/ / / / / / … . . . . ºf 20 MIND. HEAD. EMOTIONAL, INTELLECTUAL sfortune 2 Vº ill-humored. and sensitive through the TFearful that from every trifle some ml would arise. - an- Unusually great irritability, amounting tº ger. Aversion to work. day) | Fixed. immovable thoughts (21st º' Feels unfittee for everything. | - - a long when º,d were Throbbing ºn hrs.). d Headache in warm air, - time or walking rapidly-as. tightly bound about the head. head on every motion (after 24 ache in the forehead, as from supp in forehead and top of head aggr. noise or by talking:-in forehead he whole bruised and extremely sensitive: º body, especially the arms, feels pº paralyzed; is obliged to lie down; termal tations and painful sensitiveness of . ion head to touch; even on next day, coº of head and painfulness of brain º". ith- (after 26 days). Throbbing in tº º ) ºut pain. Stitches in top of head (3d º Stitches in occiput, relieved by lying down. i Hair falls out. by every Inflamed eyes. – Inflammation of the *. caused by taking cold. Jerking, in the º after a few hºurs). Cutting stitches in lºº . extending towards ext, canthus: *8. about the r eye, es º beneath it. f º stant twitching of lower lid back and for Itching in the canthi. Stitches in upper Pº of 1. eyeball. SUBJECTIVE, Fiery curved rays shoot sideways from º: EYES. OBJECTIVE. visual axis, frequently downward, and als around about the eyes, at a short distanº from the point of vision, though more up- ward (after 24 hours). I Dark rings float down before the eyes; at tº sides and near the visual axis (after 16 hours). 1 Sensitiveness to noise. Much yellow mucus is blown from the nose. Stopped catarrh very frequently (especially NOSE SUBJECTIVE, in evening) which in the open air becomes - OBJECTIVE. fluent, with much expectoration. Stoppage of the nostrils (after 28 hours). Itching sticking in forepart septum of nose. 2 Pressive pain in r. upper jaw. CHEEK, FACE. iiºs - CIHIN. Pain, as if from looseness in teeth and gums, when eating. Ulcer on gum of a lower ol- low back tooth, with swelling of cheek; ex; Head- uration - * Sharp pressive brain º with erucº. tion hole evenin and c Period of digestion, from noon till sº with an oppressed sensation in throat **t, as if about to weep. can get in a wor 3. Fºllº; and talkative, no one else 4 Gloomy mood. 4 Peevish, fretful; nothing is done right. 2. º of head, making thought difficult: with great aversion to earnes: work. e - - - ºne in small spot in forehead, just above | 2 root of nose forehead. pain in upper part of left side of 2 "...ing. first in left, then in right temporal re- $ºn, almost at same time. 2 Drawing head, extending - ling into temples. 2. É º tearingin right side, above forehead. 2. the sº sore pain in right side occiput, above * extending backward in the skin. Pressure in upper part of left side of 4 Vertigo, tending forward. 4 Vertigo, with weakness, in the morning. 4 Flushing heat in head, with palpitation and tension in the throat, which became thick before menstruation. - 4 Pressive headache above eyes, towards even- ling- 4. * headache above 1. eye, and in the tem- e. 4 Drawing pain in 1. side head, extending into teeth. 4 Great falling of the hair. Weak feel - 2 feeling about the eyes, as if they la deep in the orbits, sº in P.M. y lay 2 Pressure in the eyes. 4. Whites of eyes dirty yellow, with injected ves- sels. 4 Tension above r eye, with somewhat inflamed eyes. Pressure in eyes, as if sand were in them. - 4 Redness and swelling of lids, with nightly agglutination. Itching of the lids. 4 Objects seem as though veiled. 4 Light seems weak and indistinct. - 4. At times, objects seem manifold, and she is unable to see distinctly. She is unable to do fine sewing, because stitches flicker. 4 Flickering, and sparks before eyes. - - - 11 Painful pressure in 1, eye and inner canthus. 2 Tearing pressure in fossa beneath the r. ear and in the neighboring part of neck. Earache in r, ear. Earache in 1. ear. Sneezing without catarrh, whereby even the nasal mucus is thrown far out. 2 Lower portion of nose painful on blowing it, without coryza. : 4 Frequent noises in ear, as in a mill. 4 Fluent catarrh like water. - 4 Fluent catarrh, with much sneezing. 4 Bleeding of nose on blowing it. 14 Bright redness of whole r. ear - f very sore pimples on helix. with a row o 7. Much more mucus in nose than usual _- 3 Ill-humor. ºr Excitement, together with un 14 Mind fºible: feels stupid. 14 Feels stupied and does not care to work. pid and careless- usual heaviness, indolence, and ill-humor. * Sºross and 11 Excitement in P.M.; unusually sleepy in even- Ing. 11 Sluggishness of mind; inclined to mechanical 11 Seems constantly of something, with nothing. 11 Irresolute, difficult to collect his senses. as though he ought to thi but knows not º, º: r. half of forehead. - 6 Pain in º region. in in fronta 6 º an hour after headache had Violent hunger set in, which a soon after dinner. - - 6 slight pressure in vertex lasting to minutes: a slight confusion of head, with some pressure in regions, with confusion of head; assed away, so recurred 7 Congestion of the head, followed by headache 15 Illusions of sensation. 15 Hypochondriac mood. 15 Anxiety and prostration; patients busy them- Or. - 15 Great anxiety and depression. 15 Apprehensive after manual labor, which disap- selves about the future. pears while sitting. 27a Low spirits. 27a Disposed to 27a Extreme sensitiveness. 27 Great anxiety. RT ILLUSTRATING THE METHOD fright and vexation. to Confusion the back to Confusion for half an hour. 7 Transient pain in occiput. 7 Pressive headache in occiput, relieved by rest º: by walking or other motion of body. after a while changing to great confusion of the head, which lasted till 7 P.M. ot - ems to come from º º: neck into head. ºming º - - acne r s: this heada (1st day). king headache: Io especially in r ten" iolent at times stic P le. Pressi. headache, to Pressive hea. - - ade ally extend he, especi in - ing toward fore ead, frequen to Violent - f f occi- res - - surface o put. Pressive pain in under in 1. side head, tly return- 13 Constant tearing pain around r, e backward from inner canthus to t tion of the jaw (6th to 7th day). e, passing e articula- 14 Profuse watering of eyes when in open air. 15 Difficult hearing. 5o Ringing in the ears. 33 Hard hearing 63 Roaring in the ears. ſo Increased secretion of mucus in nostrils. 