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THE meedful dietetic observances during Homoeopathic treatment, are comprehended under the following general rule, viz. –The patient should abstain from the use of every thing of a medicinal nature, and should partake of light, digestible food, to satisfy hunger, and of such drink as nature requires to allay thirst. Agreeable to this rule, the aliment may be classified under the following sub- divisions :— I. ALIMENT ALLOWED. I. In acute diseases the appetite is mostly impaired and only the lightest and most simple kinds of nutriment are proper; but in these cases nature herself usually dictates the needſml abstinence and the patient is allowed : Pure water in preference to all other drinks; toast water, or water with the addition of sugar, raspberry or strawberry syrup. Barley-water, rice-water, thin oatmeal gruel, panada, gum Arabic water, whey, milk and water, pre- parations of arrow root, Sago and tapioca, without any other seasoning than a little salt and loaf sugar, or one of the syrups mentioned. Most kinds of ripe succulent fruits possessing little or no acidity, fresh or prepared by cooking, and eaten in moderate quantities at a time; as grapes, melons, dried fruits, figs, raisins, pruncs, dried currants, apples, peaches, straw- berries, raspberries, and sweet cherries; but no fruit what. ever should be used in cases of colic or diarrhoea, 2 II. After the more violent symptoms of acute disease have subsided, and the appetite calls for more substantial food, or in most chronic diseases, a wider range may be taken in the choice of aliment, and in such cases the follow- ing articles in addition to those already enumerated are allowed, viz.: All kinds of light bread and biscuit not containing potash, soda, or other similar ingredients, and not too fresh ; cakes composed of meal, eggs, sugar, and a little butter ; buckwheat cakes not raised with fermenting powders ; light puddings and dumplings of wheat, Indian meal, rice, oatmeal or bread, without wines, spices, or rich sau- ces, hominy, Indian mush, rye mush, groats, pearl barley. Potatoes, turnips, carrots, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, as- paragus, green or dried peas or beans; (but these vegeta- bles should not be used in colic or diarrhoea.) Milk, not too recent from the cow, butter-milk, boiled milk, cocoa boiled with milk or water, pure plain chocolate, weak black tea. Butter, free from any rancid or unusual taste, cream, mild cheese, curds and other simple preparations of milk, plain custards. - Raw or soft boiled eggs and egg tea, except in diarrhoea, Soups and broths of animal and vegetable substances else- where permitted, scasoned with a little salt only ; beef tea, chicken water (the flesh being boiled at least for half an hour). Chickens, pigeons, turkeys, venison, and other wild game. Beeſ, mutton, the lean part of ham, neats' tongues. Fresh scale fish, except salmon. Salt, sugar, ice creams with the syrup of strawberries and that of other allowed fruits, and not flavoured with aro- matics. II. ALIMENT STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Old sinoked salt meat, salted fish, veal, geese, ducks, the liver, heart, lungs, or tripe of animals. Rancid butter, old strong cheese, lard, fat pork, turtles, ter- rapins, oysters raw or cooked, hard boiled eggs, omelets. Fish without scales, as catfish and eels ; lobsters, crabs, clams, and soups prepared from them. All kinds of nuts. Coffee and green tea. 3 Food prepared from blood, and much animal fat. Veal cutlets; all kinds of sausages, particulary such as are smoked. The flesh of all young animals. All soups highly seasoned, sauces, drawn butter, pepper-pot. Cakes prepared with much fat or aromatics. All kinds of coloured conſectionery, pastry, honey, (Colour- ed toys if the colours be not fixed, are on all occasions to be withheld from children.) Cider, vinegar, salads or cucumbers prepared with it; saucr- kraut, pickles. * Artichokes, pickles prepared from spices, or greened with copper ; catsups, parsnips, celery, horse-radash, garlic, raw or pickled onions, all kinds of pepper, sweet oil, mustard, saffron, nutmeg, ginger, lemon or orange- peel, vanilla, laurel leaves, bitter almonds, peach kernels or peach leaves, cloves, cinnamon, alspice, coriańder,- fennel or aniseed, marjoram, sage, thyme, spiced choco- late, mushrooms, tomatoes, beets, radishes, boiled or roast- ed unripe Indian corn. - All kinds of distilled and fermented liquors, lemonade, and drinks prepared from acids. : All natural and artificial mineral waters. Wine vinegar, beer vinegar, adulterated vinegar and dilut- ed mineral acids. --~~~~-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- N O T E S. Should any of the allowed articles of diet disagree with the patient on account of some constitutional peculiarity, or the nature of his dis- ense, they should be avoided by him, though perfectly wholesome for others. º The patient should not overload his stomach, nor oppress it with va- rious or incongruous dishes. The demands of the appetite for solids are to be satisfied at stated and not too frequent periods, and at no other time. Regularity in the time of eating is of importance. The diet of children at the breast should not be changed during their sickness, but in such cases, that of the mother should be regulated ac- cording to the preceding rules. With the view of guarding against every extraneous influence calcu- lated to disturb the due effect of homoeopathic remedies, every article of diet and every medicine ought to be avoided; not only all medicines pro- 4 cured at the shops, and all such as are empirical, but every description of domestic medicines, as all manner of herb teas, syrups, medicated poul- tices and irritating or medicinal substances applied to the skin. Blood letting by the lancet, or by leeches and cups, and laxative injec- tions, except those of lukewarm water, are likewise forbidden. All perfulnery, particularly musk, hartshorn, camphor, Cologne water, eau de Luce, or other aromatic waters, flowers used for their odour, cosmetics and tooth powders must be avoided. The cure is disturbed by hot baths, or baths impregnated with herbs sulphur, and other medicaments. Linen, cotton, or leather worn next to the skin is preferable to wool- lens. - When the mature of his malady will permit, the patient should use moderate exercise in the open air for an hour or more every day, and his chamber should be subject to daily ventilation. Other things being equal, a good moral regitnen places the patient in the most favourable condition for recovery. Lábour which diverts the mind, while it exercises the body, should be daily used in chronic diseases, as far as the strength will convenient- ly permit. For about half an hour after taking the medicine, the patient should abstain from eating or drinking, the use of tobacco, and if possible, from much mental or bodily exertion. The medicines are to be kept in a clean, dry, and cool place, free from odours. • :. i LIST 0 F R. E ME DIES C O N T A IN E D IN THIS V O L U M E, WITH THEIR ANTIDOTES. FEMEDIES. . Acidum muriaticum, Acidum nitricum, - . Acidum phosphoricum, . Aconite, - º - Agaricus, - - - Alumina, - -> º . Antimonium crudum, . Arnica, º * - . Arsenicum, - - . Aurum, - º - . Baryta carbonica - . Belladonna, - - . Bichromate of potash, . Borax, . Bryonia, - - - . Calcarea acetata, - . Calcarea carbonica - . Calendula officinalis, ANTIDOTE8. Camphor. Mercurius solubilis. Camphor. Vinegar. Coffea. Bryonia. Hepar sulphuris. Camphor. Cinchona, Ipecacuanha. China. Camphor. Coffea. Rhus. Acidum nitricum. Acidum nitricnm. REMEDIES.-ANTIDOTES. 1 9 i REMEDIES, . Camphor, - - . Cahtharides, - . Capsicum, . Carbo vegetabilis, Carbo animalis, Causticum, sº Chamomilla, - Cicuta, - sº Cina Cinchona or china, Cocculus, - sº Coffea, - * Colocynthis, - Conium, - ſº Crocus, Cuprum, - - Cyclamen, Digitalis, - - Drosera, - tº- Dulcamara, Euphorbium, Euphrasia, . Ferrum aceticum, Acetate of Iron, OT Ferrum metallicum, Ferrum muriaticum, Filix mas, ſº Graphites, . Hellebore, sº . Hepar sulphuris, . Hydrophobin, . Hyosciamus, - , Ignatia, - - * * ANTIDOTES, Opium. Camphor. Camphor. Coffea. & C Arnica. Arsenic. Camphor. Nux vomica. Coffea. & C Ipecacuanha. Opium. Camphor. China. Camphor. Camphor. Winegar. Belladonna. Camphor. REMEDIES,--ANTIDOTES. Ill REMEDIES. ANTIDOTES. . Ipecacuanha, - - - Arsenic. 52. Jalappa, 53. Kali carbonicum, - - Camphor. 54. Lachesis, sº tº - Arsenic. 55. Ledum palustre, - - Camphor. 56. Lycopodium, 57. Magnesia carbonica, 58. Magnesia muriatica, 59. Mercurius solubilis, - Carbo vegetabilis & sulphur. 60. Mezereum or Daphne, & 61. Natrum muriaticum, 62. Nux vomica, - - - Camphor. 63, Opium - - - - € $ 64. Petroleum, 65. Phosphorus, - - - Camphor. 66. Platina, - tº gº? - Pulsatilla. 67. Plumbum, 68. Psoricum, 69. Pulsatilla, - - - Nux vomica. 70. Rheum, - - - - Camphora. 71. Rhus, - - - - Bryonia. 72. Ruta, - - - - Camphor. 73. Sabadilla, sº sº * & & 74. Sabina, - * e- fº & 6 75. Sambucus - - - & C 76. Secale cornutum, - - Solanum nigrum. 77. Sepia, - - - - Aconite. 78. Silicea, - - - - Hepar sulphuris. 79. Spigelia, - - - - Camphor. 80. Spongia, - - - - & C 81. Stannum, * 4- - Pulsatilla. 82. Staphysagria, - - - Camphor. 83. Stramonium, - - - Winegar, Belladonna. iv. REMEDIESemi-ANTEDOTES, REMEDI dº. Arººſ)0TES. 84. Sulphur, - - - - Mercurius solubilis, China, 85. Symphytum, 86. Taraxacum, 87. Tartar emetic, - Ipecacuanha. 88. Teucrium, - - - Camphor. 89. Thuya, - - - - 66 90. Urtica urens, 91. Vaccinin, 92. Variolin, 93, Zincum. | PREFA C E. Every homoeopathic physician who loves his art, and feels an interest in its success, should say some- thing popular on its subject to his friends and the public generally ; for this is an excellent and a very sure means of enlisting common sense in behalf of the homoeopathic healing art. The reasonableness of the fundamental principle of homoeopathy is so evident to the “poor in spirit,” our mode of prescribing is so much superior to the common method, and so much more elegant and pleasant, that the common sense of the public may be safely appealed to, to sit in judgment between us and our opponents. It is true the public generally cannot be expected to have a full perception of the principles of our art, and the modus operandi of our drugs, but they have sense enough to know what is best for their welfare and con- venience, and to judge a doctrine by its results. “Ye shall know them by their fruits : ” “Do men gather grapes of thorns, and figs of thistles 3' Who would not rather give his child a few pellets of He- par Sulphuris, Spongia, Bichromate of Potash, etc., to have it cured of Croup, than to have it bled, purg- ed, crammed full of emetics, and to have its skin A. iv PREFACR, blistered by vesicatories? Or who would not rather be cured of Pleuritis or Pneumonia in two or three days by taking a few pleasant harmless pellets of Aco- mite, Bryonia, Belladonna, etc., than by submitting to all the tortures of the regular treatment for three times the length of time required by the homoeopathic practice The obstimacy and blindness of the pre- tended “regular ” physicians are truly wonderful; they all have it in their power to shorten the suf- ferings of their patients by treating them homoeopa- thically, and yet there is not one of them who would only condescend to look into Hahnemann's Materia Medica,” much less to call upon those who have studied it, and would be glad to inform their dissent- ing brother practitioners of the treatment to be pursued in particular cases, and to gradually initiate them into the principles of our art. There seems to be a gulf between the homoeopathic and alloeopathic practition- ers which can never be filled ; there can be no intel- lectual fellowship between those two classes of men and nothing is left to the homoeopathic physicians except to appeal to the common sense of the public, and the brilliant results of their practice. The little volume which is here offered to the pub- lic makes no pretensions; it is simply intended, to- gether with its kindred publications, to enable fami- lies to prescribe without the aid of a physician, in or- * Hahnemann’s Materia Medica and Chronic Diseases, 9 volumes ; translated by Charles J. Hempel, and published and for sale by Wm. Radde, 322 Broadway. \ PREFACE. V dinary cases ; this can be done much more easily in our practice than in any other ; we never use any vio- lent remedies; blistering, vomiting, bleeding are not required in homoeopathic treatment: our remedies are administered internally in the manner which will be described in the next paragraph. The administration of the drugs is entirely left to the discretion of the physician, and it is difficult to establish general rules in regard to it. The following hints, however, will be found sufficient to guide those who prescribe for themselves:— To allay high fever, we always give Aconite, dis- solving 10 or 12 pellets in three quarters of a tumbler" ful of water, and giving a good teaspoonful of the solution every half hour, or, in violent cases, every fifteen minutes, until the fever begins to abate : as soon as this takes place, the medicine is continued at longer intervals, every hour, or every two hours, and finally stopped altogether, unless the use of the Aconite be required by other symptoms. When the fever is accompanied with derangement of other parts of the system, head, liver, bowels, etc., the Aconite has to be given in alternation with the drug which is indicated for the other symptoms, the Aconite being discontinued as soon as the fever dis- appears, and the other drug being continued alone. In violent diseases, such as cholera morbus, spasms, convulsions, violent colic, the medicine may be re- peated every 15 minutes, giving two or three pellets at a dose dry upon the tongue, until relief is obtained, vi PREFACE. e in which case the medicine should be administered at longer intervals. In inflammations, such as pleuritis, pneumonia, etc., the medicine should be given in water, 10 or 12 pellets in three quarters of a tumbler- ful of water, and should be repeated every hour, until the vehemence of the symptoms diminishes. . In chronic maladies the medicine should be repeated every day, or every two days. It is thought expedient to give certain medicines, such as Belladonna, Pulsa- tilla, Digitalis, in the morning ; and certain others, such as Nux vom., Mercury, etc., in the evening ; in acute attacks this rule cannot apply ; in chronic cases the rule is to ascertain in the first place at what period of the day or night the disease is most violent; if it be most violent in the night, then take the medi- cine in the morning ; if the disease be most violent in the day then take the medicine in the evening. It will be seen that in this little volume the pellets are recommended exclusively. But inasmuch as many persons may wish to use tinctures and tritura- tions instead of the pellets, they may proceed in this manner: dissolve one drop of the tincture, or as much of the trituration as will cover one-third of the blade of a penknife in a tumbler full of water, shaking the so- lution from one tumbler into another backward and for- ward sixteen or twenty times, which ought likewise to be done with the pellets, and taking a tablespoonful, or in the case of children, a teaspoonſul of the solu- tion as often as is recommended for the pellets. * pHEFACE. vii Homoeopathic drugs have now been potentialized up to the 200th and many of them up to the 300th, 400th, 500th, etc., until the 2000th potency; these high potencies may be had of Mr. Radde, 322 Broadway, in complete collections, or small cases containing the most important of those remedies, or also single, vials. It seems almost incredible that such high potencies should act; but I can assure the reader that in cases where they are well chosen, they do act sometimes with astonishing power and rapidity. The layman may consider it a rule that they are only suitable to persons who are easily influenced by medicine. Two or three of those pellets correspond to a drop of the tincture, or ten or twelve pellets of the ordinary po- tencies. Suppose now the medicine is given, one of four things must necessarily take place. Either the symp- toms disappear and the patient recovers, or they be- come worse, or new symptoms set in, or else things remain in statu quo. What then is to be done 3 If the patient improve, the medicine is discontinued as long as the improvement lasts; as soon as it stops, and the symptoms are still the same but weaker, the same medicine is given again, but at longer intervals than at first; if the symptoms are essentially modi- fied, or if new symptoms set in with the improvement, a new remedy must be given in accordance with the symptoms, at longer intervals, * A viii #REFACE. If the symptoms are worse, then it ought to be ascertained whether this is owing to a natural in- crease of the disease, or whether it is the medicine that has produced this exacerbation of the symptoms. In the former case the medicine had either been badly chosen, or if chosen in accordance with the symp- toms, the potency was not adapted to the susceptibili- ty of the patient and a lower potency ought to be substituted in the place of the former, and given to the patient. If it is the medicine that has produced the exacerbation, in this case the medicine should be discontinued until the exacerbation has passed away. Sometimes the patient gets entirely well after such an exacerbation; or he gets only much better, in which case the same medicine may be given again, but less of it; for instance, instead of dissolving 10 or 12 pellets, take only 2 or 3; and instead of one drop of the tincture in a tumblerful of water, take a tablespoonful of that first solution, and mix it it again with a tumblerful of fresh water, giving a tablespoonful of this second solution at longer in- tervals than the one which had produced the exacer- bation. A medicinal exacerbation may be distin- guished from a natural one by the sudden increase in the violence of the symptoms. If the exacerbation is very violent, antidote the drug before continuing its use. If the administration of the medicine is followed by the appearance of new symptoms, the medicine ought to be discontinued, and the progress of the PREFACE. ix disease carefully watched. In many cases the new symptoms will disappear, together with the original disease; in other cases they will remain or even in- crease, in which case a new remedy must be selected in accordance with the symptoms. If things remain in statu quo, this shows that the medicine was either not homoeopathic to the symp- toms, or that the potency which had been employed was not proportionate to the intensity of the disease. In this case the medicine should be selected again with more care, or else a different potency, in most cases a lower one has to be employed. The general experience, however is that the medicine which is strictly homoeopathic to the symptoms, will act bene- ficially in acute cases, no matter what potency is used. In chronic cases the potency and the repeti- tion of the dose are matters of great moment, and can scarcely, if ever, be left to the discretion of a layman. The chapter of bruises, contusions, etc., has not been treated in detail in this volume ; all that can bes said on that subject, is contained in my treatise on Arnica, published by Mr. Radde, 322 Broadway, and may be had for the trifling expense of one shilling. A few important and interesting remarks on the same subject will be found page 174 of this volume. Cases for the domestic physician may be had of Mr. Radde, No. 322 Broadway, and of Mr. Smith, 511 Broadway. The medicines sold by Mr. Radde are from the Homoeopathic Pharmacy in Leipsic, >k 36 A. X PREFACE, which furnishes medicines to all the homoeo pathic practitioners in Germany. Mr. Radde has recently imported a vast quantity of tinctures, tritu- rations, and potencies of every drug used by homoeo- pathic physicians, which I take the liberty to recom- mend most warmly to the profession as medicines which are prepared in the most unexceptionable and careful manner. The homoeopathic Materia Medica has been lately enriched with a specific for burns, the Urtica wrens, the curative action of which in the treatment of burns is similar to that of Arnica in the treatment of bruises. (For details, see p. 175.) Persons who suffer with weakness of the stomach must avoid all those things which disagree with them. In catarrh and ſever, the diet ought always to be as low as the patient is willing and able to bear. I had at first intended to insert in this volume a parallel between the homoeopathic and alloeopathic treatment of some of the standing diseases with which mankind are most frequently afflicted ; but this, to- gether with a comparative view of the various methods adopted in the treatment of disease, shall be laid be- fore the public in a popular form in a future publica- tion. CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D., 95 SPRING-STREET. .New-York, March 25, 1846. HOMOEOPATHIC D 0 M EST I.G PHYSIC I AN, BACK, pain in the. Arsenic, when the pain returns every third or fourth day; feeling of anxiety and qualmish- ness in the back close to the spinal column, gradually increasing to a violent burning pain, aggravated by contact and somewhat relieved by motion; periodical oppression of the stomach, want of sensibility in the region across the stomach, frequent desire for stool, with thin, yellowish, and afterwards mucous discharges, accompanied with burning and soreness of the anus; debility, (one dose every morning.) Bryonia, when the patient suffers with stiffness of the small of the back, obliging him to walk crooked, (every 6 hours.) Lycopodium relieves the pain, which is felt in the back and small of the back during mo- tion, or when stooping or raising something, when the abdomen becomes constricted. Nur vom., when the pain comes on from catch- 14 AFFECTIONS OF BOWELS, ing cold by the feet in wet and cold weather —or when the pain appears every other day, is accompanied with constipation, aggra- vated by motion, rises up to between the shoulders, and is accompanied by a slightly drawing pain extending as far as the genital organs, (one dose every night.) |Sulphur : violent darting pains in the small of the back when rising, with cracking of the joints, or sensation as if the vertebrae were gliding over one another, (every 6 hours.) BOWELS, affections of. CHOLERA. Take every 15 minutes a dose of Arsenic : watery diarrhoea, or watery or bloody vomiting, burning in the abdomen, great de- bility, sunken eyes, yellow complexion. Belladonna, when there is vomiting of watery, acid and mucous substances, mucous diar- rhoea, dry heat, especially when those symp- toms come on as consequences of a repelled eruption. Calc. acet., against the sour vomiting, and sour diarrhoea of babies. Cinchona, when the attacks chiefly come on in the night, or else Arsenic. Dulcamara, when caused by drinking cold in CHOLERA.-ASIATIC CHOLERA. 15 great heat. If there is vomiting, give Ipec. previous to Dulc. Ipecac., when there is vomiting, spasmodic asthma, excessive pain in the pit of the sto- mach, diarrhoea. Secale cornut., when the vomiting is over, but when the color of the stools continues pale, and shows that the secretion of bile has not yet recommenced properly. Weratrum : vomiting and purging, the sub- stances being green or black, pressure in the pit of the stomach, violent burning in the whole abdomen as of hot coal, or cutting in the umbilical region, coldness of the extremi- ties, sunken eyes, pointed nose, dim yellowish eyes, open mouth, lips and tongue dry, black- ish, parched; the body being covered with cold viscid sweat; pulse small, quick, inter- mittent. ASIATIC CHOLERA. Camphora. Give 5 drops of the tincture every 5 minutes, until sweat sets in. Veratrum, for the same symptoms as in com. mon cholera, great sinking of strength, gene- ral coldness, spasmodic contraction of the calves, rigor. Cuprum, when there is : vomiting, convulsive spasms, discharge of mucus from the anus. Ipecacuanha is to be given when vomiting ap- 16 AFFECTIONS OF BOWELS, pears to be the principal symptom. It may be given in alternation with arsenic. Arsenic, when there is : great weakness, great restlessness and tossing about, thirst without drinking much at a time, burning from the pit of the stomach down to the umbilicus, diarrhoea. Ipec. is a good remedy in the after-stage of cholera. CIIoIERINA. Acidum phosp. and Rhus, in alternation, as long as the tossing about in the bed con- tinues. If these are insufficient, use Calcarea carb. and Ferrum metal. Causticum may likewise be tried, and Cuprum is to be taken when convulsions and cramps are present. CoLIC. Belladonna, when there is a sensation below the umbilicus as if the parts were grasped with the nails, or when the intestines pro- trude here and there like pads. It is like- wise indicated when the flatulent colic in- duces fainting, cold sweat, congestion and distension of the veins. Arsenic, violent colic, constipation, diminished appetite, occasional vomiting of clear water, retraction of the abdomen, thirst, chilliness, great weakness, indifference or despon- dency. COLIC, 17 * Carbo veg., colic after diarrhoea, the pain mov- ing from the left to the right side, where a painful pressing is experienced from within outward, with a paralytic feeling in the right limb. Chamomilla, flatulent colic, the flatulence be- coming incarcerated here and there, and pro- ducing a pressure as if it would break through, distension of the hypochondria and pit of the stomach, restlessness, sensation as if one would go to stool, but nothing but mere watery mucus being passed. Chamomilla relieves the flatulent colic of chil- dren, accompanied with green stools. Cocculus, for flatulent colic. Excessive pain- ful pressure under the last true rib of the right side, increased by cough and stooping; ab- domen distended by flatulence; tearing and burning in the bowels; occasional inclination to vomit, constipation, anguish. Colocynthis, when the attack commences with the emission of flatulence, and when this is followed by violent cutting in the abdomen, sensation as if the bowels were being torn and dashed to pieces, accompanied by tear- ing in the lower limbs. Or when the bowels feel as if squeezed between stones, and the abdomen is hard and distended, with anguish, and either constipation or diarrhoea. Or, when the left side of the abdomen and the 2% AFFECTIONs of BowFLs. left groin are painful to the touch, as if the part were torn, and when it burns like a wound; this may sometimes be accompa- nied by a stitching and burning pain in the left side, extending as far as the umbilicus, and with retching and vomiting. If the pains should become much worse after taking the colocynth, a cup of black coffee without sugar may be taken, after which the colocynth is to be continued. Nua, vom., when there is : violent tearing pain in the head, vomiting of food, violent spasm in the region of the stomach, yellow coating of the tongue, sour taste in the mouth, cut- ting in the abdomen, unsuccessful desire for stool, urine scanty and watery. Or when the pains are seated in the umbilical region, cut- ting, and with a sense as of whirling, as of something alive, increased by stooping, re- lieved by bending the body backwards. Or when the colic is deep-seated, with a sensa- tion as if a cutting or stitching instrument were working upon the bladder, urethra, pe- rinaeum, (the parts between the anus and the genital organs,) and as if cutting flatulence would press out in all those places; the pain becomes intolerable during motion, and passes off when remaining quiet. Secale, in the menstrual colic of females, cha- racterized by paleness of countenance, cold- COLIC, 19 ness of the extremities, cold sweat, small subdued pulse, alternate tearing and cutting pains in the abdomen. Weratrum, when the abdomen is painfully dis- tended, with tension in the hypochondria, (the sides directly under the chest,) clawing pain in the pit of the stomach, heartburn, empty eructations, constipation, restlessness, sleeplessness, anguish, beating headache. Cinchona, in flatulent colic, when the lower- most intestines feel constricted, and the flatulence causes distension and painful pres- SUII’62, Colocynthis is the best specific for bilious colic, when the intestines feel as if knotted up in bundles, with vomiting, headache, etc. Caus- ticum may be given for the after-pains. Opium is a specific for the so-called saturnine or lead-colic. Platina may be given if opi- um does not relieve. Alumina is a good remedy when the opium and platina have done all they could. Opium or Plumbum, or in alternation, are spe- cifics in colic characterized by vomiting of faecal matter. Nua and Opium are specifics in colic from in- carceration of hernia. Belladonna is to be used when the abdomen is distended and painful to the touch, with griping pains in the abdomen and region of 20 AFFECTIONs QF BowFLs. the bladder, and continual involuntary emis- sion of urine. CoNSTIPATION AND INvolunTARY DISCHARGE of STool. Bryonia, for constipation with retraction of the abdomen, indifference, yellow countenance, deep, faint and sunken eyes, or when the stool has to be forced out, as if it had to pass through a rock. Nua, vomica: vertigo, heaviness of the head, bit- ter sour taste, heartburn, nausea, distension of the abdomen after eating but little, tearing pain in the abdomen, unsuccessful desire for stool, pain in the rectum, weariness, drowsi- YleSS, Weratrum may be used after Nuw, if Nuw does not help. Plumbum, when a paralytic weakness of the intestines seems to be the cause of the constipation, sometimes accompanied with cramps in the abdomen. - Opium is an excellent remedy for constipation in pregnancy, or in persons affected with mental disease, also in children. Natrum nuriatum is one of the best remedies for chronic constipation, a dose may be taken every evening until relieved. sulphur and Lycopodium may be used in chronic constipation in alternation, every evening, • * CONSTIPATION, ETC.