell Southwick Tolland Westfield : Hampshire Chesterfield Cummington Goshen Huntington Middlefield Plainfeld Southampton Westhampton Worthington 623 1,344 784 60,816 230 1,104 1,365 199 18,411 559 660 289 1,427 325 375 950 430 618 Franklin Total 227,783 Ashfield Buckland: : : : 994 1,569 DISTRICT No. 2. 102,971 11,339 2,521 Franklin Bernardston Deerfield Erving Gill Leverett Montague Northfield Shutesbury Sunderland Warwick Wendell Whately Hampdon Agawam CHICOPEE. East Longmeadow Hampden. Longmeadow Ludlow 790 2,739 1,168 951 779 7,925 1,782 292 1,278 477 388 1,118 Hampden Con. SPRINGFIELD West Springfield Wilbraham Hampshire Amherst Belchertown Easthampton Enfield Granby Hadley Hatfield NORTHAMPTON Pelham South Hadley Ware. Williamsburg Total. 5,558 2,062 9,845 806 828 2,666 2,630 21,654 499 5,179 9,346 2,118 4,555 30,138 1,939 670 1,782 6,251 245,044 POPULATION OF CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 71 TABLE 6. - POPULATION OF CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS — Continued. DISTRICT No. 3. COUNTIES, CITIES AND Towns Pop- ulation 1915 COUNTIES, CITIES AND Towns Pop- ulation 1915 Franklin Con. New Salem Orange 625 5,379 Hampden Brimfield Holland Monson Palmer Wales 934 159 5,004 9,468 337 Hampshire Greenwich Prescott 426 299 Middlesex Worcester Hardwick. Holden Hubbardston Lancaster Leicester Leominster Lunenburg New Braintree North Brookfield Oakham Oxford Paxton Petersham Phillipston Princeton. Royalston Rutland Southbridge Spencer Sterling Sturbridge Templeton Warren Webster West Boylston West Brookfield Westminster Winchendon Total. 3,596 2,514 1,084 2,585 3,322 17,646 1,610 453 2,947 527 3,476 471 727 390 800 862 1,895 14,217 5,994 1,403 1,618 4,081 4,268 12,565 1,318 1,288 1,594 5,908 Ashby Townsend 922 1,812 Worcester Ashburnham Athol Barre Boylston Brookfield Charlton Clinton Dana Dudley FITCHBURG Gardner 2,059 9,783 3,476 783 2,059 2,213 13,192 712 4,373 39,656 16,376 219,206 DISTRICT No. 4. Middlesex Con. Hopkinton 2,475 Worcester Auburn Blackstone1 Douglas Grafton Hopedale Mendon Milford 3,281 5,689 2,179 6,250 2,663 933 13,684 Worcester Millbury Northbridge Shrewsbury Sutton Upton Uxbridge Westborough WORCESTER 5,295 9,254 2,794 2,829 2,036 4,921 5,925 162,697 Total 232,905 . DISTRICT No. 5. Essex Con. Andover Methuen 7,978 14,007 : Middlesex Middlesex LOWELL Maynard Pepperell Reading Shirley Stow Tewksbury Tyngsborough Westford Wilmington WOBURN 107,978 6.770 2,839 6,805 2,251 1,127 5,265 967 2,843 2,330 16,410 Acton Ayer Bedford Billerica Boxborough Burlington Carlisle Chelmsford Concord Dracut Dunstable Groton Hudson Lincoln Littleton 2,151 2,779 1,365 3,246 326 751 490 5,182 6,681 4,022 362 2,333 6,758 1,310 1,228 Worcester Berlin Bolton Harvard Northborough 865 768 1,104 1,797 Total . 221,088 • 1 Includes population of Millville (2,010) which was not set off from the town of Blackstone until May 1, 1916. 72 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 6. — POPULATION OF CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS - Continued. DISTRICT No. 6. COUNTIES, CITIES AND Towns Pop- ulation 1915 COUNTIES, CITIES AND Towns Pop- ulation 1915 Essex Con. Amesbury BEVERLY Danvers Essex Georgetown GLOUCESTER Groveland Hamilton. HAVERHILL Ipswich Manchester Marblehead Merrimac. 8,543 22,959 11,177 1,677 2,058 24,478 2,377 1,879 49,450 6,272 2,945 7,606 2,101 Essex Newbury, NEWBURYPORT Rockport Rowley SALEM Salisbury Swampscott Topsfield Wenham West Newbury Total. 1,590 15,311 4,351 1,481 37,200 1,717 7,345 1,173 1,068 1,529 216,287 DISTRICT No. 7. Essex 18,625 10,226 Boxford LAWRENCE LYNN Lynnfeld Middleton Nahant North Andover 714 90,259 95,803 1,112 1,308 1,387 5,956 Essex Con. Peabody Saugus Middlesex North Reading Total 1,292 226,682 DISTRICT No. 8. Middlesex Con. Arlington Belmont CAMBRIDGE Lexington. MEDFORD MELROSE 14,889 8,081 108,822 5,538 30,509 16,880 Middlesex Stoneham Wakefield Watertown Winchester 7,489 12,781 16,515 10,005 Total . 231,509 DISTRICT No. 9. Middlesex Suffolk EVERETT MALDEN SOMERVILLE 37,718 48,907 86,854 CHELSEA REVERE Winthrop Total 43,426 25,178 12,758 254,841 DISTRICT No. 10. Suffolk BOSTON, Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Suffolk - Con. Boston, Ward 5 Ward 6 23,776 41,904 21,016 18,585 77,573 37,250 Total. 220,104 . DISTRICT No. 11. Suffolk Boston, Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 35,084 38,317 30,533 27,799 26,225 Suffolk - Con. BOSTON, Ward 16 Ward 22 Ward 23 25,404 23,812 21,442 Total. 228,616 DISTRICT No. 12. Con. Suffolk BOSTON, Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 17 Ward 18 Suffolk Boston, Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 33,996 25,741 26,234 29,416 25,853 25,877 22,748 22,958 26,499 Total 239,322 POPULATION OF CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 73 TABLE 6. — POPULATION OF CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS - Concluded. DISTRICT NO. 13. COUNTIES, CITIES AND Towns Pop- ulation 1915 COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS Pop- ulation 1915 Norfolk-Con. 2,005 15,860 2,788 15,250 11,119 43,113 1,696 1,206 30,154 2,033 2,342 Medway Millis Needham Norfolk Plainville Walpole Wellesley Wrentham Middlesex Ashland Framingham Holliston MARLBOROUGH Natick NEWTON Sherborn Sudbury WALTHAM Wayland Weston Norfolk Bellingham Brookline Dover Franklin Medfield 2,846 1,442 6,542 1,268 1,408 5,490 6,439 2,414 Suffolk BOSTON, Ward 25 Ward 26 16,401 18,381 Worcester 1,898 1,953 33,490 999 6,440 3,648 Southborough Total. 238,625 DISTRICT No. 14. Bristol Easton 5,064 1,448 13,969 Norfolk Avon Braintree Canton Dedham Foxborough Holbrook Milton Norwood QUINCY Randolph . Sharon Stoughton 2,164 9,343 5,623 11,043 3,755 2,948 8,600 10,977 40,674 4,734 2,468 6,982 Norfolk-Con. Westwood. Weymouth Plymouth Abington. BROCKTON East Bridgewater Rockland West Bridgewater Whitman Suffolk BOSTON, Ward 24 5,646 62,288 3,689 7,074 2,741 7,520 22,615 Total 241,365 . DISTRICT No. 16. Bristol Con. Bristol ATTLEBORO Berkley Dighton FALL RIVER Freetown Mansfield North Attleborough Norton Raynham Rehoboth 18,480 985 2,499 124,791 1,663 5,772 9,398 2,587 1,810 2,228 Seekonk Somerset Swansea TAUNTON Westport 2,767 3,377 2,558 36,161 3,262 Plymouth Lakeville 1,491 Total 219,829 DISTRICT No. 16. Nantucket Nantucket 3,166 Nortolk Cohasset 2,800 Barnstable Barnstable Bourne Brewster Chatham Dennis Eastbam Falmouth Harwich Mashpee Orleans Provincetown Sandwich Truro Wellfleet : Yarmouth Bristol Acushnet Dartmouth Fairhaven New BEDFORD Dukes Chilmark. Edgartown Gay Head Gosnold Oak Bluffs Tisbury West Tisbury 4,995 2,672 783 1,667 1,822 545 3,917 2,179 263 1,166 4,295 1,500 663 936 1,415 2,387 5,330 6,277 109,568 Plymouth Bridgewater Carver Duxbury Halifax Hanover Hanson Hingham Hull Kingston Marion Marshfield Mattapoisett Middleborough Norwell Pembroke Plymouth. Plympton . Rochester Scituate Wareham Total . 9,381 1,701 1,921 638 2,666 1,796 5,264 2,290 2,580 1,487 1,725 1,352 8,631 1,563 1,337 12,926 599 1,160 2,661 5,176 288 1,276 175 155 1,245 1,324 441 230,104 74 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 7. — POPULATION OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, BY CITIES AND TOWNS. (Note. - The jurisdictions of the several courts included in this table have been corrected as of the year 1918; the civil jurisdictions of trial justices are omitted, these having been abolished by chapter 326, General Acts of 1917.) JURISDICTION Popu- lation 1915 JURISDICTION Popu- lation 1915 14,762 4,995 2,672 3,917 263 1,500 1,415 14,056 783 1,667 1,822 545 2,179 1,166 4,295 663 936 BRISTOL - Con. Somerset Swansea Westport : Third District Court of Bristol Acushnet Dartmouth Fairhaven. Freetown NEW BEDFORD Westport: Fourth District Court of Bristol ATTLEBORO Mansfield North Attleborough . Norton 3,377 2,558 3,262 128,487 2,387 5,330 6,277 1,663 109,568 3,262 36,237 18,480 5,772 9,398 2,587 DUKES District Court of Dukes County Chilmark. Edgartown Gay Head Gosnold Oak Bluffs Tisbury West Tisbury 4,904 288 1,276 175 155 1.245 1,324 441 BARNSTABLE First District Court of Barnstable Barnstable Bourne Falmouth Mashpee Sandwich Yarmouth Second District Court of Barnstable Brewster Chatham Dennis Eastham Harwich Orleans Provincetown Truro Wellfleet BERKSHIRE District Court of Central Berkshire Becket1 Dalton Hancock Hinsdale Lanesborough Lenox 1 Peru PITTSFIELD Richmond Washington District Court of Northern Berkshire Clarksburg Florida NORTH ADAMS District Court of Southern Berkshire Alford Egremont Great Barrington Monterey Mount Washington New Marlborough Sandisfield Sheffield West Stockbridge Fourth District Court of Berkshire Adams Cheshire Savoy Windsor Police Court of Lee Becket 1 Lee Lenox 1 Otis Sandisfield Stockbridge Tyringham Police Court of Williamstown New Ashford Williamstown BRISTOL First District Court of Bristol Berkley Dighton Easton Raynham Rehoboth Seekonk TAUNTON Second District Court of Bristol FALL RIVER Freetown 51,574 973 3,858 514 1,257 1,089 3,242 195 39,607 564 275 23,576 1,114 427 22,035 12,683 271 599 6,627 358 95 1,030 564 1,862 1,277 15,652 13,218 1,535 524 375 11,930 973 4,481 3,242 442 564 1,901 327 4,073 92 3,981 ESSEX First District Court of Essex BEVERLY Danvers Hamilton Manchester Middleton SALEM Topsfield: Wenham Second District Court of Essex Amesbury Merrimac Salisbury Third District Court of Essex Ipswich Central District Court of Northern Essex Boxford Georgetown Groveland HAVERHILL West Newbury 5 District Court of Eastern Essex Essex GLOUCESTER Rockport District Court of Southern Essex LYNN Marblehead Nahant Saugus Swampscott District Court of Lawrence Andover LAWRENCE Methuen North Andover District Court of Peabody Lynnfield. Peabody Police Court of Newburyport Newbury NEWBURYPORT Rowley Salisbury West Newburys 79,709 22,959 11,177 1,879 2,945 1,308 37,200 1,173 1,068 12,361 8,543 2,101 1.717 6,272 6,272 56,128 714 2,058 2,377 49,450 1,529 30,506 1,677 24,478 4,351 122,367 95,803 7,606 1.387 10.226 7,345 118,200 7,978 90,259 14,007 5,956 19,737 1,112 18,625 21,628 1,590 15,311 1,481 1.717 1,529 51,514 985 2,499 5,064 1,810 2,228 2,767 36,161 135,651 124.791 1,663 i The towns of Becket and Lenox are within the concurrent jurisdiction of the Police Court of Lee and the District Court of Central Berkshire. ? The town of Sandisfield is within the concurrent jurisdiction of the Police Court of Lee and the District Court of Southern Berkshire. 3 The towns of Freetown and Westport are within the concurrent jurisdiction of the Second and Third District Courts of Bristol. • The town of Salisbury is within the concurrent jurisdiction of the Police Court of Newburyport and the Second District Court of Essex. $ The town of West Newbury is within the concurrent jurisdiction of the Police Court of Newburyport and the Central District Court of Northern Essex. POPULATION OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. 75 TABLE 7. - POPULATION OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTS - Continued. JURISDICTION Popu- lation 1915 JURISDICTION Popu- lation 1915 40,219 994 17,333 922 2,779 326 2,333 1,228 2,839 2,251 1,812 2,843 FRANKLIN District Court of Franklin Ashfield Bernardston Buckland Charlemont Colrain Conway Deerfield Gill Greenfield Hawley Heath Leverett Leyden Monroe Montague Northfield Rowe Shelburne Shutesbury Sunderland Whately District Court of Eastern Franklin Erving New Salem Orange Warwick Wendell 790 1,569 977 1,829 1,220 2,739 951 12,618 427 383 779 344 296 7,925 1,782 424 1,484 292 1,278 1,118 8,037 1,168 625 5,379 477 388 28,063 2,005 15,860 2,788 2,475 1,696 1,206 2,033 146,795 37,718 48,907 30,509 16,880 12,781 49,011 30,154 16,515 2,342 SOX. HAMPDEN District Court of Eastern Hampden Brimfield Holland Monson Palmer Wales Wilbraham District Court of Western Hampden Blandford. Chester Granville Montgomery Russell Southwick Tolland Westfield Police Court of Chicopee CHICOPEE Police Court of Holyoke : HOLYOKE Police Court of Springfield Agawam East Longmeadow Hampden Longmeadow Ludlow SPRINGFIELD West Springfield 131,792 14,889 8,081 108,822 MIDDLESEX First District Court of Northern Mid- i dlesex Ashby Ayer Boxborough Groton Littleton Pepperell Shirley Townsend. Westford First District Court of Southern Mid- dlesex Ashland Framingham Holliston Hopkinton Sherborn Sudbury Wayland First District Court of Eastern Middlesex EVERETT MALDEN MEDFORD MELROSE Wakefield Second District Court of Eastern Mid- dlesex WALTHAM Watertown Weston Third District Court of Eastern Middle- Arlington Belmont CAMBRIDGE Fourth District Court of Eastern Mid- dlesex Burlington North Reading Reading Stoneham Wilmington Winchester WOBURN District Court of Central Middlesex Acton Bedford Carlisle Concord Lexington Lincoln Maynard Stow District Court of Natick : Natick Police Court of Lowell : Billerica Chelmsford Dracut Dunstable LOWELL Tewksbury Tyngsborough Police Court of Marlborough Hudson MARLBOROUGH Police Court of Newton NEWTON Police Court of Somerville SOMERVILLE 18,423 934 159 5,004 9,468 337 2,521 24,060 623 1,344 784 230 1,104 1,365 199 18,411 30,138 30,138 60,816 60,816 129,507 4,555 1,939 670 1,782 6,251 102,971 11,339 45,082 751 1,292 6,805 7,489 2,330 10,005 16,410 25,432 2,151 1,365 490 6,681 5,538 1,310 6,770 1,127 11,119 11,119 127,022 3,246 5,182 4,022 362 107,978 5,265 967 22,008 6,758 15,250 43,113 43,113 86,854 86,854 HAMPSHIRE District Court of Hampshire . Amherst Belchertown Chesterfield Cummington Easthampton Goshen Granby Hadley Hatfield Huntington Middlefield NORTHAMPTON Pelham Plainfield South Hadley Southampton Westhampton Williamsburg Worthington District Court of Eastern Hampshire Enfield Greenwich Prescott Ware - 58,672 5,558 2,062 559 660 9,845 289 828 2,666 2,630 1,427 325 21,654 499 375 5,179 950 430 2,118 618 10,877 NANTUCKET District Court of Nantucket Nantucket 3,166 3,166 NORFOLK District Court of East Norfolk Braintree Cohasset Holbrook Milton QUINCY Randolph Weymouth 83,068 9,343 2,800 2,948 8,600 40,674 806 426 299 9,346 4.734 13,969 76 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 7. — POPULATION OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTS Concluded. JURISDICTION Popu- lation 1915 JURISDICTION Popu- lation 1915 35,609 9,783 712 16,376 1,084 727 390 862 4,081 1,594 41,096 11,043 999 3,648 6,542 10,977 6,439 1,448 17,237 2,164 5,623 2,468 6,982 27,016 1,953 3,755 6.440 2,846 1,442 1,268 1,408 5,490 2,414 33,490 33,490 38,462 2,213 4,373 3,476 14,217 1,618 12,565 22,043 3,679 2,179 2,010 9,254 4,921 19,316 2,663 933 13,684 2,036 NORFOLK - Con. District Court of Northern Norfolk Dedham Dover Medfield Needham Norwood Wellesley Westwood District Court Southern Norfolk Avon Canton Sharon Stoughton District Court of Western Norfolk Bellingham Foxborough Franklin Medway Millis Norfolk Plainville Walpole Wrentham Municipal Court of Brookline Brookline . PLYMOUTH Second District Court of Plymouth Abington Hanover Hanson Hingham Hull Norwell Rockland Scituate Whitman Third District Court of Plymouth Duxbury Halifax Kingston Marshfield Pembroke Plymouth. Plympton . Fourth District Court of Plymouth Carver Lakeville Marion Mattapoisett Middleborough Rochester Wareham Police Court of Brockton Bridgewater BROCKTON East Bridgewater West Bridgewater SUFFOLK East Boston District Court EAST BOSTON Winthrop Municipal Court of the city of Boston Municipal Court of the Brighton Dis- trict Municipal Court of the Charlestown District Municipal Court of the Dorchester Dis- trict Municipal Court of the Roxbury District Municipal Court of the South Boston District Municipal Court of the West Roxbury District Police Court of Chelsea : CHELSEA REVERE 15,870 6,250 1,797 1,898 5,925 WORCESTER First District Court of Northern Worces- ter. Athol Dana Gardner Hubbardston Petersham Phillipston Royalston. Templeton Westminster First District Court of Southern Worces- tor Charlton Dudley Oxford Southbridge Sturbridge Webster Second District Court of Southern Worcester Blackstone: Douglas Millville? Northbridge Uxbridge Third District Court of Southern Worcester Hopedale Mendon Milford Upton First District Court of Eastern Worces- ter. Grafton Northborough Southborough Westborough Second District Court of Eastern Worces- ter Berlin Bolton Boylston Clinton Harvard Lancaster Sterling Central District Court of Worcester Auburn Barre Holden Leicester Millbury Oakham Paxton Princeton Rutland Shrewsbury Sutton West Boylston WORCESTER District Court of Western Worcester Brookfield Hardwick New Braintree North Brookfield Spencer Warren West Brookfield" District Court of Leominster Leominster District Court of Winchendon Winchendon Police Court of Fitchburg Ashburnham FITCHBURG Lunenburg 36,480 5,646 2,666 1,796 5,264 2,290 1,563 7,074 2,661 7,520 21,726 1,921 638 2,580 1,725 1,337 12,926 599 20,998 1,701 1,491 1,487 1,352 8,631 1,160 5,176 78,099 9,381 62,288 3,689 2,741 20,700 865 768 783 13,192 1,104 2,585 1,403 191,219 3,281 3,476 2,514 3,322 5,295 527 471 800 1,895 2,794 2,829 1,318 162,697 20,605 2,059 3,596 453 2,947 5,994 4,268 1,288 17,646 17,646 5,908 5,908 43,325 2,059 39,656 1,610 78,438 65,680 12,758 179,518 34,782 39,601 120,845 152,860 72,866 79,287 68,604 43,426 25,178 1 Does not include the population of Millville (2,010). Millville, part of Blackstone, was set off as a separate town May 1, 1916. POPULATION OF FIRE, WATER, AND LIGHT DISTRICTS. 77 TABLE 8. — POPULATION OF FIRE, WATER, AND LIGHT DISTRICTS, BY TOWNS, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY, BY SEX AND NUMBER OF FAMILIES. TOWNS AND DISTRICTS Total Population Males Females Number of Families 1,255 612 643 359 12,494 5,996 6,498 2,548 1,250 617 633 332 183 93 90 50 1,690 1,813 767 866 923 947 466 426 928 479 449 238 220 111 109 55 3,661 1,694 1,967 857 473 1,381 252 742 221 639 116 280 1,101 574 527 268 1,762 887 875 382 1,115 512 603 343 1,063 388 2,741 533 186 1,346 530 202 1,395 283 95 621 533 276 257 147 Acton: Acton Water District Adams: Adams Fire District Barnstable: Hyannis Fire District Blandford: Blandford Fire District. Chelmsford: Chelmsford Water District North Chelmsford Fire District Chester: Chester Fire District Colrain: Colrain Fire District Dalton: Dalton Fire and Water District Deerfield: Deerfield Fire and Water District South Deerfield Fire and Water District Dighton: North Dighton Fire District . Dracut: Dracut Fire and Water District Duxbury: Duxbury Fire and Water District. Easton: South Easton and Eastondale Fire and Water District Unionville Fire and Water District North Easton Village District Erving: Erving Electric Light District Foxborough: Foxborough Water Supply District East Foxborough Water Supply District : Great Barrington: Great Barrington Fire District Greenfield: Greenfield Fire District No. 1. Groton; West Groton Water District Hadley: Hadley Fire and Water District Hinsdale: Hinsdale Fire District Huntington: Huntington Fire and Water District Lee: Lee Fire District (covers entire town) Leicester: Leicester Water Supply District Cherry Valley and Rochdale Water District Mansfield: Mansfield Fire District and Mansfield Water Supply District (all one district) Middleborough: Middleborough Fire District Montague: Turners Falls Fire District Lake Pleasant Water Supply District Montague Lighting District Millers Falls Water Supply District Precinct 2, Town of Erving Town of Montague Norton: Norton Fire and Water District Palmer: Palmer Fire District Three Rivers Fire District : : : 3,437 318 1,756 157 1,681 161 843 89 3,427 1,611 1,816 874 . 11,731 5,864 5,867 2,729 449 236 213 109 . 1,579 852 727 329 760 372 388 182 974 473 501 226 4,481 2,327 2,154 1,007 920 1,682 409 794 511 888 231 370 4,789 2,401 2,388 1,116 6,943 3,387 3,556 1,372 5,871 100 794 1,537 635 902 3,063 47 394 791 337 454 2,808 53 400 746 298 448 1,156 44 224 352 145 207 1,879 946 933 543 2,780 2,843 1,424 1,391 1,356 1,452 669 472 78 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 8. — POPULATION OF FIRE, WATER, AND LIGHT DISTRICTS- Concluded. TOWNS AND DISTRICTS Total Population Males Females Number of Families 1,997 980 1,017 951 427 524 1,046 553 493 588 313 275 1,495 707 788 324 3,862 1,002 1,914 390 1,948 612 833 225 Shelburne: Shelburne Falls Fire District Shelburne Buckland : : Shirley: Shirley Village Water District . South Hadley: South Hadley Fire District No. 1 South Hadley Fire District No. 2 Ware: Ware Fire District No. 1. Warebam: Wareham Fire District Onset Fire District. Williamstown: Williamstown Fire District Worthington: Worthington Fire District No. 1 8,605 4,054 4,551 1,616 1.154 892 561 431 593 461 313 291 2,556 1,181 1,375 633 166 85 81 45 MEMORANDUM OF CERTAIN FIRE AND WATER DISTRICTS, JUNE, 1917. Belchertown: Belehertown Fire District Act not accepted. Bourne: Monument Beach Fire District Act not accepted. Dighton: Dighton Water Supply District Act not accepted. Lee: Lee Water Company Private corporation. Act not accepted. . Lunenburg: Lunenburg Water Supply District Mansfield: West Mansfield Fire and Water District Act not accepted. Northfield: Northfield Fire District No. 1 Act not accepted. . Palmer: Palmer Water Company Private corporation. Seekonk: Baker's Corner Fire District Luther's Corner Water Supply District Templeton: Baldwinsville Electric Light District Act not accepted. Act not accepted. Act not accepted, but light furnished the town by private corporation. POPULATION OF METROPOLITAN BOSTON. 79 TABLE 9. — POPULATION OF METROPOLITAN BOSTON, AT EACH CENSUS SINCE 1880. CITIES AND TOWNS 1915 1910 1905 1900 1895 1890 1 Metropolitan Boston Arlington Belmont BOSTON Braintree Brookline CAMBRIDGE Canton CHELSEA Cobasset Dedham Dover. EVERETT Hingham Hull Hyde Parki Lexington LYNN MALDEN MEDFORD MELROSE Milton Nahant Needham NEWTON QUINCY REVERE Saugus SOMERVILLE Stoneham Swampscott Wakefield WALTHAM Watertown Wellesley Weston Westwood Weymouth Winchester Winthrop WOBURN Per cent of increase in Met- ropolitan Boston in each period 1,587,093 1,423, 429 1,269,682 1,168,788 1,024,487 14,889 11,187 9,668 8,603 6,515 8,081 5,542 4,360 3,929 2,843 745,439 670,585 595,380 560,892 496,920 9,343 8,066 6,879 5,981 5,311 33,490 27,792 23,436 19,935 16,164 108,822 104,839 97,434 91,886 81,643 5,623 4,797 4,702 4,584 4,636 43,426 32,452 37,289 34,072 31,264 2,800 2,585 2,727 2,759 2,474 11,043 9,284 7,774 7,457 7,211 999 798 636 656 668 37,718 33,484 29,111 24,336 18,573 5,264 4,965 4,819 5,059 4,819 2,290 2,103 2,060 1,703 1,044 15,507 14,510 13,244 11,826 5,538 4,918 4,530 3,831 3,498 95,803 89,336 77,042 68,513 62,354 48,907 44,404 38,037 33,664 29,708 30,509 23,150 19,686 18,244 14,474 16,880 15,715 14,295 12,962 11,965 8,600 7,924 7,054 6,578 5,518 1,387 1,184 922 1,152 865 6,542 5,026 4,284 4,016 3,511 43,113 39,806 36,827 33,587 27,590 40,674 32,642 28,076 23,899 20,712 25,178 18,219 12,659 10,395 7,423 10,226 8,047 6,253 5,084 4,497 86,854 77,236 69,272 61,643 52,200 7,489 7,090 6,332 6,197 6,284 7,345 6,204 5,141 4,548 3,259 12,781 11,404 10,268 9,290 8,304 30,154 27,834 26,282 23,481 20,876 16,515 12,875 11,258 9,706 7,788 6,439 5,413 6,189 5,072 4,229 2,342 2,106 2,091 1,834 1,710 1,448 1,266 1,136 1,112 13,969 12,895 11,585 11,324 11,291 10,005 9,309 8,242 7,248 6,150 12,758 10,132 7,034 6,058 4,192 16,410 15,308 14,402 14,254 14,178 892,414 5,629 2,098 448,477 4,848 12,103 70,028 4,538 27,909 2,448 7,123 727 11,068 4,564 989 10,193 3,197 55,727 23,031 11,079 8,519 4,278 880 3,035 24,379 16,723 5,668 3,673 40,152 6,155 3,198 6,982 18,707 7,073 3,600 1,664 10,866 4,861 2,726 13,499 11.5 12.1 8.6 14.1 14.8 18.8 1885 1880 751,243 674,021 4,673 4,100 1,639 1,615 390,393 362,839 4,040 3,855 9,196 8,057 59,658 52,669 4,380 4,516 25,709 21,782 2,216 2,182 6,641 6,233 664 653 5,825 4,159 4,375 4,485 451 383 8,376 7,088 2,718 2,460 45,867 38,274 16,407 12,017 9,042 7,573 6,101 4,560 3,555 3,206 637 808 2,586 5,252 19,759 16,995 12,145 10,570 3,637 2,263 2,855 2,625 29,971 24,933 5,659 4,890 2,471 2,500 6,060 5,547 14,609 11,712 6,238 5,426 3,013 1,427 1,448 10,740 4,390 1,370 11,750 10,570 3,802 1,043 10,931 11.5 1 Hyde Park annexed to Boston in 1911. 80 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 10. — POPULATION OF BOSTON BY GEOGRAPHICAL SUB-DIVISIONS, 1790–1915. ANNEXATIONS CENSUS YEAR Census Taken Poston, includ- ing Annex- ations Boston Proper: Settled, 1630; Made a City, 18221 Annexed Territory East Boston Proper (exclud- by The Islands South Boston (1804) Washing- ton Village (1855) Roxbury (1867) Dor- chester (1869) West Roxbury (1873) Brighton (1873) Charles- town (1873) Hyde Park (1911) ing the Islands) (1637) 1790 U.S. 18,320 18,038 282 282 2,226 1,722 1,583 1800 U.S. 24,655 282 2823 2,765 2,347 2,751 24,937 33,787 1810 U.S. 32,896 891 18 519 354 3,669 608 4,959 2,930 3,684 1820 U.S. 43,298 4,135 - 702 6,591 1825 City 58,277 56,003 2,274 24 264 1,986 - - 1 1830 U.S. 61,392 5,247 4,074 972 8,783 1835 City 78,603 72,057 6,546 607 344 5,595 1 1840 U.S. 85,475 7,908 1,455 277 9,089 4,875 - 1,425 11,484 1845 99,036 15,330 292 City U.S. 93,383 114,366 136,881 160,490 1850 113,721 23,160 5,018 9,526 15,433 325 18,364 7,969 - 6,176 10,020 13,309 16,912 24,921 29,363 2,356 2,895 1855 State 126,296 34,194 5303 1,3195 18,469 8,340 4,812 1860 U.S. 177,840 133,563 44,277 18,356 1,0003 6,310 1 25,137 28,426 9,769 10,717 3,375 3,854 1865 State 192,318 51,235 1,3003 6,912 - 1870 U.S. 250,526 111,745 20,572 23,816 27,420 1,7003 34,753 12,261 8,686 4,967 141,083 138,781 140,669 147,075 4,136 17,216 21,700 25,065 26,399 28,323 33,556 33,731 37,673 38,348 1875 State 201,250 1,927 50,429 15,788 11,783 6,200 6,316 39,215 54,147 56,369 61,531 341,919 362,839 1880 U.S. 17,8907 6,693 28,3816 29,280 1,5452 2,1392 215,764 243,255 287,147 14,032 17,424 1885 7,088 8,376 State 390,393 57,1237 65,965 78,411 147,138 20,717 8,523 1890 U.S. 448,477 161,330 36.930 66,791 29.638 24,997 12,032 10,193 POPULATION OF BOSTON BY GEOGRAPHICAL SUB-DIVISIONS. 18 1895 Stato 2,706 15,001 40,304 32,761 37,263 9 1900 19,279 U.S. State 496,920 560,892 595,380 670,585 745,439 160,349 167,257 172,473 193,274 336,571 393,635 422,907 477,311 39,8896 43,4786 48,2296 55,0850 62,377 1905 2,278? 3,1052 3,403 67,913 67,8099 67,436 71,703 69,745 92,088 105,393 111,261 117,727 127,683 45,909 77,483 90,011 115,780 41,076 45,594 56,071 21,806 26,575 11,826 13,244 14,510 15,507 17,458 40,652 39,983 41,444 39,601 U.S. 1910 State 196,300 1915 549,139 3,303 ? 138,119 34,782 - - 1 By Boston Proper is meant the territory of Boston, independent of all annexations. ? For the separate islands, as follows: 1880 -- Breed's, 152; Deer, 851; Gallop's, 5; Rainsford, 187; Long, 49; Lovell's, 5; Spectacle, 53; Thompson's, 106; Fort Independence, 13; Fort Warren, 112; Fort Winthrop, 12. 1885 - Breed's, 348; Deer, 1,145; Gallop's, 6; Rainsford, 204; Long, 81; Lovell's, 7; Spectacle, 61; Thompson's, 122; Fort Independence, 11; Fort Warren, 129; Fort Winthrop, 25. 1895 — Breed's (included in East Boston); Deer, 1,620; Gallop's, 6; Rainsford, 83; Long, 612; Lovell's, 3; Spectacle, 94; Thompson's, 119; Fort Independence, 2; Fort Warren, 164; Fort Winthrop, 3. 1900 — Breed's (included in East Boston); Deer, 1,081; Rainsford, 132; Long, 707; Spectacle, 78; Thompson's, 117; Fort Warren, 152; forts not speci- fied, 11. 1905 – Apple, 9; Breed's (included in East Bɔston); Castle, 4; Corinthian Rocks, 4; Deer, 1,487; Gallop's, 4; George's, 231; Long, 949; Lovell's, 8; Rainsford, 190; Spectacle, 97; Thompson's, 122. 1919 -- Figures for the separate islands not available. 1915 — Breed's (included in East Boston); Castle, 5; Deer, 934; Gallop's, 4; George's, 256; Governor's, 8; Long, 1,676; Lovell's, 30; Rainsford, 152; Spectacle, 114; Thompson's, 124. 3 Estimated. * By the census of May, 1840, the population of Boston was 84,401. Mr. Lemuel Shattuck, in his report on the census of Boston for 1845, shows clearly that the United States Census of 1840 was incorrect. 6 Included also in the population of Dorchester in this year. After 1855 Washington Village is included in South Boston. 6 The population of East Boston (i.e., the present wards 1 and 2), as usually given in census tables, includes that of the islands in the harbor, but is here given separately, so that it should be understood that the total population of wards 1 and 2, popularly referred to as “East Boston," includes the figures for both these columns. 7 The territory of Roxbury and Dorchester was not kept intact by ward boundaries in the ward division of 1875: it is difficult, therefore, to give the exact population of each district by the Census of 1880. The figures given are the result of very careful study of the population by census enumeration districts, of which there were 208 in Boston for the United States Census of 1880. & Population of the islands included in that of East Boston. The figures presented for South Boston, Dorchester, Roxbury, and West Roxbury are carefully made up to cover the geographical area originally belonging to each sub-division. The lines enabling this to be done were not exactly observed in the censuses of 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, or 1895. In each of these years, therefore, the population of the sub-divisions, as stated in the table, is approximate only, inasmuch as the area considered under each head was approximate. But while it is a mechanical impossibility to so lay out the enumeration districts as to enable a presentation to be made of the exact population of these sub-divisions following their original boundary lines, in view of the greater obligation to present the population by wards and precincts whose boundaries do not conform to the original boundaries of the sub-divisions in question, the tabulations for these sub-divisions are presented with much greater accuracy for the censuses of 1900, 1905, 1910, and 1915 than for preceding censuses. Comparisons of he figures between 1875 and 1915 are somewhat affected, therefore, by this fact. As these several sub-divisions, moreover, bave no political significance, not being represented as such in the frame of government, and have what may be termed an artificial existence only, the tabulations as given above for each census may be accepted for all practical purposes as representing as approximately accurate a presentation as it is possible to give. 82 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 11. — DENSITY OF POPULATION: POPULATION, NET LAND AREA IN SQUARE MILES, POPULATION AND FAMILIES TO A SQUARE MILE, AND HABITATIONS TO A SQUARE MILE, OF THE CITIES AND TOWNS, ARRANGED BY COUNTIES. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Population Net Land Area in Square Miles Population to a Square Mile Families to a Square Mile Habitations to & Square Mile BARNSTABLE Barnstable Bourne Brewster Chatham Dennis Eastham Falmouth Harwich Mashpee Orleans Provincetown Sandwich Truro Wellfleet Yarmouth 28,818 4,995 2,672 783 1,667 1,822 545 3,917 2,179 263 1,166 4,295 1,500 663 936 1,415 394.1 60.2 41.0 22.6 15.9 20.7 14.2 44.5 20.9 23.9 14.0 8.3 42.6 20.7 20.5 24.1 73.1 83.0 65.1 34.6 104.8 88.0 38.2 87.9 104.3 11.0 83.3 514.2 35.2 32.0 45.7 58.6 21.0 23.5 16.8 10.5 32.8 30.6 10.8 22.2 33.5 2.8 25.6 136.6 9.7 8.9 15.1 18.9 30.8 34.2 37.5 14.0 43.5 42.1 15.3 36.0 48.1 4.9 36.1 133.3 12.0 15.5 24.1 31.7 BERKSHIRE Adams Alford Becket Cheshire Clarksburg Dalton Egremont Florida Great Barrington : Hancock Hinsdale Lanesborough Lee Lenox Monterey Mount Washington New Ashford New Marlborough NORTH ADAMS Otis Peru PITTSFIELD Richmond Sandisfield Savoy Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringham Washington West Stockbridge: Williamstown Windsor BRISTOL Acushnet Attleboro Berkley Dartmouth Dighton Easton Fairhaven FALL RIVER Freetown Mansfield NEW BEDFORD North Attleborough Norton. Raynham Rehoboth Seekonk Somerset Swansea TAUNTON Westport DUKES Chilmark Edgartown Gay Head Gosnold Oak Bluffs Tisbury West Tisbury 114,709 13,218 271 973 1,535 1,114 3,858 599 427 6,627 514 1,257 1,089 4,481 3,242 358 95 92 1,030 22,035 442 195 39,607 564 564 524 1,862 1,901 327 275 1,277 3,981 375 934.2 23.0 11.6 47.0 27.1 12.7 21.8 18.8 24.5 45.4 35.5 21.2 29.0 26.5 21.5 26.6 22.2 13.7 47.8 20.6 35.8 26.0 40.7 19.0 52.5 36.0 47.8 22.8 18.8 38.2 18.3 46.7 35.1 122.8 574.5 23.4 20.7 56.6 87.6 177.0 31.9 17.3 145.8 14.4 59.3 37.6 169.0 150.8 13.5 4.2 6.7 21.5 1,069.7 12.3 7.4 973.1 29.7 10.7 14.5 38.9 83.2 17.4 7.1 69.6 85.1 10.6 27.8 116.7 5.8 5.3 13.5 19.5 41.2 8.7 3.4 33.9 3.4 13.9 9.0 38.0 34.7 3.6 1.0 1.7 5.8 238.3 3.4 1.9 217.8 7.3 2.9 3.8 9.9 20.9 4.3 1.7 17.3 20.9 2.7 24.6 97.3 6.8 6.3 12.7 20.3 39.7 11.0 4.0 31.4 3.5 14.1 12.2 36.3 36.4 6.8 2.3 2.5 7.0 174.8 5.7 2.8 171.6 9.5 3.5 4.1 11.0 24.4 4.9 2.4 18.6 19.5 3.7 1 346,964 2,387 18,480 985 5,330 2,499 5,064 6,277 124,791 1,663 5,772 109,568 9,398 2,587 1,810 2,228 2,767 3,377 2,558 36,161 3,262 554.4 18.0 27.5 15.6 60.9 21.8 29.0 12.2 32.9 34.6 20.2 19.0 19.1 27.9 20.3 47.3 18.6 7.1 22.1 47.3 53.0 625.8 132.6 672.0 63.1 87.5 114.6 174.6 514.5 3,793.0 48.1 285.7 5,766.7 492.0 92.7 89.2 47.1 148.8 475.6 115.7 764.5 61.5 137.9 29.0 155.2 16.1 19.5 27.0 42.7 125.7 793.6 12.5 70.8 1,286.1 118.3 22.6 20.7 11.5 34.6 112.0 27.9 164.1 15.2 87.2 27.5 121.7 17.0 24.0 25.5 43.7 146.4 348.6 15.5 65.3 697.0 97.7 22.9 21.3 11.0 33.5 105.5 40.8 121.6 21.2 4,904 288 1,276 175 105.8 20.6 26.8 6.0 12.6 7.1 7.2 25.5 46.4 14.0 47.6 29.2 12.3 175.4 183.9 17.3 13.6 4.8 15.0 6.7 2.8 49.7 51.5 5.4 23.3 9.4 20.0 9.2 155 1,245 1,324 441 3.2 130.1 71.8 7.8 DENSITY OF POPULATION. 83 TABLE 11. . - DENSITY OF POPULATION - Continued. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Population Net Land Area in Square Miles Population Square Mile to & Families to a Square Mile Habitations to & Square Mile ESSEX Amesbury Andover BEVERLY Boxford Danvers Essex Georgetown GLOUCESTER Groveland Hamilton HAVERHILL Ipswich LAWRENCE LYNN Lynnfield Manchester Marblehead Merrimac Methuen Middleton Nahant Newbury NEWBURYPORT North Andover Peabody Rockport Rowley SALEM Salisbury Saugus Swampscott Topsfield Wenham West Newbury TRANKLIN Ashfield Bernardston: Buckland Charlemont Colrain Conway Deerfield Erving . Gill Greenfield Hawley Heath Leverett Leyden. Monroe . Montague New Salem Northfield Orange . Rowe Shelburne Shutesbury Sunderland Warwick Wendell Whately HAMPDEN Agawam Blandford : Brimfield Chester. CHICOPEE East Longmeadow Granville Hampden Holland HOLYOKE Longmeadow Ludlow. Monson Montgomery Palmer. Russell Southwick SPRINGFIELD Tolland Wales Westfield West Springfield Wilbraham 463,662 8,543 7,978 22,959 714 11,177 1,677 2,058 24,478 2,377 1,879 49,450 6,272 90,259 95,803 1,112 2,945 7,606 2,101 14,007 1,308 1,387 1,590 15,311 5,956 18,625 4,351 1,481 37,200 1,717 10,226 7,345 1,173 1,068 1,529 48,256 994 790 1,569 977 1,829 1,220 2,739 1,168 951 12,618 427 383 779 344 296 7,925 625 1,782 5,379 424 1,484 292 1,278 477 388 1,118 262,944 4,555 623 934 1,344 30,138 1,939 784 670 159 60,816 1,782 6,251 5,004 230 9,468 1,104 1,365 102,971 199 498.8 12.7 31.1 15.1 23.8 13.6 14.2 13.1 26.2 8.9 14.7 33.1 33.2 6.7 10.5 10.2 7.7 4.4 8.7 22.4 14.3 1.0 24.0 8.3 26.6 16.4 7.0 19.0 8.0 15.7 10.6 3.1 12.8 7.8 13.9 687.9 40.3 23.5 19.9 26.0 43.2 37.8 32.6 14.0 13.8 21.5 31.0 24.9 22.9 18.1 10.8 31.0 29.7 34.2 35.0 23.8 23.2 27.0 14.4 37.2 31.6 20.5 622.5 23.4 52.7 35.4 36.8 22.9 13.0 43.2 19.7 12.3 21.2 9.0 27.1 44.8 15.0 31.5 17.7 31.1 31.7 31.9 16.2 46.9 16.8 22.2 929.6 672.7 256.5 1,516.2 29.9 819.3 118.1 157.0 934.3 267.1 127.8 1,493.3 188.8 13,381.4 9,124.1 108.7 381.5 1,728.2 241.5 625.0 91.5 1,329.5 66.3 1,844.7 223.6 1,132.3 620.1 77.9 4,650.0 109.0 964.7 2,369.4 91.6 136.9 110.0 70.1 24.7 33.6 78.8 37.6 42.3 32.3 84.0 83.4 68.9 586.9 13.8 15.4 34.0 19.0 27.4 255.6 21.0 52.1 153.7 17.8 64.0 10.8 88.8 12.8 12.3 54.5 211.7 172.8 59.7 357.4 7.9 168.0 34.0 43.4 218.5 68.2 30.0 355.1 39.5 2,777.2 2,103.7 30.7 93.1 482.0 68.3 149.9 19.4 345.0 17.4 438.2 50.5 233.0 167.0 19.6 995.5 29.7 226.1 582.9 23.2 35.1 29.9 16.9 6.7 8.9 21.1 10.2 9.3 8.4 18.3 20.9 16.2 136.2 3.2 3.9 8.8 4.5 4.7 54.7 6.3 13.3 42.7 4.2 18.7 3.1 18.9 3.5 3.2 11.4 91.5 43.2 2.9 6.6 9.2 240.7 35.2 4.7 9.1 3.8 584.5 49.3 36.9 22.5 161.8 175.2 54.1 276.3 11.3 146.2 41.8 42.1 201.8 69.8 56.1 247.8 42.2 1,491.0 1,317.4 40.4 98.6 516.4 84.1 124.5 24.1 721.0 26.3 403.6 45.8 175.0 182.6 21.4 658.0 60.0 222.4 550.3 23.2 39.6 30.4 15.3 7.0 8.7 18.9 9.2 8.9 8.1 16.7 18.8 16.0 111.3 3.7 4.7 9.0 5.3 5.3 43.1 7.2 16.9 35.6 5.5 15.1 4.3 15.8 4.1 4.2 10.7 55.9 39.6 4.3 7.2 8.6 159.1 35.0 5.5 9.4 4.1 225.4 53.8 35.4 19.3 6 . 422.4 194.7 11.8 26.4 36.5 1,316.1 149.2 18.1 34.0 12.9 2,868.7 198.0 230.7 111.6 15.3 300.6 62.4 43.9 3,248.3 337 18,411 11,339 2,521 3.6 59.2 12.9 10.0 762.6 1.5 6.9 87.5 157.3 20.1 3.9 45.6 10.8 9.6 438.8 2.7 10.6 62.7 114.8 19.0 6.2 20.8 392.6 674.9 113.6 84 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 11. — DENSITY OF POPULATION Continued. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND Towns Population Net Land Area in Square Miles Population to a Square Mile Families to a Square Mile Habitations to a Square Mile 69,549 5,558 2,062 559 660 9,845 806 289 828 426 2,666 2,630 1,427 325 21,654 499 375 299 950 5,179 9,346 430 2,118 577.3 27.7 52.4 31.0 23.0 13.3 17.6 17.3 28.0 19.2 23.1 16.2 26.2 24.1 34.6 24.4 21.3 18.3 28.6 17.8 28.5 27.1 25.6 32.0 22.6 43.9 9.7 6.0 8.3 111.6 13.4 4.9 6.9 9.4 19.8 24.4 13.4 4.6 110.7 5.9 5.0 5.7 8.9 49.1 48.3 3.9 18.3 6.3 618 HAMPSHIRE Amherst Belchertown. Chesterfield Cummington Easthampton Enfield , Goshen. Granby Greenwich Hadley, Hatfield Huntington Middlefield NORTHAMPTON Pelham. Plainfield Prescott Southampton South Hadley Ware Westhampton Williamsburg Worthington . MIDDLESEX Aeton Arlington Ashby Ashland Ayer Bedford Belmont Billerica Boxborough Burlington CAMBRIDGE Carlisle Chelmsford Concord Dracut. Dunstable EVERETT Framingham Groton Holliston Hopkinton Hudson Lexington Lincoln. Littleton LOWELL MALDEN MARLBOROUGH Maynard MEDFORD MELROSE Natick NEWTON North Reading Pepperell Reading Sherborn Shirley SOMERVILLE Stoneham Stow Sudbury Tewksbury Townsend Tyngsborough Wakefield WALTHAM Watertown Wayland Westford Weston Wilmington Winchester WOBURN NANTUCKET Nantucket NORFOLK Avon Bellingham : Braintree Brookline 733,624 2,151 14,889 922 2,005 2,779 1,365 8,081 3,246 326 751 108,822 490 5,182 6,681 4,022 362 37,718 15,860 2,333 2,788 2,475 6,758 5,538 1,310 1,228 107,978 48,907 15,250 6,770 30,509 16,880 11,119 43,113 1,292 2,839 6,805 1,696 2,251 86,854 7,489 1,127 1,206 5,265 1,812 967 12,781 30,154 16,515 2,033 2,843 2,342 2,330 10,005 16,410 3,166 3,166 201,907 821.0 20.0 5.2 23.6 12.4 8.8 13.7 4.6 25.5 10.4 11.8 6.2 15.4 22.5 25.0 20.8 17.0 3.4 23.9 32.5 18.9 26.4 11.7 16.5 14.6 16.5 13.4 5.1 21.0 5.2 8.2 4.7 14.9 17.9 13.3 22.8 9.8 16.9 15.8 3.9 6.0 17.7 24.4 20.7 32.7 16.9 7.3 12.4 4.1 15.3 30.2 17.2 17.1 5.9 12.9 120.5 200.6 39.4 18.0 28.6 740.2 45.8 16.6 29.5 22.2 115.1 162.2 54.3 13.4 625.2 20.4 17.6 16.3 33.2 291.0 327.9 15.9 82.7 19.2 893.6 107.2 2,863.3 38.9 161.5 315.1 99.3 1,756.7 127.3 31.3 63.4 17,401.2 31.8 229.9 267.2 192.9 21.2 11,093.5 663.0 71.6 147.5 93.7 577.6 335.6 89.7 74.4 8,058.1 9,589.6 726.2 1,290.8 3,717.0 3,571.9 746.2 2,408.3 97.1 124.5 691.2 100.4 142.3 22,077.7 1,241.9 63.7 49.4 254.3 55.4 57.2 1,739.2 2,430.4 4,028.0 132.9 93.9 136.2 136.3 1,694.7 1,272.1 64.0 64.0 506.2 497.5 105.2 25.9 51.2 9.8 4.6 7.5 145.8 12.5 4.0 6.0 6.7 23.3 30.7 13.2 2.9 131.7 5.1 4.5 4.5 8.4 62.5 62.4 3.8 18.9 4.8 202.0 29.3 652.5 11.1 40.8 81.1 24.1 411.7 30.7 7.0 16.9 3,911.9 9.1 54.8 52.0 42.5 5.6 2,572.6 147.7 18.1 39.0 24.8 136.4 78.5 20.2 18.4 1,719.1 2,174.1 167.5 248.5 882.9 871.7 179.5 522.5 25.3 32.0 175.1 18.5 28.5 5,403.8 310.8 15.9 13.1 23.4 16.2 14.9 409.3 513.2 864.4 33.2 20.9 30.6 33.8 366.4 271.9 19.2 19.2 155.4 29.5 525.6 11.4 40.0 73.0 27.7 288.3 108.9 7.6 18.9 2,291.3 9.5 51.7 54.1 46.3 6.4 1,678.2 130.0 18.9 35.6 27.5 109.7 78.9 21.7 18.0 1,210.0 1,511.4 124.0 221.0 677.9 813.0 157.3 444.9 39.6 34.7 163.8 19.7 25.9 3,269.5 274.3 23.9 14.1 30.8 16.3 24.7 332.7 411.1 720.2 35.6 20.9 31.4 50.8 341.4 252.2 30.6 30.6 102.5 105.3 49.5 49.5 2,164 1,953 9,343 33,490 681.9 5,054.7 23.7 151.9 711.1 398.9 4.3 18.5 13.7 6.6 115.3 122.3 24.1 160.1 1,161.8 DENSITY OF POPULATION. 85 TABLE 11. — DENSITY OF POPULATION - Continued. Habitations COUNTIES, CITIES, AND Towns Population Net Land Area in Square Miles Population to & Square Mile Families to a Square Mile to & Square Mile 19.0 9.9 10.5 15.2 19.8 26.8 7.3 14.4 11.6 12.2 13.1 12.5 15.1 10.5 11.0 16.5 10.1 23.6 16.3 20.6 10.0 11.1 16.7 22.0 295.8 282.8 1,051.3 65.7 189.6 240.3 403.5 252.8 245.3 118.2 656.3 523.2 83.9 1,045.4 128.0 2,463.3 468.7 104.6 428.3 266.5 640.4 129.8 836.4 109.6 63.4 72.4 232.5 14.1 47.0 55.2 103.0 34.0 64.4 24.4 144.3 122.1 18.1 224.4 34.1 555.3 111.2 25.6 100.2 57.4 145.0 30.4 209.7 21.4 65.2 81.0 205.5 16.9 46.3 46.2 95.3 31.3 60.7 27.0 137.2 110.4 18.1 170.8 32.9 510.5 109.9 28.3 93.7 53.3 139.4 32.9 225.3 22.0 NORFOLK - Con, Canton . Cobasset Dedham Dover Foxborough Franklin Holbrook Medfield Medway Millis Milton Needham Norfolk Norwood Plainville QUINCY Randolph Sharon Stoughton Walpole Wellesley Westwood Weymouth Wrentham PLYMOUTE Abington Bridgewater BROCKTON Carver. Duxbury, East Bridgewater. Halifax. Hanover Hanson Hingham Hull Kingston Lakeville Marion Marshfield Mattapoisett Middleborough Norwell Pembroke Plymouth Plympton Rochester Rockland Scituate Wareham West Bridgewater Whitman SUFFOLK BOSTON CHELSEA REVERE WINTHROP 5,623 2,800 11,043 999 3,755 6,440 2,948 3,648 2,846 1,442 8,600 6,542 1,268 10,977 1,408 40,674 4,734 2,468 6,982 5,490 6,439 1,448 13,969 2,414 157,303 5,646 9,381 62,288 1,701 1,921 3,689 638 2,666 1,796 5,264 2,290 2,580 1,491 1,487 1,725 1,352 8,631 1,563 1,337 12,926 599 1,160 7,074 2,661 5,176 2,741 7,520 663.0 10.0 27.3 21.4 38.4 24.3 17.3 16.1 15.5 15.2 22.5 2.4 18.5 29.5 14.3 28.3 17.5 70.0 21.0 21.5 97.6 14.9 33.7 10.0 16.9 36.7 15.5 6.7 237.3 564.6 343.6 2,910.7 44.3 79.1 213.2 39.6 172.0 118.2 234.0 954.2 139.5 50.5 104.0 61.0 77.3 123.3 74.4 62.2 132.4 40.2 34.4 707.4 157.5 141.0 176.8 1,122.4 58.0 144.5 53.3 701.2 11.7 23.1 53.4 10.8 44.7 35.1 59.1 184.2 36.1 11.8 28.3 19.1 20.6 32.2 21.7 18.5 31.4 11.9 8.7 176.9 43.4 36.8 43.5 288.4 55.2 128.1 45.9 414.8 14.8 38.6 48.8 21.4 44.9 43.4 65.9 844.2 40.9 17.7 36.2 44.8 36.3 27.4 24.4 31.7 30.4 13.4 9.9 157.9 85.4 54.2 42.5 247.3 53.3 43.9 1.9 5.9 1.6 15,512.2 16,970.4 22,855.8 4,231.3 7,973.8 3,354.5 3,669.8 4,714.7 949.7 1,954.4 1,697.0 1,802.5 2,320.5 726.9 1,640.0 62.8 13.7 71.4 45.4 16.2 17.8 WORCESTER Ashburnbam Athol Auburn Barte Berlin Blackstone 1 Bolton Boylston Brookfield Charlton Clinton Dana Douglas Dudley FITCHBURG Gardner Grafton Hardwick Harvard Holden. Hopedale Hubbardston Lancaster 826,801 745,439 43,426 25,178 12,758 439,703 2,059 9,783 3,281 3,476 865 5,689 768 783 2,059 2,213 13,192 712 2,179 4,373 39,656 16,376 6,250 3,596 1,104 2,514 2,663 1,084 2,585 1,515.6 39.1 32.3 15.7 44.3 13.0 15.9 19.9 15.8 25.6 42.9 5.4 18.4 36.9 21.1 27.5 22.0 22.8 39.6 26.4 35.5 5.1 40.3 27.7 284.2 52.5 302.4 209.0 78.5 66.4 357.8 38.5 49.4 80.4 51.6 2,443.0 38.7 59.0 207.3 1,442.0 743.6 273.7 90.8 41.8 70.8 520.6 26.8 93.3 79.5 9.9 11.8 22.2 11.6 499.1 10.9 12.9 40.9 314.4 158.6 54.9 15.4 10.8 16.2 128.0 7.4 20.9 42.8 14.0 57.5 41.2 14.1 19.9 59.9 10.7 12.7 27.3 11.5 354.1 11.1 12.2 26.6 191.0 101.0 47.7 13.0 13.4 15.6 90.6 8.7 21.4 1 Includes Millville, which was not set off as a separate town until May 1, 1916. Population of that part of Black- stone known as "Millville," April 1, 1915, was 2,010. 86 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 11. — DENSITY OF POPULATION Concluded. COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS Population Net Land Area in Square Miles Population to & Square Mile Families to a Square Mile Habitations to & Square Mile 네 ​WORCESTER - Con. Leicester Leominster Lunenburg Mendon Milford . Millbury New Braintree Northborough Northbridge. North Brookfield Oakham Oxford Paxton. Petersham Phillipston Princeton Royalston Rutland Shrewsbury Southborough Southbridge Spencer Sterling, Sturbridge Sutton. Templeton Upton Uxbridge Warren Webster Westborough West Boylston West Brookfield Westminster Winchendon WORCESTER : THE STATE Barnstable Berkshire Bristol Dukes Essex Franklin Hampden Hampshire Middlesex Nantucket Norfolk Plymouth Suffolk Worcester 3,322 17,646 1,610 933 13,684 5,295 453 1,797 9,254 2,947 527 3,476 471 727 390 800 862 1,895 2,794 1,898 14,217 5,994 1,403 1,618 2,829 4,081 2,036 4,921 4,268 12,565 5,925 1,318 1,288 1,594 5,908 162,697 3,693,310 22.7 28.8 26.6 17.7 14.8 15.8 20.8 18.5 17.3 21.1 21.0 26.7 14.9 38.5 23.7 35.4 42.0 35.4 20.8 13.8 20.4 33.1 30.5 37.4 32.5 31.5 21.6 29.3 27.5 12.5 21.1 12.7 20.7 35.6 42.5 37.2 146.3 612.4 60.4 52.6 924.6 334.2 21.8 97.1 534.1 139.6 25.1 130.1 31.6 18.8 16.4 22.6 20.5 53.5 134.3 137.5 696.9 180.7 45.9 43.3 87.0 129.6 94.0 168.0 155.1 1,002.8 280.8 103.8 62.2 44.7 138.9 4,373.6 33.6 144.1 15.4 14.4 206.2 76.6 4.5 25.2 111.0 37.4 6.8 31.0 7.9 4.9 4.4 6.0 5.2 7.5 32.5 32.5 143.1 46.0 11.5 11.0 19.5 28.5 26.1 37.2 33.6 209.4 50.7 24.0 18.0 10.1 32.6 955.9 29.3 104.4 18.0 13.7 160.5 58.0 4.7 24.9 93.2 34.4 7.7 26.6 9.5 6.9 6.3 8.1 6.3 8.3 41.2 31.6 87.5 34.2 16.8 11.6 18.2 26.8 22.4 31.7 29.5 124.0 43.6 23.1 18.4 10.9 28.8 468.4 7,876.3 394.1 934.2 554.4 105.8 498.8 687.9 622.5 577.3 821.0 468.9 104.9 21.0 27.8 137.9 28,818 114,709 346,964 4,904 463,662 48,256 262,944 69,549 733,624 3,166 201,907 157,303 826,801 430,703 49.5 398.9 663.0 53.3 1,515.6 73.1 122.8 625.8 46.4 929.6 70.1 422.4 120.5 893.6 64.0 506.2 237.3 15,512.2 284.2 13.6 211.7 16.9 91.5 25.9 202.0 19.2 115.3 58.0 3,354.5 62.8 74.5 30.8 24.6 87.2 23.3 161.8 15.3 55.9 22.6 155.4 30.6 102.5 55.2 1,697.0 42.8 POPULATION AND FAMILIES. 87 TABLE 12.- POPULATION AND FAMILIES (IN DWELLING HOUSES AND IN OTHER HABITATIONS), NUMBER OF ROOMS OCCUPIED, AVERAGE PERSONS TO A FAMILY, ROOMS TO A FAMILY, AND PERSONS TO A ROOM IN OCCUPIED DWELLING HOUSES; PRESENTATION FOR CITIES (BY WARDS) AND TOWNS, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. POPULATION FAMILIES OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS TO — CITIES AND TOWNS Total In Dwell- ing Houses In All Other Habita- tions Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Num- Aver- Aver- Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persons Oc- to & to & to a cupied Family Family Room THE STATE 3,693,310 3,596,937 96,373 | 826,490 818,575 7,915 4,984,811 4.4 6.1 0.7 0.6 12 6 1 11 8 24 17 30 1 5 3 21 25 2 6.6 7.4 6.7 6.3 6.2 8.1 7.0 7.3 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.4 8.1 6.9 6.3 6.2 5.9 6.3 6.6 6.3 6.0 6.2 5.8 7.1 2 3 14 2 4 15 38 16 11 6 6 Abington Acton Acushnet Adams Agawam Alford Amesbury Amherst Andover Arlington Ashburnham Ashby Ashfield Ashland Athol Attleboro Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Auburn Avon Ayer Barnstable Barre Becket Bedford Belchertown Bellingham Belmont Berkley Berlin Bernardston Beverly W: Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Billerica Blackstone Blandford Bolton Boston Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 6.8 1,445 1,433 586 580 523 522 2,683 2,672 1,011 1,007 67 67 2,194 2,186 1,417 1,393 1,856 1,839 3,393 3,363 535 529 262 261 269 264 506 503 2,307 2,286 4,267 4,242 992 990 736 732 776 774 807 804 956 942 713 711 526 522 714 699 1,413 1,375 716 700 247 236 330 324 511 505 446 444 1,894 1,874 251 247 231 229 208 206 5,397 5,348 1,260 1,249 785 772 952 946 1,081 1,070 944 940 375 784 779 1,264 1,257 155 149 198 196 161,106 159,492 9,467 4,297 3,523 16,928 6,289 540 15,195 10,121 12,908 22,839 3,584 1,672 2,141 3,490 14,378 26,269 5,845 4,589 5,135 5,051 5,649 4,413 3,038 4,943 9,389 4,932 1,736 2,451 3,680 3,062 12,211 1,968 1,803 1,560 33,426 7,464 5,228 5,391 7,019 5,875 2,449 5,303 8,388 1,288 1,480 887,329 29,841 35,788 24,335 19,751 55,330 37,616 44,405 51,561 33,613 32,324 31,776 34,002 36,035 30,581 33,013 38,092 34,923 33,556 34,963 33,736 34,909 33,845 32,941 30,531 26,036 23,826 20 4 2 2 49 11 13 6 11 3.9 3.7 4.5 4.9 4.5 4.0 3.9 3.9 4.3 4.4 3.8 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.3 4.6 4.0 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.6 4,0 3.9 3.5 4.7 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.4 4.0 3.9 3.7 3.8 4.2 4.4 4.0 4.5 3.8 4.4 4.4 4.1 4.5 4.1 3.7 4.5 4.6 5.0 4.6 4.7 5.2 5.1 4.1 4.6 4.8 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.1 4.4 4.3 4,4 4.3 4.5 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.6 3.5 4.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 7.0 7.4 7.6 7.3 6.9 6.5 8.0 7.9 7.6 6.3 6.0 6.8 5.7 6.6 6.3 6.6 371 5 6.8 6 6.7 8.6 7.6 5.6 5.7 4.7 5.6 5.5 3.9 5.6 5.4 6.6 4.8 5.7 5.5 5.2 1,614 4.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 5.2 5.5 6.7 5.9 5.8 6.6 6.5 6.2 6.3 6.5 6.2 5.7 6.0 0.7 41 27 17 94 8 74 161 89 180 45 12 18 19 154 234 27 27 37 11 132 13 51 60 131 174 26 47 40 9 550 16 27 11 265 62 43 7 83 65 5,646 5,605 2,151 2,124 2,387 2,370 13,218 13,124 4,555 4,547 271 271 8,543 8,469 5,558 5,397 7,978 7,889 14,889 14,709 2,059 2,014 922 910 994 976 2,005 1,986 9,783 9,629 18,480 18,246 4,595 4,568 2,985 2,958 3,054 3,017 3,560 3,549 4,286 4,154 3,281 3,268 2,164 2,113 2,779 2,719 4,995 4,864 3,476 3,302 973 947 1,365 1,318 2,062 2,022 1,953 1,944 8,081 7,531 985 969 865 838 790 779 22,959 22,694 5,559 5,497 3,137 3,094 4,250 4,243 4,199 4,116 4,189 4,124 1,625 1,620 3,246 3,218 5,689 5,603 623 613 768 717 745,439 720,798 23,776 23,767 41,904 38,062 21,016 19,957 18,585 16,883 77,573 74,157 37,250 34,828 35,084 33,258 38,317 36,140 33,996 33,784 25,741 25,519 26,234 26,187 29,416 28,881 30,533 29,822 27,799 26,117 26,225 25,819 25,404 25,118 25,853 25,615 25,877 25,856 22,748 22,596 22,958 22,619 26,499 24,311 23,812 23,528 21,442 21,273 22,615 22,395 16,401 16,007 18,381 18,299 5,217 5,211 7,888 7,661 4,347 4,313 3,653 3,605 14,457 14,142 6,849 6,763 8,293 8,194 8,064 7,835 7,032 7,005 5,669 5,654 5,835 5,821 6,621 6,581 7,391 7,346 5,927 5,881 6,011 5,976 5,742 5,707 5,951 5,928 5,778 5,762 5,366 5,334 5,264 5,228 5,706 5,665 5,438 5,381 5,136 5,094 4,945 4,914 4,568 4,548 3,958 3,943 28 86 10 51 24,641 9 3,842 1,059 1,702 3,416 2,422 1,826 2,177 212 222 47 5354 711 1,682 406 286 238 21 152 339 2,188 284 169 220 394 82 6 227 34 48 315 86 99 229 27 15 14 40 45 46 35 35 23 16 32 36 41 57 42 31 20 15 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 1 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 88 TABLE 12. — POPULATION AND FAMILIES - Continued. POPULATION FAMILIES CITIES AND TOWNS OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS TO — Total In In All Dwell- Other Habita- Houses tions ing Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Num- Aver- Aver- Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persong Oc- to & to a to & cupied Family Family Room ooooo 0.6 0.4 5.1 4.8 5.3 963 4.1 3.7 Bourne Boxborough Boxford Boylston Braintree Brewster Bridgewater Brim field Brockton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Brookfield Brookline Buckland Burlington Cambridge Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Canton Carlisle Carver Charlemont Charlton Chatham Chelmsford Chelsea Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Cheshire Chester Chesterfield Chicopee Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Chilmark Clarksburg Clinton Cohasset Colrain 1 Concord Conway Cummington Dalton Dana Danvers Dartmouth Dedham Deerfield Dennis Dighton Douglas Dover Dracut Dudley Dunstable Duxbury, East Bridgewater Eastham Easthampton 2,672 2,629 43 687 679 326 8 324 4,435 3.9 73 6.5 72 0.6 714 710 1 550 4.5 189 7.6 783 188 0.6 776 1,371 3.8 187 7.3 9,343 186 0.5 9,193 1 1,312 150 2,194 4.2 2,165 7.1 783 29 0.6 747 36 14,536 4.2 238 9,381 234 6.7 6,320 3,061 1,778 3.2 1,456 7.6 934 1,430 26 853 81 9,109 232 4.4 221 6.4 62,288 0.7 61,590 11 1,871 698 15,006 14,832 3.9 8.5 0.5 8,820 8,531 174 81,573 289 2,196 4.2 5.5 7,679 2,085 0.8 7,532 111 13,237 147 1,944 4.1 1,924 6.3 9,197 0.6 9,190 20 7 2,376 11,046 3.9 2,369 5.7 6,983 0.7 7 6,969 14 1,713 12,743 3.9 5.4 9,175 1,705 0.7 8 9,046 129 1,974 9,070 4.1 1,962 5.3 11,216 0.8 11,109 12 10,215 107 2,461 4.6 2,450 5.2 9,218 0.9 9,213 11 12,260 5 4.5 2,342 5.0 2,059 2,337 0.9 5 2,025 34 13,002 569 3.9 5.6 562 0.7 33,490 32,895 595 7,668 4,004 3.6 7.1 1,569 7,572 0.5 1,543 96 59,340 26 419 4.3 7.8 751 414 0.6 5 726 25 2,830 200 3.7 6.8 108,822 107,270 191 0.5 9 1,552 1,182 24,254 24,082 3.8 6.2 0.6 6,581 172 6,344 138,140 237 1,287 4.5 1,281 5.7 6,507 0.8 6 6,499 8 1,286 6,056 5.0 4.7 11,090 1,281 1.0 5 11,081 9 2,304 6,342 2,298 5.0 1.0 10,551 10,516 6 35 2,267 10,602 2,251 4.6 9,808 16 1.0 9,681 127 12,023 2,297 4.7 13,604 2,280 0.9 17 13,486 118 14,406 3,161 4.2 3,140 6.3 11,722 0.7 21 11,586 136 16,102 2,771 4.3 2,759 5.1 9,369 0.8 12 9,000 15,258 369 4.2 2,158 2,121 5.5 10,565 0.8 37 10,376 189 13,260 4.2 2,474 2,446 6.3 0.7 8,336 28 8,216 17,576 120 1,938 4.2 7.2 10,689 1,926 0.6 12 10,485 13,108 204 2,311 4.3 2,299 6.8 0.6 5,623 12 5,167 456 13,407 4.6 1,205 1,170 5.8 490 0.8 35 475 15 8,168 4.4 140 7.0 135 0.6 1,701 1,532 169 3.5 448 7.1 375 0.5 977 950 2,307 27 265 260 6.2 0.7 2,213 2,088 1,870 125 497 7.2 493 0.5 1,667 4 1,652 3,326 15 521 4.2 6.7 5,182 517 0.6 4 5,016 3,696 166 1,234 3.2 1,218 7.1 0.4 43,426 42,434 16 992 8,032 4.1 8,958 6.6 7,938 8,916 0.6 42 7,921 46,170 17 4.8 1,620 5.2 14,317 1,613 0.9 7 14,120 7,244 197 4.9 2,855 4.5 8,013 2,843 12 1.1 7,908 12,861 105 5.0 1,680 4.5 6,262 1,673 7 1.1 6,260 9,067 2 4.7 1,344 5.4 6,896 1,342 0.9 2 6,225 7,120 671 4.7 1,459 5.3 1,535 1,445 14 0.9 1,497 9,878 38 4.3 366 6.8 354 0.6 1,344 1,341 12 2,508 4.2 3 337 335 7.1 559 2 0.6 553 2,257 4.0 6 144 6.7 142 0.6 30,138 29,889 2 249 1,010 3.9 5,512 4,132 5,487 7.1 0.5 25 4,121 31,397 5.4 11 654 5.7 652 1.0 3,205 3,203 2 3,264 2 6.3 662 5.0 661 1.3 4,580 4,510 70 3,961 4.8 636 6.0 628 0.8 4,327 4,259 3,655 833 7.2 5.8 828 1.2 4,769 4,716 5,162 53 926 5.1 922 6.2 0.8 2,839 2,831 5,506 523 5.1 522 6.0 0.9 6,286 6,249 2,933 37 5.4 1,278 1,274 5.6 1.0 288 287 6,916 1 98 4.9 5.4 97 0.9 1,114 1,114 730 248 3.0 248 7.5 0.4 13,192 13,083 1,649 109 2,695 4.5 2,674 6.6 21 0.7 2,800 2,688 15,507 112 4.9 679 5.8 1,829 38 0.8 1,822 4,792 7 4.0 401 7.1 399 0.6 6,681 5,739 2,817 942 4.6 1,301 7.1 1,276 0.6 1,220 9,344 1,215 5 4.5 316 7.3 315 0.6 660 638 2,335 3.9 7.4 172 168 0.5 3,858 3,824 1,230 34 3.8 898 891 7.3 0.5 712 684 6,243 28 4.3 192 7.0 0.6 11,177 9,598 1,324 1,579 2,285 3.6 6.9 5,330 2,264 21 5,317 15,317 13 1,190 4.2 1,189 6.8 1 11,043 10,901 8,344 142 4.5 2,441 7.0 2,425 0.6 2,739 16 2,670 16,012 69 4.5 595 6.6 583 0.7 1,822 12 1,815 4,059 7 4.6 634 7.0 633 0.7 2,499 1 2,492 4,527 7 588 2.9 7.2 2,179 586 0.4 2 2,084 95 4,178 476 4.3 464 7.1 999 12 953 3,212 46 4.5 215 6.9 199 4,022 16 0.6 4,010 1,719 12 4.8 883 8.6 881 0.6 4,373 2 4,232 5,875 141 4.6 863 857 6.7 0.7 362 6 362 5,143 4.9 96 96 6.0 0.8 1,921 1,845 694 76 562 3.8 534 7.2 3,689 28 0.5 3,623 4,190 66 3.5 24 7.8 912 0.4 545 12 544 6,209 4.0 1 154 6.8 153 9,845 9,808 1,156 37 1,939 3.6 1,929 0.5 10 11,597 5.1 6.0 717 201 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 7.6 0.8 POPULATION AND FAMILIES. 89 TABLE 12.- POPULATION AND FAMILIES-Continued. POPULATION FAMILIES OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS TO CITIES AND TOWNS Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Num- Aver- Aver- Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persons Oc- to & to & to & cupied Family Family Room 12 30 18 2 6 8 29 107 3 28 14 2 6.1 6.9 7.2 7.5 6.9 6.5 7.0 5.9 5.4 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.7 28 8 9 6.4 56 51 1,703 118 85 39 101 6 447 158 500 249 93 397 157 74 71 36 34 25 9 396 292 106 36 742 84 8 5 10 9 5 10 16 10 11 21 46 5 13 5 10 8 5 3 13 34 13 6 45 971 East Longmeadow Easton Edgartown Egremont Enfield Erving Essex Everett Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Fairhaven Fall River Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Falmouth Fitchburg Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Florida Foxborough Framingham Franklin Freetown Gardner Gay Head Georgetown Gill Gloucester Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Goshen Gosnold Grafton Granby Granville Great Barrington Greenfield Greenwich Groton Groveland : Hadley Halifax Hamilton Hampden Hancock Hanover Hanson Hardwick Harvard Harwich Hatfield Haverhill Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 1,939 1,939 5,064 5,034 1,276 1,258 599 599 806 800 1,168 1,160 1,677 1,648 37,718 37,611 4,427 4,424 7,382 7,354 9,833 9,819 5,681 5,679 4,609 4,605 5,786 5,730 6,277 6,226 124,791 | 123,088 23,028 22,910 13,420 13,335 14,922 14,883 12,245 12,144 11,823 11,817 17,844 17,397 5,601 5,443 10,649 10,149 15,259 15,010 3,917 3,824 39,656 39,259 6,173 6,016 11,957 11,883 6,168 6,097 3,971 3,935 3,769 3,735 7,618 7,593 427 418 3,755 3,359 15,860 15,568 6,440 6,334 1,663 1,627 16,376 15,634 175 175 2,058 2,034 951 887 24,478 24,199 2,625 2,615 4,950 4,929 3,681 3,603 1,906 1,880 4,189 4,108 3,512 3,481 2,006 2,006 1,609 1,577 289 288 155 125 6,250 5,366 828 828 784 742 6,627 6,562 12,618 12,254 426 368 2,333 2,160 2,377 2,359 2,666 2,658 638 564 1,879 1,840 670 670 514 495 2,666 2,635 1,796 1,747 3,596 3,558 1,104 1,096 2,179 2,147 2,630 2,630 49,450 48,988 2,836 2,787 2,933 2,847 3,577 3,513 5,338 5,168 17,156 17,133 9,720 9,687 7,890 457 457 1,237 1,225 403 394 163 163 220 218 292 291 483 474 8,747 8,719 903 901 1,721 1,717 2,373 2,365 1,337 1,335 1,048 1,045 1,365 1,356 1,533 1,527 26,108 26,024 4,783 4,775 2,794 2,789 2,779 2,769 2,808 2,799 2,517 2,512 3,494 3,484 1,326 1,310 2,386 2,376 3,221 3,210 987 966 8,645 8,599 1,360 1,355 2,333 2,320 1,297 1,292 961 1,013 1,005 1,671 1,666 84 81 931 918 3,531 3,497 1,480 1,467 431 425 3,490 3,445 40 40 568 562 223 212 5,724 5,669 674 667 1,075 1,070 783 770 454 448 954 950 872 869 479 479 433 416 69 68 35 30 1,251 1,221 168 168 203 189 1,537 1,525 2,929 2,901 128 123 587 557 607 600 538 537 174 148 441 432 180 180 122 119 693 687 534 512 609 604 284 282 701 695 497 497 11,753 11,700 767 779 764 822 811 1,311 1,307 3,593 3,585 2,508 2,504 1,973 1,968 2,804 8,476 2,848 1,216 1,513 1,879 3,325 51,061 4,888 9,881 13,793 7,934 5,914 8,651 9,956 135,892 24,246 14,972 12,621 14,061 11,270 17,572 8,289 15,457 17,404 6,697 49,160 7,830 11,686 7,492 6,485 5,969 9,698 563 6,378 23,817 9,974 2,887 18,225 258 3,969 1,511 34,213 4,172 5,573 4,819 2,933 6,173 5,174 2,747 2,622 487 244 8,257 1,364 1,483 10,971 18,691 938 4,190 4,163 3,628 986 2,943 1,209 887 4,283 3,376 4,194 2,189 4,482 3,021 72,521 4,544 4,844 4,642 8,841 19,953 16,664 13,033 4.2 4.1 3.2 3.7 3.7 4.0 3.5 4.3 4.9 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.7 4.8 4,8 5.4 4.3 4.7 5.0 4.2 4.3 4.7 4.0 4.6 4.4 5.1 4.7 4.1 3.7 4.6 5.2 3.7 4.5 4.3 3.8 4.5 4.4 3.6 4.2 4.3 3.9 4.6 4.7 4.2 4.3 4.0 4.2 3.8 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.9 3.9 4.3 4.2 3.0 3.9 3.9 4.9 3.8 4.3 3.7 4.2 3.8 6.5 5.2 5.1 5.4 4.6 5.0 4.5 5.0 6.3 6.5 5.4 6.9 5.7 5.8 5.0 5.8 6.7 5.9 5.8 7.0 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.8 5.3 6.5 7.1 7.1 6.0 6.3 5.2 6.3 6.5 6.5 6.0 5.7 6.3 7.2 8.1 6.8 8.1 7.8 7.2 6.4 7.6 7.5 6.9 6.8 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.6 6 11 55 24 64 279 10 21 78 26 81 31 5 13 6 4 3 32 17 30 884 5 30 42 65 364 58 173 18 8 14 12 28 5 30 6.7 26 9 39 19 31 49 38 3 6 22 5 2 6 ܙ ܚܗܠܬܘܟܨܗ 3.4 32 6.8 6.7 7.5 6.2 6.6 6.9 7.8 6.4 6.1 6.2 6.0 6.3 5.7 6.8 5.6 6.7 6.6 761 53 6 15 11 8 7,853 462 49 86 64 170 5.9 3.9 3.1 5.3 4.2 3.7 3.7 4.3 4.0 4.8 3.9 4.0 33 37 OR 5 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1915. 90 TABLE 12. — POPULATION AND FAMILIES - Continued. POPULATION FAMILIES CITIES AND TOWNS OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS TO - Total In Dwell- ing Houses In All Other Habita- tions Total In In An Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Num- Aver- Aver- Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persons OC- to & to a to a cupied Family Family Room 7.4 8.1 3.9 Roooooo 0.5 3.8 7.2 4.0 0.6 0.6 115 776 Hawley Heath Hingham Hinsdale Holbrook Holden Holland Holliston Holyoke Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Hopedale Hopkinton Hubbardston Hudson Hull Huntington Ipswich Kingston Lakeville Lancaster Lanesborough Lawrence Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Lee Leicester Lenox Leominster Leverett Lexington Leyden Lincoln Littleton Longmeadow Lowell Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ludlow Lunenburg Lynn Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Lynnfield Malden Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Manchester Mangfield Marblehead Marion Marlborough Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 4.2 427 416 383 377 5,264 5,106 1,257 1,255 2,948 2,919 2,514 2,449 159 155 2,788 2,752 60,816 59,580 9,320 9,267 9,694 9,682 11,138 10,340 8,798 8,760 5,399 5,285 8,005 7,827 8,462 8,419 2,663 2,594 2,475 2,445 1,084 1,067 6,758 6,651 2,290 1,454 1,427 1,395 6,272 6,150 2,580 2,568 1,491 1,245 2,585 2,250 1,089 1,068 90,259 88,991 16,143 15,699 14,842 14,778 14,319 13,936 12,554 12,325 16,166 16,114 16,235 16,139 4,481 4,366 3,322 3,261 3,242 3,142 17,646 17,501 779 5,538 5,523 344 336 1,310 1,229 1,228 1,228 1,782 1,718 107,978 106,111 9,560 9,303 13,699 13,507 12,367 12,240 9,649 9,644 9,794 9,718 20,697 20,650 10,721 10,211 10,803 10,223 10,688 10,615 6,251 6,242 1,610 1,585 95,803 95,043 3,039 3,034 5,958 5,950 19,765 19,740 17,363 17,071 20,597 20,443 23,878 23,770 5,203 5,035 1,112 1,089 48,907 48,594 5,949 5,946 6,393 6,384 5,650 5,546 5,264 5,175 7,250 7,160 7,673 7,662 10,728 10,721 2,945 2,861 5,772 5,720 7,606 7,506 1,487 1,426 15,250 15,044 2,258 2,199 2,249 2,215 2,418 2,377 11 100 97 6 96 94 158 1,329 1,294 2 295 294 29 752 743 65 575 562 4 47 46 36 738 731 1,236 12,392 12,331 53 1,806 1,801 12 2,013 2,008 798 2,194 2,179 38 1,503 1,495 114 1,149 1,141 178 1,778 1,767 43 1,949 1,940 69 653 650 30 654 650 17 300 292 107 1,596 1,580 836 442 373 32 347 342 122 1,313 1,293 12 667 664 246 347 336 335 580 562 21 262 257 1,268 18,607 18,518 444 3,264 245 64 2,867 2,849 383 2,591 2,581 229 2,638 2,617 52 3,713 3,702 96 3,534 3,524 1,007 991 61 763 762 100 747 721 145 4,151 4,132 3 202 199 15 1,296 1,293 8 82 78 81 295 264 303 303 64 444 431 1,867 23,036 22,909 24 2,052 2,023 192 2,624 2,604 127 2,965 2,951 5 2,109 2,104 76 2,017 1,999 47 4,186 4.181 510 2,180 2,170 580 2,530 2,517 73 2,373 2,360 9 999 995 25 409 404 760 22,089 21,983 5 808 804 8 1,531 1,528 25 5,146 5,133 3,812 3,773 154 4,577 4,559 108 5,065 5,041 168 1,150 1,145 23 313 311 313 11,088 11,041 3 1,488 1,485 9 1,313 1,310 104 1,339 1,328 89 1,206 1,190 90 1,730 1.727 11 1,784 1,777 7 2,228 2,224 84 717 676 52 1,430 1,417 100 2,121 2,103 61 405 386 206 3,517 3,484 59 530 520 34 491 482 41 547 544 3 715 4.3 0.6 2 758 4.0 35 0.5 10,029 3.9 7.8 0.5 2,164 4.3 7.4 9 0.6 4,795 6.5 13 0.6 3,911 4.4 7.0 0.6 1 281 3.4 6.1 7 0.6 5,388 3.8 7.4 61 65,834 4.8 5.3 5 0.9 8,723 5.1 4.8 5 1.1 9,438 4.8 4.7 15 12,105 1.0 4.7 5.6 8 0.9 6,837 5.9 4.6 8 1.3 6,307 4.6 5.5 0.8 11 9,124 4.4 5.2 0.9 9 13,300 4.3 6.9 0.6 3 4,478 4.0 6.9 0.6 4 4,976 7.7 8 0.5 2,107 3.7 16 0.5 9,534 4.2 6.0 69 0.7 2,372 3.9 6.4 5 2,419 0.6 4.1 7.1 20 0.6 9,037 4.8 7.0 3 0.7 4,508 3.9 6.8 11 0.6 2,182 3.7 6.5 18 0.6 3,992 7.1 5 1,880 4.2 7.3 89 102,260 4.8 5.5 19 0.9 17,297 4.8 5.3 18 0.9 15,771 5.2 5.5 10 13,305 0.9 5.4 5.2 21 1.0 14,536 4.7 5.6 0.8 11 20,865 4.4 5.6 10 0.8 20,486 4.6 5.8 16 0.8 7,293 4.4 7.4 0.6 1 5,309 4.3 7.0 26 0.6 5,392 4.4 7.5 0.6 19 24,145 5.8 3 0.7 1,396 3.9 7.0 3 0.6 9,102 4.3 7.0 0.6 670 4.3 8.6 0.5 31 2,220 4.7 8.4 0.6 2,222 4.1 7.3 13 0.6 3,271 7.6 127 0.5 140,279 4.6 6.1 29 0.8 13,989 4.6 6.9 0.7 20 14,111 5.2 5.4 14 1.0 18,860 4.1 6.4 5 0.6 11,336 4.6 5.4 0.9 18 11,290 4.9 5.6 0.9 5 22,165 4.9 5.3 10 14,659 4.7 6.8 13 17,198 0.7 4.1 6.8 0.6 13 16,671 4.5 7.1 4 0.6 5,674 6.3 5.7 5 2,820 1.1 3.9 106 0.6 122,078 4.3 5.6 0.8 4,638 3.8 3 0.7 9,217 3.9 6.0 13 29,071 0.6 3.8 5.7 39 0.7 20,433 4.5 5.4 18 0.8 25,443 4.5 5.6 24 0.8 26,859 4.7 5.3 5 0.9 6,417 4.4 5.6 0.8 2,170 3.5 47 7.0 0.5 68,798 4.4 6.2 3 0.7 9,455 4.0 6.4 3 0.6 6,951 5.3 0.9 11 10,082 4.2 7.6 16 7,892 0.6 4.3 6.6 0.7 3 11,509 4.1 6.7 7 0.6 10,971 4.3 6.2 4 0.7 11,938 4.8 5.4 41 0.9 4,586 4.2 6.8 13 0.6 9,444 4.0 6.7 18 0.6 11.524 3.6 5.5 0.7 19 2,672 3.7 6.9 33 0.5 21,254 4.3 6.1 0.7 10 3,353 4.2 6.4 9 0.7 2,848 4.6 5.9 3 0.8 3,052 5.6 0.8 4.0 0.9 7.0 5.8 292 4.9 POPULATION AND FAMILIES. 91 TABLE 12. — POPULATION AND FAMILIES -- Continued. - POPULATION FAMILIES OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS to CITIES AND TOWNS Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Num- Aver- Aver- Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persons Oc- to & to a to a cupied Family Family Room 11 cower 20 40 30 34 12 26 64 9 21 52 1,962 131 4 34 40 32 9 8 4 21 107 21 4.8 4.0 4.0 4.1 3.2 3.9 3.8 5.3 3.7 4.2 4.5 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.0 4.1 3.8 4.1 3.9 3.8 4.4 4.0 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 5 17 3 1 1 4 4.1 సిటీలలు టిలా 621 10 3 15 103 1 5.9 6.3 6.0 6.6 7.6 5.4 8.0 6.4 7.0 6.5 6.4 6.5 7.9 6.7 5.5 7.0 6.5 7.0 7.2 7.6 7.3 7.4 8.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 7.2 7.4 5.9 6.1 7.2 6.5 6.2 6.4 7.6 7.8 6.3 6.9 6.0 9.5 7.1 8.3 6.9 6.8 6.4 6.0 7.7 122 38 0.6 Marlborough-Con. Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Marshfield Mashpee Mattapoisett Maynard Medfield Medford Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Medway Melrose Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Mendon Merrimac Methuen Middleborough Middlefield. Middleton Milford Millbury Millis Milton Monroe Monson Montague Monterey Montgomery Mount Washington Nahant Nantucket: Natick Needham New Ashford New Bedford Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 New Braintree Newbury Newburyport Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 New Marlborough New Salem Newton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Norfolk North Adams Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 11 23 9 2 21 2,532 2,532 1,876 1,842 1,880 1,868 2,037 2,011 1,725 1,661 263 254 1,352 1,331 6,770 6,718 3,648 1,686 30,509 30,378 4,418 4,414 4,195 4,161 3,034 2,994 4,560 4,528 6,784 6,775 5,311 5,303 2,207 2,203 2,846 2,825 16,880 16,773 2,172 2,151 2,646 2,645 2,575 2,570 1,912 1,869 2,139 2,139 2,740 2,713 2,696 2,686 933 930 2,101 2,086 14,007 13,904 8,631 8,509 325 325 1,308 974 13,684 13,490 5,295 5,247 1,442 1,432 8,600 8,461 296 295 5,004 3,737 7,925 7,585 358 340 230 228 95 95 1,387 1,350 3,166 3,093 11,119 10,970 6,542 6,485 92 109,568 108,253 23,376 23,301 19,211 19,155 11,768 11,711 10,999 10,382 17,354 17,256 26,860 26,448 453 453 1,590 1,560 15,311 15,042 2,557 2,552 3,528 3,506 2,128 2,075 2,135 2,064 2,613 2,613 2,350 2,232 1,030 1,030 625 606 43,113 42,174 5,614 5,519 7,956 7,904 6,870 6,757 4,695 4,517 7,074 6,709 6,963 6,848 3,941 3,920 1,268 1,080 22,035 21,866 3,047 3,046 3,089 3,084 2,259 2,230 3,692 3,692 3,090 3,018 334 194 48 10 139 1 1,267 340 18 2 47 27 526 526 463 458 468 465 492 489 540 520 67 65 361 354 1,292 1,272 490 450 7,240 7,210 975 972 1,015 1,012 708 701 1,041 1,035 1,623 1,617 1,345 1,341 533 532 747 742 4,097 4,080 549 546 696 695 589 588 474 470 518 518 650 643 620 254 252 594 591 3,357 3,349 2,252 2,214 70 70 277 266 3,052 3,029 1,210 1,201 298 296 1,890 1,869 51 50 1,007 960 1,695 1,668 97 90 54 52 22 22 345 335 949 928 2,674 2,641 1,526 1,506 23 23 24,435 24,323 4,764 4,742 4,059 4,044 3,102 3,096 2,909 2,879 4,084 4,078 5,517 5,484 94 94 417 412 3,637 3,609 641 640 784 783 492 479 522 514 597 597 601 596 278 278 188 184 9,353 9,232 1,108 1,100 1,685 1,674 1,489 1,465 1,090 1,074 1,546 1,528 1,529 1,493 906 898 3,122 2,876 2,775 3,228 3,939 352 2,819 8,136 3,139 46,986 6,207 6,547 5,543 6,944 8,935 9,341 3,469 5,208 29,489 4,153 5,077 4,364 3,762 3,636 4,469 4,028 1,816 4,362 19,685 13,585 504 1,740 18,722 7,722 2,240 14,538 314 6,601 10,060 856 369 182 2,317 6,307 16,974 9,029 178 136,210 25,235 21,774 19,551 18,654 24,462 26,534 769 3,112 25,278 4,114 5,373 3,596 3,720 4,254 4,221 2,090 1,294 70,604 7,192 12,422 11,060 7,792 11,905 12,619 7,614 1,779 31,481 4,572 4,050 3,662 4,758 5,562 2 37 73 149 57 10 21 33 20 92 5.6 1,315 75 56 57 617 98 412 112 22 15 6 30 6 33 4.2 4.3 3.7 3.5 4.2 3.8 4.6 3.7 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.5 5.9 3.9 4.5 3.8 4.4 4.3 4.0 3.3 4.2 4.3 4.0 4.5 4.9 4.7 3.8 3.6 4.2 4.8 4.8 3.8 4.2 4.0 4.5 4.3 4.0 4.4 3.7 3.7 3.3 4.6 5.0 4.7 4.6 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.8 4.0 4.8 4.0 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.5 30 269 5 22 53 71 5 28 1 1 13 8 118 254 4,909 4,892 697 696 641 640 561 560 773 773 758 754 5.3 5.4 6.3 6.5 6.0 4.8 8.2 7.6 7.0 6.4 6.9 7.5 7.2 7.1 7.1 7.5 7.0 7.6 6.5 7.4 7.5 7.3 7.8 8.5 8.5 7.0 6.4 6.6 6.3 6.5 6.2 7.4 5 19 939 95 52 113 178 365 115 21 188 169 1 5 4 121 8 11 24 16 18 36 8 20 17 1 1 274 72 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1915. - 92 TABLE 12.- POPULATION AND FAMILIES - Continued. POPULATION FAMILIES CITIES AND TOWNS OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS TO — Total In Dwell- ing Houses In All Other Habita- tions Total In In AU Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Num- Aver- Aver- Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persong Oc- to a to a cupied Family Family Room to a - ooooo OOOD ON 5.8 527 0.6 Otis 6.3 7.2 7.9 0.6 0.4 0.5 466 6.3 7.3 North Adams - Con. Ward 6 Ward 7 Northampton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 North Andover North Attleborough Northborough Northbridge North Brookfield Northfield North Reading : Norton Norwell Norwood Oak Bluffs Oakham Orange Orleans Oxford Palmer Paxton Peabody Pelham Pembroke Pepperell Peru Petersham Phillipston Pittsfield Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Plainfield Plainville Plymouth Plympton Prescott Princeton Provincetown Quincy Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Randolph Raynham Reading Rehoboth Revere Ward 1 Ward 2 { Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Richmond Rochester Rockland Rockport Rowe Rowley Royalston Russell Rutland Salem Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 2,992 2,986 6 695 3,866 691 3,810 56 4,269 784 4.3 778 6.2 21,654 0.7 19,694 1,960 4,558 4,608 4.9 3,483 4,462 5.9 3,388 0.8 96 95 30,035 729 4.4 3,126 6.7 716 2,531 0.7 13 595 4,144 690 4.7 4,366 632 0.8 4,304 62 58 4,902 944 4.0 3,768 940 7.8 2,670 4 0.5 1,098 5,767 619 4.6 2,686 608 6.1 0.7 2,635 51 11 593 3,996 4.4 2,183 589 6.6 0.7 2,167 4 16 3,846 4.5 524 6.5 2,042 0.7 1,999 3 43 3,467 456 4.1 5,956 453 6.6 0.6 5,916 3 40 1,344 3,913 4.4 9,398 8.6 1,338 0.5 9,288 110 9,030 2,260 4.4 1,797 2,244 6.7 0.7 1,765 16 32 14,782 466 4.1 6.6 9,254 462 0.6 9,096 4 158 3,361 1,920 1,907 3.8 2,947 7.3 0.5 2,903 13 44 12,274 790 4.8 782 6.4 1,782 0.7 1,669 8 113 5,341 455 3.7 442 6.8 1,292 0.5 1,108 13 184 3,209 337 3.8 310 7.3 2,587 0.5 2,541 27 46 2,065 631 3.6 622 6.7 1,563 0.5 1,541 9 22 4,288 456 4.1 10,977 6.9 10,914 449 7 63 2,356 3,270 3.4 1,245 2,343 7.3 0.5 1,236 13 13,099 9 353 4.7 348 5.6 527 0.8 521 5 2,255 6 142 3.6 6.5 5,379 139 0.5 5,325 3 54 1,120 1,496 3.7 8.1 1,166 1,481 0.5 1,146 15 20 9,342 442 359 3.6 355 441 4 2,566 1 3,476 120 3.2 3,460 119 1 16 942 827 3.7 9,468 822 9,366 5 102 5,536 1,864 4.2 471 1,846 6.7 0.6 18 5 11,628 117 5.1 18,625 115 0.8 18,507 2 118 834 3,822 3,807 4.1 499 0.6 489 15 10 22,794 125 4.9 1,337 6.0 120 0.8 1,294 5 43 812 398 4.1 2,839 384 6.8 0.6 2,796 14 43 2,696 729 3.4 195 723 7.0 0.5 193 6 2 4,975 50 3.9 727 48 6.9 0.6 709 2 265 18 188 4.0 182 5.5 390 0.7 389 6 1,388 1 105 3.9 39,607 104 7.6 0.5 38,960 1 647 801 8,863 8,795 3.7 6,060 7.7 0.5 6,039 68 21 55,984 1,242 4.4 6.4 5,944 1,230 0.7 5,824 12 120 7,666 1,383 4.9 1,374 6.2 5,996 0.8 5,996 9 8,373 1,327 4.2 4,933 6.1 1,327 0.7 4,867 66 8,224 1,209 4.5 6.2 5,529 5,423 1,198 11 0.7 106 8,956 1,236 4.1 7.5 6,272 0.5 6,164 1,229 7 108 8,338 1,326 4.4 6.8 4,873 1,321 4,647 0.7 5 226 7,948 1,140 4.7 375 6.0 1,116 373 24 0.8 2 6,479 96 4.2 95 5.8 1,408 0.7 1,407 1 699 375 374 3.9 7.4 12,926 0.5 12,608 1 318 2,478 3,068 3.8 599 3,007 6.6 0.6 563 61 18,318 36 177 4.2 299 163 0.7 297 14 2 1,071 82 3.5 6.6 800 80 0.5 800 2 534 213 3.7 4,295 6.7 213 4,274 0.6 21 1,848 1,134 3.8 40,674 8.7 1,125 40,373 9 0.4 301 9,163 7,174 3.8 7,505 6.4 9,102 7,314 0.6 61 191 1,772 55,400 4.4 6,777 1,745 6.1 0.7 6,763 27 14 11,027 1,331 4.2 7,868 1,322 6.3 0.7 7,851 9 17 7,976 1,676 5.1 5,952 6.0 1,667 5,938 0.8 9 14 1,229 8,900 4.7 5.3 6,887 1,226 0.9 6,829 3 58 6,600 1,772 4.8 5,685 5.4 1,762 5,678 10 12,232 0.9 7 1,383 3.9 4,734 0.6 4,510 1,380 3 224 8,665 4.1 1,123 1,810 6.3 1,113 0.7 1,693 10 7,219 421 4.1 6,805 414 6.5 0.6 6,703 7 3,069 102 1,716 4.1 2,228 1,692 7.4 24 0.6 2,189 39 11,864 543 4.0 25,178 7.0 525 0.6 25,015 18 163 3,868 5,603 4.2 4,628 7.4 5,562 4,616 0.6 41 12 1,141 30,471 4.5 1,136 5.5 6,203 0.8 6,181 5 22 6,443 1,381 4.1 6,692 1,373 5.7 0.7 6,654 8 38 7,714 1,403 4.5 1,394 5.6 5,498 0.8 5,436 9 62 7,099 1,128 4.8 2,157 1,118 5.1 2,128 10 0.9 29 6,508 550 4.9 564 541 0.8 552 9 12 2,707 138 3.9 134 5.0 1,160 0.8 1,151 4 9 1,025 293 4.1 290 7.6 7,074 0.5 6,976 3 98 1,769 2,027 4.0 1,751 7.0 4,351 0.6 4,305 18 46 11,626 1,169 4.0 424 1,149 6.6 0.6 420 20 4 7,240 101 3.7 1,481 98 6.3 0.6 1,467 3 14 4.3 7.2 0.6 862 851 11 2,552 219 214 4.0 1,104 0.6 1,085 5 19 1,369 4.0 218 6.4 1,895 0.6 1,081 10 814 267 1,414 37,200 243 6.5 36,392 24 0.8 808 7,964 1,766 4.4 7,252 7,886 7.3 6,839 78 0.6 413 47,702 1,405 4.6 1,379 6.0 7,023 0.8 6,836 26 187 1,655 7,098 4,220 1,641 5.1 4,199 14 1.0 21 10,244 783 4.2 780 6.2 3 0.7 5,047 6.5 0.8 6.1 6.9 117 5.8 372 369 701 6.1 228 5.0 5.0 5.4 POPULATION AND FAMILIES. 93 TABLE 12. - POPULATION AND FAMILIES- Continued. POPULATION FAMILIES OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS TO — CITIES AND TOWNS Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Total In In Al Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Num- Aver- Aver- Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persons Oc- to & to a cupied Family Family Room to & 5.9 6.7 6.0 6.4 20 12 3 25 4 7 14 7 17 17 17 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.5 0:7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 431 0.7 Salom-Con. Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Salisbury Sandisfield Sandwich Saugus Savoy Scituate Seekonk Sharon Sheffield Shelburne Sherborn Shirley Shrewsbury Shutesbury Somerset Somerville Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Southampton Southborough Southbridge South Hadley Southwick Spencer Springfield Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Sterling Stockbridge Stoneham Stoughton Stow Sturbridge Sudbury Sunderland Sutton Swampscott Swansea Taunton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 1 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Templeton Tewksbury Tisbury Tolland Topsfield Townsend Truro Tyngsborough Tyringham Upton Uxbridge Wakefield Wales Walpole Waltham Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 6,309 6,181 6,215 1,717 564 1,500 10,226 524 2,661 2,767 2,468 1,862 1,484 1,696 2,251 2,794 292 3,377 86,854 11,953 13,586 8,041 8,458 12,196 15,661 16,959 950 1,898 14,217 5,179 1,365 5,994 102,971 11,663 19,844 10,668 13,313 9,922 10,864 9,752 16,945 1,403 1,901 7,489 6,982 1,127 1,618 1,206 1,278 2,829 7,345 2,558 36,161 3,813 3,280 3,285 4,901 5,771 3,839 3.945 7,327 4,081 5,265 1,324 6,192 6,117 6,209 1,615 555 1,475 10,176 503 2,614 2,709 2,384 1,824 1,470 1,253 1,891 2,540 273 3,363 86,175 11,935 13,569 7,932 8,429 12,151 15,366 16,793 947 1,803 14,023 5,016 1,285 5,912 100,687 11,555 19,558 10,111 13,204 9,668 10,592 9,750 16,249 1,387 1,851 7,308 6,913 1,111 1,602 1,175 1,278 2,794 7,264 2,537 34,340 3,804 3,165 3,212 4,838 5,746 3,839 3,747 5,989 3,547 1,838 1,292 117 64 6 102 9 25 50 21 47 58 84 38 14 443 360 254 19 14 679 18 17 109 29 45 295 166 3 95 194 163 80 82 2,284 108 286 557 109 254 272 2 696 16 50 181 69 16 16 31 1,355 1,335 1,236 1,224 1,530 1,527 467 442 153 149 414 407 2,397 2,383 137 130 734 717 643 626 603 586 472 468 434 312 309 451 430 675 647 85 76 795 793 21,075 21,001 2,796 2,784 2,934 2,925 2,015 2,007 2,187 2,179 2,960 2,952 3,816 3,802 4,367 4,352 239 238 448 445 2,920 2,888 1,113 1,094 312 293 1,524 1,518 24,173 23,971 2,665 2,649 4,359 4,339 2,389 2,299 3,279 3,265 2,585 2,565 2,638 2,623 2,521 2,520 3,737 3,711 352 351 476 462 1,865 1,856 1,633 1,618 281 278 413 410 319 314 272 272 633 629 1,807 1,788 3 3 21 28 9 2 74 12 9 8 8 8 14 15 1 3 32 19 19 6 202 16 20 90 14 20 16 1 26 1 14 9 15 7,900 8,233 9,180 2,807 1,166 2,897 14,453 861 5,323 4,127 4,351 3,689 3,270 2,247 2,815 4,375 474 5,462 125,626 15,615 15,036 12,916 13,185 18,320 22,746 27,808 1,740 3,083 17,264 6,979 2,127 9,845 145,109 15,332 22,166 13,905 19,434 17,831 17,560 16,576 22,305 2,674 3,939 12,346 10,702 2,059 2,724 2,442 1,705 4,358 12,290 4,289 50,448 6,700 5,447 4,090 8,137 7,999 5,342 5,460 7,273 5,718 2,926 2,528 4.6 5.0 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.6 4.3 3.9 3.6 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.4 4.1 4.4 3.9 3.6 4.2 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.0 3.9 4.1 4.0 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.9 4.6 4.4 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.0 3.8 4.0 3.9 4.4 4.0 4.0 3.9 4.3 4.0 3.9 3.7 4.7 4.4 4.1 4.1 4.5 3.9 4.1 4.7 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.3 5.0 4.1 4.2 3.6 4.1 3.9 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 3.6 4.5 4.3 3.0 4.6 4.5 4.2 4.6 5.0 4.5 7.8 7.1 6.1 6.6 7.4 6.6 7.4 7.9 7.6 7.3 6.5 6.8 6.2 6.9 6.0 5.6 5.1 6.4 6.1 6.2 6.0 6.4 7.3 6.9 6.0 6.4 7.3 6.5 6.1 5.8 5.1 6.0 6.0 7.0 6.7 6.6 6.0 7.6 8.5 6.7 6.6 7.4 6.6 7.8 6.3 6.9 6.9 7.0 6.6 6.9 7.0 6.0 7.2 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.1 6.6 6.7 7.0 7.8 7.5 6.8 7.5 6.5 7.7 6.6 6.8 6.5 7.6 6.6 6.4 6.4 6.9 6.2 6.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 5 0.7 35 81 21 1,821 9 115 73 63 25 19 198 1,338 534 3,427 32 199 1,173 1,812 663 967 327 2,036 4,921 12,781 337 5,490 30,154 4,817 4,782 4,530 4,101 199 1,156 1,770 658 963 327 2,012 4,855 12,713 331 5,379 28,229 4,812 3,195 4,366 4,043 617 612 7,761 7,698 971 969 789 776 696 683 1,139 1,128 1,243 1,239 837 837 876 870 1,210 1,196 898 863 485 438 371 362 48 48 297 295 529 516 185 183 252 251 81 81 563 558 1,091 1,083 2,988 2,970 111 110 1,182 1,171 6,364 6,287 1,139 1,135 728 702 904 878 906 901 374 2,212 3,521 1,365 1,635 626 3,690 7,394 19,442 839 7,754 40,032 7,225 4,877 5,464 5,584 5 63 2 13 13 11 6 14 35 47 9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 17 42 5 4 60 OC on IWANI 2 13 2 1 24 66 68 6 111 1,925 5 1,587 164 58 5 8 18 1 11 77 4 26 26 5 94 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 12. — POPULATION AND FAMILIES - Concluded. POPULATION FAMILIES OCCUPANCY OF DWELLING HOUSES AS TO - CITIES AND Towns Total In In All Dwell- Other ing Habita- Houses tions Total In In All Dwell-Other Habita- Houses tions ing Num- Aver- | Aver- | Aver- ber of age age age Rooms Persons Rooms Persons Oc- to a to a to a cupied Family Family Room 105 13 3 6.8 6.3 6 85 115 34 14 30 9 3 374 737 1,250 684 1,765 1,322 916 126 66 3,493 507 2,608 1,382 306 98 269 1,016 302 674 365 4,002 623 102 350 414 507 4.4 4.1 5.0 5.2 3.8 4.6 3.7 4.2 4.6 4.0 4.8 4.3 3.0 3.9 3.9 3.8 4.1 4.1 51 1 9 68 3 2 5 54 79 484 5.8 6.6 6.3 6.9 6.4 7.9 6.7 7.1 5.7 7.8 7.8 6.3 7.2 7.2 7.6 6.6 2,036 87 5 19 819 24 3.5 1 8 102 9 4.4 4.5 4.2 3.7 3.7 4.4 7.6 5.9 5.7 7.3 7.2 7.4 8.2 4,980 7,913 3,989 11,667 8,345 6,326 803 522 23,236 3,606 14,868 10,781 2,388 619 1,935 7,362 2,310 4,440 2,791 23,417 3,527 742 2,512 3,044 4,176 5,673 16,130 2,205 1,014 2,168 23,158 1,653 12,824 3,072 3,198 7,096 3,661 8,862 16,986 294 7 119 17 80 46 10 1 19 7 12 13 4.1 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 798 2,631 7.1 Waltham - Con. Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ware Wareham Warren Warwick Washington Watertown Wayland Webster Wellesley Wellfleet Wendell Wenham Westborough West Boylston West Bridgewater West Brookfield Westfield Westford Westhampton Westminster West Newbury Weston Westport West Springfield West Stockbridge West Tisbury Westwood Weymouth Whately Whitman Wilbraham Williamsburg Williamstown Wilmington Winchendon Winchester Windsor Winthrop Woburn Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Worcester Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Worthington Wrentham Yarmouth 4.3 4.0 3.2 3,350 5,183 3,391 9,346 5,176 4,268 477 275 16,515 2,033 12,565 6,439 936 388 1,068 5,925 1,318 2,741 1,288 18,411 2,843 430 1,594 1,529 2,342 3,262 11,339 1,277 441 1,448 13,969 1,118 7,520 2,521 2,118 3,981 2,330 5,908 10,005 375 12,758 16,410 2,832 3,264 2,732 2,805 1,426 2,357 994 162,697 14,243 16,836 24,345 18,927 21,727 15,344 13,758 12,371 12,852 12,294 4.4 3,245 5,177 3,391 9,261 5,061 4,234 472 275 16,141 2,032 12,486 5,955 930 380 1,059 3,889 1,231 2,736 1,269 17,592 2,819 430 1,300 1,522 2,223 3,245 11,259 1,231 441 1,430 13,851 1,112 7,456 2,487 2,095 3,938 2,272 5,786 9,956 374 12,374 16,259 2,824 3,227 2,708 2,753 1,406 2,347 994 156,950 14,044 14,477 23,054 18,640 21,674 14,824 13,657 12,068 12,344 12,168 750 1,253 684 1,779 1,352 925 129 66 3,544 508 2,617 50 309 100 274 1,070 305 675 373 4,104 632 102 360 415 526 805 2,643 317 137 337 3,502 233 1,932 446 483 976 578 1,386 2,162 96 3,127 3,507 584 649 597 649 285 523 220 35.559 3,304 3,409 4,665 3,740 4,328 3,308 3,261 3,127 3,288 3,129 18 118 6 64 34 23 304 137 326 3,469 232 1,918 440 474 43 961 559 11 33 1 14 6 9 15 19 25 8 1 47 15 2 1 3 58 122 49 1 384 151 8 37 24 52 20 10 700 0.8 1,361 2,154 95 3,080 3,492 582 648 594 646 280 522 220 35,326 3,290 3,379 4,601 3,721 4,317 3,297 3,247 3,107 3,259 3,108 4.0 4.8 3.9 5.7 4.4 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.6 3.9 4.0 4.7 4.9 5.0 4.6 4.3 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.3 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.2 3.9 3.8 3.9 4.0 3.6 3.1 6.1 7.3 7.4 6.7 6.7 7.1 6.7 7.0 6.7 7.4 6.5 6.5 7.9 7.4 7.0 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.7 6.3 6.4 6.2 5.7 5.8 6.3 5.8 5.2 5.6 5.0 5.4 6.1 6.2 5.9 7.0 5.6 7.1 6.7 21,608 22,269 3,747 4,192 3,952 4,096 1,803 3,228 5,747 199 2,359 1,291 287 53 520 101 303 508 126 OK 233 14 30 64 19 11 11 14 20 29 21 618 2,414 1,415 613 1,623 1,415 154 470 455 153 448 455 1,251 203,961 20,671 19,534 23,720 20,692 21,545 17,693 19,856 19,370 19,149 21,731 863 3,182 3,029 5 791 1 22 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 NH DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 95 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS-OCCUPIED, UN- OCCUPIED, AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION - BY MATERIAL OF WHICH CONSTRUCTED, AND POPULATION OF CITIES (BY WARDS) AND TOWNS, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. (NOTE. - All other includes wood and brick, wood and cement, wood and stono, etc., and not stated.} OCCUPIED HABITATIONS Unnccu-Dwelling CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tion tions Total Dwelling Houses Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Honses itations Under or Habi- tations Construo- tion AU Other 3,693,310 7,416 5,008 2,015 586,932 544,710 35,810 866 4,201 1,345 1,281 1,270 524,911 487,628 32,191 688 3,534 870 532,327 492,636 34,206 788 3,664 1,033 1,225 1,215 3 2 50,474 48,669 1,349 72 277 107 100 4,131 3,405 255 6 260 205 130 163 5,646 1,213 1,203 12 12 51 50 1 NON Was 2 2,151 ***23 **** 589 585 540 536 3 534 531 3 THE STATE Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Abington Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Acton Wood Brick All other Acushnet. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Adams Wood : Brick Stone Cement or stucco Agawam Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Alford Wood : 48 2,387 495 489 453 447 Home 452 446 1 1 13,218 11 9 7 2,237 2,085 149 1 2 2,144 2,007 134 1 2 2,133 1,998 132 1 2 8211 71 15 4,555 841 830 926 915 4 1 837 827 3 78 2 271 13 13 79 142 %% %。 66 8,543 1,877 1,853 Amesbury Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 335 2,225 2,196 23 3 3 1,884 1,859 21 3 1 AB 如​册​212 **** 38 Reina టలుటి 5,558 1,216 1,171 35 Amherst Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,173 1,132 33 1,149 1,112 32 7 0 1 7,978 14 14 2 10 89 87 Andover Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,682 1,612 43 5 14 8 1,579 1,516 42 5 13 3 1,565 1,514 32 5 13 1 aglia 14,889 78 2,531 2,451 96 Arlington Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 2,733 2,640 14 2 73 2,558 2,473 14 2 65 111089 Loe enco 2,059 460 Ashburnham Wood Brick All other 549 533 15 466 453 12 1 | లవం 78 3 10 1 96 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13.-DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS- Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popular Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- tations Construc- tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 922 268 262 6 237 231 6 236 230 6 31 31 994 232 231 1 227 226 47 46 Ashby Wood Brick Ashfield Wood Brick Stone Ashland Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Athol 281 279 1 1 1 2,005 496 481 446 433 7 443 431 44 43 . 2 3 1 9,783 Wood: 1,858 1,844 12 1 1 1,740 1,727 11 1 14 14 1,719 1,709 9 1 21 18 2 104 103 1 --- 18,480 21 15 189 189 13 10 3,348 3,316 11 1 18 2 851 839 1 10 3,146 3,117 10 1 17 1 780 770 1 9 3,125 3,102 5 1 16 1 778 769 4,595 62 62 O DI COCO MAM INNSATIA INDON 2,986 331 518 Brick Cement or stucco All other ATTLEBORO. Wood Brick :. Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Ward 4 Wood Stone Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Auburn Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Avon Wood Stone Cement or stucco 18 18 3,054 IIIIIIIIIN-NOO 22 22 511 498 5 7 1 546 544 2 628 627 1 681 678 2 1 507 496 3 7 1 544 543 1 625 624 1 671 670 1 569 566 3 668 662 1 734 731 9,560 35 4,286 10 52 52 3,281 647 630 16 15 1 622 611 2. 7 2 620 610 2 7 1 5 2,164 453 451 434 433 1 430 429 1 16 16 WW.78 wm11础​62 9236 2,779 642 634 576 574 14 9 590 583 5 2 49 48 1 4,995 2,058 2,047 1,350 1,343 1,312 1,309 38 34 698 694 10 10 1 Ayer Wood Brick All other Barnstable Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Barre Wood Brick Cement or stucco Becket Wood All other 1 1 W 1 3 3,476 625 611 12 2 43 43 582 568 12 2 567 554 11 2 15 14 1 | | 973 76 297 294 3 219 218 1 208 207 1 IWN 2 1,365 322 320 316 314 58 58 Bedford Wood Brick Cement or stucco 380 378 1 1 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 97 TABLE 13.-DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 2,062 Belchertown Wood Brick Stone 509 499 8 2 471 464 7 37 34 465 458 7 ܕܝܕܒܬ 1,953 28 Bellingham Wood Brick 439 434 406 401 5 404 399 5 NI H奶​?" w如​;如​仍​出​%, 8,081 Belmont Wood Brick Cement or stucco 1,326 1,222 22 82 1,270 1,173 21 76 1,250 1,160 16 74 20 13 5 2 31 30 1 25 19 ܗܨ 6 985 Berkley Wood Stone All other 265 263 241 239 237 235 1 1 22 22 1 865 Berlin Wood Brick Stone 229 225 30 30 259 255 3 1 227 223 3 1 1 790 205 Bernardston Wood Brick All other 192 190 190 189 1 12 12 203 II 1 22,959 47 39 337 332 30 4,172 4,104 27 5 29 3,800 3,742 26 3 23 2 3,753 3,703 19 3 22 6 989 932 3 1 5,669 960 942 3 11 10 96 94 18 15 3 3,137 BEVERLY Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward : Wood Brick All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 8 Wood: Stone Cement or stucco 1,061 1,051 4 1 3 2 616 505 9 2 666 555 9 1 943 931 4,250 5 809 498 9 2 555 545 9 1 821 812 ITALIWAII Lical arco Cirilo River 10 10 - Söintitolo il ri I NORGE 2 650 540 9 1 811 803 1 4 3 653 644 2 NI 20 ILI NI NIVOIT TILLITI TAI 4,199 10 113 112 4,189 701 691 3 3 857 647 3 1,625 1 386 371 4 11 S08 298 294 CON 3,246 2,778 2,773 759 754 749 1,999 1,999 20 20 5,689 Billerica Wood . Brick Cement or stucco Blackstono Wood Brick Stone Blandford Wood All other 952 920 27 5 910 878 27 42 903 871 27 5 623 227 226 1 149 149 143 143 76 75 NI 96188- 768 Bolton Wood Brick 213 205 190 182 8 188 181 EN 23 23 98 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under Habi. tations Construc- tion Total Dwelling Houses AN Other 745, 439 1,421 543 766 49 28 467 324 113 3,113 2,232 838 18 18 7 61 57 23,776 79,129 56,892 21,396 247 458 136 2,729 2,600 124 1 3 1 3,454 2,729 690 19 12 75,549 54,336 20,445 229 415 124 2,6 46 2,523 118 1 3 1 3,832 2,624 673 19 12 74,128 53,793 19,679 180 387 89 2,640 2,518 117 1 3 1 3,125 2,498 620 ៖ ១- 41,904 BOSTON. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward ! Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 119 104 15 207 126 53 19 7 2 82 21,016 5 2 2,518 2,121 396 1 1,865 1,396 463 239 214 25 18,685 143 128 15 21 2,790 2,346 442 2 2,056 1,532 499 1 24 9,767 400 3,353 9 1 2,650 2,132 416 2 1,912 1,403 484 1 24 3,617 370 3,233 9 1 77,575 12 6 9,887 362 3,021 1 18 230 8 212 8 138 30 108 37,250 86 Wood : 3 2,728 273 2,453 2 146 47 98 80 35,084 2,904 122 2,752 22 8 1 76 1 69 'SUOMI 88,317 2,813 277 2,533 2 1 2,980 123 2,821 27 8 1 3,591 50 3,426 99 10 6 3,188 2,823 349 1 15 2,903 2,515 384 1 176 3 159 "****"TIHNITI inimillininTIMITIKINTI TITTIENIOR-III' S09 4 287 11 3,416 47 3,267 91 8 2 9,168 2,801 346 33,996 26 22 284 260 23 *%%"imas ir lieli- 2,960 324 2,632 2 2 3,090 132 2,917 32 8 1 3,897 54 3,717 110 10 6 3,474 3,083 374 1 16 2,993 2,592 397 1 1 2 2,744 2,615 119 10 3,065 1,932 1,122 1 10 3,310 1,632 1,657 20 1 2,923 1,773 528 12 8 2 Brick Stone All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 8 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 9 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 10 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 11 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 12 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 18 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 14 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 26,741 16 1 90 77 13 26,234 57 29,416 15 2,888 2,506 378 1 1 2 2,656 2,535 111 10 2,910 1,817 1,083 1 9 9,078 1,487 1,570 20 1 2,220 1,722 486 10 1 1 2 2,670 2,547 113 10 2,948 1,840 1,097 1 10 3,185 1,506 1,596 20 1 2,266 1,738 510 12 116 91 24 80,585 187 126 61 27,799 1 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 99 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Dwelling Unoccu- pied Houses Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 26,125 2,804 2,171 611 2,899 2,082 593 2 25,404 10 85 19 15 9 8,948 2,380 549 5 14 2,868 2,596 259 1 25,868 26,877 14 26 13 13 22,748 16 7 2,831 2,299 514 5 13 2,739 2,490 246 1 2 2,648 2,399 247 2 8,894 2,724 163 5 2 3,114 2,997 110 6 1 3,102 3,018 54 21 9 2,986 2,753 162 2 64 $2,968 35 BOSTON-Con. Ward 15 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 16 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 17 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 18 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 19 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 20 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 21 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 22 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 23 Wood Brick Stone: Cement or stucco All other Ward 24 Wood : Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 26 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 26 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 55 52 irri Eiwite www otwear Nilor 8 UNIES 86,499 2,787 2,109 600 4 7 7 2,866 2,318 529 5 14 4,762 2,509 250 1 2 2,664 2,413 249 2 8,924 2,746 171 5 2 3,149 3,029 113 6 1 3,143 3,038 64 29 12 3,042 2,796 173 3 65 5 3,942 3,868 14 6 49 5 3,526 3,475 9 7 33 2 1,977 1,447 394 1 116 19 2,288 2,117 126 8 36 1 10 29,818 2 2,758 2,467 268 3 3,026 2,840 179 5 2 3,286 3,159 117 8 1 3,878 3,167 66 32 13 3,209 2,933 192 3 74 7 4,135 4,056 14 6 53 6 3,698 3,644 10 7 35 2 2,110 1,531 430 1 127 21 2,388 2,204 130 10 42 2 57 43 11 194 115 ITINE 0008 - III WII w I TOSIN TI 6 2 51 46 81,442 3,900 3,832 148 142 49 22,616 SO 25 157 135 1 1 $5 34 3,486 3,450 8 4 33 1 1,967 1,440 386 18,401 20 14 30 | | నలు| 08:/-, 18,881 16 13 113 18 2,975 2,104 124 8 36 1 67 52 1 2,672 Bourno Wood Cement or stucco All other 595 592 8 1,539 1,535 3 1 587 584 2 1 939 938 1 1 326 68 65 Boxborough Wood Brick All other 79 75 3 1 $$ܟܨܝܕ 10 9 1 1 714 Boxford Wood Stone 269 268 1 189 188 1 188 187 80 80 1 100 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS pied CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS | Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses AN Other 783 200 191 180 174 179 173 2 18 17 2122 1 wwww 2 9,343 Boylston Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Braintreo. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Brewster Wood Cement or stucco All other 1,954 1,942 2,081 2,067 1 1 12 1,925 1,913 1 1 10 1 10 783 317 315 230 228 226 224 1 1 9,381 1,254 1,236 1,206 1,188 Bridgewater Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,180 1,172 4 1 2 1 1 5 3 3 934 Brimfield Wood Brick 254 242 12 221 209 12 210 198 12 62,288 102 8,877 8,740 68 8,590 8,458 66 222 220 65 62 8,820 3 12 12 8,488 8,387 37 4 52 8 1,215 1,173 22 1 17 2 1,011 1,001 6 54 11 1,314 1,249 45 1 17 2 1,056 1,041 10 5 1,456 1,439 14 3 1,042 1,029 4 54 8 1,957 1,194 43 1 17 2 1,028 1,013 10 5 1,406 1,390 14 2 1,015 1,002 7,679 ន៖ '' នន ននន្ត” ទទ” នុន ''ទន ! ! ! ! ពី៖ 's ! ! នន II-AGILITLI-2300 liver Let In, Fenwick 9,197 21 6,988 BROCKTON Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward : Wood Cement or stucco All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Brookfield Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Brookline Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,999 1,383 14 2 1,007 996 3 6 2 1,191 1,188 UIT IAIT I WII OOO IT TO IT,& 7 9,175 1,840 1,235 1,203 1,199 1 2 11,216 2 1 1,407 1,397 10 1,349 1,340 4 3 1,338 1,330 ONO NOSSO 00 INI 9,218 3 1,362 1,350 1,832 1,320 1,887 1,316 ONTW ONS 6 2,059 699 665 510 478 29 2 1 503 473 27 186 184 2 3 LIN 33,490 4,693 3,157 1,130 4,391 2,966 1,050 4,295 2,905 1,020 62 24 28 240 167 52 77 307 22 74 283 18 73 279 18 3 14 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 101 TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unocou- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion All Total Dwelling Houses Other 1,569 22 376 368 349 343 Buckland Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 354 347 3 3 1 1 -లలు: www 751 223 217 186 181 37 36 Burlington Wood Stone All other 177 172 2 3 ఉN 108,822 51 161 101 57 600 566 13,394 12,551 701 6 126 10 688 618 70 8,681 6,507 784 14,206 13,263 791 6 134 12 727 655 72 894 800 24 1,095 1,050 45 1,243 1,165 78 1,193 1,085 95 3 11,090 10,651 13,555 12,652 758 6 128 11 694 622 72 789 765 24 1,066 1,023 43 1,181 1,108 73 1,164 1,052 91 3 6 2 1,664 1,383 171 9 1 1,662 1,501 57 16 12 9,808 10 CAMBRIDGE Wood Brick · Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Ward : Wood Brick Ward S Wood Brick Ward 4. Wood Brick Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 8 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 9 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 10 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 11 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 18,604 BEI EIT IWO I I II IMORGwenmi OA NANI 19 14 3 1,624 1,438 176 9 1 1,655 1,589 62 1 760 24 1,060 1,018 42 1,166 1,096 70 1,144 1,046 87 3 6 2 1,846 1,369 166 9 1 1,650 1,492 54 1 2 1 1,185 1,092 80 13 1,832 1,525 37 2 63 5 1,222 1,147 46 28 Linh Tin on IWIW8%OBIL Toon the price wi823 video IT LAHTI vool IIIVOIT TIOTAITOIMIMIC INN I had III i Iwi w 11,728 2 9,869 10,665 1 1,298 1,178 107 13 1,778 1,646 52 2 68 5 1,895 1,210 54 30 28 15 12 17 16 8,836 1,292 1,107 102 13 1,660 1,540 49 2 64 5 1,233 1,153 50 29 1 1,430 1,398 26 5 1 11 6 IOIAS 10,689 10 1,479 1,447 26 5 1 1,418 1,388 25 5 5,623 1,144 1,130 84 80 10 9 31 Canton Wood Brick Stone Cernent or stucco All other 1,238 1,219 8 4 5 2 NW 0083 1,110 1,099 6 2 I WW 183 490 Carlisle Wood All other 146 144 2 132 130 2 127 125 2 13 13 I Carver 1,701 569 567 2 Wood Brick 448 446 2 375 373 2 121 121 102 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1916. TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses AD Other 977 240 235 225 220 215 15 15 2,213 495 458 450 454 446 487 7 ””” 1,667 480 691 689 2 479 476 475 208 207 1 5,182 91 15 11 10 10 1,164 1,149 11 1 1,063 1,048 11 1 1 2 1,048 1,037 7 1 1 43,426 4,409 3,450 934 140 117 20 29 18 15 Charlemont Wood Brick Charlton Wood Brick Stone Chatham. Wood Brick Cholmstora Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other CHELSEA Wood. Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 18 4,240 3,315 905 18 2 674 393 275 4,200 3,291 890 17 2 667 386 275 7,988 14,517 8,018 7 702 416 280 4 2 1,192 799 392 1 813 703 102 8 717 600 116 1 986 932 幽幽​幽​的​?例如​观​關​說​!絕​叫​!說​;過​,昭陽​! 2 1,139 760 378 1 791 686 97 8 682 569 112 1 964 907 43 2 1,129 758 370 1 784 684 93 7 680 567 112 1 940 896 A1177-11281724142114311 ITININI OTWO I NA III CONSIO 6,262 8,896 1,535 Choshiro Wood All other 344 343 325 324 313 312 1 12 12 18 18 ! Chostor Wood : 1,344 : 317 317 290 290 288 288 24 24 3 559 187 186 1 136 135 1 134 133 1 3 30,138 3,524 2,963 519 35 34 32 3,499 2,950 507 35 25 13 12 4,192 Chesterfield Wood Brick CHICOPEE Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Ward ! Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward S Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 4. Wood Brick 343 253 90 879 323 3,106 3,643 3,068 530 36 9 363 261 92 387 327 53 5 2 482 353 125 3 1 667 462 95 341 251 90 378 323 50 5 ORION IIMINALIS & 8311-862422-Sn?「「以​一 ​4,580 18 ܒܘܝܕ 459 337 118 3 1 635 440 95 451 335 112 3 1 630 436 94 4,527 13 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 103 TABLE 13.-DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS- Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion Total Habita- tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses ADI Other 4,769 631 422 107 1 528 419 107 1 2,859 CEICOPEE - Con. Ward 6 Wood : Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 401 Thrill! 524 418 104 1 1 387 365 21 1 888 822 36 25 5 es O! TII1881 388 365 22 1 892 826 36 25 5 6,286 938 865 36 10 10 5 288 Chilmark. Wood All other 194 193 1 98 97 97 96 1 95 95 1 . 1,114 Clarksburg Wood Cement or stucco 258 257 1 228 227 228 227 1 29 13,192 Clinton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,912 1,841 68 1,828 1,759 66 1,807 1,740 64 21 19 | | 1 1 2,800 Cohasset Wood Cement or stucco All other 7 802 788 13 1 653 643 9 615 605 Til I 142 139 3 1 1,829 25 384 346 36 359 323 34 2 357 321 34 1 1 ITINN 1 Colrain Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Concord Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 6,681 1,352 1,312 28 1 11 1,259 1,220 27 1 11 1,234 1,203 21 NIOS& 9 1,220 296 293 Conway Wood Brick Cement or stucco 1 307 304 2 1 295 292 2 660 Cummington Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 191 184 5 160 156 156 152 3 1 27 2 1 1 3,858 7 865 852 11 1 831 818 11 1 824 811 11 1 33 33 Dalton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Dana Wood All other 712 173 204 203 1 182 182 173 21 1 11,177 1,846 1,821 11 1,867 1,836 16 1 104 103 Danvers Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,988 1,953 16 1 16 2 17 14 21 15 5 1 Mk-3- 12 12 2 2 5,330 1,463 1,450 3 1,102 1,095 3 1,101 1,094 3 335 334 26 21 Dartmouth Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 3 1 3 1 6 104 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS-- Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Populs- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses ANI Other 11,043 2,158 2,078 2,010 1,938 16 13 1 115 108 33 32 1,994 1,925 21 5 35 8 5 ន” ។ NWIN 8 2,739 507 496 495 484 33 5 1,822 622 622 621 621 247 247 3 Dodham Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Doerfield Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Dennis Wood : Dighton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Douglas Wood Brick Dover Wood : Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Dracut 2,499 513 498 2 1 12 40 39 511 496 2 1 12 NII w551 www w昭​n 9111 1 2,179 405 394 11 394 383 11 43 2 999 212 189 196 174 3**** 09*** $ 39*** *8= 19*** **** ** 9* 23** **** 2 11 1 4,022 Wood : 833 829 1 2 1 126 126 nai 4,373 543 540 3 537 534 18 18 362 92 90 Brick Stone Cement or stucco Dudley Wood Stone All other Dunstable Wood Brick : Duxbury Wood Brick Cement or stucco East Bridgewater Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 1,921 525 553 550 377 377 9 9 2 3,689 Ra'a girl 804 797 ឱឌី”' ៩៩” ឱន្ន។ ££*** ឧឧ ឪន្នមៗ។ 545 Eastham Wood 217 217 140 140 74 74 9,845 10 8 Easthampton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 1,484 1,407 70 2 1,404 1,331 66 2 1,394 1,325 24 儿​必​4-- ITAO 1,939 455 447 407 402 2 37 36 East Longmoadow Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other w2141 407 402 2 1 1 1 5,064 10 91 89 12 Easton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,266 1,239 2 10 1,165 1,143 2 8 12 I BOR 1,153 1,131 2 8 12 ITOONS WITIN DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 105 TABLE 13.-DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 1,276 535 532 3 369 369 360 360 164 161 3 Edgartown Wood Cement or stucco Egromont Wood Brick 599 206 205 1 157 156 1 157 156 1 49 806 235 232 199 197 197 195 NAI1 34 1 1 1,168 5 263 262 1 256 255 1 255 254 مرا NAI 1,677 594 589 436 432 445 441 1 3 148 148 · 3 37,718 5,706 165 160 20 20 4.487 1 5,521 5,482 25 11 3 536 536 1,066 1,052 2 2 1,473 1,465 5,662 25 16 3 573 573 1,094 1,088 2 4 1,526 1,516 5,493 5,455 24 11 3 834 534 1,06% 1,048 2 2 1,466 1,457 7,382 9,833 1 6,681 844 839 III III III livelinymma I 1188 842 837 3 TIerico I TRATTOOII COLI Enfield Wood Brick All other : Erving Wood Cement or stucco Essex Wood Brick Cement or stucco EVERETT Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward s Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 5 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Fairhavon Wood Brick . Stone Cement or stucco All other TALL RIVER Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 6 866 859 3 3 690 679 10 1 958 947 - 1 - 1 ku , ម៉ាឌី 4,609 671 660 10 5,786 674 663 10 1 938 927 WNO DOO లం--58 2 3 6,277 491 23 20 3 1,786 1,757 3 10 13 3 1,272 1,247 2 9 12 2 NONUN 1,266 1,244 2 8 11 1 124,791 188 176 11,468 11,235 153 29 11,117 10,939 123 26 2 27 2,197 2,178 17 2 23,028 47 8,259 2,231 20 2 2 12 22 19 13,420 11,201 10,994 145 29 2 31 2,206 2,182 19 2 2 1,285 1,272 7 1 5 954 927 18 4 5 1,038 1,023 12 2 1,940 1,318 14 1 7 979 951 18 4 6 1,061 1,032 12 2 14,928 1,280 1,268 6 1 5 944 920 16 3 5 1,029 1,016 10 2 Trivor Live In A II. HII NITAONI 12,245 1 106 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13.-DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses AN Other 11,823 841 836 817 13 ' 17,844 19 19 822 13 3 3 1,351 1,323 23 2 3 689 648 26 CON تن من 6,601 847 828 13 3 3 1,872 1,342 23 2 5 701 659 26 4 12 1,384 1,368 6 10 1,535 1,506 21 10 1,341 1,315 21 2 3 673 642 19 3 9 1,336 1,324 OOOO Triwa wa mavai in Triera 10,649 10 24 24 16,259 11 1,346 1,330 6 10 1,492 1,467 21 1 2 1 11 1,481 1,459 18 15 11 བྷྱཱ ཡབས 3 3,917 1,602 1,590 4 922 916 901 898 21 18 3 670 664 10 10 . 1 1 | | | 6 - 39,656 46 18 152 30 21 148 5,253 4,955 250 3 28 17 894 876 10 TALL RIVER Con. Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 8 Wood Brick Stone Ward 9 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Falmouth Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other FITCHBURG Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick All other Ward 6 Wood : Brick Stone Cement or stucco Florida Wood : Foxborough Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Framingham Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 5,025 4,768 219 3 24 11 858 845 8 1 3 8,173 11,967 1 13 S6 5 2 1,192 1,122 63 2 5 827 768 54 1,137 1,078 56 2 ས 6,168 5,071 4,786 243 3 24 15 863 847 10 1 3 2 1,150 1,085 60 2 3 800 741 54 1 1 3 612 537 57 15 3 586 561 21 4 1,060 1,015 41 1 3 26 26 Siiani - IAITAI III IN ITAIM I I am an III IMANIMI IMION- 3,971 10 795 737 53 1 1 3 602 535 49 15 3 578 561 14 3 1,055 1,012 39 1 3 18 18 3 633 557 57 16 3 598 572 22 3,769 7,618 10 38 1,109 1,060 44 1 4 427 97 97 84 84 81 81 ww 13 13 3 3,755 13 916 900 826 811 9 4 813 804 3 82 ww 2 1 15,860 2,921 2,890 134 133 19 17 3,108 3,064 14 4 9 17 2,955 2,914 13 3 8 17 08373 13 4 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 107 TABLE 13.-DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS- Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS Unoccu-Dwelling Dwelling itations CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Dwelling Houses Total Houses pied or Hab- Houses Under or Habi- tations Construc- tion All Other 6,440 1,239 1,217 12 2 52 1,179 1,161 12 1 1,166 1,154 Franklin Wood Brick Stone: Cement or stucco All other Freetown. Ullava 1 2 3 3 1,663 397 Wood . 538 538 391 391 138 138 397 3 16,376 19 13 44 2,223 2,168 44 3 2,160 2,111 44 3 2 2,119 2,082 33 3 1 29 11 i Gardner Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Gay Head Wood Stone Georgetown Wood 175 . 53 40 39 1 40 39 1 15 14 1 . . . 2,058 552 552 518 518 512 512 6 6 34 34 951 11 193 191 GIU Wood Brick Stone 17 17 221 210 10 1 204 193 10 1 AD1 1 24,478 5,287 5,233 29 4,140 4,104 21 54 46 1,132 1,115 15 14 or 4,086 4,058 15 4 8 1 512 511 600w 10 8 785 778 5 1 2,626 9 2 619 518 265 259 4,950 701 699 2 525 515 619 617 2 508 496 6 614 612 2 494 488 3,681 1,906 1 895 16 301 288 13 284 2 2 317 300 16 1 713 712 1 1,051 1,046 UITSULTING COCHINA DI WOO o Ierailiai 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIT A TO winien . 88-warri-Ion w205 3 GLOUCESTER Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 2 Wood Cement or stucco Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 4 Wood Brick All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Ward 6 Wood Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Stone Ward 8 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Goshen Wood : : Gosnold Wood Stone Cement or stucco Grafton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 4,189 693 692 689 689 Poin' 3,612 720 715 $26 325 717 713 3 1 $85 385 2,006 85 385 35 421 420 1 774 1763 1,609 897 393 380 376 1 17 17 366 2 ORN 289 85 85 66 66 19 19 65 1 155 - 35 33 30 29 1 5 4 38 5 - 6,250 11 1,087 1,043 26 1,030 992 21 2 28 15 46 46 1,002 977 13 2 9 1 eri 100 ܘܘܗ ܙ ܙܝ 6 5 108 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied or Hab- Houses Under or Habi- Construc tations tion Dwelling itations Total Dwelling Houses All Other 828 164 194 192 2 164 162 2 162 30 2 784 237 235 2 198 197 1 184 183 1 14 14 38 - 6,627 12 10 1,426 1,366 13 8 39 1,345 1,293 11 6 35 1,333 1,283 9 6 35 room wanneer 18% 1 12,618 2,392 2,283 62 34 13 2,290 2,196 59 31 4 2,264 2,185 46 30 3 32 20 2 13 9 126 180 179 1 126 126 121 121 Ieron 53 2,333 517 509 615 601 12 2 547 533 12 2 1 2,377 621 617 560 556 Granby Wood Brick Granville, Wood Brick Great Barrington Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Greenfield Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Groonwich Wood All other : Groton Wood Brick Stone Groveland Wood Brick Cement or stucco Hadley Wood Brick Halifax Wood All other Hamilton Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Hampden Wood Brick Hancock Wood Brick Hanover Wood Brick Cement or stucco Hanson Wood Stone Cement or stucco 54 54 553 549 1 3 77-- 3 3 2,666 457 446 11 440 431 9 439 430 9 13 11 2 638 345 342 171 170 1 145 145 °。 25 174 172 2 1,879 412 825 818 1 404 400 407 411 1 3 1 INI IN 1 1 670 185 183 2 166 164 2 166 164 2 19 19 514 126 125 113 112 1 110 110 12 12 2,666 696 684 1 11 646 639 1 6 640 633 6 1,796 659 657 22 22 146 146 512 510 1 1 490 488 1 1 1 3,596 491 486 486 481 22 Hardwick Wood Brick Cement or stucco 514 508 5 1 1 1 1,104 Harvard Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 354 343 8 1 275 266 273 264 7 1 1 1 1 2,179 Harwich Wood All other 1,006 1,004 2 679 679 673 673 321 321 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 109 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Dwelling Unoccu- Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Dwelling Houses AU Total Other 2,630 395 386 9 392 383 9 392 383 9 2 2 1 49,450 52 71 63 253 242 8 1 8,201 7,932 230 2 19 18 406 345 59 1 499 452 2 7,825 7,592 208 1 16 8 385 328 57 7,877 7,627 221 1 19 9 391 332 58 1 493 446 45 2,836 6 11 2,953 478 436 42 1 1 15 10 3 2 3,577 448 423 8 3 18 16 2 52 6,838 430 407 23 1,191 1,104 14 1 Hatfield Wood Brick HAVERHILL Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward ! Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 3 Wood Brick Ward 4 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Ceme All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Hawley Wood Brick 419 399 20 1,117 1,103 12 1 1 10 10 Leon ITINNITIVO I Innt wc nowowin Ion, LINE ON MINUTO 1,183 1,165 15 1 1 1 3,116 2,068 37 5 6 1,885 1,851 23 1 2 3-I INAITI'Nirrisori III ' 17,156 8 50 2,040 2,000 35 5 2,032 1,993 34 5 or stucco 6 22 9,720 1,807 1,778 22 1,803 1,776 20 1 2 7,890 1 13 13 1,666 1,628 26 8 3 5 1,595 1,560 24 8 3 1,591 1,557 23 8 3 427 116 114 2 98 96 2 95 93 2 18 18 383 116 114 1 96 94 94 92 19 19 1 1 5,264 1,483 1,469 5 1,214 1,200 5 2 260 260 35 31 2 1,179 1,169 3 2 Onod 2 1 1 1,257 265 257 264 257 34 299 291 5 3 3 2,948 Heath Wood : Brick All other Hingham. Wood Brick Stone Cemeni or stucco All other Hinsdale. Wood Brick Stone Bolbrook Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Holden Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Holland Wood Bolliston. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 696 693 1 1 661 658 1 1 1 652 649 1 1 1 2,514 46 553 540 501 492 488 481 5 13 11 1 1 2 3 sa in 159 111188 am |--||| 99 I 50 50 43 III va II ----18 an 2,788 672 668 646 642 639 635 22 110 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS- Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion Total Habita- tions Unoccu- Dwelling pied Houses Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses AN Other 60,816 61 23 36 105 72 33 H 9,320 4,595 2,686 1,859 7 38 5 457 136 319 2 416 112 302 1 1,175 996 172 9,894 4,779 2,788 1,933 7 41 10 468 139 327 2 433 123 309 1 1,214 1,020 182 1 9 2 13 11,138 15 HOLYOKE Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward Wood Brick Stone Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Ward 6 Wood Brick All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 18 18 4,656 2,709 1,895 7 38 7 468 136 324 2 420 113 306 1 1,190 1,000 181 1 6 2 422 181 241 457 249 207 1 462 22 430 1,253 1,008 206 5 30 6 ܘܕܗ ܙ ܘ ܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܗܟܨܝܚܕܙ ܚܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܬ ܙ ܟ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙsܩܘܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܚ 8,798 Primo INOOO A CON I TOA Amarelor 5,899 13 8,005 414 177 237 449 243 205 1 441 21 420 1,244 1,001 204 5 30 11 183 242 472 253 218 1 464 23 441 1,503 1,047 214 5 30 12 10 8,462 協​%!他​端出​???! 如​治​? 10 2,663 21 462 457 5 439 435 436 432 1 1 Hopedalo. Wood Cement or stucco Hopkinton Wood Brick Stone 2,475 87 727 716 10 1 636 629 6 1 632 625 6 1 - 1,084 350 347 3 279 276 3 271 268 3 Hubbardston . Wood Brick Hudson Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 6,758 1,283 1,258 18 3 NN OO OO 1,220 1,195 18 3 2 2 1,205 1,188 10 3 2 2 NNWO. Ulica 2,290 2,026 1,991 20 1 14 436 406 20 370 366 2 66 40 18 1,547 1,542 2 1 1,427 352 350 70 70 1 281 279 1 1 276 274 1 1 '। 6,272 7 Hull. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Huntington Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ipswich Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Kingston Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Lakevillo Wood Brick Stone All other 1,400 1,370 20 1,141 1,112 19 19 15 3 1,122 1,097 16 2 7 252 251 1 OO NON 8 1 2,580 757 752 579 575 2 1 576 572 2 175 174 . 1,491 3 52 517 2 334 330 2 323 321 11 9 184 184 1 1 1 1 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 111 TABLE, 13.-DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS — Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations Total Dwelling Houses All Other tion 2,585 86 Lancaster Wood Brick Stone All other 594 558 21 1 14 506 473 19 1 13 488 463 11 1 13 18 10 8 1 1 0 IN II IN 1,089 355 351 1 242 238 Lanosborough Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 104 104 247 243 1 1 2 III en on 90,259 9,990 9,534 410 84 61 21 250 242 53 47 19 23 1,726 1,613 98 3 18,143 9,603 9,184 380 3 18 18 1,686 1,577 95 3 8 19 15 9,687 9,245 401 4 19 18 1,704 1,592 98 3 9 2 1,312 1,196 112 2 2 1,117 1,038 79 NOW & 14,844 10 LAWRENCE Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward S Wood Brick All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick All other 1,298 1,188 106 2 2 1,107 1,035 72 2 videoer LOI SIIA ILLI IL TO 14,319 LEHTI LABI wol 100II WEISS 10 2 1,351 1,229 116 2 4 1,163 1,076 84 3 1,228 1,160 54 1 2 11 2,263 2,239 7 6 1 2,870 2,217 51 2 MIT 100mlTI I WSOWANIEMI 1000 GT LI 19,654 1,188 1,120 50 16,166 1,203 1,135 54 1 2 11 2,160 2,146 7 6 1 2,191 2,138 51 2 2 11 2,149 2,136 6 6 11 10 16,236 17 2,181 2,128 51 62 2 江​2 4,481 962 903 861 16 16 53 53 920 Loo Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other ន១១១ 887 846 21 9 9 2 III 2 3,322 1 Leicester Wood Brick 666 656 10 621 612 9 620 612 8 ត”។ ។ ត។ 43 1 3,242 Lenox Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 103 96 782 725 30 11 12 676 626 27 8 11 4 650 614 21 7 826143 绍​! w$331-1- 1 17,646 Loominster Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 3,006 2,962 27 12 5 2,862 2,821 27 11 3 2,843 2,809 20 11 3 2 779 Loverett Wood 205 205 186 186 183 183 18 18 1 5,538 1;302 1,285 1,202 1,189 86 84 14 12 Lexington Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,199 1,186 4 1 7 III IWW 112 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS Unoccu-Dwelling CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS | Popula- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion Total Habita- tions Dwelling Houses Total pied Houses Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- tations Construc- tion All Other 344 14 14 3 95 1 1,310 282 317 292 14 FF' HIT! 251 237 8 31 3 ផងដី -- សនដី -ះ។ 1,228 268 27 24 297 292 2 3 లునిని 268 266 1 1 1,782 484 373 17 Trrio e rivi 13 13 43 35 18 9 410 316 17 2 72 3 329 2 72 107,978 126 690 621 64 82 77 16,224 15,396 758 22 34 14 1,686 1,374 206 2 3 9,580 15,452 14,698 693 21 28 12 1,527 1,331 191 2 2 1 1,560 1,279 275 3 2 2 57 41 15 13,699 188 94 38 Leyden Wood All other Lincoln Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Littleton . Wood Brick All other Longmeadow Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other LOWELL. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward : Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Stono All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 8 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 9 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 3 12,367 79 74 3 15,326 14,627 641 19 28 11 1,499 1,323 171 2 2 1 1,540 1,266 268 3 2 1 1,977 1,952 21 1 3 1,177 1,116 58 1 1 1 1,180 1,135 43 1 1 2,335 2,285 45 13 12 1,991 1,960 26 2 3 1,182 1,119 60 1 1 9,649 1,693 1,374 313 3 2 1 2,083 2,046 30 3 4 1,261 1,194 63 1 1 2 1,862 1,208 52 1 1 2,414 2,361 46 1 6 1,787 1,767 10 1 76 72 1 Tri WEITOVCI-või ricaric III WA Iorce mi rival 1860 INS IIIIIIIII ODONTOLIITTIILI COCOLICO ITILLINOIS 9,794 1,198 1,145 51 1 LISTIWA 20,697 2,840 2,290 45 62 61 12 10 10,721 1,701 1,682 1,691 1,675 5 10,805 77 76 23 5 1 2,174 2,141 21 11 1 1,964 1,931 17 2,073 2,042 20 10 1 1,880 1,850 16 7 10,688 2,060 2,035 14 10 1 1,867 1,840 13 7 4 3 65 63 1 19 18 1 3 6,251 80 72 Ludlow Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 958 897 13 13 35 871 820 13 867 820 8 30 9 8 30 و نا | من ن DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 113 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi. tations Construc- tion Total Dwelling Houses ANI Other 1,610 90 90 479 475 2 2 389 385 2 2 384 380 2 2 95,803 97 65 27 634 630 2 74 13,833 13,639 152 5 18 19 819 808 13,120 12,935 150 3 14 18 704 697 13,023 12,870 123 3 14 13 700 694 3,039 86 23 LINE INCOLI Awater is rieren 6,968 1 8 1,248 1,245 2 5 1,187 1,185 2 5 1,184 1,183 1 13 13 19,766 13 181 121 Lunenburg Wood Brick Cement or stucco LYNN Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 2 Wood Brick Stone Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Lynnfield Wood Cement or stucco 18 16 9,517 3,485 16 6 10 2,044 1,966 66 1 3 17,363 3,878 3,348 16 5 9 1,951 1,875 64 1 3 8 2,820 2,179 41 2,829 2,796 24 81 14 13 3,866 3,337 14 5 9 1,920 1,861 51 1 3 4 1 2,903 2,168 35 2,798 2,776 21 1 Tr IWCOI LIINIT NICHIETIES will NI' - ' I ' III voor 20,597 127 127 2,349 2,308 41 2,961 2,935 24 23,878 128 128 11 11 AM I was 5,208 858 855 1 895 892 1 1 1 863 851 1 1 1 1,112 2 412 411 1 303 302 1 301 300 1 107 107 . 48,907 7,409 7,370 29 45 25 234 232 2 20 19 5,949 29 29 6,899 18 12 5,650 MALDEN. Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Ward 2 Wood Brick Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Ward 5 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood : Brick All other Manchester Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 7,708 7,646 50 6 6 1,039 1,035 4 814 812 2 1,025 1,008 13 2 2 844 826 18 1,264 1,245 5 2 2 1,463 1,461 2 1,269 1,259 8 2 759 731 7,454 7,395 47 6 6 1,010 1,006 4 799 797 2 976 959 13 2 2 811 795 16 1,212 1,203 5 2 2 1,408 1,406 2 1,288 1,229 5 1,007 1,003 4 796 795 1 965 956 6 2 1 797 790 7 1,209 1,201 6,264 INCO I OTATITITI WCoil Toni WCO INTL 8 因为​B119319211371145952111771431-8-12 7,850 42 7,679 50 10,788 1 2 1,401 1,399 2 1,234 1,226 6 2 564 538 2 2,945 605 577 28 28 9 2 16 154 154 9 2 17 2 17 114 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHÉR HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- | Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied or Hab- Houses Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Dwelling itations Total Dwelling Houses All Other 5,772 1,319 1,307 1,214 1,205 13 11 86 86 1,227 1,216 2 1 5 3 coa 1 oc 3 7,606 1,608 1,594 1,590 1,578 8 18 16 2,272 2,234 8 29 1 660 637 2 1,487 19 517 507 379 369 1 360 352 1 132 132 1 15,250 2,502 2,483 18 2,531 2,503 26 1 1 410 402 7 2,258 Mansfield Wood Brick Stone: Cement or stucco All other Marblehead Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Marion Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other MARLBOROUGE Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Ward S Wood Brick Ward 4 Wood Ward 5 Wood Brick Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood Brick Marshfield Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 402 395 2,249 2,603 2,575 26 1 1 418 410 7 1 344 333 11 364 363 1 996 396 338 327 5 339 337 1 1 410 409 1 SS8 327 6 351 351 2,418 10 10 I WCO INCOQUINCONNYIMOOI O 8% 329 11 354 353 1 382 382 828 323 5 $29 327 1 1 IIIIICO IINTOIIIIIIIIIIIoan 2,532 1,876 12 12 982 382 323 319 1,880 326 325 1 2,087 388 386 384 387 1 1,725 1,267 1,263 2 1 1 536 533 2 1 516 513 2 730 729 263 65 48 Mashpee Wood Brick Cement or stucco 116 114 1 1 1,352 Mattapoisett Wood All other 635 632 3 334 334 327 327 296 296 6,770 Maynard Wood Brick 1,149 1,148 1 1,119 1,118 1 1,105 1,104 14 14 25 25 3,648 385 381 24 24 Medfield Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 40 13 27 450 418 28 1 2 1 425 394 28 1 2 ཉྙོབས་ས 30,509 30 5,559 5,436 34 MEDFORD Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 111 109 5,196 5,083 31 5,166 5,056 29 3 74 3 74 252 244 3 1 IAS DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 115 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS . Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- tations Construc- tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 4,418 687 685 647 646 1 13 13 4,196 1 807 805 650 648 1 1 778 776 1 1 644 602 9 2 31 765 756 5 9,034 776 773 1 1 637 595 9 2 31 769 752 3 4,560 18 18 MEDFORD-Con. Ward 1 Wood Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood: Brick Cement or stucco Ward S Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood : Brick Cement or stucco 8,784 30 698 655 10 2 31 888 819 5 4 1,007 992 10 1 3 1 1,116 1,067 7 1 38 3 416 413 1 2 27 960 935 10 1 3 1 1,018 973 5 944 929 10 1 3 1 1,009 969 TIDO INIIITTISTICI TOALINDI 6,311 73 66 2 32 2,207 396 393 896 392 2 2 2,846 51 50 Modway Wood Brick Stone All other 704 699 2 1 652 648 1 1 2 647 643 1 1 11 Iona II 16,880 3,821 3,740 9 17 15 164 161 39 31 3,601 3,533 8 1 2,178 88 2,646 31 2,576 MELROSE Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Cement or stucco Ward & Wood Cement or stucco Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Cement or stucco All other 2 497 487 10 603 596 7 687 511 1 15 396 382 27 3,618 3,548 9 1 58 2 500 490 10 604 597 7 528 512 1 15 400 384 1 15 448 436 6 1 5 578 565 1 63 8 532 522 10 640 632 8 660 543 1 16 432 414 1 17 467 455 6 1 5 594 586 1 5 2 596 588 2 6 1,918 III livellTTINATII WCIMI com crtorical T IN TO I IONING I eral AONI 9,139 17 17 2,740 14 448 436 6 1 5 586 558 1 5 2 564 563 16 16 2,696 12 2 565 564 1 19 19 ON U 933 10 242 236 1 3 231 226 Mondon Wood : Brick Stone Cement or stucco 229 225 NWS 1 1 3 2 2 2 116 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS — Continued. . OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 2,101 165 732 730 2 563 561 2 560 558 2 165 14,007 236 233 35 2,789 2,738 6 6 25 14 2,510 2,470 6 6 19 9 2,502 2,464 5 6 19 8 I TO 5 2 III wie 8,631 1,920 1,905 8 38 35 125 125 1,785 1,771 8 1 3 2 1,747 1,736 5 1 3 2 3 'Til 325 110 109 1 67 66 67 66 1 42 42 1,308 345 342 1 259 258 248 247 1 11 84 且​-- 13,684 2,285 2,195 21 15 61 61 2,376 2,280 91 3 2 2,306 2,210 91 3 2 3 2 5,295 917 886 867 838 26 859 830 26 1 2 OO 1 1 1 ។ 1,442 330 320 275 271 48 Merrimac, Wood Brick Methuen Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Middleborough Wood Brick Stone: Cement or stucco All other Middlefield Wood Cement or stucco Middleton Wood Stone All other Milford Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Millbury Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Millis Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Milton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Monroe Wood All other Monson Wood Brick Stone: Cement or stucco All other Montaguo Wood Brick Cement or stucco Monterey Wood Brick Stone Montgomery Wood Mount Washington Wood Nahant Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 四孔​211 273 270 2 1 1 8,600 1,797 1,686 38 21 14 '90 79 38 32 1,669 1,575 34 9 44 7 1,648 1,561 27 9 44 7 57 7 296 57 56 1 46 45 45 11 11 1 I 5,004 816 796 18 39 24 15 任性​! 阴阳​3-11 864 842 19 1 1 1 44 7,925 1,335 1,126 205 1,162 - 957 201 4 7 6 1,135 935 196 4 166 163 3 ! 358 180 178 88 86 93 85 1 1 230 59 51 51 --៩៩ ផន ឌឌ --ះ៖ 95 29 29 22 . 1,387 22 309 301 2 10 407 402 లు నాలులు వస్తే ఆ 299 293 1 1 1 3 in WANT 1 3 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 117 TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS or Hab CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling itations Houses Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 3,166 Nantucket Wood Brick 1,514 1,506 8 841 839 2 820 818 2 21 21 664 658 6 11,119 136 136 2,344 2,313 15 11 5 2,135 2,114 9 40 2,164 2,137 14 8 Natick Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Noodham. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other New Ashford ' 2* i I-I *I ' 6,542 1,380 1,315 1,292 1,237 1,272 1,219 3 2 18 2 51 8 43 92 Wood . 34 34 22 22 22 22 12 12 109,568 344 333 - 13,243 13,119 49 12 23 40 2,183 2,105 1893 12,692 12,607 37 8 21 19 2,020 2,011 6 1 10 23,876 12,799 12,695 48 12 22 22 8,048 2,030 6 1 2 3 1,878 1,859 7 1 3 2 2,090 2,082 4 2 19,211 1,938 1,919 1,869 1,848 1 3 2 2,164 2,143 NO NEW BEDFORD Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward S Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1 3 2 2,084 2,078 NNONSOLOWN 11,768 ייייפּפּייייאאיייוסט יופייייפפרו-אא85-10 2 2 53-101110 1111111o1-ig II NI 10,999 8,186 2,097 14 4 2,060 2,027 14 2,020 2,003 71 65 17,854 2,451 2,421 4 6 76 71 2,564 2,517 5 2 11 19 2,354 2,338 12 4 1 2,467 2,425 5 2 10 15 2,288 2,272 12 2 1 1 88,860 9 15 2,268 2,246 10 2 453 97 95 92 90 2 92 90 2 New Braintree Wood Brick. Nowbury Wood Brick Cement or stucco 1,590 630 627 389 388 384 383 240 238 1 15,311 3,037 2,898 136 1 3,010 2,884 124 14 12 1 307 297 10 NEWBURYPORT Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Ward 2 Wood Brick 2,667 3,350 3,200 147 1 2 684 683 1 684 617 17 1 648 542 5.49 541 140 140 3,528 1 689 573 16 588 572 16 118 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion Total Habita- tions Unoccu- Dwelling pied Houses Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi. Construc- tations tion ANI Total Dwelling Houses Other 2,128 441 361 78 420 347 71 14 7 408 341 65 2 425 406 19 2,185 433 411 21 16 14 427 23 ܬܗܗ ܙ ܤܝܘܒܬܝܙ ܙ ܙ ܗܝܕܟ 2,618 541 525 16 699 587 12 504 488 16 548 537 11 504 488 16 643 536 7 2,360 1,030 335 333 2 265 263 2 265 263 2 625 213 206 6 179 174 5 175 170 5 32 31 13,113 119 328 305 70 2 15 6,614 14 2 29 29 7,956 NEWBURYPORT - Con. Ward s Wood Brick All other Ward Wood Brick Stone Ward 5 Wood Brick Ward 6 Wood Brick Now Marlborough Wood Brick Now Salem Wood Brick Cement or stucco NEWTON Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or ассо All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Norfolk Wood Brick Cement or stucco NORTH ADAMS Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 13 7,546 7,059 133 24 285 45 797 770 12 2 13 1,826 1,254 14 58 1,242 1,179 16 1 35 11 928 893 7,963 7,434 139 27 314 49 887 800 12 2 13 1,598 1,317 14 62 1,919 1,243 17 2 43 14 980 942 11 6 19 2 1,371 1,285 17 2 63 6,870 15 49 1 1 7,427 6,976 113 20 279 39 790 766 10 1 13 1,316 1,245 13 57 1,219 1,158 15 1 35 10 912 881 5 5 19 2 1,878 1,210 11 2 54 1 1,228 1,105 28 5 69 16 690 611 31 6 32 10 4,695 7 2 10 8 LINNA DONA-W-Icoco III, IV, YOU a - 7,074 16 13 No 6,963 1,829 1,191 35 7 77 19 744 656 33 8 20 18 1,296 1,219 16 2 55 4 1,269 1,129 33 6 73 18 698 615 33 8 32 10 如​红​11-1931-5194212129113- - 3,841 10 1,268 245 239 5 225 223 274 268 5 1 20 16 29 29 1 22,035 3,453 3,322 111 11 17 11 5 3,600 3,467 113 11 1 8 143 141 2 3,436 3,311 106 10 1 8 ITIN 8 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 119 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OP WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- | Habita- tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied or Hab- Dwelling Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 3,047 19 19 1 1 1 601 596 5 483 478 581 576 5 465 id 8,089 18 18 460 2,259 3,692 59 NORTE ADAMS - Con. Ward 1 Wood Brick Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 3 Wood Brick Ward 4 Wood Brick Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Ward 7 Wood Brick Stone 421 419 2 609 603 6 611 579 21 3 580 575 5 464 459 4 1 413 412 1 560 544 6 588 558 19 3 8 405 348 50 7 436 415 21 4 1 414 412 2 550 544 6 899 560 21 3 8 409 352 50 7 3,090 16 16 2,992 416 357 52 7 459 435 23 1 3,866 17 17 418 23 1 21,654 3,519 3,315 95 58 191 185 3 26 17 180 3,831 3,575 216 7 15 18 611 527 80 2 2 12 10 479 406 72 8,483 19 3 117 116 3,614 3,373 212 6 13 10 492 409 80 1 2 573 511 52 5 3 2 673 653 19 1 3,186 592 57 35 19 18 17 1 1 516 476 33 2 3 2 669 650 18 4,866 15 15 NORTHAMPTON Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 2 Wood : Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco North Andover Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 3,768 697 670 19 1 7 518 479 33 3 3 536 I 1 WCO I I CO CO II IAITAVIMAI IWO COLA UTILI I Iwth In 1 COCOVIIMOILII IN MODO II 601 463 32 3 3 587 508 14 490 456 28 3 3 2,686 523 515 504 14 14 8,183 6 478 464 10 5 456 444 9 5 463 441 21 19 2,042 3 899 392 6 389 382 392 385 6 1 5,956 54 63 6 6 1,218 1,201 13 2 2 1,158 1,142 12 2 2 1,152 1,136 12 2 2 9,398 North Attleborough Wood. Brick All other 1,866 1,856 6 15 1,773 1,766 5 2 1,757 1,751 5 3 120 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS — Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling pied Houses Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 1,797 460 433 23 1 3 426 401 21 423 398 21 1 3 ww ww 9,254 13 1,613 1,602 10 1 1,555 1,547 1,542 1,535 2,947 633 725 713 10 2 638 629 2 1,782 577 565 11 13 13 155 154 1 411 10 1 . 10 1,292 527 518 317 308 290 288 202 202 O 001 2 6 2,587 568 563 638 632 2 1 2 1 1,563 30** *99* ***- *' 'ons' ***** 513 512 1 -NIN comes ww wwe were 18-vas 441 440 1 434 10,977 1,730 1,702 1,721 1,694 Northborough Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Northbridge Wood Brick Stone North Brookfield Wood Brick Stone Northfield Wood Brick Cement or stucco North Reading Wood Brick Stone All other Norton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Norwell Wood Stone Norwood. Wood Brick Stone: Cement or stucco All other Oak Bluffs Wo Cement or stucco All other Oakham Wood Brick Stone. Cement or stucco All other Orange Wood Brick All other Orleans Wood Cement or stucco Otis Wood : Brick Oxford Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Palmer Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 15 11 48 1,793 1,761 8 1 21 2 20 1,245 924 921 2 1 350 347 2 574 574 342 2 527 136 130 26 26 1 162 156 1 1 1 3 1 5,379 15 15 1,245 1,229 15 1 1,159 1,144 14 1 1,144 1,129 14 1 1,166 506 505 1 338 337 1 334 333 1 163 163 442 204 118 117 203 117 116 1 1 3,476 711 700 6 676 667 28 681 670 6 2 2 I ona NCI III 1 9,468 1,435 1,411 12 1,329 1,311 12 1,311 1,295 11 18 16 95 on or No A.141 4 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 121 TABLE 13. DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Popula- tion Total Habita- tions Dwelling itations Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied or Hab- Houses Under or Habi- tations Construc tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other Paxton 471 Wood : 142 142 112 112 110 110 NN 28 28 2 18,625 15 10 40 40 89 2,870 2,842 24 2 2,741 2,713 24 2 2 2,726 2,703 19 2 2 499 145 139 6 125 125 120 120 14 14 1,337 681 679 382 380 368 366 1 14 14 296 296 Peabody Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Pelham Wood All other Pembroke Wood Brick Stone Popperell . Wood Brick Cement or stucco Peru. Wood Brick Cement or stucco Petorsham Wood Stone 2,839 86 84 792 776 14 2 No 706 692 12 2 700 686 12 2 ! 195 72 70 1 49 48 2 46 1 727 188 266 265 1 182 181 1 的​%1 , ," 390 104 Phillipston Wood Stone 150 149 1 103 102 46 46 . 39,607 6,984 6,545 285 6,470 6,064 67 35 471 448 10 6 180 178 6,080 1,028 6,403 6,029 246 3 94 31 1,016 977 27 3 9 964 920 31 13 5,944 Sa ****** ****** ' I*****983-=532 46 5,996 PITTSFIELD Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 928 880 20 2 19 105 45 1,219 1,174 29 3 13 1,034 975 37 18 4 978 924 22 2 20 8 1,086 962 67 1 45 11 1,068 1,034 17 1 9 7 915 865 41 9 686 611 72 sܞܝܙ ܙ ܘܬܣ ܙ ܙ ܟܗܣܗ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙܘܗܒܘܝܢ ܙ ܙ ܕܗ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܒܝܗܝܙܟ ܙܬ݁ܶܗܘܺܙ ܙ G奶​?ID。昭​1-15825481-11分​码​114-981-11--期​四​11 4,983 1,003 10 993 880 TTTTTTTriwi-TTINO ILI WA JINA I 41 5,529 60 990 964 15 1 8 2 870 1 8 4 876 825 41 9 6,278 824 4,873 ស-នឹង. 37 9 642 584 55 592 19 2 : 375 Plainfield Wood Brick 107 104 3 94 91 13 13 90 122 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tion tions Dwelling Unoccu- Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 1,408 340 362 357 21 21 336 341 336 2 1 2 NO. 1 1 1 2 Plainville Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Plymouth Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 12,926 2,966 2,941 19 3 3 50 2,397 2,376 18 1 2 2,338 2,326 10 WIOS 561 557 1 2 1 co ou III 1 0 0 2 599 199 199 169 169 155 155 14 14 299 82 22 104 101 3 2 80 2 78 2 800 74 . 285 277 6 2 208 201 5 2 208 201 5 2 4,295 1,106 1,106 930 930 921 921 9 40,674 1,376 1,366 105 97 49 6,943 6,843 19 8 53 20 1,452 1,404 13 7,505 6 30 23 8,424 8,306 20 8 62 28 2,476 2,419 13 1 32 11 1,002 992 3 7 1,115 1,111 2 1 1 918 912 5 Plympton Wood . Prescott Wood Brick Princeton Wood Brick Cement or stucco Provincetown . Wood . QUINCY Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward Wood Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 4 Wood Stone Cement or stucco Ward 5 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Randolph Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Raynham Wood Brick 6,885 6,794 12 7 53 19 1,428 1,384 10 1 29 4 949 941 2 6 1,073 1,072 ** *5* *** *'''**''**' 6,777 29 5 958 950 2 7,868 14 UTICCOLINOSI I WOT NOOIT OOIT WIN 6,962 6,887 1,082 1,078 2 1 1 891 885 5 1 1,485 1,470 3 3 9 1,075 1,056 1 1 17 1,649 1,629 10 $3 33 1 888 882 5 1 1,475 1,462 1 3 9 1,072 1,053 1 1 17 131 126 1 3 1 169 167 6 10 1,264 1,243 1 1 19 5,685 4,734 10 1,110 1,098 1,020 1,009 4 1,010 1,001 2 81 80 IT 1 1,810 433 432 1 393 392 1 386 386 33 33 1 6,805 1,523 1,513 24 24 1,605 1,594 1 10 69 69 12 1,499 1,489 1 9 9 Reading Wood Brick Cement or stucco Rehoboth Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 2,228 1 519 512 3 498 491 480 473 18 18 18 18 సిసలు సం సనలు NNW DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 123 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Popula- tion Total Habita- tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 25,178 41 38 691 684 56 51 3,501 3,409 45 2 3,542 3,447 48 2 42 3 719 708 1 4,628 242 241 4,289 4,182 49 2 51 5 968 956 1 10 1 807 782 17 8 899 869 3 714 703 1 9 1 789 717 15 7 6,203 20 747 723 17 REVERE Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward S Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 24 6,692 846 TILTOOI OOITTOOINOOI I en all I WOTE 38 38 ומוזיבייייי 1-88 בייבי אוי 855 827 7 19 2 776 752 22 sܫܕ ܙ ܒܬܟܨܝܢ ܙ ܙ ܙ8ܬܵܙ ܙ ܗܝ ܙܝܙܝܙܞܞܝܕܝܙܗܟ ܙ ܙ ܙܝܕ 818 1 6,498 19 2 765 743 21 10 22 22 18 16 20 3 816 790 23 2 800 785 1 2 11 loomine on , 2,167 487 428 849 344 564 133 128 45 Richmond Wood Brick Cement or stucco 180 174 2 4 WO 129 125 2 2 ܕ ܙܝܙ Rochester Wood 1,160 : 334 334 282 282 279 279 51 51 3 7,074 1,579 1,567 1 1,518 1,507 1 17 16 57 57 1,501 1,491 1 6 3 4,351 Rockland Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Rockport. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Rowe Wood All other 948 937 928 919 1 20 18 1,278 1,264 3 10 1 323 321 ܕ݁ܳܗܰܟܬ ܙ ܙ 2 124 !!! 131 130 1 99 98 1 96 95 1 30 30 3 1,481 47 Rowloy Wood Brick Stone 407 403 3 1 358 355 3 355 353 2 862 Royalston Wood Brick All other 203 200 2 61 61 264 261 2 1 198 196 2 . I 1,104 165 164 1 192 189 1 2 155 154 1 10 10 . - Russell Wood Brick All other Rutland Wood : Brick Cement or stucco 1,895 294 288 3 3 24 21 250 245 2 3 226 224 2 43 1 3 37,200 69 49 18 2 208 202 6 129 80 28 SALEM Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 1 Wood : Brick 5,264 5,005 197 7 55 831 783 48 4,927 4,723 163 7 34 687 643 44 4,858 4,674 145 5 34 668 627 35 7,252 188 25 16 -១៥ , 135 3 124 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS — Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- tations Construo tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 7,028 11 18 16 1,023 975 42 6 497 4,280 17 14 2 6,809 SALEM-Con. Ward 2 Wood Brick Stone Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 4 Wood : Brick Cement or stucco Ward 5 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Salisbury Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 1,042 992 44 6 618 474 37 7 881 854 26 1 948 875 38 35 1,044 1,027 17 12 1,018 969 39 4 494 455 33 6 850 830 19 1 889 791 19 19 1,011 1,002 6 867 842 24 1 899 801 19 19 1,014 1,005 IT I CO I 160II CONGO AIIAN INI 8,181 25 49 19 16 14 6 4 6,216 18 16 1 12 1 8 1 8 1,717 411 942 937 436 435 501 497 410 1 3 564 182 179 Sandisfield Wood Brick Stone 149 147 1 1 145 143 1 1,500 513 508 2 394 389 1121-- 387 384 118 118 Ilon III I COCO 1 1 1 Sandwich Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Saugus Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 10,226 2,357 2,334 8 2,149 2,129 6 14 13 178 177 16 15 2,163 2,142 7 1 3 10 IIIO 3 4 10 Savoy 524 Wood : : 146 146 131 131 15 15 ន” ដី ៩៩”។ ឪ៖ 2,661 1,444 1,435 3 724 724 Scituate Wood Stone Cement or stucco All other 3 714 708 3 3 III 2 2,767 624 618 2 17 16 1 Seekonk Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 581 576 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2,468 545 532 99 98 15 Sharon Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 669 652 1 1 11 562 547 1 1 9 7611 -- 1,862 526 515 10 454 444 Sheffield Wood Brick Stone 2 2 458 448 9 1 66 65 1 1 1,484 351 329 14 338 319 13 335 318 12 11 10 II Shelburne Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other నిలుచుంది NICO IIW WA 3 2 3 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 125 TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS . - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- tations Construc- tion Total Dwelling Houses AN Other 1,696 36 333 326 3 289 285 36 Sherborn Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 292 286 3 1 2 INWON 2,251 366 358 18 26 26 Shirley Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 410 393 13 2 384 367 13 2 1 1 Ol! 6 2 IN HINOO 2,794 581 559 28 22 239 238 856 827 10 2 Shrewsbury Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Shutesbury Wood All other 609 581 10 2 ៩នួន១១១ Non 292 116 115 1 ។ ៨៨ 31 31 9 । 3,377 749 744 2 Somerset Wood Brick Stone All other 2 1 667 663 2 18 18 669 664 2 1 2 ៩ខ ។ III 200 2 1 1 86,854 73 57 13 333 323 10 83 71 2 10 2 1 12 8 11,953 91 20 18 19,686 12,751 12,489 184 2 71 5 1,806 1,753 43 10 1,643 1,624 19 1,224 1,179 44 1 1,350 1,328 22 1,932 1,887 32 1 11 60 59 1 17 17 12,262 12,038 159 2 59 4 1,683 1,639 38 6 1,878 1,554 18 1,197 1,153 43 1 1,318 1,295 17 1,874 1,837 25 1 11 8,041 SOMERVILLE Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood: Brick Cement or stucco Ward Wood Brick Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 4 Wood Brick Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Southampton . Wood Brick Stone All other 8,468 12,335 12,095 172 2 61 5 1,695 1,647 40 8 1,681 1,563 18 1,205 1,160 44 1 1,820 1,299 21 1,881 1,841 27 1 11 1 2,132 2,109 10 1 10 2 2,521 2,476 12 31 2 ssܣ ܙ ܒܨܝܙܬܣܒܨܒܨܣܣ ܙ ܤܕܝܕ ܙ ܤܣܚܫܒܨ ܙ ܙܝܙܬܘܝܕ ܙ ܙ ܙܞܝܘ ܙ ܙ 28 27 1 61 46 I 0018 IV INNOITTITUINDI INDOI NHO NI 881 19,196 15,661 2,118 2,096 2,165 2,140 12 1 10 2 2,631 2,578 12 39 2 16,959 10 2 2,506 2,464 9 31 2 15 12 62 62 950 255 244 8 221 210 8 34 34 220 210 8 2 QO1 1 1,898 436 431 418 416 2 تترون جي 415 413 2 18 15 1 ISO 2 Southborough Wood Brick Cement or stucco Southbridge Wood Brick Stone 14,217 26 21 1,785 1,732 52 1 1,746 1,693 1,720 1,672 52 1 47 1 nie 126 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 5,179 874 807 58 19 9 47 2 1 . 1,365 299 298 1 19 19 14 14 5,994 1,133 1,122 11 1,081 1,070 51 51 102,971 13,147 154 183 67 110 425 382 28 2 12 116 15 11,663 13,330 11,758 1,258 10 185 119 1,328 1,220 82 1 16 3 1,748 1,416 324 8 13,909 12,234 1,306 13 221 135 1,383 1,279 84 1 16 3 1,796 1,456 331 8 1 1,219 745 461 3 335** *** 33*** *** *** '*8****** 1,212 15 19,844 1,728 South Hadley Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Southwick Wood All other Sponcer Wood Brick SPRINGFIELD Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 2 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 4 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 8 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 307 8 10,668 1,162 706 1,090 688 392 2 72 18 52 16 1 2 13,318 A CONS 7 2,003 1,897 98 1 3 6 1,989 1,890 14 99 1 3 ***-***-'oni-inii 100milgomilno o*" per III koolia Siwicow w i 9,922 19 1,692 1,567 105 65 83 7 2,050 1,941 100 2 3 4 1,773 1,638 113 5 7 10 1,571 1,348 136 71 16 1,706 1,560 9 68 69 2,411 2,267 72 12 10,864 1 15 11 3 1,497 1,292 126 64 15 1,596 1,473 7 57 1,678 1,561 93 4 7 8 1,482 1,281 123 63 15 1,595 1,473 6 57 59 2,284 2,173 61 9,753 55 52 35 59 2 1 72 65 16,945 29 2,310 2,187 72 26 14 11 25 21 1,403 Sterling Wood Brick Cement or stucco 170 170 512 506 4 2 ***** 3*** 9:30-12 341 336 4 1 1,901 105 14 14 Stockbridge Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 557 520 13 2 14 8 434 414 9 1 5 5 WO- 7,489 11 1,576 1,564 1,567 1,555 Stoneham Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 1,646 1,630 3 59 58 2 3 11 Iing DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 127 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- tations Construc- tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 6,982 1,528 1,512 1,409 1,397 1,394 1,384 15 13 2 106 104 Stoughton Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 13 11 8 6 1,127 162 1 Stow Wood All other 123 422 1 260 260 257 257 162 1,618 136 423 8 380 369 8 Sturbridge Wood Brick Stone All other wiciens 52 51 366 3 3 3 1,206 . 343 339 299 295 294 291 1 2 2 Sudbury Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Sunderland Wood Brick Cement or stucco A411-HB-1 1,278 228 221 6 213 206 6 13 13 213 206 6 1 M. 2,829 Sutton Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 591 575 10 547 531 10 543 527 10 4 7,345 . 1,505 1,470 8 1,486 1,451 8 19 19 189 183 12 12 Swampscott Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,706 1,665 9 1 28 3 NW imie 25 ཚབཙྪ༌ ཉྩམས 2,558 569 562 564 559 327 327 Swansea Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 901 894 2 1 III eron I 36,161 5,535 5,452 64 58 39 13 137 133 20 18 4 8 9,813 15 15 5,593 5,491 77 8 5 12 745 742 2 1 618 499 14 2 3 411 394 13 3,280 5,750 5,642 81 8 5 14 766 763 2 1 627 508 14 2 3 420 402 14 1 3 956 939 12 1 3 894 889 4 8 743 740 2 1 505 491 10 2 2 403 390 12 13 8 3,285 TAUNTON Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 2 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 8 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 5 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Ward 7 Wood Brick 8 说​4-1-BB199111981-181-1BB--B1B- UNIT ITO ITAMII I CO LITTLTTTTTTTOONITI 4,901 eros IIIIIIIINO ONI OCI IN 11 10 5,771 3 909 894 11 1 3 878 873 3 2 607 599 5 3 697 636 1 16 15 1 898 884 10 1 3 874 869 3 2 607 599 5 3 831 631 3,839 18 630 621 6 3 652 651 1 3,945 15 15 128 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling pied Houses Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses ANI Other 7,527 869 888 854 28 874 848 22 13 12 1 ల-- 2 4,081 843 35 TAUNTON-Con. Ward 8 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Templeton Wood Brick All other Tewksbury Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 776 761 11 wwcome come on 741 735 5 64 Bwane 10 5,265 638 606 407 400 181 180 452 421 20 6 3 2 1 1,324 329 327 177 177 Tisbury Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Tolland Wood Stone 517 513 1 1 1 1 338 334 1 1 III INN 199 85 84 1 48 47 1 37 37 47 1,173 261 257 297 292 2 1 2 ܟܫܝ ܬܝܕܝܕܟܨ 259 255 1 35 2 1,812 479 532 526 6 492 486 6 13 13 473 40 - 663 321 317 4 173 173 171 171 INN 147 144 3 Topsfield. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Townsend Wood Brick Truro Wood Cement or stucco Tyngsborough Wood Brick Stone All other Tyringham Wood Brick Cement or stucco Upton Wood : Brick 967 417 411 2 3 239 233 2 238 232 175 175 عددا من مم --- 绍​。'%231 421-如​机​!别​% 327 74 73 17 15 . 92 89 1 2 2,036 483 482 1 457 456 1 452 451 1 4,921 873 831 36 Uxbridge Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 930 885 39 4 1 1 881 839 36 4 1 1 i Ulica 12,781 2,429 2,386 10 2,315 2,277 Wakefield Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 17 14 2,332 2,291 10 26 5 43-- 28 26 5 5 337 109 101 61 61 171 163 7 1 108 101 6 1 1 . Wales Wood Brick Stone Walpole Wood Stone Cement or stucco All other 5,490 1,028 1,012 63 63 1,099 1,083 3 12 1 1,017 1,002 2 12 -సలు 111 00 00 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 129 TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under Construo tations tion Total AU Dwelling Houses Other or Habi- 30,154 61 4,941 4,824 123 121 34 28 27 45 2 4,817 4,880 4,794 39 2 44 1 926 891 4 31 640 528 10 10 10 4,782 28 18 ཙྪ“བྦ©བྷིམྨོཙཙྩཙྪ-ཁ'ཉྩཥྛགྷཱབྷཱུ་ 19 2 4,530 WALTHAM Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 2 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 3 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 4 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco Ward 5 Wood Brick Stone All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood All other 10 5,098 4,973 68 3 49 5 962 926 4 32 616 580 30 1 3 2 714 699 13 2 788 723 8 1 6 581 566 12 1 2 929 922 1 6 568 557 1 690 678 10 2 716 705 6 LITT-NICON I COOCII-a iwvõi li with a man 8 4,101 3,950 4 569 554 12 4 656 546 9 1 6,188 2 908 902 906 900 3,391 5 647 546 1 647 546 1 WITH IT IT''19' in 88- Septon' ng Soon! Sen ESNR. 9,346 Waro. Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,377 1,313 65 14 10 1,343 1,279 55 2 1,329 1,269 51 2 3 3 5,176 710 1,988 1,988 1,271 1,271 1,241 1,241 30 30 } Wareham. Wood. Warren Wood Brick 6,268 810 772 38 739 702 37 730 695 477 Warwick Wood : 152 152 120 120 117 117 275 Washington Wood Stone 91 90 1 65 1 83- 16,515 2,762 2,548 Watertown Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 2,953 2,698 63 184 8 2,713 2,523 31 153 6 72 58 1 12 1 153 2,033 Wayland Wood Brick 544 542 2 440 439 1 439 438 1 12,565 11 10 Wobster Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco 1,550 1,480 47 16 7 1,472 1,406 45 15 6 1,463 1,402 41 15 5 1 6,439 IX 1,320 1,227 20 18 15 Wellesley Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 55 1,394 1,297 20 1,252 1,177 11 1 54 22 1 45 18 ܝ 53 19 130 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unocou- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- tations Construo- tion Total Dwelling Houses ANI Other 936 495 494 1 291 290 1 288 287 1 204 204 388 98 133 133 100 100 និន្ត” នន នន្ត” 1,068 309 295 242 231 2 237 226 NO Ilonon Inmiddels 8 2 5,925 921 886 30 4 1 873 838 30 48 48 825 809 12 3 1 18 1 1,318 293 291 2 293 291 2 290 289 1 Wellfleet Wood Cement or stucco Wendell Wood Wenham Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Westborough Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other West Boylston Wood Brick West Bridgewater Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other West Brookfield Wood Brick All other Westfield Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Westford Wood Brick Stone All other 2,741 658 650 1 609 601 1 608 600 1 36 36 13 13 1 1,288 380 375 319 314 311 306 1 18,411 21 19 1 10 2,941 2,756 157 2 14 12 2,827 2,655 146 2 12 12 2,760 2,610 127 2 11 10 何​幻​9-12 1 - 2,843 632 627 532 528 523 519 93 93 6 ។ 3 430 如​昭​!昭​? w奶​!31 www522 M625 106 106 98 98 8 8 98 1,594 388 388 321 321 311 311 10 10 66 66 1,529 423 414 380 371 5 379 370 Westhampton . Wood Westminster Wood West Newbury Wood Brick Stone All other Weston Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 40 40 | - MRO 22 2,342 540 2 493 466 6 474 454 19 12 45 44 15 15 5 ond 3,262 763 762 756 755 Westport Wood Stone Cement or stucco All other 10 6 1,126 1,120 1 1 353 352 1 Alio 11 11,339 52 49 39 27 West Springfield Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 1,928 1,844 38 40 6 1,837 1,768 38 26 5 1,825 1,763 33 26 3 ܘܘܗ ܙ ܟܬ هرون | 11 1 1,277 340 331 6 West Stockbridge Wood Brick Stone 13 13 296 287 6 29 29 309 300 6 3 I INN DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 131 TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED Total Total Popula- Habita- tions Dwelling Unoccu- Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- itations Houses Under or Habi- tations Construc- tion tion Total Dwelling Houses All Other 441 200 133 133 132 132 1 West Tisbury Wood Brick Westwood Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,448 365 353 wawwe 316 305 3 305 294 说​,3152 43 ܐܣܝܘܟܨ 2 13,969 3,762 3,752 3 33 33 628 628 Weymouth Wood Stone Cement or stucco All other 22 20 3,112 3,104 3 5 3,079 3,071 3 5 'ia 2 1,118 1 2 219 218 1 208 207 1 207 206 1 INN 7,520 13 1,657 1,655 1 1,597 1,595 1 13 59 Whately Wood Brick Whitman . Wood Brick Cement or stucco Wilbraham Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,584 1,582 1 1 || 2,521 6 421 385 378 342 337 22 22 1 2,118 469 26 443 438 5 434 430 8 1 . Williamsburg Wood Brick Williamstown . Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ti iwe ook vriende 3,981 woon www oh oh 912 878 Name Meaning in the motion 854 823 839 813 15 10 I INWB & . 2,330 869 856 559 552 19 18 $***** *** ****** ******* **** 284 284 26 20 534 5,908 Wilmington Wood Stone Cement or stucco All other Winchondon Wood Brick Winchester Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 1,130 1,223 1,221 2 1,154 1,152 2 2 1 10,005 1,889 18 15 6 1 2,014 1,893 24 1 74 22 1,897 1,783 22 1 71 20 Ion Co 1 375 96 1 33 Windsor Wood Brick Stone 129 126 1 1 12,758 321 320 15 15 Winthrop Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other 2,624 2,578 20 25 1 2,288 2,243 19 25 1 2,241 2,199 16 25 1 G43-- 16,410 12 15 13 117 117 WOBURN Wood . Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward Wood : : 3,253 3,230 7 15 1 605 501 2 2 605 605 2,892 3,124 3,102 7 14 1 493 489 2 2 585 585 3,109 3,089 5 14 1 491 488 1 2 584 II INC H111111144 3,264 12 12 16 16 584 132 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 13. — DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS - Continued. - OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- tations Construo tion Total Dwelling Houses AU Other 2,738 654 550 2 6SS 529 2 18 18 2,806 1 564 552 19 19 1 578 575 1 2 296 293 1,426 636 532 2 1 1 567 554 1 2 875 272 3 463 460 3 216 210 2 3 IIIIII o INC III WC 20 20 2,357 483 2 870 267 3 488 459 3 215 210 2 3 18 18 480 994 232 226 14 4 162,697 16,550 15,527 882 22 113 507 459 149 125 14 14,243 16,770 15,640 977 13 100 40 1,979 1,916 24 19 13 1,780 1,616 90 5 5 17,426 16,224 1,008 14 124 56 2,054 1,981 28 25 14 1,871 1,753 93 5 8 12 1,778 1,432 330 1 2 97 35 1,958 1,908 19 18 13 1,690 1,604 77 2 $4354851 16,836 SO 191 125 WOBURN - Con. Ward S Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 5 Wood Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Cement or stucco Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco WORCESTER . Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 1 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward : Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Wards Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 4. Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 6 Wood Brick Cement or stucco Ward 6 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 7 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 8 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other Ward 9 Wood Brick Cement or stucco All other Ward 10 Wood Brick Stone Cement or stucco All other 24,345 1,720 1,389 321 1 2 2 1,660 1,368 282 1 2 18,997 AI I 1-200ML LINCOL 1155INI12--, rimasto WT-NIEBIE I NOCI NILII NULLIT 1,614 1,572 39 2 1,603 1,565 35 21,727 1 1,693 1,665 27 1,704 1,675 28 1 1,615 1,594 7 2 12 15,844 11-11 TRI-III 1.6 tonia, Soon 1,604 1,588 WITORII INI WILL LIEN I WEB ཝཨ ་ 10 1,667 1,620 40 3 4 1,732 1,703 28 1 1,671 1,645 8 3 14 1 1,941 1,927 8 4 2 1,327 1,161 151 3 6 6 1,480 1,303 173 3 1 1,911 1,693 149 13,758 1,875 1,861 8 12,371 2 1,301 1,143 1,861 1,849 6 4 2 1,281 1,130 139 2 6 20 145 3 6 12,862 28 12 16 25 24 12,894 1,446 1,271 171 3 1 1,803 1,603 144 1,418 1,259 155 3 1 1,782 1,591 138 2 58 9 2 46 2 46 5 DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS. 133 TABLE 13. - DWELLING HOUSES AND OTHER HABITATIONS Concluded. OCCUPIED HABITATIONS CITIES AND TOWNS AND Total Total MATERIAL OF WHICH HABITATIONS Popula- Habita- ARE CONSTRUCTED tion tions Unoccu- Dwelling Houses pied Dwelling or Hab- Houses itations Under or Habi- Construc- tations tion Total Dwelling Houses AN Other Worthington Wood 618 144 201 201 145 i 56 56 145 144 2,414 436 430 5 415 415 21 15 45 45 483 477 5 1 . Wrentham Wood Brick Cement or stucco Yarmouth Wood Cement or stucco All other 1,415 765 763 1 1 447 447 447 447 314 312 1 1 134 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS ALPHABETICAL LIST OF UNINCORPORATED VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS HAVING DISTINCTIVE DESIGNATIONS SHOWING MUNICIPALITY AND COUNTY IN WHICH SITUATED. VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Abbott Village Abbottville Aberdeen Academy Hill Academy Hill Accord Acoaxet Acre Acton Center Acushnet Station Adams Corners Adamsdale Adams Shore Adamsville Adamsville Agawam Center Akins Corner Alandar Albee Corners Albeeville Aldenville. Aldrich District Aldrichville Aldrich ville Algeria Allen's Corner Allen's Corner Allen's Corner Allen ville Allerton Allston Allston Heights Almont Alpine Place Amesbury Ferry Amherst City Ammidown Amostown Anawan Andover Village Andrew Square Angier's Corner Annasnappet Annisquam Antassawomock Appletons Apple Valley Apponegansett Aquashenet Argilla Arlington District Arlington District Arlington Heights Armory Armory Hill Armory Village . Arnoldsville Arsenal Artichoke Asbury Grove Ashby Center Ashcroft Ashdod Ashfield Plain Ashley Falls Ashleyville Ashmont Ashumet Pond Aspinwall Hill Assabet Park Assinippi Assi nippi Assonet Assonet Neck Athol Center Athol Junction Atlantic Atlantic Atlantic Hill Attitash Andover North Reading BOSTON BOSTON Westminster Norwell Westport Clinton Acton NEW BEDFORD Northbridge North Attleborough QUINCY Colrain Milton Agawam Westport Mount Washington Charlton Mendon CHICOPEE Uxbridge Millbury Sutton Otis Amesbury Marion Walpole WOBURN Hull BOSTON BOSTON Tewksbury Franklin Amesbury Amherst Southbridge West Springfield Rehoboth Andover BOSTON NEWTON Carver GLOUCESTER Mattapoisett Ipswich Ashfield Dartmouth Mashpee Ipswich LAWRENCE Methuen Arlington SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Millbury Adams Watertown NEWBURYPORT Hamilton Ashby Dedham Duxbury Ashfield Sheffield West Springfield BOSTON Falmouth Brookline Maynard Hanover Norwell Freetown Berkley Athol SPRINGFIELD QUINCY SALEM Hull Amesbury Essex Middlesex Suffolk Suffolk Worcester Plymouth Bristol Worcester Middlesex Bristol Worcester Bristol Norfolk Franklin Norfolk Hampden Bristol Berkshire Worcester Worcester Hampden Worcester Worcester Worcester Berkshire Essex Plymouth Norfolk Middlesex Plymouth Suffolk Suffolk Middlesex Norfolk Essex Hampshire Worcester Hampden Bristol Essex Suffolk Middlesex Plymouth Essex Plymouth Essex Franklin Bristol Barnstable Essex Essex Essex Middlesex Hampden Hampden Worcester Berkshire Middlesex Essex Essex Middlesex Norfolk Plymouth Franklin Berkshire Hampden Suffolk Barnstablo Norfolk Middlesex Plymouth Plymouth Bristol Bristol Worcester Hampden Norfolk Essex Plymouth Essex VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 135 1 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated North Attleborough Auburn NEWTON • Auburn Whitman Mattapoisett LOWELL HAVERHILL Bristol Worcester Middlesex Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Middlesex Essex Attleboro Falls Auburn Center Auburndale Auburn Station Auburnville Aucoote Ayers City Ayers Village Babbatassett Babcock Hill Back Bay Baconsville Bailey's Hill Baker Bridge Baker Hill Baker's Corner : Baker's Island Bakerville Bald Mountain . Baldpate Baldwin Baldwid Hill Baldwinsville Ballard Hill Ballard Vale Ball's Corner Bancroft Bancroft Baptist Corner Baptist Village Barber Hill Barber's Barden Hills Bardwell Bardwell's Ferry Bare Hill Barker Hili Barkers Barkerville Barleyneck Barnardville Barneyville Barrack Hill Barre Center Barre Falls Barre Four Corners Barre Plains Barrett's Junction Barrowsville Barry's Corner Bartlett's Bartlett's Village Bartonville Bass Point Bass River Bags Rocks Bates Pond Batesville, Battery Bayberry Hill Baylies Corner Bayside Bay State Village Bay View Bay View Bay View Bay View Beach Bluff Beachmont Beach View Beacon Park Beacon Park Beaconsfield Station Bean Porridge Hill Bearcroft Bearfoot District Bear Hill Bear Hole Bear Mountain Bear Town Beaver Beaver Beaver Brook Beaver Meadow Becket Center Bedford Springs Beech Grove Pepperell . Brookline BOSTON Pelham Saugus Lincoln MALDEN Seekonk SALEM Dartmouth Bernardston Georgetown Tewksbury Egremont Templeton Lancaster Andover Acushnet Becket Middlefield Ashfield East Longmeadow Warwick WORCESTER Middleborough Shelburne Shelburne Harvard Townsend Plymouth PITTSFIELD Orleans WORCESTER Swansea Rutland Barre Barre Barre Barre Belchertown Norton BOSTON Pelham Oxford Dalton Nahant Yarmouth GLOUCESTER Carver Goshen Winthrop : Townsend Charlton Hull NORTHAMPTON BOSTON Dartmouth GLOUCESTER Weymouth Swampscott REVERE Saugus BOSTON Webster Brookline Westminster ATTLEBORO Charlton Merrimao. TAUNTON Wendell Great Barrington East Bridgewater NORTH ADAŃS WALTHAM Leyden Becket Bedford PITTSFIELD Middlesex Norfolk Suffolk Hampshire Essex Middlesex Middlesex Bristol Essex Bristol Franklin Essex Middlesex Berkshire Worcester Worcester Essex Bristol Berkshire Hampshire Franklin Hampden Franklin Worcester Plymouth Franklin Franklin Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Berkshire Barnstable Worcester Bristol Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Hampshire Bristol Suffolk Hampshire Worcester Berkshire Essex Barnstable Essex Plymouth Hampshire Suffolk Middlesex Worcester Plymouth Hampshire Suffolk Bristol Essex Norfolk Essex Suffolk Essex Suffolk Worcester Norfolk Worcester Bristol Worcester F8sex Bristol Franklin Berkshiro Plymouth Berkshire Middlesex Franklin Berkshire Middlesex Berkshire 136 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Beech Hill Beech Hill Beech Hill Beech Hill Beech Plain Beechwood Beechwood Beechwoods Bel Air Belcher's Corner Belchertown Center Belle Grove Bello Isle Belleville Belleville Bellevile Bellevue Bellevue Heights Bellevue Park Bellingham Center Bellingham Four Corners Bellingham Junction Bell Rock Belvidere Bemis Bennett Hall Benton Hill Berkley Bridge Berkley Common Berkshire Berkshire Heights Berlin Station Berryman's Four Corners Berry's Corner Beulah Beulah Park Beverly Cove Beverly Farms Bigelow Hollow Billerica Center Billington Sea Birch Meadow Birchville Bird Island Bisbeeg Bisbee's Corner Blackburn Village Blackinton Black Rock Blackwater Blake's Hill Blanchardville Blandford Center Blaneyville Bleachery Bleachery Bleachery Bleachery Station Bliss Corner Bliss ville Blithewood Bloomingdale Blubber Hollow Blue Hill Blue Hills Blue Hill Terrace Blue Meadow Bobbin Hollow Bobbinsville Bofat Hill. Bogue. Bolton Center Bolton Station Bondsville Bonny Rig Border City Bostonville Boulevard Heights Bournedale Bowen's Corners Bowenville Bowlder Grange Boylston Boylston Center Bozrah Bradford Bradley Bradley Farm Bradstreet. Blandford Granville, Warwick Westminster Sandisfield Cohasset Scituate Lakeville PITTSFIELD Stoughton Belchertown Dracut BOSTON NEW BEDFORD NEWBURYPORT BOSTON QUINCY Oak Bluffs BROCKTON Bellingham Bellingham Bellingham MALDEN LOWELL Watertown Billerica Becket Berkley Berkley Lanesborough Great Barrington Berlin Westport Charlton Westport Randolph BEVERLY. BEVERLY North Brookfield Billerica Plymouth Merrimac . Huntington Marion Chesterfield Rochester Ashburnham NORTH ADAMS Cohasset Kingston Plainville Palmer Blandford North Attleborough LOWELL Peabody SOMERVILLE WALTHAM Dartmouth Orange WORCESTER WORCESTER SALEM WALTHAM Milton Milton Belcbertown Pelham Pelham Chesterfield Barre Bolton Bolton Palmer Becket FALL RIVER Wellesley MEDFORD Bourne Adams Fall RIVER Becket BOSTON Boylston Hawley HAVERHILL WORCESTER Methuen Hatfield Hampden Hampden Franklin Worcester Berkshire Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Berkshire Norfolk Hampshire Middlesex Suffolk Bristol Essex Suffolk Norfolk Dukes Plymouth Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Berkshire Bristol Bristol Berkshire Berkshire Worcester Bristol Worcester Bristol Norfolk Essex Essex Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Essex Hampshire Plymouth Hampshire Plymouth Worcester Berkshire Norfolk Plymouth Norfolk Hampden Hampden Bristol Middlesex Essex Middlesex Middlesex Bristol Franklin Worcester Worcester Essex Middlesex Norfolk Norfolk Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Worcester Wrocester Worcester Hampden Berkshire Bristol Norfolk Middlesex Barnstable Berkshire Bristol Berkshire Suffolk Worcester Franklin Essex Worcester Essex Hampshire VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 137 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Bragg Hill Braggville Braggville Braggville Braintree Highlands Braley's Bramanville Brandon Brant Island Brant Point Brant Rock Brattle Station Brayton Point Braytonville Brennon's Hill Brewer's Corner Brewster Station Brian Hill. Briar Lane Brick Alley Brick Bottom Brick City Brickett Hill Bridgewater Iron Works Bridgewater Junction Brier Brier Hill Briggs' Corner Briggsville Brighton Brightside. Brightwood Brimfield Center Brimstone Hill Brittaniaville Broad Cove Brockton Heights Brookline Hills . Brookline Village Brookside Brookside Brookside Brookside Brookside Brooks' Station Brooks' Village Brookville. Brookville. Broomshire Brownell's Corner Brown's Crossing Brown's Crossing Brush Hill Brush Valley Bryantville Bryantville Buckland Center Buckland Four Corners Buck's Village Buffum's Buffum's Corner Buffumville Bullard ville Bull's Eye Crossing Bumkin Island . Bumpus Corner Burdickville Burditt Hill Burke Flat Burke's Corner Burkinshaw Burkville Burleigh Burling Mills Burnt Hill Burrage Burrageville Burt's Corner Burtt's Bush Bush Corner Bush Factory Butlerville Buxton Buzzard's Bay Byfield Byfield Parish : Cadman's Corner Calf Island Westminster Holliston Medway Milford Braintree Freetown Millbury Dudley Mattapoisett Nantucket Marshfield Arlington Somerset NORTH ADAMS Lanesborough QUINCY Brewster Ashfield Wellfileet Mendon SOMERVILLE Leicester HAVERHILL Bridgewater Bridgowater Savoy Ashfield : ATTLEBORO Clarksburg BOSTON HOLYOKE SPRINGFIELD Brimfield. Ware TAUNTON Hingham. BROCKTON Brookline Brookline Charlton Dracut Great Barrington Southbridge Westford Princeton Templeton FALL RIVER Holbrook. Conway Westport East Bridgewater Wilmington Milton Warwick Hanson Pembroke Buckland Buckland Millbury Charlton SALEM Oxford Winchendon Middleborough Hull BROCKTON NORTH ADAMS Clinton Bernardston Rowley Pepperell Conway Palmer Millbury Heath Hanson Ashburnham Berkley Tewksbury BROCKTON Middleton Norfolk Wilbraham Williamstown Bourne Newbury . Georgetown Westport :| Hull Worcester Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Norfolk Bristol Worcester Worcester Plymouth Nantucket Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Berkshire Berkshire Norfolk Barnstable Franklin Barnstable Worcester Middlesex Worcester Essex Plymouth Plymouth Berkshire Franklin Bristol Berkshire Suffolk Hampden Hampden Hampden Hampshire Bristol Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk Norfolk Worcester Middlesex Berkshire Worcester Middlesex Worcester Worcester Bristol Norfolk Franklin Bristol Plymouth Middlesex Norfolk Franklin Plymouth Plymouth Franklin Franklin Worcester Worcester Essex Worcester Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Berkshire Worcester Franklin Essex Middlesex Franklin Hampden Worcester Franklin Plymouth Worcester Bristol Middlesex Plymouth Essex Norfolk Hampden Berkshire Barnstable Essex Essex : : : Bristol Plymouth 138 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated California Calumet Cambridgeport Campello Camp Ground Camp Ground Camp Station Canada Candlewood Cannonville Cannonville Canterbury Canton Center Canton Corner Canton Farms Canton Junction Cape Poge Caper Corner Captain's Hill Carlestein Carlisle Station Carlisle Station Carltonville Carltonville Carpenter Hill Carpet Mill Carterville Cary Hill Caryville Castle Hill Castle Island Castle Park Castle Village Catamount Hill Cataumet Cato District Catville Cayenne Cedar Cedar Grove Cedar Hill Cedarville Center Marshfield Center Village Centerville Central District Central Hill Central Square Central Village Central Village Centralville Centre Hill Centreville Centreville Centreville Centreville Centreville Chace's Chaffee Chaffinville Chamberlain's Corner Chapaquoit Chapel Station Chapinsville Chapinville Chaplinville Chappaquansett Chappaquiddic. Charcoal City Charityville Charles River Heights Charles River Village Charlestown Charlton Center Charlton City Charlton Depot Chartley Chase's Chase's Village Chaseville . Chathamport Chattanooga Cheapside Chebacco Pond Cheever Chelmsford Center Chemistry Cherry Brook : Clinton Uxbridge CAMBRIDGE BROCKTON Oak Bluffs SPRINGFIELD Yarmouth Sunderland Ipswich Mattapoisett NEW BEDFORD BOSTON Canton Canton Canton Canton Edgartown Townsend Duxbury Dedham Carlisle Westford LAWRENCE SALEM Uxbridge. Palmer Berlin BROCKTON Bellingham SALEM BOSTON Nabant Truro Colrnin Bourne Nantucket Hubbardston West Springfield Walpole BOSTON Clinton Plymouth Marshfield Wareham Barnstable BOSTON SOMERVILLE WOBURN Seekonk Westport LOWELL Hull. BEVERLY BROCKTON Grafton Uxbridge Winchendon TAUNTON Oxford Holden Westford Falmouth Brookline LAWRENCE Northborough Rowley Tisbury Edgartown Becket Williamstown Dedham Needham BOBTON Charlton Charlton Charlton Norton Freetown Oxford Dudley Chatham Ashland Deerfield Essex West Stockbridge Chelmsford WALTHAM Weston Worcester Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Dukes Hampden Barnstable Franklin Essex Plymouth Bristol Suffolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Dukes Middlesex Plymouth Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Essex Essex Worcester Hampden Worcester Plymouth Norfolk Essex Suffolk Essex Barnstable Franklin Barnstable Nantucket Worcester Hampden Norfolk Suffolk Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Suffolk Middlesex Middlesex Bristol Bristol Middlesex Plymouth Essex Plymouth Worcester Worcester Worcester Bristol Worcester Worcester Middlesex Barnstable Norfolk Essex Worcester Essex Dukes Dukes Berkshire Berkshire Norfolk Norfolk Suffolk Worcester Worcester Worcester Bristol Bristol Worcester Worcester Barnstable Middlesex Franklin Essex Berkshire Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 139 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Cherry Valley Cherry Valley Cheshire Corner Cheshire Harbor Cheshire Harbor Cheshire Village Chester Center. Chesterfield Center Chester Village Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Chestnut Hill Chicopee Center Chicopee Falls Chicopee Junction Chiltonville Chimquist Christian Hill Christian Hill Church Hill Cinder Hill City Line City Line City Line City Mills City Point Claflinville Clapp's Corner Clarendon Hill Clarendon Hills Clark Hill . Clark's Island: Clark's Point Claverack Clayton Clear River Cleghorn Clematis Brook Clemence Hill Clevelandtown Clicquot Clifford Clifford Clifton Cliftondale Clifton Heights Clifton Heights Clinton Heights Clinton Junction Coatue Coburnville Coburnville Cochesett Cochituate Cohasset Cove Cohasset Narrows Coldbrook. Coldbrook Coldbrook Springs Cold Spring Cold Spring Cold Spring Coles Station Colesville College Hili College Hill Collins Collinsville Colrain Center Colteville Columbus Park Comins Village . Commercial Point Concord Junction Congamond Connecticut Corner Conomo Point Constitution Hill Cooleyville Coolidge Corner Coolidgeville Copecut Copper Works : Leicester Ludlow Cheshire Adams Cheshire Cheshire Chester Chesterfield Chester Belchertown Blackstone Brookline Monterey. NEWTON Orange Shrewsbury Warwick CHICOPEE CHICOPEE CHICOPEE Plymouth Mashpee Barro Colrain Norwell East Bridgewater Auburn West Boylston. WORCESTER Norfolk BOSTON Hopkinton Scituate SOMERVILLE BOSTON Worthington Plymouth NEW BEDFORD Whately New Marlborough Douglas FITCHBURG WALTHAM Southbridge Edgartown Millis Freetown. NEW BEDFORD Marblehead Saugus BROCKTON Marblehead Clinton Clinton Nantucket Framingham Lynnfield West Bridgewater Wayland Cohaseet Wareham Barre Oakham Oakham Belchertown Otis Westford Swansen Williamstown MEDFORD WORCESTER Ludlow Dracut Colrain PITTSFIELD WORCESTER Oxford BOSTON Concord Southwick Dedham Essex Lanesborough New Salem Brookline Hudson FALL RIVER Norton Worcester Hampden Berkshire Berkshire Berksbire Berkshire Hampden Hampshire Hampden Hampshiro Worcester Norfolk Berkshire Middlesex Franklin Worcester Franklin Hampden Hampden Hampden Plymouth Barnstable Worcester Franklin Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Worcester Worcester Norfolk Suffolk Middlesex Plymouth Middlesex Suffolk Hampshire Plymouth Bristol Franklin Berkshire Worcester Worcester Middlesex Worcester Dukes Norfolk Bristol Bristol Essex Fesex Plymouth Essex Worcester Worcester Nantucket Middlesex Essex Plymouth Middlesex Norfolk Plymouth Worcester Worcester Worcester Hampshire Berkshire Middlesex Bristol Berkshire Middlesex Worcester Hampden Middlesex Franklin Berkshire Worcester Worcester Suffolk Middlesex Hampden Norfolk Essex Berkshire Franklin Norfolk Middlesex Bristol Bristol 140 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Coppville Cordaville Cordis Mills Corey Hill Corley's Bridge Corn Hill Cotloy Cottage Farm Cottage Hill Cottage Park Cotuit Coulomb Manor Country Club Court End Cove Landing Cove Village Cowen's Corner Cowles Meadow Craigville Crane's Craneville . Creamery Crescent Beach Crescont Beach Crescent Beach Crescent Hill Crescent Mills Crescent Park Crickett Hill Crimpville Crockerville Crookertown Crook's Corner Crossman Pond Crow Hill Crowleyville Crow Point Crystal Lake Crystal Spring Station Cummaquid Cummings' Corner Cummingsville Cumston Village Curson's Mills Curtis Crossing Curtisville Cushing Cushman Cutter Village Cuttyhunk Cyrus Daggettville Daltonville Dana Center Danielsville Danvers Center Danvers Highlands Danvers Junction Danvers Plains . Danversport Darby Darlings Davis Davis Corner Davis Corner Davistown Davisville Dawson Dayville Dean Hill Dean Station Deantown Deanville Dedham Island Dedham Road Station Deerfield Center Deer Island Deershorn. Dell Dennison District Dennisport Devereaux Dighton Rock Park : Doane Dodge Dodge Corner Dodgeville Charlton. Southborough: Millbury Brookline Palmer Truro TAUNTON Brookline Winthrop Winthrop. Barnstable Acushnet. West Springfield Middleborough Hudson Dartmouth Rochester NORTHAMPTON Barnstable Norton Dalton Hardwick Manchester Mattapoisett REVERE SPRINGFIELD Russell WALTHAY Conway Bellingham FITCHBURG Pembroke Bellingham Kingston : Easthampton CHICOPEE Hingham . Gardner Freetown Barnstable Phillipston WOBURN Burlington NEWBURYPORT Hanover East Bridgewater Salisbury · Amherst Winchester Gosnold Heath Worcester Worcester Worcester Norfolk Hampden Barnstable Bristol Norfolk Suffolk Suffolk Barnstable Bristol Hampden Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Plymouth Hampshire Barnstable Bristol Berkshire Worcester Essex Plymouth Suffolk Hampden Hampden Middlesex Franklin Norfolk Worcester Plymouth Norfolk Plymouth Hampshire Hampden Plymouth Worcester Bristol Barnstable Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Essex Plymouth Plymouth Essex Hampshire Middlesex Dukes Franklin Tisbury NEWBURYPORT Dana Rowley Danvers Danvers Danvers Danvers Danvers Plymouth Milford Rowe Foxborough Westport West Tisbury Falmouth Holden Chester Westminster TAUNTON ATTLEBORO Norfolk Dedham Canton Deerfield BOSTON Lancaster Heath Southbridge Dennis Marblehead Digbton Hawley Charlton Hawley ATTLEBORO Dukes Essex Worcester Essex Essex Essex Essex Essex Essex Plymouth Worcester Franklin Norfolk Bristol Dukes Barnstable Worcester Hampden Worcester Bristol Bristol Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Franklin Suffolk Worcester Franklin Worcester Barnstable Essex Bristol Franklin Worcester Franklin Bristol VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 141 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Rowley Foxborough BOSTON BOSTON BOSTON Dana Douglas BROCKTON Douglas Dover Sherborn Dracut Reading Charlton Southbridge Florida Auburn Stoughton Bridgewater Clinton SOMERVILLE Dudley Dudley Loverett WOBURN HAVERHILL Duxbury Marshfield Belchertown Truro Essex Norfolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Worcester Worcester Plymouth Worcester Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Worcester Berkshire Worcester Norfolk Plymouth Worcoster Middlesex Worcester Worcester Franklin Middlesex Essex Plymouth Plymouth Hampshire Barnstable Doles' Corner Donkeyville Dorchester Center Dorchester Heights Dorchester Lower Mills Doubleday Douglas Center Douglas Park Douglas Station Dover Center Dowse's Corner Dracut Center Dragon Corner Dresser Hill Dresser Hill Drury Drury Square Dry Pond. Dublin Duck Harbor Duck Village Dudley Center Dudley Hill Dudleyville Durensville Dustin Square Duxbury Beach Duxbury Beach Dwight Dyer's Hollow Eagle Hill. Eaglevillo Eagleville Eagleville East Acton East Amherst East Arlington East Barre East Becket East Berlin East Bernardston East Billerica East Blackstone East Boston East Boxford East Braintree East Brewster East Brimfield East Brookfield East Buckland East Cambridge East Carver East Charlemont East Chelmsford East Cheshire East Chop East Colrain East Danvers East Dedham East Deerfield East Dennis East Douglas East Dover East Dracut East End East End : East End Eastern Point East Everett East Fairhaven East Falmouth . East Farms East Fitchburg East Foxborough East Freetown East Gardner East Gloucester East Groton East Hadley Eastharn Center East Harwich East Haverhill East Hawley East Hill East Hill East Hill East Hingham Plymouth Athol Holden Orange Acton Amherst Arlington Barre Becket Berlin Bernardston Billerica Blackstone BOSTON Boxford Braintree Brewster Brimfield Brookfield. Buckland CAMBRIDGE Carver Charlemont Chelmsford Cheshire Oak Bluffs Colrain Danvers Dedham Deerfield Dennis Douglas Dover Dracut Bolton Falmouth Peabody GLOUCESTER EVERETT Fairhaven Falmouth Westfield FITCHBURG Foxborough Freetown. Gardner GLOUCESTER Groton Hadley Eastham Harwich HAVERHILL Hawley Belchertown Leyden Monson Hingham Plymouth Worcester Worcester Franklin Middlesex Hampshire Middlesex Worcester Berkshire Worcester Franklin Middlesex Worcester Suffolk Essex Norfolk Barnstable Hampden Worcester Franklin Middlesex Plymouth Franklin Middlesex Berkshire Dukes Franklin Essex Norfolk Franklin Barnstable Worcester Norfolk Middlesex Worcester Barnstable Essex Essex Middlesex Bristol Barnstable Hampden Worcester Norfolk Pristol Worcester Essex Middlesex Hampshire Barnstable Barnstable Essex Franklin Hampshire Franklin Hampden Plymouth 142 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated East Holliston. East Hollow East Hubbardston East Hubbardston East Junction East Lee East Leverett East Lexington East Lincoln East Littleton East Lynn East Mansfield East Marion East Mashpee East Mattapoisett East Middleborough East Middleton East Millis East Milton East Northfield East Norton Easton Center Eastondale Eastondale Easton Furnace East Orleans East Otis East Parish East Pembroke . East Popperell East Phillipston East Princeton East Quarter East Rochester East Sandwich East Saugus East Section East Section East Sharon East Sholburde East Shirley East Side East Somerville East Springfield East Sudbury East Sutton East Swansea East Taunton East Templeton East Tewksbury East Upton East Village Eastville Eastville East Walpole East Wareham East Watertown East Wenham East Weymouth East Whately East Whitman East Wilbraham East Wilmington East Windsor East Woburn East Worcester Eddyville Edgewood. Edgeworth Eel Point Egleston Square Egremont Plain Egremont Plain Egypt Egypt Elesmere Eliot Ellinwood Heights Elliott's Corner Ellis Ellis. Ellis Ellis Mills Ellis Park Ellisville Ellsworth Elmdale Elm Grove. Holliston. Pelham Hubbardston Princeton ATTLEBORO Lee leverett Lexington Lincoln Littleton LYNN Mansfield Marion Mashpee Mattapoisett Middleborough Middleton Millis Milton Northfield Norton Easton Easton West Bridgewater Easton Orleans Otis. HAVERHILL Pembroke Pepperell Phillipston Princeton Concord Rochester Sandwich Saugus Boylston MELROSE Sharon Shelburne Shirley Uxbridge SOMERVILLE SPRINGFIELD Sudbury Sutton Swansea TAUNTON Templeton Tewksbury Upton Webster East Bridgewater Oak Bluffs Walpole Wareham Watertown Wenham Weymouth Whately Whitman Wilbraham Wilmington Windsor WOBURN WORCESTER Middleborough Swampscott MALDEN Nantucket BOSTON Egremont Great Barrington Scituate Somerset Dracut NEWTON Oak Bluffs TAUNTON Dedham Norwood. Westwood Wilbraham BROCKTON Plymouth Aston Uxbridge. Colrain Middlesex Hampshire Worcester Worcester Bristol Berkshire Franklin Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Essex Bristol Plymouth Barnstable Plymouth Plymouth Essex Norfolk Norfolk Franklin Bristol Bristol Bristol Plymouth Bristol Barnstable Berkshire Essex Plymouth Middlesex Worcester Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Barnstable Essex Worcester Middlesex Norfolk Franklin Middlesex Worcester Middlesex Hampden Middlesex Worcester Bristol Bristol Worcester Middlesex Worcester Worcester Plymouth Dukes Norfolk Plymouth Middlesex Essex Norfolk Franklin Plymouth Hampden Middlesex Berkshire Middlesex Worcester Plymouth Essex Middlesex Nantucket Suffolk Berkshire Berkshire Plymouth Bristol Middlesex Middlesex Dukes Bristol Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Hampden Plymouth Plymouth Middlesex Worcester Franklin VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 143 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated BROCKTON Dedham East Bridgewater HOLYOKE Dedham Erving Essex PITTSFIELD Princeton Elmhurst Elmwood Elmwood Elmwood Endicott Erving Mills Essex Falls Evening Side Everettville Factory Hollow Factory Village . Factory Village . Factory Village . Factory Village Factory Village Fairbanks Park Fairfield Fairlown Fairlawn Fairmount Fairmount Fairview Fairview Fairview Fall Brook Fall Woods Falmouth Heights Faneuil Farley Farley Farmer's Farmersvillo Farmersville Farm Hill Farm Neck Farms Farnams Farnumsville Faulkner Faunce Corner Fayville Fearings Hill Federal Federal Hill Federal Hill Feeding Hills Felchville Felix Neck Fells Fenner Hili Fenno's Corner Fenton ville Fenway Fern Croft Fernwood Ferry Hill Fiddler's Green Fields Corner First Cliff First Parish First Parish Fisher Hill Fisherville Fisherville Fiskdale Fisk Hill Five Corners Five Corners Five Corners Flag Meadow Pond Flathill Flint Village Florence Flower Hill Folly Cove Folly Cove Village Fomer Forbes Forbush Hill Forcaville Forestdale. Forestdale Forest Hills Forest Lake Forest Park Forost River Forge Village Greenfield Ashburnham BROCKTON Easthampton Greenfield Middlefield Dedham Russell Southbridge Tewksbury BOSTON WORCESTER Athol CHICOPEE NEWTON Middleborough South Hadley Falmouth BOSTON Erving Wendell ATTLEBORO Northbridge Sandwich Stoneham Oak Bluffs Cheshire Cheshire Grafton MALDEN Dartmouth Southborough Wareham. Belchertown Dedham Oxford Agawam Natick Edgartown MELROSE Webster REVERE Brimfield. BOSTON Danvers GLOUCESTER Marshfield Bolton BOBTON Scituate Boxford West Newbury Brookline ATTLEBORO Grafton Sturbridge Sturbridge Blackstone Braintree. Granby Westminster Lunenburg FALL RIVER NORTHAMPTON Warwick Rockport GLOUCESTER Southampton CHELSEA Bolton Duxbury MALDEN Sandwich