11. º color of face, hands redder than usual. 11 Scaling of the lips. 11 Lips painful, dry. | 2 Pinching toothache in last r back teeth. . 2 Cutting drawing, and sore sensation now in lº now in r. side in roots or gum of lower inci- 14 Face red (during headache). 14 Face red and hot. 14 Corners of mouth cracked and very sore. 15 Pale drawn face. 4 Drawing pain in teeth of r. side, extending toward ear, associated with sticking. 4 Bitter taste in P.M.; sweet plums taste very itter. 7 Copious secretion of saliva. 7 Bitter taste. 7 Salty taste. 2 : Twitching of the facial muscles. Increased mucus in nose, though without catarrh. Frequent sneezing as before coryza. Nose more open than usual. Nose, in A.M., very wide open and dry; stopped the whole day; smell entirely fails. runni - us stream- 11. ng a clear and continuo 11. 11 Pain on 1. side vertex. is obscuratiºn ºn- Fº Leucophlegmatic swelling of both lids, without 18 Profuselachrymation. 64 Roaring in the ears (after 2 hours). which is stopped, 12 Symptoms as of a violent cold in head," nose 13 Large discharge of yellow mucus from nose marked redness of the eyeball. 14 Headache in A.M. on rising, - 1. returning 1 hour afterwards, and lasting t noon; beginning at night an day; pain mostly on r. si - ally over 1, eye, with tired, sick fe distressing in forenoom ; commence occiput, and extended over - dull in the forenoon; slight throbbing, 2 hours, with hot head and cold, clammy ha afterwards bruised feeling of brain, in Yº relieved by cold air; beating, throbbing, P.M., lasting till bedtime; head vº. face red; beating, throbbing, with and a º: cross feeling; relieve water; pain at 8 A.M., ing in col from occiput over r. side head, leavingbrº spot on vertex; severe left-sided h evening. 14 Pain in r. occipital region, with occasiona aching pain in forehead. 24 Weakness of vision. 14 Itching of scalp, toes, etc. 14 Severe itching of scalp on vertex, eral days, worse in the A.M. (50th dilution). (after 6 to 7 days). 25 Face flushed (after 1 hour). 5 27 Corpse-like pal 27a. º ...” 27 Bluish lips, with swelling o velins. f the superficial 28 Flush in face. & Accumulation of saliva, with some nausea. Copious secretion of saliva. 8 Nauseous, sweetish taste. to Teeth covered with much mucus in A.M., be: ºr Mouth coated with mucus in A.M., fasting. came yellow, and were more easily blunted than usual by vegetable acids. 14 Sore spot in mouth. 15 Tongue covered w 14 º nose bleeds touche whenever blown or 5o 38 Paleness of the face. relieved by eating; 24 Vertigo. diasting all º iput, occasiº de occip eling; very d º side eft eye: head to 1 ... inds; tex, - at 3 ot; much heat d by wash- extending eadache * dull, lasting sev- 38 Anxiety. ter 1 h ºr 25 Lachrymation (af- our). 41 Greatest 27 Flickering before sion of spirits. ter 4 hours). OF CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF depres-45 Stupefaction (af-so Sadness; anxiety; mental disquie. tude : fright; feelings easily disturbed. 5o Stupor. - ble mental impre 56 Troublesome and unreason* fixed ideas: sions, easily developed into f 56 Sadness. - - ld fre- 56 Morbid sensitiveness; he is easily a quently moved to tears. 38 Headache. 5o Headache. 5o Suborbital head- ache. 59 Headache. 34. He saw nothing (Hysterical woman but the white pa. per while reading print; after he had got to end of a phrase, the commence ment of it would be- come visible. 37 with goitre). Greatly increased sensibility of ret- ina, a kind of photophobia, so that during the day objects seemed illumina- ted by a flaming fiery-red and al- most blin ding light, and artifi- cial light in even- ; was quite in- tolerable. r 45 Enormous swelling and violent color of uppe eyelid. 45 Disturbance of vision. so Ophthalmia. 5o 50 ºyes sometimes 5o D sºs? Sat all dav wº head y with ºng on 15 y 53 Delirium (before death). 62 8 Irritability. Entire dejection of spirits, able to read and write a little with much effort, but taking no interest in anything in life; though accus- tomed to labors of authorship, was quite unable to fix herthoughts on any subject for many days. _-ºld with T- 63 Dizziness. 63 Frontal headache. Large black ri around .* xed, Someti nes Mandering. lmness of sight. 55 Peculiar brownish discoloration under the eyes. 56 Eye sunken and wild-looking. around them. 63 Disposition mild, scrupulous, blunted sensibilities. a. 63 Heaviness in the head. 57 Eyes dull and fixed, with large bla the eyes. 51 Symptoms re- sembling those of a cold in the head. Coryza. like the vibra- tions of a string, not synchronous with heart. 65 Crowing in nares, 66 Sneezing (2d day). - 44 Pallid face (ºd da (3 44 Extreme collapse ºf countenance immediately). the vomited matter. ith thick fur of same color as 2.7a Dryness of mouth and throat 46 Countenance suf- fused in the even- ing. 28 Tongue dry. 5o Melanc holy or anxious expres- sion. 5o Dejected, or else somewhat excit- ed, expression. 5o Pallor. Face pale, yello wish, or greenish. 31 Swelling and in- flammation of gums, causing 52 44 Chattering of Pallor. teeth (immedi- ately). 53 Peculiar change in facial expression. 46 Tongue dry, white at edges, brown in centre in 5o Salivation. evening. - 54 Face slightly pale, 55 with an in de- scribable wan- ness of aspect. An animated look which is quite characteris-5 tic. 7 Wan features. 57 Yellow complex- ion. sº Increase of saliva. - - 5. A kind of contraction of jaw, causing her to clench teeth. 56 Aphthous e r u D- tion ºn m.outh, obliging him to natural flavor rapes, etc., 58 Animated, excited, anxious countenance. 62 Taste º affected, nothing having ut sweets and eggs; lemonad very unpleasant; tea bad, coff II timid with ours). 64 Heaviness in the | head (after 3 ck rings and restless. 58 Eyes spa rkling 62 R. eyelid affected by twitching, being spasmodi- cally looped up into festoons; spasms did not entirely cease until after 18 days. . . . 62 Eyesight weak for several days, and is still less strong than usual after 18 days. 63 Dim, dull-looking eyes. 63 Pupils extremely 63 Dimness dilated. and weakness of vis- ion. 64 Eyes glistening, injected, protrud- ing(after 2 hours). 64 Pupils moderate- ly dilated (after 2 hours). 66 º of eyes (2d ay). 59 Pale, wan face. | 63 Face red. - 63 Face pale, with blue lines; as from self-abuse. 63 º: of the lips (as from cold). 64 Face pale, sunken (after 2 hours). 65 Sallow, distressed countenance. 