—DIARRHOEA. 21 especially when the constipation is charac- terized by flatulence. - * Nua, vom. cures spasmodic closing of the sphincter of the anus, which comes on with great pain when the least attempt is made to expel the faeces. t Hyosciamus cures paralysis of the sphincter, the faces falling out involuntarily. DIARRHOEA. Acidum phosp., or Phosphorus, in chronic diar- rhoea, especially when papescent and accom- panied with tenesmus, (painful and violent pressing upon the rectum.) Arsenic, when there is sudden debility, violent intense colic, burning at the anus, blood with stool. Bryonia, when the diarrhoea originated in a cold, with pinching colic after every meal; sometimes the food passes off undigested, in which case the Bryonia may be alternated with Cinchona. In old and protracted cases Phosphorus may be given. Calcarea carb., chronic diarrhoea in scrofulous children. Chamomilla, in diarrhoea from dentition ; also Calcarea. Chamomilla or Rheum, when the diarrhoea has been caused by sour things, especially in 22 AFFECTIONS OF BOWELS. children ; or when it is watery, greenish, accompanied with colic. Coffea, diarrhoea from overloading the stomach, or when accompanied with irritation of the rectum and orgasm (agitation) of the circu- latory system. - Dulcamara, in diarrhoea from cold, accompa- nied with tenesmus, weakness, sometimes blood with the stool. - Jalappa, painful and bloody diarrhoea of small children. Magnes. carb., for chronic diarrhoea having a sour smell. - Merc. sol., in diarrhoea from cold, with burn- ing and itching at the anus, acrid and watery stools which are sometimes streaked with blood. Nuw v., watery diarrhoea every few hours, with cutting and drawing in the thigh, commenc- ing in the small of the back. Pulsat., mucous diarrhoea changing its color, or bloody, and especially when occurring in the night; take Colocynthis for this kind of diarrhoea when it is of long duration and ex- hausting. Rheum may be given in diarrhoea after partu- rition, unless one of the other remedies should be indicated. - Rhus, in nightly diarrhoea, accompanied with violent colic, going off after stool. - * * DYSENTERY. 23 Sulphur, in diarrhoea succeeded by tenesmus, when brought on by a cold, or when accom- panied with ophthalmia, or with rash over the whole body, soreness of the anus, geni- tal organs and internal surface of the thighs. Ferrum and Cinchona, or Antimonium crudum, are excellent remedies in mucous discharges from the rectum; for which Mercury is the best specific. DYSENTERy. Take every 15 minutes a dose of Arsenicum : Eructations, hard and distended abdomen, constant discharges of mucus from the anus, with burning at the anus, scanty emission of urine, dry and brown tongue, vio- lent thirst, great debility, oppression of the chest, anguish. Colocynthis, when the dysentery is accompa- nied with violent colic. Dulcamara, in bloody diarrhoea brought on by a cold, and characterised by violent cutting in the bowels, tenesmus, violent thirst. Mercurius sol. : violent pain in the bowels as if cut to pieces, especially during stool; vio- lent tenesmus, resulting in discharge of bloody mucus ; increase of the tenesmus in the night; painful burning at the anus and viscid sweat in the face. For the remaining weakness Cinchona may be given. When 24 AFFECTIONS OF BOWELS, there is great heat in the face, and redness of the cheeks, give - Nuw instead of Mercury. Pulsatilla: discharges of blood and mucus, ex- coriating the anus ; cutting and pinching around the umbilicus before stool ; chilliness and shuddering with goose-flesh during stool. Insipid taste, tongue coated white, nausea, vomiting of mucus, pain in the small of the back; chilliness the whole day, especially in the evening, pale and faint, weeping mood. Rhus ought to be given when the colic and tenesmus have been relieved, and the excre- ments pass off in the night, involuntarily. Sulphur is excellent in dysentery when the pa- tient suffers with ha-morrhoids. Sulphur may be given in alternation with Mer- cury, if Mercury alone does not seem to be sufficient. --- FALLING OF THE RECTUM, (Prolapsus ani.) Mercur. Sol. : the rectum looks black, is pain- ful and bloody, the blood being sometimes spirted out with force; difficulty of expelling the faces. Ignatia may also be used. HAEMORRHoIDs. Acidum. mur., when the hamorrhoidal tumors - HAMoRRHoIDs. 25 are swollen and inflamed, they are red, hard, hot, shining, feel sore; sometimes a creeping is felt in them, and violent stitches dart through them. Acidum nitricum, for flowing haemorrhoids and tumors, the rare, hard and dry stool being first regulated by Nua and Ignatia. Arsenicum, when the tumors are burning, and affected with a stinging pain ; bloody blis- ters on the trunk and the extremities, the urine is burning and looks like bloody lymph, diarrhoea, headache, horrible burning in the skin as soon as one lies down, as if hot wa- ter were flowing through the veins. Belladonna, for flowing hamorrhoids with in- tolerable pain in the small of the back, as if it would break. . - Carbo veget. : stitching pain in the small of the back, when making a wrong step ; stiffness of the lower part of the spine, as if lined with whalebone ; burning and tearing in the shoulders, bones of the fore-arms and knees; stool intermittent, with violent burning pain, sometimes accompanied with discharge of blood. The tumors are dark-blue. Carbo veg. may likewise be administered when the abdomen seems to be in a state of torpor, with constipation, flatulence, and bleeding at the nose, whenever stooping or going to stool. For any other symptoms, 26 AFFECTIONS OF BOWELS. Nua, vom. and Sulphur may be used in alterna- tion ; these are the greatest specifics for ha- morrhoids, and ought to be taken night and morning until the disease is cured; Nux in the evening, sulphur in the morning. HERNIA. Aurum cures inguinal hernia of little children. (Two doses a day.) Cocculus cures inguinal hernia of little children. with tardy stool, canine hunger, cries. It may be given when Nua, or Aurum have no effect. (Two doses a day.) Nua, vom., in alternation with Cocculus, in in- guinal and femoral hernia, when accompa- nied with chronic vomiting, spasmodic pains in the abdomen, pressure upon the rectum and bladder. Or, when the hernia has be- come incarcerated, with pinching and stitch- ing and greenish vomiting, or vomiting of faecal matter; it may be alternated with Coc- culus, (every 15 minutes.) Dpium and Nua in alternation, for constipation brought on by a cold and causing great pain in the region of the hernia, (every hour.) SPASMs AND CRAMPS IN THE ABDoMEN. Repeat the dose every 15 minutes. Chamomilla, abdominal spasms in females, es- pecially when resulting from a cold, or from eating directly after having been in a passion. SPASMS IN ABDOMEN.—WORMS, ETC. 27 Cocculus, when the spasm affects the whole of the intestinal canal from above downward, with vertigo, light-headedness, nausea. Cuprum, when there is a sensation as if every , fibre of the intestines were spasmodically put upon the stretch, this sensation some- times extending as high up as the chest, and being accompanied with a cramp-like sen- sation in the muscles of the back or lower limbs, the muscles feeling sometimes as if twisted the wrong way, and causing the pa- tient to turn and twist himself for the pur- pose of restoring the muscles to their proper places. The paroxysm is sometimes suc- ceeded by great debility, and accompanied with tenesmus, resulting in the expulsion of mucus; after Caprum give Secale, and for the remaining weakness Veratrum. Magnesia mur., in females, when the cramp extends from the sides obliquely downwards toward the womb. WoRMs. Ignatia, for tingling and creeping in the rec- tum, (every hour.) Sulphur, when the creeping is intolerable, (every two hours, in water.) Tencrium is one of the best specifics for worms in the rectum, (every hour, in water.) Aconite, when the child has fever and when the worms show a tendency to creep towards 28. AFFECTIONs of EARs. the mouth. After the fever has been sub- dued, (giving the Acon. every 6 hours,) give Cina, which is the best specific for worms in the bowels. Alternate Cina and Sulphur, when the child shows a disposition to be affected with worms, giving a dose every two days, in the morning. Filia mas is the best remedy for taenia, (twice a day.) Spigelia may be given when the following symptoms occur, especially in the forenoon: dilatation of the pupils; paleness of coun- tenance ; biting in the nose ; nausea in the morning, with sensation as if something were rising from the stomach into the throat; pinching pain in the abdomen, coldness, di- arrhoea, canine hunger all day, thirst, (eve- ry six hours.) EARS, affections of. DISCHARGE FROM THE EAR. Mercurius, when there is ulceration, roaring in the head, pain of the ascending plate of the jaw, when touched, (every six hours.) Pulsatilla, for a thick, yellowish discharge, with ulceration of the external ear, tearing in the ear, (every six hours.) Conium, when the discharge is reddish-brown. Arsenic or Zincum, when fetid, (every morn- ing.) INFLAMMATION OF THE EAR. 29 INFLAMMATION of THE EAR. Belladonna, when the inflammation at once sets in with great violence, or when there is tightness in the head, delirium, convulsions, fainting, loss of voice, etc., (every hour.) Nua, vom., in alternation with Aconite, for tear- ing and stitching pain in the meatus auditori- us, (passage of the ear,) cracking noise when chewing, soft and painless swelling of the gland behind the ear, alternation of chilli- ness and heat, tearing in the facial bones, stitching pain in the right side of the fore- head and while sleeping ; the pain is most violent when entering the room, or when in bed, (every two hours.) - Pulsatilla, for violent, tearing and cramp-like pains in the ears, with whizzing and roar- ing ; the orifice of the passage is swollen, blood and pus coming out when pressing up- on the swelling ; the pain comes on in pa- roxysms, causing stupefaction and a burning pain in the head, the eyes looking inflamed, with loss of sense, pain and distension of the bones behind the ears, burning heat in the evening, without thirst ; white tongue ; want of appetite ; sometimes there are tear- ing pains in the small of the back and the extremities, starting, delirium, dryness of mouth with parched and gray-coated tongue, great debility, redness of urine depositing a 30 AFFECTIONs of EYEs. mucous sediment, offensive, slimy taste, loathing of every thing, (every hour.) Pulsatilla ought to be given when the discharge is consequent upon retrocession of measles, (every three hours.) OTALGIA, (common Ear-Ache.) Chamomilla is a specific against those pains, (every half hour, in water.) Spigelia, Belladonna, Rhus, Nua and Pulsat. ought to be used when any of the above-men- tioned symptoms are present. RoARING IN THE EAR. Arsenic, when the roaring results from a cold, (every three hours.) Aconite, when from fright, (every two hours.) Igmatia, when from fright and grief; may be - used in alternation with Aconite, (every four hours.) Petroleum, when there is great sensitiveness to noise and an inability to distinguish one sound from another. EYES, affections of. INFLAMMATION. Aconitum, (every hour, in water,) when result. ing from the penetration of foreign bodies into the eyes; after the Aconite use Arnica. INFLAMMATION, 31 Arsenicum ; violent burning in the eye, the conjunctiva” being injected with blood—or when the eyelids are swollen, agglutinated, secreting corrosive tears, with ulcers on the cornea, stinging and burning pains, sees through a gauze, the intolerance of light being so great that the eyelids close spas- modically. These inflammatory symptoms are sometimes accompanied with retching and vomiting of mucus, diarrhoea, painful vesicles on the upper lip full of yellowish water, tongue coated white, skin dry and flaccid, starting of the limbs while asleep, (every 6 hours.) - Belladonna : twitching of the eye-lids, injected state of the blood vessels of the conjunctiva, intolerance of light, difficulty of swallowing as if the oesophagus were constricted, swell- ing of the glands on the sides of the neck, roaring in the ears, throbbing of the caro- tids, (the arteries coursing along the sides of the neck,) violent thirst, dark urine, red countenance, hot and dry skin, contraction of the pupils and sometimes painful pressure in the forehead, over the eyes, (every 4 hours.) * Calcarea is the principal remedy in scrofulous ophthalmia, when ulcers and pellicles of the * This is the pellicle drawn over the cornea. - AFFECTIONS OF EYES, cornea are present, (one dose every morn- ing.) . Calcarea is a chief remedy for inflammation of the eye-lids, when the eye-lashes have fallen off and the lids secrete a thick, purulent hu- mor, (every morning.) Chamomilla ought to be given for inflammation of the eyes of new-born children, when there is redness, swelling and copious secretion of mucus, accompanied with thin, yellow, lack- stools, (every two hours.) Euphrasia, swelling and agglutination of the eye-lids, inflammation of the eye-balls, se- cretion of mucus, which is sometimes streak- ed with blood, (every two hours.) Hepar sulph. : violent running; intolerance of light ; sometimes alternating with excessive brightness of light; eye-lids sore, humid, their inner surface being bright-red and in- flamed, (every morning.) . Mercur. Sol. : Intolerance of light, redness and scurf of the margin of the eye-lids, and red- ness of the eye-ball behind the lids. Sensa- tion as of a cutting body being under the eye-lid; ulcer on the cornea, surrounded with a broad, whitish-gray, opaque border; tearing, boring pains in the eye and the sur- rounding parts, worse in the night and even- ing ; sees through a fog, (every night.) Nua, vom. : violent pressure in the eyes when INFLAMMATION, 33 endeavoring to open them, or to look in the light; suffusion of redness in the white of the eye ; redness, swelling, agglutination of the eye-lids; burning-itching pain in the lids ; suppuration of the canthi, (corners of the eyes;) tearing pain in the eyes, espe- cially in the night; hard stool, (every night.) Phosphorus, in chronic ophthalmia, when the margin of the eye-lids is red and inflamed, when there is redness, inflammation and se- cretion of pus in the canthi, running, etc., (every morning.) Pulsatilla, when there is profuse running, and secretion of gum from the glands in the mar- gin of the eye-lids. # Rhus: swelling of the parts around the lower half of the eye; redness, running and nightly agglutination of the eye-lids; sleeplessness. Spigelia ; dimness of sight, violent pressure in the eye ; pain deep in the eye, and the parts around the eye. - Sulphur, in swelling of the eye-lids; the cornea looks as if covered with dust; ulcer on the cornea ; intolerance of light; sensation as of sand in the eye; painful pressure in the eye, becoming intolerable in the light; tension in the eye-lids when moving them ; stinging and burning pain in the eye; se- cretion of acrid tears; the inflammation is 34 AFFECTIONS OF EYES. sometimes accompanied with colic, diarrhoea and tenesmus, (every night.) AMAUROSIs. Belladonna: Indistinct sight, as if things were wrapt up in a black mist, with black motes, spots or colors before the eyes, (every morn- ing.) - Mercurius : Frequent vanishing of sight, run- ning, black motes, pressure in the eyes, and intense pain when exerting the eye, (every night.) Sulphur : sensation as if small filaments were hanging from the eye-lids; increasing dim- ness, with tearing and burning in the eye ; slight redness, or also with constipation and fever, (every night.) SPECKs Upon THE CORNEA. Euphrasia: specks and running; may be used in alternation with Cannabis, night and morning. - Sulphur; opacity of the cornea, inflammation and redness, (every night.) - ILLUSIONS of SIGHT. Cicula : double vision ; the letters seem to turn, they and the light of a candle are sur- rounded with a rainbow-like shine; intoler- ance of light, and occasional burning in the eyes, (every morning.) PARALYSIs, ETC.—s'TYE. 35 Belladonna : In bright day-light, the right eye sees every thing through a gauze, and fre- quently sees the objects double, with black motes before it; in the morning and at twi- light this eye sees nothing; star-shaped shine around the flame of the candle. Bel- lad. may be alternated with Pulsatilla. Belladonna ought to be given when the eye- ball turns spasmodically upwards whenever the light impinges upon it suddenly. Also, when fiery sparks are seen upon closing the eyes, when the candle-light seems larger than it is, and is surrounded with a blue-red sphere ; redness and tension of the face. If gastric symptoms are present, give Pulsat. when there is looseness, and Nua, when there is constipation. PARALYSIs of THE UPPER EYE-LIDs. Sepia is the best specific. SPASMODIC CLosTNG of THE EYE-LIDs. Hyosciamus is the specific for this affection ; it may sometimes be given in alternation with Chamomilla. STYE. Calcarea is excellent when they re-appear fre- quently. In other cases use Pulsatilla, and 36 AFFECTIONS OF FACE. - Staphisagria for nodosities in the margin of the eye-lids, with inflammation of the lids. FACE, affections of: ERYSIPELAs of THE FACE. Aconite and Rhus in alternation, every hour, continuing the Aconite until the fever has ceased. Rhus is indicated by the following symptoms : The face is red, shining and swollen, and covered with a quantity of vesi- cles containing a yellowish fluid ; tension and pressure in the face, sometimes accom- panied with burning creeping and stinging in the face; chills and sudden failing of strength; vertigo when raising the head; fainting, nausea ; painful sensitiveness of the eyes, bleeding at the nose ; putrid, slimy taste, flow of saliva ; oppression of the chest, hot skin, despondency, (every hour, in wa- ter.) Belladonna may be given when the brain seems to be considerably affected, when there is violent headache pressing from within outward, jerks and digging-up move- ments in the head, delirium, lancinating headache, wild looks, violent thirst, dry or coated tongue, parched lips and tongue, con- stipation, brown-red and turbid urine, (every hour.) FACE-ACHE, PROSOPALGIA. 37 Chamomilla may be given for swelling of the cheeks, with redness, gnawing pains in the bones, sometimes accompanied with bitter taste, thirst, burning heat and sweat, head- ache, (every 6 hours.) Hepar sulp. ; burning stinging face, covered FA all over with vesicles, or swollen, hard, red and tense ; frequent chilliness as if water were poured over one ; hiccough and eruc- tation ; burning sensation in the bowels and over the skin; stitching and burning pain in the small of the back and back, restless sleep, (every 4 hours.) CE-ACHE, PRosol'ALGIA (Tic Douloureux.) Belladonna : Disagreeable tickling in the Co cheek, followed by violent cutting pain when rubbing the parts; violent tearing in the malar bone with spasmodic closing of the eye-lids, these symptoms being sometimes accompanied with profuse secretion of tears, constipation, tensive and stitching pains in the articulation of the lower jaw, stiffness and painfulness of the neck, (every half hour.) locynthis: violent tearing, burning and lan- cinations through the left side of the face and head, sometimes affecting the upper jaw, nose, ear and orbit; the pains are increased by contact and motion, (every half hour) 38 AFFECTIONs of FACE. Conium : tearings through the right half of the face, quick as lightning, (every half hour.) Mezereum ; Cramp-like stupefying pressure in the region of the left malar bone and extend- ing thence into the eye, temples, ear, teeth and neck; sometimes accompanied with stitches in the side, suddenly coming and going, and creeping in the outer parts of the chest, (every half hour.) Mercurius : tearing in the right side of the head, face, jaw, accompanied with swelling of those parts, flow of saliva, running of the eyes, pain in the small of the back, (every half hour.) Phosphorus : the cause being a cold ; puffiness and paleness of the face ; dull tearing and stitches in the cheek, from the jaw to the ear; or the tearing may begin in the gums of the lower jaw and extend as far as below the eyes; the pain is excited by talking or by the least contact and may be accompa- nied by tearing in the vertex, whizzing in the ears and feeling of tension in the cheek, (every half hour.) Staphisagria ought to be given when the tear- ing commences in a hollow tooth and ex- tends over the whole row ; spasm in the fauces ; spasmodic weeping when the pain is violent, (every half hour.) Causticum and Spigelia are useful remedies. chILBLAINs, ETC.—coRNs. 39 FEET AND HANDS, affections of the. CHILBLAINS AND FROzEN LIMBs. Agaricus, is an excellent remedy when the frozen toes are inflamed and painful, (every morning.) Belladonna, dissolved in water, may be used as an external application, being at the same time administered internally, when the limbs are blue-red and swollen, with beating and throbbing pains, (every morning.) Nua, vom., when the patient has an ardent, irri- table temperament, when the swelling is rather bright-red, burning and itching espe- cially when exposed to a warm temperature, or when the swelling inclines to burst open and readily bleeds when touched, (every night.) . Pulsatilla may be used instead of Nua, when the person has a mild or phlegmatic disposi- tion, (every morning.) Sulphur, when there is redness, swelling and itching of the hands or feet in winter, some- times covered with little ulcers, (every night.) CORNS. Arnica is the specific, see the treatise on Arnica. 40 FEVERS, PANARITIA, (WHITLow.) Silicea cures panaritia of the worst kind, even when the bone has become affected, (every morning. - Sulphur, when the tip of the finger is inflamed white-yellow, shining and distended, when stitches dart through the swelling, the nail is thick, yellow, ill-shaped, with pus under the nail, and very painful when touched. FEVERS. When the fever is very high, the skin hot, the pulse quick, hard and full, or quick and wiry, Aconite is to be administered in all cases, in water, a tea-spoonful every hour. CATARRHAL FEveR, (See Rheumatic Fever.) When resulting from getting wet, or from a re- trocession of the perspiration give Dulcamara, especially when the following symptoms occur : burning in the head with stupefying headache ; dry tongue ; burning heat in the palate ; unquenchable thirst ; no appetite ; no stool or looseness; no sleep ; red and burning urine ; hot skin ; sharp drawing in the small of the back, shoulders, and upper arms. When there is alternation of great heat and chills, or when the pulse is very high and |GASTRIC AND BILIous. FEVERs. 41 quick, Aconite and Dulcamara may be given in alternation, every hour. GASTRIC AND BILIous FEveR. In alternation with Aconite, use . Nur vom., when there is pressure in the head, slow stool, vertigo, sour taste, griping at the stomach. Antimonium crudum, when there is vomiting and diarrhoea, and cutting in the abdomen. Pulsatilla, when the diarrhoea is rather slimy, accompanied with loathing and chilliness, sleeplessness, startings when on the point of falling asleep, pulsations in the pit of the stomach, absence of thirst, spasm at the sto- mach with stitches in that region, pale, yel- lowish countenance. Chamomilla, when the fever results from vio- lent chagrin. Chamomilla and Staphisagria in alternation when it originates in chagrin with indigna- tion. Belladonna ought to be used in the place of Pulsatilla, when the senses are extremely irritable and when there is great thirst. Weratrum, when the fever results from chagrin, and is accompanied with constipation. Mercurius, when there are discharges of acrid, sanguineous mucus, anxiety, tremor, vertigo, colic, and yellowish countenance. 4% 42 - * FEveRs. Cinchona in the place of Mercury, when there is no colic, but great prostration. Arsenic, when the colic is accompanied with vomiting and diarrhoea, internal heat, un- quenchable thirst, the patient drinking but little at a time, excessive debility, occasion- ally a sensation as if fire were coursing through the veins. INTERMITTENT FEveR.* . The medicine is to be given shortly after the attack. Antimonium crudum, when gastric and bilious symptoms prevail, such as nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, and little thirst, or when these symptoms exist during the apy- rexia, (the period between the paroxysms.) Arnica, when the fever is preceded by a draw- ing sensation in all the bones; chills, then heat, much thirst during the chills, the pa- tient drinking a good deal; the thirst is the same during the hot stage, but the patient drinks but little. Arsenicum ; no thirst in either stage ; after the fever, violent aching in the forehead; or, paralytic weakness of the limbs, intolerable tearing pain in the bones, great anguish * See Boenninghausen’s Essay on the treatment of Intermit- tent Fever, edited by Dr. Hempel. INTERMITTENT FEVER. 