co CCCC a & Coro ***** 75 Conceſsa temp:Eliz: Reg: in G th HODIÉ APIMD-METYERN WEILS NSIG: FOPKIZS02 -YSA 1881 plim á romit: Line: 1 589 1 DA 690 wa T46 ? A r : A S U R VE Y OF THE CATHEDRAL-CHURCH Ο F WORCESTER; +0 With an AccOUNT of the BISHOPS THEREOF, From the FOUNDATION of the SEE to the YEAR 1660. } A L SO An APPENDIX OF M A N Y ORIGINAL PAPERs and Records, never before Printed. B Y WILLIAM THOMAS, D.D. Rector of St. Nicholas, Worceſter. LONDON: Printed for the AUTHOR, and Sold by W. Innys and R. MANBY, J. J. and P. KNAPT on in Ludgate-ſtreet, R. GOSLIN G in Fleetſtreet, T. LONGMAN in Pater-nofter-Row, S. MOUNTFORT and E. WOLLEY in Worceſter, M DCC XXXVI. - “ { 至 ​生 ​中 ​} 产 ​喜 ​替 ​等 ​w fi..Or'J. 自然 ​^ T 1) 雜 ​是 ​h” 套 ​。 點 ​H: 装 ​密 ​神 ​:: 特 ​革 ​号 ​赫 ​群 ​出​。 平 ​후 ​* 英 ​子 ​雪 ​革 ​年 ​g } } 卡 ​开 ​志 ​” : Geen Thor 9-12 59516 U Τ Ο Τ Η Ε Right Reverend father in GOD J. O Η Ν LORD BISHOP of WORCESTER Y MY LORD, OUR Lordſhip’s favourable Acceptance of my Antiquities of Malvern, and of my new Edition of Sir William Dugdale's Antiquities of Warwickſhire (for which you were pleaſed generouſly to reward me, far beyond any De- ſert of, mine) makes me become a bold Petic tioner to your Lordſhip for your gracious Protection of the Book I now preſent unto you, as a publick Teſtimony of my Gratitude, the only poor Return that I can make unto your Lordſhip for all your Favours. The firA Part of it contains a more regular and exact Sur- your Lordſhip's Cathedral-Church than has been as yet publiſhed; many Inſcriptions added; and adorned with the vey of A 2 * 명 ​* $ ij The DEDICATION. the Cuts of the beſt Monuments in it: And the Second gives an Account of the Lives and Actions of your Lordſhip’s Pre- deceſſors, from the firſt Foundation of the See, to the Times of the Reformation, extracted chiefly from your own valua- ble Regiſters, and from thoſe of your Reverend Dean and Chapter ; both which furniſhed me with many Materials ; and from whence I have tranſcribed and added in the Ap- pendix many Original Papers and Letters, which have long lain a Prey to Moths and Worms, and are in ſeveral Places ſcarcely legible. Ž Hemming's Chartulary, which gives a great Light to the Hiſtory of your Lordſhip’s See, and to many Donations of Lands thereto, I have digeſted in order of Time, and given an Account of the Deeds therein under every Biſhop's Life, according to their Dates; whereby it appeareth that many of them were not the leaſt of Benefactors to it, and that by their Care, and Diligence, and Piety, it arrived to the Riches and Affluency it formerly enjoy'd, till plunderd in iniquitous Times by Covetous Great Men, and ſeven of its beſt Manors out of twenty-three, taken away from it. That Chriſtianity was very early planted in this Iſland, is agreed upon by all our Hiſtorians; one of your Lordſhip’s learned Predeceſſors hath in his Antiquities of the Britiſh Churches with great Probability aſſerted, that it was done by St. Paul himſelf; and where he planted Churches, he ordained and ſettled Biſhops to feed, direct and govern the ſeveral Flocks committed to their Charge. This is alſo confirmed by what your Lordſhip’s immediate Predeceſſor (famous for his great Accurateneſs in theſe Matters) ſays in his Account of Church Government in Britain, Ch. iii. p. 71. that the Chriſtian Reli- gion here was the ſame as was in all other Provinces of the Roman $ The DEDICATION. iij Roman Empire; and that while that Empire ſtood, the Chri- ftians of this and the other Provinces were all in Conmunion together, and conſequently under the fame Government of a Dioceſan Epiſcopacy, not only in Name, but in Authority, the ſame as is now eſtabliſhed in this Kingdom; tho' for want of antient Writings we are left too much in the dark, and cannot produce plain Inſtances of it, or give a clear Account how many Sees it then had, or the Names of the Biſhops of them. And no wonder; for upon the coming of the Saxons, an Heatheniſh rude and barbarous People, the Chriſtians of this Iſand were drove into a Corner, amongſt Rocks and in- acceſſible Mountains, and all their Monuments of Learning deſtroyed; for ſo Gildas tells us, that all their Cities and Churches were burnt to the Ground, the Inhabitants killed by the Sword, or buried in the Ruins of Houſes and Altars, which were defiled with the Blood of the Slain; in which horrible Devaftation the Rulers of the Cburch and the Prieſts ſuffered together with the common People. But upon their Converſions Chriſtianity again Aouriſhed, and St. Auguftin, who began the Work, founded it on the ſame Foot of Epiſcopal Govern- ment with the Britiſh that ſtill remained; with whom he had no Difference about their Order, but about Submiſſion to the See of Rome; for that denying all uſurped Authority, they would be ſubject to none but their own Archbiſhop. Four- fcore and two Years after his coming into this Land, was your Lordſpip's See firſt erected, taken out of that of Litchfield, at the Command of Archbiſhop Theodore. Tatfrith, nomi- nated, dying before Conſecration, Bofel became the firſt Biſhop, from whom, down to your Lordihip, we have a ve- ry clear Succeſſion; and many of them are ſaid to have been very great and learned Men; as, Bofel and Oftfor, bred up at Hilda's famous Monaſtery of Streonſbale, to whom ſucceeded pious Egwin, the Founder of Eveſham-Abbey; to him, Wil- 2 frid, iv The DEDICATION. frid, vir eximia religionis, a Man of extraordinary Piety; after theſe, Alhun, who built the Church at Kemſey, and Werefrith, in the Holy Scriptures moſt learned, who at the Command of King Alfred, elegantly tranſlated Pope Gregory's Paſtoral into the Saxon Tongue. Under theſe and ſeveral others, good and pious Biſhops, Virtue flouriſhed among the Wiccians, and Religion proſpered till King Edgar's Days, when the Diſputes between the Regulars and Seculars roſe to a great Height, and Secular Power was called in, to pull down Secular Prieſts; when under a luftful Prince, Pride, Ambition, and Luxury too much abounded, and ſcandalous were the Vices both of Clergy and Laity. Which Diſorders ended in another Devaſtation, and the Danes were brought over by God to be a Scourge to the Saxons, as they had been before to the Britains. But Cnut put an End to the Daniſh Cruelty; and to make Amends for the Ravages and Deſolations made by him- ſelf and his Anceſtors, he built feveral Churches, repaired many Monafteries, and endowed the fame with many Ma- nors, believing according to the Opinion of thoſe Times, that the Monks would ſay ſo many Maſſes and Requiems, as would atone for the Blood ſhed by them, and pray their Souls out of Purgatory: It was not long after, that the Normans came in; Wolftan was then Biſhop, the laſt of the Saxons that was fo, and one of the beſt of them: For Hiſtorians give this Character of Him, that though he was not very learned, yet he was very pious, chaſte, ſober, temperate, humble , juft, devout, and very charitable, for which they gave him the Name of Saint, and with much more Reaſon than they had given it before to Oſwald; who, to raiſe the Monks, and oppreſs the Seculars, alie- I : The DEDICATION. V alienated the Patrimony of the Church, leaſing out for Lives to his Friends and Followers one hundred ninety Hides out of three hundred that then belonged to it. Under the Reigns of our Norman Kings the Church of Rome grew to a monſtrous Height of Superiority, and of Uſurped Power :( Upon which feveral Laws were made to reſtrain it in this Kingdom, and many Biſhops i publickly oppoſed it. Walter de Cantilrepe, one of your Lordſhip’s Predeceſſors, a Man of Birth, and of a ſtout Heart, in a publick Synod oppoſed the Exaction of the Pope's Legate, and withſtood him to his Face Giffard, his Succeffor, was as courageous as He, and both of them were very munificent; the one began your Lordſhip's Caſtle at Hertlebury, and the other finiſh'd it. erissly yoroonil Some Time after them Cobham ſhew'd himſelf to the World to be as great, as munificent as any of thoſe that had fate in this See before him, who for his exemplary Piety, and Charity, and good Works, was deſervedly called the ĠOOD CLERK . ..... mis selles le points **** Hotel die Several others of them were in the greateſt Poſts of the Kingdom: Walter de Grey and Nicholas de Ely Lord-Chan- cellors; Thoresby Lord-Chancellor and Archbiſhop of York; Walter Reynold Lord-Treaſurer and Chancellor, and after- wards Archbiſhop of Canterbury : Barnet and Wakefield, both Lord-Treaſurers; Alcock and Heath, both Lord-Chan- cellors; Whitgift Lord-Preſident of Wales, and Primate of England. Nor did it want Confeſſors and Martyrs, as La- timer and Hooper. Such a Succeſſion of great and learned Men is an Honour to your Lordſhip’s See, as well as to your facted: Functions, and will, hotwithſtanding the Prejudice of Education and the Ignorance of miſguided Zeal, recommend Epiſcopacy to the World; under the Government of which excellent Vj The DEDICATION excellent Order we doubt not but that the Church of Chrif will be always eſtabliſh'd and happy. Under your LORD SHIP's Government and Protection, we of this Dioceſe are truly ſenſible that we are ſo, there being no Virtue in any of your' LORDSHIP's Predeceſſors but what ſhines bright in You, and adorns our preſent Church. I dare not add more on this Head, left I ſhould break in upon your LORDSHIP's pleaſant Retirement, which all who know you wiſh you may long enjoy; but none more ſincerely than, * 7. My LORD, w Your LORDSHIP's moſt obliged, and moſt obedient, humble Servant, * 18 or ft, 44 Bahagia ht $ WILLIAM THOMAS. . at } 中 ​单 ​* 1 . 紫 ​至 ​主 ​} 子 ​1 警 ​** 选 ​為 ​: T w ANAS WAT WE . w 2,162.82 in tccurate ichnography of the Cathedral Church g Worceſter. Measuri 1734 By Ioseph Poudharty Worcester Funvo A. Dhe Choir II. The Great Eropa Ile Q. The Stone Pulpit XXXX The Cloyſter B The place where K. Altar of Holy Crofo R.The Biſhop's Seat Y. Door going up to the stands the portable Pulpit L. Altar S!S'imon & Strude S.Jefus Chapel in the Old Library C The Bihopy Throne M. Door into Under Croft North Ile z Door to the Dormitory D. The High Mtar N.The Body of Church T The North Porch E . Prince Arthur Chapel o The Font VV The Imo South Doors Be Door to the Refectory r. The Virgin Marys Chapel P The Altard S.John Boy P G: The Deans Chapel going into the Coyſtery C2 The Chapter Houſe W.The Confiftory, Colirt at HH. The Veftrys ---. the Bottom of the South Ile 32 T ga I 23 SA 0975 PON . .. WARRIOR . SH . 43 X ... WE 2:16 S. A2 BA Vio 20 SRS : CHAT: .. va - 2." st TES S. SA . WE ...a NON WWW ex Su 9 . * * ENSEM WWW W w? XX. 49 50 S 33 * w IR 8 52 19 . HANE " 8. . Oo +6 P 36 216 115 42 30 N 13 Α. OB D F 45 37 TEO incendio 40 洋​老 ​JOU ca 等 ​O 2 SON MS *** 16. W 6 57 60 00 58 56 29 55 V3 意​類 ​***** RE . ትገኛል *** WWW AN We 63 65 H 66 G X 1 ** Th. 2 X C2 1 King lohn -p.35 só. Prince Arthurp,8738 3 Bifhop Wolfan 4 Countep of Surreyjs, ģBihop Bullingham in 6 Byth Goldiftungo wil 7 Prior Iohn deEveſham to Z X 8 .S!Tames Beauchamp 33 9 John delonftantis 22. 10 . Godfrey Giffand se 11 Biſh.Thornborough 12 . Dean Eedes p.47.43. 13 Bifh. Blandford p.49. 14.Byh, Fleetwood p.50. is. Bifh. Stillingpeetp.51 16.Biſhop Gauden p. 59. 17 .Bifhop Skinner p.53. 18. Chancellor Price p. 56 19.Lady Middleton p. 59 44 Dean Warmftry p.99 45 Srlohn Beauchamp of Hold 40 Richard Bray MD cc ua. 20.The Suppofd Toma 47 Biſhop Wakefield p. 98. 21 JLadj unknn, her 33 Rob' Fangef Archer 50 Bith Hemenhale of Lacyž.of line 30 W de Molendine iria 18 Duncomo pin 49 Bih Branınjej chand Stonetoffin removalod-deacon of Gloceftrjad hither from the 34 D"Hopkins&Urp.80.59 Moory Monument p.105. .Charnel Houf. 36 Rob Mortimer&l. 53 Biphop Thomas p. 106. 99.Bith. Ofwald p.67. Joyce his Wife 383, 54 Fryer Bajkervile p. 107 . 23. Bifh. Pariep.69.63- 36. Canon Brighty 255-2 tlnknown Phillip Harfordahás Famous Schoolmãojëz. 56 MOctavra walth Ballard luftbot 37 Ední Archboldala 57 Iohn Bromley Évſp.11 of Evefham Fo famous avriluan 58 50 Judge Littleton p.119 e Dean Wilfen } 38 Beauchamp&his Lady Biſhop Freak 6.116 1,039 Wilded hio Ladypets 61 MBrigamhan 27. S"Griffith Rice p.71 40 Phil. Fell S.T.B. 0.90 62 Barkedalé p ng 28.S Rob de Harcourt/p 41 Tidemandellinchcom In the Cloyſten 29.9 Ladys unknown.Bifhop p.97. 69 M "Mary Yonmpend p.120 30.Bifh Sampfon & 2 49. S. Simon dettyfford 64 Judge Street p.reg Bifh. Theulphus 575 -- . and his Lady 65.M"Barton p.124. 66. Alexander Neccham 12. $° 31.Bifh.Lennorlunnfo 43. Regifter Warmfory Abbot of Cirenceſter Suid X 642 B2 LJUN பப் A Scale of Feet 210 20AOX0. 6022 72 do glo 2V0 790 1130 7740 160 poppen note ខ្លួន ** ܙܟܪ A 7 S UR V E Y * OF THE i CATHEDRAL CHURCH F manera WORCESTER watu HE See of Worceſter was taken out of that óf Litch; eld, about the Year 680 or Tooner, Fourſcore T and two years after the coming of St. Aufiin in- to this Iſand, who firſt converted the Saxons to the Chriſtian Faith. The Province of Wiccia was 33 allotted to it, and the Bithops of it were called, Ffifcopi picciorum, the Billióps of the Wiccians ; it contained all Fartelier hire, e cept Sixteen Pariſhes beyond Alzeyley Hills, belong- ing to the Dioceſe of Hireforu: All Gluticeſie ſkive on the Eaſt Side S vern, with the City of Briſtol : And near the South-half Part of Warwick hire, with the Town of Warrick. The Inhabitants of this Fari of Britain were called by ile Romans, Doliiii,, from Dreifn, or В. Davan, . : 2 A Survey of the Cathedral Duvnn, or Dovain (a). a Britiſh Word, fignitying a Vale, or deep Land and ſo was moſt of this Province a Vale upon the Rivers Severie and Avon : But as ſoon as the Saxons ha conquer'd Britain, the Name of Dol uni was loſt, and the German Name of Wiccii given to them. Wic, in their Language, fignifying a Bank or Crook of a River, and they inhabiting upon the Crooks or Windings of the faid Rivers, were by them properly called Wiccians; and the Hills which terminate this Vale to the Eaſt, now called Cotſwould, were then called the Wiccian Hills, Montes Wiccifii ( b ). The chief City of this Province was then called * Wichirne, Wigurne, in Latin, Wicornia; and when it was fortified againſt the Incurſions of the Britains, at that Time driven by the Saxons beyond the Severn, and a Caſtle raiſed where the River was moſt Fordable; they then gave it the Name of of Wigurnace aſtre, Wigraceaſtre, V’eareceaftre, now Worceſter. By whom Built or fortified, is not certain ; but at the Erection of the Billoprick, this being the Capital Ci- ty of the Wiccians, the See was here fixed. The firſt Cathe- dral Church was dedicated to St. Peter, which laſted till Biſhop Oſwala's Time, and only Secular Prieſts were Alliftants to the Biſhop in the Execution of his Office :: But he being bred up a Monk, reſolved to turn out the Seculars and bring in the Reculars. In or- der to do this, not by. Force but Craft, the Church of St. Peter being ſmall, he built another in the ſame. Church-yard to tlie Honourof the Mother of God, where he placed his Manks, and con- verſed more freely with them than with the Seculars, frequently performing Divine Offices amongſt theni. The People. feeing this, flocked liither to him, thinking it a Crime to be without the Bleſſing of fo Holy a Bijhop. Upon which the Clerks, being left alone, .choſe rather to put on the Cowl, than at their own Loſs to become ridiculous to the People. This is the Account (c) Malmsbury gives us of erecting the Monaſtery of St. Mary, and with him agrees Ead- (a) Arch. Brit. p. 129. & 274. (6) In Monte Wicciſia, Nordwica, Eowedland, Deigles. ford, Dorene & Iccumba. Charta Rcgis Edgari de Oſwaldeflaue. Hem. Chast. p. 520. (0) Malm. p. 153.6. * Pichirne, Pigurne, regurnes of Pigurnaceaycre, Pigraceastre, Jeanecearere. wa x Chirch of WORCESTER. 3 nier, in his Life of St. Oſtvald. But (d) Florence of Worceſier and the Monk of Ramſey intimate, that Force as well as Craft was made uſe of in turning out the Seculars. This New Church at the Monaſtery was finiſhed by Oſwald in the Year of our LORD 983 (e), which ſtood not long before that and the City were deſtroyed by Hardicute (f), who, to revenge the Death of two of his Collectors here Nain 4 Nones of May 1041, fent . his Forces under the Command of ſeveral of his Nobles, enjoining them to ſlay all without Mercy, to rifle and burn the City, and to lay waſte the Country. On the ſecond of the Ides of Nov. they be- gan to put this cruel Command of the King in Execution, and for Four Days ravaged and ſpoiled at Pleaſure: But the Countrymen (fore-ap- prized of their Danger) were fled, and the Citizens retired with their Wives and Children into a ſmall Iſand, called Bevereye, encompaſſed by the Severn, about two Miles above the City, where they man- fully defended themſelves, and making their Peace, they had Li- berty given them to return Home, but found their City fack'd' and burnt. How long this Church lay in Ruins, or whetlier patched up for Divine Service before Biſhop Wulf'an's Time, is' not men tioned by any of our Hiſtorians; but the Worceſter Annals tell us, that he it was that began to build a New. One a little more to the South of the Old One, A. D. 1084; and in the Year 1089, Indi&tion 12. 3. Will. 2. 27. of his Pontificate, he finiſhed both that and the Monaſtery, into which on Wnit ſunday he removed the Monks, whoſe Nuinber he had augmented from little more than Twelve to Fifty (8 ! And at the ſame Time he offered up at the High Altar his Deed', whereby he gave them for their better Maintenance Fifteen Hides at Alfefiun, which had been a long time with-held from the Church by Men in Power, but recovered by him from King Willianz the Firſt, wih much Labour and Coft. It is ſaid of him, that upon the rema- (d) Ang Sac. T. 2. p. 202. (c) Hemmings Chart. p. 187. U) W. Malm. p. 83. Flor. Wig ſub. anno Rog. Hovedin. p. 252. (8) Nam cum a me paulo pluiquam duo- decim inventi fuiffent fratres, uígne ad quinquagina a me ibi. congregati funt in codem Monafterio, Dei mancipati fervitia. Charta Wulfani Epi. Wig p. 418: Hem. Chart. ving 4 4 Survey of the Cathedral wing of the Monks into his New 'Monaſtery, he ordered the Old Church and Monaſtery to be pulled down; and when he ſaw, the Workmen doing of it he wept: For which being modeltly reproved by fame of liis Attendants, who told hini, He rather ought to re- joice, that the Church had come to ſo great Splendour, and that the enlarged Number of the Monks required more ſpacicus Habitations. He anſwered, I think, far otherwiſe, we 10r Wretches deſiroy the Works of our Forefathers only to get Praiſe to ourſelves: That happy Age of, Holy Men knew, npt how to build ſiately Churches, under any Roof they offered up then filves lir-ing Temples into Goil , and ly their Eranfler excited thefe under their Care to io the ſame : lut we 072 the contrary negletting the Care of Souls, Lalour to heat up Stones(o). The ſame Authcr.(?) ſays, that there were not wanting Perſons Who gave out that he foretold tlie Corflagration of this lis New Church, which happend on the 13th of the Calends of June (0)113. When (u) Fiort nic lays, the City and al the reſt of the Churches were burnt with it. But fe ) Meimest ury tells, that nor the whole Cliurch, but only the Roof was burnt; and that the Tomb of St. Willian and the Mat on which they kneeled before his Shrine; were not in the leaſt damaged or diſcoloured by the Smoke, or covered with any of the Aſhes of it. I look upon tltis“to be a Monkiſh Sro- ry, and (f) Forence's Accounts feeins to be trueſt; who adds, thiát one Monk, very, uſeful to the Monaſtery, with two of their ser vants, and Fifteen Citizens periſhed in the Flames. It was again burnt down 15 Kal. Maj, in tlie Year 1202, 'with all the adjacent Offices of the Monaſtery and Part of the City (): But being foon rebuiit, and King Jolin buried liere, it was in the Preſence of Kir.g Henr), his Song and of many Biſhops, Abbots and Nobles, 7th Id. June $218. folemnly confecrated by -Bilhop Sylvefirir to St. Mary, the Mother of God, the bleſſed Apoſtle Sc. Peter, and the Holy Confeflors Ofwalu and Muiſtan; and particularly the great Altar dedicated to St. Mary and ( W. Alalm. L. 4. de geftis Pont: pinco. Y) Ang. Sac. P: 2, p. 2 3. (c) Julii Ciliran. Walteri Hemingford, p. 472. (d) Flor, fub Anno. Ve) Lib. de geluis Pont. U) i'lor.'Wig 1981, le) Annal. Wig. St. } ********* Church of WORCESTER. 5 hy St. Oſwald, and the other to St. Peter and St. Wufilan (i). In 1220, in the Time of William de Bleys, W. de Bradewe being then Sacriſt, the great Bells: were Caſt and Conſecrated by that Biſhop to the Honour of our Saviour and his mother, and Hauteclere, to the Honour of St. John the Evangeliſt (m). In 1222, about the Feaſt of St. Andrew, a violent Storm of Wind and Rain and Thunder blew down the two leſſer Towers of the Church and did a great deal of Damage (n). In 1224 it was new fronted, Biſhop Bleys laying the Foundation Stone. The Choir antiently extended Weſtward to the ſecond Pil- lar below the Belfry, and when carried further Eaſtward.beyond the Belfry, it was raiſed about Forty Inches, and a Fine Vault made under it, and the ſide Iles of it, with ſeveral Rows of Fine Stone Pillars ; the whole. Work being above Eleven Foot high, and is in Length - 60 Feet, which is half the Length of the Choir and no more, the Earth that came out of it raiſed the other half where is King John's Tomb and the high Altar. It has been aſſerted, that the Corps of King John, if interred here muſt lie within his Tomb above Ground, and that the Bodies of Biſhop Wolftan de Brainsford, and a Knight Templar of the Name of Mortimer, in the North ſide Ile do the ſame, for that there can be no Grave dug in this Part ; but it is a miſtake, the Vault not reaching to either of theſe Tombs, ſo that Graves may be eaſily dug there. The Pillars of this Choir and of our Lady's Chạppel behind it,, were beautified by Biſhop Giffard (who was alſo. Lord Chancellor of England) by interlaying little Pillars, as it is ſaid by ſome, of Marble, which he faſtned to the former with little Rings of Copper guilt ; but when examined cloſely they appear to be of a caſt Material, which being poliſhed reſembles grey Marble. After this in Biſhop Wakefield’s Time, who was high Treaſurer of England, many great Works were undertaken and finiſhed. (1) Ibid. (m) Ibid. (*) Ibid, С Thc Me 6 A Survey of the Cathedral The Cloiſter which is 124 Feet Square and 16 broad in the Year 1372 : The Refectory or Monks-hall adjoining to it, where now the School is kept 120 Feet long and 64 broad was built the ſame Year. The Tower or Belfry 162 Feet high, was finiſhed in 1374; for the Building of which, the Church of Wolverly was in ſpecial Terms impropriate. The vaulted Roof of Stone over the Choir and the great Croſs Ile in 1376, and that over the Nave of the Church in 1377, it is of Tufſtone, the Tophus of the Ancients, a rough light hollow Stone (0). The heigth of it over the Choir is twenty Yards two Feet, in the great Croſs Ile twenty one Yards one Foot, in the Nave twenty one Yards one Foot eight Inches. The Water-Gate, the Library and Dormitory were built the ſame Year 1378. The Infirmary and Stalls in the Choir 1379. The Body lengthened by the Addition of two Arches, and the great Weſt Window 1380. The North Porch of the Church 1386. In all which Years Henry Wakefield was Biſhop, John Lindſey Sacriſt and Willian Poer Cellerar. The length of the Church from Eaſt to Weſt is 394 Feet and ſomewhat better, of which the Choir takes up 120, the breadth of the Body and Side Iles is 78 Feet, and of the Choir and Side Iles 94. Upon the finiſhing the great Tower the Bells were taken out of the Clochium or Leaden Steeple the Baſe of which was Right Sided. The height of the Stone Work was 60 Feet, equal to the Battlement of the Church, the Diameter of the Baſe 61 Feet, and the thickneſs of the Wall ten Feet. On the Baſe ſtood a Spire fifty Yards high, and the Weather Cock food level to that of St. Andrews. It was covered with lead, and the whole was in height from the Ground 70 Yards. St. Andrews Exceeding it but by Seven Yards, The Timber being all Iriſh Oak, was not ſawed but wrought with Lapis afper & cavernoſus. Antra laqueata Tophis & Pumice, Ovid Faf. I. 2. Pumice multicavo nec levibus atria Tophis. Structa ſubit----- Quid Meta L. 8. * Ex Chartis W. Hopkins D. D. Preb. bujus ecclæ. the Church of WORCESTER. 7 the Ax (P). There hath been a Tradition that King John built this Leaden Spire, with one or two more at Tork, but no certain Ground for it. The Bells were Anciently but Five, and were probably equal to thoſe of York, of which the biggeſt or Hauteclere, weighed 6600 lb. There are now Eight, but caſt at ſeveral Times with theſe Inſcriptions. 274 I GOD SAVE OUR KING, 2 C. 3 4 HONI SOIT QUE MAL Y PENCE. 5 RICHARDO Edes DECANO 1602. 6 Hoc OPUS INSPICITO JESU VIRTUTE FAVETO. 7 MISERERE DEUS MEUS HABEO NOMEN GAU FREUSO 8 I SWEETLY TOULING MEN DO CALI, To TASTE ON MEAT THAT FEEDS THE SOUL. During the continuance of the King's Court and Caſtle here, the Precincts of the Church were very ſtrait or ſcant as it were pent up between the South-ſide of the Church and the North-ſide of the Caſtle, to remedy which King Henry 3. in the Year 1232 gave them one Moiety of his Caſtle with all Rights and Privileges thereto belonging (9), on part whereof the preſent Cloyſter was afterwards built. Then was the Caſtle divided by the Prior and Con- vent with an embatteľd Wall from the Remainder of the other Moi- ety of it, which reached from the Severn to the Tower commonly, (e ) Anpal. Wig. 1 called ** ***** Hotel w tyr til 8 A Survey of the Cathedral čalld King Fohn's Tower and ſaid by ſome to be built by him: But it was much more Antient, having in the Front of it, the Statue of King Eägar and his two Queens, Ethelfeda and Ethelfrida and the Street it leads into is called in ſeveral Writings Edgar-Street. With- out this embatteľd Wall from the Tower they had an unqueſtionable Right to a Paſſage or Freeboard ot leaſt 16 Feet wide; the Benefit or Freedom of which Paſſage to the River did much advantage the convenience and healthfulneſs of all that part of the City, but this Paſſage is now wholly taken away by the Out-County, the Goal be- ing contiguous to it, and the Goaler pretending that Paſſage to have been the Occaſion of the Loſs of ſome of his Priſoners. In the Weſt Cloyſter there are ſtill to be ſeen the remains of a La- vatory between the Dormitory and the Refectory, which was ſupply'd with Water by an Aqueduct from Hilnwick Hill. Tryal had been made to bring it from the Moors and Springs in the Priors Park at Batenhall : After that from 'a Spring above Hardwick Court in the Grounds near St. John's Green, called Swanpool. But the moſt plentiful Spring being that on Hilnwiek Hill, and the whole Farm of Hilnwick then belonging to the Church, they brought it from thence. It was diſtant from the Cloyſter about 1600 Yards, they brought it along Hilton-Lane, over the City Bridge under the pitch'd Pavement there, and ſo along the Streets by the ſides of the River to their Cloyſter. They did this by the King's Authority and the Conſent of the City. King: Henry the Iyth's Deed injoyning the Bailiffs and all his Officers to be Aiding and Alliſting to them in it, and commanding that they ſhould have free Liberty at all Times to-mend their Pipes when broken, bears Date Sth of May in the 8th Year of his Reign.(r). At the ſame time there was a Compoſition made and interchange- ably Sealed between' tlie Prior and Gonvent on one Part, and the Bailiffs and Aldermen of the City on the other Part, they having thien ง (r) Lib. pens. Wig. f. 47. Lib. Albus f. 439. no so that Church of WORCESTER. 19 * just what Mayor. The Condition of the Prior and Convents Part was thus. expreſſed, That for the more worſhip of the Bailiffs and Aldermen, their Maces might be born before them within the precincts of the Cemitory or Sanctuary altho out of the Liberty of the City, and like- wife in the Pariſh of St. John's in Bedwardine. Whither in purſuance of this Compoſition the Citizens do yearly walk in their Formalities and with their Maces on the Fair-Day of St. John's, being the Friday before Palm-Sunday, and the Day before the great Fair at Worceſter. The Condition on the Part of the Citizens was, That the Prior and Convent ſhould have Liberty to lead their Conduit-Pipe of the Aqueduft, over the Bridge and through ſuch Streets and Lanes es were moſt convenient. Many Houſes and Chimneys were after- wards built on ſome of thoſe by Lanes, even upon the Leaden Pipe, but ſo as not to prejudice the Aqueduct, which in the Time of the Civil Wars was every where Torn up. There was formerly a fair Stone-Croſs in the Church-Yard, which was the uſual Preaching-Place, as at St. Paul's London. There were allo Seats for the Chief of the City on the North-fide of the Church, but South from the Croſs, much reſembling thoſe of St. Paul's : But thoſe Seats together with the Sacriſt's Lodgings were turned into a Houſe for the firſt Prebend. This Croſs was demoliſhed in the time of the Civil Wars, after which the place of Preaching was at the bottom of the Cathedral Church; the Chief Citizens ſate on the Stone-Bench under the great Weſt Win- dow,a blew Arras Cloth being ſpread thereon, the Biſhop Dean and Pre- bends fate on the South-ſide of the Church, over-a-gainſt the ſecond Arch from the Weſt; the Biſhop and Dean in ſeveral Chairs, the Prebends on a Stone-Bench covered with a like blew Cloth, with Robert Alchurch Subprior his Fancy or Rebus on it; which at a hun- dred Years diſtant from his Time look'd very freſh, although it was uſed Weekly. Near to the Place where this Croſs ſtood, there was very Antiently a famous Monumental Building of White-Stone, over the Graves of Duke D Wiferd the IO A Survey of the Gathedral and his Lady Alta; with a Croſs erected thereon, at which St. Of wald often preached, the Cathedral Church of St. Peter being too little to contain the Multitudes that came to hear him, and that of St. Mary was not then built : it was pulled down in King Edward's Days to inlarge the Presbytery. At a Mile diſtance, Northwards from this Croſs there was juſt ſuch another Structure raiſed of White Stone, which gave Name to the Place now called Whitftanes, where alſo ſtood the Nunnery of the White-Ladies. Hem. Chart. P. 342, 343. * $ ...::::::: -7.::::::.''Y Church of WORCESTER. II 赞​赞​赞​赞​赞​聲樂​聲​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​體​變​繁體 ​An account of the Coats of AR M S in the Cathedral Church of Worceſter. M R Abington in his Survey of the Windows, of this Church gives us an Account of the following Coats which are now moſt of them broken or gone. In the higheſt Eaſt Window of our Bleſſed Lady's Chapel, which is the faireſt and chiefeſt of all, conſiſting of Nine ſtately raiſed Panes. In the third Pane of which, on the right Hand, is an Abbot, and be- hind, a Prior, both praying, with this Inſcription, Prior Walterus, Ab- bas Henricus, tho' the Abbot precedeth the Prior. 'In the next Pane, arc two Ladies praying with this. Superſcription, Rofa Mountford * Iſabell de Dedley. In the laſt, is a Gentleman and his wife pray- ing, ſuperſcribed, Elias Spellis egy uxor ejus. In the third Pane on the left Hand, is a Knight, all Armed, faving his Face and Hands, praying, and on his Coat Armour, Gules a Feſſe betwixt fix Croſſes Croſlets Or, ſuperſcribed, Sir Thomas Beaxebamp. Be- hind him is another, but defaced, and only left over him, Sir In the next Pane, are two Knights Armed, and praying as the former. On the Coat Armour of the firſt, Gules a Feſſe be- tween fix Martlets Or, ſuperſcribed, Beauchamp- On the Coat Armour of the ſecond, Gules a Feſſe between fix Billets Or, written over Joannes de Beauchamp. In the laſt. Pane, is a Man Armed and praying, as the former, on his Coat Armour partic per pale a Chevron Sable and Argent, in Chief ¢wo Leopards Heads Or; behind a Woman, praying, the ſuperſcription Cymerewe & Margaret, the reſt broken. lo . 3# I 2 A Survey of the Cathedral In the Eaſt Window of the North Ile of this Chappel, and higheſt dexter Pane, Argent, two Bendlets ſable Impaling Or, a Chevron Argent, between three Cows Faces Sable. In the firſt and higheſt North Window, divided into three Panes, in the firſt, Gules, a Lyon Rampant within a Border ingrailed Or, Quartering Argent, two Lyons Paſſant, Gules. In the ſecond, Gulés a Chevron between ten Croſſes formee Argent. In the third, Or, two Lyons Pallant Azure. In the ſecond North Window, and firſt Pane, Gules, a Feſſe be- tween fix Martlets Or, (Beauchamp of Powick). In the the ſecond Pane, Argent, on a Bend Azure, three Cinquefoils: Or, (Cookſey). In the third, Gules, a Feſſe between fix Billets Or, ( Beauchamp of Holt). In the third North Window, and firſt Pane, Argent, a Croſs In- grailed, Gules. In the ſecond Pane, Gules, thiee Fiſhes Naiant, Ar- gent. In the third, Argent, a Chevron between three Croſſes Bo- tonee Fichee Sable. In the Croſs North Ile ſiding the Choir, and Eaſt middle Window, azure a Croſs Fleurete de Luces, between four Martlets Or. In the ſiniſter Eaſt Window, Argent, two Lyons Paſſant Gules, (Strange). In the higheſt North Window, on the ſecond and firſt Pane, France and England quarterly. On the next Pane, France and En- gland quarterly with a Label of ſeven, Argent. In the ſecond Window, and firſt Pane, Argent, ten Torteauxes, f See of Worceſter). In the next Pane, Or, a Saltire ingrailed ſable, quar- tering, Argent, a Lyon Rampant, Sable, crowned Or, within a Bor- der Azure, ( Botitort quartering Burnell). In the third Window, Or, a .Chevren between three Martlets Gules. In the next Pane, Or, (in faded Colours) a Felle Checkie, Aror gent and Sable, quartering Or, two Bends Gules. Below theſe lofty Windows are others , as magnificent, carrying a double Range of Arms; the firſt Window, hath quarterly, Or, and Gules, in the firſt a Creſcent Sable. In the next Pane, Palee of fix Or, Church of WORCESTER. 13 Or and Azure, an Annulet Gules, (Gourney). Underneath in the firſt Pane, the Arms defaced. In the next Or, three Barrs Danſerte Gules. In the ſecond Window, and firſt Pane, Ermine, a Lyon Rampant Gules within a Border Sable beſantee, (Cornwall). In the next Gules, three Luces in Pale between fix Croſſes Croſlets Argent, (Lucy). Underneath in the firſt Pane, Argent, three Leopards Heads Ingu- lant de Luces Sable, (Godington). In the next Mortimer, with an Ef- cotcheon Or, and quarter Gules. In the third Window, and firſt Pane, Argent a Chevron Gules between three Martlets Sable, (Bagot). In the ſecond, Argent a Croſs undee Gules, with a Creſcent Sable in the dexter Point, (Col- vile or rather Trevile who held of the Biſhop of Worceſter). Under- neatli , in the firſt, Sable two Bars Ingrailed, Argent, (Rous). Theſe are all gone. And now the Ile after it was divided by the Croſs, recovereth the former Courſe, and aſcendeth to attend the Choir, where in the firſt pane of the firſt Northern Window are theſe Arms; Quarterly, firſtand fourth Or, a Manche Maletaile Gules. Second and third, Barry of fix Argent and Azure, charged with five Martlets Gules, ( Haſtings and Valence) over them is a King with this Inſcription, Johannes Rex dedit libertatem maneriorun de Lindrugg Wolwardeley Stake. In the ſecond Pane, the, Arms of England within a Border Argent, above is a Biſhop with theſe Words, Sanctus Wolftanus Epiſcopus de dit Alveſton et fere omnia maneria redemit. In the third Pane Or, a Lyon Rampant, Azure, over it a King, and Henricus Rex de dit Bromſgrove & medietatem Caſtri In the fourth Pane Gules, a Croſs Ingrailed Or, with a Biſhop above having this Inſcription, Wal- terus Epiſcopus de dit Ecclefiam - thefe remain but are broke in ſeveral places. In the ſecond Window and firſt Pane is Gules a Feſſe, between ſix Çroſſes Croſlets Or, on the Feſſe, a Creſcent Sable, for difference, E (Beatt- I 14 A Survey of the Cathedral (Beauchamp) over it a King and, Ethelredus Rex dedit manerium de Clyve. In the ſecond Pane, Or, three Pyles in Point Gules a quarter Ermine, (Baſſet de Drayton) over it a Prior with two Mitres, one on his Head, the other in his left Hand, and in his right a Staff of Autho- rity, aud written Johannes Eveſham Prior privilegium de mitra impetravit Ecclefiam de Overbury & Warrenam. In the third, Argent in a Chief Azure two Mullets of fix points Or, pierced ſable, over it a King, and written Oſwaldus Rex dedit Overbury. Theſe are all gone. In the third Window, and firſt Pane, no Arms but there is a Biſhop and written, Wulſtar Epiſcopus . Croule, Batnall, Pechlee esita Ecclefian de dod. aquifivit. In the ſecond Pane ſable a Feffe, conter-compone Or, and Gules, between fix Eſcollops Argent, (Durvarſſall Lord of Spernore) over it a King and written Edwinus Rex dedit Fepſton &? quinq; fornaces ſalis apud Wyche. In the third Sable, three Leopards Heads ingulant Fleurs de Lis Argent, (Huband). over it a Biſhop and written Silveſter Epiſcopus dedit 5 Marcas de Ecclefia de Barkley. In the fourth Pane, fable a Chevron be- tween three Creſcents Or, (Babthorp) over it a King, and written Berwelfus Rex dedit Grimleye Es Mutton. Theſe are all gone, In the fourth Window, and firſt Pane, Argent, on a Feſſe, be- tween fix Martlets Gules, three Quaterfoiles of the Field (Waſh- born). over it an Earl, and written Gilbertus Comes de Pembrocke dedit Ecclefiam de Dogeldon membrum de Dioc.---- In the ſecond Pane, azure, a Chevron between three Lyons Heads erazed Or, Label of three Gules (Wyndham), over it a Biſhop, and Henricus Wacfeld Epiſcopus appropriavit Capellam Carnarie Wigorn.--> In the third argent a Chevron between three Roſes Gules budded Or, on the Chevron an Annulet of the laft. ( Sir John Wyard of Alfpath), over it a Knight Armed, all ſaving his Head, and over his Church of WORCESTER. 15 :) his Armour a Scarlet Coat richly ſet forth, the Inſcription: Peuerellus de Bello Campo Miles dedit Codeſton. Theſe are all gone. Now to paſs over and begin with the South Ile of our Lady's Chapel, and of the Choir. In the firft Window and firſt Pane Gules, a Caſtle Or; being the Arms of the Kingdom of Caftile ; Quartering Argent a Lyon Ran- pant ſable ; the Arms of the Kingom of Leon; impaling, Azure Se- me-Fleur-de-Lis, Or, France. Quartering Gules three Lyons paſſant gardant Or, Eugland. In the ſecond Pane, France Seme-Fleur de Lis ; Quartering England with a Label of three, Argent, on each as ma- ny Torteauxes. In the third Pane, France within a Border Ar. gent. In the ſecond Window, Mortimer, with an Eſcotchoon Argent, Quartering Or, a Crofs Gules. In the next Pane, Gules a Lyon ram- pant Or, Quartering checkie Or, and Azure, ( Arundell quartering Sur- ry). In the third Pane, Gules a Feſſe between ſix Croſſes Croflers. Or, (Beauchamp). In the third Window and firſt Pane, Or, a chevron Gules, (Staf- ford). In the ſecond, quarterly Argent and Gules fretted Or, a bend let Sable, (Le Deſpencer). In the third, Argent a Lyon rampant ſau ble, crowned Or, within a Border Azure, (Burnell). Theſe are . In the firſt Window of the South Croſs Ile, France Seme-Fleur-de- Luces, and England Quarterly. In the ſecond Window ſable, frettie Argent a Quarter Gules. In the third Window, Gules, a Chevron between ten Croſſes for mee within a Border Argent (Barkley). In the ſecond Pane, Gules a Chevron between ten Croſſes formee Argent, (Barkley). In the Windows below ( for all here mounteth much in heigth) in the firſt South Window, and firſt Pane, Argent, on a Chief Gules three Beſantes, (Rafell Co. Glow.). In the ſecond Pane Argent on a Bend all gone 16 A Survey of the Cathedral 1 Bend ſable three Rams or Goats Heads Or. underneath in the ſecond Pane, Or, an Eſcallop in the dexter ſable, between two Bends Gules. In the ſecond Window, and firſt Pane, Argent, on a Quarter Gules, a Roſe Or, (Bradeſton). In the ſecond Pane Azure two Bars Or (Pembrug). Underneath in the firſt Pane Argent, a Feſſe between three Martlets ſable, (Durefly). In the ſecond Pane Gul es, a Feſſe counter componee Or, and Azure, quartering Argent, a Lyon rampant between fix Croſſes Croſlets, fitchee Sable, (Godard Quartering Hautevill). Theſe are all gone. Next to this Croſs Ile the South Ile afcendeth between the Choir and Veſtry, where in the firſt South Window and firſt Pane, is France Semefleurete, quartering England with a Label of ſix, three England, and three France, over it a King with this Inſcription ; Edgar Rex Fundator iſtius Ecclefie cuneta que fuerant · Cle- ricorum Monachis contulit.& libertatem de Oſwaldſlawe conceſſit. In the ſecond Pane Gules a Lyon rampant argent, (Mowbray) over it an Archbiſhop, with a Crofs on his Paſtoral Staff, and written, San- &tus Oſwaldus Archiepiſcopus pro me fundatus fuit ex clerici's Mo- nacatus, King Edgar and the Archbiſhop upholding the Church.--- In the third Pane, argent three Fuſilles in Feſſe Gules, (Montague), over it a King and thus inſcribed, Offa Rex dedit Cropthorn, Brad- was Lawerne, Tchome. In the fourth, Or, three Torteauxes, with a Label of three azure, (Courtney), over it a Biſhop, and writ- ten, Denebertus Epifcopus dedit Manerium.. In the ſecond Window, and firſt Pane chekie Or, and azure a Feſſe Gules. (Cliford), over it a King with this Inſcription, Kenulphus Rex de- dit Hallowe, Hyne wyk, Himulton, & Donamſted. In the ſecond Pane, Or, two Bends Gules, (Tracy), over it an Archbiſhop and written, Alfridus. Aichiepiſcopus dedit Manerium de Tedington. This remains but broke. In the third Pane checkie Or and azurė a Feſſe defaced, over it a King and written, Aldredus Rex de dit Sedgsborowe. Re- mains but broke. In the fourth Pane, Azure, a Lyon paſſant Ar- gent quartering Azure, a Feſſe Or, (Palgrave quartering Maraſe), over Church of WORCESTER . 17 over it a Biſhop, with this Inſcription, Simon Epiſcopus dedit Ti- burton. 聯辦​變​變​變​變​聯​變 ​發​赞​赞​繁體​赞​赞​赞​變​變​變​變​變​變​赞​赞 ​In the VEST R Y. I N the Eaſt Window, and firſt Pane, Argent, on a Feſſe be- tween three Cocks Heads eraſed Sable, with Combs, Bills and Uncelles Or, a Biſhop's Mitre with Labels of the third, adorned with theſe Verſes : Alkok Pontificem notat haec tibi parma Johannen Felix ſit vita Deus hic fibi poſtq; Superna. In the next Pane a Biſhop in his Pontificalibus, with his Clergy praying thus, 0 Dua gemma celeſtes Maria & Johannes, mei Cuſtodes & apud Deum interceffores, pro me exorare dignemini. In the third Pane a Prior Mitred in his Cope, and his Monks praying, Epif- copum noſtrum Johannen & gregem fibi Commiſſum in tuorum ob- ſervatione mandatorum conſervare digneris. In the Fourth Pane Argent ten Torteauxes, in a quarter Gules, our Bleſſed Lady hold- ing in her Arms our Saviour Or, (Worceſter Priory). The Eſcot- cheon wreathed about with theſe Verſes : Quos celi porta fignant decuplex quoq; torta Sis Monachis Wigor Rex benedi&te vigor. In the firſt South Window, and higheſt Pane, Or; two Lyons paſſant Azure, on tļie firſt an Annulet Argent. In the firſt Pane be- low thát, Quarterly France and England. In the ſecond Pane Gules billette Or, a Feſfe Argent, Quartering Argent a Croſs ingrailed Gules between four Water Budgets Sable. (Loveyn, quartering Bour- cher). Under- 1 F 978: <. 18 A Survey of the Cathedral 3 Underneath, in the firſt Pane, Sable, a Chevron between three Spears Heads Argent, (Morgan or Pryce), over it a Monk with a Cro- ſier and this Inſcription, Virgo non ficte miſerere mei Benedi&te. In the ſecond Pane Argent two Bends indented. Gales, (Ruyall) over it a Biſhop, and written, Theowaldus Epiſcopus de dit Beverly & Mu- than. In the third Pane, Argent upon a Bend ingraild cotiſed Sable three Mullets of the Field pierced of the Bend, (Thurgrim) over it a Biſhop and inſcribed, Willielmus Bleys Epiſcopus dedit Ec- clefiam de Wyke cum pro--- In the fourth Pane, Gules a Felſe be-. tween fix Peares Or, (Besford) over it a King, with this Inſcription, Utridus rex de dit ...8 Stoke Prior. Broke. In the ſecond Window and firſt Pane, a Prince, with a Duke's Chapelet and Sceptre, the Inſcription, Hutrydus Dux dedit More E5 Nuhunam cum pertinentiis. In the ſecond Pane a Biſhop, the Inſcrip- tion, Godfridus Epiſcopus dedit Ecclefiam de Grimley & Hallowe In the third Pane, an Earl with his Cap turned up Ermine and writen, Leofricus Comes dedit Blackwell. In the fourth Pane, a Clerk with Tonſure, in a Doctor's or a Judge's Robe of Scarlet, but faded, and faced Ermine, and inſcribed, Willielmus. · Molynes dedit Scyrnake, &c. Theſe are gone. On the Wainſcot in this Vefiry are depicted the following Coats of ARMS. Gules, a Lyon rampant Or, with an Annulet. Or, a Chevron between two Roſes in chief a Dolphin in Baſe Sable. Sable, a Chevron between: three Puttocks Heads Or. Gules, a Feſſe and Border Ermine, (Alton of Wolverton. Sable, a Chevron between three Martlets Or. Azure, a Chevron between three Wolves Heads eraſed Or. Sable, a fret Or. Parted per Chevron Sable and Or, in chief three Mullets pierced of the ſecond and in Baſe three Wheat-Sheafs Gules. Empaling, Gules. . d on Church of WORCESTER. 19 on a Chevron between three Beſants three Croſſes Croſlets Fiche Salle. yo :: Argent, a Chevron between three Eſcollops Sable. empaling, Quar- terly per Feſſe indented, firſt and laſt Gules, ſecond and third Or, (Littleton, empaling Bromley.) Gules, on a Chevron Or three Barrs Gemelles Sable. (Throck- morton). Sable, three Leopards Heads jeſſant Fleurs-de-Lis Or. Empaling Sable a Feſſe between three Sheldrakes, Argent. (Huband empaling Sheldon.) Or, on a chief Sable three Martlets of the Field. Empaling Berkley, Azure, three Boars Argent. Checky, Argent and Sable. Argent, on a Bend Sable three Pheons. Azure, a Feſſe Ermine with a Creſcent of the fame. There are ſome more but the Colours are faded and gone. *** *** ********* ARMS in the Windows of the body of the Cathedral Church of Worceſter. Eſcending from the Choir to the Croſs Ile of the Church, the North high Window being empty of Arms, leadeth us to the South, which preſenteth his Majeſty's Arms painted lately, but very fairly in Glaſs, Anno Dom. 1632. And returning thence to the North Side of the Church, in a North Window of a North Chapel, is, Ar- gent, a Lyon Rampant Gules, within a Border ſable beſantee. (Corn- wall). In the fourth North Window of the North Ile in the firſt Pane, Gules, a Feſſe and two Mullets in chief Argent. (Poher). In the ſe- cond Pane, Argent, on a Bend ingrailed and cotiſed fable three Mul- lets of the Field. (Thurgrim). In the third Pane, Mortimer's Arms with an Eſcotcheon Or. In D * 2 20 A Survey of the Cathedral In the fifth North Window of the fame Ile, in the firſt Pane, Gules, a Felſe Or, and two Mullets in chief Argent. In the ſecond Pane, Argent, on a Chevron Gules three Gemelles Sable. (Throck- morton). In the ſixth Window, and firſt Pane, Argent, on a Bend Sable three Eſcollops of the Field. In the ſecond, Gules, a Feſſe Or, be. tween three Ma rtlets Ermine. In the third Pane, Argent, a Raven cloſe ſable. (Corbet of Morton). In the loweſt North Window and firſt Pane, Gules, a Feſſe be- tween ſix Pears Or. (Besford. In the ſecond Pane Argent, a Che- vron between three Croſſes Croſlets botonee, fiche ſable, with a La- bel of three Gules. (Raffel). In the third Ermine, a Feffe Checkie, Or, and Azure. ( Arden). In the fourth Pane, Argent, a Lyon Ram- pant, queue fourche Tennee or purpure. (Foliot). Theſe are all gone. The firſt Window of the South Ile hath only Bordures of France and England. Which are all gone. In the ſecond Window and firſt Pane, ſable, Fretted argent on a Quarter Gules a Croſs Patee and Fleuretee Or. Remains. In the fe- cond Pane, argent, ten Torteauxes. (See of Worceſter). Broke. In the third Window and higheſt Pane, the Arms of England fin- gle, below in the firſt Pane, Gules, a Feſſe between fix Croſſes Crof- lets Org. (Beauchamp). Gone. In the ſecond Pane, quarterley Argent and Gules Fretted Or, a Bendlet ſable. (Le Deſpencer). In the fourth Window, and firſt Pane, England. In the ſecond Pane, azure, three Crowns Or. ( St. Edmund King and Martyr). Theſe remain. In the fifth Window, and firſt Pane, England, with a Label of France. (Duke of Lancaſter). It is gone. In the ſecond Pane, Ar- gent, ſix Croſſes Croſlets Fiche ſable ; on achief azure, two Mullets of ſix points Or, pierced Gules. (Clinton). It remains. In the ſixth Window in the uppermoſt Pane of all is the Head of an old Man, below him Angels playing on Violins, and below them on the right side the Virgin Mary with theſe Words Ave Maria man Church of WORCESTER. 21 Maria, and on the other Side a Shorn Monk with his Hands lifted up praying In the ſeventh Window, Vert, three Eſtoyles within a Border in- grailed argent : This Window is repleniſhed with Stars, and the Arms with a Croſier Staff fignifi ing a Biſhop, Abbot, or Prior. In the Weſt Window of this South Ile where is now held the Conſiſtory Court, ſable on a Chevron ingrailed between three Mul- lets pieced 02.0Leopard's Head Gules between two Martlets ar- gent. The goodly Weft Window anſwerable to ſuch a Church, is ſevered by Pillars into eight high aſpiring Panes, and they divided by a Tranſome : Above which in the middle and worthieft Pane, are the Arms of France Quartering England defaced. In the ſecond in Dignity, a broken Coat, ſeeming to have been ſable, Frettee Argent, on a Quarter Gules, a Croſs formee Flouretce Or, belonging to (Wakefield, ſometime Biſhop of Worceſter, by whom, it ſeems, tliis Window was made). In the third Place, Mortimer with an Eſcot. cheon argent . In the fourthi Gules, a Felle between fix Croſſes Croflets Or, (Beauchamp). The fifth quarterly argent and Gales, Fretted Or, a Bendlet ſable. (Defpencer) The ſixth Or, a Saltire Ingrailed fable, (Botetort). In the loweſt dexter Pane, azure, a Chevron Ingrailed between three Lyons Heads eraſed Or. (Wendu hani). Int' the loweſt fineſter, Gates, a Felſe between ſix Martlets Or, (Behuchamp of Powick). I have ranked tliefe, according as they are placed about the Royal Arms, becauſe, it may be, it did argue a Precedence, which in theſe that follow, is to be obſerved. In the lower Part of this Window, kneeling in compleat Armour, their Faces only open in the Middle and principal Place, a Knight, bearing on his Arms, Argent, on 'a' Bend azure three Cinquefoils Or, and fubſcribed Monſeur Walter de Cookeſey. Oppoſite to liim, an- other in like fort, and on liis Arms, Gules, a Feffe between fix Bil- lets Or, and thris Superſcription, Monfeur John Beauchamp de Holt. Behind Cookefey a Knight as before, and on his Arms, Argent, on a G Bend $ . 22 A Survey of the Cathedral ARE Bend Gules, three Garbe's, and written, Monſeure Richard Fiton. Bes hind. Beauchamp a Man in long Robes, of Purple, and Scarlet, his Sword by his Side, and his Wife after him. And underneath as far as I can diſcern, Helyas Spelley. Behind Fiton, is a Knight armed, and praying, as before, on whoſe Armour is Gules, a Lyon Rampant argent and under him Monſeur John Atwood.' On the other side, be- hind him, is one armed, as the reſt, carrying parted per Chevron ſa- ble and argent, in Chief three Leopard's Heads Or : After him his on her Mantle, Gules, three Lozenges in Bend Argent. The laſt on the right Side, hạth over his Armour, Argent on a Bend Gules, three Torteauxes Or, and written Monfeur : Sapy. The laſt on the left Hand is a Man in long Garments, with a Gown of Scar- let, and by his side a Șword, yet wanting Arms, but his Name expreſſed to be --Nicholas Collins. Near to this is the Weſt Window of the North Ile, and in the principal and middle Pane, France and England quarterly. In the ſecond middle Pane, France and Eng?and quartered, with a Label of three argent. (Prince of Wales). In the next Panę, for Dignity, Ena gland with a Label of France. (Duke of Lancaſter). Below that, Or, three Pyles in Point azure, on a middle Pyle a Croſs, argent. (Brian Biſhop of Worceſter). After this, Gules, a Feſſe between ſix Croffes Croſlets Or. (Beauchamp). On the other Side : Mortimer with an, Eſcotcheon argent. In the loweſt dexter Panes, Gules, ten Befants. (Foreyn). In the laſt Pane Or, three Pyles in Point azure. (Brian). Theſe have I placed, as near as I can, according to their Pre-hemi- nence in this Window, which conſiſteh of eight Panes, graced with Arms. In the Window next below the North Door, in the middle Pane, a Gentleman and his wife praying Face to Face, and ſubſcribed, Johannes Powel, . . . . Maiot uxor ejus. And in the dexter Pane , the like Couple, and under written, Johannes, the reſt defaced, And in the finiſter, a Gentleman in Prayer, the reſt broken out., Theſe are all gone. On ร์ intorno .. 11 Church of WORCES TÉR. 23 the *** o* ***** On the Organ Gallery between the Choir and the Nave of the Church are ſeveral Coats of Arms, over them this Inſcription, THE HESE HONOURABLE AND WORSHIPFUL GENTLEMEN WHOSE ARMS ARE HERE PLACED WERE CONTRIBUTORS TOWARDS THE GALLERY. ANNO Domine 1614. In the middle are the Arms of the See of Worceſter : Empaling Or a Felle between three Lozenges Sable. Domine non (um Dignus. The ſame with the Virgin Mary in a Canton. (Dean and Chapter of Worceſter). On the right Hand, Gules a Lion Rampant and Border ingrailed Or. (Talbot E. of Shrewsbury). Gules, a Saltire Argent, between twelve Croſs Collets Or. (Windſor E. of Plymouth). Parted per Chevron Sable and Argent in chief three Mullets Or, in Baſe as many Garbs: Gules. (Pakington). Quarterly per Feſſe indented Or and Gulés a Creſcent. (Bromley). Barree nebule. (Blunt). Argent, a Chevron between 3 Croffes botonee fiche Sable. (Rufjell). Argent, two Lions paſſant gules. (Lygon). Argent, a Feſſe between fix martrėts, Sable, a' Creſcent. (Walm). Barree argent and ſalles in chief three Stars. Argent, on a Feſſe between three Martlets Salle three Annu'ers or. Sable, two Cinquefoils in chief and a Fleur de Lis in balé cr. Parted of you 24 A Survey of the Cathedral € "} Parted per Feſſe nebule or and ſables three attires counterchanged of the Field. Or, a Felſe dancet between three Croſs Croſlets fiche gules. (Sandys), Salle, two Barrs ingrailed argent. (Rous of Rouflènch) Gules, a Chevron between thrée Lions Heads or. Pakington. Ljgon. Rulel. Again. Sable, a Star Argent. (Handford). Argent, a Felle between three Creſcents ſable. (Newport of Handley Williams). Or, three Purſes gules in chief crenelle of the fecond, three Léo- pards Heads of the firft. Argent, a Feſle ſable in chief a Mullet between two Pellets. (Dingley of Charlton). Argent, fix Lions Rampant ſable. (Savage of Elmley). Argent, on a Felſe three Cinquefoils or, between fix Martlets gules. Argent, a Lyon Rampant gules within a Border ingrailed ſalle befantee. Argent, on a chief fable, three Martlets of the first. (Wyld). Quarterly, firſt and fourth argent 2 Chevrons ingrailed fable, fer cond and third fable a Croſs Saltire raguled beween 4 Martlets argent. Gulas, a Felle and Border Ermine. (Adlon of Wolverton). On the left Hand, Sable, a Lyon paſſant between three Helmets or. (Lord. Compton). Gules, ſemee of Crofs Croflets with three Lucies hauriant argent. (Lucy) Gules, three Stirrops Leathered or. (Lord Scudamore). Or, a Crots gules between four Birds. Gules, three Croſſes reſarcile or, with a chief vaire. (Verney). Argent, on a chevron ſable three Croſſes botonëe of the Field. Gules, They Church of WORCESTER. 25 Gules, on a' chevron argent, three Barrs gemelles ſable. (Throckmorton). Argent, on a Felſe between three Annulets gules, as many Leo- pards Heads or. (Somervile). Quarterly, argent and gules ; ſecond and third charged with a fret or, over all on a Bend ſable three Eſcallops argent. (Spencer): Vert, a Bend ingrailed argent double cotiſed ſable and or. Or, three Cinquefoils ſable pierced of the Field. Gules, a Lyon Rampant or Border ingrailed or. (Talbot). Parted per Pale argent, and gules with an Annulet Or, three Blackamoors Heads with a Creſcent Sable a Feſle ermine between three Creſcents or. (Coventry) Quarterly, firſt and fourth Barry of four argent and gules, parted per pale indented and counterchanged : ſecond and third, Quarterly, firſt and fourth argent, three Piles gules, on a Canton azure a Buck Trippant or : ſecond and third argent, a Feſſe Jable, in chief three Pellets. (Peto, quartering Loges and Langley). The ſame with an Incfcocheon. Sable, a Manch or. Sable, a Chevron between three Wolfs Heads eraſed or. Argent, on a Feſſe wavy ſable, three Hares Heads couped Or. (Harewell). Sable, a Croſs Moline between 2 Creſcents and 2 Decreſcents or. (Warmſtry). Argent, a Croſs Moline ſable pierced with a Lozenge or. Gules a Croſs ingrailed argent. Sable, a chevron between three attires or. Or, on a Bend ingrailed between two Lions Rampants ſable, three Befants. Argent, on a chief ſable, three Lyons Heads of the Field. Sable, three Arrows cr. H The # । 26 A Survey of the Cathedral # The Windows in the Cloyſters of the Cathe- dral Church of Worceſter, conſiſted former- ly of painted Glaſs which are now all gone. But Mr. Abingdon hath left us the following account of them. Begin firſt on the Eaſt-ſide, and with the firſt riſe up to the middle, which, as the worthieft, is adorned with the Royal Arms of England. In the height of this firſt Window, is argent, ten Tor- teauxes in a quarter Gules, our bleſſed Lady holding our Saviour in her Arms Or, being the Arms of the Priory of Worceſter. In the dex- ter Pane, Or, two Bars undee Gules, in a Chief azure, two Towers of the Field. (Fordham). And below, Or, two Lyons paſſant a- xure. (Dudley). Impaling Barry undee of ſix Or, and fable. (Blunt). The next Mortimer with an Eſcorcheon Ermine. In the finiſter ; ſalle, a Chevron between three Spears Heads argent, guttee Or. quartering argent on a Bend cotiſed Sable, the Cotiſes voided Or, three Quaterfoiles of the laſt. (Price, quartering Dawney). Below, Guiles, a Feſſe Or, and two Mullets in Chief argent. The next ſa- ble, a Bend between two dexter Hands, with parts of the Arms extended and armed in Mayle, argent. In the top of the Window is written Johannes mudler and underneath Johannes Dudley Sub: Prigr magiữer Theologiæ. In the ſecond Window, and higheſt Pane, is quarterly, argent and Gules fretted Or, over all a Battoon Sable. (Le Deſpencer). In the dexter, Gules, a Feſſe between fix Croſs Croflets Or, on the Feſſe a Creſcent ſable : Impaling quarterly Argent and Gules fret- ted 2 Church of WORCESTER. 27 ted Or, over all a Battoon ſable. (Beauchamp impaling Spencer). In the finiſter, quarterly Argent and Gules fretted Or, over all a Bat- toon ſable, impaling Or, three Chevrons Gules. (Spencer, impaling Clare). In the Window two Hands out of Clouds, holding be. tween them a Ring parted per pale, Or and Argent. In the third Window and higheſt Pane, Gules, a Feſſe between fix Croſſes Croſlets Or. (Beauchamp). In the dexter, Gules, a Feſſe between fix Croſſes Croflets Or, impaling, quarterly Argent and Gules, fretted Or, over all, a Bendlet fable. (Beauchamp, Impaling Spencer). Below Sable, a Chevron between three Holly-Leaves Argent. (Weſton). The next Gules a Lyon Rampant Queve nowe furchee Argent. (At- wood). In the finiſter, Checke, Or and Azure, a Chevron Ermine, quartering Gules, a Feſſe between fix Croſſes Croſlets Or. Below Gules on a Chevron Argent two Gemelles Sables. (Throckmorton). In the next, Argent, a Lyon rampant Or; but I think the Colour is ra- ther faded. In the middle, being the fourth and moſt noble Window, France and England quarterly, underneath, Fobn Phelipes. In the dexter Pane, quarterly Gules and Argent : in the firſt, an Eagle diſplayed Or, on his Breaſt an Annulet ſable ; impaling Or, two Barrs Gules. (Phelipes impaling Harmanvil). Below, Or, two Bars gules. The next quarterly, Gules and Argent in the firſt an Eagle diſplayed Or, on her Breaſt an Annulet Sable. In the finiſter, Argent on a Bend Azure, three Cinquefoiles Or : Impaling Gules, on a Saltire Argent a Martlet Sable. (Cookefey impaling Nevil Lord Furnivall). Below Argent on a Bend Azure, three Cinquefoiles Or, quartering Azure, a Lyon rampant between ten Croſſes Croſlets Or. (Cooke ſey quarter- ing Brewes). The next Gules, on a Saltire Argent, a Martlet ſable, (Nevil Lord Furnivall) and written underneath, Drate pro anima Domini Johannis Phelipes, Baronis de ongnton, gui hanc fenetram fieri fecit. In 28 A Survey of the Cathedral $ In the fifth Window is written aloft, Johannes Temdeburg. In the dexter, Checkee, Or, and azure, a Feſſe gules. (Clifford). Below this the firſt Arms defaced. The next, Or, two Lyons paſſant azure, quartering argent a Croſs undee azure, impaling Barree un- dee of ſix Or, and Sable.' (Dudley quartering Malpas and impaling Blount). In the finiſter, Ermine, a Lyon rampant gules, crown'd Or, within a Border ingrailed ſable Befantee : impaling, gules, two Barrs vaire. (Cornwall impaling Mortimer Baron of Burford). Below parted per Chevron ſable, and argent, in Chief three Leopards Heads Or. (Lychfeild). The next, argent, a Lyon Rampant gules debruſed with a Bend ſable, charged with three Mullets Or. (Flete). Underneath, Johannes de Temdebure. The ſixth Window hath in the higheſt Pane, ermine, a Lyon Rampant gules crowned Or, within a Border ingrailed ſable, be- fantee. (Cornwall). In the dexter, ermine, a Lyon rampant gules, crowned Or, within a Border ingrailed ſable beſantee, impaling gules, two Barrs vaire. (Cornwall impaling Mortimer). In the ſiniſter a Lyon Rampant Gules crowned Or, within a Border ingrailed ſable, befantee. (Cornwall of Burford), Underneatli, Drate pro bono (fatu Kichardi Cornwalt Domini t Baronis de Burford, qui hanc feneftram fieri fecit In the higheſt Pane of the ſeventh Window is Mortimer with an Eſcotcheon Argent. In the dexter, Or, a Croſs Gules. (Ulſter). Underneath Argent, a Croſs Moline Sable, quater peirced Or, within a Border ingrailed of the ſecond. In the next Pane, parted per pale Ermine and Sable, a Chevron ingrailed, counterchanged of the Field. (Blundell). In the finiſter, Mortimer quartering Or, a Croſs Gules, (Ulſter). Underneath Or, a Chevron Gules and Ermine. (Stafford of Grafton). The next, Argent, a Raven proper written above and below Kichardus de Wigorn. The & 놓 ​Church of WORCESTER. 29 The North Side of the Cloyſter. IF N the firſt Window of this side, and higheſt Pane, Or, two Barrs wavy, (in other Places undee) Gules, in a Chief Azure two Towers Or, underwritten, Drate pro bono tatu magifri Fordham Dodoxis Theologie, Pripris #delice Cathedra: is Wigan, In the ſecond Window and higheſt Pane, Gules, a Fefle between fix Croſſes Croſlets Or, quartering Checkee, Or, and Azure, a Che- vron Ermine ; in a Eſcotcheon, quarterly, Argent, and Gules fretted Or, over all a Bendelet Sable. (Beauchamp quantering Warpeick bearing in an Eſcotcheon Le Deſpescer). Below, in the.dexter Pane, Argent on a Bend Azure three Cinquefoils Or. (Cookeſey). In the ſiniſter, Or; a Chevron Gules, and quarter Ermine. (Stafford of Graf- ton). And under theſe, in the firſt Pane Gules, on a Croſs Azure five Pots Or; in the dexter, a Mullet of the third, and next partied per pale Ernine and Sable, a Chevron ingrailed counterchanged. (Blundell) In the laft two Panes, Argent, a Croſs Moline within a Border ingrailed Sable. (Mull). And in the next, argent, a Feſſe danſetee palee, ſable and gules, between three Mullets .of the ſecond, yet ſeeming Or, (More de Burceſter. Co. Oxon), the Subſcription, ! Drate pro animabus Thomæ mull. apatildis uroris ejus qui illud vitreum fieri fecerunt. In the third Window, and higheft Pane Or, a Chevron Gules, (Stafford), and written below, Drate pro anima magi@ri Johannis Fordham modoris Prioris Ecclefiæ Cathedralis wigornjenfis. I In . 30 A Survey of the Cathedral :: In the fourth Window, and two firſt Panes above, dexter and ſiniſter, this Coat. Or, two Bars undee Gules, in a Chief Azure two Towers of the Field, written below, Drate pro bono ftatu magiữrt Jonannis Fordijant, Sarre pagine Profefloris, Prioris Ecclelie Cathedralis Beatæ Mariæ Wigorniæ, qui hanc fenelram fecerat vitreari. In the fifth Window, Ecclelle Thomas Collewell tunc Sup Prior Hujus, Dut dedit erpeuſas iltam reparare feneftram, 8. L. quater m. femel feptem femel anno. In the ſixth Window, Harg; duas cuncas Tbomas Collwelle fenetras, Fecit in eremplum clauftralibus omnibus aptum Duas binis annis complet cui vita perhennis. In the ſeventh is nothing, but Matter of Devotion. *** test The Weſt Cloyſter. In the firſt Window, Drate pro anima Johannis Lendere monachi. Date pzo animabus Johannis Filher, t agnatis uroris elus. Willielmi Thomas, qui ilfam fenetram feri fecerant, Duojumt animabus propitietur Deus. amen, In the ſecond Window, Rer nos Edgarus hic fundavit Deo Charus. Dia Rex, dedit Tropthorn, Bradwas, Lawarn, & ycombe. Ke: Church of WORCESTER. 31 kenulphus Rer dedit Hallowe, Hinwick, hymulton, & DO: Do nainted. aldredus Ker dedit Segesborowe. Ethelbredus Ber dedit manerium de Flyve. In the third Window, Dſwaldus archiepiscopus, per me fundatus fuit ex Cleria cis monachatus. aldredus archiepiſcopus dedit maneríum de Tedington Sanaus Wolttanus Epifcopus dedit alvel on, & hic omnia maneria redemit. menebertus Epifcopus dedit mpanerium de Herferton, Simon Epifcopus dedit ga In the fourth Window, Utredus Ker dedit Shepeton, & Stoke prioris. Burredus Rec dedit wwaverler. Johannes ....Privilegium de quitra cum aliis impetra: vit & Eccletas de cropthorn, Dverburr, & Wolverly ap- Popziari In the fifth Window, Salwaldus Ber dedit Dverburg, Johannes Ker dedit libertatem quatuor maneríorum de Lindredg, Wolverll, Stoke, & Cleve. Henricus Rer dedit Bromwich, t medietatem całri Wi- gornjenĞs. Edwinus Rer dedit Fepton, e quing; fornaces Salis at: pud wich. Bertwulfus Ker dedit Eccleüam de Clive wurke, cuiu pertinenciis, & Ecclebam de Sobbery. In .... ..... 32 A Survey of the Cathedral In the fixth Window, Wultanus Epifcopus dedit Crowle, Batenhall, pechler, e Eccleüam de Underhill, acquifivit. Theolwaldus Epifcopus, dedit Bevere, & mitham. Walterus Epifcopus, dedit Grimly, & Mitton. Godefridus Epifcopus dod it Earleliam de Criwir t Hallowe. In the ſeventh Window, Hutridus Dur More Pueuljam CUM » Pevegelus de Bello Campo Miles dedit Todelton. cilbertus Comes de Pembroke dedit Ecclefiamn de mogeldan, Leofricus Comes dedit Blackwell. On the Lavatory in the Weſt Cloyſter, and in the midſt, was quar- terly France and England, on the dexter, a Croſs Fleurettee be- tween five Martlets. In the finiſter, ten Torteauxes and in a quar- ter our Bleſſed Lady with our Saviour in her Arms. In the laſt on the right Hand, a Crofier Staff with a Biſhop's Mitre between W. and m. In the laſt, on the left Hand, on a Chevron ingrailed between three Martlets, a roundel and two Birds in Chief, three Cocks, over all a Mitre. Over a Weft Door In this Walk, firſt, quarterly France and En- gland. Next in an Eſcotcheon ten Torteauxes, being the Arms of the Biſhoprick of Worceſter. The Windows of the South Cloyſter contain the Miracles of St. Wolſtan, as followus. In the firſt Light. multano triti frultra librum rapuiti, Lugbus ad mota puero parit hec nova vota Hic Church of WORCESTER. 33 ::<'w..** Hic inter vepres fugit ... Mundicie tellem monachalem fufcipe Uelem, gatur multi duct turpia fatur attritis cottis me cum pede perfodit hottis Culmine de vatto ruo Surg. pentibus hic elt collatus Wulffano Pontificatus Hic confceratut Preſul pallorque creatur. i isto. } In the ſecond Light. Ker baculum fandt reddi jubet ore minante E mihi po nulla toga prefulis apta cuculla Ecce recens ügnum tapitur de marmoro lignuin Ecce virens plante patris crefcit prece ſanato De loculis plenis hic quod fundatur egenis. In the third Light. annulus a degito mihi non rapietur avſto mox ait otate quidi dormitfs vigilate antiles Sandus Herefordit vtt venerandus audiit hec dict ſepelito funus amici, A grege ploratur patur Wullanus . 8. 99a .. Cum Domini dono tibi me committo Patrono. > i In the fourth Light. Werba Toquor tedæ datut hir mihi lingua teſeda Tota ttupet fili quod curatut paradit Duod datur in pane viri tocuin út inane Lepza fugit tota ſquamoſa pelle remota Mens datur ainenti diſcretio reda furenti. K . Quod ģ ne 34 A Survey of the Cathedral :.. In the fifth Liglit. 1. Quod morſus dat tibi dizos Ecce viam tutus a vinc'lis Pergo folutus Cunga potelt qui te reddet Paralytice vite Seru privatus fit vir vid et er oculatus Sande pater petimus fer opem Wuldane perímus. In the ſixth Light. Uis erit a tumba quo furgit merſus In unda Tumba viri celebtis Ügnis viget inclita crebris Hic claudis, mutis, cecis erit unda falutis tes ales hanc... Celitus emiðum amiffum. st in An account of the Monuments of the Cathe- dral Church of Worceſter. NO OW to come to the Monuments : I'will begin with his firſt, who is the ancienteſt in England of all his Majeſty's Royal and Lineal Anceſtors from William the Conqueror, King John I mean; for Henry the Firſt, altho' he was interred in his magnificent Ab- by at Reading, yet is he involved in the Ruins and deformed Heaps of that confuſed Chaos. Hither was the Body of thiş King whep he had clos'd his Eyes in that turbulent Night of this Realm, con- ducted by his Faithful Subject and Servant, that glorious Son of En- gland, William Marſhall Earl of Pembroke. In the Choir before the high Altar, on a fair raiſed Marble Monument, lieth his Portraiture ht in Church of WORCESTER. 35 1 in his Royal Ornaments, wearing a Crown on his Head, wherein is written, JOHANNES REX ANGLIÆ, in his right Hand a Scepter (now broken), his left on his Sword hanging by his Side, at his Feet a Lyon Rampant Or; and below in eight feve- ral Panes, Gules, three Lyons Paſſant gardant Or. So ſhineth he all in Gold, between two Biſhops cenſing him, ſignifying, I think St. Oſwald, and St. Wolftan, between whoſe two Sepulchres or Shrines, he bequeathed his Body to Reſt; for on the North-ſide, under v.. the Wall of the Choir St. Oſwald, Archbiſhop of Tork, and Biſhop of Worceſier was buried, where there was a plain Marble Stonė, now gone, unleſs that were his Tomb or Monument which being raiſed on the Outſide of the ſame Wall, reſembleth a Biſhop veſted for the Altar, with his Mitre on his Head, ſupported with two An- gels, and a Lyon at his Feet, all under an Arch, and ſomewhat defaced. And on the South and outward Wall of the Choir, an- ſwerable to this, is St. Wolſton's raiſed Monument, repreſenting a Biſhop with a rich Mitre, and gləriouſly veſted in his Pontificali- bus, at his Head and Feet Angels, and on the side of the Tomb, St. Peter and St. Paul with other Saints, on ſeveral Panes engraved. The Figure of the King as big as the Life and the two Biſhops at his Head in little, are carved in one Stone of grey Marble, which ſeemeth to be as Antient as the time of Henry the Third; but the Altar Tomb on which it is placed, is of a Modern Fabrick. It hath no Inſcription, but in Matth. Paris there is this Epitaph. Hoc in Sarcophago ſepelitur Regis imago Qui moriens mult un ſedavit in orbe tumult unz Et cui connexa dum vixit probra manebant Hunc mala poſt mortem timor eft nefata Sequantur Qui legis hæc metuens dum cernis te moriturum Diſcito quid rerum pariat tibi meta dierun. Sand. Gen: Hiſt. p. 86. Matth. Paris, p. 288. On 1 King lohn's Tomb p. 36. 3. N. AS vey Der NEX WWE ken W ARMA kin WA ME: www. .. we WWE WW *** Www anywhere ... WA NA WA per sus WO WA WA Med www CS6 ste 33 WW ws ** Who My View whe HOR WWW. *** 9 w : WWW WAY ANYM WW A : 48 H. Salows BM Www WO XX KER Wew wout Home WWW. WS . 2 AM 9. WWW WARA IN A Way * More LEA 280k V Www on T J. Myndeft. ince an On the left ſide of the high Altar is Prince Arthur's curious Chap. pel, all framed of choiſe Stone, the sides with Windows of Pillars and Arches inletting Light : The Eaſt End, where once Altar ſtood, was ſometimes graced with rare Imagéry Work. Here were painted France and England quartered within the Garter, fup- ported with a Dragon and Greyhound, all covered with an Imperial Crown, and under, Vivat Regina, garniſhed about with Red Croſ- ſes incloſing the White; and next, the fame Arms alſo quartered with a Label of three, Argent, ſupported by two Stags proper, tyred and unguled Or, and over all a Prince's Crown, the Veſt adorned with Oſtriches Feathers, the Badges of Wales within princely Crowns. The Weſt hath a Wall anſwerable to the former, and all aſpiring to an enbowed Roof artificially fretted, with a Pendent in the midit, on the Boffe whereof, are the Princes Arms crowned as be- fore Church of WORCESTER37 . . 34 fore, and with Oſtriches Feathers, encompaſſed with Crowns gra- ven in Stone. Under this is a fair raiſed Marble Tomb, at the Head and Feet, and in three ſeveral Panes, on either ſide quarterly, France and England, with a Label of three, Argent Above which, and about the Monument, is this Inſcription : Heere Teeth buried prince arthur the firſt begotten Sonne of the righte Benowned King Henzl the Seucnthe which noble Prince departed out of this tranfitory life att the Cattle of Ludlow the feauenteenthe Deere of our Lord God on thou: ſond five hundred and two. The North Out-lide, like the In-ſide, is gloriouſly ſet out with the Statues of Saints, and Eſcocheons ſupported with Angels, over all a Battlement wrought in Panes with Pyramyds. The, South Side being deeper, riſeth higher in fundry Pillars, beautifyed with five Orders of Images, &c. Virgins, Biſhops, Kings, Confeſsors and Angels, which dividing Nineteen ſeveral Panies, preſent as many Impreſſions. The firſt, our Saviour crowned, and an Angel at- tending. The ſecond ; quarterly France and England, impaling theſe four Coats; the firſt, France and England quartered as before ; the next a Croſs, for the Earldom of Ulſter; the third, as the ſecond the laſt, Mortimer Earl of March; and over all an Imperial Crown ſupported with Angels, and the Arms themſelves with a Greyhound collered, and a Lyon gardant. The other Panes being repleniſhed with Royal and Princely Symbols and Badges, I will briefly deliver them, becauſe I will not detain you with tedious Repetitions : Thëré is the Rofe in the Sunbeams for the Houſe of York; a Feſſe of Pheons or Arrows within a Band, a Type of mutual Concordance; a Fal- con open within an open Horſelock flouriſhed with Roſes, a Device of the Dukes of York, one Rofe including another, 'intimating the Houſe of Lancaſter encloſing Tork; all which, with the Roſe and Oſtriches Feathers, ſignify theſe diſtracted Streams now united in one, and flowing peaceably in King Henry the Seventh's Iſſue. The others being intermixed with the Port-cullis, Fleur de Lis, and Pom- granates, import our King's Right to France, and his Son's Match L The . ) with Spain. y Stowe WA MAX A EM- WA NAM I W ww TE OX File wote WER co Soon help N razy . w! ANTONG Miley www . $ Vexem! OX Ga Www A Scale of Feet 2 3 do 8 o to 203 14 15 16 22 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The North Side of Prince Arthur's Chappel The South proſpect of is you may find in Sandford Genealogical Tuftory J. Mymde se m446 . .... AS! *** ARV .. B" Wolftans P. 39 *** ** ********.. 21.7.2:'. IKA. Frem . WARE MIN! *** V. . www. WA : ":. . FW i wa PV. Wala Wilde Wiki P. 39 Counteſs of Surrey WEB CN COM . ... WER Deus! * * CO . :: - **6. AV 2-5W WSWS. . . | Myndesc. 40 A Survey of the Cathedral W. The other Arms, as well of the King as Prince of Wales, becauſe they were before moſt eminent in the Cappel, I will not here again blazon. The laſt I mean to touch, which being the double Roſe within the Garter, and changeably over the Tomb of a great Lady buried at the Feet of St. Wolftan, giveth ſome occaſion to a Fable, that this was the Counteſs of Salisbury, who bluſhing at the Loſs of her Garter in a Dance, miniſtred Matter to King Edward the Third to inſtitute the moſt Ancient and Honourable Order of the Garter, never conſidering, that the terrible Diſſention and Union of theſe Roſes were many Years after the Death of King Edward the Third ; wherefore leaving theſe Roſes within the Garter (ſignifying that Noble Knighthood) as an Ornament only of Prince Arthur's Chappel, I will digreſs and decend to this Lady's raiſed Monument lodged in Earth under this ſtately Chapel : On her Head ſhe hath a Veil, on her Chin a Wymplet or deep Muffler, which I conjecture to be an Enſign of Honour, in her Hands lifted up to Heaven a pair of Beads dependant, on her inward Garment in divers ſmall Eſcocheons, Or, a frett Gules; on her Mantle in like Faſhion Che- kee, Or and Azure, at her Feet a Talbot, the Side of the Tomb conſiſting of five Panes 'engraved with the Images of St. Paul and other Saints. I conjecture by the Arms on her Garment, being the Lord Verdon's, that ſhe was of that Noble Family, and by thoſe on her Mantle, being Warren's Earl of Surrey, that ſhe was Counteſs of Surrey by Marriage. (a). (a) This is confirmed by the following Paſſage in a Book, intituled, ---Nicolai Uptoni de ſtudio Militari, libri quatuor. Johannis de Bado aureo, Tractarus de Armis. Henrici Spelmanni Aſpi- Jogia. Edwardus Biffæus & Codicibus M. S. S. primus publici juris fecit, nontiſque illuftra- vit. Lond. 1654. fol. In Henricum Spelmannum Notæ, pag. 94. Monumentum hoc ad auftrum in Choro Ecclefiæ Cathedralis Worceftriæ pofitum, in marmore Juma ma arte excifum, ob antiquitatem (cum ab Henrici tertii temporibus duraverit, quod ex habitu ifti- us Domine aliaque Sculptura facile colligimus) hunc locum meruit . Paterno genere ex familia Verdo- norum fuit, & conjux cujufdam Comitis Surriæ, « Warrennis ; veftis enim Interior Verdonorum, babet infignia, Exterior Warrennorum, per quem morem ortum. & conjugia Heroinæ olim exprime- bant, nec vetuftius ufquam temere reperias, iraque bujus loci merito eft. On 설 ​Tha Monałopil'Bullingham. p.41. Bi Goldiprurgheb irfte. Manu te BIT SET 10 NAOB WA 20 cad WEG ORN NICO Pem ar More EN ang PERUSTETTUDIT HET NIETTIRENTITERIT 2013 DONDE 5 6. P Feet DOBRE Mama je ......... Feet N 1576 On tlie North-lide of the high Altar, is in the Walt L cumbent Statue of Biſhop Bullingham with this Inſcription, B IM TE CT NICHOLAUS EPUS- WIGORNA HERE BORN, HERE BISHOP, BURIED HERE TINCUIES A BULLINGHAM BY NAME AND STOCKE bns A MAN TWICE MARRIED IN GODS FEARE bo CHIEF PASTOR LATE OF LINCOLN FLOCK no e bi M 20 bágastioiundos Ils 53) WHOM : 42 A Survey of the Cathedral WHOM OXFORD TRAINED UP IN YOWTHE WHOM CAMBRIDGE DOCTOR DID CREATE A PAINFULL PREACHER OF THE TRUTHE WHO CHANG'D THIS LIFE FOR HAPPY STATE 18? APRILIS 1576 On the top of this Tomb is a Sheild with theſe Arms. Sable; an Eagle diſplayed Argent; membred and beaked Gules, with a Branch in her Mouth Vert : On a cheif Or, a Roſe between two Croſſes botonnee Gules, Next below this is within an Arch a Lady kneeling and under neath this Inſcriptian, PERPETUÆ PIETATI SACRUM IN REVEREND AND PIOUS REMEMBRANCE OF HIS DEAR MOTHER ABIGAIL, SOMETIME WIFE TO THE REVERENDE FATHER IN GOD GODFREYE LATE BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER, THEIR SECOND SONNE: HENRY GOLDISBURGHE HATHE ORDAINED THIS MONUMENT WHO BEQUEATHING HIS SOUL BY HIS MEDIATOR TO GOD, HIS BODY BY HIS MOTHER TO THIS PLAGE : DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULII XXX. ANNO SALUT. MDCXIII. On the top is a Sheild with theſe Arms. Parted per påle Or, and azure, on a chevron three Fleurs de Lis between three Buttocks Heads : eraſed, all counterchanged of the Field In : : H. SAN . * .: The Monument of lohn de Eveſham . P.42 WA Hea WWW W: A PAL WWW ... WWW MA Bilek kr be www WOWA WWW. VA D ak we . J. Mynde ſc. * S: S'Tamer Banchamp P. 43 J Myndef. . Church of W O'R CE 6'T E'R. 43 In the 'Ile on the North-ſide of this Choir oppoſite to the Door under the ſecond Window is a raiſed Monument of a Biſhop.veſted for the Altar and Mitred, ſuppoſed by ſome to be the Tomb of St. Wolfian de Brainsford. But Mr. Abingdon is doubtful whether it he a Biſhop or Prior, if it be a Prior, it is the moſt likely to be the Tomb of John de Eveſham, who died March the 27. '1.370, and was buried in the North Ile, being one of the firſt Priors interred in the Church (a): for in the Window over his Tomb in the ſecond Pane was the Partraiture of a Prior with two Mitres one on his Head and the other in his left Hand, and in his right a Staff Au- thority, and written JOHANNES EVESHAM.PRIOR PRIVILE- GIUM DE MITRA...... On the Ground by him towards the Eaſt, is an antient Tomb of the holy Voyage armed all in 'Mail ſaving his Face, and clad in a Soldiers Coat, his right Hand on his Sword, on his left Arm his- Shield, lis Legs croſſed and at,lis Feet 'a-Lyon, he beareth no Ar- moty but in the firſt Pane of the Window over him iwas Gules,.a Frelle between ſex Croſſes Groflets:Or, on tlie Feſſe a Creſcent Sable, for difference, tle Arms of the Beauchamps, ſo it is probable this was the Tomb of Sir James. Beauchanip Knight Templar. (a) Willis's Account of the Priors. *** pokemon ເວບຊ່ວຍໃນເອເອ Monuments in our Lady's Chappel. UNE Nder the great Eaſt Window was the High Altar of tlie Virgin Mary, and before it on the Ground die in equal dis- ſtance the Portraitures of two Biſhops veſted for thie Altar with Mia tres on their Heads, their right: Hands bleſſing and their left hold- ing: 44 A Survey of the Cathedral ing Croſiers. Theſe I take to be the Tomb Stones of John de Conftantiis and Godfrey de Giffard who were both buried here the firſt on the North-ſide and the ſecond on the South-ſide of the great Altar. On a ſmall Marble Monument fixed to the North Wall, Ex terris D. $ $ M S. Here lyeth buried ſo much as could dye of ANNE the Wife of IZAAK WALTON . 