BOSTON Palmer SPRINGFIELD SALEM Westford : Plymouth Norfolk Plymouth Hampden Norfolk Franklin Essex Berkshire Worcester Franklin Worcester Plymouth Hampshire Franklin Hampshire Norfolk Hampden Worcester Middlesex Suffolk Worcester Worcester Hampden Middlesex Plymouth Hampshire Barnstable Suffolk Franklin Franklin Bristol Worcester Barnstable Middlesox Dukes Berkshire Berkshire Worcester Middlesex Bristol Worcester Plymouth Hampshire Norfolk Worcester Hampden Middlesex Dukes Middlesex Worcester Suffolk Hampden Suffolk Essex Essex Plymouth Worcester Suffolk Plymouth Essex Essex Norfolk Bristol Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Norfolk Hampshire Worcester Worcester Bristol Hampshiro Franklin Essex Essex Hampshire Suffolk Worcester Plymouth Middlesex Barnstable Suffolk Hampden Hampden EnSex Middlesex 144 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Fort Hill Fort Hill Fort Laverty Fort Point Fort River Fort Sumpter Foskett's Mills Fosterville Foundry Village Four Corners Four Corners Four Corners Four Corners Four Corners Four Corners Four Corners Four Corners Four Ponds Fowler Hill Foxborough Center Fox Hill Foxtown Foxvale Framingham Center Francis Hill Franconia. Franklin Franklin Hill Franklin Park Franklin Square Frankton Free Quarter Fresh Pond Fresh Pond Fresh Water Cove Village Frog Island Frye's Corner Frye Village Fryeville Fryeville Fryville Fullerville: Fullerville Furnace Furnace Furnace District Furnace Hill Furnace Village Furnace Village Gallows Hill Gannetts Corner Garden Acres Garden City Gardner Center Gardner Park Gardner's Neck Gardnerville Gates Crossing George Hill George's Crossing Germantown Germantown Germantown Germantown Germantown Gibbs Gibson Corner Gifford's Corner Gifford's Corner Gilbertville Gilead Gillett's Corner Gill Station Gleasondale Gleason Junction Station Glenallen Glendale Glendale Glendale Glendale Glendale Glendale Glenmere Glenmere Glen Mills Glennonville Glenwood Hingham. Oxford Millbury Weymouth Hadley Southbridge Brimfield. Pembroke Co!rain Becket BOSTON Clarksburg Dedham Lancaster Middleborough Palmer Worthington Lancaster Westminster Foxborough Bernardston Shelburne Foxborough Framingham Westford SPRINGFIELD Belchertown Plainvillo BOSTON PITTSFIELD Shelburne Sandisfield CAMBRIDGE Falmouth GLOUCESTER Peabody HAVERHILL Andover Athol Bolton Orange Clinton Hawley Freetown. Hardwick Stockbridge Cheshire Easton Orange SALEM Scituate Burlington Dudley Gardner Peabody Swansea Duxbury Leominster Lancaster Oxford BOSTON Clinton Dedham NEW BEDFORD QUINCY Palmer Ayer Marion Westport, Hardwick Charlemont Southwick Northfield Stow Hudson Winchendon Easthampton EVERETT Middlefeld Southampton Stockbridge Wilbraham Charlton LYNN Rowley Dalton Braintree Plymouth Worcester Worcester Norfolk Hampshire Worcester Hampden Plymouth Franklin Berkshire Suffolk Berkshire Norfolk Worcester Plymouth Hampden Hampshire Worcester Worcester Norfolk Franklin Franklin Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Hampden Hampshire Norfolk Suffolk Berkshire Franklin Berkshire Middlesex Barnstable Essex Essex Essex Essex Worcester Worcester Franklin Worcester Franklin Bristol Worcester Berkshire Berkshire Bristol Franklin Essex Plymouth Middlesex Worcester Worcester Essex Bristol Plymouth Worcester Worcester Worcester Suffolk Worcester Norfolk Bristol Norfolk Hampden Middlesex Plymouth Bristol Worcester Franklin Hampden Franklin Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Hampshire Middlesex Hampshire Hampshiro Berkshire Hampden Worcester Essex Essex Berkshire Norfolk VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 145 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Glenwood Glenwood Glenwood Glenwood Park Globe Village Globe Village Glover's Corner Glue Hill Golden Cove Goldthwaite Park Goodrich Hollow Goodrich ville Goodwin's Landing Gore Gore Gore District Gospel Hill Goss Hill Goulding Village Grafton Center Grafton Colony Granby Center Granby Hollow Grand Island Grand View Granite Bridge Granite Quarry Graniteville Granville Center Grape Island Grasshopper Plains Gravesville Gray Gables Great Beach Hill Great Brewster Great Head Great Hill. Great Hill Great Island Great Neck Great Neck Great Plains Great Point Great Pond Great River Great Rock Groenbush Greendale Greendale Green Harbor Green Hill Green Hill Green Island Green Lodge Green Lodge Greenville Greenville. Greenwater Pond Greenwich Plains Greenwich Village Greenwood Greenwood Park Greenwood Section Greylock Griffin Island Griswoldville Grove Hall Guinea Guinea Gunn's Grove Gun Rock Gurnet Gurney's Corners Hadley, Hagarville : Haggetts Hall Moon Park Halifax Station, Hall's Ground Hallsville Hamerock Hamlin's Corner Hammondstown Hampden Center Hampton Hill Hampton Mills. Hancock Village MEDFORD SPRINGFIELD Webster LYNN FALL RIVER Southbridge BOSTON Peabody Chelmsford WORCESTER Hancock Lunenburg Marblehead Blandford Oxford Webster Hudson Huntington Phillipston Grafton Shrewsbury Granby Granby Barnstablo Saugus BOSTON Monson Westford Granville Ipswich NEWBURYPORT Hudson Bourne Wellfleet Hull Winthrop . Marion Weymouth Wellfleet Marion Wareham Edgartown Nantucket Eastham Deerfield Rehoboth Scituate Needbam WORCESTER Marshfield Hull WORCESTER Hull Dedham Westwood Leicester Sandwich Becket Greenwich Greenwich Wakefield Westport Millbury NORTH ADAYS: Wellfleet Colrain BOSTON NEWBURYPORT Plainville Lanesborough Hull Plymouth Hanson Middlesex Hampden Worcester Essex Bristol Worcester Suffolk Essex Middlesex Worcester Berkshire Worcester Essex Hampden Worcester Worcester Middlesex Hampshire Worcester Worcester Worcester Hampshire Hampshire Barnstable Essex Suffolk Hampden Middlesex Hampden Essex Essex Middlesex Barnstable Barnstable Plymouth Suffolk Plymouth Norfolk Barnstable Plymouth Plymouth Dukes Nantucket Barnstable Franklin Bristol Plymouth Norfolk Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Plymouth Norfolk Norfolk Worcester Barnstable Berkshire Hampshire Hampshire Middlesex Bristol Worcester Berkshire Barnstable Franklin Suffolk Essex Norfolk Berkshire Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Merrimac. New Salem Andover Shrewsbury Halifax Clarksburg LAWRENCE Charlton Marion Mattapoisett Hampden Hull Easthampton Hancock Essex Franklin Essex Worcester Plymouth Berkshire Essex Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Hampden Plymouth Hampshire Berkshire 146 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Hanover Center Hanover Four Corners Happy Hollow Happy Hollow Happy Hollow Harbor View Harbor View Harding Harding's Hollow Harmony Harness Shop Hill Harris Harrison Square Harrisville Harrisville Hart Corners Hart's Brook Hartsville Harvard Center Harvard Corner Harvard Lawn Harwich Center Harwichport Harwoods Hastings Hastingsville Haswell Park Hatchery Hatchville Hatchvillo Hatherly Hathorne Haven ville Hawes Hayden Rowe Hayden ville Hazelwood Head of Pond Head of the Bay Head of Westport Head Pamet Heald Village Heath Center Hebronville Hecla Hemlock Hemlock Brook Herrick Heywoods. Heywoods. Hicksville Higgin's Hollow High Head Highland Highland Highland Higbland Highland Lake : Highland Park Highland Park Highland Park Highlands. Highlands Highlands. Highlands Highlands. Highlands Highlands Highlands Highland Torrace Highlandville High Plains Hillcroft Hill Crossing Hillsboro Hillside Hillside Hillside Hillside Park Hillsville Hingham Center Hockanum Hockanum Hog Hill Hogeback Holbrook Center Holbrook Gardens Holbrook Gardens Hanover Hanover BROCKTON Uxbridge Winchendon BOSTON Fairhaven Medfield Truro East Bridgewater Concord Rehoboth BOSTON West Boylston Winchendon TAUNTON Hadley New Marlborough Harvard Barre Belmont Harwich Harwich Barre Weston Framingham Middleton Palmer Duxbury Falmouth Rockland Danvers Burlington Oxford Hopkinton Williamsburg BOSTON Oak Bluffs Bourne Westport Truro Barre Heath ATTLEBORO Uxbridge. Westport Williamstown New Salem Gardner Rowe Dartmouth Truro Truro BOSTON SPRINGFIELD Truro WORCESTER Norfolk Avon HOLYOKE Middleton FALL RIVER HAVERHILL HOLYOKE LOWELL LYNN Merrimac Middleborough Oak Bluffs BROCKTON Needham Barre WORCESTER Belmont Leverett Atho? Deerfield North Attleborough Southbridge Spencer Hingham: Hadley Yarmouth Palmer Truro Holbrook Holbrook Randolph Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Worcester Suffolk Bristol Norfolk Barnstable Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Suffolk Worcester Worcester Bristol Hampshire Berkshire Worcester Worcester Middlesex Barnstable Barnstable Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Essex Hampden Plymouth Barnstable Plymouth Essex Middlesex Worcester Middlesex Hampshire Suffolk Dukes Barnstable Bristol Barnstable Worcester Franklin Bristol Worcester Bristol Berkshire Franklin Worcester Franklin Bristol Barnstable Barnstable Suffolk Hampden Barnstable Worcester Norfolk Norfolk Hampden Essex Bristol Essex Hampden Middlesex Essex Essex Plymouth Dukes Plymouth Norfolk Worcester Worcester Middlesex Franklin Worcester Franklin Bristol Worcester Worcester Plymouth Hampshire Barnstable Hampden Barnstable Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 147 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Holden Center Hollingsworth Hollingsworth Holliston Center Hollockville Holmesdale Holmes Dam Holmes Mill Pond Holmfield Holm's Park Holtshire Holyoke Homestead Honeypot Hooker District Hoosac Hoosac Tunnel Hoosac Tunnel Station Hopeville Hopewell Hornbine Horn Pond Horse Neck Beach Hortonville Hospital Hill Hough's Neck Houghtonville Houghtonville Housatonic Housatonic Hovenden Park Hovey Corner Howarth's Village Howe's Station Howesville Howe Village Howlands Howland Village Hubbardston Station Hub Section Huckle Hill Hull Village Humarock Hurds Corner Hyannis Hyannisport Hyde Park Hydeville Hygienic Blanket Mills Iceville Idlewood Grove' Idlewood Lake Indian Head Pond Indian Hollow Indian Neck Indian Orchard Indian Pond Village Indiantown Indian Town Ingalls Ingall's Station Ingleside Interlachen Interlaken. Intervale Intervale Park Ipswich Village Ironstone Island Island Creek Island Park Islington Jabez Corner Jackson's Brook Jacksonville Jamaica Plain Jamesville. Japan Jefferson Jeffries Point Jenksville Jericho Jericho Jericho Jerry's Island Jerusalem Holden Groton Pepperell Holliston Hawley North Attleborough Plymouth Kingston BOSTON Westminster Orange Belchertown Chelmsford Norfolk Southbridge Deerfield Florida Rowe WORCESTER TAUNTON Rehoboth Becket Westport Swansea NORTHAMPTON QUINCY Clarksburg NORTH ADAMS Great Barrington West Stockbridge BROCKTON Pepperell. Oxford Middleton Ashfield Boxford Lakeville New BEDFORD Hubbardston Webster Bernardston Hull Scituate Needham Barnstable Barnstable BOSTON Winchendon Hubbardston Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Franklin Bristol Plymouth Plymouth Suffolk Worcester Franklin Hampshire Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Franklin Berkshire Franklin Worcester Bristol Bristol Berkshire Bristol Bristol Hampshire Norfolk Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Plymouth Middlesex Worcester Essex Franklin Essex Plymouth Bristol Worcester Worcester Franklin Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk Barnstable Barnstablo Suffolk Worcester Worcester SPRINGFIELD Wenham Hamilton Hanson Huntington Wareham. SPRINGFIELD Kingston. FALL RIVER Westport Winthrop North Andover HOLYOKE FALL RIVER Stockbridge Athol BROCKTON Ipswich Uxbridge . WORCESTER Duxbury HAVERHILL Westwood Plymouth Plymouth FITCHBURG BOSTON WORCESTER Bridgewater Holden BOSTON SPRINGFIELD Dalton Dudley Scituate Hull Dedham Hampden Essex Essex Plymouth Hampshire Plymouth Hampden Plymouth Bristol Bristol Suffolk Essex Hampden Bristol Berkshire Worcester Plymouth Essex Worcester Worcester Plymouth Essex Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Suffolk Worcester Plymouth Worcester Suffolk Hampden Berkshire Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk 148 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONB OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Berkshire Plymouth Bristol Middlesex Plymouth Norfolk Berkshire Essex Essex Middlesex Bristol Essex Essex Jerusalem Jerusalem Jesseville Johnsonville John's Pond Jones City Jones' Nose Joppa Joppa Joslinville, Judson Juniper Point Juniper Point Katama Kellogg Plantations Kempton Park Kempville Kenberma Kendal Green Kenersonville Kenney Mills Kenwood Kenwood Keyes Hill Kimball's Corner King Corner Kingdom Kingsbury District Kingscroft Kingston Center Kiphiggon Kirby's Corner Kitchen Hill Kittle Cove Village Kittredgeville Klondiko Knife Works Knights Crossing Knightville Konkapot . Lagoon Heights Lake Attitash Lake Boon Lake Crossing Lake Crossing Lake Mattewa Lake Mendon Park Lakemont. Lake Park Lake Pleasant Lake Section Lake Shore Lake Shore Park Lakeside Lakeside : Lakeside Lakeside Lake Tantosque Laketown Lakevale Lakeview Lakeview Lake View Lakeview Park Lake Villago Lakoville Lakewood Lamb City Lambert's Cove Lancaster Lancaster Center Land's End Lanesborough Village Lanos ville Lane Village Larnedsville Laurel Laurel Hill Laurel Park Lawndale Lawrence Plains Lawrence Station Lawson Villa Lawton's Corner Lead Mine Section Lebanon Hill Tyringham West Bridgewater NEW BEDFORD NEWTON Carver Randolph Cheshire GLOUCESTER NEWBURYPORT Townsend Raynham GLOUCESTER SALEM Edgartown Southwick Dartmouth NORTH ADAMS Hull Weston NEW BEDFORD Wareham Dracut Saugus Pepperell Littleton Hawley Peabody Webster Peabody Kingston Chilmark Westport Cheshire Manchester Dalton Groveland Sharon Newbury Huntington Sheffield Oak Bluffs Merrimac. Stow Natick Wellesley Orange Mendon WORCESTER Athol Montague Webster Shrewsbury LYNN Lakeville Leicester LYNN WORCESTER Sturbridge Essex Belchertown Foxborough Tewksbury WORCESTER Tyngshorough Topsfield . Shirley WORCESTER Phillipston West Tisbury Oxford Lancaster Rockport. Lanesborough GLOUCESTER Ashburnham Auburn Belchertown Huntington NORTHAMPTON Saugus Hadley Tewksbury Southbridge Westport Sturbridge Southbridge Dukes Hampden Bristol Berkshire Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Plymouth Middlesex Essex Middlesex Middlesex Franklin Essex Worcester Essex Plymouth Dukes Bristol Berkshire Essex Berkshire Essex Norfolk Essex Hampshire Berkshire Dukes Essex Middlesex Middlesex Norfolk Franklin Worcester Worcester Worcester Franklin Worcester Worcester Essex Plymouth Worcester Essex Worcester Worcester Essex Hampshire Norfolk Middlesex Worcester Middlesex Essex Middlesex Worcester Worcester Dukes Worcester Worcester Essex Berkshire Essex Worcester Worcester Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Essex Hampshire Middlesex Worcester Bristol Worcester Worcester VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 149 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Lebanon Springs Ledgeville Leeds Leesville Leet Ore Bed Leighton Corner Leland Hill Lelandeville Lenox Dale Lenox Station Lensdale Leominster Center Leyden Center Leyden Park Liberty Liberty Hill Liberty Plain Lieutenant Island Lightning Bug Lincoln Center Lincoln Heights Lincoln Hill Lincoln Park Lincoln Park Linden Linden Highlands Lindenwood Line Line Brook Village Linwood Linwood Lithia Little Brewster Little Bridge Little Canada Little Long Pond Little Nabant Little Neck Little Pond Little Rest Little River Little South Littleton Center Littleton Common Littleville Locke Bog Lock's Pond Lock's Village Lock's Village Locust Park Lokerville. Lokerville Long Hill Long Hill Long Hill Long Hill Long Island Long Neck Longnook Long Plain Long Pond Long Pond Longwood . Lonicut Look's Mills Loraine Loudvillo Loudville Loudville Lovell's Corner Lovell's Grove Lovellville Low Beach Lowell Junction Lower Barkersville Lower Corner Lower Plain Lower Village lower Warren Ludlow Center Ludlow City Ludlow City Lund's Corner Lunenburg Center Lunenburg Station Luther's Corner Lynch District Lyon Common . Hancock Petersham NORTHAMPTON WORCESTER West Stockbridge Rowley Sutton Charlton Lenox Lenox Southbridge Leominster Leyden BROCKTON Belchertown Wendell Hingham. Wellfleet Cummington Lincoln Saugus Cohasset Hudson WORCESTER MALDEN MALDEN Stoneham Colrain Ipswich LYNN Northbridge Goshen Hull Marshfield LOWELL Plymouth Nahant Ipswich Edgartown Brimfield. Westfield Natick Littleton Littleton Chester Wareham Shutesbury Shutesbury Wendell Nahant Framingham Wayland Bolton Edgartown Rehoboth West Newbury BOSTON Wareham Truro Acushnet Eastham Plymouth Brookline ATTLEBORO Rochester NORTH ADAMS Easthampton : NORTHAMPTON Westhampton Weymouth Weymouth Holden Nantucket Andover PITTSFIELD Merrimac. Hingham Stow Warren Ludlow Granby Ludlow NEW BEDFORD Lunenburg Lunenburg Seekonk Stockbridge LYNN Berkshire Worcester Hampshire Worcester Berkshire Essex Worcester Worcester Berkshire Berkshire Worcester Worcester Franklin Plymouth Hampshire Franklin Plymouth Barnstable Hampshire Middlesex Essex Norfolk Middlesex Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Franklin Essex Essex Worcester Hampshire Plymouth Plymouth Middlesex Plymouth Essex Essex Dukes Hampden Hampden Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Hampden Plymouth Franklin Franklin Franklin Essex Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Dukes Bristol Essex Suffolk Plymouth Barnstable Bristol Barnstable Plymouth Norfolk Bristol Plymouth Berkshire Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Norfolk Norfolk Worcester Nantucket Essex Berkshire Essex Plymouth Middlesex Worcester Hampden Hampshire Hampden Bristol Worcester Worcester Bristol Berkshire Essex 150 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Essex Essex Essex Essex Hampden Franklin Lynnfield Center Lynnhurst Lynnhurst Lynnmere Lyons Village Lyonsville Macedonia Mace's Station Machine Shop Station Madaket Magnolia Magnolia Station Makonikey Makonikey Malden Hill Manchaug . Manchester Cove Mann's Hill Manomet Manville Maple Grove Maple Hill Mapleville. Maplewood Maplewood Marblehead Neck Marble Ridge Station Marbleville Marland Village Marlborough Marlborough Junction Marshall's Corner Marshall's Corner Marshfield Hills Marston's Mills. Martha's Vineyard Martin Park Massapoag Lake Mason District Matfield Matfield Mattapan Mattspan Mattapoisett Neck Mayo Corner Maywood Meadowbrook Meadowbrook Meadows Meadows Meadowview Mechanics Mechanicsville Medfield Junction Medford Hillside Medway Village Meeting House Hill Meeting House Hill Meeting House Pond Meganset Mellen Hollow Melrose Highlands Menauhant Menemsha Menlo Park Merino Village Merrick Merrimac Center Merrimacport Merrymount Park Metcalf Mica Mill Middleborough Center Middle Brewster Middle Farms Middlefield Center Middlesex Fells Middlesex Junction Middlesex Village Middletown Miles River Mill and Barrs Millbrook Millbury Center Millbury Junction Miller's Falls Miller's Falls Lynnfield LYNX Saugus LYNN Monson Colrain New Salem Tewksbury North Andover Nantucket GLOUCESTER Manchester Tisbury West Tisbury West Boylston. Sutton Manchester Sharon Plymouth Leicester Adams West Stockbridge Wenham FALL RIVER MALDEN Marblehead North Andover Sutton Andover Georgetown MARLBOROCCH BROCKTON Westminster Marshfield Barnstable Tisbury Franklin Sharon Palmer East Bridgewater West Bridgewater BOSTON Milton Mattapoisett Warwick Auburn Amesbury Norton Sunderland WORCESTER North Reading ATTLEBORO FALL RIVER Medfield MEDFORD Medway BOSTON Shrewsbury Westminster Falmouth Prescott MELROSE Falmouth Chilmark BROCKTON Dudley West Springfield Merrimac. Merrimac QUINCY Holliston Chester Middleborough Hull Westfield Middlefield Stoneham LOWELL LOWELL Yarmouth Hamilton Deerfield. Duxbury Millbury Millbury Erving Montague Franklin Middlesex Essex Nantucket Essex Essex Dukes Dukes Worcester Worcester Essex Norfolk Plymouth Worcester Berkshire Berkshire Essex Bristol Middlesex Essex Essex Worcester Essex Essex Middlesex Plymouth Worcester Plymouth Barnstable Dukes Norfolk Norfolk Hampden Plymouth Plymouth Suffolk Norfolk Plymouth Franklin Worcester Essex Bristol Franklin Worcester Middlesex Bristol Bristol Norfolk Middlesex Norfolk Suffolk Worcester Worcester Barnstable Hampshire Middlesex Barnstable Dukes Plymouth Worcester Hampden Essex Essex Norfolk Middlesex Hampden Plymouth Plymouth Hampden Hampshire Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Barnstable Essex Franklin Plymouth Worcester Worcester Franklin Franklin VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 151 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Millerville Mill Hill Mill Hollow Millington Millington Mill Pond Bluff Mill River. Mill River . Millvale Mill Valley Mill Valley Millville Millville Line Millward Millwood Millwood Milton Center Milton Hill Milton Lower Mills Minot Minot District Mirror Lake Misery Island Mishamet Point Mishap Hill Mishawum Mitchellville Mitchellville Mittinengue Mittineague Monatiquot Heights Money Hill Monomoy Island Monponsott Monponsett Monroe Bridge Monroe Bridge Station Montague Center Montague City Montclair Montello Montrose Montserrat Montvale Montville Montwait Monument Beach Monument Valley Moody Corner Moody Corner Moore's Corner Moose Hill Morey Pond Mormon Hollow Morningdale Morningside Morrills Morse District Morse Hollow Morse Village Morseville Morton Park Morton Station Moscow Mosquito Village Moultonville Mountain Park . Mount Auburn Mount Auburn Mount Blue Mount Blue Mount Bowdoin Mount Carmel Mount Dumplain Mount Henry Mount Herrnon Mount Hermon Mount Hood Mount Hope Mount Hunger Mount Livermore Mount Pleasant Mount Plensant Mount Pleasant Station Mount Section Mount Tom Mount Tom Mount Wachusett Blackstone Edgartown West Stockbridge Dana New Salem Chatham . Deerfield New Marlborough HAVERHILL Amherst Belchertown Blackstone Uxbridge Charlton Framingham Rowley Milton Milton Milton Scituate Westminster Hudson SALEM Dartmouth Westminster WOBURN Ayer Shirley Agawam West Springfield Braintree. Wellfleet Chatham Halifax Hanson Monroe Rowe Montague Montague QUINCY BROCKTON Wakefield BEVERLY. WOBURN Sandisfield Framingham Bourne Great Barrington Granby South Hadley Leverett Sharon Walpole Wendell Boylston PITTSFIELD Norwood Southbridge Leominster New Salem Charlton Plymouth Charlton West Stockbridge Hamilton NEWBURYPORT Swampscott CAMBRIDGE Watertown Hingham . Norwell BOSTON Middloborough Palmer Shirley Gill Northfield MELROSE BOSTON Monterey Monterey Dracut Peabody NEW BEDFORD Franklin Easthampton NORTHAMPTON Princeton Worcester Dukes Berkshire Worcester Franklin Barnstable Franklin Berkshire Essex Hampshire Hampshire Worcester Worcester Worcester Middlesex Essex Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Essex Bristol Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Hampden Hampden Norfolk Barnstable Barnstable Plymouth Plymouth Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Norfolk Plymouth Middlesex Essex Middlesex Berkshire Middlesex Barnstable Berkshire Hampshire Hampshire Franklin Norfolk Norfolk Franklin Worcester Berkshire Norfolk Worcester Worcester Franklin Worcester Plymouth Worcester Berkshire Essex Essex Essex Middlesex Middlesex Plymouth Plymouth Suffolk Plymouth Hampden Middlesex Franklin Franklin Middlesex Suffolk Berkshire Berkshire Middlesex Essex Bristol Norfolk Hampshire Hampshire Worcester 152 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND Towns Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Mount Washington Mount Washington Muddy Brook Muggett Mulpus Mundale Mungo's Corner Munroe Munter's Point : Muschopauge Muskeget Island Myricks Mystic Namasket. Nomequoit Namskaket Nanepashomet Nantasket Nantasket Beach Nantasket Junction Narrows Narrow's Light: Narrows Village Nash Nashaquitsa Nashawena Island Nashoba Nashoba Nasketucket Naukeag Nausett Naushon Island Naval Magazine Navon Navy Yard Navy Yard Nebroska Plain Neck Neck Neck. Neck Ned's Point Needham Heights Needham Junction Needham's Corner Needham Upper Falls Nelson Island Neponset New Boston New Boston New Boston New Boston New Boston New Boston New Boston Newbury Lower Green Newbury Upper Green New City New City New Dublin New Dublin Newell Newell New Jerusalem New Lenox New Maine New Salem Center New Salem Station New Salem Station New State New State New State Newstate Newton Center : Newton Corner Newton Highlands Newton Lower Falls Newton Lower Falls Newton Upper Falls Newtonville Newtown New Town New Worcester Nichewaug Nicholsville Nine Acre Corner Nippenicket Park EVERETT HAVERHILL Cheshire Charlton Lunenburg Westfield Scituate Lexington Plymouth Rutland Nantucket Berkley Winchester Middleborough Orleans Orleans Marblehead Hull Hull Hingham Westminster Hull Wareham Weymouth Chilmark Gosnold Littleton Westford Fairhaven Ashburnham Eastham Gosnold Hingham SALEM Dracut Natick Natick Chatham Middleborough Plympton Truro Mattapoisett Needham Needham Peabody Needham Rowley BOSTON Dracut Fairhaven FALL RIVER North Attleborough Rutland Sandis field Winchendon Newbury . Newbury Blackstone Easthampton Cheshire Randolph Groton Shirley Clinton Lenox Foxborough New Salem Now Salem Petersham Foxborough Hanson Milton Savoy NEWTON NEWTON NEWTON NEWTON Wellesley NEWTON NEWTON Barnstable Littleton WORCESTER Petersham Hubbardston Concord Bridgewater Middlesex Essex Berkshire Worcester Worcester Hampden Plymouth Middlesex Plymouth Worcester Nantucket Bristol Middlesex Plymouth Barnstable Barnstable Essex Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk Dukes Dukes Middlesex Middlesex Bristol Worcester Barnstable Dukes Plymouth Essex Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Barnstable Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Plymouth Norfolk Norfolk Essex Norfolk Essex Suffolk Middlesex Bristol Bristol Bristol Worcester Berkshire Worcester Essex Essex Worcester Hampshire Berkshire Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Berkshire Norfolk Franklin Franklin Worcester Norfolk Plymouth Norfolk Berkshire Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Barnstable Middlesex Worcester Worcester Worcester Middlesex Plymouth . VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 153 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Nissitissett Nobscot Noman's Land Nonamesset Island Nonantum Nonantum Hill Nonquitt Norcross Corner Norfolk Center . Norfolk Downs Norfolk Hills Normon Hollow North Abington North Acton North Adams Junction North Amherst North Andover Center North Andover Depot North Ashburnham North Becket North Bellingham North Bernardston North Beverly North Billerica North Blandford North Bluff North Brewstor Northbridge Center North Cambridge North Carver North Charlton North Chatham North Chelmsford North Cheshire North Chester North Chicopee North Cohasset North Common North Dana North Dartmouth North Dennis North Dighton North Dighton Station North Dover North Duxbury North Eastham North Easton North East Royalston North Egremont North End North End North End North End North End North End North End North Falmouth North Farms Northfield Farms Northfield Mountain North Foxborough North Framingham North Franklin North Grafton North Groveland North Hadley North Hancock North Hanover North Hanson North Harwich North Hatfield . North Heath North Lakeville North Lane North Lawrence North Leominster North Leverett. North Lexington North Lincoln North Littleton North Longyard North Marion North Marshfield North Middleborough North Middleton North Milford North Monson North Natiok Pepperell. Framingham : Chilmark Gosnold NEWTON BOSTON Dartmouth Bellingham Norfolk QUINCY Braintree Groveland Abington. Acton PITTEFIELD Amherst North Andover North Andover Ashburnham Becket Bellingham Bernardston BEVERLY . Billerica Blandford Oak Bluffs Brewster Northbridge CAMBRIDGE Carver Charlton Chatham Chelmsford Cheshire Chester CHICOPEE Cobasset Westminster Dana Dartmouth Dennis Dighton TAUNTON Dover Duxbury Eastham Easton Royalston Egremont BOSTON Essex Lunenburg New BEDFORD Townsend Walpole Westford Falmouth NORTHAMPTON Northfield Northfield Foxborough Framingham Franklin Grafton Groveland Hadley Hancock Hanover Hanson Harwich Hatfield Heath Lakeville Granville. LAWRENCE Leominster Leverett Lexington Lincoln Littleton Southwick Marion Marshfield Middleborough Middleton Milford Monson Natick Middlesex Middlesex Dukes Dukes Middlesex Suffolk Bristol Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Essex Plymouth Middlesex Berkshire Hampshiro Essex Essex Worcester Berksbire Norfolk Franklin Essex Middlesex Hampden Dukes Barnstable Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Worcester Barnstable Middlesex Berkshire Hampden Hampden Norfolk Worcester Worcester Bristol Barnstable Bristol Bristol Norfolk Plymouth Barnstable Bristol Worcester Berkshire Suffolk Essex Worcester Bristol Middlesex Norfolk Middlesex Barnstable Hampshire Franklin Franklin Norfolk Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Essex Hampshire Berkshire Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Hampshire Franklin Plymouth Hampden Essex Worcester Franklin Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Hampden Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Essex Worcester Hampden Middlesex . 154 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated North New Salem North Orange North Orleans North Otis North Oxford North Oxford Mills North Oxford Station North Parish North Parish North Peabody North Pembroke North Pepperell North Plymouth North Plympton North Pond North Prescott . North Quarter North Raynham North Rehoboth North Revere North River North Rochester North Royalston North Rutland North Salem North Saugus North Scituate North Scituate Beach North Seekonk. North Sherborn North Shirley North Side North Somerville North Spencer. North Still River North Stoughton North Sudbury North Sunderland North Swansea . North Taunton North Tewksbury North Tisbury North Truro North Uxbridge North Village North Village Northville North ville. Northville. North Walpole North Westminster North Westport North Weymouth North Wilbraham North Wilmington North Woburn North Woods North Worcester North Yarmouth Norton Center Norton Furnace Norumbega Park Norwell Center. Norwich Norwich Bridge Norwich Hill Norwood Central Notch Oakdale Oakdale Oakdale Oakdale Oak Grove Oak Grove Oak Grove Village Oak Hill Oak Hill Oak Hill Oak Hill Oak Hill Oak Hill Oak Island. Oak Knoll Oakland Oakland Oakland Park Oaklands New Salem Orange Orleans Otis Oxford Oxford Oxford Greenfield HAVERHILL Peabody Pembroke Pepperell Plymouth Plympton Orange Prescott Concord Raynham Rehoboth REVERE Colrain Rochester Royalston Rutland SALEM Saugus Scituate Scituate Seekonk Sherborn Shirley Charlton SOMERVILLE Spencer Harvard Stoughton Sudbury Sunderland Swansea TAUNTON Tewksbury West Tisbury Truro Uxbridge: Lancaster Webster East Bridgewater Whitman. WORCESTER Walpole Westminster Westport Weymouth Wilbraham Wilmington WOBURN Holden WORCESTER Manchester Norton Norton NEWTON Norwell Huntington Huntington Huntington Norwood. NORTH ADAMS Franklin Franklin Barnstable Berkshire Worcester Worcester Worcester Franklin Essex Essex Plymouth Middlesex Plymouth Plymouth Franklin Hampshire Middlesex Bristol Bristol Suffolk Franklin Plymouth Worcester Worcester Essex Essex Plymouth Plymouth Bristol Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Middlesex Worcester Worcester Norfolk Middlesex Franklin Bristol Bristol Middlesex Dukes Barnstable Worcester Worcester Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Norfolk Worcester Bristol Norfolk Hampden Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Worcester Essex Bristol Bristol Middlesex Plymouth Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Norfolk Berkshire Dedham HOLYOKE Wareham. West Boylston. MALDEN Oak Bluffs FALL RIVER BROCKTON Harvard NEWTON Pepperell Westford WORCESTER REVERE SPRINGFIELD TAUNTON WOBURN Tewksbury LOWELL Norfolk Hampden Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Dukes Bristo! Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Suffolk Hampden Bristol Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 155 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Oaklands Oaklandville Oak Swamp Ocean Bluff Ocean Grove Ocean Heights Ocean Spray Ocean View Old Cambridge. Old City Old Colony Hill Old Common Old Common Old Common Old Deerfield Old Furnace Old Harbor Old Landing Old Mill Old Neck Old Spain Old Stone Old Town Old Town Olney Corners Opset Onset Bay Onset Junction Ordway Oregon Oregon Orient Heights Orleans Center Osterville Otis Corner Otter River Outer Brewster . Oxford Oxford Heights: Packachoag Hill Packardsville Padanaram Palmer Center Palmer Depot Pamet Point Pan Pansy Park Paper Mills Paper Mills Paper Mill Village Paper Mill Village Park Annex Parker Hill Parker Mills Parker School House Parkorville Park Hill Park Hill Park Hill Park Island Parks' Corner Parley Vale Parting Ways Partridge Hill Partridgeville Partridgeville Pasque Island Patch Patten Pattenville Pattenville Paucatuck Paugus Pawtucketville Payson Park Peach's Point Pearl City. Peaseville Peck's Peck ville Pecowsic Peddock's Island Pelham Center Pelham City Pelham Hill Pelham Hollow Pemberton SPRINGFIELD Saugus Rehoboth Marshfield Swansea Edgartown Winthrop Rockport. CAMBRIDGE Townsend Hingham. Lancaster Millbury West Boylston Deerfield Hardwick Chatham Marion Harvard Manchester Weymouth Sutton Newbury : North Attleborough Charlton Wareham Wareham Wareham Hudson Ashland Southborough BOSTON Orleans Barnstable Southborough Templeton Hull Fairhaven Oxford Auburn Pelham Dartmouth Palmer Palmer Wellfleet Bolton Belchertown HAVERHILL Middleton Bridgewater Groton PITTSFIELD BOSTON Wareham Charlton Westford Easthampton Millbury NORTHAMPTON Hull Framingham BOSTON Acushnet Charlton Athol Templeton Gosnold Auburn Shelburne Billerica Tewksbury West Springfield Pepperell . LOWELL Belmont Marblehead South Hadley Middleborough PITTSFIELD Shelburne SPRINGFIELD Hull Pelham Pelham Pelham Pelham Hull Hampden Essex Bristol Plymouth Bristol Dukes Suffolk Essex Middlesex Middlesex Plymouth Worcester Worcester Worcester Franklin Worcestor Barnstable Plymouth Worcester Essex Norfolk Worcester Essex Bristol Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Suffolk Barnstable Barnstable Worcester Worcester Plymouth Bristol Worcester Worcester Hampshire Bristol Hampden Hampden Barnstable Worcester Hampshire F.ssex Essex Plymouth Middlesex Berkshire Suffolk Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Hampshire Worcester Hampshire Plymouth Middlesex Suffolk Bristol Worcester Worcester Worcester Dukes Worcester Franklin Middlesex Middlesex Hampden Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Essex Hampshire Plymouth Berkshire Franklin Hampden Plymouth Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Hampshire Plymouth . 156 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND Towns Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Pembroke Center Penikese Island Pepperell Station Perrins Perry Hill : Perryville Perryville Pettis Plain Phelps District Phelps' Mills Phillipdale Phillips Beach Phillipston Center Phillipston Corner Piccadilly Pierce's Bridge: Piorceville. Pioty Corner Pigeon Cove Pinedalo Pine Grove Pino Grove Pine Heights Pine Heights Pine Hill Pine Island Pine Meadow Pine Nook Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Pine Tree Brook Pingreyville Pingreyville Pitcherville Pittsfield Junction Plainfield Plainfield Center Plains Plains Plains Plains Plains Plainville Plainville Playstead Pleasantdale Pleasant Hill Pleasant Lake Pleasant Park Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasantville Pleasantville Plimptonville Plowed Neck Plum Island Plum Island Plummer's Plumtrees Plymouth Woods Plympton Depot Pocasset Pochassic Pochet Pocomo Podunk Pohoganut Point Gammon Point Grove Point Independence Point of Pines Point Pleasant Point Pleasant Point Shirley Poland Polandville Polpis Pomeroy Pond District Pond Plain Pondsville. Pond Village Pond Village Pond Village Pondville Pondville Pembroke Gosnold Pepperell Seekonk Acushnet Dudley Rehoboth Deerfield Blandford Peabody Charlton Swampscott Phillipston Phillipston Westborough Lexington Rochester WALTHAM Rockport. Athol NEWTON NORTHAMPTON Amherst Dedham Lyxx Mattapoisett Northfield Deerfield Dedham Westford Milton Ayer Littleton Hubbardston PITTSFIELD Nantucket Plainfield Edgartown Northfield Orange Oxford Sharon Hadley New BEDFORD Winthrop . Sutton Saugus Harwich BROCKTON Amesbury Athol Methuen Sutton BROCKTON Freetown. Walpole Sandwich Ipswich NEWBURYPORT Northbridge Sunderland Plymouth Kingston Bourne Westfield Orleans Nantucket Brookfield Edgartown Yarmouth Southwick Wareham REVERE Swansea Webster Winthrop . Conway Webster Nantucket PITTSFIELD Amesbury Weymouth Barnstable Plainfield Truro Yarmouth Auburn Norfolk Plymouth Dukos Middlesex Bristol Bristol Worcester Bristol Franklin Hampden Essex Worcester Essex Worcoster Worcester Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Middlesex Essex Worcester Middlesex Hampshire Hampshire Norfolk Essex Plymouth Franklin Franklin Norfolk Middlesex Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Berkshire Nantucket Hampshire Dukes Franklin Franklin Worcester Norfolk Hampshire Bristol Suffolk Worcester Essex Barnstable Plymouth Essex Worcester Essex Worcester Plymouth Bristol Norfolk Barnstable Essex Essex Worcester Franklin Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Hampden Barnstable Nantucket Worcester Dukes Barnstablo Hampden Plymouth Suffolk Bristol Worcester Suffolk Franklin Worcester Nantucket Berkshire Essex Norfolk Barnstable Hampshire Barnstable Barnstable Worcester Norfolk 1 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 157 A VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated . Poniken Ponkapoag Pontoosuc Pontoosuc Lake' Pontville Pope's Hill Pope's Point Poquanticut Pork Lane Porter Porter's Station Portnomequot Post Island Potenska Point Potter Hill Pottersville Pound Hill Poverty Point Powder Hill Powder Horn Hill Powder Point Power House Power Station Power Station Pratt's Corner Pratt's Junction Pratt Town Prattville Prattville Precinct Prentice Corner Prescott Hill Prescott Hollow Pride's Crossing Primus Princeton Depot Privilege Proctor's Crossing Proctor's Crossing Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Prospect Hill Prospect Park Proutyville Pucker Town Pudding Hollow Puddingshire Pumping Station Pumpkin Hook Purchade Puritan Heights Putnam Hill Putnams Putnam's Village Putnam ville Quaboag Village Quaise Quaker City Quaker District Quampacha Quansett Quansue Quarry Quarry Section Queen Anne's Corner Quidnet Quinames Quinapoxet Quincy Adams Quincy Neck Quincy Point Quinebaug Quinsigamond Quissett Quitset Quitticus Lancaster Canton PITTSFIELD Lanesborough Hubbardston BOSTON Carver Easton Cheshire Weymouth CAMBRIDGE Orleans QUINCY Dartmouth Sutton Somerset Rutland Nantucket Barre CHELSEA : Duxbury Westminster Hingham. Millbury Shutesbury Sterling Bridgewater CHELSEA Raynham Lakeville Northbridge Prescott Prescott BEVERLY Pepperell . Princeton Blackstone Danvers Peabody BROCKTON Chilmark Hingham. Lanesborough Plympton SOMERVILLE West Springfield Westminster BROCKTON Spencer Wellfleet Hawley Middleborough Plymouth Cheshire Middleborough Provincetown Sutton Middleborough Charlton Danvers : North Brookfield Nantucket Uxbridge . Northbridge Edgartown Westport Chilmark Becket West Stockbridge Norwell Nantucket Chilmark Holden QUINCY QUINCY QUINCY Dudley WORCESTER Falmouth Chilmark Carver Worcester Norfolk Berkshire Berkshire Worcester Suffolk Plymouth Bristol Berkshire Norfolk Middlesex Barnstable Norfolk Bristol Worcester Bristol Worcester Nantucket Worcester Suffolk Plymouth Worcester Plymouth Worcester Franklin Worooster Plymouth Suffolk Bristol Plymouth Worcester Hampshire Hampshire Essex Middlesex Worcester Worcester Essex Essex Plymouth Dukes Plymouth Berkshire Plymouth Middlesex Hampden Worcester Plymouth Worcester Barnstablo Franklin Plymouth Plymouth Berkshire Plymouth Barnstable Worcester Plymouth Worcester Essex Worcester Nantucket Worcester Worcester Dukes Bristol Dukes Berkshire Berkshire Plymouth Nantucket Dukes Worcester Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Worcester Worcester Barnstablo Dukes Plymouth Norfolk Essex Bristol Norfolk Plymouth Rabbit Hill Raddins Railroad Park Rakeville Ram Island Plainville LYNN Westport Bellingham Mattapoisett . 158 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated . Ram's Horn Randall Town Randolph Farms Randolph Farms Rangeley Park Raymond Raymond's Corner Raynham Center Reading Highlands Readville Red Bridge Red Brook Red Mills Red School Reed's Corner Reed's Hill Reed's Pond Reformatory Station Rehoboth Conter Rehoboth Village Renaud Heights Renfrew Renfrew Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir Hill Revere Beach Revere Center Revere Highlands Rexhamo Rice City Rice Village Richard's Corner Richardson's Corner Richmond Richmond Furnace Ridge Hill Ring's Corner Ring's Island Ringville Rising Corners Risingdale Riverbank Riverdale Riverdale Riverdale Riverdale Riverdale River End Rivermoor Riverside Riverside Riverside. Riverside Riverside. Riverside Riverside Riverside Riverside Heights Riverside Park. Riverview Station Riverview Heights Rivulet Robert's Crossing Robert's Meadow Robinsonville Robinsonville Robinsonville Rochdale Rochester Center Rock Rock Rock Bottom Rockdale Rockdale Rock Dale Mills Rock Harbor Rock Island Rockland Hill Rocklawn Mills Rock Rimmon Rocks Village Rock Valley Rockville Rock ville Rocky Hill Rocky Hill Rocky Hill Dudley Mattapoisett : Holbrook. Randolph BROCKTON Plymouth Westminster Raynham Reading BOSTON Ludlow Plymouth Clarksburg Winchendon WALTHAM Marblehead Kingston. Concord Rehoboth Rehoboth FALL RIVER Adams Dalton Becket Brookline CAMBRIDGE REVERE REVERE REVERE Marshfield Uxbridge . Barre West Bridgewater Charlton TAUNTON Richmond Norwell Amesbury Salisbury . Worthington Southwick Great Barrington Deerfield Dedham Dracut GLOUCESTER Northbridge West Springfield Norfolk Scituate Gill Hatfield HAVERHILL HOLYOKE NEWTON : Woston Williamstown Worthington Dedham Concord WALTHAM Dedham Uxbridge WALTHAM NORTHAMPTON ATTLEBORO Mansfield North Attleborough Leicester Rochester Leicester Middleborough Stow NEW BEDFORD Northbridge West Stockbridge Orleans QUINCY Hull Westborough Belchertown HAVERAILL HOLYOKE Medway Millis Amesbury Millord Rehoboth Worcester Plymouth Norfolk Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Bristol Middlesex Suffolk Hampden Plymouth Rerkshire Worcester Middlesex Essex Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Bristol Bristol Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Norfolk Middlesex Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Plymouth Worcester Worcester Plymouth Worcester Bristol Berkshire Plymouth Essex Essex Hampshire Hampden Berkshire Franklin Norfolk Middlesex Essex Worcester Hampden Norfolk Plymouth Franklin Hampshire Essex Hampden Middlesex Middlesex Berkshire Hampshire Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Middlesex Hampshire Bristol Bristol Bristol Worcester Plymouth Worcester Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Worcester Berkshire Barnstable Norfolk Plymouth Worcester Hampshire Essex Hampden Norfolk Norfolk Essex Worcester Bristol VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 159 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated . Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Worcester Hampden Norfolk Berkshire Essex Suffolk Berkshire Hampden Worcester Plymouth Franklin Suffolk Suffolk Worcester Suffolk Worcester Hampden Berkshire Bristol Hampshire Hampshire Worcester Essex Worcester Rocky Meadow Rocky Nook Rocky Nook Rogersville Rollstone Hill Root District Rose Cliff Rose Hill Rosemont Roslindale Rossiter Corners Round Hill Round Meadow Rounseville Mills Rowe Village Roxbury Roxbury Crossing Royalston Center Rugby Rural District Rushville Russell's Russell Mills Russellville Russellville Rutland Center. Ryall Side Ryder Village Sabbatia Park Saccarappa Sacket's Harbor Sagamore Sagamore Beach Sagamore City Sagamore Highlands Sagamore Hill Saint Anne's Hill Salem Junction Salem Neck Salem Willows Salisbury Beach Salisbury Center Salisbury Heights Selisbury Plains Salisbury Point Salter's Point Sampsonville Sandersdale Sanders Hill Sand Hill Sand Hill Sand Hills Sandisfield Centor Sandy Bar Sandy Neck Sandy Pond Station Sandy Valley Sankaty Santuit Santuit Village Saquish Satucket Saugus Center Saundersville Savaryville Savin Hill Savoy Center Savoy Hollow Sawtelleville Saxonville. Scaddings Scaden Scantic Schooset Scituate Center Scituate Harbor Scituate Neck Scituate Station Sconticut Neck Sconticut Point Scorton Scotland Scott Hill Scott's Woods Scrabble Hollow Scrabbletown Seagrit Middleborough Hingham. Kingston Uxbridge. FITCHBURG Southwick Weymouth Becket HAVERHILL BOSTON Richmond SPRINGFIELD Westminster Rochester Rowe BOSTON BOSTON Royalston BOSTON Blackstone SPRINGFIELD PITTSFIELD Dartmouth Hadley Southampton Rutland BEVERLY Barre TAUNTON Oxford Petersham Bourne Bourne FALL RIVER Bourne Hull WORCESTER Tewksbury SALEM SALEM Salisbury. Salisbury. BROCKTON Salisbury. Amesbury Dartmouth Worthington Southbridge HAVERHILL CHICOPEE Sandwich Scituato Sandisfield WORCESTER Barnstable Ayer Dedbam Nantucket Barnstable Sandwich Plymouth East Bridgewater Saugus Grafton Groveland BOSTON Savoy Savoy BROCKTON Framingham TAUNTON Uxbridge. Hampden Pembroke Scituate Scituate Scituate Scituate Fairhaven Fairhaven Sandwich Bridgewater Bellingham Milton Westrainster Cheshiro Saugus Bristol Worcester Worcester Barnstable Barnstable Bristol Barnstable Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Essex Essex Essex Essex Plymouth Essex Essex Bristol Hampshire Worcester Essex Hampden Barnstable Plymouth Berkshire Worcester Barnstable Middlesex Norfolk Nantucket Barnstable Barnstable Plymouth Plymouth Essex Worcester Essex Suffolk Berkshire Berkshire Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Worcester Hampden Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Bristol Bristol Barnstable Plymouth Norfolk Norfolk Worcester Berkshire Essex 160 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Searsville Searsville Seaside Seaside Sea View Second Chifi Second Parish Second Parish Seekonk Segreganset Shaboken Shady Hill Shaker Village Shaker Village Shaker Village Shaker Village Shaker Village Sharon Center Sharon Corner Sharon Heights Shattuckville Shawmut Shawmut Shaw's Corner Shawsheen Road Park Shawville. Sheffield Plain Shelburne Center Shelburne Falls Shelburne Falls Sheldonville Shepardville Sherman's Corner Sherman's Corner Sherman Terrace Sherwood Shimmo Shirley Center Shirley Village Shoestring District Shorley Shrewsbury Center Shrewsbury Lower Village Shuttleville Siasconset Sibleyville Silloway's Hill Silver Hill Silver Hill Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Park Silver Shell Simpsonville Single Tax Sippican Sixteen Acres Skinner Skinnerville Slab City Slocum Smith Hollow Smith's Ferry Smith's Lane Smith's Mills Smith's Neck Smith's Point Smith's Station Smith Village Smithville Smithville. Smithville. Snake Hill Snake Meadow Hill Snellville Soapstown Sodom Sodom Sodom Somerset Junction Somerville Highlands Somerville Junction South Abington Station South Acton South Amherst . South Ashburnham South Ashfield Dennis Williamsburg Kingston Plymouth Marshfield Scituate Boxford West Newbury Great Barrington Dighton Harvard Bedford Ayer Hancock Harvard PITTSFIELD Shirley Sharon Walpole Sharon Colrain BOSTON New BEDFORD BROCKTON Tewksbury Wales Sheffield: Shelburne Buckland Shelburne Wrentham Plainville Rochester Scituate Somerset Williamstown Nantucket Shirley Shirley Carver Palmer Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Southbridge Nantucket ATTLEBORO West Newbury Milford Weston Kingston Plympton Wilmington Tewksbury Marion Millbury Harvard Marion SPRINGFIELD Shelburne Williamsburg Leverett Acushnet Middlefield HOLYOKE Kingston Dartmouth Dartmouth Manchester Enfield Westminster Barre Spencer Sutton Charlton Westford Sturbridge Prescott Hanson Rowley Tyringham FALL RIVER SOMERVILLE SOMERVILLE Whitman Acton Amherst Ashburnham Ashfield Barnstable Hampshire Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Essex Essex Berkshire Bristol Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Berkshire Worcester Berkshire Middlesex Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Franklin Suffolk Bristol Plymouth Middlesex Hampden Berkshire Franklin Franklin Franklin Norfolk Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Bristol Berkshire Nantucket Middlesex Middlesex Plymouth Hampden Worcester Worcester Worcester Nantucket Bristol Essex Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Plymouth Middlesex Middlesex Plymouth Worcester Worcester Plymouth Hampden Franklin Hampshire Franklin Bristol Hampshire Hampden Plymouth Bristol Bristol Essex Hampshire Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Middlesex Worcester Hampshire Plymouth Essex Berkshire Bristol Middlesex Middlesex Plymouth Middlesex Hampshire Worcester Franklin VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 161 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated South Athol South Attleboro South Barre South Beach South Becket South Belchertown South Bellingham South Berlin South Billerica South Bolton South Boston South Boylston South Braintree South Braintree Heights South Brewster South Byfield South Carver South Charlton South Chatham South Chelmsford South Clinton South Colrain South Cove South Dartmouth South Deerfield South Dennis South Dighton South Douglas South Dover South Duxbury South Eastham South Easton South Easton Green South Egremont South End South End South End South End South End South Essex South Everett South field South Fitchburg South Foxborough South Framingham South Franklin South Gardner . South Georgetown South Groveland South Hadley Center South Hadley Falls South Halifax South Hamilton South Hanover . South Hanson South Harwich South Hawley South Hill South Hingham South Hopedale South Hyannis . South Lancaster South Lane South Lawrence South Lee South Leverett South Leyden South Lincoln South Longyard South Lowell South Lowell South Mashpee South Medford South Middleborough South Middleton South Milford South Monson South Montague South Natick South New Salem South Orleans South Oxford South Park South Peabody South Plymouth South Pond Village South Quarter Woods South Quincy Athol ATTLEBORO Barre Edgartown Becket Belchertown Bellingham Berlin Billerica Bolton BOSTON Boylston Braintree. Braintree Brewster Newbury Carver Charlton Chatham Chelmsford Clinton Colrain BOSTON Dartmouth Deerfield Dennis Dighton Douglas Dover Duxbury Eastham Easton Easton Egremont BOSTON Littleton Leominster Lunenburg NEW BEDFORD Essex EVERETT New Marlborough FITCHBURG Foxborough Framingham Franklin Gardner Georgetown Groveland South Hadley South Hadley Halifax Hamilton Hanover Hanson Harwich Hawley Ashburnham Hingham. Hopedale Barnstable Lancaster Granville . LAWRENCE Lee Leverett Leyden Lincoln Southwick LOWELL Tewksbury Mashpee MEDFORD Middleborough Middleton Milford Monson Montague Natick New Salem Orleans Oxford Athol Peabody Plymouth Plymouth Russell QUINCY Worcester Bristol Worcester Dukes Berkshire Hampshire Norfolk Worcester Middlesex Worcester Suffolk Worcester Norfolk Norfolk Barnstable Essex Plymouth Worcester Barnstable Middlesex Worcester Franklin Suffolk Bristol Franklin Barnstable Bristol Worcester Norfolk Plymouth Barnstable Bristol Bristol Berkshire Suffolk Middlesex Worcester Worcester Bristol Essex Middlesex Berkshire Worcester Norfolk Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Essex Essex Hampshire Hampshire Plymouth Essex Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Franklin Worcester Plymouth Worcester Barnstable Worcester Hampden Essex Berkshire Franklin Franklin Middlesex Hampden Middlesex Middlesex Barnstable Middlesex Plymouth Essex Worcester Hampden Franklin Middlesex Franklin Barnstable Worcester Worcester Essex Plymouth Plymouth Hampden Norfolk 162 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND Towns Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated South Raynham South Rehoboth South River South Rockport South Row South Royalston South Salem South Sandisfield South Sandwich South Seekonk South Sharon South Sherborn South Shrewsbury South Shutesbury South Somerset South Spencer South Stoughton South Sudbury South Sutton South Swansea South Tewksbury South Truro South Upton South Uxbridge South Village South Village South Village South ville South Walpole South Walpole South Wareham South Wellfleet South Westminster South Westport South Weymouth Southwick Center Southwick District South Williamstown South Wilmington Station South Worcester South Worthington South Yarmouth Spectacle Pond Spindleville Spotless Town : Sprague's Cove Sprague s Hill Springdale Springdale Springdale Springdale Spring Hill Spring Hill Springside Spring Valley Spring Village Springville Spruce Corner Squannacook Junction Squantum Squibnocket Stafford's Hill Standish Standish Stanley Star Mill Village State Farm State Line. State Line. State Reservation State Side . Stearnsville Steep Brook Sterling Junction Stevens' Corner Stevens' Village Stevens' Village Stevensville Still River Still River Still Water Stone Factory Stone Haven Stonehaven Stone's Crossing Stoneville Stoneville Stony Beach Raynham Rehoboth Conway Rockport. Townsend Royalston SALEM Sandisfield Sandwich Seekonk Sharon Sherborn Shrewsbury Shutesbury Somerset Spencer Stoughton Sudbury Sutton Swanses Tewksbury Truro Upton Uxbridge Ashby Dennis Webster Southborough Foxborough Walpole Wareham Wellfleet Westminster Westport Weymouth Southwick Uxbridge Williamstown WOBURN WORCESTER Worthington Yarmouth Sandwich Hopedale. Randolph Marion Bridgewater Canton Holden HOLYOKE Westfield Sandwich SOMERVILLE PITTSFIELD Wellfleet Winchendon Topsfield Ashfield Groton QUINCY Chilmark Cheshire Marshfield Pembroke Bridgewater Middleborough Bridgewater Monson West Stockbridge Westminster Westport PITTSFIELD FALL RIVER Sterling Richmond Dudley North Andover Worthington Bolton Harvard Deerfield Canton Dedham Rockport Auburn Auburn Wendell Hull Bristol Bristol Franklin Essex Middlesex Worcester Essex Berkshire Barnstable Bristol Norfolk Middlesex Worcester Franklin Bristol Worcester Norfolk Middlesex Worcester Bristol Middlesex Barnstable Worcester Worcester Middlesex Barnstable Worcester Worcester Norfolk Norfolk Plymouth Barnstable Worcester Bristol Norfolk Hampden Worcester Berkshire Middlesex Worcester Hampshire Barnstable Barnstable Worcester Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk Worcester Hampden Hampden Barnstable Middlesex Berkshire Barnstable Worcester Essex Franklin Middlesex Norfolk Dukes Berkshire Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Hampden Berkshire Worcester Bristol Berkshire Bristol Worcester Berkshire Worcester Essex Hampshire Worcester Worcester Franklin Norfolk Norfolk Essex Worcester Worcester Franklin Plymouth VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 163 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Stony Brook Stony Brook Stony Brook Stony Hill Storesville. Stormy Hili Stoughton Center Stow Center Strawberry Hill Strawberry Hill Straw Hollow Sturbridge Center Sugar Hill Summit Summit Grove Sunnyside. Sunnyside. Sunnyside Sunnyside Worth Sunset Point Surfside Surfside Sutton Center Swansea Center Swansea Village Sweeneyville Sweet's Corner Swift River Swift's Beach Sylvester Corner Symmes' Corner Taber Hill Tack Factory Taconic Taft's Mills Taggart Tainter Hili Talbot Tallawanda Tanner District Tapleyville Tar Hill Tarkiln Tarpaulin Cove Tashmoo Tasseltop Tatham Tatnuck Taylor's Bridge Teaticket Tempest Knob Station Templeton Center Tenneyville Terrys Tewksbury Center Tewksbury Junction Tewksbury Station Texas Village Thatcher's Corner Thayer The Bluffs The Glades The Graves The Green The Hill The Plains The Point Thermopylae The Rocks The Union Thicket Third Cliff Thomas Corner Thomaston Park Thomastown Thompson Corners Thompsonville Thorndike Thornton Three Rivers Tihonet Tillotson's. Tilton's Corner Tinker Hill Tinkertown Tinkham Town Tinwood Kingston Norfolk Weston Wilbraham Dana Dedham Stoughton Stow CAMBRIDGE Hull Boylston Sturbridge Chesterfield WORCESTER Dartmouth Athol BOSTON BROCKTON Worthington Hull Hull Nantucket Sutton Swansea Swansea Topsfield Williamstown Cummington Wareham BROCKTON Winchester Acushnet. Middleborough PITTSFIELD Oxford Blandford Millbury Northborough WORCESTER Webster Danvers FITCHBURG Duxbury Gosnold Tisbury Douglas West Springfield WORCESTER Chesterfield Falmouth Wareham Templeton Palmer Freetown Tewksbury Tewksbury Tewksbury Oxford TAUNTON Lancaster Ipswich Scituate Hull Middleborough Kingston. Clinton SALEM South Hadley Peabody NORTH ADAMS Abington. Scituate Weymouth BROCKTON Middleborough Charlton NEWTON Palmer Winthrop Palmer Wareham PITTSFIELD HAVERHILL Shirley Duxbury Mattapoisett Uxbridge. Plymouth Norfolk Middlesex Hampden Worcester Norfolk Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Plymouth Worcester Worcester Hampshire Worcester Bristol Worcester Suffolk Plymouth Hampshire Plymouth Plymouth Nantucket Worcester Bristol Bristol Essex Berkshire Hampshire Plymouth Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Plymouth Berkshire Worcester Hampden Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Essex Worcester Plymouth Dukes Dukes Worcester Hampden Worcester Hampshire Barnstable Plymouth Worcester Hampden Bristol Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Bristol Worcester Essex Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Essex Hampshire Essex Berkshire Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Hampden Suffolk Hampden Plymouth Berkshire Essex Middlesex Plymouth Plymouth Worcester 164 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Bridgewater Middleborough Orleans Swansea BROCKTON LAWRENCE Randolph Wayland Sandisfield Townsend Townsend SPRINGFIELD Wareham. Auburn WORCESTER Truro Truro Nantucket MEDFORD SOMERVILLE Dudley Orange NORTH ADAMS Arlington Belchertown Montague Billerica Lakeville SALEM Saugus Swansea Belchertown WORCESTER Titicut Titicut Tonset Touisset Tower Hin Tower Hill Tower Hill Tower Hill Town Hill Townsend Harbor Townsend Hill Trafton Park Tremont Trowbridge Trowbridgeville Truro Center Truro Station Tuckernuck Island Tufts College Tufts College Tuftsville Tully Tunnel Road Turkey Hill Turkey Hill Turners Falls Turnpike Turnpike Turnpike Twin Springs Two Mile Purchase Tylerville Tyson's Corner: Uncatena Island Union Hill Union Market Union Square Union Square Unionville Unionville Unionville Unionville Uphams Corner Upper Barkerville Upper Four Corners Upper Swampscott Upton Center Upton Corner Uxbridge Center Vallerville, Valley Falls Van Deusenville Vaughn's Hill Village Hill Vinegar Hill Vineyard Grove Vineyard Haven Vineyard Highlands Vose Waban Wachogue Wachusett Wachusett Lake Wachusett Park Wachusett Village Wade's Corner Wadsworth Wakeby Wakeby Wakefield Center Wakefield Junction Wakefield Park Walker Wallace Hill Wallum Pond Walnut Bottom Walnut Corner Walnut Hill Walnut Hill Walnut Plains Walnut Square Walpole Center Walpole Heights Walpole Junction Waltham Highlands Plymouth Plymouth Barnstable Bristol Plymouth Essex Norfolk Middlesex Berkshire Middlesex Middlesex Hampden Plymouth Worcester Worcester Barnstable Barnstable Nantucket Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Franklin Berkshire Middlesex Hampshire Franklin Middlesex Plymouth Essex Essex Bristol Hampshire Worcester Dukes Worcester Middlesex Worcester Middlesex Bristol Norfolk Worcester Norfolk Suffolk Berkshire Plymouth Essex Worcester Middlesex Worcester Gosnold WORCESTER Watertown Gardner SOMERVILLE Easton Franklin Holden Wellesley. BOSTON PITTSFIELD Lakeville Swampscott Upton North Reading Uxbridge. Plymouth WORCESTER Great Barrington Bolton Williamsburg Saugus Edgartown Tisbury Oak Bluffs Groton Plymouth Worcester Berkshire Worcester Hampshire Essex Dukes Dukes Dukes Middlesex NEWTON SPRINGFIELD FITCHBURG Westminster Westminster Westminster TAUNTON Franklin. Mashpee Sandwich Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield TAUNTON Townsend Douglas BROCKTON North Reading Orange WOBURN Middleborough HAVERHILL Walpole Walpole Walpole WALTHAM Middlesex Hampden Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Bristol Norfolk Barnstable Barnstable Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Bristol Middlesex Worcester Plymouth Middlesex Franklin Middlesex Plymouth Essex Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Middlesex VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 165 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND Towns Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Wamesit Wampum Wappanucket Wapping Wapping Road Village Waquoit Wardell's Corner Ward Hill Ward Hill Ware Center Wareham Center Wares Warren Hili Warwick Center Washacum Washington Washington City Washington Park Washington Village Waterford Waters Bog Water Shops Waterville Waterville. Watson Wattoquotoc Hill Watuppa Wauwinet Waveland Waverley Waverley Waverly Park Wayside Inn Webster Junction Webster Village Wedgemere Weir Weir Junction Weir River Weir Village Weir Village Wellesley Falls Wellesley Farms Wellesley Hills Wellesley Oaks Wellesley Park Wellingsley Wellington Wellington Hill Wendell Center Wendell Depot Wenham Depot Wenham Neck Wepecket Island Wessagusset Wessonville West Abington West Acton West Andover West Auburn West Barnstable West Barre West Beach West Becket West Bedford West Berlin West Billerica West Boxford West Brewster West Brimfield West Brook West Cambridge West Center West Central West Chatham West Chelmsford West Chesterfield West Chop West Concord West Corners West Crook West Crook West Cummington Westdale Westdale West Dedham West Deerfield West Dennis Tewksbury Wrentham Middleborough Deerfield Kingston Falmouth Westport HAVERHILL Phillipston Ware Wareham Plymouth Dedham Warwick Sterling Belchertown Washington EVERETT BOSTON Blackstone Wareham SPRINGFIELD Middleborough Winchendon Ashfield Bolton FALL RIVER Nantucket Hull Belmont Watertown North Andover Sudbury Auburn Scituate Winchester TAUNTON TAUNTON Hingham . TAUNTON Yarmouth Wellesley Wellesley Wellesley Natick Natick Plymouth MEDFORD BOSTON Wendell Wendell Wenham Wenham Gosnold Weymouth Westborough Abington Acton Andover Auburn Barnstable Barre BEVERLY Becket Bedford Berlin Billerica Boxford Brewster Brimfield Hatfield CAMBRIDGE Otis Rehoboth Chatham Chelmsford Chesterfield Tisbury Concord Randolph East Bridgewater Whitman Cummington East Bridgewater West Bridgewater Dedham Deerfield Dennis Middlesex Norfolk Plymouth Franklin Plymouth Barnstable Bristol Essex Worcester Hampshire Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk Franklin Worcester Hampshire Berkshire Middlesex Suffolk Worcester Plymouth Hampden Plymouth Worcester Franklin Worcester Bristol Nantucket Plymouth Middlesex Middlesex Essex Middlesex Worcester Plymouth Middlesex Bristol Bristol Plymouth Bristol Barnstable Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Middlesex Middlesex Plymouth Middlesex Suffolk Franklin Franklin Essex Essex Dukes Norfolk Worcester Plymouth Middlesex Essex Worcester Barnstable Worcester Essex Berkshire Middlesex Worcester Middlesex Essex Barnstable Hampden Hampshire Middlesex Berkshire Bristol Barnstable Middlesex Hampshire Dukes Middlesex Norfolk Plymouth Plymouth Hampshire Plymouth Plymouth Norfolk Franklin Barnstable 166 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated West Dighton West Douglas West Dudley West Duxbury West Egremont West End West End West End West End West End West End West Everett West Falmouth West Farms West Farms West Farms West Fitchburg Westford Corner West Foxborough West Gardner West Gloucester West Graniteville West Granville West Groton West Hanover West Harwich West Hatfield West Hawley West Hill West Hill West Hill West Hingham West Holyoke Westlake Westlands Westlands West Leominster West Leyden West Lynn West Manchester West Mansfield West Medford West Medway West Millbury Westminster Depot West Mountain West Mountain West Natick West New Boston West Newton West Northfield West Orange West Orleans West Otis West Oxford West Parish West Parish West Parish West Park West Peabody West Pelham West Pittsfield West Plymouth Westport Factory Westport Factory Station Westport Factory Village Westport Harbor Westport Mills Westport Point West Quincy West Roxbury West Royalston West Rutland West Sherborn West Side West Somerville West Sterling West Sterling West Stockbridge Center West Stoughton West Sudbury West Sutton West Tatnuck West Tewksbury West Townsend West Upton West Uxbridge Westvale Dighton Douglas Dudley Duxbury Egremont Bolton BOSTON Lunenburg MALDEN Middleborough WALTHAM EVERETT Falmouth BEVERLY NORTHAMPTON Westfield FITCHBURG Westford Foxborough Gardner GLOUCESTER Westford Granville. Groton Hanover Harwich Hatfield Hawley Belchertown Hawley Middlefield Hingham HOLYOKE East Bridgewater Chelmsford Saugus Leominster Leyden LYNN Manchester Mansfield MEDFORD Medway Millbury Westminster Bernardston Cheshire Natick Sandisfield NEWTON Northfield Orange Orleans Otis Oxford Granby HAVERHILL Westfield BEVERLY Peabody Pelham PITTSFIELD Plymouth Dartmouth Westport Westport Westport Dartmouth Westport QUINCY BOSTON Royalston Rutland Sherborn Plainville SOMERVILLE Princeton Sterling West Stockbridge Stoughton Sudbury Sutton WORCESTER Tewksbury Townsend Upton Uxbridge, Concord Bristol Worcester Worcester Plymouth Berkshire Worcester Suffolk Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Middlesex Middlesex Barnstable Essex Hampshire Hampden Worcester Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Essex Middlesex Hampden Middlesex Plymouth Barnstable Hampshire Franklin Hampshire Franklin Hampshire Plymouth Hampden Plymouth Middlesex Essex Worcester Franklin Essex Essex Bristol Middlesex Norfolk Worcester Worcester Franklin Berkshire Middlesex Berkshire Middlesex Franklin Franklin Barnstable Berkshire Worcester Hampshire Essex Hampden Essex Essex Hampshire Berkshire Plymouth Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Norfolk Suffolk Worcester Worcester Middlesex Norfolk Middlesex Worcester Worcester Berkshire Norfolk Middlesex Worcester Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Worcester Middlesex VILLAGES AND SECTIONS, ALPHABETICALLY. 167 VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND TOWNS Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated West Village Westville Westville Westville Westville West Walpole West Ware Center West Wareham West Warren West Watertown West Wenham West Whately West Worcester West Worthington West Wrentham West Yarmouth Weymouth Center Weymouth Heights Whalom Park Whalom Park Wheeler Wheeler Park Wheeler's Corner Wheeler's Hill Wheelersville Wheelockville Wheelockville Wheelwright Whidden's Corner Whipples White Hall Whitehead White Horse Beach White Oaks White Valley Whiteville Whitinsville Whitman Line Park Whitmanville Whitmanville Whitney District Whitneys Whittenton Whittenton Junction Wianno Wickfield. Wigginville. Wigwam Hill Wilburs Crossing Wilkinsonville Wilkinson ville Wilkinsville Williams Hill Williamstown Station Williamsville Williamsville Willimansett Willis Place Williston Mills Willow Bridge Willowdale Willow Ledge Willows Wilmington Center Wilmington Junction Wilson Hill Winchendon Center : Winchendon Springs Winchester Highlands Winchester Park Windemere Windermere Windsor Bush Windsor Hill Windsor Park Winetucket Wingaersheek Winneconnet Winnikenni Park Winslow Winslow's Crossing Winter Hill Winter Hill Winter Island Winter's Corner Winterville Winthrop Beach Winthrop Center North Reading Southbridge Spencer sturbridge TAUNTON Walpole Ware Wareham Warren Watertown Wenham Whately WORCESTER Worthington Wrentham Yarmouth Weymouth Weymouth Leominster Lunenburg Orange BROCKTON TAUNTON Berlin Millbury Blackstone Uxbridge Hardwick Westford Palmer Rutland Hull Plymouth Williamstown Barre Mansfield Northbridge Whitman Truro Westminster Washington Sherborn. TAUNTON TAUNTON Barnstable South Hadley LOWELL Mendon Somerset Grafton Sutton Hudson Uxbridge Williamstown Hubbardston West Stockbridge CHICOPEE Colrain Easthampton SOMERVILLE Hamilton Hull Ayer Wilmington Wilmington Colrain Winchendon Winchendon Winchester BROCKTON Hull Oak Bluffs Windsor Windsor Boylston. Plympton GLOUCESTER Norton HAVERHILL Norwood Hanover Holden SOMERVILLE SALEM BROCKTON NEW BEDFORD Winthrop . Winthrop . Middlesex Worcester Worcester Worcester Bristol Norfolk Hampshire Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Essex Franklin Worcester Hampshire Norfolk Barnstable Norfolk Norfolk Worcester Worcester Franklin Plymouth Bristol Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Middlesex Hampden Worcester Plymouth Plymouth Berkshire Worcester Bristol Worcester Plymouth Barnstable Worcester Berkshire Middlesex Bristol Bristol Barnstable Hampshire Middlesex Worcester Bristol Worcester Worcester Middlesex Worcester Berkshire Worcester Berkshire Hampden Franklin Hampshire Middlesex Essex Plymouth Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Franklin Worcester Worcester Middlesex Plymouth Plymouth Dukes Berkshire Berkshire Worcester Plymouth Essex Bristol Essex Norfolk Plymouth Worcester Middlesex Essex Plymouth Bristol Suffolk Suffolk 168 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS VILLAGES AND SECTIONS OF CITIES AND Towns Municipalities in which Situated Counties in which Situated Winthrop Highlands Wintucket. Wire Village Woburn Highlands Wollaston Wollaston Heights Woodbury: Woodbury Village Wood Island Woodland Station Woodlawn Woodruff Heights Woods Hole Woodside Mills Woodsville Woodville. Woodville Woodward Springs Woonsocket Junction World's End Woronoco Worthington Center Worthington Corners Wyben Wyoma Wyoming. Yarmouth Farms Yarmouthport Yellow Town Yokum Pond York. Zoar Zylonite : Winthrop . Edgartown Spencer WOBURN QUINCY QUINCY Hamilton Sutton BOSTON NEWTON EVERETT Clinton Falmouth Northborough Shirley Hopkinton Leicester TAUNTON Blackstone Hingham. Russell Worthington Worthington Westfield LYNN MELROSE Yarmouth Yarmouth Wareham Becket Canton Suffolk Dukes Worcester Middlesex Norfolk Norfolk Essex Worcester Suffolk Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Barnstable Worcester Middlesex Middlesex Worcester Bristol Worcester Plymouth Hampden Hampshire Hampshire Hampden Essex Middlesex Barnstable Barnstable Plymouth Berkshire Norfolk Franklin Berkshire Charlemont Adams CHANGES IN BOUNDARY LINES, ETC. 169 NOTES, WITH STATUTORY CITATIONS, ON ANNEXATIONS, CHANGES IN BOUNDARY LINES, PLACE NAMES, ETC., SINCE 1900. The following notes, relative to the establishment of boundary lines and changes in extent of territory or of place names, are complete from 1900 through April 1, 1915. For notes of changes prior to 1900, see Census of Massachusetts, 1905, Vol. I. Andover, boundary between North Reading and, established. Chapter 250, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Boundary between Tewksbury and, established. Chapter 373, Acts of 1903, approved May 21. Arlington, boundary between SOMERVILLE and, established. Chapter 221, Acts of 1910, approved March 16. Boundary between CAMBRIDGE and, established. Chapter 405, Acts of 1911, approved May 5. ATTLEBORO incorporated as a city. Chapter 680, Acts of 1914, approved June 17. Auburn, boundary between Oxford and, established. Chapter 302, Acts of 1908, approved March 27. Belmont, part of CAMBRIDGE annexed to, and boundary between CAMBRIDGE and, readjusted. Chapter 77, Acts of 1906, approved February 16. Part of Watertown annexed to, and part of boundary between Watertown and, established. Chapter 378, Acts of 1903, approved May 23. Part of boundary between Watertown and, established. Chapter 362, Acts of 1911, approved April 29. Berlin, boundary between Clinton and, established. Chapter 359, Acts of 1905, approved May 1. Boundary between Hudson and, established. Chapter 358, Acts of 1905, ap- proved May 1. Boundary between MARLBOROUGH and, established. Chapter 357, Acts of 1905, approved May 1. BOSTON, part of boundary between CAMBRIDGE and, established. Chapter 312, Acts of 1910, approved March 29. Town of Hyde Park annexed to. Chapter 469, Acts of 1911, approved May 24; Chapter 583, Acts of 1911, approved June 22. Boxborough, boundary between Harvard and, established. Chapter 484, Acts of 1906, approved June 14. Boundary between Littleton and, established. Chapter 492, Acts of 1906, ap- proved June 15. Boxford, boundary between Georgetown and, established. Chapter 253, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Boundary between Middleton and, established. Chapter 252, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Boundary between North Andover and, established. Chapter 147, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Boundary between Rowley and, established. Chapter 148, Acts of 1904, ap- proved March 12. Boylston, boundary between West Boylston and, established. Chapter 360, Acts of 1905, approved May 2. Braintree, boundary between Holbrook and, established. Chapter 149, Acts of 1903, approved March 11. > 170 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - Brookfield, boundary between North Brookfield and, established. Chapter 240, Acts of 1910, approved March 18. Boundary between West Brookfield and, established. Chapter 510, Acts of 1910, approved May 13. Brookline, boundary between NEWTON and, established. Chapter 249, Acts of 1907, approved March 28. CAMBRIDGE, part of, annexed to Belmont, and boundary between Belmont and, readjusted. Chapter 77, Acts of 1906, approved February 16. Part of boundary between Boston and, established. Chapter 312, Acts of 1910, approved March 29. Boundary between Arlington and, established. Chapter 405, Acts of 1911, approved May 5. Carlisle, part of boundary between Concord and, established. Chapter 379, Acts of 1903, approved May 23. Carver, part of boundary between Wareham and, established. Chapter 394, Acts of 1901, approved May 16. Charlton, boundary between Oxford and, established. Chapter 92, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Boundary between Southbridge and, established. Chapter 96, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Cheshire, boundary between New Ashford and, established. Chapter 670, Acts of 1912, approved May 8. Clarksburg, boundary between Florida and, established. Chapter 482, Acts of 1913, approved April 10. Clinton, boundary between Berlin and, established. Chapter 359, Acts of 1905, approved May 1. Colrain, boundary between Leyden and, established. Chapter 327, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. Concord, part of boundary between Carlisle and, established. Chapter 379, Acts of 1903, approved May 23. Dana, boundary between Greenwich and, established. Chapter 401, Acts of 1911, approved May 4. Dartmouth, part of, annexed to New BEDFORD. Chapter 256, Acts of 1911, approved April 6. Douglas, boundary between Sutton and, established. Chapter 426, Acts of 1907, approved May 16. Dover, boundary between Medfield and, established. Chapter 389, Acts of 1903, approved May 27. Boundary between Walpole and, established. Chapter 146, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Dudley, boundary between Southbridge and, established. Chapter 97, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Easthampton, boundary between NORTHAMPTON and, established. Chapter 395, Acts of 1914, approved April 21. Enfield, boundary between Greenwich and, established. Chapter 572, Acts of 1910, approved May 26. Essex, boundary between Hamilton and, established. Chapter 151, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Florida, boundary between Clarksburg and, established. Chapter 482, Acts of 1913, approved April 10. Foxborough, part of boundary between Norfolk and, and boundary between Walpole and, established. Chapter 380, Acts of 1903, approved May 23. CHANGES IN BOUNDARY LINES, ETC. 171 7 Gardner, boundary between Westminster and, established. Chapter 410, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. Boundary between Winchendon and, established. Chapter 409, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. Georgetown, boundary between Boxford and, established. Chapter 253, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. GLOUCESTER, boundary between Manchester and, located and defined. Chapter 379, Acts of 1902, approved May 6. Grafton, boundary between Shrewsbury and, established. Chapter 93, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Boundary between Westborough and, established. Chapter 94, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Boundary between WORCESTER and, established. Chapter 90, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Greenwich, boundary between Enfield and, established. Chapter 572, Acts of 1910, approved May 26. Boundary between Dana and, established. Chapter 401, Acts of 1911, ap- proved May 4. Groveland, boundary between West Newbury and, established. Chapter 249, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Hamilton, boundary between Essex and, established. Chapter 151, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Boundary between Ipswich and, established. Chapter 150, Acts of 1904, ap- proved March 12. Boundary between Wenham and, established. Chapter 356, Acts of 1905, approved May 1. Hanson, part of boundary between Pembroke and, established. Chapter 194, Acts of 1903, approved April 3. Harvard, boundary between Boxborough and, established. Chapter 484, Acts of 1906, approved June 14. Boundary between Littleton and, established. Chapter 483, Acts of 1906, approved June 14. Hinsdale, boundary between Peru and, established. Chapter 169, Acts of 1912, approved February 28. Holbrook, boundary between Braintree and, established. Chapter 149, Acts of 1903, approved March 11. Holden, boundary between Paxton and, established. Chapter 157, Acts of 1906, approved March 13. HOLYOKE, part of NORTHAMPTON annexed to. Chapter 480, Acts of 1909, ap- proved June 9. Hopkinton, boundary between Milford and, established. Chapter 423, Acts of 1907, approved May 16. Boundary between Upton and, established. Chapter 424, Acts of 1907, ap- proved May 16. Hudson, boundary between Berlin and, established. Chapter 358, Acts of 1905, approved May 1. Boundary between Stow and, established. Chapter 441, Acts of 1905, ap- proved May 24. Hyde Park, town, annexed to Boston. Chapter 469, Acts of 1911, approved May 24; Chapter 583, Acts of 1911, approved June 22. Ipswich, boundary between Hamilton and, established. Chapter 150, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Part of boundary between Rowley and, established. Chapter 162, Acts of 1904, approved March 19. 9 7 7 172 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Lancaster, boundary between Leominster and, established. Chapter 363, Acts of 1906, approved May 7. Boundary between Sterling and, established. Chapter 429, Acts of 1908, ap- proved April 21. Leominster, boundary between Lancaster and, established. Chapter 363, Acts of 1906, approved May 7. Leyden, boundary between Colrain and, established. Chapter 327, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. Littleton, boundary between Boxborough and, established. Chapter 492, Acts of 1906, approved June 15. Boundary between Harvard and, established. Chapter 483, Acts of 1906, approved June 14. Longmeadow, part of, annexed to SPRINGFIELD. Chapter 639, Acts of 1914, approved June 6. LOWELL, part of Tewksbury annexed to. Chapter 335, Acts of 1906, approved April 30. Lynnfield, boundary between Reading and, established. Chapter 361, Acts of 1905, approved May 2. Boundary between Saugus and, established. Chapter 407, Acts of 1901, ap- proved May 17. MALDEN, part of boundary between MEDFORD and, established. Chapter 612, Acts of 1910, approved June 10. Manchester, boundary between GLOUCESTER and, located and defined. Chapter 379, Acts of 1902, approved May 6. Marion, part boundary between Wareham and, established. Chapter 126, Acts of 1909, approved March 1. MARLBOROUGH, boundary between Berlin and, established. Chapter 357, Acts of 1905, approved May 1. Part of boundary between Southborough and, established. Chapter 393, Acts of 1901, approved May 16. Mashpee, part of Sandwich annexed to, and part of boundary between Sandwich and, established. Chapter 306, Acts of 1905, approved April 20. Medfield, boundary between Dover, Norfolk, and Walpole and, established. Chapter 389, Acts of 1903, approved May 27. MEDFORD, part of boundary between MALDEN and, established. Chapter 612, Acts of 1910, approved June 10. MELROSE, boundary between Wakefield and, established. Chapter 376, Acts of 1906, approved May 9. Middleton, boundary between Boxford and, established. Chapter 252, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Boundary between North Andover and, established. Chapter 251, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Milford, boundary between Hopkinton and, established. Chapter 423, Acts of 1907, approved May 16. Boundary between Upton and, established. Chapter 422, Acts of 1907, ap- proved May 16. Millbury, boundary between Oxford and, established. Chapter 95, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Boundary between Sutton and, established. Chapter 425, Acts of 1907, approved May 16. Montgomery, boundary between Russell and, established. Chapter 614, Acts of 1914, approved June 3. New Ashford, boundary between Cheshire and, established. Chapter 670, Acts of 1912, approved May 8. CHANGES IN BOUNDARY LINES, ETC. 173 > ) NEW BEDFORD, part of Dartmouth annexed to. Chapter 256, Acts of 1911, approved April 6. New Braintree, boundary between North Brookfield and, established. Chapter 330, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. Boundary between West Brookfield and, established. Chapter 332, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. Newbury, part of boundary between Rowley and, established. Chapter 219, Acts of 1905, approved March 27. New Salem, boundary between Prescott and, established. Chapter 340, Acts of 1911, approved April 27. NEWTON, boundary between Brookline and, established. Chapter 249, Acts of 1907, approved March 28. Norfolk, part of boundary between Foxborough and, established. Chapter 380, Acts of 1903, approved May 23. Boundary between Medfield and, established. Chapter 389, Acts of 1903, approved May 27. NORTH ADAMS, part of Williamstown annexed to. Chapter 262, Acts of 1900, approved April 25. NORTHAMPTON, part of, annexed to HOLYOKE. Chapter 480, Acts of 1909, ap- proved June 9. Boundary between Easthampton and, established. Chapter 395, Acts of 1914, approved April 21. North Andover, boundary between Boxford and, established. Chapter 147, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Boundary between Middleton and, established. Chapter 251, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Boundary between North Reading and, established. Chapter 149, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Northbridge, boundary between Uxbridge and, established. Chapter 408, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. North Brookfield, boundary between Brookfield and, established. Chapter 240, Acts of 1910, approved March 18. Boundary between New Braintree and, established. Chapter 330, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. Boundary between West Brookfield and, established. Chapter 331, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. North Reading, boundary between Andover and, established. Chapter 250, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Boundary between North Andover and, established. Chapter 149, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Oak Bluffs, name of Cottage City changed to. Chapter 27, Acts of 1907, approved January 25. Oxford, boundary between Auburn and, established. Chapter 302, Acts of 1908, approved March 27. Boundary between Charlton and, established. Chapter 92, Acts of 1907, ap- proved February 11. Boundary between Millbury and, established. Chapter 95, Acts of 1907, ap- proved February 11. Palmer, boundary between Ware and, established. Chapter 471, Acts of 1910, approved April 29. Paxton, boundary between Holden and, established. Chapter 157, Acts of 1906, approved March 13. > 174 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Pembroke, part of boundary between Hanson and, established. Chapter 194, Acts of 1903, approved April 3. Peru, boundary between Hinsdale and, established. Chapter 169, Acts of 1912, approved February 28. Phillipston, boundary between Templeton and, established. Chapter 407, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. Plainville incorporated from part of Wrentham. Chapter 255, Acts of 1905, approved April 4. Prescott, boundary between New Salem and, established. Chapter 310, Acts of 1911, approved April 27. Reading, boundary between Lynnfield and, established. Chapter 361, Acts of 1905, approved May 2. REVERE incorporated as a city. Chapter 687, Acts of 1914, approved June 19. Rowley, boundary between Boxford and, established. Chapter 148, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Boundary between Ipswich and, established. Chapter 162, Acts of 1904, ap- proved March 19. Boundary between Newbury and, established. Chapter 219, Acts of 1905, approved March 27. Russell, boundary between Montgomery and, established. Chapter 614, Acts of 1914, approved June 3. Sandwich, part of, annexed to Mashpee and part of boundary between Mashpee and, established. Chapter 306, Acts of 1905, approved April 20. Saugus, boundary between Lynnfield and, established. Chapter 407, Acts of 1901, approved May 17. Shrewsbury, boundary between Grafton and, established. Chapter 93, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Boundary between Westborough and, established. Chapter 91, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. SOMERVILLE, boundary between Arlington and, established. Chapter 221, Acts of 1910, approved March 16. Southborough, part of boundary between MARLBOROUGH and, established. Chapter 393, Acts of 1901, approved May 16. Southbridge, boundary between Charlton and, established. Chapter 96, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Boundary between Dudley and, established. Chapter 97, Acts of 1907, ap- proved February 11. SPRINGFIELD, part of Longmeadow annexed to. Chapter 639, Acts of 1914, ap- proved June 6. Sterling, boundary between Lancaster and, established. Chapter 429, Acts of 1908, approved April 21. Stow, boundary between Hudson and, established. Chapter 411, Acts of 1905, approved May 24. Sutton, boundary between Douglas and, established. Chapter 426, Acts of 1907, approved May 16. Boundary between Millbury and, established. Chapter 425, Acts of 1907, approved May 16. Templeton, boundary between Phillipston and, established. Chapter 407, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. Tewksbury, boundary between Andover and, established. Chapter 373, Acts of 1903, approved May 21. Part of, annexed to LOWELL. Chapter 335, Acts of 1906, approved April 30. CHANGES IN BOUNDARY LINES, ETC. 175 Upton, boundary between Hopkinton and, established. Chapter 424, Acts of 1907, approved May 16. Boundary between Milford and, established. Chapter 422, Acts of 1907, ap- proved May 16. Uxbridge, boundary between Northbridge and, established. Chapter 408, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. Wakefield, boundary between MELROSE and, established. Chapter 376, Acts of 1906, approved May 9. Walpole, boundary between Dover and, established. Chapter 146, Acts of 1904, approved March 12. Boundary between Foxborough and, established. Chapter 380, Acts of 1903, approved May 23. Boundary between Medfield and, established. Chapter 389, Acts of 1903, approved May 27. Ware, boundary between Palmer and, established. Chapter 471, Acts of 1910, approved April 29. Wareham, part of boundary between Carver and, established. Chapter 394, Acts of 1901, approved May 16. Part of boundary between Marion and, established. Chapter 126, Acts of 1909, approved March 1. Watertown, part of, annexed to Belmont and part of boundary between Belmont and, established. Chapter 378, Acts of 1903, approved May 23. Part of boundary between Belmont and, established. Chapter 362, Acts of 1911, approved April 29. Wenham, boundary between Hamilton and, established. Chapter 356, Acts of 1905, approved May 1. Westborough, boundary between Grafton and, established. Chapter 94, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Boundary between Shrewsbury and, established. Chapter 91, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. West Boylston, boundary between Boylston and, established. Chapter 360, Acts of 1905, approved May 2. West Brookfield, boundary between Brookfield and, established. Chapter 510, Acts of 1910, approved May 13. Boundary between New Braintree and, established. Chapter 332, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. Boundary between North Brookfield and, established. Chapter 331, Acts of 1911, approved April 24. Westminster, boundary between Gardner and, established. Chapter 410, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. West Newbury, boundary between Groveland and, established. Chapter 249, Acts of 1904, approved April 22. Williamstown, part of, annexed to NORTH ADAMS. Chapter 262, Acts of 1900, approved April 25. Winchendon, boundary between Gardner and, established. Chapter 409, Acts of 1908, approved April 17. WORCESTER, boundary between Grafton and, established. Chapter 90, Acts of 1907, approved February 11. Wrentham, part of, incorporated as Plainville. Chapter 255, Acts of 1905, ap- proved April 4. 176 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS THE MEDIAN POINT AND CENTER OF POPULATION. The Median Point. -- The geographical distribution of the popula- tion as it changes from time to time is always a matter of interest, and is, in a measure, reflected at each census by the determination of what is known as the median point and the center of population, two terms which have quite a different meaning. In fixing the former, it is neces- sary to ascertain the location of two median lines, namely, a longitudinal line drawn so as to divide the population evenly east and west of the line, and a latitudinal line drawn so as to divide the population evenly north and south of the same. To do this, one must first assume trial median lines, determine how they divide the population, and ascertain the magni. tude of errors, so that the proper corrections may be obtained. When the median line passes through a city or town, as is likely to be the case, ward and enumeration district units must be used to divide and dis- tribute the population as accurately as possible. The meridian of longitude drawn in this manner for Massachusetts cuts the northern boundary of the State in Haverhill about two miles west of the center of the city and passes through Somerville, Cambridge, Boston, and Brookline, finally crossing the shore line in the southern part of the State in the town of Westport at a place very near the Rhode Island Massachusetts line. The parallel of latitude in the west crosses the New York-Massachusetts line in the town of West Stockbridge, touching the northernmost corner of the city of Worcester and terminat- ing in Boston Harbor at South Boston. The meridian of longitude for 1915 is midway between the corresponding lines for 1895 and 1905, while the parallel of latitude is south of that for 1905 by about the same distance as the one for that year was south of the line for 1895. It is readily seen that a large movement of the population in the vicinity of Worcester to Pittsfield would have no effect upon the meridian of longitude because both of the districts mentioned are west of the line; if, however, a relatively small number of people were to remove from the eastern part of Boston to the western part of Brookline, or even to the western part of Boston, such a movement would cause a shifting of the median line to the west. It must not be assumed that each of the four sections into which the State is apparently divided geographically by the - median lines, as would be shown on the map, contains the same amount of population, since the meridian of longitude bisects, as it were, the population of the Staie as a whole; that is, it does not bisect, in terms of population figures, the sections north and south of the latitudinal lines as separate units of area independent of each other, and hence the population of the two sections north of the latitudinal line are not equal; similarly, of course, the population of the two sections south of the lati- tudinal line are not equal. But it is obvious that the population of the THE MEDIAN POINT AND CENTER OF POPULATION. 177 four sections, when added, must be the population of the entire State; hence it follows that the population of the sections which are diagonally opposite each other are in each case equal. The diagram on page 179 indicates the relative position of the median lines, the median point, and also the center of population. The median point is that at which the two median lines (that is, the meridian of longitude and latitude), drawn as above described, cross. In 1895 the median point was located in Cambridge near the corner of River Street and Putnam Avenue; during the next decade it moved southwest, and was located in Boston near the corner of Commonwealth and Brighton Avenues; and in 1915 it was in Brookline, on Stearns Road near the corner of St. Paul Street, which was southwest of its location in 1895 and southeast of its location in 1905. But this point is not, properly speaking, the center of population, though likely to be confused with it, since it reflects as it shifts from census to census only the difference in the growth of population, re- spectively, east and west and north and south of it, -- two different and independent factors which must be reconciled in some manner in order to establish the actual center of population, if it be desired to show the trend of the movement of population from census to census. The Center of Population. — If we consider the surface of the State as a rigid plane without weight, capable of sustaining the population distributed thereon, individuals being assumed to be of equal weight, and each, therefore, to exert a pressure on any supporting pivotal point di- rectly proportional to his distance from the point, the pivotal point on which the plane balances would, of course, be its center of gravity, and that is the point properly referred to by the term “center of population.” It is easily seen that any movement of population affects the location of this point, unlike the median point or the median lines. The method of locating the center of population for the State is to assume two axes of rotation, one perpendicular to the other, entirely without the State boundary as shown on a conveniently sized map. A parallel of latitude and a meridian of longitude are the axes used. Definite points are as- sumed to be the centers of population for each city or town, and measure- ments are taken from an axis to each of these predetermined points. The distance measured to a point multiplied by the population of the city or town represented by the point gives the moment of that particular city or town about the axis used for the measurement. The sums of the moments of every city and town about each axis are ascertained and these are divided by the total population of the State, giving as results the moment arms from each axis of the center of gravity or center of popula- tion. Lines are drawn parallel to, and a distance equal to the resultant moment arm from, each axis. The intersection of these two lines is the center of population. 178 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS The center of population for 1915 as determined by the method above described is in the eastern part of the town of Framingham very near the Natick boundary, and is only one mile from that of 1905, when the center was also in Framingham. During the decade the center of population has moved southeast, in the same general direction as the median point. It may be noted that between 1905 and 1915 the center moved one and a half times as far south as it did east. This location may be compared with that of the center of gravity of the area of the State, which is in Worcester near the business section. If the population were evenly dis- tributed over the entire State, the latter would also be the center of population. NOTE. - This description of the method of determining the median point and center of population is taken from Volume I of the Reports of the Thirteenth Census of the United States modified so as to apply to Massachusetts. THE MEDIAN POINT AND CENTER OF POPULATION. 179 HAVERHILL B А WEST STOCKBRIDGE WORCESTER BROOKLINE Center of Areast SO. BOSTON Center of Population Median Aoint SO. FRAMINGHAM С * D MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS WESTPORT SHOWING CENTER OF AREA, CENTER OF POPULATION AND MEDIAN POINT - 1915. där mm ovo wobei 1 PART II COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION TABLE 14 is a summary of the principal census data relating to the Composition and Characteristics of the Population, and gives by sex for the State, and for the cities and towns, arranged alphabetically:- (A) The number of native and foreign born. (B) The number of white persons classified by native of native parentage, native of foreign or mixed parentage, and foreign born; the number of colored persons, classified by native and foreign born; the number of all other persons (including Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and all other), classified by native and foreign born. (C) The number and per cent of illiterates 10 years of age and over; the number and per cent of native, foreign-born, white, and colored illiterates 10 years of age and over; and the total number of illiterates 21 years of age and over. (D) The number of persons of voting age (i.e., 21 years of age and over), classified by native and foreign born. (E) The number of foreign-born white males, classified by alien, naturalized, un- qualified and unknown. (F) The number of persons in each of 21 specified age periods. (G) The number of persons 14 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations as distributed among the following general classes: (1) Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. (2) Extraction of minerals. (3) Manufacturing and mechanical industries. (4) Transportation. (5) Trade. (6) Public service (not elsewhere classified). (7) Professional service. (8) Domestic and personal service. (9) Clerical. This table is followed, in Parts III and IV, by a series of presentations in greater detail, giving the data for the foreign born by country of birth and accompanied by a brief text analysis. 1 The number of persons of any specified age in any city or town of the Commonwealth is obtainable from the files of the Bureau of Statistics. 184 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14.-COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION, BY SEX, (NOTE. —“Unqualified” includes paupers, persons under guardianship, and persons whose period of residence All other" includes Chinese, THE STATE Abington CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 5,646 2,767 2,879 4,771 2,347 2,424 875 420 455 5,632 2,759 2,873 3,212 1,552 1,660 1,546 788 758 874 419 455 10 6 10 4 6 GAIOSO . CAIO 45 1.9 - 20 4,652 2,273 2,3791 94 49 2.0 2.2 3,792 1,858 1,934 3 3 0.1 0.2 860 415 445 91 46 45 10.6 11.1 10.1 4,638 2,265 2,373 93 48 45 2.0 2.1 1.9 10 6 IA - 8.0 84 45 39 3,682 2,891 791 1,798 1,411 387 1.884 1,480 404 (A) POPULATION iTotal population 3,693,310 1,813,713 1,879,597 Native 2,541,265 1,238,297 1,302,968 Foreign born 1,152,045 575,416 576,629 (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY 4 White 3,644,273 1,787,944 1,856,329 Native, native parentage 1,161,584 566,404 595,180 Native, foreign or mixed parentage 1,342,567 654,001 688,566 Foreign born 1,140,122 567,539 572,583 8 Colored 45,598 22,703 22,895 9 Native 35,634 16,699 18,935 10 Foreign born 9,964 6,004 3,960 11 All other 3,439 3,066 373 12 Native 1,480 1,193 287 13 Foreign born 1,959 1,873 86 (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 | Total population 10 years of age and over 12,994,158 1,461,535 1,532,623 15 Number illiterate 128,563 61,782 66,781 16 Per cent illiterate 4.3 4.2 4.4 17 Native 1,868,863 899,605 969,258 18 Number illiterate 6,184 3,620 2,564 19 Per cent illiterate 0.3 0.4 0.3 Foreign born 1,125,295 561,930 563,365 21 Number illiterate 122,379 58,162 64,217 22 Per cent illiterate 10.9 10.4 11.4 23 White 2,952,943 1,439,599 1,513,344 24 Number illiterate 125,307 60,073 65,234 25 Per cent illiterate 4.2 4.2 4.3 26 Colored 37,974 18,960 19,014 27 Number illiterate 3,115 1,602 1,513 28 Per cent illiterate 8.2 8.4 29 Illiterates 21 years of ageandover (includingage unknown) 119,906 57,609 62,297 (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 2,306,238 1,121,508 1,184,730 31 Native 1,296,491 614,465 682,026 32 Foreign born 1,009,747 507,043 502,704 (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 292,922 292,922 34 Naturalized 195,511 195,511 35 Unqualified and unknown 11,401 11,401 (T) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 75,253 37.988 37,265 37 1 and over but under 5 years 288,044 145,180 142,864 38 5 and over but under 7 years 137,278 69,099 68,179 39 7 and over but under 10 years 198,577 99,911 98,666 40 10 and over but under 14 years 242,859 122,303 120,556 41 14 and over but under 16 years 116,236 58,108 58,128 42 16 and over but under 18 years 122,273 60,277 61.996 43 18 and over but under 21 years 206,552 99,339 107,213 44 21 and over but under 25 years 288,645 139,126 149,519 45 25 and over but under 30 years 346,076 171,017 175,059 46 30 and over but under 35 years 299,217 149,294 149,923 47 35 and over but under 40 years 289,729 142,617 147.112 48 40 and over but under 45 years 252,936 125,462 127,474 49 45 and over but under 50 years 217,510 107,909 109,601 50 50 and over but under 55 years 182,789 89,490 93,299 51 55 and over but under 60 years 134,658 65,133 69,525 52 60 and over but under 65 years 104,707 49.079 55,628 53 65 and over but under 70 years 76,268 34,790 41,478 54 70 and over but under 75 years 54,374 23,638 30,736 55 75 and over but under 80 years 33,035 13,724 19,311 56 80 and over (including age unknown) 26,294 10,229 16,065 (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCU- PATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGZ AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 1,640,890 1,183,131 457,759 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 79,385 78,781 604 59 Extraction of minerals 2,087 2,087 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 791,507 597,707 193,800 61 Transportation 117,455 110,048 7,407 62 Trade 201.098 172,644 28,454 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 40,457 40,150 307 64 Professional service 95,102 46.123 48.979 65 Domestic and personal service : 180,254 64,588 115,666 66 Clerical 133,545 71,003 62,542 215 167 4 215 167 63 194 94 143 180 79 120 420 182 272 363 159 151 297 394 466 410 421 382 377 318 301 203 171 99 67 73 76 140 183 237 194 219 198 176 146 160 100 84 50 17 34 57 226 88 129 183 80 75 157 211 229 216 202 184 201 172 141 103 87 49 50 39 523 3 2,359 159 3 1,405 145 216 39 113 123 156 1,836 156 3 1,142 144 195 38 49 38 71 263 1 21 1 64 85 85 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 185 FOR THE STATE AND FOR CITIES AND TOWNS, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. is less than one year in Massachusetts and less than six months in the city or town in which he resides. Japanese, Indian, and all other.) Acton Acushnet Adams Agawam Alford Fe- Fe- Total Males Total Males males males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 2 3 2,151 1,058 1,093 1,703 821 882 448 237 211 2,387 1,193 1,194 | 13,218 6,363 6,855 1,678 834 844 8,505 4,122 4,383 709 359 350 4,713 2,241 2,472 4,555 3,434 2,327 2,228 1,730 1,704 597 524 271 237 34 147 126 21 124 111 13 1,121 4 2,145 1,148 552 445 6 3 3 1,054 547 272 235 4 2 1,091 601 280 210 2 1 2,379 835 839 705 8 1,187 429 402 356 BOOOOOOOOOR 1,192 406 437 349 2 1 13,209 6,358 6,851 2,629 1,302 1,327 5,869 2,817 3,052 4,711 2,239 2,472 5 1 5 4,518 1,815 1,582 1,121 37 37 2,310 2,208 924 891 789 793 597 524 17 20 17 271 191 46 34 147 102 24 21 124 89 22 13 20 II 1 IAAN 1 11 107 220 920 6 0.7 712 1,766 113 6.4 1,070 4 890 55 6.2 537 3,494 312 8.9 2,397 22 224 1 0.4 190 117 1 0.9 96 0.4 0.9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,805 16 0.9 1,365 1 0.1 440 15 3.4 1,799 16 0.9 885 10 1.1 653 1 0.2 232 9 3.9 881 10 1.1 208 6 2.9 918 6 0.7 2 I IN OOOOO 696 109 15.7 1,758 112 6.4 8 0.7 353 51 14.4 884 55 6.2 6 876 | 10,116 4,843 5,273 58 428 208 6.6 4.2 4.3 4.2 533 5,486 2,643 2,843 40 13 27 0.7 0.5 0.9 343 4,630 2,200 2,430 58 388 195 193 16.9 8.4 8.9 7.9 874 10,107 4,838 5,269 57 428 208 220 6.5 4.2 4.3 4.2 5 1 1 50.0 55 416 205 211 1,790 1,704 155 157 8.7 9.2 1,208 1,189 18 1.5 0.3 582 515 137 .153 23.5 29.7 1,777 1,688 153 156 8.6 9.2 13 16 2 1 15.4 6.3 152 1,097 290 26.4 3,465 309 8.9 29 3 10.3 297 34 1 2.9 224 1 0.4 21 1 4.8 117 1 0.9 '' ISTI! UITO iiܗܟܬܝܕܘܗ o - 1 1 12.5 106 16 10 51 145 1 30 31 32 1,432 1,034 398 698 491 207 734 543 191 1,310 701 609 659 359 300 651 342 309 7,377 3,557 3,820 3,256 1,640 1,716 4,121 2,017 2,104 2,630 1,654 976 1,366 1,264 845 809 521 455 170 139 31 89 69 20 81 70 11 129 74 2 129 74 203 92 34 35 203 92 4 1,190 1,190 817 817 8 8 377 140 377 140 4 10 9 1 10 9 1 ” 17 65 36 55 79 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 33 135 76 102 145 57 72 99 95 120 135 178 72 270 114 165 180 73 88 115 136 180 172 以防​阴历​2四​引​幻​%的​话​必​任​們​仍​&#红​89u 16 70 40 47 66 27 41 52 49 61 70 90 94 66 69 59 61 31 43 17 24 10 33 123 62 85 87 33 50 61 62 78 89 94 81 61 49 47 27 29 17 14 11 39 147 52 80 93 40 38 54 74 102 83 76 70 58 49 45 30 31 47 46 59 65 88 74 77 75 58 44 41 35 19 17 311 1,287 621 883 1,003 434 490 812 1,034 1,157 1,034 975 810 647 534 374 301 227 146 85 53 155 633 297 435 488 209 238 351 467 554 501 483 403 308 279 156 654 324 448 515 225 252 461 567 603 533 492 407 339 255 210 141 111 90 45 27 107 459 223 272 345 146 122 251 308 408 340 311 284 236 199 172 137 87 67 41 40 56 239 108 134 179 71 60 114 166 216 179 162 144 124 109 79 77 44 31 16 19 51 220 115 138 166 75 62 137 142 192 161 149 140 112 90 93 60 43 36 25 21 2 16 9 20 17 15 7 15 14 15 15 19 13 28 11 14 11 12 6 8 4 OOO OOO OOO OR WN 9 4 5 9 6 10 6 10 10 5 10 170 CA ON TO A 00 W 65 enerowano 168 13 3 18 6 164 151 119 98 92 62 52 32 25 21 143 144 117 105 72 78 36 41 35 OOONO 160 116 56 40 26 SAN 7 23 15 11 10 178 1 215 5 1,970 97 1,816 528 1,459 523 357 5 8 89 72 58 59 60 37 149 738 272 1 348 34 58 13 876 214 2 270 106 68 23 63 84 46 11 698 213 2 233 102 64 22 26 16 20 953 277 1 497 34 64 4 15 36 25 5,920 3,950 209 209 7 7 4,337 2,786 224 217 365 325 92 92 175 81 336 131 175 102 1,551 7 40 815 86 133 20 6 62 63 64 65 4 1 37 68 26 615 81 123 19 20 29 49 200 5 10 1 24 60 52 Iwiwe "I WIN, IIIMII OO 5 6 10 10 30 15 94 205 73 89 101 CG 26 186 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - 1 TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Amesbury Amherst CLASSIFICATION Total | Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 2 3 8,543 6,762 1,781 4,079 4,464 3,219 3,543 860 921 5,558 4,750 808 2,649 2,909 2,270 2,480 379 429 5 6 8,525 3,789 2,956 1,780 16 16 4,069 1,782 1,428 859 8 8 4,456 2,007 1,528 921 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 5,394 2,576 2,818 3,377 1,611 1,766 1,216 592 624 801 373 428 152 66 86 148 63 85 4 3 1 12 5 9 www.SSSS 2 2 Ioan 1 4,653 2,174 2,479 67 37 30 1.4 1.7 1.2 3,858 ! 1,799 2,059 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 7,105 3,376 3,729 215 110 105 3.0 3.3 2.8 5,372 2,540 2,832 11 6 5 0.2 0.2 0.2 1,733 836 897 104 100 11.8 12.4 11.1 7,090 3,366 3,724 214 109 105 3.0 3.2 2.8 13 8 5 204 795 67 8.4 4,511 67 1.5 133 375 37 9.9 2,111 37 1.8 58 420 30 7.1 2,400 30 1.3 75 211 107 104 61 33 28 30 31 32 5,582 2,609 2,973 3,952 1,820 2,132 1,630 789 841 3,682 1,691 2,972 1,341 710 350 1,991 1,631 360 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years. 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 381 393 14 381 393 14 219 118 7 219 118 7 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 135 573 305 425 557 263 254 449 614 642 582 580 575 576 472 431 350 271 231 134 124 59 272 146 226 289 128 133 217 283 305 260 291 269 261 235 204 166 128 101 57 49 76 301 159 199 268 135 121 232 331 337 322 289 306 315 237 227 184 143 130 77 75 87 373 198 247 313 177 184 297 395 456 415 409 406 347 279 259 195 184 147 91 99 49 204 96 126 163 89 89 142 181 205 204 203 194 154 134 116 82 87 52 40 39 38 169 102 121 150 88 95 155 214 251 211 206 212 193 145 143 113 97 95 51 60 3,564 2,663 153 153 901 2,243 435 1,661 433 582 2 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 392 14 49 2,171 1,779 576 115 177 116 180 329 48 213 283 187 166 280 48 78 80 79 692 124 190 34 302 370 96 33 194 95 38 9 13 1 108 275 58 135 203 108 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 187 OF THE POPULATION — Continued. Andover Arlington Ashburnham Ashby Ashfield Total Males Fe- males Total Males Total Males Total Fe- Total Males males WN 7,978 3,615 4,363 || 14,889 5,505 2,526 2,979 | 11,391 2,473 3,498 2,057 100 7,860 3,563 4,297 | 14,826 6,851 7,975 2,755 1,256 1,499 6,122 2,848 3,274 2,664 5,219 2,429 2,790 2,441 3,485 1,574 1,911 116 57 13 44 85 48 12 36 31 9 8 . 2 6 6 2 - 14 6,619 57 31 0.9 1.1 4,217 1,885 2,332 4 33 0.5 353 1 0.3 297 750 2 31 2.9 22 1.6 51 9 17.6 20.0 432 9 18 2.1 2.0 2 31 1.1 25 0.7 . 11 44 5,160 2,234 2,926 3,040 1,312 1,728 922 1,198 9,510 6,251 3,259 4,227 5,283 2,754 3,497 1,473 1,786 1,293 935 358 奶奶​。 193 248 116 133 211 263 143 217 266 120 144 221 305 353 321 367 357 253 253 nSHA%9BHB 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 789 938 458 502 725 1,062 1,316 1,172 1,249 1.156 959 828 535 409 347 232 132 113 278 270 278 254 236 479 240 254 397 616 745 649 691 605 497 218 248 328 446 571 523 558 551 462 388 249 173 146 90 127 131 158 138 122 128 117 7%B4%BB%红​昭​四​%四​四​四​%B9B 109 45 346 244 1 端​“脱​记​好​儿​#&% - ង ពីទ ទី៩ - i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 53 188 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS - Ashland Athol CLASSIFICATION Fe- Total Males Total Males Fe- males males 1 2,005 1,606 399 976 1,029 783 823 193 206 9,783 4,876 4,907 7,836 3,881 3,955 1,947 995 952 2,003 1,017 588 398 974 489 293 192 1 1 1,029 528 295 206 9,778 4,871 4,907 5,104 2,515 2,589 2,729 1,363 1,366 1,945 993 952 ooooooo 1 10 11 12 13 1,588 750 2 0.3 565 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0.3 1,200 1 0.1 388 3 0.8 1,586 838 2 0.2 635 1 0.2 203 1 0.5 838 2 0.2 185 2 1.1 748 2 0.3 1 7,566 3,729 3,837 156 89 67 2.1 2.4 1.7 5,682 2,771 2,911 9 8 1 0.2 0.3 1,884 958 926 147 81 66 7.8 8.5 7.1 7,561 3,724 3,837 156 89 67 2.1 2.4 1.7 1 0.3 ICA 28 29 142 84 58 30 31 32 1,258 910 348 592 426 166 666 484 182 5,929 2,916 3,013 4,251 2,049 2,202 1,678 867 811 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other. Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native . Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born' (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WEITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINTUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service : Clerical 33 34 35 84 81 84 81 604 256 5 604 256 5 31 85 53 57 65 29 26 21 89 24 57 64 38 26 44 55 91 38 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 52 174 77 114 129 67 52 82 106 170 167 146 126 130 121 90 57 54 45 22 24 51 79 85 72 54 62 61 46 24 22 18 8 10 么​少​切​%%84842码​的​女​8必​少​4 250 1,144 353 470 593 280 290 474 710 841 724 684 634 573 426 351 306 253 182 122 123 123 589 195 240 311 153 132 217 334 430 378 349 321 295 202 159 144 127 63 60 54 127 555 158 230 282 127 158 257 376 411 346 335 313 278 224 192 162 126 119 62 69 74 72 68 60 14 153 950 753 117 600 116 1 60 463 16 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 343 66 64 17 53 39 54 283 66 60 16 30 10 19 3,992 3,042 166 166 1 1 2,476 2,013 201 185 359 312 53 52 156 70 340 101 240 142 1 1 86 239 98 35 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 54 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 189 OF THE POPULATION Continued. ATTLEBORO Auburn Avon Ayer Barnstable Fe- Total Fe Males males Fe- Total Males males Total | Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Total Males males 18,480 2 13,745 3 4,735 9,095 9,385 6,783 6,962 2,312 2,423 3,281 2,409 872 1,717 1,564 1,253 1,156 464 408 2,164 1,073 1,091 1,876 926 950 288 147 141 2,779 1,359 1,420 2,224 1,093 1,131 555 266 289 4,995 2,499 2,496 4,205 2,106 2,099 790 393 397 A 3,278 1,053 1,354 871 9,016 3,598 3,128 2,290 73 54 19 763 2,163 1,072 1,091 1,113 548 565 378 385 287 146 141 894 4 | 18,305 5 7,229 6 6,370 7 4,706 8 163 9 138 10 25 11 12 12 8 13 1,715 1,563 549 504 703 651 463 408 1 1 1 9,289 3,631 3,242 2,416 90 84 6 6 រ ង១៩នេះខ័ន៖ 386 O II 2,756 1,346 | 1,410 1,308 620 688 461 433 554 265 289 21 11 10 21 11 10 4,811 3,183 890 738 182 131 51 2 2,391 2,420 1,589 1,594 450 440 352 106 76 66 65 40 11 2 2 1 71 873 14 1.6 730 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 14,907 332 2.2 10,278 32 0.3 4,629 300 6.5 14,763 325 2.2 137 7 7,266 7,641 166 166 2.3 2.2 5,011 5,267 14 18 0.3 0.3 2,255 2,374 152 148 6.7 6.2 7,200 7,563 165 160 2.3 2.1 61 76 1 6 1.6 7.9 162 160 2,512 91 3.6 1,662 16 1.0 850 75 8.8 2,509 91 3.6 2 1,314 1,198 43 48 3.3 4.0 862 800 8 8 0.9 1.0 452 398 35 40 7.7 10.1 1,312 1,197 43 48 3.3 4.0 1 1 1,755 32 1.8 1,473 2 0.1 282 30 10.6 1,754 32 1.8 0.1 143 13 9.1 872 14 1.6 882 18 2.0 743 1 0.1 139 17 12.2 882 18 2.0 2,302 1,131 1,171 35 36 3.1 3.1 3.1 1,769 875 894 7 4 3 0.4 0.5 0.3 533 256 277 64 31 33 12.0 12.1 11.9 2,283 1,119 1,164 71 35 36 3.1 3.1 3.1 17 10 4,141 2,040 2,101 104 60 44 2.5 2.9 2.1 3,380 1,665 1,715 16 8 8 0.5 0.5 0.5 761 375 386 88 52 36 11.6 13.9 9.3 3,998 1,951 2,047 52 43 2.4 2.1 141 87 54 9 8 1 6.4 9.2 1.9 102 58 } 95 2.7 រ ១ ) - 5.1 322 89 43 46 32 14 18 71 35 36 30 31 32 11,613 7,430 4,183 5,610 6,003 3,576 3,854 2,034 | 2,149 1,810 1,036 774 923 516 407 887 520 367 1,318 1,051 267 658 520 138 660 531 129 1,842 1,343 499 895 658 237 947 685 262 3,345 2,665 680 1,638 1,707 1,303 1,362 335 345 33 34 35 1,055 925 39 1,055 925 39 218 178 10 218 178 10 74 2 ។ 137 96 3 137 96 3 225 72 3 225 72 3 ” 36 37 38 39 40 36 167 84 116 161 20 82 26 72 86 16 75 42 76 25 97 52 54 59 42 347 1,480 754 174 736 388 531 615 280 282 479 659 866 841 740 622 512 173 744 366 461 579 270 275 514 787 972 821 759 608 501 448 370 267 178 126 87 74 305 158 232 284 126 125 167 198 234 245 235 218 168 155 108 94 62 47 26 20 78 93 96 120 118 132 118 84 78 51 51 28 21 17 9 38 138 74 116 123 67 47 74 102 114 127 103 100 84 77 57 43 36 157 68 148 179 93 65 100 129 174 174 146 144 158 104 92 76 37 43 29 12 29 58 71 81 91 78 69 80 51 41 40 15 21 15 5 36 42 58 93 83 68 75 78 53 51 36 59 196 96 126 171 83 75 131 175 255 218 229 191 189 156 112 104 81 63 36 33 38 45 74 82 122 111 118 89 88 92 50 52 38 24 16 13 30 57 93 133 107 111 102 101 64 62 52 43 39 20 20 100 323 184 247 293 157 137 209 299 358 322 358 353 319 312 265 250 177 148 100 84 58 177 103 121 142 70 72 118 161 179 163 178 174 148 152 136 116 92 76 32 31 42 146 81 126 151 87 65 91 138 179 159 180 179 171 160 129 134 85 72 68 53 446 26 9 11 882 198 282 353 1,304 1,057 218 216 247 2 684 46 46 109 575 45 83 760 65 79 19 31 54 78 625 59 65 17 13 15 135 466 44 74 910 43 1,999 398 1,646 398 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 992 1,194 550 557 993 1,446 1,838 1,662 1,499 1,230 1,013 894 698 509 331 224 141 128 328 242 153 98 54 49 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 8,117 280 1 5,160 397 728 141 340 533 537 6,032 2,085 279 1 1 4,018 1,142 370 27 651 77 140 1 150 190 198 335 225 312 6 14 2 18 39 31 4 13 13 24 1,192 43 1 337 352 137 24 74 137 87 1 273 337 125 23 36 34 38 64 15 12 1 38 103 49 2 619 230 237 47 114 292 60 2 595 216 220 38 70 84 23 24 14 17 9 44 208 37 23 43 63 10 30 39 190 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Barre Becket CLASSIFICATION Fe- Total Males Fe- males Total Males males 1 2 3,476 1,888 1,588 2,171 1.124 1,047 1,305 764 541 973 849 124 519 429 90 454 420 34 5 3,474 1,887 1,587 1,264 667 597 906 457 449 1,304 763 541 511 306 115 952 603 225 124 21 21 441 297 110 34 13 13 7 8 | | | | ទីន 1 10 11 12 13 * 263 442 19 4.3 353 7 2.0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2,730 1,504 117 9.6 7.8 1,478 769 10 8 0.7 1.0 1,252 735 253 109 20.2 14.8 2,728 1,503 263 117 9.6 7.8 1 1,226 146 11.9 709 2 0.3 517 144 27.9 1,225 146 11.9 1 804 22 2.7 682 9 1.3 122 13 10.7 787 20 2.5 17 2 11.8 20 89 12 13.5 437 18 4.1 5 1 20.0 17 362 3 0.8 329 2 0.6 33 1 3.0 350 2 0.6 12 1 8.3 3 244 108 136 30 31 32 2,115 1,085 1,030 1,160 554 606 955 531 424 599 489 110 342 263 79 257 226 31 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other. Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native. Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 33 34 35 539 60 6 539 60 6 59 20 59 20 53 155 30 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 107 327 141 171 190 82 118 225 342 394 244 248 186 153 143 54 172 74 84 106 40 60 138 184 215 151 140 95 88 87 57 87 84 42 58 87 158 179 93 108 91 65 56 50 45 38 36 21 15 45 72 36 35 62 59 68 68 76 60 49 60 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 20 34 18 15 33 44 39 44 40 31 30 36 23 18 13 15 5 4 10 36 21 25 38 18 20 29 15 29 24 36 29 19 24 21 22 11 8 7 12 107 92 73 64 35 28 18 15 40 24 23 12 16 30 317 57 58 59 60 1,545 1,228 232 232 778 176 1111 435 172 24 112 36 18 26 12 32 374 171 24 96 35 13 25 5 954 65 67 19 54 118 36 Naosa cs งง - -* 16 1 5 1 5 63 62 19 21 32 20 65 86 16 లుకుని 27 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 191 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Bedford Belchertown Bellingham Belmont Berkley Fe Total Males males Total Males Fe males Fe- males Fe males Fe- males 1,365 1.031 334 2,062 1,025 1,037 1,706 856 356 181 1,953 1.423 530 8,081 3,767 4,314 5,852 2,775 3,077 2,229 992 1,237 1,362 649 380 333 3 ឱទី ទីនទី១១ 2,049 1,087 1,016 1,033 553 534 289 318 174 181 387 257 8,055 3,761 4,294 3,165 1,534 1,631 2,677 1,237 1,440 2,213 990 1,223 22 ខ្លួន ខ្លួនទី១១ ឱមិនឱៗៗ ! ! ! 7 8 9 10 1 ១ . ខេម ANN 1,552 49 3.2 1,028 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 352 90 25.6 1,672 102 6.1 12 8 0.6 1.2 175 177 43 47 24.6 26.6 850 822 47 55 5.5 6.7 8 4 789 13 1.6 518 2 0.4 271 11 4.1 788 13 1.6 1 6,673 216 125 3.2 4.1 4,470 1 1- 2,203 977 1,226 215 124 91 9.8 12.7 6,647 3,0493,598 213 124 3.2 4.1 22 13.0 761 36 4.7 2 168 45 26.8 781 42 5.4 15 0.9 80 27 33.8 397 26 6.5 9 0.4 3 - © | ) ! ១ ៨ 5. ៦២១ T 101 47 11 20 1,262 934 328 1,156 688 468 5,419 2,466 2,953 3,387 1,551 1,836 2,032 915 1,117 ស៥៩ 15 22 42 51 74 54 54 33 54 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 49 57 27 27 81 78 108 134 124 121 120 124 125 104 107 50 47 49 45 53 48 62 66 62 35 31 23 33 61 45 68 59 48 65 51 75 51 43 34 27 148 219 360 182 313 132 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 147 122 111 ឪ៩- - 68 221 93 92 183 268 380 153 619 244 392 446 194 199 415 608 863 815 697 551 496 449 300 225 101 107 232 340 483 421 375 281 275 252 159 3,350 249 2,428 244 1 12 11 14 782 185 542 68 270 112 225 a 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 192 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Berlin CLASSIFICATION Bernardston Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 865 777 88 441 402 39 424 375 49 790 736 54 408 385 23 382 351 31 863 621 154 88 2 2 439 316 84 39 2 2 424 305 70 49 790 652 84 54 408 343 42 23 COOOOOOOR 382 309 42 31 375 750 1 0.1 663 375 1 0.3 337 323 4 1.2 292 326 644 13 2.0 590 6 1.0 54 7 13.0 644 13 2.0 321 9 2.8 298 6 2.0 23 3 13.0 321 9 2.8 49 87 1 1.1 749 1 0.1 1 38 1 2.6 374 31 4 12.9 323 375 0.3 1.2 II 13 574 493 81 272 238 34 302 255 47 493 439 54 239 216 23 254 223 31 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population 2 Native 3 Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY 4 White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born 8 Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other. 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- knwn) 31 Native . 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 18 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service : 66 Clerical 16 15 17 2 15 17 2 16 7 15 57 28 46 63 7 39 15 26 36 14 29 13 四​四​四​四​如​红​丝丝丝​好​如幻​如​如​如​引​%%%% 5 41 25 44 68 35 31 42 56 45 47 52 60 54 61 43 45 45 31 21 14 4 24 13 25 39 22 18 24 32 25 20 24 31 27 29 18 21 17 13 9 6 1 17 12 19 29 13 13 18 24 20 27 28 29 27 32 25 24 28 18 12 8 8 18 13 20 27 15 8 19 17 24 21 33 29 26 21 38 33 50 40 57 51 50 35 45 46 此​生​必​mgu此​出​也​引​引 ​19 16 26 19 24 22 24 16 23 19 22 20 14 14 9 10 23 26 9 13 7 10 27 16 20 54 318 143 264 143 296 131 247 131 18 3 67 16 . 68 13 39 6 31 13 5 సలుటెంపు, ఓ టం | నలు | IR 70 17 20 1 24 26 7 S-91001 18 10 1 1 1 16 24 3 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 193 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. BEVERLY Billerica Blackstone Blandford Bolton Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males 1 22,959 11,469 11,490 2 16,874 8,359 8,515 3 6,085 3,110 2,975 3,246 1,600 1,646 || 5,689 2,821 2,868 2,442 1,228 1,214 4,008 1,949 2,059 804 372 1,681 872 623 574 49 330 298 32 293 276 17 768 651 117 366 307 59 402 344 58 ខាន 623 472 102 49 330 240 58 32 ទី ឱឪ។”*-- 4 22,861 11,415 11,446 9,861 4,891 4,970 6,934 3,431 3,503 6,066 3,093 2,973 82 38 44 73 31 42 10 9 7 11 16 16 12 6 6 13 10 10 293 232 44 17 ៖ ខ្ញុំឱន្ម៖ ៗៗ! ! ! ! ដន២០១១ 3,225 1,586 1,639 1,260 633 1,174 590 791 363 19 13 7 12 2 1 393 240 96 57 5,677 2,810 2,867 1,352 666 2,655 1,283 1,372 1,670 861 11 10 1 10 10 1 752 451 185 116 16 15 1 359 211 89 59 7 7 s ទី១២ដន ! ! ! 493 6 1.2 446 2 265 5 1.9 235 228 1 0.4 211 344 3 0.9 286 0.4 14 18,452 9,140 9,312 15 350 202 148 16 1.9 2.2 1.6 17 12,546 6,114 6,432 18 14 8 6 19 0.1 0.1 0.1 20 5,906 3,026 2,880 21 336 194 142 22 5.7 6.4 4.9 23 18,371 9,094 9,277 24 349 201 148 25 1.9 2.2 1.6 26 65 30 35 2,679 1,320 1,359 22 7 15 0.8 0.5 1.1 1,887 955 932 1 0.1 0.1 792 365 427 21 14 2.7 1.9 3.3 2,661 1,308 1,353 22 7 15 0.8 0.5 1.1 17 11 47 17 4,558 2,255 2,303 178 89 89 3.9 3.9 3.9 2,912 1,394 1,518 9 7 2 0.3 0.5 0.1 1,846 861 785 169 82 87 10.3 9.5 11.1 4,547 2,244 2,303 177 88 89 3.9 3.9 3.9 10 10 1 10.0 10.0 170 82 659 6 0.9 542 1 0.2 117 5 4.3 646 6 0.9 13 315 3 1.0 256 1 0.4 59 2 3.4 310 3 1.0 5 0.9 30 3 10.0 265 5 1.9 5.9 228 1 1 សងបេះ៖ 5.2 336 | e-ដង 8.5 493 6 1.2 0.4 0.9 e | 28 29 326 186 140 22 15 30 14,456 7,075 7,381 31 9,106 4,347 4,759 32 5,350 2,728 2,622 2,098 1,013 1,085 1,354 673 681 744 340 404 3,272 1,602 1,670 1,782 829 953 1,490 773 717 391 348 43 207 181 26 184 167 17 494 392 102 246 196 50 248 196 52 136 19 33 34 35 1,701 982 28 1,701 982 28 136 185 10 413 344 7 185 10 413 344 7 19 7 29 19 2 29 19 2 9 25 15 42 234 116 175 214 101 22 7 7 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 114 14 52 29 35 47 17 16 22 31 45 463 246 217 1,854 952 902 895 462 433 1,295 669 626 1,457 759 698 676 340 336 722 364 358 1,141 602 539 1,641 819 822 2,156 1,056 1,100 1,950 966 984 1,814 908 906 1,569 788 781 1,370 692 678 1,207 611 596 844 418 426 639 287 352 473 203 270 349 150 199 258 100 158 186 77 109 18 118 57 87 111 50 58 88 106 141 86 123 104 115 152 225 274 197 231 222 244 231 130 111 90 69 40 34 24 116 59 88 103 51 56 64 119 133 111 108 118 129 123 66 53 46 36 24 19 90 460 233 348 486 223 221 356 427 406 378 385 391 339 293 213 134 113 94 63 36 49 232 112 173 238 115 115 185 217 204 192 194 186 157 148 98 61 45 51 32 17 41 228 121 175 248 108 106 171 210 202 186 191 205 182 145 115 73 68 43 27 14 19 25 10 9 14 16 22 20 33 15 17 19 20 10 9 10 8 8 12 42 23 32 48 39 37 41 45 47 42 43 42 46 45 45 42 38 25 18 16 15 23 22 21 21 14 15 14 7 10 8 10 10 19 8 14 24 17 10 18 24 24 23 22 26 19 20 22 22 18 11 8 2 23 15 18 24 22 27 23 21 23 19 21 16 27 25 23 20 20 14 10 108 54 36 31 34 34 17 19 18 18 12 64 58 44 33 16 15 56 19 22 39 1,357 279 1,065 278 292 1 703 1 227 146 1 205 144 288 178 249 173 504 48 128 3 9,552 7,356 2,196 529 529 58 59 60 61 62 63 84 65 66 7 4,867 4,256 611 572 530 42 957 819 138 235 234 1 617 310 307 963 278 685 805 393 412 631 71 82 54 67 93 80 2,514 1,811 175 174 1 1,744 1,240 139 137 119 105 27 27 83 25 112 42 114 60 503 68 74 54 34 15 39 14 ដដដ , , 4 *** ៨៦ ។ ដងដដ– សទី១ | | | ខ | ) ) = ១ | ស 4 4 58 | ~*~ 5 12 20 84 ( 194 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS BOSTON Bourne CLASSIFICATION Fe Total Males Fe- males Total Males males 1 2 745,439 369,434 376,005 477,285 235,186 242,099 268,154 134,248 133,906 2,672 1,420 1,252 1,978 990 988 694 430 264 1 1 1 OOOOOO 728,581 360,444 368,137 174,892 86,806 88,086 289,021 141,741 147,280 264,668 131,897 132,771 15,581 7,801 7,780 12,932 6,251 6,681 2,649 1,550 1,099 1,277 1,189 88 440 388 52 837 801 36 2,448 1,453 417 578 224 108 116 1,285 1,163 732 721 215 202 338 240 135 89 43 65 92 24 1 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 10o On 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2,111 64 3.0 1,469 1 0.1 980 14 1.4 736 642 610,799 301,681 309,118 22,310 9,199 13,111 3.7 3.0 4.2 348,474 170,367 178,107 418 127 291 0.1 0.1 0.2 262,325 131,314 131,011 21,892 9,072 12,820 8.3 6.9 9.8 595,971 293,697 302,274 21,945 9,074 12,871 3.7 3.1 4.3 13,627 6,791 307 90 217 2.3 1.3 3.2 21,119 8,648 12,471 1,131 50 4.4 733 1 0.1 398 49 12.3 1,013 2 0.2 118 48 40.7 48 244 14 5.7 912 63 9.8 1,925 2 0.1 186 62 33.3 62 6,836 27 28 29 68 14 20.6 14 30 31 32 475,944 235,395 240,549 239,405 116,509 122,896 236,539 118,886 117,653 1,707 1,137 570 935 575 360 772 562 210 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born : (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Forei born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over . Number illiterate Per cent illiterate. Native Number illiterate : Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate : Per cent illiterate . White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate : Per cent illiterate . Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years . 14 and over but under 16 years . 16 and over but under 18 years . 18 and over but under 21 years . 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years . 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years. 40 and over but under 45 years. 45 and over but under 50 years . 50 and over but under 55 years. 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years . 65 and over but under 70 years . 70 and over but under 75 years. 75 and over but under 80 years . 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCU- PATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) fessional service. Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 64,059 50,560 2,073 64,059 50,560 2,073 221 51 1 221 51 1 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 14,780 55,634 26,165 38,061 46,656 22,633 23,874 41,692 62,232 76,614 64,932 63,146 54,159 44,704 37,017 24,582 18,671 12,773 8,615 4,876 3,623 7,474 27,969 13,163 19,147 23,435 11,237 11,732 19,882 30,658 38,982 33,091 31,279 27,197 22,500 18,424 12,180 8,589 5,691 3,662 1,869 1,273 如​归​的​38码​还​玩​的 ​7,306 27,665 13,002 18,914 23,221 11,396 12,142 21,810 31,574 37,632 31,841 31,867 26,962 22,204 18,593 12,402 10,082 7,082 4,953 3,007 2,350 65 236 105 155 171 65 62 106 193 241 247 226 167 145 113 99 89 70 52 31 34 35 114 61 79 80 31 26 59 116 141 143 137 94 68 58 51 41 32 26 11 17 30 122 44 76 91 34 36 47 77 100 104 89 73 77 55 48 48 38 26 20 17 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 103 2 2,644 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 350,321 249,489 100,832 2,608 36 196 196 121,596 96,116 25,480 36,923 34.241 2,682 56,909 47,168 9,741 10,809 10,754 55 23,768 12,344 11,424 57,296 24,309 32,987 40,180 21,753 18,427 1,038 90 1 523 140 79 31 48 92 34 935 88 1 512 132 76 28 32 40 26 11 8 3 3 16 52 8 65 66 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 195 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Boxford Braintree Boxborough Total Males Fe- males Boylston Fe- Total Males males Brewster Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males CON 2 3 326 287 39 173 154 19 153 133 20 714 637 77 350 307 43 364 330 34 783 617 166 406 318 88 377 299 78 9,343 7,097 2,246 4,583 4,760 3,471 3,626 1,112 1,134 783 701 82 375 338 37 408 363 45 495 314 197 78 39 12 12 164 108 37 19 9 9 150 89 41 20 3 SUN FOOOOORIA 362 251 77 34 347 244 60 43 3 3 1085755 ---- 776 361 250 165 7 6 1 401 183 131 87 5 4 375 178 119 78 2 2 77 9,334 4,040 3,050 2,244 6 5 1 3 4,579 4,755 1,992 2,048 1,476 1,574 1,111 1,133 1 5 1 4 Non iOS 759 601 89 69 24 11 13 358 291 42 25 17 5 12 401 310 47 44 7 6 3 10 11 12 13 1 146 270 3 1.1 231 124 2 1.6 104 588 3 0.5 513 294 1 0.3 252 294 2 0.7 261 0.7 127 332 4 1.2 247 311 3 1.0 234 - 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.4 0.4 , 20 39 3 7.7 263 19 1 5.3 141 1 0.7 5 75 3 4.0 584 3 643 7 1.1 481 2 0.4 162 5 3.1 638 7 1.1 5 " "ཉྩམ་ 1 མ 33 2 6.1 293 2 0.7 1 7,468 168 2.2 5,281 8 0.2 2,187 160 7.3 7,459 168 2.3 6 10.0 122 3,669 3,799 79 89 2.2 2.3 2,585 2,696 5 3 0.2 0.1 1,084 1,103 74 86 6.8 7.8 3,665 3,794 79 89 2.2 2.3 1 5 85 3 3.5 328 4 1.2 ఆ| | లక్షలు 2.4 291 665 19 2.9 583 12 2.1 82 7 8.5 643 12 1.9 22 7 31.8 17 లు | | -- 318 12 3.8 281 7 2.5 37 5 13.5 303 6 2.0 15 6 40.0 11 347 7 2.0 302 5 1.7 45 2 4.4 340 6 1.8 7 1 14.3 2.6 310 1.1 1.6 0.5 0.3 TANA DOO 1.0 4 II 3 163 75 88 30 31 32 194 159 35 100 83 17 94 76 18 454 388 66 221 186 35 233 202 31 481 330 151 245 169 76 236 161 75 5,805 3,821 1,984 2,815 2,990 1,824 1,997 991 993 568 490 78 271 236 35 297 254 43 红 ​33 34 35 11 6 21 13 1 6 21 13 1 32 37 6 564 416 10 564 416 10 1 10 14 1 10 14 1 6 7 15 6 21 15 14 29 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 11 5 8 4 12 12 6 4 8 7 9 12 12 11 16 18 6 6 16 7 16 12 8 9 9 9 10 10 30 12 10 24 14 25 24 20 20 13 16 19 18 10 6 CENA OD ONOA OMNIA OOOR 11 49 30 36 59 24 21 30 46 45 41 40 49 50 39 30 35 32 18 8 6以​防止​四​419B%%%43342414 5 28 15 22 30 10 10 11 30 21 16 18 35 19 18 16 18 18 7 4 13 16 24 25 22 13 49 26 52 70 38 21 33 39 49 48 75 65 53 35 35 22 23 19 13 5 4 26 15 29 35 23 12 17 19 25 23 46 31 24 18 21 12 9 10 5 2 9 23 11 23 35 15 9 16 20 24 25 29 34 29 17 14 10 14 186 751 390 548 643 299 296 425 671 792 728 763 645 534 430 410 282 226 144 108 72 14 39 32 33 32 15 17 33 52 53 53 88 371 183 272 339 148 142 225 325 381 345 366 330 274 216 204 134 103 71 41 25 98 380 207 276 304 151 154 200 346 411 383 397 315 260 214 206 148 123 73 67 47 8 22 15 12 12 5 11 19 28 25 23 23 23 28 20 23 21 23 13 9 12 6 17 17 21 20 10 6 14 24 28 30 23 30 28 27 27 14 16 19 10 21 46 53 56 47 50 7 9 8 4 17 姓​四​门​494983 439 11 32 19 21 8 33 20 38 819 57 58 137 100 56 117 100 266 128 228 128 317 97 256 94 61 3 3,756 216 334 139 278 139 TO 5 2 3 58 6 19 1 23 10 23 56 6 17 1 12 18 3 4 61 62 63 64 65 66 6 1 3 3 11 8 5 270 73 24 23 2 110 13 27 7 18 21 24 FOOTWO I W 2,937 216 4 1,338 งงงง NNN 1,608 70 24 19 3 8 11 17 6 10 7 13 8 14 11 4 35 476 419 64 132 66 222 480 454 64 236 320 374 3434920 4 1 11 104 254 152 19 42 10 2. 11 3. 196 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS CLASSIFICATION Bridgewater Total Males Fe- Males Brimfield Fe- Total Males Males 9,381 6,060 3,321 6,106 3,718 2,388 3,275 2,342 933 934 779 155 531 417 114 403 362 41 400 264 930 570 205 155 9,282 3,202 2,829 3,251 94 74 20 5 1 4 5,970 3,312 1,789 1,413 1,862 967 2,319 932 85 9 66 19 5 1 4 11100C 530 306 110 114 1 1 HII IWWA 793 64 8.1 638 10 1.6 450 54 120 336 7 2.1 18 155 114 8,083 5,394 2,689 633 503 130 7.8 9.3 4.8 4,868 3,081 1,787 131 128 3 2.7 4.2 0.2 3,215 2,313 902 502 375 127 15.6 16.2 14.1 7,986 5,306 2,680 603 474 129 7.6 8.9 4.8 92 83 9 30 29 1 32.6 34.9 11.1 596 486 110 343 10 2.9 302 3 1.0 41 7 17.1 340 10 2.9 3 1 . 54 34.8 789 64 8.1 4 47 41.2 449 54 12.0 1 & TOONS - 53 10 264 6,924 4,800 3,993 2,630 2,931 2,170 2,124 1,363 761 619 469 150 355 246 109 223 41 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White 5 Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years : 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 82 60 and over but under 65 years 63 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 736 736 166 166 1,246 1,246 94 15 94 15 ! 147 553 254 344 379 187 183 410 647 848 810 818 795 694 614 494 402 324 216 137 125 1 75 293 137 161 200 93 91 210 385 544 547 583 568 505 437 363 309 237 160 88 74 72 260 117 183 179 94 92 200 262 304 263 235 227 189 177 131 93 87 56 49 51 10 53 25 53 68 38 25 43 71 67 57 73 61 59 57 44 43 40 13 19 15 9 31 15 26 37 20 13 25 44 48 36 39 36 33 32 21 21 24 4 12 5 1 22 10 27 31 18 12 18 27 19 21 34 25 26 25 23 22 16 9 7 10 NNNNNNN 719 52 4,927 4,208 764 764 421 187 369 185 82 61 2,422 103 192 44 172 1,109 2,107 95 172 43 97 863 67 315 8 20 1 75 246 54 86 64 10 8 32 25 9 NOORIN 1 1 16 121 ! COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 197 OF THE POPULATION Continued. BROCKTON Brookfield Brookline Buckland Burlington Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males 1 62,288 30,781 31,507 2 44,579 21,767 22,812 3 17,709 9,014 8,695 2,059 1,731 328 994 829 165 1,065 || 33,490 13,254 20,236 902 || 23,800 10,390 13,410 163 9,690 2,864 6,826 1,569 1,319 250 811 680 131 758 639 119 751 550 201 397 292 105 354 258 96 2,051 1,132 592 327 8 7 991 533 293 165 1,569 844 475 250 811 422 258 131 758 422 217 119 744 307 236 201 7 392 155 132 105 4 61,604 30,432 31,172 5 22,884 11,170 11,714 8 21,103 10,314 10,789 7 | 17,617 8,948 8,669 8 642 308 334 9 577 269 308 10 65 39 26 11 42 41 1 12 15 14 1 13 27 27 352 152 104 96 | | | | జులు టీం 1,060 | 33,105 13,161 | 19,944 599 14,338 6,208 8,130 299 9,210 4,129 5,081 162 9,557 2,824 6,733 5 345 60 285 4 237 43 194 108 17 91 40 33 15 10 5 25 23 2 | | | | ទីនទីនី | | | ១ស 657 15 2.3 527 6 288 7 2.4 197 1.1 0.1 8,517 14 50,927 24,955 25,972 15 1,149 386 763 16 2.3 1.5 2.9 17 33,587 16,132 17,455 18 38 20 18 19 0.1 0.1 20 17,340 8,823 21 1,111 366 745 22 6.4 4.1 8.7 23 50,394 24,681 25,713 24 1,129 375 754 25 2.2 1.5 2.9 26 493 234 259 27 20 11 9 28 4.1 4.7 3.5 29 1,096 374 722 1,738 62 3.6 1,417 4 0.3 321 58 18.1 1,730 61 3.5 8 1 12.5 60 829 43 5.2 665 1 0.2 164 42 25.6 826 43 5.2 3 909 | 29,450 11,217 | 18,233 19 69 23 46 2.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 752 19,823 8,387 11,436 3 3 3 0.4 1 1. 157 9,627 | 2,830 6,797 16 66 23 43 10.2 0.7 0.8 0.6 904 || 29,071 11,125 17,946 18 64 23 41 2.0 0.2 0.2 5 342 59 283 1 5 5 20.0 1.4 1.8 19 68 23 45 1,291 29 2.2 1,044 9 0.9 247 20 8.1 1,291 29 2.2 634 14 2.2 517 3 0.6 117 11 9.4 634 14 130 9 6.9 657 15 612 24 3.9 418 1 0.2 194 23 11.9 607 24 4.0 5 324 17 5.2 221 1 0.5 103 16 15.5 321 17 5.3 3 91 7 7.7 286 7 2.4 ICONS 0.2 2.3 2.2 oliwe WII Niva 29 15 14 22 15 30 39,923 19,578 20,345 31 24,204 11,484 12,720 32 15,719 8,094 7,625 1,373 1,068 305 643 488 155 730 580 150 24,269 8,887 15,382 15,276 6,192 9,084 8,993 2,695 6,298 1,016 790 226 517 399 118 499 391 108 487 306 181 260 166 94 227 140 87 33 34 35 4,477 3,508 52 4,477 3,508 52 97 55 3 97 55 919 919 1,677 1,677 61 61 47 69 2 47 69 2 52 41 52 41 1 13 210 848 376 603 820 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 %%阳​如​红​纪​以​共​约​好好​约​的​红​BB班​筋​的 ​1,209 4,716 2,274 3,162 3,762 1,897 1,991 3,354 5,027 6,330 5,329 5,026 4,390 3,849 3,160 2,448 1,657 1,160 754 458 335 605 2,441 1,170 1,610 1,858 960 976 1,583 2,398 3,096 2,734 2,448 2,239 1,903 1,552 1,217 772 552 336 203 128 604 2,275 1,104 1,552 1,904 937 1,015 1,771 2,629 3,234 2,595 2,578 2,151 1,946 1,608 1,231 885 608 418 255 207 17 148 60 96 134 74 68 89 113 140 123 119 128 130 140 117 114 99 75 42 33 12 73 31 49 66 34 36 50 57 68 55 50 65 54 67 53 53 53 44 15 9 5 75 29 47 68 40 32 39 56 72 68 69 63 76 73 64 61 46 31 27 24 403 1,631 775 1,231 1,660 844 936 1,741 2,910 3,525 2,824 3,005 2,807 2,408 2,029 1,554 1,177 783 580 384 283 405 438 667 935 1,044 950 1,105 1,153 1,010 845 663 464 307 204 133 74 193 783 399 628 840 439 498 1,074 1,975 2,481 1,874 1,900 1,654 1,398 1,184 891 713 476 376 251 209 22 101 62 93 105 43 47 80 102 130 116 97 96 90 95 74 58 46 53 32 27 B8%织​如​以​加码​8324&们​如​仍​%以​979 48 46 21 30 43 53 71 70 44 48 47 50 43 25 9 36 34 45 59 22 17 37 49 59 46 53 48 43 45 31 33 25 34 15 18 12 58 30 39 53 27 17 28 44 49 65 59 53 56 36 42 25 25 15 11 4 32 18 19 26 16 8 14 28 25 31 33 25 35 15 24 15 12 10 4 3 8 26 12 20 27 11 9 14 16 24 34 26 28 21 21 18 10 13 5 19 17 633 159 36 792 165 666 132 543 127 123 5 299 159 263 159 165 I 24 57 28,812 20,6998,113 58 307 302 5 59 4 4 60 17,693 13,485 4,208 61 1,371 1,279 92 62 3,283 2,734 549 63 624 622 2 64 1,253 603 650 65 2,152 736 1,416 66 2,125 934 1,191 3 1 354 82 64 11 43 53 20 261 81 58 9 23 25 11 15,549 317 5 1,928 1,046 2,940 514 1,870 5,613 1,316 93 1 6 2 20 28 9 9 8,554 6,995 317 5 1,606 322 954 92 2,694 246 511 3 1,083 787 708 4,905 676 640 299 70 48 4 27 71 15 275 66 39 4 9 13 10 » ស០១នីដ , ទីដី 55 17 12 18 58 5 9 18 16 13 10 14 8 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 014 15 651 257 198 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS CAMBRIDGE Canton CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males * 108,822 72,757 36,065 51,995 34,853 17,142 56,827 37,904 18,923 5,623 2,731 4,014 1,904 1,609 827 2,892 2,110 782 ! ROOYOOTA 1 103,535 27,115 41,409 35,011 5,181 4,199 982 106 34 72 49,497 12,766 20,102 16,629 2,401 1,956 445 97 29 68 54,038 14,349 21,307 18,382 2,780 2,243 537 9 5 4 5,568 2,702 1,860 918 2,115 972 1,593 812 41 21 28 9 13 12 14 8 11 3 3 2,866 942 1,143 781 20 19 1 6 CONTUOTONS CON 41,724 1,210 2.9 25,000 33 88,351 2,847 3.2 53,127 81 0.2 35,224 2,766 7.9 84,041 2,770 3.3 4,208 77 1.8 2,697 0.1 16,724 1,177 7.0 39,712 1,185 3.0 1,916 25 1.3 1,154 46,627 1,637 3.5 28,127 48 0.2 18,500 1,589 8.6 44,329 1,585 3.6 2,292 52 2.3 1,543 4,582 170 3.7 3,025 11 0.4 1,557 159 10.2 4,541 168 3.7 30 2 6.7 157 2,219 88 4.0 1,412 8 0.6 807 80 9.9 2,193 87 4.0 18 1 5.6 81 2,363 82 3.5 1,613 3 0.2 750 79 10.5 2,348 81 3.4 12 1 8.3 76 a comf 67,837 35,779 32,058 31,702 16,431 15,271 36,135 19,348 16,787 3,408 2,025 1,383 1,632 913 719 1,776 1,112 664 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population 2 Native 3 Foreign born : (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years. 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years. 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years . 50 50 and over but under 55 years . 51 55 and over but under 60 years . 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years . 55 75 and over but under 80 years. 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCU- PATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service. 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 8,161 6,428 225 8,161 6,428 225 439 257 10 439 257 10 Under 1 year 2,194 8,281 4,039 5,957 7,282 3,477 3,683 6,072 9,144 10,582 8,840 8,684 7,383 6,346 5,339 3,617 2,947 2,045 1,424 819 667 1,114 4,161 1,973 3,023 3,634 1,707 1,785 2.896 4,286 5.173 4,302 4,032 3,536 3,016 2,465 1,668 1,264 868 561 306 225 1,080 4,120 2,066 2,934 3,648 1,770 1,898 3,176 4,858 5,409 4,538 4,652 3,847 3,330 2,874 1,949 1,683 1,177 863 513 442 100 396 212 333 447 201 199 327 391 500 433 439 350 313 271 239 154 48 178 111 175 240 108 98 141 187 249 198 218 169 143 143 118 69 64 31 21 22 52 218 101 158 207 93 101 186 204 251 235 221 181 170 128 121 85 70 50 134 000 81 47 56 26 34 628 14,417 13 2,319 191 1,691 191 47,635 399 10 19,250 4,301 6,446 1,433 3,559 6,641 5,596 33,218 386 10 15,099 3,922 5,426 1,423 1,939 2,189 2,824 4,151 379 1,020 10 1,620 4,452 2,772 1,077 173 183 72 166 243 214 876 165 168 71 69 43 108 201 8 15 1 97 200 106 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 199 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Carlisle Carver Charlemont Charlton Chatham Total Males Total Males Fe- males Fe- || Total Total Males males Total Males H 1,667 1,688 79 1,650 1,417 164 69 673 273 216 1 ឪឡឹនីនន១១ | | | | ជនដង០-១០ | ca a ! --នដីនិងន៍៖ 1 1 !!! T 396 370 T 1,332 105 7.9 846 8 0.9 486 97 20.0 1,068 30 2.8 264 1,425 2 0.1 1,351 2 0.1 74 1,766 94 5.3 1,388 17 1.2 378 77 20.4 1,764 93 5.3 2 26 3 1.8 47 8 17.0 10.5 215 11 5.1 T 12 14.1 409 16 395 .. 1,411 2 0.1 11 នី”។ T - . 11 1 1 1,042 584 458 1,368 1,037 331 1,178 1,109 69 147 37 6 8 51 76 104 45 46 19 23 31 42 42 25 32 36 34 30 138 66 69 125 149 176 135 135 134 133 20 34 32 29 19 36 27 34 37 50 69 79 72 55 62 67 61 50 53 56 66 18 14 22 61 64 ២-ដងវែង 42 35 16 681 387 ទីប ង ៩ , ទី ស ២៩ មីដី ៩ | c , 44 = 8 \, 205 151 220 49 171 8 1.9 320 166 56 41 17.5 24.7 556 512 22 8 4.0 1.6 127 16 42 63 93 86 77 69 17 41 46 45 44 46 76 89 95 97 113 127 117 111 52 32 32 ២ ដដដ , និទ្ធ ( ! ) 15 200 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS . CLASSIFICATION Chelmsford Total Males Fe- males CHELSEA Total Males Fe- males 5,182 2,537 2,645 | 43,426 22,353 21,073 3,845 1,899 1,946 24,129 12,257 11,872 1,337 638 699 | 19,297 10,096 9,201 1 O0ORIA 5,177 1,868 1,973 1,336 2,534 909 988 637 2 2 2,643 43,050 22,153 20,897 959 7,168 3,745 3,423 985 16,694 8,373 8,321 699 | 19,188 10,035 9,153 2 338 168 170 2 250 125 125 88 43 45 38 32 6 17 14 3 21 18 3 1 1 1 1 1- 4,239 2,080 2,159 | 33,315 17,218 16,097 109 54 55 2,657 1,008 1,649 2.6 2.6 2.5 8.0 5.9 10.2 2,932 1,458 1,474 | 14,715 7,470 7,245 17 8 9 13 3 10 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.1 1,307 622 685 18,600 9,748 8,852 92 46 46 2,644 1,005 1,639 7.0 7.4 6.7 14.2 10.3 18.5 4,234 2,077 2,157 | 33,000 17,049 15,951 109 54 55 2,646 1,005 1,641 2.6 2.6 2.5 8.0 5.9 10.3 4 2 2 281 140 141 9 3 6 3.2 2.1 4.3 103 51 52 2,478 1,542 936 3,153 1,952 1,201 1,457 888 569 1,696 | 24,635 12,978 11,657 1,064 9,236 4,747 4,489 632 15,399 8,231 7,168 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY 4 White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage 7 Foreign born 8 Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year - 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 275 284 9 275 284 9 5,508 5,508 2,596 2,596 77 77 47 176 74 160 260 125 95 378 162 308 432 215 189 250 303 337 344 368 314 387 320 241 179 142 100 56 62 105 133 117 162 150 172 164 170 161 114 76 48 202 88 148 172 90 84 117 186 175 194 196 150 217 159 127 103 74 51 33 31 1,216 4,305 1,964 2,626 3,145 1,446 1,465 2,624 3,627 4,241 3,489 3,226 2,594 2,032 1,617 1,145 867 668 613 326 190 605 2.222 1,000 1,308 1,597 723 685 1,235 1,811 2,217 1,875 1,766 1,386 1,041 611 2,083 964 1,318 1,548 723 780 1,389 1,816 2,024 1,614 1,460 1,208 991 782 584 458 311 218 108 83 835 68 561 409 357 395 218 107 49 23 31 181 2,042 344 1,521 339 521 | 17,384 13,560 3,824 5 181 3 85 1,015 79 139 26 109 124 121 85 750 78 118 25 41 27 58 3 265 8,607 6,836 1,771 1 1,301 1,238 63 21 3,452 3,080 372 1 419 419 68 794 438 356 1,225 624 601 63 1,402 741 661 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 201 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Cheshire Chester Chesterfield CHICOPEE Chilmark Fe- Fe- Total Males Total | Males Total Males Fe- males Fe- males males Total Males Fe- Total Males males males 1 2 3 1,535 1,186 349 822 596 226 713 590 123 1,344 1,136 208 705 588 117 639 548 91 559 508 51 294 271 23 265 30,138 237 18,669 28 11,469 15,296 14,842 9,269 9,400 6,027 5,442 288 260 28 144 132 12 144 128 16 5 6 1,532 767 416 349 3 3 821 393 202 226 1 1 711 374 214 123 2 2 1,343 796 340 207 704 411 177 116 639 385 163 91 559 438 70 51 294 232 39 23 265 | 30,128 206 5,078 31 13,588 28 11,462 1 1 15,287 14,841 2,539 2,539 6,728 6,860 6,020 5,442 1 286 228 32 26 2 142 118 14 10 2 144 110 18 16 9 10 11 12 13 IIII నటిగా 2 1 111111 ורוד 1 668 29 4.3 445 561 18 3.2 1,070 33 3.1 517 14 2.7 428 220 7 3.2 124 6 4.8 112 2 130 1 0.8 114 447 869 192 6 18 11 0.7 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1.8 1,229 47 3.8 892 2 0.2 337 45 13.4 1,226 47 3.8 3 468 15 3.2 417 3 0.7 51 12 23.5 468 15 2 0.4 114 16 14.0 559 18 3.2 2 223 29 13.0 667 29 4.3 1 553 19 3.4 441 6 1.4 112 13 11.6 552 19 3.4 248 8 3.2 225 2 0.9 23 6 26.1 248 8 3.2 201 27 13.4 1,069 33 89 14 15.7 517 14 2.7 22,714 11,573 11,141 1,506 806 700 6.6 7.0 6.3 11,501 5,684 5,817 60 42 0.5 0.7 0.3 11,213 5,889 5,324 1,446 764 682 12.9 13.0 12.8 22,704 11,564 11,140 1,506 806 700 6.6 7.0 6.3 1 1 1 0.5 28 6 21.4 220 7 3.2 Tinanoo at 254 7 2.8 226 2 0.9 28 5 17.9 252 6 2.4 2 1 50.0 7 16 1 6.3 130 12 4 33.3 122 5 4.1 2 1 50.0 6 3.1 3.2 0.8 27 46 29 17 27 13 14 14 1,442 776 666 30 31 32 950 639 311 529 322 207 421 317 104 800 619 181 407 310 97 393 309 84 365 323 42 188 170 18 177 153 24 16,341 8,418 7,923 6,550 3,177 3,373 9,791 5,241 4,550 211 186 25 108 96 12 103 90 13 162 13 33 34 35 162 44 1 63 33 63 33 44 1 నిలుట నిలుట 13 3 2 3,888 3,888 1,299 1,299 48 48 1o 8 2 17 35 109 49 81 3 10 4 2 17 12 14 17 9 8 9 OOONNN 100 ANOWA 23 11 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 26 119 60 101 104 53 61 61 95 119 92 120 107 104 76 51 59 43 38 22 24 18 63 28 45 50 23 35 31 55 69 55 74 62 58 40 26 30 20 18 12 10 8 56 32 56 54 30 26 30 40 50 37 46 45 46 36 25 29 23 20 10 14 65 39 66 82 112 81 100 79 70 54 63 59 32 31 25 12 15 63 30 44 56 34 26 30 39 56 41 47 47 34 35 27 33 20 13 9 6 20 46 19 37 44 31 13 36 43 56 40 53 32 36 19 36 26 12 18 16 6 3 34 22 32 40 19 16 28 29 43 41 25 42 32 39 29 27 20 14 13 11 CASES 008 19 13 20 24 12 23 17 22 15 17 11 855 429 426 3,149 1,597 1,552 1,445 703 742 1,975 994 981 2,329 1,184 1,145 1,049 525 524 1,076 523 553 1,919 923 996 2,523 1,277 1,246 2,877 1,481 1,396 2,340 1,243 1,097 2,189 1,174 1,015 1,816 955 1,432 759 673 1,066 560 506 697 329 368 538 269 269 353 141 212 244 112 132 152 66 86 114 52 62 6 16 7 5 18 3 11 11 14 21 16 18 22 24 21 18 19 19 6 4 9 16373957409996 01 TOON ONWOO 861 6 10 8 7 11 12 16 9 13 7 3 11 11 12 12。 க COA OOOOO! 12 Uw 57 58 76 2 63 222 120 199 119 11 23 1 120 85 109 85 2 621 186 17 259 58 26 4 19 27 25 545 184 17 239 57 23 3 3 6 13 61 62 63 64 65 66 497 101 5 163 106 35 5 27 39 16 434 101 5 161 106 34 5 6 59 6 11 20 1 3 1 16 21 12 1 61 7 12 2 10 9 1 2 1 1 2 13,010 9,419 3,591 294 291 3 1 1 9,358 6,801 2,557 359 333 26 944 853 91 262 261 1 171 208 735 308 427 678 278 10 3 4 1 6 9 2 10 3 3 1 3 3 3 379 3 21 32 7 9 400 67 333 439 202 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Clarksburg Clinton CLASSIFICATION Fe Total Males Fe- males Total Males males 1 2 3 1,114 917 197 580 480 100 534 || 13,192 6,380 6,812 437 8,464 4,109 4,355 97 4,728 2,271 2,457 1,112 520 395 197 2 2 578 280 198 100 2 2 534 || 13,181 6,375 6,806 240 2,410 1,179 1,231 197 6,049 2,930 3,119 97 4,722 2,266 2,456 6 6 5 5 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 463 13 2.8 365 1.6 902 22 2.4 709 8 1.1 193 14 7.3 900 22 2.4 2 439 | 10,566 5,065 5,501 9 596 263 333 2.1 5.6 5.2 6.1 344 5,903 ! 2,826 3,077 2 11 9 2 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 95 4,663 2,239 2,424 7 585 331 7.4 12.5 11.3 13.7 439 10,557 5,060 5,497 9 595 263 332 2.1 5.6 5.2 6.0 254 22 7.1 461 టె | | Nani 2.8 25 26 27 28 29 III 1 25.0 518 22 242 25.0 276 30 31 32 630 447 183 314 222 92 316 225 91 7,758 3,676 4,082 3,600 1,658 1,942 4,158 2,018 2,140 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cont illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals. Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 33 34 35 42 49 1 42 49 1 1,001 1,001 996 996 16 16 48 50 30 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 13 80 56 63 91 59 60 62 80 77 71 72 77 80 60 37 24 21 18 11 2 | 0 + 1 ៗ នី៦ដនននន៩៩៩ដ 6 32 23 34 41 29 25 28 41 39 37 38 271 1,085 517 753 933 437 537 901 1,148 1,151 919 912 960 740 572 454 353 231 181 71 66 128 545 264 378 502 219 284 384 561 543 429 409 469 351 298 216 172 98 78 29 23 143 540 253 375 431 218 253 517 587 608 490 503 491 389 274 238 181 133 103 42 43 40 32 40 28 12 9 6 14 6 2 115 476 81 361 81 6,128 4,089 2,039 91 91 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 88 305 17 25 7 10 21 10 217 17 21 7 4,311 226 507 168 289 308 228 2,804 1,507 212 14 433 74 168 119 170 142 120 108 15 166 65 66 6 C 3:42 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 203 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Cohasset Colrain Concord Conway Cummington Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total | Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 1 2 3 2,800 1,391 1,409 2,146 1,062 | 1,084 654 329 325 1,829 1,552 277 949 794 155 880 758 122 6,681 3,608 3,073 4,889 2,647 2,242 961 831 1,220 1,079 141 626 554 72 594 525 69 660 615 45 339 313 26 321 302 19 1,792 V 337 270 5 1,828 1,008 543 277 948 511 282 155 880 497 261 122 6,635 2,608 2,244 1,783 42 37 5 2,753 1,287 821 645 46 37 9 1 1 3,568 3,067 1,345 1,263 1,268 976 955 828 36 6 34 2 3 1,369 1,384 637 650 408 413 324 321 21 25 16 21 5 4 1 1 1,218 804 273 141 2 2 593 400 124 69 625 404 149 72 1 1 658 534 79 45 321 264 38 19 1 10 11 12 13 ១១ | T | នា ! 267 1 0.4 248 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2,319 99 4.3 1,675 3 0.2 644 96 14.9 2,279 99 4.3 39 1,139 1,180 68 31 6.0 2.6 813 862 3 0.4 326 318 65 31 19.9 9.7 1,120 1,159 68 31 6.1 2.7 18 21 1,484 94 6.3 1,209 15 1.2 275 79 28.7 1,483 94 6.3 1 773 60 7.8 620 13 2.1 153 47 30.7 772 60 7.8 711 34 4.8 589 2 0.3 122 32 26.2 711 34 4.8 978 40 4.1 838 4 0.5 140 36 25.7 976 5,631 3,088 2,543 150 114 36 2.7 3.7 1.4 3,866 2,141 1,725 4 3 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1,765 947 818 146 111 35 8.3 11.7 4.3 5,585 3,048 2,537 149 113 2.7 3.7 1.4 42 36 6 1 1 2.4 2.8 141 105 36 496 19 3.8 424 1 0.2 72 18 25.0 495 19 3.8 1 482 21 4.4 414 3 0.7 68 18 26.5 481 21 4.4 1 551 12 2.2 507 9 1.8 44 3 6.8 550 12 2.2 1 19 284 11 3.9 259 9 3.5 25 2 8.0 283 11 3.9 1 36 5.3 267 1 0.4 40 4.1 2 88 57 31 91 57 34 40 19 21 12 30 31 32 1,836 1,255 581 884 595 289 952 660 292 1,084 846 238 552 418 134 532 428 104 4,260 2,242 2,018 2,702 1,428 1,274 1,558 814 744 758 627 131 373 302 71 385 325 60 432 390 42 217 193 24 215 197 18 14 33 34 35 189 93 2 189 93 2 100 32 2 100 32 2 428 259 121 428 259 121 53 18 53 18 14 7 3 ” 3 18 23 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 34 63 184 85 149 180 73 76 154 183 221 202 222 190 213 161 142 104 67 53 40 38 31 98 52 71 87 36 41 91 96 103 99 103 96 102 78 68 46 32 23 21 17 32 86 33 78 93 37 35 63 87 118 103 119 94 111 83 35 125 67 118 146 69 76 109 138 123 125 119 117 88 94 71 69 60 33 28 19 87 422 220 321 351 190 209 621 741 599 474 17 65 29 58 69 35 33 42 69 65 72 56 49 42 45 34 39 22 18 10 11 ទទីបីទទំនងដទះ។ជំង៥ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 40 213 103 164 177 104 104 461 492 338 250 231 227 189 139 107 97 73 39 24 36 47 209 117 157 174 86 105 160 249 261 224 250 249 181 149 133 103 73 51 49 46 25 97 60 60 69 35 50 66 75 78 74 81 88 83 61 60 46 35 31 24 22 12 44 30 26 28 16 18 35 34 45 38 38 46 35 31 33 13 53 30 34 41 19 32 31 41 33 36 43 42 48 30 27 24 15 16 11 7 58 53 63 68 46 49 37 30 38 15 18 8 44 19 38 43 23 22 31 43 40 32 41 49 32 30 40 29 31 20 27 18 1 21 13 19 18 9 9 16 23 18 18 19 25 14 13 15 20 22 14 22 28 16 14 7%99%以​因​如​NH%%B4%以​4999 481 19 A 58 35 30 19 21 NA 476 370 288 240 200 146 90 73 82 17 14 10 21 16 16 18 12 17 10 18 9 20 15 13 15 241 658 64 1,135 177 817 305 42 639 302 178 3 460 189 396 189 261 110 219 110 21 21 12 98 3 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 894 177 3 321 130 131 25 37 36 34 365 30 23 6 34 267 27 23 5 5 342 142 139 27 83 157 65 86 10 10 82 8 8 2 2 46 121 31 29 39 5 21 21 3 15 18 3,187 558 3 1,128 204 230 55 266 547 196 2,5291 558 3 1,072 190 217 55 163 159 112 56 14 13 161 24 28 3 22 140 22 28 103 388 84 21 4 10 5 3 2 204 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Dalton Dana CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 2 3 , 3,858 3,351 507 1,795 1,557 238 2,063 1,794 269 712 615 97 331 281 50 381 334 47 3.833 2,196 1,132 505 1,780 1,025 519 236 13 13 2,053 1,171 613 269 10 10 712 457 158 97 331 215 66 50 381 242 92 47 23 23 8 9 10 11 12 13 من نت اوا ادا 2 ! • 1 • 1,703 30 1.8 1,436 314 10 3.2 267 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3,135 1,432 76 46 2.4 3.2 2,632 1,196 21 15 0.8 1.3 503 236 55 31 10.9 13.1 3,120 1,423 74 45 2.4 3.2 13 7 2 1 15.4 14.3 73 43 0.4 267 24 9.0 1,697 29 594 28 4.7 497 4 0.8 97 24 .24.7 594 28 4.7 280 18 6.4 230 3 1.3 50 15 30.0 280 18 6.4 0.4 47 9 19.1 314 10 3.2 1.7 28 29 16.7 30 28 18 10 30 31 32 2,387 1,911 476 1,083 866 217 1,304 1.045 259 475 380 95 227 177 50 248 203 45 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service : Clerical 33 34 35 111 98 6 111 98 6 36 14 36 14 37 36 37 38 39 40 41 75 298 147 203 281 127 139 201 OSNO 42 38 150 73 102 133 58 66 92 124 145 128 112 115 118 97 64 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 281 148 74 101 148 69 73 109 157 159 171 1 144 140 137 110 81 65 68 27 26 19 304 299 256 255 255 207 145 132 118 53 50 12 51 24 31 38 22 29 30 44 41 41 37 57 43 53 46 35 24 21 24 9 7 30 13 17 18 14 20 14 26 22 19 23 30 25 30 17 5 21 11 14 20 8 9 16 18 19 22 14 27 18 23 29 19 12 11 16 口 ​26 24 .3 12 10 13 5 32 1,600 115 1,083 115 517 310 68 223 66 87 2 305 110 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 948 97 97 33 72 144 94 643 90 85 32 25 39 54 165 14 14 2 20 19 8 12 1 47 105 40 13 13 1 9 - 11 13 ) COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. , 205 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Danvers Dartmouth Dedham Deerfield Dennis Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fo males 1 2 3 11,177 5,477 5,700 8,798 4,367 4,431 2,379 1,110 1,269 5,330 2,760 2,570 || 11,043 5,394 5,649 3,665 1,876 1,789 7,778 3,834 3,944 1,665 884 781 3,265 1,560 1,705 2,739 2,051 688 1,491 1,248 1,071 980 420 268 1,822 1,727 95 845 813 32 977 914 63 11,163 5,253 3,533 2,377 10 9 1 4 3 1 COO voer 5,471 5,692 2,628 2,625 1,734 1,799 1,109 1,268 2 8 2 1 5,264 1,968 1,673 1,623 65 24 41 1 2,707 2,557 || 10,986 1,011 957 3,340 850 823 4,389 846 777 3,257 52 13 49 15 9 45 37 4 1 8 NOS 5,362 5,624 1,653 1,687 2,155 2,234 1,554 1,703 26 23 23 22 3 6 3 1 3 1 2.733 1,181 865 687 5 5 1,487 1,246 618 563 450 415 419 268 3 2 3 2 Iww.O 30 1,784 1,567 142 75 38 18 20 衍​纪​石​仍​B四 ​826 745 59 22 19 9 10 958 822 83 53 19 9 10 10 11 12 13 wowa 1 1 4,084 415 10.2 2,470 1,153 166 14.4 736 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9,490 163 1.7 7,143 15 0.2 2,347 148 6.3 9,476 163 1.7 10 4,606 4,884 88 75 1.9 1.5 3,5113,632 9 6 0.3 0.2 1,095 1,252 79 69 7.2 5.5 4,600 4,876 88 75 1.9 1.5 2 8 734 6 0.8 702 6 0.9 32 0.4 1,614 405 25.1 4,024 403 10.0 59 12 20.3 392 2,135 1,949 239 176 11.2 9.0 1,276 1,194 7 3 0.5 0.3 859 755 232 173 27.0 22.9 2,085 1,939 229 174 11.0 9.0 49 10 10 2 20.4 20.0 220 172 8,742 171 2.0 5,556 4 0.1 3,186 167 5.2 8,687 169 4,200 4,542 88 83 2.1 1.8 2,6822,874 1 3 0.1 1,518 1,668 87 80 5.7 4.8 4,168 4,519 88 81 2.1 1.8 26 22 2 9.1 84 81 2,088 291 13.9 1,404 1 0.1 684 290 42.4 2,082 291 14.0 5 935 125 13.4 668 1 0.1 267 124 46.4 933 125 13.4 2 417 166 39.8 1,149 166 14.4 3 1,590 12 0.8 1,496 10 0.7 94 2 2.1 1,561 10 0.6 29 2 6.9 10 856 6 0.7 794 4 0.5 62 2 3.2 841 4 0.5 15 2 13.3 720 6 0.8 14 1.9 48 2 4.2 165 OWN 29 155 81 74 251 144 107 4 30 31 32 7,614 3,666 3,948 5,429 2,646 2,783 2,185 1,020 1,165 3,007 1,615 1,392 1,562 1,445 825 790 737 655 6,712 3,166 3,546 3,765 1,777 | 1,988 2,947 1,389 1,558 1,584 989 595 870 503 367 714 486 228 1,325 1,236 89 610 580 30 715 656 59 33 34 35 413 406 200 413 406 200 462 227 12 462 227 12 695 624 64 695 624 64 320 45 1 320 45 1 7 13 7 13 1 83 335 169 284 327 146 177 290 224 917 467 693 782 366 341 541 102 434 226 345 389 174 167 266 377 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 767 968 396 .154 655 343 535 639 288 365 584 787 973 871 867 839 746 703 571 439 332 217 146 123 71 320 174 251 312 142 188 291 410 467 421 466 436 367 381 302 226 185 119 84 84 110 490 260 386 398 191 203 285 321 380 391 391 334 304 222 214 138 124 81 50 57 58 238 124 205 209 103 104 157 176 180 211 199 170 162 119 111 73 64 45 22 30 506 450 401 403 379 322 269 213 147 98 62 39 52 252 136 181 189 88 99 128 145 200 180 192 164 142 103 103 65 60 36 28 26 170 58 84 99 46 55 83 117 147 110 102 98 63 64 47 122 483 241 348 393 192 174 275 371 437 411 402 396 310 283 194 138 94 61 37 32 13 44 19 35 43 24 23 34 47 40 41 49 47 56 309 124 162 181 79 94 150 202 251 211 184 173 119 127 85 82 66 39 17 28 30 139 66 78 82 33 39 67 85 104 101 82 75 56 63 38 38 27 870 845 808 633 572 391 %%%%%%WWWW们​的​口​84 28 91 38 75 102 45 50 68 84 89 78 108 98 114 150 155 117 113 79 78 62 531 459 443 412 323 289 197 174 129 80 64 49 48 15 47 19 40 59 21 27 34 37 49 37 59 51 66 87 85 61 64 38 43 38 WEBH23N 312 39 17 63 70 56 49 41 35 24 223 141 101 81 22 27 9 14 14 5,038 3,562 1,476 537 536 1 2,141 388 6 4,520 3,366 1,154 253 252 1 1,086 523 930 520 73 156 3 603 170 530 170 199 182 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 40 2 753 7 825 119 159 27 67 127 57 2,005 227 91 68 1,753 747 7 626 119 150 27 23 30 24 1,525 338 403 480 18 42 9 1,788 398 527 95 275 640 544 1,607 187 89 68 4 28 16 18 W'四处​如​BB43 1 35 44 63 33 27 181 18 59 356 445 88 362 848 397 85 149 331 195 3 213 517 202 3981 380 468 94 133 147 285 188 47 86 19 35 52 6 6 3 6 1 16 38 3 80 18 19 14 142 493 259 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 206 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS CLASSIFICATION Dighton Total Males Fe- males Douglas Fe Total Males males 2 3 2,499 1,818 681 1,298 1,201 945 873 353 328 2,179 1,119 1,060 1,459 731 728 720 388 332 WOOOOO 2,471 1,011 794 666 28 13 15 1,282 538 401 343 16 6 10 1,189 473 393 323 12 2,178 686 773 719 1 1,118 338 393 387 1 1,060 348 380 332 8 10 11 12 13 11 Ooo 14 15 16 17 18 19 (A) POPULATION Total population Native : Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cont illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born 1,875 186 9.9 1,214 978 99 10.1 636 897 87 9.7 578 ܐ 20 821 136 16.6 492 2 0.4 329 134 40.7 821 136 16.6 21 22 23 24 25 26 661 186 28.1 1,853 179 9.7 22 7 31.8 180 342 99 28.9 964 94 9.8 14 5 35.7 94 1,704 313 18.4 1,000 11 1.1 704 302 42.9 1,703 312 18.3 1 1 100.0 • 277 319 87 27.3 889 85 9.6 8 2 25.0 86 883 177 20.0 508 9 1.8 375 168 44.8 882 176 20.0 1 1 100.0 162 28 29 115 30 31 32 1.418 828 590 718 404 314 700 424 276 1,320 716 604 689 361 328 631 355 276 33 34 35 217 86 1 217 86 1 234 88 5 234 88 5 32 126 78 82 45 28 42 70 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals . Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 73 257 116 178 174 90 80 113 147 168 161 204 164 134 123 89 73 55 45 33 22 41 131 48 100 92 45 52 71 77 87 75 103 86 71 60 36 39 30 21 20 13 86 101 78 63 63 53 34 25 24 13 9 39 208 86 142 146 60 64 114 158 166 175 140 120 112 117 105 81 52 38 31 25 网​红​儿​%%%%%%%%89%B4B 17 101 47 71 70 32 36 56 68 88 96 79 62 54 64 59 44 30 18 14 13 22 107 39 71 76 28 28 58 90 78 79 61 58 58 53 46 37 22 20 17 12 79 817 258 738 258 225 2 57 58 59 60 30 155 355 32 59 9 26 325 32 56 959 160 2 506 122 58 7 38 46 20 734 158 2 351 121 54 7 15 10 16 62 63 3 16 4 38 65 66 10 18 18 23 36 56 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 207 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Dover Dracut Dudley Dunstable Duxbury Total Males Fe- males Total Males Total Males Fe males males Total | Males Fee males ZE 4,022 2,802 1,417 1,385 1,220 603 4,022 1,044 1,758 1,220 2,020 2,002 546 871 603 836 2,009 1,520 7 7 ជនខ៩១១-១២ ខ្ញុំ 216 3 - = T t T - T T - T 3,245 1,725 1,520 121 159 7.0 10.5 898 851 2 6 0.2 0.7 827 669 119 153 14.4 22.9 3,238 1,722 1,516 121 159 7.0 10.5 2 4 131 LIO II III = 185 1 0.5 421 1 0.2 1 = - T 9.7 161 145 802 69 4.4 3.1 0.7 2 - 125 251 141 2,358 1,231 1,176 1,182 623 608 553 574 2,291 968 1,323 1,220 1,071 485 483 735 588 1,338 1,082 256 1,127 ក 39 34 162 89 126 ខ្ញុំ 88 149 331 16 116 468 212 332 369 157 172 256 298 385 305 297 244 •ជ០១-០។ 16 16 6 8 6 11 134 208 265 297 293 277 246 274 203 162 49 46 28 46 47 48 112 139 145 135 133 123 146 102 87 89 135 159 200 163 166 138 104 96 126 152 158 144 123 128 101 75 61 66 63 63 64 100 140 121 127 135 106 131 6 12 8 131 106 19 %5C%以 ​១០ ១១ o c Eoe 155 1,678 1,275 282 403 417 1,385 155 144 - 268 717 56 110 • | f | | 905 ២២០០៩-ទដី ដងសe | ង 1 ននន ! ! L) , - ( ! ៗ: 208 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. – COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS East Bridgewater Eastham CLASSIFICATION Fe Fe- Total | Males Total Males males males 1 3,689 3,003 686 1,900 1,789 1,525 1,478 375 311 545 522 23 272 259 13 273 263 10 3,679 1,979 1,015 685 7 7 1,895 1,017 504 374 3 3 1,784 962 511 311 545 453 69 23 272 220 39 13 273 233 30 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 Neared NI W WARS 3 **'--' IIIIII 222 445 2 0.4 209 0.5 2,984 111 3.7 2,326 7 0.3 658 104 15.8 2,974 111 3.7 7 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,523 69 4.5 1,167 6 0.5 356 63 17.7 1,518 69 4.5 3 223 2 0.9 213 2 0.9 10 1,461 42 2.9 1,159 1 0.1 302 41 13.6 1,456 42 2.9 13 M | | | | | జి. 445 222 223 2 0.9 - 106 66 40 30 179 31 32 2,338 1,720 618 1,204 870 334 1,134 850 284 344 322 22 165 153 12 169 10 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 219 110 219 110 5 15 12 19 20 19 8 19 28 11 5 13 10 13 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 10 77 269 144 215 272 98 108 168 239 286 272 253 230 202 216 174 153 105 100 64 44 35 132 72 89 136 45 60 86 113 137 133 42 137 72 126 136 53 48 82 126 149 139 131 115 109 110 96 80 55 46 26 22 8 34 20 38 48 18 15 20 27 28 33 27 31 34 35 36 19 23 22 17 12 4历​299797BBBBB99 16 122 115 93 106 78 73 50 54 38 22 17 15 17 14 18 16 19 15 10 13 13 18 16 21 9 14 11 6 5 11 11 7 26 1,486 195 1,209 194 277 1 187 105 161 105 !' , 99 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 11 826 65 125 18 64 88 105 727 65 114 18 27 14 50 18 6 19 10 8 21 17 6 16 10 2 37 74 6 16 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 209 OF THE POPULATION Continued. East Longmeadow Easton Easthampton Fe Males Total males Edgartown Total Males Fe- males Egremont Fe- Total Males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males males 953 1 2 3 9,845 6,144 3,701 4,744 5,101 2,880 3,264 1,864 1,837 1,939 1,438 501 986 727 259 711 5,064 3,854 1,210 2,496 2,568 1,866 1,988 630 580 1,276 1,043 599 493 106 677 550 127 599 560 39 290 276 14 309 284 25 242 233 4 5 591 492 306 247 9,838 4,742 5,096 2,142 1,010 1,132 3,996 1,869 2,127 3,700 1,863 1,837 5 5 COOOOO 953 378 333 242 1,936 760 675 501 3 3 27755---- 983 382 342 259 3 3 5,055 2,107 1,745 1,203 8 2 6 1 2,487 2,568 1,030 1,077 834 911 623 580 8 2 6 1 1,256 705 318 233 20 20 588 330 152 106 11 11 668 375 166 127 9 9 | | | | C | - 285 245 26 14 5 5 VII.COM | | | | లులు కట్లు వద్దు 2 11 12 13 2 1 1 1 1,047 492 4,117 105 265 71 555 35 6.3 435 2.6 240 7,666 3,676 3,990 573 294 279 7.5 8.0 7.0 4,032 1,850 2,182 27 20 7 0.7 1.1 0.3 3,634 1,826 1,808 546 274 272 15.0 15.0 15.0 7,659 3,674 3,985 573 294 279 7.5 8.0 7.0 5 5 I 1,517 54 3.6 1,040 3 0.3 477 51 10.7 1,514 54 3.6 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 780 21 2.7 533 2 0.4 247 19 7.7 777 21 2.7 3 506 1 0.2 467 1 0.2 39 737 33 4.5 507 1 0.2 230 32 13.9 737 33 4.5 241 1 0.4 227 1 0.4 14 2,026 2,091 63 42 3.1 2.0 1,410 1,522 3 0.2 616 569 60 42 1.0 7.4 2,017 2,091 63 42 3.1 2.0 8 25 2,932 3 0.1 1,185 102 8.6 4,108 105 2.6 8 6.8 823 2 0.2 224 69 30.8 1,029 71 6.9 18 36 7.3 388 2 0.5 104 34 32.7 483 36 7.5 9 120 35 29.2 546 35 6.4 9 263 501 1 0.2 5 238 1 0.4 3 i wa L1 ani 507 275 232 51 20 31 97 60 37 71 36 35 1 30 31 32 5,654 2,751 2,903 2,581 1,143 1,438 3,073 1,608 1,465 1,095 672 423 557 336 221 538 336 202 3,150 2,059 1,091 1,546 987 559 1,604 1,072 532 872 663 209 411 314 97 461 349 112 402 367 35 193 180 13 209 187 22 33 34 35 1,150 1,150 442 442 15 15 146 68 7 146 68 7 228 320 5 228 320 5 65 32 65 32 I OTO AN 2 26 7 14 15 8 10 14 17 4 9 15 26 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 273 944 425 537 622 311 350 729 944 977 716 639 592 476 375 304 213 179 104 74 61 120 461 208 279 309 127 183 306 454 490 375 315 285 227 186 134 91 86 45 29 34 153 483 217 258 313 184 167 423 490 487 341 324 307 249 189 170 122 93 59 45 27 36 171 96 119 171 67 92 92 121 133 130 140 133 101 105 61 57 44 36 22 12 18 86 39 63 83 43 52 45 61 70 65 66 73 55 50 34 27 23 16 12 5 18 85 57 56 88 24 40 47 60 63 65 74 60 46 55 27 30 21 20 10 7 89 373 207 278 375 161 181 250 338 349 345 405 313 336 284 204 190 146 115 76 49 42 185 91 152 179 93 83 125 170 174 174 197 143 180 138 105 92 74 45 33 21 47 188 116 126 196 68 98 125 168 175 171 208 170 156 146 99 98 72 70 43 28 25 94 34 76 69 30 40 36 66 97 83 81 90 81 72 66 68 56 60 25 27 13 37 18 39 33 14 20 14 30 51 43 40 36 45 38 30 32 29 20 10 7 12 57 16 37 36 16 20 22 36 46 40 41 54 36 34 36 36 27 40 15 20 44 17 28 32 12 19 41 34 39 39 35 34 39 45 39 36 22 19 4 17 15 18 23 20 12 18 22 20 18 12 7 2 6 19 21 16 15 22 21 23 19 18 10 12 2 11 CAO SONOR 4,554 3,049 1,505 203 203 344 64 40 109 3 463 152 399 152 245 145 205 143 2 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 14 5 696 167 587 164 1,911 234 1,567 234 1 925 114 129 27 43 29 65 139 1 「四​的 ​149 30 33 15 32 38 14 135 30 32 14 19 12 5 40 9 9 2 19 18 3 35 9 8 2 6 25 308 46 54 5 27 30 34 25 268 40 50 5 13 8 14 40 6 4 3,362 2,186 1,176 151 139 12 273 251 22 57 57 150 64 86 208 74 134 150 75 75 1 1,064 116 144 27 81 103 141 2 15 1 1 13 26 9 14 22 20 65 66 38 74 76 13 17 2 G ? ? ! 210 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Enfield Erving CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1,168 806 675 131 396 336 60 410 339 71 960 613 489 124 555 471 84 208 410 394 238 96 257 82 804 495 178 131 2 2 1,168 663 297 208 613 329 160 124 555 334 137 84 COOOOOO SNITT 702 9 1.3 571 345 7 2.0 285 928 39 4.2 723 0.4 131 357 2 0.6 286 1 0.3 71 1 1.4 357 2 0.4 60 6 10.0 343 7 2.0 483 21 4.3 359 3 0.8 124 18 14.5 483 21 4.3 0.6 205 35 17.1 928 39 4.2 5.3 700 9 1.3 2 445 18 4.0 364 1 0.3 81 17 21.0 445 18 4.0 39 21 18 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OB RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years : 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) 530 405 125 250 194 56 280 211 69 704 514 190 370 253 117 334 261 73 13 35 83 34 8 22 48 9 32 20 43 78 30 20 44 27 40 41 21 21 30 4 16 13 18 45 12 11 27 26 27 18 23 30 24 23 25 18 18 9 45 25 33 49 15 24 23 28 57 5 16 7 25 33 18 9 17 19 21 24 30 33 36 17 24 26 19 13 10 8 48 42 53 63 60 49 B幻​幻​幻​幻​幻​幻​幻​红​四​四​四​四​%151 42 52 73 90 36 45 53 72 104 91 81 67 56 56 61 41 39 22 g 5 39 29 49 40 28 27 34 22 15 22 11 4 17 37 22 16 11 3 52 59 306 122 254 121 443 25 384 25 (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical. 16 28 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 80 14 15 273 23 96 14 15 7 21 25 301 23 33 5 13 19 24 12 19 van 1 8 12 10 6 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 211 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Essex EVERETT Fairhaven FALL RIVER Total Fe males Males Pe Males Total Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe males males 1 1,677 1,422 255 834 703 131 843 719 124 37,718 26,689 11,029 18,387 13,065 5,322 19,331 13,624 5,707 6,277 4,589 1,688 2,990 2,168 822 3,287 2,421 866 124,791 74,530 50,261 60,319 36,135 24,184 64,472 38,395 26,077 1,673 1,060 360 253 3 831 541 160 130 2 2 842 519 200 123 COOOOOOO 36,545 11,274 14,426 10,845 1,134 972 162 39 17 22 17,809 5,508 7,079 5,222 543 464 79 35 14 18,736 5,766 7,347 5,623 591 508 83 6,168 2,574 1,948 1,646 108 67 41 2,935 1,194 944 797 54 30 24 1 3,233 1,380 1,004 849 54 37 17 124,328 17,419 56,745 50,164 384 343 41 79 23 56 9 10 11 12 13 60,065 8,389 27,573 24,103 177 152 25 77 21 56 64,263 9,030 29,172 26,061 207 191 16 2 2 1 1 21 1,436 26 1.8 1,182 715 7 1.0 592 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0.1 254 25 9.8 1,432 26 1.8 3 721 19 2.6 590 1 0.2 131 18 13.7 718 19 2.6 2 29,856 303 1.0 19,095 13 0.1 10,761 290 2.7 28,931 291 14,427 125 0.9 9,225 7 0.1 5,202 118 2.3 13,972 121 0.9 423 4 0.9 122 123 7 5.7 714 7 1.0 1 15,429 178 1.2 9,870 6 0.1 5,559 172 3.1 14,959 170 1.1 468 8 1,7 4,946 395 8.0 3,306 17 0.5 1,640 378 23.0 4,867 384 7.9 78 11 14.1 373 2,335 191 8.2 1,534 5 0.3 801 186 23.2 2,298 188 8.2 36 3 8.3 179 2,611 204 7.8 1,772 12 0.7 839 192 22.9 2,569 196 7.6 42 8 19.0 194 97,140 11,295 11.6 48,201 294 0.6 48,939 11,001 22.5 96,731 11,278 11.7 333 15 4.5 10,338 46,333 5,429 11.7 22,800 145 0.6 23,533 5,284 22.5 46,113 5,425 11.8 144 2 1.4 4,981 50,807 5,866 11.5 25,401 149 0.6 25,406 5,717 22.5 50,618 5,853 11.6 189 13 6.9 5,357 NNNNN 1.0 891 12 1.3 296 25 18 174 30 31 32 1,177 942 235 584 471 113 22,509 12,565 9,944 10,704 5,923 4,781 11,805 6,642 5,163 3,745 2,265 1,480 1,730 1,006 724 2,015 1,259 756 70,195 27,356 42,839 33,357 12,650 20,707 36,838 14,706 22,132 33 34 35 2,337 2,281 77 2,337 2,281 77 462 231 6 462 231 6 12,831 7,606 196 12,831 7,606 196 1,612 的​阶级​的​如​H&仍​约​约好​以​如​么​说​8488 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 16 98 44 83 90 42 57 70 116 125 93 111 105 136 104 105 84 68 3 56 25 42 48 18 27 38 59 57 38 62 56 68 52 45 38 865 3,164 1,557 2,276 2,629 1,263 1,320 2,135 2,767 3,417 2,951 2,870 2,601 2,199 1,930 1,251 961 670 440 1,612 779 1,129 1,328 660 663 1,072 1,321 1,606 1,410 1,360 1,284 1,059 951 605 459 300 180 94 75 425 1,552 778 1,147 1,301 603 657 1,063 1,446 1,811 1,541 1,510 1,317 1,140 979 646 502 370 260 161 122 130 552 272 377 419 229 220 333 392 457 477 446 427 357 289 251 212 155 136 81 65 58 277 155 186 209 109 108 170 209 252 256 240 205 191 155 135 119 86 75 47 45 3,152 11,462 5,369 7,668 9,701 4,614 4,900 7,730 9,617 10,943 9,403 8,977 7,965 6,591 5,645 3,752 2,910 1,940 1,329 658 465 5,819 2,685 3,870 4,770 2,267 2,400 3,539 4,403 5,158 4,593 4,291 3,915 3,244 2,677 1,777 1,349 872 595 282 201 1,540 5,643 2,684 3,798 4,931 2,347 2,500 4,191 5,214 5,785 4,810 4,686 4,050 3,347 2,968 1,975 1,561 1,068 734 376 264 440 55 56 31 22 19 34 255 197 102 3,563 3 703 2 21,282 57 58 59 60 61 62 20 15,232 84 11,669 81 1,125 2,532 233 6 1,315 137 264 43 172 336 59,045 450 67 41,922 2,463 5,395 1,320 2,189 3,271 1,968 37,763 450 67 25,349 2,384 4,637 1,318 870 1,4 1,230 16,573 79 758 2 1,319 1,813 738 593 471 122 11 42 19 41 42 24 30 32 57 68 55 49 49 68 52 60 46 31 21 22 15 72 275 117 191 210 120 112 163 183 205 221 206 222 166 134 116 93 69 61 34 20 671 159 1 243 81 60 3 50 48 26 569 158 1 223 80 56 3 25 9 14 12 6,772 1,337 2,533 409 791 129 2,165 12 5,647 1,248 2,113 408 409 554 1,197 89 420 1,829 231 6 979 133 242 42 69 44 83 4 22 1 103 155 80 25 39 12 382 575 968 66 163 212 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS CL 5 TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Falmouth CLASSIFICATION FITCH BURG Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 3,917 2,914 1,003 2,008 1,909 39,656 19,611 20,045 1,450 1,464 25,776 12,493 13,283 558 445 13,880 7,118 6,762 3,543 1,850 924 769 366 132 234 8 8 1,775 938 447 390 229 61 168 1,768 39,601 19,572 20,029 912 9,460 4,588 4,872 477 16,271 7,875 8,396 379 13,870 7,109 6,761 137 40 24 16 71 38 23 15 66 2 1 15 O NON 8 8 3,136 434 13.8 2,153 8 0.4 983 426 43.3 2,843 251 8.8 285 183 64.2 413 1,634 247 15.1 1,084 5 0.5 550 242 44.0 1,438 122 8.5 192 125 65.1 234 1,502 | 31,361 15,543 15,818 187 1,307 652 655 12.5 4.2 4.2 4.1 1,069 || 17,938 8,642 9,296 3 59 40 19 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 433 13,423 6,901 6,522 184 1,248 612 636 42.5 9.3 8.9 9.8 1,405 | 31,308 15,506 15,802 129 1,306 651 655 9.2 4.2 4.2 4.1 93 38 22 16 58 1 1 62.4 2.6 4.5 179 1,237 614 623 2,448 1,278 1,170 23,496 11,654 11,842 1,558 777 781 11,473 5,434 6,039 890 501 389 || 12,023 6,220 5,803 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population 2 Native 3 Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored 9 Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 252 91 252 91 4 4,073 4,073 2,051 2,051 87 87 68 328 159 226 264 106 120 198 187 342 281 297 275 255 215 163 131 105 73 65 59 30 163 80 101 126 57 67 106 110 188 149 139 38 165 79 125 138 49 53 92 77 154 132 158 128 116 107 85 53 54 40 34 32 938 3,458 1,608 2,291 2,760 1,327 1,451 2,327 3,272 3,781 3,269 2,958 2,437 2,062 1,732 1,370 974 697 469 473 1,690 798 1,107 1,414 663 727 1,085 1,647 1,927 1,678 1,469 1,195 1,021 848 674 481 320 210 118 66 465 1,768 810 1,184 1,346 664 724 1,242 1,625 1,854 1,591 1,489 1,242 1,041 884 696 493 377 259 161 130 147 139 108 78 78 51 33 31 27 279 196 183 | 17,375 12,475 4,900 1,428 290 1 521 126 174 69 66 150 31 1,245 290 1 513 115 154 65 35 61 11 381 380 40 40 8 | 10,343 7,647 2,696 11 1,142 1,090 52 20 1,773 1,510 263 418 418 31 967 404 563 89 1,378 509 869 20 933 477 456 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 213 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Florida Foxborough Framingham Franklin Freetown Fe Total Males males Fe Total Males males Fe Total Males Fe males Total | Males males Total Males males 427 311 116 256 176 80 171 135 36 3,755 3,017 738 1,913 1,842 | 15,860 7,791 8,069 1,509 1,508 11,581 5,600 5,981 404 334 4,279 2,191 2,088 6,440 3,292 3,148 4,622 2,272 2,350 1,818 1,020 798 1,663 1,359 304 860 677 183 426 193 117 116 1 1 OOOOOO 255 117 58 80 1 171 76 59 36 + ឱឱនឱឪឪឪឧនន ! ! ! 3,720 2,015 975 730 33 27 1,898 1,822 || 15,742 1,007 1,008 6,297 492 483 5,189 399 331 4,256 13 20 99 10 17 85 3 3 14 19 10 9 NINASSES A | నలంటిని 7,725 8,017 3,010 3,287 2,540 2,649 2,175 2,081 48 51 41 44 7 18 9 1 9 6,422 2,354 2,253 1,815 14 13 1 NNAGAR 3,282 3,140 1,159 1,195 1,106 1,147 1,017 798 6 8 5 8 1,524 1,061 254 209 139 44 95 769 523 133 113 91 21 70 III I ODCOCOS 10 11 12 13 ***** 327 12 3.7 216 204 9 4.4 126 123 3 706 55 7.8 526 లు | | 8 0.2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 395 111 12 10.8 326 12 3.7 1 78 9 11.5 203 9 4.4 3,193 1,607 | 1,586 || 13,131 5 2 3 367 0.2 0.1 0.2 2.8 2,469 1,212 | 1,257 8,989 2 1 1 12 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 724 329 4,142 3 2 355 0.4 0.3 0.6 8.6 3,169 1,596 1,573 13,033 5 2 3 363 0.2 0.1 0.2 2.8 22 9 13 79 2 2.5 351 6,417 6,714 189 178 2.9 2.7 4,294 | 4,695 8 0.1 2,123 2,019 181 174 8.5 8.6 6,364 6,669 185 178 2.9 2.7 35 44 2 5.7 183 168 6,186 2,639 2,547 279 131 148 5.4 6.0 5.8 3,408 1,639 1,769 2 2 0.1 0.1 1,778 1,000 778 277 129 148 15.6 12.9 19.0 5,173 2,631 2,542 278 130 148 5.4 4.9 5.8 4 5 1,344 86 6.4 1,045 1 0.1 299 85 28.4 1,237 38 3.1 107 48 44.9 83 9.1 123 3 2.4 638 31 4.9 519 1 0.2 119 30 25.2 607 12 2.0 31 19 61.3 31 లు | ||లు: 180 55 30.6 630 26 4.1 76 29 38.2 52 పాటలు 25.0 12 11.1 270 125 145 30 31 32 240 144 96 151 81 70 89 63 26 2,607 1,922 685 1,304 1,303 | 10,334 929 993 6,635 375 310 3,699 5,022 5,312 3,107 3,528 1,015 1,784 3,964 2,003 1,961 2,385 1,130 1,255 1,579 873 706 1,024 759 265 544 382 162 480 377 103 33 34 35 56 14 56 14 125 121 124 125 121 124 1,226 1,226 651 651 22 22 606 258 6 606 258 6 79 15 79 15 36 37 38 39 40 41 17 10 20 20 13 6 19 12 11 13 er en OO OO O OOO 23 108 49 76 105 58 47 73 120 119 11 36 22 31 33 18 15 21 22 30 32 40 20 26 13 15 11 14 9 130 605 278 361 483 214 245 453 679 813 13 8 5 15 %们​昭​四​如​红​纪​以​比​约​约​纽约​的​江​弘​以​让​88 GING VOO&&Egave 88 on 49 227 115 171 225 119 97 145 223 245 215 261 281 240 266 241 195 146 130 85 79 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 26 119 66 95 120 61 50 72 103 126 103 135 147 123 117 127 100 84 63 42 34 112 270 1,162 545 752 940 430 509 918 1,370 1,623 1,300 1,283 1,039 888 774 656 479 377 265 141 139 120 512 260 362 425 220 219 358 505 520 500 487 386 401 334 256 175 161 106 75 656 140 557 267 391 457 216 264 465 691 810 644 636 558 430 385 355 272 215 158 78 80 75 266 134 178 212 114 115 195 291 273 252 241 191 205 159 125 92 72 46 39 17 45 246 126 184 213 106 104 163 214 247 248 246 195 196 175 131 83 89 60 36 41 24 110 66 119 131 58 47 84 103 131 120 105 94 82 85 79 68 50 50 23 34 14 53 28 59 66 26 25 45 58 74 69 55 56 33 46 48 34 24 21 11 15 10 57 38 60 65 32 22 39 45 57 51 50 38 49 39 31 34 26 29 12 19 25 18 15 11 8 6 2 4 13 IOOO ANO 00 126 134 117 149 114 95 62 67 43 45 647 481 458 389 301 207 162 107 63 59 66 58 173 114 11 362 162 114 647 1,520 163 1,158 163 7,368 503 5,282 2,086 502 1 2,777 2,130 247 242 637 133 571 131 66 2 5 27 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 27 16 24 961 32 61 3 100 or I w 700 97 131 20 96 256 57 532 94 121 19 38 162 29 168 3 10 1 58 3,676 558 708 160 541 648 574 2,715 526 647 160 213 167 352 1,525 1,201 324 228 239 36 144 214 144 221 211 35 66 81 73 7 28 1 78 133 71 355 51 30 13 17 20 18 331 51 30 12 5 2 9 1 328 481 222 1 12 18 28 704 167 214 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Gardner Gay Head CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 16,376 8,545 10,555 5,228 5,821 3,317 7,831 5,327 2,504 175 172 3 95 93 2 80 79 1 5 3 1 1 16,337 4,354 6,166 5,817 33 32 1 8,520 2,186 3,021 3,313 19 18 1 6 లలు అలం 7,817 2,168 3,145 2,504 14 14 2 164 164 88 88 76 76 3 3 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native 3 Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White 5 Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage 7 Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born 146 4 3.6 82 143 6,769 464 6.9 3,541 69 1.9 3,228 395 12.2 6,746 459 62 1 1.6 61 1 1.6 1 2.8 12,763 877 6.9 7,113 115 1.6 5,650 762 13.5 12,729 870 6.8 28 6 21.4 831 3.7 5,994 413 6.9 3,572 46 1.3 2,422 367 15.2 5,983 411 6.9 11 2 18.2 383 6) เ เ เ อ ง 6 & esܒܘܪܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܘ ܙ ܙ ܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܚ 6.8 17 4 23.5 448 9,855 5,299 4,556 4,834 2,395 2,439 5,021 2,904 2,117 105 102 3 61 59 43 1 33 1,913 1,913 873 873 114 114 35 10 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 11 (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 384 1,534 700 995 1,070 462 458 918 1,281 1,643 1,449 1,234 1,020 802 775 534 422 309 191 109 86 3998278414H9 201 730 337 508 532 231 236 471 691 905 795 684 553 432 414 269 225 158 88 53 32 183 804 363 487 538 231 222 447 590 738 654 550 467 370 361 265 197 151 103 56 54 11 12 10 8 11 10 5 NI WN WOONOA ODORONI ONIONOWOCOWO లులులానిలా... 