43 about the heart—or, thirst during the cold stage, with aching in the forehead—or, when there is thirst in the three stages, cold, hot and sweating, the chilly stage setting in first, with violent pains in the chest and limbs; then the hot stage with headache; lastly sweat—or, when the patient suffers with violent pain and anguish in the pit of the stomach, and sensation as of fire coursing through the veins—or, when insignificant ailments, not properly belonging to the fever, become aggravated during the attack—or, when there is roaring in the ears; or, when there is nausea, trembling, and a sudden and excessive prostration of strength. Belladonna : slight chills, no great heat of the skin, then sweat. Or, no great chilliness, but a good deal of dry heat, without thirst. Or, when there is no thirst either in the chilly or hot stage. Or, when the chills come in the forenoon and the heat in the afternoon. Or, when there are several at- tacks of fever during the day, chills followed by general heat, and then sweat without any thirst. Or, when the chills come in the night, followed by heat, and sometimes ver- tigo and thirst. Or, when the whole nervous system is excessively irritated. Bryonia : Chills, heat, then sweat; thirst only during the hot stage. Or, when the cold 44 FEVERS, -stage is prevailing. Or, when the fever is accompanied with stitches in the side and abdomen; constipation. Capsicum : General heat and sweat without thirst; then chills, shaking, chattering of teeth, coldness of the whole body, anxiety, uneasiness, inability to use one’s senses, in- tolerance of noise; thirst only during the cold stage. A characteristic indication for this remedy is the presence of thirst during the cold stage only, and the absence of thirst in the hot. Carbo veget. : Violent tearing in the teeth and bones, followed by a cold sensation per- vading the parts; then heat in the head, a little thirst, lastly sweat and swelling in the region of the stomach. Causticum : chills, heat with violent pain in the joint, cutting pain in the back. Chamomilla, fever with gastric or bilious symp- toms: burning cheeks, startings during sleep, great heat lašing a long while, with thirst. Cinchona: Tºš is the specific for intermittent fevers' injharshy regions. It is indicated, when the fever commences with secºndary ailments, such as palpitation of the heart, sneezing, anguish, thirst, ravenous hunger, headache, etc. Or, when the thirst is only felt after the cold stage is over, or shortly before the hot stage sets in, or during the **. INTERMITTENT FEVER, 45 sweating stage. Or, when the hot stage is characterised by pricking over the whole body, in which case there may be also thirst. Or, when the chilliness increases in the open air. Other indications for Cinchona are—distension of the veins, even when there is only some heat in the head, the skin having the ordinary temperature to the feel, or only feeling hot to the patient; conges- tion of blood to the head, with redness and heat in the face, the other parts of the body frequently feeling chilly or even cold to the hand; sometimes the heat in the face being felt only internally, and the cheeks feeling cold, with cold sweat on the forehead. Cina ; fever with vomiting and ravenous hun- ger, or hunger only during the apyrexia. Cocculus : fever with obstinate constipation and spasms of various kinds, especially of the stomach. Mezereum : chills accompanied with asthmatic contraction and tightness of the chest in front and behind. Or, the cold stage isºgharac- terized by dryness in the back part of the, mouth, with accumulation of ... in the fore part, without any desire for drink. FT Digitalis: rºdness and heat of the face, with chilliness {{he remainder of the body. Ferrum : congestion of blood to the head ; dis- tension of the veins; bloated condition of the 46 FEVER8, parts around the eyes; pressure at the sto- mach and in the abdomen after a slight meal; asthma caused by distension of the abdo- men; vomiting of the ingesta; paralytic weakness. ~- Hellebore : burning heat over the whole body, especially about the head, accompanied with internal chills, without thirst ; can only drink little at a time. -- Hyosciamus : quartan fever with dry cough at night. Or, when coldness is the prevailing symptom, with pain in the back. Or, burn- ing heat of the whole body, with much thirst, putrid taste, and a quantity of mucus in the mouth. Ignatia: fever-pains which can be relieved by external warmth. Or, heat of some parts, and coldness of others. Or, thirst only during the cold stage. Or, chills with thirst, followed by heat with icy-cold feet. Ipecacuanha: chilliness under the skin, in- creasing when approaching a warm stove. Or, chills, followed by heat with thirst, some- times accompanied with vomiting, dyspnoea, (oppressed breathing,) stitches in the chest, and finally sour sweats. Lycopodium : shaking fits, and great coldness as if lying in ice, accompanied with drawing through the whole body; then sleep, and sweat when waking. Tertian fever, with INTERMITTENT FEvER. 47 . sour vomiting; puffiness of the hands and face after the chills. Mercurius: alternation of heat, and a sensa- tion of coldness over the whole body, with great failing of strength. Or, heat and chil- liness continually intermixed; when out of bed one feels chilly, when in bed one feels hot. Or, excessive palpitation of the heart during the sweating stage, the sweat having a fetid or sour smell. Natrum muriaticum: chilliness, followed by heat and excessive headache, as if the head would burst. Or, chilliness, followed by heat, ac- companied with obscuration of sight, stitches in the head, thirst, and little or no sweat. Nitric acid: chilliness, heat and violent sweat, no thirst in either stage. Nua, vomica : chilliness, heat with headache, nausea, and tingling in the ears. Or, inter- nal heat at night, external chilliness, dry- ness of the mouth and loathing of drinks. Or, chilliness with blue nails, followed by heat lasting a long while, and accompanied with violent thirst and stitches in the tem- ples. Slight chilliness, followed by heat and thirst, headache, vertigo, redness of the face, vomiting, red urine, pain in the chest; par- tial sweat after the heat. Or, fever with vertigo, anguish, chills, delirium, distension of the stomach. Or, intermittent fevers cha- 48 FEVERS, racterized by a sense of paralysis in the com- mencement of the fever. Or, intermittent fevers with stitches in the sides and abdomen. Opium : fever with stupor, snoring with open mouth, twitchings of the limbs, and burning heat of the sweating body. - Phosphorus: chilliness, followed by heat and thirst, accompanied with internal chilliness, or else heat and sweat, followed by chilli- ness and coldness to the hands, the chilliness being again succeeded by heat, whilst the external coldness continues; this remedy is especially indicated when there is diarrhoea. Phosphoric acid : chills, followed by an exces- sive dry heat. Or, chills, followed by heat in the face, dryness of mouth, and stinging pain in the throat when swallowing. Pulsatilla : chilliness, followed by heat and drawing in the bones, thirst only during the hot stage. Or, vomiting of mucus in the commencement of the cold stage, absence of thirst in the hot and the sweating stage, mu- cous diarrhoea during the apyrexia, with nau- sea and want of appetite. Or, shiverings, followed by burning heat with thirst, start- ings when about to fall asleep, violent pains resembling labor-pains, Soreness of the whole body and watery diarrhoea. Rhus tow.: chilliness with thirst, general heat with livid complexion, sweat after the warm INTERMITTENT FEveR. 49 * stage, the sweat being preceded by tearing in the left lower limb, pain in the small of the back and right lower limb. This remedy is also indicated by nightly diarrhoea, and cuttings in the abdomen. # Sabadilla : chilliness, sweat, and lastly profuse sweat. Or, when there is a dry and con- vulsive cough in the cold stage, the chilliness being divided off into paroxysms. Sambucus : chills, followed by heat, and pro- fuse sweat during and after the hot stage, or exhausting sweats during the apyrexia. Spigelia: ſevers, where some parts are affected with a feeling of heat, and others feel cold to the touch. Or, when a badly smelling sweat breaks out during the hot stage all over the body, and lasts during the night. Staphisagria : fevers consisting merely of the cold stage, without any thirst or subsequent heat. Tertian fevers with symptoms of scur- vy, putrid taste in the mouth, bleeding gums, want of appetite and constipation. Sulphur : internal heat with redness of the face, and chilliness existing at the same time; tired and bruised feeling of the limbs accompanied with great thirst ; afterwards sweat all over the body. Or, heat mingled with chilliness, and accompanied with con- tinual palpitation of the heart. Or, chilli- ness, exaltation of the fancy, and lastly, heat GENERAL AFFECTIONS, and profuse sweat. Or, 'chilliness which cannot be relieved by the warmth of a stove. Weratrum : fever consisting merely of the cold stage. Or, coldness with internal heat, dark urine and cold sweat. Or, nightly chills with violent pain in the small of the back. Or, thirst, and alternation of chilliness and heat, afterwards heat with unquenchable thirst, delirium, redness of the face, and constant slumber; finally, sweat and pale countenance. RHEUMATIC FEvER, (See Catarrhal Fever.) Aconite, (every 2 hours, in water,) when the pulse is high. - Belladonna for headache, swelling of the mus- cles of the fore and back part of the neck, and pain during motion. Pulsatilla, when both sides of the neck are swollen, and when a pain as of sub-cutane- ous ulceration is experienced when touching the parts. Chamomilla, when the pain is drawing and tear- ing, with paralytic numbness of the parts, when the pain affects the vertebral column down to the small of the back, and extend- ing thence into the thighs. GENERAL AFFECTIONS. ApopDExY. - Arnica: vertigo, headache, falling down with- APOPLEXY. 51 out consciousness, the lower jaw hanging down; extremities insensible and paralysed; unintelligible muttering ; pulse full, but in- termittent after some beats. If there is con- stipation and fulness in the abdomen, Bryo- nia and Nua, may be given after the Arnica.’ The parts may be rubbed with Arnica, 10 drops of the tincture in half a tumbler full of Water. Aconite, in plethoric persons, when the fit seems to come from congestion of blood to the head. Belladonna : vertigo, anxiety, sudden falling without consciousness, stupor, dilatation of the pupils, redness and puffiness of the coun- tenance, injected state of the vessels of the eye, is unable to talk or swallow, pain in the lower surface of the tongue, extending down to the region of the stomach; no stool; tight pulse. Or, loss of mobility, insensibility of the right side of the body; speechlessness, loss of sight and hearing, distortion of the mouth, convulsive motions of the face and arm, difficult deglutition, protrusion and red- ness of the eyes. Or, paralysis of the ex- tremities, loss of consciousness and speech, sopor; in this case Cocculus may be given in alternation with Belladonna, every half hour. * - Cocculus may be given when the fit comes on after loss of blood, when the fit is character- 52 GENERAL AFFECTIONS, ised by nausea, vertigo, loss of conscious- ness, heat and redness of the countenance, short and still breathing, and insensibility of the bottom of the feet. Nua, vomica : Uninterrupted flow of saliva from the mouth ; hanging down of the lower jaw ; loss of consciousness, sopor; eyes look dirty and dim ; paralytic condition of the extremi- ties and the organs of deglutition. Opium : The attack is preceded by vertigo, heaviness and confusion of the head, stupe- faction of the senses, sopor, whizzing in the ears, staggering gait, staring ; the fit itself is characterised by rigor ; heat, redness and bloatedness of the face; red and glistening eyes ; dilatation of the pupils and insensi- bility to the light; stertorous breathing; foam at the mouth ; coldness of the hands and feet; convulsive twitchings of the ex- tremities; spasmodic contraction of the fin- gers, loss of consciousness : after the attack, the patient laughs a good deal, talks non- sense, grasps at his head. Pulsatilla : when the attack is accompanied with retention of the menses; rigor, loss of consciousness, violent pulsation of the heart, but no pulse. EPILEPsy. Arsenicum, when the fit is characterised by EPILEPsy. . . . 53 burning at the stomach and vertigo, and when the patient inclines to suffer with aching pain in the occiput, burning pain in the spi- nal column, burning at the anus during stool and burning in the urethra during micturi- tion. Belladonna is a great remedy in epilepsy, and may be given when the following symptoms occur : Great irritability of the nervous sys- tem, the patient starting at the least noise, tremor and twitchings of the muscles, spark- ling of the eyes, double vision or squinting (in which case Stramonium may be admin- istered ;) stammering speech, congestion of blood to the head, vertigo, roaring in the ears, jactitation of the tendons, contortions of the features—or, when the fit commences in the upper extremities with slight, painless convulsions, the face becomes bloated and dark-red, convulsive movements of the eyes and mouth, redness and protrusion of the eyes and the consciousness is nearly gone before the spasms and the foam at the mouth make their appearance.—Or, when together with these last symptoms the head and trunk are drawn backward, the body is stiff, the thumbs clenched and the expirations are very vehe- ment.—Or, when the attack commences with a warm sensation in the pit of the sto- mach, and a pressure rising to the head, the 5 54 GENERAL AFFECTIONS, patient hears people talk, but does not un- derstand them, convulsions of the arms, clenching of the thumbs, shocks of the heart, puffiness of the neck, sudden changes of color. Causticum is an excellent remedy against epi- lepsy. Chamomilla, for epilepsy in children, when the fit is preceded by colicky pains—or, when the child bends backward, followed by sud- den stretching of the limbs, the thumbs be- come clenched; quick, suffocative breathing, convulsions of the limbs, foam at the mouth, deep sopor after the attack; the tongue is sometimes convulsed and turns from one side of the mouth to the other. - ºx Cuprum, when the fit commences with the arm being involuntarily drawn to the body. Hyosciamus : Falling with a sudden cry, con- vulsive tossings of the hands and feet, invol- untary emission of urine.—Or, when the pa- tient lies still during the fit and wakes with great weakness, or, when the fit results from fear of punishment, or, when the fit commences with cramps in the calves, fol- lowed by cramps in the stomach, and termi- nates with heat, heaviness of the head and vertigo, the patient seeing fiery wheels dur- ing this time. Ignatia, epilepsy from fright, anxiety or violent SPASMS AND CONVULSIONS. 55 chagrin, in recent cases ; in old cases Sul- phur is often required. Nua, vomica, in epileptic fits brought on by abuse of spirituous drinks, or in persons of a vehement and irritable disposition. Opium, when the fits come on in the evening, night or morning, suffocative breathing, vio- lent tossing of the limbs, the patient is al- most breathless, has the eyes half open, is almost insensible. - Sulphur, when the patient becomes drowsy, lies down and the body becomes so stiff that not even the strongest man is able to bend , the limbs. SPASMS AND Convulsions. Arnica, when the convulsions are brought on by a wound, fall, etc. Belladonna, in the case of children, when the spasm comes on in consequence of something being denied to them. Belladonna is a suit- able remedy for convulsive trembling of the head, especially in the case of children; sometimes Cocculus and Aurum are required. Or, for spasmodic, contractive sensation in the pit of the stomach, anxiety in the chest ; drawing and stiffness in the nape of the neck and back, cramp in the tongue, difficult de- glutition, vertigo, stupefaction ; these symp- toms may sometimes be accompanied with GENERAL AFFECTIONs. obscuration of sight, contorsion of the facial muscles, lock-jaw, spasm in the throat. Belladonna is a specific for lock-jaw in chil- dren, when the following symptoms occur: Startings, convulsive movements in different parts of the body, squinting, spasmodic breathing, dilatation of the pupils, eyes star- ing and immovable, involuntary discharge of faces.—Or, when the child makes all sorts of faces during the attack, smiles, and fre- quently wakes with a piercing cry; the bow- els are alternately loose and constipated. Sometimes the foot is turned backward with cracking of the joint, foam at the mouth and distension of the abdomen.—Or, when the body is tossed up, the child bites, tears the clothes, the pulse being small and spasmodic; the fit is brought back by the slightest touch. Causticum or Cuprum may be tried when Bel- ladonna does not suffice, or when the child becomes quite breathless when crying and draws the lower limbs up spasmodically. Chamomilla in spasms consequent upon anger. Cuprum, when the body bends backwards in the form of a hoop, constant flow of saliva from the mouth, twitching of the closed eye- lids; sometimes the spasm sets in with chil- liness and sudden falling down, and is ac- companied with constant emission of turbid urine. - SPASMS AND CONVULSIONS. . ë7 Hyoscianus: staring in every direction, vacil- lation of the head from side to side, moving of the hands over the cover of the bed, as if the patient were seeking something; when grasping at a thing the patient misses it; finds every thing ridiculous, dry cough at night; after Hyosc., Belladonna may be given for the remaining paralysis of the tongue, vertigo, etc. - Hyosciamus may be given when the spasm re- sults from chagrin. Ignatia : when the patient cries for help with a crowing voice, and experiences a suffocative oppression of the chest, the patient raises him- self involuntarily, the head being drawn back- ward between the shoulders. Ignatia relieves spasms from fright or chagrin. Ipecacuanha relieves convulsions of children with loud cries and rattling breathing. Moschus, when the fit is characterised by sud- den alternations of convulsive expansion and contraction of the chest, and suffocative ar- rest of breathing. - Nua, vom., in spasms from getting wet and taking cold in consequence.—Nua, vom. re- lieves the painful cramp in the calves and toes of plethoric and fleshy persons. - Stramonium, rigor of the extremities, the upper forming right angles with the body, the lower being in a straight line with the body; tre- 58 GENERAL AFFECTIONS, mor of the whole body, foam at the mouth, staring look. Weratrum, hysteric spasms, sudden falling and remaining quiet and without consciousness, for 10, 12, or 24 hours. GouT. Antimonium crudum, when the attack is com- plicated with gastric symptoms. Arnica, when all the joints, especially those of the lower limbs, are affected with tearing pains; swelling of the knee, with stinging pain when touched; drawing and tearing jerks in all the limbs ; chilliness and flushes of heat; Pulsatilla may be alternated with Arnica every four hours. - Belladonna, in acute gout of the knee; Pulsa- tilla is likewise an excellent remedy in this case. - Ferrum may be used when several parts are affected by the gout, when there is violent stitching and tearing in the parts, especially at night, obliging one to move them continu- ally, with pale and emaciated countenance. Pulsatilla, when the gout suddenly wanders from one part to another. Bryonia for gout of the foot, with swelling and redness. - * Calcarea carb., when every change in the FAINTING FITs. 59 weather, or an emotion such as fright, an- ger, etc., brings on a relapse. Staphisagria, for gouty nodosities in the finger- joints. - - Sulphur may be used when the parts are swol- len, red, inflamed, and very painful. Nuw vom., when the attack is brought on by the abuse of spirituous drinks. * FAINTING FITs. Aconitum, when they are consequent upon de- termination of blood to the chest and head, especially in persons accustomed to being bled; or in fainting from fright; in this case Coffea may be given, if Aconite be insuffi- cient. - Moschus, for the fainting fits of hysteric fe- males. Nua, vomica, for fainting fits occurring at irregu- lar periods, at night, in the evening, after dinner, or in the open air, or for the fainting fits of pregnant females depending upon con- gestion of blood to the head; if Nux be in- sufficient, Phosphoric acid may be given. Weratrum, when the fits occur suddenly, the patients remain in that fit for 10, 12 or 14 hours, with spasmodic trembling of the upper eye-lids, and tightness of the jaws. Cinchona or Weratrum, for fainting from debili- tating losses. - 60 AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD, HEAD, affections of the. DELIRIUM TREMENs. Nur vom. is the principal remedy in the first stage. Opium in the second stage. Calcarea carbon. is specific in some cases. HEADACHE. Aconite, headache resulting from congestion of blood to the head after a cold. Aurum, tumult and roaring in the head, espe- cially in hysteric females. Belladonna, when the headache results from habitual congestion of blood to the head, with distension of the veins. Or, when there is a screwing, boring and tearing pain and roaring in the right ear, in the occiput and temples, burning and pricking in the swollen gums, swelling, twitching, and prick- ing of the upper lip and right side of the face. Or, when a pressing, pushing and tearing is experienced in the whole head, and espe- cially the forehead, renewed by motion and a draft of air. Calcar. carb., boring in the forehead, hammer- ing sensation in the open air, whizzing, heat of the cheeks, falling off of the hair, dim- sightedness, sometimes diarrhoea, painful menstruation, with cutting in the abdomen, HEADACHE. 61 griping in the small of the back, anxious dreams. Or, tension in the temples, heat and drawing in the vertex, and beating in the head; vomiting of food when eating, burn- ing in the eyes, falling off of the hair, dis- charge from the ear, fetid pus in the nose ; hawking up of mucus, costiveness, stitches in the left side of the chest during motion, arrest of breathing, nightly pains in the arms and back. Nuw may be given in alternation with Calc., the former at night, the latter in the morning. Cinchona, painful sensation in the left side of the head, as if the brain were balancing and striking against the skull. Or, ulcerative pain of the posterior portion of the scalp, as if it were detached from the skull, (every two hours.) Ignatia ; sensation as if a nail were plunged into the top of the head, especially in hysteric females. Mercury : tearing in the left side of the head extending into the teeth and muscles of the neck, with stitches in the left ear, accompa- nied with chilliness, delirium, sweat in the palms of the hands. Bryonia may be alter- nated with Mercury, (every three hours.) Mercury is specifically indicated by a burning and tearing pain in the temples; and also by roaring in the head, pain in the ear 6 62 AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD. and the adjoining portion of the jaw, when, touched. - uw vom., when the headache is accompanied by vertigo, obscuration of sight, loss of con- sciousness, stitches over the eyes, ringing in the ears, intolerance of light, throbbing in the region of the stomach. Or, when there is ulcerative pain in the side of the forehead, with a pressing sensation from within out- ward, constipation. Or, when the headache is increased by wine or coffee. Or, when there is an inability to raise the head, heat in the head, redness of countenance, consti- pation. Pulsatilla : tearing, which is worse during the night, vertigo, roaring in the ears, obscura- tion of sight, tearing and pressure in the eye, lachrymation, hard stool, chilliness, stitches in the limbs and subsequent heat. Or, when the whole body feels as if in a vice; vertigo, heaviness of the head, weeping, alternation of redness and chilliness ; dryness without thirst ; loathing of food, nausea, creeping in the pit of the stomach, constriction across the chest, anguish, shuddering. Or, when there are sudden paroxysms of stitching in the vertex and burning in the eyes, nausea, glowing countenance, sensation when mov- ing, as if the brain were falling out; the pain being relieved by compressing the head. HEAD ACHE • 63. Or, when the headache is accompanied with bilious, sour vomiting and pinching colic. Rhus: drawing in the left temple in the even- ing and night, with humming and roaring in the head. Or, when the pain commences with a stitching in the ear, which spreads thence into the temple, forehead, root of the nose and malar bone, painfully affecting the teeth and gums, and disappearing in the jaws. Arnica, when the headache comes from a blow upon the head, (see the treatise on Arnica.) Bryonia, when the headache is caused by a painful emotion or by rough weather, com- pressive headache, eyes look faint and glassy, paleness of countenance, intolerance of light and noise, irritable mood, nightly palpitation of the heart and oppression of the chest, nausea, retching, constipation. Or, anguish, despondency, forgetfulness followed by pressure in the forehead with a drawing and digging-up sensation, gradually chang- ing into a stitching, tearing and burning of the whole head and ending in vomiting. Or, when the headache is occasioned by con- gestion to the head, affecting the sinciput, forehead and temples, pressing from within outward as if the head would burst, with dartings through the head, the pain being aggravated by stooping, coughing, sneezing, or by moving about. Or, when the head- 64 AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD, * C Af ache is beating, pressing, tearing, now in the vertex, now in either side, sometimes accompanied with trembling of the body, and most violent in the morning; Bryonia may be given in alternation with Rhus, Rhus being given in the morning, Bryonia in the evening. occulus : frequent aching in the forehead with bilious vomiting ; rare, hard stool, painful menstruation with coagulated blood. Or, when the headache is accompanied with emptiness and hollowness of the head. Or, when it is a constrictive or screwing-in head- ache after a meal or after motion, with vo- miting, anxiety and uneasiness, (every hour.) Colocynthis, periodical hemicrania. Violent tearing or aching pain, not allowing one to lie down and followed by suffocative fits. Or, violent stitching pain, the stitches being from without inward, violent thirst, bitter taste of food, dry heat, (every hour.) Sepia, is an excellent remedy for violent tearing pain in one side of the head, or when the side feels bruised and the eye is affected, as if pulled into the head and dartings through the eye, (every two hours.) Sulphur is useful in the following kinds of headache : stitching pain in the frontal emi- nences, with vomiting of the ingesta; stitches in the left side of the head, with burning in vertigo, ETC. 65 the outer parts of the forehead; tearing through the whole head, whizzing in the outer ears, and nausea ; drawing and crack- ing in the upper part of the head, extending towards the occiput, and frequently accom- panied with nausea. - Tarawacum is an excellent remedy for an exces- sive headache which is only felt when walk- ing or standing. * Veratrum and Causticum are excellent reme- dies in hemicrania, (every half hour.) VERTIGo. This is almost never an independent affection, but is a mere symptom of a more general disturbance ; when this is cured, the vertigo will of course disappear of itself. HEART, Palpitation of: Coffea, if caused by Joy. - Aconite, in plethoric persons ; this may be fol- lowed by Belladonna, when the palpitation disturbs the brain, or is accompanied with fulness and uneasiness in the chest. Chamomilla, when caused by chagrin. *. Ignatia, when resulting from grief, or fright. Opium, when caused by fright. Pulsatilla, in hysteric females. Cinchona, when consequent upon great loss of blood or vanishing of milk. * 6% 66 INFLAMMATION OF INTERNAL OFGANs. Sulphur, when consequent upon retrocession of an eruption. Arsenic, when accompanied with burning heat in the chest, oppression of breathing, worse when lying down, relieved by motion. INTERNAL ORGAN S, inflammation of Whenever such an inflammation occurs, a homoeopathic physician ought to be sent for immediately ; until he arrives, the patient may take, in INFLAMMATION of THE BowFLs, Aconite, and if the head seems to be affected, Belladonna in alternation with Aconite, every hour, in water. INFLAMMATION of THE BRAIN. Aconite and Belladonna in alternation; or when there is stupor and sour vomiting, Opium. INFLAMMATION of THE HEART. Aconite and Spigelia in alternation. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGs. Aconite and Belladonna in alternation. INFLAMMATION of THE PLEURA, (commonly called PLEURITIs.) Aconite and Bryonia in alternation. INFLAMMATION OF INTERNAL organs. 67 INFLAMMATION of THE SPLEEN. Aconite and Nua in alternation, or Pulsatilla in the place of Nuw, when the muscular parts in the region of the spleen are inflamed. INFLAMMATION of THE BLADDER. Aconite and Cantharides in alternation, the latter remedy especially when there is great difficulty and pain in passing the urine. INFLAMMATION of THE KIDNEYs. Cantharides, when there is painful stitching, tearing, and burning, and micturition is im- possible, or the urine is mixed with blood. Pulsatilla, when it is caused by suppression of the catamenia. Belladonna, when there are stitching and burn- ing pains in the small of the back, cardialgia, (spasm of the stomach,) burning urine, an- guish and constipation. INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER, Aconite, when the pulse is high. - Chamomilla, when brought on by violent cha- grin or cold; may be given in alternation with Aconite. - Mercurius, for stitching and burning pains in the right side, extending as far as the spine, increased by contact and breathing; swell- ing, hardness and heat of the liver; consti- 68 AFFECTIONS FROM MORAL CAUSES, pation and bilious vomiting. Bryonia may be given in alternation with Mercury, when there is much pricking. Calcarea carbon., when there is much prick- ing, and sourness in the mouth as of vine- gar; everything tastes sour to the patient. Nua, vomica, violent tensive and pricking pain in the region of the liver, short and difficult breathing, pain as if sprained in the shoul- der-joint, violent thirst, constipation, vomit- ing. INFLAMMATION OF THE UTERUs. Aconite and Belladonna in alternation. MORAL CAUSES, affections from, (See GENE- RAL AFFECTIONs, Convulsions.) FRIGHT. Opium, immediately after the fright, or when there is sour vomiting, cold sweat, stupor, o fainting. - - Aconite, when a little while has elapsed, or when the stomach has become deranged, or when accompanied with fear. Belladonna, when there is heat in the head and spasms. Ignatia, when the spasms are accompanied with paleness, especially in children. Weratrum, when fright produces paleness and diarrhoea. CHAGRIN, GRIEF, ETC. 69 CHAGRIN. Opium, when there is stupor and white-coated tongue. *. - Chamomilla, when there was vehemence and passion, and when the patient suffers with the symptoms of bilious fever, such as– vomiting of bile, headache, oppression of the stomach, diarrhoea, red face, restlessness, yellow complexion, etc. Ignatia, when the chagrin was accompanied with grief. e Weratrum, when there is burning in the abdo- men with thirst and weakness. - GRIEF. - Ignatia, when there is burning pricking and weakness in the pit of the stomach, or burn- ing pricking in the palate, tip of the tongue, sensation as if the joints were being pressed asunder, stitching in the eye, debility. ANGER. Chamomilla is a specific against the effects of anger. When the gastric symptoms prevail, it may be used in alternation with Nuw. MOUTH, affections of SToMACACE, (Decay of the Mouth.) Mercurius sol. : gums detached and retracted; ptyalism, (flow of saliva ;) fetid odor from the 70 AFFECTIONS OF MOUTEI. " mouth ; tearing pain in the teeth ; ulcerative pain when eating; constant chilliness, even in bed; burning at the anus. Nua, vomica: the gums are swollen and look like putrid flesh ; blood oozing out from the external surface ; excessively fetid odor from the mouth ; sunken features and sickly com- plexion; want of appetite; irritable dispo- sition. BAD SMELL FROM THE MoUTH. Aurum is the specific, unless the smell results from a more general disturbance of the sys- tem, which requires to be treated. INFLAMMATION of THE CAviTY of THE MoUTH. Nua, vom. : burning, dry heat, constipation, headache, stitching in the ear. Mercurius : Swelling, hardness, heat and dry- ness of the tongue. ULCERs IN THE MoUTH. Mercurius : white ulcers on the tongue, sur- rounded with a red border. - Nua fetid ulcers in the mouth and fauces, fetid smell from the mouth and putrid taste. Boraa is a specific for the so-called thrush, (aphtha) of children, being small white ulcers in the region of the palate or under the tongue. - A INFLAMMATION OF THE Nos.E, ETC. 71 Mercurius may be used, when the whitish vesicles change to ulcers surrounded with a reddish border. Merc. may be given in alternation with Sulphur, the former in the night, and the latter in the morning. NOSE, affections of. INFLAMMATION AND SwiLLING OF THE Nos.E. Belladonna and SULPHUR, swelling and burning of the nose, stinging in the nose, chilliness and heat. Sulphur, ulcer in the nose. BLEEDING FROM THE Nos.E. Aconite, when there is congestion of blood to the head. Bryonia, bleeding from suppression of the Inê11SGS, Nua, vom., from congestion of blood to the head, especially when occasioned by spiritu- ous beverages. Rhus, the blood flows in torrents, especially when stooping or blowing the nose ; dull headache and tickling in the nose. Crocus, especially when the blood comes out in black lumps and looks coagulated. Pulsatilla and Cinchona are good remedies in bleeding from the nose. 72 AFFECTIONS OF RESPIRATORY ORGANs. RESPIRATORY ORGANS, affections of INFLAMMATION of THE LUNGs, (See Inflam- mation.) HAEMoRRHAGE FROM THE LUNGS, AND HAEMOP- Tysis or BLooDY Cough. Aconite, when the hemorrhage is preceded by orgasm (agitation) of blood in the chest, sensation of fulness in the chest, heat and pain in the chest, palpitation of the heart, anguish, pale face, expression of anguish in the face, and when the patient brings up Quantities of blood, at intervals, even by a very slight cough, (every 5 minutes, until the haemorrhage is arrested.) Arnica, when the haemorrhage proceeds from a ball, blow, etc.; (see the treatise on Ar- nica;) or, when there is : shootings through the chest and head when coughing, a bruised feeling in the limbs, and when the expecto- rated blood is clear, frothy, and mixed with clots of mucus. Arsenicum may be given after Aconite, if this should not be sufficient, especially when there is great anguish, palpitation of the heart, dry, burning heat, and a desire to walk about. Ipecacuanha may be given after Arsenic, if this remedy does not afford permanent HAEMORRHAGE FROM THE LUNGs, ETc. 73 benefit; or if, after the , administration of Aconite, there still remains a taste of blood in the mouth, with nausea, weakness, and a short and hacking cough, with expectora- tion of mucus streaked with blood. Hyosciamus, if the patient be a drunkard, in which case Arsenic may be given after Hyosciamus, if this should not prove suffi- cient; or, if the ha-morrhage be preceded by a dry cough, which is especially trouble- some at night. Nua, vomica, in persons of a lively and choleric temperament,when the ha-morrhage proceeds from the suppression of a haemorrhoidal dis- charge, from a ſit of passion, or from cold, (in the latter case, Sulphur and Nux may be alternated every 15 minutes.) Opium, especially in drunkards, when there is burning at the heart, drowsiness, coldness of the extremities, starts. Nua, vom. may be administered after the Opium. g Belladonna : cycessive exhaustion, constant tickling in the larynx, shortness of breath, short and hacking cough, restlessness, strong and quick beating of the heart, symptoms of spasms in the chest, burning heat, thirst; signs of congestion to the head. Drosera, when the cough is accompanied with vomiting of blood from the stomach; in this case, Ipec. ought to be given first. 7 74 AFFECTIONs of RESPIRATORY ORGANs. Ledum : oppressed breathing, constriction of the chest, concussion of the chest and head by the cough, with expectoration of a quan- tity of bright-red blood; horrible headache, bloated countenance, noise in the ears, tick- ling in the trachea, constipation; alternation of heat, and moderate sweat in the whole body; debility. Pulsatilla, if the menstrual discharge be scanty or suppressed, with quantity of mucus in the mouth and throat; greenish and bloody ex- pectoration, or expectoration of lumps of dark and coagulated blood, especially in the night; stitches in the left side of the chest; constant cough, cold feet, asthma. Rhus : warm and qualmish feeling in the chest, with expulsion of bright-red blood; painful sensation in the lower part of the chest; weak feeling about the heart, after the cough, as if the heart were trembling; vio- lent pressure in the pit of the stomach after eating. Cough. Acidum phosphoricum cures a short and hack- ing morning-cough, with expectoration of IIlúl CUIS, Aconite, dry cough, with heat, thirst, and great restlessness, or when the cough comes on after every cold, especially in the evening and at night. COUGH. . 75 Belladonna : several turns of cough, with nightly catarrh, stitches in the sternum, op- pressed breathing, tension in the chest, with pain and distension of the abdomen, ten- dency to start; or, nightly spasmodic cough, with a sort of spasm and tickling in the larynx ; or, catarrhal cough, when dry and accompanied with thirst. Bryonia : dry cough in the morning and after walking; asthma ; heaviness of the head; when stooping, it feels as if it would fall to pieces; or, spasmodic cough, always com- ing on after a meal, sometimes accompanied with vomiting, hard stool ; or, influenza- cough, with troublesome scraping in the throat. . Carbo vegetabilis : chronic influenza-cough, with light expectoration of mucus. Chamomilla : cough brought on by teething; or, dry cough, with tickling in the throat; it is especially felt morning and evening, and disappears in the bed." Conium : violent, dry, titillating cough, almost without intermission, and accompanied with constant oppression of the chest and even- ing-fever. - Drosera removes the frequently violent cough and hoarseness remaining after measles. Hyosciamus : dry, nightly cough, with violent concussion of the body, and soreness of the 76 AFFECTIONs of RESPIRATORY ORGANS. abdominal muscles ; the cough is sometimes accompanied with diarrhoea. - Ipecacuanha : suffocative cough after a cold; dry, spasmodic, concussive, the breathing being sometimes arrested, and the cough being followed by vomiting of a green sub- stance or of mucus. The cough sometimes consists in a few violent, concussive fits, in rapid succession ; every new inspiration seems to bring on another fit; or, when the cough is dry, and consists in long parox- ysms, with painful shocks in the head and stomach; it terminates in nausea, vomiting, and general sweat; or, when the cough is accompanied with violent retching or vomit- ing of mucus; or, in spasmodic cough, at- tended with intolerable tickling in the la- rynx. - Mercurius : soreness of the throat, painful swelling of the glands, titillation and burn- ing in the larynx, inflammation of the uvula and palate, hoarseness ; the patient feels most comfortable in the morning. Natrum mur., when there is an involuntary discharge of urine at every turn of cough. Nua, vomica, in dry cough, frequently so violent that it terminates in vomiting; or, when the cough is accompanied with titillation below the larynx. Nua, vom. is the best remedy for a dry, short, and hacking cough, excited COUGH, 77 * by a tickling below the larynx; or else the cough may last for a while in the morning, and result in the bringing up of a very small quantity of mugus; or, when the cough is accompanied with a headache, as if the head would burst, and a pain in the whole abdomen as if bruised. Phosphorus is useful in old, dry cough, or when there is much expectoration and soreness in the chest; if Phosphorus does not help, Pulsatilla may be used. - Pulsatilla : cough day and night, with pain in the sides, expectoration after coughing a long while. Or, morning-cough shaking the whole body with retching, accumulation of water in the mouth, inclination to vomit, discharge of whitish mucus without taste or smell. Or, suffocative cough every night, the fits being brought on by a layer of mucus extending from the velum of the palate as far as the tongue. Or, spasmodic cough, with dryness in the trachea, asthma, oppression, palpita- tion of the heart. Or, inveterate catarrhal cough, relieved by sitting up, with expecto- ration of large quantities of lumps of yellow mucus, hoarseness, soreness in the throat, burning pain in the chest, general debility, wretched appearance, sometimes a continu- ous burning heat with thirst. Sulphur: turns of short cough in the night, 7+ 78 AFFECTIONS OF RESPIRATORY ORGANs. without expectoration, and with pressure or sensation of roughness under the sternum. Or, cough with difficult white expectoration, generally in the evening and after midnight, with shortness of breath and oppression in the pit of the stomach. Or, inveterate cough with yellow or white expectoration, stitches in the pit of the stomach, night-sweat, and alternation of heat and chilliness in the day time. Lachesis: suffocative short hacking cough, with difficult expectoration, the patient is unable to lie down, the chest feels crowded, has to open the windows to get air; sensation as if a movable lump had grown fast in the throat, the patient feels as if this lump could be brought up, but it is impossible. Hoop1NG-Cough. Aconite, in the first stage, when the cough has not yet assumed a spasmodic character. Belladonna, when the cough is rather a dry spasmodic cough, or when the fit is preceded by a disagreeable sensation in the pit of the stomach, and accompanied with hemorrhage from nose and mouth. Belladonna is a speci- fic when the brain seems to be affected, or when the cough is accompanied with a spas- modic constriction of the throat, the inspira- Hoop1NG-cough. 79 tions are deep and wheezing, and the expira- tions not complete. Bryonia, when the cough is most violent after eating or drinking. Cina, hooping-cough with affection of the chest, frightful expectoration, asthma. Or, in the second stage when there is hemorrhage from the mouth and nose. Or, when the body becomes rigid during the attack, when after the attack a gurgling noise is heard from the throat to the abdomen, when there are symp- toms denoting the presence of worms, such as boring in the nose, colic. * Drosera, in the convulsive stage, when the fit terminates with hemorrhage from the mouth and nose, or vomiting of the food, the face be- comes blue and puffed, and the child clings to the nearest objects. When there is dan- ger of suffocation, hemorrhage from the nose and mouth, protrusion of the eyes, vomiting of food, Ipecacuanha ought to be given be- fore Drosera. Nua, vom., when the cough is suffocative and dry, and accompanied with constipation. Pulsatilla, when the fits come principally on in the night, and can be shortened by raising the child. Or, for a loose cough with pro- fuse expectoration, remaining after the hoop- ing-cough. Tartar emetic: cough with retching and diar- 80 AFFECTIONs of RESPIRATORY ORGANS. rhoea, causing debility and danger of life, or when the supper is thrown up again in the first hours after midnight. Weratrum may be employed when the cough is accompanied with suffocative fits, vomiting, the face becomes blue. HoARSENESS. Belladonna, hoarseness from catching cold after measles. Carbo veget., when the hoarseness increases by loud talking, or is worse in damp and cool weather, and in the morning after rising. Causlicum has relieved hoarseness when it was scarcely possible to hear the person’s voice. Drosera removes the hoarseness and the chronic cough which sometimes remain after measles. Drosera likewise relieves catarrhal hoarseness almost instantaneously; smelling is sufficient. Dulcamara relieves the hoarseness occasioned by a violent cold. Sulphur, constantly hoarse and deep voice, worse in damp weather, sometimes accom- panied with ſatiguing dry cough, and sensa- tion as if something were lodged in the . larynx. Loss of VoICE. Belladonna, sudden loss of voice, violent chills, INFLUENZA. 81, and general coldness, anguish and trembling motion of the heart. Generally loss of voice is merely a symptom of a more general disturbance, the cure of which will secure the removal of the second- ary affection. INFLUENZA. Aconite : catarrhal or rheumatic fever, sore throat, stitches in the chest or side, oppres- sion of the chest; has to be repeated several times, every 4 hours. Arsenicum : profuse flow of thin and acrid co- ryza, (mucus from the nose,) racking cough, excited by expirations, oppressed breathing, soreness in the chest, tearing or drawing pain in the bones, great debility. Arnica may be given after or in alternation with Arsenic. Causticum : raw feeling in the chest, aching pain in the occiput, vomiting of food; ten- sive pain in the bones of the face; empty feeling in the upper part of the abdomen; violent dry cough, more violent in the night; great weakness in the feet. Ipecacuanha, when the attack is characterized by violent retching and vomiting of quanti- ties of mucus. Mercurius sol. : vertigo, especially when rais- ing the head; dull headache, or pressing and 82 AFFECTIONs of RESPIRATORY ORGANs. tearing pain in the forehead and occiput; sore throat; dry or moist cough ; rheumatic pains in the ears, teeth, face, limbs; some- times slimy and bilious vomiting and diar- rhoea; chilliness and heat; bruised feeling in the limbs. Or, when the head and chest are especially affected, and a violent, dry, racking cough is present. Nuw vom. : hammering or stitching pain in the head, or sensation as if the head were being dashed to pieces; alternation of heat in the face and slight chills over the body; hollow, rough cough, with rattling of mucus in the chest, and sometimes with expectoration of thick mucus, or loose expectoration with stitches in the left side; pain in the small of the back. - - ſ Phosphorus : when the trachea is violently in- flamed in its whole course, and excessively painful. . Pulsatilla : violent cough with pain in the chest, leaving no rest when lying down. Or, want of appetite, slimy taste; short, dry cough with stitches in the left side of the chest; bruised pain in the small of the back when rising and walking about; loose stool. Sabadilla: drowsiness in day-time; chills from the feet to the head; pressure upon the eyes when looking up ; aching pain in the fore- head; soreness of the tongue; difficult deglu- CATARRH. 83 tition, frequently as if a piece of skin were hanging in the throat; bitter taste, want of appetite; brown diarrhoea ; urine turbid; cough with vomiting and sharp stitches in the vertex; pain in the region of the sto- mach; cough with a peculiar rawness of the chest as if irritated by smoke ; painful para- lytic weakness of the limbs; the symptoms are worst in the evening; dry skin; hot face and cold extremities. * Weratrum helps when the catarrhal symptoms are slight, but the debility excessive from the COmmencement. CATARRH. Chamomilla : catarrh with tenacious mucus, cough, especially in the evening, slight fever, restlessness in the night. Belladonna : catarrh with violent fever, sore throat, coryza, dry cough, hot, dry skin, de- sire for drink without drinking much, hur- , ried breathing. Nua, vom. : catarrh with dry cough, wander- ing chills as if moving over the bones, mak- ing their appearance during motion, and fre- quently alternating with flushes of heat; frequently a scraping sensation in the throat, roughness of voice. Or, catarrh without fever, but with great flow of mucus from the 84 AFFECTIONs of RESPIRATORY ORGANs. Af nose in the evening, and obstruction of the nose during night. . Phosphorus : catarrhal fever, with hoarseness and cough, and excessive prostration of spirits. • Pulsatilla: catarrh of the lungs with copious expectoration of mucus. Or, when the larynx is inflamed, with violent cough, vomit- ing; when these symptoms occur, Aconite has frequently to be resorted to ; sometimes Chamomilla and Nua. . Stannum : copious expectoration of mucus, " roughness of voice, and weak feeling in the chest. CRoup. In the commencement of the fever give Aconite. This may be alternated with Spongia, if the cough be hollow, rough and barking, with hoarseness of voice, and hurried and rattling breathing, or when the breathing is wheezing, pain in the region of the larynx ; starting as if the child would suffocate. When the fever subsides, substitute Hepar sulp. in the place of Aconite, and give Hepar and Spongia in alternation, every two hours. There are many more remedies for croup, which it requires a physician to select. The true specifics for the real membranous croup so far as known are: Bromine, Caustic Ammonia, and the Bichromate of Potash. QUINsy, sore THROAT. 85 QUINsy, SoBE THROAT. f Aconite, every two hours, for sore throat, when the fauces and the velum are dark-red, and a stitching pain is felt when swallowing. When the burning pricking is relieved by swallowing, then give Ignatia. Belladonna : inflammation of the throat, with very little secretion of mucus or tenacious mucus in the fauces and larynx; swelling of the velum palati, uvula, tonsils ; dry, hot or slimy tongue, stitches in the ſauces extend- ing into the ears; sometimes the neck and the glands behind the ear and under the an- gle of the lower jaw are swollen and the fauces are covered with evanescent ulcers ; dryness and heat of the skin; headache, vio- lent thirst ; stinging pain when swallowing, paralytic weakness of the organs of speech, constipation. Chamomilla : inflammation of the throat brought on by exposing the neck to cold and damp weather; ulcerative pain and little ulcers in the throat; stitching-burning pain in the larynx, roughness of voice, titillation inducing cough. Ignatia, pricking and burning between the acts of swallowing and relieved by swallowing food ; sensation as of a lump in the throat. Mercurius : sore throat, with scraping sensa- - tion behind the palate, and constant flow of 86 AFFECTIONs of RESPIRATORY ORGANs. saliva from the mouth; pain during empty deglutition ; taste putrid and slimy ; stinging pain in the tonsils and sub-maxillary glands; when the fauces are not so much red and inflamed as covered with thick layers of mucus, the fore part of the tongue is covered. with white, the back part with yellow mu- cus. Mercury and Belladonna may be given in alternation every 3 hours. Pulsatilla : scraping sensation, or sensation of soreness and burning in the throat; sting- ing and pressure during empty deglutition, less when swallowing food, or as if the food glided over a swelling; scattered redness of the mucous membrane ; a tearing pain is fre- quently experienced in the outside of the neck, and a stitching pain in the ear. ASTHMA. Aconite, violent crowing suffocative cough, with constriction of the trachea ; face bright-red and pulse very frequent. Arsenic : Asthma, sensation as if there were too little air in the chest, with pain and pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if that region were too narrow ; sleeplessness and debility; aching of all the limbs.--Or: asth- ma with flatulent colic and abdominal spasms; dry cough, contraction of the chest and larynx; has to sit up ; relieved when cough ASTHMA, 87 and mucous expectoration set in.—Or, spas- modic asthma, with cold sweat and anguish of death. * - Belladonna : the patient falls down with a deep inspiration and is without consciousness for some time ; involuntary discharge of urine and feces; lastly clenching of the fingers and convulsions.—Or, asthma with catarrh, the patient feels as if he would suffocate. Chamomilla, asthma resulting from incarcera- tion of flatulence, or when children are ex- posed to cold and are attacked with asthma and suffocative fits in consequence.—Or, when in windy weather, the pit of the sto- mach and the region below the ribs, in chil- dren, become suddenly distended and so hard that it is impossible to make an im- pression into the parts, the children becom- ing asthmatic, restless, screaming, drawing up the limbs. Cupram, when the chest is quiet and the ab- dominal muscles are convulsively moved. Or, oppressed breathing, in children, after a cold, with short, spasmodic cough, coming on after every deep inspiration and resulting in the expulsion of white mucus. . Ipecacuanha: Danger of suffocation, especially when accompanying nettle-rash, arrest of breathing, nausea, cold sweat on the forehead, anguish, fear of death, general heat alternat- 88 AFFECTIONs of RESPIRATORY organs. ing with coldness and paleness.-Or, the patient suddenly wakes in the night with a dry cough, the inspired air pushing and pressing against the larynx as if it could not get out again, owing to constriction of the larynx or the presence of a foreign body; the fit comes on every five or ten minutes.—Or, in the suffocative catarrh of children. - Nur vom. : asthma complicated with gastric symptoms; the fits come on when walking or in the night; the patient has to lean his hands upon the table ; flat or putrid taste; heartburn, distension of the abdomen after a meal; constipation ; vertigo when stooping, or aching pain in the forehead ; cold feet; vehement disposition. Or, asthma depend- ing upon spasm of the stomach.-Or, asthma occasioned by anxious dreams.-Or, asthma occasioned by the sensation as if the clothes were too tight.—Or, asthma of hysteric and hypochondriac individuals.-Or, thät sort of spasm of the chest which is relieved by turning to the opposite side, or on the back, sitting up, rising, or lying down. Phosphorus : asthma of phthisicky individuals, or dry asthma returning every ten or twelve days. Pulsatilla, asthma from scanty or suppressed menstruation, or from suppressed rash. RHEUMIATISM, - 89 & Sambucus : Blue tinge and puffiness of the face and fore-arms; feels hot, especially in the palms of the hands; dry heat of the whole body; trembling of the body from suffoca- tive anguish ; wheezing breathing ; rattling in the chest; points to the middle of the chest when asked a question. After Sam- bucus, Belladonna may be given. Stramonium, when the spasm depends upon a spasm in the pectoral muscles. Sulphur. Asthma and discharge from the ear consequent upon scarlet-fever. Zincum is an excellent remedy, when the asth- ma increases after the patients have for a long time ceased to throw off mucus. RHEUMATISM. Aconite : acute rheumatism or inflamma- tion of the muscles and their sheaths—or, in acute inflammation of the knee-joint, with violent tearing pains, swelling, shining red- ness of the skin, fever,-or, in acute pain of the face or teeth, especially when the pain is renewed or increased by wine or spiritu- ous beverage, or by moral emotions such as chagrin. Arnica, when the patient lies stiff in his bed, with pricking in the toes and fingers, knees and arm-joints, alternating with violent tear- ing and cutting in the muscles, and tendons; 8% IRBIEUMATISM, stiffness in the hip and knee-joints.