461579 H615.9 K77 A 575614 ACUTE POISONING A Chart Giving Description, Classification, and Varieties WITH Special Symptoms, Chemical and Physiological Antidotes, Fatal Dose, Simple Tests, and Remarks on Treatment WITH COMPLIMENTS OF VICTOR KOECHL & CO. I 22 H. A. METZ, President Hudson Street NEW YORK Copyrighted, 1904, by Victor Koechl & Co., New York :4 Dear Doctor UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02012 0088 I VJ S ( 1 ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E PLURIBUS UNUM STAJE DOP 1 -QUAERIS-PENINSULAM AMOENAME CIRCUMSPICE DC CVCI icauy טיוף A1 A () + e a) e r n LEJLLISTAALILILMINGLATAMURES S un emergency poisoning case. Sincerely yours, VICTOR KOECHL & Co. Variety. Common Names and Forms. Aqua fortis. Muriatic acid. Oil of vitriol. Chromic trioxid. Salt of lemon and the acid itself; sorrel. Glacial and aromatic. Division. Corrosives. General Characteristics. Class. Mineral Acids. Redden blue lit- Nitric. mus; strongly Hydrochloric. acid vomit; Sulfuric. parchment - like eschars. Immediate, severe, burning pain in mouth, throat, stomach, and abdomen (increased by pressure), often with muscular spasm; discoloration and erosion of mucous membrane of mouth and throat; constant vomiting of stomach contents mixed with mucus and blood-often fol- lowed by bloody purging; con- stipation with mineral acids; difficult deglutition, subsequent stricture, dyspnea, great Alkalies. thirst; cold sweats; painful cramps in calves; headache, marked prostration, convul- Chromic. Vegetable Acids. Oxalic. Redden blue lit- Acetic. mus; acid vomit; dry esclars. Tartaric. sions; mind usually clear (may | Neutral Salts. Hydrates and Oxids. Turn red litmus blue. Carbonates. Chlorids. Caustic potash, soda, ammonia, quicklime. Lye, washing soda, sal volatile. don reflexes); pulse small and Neutral to litmus paper. weak; skin cold and clammy; urine scanty or suppressed (nephritis); peculiar, drawn, haggard face. be coma toward end, or lost ten- Special Symptoms. Tissues stained yellow if acid strong; vomit dirty brown; acute pain, eructations, nausea, and hiccough. White or grayish (may be yellowish) eschars, turning brownish-black; vomit dark yellow; may be white fumes of ammonium chlorid. Dark vomit; mucous membrane much corroded; large, hard, deep, gray-brown eschars. Yellowish-white eschar, becoming grayish-brown; vomit yellowish-red or green; yellow sclera; uremia. Hot, burning, very sour taste; whitish eschar, turning brownish-black; vomit seldom colored; tetanic spasms, coma, collapse: White eschar; convulsions; urine neutral or alkaline; asphyxia. Vomiting and purging. Acrid, burning taste; brown or pale red, sloughing sores; hoarseness; dyspnea (edema glottidis); brownish, ropy, soapy, frothy vomit, purging. Same as above. Corrosive sublimate (bedbug poison); white Styptic, metallic taste; lips, tongue, and oral cavity swollen, shriveled, coated white; vomit glairy coagulated or bloody, with melena; faintness. precipitate. Grumous vomit and violent purging from antimony-also dyspnea, great depression, sometimes narcosis. Butter of antimony; bleaching powder. Nitrates. Zinc; Burnett's, soldering, embalming fluids. Saltpeter; sodium nitrate. Sometimes frothing at mouth, which may look white; nervous symptoms, epileptiform convulsions, coma, paralysis. Frequent urination; convulsions, tremors, delirium, prostration, collapse, partial paralysis. Lunar caustic; marking ink. Phenols. Irritants. Symptoms similar to those of Mineral. Arsenic. corrosive poisons, but generally less intense and of later occur- rence-not coming on for some minutes or hours; intense thirst, severe headache, cramps in legs, giddiness, torpor, coma, and convulsions are common symptoms. Dilute mineral acids and other-corrosives may act as irritant poisons. Vegetable. Antimony. Lead. Vinegar odor. Simpletests. Stains black woolen cloth yellow ckly burning a hole. Bright red (or green) stain on blagoolen cloth. Smallest Fatal Dose. Usual Period of Death. 3 iss. 3 iv. 18 to 24 hours. Red stain on black cloth; chars si Ignites alcohol if poured upon the Orange stain on black cloth; lime for wood. stals. 3 i. Less than gr. 1. gives heavy white precipitate. 3 i. NO 3 i. Burnt-sugar odor on heating. 3 ss. An hour. A few hours. Hours to days. Strongly alkaline; soapy feel of Rh and soda; odor of ammonia. Alkaline, effervescing with acids. gr. xl. potassa. A few hours. gr. iij. to 5 days. ige-red with hydrogen sulfid. le in excess. fumes. 3 ij. antimony. A few hours. gr. vi. zinc. White of egg 1 for every gr. iv. Tannin for antimony. Chemical Antidotes. Magnesia, lime-water and soapsuds ad libitum; if these not quickly obtain- able, give lime from wall, chalk, or iron baking soda; chromic. acetate for Lime water, magnesia, soapsuds, chalk, baking soda, wall plaster, whiting, tooth powders. Futs or fixed oils (olive, linseed, cod- liver, etc.); lemon or orange juice. Physiologic Antagonists. Morphin for pain and shock-or strychnin and camphorated oil-plenty of water to dilute; flour, white of egg, barley or linseed water to soothe; pieces of ice to suck for severe retching. 123370 Remarks on Treatment. Counteract acid and soothe mucous membrane; carbonates, bicarbon- ates, or stomach pump contraindi- cated; fomentations to abdomen. Morphin; demulcent drinks; whiskey, ammonia, Never ammonia by the mouth, or strychnin hypodermically for oxalic-also potash, or soda for oxalic-acid poisoning. castor oil or sweet oil. Morphin for pain; atropin for dyspnea; milk, Emetics and pump contraindicated. white of eggs, and barley water as demulcents. Milk, white of egg, flour, arrowroot, barley Remove water, or charcoal as demulcents; morphin for pain; vascular stimulants. stomach poison from quickly as possible-tube or pump inadmissible with zinc chlorid. ON 3 شر. 2 hours to days. Baking soda in plenty water. Several hours. None. to light. gr. 50. sote; ferric chlorid gives violet 3 ss. Few hrs.to days Common salt. to 12 hours. Epsom (3 i.) or Glauber ( 3 ss.) salt; saccharated lime; soap; alcohol. | Turns yellow with lime-water; dans metal. Antimony insoluble in water; turn Ammonia gives white precipitate, Heated with sulfuric acid, gives Poison or vomit darkens on exposu Glazed appearance of mucous membrane; black vomit (cheesy white at first); convulsions; diarrhea; cardiac and respiratory depression. Carbolic acid by mouth, vagina, lungs; cresol, Hard, whitened patches in mouth; frothy vomit; contracted pupils; breathing slow and deep (shallow and hurried toward end); blackish-green urine; Marked peculiar odor of acid or coldness; vertigo; speedy coma, with abolished reflexes, collapse, and subnormal temperature. creasote, creolin, color. Fairtness, nausea, syncope, general depression; great thirst and restlessness; brown vomit mixed with bloody mucus; choleraic or bloody stools, with tenesmus; numbness and tingling of extremities; pail usually severe, but may be slight or absent, with prominent nervous symptoms (neuritis later); eyes reddened and suffused; paralysis, convulsions, cona, collapse, coldness; shallow breathing; anuria. Garlicky odor on heating powder,drogen sulfid gives a lemon-yel- gr. iss. low precipitate; boiling with zinend liquor potassa blackens cap of filter paper dipped in silver nitrat White arsenic, fly paper or powder, "Rough on Rats," Scheele's, Schweinfurth's or Paris green (candy, wall paper); cancer cures; colored crayons or flowers. Tartar emetic (may act through skin), hive Harsh, metallic taste in mouth; early salivation and profuse sweats; excessive vomiting and depression; rice-water stools; urine usually increased, with pain- Hydrogen sulfid gives an orange olored precipitate; tartar emetic gr. ij. chars on heating. syrup, antimonial powder, "liver of anti- ful micturition; may be delirium and convulsions; pistular eruption after several days. mony." Sugar of lead, white lead, red lead, chrome Metallic taste; intense abdominal pain with hard, retractel abdomen and constipation (black stools); dry throat; vomiting whitish ourde: cold sweats: Hydrogen sulfid turns hlook. convulsions; local paralyses and blue line on gumis mprotracted cases. Copperas; tincture chlorid. Common alum. Sulfate (white vitriol). "yellow, Goulard´s extract. Copper. Blue vitriol, verdigris. Tin. Chlorid (used in dyeing). Iron. Aluminum. Zinc. Chromium. Potassium dichromate (dyes, battery fluid). Barium. Potassium. Chlorin. Chlorate and sulfate; cream of tartar. Bleaching powder. Iodin. Phosphorus. Chlorid and hydrate. Tincture; Lugol's solution. Metallic taste very marked; greenish vomit; may be jaundice, convulsions, or local paralyses; purging with tenesmus. More depressant than irritating; metallic taste. Styptic, metallic taste; dark greenish fur on tongue; blak vomit. Styptic, sweetish taste; frothing at mouth. Excessive vomiting; dilated pupils; coma. Yellow vomit; dilated pupils; violent purging. Nervous symptoms; cardiac palpitation; disturbed vision great weakness; dyspnea; cramps, convulsions, collapse. Chlorate: Cardiac depression; rigid limbs, delirium and ma; bloody urine. Bitartrate symptoms like niter. Sharp, acid taste; peculiar odor of chlorin. Yellow stains; vomit yellow, blue, or black; faintness a giddiness; convulsive movements. Match heads, ratsbane, phosphorsted oil, Garlicky odor and taste; gradually increasing pain, beginning over region of liver within an hour or not for days; jaundice usually on second or third day; phosfin. epistaxis, metrorrhagia; muscular twitchings, deliriu, paralysis; coma, collapse; urine bloody, albuminous, or contains sarcolactic acid with leucin and tyrosin; distended abdomen; liver first enlarged and painful, then diminished in size. Aloes, jalap, gamboge, elaterium, sammony. Savin, croton, turpentine, castor (bŝans). Excessive mucous purging with intense, griping pain an tenesmus; may be salivation, vomiting, spasms, collapse. Choleraic, violent vomiting and purging; strangury; ste torous breathing; contracted pupils; coma, convulsions, collapse; blood or albumin in urine. Wine, alkaloid or vinegar; patent medicines. Violent, blood-stained purging; dyspnea, rapid exhaustic; skin colä, pupils dilated, intense thirst, pinched face, painful cramps. Resins. Oils. ¦ ¡ Colchicum. Veratrum. loids. Digitalis. Foxglove tincture, alkaloids. Ergot. Lathyrus. 2 to 24 hours Freshly made ferric hydrate magma (average 10). 3 iv. every 15 minutes until urgent symptoms are relieved. Morphin; stimulants; amyl nitrite; demulcents. Stomach pump or emetics; fomen- tations. Morphin for pain; milk and white of eggs. Hot fomentations. Morphin, atropin, brandy, ether, ammonia; white of eggs and flour; oxygen inhalations. Morphin, hot poultices and fomentations; albu- men, barley or linseed tea, sweet oil, lime water; animal charcoal; brandy or ether hypo- dermically. Clear out stomach carefully with tube or apomorphin; avoid oils. Neutralize remaining poison after thoroughly emptying stomach with pump, tube, or apomorphin (gr. hypodermically). 1 hour to sev-Tannic acid or strong green tea; mag- Hot blankets and water bags and friction to ex- Encourage vomiting with copious eral days. nesium carbonate in milk. tremities; stimulants hypodermically. warm drinks. Apsom salt (3 ss.): magnesia: dilute Milk raw eggs and bazle water as demulcents: Castor oil to aid in purging. sulfuric acid (3 ss.). stimulants for shock, morphin, hot fomenta- tions. iss. tincture. Few hrs. to days Baking soda, magnesia. Baking soda. Lime water; soapsuds. Lime water, chalk, magnesia. Epsom or Glauber salt. Lan ma. whhon dinned in solution i A few hours. takes up deposit of metal lead. several days Knife-blade in acid solution becomes coated with metal copper. Fragment of zinc precipitates metal tin on surface. Turns dark blue or black with tannin or tea. 3 i. vitriol. 4 to 12 hours. White of eggs, milk, flour, sugar. Milk and eggs. Z Ammonia water gives white precipitate insoluble in excess. Ammonia water gives white precipitate soluble in excess. Green precipitate with ammonium hydrate. Flame test greenish. 3 ss. About 12 hours. 3 ij. A few hours. 3 i. 12 hours. 3 ss. chlorate. 3i. A day to weeks. Several hours. 1 to 4 days. Few hrs.to days] Mucilaginous drinks. Few hrs.to days Mucilaginous drinks. gr. ss. colchicin. In 24 hours. gr. i. helleborin. Few hours. Tannin or strong tea or coffee. Chlorate deflagrates on heating; bitartrate chars. Solution of aqueous mixture quickly bleaches calico. Turned blue with wet starch. Greenish or coffee-ground vomit and stools luminous in dark, especially gr. go- on heating with sulfuric acid; exhaled air sometimes luminous in the dark. Resinous-soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water. 3 i. Odor and appearance; croton blisters skin; if oil turpentine, stran- xv. croton. gury and odor of violets to urine. Nitric acid turns colchicin violet, changing to blue and brown. Sulfuric acid turns veratrin yellow, then red. Baking soda for bitartrate. Lime water, magnesia, baking soda. Starch or flour in warm water. Ozonized turpentine (French oil), 3 ss. every half-hour for 5 or 6 doses; po- tassium permanganate, 1: 1,000. Tannic acid or strong green tea. Black, green, or white preparations and alka- | Very acrid and bitter taste; violent vomiting, purging, ad abdominal pain; dyspnea, weak, slow pulse; convulsions; cold, clammy skin. Pulse slow, enfeebled, intermittent much worse on sitting gasping respiration; nausea, grass-green vomiting and purging; severe abdominal pain; ver- Sulfuric acid and bromin give red with digitalin, violet with digitalein, gr. digitalin. Hours or days. Tannin or strong green tea. tigo, syncope, chromatopsia, severe headache; deliriu, convulsions, paralyses, coma; pallor, mydriasis, coldness; sudden heart failure. Dizziness, dyspnea, headache, delirium, coma; mydriasis abortion; small pulse; heart failure. Fungus of rye; fluid extract. German, red, or Spanish vetches. All parts of tree; cytisin. Spanish fly internally or externally Sausage poisoning; meat poisoning Animal. Laburnum. Cantharides. Botulismus. Galactotoxicons. Milk poisons (saprophytes). Tyrotoxicon. Ichthyotoxins. Gaseous. Acid Vapors. Alkaline Vapors. Opium. Act principally on nervous Narcotics. Neurotics system after absorption, usual- ly in about half an hour. Narcotics, characterized chief- ly by stupor, delirium, and in- sensibility coming on in from five minutes to many hours—- sometimes convulsions. Depressants, marked by feeble pulse and breathing which cause death by paralysis of heart or respiration; do not generally act directly on cerebrum; insensibil- ity comes on with carbon diox- id narcosis. Convulsants, characterized chiefly by tonic and clonic spasms; mind usually clear till near end. Depressants. Convulsants. Belladonna. Initial chill; pain in loins and legs; girdle sensation, pare thesia, lameness; gangrene. Sweet taste; vomiting and abdominal pain; narcosis; confulsive movements; dilated pupils. Dull pain in loins; priapism, vesical tenesmus and strangry; salivation; bloody vomit, stools, and urine; convulsions, coma. Dry mouth, constricted throat, vor, ting and purging; vertigo, suffocation; ptosis, dilated pupils; thready pulse, collapse; coldness. Summer diarrhea of infants-vomiting, prostration, stup. Cheese poison; ice cream, custard, cream Dryness and constriction of throat; purging and vomiting (may be slight or absent); nervous prostration, delirium, weak pulse. puffs. Nausea, vomiting, purging; dyspnea, fever, painful cram is in limbs; marked prostration, convulsions, delirium, coma; scarlet or urticarial rash; sore eyes. Coughing and suffocation; conjunctival and pharyngeal ongestion (inability to swallow); trembling and weakness. Same as above, with burning in throat, vomiting, and girdiness. Fish poisons (canned fish); mussels; Kakke. Bromin, chlorin, nitrous and sulfurous fumes Strong ammonia. Morphin, codein, laudanum, paregoric, sooth- ing or cough syrups, Dover's powder, black drop, poppy tea, McMunn's elixir, Godfrey's cordial. Tincture, collyria, liniments, ointments, plaster, cough mixtures; atropin, homatro- pin. Henbane tincture, hyoscyamin, hyoscin. Jimson weed, daturin, tincture, extract. Berries of woody and garden nightshade; potato sprouts. Tincture and extracts. Hyoscyamus. Stramonium. Solanum. Cannabis Indica. Muscarin. Iodoform. Camphor. Tincture or stearopten. Alcohol (coma). Whiskey, brandy, rum, wines, gin. Chloral. Chloroform. Ether. Carbon Monoxid. Carbon Dioxid. Hydrogen Sulûd. Cyanogen. Poisonous mushrooms or toadstools. Free application to raw surfaces. "Hydrate"; sleeping potions, "knock-out drops." By inhalation-rarely by mouth. By inhalation or by mouth. Illuminating gas, charcoal fumes. Staggering, excitement, narcosis, deep coma; pin-point pipils (may be dilated toward death); face congested (pallid in third stage); pulse slow and full, becoming slow, weak, and irregular; respiration slow and stertorous, becoming feeble or Cheyne-Stokes; convulsions in children and habitués some- times tetanic; skin dry and warm, may be nettle-rash, then cold, clammy; abolished reflexes; asphyxia. Dim vision; pupils dilated; face flushed (may be scarlati iform rash); rapid pulse and respiration; heat and excessive dryness of skin, throat, and fauces; great thirst, difficult swallowing; nausea, vomiting; strangury or suppressed urine; vertigo, staggering gait, excitability, active delirium, may be convulsions; sometimes high fever. Hyoscyamin same as atropin, but less marked (giddiness diplopia, incoherence, delirium); hyoscin is a muscular paralyzant. Same as belladonna, but more powerful action on sympathetic; cardiac irregularity; furious delirium. Same as belladonna, but much less active; great restlessness and cutaneous hyperesthesia; gastroenteritis; chill. both turning green on adding water. Peculiar nutty odor. 3 ix. tincture. Tannic acid. Cytisin orange-yellow when warmed with nitric acid. Blisters skin or mucous membrane. Zi. tincture. A day or more. Charcoal, linseed tea, milk. Putrid odor; section appears dirty grayish-green, soft and smeary. Culture methods show various saprophytic bacteria. Peculiar odor and color of fumes. Peculiar odor; turns red litmus blue. A few hours. Morphin colored blue with ferric chlorid, changing to green with ex- cess; meconic acid of opium gives blood-orange color with solutions of ferric chlorid. iv. opium; gr. i. morphin 3 to 12 hours; by mouth; gr. earliest, 45 minutes. 3ij. laudanum Instill suspected drug in eye of cat or dog-will dilate pupil in a few gr. ss. atropin. Few hours to a day. minutes if a solanaceous derivative. Atropin gives odor of orange 3 i. belladonna flowers on dissolving in sulfuric acid, adding potassium dichromate and a few drops of water, and warming green solution thus formed. Peculiar narcotic odor. liniment. Never fatal. Intestinal antiseptics. Intestinal disinfectants. Intestinal antiseptics. Calomel or other antiseptics. Ammonia by inhalation. Vinegar inhalations. Tannic acid (strong green tea) for all the alkaloids—or potassium perman- ganate, grain for grain of the poison (may wash stomach with permanga- nate solution, gr. ii.-iv. to pint); charcoal also of some service. Lemon juice freely. Dilated pupils; exaltation of senses, rapid flow of thought; minutes seem hours; double consciousness; delirium usually joyous; catalepsy. Gastroenteritis; vertigo, dim vision, marked myosis; intense dyspnea; tremors, epileptiform attacks of delirium, lethargy, feeble, rapid pulse; coma. Fever, headache, vertigo, marked anxiety and restlessness, delirium, quick, feeble pulse; sudden collapse, coma; erythema or eczema; gastroenteritis. Burning pain in throat; foaming at mouth; disturbed vision, tinnitus, delirium, convulsions, paresis, coma; surface cold and clammy; retained urine. Gradual stupor; comatose breathing-alcoholic odor; pupils dilated and fixed; face ghastly, suffused, or bloated-lips livid; patient can be roused. Complete muscular relaxation-abolished reflexes; may be convulsions; feeble, irregular, slow pulse and breathing (sometimes stertorous); face pale or Breath odor like bananas or pears; heating poison with potash gives gr. viiss. chloroform odor. livid; subnormal temperature. Pieces of fungi agaricus muscarius bright red with yellow spots in Small fragment. 2 to 100 hours. Tannin or strong green tea. vomit. Distinctive odor. Vasomotor paralysis-imperfect circulation; sudden dilatation of pupils; shallow breathing and feeble, frequent pulse. Shallow breathing, mucous râles and rapid pulse; asphyxia and cyanosis; pupils usually dilated. Nausea, giddiness, muscular weakness, ataxia, convulsions, local paralyses, coma, asphyxia; skin and mucous membranes rosy red. Very close apartments; beer vats; choke Giddiness, ringing in ears, irritation of throat; loss of muscular power; feeble pulse and breathing; coma. Anemia, headache in chronic. damp. Sewer gas. Cyanids, prussic acid, cherry laurel, oil of bitter almonds, wild cherry bark, cassava; cherry, plum, and peach pits; wild service- tree. Distinctive odor; drug precipitated from solution by adding water. Alcoholic or ethereal odor; fluid burns with pale blue flame. Morphin hypodermically for pain. Albuminous and mucilaginous drinks. Milk and mucilaginous drinks. Milk to soothe mucous membrane. Milk and white of egg. Milk and other demulcent drinks. Fixed oils to soothe. Warm drinks to encourage emesis. External heat and evacuation. Castor oil for bowels; opium. Plenty of warm water, Warm water in copious draughts. Empty stomach with pump or tube. Follow salt by emetics. Morphin, stimulants, demulcents, fomentations. Stomach pump or emetics. Fixed oils to soothe. Stimulants, amyl nitrite, morphin, albumen. Milk of magnesia after stomach emptied; albu- minous and mucilaginous drinks; epsom salt; oxygen inhalations; alkalies. Morphin hypodermically. Albumen, morphin, brandy, ammonia. Morphin, brandy, strychniu, coffee, ammonia. Morphin, alcohol, ammonia, digitalis. Aconite, very small dose, repeated if beneficial or brandy; nitroglycerin if high tension. Opium, nitroglycerin, stimulants. Morphin and stimulants. Morphin, atropin, strychnin. White of egg and water. Strychnin, brandy, ammonia. Brandy, strychnin, ammonia. Fresh air and rest. Fresh air and rest. Caffein; coffee by rectum or mouth; atropin gr. every 15 minutes for 3 doses; cocain; ammonia, strychnin, amyl nitrite if heart failure. Morphin till pupils begin to contract; brandy; pilocarpin gr. ss.; coffee by enema or caffein; muscarin, physostigmin, ammonia inhala- tions. Strychnin, brandy, faradism. Atropin, strychnin, brandy, coffee. About an ounce. 3 iij. Wash wound with oil of eucalyptus. Hours to days. | Water. Stimulants (coffee); bromids for erethism. 3 iiss. alcohol. 6 to 10 hours. Evacuate stomach with tube. Few minutes to | All alkalies. day. Peculiar odor; burning sensation on skin followed by local anesthesia. m xv. Often very sud-Baking soda internally. den. Peculiar odor-inflammable gas. 3 i. Minutes to hrs. Gas in tightly closed stoves burns with bluish flame. Candle goes out in choke-damp. Rotten-egg odor; blackens paper dipped in lead solution. tate soluble in ammonia. ON Nausea, vomiting; pains in abdomen and extremities, he ache, vertigo, paresis, convulsions, insensibility; petechia, hectic lever. Almost immediate salivation, constricted throat, giddiness falling, insensibility, convulsions; glassy, protruded eyes; respiration stertorous or sobbing: Characteristic peach-blossom odor; silver nitrate gives white precipi- m xxx. face livid or pallid; frothing at mouth; surface cold a d clammy; limbs flaccid; pulse almost imperceptible. A few hours. None. None. Over 1%. A few hours. None. dilute acid; gr. iiss. for acid, sev- cyanid; m XX. oil bitter almonds. eral hours for cyanids. Smells like oil of bitter almonds, but does not crimson with sulfuric gr. xv. acid. Strong tobacco odor; chlorin colors blood-red or brown. Peculiar, heavy, unpleasant odor. 4 to 24 hours. Stomach washing. m i. hour or more. 3 i. leaves. 1 to 24 hours. π i. coniin. 1 to 3 hours. Makes tongue tingle, then anesthetic; dilates pupil of cat or dog Less when locally applied. than a Few minutes grain. hours. White of egg, milk and flour. Free emesis till blue color disappears Wash out stomach with 1 per cent. solution of copper sulfate. Counteract exhaustion. Fomentations to loins for turpen- tine. Plenty of water; charcoal; poul- tices. Hot fomentations to abdomen. Keep patient in horizontal posture; clear alimentary canal. Emetics, purgatives, warmth. Clear out stomach and bowels. Evacuate stomach and bowels. Castor oil; plenty of water; warın bath. Wash out alimentary tract. Stop the milk. Thorough lavage of alimentary tract. Wash out stomach and intestines. Relieve congestion of lungs. Relieve pulmonary congestion. quickly with Empty stomach pump or emetics-tablespoonful of mustard to half pint water- slap chest with towels wrung from cold water, apply cold to head, warmthı to extremities; faradism or galvanism to epigas- trium and neck; artificial respira- tion if needed; keep bladder empty. Clear fauces; artificial respiration. Transfusion of blood; saline injec- tions. + Tincture, alkaloid, neuralgia cures, fever mixtures, liniments, aconite root mistaken for horseradish. Physostigma. Calabar bean, eserin (physostigmin), Antipyretics. Marked myosis; vertigo, nausea, vomiting; slow, shallow respiration; abolished reflexes, general paralysis. Cyanosis; profuse sweating, profound prostration; very slow respiration; feeble, irregular pulse; vomiting; collapse. Violet, yellow, or green vision; hallucinations, convulsions, trismus, coma, collapse; dilated pupils and twitching eyeballs. Chill, fever; rapid, weak pulse; sighing, labored breathing; protruding eyeballs; incoordination, motor paralysis. Santonin. Curare (Woorara). Acetanilid, exalgin, phenacetin. Worm medicine. Arrow poison, curarin. Nux Vomica and Igna- Strychnin (vermin killers). tia. Castor oil, emetics, and enema. Stimulants, diuretics, diaphoretics; warm baths. Remove drug from body. Coffee, ammonium carbonate, capsicum. Strychnin, brandy, coffee, ammonium carbonate. Warmth to limbs; hot and cold douche. Heat to limbs, cold douche to head. Hot bottles and bags; artificial res- piration. Atropin, brandy, ammonia, amyl nitrite; coffee Invert; artificial respiration; hold when swallowed. Atropin, brandy, ammonia, strychnin. Atropin, fresh air, artificial respiration, oxygen, apomorphin hypodermically. up base of tongue; hot and cold douches. Atropin, strong coffee; fresh air, artificial respi- Slapping with cold, wet towels. ration. Stimulants, particularly strychnin, atropin. 10 to 15 minutes Chlorin water, hydrogen peroxid, or Hypodermics of atropin, brandy, ether, strych- bleaching powder; for cyanids a nin; ammonia inhalations; electricity; hot and mixture of ferric and ferrous sulfates cold douches. and sodium carbonate. Strychnin and atropin. Removal to fresh air. Empty stomach immediately; slap chest with cold, wet towel; artifi- cial respiration. Whiskey after emptying stomach. 5 minutes to 1 Tannic or gallic acid or strong green | Strychnin nitrate, ammonia, brandy, strong Emetics or stomach tube; castor oil mxv. tincture; 3 to 4 hous gr. alkaloid. (sudden). Contracts pupil of dog or cat; marked red color with bromin water. Odor of anilin on heating acetanilid with excess of caustic potash. Urine yellow-green; red on adding alkali. gr. 1 alkaloid. gr.v. acetanilid. gr. ij. Paralyzes voluntary and respiratory muscles when injected beneath Few grains. frog's skin. 12 to 24 hours 14 hours Alkaline permanganate locally. more. through solution and observe blue streaks, passing quickly to violet, pink, and red. Nitric acid turns to blood-red, changing to yellow on heating. Sulfuric acid gives orange-yellow color. powdered nut. age 2 hours gr. iij. gr. iij. picro-hour or mor toxin. nin; gr. xxx. hours (ave Very bitter taste, epigastric pain, strange feeling in jaw; pruritus, shivering, shuddering; twitching muscles, jerking limbs and head; recurrent tonic Dissolve in sulfuric acid and draw crystal of potassium dichromate gr. ss. strych- 5 minutes to spasms in neck, back, chest, diaphragm with dyspna, followed by sweating; acute senses; face livid, congested; eyes staring, risus sardonicus; pulse very rapid and feeble; may be fever; trismus late if at all. Cocculus Indicus. Brucin (false angostura bark). Picrotoxin. Similar symptoms to strychnin, but slower and less marked. Choreic spasms, mostly flexor; giddiness, lethargy, delirium, coma; intensely bitter taste; slow, labored breathing. Strychnin and brandy. Strychnin, brandy. Ammonia, morphin, amyl nitrite, ether, strych- nin, digitalis. Morphin, atropin, ammonia, alcohol, digitalis. Brandy, coffee, strychnin, ammonia, amyl ni- trite, digitalis, strophanthus, atropin. Atropin, strychnin (later), or chloral (early). Alcohol, ether, strychnin; oxygen inhalations. Internal and external stimulants, eliminants. Strychnin, atropin, spirits of niter. Tannic acid or hot coffee or strong Chloroform or ether inhalations; chloral (3 ss. in green tea; animal charcoal. milk by rectum-repeat if need be in 30 min- utes); bromids; atropin, morphin, eserin; to- bacco enema; amyl nitrite inhaled; valerian. or other purgatives; recumbent posture should be strictly main- tained; artificial respiration if need be; faradization or galva- nization of respiratory muscles; poultices and bland fluids if much abdominal irritation; mustard plaster over heart and calves; hot wraps; hot and cold douches. Ligature; suck wound; warmth to loins. Keep bladder empty; use purga- tives and avoid all noise and ex- citement (darken room); artificial respiration during paroxysms; ice to spine. Mirbane oil or "essence of mirbane essence of mirbane "; anilin Like prussic acid, but much slower; cyanosis, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, great anxiety; apoplectiform coma. dyes. Nitrobenzene. Nicotin. Tobacco by mouth, rectum, or lungs. Lobelia. Tincture, alkaloid, extracts, leaves. Conium. Fresh leaves mistaken for parsley. Cocain. Gelsemium. Aconite. Nausea, vomiting, purging; giddiness, tremors, tetanic spasms, great depression, tremors, coma; pallor, slow pulse, cold sweats, contracted pupils. Symptoms very similar to those of tobacco, but narcotism more marked. Gastric irritation, dysphagia, aphonia; vertigo, diplopia owsiness, staggering, ptosis, paralysis; slow, labored breathing (asphyxia); dilated pupils. Hydrochlorate by nose, mouth, or under Small, rapid, intermittent pulse; sense of tightness abou nest; slow, shallow breathing; feeling of small foreign bodies under skin; hallucinations, delir- skin. ium, convulsions, coma; dilated pupils; skin cold and clammy. Extract, tincture, alkaloid. Vertigo, diplopia, dysarthria, extreme weakness, wide anesthesia, tetanic convulsions; ptosis, dilated pupils; dyspnea, rapid, feeble heart. Peculiar, repulsive, suffocating odor; colorless with acids. Nitric acid colors alkaloid deep green. Burning and tingling of lips, tongue, and throat; numbness of finger tips, cardialgia; frequent swallowing, nausea, and vomiting; very great prostration; Sulfuric acid and sugar color alkaloid a beautiful red. weak, slow, irregular pulse; difficult breathing; cincture feeling; cold, clammy skin; dilated pupils; clear intellect. ! 3 i. fluid extract. 1 to 8 hours. tea. coffee. COPYRIGHTED BY VICTOR KOECHL & CO., NEW YORK, : Filmed by Preservation 1991 . The Modern Medicinal Preparations of THE FARBWERKE Vorm. MEISTER, LUCIUS & BRUNING Hoechst-on-Main, Germany ALBARGIN-Antiseptic, Antigonorrheic. ALUMNOL-Astringent, Antiseptic, Gonococcicide. ANESTHESIN-Local Anesthetic. ANTIPYRIN—Antipyretic, Analgesic, Hemostatic. ARGONIN-Antiseptic, Germicide, Gonococcicide. BENZOSOL-Antitubercular. Antidiabetic, Intestinal Antiseptic. DERMATOL-Antiseptic, Hemostatic, Cicatrizant, DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN BEHRING.' FERRIPYRIN-Styptic, Analgesic, Hematinic. HOLOCAIN-Ocular Anesthetic. HYPNAL "HOECHST"-Hypnotic, Analgesic. LYSIDIN-Antilithic, Antipodagric. Uric Acid Solvent. MIGRAININ-Analgesic, Antineuralgic, Antipyretic. NUTROSE-Nutrient, Reconstituent. ORTHOFORM Local Anesthetic, Antiseptic, Styptic. ORTHOFORM Hydrochlorid Soluble Salt. OXAPHOR (Oxycamphor)-Antidyspneic. PYRAMIDON-Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antineuralgic. PEGNIN-For Preparing Cow's Milk for Infants and Invalids. SUPRARENIN. TRIGEMIN-Analgesic, Sedative. TUBERCLE BACILLI for Agglutinating Liquid. TUBERCULIN “KOCH.” TUBERCULIN- NEW "KOCH." TUBERCULIN--NEW KOCH' (Bacilli Emulsion). TUMENOL-Antimycotic, Parasiticide. TUSSOL-Used in Pertussis. VALYL-Antispasmodic, Antineuralgic. And the VEREINIGTE CHEMISCHE WERKE Vorm. BENNO JAFFE & DARMSTAEDTER Charlottenburg Berlin ATOXYL-A nonpoisonous Arsenic Preparation. RODAGEN -For Exophthalmic Golter. SIDONAL—Antilithic, Uric Acid Solvent. SIDONAL NEW-Antilithic, Uric Acid Solvent. LANOLINE Liebreich" | Neutral Bases for ADEPS LANAE, B. J. D. I Ointments. Descriptive Literature on any of the above furnished by VICTOR KOECHL & CO. Sole Licensees for the United States 122 Hudson Street, NEW YORK