10 78 34 68 34 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 13 6 7,083 281 2 4,431 331 594 132 253 730 329 5,634 1,449 281 2 3,844 587 309 22 519 75 132 151 266 464 179 150 | కలుంటే బడి 11 6 2 14 1 I WIINI 16 14 102 . COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 215 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Georgetown Gill Goshen Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males GLOUCESTER Total Males Fe- males Total Gosnold Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 169 8 2,058 1,864 194 1,041 951 90 1,017 913 104 951 799 152 500 408 92 451 | 24,478 391 17,517 60 6,961 12,455 12,023 8,670 8,847 3,785 3,176 289 280 9 165 4 120 115 5 155 111 44 94 69 25 61 42 19 5 2,055 1,484 380 191 3 1,039 758 193 88 2 1,016 726 187 103 1 498 299 107 450 270 120 60 281 237 35 948 569 227 152 3 3 12,432 12,019 4,154 4,143 4,512 4,702 3,766 3,174 6 4 161 139 18 లం 120 98 17 5 Uh III INNE COOOOOOO 24,451 8,297 9,214 6,940 10 2 8 17 4 13 60 37 5 18 1 148 89 18 41 3 1 2 4 3 قناة هاه لامرده 88 52 13 23 2 1 1 4 1 III OOOO OO 3 10 11 12 13 1 6 17 4 13 231 137 851 14 1.6 761 94 1 1.1 89 134 2 1.5 90 84 1 1.2 59 50 1 2.0 31 1,745 22 1.3 1,551 2 0.1 194 20 10.3 1,742 22 1.3 3 0.2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 894 8 0.9 790 1 0.1 104 7 6.7 893 8 0.9 1 401 9 2.2 318 1 0.3 83 8 9.6 399 0.7 133 1 0.8 4 754 17 2.3 613 3 0.5 141 14 9.9 751 17 2.3 3 44 0.1 90 13 14.4 849 14 1.6 2 ల|| సిటులు 353 | 20,152 10,264 9,888 8 636 318 318 2.3 3.2 3.1 3.2 295 13,293 6,532 6,761 2 15 11 4 0.7 0.1 0.1 58 6,859 3,732 3,127 6 621 307 314 10.3 9.1 8.2 10.0 35220,125 10,241 9,884 8 632 314 318 2.3 3.1 3.1 3.2 10 6 4 3 3 30.0 50.0 609 303 306 0.9 222 1 0.5 9 1 11.1 223 2 0.9 8 5 1 20.0 94 S||లుటనలు 4.5 127 19 1 5.3 49 III OO CONDO ܝܕܙ ܙܣܛܪ ܣܘܪܝܝܗ݀ ܟܝܘܝܙܘܟ 129 1 0.8 0 I 1OO SCO 25 1 4.0 78 1 1.3 2 2.3 III OO OILIA 1.1 0.8 33.0 100.0 1 21 13 17 30 31 32 1,362 1,191 171 647 563 84 715 628 87 569 442 127 294 222 72 275 15,391 220 8,942 55 6,449 7,868 7,523 4,334 4,608 3,534 2,915 166 159 7 88 84 78 75 3 119 76 43 73 49 24 46 27 19 1 33 48 3 3 48 34 34 36 35 1 36 35 1 1,906 1,592 17 1,906 1,592 17 15 3 4 15 3 4 LA CON 35 26 3 11 2 吐奶​的​四​姓​弘​9 10 43 22 23 30 16 15 17 28 Ooooo 3 13 10 6 20 9 12 8 14 A wa Wern 3 14 34 17 34 42 15 15 35 43 40 38 27 20 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 38 111 77 99 136 72 69 106 103 110 143 124 130 133 115 110 106 105 88 53 42 12:14 74 37 45 32 59 40 80 56 44 28 34 35 46 60 51 52 52 58 70 73 62 62 68 62 63 70 56 59 44 66 47 59 50 55 43 45 20 33 21 21 57 72 31 30 52 71 78 65 59 45 57 57 36 35 25 25 9 旺旺​以​弘​纪​历历​历​绍如昭​四​四​四​四​四​四​历历​42 447 1,786 816 1,277 1,699 858 862 1,342 1,651 1,932 1,700 1,815 1,773 1,601 1,415 1,100 796 631 463 261 253 216 916 416 643 871 412 429 684 801 973 925 929 945 823 775 545 411 300 209 117 231 870 400 634 828 446 433 658 850 959 775 886 828 778 640 555 385 331 254 144 138 6 24 15 13 26 14 13 12 22 14 13 24 18 10 13 16 12 12 3 6 NWNTOOONOOD KOODA Owowo 27 32 25 28 32 20 15 10 10 5 5 12 10 2 3 4 10 14 7 8 6 5 8 2 5 14 21 11 15 12 10 12 6 5 12 8 LIAONANAW ANNA NOORTOIA ONNIN 5 25 16 20 15 15 8 11 CONCORSOREN CU CONNWOOD 115 57 58 843 127 639 124 204 3 10 369 126 310 124 59 2 115 68 106 67 80 35 70 35 1 16 73 1 403 64 84 330 61 65 139 11 9 3 39 29 13 10,452 8,228 2,224 2,059 2,057 2 161 161 3,158 2,467 691 1,345 1,324 21 1,268 1,077 191 123 11 8 3 18 11 12 6 8 2 12 4 12 1 6 8 2 12 2 3 19 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 9 49 79 28 9 24 16 10 307 306 1 552 224 328 1,017 375 642 585 237 348 24 9 4 1 4 5 24 9 4 1 1 25 63 18 21 18 1 1 216 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS . TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Grafton CLASSIFICATION Granby Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males 1 6,250 3,062 3,188 4,243 2,124 2,119 2,007 938 1,069 828 672 156 462 372 90 366 300 66 828 389 283 156 462 205 167 90 6,194 3,037 3,157 1,892 960 932 2,300 1,142 1,158 2,002 935 1,067 55 24 31 51 22 29 2 2 1 366 184 116 66 8 9 10 11 12 13 661 43 6.5 505 367 28 7.6 277 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 5,235 2,534 2,701 425 211 214 8.1 8.3 7.9 3,291 1,621 1,670 110 65 45 3.3 4.0 2.7 1,944 913 1,031 315 146 169 16.2 16.0 16.4 5,184 2,511 2,673 422 211 211 8.1 8.4 7.9 50 22 28 3 3 6.0 10.7 404 204 200 1.2 156 37 23.7 1.4 90 24 26.7 367 28 7.6 294 15 5.1 228 2 0.9 66 13 19.7 294 15 5.1 661 43 6.5 40 26 14 30 31 32 4,108 2,418 1,690 1,998 2,110 1,197 1,221 801 889 481 334 147 259 173 86 222 161 61 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born' (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year i and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 479 198 121 479 198 121 64 21 1 64 21 1 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 118 450 172 275 363 192 187 385 497 515 447 498 456 406 365 306 211 149 112 81 65 65 231 87 145 186 85 98 167 233 270 227 249 204 195 172 146 106 73 55 42 26 53 219 85 130 177 107 89 218 264 245 220 249 252 211 193 160 105 76 57 39 39 14 65 35 53 61 30 31 58 48 46 48 63 62 44 36 43 24 18 23 13 13 10 27 25 33 34 14 20 40 32 24 29 27 35 20 23 25 11 8 11 7 7 38 10 20 27 16 11 18 16 22 19 36 27 24 13 18 13 10 12 978 3,033 2,055 366 366 335 221 295 220 40 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 1,123 121 633 3 50 6 21 41 5 20 131 1,756 124 140 33 124 408 82 29 49 193 43 I AQUI, 75 215 39 65 66 14 23 ܕܚ 19 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 217 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Gran ville Great Barrington Greenfield Greenwich Groton Fe Total Males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males males Total Males Fe- Total Males males Fe- males 199 1 2 3 784 647 137 420 341 79 364 306 58 6,627 3,176 3,451 | 12,618 6,349 6,269 5,080 2,447 2,633 10,284 5,116 5,168 1,547 729 818 2,334 1,233 1,101 426 392 34 227 205 22 2,333 1,096 1,237 1,899 906 993 434 190 244 784 490 157 137 420 253 88 79 164 364 237 69 58 6,511 2,994 1,972 1,545 112 112 3,126 3,385 1,433 1,561 966 1,006 727 818 46 66 46 66 426 344 48 34 227 180 25 22 12,509 6,579 3,600 2,330 102 99 3 7 6 1 6,298 6,211 3,311 3,268 1,757 1,843 1,230 1,100 44 58 42 57 2 1 7 6 1 នឱ ងនន ! ! ! ! ! ! 2,319 1,329 557 433 14 13 1 1,093 1,226 646 683 257 300 190 243 3 10 9 10 11 12 13 III was ww881-11 - 4 4 2 2 2 121 372 18 4.8 294 379 2 0.5 345 204 1 0.5 182 175 1 0.6 163 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 680 24 3.5 545 5 0.9 135 19 14.1 680 24 3.5 22 308 6 1.9 251 1 0.4 57 5 8.8 308 6 1.9 1.4 78 14 17.9 372 18 4.8 5,307 352 6.6 3,802 9 0.2 1,505 343 22.8 5,209 348 6.9 94 3 3.2 261 2,502 2,805 126 226 5.0 8.1 1,791 2,011 5 0.3 0.2 711 794 121 222 17.0 28.0 2,459 2,750 125 223 5.1 8.1 39 55 3 5.5 111 150 10,231 245 2.4 7,941 9 0.1 2,290 236 10.3 10,145 244 2.4 79 1 1.3 225 5,131 5,100 124 2.4 2.4 3,916 4,025 4 5 0.1 0.1 1,215 | 1,075 117 119 9.6 111 5,089 5,056 121 123 2.4 2.4 35 44 1 2.3 112 113 34 2 5.9 379 2 0.5 12 1 8.3 175 4.5 204 ܙ ܙܨܝܙܘܝܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝ 1,948 33 1.7 1,517 2 0.1 431 31 7.2 1,934 33 1.7 14 Iliorach 901 1,047 13 2.2 1.2 713 804 2 0.3 188 243 18 13 9.6 5.3 898 1,036 13 2.2 1.3 3 11 20 0.5 0.6 11 24 18 33 20 13 30 31 32 516 393 123 284 210 74 232 183 49 4,078 2,794 1,284 1,961 2,117 1,317 1,477 644 640 8,116 6,013 2,103 4,062 4,054 2,939 3,074 1,123 980 301 271 30 151 133 18 150 138 12 1,594 1,188 406 720 543 177 874 645 229 33 34 35 50 22 2 50 22 2 435 200 7 435 200 7 679 419 23 679 419 23 10 8 10 8 102 72 2 102 72 2 1 ! 8 17 7 3 12 16 6 10 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 12 43 18 31 68 26 35 35 49 43 38 49 55 67 45 36 41 25 26 20 22 33 15 19 21 31 26 18 27 28 38 24 22 23 16 13 10 8 4 26 11 15 35 11 16 14 18 17 20 22 27 29 21 14 18 9 13 10 14 128 580 242 370 416 178 211 424 456 578 514 475 418 380 331 271 223 163 128 75 66 63 304 119 188 199 72 100 170 220 301 261 218 209 184 159 140 95 61 60 33 20 65 276 123 182 217 106 111 254 236 277 253 257 209 196 172 131 128 102 68 42 46 274 1,008 455 650 752 334 362 667 1,030 1,306 1,098 1,012 874 143 511 225 339 371 171 195 332 500 687 555 524 416 352 301 231 177 121 96 57 45 131 497 230 311 381 163 167 335 530 619 543 488 458 333 281 219 183 145 111 83 61 6 16 9 16 36 16 12 14 20 20 26 32 29 24 15 29 28 23 18 17 20 3 4 6 10 26 10 7 10 12 7 13 19 15 10 5 12 16 13 9 9 11 అలంపటం - 600లసలు 35 167 79 104 131 62 62 99 146 196 168 183 155 133 160 135 94 68 57 49 50 18 96 37 44 61 37 36 47 63 85 88 84 69 61 70 66 43 37 20 18 16 17 71 42 60 70 25 26 52 83 111 80 99 86 72 90 69 51 31 13 13 13 14 14 10 17 12 10 685 37 31 34 56 16 333 154 295 153 38 1 723 1 163 89 147 89 247 15 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 123 14 6 8 15 11 2 108 14 6 8 3 2,695 323 1 1,242 261 276 26 126 354 86 1,972 322 1 904 248 239 26 70 108 54 338 13 37 28 26 582 450 360 266 207 140 106 960 192 713 192 5,403 4,239 1,164 272 268 4 4 4 2,163 1,952 211 848 806 42 587 496 91 108 106 2 332 142 190 642 223 419 447 242 205 5 13 1 15 11 1 5 13 1 8 292 68 64 11 109 198 26 278 65 62 10 57 37 12 14 3 2 1 52 161 14 12 56 246 32 Ilig 1 to 46,7 218 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Groveland Hadley CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 2 3 2,377 1,128 1,249 2,024 966 1,058 353 162 191 2,666 1,743 923 1,463 1,203 906 837 557 366 2,370 1,329 689 352 7 6 1,123 624 338 161 5 1,247 705 351 191 2,665 706 1,036 923 1,463 371 535 557 OOOOOOO 1,202 335 501 366 8 10 11 12 II a 1 1 1 INN 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,998 32 1.6 1,654 5 0.3 344 27 7.8 1,994 32 1.6 934 6 0.6 778 2 0.3 156 4 2.6 931 6 0.6 3 1,064 26 2.4 876 3 0.3 188 23 12.2 1,063 26 2.4 1,956 258 13.2 1,048 2 0.2 908 256 28.2 1,956 258 13.2 1,104 137 12.4 555 1 0.2 549 136 24.8 1,104 137 12.4 852 121 14.2 493 1 0.2 359 120 33.4 852 121 14.2 - 30 6 24 245 130 115 30 31 32 1,541 1,220 709 570 139 832 650 182 1,511 704 807 866 377 489 645 327 318 321 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGL PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 63 74 1 63 74 1 460 27 2 460 27 2 . 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 37 154 77 111 167 93 76 121 154 166 138 172 153 21 75 41 57 93 41 33 58 80 80 66 77 69 83 52 60 58 25 28 18 13 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 红​仍​让​分​&A码​说​ww码​门​的​四​仍​如​仍​%%BB 16 79 36 54 74 52 43 63 74 86 72 95 84 86 70 55 64 48 48 30 20 93 296 144 177 153 75 63 154 223 250 231 152 154 117 97 85 72 37 33 33 27 44 150 70 95 79 37 38 84 142 144 128 87 94 68 58 39 42 18 17 18 11 49 146 74 82 74 38 25 70 81 106 103 65 60 49 39 46 30 19 16 15 16 169 122 115 122 73 76 48 33 1,069 90 735 87 334 3 1,064 754 939 754 125 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 660 41 93 6 45 173 10 14 487 31 79 6 13 17 15 141 14 30 6 37 68 14 116 12 25 6 15 ផងដ , ២ ជី 32 నిలటం 57 42 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 219 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Halifax Hamilton Hancock Fe- Fe- Total Males males Hampden Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Hanover Total Males Fe males Total Males males 355 638 411 227 380 223 157 258 188 70 1,879 1,415 464 946 685 261 933 730 203 670 573 97 300 55 315 273 42 514 479 35 278 254 24 236 225 11 2,666 1,386 1,280 2,089 1,051 | 1,038 577 335 242 566 269 140 157 251 119 69 63 353 221 77 315 150 71 94 65 2 63 OOOOOO 1,864 920 485 459 14 10 4 1 936 437 240 259 9 8 1 1 928 483 245 200 5 2 667 424 146 97 3 3 314 203 69 42 1 1 506 401 70 35 8 8 276 216 36 24 2 2 55 230 185 34 11 6 6 2,601 1,516 538 547 65 35 30 1,338 1,263 752 764 281 257 305 242 48 17 18 17 30 2 2 III 88 10 11 12 13 | | | UNN 1 14 528 43 550 196 7 3.6 131 748 11 1.5 551 12 259 5 1.9 218 8.1 2,281 67 2.9 1,712 1,186 1,095 47 20 4.0 1.8 855 857 2.2 455 17 1.1 190 3 1.6 179 3 1.7 11 NNNN OOOOOOO 332 36 10.8 176 2 1.1 156 34 21.8 269 9 3.3 63 27 42.9 36 307 3 1.0 221 40 18.1 460 14 3.0 68 29 42.6 43 1,518 39 2.6 1,065 4 0.4 453 35 7.7 1,503 39 2.6 14 770 28 3.6 514 4 0.8 256 24 9.4 760 28 3.7 9 0.8 65 6 9.2 191 5 2.6 5 409 15 3.7 375 9 2.4 34 6 17.6 402 14 3.5 22 23 291 7 2.4 237 5 2.1 54 2 3.7 289 7 2.4 2 197 11 5.6 743 11 1.5 5 如​仍以​城​51%74223-11 219 12 5.5 196 6 3.1 23 6 26.1 217 12 5.5 2 41 5 12.2 258 5 1.9 1 185 2 1.1 5 569 67 11.8 2,221 40 1.8 60 27 45.0 62 20 331 238 47 20 14.2 8.4 1,140 1,081 20 1.8 1.9 46 14 27 58.7 45 17 - 40.0 7 14.3 15 20.0 3 775 29 37 26 11 12 30 31 32 419 221 412 256 118 138 163 103 60 1,160 748 412 576 348 228 584 400 184 215 166 323 197 157 40 314 280 34 177 154 23 137 126 11 1,827 1,324 503 961 656 305 866 668 198 198 89 49 33 34 35 57 20 2 57 20 2 159 64 3 159 64 3 24 23 2 24 23 2 17 5 1 230 46 230 46 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 6 25 6 11 22 18 5 26 13 18 9 8 13 昭​幻​%的​如​红​丝切丝​妇​奶​红丝​如​如​红​说说​社​品​的 ​11 51 19 29 31 26 22 30 40 52 52 72 47 27 29 24 25 22 10 14 5 23 27 34 30 42 Now 12385SSCORE 29 152 76 104 134 61 56 107 106 159 143 154 124 123 101 63 46 61 13 18 22 30 16 7 12 13 లం-అసంసంట.అటువం 15 73 39 49 71 32 26 65 53 70 75 82 59 66 56 29 25 46 47 48 49 50 14 79 37 55 63 29 30 42 53 89 68 72 65 57 45 34 21 35 14 18 13 6 32 11 15 35 16 16 9 17 23 17 20 19 18 22 12 51 22 35 66 29 22 21 29 41 37 39 35 39 41 38 32 29 35 9 8 6 19 11 20 31 13 6 12 12 18 20 19 16 21 19 15 16 14 17 13 46 16 30 38 24 15 18 34 45 28 31 32 19 23 20 30 18 11 14 9 28 11 14 14 15 3 10 24 21 16 17 18 12 14 11 17 7 18 5 16 24 9 12 8 10 24 12 14 14 7 9 9 13 7 3 8 40 165 73 107 143 76 85 150 216 219 207 182 174 156 133 139 150 76 72 57 46 19 91 35 55 82 35 43 65 121 138 110 95 91 74 73 67 72 40 30 24 26 21 74 38 52 61 41 42 85 95 81 97 87 83 82 60 72 78 36 42 33 20 20 17 11 16 53 7 26 16 15 18 2866843 29 ORON 29 15 11 9 56 22 5 57 58 315 197 279 192 36 5 165 30 755 184 590 184 246 142 218 141 28 1 216 104 186 104 1,159 199 950 198 209 1 2 13 75 10 51 8 24 2 49 8 24 2 62 10 8 61 62 63 64 65 66 1 47 6 17 1 3 47 6 18 667 62 76 550 59 69 117 1 23 3 5 14 19 3 4 13 14:1 13 4 165 90 74 17 54 133 38 152 86 66 14 28 50 10 1 13 18 1 8 40 52 55 7 28 12 27 3 7 1 12 40 28 10 16 26 83 28 74 1) 16 G 220 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Hanson CLASSIFICATION Hardwick Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males 1,796 1,463 914 734 180 882 729 153 3,596 1,805 2,024 1,008 1,572 797 1,791 1,016 775 3 333 1,727 1,040 385 302 69 38 31 871 529 185 157 43 20 23 856 511 200 145 26 18 8 3,596 1,805 704 367 1,320 641 1,572 797 1,791 337 679 775 8 9 10 11 12 13 1,411 51 3.6 655 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,520 56 3.7 1,195 3 0.3 325 53 16.3 1,474 40 2.7 46 16 34.8 53 770 35 4.5 596 2 0.3 174 33 19.0 740 23 3.1 30 12 40. 33 750 21 2.8 599 1 0.2 151 20 13.2 734 17 2.3 16 2,795 117 4.2 1,262 5 0.4 1,533 112 7.3 2,795 117 4.2 1,384 66 4.8 607 5 0.8 777 61 7.9 1,384 66 4.8 756 51 6.7 1,411 51 3.6 25.0 20 114 63 51 30 31 32 1,189 900 289 603 451 152 586 449 137 2,004 782 1,222 1,045 377 668 959 405 554 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other. Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native 1 Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 33 34 35 85 46 2 85 46 2 534 131 3 534 131 3 86 342 156 217 232 97 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 41 101 53 81 121 72 48 90 105 109 118 130 126 114 95 97 21 55 32 36 56 40 28 43 58 55 63 65 69 58 43 54 43 36 32 11 16 20 46 21 45 65 32 20 47 47 54 55 65 57 56 52 43 43 41 38 23 12 153 309 359 358 251 239 185 194 142 85 74 44 37 174 78 132 102 50 68 119 172 182 126 131 102 113 81 49 35 20 49 168 78 85 130 47 85 190 187 176 125 108 83 81 61 36 39 24 21 8 10 OOoor 40 70 34 28 NU OOO SE 6 9 19 584 758 156 637 153 121 3 42 485 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 365 59 57 10 37 42 32 1,780 280 3 1,254 41 46 14 31 89 22 323 57 51 9 18 10 16 1,196 280 3 769 40 42 14 10 25 13 NOVO OOOO 19 32 16 SAO 21 64 9 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 221 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Harvard Harwich Hatfield HAVERHILL Hawley Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 1 538 1,104 904 200 429 109 566 475 91 2,179 1,953 226 1,039 1,140 934 1,019 105 121 2,630 1,501 1,129 49,450 24,059 25,391 1,587 812 775 36,583 17,547 19,036 1,043 689 354 | 12,867 6,512 6,355 427 363 64 253 213 40 174 150 24 3 4 5 1,091 638 253 200 13 13 532 300 123 109 6 6 559 338 130 91 7 7 1,831 1,595 162 74 348 196 152 856 760 74 22 183 100 83 975 835 88 52 165 96 69 2,630 653 934 1,043 423 296 63 64 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 249 175 34 40 174 121 29 24 1,501 1,129 | 49,011 23,830 25,181 334 319 20,363 9,672 10,691 478 456 15,819 7,677 8,142 689 354 12,829 6,481 6,348 394 186 208 384 181 203 10 5 5 45 43 2. 17 17 28 26 2 Ni Neno דודוריא - 11 459 4 0.9 351 981 64 6.5 861 8 1,147 181 15.8 463 0.9 0.2 0.2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 956 10 1.0 757 2 0.3 199 8 4.0 943 10 11 13 497 6 1.2 406 2 0.5 91 4 4.4 490 6 1.2 7 1,866 102 5.5 1,641 14 0.9 225 88 39.1 1,618 13 0.8 248 89 35.9 99 885 38 4.3 780 6 0.8 105 32 30.5 758 6 0.8 127 32 25.2 37 1,942 317 16.3 910 1 0.1 1,032 316 30.6 1,942 317 16.3 108 4 3.7 453 4 0.9 6 337 10 3.0 274 3 1.1 63 7 11,1 333 10 3.0 795 | 40,761 19,579 21,182 136 1,013 457 556 17.1 2.5 2.3 2.6 447 28,144 13,196 14,948 46 24 22 0.2 0.1 348 | 12,617 6,383 6,234 136 967 433 534 39.1 7.7 6.8 8.6 795 | 40,384 | 19,382 21,002 136 1,001 453 548 17.1 2.5 2.3 2.6 332 154 178 12 8 3.6 2.6 4.5 119 973 435 538 148 7 4.7 124 2 1.6 24 5 20.8 148 7 120 56 46.7 860 7 0.8 121 57 47.1 62 684 180 26.3 1,147 181 15.8 189 3 1.6 150 1 0.7 39 2 5.1 185 3 1.6 4 4.7 en viss 11 00 28 29 9 288 169 9 2 30 31 32 774 589 185 361 259 102 413 330 83 1,531 1,320 211 721 621 100 810 699 111 1,456 622 834 873 316 557 583 | 31,656 15,121 | 16,535 306 20,296 9,345 10.951 277 11,360 5,776 5,584 239 180 59 129 93 36 110 87 23 。 33 34 35 71 28 3 71 28 3 9 11 1 9 11 1 524 33 524 33 3,581 2,115 52 3,581 2,115 52 26 9 1 26 9 1 20 11 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 23 58 28 39 62 29 32 59 58 90 58 81 85 69 85 68 61 43 31 26 19 11 33 14 21 34 15 14 35 29 45 27 41 42 34 37 35 25 14 12 12 8 12 25 14 18 28 14 18 24 29 45 31 40 43 35 48 33 36 29 19 14 11 32 112 67 102 134 53 69 79 129 115 112 127 136 148 139 121 119 130 113 71 71 15 54 32 53 62 30 33 39 64 57 50 61 64 69 67 59 55 62 53 29 31 17 58 35 49 72 23 36 40 65 58 62 66 72 79 72 62 64 68 60 42 40 88 308 115 177 141 57 62 226 240 289 213 154 157 114 82 67 39 34 29 18 20 45 166 59 84 78 26 28 142 161 178 128 84 92 74 51 31 20 18 16 11 9 43 142 56 93 63 31 34 84 79 111 85 70 65 40 31 36 19 16 13 7 11 904 3,465 1,722 2,598 3,098 1,574 1,607 2,826 3,973 4,852 3,888 3,896 3,412 2,980 2,572 1,947 1,437 1,067 759 499 374 472 1,785 907 1,316 1,548 776 780 1,354 1,941 2,378 1,884 1,853 1,687 1,468 1,178 932 660 451 367 185 137 432 1,680 815 1,282 1,550 798 827 1,472 2,032 2,474 2,004 2,043 1,725 1,512 1,394 1,015 777 616 392 314 237 8 35 22 25 35 22 15 26 13 24 27 26 25 31 19 20 12 9 14 10 9 5 24 16 19 15 18 12 15 8 14 15 16 11 14 11 14 6 wa 1000 SRDCE 12 10 14 17 437 222 17 357 221 80 1 866 120 697 118 169 2 1,175 676 1,020 671 175 140 158 134 26 283 17 7 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 22 29 3 29 59 59 21 29 3 14 322 88 109 36 56 124 11 296 84 103 33 24 35 4 328 27 23 6 29 70 16 155 | 23,698 | 16,130 7,568 5 453 452 1 1 1 45 15,191 10,668 4,523 3 968 909 59 1 2,388 2,036 352 2 389 389 21 1,068 463 605 66 2,014 743 1,271 12 1,226 469 757 ******* 18 4 4 1 3 WMII 6 3 32 89 7 1 15 52 4 III i 3 619 ?? 222 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. – COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Heath Hingham CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 383 349 34 208 191 17 175 158 17 5,264 2,520 2,744 4,223 2,035 2,188 1,041 485 556 3 383 272 77 34 208 149 42 17 175 123 35 17 Ovo 5,201 2,685 1,483 1,033 60 55 2,496 1,290 726 480 21 19 2 3 2,705 1,395 757 553 39 36 3 8 10 11 12 13 w I wone 8 3 146 1 0.7 129 49 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 320 7 2.2 286 2 0.7 34 5 14.7 174 6 3.4 157 2 1.3 17 4 23.5 174 6 3.4 17 1 5.9 146 4,459 2,102 2,357 137 88 3.1 4.2 2.1 3,433 1,627 1,806 9 5 0.3 0.3 0.2 1,026 475 551 128 83 45 12.5 17.5 8.2 4,400 2,080 2,320 131 85 46 3.0 4.1 2.0 56 19 37 3 3 5.4 8.1 128 79 49 23 320 7 2.2 0.7 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 244 210 34 137 120 17 107 90 17 3,571 2,623 948 1,655 1,219 436 1,916 1,404 512 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other. Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Num ber illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 9 33 34 35 8 231 192 8 231 192 8 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 10 11 11 13 36 162 74 115 166 74 80 4276BQ5671 11 21 14 6 22 18 17 29 18 12 17 28 26 23 31 13 22 16 31 14 13 9 7 11 45 46 47 eren voor von 76 330 149 250 343 156 153 236 358 408 398 436 355 339 311 245 221 188 131 96 85 40 168 75 135 177 82 73 115 169 183 199 205 175 177 130 107 102 90 57 35 26 48 20 6 13 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 17 121 189 225 199 231 180 162 181 138 119 98 74 61 59 ONN WONG 13 585 154 118 2,209 267 5 709 1,624 267 5 636 73 18 4 3 HwT3311-1 162 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 139 23 VIII VI 292 263 93 82 50 89 29 94 183 332 165 1 101 282 76 i COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 223 OF THE POPULATION - - Continued. Hinsdale Holden Holland Total Males Fe- males Holbrook Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Holliston Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 2 3 1,257 1,044 213 652 531 121 605 513 92 2,948 1,417 1,531 2,518 1,215 1,303 430 202 228 2,514 1,273 1,241 1,946 959 987 568 314 254 159 143 16 81 70 11 78 73 5 2,788 2,261 527 1,352 1,436 1,091 1,170 261 266 4 5 159 131 78 66 1,349 1,238 614 411 213 19 19 643 303 219 121 9 9 1,436 749 421 595 311 192 92 10 10 2.938 1,665 845 428 8 8 1,410 1,528 816 849 394 451 200 228 5 3 5 3 81 65 5 11 2,504 1,091 845 568 10 10 2,785 1,460 800 525 1,268 1,236 547 544 407 438 314 254 5 5 5 5 IIIOOOOO 711 379 259 12 16 266 8 9 10 11 12 13 NII ON OOO 19 II 00 00 00 1 II III IONO III TOOS INIONO NILIO 2 2 2 2 2 62 2,438 35 1.4 2,011 1,149 1,289 16 19 1.4 1.5 948 1,063 2,346 16 0.7 1,828 1,124 1,222 7 9 0.6 0.7 871 957 57 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1,029 59 5.7 820 18 2.2 209 41 19.6 1,013 II 533 29 5.4 415 12 2.9 118 17 14.4 524 29 5.5 9 496 30 6.0 405 6 1.5 91 24 26.4 489 30 6.1 7 126 5 4.0 110 2 1.8 16 3 18.8 5 427 35 8.2 2,429 35 1.4 00011 2,056 1,049 1,007 47 24 23 2.3 2.3 2.3 1,499 741 758 5 1 4 0.3 0.1 0.5 557 308 249 42 23 19 7.5 7.5 7.6 2,046 1,044 1,002 45 21 2.2 2.3 2.1 10 5 5 2 20.0 40.0 44 23 21 64 5 7.8 53 2 3.8 11 3 27.3 64 5 7.8 201 226 16 19 8.0 8.4 1,142 1,287 16 19 1.4 1.5 5 | | | రంగాలులు - సిపిఎం 126 62 518 16 3.1 2,343 16 0.7 1 253 265 7 9 2.8 3.4 1,121 1,222 7 9 0.6 0.7 1 59 24 5 4.0 5.8 16 26 27 COINOO 57 27 30 31 13 18 15 7 30 31 32 772 580 192 392 287 105 380 293 87 1,895 1,486 409 894 1,001 703 783 191 218 1.519 1,005 514 752 478 274 767 527 240 109 95 14 56 47 9 53 48 5 1,861 1,403 458 884 660 224 977 743 234 33 34 35 57 47 1 57 47 1 90 98 1 90 98 1 184 89 1 184 89 1 136 80 6 136 80 6 20 91 48 69 101 37 175 97 149 183 14 91 57 5 10 8 10 7 4 3 NOCOA 45 103 2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 3 9 51 25 34 48 34 25 34 37 50 43 48 32 42 27 31 29 19 13 11 10 27 106 61 74 102 52 48 53 70 103 113 99 112 11 40 23 35 53 11 22 30 33 47 41 46 46 26 22 32 19 21 23 13 11 49 206 113 142 209 107 96 131 162 217 248 207 217 189 138 140 125 97 71 47 37 22 100 52 68 107 55 48 78 92 114 135 108 105 99 75 77 58 46 35 34 23 47 64 70 97 84 94 78 68 49 63 48 40 36 24 21 96 155 155 158 167 163 23 84 40 77 92 61 59 85 74 71 89 75 87 75 62 70 57 42 29 13 8 37 70 81 87 78 性別​研​见​以​把​刃​%n%%%%92%红​如​经​四​四 ​2 3 4 6 vores ONVOCA O Bar 10 12 6 14 2 41 178 80 143 167 82 99 137 178 197 184 184 207 170 177 150 129 108 84 48 45 82 41 83 82 37 53 68 86 96 93 84 99 80 83 75 53 56 37 19 23 19 96 39 60 85 45 46 69 92 101 91 100 108 90 94 75 76 52 47 29 22 173 90 63 63 67 51 36 13 14 154 133 126 98 82 53 32 25 86 79 71 56 41 40 24 19 17 11 13 9 7 5 4 3 3 1 57 58 10 520 135 116 883 404 132 280 995 220 779 217 216 3 55 37 45 37 277 2 3 227 5 5 63 2 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 239 35 38 8 15 130 3 176 33 38 7 9 1,174 69 2 711 32 125 13 60 అసం- | సిటి | లు, 894 69 2 575 25 108 12 30 23 50 136 7 17 1 30 35 54 392 54 83 36 56 100 54 &OOO 319 51 78 35 23 16 40 73 3 5 1 1 xe | | | 1,160 229 5 494 81 104 14 63 OIIIIIII 1 6 5 364 78 97 14 30 18 50 3 OOO 33 73 29) 12 3 104 14 79 ú 224 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS HOLYOKE CLASSIFICATION Hopedale Fe Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 1 WON 60,816 29,359 31,457 37,979 | 18,367 19,612 22,837 10,992 11,845 2,663 1,368 2,111 1,076 552 292 1,295 1,035 260 3 2,663 1,404 707 552 1,368 1,295 733 671 343 364 292 260 8 9 10 11 12 13 60,741 29,307 | 31,434 10,153 4,994 5,159 27,764 13,333 14,431 22,824 10,980 11,844 48 25 23 47 25 22 1 27 27 15 15 12 12 2,127 25 1.2 1,600 1,096 6 0.5 818 1,031 19 1.8 782 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 48,833 23,373 25,460 1,896 854 1,042 3.9 3.7 4.1 26,499 12,631 | 13,868 108 71 37 0.4 0.6 0.3 22,334 10,742 11,592 1,788 783 1,005 8.0 7.3 8.7 48,768 23,327 25,441 1,893 851 1,042 3.9 3.6 4.1 38 19 19 1 2.6 5.3 1,832 831 1,001 527 25 4.7 2,127 25 1.2 278 6 2.2 1,096 6 0.5 249 19 7.6 1,031 19 1.8 25 26 27 28 29 24 18 30 31 32 35,709 17,080 18,629 15,709 7,298 8,411 20,000 9,782 10,218 1,714 1,241 473 875 633 242 839 608 231 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native paren tage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native : Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 33 34 35 5,748 3,921 102 5,748 3,921 102 137 103 2 137 103 2 26 131 53 62 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 80 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 1,276 4,868 2,384 3,455 4,523 2,224 2,295 4,082 5,396 6,056 4,808 4,609 3,812 3,287 2,579 1,777 1,332 909 598 342 204 620 2,475 1,183 1,708 2,209 1,127 1,091 1,866 2,467 2,853 2,320 2,266 1,884 1,582 1,273 860 643 422 279 156 75 656 2,393 1,201 1,747 2,314 1,097 1,204 2,216 2,929 3.203 2,488 2,343 1,928 1,705 1,306 917 689 487 319 186 129 58 242 100 136 152 66 83 112 187 242 240 222 209 161 113 109 91 64 39 25 12 35 45 61 90 115 140 108 114 77 62 61 40 35 15 12 6 %=%3Bn %%%n&引​%B6 32 111 47 74 72 31 38 51 97 127 100 114 95 84 51 48 51 29 24 13 9,460 153 1,062 37 909 37 50 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 28,192 18,732 321 321 2 2 18,164 11,862 1,106 1,038 2,728 2,320 850 849 1,398 513 1,899 796 1,724 1,031 6,302 68 408 703 11 59 15 66 84 87 653 11 55 15 38 23 4 885 1,103 693 28 61 10 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 225 OF THE POPULATION - - Continued. Hubbardston Hudson Hull Hopkinton Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Huntington Total Males Fe- males 1 2,475 2,103 372 1,188 1,004 184 1,287 1,099 188 1,084 923 161 555 473 82 529 450 79 6,758 3,360 3,398 4,847 2,329 2,518 1,911 1,031 880 2,290 1,476 1.735 1,139 555 337 814 596 218 1,427 1,236 191 718 613 105 709 623 86 3 555 799 717 2,471 1,286 814 371 3 3 281 1,186 647 356 183 1 1 1,084 658 265 161 1,285 639 458 188 2 2 529 329 121 79 329 144 82 SOOO 6,749 2,493 2,348 1,908 6 4 3,353 3,396 1,218 1,275 1,106 1,242 1,029 879 4 2 3 1 1 1,426 783 453 190 709 379 244 86 2,262 1,463 923 642 795 489 544 332 7 6 1 11 404 209 104 306 212 10 00011 54743138 ANO-NOVOS Amon 12 13 1 424 6 1.4 346 5,628 257 4.6 3,744 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1,314 12 0.9 982 2,078 33 1.6 1,708 4 0.2 370 29 7.8 2,075 33 1.6 2 · 982 | 1,096 12 21 1.2 1.9 798 910 2 2 0.3 0.2 184 186 19 5.4 10.2 981 1,094 12 21 1.2 1.9 2 875 12 1.4 715 1 0.1 160 11 6.9 875 12 1.4 451 6 1.3 369 1 0.3 82 5 6.1 451 6 1.3 1,952 22 1.1 1,405 1 0.1 547 2,804 2,824 93 164 3.3 5.8 1,786 1,958 4 0.2 1,018 866 89 164 8.7 18.9 2,797 2,822 93 164 3.3 5.8 4 2 1,218 39 3.2 1,035 3 0.3 183 36 19.7 1,217 39 3.2 638 10 1.6 423 1 0.2 215 9 4.2 623 9 1.4 10 605 23 3.8 504 2 0.4 101 21 20.8 604 23 3.8 332 613 16 2.6 531 1 0.2 82 15 18.3 613 16 2.6 0.1 1,884 253 13.4 5,619 257 4.6 6 10 21 78 6 7.7 424 6 1.4 12 3.6 3.8 1,924 19 1.0 17 1 5.9 22 1,301 10 0.8 7 1 14.3 12 29 11 21 12 235 88 147 10 38 23 15 887 30 31 32 1,673 1,327 346 786 613 173 714 681 529 152 349 272 77 332 257 75 4,378 2,698 2,183 2,195 1,261 1,437 922 758 1,617 1,111 506 1,105 799 306 512 312 200 936 767 169 477 385 92 459 382 77 173 1,680 33 66 101 5 66 101 5 53 24 53 24 655 257 8 655 257 8 191 98 13 191 98 13 66 24 1 66 24 1 35 63 36 37 7 48 221 14 43 18 20 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 四​四​%朗​如​红​必​好​址 ​36 145 90 126 143 71 79 112 103 170 134 186 178 176 154 161 108 87 111 62 43 19 70 41 76 62 40 43 51 50 73 65 73 96 85 77 17 75 49 50 81 31 36 61 53 97 69 113 82 91 77 88 58 46 59 32 22 20 86 37 66 79 36 39 40 49 74 62 89 65 61 55 61 51 45 31 16 22 13 38 19 34 35 21 24 22 29 37 26 54 36 30 23 33 27 24 17 8 5 32 44 15 15 18 20 37 36 35 29 31 32 28 24 21 14 8 17 126 460 210 334 427 195 223 405 545 602 519 483 480 439 364 272 211 186 120 90 67 100 172 211 100 126 184 293 302 278 240 239 220 174 126 103 86 55 37 30 63 239 110 162 216 95 97 221 252 300 241 243 241 219 190 146 108 100 65 53 37 31 146 64 97 91 43 42 159 364 320 214 167 145 112 97 78 47 36 26 14 75 22 51 42 23 21 123 307 231 142 104 84 67 47 44 34 22 15 4 4 17 71 42 46 49 20 21 36 57 89 72 63 61 45 50 34 13 14 22 81 35 71 96 55 50 81 115 128 89 117 94 81 64 88 53 44 24 30 9 40 24 26 38 62 75 48 56 48 35 34 45 29 20 10 14 1 8%B8%弘​吐​织品​必​nd归​纪​的​经​出​出​。 38 15 35 56 31 24 43 53 53 41 61 46 46 30 43 24 24 14 16 8 50 41 52 30 21 53 伍​均​加班​好生​121 心​会​公告 ​55 56 57 58 227 40 123 142 399 180 359 177 3,241 116 2,303 114 938 2 1,328 44 1,205 44 636 112 494 112 80 975 223 2 408 41 78 20 70 76 57 61 62 84 3 而​沿​?%%%%% 748 223 2 324 38 74 18 22 19 28 646 VINO IW5 5 11 2 91 36 38 12 16 16 10 7 83 35 36 12 9 3 4 2,233 1,587 217 95 93 682 26 131 40 209 90 82 680 16 63 21 293 67 68 213 63 61 7 13 6 10 68 19 9 27 104 255 45 111 171 206 95 228 45 60 77 97 2 37 29 28 2 16 13 14 51 94 109 1 21 16 14 66 29 4 elle 237 : 1 931 226 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Ipswich CLASSIFICATION Kingston Fe- Total Males males Fe males Total Males WON 6,272 3,136 3,136 3,793 1,873 1,920 2,479 1,263 1,216 2,580 1,895 685 1,265 1,315 908 987 357 328 6,260 3,130 3,130 | 2,572 2,089 1,016 1,073 1,053 1,696 854 842 837 2,475 1,260 1,215 682 10 4 6 8 7 2 5 3 2 2 2 1,259 1,313 485 568 420 417 354 328 6 2 CUNOOOOOO と ​I wanco SS 1,023 46 4.5 680 4 0.6 1,049 49 4.7 735 3 0.4 2,581 128 5.0 1,348 5 0.4 1,233 123 10.0 2,575 128 5.0 5,129 411 8.0 2,704 7 0.3 2,425 404 16.7 5,117 410 8.0 10 1 10.0 333 343 2,548 283 11.1 1,356 2 0.1 1,192 281 23.6 2,542 282 11.1 6 1 16.7 217 2,072 95 4.6 1,415 7 0.5 657 88 13.4 2,064 93 4.5 8 2 25.0 90 42 12.2 1,017 44 4.3 6 2 33.3 314 46 14.6 1,047 49 4.7 2 OA నటనంట. 116 48 . 3,897 1,994 1,903 1,945 959 986 1,952 1,035 917 1,590 1,008 582 770 467 303 820 541 279 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterato 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF TOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS 36 37 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 837 180 15 837 180 15 202 96 2 202 96 2 Under 1 year 38 %%四​约​红​纪​经​牡​好好​打​码​约​四五​88时​58 139 515 216 273 359 187 217 469 594 622 475 397 395 320 281 225 192 147 116 70 63 68 242 107 138 190 97 99 201 291 358 250 206 220 165 145 103 85 70 53 27 71 273 109 135 169 90 118 268 303 264 225 191 175 155 136 122 107 77 63 43 42 35 223 109 141 186 86 97 113 141 190 160 150 167 159 155 131 99 101 53 47 37 19 107 51 65 102 49 47 55 60 101 85 72 85 82 77 58 48 45 19 23 15 16 116 58 76 84 37 50 58 81 89 75 78 82 2 78 73 51 56 34 24 22 2,809 409 1,962 406 847 3 957 147 790 145 167 2 1,507 130 572 6 18 514 38 82 69 2 10 290 40 114 242 77 935 124 272 40 59 88 38 445 36 72 14 24 15 39 55 154 39 47 52 63 37 24 1 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 227 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Lakeville Lancaster Lanesborough LAWRENCE Lee Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Total | Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males 1 2 3 1,491 1,223 268 810 641 169 681 582 99 2,585 1,088 1,497 2,122 906 1,216 463 182 281 1,089 992 97 574 527 47 515 90,25944,702 45,557 465 48,912 23,697 25,215 50 41,347 21,005 20,342 4,481 2,327 2,154 3,443 1,683 1,760 1,038 644 394 14 671 471 105 95 ROOOOORIA 1,451 945 270 236 37 6 31 3 2 1 780 474 165 141 29 2 似​%84422 - 2,543 1,275 806 462 42 41 1 1,080 1,463 553 722 346 460 181 281 8 34 7 34 1 1,045 674 275 96 44 43 1 548 349 152 47 26 26 III 497 | 89,989 44,501 45,488 325 11,910 5,767 6,143 123 36,878 17,864 19,014 49 41,201 20,870 20,331 18 191 125 66 17 101 44 57 1 81 9 79 76 3 23 22 56 54 2 4,425 2,296 2,129 2,004 983 1,021 1,387 672 715 1,034 641 393 51 28 23 50 27 23 1 1 5 3 1 3 2 1 10 11 12 13 90 716 18 2.5 548 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,286 29 2.3 1,020 5 0.5 266 24 9.0 1,248 20 1.6 35 9 25.7 29 0.7 168 14 8.3 686 13 1.9 29 5 17.2 18 570 11 1.9 472 1 0.2 98 10 10.2 562 7 1.2 6 4 66.7 11 2,187 45 2.1 1,730 10 0.6 457 35 7.7 2,149 45 2.1 38 872 1,315 29 16 3.3 1.2 692 1,038 8 2 1.2 0.2 180 277 21 14 11.7 5.1 867 1,282 29 16 3.3 1.2 5 33 874 14 1.6 777 2 0.3 97 12 12.4 835 14 463 6 1.3 416 2 0.5 47 4 8.5 441 6 1.4 22 411 | 71,536 35,380 36,156 8 6,461 3,120 3,341 1.9 9.0 8.8 9.2 361 31,335 14,932 16,403 62 32 30 0.2 0.2 0.2 50 40,201 20,448 19,753 8 6,399 3,088 3,311 16.0 15.9 15.1 16.8 394 71,296 35,194 36,102 8 6,419 3,080 3,339 2.0 9.0 8.8 9.2 17 164 112 52 33 1 20.7 29.5 1.9 8 5,884 2,859 3,025 3,696 63 1.7 2,691 4 0.1 1,005 59 5.9 3,652 63 1.7 41 1,937 1,759 42 21 2.2 1.2 1,309 1,382 3 1 0.2 0.1 628 377 39 20 6.2 5.3 1,911 1,741 42 21 2.2 1.2 24 17 1.7 39 34 44 28 16 14 6 61 41 20 30 31 32 1,039 800 239 582 433 149 457 367 90 1,478 1,082 396 640 471 169 838 611 227 660 569 91 355 312 43 305 | 53,646 26,711 26,935 257 18,692 8,740 9,952 48 | 34,954 17,971 16,983 2,825 1,926 899 1,464 1,361 903 | 1,023 561 338 33 34 35 96 21 4 96 21 102 63 3 102 63 3 16 27 16 27 11,392 11,392 6,323 6,323 128 128 389 164 5 389 164 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 -42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 20 80 47 58 91 42 31 83 135 123 102 105 128 115 107 71 49 36 23 26 19 7 36 25 26 48 16 16 54 89 71 56 53 72 64 61 49 23 16 10 11 7 约​如​红​丝丝​而​认识​码​的​历​% 13 44 22 32 43 26 15 29 46 52 46 52 56 51 46 22 26 20 13 15 12 36 144 91 127 169 142 214 184 137 163 126 168 176 165 132 110 98 61 52 40 50 94死​9%妈妈​的​奶奶​也​必​28话​幻​纽约​的​H% 19 74 54 69 76 43 43 70 66 66 49 82 71 76 54 47 43 25 25 11 25 17 70 37 58 93 99 171 114 71 97 77 86 105 89 78 63 55 36 27 29 25 24 93 33 65 74 37 38 65 58 80 79 75 87 69 比如​以​弘​弘​98红​四​纪​纪​必​约​#%%%B465 14 50 13 34 34 19 24 31 29 42 42 42 45 44 23 24 26 13 14 10 43 20 31 40 18 14 34 29 38 37 33 42 25 17 25 24 15 14 3 3 2,203 7,956 3,530 5,034 6,148 2,934 3,093 5,715 7,946 9,308 7,552 6,949 5,792 4,848 3,859 2,453 1,981 1,319 885 460 294 1,086 3,990 1,781 2,465 3,069 1,444 1,446 2,710 3,828 4,779 3,943 3,557 2,944 2,451 1,894 1,171 895 566 374 207 102 1,117 3,966 1,749 2,569 3,079 1,490 1,647 3,005 4,118 4,529 3,609 3,392 2,848 2,397 1,965 1,282 1,086 753 511 253 192 81 329 148 227 294 134 166 277 330 381 375 326 307 265 265 154 150 111 76 51 34 39 159 72 120 150 78 85 160 182 218 203 167 160 144 119 80 83 46 32 16 14 42 170 76 107 144 56 81 117 148 163 172 159 147 121 146 74 67 65 44 35 40 49 50 28 28 9 8 20 714 128 613 126 101 2 975 227 665 222 310 5 428 177 376 177 406 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 73 299 82 45 8 32 88 32 270 80 43 7 16 49 22 29 2 2 1 16 39 10 293 67 47 23 110 167 41 220 66 43 20 37 32 25 52 || 43,655 29,286 14,369 280 279 1 3 3 14 31,511 20,696 10,815 4 3 73 135 16 1,945 1,539 268 267 141 20 25 3 16 28 18 1,503 1,436 67 1 3,761 3,083 678 1 917 914 3 9 1,410 659 751 18 2,354 1,118 1,236 9 1,916 1,098 818 127 20 24 2 7 10 9 33 33 982 813 128 116 158 140 32 31 99 41 176 66 69 32 169 12 18 1 58 110 37 66 20 147 2 440 33) 228 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Leicester Lenox CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males 3,322 1,604 1,718 2,635 1,289 1,346 687 315 372 3,242 1,656 1,586 2,380 1,213 1,167 862 443 419 1,716 653 691 3,317 1,601 1,298 645 1,332 641 687 315 5 3 3 3,171 1,138 1,175 858 70 67 3 1 372 1,624 581 603 440 31 29 2 1 1,547 557 572 418 39 38 2 2 1 1 (A) POPULATION Total population 2 Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born 8 Colored 9 Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WEITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown 2,753 80 2.9 2,072 7 0.3 681 73 10.7 2,750 80 2.9 3 1,308 1,445 51 29 3.9 2.0 995 1,077 7 0.7 313 368 44 29 14.1 7.9 1,307 1,443 51 3.9 2.0 1 2 2,624 78 3.0 1,789 11 0.6 835 67 8.0 2,565 75 2.9 58 3 5.2 77 1,317 1,307 47 31 3.6 2.4 889 900 10 1 1.1 0.1 428 407 37 30 8.6 7.4 1,290 1,275 45 30 3.5 2.4 26 32 2 1 7.7 3.1 31 29 78 51 27 46 2,029 1,395 634 945 650 295 1,084 745 339 2,007 1,220 787 999 595 404 1,008 625 383 168 122 5 168 122 5 231 168 2 231 168 2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 31 52 53 54 35 56 46 211 112 200 261 125 119 219 256 227 176 185 236 239 197 148 115 96 78 39 37 22 122 57 95 136 61 63 103 139 94 93 84 110 106 82 24 89 55 105 125 64 56 116 117 133 83 101 126 133 (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 60 255 119 184 237 114 100 166 213 277 246 239 220 214 207 128 87 73 52 38 147 67 87 113 70 57 78 101 137 124 124 99 101 104 73 56 37 28 11 4 22 108 52 97 124 44 43 88 112 140 122 115 121 113 103 55 31 36 24 17 19 115 77 47 46 37 13 17 71 68 50 41 26 20 23 1,433 188 1,004 186 429 2 295 1 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 273 3 4 871 57 67 17 68 99 66 1,343 404 1 362 91 74 42 78 251 40 598 54 63 17 26 27 33 11 1,048 403 1 307 85 63 42 27 95 25 65 42 72 33 ST 51 156 15 66 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 229 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Leverett Lexington Leyden Leominster Total Males Fe- males Lincoln Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 1 17,646 8,681 8,965 2 13,078 6,315 6,763 3 4,568 2,366 2,202 779 719 60 413 385 28 366 334 32 5,538 2,656 2,882 4,190 2,022 2,168 1,348 634 714 344 311 33 188 174 156 137 19 1,310 915 395 671 465 206 639 450 189 14 751 595 96 60 28 28 353 280 41 32 398 315 55 28 15 15 344 250 61 33 4 17,559 8,634 8,925 5 7,042 3,424 3,618 6 5,955 2,849 3,106 4,562 2,361 2,201 80 40 40 9 78 39 39 10 2 1 1 11 7 7 12 3 3 13 4 188 133 41 14 156 117 20 19 CUNOOOOOO 昭​四​4%BB---- 5,489 2,636 2,853 2,309 1,086 1,223 1,846 920 926 1,334 630 704 47 18 29 35 16 19 12 2 10 2 2 1,292 450 451 391 18 14 4 665 213 248 204 6 4 2 627 237 203 187 12 10 2 WINNON 2 128 546 600 26 4.3 543 1 289 13 4.5 258 2,119 2,349 61 61 2.9 2.6 1,496 1,637 3 2 270 3 1.1 237 142 3 2.1 128 1,068 1 0.1 682 522 1 0.2 339 109 343 0.2 0.2 0.1 311 13 4.2 285 1 0.4 26 12 46.2 301 13 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 203 14,394 474 3.3 9,923 24 0.2 4,471 450 10.1 14,321 471 3.3 66 3 4.5 452 183 7,065 7,329 253 221 3.6 3.0 4,749 5,174 13 11 0.3 0.2 2,316 2,155 240 210 10.4 9.7 7,025 7,296 252 219 3.6 3.0 33 33 1 2 3.0 6.1 237 215 4,468 122 2.7 3,133 5 0.2 1,335 117 8.8 4,431 120 2.7 35 57 25 43.9 583 26 4.5 17 31 13 41.9 282 13 4.6 7 623 712 58 59 9.3 8.3 2,106 2,325 59 61 2.8 2.6 11 24 33 3 9.1 270 3 14 3 21.4 142 3 2.1 0.5 514 128 386 1 0.3 1,055 1 0.1 13 541 4.3 1.1 NII WA III en III 0.2 ܬܝܡܝܕ ܟܬ݁ܤ ܙ ܙ ܝܢ 10 5 23 10 13 119 60 59 1 30 11,079 5,381 5,698 31 7,121 3,356 3,765 32 3,958 2,025 1,933 452 407 45 231 210 21 221 197 24 3,536 2,283 1,253 1,631 | 1,905 1,049 1,234 582 671 199 171 28 100 88 12 99 83 16 869 511 358 442 254 188 427 257 170 8 8 33 34 35 1,320 688 12 1,320 688 12 16 5 16 5 11 327 245 6 327 245 6 85 94 85 94 7 36 37 17 104 339 1,333 640 940 1,178 542 638 957 1,287 1,518 1,338 1,328 1,227 1,104 950 714 592 430 278 175 138 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 179 669 325 443 617 274 310 483 635 744 655 634 620 521 484 351 293 193 121 82 48 160 664 315 497 561 268 328 474 652 774 683 694 607 583 466 363 299 237 157 93 90 4如​如​出​%B防​四​姓​如​红​纪​约​H旺​四​四​BD8 15 74 40 50 69 26 18 35 30 44 45 51 42 45 41 54 37 27 18 10 11 41 22 28 32 17 9 22 17 20 22 25 20 21 23 29 19 17 10 6 2 33 18 22 37 9 9 13 13 24 23 26 22 24 18 25 18 97 448 232 293 335 160 171 266 360 460 407 454 425 337 313 228 181 136 98 77 49 217 131 140 184 85 83 136 151 207 181 205 212 164 141 113 92 65 43 30 27 48 231 101 153 151 75 88 130 209 253 226 249 213 173 172 115 89 71 55 47 33 3 27 21 23 34 10 13 14 17 20 12 35 20 14 13 12 16 14 13 9 4 1 16 14 15 19 4 11 8 12 9 5 17 13 8. 4 4 8 9 4 5 2 2 11 7 8 15 6 2 6 5 11 7 18 80 82 35 37 45 93 118 110 110 99 84 74 54 47 29 19 13 19 6 51 25 43 42 17 24 21 54 56 59 54 58 38 36 31 23 14 7 6 6 11198754 WOOOOOOOOO 11 53 16 37 40 18 13 24 39 62 51 56 41 46 38 23 24 15 12 7 13 6 60 5,737 2,082 276 32 7,819 276 18 440 130 288 143 256 143 499 4 130 88 1,615 370 3 398 112 88 238 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 77 16 19 77 16 17 185 625 5,085 363 699 136 344 543 373 2,114 374 3 452 196 369 3,811 1,274 341 22 74 136 160 184 196 347 192 181 17 4 2 3 2 570 238 1 52 46 36 12 50 119 16 54 11 19 16 4 2 1 1 52 41 36 12 30 22 8 2 3 68 149 319 184 1 61 275 74 350 67 88 44 110 9 21 3 20 6 21 3 1 230 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Littleton CLASSIFICATION Longmeadow Fe- Total Males males Total Males males OSN 1,228 998 230 608 480 128 1,782 1,545 237 853 756 97 929 789 140 1,219 672 320 227 604 319 158 127 -ខ្ញុំ ៖ ឧះន”១១ ! ! ! 1,763 1,192 336 235 19 17 2 849 58) 172 97 914 612 164 138 15 13 2 3 1,482 530 7 1.3 429 681 1 0.1 586 1 0.2 95 801 3 0.4 662 1,029 17 1.7 800 2 0.3 229 15 6.6 1,024 16 1.6 5 1 20.0 15 499 10 2.0 371 2 0.5 128 8 6.3 498 10 2.0 101 7 6.9 526 6 1.1 0.3 1,248 1 0.1 234 3 1.3 1,465 4 0.3 17 DI OOOO 678 1 0.1 3 139 3 2.2 787 3 0.4 14 1 25.0 7 8 819 608 211 403 287 116 416 321 95 1,190 979 211 531 446 85 659 533 126 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population 2 Native 3 Foreign born : (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY 4 White 5 Native, native parentage 6 Native, foreign or mixed parentage 7 Foreign born 8 Colored 9 Native. 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native. 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service : 66 Clerical 84 31 84 31 37 46 2 37 46 2 17 75 40 36 130 52 82 95 仍​如​切​以防​的​死​仍​%%5nBunp&n88 56 75 89 82 97 91 76 64 61 49 48 31 24 32 5 38 21 45 35 13 22 26 37 44 49 47 40 41 28 12 37 19 22 49 22 13 30 38 45 33 50 51 35 36 36 24 26 16 15 11 58 95 122 151 151 148 128 107 113 74 55 61 33 19 28 19 84 28 41 54 25 30 41 46 57 64 73 61 48 55 38 24 32 13 5 15 17 46 24 41 41 19 28 54 76 94 87 75 67 59 58 36 31 29 20 14 13 只​如​出​红红​%的​姓​切​仍​们​阳​说​%幻​四​%以 ​53 15 9 21 71 463 189 392 189 711 60 520 58 191 2 21 129 22 16 3 14 108 20 42 10 9 4 10 10 25 26 18 206 37 130 16 76 101 85 190 34 116 16 40 36 8 58 16 22 8 93 27 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 231 OF THE POPULATION Continued. LOWELL Ludlow Lunenburg LYNN Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 2 3 107,978 66,967 41,011 52,016 32,011 20,005 55,962 34,956 21,006 6,251 3,104 3,147 3,018 1,570 1,448 3,233 1,534 1,699 1,610 1,374 236 788 670 118 822 704 118 95,803 66,345 29,458 47,049 32,514 14,535 48,754 33,831 14,923 4 5 55,896 11,085 23,813 20,998 64 57 6,248 1,101 2,002 3,145 1 1 3,233 543 991 1,699 107,776 21,234 45,605 40,937 130 109 21 72 19 53 3,015 558 1,011 1,446 1 1 1,609 1,034 339 236 1 51,880 10,149 21,792 19,939 66 52 14 70 18 52 788 503 167 118 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 821 531 172 118 1 1 94,944 32,914 32,826 29,204 732 532 200 127 73 54 46,575 16,219 15,976 14,380 355 254 101 119 65 54 48,369 16,695 16,850 14,824 377 278 99 8 8 2 1 1 SININ 2 1 oo oo 1,315 35 2.7 1,081 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 87,503 5,173 5.9 47,221 127 0.3 40,282 5,046 12.5 87,332 5,162 5.9 100 6 6.0 4,774 41,813 2,357 5.6 22,195 61 0.3 19,618 2,296 11.7 41,691 2,347 5.6 52 5 9.6 2,217 45,690 2,816 6.2 25,026 66 0.3 20,664 2,750 13.3 45,641 2,815 6.2 48 1 2.1 2,557 4,788 625 13.1 1,760 25 1.4 3,028 600 19.8 4,785 625 13.1 1 2,264 277 12.2 888 17 1.9 1,376 260 18.9 2,261 277 12.3 2,524 348 13.8 872 8 0.9 1,652 340 20.6 2,524 348 13.8 0.6 234 29 12.4 1,314 35 2.7 635 23 3.6 518 5 1.0 117 18 15.4 635 23 3.6 680 12 1.8 563 1 0.2 117 11 9.4 679 12 1.8 1 78,655 2,174 2.8 49,922 49 0.1 28,733 2,125 7.4 77,931 2,148 2.8 603 24 4.0 2,025 38,532 957 2.5 24,366 31 0.1 14,166 926 6.5 38,114 942 2.5 303 14 4.6 889 40,123 1,217 3.0 25,556 18 0.1 14,567 1,199 8.2 39,817 1,206 3.0 300 28 29 533 258 275 34 22 12 3.3 1,136 538 30 31 32 66,669 30,456 36,213 31,776 13,994 17,782 34,893 16,462 18,431 3,331 1,044 2,287 1,618 517 1,101 1,713 527 1,186 432 62,128 36,386 25,742 30,367 17,623 12,744 31,761 18,763 12,998 106 33 34 35 10,711 6,787 227 10,711 6,787 227 911 187 2 911 187 2 7,179 5,324 99 7,179 5,324 99 116 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 2,291 8,346 4,038 5,800 7,319 3,353 3,598 6,564 8,927 10,240 8,800 8,575 7,372 6,419 5,215 3,679 2,903 1,913 1,322 724 580 1,109 4,147 2,023 2,924 3,600 1,637 1,724 3,076 4,210 4,943 4,340 4,138 3,632 3,079 2,503 1,716 1,348 823 533 290 221 1,182 4,199 2,015 2,876 3,719 1,716 1,874 3,488 4,717 5,297 4,460 4,437 3,740 3,340 2,712 1,963 1,555 1,090 789 434 359 213 606 273 371 425 202 259 571 672 633 484 416 272 264 195 122 100 72 58 20 23 97 300 150 207 217 119 105 205 280 322 253 216 136 133 92 61 52 27 23 13 10 306 123 164 208 83 154 366 392 311 231 200 136 131 103 61 48 45 35 7 13 13 60 37 32 57 25 20 40 46 58 54 56 54 42 48 48 45 24 32 12 19 906 3,542 1,701 2,482 2,824 1,406 1,459 2,673 4,003 4,754 4,120 3,840 3,397 2,986 2,550 1,872 1,485 1,133 797 470 354 18,132 6 3,003 208 1,818 207 1,185 108 3 12,843 3 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 52.842 454 13 35,139 2,373 4,995 1,237 2,083 3,941 2,607 34,710 448 13 22,694 2,281 4,146 1,237 980 1,553 1,358 13 2 1 1,000 6,598 26 1,042 826 216 504 394 110 69 38 3 69 38 3 29 118 66 82 112 46 49 66 87 108 112 120 103 88 87 93 84 53 50 25 32 16 58 29 50 55 21 29 26 41 50 58 64 49 46 39 45 39 29 18 13 13 1,808 7,100 3,324 4,916 5,714 2,730 2,898 5,185 7,602 9,529 8,286 7,771 6,842 5,965 4,917 3,619 2,774 2,035 1,362 812 614 902 3,558 1,623 2,434 2,890 1,324 1,439 2,512 3,599 4,775 4,166 3,931 3,445 2,979 2,367 1,747 1,289 902 565 342 260 613 223 505 220 12,445 92 849 2,262 70 120 37 54 139 113 1,262 69 108 36 25 26 85 1 12 1 29 113 28 163 44 39 15 42 66 21 150 42 38 15 16 12 12 44,843 307 9 26,690 2,150 5,147 952 2,061 3,916 3,611 32,000 304 9 20,092 2,026 4,435 949 1,087 1,459 1,639 124 712 3 974 2,457 1,972 1,103 2,388 1,249 66 232 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS MALDEN CLASSIFICATION Lynn field Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males OON ::: 1,112 953 159 534 464 70 578 48,907 23,164 25,743 489 | 33,530 16,031 17,499 89 15,377 7,133 8,244 527 364 97 CN-OOOOO 1,100 742 205 153 12 6 6 | | | + ដងនិង | | | నలులో జరిపి 573 | 48,295 22,860 25,435 378 14,679 6,931 7,748 108 18,327 8,852 9,475 15,289 7,077 8,212 579 272 307 518 243 275 61 29 32 33 32 1 6 5 27 27 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 948 14 1.5 789 8 1.0 159 6 3.8 936 12 1.3 12 2 16.7 13 455 6 1.3 385 5 1.3 70 1 1.4 448 4 0.9 7 2 28.6 5 493 / 39,300 18,294 21,006 8 782 253 529 1.6 1.9 1.4 2.5 404 | 24,332 11,366 12,966 3 16 3 13 0.7 0.1 0.1 89 14,968 6,928 8,040 5 766 250 516 5.6 5.1 3.6 6.4 488 38,804 18,048 20,756 8 767 251 516 1.6 2.0 1.4 2.5 5 463 214 249 15 2 13 3.2 0.9 5.2 8 762 243 519 GONO 28 29 0011er 30 31 32 794 641 153 378 308 70 416 | 29,660 13,598 16,062 333 16,308 7,430 8,878 83 13,352 6,168 7,184 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years: 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals . Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 3,024 3,024 3,015 3,015 74 74 3 43 19 20 24 13 19 21 22 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 8 74 40 42 55 23 31 45 51 88 85 84 98 68 68 60 58 51 40 26 17 5 31 21 22 31 10 12 24 29 38 42 39 49 36 33 28 22 29 14 12 7 50 43 45 49 32 35 32 36 22 26 14 10 1,031 3,759 1,988 2,829 3,498 1,651 1,739 2,752 3,650 4,274 3,705 3,699 3,418 3,023 2,424 1,792 1,305 976 648 400 346 521 1,909 997 1,443 1,721 792 856 1,327 1,630 1,960 1,731 1,698 1,621 1,426 1,147 829 615 385 275 153 128 510 1,850 991 1,386 1,777 859 883 1,425 2,020 2,314 1,974 2,001 1,797 1,597 1,277 963 690 591 373 247 218 459 105 359 104 5,855 124 25 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 100 20,328 | 14,473 162 162 14 14 22 8,442 6,516 1,502 1,397 2 3,606 3,137 527 526 1,380 683 1,839 509 2,856 1,529 ཙེས " མུ༌མཀྑ = 102 21 62 10 14 18 28 64 11 26 59 45 1,926 105 469 1 697 1,330 1,327 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 233 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Manchester Mansfield Marblehead Marion MARLBOROUGH Fe Total Males males Fe Total Males males Total Fe Males males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 1 2,945 1,512 1,433 1,937 968 969 1,008 544 464 5,772 2,911 2,861 4,471 2,192 2,279 1,301 719 582 7,606 6,711 895 3,580 4,026 3,261 3,450 319 576 1,487 1,155 332 775 557 218 712 | 15,250 7,574 7,676 598 11,799 5,770 6,029 114 3,451 1,804 1,647 3 4 5 6 2,941 1,117 818 1,006 2 1 1 2 1 1 1,509 1,432 556 561 410 408 543 463 1 1 1 7,585 5,003 1,692 890 5,750 2,895 2,855 2,821 1,399 1,422 1,634 782 852 1,295 714 581 19 13 6 15 10 3 3 3 IIIOON - NENO II IND& WWW CANON 3,569 4,016 2,434 2,569 821 871 314 576 6 10 3 10 3 16 NW WW81& 1,268 898 211 159 219 46 173 614 431 105 78 161 21 140 654 | 15,221 7,555 7,666 467 5,485 2,724 2,761 106 6,292 3,034 3,258 81 3,444 1,797 1,647 58 17 8 25 16 7 9 33 1 1 12 11 6 6 13 9 10 11 12 13 2 1 1 III 6,436 35 0.5 5,551 12 0.2 0.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2,465 1,275 1,190 52 41 11 2.1 3.2 0.9 1,469 737 732 1 1 0.1 0.1 996 538 458 51 41 10 5.1 7.6 2.2 2,461 1,272 | 1,189 52 41 11 2.1 3.2 0.9 2 1 1 4,663 2,342 2,321 136 70 66 2.9 3.0 2.8 3,417 1,650 1,767 6 0.2 0.2 0.1 1,246 692 554 130 66 64 10.4 9.5 11.6 4,645 2,329 2,316 134 68 66 2.9 2.9 2.8 15 10 2 2 13.3 20.0 134 68 66 885 23 2.6 6,416 35 0.5 15 2,993 3,443 26 9 0.9 0.3 2,679 2,872 11 0.4 314 571 15 8 4.8 1.4 2,982 3,434 26 9 0.9 0.3 6 1,247 118 9.5 921 6 0.7 326 112 34.4 1,071 32 3.0 176 86 48.9 105 661 75 11.3 446 3 0.7 215 72 33.5 520 16 3.1 141 59 41.8 68 586 | 12,627 43 534 7.3 4.2 475 9,232 3 35 0.6 0.4 111 3,395 40 499 36.0 14.7 551 12,603 16 534 2.9 4.2 35 12 27 77.1 37 511 6,265 6,362 252 282 4.0 4.4 4,481 4,751 20 15 0.4 1,784 1,611 232 267 13.0 16.6 6,249 6,354 252 282 4.0 4.4 5 ܩܣ Timis - 81 ioio 28 29 45 35 10 34 240 271 30 31 32 1,983 1,064 919 1,025 527 498 958 537 421 3,709 2,597 1,112 1,844 1,865 1,229 1,368 615 497 5,208 4,355 853 2,401 2,807 2,100 2,255 301 552 1,003 710 293 527 331 196 476 379 97 9,775 4,788 4,987 6,644 3,158 3,486 3,131 1,630 1,501 33 34 35 320 166 11 320 166 11 429 175 429 175 122 162 12 122 162 12 49 19 2 49 19 2 892 705 26 892 705 26 36 37 38 39 40 61 227 116 165 176 79 104 24%的​纪​四级​四 ​42 43 139 %%明​如​红​纪招生​如幻​幻​幻​幻​8888 56 197 105 122 168 78 84 152 216 299 229 245 202 180 192 114 99 80 68 29 30 27 91 54 65 93 34 42 81 121 170 129 126 101 90 91 57 46 40 31 10 13 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 29 106 51 57 75 44 42 71 05 129 100 119 101 90 101 57 53 40 37 19 17 127 461 228 293 356 171 171 256 413 516 428 419 372 387 326 270 202 141 104 87 44 66 234 112 128 180 92 67 117 202 258 213 198 203 182 158 134 104 64 68 52 29 211 258 215 221 169 205 168 136 98 77 36 35 15 109 453 237 371 445 204 227 352 477 544 548 505 548 532 467 434 342 302 227 176 106 58 227 128 174 231 100 104 157 233 254 246 236 264 240 225 188 160 152 88 73 42 51 226 109 197 214 104 123 195 244 290 302 269 284 292 242 246 182 150 139 103 64 22 97 44 77 106 35 39 64 103 148 108 103 113 75 89 67 60 56 39 22 20 10 53 19 32 60 25 15 34 57 87 63 68 46 44 38 29 32 27 17 9 10 12 44 25 45 46 10 24 30 46 61 45 35 67 31 51 38 28 29 22 13 10 132 536 242 404 467 242 264 402 614 687 574 593 531 483 261 1,056 517 789 997 495 496 864 1,170 1,380 1,174 1,193 1,023 943 849 653 493 338 280 165 114 129 520 275 385 530 253 232 462 556 693 600 600 492 460 415 314 239 158 124 79 58 434 OO 339 254 180 156 86 56 272 70 1,293 201 1,021 200 2,422 1,891 212 207 531 5 3,236 209 2,355 207 881 2 599 220 529 220 | లలో 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 9 10 8 338 3 413 126 128 42 87 250 46 S: 404 116 120 42 46 78 15 1,139 GIS 886 329 218 42 57 68 84 253 1,453 7,003 5,008 1,995 298 295 3 1 1 4,423 3,243 1,180 262 241 21 660 562 98 151 151 349 126 223 455 211 244 404 178 226 1,115 133 79 41 28 31 52 15 128 77 38 28 19 11 8 41 172 31 ONA 12 7 51 336 234 44 110 188 159 7 16 2 53 120 75 235 423 75 173 376 292 228 372 75 84 120 154 89 256 138 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 내 ​234 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Marshfield Mashpee CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 2 3 1,725 1,494 231 854 732 122 871 762 109 263 239 24 146 129 17 117 110 7 867 600 159 25 12 22 12 1,690 1,181 310 199 35 3 32 823 581 151 91 31 108 47 24 8 15 136 127 9 80 80 31 6 57 56 1 38 38 9 10 11 12 13 1 79 71 8 42 42 - 216 758 2 92 1 1,513 27 1.8 1,285 124 3 2.4 108 1.1 651 1.9 193 85 23 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 0.1 228 26 11.4 1,478 13 0.9 35 14 755 25 3.3 634 1 0.2 121 24 19.8 724 11 1.5 31 14 45.2 24 9 เคลเลง เลย 1.9 754 Icoane 3 17.4 41 18.8 22 లు | | ఆరాలు సులు|| 1 14.3 19 0.3 9.8 104 13.6 5.3 41 40.0 26 30 31 32 1,271 1,054 217 623 509 114 648 545 103 158 138 20 93 79 14 65 59 6 (A) POPULATION Total population Native : Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals. Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 56 27 56 27 2 21 12 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 12 21 的​四​%的​约​红丝​纽约​归​红​织物​的​红​配以​让​玩​的 ​19 71 43 79 82 51 42 67 78 108 129 133 108 119 107 102 108 94 76 63 46 10 41 17 31 45 30 17 40 44 57 62 72 50 51 45 54 60 47 34 24 23 wn以​以​约​如​们​约好​的​仍​如​乱​约​证​的​红​48 9 30 26 48 37 21 25 27 34 51 67 61 58 68 62 48 48 47 42 39 8478414198。 --లాలస-200లలు రాల 16 11 10 A | MO-నిందలాలు 00 00 070 00 అలు 12 14 24 12 458411615 139 15 112 58 590 197 1 188 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 729 201 1 194 45 92 22 61 88 25 មីង + I 14 5 8 10 3 14 |-Neటే | 82 88 20 23 20 9 10 13 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 235 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Mattapoisett Maynard Med field MEDFORD Medway Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Total | Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 2 3 1,352 1,126 226 650 540 110 702 586 116 6,770 3,583 3,187 3,680 1,842 1,838 3,090 1,741 1,349 3,648 1,562 2,086 2,417 1,097 1,320 1,231 465 766 30,509 14,500 16,009 23,621 | 11,307 | 12,314 6,888 3,193 3,695 2,846 1,378 1,468 2,221 1,066 1,155 625 312 313 1,285 813 274 611 374 145 92 39 21 18 674 439 129 106 28 18 10 6,767 3,580 3,187 991 536 455 2,687 1,304 1,383 3,089 1,740 1,349 198 2,837 1,341 873 623 9 7 3,592 1,660 708 1,224 54 48 6 2 1 67 39 28 1,544 2,048 | 29,985 14,231 15,754 764 896 12,651 6,005 6,646 317 391 10,497 5,061 5,436 463 761 6,837 3,165 3,672 16 38 503 249 254 15 33 465 233 232 1 5 38 16 22 2 21 20 1 1 8 1 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 1,374 | 1,463 628 713 435 438 311 312 4 5 3 1 1 73581818 78 5,272 2,836 2,436 460 238 222 8.7 8.4 9.1 2,244 1,129 1,115 0.8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,088 122 11.2 868 4 0.5 220 118 53.6 1,044 103 9.9 44 19 43.2 114 519 63 12.1 410 2 0.5 109 61 56.0 492 52 10.6 27 11 40.7 60 569 59 10.4 458 2 0.4 111 57 51.4 552 51 9.2 17 8 47.1 54 3,028 1,707 1,321 460 238 222 15.2 13.9 16.8 5,269 2,833 2,436 460 238 222 8.7 8.4 9.1 3,372 188 5.6 2,148 58 2.7 1,224 130 10.6 3,323 177 5.3 47 11 23.4 187 1,421 1,951 24,773 11,531 13,242 87 101 222 89 133 6.1 5.2 0.9 1.0 959 1,189 18,009 8,403 9,606 35 23 11 5 6 3.6 1.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 462 762 6,764 3,128 3,636 52 78 211 84 127 11.3 10.2 3.1 2.7 3.5 1,404 1,919 24,359 11,325 13,034 84 93 217 89 128 6.0 4.8 0.9 0.8 1.0 15 32 393 186 207 3 8 5 5 20.0 25.0 1.3 2.4 86 101 219 88 131 2,355 134 5.7 1,745 10 0.6 610 124 20.3 2,348 133 5.7 7 1 14.3 122 1,134 1,221 56 4.9 6.4 829 916 6 4 0.7 0.4 305 305 50 74 16.4 24.3 1,131 1,217 77 5.0 6.3 3 4 56 25.0 69 404 204 200 53 30 31 32 843 642 201 391 290 101 452 352 100 4,127 2,235 1,892 1,451 728 723 2,676 1,507 1,169 3,037 1,284 1,753 19,173 8,816 10,357 1,871 842 1,029 12,897 5,908 6,989 1,166 442 724 6,276 2,908 3,368 1,847 1,313 534 875 605 270 972 708 264 33 69 15 69 15 1,110 376 20 1,110 376 20 129 69 242 129 69 242 1,324 1,324 1,487 1,487 72 72 167 96 6 167 96 6 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 24 98 65 77 113 38 35 59 71 74 95 104 93 78 67 62 59 34 51 33 22 12 50 35 34 61 23 18 26 40 35 39 51 47 32 34 22 32 15 12 48 30 43 52 15 17 33 31 39 56 53 46 46 33 40 27 19 26 24 12 155 623 315 405 398 163 182 402 617 765 640 572 429 307 269 190 130 89 70 32 17 71 307 169 200 214 77 86 224 325 413 386 331 220 175 138 87 66 84 316 146 205 184 86 96 178 292 352 254 241 209 132 131 103 64 50 33 20 11 39 104 49 84 85 61 57 132 230 286 271 288 361 393 368 279 215 142 101 60 43 19 45 26 51 38 25 28 46 94 129 122 132 151 174 161 111 89 49 34 24 14 20 59 23 33 47 36 29 86 136 157 149 156 210 219 207 168 126 93 67 36 29 568 2,345 1,126 1,697 2,079 933 1,005 1,583 2,174 2,862 2,635 2,429 2,178 1,885 1,553 1,039 831 652 467 266 202 297 1,212 603 857 1,056 452 457 750 990 1,308 1,206 1,147 1,044 921 755 462 341 296 183 104 59 271 1,133 523 840 1,023 481 548 833 1,184 1,554 1,429 1,282 1,134 964 798 577 490 356 284 162 143 51 186 99 155 192 90 85 141 152 189 168 193 208 188 172 127 141 26 94 56 68 100 48 47 64 78 107 70 93 100 82 91 70 60 38 53 21 12 25 92 43 87 92 42 38 77 74 82 98 100 108 106 81 57 81 60 58 36 31 39 98 25 37 12 6 NCIA O 9 10 111 57 43 56 64 439 97 375 97 3,332 2,452 74 73 880 1 1,806 150 913 149 1,195 137 862 136 333 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 672 5 24 168 36 36 16 32 45 9 164 33 32 16 16 13 4 2,556 96 215 15 78 183 115 1,884 91 191 15 44 72 82 893 12,247 9,210 3,037 124 122 2 3 683 59 72 7 77 737 21 347 56 63 7 23 257 11 3 336 3,968 3,394 574 3 1,088 994 94 9 2,605 2,246 359 341 339 2 54 907 512 395 480 1,099 390 709 10 2,112 1,210 902 684 43 109 14 64 74 70 489 41 98 13 36 14 35 195 2 11 1 28 60 35 16 32 5 姓​乃​四 ​34 111 33 Isi ?? 236 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS - MELROSE CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Mendon Total Males Fe males 465 16,880 13,640 3,240 7,753 9,127 6,371 7,269 1,382 1,858 933 784 149 468 379 89 3 60 453 285 6 108 CNOOOOOO 16,748 8,640 4,894 3,214 114 96 18 18 10 8 904 549 206 149 23 23 8 9 10 11 12 13 7,696 9,052 4,029 4,611 2,297 2,597 1,370 1,844 45 69 39 57 6 12 12 6 6 4 6 2 451 264 98 89 14 14 I WOWI008 6 6 3 3 40 779 5 0.6 631 395 1 0.2 306 384 4 1.0 325 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 59 14,027 99 0.7 10,831 6 0.1 3,196 93 2.9 13,920 96 0.7 95 2 2.1 98 6,341 7,686 59 0.6 0.8 4,982 5,849 2 0.1 1- 1,359 1,837 36 57 2.6 3.1 6,296 7,624 39 57 0.6 0.7 35 60 1 1 2.9 1.7 40 58 148 5 3.4 756 89 1 1.1 380 online AOC 6.8 376 4 1.1 5 0.7 17 0.3 12 28 29 1 30 31 10,905 7,924 2,981 4,803 6,102 3,538 4,386 1,265 1,716 596 472 124 297 227 70 299 245 54 32 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native . Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years . 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals . Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 524 707 24 524 707 24 42 28 42 28 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 AAAA WOOOOO WN 131 540 286 455 560 257 46 266 1,094 597 896 1,076 537 592 917 1,044 1,226 1,256 1,353 1,317 1,226 974 780 599 430 321 219 160 135 554 311 441 516 280 320 468 595 719 707 748 729 642 508 420 349 254 204 127 100 272 449 449 507 549 605 588 584 466 360 250 176 117 92 60 21 56 30 47 68 34 25 56 63 55 51 54 74 55 63 44 44 30 29 20 14 10 26 17 20 42 12 13 31 32 33 22 31 39 28 30 22 19 11 15 9 6 11 30 13 27 26 22 12 25 31 22 29 23 35 27 33 22 25 19 14 11 8 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 O ON 41 6,792 123 4,901 122 1,891 1 343 111 302 111 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 427 33 96 131 5 34 2,061 501 1,397 202 685 728 1,095 1,634 468 1,301 202 355 139 680 138 5 37 2 28 8 14 21 330 589 415 CO 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 6242 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 237 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. - Merrimac Methuen Middleborough Middlefield Middleton Total Fe Males males Total Fe Males males Total Fe- Males males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 175 1,308 با ما 2 3 2,101 1,849 252 990 1,111 | 14,007 6,656 7,351 867 982 8,572 4,106 4,466 123 129 5,435 2,550 2,885 8,631 6,935 1,696 4,314 4,317 3,438 3,497 876 820 325 291 34 154 21 150 137 13 1,046 262 545 456 89 763 590 173 4 5 6 2,099 1,367 481 251 2 1 1 989 1,110 658 709 208 273 123 128 1 1 1 325 207 84 34 175 114 40 21 150 93 44 13 538 330 120 13,985 3,040 5,514 5,431 21 18 3 1 6,647 7,338 1,426 1,614 2,672 2,842 2,549 2,882 8 13 8 10 3 1 8,506 4,712 2,164 1,630 111 49 62 14 10 1,299 751 288 260 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 4,231 4,275 2,309 2,403 1,097 1,067 825 805 76 35 27 22 49 13 7 5 2 2 761 421 -168 172 2 ឱនឱe… 64A以​------ 2 Narvaiser & 1 1 948 2 0.2 823 259 12 4.6 225 137 9 6.6 116 122 3 2.5 109 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1,772 6 0.3 1,527 1 0.1 245 5 2.0 1,770 6 0.3 2 824 4 0.5 704 1 0.1 120 3 2.5 823 125 11,030 5,1905,840 261 125 136 2.4 2.4 2.3 5,721 2,703 3,018 6 4 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 5,309 2,487 2,822 255 121 134 4.8 4.9 4.7 11,010 5,182 5,828 261 125 136 2.4 2.4 2.3 19 7 12 7,103 277 3.9 5,449 8 0.1 1,654 269 16.3 6,995 236 3.4 96 40 41.7 268 3,490 3,613 140 137 4.0 3.8 2,633 2,816 3 5 0.1 0.2 857 797 137 132 16.0 16.6 3,418 3,577 107 129 3.1 3.6 65 31 33 7 50.8 22.6 134 134 467 5 1.1 378 2 0.5 89 3 3.4 460 34 12 35.3 259 12 4.6 2 1.6 947 2 0.2 1 1,167 31 2.7 907 11 1.2 260 20 7.7 1,158 31 2.7 9 21 9 42.9 137 9 6.6 లు | | | ఆలవాలంటే || 8 700 26 3.7 529 9 1.7 171 17 9.9 698 26 3.7 2 23.1 122 0.5 1 2.5 1.1 MA I I vinters - 10 254 120 134 12 30 26 30 31 32 1,423 1,192 231 658 541 117 765 651 114 8,281 3,550 4,731 3,842 4,439 1,632 | 1,918 2,210 2,521 5,606 4,096 1,510 2,730 2,876 1,9522,144 778 732 169 137 32 91 71 20 78 66 12 975 727 248 375 291 84 600 436 164 13 53 60 53 60 1,059 1,135 15 1,059 1,135 15 510 214 10 510 214 10 เง 13 7 30 50 3 30 50 3 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 29 137 61 102 121 62 65 101 115 126 120 147 137 168 13 73 34 46 59 33 29 45 1 14 3 10 18 11 6 9 %%%AH必​经​共​约​如幻​纪​约​如​红​双​级​班​8% 54 16 64 27 56 62 29 36 56 61 64 72 80 71 86 65 83 60 49 37 21 16 266 1,199 622 890 998 495 507 749 920 1,116 1,113 1,073 954 817 718 495 422 265 184 113 91 141 585 286 454 508 224 250 366 422 504 503 543 435 404 340 226 179 125 76 47 38 125 614 336 436 490 271 257 383 498 612 610 530 519 413 378 269 243 140 108 66 53 62 48 67 66 82 64 59 62 34 26 16 18 193 649 284 402 526 281 260 430 619 718 600 640 577 565 440 412 336 261 201 122 115 86 359 149 230 266 141 129 224 291 351 301 337 269 282 226 213 158 125 77 52 48 6 11 10 11 17 8 11 10 15 7 16 7 12 11 107 290 135 172 260 140 131 206 328 367 299 303 308 283 214 199 178 136 124 70 67 7 25 13 21 35 19 17 19 19 17 27 16 22 20 10 11 10 3 6 10 11 9 10 9 7 58 33 43 59 34 36 63 62 61 87 69 105 102 103 105 95 64 58 43 21 4 29 19 26 32 13 16 31 27 24 40 28 44 38 42 38 33 17 25 13 6 47 48 49 50 WANAOAG 39比​以​仍以​%%的​口​红红​似​任​以​打​8分​3如​山 ​29 14 17 27 21 20 32 35 37 47 41 61 64 61 67 62 47 33 30 15 129 52 53 54 142 122 83 63 37 34 WOOOOO 3 3 56 178 841 67 876 14 663 67 5,929 326 4,201 324 1,728 2 3,734 471 2,858 467 111 62 597 132 360 130 237 2 3 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 1,231 4 55 446 62 84 14 52 56 60 19 11 5 399 59 70 13 23 15 17 47 3 14 1 29 41 43 3,915 186 561 114 221 278 328 2,684 182 506 114 98 89 204 1,952 292 376 63 1,478 280 344 62 95 75 57 474 12 32 1 70 209 74 163 32 42 9 27 174 18 96 30 37 7 11 39 10 67 2 5 2 16 135 8 165 123 189 124 3 284 131 12 16% 3 ) * ) ) 238 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14.- COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Milford CLASSIFICATION Millbury Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males 13,684 6,898 6,786 9,463 4,586 4,877 4,221 2,312 1,909 5,295 2,600 2,695 3,997 1,945 2,052 1,298 655 643 WOOOOOOO 13,659 6,884 | 6,775 3,814 1,832 1,982 5,625 2,741 2,884 4,220 2,311 1,909 24 13 11 24 13 11 5,291 1,768 2,226 1,297 3 3 2,596 2,695 879 889 1,063 1,163 654 643 3 3 1 1 1 10,686 5,373 5,313 734 369 365 6.9 6.9 6.9 6,578 3,123 3,455 6 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 4,108 2,250 1,858 728 367 361 17.7 16.3 19.4 10,665 5,361 5,304 734 369 365 6.9 6.9 6.9 20 11 4,212 2,075 2,137 168 85 83 4.0 4.1 3.9 2,941 1,432 1,509 31 19 12 1.1 1.3 0.8 1,271 643 628 137 66 71 10.8 10.3 11.3 4,208 2,071 2,137 168 85 83 4.0 4.1 3.9 3 3 698 346 352 163 83 80 8,030 4,088 3,942 4,406 2,081 2,325 3,624 2,007 1,617 3,140 1,537 1,603 1,961 940 1,021 1,179 597 582 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage 7 Foreign born 8 Colored 9 Native. 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years . 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 an over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals. 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service : 66 Clerical 1,341 644 21 1,341 644 21 364 222 10 364 222 10 311 1,208 594 885 1,003 479 472 702 905 1,171 1,007 1,055 939 786 657 503 379 241 185 102 100 154 628 303 440 462 244 231 348 480 635 518 550 484 410 326 252 163 117 72 43 38 157 580 291 445 541 235 241 354 425 536 489 505 455 376 331 251 216 124 113 59 62 108 436 205 334 417 201 187 267 355 431 430 360 354 275 257 206 169 105 86 62 50 51 210 103 161 203 105 103 127 172 227 217 187 171 133 128 87 86 46 37 29 17 57 226 102 173 214 96 84 140 183 204 213 173 183 142 129 119 83 59 49 33 33 2,167 153 1,658 152 509 1 5,425 4,300 1,125 201 201 129 129 3,287 2,716 571 280 266 14 562 490 72 88 87 1 236 96 140 371 156 215 271 159 112 1,367 1,043 110 106 165 152 62 60 83 42 107 44 120 59 324 4 13 2 63 61 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 239 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Millis Milton Monroe Monson Montague Fe- Fe- Total Males Total Males Fe- males Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Total | Males Fe- males males ៖ 2 3 1,442 1,065 377 756 541 215 686 524 162 8,600 3,808 4,792 6,334 3,027 3,307 2,266 781 1,485 296 188 108 202 120 82 94 68 26 5,004 2,394 2,610 4,099 1,968 2,131 905 426 7,925 4,095 3,830 5,533 2,775 2,758 2,392 1,320 1,072 756 5 280 =6ep4a o * 1,442 583 482 377 686 303 221 162 296 134 54 108 94 51 17 26 261 215 8,550 3,783 4,767 3,08S 1,757 1,931 2,611 1,253 1,358 2,251 773 1,478 38 17 21 32 15 17 6 2 4 12 8 4 3 2 9 6 3 ផ្តន្មខន្តឧឌ ! ! ! ១០ ១១ - 4,961 2,311 1,746 904 40 40 7,922 2,250 3,281 2,391 2,372 2,589 1,099 1,212 848 425 19 19 និធី ឱទ្ធិពន ! ! ! ! 4,093 3,829 1,170 1,080 1,604 1,677 1,319 1,072 1 1 3 2 2 10 11 12 13 3 2 e 1 1 165 10 6.1 1,152 32 2.8 780 5 0.6 75 4 5.3 52 - 0.1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 614 16 2.6 403 3 0.7 211 13 6.2 614 16 2.6 1.2 538 16 3.0 377 2 0.5 161 14 8.7 538 16 3.0 240 14 5.8 138 1 0.7 102 13 12.7 240 14 5.8 372 7,215 3,102 4,113 34 13 21 0.5 0.4 0.5 4,970 2,330 2,640 3 3 0.1 2,245 772 1,473 31 10 21 1.4 1.3 1.4 7,167 3,078 4,089 32 12 20 0.4 0.4 0.5 37 16 21 1 1 2.7 6.3 31 11 20 27 7.3 1,152 32 2.8 e I 1 ។៩៩២៨-៩ទី 4,292 2,039 2,253 350 167 183 8.2 8.2 8.1 3,400 1,619 1,781 237 119 118 7.0 7.4 6.6 892 420 472 113 48 65 12.7 11.4 13.8 4,254 2,019 2,235 340 159 181 8.0 7.9 8.1 35 17 18 9 7 2 25.7 41.2 11.1 239 99 140 6,251 3,254 2,997 351 171 180 5.6 5.3 6.0 3,895 1,953 1,942 7 7 0.2 0.4 2,356 1,301 | 1,055 344 164 180 14.6 12.6 17.1 6,248 3,252 2,996 351 171 180 5.6 5.3 6.0 1 23 4 17.4 75 4 5.3 11.4 165 10 6.1 | | | - AT A 29 30 15 15 13 331 165 166 870 549 321 475 286 189 395 263 132 5,620 2,331 3,289 3,497 1,590 1,907 2,123 741 1,382 181 92 89 128 60 68 53 32 21 3,300 2,482 818 1,527 1,773 1,141 1,341 386 432 4,762 2,511 2,251 2,604 1,292 1,312 2,158 1,219 939 122 65 2 34 122 65 2 291 436 291 436 7 FA៖ 198 121 66 198 121 66 879 330 9 879 330 9 1 115 7 10 36 37 38 39 40 21 57 32 38 48 32 28 4 12 10 11 11 203 717 307 447 515 254 244 42 43 44 35 13 49 33 47 63 21 16 39 57 73 68 52 50 43 41 32 22 34 106 65 85 111 53 44 74 104 130 115 95 90 83 83 52 37 21 19 27 14 476 10 58 249 165 234 285 129 143 214 242 285 276 302 288 270 195 168 107 78 52 504 315 451 562 266 284 483 617 762 710 744 661 583 445 340 253 201 129 89 86 47 57 47 43 40 40 42 57 255 150 217 277 137 141 269 375 477 434 442 373 313 250 172 146 123 77 55 52 37 126 69 125 153 105 99 123 213 233 228 206 188 146 --១រង នៃដងទនដ ដដដ ។ 5 17 18 23 14 16 25 9 | | ម ១ ០០០ ០០ង A8 70 244 151 247 332 187 190 283 399 418 420 377 350 308 281 233 190 136 95 54 39 33 118 82 122 179 82 91 160 186 185 192 171 162 162 132 112 92 63 34 21 15 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 99 367 152 223 251 126 135 231 350 427 345 334 219 235 160 134 94 90 74 32 17 104 350 155 224 264 128 109 245 322 359 281 261 215 193 169 111 98 103 73 36 30 672 786 626 595 434 428 329 245 192 193 147 68 47 149 20 22 9 11 13 15 12 8 14 10 121 98 73 61 33 24 34 34 158 795 603 132 494 131 109 1 1,391 2 148 31 10 1 948 3 3,423 243 2,628 243 99 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 312 22 46 5 28 50 3 3 3,733 220 10 788 275 497 172 357 984 430 2,342 218 10 665 256 471 172 208 110 232 262 19 43 5 10 13 11 123 19 26 ២១+២០០៩ , 375 2,565 1,617 382 379 29 29 991 616 ២-២ , 1,966 1,483 451 443 215 191 483 18 28 149 874 198 5 5 11 92 87 107 96 15 14 186 86 704 272 59 38 63 61 157 70 183 64 145 73 8 24 2 87 119 72 100 432 21 17 240 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS - CLASSIFICATION Monterey Fe Total Males males Montgomery Fe- Total Males males 358 308 50 209 174 35 149 134 15 230 209 21 125 114 11 105 95 10 356 246 60 50 148 107 125 96 208 139 34 35 1 1 230 173 36 21 105 77 18 10 26 15 11 1 11111100 190 4 2.1 106 3 2.8 95 84 1 1.2 74 169 288 8 2.8 241 3 1.2 47 5 10.6 286 6 2.1 165 4 2.4 132 2 1.5 33 2 6.1 123 4 3.3 109 1 0.9 14 3 21.4 122 3 2.5 21 4 19.0 190 10 1 10.0 84 27.3 106 164 లు | | | తెలుటలు || 2 3 1.8 1 LA SOLA 2.1 2.8 1.2 Oac 100.0 100.0 8 100.0 AO 79 229 187 42 124 94 30 105 93 12 146 128 18 67 58 (A) POPULATION Total population Native 2 Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored 9 Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years : 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation . 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service: 66 Clerical O 11 16 22 26 11 4%BWS18以​必胜​%298419477 17 9 16 19 6 6 10 13 13 19 14 6 13 14 9 5 14 21 22 34 26 2 19 4 15 14 10 6 14 10 17 18 19 16 9 14 7 12 11 10 00 00 00 COMO WOO ON COSTO ANNONEN AONA O OOOOO 1 15 12 10 9 10 6 9 9 10 3 10 6 6 6 32 4 18 5 11 10 9 13 134 80 125 80 103 64 1 3 5 1 WAANI COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 241 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Mount Washington Nahant Nantucket Natick Needham Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Fe Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males 95 1 2 51 | 46 5 1,387 1,067 320 689 539 150 698 528 170 3,166 2,695 471 1,521 1,645 11,119 5,547 5,572 1,290 1,405 8,630 4,200 4,430 231 240 2,489 1,347 1,142 6,542 3,416 3,426 4,598 2,186 2,412 1,944 930 1,014 95 67 21 44 32 51 35 11 1,387 538 529 320 689 272 267 150 698 266 262 170 w Soon 3,003 1,960 647 396 152 80 72 11 8 红​仍以​5------ 1,426 1,577 953 1,007 304 343 169 227 89 63 30 50 59 13 6 5 3 3 11,080 5,532 5,548 4,738 2,315 2,423 3,862 1,876 1,986 2,480 1,341 1,139 34 10 24 30 9 21 4 1 3 5 5 6,494 2,243 2,311 1,940 43 42 1 5 2 3,088 3,406 1,071 | 1,172 1,090 1,221 9271,013 23 20 23 19 9 12 13 I arena Conser - 35 40 579 75 3 4.0 68 3 4.4 2.9 33 5.0 35 0.2 411 5.7 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3.0 2 లు| | | | | సుజంలలో ܪܚܙܘܚܕܘܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܬܚܕé ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝܙ 557 4 0.7 407 1 0.2 150 3 2.0 557 NIITONI TONTONS 1,136 5 0.4 818 1 0.1 318 4 1.3 1,136 5 0.4 2,668 99 3.7 2,214 6 0.3 454 93 20.5 2,535 64 2.5 122 35 28.7 96 1,267 | 1,401 63 36 5.0 2.6 1,046 1,168 5 0.5 0.1 221 233 58 35 26.2 15.0 1,185 1,350 39 25 3.3 1.9 76 46 24 11 31.6 23.9 160 36 9,330 4,636 4,694 140 89 51 1.5 1.9 1.1 6,898 3,319 3,579 10 10 0.1 0.3 2,432 1,317 1,115 130 79 51 5.3 6.0 4.6 9,293 4,621 4,672 139 88 51 1.5 1.9 1.1 32 10 22 1 10.0 131 83 48 168 1 0.6 579 1 0.2 5,295 169 3.2 3,387 1 1- 1,908 168 8.8 5,254 169 3.2 36 2,493 2,802 68 101 2.7 3.6 1,583 1,804 1 0.1 910 998 68 100 7.5 1.0 2,471 2,783 68 101 2.8 3.7 17 19 75 35 40 4.0 2.9 5.0 0.7 a III a 3.1 150 67 83 27 30 31 32 58 51 7 31 26 5 918 611 307 451 305 146 467 306 161 2,169 1,765 404 1,019 1,150 823 942 196 208 7,372 5,156 2,216 3,6303,742 2,434 2,722 1,196 1,020 4,142 2,424 1,718 1,920 2,222 1,090 1,334 830 888 2 33 34 35 60 85 1 60 85 1 75 60 4 75 60 694 474 22 694 474 22 512 301 14 512 301 14 11 36 37 38 39 40 41 49 198 100 151 64 241 114 205 194 187 95 42 3 3 3 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Www Orco en A A O O NOWE IN ANN MATAIN NINA OSNecese WANII 19 95 58 79 78 46 36 58 76 100 123 144 113 96 62 64 46 38 27 18 11 仍以​处​归​纪​四​红​牡​证​历​的​四​四​四​%B168 13 53 24 42 42 27 17 20 41 44 54 75 59 50 30 37 22 6 42 34 37 36 19 19 38 35 56 69 69 54 46 32 27 24 22 16 12 5 93 94 125 172 244 195 218 209 203 183 182 158 136 108 81 80 29 100 51 74 96 47 41 64 84 122 94 99 103 104 86 88 74 61 45 27 32 20 98 49 77 91 46 53 61 88 122 101 119 106 99 97 94 193 722 370 504 664 331 371 592 863 969 886 856 826 747 632 497 391 296 201 125 83 97 362 197 255 352 172 171 311 434 503 453 409 416 363 304 236 193 136 94 52 37 96 360 173 249 312 159 200 281 429 466 433 447 410 384 328 261 198 160 107 73 46 124 502 236 385 400 213 207 333 466 588 561 538 462 365 336 257 180 143 105 85 56 60 261 122 180 206 118 104 145 209 260 249 258 239 179 154 124 80 72 41 35 20 103 188 257 328 312 280 223 186 182 133 100 71 64 50 36 11 55 56 75 63 54 48 34 26 564 65 111 453 65 1,177 256 969 253 208 3 5,044 411 3,709 1,335 406 5 761 1 26 27 3 67 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 171 55 81 44 32 79 37 144 52 74 44 17 39 18 394 380 14 2,746 192 1,985 191 3 15 40 19 443 32 56 335 10 15 75 158 55 68 142 29 70 134 53 32 35 12 5 24 2 36 107 17 2,215 394 559 155 325 541 444 1 1,328 148 331 52 170 245 279 1,772 362 503 155 126 196 189 1 993 138 316 52 88 53 153 199 345 255 82 192 126 1 Less than one tenth of one per cent. 242 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS New Ashford CLASSIFICATION New BEDFORD Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 92 90 2 48 47 1 44 109,568 53,167 56,401 43 61,126 29,460 31,666 1 48,442 23,707 24,735 48 42 5 1 44 40 3 1 COPIIIIII 106,061 19,327 39,725 47,009 3,431 2,021 1,410 76 53 23 51,386 9,285 19,265 22,836 1,719 871 848 62 39 23 54,675 10.042 20,460 24,173 1,712 1,150 562 14 14 36 1 2.8 77 3 3.9 75 2 2.7 2 41 2 4.9 40 2 5.0 1 100.0 86,799 41,826 44,973 9,498 4,682 4,816 10.9 11.2 10.7 40,023 18,951 21,072 211 101 110 0.5 0.5 0.5 46,776 22,875 23,901 9,287 4,581 4,706 19.9 20.0 19.7 84,123 40,426 43,697 8,973 4,530 4,443 10.7 11.2 10.2 2,605 1,339 1,266 524 151 373 20.1 11.3 29.5 8,811 4,362 4,449 50.0 77 3 3.9 WITO ONNON 41 2 4.9 ITI0ORI 2.8 35 35 29 28 1 63 1 65,556 31,586 33,970 25,081 11,610 13,471 40,475 19,976 20,499 32 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born: (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born 8 Colored 9 Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years. 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years . 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCU- PATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service. 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 13,129 13,129 5,857 5,857 214 214 4 3 40 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 9 11 3 3 7 4 6 1 4 3 1 6 2 2 3 6 3 1 2 1 3 4 2,649 9,607 4,362 6,151 7,307 3,531 3,964 6,441 9,137 11,262 9,300 8,346 6,870 5,790 4,822 3,298 2,508 1,759 1,142 709 613 1,358 4,747 2,185 3,051 3,566 1,772 1,908 2,994 4,303 5,484 4,659 4,129 3,449 2,850 2,322 1,499 1,127 774 452 264 274 1,291 4,860 2,177 3,100 3,741 1,759 2,056 -3,447 4,834 5,778 4.641 4,217 3,421 2,940 2,500 1,799 1,381 985 690 445 339 2 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 37 34 34 33 3 1 52,458 780 28 35,739 2,197 4,958 1,493 1,691 3,538 2,034 34,938 17,520 778 2 28 22,907 12,832 2,115 82 4,288 670 1,490 3 801 890 1,445 2,093 1,086 948 1 1 1 1 1 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 243 POPULATION. OF THE POPULATION · Continued. New Braintree Newbury NEWBURYPORT New Marlborough New Salem Total Fe Total Males Fe- Males males Fe males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Total Males males 193 1,030 1 2 3 453 340 113 260 192 68 148 45 1,590 1,420 170 805 711 94 785 15,311 7,283 8,028 709 12,028 5,693 6,335 76 3,283 1,590 | 1,693 921 109 535 480 55 495 441 54 625 583 42 299 277 22 326 306 20 453 226 114 113 260 132 60 68 193 94 54 45 1,586 1,224 195 167 802 613 98 784 15.191 611 7,574 97 4,341 76 3,276 117 111 6 3 1,029 728 192 109 1 1 495 363 78 54 534 365 114 55 1 1 625 515 68 42 299 250 27 22 CON-OOOOOO 326 265 41 20 7,233 7,958 3,577 3.997 2,068 2,273 1,588 1,688 47 70 46 65 1 5 3 9 10 11 12 13 1 WIWI 1.9 3 Illa 1,319 522 271 166 8 4.8 122 18 818 13 1.6 710 434 10 2.3 380 384 3 0.8 330 0.2 480 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -- 800 oor 251 386 25 6.5 275 2 0.7 111 23 20.7 386 25 6.5 220 17 7.7 153 2 1.3 67 15 22.4 220 17 7.7 Anaik || R. 251 1 0.4 229 1 0.4 22 665 12 1.8 574 7 1.2 91 5 5.5 662 12 1.8 0.2 42 1.4 1,153 7 0.6 166 11 6.6 1,315 18 1.4 20 654 || 12,762 6,038 6,724 6 186 101 85 0.9 1.5 1.7 1.3 579 9,535 4,471 5,064 19 12 0.2 0.3 0.1 75 3,227 1,567 1,660 6 167 89 78 8.0 5.2 5.7 4.7 653 12,664 5,995 6,669 6 180 99 81 0.9 1.4 1.7 1.2 1 95 40 55 5 1 4 5.3 2.5 7.3 178 97 81 0.1 108 12 11.1 817 13 1.6 1 54 3 5.6 384 0.3 54 9 16.7 433 10 2.3 1 18.2 166 8 4.8 522 251 SIII 003 ore 271 CO! Ovo 0.8 0.2 0.4 26 27 28 29 CUI II COC 24 16 8 18 12 11 8 1 30 31 32 284 179 105 161 98 63 123 81 42 1,065 923 142 530 455 75 535 || 10,021 4,730 5,291 468 7,138 3,310 3,828 67 2,883 1,420 1,463 637 540 97 332 283 49 305 257 48 417 375 42 202 180 22 215 195 20 33 34 35 46 16 46 16 1 55 18 2 55 18 2 867 535 16 867 535 16 26 23 26 23 16 2 ܀ ܗܟܬ 4 16 2 • 19 41 17 36 17 13 19 6 40 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 的​阶级​的​如​红​纪​仍为​红​仍以​加​红​昭​888 25 14 22 36 14 21 31 31 35 24 33 30 25 27 16 19 19 10 9 6 13 21 18 21 14 19 19 14 17 -000సంఘంటుషులతలు 10 13 14 10 14 11 11 10 8 Geoworoo now 25 109 46 91 82 52 47 73 86 112 127 117 107 86 83 83 93 56 40 42 33 8 56 21 55 34 28 29 44 39 54 69 62 56 40 48 38 46 26 17 19 16 17 53 25 36 48 24 18 29 47 58 58 55 51 46 35 45 47 30 23 23 17 245 1,017 533 754 921 441 455 924 1,175 1,220 1,126 1,126 993 969 844 707 586 446 356 253 220 112 498 268 367 430 231 204 443 610 625 564 531 459 447 403 322 276 196 139 88 70 133 519 265 387 491 210 251 481 565 595 562 595 534 522 441 385 310 250 217 165 150 17 89 38 68 74 40 28 39 56 66 82 56 77 54 51 52 40 26 33 23 21 25 13 24 24 29 44 35 7以​昭​如​的​B%%%%%以​四​BBS 10 48 21 32 34 15 15 15 32 37 38 21 35 21 30 25 16 13 16 10 11 13 30 21 39 43 14 22 26 29 37 32 38 48 34 33 34 42 32 19 24 15 5 14 10 19 22 7 9 11 18 20 13 20 22 17 16 17 16 15 10 11 7 8 16 11 20 21 7 13 15 11 17 19 18 26 17 17 17 26 17 9 13 8 42 12 33 21 27 24 13 17 13 10 13 4 55 56 193 28 35 165 132 132 655 202 533 201 122 1 351 186 329 184 22 2 229 113 194 113 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 24 37 3 6 23 3 5 6,837 277 3 3,726 327 851 142 424 708 379 4,856 1,981 276 3 2,796 930 307 20 764 87 141 1 151 273 221 487 197 182 199 47 64 9 32 86 16 43 31 7 175 47 56 9 17 18 10 40 27 7 110 8 110 10 65 66 8 11 5 8 12 5 14 15 1 9 10 15 68 6 10 1 19 13 3 13 2 1 1 244 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS NEWTON Norfolk CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 2 3 43,113 19,378 23,735 31,628 14,675 16,953 11,485 4,703 6,782 1,268 909 359 726 511 215 542 398 144 5 1,261 481 423 357 5 5 722 255 254 213 539 226 169 144 42,407 19,100 23,307 17,784 8,093 9,691 13,300 6,355 6,945 11,323 4,652 6,671 672 244 428 530 213 317 142 31 111 34 34 14 14 20 20 8 9 10 11 12 13 | | | | ఆలుమతిట్టి 1,063 91 8.6 710 633 61 9.6 420 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 35,981 15,768 20,213 906 416 490 2.5 2.6 2.4 24,671 11,143 13,528 32 15 17 0.1 0.1 0.1 11,310 4,625 6,685 874 401 473 7.7 8.7 7.1 35,371 15,534 19,837 889 410 479 2.5 2.6 2.4 576 200 376 14 3 11 1.5 2.9 836 369 467 353 91 25.8 1,056 91 8.6 5 213 61 28.6 629 61 9.7 2 ཉྩིནྟིe ' 'ཙྪིཥྛནྟིe 1 ' ནི 25 26 27 28 29 2.4 85 35 30 31 32 27,847 11,840 16,007 17,581 7,650 9,931 10,266 4,190 6,076 867 531 336 527 324 203 340 207 133 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Totål number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year I and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 2,201 1,896 46 2,201 1,896 46 99 72 30 99 72 30 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 53 19 33 38 23 10 19 27 38 45 46 713 2,824 1,416 2,179 2,816 1,374 1,455 2,489 3,319 3,781 3,281 3,501 3,262 2,794 2,339 1,682 1,360 976 731 443 378 384 1,437 707 1,082 1,430 686 720 1,092 1,304 1,490 1,392 1,503 1,482 1,271 1,082 757 570 430 277 166 116 329 1,387 709 1,097 1,386 688 735 1,397 2,015 2,291 1,889 1.998 1,780 1,523 1,257 925 790 546 454 277 262 21 96 37 51 89 35 27 45 69 92 108 125 115 93 51 76 45 33 26 16 18 14 43 18 18 51 12 17 26 42 54 63 82 73 67 31 40 27 22 9 9 8 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 43 42 26 20 36 18 11 17 7 10 6,505 9 600 105 538 104 62 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 18 1 18,625 12,120 695 686 3 3 5,472 4,482 1,310 1,227 2,850 2,696 505 502 2,032 1,068 3,984 496 1,774 960 990 83 154 3 964 3,488 814 281 45 44 10 23 62 30 263 44 40 10 15 37 25 65 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 245 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. NORTH ADAMS NORTHAMPTON North Andover North Attleborough Northborough Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Fe Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 22,035 10,558 11,477 | 21,654 10,132 11,522 16,168 7,570 8,598 | 16,091 7,472 8,619 5,867 2,988 2,879 5,563 2,660 2,903 5,956 2,882 3,074 3,969 1,920 2,049 1,987 962 1,025 9,398 4,529 4,869 3,522 3,691 2,185 1,007 1,178 1,797 1,504 293 899 736 7,213 898 768 130 3 163 5,955 2,881 3,074 1,656 802 854 2,313 1,118 1,195 1,986 961 1,025 4 21,910 10,503 11,407 21,549 10,071 11,478 5 7,310 3,397 3,913 7,940 3,676 4,264 6 8,740 4,125 4,615 8,067 3,753 4,314 5,860 2,981 2,879 5,542 2,642 2,900 119 49 70 90 47 43 117 47 70 84 43 41 10 2 6 4 2 11 6 15 14 1 12 1 13 5 15 14 9,334 4,497 4,837 3,540 1,733 1,807 3,613 1,761 1,852 2,181 1,003 1,178 55 23 32 55 23 32 R751972615 889 497 267 125 9 1,768 983 513 272 29 8 21 879 486 246 147 20 4 16 IIIIII & en 1 1 3.6 29 14 17,857 8,527 9,330 || 17,907 8,232 9,675 15 929 450 479 638 333 305 16 5.2 5.3 5.1 4.0 3.2 17 12,115 5,600 6,515 | 12,435 5,625 6,810 18 73 41 32 38 9 19 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.1 20 5,742 2,927 2,815 5,472 2,607 2,865 21 856 409 447 600 304 296 22 14.9 14.0 15.9 11.0 11.7 10.3 23 17,751 8,480 9,271 17,809 8,176 9,633 24 926 450 476 634 331 303 25 5.2 5.3 5.1 4.0 3.1 26 100 41 59 83 42 41 27 3 3 4 2 2 28 3.0 5.1 4.8 4.8 4.9 29 896 434 462 604 317 287 4,855 2,323 2,532 114 55 59 2.3 2.4 2.3 2,922 1,394 1,528 5 1 4 0.2 0.1 0.3 1,933 929 1,004 109 54 55 5.6 5.8 5.5 4,854 2,322 2,532 114 55 59 2.3 2.4 2.3 7,705 3,663 4,042 155 61 94 2.0 1.7 2.3 5,565 2,683 2,882 22 14 8 0.4 0.5 0.3 2,140 980 1,160 133 47 86 6.2 4.8 7.4 7,650 3,633 4,017 155 61 94 2.0 9.6 2.3 46 21 25 1,509 58 3.8 1,223 10 0.8 286 48 16.8 1,481 52 3.5 28 6 21.4 57 739 36 4.9 579 8 1.4 160 28 17.5 719 32 4.5 20 770 22 2.9 644 2 0.3 126 20 15.9 762 20 2.6 8 2 25.0 22 3.6 ده 8.۱۱ 109 53 56 149 20.0 35 56 30 13,030 6,181 6,849 13,731 6,182 7,549 31 7,926 3,588 4,338 8,767 3,774 4,993 32 5,104 2,593 2,511 4,964 2,408 2,556 3,742 | 1,787 1,955 2,006 940 1,066 1,736 847 889 6,129 2,856 3,273 4,138 1,954 2,184 1,991 902 1,089 1,223 943 280 598 443 155 625 500 125 33 34 35 1,350 1,350 1,209 1,209 27 27 1,252 1,252 946 946 192 192 429 410 7 429 410 7 415 474 9 415 474 9 86 51 2 86 51 2 13 65 209 781 349 561 758 342 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 420 1,710 804 1,244 1,695 815 923 1,394 1,662 1,824 1,543 1,542 1,496 1,345 1,125 788 596 457 319 200 133 192 845 400 594 825 399 441 681 795 873 739 704 692 668 559 388 266 216 139 86 56 228 865 404 650 870 416 482 713 867 951 804 838 804 677 566 400 330 241 180 114 77 纽约​约​约​约​而且​必​必​放​拓​% 380 1,528 726 1,113 1,453 655 745 1,323 1,683 2,017 1,656 1,551 1,491 1,374 1,132 849 645 460 407 264 202 171 747 377 552 695 313 376 742 951 1,114 889 822 808 738 633 450 355 263 234 158 134 57 227 108 167 208 95 98 135 212 234 220 245 102 436 220 343 411 196 192 314 429 512 483 492 390 352 341 240 172 126 104 53 48 369 581 732 903 767 729 683 636 499 399 290 197 173 106 68 45 209 112 176 203 101 94 179 217 278 263 247 205 183 172 116 91 54 67 32 30 173 695 330 495 576 269 289 442 676 861 855 777 620 546 512 399 34 242 155 83 69 91 335 166 274 293 146 139 229 307 404 410 384 301 253 244 184 143 101 71 36 18 82 360 164 221 283 123 150 213 369 457 445 393 319 293 268 215 19 141 84 47 25 113 56 94 110 49 47 80 115 147 125 119 118 111 106 108 95 62 55 29 33 47 59 23 25 34 61 75 68 54 B35幻​即​以​四级​似​仍​仍​砂​础​性​矿​BH%%B4 185 12 48 21 47 51 26 22 46 54 72 57 65 54 67 49 55 54 34 29 16 19 169 169 124 81 72 37 21 18 53 41 28 26 13 14 2,692 1,898 244 244 794 130 4,139 3,028 / 1,111 193 192 1 713 200 583 200 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 9,366 6,653 2,713 192 189 3 12 12 5,604 4,016 1,588 536 505 31 1,081 927 154 209 207 2 533 209 722 312 410 477 276 201 9,839 548 4 4,591 668 885 132 826 1,629 556 6,397 3,442 545 3 4 3,213 1,378 634 34 739 146 130 2 312 514 530 1,099 290 266 114 496 1 22 632 18 26 1,637 1,141 113 159 137 63 63 136 62 166 44 173 94 2,757 2,125 146 128 306 280 33 33 171 84 277 91 256 95 243 67 60 13 43 63 211 66 52 12 15 17 10 32 1 8 1 28 46 14 324 74 122 79 87 186 161 24 246 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS CLASSIFICATION Northbridge Total Males Fe- males North Brookfield Total Males Fe- males 9,254 4,936 4,318 5,642 2,880 2,762 3,612 2,056 1,556 2,947 1,385 1,562 2,370 1,106 1,264 577 279 298 CONFOOOOOO 9,244 4,929 4,315 1,962 1,002 960 3,671 1,872 1,799 3,611 2,055 1,556 9 6 3 9 6 3 2,887 1,357 1,530 1,406 659 747 915 424 491 566 274 292 59 27 32 49 23 26 10 4 6 1 1 HR 1 1 1 1 00 OG 1 7,375 3,964 3,411 326 220 106 4.4 5.5 3.1 3,858 1,955 1,903 13 9 4 0.3 0.5 0.2 3,517 2,009 1,508 313 211 102 8.9 10.5 6.8 7,367 3,959 3,408 326 220 106 4.4 5.6 3.1 7 4 3 2,464 125 5.1 1,901 5 0.3 563 120 21.3 2,423 120 5.0 40 5 12.5 121 1,135 1,329 51 74 4.5 5.6 867 1,034 3 2 0.3 0.2 268 295 48 72 17.9 24.4 1,118 1,305 48 72 4.3 5.5 16 24 3 2 18.8 8.3 50 71 ! 310 212 98 5,443 2,340 3,103 2,961 1,174 1,787 2,482 1,166 1,316 1,947 1,431 516 877 1,070 635 796 242 274 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native 3 Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored 9 Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other. 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native. 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years s : 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professi service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 1,229 1,229 541 541 16 16 138 94 6 138 94 6 204 781 372 522 717 313 342 560 760 867 694 734 579 530 389 300 234 155 104 69 28 115 404 185 268 397 157 152 297 412 494 383 424 313 294 202 142 115 81 55 38 8 89 377 187 254 320 156 190 263 348 373 311 310 266 236 187 158 119 74 49 31 20 54 170 111 148 176 86 101 154 162 206 185 188 193 173 153 172 152 139 103 71 50 31 86 62 71 86 49 60 63 73 94 85 84 86 77 67 80 71 62 46 30 22 23 84 49 77 90 37 41 91 89 112 100 104 107 96 86 92 81 77 57 41 28 47 % 877 1 1,202 184 834 182 368 2 4,134 3,257 168 167 5 5 3,103 2,544 128 123 162 147 29 29 154 63 253 87 132 92 559 5 15 185 6 15 643 39 102 8 73 93 60 458 33 87 8 27 22 17 00 91 166 40 46 71 43 6 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 247 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. - Northfield North Reading Norton Norwell Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Norwood Total Males Fe- males Total Fe- Males males 1 1,782 1,584 198 840 744 96 942 840 102 1,292 1,024 268 642 518 124 650 506 144 2,587 1,994 593 1,319 1,268 997 997 322 271 1,563 1,395 168 781 709 72 782 10,977 686 7,102 96 3,875 5,739 5,238 3,538 3,564 2,201 1,674 1,781 1,286 298 197 840 617 127 96 941 669 171 101 COMFOO00 NOORIA 1,285 680 337 268 7 7 636 349 163 124 6 6 649 331 174 144 1 1 2,536 1,240 724 572 50 30 20 1 1,290 1,246 609 631 375 349 306 266 29 21 13 17 16 1,476 1,077 238 161 86 80 6 1 734 553 116 65 46 40 昭昭明​的​约​约​6111 742 | 10,936 524 2,796 122 4,274 96 3,866 40 21 40 21 5,709 5,227 1,381 1,415 2,133 2,141 2,195 1,671 15 6 15 6 NI 956-696 15 12 13 20 11 9 1 559 HR 14 15 16 17 1,095 7 0.6 838 536 4 0.7 398 666 2 0.3 570 0.5 8,538 88 1.0 4,776 4,485 4,053 43 45 1.0 2,350 2,426 440 679 3 0.4 609 3 0.5 70 1,510 32 2.1 1,312 9 0.7 198 23 11.6 1,509 32 2.1 18 19 704 23 3.3 608 7 1.2 96 16 16.7 704 23 806 9 1.1 704 2 0.3 102 7 6.9 805 9 1.1 119 96 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 257 7 2.7 1,088 7 0.6 7 లు | | 06లలు కలు 2,073 123 5.9 1,494 13 0.9 579 110 19.0 2,029 111 5.5 43 12 27.9 120 1,064 1,009 76 47 7.1 4.7 750 744 10 3 1.3 0.4 314 265 66 21.0 16.6 1,039 990 67 44 6.4 4.4 25 18 9 3 36.0 16.7 74 46 138 4 2.9 535 4 0.7 1 1,345 5 0.4 1,179 3 0.3 166 2 1.2 1,271 4 0.3 73 1 1.4 5 2.5 553 637 2 2.1 634 2 0.3 32 3,762 88 2.3 8,502 86 1.0 17 3 / F៦និងទី, , ខ្ញុំ 001 TOT 2,135 1,627 43 2.0 4,459 4,043 41 0.9 12 3.3 0.5 0.3 41 1 2.4 3 31 23 86 41 30 31 32 1,156 988 168 539 454 85 617 534 83 884 645 239 441 332 109 443 313 130 1,628 1,106 522 841 556 285 787 550 237 1,092 931 161 548 481 67 544 450 94 6,576 3,122 3,454 3,511 3,065 1,537 1,585 1,974 1,480 33 34 35 62 23 62 23 61 47 1 61 47 1 192 72 5 192 72 5 31 25 4 31 25 4 1,170 792 7 1,170 792 7 36 37 38 39 40 41 8 48 26 32 ONA 39 %羽​张​如​红​丝丝丝​好​幻​招​如​引​论说​让​弱​% 25 98 64 85 100 54 79 121 112 101 105 111 124 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 9 49 35 43 49 32 30 54 53 49 51 49 56 59 64 50 40 21 19 9 19 16 49 29 42 51 22 49 67 59 52 54 62 68 64 59 48 49 32 25 20 25 13 91 41 52 79 37 31 64 92 115 110 110 86 91 68 82 42 43 33 20 12 5 43 15 20 40 20 20 38 41 51 55 63 46 44 27 37 22 18 19 9 9 17 11 26 51 64 55 47 40 47 41 25 20 25 14 11 3 52 201 98 163 183 78 67 117 150 226 196 193 167 139 138 123 94 77 64 34 27 30 92 48 85 89 45 31 58 82 127 106 99 84 65 72 61 53 37 33 9 13 22 109 50 78 94 33 36 59 68 99 90 94 83 74 66 62 41 40 31 25 14 19 81 53 65 94 49 51 59 76 90 103 115 123 115 86 93 87 62 74 37 31 9 42 22 29 47 25 29 30 41 45 51 50 57 66 43 55 38 34 33 20 15 10 39 31 36 47 24 22 29 35 45 52 65 66 49 43 38 49 28 41 17 16 303 1,067 450 619 742 308 332 580 961 1,225 977 879 684 513 471 313 230 130 102 48 43 173 539 242 300 376 144 166 288 508 681 530 460 376 273 265 159 110 65 48 20 16 130 528 208 319 366 164 166 292 453 544 447 419 308 240 206 154 120 65 54 28 27 123 eo on 123 98 89 53 44 29 44 56 57 58 745 273 548 261 197 12 510 129 405 125 117 105 4 1,104 188 890 187 214 1 611 171 494 171 4,513 125 3,724 123 789 2 101 282 15 1 2 18 40 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 117 74 65 13 44 130 29 101 71 51 11 21 25 7 16 152 33 40 145 31 38 460 99 58 11 15 38 22 210 17 64 2,838 194 360 132 226 274 364 2,556 176 320 132 107 7 2 2 3 14 2 23 105 22 8 43 71 34 7 14 26 19 561 103 62 11 42 89 48 225 18 66 4 42 72 13 4 14 7 7 86 224 29 45 15 27 51 26 28 65 6 119 188 140 248 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 14. – COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Oak Bluffs Oakham CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe males 1,245 933 312 599 448 151 646 485 161 527 463 64 272 236 36 255 227 28 VOOR 1,132 442 400 290 113 91 22 541 191 212 138 58 45 13 591 251 188 152 55 46 527 368 95 64 272 186 50 36 255 182 45 28 214 441 1 0.2 377 227 1 0.4 191 186 , 994 134 13.5 684 3 0.4 310 131 42.3 910 125 13.7 84 64 36 486 68 14.0 336 2 0.6 150 66 44.0 444 61 13.7 42 7 16.7 67 508 66 13.0 348 1 0.3 160 65 40.6 466 64 13.7 42 2 4.8 66 1.6 441 214 2.8 227 1 0.4 0.2 10.7 133 1 772 481 291 376 237 139 396 244 152 336 285 51 170 141 29 166 144 22 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population 2 Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born 8 Colored Native. 10 Foreign born 11 All other. 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YZARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals . 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service : 66 Clerical 90 37 90 37 19 9 1 19 9 1 31 97 11 20 64 83 41 36 62 80 93 15 36 28 34 42 19 13 36 47 44 28 38 37 40 29 29 24 18 18 14 10 16 61 31 30 41 22 23 26 33 49 36 39 43 30 43 30 24 28 16 12 13 1出门​必​幻​4%%%%%必​红​四​%94 30 17 28 47 19 14 25 17 33 26 6148485942BBBBBBB882 5 16 6 14 27 5 6 10 8 19 14 18 11 12 24 12 11 15 36 13 NH 77 80 70 72 59 48 46 34 26 23 29 25 42 31 29 28 17 19 13 11 2 17 468 51 386 50 82 1 190 113 173 113 9 32 32 211 41 56 202 41 43 No ang 14 NONE- దేవ 13 6 30 59 14 5 14 24 7 1 16 35 7 8 13 2 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 249 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Orange Orleans Otis Oxford Palmer Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Fe Total Males males 1 2 3 5,379 2,593 2,786 4,533 2,150 2,383 846 403 1,166 1,086 80 565 524 41 601 562 39 442 398 44 231 208 23 211 190 21 3,476 1,760 1,716 2,730 1,378 1,352 746 382 364 9,468 4,700 4,768 6,230 3,027 3,203 3,238 1,673 1,565 443 556 451 598 494 440 330 5,367 2,588 2,779 3,377 1,608 1,769 1,144 537 607 846 443 403 10 3 7 10 3 7 230 172 35 23 210 158 31 21 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1,154 945 135 74 11 5 6 1 仍​门生​881221 9,440 2,380 3,825 3,235 24 1--Oncolos 3,461 1,508 1,207 746 15 15 | | | | జులుం గిల్లి 1,755 1,706 763 745 610 597 382 364 5 10 5 10 | | | | రాలాదంజలో 4,686 4,754 1,171 1,209 1,845 1,980 1,670 1,565 10 14 10 14 ୫୫ ।।।। 4 1 3 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4,490 2,158 2,332 46 17 29 1.0 0.8 1.2 3,661 1,724 1,937 5 2 3 0.1 0.1 0.2 829 434 395 41 15 26 4.9 3.5 6.6 4,482 2,153 2,329 46 17 29 1.0 0.8 1.2 6 3 3 1,017 12 1.2 939 5 0.5 78 7 9.0 1,005 7 0.7 11 5 45.5 10 490 10 2.0 450 4 0.9 40 6 15.0 481 5 1.0 8 5 62.5 527 2 0.4 489 1 0.2 38 1 2.6 524 358 14 3.9 314 7 2.2 44 7 15.9 356 14 3.9 187 9 4.8 164 5 3.0 23 4 17.4 186 9 4.8 171 5 2.9 150 2 1.3 21 3 14.3 170 5 2.9 1 2,790 184 6.6 2,066 39 1.9 724 145 20.0 2,776 184 6.6 14 1,407 1,383 105 79 7.5 5.7 1,033 1,033 28 11 2.7 1.1 374 350 77 68 20.6 19.4 1,402 1,374 105 79 7.5 5.7 5 9 7,064 678 9.6 3,902 14 0.4 3,162 664 21.0 7,042 676 9.6 18 2 11.1 636 3,518 3,546 354 324 10.1 9.1 1,890 2,012 7 7 0.4 0.3 1,628 1,534 347 317 21.3 20.7 3,506 3,536 354 322 10.1 9.1 8 10 2 20.0 338 298 0.4 oliooo i i 45 17 28 12 9 3 179 101 78 30 31 32 3,584 2,795 789 1,704 1,880 1,289 1,506 415 374 823 751 72 392 356 36 431 395 36 289 248 41 152 130 22 137 118 19 2,068 1,451 617 1,043 1,025 723 728 320 297 5,213 2,652 2,561 2,486 1,195 1,291 2,727 1,457 1,270 15 33 34 35 215 198 2 215 198 2 21 10 21 10 15 7 235 82 3 235 82 3 1,124 319 11 1,124 319 11 10 32 16 16 10 14 14 10 13 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 296 1,038 458 612 675 288 306 582 751 106 340 186 257 302 152 175 277 362 406 397 361 306 338 346 345 255 187 136 93 52 878 44 179 103 109 154 75 100 125 168 184 199 167 144 167 179 170 129 86 52 44 15 62 161 83 148 148 77 75 152 194 222 198 194 162 171 167 175 126 101 84 49 37 17 66 27 39 58 35 40 61 67 83 61 59 69 86 80 73 62 76 51 26 30 8 30 17 19 35 20 17 24 29 45 30 30 38 51 39 38 34 36 10 20 23 15 23 37 38 38 31 29 31 35 41 35 28 39 26 12 9 18 24 27 16 15 11 18 31 35 24 25 29 32 29 13 15 15 16 7 15 17 14 16 16 4B94479595以上​BBA979781 0000000టంటలకలం అట. 16 18 10 61 284 142 199 251 139 132 200 234 246 233 239 197 224 167 140 117 99 87 33 52 33 144 74 102 130 68 68 98 126 122 112 118 96 116 83 75 60 49 44 18 24 28 140 68 97 121 71 64 102 108 124 121 121 101 108 84 65 57 50 43 15 28 149 508 218 307 333 153 137 243 353 453 375 367 296 237 200 118 99 73 38 22 21 147 530 240 305 342 135 169 339 398 425 346 294 271 210 179 119 108 85 54 41 31 13 15 13 721 661 567 447 379 237 207 158 92 63 52 16 四行​的​如此​以 ​14 21 14 496 2 456 113 382 112 157 99 143 99 319 1,422 1,103 196 196 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 2,222 1,726 212 210 1 1 1,242 1,041 201 晚​叫​"四​的​比​288 wa Woman 228 2 3 ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝܙ ܝܙܘܕ ܙ 1000NGE, 880 120 66 14 44 73 29 652 118 63 14 23 17 20 4,023 2,884 1,139 183 181 2 1 1 2,679 1,847 832 346 21 118 110 197 172 30 30 112 49 197 57 113 56 8 25 137 59 48 16 23 49 127 56 44 15 12 336 10 258 236 22 61 58 3 142 65 77 220 89 131 133 71 62 63 140 57 1- 9 250 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS CLASSIFICATION Paxton Total Males Fe- males Peabody Fe- Total Males males 471 374 97 260 205 55 211 18,625 10,272 8,353 169 11,529 5,778 5,751 42 7,096 4,494 2,602 467 247 123 97 259 143 61 55 1 1 111AA5 208 18,586 10,249 8,337 104 5,045 2,528 2,517 6,453 3,233 3,220 7,088 4,488 2,600 31 15 16 28 14 14 3 2 9 | | | | లులు Ove 001 ORO UOO II INAO 381 13 3.4 285 3 1.1 96 10 10.4 377 11 2.9 4 2 50.0 13 210 7 3.3 155 2 1.3 55 5 9.1 209 6 2.9 1 1 100.0 7 171 15,080 8,405 6,675 6 1,368 972 396 3.5 9.1 11.6 5.9 130 8,176 4,011 4,165 1 8 6 2 0.8 0.1 0.1 1- 41 6,904 4,394 2,510 5 1,360 966 394 12.2 19.7 22.0 15.7 168 15,046 8,385 6,661 5 1,367 971 396 3.0 9.1 11.6 5.9 3 26 12 14 1 33.3 1,225 869 356 Io (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage 7 Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native. 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years : 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) 293 199 94 162 107 55 131 11,664 6,635 92 5,589 2,715 39 6,075 3,920 5,029 2,874 2,155 42 10 3 42 10 3 3,072 3,072 809 809 33 33 6 25 Gaara OOOO 22 12 15 35 15 25 34 13 22 19 30 34 33 37 35 25 21 24 14 18 రంగరాజరాసంATHO 16 27 16 16 19 14 9 10 7 14 12 8 10 10 14 7 17 21 16 11 11 11 3 11 4 5 440 1,450 678 977 1,140 526 611 1,139 1,682 2,112 1,596 1,412 1,183 998 825 587 466 335 215 143 110 234 754 362 517 567 271 299 633 1,022 1,263 996 796 643 543 427 328 250 159 105 61 42 206 696 316 460 573 255 312 506 660 849 600 616 540 455 398 259 216 176 110 82 10 13 11 7 12 IOS 6 4 68 169 17 1,509 57 58 59 186 115 115 60 (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 1 33 3 6 32 3 6 8,606 7,097 320 316 19 19 5,864 5,189 327 310 689 605 129 129 258 115 458 170 542 244 675 17 84 61 62 63 64 65 66 10 16 3 4 11 143 288 298 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 251 OF THE POPULATION — Continued. Pelham Pembroke Pepperell Peru Petersham Fe- Total Total Males FA males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Males Fe- males Total Males males 234 1,337 1,074 263 2,839 1,409 1,430 2,318 1,140 1,178 521 269 252 的 ​奶奶​的​丝​331111 1,287 790 275 222 49 8 2,818 1,399 1,419 1,442 705 857 426 519 268 9 9 10 1 留​姐​盟​儿 ​! ! ! I ow ដដីទីនដី 000 ==" 1 - i 95 1,117 39 3.5 860 7 0.8 257 32 12.5 1,069 27 2.5 24 ୫CS ' 'ସଂs: । । ୯ 54 4.5 963 3 0.3 246 121 51 23.6 26.3 20.7 2,372 1,172 1,200 128 53 5.4 4.4 16 9 1 1 6.3 125 11 001 IN IIIIIIIIIII 211 10.5 516 11 2.1 10 307 WITRASA 16 2.9 37 9 1.1 సంలు 1,880 1,390 490 红​%以 ​1 ON ONWONI 9 8 10 17 లులు000 సలసలమడRARE... OOO ON IN 95 104 131 193 200 175 168 170 188 197 12 25 32 29 33 55 40 52 29 45 36 45 41 51 53 50 39 38 39 2189791BSBH6nNRS29155 4 必​ngCBB8443 6 6 四班​4B4 238 - 1 1 '90190 NAI1000rece Invwero I 1wwwroom INO- 151 ! :/ 252 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS PITTSFIELD CLASSIFICATION Phillipston Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe males 2 390 363 27 200 187 13 190 | 39,607 19,316 20,291 176 30,804 14,785 16,019 14 8,803 4,531 4,272 390 315 48 27 200 160 27 13 217 190 39,143 19,071 20,072 155 16,625 8,087 8,538 21 13,757 6,489 7,268 14 8,761 4,495 4,266 423 206 413 202 211 10 4 6 41 39 2 9 7 32 32 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 318 6 1.9 291 3 1.0 27 3 11.1 318 6 1.9 162 5 3.1 149 2 1.3 13 3 23.1 162 5 3.1 Escort 156 31,941 15,476 16,465 1 946 428 518 0.6 3.0 2.8 3.1 142 23,448 11,103 | 12,345 1 65 40 25 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.2 14 8,493 4,373 4,120 881 388 493 10.4 8.9 12.0 156 31,563 15,274 16,289 1 937 423 514 0.6 3.0 2.8 3.2 337 163 174 6 3 3 1.8 1.8 1.7 885 407 478 30 . 31 32 236 210 26 117 105 12 119 24,754 11,962 12,792 105 17,148 8,019 9,129 14 7,606 3,943 3,663 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cont illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINTUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 11 33 34 35 11 1 2,230 2,230 1,608 1,608 71 71 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 6 20 20 26 28 17 20 17 8 15 16 31 27 22 21 25 26 18 11 8 8 4 9 12 13 17 8 12 8 2 7 7 141 11 12 11 14 15 10 5 2 11 8 13 11 9 8 9 6 8 9 17 16 10 10 11 11 8 WA0000 SOOO O OOO OOON 916 452 464 3,187 1,632 1,555 1,456 716 740 2,107 1,040 1,067 2,575 1,269 1,306 1,192 570 622 1,259 627 632 2,161 1,048 1,113 3,177 1,440 1,737 4,054 1,981 2,073 3,667 1,873 1,794 3,161 1,560 1,601 2,614 1,315 1,299 2,235 1,065 1,170 1,828 880 948 1,364 669 695 982 470 512 681 301 386 465 197 268 286 118 168 240 93 147 155 96 131 96 57 58 59 60 26 23 8 24 16,942 12,544 4,398 515 515 14 14 3 8,563 6,734 1,829 1,209 1,135 74 2,028 1,695 333 350 349 1 2 1,068 554 514 19 1,628 658 970 1,567 890 677 66 1 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 253 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Plainfield Prescott Plainville Plymouth Total Males Fe- Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males Plympton Total Males Fe- males males Total Males Fe- males A 375 356 19 1,408 1,198 210 144 139 5 144 1,400 741 450 209 4,772 ខ្ញុំ | auឱន្នះន 3,911 - 114 88 26 | | | ១២ន = - ដ្ឋ 10,321 5,152 5,169 865 369 7.1 257 4 1.6 240 3 18 = 2 12 0.4 T – 17 357 ខ្លីៗពី ' 'ន្នាន T / ១ 40 10 29.6 25.0 230 6 2.9 1.143 6 0.5 6 T 5.9 257 ឧងនៗៗៗះឧង ! ! ” 145 ។ 0.6 1 2.3 35 1.7 1.6 762 7.6 271 103 38.0 822 9 2.0 42 24 347 6.8 85 22 25.9 352 51.4 85.7 រដ្ឋ 8,014 4,007 4,007 4.602 3,412 N ខ្ញុំ 1,226 445 43 ធនក ១ 270 1,045 ២១យោនី១១១។ 25 18 39 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ង ២១០ដង១ដល់១៩១១៩១១ 52 43 57 43 35 38 737 845 389 436 637 863 1,112 1,001 1,014 891 764 593 499 415 306 249 161 146 322 428 563 536 522 464 384 292 254 ១២០០EAene-A២១ 47 37 47 42 10 24 ដដង 19 109 5,398 4,221 1,177 535 533 101 82 = 54 14 រ ទី១-១៩៩៥ | ស-១ ។ ទន្ទី 2.932 2.408 346 328 489 430 118 117 272 441 265 +ធនឹងដីផង, ដី សង+សផផង នី៩ ០| | | ១ម ថ្មី ! -> | ០១ ។ ន- + ១ | . 254 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Princeton Provincetown CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 391 2 800 648 152 409 322 87 326 65 4,295 2,129 2,166 3,140 1,509 1,631 1,155 620 535 800 485 163 152 409 236 86 87 391 249 OOORIA 4,211 2,075 2,136 1,207 549 658 1,871 921 950 1,133 605 528 83 53 30 62 39 23 21 14 7 1 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 658 20 3.0 509 3 0.6 149 17 11.4 658 20 3.0 340 13 3.8 254 2 0.8 86 air 100 SECONDS 318 7 2.2 255 1 0.4 63 6 9.5 318 7 2.2 3,382 1,679 1,703 605 358 247 17.9 21.3 14.5 2,249 1,075 1,174 23 14 9 1.0 1.3 0.8 1,133 604 529 582 344 238 51.4 57.0 45.0 3,317 1,637 1,680 593 350 243 17.9 21.4 14.5 64 41 23 12 8 4 18.8 19.5 17.4 594 352 242 12.8 340 13 3.8 IIINOO 27 28 29 19 13 30 31 32 531 393 138 274 194 80 257 199 58 2,580 1,265 1,315 1,527 701 826 1,053 564 489 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native. Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals. Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service : Clerical 33 34 35 62 18 62 18 423 124 2 423 124 2 - 36 37 38 39 40 NNNO CON 80 368 191 274 287 152 155 48 190 98 127 136 69 76 18 11 208 107 TO 19 51 33 39 50 24 27 26 58 51 60 55 55 44 54 37 42 26 20 18 11 SagaSanaaaaa- 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 29 11 25 26 6 16 13 32 20 34 25 23 19 30 17 20 12 7 11 7 138 168 130 130 124 32 178 93 147 151 83 79 101 121 146 168 141 139 118 99 75 92 63 52 31 20 30 32 259 314 298 271 263 251 209 166 173 135 104 79 58 133 14 110 91 81 72 52 48 38 56 338 148 282 145 285 1,609 557 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 88 28 12 3 20 34 WEIINGII wo 1,324 557 1 215 110 232 106 39 47 17 258 113 260 106 104 178 32 Nowcowa 12 31 65 66 65 131 15 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 255 OF THE POPULATION . Continued. QUINCY Raynham Rehoboth Fe- Randolph Fe Total Males males Reading Fe Total Males males Total Males Fe- Total Males males males Total Males Fe males 1 40,674 | 20,686 19,988 2 27,139 13,450 13,689 3 13,535 7,236 6,299 4,734 2,342 2,392 3,962 1,953 2,009 772 389 383 1,810 1,410 400 953 738 215 857 672 185 6,805 3,246 3,559 5,633 2,730 2,903 1,172 516 656 2,228 1,177 1,051 1,743 900 843 485 277 208 4 40,605 20,642 19,963 5 11,872 5,942 5,930 6 15,222 7,482 7,740 7 13,511 7,218 6,293 8 32 12 9 28 11 10 1 11 37 32 12 17 15 13 20 17 4,719 2,170 1,777 772 13 13 ។ សមឪ៩ខន្ន 2,3322,387 1,093 1,077 850 927 389 383 8 5 8 5 852 453 215 184 5 1,795 932 465 398 15 13 2 說​%BB1221 943 479 250 214 10 9 1 6,785 3,743 1,874 1,168 15 13 2 1,172 1,048 565 507 330 333 277 208 5 3 3,239 3,546 1,804 | 1,939 921 953 514 654 3 12 3 10 2 1 2,220 1,072 663 485 8 8 IIIA OTAO III erano 1 ON 2 699 32 4.6 520 819 60 7.3 615 14 32,356 16,480 15,876 15 539 281 258 16 1.7 1.7 1.6 17 19,227 9,448 9,779 18 8 6 2 19 1. 0.1 1- 20 13,129 7,032 6,097 21 531 275 256 22 4.0 3.9 4.2 23 32,298 16,442 15,856 24 537 280 257 25 1.7 1.7 1.6 26 10 17 27 1 1 28 3.7 5.9 29 512 261 251 3,854 1,895 1,959 34 18 16 0.9 0.9 0.8 3,099! 1,518 1,581 9 5 4 0.3 0.3 0.3 755 377 378 25 13 12 3.3 3.4 3.2 3,842 1,887 1,955 34 18 16 0.9 1.0 0.8 10 6 4 1,476 97 6.6 1,088 3 0.3 388 94 24.2 1,461 96 6.6 15 1 6.7 88 777 65 8.4 568 3 0.5 209 62 29.7 767 64 8.3 10 1 10.0 58 179 32 17.9 694 5,629 2,657 2,972 85 42 43 1.5 1.6 1.4 4,488 2,157 2,331 10 8 2 0.2 0.4 0.1 1,141 500 641 75 34 6.6 6.8 6.4 5,610 2,650 2,960 84 42 42 1.5 1.4 14 3 11 1 1 7.1 9.1 77 36 41 1,765 163 9.2 1,289 6 0.5 476 157 33.0 1,759 162 9.2 6 1 16.7 155 946 103 10.9 674 2 0.3 272 101 37.1 942 103 10.9 4 0.6 204 56 27.5 817 59 7.2 2 32 1.6 27 4.6 5 80N 50.0 33 18 15 30 95 60 30 24,772 12,624 12,148 31 12,992 6,314 6,678 32 11,780 6,310 5,470 2,935 2,222 713 1,402 1,533 1,055 1,167 347 366 1,160 824 336 609 428 181 551 396 155 4,435 2,038 2,397 3,377 1,571 | 1,806 1,058 467 591 1,331 901 430 711 469 242 620 432 188 33 34 35 3,581 2,633 81 3,581 2,633 81 147 190 10 147 190 10 101 46 33 101 46 33 224 233 8 224 233 8 171 66 5 171 66 5 33 173 90 31 95 37 137 45 158 88 156 211 86 88 108 144 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 141 843 408 435 3,433 1,749 1,684 1,698 883 815 2,344 1,166 1,178 2,762 1,406 1,356 1,327 677 650 1,367 684 683 2,128 1,089 1,039 3,068 1,571 1,497 3,879 1,998 1,881 3,572 1,875 1,697 3,373 1,722 1,651 2,818 1,485 1,333 2,307 1,233 1,074 1,843 936 907 1,350 653 697 970 471 499 659 293 366 464 200 264 271 116 155 198 71 127 78 331 178 293 378 166 158 217 277 315 354 337 305 268 257 245 203 140 96 79 59 167 80 70 109 133 174 189 182 154 142 134 127 110 61 51 47 29 165 155 151 126 123 118 93 79 45 32 30 22 153 73 86 120 57 65 74 84 111 98 112 140 110 106 89 102 89 52 32 35 11 81 38 46 65 31 35 37 36 58 56 51 73 65 61 45 57 46 27 19 16 72 35 40 55 26 30 37 48 53 43 61 67 45 45 44 45 43 25 13 19 n仍​站​约​8%四​四​%B8创​们​此​如​丝​如​仍​%B9 104 476 256 340 429 198 224 343 424 519 483 531 473 475 401 313 259 204 153 115 85 55 244 128 162 229 113 113 164 199 247 221 250 192 248 179 145 133 83 58 52 31 49 232 128 178 200 85 111 179 225 272 262 281 281 227 222 168 126 121 95 63 54 55 183 82 143 176 79 62 117 117 128 165 142 143 128 116 110 101 67 45 43 26 24 88 45 75 88 35 29 47 51 67 78 68 73 48 88 44 33 70 66 61 87 74 70 80 59 60 56 42 27 19 10 出​必​约​仍​%的​四​红红​仍​仍​&仍​仍可​如​约​%B8% 1 50 45 25 18 24 16 1,901 1,407 132 132 494 772 304 638 298 134 6 615 1 861 601 779 600 191 57 18 57 | 17,129 13,616 3,513 58 215 215 59 333 333 60 8,497 7,675 822 61 960 865 95 62 2,456 2,170 286 63 444 444 64 1,104 623 481 65 1,290 288 1,002 66 1,830 1,003 827 1,007 89 221 816 85 201 11 52 35 75 20 2,661 144 279 23 56 10 29 49 22 2,046 143 124 15 29 106 12 28 5 7 6 15 11 129 121 191 135 15 37 1 903 334 429 40 183 269 358 1 768 319 392 40 95 54 234 222 23 55 9 9 9 13 5 26 36 25 77 86 116 20 40 88 215 124 19 30 10 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 256 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS REVERE Richmond CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males 315 2 3 25,178 12,391 12,787 17,167 8,489 8,678 8,011 3,902 4,109 564 451 113 232 83 249 219 30 564 320 131 113 315 155 77 83 249 165 54 30 8 9 10 11 12 13 టి-Noore 25,146 12,373 12,773 6,276 3,091 3,185 10,873 5,391 5,482 7,997 3,891 4,106 16 5 11 13 5 8 3 3 16 13 5 2 3 11 11 206 5 2.4 176 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1.1 19,369 9,464 9,905 787 252 535 4.1 2.7 5.4 11,491 5,632 5,859 6 4 2 0.1 0.1 7,878 3,832 4,046 781 248 533 9.9 6.5 13.2 19,341 9,446 9,895 786 251 535 4.1 2.7 5.4 15 5 10 473 12 2.5 363 5 1.4 110 7 6.4 473 12 267 7 2.6 187 3 1.6 80 4 5.0 267 7 2.6 10.0 206 6 | | | నంది : 2.5 2.4 763 244 519 11 6 30 31 32 :: 14,338 6,950 7,388 7,151 3,439 3,712 7,187 3,511 3,676 374 268 106 213 137 76 161 131 30 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year i and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals . Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 1,594 1,594 1,805 1,805 101 101 52 20 52 20 4 23 24 23 48 13 14 25 23 11 854 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 如​约​约​分​绍​如​四​弘​8888 599 298 2,444 1,246 1,159 594 1,607 789 1,895 965 884 465 859 418 1,393 666 1,869 2,385 1,096 2,100 1,061 1,974 966 1,647 819 1,283 659 1,104 562 757 367 497 231 315 153 243 108 94 43 70 31 301 1,198 565 818 930 419 441 727 1,015 1.289 1,039 1,008 828 624 542 390 266 162 135 51 39 27 36 47 38 48 40 35 31 24 25 20 14 6B以​仍以​1分​的​幻​%8A%以​%%%497 7 17 19 34 19 30 19 20 20 12 13 on అంటెసింహ-06టిలు 10 17 13 19 18 21 15 11 12 12 12 Ora RE206 SOON 23 . 229 139 24 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 1 2 9,570 7,501 2,069 145 132 13 6 6 4,465 3,722 743 679 589 90 1,642 1,368 274 270 270 481 314 167 722 442 280 1,160 658 502 252 139 24 30 29 6 IWNIANS 12 11 1 10 8 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 257 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Rochester Rockland Rockport Rowe Rowley Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males Fe- males 1,160 917 243 7,074 3,450 3,624 5,959 2,892 3,067 1,115 557 4,351 2,167 2,184 3,268 1,618 1,650 1,083 549 534 ធរ 1,048 602 284 162 112 31 81 2,163 2,182 870 747 546 បទដ្ឋ ក្នុ៩១។ ដនង៩០០១១ 3,677 2,250 1,110 35 31 556 14 13 6 3 ដី 5,925 2,868 3,057 41 17 0.7 0.6 4,832 2,319 2,513 52 2.9 1,194 15 1.3 1,017 0.2 101 34 23.2 33.7 403 414 18 4.3 0.1 549 544 15 24 2.7 4.4 2,854 3,042 24 0.8 15 នៅទីជន” | ១ 149 817 34 4.2 87 1,184 ៩. នឹ... 2.7 = 1 100 - 23 51 4,750 3,738 1,012 2,283 2,467 1,776 1,962 507 2,713 1,348 1,365 835 860 513 505 5 14 20 7 8 92 118 150 121 221 340 426 195 220 334 499 587 568 556 469 484 414 374 246 167 220 103 102 160 234 281 277 272 215 243 195 192 265 306 291 284 254 241 219 182 248 321 322 267 276 256 259 80 61 108 122 161 166 152 120 120 139 111 126 160 156 115 156 136 120 o ! *១៩៩o១៩០៩១១០១៨នី 30 34 19 419 227 386 224 3,221 99 254 131 9 128 7 17 3 5 1,635 186 159 521 266 166 1.381 186 159 472 259 143 65 I Awwagens 273 34 -១ជី-ទី២នីដី -ទង | រង 153 311 34 178 211 225 រ ! ! ! ! ! = నలు i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. ។ , 258 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS - CLASSIFICATION Royalston Total Males Fe- males Russell Total Males Fe- males 456 862 704 158 366 90 406 338 -68 1,104 796 308 567 402 165 537 394 143 567 456 273 93 90 1,104 470 862 523 181 158 252 406 250 88 68 537 218 176 143 326 308 150 165 R600ORIA 8 111111 700 4 0.6 549 370 2 0.5 284 330 2 0.6 265 414 55 13.3 275 11 869 123 14.2 565 2 0.4 304 121 39.8 869 123 14.2 455 68 14.9 290 2 0.7 165 66 40.0 455 68 14.9 151 86 65 2 3.1 2.6 700 2.3 370 M | | | Nene | 139 55 39.6 414 55 13.3 330 2 0.6 0.6 0.5 Al AS 102 60 543 415 128 283 210 73 260 205 55 651 392 259 355 205 150 296 187 109 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born : (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY 4 White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born 8 Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native . 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 81 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals. 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 54 54 15 34 454 109 39 2 109 39 2 8 10 56 16 65 22 59 71 26 21 39 50 52 40 57 51 49 54 25 37 10 7 16 11 41 32 28 34 17 17 32 55 26 45 8 34 10 34 34 16 14 23 24 29 21 31 25 24 29 30 15 14 11 12 18 OOO OOOOOOO 21 97 55 62 68 40 36 74 93 111 109 86 63 48 47 28 31 9 6 10 10 23 19 26 26 25 25 19 19 14 11 10 17 n必​四处​必​历​识​的​社团​四​%25343 Oro 60 54 31 27 26 12 17 23 34 34 23 19 42 38 53 49 32 32 21 21 16 14 4 3 6 49 34 28 22 22 35 321 118 273 117 48 1 514 56 385 55 129 21 129 24 8 108 24 5 3 NOWO ܚܝ 245 32 16 2 3 3 " O OO ON ONCO GWOO 342 34 17 2 13 28 22 15 19 5 10 11 2 8 19 1 3 21 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 259 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Rutland SALEM Salisbury Sandwich Total Males Fe males Fe- males Total Males Sandisfield Fe- Total Males males Fe- males Total Males Fe- Total Males males 1 2 3 1,895 1,083 1,343 758 552 325 812 | 37,200 18,295 18,905 585 | 26,465 12,833 13,632 227 | 10,735 5,462 5,273 1,717 1,480 237 918 765 153 799 715 84 564 418 146 301 221 80 263 197 66 1,500 1,231 269 745 604 141 755 627 128 1,888 710 629 549 1,079 399 357 323 4 2 2 1,717 1,167 313 237 918 612 153 153 799 555 160 84 564 307 111 146 301 167 54 80 263 140 57 66 CONOOOOOOR 809 | 37,033 18,189 18,844 311 11,748 5,648 6,100 272 | 14,605 7,127 7,478 226 | 10,680 5,414 5,266 3 118 65 53 85 38 47 33 27 6 49 41 8 27 20 22 21 III INAO IIIIIలుసు. 1,464 816 395 253 34 19 15 2 1 723 376 222 125 20 5 15 2 741 440 173 128 14 14 4 3 10 11 12 13 197 1 753 48 6.4 600 2.0 139 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1,685 61 3.6 1,135 1 0.1 550 60 10.9 1,678 61 3.6 7 976 43 4.4 651 1 0.2 325 42 12.9 972 43 4.4 4 709 30,113 14,757 15,356 18 1,166 666 500 2.5 3.9 4.5 3.3 484 || 19,588 9,408 10,180 27 19 8 0.1 0.2 0.1 225 | 10,525 5,349 5,176 18 1,139 647 492 8.0 10.8 12.1 9.5 706 29,959 14,657 15,302 18 1,148 649 499 2.5 3.8 4.4 3.3 3 107 61 46 10 9 1 9.3 14.8 2.2 16 1,093 625 468 1,419 55 3.9 1,183 1 0.1 236 54 22.9 1,419 55 3.9 666 7 1.1 583 1 0.2 83 6 7.2 666 153 48 31.4 753 48 6.4 447 9 2.0 311 1 0.3 136 8 5.9 447 9 2.0 250 5 2.0 172 1 0.6 78 4 5.1 250 5 2.0 58 4 6.9 197 & ILLA COSA I OT I COOOOOOO 01 NONOS 1,274 28 2.2 1,006 5 0.5 268 23 8.6 1,242 25 2.0 30 3 10.0 28 627 15 2.4 486 1 0.2 141 14 9.9 607 13 2.1 18 2 11.1 15 647 13 2.0 520 4 0.8 127 9 7.1 635 12 1.9 12 1 8.3 13 1.1 2.0 ALIIOIA 28 29 57 41 49 43 1,007 30 31 32 1,357 863 494 803 505 298 554 | 23,149 11,307 11,842 358 | 13,657 6,476 7,181 196 9,492 4,831 4,661 1,099 891 208 583 454 129 516 437 79 350 238 112 195 131 64 155 107 48 774 233 488 362 126 519 412 107 33 70 148 87 61 148 87 61 2,679 2,679 2,010 2,010 102 102 86 39 4 86 39 4 49 12 3 49 12 3 ఆలుగు 70 38 3 35 3 22 11 23 昭昭昭​四​约​组织​招​牡​约​约​&约​n88站​动​的 ​36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 42 66 77 40 62 149 239 215 177 181 151 119 88 60 39 34 24 11 19 13 41 23 30 39 23 37 74 124 133 108 104 94 75 53 39 24 17 17 6 9 9 39 19 36 38 17 25 75 115 82 69 77 57 777 2,904 1,438 1,968 2,444 1,187 1,232 2,101 2,985 3,423 2,850 2,728 2,434 2,323 1,852 1,399 1,070 803 649 362 271 366 411 1,445 1,459 756 682 971 997 1,228 1,216 621 566 602 630 999 1,102 1,492 1,493 1,764 1,659 1,482 1,368 1,334 1,394 1,216 1,218 1,161 1,162 871 981 663 736 480 590 343 460 387 139 223 100 171 32 100 74 92 124 59 50 87 97 118 103 115 132 110 100 89 67 59 52 26 31 14 54 39 58 63 27 29 51 50 67 49 62 75 61 55 51 37 27 23 15 11 18 46 35 34 61 32 21 36 47 51 54 53 57 49 45 38 30 32 29 11 20 13 50 25 29 46 24 13 14 32 43 28 45 30 34 NNNNEN CCOO & ASSR SCOO & CO 13 24 14 8 9 18 23 12 22 22 14 23 21 14 9 6 OOA VORESNO 5 27 18 16 22 10 5 5 14 20 16 23 8 20 10 12 20 95 42 69 100 41 55 71 76 98 99 97 105 9%89红纸​红​%%%%%%%%&%% 9 49 24 36 50 17 31 41 38 59 46 50 52 52 44 36 31 30 46 18 33 50 24 24 30 38 39 53 47 53 62 51 36 45 33 24 25 13 114 33 ooooo 35 21 15 17 37759 33 21 15 13 12 11 95 72 76 63 48 38 26 262 24 56 10 13 13 920 220 200 94 244 700 244 726 155 614 154 112 1 189 150 11 1 583 128 489 127 151 1 9 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 16,235 11,854 4,381 219 218 1 9 © WWG 171 57 62 31 ANNOTA, 162 53 53 30 33 9 1 20 41 225 102 34 22 74 185 34 169 98 31 21 25 94 18 9 8,232 6,635 1,597 1,186 1,113 73 2,306 1,894 412 484 484 886 405 481 1,628 460 1,168 1,285 636 649 56 4 3 1 49 91 16 BE 385 49 31 19 26 39 22 337 43 30 18 8 7 17 IN OOo oo 48 6 1 1 18 32 O 0000 3 55 26 14 17 260 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS - Saugus Savoy CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe males 10,226 5,018 5,208 7,808 3,834 3,974 2,418 1,184 1,234 524 454 70 276 238 38 248 216 32 524 341 113 70 276 187 51 38 248 154 62 32 GOOOOOO 10,182 4,994 5,188 4,272 2,126 2,146 3,507 1,692 1,815 2,403 1,176 1,227 40 21 19 27 15 12 13 6 3 1 10 11 12 13 ANANAS . 7,907 3,846 4,061 163 77 86 2.1 2.0 2.1 5,537 2,685 2,852 2 410 29 7.1 341 0.1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 222 14 6.3 185 3 1.6 37 11 29.7 222 14 6.3 2,370 161 6.8 7,870 160 2.0 33 3 9.1 1,161 75 6.5 3,826 75 2.0 17 2 11.8 73 1.2 69 25 36.2 410 29 7.1 1,209 86 7.1 4,044 85 2.1 16 1 6.3 188 15 8.0 156 1 0.6 32 14 43.8 188 15 8,0 158 29 14 15 30 31 32 5,939 2,855 3,084 3,775 1,797 1,978 2,164 1,058 1,106 317 251 66 172 135 37 145 116 29 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born' (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) 'AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals. Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 30 30 33 34 35 537 493 20 537 493 20 10 48 23 33 45 17 14 26 14 16 17 23 10 17 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 208 974 447 690 831 348 324 465 574 756 734 850 700 595 501 374 305 221 160 101 68 94 504 206 368 439 173 160 219 261 320 368 396 349 311 250 186 147 102 74 59 32 114 470 241 322 392 175 164 246 313 436 366 454 351" 284 251 188 158 119 86 42 36 26 38 28 42 27 34 24 16 21 31 12 8 10 14 24 13 689以​%984B8B2491854 4%HD8759242%97%B436 12 14 15 14 12 22 10 11 10 16 24 3,728 165 2,914 159 814 6 207 125 183 125 45 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 283 16 51 2,043 142 477 81 225 218 377 1,760 126 426 81 119 49 194 'IMANI Taimi 106 169 183 14 · Less than one-tenth of one per cent. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 261 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Scituate Sharon Sheffield Shelburne Total Males Formal Total Males males Fe Total Males Fe- males Fe males 393 1.862 1,611 251 2,103 664 199 934 1,045 248 308 2,603 1,623 629 351 56 1,272 1,331 792 831 315 314 165 186 1,759 1,172 336 ធនeaven 1,168 1,271 580 653 348 373 240 245 7 22 6 19 1 ឪ ឌី។ ឱន្ត ! ! ! ! ! ! -១១ ១១១ ។ ៖”៩១ ។ - 2,241 40 1.8 1,850 10 0.9 952 1,107 1,044 19 25 1.7 2.4 765 742 1,283 9 0.7 1,192 - 342 19 5.6 1,078 1,026 7.5 1,410 26 1.8 80 14 17.5 40 ~°ឱ° ខ្លួន ! ! s 2.1 44 7 15.9 19.4 22 43 19 1,632 1,054 578 1,616 1,161 455 1,191 974 217 1,038 954 84 ន៖ 42 43 44 45 123 94 124 148 210 233 227 162 158 184 241 208 194 47 137 136 135 123 121 80 69 80 59 46 151 2 248 102 4 114 845 253 9 235 83 1,002 160 1 1 ២៨ ! សងឺ . . ខ្ញុំ ១ o ទន្ន។ - 1 262 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Sherborn Shirley CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 1 1,696 1,316 380 654 1,042 2,251 1,227 1,024 521 795 1,589 882 707 133 247 662 345 317 3 1,649 775 496 378 47 45 2 640 330 177 133 14 14 III koooooo 1,009 445 319 245 33 31 2,239 1,218 1,021 746 393 353 831 480 351 662 345 317 11 8 11 8 9 10 11 12 13 2942000 II 816 68 8.3 506 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1,451 57 3.9 1,074 17 1.6 377 40 10.6 1,409 56 4.0 42 520 8 1.5 389 1 0.3 131 7 5.3 511 8 1.6 9 931 49 5.3 685 16 2.3 246 33 13.4 898 48 5.3 33 1,854 1,038 149 81 8.0 7.8 1,203 697 11 11 0.9 1.6 651 341 138 70 21.2 20.5 1,842 1,029 149 81 8.1 7.9 11 8 310 68 21.9 813 68 8.4 3 26 | ده هم ۱۱ 2.4 53 29 3.0 45 8 129 71 58 30 * In 31 32 1,134 797 337 405 287 118 729 510 219 1,222 671 551 604 323 281 618 348 270 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage : Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native : Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native. Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Num ber illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 yoars of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but undor 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 79 36 3 79 36 3 210 64 7 210 64 7 16 26 86 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 33 105 48 59 82 47 60 128 183 154 125 134 103 107 101 75 47 34 38 20 13 17 58 23 36 39 21 24 31 53 41 45 44 43 38 40 31 22 17 15 10 6 理货​归​红​绍​如​如​红​动​協​班​58 26 36 97 130 113 80 90 60 69 61 47 166 83 101 139 86 250 157 155 199 129 140 127 91 107 94 63 45 37 18 17 21 80 40 48 61 54 219 100 75 103 73 64 68 49 53 35 33 19 16 7 9 53 78 32 31 57 80 96 56 76 25 17 23 10 59 42 54 59 30 26 21 11 8 57 58 59 869 189 404 185 465 4 1,168 214 905 213 263 1 168 166 2 280 31 32 11 41 252 33 112 31 31 607 84 39 29 34 126 35 441 82 38 28 12 70 21 61 62 5 15 10 15 oren SI SOO 26 242 18 1 22 56 14 65 66 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 263 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Shrewsbury Shutesbury Somerset SOMERVILLE Southampton Fe- Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Fe Total Males males Total Males Fe- males Total Males males 2,794 1,333 1,461 2,207 1,081 1,126 587 252 335 292 238 54 152 125 27 140 113 27 3,37 2,484 893 1,653 1,724 86,854 40,982 45,872 1,210 1,274 63,425 30,041 33,384 443 450 23,429 10,941 | 12,488 950 767 183 486 387 99 464 380 84 000 2,788 1,376 825 587 6 6 1,331 1,457 681 695 398 427 252 335 2 2 291 186 51 54 151 91 33 27 140 95 18 27 3,367 1,248 1,231 888 10 5 950 513 254 183 gs-envo A 486 248 139 99 464 265 115 84 | | | AA៩ | | | | អន 1,645 1,722 86,514 40,790 45,724 610 638 31,136 14,803 16,333 596 635 32,017 15,091 16,926 439 449 || 23,361 10,896 12,465 8 2 280 134 146 248 125 123 32 9 23 60 58 24 22 2 36 36 10 11 12 13 ! 113 14 15 16 17 18 225 1 0.4 174 112 1 0.9 86 416 26 6.3 318 88 19 1. 2,297 99 4.3 1,712 10 0.6 585 89 15.2 2,291 99 4.3 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1,073 1,224 40 59 3.7 4.8 823 889 4 0.5 0.7 250 335 36 53 14.4 15.8 1,071 1,220 40 59 3.7 4.8 2 4 25 804 42 5.2 625 7 1.1 179 35 19.6 804 42 5.2 2,632 279 10.6 1,759 6 0.3 873 273 31.3 2,623 277 10.6 9 2 22.2 262 51 1 2.0 224 1 0.4 1 1,268 1,364 70,865 33,019 37,846 144 135 1,088 476 612 11.4 9.9 1.5 1.4 1.6 835 924 | 47,932 22,323 25,609 4 2 18 11 7 0.5 0.2 = 1. 433 440 | 22,933 10,696 12,237 140 133 1,070 465 605 32.3 30.2 4.7 4.3 4.9 1,261 1,362 70,575 32,859 37,716 142 135 1,082 473 609 11.3 9.9 1.4 1.6 7 2 232 103 129 2 3 3 28.6 1.3 130 132 1,043 454 589 388 16 4.1 307 3 1.0 81 13 16.0 388 16 4.1 26 1 3.8 111 1 0.9 1 1.3 98 22 22.4 416 26 6.3 113 1.5 ONI 1 | 2.3 29 99 40 59 1 42 26 16 30 31 32 1,854 1,296 558 856 616 240 998 680 318 179 133 46 89 67 22 90 66 24 1,943 1,170 773 908 1,035 55,596 25,589 30,007 529 641 34,193 15,604 18,589 379 39421,403 9,985 11,418 615 453 162 309 219 90 306 234 72 19 33 34 35 150 80 10 150 80 10 19 3 | រ 219 150 6 219 150 6 5,112 4,675 155 5,112 4,675 155 64 26 64 26 2 13 53 37 98 40 85 62 205 96 134 157 83 77 126 168 209 82 39 154 61 106 111 67 74 ao E១៨ ។ 11 7 15 7 11 12 2 5 4 12 9 11 8 11 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 873 3,315 1,572 2,266 2,788 1,367 1,392 2,292 3,539 4,208 25 107 56 49 75 45 37 69 100 105 100 103 114 84 120 69 63 51 40 29 20 77 305 146 217 265 121 136 167 187 240 200 273 195 192 182 142 97 81 211 ២០២១៩១៩និង១០នគ៩២ 38 40 57 68 104 111 120 91 75 83 68 55 35 22 13 11 38 151 85 111 154 54 62 90 78 116 82 137 96 87 90 72 50 37 29 15 19 11 7 12 8 1,742 6,560 3,155 4,532 5,457 2,654 2,763 4,395 6,338 7,964 7,394 7,268 6,239 5,297 4,443 3,360 2,658 1,954 1,306 783 592 869 3,245 1,583 2,266 2,669 1,287 1,371 2,103 2,799 3,756 3,508 3,351 2,983 2,520 2,104 1,520 1,180 855 516 294 203 4 26 15 25 41 15 27 24 28 26 31 26 24 36 36 42 21 18 9 5 23 109 124 118 136 99 105 92 70 47 44 44 20 27 223 205 159 203 137 118 86 62 42 31 5 27 12 32 31 13 21 17 14 32 29 30 33 36 31 32 16 18 14 9 12 WAA VA 10000 72 28 48 41 42 58 60 56 57 72 67 74 37 36 23 14 19 3,886 3,917 3,256 2,777 2,339 1,840 1,478 1,099 790 489 389 ©យ ១០១២ 15 បាកគេង 46 13 1,175 302 47 886 301 289 1 104 71 91 71 1,305 184 977 184 391 262 344 262 64 9 9 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 63 12 6 55 12 5 10 386 78 107 11 81 147 63 322 74 97 11 38 15 28 328 36,256 26,819 9,437 159 157 2 11 11 166 | 12,504 10,174 2,330 6 4,196 617 451 6 24 19 5 18 18 2 3 3,906 290 18 7,163 6,186 977 1 872 870 2 36 2,421 1,208 1,213 61 2,902 1,100 1,802 40 6,028 3,207 2,821 86 169 23 62 80 84 80 151 22 26 19 44 43 132 35 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 264 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS CLASSIFICATION Southborough Fe Total Males males Southbridge Fe- Total Males males CON- 1,898 1,410 488 913 682 231 985 14,217 7,341 6,876 728 9,288 4,620 4,668 257 4,929 2,721 2,208 1,892 878 526 488 912 435 246 231 COOOOOOO | | | | ៖ 980 || 14,188 443 3,267 280 5,994 257 4,927 24 23 7,325 6,863 1,651 1,616 2,954 3,040 2,720 2,207 12 12 11 12 1 5 1,587 19 1.2 1,109 746 12 1.6 522 478 ពី ! , 841 | 11,350 7 789 0.8 7.0 587 6,559 83 1.3 254 4,791 7 706 2.8 14.7 839 | 11,324 7 789 0.8 7.0 2 21 224 12 5.4 745 12 1.6 4.0 1,584 5,873 5,477 458 331 7.8 6.0 3,221 3,338 52 31 1.6 0.9 2,652 2,139 406 300 15.3 14.0 5,858 5,466 458 331 7.8 6.1 11 10 1.2 752 435 317 1,253 817 575 374 201 678 443 235 8,385 4,188 4,197 4,348 2,014 2,334 4,037 2,174 1,863 436 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born: (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native. 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 80 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WEITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years : 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service: 66 Clerical 107 94 107 94 1,714 601 18 1,714 601 18 21 56 32 58 56 32 115 62 102 128 56 55 95 119 153 132 157 138 130 124 75 71 56 41 26 31 30 44 72 29 18 44 61 84 79 86 73 67 68 37 39 37 51 58 69 53 71 65 63 56 38 32 27 16 16 11 329 1,234 557 747 953 476 531 1,005 1,323 1,492 1,144 1,069 842 604 530 472 350 238 152 91 78 162 655 283 368 505 241 261 518 718 794 605 587 443 303 260 222 170 101 75 40 30 167 579 274 379 448 235 270 487 605 698 539 482 399 301 270 250 180 137 77 51 48 *48 25 10 20 791 203 581 198 210 5 6,890 158 4,932 158 1,958 32 1 3 200 54 60 11 60 161 42 168 53 57 11 43 33 18 4,842 266 458 116 207 381 462 3,468 1,374 255 11 420 38 115 1 103 104 181 200 232 230 128 24 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 265 OF THE POPULATION Continued. South Hadley Southwick Spencer SPRINGFIELD Sterling Fe Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe males Total Males males 1 2 3 5,179 2,464 2,715 3,828 1,839 1,989 1,351 625 726 1,365 1,004 361 757 521 236 608 483 125 5,994 4,927 1,067 2,910 3,084 102,971 49,791 53,180 2,358 2,569 75,547 36,133 39,414 552 515 27,424 13,658 13,766 1,403 1,090 313 744 565 179 659 525 134 736 395 5,177 2,463 2,714 1,688 803 885 2,139 1,036 1,103 1,350 624 726 1 WONOS 1,326 651 314 361 39 39 741 342 163 236 16 16 585 309 151 125 23 23 5,985 2,542 2,378 1,065 8 7 147 134 2,905 3,080 | 101,071 48,881 52,190 1,214 1,328 39,020 | 18,746 20,274 1,141 1,237 34,766 16,584 18,182 550 515 27,285 13,551 13,734 1,785 798 987 1,723 767 956 62 31 31 115 112 3 38 36 2 77 76 1,390 768 309 313 13 13 8 SOITTI 的​阴​路​55---- 10 11 12 13 1 1 468 7 1.5 348 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4,180 1,967 2,213 129 67 62 3.1 3.4 2.8 2,853 1,353 1,500 9 9 0.3 0.7 1,327 614 713 120 58 62 9.0 9.4 8.7 4,178 1,966 2,212 129 67 62 3.1 3.4 2.8 1 1 1,101 25 2.3 750 1 0.1 351 24 6.8 1,077 25 2.3 24 633 18 2.8 402 1 0.2 231 17 7.4 622 18 2.9 11 5,041 247 4.9 3,987 46 1.2 1,054 201 19.1 5,032 246 4.9 8 1 12.5 245 120 7 5.8 455 7 1.5 13 2,448 2,593 134 113 5.5 4.4 1,903 2,084 31 15 1.6 0.7 545 509 103 98 18.9 19.3 2,443 2,589 134 112 5.5 4.3 4 4 1 25.0 132 113 84,247 40,285 43,962 2,551 1,186 1,365 3.0 2.9 3.1 57,593 27,000 30,593 126 60 66 0.2 0.2 0.2 26,654 13,285 13,369 2,425 1,126 1,299 9.1 8.5 9.7 82,635 39,525 43,110 2,521 1,173 1,348 3.1 3.0 3.1 1,498 648 850 27 10 17 1.8 1.5 2.0 2,428 1,132 1,296 1,151 46 4.0 851 7 0.8 300 39 13.0 1,141 45 3.9 10 605 24 4.0 435 4 0.9 170 20 11.8 599 24 4.0 6 546 22 4.0 416 3 0.7 130 19 14.6 542 21 3.9 1 25.0 22 10.0 44 29 124 64 60 24 17 7 22 30 31 32 3,104 1,879 1,225 1,405 1,699 843 1,036 562 663 857 559 298 501 306 195 356 253 103 3,881 2,885 996 1,847 2,034 1,335 1,550 512 484 65,844 31,347 34,497 42,050 19,386 22,664 23,794 11,961 11,833 912 644 268 469 316 153 443 328 115 33 34 35 291 263 7 291 263 7 145 43 145 43 7 284 218 8 284 218 8 7,098 4,519 7,098 4,519 245 111 37 5 111 37 5 245 50 184 121 142 225 100 16 61 28 35 43 17 18 34 37 95 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 91 399 215 294 406 187 192 291 383 431 381 364 349 294 252 197 143 123 91 56 40 142 183 189 160 169 167 125 41 215 94 152 181 87 97 149 200 242 221 195 182 169 132 101 81 68 51 32 25 26 119 64 55 73 33 48 90 102 133 106 103 80 62 62 60 36 39 31 29 14 10 58 36 20 30 16 30 56 65 76 71 55 48 37 34 31 19 24 16 95 372 182 304 405 205 213 337 429 449 453 419 359 344 327 320 244 202 158 103 74 46 177 91 148 217 103 112 169 218 216 219 194 154 164 165 152 122 85 76 45 37 49 195 91 156 188 102 101 168 211 233 234 225 205 180 162 168 122 117 82 58 37 2,082 7,791 3,693 5,158 6,286 3,081 3,327 5,709 8,555 10,696 9,156 8,632 7,020 6,083 4,879 3,375 2,653 1,900 1,418 830 647 1,080 3,985 1,882 2,559 3,125 1,547 1,612 2,654 4,050 5,275 4,471 4,230 3,401 2,964 2,344 1,588 1,141 778 573 305 1,002 3,806 1,811 2,599 3,161 1,534 1,715 3,055 4,505 5,421 4,685 4,402 3,619 3,119 2,535 1,787 1,512 1,122 845 525 420 26 97 50 79 73 43 52 71 81 84 77 106 104 89 90 69 60 60 50 21 21 48四​四​四​四 ​红红​约​的​B#约​红​四​%979 14 55 29 41 39 20 30 47 44 41 40 66 58 44 49 31 27 33 19 12 42 21 38 34 23 22 24 37 43 37 40 46 45 41 38 33 27 31 14 11 120 48 32 25 28 29 17 15 15 96 62 55 40 24 15 8 8 6 227 10 2,150 235 1,478 234 67 672 1 598 419 50 2 2,633 260 1,918 259 715 1 548 417 1 72 559 282 492 282 5 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 1,094 94 180 36 178 305 2 11 77 25 21 431 789 92 169 36 43 38 77 8 2 3 44,589 32,480 12,109 407 398 9 5 5 19,051 15,603 3,448 3,551 3,305 246 7,126 5,905 1,221 1,266 1,260 6 3,022 1,455 1,567 5,452 1,988 3,464 1,597 1,166 107 45 22 23 24 46 10 1 15 24 2 99 43 19 23 10 11 5 135 198 20 28 6 160 58 5 22 109 2,50 48 90 218 33 124 180 131 85 196 33 55 75 49 69 105 82 14 35 5 135 4 } 266 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Stockbridge Stoneham CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 1 2 3 1,901 1,603 298 918 778 140 983 825 158 7,489 3,592 3,897 6,062 2,913 3,149 1,427 679 748 5 NOTA 1,858 1,075 488 295 41 40 887 512 237 138 29 29 971 563 251 157 12 11 1 7,459 3,673 2,367 1,419 28 22 6 2 3,577 1,757 1,145 675 13 11 2 3,882 1,916 1,222 744 15 11 8 9 10 11 12 13 INNON 2 1,602 16 1.0 1,308 838 4 0.5 683 6,168 2,908 3,260 68 29 39 1.1 1.0 1.2 4,776 2,249 2,527 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 155 294 16 5.4 1,564 16 1.0 36 Fៗ។ ''ខ្លះទះដង ! 1 ខែ 8.6 737 2.6 827 1,392 659 68 29 4.9 4.4 6,138 2,893 66 28 1.1 1.0 28 13 2 1 7.1 7.7 62 733 39 5.3 3,245 38 1.2 15 1 6.7 38 1.6 0.5 11 26 27 28 29 16 24 30 31 32 1,258 991 267 600 474 126 658 517 141 4,855 2,243 2,612 3,558 1,626 1,932 1,297 617 680 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native. Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 62 62 33 34 35 280 326 7 280 326 7 3 3 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 odo o . 56 252 134 195 236 123 119 43 27 118 59 95 116 55 71 102 111 147 140 125 146 120 118 107 81 50 51 33 29 19 60 27 48 60 24 35 45 49 69 63 66 63 63 48 56 35 30 26 17 15 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 8 58 32 47 56 31 36 57 62 78 77 59 83 57 70 51 46 20 25 16 14 113 514 285 409 488 253 222 350 462 520 529 618 559 520 418 323 57 262 151 214 252 130 103 180 218 249 244 286 260 267 188 170 244 271 285 332 299 253 230 160 163 124 119 79 53 163 52 284 121 86 53 54 55 56 210 197 125 90 78 46 37 228 837 196 609 196 2,997 107 755 3 38 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 fift 273 13 28 2,242 104 1 1,072 1,345 265 70 49 13 59 168 17 227 63 46 11 23 40 3 186 421 104 107 78 169 199 449 104 261 248 283 3 2 36 128 14 154 170 114 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 267 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Stoughton Stow Total Males Fe males Fe- Total Males males Sturbridge Total Males Fe- males Sunderland Fe- Total Males males Sudbury Total Males Fe males 563 - 6,982 3,449 3,533 | 1,127 5,283 2,538 2,745 890 1,699 911 788 237 2 3 445 564 445 119 1,618 1,385 233 771 650 121 847 735 112 1,206 1,015 191 604 501 103 602 514 88 1,278 779 499 697 387 310 581 392 189 118 563 4 5 6 1,123 553 334 236 4 3 1 1,578 809 536 233 40 40 747 384 242 121 24 24 1,206 755 260 191 6,953 3,433 3,520 2,986 1,426 1,560 2,274 1,101 1,173 1,693 906 25 13 22 12 3 1 4 1 3 560 279 163 118 4 3 1 831 425 294 112 16 16 604 378 123 103 602 377 137 88 787 CONSTIILIT 1,271 409 363 499 7 7 693 199 184 310 4 4 118 578 210 179 189 3 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 COMANDO 1 1 1 1 958 14 15 18 494 5 1.0 409 940 182 19.4 465 532 90 16.9 234 408 92 22.5 16 231 .00 O 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5,652 2,793 2,859 63 30 33 1.1 1.1 1.2 4,000 1,899 2,101 5 5 0.1 0.3 1,652 894 758 58 25 33 3.5 2.8 4.4 5,624 2,777 2,847 60 27 33 1.1 1.0 1.2 24 12 12 1.9 726 3 0.4 232 15 6.5 955 17 1.8 3 1 33.3 18 482 10 2.1 368 2 0.5 114 .8 7.0 482 10 2.1 476 8 1.7 358 1 0.3 118 7 5.9 473 7 1.5 3 1 33.3 8 1,313 97 7.4 1,081 21 1.9 232 76 32.8 1,281 96 7.5 32 1 3.1 94 637 56 8.8 516 15 2.9 121 41 33.9 617 55 8.9 20 1 5.0 54 6676 41 6.1 565 6 1.1 111 35 31.5 664 41 6.2 12 989 14 1.4 802 2 0.2 187 12 6.4 989 14 1.4 495 9 1.8 393 2 0.5 102 7 6.9 495 9 1.8 85 5 5.9 494 5 1.0 475 182 38.3 935 182 19.5 5 298 90 30.2 529 90 17.0 3 177 92 52.0 406 92 22.7 2 25 26 27 28 29 రులు 57 25 32 10 40 13 8 170 85 85 1 30 31 32 4,402 2,173 2,229 2,920 1,360 1,560 1,482 813 669 704 489 215 340 234 106 364 255 109 1,012 786 226 498 379 119 514 407 107 804 631 173 404 311 93 400 320 80 700 297 403 394 140 254 306 157 149 33 34 35 500 299 9 500 299 9 61 43 2 61 43 2 67 49 3 67 49 3 63 28 2 63 28 2 234 20 234 20 OO HEns 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 26 73 28 38 41 19 16 62 69 116 572 266 376 461 210 203 376 520 610 514 541 448 407 355 276 244 185 154 78 70 55 291 123 187 234 107 93 186 270 326 236 270 224 209 172 120 131 75 76 36 28 61 281 143 189 227 103 110 190 250 284 278 271 224 198 183 156 113 110 78 42 42 15 66 31 57 89 54 47 64 75 61 67 76 78 72 64 48 57 50 78 近​红红​的​砂​红​砂石​红红​仍​仍​仍​吐​丝印​加以​近​B 4 32 13 32 53 30 28 31 38 28 36 30 39 32 37 26 25 26 11 6 6 11 34 18 25 36 24 19 33 37 33 31 46 39 40 27 22 32 24 17 9 7 21 120 75 89 127 58 44 72 82 107 129 118 106 86 76 89 67 60 47 25 20 10 44 34 46 59 22 22 36 41 56 61 50 59 40 43 50 30 30 22 8 8 11 76 41 43 68 36 22 36 41 51 68 68 47 46 33 39 37 30 25 17 12 13 43 18 35 32 15 19 25 32 34 41 47 43 34 43 19 91 41 66 69 32 36 48 62 73 86 87 89 69 72 78 61 36 50 26 15 6 48 23 31 37 17 17 23 30 39 45 40 46 35 29 38 27 13 36 12 10 54 149 68 67 78 33 31 98 113 134 100 67 65 46 46 24 29 16 19 18 23 28 76 40 29 37 14 15 36 44 56 44 32 21 18 24 11 13 56 35 44 28 22 13 16 7 8 8 10 %%如​四​四​B%%%红​B1B9HSB 40 28 34 23 14 14 5 15 13 11 10 13 136 77 51 2,927 164 2,243 162 684 2 心​的 ​134 3 655 173 519 173 486 254 409 251 485 398 434 392 1 1 52 76 15 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 505 192 3 171 14 21 11 25 47 21 371 189 3 119 14 18 11 7 1 9 1,776 1,443 141 133 265 244 19 2 13 333 8. 21 3 1 300 45 29 224 45 28 งง --- ( 33 59 30 29 21 40 41 12 55 29 28 20 17 4 23 -Noi Eon 43 42 121 55 191 59 226 105 1 66 132 121 6. 31 35 36 6 11 10 22 18 46 12 20 25 14 20 29 4 11 27 268 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14.- COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Sutton CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Swampscott Total Males Fe- males 2,829 1,491 1,338 2,000 1,028 972 829 463 366 7,345 3,494 3,851 5,675 2,717 2,958 1,670 777 2,829 1,491 1,338 955 487 468 1,045 541 504 829 463 366 3,837 1,964 4567899 7,318 3,481 3,764 1,800 1,891 909 1,663 19 16 4 3 8 A UNOS བྷནྡྷ @gབསྔལ ,,, ់ 2,235 1,195 1,040 220 129 91 9.8 10.8 8.8 1,438 750 688 22 21 1.5 2.8 0.1 797 445 352 198 108 90 24.8 24.3 25.6 2,235 1,195 1,040 220 129 91 9.8 10.8 8.8 6,082 99 1.6 4,449 2 1. 1,633 97 5.9 6,055 99 1.6 19 2,857 3,225 69 30 2.4 0.9 2,099 2,350 2 0.1 758 875 67 30 8.8 3.4 2,844 3,211 69 30 2.4 0.9 5 14 204 119 85 91 62 29 1,598 915 683 857 476 381 741 439 302 4,908 3,443 1,465 2,252 1,585 667 2,656 1,858 798 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other. 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 yeurs 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals . 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 310 60 11 310 60 11 379 274 9 379 274 9 132 484 278 369 422 185 72 253 121 180 200 85 52 233 114 195 251 110 103 173 174 181 188 195 192 163 224 27 117 62 90 128 57 53 100 107 89 101 108 93 97 65 59 41 37 23 15 22 25 116 52 105 123 53 50 73 67 92 87 87 99 343 472 691 641 623 610 464 447 277 234 184 122 77 66 60 231 157 189 222 100 119 164 195 296 317 275 312 247 204 128 97 89 46 26 20 105 179 277 395 324 348 298 217 243 149 137 95 76 51 46 118 114 88 62 25 30 20 13 35 35 1,231 288 972 287 259 1 3,040 134 2,287 133 753 1 212 113 4 49 760 43 45 7 42 29 17 548 43 45 7 20 11 11 1,075 280 513 74 233 399 332 962 276 464 74 140 76 162 22 18 93 323 170 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent, COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 269 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Swansea TAUNTON Templeton Tewksbury Tisbury Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Fe Total Males males males 1 2 3 2,558 1,273 1,285 | 36,161 17,604 18,557 1,993 982 1,011 (25,690 12,443 13,247 565 291 274 10,471 5,161 5,310 4,081 2,267 1,814 3,251 1,799 1,452 830 468 362 5,265 2,994 2,271 2,791 1,430 1,361 2,474 1,564 910 1.324 1,081 243 640 511 129 684 570 114 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2,530 1,261 1,269 | 35,494 17,248 18,246 1,107 536 571 11,881 5,792 6,089 860 435 425 13,520 6,518 7,002 563 290 273 | 10,093 4,938 5,155 28 12 16 655 344 311 26 11 15 284 128 156 2 371 216 155 12 12 5 5 7 7 4,065 2,253 1,812 2,015 1,106 909 1,220 679 541 830 468 362 15 13 2 15 13 5,207 1,504 1,252 2,451 54 35 19 2,958 2,249 765 739 647 605 1,546 905 33 21 18 17 15 లు | లలరు 1,236 791 245 200 84 42 42 4 3 1 599 367 129 103 38 13 25 3 2 1 637 424 116 97 46 29 17 1 1 1,127 89 7.9 896 0.4 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1,979 147 7.4 1,429 5 0.3 550 142 25.8 1,954 146 7.5 25 999 93 9.3 718 4 0.6 281 89 31.7 989 93 9.4 10 231 980 29,101 14,109 14,992 54 2,182 1,186 996 5.5 7.5 8.4 6.6 711 18,889 9,081 9,808 1 77 50 27 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.3 269 10,212 5,028 5,184 53 2,105 1,136 969 19.7 20.6 22.6 18.7 965 | 28,599 13,825 14,774 53 1,980 1,073 907 5.5 6.9 7.8 6.1 15 490 272 218 1 202 113 89 6.7 41.2 41.5 40.8 53 2,069 1,135 934 3,236 1,822 1,414 314 271 43 9.7 14.9 3.0 2,433 1,365 1,068 216 207 9 8.9 15.2 0.8 803 457 346 98 64 34 12.2 14.0 9.8 3,221 1,808 1,413 304 262 42 9.4 14.5 3.0 14 13 9 8 1 64.3 61.5 100.0 224 186 38 4,652 2,681 1,971 422 197 225 9.1 7.3 11.4 2,196 1,124 1,072 81 34 47 3.7 3.0 4.4 2,456 1,557 899 341 163 178 13.9 10.5 19.8 4,596 2,646 1,950 409 190 219 8.9 7.2 11.2 52 20 13 7 6 25.0 21.9 30.0 383 182 201 85 36.8 1,054 72 6.8 69 17 24.6 83 535 52 9.7 411 3 0.7 124 49 39.5 496 41 8.3 36 11 30.6 49 592 37 6.3 485 1 0.2 107 36 33.6 558 31 5.6 33 6 18.2 34 32 4.0 141 88 30 31 32 1,493 976 517 751 486 265 742 | 22,413 10,862 11,551 490 13,273 6,272 7,001 252 9,140 4,590 4,550 2,423 1,333 1,090 1,719 939 780 704 394 310 4,032 2,412 1,620 1,693 911 782 2,339 1,501 838 897 687 210 412 298 114 485 389 96 33 34 35 176 82 6 176 82 6 2,518 2,518 1,570 1,570 309 309 280 89 25 280 89 25 151 151 96 96 1,236 1,236 66 24 66 24 97 239 122 155 192 78 99 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 47 240 110 182 191 93 85 117 137 163 145 182 205 139 130 119 69 79 48 48 29 23 118 50 83 95 48 43 62 73 74 60 96 108 66 69 74 34 36 21 20 20 24 122 60 99 96 45 42 55 64 89 85 86 97 73 61 45 35 43 27 28 9 739 2,969 1,384 1,968 2,413 1,141 1,188 1,946 2,739 3,205 2,825 2,724 2,385 2,113 1,846 1,416 1,123 829 561 367 280 364 375 1,457 1,512 696 688 978 990 1,212 1,201 553 588 594 594 888 1,058 1,304 1,435 1,591 1,614 1,446 1,379 1,353 1,371 1,189 1,196 1,012 1,101 893 953 672 744 516 607 399 430 244 317 147 220 96 184 77 323 190 255 311 131 141 230 282 340 318 284 244 235 164 154 124 117 79 48 34 41 164 105 135 167 83 92 147 173 184 173 174 134 137 81 70 66 64 45 21 11 36 159 85 120 144 48 49 83 109 156 145 110 110 98 83 84 58 53 .34 27 23 251 330 391 349 398 371 423 435 372 353 298 159 88 65 56 120 52 85 103 24 44 98 150 198 184 223 215 273 288 244 243 206 97 51 40 41 119 70 70 89 54 55 153 180 193 165 175 156 150 147 128 110 92 62 37 25 19 77 40 61 88 36 51 55 93 87 80 98 86 90 84 68 60 54 47 20 30 15 41 14 35 51 22 25 25 52 38 33 49 43 43 39 28 32 19 20 6 10 36 26 26 37 14 26 30 41 49 47 49 43 47 45 40 28 35 27 14 20 216 909 378 773 376 1,684 1,468 388 388 378 5 515 80 395 79 120 1 30 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 - 269 55 76 12 38 52 29 - Ordino e 136 15,348 10,998 4,350 574 571 3 4 4 53 8,505 6,422 2,083 1,059 1,017 42 1,514 1,305 209 346 344 2 24 812 306 506 40 1,554 521 1,033 10 980 508 472 216 54 71 11 14 12 19 10 779 106 71 16 68 198 58 1,556 1,178 383 378 4 390 360 101 101 51 41 17 17 266 73 309 192 35 12 737 105 64 14 27 100 33 42 1 7 2 41 150 73 61 12 54 63 22 139 64 54 11 24 15 9 11 9 7 1 30 48 13 a • 193 117 23 25 270 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Tolland CLASSIFICATION Topsfield Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 199 163 36 114 90 24 85 73 12 1,173 884 289 607 429 178 566 455 111 3 187 113 38 36 12 12 107 64 19 24 80 49 19 12 1,169 684 197 288 604 332 95 177 3 2 1 565 352 102 111 3 1 10 11 12 13 Il rico 159 6 3.8 94 5 5.3 65 1 1.5 53 1 1.9 12 994 35 3.5 718 516 29 5.6 347 478 6 1.3 371 123 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 0.8 36 5 13.9 152 6 3.9 20.8 లా| | 400802 | | ఆటలాడి 276 35 12.7 991 35 3.5 62 1 1.6 II WII 169 29 17.2 514 29 5.6 2 107 6 5.6 477 6 1.3 1 5.6 NII 32 26 30 75 . . 126 93 33 51 40 31 32 805 571 234 402 264 138 403 307 96 22 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years : 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 33 34 35 19 2 1 19 2 1 112 24 1 112 24 1 4 15 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 37 15 13 woooowa o OPATIA NAOOWWOOOO OO W OSS 10 34 18 26 24 18 9 24 30 44 45 IWO OTA ONA OO OOO 20 72 39 48 66 31 31 61 69 90 97 101 98 62 77 47 39 38 40 26 21 ONOWO OPISANNO 10 44 31 43 27 12 12 20 20 18 26 19 12 94 84 69 502 145 408 145 69 13 13 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 I20 III III 147 42 36 142 41 34 TOONS 2 38 72 20 2 18 14 12 20 58 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 271 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Townsend Truro Tyngsborough Upton Tyringham Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe Fe Total Males males males tel Total Males . Total Males Fe- - 1,812 1,582 230 150 2,036 1,787 249 1,799 1,225 344 230 493 239 146 108 ខ្ញុំនិង១១ 2,034 1,311 474 249 ដនង៩១១-១២ > 13 ន០១ ! ខ្លួន 1,723 39 2.3 116 1,477 11 0.7 246 28 94 11 នៗៗំន' 'គឺៗៗ - 0.5 52 29 55.8 50.0 267 268 28 27 10.5 10. 52.8 11.4 389 11 2.8 13.5 775 21 2.7 1,721 39 2.3 2 2.8 13 HT | be ៩-២៦ - - | ៖ 1,234 1,027 207 116 107 9 1,368 1,134 234 នៅត ថ្មី ១២៩៩ 7 16 13 29 38 33 98 116 130 150 45 45 47 61 68 123 125 139 106 សបង ១ដងននងផ=១០០ពី១៨ ដងទងន 141 55 ១០ស ១៩-២។ 87 19 370 1 T 12 ២០១៨០៩ , នី ។ T = ១១១ ។ 1 ១៩ សសរ ១ | ១០-១៦ ៨ mo រង A ) ៩ | ស 272 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Wakefield CLASSIFICATION Uxbridge Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males WN 1 2 3 4,921 2,445 3.621 1,764 1,300 691 2,476 | 12,781 6,182 6,599 1,857 9,199 4,407 4,792 619 3,582 1,775 1,807 4567892B 4,917 2,442 1,770 855 1,849 907 1,299 680 3 2 2 2,475 | 12,745 915 4,669 941 4,503 619 3,573 1 29 1 21 8 6,163 2,232 2,161 1,770 12 8 4 6,582 2,437 2,342 1,803 17 13 10 11 12 13 III 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3,976 1,982 1,994 | 10,309 4,949 5,360 220 135 85 261 112 149 5.5 6.8 4.3 2.5 2.3 28 2,705 1,312 1,393 6,820 3,231 3,589 20 16 3 2 0.7 1.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 1,271 670 601 3,489 1,718 1,771 200 119 81 256 109 147 15.7 17.8 13.5 7.3 6.3 8.3 3,972 1,979 1,993 | 10,275 4,931 5,344 220 135 85 261 112 149 5.5 6.8 4.3 2.5 2.3 2.8 3 2 1 27 11 16 23 3 25 26 27 28 29 211 130 81 241 104 137 30 31 32 2,941 1,477 1,464 1,830 888 942 1,111 589 522 7,995 3,800 4,186 4,875 2,283 2,592 3,120 1,526 1,594 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR BACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parontage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cont illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years . 5 and over but under 7 years . 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 18 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals . Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation. Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 33 34 35 413 170 5 413 170 5 855 659 8 855 659 8 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 114 373 174 284 377 167 181 310 375 427 352 345 295 286 230 214 153 115 77 37 35 59 188 89 127 201 77 69 158 188 223 171 172 144 143 116 126 77 52 38 12 15 55 185 85 157 176 90 112 152 187 204 181 173 151 143 114 88 76 63 39 25 20 245 1,086 468 673 830 385 415 684 967 1,107 1,019 938 843 749 632 484 437 330 216 142 131 117 532 249 335 399 202 203 336 490 527 511 455 397 344 323 232 191 136 87 70 46 128 554 219 338 431 183 212 348 477 580 508 483 446 405 309 252 246 194 129 72 85 569 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 2,184 198 9 1,344 176 149 28 81 130 69 1,615 197 9 965 170 137 27 37 42 31 379 5,160 3,920 1,240 178 177 1 1 2,400 1,971 519 6 12 1 44 88 38 388 372 16 687 642 45 141 138 3 325 173 152 378 105 273 572 341 231 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 273 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Wales Walpole WALTHAM Ware Wareham Fe- Fe- Total Males Fe males Total Males Total Males Total Males Total | Males Fe. males Fe- males males males 337 297 40 172 152 20 165 145 20 5,490 3,999 1,491 2,824 2,666 || 30,154 14,351 15,803 2,023 1,976 | 21.773 10,410 11,363 801 690 8,381 3,941 4,440 9,346 4,455 4,891 6,119 2,938 3,181 3,227 1,517 1,710 5,176 2,693 2,483 3,786 1,866 1,920 1,390 827 563 336 225 71 40 171 107 44 20 1 1 165 118 27 20 5,466 1,966 2,016 1,484 22 16 6 2 2,809 2,657 || 30,079 14,300 15,779 995 971 10,621 5,019 5,602 1,017 999 11,095 5,357 5,738 797 687 8,363 3,924 4,439 13 9 48 25 23 10 46 24 22 3 2 1 2 27 26 11 10 16 16 9,343 4,452 4,891 1,997 940 1,057 4,120 1,996 2,124 3,226 1,516 1,710 1 1 1 4,154 2,073 2,081 2,472 1,216 1,256 918 453 465 764 404 360 1,017 616 401 393 195 198 624 421 203 5 4 1 3 2 1 2 1 9 10 11 12 13 NIH 2 1 1 2 1 4,294 102 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 286 150 10 4 3.5 2.7 246 130 5 2 2.0 1.5 40 20 5 2 12.5 10.0 285 149 9 3 3.2 2.0 1 1 1 1 100.0 100.0 9 136 6 4.4 116 3 2.6 20 3 15.0 136 6 4.4 2,218 2,076 | 25,115 11,790 13,325 51 51 1,148 578 570 2.3 2.5 4.6 4.9 4.3 1,436 1,408 || 16,930 7,948 8,982 1 601 326 275 0.1 0.3 3.5 4.1 3.1 782 668 8,185 3,842 4,343 47 547 252 295 7.0 6.7 6.6 2,206 2,069 25,042 11,741 13,301 50 50 1,140 576 564 2.3 2.4 4.6 4:9 4.2 10 46 23 23 1 1 8 2 10.0 14.3 17.4 8.7 26.1 47 45 755 335 420 7,261 3,344 3,917 471 247 224 6.5 7.4 5.7 4,076 1,846 2,230 20 12 8 0.5 0.7 0.4 3,185 1,498 1,687 451 235 216 14.2 15.7 12.8 7,258 3,341 3,917 471 247 224 6.5 7.4 5.7 1 1 50 2.4 2,844 5 0.2 1,450 97 6.7 4,275 100 2.3 17 2 11.8 92 4,089 2,157 1,932 577 341 236 14.1 15.8 12.2 2,735 1,345 1,390 29 19 10 1.1 1.4 0.7 1,354 812 542 548 322 226 40.5 39.7 41.7 3,356 1,685 1,671 152 86 66 4.5 5.1 3.9 728 468 260 425 255 170 58.4 54.5 65.4 537 316 221 6.4 6.8 งง 467 246 221 30 31 32 243 204 39 126 107 19 117 97 20 3,240 1,915 1,325 1,665 1,575 19,436 8,853 10,583 949 966 11,993 5,378 6,615 716 609 7,443 3,475 3,968 5,308 2,487 2,821 2,454 2,854 1,089 1.398 1,365 1,456 3,281 2,071 1,210 1,749 1,532 1,023 1,048 484 726 33 34 35 9 10 9 10 457 251 4 457 251 4 1,853 1,543 62 1,853 1,543 62 873 481 10 873 481 10 261 92 261 92 6 104 44 19 496 251 12 6 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 అలలాలసలు 139 172 211 95 93 154 5 10 208 %5%的​如​红红​仍处​约​如幻​&约​加以​必​码​站​88 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 12 14 14 12 7 10 19 19 14 18 25 21 25 23 23 16 19 13 8 oooooooo000VNvova 9 11 8 9 9 11 12 10 12 248 348 381 196 181 296 399 486 431 444 358 291 255 180 140 111 77 39 29 CUONNONOOOO 60 245 109 176 170 101 88 142 191 232 199 240 156 146 122 85 67 57 43 21 16 254 232 204 202 145 133 95 73 54 34 18 13 531 269 262 2,076 1,018 1,058 916 497 449 1,486 777 709 1,939 1,073 866 974 513 461 1,020 502 518 1,746 849 897 2,490 1,131 1,359 2,879 1,307 1,572 2,587 1,213 1,374 2,377 1,074 1,303 2,081 998 1,083 1,826 842 984 1,562 698 864 1,229 570 659 821 373 448 639 269 370 468 177 291 262 116 146 215 85 130 224 889 407 565 709 302 352 590 700 828 704 654 522 495 380 297 258 182 152 71 65 133 470 220 288 330 138 166 256 290 381 311 318 250 244 174 133 132 94 74 31 22 91 419 187 277 379 164 186 334 410 447 393 336 272 251 206 164 126 88 78 40 43 119 475 210 283 302 136 140 230 340 510 427 405 310 279 263 228 172 118 99 69 61 16 10 13 13 11 58 245 97 136 142 73 68 125 182 282 227 244 168 150 141 111 80 56 46 38 24 61 230 113 147 160 63 72 105 158 228 200 161 142 129 122 117 92 62 53 31 37 10 136 109 27 9 2,207 169 1,762 167 9,384 407 4,602 7 4,316 247 2,712 1,604 244 3 2,077 347 1,782 344 295 3 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ---అలు , ఆర్ WESA Nowo 48 NEWIII 445 || 13,986 2 414 1 128 7,175 13 812 5 1,512 1 281 64 889 148 1,577 84 1,325 1,182 170 158 27 120 177 204 1 1,054 157 153 26 56 29 120 5,340 765 1,312 278 360 385 536 1,835 47 200 3 529 1,192 789 872 221 249 36 76 212 64 824 214 231 36 38 66 29 11 2 7 18 2,859 213 349 55 159 303 131 1,688 1,171 203 10 290 59 55 67 92 97 206 68 63 38 146 35 173 274 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Warren Warwick CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe males 477 . 4,268 2,158 2,110 2,919 1,444 1,475 1,349 714 635 259 224 35 218 190 28 . 4,254 2,150 2,104 1,328 647 681 1,578 790 788 1,348 713 635 13 6 13 6 #ខនធីខ-២ | | | 258 158 65 35 218 134 56 28 Isa 179 1 0.6 151 3,384 218 6.4 2,053 18 0.9 1,331 200 15.0 3,372 218 6.5 11 1,705 1,679 120 98 7.0 5.8 1,002 1,051 15 3 1.5 0.3 703 105 95 14.9 15.1 1,698 1,674 120 98 7.1 5.9 6 5 628 382 9 2.4 319 5 1.6 63 4 6.3 381 9 2.4 1 203 8 3.9 168 5 3.0 35 3 8.6 202 8 4.0 1 28 1 3.6 179 1 0.6 209 115 94 2,462 1,344 1,118 1,250 1,212 646 698 604 514 280 221 59 150 118 32 130 103 27 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored 9 Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native. 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown; (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years . 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 445 147 11 445 147 11 18 14 18 14 21 8 20 50 173 95 113 161 72 81 153 161 151 23 10 42 100 366 180 238 326 141 156 299 310 336 289 317 267 233 204 144 128 99 62 47 26 50 193 85 125 165 69 75 146 149 185 138 163 11 36 17 31 43 21 17 21 19 22 23 27 31 31 28 26 25 18 15 5 10 12 12 12 17 151 889819BRARBBQBB9813 * 900 000 0000 0 C 128 154 139 104 101 74 70 11 10 18 15 16 16 12 129 103 70 58 55 33 24 15 16 10 1,891 1,356 164 535 181 105 159 101 1,358 934 424 wat co-worked 95 89 'ឱនឱ៖ wwww 29 31 35 12 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 275 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. - Washington Watertown Wayland Webster Wellesley Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males 1 275 222 53 157 124 33 118 || 16,515 8,114 8,401 98 || 11,219 5,348 5,871 20 5,296 2,766 2,530 2,033 1,674 359 968 1,065 | 12,565 6,235 6,330 818 856 8,398 4,114 4,284 150 209 4,167 2,121 2,046 6,439 2,705 3,734 4,632 1,974 2,658 1,807 731 1,076 3 156 88 274 148 73 53 2,025 1,054 615 356 35 NOOOOOTIA 刀​於​81---- 118 || 16,491 8,101 8,390 60 4,981 2,365 2,616 38 6,223 2,977 3,246 20 5,287 2,759 2,528 16 5 11 12 3 9 4 2 2 964 1,061 || 12,533 524 530 2,297 291 324 6,071 149 207 4,165 3 30 3 30 33 1 1 6,213 6,320 1,134 1,163 2,960 3,111 2,119 2,046 20 10 20 10 INNOT 6,404 2,731 1,879 1,794 31 20 11 4 2,691 3,713 1,135 1,596 830 1,049 726 1,068 10 21 7 13 3 8 4 5 ITINNA SA en w CO AKO 10 11 12 13 NIN188 2 2 133 6 4.5 100 825 26 3.2 675 913 9 1.0 704 8.1 1.9 101 1 1.0 81 1 1.2 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 234 7 3.0 181 2 1.1 53 5 9.4 233 7 3.0 1.0 33 5 15.2 132 6 4.5 1 13,298 369 2.8 8,110 2 1- 5,188 367 7.1 13,275 368 2.8 15 1 6.7 346 6,515 6,783 137 232 2.1 3.4 3,807 4,303 2 0.1 2,708 2,480 135 232 5.0 9.4 6,502 6,773 136 232 2.1 3.4 5 10 1 20.0 126 220 1,738 35 2.0 1,379 1 0.1 359 34 9.5 1,730 34 2.0 7 0.1 150 25 16.7 821 9,533 4,707 4,826 834 443 391 8.7 9.4 5,438 2,624 2,814 30 22 8 0.6 0.8 0.3 4,095 2,083 2,012 804 421 383 19.6 20.2 19.0 9,505 4,688 4,817 834 443 391 8.8 9.4 8.1 26 17 9 209 9 4.3 909 9 1.0 5,412 2,212 3,200 102 55 47 2.5 1.5 3,643 1,501 | 2,142 1 1. 1,769 711 1,058 101 54 47 5.7 7.6 4.4 5,382 2,200 3,182 102 55 47 1.9 2.5 1.5 26 8 18 101 1 1.0 25 3.0 3 Vio ONI 01 Oro omiin - יין 28 29 31 22 9 799 420 379 92 50 42 30 31 32 181 132 49 102 72 30 79 60 19 10,425 5,676 4,749 5,064 5,361 2,581 3,095 2,483 2,266 1,400 1,067 333 652 515 137 748 552 196 6,801 3,375 3,426 3,094 1,475 1,619 3,707 1,900 1,807 4,351 2,727 1,624 1,724 2,627 1,066 1,661 658 966 33 34 35 13 17 13 17 1,523 932 22 1,523 932 22 66 69 1 66 69 1,187 688 23 1,187 688 23 404 245 4 404 245 i I 13 14 54 37 10 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 318 1,233 628 853 1,057 447 2 6 7 2 5 12 56 486 10 11 11 12 %%9A红​纪​织女​的​如​红丝​如​A4%B8% NNN లలలా అలాంటN00- 18 23 20 16 15 23 17 14 19 16 45 46 47 48 49 50 AN-0సంసిం0-20 రా అంటూ NyvavorvooooN VONOI 345 1,355 619 898 1,056 494 457 866 1,363 1,687 1,449 1,390 1,184 923 810 547 387 291 177 108 109 168 666 317 448 546 254 237 414 638 828 746 708 590 473 370 268 166 131 76 34 36 177 689 302 450 510 240 220 452 725 859 703 682 594 450 440 279 221 27 112 65 91 115 59 78 86 145 165 139 142 164 134 138 114 94 64 13 58 28 44 59 34 40 40 56 74 56 66 78 69 76 48 50 46 89 91 83 76 86 65 165 620 308 435 529 207 235 361 430 522 475 430 344 339 240 201 135 114 68 48 29 153 613 320 418 528 240 251 381 442 560 451 442 347 294 218 201 171 114 88 61 37 742 872 1,082 926 872 691 633 458 402 306 228 156 109 66 10 12 10 8 12 11 7 160 53 54 55 46 101 74 73 32 21 21 12 32 23 11 11 15 622 124 66 109 66 7,244 269 5,310 257 1,934 12 808 152 186 5,150 121 3,718 1,432 121 152 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 37 19 14 3 3 III ET CON WISA 553 30 77 3,260 430 884 244 541 744 872 2,707 400 807 244 282 213 400 260 50 90 29 71 108 48 223 45 85 28 TONNW 5551&a 3,702 2,636 1,066 254 244 10 397 361 36 73 73 159 71 88 251 121 130 193 91 102 13 259 531 472 43 74 21 SQ 103 422 223 279 340 165 187 369 478 601 526 573 517 435 351 257 196 150 134 69 64 50 199 111 133 171 73 87 157 177 220 211 235 215 177 150 114 79 59 46 25 16 53 223 112 146 169 92 100 212 301 381 315 338 302 258 201 143 117 91 88 44 48 2,942 209 2 594 203 419 85 463 783 184 1,720 1,222 208 1 2 511 83 189 14 398 21 83 2 159 304 80 703 90 94 34 27 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 276 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Wellfleet CLASSIFICATION Wendell Fe- Total Males males Total Males Fe- males GON 936 856 80 471 434 37 465 422 43 388 341 47 207 182 25 181 159 22 933 704 152 468 364 465 340 82 43 388 279 62 47 207 150 32 25 181 129 30 22 | | | u | ជីដីធ្លី Iliwewe 396 6 1.5 359 413 6 1.5 370 2 0.5 43 324 20 6.2 277 172 14 8.1 147 152 6 3.9 130 809 12 1.5 729 3 0.4 80 9 11.3 806 12 1.5 3 0.3 13.5 393 | | ఆంటి రారాజు- 9.3 413 OIII aos con ca. 47 20 42.6 324 20 6.2 25 14 56.0 172 14 8.1 22 6 27.3 152 6 3.9 1.5 1.5 12 19 13 117 660 582 78 320 284 36 340 298 42 252 209 43 135 111 24 98 19 (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native 3 Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentago Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born 8 Colored 9 Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native . 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years : 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 11 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals. 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service Domestic and personal service : 66 Clerical 15 17 1 15 17 1 16 8 16 8 I on 21 NNN 12 49 32 34 55 32 27 35 33 56 60 52 69 49 59 60 58 73 38 33 20 25 24 12 15 21 24 21 5 28 21 21 30 15 13 18 16 31 30 25 31 25 27 28 30 35 23 11 8 13 25 17 14 17 17 25 30 5 13 6 11 12 6 8 11 15 10 14 13 10 11 14 13 13 12 5 ON OUOOOOOOONOOR 11 3 14 12 6 7 10 9 11 12 12 10 8 12 12 8 5 8 24 32 32 28 38 15 22 12 25 20 19 26 25 21 17 13 or on OO ON OINOON 307 48 14 355 95 162 89 148 89 110 39 115 34 47 14 17 26 7 లలా కటిరిజు, అక్షి ARONAVA ANAS 2 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 277 OF THE POPULATION Continued. Wenham Total Males Fe- males Westborough Total Males Fe- males West Boylston Total Males Fe- males West Bridgewater Total Males Fe- males West Brookfield Total Males Fe males 1,068 897 171 517 449 68 551 448 103 5,925 2,915 3,010 4,746 2,370 2,376 1,179 545 634 1,318 1,029 289 691 537 154 627 492 135 2,741 2,183 1,374 1,367 1,077 1,106 297 261 1,288 1,146 142 590 528 62 698 618 80 3 558 1,067 694 203 170 1 517 349 100 68 550 345 103 102 1 5,889 2,960 1,757 1,172 32 28 687 333 200 154 1,312 673 350 289 6 6 625 340 150 135 2,738 1,406 774 558 COOOOOO 2,889 3,000 1,403 1,557 946 811 549 22 10 20 8 2 2 4 1 3 1,373 1,365 686 720 390 384 297 261 1 2 2 632 | | | | లులు వంటి 1,280 885 253 142 7 7 III INNE 588 401 125 62 1 1 692 484 128 80 6 6 9 4 11 12 13 4 1 3 1 1 898 3 0.3 429 1 0.2 362 469 2 0.4 367 567 60 10.6 418 526 49 9.3 396 729 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 169 లు | | -టలుషితలు | | పిల్లి 5,327 2,597 2,730 31 15 16 0.6 0.6 0.6 4,157 2,055 2,102 4 2 2 0.1 0.1 0.1 1,170 542 628 27 13 14 2.3 2.4 2.2 5,291 2,571 2,720 31 15 16 0.6 0.6 0.6 32 22 10 130 1,093 109 10.0 814 1 0.1 279 108 38.7 1,088 109 10.0 5 67 1 1.5 429 1 0.2 102 2 2.0 468 2 0.4 2,207 73 3.3 1,655 1 0.1 552 72 13.0 2,204 73 3.3 3 1,094 18 1.6 952 3 0.3 142 15 10.6 1,090 18 1.7 1,104 1,103 43 30 3.9 2.7 810 845 1 0.1 294 258 42 30 14.3 11.6 1,103 | 1,101 43 30 3.9 2.7 1 2 - 0.2 149 59 39.6 563 60 10.7 4 49 504 8 1.6 442 2 0.5 62 6 9.7 502 8 1.6 1 1.8 897 590 10 1.7 510 1 0.2 80 9 11.3 588 10 1.7 2 NIIN ON 37.7 525 49 9.3 0.3 IWO CO II 68 x 27 28 29 31 15 16 98 54 44 65 37 28 8 10 30 31 32 702 544 158 325 262 63 377 282 95 4,115 3,083 1,032 1,798 2,317 1,345 1,738 453 579 804 570 234 394 269 125 410 301 109 1,658 1,164 494 827 567 260 831 597 234 878 741 137 402 341 61 476 400 76 33 34 35 42 20 1 42 20 1 158 136 155 158 136 155 84 37 4 84 37 4 148 104 8 148 104 1.8 34 26 1 34 26 36 37 16 23 41 18 20 25 100 36 68 113 63 44 69 74 73 29 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 %四级​四​如​红​纪​纪​丝​勾​丝​四级​如​如​乱​必​级​班​5% 15 79 33 43 78 34 39 45 81 75 66 71 70 90 64 53 31 31 30 20 20 8 37 17 20 37 16 19 20 52 33 41 39 35 46 28 30 19 17 13 13 11 36 136 56 90 207 299 166 127 179 189 198 185 203 177 178 159 130 61 260 117 160 338 366 238 270 410 411 434 419 431 465 390 346 277 189 163 100 80 42 25 32 35 44 36 23 12 14 17 7 9 25 124 61 70 131 67 72 143 231 222 236 234 228 288 212 187 147 111 102 67 52 54 19 39 74 42 28 29 39 37 42 41 30 33 38 42 26 19 16 14 17 9 46 17 29 39 21 16 40 35 36 38 55 47 37 31 38 29 19 19 14 12 56 212 111 155 212 94 99 144 164 207 217 211 184 164 119 113 87 80 47 27 38 37 113 50 170 104 51 40 82 82 103 101 101 102 79 61 57 49 35 22 13 22 19 99 61 85 108 43 59 62 82 104 116 110 82 85 58 56 38 45 25 14 16 19 80 33 62 71 47 38 60 70 95 73 78 66 89 70 86 80 54 58 33 26 10 39 13 24 33 22 14 33 31 39 36 38 32 42 30 38 33 29 30 16 8 9 41 20 38 38 25 24 27 39 56 37 40 34 47 40 48 47 25 28 17 18 96 77 78 69 80 55 38 35 28 29 61 33 28 57 58 428 92 324 92 104 2,777 300 1,656 1,121 300 74 135 203 457 149 383 149 1,101 216 898 216 507 144 372 144 - 9 76 4 3 1 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 阻​的​「仍​幻​%ABB4 1 85 47 56 10 30 81 27 76 47 55 10 12 18 14 998 610 388 121 30 44 117 27 42 589 46 81 19 49 42 59 101 222 17 25 12 29 44 14 146 17 24 12 18 63 13 98 171 55 252 812 91 91 158 52 59 344 42 7 13 3 193 468 49 9 29 38 37 9 13 3 23 488 44 73 18 22 8. 29 2 8 1 27 34 30 9 11 9 16 35 14 20 33 5 (: 278 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS - Westfield Westford CLASSIFICATION Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 2 18,411 9,401 9,010 12,991 6,382 6,609 5,420 3,019 2,401 2,843 1,392 1,451 1,715 865 850 1,128 527 601 5 2,841 788 926 1,127 2 1 1,391 399 465 527 18,366 9,377 8,989 6,347 3,120 3,227 6,604 3,243 3,361 5,415 3,014 2,401 41 20 21 40 19 21 1 4 1,450 389 461 600 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 14,298 7,312 6,986 833 426 407 5.8 5.8 5.8 9,031 4,379 4,652 22 15 0.2 0.3 0.2 5,267 2,933 2,334 811 411 400 15.4 14.0 17.1 14,263 7,293 6,970 828 404 5.8 5.8 5.8 31 15 16 4 1 3 12.9 6.7 18.7 785 409 376 2,346 211 9.0 1,253 5 0.4 1,093 206 18.8 2,344 211 9.0 2 1,153 1,193 52 159 4.5 13.3 643 610 3 2 0.5 0.3 510 583 49 157 9.6 26.9 1,152 1,192 52 159 4.5 13.3 1 1 424 - 28 29 150 48 102 30 11,000 5,674 5,326 6,284 3,007 3,277 4,716 2,667 2,049 31 32 1,725 853 872 848 430 877 423 454 418 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign-born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year 1 and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals. Manufacturing and mechanical industries : Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical, 33 34 35 :: 2,024 2,024 617 617 21 21 306 108 306 108 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 的​四​昭​四​约​红​纪​经​丝​均​如​红​终​如​如​引​品​品​社​88 495 1,722 810 1,086 1,220 532 547 999 1,601 1,824 1,435 1,319 1,081 952 783 585 462 372 274 164 148 248 865 401 575 612 265 281 480 816 977 748 729 582 499 397 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 247 857 409 511 608 267 266 519 785 847 687 590 499 453 386 310 225 195 159 99 91 47 215 96 139 185 99 101 236 228 250 196 185 173 159 155 126 84 57 49 36 27 26 99 42 72 104 56 47 98 106 133 100 86 88 74 70 63 41 29 26 21 11 21 116 54 67 81 43 54 138 122 117 96 99 85 85 85 275 237 177 115 65 57 43 28 23 15 16 445 325 3 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 7,730 5,921 1,809 578 569 9 163 163 3,967 3,327 640 523 499 24 686 597 89 102 102 401 139 262 792 247 545 518 278 240 1,395 226 43 855 69 34 16 37 84 31 COO-Sen Oo 950 226 43 530 66 30 16 15 11 13 18 li COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 279 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Westhampton Fe Total Males males Westminster Fe- Total Males males West Newbury Fe- Total Males males Weston Fe- Total Males males Westport Fe Total Males males 1 430 379 51 231 199 32 199 180 19 1,594 1,292 302 847 682 165 747 610 137 1,529 1,350 179 749 664 85 780 686 94 2,342 1,101 1,241 1,743 845 898 599 256 343 3,262 1,663 1,599 2,574 1,311 1,263 688 352 336 429 306 72 51 1 1 230 163 35 32 1 1 199 143 37 19 FOOOOO 1,589 918 369 302 5 844 484 195 165 3 3 745 434 174 137 2 1,528 956 394 178 749 475 189 85 779 481 205 93 1 2,321 1,267 462 592 20 14 6 1 1,093 1,228 613 654 228 234 252 340 7 13 10 3 3 1 III CU W GO 3,235 1,643 1,592 1,677 847 830 879 453 426 679 343 336 27 20 7 18 11 9 9 10 11 12 13 1 11 ore 1 1 354 8 2.3 306 199 5 2.5 168 155 3 1.9 138 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 618 26 4.2 483 11 2.3 135 15 11.1 616 26 1,289 16 1.2 1,114 3 0.3 175 13 7.4 1,288 16 1.2 48 8 16.7 353 8 2.3 1 634 10 1.6 550 2 0.4 84 8 0.5 634 10 1.6 31 5 16.1 198 5 2.5 1,352 118 8.7 1,054 60 5.7 298 58 19.5 1,347 116 8.6 5 2 40.0 117 17 3 17.6 155 734 92 12.5 571 49 8.6 163 43 26.4 731 90 12.3 3 2 66.7 91 655 6 0.9 564 1 0.2 91 5 5.5 654 6 0.9 1 1,969 9 0.5 1,387 4 0.3 582 5 0.9 1,950 5 0.3 18 ܕܝܪܞܗܗܝ ܙ | ܗ 927 1,042 2 7 0.2 0.7 677 710 4 0.6 250 332 2 3 0.8 0.9 920 1,030 2 3 0.2 0.3 12 WITIW & Co 2,577 1,318 1,259 250 132 118 9.7 10.0 9.4 1,904 974 930 1 0.1 0.1 673 344 329 249 131 118 37.0 38.1 35.9 2,552 1,298 1,254 245 127 118 9.6 9.4 25 20 5 5 5 20.0 25.0 235 123 112 1.9 4.2 9.8 2 ONA COCO OR 28 1 22.2 33.3 26 16 10 30 31 32 263 219 44 145 118 27 118 101 17 1,107 824 283 598 443 155 509 381 128 1,042 881 161 503 429 74 539 452 87 1,589 1,045 544 730 495 235 859 550 309 1,932 1,332 600 966 662 304 966 670 296 20 20 5 2 146 67 23 65 48 24 48 24 2 146 86 86 203 90 4 203 90 4 2 65 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 10 54 24 25 57 30 21 28 9 52 34 34 39 21 10 14 13 17 8 30 15 23 31 19 16 25 38 30 23 20 22 25 30 23 14 11 11 26 18 11 14 14 14 689994B以​%Bn44。 22 6 14 21 5 3 8 12 12 12 6 8 11 15 13 19 106 58 59 96 51 44 54 86 107 124 136 124 106 83 98 67 74 45 29 28 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 45 53 53 57 44 45 49 29 32 23 94 44 79 85 43 46 73 85 81 102 94 103 104 104 80 85 70 53 47 34 62 71 83 67 62 38 49 38 42 17 18 9 因​如​明​世​%%出让​约​必​约​如​么​说​丝织​%四​四​四 ​15 45 20 35 44 25 28 34 34 43 52 46 50 51 53 42 42 28 27 19 16 8 49 24 44 41 18 18 39 51 38 50 48 53 53 51 38 43 42 26 28 18 28 159 79 107 138 78 61 103 147 203 183 202 160 193 140 114 78 60 53 38 18 15 82 34 43 69 42 36 50 60 103 75 93 73 94 68 51 36 29 22 15 11 13 77 45 64 69 36 25 53 87 100 108 109 87 99 72 63 42 31 31 60 328 129 168 229 125 125 166 184 220 199 212 206 179 151 160 137 107 72 52 53 31 165 64 85 126 65 72 89 96 106 93 108 97 93 71 86 68 58 40 23 27 29 163 65 83 103 60 53 77 88 114 106 104 109 86 80 74 69 49 32 29 26 15 10 6 6 4 3 4 OTA OOo oo 11 19 167 19 748 57 58 186 123 598 265 150 1 628 204 482 203 146 1 287 1 246 7 123 266 35 34 1 229 46 60 61 62 63 42 30 202 17 38 1 997 267 710 266 183 39 29 6 8 63 5 101 258 18 41 2 33 50 22 1 1,326 1,080 562 555 4 4 460 359 52 50 72 58 13 13 42 14 97 16 24 11 56 1 3 1 24 45 15 13 21 140 14 11 3 2 20 131 69 88 21 92 247 62 20 120 66 86 21 54 41 30 2 14 7 1 15 7 1 2 13 5 65 66 38 206 26 28 81 13 9 7 280 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS . TABLE 14. — COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS CLASSIFICATION West Springfield Total Males Fe- males West Stockbridge Total Males Fe- males 11,339 5,601 5,738 8,664 4,231 4,433 2,675 1,370 1,305 1,277 932 345 670 440 230 607 492 115 602 336 151 11,302 5,584 5,718 4,565 2,237 2,328 4,063 1,978 2,085 2,674 1,369 1,305 34 14 20 34 14 20 FOOOOO 1,269 634 290 345 8 8 667 298 139 230 3 3 115 5 5 00001111 3 3 2 573 4 0.7 345 488 4 0.8 380 1,061 8 0.8 725 2 0.3 336 6 1.8 1,055 8 0.8 6 0.6 228 8,906 4,361 4,545 367 174 193 4.1 4.0 4.2 6,307 3,039 3,268 19 11 8 0.3 0.4 0.2 2,599 1,322 1,277 163 185 13.4 12.3 14.5 8,877 4,348 4,529 366 174 192 4.1 4.0 4.2 26 10 16 1 1 3.8 6.3 357 169 188 108 348 0.9 3.7 485 570 IN | | COATHA || 0.7 0.8 11 8 6,783 3,314 3,469 4,436 2,115 2,321 2,347 1,199 1,148 847 553 294 471 266 205 376 287 89 OSO တ (A) POPULATION 1 Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY 4 White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate 26 Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years. 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 46 30 and over but under 35 years 47 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals . 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service Clerical 807 375 16 807 375 16 168 36 1 168 36 1 18 155 484 247 43 17 307 287 1,000 459 687 785 365 383 590 856 132 516 212 380 391 200 192 264 418 549 483 454 327 314 235 189 149 84 57 34 21 26 87 40 63 80 45 35 54 81 126 110 91 92 49 64 58 1,102 976 856 684 618 492 406 316 189 126 94 68 394 165 191 326 438 553 493 402 357 304 257 217 167 105 69 60 47 38 23 18 23 42 80 65 49 65 27 29 26 28 22 20 7 11 23 34 42 22 17 31 39 46 45 42 27 22 35 32 16 32 18 10 12 54 38 17 23 983 74 1 4,500 3,517 259 259 17 17 2,016 1,592 766 742 467 388 86 86 188 77 268 104 433 252 16 424 24 79 523 121 86 149 56 30 7 28 34 12 449 120 86 133 56 28 7 111 164 181 19 28 6 4 11 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 281 OF THE POPULATION Continued. West Tisbury Westwood Whitman Fe Weymouth Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males Whately Total Males Fe- males Total Males males Total Males Fe- males 1 441 387 54 219 195 24 222 192 30 1,448 1,057 391 706 535 171 742 | 13,969 6,825 7,144 522 11,376 5,543 5,833 220 2,593 1,282 1,311 1,118 795 323 608 408 200 510 387 123 7,520 3,663 3,857 6,374 3,123 3,251 1,146 540 606 703 608 5 436 285 99 52 5 3 2 215 144 49 22 4 221 141 50 30 1 1 1,444 611 443 390 3 3 303 230 170 2 2 741 308 213 220 1 1 1,118 441 354 323 220 188 200 510 221 166 123 13,928 6,799 7,129 6,883 3,366 3,517 4,461 2,159 2,302 2,584 1,274 1,310 34 19 15 31 17 14 3 2 7 1 1 6 6 7,458 4,315 2,010 1,133 58 47 11 4 ITIAGO 3,631 3,827 2,124 2,191 978 1,032 529 604 28 30 19 28 9 2 4 2 2 10 11 12 13 דודו 1 1 1 2 186 581 175 11 6.3 1,196 1 0.1 810 786 149 19.0 465 439 89 20.3 347 60 17.3 226 152 411 239 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 361 16 4.4 308 5 1.6 53 11 20.8 356 16 4.5 170 4 2.6 23 7 30.4 171 11 6.4 4 Gli S 2.7 156 1 0.6 30 4 13.3 185 5 2.7 1 386 1 0.3 1,192 1 0.1 3 615 | 11,451 1 237 0.2 2.1 399 8,931 7 0.1 216 2,520 1 230 0.5 9.1 614 11,414 1 234 0.2 2.1 1 30 3 10.0 1 230 5,563 5,888 116 121 2.1 2.1 4,317 4,614 5 2 0.1 1- 1,246 1,274 111 119 8.9 9.3 5,540 5,874 115 119 2.1 2.0 16 14 1 2 6.3 14.3 114 116 578 321 149 46.4 786 149 19.0 200 89 44.5 439 89 20.3 6,326 3,044 3,282 59 24 35 0.9 0.8 1.1 5,212 2,521 2,691 8 5 3 0.2 0.2 0.1 1,114 523 591 51 19 32 4.6 3.6 5.4 6,273 3,016 3,257 55 23 32 0.9 1.0 49 24 25 1 3 8.2 4.2 12.0 58 23 35 121 60 49.6 347 60 17.3 0.8 - ITAA 29 15 10 5 1 130 74 56 30 299 249 50 139 117 22 160 132 28 959 593 366 448 286 162 511 307 204 9,086 6,760 2,326 4,376 4,710 3,219 3,541 1,157 1,169 594 326 268 322 160 162 272 166 106 5,007 2,390 2,617 3,960 1,901 2,059 1,047 489 558 32 33 34 35 14 5 1 14 5 1 248| 79 74 79 74 8 598 499 53 598 499 53 142 20 142 20 111 242 232 5 242 232 5 27 93 18 15 12 17 13 13 38 32 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 33 13 25 30 10 11 11 17 25 27 35 40 24 19 23 24 19 21 OFE&00 VA SER 9%以​四​wNnH以​约​四​的​如​任​四​四​四​红​41 55 237 112 171 217 128 107 213 251 342 ដដ ដីទីពឹង ងា ដ ដ + ៧ + 18 16 18 18 13 11 17 22 11 11 13 11 14 39 32 40 51 27 24 31 57 52 51 54 63 51 33 29 19 14 15 6 4 80 83 43 48 63 109 112 120 119 122 100 66 64 52 32 28 18 17 13 54 20 40 32 16 24 32 52 60 69 65 59 49 33 35 33 18 13 12 13 255 1,001 491 771 837 429 434 665 868 1,046 1,062 1,095 1,023 918 816 641 535 396 283 209 194 126 518 240 378 441 209 213 324 433 489 499 546 491 457 403 295 271 195 132 92 73 129 483 251 393 396 220 221 341 435 557 563 549 532 461 413 346 264 201 151 117 121 31 155 62 84 64 25 32 71 84 83 99 76 59 39 24 32 29 21 16 18 14 21 72 30 46 32 17 22 46 41 44 59 40 37 25 16 15 13 14 7 6 5 10 25 43 39 40 36 22 14 290 c ធី “ទី១ គឺន៦៦ននននន 102 461 238 393 447 238 241 393 489 630 551 538 560 508 452 391 300 243 148 112 85 47 224 126 222 230 110 134 180 238 288 261 259 276 246 231 191 145 116 64 41 34 17 16 10 13 10 12 279 284 262 221 200 155 127 84 71 51 O WA 12 56 11 37 57 58 59 154 70 117 70 650 154 450 150 200 4 412 332 380 330 32 2 839 3,317 100 2,478 100 1 20 563 34 422 38 7 10 4 3 4 61 62 63 64 5,848 213 9 3,170 373 699 99 368 416 501 18 10 16 3 15 19 3 17 10 13 2 4 1 6 4,482 1,366 212 1 9 2,607 350 23 631 68 99 178 190 129 287 267 234 124 74 63 6 51 133 45 104 74 56 5 23 13 25 2,062 175 321 46 3 1 38 7 1 28 120 20 1,640 166 283 46 66 71 106 8 16 1 18 3 13 205 262 80 134 156 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 282 · 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Williamsburg CLASSIFICATION Wilbraham Fe- Total Males males Fe- Total Males males 2,521 1,220 1,497 755 1,024 465 1,301 742 559 2,118 1,089 1,029 1,694 856 838 424 233 191 2,519 1,219 790 410 706 345 1,023 464 1,300 380 361 559 1 2,117 1,088 1,029 1,093 541 552 600 314 286 424 233 191 1 1 8 937 62 6.6 480 839 67 8.0 650 1 1,950 133 6.8 945 2 0.2 1,005 131 13.0 1,948 133 6.8 1 0.2 457 61 13.3 936 62 6.6 1,013 71 7.0 465 1 0.2 548 70 12.8 1,012 71 7.0 1 1,716 117 6.8 1,296 9 0.7 420 108 25.7 1,715 117 6.8 1 877 50 5.7 646 9 1.4 231 41 17.7 876 50 5.7 1 189 67 35.4 839 67 8.0 122 57 65 106 46 1,442 683 759 722 329 393 720 354 366 1,286 908 378 649 437 212 637 471 166 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY 4 White Native, native parentage 6 Native, foreign or mixed parentage 7 Foreign born Colored Native 10 Foreign born 11 All other 12 Native 13 Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 14 Total population 10 years of age and over 15 Number illiterate 16 Per cent illiterate 17 Native. 18 Number illiterate 19 Per cent illiterate 20 Foreign born 21 Number illiterate 22 Per cent illiterate 23 White 24 Number illiterate 25 Per cent illiterate Colored 27 Number illiterate 28 Per cent illiterate 29 Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE 30 Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) 31 Native 32 Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 33 Alien 34 Naturalized 35 Unqualified and unknown (F) AGE PERIODS 36 Under 1 year 37 1 and over but under 5 years 38 5 and over but under 7 years 39 7 and over but under 10 years 40 10 and over but under 14 years 41 14 and over but under 16 years 42 16 and over but under 18 years 43 18 and over but under 21 years 44 21 and over but under 25 years 45 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 48 40 and over but under 45 years 49 45 and over but under 50 years 50 50 and over but under 55 years 51 55 and over but under 60 years 52 60 and over but under 65 years 53 65 and over but under 70 years 54 70 and over but under 75 years 55 75 and over but under 80 years 56 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 57 Total number of persons employed 58 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 59 Extraction of minerals. 60 Manufacturing and mechanical industries : 61 Transportation 62 Trade 63 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 64 Professional service 65 Domestic and personal service 66 Clerical 349 43 1 349 43 1 156 56 156 56 46 86 266 98 121 132 52 85 239 284 275 162 165 119 94 89 67 63 48 34 24 18 46 133 41 63 68 32 42 73 124 145 89 90 61 48 41 30 33 25 18 8 10 40 133 57 58 64 20 43 166 160 130 73 75 58 46 48 37 30 23 16 16 8 44 166 72 120 156 67 76 131 156 168 123 134 137 115 122 91 70 60 45 35 30 26 89 36 61 92 34 35 67 82 84 70 64 69 62 53 44 36 31 22 15 17 18 77 36 59 64 33 41 64 74 84 53 70 68 53 69 47 34 29 23 20 13 47 Oo oo 195 1,179 144 762 142 417 2 880 174 685 174 484 331 3 86 ti 815 39 48 10 39 65 19 455 30 52 10 46 60 53 369 29 47 10 36 48 10 22 16 i 8 12 17 57 9 31 30 51 22 COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 283 1 OF THE POPULATION - Continued. Williamstown Wilmington Winchendon Winchester Windsor Fe Total Males males Fe- Total Males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males males 1 3,981 1,926 2,055 3,405 1,679 1,726 576 247 329 2,330 1,144 1,186 1,851 904 947 479 240 239 5,908 3,034 2,874 110,005 4,595 5,410 4,543 2,305 2,238 7,490 3,450 4,040 1,365 729 2,515 1,145 1,370 375 346 29 200 190 10 175 156 19 636 3,861 2,214 1,074 573 117 116 1,872 1,989 1,080 1,134 546 528 246 327 52 65 52 64 1,133 1,174 525 537 371 403 237 234 8 2,307 1,062 774 471 15 14 1 5,906 2,571 1,972 1,363 3,032 2,874 1,287 1,284 1,018 954 727 636 175 121 35 45678998 9,731 4,248 3,001 2,482 274 241 33 375 288 78 29 4,495 5,236 1,965 2,283 1,395 1,606 1,135 1,347 174 90 151 10 23 200 147 43 10 100 10 11 12 13 1 IIII 站 ​91--- 8们​一一​一 ​3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 136 1,874 69 3.7 1,400 908 37 4.1 670 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3,318 1,590 1,728 77 36 41 2.3 2.3 2.4 2,763 1,352 1,411 22 13 9 0.8 1.0 0.6 555 238 317 55 23 32 9.9 9.7 10.1 3,219 1,545 1,674 75 36 39 2.3 2.3 2.3 96 43 53 2 2 2.1 3.8 75 36 39 966 32 3.3 730 4 0.5 236 28 11.9 954 30 3.1 304 6 2.0 275 2 0.7 29 0.3 474 65 13.7 1,852 66 3.6 15 2 13.3 68 238 37 15.5 898 36 4.0 7 4,756 305 6.4 3,418 27 0.8 1,338 278 20.8 4,754 304 6.4 2,428 2,328 193 112 7.9 4.8 1,718 1,700 16 11 0.9 06 710 628 177 101 24.9 16.1 2,426 2,328 192 112 7.9 4.8 8,186 3,7374,449 307 183 124 3.8 4.9 2.8 5,726 2,623 3,103 6 2 0.1 0.2 0.1 2,460 1,114 1,346 301 179 122 12.2 16.1 9.1 7,967 3,660 4,307 304 182 122 3.8 5.0 2.8 219 77 142 3 1 2 1.4 1.3 1.4 281 163 118 168 2 1.2 158 1 0.6 10 1 10.0 168 2 1.2 2.9 117 1 0.9 19 3 15.8 136 13.8 304 6 2.0 2.9 如​18208 , 28 29 25.0 32 36 278 173 105 30 31 32 2,492 1,973 519 1,181 1,311 956 1,017 225 294 1,406 950 456 678 448 230 728 502 226 3,528 2,357 1,171 1,790 1,738 1,177 1,180 613 558 6,375 2,851 3,524 4,107 1,822 2,285 2,268 1,029 1,239 228 199 29 129 119 10 99 80 19 33 34 35 103 118 3 103 118 3 136 84 8 136 84 8 411 194 6 411 194 6 609 406 6 609 406 6 25 157 10 67 239 126 174 245 103 110 6 14 5 14 16 11 13 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 180 %%%如​红​纪​仍处​约​约​打​招​如​如​红​论​说话​的 ​52 279 125 207 288 134 165 239 270 286 291 304 299 236 215 178 121 124 96 43 29 7 10 11 66 88 143 61 78 127 134 131 129 146 135 126 103 88 57 53 27 122 59 119 145 73 87 112 136 155 162 158 164 110 112 90 64 71 52 22 15 31 192 98 135 189 101 73 105 130 156 154 174 174 127 144 87 80 68 51 33 28 15 112 46 63 91 42 42 55 71 73 71 95 75 61 75 长约​888282仍​ng仍​a的​DVB 16 80 52 72 98 59 31 50 59 83 83 79 99 66 69 43 43 41 32 16 15 124 460 239 329 456 199 224 349 412 463 406 395 408 331 275 261 187 162 87 74 67 57 221 113 155 211 96 114 169 202 231 209 179 198 158 137 131 92 | 87 46 34 34 210 232 197 216 210 173 138 130 95 75 41 40 33 8 24 14 25 29 13 16 18 23 16 28 28 22 19 25 25 12 2993998BBBQB385522 12 14 12 10 16 14 15 12 15 13 A4779242464 10 12 37 27 19 17 13 的​仍​红​如​% 8 55 56 21 14 491 137 16 1,738 1,247 352 345 836 117 699 116 2,488 1,952 156 154 536 2 155 104 139 104 ' 1 28 28 24 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 519 141 133 107 6 412 135 126 15 87 105 22 303 112 95 24 54 51 80 w!8651443 275 106 90 23 30 10 49 15 两​w'%35178- 33-835112- 24 150 389 39 63 284 17 160 734 353 572 630 315 297 569 773 846 804 813 739 656 508 383 308 225 145 98 77 74 346 166 272 319 161 141 265 320 363 348 370 328 334 247 173 147 96 68 34 23 86 388 187 300 311 154 156 304 453 483 456 443 411 322 261 210 161 129 77 64 54 243 13 19 1,444 194 214 53 92 235 100 4,154 2,932 1,222 227 224 3 4 4 1,290 1,180 110 249 228 21 620 586 34 169 169 410 239 171 801 77 724 384 225 159 1,201 181 195 53 39 78 51 ""的 ​53 157 49 66 284 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 14. - COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Winthrop CLASSIFICATION WOBURN Fe- Total Males males Total | Males Fe- males 1 2 3 12,758 6,0636,695 16,410 8,316 8,094 10,055 4,880 5,175 11,881 5,827 6,054 2,703 1,183 1,520 4,529 2,489 2,040 5 12,674 6,029 6,645 || 16,140 5,925 3,000 2,925 4,938 4,060 1,854 2,206 6,692 2,689 1,175 1,514 4,510 76 26 50 264 66 22 44 251 10 6 13 8 6 8,1747,966 2,385 2,553 3,310 3,382 2,479 2,031 136 128 132 119 9 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 6 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 10,796 5,069 5,727 13,260 6,689 6,571 46 13 33 458 292 166 0.4 0.3 0.6 3.5 2.5 8,132 3,906 4,226 8,834 4,251 4,583 4 2 2 18 11 7 1- 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 2,664 1,163 1,501 4,426 2,438 1,988 42 11 31 440 281 159 1.6 0.9 2.1 9.9 11.5 8.0 10,729 5,042 5,687 | 13,045 6,580 6,465 44 13 31 445 286 159 0.4 0.3 0.5 3.4 4.3 2.5 59 19 40 209 103 106 2 2 13 6 7 3.4 5.0 6.2 5.8 6.6 43 11 32 430 266 164 30 31 8,657 4,041 | 4,616 6,1722,945 3,227 2,485 1,096 1,389 9,922 4,985 4,937 5,797 | 2,735 3,062 4,125 2,250 1,875 32 (A) POPULATION Total population Native Foreign born (B) COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY White Native, native parentage Native, foreign or mixed parentage Foreign born Colored Native Foreign born All other Native Foreign born (C) ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total population 10 years of age and over Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Native. Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Foreign born Number illiterate Per cent illiterate White Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Colored. Number illiterate Per cent illiterate Illiterates 21 years of age and over (including age unknown) (D) VOTING AGE Total number 21 years of age and over (including age un- known) Native Foreign born (E) CITIZENSHIP OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES Alien Naturalized Unqualified and unknown (T) AGE PERIODS Under 1 year : i and over but under 5 years 5 and over but under 7 years 7 and over but under 10 years 10 and over but under 14 years 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 50 years 50 and over but under 55 years 55 and over but under 60 years 60 and over but under 65 years 65 and over but under 70 years 70 and over but under 75 years 75 and over but under 80 years 80 and over (including age unknown) (G) GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Total number of persons employed Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals. Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical . 1 33 34 35 369 698 22 369 698 22 1,214 | 1,214 991 991 37 37 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 202 747 411 602 754 355 393 637 892 1,154 1,218 1,247 1,050 922 721 482 381 261 144 100 85 95 385 218 296 375 164 195 294 369 535 579 588 481 471 361 227 175 117 61 42 35 107 362 193 306 379 191 198 343 523 619 639 659 569 451 360 255 206 144 83 58 50 303 1,295 574 978 1,173 603 581 981 1,159 1,377 1,211 1,235 1,132 961 771 631 512 366 261 159 147 155 701 278 493 572 315 301 516 600 721 632 628 567 501 385 294 251 163 112 68 63 148 594 296 485 601 288 280 465 559 656 579 607 565 460 386 337 261 203 149 91 84 * - . 6,828 488 5,323 1,505 475 13 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 5,455 4,117 | 1,338 41 41 5 5 1,177 1,032 145 3,337 2,954 383 409 355 54 1,489 1,349 140 378 378 482 308 174 595 157 438 879 492 387 496 708 158 70 533 738 458 603 157 171 145 360 38 105 1 199 388 378 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION. 285 OF THE POPULATION Concluded. WORCESTER Worthington Wrentham Yarmouth Total Males Fe males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 618 1 2 3 162,697 110,108 52,589 80,338 53,249 27,089 82,359 56,859 25,500 341 319 22 277 261 16 580 38 2,414 1,975 439 1,138 932 206 1,276 1,043 1,415 1,304 111 692 642 50 723 662 617 490 1,247 672 557 1,387 1,117 715 560 340 266 52 22 277 224 37 16 175 ==Eeavea 161,292 44,878 63,894 52,520 1,319 1,294 25 86 42 81,627 23,197 32,941 25,489 729 720 9 79,665 21,681 30,953 27,031 590 574 16 83 2,367 1,269 662 436 45 43 2 1,120 ៩ឪនួននៗ ! ! 95 28 12 16 | ទំនួន១ ខ១២២ 20 5 15 10 11 12 13 42 2 1 232 616 296 2 0.7 274 1,190 2 0.2 1,079 574 2 0.3 524 555 - 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 0.4 216 1 0.5 16 131,157 4,886 3.7 79,722 239 0.3 51,435 4,647 9.0 129,970 4,837 3.7 1,105 46 4.2 4,668 64,466 2,207 3.4 37,954 127 0.3 26,512 2,080 7.8 63,897 2,193 3.4 489 12 2.5 2,102 66,691 2,679 4.0 41,768 112 0.3 24,923 2,567 10.3 66,073 2,644 4.0 616 34 5.5 2,566 528 3 0.6 490 1 0.2 38 2 5.3 527 3 0.6 2,119 214 10.1 1,687 181 10.7 432 33 7.6 2,073 213 10.3 1,158 109 9.4 930 95 10.2 228 14 6.1 1,129 109 9.7 29 295 232 111 2 1.8 1,165 2 0.2 25 50 2 4.0 555 2 0.4 19 610 0.7 0.4 6 1 2.3 73 29 * 33 2 30 101,307 31 54,522 32 46,785 49,880 25,578 24,302 51,427 28,944 22,483 386 351 35 206 187 19 180 164 16 1,387 1,029 358 772 586 186 987 880 107 471 423 48 516 457 59 33 34 35 13,959 9,641 646 13,959 9,641 646 10 8 1 10 8 1 106 58 7 15 19 15 19 = - 9 32 17 32 5 16 9 15 12 42 25 36 46 18 16 20 36 43 18 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 " 3,656 13,115 6,009 8,760 10,673 4,948 5,122 9,107 13,579 16,073 13,830 12,953 10,973 9,264 7,571 5,528 4,289 3,002 2,083 1,193 969 1,866 6,568 3,050 4,388 5,295 2,372 2,501 4,418 6,607 8,209 6,921 6,489 5,483 4,646 3,769 2,636 2,040 1,328 908 495 349 1,790 6,547 2,959 4,372 5,378 2,576 2,621 4,689 6,972 7,864 6,909 6,464 5,490 4,618 3,802 2,892 2,249 1,674 1,175 698 620 16 8 17 33 11 17 29 23 22 19 17 16 20 20 20 14 19 9 15 18 41 37 37 30 36 41 42 36 22 28 18 11 °°ះគន១១១ 21 88 59 127 259 144 137 192 213 188 150 127 121 116 110 84 90 81 50 27 30 37 28 47 116 66 89 115 144 105 81 71 60 55 62 49 46 47 22 13 17 20 22 16 8 42 54 53 40 38 49 36 37 23 23 18,320 52 293 127 241 123 1,075 238 421 3 71 1 95 16 355 117 8 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 70,962 865 13 36,239 4,711 8,553 1,717 4,881 7,860 6,123 52,642 864 13 29,461 4,371 7,150 1,712 2,309 3,275 3,487 3 6,778 340 1,403 5 2,572 4,585 2,636 111 7 15 3 13 16 10 1 3 607 308 205 16 16 961 105 10.9 757 86 11.4 204 19 9.3 944 104 11.0 15 1 6.7 40 615 443 172 106 58 7 13 38 25 42 41 21 18 23 35 40 42 36 53 44 36 15 51 31 80 143 78 48 77 69 83 69 56 61 61 48 35 44 34 28 14 13 17 80 50 78 87 39 34 43 71 83 84 78 107 97 76 82 87 79 64 38 41 38 43 27 15 18 654 235 521 117 450 116 238 39 62 21 19 23 17 182 51 61 16 30 45 19 21 48 265 40 174 51 58 16 13 11 11 17 14 242 1 1 1 1 . 1 } PART III NATIVITY, COLOR OR RACE, ILLITERACY, POLITICAL CONDITION, AGES, AND CONJUGAL CONDITION EXPLANATORY NOTES. Note 1. The distribution of the foreign born by country of birth is presented in these tabulations for the State for 24 principal political or geographical divisions, with, in certain cases, their important sub-divisions; and for cities and towns by principal divisions. All figures add up, not down; i.e., the population given for the sub-divisions when added up gives the total for the country or general geographical division, and the population given for the various countries or general geographical divisions when added up gives the total for the foreign born. For example, in Table 15, the number of persons in the total population of the State, 3,693,310, is the total of the native, 2,541,265, and the foreign born, 1,152,045; the number of foreign born is the total of the 24 principal countries or geographical divisions, including “All Other Foreign Countries"; the number of persons born in Canada, namely, 263,786, is the total of the sub-divisions New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Canada, n. 0. c. The abbreviation “n. 0. c." means not otherwise classified. Austria, n. 0. C., means all persons returned as born in those parts of Austria other than Bohemia, Hungary, and Austrian Poland, the population of each of which is given separately. All persons returned as born in Canada, whether of English or French descent (except the specified provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, the population of each of which is given separately), are included under the classification of Canada, n. 0. c.; Poland, n. 0. C., means all persons returned as born in “Poland” without specification as to whether they were natives of Austrian, German, or Russian Poland, the population of each of which is given separately; Russia, n. 0. c., means all persons returned as born in those parts of Russia other than Finland, Lithuania, and Russian Poland, the population of each of which is given separately; Turkey, n. o. c., means all persons returned as born in those parts of Turkey not accounted for as born in Armenia, Syria, other Asiatic Turkey, and European Turkey, the population of each of which is given separately. The terms, “Other Native and "Other Foreign countries," possess a slightly different signification from "not otherwise classified.” They may include natives of states or countries (a) not classified in the first instance for the purpose of tabulation for the reason that such countries were represented by a negligible number in our population, and also (6) natives of certain countries for which a classification and tabulation was made and for which, therefore, information is available on the files of the Census Office, but which are represented in such small numbers in the several cities and towns, and not at all in many of them, that it has not been deemed advisable to present the figures by cities and towns. The total for the State of all countries tabulated is, however, shown in Table 15, of which the classification in Tables 18 and 19 for the cities and towns is a condensation accomplished by making certain combinations. These combinations, the figures for each component country of which are shown for the State in Table 15, are as follows: Austria, exclusire of Austrian Poland, is composed of Bohemia, Hungary, and Austria, not otherwise classified. l'ortugal, including island possessions, is composed of Portugal proper, Western Islands, and other island posses- Turkey is composed of Turkey in Asia other than Armenia and Syria, Turkey in Europe, and Turkey, not other- wise classified. West Indies is composed of Cuba and West Indies, n. 0. C. Other Foreign Countries includes Belgium, China, Denmark, Japan, Netherlands, Roumania, Serbia, South America, Central America, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and all other foreign countries, and born at sea of foreign parents. sions. Note 2. In the State Census of 1905, American citizens born abroad, persons born in the outlying possessions of the United States prior to the transfer of sovereignty (Hawaii, the Phil- ippines, and Porto Rico), and persons born at sea of American parents were classified as foreign born; in the Census of 1915, following the tabulation rules of the United States Census, these groups have been classified as native born and in the table here presented the totals of native and foreign born for 1905 have been adjusted accordingly. The designation “Other Native” includes United States, not otherwise classified, persons of unknown country of birth, all persons born in the outlying possessions of the United States, and persons born at sea of American parents. Note 3. In the Census of 1905, the enumerators were not required to distinguish between Austrian Poland, German Poland, and Russian Poland; therefore, all Poland recorded by the enumerators was credited to Poland. If a schedule was received marked "Germany (Pol.)," it was tabulated as Germany. If it was received as “Poland (Ger.)," it was tabulated as Poland. This was also true for “Poland (Aus.)," and " Poland (Russ.)," and vice versa. The number of Austrians, Germans, and Russians as recorded in the Census of 1905 was probably somewhat greater by this method of editing than they would have been under the method used in the Census of 1915, inasmuch as in the latter census in all cases where the enumerator simply re- turned “Poland" as the country of birth, without differentiating between Austrian, German, and Russian, in accordance with instructions, the Census Office compared the entry with the answer given the inquiry as to ability “to read and write English; if not what language ?” and the answer to this inquiry was used to determine whether the persons enumerated were natives of Austrian Poland, German Poland, or Russian Poland. By the method of enumeration and tabulation followed in the Census of 1905 the number of persons born in “Poland" as shown for that census was 21,490. This figure is obviously not comparable with the number 1,895, entered for 1915 on the line “Poland, n. 0. C.," in Table 15, since the latter only represents those persons returned merely as “Poles" or in such a way as to make it impossible to accurately segregate and distribute them. Note 4. The figure for Russia, n. 0. C., 1905 (49,304), includes Lithuania, and to a certain extent also Russian Poland, and is, therefore, not comparable with the corresponding figure for 1915 on this line (96,357), which strictly represents natives of Russia proper, exclusive of natives of Finland, Lithuania, and Russian Poland, these being separately shown. Note 5. In compiling the tabulation of the Census of 1915 it has not been deemed essential to attempt a distribution of foreign-born persons to their respective countries of birth in as great detail as was done in 1905, i.e., in cases where such persons were found in very small num- bers; there is, therefore, for 1915 a total of 1,051 foreign born classified by country of birth, together with those born at sea of foreign parents. The term “Other Foreign Countries" as used in this connection comprises for 1905 persons born at sea of foreign parents (415), Bul- garia (51), Asia, n. 0. C. (165), Africa (134), and foreign born, n. 0. C. (7). 1) NATIVITY. The presentations immediately following, Tables 15-19, inclusive, deal with the classification of the population by Native and Foreign Born and Parent Nativity; Table 20, with Color or Race; Table 21, with Illiteracy; Tables 22-24, inclusive, with Political Condition; Table 25, with Ages; and Table 26, with Conjugal Condition. NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN. There is no subject for which the census is a source of information of greater public interest than that of the composition of the population as respects nativity, and none for which the demand for data is greater or more insistent. This has perhaps always been true, but it is more so now than ever by virtue of the steadily increasing appreciation of the importance of the problem of Americanizing the foreign born and their education for citizenship. The first question naturally asked in this connection is: What is the proportion of the foreign born in the total population, -- is it increasing or decreasing? And the second is: From what countries do the foreign born chiefly come? TABLE 15 shows the aggregate native population of the Common- wealth, classified by the New England States and New York, and the foreign born, classified by country of birth, with comparisons for 1905 and 1915, and the increase or decrease in number and percentage. Number of Foreign Born Living in Massachusetts in 1915. From this table the following summary has been drawn in which the various countries of birth of the foreign born are arranged in accordance with the number of persons contributed by each to the population in 1915, and the percentage which each such group was of the total foreign- born population of the State. In this arrangement the usual census classification of countries has been followed with respect to the several parts of the British Empire making the principal contributions; i.e., England, Scotland, Ireland, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Canada, not otherwise classified, are shown separately, by which method of presentation Ireland heads the list with 210,166, or 18.2 per cent of the foreign-born population of the State. If, however, Canada (including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) be regarded as a unit by itself properly comparable with England, Scotland, and Ireland, the total population of Massachusetts to be credited as natives of that country would be 263,786, or 22.9 per cent of the total foreign born, with the natives of Ireland next in order. 290 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Foreign Per Cent Born COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Foreign Per Cent Born 13,269 1.2 1,152,045 210,166 137,802 100.0 18.2 12.0 1.0 0.5 123,450 122,129 95,929 10.7 10.6 8.3 The State Ireland Canada, n. o. c. Russia, exclusive of Russian Po- land Italy England Poland, including Austrian, Ger- man, and Russian Poland Nova Scotia Portugal, including island pos- sessions Sweden Scotland New Brunswick Germany, exclusive of German Poland Turkey Greece Prince Edward Island 83,373 79,115 7.2 6.9 Newfoundland Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland France. Norway Denmark British possessions, n. 0. C. Belgium Netherlands China West Indies Wales Switzerland: Roumania South and Central America and Mexico Spain Japan Serbia Other foreign countries 12,004 6,287 5,833 3,402 3,311 2,584 2,062 1,804 1,793 1,521 1,371 919 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 52,133 41,136 32,088 30,010 4.5 3.6 2.8 2.6 0.1 28,696 21,986 18,163 16,859 2.5 1.9 1.6 1.5 850 657 169 123 1,051 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. Increase of the Foreign Born. The gradually increasing proportion of the foreign born in the popula- tion of the Commonwealth within the last two generations, i.e., during the 65-year period 1850–1915, is reflected in the following summary table: PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION CENSUS YEAR Total Population Native Foreign Born Native Foreign Born 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 994,514 1,132,369 1,231,066 1,267,031 1,457,351 1,651,912 1,783,085 1,942,141 2,238,943 2,500,183 2,805,346 3,003,680 3,366,416 3,693,310 830,490 887,106 970,960 1,001,545 1,104,032 1,233,008 1,339,594 1,415,274 1,581,806 1,735,253 1,959,022 2,092,501 2,307,171 2,541,265 164,024 245,263 260,106 265,486 353,319 418,904 443,491 526,867 657,137 764,930 846,324 911,179 1,059,245 1,152,045 83.5 78.3 78.9 79.0 75.8 74.6 75.1 72.9 70.6 69.4 69.8 69.7 68.5 68.8 16.5 21.7 21.1 21.0 24.2 25.4 24.9 27.1 29.4 30.6 30.2 30.3 31.5 31.2 It will thus be noted that the proportion of the foreign born to the total population has almost doubled during this period as a whole, though the rate of increase has shown a tendency to slow down during the last 20 years or since 1895, being, in fact, less in 1915 than in 1910. It is, however, of interest to note the actual increase in the two groups, native and foreign born, in number and percentage during the last decade 1905-1915: INCREASE IN 1915 As COMPARED WITH 1905 NATIVITY 1915 1905 Number Per Cent Total Native born Foreign born 3,693,310 2,541,265 1,152,045 3,003,680 2,092,501 911,179 689,630 448.764 240,866 23.0 21.4 26.4 NATIVITY. 291 From the United States Census of 1900 to the State Census of 1905, there was an increase in the native born of 133,479, or 6.8 per cent; in the next five-year period from 1905 to 1910, the native born'increased by 214,670, or 10.3 per cent; and in the last five-year period from 1910 to 1915, this class increased by 234,094, or 10.1 per cent. On the other hand, the increase in the foreign born from 1900 to 1905 was 64,855, or 7.7 per cent; from 1905 to 1910, it was 148,066, or 16.2 per cent; and from 1910 to 1915 it was 92,800, or 8.8 per cent. The falling off in the percentage of increase in the foreign born since the United States Census of 1910 is doubtless to be accounted for, in large part, by the virtually absolute stoppage of immigration at the outbreak of the European War, which occurred some eight months before the taking of the census on April 1, 1915, and also by the departure of considerable numbers of foreign born to their native lands during this period to participate in the war. The largest increase in the number of persons born in any one foreign country which can be computed on a comparable basis in the 10-year period 1905–1915 was in the natives of Italy, — 71,571 (i.e., from 50,558 to 122,129), or 141.6 per cent increase; the natives of Greece increased during the same period from 4,672 to 18,163, or 288.8 per cent. It is impossible to state accurately the increase during the decade in natives of Russia, i.e., for the whole empire, for the reason that the census figures for Russia in 1905 included Lithuania, and, to a certain extent also, Russian Poland. No effort was made in the State Census of 1905 to differentiate be- tween the Poles according to country of birth of their political allegiance, so that only the total can be shown for that year, but in the United States Census of 1910, this was attempted through the effort to learn the “mother-tongue" of the population, and in the State Census of 1915, the distinction by political country of birth was also made. The following table may, therefore, be of interest as showing the rapid growth of this element in the population of Massachusetts: NUMBER OF PERSONS OF POLISH BIRTH 1915 1910 1905 Total 83,373 58,273 21,490 Born in: Austrian Poland German Poland Russian Poland Poland, n. 0. C. 33,311 1,172 46,995 1,895 28,905 1,595 27,594 179 It thus appears that the natives of what was once Poland, before its partition between Austria, Germany, and Russia, in the population of Massachusetts increased between 1905 and 1910 by 36,783, or 171.2 per cent, and between 1910 and 1915 by 25,100, or 43.1 per cent. 292 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS The Turks constitute another foreign-born element which has been increasing at a remarkable rate in our population in recent years. There were 8,263 natives of Turkey and the various countries under its dominion returned in the Census of 1905; in 1915, the number was found to be 21,986, an increase in 10 years of 13,723, or 166.1 per cent. The Ar- menians alone increased from 2,855 to 6,374, or 123.3 per cent, and the Syrians from 3,381 to 7,771, or 129.8 per cent. Of the total number reported for 1915, 17,576 were from Asiatic Turkey and 2,184 from European Turkey, the remainder, 2,226, not being distributed as between Asia and Europe. The natives of Turkey in the population of Massa- chusetts for the Census of 1910 were 16,138. The increase in the population of Portuguese birth is also noteworthy, rising from 27,937 in 1905 to 52,133 in 1915, — an increase of 86.6 per cent. The largest single overseas foreign-born element in the population of Massachusetts, as has been the case since the first immigration of peoples other than English, was the Irish, but it is significant that the absolute number of persons born in Ireland has been steadily decreasing since 1890. In that year the number of such persons was 259,902; in 1915 it had dropped to 210,166, a decline of 19.1 per cent, the difference being due to decreased immigration. This was not particularly marked in the Census of 1895, when there were 258,247 Irish-born reported, a decrease of only 1,655, or 0.6 per cent; but in the next five-year period the number dropped to 249,916, or 3.2 per cent; in 1905, it was 236,373, a five-year decrease of 5.4. per cent; by 1910 there was another drop to 222,867, or 5.7 per cent; during the last five-year period the number decreased to 210,166, or 5.7 per cent. For the 10-year period since the State Census of 1905, with which comparisons are made in the accompanying table, the decrease was 11.1 per cent. The largest foreign-born element in our . population next to those of Irish birth were the natives of Russia, including those born in Finland and Lithuania, but excluding those born in Russian Poland, — numbering 123,450, and the next largest were the Italians, who, as already noted, have increased 141.6 per cent in 10 years and now number 122,129. Distribution of the Foreign Born. TABLE 16 is a new feature in Massachusetts census presentations, showing the distribution of the foreign born by leading countries of birth represented in the population. It is self-explanatory, but it is of interest to note that Boston led the cities and towns of the State in the number of persons born in the following countries: — Ireland, 64,455; Italy, , 42,932; Austria, (exclusive of Austrian Poland), 3,107; England, 14,003; France, 1,091; Germany, (exclusive of German Poland), 8,402; Lithuania, 2,683; New Brunswick, 7,651; Newfoundland, 4,876; Norway, 2,132; Nova Scotia, 20,989; Poland (including Austrian, German, and Russian NATIVITY. 293 Poland), 9,445; Prince Edward Island, 5,057; Russia, n. 0. C., 41,669; Scotland, 6,134; Syria, 1,960; Turkey, n. 0. C., 1,315; Wales, 292; West Indies, 726. The city next to Boston having the largest Irish-born popula- tion was Worcester, with 9,928; Cambridge was next, with 9,846. Next to Boston, the city having the largest number of English was New Bedford, with 10,586; Fall River was next, with 9,772. Next to Boston in Polish population was Worcester, with 5,741; Chicopee had 4,808. The largest number of Russians, outside of Boston, was found in Chelsea, with 9,217; the largest number of Italians, outside of Boston, was in Lawrence, with 8,587. The largest number of Lithuanians, outside Boston, was found in Brockton, with 2,071, and the largest number of Syrians, outside Boston, was in Lawrence, with 1,936. PARENT NATIVITY. TABLE 17 is a classification by sex of: (1) the Native; (2) the For- eign Born by country of birth; (3) the Native according to the country of birth (a) of the father, (b) the country of birth of the mother, and (c) the country of birth of the parents when both parents were born in the same foreign country. This table must be very carefully read or entirely erroneous and misleading deductions are likely to result. The first section of the presentation appearing on the left-hand page is sufficiently clear and self-explanatory. The second section, appearing on the right- hand page and having to do with parent nativity, has, indeed, no essential relation to the first section, and, moreover, the three sub-divisions of the parent nativity section have no relation to, and should be considered independently of, each other. The confusion which is certain to arise in any attempt to analyze the table as a whole, on the assumption that its several columns are component parts of one presentation, might possibly have been avoided had the three classifications reflecting parent nativity been separately presented; to have done this, however, would have neces- sitated four separate tables with a repetition for each of the list of countries. In the interest, therefore, of economy in the matter of space, but more particularly to facilitate comparisons of data pertaining to cognate aspects of the same subject, it was decided to compress them within the scope of a single presentation. As above stated, extreme caution must be used in reading this table. Thus the two general divisions of the population as classified in lines 2 and 3 of the first section of the table, on the left-hand page, into “native" and "foreign born,” respectively, when added, make the total population of the State as given on line 1. But while the words "native" and "for- eign born” qualify and apply also to the figures entered on lines 2 and 3 of the second, i.e., the parent nativity section, of the table, on page 325, their signification is modified by the fact that this section of the table relates to native persons only, as the box heading extending across the top of the page indicates. That is to say, the word “native” and the figures 9) 294 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS entered opposite it on line 2 of page 324 represent the total number of persons of native birth, enumerated in the census, but while the same figures appear on påge 325, they are entered, not on line 2, but on line 1, since the data on this page are not inclusive of the entire population of the State but relate only to the native born. Similarly, the term “foreign born” and the figures opposite it on line 3 of page 324 mean the total foreign-born population of the State, but the term “foreign born” when applied to the figures on line 3 of page 325 does not mean foreign born at all,- it means the number of native persons having foreign-born parents. The (1) aggregate number of persons of foreign birth is a definitely ascertainable quantity, so also is the (2) number whose fathers are foreign born, (3) whose mothers are foreign born, and (4) both of whose parents are foreign born and of the same foreign country. Similarly, the (1) aggre- gate number of native born, the (2) native born having native fathers, the (3) native born having native mothers, and the (4) native born having both parents native are also definitely ascertainable quantities. With this understanding of the negative significance of the table so far as the rela- tion of its four parts to each other is concerned, let us see what of in- terest may be drawn from it. First, we may note that of the total 2,541,265 native born, there were 1,191,655 both of whose parents were native born, and 863,926 both of whose parents were foreign born of the same foreign country, leaving 485,684, of which 375,037 were of mixed parentage, i.e., one native and one foreign born, and 110,647 of mixed foreign parentage, i.e., both parents foreign born of different foreign countries. We do not present statistics in the Census of 1915 showing the parent nativity of the foreign born, assuming that the number of foreign- born persons whose parents were not also foreign born and of the same foreign country was negligible; therefore, if we assume that both parents of all the foreign born were also foreign born and of the same foreign country, we may say that the foreign-born persons of pure foreign stock (whose parents were both born in the same foreign country), represented 1,152,045 and the native persons of pure foreign stock were 863,926, making a total of 2,015,971 persons of pure foreign stock, while the pure native stock (i.e., native persons of native parentage) numbered 1,191,655; we thus have a total of 3,207,626 persons representing pure native and pure foreign parentage, and if we assume that these two classes represented the irre- ducible minimum of the pure foreign and the pure native stock, respec- 1 The census obviously cannot classify, according to descent in a strict genealogical sense, the millions of persons enumerated, since it is not feasible to undertake to ascertain the nativity of ancestors further back than the parents (in the State Census of 1905 information as to grandparent nativity was collected but with results that did not justify repetition of the effort). The term “pure foreign stock" in this connection is used, there- fore, with a somewhat restricted meaning, carrying the implication that it must be assumed, for practical pur- poses, that the country of birth of the parents determines the "stock." It is doubtful, however, whether there is any considerable number of persons both of whose parents were born in a given foreign country who are not likewise descended through more than one generation from persons born in the same country; for example, the number of persons both of whose parents were born in Ireland but of whom it might be said, could the facts be ascertained, that one or more of their four grandparents or one or more of their eight great grandparents may have been born in some other country and that, therefore, they cannot properly be described as of "pure" Irish stock, – is probably negligible. . NATIVITY. 295 tively, in the population of Massachusetts, it appears that the former was 54.6 per cent and the latter 32.3 per cent of the total population of the State; there then remains 485,684, or 13.1 per cent of the total population, which by this deduction represented the number of native born of mixed parentage, 375,037 (i.e., one parent native and one foreign born), and of mixed foreign parentage, 110,647 (i.e., both parents foreign born, but of different foreign countries). This analysis is expressed in tabular form below: . 1,191,655 1,152,045 863,926 Native born, both of whose parents were native born Foreign born, both of whose parents it is assumed were foreign born . Native born, both of whose parents were foreign born of the same foreign country Native born, one of whose parents was native and one foreign born (375,037), and both foreign born but of different foreign countries (110,647) Total population 485,684 1 3,693,310 . Now, if we add the last three groups of the above table we shall have a total of 2,501,655, which may be said to include all persons of foreign birth and all persons of native birth, one or both of whose parents were foreign born, and if we choose to designate the new group thus created as comprising the “foreign” element, — i.e., persons of foreign blood not more than one generation removed, we may do so and say that this element constituted 67.7 per cent of the total population of the State, while the native element constituted 32.3 per cent. To do this, however, must be seen to be somewhat arbitrary; for why should the 375,037 native-born persons, one of whose parents was native born and one foreign born, be arbitrarily classified with a so-called foreign element? In fact, being themselves native born, ought they not with greater propriety be classified with the native born? If, therefore, it be desired for any reason to classify the population broadly into but two groups based upon a combination of nativity and parent nativity factors, the following is suggested as the most logical division that can be made: Native born, one or both of whose parents were native born 1,566,692 Foreign born, and native born both of whose parents were foreign born 2,126,618 . Total population. 3,693,310 . By this method of classification, it appears that 42.4 per cent of the total may be regarded as of native and 57.6 per cent as “foreign” stock. The predominant countries represented in the Census of 1915 by the 2,126,618 foreign born and the native born, both of whose parents were foreign born, were Canada, n. o. c., England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Poland (including Austrian, German, and Russian Poland), Portugal, Russia (exclusive of Russian Poland), Scotland, and Sweden. 296 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18 presents by cities and towns having a population of 2,500 or more, by sex, for certain selected countries of birth and sub-divisions, the same class of data given for the State in Table 17. TABLE 19 is a presentation, similar to Table 18, for places of less than 2,500 population but without classification by sex. A sex classifica- tion for these smaller places is, however, obtainable from the files of the Census Office. COLOR OR RACE. TABLE 20 is a presentation for the State of the native and foreign born by color or race, and sex. This may be summarized as follows: NATIVITY Total White Colored All Other Total Native Foreign born : 3,693,310 2,541,265 1,152,045 3,644,273 2,504,151 1,140,122 45,598 35,634 9,964 3,439 1,480 1,959 : : : : : Thus it appears that of the total native population 98.5 per cent was white, 1.4 per cent was colored, and 0.1 per cent was Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and all other races; while of the total population, both native and foreign born, 98.7 per cent was white, 1.2 per cent was colored, and 0.1 per cent was of all other races. The term “colored” as always used in Massachusetts censuses is not perhaps strictly scientific, but need cause no confusion in comparison with the United States census figures if it be understood that it is meant to apply only to persons of negro blood or an admixture thereof. The 9,964 classified as foreign-born colored are distributed as follows by prin- cipal countries of birth: . . . . • . Total number of foreign-born colored Portugal. . Portugal proper Island possessions British possessions, n. 0. C. Nova Scotia West Indies, n. 0. C. Canada, n. 0. C. New Brunswick South and Central America and Mexico England. Cuba Prince Edward Island Deninark Netherlands France Ireland Other foreign countries 9,964 4,918 1,305 3,613 1,744 1,260 1,250 195 171 87 60 41 34 29 23 16 14 92 ILLITERACY. 297 The increase in the colored population by census years from 1790 to 1915 was as follows: CENSUS YEAR Colored CENSUS YEAR Colored CENSUS YEAR Colored 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 5,463 6,452 6,737 6,868 7,0491 8,669 9,064 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 9,767 9,602 10,1672 13,947 15,484 18,697 18,335 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 22,144 26,540 31,974 34,041 38,055 45,598 1 Includes 128 "All other persons (except Indians not taxed)." 2 This number includes the Indians in the State. The number of colored for cities and towns having 100 or more persons of this race is shown in the following table in which the cities and towns are arranged in the order of the numerical strength of the colored popu- lation: . BOSTON CAMBRIDGE NEW BEDFORD SPRINGFIELD WORCESTER EVERETT. Wareham LYNN NEWTON TAUNTON BROCKTON MALDEN. MEDFORD PITTSFIELD HAVERHILL FALL RIVER Falmouth Carver Harwich. Brookline CHELSEA , Plymouth SOMERVILLE Winchester WOBURN. 15,581 Bourne 5,181 Marion 3,431 LAWRENCE 1,785 Barnstable 1,319 ATTLEBORO 1,134 Amherst 1,017 | Nantucket 732 Freetown 672 | Mashpee. 655 LOWELL 642 NORTH ADAMS 579 SALEM 503 NEWBURYPORT 423 Williamstown. 394 Andover 384 MELROSE 366 Oak Bluffs 352 Great Barrington 348 Rochester 345 Middleborough 338 Fairhaven 333 Duxbury. 280 Sheffield 274 Greenfield 264 224 219 191 182 163 152 152 139 136 130 119 118 117 117 116 114 113 112 112 111 108 103 103 102 . ILLITERACY. TABLE 21 shows the number of illiterates in the population 10 years of age and over by native and foreign born (native white by parent nativity and foreign-born white by country of birth), color or race, and age periods (10 and over but under 21 years, and 21 years and over, 298 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS including age unknown) by sex, for the State. Similar information for cities and towns is obtainable from the files of the Census Office. The determination of literacy or illiteracy by means of the census is wholly a matter of deduction, since obviously the question of literacy is not one that can be categorically answered on a schedule. Some test must be taken as a basis, and in the nature of the case this must be very simple. Moreover, the test is not necessarily applied by the enumerator in person to the person enumerated, - it is the result, probably, oftener than otherwise, of questions asked by the enumerator of some third person, - that member of the family who gives him all the other data he enters on his schedule. The inquiry bearing on the question of literacy which is asked on the census schedule elicits answers which enables the Census Office in the process of tabulation to determine whether the person enu- merated is: - (1) Able to read and write English. (2) Able to read English but cannot write it. (3) Able to write English but cannot read it. (4) Able to read English and write some other language. (5) Able to write English and read some other language. (6) Able to read some other language but cannot write it. (7) Able to write some other language but cannot read it. (8) Able to read and write some other language but not English. (9) Able neither to read nor write any language. For the practical purposes of a tabulation of "illiterates," it becomes necessary to determine upon as simple a definition as possible, and in this respect we have adopted that used by the United States Census Office as follows, namely, persons unable to write regardless of ability to read are classified as illiterate, which would comprise all persons classified in the categories 2, 6, and 9, above. The total of such persons in the Census of 1915 was 128,563, or 4.3 per cent of the population of Massa- chusetts 10 years of age and over; by censuses since 1890 the number and percentage were as follows: YEAR Population 10 Years of Age and Over Number of Illiterates Per Cent 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1,839,607 2,040,417 2,267,048 2,459,264 2,742,684 2,994,158 114,468 127,655 134,043 126,348 141,541 128,563 6.2 6.3 5.9 5.1 5.2 4.3 Of the 128,563 illiterates in 1915, 6,184, or 4.8 per cent, were native and 122,379, or 95.2 per cent, foreign born; 125,307, or 97.5 per cent, were white. Of the foreign-born illiterates, 22.9 per cent were natives of Italy; 16 per cent, of Portugal; 13 per cent, of Canada (including the POLITICAL CONDITION. 299 Provinces); 13 per cent, of Poland. (including Austrian, German, and Russian Poland); 11.8 per cent, of Russia (exclusive of Russian Poland); and 6.9 per cent, of Ireland. POLITICAL CONDITION. TABLES 22, 23, and 24 deal with the Political Condition of the male population of the Commonwealth taken as a whole. On page 33 (Part I) the population and number of legal voters are shown in comparison by years for the 50-year period, 1865–1915, from which it appears that during the half-century the population of the Commonwealth nearly trebled, in- creasing by 191.5 per cent, while the number of legal voters increased during the same period by 215.2 per cent. In considering this subject it is necessary that the term “legal voters” should be clearly understood and particularly that legal voters be not confounded with registered voters, since with the latter the census is not concerned. As was said on a preceding page: 2 While the Constitution requires a census of "legal voters” to be taken, it nowhere specifically defines the term, nor is it defined in any statute of the Commonwealth. It accordingly devolves upon the census-taking authority to determine what con- stitutes a "legal voter," and this has always been done by giving the most feasible interpretation to the several qualifications laid down in the Constitution, the pos- session of which seemed to be intended by that instrument as conditions prerequisite for the exercise of the franchise. From these provisions it appears that a legal voter 'may be defined as a native male 21 years of age or over or a foreign-born male 21 years of age or over who has been naturalized either by his own act or that of his father, provided such person, whether native or foreign born has resided in Massachusetts one year and in the city or town six months and can read and write the English language and is not a pauper or under guardianship. The number of legal voters in the State and in each city and town is, therefore, a matter of deduction, being the number of persons in the entire population who can respond to these several qualifications. It should be noted that the term "legal voter" has within this interpretation a technical meaning quite different from the term "registered voter." A "legal voter," in other words, is a person who is a potential voter, that is, he possesses the qualifications necessary, under the Constitution, to enable him to register for voting purposes; but while he may thus be, in a consti- tutional sense, a legal voter, he can, of course, have no legal right to exercise the act of voting without conforming to an additional requirement imposed by a statute of the Legislature, namely, that of registration. > > Table 22 shows the total number of males in the State of voting age, i.e., 21 years and over including age unknown, by color or race, by native 1 For a more complete analysis of and comment upon the illiteracy statistics of the Census of 1915, the reader is referred to a bulletin issued by the Department of University Extension of the State Board of Education en- titled "The Problem of Immigrant Education in Massachusetts," for which data were prepared and furnished by this office showing for each city and town in the Commonwealth the total population, the total foreign born, the number of foreign-born persons from non-English speaking cou the number of native and foreign- born persons who cannot read and write English, and the percentage of the foreign born who cannot read and write English. 2 P. 5, Part I, General Introduction. 300 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS and foreign born, and the aliens classified by length of residence in the United States. Summarizing the total it may be presented as follows: Legal Voters: Native Foreign born Total legal voters 579,755 196,134 775,889 299,372 Non-Legal Voters: Aliens: (a) Less than one year resident in the United States 5,284 (b) Resident 1 year and over but less than 6 years 91,606 (c) Resident 6 years and over . 200,586 (d) Period of residence unknown 1,896 Total Unqualified only by not having resided in Massa- chusetts one year or the city or town six months: Native. 21,226 Foreign born 3,845 Total . Native illiterates 2,915 Native under guardianship 10,405 13,320 Foreign born under guardianship . 7,644 Total . Unknown political condition: Native. 164 Foreign born 48 Total . Total non-legal voters 25,071 20,964 212 345,619 Total males 21 years of age and over . 1,121,508 - The male population from the standpoint of voting potentiality on the ground of age is composed of two classes, — those 21 years of age and over including age unknown, who may be referred to as males of voting age, and those under 21 years of age. With the latter group we are not especially concerned, except that it may be of passing interest to note that the proportion of the two groups to the total male population was substantially the same in 1915 as in 1905, — the 905,583 males of voting age in 1905 composing 62 per cent of the total number of males, 1,461,589; while in 1915 this group, which numbered 1,121,508, was 61.8 per cent of the total number of males. Of greater significance is the proportion of legal voters to the male population of voting age, and the distribution of the total population of voting age between the sexes. This is shown below for the State Censuses of 1865-1915, inclusive, it being assumed that 21 would be the voting age for women were they possessed of the franchise. POLITICAL CONDITION. 301 POPULATION OF VOTING AGE LEGAL VOTERS MALES FEMALES YEAR Both Sexes Number Per Cent of Total Number Per Cent of Total Number Per Cent of Males of Voting Age 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 745,835 965,341 1,179,504 1,559,966 1,884,040 2,306,238 343,688 455,861 555,969 748,645 905.583 1,121,508 46.1 47.2 47.1 48.0 48.1 48.6 402,147 509,480 623,535 811,321 978,457 1,184.730 53.9 52.8 52.9 52.0 51.9 51.4 246,182 351,113 442,616 560,802 674,174 775,889 71.6 77.0 79.6 74.9 74.4 69.2 When we sub-divide the males of voting age into native and foreign born, it is seen that the relation of these two to the total number of males of voting age appreciably changed in the decade: PER CENT OF Dis- TRIBUTION MALES OF VOTING AGE 1915 1905 Per Cent of Increase 1915 1905 Native. Total : 1,121,508 614,465 507,043 905,583 520,049 385,534 23.8 18.2 31.5 100.0 54.8 45.2 100.0 57.4 42.6 Foreign born: : It thus appears that the percentage of native males of voting age of the whole number of males of voting age declined from 57.4 to 54.8, and the percentage of foreign-born males of the whole number of males of voting age increased correspondingly from 42.6 to 45.2. These per- centages, however, represent merely static conditions. Their real sig- nificance as bearing upon the future does not appear unless we consider them in conjunction with the rate at which the two groups increased during the decade. Thus, while the native males of voting age actually increased 18.2 per cent from 1905 to 1915, the foreign-born males of voting age increased 31.5 per cent. Having noted the proportion of native and foreign born among the males of voting age, let us examine, how these are distributed according to their actual potential voting power. Thus of 614,465 native males of voting age, 579,755, or 94.4 per cent, were legal voters,—the remainder, 34,710, were unqualified because of (a) not having resided in the State a full year or in the city or town six months, (b) illiteracy or being under guardianship, (c) persons whose political condition was not ascertainable. Of the 507,043 foreign-born males of voting age, however, only 196,134, or 38.7 per cent, were legal voters, while there remained 310,909 aliens and others not conforming to the specifications of a legal voter. The following comparisons between the Censuses of 1905 and 1915 are, however, sig- nificant: 302 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS LEGAL VOTERS PER CENT OF MALES OF VOTING AGE PER CENT OF Dis- TRIBUTION NATIVITY 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Total Native Foreign born : 775,889 579,755 196,134 674,174 489,162 185,012 69.2 94.4 38.7 74.4 94.1 48.0 100.0 74.7 25.3 100.0 72.6 27.4 It thus appears that while the proportion, which the number of native legal voters was of the total native males of voting age, remained prac- tically the same in 1915 as in 1905, -- approximately 94 per cent, -- the proportion of the foreign-born males who were qualified as legal voters decreased from 48 per cent in 1905 to 38.7 per cent in 1915. There was, however, a slight increase in the number of native legal voters proportion- ately to the whole number, since they comprised 74.7 per cent of the total number of legal voters in 1915 as against 72.6 per cent in 1905. The actual increase in the number of native legal voters between 1905 and 1915 was 90,593, or 18.5 per cent, as against an increase of 11,122, or 6 per cent, in the foreign born. In 1905 the number of male aliens was 192,344; by 1915 this group had increased 107,028, or 55.6 per cent, although the increase in the total foreign-born males of voting age, as already pointed out, was but 31.5 per cent, — showing the disinclination of large numbers of immigrants in recent years to take steps for qualifying as legal voters by becoming naturalized. This ap- preciation in the number of male aliens is in like manner reflected in the proportion which the aliens bore to the total number of foreign born; viewing the figures from this angle, we note that of the 385,534 foreign- born males of voting age in 1905, 192,344, or 49.9 per cent, were aliens, while of the 507,043 foreign-born males of voting age in 1915, 299,372, or 59 per cent, were aliens. From this analysis the fact stands out prom- inently that the total foreign-born male population increased from 1905 to 1915, 29.4 per cent, and the foreign-born males of voting age, 31.5 per cent, while the foreign-born legal voters only gained 6.0 per cent, but the male aliens increased 55.6 per cent. The actual figures for these increases were: - total, 130,820; voting age, 121,509; legal voters, 11,122; and aliens, 107,028. Of the 196,134 foreign-born legal voters, 195,511 were white. This does not mean, however, that this was the total number of naturalized white males. An approximation only of such a number can be obtained by adding the foreign-born disqualified legal voters (naturalized, but not legal voters because not resident the required length of time in the city or town or the State) to the foreign-born legal voters. Among those under guardianship, there are no doubt many naturalized, but this fact was not obtainable in the census. Likewise the United States Census of 1910 lost many naturalized in their classification “Citizenship not re- ported.” Bearing these facts in mind, a comparison of the returns for the POLITICAL CONDITION. 303 foreign-born white males 21 years of age and over between 1915 (based upon the aggregate of Table 23) and 1910 is of interest: INCREASE (+) OR DE- CREASE (-) IN 1915 As COMPARED WITH 1910 PER CENT OF Dis- TRIBUTION FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER 1915 1910 Number Per Cent 1915 1910 Total Naturalized Aliens All others 499,839 199,332 292,922 7,585 453,601 189,126 242,049 22,426 +46,238 +10,206 +50,873 -14,841 +10.2 + 5.4 +21.0 -66.2 100.0 39.9 58.6 100.0 41.7 53.4 4.9 1.5 9 It will be noticed in the above table that while the total increase in the number of foreign-born white males 21 years of age and over was 46,238, the aliens increased by a larger number, namely, 50,873. This peculiarity is explained by the large decrease recorded in the group “all others," which doubtless contained a very large proportion of aliens." Nevertheless, it is an indisputable fact that the aliens are forming a con- stantly increasing proportion of our adult foreign-born male population. Table 23, showing the distribution of the 499,839 foreign-born white males of voting age by country of origin, brings out that of the gross increase of 52,266 in the number of aliens, 16,776 came from Russia (including Russian Poland), 16,230 from Italy, 8,497 from Portugal, 4,076 from Greece, 3,295 from Turkey, and 3,392 from Austria. A study of the table, “Aliens by Length of Residence in the United States," shown later, brings out the fact that there were enough aliens to account for the increases from these countries, who had been here too short a time to become naturalized, i.e., not over five years. Table 24 segregates the naturalized foreign-born white males of voting age into legal voters and those unqualified for voting by virtue of insufficient length of residence in the State or city or town, showing distribution by country of origin, and segregates the aliens according to length of residence in the United States, also by country of origin; the table also shows the distribution by country of origin of those under guardianship and of unknown political condition. The most striking fact apparent in this table is that of the 292,922 alien white males, 196,434, or 67.1 per cent, had been in the United States six years or over, i.e., more than long enough to have taken out their final papers and to have acquired thereby the potential right to vote, but who had not done so and remained unnaturalized. This would appear to indicate quite clearly the magnitude, so far as numbers are concerned, of the problem of the Americanization of our alien population. The table is, however, still further suggestive when examined in detail, for it then appears that the total number of foreign-born white males of voting age, approximately 500,000, was nearly equally divided between natives of English-speaking 1 This recorded decrease may not have been real; i.e., the segregation of the aggregate into the two principal classes, naturalized and alien, may have been more accurate in the State Census of 1915 than in the United States Census of 1910, leaving a proportionately smaller remainder to be covered in the "All other" class in 1915 tban was the case in 1910, 304 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS countries and those from non-English speaking countries, the former slightly predominating. Of the 252,938 natives of the various English- speaking countries, 107,483, or 42.5 per cent, were aliens, and of this num- ber 84,088, or 78.2 per cent, had resided in the United States more than long enough to obtain naturalization. Of the 246,901 natives of non- English speaking countries, 185,439, or 75.1 per cent, were aliens, and of this number 112,346, or 60.6 per cent, had resided in the United States more than long enough to obtain naturalization. The field and oppor- tunity for the assimilation of the foreign born by means of the nat- uralization process is thus seen to be very far from being limited to the aliens who have come to us from non-English speaking countries, of the 84,088 alien natives of English-speaking countries who had been in the United States six years or more, 50,505, or 60.1 per cent, were natives of the various Canadian provinces (including Canada, n. o. c.); 13,927 were natives of Great Britain proper (England, Scotland, and Wales), and 17,261 of Ireland. The 112,346 aliens from non-English speaking countries, who had resided in the United States six years or more, were distributed principally as follows: COUNTRY Number Per Cent of Total Total Italy Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland: Poland, including Austrian, German, and Russian Poland Portugal Sweden Turkey Greece, . Germany, exclusive of German Poland Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland All other 112,346 31,839 24,703 20.600 11,457 5,223 4,919 4,493 2,628 2,415 4,069 100.0 28.3 22.0 18.3 10.2 4.7 4.4 4.0 2.3 2.2 3.6 AGES. TABLE 25 is a presentation showing the number of persons in the State of each age from those under 1 year to 100 years, and also the number over 100 years of age and the number of unknown age, classified by native and foreign born, by sex, and the native and foreign born, classified by color or race, by sex. It may be deduced from this table that in the Census of 1915 the number of persons in the State of various age groups 65 and over was: . 65 years of age and over 70 years of age and over 75 years of age and over 80 years of age and over of age of age 95 years of age and over 100 years of age and Age unknown 85 years 90 years and over and over 189,030 112,762 58,388 25,353 8,718 2,117 396 46 941 over 1 This term is used somewhat broadly; it includes 48,278 French Canadians, so-called, many of whom cannot speak English, AGES. 305 The number of persons of certain age groups, namely, those 33 and over, 45 and over, 65 and over, 70 and over, and 80 and over, at censuses since 1875 is shown below, from which a gradual tendency to increasing longevity in the first group is clearly apparent. That is to say, 36 per cent of the population was found by the Census of 1875 to have attained at least the age of 33, while at the Census of 1915 the number in this class was 40 per cent of the population. There was likewise, during the same period, a similar increase in the population of those 45 years of age and over, the percentage rising from 20.5 to 22.4. The percentage of the total population attaining to the ages of 65, 70, and 80, respectively, remained, however, substantially the same, approximately 5 per cent reach- ing the age of 65, about 3 per cent the biblical age of three score and ten, and seven-tenths of one per cent attaining to the age of 80 or In the Census of 1915 there were 46 persons returned as 100 years old or over, the oldest person reported being 107 years of age. 9 POPULATION 33 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER YEAR Total Population Number Per Cent of Total Population 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1,651,912 1,942,141 2,500,183 3,003,680 3,693,310 595,256 737,748 953,283 1,199,460 1,479,878 36.0 38.0 38.1 39.9 40.1 POPULATION 45 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER YEAR Total Population Number Per Cent of Total Population 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1,651,912 1,942,141 2,500,183 3,003,680 3,693,310 338,915 426,699 535,161 660,183 828,694 20.5 22.0 21.4 22.0 22.4 POPULATION 65 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER YEAR Total Population Number Per Cent of Total Population 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1,651,912 1,942,141 2,500,183 3,003,680 3,693,310 82,288 107,386 131,924 161,918 189,030 5.0 5.5 5.3 5.4 5.1 306 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - POPULATION 70 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER YEAR Total Population Number Per Cent of Total Population 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1,651,912 1.942,141 2,500,183 3,003,680 3,693,310 49,450 64,751 79,521 96,191 112,762 3.0 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.1 POPULATION 80 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER YEAR Total Population Number Per Cent of Total Population 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1,651,912 1,942,141 2,500,183 3,003,680 3,693,310 11,167 15,516 18,510 22,838 25,353 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.7 PERSONS IN THE DEPENDENT AND PRODUCTIVE AGE GROUPS. The following grouping showing the number of persons under 16, those 16 and over but under 65, and those 65 and over is intended to disclose the number of dependent persons, commonly so regarded, and the number included within the productive age. The latter, in 1905 (1,985,343), con- stituted 66.1 per cent of the total population in that year; in 1915, the number in this class (2,445,092) represented 66.2 per cent of the total pop- ulation, there being an increase in this group in the 10-year period of 23.2 per cent; in the number under 16 years of 24.3 per cent, and in the num- ber 65 years and over of 13.6 per cent. CENSUS YEAR Total Population Under 16 Years (De pendent) 16 and Over but under 65 (Productive) 65 Years and Over (includ- ing Age Unknown) (Dependent) 1905 1915 : 3,003,680 3,693,310 851,092 1,058,247 1,985,343 2,445,092 167,245 189,971 PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGE. The following table, compiled from the age data as returned for the cities of the State, shows for each city the number of persons for certain important age groups, namely, those of school age (shown by sex), i.e., 5 and over but under 21 years; males of militia age, 18 and over but under 45 years; and males of voting age, 21 years and over, including age unknown. CONJUGAL CONDITION. 307 SCHOOL AGE 5 AND OVER BUT UNDER 21 YEARS MILITIA AGE 18 AND OVER BUT UNDER 45 YEARS VOTING AGE 21 YEARS AND OVER (INCLUDING AGE UNKNOWN) THE STATE AND CITIES Total Males Females Males Males Tho Stato ATTLEBORO BEVERLY BOSTON BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE CHELSEA CHICOPEE EVERETT FALL RIVER FITCHBURG GLOUCESTER HAVERHILL HOLYOKE LAWRENCE LOWELL LYNN. MALDEN MARLBOROUGH MEDFORD MELROSE New BEDFORD NEWBURYPORT NEWTON NORTH ADAMS NORTHAMPTON PITTSFIELD QUINCY REVERE SALEM SOMERVILLE SPRINGFIELD TAUNTON WALTHAM WOBURN WORCESTER 1,023,775 5,040 6,186 199,081 16,440 30,510 13,270 9,793 11,180 39,982 11,764 6,854 13,425 18,963 26,454 30,672 24,767 14,457 4,158 8,423 4,615 31,756 4,028 11,729 6,875 6,015 10,750 11,626 7,797 10,370 22,956 27,254 10,040 8,111 4,890 44,619 509,037 2,575 3,196 98,596 8,157 15,018 6,348 4,852 3,631 19,531 5,794 3,455 6,681 9,184 12,915 14,984 12,222 7,136 2,137 4,175 2,279 15,476 1,943 5,717 3,340 2,960 5,270 5,905 3,897 5,177 11,279 13,379 4,921 4,211 2,475 22,024 $14,733 2,465 2,990 100,485 8,283 15,492 6,722 4,941 5,549 20,451 5,970 3,399 6,744 9,779 13,539 15,688 12,545 7,321 2,021 4,248 2,336 16,280 2,085 6,012 3,535 3,055 5,480 5,721 3,900 5,193 11,677 13,875 5,119 3,900 2,415 22,595 826,855 4,207 5,139 181,089 14,498 24,225 10,290 7,053 8,053 25,899 9,001 5,257 11,097 13,656 21,761 24,339 22,428 9,967 3,403 6,445 3,147 25,018 3,232 8,263 4,484 4,395 9,217 9,740 5,462 8,287 18,500 24,081 7,771 6,572 3,664 38,127 1,121,500 5,610 7,075 235,395 19,578 31,702 12,978 8,418 10,704 33,357 11,654 7,868 15,121 17,080 26,711 31,776 30,367 13,598 4,788 8,816 4,803 31,586 4,730 11,840 6,181 6,182 11,962 12,624 6,950 11,307 25,589 31,347 10,862 8,853 4,985 49,880 CONJUGAL CONDITION. Statistics of the conjugal condition of the population are presented only for persons 15 years of age and over, because marriages are seldom consummated until that age. In nearly every country over one-half of the population 15 years of age and over is married. In Massachusetts, in the State Census of 1915, 55.5 per cent of the males and 51.7 per cent of the females 15 years of age and over were married; in the United States Census of 1910, the proportion was 54.7 per cent and 51.1 per cent, respectively. The larger proportion of married males is a characteristic of . the population of New England, no other division of the United States showing similar conditions, due partly to the excess of females in the population 15 years of age and over and partly to the fact that remarriage is more common among men than among women;? hence the great excess of widows (11.8 per cent) over widowers (4.5 per cent). The excess of widows over widowers was also, without doubt, largely due to the fact that men usually marry at a later age than women, so that the marriage relation is more often broken by death of the husband than by death of 1 1 Marriage statistics for 1914 show that only 10 persons (all females) under 15 years of age were married in that year, and of this number one was 13 years and 15 were 14 years of age. — 73rd Annual Report on Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1914, prepared by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. : Marriage statistics for 1914, supra, show that of the 32,588 males and females who were married in that year, 3,305, or 10.4 per cent, of the males were widowers and divorced, as compared with 2,714, or 9.3, per cent, females. 308 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS the wife. The following table shows the percentage of males and females 15 years of age and over who were single, married, widowed, divorced, or for whom conjugal condition was not reported, distributed by racial groups: PER CENT OF MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY RACIAL GROUPS PER CENT OF FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY RACIAL GROUPS RACIAL GROUP Num- ber Num- ber Sin- | Mar- gle Con- jugal Wid- Di- Con- owed vorced dition not re- ported ried Con- jugal Sin- | Mar- | Wid- Di- Con- gle ried owed vorced dition not re- ported 1,309,116 39.6 1,288,819 39.5 750,756 46.5 55.5 55.6 48.8 4.5 4.5 4.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 1,382,263 36.1 0.1 1,364,668 36.1 0.1 821,389 44.2 51.7 51.7 44.6 11.8 11.7 10.7 0.4 0.5 0.5 404,926 36.5 57.2 5.6 0.6 0.1 437,368 35.9 48.7 14.6 0.8 Total White Native Native parent- age Foreign or mixed parent- age Foreign born Colored All other 345,830 58.2 538,063 29.7 17,362 44.0 2,935 58.7 38.9 65.0 50.6 39.5 2.6 5.0 4.7 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 384,021 53.7 543,279 23.9 17,360 32.0 235 28.1 39.8 62.6 50.1 61.7 6.2 13.3 17.1 9.8 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.4 7177 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. THE AGE FACTOR. The distribution of the population by conjugal condition varies according to age, and the following table presents some very interesting differences between the sexes and shows the percentage of distribution, by sex, of the conjugal condition of the population 15 years of age and over, by the three age periods, 15 and over but under 45, 45 and over but under 65, and 65 and over, including age unknown. MALES FEMALES CONJUGAL CONDITION 15 and Over but Under 45 Years 45 and Over but Under 65 Years 65 Years and Over (including Age Un- known) 15 and Over but Under 45 Years 45 and Over but Under 65 Years 65 Years and Over (including Age Un- known) Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Conjugal condition not reported 100.0 51.6 47.1 10 0.2 0.1 100.0 12.8 78.5 8.0 0.6 0.1 100.0 8.1 61.4 29.8 0.4 0.3 100.0 45.9 51.0 2.7 0.4 -1 100.0 15.7 61.7 22.0 0.6 -1 100.0 12.0 27.7 60.0 0.3 -1 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. At the age of 20 men begin to marry and at the age period, 25 and over but under 30, the proportion of married is about equal to the number who are still single (48.0 per cent single and 51.1 per cent married), while a few have already become widowed or divorced. From this age period the proportion of married as compared with the single is always greater, although from the age period, 40 and over but under 45, the absolute num- ber begins to decline, due to deaths which reduce the number of married males to a greater extent than the marriages of the single and widowed can increase it. Females marry as a general rule about five years earlier CONJUGAL CONDITION. 309 than males. In the age period, 25 and over but under 30, the married were over 50 per cent more numerous than the single; at the age period, 45 and over but under 65, the widowed were nearly one-third as numerous as the married; and from the age 65 and over, the ratio of widowed to married increased enormously. In the age period, 15 and over but under 20, the proportion of married among the females was over seven times as great as among the males. The proportion for the females exceeded that for the males for all age periods up to and including 30 and over but under 35. After this age period there were more married among the males. This was due to the fact that males postpone marriage to a later age and, as already stated, remarriage is more common among males than females. The proportion of married among the females reached the maximum between the age period, 35 and over but under 40 years, and for males, between the age period, 40 and over but under 45 years, although the proportion at 45 and over but under 65 years was nearly as great. At every age period the proportion of widowed was at least twice as great for the females as for the males. The following table shows the percentage of males and females 15 years of age and over, by age periods, distributed as to conjugal condition: PER CENT OF MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, IN SPECIFIED AGE PERIODS PER CENT OF FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, IN SPECIFIED AGE PERIODS AGE PERIOD Num- ber Num- ber Sin- Con- jugal Mar-Wid- Di- Con- ried owed vorced dition not re- ported Sin- gle Mar- ried Con- jugal Wid. Di. Con- owed vorced dition not re- ported gle 55.5 4.5 0.3 0.1 |1,382,263 36.1 51.7 11.8 0.4 1 0.7 -1 159,741 94.6 3.3 -1 18.7 0.2 0.1 187,311 64.4 35.1 0.4 0.1 51.1 0.6 0.2 0.1 38.0 60.4 1.2 0.4 -1 175,059 149,923 68.9 1.1 Total 1,809,116 39.6 15 and over but under 20. 154,773 99.2 20 and over but under 25 171,961 81.0 25 and over but under 30. 171,017 48.0 30 and over but under 35. 149,294 29.6 35 and over but under 40. 142,617 21.6 40 and over but under 45 . 125,462 17.4 45 and over but under 65. 311,611 12.8 65 years of age and over 81,797 7.8 Age unknown 584 41.2 0.3 0.1 26.4 70.3 2.7 0.6 75.9 1.9 0.5 0.1 147,112 21.6 72.4 5.3 0.7 78.9 3.1 0.5 0.1 127,474 19.2 71.3 8.8 0.7 78.5 8.0 0.6 -0.1 328,053 15.7 61.7 22.0 0.6 11.9 0.3 61.6 36.5 30.0 3.1 0.4 3.6 0.2 15.6 107,233 357 27.7 30.0 60.1 24.6 . 2.8 42.6 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. The proportion of married females between the age period of 15 and over but under 20 years, to the total females of this age period furnishes a measure of the extent to which early marriages are contracted by the females of the different racial groups. Of the group of Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and all other races, 22.9 per cent between these ages were married. This group is followed in order by the foreign-born white with 10.9 per cent; the colored, with 9.5 per cent; the native white of native parentage, with 4.6 per cent; and the native white of foreign or mixed parentage, with but 3.4 per cent. 310 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS For males the proportion married between the age period of 20 and over but under 25 years, showed a somewhat different order. The foreign- born white had 22.9 per cent married; the colored, 21.3 per cent; the native white of native parentage, 18.9 per cent; the native white of foreign or mixed parentage, 14.5 per cent; and the Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and all other races, 11.4 per cent. The colored population marry the earliest, a fact which was reflected in the large proportion of widowed among them; 17.1 per cent of the colored females were widows as compared with 11.7 per cent of the white females, and 4.7 per cent of the colored males were widowers as compared with 4.5 per cent of the white males. COMPARISON FOR 25-YEAR PERIOD. A comparison of the distribution of the population according to con- jugal condition for the 25-year period 1890-1915 shows some very inter- esting facts, namely, an almost steady decrease in the proportion of single persons, both males and females; a general increase in the propor- tion of married persons, both males and females; a decrease in the proportion of widowed, and a slight increase in the proportion of di- vorced: NUMBER PER CENT CENSUS YEAR AND SEX Total Single Married Conju- Wid- Di- gal Con- dition owed vorced not re- ported Single Married Wid- owed Conju- Dic galCon- dition vorced not re- ported 1890 Males Females 2,512 1,987 525 39.8 41.7 38.0 51.2 53.4 49.1 8.7 4.5 12.5 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 1,808 1,313 495 39.3 41.2 37.5 51.3 53.4 49.4 9.0 5.0 12.7 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 1895 Males Females 1900 Males Females 1905 Males Females 9,334 6,392 2,942 38.8 40.4 37.4 51.7 53.8 49.8 8.7 4.9 12.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.3 1,647,379 655,003 843,200 142,786 3,878 790,370 329,530 421,946 35,513 1,394 857,009 325,473 421,254 107,273 2,484 1,837,517 722,374 943,235 165,650 4,450 882,378 363,727 471,437 44,229 1,672 955,139 358,647 471,798 121,421 2,778 2,037,718 791,563 1,053,898 176,542 6,381 983,459 397,243 529,005 48,368 2,451 1,054,259 394,320 524,893 128,174 3,930 2,201,212 865,699 1,134,320 191,157 7,676 1,057,833 432,946 569,062 51,503 2,552 1,143,379 432,753 565,258 139,654 5,124 2,457,724 944,088 1,300,271 200,319 10,299 1.197.828 479,048 655,740 56,800 4,331 1,259,896 465,040 644,531 143,519 5,968 2,691,379 1,017,008 1,440,805 221,873 10,254 11,309,116 518,428 725,999 59,178 4,185 1,382,263 498,580 714,806 162,695 6,069 . 2,360 1,770 590 39.3 40.9 37.9 51.5 53.8 49.4 8.7 4.9 12.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 . 1910 Males : Females 2,747 1,909 838 38.4 40.0 36.9 52.9 54.7 51.1 8.2 4.7 11.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 1915 Males Females 1,439 1,326 113 37.8 39.6 36.1 53.5 55.5 51.7 8.2 4.5 11.8 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 -1 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. NATIVITY. 311 TABLE 15. — NATIVE CLASSIFIED BY THE NEW ENGLAND STATES AND NEW YORK, AND FOREIGN BORN BY COUNTRY OF BIRTH FOR THE STATE; 1915 IN COMPARISON WITH 1905, SHOWING INCREASE OR DECREASE IN NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE. (NOTE. — The returns for Pola nd Russia in the Censuses of 1905 and 1915 are not comparable. See text. “Other native" includes persons born in United States, state of birth not reported; persons for whom there was no information as to place of birth; all persons born in outlying possessions of the United States or at sea of American parents. “N. o. c.” means not otherwise classified. “Other foreign countries" include persons born at sea of foreign parents.) INCREASE (+) OR DE- CREASE (-) IN 1915 AS COMPARED WITH 1905 STATE AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 Number Per Cent THE STATE Native New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont New York All other states American citizens (born abroad) Other native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n, o. c. Belgium British Empire : Canada : New Brunswick : Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. . Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. China Denmark France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. . Portugal Portugal proper Island possessions Roumania Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Serbia South and Central America and Mexico Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Armenia Syria Other Asiatic Turkey European Turkey Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Cuba West Indies, n. 0. c. Other foreign countries 3,693,310 2,541,265 2,361,064 40,735 90,468 2,088,764 64,938 35,184 40,975 83,096 87,632 7,474 1,999 1,152,045 12,004 1,069 3,249 7.686 2,584 620.070 263,786 30,010 79,115 16,859 137,802 129,538 95,929 32,088 1,521 210,166 13,269 3,311 1,804 3,402 6,287 28,696 18,163 122,129 169 2,062 5,833 83,373 33,311 1,172 46,995 1,895 52,133 25,839 26,294 919 123,450 14,342 12,751 96,357 123 850 657 41,136 1,371 21,986 6,374 7,771 3,431 2,184 2,226 1,793 177 1,616 1,051 3,003,680 2,092,501 1,932,672 36,237 95,241 1,665, 102 65,198 30,208 40,686 74,145 74,458 6,673 4,553 911,179 19,840 956 10,260 8,624 1,019 630,896 272,719 24,715 66,131 13,648 168,225 110,093 83,893 24,663 1,537 236,373 10,583 1,128 1,718 2,927 4,513 30,358 4,672 50,558 98 1,289 4,485 21,490 +689,630 +448,764 +428,392 +4,498 -4,773 +423,662 --260 +4,976 +289 +8,951 +13,174 +801 ---2,554 +240,866 --7,836 +113 -7,011 --938 +1,565 -10,826 -8,933 +5,295 +12,984 +3,211 -30,423 +19,445 +12,036 +7,425 --16 -26,207 +2,686 +2,183 +86 +475 +1,774 -1,662 +13,491 +71,571 +71 +773 +1,348 +23.0 +21.4 +22.2 +12.4 -5.0 +25.4 -0.4 +16.5 +0.7 +12.1 +17.7 +12.0 -56.1 +26.4 -39.5 +11.8 -68.3 -10.9 +153.6 -1.7 -3.3 +21.4 +19.6 +23.5 -18.1 +17.7 +14.3 +30.1 -1.0 -11.1 +25.4 +193.5 +5.0 +16.2 +39.3 -5.5 +288.8 +141.6 +72.4 +60.0 +30.1 21,490 27,937 7,078 20,859 444 59,028 9,724 +24,196 +18,761 +5,435 +475 +86.6 +265.1 +26.1 +107.0 +4,618 +47.5 49,304 5 385 221 37,517 1,233 8,263 2,855 3,381 +118 +465 +436 +3,619 +138 +13,723 +3,519 +4,390 +2,360.0 +120.8 +197.3 +9.6 +11.2 +166.1 +123.3 +129.8 2,027 1,511 160 1.351 772 +199 +282 +17 +265 +279 +9.8 +18.7 +10.6 +19.6 +36.1 312 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 16. — DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN BORN BY CITIES AND TOWNS IN WHICH THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION OF CERTAIN SPECIFIED COUN- TRIES IS REPRESENTED BY 50 OR MORE PERSONS, ARRANGED ALPHA- BETICALLY BY COUNTRIES AND BY RANK OF CITIES AND TOWNS, 1915 IN COMPARISON WITH 1905. (NOTE. - The returns for Poland and Russia in the Censuses of 1905 and 1915 are not comparable. See tert. "N. o. c.” means not otherwise classified. ] CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE |(-) IN 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 +123.3 +52.3 +149.4 +141.1 +222.4 + 41.6 +136.4 +919 +138.8 + 45.0 + 31.5 +354.8 +53.8 +217.6 +157.9 +273.0 +309.1 +115.0 +362.5 +536.4 +169.6 +178.8 665 ARMENIA 6,374 2,855 WORCESTER 912 599 BOSTON 898 360 Watertown 692 287 LAWRENCE 561 174 CHELSEA 330 233 Northbridge 279 118 LOWELL 259 135 HAVERHILL 238 16 CAMBRIDGE 232 160 LYNN 213 162 FITCHBURG 141 31 Milford 120 78 NEWBURYPORT 108 34 SPRINGFIELD 98 38 SOMERVILLE 97 26 Bridgewater 90 22 Franklin 86 40 Stoneham 74 16 Hudson 70 11 BROCKTON 62 23 All other cities and towns 814 292 AUSTRIA, exclusive of AUSTRIAN POLAND 12,004 19,840 BOSTON 3,107 1,895 Westfield. 578 547 New BEDFORD 551 1,121 SPRINGFIELD 479 904 HOLYOKE 430 1,363 CHICOPEE 261 1,800 Douglas 256 169 LAWRENCE 253 1,127 TAUNTON 242 419 CAMBRIDGE 238 165 FALL RIVER 230 806 West Springfield 211 419 LYNN 208 219 WORCESTER 188 1,739 Adams 167 1,435 MALDEN 164 NORTH ADAMS 143 97 SOMERVILLE 142 105 CHELSEA . 141 149 NORTHAMPTON 135 115 PITTSFIELD 130 32 Dudley 128 143 EVERETT 123 70 HAVERHILL 112 124 LOWELL 112 783 Webster 112 344 Peabody 110 25 REVERE 110 18 Easthampton 109 193 Hatfield 106 212 Montague 106 315 QUINCY 89 23 | Ludlow 88 599 Greenfield 78 62 Norwood. 77 43 BROCKTON 71 18 Sunderland 66 89 Cheshire 57 19 SALEM 55 312 Brookline 54 18 Walpole 52 19 All other cities and towns 1,935 1,740 CANADA, n. 0. C. FALL RIVER LOWELL NEW BEDFORD BOSTON HOLYOKE LAWRENCE WORCESTER SPRINGFIELD FITCHBURG CHICOPEE SALEM HAVERHILL LYNN Southbridge CAMBRIDGE Leominster North ADAMS TAUNTON SOMERVILLE ATTLEBORO Ware NORTHAMPTON BROCKTON Gardner Northbridge PITTSFIELD Webster Adams MARLBOROUGH Methuen NEWTON Easthampton BEVERLY North Attleborough Grafton Winchendon : Spencer Amesbury WALTHAM QUINCY MALDEN West Springfield Palmer Ludlow Millbury Uxbridge Athol MEDFORD Montague EVERETT South Hadley Blackstone Dracut Danvers Brookline Sutton Greenfield NEWBURYPORT Peabody Oxford Hardwick Westfield Watertown REVERE CHELSEA Acushnet -39.5 +64.0 +5.7 -50.8 -7.0 -68.5 -85.5 +51.5 -77.6 42.2 +44.2 -71.5 -49.6 -5.0 -89.2 -88.4 +264.4 +47.4 +35.2 --5.4 +17.4 +306.3 -10.5 +75.7 -9.7 -85.7 -67.4 +340.0 +511.1 -43.5 -50.0 -66.3 +287.0 - 85.3 +25.8 +79.1 +2944 -25.8 +200.0 -82.4 +200.0 +173.7 +11.2 137,802 168,225 13,039 16,371 11,605 14,442 10,416 9,174 9,674 15,690 6,949 7,566 6,125 7,597 6,020 6,191 4,251 3,775 3,402 3,996 3,316 2,493 2,578 4.187 2,487 2,326 2,465 3,479 2,439 2,700 2,113 4,159 1,744 1.601 1,627 2,367 1,579 2,257 1,404 2,559 1,356 1,388 1,190 1,601 1,165 1,341 1,161 1,344 1,089 1,448 1,085 1,078 1,038 799 1,025 1,061 1,018 1.513 957 1,272 730 562 726 1,270 658 650 628 637 481 635 627 611 889 608 879 594 746 577 594 561 1,137 532 837 510 430 498 710 470 552 461 548 445 515 443 511 437 1,008 430 608 429 490 414 429 409 330 403 291 399 395 570 395 808 387 342 380 446 375 202 372 421 367 448 333 387 318 260 313 238 304 640 302 92 -18.1 -20.4 -19.6 +13.5 -38.3 -8.2 -19.4 -2.8 +12.6 -14.9 +33.0 -38.4 +6.9 -29.1 -9.7 -49.2 +8 9 -31.3 30.0 45.1 -2.3 -25.7 -131 -13.6 -24.8 +1.0 +29.9 -3.4 -327 -24.8 +29.9 -42.8 +11 +3.5 +32.4 +1.3 -31.3 -30.8 -20.4 -2.9 -50.7 36.4 +18.6 -- 29.9 -14.9 -15.9 -13.6 -13.3 -56.7 -29.3 -12.4 -3.5 +23.9 +38.5 +6.1 -30.7 -51.1 +13.2 -14.8 +85.6 -11.6 -18.1 -14.0 +22.3 +31.5 -52.5 +2283 45 376 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN BORN. 313 TABLE 16. DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES — Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As Cov- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (--) IN 1915 AS COM- PARED WITH 1905 215 276 216 321 58 108 72 30 56 168 24 194 457 171 461 179 305 368 220 130 273 301 187 75 32 56 66 CANADA, n.o.c.-Con. Shrewsbury Wayland Dalton Easton Needham Mansfield Marblehead Wellesley Northborough Belchertown Wareham. Granby Rockland Ayer Canton Westminster Groton Rutland Seekonk Upton Stow Clarksburg Wilbraham Cheshire All other cities and towns 60 经纪​????????SSRSESSSSSPA 135 290 284 284 278 274 267 264 254 252 234 225 225 211 205 201 199 196 194 190 187 181 177 160 158 157 157 153 152 148 147 147 144 141 139 138 136 136 135 134 133 133 130 127 126 119 119 +27.6 -32.4 -1.4 +130.0 +23.2 -60.1 +175.0 -66.0 -65.8 -16.0 +93.8 +7.1 --9.1 +3.5 +147.8 +30.2 +74.2 42.6 +1700 40.4 +3333 -50.0 -19.0 +28 2 -33.5 56 54 54 53 52 +34.9 +2.9 +31.5 - 13.4 -40.0 +56.1 -42.7 +41.9 -17.4 -36.4 +2.3 +73.1 -22.7 -31.9 +48.9 -65.7 -34.7 -32.6 +32 9 +6.3 -19.9 -3.3 -6.4 +13.7 -25.6 -38.7 —25.7 61.7 +13.0 -31.3 -48.6 +11.6 -40.3 +40.4 +236.6 -44.5 -111 +60.7 -61.5 +87.3 +98.5 -5.1 -3.8 +23.5 -34.6 +75.0 -70.7 +130.0 -57.2 -27.0 23 43 31 94 20 89 12 102 63 39 4,896 50 3,258 CANADA, n.o.c. - Con. Bridgewater Chelmsford Framingham Westford Warren Fairhaven Dudley Westport Clinton Tewksbury Agawam Middleborough Templeton Ipswich Bellingham MELROSE Arlington Hudson Dartmouth Auburn Douglas Leicester Colrain Saugus Franklin Whitman Winthrop Shirley Norton Milford Williamstown Andover Sturbridge Somerset Swansea GLOUCESTER North Brookfield Westborough WOBURN Dedham Milton North Andover Concord Ashburnham Brookfield Stoneham Plymouth Billerica Weymouth Lancaster Natick Wakefield Charlton Huntington Braintree Winchester Monson Pepperell. Amherst Norwood Swampscott Williamsburg Abington. Med field Walpole Belmont Orange East Bridgewater Holden Carver Foxborough Maynard. Barre Lunenburg Tyngsborough Kingston Reading +14.3 +7.1 +47.2 -14.2 -4.9 +32.1 +70.3 +22.9 580 300 288 143 176 226 183 171 139 211 256 206 397 131 214 286 129 236 99 41 245 153 84 348 71 67 137 132 102 182 68 396 50 269 148 107 318 126 133 179 176 134 135 80 57 272 128 223 268 76 271 132 86 283 72 81 116 113 60 92 10 184 116 ENGLAND BOSTON New BEDFORD FALL RIVER LAWRENCE LOWELL WORCESTER Methuen LYNN CAMBRIDGE SPRINGFIELD SOMERVILLE IlOLYOKE QUINCY MALDEN TAUNTON BROCKTON NEWTON EVERETT. REVERE FITCHBURG WALTHAM MEDFORD ATTLEBORO Brookline North Andover CHELSEA. HAVERHILL PITISFIELD NORTH ADAMS BEVERLY CHICOPEE Winthrop Needham SALEM NORTHAMPTON Chelmsford Watertown MELROSE Saugus Fairhaven Andover Northbridge Dedham Easthampton Dartmouth Framingham Leominster Maynard . Arl Barre -67.0 -18.3 -241 45.3 44.3 -27.6 -29.6 +16.3 +61.4 - 66.2 -30.5 60.5 --67.9 +13.2 -69.7 37.9 -5.8 95,929 83,893 14,003 13,075 10,586 7,192 9,772 11,394 5,154 5,153 4,123 4,335 3,512 2,659 2,605 1,530 2,043 1,662 1,766 1,767 1,728 1,290 1,552 1,376 1,408 1,113 1,224 800 1,082 902 1,076 1,002 1,055 906 936 944 896 797 862 453 830 752 829 850 722 511 718 499 718 508 707 401 693 940 660 484 647 404 622 +34.0 +12.8 +26.5 +53.0 +20.0 +7.4 +16.4 -0.8 +12.4 +90.3 +10.4 -2.5 +41.3 +43.9 +41.3 +76.3 -26.3 +36.4 +60.1 -11.1 +111.2 +63.6 +73.8 +2.5 -5.5 -4.0 +37.5 +7.3 +1.5 +68.7 +614 +18.4 +54.7 +86.9 +62.8 +47.7 +30.0 +9.4 -8.3 +20.7 +137.0 0000- 115 115 108 107 105 103 101 98 98 97 95 93 92 92 89 700 602 285 504 308 485 279 403 393 359 380 356 371 352 256 337 314 336 331 329 195 326 202 322 272 311 201 299 160 298 183 291 197 273 210 268 245 264 288 262 217 256 108 80 78 78 78 75 75 75 74 74 6 -18.5 -26.7 -59.9 i Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 314 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 16. — DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES — Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE (-) IN 1915 AS COM- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 85 76 72 57 38 45 %%纪​8纪​引​%仍​%%93%a ENGLAND Con. Lenox Uxbridge Weston Medway Barnstable Oxford Stow Randolph Falmouth Spencer Wareham Ashland Wilmington Easton Wrentham Dalton Gill Agawam Hamilton Tyngsborough Warren Hardwick Lancaster Lee West Bridgewater All other cities and towns 255 249 246 245 240 238 237 230 228 227 227 224 212 208 199 197 194 194 192 189 188 187 186 183 166 164 163 156 156 153 64 63 63 62 60 60 58 58 56 70 29 31 28 61 36 38 28 37 49 24 71 43 49 37 19 3,065 -10.6 +30.9 +51.1 +12.9 +54.8 +14.0 +71.1 +42.2 +96.9 -10.0 +113.8 +93.5 +114.1 -4.9 +61.1 +47.4 +100.0 +43.2 +8.2 +116.7 -26.8 +18.6 +2.0 +35.1 +163.2 +12.3 52 52 51 50 50 50 3,441 ENGLAND Con. Plymouth Westford Canton Southbridge Tewksbury Weymouth Adams North Attleborough Peabody Wakefield West field Bridgewater Milton Braintree West Springfield Clinton Billerica GLOUCESTER Grafton Somerset Danvers NEWBURYPORT WOBURN Hopedale Natick Milford Norwood Belmont Dracut Wellesley South Hadley Dighton Middleborough Mansfield Acushnet Foxborough Millbury Swampscott MARLBOROUGH Stoneham Stoughton Greenfield Auburn Orange Ames bury Franklin Rockland Winchester Westborough Walpole Athol Ipswich Seekonk Leicester Reading Gardner Palmer Norton Swansea Blackstone Lexington Webster Ware Westport Hudson Montague Buckland Med field Abington Groveland Manchester Hingham Whitman. Monson Williamstown Concord Marblehead 282 137 154 162 332 141 409 191 219 209 242 183 182 125 135 257 220 272 139 97 181 201 151 99 116 173 118 73 148 112 125 69 103 112 46 117 117 90 95 124 151 90 46 140 159 127 103 138 120 65 90 150 80 -9.6 +818 +59.7 +51.2 -27.7 +68.8 -42.1 +20.4 +41 +8.6 -6.2 +22.4 +16.5 +66.4 +47.4 -23.3 -118 -28.7 +38.1 +94.8 +3.9 -7.0 +232 +84.8 +43.1 -5.2 +38.1 +113.7 +5.4 +36.6 +21.6 +110.1 +38.8 +26.8 +200.0 +17.9 +12.0 +43.3 +34.7 +3.2 -15.9 +37.8 +167.4 -14.3 -25.8 -7.1 +13.6 -15.2 -5.0 +73.8 +23.3 -26.0 +35.0 +8.1 +12.6 +36.4 +4.2 +135.7 +10.0 152 14,342 2,929 1.712 1,433 1.269 1,022 655 616 415 382 298 198 183 134 108 100 88 FINLAND FITCHBURG WORCESTER Gardner QUINCY Maynard BOSTON GLOUCESTER Norwood. Rockport Peabody Barnstable SPRINGFIELD Ashburnham Carver Templeton SALEM BROCKTON WALTHAM Braintree. Chester Ashby Brookline Weymouth Royalston Wareham BEVERLY Hubbardston Abington Sandwich Westminster Winchendon CAMBRIDGE Hingham All other cities and towns 9,724 1,985 1,332 951 801 1,106 369 779 111 459 141 91 68 59 61 51 65 37 3 33 145 143 142 138 138 131 129 128 128 127 124 123 120 118 118 117 117 114 113 111 111 108 107 107 105 100 99 99 98 98 97 96 95 93 93 89 88 87 85 85 84 82 81 81 +47.5 +47.6 +28:5 +50.7 +58.4 -7.6 +77.5 -20.9 +273.9 -16.8 +111.3 +117.6 +169.1 +127.1 +77.0 +96.1 +35.4 +127.0 +2700.0 +142.4 +300.0 +335.3 +153.8 -6.3 +215.0 +771.4 +275.0 +391.7 +25.5 +3214 +555.6 -28.4 +256 3 +90.7 66 63 63 61 60 59 59 19 17 26 67 20 7 16 12 47 14 9 81 16 871 90 59 58 57 1,661 89 106 113 75 104 6,287 1,091 937 +3.2 +9.0 -11.1 -15.9 +24.0 -10.6 -7.3 -9.3 +38.1 -2.3 +28.8 +20.0 +34.4 -2.4 +28 6 -10.5 +510 63 87 66 70 61 FRANCE BOSTON LAWRENCE NEW BEDFORD HOLYOKE PITTSFIELD Lenox Great Barrington Adams FALL RIVER SPRINGFIELL WORCESTER CAMBRIDGE +39.3 +7.8 +115.4 +184.8 +111.7 +46.0 +24.3 4,513 1,012 435 145 163 215 169 142 122 92 65 95 106 413 345 314 210 142 126 121 108 105 102 +3.3 +315 +66.2 +10.5 3.8 77 51 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN BORN. 315 TABLE 16. DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES – Continued. PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE 1-) IN 1915 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (--) IN 1915 AS Com- PARED WITH 1905 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 AS COM- PARED WITH 1905 **** TRANCE Con. CHICOPEE Blackstone Methuen LOWELL SOMERVILLE NEWTON Plymouth LYNN Brookline All other cities and towns 50 38 6 94 62 35 34 64 26 1,343 3%88%出 ​+86.0 +134.2 +1,366.7 -13.8 +12.9 +97.1 +97.1 . 56 1,596 +115.4 +18.8 18,163 3,852 2,917 1,328 1,090 1,041 678 533 528 523 351 336 325 311 283 261 255 224 201 189 185 165 152 136 111 79 76 63 GREECE LOWELL BOSTON LYNN Peabody HAVERHILL WORCESTER SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Ipswich BROCKTON FITCHBURG CHICOPEE HOLYOKE SOMERVILLE WOBURN LAWRENCE Clinton CAMBRIDGE SALEM Southbridge MARLBOROUGH FALL RIVER NEWBURYPORT CHELSEA Sutton Natick Watertown Bridgewater ATTLEBORO Brookline TAUNTON WALTHAM GLOUCESTER PITTSFIELD Barre Webster Dudley BEVERLY QUINCY Dracut All other cities and towns 4,672 2,020 696 409 278 114 49 69 27 214 23 8 18 44 16 70 27 10 25 57 2 32 38 25 +288.8 +90.7 +319.1 +224.7 +292.1 +813.2 +1,283.7 +672.5 +1,855.6 +144.4 +1,426.1 +4,100.0 +1,705.6 +606.8 +1,668.8 +272.9 +844.4 +2,140.0 +704.0 +231.6 +9,150.0 +415.6 +300.0 +444.0 +1,485.7 30,358 9,072 2,388 1,621 893 585 759 580 732 592 593 20 +280.0 542 980 309 423 284 GOONMI8iS 219 10 34 +6,000.0 +2,800.0 +480.0 +70.6 +866.7 +418.2 +280.0 11 15 57 56 56 +1,766.7 28,696 8,402 2.066 1,464 1,209 720 688 619 611 537 471 463 450 434 406 339 337 297 279 267 252 233 228 222 214 206 201 194 187 187 185 176 167 164 164 155 151 146 120 116 116 115 113 102 93 92 89 87 84 78 17 52 52 51 1,243 +205.9 275 GERMANY, exclusive of GERMAN PO- LAND BOSTON LAWRENCE HOLYOKE SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Adams PITTSFIELD CAMBRIDGE WORCESTER Clinton FITCHBURG Webster Methuen SOMERVILLE Dedham Brookline Plymouth LYNN MALDEN Greenfield Easthampton NORTHAMPTON CHICOPEE CHELSEA NEWTON EVERETT Montague MEDFORD QUINCY LOWELL TAUNTON FALL RIVER NORTH ADAMS REVERE Dudley South Hadley ATTLEBORO Norwood Great Barrington Kingston BROCKTON Westfield North Attleborough WALTHAM HAVERHILL Watertown MELROSE Winthrop West Springfield Walpole Arlington Leominster SALEM Saugus Stoughton Monson North Andover Natick Dalton GLOUCESTER Hatfield Needham Peabody Middleborough All other cities and towns +352.0 -5.5 --7.4 -13.5 -9.7 +35.4 +23.1 -9.4 +6.7 -16.5 -9.3 -20.6 -14.6 -54.1 +40.5 -4.0 +19.4 +53.9 -10.5 -14.9 -10.1 -- 10.3 -18.2 +4.1 +3.3 -35.9 +31.2 -11.8 ---29.2 +68.5 +20.6 +1.1 +8.0 -15.7 -5.7 +18.0 +93.8 -22.2 +20.7 -18.4 -12.8 -2.5 +17.3 -8.1 -15.0 -8.8 +46.0 +107.0 +20.8 +133.3 +32 +28.6 -1.4 +54.5 -30.7 +53.8 +27.7 +34.9 +16.0 -21.1 +22.2 --20.6 -26.4 -7.1 -46.4 +13.3 -5.8 332 328 297 281 285 219 215 334 157 228 274 111 155 183 163 198 174 139 80 194 121 147 133 119 98 123 120 102 63 43 72 36 59 56 71 44 88 39 47 43 50 71 45 -11.1 -5.0 -12.3 -10.2 -20.5 +2.4 IRELAND BOSTON WORCESTER CAMBRIDGE LOWELL SOMERVILLE SPRINGFIELD LAWRENCE HOLYOKE LYNN Brookline FALL RIVER NEWTON BROCKTON MALDEN SALEM NEW BED FORD WALTHAM HAVERHILL TAUNTON Clinton QUINCY FITCHBURG WOBURN EVERETT PITTSFIELD CHELSEA . MED FORD NORTHAMPTON Peabody Watertown CHICOPEE Arlington Tewksbury Winchester REVERE BEVERLY 210,166 236,373 64,455 67,856 9,928 11,326 9,846 10,964 8,762 11,020 5,629 5,496 5,569 5,716 5,084 6,557 5,029 5,469 4,978 5,322 4,532 3,774 4,213 6,107 3,554 3,918 2,765 2,861 2,706 3,088 2,354 3,089 2,284 2,841 2,024 2,433 1,864 1,969 1,756 2,406 1,747 2,219 1,684 1,771 1,672 2,134 1,620 1,930 1,613 1,569 1,551 1,739 1,491 2,267 1,407 1,113 1,342 1,623 1,340 1,688 1,286 1,253 1,123 1,451 1,030 1,169 981 690 954 936 910 755 877 890 -22. -8. -6.5 +20. 31. -9.3 -3.4 -12.4 -23.8 -19.6 -16.8 -5.3 -27.0 -21.3 -4.9 -21.6 -16.1 +2.8 --10.8 -34.2 +26.4 -17.3 -20.6 +2.6 --22.6 -11.9 +42.2 +1.9 +20.5 -1.5 61 60 60 58 58 56 55 53 52 52 72 56 97 51 3,120 45 3,311 316 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 16. — DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES — Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE (-) In 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As Con- PARED WITH 1905 775 906 1,090 724 712 951 866 852 829 823 818 815 814 774 683 676 667 639 638 634 596 584 562 -32.8 -31.5 -14.8 40 1 +89 -25 0 -30.9 -19.1 -39.4 -28.3 -2.9 +49.4 -216 -16.7 -14.9 +123.1 +61 4 -25.2 -24.8 -15.8 +10 9 -47.8 +17.6 32.1 -26.4 -44.2 561 559 491 491 475 472 455 453 452 404 383 370 361 356 355 350 349 332 331 330 330 326 164 163 161 161 159 147 141 137 137 132 132 130 127 125 120 116 113 113 112 112 112 108 107 106 106 106 106 104 100 100 98 96 95 92 90 89 88 85 84 IRELAND Con. Norwood. Framingham NEWBURYPORT Bridgewater Milton Westfield Dedham NORTH ADAMS Wakefield Natick MELROSE Northbridge Leominster Andover Weymouth Milford ATTLEBORO Danvers MARLBOROUGH Belmont Wellesley North Attleborough Med field Canton Concord West Springfield Amesbury Blackstone GLOUCESTER Rockland Lexington Winthrop Walpole Greenfield Whitman, Hudson Palmer Stoneham North Andover Westborough Grafton Ware Braintree Gardner Easthampton Methuen Hingham Stoughton Webster Southbridge Adams Manchester Swampscott Marblehead Lenox Easton Plymouth Needham Great Barrington Saugus Franklin North Brookfield Randolph Montague South Hadley Chelmsford Ayer Leicester Monson Dracut Hardwick Maynard Lee Reading Cohasset Dalton Abington Amherst Millbury IRELAND Con. Pepperell Billerica Middleborough Spencer Foxborough Uxbridge Winchendon Hopkinton Warren Weston Williamstown Westwood Groton Dudley Agawam Dover Shrewsbury Southborough East Bridgewater Mansfield Rutland Groveland Hamilton Holliston. Lancaster Medway Nahant Sharon Scituate Sherborn Stockbridge Lincoln Hull Fairhaven Bellingham Wayland Holbrook Athol Enfield Ludlow Ipswich Barnstable Bedford Ashland Auburn Barre Belchertown Falmouth Somerset Hinsdale. Middleton Longmeadow Westford Hadley Millis Templeton Norfolk Rockport Hanover Hopedale Dartmouth Williamsburg Wilbraham Wilmington Brookfield Burlington Sheffield Nantucket Holden West Bridgewater Upton Acton West Stockbridge All other cities and towns ITALY BOSTON LAWRENCE SPRINGFIELD +117 -6.0 -23.9 +13.7 +14.9 -14.3 +3.0 -32.2 -3.0 -24.0 -3.9 -12.5 -110 +13.4 -16.5 -38.0 +3.3 -19.3 -37.2 +30.9 -8.4 -11.4 -9.1 -22.2 +5.6 -14.7 -35.8 -43.2 -311 -24.8 -14.2 +44.9 -10.3 -14.9 -12.9 -30.2 -22.4 -12.7 -5.2 -21.9 -3.1 -33.0 +0.3 -11.4 -18.4 +4.4 -23.6 -32.4 -24.0 -24.9 -25.1 +14.1 +14.3 -16.6 -16.1 -35.4 -9.9 +250 -39.2 +44.7 -17.2 -10.4 - 31.1 -32.1 -12 0 -18.4 +4.9 -40.9 -36.0 --35.8 -21.9 -30.4 -43.7 +3.4 --15.6 --11.1 --35 3 -26.5 ---27.5 790 1,142 704 889 694 730 717 559 714 942 544 695 890 375 536 536 519 585 429 530 629 674 537 480 415 245 390 410 381 474 425 378 344 415 327 470 307 342 354 271 369 410 363 353 350 227 224 301 289 384 273 192 385 159 274 250 325 324 250 266 205 352 325 318 247 273 334 176 212 199 272 238 233 324 244 238 189 269 146 196 204 293 226 184 136 87 162 150 141 52 70 151 149 133 101 207 91 156 144 190 106 114 125 81 145 134 131 99 137 119 115 121 125 104 127 60 105 113 51 115 119 73 115 136 80 72 79 110 63 91 52 -88 —20.0 +23 -32.4 -28.4 -27.5 -7.1 -34.3 -25.2 -23.5 -29.8 -32.8 -20.2 -36.2 +30.0 -27.6 -33.6 +47.1 -34.8 -37.0 +1.4 -35.7 49.3 -13.6 -5.6 -13.9 -39.1 -31.9 +17.3 -25.6 +5.3 --27.7 -3.3 - 47.8 -62.3 +9.4 45.7 61 113 154 53 105 56 85 63 92 77 76 67 - 341 --12.7 41 3 -31.2 -32.9 -25.4 90 3,826 --301 81 78 76 75 75 75 75 74 74 69 69 317 315 308 303 289 283 282 277 276 265 262 259 256 251 249 248 246 240 234 230 227 224 224 220 220 217 215 208 208 204 193 190 188 182 179 177 176 175 169 68 67 63 62 61 61 60 60 59 59 58 58 57 56 56 55 54 53 51 50 50 2,676 122,129 42,932 8,587 4.007 50,558 20,569 2,804 1,689 +141.6 +108.7 +206.2 +137.2 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN BORN. 317 TABLE 16. - DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES — Continued. PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 AS Con- PARED WITH 1905 (-) IN 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 144 143 142 138 137 136 126 125 121 121 116 114 111 110 108 106 105 104 104 157 20 57 19 32 110 138 25 25 405 23 22 39 23 62 19 11 72 102 100 99 3,985 2,998 2,452 2,393 2,188 2,140 2,093 1,992 1,837 1,749 1,476 1,434 1,371 1,354 1,257 1,184 1,124 1,104 1,059 1,035 1,029 896 842 760 727 694 646 640 622 595 580 566 559 532 520 517 499 488 473 473 456 433 427 395 380 372 367 351 338 330 321 312 305 303 22 42 95 42 37 26 54 15 61 27 ITALY - Con. WORCESTER SOMERVILLE CAMBRIDGE QUINCY Milford LYNN REVERE PITTSFIELD BROC KTON NEWTON. HAVERHILL EVERETT FITCHBURG Plymouth BEVERLY FALL RIVER NORTH ADAMS Framingham Watertown WALTHAM CHELSEA Leominster MALDEN Wakefield Franklin West Springfield NEW BEDFORD SALEM WOBURN MARLBOROUGH Lee Dedham: MEDFORD Winchester Mansfield HOLYOKE Swampscott Westfield Barre Braintree Southbridge Clinton Agawam Weymouth LOWELL Bridgewater Methuen Bourne Belmont Natick NORTHAMPTON Arlington Kingston. Wellesley GLOUCESTER Saugus Montague Norwood Canton TAUNTON Wareham Concord West Stockbridge Needham Great Barrington Winchendon Greenfield Maynard . Middleborough Walpole Hingham Southwick East Bridgewater Stoughton Ipswich Rockland Dudley ITALY - Con. Monson Athol Webster Ludlow Lexington Southborough Tops field . Cohasset Hopedale West Boylston East Longmeadow North Attleborough Peabody Uxbridge West borough Stoneham ATTLEBORO Cheshire Hudson Gardner NEWBURYPORT Blackstone Lenox Douglas Tewksbury Sheffield Randolph Millbury Shrewsbury Norton MELROSE Adams Salisbury Brookline Winthrop Palmer Med field Hull Manchester Weston Ashland Milton Sharon Lincoln Rockport Westford Danvers Sterling Charlton Wrentham Ayer Holliston: North Andover Amherst Hanson Holden All other cities and towns 94 91 89 89 1,358 +193.4 1,402 +113.8 620 +295.5 1,113 +115.0 1,773 +23.4 814 +162.9 347 +503.2 568 +250.7 445 +312.8 732 +138.9 618 +138.8 303 +373.3 365 +275.6 990 +36.8 400 +214.3 651 +81.9 593 +89.5 209 +428.2 488 +117.0 253 +309.1 373 +175.9 165 +443.0 200 +321.0 152 +400.0 302 +140.7 193 +259.6 342 +88.9 109 +487.2 191 +225.7 212 +180.7 214 +124.3 189 +199.5 129 +333.3 159 +234.6 57 +812.3 203 +154.7 208 +139.9 155 +214.8 148 +219.6 164 +188.4 75 +508.0 492 -12.0 117 +265.0 202 +95.5 160 +137.5 123 +202.4 57 +543.9 32 +996.9 122 +177.0 51 +547.1 165 +94.5 74 +321.6 120 +154.2 91 +233.0 155 +92.3 67 +320.9 63 +338.1 38 +618.4 71 +269.0 34 +667.6 162 +41.4 73 +212.3 30 +643.3 35 +517.1 121 +76.0 15 +1,313.3 51 +278.4 91 +112.0 61 +200.0 46 +297.8 80 +122.5 21 +681.0 84 -8.3 +615.0 +149.1 +626.3 +328.1 +23.6 -8.7 +400.0 +384.0 -70.1 +404.3 +418.2 +184.6 +378.3 +74.2 +457.9 +854.5 +44.4 +82.5 +368.2 +142.9 +6.3 +138.1 +167.6 +26.5 +74.1 +506.7 +45.9 +229.6 +79.2 +214.8 +4,150.0 +189.7 +215.4 +280.0 +155.2 - 32.1 +184.0 +18.6 +288.2 +288.2 +425.0 +8.9 +10.9 +19.6 +210.5 +2,850.0 +418.2 +1,040.0 +488.9 +23.8 +173.7 +82.1 +1175 +11.1 +49.2 SSSS********************************* 74 72 66 27 2 29 26 20 29 106 25 59 17 17 12 56 55 51 19 2 11 5 9 42 59 57 53 52 22 298 51 1,833 282 276 273 262 261 229 228 223 216 213 212 193 193 183 183 178 164 161 161 150 146 144 LITHUANIA BOSTON BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE LAWRENCE WORCESTER Norwood Gardner LOWELL Athol Westfield Stoughton NORTHAMPTON Bridgewater HAVERHILL LYNN Hudson FITCHBURG Needham 12,751 2,683 2,071 1,137 998 918 516 505 438 332 311 305 256 136 125 123 122 118 116 71 15 61 14 +126.8 +900.0 +139.3 +928.6 · Figures for 1905 were not obtained. 318 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 16. — DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES — Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As Con- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE |(-) IN 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 37 62 24 105 104 96 88 82 74 60 932 42 59 56 55 54 52 50 50 50 2,724 55 33 46 53 2,176 +59.5 -9.7 +129.2 +28.6 -5.5 +51.5 +8.7 -5.7 +25.2 30,010 7,651 1,783 1,685 1,543 798 791 751 +21.4 +3.9 +64.3 +25.7 +2.7 +33.9 +12.0 +59.2 -4.3 +209.5 +35.5 +10 +106.2 -30.9 +164.6 +34.8 +18.7 +49.6 +22.9 +242.2 +25.1 +19.1 +9.3 +107.2 LITHUANIA-Con. PITTSFIELD Barre Orange Hanover Middleborough Sunderland Easthampton All other cities and towns NEW BRUNSWICK BOSTON LYNN SOMERVILLE CAMBRIDGE LOWELL MALDEN EVERETT WALTHAM FITCHBURG BROC KTON WORCESTER MEDFORD CHELSEA Gardner HAVERHILL NEWTON QUINCY MELROSE New BEDFORD Brookline REVERE SALEM BEVERLY LAWRENCE Arlington Wakefield WOBURN Winthrop NEWBURYPORT Saugus SPRINGFIELD TAUNTON Framingham Peabody Winchester Watertown Leominster Belmont FALL RIVER Stoneham Braintree Danvers Milton Shirley Tewksbury Amesbury Athol Methuen Milford Chelmsford Needham GLOUCESTER East Longmeadow Norwood Ipswich Reading Clinton MARLBOROUGH Weymouth ATTLEBORO Wellesley. Natick North Attleborough Swampscott Stoughton Whitman Dedham 24,715 7,362 1,085 1,341 1,503 596 706 709 677 189 391 510 243 706 161 293 316 238 288 97 235 246 268 139 286 114 175 162 49 209 47 113 99 129 146 123 151 164 56 79 107 65 54 120 648 585 530 515 501 488 426 395 395 356 354 332 294 293 293 288 273 244 214 197 187 181 176 161 158 148 136 136 135 128 122 118 117 115 115 113 103 101 10,583 4,369 1,195 933 325 506 215 574 128 29 185 148 190 51 16 36 47 36 34 42 44 53 107 15 44 33 13,269 4,876 1,299 896 795 747 483 418 203 192 175 164 144 124 110 109 83 77 76 72 71 68 67 66 66 65 64 61 59 59 56 55 53 52 50 1,314 NEW BRUNSWICK - Con. Dracut Lexington HOLYOKE Middleborough Concord Rockland Walpole Westford All other cities and towns NEWFOUNDLAND BOSTON CAMBRIDGE CHELSEA SOMERVILLE LYNN EVERETT GLOUCESTER MALDEN MED FORD Maynard BROC KTON NEWTON REVERE Saugus Watertown Brookline QUINCY Arlington LAWRENCE SPRINGFIELD MELROSE Blackstone Manchester WALTHAM WORCESTER Swam pscott Wakefield BEVERLY Framingham LOWELL NEWBURYPORT Winthrop SALEM Northbridge All other cities and towns NORWAY BOSTON WORCESTER CAMBRIDGE QUINCY Concord SOMERVILLE EVERETT LYNN GLOUCESTER Brookline MALDEN LOWELL SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD NEWTON BROCKTON BEVERLY WALTHAM Gardner All other cities and towns NOVA SCOTIA BOSTON LYNN SOMERVILLE CAMBRIDGE GLOUCESTER EVERETT +25.4 +11.6 +8.7 -4.0 +144.6 +47.6 +124.7 -27.2 +58.6 +562.1 -5.4 +10.8 -24.2 +143.1 +587.5 +202.8 +76.6 +113.9 +123.5 +71.4 +-614 +28.3 -37.4 +340.0 +50.0 +97.0 -4.5 +177.3 +55.3 +250.0 +100.0 -19.1 +2118 +33.3 +8.7 +47.8 +114.0 +22.3 +21.6 +281.6 -13.4 +274.5 +42.5 +59.6 +14.7 -6.8 +10.6 -10.6 -22.0 +117.9 +49.4 +9.3 +76.9 +113.0 -5.8 弱智​弟弟​如​生​的​的​的​的​的​的​的​的​的​的​网​侧​盟​的​出 ​38 14 28 17 39 46 889 4,485 1,602 292 231 96 95 95 91 89 35 118 3 100 103 36 98 66 14 81 81 78 154 70 23 59 10 57 47 21 59 34 93 5,833 2,132 368 220 175 171 141 135 124 92 89 82 81 75 69 64 61 56 52 50 1,596 +188.6 -17.8 +3,133.3 -1.0 -6.8 +163.9 -3.1 +37.9 +535.7 +9.9 +6.2 +10.3 --83.3 +20.0 +243.5 + 20.3 +600.0 +211 +39.3 +209.5 138 115 103 89 132 29 99 95 54 57 45 47 18 45 41 1,133 +30.1 +33.1 +26.0 4.8 +45.8 +23.9 +22.6 +311 +39.3 -30.3 +206.9 -17.2 -14.7 +38.9 +21.1 +42.2 +29.8 +2111 +15 6 +22.0 +40.9 86 86 84 81 79 71 70 69 5785 +5.1 +79.4 - 35.5 65 62 61 60 79,115 20.989 4,567 3,612 3,168 2.675 2,076 66,131 18,397 3,471 2,795 2.813 3,640 1,865 +19.6 +14.1 +31.6 +29.2 +12.6 -26.5 +11.3 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN BORN. 319 TABLE 16. DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES - Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 AS Con PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) in 1915 AS Con- PARED WITH 1905 114 114 114 111 110 100 64 76 116 110 118 68 +54.1 +78.1 +50.0 -1.3 0000 96 64 -84.7 +42.6 +321.7 +33.3 +9.8 -6.3 +2,733.3 -15.2 -12.5 +29.7 -1.2 +7.9 -33.6 +2.6 +590.9 +65.2 76 122 76 BB%A2%ES1nEEE88 76 73 71 71 70 70 70 70 99 NOVA SCOTIA Con. MALDEN NEWTON BROCKTON WORCESTER HAVERHILL WALTHAM Brookline QUINCY MEDFORD BEVERLY CHELSEA LOWELL Wakefield MELROSE SALEM REVERE Danvers Framingham Watertown Arlington Saugus Winthrop ATTLEBORO Braintree Reading Weymouth LAWRENCE WOBURN MARLBOROUGH Ipswich Belmont TAUNTON Peabody Leominster Plymouth SPRINGFIELD Stoneham Natick Swampscott FALL RIVER FITCHBURG Milton Marblehead Wellesley Whitman Winchester Needham Norwood. Lexington NEWBURYPORT Dedham New BEDFORD North Attleborough Middleborough Andover Mansfield Concord North Andover Manchester Westborough Tewksbury Milford Bridgewater Med field Hudson Amesbury Essex Grafton Franklin Walpole Weston Wilmington Athol North Reading Hingham Methuen Rockport 28 55 1,911 1,675 1,412 1,339 1,318 1,253 1,217 1,199 1,171 970 928 910 861 824 797 634 534 524 504 491 468 464 459 427 427 411 408 399 398 397 384 361 350 323 315 311 309 308 286 282 280 270 267 262 260 256 243 236 235 227 223 221 220 214 202 197 191 185 176 173 168 164 160 154 153 152 151 149 142 142 124 119 118 118 117 117 115 *32999887****************************************** 1,731 +10.4 1,447 +15.7 1,183 +19.4 1,033 +29.6 1,150 +14.6 1.143 +9.6 744 +63.6 803 +49.3 495 +136.6 689 +40.8 1,422 -34.7 659 +38.1 688 +25.1 529 +55.8 712 +11.9 535 +18.5 421 +26.8 499 +5.0 364 +38.5 208 +136.0 288 +62.5 405 +14.6 269 +70.6 368 +16.0 255 +67.5 211 +94.8 290 +40.7 271 +47.2 403 -1.2 404 -1.7 142 +170.4 215 +67.9 334 +4.8 321 +0.6 200 +57.5 210 +48.1 282 +9.6 262 +17.6 87 +228.7 254 +110 201 +39.3 317 -14.8 311 --14.1 163 +60.7 102 +154.9 262 -2.3 171 +42.1 199 +18.6 220 +6.8 277 -18.1 208 +7.2 189 +16.9 219 +0.5 151 +41.7 163 +23.9 99 +99.0 180 +6.1 195 -5.1 82 +114.6 190 -8.9 57 +194.7 139 +18.0 144 +11.1 2 +7,600.0 196 —21.9 144 +5.6 30 +4033 23 +547.8 170 -16.5 117 +21.4 136 -8.8 76 +56.6 4 +2,850.0 72 +63.9 128 -8.6 141 ---17.0 149 -16.1 38 NOVA SCOTIA Con. Foxborough Gardner Rockland Stoughton Acton Provincetown Hanson Randolph Billerica Canton Easton Hamilton Hull Sharon Holbrook Southborough Hanover Clinton Scituate Abington HOLYOKE Cohasset Chelmsford Lincoln Ayer Northbridge Rowley Wayland Bourne Middleton Holliston Barnstable Southbridge East Bridgewater Maynard Shrewsbury Wrentham PITTSFIELD Townsend Dracut Medway NORTHAMPTON Marshfield Millbury Rutland West Bridgewater Merrimac Norton Sterling Lancaster Lynnfield Wareham All other cities and towns POLAND BOSTON WORCESTER CHICOPEE HOLYOKE FALL RIVER LOWELL LAWRENCE NEW BEDFORD Westfield CHELSEA SPRINGFIELD CAMBRIDGE SALEM Adams Palmer Easthampton Webster Ware LYNN NORTHAMPTON Ludlow Peabody +238.1 -2.7 +1.4 +89.1 -12.5 -29.3 +134.5 +41.7 +3.1 +153.8 +132.1 +16.4 +8.5 +700.0 +392.3 +60.5 -31.4 -13.2 +114.8 +93.3 64 64 64 64 61 61 58 57 56 51 51 51 50 50 50 3,320 +9.8 +270.6 +112.0 -5.6 -10.5 +54.5 +28.2 2,694 +16.3 +23.2 83,373 9,445 5,741 4,808 3,732 3,470 3,108 3,022 2,858 1,970 1,966 1,949 1,907 1,860 1,841 1,819 1,776 1,736 1,443 1,362 1,107 1.008 986 1 Includes Austrian, German, and Russian Poland and Poland, n. 0. c. 320 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1916. TABLE 16. — DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES — Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE (-) IN 1915 as Com- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 Per CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As COM- PARED WITH 1905 964 842 805 795 792 789 787 774 710 690 685 573 565 533 523 498 458 374 281 272 269 266 265 245 238 227 224 206 204 192 183 180 157 157 155 150 149 141 140 27,937 7,352 7,020 1,425 1,237 924 1,242 1,003 389 758 387 313 352 285 317 347 304 163 POLAND Con. TAUNTON Montague Hardwick PITTSFIELD Wilbraham Hatfield Hadley Clinton Gardner HAVERHILL Ipswich Southbridge Warren Great Barrington Greenfield BROCKTON NEWBURYPORT Maynard. Deerfield Dudley Northbridge Bridgewater Sunderland Norwood. Grafton FITCHBURG Whately Uxbridge Amherst NEWTON Templeton Blackstone Williamsburg West Springfield Abington NORTH ADAMS MALDEN Hanover Shirley Belchertown WALTHAM Hudson Agawam Wakefield Barre Russell SOMERVILLE EVERETT Athol South Hadley Manchester North Attleborough Milford Westford Framingham Canton Dedham WOBURN Winchendon REVERE Danvers Methuen Saugus Stoughton ATTLEBORO Walpole Holden Amesbury MARLBOROUGH Medway Needham Monson Winthrop . Wareham Dracut QUINCY Westport +86.6 +106.0 +90.3 +94.5 +79.1 +108.9 +21.3 -4.1 +146.5 +24.4 +139.8 +123.6 +98.9 +130.9 +100.0 +32.3 +32.6 +141.1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII POLAND Con. Southampton 56 Arlington Bellingham MEDFORD Tewksbury 54 BEVERLY 53 Southwick 52 Conway 51 Norfolk 50 Sutton 50 All other cities and towns 2,300 PORTUGAL, includ- ing island possessions 52,133 NEW BEDFORD 15,145 FALL RIVER 13,360 TAUNTON 2,772 CAMBRIDGE 2,216 LOWELL 1,930 BOSTON 1,507 Provincetown 962 Plymouth 959 GLOUCESTER 943 Dartmouth 928 Fairhaven 700 SOMERVILLE 700 Falmouth 658 Wareham 634 LAWRENCE 459 Dighton 403 Somerset 393 Ludlow 377 Peabody 346 Seekonk 276 Nantucket 229 Rehoboth 229 Carver 220 Oak Bluffs 216 Swansea 212 Marion 211 Barnstable 210 Bridgewater 204 ATTLEBORO 203 Westport 188 Middleborough 179 Hudson 175 Freetown. 170 Tisbury 161 Mattapoisett 153 Harwich 151 West Bridgewater 149 Raynham 141 Easton 133 Edgartown 129 Acushnet 127 HOLYOKE 117 Bourne 114 Cohasset 114 BROCKTON 106 Milford 101 Rochester Truro Berkley CHICOPEE 70 Halifax 70 East Bridgewater 56 Duxbury 55 All other cities and towns 1,609 PRINCE EDWARD IS- LAND 16,859 Boston 5.057 CAMBRIDGE 927 SOMERVILLE 893 QUINCY 481 LYNN 471 MALDEN 452 138 131 127 126 125 125 124 122 115 114 109 108 106 103 100 99 99 92 88 147 +67.3 192 +43.8 116 +97.4 159 +44.0 209 +5.3 236 -8.5 131 +61.8 54 +290.7 96 +118.8 121 +68.6 35 +480.0 121 +55.4 92 +94.6 86 +103.5 53 +220.8 76 +1118 108 +41.7 193 —218 75 +93.3 124 +13.7 24 +454 2 121 +6.6 42 +202.4 1 +11,600.0 59 +93.2 107 +6.5 26 +307.7 197 106 82 3 49.7 -20.8. -2.4 +2,233.0 38 117 772 +47 4 -53.0 +108.4 %%%%B748221136%B35 66 62 !!!!! 13,648 4,651 819 594 144 336 381 +23.5 +8.7 +13 2 +50.3 +164.6 +40.2 +18.6 57 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN BORN. 321 TABLE 16. DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES - Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 AS Con- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 398 386 377 370 345 315 309 287 276 270 237 221 187 158 155 150 142 141 113 112 100 98 96 88 240 257 390 313 253 207 298 268 113 294 174 245 273 95 109 85 98 147 87 88 34 66 50 +24.2 +50.2 -3.3 +18.2 +36.4 +52.2 +3.7 +7.1 +144.2 -8.2 +36.2 -9.8 -31.5 +66.3 +42.2 +76.5 +44.9 4.1 +29.9 +27.3 +194.1 +48.5 +92.0 197 191 178 169 168 165 163 162 161 156 156 150 149 141 135 134 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 129 PRINCE EDWARD IS- LAND - Con. LAWRENCE LOWELL CHELSEA EVERETT Brookline HAVERHILL BROCKTON NEWTON. MEDFORD WORCESTER New BEDFORD WALTHAM GLOUCESTER Arlington TAUNTON Winthrop REVERE Watertown WOBURN BEVERLY ATTLEBORO MELROSE Dedham Ipswich FALL RIVER Belmont SALEM Milton Reading Winchester NEWBURYPORT SPRINGFIELD Lexington Braintree Hingham Framingham Wellesley Weymouth Peabody All other cities and towns RUSSIA, n. 0. C. BOSTON CHELSEA WORCESTER MALDEN LYNN SPRINGFIELD LAWRENCE FALL RIVER CAMBRIDGE BROCKTON REVERE HAVERHILL New BEDFORD HOLYOKE LOWELL Peabody SALEM EVERETT SOMERVILLE QUINCY PITTSFIELD Gardner TAUNTON Maynard . Framingham NORTH ADAMS FITCHBURG BEVERLY Stoughton Athol NEWTON Bridgewater NEWBURYPORT WALTHAM 85 80 76 76 75 69 67 66 61 59 57 55 55 51 2,228 64 15 72 78 22 67 74 41 70 24 57 58 27 21 54 1,795 +35.9 +466.7 +11.1 --2.6 +245.5 +11.9 -6.8 +63.4 -5.7 + 154.2 +3.5 -1.7 +103.7 +161.9 -5.6 +24.1 NNNN RUSSIA, n. 0. C.-Con. NORTHAMPTON MED FORD Hudson CHICOPEE Winthrop Medway Brookline Westford Plymouth Dudley WOBURN Milford Westfield MARLBOROUGH Webster GLOUCESTER Tewksbury Canton Dedham Norwood Millis ATTLEBORO Wakefield Greenfield MELROSE Needham Deerfield Methuen West Springfield Walpole Holliston: Lexington Arlington Dan vers Saugus Concord Rutland Middleborough Sunderland Watertown Easthampton Easton North Andover Sherborn Loominster Pepperell. Clinton Erving Franklin Southbridge All other cities and towns SCOTLAND BOSTON QUINCY SPRINGFIELD LAWRENCE HOLYOKE LOWELL WORCESTER SOMERVILLE CAMBRIDGE Ludlow Andover. LYNN FALL RIVER NEW BEDFORD FITCHBURG MEDFORD Brookline EVERETT NEWTON NORTH ADAMS MALDEN CHICOPEE PITTSFIELD BEVERLY IIIIIIIII 96,357 41,669 9.217 4,629 4,487 3,670 3,171 2,587 1,990 1,945 1,616 1,555 1,285 1,155 968 900 850 711 696 671 625 591 385 367 328 325 319 308 305 280 237 216 210 203 201 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 128 118 113 112 106 106 103 96 96 92 88 85 84 81 81 79 78 77 73 58 58 58 56 56 55 52 52 52 2,352 32,088 24,663 6,134 4,606 1,332 947 1,241 648 1,221 1,168 1,126 899 1,106 1,058 993 700 910 592 909 732 863 386 814 386 758 498 726 874 599 633 452 363 393 212 379 218 365 268 363 224 328 325 309 256 283 164 282 198 262 91 +30.1 +33,2 +40.7 +91.5 +4.5 +25.3 +4.5 +41.9 +53.7 +24.2 +123.6 +110.9 +52.2 -16.9 -5.4 +24.5 +85.4 +73.9 +36 2 +62.1 +0.9 +20.7 +11.6 +42.4 +187.9 322 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 16. — DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES Continued. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (---) In 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR 1905 DECREASE (-) IN 1915 As Com- PARED WITH 1905 -29.8 -3.8 -11.4 +38.0 -20.8 +22.5 260 251 247 238 226 226 218 206 188 188 186 182 165 162 157 380 258 211 152 145 181 125 67 116 168 199 99 76 74 191 561 393 404 237 399 253 273 332 256 115 172 137 119 78 83 150 228 117 129 SCOTLAND – Con. Clinton TAUNTON BROCKTON HAVERHILL North Andover REVERE Methuen Weymouth South Hadley WALTHAM Milton Dedham Braintree Needham Adams CHELSEA Winthrop Watertown Grafton Northbridge ATTLEBORO MELROSE Leominster Belmont Easthampton Saugus Norwood Palmer Arlington GLOUCESTER Maynard. Wakefield Milford NEWBURYPORT SALEM Amesbury Wellesley Framingham Westfield Concord NORTHAMPTON West Springfield Natick" North Attleborough Southbridge Tewksbury Peabody Plymouth Walpole Clarksburg Millbury Warren WOBURN Bridgewater Lenox Chelmsford Easton Greenfield Lee All other cities and towns SWEDEN WORCESTER BOSTON BROCKTON CAMBRIDGE QUINCY LYNN SPRINGFIELD EVERETT MALDEN SOMERVILLE WALTHAM LOWELL ATTLEBORO Brookline Easton 40 80 180 71 83 81 61 56 87 77 79 50 62 114 107 87 122 59 102 102 53 65 43 47 70 45 128 127 124 117 115 110 105 103 99 96 95 93 93 93 93 92 90 90 89 89 83 81 78 78 77 74 74 72 72 70 68 68 66 64 64 64 61 59 58 54 54 52 3,029 -31.6 -2.7 +17.1 +56.6 +55.9 +24.9 +74.4 +207.5 1 +119 -6.5 +83.8 +117.1 +118.9 -17.8 -34.2 +222.5 +60.0 - 29.4 +74.6 +410 +42.0 +80.3 +87.5 +18.4 +28.6 +21.5 +90.0 +50.0 -18.4 -13.1 +6.9 —24.6 +52.5 -118 -12.7 +67.9 +27.7 +88.4 +66.0 +11.4 +71.1 +13.8 +15.6 +18.0 -5.3 +52.2 -18.1 -11.7 +8.2 +422 394 378 358 327 316 310 273 267 252 251 246 229 228 203 191 173 166 165 159 150 150 150 138 131 131 130 122 118 117 116 116 111 100 99 98 97 92 91 SWEDEN Con. GLOUCESTER NEWTON Gardner Norwood FITCHBURG WOBURN Rockport Orange NEW BEDFORD BEVERLY MED FORD Arlington. Auburn PITTSFIELD Belmont Watertown Saugus Milton Millbury Framingham Holden Wakefield Winchester Milford REVERE Natick SALEM Chelmsford Weymouth Leominster MELROSE Dedham Blackstone Braintree East Longmeadow Swam pscott CHELSEA LAWRENCE Winthrop TAUNTON FALL RIVER West Bridgewater NORTHAMPTON Wellesley Seekonk Southbridge Shrewsbury HOLYOKE Concord Walpole HAVERHILL Athol Danvers Grafton Palmer Tewksbury Stoughton Bridgewater Manchester Westford Lexington Falmouth Franklin Boylston Ashland Andover Randolph East Bridgewater Middleborough Rockland All other cities and towns 88 -19.6 -1.6 +118.3 +43.0 +67.2 +916 +160.3 +130.1 +47.9 +107.5 +54.2 +82.8 +51.5 -2.6 -3.2 -6.1 -3.0 +48.9 +73.3 -20.3 -1.7 +80.0 +75.8 +234 +98.2 -43.5 +7.6 +12.6 +67.2 -52.6 -31.1 +89.4 +54.4 +16.0 +24.6 +7.7 -4.5 +70.8 —29.1 +87.5 -20.4 +50.0 +176.9 +25.5 +28.3 +139.3 +81.1 +4.8 -11.1 -16.0 +41.9 +35.6 +1.7 +32.6 +89.7 +89.7 +45.9 +60.6 +12.8 +152.4 +36.8 +18.2 +8.5 +5.4 86 B%以​仍​仍​行​44220N 80 107 87 99 154 155 147 135 88 75 153 120 65 66 94 56 177 92 87 58 194 132 47 57 75 69 78 88 48 110 40 93 48 26 55 53 28 37 63 72 75 43 45 59 43 29 29 37 33 47 21 38 44 47 3,033 64 61 76 46 83 77 82 78 75 74 72 67 45 64 85 54 36 51 69 37 36 2,514 -24.7 +13.0 +63.9 +13.7 -21.7 +45.9 +44.4 +20.5 64 63 61 61 60 57 55 55 54 53 41,136 8,150 7,450 2,642 1,513 1,296 1,231 1,155 888 846 821 635 630 493 463 432 37,517 7,992 6,707 2,487 1,831 1,051 1,137 823 672 782 618 478 709 297 383 490 +9.6 +2.0 +11.1 +6.2 - 17.4 +23.3 +8.3 +40.3 +32.1 +8.2 +32.8 +32.8 -11.1 +660 +20.9 -11.8 53 52 52 51 3,196 SYRIA BOSTON LAWRENCE WORCESTER FALL RIVER 7,771 1,960 1,936 735 705 3,381 750 1,292 355 137 +129.8 +161.3 +49.8 +107.0 +414.6 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN BORN. 323 TABLE 16. — DISTRIBUTION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF POPULATION BORN IN CERTAIN SPECIFIED FOREIGN COUNTRIES Concluded. CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 AS Com- PARED WITH 1905 CITIES AND TOWNS AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1905 PER CENT OF INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN 1915 AS Com- PARED WITH 1905 347 314 251 218 201 186 105 84 54 675 196 169 4 142 3 32 13 7 12 269 +77.0 +85.8 +6,175.0 +53.5 +6,600.0 +4813 +707.7 +1,100.0 +350.0 +150.9 TURKEY, n. 0. C.- Con. FITCHBURG BROCKTON Hudson SOMERVILLE REVERE NEWBURYPORT WOBURN. MARLBOROUGH Franklin MALDEN All other cities and towns 166 97 85 84 65 64 59 58 51 50 990 47 21 22 17 2 40 +253.2 +361.9 +286.4 +394.1 +3,150.0 +60.0 5 5 28 302 +1.060.0 +920.0 +78.6 +227.8 SYRIA-Con. SPRINGFIELD LOWELL NEW BEDFORD NORTH ADAMS QUINCY BROCKTON Methuen Norwood. Dracut All other cities and towns TURKEY, n. 0. C. BOSTON WORCESTER Peabody LYNN New BEDFORD LOWELL CAMBRIDGE CHELSEA Southbridge LAWRENCE Northbridge Natick SPRINGFIELD SALEM HAVERHILL 7,841 1,315 775 561 489 474 449 318 259 248 233 211 208 183 182 167 2,027 342 362 96 143 37 190 117 7 67 40 20 10 38 19 50 +286.8 +284.5 +114.1 +484.4 +242.0 +1,181.1 +136.3 +171.8 +3,600.0 +270.1 +482.5 +955.0 +1,980.0 +381.6 +857.9 +234.0 WALES BOSTON NORTH ADAMS FALL RIVER CAMBRIDGE QUINCY LOWELL All other cities and towns 1,521 292 170 92 65 54 51 797 1,537 309 211 108 61 63 47 738 -1.0 -5.5 -19.4 --14.8 +6.6 -14.3 +8.5 +8.0 WEST INDIES BOSTON CAMBRIDGE NEW BEDFORD All other cities and towns 1,793 726 408 1,511 593 175 97 562 82 661 +18.7 +22.4 +133.1 +18.3 -15.0 324 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 17.- NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (BY COUNTRY OF BIRTH) BY (Note. — “N. 0. c." means not otherwise classified. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Females GORAN 1,879,597 1,302,968 576,629 5,568 546 1,532 3,490 1,209 344,951 146,296 17,838 46,444 10,349 71,665 66,475 48,996 16,683 796 122,901 7,587 1,692 68 1,426 3,201 13,904 4.864 48,224 15 16 28 22 1 THE STATE 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. Belgium 9 British Empire 10 Canada 11 New Brunswick 12 Nova Scotia 13 Prince Edward Island 14 Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England 17 Scotland 18 Wales 19 Ireland 20 Newfoundland 21 British possessions, n. o. c. 22 China 23 Denmark 24 France 25 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 26 Greece 27 Italy Japan 29 Netherlands 30 Norway. 31 Poland 32 Austrian 33 German 34 Russian 35 Poland, n. o. c.: 36 Portugal 37 Portugal proper 38 Island possessions 39 Roumania 40 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 41 Finland 42 Lithuania : 43 Russia, n. o. c. 44 Serbia 45 South and Central America and Mexico 46 Spain 47 Sweden 48 Switzerland 49 Turkey 50 Armenia 51 Syria 52 Other Asiatic Turkey 53 European Turkey 54 Turkey, n. 0. C.. 55 West Indies 56 Cuba 57 West Indies, n. o. c. 58 Other foreign countries 3,693,310 2,541,265 1,152,045 12,004 1,069 3,249 7,686 2,584 620,070 263,786 30,010 79,115 16,859 137,802 129,538 95,929 32,088 1,521 210,166 13,269 3,311 1,804 3,402 6,287 28,696 18,163 122,129 169 2,062 5,833 83,373 33,311 1,172 46,995 1,895 52,133 25,839 26,294 1,813,713 1,238,297 575,416 6,436 523 1,717 4,196 1,375 275,119 117,490 12,172 32,671 6,510 66,137 63,063 46,933 15,405 725 87,265 5,682 1,619 1,736 1,976 3,086 14,792 13,299 73,905 147 1,210 3,007 46,123 16,647 592 27,882 1,002 27,979 13,903 14,076 0. 852 2,826 37,250 16,664 580 19,113 893 24,154 11,936 12,218 919 123,450 14,342 12,751 96,357 123 850 657 41,136 1,371 21.986 6,374 7,771 3,431 2,184 2.226 1,793 177 1,616 1,051 486 66,011 7,111 7,398 51,502 96 484 462 19,999 684 15,260 4,457 4,477 2,637 1,942 1,747 1,049 109 940 695 433 57,439 7,231 5,353 44,855 27 366 195 21,137 687 6.726 1,917 3,294 794 242 479 744 68 676 356 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 325 SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR THE STATE. “Other foreign countries" include persons born at sea of foreign parents.) NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PARENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2,541,265 1,377,121 1,164,144 10,481 1,268 2,729 6,484 849 783.588 266,954 23,105 59,721 12,577 171,551 129,471 95,849 31.687 1,935 374,717 10,785 1,661 944 3,679 5,871 49,639 3,512 83,031 40 1,804 4,659 54,753 23,510 1,507 28,332 1,404 36,610 15,852 20,758 754 78,079 9,133 5,994 62,952 29 448 564 34,136 1,524 7,352 1,913 3,536 1,04+ 201 1,238,297 671,218 567,079 5,243 616 1,329 3,298 425 377,283 130,279 10,813 29.071 6,221 84,174 62,170 46,176 15,038 956 178,732 5,356 746 1,302,968 1,238,297 1,302,968 670,851 710,375 567,446 592,593 5,257 5,108 662 667 1,374 1,398 3,221 3,043 307 318 389,390 415,626 135,752 141,176 12,627 14,186 33,737 35,560 7,469 7.729 81,919 83,701 56.725 61,707 41,551 45,339 14,223 15,350 951 1,018 190,033 205,611 6,284 6,410 596 722 883 71 1,231 1,287 2,058 2,108 20,975 21,467 1,577 1,506 39,262 38,548 14 5 676 689 2,052 2,053 26,505 27,266 12,166 12,699 699 813 12,975 13,093 665 661 16,683 16,805 7,352 7,235 9,331 9,570 329 314 37,940 37,446 4,652 4,584 2,844 3,016 30,444 29,846 13 13 187 169 180 17,116 17,013 614 658 3,544 3,371 875 909 1,773 1,721 511 404 89 83 2,055,581 | 1,004,298 1,051,283 1,191,655 580,435 611,220 863,926 423,863 440,063 7,471 3,823 3,648 1,015 505 510 2,100 1,037 1,063 4,356 2,281 2,075 439 215 224 544,451 263,404 281,047 162,289 80,224 82,065 8,859 4,165 4,694 28,239 13,967 14,272 5,450 2,724 2,726 119,741 59,368 60,373 63,184 30,603 32,581 47,085 22,882 24,203 15,472 7,403 8,069 627 318 309 311,475 148,830 162,645 7,119 3,571 3,548 384 176 208 879 826 53 1,731 836 895 2,220 1,101 1,119 33,408 16,535 16,873 3,026 1,549 1,477 76,848 38,679 38,169 6 3 3 1,047 514 533 2,681 1,352 1,329 49,679 24,674 25,005 22,670 11,209 11,461 1,119 526 593 24,631 12,312 12,319 1,259 627 632 31,705 15,806 15,899 13,838 6,968 6,870 17,867 8,838 9,029 385 190 195 71,456 35,973 35,483 8,577 4,315 4,262 5,594 2,756 2,838 57,285 28,902 28,383 21 10 11 59 38 21 201 108 93 28,592 14,294 14,298 512 238 274 6,671 3,426 3,245 1,729 860 869 3,450 1,756 1,694 852 473 379 144 74 70 496 263 233 319 180 139 15 8 7 304 172 132 119 89 30 169 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 296 254 客 ​304 278 658 1,038 182 856 760 866 1,749 2,792 24,359 1,785 41,741 19 873 2,283 27,139 11,630 723 14,089 697 18,190 7.934 10,256 325 39,168 4,574 2,959 31,635 12 217 283 16,966 716 3,746 959 1,802 549 100 336 525 90 435 374 705,903 597,065 5,238 652 1,400 3,186 424 406,305 136,675 12.292 30,650 6,356 87,377 67,301 49,673 16,649 979 195,985 5,429 915 78 1,930 3,079 25,280 1,727 41,290 21 931 2,376 27,614 11,880 784 14,243 707 18,420 7,918 10,502 429 38,911 4,559 3,035 31,317 17 231 281 17,170 808 3,606 954 1,734 495 101 322 513 92 421 386 2,541,265 1,381,226 1,160,039 10,365 1.329 2,772 6,264 625 805,016 276,928 26,813 69,297 15,198 165,620 118,432 86.890 29,573 1,969 395,644 12,694 1,318 954 2,518 4,166 42,442 3,083 77,810 19 1,365 4,105 53,771 24,865 1,512 26,068 1,326 33,488 14,587 18,901 643 75,386 9,236 5,860 60,290 26 356 349 34,129 1,272 6,915 1,784 3,494 915 172 550 582 100 482 654 56 57 58 43 261 360 57 221 294 326 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE. [NOTE. — “N. 0. c.” means not otherwise classified: "Other foreign countries” include persons born at sea of foreign parents. ] NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 2,879 2,424 455 2,424 1,788 636 5,646 2,767 4,771 2,347 875 420 2 2 537 230 242 101 49 21 76 25 29 13 88 42 522 149 28 57 2,424 1,824 600 2 468 126 14 37 16 59 67 42 22 3 271 307 141 28 51 16 46 61 45 15 1 102 O 阳山​%3DsMB!W3 2.347 1,736 611 2 506 145 19 40 16 70 84 60 23 1 276 1 2,347 1,693 654 1 554 190 23 66 16 85 79 53 24 2 280 5 1,969 2,071 1,557 1,665 412 406 1 324 307 58 52 4 6 15 13 1 39 32 42 31 26 19 16 12 57 114 28732 25 87 24 3 176 5 42 9 2 74 2 223 297 5 223 1 1 4 2 6 2 1 1 19 2 23 1 157 4 1 42 ISI INI 4 1 42 71 42 43 43 43 157 71 42 43 42 43 42 43 INICININE! 30 DIWIE SI 49 26 20 30 23 7 38 26 Ne 39 26 104 59 42 3 28 7 1 38 26 7 191 III III 22 | | به من در این ان 31 23 7 1 11 1 1 15 5 14 3 1 14 11 3 6 2 1 19 11 7 Abington Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. o.c. West Indies Other foreign countries Adams Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. : West Indies Other foreign countries 6,855 4,383 2,472 79 924 554 2. 2 4,122 1,631 2,491 54 1,184 681 4,122 4,383 1,659 1.729 2,463 2,654 65 56 1,139 1,230 668 700 3,343 3,527 1,303 1,331 2,040 2,196 50 37 820 477 500 888 13,218 6,363 8,505 4,122 4,713 2,241 167 88 1,692 768 1,029 475 3 1 7 5 1 1 1,018 468 398 190 237 157 74 4 1 262 101 1 1 2 1 126 59 688 339 15 12 85 52 1 3 677 227 133 550 208 122 83 3 161 4,383 1,672 2,711 41 1,268 718 2 2 2 712 223 125 97 1 324 1 2 62 418 6 30 668 196 117 79 698 209 108 100 477 129 78 51 500 133 70 63 115 276 275 321 255 1 67 349 3 33 38 380 2 54 391 380 335 44 353 3 27 29 759 618 1,841 1,501 26 181 133 876 695 10 109 62 745 615 + ! ! ! » – , ៩៨៩ ៩ ... -នឱ្យដុះ.. 965 806 16 72 71 842 711 18 65 48 770 637 9 849 726 18 57 48 • To ! – , - , ៩ងទី៩. ដើមីដ, ដ , ទី៦ 808 695 12 53 48 20 27 43 3 23 2 24 1 23 1 26 23 22 టు | లుపు | అం | లుటే | 19 1 20 21 2 20 EL TRIONI 37 20 17 3 6 7 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 327 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE – Continued. - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 4,555 2,327 3,434 1,730 1,121 597 25 10 420 202 234 105 5 3 2,228 1,704 524 15 218 129 5 1 1,730 1,704 1,053 1,017 677 687 19 14 375 365 225 206 3 1 1,730 1,046 684 23 381 207 4 1 1,704 1,007 697 11 378 211 1,468 1,461 911 550 9 256 144 2 142 225 64 53 11 102 37 30 7 18 123 27 23 4 209 32 23 223 49 33 14 2 101 203 43 29 14 202 34 23 9 2 140 3,8,118 votre 6 120 58 62 115 1 2 2 1 7 15 1 2 28 1 25 36 21 32 195 181 193 194 188 427 1 131 23 232 1 85 11 180 1 48 13 46 12 49 7 54 9 1 42 7 108 "9.919 TAHII!!! 74 34 42 45 35 35 10 2 2 1 OLININNI IN&IO Il loro incite to 8 31 13 Colonia 18 1IvIOONID 13 21 16 2 |||||احتهرتہ ا د ا ا د 13 6 1 19 12 3 Agawam Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Amesbury Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. . West Indies Other foreign countries 466 8,543 6,762 1,781 16 1,515 888 97 152 45 594 208 118 89 1 404 14 1 8 24 8 34 4,079 4,464 3,219 3,543 860 921 10 6 706 809 438 450 44 53 65 87 22 23 307 287 93 115 49 69 44 45 1 236 7 3,219 3,543 2,042 2,269 1,177 1,274 9 11 1,052 1,132 486 532 44 57 57 68 24 22 361 385 141 161 88 103 49 54 4 4 421 433 4 6 ON 3,219 3,543 2,072 2,316 1,147 1,227 8 7 1,033 1,110 479 50 39 48 63 24 28 344 349 130 144 81 106 46 37 3 1 428 480 9 6 1 2 19 18 2,593 2,869 1,790 2,015 803 854 3 6 712 762 308 334 14 17 11 20 6 7 277 290 64 67 41 48 23 19 లుండి 168 336 4 357 4 0. 2 12 OON 12 26 28 15 2 12 8. 18 2 45 11 16 14 19 12 19 12 72 27 14 19 1 17 5 27 16 28 12 19 8 29 20 21 12 45 34 11 12 16 11 9 9 24 1 29 3 1 23 2 58 17 1 40 28 10 6 4 2 29 9 1 19 14 9 6 3 II I INICIO I WISIS INISI 21 14 1 26 16 21 19 3 26 18 20 13 24 11 1 3 3 1 2 6 5 1 3 328 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18.- NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Fe- Males males Males Fe- males 2,002 2,221 1,673 1,852 329 369 4 212 260 38 130 33 2,270 2,480 1,797 1,979 473 501 1 8 319 349 80 72 2 2 10 15 1 67 55 70 70 46 21 3 3 167 204 2 3 5,558 2,649 2,909 4,750 2,270 2,480 808 379 429 12 4 8 406 172 234 57 73 5 4 1 31 14 17 1 1 39 54 41 24 23 45 16 29 2 1 175 72 103 1 5 1 1 33 13 20 6 51 33 18 2,270 2,480 1,776 1,942 494 538 5 6 342 395 86 2 2 17 21 1 2 54 61 69 65 39 41 28 23 2 1 195 239 4 5 31 31 35 31 19 12 46 18 13 148 191 2 2 Ei oo - BINOD 29-5 1 28 18 13 14 ܐܚܝ ܢܨܨܨܟ ܙ ܚܝܘܒܬ ܙ ܘܝܝܗܚ ܝ ܢ ܙ ܢ ܟܙܚܕ 224 80 8 1 71 18 112 35 1 77 24 112 45 1 69 21 1 54 11 64 53 48 53 43 21 22 14 25 14 -- | | | | BE | ఉసిరా , పై 5 16 8 6 16 11 1 15 10 1 13 18 1 13 10 145-----5 2 2 Amherst Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Andover Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 7,978 5,505 2,473 3,615 2,526 1,089 4,363 2,979 1,384 2,526 1,488 1,038 1,883 1,271 612 2,309 1,543 766 2 667 78 2,242 428 41 202 41 144 1,140 322 814 964 172 10 87 16 59 525 158 364 3 252 11 4 9 20 4 20 1,278 256 31 115 25 85 615 164 450 1 382 20 2,526 2,979 1,521 1,819 1.005 1,160 2 900 1,021 173 168 13 18 83 82 16 4 61 64 354 428 165 198 189 230 955 190 28 71 13 78 366 139 227 2,979 1,771 1,208 3 1,085 197 27 75 16 79 422 165 257 550 71 7 24 4 36 206 268 363 9 1 414 9 384 14 1 10 12 634 31 9 24 38 5 33 4 16 6 28 445 19 2. 11 29 1 17 - 00152-0 11 *** TIO 17 6 47 1 19 3 10 6 TELIAI Grona, Rio de | | | లురా అసం | | అలు | | | 05/ :-జలు.. తలుపు 5 6 10 4 2 13 1 5 10 1 12 53 35 32 25 24 23 29 10 19 6 26 10 5 28 11 9 1 1 TINANO 12 6 4 III c NIIN OOO TINA ONO !! 4 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 329 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 14,889 6,870 11,391 5,291 3,498 1,579 16 8 2,559 1,069 1,089 437 244 101 491 192 53 196 91 356 181 262 128 93 53 1 1,030 424 76 25 8 2 12 3 70 35 3 3 312 195 42 22 55 37 2 1 1 49 35 8,019 6,100 1,919 8 1,490 652 143 299 105 105 175 134 40 1 606 51 158 5,291 6,100 3,242 3,764 2,049 2,336 2 5 1,622 1,856 412 496 88 101 197 244 54 55 73 96 249 288 180 207 67 80 2 1 1,035 28 36 2 1 9 9 74 110 1 125 134 16 26 15 15 5,291 6,100 3,276 3,834 2,015 2,266 6 11 1,629 1,854 455 544 110 116 200 250 67 76 78 102 194 247 152 192 41 53 1 2 939 1,012 40 51 1 7 6 54 81 4,264 4,803 2,860 3,306 1,404 1,497 2 5 1,079 1,159 172 185 47 46 82 93 25 18 18 28 105 108 79 85 25 23 1 778 836 24 30 931 35 3 66 48 112 117 20 113 28 11 113 17 10 112 14 17 3 3 11 11 明​奶奶​仍​础​的​!明​江​698-98134-8% 2521358 - 15 1 10 15 10 36 18 46 1 8 31 2 9 19 8 19 36 34 79 229 15 5 నిలకం లా లడ్డు 45 95 10 3 36 103 3 19 99 29 115 1 0 7 2 1 2 10 5 62 38 24 33 42 21 33 12 19 Arlington Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0.c. West Indies Other foreign countries Athol Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 4,907 3,955 952 17 494 346 50 72 6 218 9,783 7,836 1,947 49 941 674 97 118 16 443 156 111 38 7 85 9 17 4 22 13 143 4 122 4,876 3,881 995 32 447 328 47 46 10 225 74 51 21 2 31 4 10 4 14 11 89 1 57 3,881 3,955 2,717 2,794 1,164 1,161 42 34 651 692 410 413 36 36 47 46 4 9 323 322 85 106 55 73 26 30 4 3 137 144 6 6 13 23 6 3 36 38 112, Eric Mooi verra 3,881 3,955 2,767 2,844 1,114 1,111 30 27 629 662 368 375 23 35 59 57 7 5 279 278 99 114 65 83 25 19 9 12 150 157 6 7 6 9 1 24 28 3,333 3,406 2,516 2,589 817 817 26 21 359 402 227 237 12 20 11 17 1 203 200 41 54 26 41 14 12 1 1 88 108 3 25 81 56 56 3 44 89 1 47 1 45 44 - 1 121 45 44 46 45 45 44 - - 569 300 269 263 255 1 242 258 240 170 130 332 237 68 2 162 107 35 77 186 33 92 163 29 260 2 77 181 24 90 152 29 77 181 22 88 152 23 cn | a | l ស ដទីទី ៩ 10 12 330 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 18,480 13,745 4,735 22 3,398 1,986 71 459 100 1,356 840 718 117 5 562 8 2 19 146 58 105 9,095 9,385 6,783 6,962 2,312 2,423 9 13 1,560 1,838 911 1,075 32 39 161 298 34 66 684 672 414 426 367 351 46 71 1 4 230 332 5 3 2 13 6 87 59 39 19 68 37 3 4 40 37 25 29 6,783 6,962 4,260 4,318 2,523 2,644 14 8 2,093 2,139 1,107 1,084 26 32 214 196 28 839 814 413 489 355 400 56 84 2 5 568 558 5 6 6,783 6,962 4,264 4,347 2,519 2,615 12 9 2,033 2,033 1,080 995 22 14 156 127 32 27 870 827 480 518 424 421 53 94 3 3 465 508 8 10 2 15 20 126 154 5 5 38 1 24 27 14 17 42 5,308 3,646 1,662 12 1,312 695 6 73 7 609 253 224 29 5,471 3,710 1,761 8 1,344 657 2 60 13 582 293 240 52 1 390 4 361 3 15 121 4 74 9 91 4 37 1 26 19 4 98 4 37 42 37 1 35 1 20 14 20 17 54 24 22 15 10 3 203 123 17 113 67 9 7 1 90 56 8 9 1 40 38 6 59 44 6 5 2 41 30 3 43 9 38 6 1 32 151 1 38 180 4 27 153 48 235 4 1 34 170 2 26 124 1 106 493 15 2 1 12 32 144 2 58 258 11 1 1 9 3 1 1 2 1 3 32 4 3 35 2 1 20 69 44 25 23 9 9 ATTLEBORO Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward İsland Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Auburn Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 894 504 390 3,281 2,409 872 8 477 257 240 135 12 1,717 1,253 464 5 242 130 4 27 7 92 80 70 10 1,564 1,156 408 3 235 127 8 21 3 95 63 53 10 1,253 1,156 686 614 567 542 5 7 378 359 242 211 3. 7 24 18 3 4 212 182 72 72 53 46 19 26 949 550 399 3 238 150 1 2 3 144 34 27 7 48 1,253 1,156 677 605 576 551 9 2 385 372 254 213 12 9 14 14 3 224 187 53 64 44 46 9 15 3 76 2 4 125 10 187 143 123 20 75 32 43 64 76 54 1 1 1 35 2 1 16 1 17 19 26 1 6 31 3 6 1 3 20 1 UT I Rలు | 02 | అ! | | | | | NO | | ETS | 12 | పులుసు 2016 II w co-wInicom i licore not 3 11 3*** CONTATO!!!!!='+90 51లు | | లు.- 18| | | | | | - | లలు తరాషలు, 28 wa w vlerine ili 19 9 16 24 16 23 9 7 60 33 3 24 228 6 36 17 3 16 127 4 113 13 105 3 108 101 2 14 103 2 98 VIII 1 I 001 19 9 10 4 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 331 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- Fe males Males Fe Males Fe males males males 2,779 2,224 555 1,420 1,131 289 1,093 1,131 786 345 854 622 232 922 691 231 1,093 1,131 706 767 387 364 1 2 333 85 77 12 28 17 192 255 78 305 74 8 12 4 5 444 160 14 70 17 59 68 33 32 3 215 37 8 26 41 21 18 2 135 洲​"跳​刀​2383%C5%! 209 27 2 3 1 21 24 14 10 45 52 30 17 14 188 203 145 158 INI RONNI ********** 81 |--BI-II-gia- 12523*'g'indica i 1 10.1ms ILIT I OVO OTTI ORIITTO00 IN LIMITATIA ***********...!!!!!! WILLIIN LIITTLIGI Coming one 10 IIIIIIE11OITTIIIII 10 77 Ayor Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n, o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Barnstable Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 4,995 2,499 2,496 4,205 2,106 2,099 790 397 2,106 2,099 1,771 1,765 335 334 2,106 2,099 1,696 1,721 410 378 1,887 1,891 1,641 1,652 246 239 95 120 160 299 129 217 98 12 12 204 88 5 47 16 20 66 214 96 9 61 7 19 41 34 7 5 3 13 19 8 14 26 18 34 12 inlinioc Wiology *11*1 osme | winsges巴克​833 10 worrir, 38 INIINIO AMINOSOBE 1-ININ Ewi Iwi Icic-nic 498 8 BE223 STIMONIO IAITA OITOITTITT INIINNNISH SI WII WININNING ITILISI ISI ALINI 00 I NOMIA I WA WCH II TIL TITOLIS & INI INI DI CAN I o Ivani 88 85 68 68 78 68 68 65 68 210 206 198 2 6 31 2 137 117 112 2 3 13 | | | | | తెలుగు 21 25 20 IAI 332 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Native PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,124 1,047 724 659 400 388 997 667 330 898 598 300 178 64 116 238 88 2 19 10 1,588 1,047 541 1 238 65 8 17 2 38 126 119 6 1 44 3 1,124 1,047 715 666 409 381 1 1 251 186 79 68 6 12 14 13 1 6 58 37 63 38 45 36 18 193 76 6 16 5 49 63 51 12 3,476 1,888 2,171 1,124 1,305 764 1 477 239 126 61 13 5 36 19 2 75 37 270 144 256 137 13 7 1 75 31 4 1 2 11 2 56 56 473 290 1 126 68 32 4 67 71 erro 54 40 32 8 19 54 109 74 2 85 85 183 1 50 36 79 1 40 31 79 1 38 29 78 1 38 29 ***** HII!!!!! 49 53 40 14 9 13 13 9 12 29 138 84 54 27 20 104 34 14 60 24 7 44 10 7 9 10 NIIII!! 6 5 Barre Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Belmont Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 8,081 3,767 5,852 2,775 2,229 992 11 6 1,490 597 673 273 122 49 384 157 85 29 82 38 269 123 156 72 105 47 8 4 491 181 47 20 10 6 3 39 23 5 338 202 37 16 15 10 1 4,314 3,077 1,237 5 893 400 73 227 56 44 146 84 58 4 310 27 10 3 16 2 136 2,775 3,077 1,754 1,862 1,021 1,215 4 8 773 907 277 313 49 71 149 173 33 20 46 49 152 193 96 117 53 72 3 4 334 382 10 19 2,775 3,077 1,740 1,859 1,035 1,218 1 4 801 931 273 315 52 80 142 163 25 17 54 55 149 174 95 114 48 56 6 4 361 425 15 16 3 1 1 4 31 36 4 8 111 130 8 10 4 2,228 2,460 1,537 1,637 691 823 1 2 485 578 125 144 16 26 75 87 13 9 21 22 79 87 53 52 34 1 272 333 9 14 26 3 49 4 111 5 1 8 54 8 132 13 4 1 23 4 111 5 1 3 27 8 130 8 4 5 14 9 1 2 20 4 5 45 13 1 31 191 16 6 S... | T-లు | T | | అల్లు NIIN LIIT 15 16 91 6 6 61 1 4 59 4 69 100 56 6 51 1 54 6 1 10 9 20 1 12 10 12 13 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 333 TABLE 18.- NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 22,959 11,469 11,490 16,874 8,359 8,515 6,085 3,110 2,975 S 2 6 3,836 1,693 2,143 2,020 869 1,151 288 127 161 970 378 592 112 36 76 650 328 322 877 435 442 602 296 306 262 135 127 13 9 877 364 513 59 23 36 3 2 16 10 48 23 25 52 45 1,257 891 366 56 27 29 53 27 26 3 1 2 8,359 8,515 5,574 5,694 2,785 2,821 3 5 2,108 2,186 1,036 1,060 105 135 394 397 45 493 483 396 349 265 245 131 103 1 638 736 32 39 6 2 13 12 48 51 11 11 298 233 16 22 19 26 1 8,359 8,515 5,493 5,601 2,866 2,914 8 6 2,219 2,339 1,104 1,170 101 131 487 517 64 62 452 460 356 299 245 206 104 84 7 9 723 824 36 44 6,821 6,897 4,919 5,001 1,902 1,896 3 5 1,334 1,379 581 582 21 36 173 176 25 22 362 348 215 146 69 524 14 - 14 219 22 282 19 18 1 2 31 6 279 13 18 1 26 23 17 1 ជពីធនួនន* 'ន””។ ' ទន្ទ។ 16 1 20 2 9 107 14 10 185 20 2 101 16 1 2 100 14 112 14 49 1 14 369 61 3 305 251 13 1 1 11 101 14 184 41 1 142 129 2 =””'ឧ។ 163 98 112 3 120 | ల | లు, 35 109 122 11 1 1 9 103 3 2 1 112 64 48 39 38 31 BEVERLY Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n.o.c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, o. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Billerica Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania : Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3,246 1,600 1,646 2,442 1,228 1,214 804 432 1,228 1,214 746 738 482 476 1,228 1,214 745 748 466 275 375 149 19 SES? 'YA'-****** 310' 23-11-08X8*****82' NITOIMI010!! I 1-5-III 422 120 18 419 123 17 37 665 261 30 96 20 115 229 194 33 2 163 9 3 424 137 20 57 7 53 115 94 21 54 134 108 58 126 106 17 2010 1-6-2- 1986of=", జర్ 170 164 -I-IISA VIII wiercom-100 Invoeren IIW.980Economia 164 *3 '*949238 EINIWim11*11-11-1 10 $3=359*******i*ar*II-IO*** 8 1 19 3 17 8 లు | | | లులు 60 | | | | | లు | 06-01 +--- , ఇంంమ్య on | | | జలు. | | - | | లు | అలు. 10-Anు పరిస్థిల్లలు 6 29 Orier II 28 36 11 WHICS 334 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 4,008 1,507 1,598 666 686 841 912 11 634 700 209 198 3 2 7 8 5,689 2,821 2,868 1,949 2,059 1,681 872 809 22 12 10 1,012 494 519 440 224 216 9 4 5 17 6 11 5 3 2 409 211 198 121 60 61 98 49 49 11 1 1 383 179 204 67 30 37 1 89 48 30 14 7 101 40 46 19 192 107 85 152 75 1,949 2,059 832 854 1,117 1,205 13 4 850 934 270 283 6 14 17 1! 249 260 71 56 56 42 15 13 1 468 541 37 52 41 2 10 20 16 17 1,949 2,059 851 870 1,098 1,189 12 6 845 929 279 280 3 2 14 17 1 6 261 255 80 73 64 56 16 16 1 434 500 51 76 1 4 13 23 19 199 32 30 2 188 24 22 2 22 435 43 365 27 1 3 10 35 35 30 21 81 68 36 13 74 62 26 17 80 69 12 74 69 14 78 68 40 10 13 11 5 10 1 లు | | | | | ఓలా-కలు | | లు | నిరి- ఉట్ 13 43 32 4 7 e I wiiwan , 894ever 30 28 35 26 1 8 64 32 29 1 2 49 1 38 32 1 5 54 28 27 1 100 62 37 3 3 23 9 10 8 2 Blackstone Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries BOSTON Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 229 745, 439 369,434 376,005 235,186 242,099 235,186 242,099 188,276 191,781 477,285 235,186 242,099 108,758 111.124 109,442 112,417 92,445 94,057 268,154 134,248 133,906 126,428 130,975 125,744 129,682 95,831 97,724 3,107 1,638 1,469 1,162 1,225 1,108 1,151 729 745 134,480 58,471 76,009 78,483 83,163 81,721 86,224 55,931 58,570 43,371 17,639 25,732 14,929 16,037 16,326 17,755 6.921 7,353 7.651 3,009 4,642 2,726 3,047 2,937 3,4 25 1,031 1,158 20,989 8,440 12,549 6,723 7,163 7,525 8,113 3,324 3,509 5,057 1,975 3,082 1,819 1,957 2,103 2,173 839 889 9,674 4,215 5,459 3,661 3,870 3,761 4,044 1,727 1,797 20,429 10,362 10,067 9,921 10,883 8,664 9,373 3,986 4,198 14,003 7,161 6,842 7,042 7,690 6,107 6,628 2,719 2,834 6,134 3,052 3,082 2,726 3,038 2,387 2,567 1,233 1,326 292 149 143 153 155 170 178 34 38 64,455 27.635 36,820 51,330 53,980 54,138 56,571|| 43,504 45,571 4,876 2,075 2,801 2,060 2,019 2,418 2,339 1,439 1,363 1,349 760 589 243 244 175 186 81 85 1,091 507 584 614 690 446 492 208 8,402 4,411 3,991 7,468 7,511 6,200 6,213 5,065 4,985 2,917 2,397 520 247 227 188 215 181 42,932) 25,606 17,326 14,933 14,951 14,085 14,007 13,907 13,881 2,132 1,155 977 697 644 643 473 400 9,445 5,517 3,928 2,657 2,789 2,425 2,610 2,158 2,262 1,226 630 596 232 241 221 278 172 188 124 64 60 76 93 67 81 49 53 7,917 4,732 3,185 2,271 2,394 2,078 2,198 1,890 1,978 178 91 87 78 61 59 53 47 43 1,507 944 563 750 715 599 578 521 508 45,007 23,792 21,215 14,145 13,908 13,572 13,208 12,887 12,491 655 313 342 172 195 176 185 133 141 2,683 1,567 1,116 514 474 495 498 471 425 41.669 21,912 19,757 13,459 13,239 12,901 12,525 12,283 11,925 7,450 3,569 3,881 2,500 2,655 2,483 2,544 1,993 2,061 4,173 2,655 1,518 800 744 755 704 721 666 898 574 324 150 142 140 129 132 122 1,960 1,099 861 482 474 452 471 443 1,315 982 333 168 154 141 123 118 101 726 471 255 135 172 94 99 52 53 4,785 3,115 1,670 1,837 1,581 1,392 1,093 971 692 221 571 448 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 335 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 990 804 988 810 178 1 56 988 796 192 186 990 785 205 1 78 42 908 757 151 1 30 11 902 764 138 1 27 17 54 44 2,672 1,420 1,252 1,978 990 988 694 430 264 4 3 1 159 71 88 90 38 52 2 1 1 68 32 36 1 1 19 4 15 44 22 22 26 14 12 18 8 10 2 26 1 2 15 12 *W-IBICOW, 5- 24 10 14 4 12 3 351 1 3 5 3 231 120 3 MASIN"INITI INNI 161 1 1 1 1 S-F**S'EST-TINITI INNTIOITT 11 10 100011 EIIIIIIIIIIIIIII STTTT'AIINIT 10 NIITTIMATI NOOITTI INDICII IONINO CERII 18 114 18 17 OA 9 1 1 12 1 10 WOOD 3 2 Bourne Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries: Braintree Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward İsland Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland: Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 9,343 4,583 7,097 3,471 2,246 1,112 24 13 1,417 637 701 295 115 41 427 183 61 27 98 44 374 195 208 102 93 4,760 3,626 1,134 11 780 406 74 244 34 54 179 106 3,471 3,626 2,269 2,36 1,202 1,258 11 17 846 908 369 397 31 43 242 239 19 26 77 89 171 187 103 116 65 70 3 1 290 297 12 21 4 6 9 47 40 3,471 3,626 2,235 2,321 1,236 1,305 10 912 430 53 273 287 13 91 73 145 103 36 6 321 324 15 1 7 44 2,803 2,875 1,992 2,051 811 824 9 10 528 559 221 231 17 25 156 153 8 17 40 36 75 86 56 50 19 36 178 130 13 227 235 7 30 1 31 13 33 473 332 141 182 152 144 173 7 144 10 3 152 6 明​出​码​%生​SWS-明​以​47B-昭​86-1513T918纪​44461B និងៗខ្លួន *ឧ៖ ' ន្ន។ ២១-ទ ' ៖ o ១ ។ Erown-OIANI IWE NIJE 2 1 9 18 11 3 1 2 12 9 wwwww com o meio 17 14 16 10 STANOONN 16 10 VI 1991 SANT PRODHIMIE CILA 52 38 42 11 13 2 1 n 20 21 16 13 336 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males 109 9,381 6,060 3,321 6,106 3,718 2,388 3,275 2,342 933 47 40 7 1,658 1,228 430 517 346 171 45 30 15 160 95 65 22 12 10 290 209 81 289 219 70 224 175 49 61 42 19 4 2 2 823 637 186 18 17 1 11 9 2 10 8 2 43 37 6 61 56 5 372 247 125 9 6 3 272 169 103 13 11 2 3,718 2,388 2,060 1,576 1,658 812 8 7 1,304 510 308 180 18 6 74 53 7 209 117 137 93 86 47 32 4 856 233 3 3,718 2,388 3,186 2,038 2.035 1,555 1,846 1,420 1,683 833 1,340 618 6 4 6 4 1,347 538 1,024 338 317 199 181 24 14 6 5 73 60 29 24 10 7 2 1 210 118 144 79 124 79 64 31 69 47 34 51 29 27 10 4 3 3 903 260 778 198 3 3 4 34 26 is 105 3 30 3 101 1 37 2 37 orico como 2% ಒ ! ಈ 1 ಕಪ2 ಜಿ | ಜಿ ಓಂ | ಓಜಿಎಫ್ 14 15 1 లాలేనని, 28, ఆు | | | | - ముల్లు 259 158 101 37 35 55 67 • 204 367 21 136 210 61 128 90 121 250 20 88 142 49 97 68 4 25 3 31 83 117 1 48 68 12 31 22 23 42 14 17 6 21 46 13 15 5 9 11 10 34 3 40 w i oni se 9 11 9 5 Bridgewater Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries BROCKTON Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland New foundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 62,288 30,781 31,507 21,767 22,812 | 21,767 22,812 17,986 18,797 44,579 21,767 22,812 12.943 13,603 12,964 13,679 11,430 12,001 17,709 9,014 8,695 8,824 9,209 8,803 9,133 6,556 6,796 71 42 29 35 26 35 28 24 18 7,713 3,423 4,290 5,384 5,761 5,562 5,910 3,596 3,809 3,412 1,509 1,903 1.859 1,973 1,857 2,009 966 986 530 203 327 153 208 200 254 51 60 1,412 608 804 545 567 559 641 211 228 309 126 183 124 121 167 133 61 50 1,161 572 589 1,037 1,077 931 981 643 648 1,349 651 698 640 736 623 736 270 337 1,055 505 550 464 539 474 570 211 268 247 124 123 148 166 126 142 46 53 47 22 25 28 31 23 24 13 16 2,765 1,183 1,582 2,795 2,965 2,994 3,086 2,315 2,450 164 69 95 75 77 80 67 42 35 23 11 12 15 10 8 12 3 1 26 13 13 29 35 12 11 2 4 115 57 58 135 129 123 123 75 79 351 287 64 26 30 21 16 21 1,837 1,096 741 619 617 570 569 563 562 61 33 28 32 30 13 14 5 533 278 255 145 171 150 166 131 155 8 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 4 1 1 1 503 264 239 140 156 143 151 126 141 17 9 8 5 11 7 11 5 11 106 73 33 36 36 22 23 16 19 3,771 2,087 1,684 1,098 1,063 1,037 1,007 1,001 955 84 36 48 24 22 22 20 18 17 2,071 1,175 896 551 541 531 526 524 520 1,616 876 740 523 500 484 461 459 443 2,642 1,315 1,327 1,162 1,192 1,137 1,172 1,033 1,073 345 220 125 81 65 67 55 67 54 62 35 27 9 6 16 22 ن ن ا د ن 6 14 186 103 83 50 48 40 48 40 97 82 22 13 13 4 2 2 2 6 1 134 88 46 40 48 48 33 17 12 Shop COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 337 TABLE 18. ---NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 22 22 149 20--IN-8-12లలువేలుపలుకులు HA4%23925%?「仍​84527SS 的 ​Brookline Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German ussian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries CAMBRIDGE Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries ܒܬܒܨܘܒܨܟܬܝܙSܬܘ̈ܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܟܬܘ 33,490 13,254 20,236 10,390 13,410 | 10,390 13,410 8,733 11,340 23,800 | 10,390 13,410 6,804 9,011 6,931 9,180 6,247 8,319 9,690 2,864 6,826 3,586 4,399 3,459 4,230 2,486 3,021 54 32 22 31 12 27 9 17 8,069 2,277 5,792 2,973 3,597 2,981 3,613 2,114 2,534 2,251 581 1,670 507 623 561 682 237 275 294 93 201 70 82 77 109 27 1,217 285 932 231 299 320 353 140 155 345 69 276 67 76 48 69 28 29 395 134 261 139 166 116 151 47 64 1,104 451 653 412 529 330 458 205 718 298 420 289 387 249 332 104 148 379 149 230 118 138 78 120 43 55 7 4 3 5 4 3 6 2 2 4,532 1,213 3,319 2,033 2,424 2,064 2,443 1,724 2,052 83 11 72 15 12 21 18 4 2 99 21 78 6 9 5 12 56 20 36 26 37 16 33 4 17 337 158 179 307 417 233 301 198 254 58 47 11 6 3 6 2 6 2 84 51 33 28 26 28 19 22 18 89 14 75 5 9 16 4 11 49 26 23 15 26 16 15 7 5 1 2 6 3 2 33 19 14 11 10 3 1 1 10 5 15 10 241 82 159 87 70 74 67 2 4 163 75 88 66 463 68 395 39 50 23 14 9 1 7 2 6 4 10 3 6 5 1 30 10 20 6 2 127 60 67 46 68 43 49 26 108,822 51,995 56,827 || 34,853 37,904 | 34,853 37,904 27,642 30,076 72,757 | 34,853 37,904 17,155 19,116 | 17,053 19,321 14,430 16,359 36,065 17,142 18,923 | 17,698 18,788 || 17,800 18,583 13,212 13,717 238 127 111 102 106 85 73 71 22,072 9,408 12,664 13,012 14,141 13,511 14,387 9,342 9,972 7,751 3,150 4,601 3,170 3,372 3,383 3,562 1,658 1,657 1,543 612 931 548 648 640 705 207 222 3,168 1,223 1,945 1,126 1,150 1,245 1,375 587 596 927 331 596 325 351 384 397 132 142 2,113 984 1,129 1,171 1.223 1,114 1,085 732 2,740 1,326 1,414 1,421 1,630 1,257 1,407 576 652 1,766 845 921 989 1,116 843 967 442 909 448 461 394 481 364 390 173 198 65 33 32 38 33 50 50 12 12 9,846 4,143 5,703 7,820 8,486 8,290 8,783 6,711 7,209 1,299 586 713 544 557 532 548 367 398 436 203 233 57 96 49 87 30 56 102 48 54 76 79 54 46 22 611 328 283 539 574 420 448 330 353 201 138 63 23 41 22 20 22 20 2,452 1,429 1,023 902 839 840 769 838 765 220 100 120 67 86 65 79 47 1,907 1,104 803 488 477 478 478 452 434 42 15 27 16 19 19 27 11 17 25 • 18 7 9 7 10 10 7 5 1,822 1,061 761 453 436 443 429 428 400 18 10 8 10 15 6 12 6 12 2,216 1,009 1,117 780 765 737 737 681 676 3,140 1,748 1,392 816 838 779 806 744 762 58 32 26 17 19 14 15 8 11 1,137 668 469 217 212 215 215 214 210 1,945 1,048 897 550 576 522 541 1,513 743 770 537 537 536 533 452 449 564 375 189 85 91 76 81 75 76 232 150 82 27 35 25 37 25 34 14 10 4 4 3 4 318 215 103 54 53 47 44 46 408 229 179 104 61 29 55 23 421 266 155 167 153 130 97 81 58 ܝܛܝܕ ܙ ܟܝܘ ܙ ܣܝܕ ܙ ܬܚܒܨ ܙ ܙܟ ܙ ܟ B. అంత-Nie | N: 60 697 391 16 53 582 607 338 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR. PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Males Fe males Fe- Total Males Fe- males Males Males males Fe males 2,110 1,143 967 5,623 4,014 1,609 10 967 206 37 90 22 57 299 246 46 7 455 7 2,731 2,892 1,904 2,110 827 782 5 5 445 522 86 120 12 25 33 57 6 35 22 152 147 128 118 20 26 4 3 205 250 2 5 1,904 1,063 841 5 650 93 32 33 6 22 140 113 20 7 415 2 774 98 19 30 15 34 126 100 20 6 546 4 1,904 2,110 1,080 1,124 824 986 5 5 647 801 132 163 39 36 54 74 15 9 24 44 97 117 72 89 24 28 1 413 515 5 5 1 3 2 23 16 6 54 64 1 29 22 1 1,516 1,666 930 966 586 700 5 4 432 546 34 45 10 6 14 23 2 8 16 62 66 51 57 10 9 1 336 1 CORO 434 15 9 8 25 30 262 7 22 3 55 7 20 6 65 I 10'a 1 14 3 54 1 28 1 102 2 38 64 28 22 3 10 26 160 2 62 1 1 59 1 11 76 32 1 26 100 2 1 96 1 11 144 14 2 128 34 20 25 2 1 35 1 68 14 42 1 35 1 5 34 1 39 1 1 75 18 41 38 34 53 16 33 18 ಒ 9 | | | | ದಜೆಪಿ 1 as, 3 3 11 1 3 8 8 4 1 Canton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Chelmsford Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,899 5,182 2,537 3,845 1,899 1,337 638 2,645 1,946 699 1,946 1,156 790 1,946 1,138 808 1,114 785 1 656 248 20** !!!!! ESPA'S TAH 518 218 42 27 11 138 205 183 22 1,108 473 95 71 23 284 411 352 58 1 217 5 2 9 3 9 12 24 27 12 590 255 53 44 12 146 206 169 36 1 125 4 FOAN, ESA 37 31 9 171 170 137 32 1 236 1,899 1,081 818 1 688 290 32 51 13 194 157 117 38 2 238 3 1,429 1,478 911 961 518 517 1 405 399 146 129 9 6 16 2 119 111 86 73 13 651 249 36 29 8 176 171 126 44 1 230 673 265 32 41 13 179 157 105 51 1 248 3 173 180 1 3 1 2 1 11 14 15 15 16 8 15 18 8 9 12 15 8 13 15 7 15 14 6 7 1 100 14 1 12 8 1 10 ここ ​WISWI Iw00I GONGONI 9 1 9 2 1 10 12 6 CITII & INSI 001 III-8000 7 118 1 IIIIIIII 6 60 CITII III 1 62 4 65 58 1 60 0 1 6 4 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 339 TABLE 18.- NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 43, 426 22,353 21,073 || 12,257 11,872 || 12,257 11,872 24,129 12,257 11,872 4,648 4,271 4,565 4,231 19,297 10,096 9,201 7,609 7,601 7,692 7,641 141 69 72 86 64 59 54 5,362 2,536 2,826 3,192 3,238 3,404 3,407 2,097 938 1,159 789 797 966 980 488 221 267 201 208 228 239 928 402 526 293 300 401 424 377 161 216 144 150 173 172 304 154 150 151 139 164 145 848 427 421 533 543 437 417 693 355 338 387 425 317 317 150 72 78 142 113 112 92 5 5 5 8 8 1,491 722 769 1,541 1,564 1,629 1,627 896 430 466 326 362 369 30 19 11 3 5 10 14 33 15 18 17 14 14 12 214 131 83 226 221 177 169 111 76 35 15 8 15 8 1,029 573 456 478 475 442 431 30 13 17 19 15 37 12 1,966 1,159 807 582 534 575 552 62 38 24 21 14 18 18 5 5 2 3 1 1 1,883 1,108 775 553 510 550 523 16 8 8 6 7 6 10 24 12 12 14 17 10 15 9,259 4,852 4,407 2,744 2,784 2,735 2,772 10 9 1 1 2 32 19 13 14 10 14 8 9,217 4,824 4,393 2,729 2,772 2,721 2,764 92 46 46 43 51 54 49 605 373 232 95 96 91 92 330 206 124 45 52 41 53 16 5 11 1 1 259 162 97 50 43 50 38 9 5 4 4 9 422 236 186 94 75 77 60 9,994 9,649 3,828 3,505 6,166 6,144 38 34 2,144 2,164 372 372 73 73 146 154 73 78 80 67 214 200 147 153 65 45 2 2 1,268 1,297 288 292 2 3 9 8 125 128 14 8 438 425 12 6 554 512 16 11 1 1 531 493 6 7 10 14 2,646 2,678 329 : 14 2,632 32 85 41 2,671 34 90 52 1 37 2 41 44 59 CHELSEA Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland. Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries CHICOPEE Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 7,458 2,539 4,919 137 2,591 1,574 1 14 7,611 2,540 5,071 94 2,748 1,573 9,269 9,400 3,272 3,253 5,997 6,147 174 128 3,455 3,626 2,096 2,105 6 7 33 17 2 2,057 2,079 349 330 215 208 132 119 2 3 1,008 1,189 9,269 9,400 3,323 3,338 5,946 6,062 173 122 3,413 3,571 2,032 2,026 5 14 40 30 2 1 1,985 1,981 317 317 192 184 124 131 1 2 1,061 1,227 3 a以​以​研​织​召​48 30,138 15,296 14,842 18,669 9,269 9,400 11,469 6,027 5,442 261 147 114 5,309 2,630 2,679 3,385 1,733 1,652 20 9 11 44 18 26 5 3 2 3,316 1,703 1,613 788 397 391 504 254 250 142 141 1 1 1,123 492 631 4 1 3 9 7 2 93 43 50 222 112 110 325 216 109 36 27 9 2 2 4,808 2,581 2,227 4,481 2,363 2,118 15 5 10 274 193 81 38 20 18 70 43 27 170 108 62 1,559 194 107 87 1,561 189 96 91 2 986 283 822 1 1 42 150 SON 33 152 25 41 28 153 28 11 29 110 25 17 22 111 28 10 23 3 2.000 1,864 2 40 151 31 15 2 2,036 1,894 15 100 27 4 58 1,911 1,820 4 జ-01లను | | 831832లుమంది 1,997 1,899 9 68 21 6 55 2,037 1,925 15 74 23 3 53 1,960 1,853 14 70 23 51 108 23 58 1 61 22 10 5 The America AS 1 169 45 68 12 8. 48 2 58 55 23 10 53 25 58 20 13 5 51 20 12 *35*7' 199***19 IS Tiere created 46 35 23 18 18 13 340 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 13,192 6,380 6,812 8,464 4,109 4,355 4,728 2,271 2,457 25 12 13 2,635 1,114 1,521 424 198 226 84 39 45 81 35 46 7 3. 4 252 121 131 458 214 244 197 96 101 260 117 143 1 1 1,747 700 1,047 3 1 3 1 2 6 2 471 246 225 224 156 68 433 270 4,109 4,355 1,503 1,585 2,606 2,770 13 13 1,741 1,928 228 232 31 37 45 42 8 8 144 145 252 269 117 109 133 160 2. 1,261 1,424 3 4,109 4,355 1,470 1,550 2,639 2,805 10 13 1,831 2,014 234 249 44 43 35 52 7 2 148 152 253 242 99 97 154 145 3,318 3,483 1,179 1,236 2,139 2,247 9 7 1,358 1,502 129 130 22 22 14 16 1 92 92 134 127 44 33 90 94 1,342 1,095 1,242 3 4 384 12 156 8 348 18 156 2 1 340 12 144 1,516 6 1 5 299 16 146 1 325 12 143 5 286 16 142 789 388 7 249 9 248 6 250 8 248 8 245 6 15 12 752 10 229 401 8 7 380 6 3 42 15 236 6 13 227 13 2 29 10 Crni iwwert nog een paar 253 8 1 238 6 1 31 9 | | | లులుట | అమ-000 | | 227 13 1 29 10 92 36 233 6 1 27 9 1 32 10 27 9 26 11 19 13 18 13 3 22 14 22 15 19 13 18 13 3 4 00II CU Canis 1 1 14 IIIIII 1 9 Clinton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Cohagset Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 2,800 2,146 654 1,391 1,409 1,062 1,084 329 325 1,062 1,084 735 752 327 332 845 651 194 860 665 195 108 121 136 45 6 22 13 376 123 14 73 24 12 55 35 19 1 179 10 9 1 6 240 78 8 51 11 8 24 14 9 1,062 1,084 756 771 306 313 1 180 195 43 43 8 5 19 18 11 5 13 26 15 11 వాటు లాలు 223 63 4 39 14 6 17 10 7 246 76 8 42 11 15 15 10 5 A LA CONN DIE A w MA 31 21 10 SINTO, 126 107 151 53 3 4 116 4 4 137 4 7 5 1 1 5 125 3 109 3 III I INWI I OSTIILISI wanna 66 48 95 90 70 62 GA 1001 HII!!!!!!!!! 114 6 1 68 0100111111111111 | | | | | | | | 8 ||| 5 15 - IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 11 10 -| | | | | | | లుం 8 5 6 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 341 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IX COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Males Fe- males males 2,647 2,242 2,647 2,242 1,439 803 2,111 1,808 1,266 542 6,681 3,608 3,073 4,889 2,647 2,242 1,792 961 831 13 10 3 1,035 479 556 399 203 196 52 20 32 191 84 107 29 13 16 127 86 41 157 84 73 77 41 36 78 43 35 2 453 183 270 18 8 2 11 4 19 14 15 15 228 158 70 171 86 85 43 41 4 1 29 27 9 590 165 22 69 6 68 72 54 17 1 345 8 387 69 9 28 1 31 27 20 7 283 8 2 16 ཧཱུདྡྷཱ”#*ཝཁཚམི་བྷུ༠༠ཊྚ ' p:2ཨ ་ 1 ཨ 1 ཁཡྻ '' ཡརྒྱས ་ ། ཨ 1 19* S************* males!!! ཙིལླི“%8 ལ ''མསྶ '8ཚཨ ་ ཚ ' ཨསྶ ''' ཋས 1 1 - 1 54 50 - 65 14 107 33 14 4 10 62 33 11 39 10 12 1 2 **2271334*34.591 331101291-The ****************"5 *************SIMTIRI $39-19= 'moogle 1 39 3 16 37 Concord Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n, o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries : Dalton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 13 3,858 3,351 1,795 2,063 1,557 238 1,557 1,794 1,141 1,284 416 510 1 336 393 91 86 12 9 2 1,557 1,794 1,143 1,316 414 478 1 329 384 78 78 15 15 5 1,302 1,521 1,036 1,181 266 340 1 208 267 45 50 6 8 1 38 77 69 52 15 2 175 63 51 73 56 35 18 3 247 58 54 41 13 21 6 10 12 197 255 136 195 ܙ ܟܨeܕ 1 4 15 63 7 36 55 50 48 14 14 IIIIIIIIIIIIII!. NIITTA IITTIILIT LIBICO !!!!!!! פרוידו ( רדייזדייוויס' פאדי 19 10 12 16 10 342 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Males Fe- Fe- Fe- males Males Males males males Total Males Fe- males 11,177 8,798 2,379 11 1,922 1,093 115 534 4,367 3,021 1,346 4 1,204 522 32 216 11 263 144 106 34 4 533 5 4,431 3,011 1,420 5 1.299 558 42 237 45 16 5,477 5,700 4,367 4,431 1,110 1,269 6 5 825 1,097 481 612 38 77 229 305 15 30 199 200 114 120 96 92 15 27 3 1 223 338 7 21 6 2 2 13 35 5 45 14 8. 20 2 1 59 16 399 234 188 42 4 561 28 6 3,505 3,545 2,630 2,631 875 914 4 2 769 831 290 300 9 19 77 77 8 7 196 197 54 71 40 51 14 19 1 424 456 1 2 2 4,367 4,431 2,954 2,968 1,413 1,463 6 3 1,292 1,362 582 558 57 48 239 222 28 25 258 263 129 168 98 114 30 53 1 569 617 11 17 1 2 2 3 22 20 1 16 10 5 2 14 16 1 3 2 11 13 263 171 130 38 3 558 6 6 5 28 1 13 4 14 1 NOON ON O 33 40 59 23 86 8 2 75 1 8 104 26 19 1 16 4 14 1 2 11 17 1 10 2 14 1 13 WII U 13 en Invis Icon 5 59 23 5 23 45 20 1 COLTI 831-Seri Enno 5 19 1 3 16 1 3 16 1 1 . 42 31 36 36 19 20 18 23 15 18 18 18 15 16 20 78 67 7 2 5 1 14 7 8 Danvers Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. n. O. c.. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Dartmouth Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 5,330 2,760 3,665 1,876 1,665 884 2,570 1.789 781 1,876 1,097 779 1,789 1,053 736 1,699 1,588 1,023 962 676 626 580 199 279 109 301 90 230 112 202 115 1 2 6 3 190 316 291 23 2 59 4 1 104 151 140 10 1 17 2 2 86 165 151 13 1 42 261 148 1 1 1 145 91 82 8 1 22 1,876 1,789 1,100 1,039 776 750 4 273 262 141 124 1 1 5 2 2 133 117 101 111 93 98 7 12 1 1 31 22 ooo 110 101 85 14 2 16 SUN 113 72 68 3 1 15 6 15 21 2 8 12 1 10 10 5 6 11 6 9 23 15 26 23 | ಪಂಜ | ಸn N 13 13 9 16 13 10 6 10 10 13 9 18 18 10000 DI 9 3 25 25 7 3 25 13 8 18 18 18 18 S'15'310mm !!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 3 Nilii AIIIIIIII III e III WII U 418 411 928 15 2 513 10 2 415 5 444 4 436 5 418 4 13 25 8 13 5 12 4 12 5 7 4 12 21 11 Syria 1 17 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 343 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 11,043 5,394 5,649 3,834 3,944 7,778 3,834 3,944 1,993 2,069 3,265 1,560 1,705 1,841 1,875 18 8 10 8 9 1,859 767 1,092 1,156 1,176 512 218 294 296 274 60 30 30 35 27 223 89 134 99 100 96 41 65 53 133 58 75 97 94 485 237 248 229 226 299 143 156 141 127 182 92 90 86 96 4 2 2 2 3 814 292 522 605 653 36 14 22 23 18 12 6 3 5 22 8 14 20 18 339 174 165 303 308 25 23 2 2 3 566 362 204 195 183 16 6 10 6 99 63 36 17 1 1 55 3,834 3,944 1,936 2,011 1,898 1,933 7 15 1,245 1,302 306 319 32 32 119 129 54 53 101 105 222 240 136 150 84 89 2 1 685 708 25 24 7 11 21 15 273 253 1 2 193 180 5 5 35 3,015 3,038 1,672 1,707 1,343 1,331 2 2 764 784 137 133 6 5 44 43 37 27 50 58 108 106 54 54 53 52 505 530 237 220 過​?叫​阴​。沿​WB14-194B-1B-38718B-5-28 盟​?認​;绍​说明​社​說​"娜​B26933-3-18813SH-1-18 16 30 98 62 36 35 16 30 1 71 1 43 8 48 16 1 144 23 3 118 111 20 3 61 42 10 48 7 1 40 43 15 So i brivec III 35 52 11 40 39 15 45 10 15 11 15 19 1 6 39 9 1 3 16 3 23 6 18 3 16 17 Dedham Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. 'n West Indies Other foreign countries : Deerfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. o.c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,248 980 268 980 606 374 1,491 1,071 420 3 36 20 D活 ​1,071 680 391 8 93 26 1,071 655 416 12 114 26 3 980 602 378 17 113 26 2 3 Rషయం 2,739 2,051 688 11 91 37 2 5 1 29 20 12 8 876 565 311 11 73 17 103 1 2 1 17 5 5 22 20 15 16 | | | | | 02 | | ఊ | | | #LMNI HAI | R-CARROT | జడ్జి సర్ది సం| - | సజలు | టిసిలు ||ు.... 14 10 3** IS1900 ilmia 23 23 14 9 21 19 11 8 34 11 65 68 43 53 - 11 10 21 18 7 CO 9 6 208 458 102 292 61 166 41 216 36 1 209 51 201 51 194 36 190 41 AT 1991 111119 356 231 125 180 164 158 150 158 149 92 60 32 37 40 27 36 23 - 32 37 36 3 2 CUISI IR | | | | | లు , 4 1 344 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 18.–NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total | Males Males Fe- males males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,385 4,022 2,020 2,002 2,802 1,417 1,220 603 4 933 433 528 245 59 23 23 2 403 199 107 156 81 24 2 204 81 1,417 689 728 5 590 295 23 18 5 249 92 76 15 1 203 слол 1,417 1,385 692 645 725 740 6 3 593 630 314 332 25 26 25 26 6 5 258 275 82 91 66 72 15 18 1 196 202 996 498 498 2 395 202 5 5 1,053 546 507 3 389 205 13 9 3 180 36 34 1 1 148 197 *****5882" tego miast 192 44 41 3 149 ទី។និង។ខ្នង។* ! ពីន” ! ន ! ***= ? 232-533-0= Mountain Ingomon 1 25 17 10 16 9 12 17 10 16 31 17 1 28 18 10 14 9 11 2 35 28 2 40 31 G D A WA Trio 5,655, 12-28 24 31 10 10 9 OLI ON | | | లంటలు-గాలు | - | జలం 10 1 17 4 4 9 1 51 7 41 3 1 13 5 3 5 1 17 3 5 11 4 4 3 1 20 5 14 1 1 16 20 5 14 1 6 1 13 8 5 13 14 1 I- 3 9 3 6 3 1 2 2 Dracut Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries Dudley Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 4,373 2,853 1,520 2,283 1,440 843 64 235 145 2,090 1,413 677 64 230 130 2 128 1,440 1,413 510 541 930 872 61 72 401 381 236 235 1 4 1,092 1,072 407 437 685 635 48 57 289 268 180 172 1,413 547 866 90 376 226 1 7 465 275 1,440 517 923 68 392 237 1 1 1 234 36 10 26 2 3 180 264 65 31 34 143 32 18 14 CON 18 nero 2 121 33 13 20 236 21 11 10 230 21 9 12 218 43 15 28 169 11 3 8 o 5 O- 125 58 67 144 125 119 OI 107 85 2 104 114 1 110 1 85 1 155 53 144 1 77 41 128 78 12 16 1 130 1 10 11 14 12 12 - 222 68 206 205 59 374 123 63 177 11 195 63 36 92 4 179 60 27 85 262 75 48 120 19 242 71 34 118 19 38 101 8 161 47 30 76 8 SITE!!! 2'332''VITTICO 156 66 90 69 69 48 Orrill-Öllöinen, 66 90 156 2 28 69 2 48 68 2 23 5 5 26 1 13 2 21 1 10 3 8 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 345 TABLE 18.- NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. - NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- Fe- Males males Males Fe- males Males males Fe- males 3,689 1,900 1,789 3,003 1,525 1,478 686 375 311 1,525 1,478 1,119 1,071 406 407 1,525 1,478 1,104 1,042 421 436 1,310 1,269 1,021 967 289 302 189 101 175 91 13 29 2 284 135 20 39 270 114 14 33 1 364 192 34 64 13 81 57 48 9 301 131 15 35 4 W 208 304 129 17 36 181 72 4 12 明细 ​、洲​明​以​的​。的​邪​811 68 42 26 15 38 27 11 185 68 3 14 1 50 13 10 2 1 104 56 16 12 4 3 27 7 2 118 52 106 132 132 93 112 2 1 1 ONNI 19 10 1 16 12 8 110 41 161 3 6 III 1 100 522 IIIIISorrioni-1in COLIN 81-88 30 3 1 3 25 1 37 2 35 & miiiiiiii 1 31 52 East Bridgewater Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. o. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Easthampton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland. Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries VANILLI WILL TRIOT 32 29 1 1 1 14 8 9,845 4,744 5,101 6,144 2,880 3,264 3,701 1,864 1,837 109 62 47 1,384 659 725 693 338 355 7 3 21 9 12 2,880 3,264 1,240 1,383 1,640 1,881 65 854 1,025 459 523 Eliwiwweb. Si continuing Millionen in Tominowa 2,880 3,264 1,232 1,426 1,648 1,838 68 55 867 1,008 464 510 2 1 12 10 5 2,296 2,586 1,010 1,137 1,286 1,449 47 42 596 715 327 363 2 1 4 7 452 155 665 401 298 103 325 206 158 48 340 195 140 55 10 1 508 154 99 55 450 134 84 50 499 148 80 67 321 85 63 22 355 83 48 35 刊 ​289 114 175 238 347 269 184 269 - 6 6 162 233 125 5 108 6 17 204 1 10 11 187 2 15 2 154 1 7 29 12 451 855 327 528 229 418 175 493 216 1,776 615 10 1,122 29 921 288 6 613 14 447 191 1 252 3 350-90-1-1-29 258 240 268 509 15 290 9 122 68 54 26 26 23 co | | లు | ల016 | 6 | లు | త | సిని 12 15 ''VIII 34 34 9 1 26 28 9 1 10 16 8 3 10 11 8 1 1 3 13 8 5 14 346 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE – Continued. Native PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- Males males Fe- males 5,064 2,496 2,568 3,854 1,866 1,988 1,210 630 580 1,866 1,988 1.157 1,211 709 777 1,866 1,988 1,159 1,212 707 776 1,570 1.032 538 1,668 1.077 591 471 508 118 266 27 305 107 12 47 337 33 3 13 5 14 548 184 18 89 8 69 112 58 54 243 77 6 42 1 28 57 29 28 396 79 7 46 2 24 66 30 36 407 95 10 40 8 37 62 35 27 41 55 13 33 16 17 17 33 25 42 26 248 109 251 328 246 4 322 206 271 139 3 1 2 3 1 3 5 13 10 10 10 5 |||||లు | రాలు- 1 1 Will 1503-11-- Orion II 352 INCOLO IONI LIIIIII-11-wari Dewi SS. 24 15 2 19 15 19 15 17 16 SI 133 65 5 2 58 432 87 41 2 1 38 240 46 24 3 1 20 192 1 10 13 252 13 238 13 224 2 10 210 246 216 Easton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, 2. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries EVERETT Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 900 5 2 37,718 18,387 19,331 13,065 13,624 13,065 13,624 26,689 13.065 13,624 33 7,322 6,967 7,325 11,029 5,322 5,707 6.032 6,302 6,098 6,299 123 64 59 58 53 56 55 7,060 3.165 3,895 3,918 4,205 4,192 4,402 3,626 1,547 2,079 1,478 1,577 1,724 1,740 751 302 449 257 351 344 374 2,076 1,176 787 798 923 939 370 159 211 203 181 208 196 429 186 243 231 247 249 231 1,267 662 605 791 854 601 677 896 478 418 567 605 418 473 365 181 184 217 244 179 198 6 3 3 7 5 4 6 1,613 711 902 1,402 1,516 1,584 1,701 483 205 278 225 228 271 270 71 40 31 22 30 12 14 27 14 13 32 26 15 18 201 109 92 237 228 189 158 11 7 4 5 2 3 1,434 815 619 764 707 720 673 135 74 61 89 93 63 67 124 72 52 45 58 43 10 4 6 3 4 1 4 6 4 2 6 9 2 3 108 64 44 36 40 9,959 10,319 5,896 6,165 4,063 4,154 42 33 2,430 2,526 739 729 114 130 430 430 87 76 108 93 322 351 221 239 100 112 1 1,181 1,259 184 179 4 8 4 7 133 114 2 3 707 668 46 33 1 1 1 3 31 35 44 39 19 352 7 24 316 14 43 340 20 285 9 32 324 16 259 1 30 287 1 44 713 12 5 696 888 58 33 4 21 13 198 cos cocina con 326 450 25 361 5 5 351 452 33 18 3 12 8 123 E eu to ne, w og 311 439 345 436 25 15 1 9 5 302 451 13 4 1 8. 276 431 11 3 1 7 6 65 258 357 11 3 1 7 286 362 11 5 2 4 1 27 77 25 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 347 TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- Fe- Fe- Total Males Fe- males Males Males Males males males males 2,168 1,347 821 1,860 1,201 659 6,277 2,990 3,287 4,589 2,168 2,421 1,688 822 866 6 3 3 800 365 435 322 143 179 16 4 12 24 7 17 15 7 8 267 125 142 371 179 192 326 163 163 43 16 27 2 2 92 35 57 7 2 8 46 28 12 5 4 16 2 24 12 19 2,168 2,421 1,318 1,500 850 921 3 425 487 207 232 3 13 10 5 4 191 205 161 165 140 147 21 17 1 53 90 441 230 8 22 9 191 138 2,421 1,553 868 3 466 232 15 21 9 187 152 128 311 156 3 3 2 148 111 101 10 2,108 1,395 713 3 350 174 12 4 1 157 114 104 10 66 43 62 ស រ ទី ៥-៧១នថា ដីទី. W415347B-9 14 12 43 10 10 10 12 12 10 6 6 NIITTISII WINION CONNES 5 3 368 361 INIINOTTICINORI Vorligi 327 ANI III-inionister 344 1 700 3 1 336 356 2 1 311 318 IIIIIIIIIIINI OBII wiatrowi w a en INI INAITIS 14 Fairhaven Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. West Indies Other foreign countries FALL RIVER Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. . . Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 245-15 rimoni 160-222E2 3 1 28 18 2 124,791 60,319 64,472 | 36,135 38,395 36,135 38,395 28,227 29,635 74,530 36.135 38,395 11,529 12,444 11,754 | 12,744 8,525 9,206 50,261 24,184 26,077 || 24,606 25,951 | 24,381 25,651 || 19,702 20,429 230 137 93 109 97 118 98 87 71 28,423 12,831 15,592 17.893 19,158 || 17,990 19.215 | 13,578 14,281 13,526 6,327 7,199 8,375 8,547 8,339 8,523 7,000 7,044 118 49 69 31 65 47 55 9 17 282 107 175 145 134 170 177 51 43 87 30 57 40 35 67 56 23 21 13,039 6,141 6.898 8,159 8,313 8,055 8,235 6,917 6.963 10,590 4,861 5,729 5,432 5,772 5,441 5,903 3,550 3,702 9,772 4,511 5,261 4,920 5,222 4,926 5,311 3,306 3,439 726 313 413 438 487 426 497 210 233 92 37 55 74 63 89 95 34 30 4,213 1,608 2,605 4,054 4,801 4,176 4,764 3,026 3,533 39 10 29 13 14 24 14 2 2 55 25 30 19 24 10 11 121 46 75 37 43 9 22 6 10 167 101 66 148 160 116 131 77 88 152 109 43 17 9 6 2 2 1,184 724 460 510 483 444 420 442 418 31 19 12 20 26 11 10 7 7 3,470 1,781 1.689 1,275 1,249 1,248 1,242 1,200 1,185 2,961 1,480 1,481 1,066 1,048 1,084 1,080 1,046 1,032 7 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 502 298 204 204 200 159 159 151 3 2 1 13,360 6,745 6,615 3,635 3,787 3,503 3,626 3,437 3,560 2,022 1,003 1,019 746 727 735 720 700 26 8 18 5 6 1 5 6 3 3 1,990 992 998 741 729 695 87 47 32 33 31 18 760 479 281 98 96 90 96 7 7 705 446 239 90 80 88 81 88 48 26 22 8 10 9 11 3 243 166 77 80 80 64 39 42 ឪឪឪ '' 'នឧ!ខ្°* 719 40 348 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. – NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. Native PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 3,917 2,008 1,909 2,914 1,450 1,464 1,003 558 445 1,450 1,464 1,053 1,024 397 440 1,450 1,464 1,006 1,015 444 1,260 1,256 948 930 312 326 . 47 7 52 11 235 71 13 33 140 41 7 21 1 12 47 93 30 7 11 1 106 34 9 11 147 37 10 16 1 10 50 42 8 24 82 14 29 19 wow cov 11 2013 IIMOI 14 38 21 14 3 33 3 *******942-7-I-IOM!!! 74 46 55 路口​以​過​1%BD253393292-12- 25 23 1 1 12 IIIIIIIIIIINNING 10 4 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 !!!!! I wo!! INIIII-9501 1 257 237 249 658 15 2 403 10 1 255 5 1 266 4 1 293 10 3 253 1 1 3 1 13 55 9 27 1 3 22 7 10 1 6 16 28 28 21 NITI IOI WO הזונה 1 1 1 3 4 5 Falmouth Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries FITCHBURG Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brungwick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0.c. o.c.: France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 39,656 19,611 20,045 12,493 13,283 12,493 13,283 10,070 10,698 25,776 12,493 13,283 5,559 5,868 5,610 6,001 4,608 13,880 4,887 7,118 6,762 6,934 7,415 6,883 7,282 5,462 5,811 39 25 14 19 21 18 17 15 16 7,295 3,450 3,845 4,823 5,192 4,833 5,157 3,539 4,304 3,815 2,080 2,224 2,589 2,676 2,550 2,630 1,875 1,946 585 268 317 258 308 245 287 158 201 280 120 160 117 120 141 121 28 37 32 18 19 17 16 19 15 6 3 3,402 1,674 1,728 2,197 2,232 2,145 2,207 1,683 1,710 1,303 670 633 654 653 565 572 328 332 830 444 386 457 466 366 389 222 253 452 218 234 188 176 191 174 102 77 21 8 13 9 11 8 9 4 2 1,672 696 976 1,579 1,857 1,715 1,943 1,335 1,537 7 1 6 1 4 2 8 1 9 3 6 2 1 4 41 10 31 14 11 9 7 4 1 463 231 232 303 340 285 317 244 278 336 242 94 17 17 18 17 17 17 1,371 819 552 383 420 376 410 374 409 37 23 14 30 27 15 14 12 12 245 139 106 67 74 63 68 58 60 19 7. 12 4 4 7 11 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 141 83 58 44 50 36 38 36 37 82 48 34 18 19 19 18 17 18 7 3 4 4 2 4 2. 3 1 3,355 1,720 1,635 1,051 1,104 1,062 1,095 1,024 2,929 1,059 1,482 1,447 906 949 920 945 887 919 118 60 58 32 22 32 23 32 22 308 178 130 113 133 110 127 105 118 316 170 146 140 148 124 136 102 110 320 249 71 35 28 36 28 35 27 141 107 34 16 15 16 16 16 15 13 10 3 1 2 1 1 1 132 34 18 12 18 11 18 11 4 3 1 1 51 34 17 47 30 40 14 35 AOS o con ܚ ܟ ooOON 166 NO COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 349 TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,508 1,132 376 2 306 96 19 58 2 17 75 63 11 1 134 1,230 1,015 215 2 160 28 4 16 1 1,238 1,020 218 1 177 27 1 17 1,509 1,508 1,132 1,125 377 383 2 1 298 314 95 90 23 14 41 47 6 5 25 24 60 56 50 44 9 1 138 164 4 1 3,755 1,913 1,842 1,509 3,017 1,509 1,508 1,118 738 404 334 391 4 2 2 4 569 305 264 311 239 124 115 101 39 21 18 18 114 63 51 60 8 4 4 3 78 36 42 20 161 87 85 138 74 64 66 22 12 10 17 1 1 2 159 92 67 124 8 1 2 1 2 1 22 11 21 3 3 49 28 21 2 2 3 1 1 32 27 9 30 23 100 120 在​u95711n3 1 1 18 23 14 10 17 23 11111nlinllllllls gil必定​会​本能​的​正常​。 II 1 Tribal Tirreni 10 27 3 17 3 1 8 1 III w I WIIIIII 6 3 11 10 14 3 13 15 14 13 7 4 1 2 4 1 1 11 22 14 8 5 Foxborough Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n.o.c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Framingham Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 4,912 15,860 11,581 4,279 39 2,294 1,013 148 524 57 284 366 273 83 10 852 59 4 12 44 22 1,104 19 103 25 8,069 5,981 2,088 12 1,340 586 99 299 30 158 186 138 41 7 530 36 7,791 5,600 2,191 27 954 427 49 225 27 126 180 135 42 3 322 23 2 7 25 18 729 6 67 16 7 5,600 3,446 2,154 14 1,558 424 51 170 14 189 238 171 64 3 866 29 1 4 66 1 277 8 18 4 5,600 3,404 2,196 11 1,648 472 61 200 23 188 190 139 44 7 956 29 95 5,981 3,782 2,199 28 1,638 457 53 212 20 172 238 174 61 3 919 23 1 12 43 4 251 11 30 8 5,981 3,711 2,270 18 1,745 509 73 231 27 178 209 145 56 8 997 30 4,608 3,044 1,564 11 1,060 216 15 87 3 111 87 63 24 738 18 42 38 4 375 253 33 1 252 5 15 4 ཙྪིནྡྲི#ཏྟ%8 'g ''༠ ཨཱ ཨ, ' ཆ་༧ ' པ༑ ༠ཙྩ༧ ཨཊྚ6 | ཆ | 238 17 6 29 8 78 51 14 22 11 21 11 Song | 008 పలు | 2 | అందం. 15 120 5 8 102 12 114 164 5 99 10 12 109 6 381 41 15 325 150 60 3 217 24 9 184 65 52 10 141 105 53 6 10 103 63 6 85 61 10 99 50 6 14 46 9 36 8 44 1 20 Ö-100 14 19 13 10 350 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18.- NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. Native PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males males Fe- males 3,292 3,148 2,272 2,350 1,020 2,272 2,350 1,310 1,379 962 971 1,903 1,865 1,162 1,197 741 668 395 158 393 132 56 6,440 4,622 1,818 1 756 352 36 142 17 157 165 118 46 1 227 11 1 12 22 6 727 9 20 1 339 162 14 65 6 77 85 61 24 581 255 13 95 11 136 100 70 30 ཙྩ བྷཱནྟི -- Rs-* :༠༠ 2,272 2,350 1,293 1,402 979 948 3 605 643 272 266 18 17 102 96 15 20 133 87 83 57 50 30 33 652 271 12 94 10 155 96 70 26 137 94 47 31 16 42 4 82 35 20 15 243 3 288 6 188 2 223 3 219 5 2 8 29 87 4 1 6 13 4 457 2 11 1 278 6 1 9 27 2 212 4 10 1 23 17 17 2 203 270 267 205 261 263 7 5 1 6 19 10 ܗܝܕ ܢ ܗ ܙܝܢܟܙ 22 17 21 21 17 53 1 31 1 wie 3-1 Lion 17 22 28 17 21 21 20 12 52 55 138 86 1 51 22 22 12 3 7 30 27 119 72 1 46 23 9 3 1 5 21 25 14 5 1 8 e I OORII 3 1 3 15:313-- 8 man w As I com 18 11 8 3 Franklin Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0, c. West Indies Other foreign countries Gardner Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 16,376 8,545 7,831 10,555 5,228 5,327 5,821 3,317 2,504 23 15 8 2,088 1,102 986 1,655 887 768 426 234 192 114 57 57 26 10 16 1,089 586 503 123 65 58 105 58 47 18 7 11 5,228 2,531 2,697 6 1,584 1,113 169 29 9 906 82 60 21 1 387 2 5,327 2,505 2,822 8 1,739 1,229 206 42 8 5,228 5,327 2,661 2,657 2,567 2,670 8 5 1,500 1,601 1,030 1,117 155 193 40 67 10 12 825 845 64 76 49 54 15 21 1 396 404 10 4,307 4,385 2,205 2,179 2,102 2,206 4 3 1,096 1,203 773 843 131 159 10 20 3 4 629 660 26 38 20 29 6 9 973 84 64 297 303 7 322 146 4 424 2 157 3 7 16 8 18 5 30 2 27 3 11 ابن مع 42 19 22 22 36 27 305 9 23 15 188 3 15 21 187 12 15 13 172 2 21 16 179 8 190 5 16 4 67 23 482 6 1 465 10 1 1,375 807 335 233 202 18 *58' 100 6582 SINOITA 284 12 166 177 8 174 12 32 4 103 50 787 15 1 749 22 1 2.323 1,433 505 385 358 26 1 24 1 1 13 162 8 674 453 167 8 3 644 430 93 121 144 948 626 170 152 156 8 1 7 656 435 100 121 163 5 678 449 101 128 124 AITOR 10173373 660 446 633 425 92 116 133 3 | | | w | Fើង-ទី, ៣ដឹង 122 120 104 3 3 17 1 3 2 دن اون راه COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 351 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 24,478 12,455 12,023 17,517 8,670 8,847 6,961 3,785 3,176 5 4 1 4,173 2,174 1,999 3,089 1,604 1,485 91 36 55 2,675 1,424 1,251 187 84 103 136 60 76 291 168 123 194 114 80 93 53 40 4 1 3 370 125 245 418 276 142 5 4 23 20 3 54 40 14 57 46 11 298 178 120 92 67 25 27 18 9 8,670 8,847 4,968 5,016 3,702 3,831 18 8 2,201 2,260 1,424 1,388 28 30 1,216 1,187 104 93 76 78 256 269 182 198 69 70 5 1 359 424 162 175 8,670 8,847 4,922 5,001 3,748 3,846 6 3 2,491 2,577 1,695 1,664 38 31 1,432 1,399 134 124 91 110 158 176 98 115 56 57 4 4 452 563 185 173 1 6 3 29 20 5 125 101 31 31 1 6,456 6,450 4,154 4,145 2,302 2,305 6 3 1,262 1,234 849 760 6 2 755 680 43 40 45 38 71 69 49 50 21 19 1 271 336 71 69 IT0000068 23 60 5 138 69 7 * 23CE I Lang 16 5 118 19 on යට 111 1 12 5 97 20 2 1 1 26 1 8 18 943 750 616 528 393 315 415 357 301 585 260 209 682 260 211 505 277 228 568 276 229 444 247 203 499 248 209 134 394 17 78 221 2 56 173 15 51 229 49 243 21 49 206 2 47 197 44 145 NON INI 39 144 15 15 15 14 1 18 3 15 2 3 125 1 1 3 91 3 103 34 64 64 46 39 25 GLOUCESTER Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Grafton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n.o.c.. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 6,250 3,062 3,188 4,243 2,124 2,119 2,007 938 1,069 6 6 1,464 662 802 819 398 421 19 9 10 149 77 72 16 3 13 635 309 326 321 141 180 192 95 97 127 45 82 2 1 1 317 119 198 7 4 3 2,124 2,119 1,188 1,162 936 957 1 819 822 437 417 2 1 18 26 3 414 390 115 131 64 78 51 53 2,124 2,119 1,160 1,144 964 975 3 837 846 416 409 4 2 24 44 1,681 1,658 977 960 704 698 1 598 300 1 8 12 2 289 265 67 33 34 356 155 74 80 77 284 281 231 225 266 1 273 1 4 200 9 10 10 13 16 20 1 144 82 15 17 13 16 1 121 89 1 29 9 1 61 50 62 25 30 29 36 2 265 171 1 91 2 1 57 wat in concilio cwci za 11 NNA & NICI I OPISIVAT ICO I WASANII 0 33-OSOI I ICI WONNIHALICI CARDI TAISNICI NI&& I were NII WA NI OTASI 26 8. 