4 ! 3 Who was A Woman of remarkable Prudence and of the Primitive Piety, her great and general Knowledge being adorned with ſuch true Hu- mility, and bleſt with ſo much Chriſtian Meekneſs as made her worthy of a more memorable Monument, ſhe dyed ( alas that ſhe is dead) the 17th of April 1662 Aged 52. Study to be like her. Below this under the firſt Arch is a fair Alabaſter Monument erected by Biſhop Thornborough in 1627, fourteen Years before his Death. On the Tomb lies his Statue in his Epiſcopal Robes, cu- riouſly carved with an Arch or Canopy over him, on the top of the South-ſide of which is this Inſcription, Ý DENARIUS PHILOSOPHORUM. DUM SPIRO SPERO. And over againſt it on the North-ſide, IN UNO 2° za 408 10. NON SPIRANS SPER Over .. - ........ ". P. 44. Iohaide Conftantiis ge : . : Godfridus Giffard 變硬 ​AR ಸಿಗಳre -ಕೆ... " : -J. Mynde Sc :: . 3 - , ܀ . ' ܆ - x atq܀ ܀܀ | ܂ ܕܽ ܫܸܪܵ ܂ ܗܝ ܝܳܪܽܗ ܙ Church of WORCESTER. 45 7 Over his Head. Qui dormis attolle caput, quia in infirmi- . tate virtus, in Morte vita, in tenebris Lux. Over bis Feet. Mors nubecula tranf- iens, laborum finis, vitæ Janua, ſcala coeli, mihi lucrum, On a Wooden Tablet fixed to the North-fide of the Pillar. Mors vitam eripit, non interimit, quia licet inortui eſſe deſinant, non tamen pereunt, fed in Domino vivunt. Æſtas abiit, ſed alter illam adducet Annus, Solem Nox obruit, ſed ipfam ftatim dies abiget, et in die noviſſimo reſurgent mortui. Monumentum monet men- tem non fugæ, fed tranſlationis, non enim e vita fugere, ſed exire dicimur, ut ubi ſepelitur peccatum cum peccante, reſurgat peccans ſine peccato. Venientem nemo hilaris mortem recipit, niſi qui ſe ad illam diu compoſuerit, ſed de tumulo ſollicitus, quod expectat ſemel certo, exoptat ſæpe ſerio, ut qui in freto laborum diu navi- gavit, in portu ſecuritatis et ſalutis tandem requieſcat. Hanc ipſam quam agimus, vitam cum morte dividimus quotidie, quia cum creſ- cimus ipſi decreſcit vita ; et licet unus ſit vitæ introitus, multi ta- men ſunt exitus ; Nec enim nobis hac in vita peregrinantibus lia- bitandi domum, ſed commorandi diverſorium dedit Deus. He died at Hartlebury 3. July 1641, Aged 94. N Ovet B' Thornborough p. 46 Monu, WWW : wowo 20:00 96.221 ../....* *** ... " 2. 43 % 24. 228 24 * * * . * .. 73 L-a. A WANAUS 7.83 - 1982 SHE's 25-30% - de CHEW Sinds 13" 458 8. MARTA WA BAAEAAAEAR 2 22.9 S 13 21 * ..?" 3. *** . VI.22.0 :: Y NS-RE WWW.X? en we 3. OV xa ........ XX;: "............ WWWWW ...','. My .. BANOVE...: EXAMRYANSAVA w W. w ..MWA 'M. AWO im. . ** WWW Wyni iw Ww wWw wWw wWwwWw X Wome a wh PO: Wow! Alami ... ! wwwwwwwamini. galeria - mer .. ... V. ***". ht . COVE: mo ... 91', *** Witam Wh www. AMCA M. 1." . DENARIMSHILOSOPHORVIMI DMM SPIROSPERO 瑞​助​餐​管​壤​深深 ​www. ՄԱՔր ขนาด Wix...! Wew 24 22 . . 69 ** . 4. 5. We * . بیان Wate .. 3 : A WARS . We WA **** ***** 30:* SANA .. ***** * . ***** Best . *** *** Woo *********** ***** X. : 3:45 WARRANSE XX ***** TS Ja Monde fes Z 2 lito 8 을 ​Church of WORCESTER. 47 $ : Over-againſt it on the South-ſide there is raiſed under the firſt Arch another fair Tomb ſupported by four Pillars of the Corinthian Order with a cumbent Statue, at the Feet of which is this Inſcription. Viator ad 'tumulum de Reverendiſſimo Viro Domino RICHARDO EEDES olim hujus Eccleſiæ Decano. Ede, quis hic ? Eedes, Ede cur hic? quia præfuit Ædi? Hoc domino qualis ? viſa? Beata domus ! Ede, gradum, Doctor. Qualis? Sacer, Oxonienſis. Tamnè pius vita, quam fuit ore? fuit. Cur lapis et loqueris ? Sub me jacet Orphea vicens. Iſte facit,« plufquam, faxa movere, loqui, Cur lapis et lacrymans ? Jacturam defleo tantam, Eja viatorem me quoque flere facis. On the Right Side above his Feet is Argent ten Torteauxes in a quarter Gules, our bleſſed Lady holding in her Arms our Saviour Or, being the Arms of the Colledge of Worceſter. Next below Verto a Croſs between four Calthrops Or. And loweſt of all, Argent a che- vron between three Eſcollops Sable. On the the left ſide Vert, a che- vron ingrailed between 3 Leopard's Heads Argent. Vert, on a chevron ingrailed between three Croſſes Croſlets fichee Sable, two Lyons Oro. The loweſt Blank over all is an Arch ſuported with Pillars in the cavity whereof is upheld by an Angel an Eſcocheon Vert, a che- vron ingrailed between three Leopards Heads Argent ; and upon the Arch over his Head the ſame Arms, and on a wreath Argent and Vert, a Lyons Foot of the firſt out of a Lawrel of the Second, ex-- preſing his excellency in Poetry, and theſe aſcending between Pira-. mids have on the top for a Concluſion a Maiden, holding in her right Hand a Shield with Argent, ten Torteauxes, and in her left a Book. (a). con: (a) MS. Ab. Inſcripti- 3 Dean Eedes. Monu . 97 P48 1990 2 WWW.120: At :US WWW.BU... WANAMUR 20 HOMOSES MEMWWW.WESH. Wouw 56. TAS ... We WER AVA Santo 29.90 WE watch ex *** YkW SU men BEWS www UN SAW www.face VW WASAWA WWW WARE Www கா கா sy w Wylow as www PET CHERA www. www.www.98 WAARSKY WWWWWWWWWW Wow www We Wwwwwwwww. www. WWWW www. WWW se vor www.www.www.wen. 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SA W: Juxta hoc marmor poſitæ funt reliquixe Johanis Gaudentii SST.D.Elseñoriund qui armoillo mirabili reſtitutionis Regis Car. fedem Exoniens ſubvectus, inde favore ejufdem Regis ad Cathedram hane Wigorn. ftatim vacantem tranſlal tus eft:fed honorem quem optime meruit nonita diu ſuſtinuit meliori enim forte dignus jullus eft a fupremo rege ad Beator um ſedes demigrare,ubi expectat novam tranſlationem harun fcilicet reliquiarum in noviſlima omnium reſtitutione. Hoc monumentum non memoriæ (quam ſcripta haud finent perire) ſed amoris ergo pofuit Conjux mæſtilfima Epitaphium par meritis ſcriplille fuum pofuit folummodo ingenium adſcriptus eft immortalibus viceſimo die menſis Septembris Anno MDCLXI Ætat IVI Sepulrus Sept ag Reg. pars Michaelis J. Mudele. ***.." Church of WORCESTER. 53 Inſcriptions on the Floor upon flat Stones. H. J. S. Rolus in Chriſto Pater ac Dominus ROBERTUS SKINNERUS Coll. Sctæ Trinitatis Oxon. Socius Carolo 10 Britanniaruin Monarchæ a Sacris Doctoratum in Sacra Theologia Almæ matris Diplomate oblatum ſine Ambitu cepit. A Rectoria Launton Dioceſeos Oxon Ad Epiſcopatum Briſtolienfem Evocatus (Tantus Ecclefiæ Filius meruit cito fieri Parens) Mox ad fedem Oxonienſem tranſlatus, Turre Londinenſi a Perduellibus diu incarceratus Tam ſine Culpa quam Examine exivit : A Carolo zdo ad ſedem Vigornienſem promotus Poftquam Presbyteris Sanciendis affuetam dextrar Sufficiendis Præfulibus mutuam dediffet (Eorumq; quinque a ſuo Collegio Synchronois) Omnibus ante Sacrilegam Uſurpationem Epiſcopus Superſtes Junü XIVO A. D. MDCLXX O&togenarius Ad Summum Animarum Epiſcopum aſcendit Prius Gratia nunc Gloria confecratus. On this Graveſtone are the Arms of the See of Worceſter; In- paling a chevron between three Griffins Heads eraſed. 03 * tiene at site de la mia coa rela"** *... 54 A Survey of the Cathedral .IL On another. A Border and Chevron Ermine between three Leopards Heads, empaling a Felſe in chief three Roſes and in Baſe a Lyon Ramp- ant, with this Inſcription, H. S. J. Elizabetha Gauden juxta Mariti depoſitum, Reſurrectionis Candidata Guilielmi Ruſſell de Chipnam in Comitatu Cantabrigienſi Baronetti Filia, Johannis Gauden Epiſcopi Wigornienſis omnium Calculo deſideratiffimi olim Uxor. Formæ venuſtæ, Fortunæ amplæ, affectus nec non oblequii amplioris ; virtutis undequaque ampliffimæ, Non Gemmis, fed Moribus honeſtata; decorata Matrona, Antiſtitis præſtan- tiſſimi derelicta Vidua præftantiſſima, mærore tabeſcens fato defuncta Mar. 21. Etatis anno 56. MDLXXI. 3 On another, A Chevron between three Eſcallops, and this Inſcription, Henricus Townſliend Armig. ob. 24. Aprilis Anno Dni. 1663. And by bin another, Here lyeth the body of Dorothea the Relick of Hen. Townſhend Eſq Aged 75. ob. the 13th Jan. Anno. 1685. 07 ...-..: Church of WORCESTER. 55 On another, Ten Croſs Croſlets, empaling a Chevron Ermine between three Annulets, inſign'd with an Helmet and on a Torle a Martlet, with this Inſcription, Subtus Jacet CAROLUS MOORE, hujus Diæceſeos. Per ſpatium feptem aunorum Regiſtrarius, MARIAM JOHANNIS CLUTTON Arm. Filiam in Matrimonium duxit, fed febre correptus rapida, mæſtiſſimam viduam duaſque, amantiſſimo orbatas Parente, filias ſupertites reliquit. Importunus fane dies qui eum tam charis arripuit pignoribus, niſi idem Deo reddidiſſer. Obiit 14. Auguſti Anno Salutis 1700. Ætatis 32. On another adjacent. A Croſs Fleury Empaling a Chevron between three Creſcents. with this Inſcription. Depoſitum Joſephi Warde Generoſi, E nobis fublati 26. Februarii 1680. A° Ætatis fuæ 64. Or another, Hic jacet, quod mortale fuit Guil. Geers Gen. Herefordienfis 04 : Qui wy. *'"'WOWA********* Ime 56 A Survey of the Cathedral Qui obiit Februr. Anno Salutis 1665. > Ætatis 44. 2 On another, ALICIA, OR ALES THE WIFE OF THOMAS TOMKINS, ONE OF THE GENTLEMEN OF HIS MAJESTIES CHAPPELL ROYALL; A WOMAN FULL OF FAITH AND GOOD WORKS. SHE DYED THE 29. JANUARY 1641. On the next adjoyning. M. S. Joliannis Price L. L. B. Qui, poſtquam diu huic Epiſcopatui pariter ac Capitulo multifariam inferviendo, Ad utriuſque commodum (nec ullius injuriam) pluriinum deſudaffet, tandem ab Edvardo Stillingheet Antiſtite, Illo hujus Eccleſiæ nunquam fatis celebrando, in Vicarium fuum Generalem, et Officialem Principaleſ marito eft evectus, cui muneri (fi quis alius) par, per novem annos fumma cum laude præfuit. Vir ad res gerendas natura formatus, Studio et Induſtria perfedtys, Judex } Church of WORCESTER. 57 Judex peritus, et incorruptus, Æqui bonique Cultor integerrimus, Cæleftem anhelans gloriam, Deo efflavit animam Die menſis Junii 11° Anno Domini 17050 Ætatis fuæ 630 On another near Biſhop Thornborough's, Mrs ALES JAMES MOTHER IN LAWE TO GERV. BISHOP OF WOR. AND OF THE AGE OF 76 YEARS ENDED THIS LIFE THE 13 OF JANUARY 1598 BOTH THEN DYINGE AND NOWE LIVINGE TO THE LORDE. On a Braſs Plate which was on the middle of this Stone and is now torn off, were theſe Lines. Hic jacet aſcito tumulo matrona Britanna Alma dedit pietas nomen alumna Dei Hic extra patriam, patiam migravit ad illam Quo licet electis qualibet ire via. Above it on the North Wall was a Tablet .fixed with theſe Lines. Ille Babingtonus quondam digniſſimus hujus Cænobii Preſul cujus ubique bene Geſta vident, ubi nunc ſuper æthera Spiritus ejus, P cal- ...... . WS 58 A Survey of the Cathedral calcata ignotum terra cadaver habet. Conjux an læres palatia Bibliotheca an Suggeſtum in culpa quod tumulo caruit. And near this another Infcription. V Magna comitante caterva folemniter in die Aſcenſionis Domini ad palatium Wigorn. primo advenit An. Dni. 1598 fedit annos 12 obiit in Domino in die Aſcenſionis Domini in dicto palatio An. Dni 1610. Poſuit Willelmus Swaddon Archidiaconus Wigorn. in die Afcenfionis Domini 16:2:2 poft obitum ipfius, annis 12. Write R******************** $ On the right side of this laſt Inſcription, was a Demy Man blowing the Dowl of a Thiftle and written Oriens Morior. On the left a Branch riſing out of a dead Man's Skull. The Mottto, Moriens Orior. On the firſt Pillar below this is fixed a ſmall Monument with this Inſcription: In Memory Of Mrs Elizabeth Powel Widdow Whoſe Body was interred Near this place November The 29. 1697. ; On Church of WORCESTER. 59 On a beautiful Marble Monument fixed on the Eaſt Wall of the North Ile, is this Inſcription. Piæ Memoriæ Sacrum Honoratiſſimæ Dominæ, MARTHÆ, Comitiſſæ Dotariæ de Middleton, Cujus Ingenium fubackum, Judicium Limatum, Conſuetudinem Jucundiflimam, Humilitatem non Simulatam, veracitatem fine fuco, Pietatem omnibus numeris abfolutan In condonando Facilitatem, In Reddendo Juſtitiam, In Largiendo munificentiam, Nulli Quotquot noverint, Non Suſpexerunt, non Colueru Quid plura Lector ? Veis in omni vitæ munere, In omni genere officii parem ? și quæris in terris, Fruſtra es ; Quæris ut voti compos fias, in cælis Obiit eheu ! deſideratiſſima Domina IX. Cal. Febr. An. Salutis Humanæ MDCCV. Atat. fuæ præter propter LXXI. $ ye * Next ........ 60 A Survey of the Cathedral Next to this is an Antient raiſed Monument with Marble Pil- lars and formerly gilded, but being deſtitute of Arms and Infcripti- ons and in a ruinous Condition, we cannot ſay for whom it was erected ; tho it is ſaid by ſome to be the Tomb of Lacy Earl of Lincoln. Below this on the Ground under the ſecond Window, there is a Stone Coffin of an Honourable Lady, which was removed hithe from the South Side of the Chappel of the Charnel Houſe 13. Jan. 1636 thereon is her Portraiture, curiouſly wrought of caft Marbe and of more than ordinary Sizec, her Head circled with a Cors- net, and on her Chin a wimplet, uſed antiently by great Perb- nages only; on her Breaſt her right Hand being bare, and ſomewhat lower on her Body, her left Hand with her Glove on, and holdng the Glove of the right Hand, which, according to the ritual of Marriage fignified a Maiden to be married, but who ſhe was is not known. Ex Cartis Th. Abing don. And P60. A lady unknown erreremo LCN logo Mynde. mod. MTENDOLD Dort NOO samolette RT 071 Church of WORCESTER. 61 Neset to it in the temblo 7 B. Ofald. And then deſcending I ſaw, ſays Mr. Alington, under an Aralı on the outſide of the Choir, the Anatomy of a dead Man waſted to Bones, his Robe a Shroud, and under his Head a Mitre. This was ſomewhat defaced, yet worſer abuſed when it was turned from a Monument to a Mangle-Tree; but was worthily reſtored by Mr. Nathaniel Tomkins, who, doubtful wliere it firſt ſtood, placed it here. It is likely this Portraiture was over ſome Prelate, who being elected. died before he aſcended the Chair of his Dignity, becauſe the Mi- tre is under (not on) his Head, . This is now gone. p.61. CG Ocean 20 OSNOGORO w E werken 116 WWW. WS WWW ...** www . st Ver WWW WA w WM Wys . wa BMW list visade WW Swi PERS WW: X vor W: WAW ROWE WWW SA we 02 www 3 NA VW WWW W PRAVE wy es www. WAS OP wo CW WA CREW Wate WHEN WANNEE 2 MESE San SA Bin Wale WWE WOWA We'. 1412 2. W WEWE Big was Weka RAK W Wenge WE W GARN w AS Hla Stores Wii M els J.Mynde fo. 0.1 62 A Survey of the Cathedral On the Floor by it a Grave Stone with this Inſcription. Ý Here lyeth the body of Mrs. · SUSANNA VERNON, youngeſt daughter of Mr. JOHN VERNUN late Rector of HANBURY, in this County, who lived and dyed Greatly Beloved For her ſweet and Endearing Diſpoſition, For her Pleaſant and Profitable Converlation, For her exemplary Charity and Piety, June 6. 1700. She changed this Life for a better, Aged 59. In the North Croſs Ile of this St. Mary's Chappel, is the fol- loying fair Monument of Biſhɔp PARRY's. Over the Arch whereof between two Pillars and in the midit, åre Argent, ten Torteauxes, impaling Argent, a Felſe between three Lozenges A- zure, on the Felſe an Annulet, Or, for diference. On the right Pillar Argent, ten Torteauxes. On the left, Or, à Chevron be tween two Chevronells, Gules; on the midſt a Mitre with Labels of the Field. The Devices on each side are Expreſſions of Time and Death. * w Near $ B. Parria p.63. Mona SER Song wa i SHARE kodin Cartagena hed Hatte e We WWW Seca Sale AM w LU239 A: Us : F HIC DORMIT HENRICUS PARRIE Sacræ THEOLOGIÆ DOCTOR VELTIFLICE DAUIESTONA, TRIUN LANGUARUM COGNITIONE, ASSIDA. VERPI DIVINI PREDICATIONE PMA ECLESIA CUBERTATIONE MEWTIS PIETATE.MORUMQUE INTEGRITARIS SPECIATISSIMUS,VIUS ELIZABETKA REGINA A SACRIS PIB INSERVIII, ETDEM REGINA ANIMAM EFFLANTI PRECIBUS SUKNENS ADFUITTA JACOBO REGE DECANUS CESTRIENSIS MOXEPISCOPU'S GLOCKSTRN PEIN WICHURNE KEMPIKTUR MORTUUS ARIGE REGUMIMARCESSIBILEM GLORIR CORONAM EXPECTAT. 15SATISH CUM EXPERGISCAR SIMILITUDINE TUA. Pig QUONIAM TECUM EST YONS VITA. IN LUMINE TUO VIDEBIMUS LUMEN DOCTOR DECANUS BINAS MOX SCANDO CATHEDRAS ME MANET IN CALIS TERTIA; TERRA VALE OBUT 12Dec. 1616. tele MORE BAHAN P. IN REN zzo TABLET Hoe or and J. Mynde Sculp. m911 64 A Survey of the Cathedral Near this on a plain Stone is ingraved, Here lyeth JANE the Wife of HENRY MOULE Highe School Maſter of this Colledge Who dyed 7 Febr. 1629. And by this another with this Incſcription. Heere lyethe THOMAS THORNBRUGH Gent, Hee dyed 17. Apr, 1622. ) 1 On another Stone is Chekee on a Bend three Lyons Heads eraſed; Impaling Ermine a Lyon Rampant and written, Heere Lyethe interred the body of Mrs. Margaret Houedon the Wife of Willyam Houedon of Canterbury Gent, Her body dotlie heere reſt in hope of The reſurre&ion of lyfe everlaſtinge According to her Faythe which ſhee Lyved and dyed in, and was buried 22 Mart. The yeere of the Lorde 1616 and of lier Age 92. 4 1 Senast den On a plain Stone, THOMAS HARREYS M. A. Se Dyed the 16. Feb. 1621. And on tlie Wall a Man in his Gown praying before luis Book and Desk; and over him, Or, three Greyhounds Currant Salle, and written, Here em Som Church of WORCESTER . 65 I s " Heere lyethe buried the body of THOMAS HARREIS Mr. of Arts of Braſen-Noſe-Colledge in Oxford and Prebend of St. Davids who changed this Life for a better 16 Feb. 1621 When hee had attayned to the Age of 32 yeeres Loe leere interred a hopeful younge man lyes In flowre of ſtreangthe of age by deathe ſurpryſed Yet mauger deathe his virtues cannot dye The immortall iſſue of eternitye Mourne not for hym téares are diſtilled in vaync. Hee livethe a better lyfe deathe is to him a gayne His ſoul in bliffe beholds his makers eyes, His body ſhall more gloriouſly aryſe. R. P. 3 1 On another plain Stone. THOMAS filius MORGANI POWELL Sacræ Theologiæ Baccalarü Cancellarii Eccleſia Cathedralis Heref. obiit 29. Junii 1624 Ætat. 14. # On a Tablet on the Weſt Wall theſe following Verſes. Jnvida mors nulli parcis ? nullæ parentum detinuere preces gnatum tam vivere dignum? Qui ſi forma, decus, pietas, prudentia, virtus prodeſſet, tua tela diu vitaſſet. At eſto R Qui 1 66 A Survey of the Cathedral 12 Qui fic terrenis ardens lucebat in oris eſſe poteft fummo quid niſi ftella polo. R. P. W. Croſſing over to the South lle of this St. Mary's Chappel by Dear Eede's Tomb, are two Grave Stones over one Man's Wives, fo laid as if himſelf determined to take his laſt Lodging between them; the firſt hath this Inſcription, Hic jacet corpus Fidei Hoare Quæ obiit primo die. Martü Anno Domini 1597 Ætatis fuæ 32 Reſurgam. 2 On the other; Catherina Uxor Humfredi Hoare Obiit 150 die Martii 1633 Refurgam. 1 On A Third } QUOD MORTALE FUIT DIVINIORIS ANIMÆ HABITACULUM IN DIE RESURRECTIONIS STANTE SPE SECURUS HIC SERVARI. VOLUIT VIR INTERGERIMUS HUMPHREDUS HOARE QUI DUM POST QUINQUAGINTA ANNOS ATQUE PLUS AMPLIUS HUIUS ECCLESIÆ * PRÆ Church of WORCESTER. 67 und eine breiten Stress . PRÆCENTOR EXTITERIT. IN CHORUM TRIUMPHANTIS ECCLESIÆ CHORISTA AD ETERNA CANTICA CELEBRANDA A JESU SUO ADMISSUS ANNO ÆTATIS SU/E 84 ANNOQUE SALUATORIS EJUS 1638. MARMOR ISTUD MÆSTISSIMUS FILIUS H. HOARE POSUIT. On another below this. H. S. J. EGIDIUS TRIMNELL Generoſus, Vir pius, probus Juriſque peritus, una cum FRANCISCA Conjuge priore, Matrona letiſſima. Deceſſit hæc Maï 9. 1690. Ille vero Mai 17. 1693. Etatis fuæ 57 . Below this joyning to the Wall of the South Croſs Ile is the Tomb of a Woman (as it ſeemeth ) of Account, ſomewhat raiſed from the Ground, the attire very Antient, but ſie is deſtitute of Arms or Inſcription. In the South Croſs Ile commonly called the Dean's Chappel, is a raiſed Tomb cloſe to the North Wall, whereon lyeth the Portrai- ture of an Abbot, veſted for the Altar, his Head ſupp: rted with An- gels, and covered with a Mitre, at his Fcet a Lyon, Gloves on his Hands ſuitable to his Function, the right lifted up to give a Benedi- Fion 68 A Survey of the Cathedral is Ĉtion, in the left a Staff, not with a Croſs as a Metropolitan, nor yet a Croſier as a Biſhop, and curiouſly wrought : This is ſaid to be the Tomb of Philip Havfard alias Ballard, who became Abbọt of Eve- fham in 1539 and within a few Months after yeılded up that Houſe to the King's Uſe, for which he had not only a preſent Allowance of 240 1. a Year, but was made the King's Chaplain, and as fuch preſented by him to the Rectory of Elmeley Lovet, in the County of Worceſter 5. Sept. 1543, (a) and afterwards inſtead of his Penſion had the Deanery of Worceſter beſtowed on him, to which he was ad- mitted March 1. 1553, and died, 30. July 1557 (b) (a) Bell f. 35. b. (6) Lib. 2. Dec. et Cap. Wig. f. 30, 31. . 1 Phpiliyo dawkaat nila. Nastaneda, low' : Whe OOO000000 Aftale of font of feet 31 21 no selon 100 solle Proto o 200 euron til 10 Els that helps Starting to dos dessa bevoo bus elan -ibano I ssvig or su bald Bolo Church of WORCEST E R. 69 On the Eaſt Wall next to Ballard's Tomb. was an Inſcription over Dean Pedor as follows. Johannes fuit Lucerna ardens & Lucens. C. M, V. Johanni, Pedoro Theologo doctiſſimo, Confeſſori fortiſſimo, Paſtori fideliſſimo, Decano hujus eccleſiæ quinto, Primo vero Orthodoxæ fidei preconi poſt Inſtauratam a Regina Elizabetha Religionem, Sacrum. Exul vitavi Mariano tempore flammas, expertus flammis durius exillium. Sed reduci Chriſto redii comes auſpice Eliza non æquæ patriæ lætus evangelio. Glamantiſq; fui vox, nec labor irritus iſti qui metit ore meo quod fuit ante fatum. Annonaq; fua Clerus qui paſcitur hujus Cænobii agnoſcit qui fuerim oeconomus. Non venor famam ſed ſuccedentibus opto, Paſtores ut ſint corporis atque animæ. Arthurus Lake decanus ordine decimus hoc epicedium L. M. Q. P. (a). Where Dean Pedor's Tomb was, is erected a Marble Mouument with this Inſcription. M. S. Francifcæ, Uxoris perchariſſimæ Ricliárdi Moyſtyne, de Dolecorſlwyne in Comitatu (a) MS. Ab. S Monts 70 A Survey of the Cathedral 2 5 Montgom. Armigeri, filliæ natu maximæ Tho. Brend, de Moſley-Hall, in Comitatu Surriæ Armigeri, Primogeniti Mathæi Brend Equitis aurati, quæ ad lianc urbem, una cum Conjuge fuo ab Urbe venit principe, affines ſuos in Wallia cupida videndi, ſed heu gravi ſubito correpta morbo, ad Cæleftem illico requiem ſitiens, æternam remigravit . patriam. Septemb. 23. Anno Salutis 1678. Over this Monument are the following Arms. Parted per Bend ſiniſter Ermine and Ermines, a Lyon Rampant Or; Empa ling Or, a Chevron between three Hands Sable. Near this is a raiſed Tomb of Dean Willis, on the North ſide in the firſt Pane is Argent, Ten Torteauxes : In the ſecond Argent a Chevron Gules, between three Willow Trees proper, on as many Banks Vert : (His paternal Coat). In the Third Pane, the Arms of St. John's Colledge in Oxford, of which he was Preſident. On the South Side, the Firſt and Second the fame. The Third which is now gone, was the Holy Lamb carrying a Croſs Or, and a Pen- dant Gules, and therein a Crofs. Argent : (a). Near to this is the raiſed Tomb of Dean Wilſon, and over it this Inſcription. Here lyeth buried Thomas Wilſon, Doctor of Divinity, late Dean of this Cathedral who married Dorothy the daughter of Robert (a) MS. Ab. of Dean Willis SEGONS WAS PW SORA >O2 WRI ON . WK www Wes! Ex: le ma WAS WWW 9 . 49 s 34. 3. wy 2019 .. . WY R. 100 AY! 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WWW Wap Www OMKY WASAN www WWW When VA le HO Ww LIT Ww va Church of WORCESTER. 71 Banniſter Efq; by wliom he liad five ſons and Power Daughters. he departed this life the roth of July 1586. in the 28th of Queene Elizabeth lier gracious Raigne, when he had been Dean of this Church full 15 years. In the middle of this Place is a fair raiſed Monument of a Knight highly renowned and eſteemed, but being bereaved of much of the Braſs which was iniay'd in Marble, it leaveth me ignorant of his Portraiture and Arms ; his Lady more fortunate, attired in a Bonnet, keepeth yet lier Mantle, whereon is Argent, a Bend and Chief Gules. on the Chief, two Mullets, or, pierced of the Chief, Quartering Gules a Felſe between fix Martlets Or, on the Feſſe a Mullet difference: (a). About the Tomb is engraven in Braſs this Inſcription. Here in this Tomb lleth burped the 50tl of the poble knight, Sec Griffyth Kece son to Spr Kpre ap Thomas. knyght, which src 6cylfyth deceflyd the rrir day of Septem: ber in the riiii. Perr of kyng Henry the viii. and alſo of Lade Catherine his wife, Daughter of Spe John Saint John which decefled the day of anno DOITI. ncccc ou whoſe Soules, and all Thrillen Soules Jeſu gave meteP.. amient. At Sir Griffyth Rice's Feet were their Sons and Daughters, as. appeareth by the Impreſſions. in the Stone. On the right side of this fieth under a fais and antient Arclie in the South Wall the raiſed Tomb of a Knight of the Holy [a] MS. Ab. Voy 72 A Survey of the Cathedral Voyage, armed all (ſaving his Face) in Mayle, his right Hand on his Sword, partly drawn, on his left Arin his Shield, whereon is Gules, two Bars Or, (Harcourt) and thus girt in his Military Coat, with his Legs croſſed, he treadeth on a Lyon. This Mili- tary Coat ſomewhat reſembleth the Gowns which the Romans wear- ing, did gird, when they joyned Battle, whereof it is ſaid they made then their Nuncupatory Teſtament in Procinctu : (a) Under this, a little above the Ground, lieth the Portraiture of a Lady, with a moſt ancient Bonnet, and a Veil dependent ; on her Chin a Wimplet or Muffler, and on her Garments a Mantle which The holdeth up with her right Hand, her left is on her Breaſt, and at her Feet a little Dog : (b) owo di solo Guido wat toowad o Wikang made வர்த்தி On a Marble Monument fixed to the Weſt Wall, is the following Inſcription. M. S. Catherina Talbot Fæminæ non e Multis, Quæ Nullis corporis animive dotibus non ornata, (Modeſte Præteritis, non Illibatis, aut Contemptis ftudiis Liberalioribus) e a Deo Pie colendo, colendo, liga 2. po theranda 180 Rei familiari provide Curandæ, bia ili od to 190 gi Schilderen die einde o M [a] MS. Ab. [6] Ib. Con- S Simon Harcourt. poza. VAMOS MAKKAL WWW.NO IN WXMS DOUD 7 BY ERA AS sine to, J. Myndo 3 :: M. S.: Catherince Talbot Foemince non e Multis Quce Nullis Corporis animire dotibus non ornata (Modeſte Præteritis Non Ilibatis aut Contemptis Studijs Literatioribus) Deo Pie Colendo Rei Familiari provide Curandce Conjugi conſortio . Amabili Beando Liberis Honefte Inſtituendis Fqenis pro facultate Sublevandis Neceſsarijs comiter excipiendis Omnibus Candore słumanitate devinciendis Vacavit Tota. Vixit in Seculi Sprceſentis Ornamentum Futuri exemplum Summo Amicorum defiderio Ærce X. MDCCII Etat Suce XXXVII Obijt Xi Kal:Septem Ann.Etat Suce XXXVI Church of WORCESTER. 73 * Conjugi confortio Amabili beando, Liberis Honeſte Inſtituendis ; Egenis, pro facultate, Sublevandis Neceſſariis, comiter excipiendis, Omnibus candore et Humanitate devinciendis Vacavit tota, Præfentis ornamentum, Vixit in fæculi Futuri exemplum, Obiit XI. Cal. Sept. Ann. Ætat. quæ XXXVII. Æræ Chrift. MDCCII. Over this Inſcription are the following Arms. Gules, a Lyon Rampant and Border ingraild Or : Empaling San ble, a Lyon Rampant between three Croſs Croflets Fitche, Or. On a flat Stone beneath is this Inſcription, . : :. H. S.T. Catherina Talbot, Willielmi Epiſcopi Oxonienſis Fidiſſima ac Delectiſſima Conjux. slibna نا ہے On other fat Stones on the Floor. .. S. Jan Bur citu Blanca, Rdi. Gulielmi Thomas, S. T. P. Decani Wigornienfis, T Con 74 A Survey of the Cathedral : Conjux, Provida, Proba, Pia; Obüt Aug. 3. | Ætatis 65. Anno Salutis 1677. On a Second. : | . : H. T. ELIZABETHA, Admodum Reverendi in Chrifto Patris GULIELMI THOMAS, S. T. P. Pridem hujus Eccleſiæ Decani, , Simul Menevenſis Epiſcopi. Demum Wigornienſis Digniſſimi, Pientiſſimi Filia JONATHANIS ANDREWS Generoſi, Mæftiſlimi, Amantiſſimi Conjux, Candida, Caſta, Chara Obiit Otob. 5. Ætatis 33. Anno Salutis 1682. juxta dormit Maria Filiola. ... . . Maria 018 Church of WORCESTER. 75 On a Third. Parted per pale Three Lyons Rampant. Here lyeth the Body of WILLIAM THOMAS of Hackney, Gent. . youngeſt Son of the Right Reverend Father in God WILLIAM late Lord Biſhop of Worceſter, He was born at Langherne in Caermarthenſhire 27. 027. 1652, and died at Hackney in Middleſex 21. July 1728, and was buried here by his Mother and Siſter the Seventh of Auguſt following. Requiefcat in Pace. . 聲帶​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變 ​The Monuments in the Body of the Cathedral Church of Worceſter. BEN EFORE the Roodelofte and Door of the Choir, on one Marble Stone, are the Impreſſions of the Portraitures of two Biſhops (for it is diſpoyled of the Braſs) under which lie buried Samtfon the x vth Biſhop of Worceſter, who died Anno Dom. 1113. The other under this Monument was. Ineulphus Biſhop of this See, who died Anno. 1123- cig og sin motricita mo There are many other Marble Monuments of Biſhops, Priors, and Men, as it ſeemetli; once of Eminency ; but the Malice or Avaricco - 76 A Survey of the Cathedral Avarice of the Subverters of Antiquities, robbing them of the brazen Portraitures, leaveth us in Ignorance. (1). On flat Stones on the floor. : On the Firſt, a Felſe Dancet in Chief a Lyon Paſant between two Hawks and this Inſcription. Depoſitum SEBRIGHTI SOMERS, JOHANNIS et CATHERINÆ filiæ, Quam in primo Juventæ flores Morbus rapuit importunus Moribus Illa, vultuque modeſta, suteile Omnes callebat artes Quæ Virginem decebant, Quid plure, Hic una jacent Parentum Deliciæ, Decus, & Dolor, & Dolor, no MM Dom. 1679. Obiit 20. O&tob. Anno Ætat. 78. On Another. a to voodi, bap schalote Argent, on a Chevron Salle nine Beſants, Creſt a Cinquefoile Or, and this Inſcription. bgib Sacrum Manibus wote THOMAE SEVERNE, v 900 Quem nafcentem vidit Vigornienſis Regio, Burtarizo. Partearya ja) MS. Ab. Church of WORCEST E R. 77 ? $ > 1 Primis literarum Elementis Weſtmonaſterium imbuit, sin Inter Alumnos et ornamenta fua Ædes Chriſti recenſuit, Iamque Artibus, et Artium Inſignibus decorum, In lucem Literariam Oxonium protulit. Ingenium illi a natura Varium, Solidumque, Omnium diſciplinarum capax, Omnibus excultum, Sed cum Indole et Eruditione Noticia et uſu Rerum, Pronum illi ad Honores pateret Iter, Privatus vivere et latere maluit. Sic demum in patria interque fuos, Erudito conſenuit Otio. : . : : Prudens qui Turbis ftudia, Et uſum vitæ, pompæ prætulit. Tandem cælebs et pæne O&togenarius Lubens fato ceflit Sexto die Octobris A. D. On a Third the Arms of Severn, and this Infcription. ELIZABETHA SEVERN, filia wa I want U Johan 78 A Survey of the Cathedral Johannis et Mariæ natu Maxima, obiit 30. Auguſti Anno Dom. 1675. Beatæ quæ funt mundo corde quoniam ipfæ Deum videbunt, 4. : On a Fourth Severn's Arms and this Inſcription. Nuptæ Chriſto felices, .. :: Alterum hic Præftolatur Adventum Chriſti ܕܠ MARIA filia Johannis et Mariæ Severn, Uxor Johannis Walſh Generofi, Hereford. Obiit Januarii 31. Anno M.DCLXIX. On a Fifth, a Chevron between Three Cinquefoiles ; Empaling a Croſs Fleuretee. Here lyeth the Body of Elizabeth Wife of William Chambers of this City Gent. Daughter of Henry Evett of Woodhall, Eſq; who died May 7. 1685. adot Church of WORCESTER. 79 - Allo William Chambers Gent." who died November 23. 1616, Aged 32 Years. Beaute In the great Croſs Ile and North Tranſcept cloſe to the Eaſt Wall ſtood the Altar of St. Crucis, or Holy-Croſs . ON N the Floor below are three large Graveſtones ſpoiled of their Braſſes and Inſcriptions : The largeſt which is the middle- moſt, is ſuppoſed by ſome to be the Graveſtone of Biſhop Lenne, or Lynne who died Nov. 18. 1373, but upon what Grounds I know not. That next to him towards the North Wall, I believe is the Stone laid over William de Molendinis ; there four Coats of Arms on it, one at each Corner, and under his Figure ſeems to be left on the Stone where the Braſs was torn off ſome of the Letters of his Name. The Worv cefter Annals tell us, that William de Molendinis died 3. Kal. of Nov. 1296, before he had finiſhed the Eaſtern part of St. Oſwalu's Church which he had raiſed from the Ground, and was buried be. fore the Altar of Holy-Croſs, to which he had given Veileis ne- ceſſary for the Uſe of the Altar, and an Annual Rent of twelve- Shillings for Lights. (a). That on the South Side I take to be the Stone laid over Robert Fangef Archdeacon of Gloucefier; who died 2. Non. were : :: (a) MCCXCVI. Willelmus de Molend nis 11. Kal. Nov. morte preventus partem orienta- Jem Ecclefiæ Sti. Oſwaldi quam de terra levaverat non perfecit, ad altare S. Crucis ubi nunc jacet vafa fufficientia providebat er annuun redditum XII folidorum ad luminaria fuftinenda, An. Wig. (ub. Anno Ang. Sac. V. 1. p. 519. . The 43 80 A : Survey of the Cathedral March 1287, and was buried 16, Kal. of April before the Altar of Holy-Croſs. (a). On other filat Stones in the North Corner. On a chevron ben tween three Guns, three Roſes. M. S. GULIELMI HOPKINS. S. T. P. Hujus Eccleſiæ M’igornienfis Per XXIV. Annos Præbendarii Qui obiit XVIII. die Maii Salutis 1700. Anno Ætatis fuæ 53. Adjoyning to it on the Right Hand. Hopkins Impaling an Eagle diſplayed, and this Inſcription. + 4 Reliquiæ mortales AVERILLÆ uxoris 4 Amantiſſimæ, juxta atque Dilectiſſimæ Gulielmi Hopkins, Eccleſiæ hujus Canonici, Hic loci conditæ ; Reſurrectionis gloriam immortalem expectans Obiit 10. die O&tobris Anno a Chriſti Nativitate 1691. A ſua, 40. (m) MCCLXXXVII. II. Non. Martii M. Robertus de Fangef Archidiaconus Glouceſtriæ obiit apad Voxhole, et XVI Cal. April Sepultus fuit Wignorniæ ante altare S Crucis in Ecclefiæ Cathedrali. Au. Wig. ſub. anno. Ang. Sac. V. I. p. 509. On Hoteles Church of WORCESTER. 81 3 . : On the next. Hic jacet EDVARDUS WALKER Legum Baccalaurens; et per aliquot annos totius Archidiaconatus Richmondiz in Dioceſi Ceftrenſi Commillarius Dom. 1679. Obiit 30. die Martii Anno ܀ Atatis 52. On a ſmall piece of White Stone cloſe to the Wall. 4. AUG. 1623. WILLIAM SWADDON ARCHDECON OF WORC. DECESSED. ou a Monument above fixed to the Wall, was this Inſcription now gone. Hic dormit fub fpe Refurrectionis Gulielmus Swaddon S. Theologiæ Doctor et Archidiaconus Wigorn. obiit in Domino 4. Aug. 1623. Elizabetha uxor obiit 14 Januarii 1625. Quæ aliquamdiu ante mortem annuam elimoſinam 20 pauperibus dono dederat et ratam fecerat in perpetuum, idque ex Conſilio et pio voto mariti cum adhuc ſimul in vivis eſſent. (a) 001 (a) MS. A5. A X The J 82 A Survey of the Cadhedral The Floor before the Altar ſeems to have been formerly paved with painted Quarries of Brick, and ſome of them with Coats of Arms as in Malvern Church'; one ſtill remains on the Firſt Step, bearing quarterly : Firſt and Fourth, a : Feffe between Six Seamews Heads eraſed. Second and Third a Manch. The Coats of Spencer of Hodnell and Haſtings. Cloſe to the Steps on a ſmall Piece of White Stone. ALSE HICH OCTOBER 24. 1572. On another. Maria uxor Thomæ Herler More on flat Stones. On the Firſt, a Lyon Rampant and this Inſcription, Hic jacet corpus Samuelis Davies · Clerici. Qui obilt Iglo die Decembris 1616. On the Second, Three Bättering Rams, and this Inſcription. Here lies Mr. Peter Halſey Presb. who bcing Too good for earth, God hath advanced him higher, And raiſed from this to his Imperial Quire, For Church of WORCESTER. 83 For Angells Stalls were only fit to be Graced with ſuch Muſick, and ſuch Pietie, Where while Fleſhi reſts, his Soul now ſtands alone To reunite two loftier Parts in one. In the South-Part of the great Croſs Ile or Tranſcept cloſe to the Eaſt-Wall ſtood the Altar of St. Simon and Jude : in the mid- dle of the Floor is an Antient mitred Stone of ſome Biſliop or Prior, robbed of its Braſs, his Name unknown; and next to him is another large Marble Grave Stone, ſpoiled alſo of its Braſs, which I take to lie over the Grave of Robert Mortimer and Joice his Wife. The Firſt buried by Biſhop Giffärd here before the Altar of St. Simon and Jade, the Sixth of the Ides of April 1287, (a) and his wife the third of the Ides of March 1289. (b). On other flat Stanes are theſe Infcriptions. 1597. ELIZABETH PARTON, WIFÈ OF JOHN PARTON OF THE CITY OF WORCESTER, AND DAUGHTER OF THOMAS BOT- TREL OF BOTRELS ASTON, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP ESQUIR, DECESED THE 29 OF NOVEMBER, ANNO-ÆTATIS 96 (a) Annales wig. MCCCXXXVII. VI. Idus Aprilis Epiſcopus Godfridus fepelivit Robertum. de Mortuomari coram altare S. S. Simonis et Judæ in Eccleſia Wigorniæ Cathedrali Ang. Sac. V 1. p. 508. (b) iii Idus Martii Jocoſa uxor Roberti de Mortuomari juxta eundein ad altare SS. Siinonis ibiil. p. 510. et Judæ traditur fepulturæ. H.S.J. PIT 84 3 A Survey of the Cathedral H. S. J. Mr. Geo. Yardley Sacelli Regii Generoſus, et hujus Eccl. Can. Min. obiit 15to Octob. Salutis 1691 Anno 2 . Ætatis 70. Amicis charus, Liberis charior, Conjugi chariſſimus. On the ſame Stone. Chriſtina etiam Matrona pia proba pudica bonis et operibus condita, et Uxor ejus dilectiſlima, hic fepelitur ; non tantum nomine ( ut vere loquar ) ſed revera præſtantiſſima Chriſtina Obiit 12 die Martis $ 1 } Anno Salutis 1799-10. Etatis 83. On another near Mr. Yardley's. In Memoriam chariſſimi Fratris, Guilielmi Ruſſell Arm. filii et hæredis apparent. Guil. Ruſſell de Strenſham in Com' Wigorniæ Baronet. hic fæliciter dormientis. Hoc ſuperpoſuit Frater ejus, ab eo plurimum amatus, Geo. Ruſſell XV. die Menſis Septemb, anno Dom, MDCLXXII. $ 11 pe MU*Wrottester's lo O HENRIETTA WROTTESLEY Dargluer of S! WALTER - WROTTESLEY in the Countr- Ure sp* Dav of March /7/2in the jo of STATTORD Bar, who Dved A Lady wboſe good Naturedgoodline! llevommanded ber to the favour ofte World; berEremplary Piep and (barit to? Rellituiet Rietas * W. Davis grato Animo Pofuit: Non te facundia Non te Monu." that 5 Feet A Scale of Year of her Age $ hy vo Way TWIERT UNIV * ni kwa sasa inginn, .. OF 他 ​參 ​4 录 ​; 零 ​= 典 ​4 ? * 等 ​一 ​4 中 ​1 Church of WORCES TB R: 85 # In this Croſs Ile cloſe to the South Wall. HERE LYETH MARTYN SANDYS SON OF MARTYN SANDYS ESQUIER : HE DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 6. DAY OF APRILL, 1640. Adjoyning to this. HERE LYETH. SANDYS THE DAUGHTER OF MARTYN SANDYS ESQUIER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE 26. OF FEBRUARY 1645. On another cloſe to the Weſt Wall. MR. JOHANNIS TOIUS. IN ARTIBUS MAGISTER, ET SCHOLÆ PRIMUM LIBERÆ, IN HAC CIVITATE (UBI ET NATUS ERAT) DEINDE ETIAM REGIÆ, PER VIGINTI ANNOS MODERATOR CELEBRIS. Vir ingenii perpoliti, induſtriæ indefelæ, eruditionis ſingularis, eximiæ morum fuavitatis, vitæ integer, pubis inſtituendæ feient- iflimus, Pietate, Fide, Modeftia gravitate, nullaque non virtytę {pectabilis, cæleſtium præmat- ure nimis auxit Chorum 280. Decembris, anno Domini 1663. Ætatis fuæ 54. Y Or ** 1 MENER AT MAN 86 A Survey of the Cathedral 1 On another. 1 WILLIAM BLISZARD. GENT DIED JANUARY 7. 1619. ISABEL HIS WIFE DIED MARCH THE 13. 1634. : Near to this f HERE LYETH THE BODY OF FRAN. BLIZARD WHO DEPARTED MARCH 1. 1644 Adjoyning to the Steps is this. ROGERUS STANFORD, On a Marble Monument fixed to the great North Pillar that ſupa ports the Tower are the following Arms and Infcription. nzure a Chevron between three Annulets Or; Empaling Azure a Felle Erminois in chief three Creſcents Or. SUBTUS JACET QUOD MORTALE FÜIT JOHANNIS DOBBINS, VIRI INTEGERRIMI, PRAGMATICI, ABSQUE FRAUDE SIVE DOLO MALO, EXQUISITE SEDULI, SED IN TERMINANDIS LITIBUS PERITISSIMI JUDI- CIALIBUS, PER VIGINTI ANNOS, ATQUE EO PLUS AMPLIUS SUMMA DEXTERITATE, PROBITATE MA- JORI L*** Church of WORCESTER. 87 V JORI INCUBUIT. CAUSAS, QUIBUS INTERFUIT, SIC EGIT OMNES, QUASI SIBI FORENT CASUS CONSCI- ENTIÆ. TALEM SE SEMPER GESSIT, QUALES ALII FORE VIDERENTUR (INTACTÆ FAMÆ, VITÆ IN- CORRUPTÆ, CONSCIENTIÆ IMMACULATÆ, SUIS, ALIENIS, AMICIS, INIMICIS DESIDERATISSIMUS. A LITIBUS AD PACEM, (A SUBSELLIIS AD ÆTERNA DOMICILLIA) CHRISTO SUO AVOCATUS, FORUM PRO COELO MUTAVIT NONO DIE MARTII ANNO ÆTATIS SUÆ QUADRAGESIMO QUARTO, ANNCQUE RENOVATI HOMINIS MILLESIMO SEXCENTESIMO TRICESIMO QUINTO. MONUMENTUM HOC IN MEMORIAM CONJUGIS SUI AMANTISSIMI DORO- THEA RELICTA EJUSDEM JOHANNIS MÆRENS POSUIT. . } On the Weſt-ſide of the Same Pillar are the following Arms and Inſcription. Azure, a Feſſe Erminois, in chief three Creſcents. Mane Hofpes et lege, Magr. HENRICUS BRIGHT, Celeberrimus Gymnaſiarcha, Qui Scholæ Regiæ, iſtiç fundatæ, per totos 4o. annos Summa cum laude præfuit, . ...Quo non alter magís ſedulus fuit, ſcituſve ac dexter in Latinis, Græcis, Hebraicis Literis fæliciter edocendis, Teſte 88 A Survey of the Cathedral *** Tefte utraque Academia, quam inftruxit affatim Numeroſa pube Literania, Sed et totidem annis eoque amplius Theologiam profeſſus Et hujus Eccleſiæ per feptennium Cannonicus Major, Sæpillime hic, et alibi, facrum Dei Præconem Magno cum zelo ac fructu egit. Vir pius, doctus, integer, frugi, de Republica deque Eccleſia optime meritus A laboribus perdiu pernoctuque ab anno 1562 ad 1626. ftrennue ufque exantlatis, 4° Martii ſuaviter requievit in Domino. On the Eaſt-ſide of the great South Piller, is fixed a Monument with this Inſcription. 4 3 PARENTIBUS OPTIMIS 1 EDWARDO ARCHBOLD GENEROSO J. V. LICENCIATO, PRÆBENDARIO ECCLESIÆ CATHED. LINCOLN. VIRO EXQUISITE DOCTO, JURIS CIVILIS PLANE ORACULO, RESPONSA EX JURE NON ALENDIS LITIBUS SED TERMINANDIS DARE SOLITO, CLERI IN REBUS ECCLESIÆ AdvoÇATO FIDELI, PAUPERUM PUBLICE PATRONO, DOMI ETIAM QUOTIDIANO NUTRITIO, PRISCÆ FIDEI, INTEGRITATIS, ILLIBATÆ, PIETATIS EX VERBI DIVINI NORMA PURÆ ET NON SIMULATÆ, QUID MULTA ;. NON I$TIUS. SECULI VIRO, QUI CUM DIE DOMINICA 15. MARTIL 1617. ANNO ÆTATIS q1 SUA Ý Church of WORCESTER. > 89 SUAVISSIME IN CHRISTO OBDOR MIRET DE MORTE SUA SIC IFSE VERBIS SUIS PRONUNTIAVIT. A NOW DEATH HATH DONF HIS WORST, AT REST MY BODY LIEF. To ME THE VERY BEST, UNTIL THE LATER DAIE, MY LABOURS NOW DO CEASE, MY SOUL IT NEVER DIES, AND I LYE HERE AT REST, BUT LIVES WITH CHRIST FOR AIE, L. A. ET ELIZABETHÆ CONJUGI UNICÆ, MATRONÆ PIÆ, PROBÆ, PAUPERIBUS, SUPRA. FACULTATES, BENIGNÆ. QUÆ PROLÉ BIS SEPTENA IN LUCEM EDITA, CASTISSIMEQUE EDUCATA, PLACIDE IN CHRISTO DECESSIT DIE DOMINICA 25. NOVEMBRIS 1610. ITEM FRATRIBUS, SORORIBUSQUE CHARISSIMIS CAROLO, SUSANNÆ,. TIMOTHEO, GULIELMO, ELIZABETHÆ, JOSEPHO, FRANCISCO, CHRISTOPHERO, BENJAMINIS GEMELLIS; SINGULIS AUT INFANTIA, AUT IN PIA CHRISTI INVOCATIONE ANIMAM DEO REDDENTIBUS, ET NUNC. CUM UTROQUE PARENTE IN COELO BEATIS RELIQUI LIBERI SUPERSTITES EPWARDUS, JOHANNES, THOMAS, MARIA RICHARDUS HEU FLENTES FECERUNT On the Tomb are theſe Arms. On the righn ſide at top, an Eagle diſplayed, sin chief a -Roſe between two Croſs Croſlęts. On N the 90 6 A Survey of the Cathedral the left, three Birds, Wings overt. On the right ſide at the bot- tom, Semee Fleurs de Lis, a Lyon Rampant. On the left, a che- vron Ernine, between three Garbs. On the Weſt-fide on a Braſs Plate is the following Inſcriptions MEMORIA JUSTI BENEDICTA JOHANNI ARCHBOLD SACRÆ THEOLOGIÆ PROFESSORI SERENISSO REGI JACOBO A SACRIS ECCLESIÆ HUJUS CANONICO MA- JORI THESAURARIO SED ET THESAURO LONGE MAXIMO URBIS ISTIUS OCELLI VIRO OPTIMO INTEGERRIMO PIISSIMO CON- SULTISSIMO THEOLOGO CULTISSIMO, AMICO FIDELISSIMO SUAVISSIMOQUE J. H. LOCI DECANUS MOERENS MERITISIMO POSUI OBIIT. DECEMEB.. 16 1623 ÆTAT. SUÆ 45. YALE LECTOR ET SPIRA ÆTERNITATEM. Luceo et abfumar. Between theſe Words is engraved a Candleſtick with a burning Light. Near to this on a ſmall Monument is a Skeleton, leaning its Head on its Hand, and This Inſcription. 1 HERE LIETH THE BODY OF MR. JOHN HOWTON; WHO WAS BORN AND BRED IN THIS Church of WORCESTER. 91 THIS CITIE OF WORCESTER, AND DYED THE 12. DEYE OF AUGUST 1608. BEING HIGH CHAMBERLAINE OF THIS CITIE AND A GREAT BENEFACTOR TO THE SAME CITIE. in THIS MONUMENT WAS MADE AT THE COST OF THOMAS HOWTON, SONN OF THE ABOVENAMED JOHN HOWTON, AND THE EXECUTORS OF THE SAID THOMAS, AN. 1610. WHILST LIVING IN THE CITIE AND THE POOR ALLOW HIM MONUMENTAL MEMORIE, THE CITIE HAD HIS LOVE, THEY NEEDE NO MORE, THE POORE WILL EVER FEEL HIS CHARITIE, TO ALL THEM WHOM HE LOVED, OR NOURISHED. LET HIS REMEMBRANCE LIVE, THO' HE BE DEAD, W. G, On flat Stones. William Lucas Gent. Sheirief of this City deceaſed May 10'1649, Aged 54. HERE LIETH THE BODY OF DOROTHY. WIFE OF. EDWARD SMITH GENT. DAUGHTER TO ROBART CROSBY OF THIS CITY GENT. WHO DECEASED: THE 30 DAY OF DECEMBER, 1641, AGED. 32 HEARE LIETH EDWARD HICKFORD GENTELMAN HE DIED 28. OF MARCH 1607. Below 22 A Survey of the Cathedral There whereas his Creſt under his Below the Steps, between the fifth and fixth Pillar, on the North ſide, is excellently well wrought in Alabaſter, on a raiſed Monument, the Portraiture of a Man all armed ſaving his Face and Hands, praying, and under his Head lying on an Helmet, a Swan's Head and Neck between two Wings erected, iſſuing out of a Crown. Beſide lim lieth his Lady, under hier Head, ſupported with Angels, a Swan ; on either ſide, are five Panes, with Eſcho- cheons of Arms. In the midſt, Gules, a Felſe bet x een fix Croſſes Croſlets Or. In the Dexter and Siniſter, Gulés, a Fefs between fix Martlets, Or. In the firſt and fifth, Gules; a Felſe between fix Martlets Or; impaling Argent a Feſfe Sable between three Creſ- cents Gules. At the Head and Feet, Gules, a Feſſe between fix Croſſes Croſlets Or. And on the dexter and ſiniſter, Gules, a Feſſe between fix Martlets Or, impaling, Argent, a Pelle Sable between three Crefcents Gules. Theſe Arms are the Arms of Beauchamps . Earls of Warwick and Beauchamps Barons of Powzke, ſaving the Arms of Pateſkall, being Argent a Feſle ſable between three Cref- cents Gules, which Rateſhall was Wife of Beauchamp of Poạyke. All which Arms being newly Painted, deceive all underſtanding Beholders, perfuading that this was Beauchamp Baron of Potvyke ment, and the fame with Sir John Atwood's, who lieth buried at Wolverly, doth moſt plainly declare, that this was John Beauchamp Son of Sir John Bearichaip, of Hólt, who in an Office taken after the Death of Sir John Atwood, Kniglt, -15 Riç. was found to be his next Heir. (a). (a) MS. A5. Over- Ý Modele 201209年 ​08:53..... 3 21 ) 2015 paper 20122 ) 2012 ) } . * ****... 2018-01 P.93 ZAXIRITTI Beauchamp 中​本​中 ​的​新歌​。 ||) ... 2009年​10signation: 2014 at towerent………..…….. its.yahui …. . 94 A Survey of the Cathedral Over-againſt Beauchamp's, between two Pillars, is another raiſed Tomb learing a Man in a Gown, and a Woman lying at full length, both bolaing up tveir Hands in a Políure of Devotion. At the Weſt End over their Heads, is this Inſcription. HERE LYETH THE BODY OF ROBERT WILDE ESQUIRE AND MARGARET HIS WIFE. SHE DIED THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE 1606. ÆTATIS SUÆ 82. AND HE DYED VICESSIMO SEPTIMO JAN. 1607. ÆTATIS SUÆ 72. On a Tallet a little lower, on the ſame Tomb, is this Inſcription, Quod tibi ſuccrevit mortali ex femine corpus Ambit in hoc tumulo ſuavis et alta quies. Immortale tuum, quod colitus atque fuperne Venit, et eſt melius, majus et eſt tumulo. Fælices rapuere animæ, Heroeſque beati, Illud ad æternas Eliſiafque domos. Spirct Acydalios flores tua flebilis Urna, Sint & ſint cineri paxque, quiefque tuo. On one ſide of the Wall are theſe Verſes Painted. Filius, et Patris virtutum, et nominis hæres Hunc tumulum ſtruxit Patris in exequias. Sit facer hic tumulus duretque per omnia fæcla Sit fcelus et magnum te fpoliaſſe nefas. On the Wall oppoſite are theſe Verſes Painted. Noſter Amor Vildus, vitæ fplendore coruſcus Hic jacet, hic natus, vixit et occubuit. Nil mage quis cupiat, quam in vivis nomen habere Poftque obitum in cælo vivere cum domino. On the top the Arms of Wilde, Argent on a chief ſable three Martlets of the Field ; Creſt a Lyon Paſſant gaurdant, gules. On both fides three Shields, the middlemoſt Wilde. The dexter Wilde ; em- paling Ludington, viz. Quarterly, 1. and 4. palee of fix argent and jalle, in chief gules a Lyon paſſant Or. 2. and 3. Sable a Feſſe nebulee argent guttee de ſang between three Elephants Heads Or. The finiſter ilele, empaling argent, a Croſs Sable with a Creſcent. பாதிக்கப்பட்டதாகக் கருதப்பட்சம் பத்கர் சித்திக பசியால் பாதம் படம் பந்து சேல் பாதிப் பத்திய பத்தி பாத்தான் இந்தப்பட்ட பின், காத்தகக் கண்டும் புத்திய இந்தக் அதா : ' ' " " " " நாகதம் * பாதுகா பததா இர- பசி சாதக பாதக கா * காப்புக் பக்கத்தில் போதி தர்க்கம் கத்தத்துத் தன் பகத் தக்கது பத்தப்பட்டு கரைத்து கட்ட தேதிக்க இருந்த பத்து கோல் - 8 P.95. - Ismiles more. * * பாக்காக பாப நாடகப்பா - - ப க கா க - "RE ARE சதி பாபா பட்காபா - தான். பாக் படிக்க படிப்பது தொபம் சாதா இங்க இவரது நான் தே * பொது இதழ் : * --- காம * அது -- பாக்கம் தா தாத்தா : ' பாதம்: நதி பாக பாக பக்தன் * TRAT -தகம் - '. -ப்பார் - அப்படி ந பாகம் இது காம பாகம் - இப்பக்கம் க க காகா யோகம் கதைத்து கந்த - போர். சங்ககக ககாக - த. தொன்பதன் பொங்கு போது சி இதை பால் கதைகள் தாக்கம் கப்பல் பபப கரம் போன் SE மா பாய தங்களது மக்ககை பார்த்தா - என் மகன் போனது காலத்தில் சதா தட்டால தத்தம் சும் பாம்பே பாக மகாகாகான கா கா கா கா அது இந்த கதை நடந்த காது என மடகாக இக்க பல் தாகம் தாமா என்பது அக். பட்ட கோ பட அ தராய அடக்கத் - *: யோகம் காரை யா, பருப்பு - வாகாததாக நீ தான் அது தன் பா --- பாதிக்க தக்காக காது கதைதான் அவன் கந்து மக்காக கடகம் தரு என் பாகங்கள் கம் - பச பாக பாக, பாது மாதம் 20- * தக -- அது இ த மான்மர் அது தான் அதிக - இது காதலா நாகார் பகை த க-க கோ ப இகாக பாத்தில் " ; இத்தாக . | TH * யாகம் பரமான Feet பா JIMynde . * * ': - த... சதா ... கற்பம் படத்தில்தான் ' '. '' 90 A Survey of the Cathedral On a fair Marble Tablet fixed to the Pillar near this Tomb, are the following Arms and Infcription. On two Bars three Trefoils. H. S. J. PHILIPPUS FELL S. S. Theologiæ Baccalaureus, COLLEGII omnium Animarum OXONII, dein Etonenfis juxta WINDSORAM Socius, nec non Eccleſiæ de Everden in Agro Northamptonenſi Kector. Vir Eruditione, Probitate, Candore, Fide, et Pietate inter paucos ſpectabilis. Hic poſtquam vitam Summa cum laude, nulliſque ſimultatibus exegiſſet, cum vividan mentem rebus gerendis natam, mala corporis valetudo deſtituiſſet : mortis meditationi unice intentus In urbem hanc Maternam ſe recepit Ubi inter Amicorum amplexus, bonorum omnium deſideria animam Deo reddidit MDCLXXXIL Feb. XXVI. An. Ætatis XLIX. On another near it are the following Arms and Inſcription The Arms are, 1. and 4. palee of ſix argent and ſable, in chief gules a Lyon paſſant Or. 2. 3. ſable, a Feſſe nebule argent, guttee de fang between three Elephants Heads, Or. Depos :::::: Church of WORCESTER. 97 Depoſit un Roberti Ludington Generoſi hic prope uxoris ſuæ Letitia, Patrum, ac Con- fanguineorum cineres adjacet, Qui Juvenis Societati Mercatorum Londinenium Turcicæ Queſ- tor, peragravit Italian, Gracian, Turcian, Syriani, Paleſtinam, Ægyptun, Perfiam Arabiam, Caldean, Bar- barian, Brafileam Molluccas, Indian Orientalen earumq; fere omnium linguas calluit, Reverſus fingulos hujus civitatis honores cum digni- tate geſſit ætatiſq; reliquum ftudiis impendit Pietatem in Deum, Caritatem in pauperes Huma- nitateni in onines religiofiſime coluit. Bafilicanı hanc quotidie frequentans, in ea tandem Acquievit. Obiit Aug. 14. Anno Dom. 1625, Ætatis ſuæ 76, On the Floor are ſeveral large Marble Grave-ſtones deſpoiled of thier Braſs and without Inſcriptions. The largeſt below the Steps which has ſtill left on it the Impreſſion of a Mitre and Croſier, is ſaid to lie over Biſhop Tideman de Winchcomb, and that cloſe to him, to be the Grave-ſtone of Sir Simon de Clifford and his Lady; which if true, here by the Font ſtood the Altar of St. John Baptiſt, before which, the Worceſter Annals tell us he was buried VII. Kal. Nov. MCCLXXXXIX. (a), Lower under another large Marble Tombſtone, lieth Sir John Beauchamp of Holt; and on the North ſide of hin, Richard Bray (a) VII. Kal. Nov. MCCLXXXXIX. Simon de Clifford miles in Eccleſia Cathedrali Wigorn. coram altari S. Johannis Baptiftæ habuit fepultnram. Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 524. Bb the 98 A Survey of the Cathedral } and his Wife, and at their Feet five Children, he was Father to the famous Courtier Sir Reginald Bray, a faithful Servant to his Maſter H. 7. both in proſperity and Adverſity. And loweſt of all not far from the Pulpit lies buried Biſhop Wakefield, under a large Marble Stone almoſt in the midſt of the two lower Arches of the Weſtern Part of this Church, which he had in his Life Time be- fore erected. Inſcriptions. ſtill legible on ſeveral flat Stones are as followsa. HERE LYETH THE BODY OF GERVAS WARMSTRY ESQUIER, SOMETIME PRINCIPAL REGISTER OF THIS DIOCESS, WHO DYED THE 28. OF MAY, IN THE YERE. 1641. On another. THE MEMORY OF THE JUST IS BLESSED. HERE LYETH THE MORTALITY OF THE MOST WORTHY REGISTER OF THIS DIOCESE WILLIAM WARMSTRY ESQUIER, WHOSE NAME, WHEN THOU READEST, ENQUIER OF HIS Virtues, THAT THOU MAYST LEARNE BY HIS EXAMPLE TO GET AND MAINTAYNE LOVE, AND REPUTATION AMONGST MEN, WITHOUT THE EX 1 wat *** Church of WORCESTER 99 EXPENCE OF THE FAVOUR OF GOD, OR A GOOD CONSCIENCE ; TO BE HJS?ITABLE, PATIENT IN AFFLICTION, CHARITABLE, AND TENDER OF ALL MENS GOOD NAME, FREQUENT, AND CONSTANT IN PRAYER, FAITHFUL WEDLOCKE, WILLINGE TO DYE, IN THAT THOU MAYST LIVE FOR EVER. Ę BLESSFD ARE THE DEAD, THAT DYE IN THE LORD. On another the Arms of the Church of Worceſter; empaling a Croſs Moline between two Creſcents and two Decreſcents, Warmſtry; with this Inſcription. Memoriæ dicatum Thomæ Warmſtrey S. S. Theol. Dr. Decani olim Wigorn. Strenuus hic Eccleſ. Anglic. Hyperaſpiſtes, pietatis æmulanda, Fidelitis indelibatæ, Deo ſuum Cæſarique donavit. Cujus Hoſpitalitatem ad 'majorum, mu- nificentiam compoſitam, ſenſerunt Pauperes, colue- runt peregrini, Hunianitatem ftupuit quicquid humanum eſt, charitatem quicquid in homine di- vinum eſt, Paulinum illud etiam etiamnum inculcat, Imitatores mei eſtote 1. Cor. I. Hujus poſthumæ concionis vixit ad exemplar, et Sublimato poſt ſæcula pulvere, Redintegratum corporis ſumet amictum, iterum concionaturus vel in obſequium tui, vel in Judicium Viator 38 Igo A Survey of the Cathedral 3omo Sbris die deceſſit, Anno Salutis noftræ 16552 Ætatis fuæ circa Sexageſſimuin. On another. MR. THOMAS WARMSTRY. Near to this. HERE LYETH THE BODY OF MRS. CICELL WARMSTRY, WIDDOW OF WILLIAM WARMSTRY ESQ; WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 29th. 'OF JANUARY 1649. On a Pillar adjoyning is a Monument fixed, in memory of her, wrapt in her Widows Vail.curiouſly folded, on the top two Perſons weeping and theſe Words in Greek, taken from Rev, 14. 13. From henceforth bleſſed are the Dead which dye in the Lord. Arms at the top.Warnſtry, Quartering a Feſs Lozenge. At the bottom dexter Warmſtry : ſiniſter a Feſs danſettę between three Roſes. In Mr. Alington's Time there were hereabouts ako theſe Inſcriptions legible Here lyeth George Wykes of Morton Gefferies Eſquire, he married Margaret Daughter of William Stanford of Pakington, he dyed 18. Septem. 1605, Aged 74. On another. Here lyeth. Gervaſe Carrington Batchelor of Laws 37 Years Prebendary in this Church, he was twice married រ Church of WORCESTER. IOI Firſt to Elizabeth Daughter to William Gower of Woodhall, Eſquire, and after her deceaſe to Jane Daughter of George Wykes of Morton Jefferies Eſquire, Com. Heref. He departed this Life being then Sub-dean in this Church, Aged 74. 27. Aug. 1611. Above this, Gules, a Feſſe between 3 eſcallops argent creſcent difference. James Pichard, and by him his Daughter Mary Wife of Mr. Thomas Cooke, 1621 On another. W Robert Warmſtry Regiſter, 7 Novemb. An. Do. 1601. Mary his Wife 2 Jun. 1613. The Arms, Warmſtry quartering Browne of little Frome, viz. Argent a chevron between three Mullets Sable. In the North Ile of this Nave. Above the Steps, on flat Stones the following Arms and Inſcriptions. A Chevron Fleuretee between three Dogs Heads errafede . Duncomb, impaling three Arrows, in chief three Mullets, Busbyo. Here lyeth the Body of CATHERINE the Wife of JOHN DUNCOMBE Eſq; of Eaſt Cleydon in Buckinghamſhire, Daughter to Sir JOHN BUSBY of Addinton in Buckinghamſhire. Cs She I 02 A Survey of the Cathedral She died the 27. of June 1727. Ætatis fuæ 54. On another. HERE ŁYETH THE BODY OF THOMAS HARLEY ONE OF THE CHAMBER OF THIS CITY WHO DYED THE 18. DECEM- BER 1629. Aged 67. Below the Steps on the North side of a little Chappel, is the Tomb of Biſhop Bryan, on his Head ſupported with Angels a Mitre, at his Feet a Lyon, and below on the ſide three Eſcoche. ons, in the middle three Pyles, in Point, and on the middle Pyle a Biſhops Mitre, and under that a Crofs fiche. In the dexter three Pyles in Point. in the ſiniſter the fame, empaling three fuſilles in Fefs. This laſt is gone. On the South Side is a raiſed Monument about two Feet from the Ground with a cumbent Statue of a mitred Biſhop thereon, ſaid to be the Tomb of Biſiop Hemenhale. h 1 And going out on the right Hand is a fair curious Tomb fixed to the North-Wall, where within the Pillars which ſupport, an Arch over hini, lieth the Portraiture of one veſted for the Altar, and on his Head a Mitre. The Arms on the side are all gone. This was erected for tļie learned and good Clerk Biſhop Cobham, who cauſed this Ile to vaulted over at his own Charge. (a), Fariher belowe, the Daqx: 01; the ſame Wall, is;a; Monument, with the Figures of three Men in. Gowns, and, their Wives by them, Kneeling. On (a) MS. Ab. no ml V 16 SELAX 3.98 2. W 2 . مسلم Bin. Bran's Monu! in tapella defe :: .: 29: we - 1. Har 8. S? .. .. det WWW AG? SA WY Saint Avon . H. VAD 2. wo WWW. WATER 98 m BRE ins STA 9b ww ter dis W: . wwwgs SADE eta . Sobot Wale sy ve WW WINE www 3: ht: . *** 2 3 MAS W. We w Wax: WISKA *** wy MA re W Shah www . w WARE 3. i Mann wees Silk J. Mynde ſe & Feet Orche BP Cobhams Monu." P. 104 Ser... Sot Wow! We WW WWW WAKO M le Son www. Www Www 30:27 WE Moores Monum. Ja: Mynde si Church of WORCESTER 105 On the foregoing Monument is this Inſcription. HERE LYETH THE BODIES OF JOHN MOORE, AND ANNE HIS W1ff, FATHER AND MOTHER TO THOMAS MOORE, WHO HERE LYETH with Mary His WiFf, ALSO JOHN MOORE AND MARGARET THEIR SISTER HERE LYETH : HERE BORNE, HERE BRED, HERE BURIED DECEMBER ANNO 1613. On a Square Stone fixed in the Wall near the former. HERE LYETH ANNE MOORE WIFE OF EDWARD MOORE OF THE CITIE OF WORCESTER, DRAPER AND CLOTHIER WHO DYED THE XXVIII DAY OF FEBRUARY ANNO DOM. 1614. On the Floor below this on a Braſs Plate. IN MEMORIA ÆTERNA ERIT JUSTUS, IN DIEM RESURRECTIONIS MORTALITATIS EXUVIAS HOC IN TUMILO (QUEM MEMOR MORTIS DUM IN VIVIS FUIT, SIBI ET SUIS DESTINAVI'T) SERVARI VOLUIT VIR INTEGERRIMUS THOMAS MOORE, CIVIS ET SENATOR PRIMARIUS ISTIUS CIVITATIS, VITÆ INCORUPTÆ, FAMÆ INTACTÆ, CONSCIENTIÆ IMACULATÆ, PIETATIS EXIMIÆ, MINISTRORUM VERBI NON TANTUM AUDITOR SED FAUTOR, CIVITATI PECUNIAS ET SENATUM AUCTIOREM, PAUPERIBUS PÆDOTROPHIUM, AMICIS DESIDERIUM, OMNIBUS EXEMPLUM RELIQUIT. OBIIT APRILIS 30. ANNO REPARATÆ SALUTIS 1633. ÆTATIS SUÆ-79. MEMENTO MORI. Ꭰd Under * 3 B: Thomas. under i forft nindow of ý South Ille. p. 106 2 pooo 000 0.0 TO Pone Hunc Parietem Ad pedes hujufce Oftii Sepeliri placuit Eximiae humilitatis Epifcopo. Nememoria tanti Patris oblivioni detu Epitaphium Quod pro modeſtia ſita tumulo inſcribijullit Etquod ambulantium pedibus pene attrifim el Hic inſtaurari curavit GULIELMUS THOMAS de HACKNEY Generoſu Filius ejus Natu minimus Depofitum GULIELMI THOMAS STA Olim Decani Wigornienſis indigni Poftea Epifcopi Menevenſis indignioris Tandem Epifcopi Wigornientis indigniffimi Mentis tamen Chrifti ad vitamæternamŘefurrecta Candidati Sanctillimus et Doctiflimus Præſul Pietatis erga Deum Fidelitatis erga Regem Charitatis erga Proximos Illuftre exemplum Expiravit Anno Redemptionis MDCLXXXVIII Ætatis LXXVI We www. Xx: .. WWW WV W. BMW X Hoan . ASMA 2. W We WA with *** W.MW www. WWW WWW.06 : : 等 ​; { - . M" Octavia Wallhis mon See the Infcription thereon, p. 107. 106. M S : : Silli Wolpes જ મા 2 28 ...:::8:::::- Church of WORCESTER. 107 Under the ſecond Window and a fair Arch in the Wall is the Portraiture of a Prieſt veſted for the Altar, lying on a raiſed Tomb, his Tonſure large and at his Feet a Lyon, and feemeth to be ſome ancient Prior before they obtained the honour of a Mitre. (a). Sonic day it is the Monument of one Fryar Baskervile. Under the third Window, within an Arch is another raiſed Tomb out Portraiture, and above it on each ſide is fixed to the Wall the Monuments of Inglethrop and Walſh, with the following Arms and Inſcriptions. Gules, a Croſs ingrailed Argent. HERE LIES HIS FRAILTY, HIS FAIR ŞOULE's ABOVE, WHO SORTED ALL HIS ACTIONS TO THAT END: THIS CITIES GLORY, EVERY GOOD MANS LOVE, IN LIFE, IN DEATH, THE POORES PERPETUAL FREND. AS HOSPITABLE AS THEY SPEAK OF JOVE, HIS ZEAL, BUT HOW DARE WE COMMEND, BEYOND ALL PENS HIS PRAISE WILL BEST APPEARE. ONLY TO WRITE, ?TIS INGLETHROP LIES HERE. On a Field Argent, a Feſſe between ſix Martlets Sable, in a Lozenge, and this Inſcription. Siſte: Hofpes, Mora pretium eft fcire, Cujus ļric conduntur Çineres Š [a] MSi Ab. Virginis :. .::.:.: $ 108 A Survey of the Cathedral , i his Virginis Pudicæ, OCTAVIÆ WALSH, Antiqua profapia natæ, Summis Naturæ Dotibus ornatæ, Gratia Divina Coelitus Renatæ, Modeſtia vere Virginali, Conſtantia plufquam Virili, Confuetudine prope Divina, Terreſtrium Nobili Contemptu, Cæleſtium Ardente Deſiderio, Flagrante erga Deum, Deoque charas animas zelo, Inter paucas ſpectabillis. Quæ ad mentum acrem vigentem, Deoque Dicatam Excolendanı, Unice intenta, adeo corpus venuſtum, (Oneribus heu tantis impar,) Jejuniis, Vigiliis, Studüs, Debilitavit, Fatigavit, et Fregit ut hoc variolis Aggredientibus facile cedente, Illa voti compos 'facta eft, Deum Quem fide jngiter fufpexiſſet, Corarn in Eternum intuendi Dacitmo Die O&tobris Anno Church of WORCESTER 109 : Dom. MDCCVI Anno Ætat fuæ XXIX. Below on flat Stones. Richard Browne Organiſt died Aug. 1664 Aged 45. 7 Months. Elizabeth his wife who died March 16. 1685. Aged 71. On a Chevron an Eagle diſplayed impaling ſemee of Fleurs de Lis, Creſt a Lyon Couchant. H. S. J. RICHARDUS WOOLLEY Gen. Obiit Septembris Die 17mo. Anno Domini MDCCXXIII. Ætatis Sua LVII. € 2 THOMAS COOKE GENT. DIED 16 OCTOBER AN. DNI. 1629 ÆTAT. 68. EDMUND COOKE GENT. OBIIT 14 DIE MAIL ANO DNI. :,: 1635. On another next to it the Portraitures of a Man and his two Wives ſpoiled of their Braſs, two Children under the one, and Ee three .....: *** IIO A Survey of the Cathedral . three under the other. On another below this, the Portraitures of a Man and his Wife ſpoiled allo of their Braſs and Arms. Under the fourth Window within an Arch is another raiſed Tomb, with five Eſchocheons void of Arms, and lias no Inſcrip- tion. Above on the right Hand, of it. is fixed to the Wall, à Monument on which are the following Arms and Inſcription. Gules, three Fleur de Lis Or, a chief Vaire. Near to this Place lieth interred the body of Catherine, the daughter of Sr. Brian Palmes, of Linley, in the Country of York, Kt. She was Sincere and frequent in lier Devotions, an unwearied Promoter of Piety, exactly juſt in her dealings to all, charitable to the Poor, and compaſſionate to the diſtreſſed ; ſhe was zealous in her Love to her Friends, and obliging in her Generoſity to her Relations. :: In acknowledgment of which, they have erected this Monument to her Memory. She deceaſed the 21. of March 1703. Aged 58. 15 4 Below Next unto it is the moniament P. 111 of lohn Bromley Eig? o one basicas 0 Fert *** med WWW Here I rette The body of John BROMLEY ESQ! on of S'THOMASBROMLEY ker Holt Galilean Iorceftrykuro He Died Oeto, the 27. Aged 63 in the Vear of our Lord 1674, WeMarried ELIZARETH daugbtor of S+HENRY LONGVEVILLE Wolvertor in the County of Buckingbane Bar" HONG www WWW Wor 1. Wok i wewe! Wwwwwww . ty te: www wwwwwww WWW. Wiki Xperia 103, abadon Below II 2 A Survey of the Cathedral A Below on the Ground Bromley ; Impaling Walſh. Here lyeth the Body of Francis Son to Henry Bromley of Holt Caſtlc in the County of Worceſter Eſq; he married Ann Daughter of Jofeph Walſh of Abberley in the County of Worceſter Efq; by whom lie had three Sons and Six Daughters he dyed July the 14. 1703, Aged 59. Upon a ſmall Alabaſter Monument over-againſt it. Azure, a Chevron Argent, between three Dolphins. empaling (Broma ley). And on a black poliſhed Tablet in Letters of Gold this In- ſcription. Near to this Pillar lyeth the body of Frances, Daughter of John Bromley Eſq; Wife of John Griffith A. M. Minor Can. of this Church, She died Aug. 21. 1682. A pious and prudent Wife and of Exemplary Virtue. Under the fifth Window, within an Arch of the Wall, is a plain Tomb, over that Renowned Father of our Engliſh Laws, Judge Litleton, where are theſe Words written about the Monu- ment. hic jacet Corpus Thome Litleton te frankle, militis de Balneo, & unus Julticidriorum de commünt banco, qui obiit 23. auguđi an. Do. 1481. On a Braſs Plate upon the top, was the Portraiture of a Judge in his Robes, and iſſuing from his Mouth Fili Dei miſerere mei. Above it on the # E { Church of WORCESTER. 113 ſame Stone were theſe Arms, firſt Argent, a Bend cotiſed /able within a Border Gules Befantee, (Weſtcot) Impaling, Argent, a Chevron between three Eſcallops ſalle, (Litleton): The ſecond, Litleton again, impaling Farry of ſix falles and Or, in a Chief of the ſecond two Pallets of the firſt, (Burley). An Ineſcutcheon, Ermine, charged with three Barrulets Gules. (Edefyn). And under theſe Eſcuecheons, Argent, a Chevron between three Eſcallop Sable, (Litleton) Impa. ling Gules, a Feſſe between four Hands Or. (Quatermaine). Un- derneath at the Head of the Tomb, Argent, a Lyon rampant Sable, debruſed with a Feſſe countercomponee. Or, and Azure, Impaling, Argent, two Chevrons Gules. (Grendox). On the ſide of the Monument, on the firſt Pane, Ermine, two, Talbots paſſant Gules, Langued, and Membred Azure: In paling Barry of ſix Sable and Or, in a chief of the ſecond two Pallets of the firſt, an Ineſcutcheon, Ermine, charged with three Barrulets Gules. In the ſecond Pane, Gules, a Feſſe between four Hands Or, Impaling Ermine, two Talbots paſſant Gules, Lan-gued Azure. In the third Pane, Argent, a Chevron between three Eſcallops Sable, impaling Gules, a Felſe between four Hands Or. Thus ſtood this Monument when Mr. Al ington took his Survey of it, but in the Civil Wars it was deſpoiled of its Braſs and Arms, and the following have ſince been put on the ſide of it. 1. Argent, a Chevron between three Eſcallops ſalle : impaling, Gules a Fefs Argent, between four Hands Or. 2. Argent, a Bend cotiſed, fülle, with a Border Befantee : impaling, (Litletor). 3. Litleton, impaling Barry of fix Or ard Selle, on a chief of the firſt, two Pallets of the ſecond, with an Efcutcheon of pretence, Ermint, three Barrulets Gules: 4. A Triton ſupporting the Arms of Litieton. Ff Ox Littletons p. 114 Monu . D sont a el poslala Baxt vous ! gui Wie ich : *** WOW . 3 3 : : Near this place under 25 a black Marble Stoneline Interne the BodyofS' THOMASIXTTEUTON of KRANKLEY in the County of WORCESTERK & Bar bo died in the Year of our Lord 1650. Aged fifty Seven Years Trillo a LT ani na hata broo 1 out the Body of Dame CATHERINE LYTTELTON bis wife daughter And Sore HEIREOF SRTHOMAS CROMTON in the Counir o YORKE Knbe Deed in the Fear of our Lord 1666. Aggd Sixty Seven Yeará:** fura 2 loc air boolt a ort ber po bod nga gojorar 20 Bolsa ao abriga wed mart 7 Church of WORCESTER. 115 On the Floor, near this Monument, is the following Inſcription. LET NO MAN SLIGHT HIS MORTALITIE. A 1649. THESE WORDS WERE APPOINTED TO BE HEREON INSCRIBED, BY SRO THOMAS LITTLETON OF FRANDC- LY IN THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER KNIGHT AND BARONETT, WHO DYED. 22. OP FEBRUARY 1649. (a). AND WAS BURIED UNDER THIS STONE TOGETHER WITH DAME CATHERINE HIS WIFE, WHO DYED THE 24. OF JUNE 1666. FULL OF YEARES AND GOOD WORKES. On others near it. Tho. Lygon third Son of William Lygon of Madresfield Efg; died April the 2d. 1711 Aged 15 Years. Next to this Depoſita Johannis 1645 Wightwick, Servientis ad Legem, et Brigetta Uxoris, 1659 et Mariæ, filiæ pre- di&ti Johannis et uxoris 1668 perchariſſimæ Thomæ Street Armigeri. Reſurgent. Text: (a) N. B. The Dates of the Year of his Death are diferent as cut on the Stone, and on the Mong. 1649, according to the Church Account on the Stone. 1650, according to the Julian Account on the Monument, QUE Sie SWEA " . : 116 KW :: 2 . PASY223 ME med Sri US 3.3 WW 2 . Under the fuath Window within an Arch of the fiát is Bin Freake's Monument, 2. W WWW- M. X 26.04.2012 WER 2. i BERS Sale WS SAMASSA sti CANGAS NO PARTEN WWW Av. SWA " 7:19 NA ZA CS29 WH 7 E. " ". . . W ! . as Wak " XSE 29. 2. RS2 A. SA : M. 20 . BB . w w x 9.99 ...: 2. W . Vos. 2 EUR Wema IS ASEAN wwwy . SS WWW. www MA 注重 ​Fle . - how Ws WE ART WWW an SVAR be EN . W . V 2 48 . ww .. J.: WWW , CORE W. j ... mer 20 AP Ver SON W! $4 OM X OR TIT VERM. RE * 3. View . ::: RAS WA . 23 . 9 NOTEBOOK EINNCONDITIONISTERDICTORINDIVINTA We WWW MIH 8 Hect. g. Mynde lo Church of WORCESTER I 17 On this Monumeut are the following Arms and Inſcriptiou. On the top; Quarterly, ſable and argent, a Feſs between three Fleurs de Lis counter-changed of the Field ; under it theſe Verſes in Letters of Gold. DIGNUS ERAS PRÆSUL PYLIOS CANESCERE IN ANNOS, FREAKE PATER SI TE DIGNA FUISSET HUMUS. IN TUA BUSTA DAMUS LACRYMAS, ECCLESIA VULTUM IMBRE RIGAT, LUCTU TEMPLA FORUMQUE SONANT. INCASSUM PAR EST IGITUR LENIRE DOLOREM, MORTUUS ÆTHEREA VIVIT IN ARCE DEO. FOELIX ( FOELIX NIVIE, ET SINCERITER ACTÆ, PRÆMIA QUI VITÆ NON PERITURA TENES. On the left Hand of the Arch, is this Infcriptian. ΜΟΙΡΑ ΒΡΟΤΟΙΣ ΘΝΗΣΚΕΙΝ ΒΙΟΣ ΑΣΤΑΤΟΣ ΑΝΘΟΣ ΟΝΕΙΡΟΣ ΦΕΥ ΧΘΟΝΙΟΙΣ ΟΛΩH KHP ΜΕΡΟΠΕΣΣΙΝ OIA KONIE THN 12KA EQ AIHE HAAE' AHTHE ΟΙΣ ΒΙΟΣ ΑΣΙΙΙΛΟΣ ΔΙΑΡΚΙΟΣ ΕΣΤΙ ΒΙΟΣ ta ✓ Oppoſite to the former, is this Inſcription. (RIVOS PERDIDIMUS, PATREM, LACRYMARUM EFFUNDITE PERDIDIMUS CELEBREM RELIGIONE VIRUM. (SCANDIT PERDIDIMUŞ. MELIORQUE SUI PARS CÆRULA SIDERA, NEC MORES FAMA NIGRARE VALET. Gg 01 : . II 18 A. Survey. af. the Cathedral ** On the verge of the Tomb; at top HERE LYETH THE BODIE OF. EDMUND FREAKE, DOCTOR IN DIVINITIE, SOMTIME BYSHOPPE HERE Under it two Coats. 1. The See of Worceſter ; Impaling Freake.. 2. Fregke; with theſe Words below. . VIRTUS HONOR PIET:AS- MERCES, On the Verge at the botton. Fira Bilhappe of Kocheller, nert of Norwpch. lali of Worceter, and dyed at the age of 74.- In an Oval over it. i A. Do 1591. Auguſt, 22. Near to this. *** 1 TIMOTHY BRIGINSHAW of Earls Court in the County of Worceſter: Eſq; Dyed the 27. 02. 1722. Aged 57.. ANN his Wife Daughter of JOHN BARNEBY Oki in wu. on Church of WORCESTE R. 1.1.9 of Brochampton in the County of Hereford Efq; Dyed the 24th of July 1727 Aged 55». They had Iſſue 2 Sons and 3 Daughters. TIMOTHY Son of the ſaid TIMOTHY and ANN BRIGINSHAW. Dyed the 8th of Nov. 1712. Aged, 15. On a little Monument fixed to the Wall, beloto. the ſecond South Door is this Iufcriptiou. Threnodia Guilielmi Barkes dale In obitum fuæ Franciſcæ. Heu vixit Franciſca, mihi clariſſima conjůx, Heu violæ : languent, alba cadunt. Siccine mortales nullo diſcrimine Parca Abſtrahis? eximium nil finis effe diu? . Scilicet humanis tua erant niajora : tua illa: Sancta fides, virtus, obfequium, Pietas.. (a). * ดูรายชื่อการ Going down into the: CLOYSTERS.. . On the left Hand, is fixed to the Wall a Markle . Monument, having theſe Arnes and Inſcriptions, a. Feſs. Azure, three Garbs of the firſt in chief a Croſs Croſlet fitche Gules. Sec- (a) She was Wife of William Barkesdale Prebendary here from 1604 to 1628, I 20 A Survey of the Cathedral Seceſſus Selectus 7 MARIÆ TOWNSHEND, Humilitate ipfa excelſa, a ſepulturæ typhoinani, a pulveris vilis domicilio Illuftri poſt obitum, non minus quam a feculi pompa bracteata in vivis alienæ, anima pura, cæleſti, fupra fydera evecta, Cadaver non diutius in terra gemmæ pretiofæ tegumentum, cito vermium putridum fodalitium futurum, clauſtro receptaculi diverticulo (immo calculo vulgari) opprobrio, depoſitum deſignavit Matrona natalibus, nec non nuptiis æque egregie generoſa, Thomæ Vernon Armigeri, Filia, Henrici 'Townſhend ejuſdcm dignitatis Conjux. Corporis venuſti forma fpecioſa imprimis inſignis, animi pulcritudine preſtantiore, præ allis inſignior : quaſi inter ſtellas Luna minores. Nullo vultus fuco decorata, nullo pectoris dolo dehoneſtata. Non monilibus, ſed nioribus; non veſtibus, fed virtutibus ornata. ſplendida Dei cultrix, pia, aſſidua, cui in pretio eximio cubiculi religio, templi in lionore fummo. Marito dilectiſſimo (Caio) quamvis haud iinpar (Caia) placide obſequioſa, non frontis Supercilio, non linguæ jurgio fermentata. Dum cujuflibet gradus aliis benignitatis Magnetem Seipfam exhibuit tabe febricitante (... iennii fpacio plus minus) laboravit ægritudinis mora, ſimul et diſciplina mortificata, prius quam morua, naturæ rubigine gratia deterſa cordis contriti panitentia, omnibus numeris abſoluta, meritis Cliriſti innixa, fide non dubia, non tremula. Domini 1684. Fato defuncta eſt 15 die Octobris Anno Ætatis fuæ 31. diutius. Church of WORCESTER I 21 On flat Stones on the Floor, Lady BOURCHIER Bd. in June 1726 JOHN RICHARDSON Eſq; Bd. in Decemb. 1728. Depoſita Mri. Tho Bird Mercatoris, Unius communis concilii Civit. Wigorn. Obiit 150 Oct. 1687 Annæ et Brigettæ Filiarum prædicti Thomæ Obierunt in Domino , Sept. 14. 1681. Feb. 12. 1686. ch Depoſitum Mri. Jo. Sayer, hujus Eccleſiæ Sacriſta. Reſurgent. On another. H. S. J. Joannes Sayer Presbyter, Ex eorum numero, Qui in Sacello Regali Hymnis aſſiduis Deum celebrant, In hac etiam Eccleſia per Annos LVI. Sacrario cum laude præfuit. Suaviſſimus tandem Senex, Citra vitæ ſtudium longævus, Morbo ņec diutino, nec gravi Hh Evo- I 22 A Survey of the Cathedral G Nec non Evocatus. Animam pie placideque : Deo reddidit. Jan. 23. A. D. 1693. . Ærat. 84. In memoriam Parentis -optimi hoc Pofuit: Anna Bird, Thomæ Vidua Liberorum Joannis et Elizabethæ Bird, Quorum reliquiæ Hic juxta conduntur. Deceſſit Joannes Nov. 23. A. D. 1693, Ætat. 20. Elizabetha vero Jun. 12. A. D. 1694. Ætat. 16. John Bird Obiit Nov. 23: 1693 Aged 20. Elizabeth Bird Obiit June 12. 1694. Aged 16... Here lyeth the Body of Catherine the Daughter of Robert Salisbury and Mary his Wife who died Auguſt 29th 1706 Aged 5 Years and 3 Months Omnibus Dilecta. Mr. RICHARD DAVIS PSALTES Obiit Ao. 1688, Reſurgam. JOHN HODDYNOT Organiſt Dyed 25 Aug. 1731 : Aged 43. $ In wa Church of WORCESTER I 23 In the South Cloyſter on a black Marble Stone, are theſe Arms and Inſcription. Three Catherine Wheels with a Canton. Hic jacet Depoſitum. Thomæ Street, Militis, Qui multos per Annos Vicinæ Civitatis Clericus Communis factus, Juſtaque Civium benlgnitate in Parliamentum electus, Tum Principi, tum populo placuit in omnibus. Tandem ad gradum Servientis ad Legem; Sereniſſimi Regis Car. 2. Gratia, Haud indigne elatus, Judex Cambro-Britannicus devenit Poftea unus Baronum Scaccarii Conſtitutus, Et abinde in Communem Bancum remotus Magna Fama, majorique Integritate In utriſque Curiis omnia Judicis Æquiſſimi: Complevit officia. Et cum Poteſtas, omni Jure abſoluta, . (Res liberis Angligenis hactenus ignota) Sub Rege parum Politico, fed nimis infelicign: Tötum nuper convulſit. Regnum:- Solus ille, ille ſolus, e cunctis Judicibus, Tam horrendo auſus eft obſiſtere Monſtro- Quid plura dicam, Eximium fuit omnium virtutum Exemplar, , Fortis Tyrannicæ fervitutis Antagoniſta, , 4 # 1 I 24 A Survey of the Cathedral Et Religionis, Legumque Patriæ, Intrepidus Conſervator. Obiit 80 die Martii Anno Ætat. fuæ 70. et Salutis 1695. In the Eaſt Cloyſter on the Floor is the following Inſcription. H. S. E. ELIZABETHA PHILIP I BARTON GEN. UXOR. Cujus Virtutes vere Chriſtianas In Deum Pietatem In Suos Amorem In omnes Benevolentiam Tua intereſt, Lector, Et ſuſpicere et imitari. Obiit 22 Die Decembris Anno Dommini 1729. Æt. 73 On the Weſt Side of the Door entring into the Church is on the Stone Bench a cumbent Statue, ſaid to be in Memory of Alex- ander Necchan, the famous Abbot of Cirenceſter, who died in the Year 1217 at the Biſhops Palace at Kemſey, and was buried here in the Cloyſters near to this South Door. (a). Of whom, Leland gives us this Epitaph. Eclipsin patitur fapientia, fol ſepelitur, Qui dum vivebat, ftudii genus omne vigebat. Solvitur in cineres Neccham, cui fi foret hæres In Terris unus, minus eſſet flebile funus. (b). Annales Wigorn' (6) Lel. Com. de Script. Brit, p. 242. F I N I S. { ܆ ܀ RAY-... .... $$ AN ACCOU N T OF THE BI S Η Ο Ρ B I 0 F WORCESTER: Froin the Firſt Foundation of the SEE, to the Year 1600. fra 产 ​3 { 来 ​先 ​(i)、 義 ​高 ​长 ​teploty mot [ 3 ] 變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​變​赞​赞​赞​赞​赞​赞​赞​赞​赞​赞​赞 ​發​發​發​發源​發​發​發​發​發​發​發​暴躁​躁​跟​發源​線​線 ​******** A N ACCOUNT Ο Ρ Τ Η Ε B I SHOP S S OF WORCESTER HEN the Saxons were firſt converted to the Faith of Chrift, they were divided into Seven Kingdoms, the greateſt of which was Mercia, containing moſt of the Counties between the Thames and the Humber, and therein 12,000 Families fa). It received not Chriſtia- nity till the Year 656, when Peada, or Weada, ſucceeded to his Fa-. ther. Penda, ſlain by Ofwy the Chriſtian, King of Northumberland. Penda was a Pagan, but his Son Peada, upon his Marriage with of- qey's Daughter, in the Year 653, embraced the Faith of Chriſt, and (a) Hen: Huht. p. 191. At this Time' an hundred Families made a great Town : Angleſey had no more than goo, and the Iſle of Man had but 300 in it. Lloyd's Hiſtorical Account of Church Government, .D. 114. About the Year 689, the Iſe of Wight had 1200, and the Iſle of Ely 600 Families in it. Spelm. 1. Tom. I. p. 180. Bed. Eccl. Hift. d. 4. C. 16 & 19. A 2 he 4 An Account of the # he and all his Followers ere baptized by Finnan, Biiliop of Lindiſ- farne ; for it ſeems he could not obtain his Lady without it (a). This was thought a proper Time to undertake the Converſion of the Mercians:; and in order thereto Finnan fent hither Diuma, or Dwyma, a Scorfman, and the whole Kingdom was ſoon put under his Paſtoral Care; for at the firſt Converſion of the Saxons, there was but one Bifhop in each Kingdom, and the whole of each King- dom was his Pariſh or Dioceſi : There came along with him three learned and devout Presbyters, Cedda, Adia, and Betta; and the Kingdom being divided into three Provinces, North Mercia, South Mercia, and Weſi Mercia, he' allotted to each of them one, therein to propagate the Goſpel amongſt their Countrymen, for theſe were Saxons, DIUM A had fate but a little while in this See before King Peada was treacherouſly Nain, by the baſe Contrivance of his Wife," at the Feaſt of Eaſier 657, and he himſelf died in the following Year 658 (1), to wliom ſucceeded CELLACH, another Scotſman. Ofrey .then reigned, vinſtead of his son-in-law; but in 659, Imninus, Eat a, and Eadterkt,' the Vice- roys of the three Provinces, drove him out, and IVulphere, the ſecond Son of Penda, was ſet upon the Throne, a religious and good Prince, who totally deſtroyed Idolatry in his Kingdom. This Cellach, in little more than an Year, either died or reſigned his Biſhoprick, and res turned into his own Country :(edo 1o whom TRUMHERE ſucceeded at the latter End of 659, or Beginning of 660. He was an Engliſhman, of the Royal Blood of the King of Northumberland, and converted a Multicude of Unbelievers to the : Cliriltian Faith (d). . JA RUM MAN, upon his Death, came to the See 663, and fate here four Years, and he dying 667, it was vacant two Years. And then fa) Flor: Wig Vol. II. P. 295. (c) Reveríus eſt in in ulam Hii. Ceat. Magd. Alfordi Annales , (aj Lol. cor. de Script. p. 85. CEDDA, (1) Ibid. YE4% 44 KAAT- Bishons of WORCESTER. 