67 Face assumed a reddish-purple color (soon). severetoothache. its 63 Very painful and 64 Speech stammering (2d day.) e. Pale, swollen,and 65 Tongue brown and dry. 66 Furred tongue (2d º - 66 Salivation (2d - - - - - stay in bed for 3 ess so ; b. - - - - - um painful Sors. - 7 Salty taste, similar to Seltzer water. to Gum gradually became redder than usual. eneral to oth- but every kind of wine, even thou - - ay). - º to beneath the eye. G p 2 Pressive toothache, here and there, r. or 1., in to Biting, ..º.º. feeling, changing in few . days. *...*.* ..º. was abominable, and painful gum 66 Iodine found in TEETH, Sweet taste on tip of tongue (6th day). back teeth. . Bleeding of the *:::: k, at first minutes to burning on tongue (soon). ent, bitt * nothing describable, acrid, astring. saliva. GUMIS 2 Small elevations on inside ºr cheek, a º 19 Walls of mouth seemed dry, although they - ºº: acid, and unendurable; punch, i. MOUTH röNºt E, with only sore, ºº *ºº *: were not really dry. Peculiar taste, bordering possible, worse than wine. - - TASTE, º ºxidely on salty. SAI: A º º or reading aloud: º, inflammation - SPEECH. º º Offensive odor from mouth, ºn the A VI when fasting, immediately after | - - - - - - – - - - even in º pressure in 1. half of - - - - - - - -- - | -- - - - - - | º in tº ith 4 Neck b - - tending into air-rr Burning in the throat d nigh 63 Smarting and 64 P. - - - 6th day). - increased secretion of mucus in throat, with 4 Neck becomes thick when speaking aloud. 7 Feeling of scraping in pharynx, like after eating 8 Transient burning in throat. Scraping and burning in throat. to Biting burning in throat, extenºng " air-II Burning in the throat. 14 Tickling in throat, inducing continual hawking. 2, constant sensa-2.5 Burning and dry- Dryness of the so Dryness, burning 56 Sea-air seemed to burn his throat. striction of 62 Painful choking for 2 days and nights, aº. 3. - - - -- ost-mortem. - ºg Redness of fauces - - Fº ºr. ..., rough voice. - - 4. Redness of neck and chest as if congested hips. -- 8 Scraping and º: in throat. 9 ping g º s - il ially 1 L. tonsil swollen; pain and difficulty in swal- tion of constric- 5 ness É. i. 45 º 5 º º - º so food panied all the time by copious º: º º º 64 º orange-yellow, firm, easily detached, pseu- (2d day). not, than when swallowing- ºng in throat as if in larynx, noticed on with blood. - 8 Disagreeable scraping in throat. to Biting and twining in tons”, “P” ". lowing. ion in the goitre. to stomach (im-45 Pain low down in in throat. ºia scarcely ing felt as if caused by shreds ºf sº 5. º h º gus, wi ºne ºn uvula, arch of palate, pºss Dy ºgia (2d sºiling and elongation of uvula, with much swallowing. 4. Diminished swelling of the external throat. lasting 5 min (soº - mediately). throat. go down. off various parts of throat; accompanie y eat, constric- rior wall of pharynx, e iglottis, larynx and ay). I s itting of saliva. 2 Tearing in throat above the larynx. (Curative effect. Hahn.) to Sharp burning in pharynx, with rawness ex- (Potass. iod. injected sharp, smarting sensation, allayed for the mo- º and sense ºsophagus to the º (Hydrocle injection.) I sº. impeded when drinking water, as 2 Tickling crawling in throat, in region of larynx, tending into air-passages. into hip.) ment by a spoonful of jelly or arrowroot. d of roughness. 64 None in trachea. Whole extent of bronchi in- if throat were constricted and too powerless in A.M. in bed. 62 Intense burning, as, if uvula, were, consume flamed and filled with tenacious mucus. The - THRO AT to swallow the drink. away. Fauces highly florid, and together mucous membrane itself (under the pseudo- - - º * of tongue and portion of lip, as if de- * hyperdermic, eroded, º nuclecl. - 62 Fauces relaxed and sensitive (5th day). - 64 Burning pain in fauces, extending to - - | 62 Deglutition so difficult that a considerable - especially violent in stomach (after º pause was required between each act. 64 Swallowing difficult (2d day). - If he does not eat something every 3 or 4 hours 4 Ravenous hunger; cannot be satisfied. . 5 Appetite very much increased towards noon 6 Most violent, hunger, only relieved by dinner; 7 Unusual appetite. Hunger as great in evening 8 Increased appetite; scarcely able to wait till to Great appetite at noon and in evening- 11 Great appetite. Can scarcely wait for meals, 15 Distressing thirst. is Excessive hunger|21 Complete loss of 22 Diminished appe-28 Thirst. 35 Loss of appetite (with the furnucle.) 36 Un quenc hable 44 Appetite very bad. 46 Thirst in evening.5o Loss of appetite, or else canine hunger. 5. Unusually goods? Remarkable and continued increase of appetite. 53 Increased. a ppe-S5 Increased a p D e-57 Diminished appe-58 Increased appe-59 Loss of appetite. 63 Aversion to food.65 Loss of appetite. he becomes apprehensive; yet does not dare Ravenous hunger; would like tº eat again af- (8th day). was obliged to eat again early in P.M., and as at noon. Excessive hunger, so he was noon to satisfy it (very unusual). ... Excessº thirst, frequently obliging to drink and eats much. after 3 weeks). appetite. tite. thirst. appetite and di- tite. Thirst. tite : bulimy. tite. tite. 63 Eructations. 65 Much thirst. to eat too much. ... a meal; always feels better if she has eaten 5 Decided hunger, although had had usual break- even in evening ate largely, contrary to all obliged to eat several times a day. Excessive water. 11 Increased thirst for water. gestion. (Fatal, etc. 2) 63 Heartburn. 1 Great thirst day and night (after 24 hours). to complete satiety. 3. 3 ..". º: (5th º A.M. 6 gº. f M. : : ibl º began º LO * º rap- in Eructations of air. 1 Constant empty eructations from A.M. till 5 Cºnawing hunger from ro to 12 A.M., com- reat longing for food at 11 A.M. impossible idly till noon; with unusual thirst; ate dinner APPETITE. evening: º food seems to change to air. pletely relieved by lunch at noon (after to to wait . #. though he had satisfied his with great appetite, and drank more than days). hunger he ate a hearty dinner with a relish, usual. - and his appetite reappeared in P. M. 7 Increased thirst. Great thirst (after 12 drops). - 6 Intense thirst (2d A.M.). 7 Eructations (3 hour after I drop). - - - 6 Eructations (after a few minutes 3d day). - - Qualmishness in pit of stomach every day, 2 Sharp stitches, as with needles, in upper border 4 Nausea A.M., immediately after rising, with 7 Increased internal warmth in region of stomach. 8 Transient nausea. to Feeling as though warmth commenced in epi-14 Qualmishness; sick feeling (at stomach) for 215 Incessant vomiting, with diarrhoea. 19 Great weakness of digestion. 29 Pressure in epi-25 Efforts to vomit27 Vomiting. - 32 Burning sensation 38 Constant inclination to vomit, without vomit-44 Violent vomiting 45 Serous vomiting, continuing whole day and 46 Vomiting. 48 Great nausea for a short time. 49 Burning heat inso Vomiting. 55 Sensation of heat 58 Difficultdigestion. 59 Constant qualm-61 V omiting and 64 Retching every to or 15 minutes, followed by 63 Nausea. disappearing after eating; it lies heavily above of pit of stomach. Gramp-like pain in stomach. 7 Very decided cutting pain in region of stomach. gastric region and extended over whole body. days; felt as if vomiting would relieve. 15 Forcible vomiting. gastric region. (immediately). 27a Irregular diges- in stom ach, or ing. and spasm(soon). night. epigastrium. 5o Violent pain in stomach. and pain about ishness, espe- purging of yel- sudden vomiting, not very copious; vomiting 63 Great heat and the stomach. 4 Pain in stomach in A.M., disappearing after to Fullness and tension in the stomach. 15 Obstinate vomiting, which is easily provoked, 25 Stomach seems to tion. extreme nausea;8 Complete destruction of former uninterrupt-44 Sense of weight - epigastric region. cially at nigh t, lowish fluid con- worse than after drinking or moving about; burning in stom- 1 Qualmishness by paroxysms, with heartburn eructations. - especially after eating. be in permanent (soon). edly good digestion; after taking slightest food, in epigastric re- with loathing. taining flocculi always followed by short relief, the nausea ach. and feeling of disordered stomach. - 15 Most excruciatin pain in stomach. - - condition of con- indigestion, with headache that frequently gion, attended (after 5 hours). continued during the intervals. 63 Stomach painful Burning in pit of stomach. Stitches in pit of 15 Cramp in stomach, frequently recurring. traction. - makes him senseless, without, however, any with universal 64 Vomiting and liquid stools (after 2 hours). to touch. STOM ACH Nausea, stomach (after 5 days). 15 Gnawing pain in upper part of stomach. 25 Lacerating pains loss of appetite; for many years obliged t tremors (soon). 64 Pains in epigastrium extending into abdomen,6; Frequent nausea. - Vomiting. in epigastrium observe strictest diet. avoiding all relaxing, bit- back, and up into aesophagus (2d day). - 65 Food distressed (immediately); ter, or resolvent medicines; with complete ina- 64 Burning pain in stomach and umbilical region, her. º º bility to take sweet milk. not aggr. by pressure (after 2 hours). 65 Tenderness of the an ºf aggrº by epigastrium. slightest pressure (after 1 hour). Incarceration of flatus in 1. side of abdomen. 2 Pressure in r. hypochondrium. - - 4 L. hypochondriac region hard and acutely pain- 5 Rumbling in abdomen (5th day). 7 Rumbling in abdomen without desire for stool. 8 Almost cutting pains in abdomen. to Violent cutting in umbilical region. Movements 11 Frequent emission of flatulence. Acute stitches22 Pressive sticking pains in hepatic region. 25 Pain in abdomen, 26 M Qst Y i ol entz7 Violent cutting so Painful sensations 56 Indescribable uneasiness in bowels, especially 61 Burning sensation.63 Noisy flatulence. -- 64 Abdomen meteor- Pain in abdomen, extending to spine. Pinching 2 Sharp stitches in 1. hypochondrium, as from in- ful to pressure. 5 Rumbling and moving about in abdomen for Increased peristaltic action in intestines chang- in abdomen, which gradually became painful, in forepart of abdomen, in r. side beneath ribs, 22 Hepatatis, with constant pressive pain in liver, especially along colic, obli gºing colic. - in abdomen, or at night without anorexia or dyspepsia. in abdomen (2d63 Abdomen painful. Heat and burning in abdo- ic (2d day). - - and pressive colic. Stitches insides of abdomen. carcerated flatulence. - - some hours (after to days). ing after half an hour to feeling of tension. followed by frequent emission of flatus of odor on inspiration; frequently recuron deep breath- which was very hard, though only moderately colon (after 3 them to lie in in attachments of morning). domen. Pressure in lower abdomen in frequent parox– 2 Somewhat sore pressure in 1...hypochondrium. 7 Irritability of abdomen, especially in region of of sulphuretted hydrogen, and frequent inclin- ing. swollen, with constant fever, dry tongue, great hours). bed. diaphragm. ysms, mostly while sitting, and gradually dis- Pinching and dull cutting pain in hepatic re- stomach. Irritability of intestinal canal in ation to evacuate rectum. Unusual movement||11 Jerking sticking pain above arch of pubis. restlessness, little sleep, very small rapid pulse, appearing on stretching out; several days in gion. Pressure in hepatic region, which is region of stomach and in small intestines, less in abdomen, beginning instomach and extending and fainting on rising up in bed. Fatal, tinct. succession — sharp sticking in 1. side lower painful to touch. Distension of upper abdo- a pain than a moving about, ending in half an with cutting sensation all over abdomen; some- abdomen – The place of a hernia becomes men, with sharp, pressure here and there as hour with sensation of tension. - times seemed to extend up into chest, which inflamed from the usual truss (6th day). Audi- from flatulence, lasting from dinner through was constricted; soon afterward they pressed ABDOME N - ble and perceptible rumbling in site of an whole period of digestion. Drawing, cramp-like - down toward pubis, and into bladder, and inguinal hernia, in A.M. on inspiration. pain in upper abdomen, starting from pit of stom- - toward testicles Perceptible forcing and strain- ach. Pain in abdomen, near r hip. Pressive ing in, and increased peristaltic action in intes- colic between pit of stomach and umbilicus. times, with urging and frequent evacuation of 2 Burning tearing in 1 side abdomen, near hip. air and faeces, followed by relief, without dis- Pressure in lower abdomen after each morning . tension of abdomen. stool which was rather hard than soft. Pressure to Heaving in abdomen, with increased warmth, in r inguinal region. Pressive pain and bub- spreading thence to surface of body, as if gen- - bling tearings in r. side, close to penis. eral perspiration would suddenly occur. Pressure in rectum, evening in bed (after 36, 4 Violent itching in anus as from threadworms. 7 Frequenturging and pressure to evacuate bowels, to Slight burning in anus after every evacuation. 11 Itching, painful haemorrhoids. - RE CTUM and hrs.). Smarting in rectum after a natural stool. Desire for stool without an evacuation, which apparently in consequence of increased peristal- 11 Pain in haemorrhoids appearing before stool and Burning in anus, in evening. Violent itching only occurs easily and without exertion after ticaction of intestines, with frequent evacuation remaining afterward. AN US in anus. Frequent smarting, itching and burn- drinking cold milk. of liquid faeces. 11 Burning pain within the rectum. - ing in the anus. - 1 Stool difficult to evacuate. 4 Profuse diarrhoea of watery, frothy, whitish 5 Diarrhoea-like evacuation from rectum, about 6 6 Evacuation of bowels in evening (second time, 7 Evacuations from bowelsincreased in number and 9 Increased discharges from bowels. to Frequent evacuation of soft faeces followed by 11 Stool soft and easy. 14 Diarrhoea, aggr. by drinking beer. 15 Most violent at-27 Profuse, even28 Costive. 32 Diarrhoea. 36 Excessive diarrhoea. 44 Bowels constipa-5o Diarrhoea. 53 Diarrhoea. 56 Constipation. 59. Obstinate consti-61 Purging (2d A.M.). 63 Stools infrequentló4 Stool thin, liquid, mucus, with griping about the umbilicus, and P. M.; repeated next morning (8th day). Pas- contrary to habit) diarrhoea-like (3d day). quantity. burning in anus. 11 Stool of a peculiar odor, earlier than usual in the tacks of diar- bloody diarrhoea. 32 Catharsis. ted (after 850 Constipation. (Sea air). pation. and difficult. reddish-brown, pressure on vertex. Several whitish stools sage of much thin faeces towards evening (roth - 7 Constipation, evacuation of hard faeces accom- to Pasty evacuation from bowels. - M. rhoea, with vio- hours). Sea air. with colic and during day, softer than usual. day). º,º,” great pressure. (Reaction, lent colic, for Io urging. i. - - - en. days. contains muc ST00 L. 7 Constipation the whole day. (Reaction, T. F. 15 sº in acou S, clear blood (2d Allen.) bloody, scanty, day). diarrhoea like. $º of - ong duration. - Stitches as with needles in orifice of urethral 2 Acute cutting in orifice of urethra when not urin- 4 Frequent micturition, with urging thereto. 7 Copious secretion of bright yellow, thin, watery 8 Copious and frequent micturition. 9 Increased urine. to Frequent desire to urinate; with frequent mic-14 Painful urination. 21. Incessant desire to urinate. 27a. Increased secre-44. Urine constantly 50 Polyuria. 61 Suppression of 63 Urine light-colored and scanty. 64 Scarcely 3 spoon-65 Urine red and turbid, usual quantity. 66 Iodine found in 67 Iodine found in urine of 11 children; in 4 of the (after 16 days), Itching, smarting, in orifice of ating. - - urine; obliged to urinate at least 6 times from 9 Urine somewhat thicker than usual and deposit- turition; at times, however, there was not 14 Horribly offensive smell of urine after standing tion of urine. dribbling away, urine (2d A.M.). fuls urine in 24 the urine. ir albumen also found. URIN ARY urethra. Involuntary micturition (after 3 days). 2 Urine darker than usual, turbid, and at times noon till evening, and every time passed rather ing very dark sediment. much passed. but a short time. with constant de- hours, and of a 67 The albumen disappeared when the Iodine was She passed almost no urine, and the little also milky. - . a large quantity. sire to void it dark red dish- stopped, and reappeared when it was again passed was red (after 48 hrs). Biting, corrod- (after 8 hours,) brown co 1 or taken. ORG ANS. ing urine during micturition. can be retained (with strong odor an hour or more, of Iodine) (2d - (after 24 hours). day). I Very deep voice. 2 Intolerable crawling and tickling in larynx, only 4 Hoarseness in A.M. Irritation to cough, caused 7 Dyspnoea in P.M., sudden tº: with pain 9 Increased secretion of mucus in air-passages. to Rawness and dryness of air-passages on rising in 15 Loss of breath. 20 Pains in larynx with desire to cough. 27a. Difficult respiration. 45 Aphonia; want of 46 Respiration 23 a.48 Copious bloody so Broken voice. 52 Frequent dry cough. 54 Slightest exertions& Tremulous, jerky voice. 57 Broken voice. 58 Feeling of suffocation at times. 59 Suffocative feel-62 Region of trachea smarting, accompanied by 63 Spitting up white|64 Voice hoarse (2d65 An effort to ex- 66 Oedema of glottis Cough in evening. Short cough from tickling in relieved by hawking and coughing, with ac- by violent tickling in throat, cough with much on deep inspiration; lasted 3 hr during which M. Painful pressure in region of larynx, vibration of minute. expectoration. causes oppres-56 Short of breath on slightest exertion especially. ing. frequent lancinating pain (5th day). frothy mucous, ay). pand chest pro- (2d day). throat, with thick yellow expectoration and cumulation of water in mouth, in A.M. in effort, so that she must vomit, ceasing after time heartbeat more rapidly and violently than extending to pharynx, causing sensation as if cough. Croupy sion of breath- 62 Voice hoarse (1st day) descended to fatiguing sometimes a ropylà4 Voice weak (after duced cough, but 66 Excessive bronch- good appetite, but sickly expression. Tightness bed. Short cough from tickling in throat. expectoration of mucus. Cough with expecto- usual, and pulse was smaller and more rapid. parts (including tonsils) were swollen. Painful . ing, palpitation, whisper (5th day) more laborious (11th day) no fluid. 3 hours). no pain. Dry ial irritation (2d RESPIR ATORY of respiration (5th day). ration of mucus, preceded by heaviness extend- pressure mingled with stitches in region of 45 Respiration ac- and vertigo. better (18th day). (Not restored 16 years, af- hacking cough, day). - ing from throat to chest, making respiration larynx, and sublingual glands, returning several celerated. Inar- terward). See note p. 131, vol. v., Allen. increased by difficult. times during day. Provocation to cough, with ticulate sighing. movement. ORG AN S. deep, dry cough. Much dry cough. - Respiration, es- 65 Respiration about pecially inspira- 39- - tion difficult. 