14 35 67 13 5 2 6 3 9 30 3 27 5 7 15 38 6 2 os 20 29 7 3 1 3 1 4 n 352 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males 6,627 3,176 3,451 5,080 2,447 2,633 1,547 729 818 20 8 12 143 50 25 25 2,447 2,633 1,622 1,740 825 893 7 9 376 429 40 32 2,447 2,633 1,591 1,748 856 885 6 10 398 436 31 22 2,144 2,348 1,479 1,626 665 722 6 7 272 322 17 15 359 216 7 3. 4 2 3 1 3 1 3 69 46 19 19 57 47 30 58 44 13 1 305 16 24 13 10 1 228 12 28 20 7 18 13 2 82 17 234 322 354 278 គីង”? ' ~*~°°°ន 53 四​纪​91础​-391%*3 3 51 77 55 118 1 46 6 142 116 6 213 9 573 118 7 448 96 100 49 4 130 3 266 54 2 210 aim Omniaan ito 144 87 7 154 43 1 110 140 86 3 144 21 1 122 85 2 145 39 1 105 Imermoorinringe in die 109 118 118 E INWI onlinviikono 1 11 23 41 3 18 3 15 38 25 -INI W011 11 11 1 2 I 38 24 14 15 17 12 10 Great Barrington Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Greenfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 12,618 6,349 10,284 5,116 2,334 1,233 78 46 1,002 461 471 232 31 7 48 22 5 1 387 202 178 82 124 58 54 24 6,269 5,168 1,101 32 541 239 24 26 5,168 3,637 1,531 33 875 333 9 38 4,372 3,351 1,021 28 513 193 4,389 3,322 1,067 27 551 159 2 3 5 5, 116 3,690 1,426 31 810 352 6 27 1 318 117 85 29 3 338 1 2 2 248 4 68 2 176 42 5, 116 3,656 1,460 36 863 372 19 40 1 312 131 90 39 2 357 3 5,168 3,655 1,513 44 890 300 16 29 7 248 149 103 45 1 438 3 185 96 66 30 286 142 99 40 3 400 184 50 37 13 154 63 46 16 1 329 146 203 270 11 349 1 3 4 252 37 193 8 565 139 2 418 6 1 3 120 31 138 3 314 70 2. 1 132 6 55 5 251 69 2 177 3 267 3 65 1 181 39 236 4 66 5 178 47 1 126 4 5 258 3 60 3 180 42 2 136 192 4 64 1 168 41 205 3 58 1 164 35 129 241 3 130 4 123 4 140 2 1 61 1 31 27 121 3 15 103 40 6 8 64 19 6 41 2. 3 36 15 44 1 1 42 7 39 21 49 1 1 47 9 6 54 10 24 14 6 3 25 6 1 17 1 16 29 28 11 10 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 353 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- Total Males Fe males Males males Males Fe- males Fe- males Males 2,666 1,463 1,203 1,743 906 837 923 557 366 906 408 498 837 370 467 906 399 507 837 362 475 816 371 756 335 421 445 ន 96 51 12 12 144 25 121 29 132 26 1 113 14 64 16 1 1 1 13 1 3 115 28 1 2 1 24 20 15 3 2 67 160 34 4 1 2 27 15 8 6 11 26 14 13 25 13 11 2 23 13 12 8 2 OOON 7 1 1 31 106 85 111 93 78 n. !יוד ಲಹೆ | | | | | | | ಜ | ಒಟ 12 9 10 3 3 3 298 233 339 268 336 272 323 264 319 264 792 573 3 214 2 494 340 1 151 2 POSCO ANTICITY !!!!!!!!!!!! 331 268 5 58 71 60 59 55 1 + 1 Hadley Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n.o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Hanover Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 2,666 1,386 2,089 1,051 577 335 1,280 1,038 242 1,051 1,038 837 851 214 187 1,051 1,038 821 826 230 212 903 766 137 898 780 118 134 246 127 8 128 63 155 55 71 17 51 82 11 118 64 3 34 9 18 15 12 3 48 6 152 59 5 22 17 15 36 31 5 15 22 40 30 10 166 70 10 36 11 13 26 19 5 24 14 8 25 24 81 31 1 12 9 9 11 9 37 4 5 32 25 18 53 53 60 17 2 31 9 1 2 14 5 10 8 6 150 50 20 17 or 5-10 IN 19 16 IOTICI GIO 19 16 99 TILL IIIIIIIINI II ICO COCO 20 19 16 19 16 AI16018!1m3!!!!! 148 2 32 105 49 1 2 42 30 III ronioLANIC 5 15 5 15 12 13 14 12 55 33 10 12 12 12 88 17 13 9 6 12 IIIIIOOOOO 354 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Fe Males Males Fe- Fe- males males Males males Total Males Fe- males 1,791 1,016 775 1,008 1,016 431 407 577 609 1,008 1,016 474 456 534 560 813 367 446 794 337 457 3,596 2,024 1,572 1 654 384 6 11 1,805 1,008 797 1 340 203 3 4 266 314 181 3 7 432 215 3 352 166 291 143 390 189 4 5 130 6 392 189 1 10 1 177 45 31 14 367 75 51 24 196 33 22 11 171 42 29 13 1 206 57 46 11 180 46 38 8 156 40 26 14 127 22 16 6 4 1 138 24 20 4 ܗܘ 104 89 155 160 145 114 124 193 1 1 షలు | 156 1 1 1 12 15 3 17 1 10 12 3 3 - 867 583 423 258 444 325 158 101 144 97 160 102 144 97 158 101 144 97 118 47 47 281 3 163 2 56 1 57 1 56 1 5 5 7 7 9 1 14 1 1 12 9 LIITICA ORICO דודודוס דואו-8's 1 1 1 Hardwick Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Hatfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 812 371 2,630 1,587 1,043 106 67 30 1,501 812 689 62 33 17 1, 129 775 354 44 34 13 441 812 362 450 32 123 40 775 354 421 40 117 29 775 353 422 42 122 21 724 334 390 32 88 19 685 319 366 40 87 13 43 113 27 1 1 1 3 2 29 16 13 39 26 25 21 13 19 1 1 1 1 Sର ର । । - 35 15 20 78 84 68 73 - 53 26 27 62 50 61 53 52 42 2 2 - - 1 1 246 232 795 311 549 207 212 103 223 113 204 101 217 111 196 97 104 115 342 117 109 110 103 106 99 481 3 139 3 11 18 O 17 1 UTTI 17 18 1 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 355 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Fe- Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males males Males Fe males 60 49,450 24,059 25,391 17,547 19,036 17,547 19,036 14,486 15,705 36,583 17,547 19,036 11,070 12,184 11,112 12,248 9,843 10,890 12,867 6,512 6,355 6,477 6,852 6,435 6,788 4,643 4,815 112 52 45 39 56 46 35 27 7,333 3,207 4,126 4,736 5,157 4,809 5,239 3,159 3,409 4,515 2,031 2,484 2,523 2,694 2,506 2,647 1,522 1,591 395 167 228 149 204 189 210 49 78 1,318 517 801 446 503 515 629 196 240 315 106 209 95 81 140 156 53 50 2,487 1,241 1,246 1,833 1,906 1,662 1,652 1,224 1,223 909 422 487 538 576 503 554 225 227 660 300 360 386 400 353 411 163 162 238 118 120 142 167 132 135 57 65 11 4 7 10 9 18 8 5 1,864 742 1,122 1,664 1,869 1,774 2,005 1,409 1,585 34 8 26 8 15 20 31 1 11 7 3 3 6 2 2 19 16 3 28 43 8 14 4 92 52 40 103 97 79 64 54 38 1,041 762 279 106 97 95 88 94 87 1,476 865 611 614 597 587 577 574 563 16 4 12 13 12 6 4 2 2 774 419 355 242 208 232 215 205 181 276 130 146 67 85 86 95 64 76 3 2 1 4 3 1 3 494 288 206 173 119 144 117 139 102 1 1 1 1 8 6 2 10 3 6 1 6 1 1,412 747 665 430 449 418 425 398 409 2 1 1 1 125 73 52 31 35 26 35 26 33 1,285 673 612 398 413 392 390 372 376 69 31 38 22 23 26 23 14 3 409 271 138 78 72 79 64 73 62 238 167 71 33 35 28 36 28 34 4 1 3 167 103 64 45 37 51 28 45 28 5 3 2 6 2 2 2 101 69 32 44 53 32 26 25 20 HAVERHILL Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Hingham Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. os. West Indies Other foreign countries 5,264 2,520 2,744 4,223 2,035 2,188 1,041 485 556 3 3 661 253 408 249 89 160 34 11 23 117 38 79 59 24 35 39 16 23 115 53 84 30 16 14 1 1 282 107 175 12 3 6 16 9 例​!SS!喝​?的​?昭​图​以​昭昭​的​BTW 2,035 2,188 1,455 1,584 580 604 1 446 476 90 91 8 10 44 46 25 16 13 19 93 90 63 57 30 33 2,035 2,188 1,454 1,548 581 640 1 470 539 114 129 20 58 21 15 70 50 17 3 282 328 3 1 3 12 1,684 1,845 1,308 1,428 376 417 1 278 332 40 44 5 7 17 21 12 6 6 10 31 37 22 24 13 36 256 294 207 251 1 6 29 2 14 21 178 39 41 32 132 2 3 46 3 1 ILI I IONI 88-RIINIENI, OSS FLITTIBIINITA SI 33 3 Inici Inow INSGOOI COIICO 5 36 15 16 15 1 16 15 22 1 16 7 10 18 8 21 12 2 1 1 1 1 26 1 19 40 14 15 9 10 356 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER COUNTRY OF BIRTH BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 2,948 1,417 1,531 2,518 1,215 1,303 430 202 228 1,215 903 312 1,303 953 350 1,215 1,303 921 966 294 337 979 1,035 820 852 159 183 246 130 66 7 14 184 88 15 48 10 15 33 253 83 4 36 7 36 297 112 18 67 6 35 13 28 151 35 3 18 2 12 24 22 297 106 11 51 14 30 61 48 12 1 121 7 2 3 13 128 28 1 13 1 13 15 13 1 1 85 36 314 154 22 83 21 28 61 49 11 1 88 9 2 1 10 1 29 2 6 1 ci 7 TAI NNW A EVO 3 132 37 7 1 116 4 5 1 15 133 3 2 7 2 3 11- Col V1-1110icii, PATII III wie ***222*5 III III IIIagovorilo SATICICLOVII---20CY IOMMITTI ܝܕܤ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܚܘ ܙ ܗ ܙ ܚ ܢ ܙ ܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܟܨܟܨܟܨ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ III 100 IQTIMMTE I OCCHII!! 1 34 13 1 20 24 3. 2 19 6 1 12 11 2 1 24 10 11 3 2 1 1 1 5 4 1 Holbrook Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Holden Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 959 630 329 3 156 987 624 363 987 617 370 820 548 272 1 2,514 1,946 568 2 208 123 16 21 6 80 28 24 4 1,273 959 314 1 102 61 6 13 5 37 16 14 2 1,241 987 254 1 106 62 10 8 1 43 12 10 2 789 551 238 3 89 40 1 3 5 11 3 959 613 346 3 175 86 6 11 1 68 19 12 7 183 93 8. 12 3 70 25 20 192 99 11 13 1 74 14 10 4 107 46 1 3 1 41 4 4 35 I 64 70 79 57 24 1 54 2 1 1 24 30 1 1 1 3 10 1 12 । 12 19 10 17 | | | 0 | డిలు | ట | ACTI CE-% | తెలు | | | | లు - తెలుత్తి 26 14 50 16 73 11 37 9 45 4 15 4 18 5 14 7 18 5 10 18 5 13 LIINIDE INCOI Oscorino 13 13 57 5 38 3 19 II w I WWII VII 37 37 17 10 4 16 13 19 33 22 7 4 150 6 co II eo I was LIININ WIN WIOS 10 10 4 88 39 25 10 4 84 84 66 83 77 78 5 5 6 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 357 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE - Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 974 749 225 2,788 1,352 1,436 2,261 1,091 1,170 527 261 266 5 2 3 290 119 171 133 54 30 13 67 24 43 6 3 30 14 50 28 42 8 1,091 1,170 789 831 302 339 2 232 255 68 66 8 10 34 25 2 915 712 203 1 141 24 1,091 1,170 783 825 308 345 2 3 234 270 82 86 16 10 32 40 4 3 30 33 31 21 10 163 29 5 9 8 12 16 12 4 15 19 18 32 9 4 37 123 141 120 147 106 1 101 115 3 10 20 30 - | | లు | లండన్ | ఈ | NI -3 | 10 | - 8 | A లు వారము 22 Hillwall on 2018-ringtone Down 30 19 ܘܺܐܝܝ ܒܘܕܟܕܬ ܙ ܢ ܙ ܟܝܘܒܢ ܨܝܢܩ ܙ ܝܕܝܕ ܢ ܪܬܗܣ ܙ ܫܙܣ ܙ $$&;S 6 23 1 4 15 NIT Trio Alienwari en Errrr I will leren, E-IT 'malarini IT!!! Llorricellierier man ir 52 26 24 。 26 6 81 12 11 11 Holliston Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries HOLYOKE Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n, o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 10 ポン ​60,816 29,359 31,457 37,979 18,367 19,612 22,837 10,992 11,845 430 216 214 14.679 6,677 8,002 7,097 3,385 3,712 55 25 30 76 28 48 17 5 12 6,949 3,327 3,622 2,542 1,246 1,296 1,408 703 705 1,126 541 585 8 2 6 5,029 2,041 2,988 2 1 1 9 4 5 345 170 175 1,464 716 748 311 225 86 322 195 4 3 1 3,732 1,906 1,826 2,205 1,061 1,144 20 9 11 1,462 823 639 45 13 32 117 100 17 991 512 479 5 1 4 18 10 8 968 501 467 40 34 32 24 8 2 1 1 9 8 21 15 1 1 140 80 60 18,367 19,612 18,367 19,612 | 14,415 15,211 6,550 6,833 6,635 7,017 5,021 5,179 11,817 12,779 11,732 12,595 9,394 10,032 182 183 172 182 146 142 8,781 9,566 8,711 9,497 6,854 7,377 3,873 4,014 3,728 3,799 2,997 2,994 31 32 16 17 6 9 46 70 43 54 13 18 7 6 14 9 5 1 3,789 3,906 3,655 3,719 2,973 2,966 1,123 1,186 979 1,018 567 610 617 598 529 525 290 275 498 582 443 486 276 334 8 6 7 7 1 1 3,784 4,364 4,003 4,678 3,290 3,773 1 1 2 68 103 56 68 36 46 936 903 960 741 787 21 15 19 15 19 15 168 140 138 136 1 2 2 1,175 1,310 1,170 1,310 1,057 1,173 706 763 885 684 785 14 18 1 1 437 369 397 355 366 18 20 22 17 21 5 6 3 5 3 391 380 324 354 299 517 243 225I'S 3 388 38 4 3 377 33 1 4 320 43 3 351 27 1 4 295 32 4 .$ܝܩܕ ܒܝܗ ܙ ܝܙܟܬ 45 1 37 47 16 16 358 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE – Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males males Males Fe- males 1,076 1,035 || 1,076 801 275 1,035 750 923 733 190 863 671 192 197 117 114 48 6 6 2,663 1,368 1,295 2,111 1,076 1,035 552 292 260 2 2 378 197 181 107 51 56 23 14 9 41 16 11 6 32 15 205 123 183 111 20 11 2 60 3 3 3 *****E*A*----*NIII-11-1*e* Ionic IIIIIIIIN ឱនិ៖ ' ន្នីន”នខ្លួនន ! 8 ! ១១ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ១ ! ! » - \ / ~ ! ! 121 -IWI 160001I-ILTTITI www, IOS, w1w0I 17", 1-1111111-W1-8.00024, -së, *=***39***1 Solg'*11*0-11-10 11-11-20A I TILLITISI WWII come comme I WII wc-Il-LLLLL LLWE VINO 19 10 1 2 Hopedale Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Hudson Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n, o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,884 1,219 665 2,006 1,276 730 2,329 2,518 1.392 1,472 937 1,046 3 2 700 790 259 263 11 14 83 65 8 9 157 175 73 99 47 65 26 34 2,329 1,381 948 2 736 250 12 79 13 146 70 46 24 2,518 1,487 1,031 1 789 277 23 87 9 479 149 4 34 2 109 28 19 526 157 6 27 3 121 6,758 3,360 3,398 4,847 2,329 2,518 1,911 1,031 880 9 5 4 895 410 485 388 173 215 30 12 18 153 68 85 11 5 6 194 88 106 142 70 72 93 49 44 48 20 28 1 1 331 149 182 33 18 15 1 1 4 1 3 22 11 48 104 41 12 138 54 10 5 158 39 76 49 27 27 12 289 348 20 397 31 306 24 399 33 4 4 13 1 12 10 4 17 5 24 3 21 4 393 21 2 1 15 4 20 3 22 6 30 2 30 27 2 28 1 27 1 27 | | | 0000ఓలె | 28 | 2 | ABNR || పతి , అతను 78 49 17 30 16 27 27 ១ , មីដឌីធីវីឌី ឌីជនីដ 88 87 170 59 75 54 91 53 71 44 73 138 127 1 175 308 8 122 178 32 155 70 84 84 18 130 58 38 94 14 25 12 25 50 9 10 7 36 55 17 13 7 15 56 10 6 6 46 94 3 21 70 17 8 6 21 52 13 8 6 85 72 13 3 9 6 3 5 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 359 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 6,272 3,136 3,136 3,793 1,873 1,920 2,479 1,263 1,216 1,873 1,920 1,178 1,225 695 695 1,873 1,920 1,142 1,190 731 730 1,496 1,553 1,018 1,078 478 475 253 61 1,002 776 86 397 88 205 133 111 19 3 81 12 266 150 2 65 4 432 326 31 169 36 90 71 55 13 3 32 3 570 450 55 228 52 115 62 56 6 465 260 18 121 9 112 115 86 22 7 86 455 286 28 124 16 118 86 66 18 2 79 492 321 25 177 19 100 74 61 12 1 88 492 326 32 164 22 108 69 61 8 48 41 6 49 86 65 u5u592-821134-wa-8-11- 74 50 23 49 27 23 9 523 150 2 710 309 5 298 126 1 355 131 225 24 1 355 178 74 14 1 124 6 74 15 1 124 69 123 116 124 74 110 61 175 61 63 50 55 49 55 394 7 6 219 5 4 30 2 12 1 11 5 14 14 15 14 12 15 11 10 1 Ipswich Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Kingston Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. oc West Indies Other foreign countries 908 549 359 987 643 344 908 539 369 987 630 357 775 488 287 839 569 270 159 152 75 2,580 1,265 1,315 1,895 908 987 685 357 328 1 196 92 104 133 65 68 13 4 39 18 7 2 74 22 12 16 6 3 142 78 4 22 20 138 74 4 16 1 53 16 13 3 5 5 15 47 9 15 116 85 172 -530789ncing on 14**99!!!!! 108 305 3 105 105 OTTITI OG LILLLOGIA က TTTTT ထ ထ ထ les TTTT - UTILIO TOROIT TILSITE ve OILIYOTINS Son * S OM DIISIITTIROTICOLI III- 8 18 LILITOIMITTIIN, WI, Awwis HTTLT TOIGOOOLILTRIRAISING ON 10 16 6 4 360 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1,088 906 182 906 629 277 906 617 289 734 560 174 153 155 2,585 2,122 463 1 383 212 37 50 17 108 65 50 15 241 139 1,497 1,216 281 1 230 119 23 33 10 53 37 30 967 749 218 1 189 95 7 10 256 152 25 1,216 8601 356 1 303 157 17 28 5 107 49 39 10 14 24 1,216 845 371 1 326 179 19 31 11 118 40 29 11 26 8 3 59 55 85 30 16 14 27 12 15 16 15 6 106 74 72 95 2 104 3 4 21 3 12 4 17 2 15 1 11 21 Lancaster Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 17 10 3 5 INSOONTOON ION IOS *-=-388 ITINQIIIIOIICORVITTTT I AINOA OINS I wil wo ORANI INAAI OO INI IN OR Till LEA ISI MED Il come in wc mode II IIAisa 11 3 5 6 LAWRENCE Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 90,259 44,702 45,557 | 23,697 25,215 23,697 25,215 18,978 20,081 48 23,697 25,215 .606 8,017 7,555 8,214 5,806 6,186 41,347 21,005 20,342 16.091 | 17,198 16,142 17,001 13,172 13,895 253 132 121 103 111 116 106 83 81 18.781 8,480 10,301 10,474 11,595 10,698 11,600 7,996 8,797 7,204 3,206 3,998 3,338 3,818 3,469 3,847 2,547 2,909 273 96 177 74 80 119 111 28 24 408 156 252 176 180 181 181 39 41 398 180 218 83 96 109 109 53 57 6,125 2,774 3,351 3,005 3,462 3,060 3,446 2,427 2,787 6,400 3,112 3,288 2,523 2,714 2,461 2,580 1,534 1,620 5,154 2,523 2,631 2,010 2,150 1,915 1,976 1,234 1,284 1,221 574 647 498 531 538 587 299 332 25 15 10 15 30 8 17 1 4 5,084 2,121 2,963 4,585 5,031 4.733 5,136 3,904 i 4,253 72 34 38 22 24 23 32 10 1 14 21 7 14 6 8 12 5 1 1 937 501 436 73 66 59 48 48 33 2,066 1,020 1,046 1,123 1,179 1,023 1,056 924 955 255 194 61 16 16 15 12 15 12 8,587 4,705 3,882 1,846 1.786 1,811 1,752 1,810 1,747 9 7 2 3 5 7 1 1 3,022 1,594 1,428 797 883 793 890 755 834 858 404 454 254 283 318 246 280 5 3 2 4 3 4 2 4 1 1,566 886 680 354 379 334 358 320 341 593 301 292 185 218 186 212 185 212 459 264 195 122 116 128 113 117 108 3,603 2,006 1,597 949 936 933 920 889 875 18 8 10 8 4 13 7 8 999 527 471 233 250 221 245 217 239 2,587 1,471 1,116 708 682 699 668 664 632 43 48 60 50 50 56 42 36 2,730 1,747 269 91 983 468 414 460 406 457 405 561 471 90 48 45 43 41 43 41 1,936 1,068 868 398 352 394 347 392 347 233 208 25 22 17 23 18 22 17 9 5 3 1 1 1 545 308 237 38 48 37 34 a COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 361 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 4,481 3,443 1,038 14 325 35 2,327 1,683 644 10 143 19 2,154 1,760 394 4 182 16 1,683 1,131 552 7 358 31 1,760 1,151 609 4 407 35 1,683 1,760 1,098 1,165 585 7 3 402 426 39 27 595 1,436 1,478 1,007 1,042 429 436 1 275 295 15 මා 2 2 2 4 1 1 16 33 102 50 52 19 51 24 27 14 51 26 25 12 31 59 26 18 15 313 38 64 41 22 1 299 14 27 7 18 2 253 25 26 3 337 188 73 115 275 228 48 39 26 15 --55 30 38 17 24 13 16 15 15 33 427 153 115 114 111 108 107 103 580 1 3 1 1 1 1 TOPSHIRINIO III I'SATIRI nad 100HIRII 11 I ICU I CILINI IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1 III OINOOI III 9 5 4 10 Lee Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Leicester Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, O. c. o. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,718 1,346 372 1,346 770 576 998 648 350 1,039 655 384 314 3,322 1,604 2,635 1,289 687 315 2 2 538 224 204 83 10 16 1 177 69 126 59 107 51 19 121 1,289 808 481 3 408 148 7 12 2 127 56 46 10 1,346 808 538 1 476 165 9 13 3 140 66 54 12 1,289 740 549 2 476 170 5 6 6 153 294 91 3 1 341 107 3 2 8 108 67 56 11 87 27 24 3 102 32 29 3 208 82 126 204 244 243 176 202 5 10 Son !! 5 34 43 1 Spam OIC IDIO IO!!!!! 1 38 39 I 161H*TICO != 0 Tini! "WE STIIIIMIIIII! 7 8 19 I WII WII WIIIIIII 39 3 OTTITISODI CITITORI 32 2 23 16 9 13 8 39 9 3 27 39 2 2 15 14 1 16 3 1 12 25 1 20 3 1 3 1 362 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. Native PERSONS HAVING — POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 934 729 3,242 2,380 862 3 437 50 1,656 1,213 443 2 204 27 1,586 1,167 419 1 233 23 1,213 1,167 693 484 474 1 304 320 36 44 1,213 1,167 705 689 508 478 1 335 333 21 28 956 609 347 594 340 219 202 12 8 4 1011 8 2 16 42 135 76 59 77 46 31 32 59 44 15 36 55 43 12 20 30 20 10 26 24 15 9 11 20 13 7 249 98 151 209 221 284 281 170 184 3 210 25 2 108 13 102 89 24 71 21 76 16 1 100 25 27 25 26 25 26 69 1 19 28 SAISON''''II 10-11!!! 14 14 11 14 Ronginingilla 11 27 14 11 14 11 14 18 1 CILITIAN I CORITOITOW IIIIIIII -15-157-----9 28 19 18 9 5 Lenox Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward İsland Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Leominster Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n, o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries 5,191 5,509 3,461 3,654 1,730 1,855 17,646 8,681 8,965 13,078 6,315 6,763 4,568 2,366 2,202 5 3 2 3,264 1,546 1,718 2,226 1,090 1,136 128 59 69 323 156 167 31 14 17 1,744 861 883 186 193 268 134 134 110 52 58 1 1 638 260 378 19 10 9 2 2 29 11 18 68 39 29 20 18 2 896 600 296 8 4 4. 3 2 6,315 6,763 3,963 4,166 2,352 2,597 1 4 2.007 2.223 1.174 1,288 59 53 122 125 13 21 980 1,089 205 222 157 161 47 61 1 625 707 2 6 1 7 9 43 44 6,315 6,763 3,921 4,212 2,394 2,551 2 2,049 2,179 1,144 1,213 71 65 129 133 14 13 930 1,002 208 198 160 138 46 58 2 2 691 756 4 11 1 5 4 44 49 1,421 800 31 56 3 710 102 76 26 1,520 870 34 58 4 774 81 58 23 379 519 565 4 2 31 36 220 209 7 1 221 6 1 205 8 220 205 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 88 32 1 1 3 33 3 1 55 29 21 4 19 2 21 5 30 67 56 116 37 20 6 11 16 44 19, wc, co 26 49 19 11 3 IgiI 20 31 12 6 17 38 10 6 DIVESIONIT 1257-8-6 17 27 12 6 16 32 10 6 6 4 30 12 12 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 363 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- Fe Total Males Males Males Males males Fe- males males Fe- males 2,022 2,168 1,316 1,416 706 752 7 3 548 170 14 2,882 2,168 714 5 544 235 39 122 47 27 1,566 1,101 465 4 318 81 1,731 1,242 489 1 327 78 10 49 ទំគីដី៥៖ 5,538 2,656 4,190 2,022 1,348 634 9 4 939 395 405 170 56 17 235 113 66 19 48 142 98 52 43 22 1 356 143 23 13 1 11 2,022 2,168 1,228 1,384 794 784 7 1 617 599 218 194 35 33 113 97 22 36 48 28 83 80 58 65 15 55 6 10 9 38 33 5 46 28 213 264 295 195 312 13 210 19 15 64 64 Vai eins verloor. Vom ISSI IL Ten masse 32 లురా | అం acro | | కలు- **82283 Sting II TIT*** anillo TALIANA - "ះគឺនៅទ៖ ' និត ! ” ”១១ ! នន ! នគ* *~ . CITIT | | | | | | | | | 0-81 | | అష్టలు సంత.. WILTTISSI ITAALIA EI ini : 26 31 31 36 28 16 Lexington Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, I, O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries LOWELL Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n, o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries 14 87 1,982 107,978 52,016 55,962 | 32,011 34,956 | 32,011 34,956 24,615 26,829 66,967 32,011 34,956 13,076 14,157 || 12,986 14,262 10,189 11,131 41,011 20,005 21,006 | 18,935 20,799 || 19,025 20,694 || 14,426 15,698 112 55 57 42 63 38 61 27 42 27,831 12,292 15,539 15,830 17,583 | 16,041 17,642 | 11,679 12,920 13,699 6,249 7,450 6,448 7,077 6,528 7,047 4,745 5,151 798 295 503 214 272 274 373 56 90 910 360 550 303 383 352 402 92 125 386 163 223 141 182 164 199 63 11,605 5,431 6,174 5,790 6,240 5,738 6,073 4,534 4,849 5,280 2,473 2,807 2,419 2,632 2,277 2,520 1,216 1,318 4,123 2,141 1,888 2,072 1,740 1,926 960 1,048 1,106 466 640 498 525 518 581 246 264 51 25 26 33 35 19 13 10 6 8,762 3,535 5,227 6,924 7,854 7,196 8,027 5,711 6,445 56 18 38 17 11 25 35 4 34 17 17 22 9 15 13 3 2 81 51 30 57 38 45 30 24 13 185 102 83 159 165 118 124 97 94 3,852 2,422 1,430 492 449 463 418 463 418 239 141 137 119 125 118 81 37 44 39 39 38 37 25 21 3,108 1,647 1,461 888 953 900 956 849 885 1,877 934 943 607 667 635 718 604 661 31 24 15 11 12 8 9 6 1,195 686 509 262 267 248 222 232 210 5 3 2 4 8 5 8 8 1,930 1,021 909 464 474 459 468 433 440 1,355 752 603 409 405 400 394 383 373 17 7 10 12 14 11 12 438 240 198 94 104 97 101 93 99 900 505 395 303 291 289 282 278 264 630 312 318 232 316 228 278 185 252 1,022 813 209 124 107 122 104 122 104 196 63 38 31 38 30 38 30 314 212 102 62 49 61 49 61 49 449 405 24 27 23 25 23 25 8 3 4 4 1 5 1 436 259 177 56 66 53 52 27 17 380 139 112 10 10 259 364 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTY BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe Total Males Fe- males Males Males Fe- males males Males Fe males 3,233 1,534 1,699 70 819 254 5 3 1,570 693 877 34 513 270 1,534 676 858 51 508 286 6,251 3,018 3,104 1,570 3,147 1,448 88 18 1,481 662 487 233 6 1 10 1 470 224 909 398 46 23 863 375 1,570 684 886 19 534 272 2 3 1,534 699 835 41 491 249 5 1,226 559 667 14 356 180 1,163 543 620 30 317 157 2 3 1 283 164 246 511 23 488 268 173 31 142 266 183 17 166 242 178 23 155 ០៦ | ៥ . ទី២... 179 128 12 116 157 127 17 110 33 131 - 53 30 1 64 48 68 2 54 4 33 83 1 1 3 20 1 1 13 1 24 1 14 8 7 138 74 64 13 20 13 19 13 19 258 232 232 208 273 257 242 223 216 197 1,008 918 4 86 484 434 3 47 524 484 1 39 243 227 2 14 24 14 19 ' solo 6n11H!!!!ling 26 26 26 377 26 173 19 204 7 ' ' ^IIITT! 1169 26 19 3 OTTITII WII IIIIIIIIIM 6 5 Ludlow Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries LYNN Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n, o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 277 56 450 24 56 40 95,803 47,049 48,754 ! 32,514 33,831 32,514 33,831 25,821 26,744 66,345 32,514 33,831 19,202 | 19.780 18,748 19,448 16,367 16,864 29,458 | 14,535 14,923 13,312 | 14,051 13,766 14,383 9,454 9,880 208 118 90 78 74 75 74 43 40 17,895 7,880 10,015 9,718 10,480 10,374 11,028 6,419 6,878 9,286 3,983 5,303 3,538 3,763 4,093 4,233 2,005 2,028 1,783 723 1,060 538 589 720 747 276 4,567 1,882 2,685 1,359 1,517 1,682 1,822 664 709 471 180 291 175 171 229 212 79 2,465 1,198 1,267 1,466 1,486 1,462 1,452 986 986 2,828 1,417 1,411 1,344 1,485 1,188 1,247 590 622 2,043 1,019 1,024 959 1,087 848 888 424 445 758 383 375 368 378 328 346 160 170 27 15 12 17 20 12 13 6 4,978 2,155 2,823 4,556 4,983 4,751 5,238 3,649 4,078 747 297 264 225 319 288 174 149 56 28 28 16 23 22 1 1 64 38 26 61 33 17 8 279 152 127 329 292 287 273 203 191 1,328 876 452 171 189 152 175 149 170 2,140 1,261 879 692 776 630 710 619 697 124 62 62 36 41 17 1,362 782 580 415 380 412 382 375 338 79 31 48 17 21 25 35 16 19 16 10 6 16 7 12 8 5 1,266 741 525 381 350 373 339 350 313 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 18 7 11 24 25 17 16 15 16 3,828 2,054 1,774 1,065 1,070 1,068 1,047 1,024 1,013 15 20 4 6 4 14 3 5 123 71 48 35 35 46 35 3,670 1,968 1,702 1,013 1,029 1,016 998 975 973 1,231 616 615 492 475 473 455 415 399 737 527 210 106 105 91 84 83 82 213 138 75 23 29 23 29 23 29 35 19 16 12 10 12 10 8 489 370 119 71 66 56 46 50 45 28 17 11 6 8 4 3 1 1 216 145 71 119 73 113 62 74 21 48 30 26 35 52 48 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 365 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 48,907 23,164 25,743 || 16,031 17,499 16,031 17,499 12,683 13,870 33,530 16,031 17,499 8,408 9,315 8,321 9,267 7,140 7,978 15,377 7,133 8,244 7,623 8,184 7,710 8,232 5,543 5,892 164 81 83 93 91 89 104 57 61 8,031 3,353 4,678 4,566 5,014 4,865 5,275 3,005 3,235 3,686 1,424 2,262 1,418 1,499 1,699 1,780 748 711 791 300 491 268 290 328 375 96 116 1,911 752 1,159 714 774 889 872 433 399 452 168 284 170 154 186 186 88 65 532 204 328 266 281 296 347 131 131 1,407 697 710 754 882 655 777 314 370 1,082 539 543 583 654 513 590 233 260 309 149 160 168 222 139 183 81 109 16 9 7 3 6 3 4 1 2,706 1,137 1,569 2,265 2,541 2,404 2,614 1,885 2,100 203 82 121 123 84 101 100 58 51 29 13 16 6 8 6 3 17 10 7 32 42 15 14 4 267 121 146 259 288 243 253 170 190 25 20 5 10 3 1 1 842 513 329 323 343 300 310 297 307 82 40 42 46 56 42 48 29 35 155 73 82 113 76 62 62 44 49 21 5 16 50 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 131 67 64 62 70 59 57 44 46 1 1 1 4 2 1 35 21 14 26 22 22 23 18 4,496 2,264 2,232 1,669 1,712 1,609 1,649 1,552 1,599 9 4 5 5 6 4 4 4 1,645 390 2,227 449 22 12 361 7 1,548 297 7 4,487 846 68 16 2 50 19 330 1,595 339 10 2,260 397 46 4 2 40 11 183 1,664 347 14 5 2 7 10 115 1,706 394 21 10 1 10 11 111 OLIOSIOS 10 8 147 3 55 MALDEN Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Manchester Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 42 968 623 345 968 631 337 969 615 354 774 556 218 969 640 329 1 259 84 14 53 2,945 1,512 1,433 1,937 968 969 1,008 544 464 1 1 686 328 358 232 105 127 25 14 11 176 81 95 9 1 8 22 9 13 128 71 57 85 51 34 43 23 - చలసతి ఏరా | 128 784 561 223 1 176 49 5 36 283 100 293 116 179 50 5 37 278 99 17 67 3 12 45 37 8 8 17 49 36 13 76 7 10 36 17 19 8 16 11 20 15 127 110 42 115 19 115 11 135 12 101 10 259 66 1 6 8 10 71 8 114 149 24 1 3 4 3 4 5 6 N> 62 4 87 9 4 27 10 1 11 10 3 16 3 16 3 16 26 11 16 11 16 11 16 111 3 24 85 2 15 4 2 21 20 1 13 2 10 2 7 12 7 5 61 UITO INAE 1 9 2 14 26 35 11 OILITICO I CHO WILLENIIN 1 6 2 366 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1916. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN EXTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- males Fe Total Males Males Males males Fe- males Fe Males males 5,772 2,911 2,861 4,471 2,192 2,279 1,301 719 6 3 635 305 318 160 41 22 197 94 5 67 39 191 99 142 74 43 23 6 2 112 39 14 7 ដី៖ “ឱឱនឱ°៩ខន*ខ្នង ! – ! 2,192 2,279 1,584 1,605 608 674 1 9 424 472 156 158 23 22 77 80 8 12 48 44 127 139 95 109 32 30 2,192 2,279 1,552 1,577 640 702 3 8 458 512 159 186 20 26 79 87 18 55 110 75 34 1 180 212 3 1 1 21 1,807 1,889 1,406 1,426 401 463 1 8 235 287 62 81 7 8 39 43 5 8 11 22 62 58 39 25 19 141 174 147 1 2 34 5 520 17 1 20 5 331 18 | | ODIA | | | | | -- | PRAలు | తీనెలా అతని కుత్త 121 129 117 126 117 126 INTO I PILITINIS 18 - | -יי--ויויז'א• 10 SO III IV-9 10 00I 19 I CONSILITIAN 22 IIIII 700101-IM NING WIT 10 N-INO IN ODS 10 14 26 12 20 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 4 4 Mansfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0, c. West Indies Other foreign countries Marblehead Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3,580 3,261 2,726 535 1 470 3,450 2,719 731 4 670 252 2,915 2,575 340 7.606 6,711 895 2 765 409 43 267 33 66 99 316 192 3,261 319 1 245 136 12 93 9 22 39 32 7 4,026 3,450 576 1 520 273 31 174 24 44 60 45 15 3,450 2,874 576 4 499 156 9 114 6 27 60 46 13 1 280 3,261 2,572 689 1 638 292 33 180 20 59 66 41 25 11 133 7 41 63 52 11 2,751 2,436 315 1 292 101 3 65 2 31 13 10 3 167 46 47 78 22 26 251 69 182 215 279 178 229 337 3 2 1 1 1 4 14 2 11 1 Po to co II come incr, 511E8A9233 ENTTIILOwiariovascomice . 5 11 DOWA WII WIIIIIA I ONI OIIIIIII en IO II en II - ONI IT001 1 0009 III IT11-TIOLIGT I WIIII- 13 3 13 14 20 14 4 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 367 TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Fe- males Te- Total Males Males Males Fe- males Males males Fe- males 15,250 11,799 3,451 6 2,208 1,469 84 398 30 957 172 128 44 7,574 5,770 1,804 3 1,038 722 33 191 18 480 90 69 21 7,676 6,029 1,647 3 1,170 747 51 207 12 477 82 5,770 6,029 3,182 3,189 2,588 2,840 1 2,123 2,388 1,159 1,326 34 40 162 148 17 30 946 1,108 93 124 68 95 25 28 1 869 930 2 8 5,770 3,283 2,487 6 2,061 1,066 36 185 6 839 80 47 33 6,029 3,423 2,606 5 2,208 1,146 36 146 15 949 104 75 28 1 951 7 4,650 4,831 2,732 2,771 1,918 2,060 1 1,528 1,691 746 844 9 9 66 60 2 4 669 771 29 19 38 10 23 753 796 337 4 559 6 2 3 29 222 2 2 2 17 126 337 10 50 8 12 39 258 8 25 16 270 10 21 7 7 19 33 233 8 25 4 165 595 17 72 13 1 58 909 5 1 1 22 15 248 11 25 7 5 13 1 21 25 212 12 23 4 18 15 248 210 Sond a 20 22 5 42 ఊ | | | రావాలంటే | 6 | A లు 1-8-2జర్గాలు 16 14 21 19 17 48 14 34 13 32 3.カー ​A | | | రాషలునినుట || - | | | 42 162 10 11 141 45 59 1 2 SI 0011 000 13 40 4 5. 31 20 5 3 27 25 27 16 21 5 1 58 2 46 50 2 29 17 35 20 21 15 MARLBOROUGH Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Maynard Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n, o, c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,842 1,838 605 1,180 1,233 1,838 599 1,239 1,484 536 948 1 387 34 1,431 455 976 6,770 3,583 3,680 1,842 3,090 1,741 1 896 429 171 81 23 6 64 31 6 4 78 40 360 182 264 137 93 43 3 2 190 81 175 85 3,187 1,838 1,349 1 467 90 17 33 2 38 178 127 50 1 109 90 1,842 677 1,165 1 583 75 5 25 638 106 9 31 ******0101 3822334 golg! 424 51 2 13 6 66 209 162 43 4 251 72 36 108 79 652 119 16 43 2 58 173 111 60 2 288 72 45 178 134 42 2 257 72 28 102 85 16 1 189 62 210 GARA | | | 480 | 6-1961 అంకు, ఉసిరా పలు 2 21 1 15 9 22 17 56 26 8 193 13 498 9 1 487 1 1 17 7 120 7 344 7 1 336 47 3 68 56 5 66 4 44 1 68 154 2 62 62 151 1 374 312 1,362 1,022 12 328 34 12 773 539 6 228 16 7 589 483 6 100 18 5 386 310 3 73 19 2 394 312 4 78 22 386 311 3. 72 25 1 388 319 10 59 20 3 384 309 3 72 19 1 18 3 - 2 1 2 1 6 6 4 3 45 20 25 35 31 29 33 26 28 368 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE – Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,097 1,320 839 993 258 327 1,097 1,320 826 990 271 330 941 1,134 778 928 163 206 238 218 62 12 28 82 10 47 169 23 5 12 3,648 1,562 2,086 2,417 1,097 1,231 465 11 6 956 318 337 100 48 154 49 86 128 88 36 4 472 14 5 2 33 1 74 9 10 1 19 46 277 62 15 29 5 13 52 35 16 1 156 286 88 15 49 6 18 26 18 7 1 170 2 136 31 2 14 2 13 21 12 9 15 12 3 43 30 12 1 111 2 Coor 104 131 *********** ***- 110 in 2* 1.09 ༧ ཙྪཱ ཙྪཱ ཉྙམིཙྪ%8 *#“ལླ༠༠མཉྫ 1 | ཨ 7 2. 20 1 14 17 13 WIIIIIIIIINIINNIT 18 7 18 18 2 9 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 ះ * * ១ ៗ ! ” ឪ WIN 10 3 14 2 1 Medfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries MEDFORD Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward İsland Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey, Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1 8,793 9,626 6,215 6,854 2,578 2,772 5 7 1,859 2,087 477 500 69 80 226 243 69 52 113 125 289 303 181 180 104 117 4 6 1,018 1,226 75 58 188 107 30,509 14,500 16,009 11,307 12,314 11,307 12,314 23,621 11,307 12,314 7,170 7,866 7,197 7,869 6,888 3,193 3,695 4,137 4,448 4,110 4,445 35 20 15 17 22 16 18 5,147 2,254 2,893 3,096 3,395 3,234 3,594 2,385 1,029 1,356 1,093 1,115 1,169 1,298 501 206 295 189 218 241 264 1,171 507 664 521 507 539 613 276 105 171 135 121 140 160 437 211 226 248 269 249 261 1,139 563 576 653 687 577 624 722 345 377 430 451 392 414 393 205 213 218 170 195 24 13 11 10 18 15 15 1,407 568 839 1,247 1,507 1,379 1,576 192 80 112 95 80 95 24 14 10 8 6 2 1 18 8. 10 12 30 19 21 187 96 91 185 225 143 169 3 3 559 319 240 367 348 290 280 38 20 18 36 42 33 29 54 36 18 13 30 13 24 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 34 16 8 15 8 9 1 1 4 15 4 15 36 17 19 38 32 24 13 198 112 86 111 89 96 79 7 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 191 109 82 107 86 94 78 246 112 134 143 127 149 128 31 19 12 17 14 7 13 10 3 7 3 4 2 2 101 10 117 278 000 286 22 13 1 24 I c 9 ون ون تی من 8 4 21 86 Corowa HIPE, 70 SA 1 85 108 14 4 18 27 309 9 10 167 9 17 142 10 17 85 5 17 10 13 66 5 12 71 10 10 51 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 369 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. - NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 993 715 2,846 2,221 625 5 298 108 15 58 892 631 261 3 135 14 278 1 162 11 1,378 1,468 1,066 1,155 312 313 4 1 126 172 51 57 7 8 28 30 1 15 16 36 34 2 1,066 1,155 701 790 365 365 3 1 233 237 55 36 6 2 17 15 6 4 26 15 31 32 29 2 2 4 1,066 1,155 690 769 376 386 3 1 240 256 54 59 4 10 29 26 2 2 19 21 41 50 36 37 5 12 1 141 147 3 时​必​4%95 31 75 7 16 14 2 106 37 137 13 166 109 135 3 1 Orco 2 19 20 11 15 20 20 17 13 Medway Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 15 17 17 17 25 1 71 17 3 10 27 8 11 II OOITOAIGIASI 39 8 10 1 1 173 98 1 76 70 LIICII 005 III O OOOOO II 100 000 100 100 LIIDI-08!-vilo 93 72 73 73 71 68 165 7 19 12 UTIONIS 15 LIISION 16,880 13,640 3,240 35 2,672 1,475 354 824 98 199 455 336 115 4 667 68 7 12 87 18 86 10 33 3 7,753 9,127 6,371 1,382 1,858 15 1,097 1,575 577 146 324 28 79 226 166 58 2 265 26 7,269 5,215 2,054 17 1,769 716 174 360 63 119 351 273 74 4 669 31 6,371 7,269 4,578 5,264 1,793 2,005 14 16 1,463 1,667 600 639 145 145 341 343 37 42 77 109 338 421 254 311 80 106 4 4 498 573 26 28 1 6 7 15 117 6 47 5 17 5,119 5,802 4,066 4,663 1,053 1,139 12 16 821 922 261 256 54 55 173 155 8 12 26 34 136 177 101 134 35 43 6,371 4,500 1,871 18 1,582 712 169 368 56 119 260 191 63 6 570 39 1 6 79 4 44 8 19 3 404 20 MELROSE Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 469 20 ܟܬܘܪܝܝ 46 | 0-0---0షిలు | - | సిరలు మలుపు Res"$***@organismis 03-798790-= 7 3: 69 4 43 1 18 3 | 30 咖​8场​比​进​阴​叫​S-9-282%24519178114641124 16 15 జలురాలు - సంత-000 | 3 | 2008 అంజపి. SONINANIGHEM- 40 AINONII B5-n1711474124B 9 107 6 5 96 116 27 11 2 14 3 25 40 ܢܚܬ 35 OIN&S-NON 14 16 370 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Native PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Males Fe Fe- Fe- males Males males Males males Total Males Fe males 14,007 6,656 7,351 8,572 4,106 4,466 5,435 2,550 2,885 18 11 7 4,075 1,842 2,233 956 411 545 96 36 60 117 42 75 13 9 730 329 401 2,828 1,312 1,516 2,605 1,223 1,382 218 86 5 3 2 283 115 168 2 1 6 3 3 88 48 40 434 209 225 5 367 201 166 2 1 86 42 44 19 10 3 1 64 31 33 4,106 4,466 1,811 2,005 2,295 2,461 11 1,602 1,804 464 489 33 28 39 42 3 3 389 416 900 1,002 803 880 93 114 4 8 237 312 1 1 4,106 4,466 1,787 1,967 2,319 2,499 6 4 1,642 1,856 530 560 46 37 58 73 3 9 423 441 868 975 761 853 104 120 3 2. 243 320 1 1 10 10 308 304 4 176 151 3,196 3,531 1,433 1,622 1,763 1,909 1 1,164 1,346 324 367 13 14 22 29 2 3 287 321 664 736 602 663 61 71 1 2. 175 243 1 132 14 290 Methuen Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 308 259 249 4 149 151 170 172 2 48 16 1 31 47 14 1 32 51 13 1 37 47 13 2 32 45 13 1 31 46 13 1 32 18 28 16 26 四方​崛​!492BTV纪​-28842B1B 18 30 14 26 16 27 91 43 48 46 28 25 27 3 89 16 170 32 105 33 2 42 74 1 42 8 96 20 58 18 1 26 1 27 8 75 21 1 25 6 72 21 38 13 57 10 36 11 57 10 36 11 38 47 15 16 1 13 16 14 6 11 4 4 8,631 4,314 4,317 6,935 3,438 3,497 1,696 876 820 23 14 9 879 397 482 523 246 277 54 27 27 214 91 123 30 10 20 225 118 107 188 87 101 143 68 75 38 14 24 5 2 161 60 101 7 4 3 3,438 3,497 2,514 2.605 924 892 8 8 599 551 307 258 20 15 74 77 15 10 198 156 132 85 111 30 20 1 176 157 1 4 3,438 2,520 918 7 613 316 27 90 22 177 101 76 22 3 194 1 1 1 35 3,497 2,602 895 9 584 283 24 92 11 156 120 89 23 8 180 2,961 3,045 2,327 2,424 634 621 5 6 357 342 177 150 4 2 30 36 7 3 136 109 43 63 38 54 5 8 1 137 129 115 1 56 26 Middleborough Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3 51 24 183 2 34 1 2 41 1 71 68 68 19 105 2 20 83 3 14 74 2 16 4 74 2 12 14 18 18 21 3 33 20 13 18 14 18 12 18 17 179 179 29 82 68 52 64 22 111 100 15 49 36 24 41 14 68 79 14 33 32 28 23 8 83 51 18 10 23 32 11 12 11 27 N别​以​四​04-6-8 83 47 17 9 21 25 11 70 48 11 9 28 18 10 4 LOGO COI 11 9 22 16 9 4 11 42 27 15 11 6 11 1 6 23 16 8 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 371 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- Fe- males Fe- males Males Males males Males Fe- males 4,877 2,317 2,560 3,926 4,124 1.845 1,992 2,081 2,132 4 8 927 981 103 19 22 5 57 78 100 797 3 13,684 6,898 6,786 | 4,586 4,877 || 4,586 9,463 4,586 4,877 2,092 2,281 2,120 4,221 2,312 1,909 2,494 2,596 2,466 20 14 6 6 11 4 1,289 586 703 1,273 1,377 1,258 435 221 214 268 273 227 96 49 47 47 47 42 164 76 88 72 58 67 28 16 12 14 14 8 147 80 67 135 154 110 258 126 132 141 169 141 164 83 98 115 92 41 51 41 51 41 2 2 2 584 234 350 858 932 883 9 3 6 7 3 2 10 3 4 19 11 8 31 24 29 23 18 5 6 5 2,188 1,218 970 988 985 974 8 4 4 5 6 108 70 38 41 43 38 3 1 2 1 1 3 64 33 29 31 29 7 4 9 9 101 94 174 105 56 63 61 20 11 16 15 19 4 4 150 90 60 40 48 42 131 66 65 58 56 64 141 117 21 19 120 99 21 7 3 1 18 17 1 9 7 962 **39339* ' **** quoi vom55'2599--10 SB3%3-684路​6码​61251码​归​-&%201118 12 2 952 4 39 | | 10-dజు | ఈ | అః || 60 | 1ST , AARE 28 63 15 QUONI 48 53 12 10 1 9 3 3 5 Milford Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Millbury Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,945 1,079 866 2,052 1,091 961 1,508 1,620 882 889 626 731 472 282 563 317 5,295 2,600 2,695 3,997 1,945 2,052 1,298 655 643 2 1 892 413 479 527 255 272 5 1 4 56 33 5 4 461 227 234 196 92 104 131 66 64 1 169 66 103 1,945 2,052 1,092 1,075 853 977 1 5 682 787 413 462 1 1 22 4 1 390 438 96 94 76 70 20 24 778 447 5 19 18 693 412 3 24 2 383 93 58 33 2 187 422 95 8 2 272 54 40 14 5 1 311 59 40 19 E | NI 02105జలు | లు విసిరి | 2-1 18 1 -- 1 --3- 173 231 236 136 187 1 33 1 21 2 22 1 24 1 13 13 89 లు | - | - లాసంలు - 01 | ABN | | | | ఓం తం కత్తి 22 25 20 20 22 2 10 4 40 6 10 4 8 2 Comnião com Iwona I or I wooden WWI 1900, 5 1 4 21 12 N 31 3 5 47 23 11 13 159 11 7 Worl woon CCIRCOSTI 22 16 Ion I COOO OO OO INSS -N 22 16 5 1 4 21 12 3 6 84 5 1 6 88 78 1 4 4 14 6 3 372 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS – TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 2,431 2,639 1,771 1,946 693 660 8,600 3,808 6,334 3,027 2,266 781 6 1,854 615 592 212 113 46 270 88 76 23 133 55 406 158 212 96 186 59 8 3 818 235 29 7 9 3 13 3 27 10 4,792 3,307 1,485 6 1,239 380 67 182 53 78 248 116 3,027 3,307 2,015 2,204 1,012 1,103 1 855 927 225 239 37 48 112 112 20 26 56 53 216 224 106 126 106 97 4 1 409 458 3 5 2 1 1 5 36 42 3,027 3,307 1,957 2,177 1,070 1,130 1 2 911 972 274 265 43 56 131 112 30 36 70 61 190 190 100 101 88 87 2 2 433 501 8 11 6 5 7 4 36 40 1 17 16 12 536 99 12 52 8 27 96 38 58 574 94 11 49 11 23 95 40 55 127 339 385 5 583 22 6 10 17 1 31 66 34 10 45 14 9 21 20 23 12 25 17 8 15 10 2 EITTIIN I WILL NO SE 3 3 1 5 1 IIIII-VI 14 III io 39 37 NITI NI INATING 38 1 5 165 3 57 2 108 3 61 4 57 CONSILTINIONIT ܙܝܕ ܒܘܕ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܟܦ 1 6 36 2 21 4 15 2 18 16 15 11 Milton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Monson Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 567 5,004 2,394 2,610 4,099 1,968 2,131 905 426 479 19 10 9 519 212 307 171 83 88 29 9 20 40 13 27 5 5 97 56 41 133 62 71 81 40 41 48 22 26 4 4 208 64 144 6 2 4 1 1 3 3 58 30 28 1 1 144 82 62 2 1 1 68 43 25 23 10 13 1,968 2,131 1,263 1,361 705 770 14 12 469 537 133 133 10 10 16 27 5 3 102 93 88 91 72 73 16 18 1,968 2,131 1,252 1,361 716 770 14 12 494 550 157 127 8 11 38 28 8 103 75 50 58 20 22 5 5 257 335 5 3 1,615 1,800 1,117 1,233 498 11 11 310 382 81 73 2 6 8 8 3 3 68 56 34 44 28 34 6 10 311 195 265 245 2 1 2 12 37 1 41 3 38 2 25 37 26 101 1 19 5 80 4 32 6 79 2 24 6 94 1 18 5 1 9 3 1 5 79 2 33 13 1 18 1 1 11 42 3 31 2 11 1 10 4 22 4 NITT Terricone COCO I OBITI 17 1 1 11 30 14 8 16 16 2 1 13 19 3 2 14 29 27 48 3 2 **30 1100 5 40 35 16 29 1 31 1 11 26 1 10 6 4 9 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 373 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- Fe- males Males males Males Fe- males 7,925 4,095 5,533 2,775 2,392 1,320 106 42 812 401 467 229 17 7 18 8 2 2 430 212 118 57 93 44 25 13 3,830 2,758 1,072 64 411 238 10 10 2,775 2,758 1,335 1,257 1,440 1,501 51 51 792 813 434 443 12 10 16 17 1 1 405 415 65 64 48 54 17 10 2,775 2,758 1,416 1,335 1,359 1,423 81 78 716 750 380 387 13 17 9 14 2,276 2,209 1,170 1,081 1,106 1,128 42 45 556 571 303 304 8 8 8 200 289 ON 218 61 49 12 358 65 55 10 356 79 64 15 288 27 23 109 293 271 111 3 224 305 1 283 1 239 1 220 6 1 16 194 2 276 106 210 214 9 196 187 169 159 239 37 19 22 18 20 17 19 504 241 420 227 335 163 924 468 3 453 360 326 174 302 155 311 163 354 192 3 159 52' ESSEISVORIT119 192 171 152 147 148 ܝܘܝܕܗܗܝ ,$$ ܨ ܝܨܚܝܪܟܗܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܟ G-5891 เบเงตึงเเ เเเ & Ess 12 11 11 10 42 2 21 19 13 COIL ILI GWELE Montague Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n.o.c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. 0 West Indies Other foreign countries Nantucket Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3 Lowa 111.11 wom 1,290 1,405 1,069 1,142 221 263 1,290 1,034 256 1,405 1,115 290 1,108 1,197 1,030 167 87 22 180 54 72 10 3,166 1,521 1,645 2,695 1,290 1,405 471 231 240 2 182 60 72 32 40 31 13 18 16 7 9 11 3 14 9 51 16 35 39 12 27 11 4 122 23 6 13 149 40 14 15 14 6 6 5 28 32 15 12 55 10 45 47 -:: ' ର ର ର ର -।।। -; 191A TAHTII!!!! REINO DI 11A1 TTigro 11ton LTTI- ROSA CO BOTTITITIEI INOIIIIINO מודורוס-יוווואוואס-אס | 26 O'N TANIIIIIIIIIIIII- '*2*110011ATT!!!ATARIIIII ཙཱཙྪཀཾ 'ཙིལླ༠༠༠༠ལླཁ༄༅ ', ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ 111 111 ་ = 1 1 F༠ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ I'IIIIOIIIIIIIIIIII 229 1 142 12 87 105 117 78 24 10 1 12 1 12 9 9 6 3 374 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18.–NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 11,119 8,630 2,489 46 1,459 521 69 308 37 107 244 166 74 4 676 5,547 5,572 | 4,200 4,430 4,200 4,430 2,672 2,837 1,347 1,142 1,528 1,593 26 20 9 17 645 814 1,226 1,287 234 287 287 305 30 39 30 33 136 172 149 134 8 29 6 8 60 47 102 130 115 129 136 150 79 84 95 34 40 51 54 2 1 290 386 802 830 4,200 4,430 2,653 2,780 1,547 1,650 11 18 1,283 1,376 296 302 32 37 147 132 28 42 89 156 84 106 52 50 3,395 2,323 1,072 8 844 130 11 71 4 44 46 20 26 3,551 2,439 1,112 17 870 105 11 49 2 43 59 31 28 136 851 916 668 706 1 2 6 3 26 83 50 11 8 56 76 330 9 36 Italy ខ្លួន”ន្ត '”ននន្ត៖ " ' ន ! ”*** 30 6 110 5 14 220 4 22 72 49 1 67 3 12 82 3 14 2 9 12 36 14 8 10 4 26 21 23 21 1 Nina Siciliar 19 9 60 10 1 49 130 246 2 36 208 2 22 20 20 48 21 20 50 19 21 51 21 20 46 18 21 65 210 2 17 191 1 18 。 14 16 3 19 17 1 4 16 2 14 7 1 10 14 7 12 10 4 Natick Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Needham Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. n. O. c. . France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,649 1,093 556 1,826 1,190 636 2,186 2,412 1,267 1,401 919 1,011 2 6 716 784 240 239 51 52 118 117 388 82 18 2,412 1,406 1,006 1 768 204 57 89 15 43 362 288 74 46 6,542 4,598 1,944 4 1,289 448 95 243 41 69 567 403 162 2 240 28 6 9 52 1 216 6 71 2,186 1,314 872 1 668 183 59 86 13 25 298 239 58 1 174 12 1 9 44 3,116 3,426 2,186 2,412 930 1,014 2 2 546 743 168 280 43 52 92 151 10 31 23 46 275 292 204 199 70 92 1 1 95 145 7 21 1 2 7 18 34 1 130 86 3 45 26 3 4 36 40 255 450 93 22 48 7 16 195 157 38 5 13 168 131 37 198 201 230 133 4 1 160 2 32 ពីអន្តនិង 'នជាព8 ! ” =-១ | 1 41 59 52 5 62 1 56 4 16 2 1 13 63 3 19 1 *22'E SEID! 10-SONOMAT 16 1 10 2 1 7 64 42 22 18 15 62 131 1 66 64 7 35 31 215 3 116 96 16 44 34 6 4 3 18 84 2 50 32 9 9 3 47 1 25 21 6 41 20 12 EINTR-3 61 1 41 19 13 9 46 1 25 20 4 6 2 3 61 1 41 19 10 8 WINIOS 6 1 10 6 11 9 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 375 TABLE 18.–NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- Fe- Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Males males males 32 27 35 109,568 53,167 56,401 | 29,460 31,666 | 29,460 31,666 | 23,629 25,143 61,126 29,460 31,666 11,869 13,094 | 12,166 13,403 9,734 10,721 48,442 23,707 24,735 17,591 18,572 17,294 18,263 13,895 14,422 551 284 267 244 215 230 205 180 159 24,874 11,335 13,539 10,173 11,050 | 10,362 11,259 7,596 8,102 11,206 5,220 5,986 5,281 5,604 5,298 5,584 4,133 4,314 332 139 193 95 96 99 114 33 34 221 73 148 66 76 116 137 22 237 75 162 88 91 100 114 45 40 10,416 4,933 5,483 5,032 5,341 4,983 5,219 4,033 4,208 11,229 5,196 6,033 3,114 3,309 3,170 3,399 2,207 2,250 10,586 4,933 5,653 2,800 2,922 2,822 2,980 2,067 2,091 599 246 353 296 362 323 384 136 157 44 17 18 25 25 4 2 2,284 844 1,440 1,727 2,083 1,840 2,205 1,241 1,525 38 14 24 14 20 24 19 9 8 117 61 56 37 43 30 52 6 5 413 191 222 69 77 45 39 720 356 36-1 348 353 339 230 528 334 194 56 50 49 44 646 400 246 192 195 169 155 69 36 33 30 39 19 32 10 14 2,858 1,434 1,424 1,056 986 1,047 916 1,826 892 934 656 636 687 619 2 2 1 3 978 526 452 377 322 338 270 52 14 38 17 27 19 28 17 27 15,145 7,715 7,430 4,592 4,743 4,255 4,402 4,013 4,141 1,174 618 556 531 526 504 464 6 2 5 2 13 9 4 6 7 4 2 1,155 605 5.50 524 514 498 462 252 96 156 83 96 103 68 736 616 120 34 41 34 39 11 7 4 251 147 104 33 33 33 33 474 462 12 8 1 6 97 72 25 55 67 7 5 379 220 159 128 120 131 46 E , ៦ដី៖-និងឪ , ខឹងមីងដ៏ ខ--ះ , ដង, ន្នកទី៦ខ័. e NEW BEDFORD Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries NEWBUR YPORT Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. Franco Germany, exclusive of German Poland Grecce Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0, c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries 15,311 12.028 3,283 10 2,028 857 181 227 69 380 279 187 90 2 829 55 8 16 31 136 102 6 523 88 7,283 5,693 1,590 7 804 349 70 67 27 185 139 94 44 1 286 26 4 6 16 118 72 2 311 40 8,028 6,335 1,693 3 1,224 508 111 160 42 195 140 93 46 1 543 29 4 10 15 18 30 4 212 48 5,693 6,335 4,023 4,500 1,670 1,835 11 6 1,392 1,544 433 482 68 74 108 119 31 30 226 259 184 223 144 166 39 51 1 6 752 806 23 28 5 6 36 48 5,693 3,932 1,761 10 1,515 474 72 138 36 228 148 113 34 1 865 28 6,335 4,427 1,908 6 1,652 532 78 157 29 268 167 116 50 1 918 4,837 5,337 3,620 4,056 1,217 1,281 10 6 1,003 1,065 235 251 15 10 38 43 18 5 164 193 77 81 63 14 677 718 2 23 16-88 జలాలు | లు. 82 42 41 5 62 21 57 16 161 | | 2011 | సరిలు - 2 41 434 1 12 213 10 270 1 6 114 1-0 | Re=2 | | ఉం| ఉ | ఊ లు | M, VN18 Iveco Dawson toiseen Tom, aw nito. 89 6 99 10 。 042-, 203 20 173 108 114 11 120 70 89 9 53 38 41 21 31 25 58 26 21 20 61 18 18 17 39 11 28 22 49 15 3 6 4 376 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 18.- NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPCLATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COL YTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIZTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 287 593 220 43,113 19,378 23,735 14,675 16,953 31,628 14,675 16.953 9,392 11,185 11,485 4,703 6,782 5,283 5,768 29 16 13 | 18 20 8,241 2.888 5,353 || 4,190 4.679 3,083 1,092 1,991 1,122 1,241 395 135 260 117 132 1,675 586 1,089 608 653 84 203 76 77 726 287 439 321 379 1,307 583 724 722 798 936 436 500 563 363 143 152 197 8 4 7 8 3,554 1,133 2,421 2,298 2,573 144 44 100 41 54 153 36 117 7 13 69 33 36 30 22 206 97 109 179 212 22 16 6 1 1,749 1,166 583 554 519 64 21 43 23 206 123 57 26 13 8 2 2 170 101 69 8 7 12 10 263 115 148 39 35 8 4 4 216 107 109 72 378 85 293 81 66 42 24 13 25 15 10 8 4 2 1 37 25 12 4 31 24 1 149 84 65 55 14,675 16,953 12,109 14,051 9,113 11,009 8,295 9,990 5,562 5,944 3,814 4.061 13 15 9 12 4,554 4,971 2,937 3,199 1.299 1,338 621 637 142 174 35 45 697 681 380 353 132 125 36 37 328 358 170 202 644 803 312 359 479 611 253 273 153 184 57 84 12 8 2 2 2,574 2,775 1,988 2,177 31 48 15 22 6 7 1 4 24 12 11 6 133 146 99 117 1 527 490 523 490 13 11 9 71 70 55 4 8 4 8 1 63 3 1 74 o ఆలు-లుంటాం-లు 2008-0వల్లులు, తెల్లు O modo di ricarica ending-wood-ES, 75 74 79 *SSRS2878 A WC 71 66 8 6 1 1 6 1 1 2 63 31 21 NEWTON Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries NORTH ADAMS Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n, o, c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 8,598 4,629 3,969 8,598 4,806 3,792 43 2,899 1,233 10 25 6,842 3,978 2,864 34 2,046 7,570 4,019 3,551 33 2,547 1,197 8 10 2 1,177 537 336 132 69 806 6,058 3,444 2,614 23 1,790 841 1 4 868 22,035 10,558 11,477 16,168 7,570 8,598 5,867 2,988 2,879 143 92 51 3,573 1,664 1,909 1,671 802 869 18 11 7 23 9 14 3 2 1 1,627 780 847 1,120 525 595 622 286 336 328 160 168 170 79 91 774 332 442 3 2 1 5 3 2 47 26 21 164 79 85 24 16 8 1,124 661 463 1 1 157 73 51 24 3 96 43 7 7,570 4,137 3,433 39 2,529 1,146 5 18 2 1,121 561 348 127 86 814 2 2,990 1,306 4 11 2 1,289 611 348 172 91 1,068 3 2 38 140 6 448 836 319 196 83 40 623 865 345 206 96 43 832 7 36 120 4 484 4 61 23 1,198 582 353 149 80 1,082 1 1 35 121 6 414 1 62 26 2 29 8 23 102 4 441 2 59 25 6 24 1 25 91 6 410 17 73 4 436 1 49 22 60 19 54 19 1 29 5 35 5 23 4 34 4 1 175 3 179 162 3 160 3 342 18 5 319 22 230 2 168 14 144 163 9 3 151 8 86 166 6 4 156 14 44 151 6 4 141 8 44 147 6 4 137 8 42 172 16 46 oo 159 12 46 157 8 44 136 39 41 5 38 6 41 5 37 5 218 12 1 39 0 1 28 24 19 8 9 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 377 TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 7,472 8,619 4,344 5,020 3,128 3,599 83 70 2,186 2,610 751 932 10 17 27 28 1 2 713 885 225 240 174 184 50 54 1 2 1,207 1,435 3 3 4 6 124 198 6 4 92 92 4 393 348 76 6,129 7,012 3,712 4,303 2,417 2,709 63 45 1,582 1,882 512 604 3 5 9 4 1 500 594 145 140 119 109 26 925 1,135 O - 21,654 10,132 11,522 7,472 8,619 16,091 7,472 8,619 4,237 4,923 5,563 2,660 2,903 3,235 3,696 135 56 79 74 63 3,043 1,307 1,736 2,205 2,632 1,252 578 674 844 982 28 8 20 5 20 58 23 35 17 18 1 1 4 1,165 546 619 822 940 436 229 207 296 317 356 191 165 241 253 78 37 41 53 61 2 1 1 2 3 1,342 495 847 1,060 1,325 4 2 2 4 9 3 6 5 4 25 16 9 11 11 228 120 108 182 245 18 16 2 3 321 178 143 102 6 1 5 1,107 603 504 407 182 72 110 49 3 3 861 509 352 336 292 61 22 22 3 3 1 457 241 216 163 178 4 2 256 133 123 93 107 197 106 70 84 41 32 12 7 1 1 2 1 9 2 122 71 48 158 108 3 91 296 363 41 308 259 సలులు | 18818 - 1 జులు | తెలు | లు జండి. 245 300 22 1 151 & | 0 | | స్స:- సి. 167 179 160 తలులు | అష్, 21 జన | ఈటలు, జలులు | లాడ్తే మతి పోసి EMA | లాజీలు, లులు 114 100 87 64 21 4 N 4 29 NORTHAMPTON Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. West Indies Other foreign countries North Andover Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. , West Indies Other foreign countries 1 5,956 2,882 3,074 3,969 1,920 2,049 1,987 962 1,025 11 6 5 1,648 767 881 378 174 204 30 10 20 185 87 98 33 13 20 130 64 66 939 453 486 707 347 360 226 102 124 6 2 326 137 189 1 1 4 3 1 13 58 1,920 2,049 968 1,048 952 1,001 4 8 816 868 154 170 8 13 63 57 10 10 73 90 376 344 279 255 96 89 1,920 2,049 948 1,023 972 1,026 4 6 833 909 171 200 23 18 67 70 12 16 69 96 372 366 274 260 92 105 6 1 289 342 1 1,479 1,569 802 854 677 715 4 6 558 618 91 118 5 6 29 34 7 10 50 68 246 230 174 53 56 193 285 353 221 270 1 2 36 34 37 31 27 23 37 19 18 36 52 1 49 18 36 5 | | | లు 0 0-2-16 100% 8 , జలు, మహా 19 OSTOVO 101 - CHIQUITO 18 10 10 8 11 11 9 CII SIO 60 WII 3 24 II-II-III 35 24 24 30 1 4 99 2 39 58 31 11 6 22 23 15 QUINWE60 cm, OTSI 19E0000 000 18 16 15 15 14 10 9 1 14 12 9 1 10 4 3 378 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER вотн PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Fe- Fe- Males Fe- Males Males males males males Fe Total Males males 452 3,522 3,691 2,052 2,170 1,470 1,521 5 6 1,210 1,246 596 578 14 18 86 91 11 10 485 459 162 191 128 138 32 50 2 452 473 9,398 4,529 4,869 7,213 3,522 3,691 2,185 1,007 1,178 12 6 6 1,731 759 944 65 26 220 101 22 9 316 305 138 230 103 74 35 1 475 167 3 4 2 10 3 102 56 7 7 114 64 7 5 109 63 12 8 9 6 87 48 1 1 3 1 16 8 1 2,794 2,873 1,755 1,839 1,039 1,034 5 6 859 836 422 373 5 5 41 36 1 4 375 328 79 92 68 70 11 22 637 3,522 3,691 2,061 2,177 1,461 1,514 5 6 1,248 1,280 602 579 27 25 104 106 7 10 464 438 179 186 133 138 45 45 1 3 465 509 1 6 1 12 80 102 358 11 115 10 135 24 639765%unigas*** 180 mingga!!--- 33 4 44 4 14 26 టె | - | | - 85|1రెలు | RAO నీలా || లు - 29 2 42 3 11 28 - | - | | - 2 | | నేలు | Rana, -- శ్రీలు ఉంటీ- 29 2 *******828' 1..layout 3 of 11 19-11-11 21 1 13 12 15 48 III 00, 13 21 12 16 20 2 2. 2 20 1 1 11 1 12 13 14 North Attleborough Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Northbridge Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 10 2,285 2,188 1,008 1,277 1,225 6 998 562 9,254 4,936 4,318 5,642 2,880 2,762 3,612 2,056 1,556 11 9 2 2,297 1,181 1,116 1,169 604 565 8 4 4 70 31 39 6 2 4 1,085 567 518 437 238 199 311 165 146 72 52 2 1 1 639 312 327 50 25 25 2 2 4 2 17 2,880 2,762 1,253 1,215 1,627 1,547 6 4 1,324 1,222 731 664 2 6 29 23 1 2 699 633 128 125 97 87 31 36 2 440 405 23 28 2 2,880 2,762 1,274 1,207 1,606 1,555 6 4 1,315 1,242 724 667 7 5 32 26 3 2 682 634 146 145 114 31 32 1 3 425 402 20 28 545 83 68 15 496 82 61 21 110 124 339 14 316 23 1 3 1 4 281 224 1 56 3 2 173 136 1 36 2 108 88 81 70 71 20 11 14 3 53 3 32 2 19 21 |-2|--FR17 --7-34888'5'm 18 26 27 28 491 279 1 211 13 14 18 11 405 214 12 9 17 86 65 1 20 13 6 10 55 37 法​」与​名​→-1 all IES, EO-Inila, 13 5 11 52 36 6 9 52 39 52 36 191 18 16 16 13 420 224 196 120 144 117 142 117 141 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 379 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,106 1,264 764 864 342 400 2 4 287 350 96 105 925 1,074 677 771 248 303 Awani 204 63 2,947 1,385 1,562 2,370 1,106 1,264 577 279 298 6 2 425 186 239 156 73 83 3 15 4 11 1 1 136 66 70 37 16 21 22 11 11 15 5 10 261 73 1,106 1,264 737 849 369 415 1 305 357 109 118 8 2 9 13 1 92 102 17 19 14 5 3 9 11 94 66 OO 59 10 - 87 21 12 7 2 166 12 8 224 96 2 131 128 170 222 224 183 1 4 4 5 3 19 3 27 11 UTILISONIACO IIONI 131 CONSO 11 1 16 CUI ILOAIE CIALIAI TIONE, 9 IITTI 000 EO AINOTTING FIRI I 100 10000 III la S址 ​28 16 15 13 NIIIIIOOOOOIVIANO 13 10 16 4 12 4 11 9 - IOI MOI QUOI !!!!! 2 12 12 10 8 9 13 13 11 2 North Brookfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland. Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Norton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 997 997 2,587 1,319 1,268 1,994 997 997 593 322 271 666 331 997 691 306 821 617 204 841 639 202 997 704 293 2 221 132 2 22 185 113 204 118 12 155 94 708 289 3 214 122 10 15 1 96 50 44 6 232 119 5 18 20 389 231 25 51 7 148 119 99 19 1 37 6 263 156 3 24 8 121 55 41 14 79 58 108 54 61 51 - 24 42 52 2 2 13 12 12 15 13 IT11101 101010051,3,5,---- 13 Comilla www.ivo SO, 38 COITTI TONTOIA I CVIO G928. 22 1 17 5 11 5 6 12 OTTI 13 were , 62, 4 1 13 16 13 15 11 14 15 MILIILIA LIETI RIMIS 22 12 13 15 4 1 IIIIIII 2 380 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 10,977 5,739 5,238 7,102 3,538 3,564 3,875 2,201 1,674 77 47 30 1,589 810 779 447 233 214 89 35 54 236 125 111 30 17 13 92 56 36 261 132 129 163 83 80 96 48 48 2 1 1 866 437 429 11 6 5 4 2 2 4 3 1 120 68 52 23 14 9 273 170 103 16 9 7 266 179 87 19 13 6 3,538 3,564 1,631 1,705 1,907 1,859 48 45 1,148 1,139 216 212 38 37 92 96 19 13 67 66 133 138 88 88 50 2 783 777 7 5 5 5. 7 137 131 3 76 3,538 3,564 1,736 1,719 1,802 1,845 40 40 1,090 1,169 195 213 44 39 91 104 14 11 46 59 111 146 67 95 43 49 1 2 776 795 6 12 2 3 3 109 103 3 77 73 11 49 39 2 2,776 2,792 1,398 1,418 1,378 1,374 27 29 762 788 78 88 11 12 30 36 5 32 36 44 57 30 34 13 23 1 636 4 అలాటినం డిసిపిట్ట 1 76 3 73 5 37 2. 46 45 2 247 166 81 55 43 35 46 35 في ان 1 1,044 415 516 113 327 107 1 642 232 341 69 173 67 402 183 175 44 154 40 253 107 110 36 122 32 3 253 94 129 30 105 25 248 101 109 38 133 32 241 84 128 29 127 24 1 233 91 108 34 104 32 233 80 127 26 96 24 40 32 25 32 24 32 24 84 23 1 27 44 23 1 17 2 16 10 12 13 14 9 10 Norwood Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Orange Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 212 5,379 2,593 4,533 2,150 846 443 30 16 335 166 159 83 21 10 47 26 9 5 82 129 120 64 8 1 1 44 16 2 1 3 2 18 4 4 41 24 16 10 25 16 4 2 2,786 2,383 403 14 169 76 11 21 4 40 62 56 6 2,150 2,383 1,678 1,865 472 518 6 250 259 111 99 5 13 22 18 6 2 78 66 76 93 69 79 7 11 3 63 67 2,150 2,383 1,733 1,892 417 491 8 254 81 99 7 11 23 21 7 5 44 62 53 38 14 1 73 82 5 2 1,917 2,118 1,611 1,776 306 342 6 4 116 130 43 40 4 8 5 4 28 40 36 4 28 50 1 9 2 16 1 10 27 13 14 99*** OPTIMIOITTI 17 6 9 2 17 18 10 4 18 16 13 4 14 13 9 3 16 16 13 4 16 12 13 4 21 14 7 6 9 6 9 102 53 49 25 34 25 37 33 21 96 6 267 52 1 139 44 5 128 22 3 126 33 1 139 21 4 120 33 1 122 134 115 III COIT 5 4 1 3 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 381 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Fe- Males Fe- Fe- males Males Males males males Total Males Fe- males 3,476 1,760 1,716 2,730 1,378 746 382 364 5 2 3 543 256 287 435 211 224 47 25 22 13 9 1 2 372 181 70 30 65 27 1,378 1,352 872 905 506 447 1 431 383 327 300 21 4 1,378 1,352 874 873 504 479 1 3 429 418 331 317 28 30 18 3 282 275 24 37 19 28 5 1,146 1,056 768 378 1 314 255 242 18 12 293 275 37 31 6 212 16 13 3 ONO 仍​子​础​奶​红​B3%85%-18B如​B1%B17 46 74 64 56 TAVOLEISSA 13 18 14 40 15 ******************105****** eri comme IWC IWC Icon Colli 14 AI NOI OCI SEITICEIROS 11 ADDICINI Iww.oneinander 17 COISA NI ONI OWO WOT 18 11 O I WNOSII CU OSOA001 24 10 23 理​E19hh32 en AI 4 12 24 13 12 10 Oxford Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Palmer Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. oic West Indies Other foreign countries 2,517 2,653 1,181 1,223 1,336 1,430 6 2 578 268 260 2 829 617 405 3,027 3,203 1,361 1,434 1,666 1,769 8 6 881 423 431 6 11 21 15 3 393 405 97 97 69 56 27 39 1 2 308 353 1 3,027 3,203 1,408 1,458 1,619 1,745 14 3 794 875 388 2 6 12 24 3 1 371 374 84 85 60 50 24 34 1 321 385 1 263 49 31 18 257 44 23 21 313 260 1 9,468 4,700 4,768 6,230 3,027 3,203 3,238 1,673 1,565 10 2 8 1,073 497 576 543 272 271 9 5 4 29 15 14 7 3 4 498 249 249 196 99 97 100 51 49 95 47 48 1 1 330 123 207 1 1 3 2 5 4 1 25 13 12 6 6 76 49 27 2 1 1 1,819 940 879 1,343 669 674 1 1 474 271 203 1 1 33 26 7 46 28 18 4 2 14 8 6 28 18 10 66 37 29 54 32 32 1 2 19 6 16 1 21 17 30 23 31 1 702 541 763 579 23 1 766 615 1 150 700 575 2 123 659 537 725 575 161 184 122 150 - 1 - 11 -2002లు | ఈ తీరారు | 20 16 22 3 5 14 40 2 3 22 2 6 14 28 ILIANOWI 01-11-EL- 3 21 2 5 14 21 1 34 23 22 2 1 22 16 6 10 6 382 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males males 4,791 4,706 2,539 2,525 2,252 2,181 42 24 1,547 1,585 295 310 23 25 70 63 7 12 195 210 81 72 59 54 21 18 1 1,166 1,201 5 2 Peabody Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 18,625 10,272 8,353 11,529 5,778 5,751 7,096 4,494 2,602 110 68 42 2,577 1,264 1,313 912 438 474 136 71 65 350 159 191 51 24 27 375 184 191 301 141 160 228 110 118 70 31 39 3 3 1,340 671 669 20 13 7 4 1 3 10 5 5 52 28 24 1,090 806 284 111 70 41 22 13 9 986 276 61 48 5 2 3 870 646 224 2 1 1 346 191 155 1,149 736 413 298 167 131 1 1 850 569 281 45 26 19 581 562 19 20 12 8 5,778 5,751 2,920 2,894 2,858 2,857 49 34 2,049 2,178 509 595 73 79 169 194 25 34 242 288 173 157 131 123 40 33 2 1 1,356 1,424 9 2 2 7 5 32 42 95 79 40 29 3 8 187 157 26 15 2 4 159 137 1 122 96 230 70 1 147 121 24 5,778 5,751 2,930 2,972 2,848 2,779 54 33 2,098 2,133 537 562 74 72 169 181 25 48 269 261 164 163 119 121 40 34 5 8 1,386 1,400 9 2 4 6 24 34 84 77 34 29 4 8 176 153 31 18 3 7 142 127 1 114 95 226 184 80 64 1 146 119 18 17 6 3 4 4 18 84 32 3 169 26 2 141 710 109 23 77 26 7 147 15 4 127 1 92 182 64 1 117 10 3 2 doo 192 111 221 80 I u | bេះដ5. នំដី , . 141 11 6 4 2 INO 11 2 ODNIN 2 561 1 16 1 550 1 14 2 1 8 2 986 1,178 832 346 1,409 1,140 269 4 202 100 2,839 2,318 521 6 409 200 43 47 15 95 43 28 15 239 4 203 1,430 1,178 252 2 207 100 22 28 9 41 20 15 5 1,140 1,178 805 819 335 359 1 4 295 314 100 113 20 22 12 16 4 9 64 66 23 32 15 22 8 10 1,140 797 343 1 312 103 19 17 8 59 23 21 2 943 714 229 1 201 56 8 3 1 44 302 96 23 11 6 56 27 6 1 172 169 183 179 138 135 85 1 1 Pepperell Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 164 1 1 1 14 1 2 5 er ITIL IN ITALIANOMIS SEAS be mad II!!!!!!!!!!!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NS IIIIIIIIIIIINIT * !!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!! --1-1 -------4--15-----6 *PE="TECTONTTIMI-IIII!!!gooi lill- 35 24 18 20 59 3 33 18 25 56 9 23 5 20 3 10 5 6 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 383 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- EXTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 506 605 14,785 16,019 | 12,209 13,179 9,465 | 10,104 8,277 8,730 5,320 5,915 3,932 4,449 70 58 58 42 3,370 3,843 2,236 2,660 868 869 530 541 8 1 2 44 45 18 11 11 17 5 8 806 799 520 487 537 247 258 312 386 151 167 154 132 83 80 21 19 13 11 2,006 2,425 1,459 1,861 3 8 6 4 139 101 97 583 660 460 521 6 5 6 5 498 559 494 554 16 20 12 18 280 274 252 248 67 77 52 59 6 8 5 7 207 189 195 182 - 39,607 19,316 20,291 | 14,785 16,019 30,804 14,785 16,019 9,279 9,761 8,803 4,531 4,272 5,506 6,258 130 81 49 70 54 3,655 1,608 2,047 3,436 4,024 1,141 536 605 920 984 25 9 16 7 10 61 24 37 41 44 17 10 13 14 1,038 496 542 859 916 948 469 479 646 647 317 330 408 440 282 139 143 177 182 19 13 6 20 24 1,551 595 956 1,908 2,390 3 3 1 12 8 4 2 4 314 155 159 160 187 619 303 316 624 737 57 45 12 7 7 1,992 1,157 835 524 568 41 22 19 15 20 842 484 358 280 278 219 114 105 54 61 16 9 7 7 7 605 360 245 219 210 2 1 1 16 11 5 2 721 408 313 269 263 25 13 12 12 14 105 58 47 18 23 591 337 254 239 226 203 108 95 68 60 54 37 17 12 18 2 2 47 32 15 11 14 5 3 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 158 111 40 39 140 236 12 18 206 69 10 3 240 11 24 205 229 10 18 201 55 10 2 226 11 23 192 46 15 15 01 12 3 3 9 1 1 18 41 36 15 PITTSFIELD Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Plymouth Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 4,266 2,578 1,688 1 700 3,650 2,352 1,298 644 290 372 138 5 84 12,926 6,430 6,496 8,861 4,266 4,595 4,065 2,164 1,901 16 8 8 1,089 453 636 487 207 280 28 11 17 315 133 182 28 9 19 116 54 62 333 158 175 255 120 135 68 35 33 10 3 7 246 82 164 19 4 15 4 2 2 67 37 30 297 154 143 10 10 1,354 777 577 17 9 2 1 1 4,266 4,595 2,602 2,830 1,664 1,765 6 623 260 259 19 20 151 150 16 9 74 80 165 172 112 118 49 5 195 207 3 6 15 190 13 72 132 91 39 2 263 15 4,595 2,825 1,770 9 716 274 18 164 14 78 146 97 34 15 277 19 3,864 2,532 1,332 1 349 114 7 64 3 40 68 47 19 2 166 1 45 67 42 24 49 *SG281础​。 165 2 21 220 28 227 18 194 14 204 7 166 8 171 476 538 465 530 465 529 - 959 168 223 56 2 204 69 576 93 1 1 91 21 383 75 3 2 70 28 3 161 49 68 22 cI-Income 195 66 1 213 56 2 218 61 5 1 55 18 188 65 1 65 26 54 13 64 16 MIMI- 1 34 23 11 14 20 384 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 4,295 3,140 1,155 2,129 2,166 1,509 1,509 1,631 759 872 1,509 753 756 1,631 870 761 1,167 1,297 552 663 615 634 148 46 15 126 67 5 54 162 125 15 100 4 6 16 11 5 146 74 6 67 1 73 24 17 18 14 4 18 13 5 14 27 48 '*************** IMI-IWI-- 3'3723******ISANII--- '**720*85* | ***********''-. 36 3 ANTALIANOS, NOUS ESCOS DIA!!!!!!!!!-III- 3 E-ICON SIHATTITAITHRITIS 351-90*183091111* !!!!!!!!!! - 1 2 962 539 423 727 590 600 550 564 IIIIIIII :וווווווו 8 12 5 11 3 1 Provincetown Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries QUINCY Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 11 2 37 28 351 40,674 20,686 19,988 13,450 13,689 13,450 13,689 10,610 10,695 27,139 13,450 13,689 6,885 6,894 6,937 7,033 5,954 5,945 13,535 7,236 6,299 6,565 6,795 6,513 6,656 4,656 4,750 89 55 34 40 26 18 22 6,982 3,444 3,538 4,136 4,476 4,180 4,427 2,601 2,771 2,597 1,158 1,439 1,219 1,360 1,441 1,480 674 705 356 146 210 148 182 185 217 63 69 1,199 535 664 528 584 657 669 301 319 481 214 267 180 227 237 252 108 128 561 263 298 363 367 362 342 202 189 2,610 1,434 1,176 1,245 1,278 1,038 1,087 639 664 1,224 670 554 631 642 512 535 294 288 1,332 736 596 573 595 491 513 327 54 28 26 41 41 35 39 18 25 1,684 808 876 1,630 1,789 1,656 1,811 1,280 1,383 77 37 40 34 41 38 41 7 15 14 7 7 8 8 7 8 1 4 24 10 14 18 21 27 17 7 2 187 93 94 214 210 199 176 133 119 52 48 4 2 2 1 1 2 2,393 1,495 898 792 783 743 727 734 720 175 91 84 65 56 67 63 38 36 60 37 23 13 16 13 15 12 13 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 56 35 21 11 15 12 12 11 12 1 1 1 19 9 10 18 16 11 11 11 1,897 1,017 880 583 568 580 567 541 536 1,269 630 639 402 387 402 388 374 365 3 2 1 1 1 1 625 385 240 180 181 177 179 166 171 1,296 669 627 604 538 600 557 525 477 205 152 53 15 15 26 15 26 3 2 1 201 149 52 15 25 15 25 15 25 1 1 1 1 1 17 11 6 3 6 1 3 1 3 139 105 62 40 50 36 19 12 1 1 26 - 34 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 385 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Males Fe- Males Fe- Fe- males Males males males Total Males Fe- males 563 4,734 2,342 2,392 3,962 1,953 2,009 772 389 383 8 6 2 538 246 292 207 100 42 17 97 26 16 42 20 94 53 64 30 1,953 2,009 1,255 1,258 698 751 1 3 555 623 122 144 24 23 53 59 16 17 29 64 40 24 16 1,953 2,009 1,250 1,261 703 748 1 3 620 133 140 30 30 56 58 6 9 41 43 42 26 30 26 11 1 371 426 6 7 1 5 2 2 28 1,560 1,566 1,096 1,079 464 487 1 3 351 389 41 50 10 5 16 17 1 1 14 21 22 8 14 13 52 364 224 11 2 412 8 288 1 315 2 ఆలుగు 24 15 18 36 36 OLLI-MENI CUI GLI ORO TENIS 9 ఎ| | | | | లు | OrA - 001 | అలుక-లు | 0F వల్ల పంట SILI-CCO IcowTorricel Solo 599- NIINISALI 1 NIITTI COCONO IOI TOIMINIONS 14 *323**********nginagamino ************ 2 12 10 26 31 23 18 6 16 12 Randolph Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Reading Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 8 6,805 3,246 3,559 5,633 2,730 2,903 1,172 516 656 2,903 2,127 776 435 282 187 1,020 663 86 427 76 74 151 107 42 2 182 18 6 2 31 381 47 240 46 48 88 62 2,730 2,903 2,030 2,143 700 760 1 1 582 639 310 310 41 52 219 216 19 31 93 109 72 70 18 37 2 155 204 18 6 1 679 351 41 224 33 53 116 2,730 1,982 748 1 649 371 45 248 39 39 104 72 29 3 152 18 4 1 19 2,245 2,435 1,807 1,949 438 486 1 1 360 409 187 180 17 17 146 141 12 6 12 16 48 59 38 44 8 14 2. 1 115 160 10 10 193 19 13 2 1 14 1 13 30 | | | | | | | | | | లు , జలు-సిలువకు 18 27 10 33 33 NITROOI WNION I 1805, 5568: UITLOOI 001 ON IOW&SW SCO3 ETTEISIONI civil I NOCITIE ITT TELERICII-2010 IITTI 80011 000 INIININ 11 89!!!!! I ONIINIIIII 6 13 1 15 41 12 18 14 14 12 386 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Males Fe- Fe- Males males Fe- Males males males Total Males Fe- males 6,355 3,095 3,260 31 1,282 284 45 139 22 78 215 161 54 6,515 3,192 3,323 24 1,363 288 53 151 23 61 231 8,489 8,678 3,807 3,893 4,682 4,785 58 50 2,271 2,380 683 681 143 147 288 306 74 61 178 167 544 562 415 432 123 127 6 3 971 1,071 71 62 2 4 30 27 197 177 12 12 1,214 1,212 20 15 52 60 25,178 12,391 12,787 17,167 8,489 8,678 8,011 3,902 4,109 110 51 59 3,517 1,567 1,950 1,382 598 784 293 127 166 634 269 365 142 51 91 313 151 162 1,095 552 543 862 429 433 226 120 106 7 3 4 910 365 545 124 51 73 6 1 5 30 19 11 164 88 76 28 15 13 2,093 1,124 969 39 22 17 88 43 45 6 3 37 36 3 12 12 757 801 1 180 51 8,489 8,678 3,885 4,050 4,604 4,628 50 46 2,407 2,461 795 750 137 151 372 370 89 79 197 150 478 503 367 389 103 109 8 5 1,069 1,141 63 64 2 3 17 13 169 144 7 11 1,112 1,111 11 13 39 42 1 3 33 37 3 4 17 15 642 629 746 37 814 30 5 127 7 1,094 7 28 9 98 11 1,090 7 31 | లుంటలు, 6 43 3 24 652 1 6 50 4 19 655 1 3 24 1 15 574 2 10 576 11 1,555 131 100 30 5 65 6 799 62 45 18 90 3700 651 64 24 7 654 77 31 8. 3 20 4 642 65 23 7 756 69 55 12 3 40 4 76 629 70 28 11 2 15 576 52 23 8 20 7 25 16 13 13 17 3 61 123 47 66 45 45 REVERE Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Rockland Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 26 29 2,473 2,607 1,822 1,875 651 732 2,892 3,067 1.987 2,056 905 1,011 1 601 522 36 5 7 6 12 1 1 7,074 3,450 3,624 5,959 2,892 3,067 1,115 558 557 2. 2 788 374 414 257 114 143 50 17 33 114 48 66 33 14 19 60 35 25 161 80 81 117 60 57 37 16 21 7 4 3 361 177 184 8 3 5 1 1 743 126 14 34 19 59 82 57 19 6 529 3 3 1 848 148 19 37 19 73 97 81 16 2,892 3,067 1,990 2,073 902 994 1 1 751 840 136 132 27 19 55 58 12 8 42 73 46 64 22 21 5 5 536 605 13 24 40 28 11 1 446 %Bnu 26 52 41 11 | 505 601 2 1 3 94 2 7 7 146 7 25 2 3 1 52 4 11 2 71 2 10 14 18 15 13 ONE SIONI 11o 22 13 18 10 13 13 5 37 15 INICI DICTWO 10 16 3 11 17 4 6 14 15 15 NILAI CUCI 110 EIGHT 17 4 OILASIAOINI COCOS TOTAS III Trio Sicilia 13 23 13 24 12 23 22 51 24 22 30 21 15 13 13 27 9 6 2 # 1716 3 16 5 1 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 387 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Fe- Males males 1,618 1,650 1,000 1,050 618 600 1,618 1,650 967 1,028 651 622 1,341 1,361 871 917 470 444 110 249 132 12 4,351 2,167 2,184 3,268 1,618 1,650 1,083 549 534 1 1 310 129 181 184 74 20 7 13 115 44 71 16 6 10 33 17 16 54 22 25 10 27 11 1 41 11 8 209 101 4 75 6 16 43 25 18 110 46 2 23 4 215 103 5 60 10 28 39 20 17 2 66 100 36 1 25 3 255 139 8 94 9 28 27 15 11 1 80 32 6 3 55 10 2 3 10 I | | | | | రాలులు- | 08-2లు: ROTA!!!!!! 26 19 61 9 21 3 22 3 19 2 EIININEN22 Trivia 18 382 382 203 203 179 179 30 197 197 31 163 163 201 201 23 161 161 19 197 197 158 158 273 144 137 141 117 132 129 1 149 2 131 4 III 1 4 !! 14 6 11 2 Rockport Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland. Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries SALEM Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 58 - 37,200 18,295 18,905 12,833 13,632 | 12,833 13,632 10,516 11,171 26,465 12,833 13,632 6,642 7,178 6,591 7,065 5,683 6,142 10,735 5,462 5,273 6,191 6,454 6,242 6,567 4,833 5,029 55 29 26 19 21 26 28 18 20 6,620 2,943 3,677 4,831 5,010 4,974 5,199 3,704 3,847 3,748 1,773 1,975 2,171 2,096 2,240 2,202 1,642 1,556 293 124 169 126 140 136 153 60 797 322 475 310 301 354 406 143 139 80 29 51 42 42 54 58 10 13 2,578 1,298 1,280 1,693 1,613 1,696 1,585 1,429 1,346 458 223 235 310 352 259 295 99 117 359 174 185 225 277 192 226 70 95 90 42 48 76 64 65 64 29 22 9 7 2 9 11 2 5 2,354 924 1,430 2,340 2,549 2,445 2,666 1,955 2,167 52 20 32 10 13 30 35 8 8 3 5 1 21 6 15 13 16 9 6 1 61 24 37 64 67 54 52 31 189 150 39 22 31 12 22 12 640 462 178 149 166 140 159 140 157 16 12 4 12 17 6 5 4 2 1,860 1,062 798 720 769 707 753 648 668 515 268 247 188 202 224 250 184 195 38 25 13 30 38 14 17 13 13 1,300 763 537 499 529 466 486 448 460 7 6 1 3 3 3 28 24 4 7 7 4 3 4 3 800 422 378 215 230 197 213 192 207 88 18 70 1 10 1 8 1 1 1 1 711 404 307 214 219 196 204 191 200 122 60 62 72 51 66 72 43 260 217 43 19 24 16 14 49 41 8 2 2 29 18 11 9 6 182 158 24 13 8 13 2 1 1 61 50 11 47 45 30 30 23 1 టేసినీర్-జైలు | కిని, leon发​, 388 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Fe- males Males Fe- Males males 33 10,226 5,018 5,208 7,808 3,834 3,974 2,418 1,184 1,234 13 20 1,625 759 866 847 392 455 176 84 92 468 202 266 45 17 28 158 69 433 223 210 329 172 157 99 50 5 2 3 230 141 110 59 5 1 4 3 60 32 15 6 282 167 115 12 5 85 40 10 6 3,834 3,974 2,459 2,496 1,375 1,478 18 924 1,009 399 432 81 190 12 116 259 189 65 5 Saugus Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, 1 , n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3,001 3,058 2,133 2,154 868 904 16 478 509 169 164 18 93 5 53 101 126 73 25 3 163 169 3,834 3,974 2,452 2,516 1,382 1,458 23 14 S37 1,019 436 476 70 91 237 252 18 30 111 103 196 229 137 169 56 55 3 5 242 232 62 79 1 3 3 4 48 51 3 4 146 154 2 7 48 51 9 201 57 8 7 50 3 153 2 46 146 **AXI******90597 lei nonna **** - - | | | 4 0022లులో - | | ET OF 4-1తలు వంటి మంది 75 NICA-002 8UARNI | ల | ఉలుని ఉటలువారేః 34 43 42 అ| | 10-00 లు.-| Alobe to 6 62 1 39 5 OLAASI 3 91 5 9 77 166 21 8 4 9 1 20 13 40 89 OILA A 008 A TI 30 00A er singin ErE 6 2,661 1,313 1,348 2,268 1,114 1,154 393 199 194 1,114 877 237 1,154 918 236 1,114 865 249 1,154 885 269 924 795 129 974 837 137 107 116 189 46 7 283 120 19 78 15 8 51 38 13 117 51 5 38 5 3 21 15 6 166 69 14 40 10 5 30 23 7 5 199 64 4 45 7 8 35 24 10 1 97 3 221 69 12 35 11 10 27 23 4 6 48 14 10 35 24 11 VOONE 22 113 83 100 10 2 41 2 59 8 122 4 119 3 1 11 3. 10 4 10 Scituate Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, oxclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 15 13 19 5 COSITION CUIIIIIIIIIIIIEENINIONS will IIIINN 47 21 ILI LIMITACITIV I INICIIIwo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 37 12 1 10 9 7 1 8 1 4 10 1 6 1 18 10 1 3 3 1 1 i COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 389 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 870 937 641 296 589 281 2,767 1,433 1,334 2,103 1,077 1,026 664 356 308 4 4 256 116 140 88 46 42 4 2 30 11 90 1,077 1,026 || 1,077 1,026 703 653 693 656 374 373 384 370 1 2 139 143 164 166 48 50 46 44 4 16 1 37 25 29 4 133 108 25 33 54 41 13 11 32 15 41 Seekonk Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. . o West Indies Other foreign countries : లా | NOT | AP | | 02 | | | | | లంక-లు 1 | అందుకని S'99'259'5'**Diameter logget somia CI-SIC FOR 10 MILIDADE - I- #RE'IgAwIMIT NIAI ATITI I LINANI ISI ONE NICNI STATISTILLANICILAR '16 NIET WILTTI 276 164 16 145 142 130 129 130 126 1 41 5 IMAITI 8ܗ ܙ ܟܬܚ ܙ ܟܬ 4 1,081 1,081 764 317 1,126 778 348 747 1,126 761 365 904 683 221 959 698 261 200 98 223 103 239 105 122 63 OOONO 27 334 1 210 107 3 30 3 71 35 27 8 13 6 10 2,794 1,333 1,461 2,207 1,081 1,126 587 252 335 1 1 336 123 213 162 69 93 16 6 10 64 21 43 8 3 74 39 57 47 9 1 113 30 3 1 1 11 55 68 97 43 Shrewsbury Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 49 51 ***"'--* III - CVC CONNOISSOITI OD ONI -ANGOLI I OSA Sivil war Homo NAWIALLIA 118. tonn W I WIWILALLI, BILI SU I INCONGOLAILLANCHITIS TIRSONALITIAN ISITICIAS E9-3B!!IORITION MITHILI 1 36 14 9 13 75 14 43 49 390 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 3,377 1,653 2,484 893 1,724 1,274 450 1,210 661 549 1,210 1,274 603 705 547 569 1,081 1,120 639 481 1,274 703 571 1 365 124 1 8 452 173 243 95 299 102 293 108 14 20 2 32 2 139 193 189 4 375 146 1 15 4 126 112 110 2 115 98 97 1 87 109 101 126 120 6 - 87 115 74 1 11 43 1 6 115 2 Somerset Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries *'*''28" ' I**I*Tial ***i* 17 I WAO 10 38*222*1*'**-i5incoln II** ܙ ܙ ܟܬ ܚ ܟܨܕ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 3 S'ESTRENIRNIRII CINIA!!! III III IIIIIIIIINTINOS 111-1-.Wiwin Höllinni 3 I ININ001 ICSI I II INI 393 220 183 3 179 177 3 3 3 miiniresiiver 3 280 722 677 SOMERVILLE Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. oic. West Indies Other foreign countries 86,854 40,982 45,872 | 30,041 33,384 63,425 30.041 | 33,384 17,324 19,072 23,429 10,941 12,488 12,717 14,312 142 76 66 75 82 16,573 7,175 9,398 9,493 10,921 7,594 3,210 4,384 2,910 3,215 1,685 722 963 624 758 3,612 1,515 2,097 1,252 1,454 893 363 530 354 279 1,404 610 794 670 724 2,497 1,204 1,293 1,456 1,774 1,552 733 819 980 1,174 910 454 456 445 573 35 17 18 31 27 5,629 2,403 3,226 4,804 5,494 795 337 458 303 357 58 21 37 20 81 70 35 35 76 73 406 204 202 457 499 283 213 70 18 15 2,998 1,733 1,265 1,236 1,286 141 67 74 71 79 125 68 57 52 63 30 13 17 13 18 6 3 3 2 2 85 50 35 37 43 4 2 2 700 346 354 296 299 718 362 356 313 319 11 12 11 6 24 15 9 3 5 671 336 335 329 308 821 393 429 388 384 183 102 81 58 57 97 46 51 33 30 2 2 2 2 84 54 30 23 25 30 18 12 12 8 239 149 90 142 227 30,041 33,384 23,768 26,119 17,227 | 19,203 14,918 16,447 12,814 | 14,181 8,850 9,672 63 62 54 49 10,017 11,333 6.362 7,171 3.299 3,607 1,397 1,520 635 712 248 1,553 1,701 435 439 178 180 676 755 294 338 1,251 1,568 629 767 847 1,078 395 478 391 462 228 276 13 28 6 13 5,098 5.762 4,106 4.610 362 377 227 239 7 19 3 5 38 . 52 10 17 359 415 269 315 16 13 16 13 1,116 1,140 1,103 1,115 59 64 37 41 46 59 37 42 11 13 8 10 2 8 1 33 38 29 31 23 231 323 7 3 313 385 51 29 251 293 6 5 282 368 46 22 221 303 6 3 294 314 49 29 236 279 3 5 269 293 43 21 22 24 20 6 69 22 6 52 102 77 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 391 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 4,620 2,109 2,511 4,668 2,092 2,576 3,498 3,550 1,660 1,628 1,838 1,922 2,201 1,782 5 22 1,531 1,253 1 6 1,600 1,289 2 14,217 7,341 6,876 9,288 4,620 4,668 4,929 2,721 2,208 3 2 1 3,111 1,482 1,629 2,523 1,224 1,299 17 6 11 65 29 36 2 2 2,439 1,187 1.252 319 155 164 245 122 72 33 39 2 2 100 165 3 1 2,147 1,733 5 17 1 1,710 139 98 39 2 274 1 4,620 4,668 2,261 2,222 2,359 2,446 2 4 2,036 2,089 1,634 1,666 10 6 22 22 1 1,602 1,637 122 85 33 39 4 276 4 1,755 129 ន 123 *** 1,246 62 45 15 2 216 1,278 74 54 20 AR'S 237 289 1 6 33 4 1 15 1 20 2 98 , 3 31 1 112 2 142 45 117 98 104. 2 16 167 299 2 382 170 2 210 10 18 157 1 308 162 1 145 3 151 59 145 ន។ “នខ្ញុំ។”ទួនៗ ! ”ខ”នន្ន។ 137 45 140 45 3 92 $***133''10g omla 92 92 1 21 10 20 16 2 37 1 5 31 31 248 3 31 1 9 21 47 7 14 34 12 ఆలులు, 江门​5213 1 248 1 51 245 1 50 2 1 14 1 9 6 6 Southbridge Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. O. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n.o.. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. 0. West Indies Other foreign countries South Aadley Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland: Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,989 1,078 911 5,179 2,464 2,715 3,828 1,839 1,989 1,351 625 726 41 21 20 1,000 444 556 439 216 223 2 2 23 15 1,839 1,000 839 22 618 295 1 1,839 .952 887 26 685 305 1,989 1,068 921 24 702 271 1 7 1,426 1,549 803 886 623 663 20 448 463 210 185 659 283 co 12 IN 206 183 275 153 414 340 152 188 208 158 72 86 290 144 76 68 293 166 83 83 263 154 83 71 208 88 41 47 102 NILILINCOMIAI SOLE - LITOWICIEL 220 70 150 179 222 214 276 150 189 3 118 1 2 104 75 132 97 87 BILITICIAIRE ARTICLE 17 1 1 5 WILTTI-W II uomo cIWIE 115 68 52 64 50 61 33 1 25 2 50 2 15 3 73 53 4 15 13 COITTI I neer word, 5. 11 3 1 1 IIIIIIIII COLIITILISTA 6 392 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 2,358 2,569 1,471 1,616 887 953 1,858 2,040 1,217 1,332 641 708 667 614 434 448 5,994 4,927 1,067 2 895 649 6 29 6 608 78 63 10 5 161 2,910 3,084 2,358 2,569 552 515 2 436 459 326 323 4 2 14 15 2 4 306 302 44 34 35 6 3 62 2,358 2,569 1,426 1,531 932 1,038 2 1 881 971 625 657 3 3 8 9 3 1 611 644 68 75 58 53 6 13 4 9 187 238 1 836 591 1 6 4 580 41 34 895 605 3 5 3 594 47 30 13 2 430 26 23 2 1 154 1 2 1 444 23 15 6 1 195 204 242 1 5 15 16 6 17 22 19 22 12 IIIONI 5 28 16 13 12 14 12 Aa-| సలులు, అషం | 12 2 2 3 *Mautinni 'SAVCINII- 2 11 2 10 3 11 14 10 1 24 13 WIverni III-0015 Initier, er en WIIIIIIIIII III III NOI ONI ODINI1 13 NOTOMOTIONII I OLI 11 IIIIIIWN OTONII wie また​、 11 10 2 14 10 1 IOIN 26 22 5 Spencer Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n, o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia : Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries SPRINGFIELD Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n, o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 906 1 5 . محکم CO 102,971 49,791 53,180 36,133 39,414 36,133 39,414 30,231 32,792 75,547 36,133 39,414 21,805 23,698 21,991 24,141 19,486 21,196 27,424 13,658 13,766 14,328 15,716 14,142 15,273 10,745 11,596 479 231 248 196 190 220 213 152 144 13,470 6,003 7,467 9.204 10,582 9,325 10.510 6,481 7,382 4,790 2,282 2,508 3,020 3,297 2,929 3,109 1,881 1,946 161 55 106 77 76 91 97 32 33 311 127 184 137 157 166 176 41 40 67 39 28 28 23 29 16 16 9 4.251 2,061 2,190 2,778 3.041 2,643 2,820 1,792 1,864 2,995 1,466 1,529 1,558 1,719 1,422 1,544 762 809 1,728 851 877 1,011 1,123 1,006 455 496 1,241 602 639 523 571 499 522 301 308 26 13 13 24 25 17 16 6 5 5,569 2,203 3,366 4,582 5,520 4,934 5,809 3,821 4.612 71 30 41 29 33 26 32 12 13 45 22 23 15 13 14 16 5 2 108 51 57 61 70 38 57 13 23 1,209 623 586 968 981 847 827 649 643 533 416 117 46 25 42 21 42 20 4,007 2,332 1,675 1,401 1,357 1,309 1,246 1,291 1,234 75 43 32 18 31 17 26 11 14 1.949 976 973 580 570 564 562 517 496 952 438 514 304 254 337 294 297 245 21 9 12 8 16 7 11 6 8 940 514 426 258 289 211 250 205 236 36 15 21 10 11 7 9 7 14 11 3 6 3 2 4 2 3,362 1,762 1,600 1,085 1,151 1,031 1,079 978 1,046 183 78 105 47 56 54 59 43 51 8 4 1 1 1 3,171 1.680 1,491 1,037 1,095 976 1,020 934 995 1,155 548 607 457 450 458 469 394 391 628 382 246 148 112 142 110 138 98 63 35 19 14 18 14 18 13 347 179 168 i 75 106 74 105 74 104 183 140 43 21 28 20 23 18 21 37 16 21 6 9 5 10 3 5 398 264 134 185 149 170 109 100 58 - 115 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 393 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Fe Males males Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 2,913 3,149 2,004 2,159 909 990 2,343 2,557 1,768 1,924 575 633 438 127 23 64 2,913 3,149 2,008 2,151 905 998 3 745 866 305 337 60 54 164 200 11 18 70 65 75 63 98 11 27 1 361 402 4 514 147 15 97 1 34 737 266 66 116 9 75 117 91 25 1 338 15 40 7,489 3,592 3,897 6,062 2,913 3,149 1,427 679 748 1 1 1,090 476 614 578 239 339 117 45 72 309 125 184 33 13 20 119 56 63 160 82 78 128 62 66 28 18 10 4 2 2 330 143 187 18 10 8 4 2 2 1 1 18 10 8 26 19 106 66 1 1 呢​?怕​阴阳​财​18仍​Sn! 833 284 45 146 19 74 120 88 31 1 412 15 2 1 28 1728 125 41 27 32 9 274 324 2 22 24 33282 COVICON"11-111 ICE 49 62 43 -IAI**!* Casino *** III* !|**=='11 TWO I I II INAT Allama 33''AVI TOIMII E IVICO 19 11 TITION- 10 11-9 SE OD ONIINISI 1106**!!. 11 19 39 96 74 28 35 11 11 43 22 16 22 10 12 12 10 Stoneham Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Stoughton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 28 6,982 3,449 3,533 5,283 2,538 2,745 1,699 911 788 26 10 16 668 294 374 234 90 144 62 29 33 111 40 22 8 39 13 26 155 78 77 127 61 26 15 2 2 277 126 151 1 2,538 1,624 914 8 557 98 24 52 8 14 94 69 23 2 365 2,745 1,742 1,003 6 629 92 19 44 5 24 105 84 18 3 429 3 2,538 2,745 1,612 1,728 926 1,017 12 9 593 666 149 142 29 67 70 16 12 38 31 94 102 83 84 10 18 1 346 417 4 2,112 2,328 1,432 1,568 680 760 6 5 377 441 39 32 9 6 22 16 2 6 10 48 50 38 41 9 9 1 357 SINO 290 10 33 5 60 20 161 3 82 3 33 20 96 3 47 81 19 I CILI SIROM, ES2 I LES- 26 16 17 1 - 82 47 26 16 25 17 5 585 359 6 141 WITALA, IS,, 226 4 136 161 153 133 148 305 280 63 118 108 EBICAMA 187 172 32 4 72 69 48 4 92 69 34 6 73 63 46 4 94 59 38 5 4 4 3 394 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Fe- Males males BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Fe- Males males Males Fe- males 1,028 561 467 972 538 434 1,028 584 444 972 562 410 834 487 347 790 468 322 264 227 237 366 306 3 8 2,829 1,491 1,338 2,000 1,028 972 829 463 366 1 1 473 254 219 420 224 196 4 20 12 1 1 395 215 180 29 18 11 27 18 9 2 2 203 350 306 3. 14 317 271 1 16 1 253 12 7 I OO OO OOO 8 1 194 219 8 26 295 21 17 3 1 39 བ ' e|་ 289 11 8 2 1 33 ONI 24 12 29 6 3 1 14 31 19 6 14 2 6 14 28 14 18 79 47 1 50 16 2 14 26 9 14 2 7 7 34 12 INAEN919 13 43 03-11 2 15 1 7 LINNOITINION 8 6 5 5 10 5 26 30 30 8 10 28 28 11 2 BASTOS LI-OHTI ONII Congoraverii INDOOR 80 47 26 26 Sutton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. o. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Swampscott Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 36 -00 IN ONI I8588 *3- គឺទី នំ”។ះគីគី” ! ? '' ២២២ * * ឱ ! ! ង ថា “ៗ ! ។ នាឱពន្ធខ្ញុំទនីនា ! ក្នុង -- P ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ? 2,717 2,958 2,024 2,205 693 ៗ ! ! - T « ~-~ៗ ! ! ! ជ័ទ្ធ 'ះឱននននន”។”” 2,717 1,960 757 2,958 2,135 823 2,262 2,471 1,804 1,975 458 496 298 481 204 612 258 193 7,345 3,494 3,851 5,675 2,717 2,958 1,670 777 7 5 974 353 483 290 65 20 45 286 113 173 40 13 92 47 169 73 96 129 56 73 35 16 19 5 1 4 256 63 193 64 23 41 2 1 1 4 2 2 16 8 8 205 45 553 261 39 152 21 49 84 67 17 272 101 12 68 4 17 44 34 10 154 16 43 112 97 12 3 220 22 46 12 60 5 17 52 46 5 1 136 16 178 191 115 12 17 79 28 3 148 17 2 3 20 1 145 دهد 1 19 1 14 18 1 143 6 11 1 143 6 158 499 28 2 341 17 1 158 11 1 153 9 4 153 8 4 1 2 2 INI 3 1 22 4 '-*-!MIINIIN!!!!! 10 13 3 IIIIIIII 2 IIIIIIIIIIII 18 97 1 10 70 10 19 17 10 11 8 27 1 1 19 12 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 395 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Fe- males males Males 1,011 639 372 982 605 377 1 226 108 860 546 314 870 585 285 228 113 182 97 159 90 2,558 1,273 1,285 1,993 982 1,011 565 291 274 4 2 2 311 152 159 159 79 1 16 9 4 2 138 71 109 54 99 51 48 7 3 32 12 3 7 5 101 80 75 4 1 29 102 84 74 9 982 1,011 578 643 404 368 1 265 230 124 124 1 1 9 11 4 7 110 105 89 60 74 47 14 12 1 1 47 43 4 1 85 43 39 3 1 6 29 24 ICOLIOSIN 2 II w I WSCSI INN II wow TAININGSANSE 92 1 1 1 I 10 10 1 7 6 TO *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -3-1-IN-MAVIRIETII!!!! 1 1 ANSITI!!!!! 116 131 117 122 119 117 212 2 2 NN 1 III a II 1 0 1 Swansea Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n, o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries TAUNTON Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries oo 648 12 36,161 17,604 18,557 12,443 13,247 12,443 13,247 10,291 10,864 25,690 12,443 13,247 6,692 7,040 6,735 7,180 5,831 6,133 10,471 5,161 5,310 5,751 6,207 5,708 6,067 4,460 4,731 242 144 98 92 71 98 69 88 56 5,391 2,444 2,947 3,875 4,170 3,911 4,167 2,777 2,947 2,253 1,082 1,171 1,331 1,292 1,317 1,270 902 859 158 .68 90 77 62 64 60 17 11 361 139 222 112 116 160 136 45 38 155 56 99 69 59 72 81 32 25 1,579 819 760 1,073 1,055 1,021 993 808 785 1,340 692 684 780 672 708 375 394 1,076 516 560 572 633 548 579 331 342 251 127 124 106 137 116 126 42 50 13 5 8 6 10 8 3 2 2 1,756 699 1,057 1,848 2,079 1,905 2,168 1,493 1,687 18 8 10 7 8 14 13 4 3 24 7 17 5 11 3 8 3 4 16 7 6 5 5 176 94 82 115 127 96 111 70 85 58 47 11 14 10 14 13 8 261 172 89 73 62 70 58 70 58 6 5 1 3 3 1 964 459 505 276 350 277 355 269 344 826 392 434 244 310 246 315 240 304 3 2 1 82 41 41 24 32 22 32 21 32 53 24 29 8 8 9 8 8 2,772 1,439 1,333 1,109 1,210 1,067 1,115 1,038 1,084 396 237 159 123 119 109 110 104 103 15 5 10 7 7 3 7 14 8 6 3 8 367 224 143 113 110 97 47 41 28 36 31 42 18 38 25 13 8 3 1 10 10 a OOON **** O IN-ie 102 88 I 7 25 20 4 4 1 59 40 19 34 26 15 13 15-10| 19IO* 396 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Fe Fe Fe Males males Males males Males males Total Males Fe- males 1,452 1,016 436 4,081 2,267 1,814 3,251 1,799 1,452 830 468 362 4 3. 1 375 189 186 276 142 134 18 11 7 45 21 24 2 2 211 108 33 17 16 27 13 14 5 3 2. 1 29 1 1,799 1,452 1,246 1,027 553 425 2 357 273 203 173 9 27 1 166 159 42 24 33 22 8 2 1 112 75 1 1,799 1,247 552 1 360 195 11 33 1 150 37 33 3 1 128 292 186 10 23 1 152 25 20 5 1,495 1,194 1,119 911 376 283 1 211 155 103 96 2 1 10 3 1 90 15 14 9 103 80 93 50 1 1 7 3 10 1 4 3 15 SUETOD! 45 38 11 1 14 1 10 2 54 2 12 1 55 9 10 2 50 9 1 49 75 57 53 204 2 129 1 - 1 65 63 26 29 26 24 20 29 29 107 95 2 164 100 27 37 22 85 46 16 23 15 "IMISEMITIIa 33 24 1 79 40 16 23 15 61 39 26 26 2 84 43 14 27 16 57 38 7 12 11 54 11 14 NITTI105028, com 75 40 14 21 15 55 37 7 11 8 1 3 3 7 2. Templeton Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Tewksbury Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,430 1,361 873 863 557 498 5 5 463 386 142 123 17 16 27 5,265 2,791 2,474 23 1,878 537 101 168 34 234 318 240 72 6. 981 35 7 14 34 38 99 75 46 25 44H必​5%8548 85 1,208 1,137 780 754 428 383 1 4 352 281 91 78 8 8 10 14 1 73 55 46 55 28 31 17 24 1 215 148 2,994 2,271 1,430 1,361 1,564 910 14 9 1,168 710 275 262 59 42 74 94 14 20 128 106 201 117 154 86 43 29 4 2. 665 316 20 15 7 11 3 21 13 23 15 72 23 5 3 34 20 11 9 1 22 10 1 24 18 93 59 16 7 1,430 1,361 865 826 565 535 6 5 481 151 141 18 19 30 32 3 100 85 79 99 49 51 29 41 1 6 247 175 4 9 1 1 16 4 16 2 5 4 170 13 3 16 2 8 54 20 1 32 1 42 152 23 D%86%94213558-4212-BB-1BT4--411 II w zw IOI TOWININA ODONTIJOS 2 1 2 11 13 18 11 26 13 18 11 26 1 13 16 52 24 10 18 17 25 18 18 16 4 25 17 16 16 4 24 17 129 64 45 6 10 29 7 20 77 40 35 6 6 23 7 17 1 1 4 3 3 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 397 TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males males 4,921 2,445 2,476 3,621 1,764 1,857 1,300 681 619 23 11 12 720 351 369 486 251 235 6 3 3 27 11 16 8 4 4 445 233 212 84 45 39 72 37 35 12 8 4 1,764 1,857 957 1,049 807 808 5 15 647 654 402 389 6 5 10 1,764 1,857 1,022 1,079 742 778 7 17 595 629 335 361 6 8. 11 11 4 314 338 60 48 12 1,450 1,502 856 594 5 15 468 465 276 3 4 COC 269 386 61 49 12 376 70 55 14 1 190 5 བྷྱཱནྟི ཝི ' 'g ཨ 1 སྦྲུལ | ཁ་ 147 3 54 183 1 200 207 3 11 9 9 9 6 4 110 4 227 163 79 17 14 14 13 4 109 46 118 82 35 39 30 28 wwwON III voor binnen 48 16 2 22 16 comESNICE -208, Wine 12 28 8 1 11 7 15 10 ALIANIE IS 11 密​」Powe rel」定​定​」的​「退步​园 ​14 14 2 5 10 Icon1 DEI 4 25 30 23 6 46 41 30 3 8 1 85 SIWI IW5o Eco NICI IERII 5 40 47 32 44 29 14 27 Uxbridge Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Wakefield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 12,781 6,182 6,599 9,199 4,407 4,792 3,582 1,775 1,807 20 12 8 2,291 1,019 1,272 1,220 533 687 214 88 126 861 380 481 40 16 24 105 49 56 322 160 162 227 115 112 93 44 49 2 1 1 683 299 384 61 25 36 5 2 3 11 3 8 30 13 17 17 13 4 760 459 301 20 14 127 80 93 37 4,407 2,617 1,790 13 1,335 551 64 403 23 61 212 155 56 1 554 16 2 6 33 4,792 2,832 1,960 37 1,523 652 89 440 33 90 282 185 94 3 568 19 2 7 30 4,407 4,792 2,537 2,801 1,870 1,991 15 13 1,419 1,592 630 700 97 116 448 496 30 29 55 59 175 220 121 144 51 68 3 8 585 637 24 33 5 13 10 39 33 3,486 3,786 2,236 2,444 1,250 1,342 9 7 867 1,000 324 377 17 29 277 303 9 16 21 94 122 63 77 30 43 1 2 436 184 13 17 29 227 207 227 207 241 9 34 26 213 6 41 30 47 8 11 11 5 9 1 3 44 ELOI NON SONO S. ****** Icon 28-1-1 3 32 7 28 33 1 6 118 2 10 106 150 12 2 6 17 18 3 1 27 58 1 22 39 16 44 10 1 19 11 25 10 398 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe Total Males Fe males Males Males males Fe- males Males Fe males 1,533 8 2,023 1,976 1,185 1,165 838 811 21 10 599 608 174 169 18 23 72 68 14 13 70 65 87 116 53 68 34 48 5 5,490 2,824 2,666 3,999 2,023 1,976 1,491 801 690 52 29 23 867 428 439 313 152 161 50 18 32 142 69 73 35 19 16 86 46 40 186 90 113 52 68 38 5 350 177 173 13 6 5 3 11 72 2,023 1,134 889 16 667 201 31 89 21 60 100 56 36 8 357 9 1,595 998 597 16 403 80 5 31 3 1,976 1,137 839 8 643 190 30 86 14 60 102 65 34 3 338 13 2 43 22 21 316 276 325 9 4 - 6 49 52 53 *S************''*-IISIS!!! 42 | | | జ | - నిరా| | - నాలుకలు, జంతికి 62 64 183 6 74 3 129 3 52 88-డిలు | 8| Mలు | జలాలు:- 54 3 16 1 53 3 14 61 1 12 14 13 I I 71 15 13 13 12 I will con 29 3 26 3 35 9 115 30 1 23 31 17 21 26 29 8 2 28 8 1 14 10011 8 8 1 6 14 Walpole Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n, o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries WALTHAM Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries 30,154 14,351 15,803 10,410 11,363 10,410 11,363 21,773 10,410 | 11.363 5,916 6,593 5,837 6,397 8,381 3,941 4,440 4,494 4,770 4,573 4,966 10 8 2 8 8 6 3 5,820 2,450 3,370 3,559 3,844 3,722 4,138 2,699 1,064 1,635 1,076 1,084 1,189 1,260 648 248 400 244 249 291 321 1,253 470 783 393 435 461 508 221 63 158 73 67 99 105 577 283 294 366 333 338 326 1,027 494 533 559 580 511 564 829 404 425 449 455 397 443 188 86 102 104 119 112 113 10 4 6 6 6 2 8 2,024 869 1,155 1,903 2,158 1.986 2,267 66 20 46 18 19 35 46 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 37 18 19 16 20 14 12 93 51 42 126 146 104 95 58 40 18 9 5 1,035 616 419 323 320 322 312 52 25 27 24 23 23 140 82 58 30 27 4 3 1 8,158 9,002 5,040 5.625 3,118 3,377 3 2,333 2,642 519 524 119 121 168 196 . 22 29 210 178 238 279 198 230 38 2 1,568 1,832 8 งง! 10 77 5 319 21 26 1 308 ៥ | E | -សទី៨-~~ាទី | | ទី៨ | -ន័រវ័៨៨៥ទី 51 21 121 11 171 8 20 9 5 113 17 9 6 106 14 o mocow SOSIS. 108 13 7 3 176 47 16 113 355 17 11 306 84 21 201 635 29 20 1 130 37 5 88 280 12 9 An+: వరి, టెల 100 216 88 226 92 196 8: HINWEST 215 198 86 189 7 4 ܕ دن ادا بن و 31 2 9 2 160 6 1 99 3 1 61 40 33 26 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 399 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. - NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 9,346 4,455 4,891 6,119 2,938 3,181 3,227 1,517 11 6 1,678 747 1,223 553 1 1 32 9 2,938 3,181 1,174 1,308 1,764 1,873 4 2 1,066 1,234 673 728 1 9 7 2,938 1,186 1,752 4 1,069 665 3,181 1,327 1,854 2 1,229 718 1 15 1 2,416 2,602 941 1,057 1,475 1,545 4 2 806 933 497 547 1 4 I 15 NA 1,190 136 96 37 3 315 543 65 47 18 664 71 55 16 720 89 66 23 650 77 55 20 2 324 3 493 38 30 8 542 33 21 12 23 417 422 271 127 2 353 320 1 1 1 16 4 10 ༧ ཙྩུཊྛིg ' 'རྩཙྪམ 1 ༠༠ པས་ 'g '' ས ་ 1 - 1 | 11 | ཡས 5 16 19 10 1 000 1 1 8 1 1,443 1,384 1 56 2 8 1 703 674 1 27 638 611 579 553 638 610 579 555 628 605 572 549 27 26 28 24 23 44 26 1 26 27 28 27 24 1 4 40 1 1 1 26 1 25 1 27 23 1 26 !!!! ''no! -VIITTI WINTING 2 1 5 5 2 2 Ware Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Wareham Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,866 1,920 1,303 1,379 563 541 1 3 237 205 76 65 1,683 1,696 1,228 1,273 455 423 1 3 140 119 37 25 5,176 2,693 2,483 3,786 1,866 1,920 1,390 827 563 2 1 1 290 127 163 142 63 79 3 9 50 17 33 18 13 5 62 30 32 94 44 50 62 29 33 32 15 17 12 1,866 1,920 1,309 1,363 557 557 1 3 210 219 63 80 2 3 21 33 6 14 34 30 54 61 34 41 20 20 9 8 3 14 62 29 3 24 53 36 16 1 86 28 29 18 11 18 32 89 74 74 16 3 1 1 48 5 1 1 21 11 229 1 66 1 6 12 15 10 127 102 79 1 42 24 28 26 - *****='3-ilolololo' 22' MADININ ! NIIRI RIACIOS, SL INSIS 26 26 53 13 634 76 63 1 12 20 24 33 9 429 42 34 177 20 4 205 34 29 1 4 10 9 21 7 186 22 15 180 14 12 21 6 174 18 15 2 8 10 15 7 III 24 ن ن || 7 15 1 9 8 8 14 400 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 4,268 2,158 2,919 1,444 1,349 714 15 12 560 263 306 150 4 28 2,110 1,475 635 3 297 156 1,444 1,475 747 795 697 680 14 19 403 421 227 2 10 8 1,444 1,475 752 786 692 689 4 11 399 436 1,186 1,212 652 686 534 526 4 11 277 301 152 125 1 4 4 199 209 188 20 1 14 189 274 116 52 64 148 142 60 29 31 132 56 23 33 217 56 28 28 4 16 2 166 60 30 30 194 50 22 28 24 10 14 120 32 15 17 53 120 140 162 101 137 1 144 84 1 | a | ធី ប | នី | ដី 187 1 1 6 5 6 1 17 1 14 6 12 1 6 11 12 5 1 1 685 379 306 306 259 248 185 208 163 1 260 213 217 182 231 184 192 159 565 120 73 47 63 44 47 35 47 33 - 1 51 40 2 11 2 1 46 'R''UDI 11- 9 NI 2 1 1 3 1 Warren Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Watertown Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 16,515 8,114 11,219 5,348 5,296 2,766 30 13 2,972 1,322 1,098 460 135 51 504 216 141 57 318 136 475 245 337 173 128 66 10 6 1.286 567 109 49 4 1 12 6 89 39 63 55 1,059 634 34 16 11 6 1 8,401 5,871 2,530 17 1,650 638 84 288 84 182 230 164 62 4 719 60 3 6 50 8 425 18 5 1 5,348 2,779 2,569 22 1,860 430 47 208 39 136 272 201 65 6 1,098 57 3 11 61 5 395 10 7 5,871 3,056 2,815 11 2,060 491 66 243 38 144 286 217 64 5 1,230 48 5 5,348 2,719 2,629 19 1,940 484 49 219 48 168 223 172 45 6 1,162 65 6. 7 56 4 381 14 5,871 3,068 2,803 11 2,076 522 82 240 40 160 239 174 61 4 1,260 53 2 4,302 2,366 1,936 19 1,298 193 10 98 17 68 119 90 26 3 942 44 4,700 2,622 2,078 10 1,414 215 27 107 14 67 136 98 38 1,032 31 - 6 41 4 3 74 96 -రాలు 97 1 379 13 ។ . 395 17 378 8 10 6 I 6 10 40 42 35 35 40 45 10 33 4 7 3. 9 86 10 9 67 173 719 692 1 26 3 36 లు | ల | SHOం | 0 | | 008, 610 | దేశంసలుంటాం | | | నలు 8 Wrig werd INIIN 32 3 1 6 44 8 5 31 96 189 179 1 9 2 14 INSINI IN enes 4 36 77 530 513 Bolo VIII 28 1 30 57 86 83 Saw 32 76 79 73 28 53 77 74 32 59 79 73 1 3 17 1 22 11 20 12 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 401 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Fe- Males Fe- males Males males Males Fe- males 12,565 8,398 4,167 112 1,467 1,063 14 17 7 1,025 127 97 29 1 276 1 6,235 6,330 4,114 4,284 2,121 2,046 68 44 660 807 488 575 5 9 9 8 2 5 472 553 60 67 46 51 14 15 1 112 164 1 4,114 1,514 2,600 60 1,128 758 4 12 3 739 68 50 17 1 300 4,284 1,622 2,662 54 1,166 737 6 7 5 719 81 52 27 3,208 3,266 1,152 1,173 2,056 2,093 46 44 828 843 568 532 1 3 564 23 16 7 4,114 4,284 1,471 1,521 2,643 2,763 62 57 1,132 1,257 765 815 6 6 8 7 2 749 795 65 72 45 46 18 26 2 301 368 1 1 1 2 5 342 330 3 3 61 51 1 976 991 331 305 370 418 270 264 5 4 530 31 15 16 237 279 345 2 1 361 335 271 4 222 46 91 49 57 7 450 56 142 1 1,736 682 527 521 6 904 362 241 297 4 3 228 10 51 1 832 320 286 224 2 944 352 382 205 5 999 320 464 210 5 815 309 328 173 5 264 3 49 1 845 279 381 181 4 - 90 48 47 30 31 24 25 50 3. 1 140 3 2 135 32 4 2 88 16 47 16 48 14 30 13 31 23 24 11 21 20 16 3 3 1 Webster Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland: Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Wellesley Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland . Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,974 1,261 713 1,974 2,658 1,280 1,785 694 873 3 9 548 674 138 155 27 89 6,439 2,705 3,734 4,632 1,974 2,658 1,807 731 1,076 12 5 7 1,244 412 832 453 153 300 70 23 47 262 89 173 55 17 38 66 24 42 246 95 151 153 64 89 89 30 59 4 1 3 491 150 341 43 11 32 11 3 8 4 2 2 32 21 11 11 4 303 207 96 20 16 39 23 16 8 5 3 2,658 1,776 882 7 697 175 35 94 20 26 101 66 12 1,591 2,191 1,140 1,607 451 584 3 7 333 415 51 53 11 9 34 28 4 2 12 39 52 23 14 2 2 235 303 7 112 580 148 28 86 22 12 81 50 29 2 334 14 3 3 16 133 86 4 396 281 364 8 2 12 | | | | | | | ទី ១ | b | F + ទីទ័រ ននីធំដឹងក្នុងទីនេះ 92 NIITTISOITWININESS MEER 0 | | | | | 60 | ANIలు | - ARలు నింపుకు పట్టి 59 12 59 11 4 2 31 **939-1945-15ISIOTTI 18 13 3 3 15 3 25 6 00118 CMI I ONI COINS 6 40 6 1 33 84 2 NOTITORI I OPRINDES 1 14 28 19 56 1 19 2 10 3 402 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Fe- Fe- Males Males Fe- males Males males males Total Males Fe- males 2,376 1,743 633 545 666 2,370 1,598 772 4 618 205 21 78 9 97 104 74 26 4 303 6 135 13 50 4 5,925 2,915 3,010 4,746 2,370 2,376 1,179 545 634 5 1 864 354 510 380 155 225 34 14 20 173 67 106 33 14 24 135 60 75 146 71 75 114 55 59 29 15 14 3 1 2 324 123 201 10 3 7 4 2 2 3 3 21 14 5 5 108 69 39 5 9 1 1 2,370 2,376 | 1,953 2,004 1,560 1,693 1,417 1,564 810 683 536 3 3. 603 410 371 235 168 110 70 21 12 6 89 65 40 15 14 110 60 81 77 37 59 59 31 22 17 1 345 358 258 5 67 319 11 4 20 1 57 222***58'' ASSO!!! VIA COLIVIA 4 14 1 55 2 6 52 'F********* I 1900 19 MOM!! 7 6 1 8 52 14 4 26 11 18 16 5 - CSI Colin 23 15 22 11 6 14 5 16 3 1 12 15 16 1 10 5 38 46 40 22 10 8 3 10 12 11 16 14 12 16 1 10 5 29 13 5 5 1 3 1 10 3 1 6 2 5 2. Westborough Nativo Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. o: West Indies Other foreign countries West Bridgewater Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. C. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 2,741 2,183 558 1,374 1,367 1,077 1,106 297 261 1,077 764 313 1,106 801 305 1,077 753 324 1,106 788 318 908 687 221 928 722 206 237 123 60 118 114 58 6 25 9 155 72 6 28 7 31 42 37 5 17 53 16 32 62 50 11 1 53 167 76 5 30 14 27 40 37 1 2 51 178 76 12 26 11 27 53 35 17 1 47 189 91 14 33 15 29 37 31 6 87 31 1 10 5 15 24 21 3 టెల పం-2 తీసిద్ధి 17 30 27 2 24 41 60 32 1 1 2 1 8 3 6 2 17 13 13 10 IOAREN ELLIOTTOBRE 1 1 149 26 5 87 13 3 60 8 60 8 4 54 9 59 8 4 54 8 1 4 MICROCILIN 5 10 47 14 30 13 20 S6 28 5 8 13 I 4 52 5 1 8 35 11 2 27 11 47 5 1 10 2 5 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 403 TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE— Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- males Fe- males Males Fe- Males males Males Fe- males 6,382 3,479 2,903 367 1,430 329 9 27 2 291 193 128 61 4 902 6,609 3,654 2,955 379 1,426 342 16 31 5 290 210 137 65 8 871 5,492 5,614 3,138 3,248 2,354 2,366 353 351 994 975 198 204 2 3 5 7 191 93 69 23 1 3399 Ant 194 94 68 24 2 677 699 3 1 98 1 106 4 3 79 18,411 9,401 9,010 | 6,382 6,609 12,991 6,382 6,609 3,522 3,647 5,420 3,019 2,401 2,860 2,962 578 293 285 369 378 1,530 699 831 1,343 1.377 398 189 209 337 331 15 5 10 11 13 45 14 31 23 24 5 2 3 2 1 333 168 165 301 293 312 159 153 193 236 227 117 110 149 183 81 39 42 51 4 3 2 2 815 351 464 807 809 3 1 2 5 1 7 5 14 5 113 64 124 128 21 17 4 1 1 488 341 147 95 114 1 1 1,970 1,147 823 714 758 626 284 213 215 3 1 5 1,338 801 537 498 531 2 1 1 3 7 27 25 1 467 280 187 156 146 7 3 4 4 311 197 114 93 88 149 80 69 59 58 47 22 25 14 24 13 9 4 2 2. 1 1 S 5 3. 4 3 1 2 1 156 116 40 27 25 72 88 106 . 342 661 205 6 6 102 1 89 1 703 232 1 467 3 1 156 4 99 53 18 2 754 246 5 496 453 3 1 143 698 205 3 483 7 2 128 137 O 92 45 27 | ස | පා ඉhe 91 48 9 2 85 43 14 2 2 27 21 20 17 Westfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Westford Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 865 503 362 850 479 371 865 465 400 656 400 256 649 389 260 189 107 2,843 1,392 1,451 1.715 865 850 1,128 527 601 2 2 712 324 388 362 177 185 50 24 26 26 7 19 8 1 278 145 133 277 107 170 249 95 154 25 10 15 3 2 68 36 1 1 4 3. 1 1 1 9 6 3 61 35 26 2 1 1 106 45 61 21 7 14 185 95 10 4 如​咖​?陽​%B7%B1%-1 284 161 19 12 4 126 61 50 11 290 148 16 10 3 119 58 42 16 850 452 398 3 309 158 21 18 2 117 70 53 17 324 180 32 15 1 132 83 69 14 ២ ២ | | | ៦ ៖ ១-ទីទី , ៩៖១ 81 29 22 62 84 61 80 61 1 8 9 1 6 1 18 20 18 18 6 1 19 1 18 2 20 20 1 14 17 1 15 2 1 12 IN 38 47 19 16 16 12 16 5 72 2 3 93 1 9 1 6 1 12 1 1 162 70 38 92 22 8 27 6 24 5 24 11 25 22 23 will rischer 404 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED Total Males Fe- Males Fe- males Fe- Fe- males Males Males males males 3,262 1,663 2,574 1,311 352 6 2 410 192 266 130 688 1,599 1,263 336 4 218 136 1,311 1,263 919 886 392 377 1 8 242 223 151 153 1,311 1,263 905 877 406 386 3 8 268 242 144 144 1,161 1,136 855 834 306 302 179 117 171 123 1 6 14 10 1 9 3 254 119 95 24 5 1 124 55 42 13 4 2 130 64 53 11 147 53 150 81 57 22 2 10 130 91 69 21 1 31 134 70 55 15 116 52 39 12 1 10 121 33 28 5 9 20 5 15 17 25 15 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 57 45 32 27 25 18 24 16 25 18 25 16 29 18 24 16 25 18 5 5 5 8 7 8 10 2 188 9 113 1 102 100 98 108 8 95 8 1 IIIIIIIIII 1 8 4 5 10 Westport Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries West Springfield Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 118 5,601 4,231 1,370 97 617 281 11 19 2 249 143 103 38 2 193 5,738 4,433 1,305 114 691 292 12 19 4,231 4,433 2,549 2,661 1,682 1,772 115 143 1,031 1,092 389 358 6 13 18 20 2 3 363 322 157 176 112 127 43 43 2 6 483 557 4,231 2,586 1,645 148 1,026 352 10 16 4,433 2,703 1,730 156 1,088 337 10 20 3,467 3,629 2,251 2,348 1,216 1,281 102 689 728 220 204 1 6 2. 5 11,339 8,664 2,675 211 1,308 573 23 38 2 510 278 199 77 2 452 2 3 10 78 16 694 4 180 108 2. 70 261 135 96 39 326 129 88 40 1 538 2 5 13 70 307 150 108 39 3 587 8 6 14 78 217 64 42 21 1 403 193 67 42 22 3 456 1 2 6 58 259 2. 3 6 35 1 300 2 83 52 4 43 15 394 2 97 56 2 39 2 12 101 4 260 2 100 53 1 20 93 3 242 2 113 63 1 6 59 1 228 236 2 98 58 228 1 106 67 234 2 93 53 98 59 1 31 47 50 40 39 40 39 57 25 16 14 14 14 31 1 2 NICO, I WI- con 1001 ICA , En 55 21 30 14 25 16 6 16 12 6 14 22 8 14 8 6 14 16 8 Terler 6 1 2 12 40 18 9 13 18 4 5 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 405 - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- Total Males Males males Fe- males Fe- males Males Males males 13,969 6,825 7,144 11,376 5,543 5,833 2,593 1,282 1,311 3 1 2 1,723 810 913 660 279 381 79 25 54 411 169 242 55 27 28 115 58 57 452 224 228 238 115 123 206 106 100 8 3 5 596 298 298 12 6 3 3 15 10 38 22 16 5,543 3,805 1,738 3 1,270 348 27 200 26 95 209 141 62 6 705 6 2 13 5,833 3,941 1,892 5 1,409 379 38 217 35 89 229 161 62 6 783 12 6 21 48 5,543 5,833 3,766 3,947 1,777 1,886 2 5 1,379 1,476 426 429 69 46 259 286 27 16 71 81 183 211 112 143 65 65 6 3 762 820 8 16 4,548 4,802 3,380 3,530 1,168 1,272 2 799 902 167 174 11 114 126 6 36 85 105 52 30 3 545 616 2 ཙྪིནྡྷ “ - ' ཨ ། 1 1 3 32 6 34 1 25 - 1 252 395 35 45 227 19 26 168 16 19 266 10 6 284 5 12 235 10 6 235 9 249 5 12 13 6 12 6 13 12 40 44 1 10 141 66 39 36 117 35 14 6 15 1 35 6 | లులులులు - 1 || అంది ఆ 10 25 1 9 58 18 19 21 53 26 11 3 12 1 20 10 53 17 13 23 37 2 1 918如​BS543-1321 3 52 18 13 21 46 1 13 10 12 41 3 6 | 6 | | ಒಟ 3 48 16 13 19 32 1 3 32 10 10 12 31 3 1 3 1 1 23 8 8 1 Weymouth Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Whitman Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3,123 3,251 2,347 2,420 776 831 3,123 3,251 2,327 2,427 796 2,674 2,769 2,140 2,215 534 554 824 7,520 3,663 3,857 6,374 3,123 3,251 1,146 540 606 1 1 973 439 534 506 238 268 61 26 35 260 118 142 28 9 19 157 85 72 124 68 56 82 42 40 40 25 15 2 1 1 332 132 200 11 1 10 688 266 25 93 4 144 93 55 37 1 326 3 719 286 25 90 13 158 91 61 30 473 152 5 47 7 725 291 32 122 14 123 59 41 16 2 364 10 1 3 13 734 287 30 109 23 125 53 39 13 472 159 9 57 4 89 30 20 9 1 280 3 27 20 7 339 3 384 10 291 3 2. 6 1 6 2 24 21 ఆలసలు 13 3 12 3 44 1 14 19 1 18 2 13 3 6 26 17 11 10 8 8 5 5 6 13 1 11 47 1 26 19 18 19 18 CITTLESIN Iloco OIIIII88, 181, Eco 11 Nello 20 19 20 13 1 19 9 46 26 3 1 20 22 18 14 26 13 3 1 18 13 II C II DATI 5 406 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Males Fe- Males Fe Males Fe- males males males Total Males Fe- males 1,220 1,301 755 742 465 559 7 3 66 82 28 33 755 442 313 3 101 34 755 436 319 5 105 36 652 381 271 742 410 332 5 132 37 1 3 1 2,521 1,497 1,024 10 148 61 1 8 1 51 29 13 15 1 58 742 422 320 4 122 41 1 4 684 410 274 3. 74 26 3 3 1 31 30 25 24 17 36 23 10 13 14 1 21 54 67 52 58 45 11-Tesic 4 3 1 6 9 2 IIIIIIIIlllllő, BELILL I was 15 10 11 10 11 10 43 1 805 769 28 1 351 332 454 437 191 177 175 164 190 179 175 165 187 176 173 163 36 19 17 14 11 11 10 11 I-II-ION II e III 5 IIIIIIIIIIIII 3 2 Wilbraham Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian • German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Williamstown Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France. Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1,679 1,272 407 1,726 1,300 426 1,381 1,128 253 3,981 3,405 576 10 440 159 4 8 1,926 1,679 247 6 177 72 3 2,055 1,726 329 4 263 87 1,726 1,319 407 1 347 125 1 1 1,679 1,241 438 3 369 132 1 12 1,454 1,193 261 1 223 75 333 119 355 128 3 212 76 1 119 111 74 76 25 147 145 81 32 32 132 4 35 NG co w w 78 82 41 19 22 40 13 10 42 116 81 40 24 17 132 1 123 95 68 19 8 127 8 5 106 146 110 156 4 2 32 9 21 19 12 22 3 17 2 19 2 3 9 2 12 1 12 1 13 1 5 17 -11 w II librio en IIIIICOTINII WII WII INCE, 11 Tiwarial III లం Oor I r I OLIITRITI ww cielo Sig'in 1109IISTINITOIMITI WIIIIIIIIIIIwNNIcon 1 1 III 36 19 17 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 407 TABLE 18.— NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,837 1,831 1,287 1,284 550 547 426 312 5,908 4,543 1,365 5 872 670 29 28 2 611 58 48 10 3,034 2,874 | 2,305 2,238 2,305 2,238 1,488 1,466 729 636 817 772 2 3 431 441 676 673 340 330 485 452 9 20 7 7 12 16 21 12 1 1 1 1 318 293 456 432 30 28 43 59 24 24 34 42 6 8 16 1 1 59 146 162 2 2,305 2,238 1,506 1,467 799 771 1 663 674 476 429 23 15 16 16 2 2 435 396 43 51 31 38 12 13 4 II OOO 456 301 1 5 1 294 20 12 8 308 16 12 4 141 143 192 98 135 2 1 5 5 212 1 4 4 134 8 59 1 17 3 42 11 15 41 13 15 12 6 3 41 10 15 23 11 23 23 10 23 92 33 ON COI10IONISASI &&1003 III OWOONI 88 19 14 19 14 19 58 1 14 1 I 45 28 38 31 24 16 24 18 18 11 22 16 17 10 59 7 24 24 39 17 10 25 7 14 14 8 22 4 6 21 4 * 100 101 9 6 6 21 4 39 25 14 4 WI! 1 12 5 7 2 4 2 1 Winchendon Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries Winchester Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3,450 2,277 1,173 4,040 2,675 1,365 2,852 2,042 810 3,367 2,412 955 726 963 239 42 94 28 25 10,005 7,490 2,515 5 1,723 565 136 256 75 98 166 117 46 3 954 27 11 4 29 6 532 9 2 4,595 5,410 3,450 4,040 1,145 1,370 2 3 666 1,057 208 357 44 92 92 164 47 44 54 81 85 58 59 21 25 2 1 366 588 10 17 10 2 2 15 14 6 363 169 1,081 270 47 114 31 78 122 87 34 78 127 94 29 4 585 11 1 3 24 3,450 4,040 2,241 2,652 1,209 1,388 3 1,005 1,128 266 263 59 55 102 114 33 31 72 63 81 117 54 79 24 36 3 2 637 722 21 24 2 4 25 35 636 82 14 31 11 26 38 27 9 2 507 9 596 675 12 2 15 41 118 151 143 143 114 2 114 1 1 1 COALITIWII WIIIIII-IV or the 2 1 1 1 1 30 16 10 3 20 13 CAILLONI I OINOO NOORINIWINUTI SANTOINETTI T-IIIIIII 14 138 1 7 58 1 4 34 80 34 48 52 1 1 15 20 4 13 3 15 9 11 12 408 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Continued. POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – FATHER MOTHER BOTH PAR- BORN IN BORN IN ENTS BORN COUNTRY COUNTRY IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 485 12,758 6,063 6,695 4,880 10,055 4,880 5,175 3,416 2,703 1,183 1,520 1,464 26 16 10 16 2,004 823 1,181 1,053 954 392 562 359 187 82 105 62 464 182 282 159 150 63 87 51 153 65 88 87 622 291 331 311 225 260 232 129 62 67 75 8 4 4 355 118 237 347 53 15 38 29 20 7 13 7 9 5 4 12 84 49 35 110 38 27 11 7 82 46 36 49 18 20 67 28 28 1 1 64 37 27 28 1 1 9 14 190 75 21 1 1 168 89 79 89 32 57 3 1 5,175 3,432 1,743 10 1,303 431 81 171 68 111 325 251 69 5 507 34 6 18 105 4 58 24 39 3,831 3,944 3,017 2,962 814 982 8 559 719 157 175 19 22 76 78 19 24 43 51 140 158 102 121 36 34 2 3 247 372 15 14 4,880 5,175 3,412 3,431 1,468 1,744 8 5 1,139 1,410 423 514 67 95 212 257 51 65 93 97 310 327 221 246 84 75 5 6 378 535 22 25 6 6 9 89 68 10 6 34 35 14 15 14 31 3 64 7 33 11 13 2 51 4 35 11 31 002 29 39 1 38 1 13 1 30 1 30 13 「 11 64 14 69 1 11 54 13 62 1 64 46 5 68 50 3 54 34 2 61 38 3 2 3 12 43 లసలు 1 6 26 5 2 26 3 6 23 3 1 8 17 35 15 Winthrop Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries WOBURN Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 16,410 8,316 8,094 11,881 5,827 6,054 4,529 2,489 2,040 9 4 5 2,726 1,290 1,436 843 383 460 197 87 110 399 180 219 113 47 66 134 69 250 123 127 186 92 94 64 31 33 5,827 2,946 2,881 3 2,293 423 68 217 52 86 175 131 43 1 1,691 6,054 3,086 2,968 3 2,392 435 61 228 47 99 178 125 52 1 1,772 5 2 4 33 15 249 3 18 1 5,827 6,054 2,980 3,166 2,847 2.888 4 2 2,300 2,369 460 456 99 112 207 220 61 59 93 65 155 174 111 125 43 48 1 1 1,677 1,728 6 9 2 4 4,701 4,875 2,508 2,667 2,193 2,208 2 2 1,710 1,733 199 188 35 27 106 101 22 23 36 37 67 68 51 49 15 18 1 1 1,444 1,472 5 65 840 N1 26 1,620 9 4 6 33 261 622 21 99 5 2 2 13 33 222 1 22 780 2 2 4 20 228 400 11 67 3 4 3 35 12 257 10 11 1 226 6 10 1 $」 u乌​二 ​12 223 6 17 1 2 18 12 222 1 17 1 224 2 10 1 30 10 17 9 16 9 16 93 1 27 179 23 63 1 18. 124 10 A II w I OSING 55 13 6 42 12 4 49 9 8 46 16 6 48 10 33 9 4 45 8 38 42 154 40 125 30 133 1 24 126 156 310 63 4 30 143 1 127 114 156 60 1 108 Li-Ion 1 1 1 i 1 59 8 165 59 4 103 1 1 58 62 75 71 47 50 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 409 TABLE 18. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND SUB- DIVISIONS) BY SEX, AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, BY SEX, FOR PLACES HAVING A POPULATION OF 2,500 OR MORE — Concluded. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - POPULATION BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED FATHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED MOTHER BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED BOTH PAR- ENTS BORN IN COUNTRY SPECIFIED COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Fe. males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 109 400 WORCESTER Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. C. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries 162,697 80,338 82,359 | 53,249 56,859 53,249 56,859 | 44,158 47,015 110,108 53,249 56,859 25,828 27,563 || 26,147 28.187 22,238 23,885 52,589 27,089 25,500 27,421 29,296 | 27,102 | 28,672 || 21,920 23,130 188 88 100 83 118 86 104 46 64 22,696 10,424 12,272 16,516 18,363 16,514 | 18,146 12,167 13,397 8,144 3,889 4,255 5,371 5,721 5,075 5,323 3,311 3,460 515 196 319 168 193 211 238 55 56 1,339 595 744 449 463 458 511 157 149 270 120 150 107 96 85 35 28 6,020 2,978 3,042 4,647 4,956 4,310 4,489 3,064 3,227 4,529 2,242 2,287 2,091 2,319 1,942 2,178 1,081 1,161 3,512 1,738 1,774 1,603 1,774 1,425 1,628 805 882 993 491 502 453 520 493 524 261 267 24 13 11 35 25 24 26 15 12 9,928 4,249 5,679 9,013 10,288 9,439 10,576 7,763 8,769 65 31 34 28 23 39 45 10 5 30 13 17 13 12 19 24 2 2 105 51 54 70 55 41 42 27 20 537 277 260 543 616 457 508 355 678 600 78 16 14 16 10 16 10 3,985 2,400 1,585 1,290 1,318 1,213 1,239 1,197 1,224 368 189 140 135 138 153 81 92 5,741 3,354 2,387 1,848 1,900 1,806 1,860 1,736 1,781 198 103 95 75 75 79 95 61 68 53 24 29 23 12 28 33 13 11 5,467 3,214 2,253 1,742 1,799 1,692 1,720 1,656 1,690 23 13 10 8 14 7 12 6 12 33 16 17 17 15 8 11 6 6 7,259 3,759 3,500 2,370 2,426 2,333 2,389 2,212 2,269 1,712 846 866 577 570 579 580 551 543 918 517 401 240 267 231 281 215 256 4,629 2,396 2,233 1,553 1,589 1,523 1,528 1,446 1,470 8,150 4,073 4,077 3,662 3,531 3,701 3,464 3,369 3,209 2,422 1,619 803 609 590 577 576 564 552 912 612 300 205 181 186 176 182 167 735 416 319 257 270 259 275 254 268 775 591 184 147 139 132 125 128 117 19 9 10 5 10 3 3 408 240 168 252 205 209 167 144 106 179 410 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN (FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES AND A POPULATION OF (Note. — “N. O. c." means not otherwise classified. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Born in Country Country Specified Country Specified Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Acton 1 2 3 1,703 1,239 464 1,399 1,149 250 166 60 3 30 2,151 1,703 448 1 285 179 26 110 9 34 46 40 5 1 50 10 1,703 1,286 417 1 317 151 22 64 10 55 57 47 9 1 98 11 365 179 14 97 9 59 46 40 6 27 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 117 23 6 13 9 6 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland. Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries : 34 46 20 17 41 2 16 39 2. 16 39 2 24 25 26 1 19 13 18 7 10 6 15 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ONT 1100 W Ashburnham 2,059 1,667 392 1,667 1,131 536 1,667 1,141 526 1,382 1,012 370 358 266 347 253 10 6 220 161 1 2 25 193 147 8 11 2 126 17 9 ង = '””៩: 230 233 | -లులు.. 17 3 3 158 12 9 2 1 46 1 1 27 1 1 2 19 11 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. o. c. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian 64 German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 25 18 19 18 1 ILICO 135 134 104 101 89 89 94 n仍​母​础​场​%们​必​921224仍​仍​们​仍 ​Time !!!-* 3 27 27 31 4 6 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 411 SUB-DIVISIONS) AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS HAVING LESS THAN 2,500. "Other foreign countries" include persons born at sea of foreign parents.) Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Acushnet Alford 1 2,387 1,678 709 1,435 839 271 237 34 237 198 39 237 192 45 222 191 31 596 14 1,678 929 749 9 544 452 14 8 1,678 954 724 6 523 411 16 3 5 412 347 11 18 2 1 482 322 14 5 1 302 150 138 12 2 430 69 59 9 1 23 392 80 60 20 2 10 6 8 - LAP NHL | HAI 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 31 יייייייי218 - טאואייייי:'588 13 22 12 20 15 16 4 3 3 20 24 24 37 37 36 36 ELILLA I coon with 127 107 28 29 104 WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 דווידוי 11 12 1 Ashby Ashfield 922 784 138 784 594 190 784 623 161 714 576 138 如​红​纪​码​488R8 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 994 913 81 16 21 9 913 782 131 26 63 30 913 789 124 26 62 35 863 766 97 17 46 24 69 26 52 13 42 27 2 12 34 12 24 1 2 10 21 12 9 14 21 14 6 11 30 11 12 30 14 11 2 5 1 22 18 17 19 16 16 6 6 12 2 3 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 6 LLLLLL LSINIINI-TerriWIADO E co era BB动​场​的​矿​%88388创​历​的​价​88812S对​E们​仍 ​Drilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 IINI-II- IIIIIII!! All Trio0NS INSI I Wilci volioWien Triris, SSI INTIMI-1001 76 76 82 82 IIIIIOONI IN I WWI CI Wien 87 82 1 ܚ ܟܨܗ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܗ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 17 78 412 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified Native PERSONS HAVING — Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Ashland 1,375 1,018 2,005 1,606 399 7 233 357 1 222 43 3 17 6 SCOOOOOOROON లు | Add-38జులు కుంభ : 1,606 1,121 435 1 320 95 6 46 6 37 67 54 12 1 148 5 5 1 16 1,606 1,075 531 1 368 108 4 56 8 40 77 60 16 1 178 5 137 4 26 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland : 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian i 27 Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. in. o. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 64 6 1 1 1 1 18 1 IIIII!!!! ia 5 3 18 40 16 3 39 15 19 16 15 15 6 2 i Bedford 1,031 737 1,031 715 316 841 651 190 53 1,365 1,031 334 1 195 74 13 37 11 13 42 34 8 244 76 19 27 2 28 37 32 131 20 6 8 18 18 130 93 76 3 3 11 40 Tot 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian German Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies 78 Other foreign countries ܙ ܗ ܚ ܙ ܙ ܚ ܙ ܩܝܕܝܙܘ ཤྩཎྞཾ ' 88 8= ' ས་ཡ༧ " " | ༠༠ ཡས | ས 11 11. ཉེ 18 17 18 10 29 9 17 1 1 15 的​们​必​n仍​仍​45%们​仍 ​Triwwen אייייייו-|-מי דייויפפ 11 61 21 19 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 413 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 - Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified Native PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Avon Becket 1 2,164 1,876 288 1,876 1,247 1,876 1,310 566 1,507 1,113 849 651 198 849 688 161 750 624 973 849 124 7 34 10 394 126 139 40 107 271 74 2 3 79 17 2 179 108 11 32 16 49 27 20 7 428 156 17 36 17 86 37 28 1 1 9 10 ' ཙྩཉྩམྨཨཊྚཀྑ པྤཡྻཱམྨ༠༠༠ 1 ཋ ཨ ཀྵ ༠༠ 65 18 9 9 ERusܙ ܙܝܙܘܘ̈ܗܘ ܙ ܀ ܙ ܙ ܗܚ ܙ ܝ 38 31 8 23 16 16 2 14 233 179 14 68 46 1 1 5 2 24 11 3 2 3 27 2 2 10 24 ܙ ܒܨܟܙܪܝ܀ 33 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 INI INCm, Car TIGRloi verranno , 4 5 16 13 23 13 12 LINIINWITTIGO IOI WET 13 12 9 2 4 3 47 13 13 10 ܙ ܫ ܙ ܩܞܚܘܘܶܚܗܗ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 2 13 3 8 2 71 87 81 UITI co w to III A Nowo లు | లు | | | అ! |- 14 6 3 NINI IN Ioa 3 2 1 Belchertown Bellingham 40 41 1,706 1,173 1,423 774 649 1,423 746 1,112 632 480 42 2,062 1,706 356 7 169 71 1,706 1,192 514 6 274 80 1,514 1,095 419 6 206 46 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1,953 1,423 530 4 382 240 14 19 6 201 49 31 18 401 229 9 6 7 10 557 305 11 31 6 257 99 74 25 45 63 21 18 214 35 24 11 9 75 ܕܝܙܬܬܗܟܬܝܕ ܙ ܒܬܗܙܝܕ ܙ 161 Iwia wielo, 151 152 137 90 2 17 11 12 QS生​约​约​分​绍​约​而且​比​以​任​品​的​订​说​的​如​创​&&&&&们​必​922284%EC% 10 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 G1-11-TRIQ nag-, neki 19 ១. ! ! ឯងដី) // ១ ម. ពី E--ះ, ផនី-ខ័ឌី. ដី 18 16 55 141 126 187 169 187 169 30 16 30 16 15 18 Imieninown IIVNE 14 14 איוואס דרווייס' שים- 5 I10 III 10-00 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 11 che mi iniciar 23 414 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Both Population Born in Country Specified Native PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Berkley 1 985 808 177 808 631 177 808 630 178 1 59 30 2 3 753 606 147 1 44 20 1 1 69 30 4 6 1 19 15 25 12 8 19 8 WINITTOI WO OVE_52 ACUN 3 24 16 Total Native Foreign born Austria, cxclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German. Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 IONI 11 4 11 80 100 90 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 8 דיוויויא *2 LIITININA 36 37 39 Blandford 623 574 493 81 516 472 574 503 71 1 38 28 19 61 34 1 3. 26 3 1 2 18 2 081 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 43 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. 0. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland: 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Avstrian 64 German Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden Turkey Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies 78 Other foreign countries *-*'-1011-10-11 UUTIOII 300 TINCIALININ 911-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TITILINII OOCITII WIWITIN IIIIIIII COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 415 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 - Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Berlin Bernardston O OWN som ಹಜಪ=5om• ESIMES' I-I--IIIIIIIONI Irimi ornii. In cwcomer Come ricoi-www- , III11----IINININIQILDI IlūIwwer ou non ten van SITTAINWEISE -*--'NNIOITMITTE16-Ivicom, Illino III 2011 1 '' 1 Bolton Boxborough | | 21-తరాలుసంజని , | Ra... పై - I និង ៖ ៩ , និង១--នី, ដីទំ៖ -18L Accor, video TrēI INNE 如​红​Q织​约​如幻​B8%n%B8%88%A33388588222仍​任​%%C8 Inconvenient TTTTTTTTTTTTTT no in - | Ane-1 | | | ItiII III 416 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified Native PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Boxford 536 500 637 546 91 1 77 35 EROON 714 637 77 1 66 40 10 13 1 16 19 16 2 637 541 96 1 88 45 5 18 12 18 13 11 2 29 Total 2 Native | 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia 9 Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. 0. C. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 2 IIIIIIWILI NIITITITIE, WS- MAI**IINITIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 Brimfield 779 779 622 157 653 574 79 934 779 155 3 89 49 137 88 118 33 72 18 11 6 1 31 örer ridico Eco 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. 0. C. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. c. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian German Russian 66 Poland, n. 0. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 12 TITILITIwari lilililinirlab oleman TITIWI VICINO 33 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 417 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Both Father Mother Born in Parents Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Boylston Brewster 617 783 617 166 617 420 197 507 366 141 783 701 701 640 701 623 644 610 34 29 70 40 54 20 Wernwit 23 15 2 21 14 18 15 5 10 10 15 19 10 NITI I NOSILEITSCOI VIETIES > 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 MITIWILTTI Grañon Emo ww1111811881111lla on niin voi olla wrivilegiorni LED, mil colore nero ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTIILIT AWCOor I went 10 11 12 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NDANIwwers COITTIIN! 21 13 10 10 54 45 Brookfield Buckland 1,731 1,234 1,457 1,139 318 1,319 930 497 2,059 1,731 328 2 234 136 2 15 389 1,731 1,283 448 6 341 178 5 3 1,569 1,319 250 19 137 26 1,319 950 369 14 231 58 1,101 844 257 14 163 29 1 399 224 3 7 235 130 14 278 80 1 -២៩ 29 170 42 35 25 91 89 119 41 30 9 2 57 129 15 11 4 214 41 31 8 2 134 134 133 54 117 115 2 ! 121 90 19 56 38 16 21 13 46 91 74 63 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 如​约​妇女​们​如​切​如​约​而​引​仍​仍​任岳阳​初级​的​如​红​仍​仍​吐​的​奶​们​%的​222546B门​8 ܕܬܚܕ̈ܕ̈ܚܨܘܙ eseܒܬܕܙ ܙ ܙ ܣ ܙ ܞܒܝܗܢ ܒܬܙ ܙ ܚ ܙ ܗܘ ܙ ܘ ܙ ܝܙ ܙ 38 12 39 3 18 38 1 14 38 1 14 20 -IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 16 20 14 14 N1 Am I cow laris18 ano, IIIIIIIIIIIIINI 001 12 14--3 ------1-1-7-----1 COCONNNNNNN 3 12 10 10 26 19 16 NII TOTAL WWII WINONI 418 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Burlington 751 550 201 424 312 112 1 76 15 122 ៩ . o o ០២៩ដី , ៩៨ 550 375 175 1 127 46 4 17 10 15 9 5 4 550 346 204 1 162 57 5 38 5 9 10 8 2 72 94 0 1 Total Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia 9 Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Treland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. : 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland : 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 16 16 1 16 III WA ISITIONS 18 18 18 TILARI 100!!!! II 7 Charlemont 977 880 97 20 45 29 811 755 56 880 781 99 3 82 56 880 792 88 1 65 33 配​協​%'约​11 4 2. 23 14 11 3 10 9 5 41 15 10 4 1 11 30 20 14 6 2 12 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland 53 Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c.: France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 15 9 6 TIINNITTIIIIIIIWICA דודודודוט | כן ס COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 419 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Carlisle Carver 1 490 404 404 327 404 305 357 296 1,040 1,701 1,212 489 1,212 789 423 1,212 790 422 OOO OORN 138 118 | ~ 1 ដបទទីន 172 137 20 20 193 154 18 31 6 99 4 97 20 11 6 3 14 1o-in-cü ww, 13 1 17 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 VILTI TRATTATILL TIL TIMOI-withaviowe | | | | | - Nలులు | | AORNOO. F ARIAT TOITTIMETTIINTINININIIN 4 23 HOIATTIT111*:!TTIINIININIAI1 LININwviiUNILIMIA III OLII SI COI I onl. 1.WIOSNO 220 109 108 114 120 119 88 125 123 1 7 1 1 5 11 Charlton Chatham 2,213 1,831 1,831 1,831 1,400 431 1,575 1,301 274 1,667 1,588 1,588 1,494 1,463 1,423 40 1 29 2 175 97 312 164 7 12 3 ន! នគី”=”” 1,588 1,473 115 1 94 37 8 19 6 4 26 14 12 92 145 48 41 18 12 5 NO 10 7 1 8 100 61 30 1 1 13 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 如​牡​纪​经​约约约约约​如​引​以​站​场​的​引​%%%n%83%们​似的​%n仍​仍​仍​%们 ​millworth, Sind & Bon 1&1 Mode 25 28-293010-3 linn, 25 Overir, onko own low-i- La, wielowwwww 35 45 12 5 28 28 WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 10 13 6 5 2 19 Mo IIIIIIIIIIIIII 5 ܗܘܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܚ OIIIIIIIIIIIII 15 ܝܘܝܕܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝܕ 420 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS. - TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Parents Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Cheshire 1,535 1,186 349 57 105 53 1,186 843 343 8 184 63 1 1,186 827 359 4 213 65 1,033 770 263 4 131 41 3 15 11 57 29 21 119 ET INVO 19 31 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland . 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland : 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. 0. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. O. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 104 24 40 1 1 1 IIIIIIII IaII-IIIII 9-1110-IIIIII 16 19 Chilmark 288 260 28 260 236 24 260 233 247 228 19 9 'RTTITI021011- 40 Total 41 Native 42 | Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland : 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian German Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. O. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries L'IRLANTIRI1.IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! TUTTI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII W ROLINI 12 15 13 WIIIIIIII 3 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 421 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country, Country Born in Specified Country Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Born in Parents Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Chester Chesterfield 1,136 859 1,344 1,136 208 4 61 21 明明​约​12 មិនន++ | ១៥ it !!!!!!!!! niwerra NILI riniai 11~NILAI-Noord LIWIANI 0011 1 188 TLTLINS ITTININI TIWOLLTARIBI w Bico I comments SIFONIAIINIT TIOMIOIINIAI TTTTTTININI IWI WOULUTT IN WWI COME 's. Clarksburg Colrain 1,114 917 197 917 610 如​红红​仍以​好 ​ឱឱននិន្នះ”ង ! 1.552 1,140 412 26 283 248 TIN TOIMITIVA INSONOR នី IT EAT --ននីសាឌីន៖ เ E ៨ | ជ | នឹង | រ ងននន 63 64 65 ܙ ܕ ܙ ܙܝ ܙ ܟܘܝܙܪܬܩ ܙ ܟ ܙ ܙ ܚ ܙ ܙ ܟܟ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܒܝ 11101116,watoto AS Tri TTTT 10 TIT SITT TIDLIGI TOIVLINA III EL LLLL LLLLLLL wcale 好似​8222845278 422 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT - Population Born in Country Specified Native PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Conway 1,220 1,079 141 3 68 42 3 3 1,079 846 233 6 136 80 1,079 859 220 4 133 75 961 806 155 4 85 51 9 36 15 10 71 18 11 66 21 13 10 37 1 1 11 19 11 21 15 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire 6 Canada 7 New Brunswick 8 Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. 0. C. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0, c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 51 44 49 11 49 14 38 35 33 7 Dennis 1,822 1,727 95 1,727 1,624 103 1,727 1,619 108 1,605 1,568 37 61 34 84 18 5 47 59 23 1 12 7 3 2 37 1 25 3 5 20 19 1 “នា ! 8 21 20 1 12 16 1 4 5%仍处​站​昭​四级​明​如​n必​仍处​的​必​们​仍​92222在内​的​8 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada . 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. 0. C. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. o. c. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian German Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries IIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 20 TWITTTTTTIIIIIIII 18 16 TATTTIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 423 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country, Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Born in Parents Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Cummington Dana 好好​s-&g- ONOOR W10 1 - IIIERI via 1 Inilai limarillail 1 - AIRTIMIT 6-8-NOV-1001 TINITIT 111001C0IITTIIN !!!!! ITILIBNICI III III wieri 8--000810 TIMõi vivi LILI LIWIWI18, wiwerownie Dighton Douglas 1,272 2,499 1,818 681 如​H忆​仍处​. 1,818 1,074 744 1,459 774 1,649 1,013 636 249 153 369 159 33 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 10-ci www- | នី | E | ដ | ៩ខនធី ពី ឪ *****&**'9******* MITS='SINIRSION ឪឪឪឪឪ”ខៗខ្លួននាឱ ! ! ! ! ខ្លីៗ | | 3 | | లు | Ga-BNANI MENSas, అ! 1 MAST100 100 in 04 o CONAI 21 no 11MITIT - n仍​仍在​石化​行​8 IIIIIII! Inicio 1 21 424 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING -- Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Dover 999 661 338 661 465 196 661 456 205 564 422 142 239 60 8 42 141 46 1 31 92 21 1 16 150 45 4 32 1 8 29 19 10 -డి-లు 14 28 17 14 116 76 26 28 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. 0. C. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland Austrian German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 5 LINI INANI WILT EIN WITOLIOA LIITTIIIIII wiener IIIIIIIIIIIINGRI 2 15 10 10 1 3 Eastham 545 522 23 522 481 41 522 476 46 464 453 11 28 5 38 23 16 9 1 6 1 3 12 12 6 1 40 Total 41 | Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian 64 German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. 0. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey Armenia Syria 76 Turkey, n. O. c. oc 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 'HO-600I TAN!!!!!!!!!!!-OOTT!!!!!!! IIINNIT TONTITIIIIIII isto ITQ w8822848%们​仍 ​COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 425 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Born Population in Country Specified Mother Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING Both Father Born in Born in Parents Country Born in Country Country Specified Specified Specified Dunstable Duxbury 1,407 1,921 1,647 274 1,647 1,375 272 1,647 1,383 264 1,274 133 1 3898会员​与会​会长​&BSomnone ON- 1 SERVICII - || 008--052 Ilivil wwonin - 1 Sov -'90-TTTTTTT ន°៨នទទពាង ! ! ! ? I !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - SUBTIII-IIIIII - - East Longmeadow Edgartown 1,438 如​红​纪​以​生 ​1,939 1,438 501 5 1,216 763 453 1.276 1,043 233 1,043 798 245 1,438 864 574 5 288 141 71 110 39 3 1 1 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 11-1-1 cowowa , Illamianii, - 8ܚܚܘܨܶܚܢܟܬܝܩܝ ܟܬ ܙ ܫ ܙ ܙ 88必​玩​的​矿​识​的​如​们​仍​仍​从​历​的​时​说​的​2HR仍​任​仍​B行​8 IIIIII werBITTIIN-1-1-NEVE, ***** IIII.COM T111 ico | | 91 | 9 งงง | ఆలురాలు wo 1101 ܙܚܘܗܒܝ - 426 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Native PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Born in Country Specified Specified Country Specified Egremont 599 560 39 2 18 560 518 42 560 516 44 522 500 23 1 10 6 3 13 19 2 9 Total 2 Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy Norway Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. n 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries ga!!!!! IMO-19TINIAITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 2 Essex 1,677 1,422 255 1,178 1,062 116 17 95 235 1,422 1.191 231 17 203 158 11 132 5 10 24 20 4 181 13 151 8 9 19 11 7 1 24 11 64 1,422 1,151 271 17 244 177 15 148 7 7 35 14 17 4 24 8 15 6 1 1 如​红​纪绍华​为​纪​幻​纪​织​如​引​见识​还​历历​订​识​的​Ndw88优​们​必​%%n仍​仍​任​乃​化​們​仍 ​40 Total 41 Native 42 | Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. 0. c. 50 Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian 64 German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. O. c. o 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 13 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TITITIWILIITTIINTILI 2 7 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 427 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country, Specified Specified Specified in Country NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Born in Parents Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Specified Specified Country, Enfield Erving 675 533 1 1 奶​以​以​16-98B5-% | 1BB531 1 8 {u813-4%B4-%-122111515---- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11110101PT N11181- 17-616B-B28%。 的​四​四​-8-1-918191172142386111111 -11B171B-162386 一一​%B9-81119171B162523必​611111 Florida Frootowa 1,663 1,359 1,359 1,118 241 1,228 1,064 164 如​红​丝切丝​约​。 46 ud%1.3%9451811213199--- 11B9721m-112- loongellellows 四​明​的​3%B1-B54118 i-B11121199 叫​!9825188219-21 896孔​仍​仍​进​历​的​订​888d2848仍​们​说​的​2223任​仍​仍​行​8 1 141885368-1-9 w811 111111111111lloops! W752 111111胜​3-3-1------ 111N1 No1 1 III III olllllo | 0| 03ill 428 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Gay Head 175 172 3 172 165 7 172 168 161 161 1 1 234 1 Total Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. 0. C. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. in. o. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 5 Goshen 289 280 9 280 252 28 280 251 29 3 17 5 261 243 13 3 11 20 4 1 3 1 6 6 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, A. o. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland Austrian German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries w888体​防​仍​仍​%%%22%水​仍​仍​們​仍 ​IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII w Wow IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 429 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Father Mother Both Born in Parents Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Goorgetown 2.058 1,864 194 1,864 1,559 305 1,864 1,582 282 273 OOO OOOWN 1 I లు వీటి | పడ్డితే 1 1 - 110. I will alweer even នី | e | ៨ III 1 986 INTIO SIRION II- - I II III Ila 1 Gospold Granby 如​红​似 ​608 389 219 - 1 1 109 80 'YINII--111-11min INIINNIT--IN, FR, 283 ២ | | ទីទី ( ដ ១ដី សនដី, ដ៏រ៉ន 1 1 Triin aina III IORDTi 1 四​订​级​的​3d88488衍​8822284仍​仍​们​仍 ​Il NITTLI, Einari ri, 430 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Granville 784 647 137 647 510 137 647 511 136 3 71 26 601 490 111 3 مدیا فن فروا هد ة نة 53 19 68 30 24 2 17 16 15 1 -wa-, 23 13 10 ORA 18 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries IONI ICO 9 18 9920 TOIMID II 19 III !!! 26 ma!!! #IMIRRO IIIIMIIIIIIe 10 TrivIWOIIII over 28 29 30 31 32 10 BILLINOINTI 38 39 30 38 34 34 Groveland 7 2,377 2,024 353 2,024 1,467 557 1,650 1,329 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 .54 2,024 1,516 508 3 454 103 15 45 284 291 86 13 42 500 122 10 38 31 97 85 12 74 113 94 18 1 265 43 108 87 21 8 | అపరాః | లులు 108 243 196 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. . France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n, o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. C. West Indies Other foreign countries 41 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 29 NITOIMITTIIN, ITION TOTTIINNITAMI 11 11 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 431 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Groonwich Groton 1,899 1,462 437 1,584 1,339 245 Bovar WN- ងផង-នដី៖ 1 1-1 INWIWw=iwwamen AIC-ICOL!!! ខ្លួន។* គីគី”។ IONICO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | | | | | 30 | ల || 2 102 | జలం---, జలు, | 06-2N | -లుస్సంతికలు: =10 CITIT TONIINIE120, - Halllax Hamilton 1,879 1,415 464 1,415 1,002 413 1,415 1,039 376 1,143 924 219 - 167 57 illel agoss,生​品 ​姚​B'%GBH-HS411-11 | | NI లురాయి రాజు - ដី, I ៖ធនិន జ | | 4 | 4-3 | 15-2008 --IT TOONI I 10000 I BITI-II wwooncom 161 62 163 64 65 | 000లుత 1 - 1 1 1 II III 10--I11 E衍​BWS12乃​乃​%们​仍 ​Com IIIIIINNWICE - 432 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. - NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Hampden 670 573 97 573 459 114 573 450 123 513 427 86 49 25 70 26 80 25 49 13 2 21 11 8 24 17 15 19 17 13 10 9 I C00 2 36 26 - 1 12 13 12 1 Total Native 3 | Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. 0. C. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries Italy III 1 17 2 ies 15 2 16 IIIIIIIIIIII 13 13 13 Harvard 1,104 904 200 904 704 200 769 650 119 如​女儿​好的​归​归​以 ​140 70 6 43 3 904 696 208 1 182 78 4 33 2 39 31 21 10 105 40 3 18 23 16 69 53 1 Total 41 Native 42 | Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland . Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania Russia, D. 0. C. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies 78 Other foreign countries CITITIWITIN-IIIIIaminillabezero 6 2 . %843%们​仍​922284乃​形​门​8 13 9 دن ااااان n 3 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 433 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Bord in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Both Father Mother Parents Born in Bord in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Hancock Hanson 514 479 35 479 429 50 409 1,796 1,463 333 1,463 1,130 333 479 425 54 3 35 19 1,463 1,133 330 1,255 1,042 213 - 10 201 132 199 156 22 97 9 28 35 S'SMITIMIDIO 1 198 127 21 64 5 37 45 89 53 10 27 2 14 21 15 6 11 18 1-11-Triinniwerrricane IOIA III otvo * \ ១ ៖ ថ ប ងន៩៩៩ដីឪ, មីដី 22 15 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 11 4 54 ŠILTO-werrrrinerivier 22 21 12 איידווויייייידיי 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 36 1 35 8 34 Harwich Hawloy 40 41 42 43 2,179 1.953 226 127 363 64 363 314 49 363 313 50 335 300 35 1,953 1,665 288 1 76 23 1,953 1,679 274 3 95 38 1,795 1,604 191 1 30 6 46 40 49 44 35 31 -పలు-సలు, ఆటి 3 21 2 38 43 31 15 1 7 27 18 7 2 18 1 6 3 14 4 1 12 24 13 10 1 32 1 21 16 3 17 1 ܟܨܟ ܙ ܙ ܚ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 3 1 1 1 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 A4A4打​招​的​引​见证​历​的​订​%83a38dB的​衍​8822234BBC% LLLLLLLLLLLL1001wiarrrrrrinimo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWICE 2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 151 4 187 3 1 165 3 1 153 3 1 2 1 III 1 434 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Born in Country Specified Specified Country Specified Heath 349 383 349 34 349 298 295 298 272 26 51 38 26 15 12 12 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway Poland Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia Syria 37 Turkey, n. O. c. 0. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 111 lei Iwc 159, 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!-!|-*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopkinton 2,475 2,103 372 6 283 87 2,103 1,405 698 8 589 96 1,764 1,289 475 8 393 14 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 2,103 1,466 637 8 540 43 13 12 10 8 61 50 11 15 20 54 w奶奶​?奶​?%%%%%以​一場​生​。 26 39 24 52 38 14 13 2 137 366 435 4 2 419 14 3 16 10 如​红​纪​仍​女​约​给​打​招​绍​如​红​配​B旺​的​玩​矿​B%An仍​仍​叶​品​仍​们​仍​SN2284%8C8 57 58 59 60 61 62 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. rance Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 33 VITIT owner Toilom www59 TITIONNI 6 66 68 69 here to COLIVIIIII 10 10 30 25 22 74 75 76 77 78 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 435 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Hinsdalo Holland 1,044 726 159 143 16 143 132 143 135 136 131 5 1,257 1,044 213 9 109 32 1,044 687 357 1 260 72 1 5 873 632 241 1 176 52 16 15 26 52 11 3 5 1 Morocco 66 35 29 5 1 153 1,,,,,,༠,,,,, -, བདe; 69 8 37 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 24 1 33 1 26 11 3 12 20 4 LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLL LL-Qiwi, ܕܝܕܪܶܛ ܝܗ ܙ ܙ ܟ ܙ ܙ ܒܬܝ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ - و به مو مردان به رد من حمد مد راہ ایہ ||||| - 15 WILTTI-III-68- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 11 Hubbardston Hull 923 797 658 139 232 1,084 923 161 1 62 40 1 19 923 733 190 1 94 44 1 20 136 75 2,290 1,735 555 19 324 172 29 84 29 30 52 37 14 1,735 1,122 613 16 377 153 13 73 24 43 77 1,312 937 375 7 218 68 6 30 34 1,735 1,057 678 9 474 181 24 81 42 34 92 64 22 6 198 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 18 30 16 15 9 6 23 27 18 7 2 23 60 16 143 120 95 3 2 如​H归​仍​约​始​打​B的​乱码​死​历​订​883d888%们​仍​SNN2B在​仍​仍​门​8 3 4 40 -టెసలు:-- | తేలషిం|---18* 21 8 72 13 10 LIITTIFOSILLLLLLINI LS-25., Il 118 ci virilerininw - SSE 55 10 ల| | లం-one wiriri a 18 ANI NIINIONI IN Do I WII w 8 1 26 23 2 64 60 仍​们 ​66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 22 6 12 16 WNIOS 1 2 3 14 5 1 21 20 1 16 19 1 19 16 18 35 17 15 2 11 1 11 5 436 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Parents Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Huntington 1,236 859 377 1,236 889 347 1,031 783 248 1,427 1,236 191 2 150 104 1 322 161 229 115 336 177 4 1 1 2 2 101 16 12 171 38 27 11 156 31 21 10 115 19 12 A 30 121 130 8 10 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n.o.c.. Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. O. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 3 18 ani 16 10 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIoToner 5 n 3 Loverett 779 719 60 2 16 5 719 642 77 6 24 12 719 635 84 6 687 623 64 6 17 43 1 8 8 如​红​纪​织​生​仍​如幻​如​引​%B8%印​88%d&仍​叶​的​们​必​%20亿​仍​仍​BC8 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland : 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian 64 German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries ܛ ܝ ܚ ܙ ܙ ܗ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܟܬ 10ESMITTIIN-1 وہ ا ن د ن با اين | | | | ای | ای 7 35 19 19 35 19 19 1 14 14 14 14 UTILITI COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 437 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Specified Lanesborough Country Lakeville 992 773 OANH 1.491 1,223 268 12 136 1,223 1,004 219 12 154 63 1,089 992 97 1.223 1.006 217 14 159 69 28 6 7 8 9 1 ននននននន ៩១១ | ០១២ | | | NITTI I OBITINI CONTROL LIITTOOISELT LIIANI COLII SAA Till ENTLILI-niville I was OITTTNIINI-TIROBI versioon AS Pliniinioia W ES LA ITT TINITIMLILINISCOIT NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ONN--- Leyden Lincoln 915 542 如​红​绍​级 ​286 250 36 8 1 45 46 47 48 49 50 ENCI MOMIOIIIIII- ابہ ، نه ماه 888 ܕܪܚܗܝܙܕܝܙܝܕܨܝܕܝܢ Trillil זייפידומו | מ | ממרור 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 --- WILLE MIGLIAIA CTWITTER Toli-ii- ii- 的​SnRS化​仍​仍​门​8 1 w! ITTIFOTOUUTA 438 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Littleton 1,228 998 230 998 749 249 998 748 250 812 674 138 207 105 210 100 165 84 23 43 5 13 39 30 9 76 27 29 3 17 47 34 13 | 81 0 1 00లు, 41 87 1 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n.o. 33 Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 38 30 30 1 1 WIIIIINIIIIIIIIIINGIWww, 3 3 Lynnfield 1,112 953 159 953 794 159 953 813 140 826 747 79 125 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 14 134 87 19 50 9 9 22 18 4 132 54 13 29 1 11 34 28 13 11 41 30 19 3 3 2 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. · France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 14 1 1 司​引见​88%订​弘​阳​如幻​似​码​贴​钻研​们​必​m%nR仍​任​仍​仍​们​仍 ​63 IIIIIIOI TOIMITTIINI-IOSA ESTE 19 ION IOITIINI ww 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 IIAIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! 10 3 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 439 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country, Country Specified Specified Country Specified Longmeadow Lunenburg 1 1,610 1,374 236 1,377 1.209 168 1,545 1,282 263 6 177 42 1,545 1.271 274 3 173 39 1,374 1,116 258 1,374 1,116 258 1,782 1,545 237 11 150 37 2 9 3 23 1,194 1,035 159 96 17 178 101 14 3 183 92 7 4 12 4 22 152 94 11 7 1 75 41 31 10 29 67 53 13 30 23 81 64 44 20 43 33 20 viri, SSIIVS 3 67 10 5 82 68 49 27 12 oor 15 1 1 I 11-11-rowi, 8 miwa 22 54 48 41 6 23 11-RIINITILL IS WEBSEIOS 10 10 12 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 16 NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 en IIIIIII Wer II TI-3-19 53 48 42 41 36 35 1 18 17 16 16 | | | | | ง 1 WIIIIII 3 3 Marion Marshfield 40 41 42 43 1,155 946 209 1,155 959 196 1,035 898 137 1,725 1,494 231 1,494 1,317 177 1,494 1,224 270 1,297 1,184 113 1,487 1,155 332 1 99 33 3 21 6 45 160 86 15 57 234 127 20 48 94 27 1 9 13 4 48 32 15 100 39 3 20 11 5 30 24 138 64 3 46 1 14 51 42 8 10 33 38 23 15 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 20 17 2 | | | |-NIలు-03, టిలు నలుపు- 19 1614-158- ఇట్లు నట్టి 17 23 22 20 5 6 2 w8时​40%B44123-21211212 2 11 A4归​仍​#幻​的​幻化​如​江​招​仍​述​历​的​初​出​的​如​红​%8d8%们​说​的​222245878 16 13 13 6 1 WILLIINITAL Trivialiniai elemento como LIITINIDIMMTriviani IIIIIIIIIIIOIIGIÖIQILINANSES 5 5 70 67 40 1 211 1 69 70 71 1 7 WILTINIS lapin III III 76 77 14 3 440 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Both Mother Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Country Specified Specified Mashpee 1 263 239 24 239 228 11 239 225 14 221 218 3 11 11 ORANE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. . France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 400O IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 16 3 Merrimac 2,101 1,849 252 7 211 122 1,849 1,488 361 9 322 144 33 48 15 48 76 54 21 1,543 1,368 175 9 145 36 8 7 30 51 9 32 48 1,849 1,512 337 9 294 133 40 41 13 39 55 38 15 2 105 肌​四​地​的​经历​经​作​站​41W 21 20 11 9 39 100 89 2 1 5 2 1 11 五​%B班​8%印​证明​如​红​仍​仍处​的​協​们​仍​%En仍​仍在​仍​仍​们​仍 ​40 Total 41 | Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. o. c. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian 64 German 65 Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey Armenia Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries IIIIIOONINIAI LINNONIE &=IIIAAA!!!!100 IIII!! 10 2 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 441 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Mother Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Born in Parents Born in Born in Country Country, Country Specified Specified Specified Mattapoisett Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Mendon 1.352 1,126 226 1,126 863 263 1,039 826 213 - DOOROVA WA 1 | | లుంసలు 1 -- 1 1 אוייייאייי''ס דומה מאד 1 מ '2' IWCFO-WS OTTTTTTTTIIINNIO Iwi ៨ | | | | | | | | | | ទ | ធ | I ៦-នះ, --ទដីធនឹង NIITTIIIIIII TITILOIT TIWILTTOIHI MITTIIIIIIIIIIIII Middlofield Middleton 1,308 1,046 - I-IWI-imonen - 1 幻​红​纪​经​约​约​约​打​&Q如​红​弘忍​姓​5%订​833d98d38们​%82222428们​仍 ​101N-III-anvi TII CU ALTI IIII Alorriani inmiwi-omineriE. IIIIIIIIIIIII a 32'2*****S&R'g'-*iiiiiin-lain 11 II TITIWILITIW LIMITTALLIOSSO יווווווווווו 11 ( דיו-וייפי 442 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Millis OSO ORA 19 1,442 1,065 377 8. 162 73 13 43 4 13 25 17 6 2 63 1,065 670 395 2 233 76 16 39 1,065 651 414 5 267 62 5 33 11 13 38 19 17 2 167 861 583 278 2 140 22 3 9 WONO 21 30 23 4 3 126 1 10 10 7 1 2 108 1 1 30 1 17 16 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. 0 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 8 12 30 1 17 1 16 4 1 1 79 112 75 79 19 75 21 112 8 16 12 75 18 Montgomery 230 209 21 209 182 27 209 175 193 173 20 2 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brungwick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c, 77 West Indies Other foreign countries IIIIIIIIIIN 938 2 &如​乱​NB旺​历历​可见​现​如​仙​似​仍​任​伍​仍​仍​码​8222848878 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINININITIO דייוויד מונוסודיו-אן פואריו 6 | 7 | טויו 88/9 TTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 12 5 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 443 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 - Continued. Father Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Monteroy Monroe BONGOWN 1 1 1 I lammil TIMO FINITION WE I w TEINITI INWEI Twiono III Torileri Eicom i loi IT!! TITTELIELIIIIIIIIIII!! Tööld II IMO INIIIIIII!!! LIITTO I!!!!! 34 Mount Washington Nahant 1,067 1,387 1,067 320 1 252 85 13 49 11 III III-wolve LIIN1IBILITLI wner or S249*8285 48STW。 1 ಹ| 6ಕೆ, ಕಜಿಪಸ… 如​红​妇​好处​约​约​红​&如​如​引​仍​仍​历历​可以​的​如​仍​仍​低​8%们​仍​9%H224GBT8 | | | | ទី I e | I | នី ១៩៩០ដង ទីម៉ដ្ឋ 111 1 con IWILLITINI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ।।।। 444 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Native PERSONS HAVING - Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Country Specified Specified New Ashford 86 2 3 92 90 2 90 83 7 90 85 2 5 7 3 I CILI 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries LATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדייוידרדיד רדיו-דו-* *82 29 30 31 32 33 38 39 New Marlborough 921 773 148 921 749 172 844 729 115 116 66 1,030 921 109 1 49 5 1 1 1 2 91 8 2 8 17 15 2 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 5 11 7 3 1 93 1 4 1 11 38 66 1 10 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n, O. c. . o West Indies Other foreign countries 28 见​红​必​码​证​班​加​初级​阳​如​似​仍​码​吐​奶奶​们​仍​922284仍​%们​% סווו ספייפיוווואו מסי 4 INITIAANISTICO !!!!!!!!!!!! 17 17 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 2 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 445 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Both Father Mother Born in Born in Parents Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS RAVING - Both Father Mother Born in Born in Parents Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Now Braintree Newbury 1,590 1,420 170 1.420 1,279 141 1.420 1,270 1,312 1.225 BONGO WRO 54必​751- LIINITILOIWW.EE WABL47%B518 అంతలు | | 4 Leo-40... e I NEI Harcin ONE E 1 ! 1 1 al I WIIWITIWILI went on Gizli w II w IIIWILLIONSTER 1 11-11-owai II WII WILL COMITASINI Senna 1 1 דיוויו - אייפי III II Woo IOIOI New Salem Norfolk ,268 如​红​纪 ​359 1 1 -1-11-MLVIII www III minorvāci comunale 1--WIINNIwõimeninio 'OITTANTI-III-IIH!!! 1 IORI INI OI WII WSTID, -Novoonce WALIOINEELLE Swingero, Sariwwen in one or more owner 61 TO ADMI-SE'TIRI 63 8822284%%C8 LA SORIA - 446 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Northborough 1 1,504 1,109 395 1,504 1,124 380 1,221 991 230 1,797 1,504 293 1 210 116 11 351 206 1 50 330 206 26 54 1 125 42 195 107 1 25 凯​ww!%'双​%RH 64 155 11 14-以​g-R1-16 45 81 23 12 11 41 10 42 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 10 IIIIIIIII19 10 12 10 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 21 21 3 6 12 6 9 001 10000 HI 8 6 12 Norwell 1,563 1,395 168 1,395 1,249 146 1,395 1,200 195 1,226 1,152 74 56 140 82 22 38 11 11 38 16 22 # 'E “སྶN * 58 ཙ ' ! 174 86 29 34 11 12 30 18 4 1 %'%%%HB%B2-511 COANAS 14 57 34 19 1 1 3 2 11 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 明​弘扬​%们​必​明​如​们​仍​仍​吐​奶奶​们​仍​82228482C8 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. in. o. c. West Indies Other foreign countries CONI 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 * מאויייסיידו ( רודודו 10 3 3 1 3 3 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 447 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 - Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Father Both Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified Father Born in Country Specified Mother Born in Country Specified Parents Born in Country Specified Northfield North Reading 1,292 1.782 1,584 198 1,584 1,360 224 1,415 1,286 129 1 BOOONOAA WA | ON--లులులు ASINI 1 11 2 Saat 1 "I CT | A Gలు | | లు | | | | నాలు-లు | NEష్టవంతులు LIITTORICII 1106-WIE I N886wder - IIIIII w I WILLIAMINI II Woci 17 !! In een IININE Oak Blufts Oakham 如​红​纪 ​1,245 933 933 576 79 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 | లులుEN | ఇల్డ్, సిండి 1-IMIANER-55cm BIO I wol I now@inbownicy sܟܨܟܝܕܚܟܪܣܛܝܢ ܙ ܐܒܝܘܕ ܙ ܕ ܙ ܙ ܙ 1 B级​历​的​初级​的​四位​的​仍​低​8%们​必​的​Mn2C任​仍​仍​们​仍 ​UUTTUINWII WIINIIWN I TILL I II III IIIIII I--I-NILI 10000 ! THAT IT 2 2 224 IIIIIIINI II III I OSI 1 1 1 1 1 448 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Specified Country Specified Specified Orleans 1 2 1,086 996 90 1,086 992 94 988 950 38 73 34 1,166 1,086 80 1 58 26 1 16 2 7 18 10 8 8 26 OOO 8 5 9 12 1 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 4 1 1 3 'RSC1811-08IIIIIONI 10-TUTTI 9 30 2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 5 2 Pelham 499 455 44 455 406 49 412 388 455 403 52 1 45 24 43 39 15 12 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 的​奶​419B-619BT1 3 18 17 19 18 17 21 10 9 1 5 1 11 6 1 3 如​红​纪​经​丝​好​招​幻​仍​约​的​红​%88%印​必​出​如​们​仍​仍​研​8%们​的​212BH历​的​行​B 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. : France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries SHIFON I HOITINITI-II-IIIIIIIIIIII- 3 2 1 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 449 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Parents Born in Country, Born in Country Country Specified Specified Specified Otis Paxton 398 352 BEOOOOOTA WIS 四​% -4-3SH66-1B- W-WS42976 121522-12-125-4-11-11-B-1B 111111151151111--11 Crellull un51-1 附​B2%8111799115115419-11-1-18-18------- 1111111111-11-11-11- - g1 = 161 will mob中心​总经​1111111中 ​111-1818755--15 1111111ne | - Po- ml 11 navel与​」 Pembroke Peru 1,074 1,337 1,074 263 875 199 147 89 6 42 4四​四​%3153117- WW.W88639115-138 昭​'m%17-%981-2-1131 15%-四​四​%41B-11B1B2- 如​红​妇女​约​约​分​&9的​红​配以​弘扬​孤​订​B8%n&仍处​低​仍​们​仍​BERN28乃​%C8 lllol小​二​101 ngiga 11日​-138-B-111 --11-1467199- 11111-1111N11111111 CAN 1110ml | V| W- | 四​码​的​'四​61412486171113--- 111111.11 wx3101 Tiri 11如​B17四​1111. Fel Sp1 -17 450 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Petersham 654 556 727 654 73 654 550 104 2 3 4 5 6 7 545 109 3 70 37 44 26 2 22 2 | లులురాని | అల్లి Naricio, 2 1 15 4 4 13 27 23 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 1 1 10 1 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 15 15 2 1 15 3. 3 26 27 28 1 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 IIIIIIIIIIIIIwwe Syria 38 39 6 Plainville 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1,408 1,198 210 6 132 85 11 23 4 47 34 25 1,198 866 332 6 248 147 12 45 , 939 748 191 3 112 73 5 10 1,198 848 350 3 230 133 11 17 15 90 62 33 25 4 33 2 83 46 36 8 58 19 12 55 20 11 1 1 3 35 3 2 46 四川​n88胜诉​所​衍​级​的​md88体​的​研​们​础​的​%n仍​仍​水​仍​仍​们​仍 ​56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1 8 68 69 70 71 72 73 GITTLE DOI 10 LTLITIO Bill 10000 1001 III III IIIIII100 10000 III Or II 11-9 10 10 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 451 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 - Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Phillipston Plainfield 375 356 19 1 1 14 BOONOORA WIS MITTA11--Nnerico Iwo Liivi 111.COOLINIILLILIIoowwe, Sie Savo II' IT!! 11.0IIIIlli- TITIWILTTI-COIL Icon II III II Plympton Prescott 1 - | | NETI లులం రాయిని పెళ్లి I wilma no nāves PITTOORD "Training in een 的​五​弘​场​还​玩​出​初级​的​如​仙​仍​仍​仍​仍​们​仍​g22234588 និន ' និង '' *~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 452 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Native PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Princeton 800 648 152 2 64 648 520 128 648 517 131 566 485 3 24 1 11 11 | | ఓ | అలుసిలారి ఆది Wales. Total Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 15 Ireland. 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. n, O. c. West Indies 39 Other foreign countries ialini-ICONI 8,63 101-INITIO II Caroserie 30 30 24 3 32 24 24 10 7 3 Richmond 564 451 113 14 38 451 347 104 4 389 320 69 451 353 98 4 64 4 37 IT 6 14 11 3 16 | 99 | 15 | 66 6s เเเเ%8ะ 17 II 40 25 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. 57 France Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies 78 Other foreign countries NIITTITAITALLITTLE WITHILIYAS 43 15 如​n88乐​场​研​们​仍​9Mn化​協​仕​8%83222242%们​仍 ​15 - 192IIIIIIIIIIIIIa COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 453 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Rayn ham Rohoboth 1,410 1,202 1,810 1,410 400 1,046 945 257 2,228 1,743 485 1,743 1,160 583 1 1,522 1,080 442 1 102 43 197 116 1,410 1,011 399 3 191 89 5 39 ERVORRA WN - 28HSBS!四​1 *红​%B-Q1235171---- A TIMII NI 2 | RAO | | | | | | PORN | జలుబెక్కల in biriwai wiatria I 2 1 9-1=TTT 5 1 Rochester Bowe 326 如​红​。 1,160 917 243 1 មិន្ននឱឌា 'នទន* - | 2 | NO | | - | NANరలా 1 ܀ ܙ ܗ ܙ ܙ ܗ ܙ ܘܝܕܝܡ ܙ OOOI III III NIBIWILINI WWE WINI I NON ESIT iemer I TORTIWIN8TINAI alalt! TaiNTI! 1 » ! | | | | រ | បទដី \ \ / ០១ / ២ | co១ គឺដី\ ! 11ININITI wilace 1 1 1 B%几​仍​仍​水​仍​仍​门​仍 ​-టలు | | లలాలు | ఇదళి, 「1885-33 -----5 454 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. - NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Rowley 1 2 1,481 1,304 177 1,304 1,116 188 1,304 1,077 227 1,086 1,003 83 OOOOOO 169 78 34 25 150 108 16 70 10 12 18 11 7 90 9 58 2 21 30 24 212 136 15 104 7 10 26 16 12 40 18 4 2 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. e. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. , n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 6 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 11 7 5 IIIIIIII 3 Rutland 红 ​1,065 713 352 4 251 54 1,895 1,343 552 5 290 134 20 53 7 54 37 33 1,343 831 512 7 391 98 8. 15 5 70 63 45 16 2 225 5 48 1,343 827 516 4 392 120 7 32 8 73 54 42 11 1 212 2 4 21 112 3 4 169 1 1 16 22 19 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England 52 Scotland 53 Wales. 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. c. France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian 64 German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 17 15 15 16 8 16 19 3 如​引​品​说​站​品​的​订​%%%d&Wd8%的​U3222仍​水​仍​仍​们​仍 ​16 16 16 Gwen 1920, von we 3 30 14 2 35 15 2 29 14 20 16 18 15 17 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 455 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Royalston Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Russell - SREDOVO WRO MIMI-, como Fare -ល-។ ១ដងដី៥, ធី៖ MIAMI Imã with 1-INO CON INDICO ដ , ៥៩, ១ រវឹង ! , ៥ជំនន , -ទដី និ៖ 1 crvenoRom, 18 TIMOINTI' - 性​好​! וווווו* e4יייי Salisbury Sandisfold 1,717 1,480 237 1,480 1,267 213 1,480 1.225 1,291 1,167 124 45 46 47 48 49 50 81%5B%=12-11-181-11- w的​必​61881681-13---- 59 60 61 62 I CINTINIS, environIYNNITT UIT TOIMITI I NOI! IES INIIWI BIVIII wwörrrr 8d8%832228任​乃​72 NIL LLLICI, NOIN 456 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Born Population in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Sandwich 1,231 902 329 1,231 915 316 1,048 833 215 197 OOO OOON 104 8 3 1,500 1,231 269 1 97 40 2 29 1 8 21 19 1 1 36 195 56 8 28 2 18 13 9 Wales. 126 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. C. Great Britain England Scotland Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 40 I'S*********-!!!! ERR 41 36 61 59 16 43 43 16 43 43 31 32 IIIIIIIIII 2 9 1 1 36 37 38 39 10 Sheffield 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1,862 1,611 251 6 100 6 1,611 1,333 278 9 135 15 1 1,611 1,335 276 10 164 11 1,477 1,275 202 9 103 4 48 5 34 50 51 52 11 44 34 9 1 109 19 14 56 91 2 12 36 25 57 58 59 60 61 62 如​红​纪​仍​比如​如​如​丝​如​紅​配​招​好的​拓印​级​的​如​仙​似​码​创​历​協​切​码​的​SnR仍​任​仍​仍​们​仍 ​Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 94 50 5 4 46 1 10 4 1 IIIIIIIIIIIII og IIIA 10 14 14 14 5 14 14 11 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 1101111 6 9 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 457 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING — Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Savoy Sharon 1,979 1,418 561 1,579 1,257 322 వాలు 231 1 - - en oveen CN 9 39 3 ?的​B就​似​仍​'%。 I will now ជន៖ ន ! 184 1 UTILITI-VIII WII IIIIIIIIIIIII! 22 comment y all!! - 24 - II!!!No 1 1-1 เเต่ง งง | 3 | 4 WILTTIMOT TONTIT E NIITTI Shelburno Sherborn 1,256 1.393 1,201 192 1,696 1,316 1,075 816 259 2. 178 1 1-55mm one in IT, 1 *ཉྩི༠ཉྩ© 'ཎྜིསསཨཡྻས **380% INII 1 如​仍​约​约​红​丝丝​的​红​配以​弘扬​%B8%d&B48%们​仍​3222345%C2 1 - * | | | 1 | A LI N L =LLA | -======= EIIA INI gimo SMART TWICE--I-le"T - ISI1001 1 1 458 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Shirley 1,589 913 676 1,589 867 722 13 568 400 2,251 1,589 662 3 378 305 103 41 9 152 41 36 4 1 29 1 2 514 352 110 48 2 192 1,206 757 449 4 324 215 60 13 1 141 29 22 106 47 7 240 52 41 10 1 113 3 2 18 16 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales. 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Po ind 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden Turkey Armenia 36 Syria | Turkey, n. O. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 37 1 149 10 1 138 -- | | | | 0100056 లాలున లలన | SA | NE | 12 పి. 12 12 1 53 9 56 9 35 1 74 10 49 15 5 45 2 4 34 11 13 10 42 2 4 31 11 13 7 1 Southborough 1,898 1,410 488 1,410 960 450 1,209 884 325 191 279 103 1,410 957 453 1 304 81 2 66 2 11 44 33 11 83 303 78 5 63 2 8 51 30 21 40 23 19 16 3 113 173 178 1 138 1 1 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c.: 6. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. 0. West Indies Other foreign countries 136 123 120 120 =!1!10-1TITio اااااااااان ااااانه 1 14 w们​说​的​AH仍​仍​任​仍​%们​仍 ​13 7 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 459 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Country Country Born in Country Specified Specified Specified Shutesbury Southampton 238 191 767 524 243 NOVO BB61 3&%*'-' 1 Till I1OTININI NICCO I MIA 3*2*1I TARIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII!! 11 III a I II III III en III I INNON II SONHII HAIINITI-INDICITIT II SINIAI 1 I errrrr LT LITS LAMI יודיeייייי Siri Southwick Sterling 1,090 如​红​丝切丝 ​1,365 1,004 361 21 1,090 814 276 11 1 1 46 47 48 49 50 OINT 1 ཙྩོtt' མ ་ * '' " " ཨཡྻ ''9 ' RE ' gaz" 38"='22*1500 1 allooni 1 以​现场​还​历​的​矿​%的​似​红​仍​仍​础​仍佔​们​仍​922234仍​STB I ఎ| 0 | | అం | AE-లు 16:18 | లు | - | అమలు DIALOMRI I GOT I WII Lichwa RIITA 100 I was the Town, Savona 1 1 11 ! 1 امیر نو en | | | | | | ៨១២ | E 1 --B4-14-9 460 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Stockbridge 1,901 1,603 298 5 171 13 1,603 1,213 390 5 275 9 1,603 1,202 401 1,376 1,114 262 4 192 2 300 8 1517印​纪​4 31 56 8 76 52 20 202 214 159 1 Total 2. Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia 9 Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. 0. C. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 57 42 14 1 98 1 2 27 18 1 28 6 11 9 2 15 52 3 11 4 9 1 2 6 3 IIIIIIIIIIII 19 13 Sudbury 1,206 1,015 191 1,015 817 198 1,015 785 230 891 755 136 76 12 120 39 10 22 103 52 9 34 3 6 20 18 2 158 65 9 39 3 14 26 21 I NORD 7 30 23 14 10 28 66 1 49 1 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. 0. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales. 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. 0. C. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland Austrian German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 41 41 2 红​仍​B班​拓​拓印​昭明​如​以​仍​码​出​码​的​初​码​的​An忆​仍在​仍​仍​们​仍 ​IIIIII a 900 100 IMATIT!! 2 2 12 12 IIII!! Tani 100IITTO 19 10 7 5 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 461 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Born in Born in Parents Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified Father Born in Country Specified Mother Born in Country Specified Stow Sturbridge 1,385 966 419 1,385 983 402 378 372 1 1 oಜಿ | ಎಸಹಜ | | ಜಜಿ ಏರಿಕೆ 'TRA ,,! Ne 1 - - 会​曾​g88988必​发​88855555ESSESemvour ove SNIN I INNW 1001 Ladies, som TÖISET T-11-wiisi 15110110111- Irigoi 100 III انه | مهناااات । ।। 「4--2- יויו 24 Sunderland Tisbury ឪ 如​红​纪​8. 1,278 779 499 66 16 1,081 872 209 1 CCOO II Wagon 1 III sinisilm ܝܕܝܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܗ ܙ ܗ ܙܩܙ ܙ ܙ ܣ ܙ ܙ ܙ Sir! 100MINIT TITIONIBINE con Icon se * - 3000 i 79的​红​奶奶​姓​好​品​订​码​的​如​红​似​仍​吐​品​的​价​88NnR仍​任​仍​B7% 1 - IIII 02 142 1 1 en l III ow! ייוויס 462 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Tolland 163 133 30 163 127 36 151 125 26 199 163 36 1 17 13 17 12 11 9 13 12 12 13 14 15 INI INNE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 3'="I11IIIIIIOTINI-III-IIIIIII 26 27 28 29 III TALQI-IIIIIIIIIIII- IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 Truro 663 557 106 557 368 189 557 400 157 491 352 139 16 9 21 9 1 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. 50 Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. o. c. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland : 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian 64 German Russian 66 Poland, n. 0. c. Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n.oc 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries OSIS IIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lil11-INITIWIACCIO, 6 1 160 127 们​必​%8n284%仍​TB 3 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 463 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500-Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Both Mother Born in Parents Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Topsfield Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country, Country Country Specified Specified Specified Townsend 1,812 1,582 230 1,582 1,315 267 1.582 1.334 248 1,377 1,236 141 197 SEBORD WA 45 明明​?85%以​以​'s4142-S12 她​似​码​'B%!S31894191443- 昭​'T382BBS2-T315419-1 附​码​?-引​%-829761-8112319- 昭​8483%A8-53121-31-- %%B-1TBH-% 11. 111111111P 1V1 好的 ​纪​8-9211 11211-3112-14如一​19-11-11 IIIIIIIIIIIIII Tyngsborough Tyringham 764 539 如​红​纪​仍以 ​1 1 45 46 47 W'SSD%仍​B%42g- 11111-10--11 | Pel 111 JP|111n me || 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III III III 66 67 68 922232888 464 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Parents Born in Born in Country Born in Country Country Specified Specified Specified Upton 2,036 1,787 249 1,787 1,425 362 1,787 1,417 370 1,548 1,313 235 202 64 204 105 18 29 5 53 47 21 25 318 135 12 24 5 321 120 24 25 1 70 58 42 14 2 143 7 1 56 30 20 10 33 51 121 108 5 13 1 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. 11 Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales. 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n.o.c.: 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 20 Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. e. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. c. 33 Sweden 34 Turkey 35 Armenia 36 Syria Turkey, n, 0. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 3 11 10 10 11 11 10 10 1 5 16 דייוויסחר| אריסויסי OINTINIIIIII 8 IIIIII 20 o 1 2 1 Washington 222 163 198 149 275 222 53 3 15 3 222 154 68 7 21 7 3 7 7 110Iwmwilinen I a--NOTlia 1 34 31 29 如​红​归​招​丝​好好​打​招​如​如​么​配​招​好玩​%订​%%%n%以​让​防​们​w8%n&仍​水​仍​仍​们​仍 ​40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia 48 Prince Edward Island 49 Canada, n. o. c. 50 Great Britain 51 England 52 Scotland 53 Wales. 54 Ireland 55 Newfoundland 56 British possessions, n. o. c. 57 France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland : Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland Austrian German 65 Russian 66 Poland, n. 0. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria 76 Turkey, n. 0. c. 77 West Indies 78 Other foreign countries 3 3 3 1 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 465 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Born in Born in Parents Born in Country, Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Born in Parents Born in Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country Specified Specified Wales Warwick 297 - - - 1 | -లు | 70 | | | జలుబిల్లు | పడి Triwa Taiwan III II II III IONI Illimi i grew III w. -IINNIDEONIES DI INIIDOLiari ini LITT TIDIOIOI 1101011 III III 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIMIII IIIIIIIII 1 111!!!! Wayland Wellfloot 1,343 如​红​纪​码​: 1,674 1,194 480 856 744 112 - - 45 46 47 ឱឱ”ើននននន~-~~- vitin 15w3ave GITTEIwawarin III WINI 1 I ៩- 1 - 1 | ០៦១ \ ---ដ៩៥-៩៩ 1 IIII-IWITIO Tiivis, 1 NIITTO WII WIIIIIlivill عن ابي ||||ادن 1 III III 466 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH Native PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Wendell 388 341 47 6 18 11 1 3 341 292 49 3 24 14 341 288 53 3 30 19 315 279 36 3 13 8 13 12 2 Total 2 Native 3 Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 10 Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain 12 England 13 Scotland 14 Wales. 15 Ireland 16 Newfoundland 17 British possessions, n. o. c. 18 France 19 Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece 21 Italy 22 Norway 23 Poland 24 Austrian 25 German 26 Russian 27 Poland, n. o. c. 28 Portugal, including island possessions 29 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 30 Finland 31 Lithuania 32 Russia, n. o. C. 33 Sweden Turkey Armenia 36 Syria 37 Turkey, n. 0. c. 38 West Indies 39 Other foreign countries 20 22" DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 9 III al 100 100 101-1-IIIIII West Brookfield 1,288 1,146 142 1 112 36 2 9 1,146 937 209 3 174 85 5 9 1,146 950 196 3 155 46 1,025 892 133 3 105 33 25 28 71 16 38 19 48 73 2 40 Total 41 Native 42 Foreign born 43 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 44 British Empire 45 Canada 46 New Brunswick 47 Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France 58 Germany, exclusive of German Poland: 59 Greece 60 Italy 61 Norway 62 Poland 63 Austrian German Russian 66 Poland, n. o. c. 67 Portugal, including island possessions 68 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 69 Finland 70 Lithuania 71 Russia, n. o. c. 72 Sweden 73 Turkey 74 Armenia 75 Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. n West Indies 78 Other foreign countries INI WII 约​约​红丝​约​红​配以​证​的​历​印​必​BMn化​仍​d的​研​们​仍​的​Sn2S4E们​仍 ​13 18 6 18 23 CITIATITIS INICI 1810 12 12 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIISICININNI COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 467 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Born in Born in Parents Born in Country Country Specified Specified Country, Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Both Father Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Wonham West Boylston 1,318 1,068 897 171 1,029 289 1,029 739 290 2 138 1,029 718 311 - RESOCONOCRAWN- SN-9000 ””ល្អៗះ។ 2 ! ! - 1 | 2-0 | | | | నలు-లు 15 Colombow-sI wir Iwiwi wiBINETINI LINIOMIS -151002-111-11I wool.- امر و نه نه ده وه ره Westhampton Wostminster 430 379 51 379 328 如​牡​纪​经 ​1,594 1,292 302 1,292 1,011 281 1,292 962 330 1,144 923 221 130 62 45 Tiiviinii-IOLLAITON-NW Brico SIMONA110011111-, "111c011-mini e donne Orriarcha, WC-in some time in Ivan లు | 3 | | | | | కాజువ్వసలు UTILI IWEIT, I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 IIIIIIIII 1 Orrietor co io ITTILLIWIErrrr ܙܝܕܐ ܙ ܤܝܪ ܚ ܘ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܗ il loro coin 468 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Mother Both Born in Born in Parents Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified West Newbury 1,529 1,350 179 2 142 73 10 29 10 24 25 19 1,350 1,042 308 2. 276 95 22 42 6 25 68 58 1,350 1,056 294 2 284 102 21 35 1,130 956 174 2 164 38 1 11 10 21 36 12 13 42 125 15 16 WANINI 20 Bestyrelsen den 380VCA Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries NN IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIlI8i News 23 2 3.86TIITTITAITOIIIIIIIII 23 2 6 8 37 39 West Tisbury 441 387 54 387 319 68 387 300 87 339 288 51 25 13 21 9 1 4 46 17 3 12 6 8 3 4 1 3 6 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1 1 1 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. o. West Indies Other foreign countries 1 Im All INTIIMIIIIIIiiiiiii! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIe 44 39 37 处​仍​仍​们​仍​9822345878 1 76 77 COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 469 111112111 一 ​gn13113--- WTG3-1 111311-181114 ''WB'm'%'B52------ 1 Both Parents Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Mother Born in Country Specified West Stockbridge Father Born in Country Specified 說明​,以​21111826-w-88-8-3113-11 1633-1 ទី I'vel''sa'g''''''''' Whatoly 1 1 111111 1 932 的​比​U61313BB31- 例​拟​%271-632-14''16'''明​'四 ​1|No191 Io1 21- 111||@|| Population in Country Specified Born 1,277 附​上路​? 1113541-S-11211-昭​%'WB'%8-11-112 1 明明​8%!2%。 WH%%?財​%8-8-12g-B45-- 如​%838-12451% NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Continued. Both Parents Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Mother Born in Country Specified Father Born in Country Specified 测​'%B78381%5134-395--15-11-1 1111133118111118 1,057 663 394 “叫​%的​经​65%。TW11395 Woston Westwood 11911117 出​的​?几​D'S'CS-845'''51-1119-11-16 1,057 H册​?WS的​43%的​-W1138-B5111 Population Born in Country Specified 2,342 協​明​!绍​说​%%%%n%'W633'%B6-11618315-11-29 說​?四​招​%的​H'S4158173121117314% 也​eN 如​红​丝织 ​46 如​如​如​么​说​以​玩​品​可以​明​如​红​的​8础​伤​的​衍​88222848878 470 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 19. — NATIVE, FOREIGN BORN, AND NATIVE BY PARENT Population Born in Country Specified COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Father Both Mother Born in Parents Born in Country Country Born in Specified Specified Country Specified Williamsburg 1 2 2,118 1,694 424 1 180 98 1,694 1,184 510 1,694 1,187 507 1 328 108 1,473 1,094 379 228 341 121 4 2 119 28 25 ' 1599 59 190 192 148 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 13 Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies Other foreign countries 1 8 24 10 GITTIILOILOINE, WW II w Ziem 130 183 50 134 124 16 133 111 113 2 106 2 26 27 28 29 *** CANIA!!!!!! 7 7 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 Worthington 580 618 580 511 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 580 512 68 11 45 15 1 4 527 491 36 11 19 7 10 24 11 12 1 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 幻​仍​如​配​红​配以​让​玩​的​订​说明​如​红​仍​仍以​品​优​切​码​892亿​仍​任​形​们​仍 ​Total Native Foreign born Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales. Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. 0. C. France Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece Italy Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal, including island possessions Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Sweden Turkey Armenia Syria Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Other foreign countries i 1110110-IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII *=* INTENCITATI-1:11TTIIIIIIIIIII COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND NATIVE BY PARENT NATIVITY. 471 NATIVITY, FOR TOWNS OF LESS THAN 2,500 — Concluded. Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING – Both Father Mother Born in Parents Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Population Born in Country Specified NATIVE PERSONS HAVING - Father Both Mother Parents Born in Born in Born in Country Country Country Specified Specified Specified Wilmington Windsor 2,330 1,851 479 1,851 1.245 606 1,851 1.239 612 1,430 1,075 355 1 346 214 4 1 - 1 123456789212BBS wis 17 FI01 అం|-O- | 0 | లుకలు | లాజీ | అరితేజ wiwwão www com C I MI wrote | | O+ | 01 | ON: 84 | 13-82N5 లా | IN 1 లలా ఉం| | అt | 01 | - One-2 | NN | తెలండలు 111011011 INOLT-I-E, III-II-III liiioii o Wrentham Yarmouth 2,414 1,975 439 如​红​归​经​: 1,975 1,450 525 1,975 1,437 538 1,639 1,311 1,415 1,304 111 1,304 1,189 115 1,304 1,151 153 1,207 1,125 82 187 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 21 చురాజు • | 01615-N.. 1 1 60 61 62 63 64 65 - 1-1-జలు - ఊ | | లు | 2002 | 21-సం అల్లు 51 || --A | -01 | లు--- అజివీర జబ్బులు III ONNI WWW RMS III 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 CON IL TINIIS NII TriioiW-wizi wa chama 1 00II -Sin emer me I loom, 四​%们​说​的​%n234仍​%C8 - 472 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 20. — NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN BY COLOR OR RACE AND SEX, YORK, AND FOREIGN BORN BY (NOTE. — “All other" includes Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and all other. "Other native" includes persons born all persons born in outlying possessions of the United States or at sea of American parents. “N. 0.0." POPULATION STATE AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Males Females 1 THE STATE 2 Native 3 New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont 10 New York 11 All other states 12 American citizens (born abroad) 13 Other native 14 Foreign born 15 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 16 Bohemia 17 Hungary 18 Austria, n. o. c. 19 Belgium 20 British Empire 21 Canada 22 New Brunswick 23 Nova Scotia 24 Prince Edward Island 25 Canada, n. o. c. 26 Great Britain 27 England 28 Scotland 29 Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. 33 China Denmark 35 France 36 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 37 Greece 38 Italy 39 Japan 40 Netherlands 41 Norway 42 Poland 43 Austrian 44 German 45 Russian 46 Poland, n. o. c. 47 Portugal Portugal proper 49 Island possessions 50 Roumania 51 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 52 Finland 53 Lithuania 54 Russia, n. o. c. 55 Serbia 56 South and Central America and Mexico 57 Spain 58 Sweden 59 Switzerland 60 Turkey 61 Armenia 62 Syria 63 Other Asiatic Turkey 64 European Turkey Turkey, n. 0. c. . West Indies Cuba 68 West Indies, n. o. c. 69 Other foreign countries 3,693,310 2,541,265 2,361,064 40,735 99, 468 2,088,764 64,938 35, 184 40,975 83.096 87.632 7,474 1,999 1,152,045 12,004 1,069 3,249 7,686 2,584 620,070 263,786 30,010 79, 115 16,859 137, 802 129,538 95, 929 32,088 1,521 210,166 13,269 3.311 1,804 3,402 6,287 28,696 18,163 122,129 169 2,062 5,833 3,373 33,311 1,172 46,995 1,895 52,133 25,839 26,294 919 123,450 14,342 12,751 96,357 123 850 657 41,136 1,371 21.986 6,374 7,771 3,431 2,184 2.226 1,793 1,813,713 1,238,297 1,151,625 19,369 41,989 1,022,652 30, 725 17,085 19,805 39,498 42,429 3,354 1,391 575,416 6,436 523 1,717 4,196 1,375 275,119 117,490 12,172 32,671 6,510 66,137 63,063 46,933 15,405 725 87,265 5,682 1,619 1,736 1,976 3,086 14,792 13,299 73,905 147 1,210 3,007 46,123 16,647 592 27,882 1,002 27,979 13,903 14,076 486 66,011 7.111 7,398 51,502 96 484 462 19,999 684 15,260 4,457 4,477 2,637 1,942 1,747 1.049 1,879,597 1,302,968 1,209, 439 21,366 43, 479 1,066, 112 34,213 18,099 21,170 43,598 45,203 4,120 608 576,629 5,568 546 1,532 3,490 1,209 344,951 146,296 17,838 46,444 10,349 71,665 66, 475 48,996 16,683 796 122,901 7,587 1,692 68 1,426 3,201 13,904 4,864 48,224 22 852 2,826 37,250 16.664 580 19,113 893 24,154 11,936 12,218 433 57,439 7,231 5,353 44,855 27 366 195 21,137 687 6,726 1,917 3,294 794 242 479 744 177 1,616 1,051 109 940 695 68 676 356 48 NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN BY COLOR OR RACE AND SEX. 473 SHOWING NATIVE FOR EACH OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES AND NEW COUNTRY OF BIRTH, FOR THE STATE. in United States, state of birth not reported; persons for whom there was no information as to place of birth; means not otherwise classified. “Other foreign countries" include persons born at sea of foreign parents.) WHITE COLORED ALL OTHER Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females 1 2 3 45,598 35,634 19,584 677 274 17,961 111 1,787,944 1,220,405 1,142,074 19,076 41,878 1,013,794 30,677 16,915 19,734 39,008 34,758 3,270 1,295 567,539 6,434 3,066 1,193 278 12 4 255 22,703 16,699 9,273 281 107 8,603 48 163 71 482 6,840 48 56 6,004 22,895 18,935 10,311 396 167 9,358 63 236 91 539 7,952 94 39 3,960 3,439 1,480 521 15 6 480 3 17 373 287 243 3 2 225 3 10 162 1,021 14,792 142 95 9,964 16 862 40 41 1,959 8 831 36 40 1,873 8 31 4 1 86 521 2 2 19 14 16 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1,541 647 47 517 1 3,496 1,660 171 1,260 34 195 76 60 9 7 14 2 1,744 1 1,955 1,013 124 743 27 119 40 29 5 6 35 30 11 16 3 ANIIIIIIINNOIA ITIT 76 36 31 4 6 852 892 1,771 1,714 15 3,644,273 2,504,151 2,340,959 40,043 90,188 2,070,323 64,824 34,768 40,813 82,059 71,978 7,292 1,863 1,140,122 12,002 1,067 3,249 7,686 2,583 616,539 262,096 29,828 77,839 16,822 137,607 129,462 95,869 32,079 1,514 210,152 13,267 1,562 33 3,373 6,271 28,692 18,162 122,127 17 2,039 5,833 83,371 33,311 1,170 46,995 1,895 47,185 24,634 22,651 919 123,445 14,342 12,750 96,353 123 763 648 41,136 1,368 21,980 6,371 7,771 3,429 2,183 2,226 501 136 365 1,012 1,856,329 1,283,746 1,198,885 20,967 48.310 1,056,529 34,147 17,853 21,079 43,051 37,220 4,022 568 572,583 5,568 546 1,532 3,490 1.208 342,980 145, 267 17,708 45,692 10,321 71,546 66,435 48,967 16,678 790 122,893 7,585 800 11 1,411 3,194 13,901 4,864 48,224 10 850 2,826 37,248 16,664 578 19,113 893 22,740 11,616 11,124 433 57,438 7.231 5,352 44,855 27 338 194 21,137 684 6,726 1,917 3,294 794 242 479 225 58 167 346 14 9 29 16 4 1 2 יייייייייייייייייייפייווירוס פפירוזיס 3 1 2 152 140 12 39 40 41 23 21 1,717 4,196 1,375 273,559 116,829 12,120 32,147 6,501 66,061 63,027 46,902 15,401 724 87,259 5,682 762 22 1,962 3,077 14.791 13,298 73,903 7 1,189 3,007 46,123 16,647 592 27,882 1,002 24,445 12,918 11,527 486 66,007 7,111 7,398 51,498 96 425 454 19,999 684 15,254 4,454 4,477 2,635 1,941 1,747 276 78 198 666 42 4,948 1,305 3,643 Iori cer IINSINS 3,534 985 2,549 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1,414 320 1,094 87 59 28 NI WOW TO SIWI 100 1,291 41 1,250 39 773 31 742 29 518 10 508 10 474 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 21. — ILLITERATES IN THE POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER FOREIGN-BORN WHITE BY COUNTRY OF BIRTH) COLOR OR RACE, AND INCLUDING AGE UNKNOWN) BY SEX, FOR THE STATE. [NOTE. - "All other" includes Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and all other. “N. o. c." means not Class of POPULATION Total Males Females 2,994,158 128,563 6,184 5,491 2,146 3,345 643 44 122,379 119,816 1,900 48 388 1,464 188 26,803 16,682 517 1,012 163 14,990 952 773 156 23 8,863 276 30 1,461,535 61,782 3,620 3,388 1,438 1,950 197 35 58,162 56,685 779 16 160 603 75 12,343 9,143 269 507 63 8,304 281 246 31 4 2,778 128 13 1,532,623 66,781 2,564 2,103 708 1,395 452 9 64,217 63,131 1,121 32 228 861 113 14,460 7,539 248 505 100 6,686 671 527 125 19 26 6,085 148 17 . 