5 CEDDA, a pious and good Man, had the Biſhoprick of Mercia given to fiim. Before his Time the Biſhops had no fixed Habitation, but dwelt in Monaſteries, and other religious Places, ſuch as was moſt convenient fit them; but by him, with the Conſent of King Wulfere, was the See fixed at Litchfield, and a Cathedral Church built there, which ſtill retains his Name. Two Years and an halt he fate in this See, and then languiſhing ſome little Time he expired, 6th of the Nones of Alarch; 1672 (a). : Winfren) was the fanne Year conſecrated by Theodore, Archbiſhop of Canterbury: The Year following he was preſent at a Council lield at Hertford (l), 24 Sept: 673, Indi&tion 1, where the faid Theodore preſided, and the augmenting of the Number of the Biſhops, upon the great Increaſe of the Faithful, eſpecially in the Kingdom of Mer- cia, was there treated offe): But he poſitively refuſing to have this his large. Dioceſe in any wiſe divided, nothing was then poſitively de- termined about it. But afterwards Theodore, ſtill purſuing his Deſign, and Winfred ftill denying to give his Confent, the Archbiſhop depoſed him, and placed Saxuif, Abbot of Burgh, in his Room, Ana 675. (d):- and the next Year, with Saxulfh's Content, the Biſhoprick of Herer's ford was crected, to which Putta, who had been forced to leave Roo; cheſter, was preferred (ed. And not content with this, three more Bi- Shopricks were taken out of it ſoon after, viz. Leicefier, Sidnaceſter, and this of Worceſter, to which King Ethelred conſented; 4. D. 679,- perſuaded thereto by Oſhere, one of his Viceroys, who then governed under hin the Province of Wiccia, with a fort of Regal Power, ar.d was deſirous it ſhould have a Biſhop of its own (f). This Diviſion of the Mercian Kingdom into five Biſhopricks, was confirmed at the 1 great Synod held at Hedtfeld, 15 Cal. 09.680, where was preſent Fohi, chief Chanter of St. Peter's in Rome, fent by. :Pope Agatha, (a) Ang. Sac. p. 1426. Flor. Wig. (6) Herudford Durocochbrivis, Hertford, ruber' tranfi- fus. Vid. Gal. Itiner. p. 62. () Spielm. Conc. Tom. I. p.152, 153) Bede Eccl . Hift. 1. 41 c. 6. (e) Flor. Wig. p. 251. Ang. Sac. Vol. I. p. 424. Chion, Sáx. Wig. p. 559. B and Chic Sax (f) Flor. 6 1. Ani Account of the :): s1 l 1 and the Lateran Council of. 125 Biſhops, to inquire into the Faith of the Britiſh Churches, concerning the Opinions of the Monothelites,, and to ſettle the Diſputes which had ariſen between Theodore and his Suffragans, about theſe Matters (a). : After this Diviſion, the firſt Biſhop nominated to the See of Worceſter was TATFRITH' or TAD FRID, a Man of excellent Parts and Learn ing, and no leſs Sanctity, being ſaid to have been a ſtout Champion . of Jesus CHRIST: He belonged to Hilda's famous Monaftery, called then: Streoneshall, now •W!hitby in Torkſhire, which was ac that Time the greateſt School of Learning in all the North, and pro duced many worthy Men. Before he could be conſecrated he was taken away by untimely. Death (6), And in his place was elected Beset or Bosel (c), or Bosil (d), another learned Man, brought up in the fame Monaſtery with Tatfrirh. He was conſecrated by Theo doré, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, A. D. 680 ; in which Year Oher, Viceroy of the Wiesians, with Leave of his Sovereign Lord King Ethelred, gave for the Pardon of his!Sins thirty Manfes at Ripple, in this Dioceſe, to one Frithowald, (a Mönk belonging to Biſhop Wina frid, who had been depoſed by Archbiſhop Theodore) that he might there exerciſe the Eccleſiaſtical Rule'(e.). Bofel fate in this-See eleven Years, and being at laſt pulled down with ſuch extream Infirmity of Body, that he could no longer execute his Office, lie freely abdicated the ſame, A. D.-691 ;' ä liis own Deſire" fucceeded him OsTFOR (f), Esther ($), Est For (b), OFTFOR (i), OFFOR (k), Os 10 HOR (1), who had been bred up with Juim in Hilda's (12) Monaſtery. He was a Man of ſingular Merit, and more than ordinary Learning; whilſt Prieſt ' at Sepeoneshale, he diligently ſtudied the Holy 1 (b) Ib. (a) Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. p 16g (b) Bed. Eccl. Hift. 1. 4. c. 20. (c) Hem. Chart p. 569, 570. d) Antiſtes primus fuit Hilde Bofillus alumnus. Lel. de Script. Brit. p. 81. fo) Liem. Chart. P. 46, 47: , Flor. Wig. (8) Hemn. Chart . p. 569. 570. (i) Ib. p. 23. (R). Ran. Higd. p. 241. Ed. Gal. (1) Lel. de Script. Brio. p. 94.: (m) Obiit Hilda Abbatiſta de Whitby xv Kal. Dec. 679. de cujus monafterio quinq; Epiſcopi exie- sunt ſc. Bofa, Eata, Offor, Johannes, Wilfridus. Polych. R. Higd. p. 241. Ed. Gale. Scriptures; B BISHOPS of WORCESTER. Scriptures; from whence he went into Kent, and was for ſome Time an Attendant on Archbiſhop Theodore, where he learn’d the Greek Tongue: And from thence, in order to compleat his Studies, he went to Ronte, which was looked upon. as an Argument of great Piety and Induſtry, in that Age. Returning into his own Country, he lettled in this Province of the Wiccians, over which Ofric (a.), then preſided: Here he preached the Goſpel of CHR 1-5 Tij under Biſhop- Boſel, bis. Old. Friend and Acquaintance, with ſuch Care and Fide- lity, that when he reſigned liis Bishopricky in the Judgment of all Men, he was thought moſt fit to ſucceed. him (b). The See of Can-- terbury being then void by the Death of Theodore, which happen'd on the 13th Kal. 08. 690 (c), he was conſecrated at the Command of King Æthelred, by the famous: Wilfrid (d), who being driven out of his See of York, was, upon the Death of Saxulf, made Biſhop of the Middle-Angles,, and the whole. Church of the Mercians committed to his Care. In his Time tliere was a Monaſtery at Fladtury, then called Flebanbýnız, or Fledanbùng, wherein was an Abbot and Monks, how many, not faid: For King. Ædilred, for the Forgiveneſs of his own Sins, and thoſe of his Queen Oitrithe, gave, or rather: confirmed a former Grant of Forty-four Caſſats of Land there to Bi- ſhop Oſtfor, that through his Care and prudent Management tlie Monks might live honeſtly, and be duly ſupported (e). He gave alſo to him, and to his Church of St. Peter, the Prince of the Apoſtles, in the City of Geogonne, thirty. Caſſats of Land at Heanburg and Austin, now Henbury and Auft, with all their. Appurtenances, and the Fiſhery apon the River Severn,,belonging to the fame (f). In his Time. alſo did Othere, King of the Wiccians, and his Son Ædilheard, give to.. Abbeſs:Cutſwide, to build a Monastery, the Land called Penit anhanı quindecim tributariorum, for to this Deed he was a Witneſs: And about the fame Time did Ædilbeard convey to her Ingin, containing five Man... fes, which ſhe had redeemed of him for 60 Shillings (8). Leiand is ? (c) Ibid. (a) Lel, de Script. Brit. p. 95. (6) Flor. Wig; (d) Antig. Britan. P. 56. Ed. Han. Alf. An. Tom. II. p. 404, (e) Hem. Chart. P: 21, 22. (1) Hicks's Theft p. 169. (8) Ibid. p. 170. ot: 8 wa An Account of the of Opinion that he wrote many Books, all which periſhed in the Daniſh Devaſtation (a). He fate not in this See a full Year, for, before the end of it, he died, and EcGWIN, ECWINE (6), ſucceeded him. The Monkiſh Hi- Storians ſay, that he was a Wiccian, and of Royal Blood : They give him the Title of Saint, but by whom, or wlien Canonized, tell us not. That he was religious from his Youth, paſſed thro’ all the Orders of the Church, mounted regularly to the Prieſthood, and the higheſt Offices of it. That he was famous for his Zeal in preach- ing the Word of God, and boldly rebuking the Vices of his Time; in particular their unlawful Marriages and heatheniih Practices, fetting before them the dreadful Puniſhments that would follow them. That he was very remarkable for his Sanctity, Humility, and good Works, in which he abounded, being a' Father to the Fatherles, a Reliever of Widows, a Comforter of the oppreſſed. In a Word, one dear to God and Men, and to the King for his Prudence, Equity, Learnirg, Counſel, and Probity, very acceptable (C). In the ſame Year that he was made Biſhop, Æthelred, his King." and Patron, gave to the Church of Seagerne, in free and perpetual Alms, ten Manſes, at a Place called Wicbord, on the South Side of the River Sa!warp. Berthwald, Archbiſhop of Canterl ury, was a Witnefs to tliis Deed, who was choſen to that See the firſt Day of July this year, tho' not conſecrated till the Year following. This the King did at the earneſt Deſire of Oſtave, formerly the King's faithful Servant, but then a Servant of God, in the City called segennacer- ter (d). Brithwold, a Monk of 6 atonbury, who wrote bis Life, ſays, that he was accuſed to the King of Tome Crimes, and by him : ſent to Rome, where, being called before the Pope to clear himſelf, upon the firſt Hearing he was acquitted, and ſent back with Honour: This, if true, muſt have happend in the Beginning of his Pontifici cate. There is no Doubt but Wilfrid, expelled from Tork, and upon vo (a) Script Brit. p. 95. srold, Alford. An. sub anno. (6) Hem. Chart. p. 23, 455. (1) Hem. Chart. P: 383, 384. (c) Capgrave. Brith- Saxulf's BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 9 ***** Şaxulf's Death made. Biſhop of the Merciansj : was accus'd to King Ethelred, did appeal to Romie, went thither, and there was lo. nourably acquitted, obtaining the Pope's Letters to the King in his Behalf, that he might be reſtored to his Rights, and the Monaſteries that he had founded, where he firſt brought in the Rule of St. Bere- dict. Brithwold miglit miſtake the one for the other; the reſt of our Hiſtorians are filent as to Ecgevin's going thither at this Time; but they all agree, that in the Year 708 (a), he went to Rome with King Coenred, and with Oja, King of the Eaſt Saxons, who leaving thcir Wives, Children, Lands, and Country, there reſigned their Crowns, and became ſhorn Monks. It wias at this Time that he obtained from Pope Confiantine, Epiſtolam Privilegii (l), a Letter of Privilege, or a Charter of Confirmation of his Monaſtery of Eove thaill, which, with. King Ethelrea's Leave he had begun to build, in or about the Year 702. When he came back le finiſhed it, and reſigning his Bi- ſhoprick, became the firſt Abbot of it. Capgrave ſays it was dedi- cated in the Year 714, which could not be by Archbiſhop Wilfrid, for he died the fame Year St. Egwin went to Rome (C); but I fuppoſe it was conſecrated by Biſhop Wilfrid, his Succeſſor and Coadjutor, who had been elected thereto in lis Life-time, ifto adhuc ſuperſtite, faith Florence of Worcefier. The Story of the Viſion of the Virgin Mary to Egwin, before he founded it, the caſting of the Keys of his Fetters into Avon, and of their being ſwallowed by a Fifh, and miraculouſly found at Rome (d); upon his.coming thither, and the unlocking of his Fetters with them; the founding of all the Bells on tļjeir own Accord, at liis Entrance into that City (e), are the Produce of darker Times, and the Inven- ? fa) Alford-ſays, 709. 16.). Vid. Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. p. 212. (c) Alford ſays he died in 709. An. Eccl.' Ang. Sax. Tom. II. p. 464. (d) Spelm. Conc. 'Tom. I. p. 211. (e) Malmesbury fays, that the Fish leaped into the Ship as hic failed over to France, and the Key then found ju the Fiſh's Belly, and his Fetterz unlocked there. Lib. 4. de geliis Pontificum, p. 16.2.. Such another Stury as this you will find in Colgan's Life of St. Nennidius. See keflections on the Devotions of the Roman Church, p. 276, 279. vinculatus Romam profectus eſt, campanæ urbis Utforur in ejus adventu per le fonuerunt. Rad. Higd. Polych. p. 246. Ed. Gale. C tions Asia то ATT An Aocount of the 31 2! &L $ tions of fooliſh Monks, to raiſe the Honour of their founder, and to give 'more Sanctity to their Céli. Dugdale, in his Antiquities of Warzpickſaire, treating an Stratford upon Avor, tells us from Leland ( a); that our Biſhop Ecgwin begged the Monaſtery of Flaudenburch of King Ethelred, and afterwards, exchanged it with Ethelard, Viceroy of the Wiccians, for that of Stratford; but this cannot be true: For in Hemming's Chartulary we have the Original Deed of that King; in which he gave it, or rather confirmed it, to'lis Predeceſſor offor. And in the Biſhop's Deed of Exchange, with Ethelard, he claims it in Right' of ſucceeding to Oftfor, giving this Reaſon, why he parted with Fladbury, conſiſting of Forty- four Caſſats, for Stratfożd, which conſiſted but of Twenty ; becauſe it was agreed between them; that after the Death of Ethelard they ſhould return to the Church, and fo they did;" and the Manor op Stratford was Part of the demeſne Lands of the Biſhoprick, till para fed away by Biſhop Heath to John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, i Edw. VI, (b): He alſo exchanged with King. Ethelbald, the Year he came to his Crown, 716, two Huts and fix Furnaces, on the North Side the Ri- ver Salwerpe, for Part of a Field, on the South Side of the fame, where Salt uſed to be made, at a Place called Lotedic and Colberg; there to erect three Huts and fix Furnacés'; to which Exchange, for the Good of his Sout, the King willingly agreed to send met The Year following, 717, this pious Biſhop died at his Abbey of Evelham, upan the third of the Calends of January, the fifth Day of the Week, Indiction 15, (d). 1 (a) Lel. Col. Vol. I. p. 365 D. 442. (d) Flor. Wig (6) Hem. Chart. p. 21, 22, 23, 455. (6Hem, Chart. 1 His v .. 1 A BISHOPS of WORCESTE R II His Epitaphi Leland gives us, in ltis Colle&tarea, as follows: Rupe fub hac vilt tegitur Wit fummus, & prna Clauditür angulta, quem ſubvehit alta pec orbem Weti fainā volans, genus hic ſpecabile durit Et możes habuit præclaros, magnaq; gellit, Ecrleđain fecit quam nunc dicunt Eoveſham, gitavit terris & multa nobilitavit Libertate locum, qui regni jura tenebat. i Omnimodam: ſcaipat, qui fotiplit cucia Begni, Et qui Romanaiu fedem tunc Papa tenebat. Wita migravit cum ſolis per Capsicoanum, Tertius e decimns poderans eritetet. Dabis. The four laſt Lines are in Alford's. Annals read thus (a): Oninimodam fcripfit; fubfcripfit Curia Regis, Et qui Romanam fedem tuna Papa regebat Confirmavit eam proprio teſtante ligillo... Vita Migravit cum Solis per Capricórnum; Tertius & decimus medians exifteret ortus.. 1. Ss 1 h : I Wilfrid or WULFRITHE, choſen Coadjutor to St. Egwin, upon , his retiring to hiş Monaſtery at Eveſham, fucceeded him, and liad the Character of an excellent good Mạn: He is frequently mentioned in Hemming's Chartulary. To his Old Friend, Earl Leppa , he gave five out öt fifteen Caffats ” of Land at Beaganbýrig or Bibury, near the River Tungle' in Glouceſterſhire, to hold during his Life, and the Life of his Daughter Beage, and after their Deceaſe to return to the Epiſ- copal Şee (b).! it $ To this fame Begją or Beage, An. Don. 7.18, King Æthelbald, for thie Redemption of his Soul, gave fix Caſſats.of the River Bladaen, near to the Ford called_Dæglerforo, now Dailesford, to (a) Tom. II. p. 485. (b) Hem. Chart. p. 84. li build :: 12 an: Account of the Hata 3 build a Monaſtery there, to which:Deed Biſhop Wilfrith conſented (n), Whether there was a religious Houſe built there, is uncertain ; for in the Year 841, Burtulf , King of the Mercians, gave fix. Callats here, and perhaps the ſame as before, to Bilhop. He abert, for three Pound of Silver (lite He was alſo a Witneſs to a Deed of Æthelbald's, wherein he gave, for the Good of his Soul, to a religious Woman, named Kyneburge, five Caſſats of Land at Bradanlægh, now Bradley, with Power to give it to whom ſho pleaſed: (L. This is the ſame Land which Bi- ſhop Eathored ſued for: in the Council at Celcheth, 411. Dom. 789, or rather ſooner. The fame King, by the Style of King of tlie South- Arigles, gave to this Biſhop Wilfrithe, for the Good of his Soul, eight Caffats. of Land, at Bæcces opan (d), now called Battesford, bounded by Bour- ton-Hill to the South, by the Foje, or King's High-Way to the Eaſt, and by Rivulets to the North. This muſt be before the Year 735, in which Year Wallbod, Billiop of Hereford died (e), who was a Witneſs to this Deed. He gave alſo to Biſhop Wilfrid three Callats of Land at wuducea[et, for the Uſe of the Church of St. Peter, in wacogcrne City (f), and under the Title of King, not only of the Mercians, but of all the Provinces, commonly called South. Angles: He gave to. Earl Æthelric, the Son of Oher, formerly King of the Wiccians, twenty Callats of Land, at piduruun (g), or Wutton in Warrickſhire, near the River, anciently called aelwin, in jus Mo- nafiicæ rationis, during the faid Earls Life, and to leave them to whom he pleaſed after his Death. To this Deed alſo Biſhop Wulfrith con.. fented and ſubſcribed. In 736 there was held a general Synod, un- der Nothelm, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, the Year he received his (a) Hem. Chart. p. 68. (6) Ibid. p. 69. fej Ibid. p. 15. (dj Ibid. p. 34, 376 (c) Faili Savil. Hem. Chart. 2:92, 113.375:... 13.) Ibid. p. 218 Pall BISHOPS of WORCESTE R. 13 a Pall from Rome (a) where was heard the Cauſe of Abbeſs Hrotware, the Grand-daughter of Dunnan, and the Daughter of Bucgan, to whom King Æthelred, with his Viceroy Ojher, had given twenty Caſſats of Land at pidianoun, now withington, near the River Tillath, there to build a Monaſtery, in which ſhe alone preſided, and upon lier Death- bed bequeathed it to her Daughter's Daughter; but ſhe being not of Age, ſhe left the Management of it, with the Deeds of the Land, to her Mother, during her Minority; who, when requeſted afterwards to deliver up the fame, ſhe refuſed, and ſaid they were loſt or ſtol'n. Upon which the Synod decreed the Abbeſs Hrotware to be in full and lawful Poſſeſſion of the fame, and anathematized thoſe that had any hand in ſurreptitiouſly taking away the Writings : As alſo, that after the Death of Hrotware, the Land ſhould return to the Epiſcopal See of wegrinceltrt, according as it had been at firſt ſettled. To this ſubſcribed ſeveral other Billops, beſides Biſhop Wilfrid; among the reſt Wor, Biſhop of Litchfield, who died this Year 736, and Cuthbert, Biſhop of Hereford, who came to that See the ſame Year the other died, ſo that we may truly place it under this Year (1). And in the Year 742 there was another Synod held at Cloveſho, where preſided Ethellald, King of the Mercians, with Cuthtert, Arch- biſhop of Cantert ury, and the reſt of his Suffragan Biſhops (c). It was called, it ſeems, upon the Diſſoluteneſs both of King and People, as appears from the Letters of Boniface, Archbiſhop of Ment2, to the King and the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, commending the former for his charitable good Works both to Church and Poor, but blaming him for leading a looſe debauched Lite, contemning Marriage, and corrup- ting others, even clciitered Virgins; as alſo for ſometimes breaking in upon the Privileges of Churches and Monaſteries, and ſpoiling them of their Goods. And in his Letter to the other he fets forth the Cor- ruption of the Age, the ſcandalous Vices both of Clergy and Laity, (a) Flor. Wig. ſub anno 742. (6) Hem. Chart. p. 464, 465. (C) Spelm. Concil. p. 230, &c. D their 14 An Account of the their Sacrilege, their Pride, their Drunkenneſs, and therefore deſired that a Synod might be called to correct theſe Vices; and that therein they would take care to prohibit the frequent Pilgrimages of their Women and veiled Nuns to Rome, for that moſt of them were corrupted by the Way; there being few Cities either in France or Lomt ardy, where there was not an Engliſta Whore (a). To the Acts of this Synod King Ethelbald ſubſcribed with his own Hand, and confirmed to the Church all its Rights and Privileges. The next Year 743, he gave to Oſred of the Royal Family of the Wiccians, twenty Caſſats of Land at Eartune and Natangnafum, aton and Rutgrove, in pofeſſionem juris Ecclefiaftici, that lie might the better attend the Service of the Church (bd. To this Died Biſhop Wilfrith ſubſcribed, but lived not long after; for, according to Florence of Worceſter, he died this Year. The Annals of Mailrofs, and the Con- tinuator of Bede's Epitome ſay, he died in 745; the Annals of Wore ceſter in 742, Ralph Higden 741 (C), which cannot be true, for he was alive at the making of this Deed by Ethelbald. Whenever he died he was ſucceeded by MILDRED or Hildren, or MILRED. He was a Man of great Learning, a profound Divine, and an eminent Preacher; to which was added a Chaſtity of Morals, an honeſty of Mind, and a prudent Behaviour, as theſe Verſes. deſcribe him: Quintus Milredus caftus prudens & honeſtus, For he was the Fifth Biſhop of Warceſter (d). And in another Book was written, Hunc proprie librum Miłredus poffidet ipſe Antiſtes fan&tus, magno qui dignus honore, Eſt etenim dapibus Scripturæ plenus & actu. (a) Hæc fcelera & impium Dei contemptum non multo poſt Cuthberti obitum irruptio Danorum in Anglis punivit & vindicavit. Antiq. Britanicæ, fol. 59. (b) Hem. Chart. p. 56. (c) Wilfridus Wictiorum Epiſcopus obiit 741. Succeffit Milredus: Pol. Ran. Higden, p. 249: (d) Joh. Leland in Com. de Script. Britan. P. 113- ... BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 15 In 747 he was at the great Synod of Coverhoe, and ſubſcribed to the Canons of it, in which, among other Things it was declared, That Divine Juſtice could not be ſatisfied by the Merits or good Works of others. The occaſion of this was a certain rich Man's aſſerting, that he had made fuch full Expiation for his Sins, by the Faſtings and Prayers of others, and their recital of Pſalms for him, that if he ſhould live 300 Years he needed not to faſt, or repeat Pfalms himſelf. If Divine Juftice, ſays the Council, can be thus appeas'd by others, why is it ſaid in the Goſpel, that it is eaſier for a Camel to go thro» a Needle's Eye, than for a rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, when they can ſo readily purchaſe the good Works of others. Let no Man deceive himſelf, God deceiveth no Man, u ho ſays by his Apoſtle, We Mall all ſtand before the Judgment Seat of Chriſt, &c. Our Saxon Anceſtors dream'd of no ſuch Thing as the Penance of one being communicated to another, or of a Treaſury of Merits in the Church, or of praying Souls out of Purgatory (a). In his Time King Ethelt ald freed all the Churches and Monaſteries of his King:lom from paying any Taxes, except to the building of Forts and Bridges (6). Not long after his Acceſſion to this See, thefaid King Ethelbaldgave to this honourable Biſhop Wilrede and his holy Family, ſerving in the Minſter of the holy Apoſtle St. Peter, in the Province of the Wiccians, at a Place called Weogerngieltre, two Shops at London, for the Health of his Soul, and the Forgiveneſs of his Sins (c). After this Eanbert, Viceroy of the Wiccians, and his two Brethren Uhtred and Aldred, of the fame Denomination and Power, gave to the Venerable Prelate MLRED, and to the See and Church of St. Peter in wrgernceller, where their Parents lay buried, thirty Caſſats at Tredington, upon 1 (a). Can. 27. de fanctæ Pfalmodiæ utilitate. Spelm. Con. Tom. I. p. 253. Alford in his An- nals leaves out this and the preceding Canon, giving us only their Titles, tho' he fays he follows Spelman's Copy, which is no liale Reflexion on his Sincerity, and Mews a great Partiality for his (b) Spelm. p. 256, 257. fub anno 749. (c) Hem. Chart. P: 45. T- guald, Witneſs to this Deed, was then Bishop of London, who died 744, ſays Godwin; 745 fay Fasti Savil own Church 16 An Account of the luis Leave Uhtred, the Brother of Aldred, gave to Ethelmund, the River Stout, that whether alive or dead they might be Partakers of their Prayers (a). The aforeſaid Brethren, for the Redemption of their Souls, in the Year 759, with Leave of Offa, gave to Ab- bot Headda ten Callats, at Annanfo2d; which Abbot left the Re- verſion of the ſame, together with googodcſwellan and Tyreldtunt, to the Epiſcopal See of wie ogernceller, for the Health of his Soul, and of his Kinſman, Biſhop Hathered (l). Alſo King Oja gave to this honourable Prelate ten Manſes at pyrigtun, in Drina- fozda Scire (c), and forty Calfats of Land at Readan hozan (u), Anno Dom. 759, about the ſame Time he gave to the Church (e) mi, kan, on the Weſt Side Severn or Saferne : He joined with Aidred, luis Viceroy, in giving (f) Timbingetun to the Monaſtery at Clife, which afterwards came to the See of Worceſter. And with the Son of Ingeld, Eaſi un juxta Salwarpe, which alſo came to the ſame See ($). And Aldred, with Leave of the King and his Brother Uhtred, gave to Earl Beornbeard three Caſſats, at Huntena- tune, now Hudington; the fame which Egfrith, Of'a's Son, 797, gave to Prince Ethelmund, and were afterwards Part of the Lands be- longing to the Biſhop of WVorceſter, as part of his Manor of North- wick (b). With the Conſent of the ſame King, Abbot Ceolfrith gave to the Church of St. Peter, and the Epiſcopal See in wü:grin- nanceatre, over which preſided the Veneralle Biſhop MILREN, twen- ty Manſes at Heanleri; and fourteen Caſſats of ‘Land aet Sture, in the Province of the Uſmers, that came to him by Inheritance, from his Father Cynebert (2). After this it was that the Monaſtery of St. Mary was erected ; for the next Gift we meet with is that of Ustred, Viceroy of the Wiccians, whoſe Deed bears Date 770, In- diction 8, wherein he gave Stole, on the Eaſt Side the River Salwarp, to the Brethren ſerving God in the Monaſtery at Wigorne, built (a) Hem. Chart. p. 36. (b) Ibid. p. 52, 54. (c) Ibid. p. 59, 388. (d) Ibid. p. 443. 1e) Ibid. p. 73 (1) Ibid. p. 460, 461. tgl Hick Thel. p. 170. Chart. p. 106, 305, 427. () Hem. Chart. p. 474 (6) Hem. in BISHO PŚ of WORCESTER. 17 A $ in Honour of the moſt Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus CHRIST (a). And about the fame Time he gave to the ſaid Church of the Ever-bleſſed Virgin Mary, where the Bodies of his Parents lay buried, Sceppaeirceune, for the better keeping a good Table, and that the Poor there inhabiting might partake thereof (b). When this good Biſhop died is not certain ; the Saxon Chronicle ſays it was in the Year 772. But this muſt be falſe; for in 774, In- diction 12, there is extant a Deed of his, reciting that he the humble Biſhop of the Wiccians, with the Servants of God under his Care, did willingly give to Abbeſs Æthelburgh, the Daughter of Ælfred, for her Life, the Land belonging to the Monaſtery called Pudiandun, now Withington, on the Weſt Side of the River Cilath, contain- ing twenty one Manſes, which Land was given him by Abbefs Hroth- -beare, the Grandaughter of Dunnan, to whom it was firſt given by Oſher, Viceroy of the Wiccians, with the Conſent of his Lord King Ethelred. And it was covenanted, that after her Death it ſhould re- turn to the Church of St. Peter in meogernce@re, where is the Pon- tifical See of the Wiccians (C). We muſt therefore place his Death after this; Florence and the Worceſter Annals are rather to be credited, who ſay, he died in 775. To him ſucceeded : WEREMUND, of whom little is left us, but that he was Witneſs to two Deeds of King Offa's; in the firſt of which he gave five Manſes at Ductune and Ærig, near Winterburne in Glouceſterſhire, to the Monaſtery of St. Mary's, in Weogernareatre (d), the Year not ſaid; and in the other he gave eight Manſes, viz. the Village called EW- tangelade, on the Eaſt Side the River Bladen, to the Monaſtery of Breedon, after the Death of his faithful Servant Riddun and his Wife Bucgan, and their Daughter Heburge. This Deed is ſaid to be ſigned in the Year of our Lord 772, Indi&tion 13, which muſt be falſe, for the Indiction that Year was 10; it muſt be then 775 to agree with (6) Ibid. p. 324. (a) Hem. Chart. fol. 322. Sceppaeiy.ctune, now Shipſton. fol. 465, 466. (d) Ibid. p. 90 & 377. E (c) Ibid. Indiction the perspektywy piening 18 An Account of the * Indi&tion 13, and in this Year:Weremund ſucceeded Biſhop Mildred: He ſate not long in this See, for he died in the Year 778. And TILHERE, THILHERE (a); or (0) GULHERE, Abbot of Beducta, or Berkley, was, niade Biſhop in his room, roon after; for on the fifteenth of June, the fame Year he ſubſcribed to a Deed of Al.. dred's, wherein he gave Secgesbearwe, on the Weſt Side the Brook Eſegburne, containing three Manſes, to the Church of St. Mary in Wegerne City, which tliree: Manſes. Offa had before: given to Al- dred, Duke of his own People the Wiccians,, for his Life, and after- wards to whomſoover he would give it, jure ccclehaſtica poſſidendum (c).. And about the ſame Time Ofa and' Aldred. gave to the faid Church ten Manſes, at a Village called Gete (d). In the Year 780, this Bi- ſhop made a great Feaſt for-King Offa and his Lords, at Fledanburgh, now Fladbury, where the King gave to the Epiſcopal See of Wigoza cettre tlie Royal Village of Croppethojn, with all its Members, a- mounting in the whole to fifty. Manſes, viz.. atCroppethojn 7, at Peotheretune 1, at & mlege 2, at Triddelho. I, at Geozletune 14). at Heaptune 15, at Benin wertht 10. Moreover he gave to the Church a very choice. Bible, with two Claſps of pure Gold.. And the fame Year tlię Biſhop waited on the King at Bregantfoto and begged Leave that he miglıt give of the aforeſaid fifty Manſesa five and twenty to his Parents, which was granted him.. (e) Allo this Year did Offa, King of the Mercians, give unto the Church of St.- Peter at Brcodune, founded by his Grandfather Eanulf (f), twenty Manſes; at Werthelle and Coftune : And on the fame Day, before- mentioned; and at the ſame place at Brogantfoyd, he further gave . to the ſame Monaſtery thirty five Manſes, all in the Province of the Wiccians,, five of them lying at Teottingtun, near the River Terenti ten more at Waffanburnan, having on the Eaſt Geolwafond, and on 1 (a) Annales Wig. (6) Textus Roffcnfis. (9) Hem. Chart. p. 401, 402, 403: (d) Ibid. p. 114 (6) Ibid. p. 95: (1) Alford tells us in his Annals, p: 584: that Banulf founded this. Monaftery, and built the Church in the Year 748, but quotes no Authority for it, the 5 er geen Bishop's of WORCESTER. 19 the Weſt a Fountain, called Gitingbiroc : Ten more lay at Codef- wellan on the Hills, and the other ten at pathtun, near the River Tyri (a). To both thefe Deeds Tilbere conſented, and ſubſcribed his Name as a Witneſs to them: He alfo confented and fubfcribed to another Deed of Aifred's, without Date; wherein, with his. Leave, lie gave to his near Relation Ethelburge, för her Life, the Monaſtery at lædenbyrig, and after to return to the Church. And this Land he had from Aelfrid, Etheleard, and Biſhop Egcuuin (b). We find no more of him, but that he died in the Beginning of the next Year 781. And in his room quickly fucceeded. EATHORED, HEATHORED, (c) HATHORED, or (d) ETHELRED.. For in this fame Year 781, Indiction 4. (e), at a Synod at øregantford, where were preſent. King Ofa, Arclibiſhop lambert, and ſeveral other Biſhops, Abbots and Princes, the King claimed from the Biſhop of the Wiccians 90 Manſes, at Beatyum, 30 at Stretfogó, 38 at Stuttg. 14 at Stute in ufmerum, 12 at Breodune, and 17 in Homture, as the Lands of his near Kinſman King Ethelbald, to which fie faid they hadi no hereditary Right. To compound this Matter, Heathored, with the Advice and Conſent of his Family, in Wegerne City, gave to the King tlie famous Monaſtery at Bath, to hold to himſelf and his Heirs, and to give to whom he pleaſed :: To which they added 30 Caſſats of Land, lying on the South Side of the River afen there, which tliey bought of Cynewulf, King of the Weſt Saxons. In Conſideration of which; for Unanimity and Peace be- tween them, the King confirmed' unto them all the other Lands at Stretford, Stute, Breedone, Homptone, and Sture in Uſmerum, aforementioned. This Year the King kept his Chriſtmas at Tamopon- thie, Tamworth, and there gave to the Church of St. Peter, in we: gozne City, 17: Manfes, rz in Homtune, and 5 in fehyaleage (f), and 25 (a) Hem. Chart. p. 453. (b) Ibid. p. 591. Ap. ad Bed. P: 765. (c) Ibid. p. 221. (2) GulMalmcsb. (c) Hem. Clart. p: 224, 225, 226. Ibid. p. 219, 385, 554- They lie in Warwickſoire. por I...,'. 20 An Account of the to the Church of St. Mary, inſtead of:8 Caſars at Sapian, the Village called Jccancumb, or Icarumb (a), both which Deeds bear Date on St. Stephen's Day, and to both ſubſcribed Billop Heathored. We meet with nothing more about him till the famous Synod of Calchuty or Chal- chuth, or Celchithr, which Spelman ſays was in the Year 787, but in. Hemming's Chartulary it is placed in the Year 789 (6). Whenever it was, he had there a Controverſy with one Wulfheard, the Son of Cuffan, concerning the Inheritance of Hemeleſs and Duda, at Intan- beorg and Bradanlæg, Inkl arcw and Bradley, which they gave after their Deceaſe to the Church at wrogozncetter, and which WVulf heard endeavoured to defraud them of. The Biſhop proved his Right to them, but for Peace fake he agreed that Wulfheard ſhould have them for his Life, and that at his Death they ſhould be reſto- red to tlac Church, where the Bodies of Henieleſs and Duda were depoſited. There has been a Diſpute amongſt our Antiquaries, where this Calchuth or Chalchuth, or Celchithe, was. The Author of the Antiquities of the Britiſh Churches, places it in Northumberland (c), Hollingſhead, more rightly, in the Kingdom of agercia, but where, he has not told us. Serenus Crely, in his Church Hiſtory taken from Alford, thinks it was Chelſea (d), which he tells us Cambden found in an antient Deed written Chelchehith, but that was out of the Kingdom of mercia. If I may be allowed to give my private Opi- nion, I take it rather to be Henley upon the Thames, which was the Calleva Attrebatum ; and in ſome Copies of Ptolemy truly wrote KALKOUA (e). The Word Calcuth or Chalchith, ſignifies a Station for Boats at a Chalky Place, and to this the Situation of Henley an- ſwers, it lying upon the River Thames, at the End of the Chalk ar Chiltern Hills. It was a noted Town in the Romau and saxon Times, not far diſtant from Abingdon, formerly called Covelho, where, as. (a) Hem. Chart. p. 412, 445. (6) Ibid. p. 16. Perhaps both might be true, the firſt and famous Synod in the Year 787, and the ſccond in the Year 289, when the Biſhop ſued for his Lands. (c) Ibid. p. 62. Ed Han. (d) Alf. An. Tom. II. fol. 647. a. Icom p. Gale, p. 106. (2) Anton. well BISHOPS of WORCESTER . 21 well as here, were frequently held Councils and Synods under the Mercian Kings. And at a Synod at Cloveſhoas, held in the Year 794. 37 of Offa, did our Biſhop Heatbored recover from Earl Bynna, five Manſes at auưan, which had been given by King Ethelred to Ofts- for, and confirmed by King Ethelbald, and was then unjuſtly with- held from them (a). In his Time alſo did Of a give to this Church at Scottanit Shotery, to which he added 3 more at Hellereloge (). He alſo gave to the Monks of S.t Mary one Manſe at Bradewelle (c). About this Time did Duke Wilfrith, with his Lady Alta, give (d) Lin-drug with its Appurtenances, to the Church of the moſt bleſſed Prince of the Apoſtles St. Peter, in Wigozne City, where the Bo- dies of their Parents lay, viz. 15 Caſſats in Onitatun and cowana ham, and Eardulfeđun, with their Vills. For a Memorial of them, and of this their Gift, there was erected over their Graves, as ſoon as buried, a Croſs of White Stone of curious Workmanſhip, after the Manner of the Antients: Near unto which, in after Times, Biſhop Oſwald uſed to preach unto the Multitude that flocked to hear him. The Church of St. Peter's belonging to the Epiſcopal See being too little to hold them, and the Monaſtery of St. Mary begun to be re- built by him, being not then finiſhed. Which famous Croſs laſted till the Time of King Edward, when Alric, Brother of Berteach, enlar- ging the Presbytery of the Church of St. Peter, took it down, and mixed the Stone with his other Work. At the Diſtance of one Mile Northward from this famous Croſs, without the City of Worceſter there was another erected of white Stone, after the ſame Manner, at a Place called, from thence to this Day, whiteltan, or whitelfone ; and this laſted till King William's Time, when it was pulled down, and the Stone made uſe of for building a Lavatory for the Monks (e) Between 791 and 795 did Offa, in a Council held at Cloffelhoas, give for the Health of his Soul, to his faithful Miniſter Æthelmund, 55 (a) Hem. Chart. p. 113. (6) Ibid. p. 227. Scottapis or Scottapit, Shotery, near Strat. ford upon Avon. (c) Ibid. (d) Ibid. p. 342, 343. F Caſſats fe) Ibid. 2:2 An tíccount of the Callats at Wetvurg, near the River Aven: To which Deed bötlı the Archbiſhops, Higlert of Litchfield firſt, and then Æthelheard of Canterbury with Eathored ſubſcribed (a). Now Ethelheard came to the Sce of Canterbury in the Year 791, and 795 was thc laſt Year of King Ofa. Soon after this may be placed the Deed we meet with, Heni. Chart. p. 101, wliere Ofa gave all the Land at Welby- rig, riz. 60 Manſes, and at veanbyrig 20 more, to Wirogerna: reifre after his Death, and the Death of his Son Escfrith, for the Health of his, and his Parents Souls, as long as the Chriſtian Faith Should remain in Britain (b). For to this Deed ſubſcribed Æthela heard and Heathored, but not Hyglert, whofe Death Alford in his Annals places in the Year 795. The next Year, on the 4th of the Kal. Auguſt, died the famous King Offa, and in a few Months follow- ing his Son Ecgfrith, who reigned but 141 Days. Before his Death he gave to his faithful Prince Eshelmund three Caſſats, at Huntenatun, to hold after the fame Manner as Aldred and Uhtred had granted thiem formerly to Beorharde (C). This Deed was made in the famous Monaſtery at Bath, to which ſubſcribed Æthelard, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Ealdulf, then elected Biſhop of Litchfield, and our Biſhop Eathored, who, according to Florence and the Worceſter Annals, di- ed the next Year 798. And in his room ſucceeded DENEBERT (d), KENEBERT (e), TENEBERI (f), DENEBYRT (8), DÆNEBREHT (b), DENEBRIGHT (i), DÆNEBREHT. He was preſent at the Synod of Cloveſho in the Year 803, Indiëtion 11; 7 of Cene wulf, King of the Mercians ; 4 of the Ides of October, feria quin- ta (k), where Litchfield was declared to be no longer an Arch- biſhoprick, and Canterbury reſtored to its antient Right. Here alſo he had a Conteſt with Wulfheard, Biſhop of Hereford, concerning the Monaſteries of Celtangom and beccanford, now Cheltenhanz and (a) Hem. Chart. p. 109. (6) Alf. An. Tom. II. p. 677. (c) Ibid. p. 108. (d) Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. p. 302. (e) Hem. Chart. p. 19. (f) Ibid. p. 474: (8) Spelm. Conc. Tom I. p. 325. Dænebreht Wegorarenſis Civitatis Epiſcopus, (b) Hém. Chart. p. 20. (1) Spelm. Conc. p. 325. (k) Spelm. Conc. p. 324, 325, 3.26, 327. Beckford. 1 BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 23 Beckford, in this Dioceſe (a), which did of old belong to the Church of Hereford: He ſued for his Procurations, paſiune fum, at theſe two Places, which Wulf heard refuſed to pay hin, alledging, that for above thirty Years laſt paſt none of liis Predeceſſors ‘lad received them; but lie proved that Biſhop Wermund had received them at Beccanfort, and Biſhop Hathored at Celtanhommi, and that Wulfheard him- ſelf had given him Money for the ſame; upon which the Archbiſhop decreed, that for the future he ſhould liave lialf Procurations one Year at Beccanfoid, and the next, another half at Celtanhomme, to which he agreed for liis Life, but would not bind his Succeſſors (V). In this Synod did the fame Biſhop Wulfheard promiſe to Tenel at and his Family, in Weogozne City, and confirmed it with the Sign of the Crofs, that he would in no wiſe break the Compact that he had made with his Predeceſſor Heathored, concerning the Lands at Tutanbron gan and at Bradanleage, Inkberrow and Bradley (c). There was another Synod held here at Tlovelho the Year following (d), where Æthelric, the Son of Æthelmund, produced his Deeds, and proved his Title to lis Lands at weinenter (e). And it was adjudged by King. Coenwulf, and Archbiſhop #thelard and his Nobles, and all the Synod, that it was free for him to give them to wliom he pleaſed. Theſe he commended to the Care of ſome of his Friends, whilſt he went to Rome for the Health of his Soul to viſit the Sepulchres of St. Peter and St. Paul, and upon his Return to his own Country he diſpoſed of them as follows: To Deorheett, for his Father Æthelmund and lim- ſelf if he should happen to be buried there, Todanhom and at Sture, Scræfleh and Cohhanleah, on Condition that they performed wliat they liad promis'd to him. To Werferthe he gave 11 Manſes, at Brr- meſgrefan and Tectantom, for his Life, and after that to Wle goz- naceltre. Thirty Manſes under Dfre lie gave to 6'eawerelre, and to his Mother Ciolburge, if fhe ſhould be living at his Death, 43 (a) Hem. Chart. p. 50, 51. in Parochia. Deneverbi r(b) Ibid. p. 5o. (c) Ibid. p. 19. (d) Ibid. p. 44.6 & 471. (e) Weftmynter or Weſtminſter, which was another Name för llebrý. For in Hem. Chart. p. 471. the Title is Wifitiria & $roc. Mantes 24 An Account of the Manſes at Wełmynter and at Stoce, to enjoy them for her Life, and after that to go to the Church of Wieogozne ; and to this Deed, among others, Denebyrt ſubſcribed. He was alſo preſent at the Coun- cil of Celcheth, 6 Kal. Aug. 816 (a), where Cenwulf preſided, with Archbilliop Wulfred; and among other Things it was there ordained, that no Biſhop, Abbots or Abbeſſes ſhould grant away any of their Lands, without Conſent of their Families, and but for one Life; and that for the future, the Year of our Lord ſhould be put to their Deeds, as well as their Names ſubſcribed. I ſuppoſe it was ſome little Time before this Council (there being no Date to the Deed) that with the Content of his Venerable Family in Wegerna City, he gave to Bal- thun, a Presbyter of their own Church, a modeſt and good Man, and a faithful and dear Friend unto it, 6 Manſes, at Beardmodellea, and eight at Collesbúrnan in Glouceſterſhire, the former for his Life, and the Life of whomſoever he ſhould leave them to, and the latter for his Life and two Lives more, and then to return to the ſaid Church (b). With their Conſent he alſo gave to Eanſwithe two Çaſſats, at Herefoztune, for her Life (c), and for this ſhe was to mend and waſh, and augment the Linnen belonging to the Church, To him, his faithful and venerable Biſhop, and to his Family at Wes- gerne City, did King Coenwolf give the Diet of twelve Men, which did of Right belong to that City, and for this they gave him thir- teen Manſes, viz. the Monaſtery called Bitumæuni, conſiſting of three Manſes, and ten more on the Weſt Side Severn: And thus an End was put to ſome Differences that had been between them (d). This, was done at Tomowozthig; in the Year 814, Indiction 7, on the 7th of the Kalends of January, and in the eighteenth Year of his Reign. And by another Deed bearing the fame Date, he gave them one Caſſat of Land, at yunhamlede (e). And in the ſame Year he exchanged with them eight Manſes at Sture, for twelve of theirs, {a) Spelm. Conc. p. 327. Alf. An. Tom. III. p. 22. () Ibid. p. 330. () Ibid. p. 23• (c) Ibid. p. 415. 13) Hem. Chart. p. 88• by BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 25 by Gythinge (a). In the Year 876 he gave them, on the Eaſt Side Severn, whittingtun, Spechlæatun and Teolowaldingcotr, nya meltun, Bæfnethill, n'appawurthin, and Ddingalta. And on the Weſt Side of that River 30 Manfes more, at Halnegan, Nofeleage, Subbingwic and Lawern. And at another Place, called Teadreſ: leaghe, 25 Manſes more, in Exchange for 14 Manſes at Sture (b). In the Year 817 he gave them three Manſes at Slufond, on the Welt Side the River Sture; as, alſo Salowarpe and Hamtun, Beorne and Brodon (©). And by another Deed he gave them after his Death, terran triginta tributariorun, at Fledanbury (d). Florence of Wor. ceſter calls this King a Saint, and ſays, that after many good Deeds, done, he died in 814, leaving his Son Kenelm feven Years old, who, was murthered by the Treachery of his eldeſt siſter Quendrida, in hopes to ſucceed him, but ſhe iniſs’d of her Aim; for Ceolulph, Co- enzolf's Brother ſtepped in, and after a Year's Reign was depoſed by Bernulf in the Year 821. And in the Year following, viz. 822. this Denebert, Biſhop of the Wiccians died, and was ſucceeded the fame Year by HEABYRHTE (e), HEABERHT (f), HEATHBERT (8), EABERHT (h), EADBERT (i), HEREBERT or HER FERD (k), or HUBERT (1), who was conſécrated by Wilfrid, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, to whom lie ſwore Canonical Obedience. 1. In the Year 824, at the great Synod of Cloveſho, he had a Controverſy with the Family at Bercea, con- cerning the Inheritance of Ethelric, before mentioned, the Son of Ethelmund, that is, the Monaſtery called Weſtburgh, which he left unto him, and which he was in Poſſeſſion of, and of the Writings belonging thereto. It was decreed by the Archbiſhop, all the Sy- nod conſenting to it, that the. Biſhop ſhould aſſert his Title, and (a) Hem. Chart. P. 374. C10; Ibid. p. 1. 337, 381, (c) Ibid. p. 449. (2) Ibid. p. 25. (e) Ibid. p. 480. 1) Ibid. p. 468. (8) Ibid. p. 516, 570. (b) Ibid. p. 345 (i) Alf. An. Tub anno 822 (k) Spelm. Con. Tom. I. P. 339. (7) Godwin. G prove 26 An Account of the 1.2 : 1 prove lis Pollellion of it to be juſt, by the Oåths of many Presby- ters, Deacons, and Monks. This Oatli- was taken tlišty Nigles after at the Biſhop's See at ariogocrnacca@rë, by: fifty Maſs Prieſts, ten Deacons, and one Hundred and lixty other Clergymeri (à). And by tlie taine Way of 'Trial, at the ſame Place and Time, tliirty Niglits after the Decree of the Synod, did lie alſo prove lis Right to the Herbage and running of an 100 Swine in the Wood of Suthtun (L). We meet witli no further Mention of him, till the Great Council of Ebba 2011, on 26 May 833, where IViglaff , then King of the Mercians, gave divers Gifts and Privileges to the Abbot and Monks of Czoplant, who kindly received him, and concealed hin from liis Enemies, when drove out of his Kingdom by Egiert, King of the Weſt-Saxons, and to this Deed he fubfcribed his Name Herferdus (C). To this King Wiţiafi' ſucceeded Beoreuilf, in' 831, who took'away from the Epif- copal See and Church of Tale ogozne, Stöltun, waľanbutna, Ty htburginjetun, Taterington, todelwell, and gave them to his own Men. Upon v hichi Héabérht withi liis Presbyters went to Tomrworthit at Eaſier, in the Year 840, Indiction 3, and there, be- fore the King and his Nobles, proved their undoubted Right ánd Title to thoſe Lands, and liad them reſtored ; upon which they preſented thie King with four choice Horſes, a Ring worth thirty-Markss: a wrought Difh of three Pounds Value, and two white Horns worth four Pounds mcre; and to his Queen Sethrith they gave two good Horſes: two Cups worth two Pounds, and one gilt Cup worth two Pounds more (d). This was not the only Favour that this King ſhewed them, though it feems he was no great Friend to the Church' (ie'); for in the Year following: he gave to this venerable Biſhop Heabert ten' :Manfes, at ܕ ܂ ܃ ܂ (a) Spelm. Conc.-p: 334. Hem. Chart. p. 467. where the Oath is faid to have beën made at Wejimona terium, i.e. Iiftburgh, belonging to the Biſhop; but I rather think it was made at Bij- cop.jrole, in prgoepna Ceartje. Hicks's Diff. Epilt . p. 80, 81. (b) Append. ad Hilt. Bedr, p. 768. (c) Spelm. Couc. Toin. I. p. 336, 339. (d) Hem. Chart, p. 26, 27. le) Vid. Ingulphi Hift. p: 488. 5. 1. 26. Edit. Sav. Huiccewuda, -- NET , BISHOP's of WORCESTER. 27 huicewuda, for tlie Health of his Soul, and in Conſideration of a Ring of Gold worth 31 Marks, which he then received as a Preſent from him: This was done at a Place called Troppanthoz (a). This Deed lie again ratified on Chriſtmaſ's Day following, at Tomairworthic; and tlie fame Day gave to the Monks of St. Mary one Manſe at anyttun for ever' (B), and freed' the Monaſtery of Brcodune from all thoſe Inconvenienciés, which in the Saxon Tongue were called Ferringmen; for which Abbot 'Eanmiind gave him and all the Mera cians a large Silver Dilli , well wrought, of great Value, and 190 Marks of pure Gold, and ſung twelve hundred Pfalters, and 120 Maſſes for the King and all the Mercians;; that the Grant might re- main for ever (©)Some Time after this he gave to Biſhop Eaberht and his Family, at Wegerne City five Manſes, at Crohlea, whiclı the Biſhop afterwards gave to the Monks (d). In the Year : 845, Indiction 8, on the Nativity of our Lord, he gave them the Mo. naſtery, by Eafene,. called Ufera Stretfogo, containing, ewenty Man- fes, free from all. Manner of Tribute whatſoever; and the Biſhop then gave Pounds of Silver (e). Byrtulf alſo gave Biſhop Hea- byrt 15 Hides, at Speolerbýri3, Spilesbury in Oxfordſhire, but the Year not mentioned, (f) The Worceſter Annals, and the Obity- ary (5:), fay he died ſoon after, in the Year 846. Math. IVeſimin- fier places it in the Year 847, but Florence of Worceſter in 84,8, and in that Year Alford in his, Annals has placed it'; whenever it was, they all agree tliat-to him ſucceeded ALHUNÉ (H), ALCHUN (1), or ALHWINE (k), HALUEUN (1), who in tô King Bertudf, fór 'their Defence, five Manles at wlearfetfelda, five Caffats at Coffünt, five Manſes-at wirror änljale, two more at wie* ozfet hil and Hopwuda; with three in Witlafesfeld, for five Lives, him ten 1 ******** W*** (a) Hem. Chart. p. 70, 387. (5) Ibid. p. 400. (0) Ibid. p. 458. (d) lbd The 345, 572. (e) Ibid. p. 221, 480. v Ibid. p. 480. (8) Ibid. p. 572 Ibil. p. 510. Ibid. p. 572 (i) Ibid. p. 516. (*) Ibid. p. 480. Ibid F 573 and 28 Line IN An Account of the ; ' and then to return to the Church; for it was upon this Condition that the King ſhould become a firmer Friend to them than he had been beföre; and that neither he, nor any of his, Pofterity, ſhould at any Time hereafter moleſt them in their Poſſeſſions, or in the leaſt di- miniſh any of the Lands or Goods that did then belong, or ſliould in future Times be given to them (a). Theſe Lands the King gave to liis Servant Ecberht for the ſaid five Lives, and received of him ſixty Pounds in pure Gold and Silver for the ſame (?). In the thirteenth Year of liis Reign 851, le gave for the Food of the Monks of St. Mary, three Caſſats at Grímanlea, for ever (c). His Succeſſor Bur. hed or Burgred, was alſo a Benefactor to this Church; for in the Year 855, Indiction 3, for the Redemption of his Soul, and the Forgive- neſs of his Sins, he gave to liis faithful and very dear friend Biſliop Albwine, the Monaſtery called Bloccanlægh, with many and great Privileges, for which the Biſhop gave him 300 Shillings in Silver (d). The ſame Year at Dſwaldeſdun, when the Pagans were in Wreocen Set um, with the Conſent of all his Nobles, le gave to his famous Biſhop and faithful Friend Alhune, and to his Family in Weogerie City, ten Manſes, by Cunelgan, now Colne ; eight at fádbalding- tun and Pu/tun, fix at Beorondellea, now Barnefly : All theſe near Bibury in Glouceſterſhire, and five at Edge, and at the ſame time freed Three Manſes at Bronetlege, on the Weſt Side Sæbrine, from Paw- nage, or Running of the King's Hogs, which was then called Fearn- leype; for all which the Biſhop gave him two Bracelets of Gold finely worked, weighing 45 Marks (e). And in this ſame Year did Alhwine and his Family give to Duke Ethelwulph and his Wife Wulf- thrythe, ten Caſſats, in two Places, at Codeſwell and at Sture, for their Lives, on ſpecial Condition that they ſhould be reconciled to the Church of weogerneceller, and take it under their Protection; and that the ſaid Prince ſhould defend the Liberties both of it and of all (a) Hem. Chart. p. 5, 6, (1) Ibid. p. 85, 436, (6) Ibid. p. 8. (c) Ibid. p. 416. (d) Ibid. p. 31. ** the X ľ $ BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 29 the Monaſteries belonging to it, with true Friendſhip and picus De- votion (a). In 857 he gave him a piece of Ground without the Welt Gate of London, called Coolmundinge haga, paying 12 d. a Year for the ſame, where afterwards the Biſhops of Worceſter had a Palace for the Conveniency of attending the King's Courts and Affairs of Par. liament, as other Noblemen and Prelates had; and for this he gave the King 60 Shillings in Silver (b). In 864 he and his Queen Æthell wyth being then at Bath, æt þæm hatum babum, gave to venerable Biſhop Alhun five Caffats, at Eatun, by the River Crarwellan (c), for which the Biſhop preſented them with a Chiatum (a), finely wrought with Gold and Silver, and therein four Hundred Shillings and one Hundred Sicles (e); in clean Money (f). And in 866 le gave to the Monks in Wigozne two Manfes, at Seccellea, othér . wiſe called (8) pulfferðinleh, Pulppeanoizlea, Wolverley, free from any Services, except Pontage, Murage, and Expedition to the Wars. Theſe are all the Gifts that I find given to the See and Monaſtery of St. Mary in this Biſhop's Time, nor do I meet with any Thing more of him; but that in 868, the Year that the Mercians made Peace with the Danes at Nottinghan, he built an Oratory at Keniſey, and dedicated it to the Apoſtle St. Andrew (h). He died in 872 (i), and was ſucceeded by WEREFRID(k), WEREFRITH (7), HERE FRITH (11), WER FRITH (»), WER FERTH (0), HENFERTH (P), HER E FERTH (?), AVERE FRED (r). He was confecrated by Æthelred, Archbiſhop of (8) Ibid. (a) Append. ad Bedam, fol. 769. Hem. Chart. p. 593. (6) Ibid. p. 44. (c) Ceapa wellan, Charwell, ibid. p. 63. (d) Cyathum. Ibid. p. 63. (ei Sicles. See an Enquiry into the State of the antient Meaſures, by Biſhop Hooper, p. 427. Mundo pretio. P. 410. (5) Flor. Wig. ſub anno. Hem. Chart. p. 573. (i) Anno DCCC LXXII. Halheunus XIus. Wygornenlis Epiſcopus, obiit (k) Flor. Wig. (1) Hem. Chart. p. 328. (m) Mat. Weftmn. (n) Hem. Chart: p. 43. (0) Ibid. p. 58. ( W. Malmesb. (9) Indicul. ad calcem. Florenci. (r) Rad. de Diceto. H Canter- 1 -7 x 2 36 An Account of the Canterbury, on the 7th Ides of June, being Whitſunday (a), and was this Year Witneſs to a Deed of ten Manſes at marnanılive, which one Cered liad purchaſed of Burhred King of the Mercians, for a thouſand Sicles, and which after liis Death came to his Wife Wer. thrythe, wlio deſirous to go to Rome, perhaps along with thie King, fold the fame to Cuthulf, one of the King's Miniſters, in the Preſence of all the Nobles of the Province of the Wiccians; and he afterwards, for the Health of his Soul, gave them to the Church of Wigrecef: tre (b). Soon after this King Burhred being expelled by the Danes went to Rome, and there died, and was buried in the Church of St. Mary, belonging to the School of the Saxons. Upon his deſerting his Kingdom, the Danes ravaged it from one End to the other, and in the Year 874 fet up Çeolulfus for King, on Condition that whenever required le ſhould peaceably reſign the ſame unto them (c). This Ceolwulf, at the Requeſt of Biſhop Werfrithe and his Family in Weogernaceffre, in the Year 875, granted that the Parochia or Dio- ceſe of the Hzeiccians ſhould be free from providing Food for the King's Horſes, and thoſe that led them: Upon which the Biſhop gave the King fix Manſes at mægleskozd, and promiſed, that in all the Monaſteries of his Juriſdiction Prayers ſhould be daily made for the Forgiveneſs of his Sins. Then alſo the King agreed with, and gave him ſixty Marks of Gold, that lie miglit enjoy this Land for his Life, and three Lives more, and then to return to Weogerne City (d). In the fame Year he gave to the Monaſtery of St. Mary fix Caſſats, at Ufere breodun, or Wiferebiri, with the Villages of Cantuaretun and pronedoc, and all that belonged thereto (e). How long Ceolwelf reigned is not faid, nor when he died; but in his Time the Danes ſpoiled all his Countrey, and wercia remained no more a Kingdom. At this general Deſolation by thoſe Pagans, Biſhop Werferth fled, Anton menon (a) Anno 87c, defuncto Hwicciorum Epiſcopo Alchuno, fanctæ Wigornienfis Ecclefiæ Nutricius, & vir in divinis Scripturis doctiflimus Weretrithus, feptimo Idus Junii die Pentecottes ab Etheredo Dorobernix Archicpifcopo Antiſtes eſt ordinatus. Rog. Hoveden, 239. 6, Ed. Sav. (6) Hem. Chart. p. 326. (... Flor. Wig. fub anno, Rog. Hov. p. 239. b. (a) Hem. Chart. p. 57. (e) Ib. p. 331. and BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 31 and retired into France, but Ethelred, Duke of the Wiccians, ſtaid behind, and joined himſelf to Aifred, King of the Weft-Saxons, and was by him made Commander in chief of all his Forces : For in his Will, ſaid to be made in 881, he ſtyles him his Princeps Militiæ, and left unto him a Sword and two thouſand Marks (a). He had been Partaker with him in all his Adverſities, and having with him eſcaped all Dangers, he made him Ruler over the Wiccians, and gave him his Daughter Ethelfleda to Wife. This noble Perſon in 883, Indiction 1, with Leave of King Alfred, gave twelve Hides at Stoce to Cynulfe, the Son of Ceoluhte, for three Lives, and they ended, to go for ever to the Sec of Wigogncečer. If the Date of this Deed be true, then Werferth was returned from France, for he was a Witneſs to it (b). He, no doubt, came over at the Requeſt of King Alfred again, to take care of his Church: And it is faid that he brought over along with him a learned Man, named Grimbald (c). In this fame Year Alford places the coming in of Johannes Erigena Scotus, called John Scot (c), another learned Man, who had been a long time in France, in the Service of Charles the Bald: And about this Time it is very probable that this great King, a true Lover of Learn- and learned Men, called to his Court Plegmund, afterwards Arch- biſhop of Canterbury, Æthelſtan and Werwulf, out of Merria, and ater out of Wales, whom he highly valued and preferred (d). In 886. King Alfred drove the Danes out of London (b), and re- paired it, and gave the Rule of it to Duke Ethelred, and his Wife Ethelflede, the noble and worthy Daughter of that noble and worthy King, and both theſe proved great Benefactors to the Church of Wor- cefier. For this Ethelred, Duke, and of the antient Nobility of the Mercians, in the Year 887, Indict. 55 did give to God and St. Peter, for the Health of his Soul, and the Stability of the Mercian Kingdom, ing (a) Alf. ſub anno, Tom. III. p. 150. (6) Hem. Chart. p. 103, 104, 105. (c) Annales Wig: The coming over of Grimbald, Alford places in the Year 885, Tom III. p. 160. id) Ait Annal. fub Anno, Tom. III. p. 154. le) Allord. Annales Ab 2010 884. Afier da gefiis Alfredi, p. 46, 47 Rog. Hoveden, p. 240, b. for 32 An Account of the fix Manſes at bertanwellan, and eight at Wiærlinaune, with all their Appurtenances belonging to the Church of Kzadanozan, and fix Men, w all their Ofspring, belonging formerly to the Royal Village Bron Incgtune, to be the Inheritance of the Epiſcopal See of Wcogernceſtre. for ever (a). In 889, Alfred, King of the Aigles and Saxons, and Ethelred, Viceroy of the Mercians, with the Conſent of the Senators, Biſliops, and Dukes of both Nations, jointly gave Werfrith, the ex- cellent Biſhop of the Wiccians, and to the Church of Wieogerne, a Place or Court in London, near to an old Stone Building, called pwætmundſtane, adjoining to the Wall of the ſaid City, twenty-ſix Perch in Length, thirteen Perch ſeven Feet broad at Top, and eleven Perch fix Feet at Bottom, there to have Weights and Meaſures , and all ſold or bought within that Compaſs to pay Toll to the Biſhop, and not to the King (c). In the ſame Year he purchaſed of his be- loved Family in the Church of Weogerne, for three Lives, five Manſes at Alchinundingtuun, now Aylminton, a Manor in the Pariſh of Henburt, in Salſo mariſco, in Glouceſterſhire, which before be- longed to the Monaſtery at Clift, viz. for his own Life, and the Lives of two of his Heirs, and then to return to the ſaid Church About this time, at a Meeting of agercna men at Saltwir, he recover'd his Right to Soppanbýrig, now Sodbury in Glouceſterſhire, unjuſtly retained from his See by the Heirs of one Eanbalde, to whom it had been given by Biſhop Milred (e), and Eadnode had then a Grant of it; paying to the Biſhop and his Succeſſors yearly fifteen Shillings, at Tet- tanberig. After the Year 890, ſays Wharton, in it ſays Alford our Bi- ſhop, at the Requeſt of King Alfred, tranſlated out of Latin into Engliſh Saxon, the Paſtoral of St. Gregory, which the King publiſhed with a Preface of his own, and ſent to every Biſhop's See in his Kingdom a (d). (a) Hem. Chart. p. 60, 6i. (6) Alford. fub anno. (d) Ibid. p. 118. le) Ibid. p. 119. (c) Hem. Chart. p. 41, 42, 43- Copy ܀ BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 33 Copy of it, with an Æftell or Style, worth fifty Marks, ſtrictly com- manding that it ſhould not be taken away from the Book, nor the Book from the Church (a). In 892, the Biſhop's Family in auro- goznaceatre granted hini three Manſes at Suth: Dethfeld, for his Life, and the Lives of three more after his Death (b). Not long after this, about the Year 894, Æthelred and Æthelflede rebuilt this City, which had been ruined by the Danes, and with Leave of King Alfred and his Nobility, they gave to the Church of St. Peter and Biſhop Werferth, half of all that belonged to the King, whether in the Mar- kèt or in the Street, for their better Support and Maintenance; upon which the Biſhop ordered, that at Morning Song, Evening Song, and Under Song, ſhould be ſaid for them the Pſalm de profundis, as long as they lived, and after their Death laudate Deun, and every Saturdzy in St. Peter's Church thirty Pſalms, with Maſſes (C). In 896, at a great Meeting of the azarena Men at Gleaweceaữre, he recovered liis Riglit to three Callats at Wuduceafre, which King Ethelbald had given to the Church, and had been for ſome time unjuſtly detained from it (d). And in 897 he recovered five Manſes at Upton, after the Death of one Wullaf, Lands that liad been given to his See by King Cenuulf, for the Health of his Soul (e). In 899 this Werefrid, Biſhop of the Hwiccians, gave to Werwulf, Prieſt, for old Acquaintance ſake, and for his faithful Friendſhip and Duty, five Manſes, at &adbalding- tun, near Cunelgnan, now called the Colne, for two Lives (f). About this Time, with Leave of King Ælfrede and of Æthelred, and Ethelfled, and his own venerable Family, he gave to Abbot Cynelm bis Kinſman, ten Manſes, at BenningPynth, now Bengworth, near the River (a) Æftel. Stylus Metallinus, Graphium fine atramento ſeribens hujus formam, exhibuit Joan: Jac. Chifletus in libro Anaſtaſis Childerici Regis Francorum inſcripto paginis 182, 194. Vid. plura Pref . Wanleii ad l. 2. Antiq. Lit. Sept. & p. 290. Et diſſertationem Hearnii de voce Anglo Saxo- nica Æftel ad principium, Vol. 7. Itinerarii Lelandi editam. (b) Hicks's Thel. p. 174. (c) Hick. Thel. p. 624, &c. Sept. Gram. Ang. Sax. p. 78. (d) Hem. Chart. p. 93. (e) Ibid. · P. 29. (f) Ibid. p. 87. I aven, $ 34 An Account of the agen, for his Life and two more; the Perſons holding the Land daily to do ſome charitable At for the Soul of King Burhred and Bi- ſhop Alhun, who formerly gave it to God and the Churchi of St. Mary, in Wrogernaceafre (8). In 901 died his great Friend and Patron King Alfred, fix Nights before All-Saints Day, and was buried' at Wincheſter (b); to whom ſucceeded his Son Edward the Elder, fa- mous for luis freeing mercia from the Power of the Danes, who had deſtroyed and ravaged'it from one End to the other, ruined all the Monaſteries, and forced the Monks to fly. the Kingdom. In 904, In; diction 7, this King, with Duke Ethelred, and his Lady Ethelfled, confirmed to Biſhop Wigfrith five Manſes, at Eatun, by the River Tharwell, the Writings of which had been loft, and ſo he got from them à new Grant (c). The ſame Year the Biſhop with his Eamily gave to Ethelred and Ethelftede, for their Lives, and the Life of their Daughter Ælfrine (d), ſeveral Houſes within the Burgh of Weoger- naceatre, extending from the Water by the North Wall Eaſtwards, twenty-eiglit Rood in Length, and thience Southward twenty-four Rood in Breadthi , and from thence Weſtward to Sæferne, ninteen Rood, with the Meadow on the Weſt Side Sæfèrne, over againſt them. To theſe they added Ludadingwir, by bevetburnan, con- fiſting of fixty Acres of Land, on the South Side the Brook, fixty on the North, and twelve Acres of Meadow Ground belonging to the ſame; all to return to the Church after their Deatks, for the Good of their Souls. This Duke Ethelred died 912, and his Lady retained the Government of the Mercians, except the Cities of Lon- don and Oxford, which her Brother kept for himſelf, and after many Towns built, and good Deeds done, ſhe alſo died, on the 19th Kal. July 919, and left Ælfwin her only Daughter, the Heir of her King- dom, whom her Brother depoſed, and carried her away to wet ser, (a) Hem. Chart. p. 40. (6) Chron. Sax. Flor. Wig. (d) Ibid. p. 13. Ef Antiq. Lit. Sept. I. 2. p. 229. (1) 'Hem; Chart. p. 65. three BISHOPS OF WORCESTER. 35 three weeks before the Nativity of our Lord, in the Year 920 (a). But before this, in 915, died Wereferth, twelfth ( 6 ) Biſhop of the Wiccians, a Man of great Learning and Sanctity, and excellently well verſed in the Holy Scriptures, having fate in this See 42 Years (c), and was ſucceeded by ÆTHELUN or ADELHUN (d), or ECELỊN (e), or ATHELM (f). All that we know, of him that he was Abbot of Berkeler, before he was preferred to this Şee, and was conſecrated the Year liis Prede- ceffor died: He fate about ſeven Years in troubleſome Times, and was fucceeded in the Year 922, Indict. 10, by WILFRITH or WIL FERTH, who the ſame Year gave to this Churchi two Hides of Land at Clifford, near Stratford upon aven (8). In his ſecond Year died King Edward the Elder, after many Battles fuc- ceſsfully fouglit with the Danes, and many good Deeds done. He teft his Kingdom, which then extended over all Britain, to his Son Æthelftan, who in the ſixth Year of his Reign, An. 929, gave, or ra- ther confirmed to the Church of St. Mary in Weogozne City, five Caffats; that is, the Village called Eatun, by the River Cearwell (b). And this Year died Billiop Wilferth, and was ſucceeded by KINEWOLD or COENWALD-(i), or COENWALCH (k), or KENE. WALD (?), or KEONWALD (m.), or KengWALD (n.) or CENWAL (6). This fame Year King Athelſtan ſent him with a Preſent to all the Monaſteries of Germany: He arrived at St. Gall on the Ides of Osto- ber, where he was kindly, received by the Brethren, and ſtaid with them four Days., . On, the ſecond Day after his coming, being the Feaſt of St. Gall, he entered into the Church with a good Sum of Money, Part of which he put on the Altar, and the other Part he (a). Chron. Sax. (6) Obit. Wig. in Hem. Chart. p. 573. () 43, Years, Hem. Chart. p. 570 (d) Diceto. (e) W. Malmesb. (f) Hem. Chart. p. 569. (g) Hick. 'Thef. p. 174. (2) Hem. Chart. p. 67, 379: (i) Ibid. p. 164. ik Flor. Wig. Angl. Sac. Tom. I. p. 472. (1&m) Aét. Ben. Seculi 5. p. 236. In & o) Alf. An. Tom. III. p. 314. gave • 30 An Account of the T! gave to the. Uſe of the Bretluren. After this, entring the Monaſtery, they all voted him the Diet of one Brother, and the fame Prayers to be made for him alive or dead, as were uſed to be made for them, felves. Theſe are the Names that were ſet down by him to be made Partakers of their Prayers : Adalſtean, King of England; Kenowald, Biſhop; Wighart, Kenuun, Conrat, Keoncluf, Wundych, Keon- deud (a). Alſo this ſame Year the King confirmed to him and the Church of St. Mary the Grant of Auftan, for the Conveniency of fiſhing there (b). And about this Time lie bought 20 Hides of Land ať Ælfgýbe cýſcan, now Alvechurch, "and gave it to the Church (6): This Biſhop ſubſcribed in the Year 940 to the Deed of Edmund, the King's Brother, in which he gave Peveſey to the Monaſtery at Win- cheſter, and in 948 to a Deed of King Edred's, to the Monaſtery of C202!and (d). In 941 he placed Seculars at. Eveſham, which had been deſtroyed by the Danes (e), for as yet the Monks had not recovered their Rights, or were ſo much eſteemed as the Seculars; but ſoon afterwards they came again into Favour, and were reſtored to leveral of their Monaſteries, but a Stop was put ,thereto as ſoon as Edrei came to the Throne, which was in the Year 955. In the firſt Year of his Reign he enriched this Church with five Caſſats, at Fepſe: natune, and five Salt Furnaces belonging to the fame; and this he did at the Intreaty of Brithnoth, then regally preſiding over the Wic- cians (f). In the following Year 957, Biſhop Coenwald, with the Conſent of his Brethren, gave to Bethſtan, Presbyter, and to three of his Heirs after him, Tapenhale, and one Caſſat at Gri: manhole (8). And to the Monaſtery he gave Dddingeleg and Lawerne (b). And the ſame Year died, having worthily preſided over this Church 29 Years (i). He led a very ſevere and ſtrict Life, i (d) AH. (a) Acta Ben. S. 5. p. 236. ſub annis, Ingulf. p. 498, b. P. 333: (8) Ibid. p. 164. P. 244. (6) Hem. Chart. p. II. f) Ibid. p. 480. le) Alf. An. fub anno, USEADUI Rex. Hem. Chart. (b) Ibid. p. 573. & Annales Wig. p. 472. (i) Hor, as * BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 37 7 as became the Monaſtick Profeſſion, and was remarkable for his great Humility : The Benedi&iires lay Claim to him as a Monk of their Order (a). He was ſucceeded by the famous DUNSTAN, Abbot of Gattonbury, to which he had been preferred by King Ednund, A. D. 942. . He was much in his Favour, as alſo in Favour with Edred his Succeſſor, in whoſe Reigns he was inſtru- mental in turning out the Secular Prieſts, and putting Monks in their Places; but Edwi ſucceeding the Seculars were re-placed, and Dunft an baniſhed the Realm. The Monks tell us, that the Caule of Dunſtan's Diſgrace was his boldly reproving Edwi for his Whoredoms: But the true Cauſe was, that the King perceiving all the Wealth of the Land to be crept into Monaſteries, which might have been better employed in fighting the Danes, he recalled the Gifts his Predeceſſor had made; and when the Monks refuſed to ſurrender, he became their Enemy, and perfecuted botlı tliem, and Dünftan their Patron (6). Upon this Account they gave him as vile a Character as Malice could invent; that he was ( C ) a Lover of Pleaſures more than a Lover of God, of Luxury, more than of Sobriety; of Luſt, than Chaſtity; debaſing by lis Deeds of Obſcenity the Royal Dignity, and unjuſtly perſecuting virtuous Men, whom he little eſteemed. But Hunting- don gives him no ſuch Character, and ſays the Country flouriſhed un- der his Government; and feems to lament his Death (d). His Gift of feplington, and five Salt Furnaces to this Church, liews that he was no irreligious Perſon. Upon his Death Edgar ſucceeded, and foon recalling Dunfian, he made him firſt Biſhop of this See, and the next Year of London, and after that Archbiſhop of Canterbury. That he (a) Acta Ben. Seculi 5, p. 236. (b) Godivin's Catalogue of the Biſhops of England, Ed. Lond. 1601, p. 21. (c) Voluptatum anator magis quain Dei, luxuriæ quam fobrietatis, libidinum quam caftitatis, regiam dignitatem ob{ca nis operibus dehoneftabat, ac viros virtutum parvi pendens contra æquum exaſperabat. Ang. Sac. P. II. p. 192. (d) Non illaudabiliter regni in- fulam tenuit. Anno regni fui quinto, cum in principio regnum ejus decentiſſime floreret, proſpera is lætabunda exordia mors iinmatura perrupit. Hunt. bift. 1. 5. p. 204. Ed. Sav. K held 38 An Account of the held London and forcefier together is certain; tho? Thoyras in his Hiſtory of England, Vol. I. p. 396, ſays, That he was only intruſted with the Management of the Biſhoprick of London; and that this led ſume Writers into the Miſtake of imagining he was Biſhop of Wor- ceſier and London at the ſame Time: For Malmesbury calls him Bi- Shop of London (a). And Eadmer, in his Life of Dunſtan ſays, that he was compelled to hold both the Sees, ſumma neceſſitate, by abſolute Neceſſity (b). And Mabillon gives us the fame Reaſon for his tranf- greſſing the Canons in this Caſe (c). Quod præter ſcita Canonuni de Sede in Sedem tranſlatus, quod fimul Wigornenfem & Londinenſem, Cathedram occupavit, id non viri optimi cupiditati aut ambitioni, Jed eximia ejus Sanétitati, Regum urgentiſſimæ voluntati, atque adeo Eccleſia Anglicanæ neceſſitati tribuendum eft, factumque repugnante ſemper Dunſiano. That contrary to the Canons he was tranſlated from See to See; that he held the Biſhoprick of Worceſter and Lon- don together, was not to be attributed to the Covetouſneſs and Am- bition of that good Man, but to the Greatneſs of his Sanctity, the urgent Deſire of Kings, and to the Neceſſity of the Church of Eng- land, Dunſtan ſubmitting to it always againſt his Will. He held them not long together, for in the Year 959 lie was made Archbiſhop of Canterbury. And A. D. 960 ſucceeded Oswald, to whom the Monks have given a very great Character, that lie was a religous, meek, and humble Perſon, early Educated in the Fear of God, and brought up in holy and good Works (d); that he was of Shape handſome, as well as of blood noble (e), nearly allied to Oskitel, Archbiſhop of York, but nearer to Odo, Arch- biſhop of Canterbury, being his Brother's Son (f) This Uncle of his defcended from wealthy Danes, put him to School to one Frith. 2 (c) Ma- (a) Lib. 2. de geſtis Pontificum, p. 134. 16) Angl. Sac. Vol. II. p. 213. billon Acta Ben. Seculi 5. p. 655. (d) Flor. Wig. (e) Acta Ben. Seculi 5, p. 728. UW. Malmesb. de geſtis Pont. cap. 3. p. 153. god, BISHOPS of WORCESTER39 . . god, a Maſter, for divine and ſecular Learning inoſt famous; who, at the Command of that Archbiſhop, had wrote in heroick Verſe the Life of St. Wilfrid (a). Fully inſtructed in the holy Scriptures, as well as in other Sciences, he was made firſt Canon of Wincheſter, and afterwards Dean : But perceiving that the Monks begun to be the only Clergy in Eſteem, with the Advice of his Uncle he left Wincheſter, then conſiſting of Secular Prieſts, and went to Fleu- ry, a famous Monaſtery, of the Order of St. Benedict, ſituated on the Loyre, nine Leagues from Orleans to the Eaſt. Odo ſent along with him recommendatory Letters, and many Gifts: and here he be- came a Monk (6). During his Stay in this Monaſtery, which was about ſix Years, he was ordained both Deacon and Prieit (c), and was ſo much in love with the Place, that tho'lis Uncle fre- quently wrote to him, and iniportuned him to return Home, he could not prevail, till he ſent him Word of his laſt Sickneſs. Oſwald then deſirous to have ſeen him once more, made Haſte into England, but he came too late, for landing at Dover he heard he was dead. Upon which he would have returned to Fleury, but was perſuaded by his Companions to go ſee his other Relations; and coming to Oskitel he was very kindly received, and remained with him at York, till, by the Means ofSt. Dunfian, from a Monk of Fleury he was made Bi- Siop of Worceſter (d). As ſoon as preferred to this See he joined heartily with Dunfian and Ethelwold, Biſhop of Wincheſter, in bringing in the Monks, diſturbing, rather than reforming the Church of God. To this End he begun with impoveriſhing the Sc- culars of this See, by giving away, or leaſing out for Lives the Lands of the Church. In the Year 962 he leaſed out twenty Hides. In 963 he leaſed out twelve Hides more, and in y6y no leſs than forty, and moſt of them for three Lives. This was the Year, when in (a) Lel. de Script. Brit. C. 134. (b) Alf. An. ſub anno goo. (c) Ang. Sac. Tom. Il p. 195. (d) Ex Monacho Floriacenfi Wigorniæ Epifcopas. W. Malm. de geft. Reg. L. e' p. 31. a Gene 40 An Account of the a General Council, held under Dunftan, Archbishop of Canter- bury, it was decreed, That the Seculars for their Concubinage and laſcivious Lives' ſhould be turned out, and the ſober and chaſte Monks ſhould be put in their Places. And accordingly Oſwald is faid this Year to have ejected all the Clerks out of ſeven Monaſte- ries, that were in his Dioceſe, and to have put Monks in their room (a). What he might do in other Places, I cannot ſay, but he could not do this at Il’urcefier, for the Seculars ſtill kept their Places here, and were Witneſſes to all thie Deeds he made, till the Year 974, when he gave to Britiafi for his Life, and the Lives of Birth- wine and Byrktmare, one Manle at Culiny, to which Deed Wynlige, Dean, with all the Monks, fubſcribed (6). The next Year his great Patron King Edgar died, and Edward fucceeded, during whoſe Reign, to ſeven of his Deeds, no Monks ſubſcribed at all, but Presbyters, Deacons, and Clerks, as uſual, and but to one in 978; and then ten Monks to ſeventeen Clerks: and afterwards they ſubſcribed as Wit- effes with the other Clergy, but to eleven of one and thirty Deeds more: and never above two, and ſometimes but one at a time: So that he was not able to compafs his End. What he did was by Craft, by building a New Cliurch at the Monaſtery of St. Mary, and officiating there, and not at his own Church of St. Peter's. By which Means he drew niany to him and to the Monks, who thought it a Crime to be without the Bleſſing of ſo holy a Man; and fo St. Mary's, by Degrees, became the Cathedral Church (c). To make good what has been ſaid, I have here ſubjoined an Ac- count of the Lands he gave away, moſt of them for three Lives, as I found them in Henning's Chartulary in ſeveral Places, but here di- geſted in a regular Order, according to their Dates of the Year. . (a) Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. p. 479. DCCCCLXIX. Olwaldus Wigorn. Epiſcopus Monachos primo Wigorniæ conftituit. Anrales Wig. (6) sis pæs geron on pinyizes gepitneſle de- canus 7. alga pajia munuca et piogu jinacea ytre. Hein. Chart p. 155. (c) W. Malmesb. de geſtis Pont. 1. 3. p. 154. Angl. Sac. Tom. II. p. 202. In *** BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 41 In 962, With Leave of King Edgar and of Ælfere, Duke of mart: cia, and of his Family (a), at Worceſter, lie gave to Ethelm, for his Life, and the Lives of Ælfſtane and Wulfrice, three Hides at Ether: modes Tree, and after their Deceaſe to return to the Biſhoprick. To this Deed ſubſcribed as Witneſſes two Prieſts, one Deacon, and four Clerks. To his Servant Eadmær two Manſes, at Bentleg, with four Fats for boiling of Salt at Upwic, and Wood ſufficient out of Bradlee Wood, to do the ſame, paying yearly two Buſhel of clean Grain. Witneſ- ſes, two Prieſts, one Deacon, and eleven Clerks (6). To his Servant Cynelm, fix Manſes at Upton. Witneſſes, two Prieſts, one Deacon, and fourteen Clerks (c). To Alfwold, a Servant of the King's, three Caſſats at Cungle (d). To Ealferth, one of his Levites, one Manſe at Cumtune. Wit- neſſes, two Prieſts, two Deacons, and fourteen Clerks (e). To his Brother Ofulf four Manſes at Grimler, one at moſeley, and half a Hide at Wic: Witneſſes, four Prieſts, and fourteen Clerks (F). In 963, to his Servant Ætheinode one Manſe at Bertfond. Wit- neſſés, two Prieſts, one Deacon, and ten Clerks (8). To his Servant Ælfric one Manſe at Cotheridge, for his Life, and the Life of his Son Æthelfige, and to whomſoever his Son Æthellige ſhould leave it; on Condition that they ſhould plow every Year two Acres of Land, and ſow thereon his Church Seed, reap it, and bring it home. He alſo gave him yearly twelve Fother, or Wain Load of Wood Gratis, out of his Woods there. Witneſſes, two Prieſts, one Deacon, and eleven Clerks, and Æshelftan Circpano, Keeper of the Church (5) P. 125, 126. (a) þæy heo peder ær peozeznaceaytre, cum licentia familiæ quæ fita eſt in--- Hem. Chart. (6) Ibid. p. 144 (c) Ibid. p. 145; a) Ibid. p. 215. p. 239. (f) Ibid. p. 147. (8) Ibid. p. 130. (6) Ibid. p. 133 L To (e) Ibid. 42 An Account of the To Cynthegne two Manſes at Odingley, and half a one at Lawern. Witneſſes, two Prieſts, one Deacon, and twelve Clerks (a). To his Servant Eadmer one Manſe, at Redntacter. Witneſſes, three Prieſts, and eleven Clerks, (b). To his Servant Ethelftan three Hides at Thorndon. Witneſfés, three Prieſts, and eleven Clerks, (c). To Wulfric four Manſes, at Tedeller and Æpuer. Witneſſes, three Prieſts, two Deacons, and eleven Clerks, (d). In 965, to Athelſtan, four Manſes at Sutham, and two at muc. tun. Witneſſes, three Prieſts, three Deacons, and ſeven Clerks (e). In 966, to Alfild, three Hides at Hindelip. Witneſſes, three Prieſts, and nine Clerks, (f). To his Servant Wihtelm two Manſes, at Cliffond near Stretford Witneſſes, four Prieſts, and eight Deacons (8). In 967, to his Servant Ethelward one Manſe at chington. Wit. neſſes, three Prieſts, fourteen Clerks (h ).. And to Wulfare, another of his Servants, two Manſes more there. Witneſſes, four Prieſts, nd thirteen Clerks (i). To his Servant Heftan two Manſes at Penedoc, and one at medincote. Witneſſes, four Prieſts, and eight Clerks, (k). In 969, to his Servant Eadmer ſix Caſſats at Stace Witneſſes, four Prieſts, and eleven Clerks, (1). To his Servant Ethelward two Manfes, at Bilhap Stoke. Wit. neſſes, four Prieſts, and ſeven Clerks, (m). To his Servant Edric four Manfes, at Sapertun. Witneſſes, five Prieſts, one Deacon, and fourteen Clerks (1) upon avon. a 1 (a) Hem. Chart. p. 160. (6) Ibid. p. 179 . c) Ibid. p. 189. (d) Ibid. p. 216. (e) Ibid. p. 232. 