65 Difficulty in breathing (after - few days). Cutting drawing in corono glandis. Violent 2 Frequent acute drawings in fore part of penis, 3 Menstruation that was present ceased. 4 Menstruation 8 days too late, with vertigo and to Irritability of the genitals. - in Erections without lasciviousness. 14 Testicles tumefied and very tender to touch;14 Menses 2 weeks early; bearing down pains, 17 Excites activity of uterus, and causes slight|22 Menstruation 24 Atrophy of mam-29 Retention of cata-31 Genitals become, 32 Priapism. 36 Violent and con-40 Diminution of milk (after 1 week); increased as 41 Testes diminished|42 Power of erection much enfeebled. 43 Great diminution 44 Menstrual discharge commenced, though not so Atrophy of mam-52 Sometimes dwin-66 Testicle double itching on glans penis. One testicle retracted not definite whether in urethra or glans-penis. palpitation. to Frequent tickling of gians penis. 11 Vigorous activity of the testicles. drawing pain along spermatic cords, from testi- with cross temper and weeping mood; face very hemorrhage from it. very irregular. mary glands. menia in several as it were, atro-33 She lost her breasts entirely. tinual erections. I. was continued 5 or 6 days longer. Use of in size and con- in size and power profusely (after 24 hours). Patient had been mae and testicles, dling of breasts. its former size to abdomen. Violent tickling on and beneath glans-penis. to Frequent dragging and pressure towards testicles|11 Burning pain in spot on r. side scrotum. cles upwards; 1. testicle much worse, severe red. 17 Remarkably increased sexual desire (men). 27a. Increased secre- young females phic, and erec- 39 Breasts visibly medicine suspended and in another week milk sistency, while of testicles. unwell 8 days previously. without impair- (after 2 hours). | Erections occur slowly (5th day). - lasting from to A.M. till evening. II. Emissions, with dreams after falling asleep again, pain in r. testicle. - - - tion of semen. who took I. liber- tions and pollu- and remarkably as abundant as ever. Same effects occurred patient no longer ment of general after which is very weak. 14 Emissions several *. nights, without ally. fººd i. º dimin *º ed in on taking medicine again, after a fortnight's º: vene- health. dreams. Emissions 4 nights in succession. - e naci Deen sub- size, and long in intermission. real power. Emissions at night without knowledge. Emis- 3o Before taking Io- ject, were never recovering nor- SEXUAL ORGANS sions twice º night. - dum gave irth observed. mal ºši. 14 Emission with amorous dream; very stupid on to child annually, waking. never, pregnant since (8 years). 3o Breasts decreased - - so as to almost - º disappear. Burning-sticking tension in parietes of chest. 2 Sharp sticking only in middle of r. chest, only 4 Rattling of mucus in chest with rawness beneath 7 Sudden pressive pain in r-thoracºvity, always to Heaviness in chest, causing difficult respiration.I. Burning pain on 1 side, nearsternum, which feelsº: +38-Gerstriction of chest. T- - - - - –– - | - - - Sore pain in chest, continuing on both sides, when on expiration. - sternum and heaviness on chest. *gg. by inspiration (after r drop) Tightness, burning, pressure in middle of chest, as if drawn towards back. - | - - - breathing and on external touch. 2 Pressure somewhat deep in r. chest. - 7 Constriction of chest. 1. side, sometimes r. side. Much constriction of 2 Sharp sticking in lower r. chest, near pit of chest, becoming a pressure; sticking in P.M. | CHEST stomach on inspiration. - Pressure on chest, changing at times to pain, - 2 Tearing in parietes of r. chest. frequently causing deep, dry cough. Pressure and sticking in chest, with frequent provoca- - - tion to cough and frequent dry, rough cough, - entirely disappearing in open air. - f h 1 1 h of 52. Accel d pul Pul l d :: Pul iderabl 1 d - 6 Pul ick d : 7 Pul Pul d Gall l Pul id, fee-64 Great diallós Pai h ick, pierci ble. but ueezed sensation in the heart. Palpitation Pulse energetic, large and full in P.M. to Pressure in region of heart. is Palpitation of heart. 2d Irri Sc. -- ited. 2 Violent palpitations and other nervous disor - uent pulse. Pulse s m a 11 Pulse small, 46 Pulse 7o, soft,5o Palpitation of heart. Accelerated pulse, rather 51 Violent rush of 52 Accelerated pulse. 54 Pulse accelerated 55 Pulse considerably accelerated. 5 ulse quick and 57 Pulse over 130. 58 Pulse very rapid. 159 Galloping pulse. 61 Pulse rap. ee-194 Great praecºrdialºs Pains sharp, quick, piercing, movable, but a 4. §: day, lasting till HE went asleep. I 7 getic, larg to Pulse accelerated 7 or 8 beats a minute. º Fº small, hard, and so rapid could scarcely rritable pulse 21 Palpitation of heart. 25 Pulse small and contracted (after 1 hr.). 27 Pulse excited 3. palp ders. 36 Freq P 44 weak, slow, im. 45 thready. regular and small than full; much quicker at intervals. blood to heart and extremely weak. - ble (2d A.M.). anxiety, obliging heavy oppressive pain constantly in region of 4 Palpitation of heart after MENstruation. be counted. mediately. equal (before Small pulse. and head. weak. him constantly to 6 heart. Palpitation increased by movement. 4 Palpitation spasmodic which she felt as low as 44 Pulse weak and operation). 95, change position.65 Small, irregular, very quick pulse. navel, but most violent in pit of stomach. tremulous (after small and feeble (after 3 hours). 8 hours). but regular and - 64 Pulse small, 132 | HE ART d 44 Pulse tremulous equal (immedi- (2d day). - - 2.Il - (3d day). ately after opera- 64 Pulse hard, thin; tion). 13o, small, carotid pulse PULSE - not wiry in even- small, weak, 120, - ing. in marked con- trast to tumultu- ous, irregular, at times intermit- iº action of eart. I Stitches in small of back (15th day). Stitches in 2 Rheumatic tension and tearing in r, side neck. 4 Constriction of neck. Throat much constricted. 7 Rheumatic pain in nape of neck and upper arms, ſo Rheumatic pains in neck, arms and back. 14 Severe pain under 1. scapular. scapular on lifting anything (after 14 days). Rheumatic pinching in neck near 1. shoulder, 4. During menses (at usual time) pains in small of - aggr, by touch, and by eructations though back. NECK and BACK frequently repeated afterwards. - 2 Burning in r. scapular. Drawing and pressure in - region of r kidney. A pressive pain now de- creases, now increases in coccox and sacrum. EXTREMITIES in I Heaviness of limbs A.M. (8th day). 15 Trembling of limbs, especially hands. 16 Sensation of numbness of upper and lower ex-27a Tremor of limbs like that caused by mercury. 33 Trembling of limbs. 56 Trembling of limbs. 15 Violent cramps and convulsive jerking of arms, trenities. | GE NERAL back and legs, which scarcely cease for a - - moment. - -- - -- - 1 Paralytic weakness of arms in A.M., on waking 2 Rheumatic pain in 1. shoulder. | 3 Pain after blow on metacarpal bone of index 14 Pain in 1. shoulder, with soreness, extending 15 Tremblin - - -- s looke - - - ind from Involuntary twisting of - - m bling of 63 Twitching and in bed. Tearing pains in both arms after º: 2 Tearing in first joint of r: thumb. finger, aggr. by touch. rp 4. down arm. Constant pain in 1: shoulder, as # 5 bling of hands 16 Trembling of hands. 25 º arm d as if convulsions wouldlz8 *...*.*.*. *... *...*.*.*#. 44 T. 3.. #." g of arms, particularly the 54 ".. d's, at first 3 jerking of ;rms, manual labor. Violent stitches in shoulder. 2 Tearing in whole of 1. index and middle fingers. bruised. Intermitting pain in 1-shoulder. For - peated applications. > slight, after- ands and fin- joints even when at rest. (Drawing, tearing 2 Tearing in knuckle of r little finger. some days severe pain in 1. shoulder; pain wards more de- gers. pains in the morbidly elevated shoulder,) (sec. runs down to elbow, at times sº severe as to cided. ond day). Pain in bone on outer side of arm, disable arm; shooting pains in fingers. Mus- SUPE RIOR aggr. when lying on it; wakes from sleep and cles of 1. arm and shoulder feel flabby and soft; - keeps awake. Pressure in bend of 1. elbow. no power in arm. Slight pains in 1. arm. Se. - Tearing in 1. elbow. Sticking pain in wrist were lancinating pains in 1. biceps, extending EXTREMITIES. when lifting or grasping anything. Tearing in into shoulder; worse on extending arm; para. metacarpal bone of r index. Tensive pain in lytic weakness; 1. elbow sore. - finger-joints as if they would break on bending - - them; and some swelling and painfulness on pressure when stretched out (after few days). Ulceration of nail of 1. index, caused by slight pinch near nail. - - - 1 Great tension of limbs, almost like a cramp in 2 Rheumatic drawing in whole 1. leg, especially in 4 Limbs feel as heavy as lead. in Lower leg falls asleep easily. 14 Shar - ins in r, leg. - iolent pain in bi - - --- - - thighs and legs, only when sitting, not º thigh and knee, with grumbling in heel, in even- 4 Violent cramp in º at night, with jerking in g p y 4. p shooting pains in r. 1eg 15 Cramps in feet. 35 sº º º º #. 52 Swelling of the legs. 56 *:::::::: º limbs, so he could hardly stand, as - lying, walking, or standing. Twitching of ing in bed, aggr. by motion. Intermitting it. Ée: and gangrene up to thigh, the º and 11 stintened. | muscles of thigh: , Soreness of thighs, when sharp tearing between 1. hip and articulation 4 Feet feel as heavy as lead. fibula finally breaking while woman attempted - they rub when walking, in a woman. f thigh, very much aggr: by motion of joint. - d, limb droppi P - - - - - - - - - O * . -- - - to turn in bed, opping off. 1 Pain in tibia as if suppurating. Rheumatic pain in 1. thigh. Pressure in 1. INFERIOR 1 Pressive cramp, like pain in foot, from middle nates, as if in ischium. sharp, sticking-tear- toe to ankle. ing in middle 1...hip, towards inner side. Pinch- EXTREMITIES - ing-tearing in 1. thigh, near head of bone. - Tearing in 1. knee. Dull tearing in outer side - hollow of r. knee. Tearing on both sides leg just above malleoli. Some violent stitches in malleoli. Constant sharp pain in inner half r. - heel. Sticking, tearing beneath nail of 1. great - toe. - – - - - - - - - --- - - - - Great weakness during decline of menses. Aver- eat weakness after short walk, with feeling 3 Emaciation even to a skeleton. that sweat breaks out on 8 I - - - - - er body: - - - -- - - - - iation. - i- i- - - - - ion. o Emaciation, sols1 General tremor. 53 Emaciation. 54 Daily increasing emaciation, ending in maras-56 Extreme emacia-59 Nervous system 63 Extreme emacia- 65 Trembling of sion to sitting still. #. cold easily; inflam- 2. º fasting, though without hunger in P.M. g 3 Restless moving about; she runs about inces- 4. Yi.s B.º.º.º. great weakness. 8 tºº. IO º: º º I4 º #º "...º.º.º. I5 º, .*.*. . 18 Exhaustion. 21 ºº: 24 º condi-25 *...* me lassi-27a º: º of 32 Tremors of whole body, especially of arms: 38 Faintness: 45 Great exhaustion 5 rapid, and gen- 53 Weakness. b A'. dition hard -1... . - tion. much shaken; tion: d of whole .* mation of eyes caused thereby. 2 Feeling of weakness and general discomfort santly, and does not sit down; also does not in: towards surface, with sensation" as if he motion. Body feels sore all over; sickish feel. - g a. emaciation. 24. Increased general eral that in 6 or 55 Serious disturb-54. A nervous condition hard to describe; an inter- completely out 63 A kin cata-65. Her strength had - GENERALITIES. after dinner. sleep at night; so that she is taken to be in- Sane. SKIN. r Itching elevation on nose. 1 Itching papulous eruption on an old scar. I Feeling like severe flea-bites, over whole body, day and night. Sticking, itching in various parts of body. Itching on back above r. hip; – of an old scar of an ulcer healed for several years (on leg). 4. º red spot on nose beneath eye. * A small scab in r. nostril. A round, burning; itching spot on r. hand, between thumb and relieves it; disappears on 3d day. index, with two whitish pellicles on it; rubbing 11 Flat, gelatinous vesicles on 1. Knee. 14 Very painful and sore pimples, ºrious º". "...all vesicles on m. cous membrane ºf lower lip. ; vesicles contain colorless, impid fluid. Very painful suppu- rating pimples on fºrehead; feel as though pierced with a needle; skin very red far around each pustule; same allowerface. Faceburning and stinging continually. 