1 Population of age groups specified, 2 Total number of illiterates 3 | Native. White Native parentage Foreign or mixed parentage Colored All other 9 Foreign born 10 White 11 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 12 Bohemia 13 Hungary 14 Austria, n. o. c. 15 Belgium . 16 British Empire 17 Canada 18 New Brunswick 19 Nova Scotia 20 Prince Edward Island 21 Canada, n. o. c. 22 Great Britain 23 England 24 Scotland 25 Wales Ireland 27 Newfoundland 28 British possessions, n. o. c. 29 China 30 Denmark 31 France 32 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 33 Greece 34 Italy 35 Japan Netherlands 37 Norway. 38 Poland 39 Austrian 40 German 41 Russian 42 Poland, n. o. c. 43 Portugal. 44 Portugal proper 45 Island possessions Roumania 47 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 48 Finland 49 Lithuania : 50 Russia, n. o. c. 51 Serbia 52 South and Central America and Mexico 53 Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Armenia Syria 59 Other Asiatic Turkey : 60 European Turkey 61 Turkey, n. 0. c. . 62 West Indies 63 Cuba 64 West Indies, n. 0. C. 65 Other foreign countries Colored 67 All other : 32 192 372 2,683 29,385 15 106 125 1,202 14,584 17 86 247 1,481 14,801 36 46 49 70 16,722 5,253 139 10,929 401 20,519 10,521 9,998 107 15,214 457 2,394 12,363 42 47 64 309 23 5,011 499 2,602 986 441 483 9 23 19 8,041 2,519 46 5,275 201 10,554 5,492 5,062 34 5,730 207 955 4,568 33 33 36 102 10 2,797 266 1,021 769 383 358 4 2 2 40 1,405 72 26 51 8,681 2,734 93 5,654 200 9,965 5,029 4,936 73 9,484 250 1,439 7,795 9 14 28 207 13 2,214 233 1,581 217 58 125 5 7 75 2,466 97 5 35 1,061 25 ILLITERATES IN POPULATION 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. 475 BY NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN (NATIVE WHITE BY PARENT NATIVITY AND AGE PERIODS (10 AND OVER BUT UNDER 21 YEARS, AND 21 YEARS AND OVER, otherwise classified. “Other foreign countries" include persons born at sea of foreign parents.) 10 AND OVER BUT UNDER 21 YEARS 21 YEARS AND OVER (INCLUDING AGE UNKNOWN) PER CENT OF ILLITERATES Total Fe- males Fe Males Total Males Total Males Fe- males males 340,027 4,173 705 690 100.0 5.9 5.5 2.3 100.0 3.8 3.1 1.1 2.1 0.7 14 687,920 8,657 1,073 1,051 428 623 20 2 7,584 7,419 176 1 29 146 4 190 146 7 11 1 347,893 4,484 368 361 150 211 6 1 4,116 4,051 134 1 20 113 3 78 47 2 10 11 96.2 94.5 1.7 13 2,306,238 119,906 5,111 4,440 1,718 2,722 629 42 114,795 112,397 1,724 47 359 1,318 184 26,613 16,536 510 1,001 162 14,863 940 767 151 22 8,834 276 27 BEI 11 wielowe het ons no DEST 1,121,508 57,609 2,915 2,698 1,160 1,538 183 34 54,694 53,317 737 16 151 570 74 12,231 9,044 264 500 63 8,217 277 244 29 4 2,772 128 10 1,184,730 62,297 2,196 1,742 558 1,184 446 8 60,101 59,080 987 31 208 748 110 14,382 7,492 246 501 99 6,646 663 523 122 18 6,062 148 17 100.0 4.8 4.3 1.7 2.6 0.5 -1 95.2 93.2 1.5 -1 0.3 1.1 0.1 20.8 13.0 0.4 0.8 0.1 11.7 0.7 0.6 0.1 3.2 0.3 0.1 94.1 91.8 1.3 -1 0.3 1.0 0.1 20.0 14.8 0.4 0.8 0.1 13.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 1.3 0.2 21.7 11.3 0.4 0.8 0.1 10.0 1.0 0.8 0.2 40 0.1 23 SILICA O 6.9 0.2 -1 4.5 0.2 9.1 0.2 SSS全​ER22今​全​知​已知​会​公告​本​公​兰​些​会​经​学会​会​金​经 ​总经​总经​上 ​总会​与​会员​二​占​oment on- 31 190 365 2,270 27,625 15 106 122 1,051 13,542 16 84 243 1,219 14,083 0.2 0.2 1.9 23.6 0.1 0.4 2.2 22,2 262 718 -1 0.1 0.3 2.1 22.9 - 0.1 13.0 1,760 1,042 36 37 38 1 4 521 131 22 15 7,520 2,388 46 4,899 24 49 7,602 2,513 90 4,823 4.1 2 1,079 221 3 831 24 921 565 356 1,207 42 187 176 1,686 → , , , នឪឪ , E-ឪឪ ទី.ឌទី... ទី….…...…...ឌី. 376 14 765 420 345 3 373 12 47 314 46 611 12 154 445 46 64 15,122 4,901 136 9,722 363 18,833 9,536 9,297 104 14,230 433 2,193 11,604 41 38 59 299 23 4,455 470 2,302 894 363 426 9 2 1 0.1 13.0 4.1 0.1 8.5 0.3 14.9 7.5 7.4 0.1 14.2 0.4 2.2 11.7 -1 49 50 0.1 8.5 0.3 16.0 8.2 7.8 0.1 11.8 0.4 1.9 9.6 -1 -1 -1 0.2 -1 3.9 0.4 2.0 0.8 0.3 0.3 9,789 5,072 4,717 31 5,357 195 908 4,254 32 30 35 96 10 2,458 248 900 687 311 312 4 2 2 40 1,310 67 13.0 4.1 0.1 8.5 0.3 17.1 8.9 8.2 0.1 9.3 0.3 1.5 7.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 -1 4.5 0.4 1.7 1.2 0.6 0.6 -1 9,044 4,464 4.580 73 8,873 238 1,285 7,350 9 8 24 203 13 1,997 222 1,402 207 52 114 5 IOW 339 18 121 82 72 46 217 11 179 10 6 11 59 3.3 0.3 2.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 62 63 5 32 998 23 72 2,308 90 -1 0.1 2.3 0.1 0. 1.9 0.1 63 2 -1 0.1 1.6 67 -1 · Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 476 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 22. POLITICAL CONDITION OF MALES OF VOTING AGE BY COLOR OR RACE, BY NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN; ALIENS, CLASSIFIED BY LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE STATE. (Note. —" All other" includes Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and all other. “Voting age" includes age unknown.! ALIENS LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES CLASS OF POPU- LATION Males 21 Years of Age and Over Legal Voters Total Native Unqual- Illiterate ified by and t'n- Length Native knoin of Res- and Polit- idence Foreign- ical in Mass. born Con- or city under dition or town Guard- ianship 1 Year and Over but un- der 6 Years Under 1 Year 6 Years and Over t'n- known Total 1,121,508 775,889 299,372 5,284 91,606 200,586 1,896 25,071 20,964 212 164 161 3 Native White Colored All other Foreign born White Colored All other 614,465 603,591 9,898 976 507,043 499,839 5,448 1,756 579,755 570,425 8,947 383 196,134 195,511 623 21.226 20,707 489 30 3,845 3,821 24 13,320 12,298 459 563 7,644 7,537 90 17 299,372 292,922 4,711 1,739 48 48 5,284 5,118 151 15 91,606 89,546 1,878 182 200,586 196,434 2,633 1,513 1,896 1,824 49 23 TABLE 23. POLITICAL CONDITION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES OF VOTING AGE FOR SELECTED COUNTRIES OF BIRTH; 1915 COMPARED WITH 1910, FOR THE STATE. (NOTE. — “N. o. c." means not otherwise classified. “Poland, n. o. c." included in other foreign countries. “Naturalized" includes persons unqualified by length of residence.) FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER NATURALIZED ALIENS UNDER GUARDIANSHIP AND UNKNOWN POLITICAL CON- DITION COUNTRY OF BIRTH 1915 1910 - Total 7,585 22,426 Austria, including Austrian Poland British Empire Canada and Newfoundland : Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland France Germany, including German Poland Greece Italy Norway Portugal, including island possessions Russia, including Russian Poland Finland Russia, n. 0. c. Sweden Turkey, n. O. c. : West Indies Other foreign countries 1915 1910 1915 1910 1915 1910 - 499,839 453,601 199,332 189,126 292,922 242,049 19,947 16,040 2,932 2,073 16.810 13,418 1252,075 262,536 139,607 | 140,585 107,069 107.131 111,025 117,271 49,163 48,188 60.353 62,195 55,803 54,033 32,827 30.843 22,044 20.098 41,664 40,955 25.014 23,707 15,915 14,939 13,465 12,407 7,339 6,674 5,944 4,986 674 671 474 462 185 173 85,247 91,232 57,617 61,554 24,672 24,838 2,689 2,656 1,102 966 1,548 1,530 14.626 14,774 10,481 10,262 3,918 3,758 11,077 6,798 657 326 10.351 6,275 59,736 42,957 7,579 5,901 51,669 35,439 2,704 2,506 1,423 1,173 1.249 1,210 19,582 10,705 2,176 1,474 17,316 8,819 77,907 57,362 17,490 12,215 59,821 43.045 6,266 4,615 1,068 644 5.087 3,729 71,641 52,747 16,422 11.571 54,734 39,316 18,712 17,758 11.085 9,744 7,436 7,246 12,783 9,231 1,613 1,148 11,083 7,788 241 372 111 127 119 198 27,760 9,906 3,076 3,132 4,533 6,192 205 5,399 1,509 932 735 182 15 2,958 39 227 69 488 32 90 596 111 485 191 87 11 151 549 14,820 6,888 3,092 2,309 747 36 4,840 160 754 197 1,617 123 412 2,102 242 1,860 768 295 47 582 1 Does not include 622 for British possessions, n. o. c. In 1910 British possessions, n. 0. c. was included in other foreign countries. 2 Includes 622 for British possessions, n. 0. C. POLITICAL CONDITION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES. 477 TABLE 24. - POLITICAL CONDITION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES OF VOTING AGE, BY COUNTRY OF BIRTH; NATURALIZED, CLASSIFIED BY QUALIFICATION FOR VOTING, AND ALIENS, CLASSIFIED BY LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE STATE. (NOTE. — “N. 0. c." means not otherwise classified. “Unqualified" means unqualified by length of residence only. “Other foreign countries" include persons born at sea of foreign parents. “Voting age " includes age unknown.) NATURALIZED COUNTRY OF BIRTH For- eign- born White Males 21 Years of Age and Over ALIENS Under Guard- LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN ianship THE UNITED STATES and Un- 1 and 6 known Under Over Years Un- Political 1 but un- Year der 6 and known' Condi- Over tion Legal Un- Voters qual- ified Total Total Years Total 499,839 | 199,332 195,511 3,821 292,922 5,118 89,646 196,434 1,824 7,585 28 4 102 7 21 59 4 15 40 21 1,913 698 71 245 5,656 476 1,518 3,662 1,111 252.697 105,790 11,111 29,393 6,015 59,271 55,803 41.664 13,465 674 85,247 5,235 622 7 1,857 2,689 1.981 1,927 245 242 500 487 1,236 1,198 265 257 139.911 137,435 46,751 45,769 5,625 5,510 13,996 13,732 2,973 2,904 24,157 23.623 32,827 32,128 25,014 24,502 7,339 7,162 474 464 57,617 56,872 2,412 2,368 304 298 3 1 1.064 1,034 1,102 1,058 54 3,573 3 224 13 997 38 2,352 8 834 2,476 107,364 982 57,604 115 5,296 264 15,102 69 2,972 534 34,234 699 22,044 512 15,915 177 5,944 10 745 24,672 44 2,749 6 295 4 30 770 44 1,548 1,071 58 322 691 371 20,677 5,952 645 2,003 388 2,916 7,423 5,054 2,314 55 6,665 2,415 158 658 1,599 440 84,006 50,505 4,556 12,758 2,522 30,669 13,927 10,333 3,470 124 17,261 2,101 212 4 517 1,160 768 449 24 96 18 311 338 572 441 127 4 564 68 11 In283 74 12 5,422 1,435 190 295 70 880 932 735 182 15 2,958 74 23 122 185 182 568 69 జిల్లాలు - 1 సజషన్ 226 353 23 39 155 10,257 657 7,579 208 37 144 367 800 5,436 18,665 219 69 488 920 245 19 Austria, exc. of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o:c: Belgium British Empire Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n.o.c. China Denmark : France Germany, exc. of German Poland Greece Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Poland Austrian German Russian Poland, n. o. c. Portugal Portugal proper Island possessions Roumania Russia, exc. of Russian Po- land Finland Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. Serbia. South and Central America and Mexico Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Armenia Syria Other Asiatic Turkey European Turkey Turkey, n. O. c. West Indies Cuba West Indies, n. 0. c. Other foreign countries 14,094 11,077 59,736 5 992 2,704 39,599 14,291 532 23,901 875 19,582 10,317 9,265 388 10,049 620 7,435 4 430 1,369 3,451 934 220 2,207 90 2,144 848 1,296 163 444 1,423 3,517 951 224 2,246 96 2,176 869 1,307 169 3,618 10,351 51,669 1 538 1,249 35,798 13,237 300 21,500 761 17,316 9,422 7,894 216 14 54 66 17 4 39 6 32 21 11 6 3 5 246 94 ន៖ 'ពីន និង” 70 2,628 4,493 31,839 1 281 934 20,600 8,718 258 11,207 417 11,457 5,624 5,833 145 235 289 14,630 4,355 42 9,905 328 5,395 3,495 1,900 67 244 8 350 235 144 8 114 68 46 2 10 32 284 103 8 155 18 90 26 64 3 115 2 54,006 6,266 6,651 41,089 78 15,244 1,068 521 13,655 6 14.889 1,055 517 13,317 6 355 13 4 338 38.321 5,087 6,122 27,112 71 495 57 61 377 1 12,973 1,734 2,590 8,649 43 24,703 3,272 3,434 17,997 27 150 24 37 89 441 111 8: 322: 3 OOO 233 383 18,712 644 12,783 3,862 3,506 2,269 1,608 1,538 241 62 179 565 71 59 11,085 363 1,613 510 393 388 70 252 111 22 89 228 69 55 10,861 353 1,576 498 385 383 68 242 106 20 86 219 2 4 224 10 37 12 8 5 2 10 33 2 51 17 11 అలుసిసలసలు 154 315 7,436 271 11,083 3,324 3,094 1,871 1,517 1,277 119 36 83 303 10 19 88 4 296 45 36 29 160 26 7 3 4 8 42 161 2,092 89 3,817 1,813 1,217 1,137 886 764 28 12 16 86 99 134 5,223 176 4,919 1,449 1,830 699 460 481 82 21 61 151 SINON 8 9 191 10 87 28 19 10 21 9 11 4 7 34 11 6 2 478 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 25. — AGES BY NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND SEX, AND NATIVE (Note. —"All other" includes Chinese, POPULATION NATIVE FOREIGN BORN AGES Fe- Total Males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males males 1 THE STATE 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SESSORA UN 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Under 1 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years 26 years 27 years 28 years 29 years 30 years 31 years 32 years 33 years 34 years 35 years 36 years 37 years 38 years 39 years 40 years 41 years 42 years 43 years 44 years 45 years 46 years 47 years 48 years 51 49 years 52 50 years 53 51 years 54 52 years 55 53 years 56 54 years 55 years 56 years 57 years 58 years 59 years 60 years 61 years 64 62 years 63 years 64 years 65 years 66 years 67 years 68 years 69 years 70 years 71 years 72 years 73 years 74 years 75 years 76 years 77 years 3,693,310 1,813,713|1,879,597 2,541,265 1,238,297 1,302,968|1,152,045 575,416 576,629 75,253 37,988 37,265 74,971 37.828 37,143 282 160 122 71.666 36,214 35,452 71,011 35,875 35,136 655 339 316 73,257 36,880 36,377 71.973 36,208 35,765 1,284 672 612 72,227 36,516 35,711 70,308 35,533 34,775 1,919 983 936 70,894 35,570 35,324 68,484 34.325 34,159 2,410 1.245 1,165 68,695 34.598 34,097 65,582 33,024 32,558 3,113 1,574 1,539 68,583 34,501 34,082 64,816 32,653 32,193 3,737 1,848 1.889 69,504 34,996 34,508 65,532 32,969 32,563 3,972 2,027 1,945 66,918 33,523 33,395 62,490 31,347 31,143 4,428 2,176 2,252 62,155 31,392 30,763 57.205 28,930 28,275 4,950 2,462 2.488 61,370 30.608 30,762 55,717 27.857 27,860 5,653 2,751 2,902 59,686 30,061 29,625 53,884 27,166 26,718 5,802 2,895 2,907 62,935 31,872 31,063 55,996 28,299 27,697 6,939 3,573 3,366 58,868 29,762 29.106 52.037 26,343 25,694 6,831 3,419 3,412 59,920 30,116 29,804 52,744 26,568 26.176 7,176 3,548 3,628 56,316 27,992 28,324 49,003 24,336 24,667 7,313 3,656 3.657 60,751 30.095 30,656 51,373 25,532 25,841 9.378 4,563 4,815 61,522 30,182 31,340 50,586 25,142 25,444 10,936 5,040 5,896 68,348 33.210 35,138 52,665 25,833 26,832 15,683 7.377 8,306 67,577 33,294 34,283 50.031 24.935 25.096 17,546 8,359 9.187 70,627 32,835 37,792 48,336 23,129 25,207 22,291 9,706 12,585 69,274 33,579 35.695 48,552 23,573 24,979 20,722 10.006 10,716 74,721 35,993 38,728 47,204 22,608 24,596 27,517 13,385 14,132 72,034 34,551 37,483 45,192 21,544 23,648 26,842 13,007 13,835 72,616 35,003 37,613 43,754 20.705 23,049 28,862 14,298 14,564 75,905 36,947 38,958 42,697 20,058 22.639 33.208 16.889 16,319 70,140 34,305 35,835 40,174 19,045 21,129 29,966 15,260 14,706 66,721 33,185 33,536 37,542 17.952 19,590 29,179 15,233 13.946 74,360 37,173 37,187 38,878 18,437 20.441 35,482 18,736 16,746 58,950 29,407 29,543 32,724 15,738 16,986 26,226 13,669 12,557 79,816 40,019 39,797 39,186 18,353 20.833 40,630 21,666 18,964 48,073 24,189 23,884 28,375 13,694 14.681 19,698 10,495 9,203 62.809 31,036 31,773 33,304 15,789 17,515 29,505 15,247 14,258 53,340 26,873 26,467 29,097 14.177 14,920 24,243 12,696 11.547 55,179 27,177 28,002 30,655 14,804 15,851 24,524 12.373 12.151 70,314 35,052 35,262 35,130 16,621 18,509 35,184 18,431 16,753 53,424 26,033 27,391 28.139 13,497 14,642 25,285 12,536 12,749 49,751 24,366 25,385 27,145 13,117 14,028 22.606 11.249 11,357 65,571 32,215 33,356 33,760 16,078 17,682 31.811 16,137 15,674 50,669 24,951 25,718 28.043 13,634 14,409 22,626 11,317 11.309 73.199 36.347 36,852 36,153 17.006 19,147 37.046 19,341 17,705 88,176 19,08 19.091 10,982 11,580 15,614 8,103 7,511 56,059 28.002 28,057 30.021 14,547 15,474 26,038 13,455 12,583 43,156 21,278 21.878 23,700 11,533 12,167 19,456 9,745 9,711 42,346 20.750 21,596 23,055 11,137 11,918 19,291 9.613 9,678 58,778 29,550 29,228 29,007 13,975 15,032 29,771 15,575 14,196 38,699 19.124 19,575 21,091 10,245 10,846 17,608 8,879 8.729 38,154 18,970 19,184 21.374 10,526 10,848 16.780 8,444 8,336 45,115 22,165 22,950 23,096 11,161 11.935 22.019 11,004 11,015 36,764 18.100 18,664 19,737 9.648 10,089 17,027 8,452 8,575 54,394 26,005 28,389 25,948 11,992 13.956 28.446 14.013 14,433 26,551 13.212 13.339 14,978 7,366 7,612 11,573 5,846 5,727 37,924 18,852 19.072 20,314 9,893 10,451 17,580 8,959 8,621 30.729 15,183 15,546 17,786 8.655 9.131 12,943 6,528 6,415 33.191 16,238 16,953 19,638 9,524 10,114 13,553 6,714 6,839 34,973 17,025 17,948 19.216 9,178 10,038 15,757 7,847 7.910 27,886 13,633 14,253 16,747 8,130 8.617 11,139 5,503 5,636 24,094 11.765 12,329 15,491 7,581 7,910 8,603 4,184 4,419 26,582 12,704 13,878 16,333 7.762 8,571 10,249 4,942 5,307 21,123 10.006 11,117 13,388 6,395 6,993 7,735 3,611 4,124 32,100 14,562 17,538 17.249 7,796 9,453 14,851 6,766 8.085 15.755 7,567 8,188 10,337 4.918 5,419 5,418 2,649 2,769 20,401 9.734 10.667 12,526 6,001 6,525 7,875 3,733 4.142 18,423 8,796 9,627 11,243 5.338 5,905 7,180 3,458 3,722 18,028 8.420 9,608 10,972 5,132 5,810 7.056 3.288 3,768 22,894 10,358 12,536 12,262 5,519 6,743 10,632 4.839 5,793 13,673 6,362 7,311 8,402 3,880 4.522 5.271 2,482 2,789 13,544 6,249 7.295 8,058 3,705 4,353 5,486 2.544 2,942 14,289 6,396 7,893 8,470 3.784 4,686 5,819 2,612 3,207 11.868 5,425 6,443 7,411 3,371 4,040 4,457 2,054 2,403 16,386 6,800 9,586 8,548 3,460 5,088 7,838 3.340 4.498 9,073 4,116 4,957 5,950 2,620 3,330 3,123 1,496 1,627 10,965 的​幻​纪​约​四五​%B证​5%矿​级别​如​H&SHS3G&EnQ3456TC9 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 4,860 6,105 6,722 2,869 3,853 4,243 1.991 2,252 9,060 3,975 5,085 5,633 2,438 3,195 3,427 1,537 1,890 8,890 3,887 5,003 5,488 2,351 3.137 3,402 1,536 1,866 10,199 4,291 5,908 5,696 2,372 3,324 4,503 1,919 2,584 7,027 2,940 4.087 4.417 1.763 2,654 2.610 1,177 1,433 5,466 2,292 3,174 3,687 1,483 2,204 1.779 809 970 75 76 77 78 79 AGES BY NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN. 479 AND FOREIGN BORN BY COLOR OR RACE, AND SEX, FOR THE STATE. Japanese, Indian, and all other.] NATIVE FOREIGN BORN WHITE COLORED ALL OTHER WHITE COLORED ALL OTHER Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 1,220,405 1,283,746 16,699 18,935 1,193 287 567,539 572,583 6,004 3,960 1,873 86 2 3 12 5 10 10 121 314 608 931 21 15 12 10 5 14 10 9 14 6 408 367 444 346 377 396 327 338 333 324 298 298 341 263 305 258 275 278 285 276 264 257 290 255 ܙܘܘܟܬܘܘܩܘܩܚܣܗܗ ܗܢܗܟܝܒܘܤܝ 11 SNESENO Aveo 10 12 15 15 21 17 21 19 43 56 79 74 123 117 12 10 22 28 29 20 21 1245974以​WBBB级​以​以​四​织​昭​四​水​归路​9SH们​的​明 ​23 135 3 5 4 3 4 22 AAA 254 280 271 233 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 6 3 302 169 165 171 149 133 177 120 199 61 120 78 10 11 9 12 7 15 18 12 20 17 26 26 29 47 53 97 128 135 261 217 226 332 222 269 328 210 381 123 204 145 154 280 159 138 199 147 227 53 122 77 66 108 39 40 63 20 37 36 31 21 46 33 47 38 58 48 62 47 50 53 51 28 49 26 26 17 95 146 37,408 35,503 35,754 35,177 33,942 32,614 32,320 32,626 31,007 28,598 27,554 26,861 27,957 26,076 26,252 24,073 25,245 24,854 25,526 24,631 22,836 23,296 22,297 21,267 20,414 19,742 18,743 17,698 18,089 15,477 17,954 13,435 15,417 13,851 14,496 16,214 13,209 12,819 15,665 13,319 16,560 10,753 14,213 11,297 10,922 13,684 10,064 10,350 10,930 9,440 11,738 7,268 9,709 8,546 9,372 9,029 8,028 7,488 7,665 6,328 7,661 4,871 5.928 5,276 5,060 5,424 3,837 3,667 3,736 3,331 3,384 2,589 2,824 2,411 2,316 2,342 1,748 1,473 47 36.696 34,742 35,372 34,370 33,739 32,174 31,787 32,204 30,769 27,950 27,527 26,403 27,369 25,374 25,881 24,361 25,557 25,095 26,495 24,750 24,878 24,682 24,228 23,267 22,643 22,240 20,765 19,264 20,053 16,678 20,336 14,430 17,151 14,611 15,523 18,035 14,361 13,713 17,256 14,079 18,649 11,389 15,143 11,932 11.741 14,725 10,705 10,714 11,733 9,900 13,620 7,519 10,278 8,998 9,980 9,914 8,522 7,829 8,465 6,899 9,289 5,380 6,440 5,832 5,765 6,638 4,480 4,300 4,627 3,994 5,003 3,295 3,824 3,165 3,106 3,284 2,626 2,190 3 159 335 667 972 1,234 1,561 1,838 2,014 2,169 2,447 2,733 2,883 3,551 3,398 3,515 3,625 4,527 4,978 7,309 8,236 9,549 9,848 13,081 12,762 14,035 16,514 15,008 14,934 18,367 13,437 21,235 10,336 15,004 12,531 12,204 18,104 12,335 11,087 15,886 11,145 19,019 8,021 13,284 9,642 9,512 15,375 8.780 8,349 10,862 8,329 13,837 5.773 8,880 6,459 6,639 7,755 5,443 4,152 4,907 3,580 6,701 2,635 3,702 3,439 3,268 4,819 2,468 2,537 2,607 2,051 3,330 1,491 1,986 1,537 1,531 1,916 1,176 808 1,156 1,531 1,875 1,928 2,242 2,476 2,887 2,891 3,343 3,394 3,607 3,638 4,771 5,838 8,225 9,112 12,459 10,594 13,993 13,663 14,395 16,147 14,551 13,810 16,567 12,435 18,761 9,141 14,136 11,468 12,056 16,602 12,668 11,280 15,550 11,233 17,575 7,483 12,505 9,672 9,648 14,104 8,692 8,310 10,973 8,523 14,371 5,709 8,592 6,394 6,808 7,871 5,620 4,405 5,290 4,110 8,045 2,754 4,130 3,708 3,756 5,778 2,784 2,936 3,197 2,398 4,483 1,625 2,247 1,885 1,861 2,574 1,429 968 3 昭​B&仍​们​引​%归​%%B26769753352461152---- LINII Tri-Awo Bo** SESSME SE VANILLIN-NILI 426 379 381 395 415 370 396 350 371 317 327 310 322 317 289 303 279 341 331 339 326 293 364 377 402 398 361 322 383 305 495 249 360 308 321 473 281 310 424 330 495 190 330 232 174 303 138 132 199 189 333 89 172 132 133 124 91 81 104 92 164 38 84 72 75 102 40 52 59 45 84 34 28 30 31 38 28 14 74 122 75 228 352 221 314 278 246 360 238 245 362 287 397 203 308 219 203 279 175 169 225 198 247 93 181 106 147 147 98 87 96 66 130 45 73 62 72 94 43 37 47 39 75 31 44 27 34 30 14 10 27 77 36 26 39 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 NA DA Cronic @acto NSSSS 80298 34 19 --- I ever at WWE SOUS 82 13 11 d的​88%们​8822224仍​%782 79 480 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 25. — AGES BY NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND SEX, AND NATIVE POPULATION NATIVE FOREIGN BORN AGES Fe- Total Males Total Males Fe- males Total males Males Fe- males 1 2 3 4 5 6 ORON 854 618 860 410 440 332 327 78 years 79 years 80 years 81 years 82 years 83 years 7 | 84 years 85 years 86 years 87 years 88 years 89 years 90 years 91 years 92 years 93 years 94 years 95 years 96 years 97 years 98 years 22 99 years 23 100 years Over 100 years 313 5,711 4,632 5,169 3,156 3,319 2,605 2,386 2,092 1,538 1,304 868 799 645 346 312 228 190 129 94 64 41 22 15 31 941 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2,345 1,856 1,955 1,310 1,320 1,005 904 797 591 497 329 265 179 105 02 88 56 48 34 20 14 8 6 12 584 3,366 2,776 3,214 1,846 1,999 1,600 1,482 1.295 947 807 539 534 466 241 210 140 134 81 60 44 27 14 9 19 357 1,491 1,238 1,095 900 880 673 577 484 375 309 232 171 89 81 3,754 3,183 3,016 2,252 2.290 1,849 1,613 1,327 1,085 913 612 581 409 265 237 155 137 72 58 36 20 1,957 1,449 2,153 904 1,029 756 773 765 453 391 256 218 236 81 2,263 1,945 1,921 1,352 1,410 1,176 1,036 843 710 604 380 410 320 184 163 102 100 43 40 22 15 6 6 10 138 1,103 831 1,293 494 589 424 446 452 237 203 159 124 146 57 47 38 34 38 20 22 12 8 3 216 188 97 94 90 24 28 35 19 19 16 ទីដីនគឺនៅ ?* 73 53 57 36 28 21 13 om 24 25 Age unknown 14 310 17 631 412 219 AGES BY NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN. 481 AND FOREIGN BORN BY COLOR OR RACE, AND SEX, FOR THE STATE Con. NATIVE FOREIGN BORN WHITE COLORED ALL OTHER WHITE COLORED ALL OTHER Fe Males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males males 2 6 1 2 3 5 1,479 1,229 1,084 894 874 672 574 481 372 302 229 170 87 11 9 11 6 6 1 3 2,249 1,928 1,891 1,340 1,398 1.169 1,030 833 703 597 377 408 315 183 12 16 28 10 12 6 5 10 7 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 851 617 858 410 439 332 325 312 215 187 97 91 90 NITI INI Wenns woons CININITINI WOWO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INNON IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1,097 830 1,288 492 588 424 446 448 236 203 159 124 143 56 47 38 BH4BBUBB4%84% TOIMITILINII WII Nes 73 IIIIIIIIII! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 161 28 33 2. నెల్లుల్లుట్లు 20 సె. - 1 38 101 97 43 38 22 15 ww-orto con ...లంజని 19 16 6 9 IIIIIIIII19 5 8 127 167 5 11 390 208 18 10 482 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 26. — CONJUGAL CONDITION OF PERSONS 15 YEARS OF AGE AND PARENT NATIVITY, (Note. - -"All other" includes Chinese, POPULATION 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER SINGLE RACIAL GROUP AND AGE PERIOD Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe males 1 2,691,379 1,309,116 1,382,263 1,017,008 518,428 498,580 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 All racial groups 15 and over but under 20 years . 20 and over but under 25 years . 25 and over but under 30 years. 30 and over but under 35 years . 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years. 45 and over but under 65 years 65 years and over Age unknown Native white - Native parentage 15 and over but under 20 years 20 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years. 45 and over but under 65 years 65 years and over Age unknown Native white – Foreign or mixed parentage 15 and over but under 20 years 20 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years . 30 and over but under 35 years. 35 and over but under 40 years . 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 65 years 65 years and over Age unknown Foreign-born white 15 and over but under 20 years 20 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 65 years 65 years and over Age unknown Colored 15 and over but under 20 years 20 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 65 years 65 years and over Age unknown All other 15 and over but under 20 years 20 and over but under 25 years 25 and over but under 30 years 30 and over but under 35 years 35 and over but under 40 years 40 and over but under 45 years 45 and over but under 65 years 65 years and over Age unknown 314,514 359,272 346.076 299,217 289,729 252,936 639,664 189,030 941 842.294 93,122 97,458 91.915 82,545 79,259 72,148 224,348 100,941 258 729,851 157.165 132,350 96.834 74,659 69,411 60,451 126,594 12,351 36 1,081,342 60.259 124,379 151,770 136,872 135,890 116,361 281,030 74.183 598 34,722 3,488 4,758 5,194 4,701 4,730 3,593 6,714 1,497 41 3,170 180 327 363 437 439 383 973 58 5 154,773 171.961 171,017 149,294 142,617 125,462 311,611 81,797 584 404,926 46,529 47,141 44,622 40.317 38,971 35,605 109,100 42,489 152 345,830 77.800 62.969 45,127 34,836 32,255 28,140 59,335 5,353 15 538,063 28,675 59,275 78,260 71,310 68,557 59,478 138,865 33,253 390 17,362 1.624 2,287 2,675 2.418 2,415 1,875 3,377 668 23 2,935 145 289 333 413 419 361 934 34 4 159,741 187,311 175,059 149,923 147,112 127,474 328,053 107,233 357 437,368 46,893 50,317 47.293 42,228 40,288 36,543 115,248 58,452 106 384,021 79.365 69,381 51.707 39,823 37,156 32,311 67,259 6,998 21 543,279 31,584 65,104 73,510 65,562 67,333 56,883 142,165 40,930 208 17,360 1,864 2,471 2,519 2,286 2,315 1.718 3,337 829 21 235 35 304,797 259,975 148,564 83,693 62,693 46,384 91.383 19,126 393 304,708 90.893 72,547 40,373 23,672 17,343 13,749 34.256 11,778 97 407.392 153,989 104,436 51,037 29,088 22,404 16,756 27.911 1,746 25 289,926 56,458 79,587 54,585 29,260 21.552 15.001 27.806 5,424 253 13,194 3,239 3,138 2,298 1.425 1,185 682 1.001 160 16 1,788 168 267 271 245 209 196 409 18 2 153,606 139,327 82,104 44,143 30.878 21,889 39,830 6,410 241 147,648 46,148 38,103 20.838 11,503 7,987 5,931 13,601 3,483 54 201,388 77.361 53,687 25,771 14.274 10,298 7,397 11,895 693 12 160,033 28,349 45,494 33.771 17,231 11,636 7,918 13,329 2,141 164 7,637 1.607 1.788 1,459 893 749 451 601 80 9 1,722 141 255 151,191 120,648 66,460 39,550 31,815 24,495 51,553 12,716 152 157,060 44.745 34,444 19.535 12,169 9,356 7.818 20,655 8,295 43 206.004 76,628 50,749 25, 266 14,814 12,106 9,359 16.016 1,053 13 129,893 28,109 34,093 20.914 12,029 9.916 7.083 14,477 3,283 89 5,557 1.682 1,350 839 532 436 231 400 80 7 66 27 12 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 265 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 I eternos 242 203 192 404 13 2 20 19 44 24 CONJUGAL CONDITION OF PERSONS 15 YEARS AND OVER. 483 OVER, BY SEX, COLOR OR RACE, AGE PERIODS, AND NATIVE WHITE BY FOR THE STATE. Japanese, Indian, and all other.) MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED CONJUGAL CONDITION NOT REPORTED Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males 1 1,440,805 725,999 714,806 221,873 59,178 | 162,695 10,254 4,185 6,069 1,439 1,326 113 10 211 671 878 1,026 903 2,084 286 3 4 4 8 6 120 191 160 161 143 381 176 101 509 6 117 187 156 153 136 337 143 91 454 44 33 10 55 9,658 97.897 193,125 208,240 214,634 189,851 446,960 80,120 320 444,701 2,518 24,500 50,163 56.603 58,316 53,688 155,982 42,869 62 287,596 3,158 27,480 44,620 43,733 43,989 39,752 79,689 5,169 41 1,013 3,266 5,825 10,561 15.015 97,092 88,954 106 86,570 7 270 878 1,587 2.694 3.802 31,596 45,705 31 32,710 14 312 897 1,496 2,607 3,631 18,372 5,377 10 325 1,058 1,703 2,749 3,828 24,976 24,511 18 22,747 3 87 306 485 753 1.046 8.278 11,782 7 8,908 5 102 311 448 781 986 4,853 1,422 12 267 930 1,299 1.680 1,543 3,848 654 21 5,806 4 117 455 646 865 860 2,352 486 21 1,960 2 56 259 421 654 640 1,764 368 21 2,469 1 22 127 207 349 361 1,105 276 21 715 3,337 3 95 328 439 516 499 1,247 210 2 24 46 37 41 49 162 103 47 193 24 45 36 39 47 141 84 38 179 21 19 14 8.509 65,761 105,716 105,369 106,451 90.882 202.256 29,755 107 213,093 2.141 15,595 26,857 28,517 28,473 25,468 70.007 16,005 30 152,956 2,724 18,343 25,662 23,759 22,985 20,130 37,385 1,965 3 339,924 3,458 30,732 51,616 51,527 53,477 44,167 93,264 11,619 64 8,688 178 1,065 1,558 1,549 1,497 1,102 1,571 159 9 145 100 256 317 383 292 562 46 31 688 2.208 4,122 7.812 11.187 72,116 64,443 88 63,823 4 183 572 1,102 1,941 2,756 23.318 33,923 24 23,802 9 210 586 1,048 1,826 2,645 13,519 3,955 4 72,075 14 247 947 1,790 3,691 5,420 33,945 25,966 55 2,972 4 48 102 181 354 366 1,325 587 5 23 22 63 117 144 117 230 22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1,245 4 78 193 200 239 175 332 24 21 24 23 28 18 53 12 1,149 32,136 87,409 102,871 108,183 98,969 244,704 50,365 213 231,608 377 8.905 23,306 28.086 29,843 28,220 85,975 26,864 32 134,640 434 9,137 18,958 19,974 21,004 19,622 42,304 3,204 3 349,802 318 13,574 43,898 53,180 55,573 49.650 113,540 19,904 165 8,789 16 487 1,179 1,462 1,562 1,311 2,383 378 11 1,160 4 33 68 169 201 166 502 15 2 42 26,663 2 125 415 719 1.130 1,699 11.462 11,101 10 820 2,248 4 41 191 302 382 357 862 109 903 1 11 61 87 138 147 398 60 1,345 3 30 130 215 244 22 24 25 28 20 60 13 1 704 5 73 118 94 85 67 151 60 51 21 1 1 3 4 210 98,738 16 372 1,362 2,509 4,821 7,119 45,407 37,067 65 3,792 4 58 128 230 432 460 1,686 788 6 63 662 5 71 115 93 80 64 136 47 51 19 1 1 3 UITINTIIIIIIIIIIIIET W T WRININ SORUMLyon Coil 464 49 15 13 689,726 3,776 44,306 95,514 104,707 109,050 93,817 206,804 31,523 229 17,477 194 1,552 2,737 3,011 3,059 2,413 3,954 537 20 1,305 12 59 91 186 220 181 531 22 3 238 97 141 10 26 49 78 94 361 201 28 34 50 34 71 12 1 8 10 23 15 31 9 20 24 27 19 40 3 40 26 23 17 19 15 I was wro 11 WWIININA ܙ ܝܕ ܙ ܒܨܕ ܚܘ ܚ ܙ IlowWillie 7 3 22 1 31 17 9 12 1 PART IV OCCUPATIONS . OCCUPATIONS. The data presented in this part have reference to persons who were engaged in gainful occupations in the Commonwealth on April 1, 1915, the date as of which the general census of population was taken. The first attempt to secure comprehensive returns of this character in Massa- chusetts was made in 1875, and information of similar character was secured in the succeeding State Censuses of 1885, 1895, 1905, and the present census. The occupational distribution of the people constitutes one of the most important and influential factors in their economic life and is, therefore, a subject with respect to which there is ample justification for the presentation, in considerable detail, of the census data relative to this important subject. The whole population is accordingly classified for this purpose into two general groups, – those engaged in gainful and those in non-gainful occupations. TABLE 27 of our presentations shows, by sex, the population of the State 14 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations. TABLE 28 is a similar classification by sex, age periods, and color or race, and TABLE 29 shows the gainful occupations of foreign-born white persons classified by sex and country of birth. With reference to the enumeration in 1915, the following extracts from the instructions to enumerators relative to reporting the occupations and industries in which the persons enumerated were employed are here quoted, in order that the reader may be familiar with the general features of the enumeration: 2 IMPORTANCE OF THIS SUBJECT.-There are several hundred kinds of occupations and industries included in the scope of the census classifications when the data are finally tabulated for publication. Enumerators are asked to bear in mind the fact that there is no class of information obtained in the census with regard to which there is greater or more constant demand on the part of the public than with respect to the occupa- tions of the people; and since the census authorities are obliged to accept as a basis for these publications the designations given to occupations by the census enumerators on the schedule, it is of the utmost importance that they be as specific as possible. DESCRIPTION OF OCCUPATION AND INDUSTRY. — In reporting the Occupation and Industry, make an effort to be as definite and specific as possible, asking questions of your informant for this purpose. (Examples followed.) PERSONS RETIRED OR UNEMPLOYED ON ACCOUNT OF AGE OR INVALIDISM, ETC. Care should be taken in making the return for persons who, on account of old age, permanent invalidism, or some other cause, are no longer following an occupation. Such persons may desire to return the occupations formerly followed, which would be incorrect. If living on their own income exclusively, the entry for occupation should be "own income"; if supported by other persons wholly, or in part, the entry should be "none. 1 The same data for cities and towns are available for reference in the files of the Census Office. 2 See “Enumerator's Instruction Book", pp. 27, 28, and 29. 488 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS PERSONS TEMPORARILY OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. Persons who are out of employ- ment when the enumerator calls and who do not fall within the classes mentioned in the preceding paragraph may state that they have no occupation, when the fact is that they have an occupation but merely happen to be idle or unemployed at the time of the visit. In such cases the entry for the occupation should be that at which the person is usually employed; such as carpenter, plumber, laborer, commercial traveler, etc. PERSONS HAVING Two or MORE OCCUPATIONS. - If a person has two or more occupations, return only that which appears the most important; that is, the one from which he gets the most money, and if you cannot ascertain this point, return the one at which he spends the most time, or which he regards as his principal occu- pation. WOMEN Doing HOUSEWORK. In the case of a woman doing housework in her own home without regular salary or wages and having no other employment, the occupation should be given as Housewife, but a woman working at housework for wages should be reported as a housekeeper, servant, cook, chambermaid, parlor maid, etc., as the case may be and the entry . . . should state the place she works, as private family, hotel, boarding-house, etc. If a woman, in addition to doing house- work in her own home, regularly earns money by some other occupation, whether pursued in her own home or outside, that occupation is the one to be designated; for example, a woman who regularly takes in washing or sewing or who goes out as a washerwoman or seamstress should be reported as a washerwoman or a seamstress, as the case may be. The industry in all such cases should be returned as “at home" or “working out” as the case may be, except that for a person whose occupation is Housewife enter “X” for the industry. 66 While the enumerators were expected to obtain as accurately as possible the facts with reference to the occupations of the people, the tabulation of the returns was necessarily done in the Census Office. The classification of occupations used by the United States Bureau of the Cen- sus in 1910 was adopted without change as the classification to be used in tabulating the returns of the State Census of 1915; and while it differs materially from the classification used in prior censuses, both National and State, it was deemed preferable to have results of the present census comparable with those of the National Census in 1910, rather than to preserve comparability of the present returns with those obtained in the State Censuses of 1875, 1885, and 1895. The occasion for the change in the classification of occupations is explained and the new classification is also briefly described in the follow- ing paragraphs' quoted from the report of the Thirteenth Census of the United States in 1910: In the development of this new classification, each important industry, or service group,' was taken as a separate unit, and each of the specific occupations followed by the workers in it was listed thereunder so far as such occupation was indicated by the returns of the Twelfth Census enumerators. In this manner, each important occupa- tion returned by the enumerators in 1900 was listed separately under its proper industry or service group,' and these industries and service groups were then divided into eight general divisions. 2 | See Volume IV - Population - Occupation Statistics, p. 17, $$ 3, 4. : Public service, professional service, and domestic and personal service. 3 The additional important occupations returned at the Thirteenth Census were added later. OCCUPATIONS. 489 66 Heretofore the United States classification of occupations has been rendered illogical and unscientific by the practice of forcing all industries and occupations into five general divisions, namely, agricultural pursuits, manufacturing and mechanical pursuits, trade and transportation, professional service, and domestic and personal service. As a result, accurate general statements often have been impossible, because some of these general divisions have contained distinct industrial and occupational groups. In the new classification, an effort has been made to remedy this defect by increasing the number of general divisions from five to eight. The title of the first general division of the old classification, “Agricultural pursuits,” has been expanded to ' Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry," and fishermen and oystermen have been transferred from "Manufacturing and mechanical pursuits" to this division. The mining and quarrying industries have been transferred from "Manufacturing and mechanical pursuits” to the new division, “Extraction of minerals.” The title of the old division, "Manufacturing and mechanical pursuits," has been changed to “Manufacturing and mechanical industries.” The old division, “Trade and trans- portation,” has been separated into its two parts, “Trade” and “Transportation," and all public service occupations not elsewhere classified have been brought together under a new division, “Public service.” Since the Federal Government, the states, the counties, and the cities employ persons in a great variety of occupations and in many industries, to attempt to classify all these employees under public service would require much duplication and necessitate the breaking up of numerous occupational groups. Therefore, under public service have been classified only those public em- ployees who could not, occupationally, be better classified elsewhere. As the new index of occupations prepared by the United States Bureau of the Census for use in classifying the returns of the National Census in 1910 was also used in classifying the returns of the State Census of 1915, the occupation statistics for Massachusetts in 1910 and 1915 are therefore directly comparable, except in one respect, namely; in the United States Census of 1910 all persons 10 years of age and over were classified with respect to the occupations and industries in which they were gainfully employed, while in the State Census of 1915 all persons 14 years of age and over, were so classified. The principal data appearing in the detailed tables have been brought together in summary tables, and the more significant facts relative to the distribution by age, sex, color or race, and nativity of the persons engaged in gainful occupations are made the subject of a brief analysis, topically arranged as follows: Percentages of the Population Engaged in Gainful Occupations in 1900, 1905, 1910, and 1915. Comparison, 1910 and 1915, by Industries. General Distribution by Age Periods and Sex. General Distribution by Color or Race, and Nativity. Principal Occupations Represented: Males. Females. Foreign-born White. Colored. The “Day-Time” Population of Boston. Married Women Engaged in Gainful and Non-Gainful Occupations in Principal Cities. 490 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS PERCENTAGES OF THE POPULATION ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS IN 1900, 1905, 1910, AND 1915. In order to determine whether or not there has been any marked change in the percentage of the total population who were engaged in gainful occupations during recent years, the following table has been compiled, from which it will be observed that in 1915, 44.4 per cent of the total population, 65.2 per cent of the total number of males, and 24.4 per cent of the total number of females were engaged in gainful occupations, and that corresponding percentages for the census years 1900, 1905, and 1910 showed only very slight variations from those for 1915. It therefore appears that during the period 1900 to 1915 there has been no definite tendency toward a larger or smaller representation of the total population in remunerative employment. TOTAL POPULATION NUMBER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS PER CENT ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS CENSUS YEAR Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females 1000 1905 64.3 65.1 2,805,346 1,367,474 1,437,872 1,208,407 879,374 3,003,680 1,461,589 1,542,091 1,332,267 951,592 3,366,416 1,655,248 1,711,168 1,531,068 1,086,767 3,693,310 1,813,713 1,879,597 1,640,890 1,183,131 329,033 380,675 444,301 457,759 43.1 44.4 45.5 44.4 22.9 24.7 26. 24.4 1915 65.2 COMPARISON, 1910 AND 1915, BY INDUSTRIES. The following table shows the number of persons, classified by sex, engaged in the general divisions of gainful occupations, and the number of persons in non-gainful occupations, with corresponding percentages, for the State Census of 1915 as compared with the United States Census of 1910: Per CLASSIFICATION Total Males Females Per Cent of Males to Total Cent of Females to Total 2,742,684 2,751,299 1,340,517 1,339,232 1,402,167 1,412,067 48.9 48.7 51.1 51.3 1,211,616 253,750 957,866 20.9. 79.1 1,110,409 156,101 954,308 14.1 85.9 Population 10 years of age and oter, 1910 Population 14 years of age and over, 1915 Population 10 years of age and oter in non-gainful occupations, 1910 Population 14 years of age and over in non-gainful occupations, 1915 Population 10 years of age and over in gainful occu- pations, 1910 Population 14 years oj age and over in gainful occu- pations, 1915 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 1910 1915 1,531,068 1,086,767 444,301 71.0 29.0 1,640,890 1,183,131 457,759 72.1 27.9 74,666 79,385 71.873 78,781 2,793 604 96.3 99.2 3.7 0.8 Extraction of minerals 1910 1915 2 0.1 2,681 2,087 2,679 2,087 99.9 100.0 - Manufacturing and mechanical industries 1910 1915 : 774,398 791,507 571,833 597,707 202,565 193,800 73.8 75.5 26.2 24.5 Transportation 1910 1915 105,521 117,455 100,486 110,048 5,035 7,407 95.2 93.7 4.8 6.3 OCCUPATIONS. 491 CLASSIFICATION Total Males Females Per Cent of Males to Total Per Cent of Females to Total Trade 1910 1915 183,519 201,098 156,039 172,644 27,480 28,454 85.0 85.9 15.0 14.1 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 1910 1915 26,888 40,457 26,417 40,150 471 307 98.2 99.2 1.8 0.8 Professional service 1910 1915 77,829 95,102 40,560 46,123 37.269 48,979 52.1 48.5 47.9 51.5 Domestic and personal service 1910 176.329 180,254 55,749 64,588 120,580 115,666 31.6 35.8 68.4 64.2 1915 Clerical 1910 1915 109,237 133,545 61,131 71,003 48,106 62,542 56.0 53.2 44.0 46.8 GENERAL DISTRIBUTION BY AGE PERIODS AND SEX. The following table shows the distribution by age groups and sex of the persons engaged in gainful occupations, with corresponding percent- ages. Of the total number, 14.0 per cent were under 21 years of age, 60.6 per cent were 21 and over but under 45 years of age (including age unknown), 22.1 per cent were 45 and over but under 65 years of age, and 3.3 per cent were 65 years of age and over. A comparison of the distribution by age groups of the males with that of the females shows that a much smaller proportion of the males (10.7 per cent) than of the females (22.5 per cent) were under 21 years of age, and a slightly higher proportion of the females (61.4 per cent) than of the males (60.3 per cent) were in the age group 21 and over but under 45. On the other hand, in the age group 45 and over but under 65, the proportion of males (25.1 per cent) was much larger than that of females (14.5 per cent), and 3.9 per cent of the males were 65 years of age and over as compared with only 1.6 per cent of the females. In general, therefore, it may be concluded that the females enter gainful employment at an earlier age than the males but terminate their employment at an earlier age. NUMBER PER CENT AGE PERIOD Total Males Females Total Males Females 1,640,890 1,183,131 457,759 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total . 14 and over but under 16 years 16 and over but under 18 years 18 and over but under 21 years 21 and over but under 45 years (including age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 years 65 years and over 15,502 62,909 151,594 9,007 34,906 82,642 6,495 28,003 68,952 1.0 3.8 9.2 0.8 2.9 7.0 1.4 6.1 15.0 994,211 363,307 53,367 713,221 297,112 46,243 280,990 66,195 7,124 60.6 22.1 3.3 60.3 25.1 3.9 61.4 14.5 1.6 On comparing the distribution by age groups of persons engaged in the several general divisions of occupations (as shown in table on page 493, for both sexes) it will be observed that 32.0 per cent of the persons 492 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS engaged in agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry were 45 and over but under 65 years of age, as compared with 22.1 per cent for all persons in this age group, and 9.9 per cent of the persons engaged in this di- vision of occupations were 65 years of age and over, as compared with only 3.3 per cent for all persons in this age group. In public service (not elsewhere classified) the percentages in these last two age groups were also relatively high, being, respectively, 37.4 and 7.3, as compared with 22.1 and 3.3 for all persons in these respective age groups. Other divisions of occupations showing relatively high percentages in any age group were: Transportation and professional service, in the age group 21 and over but under 45; domestic and personal service, in the age group 45 and over but under 65; and clerical occupations, in the first four age groups comprising the ages 14 and over but under 45 years of age. The divisions of occupations in which the percentages were relatively low in any age group were: Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry, in the two age groups comprising the ages 18 and over but under 45; transportation, in the first three age groups comprising the ages 14 and over but under 21; public service (not elsewhere classified), in the first four age groups comprising the ages 14 and over but under 45; professional service, in the first three age groups comprising the ages 14 and over but under 21; and clerical occupations, in the last two age groups comprising the ages 45 years and over. Because of the great predominance of males over females in each of the first six general divisions of occupations, the distribution of the males by age groups in each of these divisions follows closely that of the males and females taken together, but in professional service and clerical occupa- tions, where the representation of males and females was about equal, and in domestic and personal service, where the number of females far exceeded the number of males, the distribution of the males by age groups showed marked variations from that of the males and females taken together. A comparison of the age distribution of males with that of females in the several divisions of occupations results in some very interesting conclusions. Thus, in agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry, 47.7 per cent of the males were in the age group 21 and over but under 45 years of age, while only 41.2 per cent of the females were in this age group, and in the next age group, 45 and over but under 65, 32.0 per cent of the males and 39.2 per cent of the females were represented. In the manufacturing and mechanical industries the percentages in each of the first three age groups were uniformly higher for females than for males, while the percentages in the last three age groups were uniformly lower for females than for males, the difference in the case of the age group, 45 and over but under 65, being particularly large, only 11.4 per cent of the females having been in this age group as compared with 24.2 per cent for the males. In transportation the principal differences be- tween the percentages for males and females were those in the third and fifth age groups, - 31.3 per cent of the females being in the age OCCUPATIONS. 493 group 18 and over but under 21 (large numbers of telephone operators being included in this group), as compared with only 5.1 per cent for the males, and only 1.9 per cent of the females being in the age group 45 and over but under 65, as compared with 23.5 per cent for the males. Practically none of the females 65 years of age and over were classified under transportation. In trade the principal variations were also in the third and fifth age groups, the comparative percentages for males and females being respectively, 6.8 and 17.0 in the third group and 26.5 and 12.3 in the fifth group. In public service (not elsewhere classified) 44.8 per cent of the males were 45 years of age and over, as compared with 37.5 per cent of the females. Of the females in professional service 74.9 per cent (including large numbers of teachers and nurses) were in the age group 21 and over but under 45 years of age, whereas in the case of the males in this age group the percentage was 64.1; the males, however, 45 years of age and over in professional service constituted 31.9 per cent of the total number of males in professional service, while for females the per- centage was only 18.2. In domestic and personal service the distribution by age groups of the males did not vary in any marked degree from that of the females except that only 7.2 per cent of the males were under 21 years of age as compared with 12.3 per cent of the females. In clerical occupa- tions the principal variations between males and females occurred in the fourth and fifth age groups; in the case of the males 59.4 per cent were 21 and over but under 45 years of age as compared with 69.8 of the females, while 14.4 per cent of the males were 45 and over but under 65 years of age, as compared with only 4.9 per cent of the females. Comparatively few of the females in clerical occupations were 65 years of age and over. Both Sexes Number AGE PERIOD GENERAL Division Of OccupatiONS Total 14 and Over but Under 16 Years 16 and Over but Under 18 Years 18 and Over but Under 21 Years 21 and Over but Under 45 Years (includes Age un- known) 45 and Over but Under 65 Years 65 Years and Over 15,502 62,909 151,594 994,211 363,307 53,367 Total 1,640,890 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 79,385 Extraction of minerals 2,087 Manufacturing and mechanical industries 791,507 Transportation 117,455 Trade 201,098 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 40,457 Professional service 95,102 Domestic and personal service : 180,254 Clerical 133,545 946 15 9,493 319 1,170 5 65 1,169 2,320 2,423 49 38,308 1,591 6,678 138 623 4,176 8,923 4,959 121 81,356 7,960 16,504 1,115 4,518 13,549 21,512 37,826 1,272 474,141 78,886 120,470 21,110 66,270 108,401 85,835 25,406 571 166,782 26,015 49,317 15,125 20,804 46,007 13,280 7,825 59 21,427 2,684 6,959 2,964 2,822 6,952 1.675 Per Cent Total 100.0 1.0 3.8 9.2 60.6 22.1 3.3 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.2 0.7 1.2 0.3 0.6 3:0 2.3 4.8 1.3 3.3 0.3 0.6 2.3 6.7 6.2 5.8 10.3 6.8 8.2 2.8 4.7 7.5 16.1 47.7 61.0 59.9 67.2 60.0 52.2 69.7 60.1 64.3 32.0 27.4 21.1 22.1 24.5 37.4 21.9 25.5 9.9 9.9 2.8 2.7 2.3 3.4 7.3 3.0 3.9 1.3 0.1 0.7 1.7 494 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Malos Number AGE PERIOD GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS Total 14 and Over but Under 16 Years 16 and Over but Under 18 Years 18 and Over but Under 21 Years 21 and Over but Under 45 Years (includes Age un- known) 45 and Over but Under 65 Years 65 Years and Over 9,007 34,906 82,642 713,221 297,112 46,243 Total 1,183,131 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry 78,781 Extraction of minerals 2,087 Manufacturing and mechanical industries 597,707 Transportation 110.048 Trade 172,644 Public service (not elsewhere classified) 40,150 Professional service 46,123 Domestic and personal service: 64,588 Clerical 71,003 939 15 4,640 310 920 2,403 49 19,188 1,331 4,661 137 336 964 5,837 4,922 121 44,912 5,643 11,669 1,107 1,453 3,473 9,342 37,577 1,272 364,566 74,215 102.905 20,927 29,583 40,013 42,163 25,169 571 144,609 25,871 45.817 15,024 12,554 17,290 10,207 7,771 59 19,792 2,678 6,672 2,950 2,152 2,634 1,535 5 45 214 1,919 Per Cent Total 100.0 0.8 2.9 7.0 60.3 25.1 3.9 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service: Clerical 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.2 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.5 3.0 2.3 3.2 1.2 2.7 0.3 0.7 1.5 8.2 6.2 5.8 7.5 5.1 6.8 2.8 3.2 5.4 13.1 47.7 61.0 61.0 67.5 59.6 52.1 64.1 61.9 59.4 32.0 27.4 24.2 23.5 26.5 37.4 27.2 26.8 14.4 9.9 2.8 3.3 2.4 3.9 7.4 4.7 4.1 2.2 0.1 0.3 2.7 Temalos Number AGE PERIOD GENERAL DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONS Total 14 and Over but Under 16 and Over but Under 18 Years 18 and Over but Under 21 Years 21 and Over but Under 45 Years (includes Age un- known) 45 and Over but Under 65 Years 65 Years and Over Years Total 457,759 6,495 28,003 280,990 66,195 7,124 68,952 37 604 20 249 237 54 4,853 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 193,800 7,407 28,454 307 48,979 115,666 62,542 ***** 250 19,120 260 2,017 1 287 3,212 3,086 36.444 2.317 4,835 8 3,065 10,076 12,170 109,575 4.671 17,565 183 36,687 68,388 43,672 22,173 144 3,500 101 8,250 28,717 3,073 1,635 6 287 14 670 4,318 140 955 401 Per Cent Total 100.0 1.4 6.1 15.0 61.4 14.5 1.6 100.0 1.2 3.3 6.1 41.2 39.2 9.0 Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 2.5 0.1 0.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.9 3.5 7.1 0.3 0.6 2.8 4.9 18.8 31.3 17.0 2.6 6.3 8.7 19.6 56.5 63.1 61.7 59.6 74.9 59.1 69.8 11.4 1.9 12.3 32.9 16.8 24.8 4.9 0.9 0.1 1.0 4.6 1.4 3.8 0.2 0.8 0.6 GENERAL DISTRIBUTION BY COLOR OR RACE AND NATIVITY. The following summary shows for both sexes and for each sex separately the distribution by color or race of the total population 14 years of age and over, and of those engaged in gainful occupations, with percentages: OCCUPATIONS. 495 Of the total number of persons 14 years of age and over, 59.6 per cent of the total number (both sexes), 88.3 per cent of the males and 32.4 per cent of the females were engaged in gainful occupations. The corresponding percentages for the native white persons, who constituted 59.1 per cent of the total, were 57.9 per cent for both sexes, 84.5 per cent for the males, and 33.5 per cent for the females, showing no marked deviation from the percentages for all persons engaged in gainful occu- pations. A comparison of corresponding percentages for the foreign-born white, colored, and all other (principally Chinese, Japanese, and Indian) with the above percentages shows that in the case of the foreign-born white the percentage engaged in gainful occupations (both sexes) was 61.9, or only slightly higher than for the native white, but for the colored it was 69.1 per cent and for all other it was 88.8 per cent. For males the percentages were: Native white, 84.5 per cent; foreign-born white, 93.7 per cent; colored, 91.3 per cent; and all other, 94.0 per cent. In the case of the females the percentage for the foreign-born white was 30.3 per cent, for all other, 24.9 per cent, for the native white, 33.5 per cent, but for the colored it was 46.8 per cent, which was much higher than for any of the other three classes named. TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS PER CENT OF TOTAL NUMBER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS COLOR OR RACE Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total 2,751,299 1,339,232 1,412,067 || 1,640,890 1,183,131 457,759 59.6 88.3 32.4 . White Native Foreign born Colored All other 2,712,742 1,318,586 1,394,156 1,624,278 777,008 847,270 1,088,464 541,578 546,886 35,363 17,693 17,670 3,194 2,953 241 1,613,627 | 1,164,194 940,118 656,558 673,509 507,636 24,427 16,161 2,836 2,776 449,433 283,560 165,873 8,266 60 59.5 57.9 61.9 69.1 88.8 88.3 84.5 93.7 91.3 94.0 32.2 33.5 30.3 46.8 24.9 The distribution of the foreign-born white persons 14 years of age and over by countries of birth and nine general divisions of occupations is shown in the summary table on page 497. Similar information in much greater detail and showing the distribution also by specific occupations appears in Table 28, while a brief table showing the principal occupations in which foreign-born white persons are employed with accompanying text appears on page 500 for males and on page 501 for females. The 12 countries, each of which contributed more than 10,000 white persons to the industrial population of Massachusetts, are shown in the table on page 497, and these countries are arranged in the order of the total number of white persons 14 years of age and over who were born therein and who were gainfully employed in Massachusetts at the time the census was taken. Canada (including the Provinces) furnished 149,717, or 22.2 per cent of the total number, leading all other countries in this respect; Ireland ranked second with 116,765, or 17.3 per cent; Italy ranked third with 73,231, or 10.9 per cent of the total; and Russia 496 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - (exclusive of Russian Poland) ranked fourth with 70,618, or 10.5 per cent. The countries in which were born the greatest number of white persons considered in the above table, or, in other words, the countries which were the greatest sources of supply of foreign-born industrial workers in Massachusetts, were, for the several occupational divisions, as follows: Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry - Canada, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Portugal. Extraction of minerals — Italy, Russia, Canada, and Sweden. Manufacturing and mechanical industries — Canada, Italy, Poland, Ireland, Russia, and England. Transportation — Ireland, Canada, and Italy. Trade - Russia, Canada, Ireland, Italy, and England. Public service (not elsewhere classified) — Ireland, Canada, Italy, and England. Professional service — Canada, England, Ireland, and Russia. Domestic and personal service - Ireland, Canada, Italy, England, Russia, and Sweden. , Clerical - Canada, Ireland, and England. - On reference to the percentages in the following table it will be observed that 57.8 per cent of the foreign-born white persons 14 years of age and over who were employed in gainful occupations in Massa- chusetts were engaged in manufacturing and mechanical industries, and that more than 50.0 per cent of the total number of persons from each country specified, with the single exception of Ireland (for which the percentage was only 37.3), were engaged in this division of occupations. The distribution among the several divisions of occupations varies con- siderably for the several countries named in the table. Thus, as com- pared with the corresponding percentages for all foreign-born white persons 14 years of age in gainful occupations, the percentages for the following countries and occupational divisions are relatively high: Canada, England, and Scotland - Professional service and clerical occupations. Ireland — Transportation, public service (not elsewhere classified), and domestic and personal service. Italy - Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry, transportation, and extraction of minerals. Russia Trade and extraction of minerals. Poland - Manufacturing and mechanical industries and agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. Portugal - Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry and manufacturing and mechanical industries. Sweden - Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry, domestic and personal service and extraction of minerals. Germany - Professional service and agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. Turkey — Manufacturing and mechanical industries, and trade. Greece - Trade and domestic and personal service. - The above statement shows the industrial proclivity of the persons born in the several countries, in so far as their choice of occupation in OCCUPATIONS. 497 this country is concerned. It is of special interest to note in this con- nection that immigrants from English-speaking countries were represented in larger proportion in transportation, public service, professional service, and clerical occupations than were those from non-English speaking countries. Number FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS, 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS COUNTRY OF BIRTH Total Agri- culture, Fores- try, and Ani- mal Hus- bandry Ex- trac- tion of Min- erals Manu- fac- turing and Me chani- cal Indus- tries Trans- porta-Trade tion Public Service (not Profes- Else- sional where Service Classi- fied) Do- mestic and Per- sonal Service Cleri- cal 673,509 149,717 116,765 73,231 30,200 6,153 4,833 3,716 1,510 389,286 43,877 165 84,125 10,500 91 43,590 13,818 702 45,423 8,373 63,798 15,402 17,019 | 95,855 16,562 14,391 2,339 6,573 19,817 5,654 8,150 7,648 1,916 34,024 2,695 5,579 1,601 718 6,579 540 70,618 1,949 280 42,075 1,723 15,724 395 1,398 5,348 1,726 All Countries Canada (n.o.c.) Ireland Italy Russia, exclusive of Rus- sian Poland Poland, including Aus- trian, German and Rus- sian Poland England Portugal, including island possessions Sweden Scotland Germany, exclusive of German Poland Turkey Greece Other foreign countries 57,445 55,232 3,496 1,745 22 52 44,165 34,914 1,825 2,191 3,139 4,737 364 1,141 268 2,117 3,894 5,819 272 2,516 29,606 24,835 18,238 2,893 1,265 755 8 105 18 కొసరాలు వరి అని 22.118 14,672 10,606 1,031 998 767 1,327 1,071 1,493 364 292 318 124 632 674 1,606 5,317 2,593 135 483 1,014 15,887 15,343 14,441 32,151 851 260 127 2,157 3 6 2 9,363 11,061 9,379 17,795 506 130 152 1,863 1,570 2,101 2,034 2,482 327 44 37 532 793 221 76 1,509 2,059 1,396 2,560 4,843 415 124 74 914 Per Cent (based on total for respective countries) 0.2 0.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.5 4.1 4.1 5.0 57.8 56.2 37.3 62.0 6.5 7.0 11.8 11.4 9.5 9.6 7.1 7.7 2.3 1.6 6.6 2.2 2.5 4.4 1.6 1.0 14.2 13.2 29.2 9.0 2.5 3.8 2.3 0.7 1.0 100.0 2.8 0.4 59.6 2.4 22.3 0.5 2.0 7.6 2.4 All Countries Canada (n. o. c.) Ireland Italy Russia, exclusive of Rus- sian Poland Poland, including Aus- trian, German and Rus- sian Poland England Portugal, including island possessions Sweden Scotland Germany, exclusive of German Poland Turkey Greece Other foreign countries 100.0 100.0 6.1 3.2 76.9 63.2 3.2 4.0 5.4 8.6 0.6 2.1 0.5 3.8 6.8 10.5 0.5 4.6 3.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.8 5.1 4.1 11 15 177% 0.4 0.1 74.7 59.1 58.2 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.3 8.2 1.2 1.2 1.7 0.4 2.5 3.7 5.4 21.4 14.2 0.5 2.0 5.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.4 1.7 0.9 6.7 58.9 72.1 64.9 55.3 3.2 0.9 1.1 5.8 9.9 13.7 14.1 7.7 2.1 0.3 0.3 1.7 5.0 1.4 0.5 4.7 12.9 9.1 17.7 15.1 2.6 0.8 0.5 0.2 2.8 1 Less than one-tenth of one per cent. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS REPRESENTED. In this section of the analysis an endeavor has been made to bring together in summary form the data with reference to the occupations in which large numbers of persons were employed. The subject matter and summary tables have been presented under the following sub-divi- sions: Males; Females; Foreign-born White; and Colored. Males. In the following table the principal occupations have been arranged in the order of the number of males 14 years of age and over who were employed. Because of the very large number of semiskilled operatives 498 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS and laborers employed in the manufacturing and mechanical industries, further details for these two occupational groups have been shown in the table. Of the 1,183,131 males 14 years of age and over who were gainfully employed, 233,524, or 19.7 per cent, were semiskilled operatives in manufacturing and mechanical industries; 80,037, or 6.8 per cent, were laborers in the same group of industries. Particular attention may be called to the fact that of the 233,524 semiskilled operatives employed in the manufacturing and mechanical industries, 81,026 were employed in the textile industries and 54,402 were em- ployed in shoe factories, and that of the 80,037 laborers employed in the manufacturing and mechanical industries, 33,828 were in the building and hand trades. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS HAVING 10,000 OR MORE MALES REPRESENTED Number of Males 14 Years of Age and Over Engaged in Gainful Occupations Per Cent of Total 1,183,131 100.0 233,524 81,026 54,402 24,120 11.168 62,808 19.7 6.9 4.6 2.0 0.9 5.3 6.8 2.9 80,037 33,828 14,113 9,865 22,231 1.2 0.8 1.9 All Occupations Semiskilled operatires (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Textile industries Shoe factories Iron and steel industries Lumber and furniture industries All other semiskilled operatives Laborers (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Building and hand trades Textile industries Iron and steel industries All other laborerg Salesmen (stores) Retail dealers Machinists, millwrights, and tool makers Clerks (except clerks in stores) Carpenters Farm laborers Draymen, teamsters, and expressmen Farmers Painters, glaziers, varnishers, enamelers, etc. Deliverymen (bakeries, laundries, and stores) Foremen and overseers (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants Laborers (public service) Manufacturers and officials Chauffeurs Servants Commercial travelers Plumbers and gas and steam fitters All other occupations 4.6 4.5 3.5 3.5 3.3 2.4 2.1 54,220 52.703 41.729 41,682 39,310 28,576 24,413 23,358 22,852 17,454 17,018 15,740 14,668 14,543 12,773 12,489 11,199 11,085 413,758 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 * 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 35.0 Females. The principal occupations in which females 14 years of age and over were gainfully employed are shown in the following table, and these occu- pations have been arranged in the order of the number employed, further details being given in the case of semiskilled operatives (manufacturing and mechanical industries) and in the case of servants. Of the 457,759 females 14 years of age and over, who were gainfully employed, 145,741, or 31.8 per cent, were classed as semiskilled operatives in manufacturing and mechanical industries, and of these 145,741 semi- skilled operatives, 81,791 were employed in the textile industries, and 25,456 were employed in shoe factories. Servants numbering 59,178 OCCUPATIONS. 499 constituted 12.9 per cent of the total number of females 14 years of age and over who were gainfully employed, while in the order of numbers employed the occupations next in importance were: Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants, 23,723, or 5.2 per cent; stenographers and typewriters, 23,214, or 5.1 per cent; school teachers, 23,003, or 5.0 per cent, and saleswomen in stores, 22,510, or 4.9 per cent. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS HAVING 3,000 OR MORE FEMALES REPRESENTED Number of Females 14 Years of Age and Over Engaged in Gainful Occupations Per Cent of Total 457,759 100.0 145,741 81,791 25,456 4,593 4,231 3,806 3,483 3,419 18,962 31.8 17.9 5.6 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 4.1 59,178 9,833 3,775 45,570 12.9 2.1 0.8 10.0 All Occupations Semiskilled operatives (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Textile industries Shoe factories Printing and publishing Paper and pulp mills Candy factories Paper box factories Rubber factories All other semiskilled operatives Serrants Cooks Chambermaids All other servants. Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants Stenographers and typewriters Teachers (school) Saleswomen (stores) Sewers and sewing machine operators 1 Dressmakers and seamstresses (not in factory). Clerks (except clerks in stores) Trained nurses Housekeepers and stewardesses Charwomen and cleaners Laundresses (not in laundry) Boarding and lodging-house keepers Waitresses Telephone operators Midwives and nurses (not trained) Milliners and millinery dealers Musicians and teachers of music Laundry operatives Retail dealers All other occupations : 23,723 23,214 23,003 22,510 20,544 15,295 14,171 12,090 10,966 9,338 7,289 8,607 8,219 6,433 5,466 5,109 5,133 4,189 3,216 24,325 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.5 3.3 3.1 2.7 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.7 5.3 1 Does not include those employed in shoe and harness factories and sack sewers in fertilizer, salt, and sugar factories, and cement, flour, and grain mills. Foreign-born White. The principal occupations in which foreign-born white persons 14 years of age and over were gainfully employed are shown in the follow- ing table, and these occupations have been arranged, for each sex, in the order of the number employed, further details being given in the case of semiskilled operatives (manufacturing and mechanical industries) and in the case of laborers (males) and servants (females). In this analysis of the data relative to the foreign born who were engaged in gainful occupations, only white persons were considered, because the numbers of foreign-born colored and of other foreign born were relatively very small. Males. — Of the 507,636 foreign-born white males considered in the following table, 124,103, or 24.4 per cent, were semiskilled operatives in manufacturing and mechanical industries, of whom 53,862 were in the 500 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS textile industries, 21,293 were in shoe factories, and 11,639 were in iron and steel industries. The next largest groups were: Laborers in manufacturing and mechanical industries, 57,268, or 11.3 per cent of the total; retail dealers, 25,050, or 4.9 per cent; and carpenters, 21,778, or 4.3 per cent. The number of foreign-born white males 14 years of age and over exceeded the corresponding number of native white males in a large number of occupations, of which the more im- portant were semiskilled operatives in the textile industries, laborers and carpenters in manufacturing and mechanical industries, laborers in public service and in railroad transportation, tailors, servants, and barbers, hairdressers, and manicurists. Females. — The number of semiskilled operatives in mechanical and manufacturing industries was 62,748, or 37.8 per cent of the 165,873 foreign-born white females 14 years of age and over, who were engaged in gainful occupations, and of these 62,748 semiskilled operatives, 45,681 were employed in the textile industries and 6,182 were employed in shoe factories. Servants, of whom there were 39,710, constituted 23.9 per cent of the total number, and of these 7,420 were cooks. In several of the occupations named in the above table the number of foreign-born females exceeded the corresponding number of native females, namely, semiskilled operatives in textile industries, servants, boarding and lodging-house keepers, charwomen and cleaners, waitresses, laundresses (not in laundry), and retail dealers. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS HAVING 5,000 OR MORE FOREIGN-BORN WHITE MALES REPRESENTED Number of Foreign-born White Males 14 Years of Age and Over Engaged in Gainful Occupations Per Cent of Total 507,636 100.0 All Occupations Semiskilled operatives (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Textile industries Shoe factories Iron and steel industries Lumber and furniture industries Paper and pulp mills All other semiskilled operatives : Laborers (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Building and hand trades Textile industries Iron and steel industries All other laborers 124.103 53,862 21,293 11,639 5,409 3,208 28,692 10.6 4.2 2.3 1.1 0.6 5.6 57.268 21.792 11,003 7,934 16,539 11.3 4.3 2.2 1.6 3.2 Retail dealers Carpenters Machinists, millwrights, and tool-makers Salesmen (stores) Farm laborers Painters, glaziers, varnishers, enamelers, etc. Laborers (public service) Draymen, teamsters, and expressmen Laborers (railroad transportation) Tailors Clerks (except clerks in stores) Servants Deliverymen (bakeries, laundries, and stores) Farmers Foremen and overseers (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Barbers, hairdressers, and manicurists Manufacturers and officials All other occupations 25.050 21,778 16,832 12,872 11,351 9,159 8.955 8,427 8.099 7,313 6,933 6.898 6,377 6,148 6,046 5,734 5,422 152,871 4.9 4.3 3.3 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.8 17 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 30 1 OCCUPATIONS. 501 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS HAVING 1,000 OR MORE FOREIGN-BORN WHITE FEMALES REPRESENTED Number of Foreign-born White Pe males 14 Years of Age and Over Engaged in Gainful Occupations Per Cent of Total 165,873 100.0 62,748 45,681 6,182 1,480 1,269 8,136 $7.8 27.5 3.7 0.9 0.8 4.9 39,710 7,420 2,934 29,356 23.9 4.5 1.7 17.7 All Occupations Semiskilled operatives (manufacturing and mechanical industries) Textile industries Shoe factories Paper and pulp mills Candy factories All other semiskilled operatives Servants Cooks Chambermaids All other servants . Sewers and sewing machine operators (factory) 1 Dressmakers and seamstresses (not in factory). Boarding and lodging-house keepers Trained nurses Charwomen and cleaners Saleswomen (stores) Waitresses Laundresses (not in laundry) Housekeepers and stewardesses Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants Midwives and nurses (not trained) Teachers (school). Retail dealers Stenographers and typewriters Laundry operatives Clerks (except clerks in stores) All other occupations . 8,104 5,428 4,813 4,302 4,253 4,229 4,161 4,041 3,976 2,638 2,225 2,165 1,690 1,594 1,510 1,200 7,086 4.9 3.3 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.4 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.0 10 0.9 0.7 4.3 1 Does not include those employed in shoe and harness factories and sack sewers in fertilizer, salt, and sugar factories, and cement, flour, and grain mills. Colored. Since the days of the anti-slavery agitation, Massachusetts has shown an interest in her colored population, so that it has been considered worth while to segregate the occupations in which this class are engaged for presentation here. GENERAL DIVISION OF GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS Total Males Females 24,427 16,161 8,266 12 All occupations Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries Transportation. Trade Public service (not elsewhere classified) Professional service Domestic and personal service Clerical 1,768 14 5,536 1,790 1,450 438 608 12,267 556 1,756 14 4,643 1,781 1,385 436 386 5,342 418 893 9 65 2 222 6.925 138 In the following table the occupations in which 100 or more colored males 14 years of age and over were engaged, according to the State Cen- sus of 1915, are shown in the order of their numbers as compared with corresponding figures for the United States Census of 1910: 502 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - OCCUPATION 1915 1910 16,161 13,488 2,977 1,282 423 361 358 All Occupations Laborers General and not specified Cranberry bog Farm Porters and helpers in stores Public service Garden Steam railroad Coal yard Helpers in building and hand trades Waiters Servants Porters, except in stores Janitors and sextons Draymen, teamsters, and expressmen Chauffeurs Deliverymen (bakeries, laundries, and stores) Elevator tenders Clerks (except clerks in stores) Cotton mill operatives Longshoremen and stevedores Shoe factory operatives (semiskilled). Hostlers and stable hands Barbers, hairdressers, and manicurists Retail dealers Carpenters Salesmen (stores). Painters, glaziers, varnishers, enamelers, etc. Sailors and deck hands Messenger, bundle, and office boys Machinists and millwrights Brick and stone masons Firemen (except locomotive and fire department) All other occupations 4,241 1.685 641 629 408 239 232 157 147 103 1,344 1,123 1,005 925 425 364 324 297 261 362 224 207 179 175 175 152 141 140 136 120 113 105 103 3,520 96 133 68 112 144 1,192 1,177 836 722 395 165 331 224 244 175 154 204 193 188 164 140 97 87 202 118 102 103 74 3,224 The occupations in which 100 or more colored females 14 years of age and over were engaged, with the number in each, are given below: OCCUPATION 1915 1910 All Occupations Servants Dressmakers and seamstresses (not in factories) Laundry operatives Boarding and lodging-house keepers Housekeepers and stewardesses Waitresses All other occupations : 8,266 6,0251 405 215 196 192 134 1,099 8,026 5,7001 493 159 185 200 135 1,154 Includes charwomen and cleaners, and laundresses (not in laundries). THE DAY-TIME POPULATION OF BOSTON. The number of persons engaged in gainful occupations who work in Boston was ascertained in the State Census of 1915 for each of the 39. cities and towns in the Metropolitan District, and it was found that of the total population of the 38 municipalities outside of Boston (841,654) 358,784 were engaged in gainful occupations, of which number, 111,564 (86,581 males and 24,983 females), or 31.1 per cent, worked in Boston. In Boston, out of a total population of 745,439, the number engaged in gainful occupations was 350,321, of which number, 338,372 (240,220 males and 98,152 females), or 96.6 per cent, worked in Boston, and 11,949 (9,269 males and 2,680 females) worked outside of Boston. Only persons working in Boston and those with no gainful occupation but who live in Boston have been considered in this connection. It must be assumed that the 395,118 OCCUPATIONS. 503 persons living in Boston who have no gainful occupations remain in the city during the day. We have thus: CLASSIFICATION Total Males Females 338,372 395,118 240,220 119,945 360,165 98,152 275,173 733,490 373,325 Number engaged in gainful occupations living and working in Boston Population of Boston having no gainful occupations : Population of Boston less those working outside Boston (11,949) Number engaged in gainful occupations in Boston but living in the Metropolitan District outside of Boston. Total approximate "day-time" population (exclusive of vis- itors and persons working in Boston but living outside the Metropolitan District) 111,564 86,581 24,983 845,054 446,746 398,308 - Attention should be called to the fact that no figures can be obtained for the number of shoppers or other visitors from outside the city who are in Boston during the day, nor is any account here taken of persons working in Boston who live outside the Metropolitan District, - probably a negligible number. The following table shows for each city and town of the Metropolitan District the total population, the number of persons engaged in gainful occupations, and the number of persons living in each city and town who work in Boston: NUMBER OF PERSONS WORKING IN BOSTON CITIES AND Towns Total Popula- tion Number of Persons Engaged in Gainful Occupa- tions Total Males Females 709,105 449,936 326,801 123,135 1,587,093 745,439 350,321 338,372 240,220 98,152 841,654 358,784 111,564 86,581 24,983 Metropolitan District Boston Metropolitan District outside of Boston . Arlington Belmont Braintree Brookline CAMBRIDGE Canton CHELSEA Cohasset Dedham Dover EVERETT Hingham Hull Lexington LYNN MALDEN MEDFORD MELROSE Milton Nahant Needham NEWTON QUINCY ŘEVERE Saugus SOMERVILLE Stoneham Swampscott Wakefield WALTHAM Watertown Wellesley Weston Westwood Weymouth Winchester Winthrop WOBURN 14,889 8,081 9,343 33,490 108,822 5,623 43,426 2,800 11,043 999 37,718 5,264 2,290 5,538 95,803 48,907 30,509 16,880 8,600 1,387 6,542 43,113 40,674 25,178 10,226 86,854 7,489 7,345 12,781 30,154 16,515 6,439 2,342 1,448 13,969 10,005 12,758 16,410 5,904 3,350 3,756 15,549 47,635 2,319 17,384 1,135 4,520 487 15,232 2,209 1,328 2,114 44,843 20,328 12,247 6,792 3,733 564 2,746 18,625 17,129 9,570 3,728 36,256 2,997 3,040 5,160 13,986 7,244 2,942 997 650 5,848 4,154 5,455 6,828 2,571 1,293 878 5,949 14,242 323 5,315 181 1,999 58 7,902 365 37 510 1,701 8,742 7,343 2,904 1,413 46 597 5,016 4,216 5,270 726 19,176 719 465 1,185 1,183 1,751 522 174 116 921 1,126 3,396 1,233 2,021 1,041 720 4,819 10,322 232 3,958 156 1,632 53 6,176 292 29 430 1,242 6,795 5,752 2,452 1,135 35 501 4,251 3,233 4,167 579 14,552 602 396 982 844 1,283 440 144 91 701 972 2,747 804 550 252 158 1,130 3,920 91 1,357 25 367 5 1,726 73 8 80 459 1,947 1,591 452 278 11 96 765 983 1,103 147 4,624 117 69 203 339 468 82 30 25 220 154 649 429 504 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS MARRIED WOMEN ENGAGED IN GAINFUL AND NON-GAINFUL OCCUPA- TIONS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES. The extent to which married women were employed in gainful occu- pations in each of the 15 principal cities in Massachusetts is shown in the following table: NUMBER OF MARRIED WOMEN ENGAGED IN- PER CENT OF TOTAL NUMBER OF MARRIED WOMEN ENGAGED IN - CITIES Total Number of Married Women Gainful Non-Gainful Gainful Non-Gainful Occupations Occupations Occupations Occupations 122,852 8.3 91.7 29,642 5.4 94.6 17,047 25.6 74.4 11,190 1,701 5,865 5,564 1,491 3,922 1,492 24.8 75.2 16,850 18,527 15,828 7.5 92.5 19.9 80.1 134,042 31,343 22,912 22,414 20,018 19,750 21,351 19,767 17,237 18,293 13,298 10,962 10,391 19,859 7.0 BOSTON WORCESTER FALL RIVER New BEDFORD CAMBRIDGE. LOWELL SPRINGFIELD LYNN. LAWRENCE SOMERVILLE BROCKTON HOLYOKE HAVERHILL MALDEN CHELSEA 93.0 2,731 17,036 13.8 86.2 22.9 77.1 3,950 883 4.8 95.2 1,765 13,287 17,410 11,533 9,386 8,236 13.3 86.7 1,576 14.4 85.6 2,155 20.7 79.3 9,702 689 7.1 92.9 9,013 7,825 8,166 341 4.2 95.8 An examination of the percentages in the above table leads to the conclusion that the percentage in gainful occupations of the total number of married women is relatively high in those cities in which there is an industry affording large opportunity for the employment of women, such as the textile industry in Fall River, New Bedford, Lowell, and Lawrence; the boot and shoe industry in Lynn, Brockton, and Haverhill; and the paper manufacturing industry in Holyoke. Of the 15 cities shown in the table, Fall River, with 25.6 per cent of the married women employed in gainful occupations, ranked first in this respect, followed by New Bedford (24.8 per cent), Lawrence (22.9 per cent), Haverhill (20.7 per cent), and Lowell (19.9 per cent). The cities in which the industries were more diversified or which were more residential in character showed comparatively low percentages in gainful occupations of the total number of married women. The percentages in Chelsea, Somerville, and Worces- ter were remarkably low, namely, 4.2, 4.8, and 5.4, respectively. OCCUPATIONS. 505 TABLE 27. – GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX, FOR THE STATE. (NOTE. — “N. o. c.” means not otherwise classified.] OCCUPATION Total Males Females 2,751,299 1,339,232 1,412,067 1,110,409 156,101 954,308 457,759 604 10 15 181 123 12 Population 14 years of age and over Population 14 years of age and over in non-gainful occu- pations Population 14 years of age and over engaged in gainful occupations Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry Dairy farmers Dairy farm laborers Farmers. Farm laborers Farm, dairy farm, garden, orchard, etc., foremen Dairy farm foremen Farm foremen Garden and greenhouse foremen Orchard, nursery, etc., foremen Fishermen and oystermen Foresters Gardeners, Aorists, fruit growers, and nurserymen Florists Fruit growers and nurserymen Gardeners Landscape gardeners Garden, greenhouse, orchard, and nursery laborers Cranberry bog laborers Garden laborers Greenhouse laborers Orchard and nursery laborers Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers Foremen and overseers Lumbermen and raftsmen Teamsters and haulers Woodchoppers and tie cutters Owners and managers of log and timber camps Stock herders, drovers, and feeders Stock raisers Other agricultural and animal husbandry pursuits Apiarists Corn shellers, hay balers, grain threshers, etc. Ditchers (farm) Poultry raisers and poultry yard laborers Other and not specified pursuits Extraction of Minerals Foremen, overseers, and inspectors Foremen and overseers Inspectors Operators, officials, and managers Managers Officials Operators Coal mine operatives Gold and silver mine operatives Iron mine operatives Operatives in other and not specified mines Lead and zinc mine operatives All other mine operatives Quarry operatives Oil, gas, and salt well operatives Oil and gas well operatives Salt well and works operatives Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries Apprentices Apprentices to building and hand trades Dressmakers' and milliners' apprentices Other apprentices Bakers Blacksmiths, forgemen, and hammermen Blacksmiths Forgemen, hammermen, and welders Boiler makers Brick and stone masons Builders and building contractors Butchers and dressers (slaughterhouse) Cabinet makers Carpenters Compositors, linotypers, and typesetters Coopers Dressmakers and seamstresses (not in factory) 1,640,890 79,385 1,104 1,103 23,539 28,699 1,780 86 1,378 160 156 5,383 456 5,854 1,465 665 2,838 886 7,901 928 6,052 597 324 1,291 25 565 105 596 19 240 123 1,893 4 20 1 1,811 57 1,183,131 78,781 1,094 1,088 23,358 28,576 1,768 86 1,369 158 155 5,383 456 5,789 1,423 662 2,822 882 7,855 911 6,036 584 324 1,291 25 565 105 596 19 240 119 1,745 2 19 1 1,672 51 ఎ, Naa I | | | | | | | ఉషంవలును | |-NO 148 139 2,087 107 105 2 189 91 39 59 10 5 19 23 1 22 1,719 15 8 7 2,087 107 105 2 189 91 39 59 10 5 19 23 1 22 1,719 15 8 193,800 703 613 90 87 2 791,507 7,446 2,170 615 4,661 5,755 7,407 6,927 480 1,205 8,227 7,259 428 1,902 39,310 9,273 597,707 6,743 2,170 2 4,571 5,668 7,405 6,926 479 1,205 8,227 7,235 428 1,902 39,310 8,224 880 19 1,049 882 13,314 2 15,295 506 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 27. --- GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX — Continued. OCCUPATION Total Males Females 17 2 24 24 24 166 149 2 15 2,427 2,190 9,588 1,034 443 591 1,687 9,896 1,170 3,900 2,766 384 750 6,644 19,445 312 193 94 15 10 160 2,122 795 429 898 80,579 33,828 30,258 3,570 1,415 199 51 311 854 1,493 675 143 395 239 41 9,887 542 TESTICO-IVONIAI 385 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries — Con. Dyers Electricians and electrical engineers Electrotypers, stereotypers, and lithographers Electrotypers and stereotypers Lithographers Engineers (mechanical) Engineers (stationary) Engravers Filers, grinders, buffers, and polishers (metal) Buffers and polishers Filers Grinders Firemen (except locomotive and fire department) Foremen and overseers (manufacturing) Furnace men, smeltermen, heaters, pourers, etc. : Furnace men and smeltermen Heaters Ladlers and pourers Puddlers Glass blowers Jewelers, watchmakers, goldsmiths, and silversmiths Goldsmiths and silversmiths Jewelers and lapidaries (factory) Jewelers and watchmakers (not in factory) Laborers (n. o. c.). Building and hand trades General and not specified laborers Helpers in building and hand trades Chemical industries Fertilizer factories Paint factories Powder, cartridge, fireworks, etc., factories Other chemical factories Clay, glass, and stone industries Brick, tile, and terra-cotta factories Glass factories Lime, cement, and gypsum factories Marble and stone yards Potteries Iron and steel industries Automobile factories Blast furnaces and rolling mills Car and railroad shops Wagon and carriage factories Other iron and steel works Other metal industries Brass mills Copper factories Lead and zinc factories Tinware and enamelware factories Other metal factories Lumber and furniture industries Furniture, piano, and organ factories Saw and planing mills 1 Other woodworking factories Textile industries Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Other industries Charcoal and coke works Cigar and tobacco factories Clothing industries Electric light and power plants Electrical supply factories Food industries Bakeries Butter and cheese factories Fish curing and packing Flour and grain mills Fruit and vegetable canning, etc. Slaughter and packing houses Sugar factories and refineries Other food factories Gas works Liquor and beverage industries Oil refineries Paper and pulp mills Printing and publishing Rubber factories Shoe factories Tanneries Turpentine distilleries Other factories. 2,173 9,586 1,010 443 567 1,687 9,896 1,146 3,734 2,617 382 735 6,644 17,018 312 193 94 15 • 10 146 2,027 781 352 894 80,037 33,828 30,258 3,570 1,407 198 51 309 849 1,491 675 141 395 239 41 9,865 383 1,251 676 158 7,397 845 357 202 37 84 165 2,423 805 1,196 422 14,113 6,521 70 3,338 4,184 16,065 314 32 164 299 1,114 2,294 214 66 101 59 11 1,048 470 325 1,394 517 128 2,080 232 2,521 1,644 1,253 2 2,077 15 19 1,256 676 158 7,412 864 357 202 37 85 183 2,424 805 1,197 422 14,465 6,742 76 3,416 4,231 16,203 314 33 177 299 1,119 2,317 217 66 109 59 11 1,048 472 335 1,394 517 128 2,103 245 2,540 1,655 1,254 2 2,106 352 221 6 78 47 138 '°ន។ ! ” | d | e | នគង~ ន i Includes wooden box factories. OCCUPATIONS. 507 TABLE 27. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX — Continued. - OCCUPATION Total Males Females 300 252 | NT | లతి! | | | | లు.. 5,109 141 88 16 37 5 14 10 145,741 1,612 25 792 795 809 88 10 63 Manufacturing and Mochanical Industrios — Con. Loom fixers Machinists, millwrights, and toolmakers Machinists and millwrights Toolmakers and die setters and sinkers : Managers and superintendents (manufacturing) Manufacturers and officials Manufacturers . Officials Mechanics (n. 0. c.) Gunsmiths, locksmiths, and bell hangers Wheclwrights Other mechanics Millers (grain, flour, feed, etc.) Milliners and millinery dealers Molders, founders, and casters (metal) Brass molders, founders, and casters Iron molders, founders, and casters Other molders, founders, and casters Oilers of machinery Painters, glaziers, varnishers, enamelers, etc. Enamelers, lacquerers, and japanners Painters, glaziers, and varnishers (building) Painters, glaziers, and varnishers (factory) Paper hangers Pattern and model makers: Plasterers Plumbers and gas and steam fitters Pressmen (printing) Rollers and roll hands (metal) Roofers and slaters Sawyers Semiskilled operatives (n. o. c.) Chemical industries Paint factories Powder, cartridge, fireworks, etc., factories Other chemical factories Cigar and tobacco factories Clay, glass, and stone industries Brick, tile, and terra-cotta factories Glass factories Lime, cement, and gypsum factories Marble and stone yards Potteries Clothing industries : Hat factories (felt) Suit, coat, cloak, and overall factories Other clothing factories Food industries Bakeries Butter and cheese factories Candy factories Flour and grain mills Fruit and vegetable canning, etc. Slaughter and packing houses Other food factories Harness and saddle industries Iron and steel industries Automobile factories Blast furnaces and rolling mills Car and railroad shops! Wagon and carriage factories Other iron and steel works Other metal industries Brass mills Clock and watch factories Gold and silver and jewelry factories Lead and zinc factories Tinware and enamelware factories Other metal factories Liquor and beverage industries Breweries Distilleries Other liquor and beverage factories Lumber and furniture industries Furniture, piano, and organ factories Saw and planing mills ? Other woodworking factories Paper and pulp mills Printing and publishing . Shoe factories Tameries Textile industries Beamers, warpers, and slashers Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills 4,477 41.740 39,216 2,524 7,311 14,849 13,069 1,780 2,367 335 424 1,608 111 5,254 5,947 529 5,331 87 854 22,993 237 19,750 3,006 1,111 1,722 1,549 11,085 1,395 95 1,409 832 379,265 3,258 185 1,383 1,690 3,942 1,689 140 769 133 531 116 5,281 1,043 1,823 2,415 8,555 950 81 5,123 23 139 566 1,673 1,221 26,364 2,393 3,255 1,302 947 18,467 9,540 825 2,444 5,365 48 207 651 1,408 889 115 404 12,248 7,200 2,557 2,491 10,525 8,023 79,858 9,096 162,817 4,199 2,849 184 944 222 4,469 41,729 39,208 2,521 7,220 14,543 12,817 1.726 2,367 335 424 1,608 111 145 5,944 529 5,330 85 854 22,852 149 19,734 2,969 1,106 1,708 1,549 11,085 1,385 95 1,408 832 233,524 1,646 160 591 895 3,133 1,601 130 706 133 531 101 3,538 920 1,552 1,066 3,389 333 63 1,317 19 52 547 1,058 1,083 24,120 2,334 2,973 1,302 911 16,600 6,546 788 1,307 3,646 47 152 606 1,387 885 113 389 11,168 6,612 2,525 2,031 6,294 3,430 64,402 8,937 81,026 2,526 1,584 44 776 122 15 1,743 123 271 1,349 5,166 617 18 3,806 4 87 19 615 138 2,244 59 282 1 1 36 1,867 2,994 37 1,137 1,719 1 55 45 21 4 2 15 1,080 588 32 460 4,231 4,593 25,456 159 81,791 1,673 1,265 140 168 100 1 Includes car repairers for street and steam railroads. 3 Includes wooden box factories. 508 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 27. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX — Continued. OCCUPATION Total Males Females Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries - Con. Serniskilled operatives (n. o. c.) -Con. Textile industries - Con. Bobbin boys, doffers, and carriers Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Carders, combers, and lappers Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Drawers, rovers, and twisters Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Spinners Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Weavers Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Winders, reelers, and spoolers : Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Other occupations Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Other industries Electrical supply factories Paper box factories Rubber factories Other factories Sewers and sewing machine operators (factory). Shoemakers and cobblers (not in factory) Skilled occupations (n. o. c.) Annealers and temperers (metal) Piano and organ tuners Wood carvers Other skilled occupations Stonecutters Structural iron workers (building) Tailors and tailoresses Tinsmiths and coppersmiths Coppersmiths : Tinsmiths Upholsterers. Transportation Water transportation (selected occupations) Boatmen, canal men, and lock keepers. Captains, masters, mates, and pilots Longshoremen and stevedores Sailors and deck hands Road and street transportation (selected occupations) Carriage and hack drivers Chauffeurs Draymen, teamsters, and expressmen ? Foremen of livery and transfer companies Garage keepers and managers Hostlers and stable hands Livery-stable keepers and managers Proprietors and managers of transfer companies Railroad transportation (selected occupations) Baggagemen and freight agents Baggagemen Freight agents Boiler washers and engine hostlers Brakemen Conductors (steam railroad) Conductors (street railroad) Foremen and overseers Laborers Steam railroad Street railroad 6,135 4,138 24 1,276 697 7,536 5,384 11 1,884 257 10,532 8,280 141 1,693 418 21,757 15,299 333 4,953 1,172 49,115 32,843 1,453 11,297 3,522 13,792 8,447 907 2,923 1,515 49.751 20,408 741 14,420 14,182 35,440 5,635 4,374 9.815 15,616 22,279 3,861 1,258 276 599 242 141 2,954 732 9,201 2,291 280 2,011 1,430 4,161 3,143 16 809 193 5,581 3,701 2 1,697 181 3,037 2,642 63 298 34 8,953 5,790 59 2,885 219 26,255 17,032 541 6,681 2,001 1,117 615 34 287 181 29,396 12,348 206 9,431 7,411 21,824 3,448 891 6,396 11,089 1,735 3,855 1,244 274 592 239 139 2,954 732 8,001 2,291 280 2,011 1,307 1,974 995 8 467 504 1,955 1,683 9 187 76 7,495 5,638 78 1,395 384 12,804 9,509 274 2,068 953 22,860 15,811 912 4,616 1,521 12,675 7,832 873 2,636 1,334 20,355 8,060 535 4,989 6,771 13,616 2,187 3,483 3,419 4,527 20,544 6 14 2 10 1,200 123 7,407 1 117,455 5,914 291 1,133 3,090 1,390 45,699 1,267 12,776 24,413 500 880 3,416 743 1,704 37,037 1,024 798 226 189 3,249 1,724 5,405 1,803 9,981 7,947 2,034 110,048 5,903 290 1,133 3,090 1,390 45,675 1.267 12,773 24,413 500 878 3,416 739 1,689 36.901 1,024 2 مروت 15 136 798 226 189 3,249 1.724 5,405 1,803 9,874 7.841 2,033 107 106 1 1 Includes sewers and sewing machine operators in all factories except shoe and harness factories, and sack sewers in fertilizer, salt, and sugar factories, and cement, flour, and grain mills. ? Teamsters in agriculture, forestry, and the extraction of minerals are classified with the other workers in those industries, respectively; and drivers for bakeries and laundries are classified with deliverymen in trade. OCCUPATIONS. 509 - TABLE 27. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX — Continued. OCCUPATION Total Males Females 25 6,747 2 2,289 1,435 5,468 744 552 192 2,625 2,090 178 357 1,101 15,235 301 835 253 582 3,657 1,571 584 1,501 6,786 13,580 1,034 188 586 144 176 1,410 736 279 395 2,289 1,435 5,468 740 550 190 2,625 2,090 178 357 1,076 8,488 299 835 253 582 3,653 1,571 577 1,200 353 13,081 818 188 310 144 176 1,402 734 279 389 8,604 7,100 79 1,425 644 308 336 1,613 254 674 685 301 6,433 499 276 276 Transportation - Con. Railroad transportation (selected occupations) — Con. Locomotive engineers Locomotive firemen Motormen Officials and superintendents Steam railroad Street railroad Switchmen, flagmen, and yardmen Switchmen and flagmen (steam railroad) Switchmen and flagmen (street railroad) Yardmen (steam railroad) Ticket and station agents Express, post, telegraph, and telephone (selected occupations) Agents (express companies) Express messengers and railway mail clerks : Express messengers Railway mail clerks Mail carriers Telegraph and telephone linemen Telegraph messengers Telegraph operators Telephone operators Other transportation pursuits Foremen and overseers (n. 0. c.) Road and street building and repairing Telegraph and telephone companies Water transportation Other transportation Inspectors Steam railroad Street railroad Other transportation Laborers (n. 0. c.) Road and street building and repairing Street cleaning Other transportation Proprietors, officials, and managers (n. 0.c.) Telegraph and telephone companies Other transportation Other occupations (semiskilled) Steam railroad Street railroad Other transportation Trade Bankers, brokers, and money lenders Bankers and bank officials Commercial brokers and commission men Loan brokers and loan company officials Pawnbrokers Stockbrokers : Brokers not specified and promoters Clerks in stores other than sales-persons Commercial travelers Decorators, drapers, and window dressers Deliverymen Bakeries and laundries Stores Floorwalkers, foremen, and overseers Floorwalkers and foremen in stores Foremen, warehouses, stockyards, etc. Inspectors, gaugers, and samplers Insurance agents and officials Insurance agents Officials of insurance companies Laborers in coal and lumber yards, warehouses, etc. Coal yards Elevators Lumber yards Stockyards Warehouses Laborers, porters, and helpers in stores Newsboys Proprietors, officials, and managers (n. 0...) Employment office keepers Proprietors, etc., elevators Proprietors, etc., warehouses Other proprietors, officials, and managers Real estate agents and officials Retail dealers Salesmen and saleswomen Auctioneers Demonstrators Sales agents Salesmen and saleswomen (stores) Undertakers 7,100 79 1,425 726 387 339 1,746 254 803 689 వెలుతే | | | | 0 | NI | 133 129 4 28,454 46 31 3 7 1,293 87 152 152 33 93 82 11 201,098 3,856 1,472 768 77 101 1,094 344 4,220 11,286 365 17,456 2,083 15,373 1,311 1,101 210 478 6,109 5,491 618 3,284 1,793 78 1,036 23 354 2,809 423 1,321 210 34 156 921 6,062 55,919 78,719 122 502 1,365 76.730 1,211 172,644 3,810 1,441 765 70 100 1,092 342 2,927 11,199 343 17,454 2,081 15,373 1,159 949 210 445 6,016 5,409 607 3,284 1,793 78 1,036 23 354 2,766 423 1,189 106 34 151 898 5,907 52,703 55,774 122 126 1,306 54,220 1,195 43 132 104 5 23 155 3,216 22,945 376 59 22,510 16 510 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 27. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX — Continued. OCCUPATION Total Males Females 2,144 4,125 19 2,775 1,331 2,137 3,913 14 2,775 1,124 7 212 5 207 307 13 40,457 3,278 5,287 14,668 275 14,393 708 195 168 178 167 3,153 2,874 279 2,502 823 1,679 4,980 4,502 1,379 277 102 1,000 40,150 3,278 5,274 14,668 275 14,393 666 173 168 158 167 3,104 2,846 258 2,301 791 1,510 4,980 4,502 1,377 277 102 998 28 21 201 32 169 48,979 471 13 953 397 182 215 39 38 Trado - Con Wholesale dealers, importers, and exporters Other pursuits (semiskilled) Fruit graders and packers Meat cutters Other occupations Public Sorvico (not olsowhoro classified) Firemen (fire department) Guards, watchmen, and doorkeepers Laborers (public service) Garbage men and scavengers . Other laborers Marshals, sheriffs, detectives, etc. Detectives Marshals and constables : Probation and truant officers Sheriffs Officials and inspectors (city and county) Officials and inspectors (city) Officials and inspectors (county). Officials and inspectors (State and United States) Officials and inspectors (State) Officials and inspectors (United States) Policemen Soldiers, sailors, and marines Other pursuits Life-savers Lighthouse keepers Other occupations Professional Service Actors Architects Artists, sculptors, and teachers of art Authors, editors, and reporters Authors Editors and reporters Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists Civil and mining engineers, and surveyors Civil engineers and surveyors Mining engineers Clergymen College presidents and professors Dentists. Designers, draftsmen, and inventors Designers Draftsmen Inventors Lawyers, judges, and justices Musicians and teachers of music Photographers Physicians and surgeons Showmen Teachers Teachers (athletics, dancing, etc.) Teachers (school) Trained nurses Veterinary surgeons Other professional pursuits Semiprofessional pursuits Abstractors, notaries, and justices of peace Fortune tellers, hypnotists, spiritualists, etc. Healers (except physicians and surgeons) Keepers of charitable and penal institutions Officials of lodges, societies, etc. Religious and charity workers Theatrical owners, managers, and officials Other occupations Attendants and helpers (professional service) Domestic and Personal Servico Barbers, hairdressers, and manicurists Bartenders Billiard room, dance hall, skating rink, etc., keepers Billiard and pool room keepers Dance hall, skating rink, etc., keepers Boarding and lodging house keepers Bootblacks Charwomen and cleaners Elevator tenders Hotel keepers and managers Housekeepers and stewards Janitors and sextong Laborers (domestic and professional service) Launderers and laundresses (not in laundry) Laundry operatives 487 95, 102 1,157 1,207 2,078 2,444 389 2,055 1,267 2,833 2,718 115 3,733 1,700 2,529 4,148 1.162 2,763 223 4,906 8,901 1,579 6,366 942 27,338 791 36,547 12,674 282 2,217 4,966 93 107 544 689 629 2,019 632 253 1,835 46,123 686 1,194 1,125 2,047 207 1,840 1,228 2,833 2,718 115 3,695 1,213 2,477 3,900 926 2,752 222 4,859 3,768 1,313 5,777 903 3,932 418 3,514 584 282 875 2,555 70 13 175 506 476 486 577 252 877 52 248 236 11 1 47 5,133 266 589 39 23,406 373 23.033 12,090 1,342 2,411 23 94 369 183 153 1,533 55 1 958 115,666 1,444 i 180,254 10,002 4,546 1,051 694 357 9,312 836 10,049 2,357 1,381 12,459 9,158 1,401 7,975 6,790 64,588 8,558 4,546 1,050 693 357 705 836 711 2,354 1,229 1,493 8,931 1,394 8,607 9,338 3 152 10,966 227 586 7,289 4,189 2,601 OCCUPATIONS. 511 TABLE 27. - GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX - Concluded. - OCCUPATION Total Males Females Con. 1,713 2,063 2,063 2,340 2,618 1,015 12,489 1,090 75 5,466 47 5,419 2 412 11 59,178 1.788 7,529 47 7,482 2,342 3,030 1,026 71,667 1,090 3,775 1,108 15,131 50,563 14,877 778 85 326 203 63 101 3,775 Domestic and Personal Service Laundry owners, officials, and managers Midwives and nurses (not trained) Midwives. Nurses (not trained) Porters (except in stores) Restaurant, cafe, and lunch room keepers Saloon keepers Servants Bell boys, chore boys, etc. Chambermaids Coachmen and footmen Cooks Other servants Waiters and waitresses Other pursuits Bathhouse keepers and attendants Cemetery keepers Cleaners and renovators (clothing, etc.) Umbrella menders and scissors grinders Other occupations Clerical Agents, canvassers, and collectors Agents Canvassers Collectors Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants Clerks (except clerks in stores) Shipping clerks Other clerks Messenger, bundle, and office boys! Bundle and cash boys and girls Messenger, errand, and office boys . Stenographers and typewriters 1,108 5,298 4,993 6,658 698 71 326 177 63 61 9,833 45,570 8,219 80 14 26 40 133,545 5,405 3,164 1,016 1,225 39,463 55,853 10,862 44,991 7,477 817 6,660 25,347 71,003 4,926 3,034 701 1,191 15,740 41,682 10,680 31,002 6,522 158 6,364 2,133 62,542 479 130 315 34 23,723 14,171 182 13,989 955 659 296 23,214 1 Except telegraph and telephone messengers. 512 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND (Note. — “All other" includes Chinese, Japanese, Indian, AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years 60,277 99,339 1,339,232 1,183,131 58,108 9,007 34,906 82,642 939 49 overw 2,403 6 72 67 1,856 5 1 3 791 ཥཱ་ 13 14 78,781 1,094 1,088 23,358 28,576 1,768 86 1,369 158 155 5,383 456 5,789 1,423 662 2.822 882 7,855 911 6,036 584 324 1,291 25 565 105 1 61 5 46 24 2 12 8 220 22 4,922 11 153 170 3,526 19 1 15 2 1 184 21 129 49 6 49 25 555 63 339 103 50 72 138 III III INI IASI LIITTI 46 14 31 13 4 14 596 29 19 240 119 1,745 2 19 1 1,672 51 1 Malos 14 years of age and over 2 Malos 14 years of age and over engaged in gainful oc- cupations Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry Dairy farmers 5 Dairy farm laborers 6 Farmers Farm laborers 8 Farm, dairy farm, garden, orchard, etc., foremen 9 Dairy farm foremen 10 Farm foremen 11 Garden and greenhouse foremen 12 Orchard, nursery, etc., foremen 13 Fishermen and oystermen Foresters 15 Gardeners, florists, fruit growers, and nurserymen 16 Florists 17 Fruit growers and nurserymen 18 Gardeners 19 Landscape gardeners 20 Garden, greenhouse, orchard, and nursery laborers 21 Cranberry bog laborers 22 Garden laborers 23 Greenhouse laborers 24 Orchard and nursery laborers 25 Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers 26 Foremen and overseers 27 Lumbermen and raftsmen 28 Teamsters and haulers 29 Woodchoppers and tie cutters 30 Owners and managers of log and timber camps 31 Stock herders, drovers, and feeders 32 Stock raisers 33 Other agricultural and animal husbandry pursuits 34 Apiarists 35 Corn shollers, hay balers, grain threshers, etc. 36 Ditchers (farm) 37 Poultry raisers and poultry yard laborers 38 Other and not specified pursuits 39 Extraction of Minerals 40 Foremen, overseers, and inspectors Forem and overseers 42 Inspectors 43 Operators, officials, and managers 44 Managers . 45 Officials 46 Operators 47 Coal mine operatives 48 Gold and silver mine operatives 49 Iron mine operatives 50 Operatives in other and not specified mines 51 Lead and zinc mine operatives 52 All other mine operatives 53 Quarry operatives . , 54 Oil, gas, and salt well operatives 55 Oil and gas well operatives 56 Salt well and works operatives 57 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries 58 | Apprentices 59 Apprentices to building and hand irades 60 Dressmakers' and milliners' apprentices 61 Other apprentices 62 Bakers 63 Blacksmiths, forgemen, and hammermen 64 Blacksmiths 65 Forgemen, hammermen, and welders 66 Boiler makers 67 Brick and stone masons 68 Builders and building contractors 69 Butchers and dressers (slaughterhouse) 70 Cabinet makers 71 Carpenters 72 Compositors, linotypers, and typesetters 73 Coopers 74 Dressmakers and seamstresses (not in factory) 75 Dyers 76 Electricians and electrical engineers 32 Sino ang matig !!!!11--1- 15 49 121 2,087 107 105 2 189 91 39 59 10 5 19 23 1 22 1,719 15 8 ITETTIIIIIIIIIII 1 115 1 1 - 4,640 432 122 19, 188 2,417 678 w885%Bus 588md28d8%E8%822246% 310 12 5 1,739 105 27 19 597,707 6,743 2,170 2 4,571 5,668 7,405 6.926 479 1,205 8,227 7,235 428 1,902 39,310 8,224 880 19 2,173 9,586 44,912 3,045 1,042 2 2,001 425 150 126 24 34 195 29 21 53 1,136 818 38 1 93 652 25 9 9 1 8 172 205 5 3 27 55 OCCUPATIONS. 513 OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE, FOR THE STATE. and all other. “N. o. c." means not otherwise classified.) AGE PERIOD Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 1 728,100 777,008 541,578 17,693 2,953 311,611 297,112 81,797 46,243 1,318,586 1,164,194 2 713,221 656,558 507,636 16,161 2,776 3 66 7,771 122 22 4,440 1,306 110 1,756 1 2 93 629 17 10 20 26 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 37,577 449 643 8,072 15,301 978 56 757 85 80 3,216 338 2,567 706 285 1,144 432 4,266 709 3,054 309 194 738 9 346 69 314 6 167 49 787 25,169 506 149 10,609 5,796 656 28 510 54 64 1,638 78 2,352 522 269 1,240 321 2,233 98 1,982 90 63 377 15 156 20 186 10 49 52 664 1 6 1 632 24 84 17 9 271 14 695 122 100 377 96 509 15 476 15 3 64 1 13 4 46 3 5 16 194 76,959 1,093 1,086 23,255 27,927 1,750 86 1,364 157 143 5,314 455 5,717 1,412 651 2,798 856 6,972 269 5,801 579 323 1,282 25 560 105 592 19 239 118 1,732 2 19 1 1,661 49 46,980 799 678 17,107 16,576 1,219 69 964 78 108 2,010 372 3,200 760 498 1,519 423 2,886 106 2,325 298 157 524 16 242 78 188 18 133 86 1,372 2 17 1 1,321 31 29,979 294 408 6,148 11,351 531 17 400 79 35 3,304 83 2,517 652 153 1,279 433 4,086 163 3,476 281 166 758 9 318 27 404 1 106 32 360 5 1 11 43 1 69 11 11 22 25 879 641 232 5 9 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 NOI TIPI I enim INITIILILTINTI WIWI 10 1 2 753 24 191 2 340 18 14 1,272 48 47 59 4 4 1,510 54 53 563 52 51 1 147 75 37 35 11 3 91 48 22 21 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 571 53 52 1 87 40 15 32 2 1 6 8 1 7 408 6 లాలు 81 | ఉసలు --- 2,073 106 104 2 189 91 39 59 10 5 19 3 3 12 13 ULICATIONWI 42 16 2 24 10 2 15 13 1 12 1,368 LUE LIMITTITUTI 10 10008-జతలు 13 1,090 1,706 10 338 13 190 2 లం 4,643 364,566 831 317 144,609 15 10 19,792 3 1 309,825 1,096 336 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 514 3,904 3,906 3,585 321 843 4,163 3,294 297 5 1,108 2,854 2,743 111 308 3,271 3,349 94 2 114 463 449 14 20 573 560 593,006 6,717 2,163 2 4,552 5,640 7,365 6,887 478 1,201 8,120 7,210 426 1,893 39,152 8,182 858 283,181 5,621 1,827 2 3,792 1,797 2,929 2,663 266 473 3,422 4,350 145 760 3,843 4,436 4,224 212 728 4,698 2,860 898 21,361 5,350 452 7 1.306 7,543 769 13,833 1,669 305 8 678 1,254 15 174 2,799 173 79 2 66 82 19 2,166 9,546 625 17,374 6,321 367 7 651 7,593 281 1,268 21,778 1,861 491 12 1,515 1,953 *************** OIIIIIIIINNITT 514 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD Sex AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years 1,010 443 567 1,687 9,896 1,146 3,734 2,617 382 735 6,644 17,018 21 47 12 58 101 242 3 8 167 RITI-VII-1 -110C11 -- 50 6 19 18 13 10 CO DO SOLO S41861 ONE 16 59 170 173 16 312 16 193 94 15 10 146 1 2,027 781 18 818 154 104 50 4 1 2,979 940 613 327 27 10 134 61 20 53 7,276 2,741 2,001 740 130 5 6 1 1 19 52 17 లు-820 | 5 271 14 29 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries Con. 1 Electrotypers, stereotypers, and lithographers Electrotypers and stereotypers 3 Lithographers : 4 Engineers (mechanical) 5 Engineers (stationary) 6 Engravers 7 Filers, grinders, buffers, and polishers (metal) Buffers and polishers 9 Filers 10 Grinders: 11 Firemen (except locomotive and fire department) 12 Foremen and overseers (manufacturing) 13 Furnace men, smeltermen, heaters, pourers, etc. 14 Furnace men and smeltermen 15 Heaters Ladlers and pourers 17 Puddlers 18 Glass blowers 19 Jewelers, watchmakers, goldsmiths, and silversmiths 20 Goldsmiths and silversmiths 21 Jewelers and lapidaries (factory) 22 Jewelers and watchmakers (not in factory) 23 | Laborers (n. 0. c.). 24 Building and hand trades General and not specified laborers Helpers in building and hand trades Chemical industries Fertilizer factories Paint factories 30 Powder, cartridge, fireworks, etc., factories 31 Other chemical factories 32 Clay, glass, and stone industries 33 Brick, tile, and terra-cotta factories 34 Glass factories 35 Lime, cement, and gypsum factories 36 Marble and stone yards 37 Potteries 38 Iron and steel industries 39 Automobile factories 40 Blast furnaces and rolling mills Car and railroad shops 42 Wagon and carriage factories 43 Other iron and steel works 44 Other metal industries 45 Brass mills 46 Copper factories 47 Lead and zinc factories 48 Tinware and enamelware factories 49 Other metal factories 50 Lumber and furniture industries 51 Furniture, piano, and organ factories 52 Saw and planing mills? 53 Other woodworking factories 54 Textile industries Cotton mills 56 Silk mills 57 Woolen and worsted mills 58 Other textile mills 59 Other industries 60 Charcoal and coke works 61 Cigar and tobacco factories 62 Clothing industries 63 Electric light and power plants 64 Electrical supply factories 65 Food industries Bakeries 67 Butter and cheese factories 68 Fish curing and packing Flour and grain mills . 70 Fruit and vegetable canning, etc. 71 Slaughter and packing houses 72 Sugar factories and refineries 73 Other food factories 74 Gas works 75 Liquor and beverage industries 76 Oil refineries 77 Paper and pulp mills 78 Printing and publishing 79 Rubber factories Shoe factories 81 Tanneries 82 Turpentine distilleries 83 Other factories. 64 110 53 16 16 22 3 894 51 101 52 12 678 74 22 15 41 214 32 352 894 80,037 33,828 30,258 3,570 1,407 198 51 309 849 1,491 675 141 395 239 41 9,865 383 1,251 676 158 7,397 845 357 202 37 84 165 2,423 805 1,196 422 14,113 6,521 70 3,338 4,184 16,065 314 32 164 299 1,114 2,294 214 66 101 59 11 1,048 470 325 1,394 517 128 2,080 232 2,521 1,644 1,253 2 2,077 55 473 361 - 10సలు | TNI | | | 4-0టెలు | - | | 22వ సలు | | | | | | Ne-లులు 10 12 133 43 61 29 879 459 11 182 227 645 3 3 13 4 13 63 11 3 16 1 22 14 277 95 134 48 1,457 651 11 360 435 1,593 21 3 13 16 74 210 24 22 69 15 3 14 24 3 41 21 91 210 82 16 58 65 15 9 156 40 253 322 134 80 32 120 262 1 Includes wooden box factories. OCCUPATIONS. 515 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Continued. AGE PERIOD - Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 1 28 2 16 520 752 368 384 1,368 5,813 835 1,895 1,361 178 356 2,160 10,946 83 103 144 508 34 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 10 10一二​10g含​定本​会​会员​单​oll**客​会​与会​与会​后​总 ​260 105 155 424 4,047 239 918 665 110 143 1,963 6,354 97 65 28 2 2 36 525 179 84 262 15,829 7,865 7,257 608 254 39 8 33 174 217 108 16 54 34 5 1,554 43 166 103 32 1,210 139 53 39 2,356 1,414 1,364 2,255 1,788 1,685 103 5 68 1,310 541 221 548 20,504 10,241 8,789 1,452 360 25 13 122 200 217 88 48 39 34 8 1,859 146 642 302 340 1,194 5,268 749 2,404 1,686 221 497 4,349 9,970 180 116 44 12 8 88 1,255 502 231 522 50,779 20,714 18,919 1,795 972 148 36 208 580 1,074 481 83 311 172 27 6,933 264 936 508 104 5,121 579 270 140 29 1 45 176 9 16 6 3 142 178 esoo 1,008 443 565 1.685 9,796 1,145 3,715 2,605 380 730 6,540 16,992 307 188 94 15 10 146 2,022 781 351 890 77,772 32,033 28,566 3,467 1,399 198 51 309 841 1,470 661 140 390 238 41 9,793 380 1,247 674 157 7,335 835 354 198 37 83 163 2,384 791 1,173 420 13,969 6,467 70 3,328 4,104 15,889 307 31 163 295 1,101 2,269 211 66 101 58 11 1,032 470 320 1,378 516 128 2,075 222 2,471 1,630 1,244 42 256 DIMITTITUTIILITIMINTUITITITI IIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIVVOTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 8. అద801 -2012 1-1 | wea-11819-en-all--- , --NAI || డిపోలు |- | | | | లారా-INDI M 43 సమరిం| | లాంషం 144 358 192 94 284 3 176 80 35 449 138 244 67 2,667 1,287 14 568 798 2,684 59 42 జు, జిడ్డురాంతం|-లలులా సం| 6 30 4 4 38 5 33 2,057 95 1,457 491 710 256 8,279 3,571 29 2,112 2,567 10,771 228 21 101 218 806 1,609 150 50 34 40 10 776 350 199 985 352 87 1,486 114 1,775 841 862 1 1,285 75 181 317 3,983 310 1,820 1,244 202 374 4,380 6,046 224 144 60 15 5 78 712 240 130 342 57,268 21,792 19,777 2,015 1,039 173 38 187 641 1,253 573 92 351 204 33 7,934 234 1,069 594 95 5,942 674 301 172 29 62 110 1,464 595 593 276 11,003 5,190 46 2,693 3,074 12,109 256 14 112 214 888 1,906 150 34 22 36 3 959 449 253 1,100 429 77 1,668 118 2,074 872 983 62 1,393 161 53 26 8 21 53 920 196 580 144 2,966 1,277 24 635 1,030 3,780 51 17 51 81 213 363 61 32 79 22 8 73 21 67 278 87 51 407 104 397 758 261 2 659 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 5 30 57 200 357 18 5 20 13 1 169 85 46 289 140 25 357 49 357 208 194 1 356 1,398 20 516 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years - Con. 3 14 13 1 3 21 258 234 24 3 75 1,924 1,771 153 34 59 54 5 113 13 8 92 3 పంటలు | 2-1 | లాలాలు 3 1 1 14 21 2 11 8 2 1 3,246 21 2 16 3 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries 1 Loom fixers 2 Machinists, millwrights, and toolmakers Machinists and millwrights 4 Toolmakers and die setters and sinkers 5 Managers and superintendents (manufacturing) 6 Manufacturers and officials Manufacturers . Officials 9 Mechanics (n. o. c.) 10 Gunsmiths, locksmiths, and bellhangers 11 Wheelwrights. 12 Other mechanics 13 Millers (grain, flour, feed, etc.) 14 | Milliners and millinery dealers 15 Molders, founders, and casters (metal) 16 Brass molders, founders, and casters 17 Iron molders, founders, and casters 18 Other molders, founders, and casters 19 Oilers of machinery 20 Painters, glaziers, varnishers, enamelers, etc. 21 Enamelers, lacquerers, and japanners 22 Painters, glaziers, and varnishers (building) 23 Painters, glaziers, and varnishers (factory) 24 Paper hangers 25 Pattern and model makers : : 26 Plasterers 27 Plumbers and gas and steam fitters 28 Pressmen (printing) 29 Rollers and roll hands (metal) 30 Roofers and slaters 31 Sawyers, 32 Semiskilled operatives (n. o. c.) 33 Chemical industries 34 Paint factories 35 Powder, cartridge, fireworks, etc., factories Other chemical factories Cigar and tobacco factories Clay, glass, and stone industries Brick, tile, and terra-cotta factories 40 Glass factories 41 Lime, cement, and gypsum factories 42 Marble and stone yards 43 Potteries 44 Clothing industries. 45 Hat factories (felt) 46 Suit, coat, cloak, and overall factories 47 Other clothing factories 48 Food industries 49 Bakeries 50 Butter and cheese factories 51 Candy factories 52 Flour and grain mills Fruit and vegetable canning, etc. 54 Slaughter and packing houses 55 Other food factories 56 Harness and saddle industries 57 Iron and steel industries 58 Automobile factories 59 Blast furnaces and rolling mills 60 Car and railroad shops! 61 Wagon and carriage factories 62 Other iron and steel works 63 Other metal industries Brass mills 65 Clock and watch factories 66 Gold and silver and jewelry factories 67 Lead and zinc factories 68 Tinware and enamelware factories 69 Other metal factories 70 Liquor and beverage industries 71 Breweries 72 Distilleries 73 Other liquor and beverage factories 74 Lumber and furniture industries 75 Furniture, piano, and organ factories 76 Saw and planing mills 2 77 Other woodworking factories 78 Paper and pulp mills Printing and publishing . 80 Shoe factories 81 Tanneries 14 2 5 4,469 41,729 39,208 2,521 7,220 14,543 12,817 1,726 2,367 335 424 1,608 111 145 5,944 529 5,330 85 854 22,852 149 19,734 2,969 1,106 1,708 1,549 11,085 1,385 95 1,408 832 233,524 1,646 160 591 895 3,133 1,601 130 706 133 531 101 3,538 920 1,552 1,066 3,389 333 63 1,317 19 52 547 1,058 1,083 24,120 2,334 2,973 1,302 911 16,600 6,546 788 1,307 3,646 47 152 606 1,387 885 113 389 11,168 6,612 2,525 2,031 6,294 3,430 54,402 8,937 17 1 44 184 8 129 47 6 16 9 67 35 2 10 5 12,050 101 10 49 42 57 45 2 32 1 9 1 102 26 40 36 197 42 2. SONNICON ICWA BONNEN 5 160 13 143 4 95 887 18 711 158 28 132 42 567 110 2 72 59 24,547 244 14 135 95 183 82 4 47 6 20 5 341 65 151 125 412 89 7 163 3 8 50 92 77 2,579 312 166 88 79 1,934 501 52 52 307 6 27 57 56 22 2 32 942 551 213 178 658 505 5,107 777 &如​如​引见​说​站​所​加印​必​出​如​似​&&d8%们​必​的​2孔​仍​仍​水​仍​仍​们​仍归​wa 138 5 13 1 1 118 32 5 2 21 76 1 2 19 57 33 1,030 97 79 10 25 819 199 16 12 134 1 15 21 11 76 40 18 18 11 44 408 24 | 225115B如​BBH4% 1 10 388 207 102 79 152 257 2,343 224 1 Includes car repairers for street and steam railroads. 2 Includes wooden box factories. OCCUPATIONS. 517 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE – Continued. AGE PERIOD — - Con. COLOR OR Race WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 1,453 24,776 23,055 1,721 5,883 9,078 7,527 1,551 1,544 200 1 116 113 3 4 40 40 12 1 11 53 1,288 1,212 76 233 1,265 1,087 178 168 31 69 68 12 5 128 16 111 1 20 1,059 3 242 13 e *9*85EbOONIA WA 19 2 9 156 19 928 25 26 28 29 30 128 84 100 55 148 17 2 40 33 5,145 25 140 16 14 1 17 27 4 1 8 5 1,067 13 1 10 2,898 28,698 26,913 1,785 4,331 7,011 6,178 833 1,333 169 164 1,000 44 93 4,007 332 3,617 58 479 13,390 81 11,639 1,670 596 996 994 8,142 1,018 63 924 467 144,071 951 87 327 537 1,932 984 74 460 93 307 50 2,296 601 1,031 664 2,077 170 45 861 12 25 363 601 546 15,022 1,446 2,117 850 480 10,129 4,082 480 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4,468 41,608 39,090 2,518 7,216 14,500 12,774 1,726 2,355 334 420 1,601 110 145 5,917 523 5,311 83 ייייייייייייייייייייייeייו-דידימ דמ דוידזייווייז מ מ וומו מוו 3,015 16,832 16.035 797 1,333 5,422 5,247 175 811 134 178 499 27 68 3,454 270 3,139 45 549 9,159 47 7,879 1,233 407 554 1,068 2,998 267 57 564 280 124,103 757 70 197 490 1,981 954 93 298 105 412 46 2,288 516 1,237 535 1,962 185 18 846 10 24 413 466 567 11,639 724 2,143 709 370 7,693 2,280 412 382 1,073 21 107 285 892 17 88 51 9 20 3 15 1,102 83 77 2,463 253 2,172 38 296 13,534 102 11,712 1,720 685 1,153 464 8,059 1,114 37 836 547 108,344 876 89 394 393 1,144 639 37 407 26 114 55 1,243 403 310 530 1,412 145 45 466 9 28 132 587 511 12,388 1,604 827 591 537 8,829 4,261 375 66 21 26 19 63 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 2 16 1 2 5 纪​约​而且​必​仍​证​历​的​订​秘​的​83&B佔​历​仍​们​似的​22忆​仍​任​仍​T82mm 9 34 101 605 50 32 37 61 425 210 28 70 102 3 ప్రపంచం | సలులు | | - 1 - onlinుండి 10 | | ET | ET-01-- | TNT | | 3 7 19 9 641 449 268 79 102 114 48 1,389 208 57 194 5,409 3,676 954 45 and over but under 65 Years 796 2,290 27 88 401 968 608 84 276 6,426 3,843 1,521 1,062 4,139 2,024 34,188 5,844 1,419 9,547 9,065 482 2,619 6,203 5,493 710 730 120 182 428 52 39 1,625 163 1,441 21 202 7,311 37 6,316 958 392 462 449 2,157 205 26 362 267 44,465 304 43 60 201 873 425 39 142 28 178 38 723 203 301 219 596 10 7 193 2 15 104 265 322 4,746 424 566 316 265 3,175 1,522 207 375 792 10 20 118 328 246 23 59 2,887 1,703 592 592 1,220 552 10.967 1,860 845 22,693 149 19,591 2,953 1,092 1,707 1,532 11,057 1,381 94 1,400 827 232,447 1,633 159 591 883 3,125 1,593 130 705 131 526 101 3,531 919 1,547 1,065 3,374 330 63 1,312 19 52 545 1,053 1,078 24,027 2,328 2,970 1,300 907 16,522 6,541 787 1,307 3,645 47 152 603 1,384 883 113 388 11,116 6,580 2,512 2,024 6,286 3,409 54.191 8,910 925 2,572 26 45 318 492 242 56 194 5,707 2,904 1,558 1,245 3,078 2,428 32,898 3,182 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 1 51 32 779 3,208 981 21,293 5,728 6 8 21 207 27 518 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. - GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and 18 and over but over but under 18 under 21 Years Years 2,230 22 17 5,913 113 76 3 35 OOOOOOOO19 586 353 3 192 38 1,125 829 8 209 79 189 114 9,711 262 152 9 84 17 1,074 895 3 138 38 530 295 24 6 10 273 216 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries Con. Semiskilled operatives (n. o. c.) — Con. Textile industries Beamers, warpers, and slashers Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Bobbin boys, doffers, and carriers Cotton mills Silk mills 10 Woolen and worsted mills 11 Other textile mills 12 Carders, combers, and lappers 13 Cotton mills 14 Silk mills 15 Woolen and worsted mills 16 Other textile mills 17 Drawers, rovers, and twisters 18 Cotton mills 19 Silk mills 20 Woolen and worsted mills 21 Other textile mills 22 Spinners 23 Cotton mills 24 Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Weavers Cotton mills 29 Silk mills 30 Woolen and worsted mills 31 Other textile mills 32 Winders, reelers, and spoolers 33 Cotton mills 34 Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills 36 Other textile mills 37 Other occupations 38 Cotton mills 39 Silk mills 40 Woolen and worsted mills 41 Other textile mills 42 Other industries 43 Electrical supply factories 44 Paper box factories 45 Rubber factories 46 Other factories 47 Sewers and sewing machine operators (factory) ? 48 | Shoemakers and cobblers (not in factory) 49 Skilled occupations (n. 0. c.) 50 Annealers and temperers (metal) 51 Piano and organ tuners 52 53 Other skilled occupations 54 Stonecutters 55 Structural iron workers (building) 56 Tailors 57 Tinsmiths and coppersmiths Coppersmiths 59 Tinsmiths 60 Upholsterers. 61 Transportation 62 Water transportation (selected occupations) 63 Boatmen, canal men, and lock keepers 64 Captains, masters, mates, and pilots 65 Longshoremen and stevedores 66 Sailors and deck hands. 67 Road and street transportation (selected occupations) 68 Carriage and hack drivers 69 Chauffeurs 70 Draymen, teamsters, and expressmen ? 71 Foremen of livery and transfer companies 72 Garage keepers and managers 73 Hostlers and stable hands 74 Livery-stable keepers and managers 75 Proprietors and managers of transfer companies 81,026 2,526 1,584 44 776 122 4,161 3,143 16 809 193 5,581 3,701 2 1,697 181 3,037 2,642 63 298 34 8,953 5,790 59 2,885 219 26,255 17,032 541 6,681 2,001 1,117 615 34 287 181 29,396 12,348 206 9,431 7,411 21,824 3,448 891 6,396 11,089 1,735 3,855 1,244 274 592 239 139 2,954 732 49 4 207 186 1 12 8 76 34 4 22 16 992 660 13 145 174 185 62 13 189 151 7 23 8 840 582 14 222 22 882 684 15 134 49 209 85 13 64 47 2,366 1,142 36 512 676 998 89 59 282 568 56 34 14 2 8 1 3 9 35 210 25 419 357 6 49 7 1,382 899 11 440 32 2,345 1,634 41 518 152 216 103 6 67 40 3,483 1,477 37 1,016 953 2,372 337 111 635 1,289 187 119 58 10 36 6 6 61 30 375 165 5 160 53 13 44 128 10 8 2 8,001 5 1 58 27 1 26 13 1 310 13 1 5,643 254 13 22 2,291 280 2,011 1,307 110,048 5,903 290 1,133 3,090 1,390 45,675 1,267 12,773 24,413 500 878 3,416 739 1,689 9 3 81 5 1,331 68 2 2 41 23 640 18 83 463 134 85 3,229 74 1,194 1,785 2 12 66 * *-** 10 139 1 22 1 Includes sewers and sewing machine operators in all factories except shoe and harness factories, and sack sewers in fertilizer, salt, and sugar factories, and cement, flour, and grain mills. 2 Teamsters in agriculture, forestry, and the extraction of minerals are classified with the other workers in those industries, respectively; and drivers for bakeries and laundries are classified with deliveryrnen in trade. OCCUPATIONS. 519 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Continued. AGE PERIOD Con, COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 65 Years and over Colored Years Total Foreign Born Native 13,403 502 315 7 154 26 130 75 1,300 31 15 1 15 484 1 1 26,678 1,311 734 18 482 77 1,875 1,338 11 417 109 996 14 13 46 9 826 1 121 120 488 478 1 108 108 iero A , 2016, 101 33 24 10 20 48,469 1,596 1,009 27 485 75 1,227 981 2 216 28 3,934 2,747 2 1,066 119 2,977 1,854 36 175 12 5,080 3,239 28 1,689 124 17,311 11,129 358 4,559 1,265 516 333 9 108 66 16,728 6,866 87 5,580 4,195 14,123 2,377 569 4,306 6,871 1,179 2,166 693 159 332 112 90 1,771 564 5,552 1,396 193 1,203 657 ៨៨៨ដុះខខខខខាងននន ទាំ៩មាននះ៦៦៦៦៦៦៦៦៩៩ដដដដដដដដដដដដន២៩១១-១២ ម៉ោង។ 80,540 2,525 1,583 44 776 122 4,147 3,130 16 809 192 5,460 3,581 2 1,696 181 2,929 2,534 63 298 34 8,920 5,772 58 2,881 209 26,234 17,024 541 6,672 1,997 1,117 615 34 287 181 29,208 12,254 205 9,404 7,345 21,709 3,437 886 6,367 11,019 1.720 3,832 1,241 274 592 236 139 2,945 729 7,945 2,285 279 2,006 1,292 316 22 284 229 13 37 5 1,277 797 2 445 33 5,146 3,174 113 1,373 486 94 55 2 25 12 5,144 1,947 31 1,904 1,262 3,737 600 128 1,049 1,960 261 1,147 406 94 178 99 35 997 135 1,825 608 73 535 491 IIII IWI 008 AM 53,862 1,214 849 26 294 45 2,272 1,792 5 392 83 4,464 3,103 2 1,234 125 2,197 1,931 31 218 17 5,850 4,060 15 1,632 143 19,126 13,058 415 4,493 1,160 553 339 8 132 74 18,186 7,821 87 6,063 4,215 10,302 1,267 351 4,045 4,639 1,280 3,229 431 137 111 133 50 2,262 390 7,313 1,200 182 1,018 538 462 56 732 603 32 80 17 3,070 1,712 43 1,249 66 7,108 3,966 126 2,179 837 564 276 26 155 107 11,022 4,433 118 3,341 3,130 11,207 2,170 535 2,322 6,380 440 603 810 137 481 103 89 683 339 632 1,085 97 988 754 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 187 94 1 40 42 113 44 47 49 Gor-08లు.. | NI | NA-03- 55 15 61 1,781 372 74,215 3,418 158 472 1,949 839 30,845 648 10,567 15,827 242 25,871 1,866 100 527 874 365 9,957 448 923 5,814 232 108,245 5,527 285 1,125 2,865 1,252 44,629 1,253 12,402 23,984 497 64,881 2,355 219 624 995 517 29,611 850 8,930 15,557 338 43,364 3,172 66 501 1,870 735 15,018 403 3,472 8,427 159 224 136 1,031 13 364 425 3 TIWILAVENIAN 69 All Other 364 225 683 256 2 274 151 409 45 11 80 273 42 381 73 9 38 21 5 114 2 184 94 8 86 93 2 15 643 1,806 289 823 211 1,235 364 730 2,678 284 16 110 83 75 923 74 6 458 23 11 157 83 111 876 3,234 735 1,648 704 1,588 553 1,091 172 1,646 182 557 72 73 74 75 179 41 520 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years 36,901 1,024 798 226 189 931 27 23 4 12 85 8 112 4 535 432 103 6 32 26 6 3,249 1,724 5,405 1,803 9,874 7,841 2,033 2,289 1,435 5,468 740 550 190 2,625 2,090 178 357 1,075 8,488 299 835 253 582 3,653 1,571 577 1,200 יו-- ' ליו--וייייואס דייייייים 175 346 57 38 6 13 21 515 6 31 13 18 79 93 92 132 82 714 6 1 SILEILLLILLLENGA Wwvillimin AWNION 171 273 353 30 187 1 Transportation - Con. Railroad transportation (selected occupations) Baggagemen and freight agents Baggagemen Freight agents Boiler washers and engine hostlers Brakemen Conductors (steam railroad) : Conductors (street railroad) Foremen and overseers 10 Laborers 11 Steam railroad : 12 Street railroad 13 Locomotive engineers 14 Locomotive firemen 15 Motormen 16 Officials and superintendents 17 Steam railroad 18 Street railroad 19 Switchmen, flagmen, and yardmen 20 Switchmen and flagmen (steam railroad) 21 Switchmen and flagmen (street railroad) 22 Yardmen (steam railroad) 23 Ticket and station agents 24 Express, post, telegraph, and telephone (selected occupations) 25 Agents (express companies). 26 Express messengers and railway mail clerks Express messengers Railway mail clerks Mail carriers 30 Telegraph and telephone linemen 31 Telegraph messengers 32 Telegraph operators 33 Telephone operators 34 Other transportation pursuits 35 Foremen and overseers (n. 0. c.) 36 Road and street building and repairing 37 Telegraph and telephone companies 38 Water transportation 39 Other transportation 40 Inspectors 41 Steam railroad : 42 Street railroad 43 Other transportation 44 Laborers (n. 0. C.) 45 Road and street building and repairing 46 Street cleaning 47 Other transportation 48 Proprietors, officials, and managers (n. 0. c.) 49 Telegraph and telephone companies 50 Other transportation 51 Other occupations (semiskilled) 52 Steam railroad 53 Street railroad 54 Other transportation 55 Trade 56 Bankers, brokers, and money lenders 57 Bankers and bank officials 58 Commercial brokers and commission men 59 Loan brokers and loan company officials 60 Pawnbrokers 61 Stockbrokers 62 Brokers not specified and promoters 63 Clerks in stores other than sales-persons 64 Commercial travelers 65 Decorators, drapers, and window dressers 66 Deliverymen . 67 Bakeries and laundries 68 Stores 69 Floorwalkers, foremen, and overseers 70 Floorwalkers and foremen in stores 71 Foremen, warehouses, stockyards, etc. 72 Inspectors, gaugers, and samplers 73 Insurance agents and officials 74 Insurance agents 75 Officials of insurance companies 76 Laborers in coal and lumber yards, warehouses, etc. 77 Coal yards 78 Elevators. 79 Lumber yards 80 Stockyards 81 Warehouses 14 13,081 818 188 310 144 176 1,402 734 279 389 8,604 7,100 79 1,425 644 308 336 1,613 254 674 685 15 2 165 53 * * * 556 368 13 112 188 8 15 1 130 21 77 32 14 14 920 4,661 1 11,669 17 3 3 1 到​如​红​记​说​好的​品​订​识​的​切口​NSd855832n仍​仍​4仍​仍​T82&3 276 172,644 3,810 1,441 765 70 100 1,092 342 2,927 11,199 343 17,454 2,081 15,373 1,159 949 210 445 6,016 5,409 607 3,284 1,793 78 1,036 23 354 367 18 8 980 84 896 5 247 Wiai vainilliini 1 9 1 536 218 34 1,957 235 1,722 22 18 4 26 75 74 1 163 56 5 66 1 35 85 32 1 30 22 OCCUPATIONS. 521 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Continued. AGE PERIOD - Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 218 25,889 690 547 143 136 2.680 976 4,662 947 7,051 5,675 1,376 1,276 1,290 4,057 400 185 157 28 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 301 906 25 15 10 2 16 39 29 59 164 111 53 65 8 49 34 28 6 357 328 21 8 59 169 10 19 6 13 124 2 ដដដដដដដដដដដនិង៩ខដដដដ១០០០ + ដង។ 20 21 22 9,074 32 36,682 1,021 795 226 187 3,247 1,722 5,403 1,798 9,688 7,683 2,005 2,286 1,432 5,468 739 549 190 2,615 2,085 176 354 1,076 8,454 297 832 251 581 3,629 1,569 577 1,199 351 12,953 818 188 310 144 176 1,402 734 279 389 8,485 7,037 77 1,371 643 308 335 1,605 254 672 679 SR-1 NA-NENI NO--1లులు జలానినినిన్ | లులు 20,868 15,814 156 127 29 84 651 261 1,381 830 8,099 6,501 1,598 366 289 2,480 105 68 37 985 795 86 104 127 1,269 31 74 23 51 402 419 84 207 52 8,091 275 86 93 55 41 466 305 105 56 6,757 5,949 51 75 102 29 73 491 79 238 99 1,088 794 72 222 636 5,586 191 572 149 423 2,372 1,352 36 835 228 8,477 518 97 258 55 108 955 479 137 339 5,580 4,654 28 898 390 216 174 1,034 168 499 367 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 30 32 128 36 10 4 396 36 11 1 21 3 23 16 6 119 63 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 258 237 9 12 21 6 15 58 5 12 41 IIIIIIIIIMOOI 54 174 1,385 2 248 102,905 1,903 678 374 6,672 336 182 63 3 4 48 36 11 340 1 23 10 招​约​而且​出品 ​玩​%订​说明​的​红​仍​仍​u88589222845%C8293 54 596 157 1,699 7,435 265 11,352 1,511 9,841 688 171,011 169 'ន-អ'នកគ°នននននីតៗៗ 557 324 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 131 280 211 69 37 465 700 598 793 2,049 1,568 481 942 104 1,336 300 215 85 1,114 926 77 111 356 1,697 92 204 78 126 1,061 117 5 197 21 3,277 258 79 51 67 61 410 231 134 45 2,030 1,786 42 202 225 80 145 354 58 79 217 865 668 197 103 2,596 1,461 4,022 968 1,589 1,182 407 1,920 1,143 2,988 634 481 153 1,630 1,290 90 250 949 7,185 266 758 228 530 3,227 1,150 493 992 299 4,862 543 102 217 89 135 936 429 174 333 1,728 1,088 26 614 541 279 262 1,114 175 434 505 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 45,817 1,553 578 325 23 41 438 148 261 3,188 36 2,720 209 2,511 407 338 69 113 1,828 1,596 232 831 445 17 319 7 43 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 3,808 1,441 764 70 100 1,092 341 2,903 11,189 339 17,126 2,072 15,054 1,157 948 209 440 6,003 5,396 607 3,102 1,646 78 1,009 23 346 13 156 37 31 6 22 343 315 28 73 113,637 3,413 1,357 665 51 23 1,015 302 2,388 9,467 276 10,749 1,410 9,339 733 615 118 300 4,521 4,035 486 832 294 31 390 12 105 57,374 395 84 99 19 77 77 39 515 1,722 63 6,377 662 5,715 424 333 91 140 1,482 1,361 121 2,270 1,352 47 619 11 241 8 316 2 1 1 3 13 13 279 3,762 3,416 346 2,116 1,216 54 584 14 248 182 147 ICO 522 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and 18 and over but over but under 18 under 21 Years Years 50 74 208 275 123 142 2 1 2,766 423 1,189 106 34 151 898 5,907 52,703 55,774 122 126 1,306 54,220 1,195 2,137 3,913 209 828 388 2,542 7,065 7 24 388 2,535 7,034 25 14 244 14 2,775 1,124 4 143 97 5 137 1,107 5 31 394 24 370 5 76 Trade - Con. 1 Laborers, porters, and helpers in stores 2 Newsboys 3 Proprietors, officials, and managers (n. 0. c.) Employment office keepers Proprietors, etc., elevators Proprietors, etc., warehouses 7 Other proprietors, officials, and managers 8 Real estate agents and officials 9 Retail dealers 10 Salesmen 11 Auctioneers 12 Demonstrators 13 Sales agents 14 Salesmen (stores) 15 Undertakers 16 Wholesale dealers, importers, and exporters 17 Other pursuits (semiskilled) 18 Fruit graders and packers 19 Meat cutters 20 Other occupations : 21 Public Service (not elsewhere classified) 22 | Firemen (fire department) 23 Guards, watchmen, and doorkeepers 24 Laborers (public service) 25 Garbage men and scavengers 26 Other laborers : 27 Marshals, sheriffs, detectives, etc. 28 Detectives 29 Marshals and constables : 30 Probation and truant officers 31 Sheriffs 32 | Officials and inspectors (city and county) 33 Officials and inspectors (city). 34 Officials and inspectors (county) 35 Officials and inspectors (State and United States) 36 Officials and inspectors (State) 37 Officials and inspectors (United States) 38 Policemen 39 Soldiers, sailors, and marines 40 Other pursuits 41 Life-savers 42 Lighthouse keepers. 43 Other occupations 44 Professional Service 45 | Actors 46 | Architects 47 Artists, sculptors, and teachers of art 48 Authors, editors, and reporters 49 Authors 50 Editors and reporters 51 Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists 52 Civil and mining engineers and surveyors 53 Civil engineers and surveyors 54 Mining engineers 55 Clergymen 56 College presidents and professors 57 Dentists. 58 Designers, draftsmen, and inventors 59 Designers 60 Draftsmen 61 Inventors 62 Lawyers, judges, and justices 63 | Musicians and teachers of music 64 Photographers 65 Physicians and surgeons 66 Showmen 67 | Teachers 68 Teachers (athletics, dancing, etc.) 69 Teachers (school) 70 Trained nurses 71 Veterinary surgeons 72 Other professional pursuits 73 Semiprofessional pursuits 74 Abstractors, notaries, and justices of peace 75 Fortune tellers, hypnotists, spiritualists, etc. 76 Healers (except physicians and surgeons) 77 Keepers of charitable and penal institutions 78 Officials of lodges, societies, etc. 79 Religious and charity workers Theatrical owners, managers, and officials Other occupations 82 Attendants and helpers (professional service) 40,150 3,278 5,274 14,668 275 14,393 666 173 168 158 167 3,104 2,846 258 2,301 791 1,510 4,980 4,502 1,377 277 102 998 TASCHEN TO INSAT- 18 16 2 16 9 7 619 20 10 1 9 46,123 45 336 8 686 1,453 41 23 40 68 *S 19.IIIIIIIIIIII 18 291 29 260 2 1,194 1,125 2,047 207 1,840 1,228 2,833 2,718 115 3,695 1,213 2,477 3,900 926 2,752 222 4,859 3,768 1,313 5,777 903 3,932 418 3,514 584 282 875 2,555 70 13 175 506 476 486 577 232 877 TORICIS S'EIIOIIII- 227 93 93 14 63 39 1 6 14 16 9 202 80 81 159 OCCUPATIONS. 523 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Continued. AGE PERIOD Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 554 408 62 1 46 3 4 1 2 WNOOOOOOWN 8 474 40 10 72 352 2,726 19,161 9,668 64 8 464 9,132 427 1,617 79 663 62 19 74 508 2,492 29,448 34,823 44 109 723 33,947 667 1,102 2,515 9 1,853 653 35 640 2,999 1,288 14 217 20 953 230 1,024 67 32 132 793 4,274 27,261 42,416 97 102 1,030 41,187 1,033 1,581 2,186 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2,358 422 1,185 105 34 150 896 5,863 52,311 55,606 121 1,405 192 161 38 2 18 103 1,589 25,050 13,190 24 21 273 12,872 151 550 1,698 10 1,053 635 175 148 1 3 3 141 11 90 1,184 73 143 NIINN, 8, 12, 877 89 27 18 989 1 699 289 19 20 51 38 1,704 478 18 9 60 21 22 23 24 25 436 2 77 239 5 234 3 4 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 20,927 2,162 1,678 7,031 177 6,854 283 121 75 57 30 1,230 1,134 96 1,241 420 821 3,066 3,587 649 183 52 414 15,024 1,051 2,851 5,965 63 5,902 286 40 82 77 87 1,423 1,302 121 823 293 530 1,771 236 618 83 38 497 2,950 60 709 1,192 6 1,186 93 8 11 24 50 430 391 39 217 67 150 143 18 88 24,274 2,717 2,533 5,470 106 5,364 541 131 128 135 147 2,716 2,474 242 2,018 687 1,331 3,644 3,673 962 240 85 637 10-10000 10000 MA 8 91 11 77 386 18 3 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 12,554 129 354 360 599 82 517 210 534 502 32 1,584 369 586 592 209 254 2,152 11 36 74 104 31 73 28 86 81 5 357 52 77 79 21 22 କ ତ ର ଏ ୨ ର ଟ 78 30 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 129 29,583 497 781 645 1,267 92 1,175 910 2,107 2,030 77 1,754 792 1.796 2,905 659 2,191 55 3,141 2,475 783 3,384 687 2,816 316 2,500 424 120 501 1,389 19 36,918 525 1,030 786 1,800 184 1,616 999 2,628 2,525 103 2,416 1,066 2,050 3,027 582 2,279 166 4,418 2,648 887 4,827 673 3,174 306 2,868 405 244 676 1,925 50 9 36 288 118 53 345 15 。 27 77 8 42 17 12 1,430 900 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 128 9 1 1 2 18 115 123 1,303 54,059 1,184 2,131 3,884 14 2,757 1,113 39,654 3,275 5,196 14,425 270 14,155 663 173 166 157 167 3,100 2,843 257 2,292 791 1,501 4,972 4,371 1,360 263 99 998 15,380 558 2,663 8,955 164 8,791 122 42 38 22 20 384 369 15 274 104 170 1,328 698 398 23 14 361 IIIIIIIIIII 40 12 11 20 2 6 83 212 249 312 387 121 409 45,717 666 1,191 1,119 2,040 204 1,836 1,219 2,831 2,716 115 3,617 1,211 2,447 3,893 926 2,745 222 4,832 3,691 1,305 5,731 886 3,918 415 3,503 583 281 870 2,536 68 12 173 505 474 478 577 249 850 8,799 141 161 333 240 20 220 220 203 191 12 1,201 145 397 866 344 466 56 414 1,043 418 904 213 744 109 635 178 37 194 611 18 3 58 91 116 145 93 87 136 352 2,044 97 903 78 825 102 134 283 931 29 7 75 239 178 133 168 102 61 and ITILTOTININI NA UTAIMINTI LITWIN 9 119 19 28 65 180 21 17 54 43 24 414 358 333 484 162 714 I OMRON 26 524 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years 214 26 964 129 YOANAWN 3,473 371 21 47 32 15 2 127 37 350 2 37 NTTIENI IAC 'no! 156 64,588 8,558 4,546 1,050 693 357 705 836 711 2,354 1,229 1,493 8,931 1,394 586 2,601 1,713 2,063 2,340 2.618 1,015 12,489 1,090 1,108 5,298 4,993 6,658 698 71 326 177 63 61 113 42 215 18 110 173 25 II wiew with the communica Domestic and Personal Service 2 Barbers, hairdressers, and manicurists Bartenders Billiard room, dance hall, skating rink, etc., keepers Billiard and pool room keepers, Dance hall, skating rink, etc., keepers 7 Boarding and lodging house keepers 8 Bootblacks 9 Cleaners. 10 Elevator tenders 11 Hotel keepers and managers 12 Housekeepers and stewards 13 Janitors and sextons 14 Laborers (domestic and professional service) 15 Launderers (not in laundry) 16 Laundry operatives 17 Laundry owners, officials, and managers 18 Nurses (not trained) 19 Porters (except in stores) 20 Restaurant, café, and lunch room keepers 21 Saloon keepers 22 Servants 23 Bell boys, chore boys, etc. 24 Coachmen and foot men 25 Cooks 26 Other servants 27 Waiters 28 Other pursuits 29 Bathhouse keepers and attendants 30 Cemetery keepers 31 Cleaners and renovators (clothing, etc.) 32 Umbrella menders and scissors grinders 33 Other occupations 34 Clerical 35 Agents, canvassers, and collectors 36 Agents 37 Canvassers 38 Collectors 39 Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants 40 Clerks (except clerks in stores) 41 Shipping clerks 42 Other clerks 43 Messenger, bundle, and office boys1 44 Bundle and cash boys 45 Messenger, errand, and office boys 46 Stenographers and typewriters 101 356 174 3 1,086 342 22 239 483 533 18 1 1 10 121 ల|- || - లాలు | ఓం 1,919 4 3 71,003 4,926 3,034 701 1,191 15,740 41.682 10.680 31,002 6,522 158 6,364 2,133 24 148 30 118 1,738 42 1,696 2 5,837 35 13 8 14 271 1,889 542 1,347 3,551 88 3,463 91 9,342 199 95 25 79 1.678 5,955 1,519 4,436 906 22 884 604 1,412,067 58,128 61,996 107,213 457,759 6,495 28,003 68,952 7 20 37 2 604 10 15 181 123 12 9 1 2 19 13 如​引​配以​时​8%幻​恐​8wn的​845%们​必​的​An仍​仍​仍 ​47 Females 14 years of age and over 48 Pemales 14 years of age and over engaged in gainfui occupations 49 Agriculturo, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry 50 Dairy farmers 51 Dairy farm laborerg 52 Farmers 53 Farm laborers 54 Farm, dairy farm, garden, orchard, etc., forewomen 55 Farm forewomen 56 Garden and greenhouse forewomen 57 Orchard, nursery, etc., forewomen 58 Gardeners, florists, fruit growers, and nurserywomen 59 Florists 60 Fruit growers and nurserywomen 61 Gardeners 62 Landscape gardeners 63 Garden, greenhouse, orchard, and nursery laborers 64 Cranberry bog laborers 65 Garden laborers 66 Greenhouse laborers 67 Stock raisers 68 Other agricultural and animal husbandry pursuits 69 Apiarists 70 Corn shellers, hay balers, grain threshers, etc. 71 Poultry raisers and poultry yard laborers 72 Other and not specified pursuits 73 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries 74 | Apprentices 75 Dressmakers' and milliners' apprentices 76 Other apprentices 1 65 42 3 16 4 46 17 ILITIWIWILIITTIIN III INWON III 1 1 1 16 13 148 2 1 139 6 6 193,800 703 613 90 4,853 154 133 21 19,120 345 301 36,444 157 141 16 1 Except telegraph and telephone messengers. OCCUPATIONS. 525 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Continued. AGE PERIOD - Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 2,285 5,342 175 15 12 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 40,013 5,858 3,409 764 515 249 265 574 460 1,206 550 736 3,791 780 320 1,763 1,004 1,432 1,664 1,707 515 7,887 502 576 3,723 3,086 5,042 286 43 79 103 30 31 17,290 2,044 1,088 218 132 86 324 73 150 566 595 604 3,847 383 181 487 659 462 440 825 472 2,688 18 452 1,200 1,018 888 296 21 180 48 26 21 2,634 130 28 18 13 5 114 4 29 163 81 121 1,097 74 30 26 31 44 37 59 28 371 56,961 8,381 4,531 1,038 681 357 698 801 673 2,055 1,215 1,392 8,006 1,325 556 1,601 750 2,042 1,335 2,499 1,014 11,143 909 1.064 4,634 4,536 5,229 677 70 323 26,479 2,647 2,472 600 347 253 302 55 210 1,105 913 788 4,521 487 338 963 542 1,267 449 1,332 578 4,245 493 332 1,663 1,757 2,290 375 27 218 87 6 37 30,482 5,734 2,059 438 334 104 396 746 463 950 302 604 3,485 838 218 638 208 775 886 1,167 436 6,898 416 732 2,971 2,779 2,939 302 43 105 77 56 21 7 16 969 955 5 35 38 297 11 97 925 62 14 31 8 19 1,005 61 1 1,167 172 44 559 392 1,344 20 19 20 179 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 105 55 105 210 59 90 5 66 12 5 301 TT Trening 23-11-1! For 160*II 164 62 58 Here come to come 418 9 5 4 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 42,163 2,977 1,891 375 711 10,596 27,001 6,748 20,253 222 5 217 1,367 10,207 1,441 891 228 322 2,713 5,914 1,713 4,201 74 1 73 65 1,535 267 140 62 65 458 775 128 647 31 70,568 4,914 3,026 697 1,191 15,724 41,417 10,578 30,839 6,400 154 6,246 2,113 59,645 3,964 2,553 497 914 13,641 34,484 7,871 26,613 5,601 129 5,472 1,955 10,923 950 473 200 277 2,083 6,933 2,707 4,226 799 25 774 158 8 261 101 160 120 4 116 20 31 47 749,094 328,053 847,270 241 107,583 7,124 1,394,156 449,433 546,886 165,873 17,670 8,266 48 280,990 66,195 283,560 60 12 237 6 49 50 51 52 249 3 7 43 59 54 1 1 34 370 5 13 129 23 10 8 1 221 5 2 51 99 2 1 1 1 2 3 54 55 56 57 9 4 红​&如​四​的​35%85%d%B4%85%82123450 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 1 26 16 1 7 2 31 12 7 12 | 24 | A NORMS -0. 591 10 15 180 122 12 9 2 1 65 42 3 16 4 38 9 16 13 4 145 2 1 136 -NEET | షుసలుజం. 4 1 21 3 16 2 1 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-III 2 114 2 76 2 1 70 3 11 31 2 105 6 1,635 73 74 75 76 109,575 45 37 8 192,899 113,438 102 25 51 3 22,173 2 1 1 696 607 89 548 484 64 79,461 148 123 25 893 7 6 00 526 1915 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years 87 2 7 24 1,049 138 21 156 570 2 15,295 17 2 24 24 24 166 149 2 15 2,427 14 95 14 77 186 542 15 ܐܗ ܝܙܟܬ ܒܬ ܟܠܪܝܨܕܝ Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries – Con. 1 Bakers Blacksmiths, forgewomen, and hammerwomen 3 Blacksmiths Forgewomen, hammerwomen, and welders 5 Builders and building contractors 6 Compositors, linotypers, and typesetters 7 Coopers 8 Dressmakers and seamstresses (not in factory) 9 Dyers 10 Electricians and electrical engineers 11 Electrotypers, stereotypers, and lithographers 12 Lithographers 13 Engravers 14 Filers, grinders, buffers, and polishers (metal) 15 Buffers and polishers 16 Filers 17 Grinders: 18 Forewomen and overseers (manufacturing) : 19 Glass blowers 20 Jewelers, watchmakers, goldsmiths, and silversmiths 21 Goldsmiths and silversmiths. 22 Jewelers and lapidaries (factory) 23 Jewelers and watchmakers (not in factory) Laborers (n o. c.). Chemical industries Fertilizer factories Powder, cartridge, fireworks, etc., factories Other chemical factories Clay, glass, and stone industries Glass factories 31 Iron and steel industries 32 Automobile factories 33 Blast furnaces and rolling mills 34 Other iron and steel works 35 Other metal industries 36 Tinware and enamelware factories Other metal factories Lumber and furniture industries 39 Saw and planing mills 1 40 Textile industries 41 Cotton mills 42 Silk mills: 43 Woolen and worsted mills 44 Other textile mills 45 Other industries 46 Cigar and tobacco factories 47 Clothing industries 48 Electrical supply factories 49 Food industries 50 Bakeries 51 Fish curing and packing 52 Sugar factories and refineries 53 Other food factories 54 Paper and pulp mills 55 Printing and publishing 56 Rubber factories 57 Shoe factories 58 Tanneries 59 Other factories 60 Loom fixers 61 Machinists, millwrights, and toolmakers 62 Machinists and millwrights 63 Toolmakers and die setters and sinkers 64 Managers and superintendents (manufacturing) 65 Manufacturers and officials 66 Manufacturers. 67 Officials 68 Milliners and millinery dealers 69 Molders, founders, and casters (metal) 70 Iron molders, founders, and casters 71 Other molders, founders, and casters 72 Painters, glaziers, varnishers, enamelers, etc. 73 Enamelers, lacquerers, and japanners 74 Painters, glaziers, and varnishers (building) 75 Painters, glaziers, and varnishers (factory) 76 Paper hangers 77 Pattern and model makers 78 Presswomen (printing) 79 Roofers and slaters 15 19 1 18 1 1 352 221 6 LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII No T** *8'309 IIII-COMTOI *9120* 1 1 1 620 69 69+ IN GA I 1434 NITI INN-E9'AN 31III IIII!!!IGIAI-RAMA 10 IIII!!!! 11 33 138 w00608-5 San Coworzone E8%8明加​d&仍​砂​的​研​们​说​的​20亿​仍在​仍​仍​门​仍​9 91 306 252 54 5,109 3 14 152 622 34 1 1 15 10 1 2 141 88 16 37 5 14 10 1 In In i Includes wooden box factories. OCCUPATIONS. 527 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Continued. AGE PERIOD - Con, COLOR OR Race WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 86 ܞܝܨܝܕܝ 1 OOOOWN 10 121 21 901 24 1,041 2 14,889 in CO1111- 5,708 2 24 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 24 166 149 2 15 2,426 14 TIPI DI WWII ܦܽܢ ܗܩ ܝܕܝܕܝܕܝ 8冷​u。 IDIOVANNI ---తలరాబANNU Emotno-oro-www-wwwroom cons88. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 Il come on win-winn SIA, 1--WEI WODOCON-N-w-someone 352 221 听听​许​如 ​111 47 48 49 I---11--NII Wilwoodő, önny cv | GINలు | కలలుకం కలుష8 -రియలు-02-2. coco - Ecoworzone 57 58 59 60 లంపలు 5 -.. 3 91 301 247 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 III II-III 5,083 3 1 - - I w I Woul II over IIIIIII 2 141 88 16 | లం | టిలుస్తులు, 528 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years Con. 4,328 20 13 7 6 3 1 2 145,741 1,612 25 792 795 809 88 10 63 15 1,743 123 271 1,349 5,166 617 18 3,806 4 87 30,423 429 5 198 226 167 23 4 16 3 369 24 62 283 1,689 219 4 1,288 53 16,411 298 2 163 133 51 20 3 14 3 217 7 33 177 1,110 107 3 893 1 10 2 94 14 292 10 24 2 256 179 1 31 130 5 43 176 23 134 1 19 18 7 43 1 2 24 4 150 32 556 16 69 6 465 521 12 146 330 1 17 40 31 1 28 12 1 1 1 15 1 11 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries 1 Semiskilled operatives (n. 0. c.) Chemical industries Paint factories. Powder, cartridge, fireworks, etc., factories Other chemical factories Cigar and tobacco factories Clay, glass, and stone industries Brick, tile, and terra-cotta factories Glass factories 10 Potteries 11 Clothing industries 12 Hat factories (felt) 13 Suit, coat, cloak, and overall factories 14 Other clothing factories 15 Food industries 16 Bakeries 17 Butter and cheese factories 18 Candy factories 19 Flour and grain mills 20 Fruit and vegetable canning, etc. Slaughter and packing houses 22 Other food factories Harness and saddle industries Iron and steel industries Automobile factories Blast furnaces and rolling mills Wagon and carriage factories Other iron and steel works Other metal industries Brass mills Clock and watch factories 32 Gold and silver and jewelry factories 33 Lead and zinc factories 34 Tinware and enamelware factories 35 Other metal factories Liquor and beverage industries Breweries Distilleries Other liquor and beverage factories 40 Lumber and furniture industries 41 Furniture, piano, and organ factories 42 Saw and planing mills 1 43 Other woodworking factories Paper and pulp mills 45 Printing and publishing . 46 Shoe factories 47 Tanneries 48 Textile industries Beamers, warpers, and slashers Cotton mills Silk mills 52 Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Bobbin girls, doffers, and carriers 55 Cotton mills 56 Silk mills 57 Woolen and worsted mills 58 Other textile mills 59 Carders, combers, and lappers 60 Cotton mills 61 Silk mills 62 Woolen and worsted mills 63 Other textile mills 64 Drawers, rovers, and twisters Cotton mills 66 Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills 69 Spinners 70 Cotton mills 71 Silk mills 72 Woolen and worsted mills 73 Other textile mills 74 Weavers 75 Cotton mills 76 Silk mills 77 Woolen and worsted mills 78 Other textile mills 79 Winders, reelers, and spoolers 80 Cotton mills 81 Silk mills 82 Woolen and worsted mills 83 Other textile mills 55 473 2 3,108 22 19 615 138 2,244 59 282 36 1,867 2,994 37 1,137 1,719 1 55 45 21 4 2 15 1,080 588 32 460 4,231 4,593 25,456 159 81,791 1,673 1,265 140 168 100 1,974 995 8 467 504 1,955 1,683 9 187 76 7,495 5,638 78 1,395 384 12,804 9,509 274 2,068 953 22,860 15,811 912 4,616 1,521 12.675 7,832 873 2.636 1,334 1 2 694 369 1 215 109 39 2 98 62 6 30 307 612 2,280 25 9,073 177 151 4 13 9 534 294 2 144 94 136 114 6 11 5 730 526 16 148 40 1,722 1,254 40 321 107 1,322 943 58 221 100 1,741 1,023 193 373 152 幻灯​奶​却​如​引​%以​旺​的​就​可以​的​如​红​必​仍​似的​奶​打​8992284仍​化​行​20%a88 6 231 168 9 54 794 1,166 4,478 55 16,653 326 258 27 20 21 366 159 3 61 143 335 289 1 27 18 1,462 1,018 19 312 113 3,424 2,418 99 603 304 3,373 2,391 206 558 218 2,795 1.673 268 543 311 5 130 65 92 3 29 6 512 396 4 89 23 325 257 4 44 20 502 342 33 89 38 1 Includes wocden box factories. OCCUPATIONS. 529 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE- Continued. AGE PERIOD — Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 528 1 337 OOO OONAN 12,151 46 1 21 24 85 2 62,748 426 7 223 196 392 11 2 170 9 31 130 135 12 81,900 818 17 397 404 491 40 2 29 9 925 78 138 709 2,050 255 11 1,422 3 43 11 305 78 1,245 31 174 26 1,014 2,000 23 819 1,112 67 9 2 619 63 162 394 1,635 154 1 1,269 1 46 7 157 59 487 10 93 8 376 680 16 312 326 45 6 99 1 13 1 84 254 137 114 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 24 22 11 3 oorleellwiwiwa na vioborrin LOAI 00011cowWillorawnioni Toril 19 7 4 1 145,401 1,610 25 792 793 809 88 10 63 15 1,724 123 82,653 1,184 18 569 597 417 77 10 54 13 1,105 60 96 949 3,520 460 17 2,531 3 41 12 456 78 1,747 49 189 28 1,481 2,308 21 825 1,387 1 36 38 17 3 2 12 690 358 27 305 2,749 3,961 19,203 57 35,940 985 767 87 63 68 1,024 570 5 297 152 491 412 5 44 30 2,986 2,214 55 575 142 4,137 2,896 159 774 308 7,883 4,620 416 1,897 950 6,201 3,474 650 1,320 757 har Tillleno Mio 10-o'rigorollani onog'--'INITE-***ingo* 1-16 3 381 227 5 149 1,480 623 6,182 102 45,681 686 497 52 105 32 943 420 3 170 350 1.446 1,254 192 6 571 301 13 257 2,495 2,510 15,142 73 46,094 1,006 726 106 114 60 353 158 2 42 151 1,226 1,065 2 119 40 4,459 3,399 33 824 203 6,686 5,114 124 977 471 14,786 10,148 613 3,083 942 6,927 4,352 354 1,477 744 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||-|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||--||||||||||||| 67 9班​历​的​可以​的​四位​仍​仍​任​的​研​们​仍​SE22C4EDT823a88 142 46 4,464 3,384 22 820 238 8,643 6,592 115 1,294 642 14,964 11,185 492 2,719 568 6,457 4,345 222 1,316 574 14 157 45 258 1,343 5,155 614 18 3,800 4 87 19 613 137 2,234 59 282 36 1,857 2,988 37 1,137 1,713 1 55 45 21 4 2 15 1,071 585 32 454 4,229 4,584 25,385 159 81,621 1.671 1,264 139 168 100 1,967 990 8 467 502 1,937 1,666 9 186 76 7,450 5,598 77 1,393 380 12,780 9,488 274 2,068 950 22,847 15,805 908 4,616 1,518 12.658 7,819 872 2,636 1,331 108 567 230 2,917 6,671 136 108 3 17 8 26 14 208 170 69 70 71 25 13 700 591 7 80 22 451 323 7 75 46 2,969 2,012 31 696 230 702 438 25 152 87 76 77 78 80 81 530 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD Sex and OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and 18 and over but over but under 18 under 21 Years Years 20,355 8,060 535 4,989 6,771 13,616 2,187 3,483 3,419 4,527 20,544 6 14 879 473 27 165 214 316 15 87 66 148 314 2,711 1,067 80 586 978 1,833 228 572 418 615 1,859 4,572 1,710 133 1,100 1,629 3,253 621 858 752 1,022 3,988 2 1 3 INITI 1,200 123 26 1 ON 132 16 2,317 260 7,407 1 1 24 3 15 136 107 106 1 4 25 6,747 257 2,255 Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries - Con. Semiskilled operatives (n.o.c.) — Con. Textile industries - Con. Other occupations Cotton mills Silk mills Woolen and worsted mills Other textile mills Other industries Electrical supply factories Paper box factories Rubber factories 10 Other factories 11 Sewers and sewing machine operators (factory) 12 Shoemakers and cobblers (not in factory) 13 Skilled occupations (n. 0. c.) 14 Annealers and temperers (metal) 15 Piano and organ tuners 16 Wood carvers 17 Other skilled occupations 18 Tailoresses 19 Upholsterers 20 Transportation 21 Water transportation (selected occupations) 22 Boatwomen, canal women, and lock keepers 23 Road and street transportation (selected occupations) 24 Chauffeurs 25 Garage keepers and managers 26 Livery-stable keepers and managers 27 Proprietors and managers of transfer companies 28 Railroad transportation (selected occupations) 29 Laborers 30 Steam railroad 31 Street railroad 32 Officials and superintendents 33 Steam railroad 34 Street railroad 35 Ticket and station agents 36 Express, post, telegraph, and telephone (selected occupations) 37 Agents (express companies) 38 Mail carriers 39 Telegraph messengers 40 Telegraph operators 41 Telephone operators 42 Other transportation pursuits 43 Forewomen and overseers (n. 0. c.) 44 Telegraph and telephone companies 45 Inspectors 46 Steam railroad 47 Other transportation 48 Proprietors, officials, and managers (n. o. c.) 49 Telegraph and telephone companies 50 Other transportation 51 Other occupations (semiskilled) 52 Street railroad 53 Other transportation 54 Trade 55 Bankers, brokers, and money lenders 56 Bankers and bank officials 57 Commercial brokers and commission women 58 Loan brokers and loan company officials 59 Pawnbrokers 60 Stockbrokers 61 Brokers not specified and promoters 62 Clerks in stores other than sales-persons 63 Commercial travelers 64 Decorators, drapers, and window dressers 65 Deliverywomen 66 Bakeries and laundries 67 Floorwalkers, forewomen, and overseers 68 Floorwalkers and forewomen in stores 69 Inspectors, gaugers, and samplers 70 ) Insurance agents and officials 71 Insurance agents 72 Officials of insurance companies 73 Laborers, porters, and helpers in stores 74 Proprietors, officials, and managers (n. o. c.) 75 Employment office keepers 76 Proprietors, etc., warehouses 77 Other proprietors, officials, and managers IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 9 245 301 6,433 499 276 276 8 2 49 2,204 41 26 26 IIIIIIIIIII 133 129 4 13 11 2 250 2,017 4,835 28,454 46 31 3 7 IIIIIII 208 337 1,293 87 22 2 152 152 33 93 82 11 43 132 104 5 23 IIIIIIIIIIII 1 Includes sewers and sewing machine operators in all factories except shoe and harness factories, and sack sewers in fertilizer, salt, and sugar factories, and cement, flour, and grain mills. OCCUPATIONS. 531 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE - Continued. AGE PERIOD - Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and Colored Foreign All Other Native Total Born 1,479 570 23 418 468 808 20,311 8,046 535 4,988 6,742 13,586 2,187 3,473 3,415 8,078 3,316 164 2,236 2,362 3,986 673 620 1,616 1,077 8,104 202 200 362 2,363 4,511 20,452 14 9 %-༠༠ | 4,671 7,397 1ས༤༧བ༠༤| @@eseང| , |༤༤པཨིཅི| ༤ || ---ss8ms, S-- &ཚུ, ཡསཨཨ ཨཱ ཉྙཱཙྪཥྛས་བསྒྱུ་ ལས་ སྨཱ ཙྪཱ ཙྪཱ་ཀྐ་བ་ ༠༠ཨཐཱ ་ ཁསཙིནྟུལ། |---888s-པ| -gss-, , # 1 - 1༤8-༠༩- |- 11 001111 001 3,932 248 44 46 48 %3&se 。see #ag. 17,565 3,500 15 28,388 46 6,424 * ༠༠་ a | | | D 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 1,286 ཙམྨས་ ཡ༤ཚ@cesཙྪཙྪ,,---- B%22仍​任​仍​仍​们 ​ཚེpe=& gged ༠༠ བཨgབའི་ཁྱིམྨོ*%ER**#*མི --ཅིes-ཁཆ88--, లలు నీటి over Esu 1398-2 |-ཡཔ| ཀ,,། མས 1 IaOOI ! 532 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. -- GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years 4 219 155 3,216 22,945 376 59 22,510 16 5 1,765 5 42 4,388 21 2 4,365 219 1,760 9 2 24 212 5 207 45 4 41 2 24 1 307 13 42 22 20 28 21 201 32 169 20 287 3,065 73 67 12 5 Trade – Con. 1 Real estate agents and officials 2 Retail dealers 3 Saleswomen Demonstrators Sales agents Saleswomen (stores) Undertakers 8 Wholesale dealers, importers, and exporters. Other pursuits (semiskilled). 10 Fruit graders and packers 11 Other occupations 12 Public Service (not elsewhere classified) 13 Guards, watchwomen, and doorkeepers 14 Marshals, sheriffs, detectives, etc. 15 Detectives 16 Probation and truant officers 17 Officials and inspectors (city and county) 18 Officials and inspectors (city) 19 Officials and inspectors (county) 20 Officials and inspectors (State and United States) 21 Officials and inspectors (State) 22 Officials and inspectors (United States) 23 Other pursuits 24 Other occupations : : 25 Professional Service 26 Actresses 27 Architects 28 Artists, sculptors, and teachers of art 29 Authoresses, editors, and reporters 30 Authoresses 31 Editors and reporters 32 Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists 33 Clergywomen 34 College presidents and professors : 35 Dentists. 36 Designers, draftswomen, and inventors 37 Designers Draftswomen : 39 Inventors 40 Lawyers, judges, and justices 41 Musicians and teachers of music 42 | Photographers, 43 Physicians and surgeons 44 Showwomen 45 Teachers 46 Teachers (athletics, dancing, etc.) 47 Teachers (school) 48 Trained nurses 49 Other professional pursuits 50 Semiprofessional pursuits 51 Abstractors, notaries, and justices of peace 52 Fortune tellers, hypnotists, spiritualists, etc. 53 Healers (except physicians and surgeons) Keepers of charitable and penal institutions Officials of lodges, societies, etc. 56 Religious and charity workers 57 Theatrical owners, managers, and officials 58 Other occupations 59 Attendants and helpers (professional service) 60 Domestic and Personal Service 61 Barbers, hairdressers, and manicurists 62 Billiard room, dance hall, skating rink, etc., keepers : 63 Billiard and pool room keepers 64 Boarding and lodging house keepers 65 Charwomen and cleaners 66 Elevator tenders 67 Hotel keepers and managers 68 Housekeepers and stewardesses 69 Janitresses 70 Laborers (domestic and professional service) 71 Laundresses (not in laundry) 72 | Laundry operatives 73 Laundry owners, officials, and managers 74 Midwives and nurses (not trained) 75 Midwives 76 Nurses (not trained) 77 Porters (except in stores) 78 Restaurant, café, and lunch room keepers 79 Saloon keepers 48,979 471 13 953 397 182 215 39 38 487 52 248 236 11 1 47 5,133 38 1 534 266 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 4 997 30 967 975 57 63 589 39 23,406 373 23,033 12,090 1,342 2,411 23 94 369 183 153 1,533 55 1 958 1 '--!!!!!!!!!-*'' Imeli' E'5'-' 2 15 200 115,666 1,444 1 955 3 3,212 10,076 99 13 49 50 176 1 86 264 8,607 9,338 3 152 10,966 227 7 7,289 4,189 75 5,466 47 5,419 2 412 11 60 330 30 I!!!!!!!! 636 3 208 67 208 1 OCCUPATIONS, 533 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Continued. AGE PERIOD Con: COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 7 160 91 13 34 75 1,681 14,639 252 28 14,359 6 3 106 1 105 FOOOOWN 72 1,324 1,843 90 25 1,728 8 3 31 155 3,202 22,911 373 58 22,480 16 7 210 5 205 116 1,512 18,609 313 45 18,251 14 5 121 3 118 MI ANNA 39 1,690 4,302 60 13 4,229 2 2 89 2 87 30 NINI I8-weli 8 9 10 11 - 22 101 8 2 14 2 12 13 14 15 9 8 16 183 3 34 17 17 28 20 8 117 24 93 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 19 7 12 67 6 61 305 13 40 20 20 49 28 21 201 32 169 2 2 283 13 31 12 19 47 28 19 191 27 164 1 1 Men en WINO IN 10 2 10 5 116151 10 1 1 222 670 1 8,220 66 ~- 35 38 26 12 36,687 355 11 588 206 76 130 29 15 341 43 191 182 9 77 28 14 14 1 1 32 3 11 45 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 8,250 19 2 252 140 74 66 5 19 129 6 34 32 1 1 10 705 33 255 2 4,008 42 3,966 1,434 336 786 3 46 164 88 39 443 3 51 40,532 399 11 871 368 168 200 38 37 453 45 200 190 9 1 46 4,702 221 484 26 21,181 347 20,834 7,751 1,286 1,602 23 72 264 117 134 64 1 41 48,752 465 13 948 396 182 214 39 38 485 52 247 235 11 1 47 5,082 265 573 37 23,372 373 22,999 12,053 1,340 2,390 23 88 366 181 153 1,523 55 1 89 36 3,746 169 291 29 18,127 299 17,828 9,601 888 1,428 20 29 181 88 104 966 39 1 593 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIon Toinweisung CLT-IIII 242 2,191 33 2,165 4,302 33 37 242 49 57 124 -ផននី , ឌី-ខ៥… 17 22 71 48 75 910 811 生​好​如幻​&们​的​认识​以​让​历​的​订​说明 ​如​们​仍​仍​d8%们​3822234%BC%2 28,717 217 4,318 12 43,328 1,077 6,925 65 3,802 3,681 652 409 68,388 1,092 1 1 4,102 5,010 2 59 4,506 95 5 4,197 2,532 43 2,125 21 2,104 1,227 17 84 5,131 114 2 2,441 629 27 2,622 21 2,601 1 158 5 108, 701 1,379 1 65,373 302 1 1 4,813 4,253 1 3,598 3,176 1 102 6,792 92 4 2,095 2,460 46 3,181 2 3,179 1 250 5 IIIIIIIIIIIII18 60 61 62 63 64 196 1,906 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 192 19 1 8,411 7,429 2 152 10,768 208 7 6,136 3,970 68 5,406 45 5,361 2 401 11 50 3,976 116 3 4,041 1,510 22 2,225 43 2,182 1 151 321 32 1 437 5 432 1,149 215 7 59 2 57 241 4 534 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 28. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AGE PERIOD SEX AND OCCUPATION Total 14 and over but under 16 Years 16 and over but under 18 Years 18 and over but under 21 Years 59,178 3,775 9,833 45,570 8,219 80 14 26 40 843 5 5 833 53 2,426 53 15 2,358 238 2 7,573 361 209 7,003 962 11 2 401 Domestic and Personal Service - Con. 1 Servants Chambermaids Cooks Other servants 5 Waitresses 6 Other pursuits Bathhouse keepers and attendants 8 Cleaners and renovators (clothing, etc.) 9 Other occupations 10 Clerical 11 Agents, canvassers, and collectors 12 Agents 13 Canvassers 14 Collectors 15 Bookkeepers, cashiers, and accountants 16 Clerks (except clerks in stores) 17 Shipping clerks 18 Other clerks 19 Messenger, bundle, and office girls 1 20 Bundle and cash girls 21 Messenger, errand, and office girls 22 Stenographers and typewriters 3,086 5 1 62,542 479 130 315 34 23,723 14,171 182 13,989 955 659 296 23,214 61 57 1 56 260 166 94 23 912 804 17 787 538 400 138 827 12,170 27 11 14 2 4,041 2,588 53 2,535 128 80 48 5,386 1 Except telegraph and telephone messengers. OCCUPATIONS. 535 AND OVER BY SEX, AGE PERIODS, AND COLOR OR RACE — Concluded. AGE PERIOD Con. COLOR OR RACE WHITE 21 and over but under 45 Years (in- cludes Age unknown) 45 and over but under 65 Years 65 Years and over Colored All Other Total Native Foreign Born 20 37,797 2,927 6,804 28,066 6,523 54 7 20 27 9,358 399 2,645 6,314 432 13 7 1,181 30 155 996 11 7 13 OOO OO W 56,188 3,672 9,218 43,298 8,083 79 14 25 40 16,478 738 1,798 13,942 3,922 48 5 15 28 2,970 103 608 2,259 134 39,710 2,934 7,420 29,356 4,161 31 9 10 12 TII Invia 140 42 138 37 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 43,672 222 71 132 19 17,273 9,619 105 9,514 29 13 16 16,529 3,073 183 43 128 12 1,390 1,054 5 1,049 62,400 475 130 311 34 23,688 14,138 182 13,956 944 658 286 23,155 46 49 1 48 56,761 399 107 265 27 21,050 12,938 153 12,785 813 574 239 21,561 5,639 76 23 46 7 2,638 1,200 29 1,171 131 84 47 1,594 34 33 33 11 1 10 56 446 3 536 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS 14 [Note. — " N. o. o.” means not otherwise classified. “Other foreign AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY TOTAL FOREIGN- BORN WHITE PERSONS 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ENGAGED IN GAINFUL OCCU- PATIONS COUNTRY OF BIRTH DAIRY FARMERS DAIRY FARM LABORERS TOTAL IN A GRI- CULTURE, FORESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Males Fe- males Total Males Fe- males Males Fe- nales Males Fe- males 221 294 5 408 2 2 4 1 3 134 3 Consiliennes, ICA 7 2 6 24 19 5 MIATTO PIEDAI 194 91 3 50 4 34 32 24 20 248 2 3 101 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire 8 Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia . 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan. 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. 0. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n, o, c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia : 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries 673,509 507,636 165,873 29,979 7,326 5,823 1,503 496 587 457 130 33 1,982 1,562 420 236 4,757 3,804 953 227 1,604 1,167 437 26 349,011 244,150 | 104,861 13,998 149,717 105,185 44,532 6,133 16,308 11,030 5,278 382 43,735 29,367 14,368 2,748 9,569 6,028 3,541 264 80,105 58,760 21,345 2,739 74,320 55,257 19,063 2,509 55,232 41,146 14,086 1,726 18,238 13,459 4,779 750 850 652 198 33 116,765 77,827 38,938 4,813 7,334 5,254 2,080 509 875 627 34 13 10 3 2,185 1,843 342 232 4,009 2,666 1,343 243 15,887 13,311 2,576 844 14,441 12,512 1,929 127 73,231 65,466 7,765 3,615 5 2. 1 1,100 1,000 100 149 3,620 2,772 848 232 57,445 42,829 14,616 3,483 23,869 15,551 8,318 1,244 672 533 139 22 31,579 25,815 5,764 2,125 1,325 930 395 92 29,606 21,301 8,305 2,891 15,912 11,274 4,638 1,003 13,694 10,027 3,667 1,888 516 425 91 5 70,618 57,428 13,190 1,939 9,153 6,436 2,717 631 8,908 7.035 1,873 302 52,557 43,957 8,600 1,006 96 87 9 2 385 273 112 12 441 398 43 26 24,835 18,817 6,018 1,256 844 624 220 15,343 13,958 1,385 260 4,279 4,103 176 89 4,972 3,952 1,020 79 2,573 2,480 93 41 1,839 1,813 26 14 1,680 1,610 70 37 301 227 74 71 57 14 230 170 60 645 544 101 37 4 13 5 30 ION 7 1 2 1 1 28 29 8 21 20 10 3 2 5 34 13 1 20 7 12 31 1 9 33 98 OOOO ป้องงง E่ OCCUPATIONS. 537 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH, FOR THE STATE. countries" include persons born at sea of foreign parents.] AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY – Con. FARM, DAIRY FARM, GARDEN, ORCHARD, ETC., FOREMEN FARMERS FARM LABORERS TOTAL DAIRY FARM FOREMEN FARM FOREMEN GARDEN AND GREENHOUSE FOREMEN ORCHARD, NURSERY, ETC., FOREMEN Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- Males males Fe- males 1 6,148 51 11,351 99 531 2 2 17 400 1 79 1 1 35 1 1 ' 27 2,879 1,516 113 9 1 11 4,027 1,875 116 653 88 1,018 41 884 557 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 4 7 6 1 18B13184419 al --Iownload, 1 I WIWITEI | | 4-32 | తెలుటే | | Dan | | ఆలు | NNRలులో జడేజింజ్యం - 1 -- 82 - - 1 ei oo er en 1 0 1 'នខ្លះក្នុងខ្លួន។ខ្ញុំឌីឌី៖”ឪន៖~°គខ្លះ~-~- III II II II 1 - 1 00011111 560 III ION 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 295 36 21 538 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY – Con. GARDENERS, FLORISTS, FRUIT FISHERMEN GROWERS, AND NURSERYMEN FORESTERS OYSTERMEN COUNTRY OF BIRTH AND TOTAL FLORISTS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 3,304 - 83 - 2,517 9 652 3 10 4 34 4 20 10 65 26 1.684 1,146 22 1,007 36 81 38 34 3 1 73 427 3 :-* ויזואימו --*e**8ייייי 6 1 410 59 12 24 2 21 188 1,447 299 29 138 17 115 462 311 145 6 678 125 59 4 162 1 1 37 11 IIIII 39 19 16 29 1 285 1 2 70 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. o. . 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland . 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia. 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries 85 6 180 11 11 210 119 2 89 ដដ , ទី២ , ទ.ទី២។ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 974 321 653 222 55 167 LIITISTII w II Siri 15 1 1 40 1 18 12 29 12 140 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 131 10 19 4. 6 4 و مربی 3 NOI AO 2 4 OCCUPATIONS. 539 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY – Con. GARDENERS, FLORISTS, FRUIT GROWERS, AND NURSERYMEN - Con. GARDEN, GREENHOUSE, ORCHARD, AND NURSERY LABORERS FRUIT GROW- ERS AND NURSERYMEN GARDENERS LANDSCAPE GARDENERS TOTAL CRANBERRY BOG LABORERS GARDEN LABORERS GREENHOUSE LABORERS Males Fe- Males males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- Males males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 153 1,279 433 1 4,086 21 163 3 3,476 16 281 N OOOWN 31 1 16 14 2,524 489 50 239 42 INNOVO WIN10 viimase 1,402 INIINI WIINILISING SEINNITT, 1 - 1 - - - - లు- | - | AANA || BHA , ఆజర్ | 888 | సిరాజిట్ట , ---నదింపింది. ఆ 304-4-1151-4- I ANDISINIAI ACI, ܙܠܗ ܙ 33 I was I 1 1 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 וטווה NINO, ONINO I - 540 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WAITE PERSONS AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY – Con. GARDEN, GREENHOUSE, ORCHARD, AND NURSERY LABORERS - Con. LUMBERMEN, RAFTSMEN, AND WOOD- CHOPPERS COUNTRY OF BIRTH ORCHARD AND NURSERY LABORERS TOTAL FOREMEN AND OVERSEERS LUMBERMEN AND RAFTSMEN Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 166 - 758 9 318 1 10 6 36 11 5 125 121 I WON ODIO 377 361 6 21 14 320 5 4 1 6 109 11 16 1 11 70 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain. 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 105 SANTIAITIATI-HIMA 111-11-E 'SAVISSA 24 6 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 18 112 14 164 30 9 125 97 TIITTI INVESTITI OCCUPATIONS. 541 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY – Con. LUMBERMEN, RAFTSMEN, AND WOOD- CHOPPERS Con. OTHER AGRICULTURAL AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PURSUITS OWNERS AND MANAGERS OF LOG AND TIMBER CAMPS STOCK HERDERS, DROVERS, AND FEEDERS STOCK RAISERS TEAMSTERS AND HAULERS WOODCHOP- PERS AND TIE CUTTERS TOTAL CORN SHELL- ERS, HAY BALERS, GRAIN THRESH- ERS, ETC. Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- 기 ​Males Fe- males Males Fe- males males 27 - 404 - 1 - 106 32 1 360 31 2 - - ܟܬܚܘܩܢ ܘܗܕ NICO nie III- | టిషూటలు | | I INAWI NI OMOI IWC-INOM 1 Trio- | MOHAI 37874 | Mలు 4 , 58 బడసి, Biwi 1 Well I 001 1 TAARIDO' Iico I WILLOI TOIMWILI TIWILINIINILI 1 I!! 45 2 47 T!!! - 1 1 1 1 542 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS EXTRACTION OF MINERALS COUNTRY OF BIRTH AGRICULTURE, FOR- ESTRY, AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY – CON. OTHER AGRICULTURAL AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PURSUITS — Con. POULTRY OTHER AND RAISERS AND NOT POULTRY YARD SPECIFIED LABORERS PURSUITS Fe- Fe- Males Males males males FOREMEN, OVERSEERS, AND INSPECTORS TOTAL IN EXTRACTION MINERALS OF TOTAL Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 340 31 18 1 1,510 54 1 3 1 11 333 165 34 13 200 70 7 27 2 34 101 87 14 120 11 | | సీణలుగా | | నిజసం. | 2-- 16 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy . 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German. 32 Russian 33 Poland, n, o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper Island possessions Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland, Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain. 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries ricorn WWII VIA SAINT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WROTISSIMI LIITUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWI WWIIIIII דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד ܬܘ ܙܙܙ ܤܗܟ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ULTIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOODI NOTTI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 36 37 280 277 40 27 27 105 6 3 1 1 OCCUPATIONS. 543 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. EXTRACTION OF MINERALS - CON. FOREMEN, OVERSEERS, AND IN- SPECTORS — Con. OPERATORS, OFFICIALS, AND MANAGERS. COAL MINE OPERATIVES FOREMEN AND OVERSEERS INSPECTORS TOTAL MANAGERS OFFICIALS OPERATORS 出 ​Males Males Fe- males Fe- males Males males Fe- Males Fe- males Males males Fe- Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 。 53 42 16 24 N 10 1 1 1 1 నిలుటే| 1 NWNII ܙ ܙܘܗ ܙ ܝܙ ܙ ܩ. 1 errore 36 37 TANI!!! 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 III 11 544 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS EXTRACTION OF MINERALS - Con. OPERATIVES IN OTHER AND NOT SPECIFIED MINES COUNTRY OF BIRTH GOLD AND SILVER MINE OPERATIVES IRON MINE OPERATIVES TOTAL LEAD AND ZINC MINE OPERATIVES Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 2 - 15 - 13 - 1 - 7 1 1 3 15 1 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. 0.c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. c. . 13 Great Britain 14 England Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland . 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 11 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII דודודודודודודודודודודודודודו 1 1 1 ווווווווווווווווווווווו 1 49 OCCUPATIONS. 545 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. EXTRACTION OF MINERALS - Con. MANUFACTUR- ING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES OIL, GAS, AND SALT WELL OPERATIVES APPRENTICES OPERATIVES IN OTHER AND NOT SPECIFIED MINES-Con. QUARRY OPERATIVES TOTAL IN MANUFAC- TURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES TOTAL OIL AND GAS WELL OPERATIVES SALT WELL AND WORKS OPERATIVES TOTAL ALL OTHER MINE OPERATIVES Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 12 1,368 2 - 4 -- 309,825 79,461 || 1,096 148 1 9 1 3 256 137 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 105 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3,568 347 872 2,349 1,018 138,314 63,515 6,094 15,083 3,508 38,830 35,511 26,453 8,685 373 35,897 3,093 298 794 84 199 511 373 39,398 20,610 1,868 3,769 856 14,117 10,465 8,461 1,921 83 7,693 552 78 19 14 דודודודוד דוד דוורוד ורוד ורדרד 228 22 81 25 100 176 110 64 2 86 11 דוד דור ודודו דו דו דו דו דוד דדון 25 14 170 25 --లాలు | | Na-116లు | | | | | ETRENDలులు | లు | | లు . 678 LILIITTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-A iniin 6 เง961 19-3-5ซึ่งตรงนี้เ-3 TIMWI NISOON IN II Narvio 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 5 16 46 7 1 38 13 66 719 1,061 1.743 6,347 1 37 94 11,746 7,102 95 4,285 264 7,461 4,239 3,222 52 7,449 685 1,389 5,375 7 72 15 875 51 1,045 15 11 1 38 276 274 182 35 11 8 163 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 34 86 3 14 64 2 13 2 48 114 2 1,053 1,633 8,302 7.636 39,076 599 1,723 32,419 12,441 399 18,884 695 14,657 8,466 6,191 252 34,626 4,556 5,848 24,222 35 165 238 13,797 296 10,016 3,044 2,649 1,846 1,421 1,056 91 20 71 310 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 812 63 17 39 22 6 16 33 ILITA I en 546 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. – GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. APPRENTICES - Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH BAKERS APPRENTICES TO BUILDING AND HAND TRADES OTHER APPRENTICES DRESSMAKERS' AND MILLINERS APPRENTICES Fe Males males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 336 - 123 760 25 1 3,843 40 WONI 5 1 1 3 2 2 6 176 94 7 33 9 45 43 26 16 1 34 5 32 134 15 48 16 55 133 84 48 100 10 20 70 3 1,326 473 27 77 10 359 512 200 310 2 322 17 2 19 5 52 1 2 4 19 13 121 21 19 382 127 493 Iloco!!!! IMAMIA INI! 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. C. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 | France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n, o. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 49 NOU I eu I CO WIIII 4 13 15 24 38 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINI1 00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 462 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOWww II 160 87 4 1 33 369 3 12 9 3 1 117 77 54 23 65 530 46 77 407 4 28 106 15 1 14 49 2 12 152 9 1 ---అటవలనీలా | | 20 13 22 9 1 OCCUPATIONS. 547 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. BLACKSMITHS, FORGEMEN, AND HAMMERMEN BOILER MAKERS BRICK AND STONE MASONS BUILDERS AND BUILDING Con- TRACTORS BUTCHERS AND DRESSERS (SLAUGHTER- HOUSE) FORGEMEN, HAMMER- MEN, AND WELDERS TOTAL BLACKSMITHS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Fe- Fe- males Males Males · Fe males Males males Fe- Males males 4,436 4,224 212 728 4,698 2,860 3 281 - 1 1 21 00 ORION 8 12 స్థ-10-3 arrangement ܪܝܕܝܕܝܚܘ 3,034 1,476 159 453 I 1 1.167 1 - 1 Home INIMII wowo11, mernoIwi o I Comnos 1 - - e rri I INN, CON AI 11-NWO I INNI OMONI I even 33 34 35 36 37 ON. 9. జడ్జిలు కలు222N Codు. 1 1 1 1 E er bare 548 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH CABINET- MAKERS CARPENTERS Com- POSITORS, LINOTYPERS, AND TYPE- SETTERS COOPERS Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1,268 21,778 - 1,861 140 491 1 17 ? 1 3 46 3 23 20 2 390 237 38 84 17 98 146 16 32 98 10 15,403 11,683 1,174 4,187 1,166 5,156 1,721 1,072 627 22 1,212 759 28 17 1 1,265 562 120 188 44 210 441 320 117 4 213 43 129 88 25 31 13 19 31 16 15 78 9 39 10 20 18 10 8 106 62 42 2 36 10 1 101 100 16 95 64 328 47 1,018 ఇండి|టట 7 1 33 4 118 5 83 3 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. . c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C.. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, no. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, I, O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries 31 49 דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 37 160 483 146 30 5 5 37 15 OOOOO 800 1 1 326 4 457 162 295 12 2,099 502 75 1,522 63 49 14 1 145 7 13 125 19 9 10 6 230 20 8 202 III-600II1II11-1-1 292 11 6 1,276 10 96 22 45 13 25 IN INDAHA ANG SIWI Son Go OCCUPATIONS. 549 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. ELECTROTYPERS, STEREOTYPERS, AND LITHOGRAPHERS DRESS MAKERS AND SEAM- STRESSES (NOT IN FACTORY) DYERS ELECTRI- CIANS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS ENGI- NEERS (ME- CHANICAL) ELECTRO- TYPERS AND STEREO- TYPERS TOTAL LITHO- GRAPHERS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males males 1 12 5,428 1,515 3 1,953 256 75 181 4 1 317 - 34 2 8 ཆ་ཀྵབྷཱཝཏྟཾ UU!!! 1 ឱឱនខ្ញុំ WWII 376 131 300101III 916 I-NNNIO IT WILL -N-1001 CV W I will en Iria Il nome Nina లులులు... | dade-NON-01-280 | 2oM... | సమీపిండిని رن بن IIIINNNI ܒܗ ܙ ܒܬܒܬܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ 1 550 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. FILERS, GRINDERS, BUFFERS, AND POLISHERS (METAL) COUNTRY OF BIRTH ENGINEERS (STATIONARY) ENGRAVERS TOTAL BUFFERS AND POLISHERS Males Fe males Males Fo- males Males Fo males Males Fe males 3,983 310 1,820 43 1,244 41 17 38 9 11 18 8 1 3 1 192 59 677 35 22 295 22 6 11 19 11 21 2 6 13 5 3,245 1,149 180 445 76 448 838 605 224 9 1,132 121 5 28 112 89 22 920 406 31 48 14 313 265 209 53 3 235 12 2. 20 31 10 234 188 151 35 2 1 1 16 16 5 183 11 38 17 133 2 68 3 31 11 93 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n, o, c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n, o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 | Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. 0. C. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 12 73 22 8 2 11 1 34 16 18 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Trio ANTOIIEINS en! Ierico II FESTA IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 12 186 86 2 95 3 53 39 14 LIITTIMITTITUITIIIIIIIIIIIINOINOWOLTTI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOINFORTUNIT 55 15 115 53 "1-31**** HOFERI! 5 30 18 14 32 1 1 1 186 8 103 26 48 18 138 133" ST - COLONIINOMISCO 24 52 1 OCCUPATIONS. 551 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. FILERS, GRINDERS, BUFFERS, AND POLISHERS (METAL) - Con. FURNACEMEN, SMELTERMEN, HEATERS, POURERS, ETC. FIREMEN (EXCEPT LOCOMOTIVE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT) FOREMEN AND OVERSEERS (MANU- FACTURING) FILERS GRINDERS TOTAL FURNACEMEN AND SMELTERMEN HEATERS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 202 374 2 4,380 6,046 467 224 144 -- 60 10 11 4 OOORIN TO គាងនៗខ្ញុំខំនន់ 374 216 49 88 15 TIITSI 10mi! 385 12 13 NO Merwe 15 1.849 76 - 1 LT INOMI 1- w II waren rii- INWIRI cero, en wice 98%以​'?W仍​nu?四路​148-1959485211116 Icooniniwāni, Liliomowe-1 WN ISITILINNI RINN III ITINI INNI 11 -- 1 1 1 2 MITIMIN - - 552 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — - TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Cox. FURNACEMEN, JEWELERS, WATCHMAKERS, SMELTERMEN, HEATERS, POURERS, ETC. GOLDSMITHS, - Con. AND SILVER- Glass SMITHS BLOWERS LADLERS AND PUDDLERS TOTAL POURERS COUNTRY OF BIRTH Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 15 - 5 - 78 11 712 20 16 1 5 0 3 132 18 36 9 69 199 159 38 2 31 16 11 39 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire 8 Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n.o.c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey . 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries 3 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WONIIII II-III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 2 10 130 3 124 15 36 19 IIIII WONOSNI OCCUPATIONS. 553 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES — Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) JEWELERS, WATCHMAKERS, GOLDSMITHS, AND SILVERSMITHS - Con. BUILDING AND HAND TRADES TOTAL GOLDSMITHS AND SILVER- SMITHS JEWELERS AND LAPID ARIES (FACTORY) JEWELERS AND WATCH- MAKERS (NOT IN FACTORY) TOTAL GENERAL AND NOT SPECIFIED LABORERS HELPERS IN BUILDING AND HAND TRADES Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 240 2 130 18 342 57,268 368 21,792 19,777 2,015 1 117 14 JOONA WAS I WIWI SICIA III overwriter 5,138 347 867 203 3,721 57 4,417 146 8 3,963 135 Ionic-wām lista en microones the room 54 131 512 1,070 1-100IANO1-1 overlian imimo vieta 19 43 120 169 9,307 16,681 8 | - | 20లు --- , -%CR | Consum / --- నిండినారు , 5 I TINIRA ILI 40 90 9,288 3,074 48 6,000 166 3,898 2,163 1,735 16 5,335 873 1,730 2,732 10 29 49 787 41 1,270 269 8 979 14 849 417 432 6 1,099 306 203 590 2 1 1 - 31 I 1 18 1 - 1 1 INIO, 19 19 - - 1 corrow 554 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) – Con. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL FERTILIZER FACTORIES PAINT FACTORIES POWDER, CARTRIDGE, FIREWORKS, ETC., FACTORIES Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,039 3 173 38 187 3 לי:8ייייי 105 11 1 7 15 5 1 3 406 79 9 36 3 31 48 30 18 Neo 2 13 10 3 21 22 261 15 3 4 2 11 184 10 39 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium Ź British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 | Netherlands 28 Norway 29 | Poland 30 Austrian 31 German. 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 5 198 47 דדדדדדדדדדדווד | מ דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 20 דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-NAIRE 51 IIIIIIIIIIIITIN CUI ILMAIS INSTITUT דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 151 20 3 49 12 18 34 150 6 43 101 24 TI 2 17 16 39 1 4 2 1 31 1 2 13 1 OCCUPATIONS. 555 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) — Con. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES - Con CLAY, GLASS, AND STONE INDUSTRIES OTHER CHEMICAL FACTORIES TOTAL BRICK, TILE, AND TERRA-COTTA FACTORIES GLASS FACTORIES LIME, CEMENT, AND GYPSUM FACTORIES MARBLE AND STONE YARDS POTTERIES Males males Fe- Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males For males 1 641 1,253 1 573 - 92 1 351 204 1 33 - 41 1 1 1 1 OOONO NA WA 1 now -- / - సం. 6-1; EII Gerool van 14 iviimili 39WWIIIIIWILL 680 vendin minor, 8, winner vwo, invernale --NINI-WILI - - MITINI1-101-11 on IS, WITI NILTINDRILI INI II II 1911 OS 556 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES — Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) – Con. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL AUTOMOBILE FACTORIES BLAST FURNACES AND ROLLING MILLS CAR AND RAILROAD SHOPS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 7,934 7 234 1,069 594 - 88 3 1 11 1 6 4 OOO OOON 103 128 56 46 5 1,764 540 44 64 29 403 244 153 89 2 935 45 2 1 2 114 30 3 10 1 16 24 10 14 15 44 1 58 14 8 46 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. 0. C. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland . 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. 0. C. Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia : 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries 257 LOIRIE, TVRDI I NOW MIG 32 דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדווורוורד 2 349 32 2 306 9 10 9 1 127 18 דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד-דודדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 108 2 38 IIIIIIINNOITTINN.ITWINI COM 1,144 ឌីឱ' ===ឱឱ5 'គឺ ! ”ខខ្ពើឱវជន ១១១ 1 1 57 162 89 39 34 42 10 IIIIIIIII 71 1 144 60 31 11 15 27 OCCUPATIONS, 557 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. LABORERS (N. 0. C.) - Con. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES - Con. OTHER METAL INDUSTRIES WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTORIES OTHER IRON AND STEEL WORKS TOTAL BRASS MILLS COPPER FACTORIES LEAD AND ZINC FACTORIES TINWARE AND ENAMEL WARE FACTORIES Males Fe Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males males 95 - រ 5,942 4 674 14 301 172 29 1 1 11 1 COM 1 OOONON 28-0జడ్జి , ANRA , AA | 0 | | ANC-Nలు | | TIDOOI I TOIMIIN ודווי 1 III 1 126 తెసలు, T11010011 UT101 - 1,423 NII ICON er eiri IVINO Iriai Il laai! TIITILIM ITT I 1601 160 11619 inci IN10011 45 46 47 48 - งง !!! 1 - 558 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) — Con. OTHER METAL INDUSTRIES - Con. LUMBER AND FURNITURE INDUSTRIES COUNTRY OF BIRTH OTHER METAL FACTORIES TOTAL FURNITURE, PIANO, AND ORGAN FACTORIES SAW AND PLANING MILLS! Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 110 13 1,464 - 595 - 593 - 7 19 7 6 11 8 3 105 80 OLANI ON IN 349 272 18 39 9 206 25 17 8 NIM*-8"0g Ini! 182 143 8 27 7 101 12 7 5 I COWI o จง่ะงง๒%8 15 47 26 SIIN! wool II MONTITIS Tinni - 19 167 12 77 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark ! 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatio Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 76 1 3 439 109 2 307 21 57 51 en ONS OO 1 2 152 44 1 100 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 194 21 1 159 13 20 17 20 14 31 28 3 325 73 128 175 56 66 53 eroor ఉదం. 70 11 20 39 124 TITIRITTIS 30 13 דווווו ס * י'י 15 12 11 3 i 1 Includea wooden box factories. OCCUPATIONS. 559 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) - Con. LUMBER AND FURNITURE INDUSTRIES -Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES OTHER INDUSTRIES COTTON OTHER WOOD WORKING FACTORIES TOTAL SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS MILLS TOTAL Males Fe males Fe- Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 276 11,003 283 5,190 173 46 2,693 76 3,074 29 1 12,109 60 56 18 SOOOOO WNS 1 Tere I ONI menia 2.532 1,117 26 23 1,024 716 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I » NINI 1.I BILI IIIIIIIIII TIINNITEI -11 రాష్సీజనం 2:58.50 TIENNILL 1001 OOIIN 3,583 803 65 182 38 518 337 230 99 8 2,376 64 3 NOI ITI 100 N 1 22 A అసాలాలు 810 IMANI 4 - 27 - -- 1 1 1 19 1 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 III 18 2,558 1,362 22 1,107 67 2,205 1,160 1,045 6 1,877 21 308 1 6 16 1 - 795 69 246 480 5 9 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 II own in នី។”” /> III!! 100 100 1 LITINORI VINODI III Do III! 11 1 10 LININI , ខានជុំ-- 11ci ' 17181%以​A94B 1 560 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) - Con. OTHER INDUSTRIES — Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH CHARCOAL AND COKE WORKS CIGAR AND TOBACCO FACTORIES CLOTHING INDUSTRIES ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 256 14 1 1 112 214 - 33 5 wat om te 124 26 11 6 8 67 2 87 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland. 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, A. o. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. n 56 Other foreign countries 1 14 IIIIIIIIIIIIIINITILITAITINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 10 31 18 14 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 13 LIITTINOINTIA NEOBIOTININITIATIONAL 1 21 10 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-00 NA 100 INITIATITIPINO 1 1 28 22 2 28 16 OCCUPATIONS. 561 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) — Con. OTHER INDUSTRIES -Con. FOOD INDUSTRIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLY FACTORIES TOTAL BAKERIES BUTTER AND CHEESE FACTORIES FISH CURING AND PACKING FLOUR AND GRAIN MILLS FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CANNING, ETC. Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 1 888 1 1,906 12 150 2 34 - 22 1 36 1 3 1 1 VOOR ON 201001 176 41 8 ន-e 12 I NOI 1-SOMITANNI 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 IIIIIIIII 1 ܙ ܝܙܟܢ III NII 1 1---WOINTL will certo, TIMINI 41 1 - 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ܘܝܕܘܬ in two, 11 562 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - - Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) – Con. OTHER INDUSTRIES Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH FOOD INDUSTRIES - Con. GAS WORKS SLAUGHTER AND PACKING HOUSES SUGAR FAC- TORIES AND REFINERIES OTHER FOOD FACTORIES Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 959 - 449 1 253 8 1,100 - 1 4 1 135 157 15 19 ISP IIIIII 721 61 4 19 4 34 33 28 123 130 6 620 7 1 2 7 154 10 3 187 222 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n, o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 223 52 דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדוווווווווווווווווווווווווווווו NI* IIAMARITEITST'g'33'1IT!!!!!!!!! 72 7 1 64 וווווווווווווווווווווו סווווווווווווומורדו - - ווזורוד הוווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווו 3 33 19 14 255 170 12 50 7 105 III ICONI e III OORIINI WATI 39 1111-11-58, 5, OCCUPATIONS. 563 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) — Con. OTHER INDUSTRIES Con. 1 LIQUOR AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRIES OIL REFINERIES PAPER AND PULP MILLS PRINTING AND PUBLISHING RUBBER FACTORIES BHOE FACTORIES TANNERIES Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- maleg Males Fe- males Males Fe males 1 429 77 1,668 9 118 6 2,074 8 872 3 983 1 1 Deer was Conva 81- 12 13 14 15 నీతిలంబసింపుల్ Hennimanian lain 18 ܝܕܟܐ IIOINVII Wir - TIWN I Civil VI 100 - | | | 4-డిలజి | 2-0 . . . - -----రాటితేనే , అంట్ల 34 - 36 37 38 1 NA ILI IWANI ఇండి-- అనే సినతి | | 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 - 564 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. - LABORERS (N. 0, c.) - Con. MACHINISTS, MILLWRIGHTS, AND TOOLMAKERS COUNTRY OF BIRTH OTHER INDUBTRIES - Con. Loom FIXERS OTHER FACTORIES TOTAL MACHINISTS AND MILLWRIGHTS Fe- Fe Males Fe Fe- males Males Males males Males males males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 1,398 13 3,015 3 16,832 1 16,035 1 14 1 34 OOO 8 1 4 382 198 13 38 22 18 2,432 1,313 19 18 1 1,275 947 861 75 11 169 160 18 38 104 20 10,253 4,085 505 1,041 219 2,320 3,760 2,597 1,136 27 2,184 196 28 156 18 37 101 19 9,847 3,912 492 998 214 2,208 3,586 2,466 1,094 26 2,131 194 24 2 143 28 15 12 1 148 8 17 101N 122 81 4 24 26 398 689 83 550 117 78 633 82 524 20 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n, o. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania . 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland : 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia . 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 5 236 75 122 69 256 714 140 21 544 9 103 23 160 1 27 69 16 70 33 11 9 143 25 32 86 73 276 730 143 21 557 9 105 72 33 5 995 258 230 507 1 7 14 2,491 39 113 31 30 24 11 17 61 5 980 255 230 495 1 7. 14 2,270 33 105 29 30 21 10 15 6 6 WITNICI ROINIOWE 65 6 33 2 23 7 18 I00 6 16 3 OCCUPATIONS. 565 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. MACHINISTS, MILL WRIGHTS, AND TOOL MAKERS - Con. MANUFACTURERS AND OFFICIALS MECHANICS (N. 0. c.) MANAGERS AND SUPER- INTENDENTS (MANU- FACTURING) TOOLMAKERS AND DIE SETTERS AND SINKERS TOTAL MANUFAC- TURERS OFFICIALS TOTAL GUNSMITHS, LOCKSMITHS, AND BELL- HANGERS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- Males males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males 797 1,333 14 5,122 73 5,247 69 175 811 134 1 1 17 REDONDOA WA 1111-WN-WO I Iwi TIIVI woor, Lii Noah | | | | | ల | | NRI E | 28-1 6 - పిలుం I AME-నండివేలు TINTORIIVI woor 1 WIA WII NOOIT IT Ivinne Moore me pas en - | ఉండి | 100 | ఈజలజిసలు | అం | - 11 --లు సిటీ -12 | AMAR - 1 INIDOS ואווווו 566 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. MECHANICS (N. 0. c.) – Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH MILLERS (GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, ETC.) MILLINERS AND MILLINERY DEALERS WHEEL- WRIGHTS OTHER MECHANICS Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 178 499 27 68 949 15 1 12 OOOOO COMO 17 149 97 23 14 39 5 10 1 339 151 12 39 11 89 113 80 31 2 64 40 18 15 TITION WAIORITI 1 7 2 683 482 63 119 19 281 115 86 26 3 69 16 1 31 6 1 12 23 17 1 24 14 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n, o, c. 6 Belgium British Empire 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark: 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. 0. C. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 4 23 20 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WEBSITTI 1-IN-1 III III un II-IIIMIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!! LIITWO Teration in SONAI ***1-***-**^*&! --!-!!-I-- 10 35 127 11 35 122 OCCUPATIONS. 567 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. MOLDERS, FOUNDERS, AND CASTERS (Metal) PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, VAR- NISHERS, ENAMELERS, ETC. OILERS OF MACHINERY TOTAL BRASS MOLDERS, FOUNDERS, AND CASTERS IRON MOLDERS, FOUNDERS, AND CASTERS OTHER MOLDERS, FOUNDERS, AND CASTERS TOTAL ENAMELERS, LACQUERERS, AND JAPANNERS Males Fe- Fe- males Fe- Males Males Fe- males Fe- males Males Males Fe- males Males Males Fe- males males males 1 3,454 - 270 3,139 45 - 549 9,159 - 1 37 21 5,132 2,931 566 95 110 26 335 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 951 151 1,453 ,284 954 vina I-IEL Travi IIIII-WILI I NA - - | | అలంటే | | NNI - 1 పులు- | 0 | 6 | - | | | | అసంతి, 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 11----I w Income, como comis-one who is TINIMI-IWI ICM I INWAIT-IBA--- ****************************** - 中​1111111 - 45 46 47 48 49 50 IIIIIIIIIIII Nooc 568 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, VARNISHERS, ENAMELERS, ETC. — Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH PAPER HANGERS PATTERN AND MODEL MAKERS PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, AND VARNISHERS (BUILDING) Fe- Males males PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, AND VARNISHERS (FACTORY) Fe- Males males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 7,879 3 1,233 13 407 - 554 50 7 13 1 2 10 7 1 1 III 6 189 101 13 40 2 1 11 39 4 4,421 2,583 346 870 129 1,238 1,119 841 264 14 576 131 12 686 341 29 80 21 211 155 107 47 1 180 9 ww以​如​3好的​灯​B191212 341 127 21 32 13 61 175 108 67 45 66 47 - ១២ + c escenesងននននននននននកទៅកកនទៅ 117 19 248 21 299 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada, n. 0. c. . Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n, o. c. China Denmark France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece 25 | Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland Austrian German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland . Lithuania Russia, n, o. Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 11 96 21 4 10 3 NASA WII WAII 21 211 159 27 2 127 3 138 60 78 9 1,322 116 30 1,176 69 29 23 6 4 3 II 3 149 1 142 24 40 78 3 148 18 121 2 2 749 11 56 17 20 11 5 5 3 37 9 15 8 IT-NOOITICO 8 12 1 OCCUPATIONS. 569 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. SEMI- SKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) PLASTERERS PLUMBERS AND Gas AND STEAM FITTERS PRESSMEN (PRINTING) ROLLERS AND ROLL HANDS (METAL) ROOFERS AND SLATERS SAWYERS TOTAL 出 ​Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males males Fotos Fe- Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 1,068 2,998 267 3 57 - 280 124,103 62,748 16 1 the SINI! FOOOO CON !!!! 100 1,571 184 376 1,011 871 48,179 29,642 22.390 1,646 991 3,196 1.954 656 444 16,892 11,336 14.418 8,880 11,753 7,288 2,532 1,532 133 60 10,609 5,638 671 347 91 52 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 IIN ܗ ܙ ܙ ܙ - 1 1-16-311--IN Income with II-a, vino 262 1,029 3,419 5,679 12.654 31 587 770 1,643 4.896 224 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 23 DECI TONE MTANTINI SOSEBITIS Ima" - 1.00 11.9 cm -971 0 90 MITHOUS- - LIISIN Iwi 300 356 17.783 7.982 227 9.129 445 8.480 5,050 3,430 98 12,782 1,815 3,073 7,894 19 91 50 3.910 88 6,310 1,814 1.790 1.206 917 583 6.906 85 3,901 255 6,980 3,966 3,014 19 4,586 628 1,268 2,690 6 9 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 דיווי 570 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) – Con. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL PAINT FACTORIES POWDER, CARTRIDGE, FIREWORKS, ETC., FACTORIES OTHER CHEMICAL FACTORIES Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Fe- Males males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 757 426 70 7 197 223 490 196 2 3 2 3 162 31 9 w 2 1 341 99 13 32 4 50 84 57 27 250 74 11 19 14 30 6 4 1 2 1 218 64 6 22 3 33 41 24 17 17 62 15 4 3 1 30 9 th 148 10 89 10 16 2 105 8 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4 3 13 5 5 6 15 2 1 4 1 18 61 10 33 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. 0. c. 6 Belgium 1 British Empire : Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 | Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 | | | | | | | | |-||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 4 | 5 4 |--| ||||| 183 148 11 4 3--3-255037835-09--1-563-1-54-1-651-8-57---3----------- 25 136 170 2 li 56 1 17 16 1 6 3 56 1111111111111 1 099 erwieso 24 52 2 13 37 20 19 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 14 14 14 דדדדדדדדווד ודומים OCCUPATIONS. 571 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – CON. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) - Con. CLAY, GLASS, AND STONE INDUSTRIES CIGAR AND TOBACCO FACTORIES TOTAL BRICK, TILE, AND TERRA-COTTA FACTORIES GLASS FACTORIES LIME, CEMENT, AND GYPSUM FACTORIES MARBLE AND STONE YARDS POTTERIES Males Fo males Fe Fe males Males Fe males Males Males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males males 를 ​1 1,981 954 11 93 - 298 9 105 412 - 46 2 1 1 NOO 1 6 នដីនឌដងទី២-ស១ IIIII 11 III 9 1 ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܝܘܗ ܙ ܟܬ ܙ ܒܘܕܢܕܢ ܙ ܙ ܩ 92B4BE 1-1-18分 ​---+221-7-------B- I AM AO II WII- - งง! เ= 1 III c - I - 1 | 2 | 02 | 1 | Non | | E-Raa | | 22, 18సోయంబర్ | NTR I ASIOITTEI 1 1 1 1 ఊ..లాట | రెడ్డి లు : 1 LIIANNININIwie der Linings wat weer | | | | | 34 35 36 | -1లలు, వనజ | ఆ | | | Aga 1001-IMATI IIIIIIIIIIIIII oo 258 101 41 42 co 46 48 49 50 572 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) — Con. CLOTHING INDUSTRIES SUIT, COAT, HAT OTHER CLOAK, AND TOTAL FACTORIES CLOTHING OVERALL (FELT) FACTORIES FACTORIES COUNTRY OF BIRTH Males Fe- Males Fe males Fe Males males Males males Fe males 2,288 619 516 63 162 535 394 2 17 1,237 27 3 2 22 2 60 6 5 49 16 3 421 208 213 253 127 15 214 108 46 30 16 3 9 3 9 15 12 19 18 34 12 149 107 89 18 5 10 3 12 105 40 29 4 15 16 17 18 19 IIIIIIII 2011 III III 5 72 35 22 12 1 68 2 OLIITTIMA ORIOSIIIII 91 76 10 25 29 422 1產出​。 1 1 7 14 256 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire. 8 Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain. 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey Armenia Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0, 0. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 43 1 5 208 86 3 140 78 3 15 10 L111-1 WOO11ni-101FM, EEWOLIO, Eser wat 1 23 51 12 46 16 54 30 11 106 16 56 31 25 12 978 3 37 1 37 21 16 36 17 146 182 74 5 749 1 23 725 6 13 938 136 179 68 1 IIIIIII61818 ITEN HIERDIE 31 10 13 10 24 8 3! * IIMIIIIIIIIIII 48 49 సిలు 2 1 1 1 1 1 OCCUPATIONS. 573 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. C.)- Con. FOOD INDUSTRIES TOTAL BAKERIES BUTTER AND CHEESE FACTORIES CANDY FACTORIES FLOUR AND GRAIN MILLS FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CANNING, ETC. SLAUGHTER AND PACKING HOUSES Fe- males Fe- Males males Males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Fe Males males Fe Males males Males Fo males 1,962 1,635 185 154 18 846 1,269 10 1 24 46 413 7 14 10 > OWN 1 | లుటి| ܗ ܙ ܟܬ ܙ ܦܪܢܬܟܟܬܬܗܩ ܙܗܗ ANII IA II I WNO 8 40 INN! In Timer I NA OI OIAI 1 ពីរនេះ 1 , ཙེང,, 1 I - 1 NISIA 1 - 1 - ! Amazజు- NT | జలజ పట్టింది. నేడు, లు , I wonimeleri nowori Iwi in W - 1 LIINI INI 11 切​级​明​如​红​纪​公分​加​分​&如​如​红​的​说话​88 1 1 1 1 1 574 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1916. TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. C.) – Con. FOOD IND US- IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES TRIES — Con. HARNESS AND SADDLE OTHER FOOD INDUSTRIES TOTAL AUTOMOBILE FACTORIES FACTORIES COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- Males Males Fe- males Males males Fe males Males Fe- males 466 157 567 59 11,639 487 724 10 2. 1 1 1 3 1 19 4 12 3 1 1 2 11 9 236 132 18 82 268 109 3 2 311 164 22 41 12 89 54 39 15 6 1 2 36 8 III cu coer VAS..ii 157 15 62 80 4 5,227 2,213 245 495 117 1,356 1,265 822 431 12 1,572 165 12 EE | A | | ២៩ ៩៩៩នដី 13 494 296 44 67 11 174 121 74 46 1 71 16 配​叫​%A2此​的​S-931-5242 12 74 26 266 158 677 14 13 61 16 1 34 34 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. C.. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 2 3 18 1 1 4 1 18 3 17 SOILMOIC019 IIIIIIIII 1 52 107 1,552 267 4 1,264 17 249 142 107 5 1,329 468 293 568 59 15 44 5 1 35 1 8 32 * COMMONS AU CHOCO 11 11111-1 ANINI ASAM, A Win 1 10 8 1 1 15 12 46 24 20 1,236 15 459 166 119 97 41 36 7 1 OOOO 1 1 1911 7 10 1 OCCUPATIONS. 575 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.)- Con. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES - Con. OTHER METAL INDUSTRIES BLAST FUR- NACES AND ROLLING MILLS CAR AND RAILROAD SH OPS 1 WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTORIES OTHER IRON AND STEEL WORKS TOTAL BRASS MILLS CLOCK AND WATCH FACTORIES Males Fe- males Males Fe- Males males Fe- males Fe- Fe- males Males Males males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 2,143 93 709 - 370 00 8 7,693 376 2,280 680 412 16 382 312 1 1 1 ର । । ୩ । - 1 ***21333 INTANEM 287 220 831 989 653 និទីងទង ! - 1 15 16 17 18 19 4 - ICOM! - - IIIIIIIIIIIII - 1 15 1 * II-IIIIIIII13.9*="Tāla - 4 - 1 TATIAIAIAIO III 1 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1 COVO - 1100 ICI! II-IINA WRITICISICA II WOWOCO- LIIIIII III Sore I II 18 INI 13 18 mai 1 1 AN INII 1 Includes car repairers for street and steam railroads. 576 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) — Con. OTHER METAL INDUSTRIES – Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH GOLD AND SILVER AND JEWELRY FACTORIES LEAD AND ZINC FACTORIES TINWARE AND ENAMEL WARE FACTORIES OTHER METAL FACTORIES Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,073 326 21 107 19 285 7 7 winer 11 758 399 5 ១១-២ | នួនទនខ្លួន ! ។ 2 269 173 18 48 12 95 57 48 8 1 5 1 1 2 1 135 74 10 14 6 44 30 23 3 283 195 167 28 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 38 163 1 1 4 1 1 2 3 54 24 58 1 3 18 28 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. Belgium 7 British Empire. 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. Great Britain England Scotland Wales Ireland Newfoundland British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark: 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 | Serbia. 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 11 1 6 24 6 2 16 דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN-1 Cow IIIIIIIII CI WANITI -345 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII G 1 10 4 21 12 9 1 1 6 21 38 31 3 1 20 28 5 1 17 2 60 6 13 4 1 4 13 III 1 OCCUPATIONS. 577 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. C.)- Con. LIQUOR AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRIES LUMBER AND FURNITURE INDUSTRIES TOTAL BREWERIES DISTILLERIES OTHER LIQUOR AND BEVERAGE FACTORIES TOTAL FURNITURE, PIANO, AND ORGAN FACTORIES SAW AND PLANING MILISI Males males Fe Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males males Males Fe males Males Fe males Foco 5,409 1 4 641 1 57 194 3 381 3,676 227 954 5 con with 2 I womavaNNI 2,128 1,482 244 276 1,135 756 160 112 13 VITI IWOI VOOL 15 16 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 aa love to Tari Trii | లు | | NN | | | - - 1 1 II II - 1 10 41 | MANS | లు. 1 N Come 1 -INITISODIAGNO CO 1,063 355 283 425 | - | సిలలు NRI | | | | 822 | రాముల సలాలు | 42 - 1 44 INI 1 46 48 49 316四​门​SN42 In i Includes wooden box factories. 578 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) - Con. LUMBER AND FURNITURE INDUSTRIES - Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH PAPER AND PULP MILLS PRINTING AND PUBLISHING SHOE FACTORIES OTHER WOODWORKING FACTORIES Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 779 149 3,208 1,480 981 623 21,293 6,182 14 7 2 1 61 5 12 6 3 3 2 11 1 49 432 277 98 33 4 9 1 19 15 14 1,730 571 41 42 3 485 451 230 221 916 267 14 18 2 233 131 75 52 4 517 1 10 1 1 8 2. 536 205 48 51 8 98 163 105 51 7 158 9 1 4 3 2 430 201 32 63 20 86 100 71 28 1 113 14 2 146 3 38 105 10 7,358 4,440 452 1,101 148 2,739 1,142 880 246 16 1,587 165 24 165 72 ~~~' គងធន' PAT | ១២ នៗ ! ~*~ខាន។” 31 1 14 16 4 3,387 2,087 301 752 130 904 509 381 123 5 696 90 5 701 NWIONI I919 ILLINO ܡܟ 21 55 2 2 10 22 106 52 172 1 1 5 7 33 43 24 190 1,649 3,849 7 38 270 609 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark: 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey. 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 88 87 5 - 680 1 14 2 2 10 325 139 1 183 2 5 1 264 1 402 13 45 13 1 ܟܕܢܩܒܘ ܒ ܢ ܕܕܒܬ ܟܘܕܘܗܘ ܝܙܟܕܝܝ 7 2 79 3 278 21 5 5 161 22 27 112 92 13 18 61 Co 53 11 14 28 1 109 128 3- 4 งง 15 5 37 7 1,209 342 175 87 23 3 994 251 17 1 187 59 104 45 83 14 27 5 3,725 1,073 36 1,192 301 2,497 771 2 2 15 13 3 1,043 180 7 2 1,706 135 594 33 329 59 268 28 317 6 198 9 3 1 1 16 NOI GOITI 76 2 1 26 34 5 3 12 21 2 1 2 56 3 14 7 3 1 1 2 1 12 1 ---NW! I wionem, O CON 1 ܘܝܚ 1 45 OCCUPATIONS. 579 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) - Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES BEAMERS, WARPERS, AND SLASHERS TANNERIES TOTAL TOTAL COTTON MILLS SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 5,728 102 53,862 45,681 1,214 686 849 497 26 52 294 105 45 32 1 20 2 16 2 2 60 2 18 40 14 18 2 851 357 1 592 282 25 506 319 12 2 1 211 57 OC 1,731 454 46 107 15 286 154 120 32 2 1,109 13 1 741 67 170 504 382 21,088 9,412 177 228 78 8,929 8,999 7,905 1,016 78 2,578 73 26 482 24 117 341 279 20,884 10,028 306 368 129 9,225 7,457 6,272 1,142 43 3,299 68 32 302 131 112 6 3 339 387 276 104 7 103 270 239 175 19 2 1 52 124 86 10 2 1 54 *** 88-'NIMIT 15 6 44 1,016 195 17 863 1,710 2,292 4,010 13 544 601 1,240 2,735 27 11 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 17 795 98 13 113 101 160 5 I will 11 5 9,633 6,570 79 2,739 245 6,577 3,672 2,905 4 1,912 559 523 830 4 LLLLLLLLLLLLLL wwissue come rivien Livingwoo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wwiiiVOITTI LlllLTIVITI Lia Ole ICON II Nie ma 10 --ខ័ដនឱសទី , , ឌីធីវី, ជី.ន.វីឌា 11 13 10,521 6,326 173 3,696 326 7,208 4,219 2,989 3 2,434 661 580 1,193 11 53 10 119 22 2,303 468 1,228 164 247 196 3 ווווe6-וה & מאן ווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווו WIII-innon, LION, SELV I www 687 3 175 171 33 IIIIIII-COLLIT I WOTICO II III Neri IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tant l'any 1991 IIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TTINNI LININITI INI BINTI 70 41 29 736 122 129 485 24 1 13 10 NIIIIIIIII O WIIIIIIMO 3 5 ៩៩គីឌី*-ទិនខ្លួន”។១១១ 818 593 21 13 49 550 16 IIIIIIIIII 11 555 398 263 50 36 255 99 87 11 10 21 12 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 2 48 1 580 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) — Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES — Con. 1 BOBBIN BOYS, DOFFERS, AND CARRIERS COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL COTTON MILLS SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2,272 943 1,792 420 5 3 392 170 14 14 11 2 1 3 14 1 OOO OOON 121 566 377 1 405 318 2 2 3 311 237 120 3 3 3 111 96 CONNO 5 5 361 157 129 28 SANTO 3 28 15 13 13 14 15 16 19 21 10 6 11 24 85 232 SoWILINI 7 108 146 1 1 2 | Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C. Great Britain England Scotland Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain. 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia : 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 95 214 147 153 110 דודו טודו טודו ודודו - | דודודודודודודודודודו --- דדדדדדדד 13 300 269 1 27 3 236 173 63 1 14 | | | | --- అంటే | 0 | | | లు | | లుపులు | | | తెలు011 | | | ord-లులు వేస్తే 3 53 10 953 537 416 Liliana na Wilminicades 942 527 415 171 112 59 wi Shoes UTILITIMI Trio, Trimo Inollisimallilarin 30 11 5 22 3 11 10 3 3 Lirive nie wis own o inics 1 119 3 58 10 IIIIIIIIII 37 IIIIIII OCCUPATIONS. 581 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.)- Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES - Con. BOBBIN BOYS, DOFFERS, AND CARRIERS -Con. CARDERS, COMBERS, AND LAPPERS DRAWERS, ROVERS, AND TWISTERS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS TOTAL COTTON MILLS SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE TOTAL MILLS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 83 350 4,464 1,446 3,103 1,254 2 4 1,234 142 125 46 2,197 4,464 11 12 28 - 1 12 41 1 1 - OOOORNS 1 1 1 1 1 Do 1 កៗ៖”ខ្ទីងៗខ្លួនជួន°g: LAURA ***%930 114462H昭昭​28 1 ទី០១ | |--ះ ដើធន៍ទី៩- linii - - - 1 - Wila - 9 2 1 1 INIINONINILIOWATT 11o COM 1 - - VR vrlinaloolimir riliariovani 1 1,400 878 7 1 1,114 738 3 365 8 1,017 558 459 ఊరిలషికి , , . , , -1 I SIGM INIO IO - 1 '। ୨ । TITIONWINWIN 1 I 1 1 1 Lirio SESI Nian and I will 1 582 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. SEM IS KILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. C.) - Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES - Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH DRAWERS, ROVERS, AND TWISTERS Con. COTTON MILLS SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS Males Fe- males Males Fem males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 1,931 3,384 31 22 218 820 17 238 11 23 2 1 16 1 11 1 45 17 15 534 317 12 1 304 201 182 19 19 7 1,689 590 19 10 5 556 902 863 30 9 191 1 5 323 126 8 15 6 97 149 141 7 11 11 31 28 5 34 18 16 12 48 18 1 1 14 5 ITININI ILIO 11 13 111 37 16 45 41 69 291 1 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. 0. C. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n, o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania. 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia : 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries 269 195 3 63 8 848 332 516 TIITTITAITINTILIITTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 135 147 1 562 406 2 145 9 926 544 382 1 39 5 18 16 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 17 18 18 Til Ini Irionii MINOTTISIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COINCII SIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 9 40 Irrrrriini, CON Icra 19 ROM er i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 85 IMNI I 30 15 53 53 OCCUPATIONS. 583 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) - Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES Con. SPINNERS WEAVERS TOTAL COTTON MILLS SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS TOTAL COTTON MILLS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 5,850 8,643 4,060 6,592 15 115 1,632 1,294 143 642 19,126 14,964 13,058 11,185 62 32 39 19 16 ܘ: 16 21 5 1,771 819 2 07 329 178 52 8 12 32 23 2,389 1,062 5 16 3 1,038 1,140 1,075 59 6 174 10 3 8 54 26 2,854 2,198 36 19 11 2,132 458 252 203 3 189 4 5 8 31 16 2,197 1,915 24 7 3 1,881 177 152 23 2 100 10 18 565 217 3 6 1 207 255 214 39 2 85 261 61 4 9 3 45 167 13 153 406 50 80 276 317 7,856 4,101 35 50 6 4,010 3.115 2,887 189 39 628 9 3 235 16 79 140 201 7,813 2,863 60 71 16 2,716 3,446 3,026 411 9 1,482 15 7 2 806 869 849 16 245 41 44 160 168 5,549 3,044 19 23 2 3,000 2,156 2,082 73 1 345 2 2 129 13 43 73 114 5,680 1,943 33 31 6 1,873 2,754 2,522 228 162 102 22 15 80 | | GEN| | | |---కలలు.. 48 971 4 ILI 78 109 616 704 46 34 543 649 37 563 196 7 631 1,114 640 583 8417514&九​如​B-1- 24 511 222 6 368 339 341 255 2 198 458 578 331 19 19 152 171 330 116 489 415 10 1 知名​公公​与​步步​步​为​台​生发​经验​总经​g888888会员​SSESS_Sooooop on 3 195 230 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII War IIIII 33 12 323 236 6 456 285 5 157 9 730 1,303 892 9 374 28 1,947 1,133 687 351 37 273 26 738 476 262 | | | | | | | 3-2 లు I Raa | అజుడండి || 28 || - | ఉ | సినీలలు..మరం | 10 1,882 1,217 21 581 63 1,972 1,157 815 20 2 3 3,478 2,538 18 825 108 19 5 6 4,511 3,050 62 1,231 168 1,390 882 508 TUTTI ITTIINITTierbeilliri 81 LINIIT INDOI OORII LITTLT-IN WILL TIMI-eroni COIL TIMOTA ESIMI 3,093 2,492 1,336 469 a viwan at 261 814 507 | N16. tene | కొండం 142 9 15 111 208 61 72 75 లు | | | 00టే | జ | 0 | | | ఆరాంతి | | NTR | | | ఆల్పులు 288 133 354 74 126 154 2 18 1 8 2 188 3,557 2,724 22 699 112 931 628 303 1 724 401 152 171 1 7 3 44 10 120 49 84 4 10 16 » I II ១-គីនី++-៨ធី៖ ខ្ញុំនឹងដ៏ជន៍ស , 奶​3%B2B14-5181------ 969 493 165 311 2 11 6 31 7 620 101 435 36 14 34 8 NITI~-SM WEES 75 128 113 384 185 73 280 50 134 28 25 43 1 334 13 501 87 887 588 380 184 117 3 107 148 15 59 27 12 35 1 IIIIIIIIIIIII A | ----- 1 8 14 584 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES – - Con. SEM IS KILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) - Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH WEAVERS - - Con. WINDERS, REELERS, AND SPOOLERS SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS TOTAL Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 415 492 4,493 2,719 1,160 568 553 6,457 25 81 26 10 7 15 1 ***** 3 9 24 2 108 73 14 1 261 184 181 105 8 - 110 3 28 79 138 1,538 815 11 21 2 781 496 376 82 38 222 5 1 7 13 9 661 169 5 6 2 156 438 405 33 375 91 9 21 4 57 130 88 42 44 4 18 22 5 2,804 1,661 76 51 20 1,514 791 633 153 5 339 5 8 1,497 645 18 18 6 603 524 394 125 5 328 8 73 25 24 183 38 22 16 95 56 47 9 10 38 19 51 2 1 145 8 1 - 17 100 10 75 40 2 54 399 471 45 147 179 107 8 60 21 1 25 1 30 73 121 663 30 1 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o.o. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries VI232 I INVEST 6% !! 223 143 127 80 40 2 1 781 360 37 314 70 48 48 20 1 847 472 13 346 16 1,595 16 339 172 4 139 24 34 34 73 19 1 2. 1 43 5 5 4 1 1 68 30 38 1 26 16 575 324 72 179 45 283 213 27 43 80 36 14 30 CITI CON I NOS 24 6 5 16 33 24 1 1 2 1 12 1 1 11 11 1 2 1 15 3 1 9 NOTITIA WOTE 3337*110mm -- 26 212 79 95 10 26 10 9 24 4 4 1 21 2 OCCUPATIONS. 585 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. C.) - Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES -Con. WINDERS, REELERS, AND SPOOLERS - Con. OTHER OCCUPATIONS COTTON MILLS SILK MILLS WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS TOTAL COTTON MILLS SILK MILLS Males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 339 8 222 132 1,316 74 574 18,186 8,078 7,821 3,316 87 164 1 ୯ 44 2 1 - 61 సరాలులు 4,064 1,959 8 9 10 11 Al 1 1,573 36 34 21 1.482 800 29 39 16 3.645 12 13 14 15 16 17 1,279 19 11 1,166 419 378 40 1 175 ANTTI 1001 LOSSI 3,048 577 20 งดี ตงตง 8 maiores con ILTI-VIBRI INI 11- 昭昭​1711 I ON OLLT61-vooli - - - 1,768 - - 1 1 6 1 1 1 - 1 - 3,190 1,552 58 1,494 86 2,095 1 - - TWMS25477-85KB- - avroe ܚܒܨܝܕܝ ܚܕܩܚܙܤ ܒܨܒܨ ܙ ܘܙ ܝܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܒܝܘܒܨ ܙ ܟ ܙ “ឱរដ្ឋឥឱនិនី ឱ ! ៗ ! *៩២ ! *~ ! Triwi bod A 如​红​忆​仍​生​约 ​1 ៩ . --ះទីនីដ៏លជ័យ១ និម័នគឺជង្គ 46 47 48 49 50 - ܙ ܩ ܙ ܢ ܙ ܦܝܙܗܰܝܕ ܙ ܟ 1 IT INNOCI 586 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) - Con. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES — Con. OTHER OCCUPATIONS Con. OTHER INDUSTRIES COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS OTHER TEXTILE MILLS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY FACTORIES Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 6,063 2,236 4,215 2,362 10,302 3,986 1,267 673 18 10 27 6 135 11 38 86 18 1 8 3 3 8 2,086 3 1,364 778 46 అల్లు అలలు 82 2 27 53 28 2,701 564 31 49 17 467 1,492 1,268 216 8 610 33 2 34 3 6 25 1 1,866 596 22 59 17 498 866 617 245 4 396 1 17 13 964 330 11 23 24 272 342 283 54 5 270 22 121 23 588 4,298 1,891 219 451 92 1,129 882 590 279 13 1,379 127 19 305 192 110 3 265 15 1 383 82 504 294 192 100 2 534 114 8 806 309 68 117 13 111 219 152 64 3 233 40 5 462 245 46 116 15 68 74 53 21 103 38 2 3 3 3 13 92 68 161 57 1,147 46 8 326 1 5 32 122 141 20 34 224 322 1.295 49 358 45 33 14 1 3 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. .c 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 2 1 490 283 8 186 13 935 495 4 16 436 51 883 226 42 572 43 65 56 9 4 65 1 1 7 124 3 1 120 లు...... తిట్టిన ఊరిని లులో 307 151 1 151 4 192 101 91 422 10 64 ಒ 3 75 1,247 381 9 844 13 182 143 39 34 1,194 47 319 828 6 295 136 36 384 1 177 155 22 3 669 2 301 366 52 516 62 106 348 73 2 | | | | | | నితాలు | 0 | | | ఉజ్య, రీజ..... 151 3 47 174 8 44 122 18 34 101 55 1 473 54 18 90 1 11 48 26 1 313 108 147 13 10 35 1 CO-OS 33 2 132 22 77 17 4 12 721 414 22 80 181 24 6 6 17 1 OCCUPATIONS. 587 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - Con. SEMISKILLED OPERATIVES (N. 0. c.) - Con. SKILLED OCCUPATIONS (N. 0. c.) OTHER INDUSTRIES Con. SEWERS AND SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS (FACTORY)? SEOE- MAKERS AND COBBLERS (NOT IN FACTORY) TOTAL ANNEALERS AND TEMPERERS (METAL) PAPER BOX FACTORIES RUBBER FACTORIES OTHER FACTORIES Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 351 620 4,045 1,616 4,639 1,077 1,280 8,104 3,229 431 137 1 2 2 9 10 20 74 9 46 4 13 29 425721 3 1 1 4 174 586 386 221 1,938 1,071 44 76 20 2 149 65 10 25 6 24 43 35 3 652 288 51 113 39 85 79 44 35 15 57 12 3,798 2,151 280 542 131 1,198 736 551 176 1,380 416 50 123 29 214 263 145 115 3 631 65 5 193 191 81 10 26 3 42 54 7 16 31 2 610 340 29 58 16 237 89 63 25 1 169 12 56 21 3 5 2 11 19 14 252 749 357 264 15 16 17 482 103 824 16 244 40 1 DONOSARGUSOOOOOO జ.NON-------- || E4N |-Ne-టెటలానంద్ 24 .com, I wm in 10 53 104 532 Rak్యలుట్టరింజ , శివలన | సంజనితం సిట్టిలు పంతి 13 11 166 130 178 665 | 123 00 120-11 లలోడ్ , ఇరాజనీరసం 17 13 109 11 1 75 77 1,031 42 121 40 991 1 1 24 206 3 12 361 84 141 1 34 602 264 2 329 18 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIININIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNIIIII and I Trim I Come In Wow, III, A WITNESS WOMAN 495 113 6 371 5 60 27 11 196 דויד|---וווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווו 102 32 33 34 16 267 5 246 201 65 3 130 3 63 20 43 11 852 20 16 816 TUTTI I COLTIwNTMIMI I noong II NIINILINIC 114 110 143 ܠܬܝܙܩܘܣܝܕܝ,sa 154 141 13 2 336 103 125 156 2 12 570 18 226 326 23 101 31 495 25 56 414 4 2 14 2,098 19 83 1,996 234 101 787 2 37 748 1 27 1 1 2 5 115 18 263 10 15 24 - 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 33 IIIIIIIINNI II 476 390 1 57 14 14 1 225 22 15 13 165 10 52 14 15 16 116 2 149 15 119 9 2 4 158 68 20 39 12 19 I 3 55 56 1 1 15 3 5 1 Includes sewers and sewing machine operators in all factories except shoe and harness factories, and sack sewers in fertilizer, salt, and sugar factories, and cement, flour, and grain mills. 588 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - 1 TABLE 29. GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. SKILLED OCCUPATIONS (N. 0. C.) -- Con. STONE- PIANO OTHER WOOD CUTTERS AND ORGAN SKILLED CARYERS TUNERS OCCUPATIONS COUNTRY OF BIRTH Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 111 133 - 50 1 1 2,262 - 2 3 7 2 1 1 UNIO 234567899HQ以上​。 6 65 31 3 10 1 17 32 27 13 19 10 9 II- 1 6 1 862 219 18 42 20 139 376 171 199 6 262 4 1 1 1 3 10 24 16 8 831 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 | Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. C. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 18 254 242 1 11 18 16 226 20 1 5 3 1 OCCUPATIONS. 589 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES - CON. TRANS- PORTATION TINSMITHS AND COPPERSMITHS STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS (BUILDING) TAILORS AND TAILORESSES UPHOLC STERERS TOTAL IN TRANS- PORTATION TOTAL COPPER- SMITHS TINSMITHS Males Fe- males Males Males Fe- Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males males 1 390 7,313 1,200 182 1,018 24 43,364 513 29 19 1 245 3 1 1 18 11 312 199 27,694 406 212 38 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------01 NO 10,288 1,328 3,786 806 4,368 2,955 2,148 749 1 1 13 | లారా | ఓ | 2:01 అనింది || జీవించింది- * | 0 | 22 | NO001 2000 | | దేవీలుకుని నిప్ప, ఆలు | - ANI AR-2-లు--12--01 | 06-Not 10 = 174 120 1.132 500 152 8,367 1 151 - Larring - Nw I-IIQ101-1 1 1 1 1 归​经​: - - 1 如幻​。 193851 1 590 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRANSPORTATION - CON. WATER TRANSPORTATION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL BOATMEN, CANAL MEN, AND LOCK KEEPERS CAPTAINS, MASTERS, MATES, AND PILOTS LONGEHORE- MEN AND STEVEDORES Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 3,172 1 66 501 - 1,870 18 11 316 39 29 3 210 5 13 1 2,022 658 65 475 22 96 148 114 29 5 919 292 5 20 170 2 18 28 24 3 1 1,326 231 27 148 14 42 83 65 16 2 820 192 34 43 1 14 14 51 12 53 8 104 14 17 4 89 1 38 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 7 174 67 12 IIIIMOH-I10 IIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 55 50 270 117 153 42 2 40 156 76 80 10 127 65 8 54 3 19 223 NINO III&IINI WONTTI 55 2 1 1 4 2 OCCUPATIONS. 591 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. TRANSPORTATION - Con. WATER TRANSPOR- TATION (SE- LECTED Oc- CUPATIONS) - Con ROAD AND STREET TRANSPORTATION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) SAILORS AND DECK HANDS TOTAL CARRIAGE AND HACK DRIVERS CHAUFFEURS DRAYMEN, TEAMSTERS, AND EX- PRESSMENT FOREMEN OF LIVERY AND TRANSFER COMPANIES GARAGE KEEPERS AND MANAGERS Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males . 1 735 15,018 9 403 3,472 8,427 159 172 1 13 I ISI 4 11,282 4,880 608 1,686 340 2,246 1,302 925 9 10 2,704 1,127 145 429 99 ~*ខៗខ្លួន HRB4- 1 "W佔比​%5B%B61831 132 1 | or | NAMO | 208-2 | A ROంజుషం అంటే.. 2,622 - 1 I coercom 11-vous LEI w Wien II 1 240 III I INOINTINIO III al 9:380 తెలులు | CHE.. cad=R | | 47 WNINA TILINI 1 I WO పలు | 1 Teamsters in agriculture, forestry, and the extraction of minerals are classified with the other workers in those industries, respectively; and drivers for bakeries and laundries are classified with deliverymen in trade. 592 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRANSPORTATION – Con. ROAD AND STREET TRANSPORTATION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) — Con. RAILROAD TRANSPORTA- TION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) COUNTRY OF BIRTH HOSTLERS AND STABLE HANDS LIVERY- STABLE KEEPERS AND MANAGERS PROPRIE- TORS AND MANAGERS OF TRANSFER COMPANIES TOTAL Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1,646 182 1 557 7 15,814 96 5 1 1 4 1 1 5 36 134 62 4 378 186 30 73 144 2 55 87 2 10,561 3,428 481 1,089 315 1,543 953 699 236 18 5,997 162 21 1,341 327 40 95 32 160 133 89 42 2 873 WON 2 34 9 6 3 76 43 32 11 61 25 145 4 2 1 1 1 1 9 10 61 16 33 19 132 38 2,819 54 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. 0. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c.. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 6 3 95 11 1 80 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 200 లాట | - | - | | NA | | 13 30 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! ITIIIIIIIIIIIIII 8 33 1,041 263 6 748 24 279 178 101 IISIO-III!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24 28 13 35 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGINIHIL IOS 11 11 53 1 10 42 47 1 5 41 12 12 25 1 2 24 421 56 71 294 34 3 3 186 4 36 7 12 10 3 1 1 1 4 14 1 2 OCCUPATIONS. 593 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. TRANSPORTATION - CON. RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) - Con. BAGGAGEMEN AND FREIGHT AGENTS BOILER WASHERS AND ENGINE HOSTLERS BRAKEMEN CONDUCTORS (STREET RAILROAD) CONDUCTORS (STEAM RAILROAD) BAGGAGE- MEN TOTAL FREIGHT AGENTS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 156 127 29 84 651 261 1,381 - IN "OOOOO 1,252 517 65 233 66 10 II wieri IIIIT 12 13 14 LIINNIN - 11 ទី TIDINI -NOలు | | 6/48Mలు | - జడ్పీడైతే I - ಓ | 6 | 7 | 8. i en N000 INWI ever woning i ! 如​红​必​经​从 ​45 46 47 48 49 LIMIT - - 594 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRANSPORTATION - Con. RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) – Con. LABORERS COUNTRY OF BIRTH FOREMEN AND OVERSEERS TOTAL STEAM RAILROAD STREET RAILROAD Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 830 8,099 90 6,501 89 1,598 1 1 117 1 5 2 3 1'*' 45 72 1 3,651 30 713 224 22 29 2 25 117 84 64 17 3 399 2,945 503 33 68 27 375 99 71 22 6 2,298 44 1 NWIN 3 706 131 8 23 9 91 42 26 16 38 2,816 25 24 518 13 2 3 10 1 3 15 17 1,913 10 692 69 2,605 3 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 | Roumania Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 4 1 30 1 6 912 234 2 654 22 175 117 58 IIII!!!!!!!!! **********Intimoni 533'**373-********** 3 24 3 60 42 38 24 24 322 40 1 12 58 224 33 1 2 15 1 16 1 5 4 NIIIIwwerk. Errimao 13 III COCA ONO 1 OCCUPATIONS. 595 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. TRANSPORTATION - Cox. RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) - Con. OFFICIALS AND SUPERINTENDENTS SWITCHMEN, FLAGMEN, AND YARDMEN LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN MOTORMEN TOTAL STEAM RAILROAD STREET RAILROAD TOTAL Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1 366 289 2,480 105 68 985 1 1 1 1 1 יוני 8 ידי 5 2,289 798 343 109 WW4549H-W2 ori II INI SORTIMIN1001-90-iani 8 ININIETIINIWINWar II-V-SIN-IT Iniwal NOOI OMI VONIOS II III or I Soow! 1 39 181 如​红​妇​好生​好好​红​织物​如​红​的​品​班​的​困 ​596 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS - TRANSPORTATION – Con. RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) - Con. SWITCHMEN, FLAGMEN, AND YARDMEN — Con. - COUNTRY OF BIRTH TICKET AND STATION AGENTS SWITCHMEN AND FLAGMEN (STEAM RAILROAD) SWITCHMEN AND FLAGMEN (STREET RAILROAD) YARDMEN (STEAM RAILROAD) Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 795 - 86 104 127 5 1 1 2 1 ורוד 75 113 61 20 12 3 26 64 83 34 12 6 1 15 12 8 4 6 1 103 405 51 ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו ו 35 17 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. b. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 1 8 TIINNITTICELLINOVOSTI דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NI NADI GT | Aలు | | | లు I w3-డిజంక్షి-- דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדווידוורריד IIIIIIIIIII WII WII WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINOSE 1 הווווווווווווווווווווווווו 1 5 OCCUPATIONS. 597 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. TRANSPORTATION - Con. EXPRESS, Post, TELEGRAPH, AND TELEPHONE (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) EXPRESS MESSENGERS AND RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS TOTAL AGENTS (EXPRESS COMPANIES) MAIL CARRIERS TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINEMEN TOTAL EXPRESS MESSENGERS RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,269 31 74 23 51 1 402 419 1 1 1 11 Over WN NNI 1 - 11842814 9 10 11 001 13 14 15 16 ឪីធ្លី ដីនិន្ន°ខ្លួន។ 昭昭​引​仍归​纪​8%门​19921, INI NOSI Tim - I III I 1 1 INII II I INICI 1 LIIINNIRomercről el icono Il 40 LINNIE-0110IWIWI 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 1 598 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRANSPORTATION – Con. EXPRESS, Post, TELEGRAPH, AND TELEPHONE (SELECTED OCCUPATIONS) - Con. OTHER TRANSPORTA- TION PURSUITS COUNTRY OF BIRTH TELEGRAPH MESSENGERS TELEGRAPH OPERATORS TELEPHONE OPERATORS TOTAL Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 84 1 207 39 52 319 8,091 49 1 2 170 100 35 26 49 28 12 2 25 MINIT INN I er ng VWWANT ITIL 31 2 6 23 2 2,753 818 100 315 82 321 295 208 73 14 1,546 84 10 282 149 26 65 16 42 49 33 15 1 65 17 2 12 15 11 28 15 10 49 17 4,442 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brungwick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C. . 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy . 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, 1. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n, O. c. West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 0. c. 56 Other foreign countries IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIwonen III 34 ייייייייייי-היפ-'פיו- מייסדיו א-מ-י-ם 283°4444 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WW1900 Tiri 3 1 21 10 267 154 20 9 12 133 -&'IIIIIIIIIIIII! IIIIIIIIIIII Il 10-nova-com- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OCCUPATIONS. 599 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. TRANSPORTATION - Con. OTHER TRANSPORTATION PURSUITS - Con. INSPECTORS TOTAL FOREMEN AND OVERSEERS (N. 0. c.) ROAD AND TELEGRAPH WATER STREET AND BUILDING AND TELEPHONE TRANSPOR- REPAIRING TATION COMPANIES Fe- Males Males Fe Fe- males males males OTHER TRANSPOR- TATION TOTAL STEAM RAILROAD Fe- Males Males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males males 275 1 20 86 20 55 1 41 466 1 305 - I -11-10 - همه من . IIINNWA OWE I | | | ల | Mసరా సంతా|| ܘ ܘܘܟܬܝܙܟܟܬ ន១១-២១ ១ | ០២ | | | | b111-1-NIC-A1-11-0-in. Nainen "11--1-erili, v 45 49 1 1 600 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRANSPORTATION - Con. OTHER TRANSPORTATION PURSUITS - Con. INSPECTORS Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.) COUNTRY OF BIRTH STREET RAILROAD OTHER TRANSPOR- TATION TOTAL ROAD AND STREET BUILDING AND REPAIRING Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 105 56 1 6,757 5,949 - 27 2 20 1,197 203 95 36 2 17 6 11 12 9 3 30 2 6 22 1 1,610 320 27 85 24 184 137 90 39 8 1,111 38 17 48 16 122 62 24 5 879 43 5 6 21 15 4,370 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. c. . 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions : 37 Roumania : 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. 0. C. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 56 Other foreign countries 1 דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד !!!!! NIINNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 2 23 177 36 6 132 3 115 65 50 1 255 152 ******** *****"*'7353' nago iamini 39 1 1 80 1 3 103 1 1 14 4 6 2 n. 0. c. OCCUPATIONS. 601 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. TRANSPORTATION - Cox. OTHER TRANSPORTATION PURSUITS - Con. LABORERS (N. 0. c.)- Con. PROPRIETORS, OFFICIALS, AND MANAGERS (N. 0. c.) OTHER OCCUPATIONS (SEMISKILLED) STREET CLEANING OTHER TRANSPOR- TATION TOTAL TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES OTHER TRANSPOR- TATION TOTAL STEAM RAILROAD Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males 51 757 102 29 3 73 1 491 24 79 1 - 1 MICRA IN-VII ܙܪ̈ܬ݁ܝܫܘܺܝܙܘܗܝ @inbioco este ****85****** "NAMAI ON|-అటే లాE | اابن ، Ineri 2 Boo.1 1-సింది... Icons From Now, II III IIIW - 602 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRADE TRANSPORTATION - Con. OTHER TRANSPORTATION PURSUITS – Con. OTHER OCCUPATIONS (SEMI- SKILLED) — Con. BANKERS, BROKERS, AND MOXEY LENDERS COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL IN TRADE STREET RAILROAD OTHER TRANSPOR- TATION TOTAL Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 238 24 174 57,374 6,424 395 9 62 6 13 43 224 111 217 101 16 39 11 35 24 16 7 1 79 12 1 141 53 6 27 7 13 22 18 755 34 206 515 31 25,534 12,471 1,612 3,966 678 6.215 5,439 4,109 1,269 61 7,154 3 59 3,901 1,920 332 651 131 806 862 628 224 10 996 115 8 1 12 35 159 31 341 392 78 2 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c.. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German . 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o.c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania. 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico : 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNITT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-NINIINNITOAInowrse דדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדדד 1 153 158 1,411 2,003 5,238 1 81 130 2,959 746 47 2,108 58 1,274 541 733 116 14,403 306 352 13,745 10 30 18 956 #685*--II - RAM Inov- 8 19 180 35 5 138 53 19 34 25 1,321 29 17 1,275 2 115 1 1 135 15 98 12 1,966 425 864 294 209 174 38 9 29 64 MICULO OCCUPATIONS. 603 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. TRADE -Con. BANKERS, BROKERS, AND MONEY LENDERS – Con. CLERKS IN STORDS OTHER THAN SALES- PERSONS BANKERS AND BANK OFFICIALS COMMERCIAL LOAX BROKEPS BROKERS AND AND COMMISSION ILOAN COMPANY|| MEX OFFICIALS PAWN- BROKERS STOCK- BROKERS BROKERS NOT SPECIFIED AND PROMOTERS Fe Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males males 99 1 19 1 77 1 77 1 515 175 6 ܘ ܤܗܘ REDONDO WN 31.5 ܙܝܕܙ ܙ ܞܬܘܗܝܕܤܘܣܗ ܙ ܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܙ -మండలసజd | | UNIT INW!! లలు.. | GEN| | 08-02-086--1 సిలు here I NINIRINIIia IIIIIIIII! serier Ting In III 1 '21-01 !!! 47 1 604 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRADE – Con. DELIVERYMEN COUNTRY OF BIRTH COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS DECORATORS, DRAPERS, AND WINDOW DRESSERS TOTAL BAKERIES AND LAUNDRIES Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1,722 15 63 5 6,377 1 662 1 39 5 19 15 2 26 2 3 21 1 1,101 592 111 216 40 225 358 285 69 369 253 27 4,564 2,432 281 1,038 154 959 381 292 85 131 67 46 125 17 1,705 41 24 16 59 51 465 9 38 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 1 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o.c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 10 40 4 1 34 1 3 2 IIIIII maailIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOOOI WANT TO 10 10 255 75 6 168 6 177 80 97 וווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווו = דוד ו 8 325 518 79 51 388 1 323 3 3 140 2 32 20 10 ACNలాలు | లాలున OW I WNAROES OCCUPATIONS. 605 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. DELIVERY MEN=Con. INSURANCE AGENTS AND OFFICIALS TRADE - Con. FLOORWALKERS, FOREMEN, AND OVERSEERS INSPECTORS, FLOOR- FOREMEN, GAUGERS, WALKERS WARE- AND TOTAL AND FORE- HOUSES, SAMPLERS MEN IN STOCKYARDS, STORES ETC. 1 STORES TOTAL INSURANCE AGENTS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 5,715 424 28 333 28 91 140 6 1 1,482 1 1,361 5 ONUN IC 1 ܦܕܝܕܗܝ 1 1 4,195 2,179 254 959 138 3442 ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܡܟܫܤܟܬܚܗܣܝܕ ܙ ܟܨܝܕ ܙ 1,046 460 73 118 33 236 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IIIIII | లాస్ | NAలులుల 272 NII wie 1,658 40 1 1 1 1 1 - QILITI will now, INSA LIINI 100 II - సువలు | సూరాలు | ఆలోచలా ఓ సితులు , సరాలు | పిలాతలులా | - 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 i 1 1 1 1 IT IS al 50 ܗܟܨܒܨ ܙ ܝܙܟ ܒܬܟܬ܀ wala ore! 606 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS - TRADE - Con. INSURANCE A GENTS AND OFFICIALS - Con. LABORERS IN COAL AND LUMBERYARDS, WAREHOUSES, ETC. COUNTRY OF BIRTH OFFICIALS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES TOTAL COAL YARDS ELEVATORS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males 1 ALL COUNTRIES 121 1 2,270 1,352 1 47 - 2 11 1 21 1 11 9 3 96 40 00 OER ACOD FOOOOOWN 10 1,126 356 35 91 17 213 70 47 21 2 654 44 2 590 118 8 34 4 72 24 17 7 19 25 21 441 18 3 3 19 14 262 179 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium Ž British Empire : Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. 0. C. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o.c. Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania . 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 314 38 62 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWILI WNIOWO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIINININGINI WITORIITIT160 NROONILISININ 276 154 '' ' ៖“ន្តទថ្មីៗក្នុងកន ”។ 325 4 220 89 131 1 154 36 36 82 2 UIT TOT INDIV-wie - III VAIN & OCCUPATIONS. 607 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. TRADE - CON. LABORERS IN COAL AND LUMBERYARDS, WAREHOUSES, ETC. — Con. PROPRIETORS, OFFICIALS, AND MANAGERS (N. 0. c.) LABORERS, PORTERS, AND HELPERS IN STORES NEWSBOYS LUMBER- YARDS STOCKYARDS WARE- HOUSES TOTAL EMPLOY- MENT OFFICE KEEPERS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fo males Males Fo males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males 1 619 11 241 1,405 17 1 1 192 42 161 38 1 40 14 III I WII vull MNBIA 111510000010 I WOU I wm Sirin, ܙ ܝܕܒܘ ܙܗܢܝܕܫ ܙ ܒܕܗܘܝܢ ܙ ܝܕ | | | 1888 | Res-2 | 680 | | షీలలు- 1-02 | wజిల్వ LIENTI NILI 9 ||เดีย เ เ ง เ ง | - Tricolorir Do I 1001111 ---లుకలు || 44 45 46 47 48 49 III 608 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRADE - Con. PROPRIETORS, OFFICIAIS, AND MANAGERS (N. 0. C.) - Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND OFFICIALS PROPRIETORS, ETC., ELEVATORS OTHER PROPRIETORS, OFFICIALS, AND MANAGERS PROPRIETORS, ETC., WAREHOUSES Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males 2 - 18 1 103 1 1,589 39 3, 1 12 1 1 1 1 32 21 42 18 38 1 14 23 1 769 362 42 102 23 195 185 148 32 5 212 6 14 18 25 net 1 1 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. 56 Other foreign countries -INITIIIIIII 100 100 III-II-III Telli-ION DANIIN 10 2 74 הווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווו 19 8 11 4 443 5 3 435 TITILLIMIT TIIGI ICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WO 40 32 12 14 Now I CIR n. O. c. OCCUPATIONS. 609 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. TRADE - Con. SALESMEN AND SALESWOMEN RETAIL DEALERS UNDER- TAKERS TOTAL AUCTIONEERS DEMON- STRATORS BALES AGENTS SALESMEN AND SALES WOMEN (STORES) Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- Males males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males 25,050 1,690 13,190 4,302 24 21 60 273 13 12,872 4,229 151 2 2 1 137 4 1 a 9 ១ន*ខ្ញុំ៖ 1 T ង-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 469 1,107 204 1,804 1,785 855 127 2,088 1,704 1,318 , ដងផ្លូវខ៖-- 2,664 1,469 254 523 104 588 585 424 | ស | | | | | | | | ស១០ដី ២ដង 104 574 574 415 1.297 1,071 195 1,759 1,717 1,239 468 10 1.561 109 26 ---+ឱ . ! 477 11 1,576 រ 1.297 2,928 T និន ' ទន្ទនីគឺខ្ទះ ន៖ “ខ្លួន 33 34 35 36 ទទី១៨ -និ-ធន៍ដដដ៩-៨មដីដា , ទីដូន៥០-០ន»។ ខ្លួន 'ះទខ្លីឪឌីៗនខ្ញុំឱ=ឱ ”ីន៖ “””” ៩.៩ , , , ៩-៩២-៩-៩ដ , , ៖ ខឹង | ផ | ង មe | ស | អ | | | o | H | I | ស 38 ង 1 សង 1 ទី១៨ -ន-ធ័ដងផ៩-៨៩វិធី១ ទី២០-១ទដ៏ទះ | E | F | | | n | o ! ! ! ! ! ៩-២១ I និង I 15 1 - 1 1 1 | T | ខ | គ | ស | 43 រ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1 1 5 1 610 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS TRADE - CON. OTHER PURSUITS (SEMISKILLED) COUNTRY OF BIRTH WHOLESALE DEALERS, IMPORTERS, AND EXPORTERS TOTAL FRUIT GRADERS AND PACKERS MEAT CUTTERS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 550 2 N 1,698 89 10 N 1,053 - 11 15 4 1 10 11 4 1 6 207 8 829 343 43 121 25 154 207 132 71 LIIIIIIIWAN Inwill 596 293 34 100 22 137 152 97 52 3 138 11 2 254 - | టలు | | ఆదేశాలు | | | | నిజం 2-3 3 104 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary Austria, n. o. o. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 | Roumania . 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 | South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 15 147 78 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WOO 62 10 38 1 1 1 37 O 191 424 1 166 17 148 190 398 9 34 19 18 17 wow i WCIONINI IIIIIIIIIIIII IAANIIII 3 OCCUPATIONS. 611 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. TRADE - Con. PUBLIC SERVICE (NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED) OTHER PUR- SUITS (SEMI- SKILLED) Con. LABORERS (PUBLIC SERVICE) TOTAL IN PUBLIC SERVICE FIREMEN (FIRE DE- PARTMENT) GUARDS, WATCHMEN, AND DOOR- KEEPERS OTHER OCCUPATIONS TOTAL GARBAGE MEN AND SCAVENGERS OTHER LABORE RS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 635 87 15,380 22 558 2,663 - 8,955 164 1 - 1 24 1 ģ 7 2,191 622 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IWANI NW 2,330 236 676 169 1,249 1,473 1,136 were ieri ឱន្នវរ្ម័គីឌីឱ៖ 8 445 12 - 1 1 ៦ ន៩នខ្ញុំ 1 13 అలలు-8-6-2 | | INWIGINI, 100w I NINNIIN 1 |-|-|-|-Ned-31 జలుఅరి-జుతి -8టెలు - 1 ထက၊ | | | NO లు సిలురిన--226-సరీలు, งง เเ เ เ 11 | wwode:SM------- 42 - 44 45 46 47 48 49 ܗܟܨܫܘ̈ 612 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS PUBLIC SERVICE (NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED) Con. MARSHALS, SHERIFFS, DETECTIVES, ETC. COUNTRY OF BIRTH TOTAL DETECTIVES MARSHALS AND CONSTABLES PROBATION AND TRUANT OFFICERS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 122 8 38 - 22 1 80 18 10 13 20 32 1 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Austria, n.o. Belgium British Empire : 8 Canada : 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 | Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o.c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 | Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries ERICII IMTITI 100-TITI S NEW STILL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINUNIIIIIINODOTTI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII וווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווס וו = דודים| | | מ | סוורוד IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 2 OCCUPATIONS. 613 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. PUBLIC SERVICE (NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED) - CON. MARSHALS, SHERIFF8, DETECTIVES, OFFICIALS AND INSPECTORS (CITY AND COUNTY) OFFICIALS AND INSPECTORS (STATE AND UNITED STATES) ETC. - Con. SHERIFFS L TOTAL OFFICIALS AND IN- SPECTORS (CITY) OFFICIALS AND IN- SPECTORS (COUNTY) TOTAL OFFICIALS AND IN- SPECTORS (STATE) OFFICIALS AND IN- SPECTORS (UNITED STATES) Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1 20 - 384 2 369 - 15 2 2 274 10 104 on 5 170 5 - ܙܬܘܝ T11001 HD WII Nervice 阴​刀​。。必​分​831码​?1 1IWINWINI WOLI INNI-Ion III OF FAS'SYRIANE --- OMNI-ICONE T-INI-III-Iwelli 100 100 ml I WII Gina Tower 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LAINO Teri 1 614 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS PUBLIC SERVICE (NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED) - Con. OTHER PURSUITS COUNTRY OF BIRTH POLICEMEN SOLDIERS, SAILORS, AND MARINES TOTAL LIFE-SAVERS Males Fe Males males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 1,328 698 - 398 1 23 3 2 3 1,214 331 63 149 52 2 17 33 1 323 70 10 16 5 39 64 42 20 2 174 15 27 6 21 45 30 14 1 217 6 ********Si ni moglie 211219四孔​四​止​!四​。 Oo oo 10 81 1 20 1 ALL COUNTRIES Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n, o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy. 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions : 37 Roumania. 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. 0. C. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain. 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia : 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 20 ន៩ន! ទី១២ 11 1 1 1 6 11 3 55 6 51 2 1 40 11 1 1 -NNIAI 1 1 1 OCCUPATIONS. 615 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. PUBLIC SERVICE (NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED) - CON. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE OTHER PURSUITS - Con. TOTAL IN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND REPORTERS ACTORS ARTISTS, SCULPTORS, AND TEACHERS OF ART ARCHITECTS LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS OTHER OCCUPATIONS TOTAL Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 1 14 361 1 8,799 8,220 141 66 161 2 333 77 240 1 28 I e 2,219 309 612 142 1,156 1,726 1,333 366 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6,959 4,354 717 1.557 295 1,785 1,105 784 308 13 1 I W11--SOCIAL INIINILIOWI 100 NONSTIWA 199***1001-1000ICO ITALI 1251昭​WSB18%码​H1B21126834135 1 1 4 TTTIIIIIIIINI-IINI Woren I ANA MIMI IIIIII 5 1 11 30 33 INICOLI - 35 36 37 38 39 1 III 100 LIINIWIWILI 1-1 481741%B75MM29-3DB%86。 14 如​红​妇​好​: WAGIWLOTION!! 1 1 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 IIIIIICOT 1 HA1700- 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 1 616 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - Con. AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND REPORTERS - Con. CIVIL AND MINING Ex- GINEERS AND SURVEYORS CHEMISTS, ASSAYERS, AND MET- ALLURGISTS COUNTRY OF BIRTH AUTHORS EDITORS AND REPORTERS TOTAL Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males 20 14 220 14 220 1 203 9 4 1 3 13 11 10 143 IIIIIIINNOWI Olli 148 59 11 9 3 36 61 42 19 120 37 6 13 3 15 61 44 15 2 19 25 2 2 1 1 30 24 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n.o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 | Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o.c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINII W WISI NIITIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווורוד| |דודודודו = דוד 1 7 22-16-21-OH!!-IIIIIMIINI--90IIIIII-1- 2 19 17 19 1 2 7 10 5 2. 1 1 1 OCCUPATIONS. 617 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - Con. CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS — Con. DESIGNERS, DRAFTSMEN, AND INVENTORS CLERGYMEN COLLEGE PRESIDENTS AND PROFESSORS DENTISTS CIVIL EN- GINEERS AND SURVEYORS MINING ENGINEERS TOTAL DESIGNERS Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males 191 12 1,201 145 397 1 47 344 45 11 1 14 1 2 1 ់ខ្លួនពី°°~~ ITORIO INT • 1 • E | F | សាខផង១១ផង ! 1 » w Ng Concept - జంతలు... CARTOON INTI- 1 1-TION IN NIII Tom 2. అవి , జంటలు | విటెజులా | WINNVB Biwi 11 Warcről amininiami wowo 37 38 1 1 1 1 - - 1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 11-WINONE 91 618 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - CON. DESIGNERS, DRAFTSMEN, AND INVENTORS - Con. LAWYERS, MUSICIANS JUDGES, AND AND JUSTICES TEACHERS OF DRAFTSMEN INVENTORS MUSIC COUNTRY OF BIRTH Fe- males Fe- Males Males Fe- males Males males Males Fe- males 466 N 56 - 414 1 1,043 380 6 1 35 2 274 210 104 18 25 15 6 2 6 3 10 14 14 289 181 26 43 4 108 88 71 16 1 16 4 155 108 4 1 ALL COUNTRIES Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 | France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 | Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 221 -NWINI IN VOM 001 Bici Contacto TINITINWILLINO S-WWII c Eccions M | | | | | | - | - | సిజెలులు - 4 | | | కరాటే | NON I - 1 రాజు 16 137 110 1 41 14 109 133 83 14 1 OCCUPATIONS. 619 许​怀​%%%%%%%%%&%%%%仍​仍​%Bmwww江​红​mum68299FE2 EN | AR | -లు-2 | NI Eardha-1లుటే | అరా-1802 | లు | లాలు - 1 సికి 418 Males TOGRAPHERS PRO- males Fe- 44 1 లాలు | CP | 145లులు || సలులాలు.. 15 1 Mia | hoe o DOON NOOR 1 904 - 12 Males males SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS Fe- 1 68 1 - 1 1 AIA! 213 Males 1 ! 3 1 I! SHOWMEN males Fe- 11 277 277 744 Males INNNN ܙ ܙ ܚܘܶܪ̈ܗܘ ܙ ܒܨܗ TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - Con. 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. -లుNG | అలాం80 | | జింజపం-31 487 215 34 107 1,706 973 215 21 2,191 males Fe- 56 II 17 ain Vilevileri TITTI INIINNIWIONI INI Males a以 ​>> ಪತಿ- 109 ETC.) DANCING, (ATHLETICS, TEACHERS TEACHERS II WIN WIRELLIIT 26 males Fe- Males ISTRI-WAIV-wow-ikonow I want 635 INNN (SCHOOL) TEACHERS -తేజ | 2 | -8-UNT | అలాం8 | | రాశి స్తలుల పత్తి, 2,165 males Fe- 4 15 2 1 1 17 178 Males III III en III NI INIIIININI el 1 NURSES TRAINED అe-o- | | No | ఇంటి-NATI Rష--కలు , 776 236 1,161 521 2,694 3.952 4,302 males Fe- 620 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS COUNTRY OF BIRTH PROFESSIONAL SERVICE – Con. SEMIPROFESSIONAL PURSUITS VETERINARY OTHER Pro- ABSTRACTORS, FESSIONAL SURGEONS NOTARIES, PURSUITS JUSTICES OF PEACE Males Fe- Fe Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males males males TOTAL AND 37 - 194 54 611 788 18 - 6 6 4 1 1 3 6 5 OOOOOOWN -----9121B。 40 24 2 435 173 1 14 13 9 601 272 23 59 9 181 81 66 15 163 123 VOOR 5 223 19 1 II-IIWA NI ILI COL Colla 4 43 19 1 16 3 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. Belgium British Empire : 8 Canada New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n.o.c. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n, O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o.c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 17 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII-IV IERON QUELCI NÕwiecie nie 1 5 21 1 1 19 IIIIIINWILI 16 INN 1 11 4 3 1 דודודודודודו 3 1 2 OCCUPATIONS. 621 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - Con. SEMIPROFESSIONAL PURSUITS - Con. FORTUNE TELLERS, HYPNOTINTS, SPIRITUAL ISTS, ETC. HEALERS (EXCEPT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS) KEEPERS OF CHARITABLE AND PENAL IN- STITUTIONS OFFICIALS OF LODGES, SOCIETIES, ETC. RELIGIOUS AND CHARITY THEATRICAL OWNERS, MANAGERS, AND OFFICIALS OTHER OCCUPATIONS WORKERS Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fo- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 3 16 58 102 91 64 116 19 145 579 87 1 BOONOORA WA ااب یہ NI MITIMO ANNO I WNESANIIN అసలు సంటరి WA FERIAN INLINE నా | లుటేపనస INTTINIAI Iwan Falci · ន ៩៖១សនី ២៨ ! ! ! III II Torni Orricon ION I-IWI-*--La-wmill come soovi llowENITTOMIIN Iwwnsione in consecin ܙ ܝܕ ܙ ܒܬܝܙܘܙ ܙ ܙ ܚ ܙ ܙ ܚ ܙ ܝܕ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ܝܕ ܙ8 ܙ8ܙ ܙ ܝܕܝܕ ܙ ܗ ܙ ܝܕ ܙ ܙ 1 622 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. —GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS PRO- FESSIONAL SERVICE Con. DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE COUNTRY OF BIRTH ATTENDANTS AND HELPERS (PRO- FESSIONAL SERVICE) TOTAL IN DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE BARBERS, HAIR- DRESSERS, AND MANICUR- ISTS BAR- TENDERS Fe- Males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males males Fe- males 136 99 30,482 65,373 5,734 302 2,059 - 1 1 13 31 2 10 19 ONN 20 I woning ismiin 242 151 27 56 14 557 32 189 336 38 49,814 14,763 1,802 7,157 2,026 3,778 5,549 3,460 2,011 78 28,274 1,140 88 403 14 85 304 33 14.030 5,054 503 1,379 241 2,931 2,985 2,359 582 44 5,750 189 52 4 89 269 1,035 2,421 5,764 15 15 2 9 1 1,381 343 28 42 10 263 158 128 30 25 1,404 1,110 70 124 16 900 148 127 20 1 130 11 5 1 216 284 3 1,024 139 815 146 172 2,825 19 199 1 ALL COUNTRIES Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary Austria, n.o. . c. 6 Belgium British Empire : Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy . 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n. o. c. 34 | Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European l'urkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries AN NILII-IIIIIIII WONDO I WILLIE WONILI INI DITT 113 32 1 2 76 2 390 194 196 1 277 10 19 248 וווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווויוודיור ***"SAPINII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11-1-1 39 141 1,348 435 19 859 35 864 454 410 11 1,859 118 221 1,520 3 13 48 707 94 1,237 411 216 213 134 263 33 10 23 37 0-1-11-wIwwerden Sie eine weitere 18 49 653 2,546 1,160 32 1,232 122 742 348 394 2 3,489 1,962 444 1,083 1 19 14 4,610 126 159 31 101 5 6 16 36 7 29 40 101 17 6 7 34 1 291 119 61 59 13 39 1 1 1 OCCUPATIONS. 623 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE - Con. BILLIARD ROOM, DANCE HALL, SKATING RINK, ETC., KEEPERS BILLIARD DANCE HALL, SKATING TOTAL POOL ROOM RINK, ETC., KEEPERS KEEPERS BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSE KEEPERS BOOTBLACKS CHAR- WOMEN AND CLEANERS ELEVATOR TENDERS AND Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 438 334 1 104 396 4,813 746 1 463 4,253 950 1 I 1 42 2 I O - 3,274 1,580 | లు లాంటి సిని| --- ៥៥ឌី-ដផងដី IIIIIIIIII INDICIIW CON 123 1 1 1,163 66 - - I 1 1 Inime AVNOSTI NUTRANX | స | | తత్తులు | | | ! -ដ-, Eះខែ 1 I WIRIOMINI ILI INI ! II w III wis II | టిటిరాటేలా | 11 IIIIIIIIen I le 1 -కలుషం - 1888, 868లు తీసినా అదలా | డిజజై Nలు-ANI GETS | 2 | | | 2012 | 282 181 జ:--1882లలు | జనన్సీజం - - 1 - 1 45 46 47 48 49 50 -60... NI | | Nena | | | | 11 NOORI 52 1 1 1 624 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE – Con. HOTEL LABORERS KEEPERS HOUSE- JANITORS (DOMESTIC KEEPERS AND AND AND AND PRO- MANAGERS STEWARDS SEXTONS FESSIONAL SERVICE) COUNTRY OF BIRTH Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 302 50 604 3,976 3,485 116 838 3 6 1 1 4 19 4 6 9 16 1 2 13 RO0OOON 101 30 190 72 9 19 380 98 10 29 3,292 1,546 257 645 158 486 594 446 142 6 1,088 56 23 4 1 18 2 2,564 783 100 287 40 356 681 535 131 15 1,033 59 8 453 167 17 80 18 52 123 101 21 1 155 3 5 7 53 10 1 9 15 244 15 31 6 10 36 3 15 21 11 107 19 166 10 47 183 32 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland Bohemia Hungary 5 Austria, n.o. o. c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : Canada New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. . 20 China 21 Denmark 22 | France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o.c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 | Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 2 2 69 14 23 9-9"IIIIII!!!!!!!!! -II-IIIIIIIIIIIII- 1 16 5 11 52 3 15 9 6 I'M 56-8--9IININO 54 5 28 11 17 2 178 14 12 152 15 9 55 15 I 15 28 1 193 27 1 2 1 192 4 21 19 1 30 9 **SUMINIO CO 1 OCCUPATIONS. 625 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. LAUNDERERS AND LAUN- DRESSES (NOT IN LAUNDRY) DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE - Con. LAUNDRY MIDWIVES AND NURSES (NOT TRAINED) OWNERS, LAUNDRY OFFICIALS, OPERATIVES NURSES (NOT AND TOTAL MIDWIVES TRAINED MANAGERS PORTERS (EXCEPT IN STORES) 1 Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males males Fe- Males males Fe- Males males Fe- 218 4,041 638 | 1,510 208 22 775 2,225 43 775 2,182 2 836 8 13 12 ܘܘܗ ܙ 2 Soovaer con 1 1 1 19 1 8 10 1 3,093 604 81 276 67 180 304 194 S6。 1 12 3 1.911 938 1 285 171 11 3 1,903 937 158 WWII 43 a Balan-10, విజు తీసింది. ఆ . 1 జలకులు 1 -2 | 00016--సలు | AADంలు | సంకీర్ణ పోస్ 1 1 Bir I WIIWILI WOW INWIDA SE INNAIOI1OI1 Saimir -1 | పుటింలు | 1 1 | లు | ఉజర్ | 10లు | టెం-1 సిలు 1 Invece i wao wni -N| |- | UNP-1 | 28 సంపుటి: B14 Non Town 红包​。 - 1 -- 1 mercredi I WONI Il loswers 2200 Maria 626 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE – Con. SERVANTS RESTAURANT, CAFÉ, AND SALOON BELL BOYS, LUNCH ROOM KEEPERS TOTAL CHORE BOYS, KEEPERS ETC. COUNTRY OF BIRTH Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males 1,167 151 436 6,898 39,710 416 20 1 17 7 1 1 5 1 3 17 8 9 107 30 3 256 35 99 13 109 113 103 9 1 57 2 118 68 11 30 6 21 28 24 4 154 398 2 18 39 145 113 235 15 14 2,877 29.721 733 7.297 66 722 278 3,838 51 1,200 338 1,537 726 2,812 564 1,596 152 1,179 10 37 1,368 18,902 36 659 14 51 22 19 3 1 1 1 19 24 19 5 18 204 49 2 14 70 238 91 2 4 30 24 113 232 878 923 155 179 571 43 228 3 40 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n. o. c. Belgium British Empire : Canada 9 New Brunswick 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n.o.c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German. 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions . 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. 56 Other foreign countries 23 10 14 35 478 162 2 301 13 114 63 51 ווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווו 11 ON , 12 36 1 137 3 2 54 39 483 1,415 547 20 754 94 326 129 197 1 2,537 1,618 267 652 1 12 6 3,402 85 60 12 41 17 2 132 15 32 1 353 17 62 274 1 2 21 190 52 396 140 45 57 49 105 12 5 7 14 1 1 7 5 112 31 30 21 6 24 2 1 3 n, O. c. 17 12 1 OCCUPATIONS. 627 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH — Continued. DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE - Con. SERVANTS — Con. OTHER PURSUITS WAITERS CHAMBER- MAIDS COACHMEN AND FOOTMEN coors OTHER SERVANTS TOTAL BATHHOUSE KEEPERS AND ATTENDANTS Fe- males Males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males males Fo Males Fe males Males Fe- males 2,934 732 2,971 7,420 2,779 29,356 2,939 4,161 302 31 43 61 56 6 14 1 4 9 13 36 1 11 24 2 6,078 1,246 ១០១ A 348 16 130 202 11 21,239 5,630 565 = 3 1,216 237 ចម្ងនឧ៥-៦៖ 10 | | ស | អ | | |-- 916 1,167 2,096 1.208 862 26 -ఇ-లుష్య 14 16 17 19 20 21 - 1111 រ - 1 | a | ៩ខ | Fឯឪ៩៩៩ | pus-L នីនិនខ្លួន។ 'គន៩ៗ៖ “ខ”*°ៗឱឱ== 'ៗៗឱ°* -ងាចដ៏ធ៖ I , និងធ, ដី, នី៩ | ទីនងផង៖-នី៩៖ | E9 L | ម = 1 ខ្ញុំ។ ' ធ្នូនន្ត ' ឌីឌីនដី 'ខ្លួននៗ។ខ្លួនឱន ! ពាន”។ 1 = T 5 - T 37 38 | p | | - ខ្លួនន** " “ខ” ” ។ 628 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE - Con. OTHER PURSUITS - Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH CEMETERY KEEPERS CLEANERS AND RENOVATORS (CLOTHING), ETC. UMBRELLA MEND ERS AND SCISSORS GRINDERS OTHER OCCUPATIONS Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe males Males Fe- males 105 77 10 56 - 21 12 5 4 10 14 37 1 11 11 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia Hungary Austria, n.o.c. 6 Belgium 7 British Empire : 8 Canada 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. 0. C. 20 China 21 Denmark 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 Italy 26 Japan 27 Netherlands 28 Norway 29 Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o.c. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, A. o. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 | Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. O. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n.o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 1 וווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווווורס | מ מאוס \ -- #סיירדו III1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! 20 31 IIIIIIIII 19 31 17 OCCUPATIONS. 629 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Continued. CLERICAL AGENTS, CANYASSERS, AND COLLECTORS CLERKS (EX- CEPT CLERKS IN STORES) TOTAL IN CLERICAL Occu- PATIONS BOOK- KEEPERS, CASHIERS, AND AC- COUNTANTS TOTAL AGENTS L CANVASSERS COLLECTORS TOTAL Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males Fe- males Males Fe males Males 110,923 5,639 950 76 473 23 200 46 277 2,083 2,638 6,933 1,200 10 1 2 1 17 1 10 1 gepoog 15 ! 7,992 3,010 554 1,092 212 1.152 2,586 4,298 2,644 516 1,131 206 663 132 247 35 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5,273 1,854 347 681 141 IN INOIIIII 493 | | | | లులుటే ఉలుకులు - 1 990 IIII Wirawi og 1,830 1 1 మురాసు | Mలు | అరలు. | నిరాలసాలు |- || OSISIENNION @ wmi -3 | NETలా | జంతరం 283 ।।। 1 30 31 32 33 34 35 one I AM I 5లు... లుం, తేజసిటీ | సజు ఇంట వృద్ధి WII WI-NNW INVIINIOIT 10 6 4 3-88 ܙ ܙ ܙ ܒܬܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܣܝܒܨܟܨܝܕ8 ܙ ܝܙ$ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܒܨ ܙ ܟܨܝܕܝܕ ܙ ܙ ܙ UNI AT 10-ల==N1 కొలుండిరా.. - రంజిలు, -IRAIT INITIAN INI DI OLT - 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 1 47 00 I CO CTN verw - - 1 -- 630 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE 29. — GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE PERSONS CLERICAL - Con. CLERKS (EXCEPT CLERKS IN STORES) — Con. COUNTRY OF BIRTH SHIPPING CLERKS Males Females 2,707 29 GOOOOOOONACONS 15 3 2 10 3 1,953 691 110 280 55 246 500 354 146 702 56 4 B???眼肌​的​洲​S'W%91%D8B9.7%E41a 1 ALL COUNTRIES 2 Austria, exclusive of Austrian Poland 3 Bohemia 4 Hungary 5 Austria, n. o. c. 6 Belgium British Empire : Canada. 9 New Brunswick : 10 Nova Scotia 11 Prince Edward Island 12 Canada, n. o. c.. 13 Great Britain 14 England 15 Scotland 16 Wales 17 Ireland 18 Newfoundland 19 British possessions, n. o. c. 20 China 21 Denmark : 22 France 23 Germany, exclusive of German Poland 24 Greece 25 | Italy 26 Japan 27 | Netherlands 28 Norway 29 | Poland 30 Austrian 31 German 32 Russian 33 Poland, n.o. 34 Portugal 35 Portugal proper 36 Island possessions 37 | Roumania 38 Russia, exclusive of Russian Poland 39 Finland. 40 Lithuania 41 Russia, n. o. c. 42 | Serbia 43 South and Central America and Mexico : 44 Spain 45 Sweden 46 Switzerland 47 Turkey 48 Armenia 49 Syria 50 Other Asiatic Turkey 51 European Turkey 52 Turkey, n. 0. c. 53 West Indies 54 Cuba 55 West Indies, n. o. c. 56 Other foreign countries 15 10 58 13 142 25 76 IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! 61 0.c. 26 21 5 1 241 13 17 211 88 2 19 7 6 3 SANWONE 2 4 3. OCCUPATIONS. 631 14 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, BY SEX, AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Concluded. CLERICAL-Con. CLERKS (EXCEPT CLERKS IN STORES) Con. MESSENGER, BUNDLE, AND OFFICE Boys STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITERS OTHER CLERKS TOTAL BUNDLE AND CASH BOYS AND GIRLS MESSENGER, ERRAND, AND OFFICE BOYS Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 4,226 1,171 799 131 25 84 774 47 158 1,594 26 14 10 1 2 8 17 46 14 24 368 153 22 15 1,264 120 42 6 3,320 1,163 237 401 86 439 996 724 258 14 1,075 70 16 986 602 112 276 51 163 227 169 58 కరిసరాలు | 61 Now VITIT TIINNI WWONIA LILIT 382 157 20 61 9 67 157 105 49 3 49 16 3 1 3 7 1 5 6 TWINWIREITIT 13 12 65 151 102 46 3 47 14 3 1 1 3 2 119 33 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ***ខ្នងនីនិនខ****~ន្ត 'z IIIIIIIIMIIITTIIN OTTI 20 13 137 34 137 24 COVAC ciowe 78 15 75 TIISIT TIIMITI DIN A sa 1 4 31 5 2 1 1 4 31 5 1 25 9 1 8 7 22 69 19 1 48 1 34 19 15 5 178 12 సం|-02 IIIIIIIII ܙ ܙ ܝ ܙ ܙ ܙ ܟܬ ܙ ܙ ܒ ܙ ܒܘ ܚ ܙ ܙ ܙ £ ܙ ܙ ܘ 3 22 8 30 22 8 1 197 6 1 190 56 46 10 163 192 6 1 1 45 I II III IISAN INI DIADO 162 ... 2 ...1 58 54 185 19 155 ܗܝܕ8ܝܕܝܕ ܙ 1 1 3 160 35 18 18 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 2 51 1 9 19 అలfonenషింలు - 1 1 1 1 1 1 INI 11 Ion Ion 21 4 8 3 ULTIMIIIIIIIIII 1 3 1 2 1 Except telegraph and telephone messengers. PART V THE FISHERIES AND COMMERCE CENSUS; APPENDICES THE CENSUS OF FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. The act providing for the Decennial Census of 1915 required that there should be taken, in addition to the Population Census, a Census of the Fisheries and Commerce of the Commonwealth, the results of which are herewith presented. I. THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES. The statistics of the Sea and Shore Fisheries of the Commonwealth, gathered in the Census of 1915, are based upon the returns for the year ending December 31, 1914, and are shown in one presentation, giving Value of Equipment, Number or Quantity and Value of Product, and Number of Persons Employed. EQUIPMENT. The value of material actually required in the fishing industry for boats, vessels, and apparatus for fishing have been considered as equip- ment, and aggregate $4,571,176, of which $3,680,163 was invested in 8,890 boats and vessels and $891,013 in apparatus; the value of equipment in 1905 was $5,092,217, of which $4,148,640 was invested in boats and vessels and $943,577 in apparatus, a decrease in the total value of equip- ment from 1905 to 1915 of $521,041. In determining the location of owners of the boats and vessels, the records of the port of registry were used. These records could not, how- ever, always be considered as final for this purpose, because in several cases Massachusetts owned vessels were found to be registered out of the State, and in other cases Gloucester owned vessels were found registered in Boston. Several changes have taken place in the fishing industry during the past ten years, - many of the larger vessels have been sold out of the State, some have become old and unseaworthy, and persons engaged in the industry have not had others built to take their places because the steamer and beam-trawler, so-called, have replaced other vessels. The speedy motor boat, carrying from two to five men, which can make daily trips, doing away with the necessity of provisioning and covering distances impossible for those depending upon the sail, has largely taken the place of the old fishing boat, and its advent has practi- cally revolutionized the fishing industry. Almost every fishing boat now has gasolene power, even the large schooners having an auxiliary engine. This has, in a sense, brought the fishing grounds nearer to the market, as the fish can be brought long distances on the day when caught. The engines also serve to pull the fishermen's nets and drag their heavy trawls. 636 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS PRODUCT. The returns for fisheries in this census pertained only to quantity and value of the fish caught (and in order to avoid any duplication, the catch has been credited to the port from which the vessel hailed), which were classified for tabulation purposes in the following order: (1) Fish, (2) Mollusks, and (3) Crustaceans; and comparisons were made with the value of the fish caught as reported in the Decennial Census of 1905. It was, however, impossible to make a comparison of quantities between the two census periods, since the basis of measurement returned in 1905 was not comparable with that for 1915. Fish. Various kinds of fish formerly used for bait or other purposes are now used as food fish; therefore all kinds of fish caught have been considered as food fish and classified under fish, all kinds of shell fish belonging to the mollusk family are classified as mollusks; lobsters, crabs, and shrimps are classified as crustaceans. That class of food fish which was reported in 1905 as fish products and which in 1915 was classified as fish (food fish), showed an increase in value of $309,441. The quantity of some of the staple fish has largely decreased, such as cod, cusk, hake, herring, mackerel, and pollock. The size and weight of the fish caught has not been as great owing to the fact that the beam- trawler gathers in everything that comes before it, and as the fish that are too small for the market are thrown overboard, most of it dead or mutilated, — the large fish of the species named are becoming scarce. , It will be noticed that there is also a decrease in the amount of bluefish which is due to the fact that the menhaden on which the bluefish live have almost deserted these shores. According to the Census of 1905 the amount of halibut reported for Boston was 9,724,900 pounds, while in 1915 the amount was but 1,589,751 pounds, which, on the face of it, apparently shows a tremendous falling off in the catch; this, however, is not true, the apparent difference being due to the fact that the returns for 1905 are not comparable with those for 1915, since the quantity reported for 1905 included over 8,000,000 pounds of western halibut brought to Boston by rail, whereas, as above stated, only the quantity and value of fish caught by Massachusetts boats or vessels was taken into account in the Census of 1915. Ten years ago the whiting, known as silver hake or silver scrod, was practically unknown as a food fish. Recently squid has been added to the list of edible fish; also albacore, known as horse mackerel or tuna fish, has taken its rightful place on the table. While it was known to the fishermen that these fish were good to eat, it was the fish freezers that made possible their addition to the list of edible fish. They are sold THE FISHERIES. 637 mostly in Pennsylvania and New York State, as the Boston market can almost always be depended upon to supply this State with fresh fish at about the same price for which storage fish sells. There are about a dozen fish freezers along the Massachusetts coast and aside from their buying from the incoming boats, most of them have fishing apparatus of their own. Thus millions of pounds of fish caught are yearly being brought to this State for storage. The business is still in its infancy and every year will, no doubt, see an increase in the use of frozen fish for food. The kinds and varieties of fish inhabiting these waters change greatly in different years. Squeteague (weak fish) were very scarce in 1914 and had been for several years. They were formerly the main catch of the fishermen of some parts of Martha's Vineyard, but in the year 1914 they practically disappeared, and it was reported that enormous schools of them appeared on the Pacific Coast, where they had never before been known. While in some seasons swordfish are plentiful, in other years they seem to disappear and the swordfisherman has to go to a different locality for his catch. During the two years prior to the Census of 1915 mackerel were caught in great numbers, and the increase in the use of the heavy beam-trawlers brought in tons of flounders. The decrease in the catch shown in the cities of Beverly and Fall River was due partly to the fact that the vessels engaged in the business had been sold and partly because the sewage has been the means of stopping the fishermen from obtaining shell fish. This has also been the case in many other places. In the town of Wareham it was claimed that the chemicals from the bleachery at East Wareham have so polluted the waters that it is difficult to obtain fish. It is also claimed that the oil and gasolene from the motor boats entering the waters kill the spawn. In some cases along the Cape, especially in the town of Harwich, the scarcity of alewives was due to the fact that the brooks were dammed to flood the cranberry bogs, thereby stopping the alewives from coming up to spawn. It is also claimed that in 1914 the prevailing blackfish, which is of the whale species, drove the other fish away. Seiners from Boston and Provincetown take what they can in a day and what they do not catch they drive into deeper water, so that the local men who depend upon hand-fishing have but very little chance. The preponderance of opinion seems to be that the beam-trawlers have done the greatest injury to shore fishing, from the fact that with their heavy trawls they clean up the bottoms, thereby destroying the spawn and driving the fish into deeper waters. It is the general opinion of local fishermen that if heavy trawling continues, it will destroy the fishing industry on the Massachusetts coast. 638 · 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS The following table shows the value of the principal kinds of fish caught in this State for 1915 as compared with 1905 and 1895: PRODUCT 1915 1905 1895 Alewives Bass Bluefish, Cod Cusk. Eels Flounders Haddock Hake Halibut Herring. Mackerel Pollock Scup Shad Squeteague Squid Swordfish : $24,381 5,318 7,967 2,347,634 125,711 33,957 289,394 1,798,691 347,465 456,798 372,964 834,749 322,017 20,001 5,179 1,462 65,381 259,794 $33,682 11,045 15,229 2,317,008 222.510 50.034 104,202 1,176,283 309,077 863,708 534,812 939,411 347,277 18.052 3.786 90,737 19,485 110,450 $24,937 11,640 54,735 567,602 38,385 35,088 17,902 622,383 66,625 513,080 124,497 232,032 35,069 26,455 2,355 14,812 13,465 24,206 Whaling. Many of the vessels reported in 1905 as engaged in the whaling industry are now out of commission, and the value and product of the industry have not been included in the presentation for 1915. The follow- ing table shows the value of the whale products for New Bedford and Provincetown for 1915 as compared with 1905: WHALE PRODUCT 1915 1905 Total $222,487 $419,340 New Bedford Ambergris Whalebone Whale-oil Provincetown Ambergris Whale-oil 1,150 137,700 258,925 217,987 4,500 2,800 18,765 Mollusks. In 1905 the value of mollusks was $786,071 compared with $1,540,550 for 1915, a marked increase of $754,479. Many changes have taken place in the shell fisheries, chiefly in the town of Nantucket. In the summer of 1904 a considerable bed of seed quahaugs was discovered off Tuckernuck Island. These were dug in large quantities by the use of hand rakes for the purpose of propa- gation. During the summer and the following winter, heavy storms, however, broke an opening between the islands of Tuckernuck and Muskeget, and the beds were buried with sand and destroyed. In the early fall of 1906, the entire shore of the south and east side of Muskeget Island was covered with tiny seed quahaugs, but the gales and storms during that winter washed them out to bottoms where they perished by anchor frost. In the winter of 1913 an enormous bed of quahaugs, about fifteen miles long and eight miles wide, was discovered outside of Nan- THE FISHERIES. 639 tucket Bar near Nantucket Shoals by a fisherman from Edgartown. It has been fished daily, weather permitting, up to the present time, yield- ing in the beginning, for the larger boats and under favorable conditions, as high as 100 bushels a day. The digging is done by heavy power dredges. The years of 1914 and 1915 show the highest records for ship- ments of quahaugs from Nantucket. The fishermen claim that this bed is showing signs of decreasing product and that it is now difficult to obtain more than 50 bushels a day. The area, however, is so great that it would seem to be almost impossible to completely exterminate the quahaug. One of the greatest enemies of the quahaug is the salt water snail, which feeds upon the seed quahaugs found in shoal waters having a sandy bottom. When the seed quahaug is found on a muddy bottom the snail does not trouble it, as it seems to be able to work only on sandy bottoms. In the fall of 1909, seed clams were discovered in Nantucket Harbor near Hussey Shoals and were dug in such large quantities for bait that the bed was entirely cleaned out. In Eastham the clam and quahaug beds have been practically dug out; they have been reseeded but were not ready for digging in 1914. It is very often claimed that the practice of summer visitors digging clams for their own consumption and taking all sizes, destroys the opportunity for the clams to seed, with the result that the industry has, in a great measure, decreased. Little interest has been taken during the past few years in replanting oyster beds, and as a result that class of fishing has decreased. In the winter of 1910 a large bed of scallops was discovered outside and to the east of Nantucket Breakwater. These were dredged out in such quantities that the bed was entirely exhausted. In 1914 hundreds of bushels of scallops were destroyed at Muskeget Island, as the beds located on the flats in shoal waters were badly frozen during the month of February. Notwithstanding this fact, the season of 1913-1914 was the largest Nantucket ever had in the scallop fishing industry, and the records show that the amount of scallops shipped during the season from November, 1913, to March, 1914, was 7,968 kegs, or about 48,000 gallons; for the season of 1914-1915, the shipments were 2,477 kegs; and for the season of 1915-1916, 1,035 kegs. It is of little use to make any record of scallop beds, as the life of the scallop is but two years. They are migratory and in some years will be found in localities where they were before practically unknown. The following table shows the value of the principal mollusks obtained in this State for 1915 as compared with 1905 and 1895: PRODUCT 1915 1905 1895 Clams Oysters Quahaugs Scallops $295,588 445,737 380,776 396,941 $222,643 278,961 195,841 80,154 $174,332 119,603 31,115 79,541 640 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Crustaceans. The total value of crustaceans reported for the Census of 1915 was $447,167, of which $430,839 represented the value of the lobster catch, an increase of $209,905 compared with the amount reported for 1905. This should not be considered as an increase in the quantity of lobsters obtained, as it is a well-known fact that the lobster is rapidly decreasing in size and quantity. The enormous demand for lobsters and the shortage in the market have greatly increased the selling price; thus the large increase in value shown between the two censuses. PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE FISHERIES. There were 11,814 persons reported as engaged in the fishing industry. No attempt was made in the Census of 1915 to show the number of partners, stockholders, etc., engaged in the fisheries; therefore the figure 11,814 represents the number of persons actually engaged in catching fish. It was also decided not to show the nationality of the persons employed, owing to the fact that the various crews of the boats and vessels were continually changing. It is, however, a well-known fact that the number of native-born persons engaged in fishing has gradually decreased and that they have been replaced by those of foreign birth, Portuguese and Italians predominating. Most of the fishing done on boats or vessels is by the share system, except in the case of beam-trawlers, where the men are hired by the trip or by the month. Sometimes the owners supply the boats and crews with everything required, including the necessary food for the trip, and take a certain number of shares of the catch for themselves, dividing the balance among the crew; in other cases the captain will furnish the supplies, in which case the distribution of shares differs. II. OCEAN AND COASTWISE COMMERCE. The statistics presented on Ocean and Coastwise Commerce are for the year ending December 31, 1914, and were obtained from 624 firms, individual owners, and shipping agents to whom vessels were consigned and who represented a number of firms. In tabulating the data care was taken to avoid duplications, and where the same boat or vessel entered different ports, it was credited to the port of entry, but where the same boat or vessel entered a specified port more than once it was accounted for only once, although the cargo brought on the various trips was included in the total amount for that port. The number of boats or vessels reported by ports, therefore, cannot be totalized to show the number of craft engaged in commerce in the State. The tables presented are as follows: (B) Vumber and kind of boats and vessels engaged in commerce in the State, by port of entry. COMMERCE. 641 (C) Number, gross tonnage, value of boats and vessels, and number of crew, by port of entry. (D) Number of tons of freight, number of passengers, and amount received for trans- portation, by port of entry. (E) Number, kind, gross tonnage, value of boats and vessels, and number of crew by State or country in which registered. The amount of freight and the number of passengers carried in 1914 shows a decrease from 1904, although the earnings, due to the advance in rates, have increased. In the early part of 1914, on account of business depression, commerce greatly decreased and in August of that year 43 German and seven Austrian steamers which had been operating regularly, ceased their operations. These 50 vessels, during the first seven months of the year, brought to this country 198,629 tons of freight, at a cost for transportation of $920,685, and 4,984 passengers, for transporting whom $223,064 was received. The records also show that as a result of the war other foreign vessels decreased greatly in the amount of freight and the number of passengers carried. Many of the large steamers were used by their respective governments for transporting troops, which prevented them from being engaged in commerce. The Census reports from 1885 to 1915 show earnings as follows: FREIGHT PASSENGERS CENSUS YEAR Total Receipts Tons Receipts Number Receipts 1885 1895 1905 1915 $12,915,974 15,353,395 30,982,231 38,449,301 5,168,176 6,241,2341 21,039,109 18,754,393 $10,731,637 12,029,488 24,792,584 29,051,526 13,636,795 7,845,0752 26,492,075 23,451,988 $2,184,337 3,323,907 6,189,647 8,786,881 Number of tons carried by 12 vessels not stated. 2 Includes 2,171,604 railroad passengers carried free. 3 Includes $610,894 for towing. The number of passengers carried and the amount received for their transportation for the year ending December 31, 1914, classified by kind of vessels, is shown in the following table: PASSENGER BOATS AND VESSELS Number of Passengers Amount Received for Trans- portation Total Foreign vessels American vessels Excursion steamers Ferries All other 23,451,988 160,766 788,955 2,503,844 19,647,957 350,466 $8,786,881 4,922,747 2,734,204 579.369 478,100 72,461 In conjunction with the information obtained during the canvass for the census, the following compilation has been made and is here sub- mitted as of interest with respect to the shipbuilding industry of the Commonwealth, being brought to date as of December 31, 1917: 642 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Number and Kind of Boats and Vessels of Five Tons and Over Built in Massachusetts from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 1917, as Registered in the United States. YEAR Number Schooners Steamers Motor Boats Sloops Barges Cat Boats Total 898 215 140 519 14 7 1900. 60 14 12 34 - 1901. 68 21 8 35 1 - 1902 80 28 6 41 3 1 1903 68 19 4 42 3 60 26 11 21 2 62 18 7 36 1 60 13 10 36 1 42 5 10 26 1 50 9 6 34 1 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908 1909 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 31 3 3 25 47 12 12 21 2 33 8 10 14 - 1 - 50 9 4 35 - 2 - 31 5 6 20 - 1914 27 3 3 20 1 - 1915 29 9 2 18 - 1916. 49 7 14 28 1917. 51 6 12 33 Gross Tonnage of Vessels of Five Tons and Over Built in Massachusetts from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 1917, as Registered in the United States. YEAR Gross Tonnage Schooners Steamers Motor Boats Sloops Barges Cat Boats Total 42,744 254,361 317 4,310 20 320,430 6,132 9,362 18,678 981 1900. 1901 1902 2,517 2,634 4,321 1,635 49 881 2,476 1,238 11,183 7,512 1,488 52 887 1903 7,949 6,000 521 1,374 54 1904 675 1,018 1905 5,679 1,954 1,116 1,319 - . 8 1906. 4,888 5,341 8,083 28,249 4,489 1,201 15 1907 474 534 - - 12,260 8,622 10,415 29,263 6,893 2,049 12,527 9,616 10,996 1908 1,016 1,379 9 - 1909 992 254 803 - - . 1910 592 39 - . 1,530 1,016 10,366 7,468 1911 323 809 715 1912 8,020 1,179 - 1,082 552 1913 9,113 7,539 1,022 1914 15,139 286 13,949 805 99 1915 1,904 1,068 344 492 1916 70,999 1,187 68,062 1,750 . - - 1917 86,008 4,325 80,557 1,126 . 1 COMMERCE. 643 Value of Vessels of Five Tons and Over Built in Massachusetts from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 1917, as Registered in the United States. YEAR Value Schooners Steamers Motor Boats Sloops Barges Cat Boats Total $19,020 $193,950 $1,200 1900 1901 2,940 39,645 1902 39,915 360 3,120 3,240 1903 1904 $35,104,377 $2,609,150 $30,874,330 $1,406,727 460,747 158,040 229,130 73,577 673,350 259,860 246,525 124,380 722,565 451,580 116,140 111,450 517,755 360,000 51,245 103,270 920,085 340,740 482,010 51,525 840,300 117,240 623,655 98,925 979,830 66,960 821,445 90,525 3,182,325 28,440 3,113,700 39,825 667,240 60,960 501,315 104,425 145,145 59,520 25,400 60,225 - 45,810 1905 480 1906 900 - . 1907 360 ! 1908 540 1 1909 - 1 1910 1,167,460 91,800 1,028,920 44,400 2,340 1911 60,960 725,305 21,450 1 36,405 844,120 985,740 1912 64,920 802,000 86,645 32,175 1913 849,640 33,120 739,020 77,500 - - 1914 1,478,375 17,160 1,394,900 60,375 5,940 . 1915 135,380 64,080 34,400 36,900 1916 7,346,370 131,250 71,220 7,143,900 302,550 12,795,320 1917 13,187,950 90,080 - In addition to the above-mentioned there have been built in the Com- monwealth for the United States Government and for foreign countries the following vessels: 7 Battleships 4 Cruisers 42 Tugs and steamships 5 Torpedo boats 45 Torpedo boat destroyers 63 Submarines 5 Lightships 2 Barges 20 Car floats 4 Gas launches Under construction at the same time were: 12 Submarines 24 Torpedo boat destroyers 2 Scout cruisers 1 Tank steamer 644 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND (NOTE. - The State totals for 1905 include $1,018 for boats and vessels, $86 for apparatus, $2,515 for fish THE STATE Barnstable 1915 1905 CLASSIFICATION 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment $4,571,176 $5,092,217 $74,828 $28,948 2 Boats and Vessels 8,890 3,680,163 | 4,148,640 301 58,219 || 19,558 3 9,390 130 4 2,753 16,609 305 1,130 185 5 143 6 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 891,013 4,133 136,348 100,000 294,554 233,009 122,909 943,577 3,944 151,897 57,541 254,629 205,289 270,277 270 540 160 46,258 13,654 228 7 80 8 5 1,395 10,000 3,239 1,952 5,550 1,455 9 10 1 11 12 95,289 14,019 550 1,190 1,667 13 14 15 260 16 17 18 1,293 630 19 20 Product Fish. Alewives Bass Bluefish Cod Cusk Dogfish and other sharks Eels Flounders Haddock Hake Halibut Herring Mackerel Pollock . Scup Shad Squeteague Squid. Swordfish All other 9,568,506 | 8,279,127 320,128 260,731,620 lbs. 7,580,789 7,271,348 1,947,300 lbs. 68,388 1,544,480 lbs. 24,381 33,682 29,000 lbs. 550 124,085 lbs. 5,318 11,045 1,000 lbs. 60 102,435 lbs. 7,967 15,229 26.600 lbs. 2,560 68,515,309 lbs. 2,347,634 2,317,008 68,500 lbs. 2,775 6,537,365 lbs. 125,711 222,510 122,750 lbs. 566 529,555 lbs. 33.957 50,034 41,900 lbs. 2,730 10,010,212 lbs. 289,394 104,202 803,800 lbs. 25,489 73,236,647 lbs. 1,798,691 1,176,283 16,151,448 lbs. 347,465 309,077 5,267,271 lbs. 456,798 863,708 22,456.075 lbs. 372,964 534,812 16,880,276 lbs. 834,749 939,411 359,200 lbs. 18,269 18,005,156 lbs. 322,017 347,277 125,500 lbs. 1,515 671,470 lbs. 20,001 18,052 24.000 lbs. 1,125 293,979 lbs. 5,179 3,786 25,470 lbs. 1,462 90,737 6,159,310 lbs. 65,381 19,485 28.900 lbs. 625 2,411,419 lbs. 259,794 110,450 11,687,908 lbs. 261,360 104,560 438,900 lbs. 12,690 21 22 23 50 1,365 24 25 26 1,210 356 27 28 4,697 250 29 30 31 501 32 786,071 222,643 18,472 33 80,817 7,748 249,650 41,335 2,200 39,123 bu. 800 bu. 34 35 Mollusks Clams Cockles. Mussels. Oysters . Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 1,540,550 295,588 20,327 300 445,737 380,776 396,941 881 283,347 bu. 10,182 bu. 337 bu. 224,372 bu. 300,743 bu. 185,946 gals. 590 bu. 36 37 278,961 195,811 80,154 55,701 bu. 162.525 8,267 bu. 15,530 13,680 gals. 29,060 ! 63,118 6,286 3,665 38 39 40 9,600 lbs. 2,090 221,708 189 453 10 41 Crustaceans Crabs. Lobsters Shrimps 447,167 14,728 430,839 1,600 16,655 bu. 2,284,781 lbs. 800 gals. 42 9,600 lbs. 2,090 443 220,934 585 43 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 11,814 337 - 1 1 Includes $25 for conchs. THE FISHERIES. 645 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905. product, and $4,373 for shell fish (clams) for cities and towns not shown in the presentation for 1915.) BEVERLY BOSTON Bourne 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $5,666 $67,108 $1,009,308 $1,101,061 $16,989 $7,828 2 29 4,140 56,326 1,413 887,329 1,011,040 98 15,360 6,892 3 1,526 10,782 121,979 63,021 936 1,629 219 4 137 15 5 2 86 1,430 715 6 7 2,910 1,043 3,659 2,605 566 1,320 1,809 43,046 2,615 52,303 35,367 6,600 13,857 35 7,162 322 8 9 10 24,015 1,410 597 10 11,195 2,325 84,191 76,345 2,371,759 87,455,509 lbs. 2,341,499 2,472,957 2,373,142 33,755 650 11 89,500 lbs. 6,500 lbs. 16,684 1,497 30 12 13 1 14 15 34,500 lbs. 1,075 42,540 21,327,785 lbs. 2,672,220 lbs. 574,361 46,920 48 650,793 97,525 16 - 17 6,500 lbs. 650 265 280 18 19 20 21 22 13,000 lbs. 12,000 lbs. 380 - 72 17 11,173 4,000 609 1,885 3,395 11,741 1,119,957 lbs. 44,312,884 lbs. 7,725,533 lbs. 1,589,751 lbs. 371,650 lbs. 2,466,746 lbs. 4,194,710 lbs. 32,928 1,096,643 165,754 148,310 4,765 72,554 72,041 14,902 33,887 603,136 134,093 602,048 13,907 88,100 99,925 - 23 24 134 1,045 25 22,000 lbs. 440 - 1 15,580 lbs. 504 18 26 27 28 29 30 31 - - 913 881,838 lbs. 776,855 lbs. 104,189 22,530 22,425 12,353 8,000 lbs. 150 - 32 441 100 bu. 200 15,127 72,871 26,873 998 33,105 2,565 33 34 1,900 bu. 441 35 36 37 45,000 12,040 -- - 3,600 bu. 1,625 bu. 11,395 gals. 5,600 2,150 22,790 3,087 38 39 - 100 bu. 1 200 - 7,405 181,903 lbs. 30,060 60 40 41 42 100 bu. 42,600 lbs. 8,870 300 8,570 26,944 11 26,933 7,405 181,903 lbs. 30,060 43 60 44 19 - 2,399 - - 79 - 1 646 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE A. · VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND 1905 CLASSIFICATION Brewster 1915 Number or Value Quantity Chatham 1915 Number or Value Quantity 1905 Value Value 1 Equipment $20,637 || $15,130 $73,273 $73,532 2 Boats and Vessels 32 2,254 1,473 291 47,576 51,446 18,383 98 13,657 157 82 241 5 1 3 Apparatus 4 Eel pots 5 Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs 6 Lobster pots . 7 Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets 8 Pounds, traps and weirs 9 All other 1,363 402 25,697 326 332 2,563 4,174 12,840 5,462 22,086 339 238 1,968 7,670 9,925 1,946 28 88 13,375 36 18,195 85 21 29,566 28,087 . 969, 480 lbs. 119,700 lbs. 1,665 15,595 14,685 || 1,815,768 lbs. 588 36,760 lbs. 14 1,185 lbs. 20 7,485 lbs. 30 471,498 lbs. 148,940 54,969 1,586 78 370 21,464 89,241 38,971 155 1,042 99 3,631 140 1,400 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 75 8,200 lbs. 9,550 lbs. 15,160 lbs. 151 770 227 1,100 885 27,545 lbs. 137,780 lbs. 1,600 lbs. 1.748 3,465 30 1,039 4,874 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague Squid 30 Swordfish 31 All other - 88,100 lbs. 436,400 lbs. 5,760 lbs. 1,380 15,040 64 2,252 80 452 4,995 10,932 20,250 lbs. 191,815 lbs. 69,030 lbs. 42,020 lbs. 415 7,080 2,848 1,075 75 32 325 8,182 151 7,523 1,630 29 43,020 lbs. 528 356,880 lbs. 4,715 240,690 lbs. 8,047 899 451,920 lbs. 10,095 2,651 32 1,942 bu. 1,686 bu. 1,479 1,150 910 75 84,817 3,592 3,087 bu. 33 34 35 43,557 1,163 1 25 Mollusks Clams. Cockles. Mussels Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 37 256 bu. 329 735 100 19,400 bu. 5,241 bu. 14,833 gals. 422 bu. 38,500 13,915 28,253 557 17,315 6,893 18,161 38 39 1 55,752 lbs. 9,154 6,713 40 41 42 Crustaceans Crabs Lobstery Shrimps 55,752 lbs. 9,154 6,713 43 - 44 | Persons engaged in fisheries 31 - 250 1 1 $25 for conchs. THE FISHERIES. 647 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 -- Continued. Chilmark Cobasset Dartmouth 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $18,942 $21,483 $14,953 || $21,495 $10,553 $905 2 38 10,155 6,630 67 7,780 10,918 88 7,488 763 3 142 7,173 15 4 216 11 22 3,065 45 29 - 5 33 10,577 1 33 10,020 416 16 6 8,787 216 45 1,450 325 6,700 51 14,853 232 137 512 1,363 12,600 9 459 918 725 13 13 122 3,165 62 6,015 732 7 8 15 5 1,500 573 9 378 92 10 11 30,675 20,410 300 27,915 26,955 30,787 9,493 21,375 1,361 1,691 1,198 162,715 lbs. 444,900 lbs. 20,000 lbs. 15,000 lbs. 26,218 4,290 400 12 261,670 lbs. 30,000 lbs. 350 lbs. 13 870 355 35 14 42 301 15 4,700 lbs. 275 5,400 lbs. 216 150 40 16 - - 105 17 1,000 lbs. 3,500 lbs. 112,500 lbs. 3,950 lbs. 10,800 lbs. 365 18 895 3,125 lbs. 250 137 360 12,200 lbs. 235,000 lbs. 534 1,533 395 290 19 9,040 20 4,000 lbs. 120 21 9 2,000 lbs. 25 22 - 23 - 132 90 8,600 lbs. 11,500 lbs. 2,452 460 24 25 54,000 lbs. 9,000 lbs. 31,300 lbs. 5,200 190 1,100 49,600 lbs. 1,200 lbs. 2,636 36 26 3,600 lbs. 170 27 28 6,600 18 12,230 9,900 lbs. 665 262 28 4,070 lbs. 21,600 lbs. 29 1 240 30 -- 2,466 405 31 53,800 lbs. 1,875 99,390 lbs. 6,235 942 48,200 lbs. 1,413 810 32 10 69 1,115 bu.. 1,115 bu. 1,115 1,115 12,990 bu. 1,152 bu. 18,956 1,315 33 10 33 1 34 35 36 1 11,838 bu. 17,641 37 38 39 36 53,700 lbs. 9,150 950 104,655 lbs. 21,294 40 41 20,014 18,500 lbs. 2,972 424 42 53,700 lbs. 9,150 950 104,655 lbs. 21,294 20,014 18,500 lbs. 2,972 424 43 44 31 35 104 1 648 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND 1905 CLASSIFICATION Dennis 1915 Number or Value Quantity Dighton 1915 Number or Value Quantity 1905 Value Value 1 Equipment $25,139 $20,499 $1,290 $1,915 2 Boats and Vessels 135 18,731 9,638 6 425 290 865 1,625 3 4 20 - 5 1 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 290 6,408 25 290 563 950 3,450 1,130 10,861 116 66 299 2,685 7,020 675 1 6 7 8 9 27 6 1,350 440 425 3 275 556,760 lbs. 8,000 lbs. 65,503 21,713 127 79,500 lbs. 75,000 lbs. 800 800 650 3,050 3,050 1,900 45,715 15,299 2,859 127 1,719 103 123,300 lbs. 5,300 - 1 3,200 lbs. 75,040 lbs. 225 2,132 1,887 1,034 - 1 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock. 26 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid. 30 Swordfish 31 All other 1 1 366 2,884 128 106,400 lbs. 25,000 lbs. 3,300 lbs. 9,440 lbs. 6,560 1,000 165 324 Scup - 1,150 105 3,179 90 76,720 lbs. 850 1 126,360 lbs. 5,030 817 4,500 lbs. 150 32 1 41,220 3,230 29,556 215 33 3,180 bu. 34 35 36 Mollusks Clams. Cockles Mussels . Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles - 2,000 37 1 125 bu. 18,369 gals. 250 37,740 38 27,341 39 40 13,400 lbs. 2,570 860 41 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters Shrimps 42 13,400 lbs 2,570 860 43 - Persons engaged in fisheries 138 - THE FISHERIES. 649 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 — Continued. Duxbury Eastham Edgartown 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $11,187 $8,763 $15,569 || $24,947 $64,890||$21,053 2 24 5,150 6,823 78 13,480 16,210 137 52,620 15,587 3 6,037 2,089 150 8,737 94 4 143 380 12,270 380 1,174 5 15 1,940 16 158 675 925 43 6 265 20 5,466 146 400 4 2,566 960 1,390 7 9 668 530 200 5,000 292 7,530 8 3 3 50 116 90 1,120 686 100 7,600 643 9 3,186 10 19,960 10,238 18,993 6,195 32,120 9,870 11 483,265 lbs. 23,188 4,880 15 113,035 lbs. 1,800 lbs. 12 3,195,383 lbs. 483,440 lbs. 9,000 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 1,287,000 lbs. 22,500 lbs. 13 149,857 102,547 6,043 450 325 34,560 1,035 54,505 22,863 2,477 1,298 2,727 698 14 15 1,674 16 - - 17 1 18 64 500 lbs. 13,335 lbs. 45,360 lbs. 12 1,207 982 1,209 19 - 20 67,925 lbs. 314,000 lbs. 308,500 lbs. 4,184 9,005 10,400 1,919 1,523 510 20 95,000 lbs. 1,930 1,250 - 21 1 22 23 1,060 242,400 lbs. 69,625 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 4,288 3,072 245 112 2,500 550 38,700 lbs. 2,260 1 25 - 105 367,000 lbs. 6,000 lbs. 23,000 lbs. 19,000 100 535 100 6,443 24 802 300 908 26 1 27 1 -- 28 6,700 1,620 lbs. 23 1 29 30 23 773 129,368 lbs. 173,650 lbs. 11,955 4,955 1,691 1,443 31 62,240 lbs. 703 25 11,720 lbs. 381 - 4,760 bu. 4,000 bu. 760 bu. 5,890 4,265 1,625 8,150 265 1,885 18,257 3,962 22,250 575 47,010 4,505 32 33 34 35 36 31,642 172 4,105 bu. 4,555 bu. 1 - 6,000 1 21,675 37 38 39 10,994 bu. 356 gals. 13,920 375 19,182 bu. 7,285 gals. 28,085 14,420 25,950 5,520 - 4,648 51 1 300 40 41 3,832 832 3,000 70 bu. 70 bu. 300 bu. 300 bu. 51 1,065 bu. 13,520 lbs. 300 42 4,648 - 1 43 - 44 22 76 - 133 650 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND Essex CLASSIFICATION 1915 1905 1905 Fairhaven 1915 Number or Quantity Value Number or Quantity Value Value Value 1 Equipment $24,396 $11,937 $7,540 $18,835 2 Boats and Vessels 54 21,293 10,321 87 6,695 16,123 3 1,616 845 2,712 4 18 5 3,103 45 480 180 2,000 214 80 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 6 85 2 332 132 1,340 1,063 7 8 9 398 339 765 908 - 51,263 25,224 23,048 13,422 1,250 33,457 2,000 28,086 9,467 929,780 lbs. 50,000 lbs. 90 230,000 lbs. 5,860 50,000 lbs. 2,000 3,400 140 1,850 1 2,780 lbs. 220 172 1 - 593 185,000 lbs. 2,700 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock. 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid 30 Swordfish 31 All other 110 160 - - 162,000 lbs. 306,500 lbs. 3,340 5,275 15 2,900 9,000 6,550 125 - 2,800 669 43,500 lbs. 894 32 31,457 24,881 bu. 24,356 bu. 525 bu. 25,471 24,974 497 9,626 9,626 33 17,989 311 34 1 35 - Mollusks Clams Cockles . Mussels. Oysters . Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 1 - 37 - 20,185 bu. 600 gals. 30,257 1,200 14,637 3,041 38 39 40 2,272 lbs. 568 630 41 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters Shrimps 42 2,272 lbs. 568 630 43 - 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 97 - - 86 - - THE FISHERIES. 651 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 - Continued. FALL RIVER Falmouth Freetown 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $110 $2,540 $15,519 $16,418 $300 $13 2 1 100 1,715 45 13,095 14,907 3 150 10 3 10 825 150 3 2,424 150 4 100 1,511 354 254 5 6 357 714 184 545 7 300 8 100 1 150 1,000 560 9 10 425 174 3 10 - - - 200 400 100 17,007 3,112 11 16,259 2,489 300 2,000 lbs. 157,450 lbs. 200 20,000 lbs. 20,000 lbs. 12 200 20,906 11,680 820 1,026 187 70 13 3,150 lbs. 262 14 15 16 1 17 18 500 1,500 lbs. 85,000 lbs. 150 1,700 4,657 515 19 20 21 22 23 64,000 lbs. 800 634 24 2,100 25 26 165 27 - 28 185 254 29 30 31 127 1,125 2,000 lbs. 100 1,504 3,800 lbs. 200 200 bu, 300 11,825 32 33 13,770 1,500 9,088 600 34 35 36 1 7,000 12,030 240 37 200 bu. 300 100 bu. 3,850 bu. 2,950 gals. 150 5,775 5,900 - 33 1,488 39 10,350 lbs. 2,070 138 40 41 42 10,350 lbs. 2,070 138 43 1 32 2 1 1 1 652 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND GLOUCESTER 1905 Gay Head 1915 Number or Value Quantity 1915 1905 CLASSIFICATION Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment $12,204 $12,359 $1,696,752 $2,158,076 2 Boats and Vessels 33 7,490 3,150 1,853 1,454,213 1,923,014 3 4,714 9,209 80 5 8 6 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other. 755 6 6 100 1,510 150 2,900 54 4,011 6,336 7 242,539 390 68,196 11,903 156,385 2,000 3,665 230 120 8,845 6 235,062 28 80,735 4,305 147,210 2,547 237 8 9 26,095 14,295 495,500 lbs. 24,534 3,438,218 3,377,430 23,992 | 104,072,874 lbs. 3,388,096 3,345, 799 30 1,981 534 19,000 lbs. 570 4,000 lbs. 120 34,795,960 lbs. 1,384,289 1,223,812 3,461,864 lbs. 70,016 111,638 - - 18 200,000 lbs. 4,950 611 1 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock. Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid. 30 Swordfish 31 All other 357,200 lbs. 21,636,195 lbs. 6,859,055 lbs. 3,555,768 lbs. 14,688,770 lbs. 7,925,208 lbs. 9,501,721 lbs. 7,225 495,306 151,943 295,982 280,209 452,170 172,051 514 1,705 308,455 103,168 244,037 453,170 701,110 145,587 1 1,175 38,000 lbs. 5,000 lbs. 127,000 lbs. 3,200 100 2,675 - 26 3,402 10 17,298 190,725 lbs. 2,291 213 500 lbs. 30 286 628 61,380 lbs. 630,705 lbs. 408,323 lbs. 580 66,895 9,139 42,193 8,216 102,000 lbs. 2,650 - 1 32 33 34 1,800 bu. 1,800 bu. 1,750 1,750 17,735 bu. 17,735 bu. 19,377 19,377 8,930 8,930 - 35 36 37 Mollusks Clams Cockles. Mussels . Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 38 1 39 40 55,500 lbs. 10,050 542 188,062 lbs. 30,745 22,701 41 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters Shrimps 42 55,500 lbs. 10,050 542 188,062 lbs. . 30,745 22,701 43 - - 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 19 3,486 1 THE FISHERIES. 653 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 — Continued. Gosnold Harwich Hingham 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $16,121 $14,681 $18,395 $7,137 $3,266 $2,403 2 34 12,550 10,466 72 10,444 4,795 43 2,700 2,063 3 3,571 2,342 566 340 4,215 28 7,951 49 26 80 91 12 218 36 2,370 103 110 1,195 6 7 8 126 1,460 993 1,500 108 225 1,231 975 2 4 800 6,200 811 1,000 165 4 9 124 123 43 10 1 14,885 6,135 27,817 10,303 7,874 3,924 20 12,413 8,473 11 12,307 7,383 1,773 14,814 12,072 250,480 lbs. 98,780 lbs. 12 g 13 75 1 173 76 404,500 lbs. 14,400 lbs. 2,800 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 95,000 lbs. 2,000 lbs. 50 lbs. 2,500 lbs. 14 2 60 4,625 100 30 75 281 17,250 lbs. 652 150 15 16 - - 1 17 -- 18 - 684 200 161 34 445 5,970 lbs. 54,880 lbs. 19 13,000 lbs. 370 965 1,030 4,800 lbs. 10,000 lbs. 192 300 20 1 - 21 - - - 1 8 680 29,650 lbs. 755 1,705 1,080 lbs. 9,000 lbs. 5,000 lbs. 72,000 lbs. 12 600 100 1,200 14,700 lbs. 10,300 lbs. 744 309 249 500 lbs. 25 - -- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - 1,260 1,505 200 454 328 144,000 lbs. 2,000 lbs. 54,300 lbs. 1,800 200 933 145,850 lbs. 3,701 832 41,730 lbs. 6,276 11,761 17,514 498 4,924 9 409 bu. 32 33 34 35 36 2,750 bu. 1,840 bu, 910 bu. 3,940 1,900 2,040 2,562 985 1,577 - 37 1,190 bu. 5,522 gals. 28 bu. 38 1,850 15,142 24 375 4,540 39 1 40 44,200 lbs. 8,750 3,950 - - 180 41 - 42 44,200 lbs. 8,750 3,950 - 180 43 18 68 41 1 - 654 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND CLASSIFICATION Hull 1915 Number or Value Quantity 1905 1905 Ipswich 1915 Number or Value Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment $21,570 | $11,910 $11,479 $6,265 2 Boats and Vessels 122 11,206 6,181 113 9,545 5,759 3 10,364 5,729 506 1,934 60 4 30 55 - - 5 11 48 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 46 17 6 190 5,055 23 9,580 210 5,266 66 95 27 1,100 206 7 8 9 563 397 536 182 75,250 406 13,200 lbs. 25,427 90 45,103 7,572 27,335 7,595 378,680 lbs. - - - - - 150 lbs. 8 5,500 lbs. 165 125 25 60 210 - 5,000 lbs. 10,300 lbs. 21,000 lbs. 450 309 426 50 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock . 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid 30 Swordfish 31 All other 9,000 lbs. 1,550 lbs. 250 98 18,760 lbs. 18,120 lbs. 268,000 lbs. 405 962 4,010 6,910 50 225 1 2,500 lbs. 50 30 32,000 lbs. 845 32 5,418 bu. 5,378 bu. 6,341 6,241 7,840 7,420 420 38,655 bu. 38,655 bu. 36,361 36,361 19,455 19,455 33 34 35 36 37 Mollusks Clams. Cockles . Mussels. Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 38 39 40 bu. 100 40 17,497 285 41 Crustaceans Crabs. Lobsters Shrimps 4,900 bu. 312,209 lbs. 68,503 4,279 64,224 100 bu. 5,400 lbs. 1,170 90 1,080 42 17,497 285 43 Persony engaged in fisheries 90 100 - THE FISHERIES. 655 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1915 – Continued. Kingston LYNN Manchester 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $1,456 - 1 $2,973 | $41,019 $3,962 $9,440 2 9 1,225 - 10 2,898 40,037 13 2,630 2,389 3 231 75 982 1,332 7,051 4 22 108 5 6 43 36 32 300 6 105 210 142 150 7 1 12 576 265 50 6,700 8 15 1 1,000 9 15 20 119 I 1 10 - - 3,120 142 5,936 1,889 23,733 10,053 5,875 2,900 11 10,980 lbs. 59,120 lbs. - 83,000 lbs. 9,931 7,527 140 12 - 13 - - 14 1 1 1 15 18,000 lbs. 590 1,184 30,000 lbs. 1,225 983 16 17 500 lbs. 15 - 18 50 124 60 30 100 19 20 21 3,000 lbs. 10,500 lbs. 3,200 lbs. 75 340 450 1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 20,000 lbs. 40 15 1,068 60 1 400 22 23 1,080 lbs. 12 - 4,800 lbs. 105 2,010 3,000 2,240 660 24 - - 450 8,000 lbs. 11,000 lbs. 25 11,000 lbs. 270 1 330 1,410 26 27 520 28 29 1 1 30 2,400 825 31 130 9,900 lbs. 1 8,120 lbs. 434 12,000 lbs. 425 341 32 1 1 1,200 bu. 1,200 bu, 1,725 1,725 2,503 bu. 2,503 bu. 4,047 4,047 33 12,627 12,309 318 34 35 36 1 37 33 39 - 1 40 15,500 lbs. 2,975 2,404 41 42 100 bu. 5,315 lbs. 1,253 160 1,093 1,053 5 1,048 15,500 lbs. 2,975 2,404 43 - 3 10 8 1 - 656 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND Marblehead Marion 1915 1905 1915 1905 CLASSIFICATION Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment $28,073 $5,809 $41,294 $3,911 2 Boats and Vessels 121 20,550 3,582 84 40,675 3,599 3 7,523 619 312 100 36 4 5 6 7 8 9 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds. traps and weirs All other 2,227 85 202 1,759 17 164 553 4,928 420 1,200 422 2,474 41 20 6 519 256 55,555 28,609 24,782 5,758 59,816 7,066 864,011 lbs. 143,300 lbs. 12,724 529 314 80 55 40 3,814 193,347 lbs. 10,355 lbs. 6,069 185 871 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock . 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid 30 Swordfish 31 All other 32,900 lbs. 43,735 lbs. 50,460 lbs. 52 1,259 1,592 908 - - 88,400 lbs. 25,400 lbs. 107,415 lbs. 1,068 1,250 2,415 40 - 44,000 lbs. 2,201 2,080 lbs. 46 - - 1 - 63,369 lbs. 246,550 lbs. 7,298 6,907 557 99,300 lbs. 4,865 21,100 gals. 52,750 32 33 34 35 12,195 635 Mollusks Clams. Cockles. Mussels. Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 200 11,360 37 21,100 gals. 52,750 38 39 135,230 lbs. 26,946 19,024 40 41 42 43 Crustaceans Crabs. Lobsters Shrimps 1 1 1 135,230 lbs. 26,946 19,024 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 80 83 - THE FISHERIES. 657 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 — Continued. Marshfield Mashpee Mattapoisett 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $16,382 || $11,284 $1,601 $2,021 $31,186 $4,238 2 73 11,867 7,233 15 1,460 1,436 64 30,020 3,750 3 141 585 1,166 488 4,051 133 4 2 4,515 10 41 4,185 74 256 46 5 90 15 50 21 6 415 830 286 2,181 7 3,534 270 7 17 10 8 9 205 24 126 266 286 171 1 1 10 11 12 20,926 703 11,770 1,695 6,280 390 49,882 3,840 22,160 lbs. 8,043 1,973 333 8,200 lbs. 74,450 lbs. 8,022 2,312 754 13 1 170 I 14 15 15,930 lbs. 478 1,311 3,200 lbs. 140 - - 16 17 5 450 lbs. 500 lbs. 18 35 114 847 - 1 19 20 2,800 lbs. 84 1 21 - 1 - -- 22 1 23 2 75 180 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 800 lbs. 195 24 25 350 75 24 26 1,100 lbs. 23,150 lbs. 1,275 589 27 1 1 20 98 28 29 30 31 75 3,900 lbs. 195 698 51,300 lbs. 2,565 310 600 bu. 500 bu, 32 33 34 800 800 17,600 gals. 43,450 1,095 1,095 3,240 bu. 1,215 bu. 6,070 240 5,890 1,315 4,523 130 35 36 37 38 1,875 bu. 150 bu. 4,350 225 2,000 3,830 1 - 3,920 473 17,600 gals. 43,450 39 - 40 94,840 lbs. 19,423 8,980 16,200 lbs. 2,592 1,187 41 42 94,840 lbs. 19,423 8,980 16,200 lbs. 2,592 1,187 43 1 44 37 15 1 1 - 57 658 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. - VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND Nahant Nantucket 1915 1905 1915 1905 CLASSIFICATION Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment $17,323 | $16,247 $72,048 $36,529 2 Boats and Vessels 63 7,462 5,722 194 57,935 24,311 9,861 10,525 3 4 5 6 475 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 1,693 42 3,386 115 6,000 318 7 14,113 585 999 720 5,310 2,000 4,499 64 1,310 95 9,028 28 79 12,218 6 494 472 7,693 3,000 553 360 110 2 8 4 9 18,171 7,293 20,008 12,169 || 1,675,100 lbs. 228,160 58,870 441,529 lbs. 45,001 32,278 13 35 5,880 3,150 500 lbs. 57,000 lbs. 242,000 lbs. 50 4,050 9,530 6,900 lbs. 387 1,141 100 1 30 lbs. 2 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock. 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid. 30 Swordfish 31 All other 80,100 lbs. 390,000 lbs. 201,000 lbs. 4,450 9,400 5,760 2,139 365 3,524 290,400 lbs. 3,876 5,542 2,000 lbs. 120 1,313 140,000 lbs. 252,000 lbs. 22,000 lbs. 9,475 4,710 670 74 4,783 4,605 363 40 2,372 50 - 5,000 lbs. 28,000 lbs. 257,500 lbs. 100 2,600 8,075 2,233 2,702 142,199 lbs. 2,908 4,023 1 32 33 34 825 bu. 225 bu. 600 bu. 930 230 700 164,565 235 11,008 291 225 bu. 35 Mollusks Clams Cockles. Mussels. Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 37 115,216 bu. 32,875 gals. 98,380 65,950 1,040 4,325 5,352 38 39 40 7,839 27,800 lbs. 4,725 1,715 41 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters Shrimps 52 bu. 47,300 lbs. 9,948 156 9,792 42 7,839 27,800 lbs. 4,725 1,715 43 - 1 Persons engaged in fisheries 37 - 226 1 1 THE FISHERIES. 659 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 Continued. NEW BEDFORD Newbury NEWBURYPORT 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $372,922 || $519,783 $2,548 $222 $27,102 || $16,561 2 527 309,990 278,087 25 2,395 188 70 17,391 12,649 3 153 34 3,912 157 4 5 90 5 142 6 62,932 || 241,696 69 916 869 4,990 260 15,180 2,896 1,200 40,646 || 1237,602 35 2,570 1,360 1 9,711 170 291 70 6,395 2,400 385 7 5 26 3,063 8 6 9 153 24 550 10 9,507 - 294,978 3,721,486 lbs. | 178,585 60,761 37,844 1,150 60 55,285 38,304 69,040 17,550 11 1,605,137 lbs. 12 13 1,305 14 1 15 3,939 2,875 728,255 lbs. 240,830 lbs. 19,072 2,888 160,400 lbs. 8,355 lbs. 4,887 124 16 - - 17 - . 18 40 19 217 1,208 2,806 26 470,880 lbs. 387,801 lbs. 54,170 lbs. 70,161 lbs. 14,000 lbs. 58,876 lbs. 30,600 lbs. 13,180 lbs. 2,800 25 250 20,061 10,834 816 6.983 1,400 2,022 920 307 20 21 22 800 - - 23 24 20 882,392 lbs. 70,145 lbs. 92,000 lbs. 47,788 1,313 2,600 536,360 lbs. 88,038 lbs. 196,387 lbs. 9,413 8 2,018 25 6,760 4,510 4,458 6,350 1,700 1,450 26 27 28 50 29 30 533,584 lbs. 191,268 lbs. 49,655 15,375 14,672 1,382 31 498,941 lbs. 12,916 2,100 101,501 32 33 22,233 165 8,905 bu. 8,905 bu. 9,507 9,507 1,090 1,090 14,861 bu. 14,674 bu. 16,831 16,681 51,474 51,474 34 - 35 187 bu 150 36 37 66,160 bu. 99,301 2,200 20,150 1,918 II 1 1 38 800 gals. 39 40 - 14,892 684 150 16 41 60 65 bu. 450 lbs. 42 684 90 16 81,600 lbs. 800 gals. 13,292 1,600 43 - 44 1,013 20 1 90 1 - 1 Includes whaling gear. 660 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915. TABLE A. – VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND Oak Bluffs Orleans 1915 1915 1905 1905 CLASSIFICATION Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment $14,668 $9,533 $17,574 $19,980 2 Boats and Vessels 30 12,830 9,295 99 14,485 17,141 3 238 3,089 104 4 40 50 100 5 1,838 45 200 58 1,280 80 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 149 19 29 207 6 7 535 2,839 27 11 212 490 1,176 923 6 8 2 1,350 1,020 9 255 20 - 36,020 20,059 18,330 627,100 lbs. 29,089 5,432 109,825 lbs. 4,727 7,425 7,138 6 1,469 1,680 142 25,500 lbs. 1,035 10 28,000 lbs. 975 7,800 lbs. 465 42 - 1 1,200 lbs. 423,700 lbs. 22,700 lbs. 120 10,580 885 104 728 26,275 lbs. 26,600 lbs. 835 lbs. 2,374 907 50 1,700 2,146 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake. 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock. 26 27 28 Squeteague 29 Squid. 30 Swordfish 31 All other 50 - 50 14 1,320 917 15,500 lbs. 2,000 lbs. 59,600 lbs. 2,240 lbs. 35,200 lbs. 3,475 lbs. 1,030 80 1,780 107 665 Scup Shad 1 1,265 1 1 1 725 4,000 lbs. 44,900 lbs. 400 1,445 112 7,400 lbs. 195 54 32 1,091 343 257 95 30,430 2,205 33 325 bu. 21,202 7,324 451 6,445 bu. 574 bu. 34 1 35 Mollusks Clams. Cockles. Mussels Oysters . Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 37 275 bu. 175 gals. 348 400 155 7 8,371 bu. 809 gals. 11,650 1,777 28,060 165 38 39 - 40 2,650 lbs. 638 30 13,137 lbs. 2,455 863 41 42 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters Shrimps 2,650 lbs. 638 30 13,137 lbs. 2,455 863 43 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 34 - 92 - - 1 THE FISHERIES. 661 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 - Continued. Plymouth Provincetown QUINCY 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $50,929 $50,254 $325,616 $353, 441 $2,242 $3,549 2 216 34,303 38,237 825 209,112 || 260,259 15 1,775 2,785 3 116,504 93,182 467 814 4 135 20 22 24 81 5 6 16,626 170 479 9,767 1,540 3,400 1,270 55 390 12,017 26 1,361 4,482 681 4,500 967 4,876 112 195 672 7 475 1,193 33 13,418 681 20,275 70,000 12,130 20,204 660 27,897 40,700 3,721 13 8 3 9 24 10 112,246 53,257 750 681,375 679,544 84,178 65,465 || 31,336,866 lbs. 4,465 650,856 647,064 2,622 697 11 3,955 1,559 2,149,154 lbs. 59,680 lbs. 8,200 lbs. - 12 13 14 I 20 41 221,914 7,575 15 450 lbs. 20 80 176,800 lbs. 4,800 lbs. 5,175 165 29,441 3,000 6,019,320 lbs. 9,558 lbs. 184,171 148 16 17 18 440 1,600 lbs. 150 145 12 19 20 21 13,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 70,500 lbs. 31,400 lbs. 1,300 20 2,163 490 50 12,254 8,015 130,880 lbs. 3,425,254 lbs. 5,256,863 lbs. 968,337 lbs. 30,930 lbs. 3,147,405 lbs. 1,950,755 lbs. 1,879,766 lbs. 4,741 93,972 150,579 19,250 3,612 35,379 80,604 28,249 12 40,067 169,121 48,494 11,853 12,862 51,627 37,179 22 - 23 24 1,199,800 lbs. 297,660 lbs. 15,566 lbs. 15,340 15,664 377 485 5,248 25 850 lbs. 32 - 37,840 lbs. 1,330 26 27 28 29 1,207 - 170 6,435 12,314 6,180 21,200 30 4,885,880 lbs. 67,052 lbs. 3,527,026 lbs. - 49,004 8,147 20,358 31 278,948 lbs. 11,813 860 5,300 lbs. 495 1,322 32 25 708 14,479 bu. 12,169 bu. 2,310 bu. 17,790 12,690 5,100 3,135 350 2,785 20 bu. 20 bu. 1,447 327 33 34 25 708 35 - 36 37 1,120 38 39 219,086 lbs. 41,199 15,578 11,194 lbs. 1,806 2,345 10,700 lbs. 1,925 1,688 40 41 42 43 219,086 lbs. 41,199 15,578 11,194 lbs. 1,806 2,345 10,700 lbs. 1,925 1,688 1 44 221 - 1,058 7 I 1 662 1916. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND CLASSIFICATION Raynham 1915 Number or Value Quantity 1905 REVERE 1915 Number or Value Quantity 1905 Value Value 1 Equipment $250 $570 $5,252 $5,827 2 Boats and Vessels 2 100 135 76 3,950 2,495 150 435 1,302 3,332 3 4 5 50 89 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 469 6 7 888 225 1 150 20 299 10 3,000 3 150 8 9 160 175 125 125 125 2,878 2,878 2,168 8,126 3,244 15,000 lbs. 15,000 lbs. 7,199 3,500 208,466 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 45 220 - 1 10 - 2,200 lbs. 96 170 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock . 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid. 30 Swordfish 31 All other 2,000 lbs. 30 160,000 lbs. 1,250 1,700 12 112 700 50 42,766 lbs. 1,823 1,236 32 1,589 bu, 1,589 bu. 1,582 1,582 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Mollusks Clams Cockles. Mussels . Oysters . Quahaugs Scallops Winkles III 1 - - - 3,699 40 41 42 43 Crustaceans Crabs. Lobsters Shrimps 110 bu. 15,450 lbs. 3,300 100 3,200 3,699 - 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 1 18 THE FISHERIES. 663 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 - Continued. Rockport Rowley SALEM 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $58,753 $84,900 $1,773 $1,239 $18,724 $8,540 2 104 31,740 65,080 23 1,428 1,141 72 15,585 6,367 3 27,013 19,820 345 98 3,139 2,173 5 4 12 24 5 16 6 - 3,022 804 705 11,288 8,260 5,000 1,760 3,528 2,436 8,089 5,750 17 625 24 1,264 1,250 580 7 396 979 735 150 28 8 3 29 9 155 70 45 29 10 - - 1 95,482 | 195,218 68,197 185,483 12,123 1,838 11,683 575 47,738 40,133 12,826 7,532 11 2,085,433 lbs. 61,550 lbs. 1,559,067 lbs. 12 - - 13 14 - 15 16,000 lbs. 600 889,023 lbs. 40,888 lbs. 31,064 1,603 77,442 2,400 767,685 lbs. 33,830 lbs. 20,948 1,015 438 100 16 17 150 lbs. 18 18 19 20 297 1,589 600 400 6,000 lbs. 200 21 234,191 lbs. 96,648 lbs. 12,000 lbs. 207,350 lbs. 160,376 lbs. 375,790 lbs. 80,000 lbs. 271,983 lbs. 120,000 lbs. 1,826 lbs. 7,200 lbs. 6,040 2,254 1,200 2,575 9,795 7,687 22 1,820 7,785 3,000 180 80 53,400 7,448 4,245 1,150 19,978 13,698 23 100 500 24 8,000 lbs. 6,400 lbs. 25,000 lbs. 320 - 765 25 600 227,146 lbs. 4,518 26 1 27 21,164 lbs. 274 28 29 30 31 43,003 lbs. 5,000 lbs. 5,205 500 5,672 50 1,967 1,376 75 49,397 lbs. 787 32 525 11,137 bu. 11,137 bu. 10,285 10,285 10,988 10,988 700 bu. 700 bu. 33 525 34 35 36 37 38 39 -- - 165,040 lbs. 27,285 9,735 120 35,400 lbs. 7,080 5,294 40 41 - 120 42 165,040 lbs. 27,285 9,735 35,400 lbs. 7,080 5,294 43 - 44 125 29 43 1 1 664 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND CLASSIFICATION 1905 Salisbury 1915 Number or Quantity Value Sandwich 1915 Number or Quantity Value 1905 Value Value 1 Equipment $4,099 $4,191 $13,649 $3,704 2 Boats and Vessels 48 2,839 2,772 20 4,708 770 3 1,260 1,419 8,941 4 5 181 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots. Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 232 176 133 575 464 370 208 6 7 8 9 4 2,934 63 88 142 540 2,070 31 19 20 416 195 8,300 10 7 245 535 799,250 lbs. 35,204 14,947 36,608 10,040 1,300 971,200 lbs. 25,250 21,750 5,569 4,525 15 90 94,700 lbs. 4,091 5,660 53,000 lbs. 1,950 1,298 1 1 328 7,200 lbs. 5,000 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 17,550 lbs. 9,800 lbs. 24,000 lbs. 29 350 150 100 430 294 270 10 Product 11 Fish 12 A lewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake. 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock . 26 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid. 30 Swordfish 31 All other 5 - - 100 192,000 lbs. 3,700 lbs. 176,500 lbs. 2,400 522 3,240 25,000 lbs. 160,000 lbs. 5,000 lbs. 500 9,850 29 75 859 2,980 100 Scup 17,000 lbs. 400 1 904 - 267,000 lbs. 4,750 264,000 lbs. 3,300 445,000 lbs. 4,000 893 57 16,749 bu. 16,749 bu. 17,929 17,929 26,180 26,180 50 bu. 50 bu. 50 50 21 32 33 34 35 Mollusks Clams Cockles. Mussels Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 37 - - 36 38 39 - 40 388 18,400 lbs. 3,450 41 Crustaceans Crabs. Lobsters Shrimps 7 bu. 8,050 lbs. 2,328 20 2,308 987 15 972 42 388 18,400 lbs. 3,450 43 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 39 - 24 1 THE FISHERIES. 665 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 — Continued. Saugus Scituate Somerset 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $4,852 $491 $16,449 | $17,707 $1,070 $1,274 2 31 4,290 465 81 8,608 11,882 11 730 594 3 562 26 7,841 5,825 340 680 4 2 59 5 9 8 133 230 6 120 3,074 153 39 6,497 1,133 770 4,012 483 7 4 240 - - 150 75 8 - 1 98 9 199 15 172 560 115 275 10 19,157 14,396 5,085 1,248 26,734 3,679 10,269 2,027 4,075 525 59,733 lbs. 264,389 lbs. 11 12 19 700 lbs. 17,500 lbs. 9,958 2,629 1,804 10 350 13 - 14 - 15 3,200 lbs. 96 525 22,761 Ibs. 696 1,610 16 - 17 18 320 500 lbs. 50 313 19 18 203 - - 400 lbs. 1,300 lbs. 20 39 166 375 15,000 lbs. 30 1 21 22 - 23 16,000 lbs. 100 179,550 lbs. 40,778 lbs. 1,039 1,499 97 60 24 1 25 26 27 150 lbs. 10 198 30 28 30 29 - - 30 31 38,833 lbs. 14,143 32 6,300 lbs. 70 200 1,550 lbs. 115 274 32 10 25 1,469 bu. 996 bu. 473 bu. 2,041 962 1,079 3,837 3,814 23 15 bu. 15 bu. 2,400 bu. 450 bu. 33 3,550 675 7,329 3,259 10 25 34 35 1 75 50 bu. 1,900 bu. 3,550 520 2,800 36 37 38 39 40 111,725 lbs. 23,045 8,217 41 1,420 bu. 5,250 lbs. 2,720 1,410 1,310 42 111,725 lbs. 23,045 8,217 43 44 20 ! 65 12 666 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND 1905 CLASSIFICATION Swampscott 1915 Number or Value Quantity Swansea 1915 Number or Value Quantity 1905 Value Value 1 Equipment $11,814 | $21,639 $11,541 $8,139 2 Boats and Vessels 84 9,165 14,806 41 10,825 7,687 2,649 716 452 4 53 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other . 5 6 7 8 9 571 6,833 2 1,031 455 4,817 150 378 319 1,142 761 400 27 - - 58 2 716 399 80,178 Fish 22,790 17,180 50,054 45,077 18,486 498 558,343 lbs. 286,700 lbs. 500 lbs. 600 lbs. 8,601 10 25,505 7 18 - 498 - 10 Product 11 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid 30 Swordfish 31 All other 315 2,305 45 10,300 lbs. 73,500 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 3,500 lbs. 18,000 lbs. 8,500 lbs. 57,300 lbs. 390 272 6,672 2,119 85 1,886 5,200 1,165 382 520 1,160 - - 1 1,600 97,943 lbs. 3,434 566 32 - 1 80,178 3,740 17,988 9,350 33 3,565 bu. 34 35 - Mollusks Clams Cockles. Mussels . Oysters . Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 43,550 bu. 7,400 bu. 300 gals. 37 38 64,488 11,500 450 8,338 300 - 39 40 28,050 lbs. 5,610 41 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters Shrimps 4,977 3 4,974 42 28,050 lbs. 5,610 43 - 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 29 47 - - 1 THE FISHERIES. 667 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 - Continued. TAUNTON Tisbury Truro 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $115 $24,734 $18,705 $51,463 | $53,876 2 2 65 47 15,201 14,359 21 7,945 8,856 3 2 50 43,518 45,020 6 4 40 5 - 10 6 9,533 40 374 332 1,840 6,815 132 4,346 442 184 169 1,426 1,900 225 18 166 65 11 18 7 76 1,053 43,800 75 8 50 16 43,500 9 63,042 62,882 10 11 12 13 750 750 750 3,260,838 lbs. 83,000 lbs. 83,000 lbs. 52,152 51,714 30 1,265,060 lbs. 46,000 lbs. 25,800 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 111,500 lbs. 48,351 41,564 690 985 100 3,520 17,159 13,228 915 1,254 106 542 16,800 lbs. 672 14 15 2,000 lbs. 60 2,075 16 17 18 150 300 2,000 lbs. 819,610 lbs. 939 3,342 2,400 lbs. 26,815 lbs. 26,777 554 19 20 790 1,215 48 1 21 10 22 23 2 2,066 24 30 9,038 5,762 13,917 714,700 lbs. 560,863 lbs. 5,360 lbs. 46,600 lbs. 500 lbs. 36,000 lbs. 7,337 20,984 107 3,768 25 1,000 25 26 225 27 28 1,915 4,715 4,750 29 169,450 lbs. 1,581 5,000 lbs. 91,260 lbs. 15,000 lbs. 64,790 lbs. 250 507 1,650 2,142 30 1,231 681 31 1,762,450 lbs. 31,287 9,344 32 - 38 4,120 215 3,325 215 33 210 bu. 38 34 35 - 36 1 150 37 228 2,425 bu. 490 gals. 2,875 1,030 38 2,732 39 40 13,325 lbs. 2,667 606 800 lbs. 160 400 41 - 42 13,325 lbs. 2,667 606 800 lbs. 160 400 43 - - 44 2 49 36 668 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND Wareham Wellfleet 1915 1905 1915 1905 CLASSIFICATION Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment $35,489 $16,863 $47,698 $28,187 2 Boats and Vessols 203 32,815 14,527 148 43,070 24,660 3 2,674 4,628 3,527 2,336 2 4 5 51 80 146 6 Apparatus Eel pots Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs Lobster pots . Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 130 7 6 43 720 8 11 989 2.839 555 1,050 1,776 9 2,674 2,147 61,465 8,000 8,000 51,240 3,016 205,318 10,296 352,000 lbs. 352,000 lbs. 342,840 lbs. 98,619 4,636 2,280 1,575 202 1.900 lbs. 160 . 365 .841 8,620 lbs. 216,020 lbs. 1,278 793 5,915 10 Product 11 Fish 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock . 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid 30 Swordfish 31 All other 45,000 lbs. 40,400 lbs. 750 2,000 50 338 - . 236 210 3,600 lbs. 40 1 250 27,300 lbs. 590 75 32 - 53,465 225 47,799 420 194,952 10,869 93,983 278 33 150 bu. 9,519 bu. . 34 35 Mollusks Clams Cockles. Mussels . Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops Winkles 36 11,175 14,663 bu. 1,045 bu. 20,183 gals. 37 35,080 12,204 95 1,740 40,325 85,433 bu. 13,525 bu. 2,039 gals. 63,950 29,755 158,874 19,780 5,429 38 39 40 425 70 100 bu, 100 bu. 41 70 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters Shrimps 42 425 43 - Persons engaged in fisheries 140 117 THE FISHERIES. 669 PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 - Continued. Westport West Tisbury Weymouth 1915 1905 1915 1905 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 $7,931 $3,551 $3,012 $12,780 $3,078 $2,214 2 28 6,300 3,470 16 1,690 5,860 34 2,105 1,850 3 81 973 364 6,322 395 3 95 4 5 1,631 15 26 1,530 11 6 15 335 845 25 115 6,920 335 84 67 731 5,700 3 8 485 240 280 7 25 2 190 225 5,500 12 8 6 9 60 20 240 14 16,452 8,612 1,775 1,675 8,631 470 3,154 1,136 279,755 lbs. 16,276 16,131 75 5,035 lbs. 23,500 22,725 2,000 100 550,250 lbs. 133,200 lbs. 2,000 lbs. - -- 678 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 50 30 22 1,000 20,000 lbs. 960 60 78,295 lbs. 28,165 lbs. 3,269 497 1 - 3,500 lbs. 350 92 28,250 lbs. 179,000 lbs. 2,250 6,200 19 . 725 604 1,000 6 20 21 6,360 lbs. 119,965 lbs. 3,335 lbs. 71 1,538 141 22 23 24 15 25 2,835 lbs. 800 lbs. 36 40 39,000 lbs. 3,600 lbs. 62,000 lbs. 2,600 160 2,100 15 2,300 480 2,028 5 5,378 1 26 27 28 - 40 6,000 lbs. 255 29 - 1 30 31 13,500 lbs. 23,000 lbs. 1,600 1,070 278 1,185 239 1,576 77,200 lbs. 6,100 5,035 lbs. 470 1,061 32 100 558 375 bu. 375 bu. 375 375 1 558 33 34 3,021 bu. 2,831 bu. 40 bu. 150 bu. 3,320 3,090 80 150 35 36 100 37 38 39 40 39,200 lbs. 7,840 2,000 lbs. 400 145 20,696 lbs. 4,841 1,460 41 42 39,200 lbs. 7,840 2,000 lbs. 400 145 20,696 lbs. 4,841 1,460 43 -- 44 23 - 15 1 32 670 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - TABLE A. — VALUE OF EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCT AND NUMBER OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE SEA AND SHORE FISHERIES, FOR THE STATE AND FOR SPECIFIED CITIES AND TOWNS, 1915 COMPARED WITH 1905 – Concluded. Winthrop Yarmouth 1915 1905 CLASSIFICATION 1915 1905 Number or Quantity Value Value Number or Quantity Value Value 1 Equipment. $7,550 $4,890 $16,015 $7,764 2 Boats and Vessels . 42 4,993 1,587 106 12,730 5,511 2,557 3,303 3,285 80 50 286 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Apparatus Eel pots . Lines (hand and trawl) and tubs. Lobster pots Nets, seines, and mackerel pockets Pounds, traps and weirs All other 709 250 500 373 3 7 2,253 324 91 25 956 633 224 7 1,078 6 2,120 92 170 1,200 478 2,419 - 196,264 lbs. 38,409 3,295 15,464 3,079 | 400,300 lbs. 62,285 14,125 15,827 9,142 2,547 75 579 22 200 2,000 lbs. 12,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 50 612 565 126 4,900 lbs. 102 324,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 520 9,550 2,017 1,727 80 10 Product 11 Fish . 12 Alewives 13 Bass 14 Bluefish 15 Cod 16 Cusk 17 Dogfish and other sharks 18 Eels 19 Flounders 20 Haddock 21 Hake 22 Halibut . 23 Herring 24 Mackerel 25 Pollock 26 Scup 27 Shad 28 Squeteague 29 Squid 30 Swordfish 31 All other 60,000 lbs. 375 - 100 100,000 lbs. 10,000 lbs. 5,000 lbs. 1,281 400 100 1 10,000 lbs. 665 495 - 6 52 4,100 lbs. 210 - - 1,140 2,000 lbs. 38 1 600 17,264 lbs. 971 1,539 43,300 lbs. 2,415 482 32 23,678 bu. 23,678 bu. 22,869 22,869 5,545 5,545 6,070 500 33 47,160 9,130 6,555 8,851 bu. 3,190 bu. - - 34 35 Mollusks. Clams Cockles. Mussels Oysters. Quahaugs Scallops. Winkles · 36 50 1 1 37 1 1,323 bu. 14,585 gals. 2,175 29,300 38 5,520 39 - 40 6,840 5,000 lbs. 1,000 615 41 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters. Shrimps . 25 12,245 6,900 5,345 7,666 bu. 23,770 lbs. 42 6,815 5,000 lbs. 1,000 90 525 43 44 Persons engaged in fisheries 36 123 - - COMMERCE. 671 TABLE B. - NUMBER AND KIND OF BOATS AND VESSELS ENGAGED IN OCEAN AND COASTWISE COMMERCE IN THE STATE, BY PORT OF ENTRY. PORT OF ENTRY Total Schooners Steamers Motors Rigged Barges Unrigged Barges All Other 16 2 18 366 2 12 554 20 278 5 71 10 9 21 25 8 - 8 82 5 11 26 7 24 4 17 17 1 2 4 1 1 31 17 I'16!! | | ల | | | | | | లుట 7 8 1 48 1 31 55 1 102 3 9 7 1 3 2 3 74 14 32 10 2 14 1 4 7 12 36 1 85 19 4 26 6 Barnstable BEVERLY BOSTON Bourne Braintree. CAMBRIDGE Chatham CHELSEA Danvers Dartmouth Dennis Dighton Duxbury. Edgartown EVERETT. Fairhaven FALL RIVER Falmouth Gay Head GLOUCESTER Gosnold Harwich Hingham. Hull . Kingston LYNN MALDEN Manchester Marblehead Marion Marshfield Mattapoisett MEDFORD. Nantucket NEW BEDFORD NEWBURYPORT Oak Bluffs Orleans Plymouth Provincetown QUINCY REVERE Rockport SALEM Scituate Somerset SOMERVILLE Swampscott Swansea TAUNTON Tisbury Wareham . Wellfleet West Tisbury Weymouth Yarmouth 28 64 1,315 10 13 123 8 58 24 2 5 1 5 57 17 1 246 11 1 137 2 3 20 8 1 161 26 8 31 1 1 1 2 44 289 74 16 2 61 49 34 4 10 128 21 8 2 2 1 11 16 25 1 1 20 2 12 12 2 3 1 1a II' 1 1 2 26 58 18 6 30 అ | ఆలు | | 87 61 106 6 1 10 2 2 7 20 AAN 24 6 28 14 1 2 - 26 2 5 2 2 14 2 2 33 5 53 3 19 12 7 2 2 3 4 1 1 II INA 1 w or No 1 1 1 6 10 1 7 5 11 or 1 1 12 2 672 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE C. — NUMBER, GROSS TONNAGE, VALUE OF BOATS AND VESSELS AND NUMBER OF CREW ENGAGED IN OCEAN AND COASTWISE COMMERCE, BY PORT OF ENTRY. PORT OF ENTRY Number Gross Tonnage Value Number of Crew 25 497 31,623 20 32 487 10 251 90 2 10 2 15 58 297 3 2,010 20 1 794 4 3 64 23 1 720 79 19 . Barnstable BEVERLY BOSTON Bourne Braintree CAMBRIDGE Chatham CHELSEA Danvers Dartmouth Dennis Dighton Duxbury Edgartown EVERETT Fairhaven FALL RIVER Falmouth Gay Head GLOUCESTER Gosnold Harwich Hingham Hull Kingston LYNN MALDEN Manchester Marblehead Marion Marshfield Mattapoisett MEDFORD Nantucket NEW BEDFORD NEWBURYPORT Oak Bluffs Orleans Plymouth Provincetown QUINCY REVERE Rockport SALEM Scituate. Somerset SOMERVILLE Swampscott Swansea TAUNTON Tisbury. Wareham Wellfleet West Tisbury Weymouth Yarmouth 28 64 1,315 10 13 123 8 58 24 2 5 1 5 57 17 1 246 11 1 137 2 3 20 8 1 161 26 8 31 1 1 1 2 44 289 74 16 2 61 49 34 203 66,922 2,698,903 1,031 7,021 84,376 61 28,510 15,798 10 278 16 485 1,460 37,594 29 166,260 1,329 5 54,917 15 20 5,019 4,921 5 107,026 15,281 4,372 11,536 122 7 10 914 3,014 204,194 68,855 1,659 10 82,587 1,954 34,932 3,040 3,938 61,473 6,580 3,712 377 57 6 5,376 2,433 7,093 5 49 8,196 17 $20,457 4,378,881 153,747,271 47,993 215,360 2,462,462 3,853 885,754 508,111 1,000 14,300 3,000 9,853 44,610 3,318,787 700 6,775,556 24,971 600 1,729,311 1,900 81 . 3 1 3 5 95 1,904 264 35 2 641 4 10 128 21 8 2 2 1 11 16 25 1 1 20 2 2,600 107,136 105,321 800 3,610,704 480,642 131,775 327,902 2,349 600 1,600 16,967 80,905 6,676,084 1,961,117 54,773 700 3,728,550 53,912 1,075,125 107,141 111.841 1,701,967 193,870 165,000 9.779 2,900 1,200 126,137 51,237 125,071 500 3,500 210,348 2,000 76 168 12 77 341 81 47 9 6 1 27 34 62 1 2 81 3 ܝ ܕ ܞ ܝܝ ܚ ܗ ܒܘ COMMERCE. 673 TABLE D. – NUMBER OF TONS OF FREIGHT, NUMBER OF PASSENGERS AND AMOUNT RECEIVED FOR TRANSPORTATION IN OCEAN AND COASTWISE COMMERCE, BY PORT OF ENTRY. FREIGHT PASSENGERS PORT OF ENTRY Total Receipts Receipts for Towing Tons Receipts Number Receipts Total $38,449,301 18,754,393 $29,051,526 | 23,451,988 $8,786,881 $610,894 5,425 275 7,154,179 3,700 15,160 493,744 9,525 343,845 31,287,979 7,963 12,806 221,181 1,737 101,052 17,644 1,737 825 825 1,000 85 8,685 35,454 1,258,371 2,000 20,226 326 550 725 75 925 Barnstable BEVERLY BOSTON Bourne Braintree CAMBRIDGE Chatham CHELSEA Danvers . Dartmouth Dennis Dighton. Duxbury Edgartown EVERETT Fairhaven FALL RIVER Falmouth Gay Head GLOUCESTER Gosnold Harwich Hingham Hull Kingston LYNN MALDEN. Manchester Marblehead Marion Marshfield Mattapoisett MEDFORD Nantucket New BEDFORD NEWBURYPORT Oak Bluffs Orleans Plymouth Provincetown QUINCY REVERE. Rockport SALEM Scituate Somerset SOMERVILLE Swampscott Swansea . TAUNTON Tisbury. Wareham Wellfleet. West Tisbury Weymouth Yarmouth 3,200 4,100 9,450 167,327 328,410 3,000 13,508,415 23,640,056 | 22,488,972 1,955 4,263 14,400 16,230 12,806 310,937 221,181 3,464 112,880 101,052 21,595 17,644 7,100 4,400 9,500 1,350 1,000 800 1,492 3,196 85 3,632 3,452 34,300 213,978 169,505 1,600 1,600 1,829,297 1,989,833 326,123 3,445 2,412 7,600 500 1,200 106,316 168,799 5,500 850 45 70 1,450 6,810 8,508 7,597 4,883 75 459,377 390,447 1,275 45,949 28,525 7,160 6,445 16,370 12,810 192,055 1,560 780 160 150 8,832 5,299 13,537 15,002 22,149 1,077,404 1,114,296 280,066 136,210 130,407 2,857 1,890 6,350 305 85,044 195,486 231 7,616 11,599 5,639 91,419 67,253 7,573 5,926 78,254 54,291 230,381 169,531 22,939 10,236 13,171 30,123 32,420 412 1,024 1,500 175 70,135 54,135 300 7,295 8,576 4,800 31,074 21,330 8,425 400 2,000 3,200 10,924 14,413 1,350 15,005 225 10,500 800 3,281 12,137 169,505 1,600 3,283,658 4,412 1,200 189,351 550 795 8,508 4,883 75 391,372 28,525 6,445 28,040 780 120 150 5,299 23,809 1,437,735 155,946 5,065 115 195,841 13,979 67,253 5,926 54,291 174,904 13,171 32,420 1,024 1,500 175 54,285 10,976 25,730 200 3,200 14,413 800 120 150 8,807 302,893 20,546 25,539 3,175 115 355 2,380 5,373 1,500 175 150 2,400 4,400 200 800 674 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS TABLE E. — NUMBER, KIND, GROSS TONNAGE, VALUE OF BOATS AND VESSELS AND NUMBER OF CREW ENGAGED IN OCEAN AND COASTWISE COMMERCE, BY STATE OR COUNTRY IN WHICH REGISTERED. (Note, – Great Britain includes all British possessions.] STATE OR COUNTRY Total Motors Rigged Schoon- Steam- Barges Un- rigged Barges All Other Gross Ton- nage Value of Boats and Vessels Num- ber of Crew ers ers 2,112 194 326 560 653 237 17 649 177 49 142 140 142 3,013,724 $168,695,842 36,896 124 337,374 17,733,150 6,535 4 829,564 34,335,709 6,909 8,436 209,718 225 912 17 277 283 111 220 2 - 2 - 7 - - 7 1 - 37,035 2,889,252 242 1 - 1 - 1 - - 18,694 1,951,654 375 1 - - 1 - 1 1,836 55,632 16 - 16 - 1 1 - Total Massachusetts Other United States Argentine Republic Austria Belgium Cuba Denmark Germany Great Britain Italy Netherlands Norway. Portugal Russia Spain Sweden 43 - 43 1 284,920 373 - - 134 229 - 10 1,160,500 8 - - 4 - 29,175 11 - - 11 - 48,454 70,502 26 2,915,973 502 16,326,022 4,226 76,174,158 | 14,670 1,490,148 539 3,336,358 382 8,878,303 1,719 64,472 127 136,314 24 693,968 160 1,490,141 235 1 72 - - 72 - 1 1 154,200 . 3 - 1 2 - - 2,076 1 - 1 - 1 2,223 1 5 5 Сл -- 17,665 8 - 8. - 25,940 1 APPENDICES. APPENDIX A. CHAPTER 692, ACTS OF 1914. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR TAKING THE DECENNIAL CENSUS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The decennial census of the inhabitants of each city and town of the commonwealth and a special enumeration of the legal voters thereof, as required by Articles XXI and XXII of the amendments to the constitution, shall be taken by the bureau of statistics as of the first day of April in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen. The census shall be taken by means of printed schedules which shall embrace, besides the questions necessary to obtain the information required as aforesaid, such other ques- tions as may be deemed expedient by the director of the said bureau, subject to the approval of the governor and council. SECTION 2. For the purpose of obtaining the information called for by this act, the director of the bureau of statistics shall divide the common- wealth into enumeration districts, and he shall have authority to appoint enumerators, interpreters, inspectors and special agents who shall be paid such rates of compensation as may be fixed by him, subject to the approval of the governor and council, except that in extreme emergencies or in dis- tricts in which suitable enumerators and interpreters cannot be obtained at the rate of compensation fixed as aforesaid, the director may fix a rate which, in his judgment, is reasonable under the circumstances; and the appointment of enumerators, interpreters, inspectors and special agents shall be in accordance with such rules and tests as the director may, with the approval of the civil service commission, devise for this purpose: pro- vided, however, that enumerators shall be, so far as is practicable, residents of the cities and towns for which they are appointed. From the persons so appointed, the director may select for clerical work in examining and tabu- lating the returns and preparing the results of the census for publication such as may, by virtue of experience and training acquired in the work of the census, be deemed especially qualified therefor. All clerks, stenographers and other employees necessary in connection with the taking of the census and the analysis and publication of the results thereof, except as is other- wise provided herein, shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of chapter nineteen of the Revised Laws, and the amendments thereof, and the compensation of such employees shall be determined in the same manner as that of the regular employees of the bureau of statistics. Persons em- ployed in accordance with the provisions of this act may, after their census work is completed, be transferred by the director of the bureau of statistics to the regular staff of the said bureau. Whenever, for the purpose of ex- pediting the census or the publication of the results thereof, it shall be deemed necessary to require clerks, stenographers or other office employees 678 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS- to work more than the usual number of actual working hours in any one day, they may be paid extra compensation based upon the regular rate of pay. Any person employed under the provisions of this act who is found incompetent or derelict in the performance of his duty may be re- moved by the director of the bureau of statistics and a successor im- mediately appointed. Section 3. Upon the petition of the city government of any city filed with the director of the bureau of statistics prior to the first day of January in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen for an enumeration of the city in such manner as to show the number of inhabitants and legal voters in each street, square or avenue, or in such blocks or squares of the city as may be designated, and specifying the details with which it is desired that the re- sults thereof shall be tabulated, the enumeration shall so be made: pro- vided, that the director is able to procure such maps or plans as may be necessary for this purpose. The tabulations herein provided for shall be limited to such inquiries as appear upon the regular schedules for the census of population provided for in section one of this act, and upon the completion of the tabulations as aforesaid made for any city under the pro- visions of this section and the determination of the expense incurred therefor, the treasurer and receiver general shall issue his warrant as provided in section thirty-four of Part I of chapter four hundred and ninety of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and nine, requiring the assessors of the cities concerned to assess a tax to the amount of such expense, and the said amount shall be collected and paid over to the treasurer and receiver gen- eral in the same manner as other state taxes. A copy of any tabulations made in accordance with this section shall, as soon as possible thereafter, be filed by the director of the bureau of statistics with the city clerk of the city for which they were prepared. SECTION 4. The enumerators, interpreters, inspectors, special agents and other persons appointed under this act shall be furnished with a commission ifying to their appointment, and before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation that they will faithfully perform to the best of their ability the duties imposed upon them and that they will support the constitution and laws of the commonwealth; and each enumerator in making returns to the bureau shall sign and transmit therewith a certification, properly sworn to, that the information reported in such returns is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. SECTION 5. Upon the completion of the canvass of the district to which he is assigned, each enumerator shall forward to the director of the bureau of statistics a voucher properly sworn to, certifying to the number of days taken in making the canvass, the number of persons enumerated, and such other facts as may be required by said director; and each interpreter shall file a voucher in proper form for services rendered. No allowance or com- pensation shall be made to any enumerator or interpreter except upon the approval by the director of the bureau of statistics of vouchers filed as afore- said, and no allowance shall be made to any enumerator or interpreter for travelling or other expenses in addition to the fixed rate of pay, except in extreme cases, when, in the opinion of said director, such extra allowance would secure economy in the enumeration; and in no case shall any such APPENDICES. 679 extra allowance be made except upon the previous written authority of said director to incur such expenses nor except upon the presentation of a proper voucher covering the same: provided, however, that enumerators employing interpreters at their own expense without authorization in advance, may, within the discretion of said director, be allowed reimbursement for expenses so incurred; nor shall any allowance of pay for an enumerator or interpreter be made until the district to which he is assigned has been canvassed to the satisfaction of the director of the bureau of statistics, nor shall full payment be allowed an enumerator until all schedules furnished to him have been returned, examined, and accepted for tabulation. Said director may, before making allowances of pay, require any enumerator to make needed cor- rections of errors in his schedules without additional pay, and if an enumer- ator declines to make such corrections, or if, in the judgment of said director, it is deemed necessary to cause such correction or a re-enumeration of any part of such enumerator's district to be made by some other person, the cost of making the corrections or re-enumeration may be deducted from the amount that would otherwise have been allowed to him. SECTION 6. The information obtained under the provisions of this act shall be deemed confidential as respects individuals and no disclosures shall be made of names or any other data relating to individuals or of the names of individuals supplying the information called for by this act, except as is authorized by chapter three hundred and eighty-five of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six. Any person employed under the provisions of this act or any officer or other employee of the bureau of statistics who improperly discloses information furnished in confidence in accordance with this act, or who wilfully refuses to perform any duty required of him in accordance with law, or who is guilty of wilful deceit or falsehood in the discharge of his duty shall be subject to a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than one year; and any person who refuses to furnish information as required by this act to a person authorized to collect the same shall be liable to pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars for every such refusal. All fines imposed by this act may be re- covered in any court of competent jurisdiction, by information or complaint of the attorney-general, and shall accrue to the commonwealth. SECTION 7. As soon as possible after the enumeration provided for by this act has been completed and the results thereof duly determined, the director of the bureau of statistics shall make a return of the same to the secretary of the commonwealth, showing the number of inhabitants and legal voters as determined by said enumeration in each town and in each ward of the several cities, and the secretary shall submit the same to the general court within the first ten days of the session next following. SECTION 8. In addition to the census provided for by section one of this act, the director of the bureau of statistics shall also cause to be taken during the year nineteen hundred and fifteen a census of the fisheries and commerce of the commonwealth, and the several provisions of this act shall, so far as is practicable, apply thereto. SECTION 9. The director of the bureau of statistics shall cause to be prepared and printed, in such detail and with such analyses as he may deem advisable, tabulations of the various classes of information gathered in 680 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS accordance with this act; and he may publish the same in bulletins from time to time in such number as may be necessary in his judgment to meet the legitimate demand therefor, reserving not less than twenty-one hundred copies of each issue for subsequent binding as herein provided for. When a series of said bulletins covering related subjects has been completed, he may cause the same to be suitably bound in volumes, and these, with such other volumes containing information gathered in the census, as may be prepared, shall be distributed under the direction of the secretary of the commonwealth as follows: — To each member of the general court in the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, nineteen hundred and fifteen and nineteen hundred and sixteen, one copy, and an additional copy to the clerk of the senate and the clerk of the house for the use of their respective offices; to the governor, lieutenant governor, and each member of the council of the years nineteen hundred and fourteen, nineteen hundred and fifteen and nineteen hundred and sixteen, one copy; to each state board, department, or commission listed in the manual for the general court, one copy; to the senators and representatives of Massachusetts in congress, one copy each; to the justices of the supreme judicial court and to the justices of the superior court and to the clerks of said courts, one copy each; to the several registers of deeds, one copy each; to the several registers of probate and insolvency, one copy each; to each board of registrars of voters in the cities of the commonwealth, one copy; to each ci and town clerk for the use of his office, one copy; to • the libraries of the incorporated colleges and universities of the common- wealth, one copy each; to the several state normal schools, one copy each; to the several county law libraries of the commonwealth, one copy each; to each free public library in the commonwealth, at least one copy; to the Massachusetts Historical Society, the New England Genealogical Society, the Boston Athenæum, and the American Antiquarian Society, one copy each; to the library of congress, one copy; to the several state and territorial libraries of the United States, one copy each; to the bureau of statistics for distribution in the discretion of the director of said bureau, one hundred copies. Any remaining copies shall be distributed under the direction of the secretary of the commonwealth. SECTION 10. In addition to the preparation and publication of the tabu- lations provided for in section nine of this act, the director of the bureau of statistics is authorized to prepare from information obtained in the census such special tabulations from time to time as may be desired by any in- dividual or organization, and to charge therefor a reasonable sum, based upon the cost of making the same. All fees received under the provisions of this section shall be paid into the treasury of the commonwealth. SECTION 11. The director of the bureau of statistics is hereby authorized to expend a sum not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars in carrying out the provisions of this act, exclusive of the cost of paper, of which an amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars shall be available during the current year; and the sergeant-at-arms is hereby directed to provide for use in carrying out the provisions of this act such quarters as may be deemed by the director of the bureau of statistics to be suitable therefor, the cost of rental and other expenses in connection therewith to be paid out of the ap- propriation for the census. From and after the first day of July, in the APPENDICES. 681 year nineteen hundred and fourteen, until the thirtieth of June in the year nineteen hundred and seventeen, this period covering approximately the time required in preparing for and supervising the taking of the census and tabulating the results thereof for publication, the director of the bureau of statistics and the deputy director of said bureau shall receive extra com- pensation at the rate of twelve hundred dollars and one thousand dollars per annum, respectively, in addition to their salaries as fixed by law, the same to be paid from the appropriation for census purposes. Chapter four hundred and twenty-three of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and four is hereby repealed. SECTION 12. This act shall take effect upon its passage. (Approved June 20, 1914. 682 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS APPENDIX B. CHAPTER 120, RESOLVES OF 1914. RESOLVE TO PROVIDE FOR SECURING IN CONNECTION WITH THE DECENNIAL CENSUS CERTAIN INFORMATION RELA- TIVE TO AGED AND DEPENDENT PERSONS. - Resolved, That, for the purpose of securing information for the general court for a proper consideration of the subject of old age pensions, so- called, the director of the bureau of statistics be required, in connection with the taking of the decennial census in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, to collect, assort, arrange and transmit in print to the general court at his earliest convenience the following statistical information: - the number of persons sixty-five years of age and over in the cities and towns of the commonwealth and their length of residence in the commonwealth; the number of dependent persons of all ages being supported in the various public and private institutions throughout the commonwealth; the number of persons of all ages in the various cities and towns of the commonwealth who are receiving aid from any public source or who have received it dur- ing the preceding year, and the total amounts so paid. The director of the bureau of statistics is further authorized to compile statistics as to the number of persons aided from private sources and the total amount so paid, and to obtain any other information which, in his opinion, may promote the purposes of the inquiry. All expenses under this resolve shall be paid out of the appropriation for said census, and, so far as may be practicable, the director shall give preference in tabulating the results of the census to the compilation of the information called for by this resolve. [Approved June 20, 1914. APPENDICES. 683 APPENDIX C. I. ORDER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ADOPTED MARCH 24, 1915, REQUESTING THE OPINION OF THE JUS- TICES OF THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT UPON THE CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATURE TO FIX THE CENSUS DAY. Ordered, That the opinion of the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court be required by the House of Representatives on the following questions of law: 1. If a census of the inhabitants of each city and town of the Com- monwealth, and a special enumeration of the legal voters thereof, shall be taken by the Bureau of Statistics as of the first day of April in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, as provided by section one of chapter six hundred and ninety-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, will such census be in conformity with the requirements of Ar- ticles XXI and XXII of the Amendments of the Constitution which pro- vides that “ a census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, on or before the last day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven; and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty- five, and of every tenth year thereafter?” 2. Will an apportionment by the Legislature of the members of the House of Representatives to the several counties and a division of the Commonwealth into senatorial districts based upon an enumeration of legal voters made under the provisions of said chapter six hundred and ninety-two, if otherwise in conformity with the requirements of said Ar- ticles XXI and XXII of the Constitution, be rendered illegal because the enumeration of legal voters is made as of the first day of April in the current year? 3. Will a census of the inhabitants of each city and town of the Com- monwealth, and a special enumeration of the legal voters thereof, taken in conformity with the provisions of said chapter six hundred and ninety- two, as amended by the accompanying bill, now pending in the House of Representatives, conform with the requirements of said Articles XXI and XXII of the Constitution, so that the same may be made the basis for an apportionment by the Legislature of the members of the House of Repre- sentatives to the several counties of the Commonwealth and of a division of the Commonwealth into senatorial districts? 4. These questions of law are important, and the opinion of the justices is required in order to determine whether the remedial legislation is neces- sary to provide for the taking of the decennial census of the current year 684 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS II. OPINION OF THE JUSTICES. The order adopted on the twenty-fourth day of March, 1915, a copy of which is hereto annexed, has been received and the following opinion is submitted: The question presented is whether Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution require the state decennial census to be taken as of the first day of May, or whether the exact time within the designated year may be fixed by the General Court. The decisive words of Article XXI are these: "A census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, on or before the last day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven; and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of every tenth year thereafter.” Precisely the same words occur in Article XXII of the Amendments. The natural and ordinary meaning of these words is that the date as of which the enumeration shall be made and when it shall be returned into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth is defined for the year 1857; but it is not stated for the year 1865 or any subsequent period. No later provision of either article or amendment discloses a different purpose. The apportion ment of the representatives to the several counties required by Article XXI must be made by the Legislature "at its first session after the return of each enumeration as aforesaid.” The boards of public officers authorized to divide the counties nto districts are required to assemble “on the first Tuesday of August next after each assignment of representa- tives to each county" for the performance of their duties. By Article XXII, “The general court shall, at its first session after each next preceding special enumeration, divide the commonwealth into forty districts” for the elec- tion of senators. These requirements do not point to any particular or unvarying date for taking the census. Articles XXI and XXII, which were adopted in 1857, supplanted respectively Article XII and XIII of the Amendments. Those articies by unmistakable language made necessary the taking of each successive decennial census in the month of May. The words of Article XII as to the time when the census should be taken were these: “A census of the ratable polls in each city, town and district of the commonwealth, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the secretary's office, in such manner as the legislature shall provide, within the month of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and in every tenth year thereafter, in the month of May." The words of Article XIII are equally unequivocal in desig- nating the month of May, and are these: “A census of the inhabitants of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken, and re- turned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of June, of the year one thousand eight hundred and forty, and of every tenth year there- , after." The refusal to follow this plain provision of the earlier amend- ments in adopting the amendments now in force, and the use of words APPENDICES. 