1) Ibid. p. 170. (s) Ibid. p. 200. (b) Ibid. p. 127 (i) Ibid. p. 128. (k) Ibid. p. 183. (1) Ibid. p. 233 (m) Ibid p. 123: P. 132. To (n) Ibid. BISHOPS OF WORCESTER. . 43 To Wulfgar Clerk one Manſe, at Batenhale. Witneſſes, ſeven Prieſts, one Deacon, and twelve Clerks, (a). To his Servant Eadmer four Manſes, at witleg. Witneſſes, three Prieſts, and fourteen Clerks, (b). To his faithful Servant Ælfweard one Manſe, at Thcofecan Hill. Witneſſes, four Prieſts and fifteen Clerks (c). To his Servant Brithmær one Manſe, at whitlanlinr. Witnellesa five Prieſts, one Deacon, and twelve Clerks (d). To Oſulf, three Hides at Tettingtun and Ælfügetun. Witneſſes, four Prieſts, and fourteen Clerks (e). To Cynelm, for his faithful Service, five Hides at Crombe. Wit- neſſes, five Prieſts, and twelve Clerks (f). To his faithful Æthelard ſeven Manſes, at Tidiugtun and Facan Iel. Witneſſes, four Prieſts, and fourteen Clerks (8). To Byrnria, for his faithful Service, four Manſes and an half at Longi on (b). To Ealhſtan, for his faithful Service, eight Manſes at Evinlode. Witneſſes, four Prieſts and fifteen Clerks (i). In 972, upon the Death of his Kinſman Oskitell , the See of yoik being void, he was tranſlated thither, as a fit Perſon to preſide over a rude and unpoliſh'd People. Nor was he permitted to leave the See of Worceſter, left: the frefh Inſtitution of the Monks, which he had placed here in the Year 969, fhould come to nothing, when de- prived of fo great a Patron (k). And in this Year of his Tranſla- tion to Pszk, we find no Deed. In 973, Archbiſhop Oſwald, then at London, gave to Byrhtric five Manſes, at Bechtanwell, for his Life, and to one more to whom he. (a) Hem. Chart. p. 136. (6) Ibid. p. 159 171. (e) Ibid. p. 177 f) Ibid. p. 181. () Ibid. p. 213. (k) Will. Malmesb. p. 153. (c) Ibid. p. 162: (8) Ibid. p. 202. (a) Ibid. p. !) Ibid. p. 209. ſhould 44 An Account of the ſhould leave it at liis Death. Atteſted by the King and Dunſtan, Archbiſhop, and Ælfhere Duke, and many others, both Biſhops and Nobles (a). In 974, to Britlaf, one Manſe at Cudleg. To this Deed fubfcri- bed Winfige, Dean, and all the Monks (6). The Worcelier Annals ſay this IV'inſige or Winſin, was firſt Prieſt of St. Hellen, and upon his turning Monk was ſent by Oſwald to Kamfer, there to be inſtructed in the Rule of St. Benedict, from whence he ſent for him, and made him the firſt Prior here, in lieu of a Dean, which Title was alſo given to the Priors in ſucceeding Ages (c) In 975 or 976, with Leave of King Edward, le gave to Wulfgar, a Prieſt, one Hide at Witled for three Lives. Witneſſes, eight Presby- ters, five Deacons, and eleven Clerks (2) To Wulfgeat one Hide at Hemeltun. Witneſſes, ſeven Prieſts, four Deacons, and twelve Clerks (e). To Wulfheah a Prieſt , one Yard, Land, at denen Dfte. Witneſſes, ſeven Prieſts, five Deacons, and thirteen Clerks (f). In 977, to Ethelwold, two Hides at Wulfvington, except fixty Acres which lie reſerved to himſelf. Witneſſes, ſeven Prieſts, five Deacons, and thirteen Clerks (8). To Wulfeah five Manſes at Cutsden. Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, five Deacons, and eleven Clerks (b). To Winfige, his Brother Monk, three Manſes at Wallebozn. Wit- neſſes, eight Prieſts, five Deacons, and fourteen Clerks (i). : To Ætbelſtan, for his faithful Service, one Manſe at Inkbarow. Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, five Deacons, and eleven Clerks (k). To Cynulf, one Manſe at Eaton. To this fubfcribed ten Monks, one Deacon, and fifteen Clerks (1). (a) Hem. Chart. p. 207, 16) Ibid. 155 (c) Flor. Wig. Angl. Sac. Tom. II. p. 293. 1) Ibid. p. 138. (e) Ibid. p.151. f) Ibid. p. 141. (g) Ibidp. 163 b) Ibid p. 167 (i) Ibid. p. 175. (4) Ibid. p. 185. (1) Ibid. p. 196. To BISHOPS OF WORCESTER 45 To his faithful Servant Eadric, three Manſes at Tidingtun. Wit- nefſes, eight Prieſts, four Deacons, and feven Clerks (a). In 978, to Æthelnoth one Manſe at smite. Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, five Deacons, and twelve Clerks (6). To Ælfnoth two Manſes, at Blackwell, in Tredington Pariſhi. Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, five Deacons, and thirteen Clerks (c). To Æthelmund one Manſe, at Ridmarleg. Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, five Deacons, and twelve Clerks (d). In 979, to Æthelſtan, his own Brother, three Manſes at Degiles- foyd, for his own Life, and the Lives of any two more he ſhould name at his Death. Witpelles, eight Prieſts, fix Deacons, and ten Clerks (e), In 980, to Wulfgar, his Clerk, five Manſes at Warcüey. Witneſſes, nine Prieſts, five Deacons, and eleven Clerks (f). To a Soldier named Ælweard, fome Land at Bengworth. Wit- nelles, five Prieſts, five Deacons, and nine Clerks (8). In 981, to his faithful Soldier Æthelftan, three Caffats at Wæcglet werthe. Witneſſes, ſeven Prieſts, fix Deacons, and ten Clerks (b). In 982, to Wulfhelm, his faithful Artificer, one Manſe at Cuinpton. Witneſſes, IV infinus primus, and five other Prieſts, four Deacons, and ſeven Clerks (i). In 983, to his Kinſman Gardulf five Manſes at Lenr, the fame Year he finiſhed his Church of the Monaſtery, to the Honour of Mary, the Mother of God. Witneſſes, five Prieſts, four Deacons, and ten Clerks (k). In 984, to Æthelweard, his Servant, three Hides at Biſhops Stoke, in Glouceſterſhire. : Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, four Deacons, fix Clerks, , and one Monk (1), $ fa) -Hem. Chart. p. 204.. (6) Ibid. p. 150. -60).. Ibid. p. 193. (d) Ibid. p. 176. (c) Ibid. p. 211. 1.) Ibid. p. 143. (8) Ibid. p. 210. (b) Ibid. p. 235 p. 238. (*) Ibid. p. 187, 188. 17) Ibid. p. i 21. M То (i) Ibid. 1 40 An Account of the (a) Hem. Chart. P. 153. (6) Ibid. To his Kinſinan Eadwig, and his Wife Wulgyw, three Manſes at wulfrington, for their Lives, and to leave it to their Illue, if they had any, if not, the Survivor to leave it to any other perſons for their Lives, whom they ſhould think fit. Witneſſes, feven Prieſts, four Deacons, and eight Clerks (a). The Beginning of it runs thus; Fgo Oſwaldus divina largiente clementia Eboracenſis ecclefia , Archiepif- copus, non minus Epiſcopalem adeptus ſedeni, qua eſt in piogorna Mo. naſterio in regione Merciorun. To a certain Matron named Wulfæd, for lier Life only four Man- ſes, at Hukbarrow. Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, four Deacons, fix Clerks, and Leofwine a Monk (6). In 985, to Wulfgar, Clerk, one Manſe at Cloptun near Teme. Witneſſes, ſeven Prieſts, four Deacons, and five Clerks, Athelan and Leofwine, Monks (c). To Godinge, a Prieſt, three Hides 'at Bredicot, and one Yard, Land, at Benenofce, and ſeven Acres of Meadow at Tiberton. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, three Deacons, and ſeven Clerks ( d). They were given him upon this Condition, That he ſhould be the Amanuenſis of the See, and write all Things that ſhould be neceſſary to be inſerted in their Regiſters: he wrote many Books for them, and enjoyed this Village as long as he lived, and his Kindred after hiin, till the French came and took it away (e). To his familiar Friend Leofwine. half a Manſe, on the North Side of the Village of ycctilbury. Witneſſes, eight Prieſts, four Deacons, and ſeven Clerks (f). To his faithful Servant Edric, five Manſes at: Tidintun. Wit- neſſes, eight Prieſts, four Deacons, and ſeven Clerks (g ). In 987, to Ætbelmund, a noble Peer, five Manſes at Codeſfune, for his Life, and the Life of his Heir, and after that to the Monaftery p. 186. (c) Ibid. p. 135. dIbid. p. 139. 1) Ibid. p. 265, 266. (1) Ibid. p. 172 (8) Ibid. p. 203 of Bishops of WorCESTER. 47 of St. Mary, for the Life of any one Monk therein reſiding. Wit- nelles, fix Prieſts, four Deacons, and five Clerks ; Oſwi and Leofwine, Monks (a). To Leofward five Manſes, at Goldoza, upon Condition of paying his Church Seed or Church Scot, to Perigtun, and of plowing and mowing a Field there. Witneſſes, ſix Prieſts, four Deacons, and ſe- ven Clerks (b). In 988, to Æthelward one Manſe and an half at Uptune. Wit- neſſes, fix Prieſts, four Deacons, and five Clerks; Ofwig and Leof- wine, Monks (c). To his Nephew Ælfwin two Manſes, at Bradanbcozge, and at Holenfetten, for three Lives, and then to return to the Biſhop of Worceſter; for that the Clerks of the ſaid City had received, in lieu thereof, three Manſes at Speckley. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, four Dea- cons, and fix Clerks; Ofwi and Leofwine, Monks (d). To his Servant Æthelward three Manſes, at Cliffodd. Wit- neſſes, fix Prieſts, four Deacons, and ſix Clerks, Oſwig and Le- of wine, Monks (e). To his Servant Eadric three Manſes, and one half at Cloptun, and fix Acres of Meadow over againſt alveton Mill. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, four Deacons, and fix Clerks, Oſwig and Leofwine, Monks (f). In 989, to his faithful Kinſman Gardulf four Manſes, at Whitin- tun. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, four Deacons, and five Clerks, Leof. wine and Oſwig, Monks (8). To his Servant Edwi one Manſe, at Cumpton, Glouceſterſhire. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, one Deacon, and ſeven Clerks, Ofwig and Leofwine, Monks (h). * (a) Hem. Chart. p. 165. (6) Ibid. p. 207 (c) Ibid. p. 124. He thus ſubſcribed it. Ego Oſwaldus, Archipreful fignaculuni Deifice Crucis propriis digitulis impreſi atg; corroboravi, ibid. p. 125. (d) Ibid. p. 173. le) Ibid: p. 1973 () Ibid. p. 199. (8) Ibid. p. 156. (b) Ibid: p. 236. In 48 An Account of the f In 990, to Athelnær for his Dutiful Service, and for his wor. thy Fee, that is to ſay, two Pounds of pure white Silver, thirty Ewes and Lambs, three Oxen, two Cows, and one Horſe; one Hide at Tumpton, and half the Wood thereto belonging, and another Hide at Metſce. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, four Deacons, and five Clerks ; Leofzvine, Monk (a). To Beornæge, and Byrhſtan, Brothers, two Hides at morton near Breed on. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, four Deacons, and five Clerks ; Leofwine, Monk (1). In 991, to his faithful Man Elsftan one Manſe, at 1 hington Coni. Worceſter. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, three Deacons, and fix Clerks. He was the Father of St. Wolftan Biſhop of Worcefi'er in William the Conqueror's Time (c). To Æ.thelmer, his familiar Artificer; two Manſes, at Æſchtun. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, three Deacons, and ſix Clerks ; Leofwine, Monk (d). To his true Thain Eadric three Hides, at Tetlington, and spew- bold in Trebington Pariſh. Witneſſes, fix Prieſts, three Deacons, and one Clerk (e). The number of Hides which he thus gave away to his Friends and Followers amounts to 190; whereas the whole Hundred of Oſwalddowe, given him by King Edgar, with great Privileges, and called by his own Name, contained but 300. So that this muſt be looked upon by all impartial Perſons as a wilful im- poveriſhing of the Séculars, and a robbing of his Succeſſors to a high Degree; and this he did with expreſs Leave from King Ed- gar, Dunſtan and Ethelwold, and Earl Britbnoth, the great Pa- trons of the Monks joining with Oſwald in perſuading the King (a) Hem. Chart: p. 129. I 26. (d) Ibid. p. 131: 16) Ibid. p. 180: --- Hicks's Gram. p. 140. (c) Ibid. p. 195: .(0) Ibid. p. To * BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 49 to conſent thereto. (a). In the Year. .972 wlien he was pro- moted to the See of pork, he held this of wiozceffer in Commendan with it, following the Example of Dunſtan, his Brother Monk, who when promoted to London, did the ſame. And this Example was afterwards followed by Oſwald's Succeſſors, Aldulph and Wola ſtan; and the two Sees of York and Wozcelter were not fe- parated till the Year 1023. Theſe his Succeſſors, to palliate theirs and his Covetouſneſs, pretending that he held the two Sees toge- ther by a Bull from Pope Formofus, which he ſent him with his Pall; a miſerable Falfhood for that Pope died 896, above Seven- ty Years before Oſwald was made Archbiſhop of Pozk, (b). Under this Year Alford relates from Capgrave, Tliat viſiting his Dioceſe he came to Ripum, where lay thie bleſſed Wilfrid, buried in a Monaſtery then in Ruins, and over-run with Thorns. One Night pray- ing here, it was made known to him by Divine Revelation, that many Bodies of Saints lay there buried. As foon as Morning came he cauſed the Rubbiſh to be removed, and the Place dug, where lre found the Bodies of ſome of them, and on a Table this Inſcription; Here reſts St. WILFRID, Primate of York; and the Reverend Ablots TILBERT, BOTWIN, ALBERT, SIGRED, and WILDEN; Several of which Reliets he ſent here to Worceſter (c). Eadmer ſays, when he was made Archbiſhop, he went to Rome for his Pall, and received it of Pope Johni, who died this Year in the Month of September (d). Alford places it in the next Year, and fays, he had it from Benedict (e); but it is doubtful whether he went to Ronie or not. And Florence mentions nothing of his going, but ſays he had his Pall from Pope John'; all agree that he had it not from Pope Ste- phen. As ſoon as he was enthroned in this See, he called to him fe- en (a) Hem. Chart P: 292. (b) W barton's Ang. Sac. Tom. I.p. 472. Mon. Ang. Tom. III. P. 131 (c) Alf. An. Tom. III. p. 370. 10) Angl. Sac. P: 2. fol. 203. (a) Flor. Wig. Alf. An. ſub anno. 973. N veral sem 50 An Account of the veral learned Men from Abroad (a). Of theſe, German was one, whom in 973 he placed over the Monaſtery at Wetberg in Glou- ceſterſhire, and under lim Ednoth, to take care of their teniporal · Affairs, and with theſe ten Monks, the whole Number repreſenting the twelve Diſciples of our Lord (b). From thence, in a little time, lie removed him and Ednoth to Kamſey, and ſent over for Abo of Fleury to inſtruct the Monks there. And upon his being ſettled there, he again removed German to Winchrumb, to reform that Mona- ſtery. About the ſame Time le placed Fulbert, another learned Man at Perthoze, to take care of that Abbey. Ednoth was left be- hind at Kamſey, where he was afterwards Prior, and at laſt Biſhop of Dorcheſter (c). Kamfer Monaſtery was founded by Earl Aylwin, and the Church begun to be built there about the Year 968 (d), and, 'when finithed, St. German went from wellbere to it, and became its Prior, when it was conſecrated by Oſwald, and Ælfnoth Biſhop of Dozcheter, 6 Ides of Nov. 974. The firſt Church being built on a miry Soil, the Foundation ſunk, and the Walls and Towers parted the one from the other, upon which they were neceſſitated to take it down and rebuild it. And this laſt was conſecrated by Oſwald and Biſhop Schwin, or ÆSchrey, 991 (e). This ſeems to be the trueft Account, about which our Hiſtorians have much differ’d. Oſwald's reforming of his Monaſteries in this Dioceſe, was cer- tainly done between the Years 969 and 975; for this. Year his great Patron King Edgar died, and a Stop was put to all his Projects. For, notwithſtanding all his Care for his beloved Monks, after the King's Death, they were turned out in ſeveral Places. Ælphere, Duke of narcia, with many of his Nobles, deprived thein of all the Bene- fices they were in Poſſeſſion of in this Province, and brought in (a) Malmesb. de geft. Pont. lib. 3. P. 153, 154. (6) Hift. Ram. c. 16. Ed. Gale, p. 394: An. Wig. (c) An. Wig. Ang. Sac. Tom. II. p. 198, 199, 200. Hift. Ram. c. 21. An. fub anno. (c) Acta Ben. Seculi 5, p. 757- again (A) Alt. 3P Banana BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 51 again the Seculars. Hoveden and Florence ſay that they did this, be- ing blinded with great Bribes, dividing the Manors of the Monaſte- ries among themſelves (a). Huntindon calls Ælfere upon this Ac- count Conſul nequiſſimus, the moſt wicked Earl, and ſays this Crime brought in the Danes (6). Malmesbury tells us, he repented of it afterwards, but in vain, for God's Vengeance overtook him, and within an Year he'was eaten up with Lice (c). At this Time, ſays Ingulphus, the Monks were turned out of the Abbey of Eveſham, and the Seculars brought in there again; and ſo they were out of winchelcomb, and German their Abbot retired to Fleury (d). Nor could Oſwald help it, for during the reſt of the Time that he fate in 'this See they kept their Ground, and were Witneſſes to all the Deeds he made. He ſurvived Edgar ſeventeen Years, and ſaw his Country miſerably haraſſed by the Danes, barbarous Enemies to all Religion and Learning. He died on the ſecond of the Calends of March 992, Indict. 5, which Year was Biffextile, and February had 29 Days, the laft of which was the laſt of Oſwald's Life ; it was the third Week in Lent, feria ſecunda, when the Antiphone ſung at Maſs was Oculi mei ſemper. ad Dominun (e). He was the ſeventeenth Biſhop of Worceſter, and fate in this See near 33 Years, and in that of York above Twenty-two, ſays Godwin: But in that he is miſtaken, for his Promotion to York is placed by Florence, and the Worceſter Annals, in 972. Many Years he was thought ſufficient for both the Sees, but moſt of his Time he ſpent here at Worceſter. He outlived Dunſtan five Years, and Ethelwold ten, who were the two great Strug- lers with him in turning out the Šeculars. He was ſo much admired, that he alone was held equal to the other two, to match the one in Authority, and the other in Efficacy, and both in Holineſs. The (a) Magnis obcæcati muneribus: Ang. Script. poft Bed. Ed. Savil. p. 245, 506. p. 294 (c) Ibid. p. 34: (d) Hiſt. Ram. cap. 39. p.412. Ed. Gale. Ben. Seculi 5. p. 737. Hif. Ram. cap. 60, 61. 16) Ibid. (*) Afla Day 52 An Account of the Day before he died, ſtanding at his Door, he for ſome time ſtedfaſtly fixed his Eyes on Heaven, and flied Tears for Joy. Thoſe that were preſent asking hin the Reaſon of this; he ſaid, Suffer me my Brethren to look up to that place where I intend to go, for I muſt ſhortly put off this Body, and the Time of my Diſolution draweth near. At which they wondered, there being no Sign of Sickneſs, and he having taken more than ordinary Care of himſelf. Coming into the Oratory he called together the Brethren, and received from them lioly Unction, and the Sacrament. Being thus prepared, the next Day having, according to his Cuſtom, waſhed the Feet of certain poor People, as he kneelid down to ſay tlie Hymn Gloria Patri, he gave up the Ghoſt, and was buried in the Church of St. Mary (a), which Florence faith he built from the Foundation. It is ſaid of him that he wrought many Mi- racles in his Life-time and after his Death. Whilft he was a Monk at Fleury, one Day ſaying Mals, his Attendant ſaw a Man of a reve- rend Countenance, holding in his Hands lifted up. a white, ſmall. Piece of Bread, at which he was fadly frighten'd, and when the Bread, in the Proceſs of the Solemnity ſeemed to grow bigger and bigger, he fled out at the Door, and left Oſwald alone; but now and then peep- ing in he ſaw an Angel, anſwering and miniſtring unto him. When Mafs was over, and the Angel gone; he came running to him, told him the Reaſon why he left him, and asked him if he ſaw the Angel that miniſtred unto him; to which he anſwer'd, That he had ſeen him, and heard him; and ſaid, Bleſſed be the Name of the Lord, who left me not alone in the Performance of ro Sacred a Myſtery, tho' by you deſerted (6). When he was at Ramſey, it was told him that a certain Monk of Ely was killed by a Fall from the Church on which they were work- ing, at which he was much troubled, knowing he had not led fo good 3 (a) Will Malmesb. de geſtis Pont: lib. 3. p. 153, 154. (b) Acta Ben. Seculi 5; p. 733. a Life .:... :: BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 53 a Life as he ought to have done. Calling therefore together all the Monks, he exhorted them to join with him in earneſt Prayer for his Soul, which they continued to do daily for ſome time, till one Night the Deceaſed appeared to the Biſhop, as he was praying for him ; and being asked by him who he was, he anſwered, That he was the fame Perſon that he prayed for. He then asked him how it had been with him, and how it was now; hitherto, ſays he, very ill, but now very well; for by Tour Merits, and Tour Prayers, God ſent liis Angel Yeſterday, and delivered me out of the Torments I endured. This I am come to tell you of, and to return you Thanks; which ſạid, he vaniſhed (a). When he was building his Monaſtery, a Square Stone lay not far from it, very fit and neceſſary to be uſed in it, which all the Artificers could not ftir out of its Place. Oſwald Seeing the fruitleſs Pains they took, wondered ; but filently praying to God, his Eyes were opened, and he ſaw ſitting on the Stone a little black Devil, deriding the Labourers with obſcene Geſtures; upon which the Man of God making the sign of the Croſs, drove him away; and the Stone, which eighty Men could not move before, was by three Perſons eaſily lifted up, and put in the Place deſigned for it (6). A great Man, ill of a Fever, ſent him Word of it, who bleſſing Bread, gave it to the Meſſenger, and bid him tell his Maſter to eat thereof in Faith, which he did, and was reſtored to his former Health. As he fate at Table, and bleſſed Bread, and diſtributed to thoſe that fate with him, a few Crumbs fell on the Floor, on which a Mouſe greedily feeding, was immediately choaked, and died. And left they fhould aſcribe it to his Praiſe, le commanded the dead Animal to be thrown out of their Sight (c). addy (a) Eadm. vit. Oſwaldi, Ang. Sac. p. 2. Oſwaldi, Ang. Sac. Tom. II. p. 202. Acta Ben. Seculi 5, p. 731. (c) Acta Ben. Seculi 5. (b) Eadm. vit. O At * + 54 An Account of the At another time a Monk, after bathing, fate down in a place where the Biſhop uſually fate, and fell aſleep, and behold many ugly Devils ſurrounded him, and asked liim if he was not aſhamed to reſt in the Place of fo Holy a Perſon: They aſſaulted him, tormented him, tore him, dragged him up and down, toſſed him up in the Air, and then threw him down again; till at length crying out with a horrid and loud Voice, he declared to all what had happened to him (a). FULHBERT, Abbot of Perſyoże, as he lay upon the Bier raiſed him. felf up, and declared that he had been carried before God by Saint Benedict, and that there God had forgiven him his Sins, for the Me- rits of his beloved Oſwald; and to the End he might declare the fame, he was then reſtored to Life. Having ſaid this, he held his Peace; and having received the Viaticun of our Lord's Body, he re- mained alive half a Day, and then died (b).. As he himſelf was carried into the Church, to lye expoſed there, Eadmere ſays, a white Dove hovered over his Body, and a Globe of Fire deſcended on the Bier, and here and there about the Church were heard divine Praiſes, and heavenly Muſick; the white Dove denoting his Simplicity and Innocence, and the Globe of Fire his fervent Love of God and his Neighbour (C). * After his Death many Miracles were wrought at his Tomb; the Water with which they waſhed his Bones gave Sight to the Blind, made the Deaf to hear, the Lame to walk, and healed all Manner of Infirmities. Amongſt others are theſe related. A Monk of Ram- ſey, that had a cancerous Ulcer in one of his Cheeks, drinking on the Feaſt of St. Oſwald, in a Cup which the Saint uſed to drink out of: Having drank what was therein, he with great Faith and -- (a) Ada Ben. Seculi 5, p. 733. P. II. p. 209. (b) Osbern & Alf. ſub anno 969. (+) Angl. Sac. Devotion 3 BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 55 x Devotion clapped the empty Cup to his Cheek, and held it for a little while cloſe thereto, when taking it away, all the Corruption of the Place ſtuck to it, and his Cheek was made perfectly whole, fa that you could not diſcern where it had been amiſs, only in Teſtimo- ny of ſo great a Miracle, and of the Power of God, that Cheek was always a little ruddier than the other (b). One dumb from his Infancy, on a certain Feaſt Day of St. Oſwald's, faw coming from the Biſliop's Tomb towards him, a certain reverend Man, unknown to him, with grey Hairs, cloathed with a prieſtly Garment, and with a Staff in his Hand. As he paſſed by he bowed to hiin, when with his Staff he ſtruck him on his Neck, and diſap- peared ; with the Blow he fell to the Ground, and a coagulated Maſs of Blood coming out of his Mouth, he cried out help, help, caſt me out preſently, leſt the Church of God be polluted with my Blood, and when carried forth he voided a great deal, and was cured, and informed the By-ſtanders how it had been wrought (c). When the City of Worceſter was on Fire, as ſoon as it came to his Tomb, it immediately abated, and went out. At another Time, when it was again on fire, as the Monks carried his Coffin into the City, there came one running to them who had lately built him a fine new Houſe, and cried out, O holy Father, and Paſtor or- wald, if thou wilt reſcue my Houſe from the preſent Danger of the Flanes, I will give it to thee, as thy Right for ever; on which they carried his.Corps in, and tho' the next Houſe was intirely conſumed, yet this was not in the leaſt damaged. When a great Peſtilence raged here and in the County, which de- ſtroyed young and old, the Monks no ſooner carried his Corps round the Walls, ſinging Litanies, and imploring Mercy, but the Plague (a) Ada Ben. Seculi 5, p. 728. (0) Ibid. (C) Ibid. imme. 56 An Account of the immediately left Worceſter, together with the adjacent Villages, from whence many liad come to implore Help from this Saint (a). After ten Years, many Miracles liaving been wrought at his Tomb, lis Body was taken up and found reduced to Powder, but his Epiſcopal Garment, in which he was wrapped, was as freſh as when new made, and continued fo, ſays Malmesbury, to his Time, who lived in the twelfth Century (1), and after to the Time of Stubbs, when it was to be ſeen at the Church of Beverley (c). As for Oſwald, he was a great Patron of learned Men, as well as of the Monks, and a great Benefactor to thoſe at Fleury, for which Reaſon they have given him the Name of Saint. ALDULPH or Adulf, or EALDULTH, (d), or EADULF (e), Abbot of Peterburgh, à Hóly and Reverend Man, fucceeded to both his Sees. In his Time the Danes continued their Ravages, and in 994 they had 16000 Pounds given them to be quiet:(f). In 996, with Conſent of the Family in Progonna City, he gave to Leofenath, a Soldier, forty Fields (8), at Huneſham, with the Fiſhery thereto belonging, to hold it for three Lives, paying yearly to the Biſhop fifteen Salmons. Witneſſes, Æthellige, Ælfige, Hxhward, Æthel- ſtan, David, Presbyters ; Godingo, Leofſtan, Ætheric, Deacons ; Cynetheng, Wulfgar, Wulfric, Wulfnoth, Wulfwine, Clerks ; Leof- zvine, Monk. All theſe, except Hahward and Darid, were the Witneſſes that ſubſcribed to the many Deeds of Oſwald; but we find no more than this of Aldulph. In the Year 1002, 24 of King Ethelred, on Wedneſday, 17 Kal. of May, aſſembling Biſhops, Ab- 3 (a) Eadmere in his Life and others, Act Ben. Seculi 5. (6) Malmesb. de geſtis Pont: lib. 3. P. 154. (c) Oſwaldi ftolam facerdotalem purpuream auro & gemmis ornatam ac priſca.pulchritudine fulgidam in Beverlacenfi Ecclefia fervatam ſuo tempore fuiffe Thomas Scub- bius tradit, Acta Ben. Seculi 5. p. 728. (d) Hem. Chart. p. 190, 191, let. Alf.An. Tom. III. p. 424. f) Chron Sax. p, 129. (8) Aghor, Hem. Chart. p. 190, 191. bots, BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 57 bots, Prieſts, Monks, and Religious, he honourably tranſlated the Bones of St. Oſwald from his Tomb, to a Slırine which he liad prepared for it ; and not long after, on the Second Nones of May, died, and was buried in St. Mary's Church in wrigorne (a). Wharton tells us, that an old Obituary, belonging to Worceſter, places his Death on the fourth of June, the Obituary of Peter- burgh on the fifth. The Worceſter Annals make him to have fate in this See eleven Years and an half, and ſo does a Catalogue, of the Biſhops in Hemming's Chartulary (6). Malmesbury fays, that he was a great Benefactor to the Monks of Fleury, and therein Emulated his Predeceffor Oſwald. He excuſes him for holding the two Sees together, becauſe of his Sanctity, and did it not out of Ambition, but Neceſſity; but he does not tell us what that Ne- ceſſity was. As for his Succeſſor, he leaves him without Excuſe for doing the ſame, becauſe he differed from him both in Holi- neſs and Habit (c). And this was WOLSTAN, nick-named Reprobate. Nan nimis erravit, dun rebus nos ſpoliavit. For he erred too much, when he ſpoiled us of our Poſſeſſions, ſaid the Monks. Whereas the Truth of the Matter was, that during the Continu- ance of the two Sees being held together, their Lands became con- fuſed the one with the other, and at their Separation pork be- ing the more potent See, retained ſeveral Manors belonging to this of Worceſter; which was as much the Fault of Oſwald and Aldulf as his; but they being Monks and Saints, no Blame was to be laid on them, and Wolftan alone was the Criminal Perfon. Whatever they ſay of him, we have reaſon to believe he was a worthy good Man. For the learned and pious Ælfrick, in his Book (a) Flor. Wig. Alf. An. Tom. III. p. 432. Pont. lib. 3. P. 154. (b) p. 570. (c) Malmesb. de geft. P of 3 58 An Account of the A of Canons dedicated to hiin, ſets him forth as ſuch, and his own Writings ſhew him to be a moſt Religious Prelate (a). An Ac- count of them you will find in Antique Literatura Septentrionalis, lib. 2. p. 141. In the ſame Year that he came to this See, on the 13th of Septem- ber, being the Feaſt of St. Brice, by the ſpecial Command of King Ethelred the Danes were murder'd all over the Kingdom. This brought again that barbarous People, with Swein their King at the Head of them, to revenge their Deaths, and to ravage and ſpoil the Kingdom, which they did till the Year 1007, when 30,000 Pounds ſay ſome (b), 36,000 Pounds ſay others (c), were paid to them to ap- peaſe their Fury and make Peace. Whilſt it laſted, at the Cominand of King Ethelred, there was a General Council held at Enfham in Drfozo Chire, under Ælfeage, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and our IVOL- ſtan, Archbiſhop of York, and Biſhop of Worceſter, wherein were made Thirty-two Canons for the better Reformation and Govern- ment of Church and State, which they all folemnly promiſed to ob- ferve (d). But this Peace laſted not long, for they came again 1009, and ravaged, as uſual, till the Year 1012, when 48,000 Pounds more were given to them to ceaſe from their Devaſtations. Almoſt all the Plate and Ornaments of this Church were then taken away, to raiſe their Share of this Tribute ; the Tables of their Altars, both of Gold and Silver, the Claſps of their Books, their Chalices and their Crucifixes were melted down to raiſe it, and their Lands heavily taxed (e). And no leſs did they ſuffer under his Son Cnut, when a Tribute of 72,000 Pounds were paid to that ſavage People. (a) ---Addo & ipfe fi cujuſpiam gravioris facinoris reus fuerit. Wulfanus minime ut verifimile eft, ci dedicaret Epiftolam luun de Canonibus Ælfricus vir ille pienriſſimus quod & facit verbis Officiofif simis. Immo Scripta ejus infra recenfenda cum Synodalibus Decretis, in Cod. Coston. Claud. A. 3. clare oftendunt eum fuiſfe Antiftitem vere Religiofifſimum. Antiq. Lit. Sept. lib. 2. p. 141, per Wan'eium. (by Chron. Sax. W. Malmesb. P. 35. Ed. Sav. H. Huntingd. p. 206. Higd. Polychr. p. 272 c) Flor. Wig. Rog. Hoveden, p. 246. (d) Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. P. 510. (e) Hem. Chart. p. 248. At BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 59 At this Time of general Devaſtation many Lands were taken from the Church, particularly in the Days of King Ethelred; Cliftun, Homme, #alhain, Bufuwud, Temedbyrig, and eyr, by Earl Hacın and his Soldiers, which his Wife Gunnild knowing to be unjuſtly done, to make ſome fmall Recompence, gave them the Image of the Virgin Mary, curiouſly wrought and adorned with Gold (a). Ægeline, Dean of this Church, a very noble and prudent Man, one of King Ethel red's Counſellors, bought of the ſaid King Swinford in Staffoyd thire, Cient, and Terdebigg in anligereceațrethirt, for two Hundred Pounds, and gave them to the Monaſtery, and he enjoyed them as long as he lived: but after the Death of Ethelred, Edmund his Son and Cnut contending for the Kingdom, there were great Diſturbances every where. During which Dean Ægillin dyed, and Ævic, Highı Sheriff of Staffozdſhire, invaded theſe Lands, and alienated them from the Monks, there being none in ſo troubled a State that would ſee Juſtice done them (b). At this Time the perfidious Duke Edric Streon ruled, in fuch a Manner, as to do what he would, adding Vills to Vills, and Provinces to Provinces; for he joined winchel. comb, which was a County of itſelf, to that of Gloucetter, in which Shire he took from the Church three Villages, Bæcces-hofre, Æfige, and keingham, and ſhortly after was ordered by Cnut to be ſain, and liis Head thrown over London Wall, nor he thought wor- thy of Burial, who had been ſo great an Oppreſſor, and had deſtroy- ed ſo many Monaſteries (0). Earl Ronig having Hereford lhire given to him, he and his Soldiers got as many Lands from the Church as they could, and particularly the Villages of Pencofan, Cogre, and Wpiedent, aclea, and Reccesfond, with all the Lands and Appurte- nances thereto belonging. Upon which the Monks made inceſſant Prayers to God and the Holy Virgin, and bleſſed Oſwald their Patron, that they would raiſe up ſome good Man, and put it into tiis Heait (a) Hem. Chart. p. 251. (6) Thid. p. 276. (c) Hem. Chart. p. 280. Where it is ſaid that Leoffigus was then Biſhop, but fallly. For all agree shat Dake Edric was ſain in or about the Year 1017, at which Time Wolfian ipas Bishop here. to 60 An Account of the si, to reſtore them again to the Church, whoſe Right they were; and that whoſoever ſhould ſtudioựlly counſel and adviſe the fame, might have an everlaſting Reward. (a). Heamtun did belong to the Mona- ftery, for this Biſhop Wolfian recovered it by Law from Earngate the Son of Grim, but could not get Poſſeſſion of it, becauſe Earl Leofric, a great Favourer of Earngates, hindered it, and kept it by Force. Upon which, when he earneſtly deſired tlie Biſhop to make his Son a Monk, he would not, infifting that he ſhould do Right to the Church, and reſtore all the Eand, or aſ ļeaſt give that part of it, which is cal- led Thiccan apei Treo (b), to it, with his Son; which he refu. ſing, and ſaying that his Sons Thould leave it after him, they came to no Agreement, and in a little Time he had not one Son of his Fa- mily left to inherit it (c). I find nothing more of this Biſhop; tlián that in the Year 1018, lię ſubſcribed to King Cnut's Charter, wherein he confirmed the Liber- ties and Privileges of the See of Canterbury, owning the Church there to be the Lady and Mother of all the Churches in England (d), and to another of his, in Behalf of the Monaſtery at St. Edmond's-Bury, 1020 (e). And in the Year 1023, on the fiftli of the Cálends of Fune, he died at York, and was carried to Ely, and buried there (f). He fate 22 Years, and at his Death the Sees of York and Wozcelter - ere a- gain divided. To that of yozk ſucceeded Alfric Puttoc, Provoſt of Wincheller, who would have had this of Wozceltet too, to have held in Commendam, as his Predeceſſors had done before him, but the Wiccians would not accept of him. So Leopfius or LEOFFINUS, LEO FEŘTUS (8), LEO FÉRBIUS (b), LEFFIUS (i), LEO FRICUS (k), LEOFFIĠUS (1), Abbot of Thorneg,ʻa Man of great Religion and Modeſty,, ſucceeded (12). In his Time 1 (3) Hem. (a) Hem. Chart. p. 274: (6) It lies near Droitu ich. (c) Hem. Chart. p. 260, 261. (d) Spelm. Gonc. Tom. III. p. 533. (e) Alf. Annal! (f) Flor. Wig. Chart. p. 571. (b) An Wig (*) W. Malmesb. (*) Ani Petrobug. (7) Hem. Chart. p. 280. (m) Flor. Wig. the A . ܀ BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 61 the Danes went on in oppreſſing the Country, and hereby they loſt ſeveral Lands. For an Order being made, that if any Place failed in the Payment of their Taxes on the Day appointed, any one that ſliould depoſite the Money to the Sheriff, might preſently take Pof- ſeſſion thereof. By theſe Means Lorley, Luddington, praiton, and gọilcote in the County of Warwick, were unjuſtly ſeized on. But Hemming tells us, that God ſuffered not this Rapine to go unpu- niſhed; for every one of them that had a Hand in the Fraud, either loſt their Sight, or the Uſe of their Members, or ran mad, or killed them- felves (a). In Difoydſhire they loſt bethzop and Kidingtun, the Gift of King Offa. And in this County one Simund a Dane, a Soldier of Earl Leofrick’s, endeavoured to diſpoſſeſs them of what they had in Clow!, for he ſo plagued it with Suits and Treſpaſſes, that he drove away the Farmers, and they were forced to grant it to him for his Life, on Condition, that he ſhould ſerve for them in the Wars by Sea and Land, and ſhould acknowledge the Prior for his Lord, by paying yearly an Horſe or Money in lieu thereof (b). But to make ſome Amends for their Loſſes, Earl Leofric, upon the Death of his Father Leofwine, reſtored to them wuifardilea and Blackwell, which had for a long Time been with-held from them. And he alſo promiſed to re- ſtore them at his Death Chadeal, Brolne, Brodun and foxfeld (c). This good Biſhop Leofert fate in this See eleven Years (d), ſay the Worceſter Annals, and the Catalogue in Hemming's Chartulary; but it was not ſo long, for from the fifth of the Kalends of June 1023, on which his Predeceſſor departed this Life, to the 14th of the Ka- lends of September 1033, on which he himſelf died, is but ten Years, and not quite three Months. He departed this Life at Kemſey, a Vil- lage aboutthree Miles from Worcefier, where the Biſhops formerly liad a Palace, and was honourably interred in the Church of St. Mary'. (Hem. Chart. p. 27 16) Ibid. p. 265 (c) Ibid. p. 261. (d) Ibid. p. 571. An. Wig. Q BRIGHTE- 62 An Account of the BRIGHTEAGUS (a), BUITEGUS (6), BUCTEGUS (c), BYRHEA- GUS (), BRITHEGUS (e), or BRIHTEH (f ), Abbot of Perfchoze, ſuc- ceeded him: he was born in Berkſhiz? (8), and was his Siſter's Son. The Year before he was promoted to this Sce, he ſubſcribed as Abbot of Porchose to Curt's Charter, to the Abbey of Colland (b). Wherein that King ſays, that from the Beginning of his Reign he had endea- voured to make Amends for the Depredations and Blood that liad been ſhed by him and his Progenitors, and would do ſo for the fu- ture. To this End he built ſeveral Churches, and repaired and en- dowed many Monaſteries, and was a great Friend to, and Favourer of the Monks. To expiate his Guilt lie went alſo to Kome, to viſit the Sepulchres of St. Peter and St. Paul. This Florence, W. Mal- mesbury, Hoveden, and Huntingdon places in the Year 1031 (i). But Alford from Baronius ſooner, in 1027, when Conrad was crowned Emperor by. Pope John (k). Whenever it was, upon his Return from thence, he ſent Living, then Abbot of Taviloke, and after- wards Billiop here, with an Epiſtle, directed to Ailnoth, Metropoli- tan; Alfric, Archbiſhop of York, and to all the Biſhops, and to all the Engliſh Nation, as well Nobles as Plebeians (1). And herein he notified to them his having been at Kome for the Good of his Soul, and the Good of his Kingdoms; that he had reſolved to amend his Life, and to rule lis People with Juſtice and Equity: and therefore commanded all his Officers to be guilty of no Extortions; to ſee that every one had Right done him; that the Tythes were duly paid to the Church in Auguſt, and Soulſcho- at Martinmas, in the Pariſhes where they lived. For about this Time Pariſh Churches were began ro be built in many Places, the few that were before having been de- ftroy'd by the Fury of the Danes. And it ſeems this King, during mal (a) W. Malmesb: (b) An. Wig. Hem. Chart. p. 255. (c) Annales Petroburg. (d) Índic. ad calcem Flor. (e) Hem: Chart. p. 571. ) Chron. Sax. ſub anno 1038, (8) Hem. Chart. p. 266. (b) Alf. Ap. Tom. III. p. 505. (i) Flor. ſub anno, W. Malmesb. p. 41. Hov. p. 251. Hunt. p. 208. (k) Alf . An. Tom. III. p. 494. (2) Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. p. 535. the BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 63 the Remainder of his Life, was as good as his Word, and did many good Deeds, and made many good Laws (a). Soon after his Return into England he ſent our Biſhop Brihte agrıs, with his Daughi- ter Gunnilda, into Germany, to give her in Marriage to Conrad, Em- peror there, others ſay to Henry his Son. When he came back to his See, he robbed the Church of ſeveral of their Lands, and not regard- ing the Conſent of his Brethren, he gave Ællinton and Sapian to one who had married his Siſter, which was the Cauſe of their being loſt for ever. For they being dead, Richard, the Son of Scrob (6), a Norman, ſeized on Sapian, and left it to his Son; and Agelric, the Biſhop's Brother, ſeized on Ælanton, and left it to his Son Go- dric (c). To this Brother of his he alſo gave hemeltun, Spechley, and wulfrinton, and one Hide at Whitinton (d). To his Kinf- man Brihtwinne he gave Ravenſhil (e); to Hearlerin, his faithful Miniſter and Companion in his Embaſſy to the Emperor, half a Hide, at Lappawurthin, on Condition of paying one Shilling yearly at the Feaſt of the Aſſumption of the Virgin Mary (f). And to another Servant of his he gave Elmlæge (8), and to Atſere his Chamberlain, five Hides at Bengwozty (h). He ſate in this See not quite fix Years, and died on a Wedneſday, 13 Cal. Jan. 1038 (i), before Chrift- maſs (k). Upon his Death Harold, ſurnamed Harefoot, then King of England, gave this Biſhoprick to LivingUs, Living (1), LIFINGUS ( 112 ), a Nephew of Brithwald, Biſhop of St. German in Cornwall. He was firſt a Monk at Win- chelter, then Abbot of Taviữock, and as ſuch accompanied King Cnute to Bone, and upon his Return was made by him Biſhop of Trediton, in the Year 1032 (n). And being in great Favour with him when his Uncle died, he procured his Biſhoprick to be added to I (1) Ibid. (8) Ibid. (a) Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. p. 538. (6) Rog. Hoveden, p. 254. (c) Hem. Chart.p. 253 (d) Ibid. p. 266. (e) Ibid. p. 267: (b) Ibid. p. 269. (i) Flor. Wig. Ik) Chron. Sax. ſub anno. “7 pa toyoran Xrer mäſian Bjuhteh B. on pigpacearthe cinc xondjen She. (7) Chron. Sax. (m) Mem. Chart. p. 276. (n) Godwin. Alf. An. ſub anno. his year 64 An Account of the his own (a), and when promoted to this See he left them not; bu contrary to the Canons, he held them both in Commendam, with Worceſter. Upon wliich Account he is branded by Malmesbury in theſe Words; Ambitioſus & protervus Ecclefiafticarun Legum tyran- nus 1lt fertur invičlus, qui nihil penſi haberet quo minus omni volun- tati ſuæ afſifteret (b). An ambitious, arrogant, uncontroulable Tram- pler on the Eccleſiaſtical Laws, who ſtudied nothing more than to gratify his own Will. In the Year 1040, upon Hardicnute's coming to the Crown, he was accuſed to him of procuring the Death of Al. fred, King Ethelred's Eldeſt Son, his half Brother by his Mother, who being invited into England by a forged Letter in his Mother's Name, was ſeized by Earl Godwin, had his Eyes put out, was carried to Bilingham, and thence to Ély, where for ſome little Time he ſuſtained with Bread and Water a miſerable Life. For this the King deprived him, and gave the Biſhoprick to Alfric, Archbiſhop of yozi, who would fain have had it before; but after one Year's Depri- vation the King reſtored it to him again, he having made his Peace by paying him a good Sum of Money (c). In 1041, whilſt Alfric was in Poſſeſſion of this See, Hardicnute impoſed a grievous Tribute upon the Nation, that eight Marks ſhould be paid to every Rower in his Fleet, and twelve to every Comniander : And he ſent his Of- cers, called Houſecarles (d), thro’out England to gather the ſame. Upon this there aroſe a Tumult here at Worceſter, upon the 4th of the Nones of May, on a Monday, and Feades and Thurſian, two of the King's Receivers, flying to the Tower, were followed and flain. The King much enraged and egged on by Alfric, who owed the Worcef- ter Men a Grudge, for their refuſing to cliooſe him their Biihop (e), fent Thur of the ait-angles, Leofric, Duke of mercia, Godwin of the Wieli-Sarons, Rone of the wageütenfans ($), Seward of (a! W. Malmesb. p. 145. 16) Ibid. de Epiicopis Cridienfibus. (c) Pecunia ſerena, tus. W. Malmesb. p. 43. (1) Hu;'cajil, a Domeſtick Cervant. (e) Quin & Wigorni- enſibus pro repulſa Epiſcopatus infenfus, Autor Hardecnuto fuit, ut quod illi pertinacius exactoribus regiorum vectigalium obititerant, urbem incenderet, fortunas civium abraderet. w. Malmesb. lib. 3. Je geftis, Pont. p. 154. (f) Radnorshire and Shropſhire. Vlen. Northuni- BISHOP$ of WoRCESTER. 65 Northumberland, and all the other Earls of England, and almoſt all his Domeſtick Servants, with great Forces, to revenge the Affront, commanding them to flay all without Mercy, to rifle and burn the City, and to lay walte the Country. On the ſecond of the Ides of November they began to put this cruel Command of the King's in Execution; they ſpoiled and burnt the City, and ravaged the Country for the Space of five Days; when loaded with Plunder they returned every one to their own Hoine. However it happen'd, that few or no Priſoners were taken, nor many killed ; for the Countrymen, terrified with the Report of their March, and foreknowing their Danger, were fled, and the Citizens with their wives and Children retired into a ſmall Iſland, encompaſſed by the River Severn, called Beverege, two Miles above their City, which they fortified, and there manfully defended themſelves, till their Peace was made (a). The next Year Living being then reſtored to his See, was very inſtrumental with Earl Godwin, in raiſing Ed- ward the Confeſſor to the Throne of his Anceſtors (b). A little af- ter this he had a Controverſy with Swegen or Swain, Earl Godwin's San, who, full of Pride and Glory, gave out, that he was the Son of valiant King Cnute, and not of Godwin; which his Parents high- ly reſenting, his Mother made Oath that he was her Son, and that Godwin was his Father, and had the fame confirmed by the Oathis and Teſtimonies of ſeveral noble Ladies of weaſer. This wicked Man adding Iniquity to Iniquity, and full of Luſt as well as Pride, took away by Force Edgiva, Abbeſs of Leomgnffre, and cohabited with her for the space of a Year, upon which he fell under the Cen- ſures of the Church; and Edji, Archbiſhop of Canterburg, joining with Living, they threatned to excommunicate him, upon which he very unwillingly parted with her: and out of Revenge he and his (a) Flor. Wig: Win. Malmesb. p. 43. Rog. Hoveden, p. 252. Sim. Dunelm. -- . Milton's HIR. Of England, p. 277. (b) Edwardus annitentibus maxime Comite Godwino & Wigorni- enfi Præfulæ Livingo Lundoniæ levatur in Regem. Flor. Wig. R Friends 1 ។ 4 66 An Account of the Friends took away from this Church Mærebrock, Hopton, and Up: per Cliberry, with many other Lands in Shropſhire (a). As for hiinſelf not being permitted to marry Edgiva, he left the Land, and 1049 returned with eight Ships out of Denmark, feigning a Deſire to come again into the King's Favour; at which Time de barbarouſly murthered Beorn, his Couſin Gernian, who promiſed to intercede for him; and loſing fix of his Ships, with the other two he eſcaped into Flanders, where he remained till Aldred, who ſucceeded Biſhop Liv- ing, by earneſt Mediation wrought his Peace with the King. Af- terwards he was baniſhed withi his Father Godwin 1051, and then touch'd in Conſcience for the Murther of Beorn his Kinſman, and his other Crimes, he went barefoot to Jeruſalem, and returning home died either by Sickneſs, or by the Hands of the Saracens in Lycia (b). But not to digreſs, Biſhop Living, the Year not ſaid, recovered by Law the Village of Elmlæge, which Biſhop Britegh had given to a Servant of liis, and reſtored it to the Monaſtery; but afterwards over-perſuaded by the Intreaties of his Servants, he took it from them again, and gave it to Egelric, ſurnamed Kiu, a Soldier, for his Life and then to return to the Monaſtery, binding with a perpetual Curſe him that ſhould detain it (c). About this Time we may place what Hemming tells us concerning Toddargcge, which had been granted in the Year 963 by Biſhop Oſwald to Ælfric, for three Lives. That one named Spirit, much beloved by Harold and Hardecnute, ob- tained it of liis Brother Ernwi, a rich and powerful Man, then in Poſſeſſion of this Place, cauſa hofpitationis, that whenever he went to him, or came from him, he might find here Entertainment. But in the Time of Edward the Confeſſor he was baniſhed by him the Kingdom, and a Favourite of his, one Richard, the Son of Scrob, a Norman (d), ſeized on it, and ſo the Church loſt it. (e). This (a) Hem. Chart. p. 275, 276. (b) W. Malmesb. p. 46. Milton's Hift. of England, p. 282s 289. Flor. Wig. Hoveden, p. 252. (6) Hem. Chart. p. 267. Reg. 1. Dec. & Cap. Wig. p. 70. a. (d) Hoveden, p. 254. (e) Hem. Chart. p. 254. Living, BISHOPS of WORCESTER. . 67 Living, Biſhop of the wiccians, mevonſhire, and Cornwall died March 23, 10 Kal. of April 1046, on a Sunday, liaving been Bi- ſhop of Kirton fifteen Years, and of this See eight (a). At the Time of his Death there was heard ſuch a Clap of Thunder all o- ver England, as many thought the Day of Doom had been been cone He was buried at Taviťoke, which Monaſtery he had repaired and endowed, and thereby had gained ſo much Favour with the Monks, that to the Time of Malmesbury, who gives us the foregoing Ac- count of his Death and Burial, they continually chaunted the fifteen Plalms of Degrees for the Repoſe of liis Soul (6). ALDRED or E ALRED, firſt a Monk at wincheffer, and af- ter that Abbot of Taviitoke ſucceeded him. Who in the Year 1049, with ſome few Men out of Glouceſterſhire and Herefordſhire went up in Haſt againſt certain Iriſh Pyrates and Welſhnien who had ravag- ed the Country and paſſing the River Wide had burnt munedham, and killed all they met. Upon whoſe coming they privily fent Mef- ſengers to Griffin, Prince of Southwales for Aid and Aſſiſtance, who Marching with his whole Power by Night, early in the Mor- ning he ſuddenly aſſaulted the Engliſh flew many of them, and put the reſt to flight (C). In 1054 Godwin, Abbot of Winchcumb dying, Biſhop Aldred on the Feaſt of St. Kenelm 17 July, fubfti- tuted in his Room Godric, the Son of Godman the King's Chap- lain, and ſoon after was ſent by the ſaid King on an Embaſſy to the Emperor, with many rich Preſents, where he was very honourably received and entertained for the Space of a Year, and his Meſſage was to entreat the Emperor, that Edward, the remaining Son of his Brother Edmund Ironſide, who had married his Daughter Aga- tha, and was then in the Hungarian Court, miglit be ſent over into England, which was done, for he came hither about this (a) Flor. Wig. Hoveden p. 254 Miltons Hift. of Eng. 283. (b) W. Malmesb. p. 145. (1) Flor. Wig. Time 68 An Account of the Hea $ Time and dying ſoon after, was buried at St. Paul's Lonton. By this Agatha he had Edgar Atheling, Margaret Queen of Scots and Mother of Maud the Empreſs and Chriſtina ( a). There are ſome Deeds in Hemming without Date, which I ſhall here inſert, as being granted much about this Time. Agelwine, Dean of the Church of wrigonne and his Brother Ordric, having bought three Caſlats of Land at Cundico te on the Hills, with the Money of the Monaſtery, they ſettled them to the uſe of the Monks, where for the liealth of their Souls, they had cauſed the Son of Ordric to take the Habit, and Ordric himfelf not long after leaving all that he had, became a Monk too(b). Wiburg, a Widow, for the health of her Soul, and to keep up her Memory, gave for ever to the faid Mona- ſtery Sciranac in the Pariſh of Feckenbam, to come to them af- ter her Death, on Condition they ſhould bury her there (c). Three Hides at Teotengton and alfageton (d), which Oſwald had granted out for Lives, in the Year 963, were now in the Poſſeſſion of one Toki, a rich and powerful Man who for the Health of his Soul, and the Love that was between Aldred and him, left them unto him by his 'laſt Will; but Aki his Son, another rich and po. werful Miniſter of the King's. after the Death of his Father, claimed the Land as his by hereditary Right. Whereupon to end all Strife, with Conſent of the King and Earl Leofric, and in Preſence of the Nobles of the Province, the Biſhop gave the faid Aki eight Marks of Gold to relinquiſhi all his Right and Title to it; and having thus purchaſed it, he gave it to the Monaſtery, freeing it from all Service to the Epiſcopal Village of Breadune, to which it was ſaid it did formerly belong, tho' no Man then remembred the fame (e). He gave them alſo the Fiſhery at Hallow and Scadwell, with the Lands belonging thereto (f). Godwin, Brother to Earl Leofric, had long re- (a) Hov. p. 254 (6) Hem. Chart. p. 335. P. 177 (c) Ibid. p. 396 1) Ibid. p. 517. (6): Ibid. p. 336. (d) Ibid. tained 1 BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 69 tained Salewarp, from the Church, but upon his Death - Bed when he received Holy Unction from Wolftan, then Dean, and Wilſtan, who was afterwards Abbot of Gloceſter, he by his Will reſtored it to them; but Agelwin his Son, aſſiſted by his Uncle Lec- fric, made void the ſaid will, and added it to his own Poſſeſſions, for which the juſt Judgment of God came upon him; he ſoon af- ter loſt his Life and all that he had, ignominiouſly ending his Days in the Hut of a Cowherd, and ſcarce having two Servants to bury him (a). EowIn, another Brother of Earl Leofric, had taken away from them Bikemerfc in waarwicſcire, wlicbald in Worceterfiire, and Lands in Shropſcire, but long he enjoyed them not; for he was ſlain by Griffin, King of Wales, Morte ignominiofa. Thirty Days after this Father Wolftan, Prior, and Wilſtan, Provoſt, went to alritune, and demanded the Lands belonging to their Monaſtery, but could get none of them, except a little Meadow at Darnancive (b). It was in the Year 1055, that this Griffin enter'd with his Forces into uc: refojothire, routed the Engliſh, killed many, wounded more, New ſeven Canons defending the Minſter, ſpoiled and burnt both Mona- ſtery and City (c). And the next Year, with great Breach of Faith, he ſet upon Leofgar the Biſhop, with his Clerks, at a Place called Glađprig, and flew them too (d), upon which the vacant Biſhoprick was given in Commendam to Aldred, who, with the Earls, Leofric and Harold, made Peace between the King and Griffin. Soon after this, viz. on the ſecond of the Calends of September 1057, died at Bromleage, Leofrick, Duke of the Mercians, in a good old Age, a Man of no leſs Virtue than Power in his Time, religious, prudent, and faithful to his Country, happily wedded to Godiva, a Woman of great Praiſe; who, upon the Death of her Husband, mindful of the (4) Hem. Chart. p. 259. (c) Hoveden, p. 254 (b) Ibid. p. 278, 279. S (d) Ibid. Promiſe . Ý ove ***** 70 An Account of the Promiſe he had made to reſtore Chaddedte, Beo'nr, Brogun, and Fogfeld, came to the Monks here, and gave them for the Health of his and lier Soul three Cloaks, two Curtains, two Coverings for Benches, two Candleſticks finely wrought, and a Library, deſiring that ſhe might liold the Lands during lier Life, paying yearly ſuch a Sum of Money, and at her Death to return to the Monaſtery, with all that ſhould be found thereon, to which they readily agreed (a). Pzondoc was about this Time reſtored to Prior Wolftan by Nordman and with it a Son of his. But Sheriff Ralph, with IVilliani, Earl of Herefozd, took that, and more Lands away from the Monaſtery, and not long after died in Exile, and Ralph being clapped up in Jayl loft all that he had (b). Alſo one Ordreii, a Man of great Probity, draw- ing near the Time of his Death, being touched in Conſcience, reſto- red Aaun, which had been a long Time with-held from them, and foon after it was taken from them again by Ægelwii, Abbot of ebe, flam, and from him by Urſo d’Abetot, Sheriff of the County, who gave it away in Marriage with his Daughter (6). In 1058 Biſhop Aldred dedicated the fine Abbey Church of Glouceltet, which he had built from the Ground, and with Leave of King Edward conſtituted Wilſtan, one of the Monks of Worceſter, Abbot there (d). In 1060 thie Archbiſhoprick of yozk fell void by the Death of Kinſ, and he making his Way by Money and Bribes, liberally beſtowed among the Courtiers, found Means to circumvent and abuſe the Simplicity of the King; and by alledging the Examples of his Predeceſſors, who had held Wocceler in Commendam with Pozk, he obtained a Licence from him to do the ſame. Upon obtaining this he reſigned Heres fozd,, which, upon the Account of his Induſtry, had been committed to his Care in the Time of the Wars with Grifin, King of South. wales: And the ſame was given to Walter a Lorrainer, Chaplain to Queen Eadgitha (e). With this Walter and Giſo, Biſhop Elect of (6) Ibid: p. 249. (a) Hem. Chart. p. 261, 262. Wig. Flor. Wig (1) Flor. Wig (c) Ibid. p. 250. (d) An. Wells, madhe ! BISHOPS of WORCESTER. . 71 f Wells, and Toſti, Earl of Northamberland, Son to Godwin, Earl o Kent, he went in the Year 1061 to Rome, to receive his Pall. The Earl, Pope Nicholas graciouſly received, made him ſit by his Side in a Synod, that he had called againſt thoſe that had been guilty of Sy- mony. Giſo and Walter, free from ſuch a Crime, and not contemp- tible for their Learning, he conſecrated; but Aldred, by his own Con- feſſion guilty, of all his Honours he deprived. Having met with ſuch different Treatment, as they returned home one common Cala- mity befel them all; for falling into the Hands of Robbers, they were ſpoiled of all they had, except their Cloaths, and ſo to Home unhurt they returned again. This Misfortune was to Aldred a Means of obtaining that Favour which he could not get before. For Earl Toſti boldly giving out, that the Pope's Excommunications would be little dreaded by diſtant Nations, when Rogues ſo near feared them not; that it was wrong to trample on Supplicants, and not be able to do any Thing againſt Rebels; that if their Goods were not reſtored by his Authority, by whoſe Miſgovernment they had been loſt, the King of England, when he heard it, would, no doubt, make them full Amends out of their Peter-pence; and that as for himſelf he would not fail to repreſent it to his Majeſty and to puſh on the fame with his utmoſt Vigour Thoſe about the Pope, much moved at theſe Speeches, perſuaded him to let Aldred have his Archbiſhoprick and his Pall, for that it would not look well to have him fent home to his own Countrey robbed and diſgraced. So he obtained Pork, but with this Condition, that he ſhould leave Wozceưer (a). Upon his Return, before he did leave it, he preſuaded King Edward to ſubject it to the See of pork (1 and determining with himſelf to rob it of ſeveral of its Lands, he got Wolftan choſen thereto, a ſimple, holy Man, one that he thought would give him but little Trouble Malmesbury relates one Thing (a) W. Malmesb. p. 154. Bromton, p. 952. H. Knighten. 5: 2236. inter decem Scriptores (6) Sce Appendix, N. 1. more 72 tin Account of the 5 more of him concerning duloxelter. That whilſt he fate in the See of Vodk, Urſe, High-Sheriff of the County, built a Caſtle on the South Side of the Cathedral Church, which encroached too much on the Sanctuary of the Monks, and damaged them. Complaint hereof be- ing made to him, qui futor effet Epiſcopatus, as Protector of the Biſhoprick, when lie niet him he faluted him with theſe Words, Highteſt, thou Urſe, have thou God's Curſe, and mine, and of all con. ſecrated Heads, except thou takeſt away this Caftle; and know thou aſſuredly, that thy Poſterity ſhall not long inherit the Land of St. Mary, And he tells us, that this Prophecy of the Biſhop's, he himſelf faw fulfilled; for that not many Years after, his Son Roger, who ſucceeded him in his Eſtate and Honours, was deprived of them all by King Henry, and he forced to fly the Land, becauſe in his headlong Fury he had commanded one of the King's Officers to be ſlain (a). We have three Deeds of his in Hemming's Chartulary without Date. The firſt, in the Time of Edward the Confeſſor, wherein he gave two Hides at Hill, to Æthelftan, for three Lives (b); and another, where- in he gave one Hide and an half, in michfond, to Wolfgeat, for his Life (c). And the third, declaring that whilft he was Archbiſhop he bought ten Caflats at Heantun in Glouceſterſhire, for ten Marks of Gold, and gave them ad vi&tum Monachorum, to buy Proviſions for the Monks of St. Mary in wigorne City laying under a Curſe all thoſe who ſhould go about to take them away from them (d). He was certainly a great Patron to them, and whilſt he lived did many Things for them. He died the 3. of the Ides of September, feria ſexta 1069, and was buried at yozk, ſay our Hiſtorians (e), at Gloucetter, fay others (f). But to return to WOLSTAN. This Biſhop was born at Long Ichington in quarwickſhire , his Father's Name Ælfſtan, and his Mother's (a) W. Malmesb. p. 154. (6) Hem. Chart. p. 590. p. 398, 399. (e) Stubs's Col. 1703, inter decem Script. Survey of York Cathedral. (c) Ibid. p. 600. () Brown Willis, Eſq; in his Id} Ibid. Wigeva, BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 73 Wigeva, from whence he had his own Name Wulſtan, conſiſting of the firſt Part of his Mother's, wl, and the laſt part of his Fa- ther's ſtan. Which Ælfſtan or Eatſtan, wrs a faithful Servant or Oſwald's, and had Lands given him here at Fcenantune by the faid Biſhop, An. Dom. 991 (a). He was a very religious Man, and ſo was his Wife. Sometime before their Death they ſeparated one from the other, and he became a Monk liere at modeller, and ſhe a Nun (6). As for Wolftan their Son, the put him to School to learn to read at Evelham, and from thence they ſent him to Peterburg, where he was inſtructed in Grammar; his Maſter's Name was Erwex, in Writing and Painting very Skil- ful. With a Sacramentary and a Pſalter fairly wrote by him, having the firft Letters of the Sentences curiouſly depicted, Wol. ftan was mightily taken ; and fadly grieved, when for Lucre-fake, he parted with the firſt to King Cnute, and gave the Pfalter to Queen Emma (c). Returning from hence into his own Country, per- haps on the Death of his Father, and coming here to viſit his Mo- ther, he was perſuaded by her to leave the World, and in the fame Monaſtery where his Father before had ſerved God, he re- ceived the Habit and Order of a Monk, from the venerable Bi- Shop Brihte age, by whom he was alſo ordained both Deacon and Prieſt. He was foon taken Notice of for his pious and ſtrict Courſe of Life, fervent Devotions, long Watchings, and frequent Fastings (d). Upon the Account of theſe and many other Vir- tues, he was at firſt appointed for a time Maſter and Guardian of the Children. Afterwards, for his practical Diligence in Eccle- fiaftical Affairs, he was by Command of his Superiors made Chan- ter and Treaſurer (e), or, as ſome fay Edit rus Cýricpeanoe (f), Keeper or Overſeer of the Church ; and being in this Station he (a) Hem. Chart. p. 126. (2) Flor. Wig. () Flor. Wig. (6) Flar. Wig. (c) Ang Sac. P. 2. p. 244. v) Hem. Chart. p. 404. T gave 74 An Account of the 基 ​gave himſelf wholly up to a Contemplative Life, either in Prayer to God, or in reading the Scriptures, and meditating thereon. And in theſe Exerciſes he continued ſometimes a whole Day and Night together ; once, it is ſaid, four Days and Nights together, where- by he incurred ſuch Danger, that had he not 'haſtened by Sleep to refreſh Nature, he would have died. And when Naturé en- forced him to take ſome Ropoſe, he laid not himſelf down on a Couch or ſoft Bed, but on ſome Bench or Form in the Church and made the Book he read the Pillow whereon ta lay his Head. Being thus. Exerciſed in the ſtrict Severity of a Monaſtick Life, upon the Death of Agelwine, he was by Biſhop Aldred made Pri- or, the, Year not certain (a); but it muſt be between 1051 and 1057; for in the Deed of Cundicotan, Agelwin was then. Dean, and to it ſubſcribed, amongſt others, Kynfi , Archbiſhop of Polk, who came not to that See till 1051. And in 1057 died Leafrick, Earl of Mercia who gave to Wolftan, Prior, five Hides at wolverled and two at Black well , for the Uſe of the Refectory (b). He' executed this office with great Commendation, retaining the Auſterity of his former Converſation, or rather increaſing it, that he might by any Means be an Example of good Life to others (C). This render'd him fo famous, that when Aldred was obliged to quit the Biſho- prick of Worceſter, he was by the general Conſent of the Clergy and Laity choſen to ſucceed hin, the King having ſent down to them his Conge d'eflire, wt quen fibi vellent præfulem eligerent, to chooſe whom they pleaſed. Arninfred, Biſhop of Sedun and ano. ther Legate of the Apoftolick See, ſent by Pope Alexander. to King Edward,, about Eccleſiaſtical Affairs, were then' at Worceller at the folemn Time of Lent, and being Ear and Eye Wit- neſſes of his laudable Converſation, concurred in his Election, and (a) Ang. Sac. P. I. p. 547. in. Succeflione Priorum Wigora. 408, 409, () Flor. Wig (6) Hem. Chart. p. con BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 75 confirmed, it with their Authority. When Notice was given him of this, he refuſed to give his Conſent unto it, and ſaid he was un- worthy of fo high a Dignity, and proteſted that lie would rather loſe his Head, than to take fo great a Charge upon him. Tho' ſeveral re- ligious and worthy Perſons importunately arged him to accept of it, yet he ſtill perſiſted in denying; till one Wulli , Son of Earl Leofric, fay fome (a), a Recluſe or Anchorite for above forty Years, ſharply reprehended him for his Obſtinacy, and aſſured him that in ſo doing he much offended God. Upon this he yielded, not without great Grief of Heart; and his Election was Canonically confirmed on the Day of the Decollation of St. John the Baptiſt, and agreed unto by the King the 29th of Auguſt; and he was confecrated at youk by Archbiſhop Aldred, on the Nativity of St. Mary, the Eighth of Sep- tember following, being then above fifty Years old, An. Doni. 1602. ziſt, of Edward the Confeffor, Indi&tion 15. The Reaſon why he was conſecrated by. Aldred, and not by Stigand, Archbiſliop of Canters burg, Florence tells us was, becauſe Stigand was under Suſpenſion: to whom nevertheleſs he ſwore Canonical Obedience, and not to Al- dred, who ordained him (6) The firſt Thing we meet with recorded of him, after he was made Bishop, is his being preſent at the Dedication of St. Peter's Church at wećminter, built and endowed by King Edward the Confeflor; and his fubſcribing to that King's Charters, confirming the many Pri- vileges granted to it by Pope Nicbolas's Bull (c). And before this good King died, he granted Biſhop Wolftan Freedom for Toll as fol- lows: > ई (a) Quis ille Anachorita Wulfius. Is indubie fuit Leofrici Comitis filius inclufus in Mona.. Merio Croylandenft -anne 1018-ele que lngulphus hæc habet. Brithmeri Abbatis anno quarto, ve- niens quidam devotiſſimus adoleſcens ac valde generoſus, de cognatione videlicet Leoírci Comitis Lei- ceftriæ nomine Wulfius amore vitæ folitariæ apud nos reclufus eft & multis annis fanctiffime converſa- tus. Jagulph. p. 507, b. 1. 33. Alf . An Tom. III. p. 560, 561. (6) Sim. Dunelm. p. 1909 191. Flor. Wig. (c) Spelm. Conc. Tom. I. p. 631, 635. Eoraro 1 happy 76 An Account of the Eopano King, gnet Alfzar Henl , Richapo 7 alle myne ýeyner an Pýncerereyhýre pithynne porte 7 pitouren Frendlýche, 7 iche quýbe ou ýat lý pulle jaz polytan Birrop be ýe triddeler Pýrbe of yem tolne 7 of chýptolne into Seýnte marie munyane, ro ful 7 ro Fonth ro he laveo ýat orben ýing (a). When William the Conqueror, after the Battle of Haſtings, ravaged the Country, he with Aldred, Archbiſhop of yozk, and many other Nobles met him and ſubmitted to him, and attended on his Coronation by Aldred, on Chriſtmaſs Day following. Having got peaceable Poſſeſſion of the Throne, in the firſt Year of his Reign 1067, that King gave to Biſhop Wulftan the Village of Culaclpfe, a Member of wolverleg, containing two Hides, for the Uſe of the Monks of St. Mary, on Condition they ſhould pray to God for the Health of his Soul, and the Souls of all thoſe who had aſſiſted him in getting Poſſeſſion of this Kingdom, and that whatever Guilt he had contracted in ſo doing, might be forgiven him (b). He continued not long in this good Mind to- wards the Engliſh Clergy, for he very ſoon began to diſplace them: ſome with, and ſome without Cauſe, the better to bring in his Nor- mans, who robbed this Church of ſeveral Lands. William Fitz Of- bern, Earl of Herefozd, took from them Headdes Dfre, or Hadſot, which lies Eaſt of wich, and gave it to his Servant Gilbert; which Earl William, who took away this, and ſeveral other Lands from them, died a ſhameful Death in Exile, and his Son Roger, found Guilty of Treaſon, forfeited all he had, and was impriſoned for Life (c). Ralph de Beornac, this Earl's Sheriff, took from them Peonodoc (d), Ældntun (e), ÆQligt (f), and quitled (s), and he died in Jayl too (b). Urſo d'Abetot, whom King William made High Sheriff of this County, deprived them of Ægon (i), Clopo ton (k), Kedmietlight near Dubbantreo (1), Brimler, Esburg (m); (a) Lib. Alb. Epiſc. Wig. fol. 39 b. (d) Ibid. p. 249 (e) Ibid. p. 255: (K) Ibid. p. 253 : 2{{; Ibid. p. 254 (6) Hem. Chart. P: 413. (c) Ibid: p. 262, 263. (f) Ibid. 18) Ibid. p. 256. (h) Ibid. p. 250. p. 254• (m) Ibid. p. 257 and i Ibid. :::.... w BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 77 and Wareder: (a), and Robert his Brother, of Lawern (b), Elmeley (c), Charleton, and other Lands (d). Two more Frenchmen robbed them of Sceldeler: (e), and Bradicote (f). Turſtan, a Flanderkin, took from them Ribbestad (8). And Ægelwi, Abbot of Evelham, skil- ful in the Laws, and much honoured and made a Judge by the Con- queror, got into his. Poſſeſſion the other part of Bengwostſ, with mulcot, and wetun in Warwickſhire, and Evinlode and Dailesfozd, belonging to the Biſhoprick. Upon whoſe Death Qdo, Biſhop of Balbur, and Earl of Canterbury, the King's Brother, took them from his Succeſfor Walter, and enjoyed them (h). En Gloucefterfhine; Roger d'Ivry, the King's , Butler, took from them Hampton, but held it not long; for incurring the King's Diſpleaſure, lie, with others, were forced to fly, and their Lands were ſeized on, and they died in Exile (i). Even the Conqueror himſelf fpared them not, for in Lent 1069, ſays Bromton. (k:), 1070 fay' others, but not ſo truly (2); being informed that ſeveral : Perſons, had lodged their Money and Plate in the Monaſteries, he took Occaſion thence to order all the Rem ligious Houſes to be ſearched, and every Thing of Value to be carried off; on Pretence it belonged to his. Enemies. Some Hiſto- rians affirm, that he fpared not ſo much as the Shrines of the Saints, and the confecrated Veſſels; the Truth of which does fully appear from a Saxon Note in Hemming's Chartulary ( m). That they took in the firſt Place off the Ærcene or hrözile buc ten: Pounds, off fifteen Roods ſix Marks, and off their Erucifixes and Clialices ele- ven Marks, off the long Slirine eight: Pounds, and off the three Horns three Marks, and off the Candleſticks ten Pounds, and off the Hecce thirty-three Marks; and to this they added forty Marks, and fix half Marks of Gold. Theſe Doings were ſo abominable, that (a) Ibid. p. 261. (6) Ibid. p. 352; (c) Ibid. P: 267: (d) Ibid. p. 268. (2) Ibid, p. 251. (8) Ibid. p. 265 (g) Ibid256. (b) Ibid. p. 269, 272, 273. (i) Ibid. P. 280, 281. (k) Chr. Brompton. p. 967. 1. 46. (1) Rad. de diceto, 482. 1. 41. Sim. Dunelm. p. 19% (m) P. 393 U Aldred 78 An Account of the Aldred curſed Urſo d'Abetot to his Face, for his building his Caſtle to the Damage of the Monks; and feeing that the King had broken his Coronation Oath, and not defended the Church, nor miniſtred Juſtice, nor uſed Engliſhnien as favourable as his own Normans, he ſtuck not to thunder out an Excommunication againſt him too; fay- ing that now wortbily he had curſed, whom önce' unworthily he had bleſſed (a), for lie it was that had crowned him. This muſt be done in 1069, for a little after he died, vix, on the 11th of September, and in the Lent before it, we may truly fix the ſearching and ſpoiling of the Monaſteries. · Archbiſhop Aldred, now dead, Wolftan thought it a proper Time for him to recover the Lands, viz. twelve Villages or Manors, which had been unjuſtly taken away from his See, and annexed to that of York (b). Accordingly at the great Council held at Wincheſter, on the Octaves of Eaſter 1070, where Ermenfred, Bi- Shop of Sedun, and John and Peter Prieſts, fate as the Pope's Legates, he demanded Reſtitution according to Juſtice, of the many Lands his Biſhoprick had been deprived of, and which were now upon Aldred's Death in the King's' Hands: -But becauſe the Church of York was then deftitute of a Paſtor, it was adjudged that the Controverſy ſhould reſt till thắt See Mhould be filled (c). THOMAŞ, a Nornian, born at Bajeur, and Treaſurer of that Church, as well as Chaplain to the King (d), was ſoon after made Archbiſhop of Pozk, and Lanfranc, another Foreigner, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Stigand being depoſed (e). And then came on a- gain the Cauſe between the Sees of pork and Wlozcelter, at a Coun- cil held at Pedreda or Pederton, where were preſent the King, the two Archbiſhops, with all the Biſhops, Abbots, Earls, and Peers of Cngland. And although Thomas and his Favourers endeavoured by all Means, whether fair or foul, to keep down the Church of + fa) W. Malmesb. p. 154. b. (b) Stubbs. Act. Pont. Ebor. p. 1702..1. 31. (d) Stubbs, p. 1705 (0) Rad. de Diceto, p. 482. (c) Flor. Wig Wozceler, BISHOP'S of WORCESTER. 79 Wozcelfer, and to ſubject it to that See, yet it was determined againſt them, their Deeds were proved falſe and their pretences groundleſs. So that WVulſtan, the Man of God, not only recovered his Right to the twelve Manors that had been taken from him, but all the Priviliges that had in any wife been granted to his See, as well by the firſt Founders, King Ethelbald and Ojher his Viceroy; as by Kenred, Æthelbald, Offa, Kenulf King's of the Mercians: and by their Succeſſors Edward Senior, Æthelſt an , Edmund, Edred and Edgar, Kings of England (a) As ſoon as this Council was ended, Thomas went along with Lanfranc and Remigius, Biſhop of Dozchetter to Kome, in order to receive their Palls; and here he made Complaint to the Pope that he had been forced to ſubmit to Lanfranc againſt Right and claimed a- gain a Juriſdiction over the See of dúodceller : but the Pope would not meddle with it, and ordered it to be decided by the King and his Nobles, and it was by them given againſt him in the Year 1072 at the Caſtle of windleſoze (b ). At this time it was that Archbiſhop Lanfranc endeavoured to have Biſhop Wulft an depoſed for Inſufficiency, tho' ſecond, neither to himſelf nor any other for Holineſs and Virtue, but ſeeing him in great Favour with the People, or ſtruck with Story of his fix- ing his Paſtoral Staff in the Tomb of St. Edward, which none could remove but himſelf, with no little Shame he deſiſted (c.). Ailred, Abbot of Kievale, in his Life of Edward the Confeſſor, gives us a long Account of this fixing his Staff in the Tomb of that King which thoſe that delight in ſuch Legends may there peruſe (e ). Malmesbury, tho”ą Lover of ſuch miraculous Stories, makes no Mention of it : buț ſpeaking of this. Matter he ſays. (f). Here the holy Simplicity of bleſſed Wulfi an even his coura- (a) Rog. Hov. p. 260. a. th) Rad. de. Diceto. p. 484, 485. (d) Ailred. p. 405, 406. iuter decein Scriptores. (c) Antiq.. Rrit. pi112, gious 80 ,, An Account of the gious Truſt in God is worthy, to be praiſed; for, being ordered to withdraw, and to give in his Anſwer to what had been alledged a- gainft him, çoming to his Friends with a compoſed Mind, Believe me, fays he, we have not ſung horam ſextain, let us therefore fing it; They anfwering, that firſt they ought to conſult and diſpatch the Bu- fineſs they were about, that there would be Time enough for them to chant hereafter, that if the King and his Nobles ſhould hear this they would laugh him to fcorn. Believe me, firſt, ſays he, let us ſerve God, and after let us wage the Controverſy. of Men. The Hour being chanted without any Tergiverſation, or pretending to more than naked Truth, he immediately went towards, the Council. Hali , his Friends, who were very fearful of the. Illye of the Çauſe, endex voured, to ſtay him, to whom lie replied, know for certain, that I here ſee viſibly the holy Archbiſhops, Dunſtan of Canterburg and On: wald of York, who defending me this Day with their Prayers, ſhall blunt the Edge of all my lying Oppoſers. So giving them his Bleſs ſing, and making Uſe of a Monk no Ways eloquent, but skilful in the Norman Language, he ſo pleaded his Cauſe himſelf, that he who before was thought unworthy of ruling his own Dioceſe, was hum- bly deſired by the Archbiſhop of Yalk to viſit his; but this, whether out of Fear of the Enemy, or for Ignorance of the Language of the Country, he did not care to do (a). The Truth is, the Character of the Engliſla Clergy, as well as of the Engliſh Nation, at this time was but very indifferent, and not much inferior to the Rudeneſs and Wickedneſs of the antient Britains, related by Gildas, wherewith they provoked God to give them up into the Hands of the Saxons, as he now did them into the Hands of the Normans : for they were remai kably notorious for Drunkenneſs, Luft, Pride, and Ignorance (b); ſo that pious Wulftan at this Time ſhone as a bright Star amongſt them. (a) W. Malmesb. p. 66. (6) W. Malmesb. p. 57. In - './* :..... Bishops of WORCESTER. 81 In the Year 1077, upon the Petition of Thomas, Arch-biſhop of Yolk; he with Peter, Biſhop of Cheſter, was ſent by Lanfranc, to affiſt in the Confecration of a Biſhop of the Orcades (a). And in 1081, at a Council held at Gloucelfer the King commanding, and Lanfranc conſenting, he with Oſbern, Brother of William Earl of Hereford, and Biſhop of Exeter, Gifo Billiop of wels, and Robert Biſhop of Herefond, aſſiſted the ſaid Thomas Archbiſhop of York, in the Confecration of William Biſhop of Durham (1). His Loy- alty to his Prince, was no leſs remarkable than his Piety to God, for in the Year 1074, or thereabouts (c), when Roger de.. Bretevil, Earl of Herefogd, at the celebration of the Marriage of his Siſter Emme with Ralph de Waer or Guader Earl of 102folk, conſpired with others aganſt the King then in Normandy ; and the ſaid Roger return’d into Herefo2dfhize, and there gathered Forces, in order to go and Aſſiſt his Brother-in-law : our Biſhop Wulftan, calling to his Aid Urſo, Sheriff of the County, and Agelwy Abbot of Eveſham, and Walter de Lacy another potent Baron : they oppoſed his paſsing the Severn, and prevented him from joyning his Brother, who receiving no Aid from him, fled to Pozwich, and from thence over Sea, to ſeek for refuge in Foreign Country's. About this Time there aroſe a Controverſy between our Biſhop IVulſtan, and Walter Abbot of Eve Chain. The Biſhop ſued him. for the Services of fiifteen Hides in Heamtone, and four in Benincwerthe, as part of his Hundred of Diwaldeslaw, which (a) Aạtiq. But. p. 114. Ed. Han, (bSim. Dun. (c) Roger Hoveden placas it under the Year 1073. p. 261. Ed. Sav, Flor, Wig. Sim. Dun, under the Year 1074. Chron Joh. Brompton, and the Sax. Annalls under 1075. which laſt runs thus MLXXÛ. On biſum geaje pillelm Cyng zea y Raúlye Eople, pillelmey tohter Oybeanney Sunu, and re ylca Raul y pær Brizziyc on his nosep heal pe ang hir Fæver pay Raulph hatte and pær geboren on Nono polc Da geo x ye Cyng hir Sunu bone Eonltcm on Nonoyolc ano budyolc pa lædae he | pix to Nojiopic, pæn fay Brydeala mannum to Beala X tlre more : 82 An Account of the the Abbot refuſed. King William then in Normandy, directed his Writ to Archbiſhop Lanfranc, and Gosfrid, Biſhop of Tonlance, in theſe Words. See that there be Soke and Sake, between Biſhop Wulftas, and Walter Abbot of Evelham, as it was lately in the time of King Edward, when he gathered the Tax for his Navy. and to try this Cauſe, be thou Gosfrid in my Place, and ftudy that Wulftan may have full Juſtice, done him ; and look that he have the Houſes which he Claims from the Abbot, in Wireceaſtre, and all they who lold Lands of him, may may be ready for my Service and his. Witnefs Roger de Ivery (a). Upon this the Cauſe came to an hearing, at Wireceaſtre before Biſhop Gosfrid and a great meeting of the Neigbouring Counties and Barons. The Biſhop Claim'd his Right, and the Abbot denied it. The Biſhop faid he was ready to produce his Witneſſes, who ſaw the faid Services performed to him in the time of King Edward; which by Command of the Kings Juſtice and the Barons they went to Judgment; and becauſe the Abbot faid he had no, Witneles to produce againſt the Biſhop, it was ajudged by the Nobles, that the Biſhop ſhould name his Witneſſes and bring them at a Day apointed, to prove by Oath what he Aledg’d; and that the Abbot ſhould bring thither at the fame time, what Reliques he pleaſed, on which in thoſe Days they ſwore as well as upon the Bible (6) Biſhop Wulftan the and Abbot came at the time appointed, as alſo the former Barons, being Commanded then to attend by Biſhop Gosſrid. The Abbot brought his Reliques, viz. the Body of Saint Ecguinu. And on the Biſhops ſide, there were ready to take their Oatſis, Edric Steerman of the Biſhops Ship in time of King Edward, and Leader of his Forces in the Wars, who was then a Servant to Robert Biſhop of Hereford, upon which by ( a ) Hem, Chart . p. 77. (b) Socii tactis Sanctis Reliquiis jurabunt ſe ſincere fideles fore fuis fingulis Contociis Hick. Dis. Epift. p. 21. vide etam Lindebrog in voce Perjurium in Altari feu Sanctis Reliquiis, et Somner Dict in voce Haligoore. and *********************** BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 82 and held nothing under the Biſhop of worcelter. As alſo Kixeward High-Sheriff of Wizece Creſcize ; Siward a rich Man of Siloproeze, Osbern the Son of Richard, and Turchil of ware wecfedze, and many others. The Abbot ſeeing ſo plain a Proof ready to be made upon the Oaths of ſeveral Noble and Aged Perſons, taking Advice with his Friends threw up his Cauſe, ac- knowledged the Biſhops Claim, and promiſed to come to Agree- ment with him about it. This was followed with another Writ from the King, directed to U. High-Sheriff and Osbern the Son of Scrob; and to all the French and Engliſhmen in Wiriceazeferze. thus. I will and Command, that Biſhop Wulftan have Soke and Sake and Services and all Cuſtoms belonging to his Hundred, and the Lands thereof as fully as he had them in the time of King Edward. and as to the Lands which he proved, the Abbot of Eveſham to hold of him in Fee, viz. Four Hides at bennina guurde, and the Houſes in the City, I Command if the Abbot will have them, he ſhall do Service for them, as other Feudata- ries. And for the fifteen Hides at Hampton, wliere he proved Soke, and Geld, and Expedition, and other my Services to belong to his Hundred; and Churchſcot and Sepulture, to belong to his Village [ of Cropthorne, ] I Command that none contradict it; but that he have then all to my uſe and his ; as was proved and ſworn to be his Right before Biſhop Gosfrid, and before you and the whole County, according to my Precept. Witneſs Gasfrid Biſhop and Roger de Ivery (a). Not long after this the King fent Walter Giffard a Norman, Earl of Buckingham ; Remigius de Feſchamp Biſhop of Liucoln ; Henry de Ferrers, and Adam Brother to Eudo the Kings Stewart to Survey the the whole Kingdome, which ſome fay began in the a) Hem. Chart. p. 82. 83. four- 84 An Account of the fourteenth Year of his Reign ; and the former Controverſy was again raiſed by the Abbot ; upon which Gosfrid Biſhop of Cons. dance, certified to the forementioned Lords, and the reſt of the Kings Barons there preſent ; that upon the Kings Precept he had held Court of Plea, between Biſhop Wulftan and the Abbot of Eveſham, and that the Biſhop did therein recover four Hides at Bennin uugrthe, and the Houſes in the City as of his Fee, and that the Abbot owed him Service for the fame as his other Frudataries ; and alſo that therein he recovered Soke and Sake at Hampton, as belonging to his Hundred of Dfwaldetawi, and that there they owed Suit and other legal Services for fifteen Hides : and Ciricfccat and Sepulture at his Village of Coppthornt, all which had beeen proved and fworn to before him and Uhr be abercot Orbern Son of Ercrob and the reſt of the King's Barons, and the whole County, ſitting in Judgment and witneffing the fame (a). Upon this they had again a Hearing before Remigius Biſhop of Lincoln and the other Lords ; and once more the Abbot came to an Agreement, and did acknowledge before all the Convent at wigowe, and many Brethren of todetham, that the fifteen Hides at Hampton, did of right belong to the Biſhops Hundred of Diwaldeslawe, and ought to Pay the Kings Tax with the Biſhop, and all other Services belonging to the King, and there to hold Plea. And for the four Hides in Bennincwrgthe, he acknowledged the fame. And becauſe he humbly did this at the re- queſt of thoſe preſent, the Biſhop permitted the Abbot and lis Breth- ren to hold the Land there, on condition that he ſhould make ſuch Honourable recognition and Service as ſhould be required of him. Witneſſes of this Agreement were the foreſaid King's Batons, and others whoſe Names follow. Serlo Abbot of Gloceltze, Nigel : t ( 4 ) H. Chi p 77: Clerk KA BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 85 Clerk to Biſhop Remigius ; Ulf and Ranulph, Monks attendants on the ſaid Biſhop; Wulfi Presbyter, Edric de Hindelep; Alfrein a Monk of St. Remy ; Godric de Piry; Ailric Archdeacon ; Ordric Niger; Fritherick Clerk; Alfwin Son of Bribtmer (a). This Walter Agelwy Abbot of Evelham, was it ſeems a Cunning Subtile Man, well verſed in the Laws of the Land, which were his cheifelt Study; by which means after the Norman Invaſion, and ruine of the Engliſh Nobility, he grew into great Authority and Power, being much favoured by the Conqueror : and the more becauſe Bi- ſhop Wulftan, the only Man in this County more honourable than himſelf , did not intermeddle with ſecular Affairs, giving himſelf wholly up to the Service of God, ; mindful of the Apoftles : Saying no man that warreth entangleth himſelf with the affairs of this Life (b). Hence it was that under pretence of Protecting many Rich Men of this County, he by degrees made them ſubmit to him, and by deceit and flattery defauded them of their Lands and all they had, and among the reſt ſeveral of the Biſhops Soldiers and Leigemen. Upon this Score he had many Suits with the Biſhop, and the Children of this World being wiſer in their generation than the Children of Light, he ſo impoſed upon the Holy Man, by his cunning and and ſhifting, ſometimes acknowledging Services due, and at other times threatning to Damage his other Lands if he Demanded it, that as long as he Lived he kept them, and after his Death the Succeding Abbot got Pollefion of them, and held them till Odo Biſhop of Bajeur, got a grant of them from the King his Brother, and ſo aaun, Eareſbyzi, Benningwusthe, and the Houſes in the City, and welcot, and wetun: in Warewiccize, and downí: lade, and Deiglesford, were utterly loſt as lias been before men- (a) Hem. Ch P. 75, 76. 296. (b) 2 Tim. 24. Y tioned म 86 9. An: Account of the tioned. During theſe Controverſies between the Biſhop and Abbot, the latter died of the Gout, neither reconciled to, nor Abſolved by the Bishop. Wulftan much concerned at this, fervently and frequently Offered up liis Prayers unto God, on the behalf of his Soul; upon which he ſuddenly fell lame himſelf in his Thighs and Feet, inſomuch that no Phyſicians could give him any Remedy. When he ſaw that no human Help was to be expected, he betook him to his uſual refuge of Prayer, and as he told his Monks, one Night when he Prayed it was revealed unto him, that this infir- mity had fell upon him, becauſe he ſo often Petitioned for the Ab- bots Soul ; and if he deſired to be Cured he ſhould do ſo no more, and deſiſting from it within a few Days, witfiout the help of hu- man Medicines he became whole and ſound (a). The truth is ſuch was the Iniquity of theſe Times, that the Engliſh were redu. ced to a miſerable State ; their Antient Nobility Slain or Fled, their Lands given to Strangers, and themſelves Oppreſſed with heavy Taxes; their new Maſters were fierce and Cruel, and Cove- tous to the laſt degree; their Provoſts and Sheriffs inſtead of executing Juſtice and Judgment, were alſo fiercer than Theives and Rob- bers, and more Cruel than the Cruelleſt of them (b) Theſe things were followed with Plagues and other Diſeaſes, and with Thun- ders and Lightnings, which deſtroyed both Men and Beaſts; and with Famine by which Multitudes periſhed (c): till at laſt God put an End to the Tyrannical Reign of William the firſt, who came to an untimly Death in Normandy 1097. and could ſcarce ob- tain a quiet Euneral. be To him by Will ſucceeded his ſecond Son William Rufus, but not without Oppoſition, and grumbling of ſeveral great Men, who (a) Hem. Chart. p. 270. (6) H, Hunt p. 212. () W, Malm. p. 62. : in ų 로 ​BISHOP'S OF WORCESTER. 87 in the Second Year of his Reign broke out into Rebellion againſt him, in Favour of his Elder Brother Robert Duke of Normandy : ar which time our Biſhop ſtood faſt to his Allegiance, and did him no little Service. For when Bernard de Novo Mercato , Roger de Lacy, Ralph de Mortimer, Aided with the Power of Roger de Montgonery Earl of Srcobbeſbiri, entred in a Rebellious manner this County, threatning to Burn the City of Wioccetter, ſpoil the Church of God and St. Mary, and be revenged on thoſe who continued faithful Subjects to their King : He immediately Armed his Family and Followers, and joyning with the Normans in the Caſtle which was then committed to his Charge, and with the Citizens who had taken up Arms in their own Defence ; they went over Severn, and fell upon them as they were ravaging the Country ; and paticularly the Biſhops Lands at wick; and with Gods Alliſtance and Biſhop Wulftans Bleſſing they totally diſcomfited them, Slaying and taking five Hundred Men, and putting the reſt to Flight (a). The next Year 1089. Indiet. 12. 3 Willianz of his Pontificate he finiſhed his Cathedral Church and Monaſtery, which he had Built new from the Ground, Southward of that which his Predeceſſor Oſwald had Built before ; and re- moved the Monks into it on Whitſunday, whoſe Number he liad Augmented from little more than twelve to fifty ; and at the ſame Time he Offered up at the High - Altár his Deed; wherein he gave them for their better Maintenance' fifteen Hides at alfetton, which had been for a long time witheld from the Church by Men in Power, but recovered by him from King Willian, , with much Coſt and Labour. 2. 27. (a) Chron. Sax. Flor. Wig. fub anno. 1088. W. Malm. L. 4. p. 67. 68. 4 The N...'... 88 An Account of the The Original is now in the Poffeffion of the Dean and Chapter of Worceller, and the Figure of the Biſhops Seal Appendant thereto; I have here inſerted (a). ht ** AT PC w AR * Www . w NELL -PAW WWW in 'w . wie ** AVY WEB Www www. WWW * Wii www.remont. web www Wwwwww WIN_** . . SAW vi WA" . . NG MWA P- # WWE WWW. www www with p.88 1 SI A * www. Wh ini - th + Am ... Ph ** TAUSTA ** the WW The www for Ah WOLSTANI SIGILLUM VIGORNIENSIS EPI V He alſo this Year gave them the Mill at Tapenjale, in the Manner of Pordwic near Wocceller, with the Miller and all his Money and the Land which he then Poſſeſſed, which was half an Yard- land ; they ftanding much in need of this, ad Supplendam neceſſi- tatem Victus eorum, to Grind their Corn to make them Bread (b). It is further faid of him that not only here at wozeller, but in all his Mannors belonging to the Biſhoprick- he took care to have Churches Built, and encouraged others to do the ſame in theirs (1). He not only took care of the Churches but of the Church- (a ) Sanctus Wulftanus Epifcopus dedit Alveſton eft fere omnia manneria redemit. See the Sur- vey of the Cathedral p. 33. (b) Hem. Chart. p. 424. (c)Ang. Sac. P. 2. p. 262. men , BISHOP's of WORCESTER: 89 men ; for in the Year 1092. he held a famous Synod at Worcetez : the Acts of which are as follows. I WUL STAN, by the grace of God Biſhop of Wigorne, have decreed to hold a Synod. ia tlie Monaſtery of St. Mary in Criptis, which I have Built from the ground, and by the Mercy of God have Dedicated. This Synod was held in the Year 1092. Indi&tion 15. Invited to this Synod, came all the Wiſeft-Men from the three Shires in our Diocefs, wigracelfde, clouetutze, and wolarrrwicce, Forafmuch as being full of Days, ſenlible of the weakneſs of my Body, and knowing the end of my Life to draw near, I deſired Canonically to Treat of the Ecclefiafticall Affairs committed to our Charge, and by their Wiſe Counſel to correct and amend whatſoever is to be amended. Wherefore our Humility preſiding in this Synod, there aroſe a Queſtion between two Pres- bytersAlfingtb Prieſt of St. Helens, and Alam Prieſt of St albandi, concerning their Pariſhes and the Cuſtoms of their Churches. The Controverſy of theſe Prieſts lield the Synod a long time: I defiring Canonically to determine the fame, commanded the Old Men, and thoſe who were beſt acquainted with the Anti- quities of the Churches, or Pariſhes of Wigzacelize, to declare the truth concerning the Inſtitutions and Pariſhes, not only of the two forementioned Churches, but of all the Churches in the faid City. And becauſe the Monks in the midſt of thefe Diſputes, aſſerted that they ſhould fuffer Lofs of their Rents, juſtly due to them from their Church of St. Helleus, by reaſon of the long Diſcord between the two Prieſts ; I commanded that together with the In- ftitutions of the other Churches, they would alſo give an Account of the Rights of the Mother Church. To make this. Scrutiny by my order were choſen, Thamas Prior, Alfere Secretary, Godric Pirl Chamberlain, Uhtred Chanter, Agelric Archdeacon, Edwine his Brother, Frederic, Ægelmar Prieſts, with many others. All theſe Z having TY Here is one 3 ୨୦ An Account of the having conſulted togethet, returned to the Holy Synod, and Affirmed that there was no Pariſh in the whole City of wigra: celize, but that of the Mother Church, to which St. Hellens had been a Vicaridge, from the Times of King Ethelred, and Theodore Archbiſhop of Canterbury, when this See was founded, and Boſel made firſt Biſhop thereof, in the Year of our Lords Incarnation 680. Indiction 7. This Inſtitution was kept inviolable by the Clerks, ſerving therein from the Time of the aforeſaid Bofel, through the Times of all the ſucceeding Biſhops, to that of Oſwald Archbiſliop; who with the Help of King Edgar, and the Authority of Holy Father Dunſtan Archbiſhop of Canterbuze, transferred and changed the Congregation of this Church, from the ir- regular Converſation of Clerks, to the regular Converſation and Ha- bit of Monks, in the Year of our Lords Incarnation 969. Indiction 12 Winfius Prieſt of St. Helens, was then Vicar of this Holy Mother Church, who leaving the World took the Religious Habit upon him, as did the other Clerks upon the perſuafions of St. Oſwald, and he ſurrenderd up the Keys of the Church, of which as' Vicar he liad been tlie Keeper, withi Lands, Tithes, and other Rents to the common uſe of the Monks. So that Winly becoming thus a Monk with the reſt, who had freely choſe to be converted with him ; as well the foreſaid Church, as the reſt of the Churches which they enjoy to this Day, with the Lands, Rights of Sepulture, and all other Cuſtoms and Dignities Eccleſiaſticall, which were here- tofore the Property of the Clerks, pafled in Right to them, and were ſettled to their common uſe, with the Aſſent of King Edgar, and of the bleged Dunſtan, and St. Oſwald Archbiſhops. In the third Year after his Converſſon, bleſſed Oſwald with the ſaid Kings Conſent, made this Winſy Prior over the Monks of this Church ; and likewiſe granted to him and to the Priors his Succellors, that they ſhould be Deans over all their Churches and Prieſts, ſo that no Dean nor Archdeacon, ſhould intermeddle with the Churches shans 01 BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 91 or Clerks of the Monks, but by leave from the Prior. All Ec- cleſiaſtical Dues for theſe Churches he was to Pay, to the Bi- ſhop, whoſe Cheif Dean he was. Of theſe things as we have learnt them from our Predeceſſors, and have ſeen them obſerved in our Times, under your Predeceſſor Aldred and your Self, we are Witneſſes. Therefore I Wulftan, approving this true Teſtimony, have put an end to the Controverſy of the Prieſts, and have corroborated the fame, with the Teſtimony of this Holy Synod, and our Hand and Seal : cautiouſly providing that no Deſſention or Scandal ſhall hereafter ariſe about theſe matters. in this Holy Mother Church; between the Monks or any other Perſons whatſo- ever. May Eternal Life in the Heavens be granted to thoſe who ſhall obſerve this, ; but whoſoever ſhall break it or alter it for the worſe, may he be Condemned to Eternal Torments with the Devil and his Angels, Amen (a). As this Biſhop grew Old in Years, ſo he increaſed in Goodneſs, and having finiſhed the Monaſtery and Cathedral of Worcellez, and regained the Lands which had been takee from it, during the Devaſtations of the Danes, and Rapines of the Normans, and put an end to the Controverſy between his Pariſh Prieſts there : he turned his Eyes to the Monaſtery of Wetbuzt in Glouclerſhizt, not far from Builol, Founded at firſt by his Predeceſſor Oſwald, filled by him with Monks, and Honourably endowed with Lands. This Monaſtery through the Iniquity of Times, Negligence of the Priors, and Ravages of Py- rates, then waſted and Ruined ; to rhe Praiſe of God, and our Redeemer Jeſus Chriſt, and his Holy Mother Mary, he Studied to repair. As to the Lands taken away, and then in Poſſeſſion of Laymen, ſome of them he recovered by Law, others he redeem- ed with his own Money, and reſtored them to the Churchi. (a) Ang. Sac. p. 1. p. 542. 543. Titulus in Dorſo Privilegium Sanéti Wulftani de Ec- clefia S. Elenæ ct St. Albani fic lege et non Wani, habes ctiam hane Chartam ix Regitera Primo Decani et Capituli Wigorn, et in Hem. Chart p. 527. 528. 529. 530. 53r. Viz. 1 :::.... 92 An Account of the 1 viz. Two Hides and liall an Hide, and half an Yard Land in Wielbrie, Ipart of the Land included within the Limits of the Monaftery, and ſeven Acres of Land on the. Ealthide of the fame. Part of the Wood called Æfcygraf, and twelve Acres of Meadow ; all tlieſe he gave them generouſly, exempt from Toll or 'Tribute, Royal or Epiſcopal Service, for the health of his soul, and the Souls of all his Predeceſſors, and alſo. of his Suceeflors, who ſhould preſerve this grant untouched, or ſhould in any wiſe augment it. Moreover lie gave them in boubizit, and in coazlatune, and in Wice, two Hides and an half, and twenty eight Acres of Land ; the Churches of Henbfrie and Stoke, with the Tithes boln ging to them. In Berwic one Hide and an half, and in Hæfelderw one Yard land, free from all Service beſides that of the King. All theſe Lands with their appurtenances he gave to that Church, for the better ſupport and maintenance of the Monks there: and this Deed he Offered up to God on the Altar of St. Mary, on the Day of her Nativity 1093. fifth of William the Second, and of his Conſecra- tion 31 thật Day compleated, Indiction I. To this his Deed of Gift were' Witneſſes Thomas Prior with all his Brethren of the Church of Wigozn, Agelric . Archdeacon, Ordric Steward, Fretheric Chaplain, Alfwin Son of Berhtmar, Alfwin, Prieſt, Alric Chamberlain, Aldred, Alftan Conſtable, Maurice and Freawin the Biſhops Clerks (a). Thus he fpent his Days in doing good, and in Charitable Works, in which he continued to the End of his Life. Having always uſed on Maunday Thurſday, to Waſh the Feet of ſeveral poor Men, and that done to Feed them, and with his own Hands to Miniſter to them : the Year before he Died he ſent to all his Bailiffs, that 3 . 1 2 (a) Hem. Chart. p: 421. 422: 423 424• againſt BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 93 againſt that Day out of every Village, they ſhould ſend him Cloaths for one Man, Shoes for ten, Food for an hundred : when the Day came his great Hall was thrice filled with Poor, and on the firſt and ſecond Time they went away, with Money in their Pockets, Cloathed, Shoed, and Fed : But when the third Company came, a Monk whiſpered him in the Ear and told him ; that the Money and Raiments were almoſt all gone, and that his Stewards and Chamber- lains could ſupply no more : what boot was it for him, to waſh their Feet and afterwards give them nothing. The Biſhop anſwer- ed, let Gods Command be done, his bounty will not be wanting that theſe may be Fed alſo : he had ſcarce done Speaking, wlien three Meſſengers one after another came and told him, that one had fent him fome Money, another an Horſe, and a third fonie Cows, upon which lifting up his Händs and Eyes to Heaven lie rejoyced with great joy ; not ſo much upon his own account, as for the fake of his poor Gueſts : the Monk alſo Wept for joy, and gave thanks to God, that He never failed thoſe that truſted in him, and that he would not ſuffer Wulftan to be grieved no not for an Hour (ay. On Eaſter Day following, he told his Servants that he would dine with many good Men, and ordered them to provide accordingly; they thinking he meant the Rich had invited them. But when the Day came, having filled his Hall with as many Poor as it would contain, he fate down to the Table along with them; the Steward full of indgnation, told him it better best came a Biſhop to Dine with a few Rich Men, than with ſuch a multitude of Poor, lie anſwered they were the Rich who knew the Wil of God and did it ; that they were to be invited to a Feaſt who could not invite again, that God would recompence what thus ſhould be lent unto him, that he was more pleaſed in ſitting (a) W. Malm. vita S. Wulftani, Ang. Sac. P. 2 p. 266. Аа down 94 An Account of the CA down with them, than ever he had been when he fate and that frequently at the Kings Table (a). The Whitſunday following he fell ill and took his Bed, upon which he ſent for his old Friend Robert Biſhop of Herefozd, wlio came to him imniediately, and Confeſſing his Sins unto him, he received from his Hands the Diſcipline ; 'for ſo the Monks call their being beaten with Rods on their naked Backs. From that Time to the Feaſt of Circumciſion, he was fometimes better ſometimes worſe, and frequently confined to his Bed ; for a flow and lingring Fever ſtill liung about him, and brought him to his end. Eight Days before it happened he received Extreanz Un&tion from Thomas then Prior, and every Day after the Holy Euchariſt till he died, which was on the nineteenth Day of January one thouſand ninety five, 8 William 2. aged about 87. having ſate in this See thirty three Years, four Months, one Week, and four Days (0). He oftentimes ſpoke of his own Death ; but once very parti- cularly, when News was bronght him of the Deceaſe of his own Siſter ; now ſaid he The Plow is come to my Furrow, and the Brother Mall follow the Siſter not many Days hence (c). His Pa- tience in his Sickneſs was very remarkable, and he frequently com- forted thoſe who ſtood crying about himTo the Monks who Yeared the Government of another Biſhop, he ſaid, ceaſe your groans, wipe up your Tears, for I Mall not looſe my Life but change it, nor ſhall I ever be wanting to you': but as I ſhall be nearer to God when this Earthly Tabernacle is diſolved, so ſhall I be more ready to help you ; upon my entreaty Proſperity Mall come unto you, (a.)Ang. Sac. P.2 p. 266. 16) Ibid. P. 2. p. 267, where the diffrent accounts of Authors about his Age and Death are regulated. ; ſee alſo Hem. Chart. p. 421. 571 (C) W. Malm. p. 160. b. me BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 95 me defending you, Adverſity ſhall depart from you. Happy Tongue which out of the abundant Treaſure of a good Conſcience, durſt pour out ſuch words of Security in the Ears of Men. Others with Groans and Sighs deſire that they may be Prayed for : lie promiſed that he would pray for others. What of miracle is this? was he conſcious of no Sin ? here Holy Simplicity ſpake ; Simplicity that knew not how to diffide in the Mercy of God (a). His Body being waſhed was carried into the Church, and lay expoſed on a Beer in his Ponti- fical Habit before the high Altar for three Days, the dead Corps lively repreſenting the Sweetneſs of the living Biſhop ; on the fourth Day he was buried on the left ſide of the ſaid high Altar between two Piramids, with a covering of arched Stone : his Ob- fequies where performed by Robert Biſhop of Hereford, his old and intimate Friend, to whom he had appeared ſome few Days before he deceaſed, and ſaid audibly to him, if you will ſee me alive make halt and cone to Wigorne beforc I die. He was then at the Kings Court, and with his leave he haſtned to come to him, and being got within one Days journey, as he lay down to reſt, Biſhop Wulftan again appeared to him, and ſaid, thou haſt done all that pious Love could do, but thou art fruſtrated of thy dcfire for I am departed. But my dear Friend, take care of thy ſelf, and provide for thy future Salvation, for thou ſhalt not ſtay long after me : and left thou ſhould ſt think it to be a vain phantaſtick viſion, this Mall be a Sign unto thee of the truth of it ; to morrow after thou haſt : committed my Body to the Ground, which theſe three Days has expected thy coming, there ſhall be given thee as froni me a Gift, which thou Malt know to be mine. When he awoke lie came on to wor: delez and buried him, which done being ready to depart, the Pri- or kneeling offererd him the Preſent ſaying, may it pleaſe your (a) Ibid. W. Malm. p. 160. b. Lord- :::........ ....... M B 90 An Account of the Lordſhip to accept of your Friends Cap which he uſed to wear when he rode abroad : hearing this, and knowing the gift, he turned pale and trembled, and calling the Monks into the Chapter, he there with Tears and Sighs anſwerable to the Occaſion, told them all that had happened, and how the Viſion had been exactly full- filed : and then commending himſelf to their Prayers he departed, glad of the Admonition, and ever after Sollicitous with holy Fear. Wulftan died in January, nor did Robert outlive June (a). Flora ence ſays that this Robert Biſhop of Herefozd, died the 6th of the Calends of July on a Wedneſday, to wlrom Wulftan firſt appeared as he lay at Crikelade, on liis road to Wozcelket, and a ſecond time after he had been dead thirty Days, when he ſharply reprehended him for his Negligence, and admoniſhed him to take great Care, as well for the Amendment of his own Life, as the Amendment of thofe committed to his Charge : which if he did, he told him he might quickly obtain the Pardon of his Sins, and expect to be with him eternally bleſſed in Heaven The Character that our Hiſtorians give of Biſhop Walltan is worthy to be mentioned. They ſay he was of moderate Stature, well made ; of good Health, which by the ſtrictneſs and regularity of his Life continued to him till old Age. That he was very Chaſt, the Spirit of which he aſſerted to be divinely given to him. That he was very Temperate and abſtemious ; his meals Short and not frequent and when according to the Cuſtom of the Engliſh, they fate after dinner and drank full Glaſſes, he contented himſelf with a little At firſt he did eat Fleih, but one Day as he celebrated Maſs near a place where they were roaſting a Gooſe, the Smell of it took him of from his Devotions, which being diſpleaſed at, and not able to conquer it by reaſon he was Hungry, he made an oath by the one. (a) W: Malm. p. 163: Sacra- BISHOPS OF WORCESTER. 97 w Sacrament which he then touched, never more to eat of that fort of Meat as long as he lived, and he not only kept his Vow, but oby degrees came to eat no Fleſh at all. That he was very Humble, the moſt remote from the laughty inſolence of the Times he lived in. Wlien he put on the Biſhop he put not of the Monk: was ready to give advice to the Meaneſt Perſon that came to conſult him, and to grant them what they asked if fitting for them without any delay : given to no Flattery, nor any Flatterers accep- table to him : doing Juſtice to Poor and Rich alike, and never receding from it for the Fear of great Men; when praiſed for any Good he gave God the Glory, and aſſumed it not unto himſelf : when blamed by any one he imputed it to the Mans ignorance, and at the fame time rejoyced in the Teſtimony of his own Conſcience; but this happened very rarely, for loving and carrying himſelf to every one as if he were his own Child, every one loved him and looked on him as if he were their common Father ; he becoming all things to all Men. As for his Cloathing it was not gay or rich, but clean and plain ; void of all Pomp, but not wanting of Decency ; rather to keep out the Cold than to ſet off the Body: to this end he made uſe of woollen Garments, and when exhorted to clad himſelf with Furrs, Believe me ſays he, I never heard chanted Cattus Dei but Agnus Dei, and therefore would not adorn himſelf with Martins but Lambskins. That he was very Charitable ; his Chamberlain wherever he went brought his Purſe along with him, which was the Poor Mens Trea- fury; for that no one ever begg’d an Alms of him and went away without it. That he was very Devout, piouſly brought up from his youth, and exerciſed in good Works to his dying Day. He ſpent not his Time as others did after Maſs curſorily ſaid, in ſotting or pampering himſelf or gaming or in worldly gain ; but having Devoutly performed that Office, the reſt of the Day was cheifly taken up in reading the Holy Scriptures, in Prayers and divine Meditations. Standing, lying down, walking, or ſitting, always in his Mouth a Pfalm, al- Bb ways 3 98 I. An Account of the ways in his Heart his Saviour. Whilſt in a lower Station, he often continued in the Church all Day; and there frequently Baptiſed the Children of the poor People: for a wicked Cuſtom had then got among. the Prieſts not to give Baptiſm without Money. When he viſited his Dioceſs, he ſaid Maſs himſelf, and preached himſelf, and eat not till he had bleſſed certtain Boys that came to him, and this he did from Morning till the Afternoon. Tis ſaid he frequently confirmed two or three thouſand in one Day, and this even in his old Age, ſo as to tire eight Prieſts that ſucceſſively attended him with the Chris- matory: Thoſe that came to him to Confeſſion he received kindly, heard them patiently, reproved them meekly, ſo as many from all Parts of England came to him for Ghoſty Counſel and Advice, and among the reſt Harold afterwards King, and that fometimes thirty miles out of his way to Confeſs his Sins unto him, and to receive Abſolution from him. Wherever he was he always went into the Church to Sing Mattins, let it Hail, or Rain, or Snow, and the way never fo dirty, thither would he go to do it. He heard Maſs conſtantly twice a Day, and ſometimes would ſing the third himſelf. When he took a Journey as ſoon as he got on Horſeback he began the Pſalter, and made no Pauſe till he had ended it, and when it was ended, he added to it the Litanies and many Collects and Vigils, with Veſpers for Souls ; if the way was long and Time to do it, he repeated the Pſalter. When he came to his Inn he entered not his Cham- ber till he had ſaid his Prayers in the Church : and theſe he had cauſed to be erceted in all his Manors; and in theſe Houſes of Prayer after Maſs faid, he frequently ſhut himſelf up till Dinner Time, there to Contemplate on Divine matters. Whether at the Kings Court or, at his own Table he never ſate down to eat without ſaying Grace. In hot weather it was his Cuſtom to ly down and re- freſh himſelf with a little Sleep ; but he could not do it unleſs ſomebody read to him ; either a portion of the Holy Scripture, or Bishops of WORCESTER. 99 or the Life of a Saint : iſ the Reader did his Duty he ſeem'd to Sleep ; as ſoon as he left off he awaked. He ſuffered not the pub- lick Worſhip to be performed negligently : if any of the Monks or Clerks through Drowſineſs or Drunkenneſs came not to Martins, he was ſure to reprove and to correct them : he always roſe early himſelf, and by his Example excited others to do the fame. If neceſſity called him to a County Court, at his entrance he beſtow- ed his Curſe on bad, his Bleſſing on good Juries. Then ſitting down, if any good was in Diſpute he diligently attended to it ; if any.worldly matter he ſlumbred. If any thing was ſaid againſt himſelf, his Anſwers were not dull but ſharp, for he was not ſo unlearned as Lanfranc and the Normans took him to be: tho” he did not underſtand the Greek and Latin Authors, and was ignorant of the Fables of the Poets ; yet he underſtood other matters well enough : tho' he was not skilled in Syllogiſms and Scholaſtick Diſputes, yet he could make a very handſome Diſcourſe, and that Extempore upon Divine Sub- jects, ſo as to draw Tears from his Auditors, whilft he movingly ſpake on the joys of Heaven, and on the Pains of Hell. In a word he did more good, and more powerfully perſuaded from the goodneſs of his own Life, which was ſutable to the Soundneſs of his Doctrine, than they did from the greatneſs of their Eloquence, his Preaching was not with enticing Words of Mans Wisdom, but in demonſtration of the Spirit and of the Power of God. He was very carefull not only for the Souls, but the Bodies of the Faith- full, not fuſſering any to ride through a Churchyard, or trample on the places where they lay buried : when he heard of the Death of any Perſon he ſaid a Pater Nofter with the three Pſalms, Lau. date Dominum omnes gentes (a), De profundis (6). Laudate Dominun in Sanctis )c), and after a Prayer for the repoſe of (e) Palm 117 (b) Ps. 130 () Ps. 150 che IOO An Account of the the Soul ; he made a ſhort or a long Diſcourſe upon the Subject as the Time permitted : and not only on Sundays and Holydays, but every Day cauſed a Maſs to be ſaid for Souls departed. i He promoted Pety and Charity abroad as well as at Home, and eſpecially among the Brethren of the Benedictine Order. Not long after his being made a Biſhop, he entred into a Fraternity cr Fellowſhip, with Ægelwig Abbot of Eofeſyam, Wulfwold Abbot of Thégtſer, tlfsige Abbot of Bath, Edmund Abbot of Pershode, Ralf Abbot of Winecelcombe, Serlo Abbot of Glouceller, and Ælfſtan of Wozretter, and all their Brotherhood; that they would truly ſerve God, St. Mary, and St. Benedict, and be faithfull to their So- vereign Lord King William, and their Lady Maud, and be true one to another as if they were cne Monaſtery, one Heart, and one Soul : . that every Week on Mondays and Frydays they would Sing two Maſles in each Mynſtre for all the Brother- hood, for thoſe that were living, and for every Brother that died, and do other Acts of Charity in Waſhing, Feeding, Shoeing and Cloathing Poor Men (a). And when Thomås was Prior, he with the Monks here at Wozcelter made another agreement, with Abbot Alwyn, and the Brethren at Ramlee, that they alſo would be as one Mon- aſtery, performing all devout Offices one for another, and have all things Common (b). It is no wonder if many Miracles are reported to have been done by ſo good a Man, eſpecially in an Age fruitfull of Legendary Stories ; thoſe who take pleaſure in reading of them, may find them in his life wrote by William of Malmsbury, in Flor- ence, in Capgrave and others. I ſhall here mention but one of them, not much amiſs, as ſetting forth the Neceſſity of Peacemaking (2)Hick. Dis. Epift: p. 19. 20. U. 1. Lit. Sept. vid. Appcnd N. 2: (b) Inter. Cod. MSS. Bibl-Bodl.-N. 2588. 3. 13. 6. et Regi. 1. Dec et Cap. Wig App. N. 3. and BISHOPS of WORCESTER, IOI and of forgiving others, as we would have Forgiveneſs of our Offen- ces at God's Hand. Being called by Serlo, Abbot of Glouceſter, to conſecrate a Church there, he made a Diſcourſe to the People, in which, among other things, much he ſaid of Peace ſo movingly, that ſeveral that had been long at Variance immediately forgave each other, and were reconciled: there was one among them, who by no Admo- nitions or Perſuaſions could be wrought on to forgive his Enemy the Death of his Brother'; to whom, being come into the midſt of them, and after much ſaid to him, he perſiſting in his Uncharitableneſs, he, faid, Bleſſed are the Peacemakers, for they ſhall be called the Sons of God. *It is certain, that if the Peacemakers are bleſſed, and the Sons of God; then thoſe that are at Variance are miſerable, and the Sons of the Devil: I commend thee to him whoſe Son thou art, and deliver thee up unto San tan for the Deftruétion of the Fleſh, according to the Command of the Apoſtle, that thy Spirit may be ſaved in the Day of the Lord Jeſus (a). He had ſcarce finiſhed theſe Words, but the miſerable Man now in the Power of his Enémy, began to gnafh bis Teeth, to foam at the Mouth, his Hair to ſtand upright, and being thrown to the Ground, there to roll about as one diſtracted. Wulftan intreated to be merciful unto him, put it off for ſome Time ; but at length preſſed hard, and over- come with Tears, he commanded Satan to be gone, who departed as readily as he came : when come to bimſelf, and deſired to forgive the Crime, with wonderful Imprudence he refuſed : a ſecond Time tormented, and again releaſed, he ſtill refuſed : but the third Tinie, when ſhattered in all his Limbs, through the Agitations of the Evil Spirit, and ready to expire, then he made Peace, and was recon- ciled, and ever after continued whole and ſafe until his Death. He is alſo ſaid to have the gift of Propheſy, and this Inſtance is given fa) W. Malm. de geſtis pont. l. 4. p. 160. Angl. Saci, P. 2, p. 258 Сс us $ 102 An Account of thet a us of it ; that when Aldwine, one of his Monks, who with one Guido had led a heremitical Life in the Chace of palverii, came to conco fult about a Reſolution they had taken up of viſiting the Holy Land, he diſſuaded him from it, ſaying, Aldwine, do not ſtir from the place where you are, believe me, if you knew what I do, the great things; God will do there by you, you would wonder ; relying on which. Words. he returned to the Wilderneſs, and patiently went on in the fame. courſe of Life, till in a little Time he drew to him ſeveral Perſons one after another, to the Number of Thirty, who took on them the Habit of St. Benedict, the Neighbours bringing them Viêtuals, and thinka ing themſelves happy in beſtowing any thing on fach Servants of God.: what was wanting to them Faith: ſupplied, they little minding carnal Food, whilft they daily grew fat with Spiritual Joy (a). And this was the firſt Original of Palveen Abby, which continued in a flouriſhing Condition till the Diffolution by H. viii. and the Church there fill, remain- ing is one of the fineſt we have in this County. The Miracles wrought by him after his Death W. of Malmsbury tells us were innumerables that it ſurpaſſed the Faculty of the moſt Eloquent to ſet them forth, that no one ever came to his. Tomb with Faith, that departed without what he prayed for, that if he had his deferts he would have been fainted be- fore his Time (b), and this he wrought in the Reign of King Stephen. But thö' the Incredulity of thoſe Times, under the pretence of. Caution, hinder'd it then, yet afrerwards the Fame of his Miracles ſtill increaſing, he was with great Solemnity canoniſed by Pope Innocent . ix. 9 Kal. of May, MCCIII (C). He was the Twenty fourth and laſt Saxon. Biſhop: of this See (d); and. was ſucceeded by: ta) W. Ma'm. L. 4. de geſtis Pont. p. 160. (b) Ibid. p. 101: (c) Annales Wig. (d)24us. S. Wulftanus, cujus tempore Willelmus Rex: confirmavit nobis poffefliones. noftras. Reg. I. Dec.. es Cap. f. 2, b. SAMPSON BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 103 * SAMPSON a Norman of very Noble Blood, Canon of the Cathe- dral Church of Bajeur, ſituated on the Aure, not far from the Sea Coaſt of Normandy. His Brother Thomas was Archbiſhop of York, , when he was promoted to this See, He was elected in the Year 1096. at the fame Time that Girard was elected to that of perefold. They came both together to be confecrated, by Anſelm Archbiſhop of Can- terbury, in the Third Year of his Pontificate ; but neither of theni having received full Orders, he ordained the one both Deacon and Prieſt, and the other Prieſt, on the Saturday of the Faſt of the fourth Month, at Lambeth; and on the Day following, ſeventeenth Kal. July, he conſecrated them at St. Paul, four Biſhops aſſiſting him, viz. Tho- mas Archbiſhop of York, Sampſon's Brother, Maurice Biſhop of Lons dont, Robert Biſhop of Thetfold or Noxwich, and Gundulph-Biſhop of Rocheſter, (a) Godwin, from mat. Paris and Wettminſter, places their Conſecration, in 1097. but fallly; for Sunday that Year fell not on the ſeventeenth of the Kalends of July, but it did fo in the Year 1096, on which Day, Month, and Year, Florence and Hoveden, and o- thers place it (b); and this was truly the Third Year of Anſelm. This is confirmed by a Deed of his in Hemmings Cartulary, dated 1097. In- diet. 5. Epact. 4. in the Second Year of his Pontificate, wherein he gave to the uſe of the Monks at Worceſter the Churchi of Heoqtlabiri, with the Tithes, and one Hide of Land there (c), and not long after (for it was during the Reign of William Rufus) he gave them his Manor of Tibritton or Teburtone (d). In the Year 1100. he, with Gundulph Biſhop of Rochetter, and Harvey Biſhop of Bangoz, dedicated the great Church of Glouceſter, which Abbot Serlo: had built from the Foundation (e). In the Year 1101. he ſubſcribed to a Deed of King 26 : (a) Eadmer. Hiſt. Nov. L. 2. p. 35. Ed. Seld. (b) Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 474. Rad. de Diceto inter X. Script. P 493. Sim. Dun. ib. p. 222. (c) Hem. Charc. f. 426. (d) Ang. Sac. P. I. P. 474. Hem. Chart. P 575. (e) Flor. Wig. p. 459. Сс 2 Henry I 104 .LT An Account of the aia 1 Henry the firſt, wherein he gave his Manor of Chogp to the Mona- ſtery at pojwich, which Biſhop Heribert had erected, and tranflated his See froni Thetfogd thither (@a: In 1102. he was at a great Coun- eil held by Archbiſhop Anſelm, wherein many Abbots, French and Eng= tiſh, were depoſed and deprived of the Honours they had unjully ac- quired ; anongſt whom was Guido Abbot of Perfjaré (b). In 1108. his own Son Thomas was elected Archbiſhop of York, between whoni and Anſelm Archbiſhop of Canterbury there was renewed the Contro- verſy about the Subjection of one Metropolitan to the other, during which Anſelm died, 1109 : upon whoſe Death the Biſhops of the Province being ſummoned by the King, to know what was to be done in that Affair, he gave his Opinion downright againſt his own Son, that he ſhould not receive the Pall fent him from Rome, without making his Profeſſion of Canonical Obedience to the Sée of Canters bury (C). He was in great favour with King Herzry, who granted to him and his Succeſſors many Privileges, viz. that ſeveral Hides of Land in Gloeceftreſhire, wireceffreſhire, and Warwicthire, ſhould be taxed with his other Lands, and follow his Hundreds (d). And with his Leave and Confirmation, he granted to Thomas Prior of Wifrecettre and his Brethren, the Church of Tuluerunhamtone in Staffoadſhire, with Lands and Poſſeſſions, and all things belonging thereto; as free- ly and quietly as his Lord King William had given them to him. Witneſſes to this were Archdeacon Ailric, Frederic, and Ailwin his Chaplains (e). He alſo confirmed to them the Gift of Osbert the Son of Richard of the Churches of Bureffune and Dudzenbull, with their Chapels and Tithes (f). Notwithſtanding this and his ſeveral other Benefactions to the Monks, his taking from them Wettbutry, and re- I (a). Alf." Annal: T. 4. p. 1871 (6) Flor. Wig. p. 474. 475: (c) Eadm. l. 4. p. 163. ſee Append. N. 4. (d) Regi 1, Dec. et Cap. Wig. f 4. b. ſee Appendix. N, 5. (8) Reg 2. Dec. et Cap. wig, f. 355. (J) Ibid. P. 21. placing 6 Bishops of WORCESTER. 105 placing there the Seculars, according to the firſt Inſtitution of that Monaſtery, before the Times of Oſwald and Wulſtan, was ſuch a Crime as not to be pardoned, and becauſe he happened to die there, they gave it out, that it was a Judgnient upon him for what he had done; and yet at the ſame time they gave him this Character, that he was a Man of great Learning, and of no contemptible Eloquence, keep- ing an handſome Table for himſelf, and being very bountiful to o- thers, in all things blameleſs, except in this Affair of queſtbury (a). He was the Twenty fifth Biſhop of Worceſter, and died on Sunday the third of the Nones of May, 1112 (6), and lies buried before the Rood Loft, where is now the Organ, at the bottom of the Steps going up into the Choir. Upon his Death the See was not imme- diately filled, no more than that of Canterbury was upon the Death of Anſelm, which had then been void Three Years : and before another Biſhop ſucceeded, on the 13. of the Kalends of June, or as others ſay of July (r), the Year after Biſhop Sampſon died, this City, with the Cathe- dral Church and Caſtle, were conſumed by Fire, and one Monk, and two of their Servants, with fifteen Citizens, periſhed in the Flanes (d). King Henry, to comfort them after ſo great a Diſaſter, did vouchſafe to give them a Biſhop; one of his own Chaplains, by name THEVLEVS (e), TE OLFVS (f), TEVLFVS (g), THIVLPHVS (h; THEOPHILVS, TENVLEVS (1), THEWOLD.VS (k), TEOD W AL- DVS (), THE OB ALDUS (m), TIDULF (), · He was a Prebend- ary of Bajeur in Normandy, as his Predeceſſor had been before him, and a Perſon of like Parts and Endowments with him. He re- ceived the Temporalities of this Biſhoprick at Windelor, December 28. 1113. (); but was not conſecrated before the Year 1115. when (a) Will. Malm. L. 4. de geſtis Pont. p. 161. (6) Flor. Wig. p. 487. Hoveden. Ann. Wig. (c) Hoveden, P. 271.. (d) See Survey of the Cathedral.p. 4. (e) Ann. Wig of Hoveden. (9) Will. Malm. de. geftis Pont 1. 4: (b) Alt. Ann. T. 4. P. 287. (i) Chron. Joh. Brompton. P: 1015: Tk) Reg. 2. Dec. er- Cap. Wig. f. 6. a. (1) 16. p.,bo im). Eadmer. P: 113, (n). Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. Wig. p. 175. a. (0) Flor. Wig. p. 488. om * va เคย 106 An Account of the 121 ***** on Sunday the fifth of the Kalends of July, Ralph Archbiſhop of Canterbury, in the preſence of many Biſhops, Abbots, and Nobles, received from Anſelm, the Popes Legate, lis Pall from Rome; which having put on, he conſecrated in'a ſolemin manner this Theulfus or The obaldus; Richard Bihop of London, Roger Biſhop of Salisbury, Heribert of Nozwich, Ralph of Chicheſter, John of Bath, and Har- vey Biſhop of Ely, aflilling (a). In the Year 1117. he gave to his Monks his Filhery at Beverey, and all that belonged thereto, with ſome Land in the Suburbs, for making better Proviſion for their Table (l); and he confirmed to them the Churches of Bureſton and Dudzenbull, which Osbert the Son of Richard had given them for the health of his Soul (c). On the ninth of the Kalends of November, 1121. he with Richard Biſhop of Herefold, Urban Biſhop of Glamorgan, and Gregory Biſhop of Dublin, confecrated the great Church at Tewkers bury (d). I find nothing more of him, but that he died at his Manor of Hampton 2oth of October, 1123. on a Saturday, and was buried by his Predeceſſor Sampfon (e). In the beginning of the Year 1125. the King then in Normandy gave this Bifhoprick to SIMON, Chaplain, or, as ſome ſay, Chancellor(f), or perhaps both(g), to his ſecond Queen Adeleide Daughter of Godfrey Duke of Lovati i after Eaſter he came into England along with the two Archbiſhops Wil- liain and Turſtan, and with Fohn de Crema Cardinal of Rome. He was honourably received at Worceſter on the Eighth of May, being then Holy Thurſday, from whence he went to Canterbury, where the Arch- biſhop ordained him Prieſt, May 23. and the next Day conſecrated him Biſhop, Richard of pereford, David of Bangoy, and Sigfrid of en han yl TH (a) Eadm. p. 113, 114. (b) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. p. 6. a. ſee Appendix N. 7. (c) ibid. p. 21. (d) Flor. Wig. ſub anno (e) Angl. Sacr. P. I. P. 475. Altord in his Annals T. 4. p. 287. places his Death in the Year 1124. and quotes Mat. Paris and Florilegus for it, who under this year have theſe words, Eodem Anno defun&ti funt Theophilus Wigornenfis et Ernulfus Roffenfis Epifcopi, but it is a miſtake, for the 20th of Q#tober in the Year 1124. was not on a Saturday, and the Annales Roffenſes (in Wharton's Anglia Sacra T. 1. p. 343) tell us that Ernulf died 1123. Annál. Wavert, p. 148. Flor. Wig. (g) Godwin. Chicheſter, BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 107 7 Chicheſter, Biſhops, aſfitting. Returning to Worceſter, on the Ele- venth of the Kalends of July, he was there inthroned with great Soleni- nity, in the Preſence of Richard Biſhop of Derefoud, Godfry Biſhop of Bath, David Biſhop of Bangoz. Guy of Perſhore, William of Glouceſter, and Godfxy of Winchcomb, Abbots of his own Dioceſe; Dominick Prior of Eveſham ſupplying the Place of his Abbot, who was fick, and Walker, Prior of great Palverne (a). The fame Day he was inthroned, he conſecrated Benedikt Abbot of Teukesbury; this Year he alſo ſubſcribed, with many other Lords and Prelates, to King Henry's Charter to the Abbey of Reading (1). He was not preſent at the great Council held at London in the Year 1127. for he was then be- yond Sea viſiting his Parents (c) : but he was preſent at that held there on the Kalends of Auguſt, 1129. about Clergymens Wives (d). Oni the fifth of the Ides of January, 1130. he conſecrated Reginald a Monk of Gloucetter to be Abbot of Eveſham, and on the third of the Nones of Auguſt, Walter Lacy to be Abbot of Glouceſter. On Rogativa Sunday this Year, he was at the Dedication of the new Church at Calle terbury, with the King and many Nobles (e). In 1131. at his Palace at Blockelt, he conſecrated Serlo a Canon of Salisbury, to be Ab- bot of Cirenceſter. In 1933. great part of his City of Wolcetter was again burnt down by caſual Fire, and the Cathedral Church much damaged. In 1936. he, with Robert de Braci Biſhop of Herefold, confecrated the Church at Lanthany near Glouceſter, to the honour of Mary the bleſſed Mother of God : it was ſo called from the Priory of Lanthony in the Mountains of Wales, of which Biſhop Robert had been formerly: Prior; and when it was waſted and ſpoiled: by the Wellbmen, through his Intereſt the Monks were removed hither (f. In 1:13.8. he confecrated Robert a Monk of Cluny, and ſaid to be related ¥* * Fler (a) Flor. Wig. Rad. de Diceto inter decem Script. p. 504. (b) Alf. Annals T. 4 p. 292, (d) H. Huot. p. 220. (e) Chron. Sax, ſub. annoAng!.. Sae: P: 2. P. 321, 322. (c) Flor;. wig: toy * De IOS 39 An Accolint of the to the King, Abbot of Winchcomb, and on the 12th of the Kalénds of December, William Abbot of Perthozé. In 1139. he, with others, was fummoned to a Council at Rome, whither he went with Thes obald Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Roger Biſhop of Coventry, Robert Biſhop of Exeter, Reginald Abbot of Evenham, where they were all honourably received' by the Pope. During his abſence King Stephen came to Worceſter within the O&aves of Eaſter, and was received with a ſolemn Proceſſion of the Clergy and Laity; but within a few Months after came the Forces of gaud, and took the City, burnt part of it, and ſpoiled the whole (a). As to the Character of this Biſhop, William of Palmsbury, who was cotemporary with him, tells us, that he was highly eſteemed for his Affability, for the ſweetneſs of his Tem. per, and for his Munificence, as far as confifted with the Revenues of a ſmall Biſhoprick (b). We have ſeveral Inſtances of this in our ancient Regiſters, not mentioned by any of our Hiſtorians ; he gave in perpetu- al Alms, to the Monaſtery at Worceſter, his Priory of little Palvern, with the Church of St. Giles there, ſituated and built on his Demelne, and in his Fee, ordering it to be one inſeparable Body, as well in Coha- bitation as in Profeſſion, with Worceſter, ſo as no Man ſhould be ad- mitted to take the Habit in little Malvernt, without the Conſent of the Biſhop, Prior, and Convent of Worceſter, but to be re- ceived with a joint Will and Benedictions ; as alſo that it ſhould be lawful for the Prior of Worcefter, by way of Correction, to remove the Monks of Walvern to Wloncetter, and place Monks of Wozcetter in their Rooms, and that the Prior of malvern ſhould be choſen in the Chapter of Worceſter, as one of the fame Body (c). He reſtored to them the Right they formerly had to the Church of Weſtbury in Sallo agaricco, with its Appurtenances, to wit, the Chapel of St. Ware. burge, ſituated upon Hembirie Hill, and the Chapel of Cumbtune : (a) Flor. Wig. (6) W. Malm, p. 101... (c) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. Wig. p. 9.b. and BISHOPS OF WORCESTER. 199 ern, and And he the more readily gave them the Inveſtiture of the fame, for as much as he knew the Monks of Worceſter, had ſerved God there in the Times of bleſſed Oſwald and Wulftan, and had been impru: dently put out by Biſhop Sampſon (a). He reſtored to them allo Lawas gave them five Marks yearly out of his Toll at Woccetter, Peter-pence to the value of twenty Shillings, the Tithe of his Hay at . Rozthwic, Wich, Kemeſey, Rippel, Breodun, fladherie, pan. tun, Stratfozd, Þenbyri, and peoztlebyrt. : The Land which Roger the Baker held of him, and all his Land at Ceftrehulle : The Church- es of St. Swithun and St. Martin, in Wlozceſter, and reſtored unto them the Church of St. Mary in le Strand at London (b), and confirmed to them the Church of St. Hellens (c). Moreover he confirmed unto them in a very ſolemn manner all their Lands and Poſſeſſions, viz. Croppethorne, Nethertun, Cerletun, Seggesberge, Dverbyet, with Penedoc, Cantertun, Tetintuit, with Alfsigtun, Clive, perferton, with Scienac, nyttone, Blacawelle, Scepetton, Alvettun, with its Appurtenances, Loccefee, Stoke with its Appurtenances, feplintun with Dunhamſtede, Wlwardeleg with Horſelee, and Culleclyve, and Burtun, Lindrugge, Newenham, Cnichtetun with its Members, Hallage, nynewft, Bradewalle, Ikecumbe, Titbrichtuné, Lyp. pard, Laverne, and a Meadow called kyngthan, with one Yard Land, the Gift of Walter de Beauchamp, half an Hide in Lench, and Lands in the City and Suburbs, the Mill at Tapenbale, the Fiſhery in Severne called Beverburne, the Fiſhery of ballage and Scede: welle, half the Fiſhery of Gyimelee, the Fiſhery of Beverey, and the Fiſhery of Cimberdune, with all the Lands appertaining to them. The Church of pertlebyrí with the Chapel and Lands thereto bear (al Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. Wig. p. 1o. fee Appendix N. 9. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, (Reg. 1, p. 8. b. (6) ibid. Tee Appendix N. 10, 11, 12, Dd longing I10 An Account of the longing, the Church of Duddenhull, the Church of Witftan, the Church of Bromwic, Wiruðbénhare, and one Hide in Pebbewithe, the Tithe of Cloptun, Chirchſet from Lappewith; tle Tithe of Pirle and pimeney, five Salt Furnaces in Wich, and two Sált pits or Vats; the Churches of All Saints, St. Andrew, St. Martin, and St. Swithun in Wojcetter ;the Tithe of his Wine at Fledebyrí, Rippel, and Salt. marfl); the Tithe of his Hay at Hertlebiri, pembiri, Hozwike, Wiike, kemſey, Fledebyrf, Rippel, and Bzedun, five Mark Rent out of his Toll at Worcetter, the Church of St. Helens, with Lawern, and its Appurtenances; and the Tithe of Wine at Almelee, the Gift of Wit. liam de Beauchamp, and his Anceſtors. This was done in their Chap- ter-houſe, Tedbald Archbiſhop of Canterbury being then preſent, 14 Kal. February 1148. Witneſſes thereto, Gilbert Biſhop of Herefoud, Roger Archdeacon of Canterbury, Godfrid and Gervaſe Archdeacons, Laurence Prior of Coventry, Gilbert Prior of Effee, and many o- thers (a). Drawing near his end, he called to mind his giving the Church of St. Mary le Strand Londont, to one Hugh, the Brother of Bertran Clerk, in prejudice of the Right of the Church of Woda ceter, which touching his Conſcience among the reſt of his Sins, he confeſſed the fame in the preſence of the Bifhop of Herefożd, the Prior of Worceſter, Godfrid Archdeacon, Bernard a Monk, and of- bert his Chaplain, and wrote a very pathetical Letter to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and another to the Biſhop of London, acquainting them with the ſame, and defiring their Aſſiſtance, that for the Health of his Soul the ſaid Church might be reſtored to its right Owners (). He was the 27th Biſhop of Tulozceffer; and fat in this See twenty five Years, and departed this Life on the twentieth of March, 1149-50 (c). To him ſucceeded *** (b) See Appendix N 19, 20.. (a) Reg. 1. Dec, et Cap. p. x. b. xi. a See Appendix. N. 18. (f) angl. Sac. P. 1. p. 475. JOHN . BISHOPS, of WORCESTER. III John de PAGEHAM or PAGAHAM or PAGHAM : He was Chaplain to Theobald Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and was conſecrated by him to this See March the fourth, 1191. as appeareth from his own Profeſſion of Canonical Obedience, ſtill reſerved in the Archives of the See of Canterbury, ſays Wharton (a). Whilſt he ſat in this See, Wil- liam Peverell, Son and Heir of Peverell de Beauchamp, came and fur- rendered up unto him all his Right and Title to Codeſton or Cutteſden on the Hills, confirming the Grant his Father had made thereof to the Church and Monks of Worceſter. Upon which, in his Preſence, and with his Conſent, the Biſhop gave Prior Ralph the Poſſeſſion of it, re- ceiving his Homage, and reſerving the Services due to him and his Suc- ceſſors; and for this the Prior gave to Peverell two Marks of Silver (6). Godwin tells us, he gave Bibery to the Abbey of Deney, and the Manor of Elme Biſhop to his own See, but quotes no Authority. I believe he read Elme Biſhop for Clive Biſhop, miſtaking the for an E and the iv for an in, a famous Manor in Gloceſterſhire belonging to this See for many Years. He was the twenty eighth Biſhop of WOZ: cetter, and died at Rome Anno. 1158. ALURED or ALFRED, Chaplain to King Henry the firſt, ſucceeded him, and was inthroned on Palm Sunday, April 13, 1958. With his advice, and with the Conſent of the King, Osbert the Son of Hugh gave to the poor Nuns of Weſtwode, for their better Maintenance, the Church of St. Auguſtin Dudechull, the Monks of Worceſter not then gainſaying (c). There is extant an Epiſtle to him from Archbiſhop The- obald, chiding and expoftulating with him, for refuſing to give bis Con- ſent, that one Solomon ſhould be preferred to ſome Churches, perhaps in his own Dioceſe, when the Pope, the King, the Queen, Himſelf , and moſt of his Brethren with him, thought him worthy of ſuch Preferment, > *** 4w (a) Angl. Sac. P. 1. p. 475. (b) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. Wig. p. 17.b See Appendix N. 21. (c) Ibid. p. 72. Dd 2 and I 12 An Account of the !!! : and requeſted the fame (a). How long he later in this See is uncertain, all our antient Hiſtorians agree that he died in 1160. ſays Wharton. Al ford places his Death in 1161. and the Worceſter Annals ſay he fat four Years, and that in 1162. Fromund Abbot of Teukeſbury was conſecrat- ed by him here at Worceffer, and that he then viſited the Convent (l). Notwithſtanding the Authority of Malmesbury, which Godwin and Alford follow, it is very certain, that he was the twenty ninth Biſhop of this See, and immediate Succeffor to John Pagabam, as appears not only from what Mr. Wharton ſays in his Comment on the Worcetter Annals, but from the firſt and moſt antient Regiſter of the Dean and Chapter, where there is a particular Catalogue of forty of our Biſhops, from Boſel to Walter de Cantilupe, which being imperfe&tly printed in Hemmings Chartulary and the Monafticon, I have inſerted Appendix, N. 23• ROGER his Succeffor was the Son of Robert Earl of Glocefter, na- tural Son of King Henry the firſt. He was elected at the frequent Re- queſt of Archbiſhop Anſelm, in March 1163. being young in Years, but old in Virtue, and eminent for Piety. He was conſecrated on the Kalends of September, 1164 by the Archbiſhop, being the firſt Biſhop he conſecrated, and was inthroned on the fourth of the Nones of Fe- bruary, 1165.(C). He confirmed to the Prior and Convent all the Grants of his Predeceſſors concerning the Church of St. Hellens, and the Chapels tlieręto belonging, allotting, with their Confent, one Moi- ety of the Profits, to provide Food for the Monks, and the other to the Uſe of the Sacriſt for ever (d). He alſo gave them the Church of Wilfarbeley, as well the Tithes as the Lands of it for the Uſe of the Monks, reſerving a ſufficient Portion for the Vicar, and dem creeing that of the uſual Penſion of fave Marks :paid therefrom to the €a) Alf. Annal. T. 4. Jab Anno 1161. Joh. Saresbir. Ep. 23. Append. N. 22, (b) Angl. Sac. P. 4. 06) Angl. Sac. T. 1. p. 476. (dt.Reg. 1. Dec, er Cap: Wig. p. 8. b. Convent, BISHOPS of WORCESTER+A* PL II 3 . Convent, three ſhould be paid yearly to the Chamberlain, and two to the Chantor (a). And a Controverſy ariſing between the Monks, and Tho- mas Clerk, concerning certain Tithes of this Church of Wivardele, it was delegated by the Pope to Biſhop Roger, and to R. Archdeacon of Poitoli, to determine it, who made this Compoſition, that the ſaid Thomas ſhould hold for ever the Church of tuivardele, in the name of the Monks, with all its Appurtenances, as well in Lands as in Tithes, except the Tithes of the Demeſnes of the Monks, and to pay to them two Mark yearly in the name of the ſaid Church, and a third. Mark for the third part of the Tithe of the whole Village, antiently due to the Chamberlain (6). He and Bartholoniew Biſhop of Exeter were held in great Eſteem by Pope Alexander the chird, who called them the two great Lights of England, and delegated to them moſt of the Cauſes of this Kingdom that came before him (). That between the Church of Wojcetter, and the Church of Diney, concerning Bibery, was, dele- gated to Bartholomew alone, which, with Conſent of Roger Biſhop, and Ralph Prior, and the Monks that appeared for the Church of Worce- tter, and of Edward Abbot, and Harding Prior, and the Monks that appeared for the Church of Deney,.was thus compromiſed : That the faid, Church of Diney ſhould for ever hold and enjoy the Church of Bibery, with its Chapels, and all its Appurtenances, ſaving in all things the Ju- riſdiction of the Dioceſan, paying therefore yearly in way of Recom- pence ſixty Shillings to the Church of Worceffer, in the Name of a Ca- non : That the Biſhop of Worcefter ſhould place there one Canon of at leaſt twenty Years old, and not infamous, who ſhould follow the Rule of the Houſe, and do Service for the Church and Biſhop of Wo ceſter : And ladly, that all and ſingular of the Convent of Diney ſhould cial () Ibid. p. 6. (6) Ibid. (6). Girald. Camb, de vitis lcx Epifc. Ccetan, Angl, Sac. P. 2. P. 425. offer 1:14 ?? An Account of the liai hygie offer up the ſame Prayers for the Biſhop of Wlożceffer, as they did for their own Founders and Abbots (a). Both Roger and Bartholomew adhered firmly to Thomas Becket Archbiſhop of Canterbury in all his Sufferings, of which there are abundant Proofs in ſeveral of the ſaid Archbiſhop's Letters ; after whoſe Murther Roger; with others, was ſent by King Henry the ſecond 1171. on an Embaſſy to Alexander the third, to aſſure that Pope, that lie had no hand in the fame, and neither com- manded or approved of it (b). In 1175. he was at a great Council held at Proditoke before both the Kings H. 2. and his eldeſt Son Henryon the Oc- taves of the Nativity of St. John Baptiſt, with many other Biſhops, and all the Abbots of Canterbury Dioceſe, about electing a Biſhop of Nozwich, and chooſmg Abbots for Gzimesby, Croyland, Thorney, Weſtminſter, Canterbury, Battle, pide, Abingdon, and Abotesbírt, all then void (c). And this Year, on the fifth of the Ides cf April, he confirmed to the Monksthe Grants of Bitrafton and Dodechull, and at the fame time ended the Controverſy between them, and Osbert the Son of Hugh, concerning the Patronage of All Saints in Worceſter, that the ſame ſhould remain in the Poffeffion of the ſaid Osbert and his Heirs, the Parſon preſented by him, paying yearly half a Mark to the Monks (d). Osbert had another Controverſy with them about the Church of St. Clements, which Hugh Poer and Richard de Greftun had given to the Monks; he aſſerting a Right thereto, as depending and belonging to his Church of All Saints : But Roger by his Epiſcopal Authority determined it to be a free Chapel of the Monks, and to owe no Subjection to All Saints (e). In 1176. vii. Id. Nov. he aſſiſted the Biſhop of London in confecrating Peter, Prior of Wenlock, to be Biſhop of St. David's. In 1177. he was at great Council of the Land held at London, about the making peace between the Kings of Cañile and Navarre, and ſubſcribed as a Wit- thie (a) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. p. 30. Append. N: 24. (b) Angl. Sac. P. I. p. 470. 31.5.b. (d) Reg. 1. Dec, et Cap. Wig. p. 22. t. 24. a. (e) Ibid. p. 24. b. (c) Rog, Hov.p. neſs BISHOPS of WORCESTER. DIS W neſs to the King's Deed determining the fanie (a). About this time Simon de Mans gave to the Prior and Convent of Woccetter, for the Souls of his father and Mother, and his own, the Advowſon of the Chapels of Dodenham and Knightwich), which Biſhop Roger by his Deed, ſealed with his Seal, confirmed to them (1). In 1178. the Monks, not pleaſed with Osbert's Gift of the Church of St. Auguſtin Doderyuli to the poor Nuns of Weſtwde, in the time of Biſhop Alured, did now reclaim the fame; but Ralph the Son of Stephen, the King's Chamber- lain, with others, ſtanding by them, it was referred to Biſhop Roger, who ended it thus : That the Monks ſhould have the Church of St. Au- guſtin, and that the Nuns, in lieu thereof, ſhould have all the Land of Clethal, with the Meadow, and all its other Appurteninces, the Tithes of their Lands, which they held in the Pariſh of Doderhull at the time of the making of this Compoſition, to wit, the Tithes of Weffwde, tlie Tithes of the Land of Clethal, and the Tithes of the Land of Cruche, the Sepulture and the Obventions of all that dwelt on their faid Lands, free from any Claim to be laid to them by the Parſon of the Church of St. Auguſtin (c). Some ſay that this Year he went again to Rome, and was preſent at the Lateran Council, wlience returning, he died at Tours in France, Aug. 9, 1179. and was there buried (d). But Hoveden tells us, that there were but four Biſhops that went out of England to that Council, and thoſe he ſays were Hugh Biſhop of Durham, Fohn Biſhop of Nolwich, Robert Biſhop of Herefold; and Reginald Bithop of Bath (€). He was renarkable for many Vir- tues, and much commended for his regular Life and ffri& Execution of Church Diſcipline. When he heard of a certain Perſon's being elected to a Biſhoprick, of which he was altogether unworthy, he wrote to Richard Archbiſhop of Canterbury, by whom he was to be confecrata (a) Rog. Hov. P 320, 324. ed): Angl, Sac: P. I, p. 470. (6) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap, Wig p.14. a et b, (4) Hov..P. 332. 2. (C) Ibid. p. 22. a et b. ed, $ 1 and an immoveable Rock of Defence to the Diſtreſſed (d). His Succeffor 116 AT An Accounts of the ed, and to the reſt of his Brethren, to this effect: I neither do conſent, HOX ever willitonſent to that Election, nor do I nor will. I ſubſcribe to it, $200 do I afford: my. Préſence at his Confecration, nor will I ever hereafter, and you know why. But thou; O Lord, have mercy on us. When the faid Archbiſhop Richard refuſed to conſecrate Roger, elected Abbot of St. Auguſtin-Canterbury, even after the Pope had admoniſhed him ſo to dagli Alexander wrote to our Biſhop as the fitteſt- Perſon to repreſent lvim,comnianding him in his Namez and by his Authority, to do the fame (a). That he was of an undaunted Spirit is evident from what happened to him at St. Peter's in Glouceſter, as he was celebrating Maſs at the High Alar; one of the grear Towers at the Weſt end of the Church ſuddenly fell down with ſuch a terrible. Noiſe and Duft, that the : Multitude got out as faſt as they could, but he, with one or two Monks that forſook him not, went on in performing the Divine Service unmoved (6). It is further faid to his Praiſe, that all the tinie he fåt in this See, which was néar upon twenty Years from his being firſt elect- ed to it, he never gave any Rents, either in Lands or Ecclefiaftical Bea nefices; to any one of his Relations, niindful of the ſaying of Pope A lexander the third his Cotemporary, “ Filios Epiſcopis. Dominus abftulit, “ Nepotes vero Diabolus dedit. The Lord hath taken away Sons from “ Biſhops, but the Devil hath given them Nephews (c). It is laſtly ſaid of him, that he was for Purity a Lily, for Modeſty a Roſe, for heavenly Converſation a Violet, for pieaſant Company, Muſick, a Pillar of Juſtice, in this See was :: BALDWIN born in Exeter of mean Parentage, but carefully bred up by them in Literature and Piety, ſo that he became a ſhining Light unto the People : He was firſt a Schoolinafter there, then entered into SE (a) Chron. W. Thorn. p. 1823. b) Girald. Camb. de vitis ſex Epiſc. Coetan. Angi Sac. P. 2. P. 428. (c) Ibid. p. 428, 429. (d) Alf. Annal. T. 4. P. 2. f. 115. ex Quadrilogo l. 1. c. 22. Holy shi . BISHOP's of WORCESTER. 117 Holy Orders, and being a learned Man was preferred to an Arch- deaconry, which after ſome time he voluntarily reſigned, and took upon him the Habit of the White Monks, amongſt whom he behaved himſelf ſo well, that he was ſoon choſen by them to be Abbot of fold in Devonſhire, and within ſome few Years was from thence called to the Bilhoprick of Worceſter, conſecrated thereto at Lambeth on St. Lau- rence Day, Auguſt, 10, 1180, and from hence promoted to. Canterbuts ry, elected thereto 2 December, 1184. and ſolemnly inſtalled there May 19,1185, being the firſt Monk of the Ciſtercian Order that ever was made Archbiſhop there (a). Whilſt le fate in the See of Worceſter, when he committed the Cure of Souls of the Church of St. Auguſtin Dodeyhull to Adam the Son of Edwin, he allotted the yearly. Penſion of an hundred Shillings to be paid by him and his Succeffors to the Monks of Worceſter, and teſtified the ſame by his Letters, when Arch- biſhop (1). He was of Complection fomewhat ſwarthy, his Coun- tenance that of a plain well meaning Man, very comely, of moderate Stature, of good Habit of Body, flender, and not too thick, for Manners modeſt and ſober, and of ſuch Abſtinence as Fame durſt never ſtamp any ſiniſter Report of him ; ſlow to Anger, and of few. Words, pi- ous and ſtudious from his Youth. He accompanied K. Richard to the poly Land, and there died at the Siege, of acon (). He had for his Succeffor in this See WILLIAM de NOR HALE or NORHAL: He was a Prebendary of St. Paul's London, and in 1177. made Archdeacon of Gloucetter. He was choſen by Ralph Prior and the Monks of Wozceltep 1186, and preſented to, the Archbiſhop, at Wettminſter, by the faid Prior Ralph on the Feaſt of St. Matthew, September 21. and was the ſame Day by him confecrated, together with Hugh Biſhop Elect of Lincoli, in the (a) Angl. Şac, P1: 477. Godwin. Angig. Brit . N. 25. (c) See Antiq. Bilt. Godwin. (6) Reg. 1, Dee, et Çap . Wig. Pr23, See Appendix Еe Chapel 118 19T19Acoduint of the as part ?An : Chapel of Saint Katharine there. He was the Fifth Biſhop that the faid Prior Ralph had choſen and preſented to the Archbiſhop to be conſecrated (a). Whilft he fat in this See, before King Henig died, he had a Controverſy with Wiliam de Ver Biſhop of pereford, claiming the Service of one Kniglit’s Fée due for Lands held by him in Inteberge, of his Manor of Fledeberie, which the ſaid Biſhop denied, and faid that there was due only half a Knight's Fee. Upon which Twenty-four Knights were fummoned to try the Cauſe, and they appearing before the King at kemeſey, the Biſhop of Herefożd not willing to ſtand to their Determination, or to give any further Trouble in it, acknowledged that he did owe the Service of One Knight's Fee for the faid Lands; as ap- pearetli by the Deed of the faid King Henry: Witnefſes thereto, Bald- win Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 'Hugh of Durham, Hugh of Covena try, F. of St. David's, Biſhops, with ſeveral others (6). After the Death of this King Henry, his Son Richard, in the Firſt Year of his Reign, by his Deed dated 15th of September 1189, gave to God and the Church of Saint Mary CUozceffer, and to William Biſhop of the fame, and to his Succeffors for ever, in perpetual Alnis, for the Soul of his Father King Henry, and for the Health of his Mother Alienor, and for his own, Six hundred and fourteen Acres of Affart Lands, lying in ſeveral Manors belonging to the Biſhop, free from all Pleas and Regards and Cu- ftoms belonging to his Forefts, and that they ſhould not be looked upon as Affart Lands. Witneſſes to this his Deed were Baldwin Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Hugh of Lincoln, and others (c). Wemeet with nothing more concerning him during his ſitting in this See, which was not long, for he died in the Year 1190. on the Third of May, *** (a), Rad. de Diceto p. 63.1. Radulpbus de Bedeford quinque Epiſcopos Wigornienſes, ſc. Johannem anno 150.Aluredum - 1158. Rogerum 1163. Baldwinum 1180. et Willelmum 1186. Ordiñe elegit, ai Archiepifcopo sonfecrandos preſentavit, Ang. Sac, P. 1. p. 477, 548. (6) Lib. Rub. p. 120. Lib. Albus p. 41. Giff . p. 299. See Append. N. 26. (6) Reg. 1. Dec et Cap: Wig. D: 44. &i Lib. Alb. p. 43. See Append. N. 29 fay BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 119 . fay fome (a), others on the Second, and one, M. Paris, on the 28 of March ; the Firſt of theſe is confirmed by the Wlodceſter Annals, which alſo tell us that on the Ides of July following ROBERT, 'only Son and Heir of William Seneſchal of Normandy, a Prebendary of Lincolnt, and Archdeacon of Nottingham, through the Intereſt of William Biſhop of Ely, then Lord High Chancellor of Eng. fand, was elected Biſhop of this See, and his Election confirmed by Gilbert Biſhop of Rocheſter, Vicar to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, then in Syria, who had complained of his being elected without his Conſent (6). He, with the Biſhop of London, claimed alſo the right of conſecrating of him, the firſt as Chaplain, the other as Dean to the Arch- biſhop, and both inſiſted that it ſhould be done in the Metropolitical Church. Robert, impatient of Delays, obtained a Mandate from Pope Clement, that he might be conſecrated by William Biſhop of Ely his Legate, at Weſtminſter. Several Biſhops being there called together on this Occaſion on Palm Sunday, April 7, 1191. the Monks of Can- terbury appeared, and inſiſted on his being conſecrated in their Church, which, upon due Conſultation had, 'was aſſented to, and there it was performed by the faid Legate, and fix other Biſhops, the fifth of May ful- lowing (c). He enjoyed this Biſhoprick but a little while, for he died Fune 14, according to the Annals of St. David, June 30, according to thoſe of Theokesbity and Winchcomb, 1193 : Upon whoſe Death · HENRY de Soni, who, from being Prior of Bermundeley, had been in 1189 made Abbot of Glaſtonbury," was elected Dec. 4, and confe- crated at Canterbury hy Archbiſhop Hubert the 12th of the fame Mohth, and inthronized Fan. 6 following. He was promoted to this See, that the Abbacy of Glattonbury might be given to Savaricus Bi- ſhop of Bath and Wells, who niuch deſired it: 'He confirmed to the # (4) Ang. Sac. P. 1, p. 177 (b) Gervaſii Chron: p. 1564, 1505. (9) Angl. Sac. B 1. p. 4472 Prior Ee 2 2 2 WS I20 * An Account of the ' Prior and Convent, the Penſions, they uſed to receive in the time, of his Predeceſſors from the Churches of Worceſter, riz. From. All Saints half a Mark, from St. Clement's half a Mark, from St. Martin's one Mark, and from St. Swithun's fifteen Shillings: (a). And he alfo confirmed to them the Right they had to the Advowſons of the Chapels of Dodeham and knitewich(). And gave an yearly Penſion of two Mark from their Church of Dverbury, and half a Mark froni their Chapel of Herrow, the one. Moiety thereof for their better Refreſhment in their Refectory on the Feaſt of the Transfiguration of our Lord, and the other on the Day of his Anniverſary, and to be given in Alms for the Health of his Soul, and of the Souls of his Predeceſſors (c). He died on the 24th or 25th of O&tober, 1195 (d), and was ſucceeded by John de CONSTANTIIS. He was Nephew of Walter de Conſtantiis, tranſlated from the Biſhoprick of, Lincaln to the Archbiſhoprick of Roan in 1184, where he made this lis Nephew Dean in 1189. He was confecrated to this See, 14 Cal. Nov. 1196, by Hubert Archbiſhop of Canterbury, at Stratfold near London, and inſtalled on the 28th of the fame Month (e). When he was elected it. is not ſaid, but it.muſt be foon after the Death of bis Predeceſſor Hežixyo. For on 25 June, 1195, King Richard the firſt, in the Seventh year of his Reign, granted to John Biſhop of Wlascetter, and his Succeſſors, a weekly Market, to be held every Thurſ his Mañar of Stratfożd upon Ayon, Warwicklhice (). And on the fifth of Oktober, 1196, in the eighth Year of his Reign, before the Date of his Çonſecration, the King granted to him and his Succeſſors, the fame Liberties and Privileges in his Manors of pertlebury, pembury, and alvinechurch, as he had in his other Lordſhips (8). John Earl of Mojeton granted to him Liberty to affart in his own Wood in the Foreſt of malverii, near to the Mill - ** fa) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. Wig. p. 25. a. ſee App. N. 28. (b) Ibid. p. 114 fee Append. N. 29. 06). Reg. 1 D. et Cap. Wig. p. 33. b. fee App. N. 30. tel) Ang. Sac. P. I. P. 478 e) Ibid. () Lib. Alb. Epilc. Wig. five Extenta et Charte p. 43. fee App. N. 37. of (8), 'Ibid. : :::.... BISHOPS of WORCESTER. I21 2 of Wenland, three hundred Acres of Land, for the uſe of the Church of St. Mary Wigorii, to hold to him and his Succeſſors for ever, and to do therewith what they would, free from all Exactions of his Foreſters. Dat 31 Fuly, the eighth Year of King Richard. And Elizabeth his Çgunteſs the next Day confirmed the fame (a). This Bihop granted to the Prior and Convent twenty Shillings Sterling yearly out of the Reve- nues of their, Church of Clive, viz, ſeventeen Shillings for to make a Pittance on the Feſtival of Saint Roman, and three Shillings for to pro- vide a Light for the Church (6). This good and pious Biſhop died 24 Sept. 1198, and was buried on the North Side of St. Mary's. Chapel, before the High Altar there. He was ſucceeded by MAUĢER or MALGER, Archdeacon of Evreur in Normandy, and Phyſician to King Richard I. He was choſe before the end of Auguſts 1199, but his Election was rejected by the Archbiſhop, becauſe not lawfully begotten, úpon which he appealed to the Pope, and went to Rome, where Innocent, admiring the Elegancy of his Perſon, confirm- ed the ſame, and conſecrated him on the 4th of June, 1200, being Trinity Sunday. He made his Profeſſion of Subjection to his Metropoli- tan, in the Church of Canterbury, Oct. 29, and was inſtalled in his own Church, Nov.' I 2 in the ſame Year (c). Whilſt he was only Bi- ſhop Elect, King Zokn confirmed unto him his Brother Richard's Grant, made in the eighth Year of his Reign to his Predeceſſor, of divers Pri- vileges in his Manors of pertiebury, Hembury, and alvinechurcb (d). In 1201, St. Wulftan began to work Miracles on the 14.of the Calends. of February, which laſted that whole Year, and longer; ſo that ſometimes fifteen, ſometimes ſixteen, were cured in one Day of all their Diſeaſes. The next Year, the Cathedral Church, with its adjacent Offices, and great Part of the City, were burnt down on the fifteenth of the Calends B ta (4) Lib. Alb. Epiſc. five Extenta p. 128.b. 1 i.: (6) Reg. 1. Dec, et Cap. Wig. p. 30. b. 1. p. 478. (d). Lib. Alb. Fpifc. Wigorn, live Extenta. p. 43: (c) Angl. Sac of 1 22 T2 An Account ܬ݁ܐ ܀???".fܢ of the ti? of May. And on St. Giles Day following came to Worceſter, by ex- přeſs Command of the Pope, Hubert Archbiſhop of Canterbury; Euſtace Biſhop of Cly, the Abbots of St. Edmund and wiburn, to inquire into the Truth of St. Wolftan's Miracles, who being fully fatisfied of the ſame, returned with Joy, and ſent Letters thereof to the Pope by Walter de Bradwas, and Randulph de Eveſham, Monks here, where- on, on the ninth of the Calends of May, 1203, he was canonized at Rome with great Solemnity (a). In 1204 Biſhop Malger replaced the Bones of Bleſſed Wulftan in the ſame Grave from whence they had been irreve- rently removed by his Predeceſſor (6). In 1205 he had a Controverſy with the Abbot of Evetham, and obtained Sentence that it ought to be ſubject to himį but in the Year following it was given againſt him at Rome, and exempted from his Juriſdiction (i). In 1207 King Fohn came to Worceſter about the Feaſt of the Nativity of thie Virgin Mary, and having paid his Devotions to the Tonb of St. Wulftan, he gave the Prior and Convent great Privileges in their Manors of Lindridge, Wulvarbely, Stoke, and Clive, and one hundred Marks to repair their Cloyſter and Offices (d). In 1208, after having put the Kingdom under an Interdict, he fled to France with William Biſhop of London, and Euftace Biſhop of Ely, and there he died ann. 1212, on the Octaves of Saint John Baptiſt (e), at Ponthieu, the Year before Peace was reſtored to the Kingdom and Church of England (1). Before he retired into France, he was á Benefactor to the Priory of Little Malvern, giving to the Monks there yearly out of his Woods on the Hill of Paivern, andi ellewhere, ſufficient Fewel for their Kitchen, Bakehouſe, Brewhouſe, and other Offices, with One Oak to be ſet out by his Woodward s to enable them to keep the better Hoſpitality, and to relieve the Poor and Strangers. This he did for (6) 1bid. (c) Ibid. (a) Ans. Wig f) Ibia. fi?). Ibid. fe) Ibid. 5 2 the prema .."" BISHOPS OF WORCESTER. 123 the Love of God, and, blefled Mary, and the Souls of all bis Prede- ceſſors, beſeeching bis Succeſſors to confirm this his, Grant. In regard whereof the Monks promiſed, at the Death of every Biſhop, to cele- brate their Exequies and Anniverſaries: Witneſſes thereto, John de Cenay, Fordan de Wych, Peter Horſemun, Roger de Culn, Ernard de Bath, Matthew de Canterbury, John de Wygorn, Wiliam de Bois, Ria chard de St. Patern, Clerks, and many others. Randulph Prior of Woz. cetter, upon the Death of Mauger, was by the Monks unanimouſly choſen their Biſhop, but at the Inſtance of Nichclas Bihop of Tufculum, the Pope's Legate, he receded from that Election, and was by him made Prior of Evelyam (a). Upon which ſucceeded WALTER de GREY, the King's Chancellor, who had been choſen by the Canons of Lichfield their Biſhop, in Oppoſition to Prior Jof- bert, whom the Monks of Coventry had elected (6). But both their Elections being annulled by the Pope's Legate, the former was made Biſhop of this Dioceſe on the 20th of January 1213. (). and laying down his Chancellorſhip, bis Election was confirmed by the King on the sth of February; and the Interdict, which had laſted lix Years and three Months, being taken off on the 3d of July, he was confecrated at Canterbury the 5th of O&tober following, and tranſlated to Poiki in 1215 (d). King John, in the 16th Year of his Reign, gave leave to this Biſhop Walter, to affart and plow up 29 Acres and a half of his Wood at Fladbury, without View or Oppoſition of his Foreſters. This Deed bears date 15th March, 12 14 (e). He confirmed to the Prior and Monks the Church of St. Hellens in Wlozcelter, reſerving fifteen Marks yearly to the Vicaridge (f). And he gave them the Church of Clive near Evelham, for their better ſupporting Strangers, 44 (a) Lib. Alb. Epiſc. Wigorn. f. 92: et Horl. V. 2. f. 9. ct to. ibid: Part 2 482 {e). Lib. Alb. Epiſc. Wig. P-44945- (b) Angl. Sac. P. 1 p. 482. (c). Ibid. 446. Řez. 1 Dec, er Cap. Wig. p. 8.b. and . . 124 Ans Account of the aid sale and relieving the Sick. This Deed bears. Date 4 Cal. Marchi, í 2114. and was confirmed by Pope. Honorius, 1216'(a). He alſo recovered of Fiand de Mileton (who had married the Heireſs of Ralph de Overci) the Lordſhips of Efton and ablinton, with their Churchesand the Advowſon of the Church of Giate; but the Manor of Glate; with two Hides and an half in Ablinton, remained to Ralph (6). It was written in the Cloyſter Windows; that he gave Gzimley and quitton to the Prior and Monkra but, all things conſidered, he rather reſtored them (c)., He was of noble Parentage, and of the Family of the Greys, now Dukes of Kent (d). 1.173 .. SILVESTER de Eveſham ſucceeded to Biſhop Walter. From a Monk of Tilozcefter he became Prior there on the 12 Cali of Febru- ary, 12,15, and was choſen by them theit Biſhop the third Day' of April 1216, and was conſecrated July 3. at Périgia in Italy' by Pope Innocent III; and returning home from the Lateran Council, was inthroned on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary following ; and ſoon after he buried King John in his Cathedral Church before the great Altar, between Saint .Oſwald and Saint Wulftan, according to a Prediction of Merlin's, that he ſhould be placed among the Saints (e). It was part of the ſaid · King's Will, that his Corps ſhould be laid there (f) and on the Day of his Sepulture, Guala the Pope's Legate, and W. Mareſohall, Earl of Pembroke, aligned to the Prior and Monks; for the Enlargment of their Monaſtery, that part of the Calle which was of the King's Fee as far as to that which was of the Fee of Walter de Beauchamp; and on Eaſter Eve 1217 it was ſurrendred up unto them by Letters from the King, ſigned with the Seal of the ſaid W. Mareſchall; his Guardian and Regent of the Kingdom; and, Biſhop: Silveſter dicoinmunicated all thoſe that ſhould do any thing to hinder it (8). This Grant was (a) Reg. 1. Dec. & Cap. Wig , P. 34. Ec inter "Kartenant collocabitur, ang. sae. P. 1. p. 483. Annal wig. fub (b) Angl. Sac. P. 117.1832 1. Kati Survey of the Cathedral122 (d) Peerage of Engl. p. 150. ofi Teftamentum Regis Joh. fee App. N. 33. g) Annal. Wig. fub. anno 1217. after anno 1216, st Bishọp 8 of WOR 61 * * * * C'EST E R. 125 afterwards confirmed by the King himſelf in the thirteenth Year of his Reign (b). This Year he laid a heavy Tax upon all the Clergy of his Diocèſe, and in the next, on the Seventh of the Ides of June 1218, he folemnly conſecrated the Cachedral Church (which had been burnt down with an accidental Fire in 1202) to St. Mary, the Mother of God, the bleſſed Apoſtle St. Peter, and the holy Confeffors Ofwald and Wul- ftan; and he particularly dedicated the great Altar to St. Mary and St. Oſwald, and the other to St. Peter and St. Wulſtan. There were pre- ſent young King Henry, Peter Biſhop of Wincheſter, Richard of Salig bury, Hugh of Herefold, Ralph of Chichetter, the Biſhops of Londolt, Horwich, St. David, Landaff, St. Alaph, and Bangor ; che Abbots of St. Edmund, St. Alban, Weſtmintter, Reading, Abingdon, Ramſey, Peterborough, Glouceſter, Shrewsbury, Kriſtol, Cirenceſter, Evelham; Cheokesbycy, Winchcumb, Perloje, Bardoney, and alceſtet', with ma- ny other Abbots and Priors from divers parts of the Kingdom. There were alſo preſent the Earls of Elex and Hereford, Walter de Lacy, Wal- ter de Clifford, Hugh Mortimer, Walter Beauchamp, William Briwerre, Fohn Marefcall, Robert Corbet, John Strange, Barons, and an infinite Number of other Nobleinen and Gentlemen (i). The ſame Day, after the Dedication of the Cathedral, the Corps of St. Wulfian was put into a New ſumptuous Shrine, the old One having been melted down two Years before, to enable them to pay the Táx of three hundred Marks laid upon them for their ſubmitting to Lewis the Dauphin, and receiving William the Son of William Marefchall , to maintain his Intereſt amongſt them (k). Soon after this, he died at Ramſey, July 16. and was brought hither, and buried on the 20th; which ſome ſay was a Judgment upon him, for having with his own Hands ſawed in two ſome of the Bones of St. Wulftan, and divided them in ſeveral Places, of which it ſeems he gloried (1). Before he died, the. Manor and Patronage of Eſtoni, (b) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. Wig. p. 44. fee App. N. 34, 35 (i) Ang. fac. P. 1. p. 483, 484. (*) An. Wig. fub anno 1216. (1) Annal. Waverleienſes, p. 184. Ff ho 1 26 31 An Aecount of the end or afton aftort, was granted to him by Ralph: de Wylyson and Olympia his Wife (m), and was called afterwards Bifhops awon, and Whtte Ladies afton, becauſe thoſe Nuns had Lands granted them therein. He alſo petitioned the King for the Diſafforeſting of the Foreſts of Ambjesiy: and Borewell; but though then he could nor obtain his Suic buc only for eight Months(n), yet it was done afterwards in 1229, in che 13th Year of that King's Reign). WILLIAM de Bleis, Archdeacon of Buckingham, ſucceeded, much againſt the Wills of the Monks, who would have choſen a Biſhop themſelves out of their own Body; but Guala the Pope's Legate hin- dred them : However, by the Advice and Perſuaſions of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, they conſented to his Election, and he was conſecrated at Weftininfter 7 Oct. 1218. and inthroned the fifth of the Calends of November, on the Day of St. Simon and Jude (P). In 1229. he held a Dioceſan Synod, at which the Abbot of Evetham appealed, becauſe he was not allowed to wear his Mitre, nor fit next to the Biſhop. In this, and in another held under him not long after, many good Conſtitutions were made (9). In 1220 he viſited his Convent, and examined very ſtrictly both into their ſpiritual and temporal Affairs, which was the beginning of a great Controverſy between them; the Biſhop endeavouring co de- poſe the Prior, and the Prior appealing to Rome, from whence the next Year he received Letters from the Pope, injoining that neither he nor his Succeſſors ſhould be turned out, before the Cauſe was firſt heard by his Delegates. The Biſhop appealing, the Prior was forced to go for Rome, and there in 1222 the Pope ſuſpended him from his Office, and upon his return, the Biſhop depoſed him, and placed William Norman, Prior of Palvern, in his Room, which was the occaſion of many Vexations and Troubles all the next Year, buc at laſt was happily ended in the Year 1224, by Stephen 'Archbiſhop of Canterbury, ypcelin Bi- fhop of Bath, and Henry of Lincoln, R. Abbor of Evelham, and Symon dy (m) Lib. Alb. Epifc. Wig. p. 58. (n) Annal. Wig Wig. p. 44. a. (0) Ang. Sac. P. I. P. 484. (6) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. (Ibid. of + Bis hors of WORCEST E R. 127 TÖ Chiesa of Reading, with ſeveral others, who thus decided the Controverſy be- tween them : That William Norman ſhould reſign all his Right and Title to the Priory, which he did, and had the Manor of Clive aſſigned to him for his Maintenance during his Life. Thac for the future, whenever the Priory was vacant, the Convent fhould chooſe and pre- ſent unto the Biſhop ſeven of the moſt eminent Monks amongſt them, out of which he was to chooſe one without delay to be their Prior. The Cuſtody of the Priory to be in the Biſhop during the Vacancy, but upon that account the Ordination of the Prior was not to be delayed ; and if the Bishop ſhould happen to go out of the Realm, he was to fubftitute a Perſon in his Abſence to do the fame. As for the Profits a- riſing from the Tomb of St. Wulftan, at which it was ſaid many Mira'a. cles were at that Time wrought, it was decreed, that they ſhould be di- vided between the Biſhop and the Convent. As to the Biſhop's Viſitation of them, before he entered their Chapter-Houſe, he was to give them Notice, whether he intended to viſit them in Spirituals, or in Temporals ; if in Spirituals, he was to enter alone without his Clerks, if in Temporals, they might come in along with him. And laſtly, that all things being reſtored that had been taken from them, all Rancor and Wrath ſhould ceaſe between them, and they ſhould give each other the Kifs of Peace. This bears date che Thurſday after the Feaſt of St. Michael, 1224 (r). This Year he laid the Foundation of a new Front to his Cathedral, and in the next he excommunicated all the Perſons chat were concerned in a great Torneament made in the City of Worefter. In 1233, the Controverfy between him and the Priory of Great Mato vern was 'ended, it had begun in Biſhop Roger's Time about Subjection See of chogetter, the 'Abbot of Wertminſter claiming the ſame, as Patron of the the Priory, but the Biſhop gaining his Cauſe, he was on Quinquagefima Sunday admitted with a Proceſſion of the Monks," and was feaſted by them. On the Morrow he viſited them, and preached fr) Angl. Sac. P. 3. p. 5432 544 545. Ff2 2010 ; *** 1:28 3 An Account of the rail unto them in their Chapter-Houſes and the next Year he viſited them. again (s); in which he alſo came to an Agreement with the Prior and Convent of Wovelfer about the Church of St. Hellens, the Cauſe being decided by Sir William de Tyntone, Rector of Kemſey, and Ms. Nicholas : de Grimeley, to whom it had been referred, thus: That all the Profits accruing or belonging to the Chapel of St. Hellens on the eaſtern Side of Severni, ſhould belong to the - Biſhop, ſaving the Maintenance of Vicars in the Body of the Chapel of St. Hellens, and in the Chapel of Cleines; and that all the Profits ariſing on the Weſtern Side of the River ſhould belong to the Prior and Convent, for their better keeping of Hoſpitality, they to maintain Vicars in the Chapels of Wick and . Wichenford, which were to be preſented to the Biſhop by the ſaid Prior and Convent (t): And upon this Award, the annual Payment of eight Marks, which they received from the Church of St. Hellens, ceaſed. In 1235, he gave to the Sacriſt the Church of Sodbury, for the better repairing and upholding the Cathedral Church of Toxcelfer ; and in 1236, on the Death of William Furnells, laſt Rector of Buemeſgrave, with the King's Leave, he appropriated that Church to the Uſe of the Monks, and having ordained the Vicaridge, he admitted the Vicar up- on their Preſentation (u). He enlarged the Revenues of his Biſhoprick by purchaſing ſeveral Lands to it. He gave eight Marks of Silver to Cecily de Evercy, for the third Part of the Village of Eton, which ſhe releaſed to him before the Juſtices Itinerants, Thomas Abbot of Winchcomb, Stephen de Segrave, Robert de Lexinton, William Fitzwarin, and Richard Muſard : and ac the ſame time ſhe releaſed to him ſix Quarters and an half of Corn, eight Shillings, and a Gown priſed at a Mark, all which ſhe uſed to receive yearly of the Biſhop for Services due from the Lands he held of her there (x). Of Geofry de Cumpton he purchaſed Lands in Smelrugge, for which he gave him twenty Marks (). Of William, the Son of Robert de E//wud, a Meadow in Blikeley, for one Mark (2). : Of Regi- HE (s) An. Wig. fub anno.' (t) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. Wig. p. 6o. Lib. Penf. p. 38. b. (u) Ann. Wig (*) Lib. Alb. Epiſc. Wig. f. 58. b. () Ibid. p. 61. (z) Ibid. p. 63. nald Bishop's of WORCESTER. 129 nald de Merliham, Lands in Hanbury near Wich called Stoeking for three Marks (a). Of Adam de Wederoche, a Meadow called Longimet we, in the Manor of alone Church, for fixteen Shillings and half a Quarter of Wheat (6). Of Prudence the Daughter of Thedelm de alvine Cburci), more Lands there, which Hugo de Belne confirmed (c). Of Adam de Eveſham, Brother to Biſhop Silveſter, the Mill at Fladbury, and the Affart of Blikely, for fourſcore Mark (d). And of Robert de Pendoc, his . Right of common of Paſture in the Manor of Breedon (e). He alſo build the Chapel of the Charnel-houſe, between his Cathedral Church and Palace, and under it he made a large Crypt, for the better depoſiting of the Bones of the Dead. He dedicated it to St. Thomas the Martyr, and ordered that Maſs ſhould be daily ſaid therein for the Repoſe of his Soul, and of the Souls of his Predeceſſors, and of all the Faithful. Having fate in this See almoſt eighteen Years, he died on the fifteenth of the Calends of September 1.236, and was, buried in his own Cathe- dral (f). The Prior and Monks having wrote Letters to the King for Leave to elect (g), and to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury for the Offici- ality of the Biſhoprick, during the Vacancy thereof, (b), and having ob- tained the ſaid King's Licence, dated 24 Aug. in the 20th Year of his Reign (i), on the third of the Calends of September, which is the 30th of Auguſt, they choſe WALTER de CANTELUPE, a Son of Lord Cantelupe, to be their Biſhop, whoſe Election was confirmed by the King, 12 Calends of O&to-, ber, and about Candlemas. following he went to Rome, and was ordained Deacon by the Pope at Uiterbíum, on the ſecond of the Nones of April, and Prieſt on the fourteenth of the Calends of May, and conſecrated by him on the fifth of the Nones of May 1237; which done, he returned into England, about the Feaſt of St. Peter'ad Vincula, in Company of Otto, Cardinal Deacon of St. Nicholas in Carcere. Tulliano, the Pope's Legate, and was inthroned on the third of the Ides of OEtober, in the Preſence 1 (d) Ibid. (a) Ibid. p. 26, 27, 28, App. N. 36. (6) Ibid. p. 65. (c). Ibid. p. 65, 66. Ann, Wig. et Ann. Theokesbirientes. (bj Ibid. App. N. 370 (i) App. N. 38. ins (e) Ibid. & Lib. Penf. (8) Reg. 1. Dec. et Cap. p. 43,- of st 130 7 An Account of the ) very har of the King and Queen of England, the Queen of Scotland, the Legate, my Lord of Canterburry, and many other Peers of the Realm (k). In the O&aves of the Feaft of St. Martin he was preſent at a great Coun- eil held by the Legate at St. Paul's Londan; ; where Otta deſigning to de- prive many who held Ecclefiaftical Benefices contrary to all Right, hoping by removing fome, to make way to enrich his Friends, and oblige others baſe born to get Diſpenſations, and ſo to amaſs to him- félf a good Sum of Money, he was courageouſly oppoſed by this Bis Thop, who riſing up, and taking off his Mitre, is ſaid thus to have ſpoken, Thoſe who hold theſe Benefices, Holy Fatber; are. Noble, and are either old or young ; thoſe that are old, have always hitherto lived nourably, maintained a ſplendid Family, kepi open Houſe, and have been very liberal to the Poot: to reduce theſe to Poverty, would be moſt ignomi- nious and ſcandalcus. As for thoſe that are young, they are fierce and fout, and will ſooner take up Armsthan leave their Preferments. I myſelf was always of this Opinion, that I had ratber run the Hazard of all my Bene- fices, than under the Pretence of ſuch your Conflitution, to depoſe ſo much as one : we therefore beg you that you will in this matter take no leſsi Care of Yourſelf than of Us, who in this Cauſe neither can nor dare oppoſe fo gene- rous a Multitude. But laying it now aſide for your own and our Safety, when you ſhall return to Rome, adviſe the Pope to act cautiouſly and prii- dently berein. (1). The Legate frighịned with this Anſwer, dèfifted from this Attempt, but went on with other Matters, and it is ſaid, he deprived ſome who had immediately ſucceeded their Fathers in their Benefices, expreſly contrary to the Canons (m). In 1238, by the Pope's Com- mand, and with Conſent of Biſhop Walter, and Alexander Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield, it was agreed, That the Town and Churches of Dudley, being in Worceſterſhire, Thould belong to the Biſhop of Moccetter, and that the Caſtle and Monaſtery which were in Stafford. dhire should belong to the Biſhop of Coventry. This fame Year he 1 (k) Ann. Wig. & Ann. Waverl.. p. 197 Om Annal. Wig. fub anno 1237. (1) Antiq. Brit. P., 167. Ed. Han. Mat. Paris, P. 448. 7 fued 1 $ j BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 131 fued Peter de Saltmarſh of Opton fuper manerio, concerning the Manor of Upton'; and the Year following, viz. 1239, obtained an yearly Rent of an 100 Shillings out of it, the Advowſon of the Church, a Meadow, two Manſions, and half a Knight's Fee; and the reſt remained to Peter (12). In this Year, being the third of his Poncificate, on the eleventh of the Calends of December, at Cirenceſtre, he confirmed to the Prior and Convent, the Tenths which they uſed to receive in the following Pa- riſhes, bladewas, Guinley, Vallaw, Sedgberewe, Uverbiet, Cropthozn, Bunuilton, Wyke, Wirchenfold, Herforton, Clyve Prio, and Bemefi igrave; and moreover gave them the Church of their faid Manor of bremeſgave, with all its Appertenances, for their own Uſe, which Church his Predeceffor had firſt granted to them (0). And this Year he , conſecrated the Conventual Churches of Great Walberni, Winchecomb, Alinci itre, Teukesbery, Glocefter, and Perfore. In 1240, he obtained of the King Licence to hold a Fair at Blockley for five Days, another at Sirátfold for four, and another at alvinchurch for three, and a week- ly Market there every Wedneſday (P). This Year he held a Synod of his Clergy in his Cathedral Church, on the Feaſt of St. Anne, the Morrow after St. James the Apoſtle, wherein he made fifty nine Conftitutions to be obſerved by the Clergy of his Dioceſe; they are printed by Labbé in. his Councils, T. xi. P. I. p. 572. In 1241, he, with the Legate and others, called to the Council at Rome, went over Sea, and the next Year returned, and viſited ſeveral Parts of his Dioceſe, had the Cuſtody of the Priory of Malvern delivered to him upon the Deach of Thomas the Prior, examined into the Election of 1. his Succeffor, confirmed the fame, and having ſworn Canonical Obedience to him, his Official in- ſtalled him, notwithſtanding the Oppoſition of the Abbot of Weſtmint : fter (g): In 1245, on the Eve of Holy Thurſday, he went again for Rome, and came back to Toxcefteľ, on St. James's Day 12:46 ir), and in 1249; a Controverſy arole bétween him and William. de Beauchamp فرد و چنگ (n) Ibid.''! ) . (0) Reg. 1. Dec. & Cap, p. 53, b. See. App. N. 39. - (P)'Ann. Wig, 9 (9) Ibid. (Ibid. concerning :::::: 132 1 An Account of the 1, 2: concerning'Wrecksand ſeiſing his Carts and Cattle contrary to the Li- bercies, of the Church, for which he: excommunicated him; and the next Year went to Lions to the Pope's Court, and got the ſame there confirmed. In 1251 he came back, and was received with a Proceſſion on St. Dunſtan's Day, May 19. A little Time after, upon the Submif- fion of William de Beauchamp, he abſolved him, and thoſe that had been excommunicated with him, in the Preſence of the King, and fe- veral of his Nobles, on St. Edward's Day: upon which the King re- ceived him into Favour(s), and in 1254 choſe him, and P. Biſhop of Hereford, to go and meet Ņ. Biſhop of agene, and G. Sub-dean of St. Martin's in Tours, the Agents of Alfonſo, Son of the King of France and Earl of Tbolouſe, with them to inquire into what Dama- ges their Subjects had unlawfully ſuffered, and to condemn thoſe who have done the Wrong (t). On the 16th of June this Year, the King granted him all Pleas de vetito Namio in all his Lands within the Counties of Worceſter, Glouceſter, and Warwick : for which great Pri- vilege, the Biſhop acquitted him of fix Marks yearly Rent, which he was bound to pay out of his Exchequer to the Prioreſs and Nuns of W:oikſhale (u). In 1255, 2d of April, 39 of his Reign, he granted him free Warren, in his Lordſhips of . Pembury in Salfo Mariſco, Bey- biri, aviythindone, Clive, Blédone, Rippel, Bencélèy, Wyke, Na, wyke, Hertlebyri, alvinecherche, Fladebyri, Blokeley, Trebintone, Stratfod upon avuit, Eftoit, and Rugges, ſo that no one ſhould hunt or kill Game there without the Biſhop's Leave, upon the Penalty of ten Pounds (x). This Year Ruftand, another of the Pope's Legates; came into England, and in a Synod, held the fifteenth Day after. Mi- chaelmas, demanded a large Sum of the Clergy, no leſs than 600 Marks from the ſingle Monaſtery of St. Albans; and having got the King's Conſent by promiſing him part of, sis, and gained many of the Clergy either by. Threats or Promiſeshe thought his Buſineſs, was done; () Ann, Wig (1) Rymeri Federa, T, 1.P521 (u) Lib. Alb. Epiſc. Wig, five Extenta. p. 40. See Append. N. 40. (*) Ibid. p. 41. See App. N. 41. when * BISHOP.S of WORCEST E R. 133 1 when after ſeveral Days debate, Fulk, Biſhop of London, ſtood up and ſaid, Before I will conſent to ſuch an intolerable Oppreſſion of the Church, I will have my Head cut off. Walter immediately ſeconded him, and boldly ſaid, Before the Church ſhall be ſubject to ſuch unjuſt Spoil, I will loſe my Life at the Gallows. The reſt hearing this, took Courage, and they all promiſed to ſtand by one another, following the Steps of Sc: Thomas the Martyr in defending unto Death the Liberty of the Church (y). In 1256, Ruſtand the Legate and he were enjoyned by Pope Alexander to fix a certain Time for thoſe, who had been ſigned with the Croſs, 'to go to the Holy Land, upon Pain of Ecclefiaftical Cenſure. The Bull bears Date at Anagnia, 4 Non. Sept. the ſecond Year of his Pontificate. In 1257 he recovered from the King the Return of Writs. In 1259 or 1260, 44 H. 3. William Aleyn de Wich, by Fine paſt in the King's Court, recognized and granted, for him and his Heirs, to Walter Biſhop of Worceſter and his Succeffors, the yearly Rent of Tenpence, and thirty two Mitts of Salt, to be paid Quarterly ; Eight ac the Exaltation of Holy Croſs, Eight fifteen Days after Michaelmas, Eight on the Octaves of St. Martin, and Eight on the Octaves of St. An- drew (2). In 1263, R. Earl Ferrers, P. de Mountfort, and R. Son of Simon Earl of Leicefter, with other Lords, came and beſieged the City of Woxeffer, and took it on the Second of the Calends of March. All that they found without the Church they plundered, togecher with the Jewry, killing ſome of the Jews, and impriſoning others. About this Time it was that he began to fortify his Caſtle at bertitbury, buc lived not to finiſh it. He joined with the Barons againſt the King, when he refuſed to accept of the Terms offered tº him, and at the Battle of Lewes in 1264, he gave them Abſolucion, exhorted them to fighe valiantly for the Remiſſion of their Sins, and promiſed all ſuch as ſhould happen to be Nain in ſo good a Cauſe, a ſpeedy Entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. For this, Guido Cardinal de Sabina, the Pope's (y) Mat. Paris. p. 915. Rymer's Federa, T. 1. p. 605. p. 142. a. (z) Lib. Alb. Ep. Wig. five Extenta, I G& bao Legate , 134 An Account of the 214 Legate, deprived him, and other Biſhops his Accomplices, of the Sacra- ments, facris interdixit, which Sentence they litele regarded, appealing to à General Council. But Cardinal Ottoboni another Legate from the Pope, who came into the Kingdom on the Third of the Calends of Nov. 1265, ſeeing it neceſſary to inflict a ſeverer Sentence upon them, excommunicated them all. Walter was then Sick of a ſore Diſeaſe;. and deſiring to die in the Peace of the Church, he begged Pardon for what he had done, and was abſolved by the Legate from that Excommu- nication. Soon after he departed this Life ao Blockley, in the beginning, of the Month of February 1265-6, and was buried in his Cathedral near to the High Altar, with great Solemnity (a). The Year before he died, he made a great Addition to the Chapel of the Charnel Houſe, founded by his Predeceſſor William de Bleis, ordaining that there ſhould be in the ſaid Chapel continually reſident four Chaplains, one of them to be a perpetual Maſter, in the Gift of the Biſhop; that they ſhould ſing together in all Divine Offices and Canonical Hours according to the Uſe of Sarumi, come to Chapel every Morning as ſoon as the firſt Bell ſhould ſound in the City, and to do the ſame in the Evening. One Maſs daily to celebrate with Note before they went to the Schools, and: after the Leſſons three more, either with Note or without, for Souls de- parted. All to teach in the Schools, to eat and to ſleep together in one Houſe. The Maſter to pay out of twenty Marks allotted for their Maintenance, to every one of the three Prieſts an yeatly Stipend. of Twenty two Shillings; with the reſt to buy Proviſions, ſo as they might have daily a good wheaten Loaf, good Drink, and one good Diſh of Meat. He was to keep one Clerk,, and to provide Books, Lights, and: Veſtments, and one honeft Servant to do the Offices of the Houſe.. They were to admit into their Company as few of the Laity: as might be, and never any Women; not to gad abroad, or frequent ſuſpected Places, but to have their Converſation honeſt as became Clergymen.. 1 . (a) Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 496. This it - Exag BISHOPS of WORCEST E R. 135 This bears Date on the Saturday next after the Feaſt of the Purificar tion of the Bleſſed Virgin 1265 (b). NICHOL AS, Archdeacon of Ely, and Chancellor of England, up- on the Death of Walter ſucceeded, he was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, 18 Oet. 1260. and reſigned it the Year following. In 1262 he was made Lord Treaſurer, and on the 18th of December 1263, he received again the Seal. He was choſen to this See the 7 Ides of May 1266, confirmed the 13th of the Cal. of July, conſecrated by Cardinal Ottoboni, che Pope's Legate, on the Ostaves of Whitſunday the 23d of May, ſays Thomas Wykes ; on the Sunday before Michaelmas the 26th of September, ſay the Wincheſter Annals; on the 19th of Sep- tember, ſay thoſe of Warceſter, and that he was inthroned on the 26th (c). He was one of the twelve Perſons pitched upon at Kenel worth by the King and Nobles. to ſettle the Peace of the Kingdom (d), and was a Benefactor to his Monks, to whom he gave at his Death fixty Marks for Reedifying the Tower of their Church, thirty Marks to the Pittanciary, beſide fifty Marks which he had given them before. He ſate not long, for John Biſhop of Wincheſter dying at Rome, Jan. 20. 1267-8. he was promoted by Pope Clement to that See on St. Matthias's Day following (e). GODFREY GIFFARD, Brother to WALTER Archbiſhop of York ſucceeded. On the Fourth of the Calends of May 1267, he was ad- mitted Archdeacon of the Wet Riding of Yorkſhire (f), and that Year was made Lord Chancellor of England. Upon the Tranſlation of Bilhop Nicholas to Wincheſter, February 24, 1267-8, he was elected to this See before the 8th of Yune following ; for on that Day, at Tilindlog, King Henry granted to the venerable Father Godfrey, Biſhop elect of Wiovelter, Leave to build, fortify, embattle, and with Lime and Stone Waverl. p. 223; fb) Lib. Penf. p. 27. fee Appen. N. 43. (C). Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 496. (2) Annal. hol moriæ Dom. Nicholai de Ely Winton. Epi. Lx Marças ad turrim ecclefiæ reedificandum, & eodem (e) An. Wig 1281. Sacriſta N. de Norton cepit* ab executoribus bonæ me- tempore recepimus ab eiſdem xxx Marcas ad Pittanciam, & unam Bibliam, præter 1 marcas, quas zobis liberaliter prius donavit. An. Waverl. p. 224.. ; W Willis's Survey of York Cathedral, p. 92. Gg 2 to isang tao na terenie ang sariling * 136 An Account of the 21! to finish his Caſtle at Hartlebury, which had been begun, but not com- pleated, by Walter de Cantilupe Predeceſſor to Biſhop Nicholas (8). When or where he was confecrated is not ſaid, but it was before Micha- elmas Day; for on the Thurſday after his. Regiſter begins, and on Chriſtmas Day following he was inthroned (h). As ſoon as he came to the See viii Kal. November, he appropriated Grimley and Hallow to the Prior and Convent, and ſued Robert de Exkulle, Hugh and Thomas . de Cantilupe, Archdeacons of Worceſter, Glouceffer, and Stafford, Ex- ecutors of. Walter de Cantilupe, for a Legacy left by William de Bleys . in his laſt Will and Teſtament to the faid Walter, and the ſucceeding Biſhops, for ever, to be applied to the ſupporting and maintaining the Scock of Cattle on the Lands of the Biſhoprick, and recovered 100 l which was ordered by the Official to be depoſited in the Hands of the Prior or Sacriſt of Worceſter for his Uſe, whilſt he lived, and the Uſe of his Succeſſors after him. It was paid him at Weſtminfter on the Se cond of the Ides of May 1270, in the Second Year of his Pontificate ; fo that he was not elected till after the Second of the Ides of May 1268, and before the Eighth of June following, as was before faid (i). This Year, June the 7th, 54 H. 3. he obtained a Grant from the King to keep a Fair at Stretfied upon Avon for four Days, viz. the Eve of Holy Trinity Trinity Sunday, and the two Days following. To keep another at Blockley. for ſix Days, viz. three Days before the Eve of St. Michael, the Eve; the Day of St. Michael, and the Day following. And to hold a Third ac Livechirch for three Days, viz. the Eve of St. Laurence, the Day of St. Laurence, and the Day following, with a Market there every San turday. The Biſhops of Worceſter had held a Fair at Blockley Time out of Mind, on the Eve and the Day of St. Matthew the Apoſtle, and on the Morrow, and on five Days following, in all Eight Days; and this Fair, at the Requeſt of Biſhop Godfrey, was enlarged to Sixteen Days by his Son, King Edward the Firſt, as appears by his Grant da- A (8) Lib. Alb. Epiſc: Wig intitulat. Extenta & Cartæ, p. 45. b. See App. . N. 44. Th. Wikes. (1) Gif. fi 29. a & b. See App. N. 45. (6) Chron. ted ............. BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 137 ted at Weſtminſter February the Fifteenth, in the fourteenth Year of his Reign, viz. A.D. 1285.(k). But to return to the Year 1270, on the 2oth of October, King Henry gave him Leave to fortify his Palaces at Wouceiter and Wydindon Com. Glouc. after the ſame Manner as that at Vertirbury (). In the Fifth Year of his Conſecration, he re- newed the Suit with William de Beauchamp, the Son of William de Beau- champ Earl of Warwick, which had been begun by Walter de Cantilupe his Predeceffor, for the holding Afife of Bread and Beer at Aumeleye within the Hundred of Dlwaldellowe, for taking View of frank- pledge within all bis Manors in the ſame Hundred, for withdrawing the Suits of his Lands at bengwo2th to the Court of his own Barony, for not ſuffering him to have free Warren in his Manor of Bezdon, granted him by the King, under the Pretence of its being a Member of Elmelep (m), and for ſome other Grievances in the Pariſh of Alvechirch. To compromiſe this Matter, were choſen by the Biſhop, Mr. Thomas Wymundham, and the Prior of St. Thomas of Stafford ; by the Earl, the Abbot of Evelham, and Sir Robert Walrond, who:met ſeveral Times to treat about it, at. Glouceſter, at Wincheſter, at London, at Wode: doke, at Ryderminſter, at Stratfold upon avon, at Stanleye in Wac- wickſhire, at Kenilwo2th, and at Wincheſter, where it was at laſt ended in this Manner, in the Year 1279. That the Earl ſhould pay to the Bi- ſhop, on the Feaſt of the Aſſumption of the Virgin Mary, in his Ca- thedral Church, fix Marks yearly by the Hands of his Bailiff of the Manor of Stolton near Wladburwe: That the Church of Worceſter ſhould, for the future, enjoy its Liberties without any. Moleſtation ; That the Earl ſhould pay to the Biſhop, 401. 201. to be paid at the Feaſt of St. John Baptiſt, and the other 20 l. at the Feaſt of All Saints following, and upon Payment, to be ſecured by the Biſhop and his Succeſſors againſt a Bond of 1909 l. which his Father had given to the (k) Lib. Alb. Epifc. Wygorn. f. 43, 44. See App. N. 46. (1) Muro de Petra & Calce. frmare & kernellare ad modum Caftri. Lib. Ab. f. 44. (m) Giff. lii. Church FORM 198 IT ? An Account of the) ? A Church of Worceſtet, sot i to prejudice its' Rights and Privileges, which ſaid Bond had then been put in Execution. The yearly Rent of fix Márks had been formerly paid out of the Exchequer to the Nung of Worhale in Tarwickſhire, but upon K. H. 3: granting to Walter de Cantilupe all Pleas de Vetito Namio in all his Lands belonging to the Biſhoprick, he diſcharged the King from the Payment of the ſaid ſix Marks yearly, and took it upon himſelf; and now agreed with the Earl, that at the next Sitting of Parliament, an Act ſhould be procured for the Earl not to pay theſe fix Marks to the Biſhop and his Succeſſors, but to the Nuns of Wzorhale, and the See to be diſcharged therefrom (n). : On the third of May 1273, he left his Dioceſe, and by Ichull, a Ma- nor of his own, he came to London on the Tueſday, and on the Sunday following was at Canterbury, and on the Morrow went over Sea, and landed at Whitſond, leaving Power with his Brother the Archbiſhop of Pork, by his Deed dated 2 Id. Maii, to diſpoſe of all vacant Be- nefices during his ſtay in foreign Parts (0). In 1274, on the third of the Calends of May, the Sunday after the Feaſt of St. Mark the Evan- geliſt, with Leave from the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, he conſecrated Fohn de Chiſhull Dean of St. Paul's, to be Biſhop of London, ſeveral of his fellow ſuffragan Biſhops affifting him "). And on the fourth of December this Year, he confirmed and ratified the Compoſition made be- tween his Predeceffor Biſhop Bleys, and the Priory and Convent of Worceſter, concerning the Cuſtody of the Priory during the Vacancy of it, and the Ordination of a Prior out of ſeven Monks to be nomina; ted by themſelves (q). In 1275, on the Biſhop's Supplication, Pope Gregory took under the Protection of St. Peter and his own, the Church of the Virgin Mary at Woxetter, confirming thereto all its Poleflions, particularly the Patronage of the Church of: Claverdan, the Manors of Noztwike, wiike, kemeley, Fladebyry, Elon, Hertlebyce, 149 f. 40. : () Lib. Alb. Epiſc. Wig. f. 40. Giff. f. 398 and 427. See App. N. 40. and N. 47. (0) Giff. (0) Chron. Th. Wikes, p. 100. (9) Giff. f. 52. Sec App. N. 48. Hambirte, w BISHOPS of WORCESTER . 139 4.1 w Hambtrit, juxta mwich, Alpithe Chirch, pampton, Stratford, Blockele, Credington, Bædone, Rippel, Clive, Withindon, Beyburie, and bambury in Saltmarſh, with all their Appertenances and Privi- leges whatſoever, forbidding all Perſons to admic to their Communion any excommunicated by the Biſhop without his own Conſent, unleſs at the Point of Death ; and annulling that abominable Cuſtom of the King's Bailiffs ſeizing on the moveable Goods of the Biſhoprick on the Vacancy of the See, as of Right belonging to the King jure Succefionis, forbidding any future Diſturbance or Injury to be done to the ſaid Church under the ſevereſt Cenſures. It bears Date at Qiterbilim 3 Cal. of May, in the Eleventh Year of his Pontificate. The Priory peri- tioned for the ſame Favour, and it was granted to them at the ſame Time (r). In 1277, for the many Favours ſhewed by him to the Friars Minors, he was by Brother Jerom, then General of their Order, admitted as a Brother, and made Partaker of all the Benefits of their Prayers, as well in Life as in Death, the ſame Office to be ſaid for him as for one of their deceaſed Members (s). Which Favour was again repeated by Brother Aidnagram then General of their Order in 1282 (t). In 1281, he was ſummoned by the Archbiſhop to appear at a Congre- gation of Prelates at Landon the third Day after the Purification of the Virgin Mary, to treat about freeing Almaric de Mountfort the Pope's Chaplain then in Priſon; but the King being then here in his Dioceſe, and he obliged to wait upon him, he wrote a Letter to the Archbiſhop to excuſe his coming, acquainting him, That he had ſent up Warin de Boys, and Richard de Vienne, Clerks, jointly and ſeparately to act in his ſtead, and to be his Proctors (u). In the following Year there aroſe a Controverſy between him and the faid Archbiſhop, who, in his Viſita- tion of his Province had treated him and the reſt of his Suffragan Bia fhops with two much Rigour. ;, his Officers, by his Connivance, drawing (r) Reg. primum Dec. & Cap. Wig.. f. lix. lx. See App. N. 49, 50. Append. N. 51. ) Giff. f. 147.b. (u) Ibid. f. 126. fee. App. N. 52. (6) Giff, f. 72. See all: 엘 ​Hong the one tres ve men for more than the other team *** 140 BLT An Account of the I? all Cauſes to his own Court; to the Prejudice and Overthrow of their ( Epiſcopal Jüriſdiction in their ſeveral particular Dioceſes; upon this he drew-up ſeveral Petitions, and ſent them to R. de Wych, his Agent as Rome, to communicate them to the Pope, and deſire his Advice and Affiſtance.• They beat Date 5 Non. of May 1282, (x). The Arch- biſhop, it ſeems, proceeded ſo far as to excommunicate the Biſhop of Herefold, for refuſing to ſubmit to his Orders; and becauſe Biſhop Godfrey joined with him, he charged him with Simony, and Diſobedience, and Perjury; upon which he appealed in form for Protection and Re- dreſs to the Apoſtolick See, 5 Cal. February 1283 (y). But ſoon after meeting together and ſtating Matters fairly, they were reconciled, and he notified the ſame to his Chapter, by a Letter dated at Jchull, a Ma- nor of his own chat he had in Hampſhire, the 13th Kal. of April, the fame Year, 'Upon this Reconciliation, ſome ill-minded Perſons gave out, that the Peace between them would not be long lived, for that the Arch- biſhop was not ſincere in the Matter; upon which he wrote to him Ides of March, and received from him on the Ides of the ſame a very gracious and kind Anſwer, aſſuring him of the Sincerity of his Heart, and of his future Friendſhip (2), and I do not find that they had any dif- ference afterwards. About the ſame Time that this Controverſy aroſe be- tween him and the Archbiſhop, there happened another between him and the Abbot of Wieflininfter. In his Viſitation of the Priory of Great Malvern, he had depoſed William Ledbury their Prior, a Man of very looſe Morals, and guilty of very great Crimes, but this being a Cell to Weſtminſter, the Abbot thereof cook the Prior under his Protection, and denied the Biſhop's Juriſdiction. The Cauſe was hotly controvert- ed in the Courts of Canterbury and Rome, and in that of the King, and ended not till November 1283, when the Monks of Malvern and Abbot of Weſtminſter, to make him Amends for the Expences he had 3 + *** (*) Giff. f. 134. fee App. N. 53. (y) Giff. f. 202. fee App. N. 54. f. ibid. f. 203. b fee App. N. 55. (z) Giff. 8. 204, 205. ſee App. N. 56, 57. I been Bishorstof WO'R GEST E R. 141 been cdo in defending' his lawful Jariſdi&tion over shac Priory; releaſed unto him the Manor of Knightwike, in which the Kiriġ granted him free. Warren and by his Writ dated the 15th of November; in the titli Year of his Reign, ordered him to be poc in Poffeffion of the ſame (a). In 1286, he fent John de Butterley, one of his Clerks, to Rome;' to pro- cure the Appropriation of Cipve to his See, and to make the Church a Prebend in the Church of Wettbury, together with Leave to make che Livings in his own Gift Prenbendal Churches of the fame. But he inet 'not with that'Succeſs he expected, for as to the Appropriation of flyve, and that too only for his Life, they demanded 200 l. Sterling to be paid into the Pope's Chamber, and 40. Márks to the Pope's Secretary; and ás' to the Prebend, and the Prebendal Churches, he could get no Anſwer. Upon which he wrote to his Proctor ac Rome, John de But- terley, to try to do what he could as to the Appropriation of the Church of Clive to him and his Succeffors, and the Prebend in the Church of Weſtbury, and thoſe Churches in his Patronage, but not to comply with ſuch extravagant Terms as they demanded, and if inſiſted on, to recurn home immediately (b). With much ado he got the Sum lowered to two Hundred and Fifty Marks, and ſo on the 4th of the Nones of November, 1287, Clive was appropriated to him for the Uſe of his Table during Life, and as to other Matters they remained as they were (C). This Bull was ſent to him with all ſpeed, for on the 16th of the Calends of November, Robert de Wychio, then Rector of Clive, reſigned the ſame, and the Bifhop took Poffeffion thereof (d). On the third of the Ides of April this Year; he made an Augmentation, to the Chapel of the Charnel Houſe, ordering fix Prieſts to officiate there inſtead of four; and for their Maintenance, appropriating to them the Church of St. Helen in Worceſter, and on the fifth of Den cember following, the Church of Newenton in Cotſwould; the Maſter to receive all the Profits, and to pay yearly to the Vicars of St. Helen f (b) Giff. f. 263. fee App: NF83 5gi... (a) Antiq. Prioratus Majoris Malverne, p. 1xxx. () Ibid. f.349. fee App. N. 60. (d) Ibid. f. 365 Hh and 142 !AT An Account of the :12:8 and Newenton 100 Shillings each, to the fix Presbyters for Cloaths and Shoes, 22 Shillings apiece, and to maintain them with ſufficient good Meat and Drink, to furniſh the Chapel with all Things neceſſary, to keep the Buildings, in fufficient Repair, and what remained overplus, to take to himſelf. Upon this new Endowment, Hugo de Walingeford,, t the Maſter, promiſed the Biſhop to ; releaſe unto him and his Succeſſors, their Right and Title to the yearly Rent of ten Pounds out of his Ma- nor of Henbury in Saltmarſh, and to give up the Writings belonging to the ſame, which I ſuppoſe he did ; for in 1298, on the Monday after , the Feaſt of Șt. Barnaby, the Biſhop reſtored to them that ten Pounds a Year (e) alſo. In 1288 there began a Controverſy between him and his Convent, which laſted off and on until the Day of his Deach. One occaſion thereof was, that when he ordained at Wieſtbury on the 14th of the Calends of Etober this Year, Thomas de Wich, Chantor of his Cathedral Church, appeared there, and according to antient Cuſtom (ſay the Worceſter Annals) began to call up thoſe that were to be ordain- ed (f), when John of Eureux Archdeacon of Glouceſter, the Biſhop's Nephew, ſtood up and aſſerted, chat that Office belonged to him the Biſhop favouring of him, the Chantor was thruſt out of the Chancel by force (s). Upon this, the Priør and Convent appealed in behalf of the Right of their Church to the Apoſtolick Sèe, and for Protection to the Court of Canterbury. On Wedneſday before the Feaſt of the Nativity of our Lord, he gave them Notice by John de Dumbleton his Sacrift, that on the Thurſday following he would come to the 'Chapter to treat both of Spirituals and Temporals, according to the Compofition made in the Time of his Predeceſſor William de Bleys ;' and coming thither on the fame Day, Stephen de St. Wulftan, in the Name of the Prior and Convent, exhibited to him, from the Court of Arches, a Sug- . (0) Giff . f. 268, 292, 426, 427. fee App. N. 61. . Mos fuit ipfo Preçentore preſente a ordinandos quofcumq; poft eorum admiffionem, ad Ordines ſuſcipiendos proclamare, & ordinatos poſt fufceptionem Ordinum ad recedendum excitare.” This was a Place of Profit as well as Truft ; for in thoſe Times the Numbers of the Ordained were very great ; ſince in the Year 1282, this Biſhop in one of his Ordinations at his Cathedral Church, ordained Subdeacons 139, Deacons 130, Prieſts i21. Gif. f. 296. b. 149, 150. (8) Annal. Wig. geſtion } 2 Bishop Slof WORCESTER. 143 geſtion of their Appeal in the Cauſe of their Chantor, and an order to appear there the next Court Day after the Purification of the Virgin Mary, bearing Date the Morrday after the Feaſt of St. Andrew 1288 (h). Thiş being read, the Biſhop alone entered the Chapter-houſe to creat concerning Spirituals only, and thus began, I am come here to correct your daily Faults, to whom the Prior anſwered, Father, it dotb not belong to you. The Biſhop replied, Do you not make Profeſion to me? the Pri- :or ſaid, No, but to God and the Church ; and teſt he ſhould prejudice the Convent by exerciſing any ſpiritual Power contrary to the Compofi- tion, the ſaid Brother Stephen again appealed to the Apoftolick See, and for Tuition, to the Court of Conterbury, upon which the Biſhop re- çired (i), but gave them publick Notice by his Sacriſt, that he would come again and treat of Spirituals only on the Friday before the Trana flation of St. Wulftan, on which Day, before the Door of the Chapter Houſe, the ſaid Brother again appealed, alledging on behalf of his. Con- vent, that the Biſhop had threatned to take away from them the Chapel of Grafton ; to make the Prior confeſs unto him, and to no other without his Licence; to correct the daily Exceſſes of the Monks, as being to them an Abbot ; to cauſe the Archdeacon to be inſtalled by another than by the Prior, contrary to ancient Cuſtom ; and that he had threatned to puniſh the ſaid Prior for Irregularity. This Appeal being read, im. mediately Richard de Micham, Rector of Icumbe, Proctor to the Biſhop, appealed, alledging on his behalf, That whereas He and his Prede ceſſors had an undoubted Right to receive the Profeſſions of all the Re- ligious entering his Convent; to come to their Chapter Houſe, when he pleaſed, to treat both of Spirituals and Temporals; to correct their daily Exceſſes, and to appoint whom he pleaſed in the Abſence of his Arch- deacon, co take care of the Perſons to be ordained, all which had been denied him, and particularly the laſt notoriouſly and maliciouſly in- fringed by Thomas' de Wychio their Chantor, for which he had juſtly (1) Gift f. 296. (i) Ann. Wig. Giff. f. 296, Hh 2: ſuſpended 144 22 An Aardint of the : 18 fuſpended him.. Matters growing thus hot, the Priør and Convent, 'for the ſake of Peace, agreed to give to the Biſhop twenty Marks: Sterling, and to pay him forty Marks more by 'equal Portions on the Feaſts of Lady Day, and the Nativity.of. St. John Bapiift. And upon this the Biſhop by his Deed dated xv Cali February, granted, that all Spiri- tuals Thould be in the ſame State as they were on the xvth of the Ca- lends of Ostober, which was the Day before the Chantor was thruſt out of the Chancel at Weſbury; that the ancient Compoſition made be- tween them and his Predeceffor William de Bley'sy ſhould ſtand good; and a stop be put to all further Proceedings. And moreover pro- miſed that as he had not hitherto, lo neither for the future would he de- mand any Amerçements of the Prior's Tenants in his Manor of Alweſton, in the Hundred of Pathelowe, Warwickſhire (R). · Another occaſion of the Controverſy ' that aroſe between them this Year 1288, was his annexing the beſt Livings in his Gift to the Colle- giáte Church of Weſtbuicy, and giving of them to the Prebendaries there, to which the Prior and Convent would not conſent, as depriving them of ſeveral Profits and Privileges ariſing therefroin during the Va- cancy of the See. And when, notwithſtanding their refuſing to ſet their Seal thereto, he did proceed therein, they appealed to Rome, from whence in the Year 3289, came a Bull from Pope Nicholas, ſetting forth the Çomplaint of the Prior and Convent, that the Biſhop had annexed the Rectories of Kemfey, Budon, Wythindon, Clybe, and Tuleſton, to the Collegiate Church of Wleftbury, and made them Prebendal-co the fame, and given them to his own Familiarş: and the Pope therein delegated the Abbots of Bading and Wigmore, and the Precentor of Wells, to hear and determine the ſame, dated at Rome xv Kal. of May, the ſecond Year of his Pontificate. This Bull was ſent to the Biſhop by his Proctor Mr. John Blundell, and he received it before the prior and Gonvient had any Notice of it: but it being ſealed only with the Seal of the Audi- (k) Giff. f. 297, 298. fee App. N. 62. tor ! 42 4* + ſaid Cain? BISHOPS OF WORCESTER. 445 tor of the Court of Roine, the Perſons delegated would nor acta Io there came another Bull in due Form, dated ac Réate on the Calends of June, and directed to the Biſhop of Londoir, to the Abbor of Ra. Ding, and to Giffrey de Vezano Canon of Cambiay, Clerk of his Cham- ber, and then in Englatid, delegating them to hear and determine the ſhop, that he had alſo annexed the Rectory of Budbroke, without their Conſent, to the Collegiate Church of St. Mary in Warwick. Upon the Receipt of this Bull, the Biſhop of London, and the Abbot of Bading, on the 3d of the Calends of September, delegated the Archdeacon of Berkljire to hear the Cauſe; and he excuſing himſelf. upon the Ac- count of his Studies and other Buſineſs, it was left to the Archdeacon of Drfold, and to the Dean of the Monaſtery of Eveſham, and the Par- ties were ſummoned to appear before them at the Conventual Church of Rading on the fifth Court Day after the Feaſt of All Saints (O), on which Day, being the third of the Ides of February, the Dean of Evelham came not, but ſent a Letter in Excuſe, and nothing further do I find done by them in it. But on the Nones of March following, the Biſhop procured Letters from the King and Queen and many of the Non bility to the Prior and Convent, to'exhort and perſuade them to comply with this Requeſt (m), which had no Effect upon them. So the Cauſe came to an Hearing before the King and Council on Tueſday if Whitfuh Week, the roth Cal. of June 12go, where the Prior's Agents fet' forth the Damages that would accrue to the Convent, it'thotë Liv Hgs ſhould be annexed to the Church of Welttury, and'read unto them St. Wulftan's, wherein he laid a Curſe upon thoſe who ſhould remove the Monks from thence, and put in Secular Canons . After which the King ſaid, I would willingly have had thoſe Churches been made Prebenda, if you had been ſo minded; but I deſire not to wrong your Church, do pleaſe. Gilbert Earl of Glouceſteč took their Part, and ſaid, that the 40 a$. 324 5 (1) Giff. f. 311, 312, 313. fec App. N. 63. (m) Annal. Wig Churches PELA 1.46 .4912 An Account of the Churches belonged to the Barony, and that the State of the Churches could no more be altered than the State of the Barony (n). This Affair came on afterwards in the Court of Arches, R. de Roſs, Canon of St. Paul's, and the Archbiſhop's Official, citing the Biſhop to appear there the fourth Court Day after, the Converſion of St. Paul, which Citation bears Datė 4. Non. Jan. 1294 (0), and in 1297 the Biſhop there obtained his Cauſe with Coſts, from which definitive Sentence of the Court of Arches, the Prior and Convent by their Proctor appealed (P); and this Controverſy between them ended not till the Day of his Death. But to return; a little before, Eaſter 1289, Rogues broke into his Houſe at Blédon, and robbed him of 200 Marks. On the ad of the Nones of Funë, he ordained at Baoineſgrove, and, as the Worceſter Annals fay, forgetful of the Peace made between Him and his Convent, he would not ſuffet the Chantor to execute his Office. And ſay further, That on the 3d of the Nones of Auguſ, he extorted from them the Chapel of Grattoir , and appropriated it to the Uſe of the Sacriſt, without making them any Allowance for the Expenſe they had been at in recovering the ſame in the King's Courts, which amounted to no leſs than 200 l. having been ſeven Years in Law (9) On the Calends of March this Year, she Sacriſt got by force the Corps of H. Poche, a Citizen of údiozceſter, from the Friars Minors, and buried it in the Cathedral Church Yard; and ſeveral Affronts and Indignities being offered to them, they made their Complaint to the Archbiſhop, who had been of their Orders upon which he wrote a Letter to Biſhop Godfrey on their be- half, that he would order the Body to be taken: up, and reſtored to the Friars; adding, that he would not ſuffer ſuch an Outrage to paſs uncor- rected, and that he could not, nor ought not, without Tears to reflect on the Affronts and Indignities that had been offered to his Brethren. It ſeems the Biſhop was a little remiſs in this Matter, whereupon the Archbiſhop ſent him a ſecond Letter dated 4 Id. July 1290, com- (0) Giff. f. 388. (1) Ibid. f. 419, 420, 421. (9) Ann. (n) An. Wig. Wig and manding BISHOP'S of WORCESTER. 147 - manding him within fifteen Days to cauſe the Corps of H. Poche to be taken up and given to the Friars, which if not complied with, he took the Hearing and Determining of this Matter to himſelf; and ordered him to cite the Prior and Convent to appcar, before him at his next Court Day, before the Feaſt of St. Peter ad Vincula;, as alſo in all the Churches of his City and Dioceſe; to declare all thoſe Excommunicate that had thrown down and abuſed and trod upon the Friars, when the Corps was taken from them, diligently to inquire their Names, and peremptorily to cite the Guilty to appear before him on the ſaid Courg Day. The Worceſter Annals tell us, that on the Eve of St. James, the Biſhop made a particular Inquiry into this Affair by a Jury of ſworn Clerks and Laymen, who returned, that it was the laſt Will of the deceaſed to be buried in the Church Yard of St. Mary, and that no one willingly did any hurt to them, but that the Preſs of the Crowd was ſo great, that ſome of them were thruſt on heaps of Dung on which they fell . I find nothing of this in the Biſhop's Regiſter, and it pofi- tively contradicts the Archbiſhop's Letter and Mandate there recorded which affert, that the ſaid H. Poche did deſire by his laſt Will and Teſtament to be buried in the burial Place of the Friars Minors; and for this Reaſon he ſent poſitive Orders to the Biſhop, that He or his Official ſhould give Notice to the Prior and Convent, that if they did not with- in fifteen Days deliver up the Body, both He and the Officers of the Convent ſhould incur the Pain of the greater Excommunication, and their Church bė pur' under an Interdiet. So they were forced to ſubmit, and the Friars promiſing to come privately, and with all the Modeſty that could be to take it away, it was delivered to them the Day after St. Thomas the Apoſtle ; but inſtead of coming privately, they came with a great Pomp and Tumult, declaring their Right, and to their Confuſion, they carried it away with Song and Triumph all along the High Street (r). This Year the Diſputes were renewed between him and his Chapter, and on the 7th Id. Nov. the Biſhop came wich 3 # Pr) Annal. Wig. Giff. f. 322, 334. fee Append. N. 64. one * 148 II T2 An Account of the heid one Hundred and forty Horſe, and viſited them for three Days together, but was entertained only the firſt Day; on the ſecond, the Prior ap- pealed for himſelf and Convent to the Court of Canterbury, and on the fourth, the Biſhop went away much diſpleaſed, that they would not ſet their Seal to the making the beſt Churches of the Biſhoprick Prebendal to Weſtbury (s). After this, there came to the Biſhop an inhibitory Letter from "the Archbiſhop's Official, ſetting forth the Grievances of the Prior and Convent, and citing him to appear ac St. Mary's Church London, on the ſeventh Court Day after the Sunday whereon is ſung Miſericordia Domini, to give in his Anſwer to the ſame. It was dated 4 Id. April 1291. but on the ad of the Ides of May following, Peace was again made between them at kemley, through the Mediation of Robert Biſhop of Bath and Wells, Walter Abbot of Clinchcomb, and Mr. William Pykerel, who awarded the Prior to pay five Hundred Marks to the Biſhop, and he to take off all Suſpenſions, to releaſe them of all Actions, and all Suits to ceaſe, except in the Caſe of the Prebendal Churches. The Prior immediately gave Bond for the Payment of the five Hundred Marks, but at the Requeſt of the Biſhop of Bath and Wells he freely forgave it them, and alſo quitted his Claim to the Scutage of their Tenants at Coteloon and Lawerne TWilliam (t), . be On the Eve of Lady Day 1289-90, there was a Court held by the King at feckenham, and Inquiry made throughout the whole County who had tranſgreſſed in Hunting in that Foreſt, and many were im- priſoned, and others that were Indicted for the ſame, found fix Sureties for their Appearance before the King at Wlodeſtoke, on the Nones of April, to hear his Sentence of Mercy or Judgment; and becauſe there was no other Equity but the King's Will, the Biſhop's Redemp- tion was taxed at five Hundred Marks, and the Prior's at two Hun- * Annal. Wig. () Giff. f. 337, 338. fee App. N. 65. & HD 3 dred, . Bishop si of WORCESTER. 149 DO 01110 2 dręd (u). About this Time he had a Controverſy with Gilbert de Clarke Earl of ølouceſter and bertfozd, - and Yoan his Counteſs, about Trench which they had made on the Top of Palverne Hill, to the Damage of the Church of Worceſter, which by the Mediation of Ro- bert Burnel Biſhop of Bath and Tulells, and others, was thus ended that the Earl and his Counteſs ſhould pay yearly to the Biſhop and his Succeffors, a brace of Bucks and a brace of Does out of his Chace ar Dalverne, at his Palace at Kemſey; and in the Vacancy of the See, the fame to be paid to the Prior and Convent of Wozceſter, demanding them by their Atrorney at the Caſtle of Qenley ; which Agreement was afterwards confirmed by King Edward the Firſt ac Dozbam, in the nine- teepth Year of his Reign (x). In 1293, there was iſlued out a Writ againſt the Biſhop to the High Sheriff of the County of Southampton commanding him to ſeize his Manor of Ichull, and all his Lands with- in his Bayliwick, for his killing a Deer in the Foreſt of Colinggetusge; and ordering him to ſeize. his Perſon, and bring him, together with Auger his Nephew, and William Savage" his Butler, and Henry his Huntſman, and Ralph Sprengebuſė, before the King wherever he ſhould be in England, on the Morrow after the Afumption of the Virgin Mike to anſwer for the ſame. This Writ bears date at TTincbetter, Thurſ: day after the Feaſt of the Tranſlacion of St. Thomas the Martyr, 2vEd- ward I. But ſoon after the King commanded his Manor of Schult to be reſtored to him by his Writ dared at Briffot, the thirtieth Day of September following (9) The next Year came on, in the Court of Arches," the Cauſe about the Churches being annexed to wateſtbury, which he gained in 1257, as before mentioned. In the Year 1300 he fell Sick, and not being able to viſit the Prior and Convent in Perſon, on the third of the Ides of June he ſenc Robert de Glouceſter his Official, of 18sı al Paid 01 01 50 908 barisob vodi andmotd .ja sobe 102, (u) Annal. Wig. For theſe Benefits, and perhaps ſome other Favours, the next Year, on the Feaſt of Pentecoft, the Prior and Convent unanimouſly granted, that every Year after his Death, on the Anniverfary Day thereof, their Eleemofinary ſhould exhibit to thirteen poor People for the Health of his. Sout, and they entered the ſame into their Martyrology, Gift. 1. 570. 310 4. Antiq Priorat. MajMalverne, p. 161. (3) Gift ( 3* See Append66, b. ser append. N. 666 Ii and iv on iW ܀ 150 IST? An Account of the 12 13 and John de Rodberwe to do it in his ftead: but they were met at the Door of the Chapter Houſe by Mr. Geoffry and two Monks more, who told them, that they were by no Means to be admitted, it being contrary to the Agreement made between them, and hitherto obſerved. On the 14th of the Calends of September, being ſtill fick, "he commiffioned Mr. Robert de Glouceſtre, and Brother Nicholas de Norton Sacrift, to viſit the Prior and Chapter ; the Sacriſt to do it alone as to Spirituals , but both together as to Temporals (). How they were received, or what they did at this Viſitation, is not ſaid: but at the Viſitation of Ro- bert de Winchelle Archbiſhop of Canrerbury, on the March'following, , they exhibited againſt the Biſhop no leſs than thirty fix Articles, con- taining all their former Complaints and Quarrels, and ſome other Mat- ters of leſs Notice, to all which he gave in his particular Anſwers (a). Theſe, I ſuppoſe, ſatisfied the Archbiſhop ; for, on the 2d of the Ides of that Month he went and viſited 'him lying fick at Wyke, and was there handſomely entertained. The next Day he viſited the Prior and Convent, and on the thirteenth of the Calends of April, he entered again their Chapter Houſe, and depoſed the Subpriør, the Chantor, and the Chamberlain, and, upon Pain of Suſpenſion, commanded the Sacriſt Nicholas de Norton, and the third Prior, and the Pittanciary, not to go out of the Bounds of the Monaſtery for a Year (b). This his Sick- neſs proved fatal cor him, for languiſhing thereofu till the Twenty fixth of January 1391, on a Friday he died in the Evening, and was buried on the fourth of February following in his own Cathedral Church, by John Biſhop of Landaff; having preſided in this See thirty four Years, four Manths, and four Days (edo gris sitiv os sido amist son bis 1512 13 In this Time King Edward che, Fird, much devoted to St. Wulſtan, frequently came to Worceffer to viſit his Tomb. In 1281 he came hi- ther on Chriſtmas Eve, and on St. Stephen's Day departed. In 1282 he 1mon ort : vodso mo eqiiltoq bus patria4 oradí zo iw leur to de todo o algo rooq naeemide on täidza bidhi quantomsta no son de ville to årsal ali 100 lpos T 1007 asosid: o mitxo bizant vispitomoil 9 uudi lontorki pod vuitton **) Annali Wig.) (a) Gif. 1. 470, 471,947291 473 • (ſee Append. N. 67 082adi bapoji Anne Wig. od M (o)»Řeg. Sed, vacante fira. O rot.9.39797IMAM I ONA bas i I came DO Bis hors of WorcesTER. 151 came hittier again, and held a Parliament; and conſulted with bis Nou bfes How to manage the War with Lewellin Prince of Wales. In 1287 having ſubdued Wales, he came on the 25th of November and viſited again the Tomb of Sc Wallan. In On the 22d of March 1289 he came again, and was received by the Biſhop and Chapter with a folemn Pro ceffion; and on the Morrow having heard the Maſs of St. Wulflan, bei dined ar bumeſton, and lay that Night ac feckenbant. On the ninth of November 1292 he came again, and on the Morrow after the Feaſt of St. Martin, he depurred towards Fladbury, 5 In 120 34 before he went att an Expedition to France, he ſent his Clerk on the 15th of Februari, with a Royal Offering to Bleſſed Wallianz to wir a Chain of Gold, and two golden Cloths for the High Altar, and that Day, the Chapter ori dered chat every Weck ſhould be faid three Maffes of St, Wallan, till the King returned again in Safety. On the firſt of September 1294, the King" came hicher lare, and heard repeated by the Convent the: Varfes made in Praiſe of Sc. Wulftan, and on the Morrow the Biſhop faid Maft, and the King offered up at his Tomb four Gold Buttons with 4x Marks, cand in the Evening went for Perſijoze. On the 2 ift of NA- rembeul he cáme again, and on St. Catharine's Day heard the Prior lay Mats, and the nexe Day went for Chelfer: iffuly 20, 1295, in the Morning, the King came hicher in a Boat ; and the ſame Day heard Vefpers, and on the Morrow the Maſs of St. Wulflan, and offered to him a Børcon value eleven Marks, and an hundred Shillings to St. Of wald, agd two fine Cloths to the Altar. , After Maſs, the King: kneeling ay the Tomb of St. Nulla and the Prior, and Chantor ſtanding by hiin, he ſaid, “What Reward ſhall I give to bleffed Wulftan for all that be hath wrought for me by his Prayers ?. This little I vow before God and bis Saints, to provide at my own Expenſe for the Maintenance of three Monks, and for two Lights to burn before his Tomb (d). On the third of May 1296, he ſent an Oblation to St. Wulfian and, St. Oſwald; to wit, a Chain of Gold, and nine Candles for their Tombs, and fourteen . % 12,1bdori origost 23 ctes q.3.1 28 jan 0) (d) Annal. Wigorn. under each Year. IA () Ii 2 Shillings 152 An Account of the 2 1 8 . Shillings in Silver. On the 4th of May 1300 he ſent theſe Offerings, a Baudekin for the Great Altar, and ſeven Shillings and a Candle ; and to St. Wulftan in particular, a golden Buckle,, and eight Candles to burn before his Tomb. On the fixteenth of April 1301, he came hither again with his Queen big with Child, and mindful of the Promiſe he had made, he gave the Prior and Convent the Advowſon of the Church of Wirfield, for the Maintenance of three Monks, and two Lights burning on the Feaſts of St.Wulftan, and their Octaves, and to be light- ed daily at High Maſs, and ordered it to be confirmed by his Royal Charter, and then went in a Boat towards kemſey. One more Preſent I find of this King's, which was after Biſhop Godfrey's Death, viz. in the Year 1303, when he ſent hicher Cloth of Gold for the Great Altar, a Gold Chain worth five Pounds or more, nine great Candles, and twenty eight Shillings in Silver (e). Whilft this Biſhop lived, he made for himſelf a magnificent Tomb near the Great Altar of the Virgin Mary’s Chapel, removing the Body of John de Conſtantiis, that he might be buried in his Grave; but Robert Archbiſhop of Canterbury offended at his thus diſturbing the Dead, by his Mandate dated 10 Jan. 130230 i commanded Biſhop John's Bones a tob be put in theirri former Place, and his to be buried lower on the South Side of the faid Altar, where are to be ſeen to this Day, lying on the Ground, the of their Monuments, with their Effigies thereon ;• which latter Ca- tholicks imagining to be the Tombſtones of St. Ofwald, and St. Wul- ſtan, viſit this place with great Devotion on fanuary 19, which is St. Wulſtan’s Day (f). Mr. Abington, in his Account of this Biſhop, tells us, that he was a Man doubtleſs of great Blood, and who raiſed (as is commonly ſaid) his Family, then almoft periſhing, to their for- mer Reputation ; that hence deſcended the Giffards of Weſton in Glouceſterſhire, who, to teſtify the ſame, gave the Arms of the Bi- ſhoprick of Woxefter, being Argent charged with Torteauxes. Not m O Dilbar blog o 06019 > top Stones at (e) Ann. Wig. a Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 497, ex Regiſtro Winchelſe, f. 14. dado robom atogi. W land, that eguillida Bishops of WORCEST ER. 153 that any Man can ſay, that this noble Prelate gave his Arms to the Bi- ſhoprick of Tuoxefter, as St. Thomas of Perefoid, furnamed Gantelupe: did the Arms of the Barons Cantelupe to the Biſhoprick of berctozd, for chat the-Arms of che Biſhoprick and Priory of Toxcelier are merely Spiritualité The Torteauxe fignifying the Eucharift, whereunto the Priory had, in a Quartér, added our bleffed Lady holding our Saviour in her Arms. He farther rells us, that he gave co the Priory of Bæut Balvertr two Mills in Wike, ſituated on the River Ceme, and one Mill on the Brook of : Lawern adjoining, where it runs into Ceme. Thar he alſo gave to the Nuns of Whitdane near Worceſter, called the ttipite Ladies, the Manor and Patronage of effon, whereupon that Pariſh gained the Name of White Lady acon or Enott; and chat he gave the farne Religious Women a Portion of Tithes in Claſhes, in the Year 1275 ; but this laſt is a Miſtake;' for it was in the Year 1269, 2 Kal: March, that he ordered the Dean of Worceſter, with the Con- fent and Advice of the Prioreſs, to provide a Prieſt to officiare there, allowing him a reaſonable Maintenance, and all the reſt of the Tithes to be enjoyed by the Nuns." In the Year 1271, he gave them all the fmall Tither and Oblations at Claines, and in the Year 1275, on the third of the Nones of Jaly, he wrote to Raymund de Nogeriis, the Pope's Núncio, fetting forth the Smallneſs of their Revenues, and defi- that their Collectors might gather no Tenths of them, and at his Death, left them in his Will, Veſtments for their Altar, and an fundred Shillings in Money. In the ſame Will, he left to the Friar's Minors of tclozceſter, cs. to the poor Brethren of the Hoſpital of 51. Wulffan XL s. to the Hoſpital of St. Oltváld xx s. to the Friars Vio Preacbers of Glouceſter xư s. to che Friars Minors there as much the Brethren of Mount Carmel, of the ſame Place, one Mark; to che Friars Minors of 152/1oxi's, to the Friars Preachers there XL s. to the Brethren of Mount Carmel there one Mark; and to the Brethren of the Sack half a Mark; and to che Friars Preachers at Tularwick XL s. : ring 2010 to 10 1. PA 9074 modua With soivisa 3 154 314 1 2 An Account of theo Hana With many other Legacies to the ChurchrlandConvent of Worceſter, and a Ring to every Biſhop of England, of Value not leſs than xi or us. and ſeveral Legacies to his Relations, all which ſhew him to have been a rich and great Man (h). 1 One Monument of his Munificence ftill re- mains, the little Pillars of Caft Marble, which he faſtned with Rings of Copper gilt, tol all the Pillars of the eaſtern Part of his Cathedral Church. After his Deceaſe King Edward the Firſt granted his Licence to the Monks to chooſe their Biſhop, dated the 15th of February 1301, and on the Ides of March following they met together, and appointed Lady Day for the Election, and then they proceeded by way of Compro- miſe, giving Power to Stephen de Mytton Subprior;; William de Grimley Precentor, Gilbert de Madeley Sacriſt, Henry de Antioch, Nicholas Norton, John de St. German, and Richard de Bromwich, in all their Names to chooſe whom they pleaſed to be their Biſhop, i and they. unanimouſly choſe John de Sancto Germano, and wrote Letters to teſtify the ſame co the King and the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, bearing Date the fourth of the Calends of April 1302, and on the 7th of the Ides of the ſame Month he was preſented to the King, and honourably received, and his Election confirmed by him (i); but when he came to the Archbiſhop he met not with the fame Favour, and inſtead of conſecrating him, he ap- pointed the Thurſday after the Feaſt of St. Dunſtan, viz. ixth Kal. June, to inquire into the Merits of his Election, and ordered all Oppoſers then to appear before him in the Parochial Church of Newenton, where one of the Witneſſes depoſing that he conſented to his Election with Tears, the Archbiſhop further delayed his Conſecration ; where- 20 TUON 508 upon he appealed to the Court of Rome. And thither he went, carry- ing along with him Letters recommendatory to the Pope, from the King and Prior and Chapter of Warceſter, dated the fifth of Auguſt 1302 (k). And after he was gone, the Prior and Chapter wrote ano- ther Letter on his behalf to Cardinal Franciſco Neopolitano Archdeacon of Worceſter, dated the Kal. of September (1), all which did him no 2160 100 (b) Geynsb. f. 17. ſee Appen. N. 69. (1) Reg. Sede Vacante, p. 1, 2, 3. An. Wig. ſee App. N. 70, 71. (k) Reg. Sed. Vac. f. 8. ſee Append. N. 72, 73. (1) Ibid f. 9. b. Service ; Bishop s ofix WORCESTE R. 155 of the King at Tindfo), he wrote to the Prior and Convent and save Šervice ;--for arriving there on the chird of the Ides of Oftober, he loft his Cauſe för want of Money (mn), and was obliged to renounce his Right to the Biſhoprick on the Day of the Tranſlation of St. Eebeldrith die Virgin, viz. i7 087. before the Pope and his Cardinals then preſent. And on élie Moriday following, 22 08. 1302, the Pope publickly firting in kis Confiftory, promoted Brother William de Gaynesbure to this See {meti He was a learned Man of the Order of St. Francisz had been Reader of Divinity in the Monaſtery of the Minorites at Ortom, and was ſent by King Eduard, wich Hugb of Qancheſter a Dominicax Friar to Philip the Frencb King, in order to eteati of Peace. At the Time of hig Promotion he was a Reader's of Divinity in the Pope's Palace, and as je is ſaid a ftrenuous Afferter of his Infallibility. After having been confecrated by him, he left Roine, and came to London, on the Tueſday before chie Feaſt of the Purification of the Virgin Mary 1302-3; and an thar Feaſt Day, he ſaid Maſs before the King at Exhitidloz. It fecmns he did not eaſily forgive him his taking this Bifhoprick after the Manner he did; for when on the fourth of February he there reſtored the Toinporabities to him, he made him renounce the Power of the Pope w cohfer eicher the Tempora licies or Spiritualities of this See to him ;Land not content with this, he fined him in the Sum of a Thou land Marks, ro be paid whenever he ſhould demand, it but upon his dutiful Behaviour afterwards, and good Offices done, he remitted it the zijl of Merck 1396. The next Day after his receiving the Temporaligia them Notice of his arriyal in England, and of his great Deſire of be ing with them as ſoon as his Affairs could be diſpatched ac Lønpan.31 and upon the Receipt thereof they ſent him twenty Pounds to defray hiy Charges, in coming down, to chem (»)On the 7th of February he avaited opithe Arcbblykop at Lambetb. , and having ſyora Canonical O» bedience 10, tha: See, she received from him a Mandate to the Prior vtiqzcoftcr; to deliver up to him, or to whomſoever he fhould appoing, ) Reg Sed. Vac. & 13. b. Apr: N 74. z (m) Reg. Sed. Vac, f. 15.b. 9:17 .692 1931 the 150 Sate An Account of the u 2140 the Spiritualities thereof (o). The next Day he conſtituted John de Rodboruwe and Robert de Sutton, Rectors of þertelbure and Dutſeleye, his Vicars General. On the third of the Calends of March, he ſent Word to the Prior from London, that he intended to ſet out for his Dioceſe on the ſecond Sunday in Lent. On the fixth of the Calends of April, he wrote to him from Kingſwood, to deſire his Aſſiſtance, and that of his Convent, in defraying the Charges of his Inthronization. On the third of the Calends of the fame Month, they received Letters from him by R. de Leycefire, and J. de Rodberwe, and others, preſſing the fame Matter : and another from Briftol dated on Good Friday, more preſfing than the former: to all which they ſent an Anſwer by Mr. John de Bradwas, that they could not comply with his Requeſt; and the Reaſon given why they would not, was, leſt it ſhould become a Prece- dent for future Biſhops to demand the ſame (P). On the ſixth of the Ides of June, he came to kemley, where Brother John de Wyke dined with him; whom he told, that he would not ſet out for Wozcefter the next Day in order to be inthroned, till he the ſaid Prior ſhould come to him, to which out of ſpecial Favour he conſented, not being obliged according to ancient Cuſtom,o to go any farther than one Mile to meet himT The next Morning he waited on him with the Sacriſt and ano- ther Monk, and his Servants, and told him it was time for him to be going. At the Redbill there met him the Biſhops of Derefożd and Landaff, the Abbots of Evelham, Teukeſbury and Perfoze, with many other Prelates and Archdeacons.1 There met him alſo Thomas de Berkeley, and Hugh de Veyr, Knights; which Sir Thomas was Steward of the Feaſt, and in all, they amounted to above 700 Horſe. The firſt Proceſſion of the City met him near Redhill, the ſecond, which was of the Friers Minors, received him without the Door of the Hoſpital of St. Wulſan, and there he firſt lighted off his Horſe, and pulled off his Boots; and immediately Roger de Bondone, on the Behalf of y. Arch- deacon of Canterbury, had his Palfry, Saddle, Çap, and Boots, as Fees (0) Reg. Sed. Vac. f. 15. b. fee Append. N. 75 3 * (0) Ibid. £171 a. & b. * belonging Bishops of WORCEST E R. 157 belonging to the faid Archdeacon, and he claimed alſo his Cup, and ren Marks for his Expenſes; which the Biſhop deſired to conſider of, and to inquire whether it was cuſtomary, and whether his Predeceffors had paid the time. From herice he went barefoot up Blobury, and to up Bc. Mary's Steps by the great Gate of the Priory, into the Church-yard, where he was received by the Prior and Convent, and Biſhops and Pre fates in their proper Habits: when he came into the Church, as he ap- proached the High Altar, he made his Adoration, went up to it and kiſſed it, offered up three Pieces of Cloth of Gold, and there he fornt gave his Benediction. Thence deſcending to his Stall, he was inchroniſed with the uſual Ceremonies; which ended, he gave his ſecond Benedition, and then went into theVeſtry, waſhed his Feet, put on his Shoes, and câme and celebrated in a ſolemn Manner the Maſs of St. Wulſtan; which ended he gave to the Hearers thereof an Indulgence of forty Days, and ſo he went to his Palace, and there made a grand Entertainment for thoſe that had attended him (9). His walking barefoot to his Cathedral Church, was doubtleſs to take the People with a Shew of Humility, when the Pride of his Heart was evident from his being ſo very deli- tous to have all Things done with an Air of Grandeur, the norite having not wherewithal to defray the Expenſe of its for being denied by the Prior and Convent to help him out herein, he was forced to apply to his Friend Henry de Blunteſdon the King's Almoner"; and the Prior and Convent being indebted to him in the Sum of One Hun- dred Pounds, they received a Lecter from him eight Days after the In* thronization, wherein he deſired or rather commanded the fame to be paid to their Biſhop before the Feaſt of St. Peter ad vincula, or elſe they ſhould loſe his Favour, and he would proceed with them another ay. (r). Whilft he was at Ronte," the Sce being vacant; in his Abſence the Temporalities were in the King's Hands, who fowed his Lands both in the Winter and Spring, and when they were reſtored to him, he to 03 Poor Mi- : (9) Reg. Sed. Vac. f. 19. fee App. N. 76. (*) LIKO (*) Ibid. fee App. Nin Kk paid 4 158 8 ART2 An Account of the 1 a & paid for the ſame Five Hundred and Twelve-Marks (3)b) In 1305, on the 12th of the Calends of November, he went over Sea, in order to go for the Court of Rome (t). In 1306, he was at the Parliament ac Carlile from Chriſtmas to Eaſter (u), In 1307. he was ſent by King Edward I. into France, to treat about a Marriage between Prince Ed- ward his Son, and Iſabel King Philip's Daughter, which he accom- pliſhed according to his Mind, but lived not to return; for he died at Beauvais in Picardy, on the Day of St. Lambert the Martyr, the 15th Cal. of Oaober 1307, and was there buried the Day following (x). As ſoon as the Prior and Chapter had Advice of his Death, on the Ides of Oktober they petitioned the King for Licenſe to chooſe another, which was granted them on the 17th of the ſame Month; and a Letter fent with it, recommending to them his Treaſurer Walter Reginald, who had done him faithful Service from his Youch. And hearing ſoon after- wards of the Pope's Reſervation of this Biſhoprick to himſelf, on the 3oth he wrote another Letter to them, ordering them to haſten their Election before Notice thereof could be made to them in due Form; whereupon they met on the 12th of November, the Sunday after the Feaſt of St. Martin, and appointed the next Day for the Election ; when, , by way of Compromiſe, they gave full Power to their Prior John de Wyke to chooſe whom he pleaſed, and immediately he choſe the aforeſaid Walter Reginald Canon of St. Paul's, Rector of Wimbleton, and Trea- furer of England, to be their Biſhop. He is ſaid to have been a Ba- ker's Son at Windſor, Chaplain to King Edward I. and Tutor to his Son, who made him Treaſurer the 22d of Auguſt 1307. As ſoon as they had finished their Election, they ſent Gilbert de Madd their Sub-pri- or to him to notify the ſame, and deſire his Conſent thereto, which he gave about a Fortnight afterwards, not without great Deliberation; and the King, confirming all that had been done, on the 21ſt of December wrote to the Pope on his Behalf, and earneſtly begged that he would be (u) Ibid. (3) Ang. Sac. P.1. p. 532. Plac. Parl. 3. Ed. I. p. 335. (1) Geynsb. f. 37. a. f. 49, b. (*) Reg. Sed. Vac. p. 50. b. and 51. b. In the Pope's reſervatory Bull, dated 3 Non. of O&ober, it is ſaid that he died at Amiens. But I take it to be a Mistake. pleaſed Bishops of WORCESTER. Fobin de Brodwas, Rector of bumetton, his Sequeſtrator General, and pleafed to confirmy the ſame too (y), * The Pope nor willing, or nor da- ring to deny the King's Requeſt on the Behalf of his Lord High Treafica rer of Englalig, at his firſt coming to his Crown, pretended to animal all that had been paſſed, and by his own Authority preferred him to the fame, his Bull bearing Date at Poitiers the 12th of February, in the third Year of his Pontificare; which Bull, with his Apoftolical Man- date to the Prior and Chapter of Toxceſter, to receive him, and to obey him as their Paſtor, were publiſhed in the Cathedral Church of Aloxetter, on the 18th of the Calends of May 1308 (2). On the 13th of the Calends of Oftober following, he was inſtalled, and muſt have been confecrated by Robert Archbiſhop of Canterbury before that Time (a). On the 13th of the Calends of November, at London, he conſtituted fohn de Rodberew, Rector of hertlebure, his Official ; and 9 Milo da Redbóurn, Ko his Steward y all the fame Day (6). On the 6th of the Calends of the fame Month, John Wyke, Prior of His Can thedral Church, Robert de Dicleffon, and John de Alton, Monks thercof, together with "John Brevel his Sacriſt, were made his Penitentiarles, to RO hear the Confeſſions of his Subjects throughout his Dioceſe (©). On the third of the Nones of December, he gave Commiſſion to John Biſhop of Landaff, to execute his Epiſcopal Office in his Abſence from his See. And gave Orders to his Archdeacons and their Officials, to the Rural Deans, and all other Eccleſiaſtical Perſons, to be obedient and aiding to him in the Execution of the ſame (d). On the 16th of March, he made Benedi&t de Paſton, his Vicar General (e), and on Palm Sunday following he went over Sea in order to go to the Court of Rome (S). He was ar London on the ixth of the Calends of January 1308, where, at the Requeſt of Guy de Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, he appropriated the Church of Clmeley Cadle to William de Wellesburn, and his Succeſſors, 2 See App. N. 78. Rym. Fordera, T. 3. p. 27, &c. sede Vacantef. 56, 57. a) Albus, f. 45. b. 4) Reynt. f.g.a. fee Append. N. 80. (e) Ibid. f. 9. a. Kk 2 (z) See App. N. 79. & Reg. f. 1. a. (0Ibid. fr9. b. Maſters 160 wa TAn Account of the 11 e 18 Maſters of the Chapel or Chantry of the Bleſſed Virgin Mary, by him newly founded there (8). On the 6th of July, 1311, he was made Chancellor of England. On the 17th Kal. July 1313, he appropriated the Church of Wotton to the Abbot and Convent of St. Auguſtine in the City of Briſtol (b). And his Prior and Convent of Wozcefter ſetting forth the Loſs of eight Manors and five Churches in the Time of the Wars, and the Extortions they had undergone from Cunning Men, and the great Expenſe they were obliged to from the daily Conflux of People about Law and other Matters, and from Strangers coming thither to paſs over the Severn, there being no Bridge at that time to paſs the fame between Glouceſter and Bridgenorth but this, whereby they were ſo impoveriſhed, that without timely Relief, they muſt leſſen the Num- ber of their fifty Monks, and retrench their Expenſes; to help them in this their Neceſſity, and to enable them to keep up their uſual Hof- pitality, he appropriated to them the Church of Doberbull, otherwiſe called the Hill Church in Wich, by his Deed dated at London on Michaelmas Day this fame Year 1313 (:). Soon after he was tranſlated to Canterbury, by the Pope's Bull bearing Date from the Priory of Gianfell near Melanlane in the Dioceſe of Valcony, October 1. which he received ar London on the 2 ift. and it was publiſhed in the Church of St. Paul's the 4th of January following. To him fucceeded WALTER de MAYDENSTON, one of the King's Agents at the Pope's Court, and by his Command ſoliciting there for the tranſlating of Walter Reynolds to the See of Canterbury, and the rejecting of Thomas Cobham choſen by the unanimous Voices of the Monks of thac Place. In which ſucceeding, and Cobham refufing to accept of the Bi- ſhoprick of Wozceſfer, he obtained it for himſelf: He was conſecrated by the Pope before the inth of October 1313; for the sth of the Ides of Otober 1315, is is in his Regiſter ſaid to be the third Year of his Conſe- cration (k). He came not into England till February the 12th, when (b) Ibid. f. 76. (i) Ibid. f. 96. b 97. a. b. ibid, f. 98. a., (8) Reyn. f. 21. (1) Maydeníton f. 37. a, assM he Bis HOPS of WOR CES T E R. 161 . he arrived ar Dover, and brought along with him the Archbiſhop's Pall, which he delivered unto him the next Day.. He ſtaid ar Cantce: bury till the 22d of February (1), for his Commiſſion to Walter de Braeka was, to impower him to inſtitute to vacant Livings, bears Dare there our thác Day. He was at his own Palace in the Strand, on the oth of the Calends of March, and on that Day his Regiſter begins. On the 14th of the Calends of April, March the ngth, he made John de Bri+ avelhis Sacriſt, and Roger de Seyninton, Tumbary {m). The next Month he fec forward for his Dioceſe, and with Leave from the Biſhop of London on Eaſter Eve, he ordained in the Chapel of his Manor Houſe at Dilyndon (n). On the 22d of April he was at Bxcben, the 26th at kemſey, the 27th at Wyke, and on the both of May at Bertiebury, from whence he returned the 18th to London, where he ftaid till the 220 (0); and then ſet out for his Viſitation of the Archdeaconry of Glouceſter, and on the ift of Yune ordained at Ctrencefler Accolytes 105, Subdeacons 140, Deacons 133, Presbyters 85, in all 463 (P). In July be returned to London (9), came back in Auguſt, and viſited the Arch- deaconry of Człoxceffer. He was at Kemfey the 22d, where he confirme- ed, or rather renewed the Appropriation of the Church of St. Auguftimes Doderbal in Ulich, to his Priory (r). In the midſt of his Viſitation, being called away by the King, he deputed Mr. John Bloyon, his Oficial, and Gilbert de Kirkeby Clerk, to carry on the ſame, and went immedi- ately to the King at Pork, where he was retired after the Battle of Ba- nocksbnrn near Stirling in Scotland (5). We find him again in his Dioceſe in October, and on the rgth of November he appropriated the Church of Powyke to the Priory of Great Malverne, to make them amends for "their Loſs of ſeveral Churches and Manors during the Wars between England and Wales ; to enable them to pay their Debts, and to ſupport them in the Maintenance of Twenty fix Monks, and Thirty poor Men living cherein (7). He ordained at WUoxefter on . ܙ th - Maydenfton ( 2. b. (*) Ibid f. z. (8) Ibidi f. 3. (c) lb. f. 3. p) Ib. • 8.9, 10, 11.09.) Ib. f. 13 Ym) Ib. 16. b. () Ibid. ibid. f. 16. Sty 162 Té An Account of the waia St. Thomas's Day, Accolytes 50, Subdeacons 115, Deacons 136, Prieſts 109, in all 3 10. And on the 27th, being again obliged to leave his Di- oceſe upon the Account of Publick Affairs, he appointed Simon de Wal- pole S. Th. Prof. and Mr. John Bloyon beforementioned, to inſtitute to all vacant Benefices in his Abſence (u). On the third of the Ides of Fe- bruary, being then at London, he appropriated the Church of Chombury in Glouceſterſhire, to the Abbot and Convent of Glouceſter, who had ſuffered many loſſes by Fire, and Inundations, and War, allotting to the Vicar Twenty five Marks yearly (x). On the 19th of March following he was at fladbury, where he appropriated to the Precentor of the Priory of Worcedter the Church of Tpberton, for the Augmentation of his Salary, which was before but Forty Shillings per Ann, and thae too little to defray the Charge incumbent on his Office, of copying out New Books, and repairing the Old, of exhibiting to Clerks officiating under him, of keeping an Horſe and a Servant for the Uſe of the Mo- naſtery; not without ſeveral other Duties (y). The Summer following 1315, he viſited all the Religious Houſes throughout his Dioceſe (2), and conſecrated many Churches and Abundance of Altars (a). In June, the Churches of Wolwardington and Wrorhall, the great Altars at Kydermynfire, badeloje, Kynewarton, Bidfold, Pafton, and abzithtton. In July, the Churches of Qarſcomb; Ellmoze, Frethoun, Frampton, Arceley, Dubmulton, Tettebury, the Chapels of Wave don, Siſton, and Badininton, the Chancel of Weſteley, the great Al- tars of Beyhamlede, Beggeworth, berdiyke, St. Leonards Briſtol, fframpton Cotel, and Abbotefton (6). In September and Oktober, the Churches of perffon Sicca, Credington, Shipſton, Pularden and Chirinton, the great Altars of Clyve Prior, Perfton Subege, Øynyn- ton, Beckfoyd, øverbury, Saperton, Billey, and inchinghampton (c). This Year alſo there happened a Controverſy between the Archbiſhops of Canterbury and You, in which he was not a little concerned. For (u) Mayd. f. 20. (*) Ibid, f. 17, 18. - (J) Ibid. f. 23. (z) Ibid. f. 23, (a) Ibid. f. 29 and 37. b) Ibid, f. 29, 30. 24 () Ibid, f. 37. although Bishops of WORCEST E R. 163 : although ſeveral Popes (), and Kings, and Nobility of the Kingdom had often confirmed the Rights and Privileges of the See of Conter. bury, and its Superiority and Precedency before that of York, yer William Greenfield, then Archbiſhop of the ſame, travelling through this Dioceſe, preſumed to have his Croſs carried before him, and to give in a ſoleinn Manner his Benediction to the People, which he ought only to have done in his own Province, and not in that of another whereupon the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, as ſoon as he heard thereof, ſent two Mandates to our Biſhop, commanding him to excommunicate the ſaid Arvebbiſhop of Pork and all his Adherents, which he did at the Priory of Lanthanp near Glouceſter 5 Non. July 1315, and the Official of the Archdeacon of Worceſter certified that he had done the ſame in his Archdeaconry, 14 Kal. of Auguſt following (e). Alſo on the 16th of the Kal. of February this Year, he appropriated the Church of Bidford in tatarwickſhire, to the Prior and Convent of Kenilworth, to repair the Loſſes they had ſuſtained during the Siege of that Caſtle, and to enable them to rebuild the Nave of their Church (f). In 1316, we find him again in ſeveral Pares of his Dioceſe, particularly at his Ma- Bors, of vanipton Epiſcopi, Tzłythindon, Bucedoni , ajuechurch, and Dertiebury. At bylindoni, near Urbzidge, on the Nonės of December he appropriated the Church of Long Compton in Tularivickſhire, to the Abbey and Convent of Walden in London Dioceſe, for the better Sup- port of the 25 Monks that lived therein, and of four more added on the Death of the Lady Elizabeth, King Edward's Siſter, who was there þuried ($). The next Month being obliged to go beyond Sea on urgent Occaſions, he commiflioned Richard de Clare, and Richard de Cbada defley, Parſon of Kemfey, to be his Vicars General, to rake Care of his Dioceſe in his Abſence; and on the sth of the Kal. of February, the Regiſter of their Inſtitutions begins, the Biſhop being then in foreiga onob od.01 : 0 anob Doo 01 . (8) Pafcal, Eugenius, Alexander, Urban, fee Bin Conc. T. X. p. 1192. Decem Script. p. 579. Anfelm, L: 5. & 6. Antiq. Brit. P. 123, &c. Fit. Han. Máyd. f. 30 , 31. fce Append. N. &i. () ibid. f. 42. (8) Ibid. f. 43, 44*45*0to Parts: 164 are An Account of the raia Parts. After which we hear no more of him, but that he died on the 28th of March, at what Place not ſaid (b). Poslo I have been a little more particular in ſetting down the Actions of his Life whilft Biſhop of Worceſter, which ſeem to have been a continued Series of Care and Devotion, becauſe I find him labouring under the Character of a Man infamous for his Life and Converſation ; but no. thing of this appears in his Regiſter. That he was very poor, is plain from many Places thereof. On the 27th of March, in the 7th of Ed. II. as ſoon as he came to London, he took up there of Robert de Dumble- ton, 10 h. to carry him down to his Dioceſe (i). On the 5th of the Calends of May, he bought of the Archhiſhop his Stock on the ſeve- ral Manors of this Biſhoprick for 221 l. 6 s. 6 d. but having not where- withal to pay, he was forced to give Bond for the ſame, payable at Chriſtmas following (k); and to pay it then, and to ſatisfy other Credi- tors, he took up of Robert de Maydenſtone Canon of Chicheſter 244 l. and of John de Bereford Citizen and Merchant of London 100 l. more (1). On the firſt of June 1315, he gave Bond to Robert de May- denſtone for the further Sum of 142 I. (m), and on the 13th of July he impowered Adam de Murymouth, and Andrew Sapiti, to take UP in his Name of any Merchants 500 Florens of Gold, and to pay the ſame into the Apoftolick Chamber, being, I ſuppoſe, the Money he had promiſed to pay thereto upon his Promotion to this See (n). He had not ready Money wherewithal to pay his Lawyers, and therefore to fa- tisfy them as well as he could, he granted them yearly Penſions ; to An- drew de Brugge his Advocate in the Court of Canterbury, five Marks Sterling, to be paid at Michaelmas and Eaſter; the ſame to John de Stretford, Richard de Glouceſter, and John Ofeworth; and to yohn de Treffuntis his Proctor there 40 s. yearly (o). 5 Cal. Oet. 1315, he granted the forementioned annual Penſion of five Marks to Adam Murymouth Profeſſor of Civil Law, for good Services done and to be done, till he To โอโปโล พ. โดย (7) Mayd. f. 49. 50.0 (9). Ibid. f. 2. {k} Ibi. f. svet** () Ibid. f. 17. a, (9 Ibid. f. 17. a. (m) Ibid. f. 29. a. (12) Ibid. £. 32. b. 33. a. () Ibid. f. 29. a. + Thould 27709 Bishops of WORCESTER. 165 (hould give him, or any one belonging to him, a ſufficient Benefice (P) This is the Perſon, who, in his Hiſtory, hath tranſmitted down to Poſterity ſo ill a Character of him; angry, perhaps, for not being bet- ter rewarded by him. His Death was made known to the Prior and Convent the 7th of April 1317, on the 13th the Prior was conſtituted the Archbiſhop's Official during the Vacancy of the See, and on the joth they received the Conge d'Eſlire from the King (9); but before this, by his Letter dared the roth of April, he had recommended to the Pope, THOMAS COBH A M, “ One worthy of his Favours, born of noble Blood, of eminent Learning, of good Fame, of bright Morals, of great Prudence both in Spirituals and Temporals, and endowed with an Heap of many Virtues (r)." Upon which he promoted liim to this Biſhoprick, and he was conſecrated at gbignion, by ibe Cardinal of Poſia, the 11th Calends of June, 13 17. (3). His Education was at Cambidge, and, as Chancellor of that Univerſity, he is inſerted in the Catalogue of their Benefactors. He occurs Prebendary of Ciclls, December 13, 1299; Archdeacon of Lewes 1301; Precentor of Pok July 14, 13 12 ; Prebendary of fenton in the fame Church on the 8th Ides of December in the ſame Year (C), and Prebendary of St. Paul's London. Godwin fays, Prebendary and Subdean of Salisbury. Upon the Death of Robert Winchelſea, this good Clerk was choſen by the Monks of Caiiterbuty their Archbiſhop, May 28, 1313, and was, by their Proctors, preſented to the King then at Paris, June che 8ch, who took time to conſider of it till the 24th, when being again preſented to him at 1Pontoiſe, he again put it off till his return to England. Cobban deſpairing of the King's Conſent, went away to the Pope then at birnion ; but the King, by his Proctors and Agents, had ſo managed the Matter before he came there, that the Pope pretending to have dif poſed of this Archbiſhoprick by way of Proviſion, by his Bull dated to jsd 6) Mayd. f. 37. vid. Append. N. 81. (9) Reg. Sede Vac. T. 98, 99, 10). fr] Cobh fun al crit fee Append. N. 83. (5) Ang. Sac. P. I. P. 532, 533 (0) Br. Wiltis's Sur yey of York Cathedral, f. 132. L1 166 18 An Account of the Heid April the 27th 1313, which preceded his Election, on the 24th of September, he promoted thereto Walter Reynold Biſhop of Worceſter, and, to make Cobham fome amends, he offered him the ſaid Biſhoprick; but he refuſing, and boldly inſiſting on the Right of his Election, he incurred both the Pope's and King's Diſpleaſure . Worceſter was given to Maydenſtone ; and Cobham retiring, durft not return to England till Archbiſhop Walter had reconciled him to the King : and upon Maydenſtone's Death, he accepted of this Biſhoprick, which before he had refuſed. James Cobham was his Vicar General during his ſtay be- yond Sea, who, in his Name, received the Obedience of all his Subjects of the Archdeaconry of Worceſter in the Cathedral Church there, on the Tueſday before the Nativity of St. John Baptift, ui Cal. July 1317, and the ſame of all his Subjects of the Archdeaconry of Glouceſter in the Monaſtery of St. Peter's Church there, on the 5th of the Calends of the fame Month (u). In that of November he came into England, and on the 15th was received at Canterbury with a ſolemn Proceſſion of the Monks, and there made his Profeſſion of Obedience to the Archbiſhop. On the 25th he was at London, on which Day his Re- giſter begins, and that of his Vicar General ends. 1, Before this I ſuppoſe he was inthroned by Proxy ; for at the End of the Acts of James Cobham, there is a Note inſerted of Fifty ſeven Pounds ſent him by ſe veral Perſons as Gifts from them at his Inthronization, fifty Marks of which, he ſays, he paid to the Merchants, and thirty to the Court of Rome (x). He went not down to his Dioceſe till the Year 1319, when in November he viſited his Cathedral, and, on the Morrow after St. Thomas the Apoſtle, he ordained in St. Nicholas's Church Sub-deacons 43, Deacons 96, Prieſts 91, 'in all 230 (y). in all 230 (y). In 1320, being then at Dertlebury, he received a Letter from the King, dated on the Wednef- day before the New Year, fummoning him to be at Weſtminder on the Feaſt of St. Hilary, to go along with other Nobles to treat of a Peace (u) Maydeſton, f. 52. a. 50, 51. (*) Ibid, f. 56. ſee Append. N. 84. (y) Cobh. f. 42, with BISHOPS of WORCEST E R. with the cott ; but London being much out of bis way to the Norik , he deſired his Majeſty to excuſe him coming thar way, which he did by a Letter he received from him on the Morrow after Epiphany ; s for which he returned his Majeſty many Thanks, and aſſured him, thar he would ſet forward on his Journey on Tueſday che Feaſt of St. Hilary, or on the Morrow without fail, and doubted not, with God's Aliſtance, to be at the Place appointed by the Time prefixed (2). Not long after his return, he wrote a Letter to the Pope to let him know how Matters went, and to defire him to put a helping Hand to the Healing of the Diviſions of the Kingdom, for that whilft he was at the Treaty, the Barons had rebelled againſt the King. And another he wrore to Fames, Cardinal Deacon, on the ſame Subject, as alſo to excuſe himſelf for noc having preferred ſome Perſons that he had recommended ţo him, and to both he ſent handſome Preſents (a). Upon the Invaſion of the Ocuts, the King wrote to him to raiſe and ſend ſoine Soldiers for the Defenſe of the Realm : to which he returned Anſwer, that there were none fit for Service to be found in theſe Parts , all ſuch having been al ready taken up by his Officers; however, that he might not be thought wancing in Duty, he had ſent him up 50% exeuſing the Smallneſs of the Preſent upon the Account of his having fuffered many Loſles, and on his coming to che Biſhoprick found it ſpoiled and naked; but that whenever his Affairs ſhould be more proſperous he would aſlift him to the utmoſt of his Power (b), We meet with a very large Ordination of his at Ambjelly, 15 Kal. Jan. 1322, Accolytes 120, Subdeacons 102, Deacons 50, Prieſts 6o, in all 332, which ſhews the Multitude of the Clergy in thoſe Days (c). On the 3d Ides of June 1325. be appropri- ated the Church of Onftfield to the Priory of St. Sepulchres Warwick, having ſuffered much by a great Fire (d). The ſame Year he appro- priared the Church of Langbergb or Longbarow in the Deanry of toip, to the Abbot and Convent of Bayles, and on the 4th Cal. of (2) Cobh. f. 63. al. Ixx. al. lxxx. ſee Append. N. 87. (a) Ibid. f. 64. al. lxxi. fee Append. N. 85, 86 V) Ihid, f73 (Ibid. 82. al. lxxxix. 4) Ibid. f. 103, al. cx.tea LI 2 168 An Account of the April, 1326, he ordained the Vicaridge to the Value of 10l. per Ann. (e). On the 6th Nones of May following, he appropriated the Church of Ambjelley to the Abbey of Eveſham, ſituated on a great Road, and labouring under unſupportable Burthens, the Loſs of Twenty eight Manors, and three Churches (f). On the gd Ides of Auguſt , 1327, he appropriated the Church of St. Andrew in Perfhoge to the Mo- naſtery there, their Church and Houſes having ſuffered very much by Fire, beſides the Loſs of 30 Manors ſince its Foundation (g). This Year he was, with others, commiſſioned by the Pope to viſit the Chap- ter of York, upon the Account of ſome Differences ariſen between them and their Archbiſhop, from whom he received a Letter dated June 5, fent by Adam de Hafelbech his Domeſtick Chaplain, deſiring him to come thither in Perſon, and promiſing to defray all the Charges of his Journey ; but by his Letter dated June 17 (5), he handſomely excuſed himſelf, by reaſon he then laboured under a Complication of Diſtem- pers, which foon after brought him to his End; for he died at bertle- bury on the 27th of Auguſt following (i). By his laſt Will and Teſta- ment, he left ſeveral of his Prieſtly Garments, his great Miffal, two Silver Candleſticks, two Silver Vials, and the Image of the Virgin Ma- ry, given him by the Abbot of St. Auguſtin Briſtol, to the Altar where he ſhould be buried. His fine Mitre given him by the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, to the Church of Worceſter for ever ; a long Carpet of various Work to put under the Biſhop's Feet, and a Jewel ſet in Gold, to hang at the High Altar. To his Succeſſor, amongſt other Things, he left all the Utenſils, of his Kitchin, whether at London, or elſewhere, within the Dioceſe; and in particular, all his Corn fown in all hiş Manors, and forty Oxen, on condition he ſhould leave ſo much to his Succeſſor, or an Hundred Pounds in lieu thereof. This he did, for that he had heard it had been ſo formerly, Biſhop Giffard having left an Hun- dred Pounds, to be put into the Sacriſt's Hands, for the Uſe of his Suc- c) Ibid. f. 112, 113. (*) Ang. Sac. P. I. P. 53.3. () Ibid. f. 129. al. cxxxi. (e) Cobh. f. 112. al. cxir. f. 123. fee Append. N. 88. 1 (5) Ibid. ceſſors, Bishops of Worcest er. 169 . ceflors, and he did it gratis, for at his entrance on the Biſhoprick, he received nor a Peny, or the Value of a Peny in Corn or Utenſels, but his Manors ſpoiled, and his Houſes dilapidated, which he had repaired with no-little Coft (k). He was a learned and good Man, anda Lover of Learn- ing. He began a Library at Oxford over the old Congregation Houſe do bour the Year 1320, or rather lacer, for he died in 1327 before it was fi. niſhed, and it might have been built in leſs than ſeven Years ; however he took care to leave enough to perfect it (). He lieth buried in the North Iſe of the Cathedral, near to the Altar of St. John Baprif, which Ife be covered with an arched Roof at his own Charge. His Tomo Nands cloſe to the North Wall, above the North Door, and a little bem low the North Chapel, which was called by the Name of Jeſus Chapel. Upon the Death of Cobbam, the Monks, with Leave from the King, choſe their Prior Wolfian de Braunsford to be their Biſhop, which Election his Majeſty confirmed, took his Oath of Fidelity, and de- livered up the Temporalities to him; and a Rumour being ſpread abroad that the Pope had made a Reſervation of this Biſhoprick to him- felf, he wrote a Letter to him and to all the Cardinals from Nating, ham, bearing date September the 6th, giving them an Account of the Canonical Ele&tion that had been made of Prior Wolftan, with his Leave, a Man of Religion and Learning, and upon all Accounts fic for ſo high a Starion ; humbly petitioning his Holineſs; that if he had made any Reſervation thereof, he would aç this Time wave it for the Peace and Proſperity of the Kingdom, and the Honour of the Univerſal Church (m). It is ſaid that the Archbiſhop did confirm the fame Oadher 3) bur durft not conſecrate him, nor durft the Prior and Convent of Canter: bury, upon his Death, call together any of the Suffragan Biſhops of the Province to do it, tho' commanded fo to do by the King and his Great Council, November 17, then at Pontfrac (n); for they were *) Cobh, l. 45. fee Append. N. 89. . Fædera, T. 4. p. 308. ſee App. N. 90. (1) Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 533. (n) Ibid. p. 324. ſee App, N. 92. am) Rymor': afraid 170 * An Account of the 21 • of the Relevation of this Bike afraid of the Pope, who by virtue of the Reſervation of this Bifho- prick to himſelf had given it to ADAM de ORLTON or HorLETON, Biſhop of bereford, then at his Court at Avignion, by his Bull dated September the 28th, 1327. As ſoon as the King heard of it, he was very angry, and on the 12th of December, he and his great Council, being then at Coventry, he ſent him a threatning Letter, ſeverely reprimanding him for what he had done, and injoining him upon his Fidelity and Oath of Alle- giance, and upon the Forfeiture of all that he could forfeit, to do no- thing that ſhould prejudice the Right of his Crown; for if he did, he was reſolved to puniſh him (o). And on the 26th, a Summons was ſent him to appear in Perſon before the King and Parliament at Pojk, on the Sunday after the Feaſt of the Purification of the Virgin Mary, and not to fail at his Peril (P); but it ſeems the Pope's Authority prevailed, and got the better of the King, who delivered him up the Temporalities on the ad of March following (9). He was born in the City of Bere: fold, and was made Biſhop of that See September the 26th, 1317. which he got the ſame Way that he did this of Tozceſter ; for not- withſtanding the King had wrote to the Pope in behalf of Thomas de Cherleton, Doctor of Civil Law, who had many Relations in Herefordſljire able to aid the King in his Wars againſt the Wleich, and had wrote to him himſelf, commanding him, as he valued the publick Peace of his Kingdom, not to accept of it, if offered to him, and to all the Cardi- nals, if poſſible, to hinder it; yet he minded it not, but relying upon the Pope's Authority he accepted of it, and gained his Point (r). After- wards he joined with the Duke of Lancaſter in Rebellion againſt the King, and had been hanged for the ſame, had not the Archbiſhop, with ſome others of his Brethren, interpoſed, by aſſerting their Right of Exemption from the Temporal Courts, and their Privileges not to be tried by Laymen (s). On the 19th of June, 1328, being Sunday, (0) Rym. Fæd. T. 4. p. 330. ſee App. N. 92. (1) Ibid. p. 331. ſee App. N. 93. (9) Ang Sac. P. 1. P. 533• (r) Rym. Fæd. T. 3. p. 637, 638, 639. (-) Antiqu. Brit. p. 214, 215. Ed. Han. and Bishops of WorceSTER. and the Feaſt of Gervaſius and Protbafius, by Commiſſion from Iluro de Engoliſma Archdeacon of Canterbury, he was folemnly inchronized by Mr. William de Fowhope Canon of Derefogd, one of his Vicars General, and 7. de Radenhale, Chaplain of the free Chapel of St. Stephen's Uleft- Bullter, in the Preſence of W. de Eveſham, W. de Perſhore, and Folin de Harles, Abbots; Mr. Thomas de Cbandos, Archdeacon of percfan ; Richard de Vernon, T. and F. de Orleton, and R. de Breynton, Canons of dhe fame. And the aforeſaid John de Redenhale, the Archdeacon's Proctor, received in his Name the uſual Fees (t). During his ſitting in this See, he appropriated the Church of Tyderinton to the Prior and Convene of Lanthony juxta Glouceſter, the 9th of November 1330 (u); Biampton, to the Nuns of Cokhuill on the 19th of September 1331(x), and this Year gave his Confent, together with the Parſon of Stretfoyd, for the Founding a Chantry there by John de Stretford Biſhop of Wincheifer, on the 8th Ides of O&tober, and confirmed the ſame on the oth Kal. of Marcb following, which John de Stretford, with Robert his Brother, gave to Adam and his Succeſſors for ever, ten Selions of Paſture Ground in Did-Stretfożd, by their Deed dated at Stretfold up- on avon, on Tueſday after the Feaſt of St. Luke the 5th of Edward III. and was confirmed by that King the 17th of November following (1). He alſo appropriated Dodecbull of the yearly Value of thirty Pounds to the Prior and Convent here, by expreſs Command from the Pope, 3d of November 1333, he being then at Paris (2); Longdon to the Abbey and Convenç of CCleſtminſter, the 11th of January 1333 (*); and again, by the Command of the Pope, faitford to [elökçxbttry, on the 26th of the fame Month (6). His Ordinations were frequenit, and ſometimes very large, particularly at Cewkesbury on the Vigil of Tri nity Sundey 1329, where he ordained Accolytes 218, Subdeacons 47, Dea- FURS: 79, Presbyters 62, in all 406 (c). And at Campben, on Saturday after the Feaſt of Pentecoft 1331, where he ordained Accolytes 221; 3 . 6) Lib. (1) Horl. V. 2. f. 6, 7. ſee App. N. 94. (u) Ib f. 21. (*) Ib. f.25. Alb. Epifc. Wig. f. 123, 141, 142. (2) Ib. f, 53 53 & 56. Ibid. I 5, 6, 7, (a) Ib. (6) Ib, f. 56. 1 172 An Account of the Home you Subdeacons 100, Deacons 47, Presbyters 51, in all 419 (d). On the 19th of December 1332, with Leave of the Biſhop of Paris, he or- dained in the Chapel of his own hired Houſe there. And in the firſt Week in Lent following, with Leave of the Vicars General of Peter Biſhop of Soiſſons, he ordained in the Conventual Church of the little Siſters de Nogent Artaud (e). When Queen Iſabel came into England, he heartily joined with her and her Followers in their Rebellion, and preached againſt the King at Dtfożd. When Priſoner at tereſod, he went and demanded of him his Broad Seal, and was too much con- cerned in his Murther, by privately conveying Orders to his Keepers, and with them this Line, Edwardum occidere nolite timere bonum eſt; which, being differently pointed, bears a different Meaning: for if ſet the Comma between nolite and timere, it forbideth ; if between ti- mere and bonum, it exhorteth to do it ; and they knowing his Meaning too well executed it with the utmoſt Barbarity. After this with his uſual Inſolence he treated the Son as he had done his Father; for with- out his Knowledge, he got the Pope by his Authority to tranſlate him from this See to that of Wincheſter, which he did December the iſt, 1333 This provoked the King to that Degree, that he cauſed him publickly to be libelled againſt in the Pope's Court, as a Man infamous for many Crimes, and moſt unworthy of being promoted to ſuch a Dignity. His Accuſation conſiſted of three Articles : 1. That be cauſed Robert Baldock, Clerk, to be apprehended and impriſoned, where he died. He was King Edward the Ild's Chancellor, and taken and brought to Herefozd with him, and, being a Clergyman, was delivered into this Biſhop's Hands, who ſoon after took him to London, and entring the City, with his Connivance, ſeveral Perſons fell upon him, terribly abu- ſed him, hurried him away to Newgate, where he ſoon died of the Blows he received. In his Anſwer to this, he paſſes over his being beaten and abuſed, only ſays he died a natural Death in Priſon. 2. That in a publick Sermon at Oxford, in the Preſence of the Queen, and Prince, (4) Ibid. f. 9, &c. (e) Ib. V.I. f. 14. and BISHOP $1 of WorcesT E R. 173 . and many Noblemen be aferted King Edward to be a Tyrant, and did then Air up bis Subjects to depoſe and impriſon bim. To this he anſwered, that it was crue he did preach there, and that his Text was Gen. iii. 15. And will put ernity between thee and the Woman, and between thy Seed and ber Seed, it shall bruiſe tby Head--but that he applied not this co the King and Qyeen, but to Hugh Spencer, and the Queen. 3. That by bis Advice and Perfuafion, the Queen had departed from her Husband, and ne- ver after would go near bim. go near bim. In Anſwer to this he denied not the Faét, but laid, that it was neceſſary by reaſon of King Edward's Cruelty, which he much aggravates; ſaying, that there was Cauſe to fear ill Treatment, even after the Death of Hugh Le Diſpenſer. Theſe An- fwers are extant at the End of the Decem Scriptores Anglicani, where they may be read at large, not much to his Credit; he alledging in his Excuſe the Proclamations and Acts of ſucceſsful Rebels' In order to de poſe their Lawful King (f); but as bad as they were, they ſerved his turn: and having by his uſual Craft obtained again the King's Favour, he got quiet Poffeffion of that Biſhoprick that fame Year. Two only before him of all our Engliſh Biſhops were tranſlated from a ſecond to a third Biſhoprick, which gave Occafion for theſe Verſes to be made on him: doudo od do nottimoto edi bposebag bns Dimtras) Trinus erat Adam, talem ſuſpendere vadam. 9) Thomam defpexit, Wulſtanum non bene rexit, colodw zin basin Swithunum maluit, cur ? quia plus valuit (8). gEssa deelne bug crioni molt naelst vlamtot nuod bad doin aloa 10 zonn. Ins-Adam was thrice preferred, a Rope he well deſerved,' asili Thomas heſlighted, Wulftan he ill ruled, Die Swithun he chuſed, why? becauſe much richer in his Eye. : Simon de MONTE ACUTO or MOUNTAGu ſucceeded (b), the King thought to have given him the Biſhoprick of tClincheffer, but the ALO110 Dec. Script. Col. 2764, 2765, 2766, 2767, 2768. (5) Ang. Sac. P. 1, p. 553. () Simon de Monteacuto fert tres Bendas undulantes in campo aur. & in medio inſcutum tribus shombis diepi&um. Ang. Sac. P. 1. Hift. Elyenf. p. 649. Min Pope 174 53T 2 An Account of theia 1 & inou or IS1909 83W Pope conferred it on Adam, and by his Proviſory Bull dated at avinton, 3 Id. Dec. 1333. preferred Simon to chis See, in room of the other; and by another Büll dated on the 15th of the fame Month; he gave him Power to be conſecrated by what CatholiekBiſhop he pleaſed, and that Biſhop to take his Oath of Canonical Obedience direaly to the See of Rome, and not to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury; but this not to prejudice for the future the Right of that Metropolitical See (i). Accordingly he was con- ſecrated at Came on the 8th Ides of May, by the Biſhop of Lincoln, aſſiſted by the Biſhops of Bath and Sarum, who took his Oath of Fide- lity and Obedience to his Holineſs, and to the Church of Rome, of all which he ſent him a particular Account, dated from Crokham, the 4th Nones of Auguſt 1334 (k). He was Archdeacon of Canterbury, and the Pope's Chaplain, in Subdeacon's Orders, and commended by him for a learned Man of elegant Morals,, of fair Honeſty, of bright Chaſtity, provident in Spirituals, and circumſpect in Temporals. During his fitting in this See, the confirmed the Ordination of a Chantry in the Chapel of Chelneſcote by Thomas de Pakynton of Bayles, January the 4th 1334 (1) : and on the 6th Ides of February following, he confirmed the Appropriation of the Church of Longdon to the Abbot and: Coni- vent of Weſtminſter, and ordained the Vicaridge there (m). In 1335, he viſited his whole Dioceſe, and publickly preached in many Places (n). In 1336, May the 22d, he reſtored to his Prior and Convent the Manor of Croule, which had been formerly taken from them, and was then held of him in Capite , Ifor which they made him Partaker of all their Prayers, and ordered that the Day of his Death ſhould be inſerted in their Martyrology,"rand his Anniverſary to be kept with Maſs and Chant in their Choir (0). This ſame Year,,, on Friday after, the Feaſt of St. Kenelm the Martyr, at the Deſire of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, he gave him the perpetual Advowſon of the Church of TIED : 200 sor*.lojne 231 () Mont. V. 1. f.11. a. ſee App. N.95396.libru anba(z) Ib. f. 13. aune ab () Ib. f, 19. : pou) Ib. V. 2. f. 25. b. (n) V. 2. f. 45, 48. 15 (Mont. V. 20 f. 19,-20.001, cartean 500 Stretford, Bishops of WORCESTER. Stretfond, of which he was Patron, and appropriated it to the Chapd of St. Thomas the Martyr, founded by him when Biſhop of Winchetter : and dat his Church might not ſuffer by this Grant, the faid Arch-, biſhop gave to him and his Succeflors one Meſluage, one Carucate of : Land 109: Rent, with its Appertenances, in Perſelep Øjoue near Damptons of the yearly Value of ten Marks ; land Robert de Stretford, his Brother, Archdeacon of Canterbury, gave one Piece of Meadow, feventeen Selions of Paſture in the bomme, one Meffuage in Derelireer, another in bopitect, and a third, with two Shops, in Chircheftreet, Lands formerly belonging to the Biſhop's Table, and had been aliena- céd by Walter-de Maydenfione fp). His Ordinations were frequent and very large, particularly at ambresley, on the 4th Ides of June 1335, where were ordained by him Accolytes 251, Subdeacons 115, Dear cons 133, Prieſts 22, in all 521 (9). And again, in his Cathedral Church the 9th of April 1337, he ordained Accolytes 391, Subdeacons 180, Deacons 154, Prieſts 124, in alP 849 (r). But a little before this laſt Or- dination, Pope Benedict XII. had tranſlated him to ely, and gave this to T HOMAS H'E MENHALE or E MEN HAL E (5), ſo called from the Place of his Nativity, a Village about ſeven Miles. South from Norwich, in which City he was a Monk; and, upon che Death of Wil llam Ayremin, choſen by his fellow Monks to be their Biſhop, and was then at the Pope's Court ſoliciting the Confirmation thereof. But in- ſtead of Pozkich the Pope gave him (Worceſter, and he was conſecrated by him at Qvinion, from whence he ſent a Commiſſion to Wolfian Prior , and Mr. Stephen de Kettlebury, and Mr. Andrew de Offörd, to be his Vi- cars Generals during his ſtay in foreign Parts, dated there the 3d of April 1337 (0). He came not back to England till July, on the 6th' Day of which Month, , being the Eve of the Tranſlation of St. Thomas the Martyr, before the High Altar of the Cathedral Church of Cartterbury, he made his folemn Profeſſion of Obedience to his - ) Mont. V r. [ 50. and following Leaves ; Lib. Alb. Ep. Wig. f. 124. (a) Ibid. 1, 41, &G ( 16. f. 50, &C ( Reg. Sed. Vac. f. 147. b. (1) Hem. 16, M m 2 Metro- 176 ^ " An Account of the nera Metropolitan (u). From thence he came to London, where on the joth of the ſame Month, he made Simon de Crompe Sacrift (x). On the 5th of Auguſt, Robert de Stretford, Archdeacon of Canterbury, commiſſion'd Mr. Henry Cocham, Clerk, in his ſtead to inthronize him, but when he was ſo is not ſaid; nor any thing farther very remarkable of him do I find, but that at a publick Ordination at Teukesbury, on the 8th Ides of June 1338, there were ordained by him Accolytes 204, Subdeacons 141, Deacons 117, Prieſts 149; in all 613. He died at his Caſtle of øertlebury on St. Thomas's Day December 21, 1338, and was buried in his Cathedral Church on the Feaſt of St. John the Apoſtle and Evangeliſt following (y). On the 24th before he was buried, the Prior and Convent ſent Simon de Crompe Sacriſt, and William de Bera gavenny, another of their Monks, to notify his Death to the King, and to beg Leave to chooſe another (2); which having obtained, on the Monday after the Feaſt of the Circumcifon, they choſe 20 door WOLSTAN de BRAUNS FORD their Prior (a), and after having been ſupplied with Biſhops for ſeven Succeſſions by the Pope's Provi- ſions, they at this Time recovered their Right, and his Election was confirmed by Robert Biſhop of Chicheffer, Vicar General of John Arch- biſhop of Canterbury then in remote Parts, on the 13th Kalends of April; and the next Day being Palm Sunday, he was conſecrated by him in the Cathedral Church there; and on the Sunday following being Eaſter Day, he was by Bernard Sifre Archdeacon of Canterbury, fo- lemnly inthronized in his Cathedral Church (6). He was old and in- firm when he came to this See ; for in the next Year, on Auguſt the 2 gth 1339, being ſummoned to the Parliament that was to be held at Tieftminſter after Michaelmas, he ſent a Letter to his Majeſty to defire him to excuſe his attendance upon the Account of his many Infirmities, which the King graciouſly granted; and upon the Biſhop's promiſing of him to celebrate in Perſon, as long as he lived and was able, the An- (u) Angl. Sac. P. 1. P. 534. (v) Hem, f. 10. a. a) Ib. f. 153 () Wolt. V. 1. f. 3. 6) Reg. Sed. Vac. f. 145. () Ibid. niverſary Bishops of WORCEST ER. 177 niverſary of his Father in the Abbey Church of St. Peter in Glauceller, by his Brief dated the 21ſt of June, 1340, he granted for himſelf and his Heirs, that he ſhould be excuſed from coming to Parliament during his. Life. And by another Brief in the Year 1342, confirmed the famie (c). On the 28th of June 1340, the King notified to him the great Naval Victory he had obtained over the French, commanding him to reu turn Thanks to God for the ſame, and to offer up Prayers to Him for the happy Progreſs of his Arms. Upon which he enjoined the Arch- deacons of his Dioceſe, to ſtir up the Clergy and People in all their Churches, to celebrate Maſſes, to make folemn Prayers and Proceſſions for the Proſperity of the King and his Army; and to all ſuch as did for he granted forty Days Indulgence, dared at Blockkeley on the 12th of Yuly 1340 (d). During his fitting in this See, he appropriated the Moyetie of the Church of Požton Daubeney to the Hoſpital of St. John Warwick, on the 8th Ides of June 1339 (e); Caneworth to the Priory of Bartoke on the 17th of June 1340 (); ggon Cantelow to the ſame on the 4th of Oaober 1345 (8); and the Church of Yerdeley in Wo:- ceſterſhire to the fame Priory, on the 22d of June 1347 (). The Church of Campden he appropriated to the Monaſtery of St. Werburge in Cheller, on the roth of July 1340, to make them amends for the Loſs of thirty Carucates of Land overflowed by the Sea, and irreco- verably loſt, which before brought them in One Hundred Pounds yearly (6). Badmynton Magna to the Abbot and Convent of Littleſhull in the Dioceſe of Litchfield and Coventry, on the 4th of September 1342 (b). And Clent with the Chapel of Rowley, to the Abbot and Convent of Hales Owen, on the laſt Day of May 1344 (). As he appropriated the forego- ing Churches, ſo he confirmed the following Chantrys; that of the Bleſſed Virgin Mary in the Church of Side ; that in the Chapel of St. Katharine de Cambrugge; that in the Chapel of St. Maurice de Newport for two Chaplains ; and that in the Chapel of St. John Baptiſt de Worteleye ; . .: Ibid. See Append. N. 97, 98. f. 7. a Ibid. f. 39. (4) Ib. f. 53. Ib. f. 83. (4) Ibid. V. 1. f. 154. fee Append. N. 99 () Ibid. f. 91. (6) Ib. f. 105. () Ib. f. 41, all 178 -SIH T? An Account of the o h 21 € 8 all of them founded by William de Syde, and all four confirmed on the fame Day, July the roth 1343 (m). ** The Chantry founded by Sir ! Thomas de Berkeley, in the Chapel of St. James de Overé, on the ad of June 1345 (n); that of Cubberley for three Chaplains, by Thomas | de Berkeley of Cubberley, on the 4th of September 1347 (6); that of the Bleſſed Virgin Mary, in the Chapel of the Monaſtery of Cirenceſter, 1 on the nth of October 1346, founded by William de Hereward (1); the Chantry of St. Katharine's Chapel in the Church of Campden, found- ed by one Gondevil in the Year 13,47 () ; that of Adam de Herwinton's for two Chantry Prieſts, in the Conventual Church of Perſhore on Palm Sunday, on the 9th of April 1346 (-); that founded by Thomas Lord Berkeley in the Abbey Church of St. Auguſtins Briſtol, on the 27th of April 1348 (5) ; that in the Church of Comerton founded by John de la Rivere Lord of Commerton, for a Warden, four Chaplains, two Clerks, one of them to be a Deacon, and the other a Subdeacon, and three Choriſters, daily to ſing three Maffes for the Health of his Soul, &c. and he at the ſame Time united the Parſonage of Aston Turvile to that of Commerton, appropriating the Revenues of it to the Uſe of the aforeſaid Wardens, Chaplains, and Choriſters, đated the iſt of May 1340 (1). In 1345, he was ſummoned to appear in Perſon before the Pope, having been accuſed by John Bodemon and Thomas Dunclent, and their Accomplices, of Diſobedience to the Holy See; but by Letters dated the 20th of June to the Pope, W. Biſhop of Hoywich, John de Offord Dean of Lincoln, and Brother Thomas de Iſle, the King deſired he might be excuſed from coming in Perſon; for that if he artempted it , he would die by the Way, and that he might be allowed to anſwer by Proxy; - commending him for a juſt, pious, honeſt, fincere Man, to God and the Holy See, always devout and obedient (u). He lived not many Years after, for he died at Hertlebury on the 6th of Auguſt 1349 (*). 2SC 126. [:) (m) Wolft. f. 76, 77, 78, 79. , (2) Ib. f. 88. () Ib. f. 106, 107, 108, 109. (D) Ib. f. 110. (9) lb. f. 121. (r) Ib. f. 121, 122, &c. () . f. 125 (t) Ib. f. 165, 166 () Rymer Foed. T. 5. f. 438439. ſee AppendN. 100 101. (x) Memorandum quod ſexto Die Menſis Aug. A. D. McccxLix, Indictione ſecunda Pontificis Dom. Clementis Pap. V. Anno Octavo, apud Hertlebure in Caftro venerabilis Pater Dom. Wolftanus, Dei gratia Wygorn. Epiſcopus diem fuum clauſit extremum. Wolt. Vol. 2. 'f. ultimo. Whilst Bis H O P of WORCESTE R. . 179 Whilft Prior, Anno Dom. 1320, he built the great Hall adjoining to the Prvor's Houſe, now the Deanery, called Quefton ball, where they eni- tertained their Gueſts, and kept a monthly Court called Suction ball Court ; it i having been an ancient Cuſtom, that the Tenants of the Church of ttlaxieſter might not fue one another for any Action under 40s, but in this Court, and was diſuſed a little before the Civil Wars, becauſe theSteward found it not worth his while to continue it. He is alſo ſaid to have built the Bridge over Ceme at Braunsfold, the Place of bis Nativity, a Wo Miles from Worceſter. Upon the Death of Bi- fhop Wolfan, the Monks choſe John de Eveſham their Prior, but by Vifte of the Pope's Bull dated September the 4th, 1349, fucceeded JOHN de THOR IS BY or Thursby, removed from St. Davids hither; - The Spiritualities; were committed to bim by the Archbiſhop on January the 2d; and on the 4th of the ſame Monch, being hindred by the Publick Affairs of the Kingdom from going down to his Dio- ceſe, he deputed Mr. William de Fenton, and Mr. John de Irford, in his Name and Stead to take poſſeſſion of the Spiritualities and all be- longing thereto, and to receive the canonical Obedience of all his $6b- je&ts, and to exerciſe all ſpiritual Jurifdiâion (). Upon his coming to this Bifhóprick, he ſued. Richard de Bromwich, Thomas atte. Multe, and Yohn de Wicb, Executors to his Predeceſſors and recovered in the Artli biſhop's Court a Thouſand Marks for Dilapidations, and One Hundred Pounds for Stock, which he ſhould have left on the Manors of the Bi- Labase oni 10 dadi ono Dirbyn yra aid thoprick: Six Hundred and Fifty Marks of which were paid into the Hands of Geofry de Thoresby for the Uſe of the Biſhop, on the 18th of April 13 50, and the Remainder on the third of December following (2) This Year he was made High Chancellor of England, and the Great Seal was delivered to him on June the i'óth (@). On the 2oth of Oiloa ber he ordained the Vicaridge of Newbold Pacy, which Church had nom been then lately appropriated by the Pope to Queen's Colledge in Dyfoid (6), DUVIDAB choras SLW book 291 10 Thopisby f, this (2) Ib.f. 4. a. 8. b.& 16. b. niki, . (a) Ang. sac. P. 1-1.535. (b) Thor. f. 15. com alior lo rsrud ante sa and 903 0180 Ta An Account of the heid and on the 25th of February, he appropriated the Church of Honytone in Tarwickfhire, to the Prior and Convent of the Cathedral Church of Coventry (c). He went not down to his Dioceſe till 1351, and was there inthronized on Monday the 12th of September, by Mr. John de Lech, Official of the Court of Conterbury, by Deputation from Hugh Pelegrin the Pope's Nuncio, and Proctor of Cardinal Peter Arch- deacon thereof (d). The next Year, upon the Death of William de Zouche, the Chapter of Volk unanimouſly choſe him to ſucceed in that Archbiſhoprick, and they did it by way of Poftulation to the Pope. Gilbert de Weſton, one of their Canons, they ſent to acquaint him with it, and upon hearing of it, by Letters he returned them his hearty Thanks for the great Favour they had done him, and for the good Opinion they had of him, when they had ſo many more learned Members of their own, and much better and fitter to be preferred be- fore him (e); dated at London the 6th of September 1352. And'ano- ther Letter he ſent to the Pope, telling him, that he wanted Words to expreſs the grateful Senſe he had of the many Kindneſſes he had ſhewn to him, in preferring him firſt to St. Davids, and then to Tulouceſter ; and in the preſent Caſe, wholly ſubmitting himſelf to his Will, to act herein as he and the Apoſtolical See ſhould think fitting: hoping, that out of his innate Goodneſs and Liberality, he would add this to his for- mer Favours, which he begged but not preſumed upon (f). And this was granted by his Proviſory Bull dated the 16th of the Calends of November fent to the King, taking no notice of any Election or Poſtu- lation of the Chapter of York (8). He was brought up in Drfold, where he was very much eſteemed for his Learning, being a great Di- vine, and a very good Canoniſt. He was Prebend of Lincoln, and Ma- fter of the Rolls (b), before he was preferred to the Biſhoprick of St. Davids. He wrote divers Things both in Engliſh and Latin; amongſt (c) Thor. f. 19. b. (d) Ib. f. 26. a. (1) Ib, f. 45. fee Append. N. 102. ***0) Íbid. fee Append. N. 103. (8) Rym. Fæd. T. 5. p. 744. fee Append. N. 1040-T (b) Br. Willis in his Survey of York Cathedral ROBIN the Bishops of WoroEST E R. 87 10 the reſt he publiſhed an Expoſition upon the 'Ten Commandments in his Mother Tongue, which he required all the Clergymen in his Dioceſe to tead diligently unto their Pariſhioners. This Work Biſhop Godwin fays he bad, and kepe as a Monument worthy to be efteeined. To him fucceeded REGINALD BRIAN, trannated from St. Dauid's hither, by the fame Authority as his Predeceſſor was to that of Pork, the Pope's Pro viſory Bull bearing Date at Avinton five Days after that of Tborisby's, viz, on the tith Cal. of November 1352. He made his Profeflion of Subje&tion to the Archbiſhop at Lambeth, April 7, 1353, and then received the Spiritualities from him, together with a Mandate to the Prior and Convent, fuperſeding his Commiſſion granted them to exer- ciſe Spiritual Juriſdi&tion ſede Vacante (). In June following, he made the Abbot of Cewkesbury his Vicar General (k). His Ordinations were many, but nothing nigh fo large for Number as thoſe of his Pre- deceffers. 25 July 1356, he confirmed the Ordination of his Chan- try of John Serjeant junior, in the Chapel of All Saints in Stone, within the Pariſh of the Bleſſed Virgin of Berkeley, endoived by him with Nine Meſſuages, 24 Acres of Land, 6 Acres of Meadow, 2 s. id. Reht in Dampton, Dull, Aikrinton, and Camme (1). On the 16th of April 1359, he appropriated the other Moytie of the Church of Mortor Daubeny to the Hoſpital of St. John Baptif in Warwick (w). In 3360, he confirmed Sir Thomas de Berkeley's Chantry for three Prieſts in the Church of St. Gyles in Cubberley (n). On the 23d of July 1361, he confirmed two Chantries more founded by Richard de Stafford, Kt. in the Chapel of Sr. Katherine the Virgin in Campden (0) ; and on the 2d of Auguf following, he appropriated the Church of Camme to the Abbot and Convent of St. Peters in Glouceſter, reſerving yearly 20 Marks Sterling to the Vicar, and an annual Penſion of 15 s. to the . (0) Rym. Fæd. Tom. 5» f. 745. fee Append. N. 105* () Ang, Sac. P. 1 p.s. * (0) Brian () Ibid. 1.91 (n) Ibid. f. 97, 98, 99, () ibid. f. 196. Biſhop N n . 182 TIT An Account of the seco Biſhop of Worceſter, and one Mark to the Prior and Chapter (P). This Year he was tranſlated by Pope Innocent VI. to the See of Ely, but died of the Plague at Aivechirche December the roth, 1361, before he had accepted of it (2). He lies buried in a little Chapel called Jeſus Chapel, on the North-ſide of the Body of the Church, as appears from his Arms on a fair Tomb cloſe to the North Wall, ſtill remain- ing, viz. three Piles Azure in a golden Shield (r). The Monks foon gave Notice to the King of Biſhop Brian's Death, for on the 14th of December they obtained his Licenſe to chooſe another, but John Barnet ſucceeded by Virtue of the Pope's Proviſory Bull which he made at the ſame Time that he removed Brian to Ely (); and upon his ſending Word thereof to the King, he revoked the Li- cenſe he had granted to the Prior and Convent (t). He was Chaplain to Thomas de L'Iſle Biſhop of Ely, who gave him the Rectory of Ders ham in the Year 1351. He was afterwards Reſidentiary Canon of St. Paul's, Archdeacon of London, and at length of Eler, from whence he was promoted to this See. He received the Spiritualities from the Archbiſhop March the 4th; 1 and his Regiſter begins March the 6th. On the 20th, he made William Thingull Rector of Ripple, and Dean of the Arches, his Vicar General. • On the 13th of July 1362, Raymund Pelegrini, Proctor of Peter Cardinal Deacon of St. Mary Newcburch in Rome, and Archdeacon of Canterbury, in his Name commiffioned the Abbots of Glouceſter, Tewkesbury, and Winchcomb, to inthrone him ; which Office Walter Abbot of Winchcomb performed on September the 18th, being the Sunday before the Feaſt of St. Mat- ther the Apoſtle (u) On September the 23d, following the Example of other Dioceſes, to the Praiſe and Honour of Almighty God, and the Bleſſed Virgin, and St. Oſwald and St. Wolſian, and All Saints, he or- dained, that in all the Parochial Churches throughout his Dioceſe, the Prieſt every Sunday, after Sprinkling of the Holy Water, ſhould injoin OP o Istitute Ifr: MD OLL 03 oj go on (0) Brian, f. 35. (2) Ang. Sac. P. 1. f. 535. (r) Brian, fert in ſcuto aureo tres pilas azure- as, Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 662. (s) Reg. Sede Vac. f. 111. (+) Ibid. fee App. N. 106. (u) Barnet, f. 10, 11. Qe med bt re . the a 11 Bishops of WORCESTER. 182 the People to kneel and to pray for the Brethren and Sisters and Benefactors of his Cathedral Church, and of the Fabrick thereof, ſaying, a Pater Nofter, an Ave Maria, and ſome other Collects; and to all chat ſhould do this, or ſhould give any thing to the Fabrick or Confrairie of the ſaid Church, he granted forty Days Indulgences (x). This Year be was made Treaſurer of England, and in the next, on Novenber, the 24th he was tranſlated to the See of Bath and Wells, and from thence in the Year 1366 to Cly (). He quitted not this Biſhoprick till March, for from the firſt Day of April 1364, the Spiritualities remained in the Hands of the Prior till the ad Day of July (2). Alons ga WILLIAM WITTLE S EY ſucceeded him, trandated by the Pope's Bull from the See of Rocheffer to this of Utlouceſtea fome time in March, Birchington ſays on the 6th, 1363, to which Tranſlation he confented on the 6th of April, 1364 (a). On the 26th of June he made John de Swynebeved, L.L.B. his Vicar General, to whom a Commiſſion was ſent by Raymund Pelegrini, Proctor of Cardinal Peler Archdeacon of Canterbury, to inthronize the Biſhop (b), it was dated the 14th of February 1364, and he executed it on Sunday che uth of May 1365 (c). On the sth Kal. of Auguſt 1367, he made the Chapel of Tenley in artern, a diſtinct Pariſh Church from Wotten Wawen, Burials excepted. He was Siſter's Son of Simon Iſip Archbiſhop of Canterbury, educated in the Univerſity of Cambridge, Maſter of Peter Houſe there in 1349, to which, at his Death, he left his Library. From the Univerſity, he was ſent by his Uncle to the Pope's Court as his Proctor'; afterwards he was his Vicar General and Oficial; after that Dean of the Court of Arches, Archdeacon of huntingdon, and Rector of the Churches of Croydon and Cliff: from whence he was pro- moted to Rocheſter, where he fate three Years, and having been Bi- nij o 101 3330 * Onu Cobo od od 20 (*) Barn, f. 19 fee Append. N. 107 () Pat. 37. E. 3. p. 1. m. 27. Ang. Sac. P. I. () Reg. Sede Vac. f. 118. a. (a) Willm. Dei & Apettolice Sedis gratiá neper Epiſcopus Roffenfis, jam ad Ecclefiam Wygorn, tranſlatus, huic tranſlationi expreflè conſentiens, &c. feci Petrum de Hakeneſs Procuratorem meum in Curia Romana 6 April. 1364. (6) Wittl, f. 2, b. (4 Ib, f. 171 ſhop bass100 P. 535. Godwin Nn 2 184 ar An Account of the aid fhop here for four more, he was tranſlated to Canterbury on O&tober the 11th 1368 (d), leaving this to ID ka B WILLIAM Lynn. He was tranſlated from Chicheſter hither by Pope Urban V, October the rith 1368, the ſame Day that he promoted Wittleſey to Canterbury. He received the Spiritualities from the Arch- biſhop on May the 3 iſt, 1369 ; and on the 4th of June the Tempo- ralities of the King (*e). On the 4th of July he ſent a Commiſſion to Robert de Weſton Monk and Sacriſt, impowering him to give Inſtitution to all Benefices, Dated at aiding boury, in the Dioceſe of Chicheſter (e). On February the 17th 1371, he made the Chapel of St. John in Bed: warbine the Parochial Church, and ordered that of Wyke to be pulled down, St. John's being much more commodious for the Pariſhioners on many Accounts than the other (f). He died November the 18th 1373, having been taken with an Apoplectick Fit as he was getting on Horſe- back to go to Parliament, which he could not get over (8). On No- vember the 28th, the King granted Licence to the Prior and Convent to chooſe another, and on December the 7th, they choſe Walter Leigh their Prior, to which the King gave his Conſent on the 24th of the ſame Month (b); but Pope Gregory II. by his Bull dated at Ponte Dogge in the Dioceſe of abignion on the 2d Ides of September, in the fifth Year of his Pontificate, 1375, conſtituted nos re Henry WAKEFIELD to be their Biſhop, in which he is ſaid to be Archdeacon of Canterbury, in Prieſts Orders, having a very fair Character. for the Honeſty of his Life and Morals, in Spirituals provi- dent, in Temporals circumſpect, and adorned with many other Vir- tues (i). This Bull was delivered to him September the 12th, and he made his Profeſſion of Canonical Obedience to the Archbiſhop at Lam beth O&tober the 3d, on which Day he ſent a Letter to the Prior, com- manding the Spiritualities to be delivered up unto him (k). He was ves (d) Antiq. Brit. f. 253. Wittleſey, f. 2. b. (*e) Rym. Fæd. T. 6. p.596, 597. fee App. N. 108 (e) Lyn, f. 1. (f) Ibid. f. 33. (f) Ang. Sac. P. i.p. 535. (9) Reg. Sed. Vac. f. 164. a. ) Wakf, f. 1. v(4) Reg. Sede Vac. f. 198. conſecrated Bis Hops of WORCES T E R. 185 0 Argl Sac. P. 1. f. 535. Wale. 1. Ibid: 64. 1. C. 8. confecrated in the Biſhop of Cly's Chapel at Hatfield by the Biſhops of Ely, Rocheſter, and boreion, on Oftober the 28th, being St. Simon and Jude's Day (7), and was inthronized on Sunday the laſt Day but one of March=1376, by Walter Prior, and Robert de la More Official, commif fioned thereto by Guillerm Archbiſhop of Raven the Pope's Nuntio, and Vicár General of Ademar de Rupe Archdeacon of Canterbury, then in foreign Parts (m). Before this, on the 14th of February 1375, he confirmed the Ordination of the Chantry of John de Blockley, founded by him to the Honour of the Virgin Mary in the Church of Blocke lep (u). On July 12, 1376, he united the Priory of bodiey, with the Churches of badley and Tihitenhurſt, to the Priory of Buton of the Order of St. Auguſtin in the Dioceſe of Bath and Tdiells (0). On January the urth, 1377, he was made High Treaſurer of England He appropriated the Church of @byghton to the Abbot and Convent of paytlespet of the Ciſtercian Order in the Dioceſe of Lincolu, on the 8th of May 1380, and this he did at the Requeſt of William la Such de Haryngworth Knight, Patron of the ſaid Church, and of the Duke of Lancalier King of Cnttile and Leon, reſerying to himſelf and Succeſſors an annual Penſion of 13 s. and 4 d. the ſame to the Prior and Chapter. and 1s. and 4.d to the Archdeacon of Glouceffer (p). This Year he finiſhed his Addition of two Arches to the Weſt End of his Cathedral Church, and in the Year 1386, the large North Parch of the fame. The Church of Cappntan he appropriated to the Abbot and Convenç of Hailes in Glouceſterſhire, on September the 15th (9) and Stoke Prior to his own Prior and Convent on the iſt of December 1389, to augmene the Salary of their Chamberlain, whoſe Office it was to provide deceng and neceſſary Cloaths and Shoes, &c. for the Monks (C). During his Grring in this Ses, the Archbiſhop of Canterbury came and viſited this Dioceſe. The Biſhop, with his Clergy, very honourably received him on Wedneſday Oétober the 12th, 1384, about the Hour of Veſpers, . f. (mmIbid. f. (n) Ib, f. 7. (P) Ibid f. 134. b. 116 () f. 186 42 An Account of the Home and with a ſolemn Proceſſion conducted him to the High Altar, where he ſaid the uſual Prayers, and that Evening and the next Day he magnifi- cently treated him at his own Expence (s). The Occaſion of this Viſita- tion was the increaſe of the Lollards, and the ſpreading of the Doctrines of Wicliff; againſt whom on the firſt of Auguſt 1387, our Biſhop fent out a ſtrie Mandate, injoining all his Clergy not to ſuffer any of them to preach in his Dioceſe, and particularly by Name, N. Hereford, J. Afhton, 7. Perney, y. Parker, and Robert Swynderby, and forbidding all the Laity upon Pain of the Cenſures of the Church to go to hear them, or give them the leaſt Incouragement. He had a Controverſy with his Prior John Green about the Uſe of the Mitre, Ring, Gloves, Paſtoral Staff , Tunick, and Dalmatick; which Epiſcopal Ornaments had been firſt granted by Pope Clement VI. on January the 8th 1350-1, to Prior John de Eveſham, and confirmed by Urban V. in 1363, but now inlarged by Pope Boniface, which the Biſhop would not allow of. The Archbiſhop intervening and exhorting the Prior to ſubmir, it was thus ended on the 13th of November 1391. That the Prior might wear in his Preſence his Mitre fringed with Gold, but without Gems and pre- cious Stones, as alſo his Ring, but no Paſtoral Staff. In his abſence, the Biſhop did allow that for the Honour of God, and the bleſſed Kir- gin Mary, and the Church of Wioxcetter, he might wear his Mitre adorned with precious Stones, his Ring, his Gloves, his Tunick, his Dal- matick, and give his Bleffing at Maſs and at Table. And that he might carry his Paſtoral Staff; upon condition that it ſhould be much ſhorter than his, painted with only two Colours white and blue, without any gold Colour, or ſet with any Gems or Pearls (t). One thing more I find he did, that whereas his Predeceſſors had ſeveral Privileges grant- ed them in their Wood at Fladbury, and the affart Lands within the Foreſt of Feckenham, but had been frequently diſturbed in the ſame, he got thein again confirmed by King Richard II. on February the 14th, () Wakf. f. 128. b. See App. N. 109. fee App. N. 110, 111. (9) Lib. Penſ, f. 51. a, Lib. Alb. f. 412. Wakf. f. 94. 1393, Bishop 8 of WORCEST E R. 187 . Patee .. 1. p. 536. Frant. Ang. Sac. poid(a) Rym. Feed. 197. p Sor. 1393, in the 17th Year of his Reign :(u). He died ar. Blakley on Marrb the rich 1394-5, as Biſhop Godwin has it, and not on the 3d, as Mr. Wharton afferrs from the Monk of Cvefhain, and the Collections of Hobr Jacolin (*); for in the Prior and Convent's Letrer to the Archbi- thop of Canterbury, notifying bis Deach, and defiring that the Spiritum alities might be granted to them, it is exprefly ſaid that he died on that Day Ul. He lies buried under a large Marble Stone, deſpoiled of its Braſs, not far from the Stone Pulpit, almoſt in che midſt of the cwo Arches which he had in his Lifetime added to the Weſt End of his Church * As ſoon as ever he was dead, the Prior and Convent fent up their Petition to the King for Licence to elect another Biſhop, dared the 12th of March 1394, which was granted thein on the 18th of April 1395 (-); but in the fame Regiſter, Sede vacante, there is no men- tion made of their proceeding to an Election, or that they choſe John Green their Prior, as Walſingham ſays they did. Certain it is that TIDEM AN de WINCH COMB was tranſlated hither from the See of Landati by Pope Boniface, whoſe Bull bears Date at St. Peter's in Rome, on the 4th Nones of June, in the 6th Year of his Pontificate, 4. D. 1395 (a). Wallingham ſays he was Phyſician to the King, and prornored to this See at his Requeſt, and that he was a Monks of the Ciſtercian Order (1); and anocher ſays he was of the Abbey of Hayles near tilncbcomo. Godwin tell us that he was Abbor of Beauli before he was made Biſhop of Landaff. He received not the Spiritu- alities of the Archbiſhop till the zift of Auguſt this Year 1395, on which Day his Mandate to the Prior, to deliver up the farne unto him, is dared (C), and his Regiſter begins on the 9th of September following. On the 26th of June 1397, he confirmed the Chantry founded by Ros Vert Walden of Tularivick in the Church of Credington (2). On the 3d of July 1398, the Prior of Lantbony, near Glouceſter, granted to him (#1 Wakf, l. 125. Lib. Alb. Ep. Wig, f. 119. (*) Angl. Sac. P. 3.1.536. (y) Reg. (*) Wakefeld bore for his Arms, Frette on a Canton, a Ciola (b) Walfingh. p. 352. Ed. (c) Reg. Sed. vac. f. 214. (d) Tidem, f. 1718. and $ 188 SATT An Account of the ad re and his Succeſſors an Annual Penſion, or rather three Annual Penſions, upon the Account of the Pope's having appropriated to his Priory the Churches of Payneſwick, Preſtbury, and St. Owen in Glouceſter, viz. from Paynefwick 13 s. and 4d. from Preſtbury 3 s. 4 d. and from St. Owen 3 s. 4 d. to be paid every Michaelmas in the Cathedral Church of Worceſter (e). On the 7th of March 1398-9, he appropriated the Church of Budbroke, and the Churches of St. Peter, St. Laurence, and St. Nicholas in Tarwick to the Collegiate Church there, reſerving an yearly Penſion from St. Nicholas of 13 s. 4 d. from Budbroke 6 s. 8 d. from St. Peter's 35. 4d. and from St. Laurence 3 s. 4 d. (f). And on the 12th of April 1401, he confirmed another Chantry founded in the Collegiate Church of the Virgin Mary at Wartośck, to the Honour of St. Anne, by the beforementioned Robert Walden (8). Biſhop Tidman died on the 13th of June 1401, and on the 15th, John Prior, with his Convent, ſent up to the King, John Duddeley S. T. P. and John Clyve their Precentor, to beg Leave to elect another, which was granted them the 20th of the ſame Month (b). On the 27th, the Prior and Convent met, and choſe by way of Inſpiration RICHARD CLIFFORD, Batchellor of Civil and Canon Law, Bi- ſhop elect of Bath and Wells, of excellent Morals, and adorned with a multitude of Virtues (i); and they ſent to him William Oufton their Pitanciary, and John Clyve to acquaint him with it, and deſire his Con- ſent; which after ſome time of Deliberation he gave with this Proviſo, if the Pope ſhould approve thereof. Whereupon they ſent forthwith to his Holineſs, humbly and earneſtly begging him to grant their Re- queſt, to confirm their Election, and to conſecrate Clifford to be their Biſhop (k). The King is alſo ſaid to have made Intereſt for him, though he had refuſed to deliver up to him the Temporals of Bath and Wells, becauſe he had accepted of the Pope's Proviſion without his (e) Tidem. f. 26. Ibid. f. 34. (8) Ibid. 58, 59. (6) Reg. Sed. vac. f. 217. Vite ac moris honeftate aliifq; probitatis & virtutum meritis multipliciter decoratum, ibid. () Reg Sed. vac. f. 217. Conſent Bishops of WorcẾŞT E R. 189 ܀ Confent. Boniface taking no notice of any Eleđtion, or of any In- tercefſion from either King or Convent, tranſlated him from Bath hi- ther by his Bull dated at St. Peter's in Rame on the 14th Kal. of Sep- tember 14013 and he received the fame September the 20th following (1). In the Beginning of October, he was conſecrated by Thomas Arundell Archbiſhop of Canterbury, who delivered the Spiritualities to him on the sth ar Tornam in the Dioceſe of London (m). And from hence it appears that Bale's Story of William de Badely, a Carmelite Friar, Confeffor to John of Gaunt Duke of Lancafler, being choſen Biſhop of this See is falſe (n). In the beginning of the Year 1402, he fummoned his Clergy of the Archdeaconry.of Worceſter to meet him in his Ca- thedral Church on the Day after the Feaſt of St. John Baptift, and the Clergy of 7 the Archdeaconty of Glouceſter, to attend on him in the Church of St. Mary before the Abbey Gate there, on Friday, the Day after the Feast of St Peter and Paul, in order to treat with them about urgent and neceffary Affairs (0) ; but before the Time came, he was fego away by the King ro Øermany, to treat with the Emperor about a Marriage between his Son and Lady Blanch the King's eldeſt Daugh- ter (P), and perceiving that he could not return back time enough to ineet his Clergy at the Times appointed, at Ipſwich, June the sth, he commiſſioned John Prior of lozceffer, Gilbert Stone his Vicar Gene- ral, and William Forſter his Commiſſary General, with others, to meer them at Udloxeltet, and Walter and William Abbots of Glouceſter and Wilmithcomit, with his Vicar General, to do the ſame ar Wlonecdtex, there to act and preſide in his Name, and to demand of them a Sub- dy (a), which I find they granted, viz. Twelvepence out of every Marka according to the true Value of their Benefices, one half to be paid at the Feaſt of St. Michael the Archangel, and the other at Lady Day following (r). He came back to London from his Embaſſy on fwly the 29th, but went not down to his Biſhoprick till February, on the 4th of 12 Cliff, f. 1. {m} Reg. Sed. vaç f. 226. a. (1) Reg. Sed. vaç f. 226. a. (w) Ang. Sac! P. 1. p. 536. q Chf, F, 8 19] Ibid. f. 8. d (1) Ibid. f. 57. I borro? (*) ba Oo which : 190 99T An Account of the hai & daje o which Month he was folemnly inchronized (s). This Richard Clifford was King Richard's Chaplain, in great favour with him, and therefore baniſhed his Court by the Rebellious Barons. He was alſo Archdeacon of Canterbury when promoted by Pope Boniface to Bath and Wells (t). He face in this See from the 19th of Auguft 1401, otill near the mid. dle of October 1407. Godwin fays till the 13th, when he was tranſla- ted to Londin, and was fucceeded by a THOMAS PEVER EL L, a Gentleman deſcended of a noble Fami ly in Suffolk, brought up at Drford, where he proceeded Doctor of Di vinicy, a Friar of the Order of the Carmelites, made Biſhop of Offery in Ireland by King Richard II. in 1398, removed to Landaff 1399, and from thence, by the Pope's Bull, hither (u). The Archbiſhop's Grant to the Prior of exerciſing Spiritual Juriſdiction during the Vacancy of the See, bears Date at Gloucelier, on Oktober the zoch, 1407, and on the 20th of November following, he made his Profeſfion of Canonical Obedience to the Archbiſhop, from whom he received a Mandate to the Prior to deliver up the Spiritualities to him (*); and on the ſame Day he received of the King the Temporalities (6). On the oth of June 1414, he ordained the Chapel of Wethele to be dependent of the Church of Kinwarton, Warwickſhire, and that the Inhabitants of that Village ſhould, at their own proper Cofts and Charges, find a Perſon to officiate and adminiſter the Sacraments to them, to whom the Rectors of Kinwarton ſhould pay yearly 266. 8 d. (y). On O&tober the 28th fol. lowing, he confirmed the Ordination of a Chantry founded by Dame Alice Stury, Patroneſs of the Church of Hampton Lovet, and Lady of the Manor, for two Chaplains, one at the Altar of St. John Baptif, and the other at the Altar of St. Anne, in the Chapel of St. Anne 'ad- joining to the North Side of the faid Parochial Church (2) tember 26, 1416, upon his appropriating the Pariſh Church of Queinton, o awon 100 10197 300 0100 On Sep- () Cliff, f. 54 b. fee Append. N. 112. Ang. Sac. P. 1. f. 536. (x) Godwin. Angl. Saç. P. 1. f. 536.(x) Reg. Sede vac f. 227, 228. (x) Reg. Sede vac f. 227, 228. (*) Rym. Fæd. T. vúi. Ip. 593. fee Append. N. 113 () Peverell, f. 66. a. bic (2) Ibid. f. BLOG Olou- Bishops of WORCESTE R. 191 Olouceſterflirt, to the Abbeſs and Nunnery of Pollefworth of the Or der of St. Benedict, Warwickſhire, they granted to him, and his Suè- ceffors, an annual Penſion of 13's. 4 d. On the 17th of June 1408, King Henry IV. granted him Licenſe to cut down, and fell our of his own Woods within his Foreſt of Seckenham, as many Oaks as would amount to 200 Marks, to enable him to repair che Manor Houſes of his Biſhoprick, which he found in many places ruinous (a). On the i2th of July 1412, he lent the King the Sum of 200 Marks to enable him to recover his Rights in Aquitain and foreign Parts , and had affiger ed over to him for his Security that part of half a Tenth granted to him by the Clergy, which ſhould ariſe in his Dioceſe, and ordered it to be paid him by his Colle&ors thus, our of his own Spiritualities and Temporalitles 26 l. 2s. 3 d. ob. cuc of the Archdeaconry of Glouceſter $3 k 12 s. 2 d. o6, and our of the Archdeaconry of Woccetter 53 l. 12 5. 2 d. 06). Having fate in this See above eleven Years, he died at his Manor of Demburp in Sallo Mariſco, March 2, 1418, and was buried in clie Church of the Carmelites, juxta Univerſitatem Oxon, for fo it is ex- prelly ſaid in the Prior and Convent's Inſtrument of their Election and notifying the ſame co Pope Martin V. (). Prior Fordbam's Letter to the Archbiſhop defiring the Adminiſtration of the Spiritualities, was dated March the 5th, their Letter to the King for the Conge d'Eflire, March the oth, which was accordingly granted them March the 2 sch, the King being chen at Eureur in floumandy (d). On Monday, April the 24th, 1419. the Prior and Chapter mer, and choſe by way of Ira- Spiration Odlo to od PHILIP MORGAN, of the Dioceſe of Sc. David's, Doctor of Civil and Canon Law, and Chancellor of Normandy; and on the 26th, they fent Richard Lanrake, a Notary Publick, to notify this their Ele&tion to the Pope, and to beg his Conſent, and that he would be pleaſed to confirm the ſame (e). * His Bull preferring him Menu we (4) Kym. Fod. T. viii. p. 535. fee Append. N. 114. (b) Tbia, p. 767. fee Append. N. ing () Reg Sed, vac. f. 242. (4) Ib. f. 229. (e) Ib. f. 240, 241. lee Append. N. 116, 117. Oo 2 "We 192 si An Account of the y: 18 to this See, was dated June the 19th 1419, and on December 3, he was conſecrated in the Cathedral Church of Roan. Soon after he made his Profeſſion of Canonical Obedience to the Archbiſhop by his Proctor, and then received the Spiritualities ; as to the Temporalities, they had been granted to David Pryſe Canon of Lincoln, and William Hertland, who retained them in their Hands till the 18th of Oétober, when the Duke of Bedford, Regent of the Kingdom, ordered them to be deli- vered up, and the ſaid Pryſe and Hertland to pay into his Majeſty's Ex- chequer 40 Marks for the Time they had had them in their Cuſtody (f ). Whilft he was in Nomandy, the King deputed him to treat with the Embaſſador of Lewis che Dauphin of france at Alencon about Peace. He bore for his Arms three Spears Heads Argent, tinged with Gules in a Field Sable (8). On the 3d of the Calends of March 1425, Pope Martin the Vth tranſlated him to Ely, and at the ſame Time, THOMAS POLTON from Chicheſter to this See. He was firſt . made Biſhop of Hercfozd in 1420, where having fate only fifteen Months, he was removed to Chicheſter. He received from the King the Temporalities of this See at Leyceter May the 2d 1426, in the Preſence of the Dukes of Bedford and Exeter, and the Lord Archbiſhop of Pozk then Chancellor of England, with many others (b), and the Spiritualities he had before received of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, to whom he made his Profeſſion of Canonical Obedience on April the 26th (i). On May the 29th, he conſtituted Richard Elys, Batchelor of Canon Law, his Official (k). Having ſummoned his Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Worceller, to meet him in his Cathedral Church Sep- tember the 2d, and that of the Archdea conry of Glouceſter on Septem- ber the 18th, 1427. being hindred by urgent Affairs, he commiſſioned John, Prior of Woz:efter ; William, Abbot of Perſhore ; John Hody, Chancellor of Wels; and Thomas Mordon, his Commiſſary General, to meet the Firſt: and John, Abbot of Glouceſter ; and John, Prior of 3 c) Rym. Fød. T. ix. p. 80. ſee Append. N. 118. Hift. Elyenfi. (b) Polt. I. 1. a. () Angl. Sac. P. 1. p. 537. 