14 Itching in palms of the toes in evening. Burn- ing and intenseitching of toes during whole day. ing and sensatiºn as though bones would cut through flesh. Søreness of whole 1. side body. 14 L. side body, r. side head, most affected. would perspire or tremble all over. Io Rheumatic pains, especially in upper arms. Partszo Whole skin assumed a brownish color, as iſ 27a Skin dingy and Irvid. smoked (instead of former yellowish tint). body were almost without flesh; breasts flat, calves completely gone, legs no thicker than the wrists in health. Extreme emaciation. Tremblings, of a peculiar kind. 15 Prostration. Peculiarly oppressive sense of sinking and faintness, and complained of dur- ; intense pain as the thing most difficult to car. 19 CE.dematous swelling of whole body. with miliary vesicles; it was very hot, itched and smarted; any considerable motion of arm dark brown, and ulcerated places remaining after furuncles became likewise gangrenous. produced ruptuº of vesicles, and especially'ss A large furuncle between scapulae, and consid- when trying to bend elbow, a large discharge ºf water took place, most considerable from inside of elbow joint- erable inflammation of surrounding parts (with loss of appetite and sleeplessness); furuncle detached itself from skin after use of warm poultices, in the shape of hard, knotty bodies, º deep and painful ulcers which refuse to neal. 23 Skin of arm tight at first glossy, then coveredºs Every spot which had been scratched became|5o Various species of eruptions, from sim therua to morbus moculous. tion. 22 Emaciation. Great prostra- sensibility. 24 Prostration. 27a Gradual emacia- tion. 27a Easily fatigued. 27 Atrophy of gland- ular t is su (b reasts, testes and thyroid). 27 All the successive symp to m so nervo us co n- sumption. e f 36 Trembling. 36 Fainting fits. Restlessness. ple ery- 57 Skin pale. SLEEP and DREAMS. FEWER. CHILLINESS. No need of sleep (6th day). 1 Cold feet at night. I Heat of hands. - - 1 Sour nightsweats all over every morning, with great weakness of limbs for firsthour afterward. 1 Perspiration of feet so acid that it corrodes the skin. 1 Nightsweat. 4 Restless sleep, with anxious dreams. Unre- membered dreams, with sound sleep. Very vivid dreams, from which he would have been glad to awake, but could not, with feeling of weakness after waking. 4 Dreams every night of swimming in water; of walking in mire, that her daughter had fallen into a brook, etc. 4 Anxious, restless dreams. 4 Anxious dreams of dead people. 4 Flushes of heat. Io Night Restless sleep at night. to Increased warmth of whole º Io Very profuse perspiration at night sleepless, with profuse perspiration. 11 Frequent yawning. If Wakes very early, feeling very well. 14 Dreams of having unsuccessful intercourse with 15 Sleep full of dreams. men ; no emissions. 14 Dreams that she is about to have intercourse 21 Sleepiness. 21 Loss of Sleepiness. with a man, but, for some unknown reason, - the dream changed before the act was accom- plished; no emission. 11 Became very warm, indeed excited, after drink-14 Hands cold and clammy. ing wine, though always felt as if he would IA Palms of hands sweat continually. soon become tired. 11 Burning heat flits across r, leg. 14 Hands sweat much at 3 every P.M. 24 Sleeplessness. dreams. 27 Restless sleep, with unpleasant and fatiguing 21 Febrile condition, with alternations of chill and 22 Quartan fever with constant diarrhoea on days 23 Fever, with d heat. free from fever, (after a few months). * Profuse foot-sweat (late symptom after erup- tions had disappeared). 14 Feet sweat easily, and feel cold. rapid pulse, delirium, twitching of the muscles and carphology, with more coldness than heat of the skin. ness of skin, weakness and 27 Coldness and trembling of limbs. 27 Irregular and transient febrile movements. 27 Profuse perspiration on forehead. 27 Viscid sweat. - of course (?) 6o Erythema of face, and inflammation sudden starts. * Heat of the sur-36 Excessive heat. 38 Cold sweat. face. 46 Sleep broken by 5o Sleeplessness. 5o Nightmare. 51 Sleeplessness at ight. nig 52 Sleeplessness. hallucinations. 44 Feet cold (after|45 hours). Cold extremities. 44 Cold, profuse per- spiration, imm diately. e- 56 Restless sleep, followed by almost complete in somnia; on getting to sleep, nightmare and 44 I. 44 Faintness, imme- 44 Violent É º, sº 5 - Tºº 44 Extremº debility day). immediately. diately. (when applied). - - § to stand, a in —a-Fi, º, ø, º minutes after 6 Severe paroxysms of hysteria (15 minutes, alſº 4. injection into ovarian cyst), shortly after being put to bed became more calm, and hysteria disappeared in one-half hour. ble, m ent. strength. bility. tion. neSS- ceptibility. 8 days subjects are unrecogniza- looking 20 years older. Glands (mammae and testes) par- ticularly affected. 50 Trembling and out of breath from least move- A 1- most convulsed condition when pains are in- tense; convul- sive movements. Great failure of De- Prostra- Restless- More or less nervous sus- system. 52 Rapid emaciation. 52 Tremor. ness. Loss of strength. Muscular weak- ances of nervous est opposition. 54 Feelin vere pain in stomach. nal agitation, as if from bad news, or from remorseful feelings after a quarrel; together with inability to fix the attention when reading or drawing; weeping and intolerance of slight- of general debility, with craving for something reviving, relieved for the time by cordial, or little nourishment; but delay in eating causes malaise, drawings, and often se- tion. condition. 58 Restlessness. 57 Rapid and ex- treme emacia- Trouble- S. O. m. e. n e rvous 58 General tremor. 58 Feeling offatigue. of gear.” could not take short walk. 59 Failure strength. ness and anxiet (2d A.M.). 61 Peculiar restless- y Great collapse, with sunken face Col- lapse and pros- tration, though notamounting to - Sit- ting in bed with great, restless- but with erfect con- 62 Utterly prostra- ted, both mental- ly and physically. lepsy", i. 59 Loss of strength,63 Great debility. al _- o g (Even when vom- iting is unable to (2d day). faintness. ne-SS, sciousness. 7 Slept badly. - - ks, as 3 Slept badly, with nightmare and shoc - 5 . ja. º awoke her with a start. daytime. 46 Skin hot and dry|53 Fever. In evening. 63 Burning heat hands. 63 Sweat. 59 Nightly sleepless- ness, though ex- tremely weary in and delirium. - - 63 Complete insomnia for 3 days, with restlºssness of 64 Temperature cool, especially of up ties (after 2 hours). 64 Nose icy cold (after 2 hours). 6, Skin covered with cold perspira hours). per extremi- 65 Skin cool. 65 Hands ld. tion (after 2 co and feet 66 Fever declared itself with an intensity out of all Fºº" to the local inflammation (after 2 ours ). 66 Iodine found in perspiration. _- failed very rapid- ly for fortnight; unable to ascend Stairs. 65 Pains in vari- ous parts, but raise himself up chiefly in chest, (without help) in creased by (after 3 hours). movement.