685 naturally conveying a different meaning, indicates that the people intended to make a change in this respect. The convention of 1853 included among its constitutional propositions one beginning with these words: “A census of the inhabitants of each city and town in the commonwealth, on the first day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and on the first day of May of each tenth year thereafter, shall be taken and returned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of June fol- lowing the said first day of May in each of said years." Although this with the other propositions of that convention was rejected by the people in November, 1853, its provisions doubtless were familiar to the public men who composed the Legislature of 1856 by which Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments were first adopted. If it had been the purpose of the framers of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments that each census should be taken during the month of May, it would have been easy to express that purpose in simple and direct phrase so clear that it could not be misunderstood. Three models of apt words in suitable form to convey that meaning were at hand in the existing Articles XII and XIII and the proposition of the convention of 1853. The adoption of words of a contrary import cannot be treated as accidental, but must be construed as manifesting a settled design to alter the provisions of the earlier amendments on this point as to each census following that of 1857. This is in conformity with the true theory of a constitution which is to establish only broad principles and to leave details to be wrought out by the Legislature according to the varying demands of policy and expediency. It follows that under the constitutional provisions now in force the General Court may fix the first day of April as the date as of which the state census must be taken in any tenth year following 1865. The first of May was assumed to be the date of the census in Opinions of the Justices, 142 Mass. 601, 604, 605, and 157 Mass. 595, 598. But that question was not there presented for determination and was not discussed. Doubtless no date other than May first was thought of then or at any time until after the passage of St. 1914, c. 198, fixing the first of April in place of the first of May as the date as of which taxes must be assessed. The references in those opinions to the first of May are not authorities against the conclusions now reached. Accordingly the first question is answered Yes and the second No. Perhaps the third question becomes immaterial in view of the foregoing But plainly it is within the constitutional power of the Legis- lature to order the census to be taken on the first day of May in the cur- rent year, and thus change St. 1914, c. 692, requiring it to be taken as of April first. answers. 686 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS APPENDIX D. PROCLAMATION OF THE GOVERNOR RELATIVE TO THE CENSUS. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts By His ExceLLENCY DAVID I. WALSH, GOVERNOP.. A PROCLAMATION. I'hereas, By the provisions of Chapter 692, Acts of 1914 of the General Court of Massachusetts, the Decennial Census of the Commonwealth is to be taken by the Bureau of Statistics, beginning on the first day of April, nineteen hundred and fifteen; and Il'hereas, A correct enumeration of the population every ten years and an enumeration of the legal voters is required by the Constitution of the Commonwealth for the purpose of determining the representation of the people in the Legislature; and Whereas, It is of the utmost importance to the interest of all the people of Massachusetts that this census should be a complete and accurate report of the population of the Commonwealth; Nou, therefore, I, DAVID I. WALSH, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby declare and make known that, under the act aforesaid, it is the duty of every person to answer all questions on the census schedules applying to him and the family to which he belongs, and that any person refusing to do so is subject to penalty. The sole purpose of the census is to secure general statistical information regarding the population of the state, and replies are required from in- dividuals only in order to permit the compilation of such general statistics. The census has nothing to do with taxation, with army or jury service, with the compulsion of school attendance, with the regulation of immi- gration, or with the enforcement of any national, state, or local law or ordinance, nor can any person be harmed in any way by furnishing the information required. There need be no fear that any disclosures will be made regarding any individual person or his affairs, since for the due pro- tection of the rights and interests of the persons furnishing information every employee of the Bureau of Statistics engaged in this work is pro- hibited, under heavy penalty, from disclosing any information which may thus come to his knowledge. APPENDICES. 687 I therefore earnestly urge upon all persons to answer promptly, com- pletely, and accurately all inquiries addressed to them by the enumerator: or other employees of the Bureau of Statistics, and thereby to contribute their share toward making this great and necessary public undertaking a success. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed. Done at the city of Boston this first day of March, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and of the Independ- ence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-ninth. DAVID I. WALSH. By His Excellency the Governor. ALBERT P. LANGTRY, Secretary of the Commonwealth. God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 688 - 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS APPENDIX E. FACSIMILES OF THE POPULATION CENSUS SCHEDULES 1915 — CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS-1915 POPULATION SCHEDULE APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, July 15, 1914 (Chap. 692, Acts of 1914) 1-ENUMERATION DISTRICT NO. 2-HOUSE NO. 3-FAMILY NO. (ORDER OF VISITATION)|(ORDER OF VISITATION) FAMILY [C-15-37) 4-SURNAME (HEAD OF FAMILY) 5-CHRISTIAN NAME AND INITIAL 6-RESIDENCE (STREET AND NUMBER) 7-TOWN (OR CITY) 8- NAME OF VILLAGE OR SECTION 9-COUNTY 10-WARD 11 - PRECINCT 12-BLOCK NUMBER 13-KIND OF HOUSE OR HABITATION 14 - NAME OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE INSTITUTION 18- NUMBER OF MALES WHOSE PLACE OF ABODE ON APRIL 1, 1915, was IN THIS FAMILY 15-NUMBER OF SUITES, FLATS, TENEMENTS, OR APARTMENTS IN THIS HOUSE OR HABITATION 16- NUMBER OF SUITES, FLATS, TENEMENTS, OR APARTMENTS UNOCCUPIED 19- NUMBER OF FEMALES WHOSE PLACE OF ABODE ON APRIL 1, 1915, WAS IN THIS FAMILY 17-NUMBER OF ROOMS OCCUPIED BY THIS FAMILY 20-NUMBER OF FAMILIES ENUMERATED IN THIS HOUSE OR HABITATION APPENDICES. 689 1915 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETT8-1915 POPULATION SCHEDULE APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, July 15, 1914 (Chap. 692, Acts of 1914) 1-ENUMERATION DISTRICT NO. MALE 2-HOUSE NO. 3-FAMILY NO. (ORDER OF VISITATION)|(ORDER OF VISITATION) [C-15-38) 4-SURNAME 5-CHRISTIAN NAME AND INITIAL 6- RESIDENCE (STREET AND NUMBER) 7-TOWN (OR CITY) 8-WARD 9- PRECINCT 10-BLOCK NO. 11-COUNTY 12-NAME OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE INSTITUTION 13-RELATION TO HEAD OF FAMILY 14-COLOR OR RACE 15 - CONJUGAL CONDITION 18-WAR VETERAN 16-ABLE TO READ ENGLISH OR, IF NOT, WHAT LANGUAGE 17- ABLE TO WRITE ENGLISH; OR. IF NOT, WHAT LANGUAGE 19-RATABLE POLL 23-BLIND 24-PAUPER 25-IDIOT (BOTH EYES) 20-LEGAL VOTER 26-AGE (AT LAST BIRTHDAY) 21-NATURALIZED VOTER 22-ALIEN 30-PLACE OF BIRTH OF THIS PERSON 27-NUMBER OF MONTHS RESIDENT DURING CENSUS YEAR IN TOWN (OR CITY) IN WHICH NOW LIVING 28-NUMBER OF YEARS RESIDENT IN MASSACHUSETTS 29 - NUMBER OF YEARS RESIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES 33-TOWN (OR CITY) IN WHICH EMPLOYED 31 - PLACE OF BIRTH OF HIS FATHER 32-PLACE OF BIRTH OF HIS MOTHER 34-TRADE OR PROFESSION OF, OR PAR-35-NATURE OF INDUSTRY, BUSINESS, OR TICULAR KIND OF WORK DONE BY THIS ESTABLISHMENT IN WHICH THIS PERSON PERSON, AS SPINNER, SALESMAN, WORKS, AS COTTON MILL, DRY GOODS LABORER, ETC. STORE, FARM, ETC. 690 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - 1915- CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS—1915 POPULATION SCHEDULE APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, July 15, 1914 (Chap. 692, Acts of 1914) 1-ENUMERATION DISTRICT NO. 2-HOUSE NO. 3- FAMILY NO. (ORDER OF VISITATION)|(ORDER OF VISITATION) FEMALE [C-15-39] 4-SURNAME 5-CHRISTIAN NAME AND INITIAL 6- RESIDENCE (STREET AND NUMBER) 7-TOWN (OR CITY) 8-WARD 9- PRECINCT 10-BLOCK NO. 11-COUNTY 12-NAME OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE INSTITUTION 13- RELATION TO HEAD or FAMILY 14-COLOR OR RACE 15-CONJUGAL CONDITION 16-ABLE TO READ ENGLISH: OR, IF NOT, WHAT LANGUAGE 18-BLIND (BOTH EYES) 17-ABLE TO WRITE ENGLISH: OR, IF NOT, WHAT LANGUAGE 19-AGE KLAST BIRTHDAY) 20-PLACE OF BIRTH OF THIS PERSON 21 - PLACE OF BIRTH OF HER FATHER 23-NUMBER OF MONTHS RESIDENT DURING CENSUS YEAR IN TOWN (OR CITY) IN WHICH NOW LIVING 24-NUMBER OF YEARS RESIDENT IN MASSACHUSETTS 25-NUMBER OF YEARS RESIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES 26-TOWN (OR CITY) IN WHICH EMPLOYED 22- PLACE OF BIRTH OF HER MOTHER 27 - TRADE OR PROFESSION OF, OR PAR- TICULAR KIND OF WORK DONE BY THIS 28- NATURE OF INDUSTRY, BUSINESS, OR PERSON, AS SPINNER, SALESWOMAN, ETC. ESTABLISHMENT IN WHICH THIS PERSON WORKS, AS COTTON MILL, DRY GOODS STORE, ETC. APPENDICES. 691 1915—CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1915 (c.15-40 ] VETERAN OF THE CIVIL WAR APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, July 15, 1914 (Chap. 692, Acts of 1914) 1- ENUMERATION DISTRICT NUMBER 2-HOUSE NUMBER (ORDER OF VISITATION) 3- FAMILY NUMBER (ORDER OF VISITATION) -SURNAME 5-CHRISTIAN NAME AND INITIAL 6-RESIDENCE (STREET AND NUMBER) 7 - TOWN (OR CITY) 8-AGE (AT LAST BIRTHDAY) ARMY SERVICE - COMPANY 10 - REGIMENT 11-STATE 12-BRANCH OF SERVICE NAVY SERVICE 13-ON WHAT VESSELS APPENDIX F. AN HISTORICAL SURVEY OF CENSUS TAKING IN MASSACHUSETTS INCLUDING A SKETCH OF THE VARIOUS METHODS ADOPTED FROM TIME TO TIME SINCE 1780 FOR DETERMINING AND APPORTIONING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE SENATE AND COUNCIL By CHARLES F. GETTEMY Director of the Bureau of Statistics, 1907-1919 CONTENTS. PAGE 697-710 711-713 PART 1. Censuses of Population PART II. Censuses of Industry, Agriculture, and Subjects Other than Population PART III. The "Census Day," and the Authority of the Legislature to fix the Same in its Discretion under Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution , PART IV. The Determination and Apportionment of Membership of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and Council PART V. Bibliography of Massachusetts Censuses 714-724 725–744 745–749 AN HISTORICAL SURVEY OF CENSUS TAKING IN MASSACHUSETTS. PART I. CENSUSES OF POPULATION. Census taking, or enumerations of portions of or the entire population, in Massachusetts falls naturally into four distinct historical periods, as follows: 1. From the earliest colonial times to 1790, the year when the first United States Census under the federal Constitution was taken. 2. From 1790 to 1837, during which period enumerations of population were limited to those taken decennially by the United States under the federal Constitution. 3. From 1837 to 1857, during which period the federal decennial censuses were supplemented by state censuses of ratable polls in 1837 and of inhabitants in 1840 and 1850 in compliance with the provisions of Articles XII and XLII, respectively, of the Amendments to the Constitution; and also by censuses of inhabitants in 1837 and in 1855 under statutory authority only. 4. From 1857 to the present time, during which period there have been, in addi- tion to the federal decennial censuses, in the years ending in a zero, state censuses of legal voters in 1857 and of population and legal voters in 1865, and in each tenth year thereafter in compliance with the provisions of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution. 7 From 1837 to 1905 there have also been periodical censuses of industry, agriculture, and other subjects taken in later years in conjunction with the censuses of population under the authority of statutory provisions only, which will be considered separately; in the matter immediately following, therefore, the term “census" will be understood as limited to enumerations of population. 1. CENSUSES PRIOR TO 1790. The first general enumeration of the population of Massachusetts, which may properly be dignified by the term “census” and for which fairly com- plete and accurate returns are available, was that of 1765. As early, how- ever, as May 10, 1643, the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed an order “that warrant should bee sent to the townes to send the number of males from sixteen year ould to sixetie, in the beginning of the 6th m. next," this enumeration being made necessary by the requirements of the Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England, - a combination of the colonies of Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Con- necticut, and New Haven, Article 4 of which was as follows: It is by these Confederats agreed that the charge of all just warrs whether offensiue or defensiue upon what part or member of this Confederacon soeuer they fall, shall both in men and provisions and all other Disbursements be borne 698 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS- by all the parts of this Confederacon in different proprocons according to their different abilitie in manner following, namely that the Commissioners for eich Juridiccon from tyme to tyme as there shalbe occation bring a true account and number of all the males in euery Plantacon or any way belonging to or under their seueral Jurisdiccons of what quallyty or condicon soeuer they bee from sixeteene years old to three-score being Inhabitants there. And that ac- cording to the different numbers which from tyme to tyme shalbe found in eich Jurisdiccon upon a true and just account, the service of men and all charges of the warr be borne by the Poll: eich Jurisdiccon or Plantacon being left to their owne just course and custome of rating themselues and people according to their different estates with due respects to their quallites and exemptions among themselues though the Confederacon take no notice of any such priv- iledg; and that according to their different charge of eich Jurisdiccon and plan- tacon, the whole advantage of the warr (if it please God to bless their Endeavours) whether it be in lands goods or persons shall be proportionately deuided among the said Confederats. In May, 1646, another order was passed by the General Court for a similar enumeration of males between 16 and 60, and in November of the same year an enumeration of all males was ordered in connection with a uniform valuation and assessment of property. Similar orders were passed October 27, 1647, May 23, 1655, and from time to time afterwards, the object of which was to secure enumerations of the inhabitants for assess- ment purposes, but such returns as may have been made of the results were very meagre. An exhaustive research of early colonial and provincial records, supplemented by reference to a memorandum book relative to facts pertaining to the population during the revolutionary period, in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, appears to have been made by Joseph B. Felt (at one time librarian of that society), the results of which he embodied in a paper on the "Population of Massachusetts," published in 1845 in the first volume of the Collections of the American Statistical Association. From this paper, which remains the authoritative treatise on this subject, the following statements respecting the population of the Plymouth Colony for various years from 1621 to 1673, of the Mas- sachusetts Bay Colony from 1629 to 1665, and of the Province from 1696 to the first general enumeration in 1765, are quoted: — Population of Plymouth Colony, 1621-1673. Before proceeding to give any particular census of the whites in Massachu- setts, we will notice them generally, as existing in Plymouth, while an inde- pendent Colony. As well known, this section of our Commonwealth became a part of her by the charter of 1691. 1621, Nov. According to Prince's Chronology, there were about 51, who survived the devastations of disease. 1622, July 16. Purchase assigned to the Colony about 100. 1624. Capt. John Smith, in his Path Way, remarked, “In this Plantation there is about an hundred and fourscore persons.” 1633. There were 89 polls, from 16 to 60. These, multiplied by 4), make nearly 396. 1637. The number of freemen was 122. These were to the whole people as about 1 to 43. Such a proportion allows 549. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 699 1654. The population of Connecticut was about 3,186. She stood to Plym- outh the year before, according to an assessment of men by commissioners of the United Colonies, in case of war with the Dutch, as 65 to 60. Then, as the former of these two proportions is to the people of Connecticut, so the latter is to those of Plymouth; being 2,941, within a small fraction. 1665. The estimated inhabitants of Massachusetts were 23,467. The pro- portion of Plymouth to her, in 1661, was as 105 to 464, in the division of wampum among the United Colonies. Assuming these premises, Plymouth would have about 5,310 souls, and a fraction over. 1673. An estimate of population in New England, was 78,416. Plymouth then held a ratio to the rest of New England as about 30 to 250. This would afford Plymouth 9,410 within a fraction. Population of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629-1665. In 1626, after Rev. John Lyford left Salem for Virginia, there probably re- mained thirty souls of all ages. It is not unlikely, that there were then 80 more at Mount Wollaston and other places, making a total of 110. In 1629, Mr. Higginson stated, that there were 300 new and old planters at Salem and Charles- town. Among the emigrants, who arrived that year, were 60 single and married females with 26 children. Besides these, the planters probably had as many as 50 servants. As Mount Wollaston settlement had terminated and sickness had diminished the colonists, who came with Endicott, there may not have been more than 140, who resided in Massachusetts before 1629, that survived and continued. Of these survivors, 70 may have been comprehended among the planters. Such items would make the people of the whole Colony, in 1629 as then bounded, amount to 506. More than 80 of this number were cut off, the next winter, by disease. In 1637, the General Court ordered 211 men proportionably from each town in Massachusetts. Salem was assessed 24 of them and then had 900 inhabitants. Say as the latter number of men is to their population, so are 211 men to the whole population of all the towns. The result is 7,912 and a fraction. Winthrop's Journal related, in 1639, that the soldiers of the Bay were mus- tered at Boston and amounted to 1,000. From supposing that the Bay then . included what was subsequently Essex County, some of the best historical author- ities have taken such military force to be all which existed in what has been denominated Massachusetts. But as it reached no further north than Chelsea, there were about 611 more soldiers. The reason for this supposition is, that, in 1637, the towns, not included in the preceding reference of Winthrop, were assessed 80 of the 211 soldiers, ordered against the Pequods. Though this ratio is not conclusively right, in its application to the case in view, because of changes in the number of the people, during the interim of two years, yet it is not likely to be far from being correct. Computing the total, 1,611 of the militia, at 5}, as their part of the whole people, the Colony contained 8,592. The moderate increase of two years, though many emigrants came in 1638, may be accounted for in the companies, who went to other colonies, and in the departure of those, who were sent off or went away on account of the difficulties with Ann Hutch- inson. Johnson observed, in his Wonder Working Providence, that, in the period of fifteen years to 1643, there had been brought to Massachusetts about 21,200 passengers. More than half of this number, at such a date, had, for other reasons in connection with that just assigned, returned to Europe or gone to different sections of America. Among these reasons may be particularly classed this, that as the persecution of the Puritans in England ceased in 1640, and thus stopped the tide of emigration to our shores, many of the colonists were induced to return and dwell in their native country. 700 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS The modern part of Universal History, vol. 29, p. 288, states, that, in 1612, New England could raise 7 or 8,000 militia. Such an estimate is too high. If we allow Massachusetts of them, about ber proportion, she would have had a population of over 20,000. This was much beyond the reality. Population of the Province, 1696–1765. In 1996, President Stiles estimated the inhabitants of New England at 100,000. The preceding year, Governor Fletcher laid before the Assembly of New York, the King's requisition of quotas from the several Provinces for raising a united force against the French. Rhode Island and Providence Plantation were pro- portioned at 48, Connecticut 120, and Massachusetts 350. Had New Hamp- shire been included, it would have stood at about 40. Hence, our Common- wealth, comprising Maine, as well as Plymouth, then possessed a part of the 100,000 people, as 350 to 558, which is 62,724. Other estimates of years prior to 1696, have been cited by authors. But they are evidently above what they should be, and, therefore, have not been adduced particularly in this con- nection. From observations on the American Colonies, about 1701, by Rev. Dr. Hum- phreys, Secretary of the Society, in England, for propagating the gospel in foreign parts, the Annals of Rev. Dr. Holmes estimate the population of Massachusetts, at that period, as 70,000. In 1718, according to Governor Shute's representation to the Board of Trade and Plantations in London, 1723, the militia of this Commonwealth were 15,000. Douglass remarked, that such force was one third of the alarm list, or about the number of polls. Of course, the 15,000 multiplied by 5} allow 80,000 people. In 1723, on the authority of Governor Shute, our Province had 94,000 in- habitants. In 1731, Anderson states, that Massachusetts had 120,000 souls. The num- ber of militia, being 50,000, assigned to her, the year before, by Salmon, must have been too many. In 1735, the History of the British Dominions in North America, allows 35,427 white polls to this Commonwealth, besides 2,600 negroes. The former number multiplied by 4, give a product of 141,708, which, with the colored people, make 144,308. This total is likely to be correct, because based on the Provincial account of polls. In 1742, Douglass places the white polls of Massachusetts at 41,000, being about 164,000 inhabitants. In 1747, the History of the British Dominions, just before quoted, estimates her militia at 36,000, making about 192,000 people. In 1749, the population here, as represented by a table in the Annals of Rev. Dr. Holmes, was 220,000, and, in 1755, 234,000. The great difference between the number of 1747 and 1749, indicates, that considerable deduction should be made from one or the other. The probability is, that the mistake is in the esti- mate of 1749, as being too large. Census of 1765. The first movement for a general census of Massachusetts was begun in 1763. On the 2d of June of that year, Governor Bernard communi- cated a message to the General Court to the following effect: I am directed by the Lords of Trade, to take a particular account of the number of the people of this Province, with all proper distinctions thereof. I am desirous to have this done with the utmost exactness, as such informa- HISTORICAL SURVEY. 701 tion will be of great use to the Government of this Province as well as of his Majesty's ministers. I therefore propose to have the returns of the several towns made upon oath, according to a form issued for this purpose. And as I apprehend these orders will be more effectual, if they are issued under the authority of the whole legislature, I recommend this affair to your con- sideration. The General Court apparently did not take kindly to the idea. The census being required by the British Government, it was viewed, comments Felt, “with anxious jealousy, by our fathers, as another plan for the imposition of taxes on our Province and the infringement of their charter rights. The numbering of Israel by David and its results were remembered, and applied by some to the injunction for their observance, as similarly objectionable and liable to be followed with judgments. Besides, the proposal, with so wide an application, being an unpractised one, in this meridian, was met with objections, common to novelties in political requisitions." Considerable delay accordingly ensued in putting the project into execution, for which Governor Bernard tactfully found excuses, but he persisted in endeavoring to procure the co-operation of the Legis- lature, which not desiring an open rupture with the Government, finally sanctioned the proposal, the House of Representatives passing an order February 2, 1764 directing the selectmen of each town and district to “take an exact account of the number of dwelling-houses, families, and people, in their respective towns and districts, including as well Indians civilized, negroes and mulattos, as white people, and females as well as males.” “But,” continues Felt, “as the heart of the people was not in it, many refused to comply with its requisitions. No doubt, their dis- affection to it was much increased by the tidings, that the Parliament had voted to tax the American Colonies. Nor was the acerbity of their feelings toward it, at all sweetened by the Sugar Act, which restricted their commerce with the West Indies. After waiting over a year, with his patience much tried and his fear not small, lest the British authorities would look on him as nerveless, the Chief Magis- trate desired, that the stronger confirmations of a formal law might be superadded. Accordingly, March 1, 1765, 'An act for carrying into execution an order of the General Court for numbering the people within this Province, passed in the two houses to be engrossed. On the 5th, it received the signature of the Governor.” The returns were ordered to be made on or before the twenty-fifth day of May, 1765.1 Census of 1776. On December 26, 1775, the Provincial Congress, for the purpose of raising the necessary funds for the prosecution of the war of inde- pendence, resolved - That the thirteen United Colonies be pledged for the redemption of the bills of credit so directed to be emitted. That each Colony provide ways i Collections of the American Statistical Association, 1845, Vol. I, paper by Joseph B. Felt, Population of Massachusetts, pp. 123-127, 146-157. For another account of this census see Joseph B. Benton's Early Census Making in Massachusetts. 702 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS and means to sink its proportion of said bills, in such manner as may be most effectual, and best adapted to the condition, circumstances, and equal mode of levying taxes in each Colony. That the proportion or quota of each re- spective Colony be determined according to the number of inhabitants of all ages, including negroes and mulattoes, in each colony. That it be rec- ommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions, or Councils, or Com- mittees of Safety of the respective Colonies, to ascertain, by the most im- partial and effectual means in their power, the number of inhabitants in each respective colony, taking care that the lists be authenticated by the oaths of the several persons who shall be intrusted with this service; and that the said Assemblies, Conventions, Councils, or Committees of Safety, do respec- tively lay before this Congress a return of the number of inhabitants of their respective Colonies, as soon as the same shall be procured. In conformity with this act of Congress, the General Court of Massa- chusetts, on February 16, 1776, passed an act "for ascertaining the number of inhabitants in this Colony," which recited: - Whereas the American Congress have recommended to the several Assem- blies, Conventions, Councils, and Committees of Safety of the respective Colonies, to ascertain, by the most impartial and effectual means in their power, the number of Inhabitants in the Colonies respectively: Be it enacted, by the Council and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that the Selectmen who shall be chosen in each town within this Colony for the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy- six, at their annual meeting in March, shall take an exact account of the num- ber of inhabitants, of all ages, including negroes and mulattoes (distinguish- ing the number of each), resident in their respective towns, and belonging to this Colony on the twentieth day of March aforesaid, and all soldiers and seamen in the service of the Continent or of this Colony, who are to be con- sidered as inhabitants of the towns to which they belonged respectively when they entered the said services, and that they shall make return of the same into the Secretary's office of this Colony, on or before the last day of June next. And every Selectman refusing or neglecting his duty herein, shall forfeit and pay as a fine for the use of this Colony, the sum of four pounds. One pre- Supplementing the resolve above quoted, the Legislature passed other resolves on the same date to facilitate the enumeration. scribed the form of the return to be made by the several towns, which was to provide for obtaining the following information: - The names of heads of each family. The number of white people in each family. The number of negroes and mulattoes in each family. The whole number in each family. Census of 1784. Congress, not satisfied with the results of efferts it had made in 1781' to procure an enumeration of the white inhabitants of the sev- ! On the 11th of December, 1781, the Continental Congress "Resolied, That it be recommended to the legis- latures of the several States, to cause to be taken and transmitted to Congress, as soon as practicable, the number of white inhabitants thereof, pursuant to the ninth article of the confederation." This being communicated to the Legislature of Massachusetts, was placed in the hands of a committee for consideration, which reported Feb- HISTORICAL SURVEY. 703 eral states, again ordered a census in a resolve passed February 17, 1783. This was very deliberately complied with by the General Court of Massachusetts, which on July 2, 1784, passed an act "for obtaining a just and accurate account of the quantity of land within this Com- monwealth granted to, or surveyed for, any person, the number of buildings thereon, and of its inhabitants." The assessors of the various towns were required to make the canvass and to return the particulars thereof as of September 1, 1784, to the Secretary of the Commonwealth not later than the following November 1. 2. CENSUSES FROM 1790 TO 1837. During this period the Commonwealth took no censuses, membership of the Legislature being based upon the number of ratable polls as de- termined by the assessors, and the only enumerations of the population of the State being those made by the United States pursuant to the require- ments of the federal Constitution. The population of Massachusetts as determined by these censuses was as follows: 1790, 378,787; 1800, 422,845; 1810, 472,040; 1820, 523,287; 1830, 610,408. 3. CENSUSES FROM 1837 TO 1857. Censuses of 1837. Two censuses were taken by the Commonwealth in 1837 as of the same date, May 1, one, a census of inhabitants, the other, a census of ratable polls only. The first was provided for by Chapter 85, Acts of 1837, approved March 21 of that year, and was taken for the pur- pose of enabling compliance with the act of Congress providing for the distribution of the surplus revenue in the treasury of the United States among the several states, and which it was required by the Legislature should be deposited with the several towns of the Commonwealth in proportion to their respective population. The population as deter- mined by this census was 701,331. The census of ratable polls taken in the same year was necessitated by the requirements of Article XII of the Amendments to the Con- stitution as a means of establishing what was believed would be a more satisfactory basis for apportioning membership in the House of ruary 20, 1782, to the effect that "a very accurate account of the number of souls within this Commonwealth” having been taken in 1776, “at which time the whites amounted to 338,627, and as there was a general valuation taken of all polls, rateable and not rateable, whether at home or abroad, in 1772, 1778, and 1781, - it is supposed a more accurate account of the number of whites cannot be had than from said returns. ... Based upon the number of polls returned for 1781, the report estimates the total white population for that year as 358,402. No recommendation for compliance with the request of Congress was made, the committee evidently feeling that the desired information, so far as Massachusetts was concerned, was sufficiently accurate and up to date for prac- tical purposes. The House accepted the report, the Senate favored a more literal compliance with the act of Con- gress, and the matter was then dropped and the data already at hand were permitted to serve the purposes of taxation for carrying on the remainder of the war. “Whatever else," says Felt in his paper on the population of Massachusetts already quoted (p. 133), “may have induced the Representatives thus to hold back, it was not to hide the real number of our inhabitants. They endorsed the liberal estimate of the report, which multiplied the polls by 4}, as the amount of them, instead of the common ratio of 4. Their apparent objection to comply with the recommendation of Congress, was, that the call for it, in Massachusetts, was not so great as in other parts of the Cnion, because they had means whereby it might be correctly enough answered, as to all its public purposes. They also probably feared that, under the great burdens borne by the people, such a measure might alienate the feelings of many from government, without any absolute benefit. Still, the example of the Senate was safer and wiser, which by obedience would have given stability to the legislation of Congress, already too weak-handed by deficiencies of the confederacy." 704 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Representatives than by permitting the number to be determined locally by the assessors as had, in effect, hitherto been the practice.1 This amendment, which was adopted by the General Court during the sessions of the years 1835 and 1836 and was approved and ratified by the people November 14, 1836, provided that the apportionment of representatives should be based upon “a census of the ratable polls in each city, town, or district of the commonwealth, on the first day of May," which should "be taken and returned into the secretary's office, in such manner as the legislature shall provide, within the month of May,” in the year 1837 and in every tenth year thereafter in the month of May; and an enabling act consistent with the constitutional requirement was passed on April 12 (Chapter 128 of the Acts of 1837). The number of ratable polls returned by this census was 193,431. Censuses of 1840. A new basis of determining representation in the Senate and House of Representatives was provided by Article XIII of the Amendments, which was adopted by the General Court during the sessions of the years 1839 and 1840 and approved and ratified by the people April 6, 1840. It provided that — A census of the inhabitants of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken, and returned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of June, of the year one thousand eight hundred and forty, and of every tenth year thereafter; which census shall determine the apportionment of senators and representatives for the term of ten years. Consistently with this article of amendment, the Legislature passed Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1840, approved March 21 of that year, which provided in Section 1 as follows: — > A census of the inhabitants of the several cities and towns in this common- wealth, on the first day of May next, and on the first day of May, in every tenth year thereafter, shall be taken and returned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of the following June, in the manner hereinafter prescribed; provided, however, that state paupers and convicts in the state prison shall not be numbered; also the inmates of the several hospitals, jails and houses of correction, and the students in colleges, academies and high schools, shall not be numbered in the census of towns to which they do not belong. The total number of "inhabitants of the several cities and towns" as determined by this census was 719,364. The total population as de- termined by the United States Census, taken in the same year, was 737,699. The constitutional and legislative provisions for a census in the year 1840 and every tenth year thereafter involved in those years a dupli- cation of the canvass made by the United States in taking its decen- nial census of population, though the character of the two censuses i See Part IV, p. 727. 2 Yeas, 34,719; nays, 11,754. • Yeas, 24,884; nays, 4,912. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 705 was not absolutely identical, for the federal enumeration was supposed to be complete as to total population, while the state enumeration expressly excluded "state paupers and convicts in the state prison." Censuses of 1850. The decennial census of inhabitants provided for by Article XIII of the Amendments to the Constitution was duly taken in 1850 under the provisions of Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1840, which remained in force, no additional legislation being apparently deemed necessary. The number of inhabitants of the Commonwealth as determined by this census was 973,654. The total population as determined by the United States Census taken in the same year was 994,514. Census of 1855. Notwithstanding the censuses of population and of inhabitants which were now being taken decennially in the same year by the federal government and by the Commonwealth, respectively, under constitu- tional provisions, the Legislature apparently felt that there should be an enumeration as often as once in each five years, and so in 1855 it passed an act (Chapter 439), approved May 21, which provided that – A census of the inhabitants of each city and town of the commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be taken, between the first day of June and the first day of October, as to existing facts on the first day of June in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five and also in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and in each tenth year thereafter. The population of the Commonwealth as determined by the Census of 1855 was 1,132,369. Census of 1857. But before the year 1860, in which, under the Constitution, another census of inhabitants for the purpose of determining representation in the Legislature during the succeeding decade must needs be taken, the Constitution was again amended by Articles XXI and XXII (adopted by the General Court of the political years 1856 and 1857 and approved and ratified by the people May 1, 1857)," which changed the basis of representation from inhabitants to legal voters, the provision for the census being as follows: A census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the secretary of the common- wealth, on or before the last day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven; and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and of every tenth year thereafter. In the census aforesaid, a special enumeration shall be made of the legal voters; and in each city, said enumeration shall specify the number of such legal voters aforesaid, residing in each ward of such city. Inasmuch as the census of legal voters to be taken in 1857, as pro- vided for in these amendments, was to be as of May 1, and as the 1 The vote on Article XXI was: yeas, 31,277; nays, 6,282. The vote on Article XXII was: yeas, 32,971; nays, 4,342. 706 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS election to determine whether the amendments would be ratified was to be held on that day, the Legislature anticipated the ratification by passing an act on April 11, 1857, making more definite provision for taking the census of legal voters in the then current year, and for the census of legal voters and inhabitants to be taken in the year 1865 and every tenth year thereafter. This act, Chapter 60 of 1857, was to become effective "from and after the date of the governor's procla- mation, announcing that either of the articles of amendment of the Constitution, relating to the districting of the state for the choice of representatives or senators to the General Court, to be submitted to the people on the first day of May of the present year, has been duly adopted and ratified by them; and if both of said amendments shall be rejected, this act shall be void.” This act also expressly repealed Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1840 and thus remedied the virtual dupli- cation of the population census by the Commonwealth and the federal government in the same year, such as had already occurred in 1840 and 1850, while by the adoption of the amendments of 1857 to the State Constitution there was, in conjunction with the federal census, a quinquennial enumeration of the population of the Commonwealth, which has been maintained up to the present time. The census of May 1, 1857, showed a total of 211,681 legal voters. 4. STATE CENSUSES SINCE 1857. Census of 1865. As above stated, Chapter 60, Acts of 1857, approved April 11 of that year, passed in conformity with the Twenty-first and Twenty- second Articles of Amendment, provided that A census of the legal voters of each city and town in this commonwealth, on the first day of May next, shall be taken and returned into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, on or before the last day of June next, and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town on the first day of May, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and of every tenth year there- after, in the manner hereinafter prescribed. This act thus became, unless and until repealed, the permanent census law of the Commonwealth, and in 1860 it was repealed by Chapter 182 of the General Statutes, but was reincorporated, in sub- stance, in the general revision, becoming Chapter 20 of the General Statutes of 1860. When, however, the time came to prepare for the (ensus of 1865, it was found desirable to pass a new enabling act, and this has been done with each recurring census period, notwithstanding the act as passed each decade, with the exception of that making provision for the Census of 1915, has in form purported to provide for all future censuses. The enabling act for the Census of 1865 was Chapter 69 of the Acts of that year, approved March 6, and provided in Section 1 that "A census of the inhabitants of each city and town in the commonwealth on the first day of May shall be taken in the year 1865 and in every tenth year thereafter and shall contain a special enumeration of the legal voters HISTORICAL SURVEY. 707 residing in each town, and in each ward of the several cities." By Section 3, the censụs was to be taken in the cities by agents appointed by the mayor and aldermen, and in towns by the selectmen or by agents appointed by them, and it was provided that a return of the results should be made on or before August 20 of the same year to the sheriff of the county "who shall transmit it to the office of the secretary of the commonwealth on or before the last day of said August; or the selectmen or agents may themselves trans- mit the return to the office of the secretary on or before the day last named.” Hitherto it had been the practice to have censuses taken by the as- sessors, but it was felt that this method was distinctly prejudicial to a complete and impartial canvass because of the supposed indisposi- tion of many persons to give all the facts desired for census purposes to canvassers who might use the same for purposes of taxation. Section 7 of this act repealed Chapter 20 of the General Statutes of 1860. Thus Chapter 69 of the Acts of 1865 became the law for the Census of 1865 and for succeeding decennial censuses unless and until amended or repealed. The population of the Commonwealth as deter- mined by the Census of 1865 was 1,267,031. Census of 1875. A notable change was made in the administrative methods of census- taking in preparing for the Census of 1875. Since the preceding state census, namely, in 1869, a distinct statistical department had been created by the Legislature, the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, and since this Bureau was charged by the provisions of Chapter 386 of the Acts of 1874, approved June 30, with the duty of taking an in- dustrial census in 1875, it was decided to give over to it also the taking of the population census, which had hitherto been a function of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. This was done by incorporating a provision (Section 2) in the industrial census act stipulating that "the decennial census of the commonwealth required by articles twenty-one and twenty-two of the amendments to the Constitution shall be taken by the same persons as are appointed to gather the industrial statistics," provided for in Section 1, namely, such of the assessors of the several cities and towns as might be appointed by the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, thus authorizing a return to the extent that the chief of the Bureau might find it expedient to do so, to the practice of permitting assessors to act as enumerators. As no special designation was made in the census legislation of 1874 of a census day, or a date for making the return of the results to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and as only so much of Section 3 of Chapter 69 of the Acts of 1865 as was inconsistent with Chapter 386 of the Acts of 1874 was repealed by it, the provision of the act of 1865 requiring the census of that year and of every tenth year there- after to be taken as of May 1 remained in force, and the Census of 1875 was accordingly taken as of May 1. The act of 1865, however, in providing in Section 3 that the return to the Secretary should be made not later than August 31, did not specifically indicate that the 708 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS period for making the return should remain the same in each subse- quent census year; but the census office apparently .construed this to be intended and as applying to the Census of 1875. The popu- lation of the Commonwealth as determined by the Census of 1875 was 1,651,912. Census of 1885. In 1882 the laws of the Commonwealth were subjected to another general revision, and Chapter 69 of the Acts of 1865 was accordingly repealed by Chapter 224 of the Public Statutes of 1882, and its pro- visions incorporated into Chapter 31, the phraseology running in Section 1: A census of the inhabitants of each city and town in the commonwealth on the first day of May shall be taken, under the direction of the bureau of statistics of labor, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and in every tenth year thereafter, and shall contain a special enumeration of the legal voters residing in each town, and in each ward of the several cities; (6 and in Section 3 it was provided that The agents and assessors appointed to take the census "shall on or before the twentieth day of August of the same year, deliver the return to the sheriff of the county, who shall transmit it to the office of the said bureau on or before the last day of said August; or they may themselves so transmit the return." Thus, Chapter 31 of the Public Statutes of 1882 became the law for the Census of 1885 and succeeding censuses unless and until amended or repealed. This statute was, however, superseded by Chapter 181, Acts of 1884, approved April 23, which provided in Section 1 that - The decennial census of the commonwealth required by articles twenty-one and twenty-two of the amendments to the Constitution and the decennial census of the industries of the commonwealth shall be taken in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-five and in every tenth year thereafter, under the direction of the bureau of statistics of labor, by enumerators to be ap- pointed by said bureau. Section 3 of this act provided that the information gathered on the population schedule shall relate to each person residing in the commonwealth on the first day of ſay and by such schedule there shall be made a special enumeration of the legal voters, (etc.). Section 10 of the act provided tbat- The said bureau, after it has gathered the facts as to population, shall make a return of the aggregated results of the census as to population and voters for each town and city, and each ward of each city, and shall return into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, said aggregated results, on or before the first day of December of each census year, and the secretary shall prepare from such aggregated results, an abstract, arranged by counties, showing the number of legal voters in each town and in each ward of the sev- eral cities, and shall submit the same to the general court within the first ten days of the session following the taking of the census of inhabitants. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 709 Section 18 of this act repealed Chapter 31 of the Public Statutes. Thus Chapter 181 of the Acts of 1884 became the law for succeeding decennial censuses unless and until amended or repealed. The popu- lation of the Commonwealth as determined by the Census of 1885 was 1,942,141. Census of 1895. Chapter 224, Acts of 1894, approved April 11, provided in Section 1 for taking the census in the year 1895 “and in every tenth year there- after;" and in Section 3 provided that the information to be gathered as to population and social statistics shall include an enumeration of the inhabitants and a special enumeration of the legal voters “on the first day of May in the census year.” Section 10 repeated the pro- visions of the corresponding section of the Act of 1884 requiring a return of the results of the census to be made to the Secretary of the Commonwealth “on or before the first day of December of each census year.” Section 18 of this act repealed the Census Act of 1884 (Chapter 181) in its entirety. Thus the act of 1894 became the law for the Census of 1895 and for succeeding decennial censuses unless and until amended or repealed. The population of the Commonwealth as determined by the Census of 1895 was 2,500,183. 9 Census of 1905. When the general laws were codified and enacted as the Revised Laws of 1902, the census legislation on the statute books was omitted, though it had been included in the general revisions of 1860 and 1882, but since the census act of 1894 was not repealed by the Revised Laws of 1902, it still remained in force. As at each recurring census period since 1875, however, it had been found necessary to enact new legis- lation, so in 1904, Chapter 423, approved June 4, was passed to provide specifically for the Census of 1905, and, following custom, provision was made for taking the Census in 1905 "and in every tenth year thereafter" as of the first day of May, and requiring the return to be made to the Secretary of the Commonwealth “on or before the first day of December in each census year." Section 27 of this act repealed the census act of 1884 (Chapter 224). Thus the act of 1904 became the law for the Census of 1905 and for succeeding decennial censuses unless and until amended or repealed. The population of the Commonwealth as determined by the Census of 1905 was 3,003,680. Census of 1915. The enabling act for the Census of 1915 was approved June 20, 1914, being Chapter 692 of the acts of that year. It was char- acterized by numerous modifications of census legislation of former decades intended to meet the changing conditions of the times. One radical departure from the procedure of all former state censuses was the provision for taking the census as of April 1 instead of May 1,1 1 See Part III, "The Census Day." 710 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS which had been uniformly the census day since the first census of ratable polls in 1837; and for the first time, also, no definite date was fixed in the census act for the return to be made into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the stipulation in this respect being only that the returns should be made "as soon as possible after the enumeration"; but the Secretary of the Commonwealth being required to submit the return to the General Court within the first ten days of the legislative session next following the taking of the census, it was, of course, imperative that the return should be made in season to permit this to be done. The return was, in fact, made on December 23, 1915, and showed the population of the Commonwealth to be 3,693,310. Chapter 692 of the Acts of 1914 specifically repealed Chapter 423 of the Acts of 1904, and provided only for the Census of 1915; that is, it did not follow the practice of preceding census acts by providing not only for the Census of 1915, but for a census “in every tenth year thereafter," it having become apparent that such a provision served no useful purpose in view of the necessity of passing new legislation for each census. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 711 PART II. CENSUSES OF INDUSTRY, AGRICULTURE, AND SUBJECTS OTHER THAN POPULATION. 1837. By Chapter 199 of the Acts of 1837, approved April 19, provision was made for obtaining “statistical information in relation to certain branches of industry within the Commonwealth” as of April 1, 1837. This information was to be procured by the assessors of the several towns and returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and was to embrace data relative to the following specified industries: Cotton, olen, and silk manufacturing and sperm oil used by manufacturers; sheep growing and wool production; boot and shoe manufacturing; tanning; hat and straw bonnet manufacturing; paper manufacturing; pig, bar iron, and iron castings manufacturing; nail, axe, cutlery, metal button, and farm implement manufacturing; glass manufac- turing; comb manufacturing; tin and wooden ware manufacturing; distilling; salt making; shipbuilding; importation of sperm oil; the fisheries. This was the first systematic attempt to appraise the in- dustrial resources of the Commonwealth. 1845. By Chapter 171 of the Acts of 1845, approved March 21, provision was made for taking a census of industry similar to that of 1837, but upon a much more extended scale, over 90 articles of manufacture and agricultural products being specified regarding which information was to be obtained by the assessors as of April 1 and returned to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 1855. By Chapter 467 of the Acts of 1855, approved May 21, 1855, pro- vision was made for an industrial census similar to the Censuses of 1837 and 1845, and of substantially the same scope as the Census of 1845. The data, however, were to be obtained as of June 1 instead of April 1. 1865. By Chapter 146 of the Acts of 1865, approved April 24, provision was made for obtaining the Industrial Statistics of the Commonwealth, returns to be made as of May 1, 1865, by the aldermen of each city and the selectmen of each town, between May 1 and September 1, and in every tenth year thereafter, to the Secretary of the Common- wealth, relating to amount, description, and value of stock and fuel consumed, and of articles manufactured; to the produce of land, quarries, kilns, coal-beds, ore-beds, and fisheries; to wool, wood, bark, charcoal, farm products, live stock, ice, and imports; to vessels and boats built and buildings erected. The act proceeded to specify in great detail the character of information to be secured for these and for other subjects, including cotton and other textile manufactures. 1875. By Chapter 386 of the Acts of 1874, approved June 30, it was provided that the decennial Industrial Statistics to be obtained in 1875 in conformity with the requirements of Chapter 146 of the Acts of 1865 should be gathered under the direction of the Bureau of Statistics 712 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS of Labor by such of the assessors of the several cities and towns as said Bureau might appoint; and that the schedule of "heads of in- formation” set forth in the act of 1865 should be revised by the sec- retary of the Board of Education, the secretary of the Board of Agri- culture, and the Insurance Commissioner, subject to the approval of the Governor and Council. Beginning with this year all censuses have been taken by the Bureau of Statistics. 1885. By Chapter 181 of the Acts of 1884, approved April 23, compre- hensive provision was made in one act for the decennial censuses of population, legal voters, and industries (preceding census legislation being repealed), the information sought to be gathered on eight sched- ules, as follows: 1. Population and social statistics. 2. Manufactures. 3. Mining and quarrying. 4. Agricultural products and property. 5. Fisheries. 6. Commerce. 7. Libraries. 8. Schools and school property. The inquiries were subject to the approval of the Governor and Council. By a supplementary act, Chapter 55, Resolves of 1884, data relating to woodland were to be secured. The data to be ob- tained on schedules 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 were to be for the year ending June 30 of the census year, and those for schedule 4 for the year ending November 15 of the census year. For the first time provision was made that the census in all its branches should be obtained by "enumerators” appointed for the purpose, although certain of the returns were to be made by mail. 1895. By Chapter 224 of the Acts of 1894, approved April 11, provision was again made in one act not only for the decennial census of popu- lation and legal voters, as required by the Constitution, but also for securing information relating to - Social statistics. Manufactures. Mining and quarrying. Agricultural products and property. Fisheries. Commerce. Libraries. Schools and school property. The several schedules were to bear inquiries framed by the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and be approved by the Governor and Council. 1905. By Chapter 423 of the Acts of 1894, approved June 4, provision was again made in one act for the decennial census of population and HISTORICAL SURVEY. 713 legal voters required by the Constitution and for securing information relating to Social statistics. Manufactures. Trade. Mining and quarrying. Agricultural products and property. Fisheries. Commerce. Libraries. Schools and school property. The schedules were to contain inquiries framed by the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and be approved by the Governor and Council. The federal government, which had hitherto for some decades taken a census of manufactures in conjunction with its decennial census of population, began in 1905 to take a quinquennial census of manu- factures, so that in this year there were technically two censuses in Massachusetts covering this subject, for although there was but one field canvass (due to a co-operative arrangement between the Govern- ment and the Commonwealth), the results were tabulated and pub- lished independently. This appeared to be a needless duplication of effort and expense, so that in planning for the State Population Census of 1915, no provision was made for a census of manufactures to be taken in that year by the State, nor did the Legislature provide for a census of agriculture as it had hitherto done in connection with the decennial population census. Moreover, the annual collection of manu- factures statistics by the Bureau of Statistics, begun in 1886, had by now been developed so that it served the purpose of an annual census. 714 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS PART III. THE “CENSUS DAY,” AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE LEGIS- LATURE TO FIX THE SAME IN ITS DISCRETION UNDER ARTICLES XXI AND XXII OF THE AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Since the first enumeration of ratable polls in 1837, the census day for each census up to and including that of 1905 had uniformly been May 1, but when the time approached for drafting legislation to provide for the Census of 1915, the Director of the Bureau of Statistics thought it desirable that the date be changed to April 1. Before making a recommendation for such a radical innovation, however, he deemed it important to satisfy himself that the somewhat awkward phrasing of the constitutional pro- visions for the census did not deprive the Legislature of the power to make the change, and he accordingly made a careful study of the subject, the results of which are here set forth as a matter of record. Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution, ratified by the people on May 1, 1857, provided that there should be taken a census of the legal voters as of May 1 that year and that the same should be returned into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth on or before the last day of June of the same year. No provision was made by these amendments for taking a census of the inhabitants in 1857, but provision was made for taking a census of the inhabitants and also an enumeration of the legal voters in the year 1865 and every tenth year there- after. While the amendments specified the day for which the census of legal voters should be taken in the year 1857, and also the period within which the return of said census should be made to the Secretary they did not specify the day on which the census of the inhabitants and the enu- meration of the legal voters should be taken in the subsequent census years, nor did they specify the period within which the censuses to be taken in subsequent census years should be returned into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The amendments plainly left the census day and the period of making the return for the censuses required to be taken in the year 1865 and every tenth year thereafter to the determina- tion of the Legislature. While the amendments were still pending, the Legislature passed an act (Chapter 60 of the Acts of 1857) which became effective upon the ratification of the amendments, and which supplied the provisions in question for the Census of 1865 and of every tenth year thereafter. These were that in the census of that year and succeeding decennial censuses the day of enumeration should be May 1 and the last day for making the return to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, June 30. Chapter 60 of the Acts of 1857 was repealed by Chapter 182 of the General Statutes of 1860, but Chapter 20 of the General Statutes of 1860 again fixed the date of enumeration and the last day for making the return HISTORICAL SURVEY. 715 for the Census of 1865 and the decennial censuses thereafter as May 1 and June 30, respectively. Chapter 69 of the Acts of 1865 repealed Chapter 20 of the General Statutes of 1860, but while it made the provision that May 1 should be the date of enumeration for the Census of 1865 and each decennial census thereafter, it extended the period for making the return to the Secretary of the Commonwealth to August 31. Chapter 224 of the Public Statutes of 1882 repealed Chapter 69 of the Acts of 1865, but Chapter 31 of the Public Statutes of 1882 again provided that the date of enumeration and the last day for making the return should be May 1 and August 31, respectively, for the Census of 1885 and each decennial census thereafter. Chapter 181 of the Acts of 1884 repealed Chapter 31 of the Public Statutes of 1882, but while it provided that May 1 should be the date of enumeration for the Census of 1885 and each decennial census thereafter, it extended the period within which the return should be made for the Census of 1885 and each decennial census thereafter to December 1. Chapter 224 of the Acts of 1894 repealed Chapter 181 of the Acts of 1884, but continued the provision that May 1 should be the date of enu- meration and December 1 the last day for making the return for the Census of 1895 and each decennial census thereafter. Chapter 423 of the Acts of 1904 repealed Chapter 224 of the Acts of 1894 but continued the provision that May 1 should be the date of enu- meration and December 1 the last day for making the return for the Census of 1905 and each decennial census thereafter. Thus, it will be seen that the Legislature in 1857 and again in 1860 and again in 1865 passed acts providing for the census to be taken in the year 1865 and in each tenth year thereafter, the statute of 1860 repealing that of 1857 and the statute of 1865, in turn, repealing that of 1860; the statute passed in 1865 was allowed to remain in force and to govern the Census of 1875, but in 1884, the act of 1865 was entirely repealed and a new act passed; again, in 1894, the act of 1884 was repealed and a new act passed; and again, in 1904, the act of 1894 was repealed and a new act passed. In all of these acts, from 1857 to 1904, inclusive, the Legislature saw fit to fix the census day as of May 1, presumably for the reason that throughout this period this was the date for the assessment of property, — indeed, during a part of this period the statutes provided that the census should be taken by the assessors. During the period from 1857 to 1904, however, the last day permitted for making the return of the census results into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth was changed on three different occasions. The provision made in the original enactment of 1857 and re-enacted in the General Statutes of 1860 was that the return should be made for the Census of 1865 and each decennial census thereafter not later than the last day of June, but before the time arrived for taking the Census of 1865 the provision was changed by Chapter 69 of the Acts of that year so as to extend the period for making the return to the last day of August; and this remained un- changed until 1884, when it was provided that the return of the Census for 1885 and each decennial census thereafter might be made not later 716 - 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS than the first day of December, this provision being re-enacted in the cen- sus acts of 1894 and 1904 to govern the Censuses of 1895 and 1905, re- spectively, and each decennial census thereafter. While, therefore, the Legislature had not in any of the intervening census legislation between 1857 and 1914 changed the date of enumera- tion, it did change the date of making the return into the office of the Secretary, and there seemed, therefore, to be no question but that it had the same authority to change the date of enumeration as it had exercised on three occasions to change the date for making the return. The subject was discussed by Mr. Horace G. Wadlin, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor from October, 1888, to January 31, 1903 (and who had been connected with the office through several censuses, being in entire charge of the Census of 1895), in a communication addressed to the Director of the Bureau of Statistics under date of February 12, 1914, as follows: BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, February 12, 1914. > Mr. CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Director, Bureau of Statistics, State House, Boston, Mass. MY DEAR MR. GETTEMY: The question which is interesting you, as to the power of the Legislature, under the Constitution, to fix the date of enumeration of the inhabitants and voters within the census year, is one to which I have given some consideration. My view might not accord with the opinion of the court, but at any rate it agrees with the action of the Legislature taken con- tinuously since 1865. I am aware, of course, that Legislatures sometimes err in legislating upon matters controlled by constitutional limitations, and that legislation finally pronounced unconstitutional, although previously unchal- lenged, ceases to have value as a precedent. It is well, perhaps, in order that the subject may be clearly outlined, to review the constitutional provisions relating to the census as they have been successively modified. Originally, senators were apportioned by districts, created by the General Court, in number according to “the proportions of the public taxes” paid therein; while representatives were apportioned to each town according to the number of ratable polls therein, each town having at least one representative. Article XII of the Amendments changed this, and, in order to establish an equal basis of representation, provided for a decennial census of “the ratable polls ... on the first day of May,” to “be taken and returned into the Secre- tary's office, in such manner as the Legislature shall provide, within the month of May” in 1837 and in “every tenth year thereafter in the month of May.” Article XIII of the Amendments superseded this, however, and provided for a decennial census of inhabitants “on the first day of May," to be returned into the office of the Secretary on or before the last day of June, 1840, and every tenth year thereafter, to be used in an apportionment of senators and representatives on the basis of inhabitants. A State census of inhabitants was thus taken in 1840 and in 1850. The na- tional census fell in the same years, a decennial census having been taken by the national government each tenth year since 1790. Meanwhile, irrespective of a census enumeration of the people, industrial statistics were gathered under statutory provisions in 1837 and 1845, and, con- tinuing this practice, a collection was authorized in 1855, and in that year, by statutory provisions, an enumeration of the inhabitants was also taken. Before ? HISTORICAL SURVEY. 717 the year 1860, in which, under the Constitution, another census of inhabitants would have been required, the Constitution was again amended by Articles XXI and XXII. These articles, respectively dealing with the apportionment of senators and representatives, supersede Article XIII and provide for a special census of "legal voters ... on the first day of May”, to be taken and returned into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, "on or before the last day of June in the year 1857”; and also for a regular decennial census of inhabitants to be taken in 1865 and every tenth year thereafter; in which, incidentally, a special enu- meration of legal voters should be made. This decennial census provision is contained in the second clause of each amendment. The sentence following begins: “In the census aforesaid, a special enumeration shall be made of the legal voters.” The “census aforesaid” must be the census of inhabitants to be taken in 1865 and every tenth year thereafter, since the Census of 1857 had already been specified as a census of legal voters. It may be noted that the provisions of Article XII and Article XIII, and of the first clause of XXI and XXII relating to the census of legal voters to be taken in 1857, were all explicit as to the subjects of enumeration, the date of enumeration, and the date of the return. Under Article XII it was to be of ratable polls, on the first day of May, returned into the Secretary's office within the month of May; under Article XIII, of inhabitants on the first of May, re- turned into the Secretary's office on or before the last day of June. By the Amendments XXI and XXII a new basis of apportionment of sena- tors and representatives was fixed, i.e., legal voters (as distinguished from ratable polls, or inhabitants), this requiring a special census of legal voters in 1857; to be taken on the first day of May, and returned into the Secretary's office on or before the last day of June. The second clause of Articles XXI and XXII is, however, not explicit as to the census day or date of return. It is explicit as to the subjects of enumeration, i.e., “the inhabitants” and “the legal voters.” This was the important thing. Why was it not made equally explicit on the other points? It might easily have been made so if it had been thought necessary, as had been done in the preceding Of course, as any one conversant with census-taking knows, the partic- ular date of enumeration and return are details to be settled by the practical exigencies of the case. The dates that best enable the facts to be collected and tabulated with accuracy are the best dates. When the facts as to legal voters and ratable polls were fixed by the date May 1, that day was the most con- venient day for establishing the facts. The date of return was affected by the extent of tabulation and revision required. The first date, so far as related to the status of polls and voters, apart from any question of enumeration, was subject to change at any time by legislation, and has since been changed so that April 1 becomes the better day for enumeration. To provide for the details of the enumeration in 1865, Chapter 69 of the Acts of that year was enacted. With the constitutional provisions for this census before them, no explicit date being fixed in the Constitution, either for enu- meration or return, the Legislature in this statute proceeded to fix both. The enumeration was to be of May 1 (that being the natural and convenient day, as the provisions of law relating to legal voters then existed), and the return was to be made into the office of the Secretary “on or before the twentieth day of August.” Obviously, if the conclusion was right that the date of return could be fixed by statute, and was not limited by anything in the Constitution, so likewise the date of enumeration might have then been changed by statute (or might now be changed), both dates being, as far as the Constitution is con- (6 cases, 718 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS cerned, subject to the same considerations. Subsequent Legislatures have pro- ceeded in the same way. These statutes relating to the details of the enumer- ation within the census years fixed by the Constitution all provide not only for the particular census then in hand but those in each “tenth year thereafter." Thus, unless repealed or modified by subsequent legislation, the details of census- taking fixed by either of them would continue in force. No new law was enacted relating to the Census of 1875 so far as concerned the enumeration of the in- habitants, and the provisions of Chapter 69 of 1865 formed the basis for that enumeration. As the census year 1885 approached, the complexity of the work required additional legislation, and Chapter 181 of 1884 was enacted, wherein May 1 was fixed as the date of information as to inhabitants and legal voters, the census to be taken under direction of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, and the details of enumeration to be turned into the office of this Bureau before the last day of June and transmitted into the office of the Secretary on or before December 1. Again, in 1894, Chapter 224 provides for the census to be taken in 1895. This, following the natural precedent established in 1865 and 1885, fixed May 1 as the date of the enumeration of the inhabitants, legal voters, to be conducted by the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, the results to be returned by this Bureau into the office of the Secretary on or before the first day of December. Still again, preceding the Census of 1905, Chapter 423 of 1904 superseded the Act of 1894, but continued the dates fixed in that act for the enumeration of persons and voters, and for the return of the results into the office of the Secretary, and, as usual, the Act of 1904 prescribes the details not only for the census to be taken in the census year immediately following, but for the census to be taken "in every tenth year thereafter.” It therefore would govern the census to be taken in 1915 unless, as is proposed, superseded by other legislation. It seems to me that a fair interpretation of the second clause of Amendments XXI and XXII leaves the Legislature free to fix the exact dates of the enumera- tion and of the return, and it seems clear that this view was taken by the Legis- lature in 1865 and has been followed in the subsequent enabling acts. An opinion contrary to this, namely, that the date of enumeration must be of May 1, must assume that this is implied because fixed in the first clause of the amendments as to the special census of 1857. If the date is thus fixed as to the enumeration it is equally fixed as to the return of the enumeration, and if so the Legislature erred in 1865 and in each subsequent act. The Supreme Court in its opinion on a certain question propounded by the Legislature in 1893, wherein it said, “In the year 1895 a census must be taken on the first day of May, which is to be returned into the office of the Secretary of the Common- wealth on or before the last day of June," must have overlooked the action of the Legislature in Chapter 69 of 1865, fixing the date of return in August, and in Chapter 181 of 1884, which, not having been repealed, would have governed the Census of 1895, the date of return having been extended to December 1. I think it probable that had these statutory variations from what they supposed to be the provisions governing the decennial census attracted their attention, they would have changed the form of their statement, or if they thought the Legislature in error would have said so. No doubt this phase of the census not having been brought to their attention, they concentrated their research on the particular thing concerning which their opinion was asked. What view the court might now take on the direct question as to whether or not the dates are definitely fixed in the Constitution as to the decennial cen- sus, by implication from the dates fixed as to the special census of voters in 1857, no one can say. The conditions having changed with respect to the quali- а HISTORICAL SURVEY. 719 fications of a legal voter so that April 1 now occupies the position formerly oc- cupied by May 1, if the Legislature, following the precedent established in 1865. et seq. in regard to the date of return, should change the date of enumeration to April 1, I do not know whether this detail would in any respect invalidate the census as a basis of reapportionment of senators and representatives, no other question being raised as to the validity of the enumeration and its results; nor do I suppose any one can know until this question is answered by the court. The question of the constitutionality of the change of date, as heretofore made by the Legislature, has never been raised. It is, of course, too late to obtain an amendment of the Constitution, should it be thought necessary. It is not too late to obtain the opinion of the court on the direct question involved, and if the opinion should be that the Legis- lature cannot change the date of enumeration to April 1, although that date is obviously the better one in view of the present statutory provisions as to legal voters, nevertheless, the census could in 1915 obtain and return the facts as they exist on May 1. For your own satisfaction you may think it proper to suggest the advisability of asking the court's opinion. Yours very truly, HORACE G. WADLIN. To this letter reply was made as follows: BUREAU OF STATISTICS, March 10, 1914. Mr. HORACE G. WADLIN, Librarian, Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass. DEAR MR. WADLIN: — I fear I owe you an apology for not acknowledging before now your communication of February 12 with regard to the census day, etc., which came duly to hand but which I laid aside temporarily until I could give it a careful reading. This I have now done and wish to thank you for the pains to which you have been in going into the matter so thoroughly and stating the case so clearly. I am just putting the finishing touches to the draft of the census bill for 1915 and the brief report relating to the subject which is to accompany it and which I hope to file in a few days. After giving the matter consideration, I am disposed to follow my first inclination and call attention to the proposed change in the census day and make an incidental reference to the Supreme Court decision in 1893, but without requesting that the Legislature obtain a new opinion from the court in regard to the matter. I am convinced personally that there is noth- ing substantial to the point, and therefore do not desire to say or do anything. which would tend to magnify it, feeling that I shall be doing my entire duty and be sufficiently on record by merely referring to it. It may be that I shall want to take advantage of the carefully prepared opin- ion in your letter in some form at a future time; at any rate, it will be a very valuable memorandum for the files of the Bureau. Again thanking you, believe me, Very truly yours, CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Director. а. By the provisions of Section 7, Chapter 371, Acts of 1909, the Director of the Bureau of Statistics is required to submit to the General Court in the year 1914 and every tenth year thereafter a “preliminary report em- bodying an estimate of the cost of taking, compiling, and publishing the 720 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS next succeeding decennial census and such other information and recom- mendations” in relation thereto as may be necessary. In response to these requirements the Director of the Bureau submitted to the General Court of 1914, under date of March 16, a report (printed as House Docu- ment No. 2318) including the draft of a bill for carrying out the provisions of the Constitution and the general law. A portion of this report related to a proposed amendment of the then existing provision of law relative to the changing of ward lines in cities, and this was referred to the Com- mittee on Election Laws, and resulted in the passage of an act in accordance with the recommendation made. That portion of the report which related specifically to the taking of the census, together with the bill providing for the same, was referred to the Joint Committee on Ways and Means. Particular attention was called in the report (page 5) to the proposed change in the census day to April 1, as provided for in the draft of the bill submitted, in order that the Legislature might be fully advised thereof, and reference was made in this connection to an opinion given to the Legislature in 1893 upon another matter by the Supreme Court in which the justices made reference to the census day. This portion of the report was as follows: It will be noted that April 1 has been fixed as the census day instead of May 1, which has been the date in all former State census acts. While it may be observed in this connection that in an opinion given to the Legislature in 1893 upon another matter, the Supreme Court incidentally asserted that "in the year 1895 a census must be taken on the first day of May which is to be returned into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth on or before the last day of June,” the Legislature in the census act passed the foilowing year provided that the returns of the Census of 1895 should be made not later than December 1, and the 1905 census act contained a similar provision. Indeed, the wording of the two Articles of Amendments to the Constitution which form the warrant for taking the decennial census of population and legal voters seems to justify the opinion always held by this department and by the Legislature that the fixing of the first day of May as the census day and the last day of June as the last date on which the returns of the census must be made into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth related only to the special census of legal voters which it was provided should be made in the year 1857, and that, so far as these two dates for the Census of 1865 and every tenth year thereafter were con- cerned, they were left to be determined by the Legislature; and the Legislature has, in fact, determined these dates as it chose at each decennial period. April 1 is now the logical date for the same reason that formerly applied to May 1, this being the date for the assessment of taxes, and, in Boston, for the listing of voters; and besides the natural argument in favor of uniformity, there is the additional very practical reason for identity in these dates, - that the assessors' lists are found extremely helpful in checking up the work of the enu- merators, their value for this purpose being obviously to some extent vitiated if the assessment and census dates do not correspond. On May 22, the Joint Committee on Ways and Means reported the bill (House Document No. 2646) in the House without changing the census day or making other substantial alterations in the original draft, and it was ordered to a third reading on May 25, being passed to be engrossed HISTORICAL SURVEY. 721 on June 2. In the meantime, on June 1, an order was offered by Repre- sentative William M. McMorrow to obtain the opinion of the Supreme Court on the question as to whether the pending bill, providing for the taking of the census as of the first day of April, 1915, would be legal and constitutional if enacted; and pending action on this order Mr. McMorrow made a motion on June 3 to reconsider the vote whereby the House had passed the bill to be engrossed. The text of this order as offered was as follows:1 Ordered, That the opinion of the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court be required by the House of Representatives on the following important question of law: Would the provisions of House Bill No. 2646, now pending, entitled “An Act to provide for taking the decennial census,” which provides for the taking of a census as of the first day of April, 1915, be legal and constitutional if enacted? 3 On June 4, the Committee on Rules, having given a hearing on the subject, unanimously reported in the House recommending that the order be not adopted, whereupon the order was, on motion of Representative Channing Cox of Boston, rejected.? On June 9, on motion of Mr. McMor- row, his motion for a reconsideration of the vote whereby the bill was passed to be engrossed was discharged from the orders of the day under a suspension of the rules, and the motion was withdrawn. The bill was then sent to the Senate, where it was ordered to a third reading on June 10 and passed to be engrossed on June 11; it was enacted in the House on June 12, enacted in the Senate on June 15, and approved by the Governor on June 20; and on July 15, the schedules devised by the Director of the Bureau of Statistics for the taking of the census of population and legal voters were approved, as provided by the act, by the Governor and Council. Preparations accordingly went forward for the Census of 1915 on the assumption that the day for the enumeration had been decisively fixed for the enumerators' instruction book and the explanatory literature being written on this basis and the mechanical procedure of the Census Office being timed accordingly. But as the day of enumeration approached, a feeling of apprehension began to be apparent in the Legislature, voiced particularly by Representative J. Weston Allen of Newton, as to the com- plications which might ensue if, after taking the census as of April 1, it should transpire that the Legislature had no right, under the Constitution, to fix a date other than May 1, for should the Supreme Court rule to that effect, the Legislature could not make a constitutional apportionment in 1916, and there were those who even expressed a fear that without a re- apportionment and division of the State into legislative districts in 1916, as required by the Constitution, it might not be possible to elect, con- stitutionally, a Legislature in that or the following years of the decade. So distinguished a lawyer as the Hon. John D. Long, a former governor of the Commonwealth, was quoted as of the opinion that the articles of amendment adopted in 1857 required the census to be taken as of May 1, not only in that year but in 1865 and each decennial year thereafter. It was, therefore, wisely determined to have the question passed upon by the 1 House Journal, 1914, p. 1800. 3 Ibid., p. 1840. 3 Ibid., p. 1888. 722 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Supreme Court, so that it might be settled beyond all question, notwith- standing it was not until March 24, 1915, or only a week before the date of enumeration fixed in the census act that the opinion of the Justices was asked in an order of the House, as follows: THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, March 24, 1915. Ordered, That the opinion of the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court be required by the House of Representatives on the following questions of law:- 1. If a census of the inhabitants of each city and town of the Commonwealth, and a special enumeration of the legal voters thereof, shall be taken by the Bureau of Statistics as of the first day of April in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, as provided by section one of chapter six hundred and ninety-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, will such census be in conformity with the requirements of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments of the Constitution, which provides that "a census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, on or before the last day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven; and a census of the in- habitants of each city and town, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of every tenth year thereafter?” 2. Will an apportionment by the Legislature of the members of the House of Representatives to the several counties and a division of the Commonwealth a into senatorial districts based upon an enumeration of legal voters made under the provisions of said chapter six hundred and ninety-two, if otherwise in con- formity with the requirements of said Articles XXI and XXII of the Constitu- tion, be rendered illegal because the enumeration of legal voters is made as of the first day of April in the current year? 3. Will a census of the inhabitants of each city and town of the Common- wealth, and a special enumeration of the legal voters thereof, taken in con- formity with the provisions of said chapter six hundred and ninety-two, as amended by the accompanying bill, now pending in the House of Representa- tives, conform with the requirements of said Articles XXI and XXII of the Constitution, so that the same may be made the basis for an apportionment by the Legislature of the members of the House of Representatives to the sev- eral counties of the Commonwealth and of a division of the Commonwealth into senatorial districts? 4. These questions of law are important and the opinion of the justices is required in order to determine whether remedial legislation is necessary to pro- vide for the taking of the decennial census of the current year. JAMES W. KIMBALL, Clerk. The reply of the justices was received in the House on April 1. It substan- tiated the position taken by the Director of the Bureau, the justices ruling, in effect, that the constitutional provision relative to taking a census as of May 1 applied only to the census of legal voters which it was provided in the amendment should be taken as of May 1, 1857, but that the Legislature had power to fix the census day for subsequent censuses. This opinion, printed as No. 1996 of the House Documents for 1915, is inserted here: HISTORICAL SURVEY. 723 To the Honorable the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The order adopted on the twenty-fourth day of March, 1915, a copy of which is hereto annexed, has been received and the following opinion is submitted. The question presented is whether Articles XXI and XXII of the Amend- ments to the Constitution require the state decennial census to be taken as of the first day of May, or whether the exact time within the designated year may be fixed by the General Court. The decisive words of Article XXI are these: “A census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, on or before the last day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven; and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of every tenth year thereafter.” Precisely the same words occur in Article XXII of the Amendments. The natural and ordinary meaning of these words is that the date as of which the enumeration shall be made and when it shall be returned into the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth is defined for the year 1857; but it is not stated for the year 1865 or any subsequent period. No later provision of either article of amendment discloses a different purpose. The apportionment of the representatives to the several counties required by Article XXI must be made by the Legislature “at its first session after the return of each enumeration as aforesaid.” The boards of public officers authorized to divide the counties into districts are required to assemble “on the first Tuesday of August next after each assignment of representatives to each county" for the performance of their duties. By Article XXII, "The general court shall, at its first session after each next preceding special enumeration, divide the commonwealth into forty districts” for the election of senators. These requirements do not point to any particular or unvarying date for taking the census. Articles XXI and XXII, which were adopted in 1857, supplanted respectively Articles XII and XIII of the Amendments. Those articles by unmistakable language made necessary the taking of each successive decennial census in the month of May. The words of Article XII as to the time when the census should be taken were these: “A census of the ratable polls, in each city, town and district of the commonwealth, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the secretary's office, in such manner as the legislature shall provide, within the month of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty- seven, and in every tenth year thereafter, in the month of May.” The words of Article XIII are equally unequivocal in designating the month of May, and are these: “A census of the inhabitants of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken, and returned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of June of the year one thousand eight hundred and forty, and of every tenth year thereafter.” The refusal to follow this plain provision of the earlier amendments in adopting the amendments now in force, and the use of words naturally conveying a different meaning, indicates that the people in- tended to make a change in this respect. The convention of 1853 included among its constitutional propositions one beginning with these words: “A census of the inhabitants of each city and town in the commonwealth, on the first day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and on the first day of May of each tenth year thereafter, shall be taken and returned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of June following the said first day of May in each of said years.” Although this with the other proposi- tions of that convention was rejected by the people in November, 1853, its pro- visions doubtless were familiar to the public men who composed the Legislature of 1856, by which Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments were first adopted. > 724 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS If it had been the purpose of the framers of Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments that each census should be taken during the month of May, it would have been easy to express that purpose in simple and direct phrase so clear that it could not be misunderstood. Three models of apt words in suitable form to convey that meaning were at hand in the existing Articles XII and XIII and the proposition of the convention of 1853. The adoption of words of a contrary import cannot be treated as accidental, but must be construed as manifesting a settled design to alter the provisions of the earlier amendments on this point as to each census following that of 1857. This is in conformity with the true theory of a constitution which is to establish only broad prin- ciples and to leave details to be wrought out by the Legislature according to the varying demands of policy and expediency. It follows that under the constitutional provisions now in force the General Court may fix the first day of April as the date as of which the state census must be taken in any tenth year following 1865. The first of May was assumed to be the date of the census in Opinions of the Justices, 142 Mass. 601, 604, 605, and 157 Mass. 595, 598. But that question was not there presented for determination and was not discussed. Doubtless no date other than May 1 was thought of then or at any time until after the passage of St. 1914, c. 198, fixing the first of April in place of the first of May as the date as of which taxes must be assessed. The references in those opinions to the first of May are not authorities against the conclusion now reached. Accordingly the first question is answered Yes and the second No. Perhaps the third question becomes immaterial in view of the foregoing an- swers. But plainly it is within the constitutional power of the Legislature to order the census to be taken on the first day of May in the current year and thus change St. 1914, c. 692, requiring it to be taken as of April 1. ARTHUR P. RUGG. WILLIAM CALEB LORING. HENRY K. BRALEY. CHARLES A. DECOURCY. JOHN C. CROSBY. EDWARD P. PIERCE. JAMES B. CARROLL. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 725 PART IV. THE DETERMINATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF MEMBER- SHIP OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THE SENATE, AND THE COUNCIL. I. THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Since the formation of the state government under the Constitution of 1780 there have been three different methods of determining the member- ship of the House of Representatives, namely, in accordance with (1) the number of Ratable Polls (1780 to 1840). (2) the number of Inhabitants (1840 to 1857). (3) the number of Legal Voters (1857– ). (1) RATABLE Polls. The number of ratable polls in the several corporate towns of the Commonwealth was the basis of representation in the House under the provisions of Chapter 1, Section III, Article II of Part the Second of the Constitution, which read as follows: — Art. II. And in order to provide for a representation of the citizens of this commonwealth, founded upon the principle of equality, every corporate town containing one hundred and fifty ratable polls may elect one representative; every corporate town containing three hundred and seventy-five ratable polls may elect two representatives; every corporate town containing six hundred ratable polls may elect three representatives; and proceeding in that manner, making two hundred and twenty-five ratable polls the mean increasing number for every additional representative. Provided, nevertheless, that each town now incorporated, not having one hundred and fifty ratable polls, may elect one representative; but no place shall hereafter be incorporated with the privilege of electing a representative, unless there are within the same one hundred and fifty ratable polls. And the house of representatives shall have power from time to time to im- pose fines upon such towns as shall neglect to choose and return members to the same, agreeably to this constitution. The expense of travelling to the general assembly, and returning home, once in every session, and no more, shall be paid by the government, out of the public treasury, to every member who shall attend as seasonably as he can, in the judgment of the house, and does not depart without leave. > The system thus prescribed had numerous defects. It will be noted that instead of determining by the terms of this article what the total member- ship of the House should be, and leaving the Legislature to provide for such number of units as might be entitled to representation from time to time, the latter was fixed by the Constitution, and in such a manner that the actual number of members was bound to fluctuate. Thus the membership 1 An interesting question arose in 1811 as to whether aliens were ratable polls within the meaning of the Con- stitution, the Supreme Court deciding, in response to an inquiry of the House of Representatives, that they were to be so regarded by towns in determining their representation in the Legislature. — House Journal, 1811, pp. 278, 324; 7 Mass. 523. 726 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS of the first House to assemble after the adoption of the Constitution was 296; in the following year, 1781, it was 179; in 1782 it dropped to 131, its lowest number; in 1812 it reached its highest number, 748; in 1818 it was 223, and in 1819 it was 402. These irregular fluctuations were evidently due to two causes, the annual increases and decreases in the number of ratable polls in the several towns of the Commonwealth, and the indifference of numerous towns to representation, due partly, no doubt, to the fact that the cost of sending a representative to the General Court, whose compensation was borne by assessment on the town, was felt in many instances to be a no inconsiderable financial burden, the a saving of which probably would not be offset by the fine which the Legis- lature might impose under the Constitution for non-representation.' Amendment Proposed by the Convention of 1820. There was a great deal of discussion in the Constitutional Convention of 1820 over propositions to amend the provisions of the original Con- stitution relative to the manner in which the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives should be composed, an earnest effort being made to change the basis of representation, with a view, apparently, to making the same essentially more democratic and at the same time establishing for the House a more stable membership. A resolution submitting a draft for a proposed amendment, designated as Article V, was reported by the com- mittee having the matter in charge, which, with respect to representation in the House, provided that it should be based upon the number of in- habitants, instead of ratable polls, in the following manner: - The members of the House of Representatives shall be elected in the following manner: Every corporate town containing 1,200 inhabitants may elect one representative; and 2,400 inhabitants shall be the mean increasing number which shall entitle a town to an additional representative. In every case where any town is now united to any other town or to a district for the purpose of electing a representative, such towns and districts so united 1 See opinion of the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court in response to an inquiry of the House of Repre- sentatives June 13, 1815: "... it is obvious that to send a representative is a corporate duty as well as a corporate right, for the neglect of which the House may impose a fine, but which neglect they are under no obligation by the constitution to punish. If the House may excuse the delinquency, we think it clear that a town may constitu- tionally vote not to send, and so incur the risk of a fine, or trust to the clemency of the House, and that in such case the minority cannot impose a burthen upon the town, which the House of Representatives may excuse them from bearing." The Legislature appears to have been more or less liberal with the offending towns in this matter, since the early acts and resolves contain many special exemptions granted upon petition of impecunious communities. For example, in 1785, upon petition of John Goddard, “in behalf of the town of Brookline, praying for abatement of a fine laid on said toun, for not sending a Representative to the General Court, for the year 1782; for reasons set forth in said petition, it was - “Resolved, That the prayer of the petition be so far granted, that the sum of seventeen pounds twelve shillings and six pence, which is one half of said fine set against said town of Brookline, in the Tax Act of March, 1783, be abated, and the Treasurer of this Commonwealth is hereby directed to credit the town of Brookline, on the afore- said tax, seventeen pounds twelve shillings and six pence, any act or resolve to the contrary not withstanding." (Chapter 24, Resolves of 1785.) The condition of the public finances at this early period - ., before the establishment of the Union under the federal constitution and when the Confederation was the only governmental bond between the states — is further reflected by the following resolve " directing the treasurer to borrow money to pay the members of the general court the present session": - Whereas it may happen, that at the ensuing adjournment of this Court, a sum of money sufficient to pay the members may not be in the treasury: Therefore, Resolved, that the Treasurer be, and he is hereby empowered and directed to borrow a sum of money sufficient to pay the members of the General Court for their services during the present session; provided there is not a sum adequate to the above purpose now in the treusury. (Chapter 131, Resolves of 1784.) HISTORICAL SURVEY. 727 . are and shall be respectively considered as one town in all things respecting the election of representative, as provided for in this article. Every corporate town containing less than 1,200 inhabitants shall be entitled to elect one representative every other year only, excepting the years in which the valuation of estates within the Commonwealth shall be settled, when each of said towns shall be entitled to send a representative; but the Legislature of that year shall never appoint the year in which the next valuation shall be taken or settled. 66 The division into representative districts by this method was to be made by the Legislature at its first session “after the census which is now taking under the authority of the United States shall be completed, and after every subsequent census which shall be taken as aforesaid, or under the authority of this Commonwealth.” The manner in which the representa- tives were to be distributed among the different towns was further pro- vided for with some care, the purpose evidently being, while not to arbi- trarily fix an inelastic membership in point of size for the House of Repre- sentatives, to limit it approximately to a maximum of 275. The Legislature was to divide the towns in each county where there are more than one, which accord- ing to the provisions of this article shall not be entitled to send a representative every year, into two equal classes; the first of which shall comprise half the towns in number, and those which contain the greatest population, and each town in this class may elect a representative the first year after they are so classed. The second class shall consist of the other corporate towns in the county not entitled to send a representative every year, each of which may elect a rep- resentative the second year after they are classed, and if there be an uneven number of such towns in any county, the largest number shall be placed in the second class, and the towns so classed may each thereafter continue to elect one representative every other year, excepting as aforesaid. Provided, that the Legislature may place in different classes any two adjoining towns which may happen to be in the same class, upon their application for that purpose. And each of said classed towns shall be entitled to elect a representative every year, when such towns shall have the number of inhabitants which shall entitle other towns to elect one representative according to the provisions of this article. And if any two towns herein directed to be classed shall wish to be united and elect a representative together every year, instead of electing one separately every other year, the Legislature, upon their application for that purpose, shall , so unite them, and prescribe the time and place of holding their meetings for the election of their representatives, and the manner in which their choice shall be certified by the selectmen of both or either of said towns; and such towns shall continue so united until the inhabitants of one of them shall have increased to such a number as shall entitle it separately to send a representative; or until one of said towns, by a vote of a major part of the legal voters therein, shall apply to the Legislature to separate them, whereupon it shall be their duty so to do, and to class them in the same manner as they then would and ought to be classed if they had never been united. And to prevent the House of Representatives becoming too numerous, the number of inhabitants which shall entitle a town to elect one representative, and the mean increasing number which shall entitle it to elect more than one, shall be proportionally increased in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred a a a 728 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS and thirty-one and every tenth year afterwards, so that the House of Repre- sentatives shall never consist of more than two hundred and seventy-five mem- bers, excepting in those years in which the valuation is settled. And if any town which contains 1,200 inhabitants and upwards shall, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, or in any tenth year afterwards, be found not to contain the number of inhabitants which, according to the pro- vision aforesaid, shall be requisite to entitle it to send a representative every year, such town shall be classed by the Legislature, and shall thereafter be en- titled to send a representative every other year only, until it shall have a com- petent number to entitle it to send a representative every year; and no town which shall be entitled to send a representative every other year, shall ever be deprived of that privilege. Every town which shall hereafter be incorporated, shall be entitled to send one representative, when it shall contain twenty-four hundred inhabitants, and not before. 66 ܠܙܕ This amendment, as proposed, also contained a provision that the members of the House should be paid out of the Treasury of the Common- wealth for their attendance on the General Court during the session thereof, thereby relieving the towns of the cost of maintaining their members and leaving them without this excuse for non-representation. Considerable debate was provoked by this proposition when it was brought into the convention by the committee. The member from the town of Bolton (Nathaniel Longley) moved a substitute providing that ratable polls should be continued as the basis, observing that “the phraseol- ogy of his resolution, except in the numbers, was copied from the present constitution. He thought the ratio in the report was too high; between 20 and 30 towns in the County of Worcester would be deprived of a representation, except every other year – taking the Census of 1810 for the , guide. The number in the House would be kept down by removing the fine from the small towns; which would probably not send a representative oftener than every other year. He could see no other way of saving the rights of the small towns. The member from Groton (Luther Lawrence), speaking in behalf of the committee in favor of changing the basis from ratable polls to population, said: “The amendment proposed [by the member from Bolton) that polls should be adopted as the basis of representation instead of population. He presumed this basis never would have been adopted if there had been at the time of the framing of the constitution any provision for the periodi- cal enumeration of the inhabitants. Polls did not before that time form the basis of representation. By the laws of 1692 and 1776, the number of freeholders was the basis. There was at the time of the formation of the constitution no mode of ascertaining the number of inhabitants; but there was of rateable polls. It would be found that from particular causes, the number of rateable polls was not proportioned to the number of in- habitants. In the county of Suffolk, for instance, there were two thousand more rateable polls than in Berkshire, though in the latter county the population was greatest. The Legislature also may alter the number of rateable polls, but cannot the number of inhabitants. They may provide 1 Journal of Debates and Proceedings, Convention of 1820, p. 119. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 729 by law for taxing all polls over 10 years of age, or that only those over 21 or 50, should be taxed. The determining the number of polls is left to the towns, and is liable to fraud.”'1 Mr. Lawrence's view that the framers of the original Constitution of 1780 had adopted ratable polls as the basis of representation in the House merely because it was the most convenient method at hand rather than because it was deemed to possess of itself any particular virtue, is interest- ing; and his further comment that, since the number of polls was left to the towns to be determined, it was therefore liable to fraud, is likewise worthy of note. These remarks in favor of population as the basis ap- parently made an impression on the convention, for when he concluded the question was taken on Mr. Longley's amendment and decided in the negative. After some further debate respecting the meaning of the pro- posed amendment as reported by the committee, the vote was taken on its adoption and decided in the affirmative, 225 to 89. The Convention of 1820 submitted altogether fourteen articles of amendment to the people, nine of which were approved; and that under consideration here relating to the membership of the House, Senate, and Council, and the basis upon which their members were to be chosen, was among the five rejected articles, the people at the election held on April 9, 1821, recording their disapproval of this article by a vote of 20,729 nays and 9,904 yeas, an adverse majority of 10,825. This result may not have been due to any particular aversion to a change in the basis of representa- tion in the House from ratable polls to inhabitants, so much as to hostility to other details involved in the proposed new scheme of representation; so the people, if not altogether satisfied with the existing arrangement, appeared to prefer its continuance under the circumstances. In this par- ticular, therefore, the endeavors of the Convention of 1820 came to naught, and the conditions which had hitherto prevailed continued, except that, with respect to the size of the membership of the House, they seem to have been aggravated, for while the average membership for the years 1780-1820, inclusive, was 322, it was 415 for the period 1821-1837. Article XII of the Amendments. In 1835 another attempt at reform was made and Article XII of the Amendments was brought forward, being adopted by the Legislature of that year and of 1836, and approved and ratified by the people November 14, 1836. This amendment provided, in part, as follows: - In order to provide for a representation of the citizens of this commonwealth, founded upon the principles of equality, a census of the ratable polls, in each city, town, or district of the commonwealth, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the secretary's office, in such manner as the legislature shall provide, within the month of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and in every tenth year thereafter, in the month of May, in the manner aforesaid; and each town or city having three hundred ratable polls at the last preceding decennial census of polls, may elect one repre- sentative, and for every four hundred and fifty ratable polls in addition to the first three hundred, one representative more. 1 Journal of Debates and Proceedings, Convention of 1820, p. 120. 730 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Any town having less than three hundred ratable polls shall be represented thus: The whole number of ratable polls, at the last preceding decennial census of polls, shall be multiplied by ten, and the product divided by three hundred; and such town may elect one representative as many years within ten years, as three hundred is contained in the product aforesaid. Any city or town having ratable polls enough to elect one or more represent- atives, with any number of polls beyond the necessary number, may be repre- sented, as to that surplus number, by multiplying such surplus number by ten and dividing the product by four hundred and fifty; and such city or town may elect one additional representative as many years within ten years, as four hun- dred and fifty is contained in the product aforesaid. Any two or more of the several towns and districts may, by consent of a majority of the legal voters present at a legal meeting, in each of said towns and districts, respectively, called for that purpose, and held previous to the first day of July, in the year in which the decennial census of polls shall be taken, form themselves into a representative district to continue until the next decen- nial census of polls, for the election of a representative, or representatives; and such district shall have all the rights, in regard to representation, which would belong to a town containing the same number of ratable polls. It will be observed that this amendment made no change in the unit of representation, ratable polls being continued, but the number of such persons was to be determined by means of what was for the first time styled a census, which was to be taken as of the first day of May, 1837, and in every tenth year thereafter, and the number thus ascertained was to be used as a basis for determining representation in the House for a period of ten years, when there was to be another adjustment, – the amendment providing for a census for this purpose every ten years, and the Governor and Council being charged with the duty of ascertaining the number of representatives to which each city and town should be en- titled. The new method of apportionment provided by the Twelfth Amend- ment differed from the old, therefore, in detail rather than in principle, but being based upon a definite rule fixed in advance, it was doubtless hoped it would regulate, somewhat more systematically than had hitherto been possible, the fluctuations in the membership of the House and pro- mote a reduction of the maximum number, which had apparently come to be recognized as too large and cumbersome; but even were it to accomplish this purpose, which its first trial demonstrated it would not do, it was most defective in that it would obviously cause a great augmentation in the size of the House all at once after each census. A census of ratable polls was accordingly taken as of May 1, 1837, under the provisions of an enabling act which had been passed on April 12 of that year, a total for the Commonwealth of 193,003 ratable polls being thus enumerated. This, then, was the first census taken under constitutional provision, and pursuant to the requirements of the amendment, the Governor and Council, at its meeting on July 7, 1837, proceeded to deter- I Chapter 128, Acts of 1837. : At the same time, i.e., as of May 1, 1837, the first state census of population under statutory authority was taken as provided for by an act (Chapter 85) approved March 21, 1837, for the purpose of arriving at a basis for depositing proportionately with the towns of the Commonwealth the state's share of the United States treasury surplus distributed among the several states of the United States under the act of Congress approved June 23, 1836. By another act (Chapter 199) approved April 19, 1837, the Legislature provided for the first industrial census of the Commonwealth, taken between May 1 and October 1 of that year. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 731 mine the representation to which each city and town was entitled in the House of Representatives. By the apportionment plan adopted by the Council in accordance with the scheme provided by the amendment, out of the whole number of 304 cities and towns in the Commonwealth at that time, 41 were allotted a definite number of representatives, which was to remain constant until. the next census, ten years hence; 171 municipalities were each allotted a given number for the entire decennial period, and, in addition, one repre- sentative for from one to nine years of the period, as the case might be; and 92 were allotted a representative for from one to nine years of the period, being unrepresented during the remainder. Not all of the addi- tional members were, however, chosen to serve at any one time, and since the first House to be chosen under the new arrangement, that of 1838, consisted of but 480 members, while that of 1839 had 522, it is apparent that many of the towns which were entitled to choose an additional repre- sentative for one or more years during the decade did not take advantage of this privilege during the first year. The results were, therefore, disappointing, since the large increase in the membership of the House during the second year of the operation of the plan made it quite apparent that it would fail to accomplish, to any appreciable extent, the desired object of effecting a material decrease in the membership of the House. It was therefore allowed to remain in force for only a year, when the public men of the time undertook another ad- justment. This took the form of what became Article XIII of the Amend- ments. (2) INHABITANTS. Article XIII of the Amendments. By the Thirteenth Amendment, brought forward and adopted by the Legislatures of 1839 and 1840 and approved and ratified by the people April 6, 1840, a radical change in the character of the unit selected as the basis of representation was made, inhabitants being substituted for ratable polls. The people had rejected this proposition overwhelmingly when recommended by the Convention of 1820 (yeas, 9,904; nays, 20,729); they now reversed this decision by a vote of 24,884 yeas to 4,912 nays. But the framers of this amendment were not yet disposed to adopt the principle of a definite number of members for the House which should be permanent, — such as had been recognized from the beginning as re- spected the Senate, regardless of the increase in the aggregate number of electoral units, – it being apparently felt that to do this would impair the maintenance of the theory of “a representation of the citizens founded upon the principles of equality,” and that the proper remedy for the growing inconvenience of a cumbersome membership was to effect a de- crease in the total number, or at least to retard the rate of increase by the method of increasing the basis of apportionment rather than by fixing definitely the size of the body. The members of the House were, in the terms of the amendment, to be apportioned in the following manner: - Every town or city containing 1,200 inhabitants may elect one representative; and 2,400 inhabitants shall be the mean increasing number, which shall entitle it to an additional representative. 732 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Every town containing less than 1,200 inhabitants shall be entitled to elect a representative as many times within 10 years as the number 160 is contained in the number of the inhabitants of said town. Such towns may also elect one representative for the year in which the valuation of estates within the com- monwealth shall be settled. Any two or more of the several towns may, by consent of a majority of the legal voters present at a legal meeting, in each of said towns, respectively, called for that purpose, and held before the first day of August, in the year 1840, and every tenth year thereafter, form themselves into a representative district, to continue for the term of 10 years; and such district shall have all the rights, in regard to representation, which would belong to a town containing the same number of inhabitants. The number of inhabitants which shall entitle a town to elect one represent- ative, and the mean increasing number which shall entitle a town or city to elect more than one, and also the number by which the population of towns not entitled to a representative every year is to be divided, shall be increased, respectively, by one-tenth of the numbers above mentioned, whenever the population of the commonwealth shall have increased to 770,000, and for every additional increase of 70,000 inhabitants, the same addition of one-tenth shall be made, respectively, to the said numbers above mentioned. The number of inhabitants to be used as the unit of representation was to be determined by means of a census, the provision being as follows: A census of the inhabitants of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken, and returned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of June, of the year 1840, and of every tenth year thereafter; which census shall determine the apportionment of senators and representatives for the term of ten years. 2 The Legislature accordingly passed the necessary enabling act for the taking of the required census, the act being drawn in such general terms as to permit the census to be taken at each recurring decennial period without further legislation. The Thirteenth Amendment provided that the Governor and Council should, before the first day of September, “apportion the number of repre- sentatives which each city, town and representative district is entitled to elect, and ascertain how many years, within ten years, any town may elect a representative which is not entitled to elect one every year.” To this task the Council dutifully applied itself, and we read in the records of the meeting of that body for July 23, 1840, that the committee ap- pointed to assign the number of senators to be chosen in each district according to the number of inhabitants therein, also to apportion the number of representatives which each city, town, and representative dis- trict is entitled to elect, and ascertain how many years out of ten years any town may elect a representative which is not entitled to elect one every year, reported that the census of inhabitants of each city and 1 Chapter 68, Acts of 1840. ? Commenting upon this complicated scheme, the Hon. Alfred S. Row, in an address to the Senate and House on the occasion of the dedication of the new House chamber on January 2, 1895 (pp. 20-23), satirically remarked: “As all the members of the Governor's Council during these years had not had the benefit of full college courses in mathematics, the wonder constantly grows that at each recurring ten years there was not a marked addition to the inmates in the various state lunatic asylums." HISTORICAL SURVEY. 733 town on the first day of May recently taken and returned into the Secre- tary's office shows the whole number of inhabitants to be 718,592.” The report then continues: And we have apportioned the number of representatives which each city, town, and representative district is entitled to elect, and also how many years within ten years any town may elect a representative, which is not entitled to one every year, as fully set forth in the schedules hereto annexed, and to be taken as part of this report. In addition to the statements contained in said Schedule it may be proper to remark that, by the terms of said Amendment, every town in the Common- wealth, not entitled to send one representative every year in ten years, is never- theless authorized to send one Representative every valuation year, so that every such town may be then represented by one representative, even if it should otherwise have exhausted its right of representation. But of course, no such town can have more than one Representative, in a valuation year, or in any other year. And we recommend that His Excellency be advised to issue his proclamation in conformity to this Report. Per order of the Committee COUNCIL CHAMBER JOHN R. ADAN. July 23d, 1840. Report accepted and the Governor is advised to issue his Proclamation ac- cordingly. Under the plan of the Thirteenth Amendment not all of the additional members were chosen to serve at any one time, but it would appear that most of the towns entitled to a representative during only a portion of the decennial period took advantage of this privilege at the first election to be held after the apportionment, for the session of 1841 contained 397 mem- bers, which was the maximum for the decade. Since the apportionment made three years earlier on the basis of ratable polls in accordance with the Twelfth Amendment, the number of cities and towns in the Commonwealth had increased from 304 to 307, of which (according to the schedule apportioning the number of representatives to which each municipality was to be entitled on the basis of population as approved by the Council at its meeting of July 23, 1840) 208 were allotted a definite number of representatives, which was to remain constant until the next apportionment following the census to be taken in 1850, while the remaining municipalities were allotted one representative for from one to seven years of the period, as the case might be. The result was that the total base number of representatives was 309, while the total of the ad- ditional members was 99, so that were the latter all elected for any one year, the membership of the House in some one year might have been 408 (though possibly more in a valuation year), a considerable reduction from the corresponding possible membership (638) under the plan for which it was substituted. The membership of the House during the operation of the original apportionment provisions of the Constitution had fluctuated, but with a tendency to increase, during the fifty-eight year period, from 296 in 1780 to 635 in 1837, the smallest membership being 131 in 1782, and the largest in 1812, when it was 748, the average for the period being 349. The 734 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS as Twelfth Article of Amendment, adopted May 1, 1837, was operative in its effect upon the membership of the House for three sessions, - those of - 1838, when as we have seen the membership dropped to 480; of 1839, when it rose to 522; and of 1840, when it was 518. The first session to be affected by the operation of the Thirteenth Amendment, following the population census taken as of May 1, 1840, and in accordance with the schedule of apportionment made by the Council July 23, 1840, was that of 1841, when the membership dropped to 397. For the ten-year period which ensued before the next apportionment - made in 1850, following - the census of that year the average membership was 303. In 1850, the second census under the Thirteenth Amendment and the provisions of the legislative act of 1840 was taken for the purpose of determining the apportionment for the decade 1850-1860. This census showed the number of inhabitants to be 973,654, and the Governor and Council proceeded to make the apportionment as recommended by the committee to which the matter was referred and whose report was follows: The Constitution provides, that under the Census of 1840 every town con- taining 1,200 inhabitants is entitled to one Representative; that the increasing ratio for towns containing more than that number is 2,400; and that every town containing less than 1,200 inhabitants shall be entitled to send a repre- sentative as many times in ten years as the number 160 is contained in the num- ber of inhabitants in said town; but that in valuation years every such town shall be entitled to a Representative. It also provides that under the Census of 1850 these several ratios shall be increased by adding ten per ct. for each 70,000 increase over 700,000. The several ratios now stand as follows, viz., 1,560 for one representative, — 3,120 the mean increasing number; and 208 for towns containing less than 1,560 inhabitants. And the Committee have apportioned the Representation on these bases to the several towns and cities in the Commonwealth agreeable to the accompanying schedules, which form a part of this Report, by which it will be perceived that the whole number of Representatives, which may be elected in valuation years, when every town has a right to send one without reference to the number assigned to it for ten years, is 438. And the Committee recommend that His Excellency the Governor be ad- vised to issue his proclamation in conformity. For the Committee B. F. COPELAND. July 18th, 1850 — Report Accepted. The House of 1851 contained 397 members, and that of 1852 contained 402 members; and although it dropped to 288 in 1853, the Constitutional Convention which met in that year evidently felt that the time was ripe for another readjustment. Amendment Proposed by the Convention of 1853. The Constitutional Convention of 1853 discussed at great length the perennial subject of the unit of representation and basis of apportionment, and finally decided, in drawing up the new frame of government for sub- mission to the people, to retain inhabitants as the unit, but to change the number of inhabitants entitled to representation in the several cities and HISTORICAL SURVEY. 735 towns, probably for the same reason that influenced the adoption of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Amendments, namely, to secure a more stable total membership; and it was further provided that the apportionment of the number of representatives to which each town and city should be en- titled should be made at its first session next after each decennial state census by the Senate instead of by the Governor and Council. These provisions, embodied in Articles 1 and 2, Chapter 3 of the proposed new form of government, formed a part of Proposition No. 1, which, together with seven other propositions, the Convention voted to submit to the people for their approval. These articles were as follows: — — ARTICLE 1. There shall be, in the Legislature of this Commonwealth, a representation of the people, annually elected, and founded upon the principle of equality. ARTICLE 2. And in order to provide for a representation of the citizens of this Commonwealth, founded upon the principle of equality, every corporate town, containing less than one thousand inhabitants, may elect one represent- ative in the year when the valuation of estates shall be settled, and, in addition thereto, one representative five years in every ten years. Every town contain- ing one thousand inhabitants and less than four thousand, may elect one repre- sentative. Every town containing four thousand inhabitants and less than eight thousand, may elect two representatives. Every town containing eight thousand inhabitants and less than twelve thousand, may elect three repre- sentatives. Every city or town containing twelve thousand inhabitants may elect four representatives. Every city or town containing over twelve thousand inhabitants, may elect one additional representative for every four thousand inhabitants it shall contain, over twelve thousand. Any two towns, each con- taining less than one thousand inhabitants, may, by consent of a majority of the legal voters present at a legal meeting, in each of said towns respectively, called for that purpose, form themselves into a representative district, to con- tinue for the term of not less than two years; and such district shall have all the rights, in regard to representation which belong to a town having one thou- sand inhabitants. And this apportionment shall be based upon the census of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty, until a new census shall be taken. Had Proposition No. 1 been approved by the people another apportionment would have been made following a census taken in 1855, since Article 1, Chapter XIII of the proposed frame of government, provided as follows: A census of the inhabitants of each city and town in the Commonwealth, on the first day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and on the first day of May of each tenth year thereafter, shall be taken and returned into the secretary's office, on or before the last day of June following the said first day of May in each of said years; and while the public charges of government, or any part thereof, shall be assessed on polls and estates, in the manner that has hitherto been practised, in order that such assessments may be made with equality, there shall be a valuation of estates within the Commonwealth taken anew once in every ten years at least, and as much oftener as the General Court shall order. 3 All of the eight propositions agreed to by the Convention were, however, defeated at the polls, the vote on No. 1 being yeas, 63,222; nays, 68,150; but three years later, in the Legislature of 1856, another suggestion for 736 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS determining the membership of the House was brought forward and em- bodied in what became Article XXI of the Amendments. The Constitutional Convention of 1853, as we have seen, proposed some change in the method of apportionment while retaining inhabitants as the unit, but the debates in that body clearly reflected the effect of the recently augmented immigration, which was bringing in large numbers of aliens, and the feeling was apparently growing that to continue to base apportionments upon population or inhabitants, irrespective of citizenship, was not equitable or consistent with the theory of representative govern- ment which had generally been held up to that time. But although this consideration was not strong enough to influence a majority of the con- vention, it received an increasing amount of attention in the next two or three years and found expression in what became Article XXI of the Amendments. (3) LEGAL VOTERS. Article XXI of the Amendments. The Twenty-first Article of Amendment, brought forward and adopted by the Legislatures of 1856 and 1857, was ratified and approved by the people on May 1, 1857, by a vote of 31,277 yeas and 6,282 nays. While it did not in terms exclude aliens in fixing a unit of representation, this amendment accomplished what was apparently desired by providing that the apportionment should be based upon the number of legal voters, meaning those who were entitled to vote under the provisions of the Constitution, — which was to be determined by an enumeration of the legal voters of each city and town on the first day of May in the year 1857 and by subsequent special enumerations in the year 1865 and every tenth year thereafter, taken in conjunction with decennial censuses of popu- lation which were at the same time provided for. The House of Repre- sentatives was to consist for the first time of a definite fixed number of members, namely, 240, which were to be apportioned by the Legislature (at its first session after the return of each enumeration) to the several counties of the Commonwealth equally, as nearly as might be, according to their relative numbers of legal voters; the county commissioners of the several counties, or such board of special commissioners in each county as might be provided for the purpose by law, being charged with the duty of dividing their respective counties into representative districts of contiguous territory, so as to apportion the representation assigned to each county equally, as nearly as possible, according to the relative number of legal voters of the several districts. The full text of this amendment, the pro- visions of which are still operative, is as follows: - ARTICLE XXI. A census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, on or before the last day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven; and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of every tenth year thereafter. In the census aforesaid, a special enumeration shall be made of the legal voters; and in each city, said enumeration shall specify the number of such leg il voters aforesaid, residing in each ward of such city. The enumer- HISTORICAL SURVEY. 737 > ation aforesaid shall determine the apportionment of representatives for the periods between the taking of the census. The house of representatives shall consist of two hundred and forty membe's, which shall be apportioned by the legislature, at its first session after the return of each enumeration as aforesaid, to the several counties of the commonwealth, equally, as nearly as may be, according to their relative numbers of legal voters, as ascertained by the next preceding special enumeration; and the town of Cohasset, in the county of Norfolk, shall, for this purpose, as well as in the for- mation of districts, as hereinafter provided, be considered a part of the county of Plymouth; and it shall be the duty of the secretary of the commonwealth, to certify, as soon as may be after it is determined by the legislature, the num- ber of representatives to which each county shall be entitled, to the board au- thorized to divide each county into representative districts. The mayor and aldermen of the city of Boston, the county commissioners of other counties than Suffolk, — or in lieu of the mayor and aldermen of the city of Boston, or of the county commissioners in each county other than Suffolk, such board of special commissioners in each county, to be elected by the people of the county, or of the towns therein, as may for that purpose be provided by law, — shall, on the first Tuesday of August next after each assignment of representatives to each county, assemble at a shire town of their respective counties, and pro- ceed, as soon as may be, to divide the same into representative districts of con- tiguous territory, so as to apportion the representation assigned to each county equally, as nearly as may be, according to the relative number of legal voters in the several districts of each county; and such districts shall be so formed that no town or ward of a city shall be divided therefor, any district be made which shall be entitled to elect more than three representatives. Every representative, for one year at least next preceding his election, shall have been an inhabitant of the district for which he is chosen and shall cease to represent such district when he shall cease to be an inhabitant of the commonwealth. The districts in each county shall be numbered by the board creating the same, and a description of each, with the numbers thereof and the number of legal voters therein, shall be returned by the board, to the secretary of the common- wealth, the county treasurer of each county, and to the clerk of every town in each district, to be filed and kept in their respective offices. The manner of calling and conducting the meetings for the choice of representatives, and of ascertaining their election, shall be prescribed by law. nor shall II. THE SENATE AND THE COUNCIL. The bases of apportionment for determining the membership of the upper branch of the Legislature and of the Executive Council have always been so closely related as to make it necessary to consider them jointly. By a peculiar provision of the Constitution of 1780 (Chapter 1, Section II, Article 1, Part the Second), for a period of sixty years from its adoption there was no discrimination in the voting as between the Senate and the Council. That is, there were to be annually elected by "the freeholders and other inhabitants” forty persons, “to be called counsellors and sena- tors,” from districts into which the Commonwealth might from time to time be divided by the General Court for the purpose; and the General Court, in assigning the numbers to be elected by the respective districts, was to be governed "by the proportion of the public taxes paid by the said districts." It was further provided that the number of districts 738 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS should never be less than 13, and that no district should be so large as to entitle it to choose more than six senators. The first designation of the districts was made by the Constitution itself, as follows: The several counties in this Commonwealth shall, until the General Court shall determine it necessary to alter the said districts, be districts for the choice of counsellors and senators (except that the counties of Dukes county and Nan- tucket shall form one district for that purpose) and shall elect the following number of counsellors and senators: two. one. five. Suffolk Essex. Middlesex Hampshire Plymouth Barnstable Bristol six. six. five. four. three. one. three. York Dukes County and Nantucket Worcester Cumberland Lincoln Berkshire one. one. two. 66 It will be noted that 40 persons were to be chosen "counsellors and senators,” but the voters were not privileged to indicate which of the persons elected were to serve as councillors and which as senators, the ultimate division of those elected into the two groups being provided for in the following manner (Chapter 2, Section II, Article 2, Part 2): Nine counsellors shall be annually chosen from among the persons returned for counsellors and senators, on the last Wednesday in May, by the joint ballot of the senators and representatives assembled in one room; and in case there shall not be found, upon the first choice, the whole number of nine persons who will accept a seat in the council, the deficiency shall be made up by the electors aforesaid from among the people at large; and the number of senators left shall constitute the senate for the year; the seats of the persons thus elected from the senate, and accepting the trust, shall be vacated in the senate. It thus appears that the Senate was to consist of 31 members, while the Council was to consist of the nine persons selected as thus provided and the Lieutenant Governor. Amendment Proposed by the Convention of 1820; Legislative Changes in Senatorial Apportionments. Attention has been called on a preceding page to the Article of Amend- ment (designated as Article V) proposed by the Constitutional Convention which met in 1820, which undertook to effect a change in the basis of representation in the House. The draft of this article as agreed to by the convention, after some discussion, provided that there should be a Senate of 36 persons, elected in the same manner as then prevailed with respect to the election of the 40 councillors and senators, that is, by the inhabit- ants qualified to vote; while the Council was to consist of seven, instead of nine, persons besides the Lieutenant Governor, and they were to be chosen from among the people at large by the joint ballot of the senators and representatives. The councillors were to have the same qualifications in point of property and residence within the Commonwealth as were required for senators, - and which were not changed from those laid down in the original Constitution, — and not more than one councillor was to be HISTORICAL SURVEY. 739 chosen from any one senatorial district. It will thus be seen that the effect of these provisions was to permit the people to vote for senators as such, and the Senate by this arrangement would consist of 36 members instead of 31, as hitherto; but the councillors were still to be chosen by the Legislature. The districts from which the senators were to be chosen were also, as hitherto, to be the several counties of the Commonwealth, the proposed amendment distributing the total of 36 among the several counties; and the provision that the number of senators to be assigned to each district should be based upon "the proportion of public taxes paid by the said districts” was also left unchanged. As has been seen, the proposed article which embodied this arrangement was rejected by the people, so that it came to naught, and the original provisions of the Constitution of 1780 respecting the composition of the Senate and Council continued until the adoption of the Thirteenth Amend- ment in 1840, the basis of membership of the Senate remaining unchanged by the Twelfth Amendment, adopted in 1836, which affected the House only. On several occasions in the meantime, however, it was found neces- sary by the General Court to change the original distribution of the “ sellors and senators” among the several counties, first on account of the creation of additional counties and then because of the separation of Maine in 1820. By Chapter 49 of the Acts of the legislative year 1793–1794 (approved February 24, 1794), the following apportionment was made: - coun- 1 1. Suffolk County 2. Essex County 3. Middlesex County 4. Worcester County 5. Hampshire County 6. Berkshire County . 7. Norfolk County 8. Bristol County 9. Plymouth County 4 5 4 5 5 2 10. Barnstable County. 11. Nantucket and Dukes Counties 12. York County . 13. Cumberland County 14. Lincoln, Hancock, and Washington Counties 2 2 2 3 Total 40 2 2 For 1793 and every second succeeding year Plymouth was to have 2 repre- sentatives and Nantucket and Dukes together, 1; in the alternate years, Plym- outh, Nantucket and Dukes together were to have 3 representatives. By Chapter 97, Acts of the legislative year 1811-1812 (approved February 11, 1812), the above apportionment was superseded by the following: - 1. Boston, Suffolk County 10. Dukes and Nantucket Counties 2. Chelsea, Suffolk County and 11. Certain towns in Worcester County 2 certain towns in Essex 12. Certain towns in Worcester County 2 County 3 13. Franklin County 1 3. Certain towns in Essex County 2 14. Berkshire County 2 4. Middlesex County 15. York County . 2 5. Certain towns in Hampshire 16. Cumberland and Oxford Counties County 1 17. Lincoln, Hancock, and Washington 6. Certain towns in Hampshire Counties 3 County 18. Kennebeck and Somerset Counties 7. Plymouth County 2 8. Bristol and Norfolk Counties 4 Total 40 9. Barnstable County 1 2 1 Norfolk County, incorporated February 26, 1793; Franklin County, incorporated June 24, 1811; Hampden County, incorporated February 25, 1812. 740 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS Again, by Chapter 152 of the Acts of the legislative year 1813-1814 (ap- proved February 24, 1814), another apportionment was made, as follows: - 9 2 6 5 3 2 2 2 10. Berkshire County 11. Norfolk County 12. York County. 13. Cumberland County 14. Lincoln, Hancock and Washington Counties 15. Kennebeck County . 16. Somerset and Oxford Counties 1. Suffolk County 2. Essex County 3. Middlesex County 4. Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin Counties 5. Bristol County 6. Plymouth County 7. Barnstable County 8. Dukes and Nantucket Coun- ties. 9. Worcester County 3 3 1 2 1 1 Total 40 1 4 After Maine was set off as a separate state, the 40 “counsellors and senators” were distributed among the Massachusetts counties by Chapter 95, Acts of the legislative year 1821-1822 (approved February 21, 1822), as follows: 1. Suffolk County 6 9. Berkshire County 2 2. Essex County 10. Bristol and Dukes Counties 3 3. Middlesex County 5 11. Plymouth County 4. Worcester County 5 12. Barnstable County 1 5. Norfolk County 13. Nantucket County . 1 6. Hampshire County 7. Hampden County Total 40 8. Franklin County . 2 1 2 Still another apportionment was made by Chapter 155 of the Acts of 1832 (approved March 22, 1832), as follows: 6 6 5 1. Suffolk County 2. Essex County 3. Middlesex County 4. Worcester County 5. Hampshire County 6. Hampden County 7. Franklin County 8. Berkshire County . 9. Norfolk County 10. Bristol County 11. Plymouth County 12. Barnstable County 13. Dukes and Nantucket Counties 3 3 2 1 ܚ ܟ ܟܬ ܝ ܝ 2 2 1 Total 40 Article XIII of the Amendments. By the Thirteenth Article of Amendment, approved and ratified April 6, 1840, the cumbersome method of determining the membership of the Senate by eliminating from the whole number of persons chosen without distinction to be “counsellors and senators” nine who were to be designated as councillors, leaving a Senate of 31, was abandoned, the amendment providing that there should be a Senate of 40 members, and, in addition, nine councillors, to be chosen from among the people at large by joint ballot of the senators and the representatives. This amendment not only, as has been noted, substituted inhabitants as the basis of representation in the House instead of ratable polls, but eliminated the provision for apportioning the senators among the several districts on the basis of the “proportion of public taxes paid by the districts;" and it was provided that “no possession of a freehold or of any other estate” should be re- quired as a qualification for holding a seat in the legislative body or the Executive Council. The article continued: - The Legislature, at its first session after this amendment shall have been adopted, and at its first session after the next State census shall have been taken, 6 HISTORICAL SURVEY. 741 and at its first session after each decennial State census thereafterwards, shall divide the Commonwealth into eight districts of contiguous territory, each containing a number of inhabitants as nearly equal as practicable, without dividing any town or ward of a city, and each entitled to elect one councillor; provided, however, that if, at any time, the Constitution shall provide for the division of the Commonwealth into forty senatorial districts, then the Legis- lature shall so arrange the councillor districts, that each district shall consist of five contiguous senatorial districts, as they shall be, from time to time, es- tablished by the Legislature. ... The apportionment of senators as well as representatives under the Thirteenth Amendment was thus to be determined by the Governor and Council for a period of ten years, in accordance with the number of in- habitants as ascertained by a census on the first day of May of the year 1840, and of every tenth year thereafter, and the several Senate districts then existing were to be permanent, but each district was to have at least one senator. The Council accordingly assigned the 40 senators to the several counties, and we read in the minutes of the meeting of that body for July 23, 1840, the following record of the manner in which this duty was performed: - The returns of said Census declare the number of inhabitants in each of the Senatorial Districts to be as follows, viz.: – Suffolk 86,161 Norfolk 50,804 Essex 94,748 Bristol 59,774 Middlesex 104,451 Plymouth 46,786 Worcester 93,462 Barnstable 31,662 Hampshire 30,392 Dukes County and Nantucket 13,372 Hampden. 37,339 Franklin 28,759 718,592 Berkshire 40,882 . . This whole number (718,592) being divided by the number of Senators (40) gives 17,964}; as the number of inhabitants entitled to one Senator in each District. Dukes County and Nantucket not having that number, we assign to that District one of the forty senators, pursuant to said amendment of the Constitution. We then deduct the population of Dukes County and Nantucket (13,372) from said 718,592, and one from the 40 Senators, and proceed to as- sign the number of Senators (from the remaining 39 Senators) to be chosen in each of the remaining 12 Districts according to the number of inhabitants in the same, the whole number of inhabitants after deducting 13,372 for Dukes, County and Nantucket, being 705,220 - And we then find — 66 66 66 66 66 66 64 60 66 66 66 66 Suffolk entitled to 4 Senators and a fraction Essex " 5 Middlesex 5 Worcester 5 Hampshire 1 Hampden 2 Franklin 1 Berkshire Norfolk "2 Bristol 3 Plymouth 2 Barnstable 1 33 Assigned to Dukes County & Nantucket 1 34 6 66 66 66 66 742 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS This leaves six Senators to be assigned, viz. one to each of the Districts having the largest fraction - and those Districts are Suffolk, Middlesex, Hamp- shire, Franklin, Norfolk, and Barnstable. And we therefore recommend that the number of Senators to be chosen in each District be assigned as follows, viz.: -- 5 5 Suffolk Essex Middlesex Worcester Hampshire Hampden Franklin. Berkshire Norfolk Bristol Plymouth Barnstable Dukes County and Nantucket 3 3 2 2 1 5 2 2 1 40 2 The record of the apportionment of senators as made by the Council for the decadel following the Census of 1850 runs as follows on the minutes of the meeting of July 18, 1850, the committee's report being duly ac- cepted and approved: It appears by the Returns that the whole population of the State, on the first day of May was 973,715 deducting from this 13,195 for the District of Nantucket and Dukes, and there remains 960,520 and this number divided by 39 gives 24,629 as the ratio for a Senator. Dividing the number in each County by this ratio, 36 Senators are obtained; add to this one Senator for Nantucket and Dukes, and there are three Senators to be ap- portioned to those three Counties having the largest fractions, which are Suffolk, Hampshire, and Barnstable. The Committee therefore apportion Senators to the Several Counties as follows, to wit Counties Number of Senators Suffolk Essex Middlesex Worcester Hampshire Franklin Hampden Berkshire Norfolk Bristol Plymouth Barnstable Nantucket and Dukes Population 145,758 127,170 155,762 126,565 34,290 30,888 50,224 48,937 77,441 74,979 54,509 33,997 13,195 19 19 co w N Nad ei os er 6 5 6 5 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 | Total. 973,715 40 The Thirteenth Amendment, as we have seen, provided for a Council of nine members, to be chosen from the people at large instead of from the 40 persons hitherto elected as “counsellors and senators," of whom nine were to be chosen as "counsellors” by the joint ballot of the senators and representatives; but the sponsors of this amendment were not yet ready | This plan was in actual operation for only seven years, or until the apportionment upon the new basis of legal voters as provided by the Twenty-second Amendment, ratified May 1, 1857, became operative. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 743 to take the position that the members of the Council should be elected directly by the people, and their election still remained vested for fifteen years longer in the legislative body. Article XVI of the Amendments. It was not until the adoption, on May 23, 1855, of the Sixteenth Amendment that the process of democratizing the executive branch of the government was completed by the provision that the councillors (who by this amendment were reduced to eight in number) were to be annually chosen by the inhabitants of the Commonwealth qualified to vote for Governor. The article continued: The legislature, at its first session after this amendment shall have been adopted, and at its first session after the next state census shall have been taken, and at its first session after each decennial state census thereafterwards, shall divide the commonwealth into eight districts of contiguous territory, each con- taining a number of inhabitants as nearly equal as practicable, without dividing any town or ward of a city, and each entitled to elect one councillor; provided, however, that if, at any time, the constitution shall provide for the division of the commonwealth into forty senatorial districts, then the legislature shall so arrange the councillor districts, that each district shall consist of five contiguous senatorial districts, as they shall be, from time to time, established by the legis- lature. . The provision in the Sixteenth Amendment for the contingency of some future constitutional provision that the Commonwealth be divided into 40 senatorial districts — each to elect a senator did not become opera- tive until the adoption of the Twenty-second Amendment, so that the 13 counties (Dukes and Nantucket being counted as one) continued in the meantime each to constitute a senatorial district, the several senators to which each county might be entitled under the apportionment of the Council being elected by the voters at large within the respective counties. Article XXII of the Amendments. This article was proposed at the same time as Article XXI, relating to the membership of the House, being adopted by the Legislatures of 1856 and 1857, and was ratified and approved by the people on May 1, 1857, by a vote of 32,971 yeas and 4,342 nays, its provisions being still opera- tive. Its text is as follows: ARTICLE XXII. A census of the legal voters of each city and town, on the first day of May, shall be taken and returned into the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, on or before the last day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred fifty-seven; and a census of the inhabitants of each city and town, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of every tenth year thereafter. In the census aforesaid, a special enumeration shall be made of the legal voters, and in each city said enumeration shall specify the number of such legal voters aforesaid, residing in each ward of such city. The enumer- ation aforesaid shall determine the apportionment of senators for the periods 744 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS - between the taking of the census. The senate shall consist of forty members. The general court shall, at its first session after each next preceding special enumeration, divide the commonwealth into forty districts of adjacent terri- tory, each district to contain, as nearly as may be, an equal number of legal voters, according to the enumeration aforesaid: provided, however, that no town or ward of a city shall be divided therefor; and such districts shall be formed, as nearly as may be, without uniting two counties, or parts of two or more counties, into one district. Each district shall elect one senator, who shall have been an inhabitant of this commonwealth five years at least immediately preceding his election, and at the time of his election shall be an inhabitant of the district for which he is chosen; and he shall cease to represent such senatorial district when he shall cease to be an inhabitant of the commonwealth. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 745 PART V. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MASSACHUSETTS CENSUSES. (Arranged in Chronological Order of Publication.) Old Census of Massachusetts. 1764–65. Printed in the "Columbian Centinel" of " August 17, 1822, from original manuscript of Census of 1765. (See also below, Early Census Making in Massachusetts, 1643-1765.) Census of Massachusetts. 1837. Returns of the Census of Massachusetts for 1837. Arranged in alphabetical order by counties. Arranged, in 1857, by Edw. W. Hinks, Clerk. Manuscript. Unpaged. This volume is a collection of the documents returned by the assessors of towns and censors of cities showing the census of population taken under the Act of March 21, 1837. Population of Each Town and County in the State on the First Day of May, 1837. ... From the Official Returns. Appendix to “Statistical Tables: Exhibiting the Condition and Products of Certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts, for the Year Ending April 1, 1837." Boston, 1838. p. 205–209. Statistical Tables: Exhibiting the Condition and Products of Certain Branches of In- dustry in Massachusetts for the Year Ending April 1, 1837. Prepared from the Returns of the Assessors by John P. Bigelow, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Boston, 1838. viii, 209, (2) p. p Statistics of the Condition and Products of Certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts for the Year Ending April 1, 1845. Prepared from the Returns of the Assessors by John G. Palfrey, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Boston, 1846. vi, (2), 391 p. Report on the Subject of the State Census of 1850 by the Special Committee of the Legis- lature of Massachusetts (Lemuel Shattuck, Chairman): presented April 7, 1849; House Document No. 127, Session of 1849. Boston, 1849. 46 p. This is a report of a committee appointed under an order of the House of March 23, 1849, “To inquire into the expediency of prescribing a plan for taking a state census of 1850." A Census of Massachusetts, as Taken by the Authority of the Commonwealth in 1850. Arranged according to the Congressional Districts of the 32d Congress. Also a Statement of the Population of the Several Wards of the City of Boston as Ascertained by the Last State Census, Taken May 1st, 1850. Senate Docu- ment No. 16, Session of 1852. 7 p. Abstract of the Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Taken with Reference to Facts Existing on the First Day of June, 1855, With Remarks on the Same. Prepared under the direction of Francis De Witt, Secretary of the Common- wealth. Boston, 1857. xiii, 252 p. In addition to the statistical returns of the Census of 1855 and descriptive text relating thereto, this volume contains (p. 194–201) a brief résumé of prior censuses. Statistical Information Relating to Certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts for the Year ending June 1, 1855. Prepared from Official Returns by Francis De Witt, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Boston, 1856. xiv, 658 p. 746 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS A List of the Counties, Towns, and Cities in the Commonwealth, with the Census of In- habitants in 1855, of Legal Voters in 1857, and the Last Decennial Valuation in 1850. In Manual for the General Court, 1858. p. 115–123. In addition to this presentation of population may be found in the Manual (p. 103–114) Senate Districts as established by Chapter 309, Acts of 1857, with the number of legal voters in each district; Council Districts as established by Chapter 310, Acts of 1857; and Representative Districts as established by the County Com- missioners of the several counties other than Suffolk, and the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Boston, for the County of Suffolk, pursuant to the Twenty-first Article of Amendment of the Constitution and Chapter 308 of the Acts of 1857; with the number of legal voters in each district (according to the Census of 1857) and the number of representatives to which said districts are respectively entitled. Census of Legal Voters for the Years 1857 and 1865, arranged in Parallel Columns by Councillors, Senatorial, and Representative Districts. Prepared by the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth. House Document No. 30, Session of 1866. 26 p. Abstract of the Census of Massachusetts, 1860, from the Eighth United States Census, with Remarks on the Same. Prepared under the direction of Oliver Warner, Secretary of the Commonwealth, by George Wingate Chase. Boston, 1863. viii, 373 p. This volume, besides containing the statistical returns of the United States Census, of 1860 for Massachusetts and descriptive text relating thereto, gives (p. 216–237) the date of incorporation of each city and town in the Commonwealth, many of the original or Indian names of places previous to incorporation, changes in boundary lines; also (p. 237–240) a description of European Census Systems; (p. 240-245) the United States Census System; (p. 245–246) Census Systems of the several states of the Union; and (p. 250-283) a résumé of Massachusetts Censuses, including the returns of the Provincial Censuses of 1765 and 1776. Abstract of the Census of Massachusetts, 1865: with Remarks on the Same, and Supple- mentary Tables. Prepared under the direction of Oliver Warner, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Boston, 1867. x, 315 p. This volume, besides containing the statistical returns of the Census of 1865 and collateral text, contains (p. 172–175) descriptive matter relating to the early popu- lation of Massachusetts and Plymouth Colonies, dates of incorporation of early towns, and (p. 176-205) the Provincial Censuses of 1765 and 1776; a comparative table by counties and towns of the population as determined at the Provincial Cen- suses of 1765, 1776, the United States Censuses 1790 to 1860, inclusive, and the State Census of 1865, this table being an exhibit of the population for one hundred years; a table (p. 206) of computed population for each year from 1765 to 1867, compiled by Dr. Edward Jarvis; estimates (p. 207) of population for 1870, 1880, 1890, and 1900, also prepared by Dr. Jarvis; remarks (p. 209) on the State Censuses. of 1840 and 1850; a table (p. 240–262) in which appear the State Census returns for 1840 and 1850; and (p. 220-234) numerous statistics of colored population and remarks on slavery in Massachusetts, etc. Statistical Information Relating to Certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts for the Year Ending May 1, 1865. Prepared from Official Returns by Oliver Warner, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Boston, 1866. XXV, 805 p. Legal Voters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as Exhibited by the Census of May 1, 1865. Arranged by Counties. Prepared by the Secretary of the Common- wealth. Senate Document No. 7, Session of 1866. 7 p. The Census of Massachusetts: 1875. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston, 1876-1877. 3 vols. Vol. 1. Population and Social Statistics. 1876. lvii, 809 p. Vol. 2. Manufactures and Occupations. 1877. Ivi, 935 p. Vol. 3. Agricultural Products and Property. 1876. xxxiii, 790 p. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 747 A fourth volume of the results of the Census of 1875 was published as the Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor (1876, xvi, 258 p.), and consisted of tabulations derived from what was known as the Individual Schedule relating to the condition of wage-earners and salaried persons. In addition to the statistical returns of the Census of 1875 there is given in Vol. 1 (p. 733-774) a presentation of “Censuses of Population during One Hundred Years, 1776 to 1875, by Towns,” and potes giving dates of incorporation, changes in names, area, population, etc., of counties, cities, and towns. A Compendium of the Census of Massachusetts: 1875. Prepared by Carroll D. Wright, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston, 1877. vii, 321 p. Prepared under authority of Chapter 38 of the Resolves of 1877. The Census System of Massachusetts for 1875. Edited and arranged for the Bureau of Statistics of Labor by Oren W. Weaver. Boston, 1876. xix, 165 p. The volume contains the industrial statistics schedule and copies of all blanks used in taking the Decennial Census and Industrial Statistics of 1875, together with a sketch of the four preceding censuses taken under the authority of the State. The volume was prepared especially for the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. Census of Legal Voters for the Years 1875 and 1885, arranged in Parallel Columns by Councillor, Senatorial, and Representative Districts. Prepared by the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth. Senate Document No. 12, Session of 1886. 29 p. The Census of Massachusetts: 1880. Compiled by authority of the Legislature, Chap- ter 26, Resolves of 1882, from the returns of the Tenth Census of the United States, by Carroll D. Wright, Chief, Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Public Document (1881) No. 15, Supplement. Boston, 1883. xxiv, 698 p. The Census of Massachusetts: 1885. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston, 1887–1888. 3 vols. in 4 pts. Vol. . Parts 1 and 2. Population and Social Statistics. Part 1, 1887. xci, 685 p. Part 2, 1888. cxxxi, 1331 p. Vol. 2. Manufactures, The Fisheries, and Commerce. 1888. ccxxxix, 1543 p. Vol. 3. Agricultural Products and Property. 1887. Ixii, 934 p. Vol. 1 (p. 61-80) gives Censuses of Population, 1765–1885, by towns, showing the total population at each census (Colonial, United States, or State) and (p. 81- 100) notes on the dates of incorporation, changes in name, area, boundaries, popu- lation, etc., for counties, cities, and towns. The First Census of Massachusetts. By Samuel T. Green, M.D., Librarian, Massa- chusetts Historical Society. American Statistical Association Publications. New series, Vol. II. p. 182. Boston, 1891. Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1895. Prepared under the direction of Horace G. Wadlin, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston, 1896- 1900. 7 vols. 865 p. Vol. 1. Population and Social Statistics. 1896. xiii, Vol. 2. Population and Social Statistics. 1897. xv, 810 p. Vol. 3. Population and Social Statistics. 1899. xix, 597 p. Vol. 4. Population and Social Statistics. 1900. xv, 1236 p. Vol. 5. Manufactures. 1898. XV, 641 p. Vol. 6. The Fisheries, Commerce, and Agriculture. 1899. xxvii, 883 p. Vol. 7. Social Statistics and General Summaries. 1900. xxix, 287 p. In Vol. 1 (p. 129–216) is given a presentation of the Censuses of Population, 1765– 1895, arranged by counties and cities and towns, with dates of incorporation, changes in name, area, boundaries, population, etc.; and (p. 220–223) a tabular presentation 748 1915. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS of the growth of the city of Boston from 1638 to 1895, giving figures for Boston proper, each of the annexations, and Boston with annexations. Of the first four volumes of the reports of the Census of 1895, each entitled “Pop- ulation and Social Statistics," Vol. 1 gives general statistics of population, families, and dwellings; Vol. 2, nativity, race, color, conjugal condition, and age statistics; Vol. 3, parent nativity, schools, and school property; and Vol. 4, statistics of occu- pations. Vol. 7, entitled “Social Statistics and General Summaries,” gives in Part 1 a tabular presentation of employment and unemployment statistics, and in Part 2, statistics of scholars and students and of illiteracy; and a recapitulation of sta- tistics for all occupations supplementary to the presentation of occupation statistics given in Vol. 4. An Index to Occupations for Use in Census Work and Statistical Tabulations. Prepared by Charles F. Pidgin, Chief Clerk of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston, 1896. 300 p. The classification scheme used in the tabulation of occupation statistics in the Census of 1885. Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1905. Prepared under the direction of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Boston, 1908–10. 4 vols. Vol. 1. Population and Social Statistics. 1909. cxviii, 981 p. Vol. 2. Occupations and Defective Social and Physical Condition. 1910. xix, 393 p. Vol. 3. Manufactures and Trade. 1908. lxviii, 294 p. Vol. 4. Agriculture, The Fisheries, and Commerce. 1909. xxvi, 598 p. In Vol. 1 (p. 803-902) is given the presentation of Censuses of Population, 1765- 1905, with dates of incorporation, changes in names, area, boundaries, population, etc. Opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court upon the Questions Propounded by the Two Branches of the Legislature on the Division of the Commonwealth, under the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Amendments of the Constitution, into Sena- torial and Representative Districts, May 27, 1886. Massachusetts Reports, Vol. 142, p. 601; also printed in city of Boston Document No. 133 for 1886. Opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court upon the Questions Propounded by the Two Branches of the Legislature on the Division of the Commonwealth, under the Twenty-first and Twenty-second Amendments of the Constitution, into Sena- torial and Representative Districts, April 28, 1893. Massachusetts Reports, Vol. 157, p. 595. Early Census Taking in Massachusetts. 1643-1765. With a reproduction of the . Lost Census of 1765 (recently found) and documents relating thereto, now first collated and published by J. H. Benton, Jr. Boston. Charles E. Goodspeed, 1905. The Population of Massachusetts as Determined by the Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910. Arranged by Cities and Towns, Counties, and Congressional Districts; also the Population of Metropolitan Boston, with Certain Com- parisons with Former Censuses; and Notes, with Statutory Citations, on An- nexations, Changes in Boundary Lines, Place Names, etc., since 1900. Compiled by the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, pursuant to an order of the House of Representatives, January 6, 1911. Massachusetts House Document (1911) No. 1650. Opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court upon the Questions Propounded by the House of Representatives, March 24, 1915, Relative to the Power of the Legis- lature to Fix the Census Day. Massachusetts Reports, Vol. 220. 1914-15. p. 609. Also printed as House Document No. 1996 for 1915. HISTORICAL SURVEY. 749 The Constitutional Convention. 1917. Bulletin No. 29. The Basis of the Apportion- ment of Representation in the Several States. Submitted to the Constitutional Convention by the Commission to Compile Information and Data for the Use of the Constitutional Convention. Boston. 1917. 28 p. Census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1915. Prepared under the direction of Charles F. Gettemy, Director of the Bureau of Statistics, 1919. One vol. Issued also in separate parts, as follows: - Part I. General Introduction and Population Tables; Alphabetical List of Un- incorporated Villages, etc.; Notes, with Statutory Citations, on An- nexations, Changes in Boundary Lines, Place Names, etc., since 1900. Part II. Composition and Characteristics of the Population. Part III. Nativity, Color or Race, Illiteracy, Political Condition, Ages, and Con- jugal Condition. Part IV. Occupations. Part V. The Fisheries and Commerce Census; Appendices. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE SERIAL SEP 1 4 1976 APR 1995 JAN 26 1995 APH 131195 Fümed by powinch vol MAY 1 1 1995 . 3 MURILLAN 0419 UNIVERSITY 3 9015 OF MICHIGAN 02046 Filmed by Preservation NEH 1991 ! 1 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD