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HIS little work was prepared for my own use, as a labor-saver, and as a receptacle for clinical observations, and for gleanings from others and from the periodicals. It has been the work of odd moments, and little remnants of time, redeemed from busy days. Even the young physician, of a single summer's experience, must have felt the want of such a work, particularly when dealing with the fre- quently occurring and obstinate diarrhoeas of in- fants. It was the difficulty of treating these, that first awakened the desire to possess in one little work all that was known of our Materia Medica" as applied to loose evacuations of the bowels. It has not been intended to include every rem- edy that has been known to purge, but only every remedy of which enough is known, either of its stools, or conditions, or concomitants, to distinguish it from any other remedy. But some may inquire, Why should diseases of the bowels be honored above others by a special monograph 2 111 iv. PREFA CE. Those who have Boenninghausen on Cough, on Fever, and on Headache, will not ask this ques- tion, but will desire that the work go on until we possess such special aids in the treatment of all affections that most tax the busy practitioner. The present work is now printed because col- leagues, who had seen it, desired to possess a copy — one going so far as to copy it himself— because Mr. Tafel, who had seen it, desired to print it, and because the work had already repaid me for the time and labor it cost, in the same coin, and I was therefore happy to believe that it would be of like use to others. The clinical test will be found to disclose many valuable symptoms not to be met with elsewhere, and, alas, also, doubtless, many errors. The carefully collated experience of ten active years, which it contains, would indeed be better if they were twenty or thirty, but perhaps the Lord in his goodness will permit this to be added also. - - It would be a grateful task to indicate through- out the work, the sources from which many valu- able symptoms were drawn, but this would detract from its practical character as a work of reference. AUGUSTA, Feb. 21st, 1869. JAMES B. BELL. INTRODUCTION. CHARACTER AND OBJECT OF THE WORK. HIS work is intended to apply to all loose evac- uations of the bowels, and to describe them, their aggravations and ameliorations, with their immediate accompaniments and general accompanying symp- tomS. The character of the stool is used as an adjective, and after it the word “stool” is always to be under- stood. The semicolon stands for it. Under the head of aggravations and ameliorations those influences are given which affect the stool, and also those which act as exciting causes of the attack. When referring to other symptoms, they will be found indicated in parenthesis. The concomitants of the stool have been studied and observed with much care. - - The general accompaniments include all the symp- toms that occur during the attack. Under each of the best known remedies, some symptoms will be found italicised. These, it will be understood, are the symptoms which have been most - - 5 6 INTRODUCTION. frequently observed, and which also serve to most sharply distinguish that remedy from others. The more of these emphasized symptoms we have under. any one remedy, the easier the selection. The sooner we are able by careful observation to emphasize symptoms under all our remedies, the more we shall perfect our art. It should be the self-appointed task of every Homoeopathic physician, to confirm, and define, and add to, the symptoms of all our remedies, but more especially of those that are but little known. Many of that class will be found in this book, some of which have many symptoms of clear and distinc- tive character, derived from provings, but whose rel- ative and positive value awaits clinical determination. If those who use this book will add the fruits of their observations, by underlining and writing-in symptoms, they will be gladly incorporated in a fu- ture edition, should any be required. The remarks, which follow nearly every remedy, should be understood as embodying only the personal opinions of the writer, whether confirming or con- tradicting what may have been published by others. It is hoped that they may sometimes aid in the sc- lection of the remedy, but they are of wholly sub- ordinate authority to the text. THE SELECTION OF THE REMEDY. All who subscribe to the law of similars, agree that the problem in each case is to find a reme- dy whose symptoms are most closely similar to the INTRO DU CTION. 7 case in hand. This problem finds a somewhat dif- ferent solution, however, in different classes of mind. One class thinks the solution is found in a simili- tude to the pathological state. If able to diagnose hyperamia, hyperaesthesia, ulceration, plastic exu- dation, atony, atrophy, hypertrophy, and so on through the catalogue, this seems to them sufficient. They have then only to diagnose a remedy produc- ing a similar state. This has a great fascination for Some excellent minds, because it seems to utilize the splendid developments of Allopathy in this direc- tion, and connect them directly with therapeutics. Another, and growing class, believes that those who stop here will never comprehend the true genius of Homoeopathy. The demand for exactness, mi- nuteness, and delicacy of observation in all branches of science was never greater. The same is true of Homoeopathic Therapeutics. Those who are ardently following in this direction, soon discover that the Selection of the remedy requires, so to speak, two similars, viz., one corresponding to the general Symp- toms, or those which bring it into relation to the pathological state to be treated, and one correspond- ing to the special and characteristic symptoms, or those which bring it into relation with the individ- ual case to be treated. To illustrate: a patient has stools consisting of bloody mucus, Small and frequent, with tenesmus. We diagnose dysentery; hyperamia and inflamma- tion of the mucous membrane of the colon, with ex- 8 • INTRODU CTION. udation of blood, and secretion of mucus. Forty four volunteers stand ready, armed and equipped with a similar pathological condition. But we want but one, and how shall we learn which one 7 We must be more exact, and discover that our patient has restlessness, dry heat, and much thirst. Our vol- unteers are now reduced to three ; but still too many. Applying our magnifying-glass again, we observe a recent exposure to cold, dry wind, and a flushed face becoming pale, with faintness, on rising, and now we have the man we want. It becomes evident, therefore, that the individual- izing symptoms possess the greater value, and are, indeed, indispensable to a certain selection. It should be noticed, further, that these distin- guishing symptoms are of all kinds and qualities, from the most purely objective and pathological, to the most subjective and delicate complaints which the organism is capable of uttering. As instances of the former may be cited, the green frothy stools of Magn. c., the dark acid urine of Benz. ac., the blue varices of Mur. ac., and of the latter, the ag- gravation from hearing water run, of Hydroph., from sudden depressing emotions, of Gels., and the relief, from cold food and drink, of Phos. But whatever the character of these symptoms, in this particular, it is to be observed that they are hardly ever obtrusive enough to thrust themselves upon the notice of an unobserving man, and that they often require a patience and acuteness of ob- INTRO D UCTION. 9 servation, hardly excelled by astronomers, microscop- ists, and other followers of natural science. This mode of diagnosing the remedy is also in exact accordance with that pursued in other sciences. The chemist would be thought hardly worthy of his title, who should attempt to recognize arsenic by its cruder properties of color, weight, or taste. He must be familiar with its most delicate and characteristic tests and reactions. He does not ignore the other properties, yet it is only after applying the charac- teristic tests that he will give an authoritative deci- sion, and on these he will rely, even in cases involv- ing weighty questions of human guilt or innocence. But now the question arises, and it is a very im- portant and practical one : suppose we find that the only remedy for a given case, that corresponds to the peculiar and individualizing symptoms, is one that has never been known to cause the pathological state under which our patient suffers. The answer is, that we may safely infer that the remedy does possess also the general and organic symptoms of the case, and that it will remove them, together with the dis- tinguishing indications. Thus has our Materia Medica been enriched by at least one fourth of the most positive and valuable pathological symptoms which we possess. Thus, for example, have we learned that Bry. Ars., Rhus., Bap., etc. have ulceration of Peyer's glands in their pathogenesis; that Hep., Lach., and Lyc. produce pseudo-membranous exudation; that Spong, causes 10 INTRODUCTION. and cures plastic endo-carditis; or that (and a fact now published for the first time and obtained purely by observing the characteristic symptoms) Puls., and Sep. are known to cause and cure trachoma or granular conjunctivitis. - Yet some affect to sneer at this method, and only a little time ago the author had the honor to acquire an enviable title, because he had observed the power of Podoph. to cure true pneumonia when selected by Some characteristic symptoms, although it has never been known to produce that condition. Yet here, too, we are following closely the exam- ple of the chemist, who from the yellow band in the spectrum is able to assert that there is sodium in the sun, or from the lines in the spectrum of the Dürkheim spring-water, is able to declare that a new metal is there. He does not hesitate to attrib- ute form, weight, malleability, and other metallic properties to the stranger, long before he is able to possess himself of a little bar of Indium. Our conclusion, then, is, that the problem of Selec- tion is solved by seeking the remedy which possesses the physical and diagnostic symptoms of the case, and which corresponds also to the special, distin- guishing, and peculiar symptoms which mark the individual case. And, further, if a remedy is found that possesses distinctly the latter symptoms, but not, so far as is known, the former, we may conclude safely that it does possess the former, and administer it with confidence. INTRODUCTION. 11 THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE REMEDY. In the present state of our science upon this point, each can only contribute the fruits of his own observation. The writer began the practice of medicine with the preconceived idea strongly fixed in his mind, that, while the thirtieth potency might be useful and per- haps the best for chronic and nervous affections, the lower and even crude preparations would prove more satisfactory for acute affections and particularly for diseases of the bowels. ". . Hard experience has taught him the contrary, and though “convinced against his will,” he is not “of the same opinion still.” There is indeed a somewhat prevalent opinion, that the strength of the dose makes up for want of due care or knowledge in selection. This may be stated in mathematical terms as fol- lows: if the thirtieth potency of Ars. is equal to a complete knowledge of the drug, one-fifth of a grain of arsenious acid is equal to complete ignorance of it. Stated in this, its true form, we grant it. Personally, our experience has been most satisfac- tory with the use of the twelfth, fifteenth, thirtieth, two-hundredth,” and often higher potencies, of our # The two hundredth proves more useful than anything lower, and we prefer it, but, until recently, many valuable remedies were not to be obtained in that potency. 12 INTRODUCTION. remedies, administered in water, and repeated every one to six hours according to the urgency of the symptoms, and suspended as soon as decided im- provement appeared. If the same remedy was needed to be resumed again, it has seemed to do better in a higher potency, but on this point we can- not yet speak with entire assurance. We have not been able to perceive that age or sex or habits, (we might add color, race, or order in nat- ural history,) form any element in the choice of the dose. All classes have been found to respond favor- ably to the high potencies. As regards tempera- ment, we cannot speak with equal positiveness, but we have no certain testimony proving it to form an exception. Note. —The question of diet is foreign to this work, but we cannot resist recording our testimony against the prev- alent abuse, of starving infants and young children on arrowroot and other starch. They must have bread and beef. The latter is best assimilated in the form of an ex- tract prepared in vacuo, by some reliable house.” Raw beef is next to be preferred, if the other cannot be obtained. The juice running out of a rare roast is also excellent. Ordinary beef-tea requires too high a temperature, in its preparation, coagulating the juices. * That prepared by Tourtelot Bros., of Chicago, has given us the best satisfaction of any yet tested. HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS. IP A R T I. THE REMEDIES AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 1. ACONITE. Stool: Watery; Bloody, slimy, mucous; Small; Frequent ; (dysenteric stool.) Aggravation: In summer, with cold nights: After getting wet : After being overheated: After expos- ure to cold, dry wind, or a draft: After anger or fright. Amelioration: After eating warm soup — (pains.) Before Stool: Cutting pains: Nausea and sweat. During Stool: Cutting pains; Tenesmus. After Stool: Relief, except from nausea and sweat, which may continue. Accompaniments: Anxiety; fear of death. Rest- lessness; Vertigo or fainting on rising up, with paleness, face flushed when lying. Bitter taste of everything except water. Lips dry, dark. Un- . quenchable thirst. Nausea. Vomiting: of blood; of 2 13 14 THE REMEDIES AND blood and mucus; of bile; of what has been drunk; with profuse sweat and urine. Sensation of a cold stone in the stomach. Distended abdomen sensitive to the touch. Violent pains (cutting) in the ab- domen. . . Sleeplessness. General dry heat. Full, hard, very quick pulse. Internal shuddering, with dry, hot skin, and tendency to uncover. Sweat on the cov- ered parts. * ACON. is only useful in the very beginning of acute diseases of the bowels, but is then often able to cut short dysentery, and even cholera morbus, without any other remedy. - 2, AETHUSA CYNAP, Stool: Bilious, light yellow, and greenish (liquid); Green mucows; Bloody mucous; Aggravation: In the morning (after rising): In children: In summer : During dentition. Before Stool: Pinching and cutting pains in the abdomen. During Stool: Tenesmus, often violent. After Stool: Unsatisfied urging to stool. Accompaniments: Irritability, bad humor, espe- cially afternoons and in the open air. Sensation as though the head, and other parts, were in a vice. Face pale or flushed, altered ; collapsed, with an ex- pression of anguish. Constant thirst. Violent vomit- $ng of curdled milk ; of greenish mucus; of frothy milky-white substance. THEIR INDICATIONS. 15 Stupor. Spasms : thumbs clenched; eyes turned down ; pupils fiaced, dilated ; eyes staring ; foam at the mouth; red face ; locked jaw ; pulse small, hard, and quick. Drowsiness with chilliness. Great pros- tration. AETHUS. is suitable to a severe form of cholera infantum. It will usually be hardly able to complete the cure alone, but will need to be followed by an antipsoric ; most frequently by PSOR., SEP., or SULPH. 3, AGARICUS, Stool: Thin, yellow, fecal, and slimy; Watery; Aggravation: In wet weather: (general condition.) Before Stool: Pinching and cutting in the ab- domen. During Stool: The pains continue, with nausea, fermentation in the abdomen, emission of much fla- tus; painful drawing in of the stomach and abdo- men; Smarting in the anus. After Stool: Smarting in the anus. Accompaniments: Mental excitability. Vertigo in the morning ; in the open air; in the bright sun. White coated tongue. Acrid, offensive smell from the mouth, like horseradish. Passage of much fla- tus, smelling like garlic. Sleepiness in the daytime, after eating. There has been but little clinical experience with AGAR. in diarrhoea. It resembles NATR. SULPH. in its symptoms. The absence of the morning aggrava. tion in the former, is a marked distinction. 16 THE REMEDIES AND 4, ALOE. Stool: Yellow fecal; Bloody, jelly-like mucous, Yellowish, greenish, or bright yellow bilious; Gray; Hot ; Undigested; — Involuntary; (when earpelling flatus, or urine.) Small; (dysenteric stool.) Aggravations: In hot, damp weather:. In the after- noon, evening, and night: After acids (vinegar): After chagrin: After overheating: After a cold taken in a damp room : From motion: When walking or Standing : After eating : When passing wrime. Amelioration: From ale: (pains in the anus.) By bending double and by passing flatus, (colic). Before Stool: Urging; violent, quickly passing, frequent, with feeling of fulness and weight in the pelvis: Colic: Burning and prickling in the intes- times: Pain around the mavel : Much flatus. During Stool: Urging: Cutting and tearing in the abdomen extorting cries: Hunger : Heat in the Tectum and amus : Temesmus : Much flatus. After Stool: Burning, weight, and itching in the anus: Large and prominent haemorrhoids, tender, hot, relieved by cold water: Cutting about the navel sometimes continues. º Accompaniments: Dissatisfied and angry about himself when in pain. Lips red, and tongue dry and red, with much thirst. Generally, good appetite. Desire for juicy things; apples; beer. Aversion to meat. Bitter taste. Pain in hypochondria, with painful weakness in the legs. Heat, fulness, pres. sure, and tenderness in the abdomen and region of THEIR INDICATIONS. 17 the liver. Griping pains in abdomen, relieved by bending double, with urging to stool, nothing put flatulence being passed. Much flatulence moving about in the abdomen. Pain in bowels after eating. Lowd gurgling in the abdomen as of water running out of a boltle. Distended abdomen. Flatus smells very badly, and causes burning in the rectum. Urine generally profuse. Chilliness when leaving the fire. ALOES is one of our most valuable remedies for both diarrhoea and dysentery. The symptoms are marked and unmistakable, as given above. Con- trary to what might be expected, the peculiar gur- gling in the abdomen is often found with the dysen- teric stool, when aloes is indicated. The good appetite is most frequently met with among children. The haemorrhoids differ from those of BROM, in the relief from cold water. 5. ALUMINA, Stool: Thin fecal; Earpulsion difficult; Aggravation: After constipation: After dinner: After lead-poisoning: During typhoid fever: In dry weather: When walking: On alternate days : (gen- -eral condition.) Amelioration: After short sleep : From warm ap- plications: (colic.) - Before Stool : Colic. During Stool: Colic : Tenesmus: Burning in the rectum : Involuntary urination. 2 # B 18 THE REMEDIES AND After Stool: Usually relief: Sometimes the colic continues: Throbbing in the back: Soreness of anus. Accompaniments: Seriousness. Changeable mood. Reeling vertigo in the morning, with faintness or nausea. Appetite for chalk, starch, clean white rags, charcoal, cloves, acids, ground coffee, tea-grounds, dry rice, and other unnatural and indigestible sub- stances. Faintness at the stomach, relieved by Sat- isfying the depraved cravings. Violent colic. Urine can only be passed with the stool. General debility. Chlorosis. - ALUM. is sometimes useful in acute diarrhoea, and, possibly, dysentery, when the difficult expulsion of stool and urine exist. It is more frequently indicated in chronic diarrhoea accompanying chlorosis, with the depraved appetite and the aggravation on alternate days. With these symptoms, a brilliant cure may be expected, including the chlorosis, if the remedy is not given too low, and too frequently. 6. AMIMON. MUR, Stool: Green, thin, mucous, (slimy); Yellow fecal and slimy; Aggravation: In the morning: During the menses: After meals: During the day: Walking in open air: (nausea.) * . Before Stool: Violent urging: Pain about the navel. During Stool: Tenesmus: Burning in the rectum. After Stool: Tenesmus : Pain in abdomen, and soreness as if bruised: Burning in rectum. TEIEIR IN DICATIONS. 19 Accompaniments: Fretfulness. Bitter taste in the mouth, and bitter eructations passing off after eating something. Loss of appetite. Nausea, after dinner and when walking in the open air. Pinching in abdomen, hindering inspiration. Much rumbling and emission of flatus. - AMM. M. is useful for chronic diarrhoea occurring during the menses, when the other symptoms cor- respond. Many of the symptoms resemble those of ALOES, but are milder. The green mucous stool may render it useful in infantile diarrhoea, but experience, in its use in this affection, is yet wanting. 7. ANTIMON. CRUD, Stool: Watery; Often profuse; Alternating with constipation ; Aggravation: After acids, (vinegar, sour wine); After overheating: After bathing : After cold water or cold food : In aged persons: During pregnancy : At night: Early in the morning. Before Stool: Cutting pains, - During Stool: Pain in the rectum : (Protrusion of the rectum) Accompaniments: Sentimental or distrustful mood. Children cannot bear being touched or looked at. Ptyalism, with saltish taste. Thirst, worse at night. Tongue coated white. Violent vomiting: bitter; of bile ; of slimy mucus : renewed on taking food or drink. Desire for acids. Frequent and profuse UITl Ilê 20 THE REIMEDIES AND The gastric symptoms of ANTIMON. CRUD. pre- dominate. The vomiting differs from that of ACON., ARS., VERAT., and other remedies, in the absence of severe thirst, and in the white-coated tongue. From want of attention to these distinctions, this remedy is often overlooked when it would bring speedy re- lief. 8. APIS MEL. Stool: Greenish, yellowish, slimy mucous; Yel- low watery; Yellow fecal; Clear (colorless) watery; Bloody mucous; (mixed with fecal.) Offensive (watery stool); Painless (slimy mucous); Involuntary, with every motion, as though the anus stood open (yellow fecal and slimy); Frequent; Aggravation: In the morning: From acids: In the warm room : From motion. During Stool: Urging : Griping: Tenesmus: Bruised feeling in the intestines. After Stool: Rawness in the anus. Accompaniments: Inability to fix the thoughts on any subject. Pain in the eyeballs and forehead. Tongue dry, shining. No appetite. Little or no thirst. Nausea. Vomiting of bile, or thin, bitter liquid. Tenderness of the abdomen felt when sneezing, or upon the least pressure, Burning in the abdo- men. Frequent and profuse urine. Strangury. La- bored respiration. Disturbed sleep, with muttering. Dry, hot skin. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 21 Hands blue. Emaciation. Indescribable feeling of weakness. Anasarca. Ascites: APIs, deserves further clinical observation, particu- larly in infantile diarrhoea, and cholera infantum. Here it is one of our precious remedies, correspond- ing to a low and dangerous condition. The absence of thirst, existing with a dry tongue and dry, hot skin, is sufficiently striking to prevent confounding it with other remedies with similar stools. When Oedema is present, it will be most frequently found in the feet and genitals. 9. ARGENTUM NIT. Stool: Green mucous; Dark, watery mucous; Bloody; Bloody mucous; Brown liquid ; Frequent ; Felid, (green mucous and brown liquid); Scanty, (watery mucous); Painless, (bloody mucous); Aggravation : At might; after midnight: After eating freely of sugar: After breakfast: During dentition: Early in the morning: After eating, (pains in stomach). Amelioration : After eating, and after acid food, . (nausea). Before Stool : Colic. During Stool: Colic: Urging: Emission of much noisy flatus. Accompaniments:-Head feels as though in a vice. Pale, sunken face. Lips and mouth dry and viscid, with little or no thirst. Desire for Sugar in the evening. Teeth sensitive to cold or acid sub- 22 THE REMEDIES AND stances, with constant dull grumbling. Nausea, with lowd eructations. Violent vomiting of glassy tenacious mucus, capable of being drawn into threads. Sudden stitches through the abdomen on moving. Cannot bear pressure of clothes about the hypochon- dria. Much flatulent colic. Uneasy sleep. Trem- ulous weakness. Debility, felt mostly in the legs. Chilliness. Sudden and severe attacks of cholera infantum, with the characteristic stools, in children who are very fond of sugar, and who have eaten too much of it, will find their remedy in ARGENT. NIT. 10, ARNICA, MONT. Stools: Slimy mucous; Brown fermented, (like yeast); Undigested; Bloody; Purulent ; Sourish smelling ; Frequent; Small ; Involuntary, (during sleep); Aggravation: After mechanical injuries : From motion: From lying on the left side: In typhoid fever: During gastric fever. Accompaniments: Bitter or putrid taste. Aver- Sion to food; to meat. Desire for vinegar; for spirits. Frequent eructations; often fetid. Womit- ing of what has been drunk. Distention of the ab- domen. Felid breath. Weakness, obliging one to lie down. ARNICA. has not a wide application in bowel affec- tions, but the symptoms are clear, and the selection easy. The marked gastric derangement is peculiar and characteristic. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 23 11, ARSENICUM, Stools: Thick, dark green mucous; Slimy mu- cous; Brown mucous; Bloody; Dark or black, watery or fluid ; Yellow watery; Purulent; Undi- gested; & Frequent ; Scanly; Involuntary; Corrosive : Of. fensive (watery or fluid stools). Painless, (watery stools); Aggravation: At night : After eating or drinking : After midnight: After taking cold: From cold food, ice-water or ice-cream : During dentition: From milk: From fruit: From acids: During smallpox: During typhoid fever: After abuse of alcohol. Before Stool: Chilliness: Anxiety: Cutting in abdomen: Vomiting: Thirst. During Stool: Chilliness: Nausea : Vomiting: Temesmus : Burning in an us and rectum. After Stool: Relief: Burning in amus and rectum : Tremulous weakness, obliging one to lie down : Pal- pitation of the heart: Perspiration. Accompaniments: Great restlessness; anguish ; constantly changing place. Fear of death, or of being left alone. Face pale, earthy, deathlike, yel- lowish. Blue rings around the eyes. Lips black, dry, cracked, or blue and cold. Tongue dry, black or brown, cracked. Aphthae. Bloody saliva. Vio- lent, unquenchable, burning thirst, with frequent drinking of small quantities of water. Desire fol acids, cold water or spirits. Loss of appetite. Bitter taste in the mouth after eating or drinking. Vomit 24 THE REME DIES AN ID ºng, after ealing or drinking ; of food; of drink; of brown or black substances; of blood ; of green or yellow-green mucus; of bile; of thick, glassy mucus; with violent pains in the stomach, and burning in Stomach and abdomen. Dry heat. Great weakness; fainting ; rapid ea:- haustion. Very rapid and scarcely perceptible pulse. Emaciation. There is reason to fear, that, as routine is easier than study, ARSENICUM may have accomplished more harm than good in the hands of homoeopathic practi- tioners. No remedy has been more frequently given in acute affections of the bowels, while it is not the most frequently indicated, and it is not a remedy to be unwisely used. The symptoms which most clearly distinguish it from other remedies with a similar totality, are the characteristic thirst and rest- lessness. These two must be present, as a general rule. The mucous stools are not usually offensive ; the watery ones are very much so, and often pain- less. 12, ASARUM EUROP, Stools: Tenacious mucous; Shaggy masses of mucus, of resinous appearance; Scanty, yellow, stringy mucous; - Aggravation: In chilly, nervous individuals: From debility: During hectic or slow fever. Amelioration: After vomiting : (pain and dulness of head.) - THEIR IN DICATIONS. 25 Accompaniments: Dulness and pressure in the * head. Cannot bear the sound of scratching on linen or any similar substance. Food tastes bitter. Much empty retching. Scanty vomiting of greenish, Sour liquid. 13, BELLADONNA. Stools: Thin, green mucows ; Bloody mucous; Granular yellow slimy mucous; White mucous; Watery; Small; Frequent ; Involuntary; Sour smelling; (Fetid;) Aggravations: Afternoon : After sleeping : After taking cold: After taking cold from cutting the hair: In hot weather: During typhoid fever: From motion: From pressure (colic): Amelioration: From bending double (colic): Before Stool: Perspiration: Heat in the abdo- men: Colic : Pinching and contractive griping. During Stool: Shuddering : Temesmus: Nausea. After Stool : Temesmus. Accompaniments: Head hot. Easily startled. Rolling the head from side to side. Delirium; worse during sleep or just after ; desire to get out of bed, or into another one. Stupor. Lethargy, with pale, cold face, or flushed face. Children cry much, and are very cross. Tongue dry, and red at the point, or has two white stripes on a red ground. Ptyalism. Not much thirst, but desire to moisten ...sº 3 26 THE REMEDIES AND the mouth often. Mouth open. Constant chewing. Aversion to food; to meat, beer, acid things. Ab- domen distended and tender. Profuse urine. Invol- untary urination. Partial or general spasms, with wnconsciousness, renewed by contact or bright light. Dry heat. Quick, hard, Small pulse. Sleepiness with restlessness; starting up suddenly. The pains appear and disappear suddenly. BELLADoNNA will be found suitable for children more frequently than adults. It is often the only remedy required for severe cases of infantile dysen- tery. The drowsiness, with startings, dry heat, and frequent drinking, may be regarded as characteristic, if the other symptoms of the patient correspond. 14, BAPTISIA TINCT. Stools: Consisting of pure blood. Bloody mu- cous; Frequent ; Dark, thin fecal; Aggravations: In hot weather: In the autumn: During typhoid fever. * Before Stool: Colic, more in the hypogastrium. During Stool: Tenesmus. After Stool: Tenesmus. Accompaniments: Nausea, with thirst. Dry tongue. Pain in the region of the liver, and par- ticularly of the gall-bladder; worse on walking. Fever slight, pulse soft and full. Sleeplessness; or sleep with heavy, tiresome dreams. BAPTISIA is one of the remedies requiring further proving and clinical observation. It seems to be worthy of it. THEIR INDICATIONS. 27 15, BENZOIC ACID, Stools: Watery, white, or light-colored; Copious; Very offensive ; Frothy bloody; Aggravation: In children: During dentition. Before Stool: Chilliness. During Stool: Urging. Accompaniments: Urine very strong smelling; w8wally dark. Much exhaustion. Weakness. Per- Spiration. Cold sweat on the head. The symptoms of BENZ. AC. are not many, but they are genuine jewels. The offensive stools are not like those of any other remedy. The smell is Strong, pungent, urinous, somewhat like that of the characteristic urine, which is also almost invariably present. 16. BORAX. Stools: Light yellow, slimy, mucous; Green mu- cous; Frequent ; Yellow watery; Aggravation: In nursing infants: During denti- tion: From fruit (apples, pears): After breakfast: After chocolate: After eating: Afternoon: Evening. Before Stool: Peevish, lazy, dissatisfied: Urging. During Stool: Burning in the rectum. After Stool: Cheerful, contented mood. Accompaniments: Easily startled at sudden noise. Anacious feeling during downward motion or rock- *ng. Hot head. Pale, clay-colored face. Hot mouth. Aphtha, on the tongue, and inside of the 28 THE REMEDIES AND cheek, bleeding when eating. Palate of infants looks Wrinkled, with screaming when nursing. Loss of appetite, (loathing of the breast in infants.) Desire for Sour drinks. Vomiting of sour slime (after chocolate). Distention by flatulence after every meal. Pinching in the abdomen. Frequent urination, preceded by cries. - Starting from sleep with anxious screams, throw ing the hands about, Seizing things, or clinging to the mother. t Palms hot. Emaciation; flesh relaxed. Skin pale or livid. Debility. DELLADONNA has, doubtless, been often given when BoFAx should have been. The anxious feeling on downward motion is the chief distinction between them, and is peculiar to BORAX. 17, BOVISTA. Stools: Liquid, yellow, fecal; Aggravations: Early in the morning : In the even- Žng : At night: Before the menses: During the Iſle Il SeS. Before Stool: Urging: Colic. During Stool: Twisting pains in abdomen. After Stool: Tenesmus : Burning at anus: Lan- guor. Accompaniments: Nausea in the morning; better after breakfast. Distention of the abdomen, with THEIR IN DICATIONS. 29 ruńbling shifting of flatulence, and emission of much flatus. 18, BROMINE, Stools: Black fecal; Light yellow, slimy mu- cous; Aggravation : After a meal: After oysters : After acids: At night. Amelioration: From black coffee : After eating, (nausea and pains in the stomach.) During and after Stool: Blind, intensely painful varices; worse from application of cold and warm. water; better after wetting with saliva. Accompaniments: Desire for acids. Nausea. Aversion to habitual smoking; it causes nausea and vertigo. Emptiness in the stomach. Contractive spasm of the stomach passing off after eating. Great languor and debility. - One or two cases of BROMINE diarrhoea, in its characteristic totality, are as many as can be ex- pected to fall to one physician during a lifetime. The first one is yet to come to the writer. Should the aggravation after oysters, however, become more fully confirmed, it will need to be used more fre- quently. 19, BRYONIA, Stools: Brown, thin fecal; Thin, bloody; Undi- gested; +. 3 * 30 TEIE REMEDIES AND Frequent; Involuntary (during sleep); Smelling like rotten cheese ; Putrid; Alternating with con- stipation. * Aggravation: In the morning : In hot weather : Whenever the weather becomes warmer : At night: After suppression of eacanthemata : During typhoid : After taking cold : After cold drinks: After taking milk: From sitting up, (nausea, déc.) : From mo- tion. Before Stool: Colic: Cutting pains: Nausea. During Stool: Burning at anus: Vomiting: Thirst: Drowsiness: Chilliness. After Stool: Heat: Drowsiness. Accompaniments: Desire for things which do not exist, or which are refused when offered. Peevish- ness. Ill humor. Delirium. Desire to get out of bed and go home. Talking of the business of the day. Dry, swollen, cracked lips. Tongue dry and red or brown, or white or yellow. Thirst for large quantities at long intervals. Bitter taste in the mouth, and of food. Nausea and fainting on sitting wp. Desire for cold drinks, wine, coffee, sour drinks. Womiting of bitter substances, of yellow-green mucus. Desire to lie down and remain quiet. BRYONIA has not been one of the routine remedies for loose discharges from the bowels, nor is it desir- able that it should become so, or that that list should be enlarged. It is, however, quite often indicated, and if administered according to the above symp- toms, will not fail to repay the careful chooser. TEIEIR INIDICATIONS. 31 20, CACTUS GRAND, Stools: Bilious; Watery; Mucous; Abundant; Frequent ; - Aggravation: In the morning. Before Stool: Drawing pains in abdomen: Bor- borygmus. - Accompaniments: Constriction in the chest. Pal- pitation of the heart. Constriction of the heart as by an iron hand. Profuse hemorrhages from all the mucous mem- branes. - Clinical experience with CACTUS is wholly wanting in these affections. It may prove useful in diarrhoea accompanying heart affections, with the characteristic heart symptoms. 21, CALCAREA CARB. Stools: Yellowish fecal; Gray, clay-like fecal; Watery; Frothy; Whitish; Fetid; Sour; Involuntary ; Aggravations: In fat children: In infants with open fontanelles: In scrofulous persons: In chil- dren: During dentition : After milk : After smoked meat. Before Stool: Great irritability: Nausea. During Stool: Paleness: Tearing pain in rectum. After Stool: Faintishness: Lassitude. Accompaniments: Self-willed. Continued thirst for cold drinks, more at night. Desire for wine; 32 TEIE REMEDIES AND 3. salt or sweet things. Canine hunger in the morning. Sour taste in the mouth, or of bread. Sour vomiting or regurgitation, particularly of soured food, milk, déc. Swollen, distended abdomen, with emaciation and good appetite. Painful and difficult wrination, the wrime being clear, and having a peculiar strong, pungent, fetid odor. Debility. Profuse sweat on the head when sleeping. In Selecting CALCAREA C., the stool is of less im- portance than the person, and the concomitant symp- toms. These often render it the indispensable remedy in psoric individuals. The smell of the urine cannot be described, but once smelled it is never forgotten. The color will distinguish it from that of BENZ. AC. 22, CAMPHOR, Stools: Blackish;-(Watery 7) Involuntary ; Attack very sudden. Aggravation: During epidemic cholera: From hot Sll D. Accompaniments: Great anguish and discourage- ment. Icy coldness of the whole body, with chilli- ness and shaking, or cold, clammy, debilitating per- spiration. Face pale, livid, purple, icy cold, dis- torted ; upper lip drawn up, ea:posing the teeth; TEIEIR INIDICATIONS. 33 foam at the mouth; eyes sunken and fia:ed. Aver- sion to light. No thirst; or violent thirst. Sudden and great Sinking of strength. Stool generally painless. Cold sweat on the face. In Cholera: Great sinking and collapse, sometimes without stool. 23, CANTHARIS. Stools: Yellow, brown, watery; White or pale- Teddish mucous stools, like scrapings of the intes- times. Bloody; Bloody mucous; Green mucous; Frequent; Small; Corrosive; - Aggravation: At night: In the evening: During the day: After coffee, (pains and loathing). Before Stool: Violent colic: Urging: Pinching in hypogastrium. During Stool: Colic and pinching continue: Pain in the anus: Pressing and urging, extorting cries: Burning at the amus : Prolapse of rectum : After Stool: Colic relieved, or continues with less violence: Temesmus : Burning, biting, and sting- Žng in anus : Shuddering : Violent chilliness as though water were poured over one, with internal warmth. Accompaniments: Anacious restlessness. Irrita- bility. Pale, wretched appearance. Deathlike ap- pearance during the pains. Thirstlessness, or vio- lent burning thirst ; or aversion to drinks, to food, C 34 THE REMEDIES AND and to tobacco. Violent pains in abdomen and in- testines. Burning in abdomen. Abdomen very sensitive to touch Frequent ineffectual desire to urinate, painful. Burning after wrination. - The appearance like scrapings of the intestines is the most characteristic symptom of CANTHARIs, and will frequently call for it when the more painful and violent symptoms are not present. 24, CAPSICUM. Stools: Mucous ; Bloody mucows ; Tenacious mucous; streaked with black blood. Thin, adhesive, slimy, miaced with black blood. Frequent ; Small ; Aggravations: At night: After drinking : By currents of air, even warm air (pains.) Before Stool: Cutting colic : Flatulent colic: Writhing pains about the umbilicus. During Stool: Cutting and writhing continue: Tenesmus. - After Stool: Temesmus : Burning at anus: Thirst, drinking causing shuddering: Drawing pains in the back. Accompaniments: Homesickness, with redness of the cheeks and sleeplessness. Swollen, cracked lips. Flat, watery taste. Putrid taste as of putrid waler. Food tastes sour. Sour taste in the mouth. Desire for coffee, with nausea after taking it. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 35 Tenesmus of the bladder, strangury. Frequent, unsuccessful desire to urinate. Yawning. Sleeplessness. CAPSICUM is one of the royal remedies for dysen- tery; resembling CANTH. much in its symptoms, but differing equally as much, as a comparison will show. When the choice becomes difficult, the drinking after stool causing shuddering, and the drawing pains in the back after stool, will fix the decision on CAPS., and distinguish it also from MERC. CORR. and NUX WOM. 25, CARBO WEG, Stools: Thin pale mucous; Bloody mucous; (Dark thin fecal;) Frequent ; Involuntary; Putrid ; Cadaverous Smelling ; Aggravation: After long-continued or severe acute disease : After loss of fluids: After cold drinks : After fat food. - Before Stool: Slight cutting. During Stool: Burning and cutting in anus: Tenesmus. After Stool: Burning in anus: Trembling weak- I\6:SS. Accompaniments: Restlessness and ana.iety, worse from 4 to 6 P.M. Greenish color, or great paleness of the face. The gums recede from the teeth and bleed easily. Desire for coffee. Flatulent disten- tion of the abdomen, particularly after eating, as 36 THE REMEDIES AND though it would burst. Frequent and violent eruc. tations. Profuse and constant salivation of Stringy saliva. Emission of large quantities of flatus, inod- orous, or putrid. Skin pale, or blue and cold. In Cholera: Collapse without stool : Cold breath. and tongue. Voice lost. Except in cholera, CARBO VEG. is rarely indicated in the beginning of any acute disease of the bowels; but in the later stages it may become the only remedy capable of producing a favorable change. It will not often be required in cases that have had good homoeopathic treatment, but much more fre- quently in those coming from allopathic hands. After it are frequently suitable ARS., CHINA., MERC. SOL., Ol' PSOR. 26. CASTOREUM. Stools: Bloody mucous; Greenish mucous; Whitish watery; Erequent ; Amelioration: By pressure, warmth, and bending double (pains). Before Stool: Cutting colic: Pinching colic : Painful rumbling : Pressing in the groins. During Stool: Emission of fetid flatulence: Burn- tng at the anus. After Stool: Burning at the amus. Accompaniments: Yawning. Chilliness. Bad Smell from the mouth. Violent thirst. THEIR INIDICATIONS. 37 27, CAUSTICUMI, Stools: Liquid fecal; White mucous; Aggravations: In the evening: At night: From cold air striking the abdomen: After eating fresh meat. Before Stool: Twisting abdominal pains. After Stool: Nausea : Salt-water brash. Accompaniments: Pressure at the pit of the throat, just over the top of the sternum, as of a for- eign body, or as of food lodged in Oesophagus, causing constant disposition to swallow ; better while eating, worse after. Aversion to sweet things. Fresh meat causes mausea and water brash; smoked meat agrees. Much thirst for cold drinks. Pressure in the stom- ach. Necessity to loosen the clothing about the hy- pochondria. Involuntary emission of urine, at night; when walking ; when coughing. CAUSTICUM will be found useful chiefly in a chronic tendency to diarrhoea, in dyspeptics and consump- tives, which is renewed whenever taking fresh meat. 28, CHAMOMILLA. Stools: Green mucows ; Mia!ed green and white mucous; Chopped white and yellow mucous; Green watery; Bilious; Slimy mucous; Hot ; Small ; Frequent; Smelling like bad eggs; Corrosive ; Painless (green watery); Aggravations: During dentition : After taking 4 . 38 THE REMEDIES AND cold: After anger, chagrin: At night: After to- bacco. - Before Stool: Anxiety: Colic. During Stool: Colic: Eructations: Nausea : Retching : Thirst: Vertigo: Perspiration, with anxiety. After Stool: Relief: Stitches in rectum. Accompaniments: Desire for many things which are rejected when offered. Peevishness. Ill hºwmor. Children cry much, and are only stilled by being carried about. Redness of the cheeks, or of one cheek only. Red rash on the cheeks. Tongue and mouth dry. Tongue coated thick yellow, or white. Bitter, sour, or slimy taste. Sour vomiting of food or slimy mucus. Cutting or tearing colic. Moaning in the sleep, with hot, sticky sweat on the forehead. Convulsions: Both legs moved up and down al- ternately: Grasping with the hands: Mouth drawn to and fro: Eyes staring: Eyes and face distorted : Stupor: Cough with rattling in the chest: Yawning and stretching. Novices often fail with CHAMOMILLA. It is not adapted to every case of diarrhoea during dentition. The mental symptoms are of chief importance, but the desire to be carried about is not alone decisive. If, however, the other symptoms correspond, particu- larly of the stool, this symptom will make the choice more certain. CHAM. is not often indicated in cases of long continuance, and is often unable to complete THEIR INIDICATIONS. 39 the cure alone, requiring to be followed by MERC. SOL., or SULPH. 29, CHELIDONIUM MAJ. Stools: Thin, bright yellow fecal; Brown wa- tery; White watery; Mucous; Aggravations: At night, (white watery). Amelioration: From wine, (colic). Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen: Nausea. During Stool: Rumbling in abdomen: Nausea. After Stool: Rumbling in abdomen. Accompaniments: Depression of spirits. Sad- ness. Slimy, white-coated tongue. Disgusting or bitter taste, food tasting natural. Metallic acid taste. Diminished appetite. Desire for wine: for milk, which agrees; for hot drinks, which agree. Aversion to cheese and boiled meat. Jawndice. The CHELIDONIUM combination of symptoms is not very common. Clinical experience with it is therefore meagre. The desire for hot drinks is very peculiar, and may prove characteristic. 30, CHINA, Stools: Yellow watery; Undigested; Blackish; Bilious; Whitish ; Greenish; Bloody ; Yellow mu- cous; Frequent; Involuntary; Putrid; Corrosive; Painless, (undigested and watery stools). Aggravations: After a meal: At night : From 40 THE REMEDIES AND fruit: After measles: During small-pox: After severe acute disease : After loss of fluids : On al- ternate days: Afternoon (colic). Amelioration: By bending double (colic). Before Stool: Colic. During Stool: Stitches and acrid feeling in anus: Thirst. - - After Stool: Tingling in the rectum, as from WOTIOS. Accompaniments: Ptyalism. Tongue coated white or yellow. Diminished appetite. Bitter or sour taste. Bitter taste of all kinds of nourishment. Desire for sour things; wine; fruit; cherries. Desire to drink frequently, but little at a time. Enlargement of the liver and spleen. Colic, often violent, of pinching character, with nausea, with thirst, relieved by bend- ing double, returning every afternoon. Cutting about the umbilicus, with cold Sweat on the fore- head. Distention of the abdomen. Tympanitis. Emis- Sion of large quantities of flatulence, sometimes very fetid. e Dark urine. Great weakness, particularly with the painless stools. Inclination to sweat. Profuse night sweats. CHINA has a very strong resemblance to CARBO vKG. The character of the stool will usually serve to distinguish them, together with the fact, that with the former the stools are often entirely in the night, being absent during the day, even in severe cases, unless they occur after meals, which is also an addi- THEIR INIDICATIONS. 41 tional distinction. When well selected, CHIN, usually completes the cure. 31, CINA, Stools: Greenish, slimy; Bilious; White, mucous; Involuntary; Frequent; Aggravations: During Dentition: In the daytime: (After drinking?) In children. Before Stool: Pinching colic. Accompaniments: Disposed to cry much. Rejects everything that is offered. Paleness of the face, particularly around the nose and mouth, and sickly appearance around the eyes. Disposition to pick or bore in the nose. Cutting and pinching in abdomen. White, turbid wrime. White, jelly-like wrine. Festless sleep; waking frequently, or frequently changing position, waking with cries. Will not sleep without rocking. Grinding of the teeth during sleep. The accompanying symptoms, particularly those italicized, will more frequently indicate CINA than the character of the stools, and will render the choice easy. The characteristic urine is the surest indica- tion. 32, CISTUS CAN. Stools: Thin, grayish yellow, fecal; Hot; Squirting out; Aggravations: After-part of the night till noon: After fruit: After coffee. 4 % 42 T.EIE REMEDIES AND Before Stool: Irresistible urging. Accompaniments: Desire for acid food. Nausea Pain in the stomach after eating. - The irresistible urging to stool early in the morn- ing is like SULPH., but the color and consistence of the stool are different. 33, COCCULUS, Stools: Yellow, soft, fecal; Slimy; Fetid; Frequent; Aggravations: (After drinking cold water?) Before Stool: Emission of hot flatulence. Accompaniments: Metallic, coppery taste in the mouth. Sourish taste after a meal. Intense thirst while eating. Aversion to food; tobacco; drinks; acids. Food tastes as though salted too little. Nau- Sea, with tendency to faint. Eaccessive nausea and vomiting when riding in a carriage, or when becom- $ng cold. Violent spasm of the stomach, with griping, tearing pains. Fetid, or hot flatus. Watery urine. 34, COFFEA. Stools: Liquid, fecal; Offensive; - Aggravation: During dentition: In infants: From sudden joy: From taking cold: In open air. Accompaniments: Over-sensitiveness. Eacitement. Wakefulness. Colic, as if the stomach had been TEIEIR INIDICATIONS. 43 overloaded. Aversion to open air, which also ag- gravates the symptoms. 35, COLCHICUM. Stools: Watery; Jelly-like mucous; Bloody; mingled with a skinny substance. White mucows; Profuse; frequent (watery); Small; frequent (bloody and mucous); Painless (watery); Aggravations: In the autumn : In hot, damp weather: In the evening and night. From motion (vomiting). Before Stool: Colic. During Stool: Tenesmus. After Stool: Tenesmus : Relief of colic. Accompaniments: Peevish ; external impressions, light, noise, strong smells, contact, etc., disturb the temper. Paleness. Heat in the mouth, with thirst. Great thirst, even burning, unquenchable. Increased secretion of saliva, often very profuse. The saliva. causes nausea and inclination to vomit when swal- lowing it. Aversion to food on looking at it, and particularly when smelling of it. The Smell of fish, eggs, fat meats, or broth causes nausea even to faint- mess. Violent vomiting occurring with great ease, (with the watery stools). Womiting of yellowish mucus, very bitter, preceded by long and violent gagging. Every motion excites or renews the vom- iting. Burning in the stomach or icy coldness, also in the abdomen. Colic. Distention of the abdomen, with flatulence. 44 THE REMEDIES AND Much weakness and prostration. CoLCH. stands next to PODOPH. in painless cholera morbus. It differs chiefly in the stools being smaller and less gushing; in the time of aggravation, and the presence of the nausea and vomiting. In dysentery the jelly-like and skinny stools are quite characteristic, particularly the latter. Other Symptoms distinguish it from ALOE., CANTH., and FCALI BICEI. 36, COLOGYNTHIS, Stools: Brownish-yellow fecal; Saffrom yellow, frothy, liquid; First watery and mucous, then bil- Žows, and lastly bloody; Bloody; Bilious; Thin, greenish, slimy, and watery; Thin mucous (pain- less); Undigested; Excoriating; Frequent ; Not profuse; Sour putrīd; Musty, like brown paper burning; Aggravations: From cold diet: From sour things: From eating: After a meal : From fruit: From motion: After veacation, indignation, or grief from ill-treatment: During dentition. Ameliorations: From coffee; Smoking; pressure; lying on the abdomen; bending dowble ; by violent exercise, (pains). Before Stool: Difficulty of retaining the stool: Cutting colic : Great wrging. During Stool: Tensive pain in the forehead: Cut- ting colic : Tenesmus : Nausea. After Stool: Cessation of colic, (or, more rarely, THEIR INDICATIONS. 45 the colic occurs chiefly, and is very severe after stool). Burning and darting pains in the anus. Accompaniments: Tongue coated white or yel- low. Tongue feels scalded. Burning at the tip of the tongue. Bitter taste in the mouth. Much thirst. Nausea lasting until falling asleep, and returning on awaking. Vomiting of food without nausea. Bilious vomiting. Intense griping, cutting, or Squeezing in the intes- times, coming up into the stomach and causing nau- sea. Squeezing as though between stones. Abdo- men feels empty and Sore. Rumbling in abdomen. |Urine fetid, viscid, jelly-like. Frequent urging to urinate, with Small discharge. Cramps in the legs and feet. Sleeplessness. The characteristic pains of COLOC. remain always its prominent indication. Whether they occur before or after stool, or during the interval, it will remove them, and with them, usually, the whole train of symptoms. Sometimes in dysentery, with much tenesmus, MERC. is needed afterward. 37. CONIUM. Stools: Liquid fecal; mingled with hard lumps. Watery; Undigested ; Involuntary (during sleep without waking); Before Stool: Cutting pains. During Stool: Chilliness: Tenesmus: Burning in the rectum. - 46 THE REMEDIES AND After Stool: Palpitation of the heart, sometimes intermittent: Tremulous weakness, passing off in the open air, or when lying. Accompaniments: Desire for acids; salt food; coffee. Nausea after eating. Much inflation of the abdomen after meals, particularly after milk. Emis- sion of fetid or cold flatulence. Cuttings and gripings in the abdomen. Frequent urination. Intermittent stream of urine; the flow stops and starts repeatedly. Yellow color of the skin. Jaundice. Much weakness and lassitude, with desire to sit or lie, In chronic diarrhoea of old men CON. is sometimes the remedy, as indicated by the stool and the uri- nary symptoms, with the tremulous weakness. It may also become indicated by the same symptoms in younger persons, and then, usually, women. 38, COPAIWAE, Stools: White fecal; Bloody; Watery; Copious; Involuntary; Aggravation: In the morning. Amelioration: By bending double (colic). During Stool: Drawing, tearing colic: Chilliness: Tenesmus. w Accompaniments: Loss of appetite. Nausea. Vom- iting. If we had had any clinical experience with COPAI- VAE, we might, perhaps, be able to emphasize Some THEIR INDICATIONs. 47 of the above symptoms. They seem sufficiently dis- tinct and peculiar, but are too few to render a selec- tion certain. 39, CORNUS CIRCINATA, Stools: Dark, bilious, greenish, slimy: Very offensive ; Frequent and scanty; Aggravations: After eating: In the morning. Amelioration: By passage of offensive flatus. Before Stool: Urging. During Stool: Griping pains about the umbilicus: Rumbling, and passage of much very offensive flatus: Burning in rectum and anus: Tenesmus. After Stool: Burning in rectum and anus: Relief of dulness in the head, and distention of stomach. Accompaniments: Entirely indisposed to mental or physical exertion. Cannot think or read. Great relaxation of mind and body. Dulness and weight in the head, particularly the temples, relieved by coffee. Dark rings around the eyes. Conjunctiva, yellow. Yellow color of the face. Face hollow, with an eacpression of weakness and dulmess. Heat in the face without redness. Tongue coated white or yellow. Aphtha. Bitter taste. Thirst for cold drinks. Nausea, with general sticky sweat and feeling of exhaustion. Pain in the stomach after eating, with distention of the stomach and abdomen, better after passage of flatus and stool. Rattling and rumbling in abdomen. Griping pains, Weakness of the extremities. Sleepiness. 48 THE REMEDIES AND CoRNUs C. deserves more attention, and will be found frequently useful, by those who make the most of every well-proved remedy. 40. CR0TON TIGLIUM. Stools: Yellow watery; Dark green, or greenish- yellow liquid; Tenacious mucous; Coming out like a shot. Aggravations: After drinking : While nursing: |While eating. Amelioration: From hot milk(colic): After sleeping. Before Stool: Heat: Anxiety. During Stool: Sweat: Nausea; Colic: Scraping of posterior wall of rectum. After Stool : Sweat on the forehead. Pressing in epigastrium and umbilicus, with protrusion of rec- tum and constant urging to stool: Nausea, with fainting. - Accompaniments: Dry, parched lips. Excessive nausea, with vanishing of sight. Gagging, with ver- tigo, worse after drinking. Colic and writhing around the umbilicus. On pressing on the umbilicus with the hand, a painful sensation is felt all along the intestinal canal to the termination of the rectum, causing the latter to protrude somewhat. The three highly characteristic symptoms of CROT. TIG., the yellow watery stool, sudden expulsion, and aggravation from drink and food, form a trio whose presence will render success certain and brilliant. This stool is not always painful. The other stools THEIR IN DICATIONS. 49 have the same conditions, and are also quickly cured by this remedy. - 41, CUBEBAE. Stools: Blackish, yellowish, fecal ; Bilious ; Yel- low, transparent, mucous; mingled with whitish par- ticles. Bloody mucous; Frequent, (dysenteric stool). Copious, (bilious and fecal); Involuntary; Aggravations: At night, in bed, (colic). Amelioration: From rising from the bed and mov- ing about, (colic). , 8 Before Stool: Cutting pains in hypogastrium. During Stool: Tenesmus: Cutting pains: Loud discharge of flatus. Accompaniments: Desire for delicacies; oranges; acid fruits; spirits; brandy; fresh bread; onions; almonds; nuts. Unquenchable thirst, with feeling of dryness of the mouth, though moistened with an oily saliva. Nausea. Abdomen distended and very sensitive. 42, CUPRUM MET. Stools: Watery; with flakes. Bloody; Frequent ; Not very copious; Amelioration: From drinking cold water, (vom- iting). Accompaniments: Restlessness, tossing about and constant wheasiness. Changed features, full of an- guish. Spasmodic distortion of the face. Face and 5 D - 50 THE REMEDIES AND lips blue and cold. Sunken, deep eyes, with blue 'rings arownd them. Excessive thirst. Sweet taste in the mouth. Tip of the tongue cold. Drink de- scends the Oesophagus with a gurgling sound. Violent vomiting ; of bile ; of water containing flakes, with violent colic and cramps. Violent pains in the stomach. Spasm of the stomach. Violent spasms in the abdomen and wºoper and lower limbs, with piercing screams. |Urine scanty and Seldom, or suppressed. Cramps in the legs and feet. Soft, slow pulse, weak and Small. Long-continued, general cold sweat. General convulsions, with continued vomiting and violent colic. 43, DIGITALIS, Stools: Watery fecal and mucous; Yellowish- white fecal; Whitish or ash-gray fecal; Involuntary; Aggravations: During jawndice : Afternoon, five to six o'clock, (vomiting). Before Stool: Cutting or tearing colic: Chilli- ness: Fainting. After Stool: Urging in the rectum. Accompaniments: Pale face, with bluish hue un- der the pale skin. Yellow color of face and conjunctiva. Tongue coated white. Mouth, tongue, and gums Sore. Fe- tid or sweetish piyalism. Loss of appetite, with clean tongue. Thirst, with desire for sour drinks THEIR INDICATIONS. 51 Desire for bitter food. Violent nausea, with anguish and great despondency. Violent vomiting of food; of green bile ; mucus. Vomiting is sometimes ac- companied by external heat, mingled with chills, and followed by perspiration with chilliness. The nausea is not relieved by vomiting. Tenderness of the liver. Constant desire to urinate, only a small quantity being passed each time. Great weakness. Feeling of Sinking at the stomach, as though one would die. DIGITALIS is chiefly indicated by white stool, with symptoms of jaundice, and the sinking at the stomach. 44, DIOSCOREA. W. Stools: Deep yellow, thin, fecal; Bilious; Watery; Profuse; Aggravations: By sitting, or lying, or bending double (colic). Ameliorations: By eating: In open air : (nausea and general symptoms): By currant-wine, pressure, and walking, (colic). Before Stool: Colic : Urging. - After Stool: Haemorrhoids: Weak, faint feeling in abdomen: The colic continues. - Accompaniments: Nausea. Vomiting. Eructa- tions. Violent twisting colic, occurring in regular paroa-ysms, with remissions. Pains in the legs and knees, relieved by motion, and by rubbing. 52 TEIE REMEDIES AND Disposition to paronychia. DIosc. has a much narrower range than COLOC., but, as in the latter, the colic is the principal indica. tion. It is easily distinguished from the colic of any other remedy by the above symptoms. The disposi- tion to felons may be found with the tendency to colic. Whether met with thus or singly, DIOSC. will usually cure whitlow if taken as soon as the prick- ing in the finger is felt, and greatly relieve, and hasten the termination, if taken later. 45, DULCAMARA. Stools: Yellowish, greenish, watery; Whitish watery; with flocculi. White mucous; Green mu- cous ; Slimy mucous; Bloody; Sour smelling; Frequent; Scanty; Aggravations: After taking cold : When the wea- ther becomes colder: During wet and cold weather: At night: During dentition: After cold drinks: In the afternoon. Before Stool: Perspiration: Nausea; Colic. During Stool: Colic: Perspiration: Heat: Thirst: Eructations: Vomiting: Prolapse of rectum. After Stool : Thirst. Accompaniments: Impatience. Aphthae. Dry tongue. Spongy gums, with ptyalism of tenacious, Soaplike, Saliva. Much thirst for cold drinks. Wom- iting of mucus; of tenacious mucus. Pinching and cutting colic. Dry heat of the skin. THEIR INDICATIONS. 53 DULC. is seldom required except in cases directly traceable to taking cold, or to a change in the wea- ther from warm to cold ; but then it becomes the in- dispensable and all-sufficient remedy, if given at the beginning of the attack. Later, it is of less or no U1S62. + 46, ELATERIUM. Stools: Frothy, watery; Dull, olive-green dis- charges, (mucous or fecal?) Dark green mucous stool, in masses mixed with whitish mucus, streaked with blood. - - Very frequent and copious, (watery); Frequent, (mucous); - Aggravations: After taking cold by standing on damp ground after exertion. - Accompaniments: Bitter taste. Nausea. Vomit- ing. Oppression, stricture, and pain in the epigas- trium, with difficult breathing. Violent cutting pains in the abdomen. This remedy deserves further proving. 47. FERRUM MET. Stools : Watery; Slimy, mucous; Undigested; Involuntary; Painless; Aggravation: After abuse of Cinchona : After eating or drinking. Accompaniments: Rush of blood to the head. Flushed face. Pale face, with red spot on each cheek. Aversion to acids, ale, eggs, meats, which 5 * 54 THE REMEDIES AND also disagree, particularly meats. Unquenchable thirst or thirstlessness. Vomiting of food soon after eating ; of sour and acrid substances. Feeling of weight in abdominal viscera, as though they would fall down when walking. Abdomen feels Sore and bruised to the touch, and when walking. Hard and distended abdomen. Emaciation. Debility. Chlorosis. Exhausting sweats. FERRUM is sometimes required in cases of chronic diarrhoea, in both adults and children, with the above symptoms. Were it not for its excessive abuse by the allopathists, from whom such cases mostly come, it would be more frequently useful. 48, FIUORIC ACID, Stools: Watery; Yellowish-brown, fecal; Offensive ; Aggravations: In the morning: After coffee : On alternate days, a later hour each time. Before Stool: Wiscid, tasteless saliva in the mouth: Burning, pinching pain in the stomach and about the navel: Sensation of distention from flatulence. During Stool: Protrusion of haemorrhoids: Pro- lapsus ani: Pain about the navel. - Accompaniments: Viscid saliva in the mouth at night on waking. Diminished appetite. Desire for highly-seasoned and piquant things. Aversion to coffee. k The aggravation from coffee, classing FLUOR. A.C. with three other remedies, give it its chief interest. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 55 It is distinguished from OXAL. A.C. by the symptoms of the mouth and appetite, and the absence of head- ache. 49, GELSEMINUIM. Stools: Yellow fecal; Cream-colored fecal ; Bil- ious; Aggravations: From Sudden depressing emotions, fright, grief, bad news. Before Stool: Colic: Passage of flatus. During Stool: Difficult passage of stool, as though the sphincter ani were spasmodically closed. Accompaniments: Desire to be quiet, to be let alone. Feeling of intoxication. Tongue coated yel- lowish-white, with fetid breath. Little or no thirst. Drowsiness. - Many persons are seized with diarrhoea whenever subjected to sudden depressing emotions, particularly fear and anxiety. The anticipation of any unusual ordeal — as appearing in public, undergoing an ex- amination, Submitting to a surgical operation — is sufficient to excite it. GELS. removes it, together with the trepidation which caused it. 50, GRAPHITES. Stools: Brown fluid; mixed with wndigested sub- stances, and of an intolerable fetor. Reddish or white mucous; Sour smelling; 56 THE REMEDIES AND Aggravations: At night: After taking cold : After the menses. Before Stool: Colic. During Stool: Burning in the rectum. After Stool: Smarting soreness in the anus: Ten- der haemorrhoids. Accompaniments: Bitter taste in the mouth. Taste as of rotten eggs in the morning. Sour taste after a meal. Tongue coated. Aversion to salt things, meat, and fish. Desire for drink to cool one's self internally, without thirst. Fulness and hardness of the abdo- men. Distended abdomen. Lassitude of the whole body. Inclination to stretch, without being able to satisfy it sufficiently. GRAPH. occupies a subordinate position in the treatment of diarrhoea, but the emphasized symp- toms describe a condition sometimes met with, and often chronic, where it proves curative. 51, GRATIOLA OFF. Stools: Watery; Yellow, green, frothy, watery; Brown fetid mucous; Frequent; Gushing out with force ; Aggravations: In the open air : After drinking too freely of water not very cold. Ameliorations: After eating, and by eructations, (nausea). Before Stool: Nausea : Rumbling in the abdo- men: Cutting round the umbilicus. THEIR INDICATIONS. 57 After Stool: Pressure in the abdomen when walk. ing, disappearing when sitting: Coldness: Shudder. ing when entering a room. Accompaniments: Accumulation of clear water in the mouth, causing frequent spitting. Appetite for nothing but bread. Aversion to smoking. Vio- lent thirst. Nausea, and inclination to vomit. Wom- iting of bitter water or a yellowish substance. Cold feeling of the stomach, as if full of water. Cold feeling in the abdomen. There is reason to believe that GRATIOLA will prove particularly serviceable in cases of cholera morbus resulting from drinking excessive quantities of water of moderate coolness; the quantity, and not the cold- ness, being the cause. 52, GUMMI. GUTT. Stools: Thin yellow fecal; Watery; Yellowish or greenish watery; mixed with mucus. Dark yel- lowish-brown, watery; Bloody mucous or slimy ; Dark green mucous; Offensive; (dark green mucous stool.) Corrosive; Frequent ; Quite copious; Coming out all at once, with a single, somewhat prolonged effort. Aggravation: Forenoon, or during the day. Amelioration: From pressing the abdomen, (cut- ting pains). Before Stool: Sudden wrging, with hot pinching throughout the abdomen: Cutting pains. 58 THE REMEDIES AND During Stool: Strong urging, causing the stool to pass quickly: Much flatus: Burning and heat in the anus: Tenesmus: Prolapsus ani. After Stool: Feeling of great relief in the abdo- men, as though an irritating substance were removed from the intestines: Burning in the anus: Anus sore and excoriated. . Accompaniments: Despondency. Sadness. Volup- twows itching of the canthi and eyelids. Diminished appetite. There seems to be a good appetite, but a little food satisfies it. Aphtha ; deep ulcers in the mouth, inner side of the lips and cheeks. Nausea and vomiting, after taking drink or food, (with the watery, and some- times the mucous stools). - - Rumbling in the abdomen. Gurgling, as of a fluid running from a bottle. |Urine Smells like onions, scenting the room. Much lassitude and debility GUMM. GUTT. is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of diarrhoea, both acute and chronic, and has also a place in the therapeutics of infantile diarrhoea, and of dysentery. It closely resembles ALOES. It may be distinguished, however, by the absence of haemorrhoids, by the rapid expulsion of stool, and by the immediate accompanying symp- toms of the stool as italicized above. When well selected, gamboge usually gives a prompt and per- manent cure, without subsequent aid from other remedies. TEIEITF INDICATIONS. 59 53. HELLEBORUS NIGER, Stools: White, jelly-like, mucous; Pure, tenacious, white mucows; Watery; Frequent ; - Aggravations: In children: During dentition: During acute hydrocephalus. Before Stool: Nausea : Colic. During Stool: Urging: Tenesmus. . After Stool: Burning, smarting, at the anus. Accompaniments: Taciturnity. Pale, oedematous appearance of the face. Ptyalism, with Soreness of the corners of the mouth. Aphtha in the mouth. Womiting of green or blackish substances. HELL. N. brings help sometimes, when without it help would be hard to find, or be sought in vain. The stool is chiefly characteristic, and is such as sometimes occurs in protracted and dangerous cases of infantile diarrhoea. 54, HEPAR SULPH. Stools: Light yellow fecal; thin or papescent; Un- digested; Whitish, sour smelling ; Bloody mucous; Painless ; Aggravations: During the day : After eating: After drinking cold water: After abuse of mercury or cinchona. Amelioration: After eating, (symptoms of the stomach.) Accompaniments: Depressed or irritable mood. Disinclination for mental or bodily exertion. Sour. 60 THE REMEDIES AND ish, metallic taste. Bitter taste. Generally good appetite. Desire for acids; wine; tea. Much thirst. Hot, sour regurgitation of food. Sour vomiting. Womiting of green, acrid water. Frequent momen- tary attacks of nausea. Morning nausea and vom- iting. Pressure and pain in the stomach, relieved by eating; by eructation; by passing flatus. Empty sinking feeling at the stomach. Strong and com- fortable feeling after a meal. Frequent desire to loosen the clothing about the stomach, particularly a few hours after a meal. Acrid feeling in the stom- ach during digestion. HEPAR SUL. occupies a leading position in the the- rapeutics of chronic diarrhoea. The cases calling for it are among the most common. They come often from allopathic treatment, having abuse of mercury or cinchona, and often suppression of Scabies in their history. So many of the characteristic symptoms are referred to the stomach, that the cases might be classed under dyspepsia. It most resembles LYCOP. The time of aggravation is the most constant dis- tinction. 55, HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA. Stools: Dark or black fecal; afterward watery; Fetid; Aggravations: At night: At midnight: In the morning : After drinking water, (colic). Before Stool: Sudden urging: Colic. During Stool: Colic: Much discharge of flatus: Burning in the stomach and anus: Tenesmus. THEIR INIDI DATIONS. 61 After Stool: Pulsation in the anus. Accompaniments: Violent headache. Dryness of the mouth. Burning in the mouth, not relieved by cold water. Mouth and tongue studded with small vesicles, preventing the taking of Solid nourishment. Bleeding of the mouth. Tongue coated white, with small red spots not coated. Bloody taste. Bitter taste, worse after sleeping. Increased saliva, fetid, yellowish, burning. Thirst for water. Aversion to wine, spirits, meat, and bread. Violent vomiting, of ingesta ; bitter; watery ; green; of a bitter wa- tery substance, on which float pieces like white, hard- ened fat. Tympanitis. Drowsiness. Though published nearly fifteen years ago, this remedy remains a stranger to most of us. The symptoms are not at all equivocal, and it may well be placed among our reserve forces. 56, HYDROPHOBIN. Stools: Bloody mucous; Bloody; Aggravations: On Seeing water, or hearing it run: During Stool: Tenesmus. After Stool: Tenesmus. Accompaniments: Ill humor. Irritability. Incli- nation to be rude and abusive, to bite and strike. Aversion to drinking water, but can take small quan- tities of chocolate. Large quantities of tough saliva in the mouth, with constant spitting. HYDROPH. adds an interesting and well-confirmed - 6 t 62 THE REMEDIES AND symptom to our repertory, in the aggravation, which, with the other symptoms, makes it applicable in dys- entery. Those who have scruples about using a remedy of this character, are at liberty to cure cases having this distinctive condition, with some other remedy, if they can. 57. HYOSCIAMUs. Stools: Yellow watery; Watery; Mucous; Frequent ; Involuntary; in bed without conscious- ness of it. Painless ; Nearly odorless; Aggravations: During typhoid fever: During ly- ing-in. *- Accompaniments: Delirium. Things seem too large. Frequent looking at the hands, because they seem too large. Unconsciousness, with no wants except thirst. Fear of being poisoned or sold. When spoken to, replies properly, but delirium and unconsciousness immediately return. Desire to wroover, or undress, and remain naked. Clean, parched, dry tongue. Much thirst. Hic- cough. Involuntary urination. Sleeplessness from nervous irritation. Subsultus tendinum. Picking at the bed-clothes. Convulsions. Spasms. The symptoms of the stools of HYos. are suffi- ciently unlike those of any other remedy, to make the choice easy, but the accompanying symptoms make it certain. THEIR INDICATIONS. 63 58, IPECACUANHA. Stools: Green mucous; as green as grass. White mucous; Bloody; Bloody mucous; Fermented; Putrid; Frequent; Aggravations: At night: During dentition: In children: After a cold: From motion, (colic). Amelioration: From rest, (colic). Before Stool: Colic: Nausea : Vomiting. During Stool: Colic: Nausea: Vomiting: Cold- ness: Paleness. •. After Stool : Lassitude. Accompaniments: Irritability. Impatience. Pale face, with blue margins about the eyes. Increased secretion of saliva. No thirst. Desire for dainties and sweet things. Nausea, proceeding from the stom- ach, with empty eructations and a flow of Saliva. Vomiting: of ingesta; of yellow mucus; of bile; of large lumps of fetid mucus; of green, jelly-like mucus; of grass-green mucus ; of large quantities of mucus. Excessive indescribable sick feeling in the region of the stomach. Flatulent colic. Griping, pinching about the umbilicus, as though the intes- times were grasped with hands. Skin cool. Suffo. cative catarrh of the chest. Spasms. Sleep with eyes half open. The continuous nausea is the most constant dis- tinctive symptom of IPEC. The addition of the char- acteristic vomiting, and the violent colic is more rare, and renders the choice more nearly certain. This 64 THE REMEDIES AND remedy is seldom suited to cases of long continu. ance, and is often unable to complete the cure alone. 59, IRIS WERSICOLOR. Stools: Watery; Watery; mixed with mucus. Bloody, mucous; Thin, yellow, fecal; Greenish; Undigested; Frequent; Profuse; Corrosive; Aggravations: At night: After supper. Amelioration: By bending double, (colic). Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen: Cutting in the lower part of the abdomen. During Stool: Cutting: Tenesmus: Burning at the anus. After Stool: Pricking as of points in the anus: Burning of the anus, as though on fire : Prolapse of the rectum. Accompaniments: Flat taste. Bitter or putrid taste. Increase of saliva, which is ropy. Loss of appetite. Empty eructations. Nausea. Womiting, with burning in the mouth, fauces, and aesophagus. Violent vomiting, of ingesta; of bile; of an eactremely sour fluid. Much exhaustion and debility. The characteristic symptoms of IRIs V. are not among those of most frequent occurrence, but when met with, are not difficult to recognize. It will be found applicable mostly to cholera morbus, occurring in the hottest of the season. TEIEIR IN DICATIONS. 65 60, JATROPHIA CURCAS, Stools: Watery; Profuse ; Gushing out like a torrent. Accompaniments: Pale face, blue margins about the eyes. Dryness and burning of the mouth, tongue, and throat, or increase of thin saliva. Violent, wh- quenchable thirst. Eructations. Vomiting of large masses of dark green bile and mucus, of large quan- tities of watery albuminous substances. Burning in the stomach. Spasmodically contracting pains in the stomach. Abdomen swollen, and tender to the touch. Rumbling and noise as of a bottle of water being emptied in the abdomen, not ceasing after stool. Cramps in the legs and feet. Coldness of the body. General, cold, clammy, perspiration. Those who have used JATROPHA in the treatment of cholera, have confirmed the above symptoms, and they are such as give it a prominent place in the treat- ment of the first stage of that disease, before the pe- riod of collapse. The albuminous vomiting is a very characteristic symptom. This and the other symp- toms are also sometimes met with in cholera morbus. 61. IOIDINE, Stools: Watery, foamy, whitish mucous ; Bloody, mucous; Thick, mucous; Fecal; Purulent; Copious; Fetid; Aggravations: In the morning: After eating, (ab- dominal Symptoms). Amelioration: After eating, (pain in stomach). 6 % E 66 THE REMEDIES AND After Stool: Burning at the anus. . Accompaniments: Restlessness. Inclination to con- stantly change position, so that one can neither sit nor sleep. Pale, yellowish complexion. Aphtha in the mouth, with ptyalism. Thickly coated, or dry tongue. Putrid smell from the mouth. Much thirst. Eating too often and too much, digestion being rapid, and yet the emaciation goes on. Pains in the stomach, gnawing or corroding, better after eating. Violent and continued vomiting, renewed by eating. Left hypochondrium hard, and painful on pressure, (en- larged spleen). Cutting in the abdomen. Pressing and bearing down toward the pelvis. Sleeplessness. Emaciation. Prostration and debility. IoDINE is suitable only to a chronic diarrhoea of an exhausting character. The restlessness is a con- stant desire for change of place, without anguish and tossing, as in ARS. 62, KALI BICH, Stools: Blackish, watery; Brownish, frothy, wa- tery; Bloody; Jelly-like; Frequent; Gushing out, (watery stools). Aggravations: In the morning : Periodically, every year: In the early part of the Summer: After rheu- matism. Before Stool: Urgent pressure to stool: (waking one in the morning.) During Stool: Painful urging: Tenesmus: Gnaw. ing pain about the umbilicus. TEIEIR IN DICATIONS. 67 After Stool: Tenesmus; Burning in the abdomen, With nausea and violent straining to vomit. Accompaniments: Ill humor. Sadness. Pale yel- lowish complexion. Dryness of the mouth and lips, relieved only a short time by taking cold water. In- crease of Saliva, which is frothy, viscid, and tastes bitter or salt. Tongue coated thick, brown, like thick, yellow felt at the root, papillae elevated. Tongue dry, red, smooth, and cracked. Much thirst. Desire for ale or acid drinks. Nausea, with feeling of heat in the whole body and dizziness. Womiting of sour, undigested food; of bitter bile; of mucus; of pink- ish, glairy fluid; of blood; accompanied by cold per- spiration on the hands. Tympanitis. Much debility and desire to lie down. KALI BICH. proves of great service in a variety of cases, but chiefly in dysentery, with the charac- teristic tongue and gelatinous stools. Sometimes, however, with those stools the tongue has nothing peculiar. The morning aggravation will then decide the choice. After CANTH. has removed stools like Scrapings, jelly-like stools will sometimes appear. Rali bich. will then complete the cure. 63, KALI CARB, Stools: Light gray, fecal; Yellowish or brownish, fecal; Profuse ; Involuntary, (when passing flatus); Aggravations: At night: In the evening: Day and night: After milk. . 68 THE REMEDIES AND Before Stool: Sudden and violent urging: Colic Pinching deep in the abdomen: Rumbling. During Stool: Colic : Smarting at the anus: After Stool: Burning at the anus ; Pinching pains. Accompaniments: Irritable. Easily startled. Aver. sion to noise. Face yellow, bloated. Swelling over the upper eyelid in the morning, like a little bag. Bitter taste. Desire for acids or sugar. Aversion to rye bread or brown bread. Sour eructations. Sour vomiting. Much flatulence. Drowsiness in the day- time and early in the evening. Much weariness. De- bility, and desire to lie down. KALI C. is only useful in chronic cases, with the peculiar cachexia revealed by the puffiness under the eyebrow. 64, KALI NITR. Stools: Watery; Thin, fecal; Bloody; Aggravations: In the morning: During the day: After eating veal. Amelioration: By emission of flatus, (colic and urging). - Before Stool: Violent colic : Urging. During Stool: Cutting colic in whole intestinal canal: Tenesmus. After Stool: Cutting colic: Tenesmus : Burning and stinging in the anus. Accompaniments: Headache. Fetid odor from the mouth. Tongue coated white. Little appetite, with much thirst. Violent colic, more in the right side of the abdomen. TEIEIR INIDICATIONS. . 69 Debility, felt more when sitting than during gentle motion. Some persons always have diarrhoea after eating veal. The curability of such cases with KALI NITR. needs somewhat more confirmation, but no other remedy has had this symptom so well confirmed as yet. 65, LACHESIS, Stools: Watery; Light yellow, fecal; Very offensive; Undigested; Alternating with constipation; Aggravations: After eating: In the spring : In warm weather: In the evening or night: After acids: After fruit: During typhoid fever. Amelioration: By bending forward, (colic). Before Stool: Rumbling. During Stool: Burning at the anus. After Stool: Burning at the anus: Tenesmus. Accompaniments: Loquacity. Anterior half of the tongue red, smooth, and shining. In putting out the tongue, it catches on the teeth or under-lip. Much thirst. Desire for wine; for oysters. Desire to loosen the clothing about the waist. Spasmodic colic, relieved by bending for- ward. Much flatulence. Distention of the abdomen. Languor. Debility. Exhaustion as from warm wea- ther. . - LACH. is not often required in the treatment of diarrhoea. In chronic cases, or, when occurring in 70 THE REMEDIES AND the progress of other acute diseases, it may become indicated by the concomitant symptoms. 66, LAUROCERASUS, (HYDRocyANIC ACID.) Stools: Green, liquid, mucows ; Fecal; Involuntary ; Aggravation: In the afternoon. Before Stool: Cutting in the abdomen. During Stool: Tenesmus. After Stool : Burning at the anus. Accompaniments: Sunken countenance. Livid, grayish-yellow complexion. Eyes staring, or lightly closed; pupils dilated, (sometimes contracted) and immovable. White and dry tongue. Violent thirst. Entire loss of appetite. Drink rolls audibly through the aesophagus and intestines. Stitching pain in the liver. Distention of the region of the liver, which is very tender to the touch. Suppression or retention of urine. Slow, feeble, moaning, or rattling breathing. Irregular action of the heart. Pulse slow, irregular, or imperceptible. Skin cold, livid. In Cholera: Absence of vomiting and stools: As- phyaſia: Coldness of the body; Pulselessness: Faint- ing: Tetanic spasms. The symptoms of LAUROC. remind us at once of a most severe and fatal form of cholera infantum. The rattling of drink as it rolls down the Oesophagus is THEIR INIDICATIONS. 71 the most characteristic symptom, and one of evil omen. In these cases, the other symptoms corre- sponding, this remedy will save many otherwise fatal cases. The same remark applies also to cholera and cholera morbus. 67. LEPTANDRIA, Stools: Black, fecal, fluid ; Watery; Watery mu- cous; Watery; with large quantities of mucus. Pro- fuse; Fetid; Before Stool: Great urging, with inability to re- tain the stool: Severe colic: Loud rumbling. After Stool: Sharp, cutting pains, and distress in the wºmbilical region: Weak feeling in the abdomen and rectum. Accompaniments: Tongue coated yellow along the centre. Nausea, with faintness. Womiting. Severe and constant distress between the wºmbilicus and epi- gastrium, with sharp, cutting pains. Aching, burn- ing Sensation in the region of the liver, aggravated by drinking cold water. Much weakness. Clinically, little is known of LEPT. ; but the symp- toms derived from provings are peculiar and distinc- tive, though not such as are often met with in prac- tice. The symptom of the region of the liver is found on the opposite side, under NATR. CARB. 68. LITHIUM CARB. Stools: Light, yellow, fecal; 72 THE REMEDIES AND Stinking; Aggravations: After fruit ; After chocolate: At night: In the morning. Accompaniments: Appetite quickly satisfied. Gnawing pains in the stomach, relieved by eating Much stinking flatus. Pain in the bladder, before and after urination. Strong urging to urinate 69. LYCOPODIUM. Stools: Thin, brown or pale fecal; mixed with hard lumps. Thin, yellow or reddish-yellow, fluid; Fetid; Painless; Aggravations: At 4 p.m. and until 8 p.m., (flatu- lence, pains, and stools): At 1 A. M., or soon after midnight, (stools): During pregnancy: After milk: After oysters: (?) After a meal, (stomach and ab- domen): In the morning, (stools): After cold food. Ameliorations: (Of the stomach symptoms): By eructations: By loosening the clothing about the stom- ach . By rubbing the epigastrium with the hand: By application of cold substances to the epigastrium: After eating. - Before Stool: Chilliness in the rectum : Colic : During Stool: Biting at the anus: Burning at the anus: Chilliness: Colic. Accompaniments: Earthy color of the face. Flushed face. Blue rings around the eyes. Bad or putrid Smell TEIEIR INIDICATIONS. 73 from the mouth in the morning. Bitter taste. Sour taste in the mouth, and of food. Little or no thirst. Canine hunger. Desire for sweet things. Aversion to bread; to warm, boiled food; to meat; to coffee ; to smoking. If the canine hunger is not satisfied, Severe headache results, which is relieved after eating. A little food seems to fill the stomach full, and causes fulness and distention of the abdomen. Erwctations. Pain, tenderness, and swelling of the region of the stomach, relieved by loosening the clothing. Sinking at the stomach. : . Nausea, in the morning. Flatulent distention of the abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence. Loud rumbling of flatus in the abdomen. . - Weakness. Nervous debility. Chlorosis. Emaciation. Peet cold. - LYCOP. is one of the noblest monuments to the genius of Hahnemann, as well as one of the most convincing proofs of the homoeopathic doctrines. This innocent substance is developed by potentizing into one of our most valuable remedies for chronic diarrhoea, as met with in weak, chlorotic, dyspeptic, and debilitated persons. The characteristic symp- toms are marked, and need no comment, The symp- toms of the stool are subordinate. The “chilliness in the rectum,” before stool, is a singular but genuine symptom, which further observation may prove to be characteristic. 7 74 THE REMEDIES AND Before LYC. is frequently needed some other, not antipsoric remedy, (often NUX. VOM.) 70. MAGNESIA CARB. Stools: Green, watery; frothy; with green scum like that of a frog-pond. White masses, like lumps of tallow, floating in the green watery stool. Bloody mucows; Green mucous; Greenish-yellow, slimy, mucous; Brown, fluid ; Profuse ; Sour smelling; Aggravations: In hot weather: During dentition: During the day. Amelioration: After eating warm soup, (colic.) Before Stool: Cutting and pinching in the abdo- men : General heat: Rumbling : Emission of flatus. During Stool: Colic: Urging : Temesmus. After Stool: Temesmus: Burning at the anus. Accompaniments: Anxiety and general feeling of heat. Bitter taste. Sour taste. Tongue coated white. Much thirst for cold water, more in the evening and night ; also for acid drinks. Desire for fruit. Little appetite. Flatulent distention of the abdomen, with rumbling, and cutting and pinching colic. Debility. Much of the ground which should have been oc- cupied by MAGN. CARB. has heretofore been given to Coloc. and MERC. A better acquaintance with the former will prevent this in future. It is a remedy of the first order in dysentery and infantile diarrhoea. The stools are highly characteristic. The bloody THEIR IN DICATIONS. 75 mucous is found mixed with the green watery stool, sinking to the bottom of the vessel and adhering there; but the watery stool occurs alone. 71, MERCURIUS SOL. (MERCURIUs WIvus.) Stools: Dark green, bilious, frothy; Whitish wa- tery; Green, mucous; Bloody mucows; Green, slimy; Bloody; Frequent ; Scanty; Corrosive ; Sour smelling; Aggravations: From cool evening air: At night: In hot weather : During the day: During den- tition. Before Stool: Violent and frequent wrging: Nau- sea : Pinching and cutting in the abdomen : Anx- iety, anguish, trembling, and Sweat, either warm or cold: Chilliness : Chilliness mingled with flashes of heat. During Stool: Violent and frequent urging: Nau- sea : Eructations: Pinching and cutting colic : Chìl- liness: Hot sweat on the forehead: Violent tenesmus : After Stool: Violent tenesmus : Cutting and pinch- ing colic: Rawness of the anus and adjacent parts: The warm sweat on the forehead becomes cold. Accompaniments: Open fontanelles. Large head. Face pale, earthy, yellow. Eyes dull. Gums swollen, bleeding easily. Tongue swollen, soft, and flabby, taking impressions of the teeth on its edges; coated whitish, yellowish. Aphtha. Increase of saliva, or profuse Salivation. 76 THE REMEDIES AND Bad smell from the mouth. Teeth feel too long and are sensitive. Taste bitter; putrid. Violent thirst : for cold drinks; for beer. Womiting: bilious; of bitter mucus. Begion of liver painful and sensitive to contact. Frequent urination. Tenesmus vesicae. Great debility. Perspiration on the least exertion. Sleeplessness at night, with sleepiness in the day- time. Restless sleep. Sowr-smelling night-8weat, par- ticularly on the head, cold on the forehead. Jaundice. - Few remedies require more careful selection than MERC. Its symptoms, though marked and decided, differ more from other remedies in intensity than in quality, and it requires an observing experience to measure this difference. It differs negatively, how- ever, from many other similar remedies, wanting characteristics which they possess. In psoric infants the choice has often to be made between CALC., SIL., and MERC., and must be made with care, as a mistake is not easily rectified. 72, MERCURIUS CORROS. Stools: Bloody, slimy; Scanty; Frequent ; Aggravation: Day and night. Before, during, and after Stool: Constant tenesmus and urging to stool: Cutting colic. Accompaniments: Tenesmus vesicae. Urine scanty, hot, bloody, or suppressed. THEIR INDICATIONS. 77 In the absence of any provings except poisonings, the finer shades of MERC. CORR. are not known. One thing is certain, however, that it is too frequently employed in dysentery, to which it is only applicable when occurring in great intensity and accompanied by the characteristic urinary symptoms, as given above. 73, MEZEREUM, Stools: Brown, fecal; Fermented; Undigested; Small; Frequent; Sour; Offensive; Aggravations: In the evening: After suppression of an eruption of thick crusts covering thick pus. Before Stool: Chill: Colic. During Stool: Increased urging: Colic : Prolapsus recti. - After Stool: Chill: Constriction of the prolapsus: Weakness: Sensitiveness to cold, open air: Painful tenesmus, extending to the perineum and urethra, (male.) Accompaniments: Pale, wretched look. Increase of saliva. Tongue coated white or yellow. Bitter taste. Much colic; cutting, pinching, drawing, re- lieved by rising, stretching, and emission of flatus. Exhaustion. Debility. In cases of chronic diarrhoea, with a psoric anam- nesis, MEZ. will sometimes prove to be the remedy for the whole condition. 7 3& 78 TEIE REMEDIES AND 74, MURIATIC ACID, Stools: Fecal; Watery; Involuntary ; without desire, while passing urine. Aggravation: Evening and morning: After a meal: Turing typhoid fever. Before Stool: Rumbling: Colic. During Stool: Smarting and cutting in the anus: Burning in the anus: Colic. After Stool: Burning in the anus: Protrusion of dark, purple varices. Accompaniments: Taciturnity or ill humor. Tongue heavy, like lead, preventing talking. Dryness of the mouth. Aversion to meat. Sleepiness in the daytime, sleeplessness at night, with bland delirium, and in- clination to slide down in the bed. Great debility. The lower jaw hangs down. Perspiration during the first sleep before midnight. Pulse weak and slow, intermitting every third beat. To delineate MUR. A.C. further, would be to give its full indications in typhoid fever, of which the di- arrhoea is only an accompanying symptom. It is also highly applicable to diarrhoea with protrusion of blue or dark-purple haemorrhoids. 75, NATRUM CARB, Stools: Yellow, fecal; Fecal; Watery or liquid ; Thick mucous; latter part tinged with blood. Ex- pelled with a gush, (watery or liquid stool). Aggravations: After taking milk : After eating: THEIR INIDICATIONS. 79 After taking cold: During a thunder-shower. Amelioration: After eating, (stomach symptoms). Before Stool: Cutting: Strong urging. During Stool: Tenesmus: Burning at the anus. After Stool: Pain in the rectum. Accompaniments: Ill humor. Depression of spir- its. Much thirst. Bitter taste of food. Aversion to milk. Gnawing and pressure in the stomach, re- lieved by eating. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, worse after drinking very cold water. NATR. CARB. is rarely indicated in the treatment of diarrhoea, but as one of the remedies having an aggravation from milk, it may sometimes be required in chronic cases. The stomach symptoms should also correspond. 76, NATRUM SULPH. Stools: Thin, yellow, fluid; (fecal?) Half liquid; (fecal ?) * * Not frequent ; Often painless ; Aggravations: In the morning, (after rising). During the day: After farinaceous food. Before Stool: Contractive pain in the abdomen, extending into the chest: Pinching: Pains in the groins and hypogastrium. During Stool: Slight tenesmus and burning in the anus: Profuse emission of flatus. - After Stool: Cheerfulness: Happy mood: Burn. ing at the anus. Accompaniments: Thirst in the evening. Feeling 80 THE REIMEDIES AND of fulness in the abdomen. Incarceration of flatus; at night, painful. Bruised pain in the intestines. Stitches in the region of the liver, and sensitiveness when walking in the open air. Constant uneasiness in the bowels and urging to stool. Passing of large quantities of flatus, mostly fetid. Panaritium. Inflammation and suppuration around the roots of the nails. NATR. SULPH. is one of the most frequently indi- cated remedies in cases of chronic diarrhoea, where the loose morning stool is the leading symptom. The flatulent symptoms are very characteristic, but not necessarily present, . The tendency to “run rounds,” or painful suppu- rations around the finger-nails is often present, and is a strong confirmatory indication. The morning stool differs from that of SULPH. in occurring later and after rising. 77. NICCOLUM. Stools: Thin, fecal ; Yellow, mucous; Coming out with force, (yellow mucous); Aggravation: After taking milk : In the morning. Before Stool: Urging: Pinching: Cutting. During Stool: Stinging in the rectum : Wiolent urging: Tenesmus. After Stool: Colic : Renewed unsuccessful urging and tenesmus. Accompaniments: Hunger, without appetite or any relish for food, but feels better after eating. THEIR INI)ICATIONS. 81 Much thirst day and night. Nausea, with gulping up of sour water. Distended abdomen. Much flatulence, fetid or inodorous. This remedy resembles several others in the ag- gravation after milk, but differs from them all in other symptoms. We have had no clinical experi- ence with it as yet. - 78, NITRIC ACID, Stools: Mucous; Green mucous; Bloody mucous; Undigested; Yellowish-white, fluid; Putrid; Fetid; Acrid ; Aggravation: On alternate days: During typhoid fever: After dinner: After abuse of mercury. Before Stool: Colic: Drawing pains: Cuttings. During Stool: Nausea; Colic: Tenesmus. After Stool: Exhaustion: Irritation, anxiety and general uneasiness. Accompaniments: Irritability or despondency. Anxiety about the disease. Vanishing of thought. Dulness of the head. Headache, aggravated by the jar and rattle of carriages on the street. Pale, yel- lowish complexion. Ulcers in the mouth and fauces. Copious flow of saliva. Putrid smell from the mouth. Sour or bitter taste after eating. Aversion to boiled meat; to sweet things; to bread. Appetite for her- ring; fat food; earth, chalk, lime, starch. Much thirst. Cutting in the abdomen, (in the morning in bed). Much flatulence and rumbling. Urine dark, F 82 THE REMEDIES AND with a strong Smell, or sourish smell, like the urine of horses. Cold feet, (with colic). Night-sweat. Debility. Emaciation, especially of the upper arms and thighs. According to the published symptoms, NITR. A.C. resembles ALUMINA, but those symptoms are not confirmed by clinical observation. The appetite for chalk, lime, and similar substances obstinately re- fuses to yield to this remedy, and we are glad to notice that this symptom is not found in Hahne- mann's proving.—As one of the remedies having green mucous stools, it should be studied in infantile diarrhoea, particularly after abuse of mercury, or in children of syphilitic parents. 79, NUX MOSCHATA, Stools: Thin, yellow; (like beaten or stirred eggs). Bloody; Undigested ; Watery; Slimy ; Putrid; Profuse ; - Aggravation: In children, (girls?): At night: Dur- ing dentition: From taking cold: In cool, damp weather : After milk: After cold drinks: In the morning: During typhoid fever. After eating and drinking, (colic.) When riding, (nausea.) Amelioration : By application of moist heat, (pains.) Before Stool: Cuttings. During Stool: Urging. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 83 After Stool: Acrid feeling in the anus: Sensation as if more stool would pass. Accompaniments: Fitful mood: Inclination to laugh. Mouth very dry. Saliva like cotton. Dryness of the mouth, with taste as after eating strongly salted food. Chalky, or pappy taste. Little or no thirst. Craving hunger, but the food eaten oppresses the stomach. Nausea, more while riding. Colic, worse after taking food or drink, relieved by hot, wet cloths. Urine scanty. Great drowsiness. Torpor. Lethargy. Cool, dry skin. Disposition to faint. Great languor. In the exhausting diarrhoeas of children, accom- panied by great sleepiness, and worse at night, NUX MOSCH. is the remedy. 80. NUX WOMICA, Stools: Thin, brownish, mucous; Thin, bloody, mucous; Thin, green, mucous; Dark, thin, fecal; Dark, watery; Brown, fluid ; Alternating with con- stipation ; Frequent; Small; Corrosive ; Offensive; Aggravation: After debauchery : After abuse of alcoholic spirits: After drastic medicines or pro- longed drugging : After night-watching : During jaundice: After taking cold : In the morning, (gen- eral condition): After over-exertion of the mind. Before Stool: Cutting about the umbilicus: Back- ache, as if broken : Constant wrging. 84 TEIE REMEDIES AND During Stool: Cutting: Backache : Violent te- 71.687,171S. After Stool: Cessation of the pains and tenesmus : Burning at the anus. Accompaniments: Irritability. Over-sensitiveness to eaſternal impressions, light, noise, strong smells, jar, etc. Dull headache. Yellowness of the eyes and face. Pale, earthy color of the face. Gums swollen, bleed- ing. Bad Smell from the mouth. Tongue coated thick, dirty yellowish-white. Thirst. Loss of appetite. Aversion to bread, coffee, tobacco, ale. Desire for chalk, brandy, fat food. Putrid, sour, or bitter taste. Hiccough. Nausea, in the morning and after dinner. Intolerance of the pressure of the clothing about the hypochondria. Colic : pinching, cutting, contractive, griping. Pain, as if the contents of the abdomen were sore and raw. Much flatulence. - - Painful, ineffectual desire to urinate. Frequent urging to urinate. Drowsiness in the daytime and after eating. Debility. Sinking at the stomach. Desire to sit or lie down. Sensitiveness to open air, or to a slight current of air. Emaciation. Chlorosis. NUx VOM is often of first importance in dysentery, with the characteristic stools and immediate accom- paniments. In slow fevers with alternating consti- pation and diarrhoea, and in chlorosis, as well as jaundice, it holds an important place. In the latter THEIR INIDICATIONS. 85 affections the general symptoms, more than the stools, decide for this remedy. NUx must not be overlooked in the treatment of diarrhoea because more often used for constipation. 81. OLEANDER, Stools: Thin, yellow, fecal; Undigested, (food of the previous day); Watery; Scanty; Involuntary, (when emitting flatus); Aggravations: In the morning: In children. Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen. Accompaniments: Pale, sunken face in the morn- ing, with blue rings around the eyes. Canine hunger, and hasty eating without appetite. Thirst for cold water. White-coated tongue. Aversion to cheese. Nausea, and vomiting ; of mucus; of sour, liquid food; of yellowish-green, bitter water. After vomit- ing, ravenous hunger and thirst. Rolling and rumbling in the intestines, with emis- sion of much flatulence; of fetid flatulence like rotten eggs. Some children are much troubled with frequent soiling the clothes when passing flatus. OLEANDER cures this, and also more acute attacks of involun- tary and of undigested stool, as described above. 82, OPIUM. Stools: Watery; Dark, fluid, frothy; Offensive; Involuntary; Aggravation: After fright: After sudden joy: 8 86 TEIE REMEDIES AND During typhoid fever. During Stool: Burning in the anus: Tenesmus. Accompaniments: Drowsiness or Sopor. Apathy. Stupid, comatose sleep, with rattling breathing, or slumber with half-open eyes, carphologia, and touch- ing surrounding objects. Muttering delirium. Stupid sleeplessness, with frightful visions. Face bloated, dark-red, and hot, or pale, clay color, and sunken. Dryness of the mouth. Aversion to food. Nausea. Scanty or suppressed urine. Profuse sweat. Convulsions; on entering the fit, loud screams as from fright; after the fit, Sopor. Fainting, worse on rising up. OPIUM is chiefly useful in diarrhoea during typhoid fever, but also sometimes indicated in the last stage of infantile diarrhoea, with the characteristic stools and convulsions. 83. 0XALIC ACID, Stools: Muddy, brown, fecal; Watery; Mucous and bloody ; Involuntary, (a constant discharge); Aggravations: After coffee : In the morning: From motion, (pains.) Amelioration: From rest, (pains.) Before Stool: Headache: Twisting colic around the navel. During Stool: Colic about the navel: Violent urg- ing: Griping pains in the anus, so Severe as to cause headache and heat in the head. TEIEIR IN DICATIONS. 87 After Stool : Nausea. Accompaniments: Thinking of the symptoms ag- gravates them. Exhilaration. Stomach very sensitive to pressure. Frequent pains and Soreness about the navel. Co- pious urine. 84, PETROLEUM. Stools: Yellowish-watery; Bloody mucous; Mucous; Profuse, (mucous); . Aggravation: After deranging the stomach: After sour-krawt: After cabbage : After riding in a car- riage: During pregnancy: In the morning: During stormy weather. Amelioration: By bending double, (colic.) Before Stool: Colic ; cutting and pinching. During Stool: Colic: Tenesmus. After Stool: Great weakness and dizziness. Canine hunger: Urging. Accompaniments: Ill-humor. Wehemence. Head- ache in the morning. White-coated tongue. Fetid smell from the mouth. Saliva smells badly. Smell from the mouth like onions, or putrid, slimy mouth. Bitter or sour taste. Aversion to meat; fat food; and warm, cooked food. Nausea, and vomiting: in the morning ; when riding in a carriage. Pinching colic, arousing one from sleep toward morning, relieved by bending double. Canine hunger after stool, quickly satisfied. Exhaustion. Drowsiness. 88 TEIE REMEDIES AND Restless sleep, the patient waking often, and im- agining that another person lies sick in the same bed, or speaking of himself in the third person. The most striking symptom of PETR. is the last one mentioned above, and one that often indicates this remedy in delirious states accompanying diar- rhoea, (or other affections). If unable to complete the cure, it will, produce a favorable change, and pre- pare the way for some other remedy. It is also useful in chronic diarrhoea with the ag- gravations and other symptoms as given above. 85, PHOSPHORUS. Stools: Green mucous; White watery; Watery; with lumps of white mucus, or little grains like tal- low. Undigested; Bloody; Brown, fluid ; Hot ; Involuntary ; Passing out with force; Sour smelling; *. Aggravations: In the morning : Day and night: In lean, slender persons: From lying on the left side : From warm food. Amelioration: After cold food, ice, or ice-cream, (symptoms of the stomach): After sleeping, (general condition): From lying on the right side. Before Stool: Rumbling : Colic: Heat or chilli- ness: Sudden urging. During Stool: Smarting in the rectum. After Stool: Burning at the anus: Tenesmus. Accompaniments: Excitability. Wehemence. Pale, THEIR INIDICATIONS. 89 sallow, or changeable color of the face, with sunken eyes and blue rings around them. Tongue dry; white; clean; moist; and cracked. Canine hunger at night, with great weakness if not gratified. Loss of appetite. Thirst, with desire for very cold drinks; for something refreshing. Taste sweetish ; saltish; sour; bitter after eating. Vomiting of what has been drunk, as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. Vomiting relieved for a time by ice or very cold food or drink. Burning in the stomach. Heartburn. Rising up of hot, sour ingesta. Profuse, pale, watery urine. Emaciation. Nervous debility. Over-sensitiveness of all the senses. Sleepiness in the daytime and af. ter meals. Sleeplessness before midnight. Frequent waking, with feeling of great heat. Profuse night- SWeatS. The stools of PHOS. are hardly characteristic unless the little grains like tallow (they resemble more opaque frog spawn, or Sago, as we have seen them) should prove to be so. The conditions and accom- paniments are, however, very peculiar, and are also constant. They will always be present in more or less completeness when this remedy is indicated, and will render a brilliant cure almost certain, if the rem- edy is given in a proper dose, and is not repeated after the improvement has fully begun. The symptoms of PHos. are most frequently met with in chronic cases. It is often well to give a single dose of a high potency of NUx vom. a few 8% 90 THE REMEDIES AND hours before beginning with PHos., particularly in cases coming from allopathic treatment. 86, PHOSPHORIG ACID, Stools: Whitish-watery; Light, yellow, fecal; Whitish-gray, fecal; Undigested; Greenish-white, mucous; Involuntary, (while passing flatus); Painless ; Aggravation: During typhoid fever: From de- pressing mental emotions: After taking acids: After loss of animal fluids: In young persons who have grown very rapidly Accompaniments: Indifference. Quiet delirium and stupefaction. Somnolency. Complexion pale, sickly. Glassy appearance of the eyes. Scorbutic gums, swollen, readily bleeding. Much thirst. Desire for something refreshing, or juicy. Dryness of the mouth, with viscid, frothy, tenacious mucus. Fre- quent emission of pale, watery urine, forming a white cloud at once. Profuse perspiration at night. Cramps of upper arm, forearm, and wrists. PHos. AC. is one of the most prominent remedies for white watery diarrhoea, either chronic or acute. It is characterized by painlessness, and the absence of any marked debility or exhaustion. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 91 87. PODOPHYLLUM, Stools: Watery; with meal-like sediment. Greenish watery; Dark yellow, mucous; Jelly-like, mucous; White, slimy, mucous; Chalk-like, fecal ; Undigested ; Profuse, frequent, gushing, painless, (watery stools). Very offensive, like carrion, (yellow, mucous stools). Aggravations: In the morning: In the night: During hot weather : After taking milk and acid fruit together: After eating or drinking: During dentition: Lying on the back, (colic). Ameliorations: By bending double, lying on the . side, and by warmth, (colic). Before Stool : Sudden urging : Loud gurgling, as of water: Violent colic, (or absence of pain). During Stool: Prolapsus ani: Colic, (or absence of pain): Pains in the sacrum. After Stool: Prolapsus ani: Eachaustion : Flushes of heat up the back: Colic continues: Accompaniments: Headache, alternating with di- arrhoea. Rolling of the head during dentition. Per- spiration on the head, with coldness of the flesh dur- ing dentition. Bad Smell from the mouth (at night). Tongue coated yellowish or white, Tongue dry. Loss of appetite. Violent thirst or thirstlessness. Desire for acids. Sour regurgitation of food. Acid eruc- tations. Vomiting; hot; of food; of bile; of frothy 92 THE REMEDIES AND mucus. Gagging or empty retching. Colic, with retraction of the abdominal muscles. Heat in the bowels. Sleepiness in the daytime, more in the fore- noon. Restless sleep, with half-closed eyes, moaning, grinding of the teeth. Softness of the flesh, with debility. Sallowness of the skin. Jaundice. Violent cramps of the feet, calves, and thighs, (with painless watery stools). There is no remedy so surely indicated by painless cholera morbus, as PODOPH. The stools are profuse and gushing, each seeming to drain the patient dry, but soon he is full again. There may also be violent cramps. It would seem that it must prove to be the ... similar to many cases of cholera, but clinical experi- ence in this direction is still wanting. We hope that some of our colleagues, who have the opportunity, will test it in this fearful scourge. In diarrhoeas of infants it ranks also among the first to be referred to. It most resembles CALC. C. 88, PSORINUM. Stools: Dark brown, thin, fluid ; Green mucous; mixed with blood. Very offensive ; like rotten eggs. Frequent; Aggravations: During dentition ; After severe, acute disease : At night. Accompaniments: Eructations, smelling like rot- ten eggs. Deep-seated, heavy pain in the region of TEIEIR INIDICATIONS. 93 the liver, worse from pressure, lying on it, coughing, laughing, or on deep inspiration. Emission of fetid, sulphurous flatulence. Soft stool is discharged with difficulty. Sleepiness in the day- time. Great debility. Profuse perspiration from the least eacertion, and at night. Although the dark fluid stool is very character- istic of Psor., the very offensive odor is much more so. This alone often indicates it in infantile diar- rhoea, or in cholera infantum, whatever may be the stool; and it will usually produce a favorable change at once, and often complete the cure. Whether de- rived from purest gold or purest filth, our gratitude for its excellent services forbids us to inquire or care. The 400th of Jenichen is the only preparation of it, which we have ever tested. 89. PULSATILLA NIG, Stools: Greenish, bilious, watery; Yellow, mu- cous; mixed with blood. White and bloody mucous; Offensive; Corrosive ; Involuntary, (during sleep at night); Aggravations: At night : After measles: After fat food: After ice-cream : After fruit, (strawberries?): After tobacco : After cold drinks: Amelioration: In the open air, or a cool place, (general condition). Before Stool: Rumbling : Cutting colic : Pains in the small of the back. 94. THE REMEDIES AND During Stool: Shaking chill ; Pain in the small of the back. - After Stool: Colic, as from flatulence: Chilliness, in the small of the back: Smarting of the anus: Accompaniments: Peevishness, or weeping mood. Bad Smell from the mouth. Increase of saliva. Tena- cious mucus in the mouth. Constant spitting, of frothy, cotton-like mucus. Bitter taste in the mouth, and after food or drink. Putrid taste. Thirstless- ness, or thirst for ale or spirits. Loss of taste. Aver- Sion to fat; to meat; to bread ; to milk. Womiting of food; of bile ; of mucus. Flatulent colic. Painful rumbling of flatulence. Passage of fetid flatus. Chilliness. Chlorosis. “These kinds of nightly diarrhoea are characteristic of PULS., and there is scarcely a drug which occa- Sions them as often.” – HAHNEMANN. 90, RAPHANUS SAT. Stools: Brown or yellow-brown, fluid; Undi- gested; Green liquid ; mixed with mucus and blood. Frothy, copious, and passing out with much force, (brown, fluid stool). Aggravations: After taking milk and water,(colic). When lying down, (nausea): After eating. Accompaniments: Anguish, with dread of death, which is supposed to be near. Face expressive of TEIEIR IN DICATIONS. 95 pain and exhaustion. Thick, white coating of the tongue. Violent thirst. Constant nausea, or nausea occur- ring in paroxysms, with faintness and inability to lie down. Womiting of food, with white mucus; of bile and water. Womiting is preceded by shuddering, over the back and arms. Colic. No emission of flat- wlence by mouth or anus for a long time. Great weakness and languor. Little is known clinically of RAPHANUs, but if its published symptoms prove to be genuine, it is a drug of no small value. Many of the symptoms are de- cided and peculiar. 91. RHEUMI. Stools: Mucous and fecal; Thin, brownish, fecal; Sour-smelling; Fetid; Aggravations: When moving about: In children: In infants: In lying-in women: After eating: Dur- ing dentition. Amelioration: By bending double, (colic). Before Stool: Colic : Urging. During Stool: Colic: Chilliness. After Stool: Tenesmus; Renewed urging, (when moving): Constrictive cutting colic. Accompaniments: Restlessness. Demanding va- rious things with vehemence and crying. Cool per- spiration on the face, especially around the nose and mouth. Desire for various kinds of food, which be- come repugnant as soon as a little is eaten. Nausea. 96 THE REMEDIES AND Cutting colic, relieved by bending double, and much worse when standing. Restless sleep, with tossing, crying out, and twitchings of the muscles of the face and hands. Sour smell of the whole body. The Sour-smelling stool has always been regarded as the most characteristic symptom of RHEUM. It is not one of the most frequently indicated remedies, and still less so on account of its constant abuse allopathically. 92. RHODODENIDRON. Stools: Thin, brownish, fecal; Undigested; Spurting out with force; Aggravation: In cold, damp weather: During a thunder-shower: After meals: After fruit: On rising from the bed: When walking, (nausea). Accompaniments: Indifference and aversion to all occupation. Rumbling in the abdomen, and discharge of fetid flatus. Sinking at the stomach. Nausea. General rheumatic pains, brought on by damp, cold, weather, and worse during wet. The aggravations distinguish RHODOD. 93, RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Stools: Watery; Thin, red, mucous; Thin, yel- low, mucows; Bloody; Jelly-like mucous; streaked white and yellow. Yellowish-white, fecal ; Yellow, fluid ; tº THEIR INIDICATIONS. 97 Involuntary; (at night while sleeping). Fetid; Frothy, painless, and odorless, (yellow fluid); Aggravations: During typhoid fever: After drink- ing ice-water : After getting wet : In cool damp weather : After excessive bodily exercise: After a strain : At night: - Ameliorations: When bending double, and when lying on the abdomen, (colic): From warmth and continued motion, (general condition): Before Stool: Constant urging, with nausea and tearing colic: Cutting colic: During Stool: Cutting colic: Urging : Nausea. After Stool: Remission of the pains and urging. Tenesmus : Accompaniments: Headache. Restlessness. Pale, sunken face, with blue rings around the eyes. Pu- trid taste and smell from the mouth. Tongue dry; red, or brown; cracked. Increase of saliva. Bitter taste of food, especially bread. Metallic taste. Loss of appetite. Desire for oysters. Much thirst, more at night, arising mostly from dryness of the mouth. Thirst for cold water; for cold milk. Nausea. Cutting, tearing, and pinching colic. Pains in all the limbs. Restless sleep. Troublesome dreams, vivid, of hard work and difficulty. The stools of RHUs Tox. are quite characteristic, and many of the conditions and accompaniments are very much so. It is frequently applicable in dysen- tery, mostly after other remedies, and in a late stage 9 G. * * - . . . . ." . . . 98 TEIE REMEDIES AND of the disease. The craving for cold milk and the la- borious dreams of excessive bodily exertion, as run- ning, wading in the Snow, hurrying, and the like, are more characteristic of this remedy than of any other. It has been observed that RHUS TOX, and APIs M. do not follow each other well. 94, RUMEX CRISPUS, Stools: Brownish watery; Thin brownish, fecal; Offensive ; Generally painless; Profuse; Aggravations: In the morning, (before rising); From moving, (nausea): Before Stool: Sudden urging, driving one out of bed: Nausea : Colic: Accompaniments: Severe headache. Mouth dry. Tongue coated yellow. Nausea with eructations. Wiolent dry cough, excited by tickling in the lar- ynx, often almost continuous, worse at night; when walking; when inhaling cool air; when talking; by pressure on the larynx or trachea ; when lying on the left side. Much debility. The chief application of RUMEX is to cases having the characteristic cough, accompanying the diarrhoea. It has also proved useful, however, in morning diar- rhoea where SULPH. Seemed indicated but did not Cll I’6. THEIR INI) ICATIONS. 99 95, SANGUINARIA CAN. Stools: Watery; Thin fecal; Undigested; Aggravations: After coryza and catarrh ; After the pains in the chest : Before Stool: Severe cutting pains: Urging: During Stool: Discharge of much flatulence : Accompaniments: Loss of appetite. White coated tongue. Desire for piquant, highly seasoned food. Nausea, not diminished by vomiting. Womiting of bitter water. Profuse Salivation, with the nausea and vomiting. Craving to eat in order to quiet the nau- sea. Frequent discharge of very offensive flatus. Much debility. The aggravations and the nausea are chiefly characteristic of SANG. C. 96. SCILLA. Stools: Dark-brown or black slimy, fluid; in frothy bubbles. Very offensive ; Painless; Aggravations: In the morning, (2 to 7 A. M.): Dur. ing the day: During measles: Accompaniments: Much viscid mucus in the mouth. Desire for acids. Thirst. Bread tastes bitter. Soup and meat taste sweet. Pressure in the stomach as from a stone. Nausea. Vomiting. Cutting colic. Frequent discharge of very fetid flatus. Profuse urine. A very careful comparison will sometimes be ne- cessary in order to distinguish SCILLA from PSORINUM. 100 TEIE REMEDIES AND The stools are very similar, but those of Squills are frothy, and there is an absence of the debility which usually accompanies the stools of the other remedy. 97, SECALE CORN. Stools: Watery and slimy ; Profuse; Frequent ; Offensive; Involuntary; Sudden attack. Aggravations: In childbed : After cholera: After eating, (vomiting): Before Stool: Cutting and rumbling in the ab- domen : During Stool: Cutting: Great exhaustion: After Stool: Great exhaustion: Accompaniments: Anxiety. Fear of death. Pale and sunken face. Eyes sunken deep in the Sockets, and surrounded with a blue margin. Dry, thick, viscid, yellowish-white coating on the tongue. Un- quenchable thirst. Desire for sour things: for lem- onade. Constant nausea, worse after eating. Vom- 7ting: of food; of bile ; of mucus; painless and without effort, with great weakness. Severe anariety and burning at the pit of the stomach. Burning in the abdomen. Suppression of urine. Voice feeble and inaudible, or hoarse and hollow. Cramps in the chest, hands, and toes. Skin cold, blue, shrivelled. Great debility. Sudden and great eachaustion. Cold, clammy perspiration over the whole body. Aversion to heat, or to being covered. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 101 Nothing is more characteristic of SECALE than the aversion to being covered, or to heat. This will often distinguish it from many other remedies that have, otherwise, similar symptoms. The choleraic stool is not offensive, except perhaps at first, but that occurring in childbed is so. In cholera morbus it most resembles COLCHICUM. 98. SEPIA. Stools: Green mucous; Green slimy mucous; Jelly-like ; Bloody; - Expelled quickly; Frequent; Not profuse ; Fetid ; Sour; Putrid; Aggravations: After taking boiled milk : During dentition : In children: After taking meat: Before Stool: Nausea : Colic: During Stool: Prolapsus ani: After Stool: Exhaustion: Debility: Accompaniments: Bad Smell from the mouth. Tongue coated white. Putrid or sour taste. Food tastes too salt. Aversion to meat and milk. Sour or fetid eructations. Nausea. Vomiting. Discharge of much offensive flatus. Involuntary urination at night in the first sleep. Sleepiness in the daytime. Frequent waking at night. Waking at three in the morning and inability to fall asleep again. Rapid eachaustion. SEPIA fills an important place in the treatment of infantile diarrhoea. The aggravation from boiled 9 % - 102 THE REIMEDIES AND milk, and the rapid exhaustion, are distinguishing symptoms. It is also applicable in chronic debilitat- ing diarrhoea. 99, SILICEA, Stools: Liquid, slimy, frothy; Mucous; Bloody ; Cadaverous smelling; Expulsion difficult; Often painless. Aggravations: Day and might: In scrofulous chil- dren: During dentition : Before the menses: During eaposure to cold air, (pain and general condition): Amelioration: From wrapping up warmly, (pains and general condition): During Stool: Chilliness, and nausea in the throat. Colic : After Stool: Burning and smarting of the anus: Accompaniments: Obstinacy. Large head with open fontanelles. Profuse perspiration on the head, Sour-Smelling, in the first sleep. Waxy paleness. Pale, earthy-colored face. Loss of appetite. Much thirst. Aversion to warm, cooked food. Desire for cold things. Aversion to the mother's milk, and vomiting whenever taking it. Bitter taste in the morning. Sour eructations. Nausea and vomiting, of what is drank, worse in the morning. Hard, hot, distended abdomen. Rumbling of flatulence. Incarceration of flatulence. Discharge of much of fensive flatus. Involuntary urination at night. Restless sleep. Emaciation. THEIR INIDICATIONS. 103 SILIC. is one of our most powerful and deep-acting remedies, producing radical changes in the whole constitution, and overcoming fundamental psoric de- rangements. This renders it often indispensable in infantile diarrhoea and cholera infantum. It most resembles CALC. C. The characteristic perspiration on the head differs from that of the latter remedy in being more general over the whole head and fore- head, and in the sour smell. The forehead is also often cold, but becomes warm if lightly covered, which is a very marked symptom of SILIC. MERCURIUS should not be given before or after SILICEA. 100, STRAMONIUM. Stools: Black, fluid ; Putrid ; Cadaverous; Aggravation: During typhoid fever: Amelioration: After profuse perspiration: Before Stool: Writhing pain in the abdomen: Accompaniments: Loquacious delirium, worse from looking at shining objects ; in the dark ; when alone. Pale face. Diminished appetite. Every kind of food tastes like straw. Violent thirst for large quantities of water. Womiting of mucus; of green bile. Hard tympanitic abdomen. Suppression of urine. The stool of STRAM. is characteristic when the accompanying Symptoms are present. 104 TEIE REMEDIES AND 101. SULPHUR. Stools: Watery; Brown watery and fecal; Green 7mucous; Bloody mucous; Reddish mucous; Brown mucous; White slimy mucous; White mucous; streaked with blood. Undigested; Bilious ; Change- able ; Frothy : Sour ; Fetid; Expulsion sudden and often involuntary; Aggravations: In the morning : Early in bed: After taking cold: In damp weather: After taking milk ; acids: In children: During dentition : After Suppressed eruptions : After eating and drinking, (colic): Amelioration: By sitting bent (colic): Before Stool: Sudden and violent urging, (driving one out of bed in the morning, without pain): Cut. ting colic: Rumbling : During Stool: Heat: Warm sweat: Rush of blood to the head: Chilliness: Fainting: Nausea : Tenesmus : - - After Stool: Temesmus : Burning at the anus: Cold perspiration on the face and feet. Accompaniments: Peevishness or melancholy. Open fontanelles. Face pale or sallow. Brown, parched, cracked tongue. Dry tongue in the morn- ing. Bitter taste in the morning. Sweet nauseating taste. Aphtha. Ptyalism. Food tastes like straw. Loss of appetite. Aversion to meat; to wine. De- sire for ale or brandy. Food tastes too salt. Emp- tiness at the stomach and canine hunger, causing THEIR INIDICATIONS. 105 frequent eating, particularly about 10 or 11 a. m. Constant thirst. Sour eructations, worse after taking milk. Nausea. Vomiting ; of water; of sour food; bitter, with cold perspiration on the face. Cutting colic, after a meal, after drinking, better while sitting bent. Pinching colic. Passage of fetid flatus. Sleepiness in the daytime, afternoon, and after sun- set. Sleeping with eyes half open. Wakefulness. Waking often. Aversion to washing. SULPHUR has a very wide range of application, being often required for every kind of loose evacua- tions, by virtue of its similarity, and also, when not distinctively similar, when the appropriate remedies fail to act, or when the improvement which they produce constantly gives way and the patient gets better and worse. The early morning diarrhoea is very characteristic. 102, SULPHURIC ACID, Stools: Chopped, Saffron-yellow mucous; Stringy; Frothy mucous; Watery; Green watery; Offensive, (watery stool). Aggravations: In children: During dentition: Before Stool: Pressing in the anus: During Stool: Burning in the rectum : After Stool: Empty, weary, exhausted feeling in the abdomen; Pressing in the anus: Accompaniments: Irascibility. Irritability. Rest- 106 TEIE REMEDIES AND lessness. Profuse flow of tasteless or sweetish sal- iva. Aphtha, Vesicles on the inside of the cheek. Aversion to the smell of coffee. Desire for fresh fruits. Loss of appetite. Cold sweat on the fore- head when eating, even warm food. Cold water chills the stomach unless mixed with some alcoholic liquor. The stools and mental symptoms of SULPH. A.C. are very characteristic, when occurring together, and are mostly met with in children during dentition. 103, TABACUM. - (NICOTINE.) Stools: Yellowish, greenish, slimy; Papescent fecal; Cholera, without stool, vomiting or thirst. Aggravation: At night: During Stool: Colic: Tenesmus : Accompaniments: Collapse, coldness, fainting, cold perspiration, deathly nausea without vomiting, or vomiting of water when moving. Hiccough. Oppression of the heart. Feeble, irregular pulse. Spasms or paralysis. TABAC. Should not be overlooked in cholera in- fantum. 104, TARTAR EMET. Stools: Light brownish-yellow, fecal; Watery; Mucous; Bloody; Frequent; Profuse; THEIR INIDICATIONS. 107 Aggravations: During exanthemata: During pneu- monia: In drunkards: Before Stool: Violent shifting of flatulence with- out distention of the abdomen: Sharp, cutting colic : Nausea : During Stool: Tenesmus: Nausea; Colic: After Stool: Relief of pains: Tenesmus: Burn- ing at the anus. Accompaniments: Desire for acids, fruits. Thirst for cold drinks, or thirstlessness. Aversion to milk. Continuous anarious nausea, straining to vomit, with perspiration on the forehead. Vomiting of food; of mucus; with great effort. Vomiting is followed by great languor, drowsiness, loathing, desire for Cooling things; pale, Swnken face; dim, swimming eyes. - Violent and painful urging to urinate, with scanty or bloody discharge. Palpitation of the heart. Drowsiness. Somno- lency. Jerking up of the limbs during sleep. Although not of frequent use in diarrhoea, TART. EMET. will repay careful study. VERATRUM has doubtless been given many times where the choice should have fallen on this remedy, as the colic, desires, and vomiting are quite similar. 105. THROMBIDIUM. Stools: Thin, brown fecal; Mucous; Frequent; Scanty; Aggravations: In the morning: After eating and drinking : - 108 "THE REMEDIES AND Before Stool: Pain in the left side of the abdo. "men, with perspiration : Griping pains ; Sore pain in the intestines: During Stool: Pain in the abdomen continues: Temesmus : Chills in the back : After Stool: Temesmus : Prolapsus ani: Burning Žn the anus ; Great debility: Weakness in the knees; Accompaniments: Fainting on rising up. Loss of appetite. There has been as yet but little clinical experience with THROMBIDIUM. It much resembles NUx VOM., but has marked and distinctive differences, which must render it a serviceable addition to the materia medica. 106, THUJA 000, Stools: Pale-yellow watery; Forcibly eaſpelled; Copious ; gurgling like water from a bunghole. Aggravations: In the morning: After breakfast : After coffee : After fat food : After onions: Period- ically returning in the morning, always at the same hour: After vaccination : Before Stool: Rattling of flatulence: During Stool: Passing of much loud flatus: After Stool: Debility: Accompaniments: Much thirst or violent thirst Drink falls audibly into the stomach. Desire for cold food and drink. Rapid eachaustion, causing oppressed and short breath ; irregular and intermit. tent pulse. Rapid emaciation. THEIR IN DICATIONS. 109 It will hardly be easy to make a mistake about THUJA. No other remedy has the same combination of symptoms. GRATIOLA resembles it more than any other, but is easily distinguished by the aggra- vations and accompaniments of THUJA. This rem- edy is applicable to chronic diarrhoea, particularly when traceable to vaccination, and should not be forgotten in cholera morbus, or in cholera infantum. In the latter affections it has a close resemblance to LAUROCERASUS. 107. WERATRUM ALBUM. Stools: Greenish watery, with flakes ; Brownish watery; Blackish watery; Bloody; Frequent; Pro- fuse, (watery); Involuntary, (while passing flatus); Aggravations: In hot weather: During menstru- ation: During typhoid fever: At night : By moving and drinking, (vomiting): - Before Stool: Severe pinching colic : During Stool: Paleness: Cold sweat on the fore- head : Pinching colic : Nausea : Vomiting : Weak- mess : Chilliness and shuddering : After Stool: Great sinking and empty feeling in the abdomen. : Weakness. Accompaniments: Melancholy. Despair. Ver- tigo with cold perspiration on the forehead. Hippo- cratic countenance. Cold, pale, or bluish face and lips. Sunken eyes. Lips dry and dark. Tongue cold, or coated white, with red tip and edges, or 4. ! 10 110 THE REMEDIES AND coated yellow, or dry and cracked. Bitter, sour, or putrid taste. No appetite, or good appetite. Violent thirst for large quantities of very cold water and acid drinks. Desire for fruits; for acids. Violent nausea with ptyalism. Violent vomiting; of froth; of ingesta; of green mucus; of dark-green or yel- low-green mucus; of sour mucus; of bile. Before vomiting, cold hands, becoming hot afterward. Great weakness after vomiting. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Painful retraction of the abdomen dur- ing vomiting. Hoarse, weak voice. Oppressive and spasmodic contractions of the chest. Cold breath. Suppression of urine. Excessive anguish, arresting the breathing. Ea:- cessive weakness. Fainting. Violent cramps of the extremities. Skin cold, blue, remaining in folds when pinched. WERATRUM is a remedy of great value, and one very often required, but like all others it demands a careful selection, and is not to be given in every case of cholera morbus or of cholera. The most charac- teristic symptoms are the same in both cases, only more violent in the latter. The immediate accom- paniments of the stool, with the thirst and cravings, distinguish this remedy. It is useless to give VERAT. in painless cases, THEIR INIDICATIONS. 111 108, ZINGIBER, Stools: Brown mucous; Aggravations: After drinking impure water: After taking a chill from a cold, damp wind: After derang- ing the stomach: In the morning: (After eating melons): After sleep, (nausea): Before Stool: Pinching colic. During Stool: Passing of much flatus: After Stool: Nausea. Accompaniments: Acidity of the stomach. Pains in the stomach. The taste of all food remains in the mouth for hours, particularly of bread or toast. Bad, slimy taste. Frequent eructations. Thirst. Much flatulency, causing rumbling and rolling in the bowels. Nausea. Haemorrhoidal tumors, hot, and painfully sore, whether sitting or lying. If the symptoms of ZINGIBER be further confirmed by clinical observation, it will fill an important place in our therapia. The aggravations are peculiar, particularly the aggravation from drinking impure Water. PAET II. REPERTORY. PATHOLOGICAL NAMES, CHOLERA: Ars. Camph. Carb. veg. Cupr. Jatr. Phos. Phos. ac. Pod. Sec. Sulph. Tabac. Thuj. Verat. asphyctica s. sicca: Camph. Carb. veg. Lawr. Tabac. —infantum : Acon. Æth. Ant. c. Ars. Calc. c. Camph. Carb. veg. Colch. Coloc. Crot. tig. Elat. Grat. Ipec. Iris v. Jatr. Kali b. Lawr. Phos. Pod. Raph. Sec. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. e. Thuj. Verat. - morbus : Acon. Amt. c. Ars. Camph. Colch. Coloc. Crot. tig. Elat. Grat. Ipec. Iris v. Jair. Kali b. Phos. Phos. ac. Pod. Raph. Sec. Tabac. Tart. e. Thuj. Verat. DIARRHCEA: Acon. AEthus. Agar. Aloe. Alum. Amm. m. Amt. c. Apis. Arm. Ars. Asar. Benz. ac. Borax. Brom. Bry. Cact. g. Calc. c. Canth. Cast. Caust. Cham. Chel. Chin. Cin. Cist. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Con. Cop. Corn, c. Crot. tig. Cub. Dig. Diosc. Dulc. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Gels. Graph. Gwm.gutt. Grat. Hep. Hip. m. Hyos. Ip. Iris v. Iod. 10% H 113- 114 PATHOLOGICAL NAMES. Kalib Kali c. Kali, n. Lach. Laur. Lept. Lith. c. Magn. c. Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Natr. Sul. Micc. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Nux wom. Oleand. Opi- um. Oxal. ac. Petr. Phos. Phos. ac, Pod. PSOr. Puls. Raph. Rheum. Rhod. Rhus. Rum. Sang. c. Scill. Sec. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Sulph. ac. Tabac. Tart. e. Thromb. Thuj. Werat. Zing. , chronic: Alum. Amm. m. Ant. c. Apis. Arn. Ars. Asar. Borax. Brom. Bry. Calc. c. Caust. Chin. Cist. Coloc. Con. Cop. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Graph. Gum. g. Hep. Iod. Kali b. Kali c. Kalin. Lach. Lept. Lith. c. Lyc. Magn. C. Mez. Natr. C. Națr. Sul. Nicc. Nitr. ac. Oleand. Oxal. ac. Petr. Phos. Phos. ac. Pod. Psor. Puls. Raph. Rhod. Rhus. Rum. Scill. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Werat. , infantile: Acon. Æthus. Aloe. Amm. m. Apis. Arg. nit. Ars. Bell. Benz, ac, Bor. Calc. c. Canth. Carb. v. Cast. Cham. China. Cima. Coff. Coloc. Corn. c. Crot. tig. Dulc. Elat. Graph. Gum. g. Hell. Hep. Ipec. Iris. Kalib. Lawr. Lach. Magn. c. Merc. v. Natr. c. Nicc. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Nux vom. Oleand. Phos. Phos. ac. Pod. Psor. Puls. Raph. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sulph. ac. Verat. DYSENTERY: Acon. AEth. Aloe. Alum. Apis. Arg. n. Arm. Ars. Bap. Bell. Canth. Caps. Carb. v. Cast. Colch. Coloc. Cop. Cub. Cupr. Dulc. Elat. Gum. g. Hep. Hip. m. Hydroph. Iris v. Iod. Kali. b. Magn. C. Merc. v. Merc. corr. Nitr, ac, Nua. v. Ox. ac. Petr. Phos. Psor. Puls. Raph. Rhus Sulph. Tart. e. Thromb Verat. STOOLS. 115 CHARACTER OF THE STOOLS. Alternating with constipation: Ant. c. Bry. Lach. Nux. v. Attack sudden: Camph. (Cupr.) Sec. Bilious: AEth. Aloe. Ars. Cact. Cham. Cin. Cina. Coloc. Corm. c. Cub. Diosc. Merc. v. Pwls. Sulph. Bloody : Acon. AEth. Aloe. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Bap. Benz. ac. Bry. Canth. Caps. Colch. Coloc. Cop. Cupr. Dulc. Hip. m. Hydr. Ipec. Iris. v. Kali nit. Merc. v. Nux mos. Ox. ac. Phos. Raph. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tart. e. Verat. —, black: Caps. Changeable: Sulph. Color, black: Camph. Chin. Lept. Werat. —, brown: Arm. Werat. —, chalk-like: Pod. —, gray: Aloe. —, green : Aloe. Chin. Elat. Iris v. Merc. v. Tabac. —, white: Calc. c. Chin. Cop. Hep. —, - grains or particles: Cub. Phos. —, - masses like tallow: Magn. c. —, yellow: Cheł. Coloc. Gels. Tabac. Constant discharge: Apis. Ox, ac. Copious: Ant. c. Benz ac. Cact. Colch. Cop. Cub. Diosc. Elat. Gum. g. Iris v. Jair. Iod. Kali b. Lept. Magn. c. Nux mos. Pod. Raph. Rum. Sec. Tart. e. Thuj. Veral. 116 STOOLS. Corrosive: Ars. Canth. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Gum. g. Iris v. Merc. v. Nux v. Puls. Excoriating: see Corrosive. Expulsion difficult: Alum. Gels. Psor. Sil. — —, only possible when urinating: Alum. — forcible, sudden : Cist. Crot. tig. Grat. Gum. g. Jatr. Kali b. Natr. c. Nicc. Phos. Raph. Rhod. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. Fecal: Acon. Alum. Caust. Cina. Coff. Dig. Iod. Laur. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Nicc. Ox. ac. Rheum. , black: Brom. Cub. Hip. m. Lept. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. e. , brown: Bry. Coloc. Fluor ac. Kali c. Lyc. Mez. Ox, ac. Rheum. Rhod. Rum. Tart. e. Thromb. - —, cream-colored: Gels. —, dark: Bap. Carb. v. Hip. m. Nux v. —, gray: Calc. c. Cist. Dig. Kali c. —, papescent: Hep. —, thin : Alum. Bap. Bor. Bry. Carb. v. Cist. Con. Diosc. Gum. g. Hep. Iris v. Kali nit. Lept. Lyc. (Natr. Sul.) Nicc. Nux v. Oleand. Rheum. Rhod. Rum. Sang. Thromb. —, white: Dig. Lyc. Pod. Rhus. , yellow: Agar. Aloe. Amm. m. Apis. Bor. Calc. c. Cist. Cocc. Coloc. Cub. Dig. Diosc Fluor, ac. Gels. Gum. g. Hep. Iris v. Kali c. Lach. Lith. c. Natr. c. (Natr. s.) Oleand. Phos. ac. Rhus. Tart. e. Fermented: Ipec. Mez. Rhod. STOOLS. 117 Fetid: See Smell. Flakes: Cupr. Verat. Flocculi: Dulc. Fluid : see Liquid. Foamy: see Frothy. Frequent: Acon. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bap. Bor. Bry. Cact. Canth. Caps. Carb. v. Cast. Cham. Chin. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Corn. c. Cub. Cupr. Dulc. Elat. Grat. Gum. g. Hell. Hyos. Ip. Iris v. Kali b. Merc. v. Merc. corr. Mez. Nua, v. Pod. Psor. Sec. Sep. Tart. e. Thromb. Werat. . . Frothy: Arm. Benz. ac, Calc. c. Coloc. Merc. v. Op. Raph. Rhus. t. Sil. Sulph. — bubbles: Scill. Hot: Aloe. Cham. Cist. Phos. Involuntary: Ars. Bell. Calc. c. Camph. Carb. v. Chin. Cin. Cop. Cub. Dig. Ferr. Hyos. Kali c. Laur. Oleand. Op. Ox. ac. Phos. Rhus. t. Sec. . —, when passing flatus: Aloe. Kali c. Oleand. Phos. ac. Verat. — with every motion: Apis. — during sleep: Arn. Bry. Con. Hyos. Puls. Rhus. — when passing urine: Aloe. Mur. ac. Liquid: AEth. Con. Natr. c. Sil. —, black: Ars. Scill. Stram. , brown : Graph. Magn. c. Nux v. Phos. Psor, Raph. Scill. 118 STOOLS. Liquid dark: Op. Scill. — greenish: AEth. Crot. t. Raph. — reddish-yellow: Lyc. - — yellowish-white: Nitr, ac. — yellow: AEth. Coloc. Iris v. Lyc. Natr. Sul, Nua, mos. Raph. Rhus. Lumpy: Con. Lye. . Membranes: Colch. Mucous: Cact. Caps. Carb. v. Chel. Chin. Cin. Coloc. Dig. Graph. Hyos. Iris v. Lept. Natr. c. Nitr. ac. Ox, ac, Petr. Raph. Rheum. Sil. Tart. e. Thromb. —, adhesive: Caps. - , bloody: Acon. Æth. Aloe. Apis. Arg. n. Bap. Bell. Canth. Caps. Carb. v. Cast. Coloc. Cub. Elat. Gum. g. Hep. Hydroph. Iris v. Iod. Merc. v. Merc. corr. Nitr. ac, Nua, v. Ox. ac. Petr. Psor. Puls. Sulph. —, brown: Ars. Grt. Nua, v. Zing. —, dark: Arg. n. —, frothy: Iod. Sil. Sul. ac. —, gelatinous: Aloe. Colch. (Cub.) Hell. Kali b. Pod. Rhus. Sep. —, granular: Bell. Phos. —, green: Alth. Amm. m. Apis. Arg. n. Ars. Bell. Bor. Canth. Cast. Cham. Cina. Coloc. Corn. c. Dulc. Elat. Gum. g. Ip. Lawr. Magn. c. Merc. v. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Phos. Phos. ac. Psor. Sep. Sulph. —, liquid: Lawr. STOOLS. 119 Mucous, liquid, pale: Carb. v. —, red: Canth. Graph. Rhus. Sulph. —, in resinous masses: Asar. e. —", in shaggy masses: Asar. e. , slimy: Acon. Agar. Amm. m. Apis. Arm. Ars. Bell. Bor. Brom. Caps. Carb. v. Cham. Cin. Cocc. Coloc. Corn, c. Dulc. Ferr. Gum, g. Magn. c. Merc. v. Merc. corr. Nux mos. Nua, v. Pod. Rhus. Scill. Sec. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. —, stringy: Asar. e. Sul. ac. —, tenacious: Asar. e. Caps. Crof. t. Hell. —, thick: Iod. —, thin: see Slimy. —, transparent: Cub —, watery: Arg. n. Iod. Lept. —, white : Bell. Canth. Caust. Cham. Cin. Cocc. Dulo. Elat. Graph. Hell. Ip. Iod. Phos. ac, Pod. Puls. Sulph. - - —, yellow: Agar. Apis. Asar. Bell. Bor. Brom. Cham. Chin. Cub. Magn. c. Nicc. Pod. Puls. Rhus. Sul. ac. Offensive: see Smell. Painless : Apis. Arg. n. Ars. Camph. Chin. Colch. Coloc. Crot. t. Ferr. Hep. Hyos. Lyc. Natr. Sul. Phos. ac, Pod. Rhus t. Rum. Scill. Sil. Sulph. Pouring out: Jair. Pod. Thuj. Profuse: see Copious. Purulent: Arn. Ars. Iod. Putrid : see Smell. 120 STOOLS. Scanty: see Small. Scrapings, like of intestines: Canth. Coloc. Sediment, meal-like : Pod. Shooting out: Cist. Crot, t. Grat. Rhod. Small: Acon. Aloe. Arn. Ars. Asar. e. Bell. Canth. Caps. Cham. Colch. Coloc. Corn. c. Dulc. Merc. v. Merc. c. Mez. Nuz v. Oleand. Thromb. Smell, acid: see Sour. —, brown paper burning, like : Coloc. –, cadaverous: Carb. v. Sil. Stram. —, cheese, rotten, like: Bry. —, eggs, rotten, like: Cham. Psor. —, fetid: Arg. n. (Bell.) Calc. c. Cocc. Grat. Hip. m. Iod. Lept. Lyc. Nitr. ac. Rhus t, Sep. Sulph. —, musty: Coloc. , offensive: Apis. Ars. Benz. ac. Coff. Corn. c. Graph. Gum. g. Lach. Lith. c. Mez. Nux v. Op. Psor. Puls. Rum. Scill. Sical. Sul. ac. , putrid : Bry. Carb. v. Chin. Coloc. Ip. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Pod. Sep. Stram. , sour: Am. Bell. Calc. c. Coloc. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Magn. c. Merc. v. Mez. Phos. Rheum. Sep. Sulph. —, without, (odorless): Hyos. Rhus t, Skinny: Colch. Undigested: Aloe. Arn. Ars. Bry. Chin. Coloc. Con. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Iris v. Lach. Nitr, ac. Nux mos, Oleand. Phos. Phos. ac, Pod. Raph. Rhod. Sang. G. Sulph. — food of previous day: Oleand. STOOLS. 121 WATERY: Acon. Agar. Ant. c. Bell. Cact. Calc. (Camph.) Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Cupr. Dig. Diosc. Ferr. Fluor. ac. Grat. Gum. g. Hell. Hip. m. Hyos. Ip. Irès v. Jatr. Kali nit. Lach. Lept. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Nux mos. Oleand. Op. Ox, ac. Pod. Phos. Puls. Rhus. Sang, c. Sec. Sulph. Sul. a.c. Tart. e. Verat. , black: Ars. Kali b. Werat. , brown : Ars. Canth. Chel. Gum. g. Kali b, . Rum. Sulph. Werat. , clear, (colorless): Apis. —, dark: Nux V. —, flakes, with : Cupr. Verat. —, frothy: Elat. Grat. Kalī b. Magn. c. , green : Cham. Dulc. Grat. Iris v. Magn. c. Pod. Puls. Sul. ac. Verał. , green scum, with : Magm. c. & —-, white : Benz, ac. Cast. Chel. Dulc. Merc. v. Phos. Phos. ac. —, yellow : Apis. Ars. Bor. Canth. Chin. Crot t. Dulc. Grat. Gum. g. Hyos. Thuj. 11 122 A.G. G. RAWATIONS. CONDITIONS OF THE STOOLS AND OF THE ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMIS. a. AGGRAVATIONS. Acids, after : Aloe. Amt. c. Apis. Ars. Brom. Coloc. Lach. Phos. ac. Sulph. Acute disease, after: Carb. v. Chin. Psor. Afternoon, in the : Aloe. Bell. Bor. Chin. Dulc. Laur. —, 4 to 6 o'clock: Carb. v. —, 4 to 8 o’clock: Lyc. —, 5 to 6 o'clock: Dig. Aged persons, in: Ant. c. Op. Air on the abdomen, from cold : Caust. Air, in cold: Sil. Air, in currents of: Acon. Caps. Nux v. Air, in the open : Agar. Amm. m. Coff. Grat. Alone, when : Stram. Alternate days, on : Alum. Chin. Fluor, ac, Nitr. ac, —, a later hour each time: Fluor, ac. Anger, after: Acon. Cham. Autumn, in : Bap. Colch. Bathing, after : Ant. c. Bed, in : Cub. Beer, (ale,) after: Kali b. Bending double : Diosc. Breakfast, after: Arg. n. Bor. Thuj. Cabbage, after : (Bry.) Petr. Catarrh or coryza, after: Sang. c. Chagrin, after : Aloe. Cham. A. G. G. R. A VATIONS. 123 Chest, after pains in the : Sang. c. Children, in : (see also Dentition.) AEthus. Benz, ac. Cham. Cin. Hell. Ipec. Nux mos. Oleand. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sul. ac. , fat: Calc. c. - , fontanelles, with open: Calc. c. Merc. S. Sil. Sulph. Chilly persons, in : Asar. e. Chocolate, after : Bor. Lith. c. Cholera, epidemic, during: Camph. —, after an attack of: Sic. : ) Coffee, after : Canth. Cist. c. Fluor. ac. Ox. ac. Thuja. Cold, after taking: Acon. Aloe. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Cham. Chin. Coff. Dulc. Elat. Graph. Ip. Natr. c. Nux mos. Nux vom. Sulph. Zing. , becoming, when : Cocc. - drinks: Ant. c. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb. v. Cocc. Dulc. Hep. Hip. m. Lept. Natr. c. Nux mos. Puls. Rhus. Sul. ac. — food : Ant. c. Coloc. Lyc. Puls. — weather : see Weather. Coolness of evening : Merc. v. Constipation, after: Alum. Contact, from: Bell. Colch. Covered, when : Sec. Damp weather: see Weather. Darkness, from : Stram. Day, during the : Amm. m. Canth. Cin. Gum. g Hep. Kali nit. Magn. c. Natr. Sul. Scill. 124 A.G. G. R.A.W ATIONS. Day and night: Kali c. Merc. corr. Sil. Debauch, after: Nux v. Debility, during: Asar. e. Dentition, during: AEth. Arg. n. Ars. Benz, ac, Bor. Calc. C. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Dulc. Hell, Ip. Magn. c. Merc. v. Nux mos. Pod. Psor. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sul. ac. Dinner, after: Alum. Amm. m. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Draft, after exposure to : Acon. Drastic medicines, after : Nux v. Drinking, after: Ars. Caps. (Cin.) Crot. t. Ferr. Nux mos. Pod. Sulph. Thromb. Verat. , cold drinks: see Cold drinks. ——, impure water: Zing. — —, on a full stomach : Bry. ——, too much water: Grat. Drugging, after: Nua, v. Eating, after: (see also After meals.) Aloe. Arg. n. Ars. Bór. Carb. v. Cist. Coloc. Con. Corn. c. Crot tiq. Ferr. Hep. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Nux mos. Pod. Raph. Rheum. Sec. Sulph. Sul. ac. Thromb Emaciated persons, in : Calc. c. Iod. Phos. - Emotions, depressing: Coloc. Gels. Phos. ac. Eruption, after suppression of: Hep. Mez. Sulph. Evening, in the . Aloe. Bor. Bov. Canth. Caust Colch. Kali c. Lach. Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac, Exanthemata, after suppression of: Bry. —, during: Ars. Chin. Scill. Tart, e. Exercise, bodily, after: Rhus. Farinaceous food, after: Natr. s. A.G. G. RAWATIONS. 125 Fat food, after : Carb. v. Puls. Thuj. Fever, during gastric : Arn. ——, hectic : Asar. e. —, typhoid: Alum. Am. Ars. Bell. Bap. Bry. Hydroph. Hyos. Lach. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Op. Phos. ac. Rhus. Stram. Werat. Forenoon, in the : Gum. g. Fruit, after: Ars. Bor. Chin. Cist. Coloc. Lach, Lith. c. Puls. Rhod. , with milk: Pod. Glistening objects, looking at: Stram. Grief: Coloc. Gels. Phos. ac. Ground, after standing on damp : Elat. Hair, after cutting: Bell. Headache, after: Pod. Hearing water run : Hydroph. Hydrocephalus acutus, during: Bell. Hell. Indignation: Coloc. Infants, in nursing: Bor. Coff. Rheum. Injuries, after mechanical: Arm. Jaundice, during : Dig. Nux v. Joy, sudden: Coff. Op. Lead-poisoning, after: Alum. Light, bright: Bell. Colch. Loss of fluids, after: Carb. v. Chin. Phos. ac. Lying-in, during: Hyos. Rheum. Sic. Lying: Diosc. Raph. — on the back: Pod. — left side : Arn. Phos. Magnesia, after abuse of: Nux v. 11 # 126 A GGRAWATIONS. Meal, after a . (see also After breakfast, &c.) Alum. Amm. m. Aloe. Ars. Bor. Brom. Chin. Coloc. Con. Mur. ac. Natr. C. Rhod. Measles, after: Chin. Puls. —, during : Scill. Meat: Ferr. Sep. —, fresh: Caust. —, smoked : Calc. c. Melons: Zing. Menses, after: Graph. —, before : Bov. Sil. —, during: Amm. m. Bow. Werat. Mental exertion, after: Nux v. Mercury, after abuse of: Hep. Nitr, ac. Milk: Ars. Bry. Calc. c. Con. Kali c. Lyc. Nair. c. Nicc. Nux mos. Sulph. , boiled: Sep. — and acid fruit: Pod. — and water: Raph. Morning, in the : AEth. Alum. Amm. m. Ant. c. Apis. Arg. n. Bov. Bry. Cact. Cist. Cop. Corn. c. Fluor. ac. Hip. m. Iod. Kali b. Kali mit. Lith. c. Lyc. Mur. ac, Nair. Sul. Nicc. Nux mos. Nux v. Oleand. Ox. ac. Petr. Phos. Pod. Rum. Scill. Sulph. Thromb. Thuj. Zing. —, after rising: AEth. Natr. s. —, before rising: Bor. - Motion: Aloe. Apis. Arn. Bell. Bry. Colch. Coloc. Ip. Ox. ac. Rheum. Rum. Tabac. Verat. —, downward: Bor. A. GGRAWATIONS. 127 Nervous persons, in : Asar e News, bad : Gels. Night, at : Aloe. Ant. c. Arg. n. Ars. BC v. Brom. Bry. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cham. Chel. Chân. Cist. Colch. Cub. Dulc. Graph. Hip. m. Ip. Iris v. Kali c. Lach. Lith. c. Merc. v. Nua, mos. Pod, Puls. Rhus. Tabac. Verat. - —, after midnight: Arg. n. Ars. Hip. m. Lyc. Night-watching : Nux v. Noise : Cocc. Nitr. ac, Nua, v. —, sudden : Bell. Bor. Nursing, after: Crof. t. Onions: Thuj. Opium, after abuse of: Nux v. Overheating, after: Acon. Aloe. Ant. c. Elat. Oysters: Brom. Lyc. Periodically, at same hour: Thuj. —, an hour later each time: Fluor. ac. —, at same time of year: Kali b. Pregnancy, during : Ant. c. Lyc. Petr. Pressure: Bell. —, about the hypochondria: Acon. Arg. n. Caust. Coff. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Merc. v. Nux v. —, at umbilicus: Crot. t. Pneumonia, during : Tart. e. Quinine, after abuse of: Ferr. Hep. Rest, during: Rhus. Rhod. Rheumatism, after: Kali b. Riding, when : Cocc. Nux m. Petr. Rising from bed: Rhod. 128 A.G.G. RAWATIONS. Rising up: Acon. Bry. Op. Thromb. Scrofulous persons, in : Calc. c. Merc. v. Sil. Shining objects, looking at: Stram. Sitting: Diosc. — erect: Bry. - Sleep, after: Bell. Bry. Zing. Slender persons, in : Phos. Small-pox, during: Ars. Chin. Tart, e. Smell of broth : Colch. — eggs: Colch. — fat meat: Colch. — fish : Colch. — food : Colch. —, strong : Colch. Nux v. Smoking: Brom. Sour-kraut : Petr. Spirits, after abuse of: Ars. Nux v. Tart. e. Spring, in : Lach. Standing: Aloe. Stomach, after deranging: Petr. Zing. Strain, after: Rhus. Summer, in : (see also Hot weather.) Acon. Æth Kali b. Sun, in bright: Agar. —, hot: Camph. Supper, after: Iris v. Swallowing saliva, when: Colch. Thinking of the pain, when : Ow. ac. Tobacco: Cham. Puls. Thunder-shower, during: Natr. c. Rhod. AGGRAVATIONS: A MELIORATIONS. 129 Vaccination, after: Thuj. Veal, after eating : Kali nit. Vexation : Coloc. Walking, when : Alum. Aloe. Warm room, in : Apis. — food : Phos. Water, hearing run: Hydroph. Weather, cold: Dulc. —, colder, when becoming : Dulc. —, damp : Agar. Aloe. Rhod. Rhus. Sulph. —, -, cold : Dulc. Nux mos. Rhus. —, dry: Alum. , hot: Aloe. Bell. Bap. Bry. Colch. Lach. Magn. c. Merc. v. Pod. Werat. 7 , damp : Colch. —, -, with cold nights : Acon. —, stormy: Petr. —, warmer, when becoming : Bry. Wet, after getting: Acon. Rhus. Wind, after exposure to cold: Acon. —, - cold, damp : Zing. Young persons of rapid growth, in : Phos. ac. b. AMELIORATIONS. Air, in open: Diosc. Puls. Ale, after: Aloe. Bending double : Aloe. Bell. Cast. Chin. Coloc. Cop. Iris v. Lach. Petr. Pod. Rheum. Rhus. Sulph. * I 130 AMELIORATIONS. Coffee : Brom. Coloc. Corn. c. Phos. Cold applications: Lyc. Cool place, in : Puls. Drinks, cold : Phos. Eructation : Grat. Hep. Lyc. Eating, after: Arg. n. Brom. Diosc. Grat. Hep, Iod. Lith. c. Lyc. Natr. c. Nicc. Sang. c. Flatus, by passing: Aloe. Corn.c. Kali nit. Hep. Mez. Food, acid : Arg. n. —, cold : Phos. Heat, moist : Nua, m. Ice-cream : Phos. Loosening the clothing: Hep. Lyc. Lying, on abdomen: Coloc. Rhus. —, on side : Pod. —, on right side : Phos. Milk, hot: Crot. t. Motion : Coloc. Cub. Diosc. Rhus. Perspiration, profuse: Stram. Pressure : Cast. Coloc. Diosc. Gum. g. Rest, during: Ip. Ox. ac. Rising from bed: Cub. Diosc. Mez. Rubbing: Diosc. Lyc. Sleep, after : Alum. Crot. t. Phos. Smoking: Coloc. Soup, after warm : Acon. Stretching : Mez. Vomiting, after: Asar. e. Warm applications: Alum. Cast. Nua, mos. Pod Rhus. BEFORE STOOL. 131 Water, drinking cold: Cupr. Phos. Wine : Chel. Diosc. Wrapping up warmly: Sil. ACC0MPANIMENTS OF THE EVACUATIONS, a. BEFORE STOOL. Abdomen, colic: Alum. Aloe. Arg. n. Bell. Bap. Bor. Bry. Cact. Canth. Caps. Cham. Chin. Colch. Coloc. Diosc. Dulc. Gels. Graph. Gum. g. Hell. Hip. m. Ip. Kali c. Kali nit. Lept. Lyc. Mez. Mur. a.c. Natr. Sul. Nitr. ac. Ox. ac. Petr. Phos. Pod. Puls. Rheum. Rum. Sep. Verat. Zing. , cutting pains: Acon. Æth. Agar. Ant. c. Ars. Bry. Caps. Carb. v. Cast. Chel. Coloc. Con. Dig. Grat. Iris v. Laur. Magn. c. Merc. v. Merc. c. Natr. C. Nicc. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Nux v. Petr. Puls. Rhus. t. Sang. c. Sec. Sulph. Tart. e. , drawing pains: Nitr ac. —, distention, feeling of: Fluor. ac. —, griping: Bell. —, heat: Bell. —, left side, pain in : Thromb. , pinching pains : AEth. Agar. Bell. Canth. Cast. Cin. Fluor. ac. Gum. g. Kali c. Magm. c. Merc. v. Natr. Sul. Nicc. Petr. Verat. Zing. 132 BEFORE STOOT. Abdomen, rumbling, rattling of flatus: Cact. Cast Chel. Grat. Iris v. Kali c. Lach. Lept. Mur. ac, Oleand. Phos. Puls. Sec. Sulph. Tart. e. Thuj. —, tearing pains: Dig. Rhus. —, twisting pains: Caust. Ox. ac. Stram. Anguish: Merc. v. Anus, burning pains: Fluor, ac. —, pressing: Sul. ac. - Anxiety: Ars. Cham. Crot. t. Merc. v. Back, pains in : Nua, v. Puls. Chilliness: Ars. Benz. ac. Dig, Merc. v. Mez. Phos. —, mingled with heat: Merc. v. Fainting: Dig. Flatus, passing: Aloe. Gels. — —, hot: Cocc. Groins, pain in: Natr. Sul. —, pressing in: Cast. Thromb. Headache : Ox. ac. . Heat: Crot. t. Magn. C. Merc. v. Phos. Ill humor: Bor. Calc. c. Intestines, burning: Aloe. —, gurgling as of fluid running: Pod. —, prickling: Aloe. —, sore pain: Thromb. Lassitude : Rhus. Navel, pain about: Aloe. Amm. m. Caps. Fluor, ac. Grat. Nux v. Ox, ac. Nausea : Acon. Bry. Calc. c. Chel. Dulc. Grat, Hell. Ip. Merc. v. Rhus. Rum. Sep. Tart. e. DU RING STOOL. 133 Peevishness: Bor. Pelvis, fulness and weight in: Aloe. Perspiration: Acon. Bell. Dulc. Merc. v. Thromb. Ptyalism: Fluor: ac. Rectum, chilliness in : Lyc. Tenesmus : Merc. v. Merc. c. Thirst: Ars. Urging: Aloe. Amm. m. Bor. Bov. Canth. Cist. Coloc. Corn. c. Gum. g. Kalī b. Kali nit. Lept. Merc. v. Merc. c. Natr. C. Nicc. Nua, v. Phos. Rheum. Rhus. Sang. c. Sulph. —, irresistible : Cist. , sudden : Cist. Hip. m. Kali c. Phos. Pod. Sulph. Vomiting: Ars. Ip. b. DURING STOOL. Abdomen, colic: Alum. Apis. Arg. n. Canth. Caps. Cham. Coloc. Cop. Corn. c. Crot. t. Dulc. Hip. m. Ip. Kali c. Lyc Magn. c. Mez. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Ox. ac. Petr. Pod. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Tabac. Tart. e. , cutting pains: Acon. Agar. Aloe. Caps. Chel. Coloc. Iris v. Kali nit. Merc. v. Merc. c. Rhus, Sec. , drawing in of : Agar. —, fermentation : Agar. —, gnawing pains: Kali b. 12 134 DUIRING STOOIL. Abdomen, griping pains : Apis. Thromb. —, left side, pain in: Thromb. —, pinching pains: Agar. Canth. Merc. v. Veral —, rumbling: Chel. Corn. c. —, tearing pains: Aloe. Cop. —, twisting pains: Bov. Anguish: Merc. v. Anus, biting at : Lyc. , burning or heat: Aloe. Ars. Bry. Canth. Carb. v. Cast. Corn. c. Gum. g. Hip. m. Iris v. Lach. Lyc. Mur. ac. Natr. Sul. Natr. c. Op. —, pain: Canth. Chin. Mur. ac. Oa. ac. —, prolapsus : Pod. Sep. —, smarting: Agar. Chin. Kali c. Mur, ac. Anxiety: Cham. Merc. v. Back, chill in : Thromb. —, pain : Nua, v. Puls. Chill, shaking : Puls. Verat. Chilliness: Ars. Bry. Con. Cop. Ip. Lyc, Merc. v. Rheum. Sil. Sulph. Thromb. Werat. —, mingled with heat: Merc. v. Drowsiness : Bry. Eructations: Cham. Dulc. Merc. v. Exhaustion : . Sec, Verač. Fainting: Sulph. Flatus, passing of: Agar. Aloe. Arg. m. Corn. c Gum. g. Hip. m. Sang. c. Zing. , fetid: Cast. — —, noisy : Arg. n. Thuj. Headache: Ox. ac. DURING STOOL. 135 Head, congestion to : Sulph. ——, heat in : Ox. ac. —, fore-, cold sweat on : Verat. — —, warm sweat on : Merc. v. , tensive pain: Coloc. Heat: Dulc. Merc. v. Sulph. Haemorrhoids : Brom. Fluor. a.C. Hunger: Aloe. Intestines, bruised pain in : Apis. Navel, pain about: Fluor, ac, Kali b. :: Nausea : Agar. Ars. Bell. Cham. Chel. Coloc. Crot. t. Ip. Merc. v. Nitr. ac. Sil. Sulph. Tart. e. Verai. Paleness: Calc. c. Ip. Verat. Perspiration: Cham. Crot. t. Dulc. Merc. v. Thromb. —, warm : Sulph. Rectum, burning in : Alum. Aloe. Amm. m. Ars. Bor. Con. Corn. C. Graph. Sul. ac. —, pain: Ant. c. , protrusion: Ant. c. Canth. Dulc. Fluor, ac, Mez. , scraping : Crot. t. —, smarting : Phos. —, stinging : Nicc. —, tearing pains: Calc. c. Sacrum, pain in: Pod. Shuddering, Bell. Stomach, burning in : Hip. m. —, drawing in of: Agar. Thirst : Bry. Cham. Chin. Dulc. 136 AFTER STO OFI. Tenesmus : Acon. AEth. Aloe. Alum. Amm. m Apis. Ars. Bell. Bap. Caps. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Corn. c. Hell. Hip. m. Hydroph. Iris v Ralī b. Kali nit. Laur. Magn. c. Merc. v. Merc. c. Natr. c. Natr. Sul. Nicc. Nua, v. Op. Petr. Sulph. Tabac. Tart. e. Thromb. Urging : Aloe. Apis. Arg. n. Benz. ac. Canth. Gum. g. Hell. Kali b. Magn. c. Merc. v. Merc. c. Mez. Nicc. Nux mos. Ox. ac. Rhus. Urination, involuntary: Alum. Vertigo : Cham. Vomiting : Ars. Bry. Dulc. Ip. Veral. c. AFTER STOOL. Abdomen, burning in : Kali b. —, colic : Amm. m. Diosc. Nicc. Puls. Rheum. , cuttings: Ars. Coloc. Kali nit. Lept. Merc. v. Merc. c. Pod. Rheum. , empty feeling: Sul. ac. Veral. —, pinching: Kali c. Merc. v. —, pressing in : Grat. —, rumbling : Chel. —, sinking : Verat. —, weakness in: Diosc. Lept. Sul. ac. Air, aversion to cold, open : Mez. Anus, biting in: Canth. , burning in : Aloe. Ars. Bov. Canth. Caps. Carb. v. Cast. Coloc. Corn. c. Gum. g. Hell. Iris v. Kali c. Kali nit. Lach. Laur. Magn, c AFTER STOOL. 137 Natr. Sul. Nux v. Phos. Sil. Sulph. Tart. e. Thromb. Anus, itching : Aloe. —, pains: Coloc. —, pressing: Sul. ac. —, pricking: Iris v. —, prolapsus : Pod. Thromb. —, pulsation : Hip. m. —, smarting: Agar. Canth. Graph. Gum. g. Hell. Nux mos. Puls. Sil. s: , soreness : Alum. Apis. Graph. Gum. g. Merc. v. Nux mos. - , stinging: Canth. Kali nit. —, weight: Aloe. Anxiety: Nitr, ac. Back, flashes of heat up : Pod. —, pain in : Caps. —, small of, chilliness: Puls. —, throbbing: Alum. Cheerfulness: Bor. Natr. Sul. Chilliness: Canth. Grat. Mez. Drowsiness : Bry. Exhaustion: Nitr. ac. Pod. Sec. Sep. Verat. Fainting: Crot. t. Haemorrhoids: Aloe. Brom. Diosc. Graph. —, blue : Mur. ac. Heat: Bry. Hunger, canine : Petr. Irritation, ill-humor: Nitr. ac. Knees, weakness in : Thromb. 12 × 138 AFTER STOOL. Navel, pain about: Aloe. Lept. —, pressing in : Crot. t. Nausea : Acon. Caust. Crot. t. Kalib, Ox. a.c. Zing —, with retching: Kali b. Palpitation of heart: Ars. Con. Perspiration: Ars. —, cold, on face : Sulph. — —, on feet : Sulph. Rectum, burning in : Amm. m. Ars. Corn. c. —, pain: Natr. C. —, prolapsus: Crot. t. Iris v. Mez. — —, becomes constricted : Mez. —, stitches: Cham. —, tingling : Chin. —, weak feeling : Lept. Relief of colic tenesmus and urging: Acon. Alum. Ars. Canth. Cham. Colch. Coloc. Corn, c. Gum. g. Nua, v. Rhus. Tart. e. ——, of head symptoms: Corn. c. Shuddering : Canth. —, after drinking : Caps. Stomach, pressure in : Crot. t. Stool, feeling as though more would pass: Nux mos. Sweat: Acon. —, on forehead : Crot. t. — —, cold : Merc. v. —, warm becomes cold and sticky: Merc. v. Tenesmus : Amm. m. Bell. Bap. Bov. Canth. Caps. Colch. Cub. Hydroph. Kali b. Kali nit. Tach Magn. C. Merc. v. Merc. c. Nicc. Phos. Rheum. Rhus. Sulph. Tart. e. Thromb. IMINID AND MOO D. 139 Tenesmus, extending to perineum and urethra : Mez. Thirst : Caps. Dulc. Urging, unsatisfied: AEth. Crot. t. Dig Merc. c. Nicc. Petr. Rheum. - Vertigo: Petr. Water-brash : Caust. Weakness : Ars. Bov. Calc. c. Carb. v. Con. Ip. Mez. Petr. Sep. Thromb. Thuj. Verat. GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. 1. MIND AND MooD. Apathy: Op. Phos. ac. Anger: Aloe. Anguish : A's. Camph. Raph. Verat. Anxiety: Acon. Canth. Carb. v. Magn. c. Sec. —, concerning the illness : Nitr. ac. Aversion to being disturbed: Gels. — — — looked at: Ant. c. — — — touched : Ant. c. — — downward motion: Bor. — — light: Camph. — — mental or bodily exertion: Corn. c. Hep Rhod. — — noise : Kali c. Nitr. ac. Nua, v. — — open air : Nux v. — — sound of scratching on cloth: Asar. e. — — washing : Sulph. 140 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Carphologia : Hyos. Op. Changeable mood: Alum. Crying: Bell. Bor. Cham. Cin. Delirium: Bell. Bry. Hyos. Mur, ac. Op. Phos. ac. Stram. - Depression, sadness, despondency, melancholy: Chel. Gum. g. Hep. Kali b. Natr. c. Nitr. ac. Puls. Sulph. Verat. Desire to be carried : Cham, — — — naked : Hyos, — — — quiet: Gels. Desire for many things rejected when offered : Cham. Cin. Distrustful mood: Ant. c. Excitability: Agar. Coff. Phos. Exhilaration: Ox. ac. Fear of being alone: Ars. — of death: Acon. Ars. Raph. Sec. Fitful mood : Nux mos. - Homesickness: Caps. Imagination that another person is sick: Petr. Indifference : Phos. ac. Rhod. Intoxication : Gels. Irritability, ill-humor: AEth. Amm. m. Bell. Bry. Canth. Cham. Colch. Dulc. Hep. Hydroph. Ip. Kali b. Kali c. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Nitr, ac. Nux v. Petr. Phos. Puls. Rheum. Sulph. Sul, ac. Large, things seem too: Hyos. Laugh, tendency to: Nux mos. Loquacity: Lach. Stram. MIND ANL MOOD ; HEAD. 141 Obstinacy: Sil. Over-sensitiveness: Coff. Colch. Nua. v. Phos. Sentimental mood : Ant. c. Seriousness : Alum. Startled, easily: Bell. Bor. Kali c. Thought, vanishing of: Nitr, ac. —, wandering of: Apis. Wilfulness: Calc. c. 2. HEAD. Fontanelles open: Calc. c. Merc. v. Sil. Sulph. Headache : Hip m. Kali nit. Petr. Pod Rhus. Rum. Head, congestion to : Ferr. —, dulness of: Asar. e. Corn. c. Nitr. ac. Nux v. —, hot: Bell. Bor. —, fore-, pain in : Apis. —, large : Calc. c. Merc. v. Sil. —, pressure: Asar. e. —, rolling of: Bell. Pod. —, sweat on : Calc. C. Sil. - —, - — when sleeping: Calc. c. Merc. v. Pod. y Sil. , — — cold : Benz. ac. —, - — sour-smelling: Merc. v. Sil. —, - — forehead : Tart. e. —, - — — cold : Chin. Verat. — — — —, when sleeping: Merc. v. 7 Sºl. , – — —, warm : Crot. t. —, wise, feeling as though were in : AEth. Arg. n. 142 GENERAL A CCOMPANIMENTS. Vertigo : Acon. Agar. Alum. Crot. t. Kali b. Verat. —, air, in open : Agar. —, morning, in : Agar. —, rising, when: Acon. —, sun, in bright: Agar. —, womiting, when : Crot. t. 3. EYES, Eyes, burning in: Rhod. —, blue rings around: Ars. Corn. c. Cupr. Ip Lyc. Jatr. Oleand. Phos. Rhus. Sec. —, dim, dull: Merc. v. Tart, e. —, fixed : Camph. —, pains in : Apis. —, staring : Laur. —, sunken: Camph. Cupr. PhoS. Sec. Verat. —, swelling over: Kali c. - —, yellow : Chel. Con. Corn, c. Dig. Nux v. Eyelids, itching of: Gum. g. 4. NOSE. Nose, boring in : Cin. —, picking of: Cin. —, paleness around: Cin. 5. FACE. Cheeks, red: Caps. Cham. Ferr. Face, altered: AEth. Cupr. —, bluish: Cupr. Dig. Werat. —, changeable color: Phos. EYES ; NOSE ; FACE. 143 Face, cold: Bell. Camph. Cupr. Verat. —, collapsed: AEth. Camph. —, deathlike : Ars. Canth. Verat. —, distorted: Camph. Cupr. —, dull : Corn. c. Merc. v. —, earthy: Ars. Bor. Lyc. Merc. v. Nux. v. Op. Sil. —, flushed: Acon. AEth. Bell. Caps. Ferr. Lyc. PhOS. *s-sºme , when lying: Acom. — —, dark red : Op. —, gray: Laur. —, greenish: Carb. v. —, heat in : Corn. c. Op. —, livid: Camph. Laur. , pale : Arg. n. Ars. Bell. Bor. Camph. Canth. Carb. v. Cin. Colch. Cupr. Dig Ferr. Hell. Ip. Jatr. Iod. Kali b. Merc. v. Mez. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Oleand. Op. Phos. Phos. ac. Rhus, Sec. Sil. Stram. Sul. Tart. e. Verat. , around the nose and mouth : Cin. — ——, when rising: Acon. —, sallow : Sulph. —, sickly: Phos. ac. —, sunken : Arg. n. Corn, c. Laur. Oleand. Op. Rhus. Sec. Tart. e. —, sweat on, cold : Camph. , cool : Rheum. — —, when eating : Sul. a.c. —, swollen : Hell. Kali c. Op. , yellowish : Ars. Corn, c. Dig. Iod. Kali b. Kali c. Laur. Nitr. ac. Nux v. sºmeºmºmºmº 144 GENERAL A CCOMPANIMENTS. Expression of anguish : AEth. Canth. Cupr. — exhaustion : Raph. — pain: Raph. —, wretched : Mez. Lips, black: Ars. Werat. —, blue: Ars. Cupr. Werat. —, cold : Ars. Cupr. Werat. —, cracked: Ars. Bry. Caps. —, dark: Acon. Ars. —, dry : Acon. Ars. Arg. n. Bry. Crot. t. Werat. —, red : Aloe. —, swollen : Bry. Caps. 6. MOUTH. Aphtha : Ars. Bor. Corn. c. Dulc. Gum. g. Hell. Hip. m. Iod. Merc. v. Nitr. ac. Sulph. Sul. ac. Chewing motion : Bell. Gums, bleeding: Carb. v. Merc. v. Nux v. Phos. ac. —, spongy: Dulc. —, swollen : Merc. v. Nux v. Phos. ac. Mouth, bleeding from : Bor. Hip. m. —, burning in : Hip. m. Iris v. Jatr. , dry: Cham. Cup. Hip. m. Jatr. Kali b. Mur. ac. Nux mos. Op. Rum. , frothy mucus in : Phos. ac. —, hot: Bor. Colch. —, open : Bell. —, sore: Dig. —, mucus, viscid, in : Phos. ac. Puls. Scill. Palate, wrinkled: Bor. MOUT H. 145 Saliva, bitter: Kali b. —, bloody: Ars. —, fetid: Dig. Hip. m. Petr. —, frothy: Kali b. , increased: Ant. c. Bell. Carb. v. Chin. Colch. Dig. Dulc. Grat. Hell. Hip. m. Hydroph. Ip Iris v. Jatr. Iod. Kali b. Merc. v. Mez. Nitr. ac Puls. Rhus. Samg. c. Sul. Sul. ac. Verat. —, like cotton : Nux mos. Puls, —, oily: Cub. —, salt: Kali b. —, soap-like: Dulc. —, sweetish : Dig. —, yellowish: Hip. m. Smell from the mouth, fetid: Cast. Iod. Kali nit. Lyc. Nux v. Petr. Pod. Puls. Sep. , like onions : Petr. , putrid: Lyc. Nitr. ac. Petr. Rhus. Taste, bitter: Acon. Aloe. Amm. m. Arm. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chel. Chin. Coloc. Corn. c. Elat. Graph. Hep. Hip. m. Iris. v. Lyc. Magn. c. Merc. v. Natr. C. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Petr. Phos. Puls. Sil. Sulph. Verat. , —, of everything except water: Acon. —, -, of food : Asar. e. Bry. Chim. Rhus. Scill. —, chalky: Nux mos. —, flat : Caps. Iris. v. Nux mos. —, fresh, of food : Cocc. —, long after, of food : Zing. —, lost: Puls. 13 R 146 $ENERAL A CCOMPANIMENTS. Taste, metallic: Chil. Cocc. Hep. , putrid: Arm. Caps. Graph. Iris v. Merc. v. Nux v. Puls. Rhus. Sep. Werat. , salt: Nux mos. Phos. —, -, of food: Sep. Sulph. —, slimy: Cham. Zing. , sour: Calc. c. Caps. Cham. Chel. Chin. Cocc. Graph. Hep. Lyc. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Petr. Phos. Sep. Werat. - y , of food : Calc. c. Caps. Lyc. —, straw-like, of food : Stram. Sulph. —, sweet: Cupr. Phos. Sulph. —, -, of food : Scill. —, watery: Caps. Teeth, painful: Arg. n. —, sensitive : Arg. n. Merc. v. —, too long, feeling : Merc. v. Tongue, burning of: Coloc. —, catching of, when protruding: Lach. —, clean : Dig. Hyos. Phos. —, coated: Graph. Iod. Kali b. —, -, black: Ars. —, -, brown : Ars. Bry. Kali b. Sulph. —, -, thick: Kali b. Nux v. Raph. Sec. —, -, white: Agar. Ant. c. Bry. Chan. Chil. Chin. Coloc. Corn. c. Dig. Gels. Kali nit. Laur. Magn. c. Merc. v. Mez. Nux v. Oleand. Petr. Phos. Pod. Raph. Sang. c. Sec. Sep. Werat. —, , stripes : Bell. —, -, with clean red spots: Hip. m. THROAT; APPETITE. 147 Tongue, yellow: Bry. Cham. Chin. Coloc. Corn. c. Gels. Lept. Merc. v. Mez. Nux v. Pod. Rum. Sec. Verat. - , cold: Carb. v. Cupr. Werat. , cracked: Ars. Kali b. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Werat. , dry: Aloe. Apis. Ars. Bell. Bap. Bry. Cham. Dulc. Hyos. Iod. Kalī b. Laur. Phos. Pod. Rhus. Sec. Sulph. Verat. , heavy: Mur. ac. —, moist : Phos. - —, red : Aloe. Bell. Bry. Coloc. Kali b. Lach. Rhus. Verat. —, scalded: Coloc. —, shining : Apis. Lach. —, smooth : Lach. —, slimy : Chel. Petr. —, sore: Dig. —, swollen : Merc. v. —, taking impressions of the teeth: Merc. v. 7. THROAT. Throat, pressure at pit of, as of a foreign body: Caust. - 8. APPETITE. Appetite, canine : Calc. c. Iod. Lyc. Oleand. Sulph. Werat. , with headache, if not gratified: Lyc. — —, 10 to 11 A. M.: Sulph. — —, after vomiting: Oleand. 148 GENERAL A. CCOMPANIMENTS. Appetite, canine, with weakness if not gratified: Phos. , diminished or lost: Amm. m. Apis. Arn Ars. Bell. Bor. Canth. Chel. Chin. Colch. Cop. Dig. Fluor. ac. Gum. g. Iris v. Kali nit. Taur. Lith. c. Magn. c. Nicc. Nux v. Oleand. Pod. Puls. Rhus. Sang. c. Sec. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Tart. e. Thromb. Werat. - —, good: Aloe. Calc. C. Hep. —, hunger without: Nicc. Aversion to acids : Bell. Cocc. Ferr. — ale or beer : Bell. Ferr. Nux v. — bread: Hip. m. Iyc. Nitr, ac. Nux v. Puls. — —, brown: Kali c. — cheese : Chel. Oleand. — coffee : Fluor. ac. Lyc. Nux v. — —, smell of : Sul. ac. — drinks : Canth. Cocc. — eggs : Ferr. — fat food : Petr. Puls. — fish: Graph. - — food : Bell. Canth. Cocc. Colch. Op. — —, warm, boiled: Lyc. — —, warm, cooked : Petr. Sil. — meat: Aloe. Arm. Bell. Ferr. Graph. Hip. m. Lyc. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac, Petr. Puls. Sep. Sulph, , boiled : Chel. Nitr. ac. — milk: Natr. c. Puls. Sep. Tart. e. — mother's milk: Sil. — salt things: Graph. — smoking : Brom. Grat. Lyc. smºs-º APPETITE. 149 Aversion to spirits: Hip. m. — sweets : Caust. Nitr, ac. — tobacco : Canth. Cocc. Nux v. — water: Hydroph. — wine: Hip. m. Desire for acids: Alum. Ant. c. Arn. Ars. Bor. Brom. Bry. Chin. Cist. Cen. Cub. Dig. Hep. Kali b. Kali c. Magn. c. Pod. Tart. e. Verat. — almonds: Cub. - — apples: Aloe. : , beer or ale : Aloe. Kali b. Merc. v. Puls. Sulph. bitter things: Dig. — brandy: Cub. Nux v. Sulph. — bread: Cub. Grat. chalk: Nitr. ac. Nux v. charcoal: Alum. cherries : Chin. chocolate: Hydroph. cloves: Alum. coffee : Bry. Caps. Carb. v. Con. —, ground, burned : Alum. cold food or drink: Ars. Bry. Phos. Rhus. Sil. Tart. e. Verat. — dainties: Ipec. — delicacies : Cub. — earth : Nitr, ac. — fat food : Nitr. a.c. Nua, v. — fruit: Chin. Cub. Magn. c. Tart. e. Veral. — herring : Nitr. ac, = 13 * - 150 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Desire for hot drinks : Chel. — indigestible substances: Alum. — juicy things: Aloe. Phos. ac. — lemonade : Sec. — lime : Nitr. ac. — milk : Chel. — —, cold: Rhus. — nuts: Cub. — onions : Cub. — oranges : Cub. — oysters: Lach. Rhus. — piquant things: Fluor, ac, Sang. c. — rags, clean: Alum. — refreshing, something: Phos. ac. — rice, dry: Alum. — salt food : Calc. c. Con. — seasoned highly, things: Fluor, ac. — spirits: Arn. Ars. Cup. Puls. — starch : Alum. Nitr. ac. — sugar : Arg. n. Kali c. — sweet things: Calc. c. Ip. Lyc. — tea : Hep. - — — grounds: Alum. — various things, becoming repugnant when a little is eaten : Rheum. wine : Bry. Calc. c. Chel. Chin. Cub. Hep. Lach. Thirst : Aloe. Ant. c. Bap. Calc. c. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Corn, c. Dig. Dulc. Hep. Hip. m. Hyos. Iod. Kali b. Kali nit. Lach. ER U CTAT [ON. 151 Laur. Magn. c. Merc. v. Mez. Natr. c. Nicc. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Oleand. Phos. Phos. ac, Pod. Rhus. Scill. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Tart. e. Thuj. Verat. Zing. Thirst, burning: Ars. Canth. Colch. —, constant: AEth. Ars. Calc. c. Sulph. —, drink descending with gurgling : Cupr. Lawr. Thuj. —, drinking large quantities: Stram. Verat. y — at long intervals: Bry. —, - small quantities often : Ars. Bell. Chin. —, - without: Graph. —, evening: Natr. Sul. —, at night: Ant. c. Calc. c. Rhus. - , unquenchable: Acom. Ars. Camph. Canth. Cast. Colch. Cub. Cupr. Ferr. Grat. Jalr. Raph. Sec. Thuj. Verat. , after vomiting: Oleand. Thirstlessness: Apis. Arg. n. Camph. Canth. Ferr. Gels. Ip. Lyc. Nux mos. Pod. Puls. Tart. e. 9. ERUCTATION. Eructations: Arn. Carb. v. Diosc. Ip. Iris v. Lye. Rum. Zing. , bitter: Amm. m. —, fetid: Arn. Psor. Sep. —, loud: Arg. m. Carb. v. , sour: Hep. Kali c. Pod. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zing. y Water : Nicc. Hiccough : Hyos. Nux v. Tabac. 152 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. 10. NAUSEA AND WOMITING. Nausea : Apis. Arg. n. Bap. Bov. Brom. Cist. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Corn. c. Crof. t. Cub. Dig. Diosc. Dulc. Grat. Gum. g. Hep. Ipec. Iris v. Lept. Lyc. Nicc. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Oleand. Op. Petr. Pod. Raph. Rheum. Rhus. Rum. Sang. c. Scill. Sec. Sep. Sil. Sulph Tabac. Tart, e. Verat. Zing. - with gagging, (retching): Asar. Crot. t. Pod. Tart. e. - after fresh meat: Caust. — on rising: Bry. — on seeing food: Colch. — on smelling food: Colch. — — broth : Colch. — — eggs: Colch. — — fat meat : Colch. — — fish : Colch. — when swallowing saliva : Colch. Vomiting: Acon. Ant. c. Ars. Cocc. Coloc. Cop. Diosc. Elat. Ferr. Gum. g. Hip. m. Ipec. Iris v. Iod. Kalib. Lept. Merc. v. Petr. Scill. Sec. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tart. e. Verat. - —, acrid: Ferr. Hep. Iris v. —, bitter: Ant. c. Apis. Bry. Colch. Grat. Hip. m. Kali b. Sang. c. , bilious: Acon. Ant. c. Apis. Ars. Coloc. Cupr. Dig. Ipec. Iris v. Jatr. Kali b. Pod. Puls. Raph. Sec. Stram. Werat. N A U SEA AND WOMITING. 153. Vomiting, black substances: Ars. Hell. —, bloody: Acon. Ars. Kali b. —, brown substances: Ars. —, cold, when becoming: Cocc. —, cold food or drink, better after: Phos. —, difficult: Tart. e. , drank, of what has been: Acon. Ant. c. Arn. Ars, Sil. Warm : Phos. —, easy: Colch. Sec. —, eaten, of what has been : Ant. c. Ars. Cham. Coloc. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Hip. m. Ipec. Iris v. Kali b. Puls. Raph. Tart. e. Verat. , sour: Calc. C. Hep. Kali , as soon as it becomes 7 b. Oleand. Pod. Sulph. —, fluid, glairy: Kali b. — —, pinkish: Kali b. —, frothy: Verat. —, -, milky white: AEth. , greenish: Asar. e. Dig. Hell. Hep. Hip. m. Jatr. Oleand. Stram. , hot: Pod. —, milk, of curdled: Calc. c. —, -, mother's : Sil. —, -, soured: Calc. c. , mucus, of: Acon. Ant. c. Dig. Dulc. Ipec. Kalib. Oleand. Puls. Sec. y , albuminous: Jatr. —, -, fetid : Ip. 154 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Vomiting, mucus, frothy: Pod. Tart. e. —, -, glassy: Arg. n. Ars. - —, --, green: AEth. Ars. Bry. Ipec. Werat. —, -, jelly-like : Ipec. —, -, slimy: Bor. Cham. —, -, tenacious: Arg. n. Dulc. —, -, white : Raph. - —, -, yellowish: Ars. Bry, Colch. Ipec. Werat. —, riding, when : Cocc. Petr. —, scanty: Asar. e. , sour: Asar. e. Bor. Calc. c. Cham. Ferr, Hep. Iris v. Kali c. Pod. - , watery: Cupr. Grat. Hep. Hip. m. Oleand. Raph. Sang. c. Sulph. Tabac. , fat lumps, like: Hip. m. —, -, flakes with: Cupr. —, -, greasy: Hip. m. y —, yellowish : Grat. 11. STOMACH. Stomach, acrid feeling in : Hep. —, burning in : Ars. Colch. Jatr. Sec. —, chilled easily by cold water: Sul. ac. —, coldness in : Colch. Grat. —, cold stone, feeling of, in : Acon. —, desire to loosen clothing about: Hep. Lach Lyc. Nux v. —, distention of: Lyc. —, faintness at: Alum. Brom. Hep. —, fulness of: Lyc. STOMACH; ABDOMEN. 155 Stomach, gnawing at: Lith. c. Natr. c. , pains in : Ars. Brom. Cist. Cocc. Coloc, Corn. c. Cupr. Elat. Jatr. Iod. Lyc. Zing. , pressure at: Caust. Elat. Hep. Natr. C. Scill. Werat. —, sick feeling at: Ipec. —, sinking at: Dig. Hep. Lyc. Nux v. —, spasm of: Brom. Cocc. Cupr. Jatr. —, tenderness : Elat. Lyc. Ox, ac. 12. ABDOMEN. - Abdomen, burning in: Apis. Ars. Canth. Colch Sec. , coldness in : Colch. Grat. , colic : Alum. Arg. m. Canth. Chin. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Crot. t. Cub. Cupr. Diosc. Ipec. Kali nit. Lach. Natr. S. Nux v. Ox, ac. Petr. Pod. Puls. Rhus. Sec. —, -, cutting : Acon. Cham. Chin. Cina. Coloc. Con. Cub. Dulc. Elat. Iod. Lept. Magn. c. Mez. Nitr, ac. Nux v. Rheum. Rhus. Scill. Sulph. y , griping: Aloe. Coloc. Con. Corn. c. Ipec. Nux v. y , pinching : Amm. m. Bor. Chin. Cin Dulc. Ipec. Magn. c. Mez. Nux v. Petr. Rhus. Sulph. - —, -, tearing : Cham. Rhus. y —, -, twisting: Diosc. —, cramps in : Cupr —, distended, (tympanitic): Acon. Aloe. Arn. gºmºsº 156 GENERAL A CCOMPANIMENTS. Bell. Bor. Bov. Calc. c. Carb. v. Chin. Coff. Colch. Con. Corn. c. Crot. Cub. Graph. Hip. m. Jatr. Lyc. Kali b. Kali c. Lach. Lyc. Magn. c. Nicc. Sül. Stram. - Abdomen, distress in : Lept. —, fulness in : Aloé. Graph. Lyc. Natr. s. —, gurgling in : Aloe. Gum. g. Jatr —, hardness of: Graph. Sil. Stram. —, heat in : Aloe. Pod. Sil. —, pressure in : Aloe. —, retracted : Pod. Verat. , rumbling in : Aloe. Bov. Coloc. Corn. c. Gum. g. Jatr. Lyc. Magn. c. Nitr. ac, Oleand. Puls. Rhod. Sil. Zing. —, sensitive : Acon. Aloe. Apis. Bell. Canth. Coff. Coloc. Crot. t. Cub. Ferr. Natr. S. Nux V. Ox. ac. —, stitches in : Arg. n. —, weight in: Ferr. Flatus: Amm. m. Bow. Carb. v. Chin. Cub. Kali c. Lach. Natr. S. Nicc. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Oleand. Sep. Sil. Zing. , cold : Con. —, emission of no : Raph. , fetid: Chin. Cocc. Con. Nair. s. Nicc. Oleand. Psor. Rhod. Scill. Sulph. —, garlic, smelling like: Agar. —, hot: Cocc. —, incarcerated: Lyc. Natr. S. Sil. —, offensive: Aloe. Lith. c. Sang. C. Sep. Sil. ABDOMEN; ANUS ; URINE. 157 Flatus, putrid: Carb. v. Oleand. Hypochondrium, pain in right: Bap. Merc. v. Natr. S. y , when coughing : Psor. , drinking cold water, when : Lept. - y —, inspiration, during deep : PSOr. 7 , laughing, when : Psor. 7 , lying on it, when : Psor. y , pressure by: Merc. v. Psor. 7 , walking, when : Psor. Natr.s. 7 - left, when drinking cold water: Natr. c. Hypochondria, sensitive to pressure: Arg. n. Caust. Liver swollen : Chin. Laur. Nux. mos. — tender: Dig. Natr. S. Spleen swollen: Chin. Iod. Urging to stool, unsuccessful: Corn. c. Natr. s. 13. ANUs. Haemorrhoids: Zing. Rectum : protrusion of: Crot. t. 14. URINE. Strangury: Apis. Canth. Caps. Coloc. Merc. v. Merc. G. Nux v. Tart. e. Tenesmus of bladder: Merc. v. Merc. c. Urination, burning after: Canth. — , difficult: Calc. c. Caps. Nux v. —, flow interrupted: Con. 14 158 GENERAL A CCOMPANIMENTS. Urination, frequent: Ant. c. Apis. Bor. Canth, Coloc. Con. Dig. Merc. v. Nux v. Phos. ac. , involuntary: Bell. Caust. Hyos. Sep. Sil. —, pain in bladder after: Lith. c. , – - before : Lith. c. —, possible only with stool: Alum. —, seldom : Cupr. —, urging strong: Lith. c. Urine bloody: Merc. c. Tart. e. — cloudy : Phos. ac. — dark : Bemz, ac. Chin. Nitr. ac. — fetid: Calc. c. Coloc. — forming a cloud: PhoS. ac. — hot: Merc. c. — jelly-like: Cin. Coloc. — onions, smelling like: Gum. g. — pale: Phos. Phos. ac. — profuse: Acon. Aloe. Ant. c. Apis. Bell. Ox, ac. Phos. Phos. ac. Scill. — retained: Laur. scanty: Cupr. Dig. Merc. c. Nux mos. Op. Tart, e. sour-smelling: Nitr. ac. — strong-smelling: Benz. ac. Calc. c. Nitr. ac. — suppressed: Cupr. Laur. Merc. c. Op. See. Stram. Werat. watery: Cocc. Phos. Phos. ac. — white: Cina. CHEST; EXTREMITIES. 159 15. CHEST. Breath, acrid smelling (like horse-radish): Agar. — cold : Carb. v. gº — fetid: Arn. Gels. — offensive: Nux mos. Chest, constriction of: Cact. Werat. —, constriction of, spasmodic: Sec. Werat. —, oppression of: Verat. Cough, dry: Rum. Heart, constriction of: Cact. —, irregular action of: Laur. —, oppression of: Tabac. —, palpitation of: Cact. Tart. e. Respiration difficult: Elat. — feeble : Laur. labored : Apis. moaning: Laur. oppressed: Thuj. Werat. short: Thuja. slow : Laur. rattling: Op. Voice, feeble : Sec. Werat. —, hoarse: Sec. Werat. —, hollow : Sec. —, inaudible: Sec. —, lost: Carb. v. Yawning: Cast. = 16. EXTREMITIES. Arms, cramps of: Cupr. Phos. ac. Verat. I60 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Feet, cold: Lyc, Nitr. ac. Hands, blue : Apis. —, cold before vomiting: Verat. , cramps of: Cupr. Phos. ac. Verat. Sec. , hot, after vomiting : Verat. , –, palms of: Bov. —, panaritium: Natr. Sul. —, paronychia: Diosc. —, sweat on, cold : Kali b. Legs, cramps of: Cupr. Jair. Pod. Sec. Verat. —, pains in : Diosc. Rhus. - —, weakness of: Aloe. Arg. n. Toes, cramps of: Sec. 17. SLEEP. Dreams, tiresome : Bap. Rhºws. Sleep, comatose : Op. —, with crying out : Bell. Rheum. —, disturbed: Apis. Arg. n. Bell. Bap. Bor, Cham. Cim. Merc. v. Petr. Pod. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. * —, with eyes half closed: Ipec. Pod. Sulph. —, - grinding of teeth: Cin. Pod. —, -jerking up of limbs: Tart. e. —, - moaning: Cham. Pod. —, rocked, only while : Cin. —, with sweat: Chin. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac, Psor. y on forehead, cold : Merc. v. Sil. , - *-ºs , hot: Cham. —, - startings: Bell. Bor. y SLEEP ; FEVER. 161 Sleep, with waking often : Cin. Petr. Sep. Sulph. 7 feeling too hot: Phos. y at 3 A. M.: Sep. Sleepiness: Ant. c. Bell. Corn. c. Gels. Hip. m. Nua, mos. Op. Petr. Tart. e. , daytime: Agar. Kali c. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Nux v. Phos. Pod. Psor. Rhod. Sep. Sulph. Sleepiness, eating, after: Agar. Nux v. Phos. Sleeplessness: Acon. Bap. Caps. Cin. Coff. Coloc. Hyos. Iod. Op. Phos. — at night: Merc. v. Mur. ac. — with frightful visions: Op. - Somnolency: Bell. Nux mos. Op. Phos. ac. Tart. e. Sopor: Bell. Nua, mos. Op. 18. FEVER. a. CHILL. Chill: Camph. Dig. — mingled with heat: Dig. Chilliness : Arg. n. Camph. Cast. Dig. Puls. — when leaving the fire: Aloe. Coldness : Camph. Jatr. Lawr. Tabac. Shuddering: Acon. Camph. Raph. —, internal: Acon. b. HEAT. Heat: Acon. Bap. Dulc. Kali b. Magn. c. —, dry: Acon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Dulc. —, external, with chill: Dig. 14 * § L 162 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. c. SWEAT. Sweat: Acon. Benz. ac. Chin. Corn. c. Ferr. — with chilliness: Dig. —, cold: Camph. Cupr. Jatr. Sec. Tabac. —, covered parts, on : Acon. - —, exertion, during : Chin. Merc. v. Psor. —, night, at: China. Merc. v. Phos. Phos. ac, Psor. —, profuse : Op. Psor. —, sleeping, when : Chin. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac, PhOS. Psor. ::: —, sour smelling : Merc. v. —, vomiting, with: Acon. d. PULSE. Pulse, full : Acon. Bap. —, hard : Acom. Æth. Bell. —, imperceptible: Ars. Laur. —, intermitting : Thuja. —, - every third beat: Mur. ac. —, irregular: Laur. Tabac. Thuj. —, rapid: Acom. Æth. Ars. Bell. —-, slow : Cupr. Laur. Mur. ac. —, small: AEth. Bell. Cupr. —, soft : Bap. Cupr. —, weak: Cupr. Mur. ac. Tabac. 19. SKIN. Skin, blue : Sec. Werat. —, cold : Laur. Pod. Sec. Verat. SKIN ; GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 163 Skin, cool : Nux mos. —, dry: Acon. Apis. Nux m. —, hot: Acon. Apis. —, folds, remaining when pinched : Verat. —, livid: Bor. Laur. * —, pale : Bor. a ——, sallow : Pod. —, shrivelled: Sec. 20. GENERAL SYMPTOMs. Anasarca : Apis. Ascites: Apis. Aversion to being covered, (to heat:) Sec. Chlorosis: Alum. Ferr. Lyc. Nux v. Puls. Collapse: Ars. Camph. Carb. v. Laur. See. Tabac. Cramps: Cocc. Cupr. Jalr. Phos. ac. Pod. Sec. Verat. - Cyanosis: Dig. Debility, (languor :) Alum. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Benz. ac. Bor. Brom. Bry. Calc. c. Chin. Colch. Con. Corm. c. Dig. Ferr. Graph. Gum. g. Iris v. Iod. Kali b. Kali c. Kali nit. Lach. Lept. Lyc. Magn. c. Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Nua, m. Nux v. Phos. Pod. Psor. Raph. Rum. Sang. c. Sec. Sep. Tart. e. Thuj. Werat. Emaciation: Apis. Ars. Bor. Calc. C. Ferr. Iod. Lyc. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Phos. Sil. Thuj. Exhaustion, (prostration :) Ars. Benz, ac. Camph. Carb. v. Colch. Con. Corn. c. Iris v. Tach. Merc. v. Mez Sec. Sep. Tabac. Veral. Thuj. 164: GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Exhaustion, absence of: Phos. ac. Fainting: Ars. Cocc. Laur. Nux mos. Op. Tabac. Veraţ. on rising up : Acon. Bry. Op. Thromb. Faintness: Lept. Raph. Haemorrhages: Cact. g. Jaundice : Chel. Con. Corn, c. Dig. Merc. v. Pod. Lethargy: Bell. Nua, m. Op. Pains appear and disappear suddenly : Bell. Paralysis: Tabac. Restlessness : Acom. Ars. Bell. Canth. Carb. v. Cupr. Iod. Rheum. Rhus. — from 4 to 6 P. M. : Carb. v. Rheumatism : Rhod. Slide down in bed, tendency to : Mur. ac. Softness of the flesh : Pod. Sour smell of body: Rheum. Spasms, (convulsions :) AEth. Bell. Cham. Cupr. Hyos. Ipec. Laur. Op. Tabac. Stretching : Graph. Stupor: Bell. Hyos. Nua, m. Op. Subsultus: Hyos. - Yawning: Cast. LIST OF AUTHORS CONSULTED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS WORK. |HAFINEMANN. — Chronic Diseases. JAHR. — New Manual. Repertory. LIPPE. — Materia Medica. HALE. — Materia Medica. MURE. — Materia Medica. METCALF.—Homoeopathic Provings. GROSS.—Comparative Materia Medica. POSSART. — Arzneimittellehre. BCENNINGHAUSEN.—Repertorium. Reuchhusten. Pocket Book. RAUE. — Pathology and Therapeutics. - GUERNSEY. — Obstetrics and Diseases of Females and Children. HARTMANN.—Specielle Therapie Acuter und Chronischer Krankheiten. —Spec. Therap. Kinderkrankheiten. TESTE. — Diseases of Children. - WILLIAMSON.— Diseases of Women and Children. CROSERIO. —Obstetrics. WELLS. — Diarrhoea. Wolf. — Hom. Erfahrungen, Erstes bis fünftes Heft. JOURNALS. — Am. Hom. Review, Vol. I. to VI.- Hahn. Monthly, Vol. I. to III.- British Jour. of Hom., Vol. XXV.-U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. I. to IV. Monthly Hom. Review, Vol. VIII.-Am. Jour. of Hom. Mat. Med., Vol. I. to II.-New England Med. Gazette, Vol. I. to IV.-Am. Hom. Observer, Vol. I. to VI. Medical Investigator, Vol. II. to VI. — Ohio Medical and Surg. Reporter, a few numbers.-Western Hom. Observer, a few numbers.-North Am. Jour. of Hom., Vol. W. and XIV.-Proceedings of Am. Inst. of Hom.; of N. Y. Hom. Med. Soc.; of Mass. Hom. Med. Soc.; a few volumes. - 165 IND EX. CHARACTER AND OBJECT OF THE WORK, . ſº e SELECTION OF THE REMEDY, ... . gº ſº wº ADMINISTRATION OF THE REMEDY, º tº g FAIRT FIRST. 5 REMEDIES AND THEIR INDICATIONS, 1. Aconite, . . 13|22. Camphor, & 2. Aºthusa cynap., . 14 || 23. Cantharis, . 3. Agaricus, * 15 24. Capsicum, . 4. Alag, © g 16 25. Carbo veg., . 5. Alumina, e . 17 | 26. Castoreum, . 6. Ammon. mur., . 18 27. Causticum, . 7. Antim, crud., . . 19 || 28. Chamomilla, . 8. Apis mel, © 20 |29. Chelidomium maj., 9. Argent, nit., . 21 30. China, . i. 10. Arnica mont., 22 || 31. Cina, 11. Arsenicum, . 23 32. Cistus can., 12. Asarum europ., . 24 33. Cocculus, iº 13. Belladonna, . 25 || 34. Coffea, . . 14. Baptisia tinct, 26 35. Colchicum, . 15. Benzoic acid, . 27 || 36. Colocynthis, . 16. Borax, . . 27 ||37. Conium, . º 17. Bovista, . { } . 28 |38. Copaivae, 18. Bromine, º 29 |39. Cornus circin., 19. Bryonia, e . 29 |40. Croton tig., . 20. Cactus grand., 31 || 41. Cubebae, iº 21. Calcarea carb., . 31 || 4°. Cuprum met., . 166 INIDEX. 167 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. . Gratiola off., 52. 53. 54. 55. Digitalis, . e . Dioscorea, v., de e Dulcamara, . e Elaterium, Ferrum met., . Fluoric acid, . Gelseminum, e Graphites, . ſº tº Gumm. gutt., Helleborus nig., Hepar sulph., Hippomane man., s 56. Hydrophobin, e 57. Hyosciamus, 58. Ipecacuanha, 59. Iris persicolor, . 60. Jatropha cure., . 61. Iodine, . o tº º 62. Kali bich., . º tº 63. Kali carb., 64. Kali mit., . 65. Lachesis, . * & 66. Laurocerasus (Hydrocy- anic acid), . º e 67. Leptandria, . e 9 72, 73. 74. . Lithium carb., . o . Lycopodium, e . Magnesia carb., . Mercurius sol. (Merc. viv.), & e e º Mercurius corros., Mezereum, Muriatic acid, o 50 75. Natrum carb., . . 78 51 76. Natrum sulph., . 79 52 77. Niccolum, º 80 53 78. Nitric acid, . 81 53 || 79. Nux moschata, 82 54 80. Nux vomica, . 83 55 81. Oleander, 85 55 | 82. Opium, • 85 56 83. Oxalic acid, 86 57 | 84. Petroleum, . © . 87 59 85. Phosphorus, . 88 59 86. Phosphoric acid, 90 60 | 87. Podophyllum, . 91 61 | 88. Psorinum, . . 92 62 | 89. Pulsatilla nig., 93 63 90. Raphanus sat., 94 64 91, Rheum, e 95 65 92. Rhododendron, 96 65 93. Rhus tox., . 96 66 94. Rumex crisp., 98 67 || 95. Sanguinaria can., 99 68 96. Scilla, º º . 99 69 97. Sicale corn., ... 100 98. Sepia, . - ... 101 70 99. Silicea, ... 102 7I 100. Stramonium, 103 71 || 101. Sulphur, º 104 72 | 102. Sulphuric acid, 105 74 || 103. Tabacum (Nicotine), . 106 104. Tartar emet., . 106 75 | 105. Thrombidium, , 107 76 || 106. Thuja occ., . 108 77 || 107. Veratrum album., ... 109 78 108. Zingiber, . 168 IN DEX. N PART SECONID. REPERTORY, . e Pathological names, . Character of the stools, Conditions of the stools and of the acco a. Aggravations, b. Ameliorations, Before stool, . During stool, . ſº After stool, { } GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS, 1. Mind and mood, 2. Head, . e e 3. Eyes, 4. Nose, 5. Face, 6. Mouth, . 7. Throat, & 8. Appetite, . 9. Eructation, 10. Nausea, and vomiting, 11. Stomach, e {_* 12. Abdomen, . e . 139 . 141 . 142 . 142 . 142 . 144 . 147 . 147 . 151 . 152 . 154 . 155 AccompaniMENTS OF THE EVACUATIONS, . e e e 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. . 113 * } e . 113 • & g o © . 115 mpanying symptoms, 122 º 122 . 129 . 131 e º . 131 . I 33 e e & gº . 136 e & . 139 13, Anus, . . T 57 Urine, . tº . I 57 Chest, . º . I59 Bxtremities, . . 159 Sleep, . I 60 Fever, . 161 a. Chill, . 161 b. Heat, . 161 c. Sweat, . . 162 d. Pulse, . . . 162 Skin, . ſº e . 162 General symptoms, . 163 20. || || : i * , s ::: * ~ * : " ..." ºf . . . . . . * * a tº - & º wº. --> * - - * - º [. w s * . . . . . . . es. F . . . * * ; : § & * * a 3 * * * * * * * , * 5 sº tº * * . . . . . . . . . . . " ": ºf . - - - º