-Or, un- ceasing tearing pains in the hands and feet, the hands being swollen, and shining red; if any pain in the hands remain, Antimonium may be given for it. Arsenic : intolerable tearing from the hip to the ankles. Belladonna : acute rheumatism; tearing pain in the shoulder darting along the bone as far as the hand,-or, acute pain in the hip, burning occasionally and most violent in the night; the parts are painful to the touch; fine prickings in the skin. Bryonia : acute rheumatism of the lower limbs; tensive, stitching, tearing pains in the calves down to the ankles; the parts are swollen, shining-red, immovable; dry, gene- ral heat, white-coated tongue, violent thirst, frequent and full pulse; the pain is more moderate in rest; urine red and burning. In some cases the wrist and knee-joints are swollen and inflamed, and the pain wanders from one limb to another, from one hand to another. Sometimes the tearing pains are accompanied with a sensation as if the parts were seized with pincers and torn to pieces; or, as if a dull body were bored from the hip to the toes along the inferior surface of the tibiae and then remained lodged in the parts. RHEUMATISM, 91 .* Causticum removes arthritic (gouty) tearing in the leg and the joints. Chamomilla is suitable in acute rheumatism, especially when the pains drawing and tearing and affecting the tendons, ligaments or bones, when there is no swelling and the pains are accompanied with a paralytic or numb sensation ; also, when the pains are most violent in the night and do not change their place ; the fever accompanying the attack commences with chilliness, immedi- ately followed by burning heat.—Or, when the rheumatic pain makes the limb immova- ble. Take the medicine three times a day. Dulcamara, may be given when the tearing pains are accompanied with general bloated- ness, white-coated tongue, the pains being sometimes relieved by motion. Ignatia : Indescribable pain in the bone of the upper arm, as if broken, relieved some- what by lying upon it; accompanied with pain in the shoulder-joint, when turning the arm backward, as if bruised or sprained, whereas a stitching pain is felt when turn- ing the arm inward. Or, when a boring lancination is experienced deep in the brain, with violent pain from the axilla to the tips of the fingers, as if the flesh were being detached from the bone; the arm feels para- lysed. 92 RHEUMATISM. Lycopodium : pain in the small of the back, cramp and tearing in the whole of the spine, especially when sitting, also when making an exertion, increasing in bad weather, re- lieved by warmth ; accompanied with rheu- matic tension and tearing in the joints, stiff. ness of the limbs, and coldness of the feet, headache when thinking of something; wretched complexion; sometimes heartburn and sour eructations. Mercurius : stitching and drawing in both lower limbs, the affected parts feeling cold all the time ; if the parts should subsequently feel stiff and numb, Cocculus may be admin- istered. Mercurius is a specific when sweating does not relieve the pain. Nur vomica : chilliness through and through, followed by aching pain in the head; draw- ing pain from the shoulder to the arms, as if the parts would go to sleep, with inability to move the parts ; the same pain is felt in the lower limbs ; stitches and stiffness in the hip-joints; painful contraction of the toes at night; the pain becomes worse during motion or by contact. Nua, vom. may be adminis- tered in alternation with Aconite, when the attack commences with violent chills and tearing pains in the limbs, followed by burn- ing, gnawing heat and sweat, during which RHEUMIATISM, 93 the pains increase. Or, when the pains are of a drawing and tensive nature, accompa- nied with a weak or numb feeling, or with cramp-pains and twitchings of single parts of muscles. Or, when the patient is exceed- ingly sensitive to the cold or open air. Or, when the rheumatism is accompanied with congestive symptoms, such as—distension of the abdomen, flatulence, abdominal pulsa- tions, intense pain in the region of the sto- mach, followed by a sort of boiling heat rising over the chest and spreading into the head and the whole body; the fits come on after a meal or after a great exertion ; repeat the dose every night. Phosphorus, when the tearing and drawing in the limbs are accompanied with loose stool and flatulent distension, frequent bleeding of the gums, turbid urine depositing a brick- dust sediment, heaviness and weariness in all the limbs, headache alternating with the pains in the limbs. Pulsatilla, pain in the knee as if it were broken; drawing tearing in the knees, alter- nating from one to the other, or in the fore- arms, hands, shoulders, feet; when the swelling comes on the pain is relieved. Pulsatilla is indicated when the approach of bad weather brings on stitches and a feeling of coldness in the limb, and when the limb 94 RHEUMIATISM, now seems to swell on, now to grow thin, which latter is indeed the case. Or, when the pain is relieved by the open air and be- comes more violent in the warm room, or in the bed. Or, when the tearing in the limbs is accompanied with tearing in the ears and discharge from the ears. Or, when the rheumatic pain is wandering and produces swelling and redness of the joints. Rhus : Creeping in the fingers when the arm lies quiet, gradually extending into the whole arm, temples and occiput, with throbbing pain; painful stitches in the lower part of the spine, when walking; the pain in the arm is sometimes relieved by a stinging burning in the ball of the foot; tearing pain between the scapula ; the parts upon which one rests, go to sleep. Rhus is to be given when these symptoms increase during rest or in the night; Bryonia when they are relieved by rest or in the night. Sulphur : Stitches in the hip-joints at every step ; when this pain abates, a tearing is experienced in the right arm, this pain being worst in the open air. Thuya may be administered for a tearing and beating pain in the shoulder as if there were ulceration, extending thence to the fingers; jactitation of the muscles from the shoulder to the middle of the upper arm; feeling of ERYSIPELAS.–SCARLET-FEVER, 95 deadness in the fore-arm and fingers; the pains increase when the arm is left hanging down, and in the warmth of the bed; they are relieved by motion, coldness and sweat; sensation of coolness in the arms. SKIN, affections of. ERYSIPELAs. Aconite and Belladonna may be used in alter- nation, in erysipelatous inflammation round the bottom of the foot. Pulsatilla : swelling, redness and burning of the bottom and dorsum of the foot, with a stinging pain during motion and contact. Bryonia, for erysipelas of the joints, the pain increasing by motion. Rhus, for erysipelas consequent upon vene- section, the whole of the arm being con- siderably swollen, and covered with vesicles all over. Arsenic may be given, after Rhus. Or, give Rhus when the vesicular erysipelat- ous inflammation has been occasioned by mus- tard plasters. Or, erysipelas of the dorsum of the foot, the parts being covered with pus. Sulphur may be given after Belladonna, if Belladonna did not help. SCARLET-FEveR. Aconite and Mercury may be given in alterna- 96 AFFECTIONS OF SIKIN. tion, in the commencement of the fever, when there is excessive inflammation of the throat, accompanied with ulcers and blisters, and a tumultuous state of the circulation, indicated by a quick, full and hard pulse. Belladonna, when the chest, back and abdomen are covered wit a smooth scarlet eruption, inflammation and spasmodic constriction of the throat, pain in the sparkling and con- vulsed or fixed and glistening eyes, swelling of the glands under the angle of the lower jaw, thirst without much fever. Sometimes the eruption is preceded by bad sleep ; cold, pointed nose : blue color around the mouth ; fever, drowsiness, moist skin, dulness of the head ; sore throat; alternation of chilliness and heat; tossing about at night; bloated- ness of the hands and face; drawing or tear- ing pains in the lower limbs; redness of the tongue, especially the edges, vertigo, thirst. The Belladonna may be repeated as soon as a new exacerbation of the symptoms, or new symptoms set in. Belladonna is likewise indicated when cerebral symptoms, delirium, etc., set in ; in this case it may be alternated with Aconite every three hours. Phosphorus in malignant scarlatina. The skin is glowing hot and the whole body covered with a smooth fiery-red eruption; pulse quick and hard ; tongue dry and coated with a TYPHOID SCAIRLATINA, 97 thick, brown-black crust; lips dry and covered with brown crusts; gums and teeth are lined with a black, viscid mucus; sopor and delirium ; incontinence of urine ; drink flows back again out of the mouth; loss of speech and hearing ; startings, boring with the head into the pillow. Phosphorus may be repeated as soon as the first dose shall have spent its power. For the remaining somnolence Opium may be given; if swelling of the throat remain, give Mercury. Rhus, in complicated scarlatina: dark redness from the head to the toes, after which in- numerable vesicles break out, containing a purulent fluid; burning heat; somnolence and starting; painful and unsuccessful desire to urinate. Sulphur, when the eruption suddenly disap- pears from the skin and when the following symptoms occur: sleep, starting, contortion of the eyes ; pulse small and quick ; skin dry, but not hot. Sulphur may likewise be administered when Belladonna seems to be' indicated, but does not relieve the patient. TYPHOID scARLATINA requires the attention of a physician. Bryonia is indicated when the patients con- stantly perform a grinding motion with the jaws, with congestion to the brain, delirium, 9 98 AFFECTIONS OF SIKIN, great sensitiveness to external impressions, intolerance of light, figures before the eyes. Hyosciamus, when the eruption has a bluish aspect, accompanied with convulsions, furi- ous delirium, squinting, desire to escape, illu- sions of sight, such as seeing pictures that are hanging on the wall fall down, etc. Opium, when the eruption has not fairly come out, or consists in patches of a bluish color, when there is coma, insensibility to the light. Antimonium tart., when vomiting of glairy mu- cus and diarrhoea, with a cold clammy sweat, have set in. Ipecacuanha, when there is nausea or vomit- ing, suffocative breathing, spasmodic cough. When the throat begins to become gan- grened and a putrid, cadaverous odor is ex- haled from it, nitric acid or, what is preferable, the protoxide of chlorine is to be exhibited. Arsenic is an important remedy in the latter stages of malignant scarlatina, when the eruption becomes livid and in patches, with dark, watery, fetid evacuations, small and frequent or collapsed pulse, anxiety and ten- derness in the praecordial region, cold and clammy sweat, dry, cracked and blackish tongue, occasional retching, with raising of glairy or fetid mucus, etc. Camphora may be used in small doses, every five or ten minutes, when the patient is sink- PURPLE-RASH,-MEASLES, 99 ing into callapse of pulse, for the purpose of raising the sinking powers of life and pre- paring the introduction of other suitable re- medies. Phosphoric acid is indicated, when a retroces- sion of the eruption results in a violent in- voluntary diarrhoea, when the beverage re- turns by the nose and there is a complete prostration of the vital powers. Hellebore and Rhus relieve the dropsy which sometimes succeeds scarlatina. PURPLE-RASH. Aconite, violent fever, tossing about, dizziness, violent and painful cough, bilious vomiting, urine fiery red and hot, thirst, the neck and arms, and afterwards the trunk and lower limbs are covered with purple rash, being an inflammation and raising of the pores ; or the skin may be covered with innumera- ble, small vesicles, containing a serous fluid. Belladonna may be given after Aconite, if in- flammation of the throat remains; or it may be given in alternation with Aconite every six hours. Coffea, when the pain is excessive and the pa- tient is in a weeping mood. MEASLEs. Aconite and Pulsatilla may be given in alter- I:00 AFFECTIONS OF SIKIN.” nation in the commencement of the disease, every six hours. Belladonna, when the patients suffer with vio- lent thirst, stinging pain in the throat during deglutition, hoarseness, stitches in the chest, violent headache, startings of the extremi- ties. Belladonna is likewise indicated when the cerebral symptoms are predominant; Bryonia when the chest is especially affect- ed; and Pulsatilla and Mercury, when the abdomen is the principal seat of the disease. Phosphorus, in malignant measles, when the patient is lying in a state of unconsciousness, with constant heat, thin and flocculent stool, tongue and palate covered with a white, glairy substance, great debility but no com- plaining, white miliary eruption, sometimes peeling off. Phosphorus is also the best remedy when a dry cough and vomiting set in. Pulsatilla for repelling measles, or measles in full efflorescence, accompanied with short, dry cough, and stitches in the chest when coughing. Stramonium is sometimes preferable to Aconite, when, previous to the appearance of the eruption, delirium sets in, and the children see frightful visions, rats, mice, etc., or when a spasmodic constriction of the fauces super- Verle S. NETTLE-RASH. I01 ulphur is useful when the eruption is slight and the eyes are greatly inflamed. Or, when roughness of the throat remains after measles. Or, when after the regular course of the measles, a new dry heat sets in, with brown- black lips and tongue, they being covered with a thick layer of viscid mucus, incessant cough with copious, viscid and purulent ex- pectoration, diarrhoea day and night. Or, when, during the course of the disease, a purulent discharge from the ears sets in with violent pain in the ears, and violent tearing and beating in the head, and pain in all the limbs. s NETTLE-RASH. Aconite in the morning, and Nua at night; the face is glowing and blood-red; the body is covered with rash, the slightest exposure causing violent chilliness; oppression of the chest, hoarseness, dry, burning skin, head- ache, anguish and internal uneasiness. Dulcamara, pricking sensation over the whole body, the skin is covered with white, irregu-" lar blotches, surrounded with red areolae ; the eruption comes out in the warm, and dis- appears in the cold; diarrhoea, vomiting, pain in the limbs. Ipecacuanha, when danger of suffocation sets in of a sudden, with nausea, sweat on the 9% 102 AFFECTIONS OF SIKIN. forehead, anguish, alternation of heat with coldness and paleness. ITCH. Mercurius is useful in itch which has been mis- managed with Sulphur, or in dry itch resem- bling rash and readily bleeding. Carbo veget. may be given when an eruption should break out again after the violent sup- pression of itch. Sepia may be given under similar circumstances. Sulphur is the best specific for the real itch, especially in recent cases. Psoricum is more suitable for inveterate cases, and when the Sulphur is not sufficient. PTCHING of THE SKIN. Rhus and Sulphur in alternation, the former in the morning, the latter in the evening, especially when the itching is burning. Pulsatilla, if the itching commences after get- ting warm in the bed. Ignatia, if it wanders from one place to another by rubbing. SMALL-Pox. Four stages may be distinguished in this dis- €a,Se : 1. The febrile stage, during which Aconite ought to be administered ; and if there SMALL-POX, 103 be great irritation of the eyes, aversion to light, or cerebral symptoms, Belladonna may be given after or in alterna- tion with Aconite. º Opium, when sopor supervenes. 2. Eruptive stage. If the fever be high during this stage, Aconite should be administered; if there be headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the back or small of the back, with a bruised feeling, Bryonia is to be given. Belladonna should be given during this stage, if cerebral symptoms set in. Stramonium, when the eruption threatens to re- cede. Arsenic, if Stramonium be insufficient, or the eruption assumes a malignant aspect. 3. Suppurative stage. Mercury and Arnica are the best specifics dur- ing this stage, or Arsenic, if the diarrhoea be very violent. 4. Stage of desiccation. No remedy is re- quired during this stage, except washing with tepid water; however, if febrile symptoms set in, Aconite should be given; if constipation, Nua, or Bryonia; if diarrhoea, Mercurius. Wariolin and Vaccinin are admirable remedies in the treatment of small-pox, and may be 104 AFFECTIONS OF SIKIN. used in the very commencement of the dis- €3.See China is to be given in black, malignant small- pox, when diarrhoea sets in during the sup- purative period. Chamomilla ought to be administered for the cough in the suppurative stage. Arsenic and Carbo veget., when the pus be- comes sanious, (from sanies, bloody pus.) Coffea removes the sleeplessness, bilious vomit- ing and headache accompanying the erup- tion of small-pox. Sulphur, when given in the eruptive stage and preceded by a few doses of Aconite, shortens the disease considerably, and makes it much milder. It is likewise the best preventive against secondary small-pox, which fre- quently induces loss of sight and hearing. VARICELLA, or CHICKEN-Pox. Aconite, if there be high fever. Coffea for the restlessness and anguish. Chamomilla, if spasmodic symptoms supervene. Belladonna, when the child is unable to keep the head straight, when the hands and head are hot, accompanied with cries, restlessness, and a pain resembling colic. Pulsatilla, when given at the commencement, shortens the course of the disease, and is the best preventive. VARIOLOID—JAUNDIcí. 105 * VARIOLOID. Aconite, in the commencement of the disease, when there is much fever. Belladonna, when the headache is intense. Bryonia, when there is pain in the loins. Sulphur facilitates the process of desiccation. Tartar emetic, for asthmatic symptoms, with mucous rattling in the chest. Mercury and Belladonna are likewise indicated when the lungs have become affected, and there is much expectoration and cough. JAUNDICE. Chamomilla, if caused by chagrin, irregular diet, cold and other similar causes. Aconite, if the fever be high. Cinchona, when the region of the liver is pain- ful to the touch, and there is want of appe- tite, with considerable distension of the abdo- Iſle Ile Mercury is one of the greatest specifics against jaundice. Sulphur is likewise an excellent specific in jaundice, and may be given after Mercury, if this should not be sufficient, or in alter- nation with it—Mercury in the night, Sul- phur in the morning. Nua, vomica : continuous, deep-seated, tensive and aching pain in the region of the liver; it is sometimes stinging or burning, and 106 SLEEP. wanders to the pit of the stomach, between the shoulders, to the loins or the region of the clavicle, especially when turning to the left side, walking, raising one’s self, or mak- ing an exertion; sometimes hard places are felt in the region of the liver; feeling of repletion in the pit of the stomach; constipa- tion; urine has the color of saffron; putrid or sweet taste, especially when the patient has an irritable disposition. Pulsatilla may be given in alternation with Nua, when there is a continuous aching pain in the region below the ribs, and violent stitches in the region of the liver. HEPATIC Spots. Lycopodium and Sulphur may be given in al- ternation every three days. CHAPPED HANDs. Sulphur and Petroleum are useful in this affec- tion, when it appears in the winter season. SLEEP. ANGoR Nocturnus, (fit of nightly anguish.) Arsenic, if the anguish about the heart be ex- cessive. Rheum, for the nightly crying and tossing about of children. somNAMBULISM.—SLEEPLESSNESS, ETC. 107 Ipecacuanha, if the fit be accompanied with . vomiting of large quantities of mucus, and pain in the pit of the stomach. NIGHTMARE. Aconite, if the attack be accompanied with febrile heat, palpitation of the heart, anxiety, tossing about, oppressed breathing. Nua, vom., if the attack result from abuse of spirituous drinks. Opium, when the attack begins with cold sweat, followed by burning heat, convulsive startings of the limbs, stertorous breathing, eyes half open, clenching of the fingers. These remedies do not eradicate a chronic disposition for nightmare ; to effect this, the anti-psoric remedies, such as Sulphur, Silica, Causticum, Lycopodium, etc., have to be used. SoMNAMBULISM. Bryonia and Phosphorus may be given in al- ternation. SLEEPLESSNESs. • Aconite, if there be febrile heat, and the sleep- lessness is caused by agitating events. Coffea, if caused by excessive use of coffee, excessive joy, prolonged watching. Ignatia, if caused by grief. 108 AFFECTIONS OF STOMACH, ETC. Hyosciamus, when the sleeplessness results from nervous excitement, either after or during the course of an illness, especially in irritable and sensitive individuals. * ... Nua, vom., when caused by prolonged medita- tion, reading, abuse of coffee. Opium, when caused by fear or fright. Pulsatilla, from overloading the stomach at supper. Belladonna may be given to children, if they cry all the time without any assignable Cal U.S62, Rheum, if there be a frequent desire to evacu- ate, with tenesmus and colic. NIGHT-sweATs. Acidum phosphoricum every night, or Stannum, if the former does not relieve. Sambucus, when the sweat is excessive. Mercurius, when the sweat is the remainder of a catarrh. STOMACH, affections of, and Gastric Symp- toms. HEARTBURN. Calcarea, clawing sensation in the chest, run- ning of sour and burning water from the mouth, nausea, sometimes vomiting, dulness and giddiness of the head, debility. HICCouGH.—vomitſNG AND NAUSEA. 109 Sulphur relieves violent heartburn. Carbo vegetab. and Nuw, when occasioned by abuse of spirituous liquors. Cinchona, when setting in immediately after a meal. Arnica, when occasioned by a blow or fall upon the stomach. HIcCough. Bryonia, violent hiccough, with retching and vomiting; violent agitation of the blood; glowing countenance. Belladonna may be alternated with Bryonia every six hours. Nuw vomica, hiccough of pregnant females; they are unable either to eat or drink. Pulsatilla, when the hiccough terminates in a violent suffocative fit in the throat and chest, with anguish. - - Sulphur, one dose a day, in chronic hiccough. Wom ITING AND NAUSEA. Aconitum, vomiting or nausea of hysteric females, sometimes accompanied with ach- ing pain over the forehead and ringing in the ears. - - - Arsenic, chronic vomiting after eating, or vio- lent vomiting of food in the night, followed by vomiting of bilious and acrid substances; great pain in the region of the stomach dur- ing the vomiting; burning, as of hot coal, in 1 110 AFFECTIONs of STOMACH, ETC. the pit of the stomach; anguish ; excessive coryza : pale countenance; coldness of the hands and feet. Bryonia, vomiting after a meal, followed by bitter eructations, pain in the stomach, and rising of water. - - Calcarea, vomiting and diarrhoea of children when teething; or, spitting, especially after eating sweet things. Cina, chronic vomiting when worms are pre- Sent. - Ferrum, vomiting immediately after a meal; the food comes off unchanged. Hyosciamus frequently relieves the vomiting of food of small children, immediately after a meal. Ipecacuanha, vomiting after eating or drink- ing ever so little. º Nuw vomica, vomiting of undigested food, fol- lowed by empty retching, chilliness and spasmodic shaking of the body; nightly vomiting of bile ; putrid and bitter taste in the mouth ; rawness and soreness in the pit of the stomach ; oppression at the stomach; constipation or loose stool; irritable dispo- sition. Nux cures the vomiting consequent upon the abuse of spirituous liquors. Pulsatilla may be given when the vomiting is accompanied with diarrhoea, colic, pale face, • emaciation. - BLACK Wom IT.-voNITING OF BLooD. 111 Opium, vomiting of faeces and urine, with con- stipation. - . . . Tartar emetic, for nausea and bitter-sour vom- iting in the night, with bitter taste in the mouth and pressure at the stomach. Weratrum, vomiting and diarrhoea, the vomiting coming on every day, sometimes also in the night, accompanied with several brownish or blackish diarrhoeic stools in succession. BLACK Wom IT. Arsenic, black vomit, with black diarrhoea, the paroxysm coming on in the night and sud- denly. - - - Cinchona and Veratrum may be used if Arse- nic is not sufficient. Ipecacuanha, when there is constant inclina- tion to vomit, with pain and pressure in the distended region of the stomach. Wom ITING of MUCUs. Ipecacuanha is the specific for that affection. Wom ITING of BLoop. Aconite, giddiness, ringing or roaring in the ears, pressure at the stomach, vomiting of large quantities of black red, coagulated blood ; fainting weakness; tumultuous, hard and full pulse. - 112 AFFECTIONS or STOMACH, ETC. Hyoscianus, vomiting of blood after a cold, with redness of the eyes, bloated counte- nance, sensitiveness and painfulness of the pit of the stomach when touched; the limbs feel weak and rembling, and as if gone to sleep; sometimes convulsions may set in, with heaving of the chest and arrest of breathing; after these symptoms have set in, the patient vomits dark-red blood. Ipecacuanha, vomiting of blood, preceded by headache, pressure at the chest, nausea, bitter taste, frequent eructations, vomiting of food, followed by vomiting of blood when rising from the bed, or after exercise, or even after eating or drinking ; dizziness, op- pression in the pit of the stomach, excessive weakness. Mua vom., when the vomiting of blood comes from chagrin, preceded by repletion in the pit of the stomach, want of breath, cutting in the abdomen, and accompanied with ver- tigo, pressure in the forehead, and agitation of the blood in the chest. Weratrum may be used when the other reme- dies are not indicated. CARDIALGIA, OR SPASM OF THE STOMACH. Belladonna, spasmodic and tensive pain in the pit of the stomach, or as if the parts were seized with the nails; anguish as if the body \ CARDIALGIA, or SPASM of stomach. 113 were constricted, feeling of coldness through the body, oppression, unsuccessful eructa- tions, pressing towards the genital organs; redness, heat and puffiness of the face, star- ing look, dilatation of the pupils, partial loss of consciousness. - Calcarea, choking and contractive sensation from the abdomen upward through the oeso- phagus, followed by sour vomiting, and sometimes accompanied with yellowish, fetid diarrhoea, or also with constipation. Carbo vegetabilis, when arising from flatulent distension, or from a cold, chagrin, etc., ac- companied with a burning and aching pain. Chamomilla, when the spasm arises from vio- lent chagrin, or when it is a painful pressure as of a stone. Cocculus, when, after a meal, a pinching pain is felt under the ribs, in the pit of the sto- mach, and afterwards, in the whole abdo- men, with oppression of breathing and ac- cumulation of water in the mouth. Ignatia, burning pricking in the stomach and pit of the stomach, with weariness and emptiness in those parts after a meal; ac- cumulation of water in the mouth. Lycopodium, chronic cardialgia, as if the sto- mach were being pressed together from both sides, sometimes accompanied with arrest of breathing, spasm in the chest, 10% 114 AFFECTIONs of STOMACH, ETC. f nausea, drawing and tearing in the abdo- men; vertigo, with aching pain in the fore- head. - Nuw vomica: pinching and griping, gnawing or aching, tensive and contractive pain in the stomach, qualmishness, retching, cough, vom- iting of food, sometimes sensation of weight in the pit of the stomach, rising of a sour and burning fluid, accumulation of water in the mouth, putrid taste, constipation, flatulent dis- tension; the pain is relieved by bending double. Pulsatilla : violent pressure in the pit of the stomach, terminating in vomiting of food; want of appetite, sourish and bitter taste; sen- sation in the morning, when rising, as if the stomach were pressed together with the hand. Sulphur, chronic cardialgia : sensation as if the stomach were pressed together with pin- cers, or as if the stomach were oppressed by a load as of stones, after a meal; or oppres- sion at the stomach, after which a tear- ing and burning is experienced in the left hypochondrium, and an aching pain in the abdomen, accompanied with nausea and spitting of water. . ACIDITY of THE SToMACH. Sepia may be used against acidity of the sto- mach. DERANGEMENT of STOMACH, ETC. 115 Cinchona, when experienced after a meal. Rheum, Magnesia carb., and Chamomilla re- move acidity in the primae via (the first ways) of children, and the diarrhoea occa- sioned by it. DERANGEMENT of THE STOMACH By MoRAL CAUSEs. - Ignatia, when it results from grief. Opium, when it results from chagrin or fear. Aconite, when it results from fright. -- Chamomilla, when from anger. DERANGEMENT of THE STOMACH By EATING or DRINKING. .Nua, vomica, when the stomach has been de- ranged by spirituous beverages, abuse of coffee, or excessive mental exertions. Cinchona, when by abuse of tea. Pulsatilla, when by eating fat, pastry, and ex- cessive quantities of fruit. Arnica, when caused by a fall, (see the trea- tise on Arnica.) . SEA-SICKNEss, AND SICKNEss FROM RIDING IN A CARRIAGE. Cocculus relieves the nausea and vomiting in sea-sickness. - Ipecacuanha, if there be much pain in the pit of the stomach. - II6 swelIINGs.-AFFECTIONs of TEETH. Arsenic, if the vomiting is very painful, and ac- companied with anguish and sudden prostra- tion of strength. - sweLLINGs. When caused by a fall or blow, give Arnica, (see the treatise.) RHEUMATIC AND ARTHRITIC SweLLINGs, (See RHEUMATISM, and GouT,-GENERAL AFFEC- TIONs.) * - SweLLING OF GLANDs. Mercurius, for the so-called mumps, or swell- ing of the parotid gland, (the gland behind and below the ear;) also for swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, (under the angle of the lower jaw.) - Calcarea and Lycopodium, in alternation, the former in the morning, the latter in the even- ing, when the glands have become hardened in consequence of mismanaged inflammation. Belladonna may be given in preference to mer- cury, when the swelling is of an erysipela- tous character. TEETH, affections of Aconite, throbbing toothache, after a cold, affecting the whole of one side of the jaw, AFFECTIONs of TEETH. 117 with great redness of the cheek; the pain is frequently accompanied with violent conges- tion of blood to the head, burning heat in the face, great restlessness. - Baryta carbonica, when the pain appears in hollow teeth whenever catching cold, espe- cially in females, directly before the menses; pale-red swelling of the gums and cheek, with violent beating in the ear. Belladonna, for rheumatic toothache, especially in females, the pain being tearing, digging- up, throbbing, lancinating, also during preg- nancy, and sometimes felt alternately in the teeth, ear, face. Or, for excessive pain in an uncertain tooth. - Calcarea, tearing in hollow as well as sound teeth, in paroxysms, aggravated by cold, and especially by cold air. Causticum, throbbing toothache, with painful and readily bleeding gums, and tearing in the facial muscles, eye and ear. Chamomilla, when the toothache affects only one side, or when there is a tearing pain in one side of the head, jaws, and in the ear of that side. Or, for rheumatic toothache, the pain being intolerable, in paroxysms, affect- ing not any one particular tooth, darting, tearing, lancinating, or also digging-up and gnawing, grumbling and drawing ; the pain is most violent in the night and after a meal, 118 AFFECTIONS OF TEETH, aggravated by cold drinks and the warmth of the bed, the gums being sometimes swol- len and burning; the pain is sometimes ac- companied with redness and swelling of the cheeks, and in some cases comes on regu- larly with the menses. China, beating toothache, relieved by biting the teeth firmly together, increased by slight pressure. Coffea, throbbing toothache, with great ner- vousness and violent weeping. Cyclamen, when the pain is stitching-boring, and of an arthritic nature. Euphorbium, for throbbing, beating toothache, with sensation as if the teeth were being screwed together. Hyosciamus for a tearing and pulsative pain continuing in the socket of a tooth which had been pulled out, and extending through the cheek into the forehead , violent chilli- ness, followed by heat; redness of the face and eyes, the eyes glistening; frenzy, con- tortion of the eyes, the patient screams, beats about, wants to escape. Or, tearing and beating toothache, the pain extending as high up as the root of the nose and the eye; the pain is aggravated by pressure ; the teeth feel elongated. Or, beating and whizzing in the tooth with tearing in the gums; the teeth feel loose when chewing, accompanied AFFECTIONS OF TEETH. 119 with violent congestion of the blood to the head, and violent heat. The north pole of the magnet removes toothache in a hollow tooth, brought on by a cold, with swelling and inflammation of the gums, and swelling, redness and heat of the cheek; the pain is worse in the warmth and after a meal, and is sometimes accompanied with dartings through the periosteum of the jaw- bone, increasing from a darting with pres- sure to a digging-up with tearing, and some- times consisting in burning stitches. Magnesia carbon., for boring toothache, occur- ring in the night, and obliging one to rise and walk about the room. Mercurius: tearing pain in the teeth, or stitches in the hollow teeth, and tearing in the roots of the other teeth ; the pains are worse after eating, are aggravated by cool air, relieved by warmth; ptyalism is sometimes present, accompanied with itching of the gums, which are inflamed, swollen, red or livid, or bright red around the borders, look as if corroded, suppurating, painful, or puffy and spongy; putrid smell from the mouth. Mezereum, for drawing pain in the jaws, alternat- ing with boring in some teeth, and stitching extending into the cheek-bone; the teeth are set on edge, feel pithy and elongated; some- times the whole side of the head feels pithy; 120 AFFECTIONS OF TEETH, { the pains are increased by contact. Or, the pain may be darting, lancinating, with sen- sation as if the tooth were raised out of its socket. Nua, vomica : stitching, or tearing pain, or dig- ging-up pain, or drawing pain with fine stitches, in carious teeth, increased by read- ing, meditation, warm or cold substances, cool air, coffee, spirituous drinks; sometimes the pain may be relieved by warmth, but is aggravated by cold; there is no swelling of the cheek, although the sub-maxillary glands may be swollen. Nua, vom. is a specific for the rheumatic toothache of pregnant females, a drawing and tearing pain without swelling. Pulsatilla: drawing, gnawing or tearing pain in both the carious and sound teeth, or draw- ing and jerking pain in the nerve of the tooth, as if put upon the stretch and then let loose again, with fine stinging gnawing in the gums; or, stitching, digging-up pain, setting in in paroxysms with evening or night ex- acerbations; the pain is always aggravated by warmth, or the warmth of the bed, and relieved by the application of cold; it is not increased by chewing, but can be excited by a tooth-pick. Rhus, tearing pain, of a rheumatic or arthritic nature; it is always made worse by cold and relieved by warmth. AFFECTIONS OF TEETH, I21 Sabina, throbbing toothache in females, with sensation as if the tooth were shattered to pieces from within. Sepia, for chronic beating toothache, or when occurring in pregnant females; it is gene- rally accompanied with stitching, the pain extending as far as the ears and through the arm, with a tingling sensation in the fingers; sometimes accompanied with swelling of the cheeks and sub-maxillary glands. Silicia for a similar toothache, when the bone of the lower jaw is swollen, and the pain seems to be more in the jaw than in the tooth. Spigelia, for a drawing and tearing pain in the teeth, or for beating toothache, especially when a violent pain darts like lightning through the roots and crowns of some teeth, or when accompanied with stitches and tear- ing in the eyes and ears, heat in the mouth, tearing and burning in the cheek-bone, pale, puffed countenance, violent palpitation of the heart, purring sensation in the chest, chilli- ness, restlessness. Staphisagria for a violent gnawing pain in a molar tooth, with drawing in the whole row, or the drawing extending towards the eye; or, when the teeth are extremely sensitive all the time, when the pain is excited by eating, drinking, cold air, when chewing is impos- 11 122 ë ULCERs. sible, the pain is somewhat relieved by warmth. Sulphur, for drawing toothache, which is in- creased by warmth, or for a pain as if the teeth and head were pierced through, or, for beating toothache consequent upon repelled eruption, the gums being swollen and throb- bing. Weratrum, for beating toothache, accompanied with swelling of the face, cold sweat on the forehead, nausea unto vomiting, bruised feel- ing in the limbs, failing of strength, coldness of the whole body, internal heat and un- quenchable thirst. g ULCERS. The treatment of old ulcers requires to be directed by a physician. Arsenic may be given formalignant sores, hav- ing a black-blue appearance, surrounded with a red and shining border, painful, burning, secreting a thin and purulent fluid, forming a blackish-brown crust. Belladonna and Calcarea may be given in al- ternation for scrofulous or fistulous ulcers, the Belladonna especially when there is much inflammation. Carbo vegetabilis, for ulcerated lymphatic swell- f}OILS, 123 ings, readily bleeding, burning, and emit- ting a fetid odor. Lycopodium for hard, red tumors, with ulcera- tive pain, painless or else painful and burn- ing, sometimes breaking open or becoming fistulous, surrounded with callous, or red and shining edges; the ulcer secretes a fetid ichor; the whole leg or foot being some- times swollen. Rhus, for malignant ulcers arising from vesi- cles, which itch and contain a clear, yellow fluid ; the ulcer secretes an acrid, fetid ichor. Silicea for ulcers on the leg, arm or fingers, itching and burning, with a bad looking, dirty base, secreting a brownish or yellow- ish fetid thin pus, the edges being callous and shaggy, and the soft parts around swol- len, hard, bluish-red. Sulphur, for benign ulcers, or ulcers secreting a thin, fetid ichor, when there is violent itching or a tendency to form wild flesh. BoILs. Arnica is an excellent remedy against boils. (See the Treatise.) Lycopodium and Belladonna may be given in alternation, when there is a disposition to frequent recurrence of boils, 124 AFFECTIONs of URINARY ORGANs. BURNs. Aconite, when there is much fever. Slight burns may be cured by holding the part as near the fire as possible, until the heat is extracted. The specific for burns, in Urlica wrens, the use of which is fully described page 175 of this work. In the treatment of burns the great object is to keep the parts warm, and to prevent the access of air ; this may be eastly and effectually accomplished by applying cotton batting to every part of the burn; blisters should be opened, carefully cleansed with tepid water, —the skin should be cut off and the cotton re-applied. URINARY ORGANS, affections oſ. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, (See page 66.) DIFFICULTy of URINATING. Aconite, when caused by a cold, or by fright. Dulcamara, if Aconite be insufficient, or in alternation with Aconite, if there be a gene- ral rheumatic fever. Cantharides, when there is a constant but in- effectual desire to urinate, with burning and cutting pains in the urethra or region of the bladder, and sometimes a discharge of a few drops of sanguinolent urine. Camphora, if the difficulty has been brought on by cantharides. JNua, vomica, when resulting from the abuse of INcontLNENCE OF URINE.—HYDROPHoBIA, 125 spirituous drinks, or from the suppression of a haemorrhoidal discharge. Arnica, when caused by a fall or a blow upon the back and abdomen. Opium, when accompanied with violent consti- pation; or Cannabis, if Opium be insufficient. Cannabis may also be given for nightly retention of urine, with violent desire, resulting in the expulsion of a few drops of bloody urine. INcontin ENCE of URINE. Rhus, when there is an utter inability to retain the urine. Belladonna, for spasmodic incontinence of urine. Cina, for incontinence of urine when worms are present. Magnesia carbonica and Natrum muriaticum are also useful in that affection. Cicuta, when the bladder is paralysed. MENTAL DISEASES. HYDROPHoBIA. Belladonna may be given as a preventive, and also when the disease has broken out. Hyosciamus, when the following symptoms are present: inability to swallow, frequent ex- pulsion of mucus from the throat, burning 11% 126 IMIENTAL DISEASES, heat in the throat, excessive dryness and stinging sensation in the larynx, thirst, suffo- cative sensation in the throatwhen swallow- ing a liquid, constriction of the throat, dread of water, convulsions after drinking, desire for drink with inability to swallow it, deliri- um while waking, taciturn mood, rage, alter- nation of frenzy and calmness of mind, de- spondency, anguish, startings and convul- sions, dread of being bitten by animals, gene- ral sweat, red and bloated countenance, sleeplessness with convulsions. .* Stramonium likewise corresponds to the symp- toms of hydrophobia, and may be given in alternation with or after Hyosciamus. Hydrophobin has been successfully employed in some cases. MELANCHOLY. Aconite, apprehension of death, from fright, or in pregnant females. Aurum, for the mania of suicide. Belladonna, fear of ghosts, double vision, notion of being raised into the air by means of a wire. Or, when the patient is diffident and shy, and desires to look in the light. Bel- ladonna may be given in alternation with Opium, whon those symptoms originate in fright and mortification. Or, when the mel- ancholy is accompanied with spasms in the MELANCHOLY. " 127 organs of deglutition, and bladder, or in fe- males in and after confinement, when result- ing from derangement of the sexual func- tions. Hellebore, for silent melancholy and grief. Hyosciamus, for melancholy from fright, espe- cially in females when inducing suppression of the menstrual discharge ; it may be given in alternation with Veratrum, and afterwards Pulsatilla. Or, for a sort of idiocy in chil- dren, accompanied with involuntary dis- charges of faeces and urine, thirst, grasping at the face. Nua, vomica, for mental illusions resulting from the suppression of the hamorrhoidal dis- charge. Pulsatilla, for anguish of mind, with sleepless- ness, headache, cardialgia, pain in the small of the back. Or, during pregnancy, when the female sits in a taciturn mood, folds her hands upon her lap, speaks foolish things; the arms and lower limbs ache, with sleep- lessness. f Stramonium, the patient converses with spirits, sees frightful visions, moves his hands as in St. Vitus’ dance, with constipation, disten- sion of the abdomen, circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Sulphur cures melancholy with despair of sal- vation. # 128 . DISEASEs PECULIAB. To women. Weratrum, for chronic mania, costiveness, ver- tigo, anguish of death, delirium. Or, the patient has a glowing countenance, does not want to leave the bed, laments without any particular reason, takes no food, is sleepless. Or, when there is melancholy, anguish, rest- lessness, delirium with singing and laughing. WOMEN, diseases peculiar to. LABor-PAINs. Coffea, when the pains are too violent. Aconite, when Coffea gives no relief. Nua, vom., for false labor-pains, when they are accompanied with a constant desire to evacu- ate the bowels or bladder; or for pains of a spasmodic nature. Pulsatilla may be given if Nua be insufficient. Belladonna or Pulsatilla for fruitless or spas- modic pains. Opium, for a sudden suspension of the pains by , fright, with congestion to the brain, redness and bloatedness of the face, and lethargic symptoms. Aconite may be alternated with Opium. Secale is indispensable for persons of a weak and cachectic constitution, when they have become exhausted by the bearing-down pains, when the patient's strength is failing more ERYSIPELATOUs INFLAMMATION, ETC. 129 and more, or when she has been exhausted by excessive loss of blood. AFTER-PAINs. Arnica should be administered to the patient directly after the birth of the infant. Coffea relieves violent after-pains. Chamomilla relieves violent after-pains with hemorrhage from the womb. Nur vom., violent after-pains, especially in the recumbent posture, with a sensation as if the patient would go to stool. SorenEss of THE NIPPLEs. Arnica is the specific for that affection, (See the treatise on Arnica.) Nua, vomica relieves violent drawing pains in the nipples after sucking, immediately after parturition. Sulphur, when the nipples become sore and fissured, the margins of the fissures bleed and burn like fire. Lycopodium and Sulphur may be given in alter- nation, when the soreness is of a chronic nature, or has already commenced during pregnancy. ERYSIPELATOUs INFLAMMATION OF THE BREASTs. Belladonna, when the inflammation comes on after weaning, with swellings and indura- 130 DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN, tions in the breasts, the redness irradiating towards one point. Or, when the secretion of milk is arrested, the breast becomes hard and tumefied, and the skin begins to become red. Bryonia, when the inflammation results from a cold. Phosphorus, when the inflammation is exces- sive, and suppuration threatens to set in. Chamomilla relieves these symptoms when they originate in chagrin or fright. Silicea and Sulphur cure ulcers in the breast, old or recent, secreting a thin, white-colored fluid, or a thin, sanguinolent pus. SoPor DURING CoMFINEMENT. Opium is the specific. CoLIC of LYING-IN Wom EN. Chamomilla, for abdominal spasms occasioned by a cold. Nuw vomica : difficulty of urinating, vomiting, painfulness of the abdomen to the touch. If Nua does not relieve, give Belladonna. Bryonia, for aching and burning pain in the abdomen, affecting the whole of the abdo- men, but especially the region over the hip- bone; the pain moves to the pit of the stomach, producing a clawing sensation in that part, with feeling of weakness in the SUPPRESSION OF MILK.—MILK FEveR. 131 small of the back, drowsiness, and consti- pation. GALACTIRRHOEA, (Flow of Milk.) Calcarea, the breasts are distended with milk, which flows out involuntarily. Belladonna and Bryonia are likewise useful in this affection. SUPPRESSION or MILK. Coffea, if caused by joy. Bryonia or Chamomilla, if caused by anger or chagrin. Aconite, if occasioned by fright, or by a chill. Belladonna and Pulsatilla, if caused by a chill; these remedies ought to, be used when the abdominal organs become affected in conse- quence of a suppression of milk. Pulsatilla is a specific for suppression of the secretion of milk. Bryonia, when the breasts become hard and knotty, in consequence of the suppression. MILK FEveR. This fever will be generally prevented by the administration of Arnica, directly after the birth of the infant; but, if it should set in, Coffea and Aconite should be given to the patient in alternation. 132 DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN, LocBIAL DISCHARGE. * Cinchona is the best remedy when the lochial discharge appears at irregular periods. Nua, vomica or Secale, when the discharge is suppressed. Secale, when it lasts too long. Belladonna or Carbo animalis, when it is offensive. Pulsatilla, when too copious. HAEMoRRHAGE FROM THE UTERUs DURING AND AFTER THE ACT of PARTURITION. Crocus and Sabina frequently arrest the haemorrhage during parturition, without an artificial delivery becoming necessary; un- less the hamorrhage arises from the attach- ment of the after-birth over the mouth of the womb. Pulsatilla may be resorted to when the ha-mor- rhage arises from the after-birth having be- come lodged over the mouth of the womb, when the patient is pale and covered with cold sweat, with roaring in the head, van- ishing of sight, deficiency of contractions of thé uterus ; Pulsatilla brings on expulsive pains, and the placenta is thrown off. Pulsatilla, haemorrhage accompanied with false labor-pains; Secale may be used, if Pulsa- tilla should be found insufficient. MISCARRIAGE, 133 Secale, for haemorrhage from want of contrac- tive power of the uterus, after parturition. Chamomilla frequently cures haemorrhage when not arising from want of contractility of the uterus. MISCARRIAGE. Belladonna arrests the haemorrhage from mis- carriage, the patient is pale, in a state of stupor, contortion of the face, great heat over the whole body, especially about the head; thirst, palpitation of the heart, rest- lessness. If there be constipation, it can be removed by Bryonia. Ferrum prevents miscarriage, especially in females suffering with leucorrhoea and amenorrhoea, or in plethoric females. Sabina, one dose a month, commencing in the beginning of pregnancy, prevents miscar- riage, especially in plethoric females. Ipecacuanha, when haemorrhage has already set in, with chilliness, heat, bearing down; it may be followed by Sabina. Secale arrests hamorrhage, with bearing-down pains during pregnancy. Nua, vomica removes congestions to the uterus, produced by stimulating drinks or food; also the accompanying constipation. Calcarea, Sepia and Zincum are preventives of miscarriage. 12 134 AFFECTIONs DURING PREGNANCY. INFLAMMATION of THE Wom B, PUERPERAL FE- vKR, PUERPERAL MANIA, etc., can be treated by homoeopathic remedies, in a manner which makes success almost certain. It would be a useless waste of time to detail the treatment of those frightful diseases in this place, as it can only be properly man- aged by a physician. . AFFECTIONS DURING PREGNANCY. NAUSEA AND COLIC. Aconitum, nausea in the morning, retching, vomiting of mucus, violent pain in the sto- mach after every meal, violent headache with pressure in the forehead and over the orbits. Arnica, pain in the abdomen from a sprain, violent stitches in the pit of the stomach. (See treatise on Arnica.) Arsenic, every evening, when the morning- nausea was increased to a fainting fit, with retching, burning sensation in the stomach and Oesophagus. . Belladonna, spasm of the stomach, with retch- ing and vomiting, bearing down towards the genital organs, frequent desire to urinate, red and bloated countenance, partial loss of consciousness, occasional starting with a cry. Belladonna is the best specific for ab- NAUSEA AND COLIC, 135 dominal spasms, when they take the form of labor-pains, and are accompanied with spas- modic trembling and shaking of the extremi- ties, great heat and thirst. Bryonia removes a burning pain in the region of the fundus (bottom) of the womb, disap- pearing on pressure, and reappearing when the pressure was omitted. Bryonia also relieves vertigo when stooping, cloudiness of the head, obscuration of sight, insipid taste in the mouth, hiccough, retching after a meal, inclination to vomit, cramp-like drawing in the arms. Ferrum relieves a vomiting of the following kind: the patient, while eating, suddenly throws off the food she has taken, and then continues her meal without having lost any of her appetite. Hyosciamus, spasms, the fits come on every ten or fifteen minutes, setting in with a vio- lent cry, increased redness of countenance, anguish, oppressed breathing, spasmodic pains in the abdomen, jerkings of the ex- tremities, loss of consciousness. Ipecacuanha relieves the vomiting and nausea of pregnant females. Magnesia muriatica, for nausea lasting the whole day, without vomiting, with livid coun- tenance and nervousness disposing one to 136 AFFECTIONS DURING PREGINANCY, weep; certain kinds of food being eaten with appetite all the time. Nua, vomica, vomiting with colic, alternation of constipation and diarrhoea, frequent attacks of canine hunger without appetite, great weakness and trembling of the limbs, pres- sure or tensive pain in the pit of the stomach. Opium removes the costiveness of pregnant females, taking several one-drop doses of the tincture, one dose every hour. Plumbum and Sepia are excellent remedies for the costiveness of pregnant women. Pulsatilla, vertigo when stooping, stitching pain in the forehead, tongue coated white, eructations having a bad taste, heartburn, constipation, burning pain in the back, tear- ing in the thighs from the hip down to the knee; constant chilliness; it may be alter- nated with Bryonia. DESIRE To URINATE. Cocculus relieves that desire. Pulsatilla relieves that desire when accompa- nied with drawing or spasms in the abdomen. HEMoRRHAGE. Ipecacuanha may be given to arrest it, (See MISCARRIAGE.) * CRAMP IN THE CALVES, ETC. 137 CRAMP IN THE CALVES. Secale arrests the cramp. Tooth ACHE. Nuw vomica, Belladonna and Sepia are specific remedies for toothache during pregnancy, (See the remedies for toothache.) WOMB, AND APPENDAGES, affections of: CRAMPs of THE Wom B. Magnesia muriatica, when the spasm occurs obliquely from the groin towards the uterus, (Every 15 minutes.) Ignatia for a cramp-like pain in the region of the womb, now pressing from within out- ward, now from without inward, extending into the right side of the abdomen and arrest- ing the breathing. ITCHING IN THE Wom.B. Platina removes that trouble. ITCHING of THE WAGINA. Kali carbonicum removes a burning itching of the vagina. Sepia, violent itching of the pudendum, accom- panied with swelling and inflammation of the large lips of the vulva, and a number of * 138 AFFECTIONS or wom.B AND APPENDAGES. small pimples on the inner side secreting a purulent fluid. Cantharides remove an intolerable itching in the vagina. Mercurius removes itching of the lips of the vulva. © Platina, for itching in the vagina, or rather a tingling sensation as when the foot goes to sleep. INFLAMMATION of THE LIPs of THE VULvA. Mercurius vivus is a specific remedy in that af. fection. Mercurius in alternation with Belladonna re- moves lymphatic tumors in the lips of the vulva. FALLING OF THE WAGINA. Mercurius removes that affection. FALLING of THE Wom B. Belladonna and Nua, vomica may be given in alternation, the former in the morning, the latter in the night, to cure a descension of the womb brought on by parturition. HEMORRHAGE FROM THE Wom B. Belladonna, hemorrhage with painful pressing in the genital organs and violent pain in the small of the back. Or, when the hemor- HEMORREIAGES FROM THE WOMB, 139 rhage is occasioned during the flow of the menses by lifting a load. Bryonia for bemorrhage occasioned by a shock received upon the abdomen, or by abuse of herb-tea. Carbo animalis, discharge of fetid and putrid blood from the vagina, with painful indura- tion in the region of the liver, intense pain in the small of the back and groin. Chamomilla, when the blood is dark, blackish, coagulated, when the discharge is accompa- nied with violent labor-like pains in the ab- domen, thirst and coldness of the extremities, obscuration of sight, roaring in the ears, fainting fits. Cinchona may be given instead of Chamomilla when there is a constant desire to urinate, chilliness, scintillations before the eyes, pal- pitation of the heart, apprehensions of death. Crocus, for both chronic and active hemor- rhage, when there is a sensation as if some- thing living were moving about in the abdo- men, accompanied with yellowish counte- Ila, IlC62. Ferrum, when the hemorrhage is occasioned by profuse menstruation, or when accompa- nied with violent excitement of the circula- tion. Ipecacuanha, when the hemorrhage is preceded 140 MENSTRUAE, IRREGULARITIES, by a qualmish and warm sensation in the pit of the stomach. Platina is useful in hemorrhage accompanied by a morbid irritation of the sexual organs. Pulsatilla, when the hemorrhage ceases for a while and then recommences. Sabina, hemorrhage accompanied with violent tearing in all the limbs, pains in the small of the back and abdomen, or with labor-like pains extending from the small of the back to the groin and violent desire to urinate. Sabina may also be given for hemorrhage after miscarriage. Secale cornutum is a powerful remedy in arrest- ing hemorrhage, when neither of the other remedies is indicated. MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES. The treatment of complicated menstrual difficulties requires the superintendence of a physician. SUPPRESSION OF THE MENSTRUAL DISCHARGE. KALI CARBONICUM is an excellent remedy for restoring the menstrual discharge, or bringing it on in young girls in the years of puberty. Pulsatilla, when the menstrual discharge is arrested by a chill, or by bathing the feet in cold water : it is likewise suitable for all the suPPRESSION of THE MENSTRUAL DISCHARGE. 141 ailments consequent upon suppression of the menses, such as-vertigo, aching in the forehead, heat in the face and eyes, livid complexion, bitter and flat taste, nausea, pain in the stomach and bilious vomiting, bleed- ing at the nose, stitches in the side, bloody expectoration, difficulty of breathing, chills, colic, increased desire to urinate, heaviness of the limbs, bruised feeling all over the body, swelling of the feet and legs, cold feet, weakness, sadness, out of humor, inclining to start, weary of life, anguish ; a leucorrhoeal discharge sometimes takes the place of the menses. --> Sepia may be given, iſ Pulsatilla does not help. Sulphur, when there is—obscuration of sight; vertigo; stupefaction and heaviness of the head, distension of the abdomen after a meal, stitching and cutting in the pit of the stomach at the period when the menses should appear; sensation, as if the fauces were swollen and contracted; burning, stitch. ing pain in the left hypochondrium, with feel- ing of repletion and tension; urine dark, scanty and burning ; oppression of the chest, with periodical stitches in both sides of the chest during an inspiration ; drawing and weariness in all the limbs. Bryonia, when there is a feeling of heat in the top of the head and swelling around the 142 MIENSTRUAI, IRREGULARITIES, elbow-joint extending beyond the joint on either side. Aconite, when there is congestion of blood to the head, cloudiness, vertigo when stooping, sensation, as of great weight in the forehead, palpitation of the heart, dark redness of the face. Arsenic, great heaviness in the forehead, stiff. ness when sitting down, oedematous swelling all over the body or only over the limbs in the morning when rising ; burning heat in the veins; raising of a black substance when spitting ; sensation as if the intestines were knotted up. Lycopodium, burning sensation from the sto- mach to the throat, acidity of the stomach, cutting from the side towards the stomach, leucorrhoea. If these remedies do not help, consult a physician. These remedies may be taken in the evening, several evenings in succession. Pulsatilla and Arsenic may be taken in the morning. MENSTRUAL Colic AND DIFFICULT MEN- STRUATION, Belladonna, for violent bearing-down pains, and congestion of blood to the chest and head, in young persons; also for beating headache at the time of the menses, with heat in the head, and redness and puffiness of the face. MENSTRUAL COLIC, ETC. 143 Bryonia may be given in the place of Bella- donna, when there is no bearing-down, or when there is burning at the stomach, with anxiety and chilliness. Chamomilla, for menstrual colic : face pale, sunken and expressive of anguish and pain; frightful tearing, contractive pains in the abdomen and small of the back ; the abdo- men is not distended, but painful to the touch, a sort of ulcerative pain; diarrhoea all the time, green and watery; nausea, bitter taste, yellow-coated tongue, chilliness and heat. Cocculus, for flatulent or spasmodic colic dur- ing the menses, with pressure as of a stone either in the chest or abdomen. © Nua, vomica, spasm in the uterus, extending as high up as the umbilicus and even the sto- mach ; sensation of fainting, redness of the face. Nuw removes stitches in the right side during the flow of the menses. It is indicated when the appearance of the men- ses is preceded by a drawing pain in the muscles of the neck, extending as far as the occiput, (back part of the head.) Nua, re- moves an apprehensive and disconsolate mood, accompanied with qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, and setting in a little while after the appearance of the menses. Phosphorus, pain in the back, sensation as if 144 MENSTRUAL, IRREGULARITIES, º the intestines were being cut up with knives, vomiting of bile and food. Phosphorus may be given when the menses appear after the regular period, but are so much more pro- fuse. Pulsatilla, when the blood is black and scanty, vertigo, loss of appetite, anguish, pressure upon the bladder and rectum, spasm in the womb and the ligaments of that organ, sour vomiting and sour eructations during the spasm, weakness and oppression of the sto- mach; the menses set in with chilliness, and are sometimes preceded and succeeded by leucorrhoeal discharges. Secale cornutum, for alternate tearing and cut- * ting pains in the abdomen, cramp and cold- ness of the extremities. Weratrum, when the menses appear too soon, accompanied with nausea and constrictive sensation in the throat, sensation as if ice were laid upon the head, icy coldness of the feet, hands and nose, diarrhoea with burning at the rectum. Mercurius, when the tongue feels raw, burn- ing, and is covered with dark spots; the teeth are set on edge; salt taste. PROFUSE MENSTRUATION. Ignatia, when the menses are accompanied with heaviness and heat in the head, sensi- LEUCORREIOEA AND CHILOROSIS, 145 tiveness of the eyes to the light, ringing in the ears, empty feeling in the stomach, alter- nation of chilliness and heat, faintish weak- ness in the whole body and especially in the limbs. Nua, vomica, regulates an excessive menstrual flow,especially when the flow lasts too long. Platina, when the menses are too long and too copious, and are accompanied with a press- ing sensation coming out of the genital or- gans, and with spasmodic, labor-like pains in the abdomen. Sepia may be given, if Platina does not suffice, and especially if stitches dart through the genital organs from time to time. Calcarea carbon. is excellent, when the menses show a tendency to re-appear at increasingly shorter intervals, the flow itself increasing in proportion. LEUcoRRHOEA AND CHLoRosis or GREEN- SICKNEss. These affections can be promptly and thoroughly remedied by homoeopathic prepa- rations; but the treatment of those affections ought to be directed by a professional man. A few hints however may not be out of place. Alumina, for copious, corrosive leucorrhoea, yellowish, most abundant before and after 13 146 MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES. the period; accompanied with great weak- ness in the limbs, which increases to a real trembling when walking for a long time. Calcarea carbon. for females of a weakly con- stitution and naturally mild disposition; the discharge is whitish, sometimes corrosive, accompanied with itching in the vagina, burning and shooting through the parts, weariness in the knees, paleness, irritable mood, prickings in the region of the liver. Cocculus, when the leucorrhoea has taken the place of the originally profuse menses, and is accompanied with flatulent colic; the discharge has the appearance of lymph, and is mixed with a purulent, ichorous fluid; painful weight in the abdomen as of a stone, with ulcerative pain of that part when sitting down, stooping or when touching it. Natrum muriaticum, when an aching pain in the forehead corresponds with the discharge, which flows day and night, and consists in a white, thickly, transparent, mild mucus. Pulsatilla, when the leucorrhoeal discharge has been occasioned by fright or by a chill at the time of the menses. Sepia, for leucorrhoea with repletion, heaviness and distension of the abdomen and continued pressing downward in the sides. Stannum, for chron c leucorrhoea exhausting the strength. CHLOROSEs, ETC.—constipATION. 147 Sulphur transforms corrosive leucorrhoea into mild; but it may also be given in cases of simple whites inclining to yellow, with pain in the hips, prostration of strength. Nua, vomica for discharges of fetid, yellowish mucus, vertigo in the morning and after din- ner, headache, colic, rumbling in the abdo- domen, constipation. Lycopodium, when the leucorrhoea is accom- panied with acidity of the stomach, cutting in the epigastric region. v. CHLoRosis. The Acetate of Iron is one of the best remedies for chlorosis or green-sickness; it ought to be taken four times in the course of a day. Pulsatilla, if there is constant chilliness, espe- cially of the extremities. DISEASES OF LITTLE CHILDREN. STOPPAGE of THE Nos.E. Sambucus, when the infant is unable to breathe through the nose. Nuw vomica, when Sambucus does not help. CoNSTIPATION. Alumina removes the constipation of infants. Nua, vomica, for costiveness after weaning. Sulphur and Lycopodium in alternation, the 148 DISEASES OF LITTLE CHILDREN. former in the morning, the latter in the even- ing, in cases of chronic constipation. An injection of tepid water and honey may be administered in the commencement, and, if this does not help, the above remedies may be resorted to. CRIEs of INFANTs. Belladonna may be administered, when no cause for the crying can be traced. Coffea, when the child’s rest has been dis- turbed, would like to sleep, but cannot. - Jalappa is an admirable specific for the cries of infants, especially when accompanied with diarrhoea. . Chamomilla, when the child tosses about, bends double, with heat and sweat in the face, ex- pression of pain and anguish, emission of flatulence. * Rheuan, for cries with sour diarrhoea, or when Jalappa does not relieve. SoFFNESs. Chamomilla may be given internally, and may be used as a wash. - Ignatia and Pulsatilla, if the soreness has been occasioned by abuse of Chamomilla. Sulphur or Graphites ought to be given to the mother in obstinate cases of soreness. Lycopodium cures soreness of the genital or- 'sorr, EYES, ETC.—TEETHING. 149 gans, and the inner surface of the thigh, to- gether with humid scald-head. Sulphur cures soreness, the skin behind the ears, on the neck, under the arms, between the thighs, etc., being red, humid, and cover- ed here and there with purulent lymph, s Tanvan. (See MoUTH.) SoRE EYEs of NEw-Born INFANTs. Aconite may be given in the commencement. Sulphur, if Aconite should not be sufficient. This remedy may be alternated with Calca- rea carbon-, one dose a day. Chamomilla, if it seems to arise from a cold. Pulsatilla may be given to the mother during the administration of those remedies. TEETHING. The following remedies may be used either to facilitate the process of teething, or to meet the accidents which sometimes supervene in difficult dentition. - Belladonna, when the child wakes suddenly, as by fright, staring with dilated pupils; all the muscles are in a state of spasm; there is a burning heat over the whole body, especially on the forehead and hands. Or, when there is: a racking spasmodic cough, stertorous breathing, oppression of the chest, burning - 13* 150 IDISEASES OF LITTLE CHILDREN, heat and thirst, restless nights, startings or convulsions. Calcarea may be administered to the child when the teeth protrude very slowly, or at long intervals, giving a dose every three days. Chamomilla, for spasms and greenish diarrhoea. Ignatia, when the spasms have the appearance of epileptic fits: twitching of the corners of the mouth as if the child smiled, spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face, eye- lids, etc., foam at the mouth; frequent recur- rence of the fits, (See Convulsions.) Magnesia muriatica may be given in slow den- tition, with distension of the abdomen and constipation. Nua, vom., when the child looks around with an anxious appearance, points to strange visions, starts when on the point of going to sleep, changes its position frequently. Secale cornutum, when great debility sets in, with vomiting of food, pale countenance; faint, hollow eyes, dry heat, restlessness. Sulphur may afford relief when all other reme- dies fail. CRUSTA LACTEA, (MILK-CRUST.) This affection should be treated by a phy. sician. The following remedies may, how- ever, be tried by the parents: CONVULSIONS. 151 Psoricum, when the eruption covers the whole face, or shows a tendency to spread over the whole face. Calcarea, when the child tosses the head to and fro, or backward, or inclines to bury it in the pillow. Sulphur, when the eruption comes out in small white vesicles, appearing in clusters; the vesicles break open, the humor forming crusts, and itching violently; in the morn- ing the eye-lids are agglutinated; the nos- trils are ulcerated. Or, when the eruption consists in small red blotches, mingled with yellowish-white pimples and crusts. Arsenic, when the humor is of a malignant and corrosive nature. CoNvu LSIons, (See Convulsions IN GENERAL AFFECTIONs.) Belladonna, when more or less of the following symptoms are present: distended abdomen, violent cries, bending double and then stretch- ing the body backward, vomiting of food, vio- lent thirst, diarrhoea or constipation, flatu- lence, smiling while asleep, waking sud- denly with piercing cries, startings of the limbs, dilatation of the pupils, shyness, grasp- ing at the head. Causticum, when the body is tossed in various ways: the head is thrown on the edge of the I52 IDISEASES OF LITTLE CHILDREN. * cradle, and one of the feet is pushed out on the opposite side; or the head is buried into the pillow, and the foot is jerked violently on the edge of the cradle; accompanied with boring of the fingers into the mouth, chew- ing, and wiping with the hand over the nose; constant and involuntary flow of urine. Chamomilla for convulsions with distended abdomen, greenish, hacked stools, sour vo- miting. Ignatia, for the following symptoms: twitch- ing of the corners of the mouth, as if the child smiled, followed by accelerated move- ments of the facial muscles, eye-lids, fore- head, and even the eye-balls, unless the eyes stare; foam at the mouth ; frequently there is tightness of the jaws; jerking of the arms. Lachesis, when the limbs are stretched and stiff, contorsion of the eyes, closing of the lids, loss of consciousness. Nuw vomica, spasms with distended abdomen, bending the trunk backward, hard stool, cries. APOPLEXY of A NEw-BoFN INFANT. This is sometimes the result of a long and difficult labor ; the surface of the body is swollen, the face bluish, and there is an ab- sence of all motion ; the limbs are flexible, the body has its natural heat, the pulsations \ ASPHYXIA. 153 of the cord and heart are obscure, and often imperceptible. In this case Aconite should be administered, and the infant should be exposed naked to the action of the open air. The ſauces should be cleared of the mucus with the feathers of a quill. AsPHYXIA. This is denoted by paleness of the surface, flaccidity and softness of the flesh, absence of respiration, coldness, the pulsations of the heart continuing. The head, face and chest are to be exposed to the open air, covering the rest of the body in warm cloths, which should be renewed frequently. The chest should be rubbed with a piece of linen satu- rated with brandy, or a jet of brandy should be thrown upon the chest with some force, and the nose and throat should be gently ir- ritated by means of a feather, removing all mucus at the same time. Percussion with the hand on the breach is also useful; some- times it is necessary to resort to insufflation, either by the mouth, or by means of a tube. These two accidents almost always exist to- gether. 154 PO1sonING BY MINERAL ACIDs, ETC. Poisoning BY MINERAL ACIDs, MURI. ATIC, PHOSPHORIC, NITRIC, OX- ALIC ACID, ETC. The best antidotes are Magnesia, Soda, or Chalk. These substances may be dis- solved in water, a desert-spoonful of each, and the solution may be taken every time the pain or the vomiting is renewed. These alkalis neutralise the acids. NITRATE of SILVER. Dissolve a tea-spoonful of kitchen-salt in water, and swallow the solution, to decom- pose the nitrate and form a chloride ; swal- low a second solution, as long as pain is felt or the vomiting continues. ARSENIC. Swallow a solution of the sesquioxide of iron ; if possible, a fresh preparation should be used. AcETATE of CoPPER, (Verdigris.) The white of an egg, or sugar in solution, or manna, may be given to neutralise this poison. CoRRosive SUBLIMATE. The white of an egg is an antidote for that substance. roDINE.—sulph ATE of coPPER, ETC. 155 IoDINE. Give a solution of starch. SULPHATE of CoPPER. Tepid water and sugar. OPIUM. The principal antidote is black coffee, or else vinegar. BELLADoNNA, (Deadly Night-shade.) Give a solution of tartar-emetic until vo- miting is provoked; after this administer acidulated drinks. STRAMoRIUM. Provoke vomiting, and give black coffee or vinegar. Poison Ed Wounds. The application of dry heat at a distance is an excellent remedy against the bites of venomous serpents, mad dogs, etc. . This remedy is strongly recommended by Dr. He- ring. A red-hot iron, incandescent coal, etc., ought to be placed as near the wound as pos- sible; without, however, causing too sharp a pain ; this should be continued until the patient begins to shiver and stretch himself. If this should take place a few minutes after 156 PoisonING BY MINERAL ACIDs, ETC. * the heat was first applied, the application may be continued for an hour, if the patient is able to bear it, or until the effects of the poison disappear. At the same time the pa- tient should be given a dose of Arsenic, which may be repeated every 15 minutes until the symptoms moderate ; if the effects of the poison should become more violent, Lachesis may be given. This proceeding may be applied to all sorts of poisoned wounds: by venomous in- sects, dissection-wounds. 157 A s PECIAL CHAPTER On the peculiar signs by which a disease is recog- nised. e The art of recognising a disease by its ex- ternal phenomena, is called diagnosis ; to diag- nose a disease, is to recognise it by its external phenomena. DIAGNoSIs of FEveR. Simple fever is very often the commencement of an undeveloped disease. As long as the ſever has no distinct character, the patient may take a dose of a solution of Aconite in water every two hours, during which time the fever ought to be watched, which, if a simple irritative fever, will soon disappear. DIAGNoSIS OF INFLAMMATory FEveR. Inflammatory fever generally begins with a great chill, which alternates with heat. A hard, strong and frequent pulse, thirst, heat, dry skin, red urine, are the essential characteristics of in- flammatory fever; it may be occasioned by taking cold, by violent emotions, abuse of spirituous drinks, wounds, etc. A simple inflammatory fever 14 158 DIAGNOSIs of RHEUMATIC FEvKR, ETC. is cured by Aconite, taking a table-spoonful of a solution in water every half hour; if the fever should be complicated with derangement of spe- cial organs, liver, lungs, stomach, etc., then the remedies which are appropriate for such derange- ments should be given in alternation with the Aconite. DIAGNoSIs of RHEUMATIC or CATARRHAL , FEveR. This fever is generally accompanied either by rheumatic or catarrhal symptoms. The rheu- matic symptoms are : a local pain in the muscles, bones, etc.; this pain may either be fixed or shift from part to part ; when it wanders from the surface to an internal organ, there is danger. The catarrhal symptoms are : frequent sneez- ing, accompanied with an acrid, watery or puru. lent discharge, dry or loose cough, hoarseness, roughness in the throat. The rheumatic and catarrhal symptoms some- times exist together and are accompanied with alternation of chills and heat, stretching in the limbs, frequent desire to urinate, the emission be- ing sometimes painful and the urine depositing a brick-dust sediment, disposition to perspire. These fevers are occasioned by retrocession of perspiration, drafts, wetting the feet, exposing the head or neck to damp and wet weather, etc. (See * treatment, page 40 and 50.) DIAGNoSIs of INTERMITTENT FEveRs. 159 :IDIAGNoSIs of INTERMITTENT FEveRs. Tntermittent fevers or fevers and ague are dis- tinguished by paroxysms and an intervening apy- rexia or absence of fever. Generally the pa- roxysms return at regular and certain periods of time, every 24 hours, in which case the fever is termed quotidian, or every 48 hours, when it is termed tertian, or every 72 hours, quartan; in some cases the paroxysms have returned every seven days; or two paroxysms may take place within each of the above named periods of time, in which case the fever is designated dou- ble quotidian, double tertian, double quartan, etc. A fever is said to have double paroxysms, when every third paroxysm is similar in regard to time, violence and duration. In most cases the symptoms of the febrile pa- roxysms are clearly exhibited, but they are some- times wanting, and, in that case, are replaced by a vicarious pain or affection ; such as pain in the back, headache, toothache, inflammation of the lungs, colic; if this disguise of the febrile symp- toms happens at the time of an epidemic inter- mittent fever, the vicarious disease will general- ly yield to the remedies which have been found specific against the fever. (See treatment, p. 42.) DIAGNoSIs of BILIous AND GASTRIC FEvKRs. These fevers are recognised by the following symptoms : Foul tongue with a yellowish or 160 DIAGNoSIs of BILIOUs FEveR, ETC. brownish coat, aversion to food, nausea or vomit- ing, bitter, putrid or slimy taste, fulness and pressure at the pit of the stomach, lassitude, head- ache, dizziness, and other symptoms which have been detailed in the treatment, p. 41. * Gastric fevers have different names from the difference in the causes which have occasioned the fever, or according as one or the other train of symptoms prevails. A gastric fever is termed a saburral gastric fever, when the gastric de- rangement has been caused by indigestible food; bilious or mucous fever when the bilious symp- toms prevail ; or it is called an inflammatory gastric fever when the gastric derangement is ac- companied with inflammatory febrile symptoms. This fever may be occasioned by overloading the stomach, eating indigestible food, anger, cold. As long as there are inflammatory symptoms, Aconite must be given in alternation with the remedies indicated in the treatment, page 41. CUTANEOUS DISEASES. DIAGNoSIs of ScARLET-FEVER. Scarlet-fever generally commences with fever and pain in the throat, the pulse being greatly accelerated. In a few days large scarlet red spots make their appearance upon the fore-arms and hands, gradually spreading over the whole body, but rarely in the face. The spots gradual- ly diminish in color from the centre towards the DIAGNoSIs of scARLET FEVER. 161 periphery, like erysipelas; they are generally smooth, but sometimes little miliary pimples form on them, on which account, scarlet-fever has been distinguished into smooth and pustulous. Sometimes there is little or no redness on the skin, and the disease is only known by the sub- sequent desºluamation or the appearance of drop- sical symptoms. Desquamation sets in six and sometimes nine days after the appearance of the spots, the epidermis scaling off in large pieces or patches. Scarlet-fever is sometimes slight and benign, sometimes exceedingly virulent and dangerous, especially in epidemic scarlet-fever. In this case the patient generally dies from metastasis * to the brain, or nervous apoplexy. Death in scar- let-fever is most frequently caused by inflamma- stion of the brain, by angina or dropsy. Scarlet- fever sometimes runs into a secondary disease, especially dropsy ; this is generally the result of mismanagement of the original disease, or a dis- turbed crisis. Scarlet-fever is distinguished from measles by the absence of cough, sneezing and lachrymation. * The reader should make himself well acquainted with the terms “metastasis” and “metaschematismus,” which phy- sicians frequently use ; by “metastasis” is understood a change of seat of the disease; for instance, an inflammation leaving the skin and attacking the brain; by “metaschema- tismus” is understood a change of form ; for instance, inter- mittent fever changing to a violent pain in the back, or a sore on the leg. 14* * 162 DIAGNOSIS OF MEASLES, If there are reasonable grounds to suppose that scarlet-fever is about to set in, the patient should be at once put upon Belladonna, taking a table- spoonful of a solution of 10 or 12 pellets in two thirds of a tumbler full of water. If there be high fever, the Belladonna may be alternated with Aconite, every three hours. (See treatment, p. 97.) DIAGNoSIs of PURPLE-RASH. Small, purple elevations of the skin which are more easily felt than seen ; they do not contain any fluid and finally scale off in the shape of lit- tle scabs. The eruption is preceded by fever with perspiration having a putrid, sour smell, anx- iety, restlessness, dry and short cough, difficult oppressed breathing, moaning, frequent chills, stinging and itching in the skin, and even spasms and delirium. The eruption sometimes appears . on the fourth day of the fever, sometimes on the seventh or eighth, and even as late as the four- teenth ; it is particularly abundant on the arms and chest. A retrocession of the eruption may cause death by apoplexy or suffocation. This eruption sometimes appears in company with the scarlet-fever eruption, in which case Aconite and Belladonna should be given in alternation. (See treatment, page 99.) DIAGNoSIs of MEASLEs. The measle eruption consists in red spots of DLAGNOSIS OF NETTLE-RASH, ETC. 163 one or two lines in diameter, and somewhat ele- vated in most cases. The eruption is preceded for three or four days by a catarrhal fever, charac- terised by a short and dry cough, sneezing, red- ness of the eyes with lachrymation. The cough and the soreness of the eyes continue during the course of the fever. The eruption, which gene- rally first appears in the face and on the arms, lasts three or four days; after the lapse of this period the spots grow pale, the redness disap- pears, and the epidermis scales off in little bran- like scabs, often like meal. The desquamation -commences on the sixth or seventh, sometimes also on the ninth or tenth day of the disease, and lasts for several days. Mismanaged measles may terminate in dis- eases of the lungs, eyes, glands or nerves. Although the disease is not dangerous in itself, yet a complication of measles with pneumonia, or a retrocession of the eruption may make the dis. ease fatal when treated alloeopathically. In such complicated cases the homoeopathic method is beautifully triumphant. (See the description of epidemic measles in the 8th number of the Ho- maeopathic Ea'aminer, New Series.) Begin the treatment at once with Aconite and Pulsatilla, as shown page 99. - DIAGNoSIs of NETTLE-RASH or URTICARIA. This disease is recognised by the formation of 164 CUTANEOUS. IDISEASES, large, red and diffused patchés, white in the cen-. tre, itching and burning. They disappear after a few days, and sometimes appear with, some- times without, febrile motions. A peculiarity of the eruption is to disappear in the warmth, and to reappear in the cold. (Treatment, page 101.) DIAGNoSIs of SMALL-Pox. The disease sets in with fever. It is mild in the commencement, but increases until the fourth day, when the eruption makes its appearance. The small-pox fever is always accompanied by the following symptoms, which are characteristic of this and no other fever : nausea, vomiting, pu- trid odor from the mouth, badly smelling urine, bleeding from the nose, headache. The eruption first appears on the face, next day on the hands, and the day after on the feet and the rest of the body. When first appearing, the eruption has the shape of small, red points, which increase every hour in size and elevation. They may be distinguished from the eruption of measles by little granules which exist in every point, even on the first day. Three or four days after the ap- pearance of the first pustules, new pustules break out, which suppurate while the former dry up. The pustule is small at first, depressed in the . centre, and filled with a watery fluid, which changes to a yellowish pus, in proportion as the pustule grows and becomes more elevated. A perfectly formed pock has the shape of a split pea. DIAGNoSIs of VARICELLA, ETC. 165 The suppurative stage lasts three, four, and in many cases eight days altogether. After the lapse of this period the scabs loosen, leaving red spots, and in many cases cicatrices. The treatment has been detailed, page 102. During the treatment of small-pox it is of the utmost importance that the patient should con- stantly breathe cool and fresh air. (Treatment, page 102.) DIAGNoSIs of VARIOLOID. This is a variety of genuine small-pox, from which it is distinguished by the fever being gene- rally much lighter and the suppurative fever be- ing in most cases entirely absent. The pustules are small and either filled with lymph or some- times empty; the scabs leave only red spots but no cicatrices. (Treatment, page 105.) DIAGNoSIs of VARICELLA OR CHICKEN-Pox. The difference between chicken-pox and genuine small-pox consists in the shorter duration of the stages of the diseases. Genuine small pox completes its course within nine or twelve days, whereas varicella completes it in three or four. The pustules break out twenty-four hours after the fever has made its appearance, which is sometimes very slight, but sometimes also very violent and increases to delirium. (Treatment, *page 104.) º 166 DIAGNOSIS OF THE ITCH, ETC. DIAGNOSIs of JAUNDICE. . This disease has its name from the yellow color of the skin which is first seen in the white part of the eye, and then all over the skin, vary- ing in degree from pale to blackish yellow. (See page 105, treatment and particular symp- toms.) DIAGNoSIs of ERYSIPELAs. Erysipelas is a shining redness of the skin, disappearing under the pressure of the finger; it is apt to wander from one place to another. The eruption is generally preceded and accompanied by fever; this is sometimes violent, and com- mences several days previous to the appearance of the redness. (Treatment, page 95.) DIAGNoSIs of THE ITCH. This disease is characterised by small pustules surrounded with a reddish areola and containing a transparent watery fluid. The pustules appear first between the fingers, which is characteristic of this and no other cutaneous disease. From between the fingers they may spread over the whole body, except the face. The itching of those pustules is well known. (Treatment, see page 102.) DIAGNoSIs of INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. This inflammation is recognised by a burning pain in the region of the bladder, the external * DIAGNoSIs of INFLAMMATION OF SPLEEN. 167 parts being swollen, hot, tense, and painful to the touch ; the urine is red and hot, the emission of the urine being either difficult or impossible; there is fever, and sometimes hiccough, vomiting. (Treatment, page 67.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYs. This inflammation is recognised by a stitching, pressing pain in the region of the kidneys, with shootings from that region to the bladder, diffi- culty to urinate ; the urine is red and hot; some- times the whole lower limb of the affected side is spasmodically affected, numb; vomiting, colic, tenesmus; the pain is increased by standing, walking or lying on the back. The simultaneous inflammation of both kidneys is a rare event. (Treatment, page 67.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION of THE * SPLEEN. This inflammation is recognised by pressing and stitching pains in the region of the spleen, which appears bloated and is painful to pressure. A violent inflammation of the spleen is accompa- nied with vomiting of blood. (Treatment, p. 67.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION of TIIE Bowels. #. This disease is recognised by violent, stitch- 168 DIAGNoSIS OF INFLAMMATION OF LIVER, ing pains in the inflamed part, which are perma- ment; the abdomen is bloated, hot, painful to the touch ; obstinate constipation, violent thirst ; small and contracted, thready pulse. (Treatment, page 66.) 1 •º DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION OF THE Wom B. The lower part of the abdomen is tense, tume- fied and painful to the touch ; there is heat and pain in the vagina; painful urination, which is sometimes impossible ; tenesmus and constipa- tion; in violent cases there is hiccough, vomiting. (Treatment, page 134.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER, This inflammation may either affect the outer or convex side of the liver, or the inner, concave surface and the substance of the organ. The former inflammation is distinguished by a burning and . stitching pain in the right side, increased by in- spiration and shooting to the sternum and the right shoulder-blade, and sometimes extending as far as the right lower limb ; it is impossible to lie on the right side. The latter inflammation is distinguished by a deep-seated, painful pressure, yellow color of the eyes, face, sometimes amounting to complete jaundice ; bitter taste, saffron-colored urine, vo.” DIAGNoSIs of INFLAMMATION of LUNGs. 169 miting, hiccough. The pain is increased by ly- ing on the left side, but alleviated by lying on the right. These symptoms are accompanied with inflammatory fever. (Treatment, page 67.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION OF THE HEART. This disease is characterised by great anguish, fever, a quick but soft, small, unequal, remittent pulse ; fits of fainting, coldness of the extremities, painful pressure in the region of the heart. An inflammation of the heart may be distinguished from an inflammation of the lungs by the fact, that the former is without cough and that it re- quires a horizontal position which is insupport- able in pulmonary inflammation. (Treatment, page 66.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGs. This inflammation is recognised by stitches or pain in one part of the chest, increased by in- spiration, and hindering deep breathing, oppres- sion of the chest, and cough, which is excited by deep breathing, or, in violent cases, by mere speaking. The cough may be either dry or moist. A dry cough indicates eitheran inflammation of the sac in which the lungs are enclosed, or else a very a very high degree of inflammation of the substance of the lungs itself. The expectoration is either se- rous or mucous, or in the highest degrees of the dis- 15 170 DIAGNoSIs of INFLAM. OF BRONCHIA. ease, pure blood maybe expectorated. All the signs of inflammatory fever are generally present, al- though the pulse may sometimes be small and soft, on account of the blood not being permitted to cir- culate freely through the lungs, and thence through the system generally. (Treatment, p. 66.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION OF THE PLEURA, or PLEURISY. This is an inflammation of the sac in which the lungs are enclosed, and is generally accom- panied with inflammation of the adjoining parts of the lungs and the costal muscles. It is recog. nised by painful stitches in the side when moving or drawing breath. (Treatment, p. 66.) There is a kind of false pleurisy, which is not accompanied with inflammatory symptoms. The specific for that sort of pleurisy is Arnica. (See my treatise on Arnica.) DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION of THE BRONCHIA or AIR-TUBEs. This inflammation is marked by a constant and violent irritation, tickling cough, and hoarse voice. For the treatment, see the chapters on Catarrh and Cough, pages 74 and 83. To the remedies which have been mentioned on page 74, may be added Hepar Sulphuris, for moist cough with rattling of mucus in the chest, or violent dry evening or night cough; fits of dry, hoarse cough, with anxiety and strangulation ; DIAGNoSIs of INFLAMMATION OF BRAIN. 171 occasional fits of suffocative cough ; cough, with hoarse, anxious and wheezing breathing, and dan- ger of suffocation in the recumbent posture. DIAGNoSIs of AN INFLAMMATION of THE BRAIN. This inflammation may either be purely in- flammatory, or nervous, or it may have its origin in gastric difficulties, or may have been caused by worms, retrocession of an eruption, sudden ar- rest of the secretion of milk in lying-in women, etc. A purely inflammatory state of the brain is re- cognised either by a violent pain in the head, or by a mere pressing, dull sensation ; delirium, which is either stupid or raging ; sopor; redness of the eyes, congested face, violent pulsation of the ar- teries on the sides of the neck, distension of the veins of the head and throat, heat of the head and forehead, strong and frequent pulse, hot skin, red urine. Give Belladonna in water every hour. (See page 66.) In nervous inflammation of the brain there are no inflammatory symptoms, but the patient is fu- rious, the pulse febrile but small. Give Hyosci- (27/02/S. Delirium Tremens comes under this class of inflammation of the brain. (Treatment, see p. 60.) Whenever an inflammation of the brain occurs, a physician should be sent for immediately. 172 IXIAGNOSIS OF CROUP. DIAGNoSIs of Hoop1NG-Cough. This cough has several stages to go through. In the first stage the cough is similar to a ca- tarrhal cough, and is accompanied with febrile motions. In the second stage there is no fever, but mere- ly the spasmodic affection of the lungs. This stage lasts for several weeks, the paroxysms of cough continuing with intermissions and increas. ing weakness. This cough may become fatal, inasmuch as it may terminate in atrophy and phthisis. The treatment of this affection is detailed, p. 78. The medicine ought to be given directly after a paroxysm; if the paroxysms take place at some interval from one another, the medicine may be repeated between the paroxysms, except Drosera. DIAGNoSIs of CRoup. This is a peculiar inflammation of the mucous membrane of the Larynx, which, when permitted to run through its natural course, terminates in the formation of a false membrane by which the trachea and larynx are straightened and even mechanically closed up. The inflammation is accompanied by violent fever, and is marked by hoarseness, short and diffi- cult breathing, the inspirations having a wheez- ing or whizzing sound, and by a hoarse, whistling, IDIAGNOSIS OF CROUP. 173 crowing or barking cough. When the oppres- sion of the chest increases, the child makes at- tempts to extend the throat upwards. Croup may be confounded with the asthma Millari. These two diseases are distinguished by the following symptoms: asthma sets in all of a sudden, croup is always preceded by catarrhal symptoms. The paroxysms of the asthma are periodical; the symptoms of croup are always present. In the asthma the urine is pale ; in croup it is red and inflammatory. There are several varieties of croup, which it may be interesting to mention. 1. Simple inflammatory croup, which is cured by Aconite. * 2. Catarrhal croup, which is cured by Spongia and Hepar, and in exceptional cases by Chamo- milla, Sambucus, etc. 3. Spasmodic croup, which is cured by Hyo- sciamus, Camphor, Belladonna, etc. 4. The true membranous croup, which is cured by Caustic Ammonia, Bromine, and the Bichro- mate of Potash, either of which remedies may be used in alternation with Aconite, if there be inflammatory symptoms. To the layman I re- commend to use the bichromate of potash in pre- ference to the bromine and caustic ammonia. According to Drs. Bretonneau and Ware, the true membranous croup may be recognised in 15% 174 wounds, BRUISEs, contusions, sprAINs. the following manner: if the throat be examined almost at the commencement of the disease, and while the little patient is yet playing about the room without any apparently threatening symp- toms, false membranes will be found, most fre- quently, and sometimes only upon the tonsils, sometimes on the palate, uvula and pharynx. These false membranes are not seen in any of the other varieties of croup. Wounds, BRUISEs, CoNTUSIons, SPRAINs. It should not be forgotten that Arnica is the great homoeopathic specific in all those accidents, as may be seen from my treatise on Arnica, which every one ought to pössess. There is no remedy now known which has such wonderful curative properties in wounds, bruises, contusions, etc., as Arnica. The following remedies are likewise used for simi- lar affections:— RHUs ToxicoBENDRON, when the ligaments or ten- doms of muscles have become strained. CoNIUM, for indurations of the cellular tissue and of the glands, when caused by contusions, bruises, etc. SYMPHYTUM, for contusion of the bones. CALENDULA officiNALis, for bloody and serous in- filtrations of the cellular tissue in open wounds and ulcers. BURNs. 175 4 Ruta, for mechanical injuries and rheumatic pa- ralysis of the ankle and wrist-joints. FEBRUM MURIATICUM, for rheumatic paralysis of the shoulder-joints. LEDUM PALUSTRE, for rheumatic paralysis of the hip-joints. All these remedies ought to be used both internally and externally ; internally, 10 or 12 pellets dissolved in half a tumbler full of water, one table or tea-spoon- ful every hour; externally, as a wash, 5 or 6 drops of the tincture in a wine-glass full of water, washing the parts once every hour. BURNs. The best specific for burns, which enjoys the high- est recommendation of the first homoeopathic practi. tioners of Germany, is Urtica Urens. It ought to be used internally, 10 or 12 pellets in half a tumbler full of water, one table spoonful every hour, and at the same time externally, 40 drops of the tincture in half a tumbler full of water, by applying linen dipped in this solution to the burn, and wetting the linen when it is about to become dry. Urtica urens cures burns as certainly as Arnica cures bruises. EXPLANATION OF THE TECHNICAL TER MS WHICH HAVE BEEN MADE USE OF IN THIS VOLUME. Amaurosis : paralytic affection of the optic nerve. Angor nocturnus : ſit of nightly anguish. Aphtha : thrush, little ulcers in the mouths of infants. Arthritis: gout. Cardialgia : cramp of the stomach. Chlorosis: green-sickness, an affection peculiar to young fe- males. Cornea ; the transparent horny substance in front of the iris. Delirium Tremens: a sort of nervous inflammation of the brain. Desquamation: the scaling off of the outermost covering of the skin. Diagnosis: the art to recognise a disease by its phenomena. Epidermis: the outermost covering of the skin. Galactinnhapa : incessant flow of milk. Haemoptysis: bloody cough. Haemorrhage : violent flow of blood. Haemorrhoids ; piles. Hepatic spots : yellow spots on the shoulders, breast, in the side, etc. Leucorrhoea: whites. Lochia: that which is discharged from the womb for some time after delivery. Menstruation ; flow of the monthly period. Menses : the monthly period. Otalgia: earache. Panaritium : whitlow. Pleuritis: inflammation of the pleura, pleurisy. Prolapsus ani: falling of the rectum. Prosopalgia: faceache, tic douloureux. Sopor: constant drowsiness. Stomacace : decay of the mouth. Varicella: chickenpox. I N DE X. Acetate of Copper, (Verdigris,) poisoning by, Acidity in the Stomach, - º g º tº Affections during Pregnancy, general, gº tº º . º O -> of Respiratory Organs, of .. g of the Ears, - gº —— of the Eyes, º — of the Face, - tº of the Feet and Hands, of the Head, sº of the Nose, - of the Skin, - of the Stomach, of the Teeth, — of the Urinary Organs, - * . -º After-Pains, - - - - - - Air-Passages, inflammation of, or Bronchitis, - Amaurosis, - gº sº s sº º s Anger, - - - - - - - - , , - Angor Nocturnus, (fit of nightly anguish,) Apoplexy, - - - - - - Apoplexy of a new-born Infant, - Appendages and Womb, affections of, .sº&*gºººgºgº Arsenic, poisoning by, - - - - Arthritic Swellings, Rheumatism, tº- A. Cholera, - - - - - spnyxia * * * * * Asthma, * e- * gº * BACK, pain in the, - * Bad Smell from the Mouth, Belladonna, Poisoning by, Bilious and &. Fever, Black Vomit, - tº ge . . . ->es.. . of the Womb and appendages, 137, diagnosis, FA G Jº * º * 178 - INDEX Bladder, inflammation of the, 67, diagnosis, Bleeding from the Nose, - - Blood, vomiting of, - - , - #ºy Cough or Haemoptysis, O Howels, affections of the, inflammation of the,66, diagnosis, Brain, inflammation of the, 66, diagnosis, Breasts, Erysipelatous inflammation of the, Bronchitis, or Inflammation of the A urns, - * - - gº C. Calves, cramp in the, Cardialgia, or Spasm of the Stomach, Catarrh, - * Catarrhal Fever, - Cavity of the Mouth, inflammation of the, hagrin, - - § Hands, - - ir-Passages, Chest,--see Respiratory Organs, affections of, Chicken Pox, or Varicella, 104, diagnosis, §:#F. Women, diseases Chilblains and Frozen Limbs, - Children, diseases of little, - Chlorosis, or Green Sickness, - Cholera, - º - - * Cholerina, - - - * Cold,—see Catarrh, - sº Colic, º º - s Colic and Nausea, - - Colic, menstrual, and Difficult Menstruation, Colic of Lying-in Women, - Confinement, sopor during, - Constipation, - - Constipation and Involuntary Discharge of Stool, Qonsumption, see Catarrh. Convulsions, - - - {-> Convulsions and Spasms, *- Cornea, specks upon the, - Corns, - * - - ſº Corrosive Sublimate, poisoning by, Cough, - - - - - Cough, bloody, or Haemoptysis, Cramp in the Calves, - - Cramp in the Womb, - Cries of Infants, – Croup, 84, diagnosis, tº- Crusta Lactea, or Milk-Crust, peculiar to, INDEX, 179 D. Deadly Night-Shade, Poisoning by Belladonna, - Decay of the Mouth, or Stomacace, - - - Delirium Tremens, gº - -> sº - wº- Derangement of the Stomach by eating or drinking, moral causes, - Desire to Urinate, frequent, º - 136 Diagnosis, special chapter on, - º 157 Diarrhoea, Difficult Menstruation and Menstrual Colic, 21 Drinking and Eating, Derangement of the Stomach, Dysentery, - - - - - - - - - - Dyspepsia, see Derangement of the Stomach. Difficulty of Urinating, - - - 124 Discharge from the Ear, - - gº 28 — Lochial, º - * e- 132 Diseases of Little Children, - * I47 ". E. Ear-ache, common, or Otalgia, - - - - 30 Ear, discharge from the, - - - - - - 28 — inflammation of the, - &- º - - - 29 — roaring in the, - - - sº e- - - 30 Ears, affections of the, - - * * - - - 28 Eating and Drinking, Derangement of the Stomach, - II5 Erysipelas, 95, diagnosis, - - - - - - 165 — of the Face, - - - sº - * - 36 Erysipelatous Inflammation of the Breasts, - - - 129 Eye-lids, paralysis of the upper, - - - - - 35 —— spasmodic closing of the, - - - - 30 Eyes, affections of the, - . - - - - - - 30 sore, of new-born infants, - - - - - 149 F. Face-ache, or Prosopalgia, (Tic Douloureux,) 37 Face, affections of the, - - - tº- 36 Face, erysipelas of the, Fainting Fits, – * Falling of the Rectum, . Vagina, 138 omb, - - 138 Feet and Hands, affections of the, 39 Fever, - - - gastric and bilious, 41, diagnosis, intermittent, 42, diagnosis, - I59 — milk, - - - - 131 puerperal, - - 134 rheumatic, 50, diagnosis, scarlet, 95, diagnosis, - Flow of Milk, or Galactirrhoea, 40 180 IND.ºx, Frights, - ... - . . . . .-, - Frozen Limbs and Chilblains, - sº G. Galactirrhoea, (Flow of Milk,) - - Gastric and Bilious Fever, 41, diagnosis, Gastric Symptoms, - - General Affections, - - - Glands, swelling of, sº out, gº s sº s sº Green-Sickness, or Chlorosis, Grief, - - - " - --> H. #::::::::: or Bloody Cough, Haemorrhage, - - - - - - from the Lungs, from the Uterus, duri of parturition, —— from the Womb, Płaemorrhoids, or Piles, - sº Hands, affections of the feet and, Hands, chapped, - - - Headache, sº gº º sº Head, affections of the, - tº Heartburn, - e-º sº &- Heart, inflammation of the, 66, dia palpitation of the, sº Hepatic Spots, - Hernia, - º Hiccough, *º- Hoarseness, - Hooping Cough, Hydrophobia, - . . I. in Convulsions, gnosi . S3 Illusions of Sight, - - - Incontinence of Urine, - - Infants, cries of, - - Inflammations and Swellings of the Nose, of the Bladder, 67, diagnosis, of the Bowels, 66, diagnosis, of the Brain, 66, diagnosis, of the Breast, or Erysipelatous, of the Cavity of the M ºmºmºse *º of the Ear, gº of the Eyes, sº ** =º of the Kidneys, * outh, of the Heart, 66, diagnosis, -— of the Internal %. , diagnosis, . ng and after the act INDEXe Inflammation of the Lips of the Vulva, - - - — of the Liver, 67, diagnosis, - tº Influenza, Intermittent Fever, º - Internal Organs, inflammation of, Iodine, poisoning by, - Irregularity, Menstrual, ch, º - - sº Itching of the Skin, * -º Jaundice, Kidneys, inflammation of the, 67, diagnosis, Labor-Pains, Lactea Crusta, or Milk Crust, Leucorrhoea, or Whites, – - Limbs, frozen, and Chilblains, in the Womb, of the Lungs, 66, 72, diagnosis, - of the Pleura, (Pleuritis) 66, diagnosis, of the Spleen, 67, diagnosis, - - of the Uterus, 68, diagnosis, of the Womb, 134, diagnosis, Wagina, L. Little Children, diseases of, - * Liver, inflammation of the, 67, diagnosis, Lochial Discharge, - - - - - Loss of Voice, - -> - - -> Lungs, inflammation of the, 66, 72, diagnosis, M. Mania, Puerperal, - - - - - Measles, 99, diagnosis, - - - -> Melancholy, Menstrual Colic and Difficult Menstruation, Menstrual Discharge, Suppression of the, Menstrual Irregularity, - - - - Menstruation, difficult, and Menstrual Colic, Mental Diseases, - sº - Milk Crust, or Crusta Lactea, — Fever, — flow of, or Galactirrhoea, Mineral Acids, poisoning by, - Miscarrage, Moral Causes, affections from, (see General Affections, profuse, - - - Convulsions,) - :p" 16 182 INDEX. * Moral Causes, derāngement of the stomach by, Mouth, affections of the, tº gº º - ad smell from the, - - - decay of the, or Stomacace, - ; inflammation of the cavity of the, - 70 Ulcers in the, - - - - - 70 Mucus, vomiting of, as tº tº tº º 111 Muriatic Acid, poisoning by, - - - - 154 N. Nausea and Colic, - tº- tº- *- - - gº - 134 —F- Womiting, - - - - - - - 109 Nettle-Rash, 101, diagnosis, - - - - - - 163 New-born Infants, apoplexy of, - - - - - 152 — sore eyes of, - - - - - 149 Nightmare, - - - - - - - - - 107 Night Sweats, - - - - - - - - - 108 Nipples, soreness of the, - - - - - - - - 129 Nitrate of Silver, poisoning by, - - - - - 154 Nitric Acid, poisoning by, - - - - - - 154 Nose, affections of the, - gº ºr - - - - 71 — bleeding from the, - - - - - - 71 — stoppage of the, - - - - - - - 147 O. tº Opium, poisoning º - - - - - - - 155 Organs, affections of Urinary, - - - - - - 124 Otalgia, (common Ear-ache,) * - - - - 30 Oxalic Acid, poisoning by, - - - - - - 154 P. Palpitation of the Heart, - - - - - - 65 Panaritia, or Whitlow, - --> - - - - - 40 Paralysis of the Upper Eyelids * - - - º Parturition, haemorrhage from the uterus during and after the act of, gº ºs sº ass - - * º Phosphoric Acid, poisoning by, - - - - - 154 Piles, or Haemorrhoids, - e - - -> - - 24 Pleura, inflammation of the, or Pleuritis, 66, diagnosis, -, 169 Pleurisy, false, - º * sº - - 160, 170 Poisoned Wounds, - - me 155 Poisoning by Acetate of Copper, 154 — Arsenic, . gº 154 Belladonna, - 155 Corrosive Sublimate, ne º sº Mineral Acids, - Muriatic Acid, - Nitrate of Silver, Nitric Acid, - 155 INDEX. - I83 Poisoning by Opium, - - º: 155 — Oxalic Acid, º - - - " - - 154 Phosphoric Acid, - - - - - - 154 Stramonium, - - - - - - 155 Sulphate of Copper, - - - - - 155 Pregnancy, (see Women, &c.,) - - - - - 128 Profuse Menstruation, - - - - - - - - 144 Prolapsus Ani, - - - - - - - - 24 Prosopalgia, or Face-ache, (Tic Douloureux,) - - 37 Puerperal Fever, - - - - - - - - 134 — Mania, 134, sº -> - - * 4 - - 134 Purple Rash, 99, diagnosis, - - - - - - 162 Q. Quinsy, Sore Throat, - R - - - - - 85 Respiratory Organs, Affections of, - - - - - 72 Rheumatic and Arthritic Swellings, - - - - 116 Rheumatic Fever, . - - - - - - - - 50 Rheumatism, - - 4- tº - sº 116 -, gº 5 Riding in a Carriage, sickness from, and Sea Sickness. - 115 Roaring in the Ear, - - - - - º S. Scarlet Fever, 95, diagnosis, - - - se - 160 Scarlatina, Typhoid, - º º - 97 Sea Sickness, and Sickness from Riding in a Carriage, - 115 Sight, illusions of, - - - - - gº tº - 34 Skin, affections of, - tº as - - se º - 95 *.. itching of the, - - - - - - - 102 Sleep, -: - - - - - - * º - 106 Sleeplessness, - - - - - - * - - 107 Small Pox, - - sº º +- - * = - 102 Smell, bad, from the mouth, - - - * ºne - 70. Somnambulism, * - sº - - a- - - 107 Sopor during confinement, - - - - - - 130 Sore Eyes of new-born Infants, - - tº gº - 149 : Soreness, - - - - - - - - - 148 Soreness of the Nipples, - - - - - - - 129 Sore Throat, or Quinsy, - - - - º - - 85 Spasms and Convulsions, -> - - - - - 55 Spasmodic Closing of the Eyelids, - - - - - -35 Spasms of the Stomach, or Cardialgia, - - sº - 112 Specks upon the Cornea, - - - - - - 34 Spleen, inflammation of the, 67, diagnosis, - º - 169 Spots, Hepatic. - - - - - - - - 106 Stomacace, or Decay of the Mouth, - * * - 69 Stomach, acidity in the, - * -> º - - - 114 affections of, and gastric symptoms - , , -, - 108 Stomach, derangement of the, by eating and drinking, 115 by .# causes, - - 115 Stomach, spasms of the, or Cardialgia, - - - - - 112 184 INDEX, Stool, involunta * of, and Constipation, - Stoppage of the Nose, , - - - - - sº poisoning by, - " " tye, -, -, - . . . . . . " Sulphate of Copper, poisoning by, - - s: º, * tº-3 sº wº -ºf-of the Menstrual Discharge, Sweats during Night, - - - - Swellings, - - - - * * Swelling of Glands, - . . " * Swelling of the Nose, Inflammation, T. Teeth, Affections of the, sº Teething, gº es * * - Throat, sore, or Quinsy, - <-º Thrush, - gº º gº *g * -? e- Tic Douloureux, Prosopalgia or Face-ache, Tooth-ache, - º *> º * Typhoid Scarlatina, sº Ulcers, - - - - - Ulcers in the Mouth, Urinary Organs, - Urinate, desire to, - gº Uterus, haemorrhage from the, , . . ." inflammation of the, 68, diagnosis, V. º . . . Vagina, falling of the, - - - - itching of the, - - - - . " Varicella, or Chicken Pox, 104 diagnosis, Varioloid, 105, diagnosis gº e- gº verdigris, or Acetate of Copper, poisoning b Vertigo, * * as sº * Voice, loss of, - - Womiting and Nausea, Womiting of Blood, —— IWLucus, sº º sº Wulva, inflammation of the lips of the, e W. Whites, or Leucorrhºea, sº sº Whitlow, or Panaritia, - s sº Womb and Appendages, affections of, Womb, falling of the, - - - Womb, Haemorrhage from the, - es Womb, inflammation of the, 134, diagnosis, Women, colic of lying-in, - - - Women, Diseases peculiar to, * sº -> º sº º . gº wº sº- sº sº •º es orms, tº Wounds, poisoned, - - - sº i e- I I | s*e-wººGºwººwºº UnivERSITY OF MICH!3A'. Filmed by Preservation 1990 ، ، ، ، ، ، ،º, , , , )::: ∞ √≠ :·* vrsº, --★ ★ ★ ★ ★ º ºx-º************ - * - , , , ∞ √ №