0.0 (8) Angl. Sac. P. 1. p. 668, in (6) Polt. f. 3. a Lanthony Bishops of WORCEST ER. 193 . Lanthony; with Hody and Mordon, to meet the other, and there in his Náme, to aở and preſide, and to defire a Subſidy, which was granted him, viz. One Shilling in the Pound, according to the true Value of their Livings (). Diſputes having roſe between the Warden of the Co- lege of Stratford upon avon, and the Maſter' of Holy Croſs there, he ended the fame September the 27th 1430, ordering that Holy Croſs thould pay Tithe to the ſaid Collegiate Church, and four times in the Year attend there in their proper Habits, and make their Offerings, and ſhould pay yearly 4 . at the Feaſt of the Dedication of the ſaid Church, in token of their Subjeđion to it (m). - Sir Walter Hungerförd, Lord of Hungerford, Heytesbury, and Heminett, Treaſurer of England, having obra ined of the King Licenſe to ere&t a Chantrý at the Altar of the Virgin Mary, in the Parochial Church of St. Leonard de Farley Hungerford, to pray for his Soul, and the Soul of Karberine his Wife, and of Sir Thomas his Father ; to promore the ſame, the Biſhop oř the foth of April 1429, appropriated the Church of Otoeflon in Olaut. cefferibite, to the Prior and Convent of St. Peter and St. Paul in Buth: upon Condition that they ſhould find a Chantry Prieſt in the Church of Farley, and pay him yearly twelve Marks; and after the Death of the faid Sir Walter, they ſhould celebrate his Anniverſary in the Churchi of Barb for ever, and on that Day give to every Monk 204 (n). In 11432, he, with the Prior of Powicb, were ſent by the King to the Council of Bafil, and a Subſidy of 2 d. in the Pound was granted by the Clergy to defray their Charges (). On November the 28th, he received from the King his fafe Conduá, as alſo Licenſe to carry out of the Kingdom with him Plate and Jewels to the Value of a chouſand Pound, and a farther Grant, that if the Council ſhould last above an Year, he thould have five Hundred Marks allowed him for his Expenſes every Year he ſtaid there; and after the Council ended or prorogued, he might go to Rame to viſit St. Peter and St. Paul, and there to ſtay, if he pleaſed, 한 ​win (7. 27. Ibid: f. 27.5 (m) Ibid. f. 149.- (n) Ibid. f. 74. (0) Ibid. f. 132. **** (ar la propria for :: 194 An Account of the e for one Year without any let or hindrance from him or his Heirs (P). He came to Bafil the beginning of March, and was there honourably received, having been met by many Prelates, Abbots, Priors, and Em- baſſadors, amounting to five Hundred Horſe (g). It was here he died and was buried, and not at Rome, which happened on Auguſt the 23d, 1433, on the Eve of St. Bartholomew (r). The News of his Death came to the Prior and Convent September the 25th (), and his Will which he made December the 6th before he left England, was proved in the Prerogative Office Oxtober the 18th (t). The Archbiſhop's Com- miſſion to the Prior to take upon him the Adminiſtration of the Spiri, tualities as Official of the Court of Canterbury, was dated O&tober the 2d (u); the Prior and Convent's Letter to the King for his Conge d'Efire November the 8th; the King's Licence November the 16th ; and on the laft Day but one of the ſame Month, they met and fixed on December the 9th for the Day of Election, when there met Forty five Monks in the Chapter Houſe, and unanimouſly choſe per viam Spi- ritus Sancti THOMAM BOURGCHIBR in facultate Artium Magiftrum, libe- rum & legitimum, ac in & de legitimo Matrimonio procreatum, virum utiq; providum & difcretum litterarum feientia vitaq; & moribus merito commendandum, ix ordine Sacerdotali conftitutum, & in Spiritualibus & Tem- poralibus plurimum circumfpectum, fcientem, & valentem jura Ecclefie Ca- thedralis protegere ſufficienter & tueri. To this Election, he neither af- fented nor diflented, becauſe he was not of ſufficient Age, accord- ing to the Canons, to be a Biſhop ; upon which they deputed Mr. An- drew Hulls, William Swan, Robert Sutton, Clerks, then at the Court of Ronie, with Adam Moleyns, and Thomas Duffeld, Batchelore of Laws, to be their Proctors, and to increat Pope Eugenius to difpenfe with his Age, and to confirm their Election (x). Whilſt this was tranfa&ing in : 0) Rym. Fæd. T. x. p. 525, 528. fee App. N. 119, 120, 121, 122. (9) Lib. Albus f. 444. fee App. N. 123. (1) Reg. Sed. vac, f. 260. (s) Ibid f. 244. (1) Ang. Sac. P. 1. P. 53 (w) Reg. Sed. vac. f. 244. (*) Ibid. f. 260, 263. fee App. N. 124 England, Bishop $ of WORCESTER. 195 England, the Pope by his Proviſory Bull, promoted to this Sce Thomas Brown, Dean of dalisbury, then at the Council, and notified the fame to the King, with Letters in his behalf, buc the King fent Word to The- mas to renounce the Pope's Proviſion, otherwiſe he ſhould have po BI- thoprickin England, much leſs this of Woxceffer, and to the Pope thac he would have the Election of his Kinſman confirmed, and on that Condition he would allow the Biſhoprick of Rocheſter to be given to Thamas Brown. This Debate ended not till March the oth, 14347 when the Pope by bis Bull preferred Bourghchier to this See, revoking that granted to Brown, April the 15th, he received the Temporalitjes of the King at Weſtminſter; on the zoth he made his profeſfion of Canonical Obedience to the Archbiſhop ; and on May the 5:h, the Prior teated from exerciling any further fpiritual Jurifdi&tion (). He was not confecrated by the Archbiſhop, bur by Henry Cardinal Preſbyter of St. Eufebius and Biſhop of Winchefter, authoriſed thereto by the Pope Which Office he performed May 15. at the Church of Friars Preachers. London in the Preſence of John Archbiſhop of Pork, John Biſhop of Bath and Wello, Robert Bihop of Datum, John Biſhop of St. Alapb: John Eatl of Huntington, Humpbrey Earl of Stafford, Henry Earl of Ertes and Lord Bourgbcher his Brethren, with many other Knights, and Clerks, to a great Number (2). He was younger Brother to Henry Earl of Ewe, and afterwards Earl of Efex, Son of William Earl of Ewe in pomatidy, by Anne his Wife, Daughter X Thomas of Wood Rock Duke of Glouceſter. He was brought up in Nevils Hollel of Dp fožd, of which Univerſity he was Chancellor when preferred to this See, as alſo Dean of St. Martin's London (a). Whilft he fare here July 4, 1414, he vifired, reformed, and reſtored the Hoſpital of St. Wulflant then much gone to decay; ordering thar there fhould be one Mafter in Prieſts Orders, two Secular Chaplains, each to have four Marks-yearly, for 'a Gown three Yards and, an half of Cloth, a Chamber, Entables 0 Reg, Sed. vat. f. 244 Fad. T. p. 607. (z) Bouch. f. 1.1 (4) Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 537. a. Rym. 29 and io 196 HE TEAn Account of theo laza 121 Drinkables at the Maſter's Table, and in his Abſence an Allowance of Tenpence per Week for the ſame. * Five poor Brethren and two Siſters, each to have Sevenpence per Week, and no Corrodies to be granted for the future (b). Upon the Death of Lewes Lufbborough, who died ar batfeild, September 18, 1443. he was tranſlated to the See of Elp. He had been choſen to it before in 1436. by the Monks, and their Election confirmed by the Pope, but the King utterly refuſing to confirm it, for Fear of a Premunire, he durft not accept of it (c). But afterwards the King permitted him to take it, and from thence tranſlated him to Canterbury, where he died. He bore for his Arms, Argent a Croſs, ingrailed Gules, between three Waterbudgets Sable. John CARPENTER, Doctor of Divinity, Provoſt of Oriel Col- ledge in Drford, Chancellor of that Univerſity in 1437, and Maſter of St. Anthony's London, fucceeded. The Pope's Proviſory Bull preferring him hereto, he received at Lordon on the 24th of February 1443, and the Temporalities of the King on the 26th of the fame Month at Shene; preſent Thomas Biſhop of ely, Ralph Boteler Lord of Sudeley, Thomas Kent Doctor of Laws, and by the Imperial Authority, Notary Publick (d). He received the Spiritualities from the Archbiſhop before the 3d of March; for on that Day he conſtitúted John Stokỳs, L.L.D. and Canon of Chicheſter, to be his Vicar General (e). On the 22d of the fame Month, being the fourth Sunday in Lent, he was conſecrated at Eton near Windlos, by William Biſhop of Sarum, authoriſed by the Pope's Letter fo co do, the Biſhops of Bath and Wells, and of St. Alapb affifting him (f). He was inſtalled on the 24th of December 1444. In the beginning of the Year 1445, he went beyond Sea, and re- turned to his Dioceſs in September; during which time, Mr. Richard Man- ning, Doctor of the Canon Law, was his Vicar General (8) March 22, 1446, he confirmed the Chancry of Holy Rood in Trinity Church in Buffol, founded by Thomas Ball (b). The Chantry of St. Mary in the Church (6) Bourch. f. 73 () Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 537 (4) Carp. V. 1. f. 1. (e) Ibid. 1. 2. Rym. Fæd.'T. XI. p. 54. fee Append N. 125.7 km) Ibid. F. z. () Ibid. f. 21. b. and 24. a. b) Ibid. f. 49, &c. of Bishop's of WORCESTER. 197 Valuc of ten , , f St Giles Bredon, fallen to decay, and not worth above 40 $ per Ann he united and appropriated to the faid Parochial Church, September the 29th, Ann. 1458 (i). About this Time he built a very noble Gate to his Palace at bettiebury, which was demoliſhed in the time of the Civil Wars (). In 1461, Yune 24, he erected a Library in the Charnel Houfe adjoining to his Cathedral, and January 24, endowed it to the 1462, he appropriated the Church of Eyfod to the Monaftery of Cvetham, reſerving to himſelf and Succeffors an yearly Penſion of 12 d. and to the Prior and Convent 8 d. (m)s and about the fame time, he united and conſolidated the Priory of Dodford to the Abbey and Con- vent of Paleſowen (n). April 22, 1466, he united and appropriated the Monastery of alcetter to the Abbot and Convent of Everhauli, or- daining that three of their Monks, in Prieſts Orders, ſhould relide at Qicetter, the one by the Name of Prior or Warden, and the other two as his Affiftants, daily there to perform all divine Offices (0). On April the 29th, 1469, he united and annexed the Priory of Dechrit to the Monaſtery of Teukesbury, reſerving to himſelf and Succeſſors an yearly Penſion of 20 s. to the Prior and Convent 205. and to the Arch. deacon of Oloticeſter 6s, and 8 d. The Abbot of Teukesbury to find and maintain there one Monk in Prieſts Orders, to be called Prior or Warden, four other Monks, and one ſecular Prieſt, daily to perform divine Service in that Priory (p). May the 26th, 1472, he appro- priated the Church of Little Compton, in the Deanry of Stow, to the Ab- bot and Convent of Ceukesbury, to augment the Number, and increaſe the Salaries of the Prieſts and Clerks officiating in the Chapel of the bleſed Virgin Mary in that Monaſtery, reſerving to himſelf and Succeſ fors yearly 6s. and 8 d. to the Prior and Convent 3s, and 4 d. and to the Archdeacon of Slouceſter 3s, and 4 d. (2). Upon the Petition of William Canynges, Dean of the Collegiate Church of Weſbury near ... tuloy ako and the Sapna din ce in ce ma (2) f. 160. Carp. 1. 160. (4) Godwin. MS. Abingd. () Carp. V. 1. f.175. (v) Ibid. 6) Ibid. f. 198, &c. b) Carp. V. z. f. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 () Ibid. I. 28., Рp . 198An Account of the A Briſtol, he appropriated to his Uſe, and the Uſe of his Succeſſors, the Church of Kemſey near Worceffer, with the Chapels of Norton and Stulton, of which he was Patron, reſerving to Himſelf and Succeffors yearly 6 s. and 8 d. and the ſame to the Prior; his Deed bearing Date at Weſtbury September 2, 1473. This William Canynge was the Perſon that built the ſtately Church of Ratcliffe at Buſtol, of which City he was thrice Mayor; and growing in Years, took Orders, and became Dean of this Collegiate Church (r). On April 5, 1475, he appropriate ed the Parochial Church of Durſley to the Archdeaconry of Glouceft- er (s). On May 24, 1476, he confirmed the Chantry founded in the Pariſh Church of Lechlade, by Cecilia Dutcheſs of York, Mother to K. Edward the IVth. for three Prieſts daily to ſay Maſs at the Altar of the Chapel of the Virgin Mary there. And on the Eve of St. John Bap- tiſ following, he confirmed the Chantry of St. Blaze founded by John Twynibo, in the ſame Church of Lechlade (t). The laſt Act of his mentioned in his Regiſter, is his ordaining in the Chapel of the Car- nary adjoining to his Cathedral, June 8, this Year 1476, and did not long ſurvive, dying at his Palace of Northwyke near Worceſter, from whence he was carried to Weſtbury, and there buried on the South Side of the High Altar. He had a great Fondneſs for that. Place whilſt living, new built the College, and made it larger than it was before, and added a ſpacious and beautiful Gate, and, when finiſhed, endowed it, and gave it new Statutes ; ſo that he was reckoned their Founder (u). He was alſo whilft living a great Benefactor to St. Mary Hall in Drford, and by his Will gave certain Lands in that County to Oriel College, of which he had been Provoſt, in order to maintain there one Fellow born in the Dioceſe of (a). Upon his Death, John ALCOCK, Biſhop of Rocheſter, was tranſlated to this See, September the 18th, the ſame Year 1476 (y), and received the Tem- poralities of the King at Bugden the 24th of the ſame Month (z). (r) Carp. V. 2. f. 39. (1) Ibid. f. 78. (1) Ibid. f. 30. and 81. (u) Alcock f. 47 Where ſee juramentum Decani de Weftbury. (*) Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 538. Wood's Antiq. Ox. L. 2. P. 104 (y) Alcock f. 92, 110, 118. (2) Rym. Fæd. T. xii. p. 34. I He Bishops of WORCESTER. 199 He was firft Dean of the Royal Chapel of St. Stephen TUetiminiffer, then Maſter of the Rolls, April 29, 1462. made Biſhop of Rocheftec in 1472. He was Preſident of the Council in the iſt of Edward IV. and afterwards Lord Chancellor of England (a). Whilft he fate in this See he confirmed the Foundation of a perpetual Chantry in the Church of Brome/grove by Alianore Stafford, Widow of Sir Humphry Stafford of Grafton Kne. A. D. 1478. (6). He appropriated the firſt and ſecond Portions or Prebends in the Church of Biſley to the College of Stoke near Clare in Suffolk and Dioceſe of Rozwich, Auguſt the 8th 1980 reſerving to Himſelf and Succeffors, from each Portion, 13 s, and 40. to the Prior and Chapter 5 s. and to the Archdeacon of Olouceder 6 s. 88. (). He was preſent at a Synod in London, in the beginning of the Year 1481 (d). About this time he took into Confideration the di- ftreffed State and great Poverty of the Priory of Little Dalueelta through the Wretchleſnefs and Milliving of the Brethren there, whom he removed into other Religious Places to be there tutored and in- ſtructed ; and whilft they were there for two Years, he rebuilt from the Ground their Church, and dedicated it to St. Mary, St. Giles, and St. Fohn the Evangelift; he fufficiently repaired the Place of their Lodging, and paid a great part of their Debt, and then wrote a Letter to them from Bewdeley, dated O&tober the 22d, 1482. commanding them to re- turn to Little Malverni, and there to live after their Holy Profojian, and daily ſay a Maſs for him at our Lady's Altar (e). For his Benefactions to the Abbey of Perfhole in the Year 1478, he had before been admit- ted by Edmund Abbot, and the Monks there, into their ſpiritual Frater- nity, and made Partaker of the Merits of all their Prayers '; and they obliged themſelves after his Death yearly in the Month of December to perform a folemn Maſs with Dirige, praying for his Soul, and the Souls of his Parents (f). And not content with this, in 1484 he found- ed the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, near the Church of the Holy Trinity (a) Godwin, and Windows in Little Malvern Church. (6) Alcock f. 2oz. (d) Ibid. 1. 69. (4) Ang. Sac. P. I. p.538. (4) Alcock f. 111. fee App. N. 127 Ibid. f. 69 Pp 2 at K. . . 200 $* An Account of of the the 20 at Kingſton upon bull, and erected a perpetual Chantry in it there, to pray for his Soul, and the Souls of his Anceſtors. He was tranſlated from hence to the See of Ely by Pope Innocent VIII. in October 1486, where he fate till the Year 1500, and died O&tober the iſt, leaving be- hind him an extraordinary Character for his fingular Piety and Good- neſs, Vir Bonis omnibus amabilis. He founded Jeſus College in Cani- bridge, where, in the Maſter's Lodgings, is ſtill to be ſeen his Picture drawn to the Life, and in one of the upper Windows of Great Malvern Abbey, he is very finely repreſented in painted Glaſs, bearing theſe Arms, in a Field Argent, a Feſs between three Cocks Heads eraſed, Sable creſted, and jelloped Gules. He is alſo ſaid to be the Author of ſe- veral Books chiefly relating to Piety : That called the Mount of Pere fection was printed about the Year 1500, á little before he died (8). ROBERT MORTON Archdeacon of Gloucefter ſucceeded, pre- ferred hereto by Pope Innocent at the ſame time he removed Alcock to Ely, his Proviſory Bull bearing Date at Rome the 17th Kal. of Novem- ber 1486 (b). Before the 8th of January he had received both the Temporalities and Spiritualities; for on that Day he commiſſioned John Moor Dr. of Canon Law, and Robert Enkbarow Presbyter, in his Name and Stead to inſtitute to all vacant Benefices (i). And in the Per- ſon of the ſaid John Moor, his Proctor, he was inthronized July the 22d, 1487, on the Feaſt of St. Mary Magdalene, which Office was perform- ed by William Dean Subprior, Commiſſary of Mr. Thomas Bourchier Archdeacon of Canterbury, the Prior being very old and confined by Sickneſs (k). He was Nephew to John Morton Archbiſhop of Canter- vury, being his Brother's Son, and was made Maſter of the Rolls, May the 30th 1479, in the Reign of Edward IV. What Crimes he was guilty of is not ſaid, but he got a full Pardon for them all from King Henry VII. dated the 15th of March 1496-7 (), and in the Beginning of May following he died; for on the 5th, William Wenloke Prior, () Ibid. f, 2, () Angl. Sac. P. 1. p. 538. (3) Morton f. 1. Fæd. T. xii. p. 649, ſee Append. N. 128, (k) Ibid. f. 19. () Rym. fent , Bishops of WORCES T E R. 201 fent Jobri Stratford Elimoſinary, and Thomas Myldenkam Sacrift , to no- tify the fame to the King (m). He was buried in the Nave of St. Paul's Church London (n), and bore for his Arms Quarterly 1 and 4 Gules, an Antelope's Head eraſed Argent, 2 and 3 Ermine (0). He was buried at St. Paul's with this. Epitaph : Orate pro anima Roberti Morton Nepatis Cardinalis Morton, qui poftquam undecim annos fedifſet Epifcopus Wigorn. diem fuum clauft extremum London. A. D. 1497. cujus anime propitietur Deus, JOHN GIGLES or de Liliis LL.D. an Italian, of the Country of Lucca, Collector for the Apoſtolical Chamber in England, and Arch- dencon of Glouceſter, was advanced to this See by Pope Alexander's Bull datod at Rome, on the third Kal. of September 1497. He was then in chat Court the King's Solicitor, and was there confecrated, for bis Commiflion to Thomas Wodyngton, Doctor of Canon Law, to be his Vicar General in his abfence, bears date at Rome from bis own Houſe, on the with of September 1497 (). He made his Profeſſion of Cano- nical Obedience to the Archbiſhop, Oxtober the 18th. He was inchronized by Proxy, Thomas Wodyngton his Vicar General, repreſenting him, on Thurſday, April 12, 1498, and died on Auguft the 25th following Mo on December the 7th, 1478. thar March 21, 1481, at the opening of the Synod at London, in his Sermon preached on that Occaſion, he de fired that a Tenth might be granted to the Pope from the Clergy, bur in vain, and that in 1489, he had Authority given him by Innocent VIIT. of Pardoning Ufury, Simony, Theft, Murther, Robbery, Adultery, Whoredom, and all ſorts of Crimes; and Power to difpenſe with all forss of Frauds and Cozenages; if fo be part of the Gain were given to the Pope's Commiffaries, or their Deputies (9). Week (n) Reg. Sed. vac. f. 124. (n) Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 588. Br. Willis (0) Mort: foto ( Giyles f. 3; 4. Ad te Archidiaconum Glouceſtrie eadem Ecclefia Wygorn. & Chariflimi in Chriflo fili noitri H. Regis Anglie Illuftriſ ad Nos & Sedem Apoſtolicam Oratorem deftinatum (9) Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 538. . . . 202 An Account of the the 16th, 1499. He, as his Uncle He lies buried at the Engliſh College in Rome, with this Epitaph: Johanni Gilio, Lucen. Vigornien. Epiſcopo, juris utriufq; Conſul, conſum- mate Virtutis viro, ſereniffimi Henrici Septimi Anglie Regis apud Pontificem Oratori, Sylveſter Regia Liberalitate Dignitatis Succeffor Patrueli B. M. poſuit. Obiit Anno Salutis 1498. Menſe Auguſti, Etatis lxiiii. To him ſucceeded SILVESTER GIGLES, his Brother's Son, promoted hereto by Pope Alexander, his Bull bearing Date at St. Peter's in Rome, on the oth Kal. January 1498. On March the 11th following he received the Spi- ritualities of the Archbiſhop at Croydon'; and the Temporalities as Bi- ſhop, on March the 17th; for the King had granted him before the Cuſtody of them on December 1, 1498, in the Vacancy of the See (r). had been before him, was Collector for the Apoftolick Chamber, and continued in that Office till his Death. On January the 18th, 1500, he appropriated Eftlech St. Andrew, in the Deanry of Fairfoyd, to the Abbot and Convent of Teukesbury (s). On April the 12th, 1502, he confirmed the Chantry of the Virgin Mary in the Church of Thornebury, founded by Robert Slymbridge, Doctor of Canon Law and Precentor of Litchfield, for two Prieſts to pray for his Soul, &c.(t). On April 15, 1505, he appropriated the Churches of Wotton Under Edge, and Preſton upon Stowr, to the Abbot and Convent of Teukesbury, allotting to the Vi- car of Wotton 20 Marks yearly, with an Houſe to live in; and to the Vicar of Preſton 13 Marks 6s. and 4 d. with a Houſe alſo ; reſerving to Himſelf, and his Succeſſors, from Wotton an yearly Penfion" of 135. and from Preſton 7 s. to the Prior and Chapter from Wotton 6 s. 8 d. and from Preſton 3 s. 4 d. to the Archdeacon of Glouceffer from Wot- ton 3 s. 4 d. and from Preſton 3 s. 4 d. (u). On June 20, 1512, he ap- propriated the Church of Mathon with the Portion of Chokenbull in the Church of Ligh to the Abbot and Convent of Perſhore, reſerving to (r) Rym. Fæd. T. xii. p. 705, 710. ſee Append. N. 129, 130. f. 36. (u) Sylv, f. 128, 129, 130. (>) Sylv, f. 182. (1) Ibid. Himſelf BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 203 * Himſelf and Succeſſors an yearly Penſion of 6s. 8 d. to che Prior and Chapter 6$. 8 d. and to the Archdeacon 6 d. (x). This Year he was fent by King Henry VIII. to the Council of Lateran, whither he went, having made Thomas Hanniball LL.D. his Vicar General in his abſence, and never returned, but died at Rome on April the 16th, 1521 (). Upon his Death, Pope Leo X. by his Proviſory Bull dated on the 7th of June following, gave this See in Commendam to JULIUS de MEDICES his Brother's Son, whom from a Soldier of the Order of St. John of Jeruſalem, he had raiſed to be Cardinal Prieſt of St. Laurence in Damaſo and Vice Chancellor of the Roman Church, making him Adminiſtrator thereof both in Spirituals and Temporals; giving him Power to hold the fa me with his Cardinalate- ſhip, and with the Archbiſhopricks of Narbon and Florence, and fe- veral other Benefices, which by Apoftolical Diſpenſation he then had, of hereafter might obtain. The next Day, June the 8th, being sa- turday, he empowered Thomas, Cardinal Prieſt of St. Cecilia, and Archbiſhop of York, to take Poſſeſſion of the Biſhoprick for him, and to act in his Name. He held it not long ; for upon Leo's Death, and Adrian's ſucceeding, who was an Englijhman, fearing left he thould think it too much for him to have ſo many fpiritual Dignities, he rem Ggned it to him on the 6th Kal. of O&tober, 1522. on which Day, A- drian by his Bull, conferred it on JEROME de GH IN NUCIIS, or de Ghinucciis, or de NuGUTUS, an Italian, as three of his Predeceffors had been before him; nor was Engliſhman promoted to this See till the Pope's Authority was abo“ liſhed, and the King declared by an Ad of Parliament to be fupream Head of the Church of England. In the Pope's Bull he is ſaid to be Biſhop of afculum, Auditor General of the Apoſtolical Chamber, and his Domeſtick Chaplain (z). He alſo made. Tbomas, Cardinal Prieſt of St. Cecilia, and Archbiſhop of York, Legate a latere, and Chancellor of x) Sylv. f. 8o. Ang. Sac. P. 1. p. 539. 6) Jeron. f. 4. fee Append. N. 131) Jeron: England, : IT 204 An Account of the . England, his Proctor, to take Poffeffion of the Biſhoprick, and to act in his Name, dated at Rome, December the 24th, 1552, which Biſhop of York February 17, 1522-3, made John Bell , Doctor of Canon Law, Vicar General (a). On the 20th, the Temporalities were delivered up by the King (b). On the 23d William Warham, Archdeacon of Can- terbury, gave Commiſſion to William More Prior, John Bell Doctor of Canon Law, Richard Fluxford, LL. Bac. or either of them, to inſtall the ſaid Biſhop, which was done by Proxy March the ad. Silveſter Da- rius, Subcollector of the Apoftolical Chamber, repreſenting him (c). He was very ſerviceable to the King in procuring the Judgment of the Spa- niſh and Italian Divines againſt the Lawfulneſs of his Marriage with Queen Catharine ; whereupon, at his Requeſt, and that of the French King, he was raiſed to the Dignity of a Cardinal by Pope Clement VII. in 1533, but fell here a Sacrifice to the Times, being depoſed from his Biſhoprick by A&t of Parliament, becauſe he was a Foreigner, and reſided This happened between the 19th of January, and the 7th of February 1534-5, when Thomas Bagarde, LL.D. who had been made his Vicar General in 1532, began to act as Vicar General by Commiſſion from King Henry VIII. (d). Upon his Deprivation ſucceeded HUGH LATIME R, the Son of Hugh Latimer of Thirkeſſon in the County of Leiceſter, Husbandman, educated at the common Schools in his own Country, ſent at the Age of Fourteen co Cambridge, entered in Chriſt's College, took Orders, and was at firſt a zealous Papirt, though afterwards a more zealous Proteſtant. In 1529, he was made Vicar of Weft-Kinglion in Wiiitfhire. In 1534, he became Chaplain to Queen Anne, and by her Favour was promoted to this Biſhoprick (e). He received the Temporalities of the King, October the 4th 1535, and in 1539, July the ift, not willing to ſubſcribe the fix Articles, he reſigned, and retired to a private Life ; but upon the Death of King Edward he was impri- ſoned, and in 1555, O&ober the 16th, was burnt with Biſhop Ridley not. (a) Jeron, f. 22, 23. (6) Rym. Fæd. T. xiix, p. 780, 781. fee App. N. 132. f. 6 and 10. (d) Ibid. f. 72. b. (e) Angl. Sac. P. I. p. 539. (c) Jeron. Bishops of WORCEST E R. 205 NY at Defom (s). Upon his Reſignation, the Prior and Convent elect- ed Jonn BELL, LL.D. to ſucceed him, and the King fignified their Elec- tion of him to the Archbiſhop, Aug. 2, 1539 (8), and delivered up the Temporalities to him on the 4th. Soon after which, he was canſecrared on Auguſt the ruth, ſay ſome, but ſate not long in this See, for on the 17th of November 1543, he reſigned it(b), but for what Cauſe is yet un- certain. He was a Worceſterſhire Man, educated in Balid College Oxfold, and ſpent ſome time in Cambridge ; to both which Places he was a Be- nefactor, but eſpecially to the former, giving it ſeveral Farms, and fome Rencs lying near Clerkenwell, for the maintaining there two Scholars born in the Dioceſe of Wlozceiler. Afterwards he became Rector of Weſton Subege near Campden, Archdeacon of Glouceſter, and Prebendary of Lincoln and Litchfield (i), Warden of the Collegiare Church of Stratford upon Avon. Silveſter Gygles made him his Vicar General in 1918; in which Poft he continued under two of his Succel- fors till Auguſt 17, 1526, when he was fucceeded by Mr. Thomas Par- ker (k). At length his Abilities being made known to King Henry VIII. he was made one of his Chaplains, fent by him to foreign Princes on Scare Affairs, and ac his Return, was one of his Countellors, and did him mach Service in defending his Divorce from Queen Katharine, After his Reſignation, he lived retired at Clerkenwell, where he died on Auguft the ixth, 1556, and was buried according to his Defire in his left Will in the Church of St. James there. He bequeathed very liberally to the Poor of ſeveral Places where he had been beneficed, and one Le- gacy to Jefus's Chantry in the Church of St. Paul's, deliring he might be commemorated in their Prayers (!). On the North Side of the Communion Table, there was a Marble Stone laid over him, with this Infeription on a Braſs Plate : von: See his Life in Fox's Book of Martyrs, Vol. 3. p. 375, &c. (g) Rym, Foed. fee Append. N. 134. fb). Ibid. fee Append. N. 135. @ Jeron, f. 23. Jeron. f. 23.) tid. f. *. (!) Athen. Oxon. V. 1. p. 682,683. Brown Willis's Survey of Cathedrals. Stow's Survey of Lona don, p. 484. Ed. Lond. 1633. Contegit Qq .. & 206 SAT An Account of the neia hoisi olla aoisenyissI aid nogu Contegit boc Marmor Doctorem nomine Bellum Qui Bellè rêxit Præfulis Officium ; you ousad mot ob Moribus, ingenio,a vitæ pietate* vigebat: jdduk sri oa mid to nois 510 Laudatus cunctisj; cultus & Eloquios odi do min at niiden bila no vol 2 -32 sila ni gaoi son gul xod.An. 1556. Auguft. II, no -10 197 ai glur und nod tod (9) si banallar och je vsV1 -2 dage Which may be thus Engliſhed, pasty OH Bosnia Under this Stone lies Biſhop Bell, dengan ni arni omol 300i bas arrot pris on yllninpola sud Balsa Who in his Office ruled. well ; Praiſed by all for Piety and Senife, *****i3 moon gaixi 3309>l oci! atod marta ? A Man of Morals, and of Eloquence. mi acha ni arod Upon Bell's Reſignation, November 17, 1543, "as aforementioned, on the 22d the King gave the Cuſtody of the Temporalities, during their continuance in his Hands, tournag of Noʻl did ni Nīču o LA's HEATH, Biſhop of Rocheſter, and on December 14, he gave Leave to the Dean and Chapter to chooſe him to ſucceed which they did December 22; and the King- ſignified the fame to the Archbiſhops January 16.1 He delivered up the Temporalities to him March the 22d, granting him Licence at the fame Timeto holdrin Commendam with his Biſhoprick the Rectory of Sborbam, with the Chapel of Otford annexed, and the Rectory of Cleeve, in Kent, from Chriſtmas then laſt paſt, to Chriſtmas 1548 (m). He was inthronized by Proxy April 10, 1544. Richard Erwery (5.T.B. I Prebendary, performed the Office, commiſſioned iſo to do by Edmund Cranmer Archdeacon of Canterbury. His Proctor was Dr. Thomas Baggard, whom he had made his Vicar General, April 7.1 who it ſeems, died before the End of this Month, and Robert Johnſon LL.B. fucceeded him in that Office (n): As ſoon as Edward the VIth came to the Crown, all Biſhops were commanded to take out Commiſſions to exerciſe both Temporal and Spi- * Probitate Godwin. (7) Rym, Feed. T. xv. p. 17, 18. (1) Heath f. 1, ritual Bishohs of Worcest E R. 207 :: . ritual Juriſdi&tion within their Dioceſes, as Bomer had done zi Hen- *y VIII. 1539. Hereby they all acknowledged that they held their Bin ihopricks only during the King's Pleaſure, and exerciſed Jurifdi&tion in them as his Delegates, and in his Name, and by his Avthority. Arch- biſhop Cranmer took out his February 7, 1546, and that of out Bishop Heath bears Date the 26th of the fame Month, which varying fome- thing from that of the Archbiſhop's, printed by Burnet in his Hiſtory of the Reformation, I have inſerted in the Appendix (o). When the Parliament men the Winter following, on December the aoch an Adt was made to confirm the fame, and that forithe future, the choofing Biſhops by. Conged Eflire being tedious and expenſive, and only the Shadow of an Election in it, they ſhould be made by the King's Letters Patents ; 2 that all Courts Eccleſiaſtical ſhould be kepe in his Name, And they to act bysno other Authority than his, h as ſupream Flead of the Church,all Offenders to ſuffer:Impriſonment at his Majeſty'sWilland Plera fure By Virtue of this Act, Heath was committed Priſoner to the Fkett: on Marob che 4th, 1549-50, having incurred his Majeſty's Difpleaſure by obſtinately refuſing cos ſubſcribe the Book for the Making of Biſhops and Priefts, and after that was deprived by the King's Royal Authority, not by any, Court conſiſting of Churchmen, but by fecular Delegacęs af whom three were Civilians, and three Common Lawyers (2) Some have given out that he was deprived, becauſe he would not yield up what Eſtates of the Biſhoprick the Courtiers thought fit to ask which is untrue, for this he readily did. In the ift of Edward VI. He paſſed away Stratford and Hampton upon Avon, vån Warwicklytre, to John Dudley Earl of Warwick ; the the ſame Year he alienated the Lordſhips of Stoke Epiſcopi, and Hembury in falfo Mariſco, and after that the Manor of Bebury, all in Glouceſterſhire, to the Duke of Northumberland, none of which ever returned to the Church. Other Poffeflions of the ſame in Pradieſer and London, viz. Hillingdon, and his Palace and Church in the Strand he exchanged, and had for the ſame the Manors of Grim- (.) Hift. () Burnet's Hift. Ref. P. 2. p. 6. Collection of Records, N. 2. See App. N. 136. Ref. P. 2. B. Zommun Qq2 lege 208 S9 An Account of the 12 : Sabinete lege and Hallow, and the Advowfon, with the Advowſons of St. Martins Vintry and Newington Com. Surrey, which remain to the See to this Day (9). Upon his Deprivation, the King, by Virtue of the aforemen- tioned Ad of Parliament, by his Letters Patents dated the zoth of May, 1552, tranſlated Voc John HOOP'ER, Bichop of Gloucetter, to this See, and at the ſame time ſuppreſſed that Biſhoprick, and made it an Archdeaconry de- pendent on Wlozcetter, as it had been formerly (r). He was inthroni- zed by Proxy on the 18th of June. Dean Barlo officiating, and John Barker alias Taylor, repreſenting him. In theſe Letters he is ſaid to be preferred for his fingular Learning in the Holy Scriptures, and for his unblameable Morals (s). The ſuppreffing of the Bishoprick of Glou- cefter, which his Father had erected, September 3, in the 33d Year of his Reign, giving fome Offence, it was thought proper to put a Stop to it; in order to this Hooper reſigned, and new Letters Patenrs were g grant- ed to him to the fame Tenor as the former, with this Difference, that now the two Sees were to be united, the Revenues of Gloucefter being but ſmall, and the two Cities near one another, and the Multitude of People not ſo great as to want two Paftors, and they were for ever after to be one Biſhoprick with two Titles, as Coventry and Litchfield, and as Fath and tOlclie ; and the Biſhop was enjoined to ſpend one half of the Year in one Dioceſe, and the other half of the Year in the other : they bear Dare che 8th of December 1552 (0). Upon this, another Mandatory Letter was ſent to Dean Barlo, by Edmund Cranmer Arch- deacon of Canterbury, dated London December 14, again to inthronize John Hooper Biſhop of Worcefter and Glouceffer elected and confirmed, and this he did in the Perſon of his Proctor Jobr Barker alias Taylor, December 20. Another Mandatory Letter bearing the ſame Date was fent the ſame Archdeacon to William Yenyns Dean of Glouceſter, to W (9) Dugd. Antiq. of Warwickſhire. Atkins's Antient and Preſent State of Glouceſter. An Account of Taxes, p. zzz, 223. cited from Strype's Eccl. Mem. V.2. p. 25. (r) Heath f. 17. Rym. Fæd. T. xv. p. 298. (*) Tam propter fingularem Sacrarum Literarum Doctrinam, quam Mores probatiffimos. See App. N. 137. () Rym. Fæd. T. X. p. 320. ſee Append. N. 138. inthronize Bishops of WORCEST ER. 209 . ma ; to a him Lord Cheroket inthronize him there, but when that was done I find not (v) , but this I find of him in Fox's Book of Martyrs, that he was a Man of greas Learning, of exemplary Piety, of laborious Induſtry, of a moſt exten- five Charity, and of Sincerity unfeigned, who ſealed his Doctrine with his Blood (*). Upon Queen Mary's coming to the Throne, HEAT# was again reſtored to this Biſhoprick in June or July, 1653 : for in his Regiſter, after the 8th (y) of that Month is this Note inſerted Hic Nicholaws Wigorn. Epifcopus fuit reftitutus ad ejus Epiſcopatum. And it follows, that on the 27th of Auguſt he was fummoned as ſuch to Convocation (2). He was in great Favour with the Queen, who made him Prefident of Wales, and ſoon after Tranſlated him to Pozk, and upon the Death of Gardiner, ſhe made him Lord Chancellor of England To him fucceeded to proditing RICHARD PATES; the Temporalities were not delivered to him till March 1555, when Hooper had been dead about three Weeks His Regiſter begins with a Commiſſion from Cardinal Pool, to viſit his Dioceſe by Papal Authority (a), and another to enable him to collect the Fruits of whatſoever appropriated Churches within his Dioceſe lately granted by the King and Queen to the Pope; both theſe dated at Greentoicb, the firſt on the 16th of the Calends of March, and the other on the eighth of the Ides of April 1556. The laſt Ac of Heath in his Regiſter, is dated March 22, 1553-4, and after this we meet with no more Inſtitutions, till thoſe of Pates, which begin May 5, 1556; ſo that all this time the See lay void, in Hopes, no doubt, of perſuading fo good a Man as Hooper to recant, and ſo to be reſtored to it again ; for it was not diſpoſed of till after his Death. As for Pates he was an Oxfordſhire Man born, and bred up in that Univerſity, admitted Scholar of Corpus Chrift: College June 1. 1522, and the Year following Bachelor of Ares; and then going to Paris was created Maſter of Arts there. In 1526, he was made (u) Heath f. 1718. From hence you may correct a Miſtake in the Hiſtory of the Reformation, P. 2. B. 1. p. 203. for Glouceſter Biſhoprick was firſt ſuppreſſed before that of Worceſter and Glouceſter were united. (x) B. of Martyrs, V. 3. f. 119, &c. 6) Heath f 19. a. (-) See more of Heath, Ath. Oxon. v. 1. p. 704. (a) Pates f. 21. See App. N. 139. Archdeacon 210 as T2 An Account of theo hai 5) .. Archdeacon of Wincheſter on the Reſignation of John Fox. This Digi nity he refigned 1528, and was made Archdeacon of Lincoln upon the Death of William Smith Doctor of Decrees. He was employed in feveral Embaſſies, and particularly in 1540 to the Emperor, to reſide there as Ambaſſador for the King of England. I. In 1542 he was atrainted of High Treaſon, which as ſoon as Mary came to the Crown was repealed, and he preferred to this See. He received the Temporalities March 1553, and fate here till Queen Elizabeth came to the Crown, when he was deprived and impriſoned for ſome little time, and as ſoon as rei leaſed, he went beyond the Seas, ſate in the Council of Trent, and died at Lovain, but what Year not faid (b). He was a learned Man, of a peaceable Diſpoſition, zealous in the Faith he profeſſed, yet always againſt inflicting Corporal Puniſhments on ſuch as were oppoſite in Re- ligion to him (c). 301 2109. All short ank EDWIN SANDY's ſucceeded, who was deſcended of an Antient and Gentile Family of the Sandys of Bees in Cumberland; his Father William Sandys of Furnes in Lancafhire, Juſtice of the Peace, and the King's Receiver of that County ;and his Mother was Margaret, Daughter of John Dixon of London. He was elected to this See fome time after the Deprivation of Pates, by the Name and Title of Edwin Sandys, Capellanus Regius, & S.S. Theologiæ Profeſſor, confecrated Decem- ber the 21ſt, in the ad of Elizabeth 1559, and had Reſtitution made to him of the Temporalities belonging to it on the 23d of March follow- ing (d). He was born in the Year 1916, at Haukeſhead in the Hundred of Furneſs. Fells, to which he was a good Benefactor, and founded in that Town a Free-School by Letters Parents from Queen Elizabeth, bearing date ar Greenwich April the 'roth, in the 27th Year of her Reign, 1585 (e). His Education was at Cambzidge, where he orderly took all his Degrees without any Diſpenſation, and paſſed through all the Offices of that Univerſity with Reputation. He was firſt of was (b) Strype's Hift, Reform. p. 146. Br. Willis. (c) Athen. Ox. V. 1. p. 694. Ed. Lond. 1721. (d) Ibid. (2) Antiquities of Worceſter Cathedral, printed by Curl, p. 163. Con DA St. John's Bishops of WORCESTER. 211 Credit, and without any Diſturbance, but from thofe who were heartý St. John's College, and after that Maſter of Catharine Hall (f), and Vice Chancellor, when the Duke of Northumberland came there to op: poſe Qucen Mary, by whoſe Command, and at the Deſire of ſeveral Heads of Houſess he preached there a Sermon to defend Queen Mane's Tide to the Crown, which he did fo modeſtly, and with ſo much Pru- dence, that it did not coſt him his Life as it did the Duke ; and though he was carried up to London Priſoner with him, and impriſoned in the Trwer for Twenty nine Weeks, and then removed into the Marfballet yet from thence be was releaſed without any Pardon, as having been guilty of no Treaſon. Not liking the Times, and fearful of more Troubleso he fled with bis Wife into Germany, where he openly pro- feffed the Proteſtant Religion, and upon it was deprived of his Maſter- fhip of Catharine Hall, and two Prebendſhips which he had, the one in the Church of Carliſle, and the other in that of Peterborough. Upon Queen Mary's Death he returned to England, and had a great Hand in preparing the Book of Common Prayer, and in the Reformation of the Church; preached frequently at St. Paul's Croſs, and before the Queen. and was one of her Chaplains when promoted to this Biſhoprick. He fate in this see ſomewhat above ten years with great Reputation and Enemies to the Reformation, among whom was Sir John Boura, former lý Queen Mary's Principal Secretary of State; but at that Time High Streerd of the Church of Wokéſter, and Beneficiary there; whole Treštinent of Him was to ungenteel, and ſo inhumane, that he was forced to complain of it publickly, and to lay id before their Hortours the Lords of the Privy Council, where the Injuries he had received from him were ſo apparent, that by Order of the Couneil, Sir yolt was committed to the Marſhalſea, and remained there fix or feven Weeks, and was at laſt adjudged by them to make his Submiffion to the injured Biſhop in Writing ( The foul Afperfions caft upon him, ding Annals of Reform. by Strype, Vol. 2. p. 422. (2) Strype's Hill of the Reformation, and 212 SAT An Account of the hara and his Anſwer to them, you may ſee in Strype's 25th Chapter of his Hiſtory of the Reformation, V. 1. where among other Matters, he charged him with neglect of Duty. His Anſwer was, That he could fafely ſay, that there had not fix Days paſt fince he came to Clonceller but he had frequented Common Prayer either in his own Chapel or Family, or in Churches abroad in his Dioceſe, or elſewhere, and thoſe fix Days confined by Sickneſs in his Chamber ; moreover, that neither Sunday nor Holyday, ſaving two only, but what he preached once, if not twice, beſides his Viſitation and Workday Sermons. He charged him with Looſeneſs of Morals ; but what was his Anſwer ? “My Life “ hath never been impeached nor blotted fince I was born ; how I have « lived from my Youth I have good Teſtimony ſince I was twelve Years “ of Age ;” and for this he appealed to ſeveral great Men with whom he had been educated, and who well knew his Converſation. “For my Life beyond the Seas, he ſaid, I pray your Honours that it may be teſtified by my Lords of London, Salisbury, Sir Anthony Coke, and Sir Thomas “Wroth; and ſince my coming Home, I report me to the World.” He further accuſed him of Coverouſneſs : His Anſwer was, that he was never charged before with this Crime, for it is a Sin, ſaid he, of all others far from me, for my greedy getting is ſuch, that I am indebted a great Sum. But did he not alienate a good Part of the Revenues of this Church? it has been ſo ſaid, but without any ground of Truth, as I can find. In the firſt Year of Queen Elizabeth, on April 5, 1559, an Ad of Parliament paſſed, empowering the Queen upon the Avoid- ance of any Archbiſhoprick or Biſhoprick, to cauſe the ſame to be furveyed, and to reſume the Temporal Poſſeſſions into her own Hands(5), recompenſing the Value of them with Parſonages impropriate; by Virtue of which Ac, upon Pates's Deprivation, this Biſhoprick was furveyed, and the Queen took into her own Hands the Manors of Bredon, Biſhops Wyke, Henbury, Knightwyke, and Biſhops Cleve, making « (b) Strype's Hit. Ref. p. 97. no Bishops of WORCEST ER. 213 Do Recompence for the fame with Titbes impropriate, as the ſhould have done. This was before Sandys was made Biſhop, and he had no hand in the doing of it; for the Temporalities were not delivered to him till March the 23d, in the ſecond Year of the Queen's Reign He was ſo far from alienating a good Part of the Revenues of his Church, chat by his Intereſt with the Queen, he prevailed upon her in the fourth Year of her Reign, to give a Recompence for the Lands ſhe had taken away, which was the Impropriation of Biſhampton, formerly belonging to the Priory of Cookhill, and the Impropriation of Church Lench and Elmely, together with the Tenths of the Biſkoprick and Archdeaconry of CHoxeller. What his Senſe of ſuch Doings was, may be learnt from the Orders he drew up, to be obſerved by the Biſhops and other Ecclefiaftical Perſons, by their Conſents and Subſcriptions, in the Synod in 1562; the firſt of which runs thus, " Foraſmuch as Biſhops are not born for " themſelves, but for their Succeſſors, and are only Poffeſſors for their own Time, every Biſhop by the Subſcription of his Hand promiſeth that he hall not either by Leale, Grant, or any other Means, Jer, * fet, or alienate any of his Manors, or whatſoever heretofore hath not been in Leaſe, except only for his own Time, and while he is Biſhop." And that he ſtriatly obſerved this Order himſelf, and four- ly defended the Patrimony of the Church of Paak, is evident from what Strype tells us in his Life of Archbiſhop Whitgift (i), where he gives us this Character of him, « That he was a Man of « That he was a Man of great Note " for his Piety and Sufferings under Queen Mary, for his firm Profef- 45 fion of the Reformed Religion, narrowly eſcaping with Life beyond Sea, and was an Exile during that Queen's Reign. An excellent and frequent Preacher (k), a careful Biſhop of Woxetter, London, and Moik fucceffively; not only for the Maintaining of the Church as it it was eſablished againſt Sects, but alſo of its Revenues, which were " by greedy Men fought after, -- and therefore it was deſervedly made (4) His Sermons publiſhed in Quarto 0 Serype's Hift . Ref. p. 286, 287, where ſee more. evidently demonstrate the fame. RI 214 BT An Account of the 21 .: BRITA (1) Strype's Life of Archbiſhop Whitgift, P. 286, 287. • a Part of his Character in his Epitaph, Ecclefiæ Patrimonium velut Rem “ Deo Sacratam intactum defendit ; the Church's Patrimony, as became a " Tbing folemnly given to God, he defended as inviolable (1) ”. And another Author tells us, that departing this Life in the Year 1988, he left be- hind him an admirable Character for Learning, Probity, and other Chriſtian Virtues, which drew a Blefing on his Poſterity, three of bis Sons being knighted, and adorned with all Felicities of Body and Mind (m). And, to the fame Purpoſe, Fuller, in his Abel Redivivus, hath theſe Words, « A Man of whom it is hard to be faid whether more famous " for his fingular Virtues and Learning, or for his noble Parentage and “ Offspring which he left behind him; for he left many Children, of “ which three were Knights, and excellent well qualified Gentlemen “ either for Body or Mind ; but his Son Sir Edwin Sandys proved the “ learneder, and more famous and dear to his Country. There is a “ Book of famous Sermons extant in Print of this Prelate's, which is “ counted a worthy Piece, and doth ſufficiently declare his Piety and Scholarſhip to ſucceeding Ages. He that will ſpeak his Praiſes well, so Muſt ſtudy firſt what 'tis t'excell ; in adondoke He daily laboured to oppoſe, The Church's moſt unſatiate Foes : The Truth he would be ſure to vent, Totado at is Though he endur'd impriſonment ; Read but his Works, and thou ſhalt find, men His Body was impriſon'd, not his Mind (n). Upon his Tranſlation to London in the Year 1570 (which he would willingly have avoided, as being eaſy here at Worceſter ) the Queen nominated Dr. James Calfhill , Canon of Cbrift Church Drfozd, Dean of (m) Baronettage of England, V. 1. P. 360, 361. (n) Page 453, 454 Bocking 66 BISHOPS of WORCEST & R. 215 ma of Edward the VIth, and if reſtored by Queen Mary, was reaſſumed Bocking in Elter, and Archdeacon of Colcljeter to ſucceed him (o), buc he dying that Year in Auguſt before his Confecration, NICHOL AS BULLING HAM was tranſlated from Lincoln hither He was a Native of this City, elected a Fellow of All Souls College in Drfold in 1536, where he took a Degree in Law, was made Archdea- con of Lincoln on September the 2d, 1549 (P), and became that Bi- thop's Vicar General. When Queen Mary came to the Crown, he abſconded, and one Ihomas Marſhal was put into his Place (). In his Retirement, he ſtudied Divinity, wherein he obtained a conſiderable Knowledge ; but when Queen Elizabeth fucceeded, he was made Doctor of his Faculty at Cambridge, was a Judge Ecclefiaftical in the Arch- biſhop's Court of Canterbury, and at length was promoted to the E- piſcopal See of Lincoln ; to which being elected after the Deprivation of Dr. Thomas Watſon, he was confecrated thereto on January 21, 1559, and on the 18th of April following, the Temporalities were reſtored to him. In 1556, he was incorporated Doctor as he had ſtood at Cam. budge, and in January 1570 was tranſlated hither (r). The Tempora- lities were delivered to him February the 14th (s), and he was inthro- nized by Proxy on the 17th of the fame Month, in the Perſon of Mr. Thomas Hearle; one of the Prebendaries of this Church (t). He fate in this See for above fix Years much beloved (u), and well reſpected, though his Memory, as that of Hooper and Sandys, has been unfairly tra- duced, and they themſelves ſet forth to the World in black Characters: And for why? becauſe they were all three married Men, and zealous for the Reformation. What is aſſerted of his ſpending the Fortunes of his two Biſhopricks by giving up their Eſtates, I take to be groundleſs; for as to the See of Lincoln, Thornton College was taken from it the ift by the Crown in the iſt Year of Queen Elizabeth, which was before he : () See Strype's Annals of the Reform. V. 2. f. 27, 28. Athen. Ox. V. 1. p. 168. Lond. 1721. () Ath. Ox. V. 1. Fafti p. 84. (1) Ibid. p. 49. (-) Athen. Ox. V. 1. p. 702. Rym. Fæd. T. xv. p. 689. (1) Reg. 32. f. 1. (u) Ath. Oxon. V. 1. p. 702. 2 was You Rr 2 . 216 An Account of the is one in the survey on was promoted to it. And as to his parting with Blockley and Hallow Manors, I can find nothing of it, and they both remain in the Hands of the Biſhop to this Day. Ifaacfon, in his Chronology, ſays, That his Succeſſor Whitgift, by Friends, Labour, and 300l. recovered the Corn of Hallow and Grimley, alienated from the See, but by whom he ſays not. This Reverend Prelate died April the 18th, 1576, and lies buried on the North Side of the High Alcar, where there is a Mo- nument erected for him with his Effigies in a Cumbent Poſture, and his Epitaph above it, which you may ſee in the Survey of the Cathedral Church, Page 41. John WHITGIFT, D. D. his Succeſſor was nominated to this See on March the 24th, 1576, and Licence granted to the Dean and Chapter to Elect him, on April the 25th, 1577, by the Queen then at Oozbambury (x); but it muſt be before this, if Strype ſays true, that his Election was confirmed on April the 16th, and that on Sunday fol- lowing, April 21, he was conſecrated by the Archbiſhop at Lambeth, Yohn Biſhop of London, Robert of Wincheſter, and Richard of Chis chelter affifting; and, in order to the making his Epiſcopal Seal for ſigning of his publick Inſtruments, Sir Gilbert Dethick, then Gar- ter King at Arms, granted him a Patent for bearing Or on a Croſs Fleurete Azure, four Befants (y). He was inthronized by Proxy on May the sch, Henry Beadle A.M. Prebendary, repreſenting him (z). The Temporalities were delivered to him May the 10th (a). He was of the Family of the Wbitgifts of Whitgift in Yorkſhire, born at Grimsby in Lincolnſhire, A. D. 1530, and went to St. Anthony's School in London, afterwards to Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, and was put under the Tuition of the Bleſſed Martyr John Bradford; from thence was choſen Fellow of Peter Houſe, and ſucceeded Mathew Hutton in the Maſterſhip of the fame, as alſo in the Lady Margarets Divinity Pro- fefforſhip, being then Bachelor of Divinity, from whence the Queen (x) Rym. Fæd. T. xv. p. 772. (1) Strype's Life of Archbiſhop Whitgift. f. 13 (a) Pat. 19. Eliz. p. 10. m. 10. (2) Reg. 32. removed BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 217 the Popiſh Prelates foreſeeing wh. removed him to the Maſterſhip of Trinity College, and made him her Chaplain. He was before Chaplain to Dr. Cox Biſhop of Ely, who gave him the Parſonage of Teverſham near Cambridge, and a Prebend in his own Church of Ely; beſides which, he had another in the Church of Lincoln. He was made Maſter of Trinity College July the 4th, 1567, Dean of Lincoln Auguſt the 2d, 1571, and removed to this See 1577, as aforeſaid (b), where he ſate till the 23d of September 1583 (c). It is ſaid, that at his firſt coming to this Biſhopick, he found it much impaired by long Leaſes of divers Manors, Parks, and Houſes, granted by his Predeceſſors; but that which much troubled him, and wherein he moſt of all ſtirred, was the Letting to Mr. Abingdon, Cofferer to the late Queen, the Rent Corn of his two beſt Manors Hallow and Grimley, which through the Interceſſion of his Friends at Court, and the Payment of 300 l. he regained to his See (d). Which of his Pre- deceffors it was that granted this Leafe, I cannot find in the Search that I have made ; but have ſome Reaſon to believe that it was not done by Sandys or Bullingham, but by Pates; for Strype tells us, in his Hiſtory of the Reformation, V. I. p. 158, 159. that the Revenues and Incomes of the Church had been ſo ſtript before the Deprivation of Queen Mary's Biſhops, that their Succeſſors had little or nothing to live upon, their Lands, Houſes, and Parks fo few, and fo reduced, as they had ſcarce enough to keep them out of Debt, and to maintain that Ho- ſpitality that was looked for at their Hands. 'Tis true, ſays he, ſome of their Lands and Parks were exchanged againſt their Wills by Virtue of an Act of Parliament in the ift of Elizabeth; but for the Patents, and Annuities, conveyed them away for as long a Time as the Law would then allow them, that their Proteſtant Succeffors might not enjoy them. But not to digreſs, whilſt he fat in this See he was S. (6) Sir George Paul's Life of Archbiſhop Whitgift. (c) Reg. 32. f, 23. b. (d) Paul's Life of Whitgift, p. 2;, 28. beloved I ... 218 the 218 An Account of of the beloved and reſpected by all for his pious and exemplary Life, preaching every Lord's Day either in his own Cathedral or ſome other neighbouring Pariſh Church, notwithſtanding his important and in- ceffant Employments otherwiſe (e), and delighting to entertain and converſe with the Gentlemen of this Dioceſe, and making up the Breaches that happened to be made in their Friendſhips. One remark- able Inſtance is given us of his making up a deadly Quarrel between Sir John Ruſſel, and Sir Henry Berkeley, who camé armed to a Sef- ſions in Wlozceſter with many Friends and Followers, and great Blood- Thed was like to have enſued, but the Biſhop wiſely prevented it by providing a ſtrong Watch at the Gates, and requiring them to bring both Parties, with their Attendants, well guarded to his Palace ; where he cauſed them all, to the Number of four or five Hundred, to deliver their Weapons into his own Servants Cuftody, and after two Hours Pains taken, ſometimes in perſuading, and otherwhiles in threat- ning them, he made them ſo good friends, as they both attended him Hand in Hand to the Town Hall, and there performed the Service of their Country, in perfect Amity, and without any Diſturbance (f). The Year after his Conſecration to this Biſhoprick, the Queen made him Vice Preſident of the Marches of Wales, (Sir Henry Sidney, his very honourable Friend, being then Lord Preſident, and at that Time Lord Deputy of Ireland) in which Poft he behaved himſelf with great Honour and Integrity (8). Her Majeſty alſo out of her Expe- rience of his wife and prudent Government, was pleaſed to grant a Commiſſion to him alone to viſit the two Cathedral Churches of Litchfield and þereford, Complaint having been made unto her of ma- ny Diſcords and Diſorders that were therein, upon account of their Diflike of the Habits, and fome other Rires ; which accordingly he did, and reformed them both, being very far out of Order (b). She utes (e) Fuller's Abel Redivivus, p. 463. Sir G. Paul's Life of Whitgift, p. 30, 31. P. 31, 32, 33, 34, (5) Ibid. p. 34, 35 (8) Ibid. farther BISHOPS of WORCESTER. 219 the menu beroom farther honoured him with a Grant of Collating to all the Prebends in his Cathedral Church (i), and in September 1583, tranſlated him to Canterbury. The See was not filled till the next Year Otober the 26th, 1584. When EDMUND FREAKE, S.T.P. then Biſhop of Norwich, was nomi- nated to it ; the Dean and Chapter elected him November the ad, his Election was confirmed December the 5th, and he was inſtalled by his Proxy Mr. Gilbert Bachouſe, one of the Prebendaries, on February the 7th, 1584-5. He was born in Efex, educated at Cambadge, where he took his Degree of Doctor of Divinity, was made Prebendary of Weſtminſter, and Archdeacon of Canterbury, in 1564 ; Prebendary of Windfou in 1565; Dean of Rocheſter in the Place of Walter Philips, the firſt Dean, deceaſed, April the 10th, 1570; Dean of Salisbury, up- on the Promotion of William Bradbridge to the See of Efeter, in 1571; foon after he became Biſhop of Rocheſter, conſecrated thereto on March the 9th, 1571-2, from thence tranſlated to Nolwich on July the iſt, 1575, and from Norwich hither, where he died the latter end of March or beginning of April(k) in 1590, aged 74, and lies buried at the Bottom of the South Ile of the Body of the Cathedral Church, where in a Nich of the Wall he hath a raiſed Tomb, and an Arch over it, the hana Inſcriptions on which you may ſee in the Survey, p. 116. He bore the Character of a pious, learned, and grave Divine, Vir pius, doetus, atque gravis, and was a zealous Afferter of the Church Diſcipline (1). The See lay again void till January 1592, on the 19th Day of which Month, Dean Willis received the Conge d'Eſlire, and on the 24th, he and the Chapter elected RICHARD FLETCHER, then Biſhop of Briffol. His Election was confirmed February the uith, and he inſtalled by his Proxy, Mr. William Thornhill Prebendary, on the 18th of the ſame Month (m). »» ឬ - - - - - (1) Reg. 32. f. 19. fee Append. N. 140. () His Will was dated March the 21ſt, and proved April 7, 1590. Br. Willis Survey of the Cathedral Church, p. 647. (Athen. Oxon. Vol. 1. (m) Reg. 32. f. 67, 68. b. Ibid. f. 70. He An Account of the He fate here till January the 4th, 1994, when he was tranſlated co London; after which we have no Inſtitutions of his, but this Note in- ferred in the Regiſter, Memorandum, quod poff tranſlationem Domini Ri chardi Fletcher ſede vacante nichil erat expeditum, quia Dominus Arcbiepif copus Cant. refervavit fibi Inſtitutiones Clericorum hujus Dioc. durante diala Vacatione (n). The See was not filled till April 1596, on the 12th Day of which Month Dean Willis received the Conge d'Ellire, and on the 20th was chofen THOMAS Bıl son, Eldeſt Son of Herman Bilſon, Grandſon of Ar. nold Bilſon, Son and Heir of Arnold Bilſon by his Wife, ſaid to be a Daughter of the Duke of Bavaria. His Election was not confirmed till Yune the 11th, and on the 13th he was conſecrated at Lambeth, Richard Biſhop of London, William of Wincheſter, and Richard of Bargo: affifting, in the Preſence of Bancroft, Munford, Bilgar, Ravis, Doctors of Di- vinity (). He received the Temporalities July the 27th (p), and was inchronized in the Perſon of his Proctor Griffin Lewys, on Saturday Auguff the 21ſt. The Commiſſion of Charles Fotherby, Archdeacon of Canterbury, to perform this Office, bore dace June the 25th, and was directed to Godfrey Goldsborough, and Thomas Thornton, D. D. Gilbert Backhouſe, and William Tovye, B. D. Prebendaries of this Cathedral. When he was inſtalled, he paid to the Choir 40s, to the Chapter Clerk 138. 4 d. to the Sextons 13s. 4 d. to the Almſmen, being but fix at home, 35. 4d. (). He was a very learned Man, born at Wint: cheiler, educated there, and at New College at Drfožd; was made a Prebendary of Wincheſter, and was Warden of the College there when elected to this See (r). He fate here but till Friday May 13, {m) You may find a further Account of this Biſhop Fletcher, Athen. Ox. V. 1. Fat. p. 107. Ed. z. (0) Strype's Life of Whitgift, p. 496. () Rym. Fæd. T.xvi. p. 299. () Reg. 32. f. 70, 71. (n) Athen. Oxon. V. 1. p. 403. Ed. 2. where you may read more of him and of his Works. He bore for his Arms a demy double Roſe Argent, and Gules, and a demy Pomegranate im- paled, Or, the Seeds proper, barbed, ſtalked, and leaved, vert. His Creft a Bugle, Or, the Bouldrie Ar- gent, taffelled and mantelled Gules, which Arms were allowed and confirmed to him and his Pofte- ty, by Garter Principal King at Arms, Oxober the 10th, 1582. Strype's Life of Wbitgift, p. 497. 1597, BISHOP S of WORCESTER. 221 on $ 1597, on which Day this See became ovacant upon his Translation to WTlincheffer. On September the 5th following, Gilbert Backboule, Subdean, received the Conge d'Efire, and on the 5th was electedol jisl all GERVASE BABINGTON, S. T. P. His Election was confirmed Otober the 4th, on the 15th he received the Temporalities, and on the 16th was inthronized in the Perſon of William Tuvie B! D. his Proctor (s). He made his publick Entry into Wložcetter on Aſcenſion Day 1598; and died at his Palace there of an Hectick Fevero Afcenfion Day, May the 17th, 1610. There was 196-Stone or Mon ment erected for him, but a Memoriál or Tablèt was hung upoupor the Wall by William Swaddon, "Archdeacon, on laſeenfion Day 1622, twelve Years after his Death, and what was written thereon, you will find in the Survey, p. 57, 58. This Gentleman was deſcended of an antient Family in Notinghamſhire, educated at Trinity College, Cam- bridge, Dr.Whitgift being then Maſter, was choſen Fellow of it, and became Chaplain to Henry Earl of Pembroke,, by whoſe Favour, he was made firſt Treaſurer of Landaff, and afterwards Biſhop, on the 29th of Auguſt 1591, tranſlated thence to Exeter in February 1594, and from that See hither. While Chaplain to the Earl of Pembroke, he af- fifted his Noble Counteſs Mary Sidney in her Tranſlation of the Pſalms ; for it was more than a Woman's Skill to expreſs the Senſe ſo right, as ſhe hath done in her Verſe, or more than the Engliſh or Latin Tranſla- tion could give her. He publiſhed ſeveral Books of Divinity, which were all printed in one Volume in Folio, London 1615, and go under the Name of his Works. At his Death he gave many choice Books to the Library here (t). Fuller, in his Abel Redivivus; concludes his ſhort Ac- count of his Life with theſe Verſes. : Renowned Babington ſpun out his Days In Truth and Peace, and had the ecchoing Praiſe (1) Reg. 32.f.93, 94. (1) Athen. Ox. Vol. 1. p. 704. and Faſt. 118. Sf Of 9 2 22 An Account of the Of every Tongue ; his Worth was priz'd by all city That lov'd Religion ; nothing could recal His Heart from Goodneſs. Peace and Love did reſto bavimo Within the Cloſet of his ſerious Breast. Tel. 9720 Therefore let every Tongue proclaim and cry, odle til The Fame of Babington ſhall never dye. nisi elit One thing more hath been remarked of him, that his Paternal Coat of Arms was the fame with that of his Biſhoprick. And here I put an end to the Account of the Biſhops of Worceſter, there being little or nothing related of their Succeffors but what hath been publiſhed by ſeveral Authors. salah BE ) * 3 Das Booi tolong en god ove di Soli Deo Gratias. E o absur man 10 Balls to Bosi Jeid.bila od eloqyoshlarimoW s godl: st 380 ti bi 2 en Cell ༡༡ བར ར ལ བ ལ མ ་ in aniotowu ort Das sind in diantai che nuova stagione in a ***** beste semester die bonuses kaitinished pasting : tegenständig doen de cateva BOTE 臺 ​. 等 ​等 ​; 等 ​: : …. : . : . 、 : “ : : 学 ​要 ​.:: “ མི༌ ''' ་ .: ; པར་བྱེད་པ། ** 3 .: ,་ ,་,་, P.623 S. " . www . w SIR Mivel e Mb 30626 de xova Break " "E":! >9. y WWW. A wise . Vw -> GX W W 20W . wali wa ... w -- AM Ru is.. காப்பகத்தார் : Dos w www. WK 4. . W. 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Nunc primum EDIT Æ. lista los 2) - СНИК 1. ЕСІСТИТЕ? : SISTID Σ κ. WODYH alsqooriqda cibga WA mablue IIUTIIAD JINADIG Duo B EDILE ... [3] orneo je .: *** : wa? 1022" w Para IMWI ". ... X FH Smith CATALOGUS CH ARTA RUM In A P PENDICE. I. CON No ONCESSIO Regis Edwardi ante Conquæſtum facta Ebo- rum Ecclefiæ de Epiſcopatu Worceftriæ, Page 1 2 Tranſcriptum Sodalitii inſtituti a Wulſtano cum Præfectis et Fra- tribus feptem Monaſteriorum, 3 3. Conventio inter Epiſcopum W. Priorem T. et Fratres de Wirceſtria et inter Abbatem Alwynum er Fratres de Ramſeya, ibid. 4. Sententia Sampſonis Epiſcopi de Electo Eboracenfi, 4 5. Carta H. Senioris de Hundredis, ibid. 6. Carta Sampſonis Epiſcopi de Wolverhamtuna, 5 7. Carta Teodwaldi Epifcopi de Gurgite, ibid. 8. Carta ejuſdem de Bureſtone et Dudrenhulle, ibid. 9, Carta Simonis Epiſopi de Weſtberie in Salfomariſco, 6 10. Carta ejuſdem de Lauwerna, ibid. II. Carta ejuſdem de quinque Marcis de Tholeneo, 7 12. Carta ejufdem ſuper Denariis Sri Petri, ibid. . > A . [ 4 ] No 13. Carta ejuſdem ſuper Decima Few, ibid. 14. Carta ejuſdem de terra Rogeri Piſtoris, 8 15. Carta ejuſdem de Ceſtrehulle, ibid. ibid. 16. Carta ejuſdem fuper ecclefiis fancti Swichuni et Sti Martini, 17. Carta ejuſdem de Eccleſia de Strande apud London, 9 18. Confirmatio Symonis Epiſcopi fuper Poſſeſſionibus, ibid. 19. Litera ejuſdem ad Dominum Cantuarienſem ſuper ecclefia de Strand, II I 2 15 30. ibid. 32. 20 21 20. Litera ejuſdem ad Epiſcopum London ſuper eccleſia de Strand, ibid. 21. Confirmatio J. de Pagaham Epiſcopi de Codeſton, 22. Epiſtola Theobaldi Alfredo Wigornienſi Epiſcopo, ibid. 23. Nomina Fundatorum Wigornienfis Eccleſiæ, 13 24. Tranſactio ſuper Eccleſia de Beiberia, 14 25. Carta B. Cant. Archiepiſcopi de Duderhulle, 26. Tranſcriptum Carte R. Henrici Senioris de Feodo unius. Militis in Inteberge, 16 27. Carta Ricardi Regis de Efſartis, ibid. 28. Carta Henrici Epiſcopi fuper Penſionibus Ecclefiarum Wigorn. 17 29. Carta ejuſdem de Capellis de Dodeham et de Knitewick, ibid. Carta ejuſdem de Penfione de Uverebyri, 18 31. Carta Ricardi Regis de Foro de Stratford, Carta I. Epiſcopi ſuper Penſione Eccleſie de Cliva, 19 33. Teftamentum Regis Johannis, ibid. 34. Carta H. Regis, Filii J. Regis, de fitu Caftri, 35. De Caſtro Wygorn. Teftimonium, 36. Litere dirigende Regi ad poftulandum licentiam Eligendi, ibid. 37. Litere dirigende Domino Cantuar. pro Officialitate, o ibid. 38. Litere Regis de licentia Eligendi, 39. Confirmatio Walteri de Cantilupo Epiſcopi ſuper Decimis, ibid. 40. Carta de Vetito Namio, de Terris, Feudis, et Libertatibus infra Comitat. Wygorn. Glouc. er Warwyc. DAY rica 23 41. Carta Henrici Regis de Warenna de omnibusVominicis Terris Epi- ſcopi Wygorn. in Com. Wygorn. Warrwyke et Glouceſtre, 24 42. Confirmatio Henrici Regis Cartarum H. Proavi et H. Aviſui de Hundredis et Libertatibus terrarum Epiſcopi Wigorn. 25 43. Carta Walteri de Cantilupo de Capella Carnarie, 26 44. Carta de Caſtro de Hertlebure Kernellando, 45. Compofitio inter Epiſcopum et Executores W. de Cantilupo, 28 46. Carta ſuper Feria de Blockele, 29 47. Articuli Epiſcopi verſus Comitem Warwici; Et Forma Pacis inite inter eoſdem, el na amana saepit mollis e 30; 3) 48. Trani 22 3 $100 27 : [5] : 3 No 48. Tranſcriptum Compofitionis inite inter Epiſcopum et Capitulum Wygorn, 143 oraw nartsistih Page 32 49. Confirmatio Gregorii Pape fuper Poffeffionibus Epiſcopatus Wi- gorn, s pretende como ob.W noissaoudini 0.33 50. Confirmatio ejufdem fuper decimas terris et Poffeffionibus Prioris et Conventus Wigorn, dil man ogooliga afsontoo maup 35 51. Qualiter Dominus Epiſcopus G. admiffus eft tanquam Frater in or- dine Fratrum Minorum, vita ID cup dutino ibid. 52. Litera excufatoria veniendi London ad Congregationem Prelatorum, moda consistori sabia com canoni 36 53. Petitiones impetrande in Romana Curia contra Archiepifcopum Cant. Dainis obuoroligation A mero 37 54. Appallatio contra Archiepiſcopum Cant. per Epiſcopum Wygorn. 38 55. De modo certificandi Capitulum Wygorn ſuper Reformacione Pa- cis inter Archiepifcopum Cant. et Epiſcopum Wygorn, sieri I 39 56. Litera miffa Archiepifcopo Cant per Epifcopum Wigorn,muz ibid. A Alia eidem directa, 40 57. Reſponſio Archiepiſcopi, omon T. 1950 ml atau ibid. 58. Litera Mag. Johannis de Butterleye pro Ecclefia de Clyve, & aliis Tot expenſis Curie Romane, 1991 shin stil 41 59. Refponfio Epiſcopi, monidan murod alios OAI 42 60. Bulla Appropriationis Eccleſiæ de Clyve ad vitam Epiſcopi Wy- gorn, 00 110010130 0103 44 61. Nova Ordinatio ſuper Cantaria Carnarie Wygorn, ein 29 I 45 62. Reformatio Pacis inter Epiſcopum & Conventum Wygorn, 248 63. Proceſſus habitus inter Epiſcopum & fuum Capitulum anno vicefi- mo fecundo Pontificatus ipfius Epiſcopi, ish 49 64. Litera Archiepiſcopi pro Funere H. Poche & Mandarum ejuſdem, en comptesiconal cu magdish supa 55 65. Litera inhibitoria miffa Epifcopo Wygorn. ab Officiali Curie Cant, & Forma Pacis inite inter Dominum Epifcopum & Capitulum fuum, for the pinisy 61043b Wagobligaona u 57,58,.59 66. Indićtamentum contra Epiſcopuin Wygorn pro Colingrugge, 62 . 67. Articuli contra Godfridum Epiſcopum. Wygorn & Refponfiones fert'l ejufdem, 2014 iobi on iubasto bs caigos svara 63 68. Compofitio inter Epiſcopum & Monachos Wigornienſes, anno 1224, rumaliq semua soitilaa oqul si ha .074 69. Teſtamentum Godefridi Giffard quondam Epiſcopi Wygorn, 77 70. Licencia Eligendi Epiſcopum a Rege Concelfas, samo su 82 71. Preſentatio Ele&i ad Regem, qui videoted i ob dot savu ibid. 72. Litera Regia ad Papam po Electo Wygorn, 83 73. Litera Capituli Wygorn ad Papam pro eodem Electo, ibid. ... 10 : : . * 74. Dimiſlio : to . 98 IOO IOI (6) No 74. Dimiffio Prioris a Jurifditione,i saoisdogio calcin Page 84 75. Litera directa Priori Wygorn fuper Expeditionem Electorum Ely- "W ens & Wygorn ad Curiam Romanam, mnogo Quinontao ibid, 76. De Inthronizatione W. de Geynesborowe, 85 77. Litera H. de Blunteſdon Elemofinarii domini R. Edv. Angliæ, per- quam conceffit Epiſcopo Centum libras, 87 78. Litera Regis ad Papam, limhe coolice sus 88 79. Forma ſub qua Dominus Walterus in Epiſcopum Wygorn. Aucto- seu ritate Apoftolica erat prefectus, & Mandatum Apoftolicum ut Prior & Cap. obediant eidem tanquam Paſtori 89, 90, 91 80. Commiffio facta Epiſcopo Landavenſi, ti abastegrai anni ibid. 81. Ne Eborum Archiepiſcopus Crucem erigat in Dioceſi Wygorn, 93 82. Obligatio Epifcopi in annua Penfione quinque Marcarum ſolvend ** . Ade de Murymouth, Would 83. Litera miffa Pape per Regem pro T. de Cobham, ibid. 84. Eximià miffa Dominus Thome Epifcopo in Intronizatione in pe- cunia numerata, 99 85. Litera miffa Pape per Thomam Epiſcopum Wygorn, ito ibid. 86. Litera miffa Jacobo Diacono Cardinali Romane Eccleſie, 87. Litera miffa Regi, 88. Litera miffa Eborum Archiepiſcopo, 89. Legata Thome de Cobham nuper Wygorn Epiſcopi eccleſie Wy- gorn & ſucceſſori fuo, 103 90. Litera Regis ad Papam pro Wulſtano Wygorn Eccleſie Electo, 104 91. Super Conſecratione Wulftani Wig. Electi, ni con 106 92. Contra Adamum de Orleton Jura Coronæ violantem, 107 93. Summonitio Adæ de Orleton ad comparendum coram Rege in Par- nah liamento, com 108 94. Res que debentur pro Intronizatione Epiſcopi Wygorn, 95. Bulla Pape fuper Collatione Epifcopatus Wygorn. dit ibid. 96. Bulla ad Conſecrandum di&um Epiſcopum Wygorn, kui 97. Pro Wulſtano Epiſcopo Wyg. de non veniendo ad Parliamenta prop- ter Debilitatem Excuſatoria, 98. Alia Excufatoria pro eodem Wolſtano, ibid. 99. Breve Regium ad orandum pro felici progreffu Guerre contra Fran- ciam, caalarogliorandom dui olio 100. Ad Papam ſuper malitioſe Suggeſtis contra Epiſcopum Wygorn, por iqosua arabes unistanut u15 101. Super Suggeſtionibus prælibatis, ugody ibanggilt in 116 102. Litera Joh. de Thoresby Epiſcopi Wyg. Capitulo Eccleſie Eborum, he Google ibid. off CYI2O3 (TÙI KIA LG DOSY W ilusio 103. Litera chaia IO2 109 111 II2 [7] I 20 I 2 I * No 103. Litera ejufdem ad Papam, W ogohlin 01q ontoffisono Page 117 104. De Provifione ad Ecclefiam Eborum, s ha offitto 118 105. De Provifione ad Ecclefiam Wigornienſem, oillaono 1119 106. Revocatio Licentie Eligendi, cod motwilini 107. Indulgentia pro Eccleſia Wygorn. ibid. 108. Papa ad Regem de Proviſione, 109. Mandatum Domini Epiſcopi de Lollardi predicent infra fuam Di- oceſim, 123 110. Bulla de Mitra Baculo & aliis, 125 111. Litera Archiepiſcopi ad Priorem Wygorn, 126 112. Litera Ricardi Epiſcopi Wygorn de Inthronizatione ſua, ibid. 113. De Reſtitutione Temporalium Wygorn Epifcopatus, 127 114. Pro Epiſcopo Wygorn, 128 115. Pro Epiſcopo Wygorn de Mutuo, ibid. 116. Forma Electionis Philippi Morgan in Epiſcopum Wygorn, 130 117 Litera Prioris & Conventus ad Papam Martinum Quintum, 134 118. De Cuſtodia Temporalium, 137 119. De Requeſtubus pro Tranfituris ad Generale Concilium, ibid. 120. Pro Epiſcopo Wygorn de Exportando, 139 12 1. Pro eodem Epiſcopo, ibid. 122. Pro Epiſcopo Memorato, 140 123. Receptio Ambaffiatorum Regis in primo Congreffu ad Concilium Bafilienfe, ibid. 124, Forma Electionis Epiſcopi Thome Bourgchier, 141 125. De Reſtitutione Temporalium Epiſcopatus Wygorn, 148 126, 127. De Reſtitutione Temporalium, 149 128. Litera Epiſcopi ad Priorem & Conventum Minoris Malverniæ, 150 129. De Pardonatione pro Epiſcopo Wigornienfi, 152 136. Pro Sylveſtro de Giglys de Cuſtodia Temporalium, 154 131. De Reſtitutione Temporalium A. D. 1499. 155 132. Bulla Leonis X preficiens Julium de Medicis in Adminiſtratorum Epiſcopatus Wygorn, 133. De Reſtitutionibns Temporalium A. D. 1522-3. 134. De Reſtitutionibus Temporalium 1535. 159 135. Significavit pro Epiſcopo Wygorn, 136. Refignatio Epiſcopatus Wygornienfis, 161 137 Licentia Regia conceffu Domini Epiſcopo Wygorn ad exercend. Juriſdictionem Spiritualem, 163 138. Super Tranſlatione Epiſcopi Glouceſtrenfis ad Epiſcopatum Wy- gorn, 165 156 158 Ібо 139. De [8] No .. . 13 el seu estallisto OST 139. De Conceſſione pro Epiſcopo Wigorn & Glouc. blues Page 173 140. Commiffio ad Viſitandum auctoritate Sedis Apoftolice, I of 176 141. Conceffio Regie Majeftatis Collationum Prebendarum in Ecclefia Cathedrali Wygorn Domino Epiſcopo ibidem facta, osa 177 110V sol oq sitollivor! sh yost be seen.8o1 * man nila angoiboiqibudol ob iqouliqal inimoa mbunM.Qo1 erito els soldes silub slut oil osi Onyw artis iqodliqaidah : idendit snoisinemini gamtos Vigooliqa inois Indian mo manoqmi snoisuins 01 si (11037 Woqooliqi oli Our M 9b 07097 Woqooliq 0111 OBI og W ruradliqni nrgtoM ingilidt ancisco STOT puntu murinn M ms4 ibs NVO ironny nierung los DT Biboto sa si tullorton udufoups/l56 am 1oqotilga orto oned abo9 017.IS om rogoliqa nguiliano bi bila MÀ on taas UNE Blichen El dimostrato &1.4 NOFTW mnogtW cursquoric Quilcto OT onoituito del mbilstogo Tonoidinio atende imovisM anonim novio 8 mionſ bs ige? SAT Coralnog. W ocool, I ong choirs ofuscas entuzilsaqamo T sibosta oba bonftavlyi ortasi 01. A muloqmom stoluidos DronulinimbA ni aiboM 9h stilol angiitor Yaicos Isllud .591 ertog W cuisqooliqa Bashi - AmmistoqmoT anditoisuti SOT et mailetan eudikorosifte od criogy Woqooliqa orq sivrofingie ailtisimogy aunqooloil bn91920 bs mogt W oqooliqai inimo ronco siz II sinisilta Edit ook çaoloniniqa maoibiblico -W muitqobliqui bsaagill9uolo iqooliqa SroisAllas.Tisque 321 etio * 1 * QAT oc . dar 1.81 MAGVAI I 06 STOOR DO 164 291 60 OD STOK Yea 1816.OR A P P E N D I X Cartarum originalium. Conceſſio Regis Edwardi ante Conquaſtum facta Eborum ecclefia de epiſcopatu Worceſtria. . 5 63 ſua con- N nomine ſanctæ et individuæ Trinitatis. Ego EDWARDUS divina gratia largiente ANGLORUM Rex. Quum religio- fi anteceſſores noftri dignitatem eccleſiarum interdum fore per- ſpexerunt terrenarum opulentia rerum, tamque authoritatis robur habere, quanta fulciebatur copia divitiarum, digne tenuitatem ecclefafticam larga amplificare ftuduerunt manu, tam in poſſeſſione prædiorum, quam ceteris redditibus legali- um conftitutionum. Etenim vero, cum ipfi fideles, qui ſumus in Chriſto, ab apoſtolo vocemur, et fimus eccleſia, quam prope quam ex numeroſa multitu- dine gentium in unitate corporis ſui ad eccleſiam Dei nuncupamus, ſecravit gratia, videbimur adulterini , ec non filii, fi in ejus nos fedulos non exhibuerimus dilatanda gloria. Quapropter ego EDWARDUS, Chriſti pietate rex ANGLORUM, dolens Eboracum metropolim, noſtro tempore dejectam, ad antiquam celfitudinem, qua illuftrabatur à piis noſtris predecef- foribus, in priftinum cupiens reparare dignitatis ſtatum, noſtro fideli domino archiepiſcopo ejuſdem eccleſiæ metropolitanæ Aldredo dono noftro contuli- mus ad integrum, quicquid à pio patre noftro Eadwardo regali domino ejus anteceſſori Oſwaldo predicte fedis pontifici eſt collatum. Et poſt, cum Romæ peteret pallium à beato papa Formoſo, per privilegii deſcriptionem ei eſt traditum donum ſcil. Wiriceftriæ epiſcopatus, per noftrum tamen conſilium diſponendum, in archiepiſcopatus dignitare exaltanda ſupplimentum vicarium, quod etiam idem Oſwaldus, et poſt eum Adulphus, et Wlſtanus archipre- fules, regio munere adepti funt, et tenuerunt quietum et folidum, donec B Anglia 2 APPENDIX Anglia direpta eft et diſciſla invaſione Danorum, et cum cæteris orna . mentis ecclefiarum prædictæ civitatis, illud papæ Formoſi privilegium con- ftat eſſe incenſum. Hic autem chariſſimus noſter Ealdadus epiſcopii curam fuſcipiens, ejuſdemque ecclefiæ jura requirens, et fciens à beato papa Nicho- lao Romæ pallio donatus, ad nos ſuper ecclefiæ ſibi commiſſæ dignitate, apoſtolica fcripta fignata detulit, quibus cum fua fidelitate commoniti, juf- tam petitionem papæ et ſuam nolumus refutare, quod abfit, præfertim cum fuper eadem re apoſtolicum preſentavit privilegium. Donavimus igitur, con- filio Reginæ meæ et aliorum fidelium, ei, ejuſque poſteris, ordinationem Wireceftriæ epiſcopatus, cum noftro tamen diſponendam confilio, quatenus in exequendo epiſcopali cura eo fpecialius utatur vicario, utque à beato papa Nicholao in ejus fcriptum habetur privilegio. Quod fi quis ex regibus pofteris noftris infringere temptaverit, iram Dei incurrat, et fit anathema, ſecun- dum fupradictum apoſtoli decretum, nifi reſipiſcat. Ut autem hoc meæ de- ſcriptionis privilegium perpetuo inviolatum ſervetur, manus noſtræ fignum ſigillique auctoritas ſubter inſignitur : item reginæ uxoris meæ teſtimonio munitur, epiſcoporum quoque interminatio cum fingulorum nomine et cha- ractere exprimitur, abbatum et principum regni noſtri conteſtificatione fulci- tur. Ego Edwardus Dei gratia Anglorum rex, hoc fcriptum confirmavi. Ego Editha Dei pietate Anglorum regina, juffu domini mei regis volunta- rie huic deſcriptioni faveo. Ego Stigandus archiepiſcopus ſubſcribo. Ego Hermannus epiſcopus ſubſcribo. Willielmus epiſcopus. _ Theofric Epiſc. Rom bertus Stalve, Osbernus Capellanus, Raimboldus, Petrus Haraldus Dei gratia dux, Toſti Gorth dux, Leofwinus dux, Brihtric, Ulf, Suen, Alnod, Walder, fubfc. A&um Wintoniæ in publica curia natalis Chriſti in die feſtivitatis fancti Sylveſtri A. D. MLXII. anno regni noſtri xxi. per omnia benedictus Deus. Amen. Ego Alfnod Abbas. Aſelnodus abbas. S. Leofricus abbas. Ego Aldridus ſubdiaconus fcriptum recognovi (a). PA (a) Dugd. Mon. T. 3. P. 131. Ex Codice M. S. vocato magno regiſtro albo penes Decora 3230 et Capitulum Ebor, p. 60. of beiden Senga Ost os bet other one Road and play bojo goobligations duongo il voor urmarent Simon eta i Batalio matto bi sam by Cocoon Piano palate banorte en la Brays policisti Tranſcriptum asidasa 200 staba, tais sina 19. alawio mbi musia boun Stool atabilna in sent inabe um og galine Cartarum dans . 3 33 originaliumusmod en misfionou almams up iblazilo 2. Tranſcriptum fodalitii inſtituti a Wulfiano cum præfeftis et frdtribus ſepten monaſteriorum, ſcil. monafterii Eoveſhamenſis, Ceortifigenfis, Batkenfis, Perf- corenfis, Wincelcumbenfis, Glocefirienfis, et Wigornienfis, cujus ftipulata ſunt ſodales ſe Deo obedientes, et regi fideles fore, et multa alia fraternæ charitatis et pietatis officia fe præftituros. ET ON N opihtnes naman hel enbes Epistes. is † Pulstano$ on 6pıhtner na- man hærs gerroo pig his leofan gebroopa þe hım getreope rýnd for gode 3 for populde. Đætais bonne ærest Egelpig abbore on E fesham. ] Fulfpolo abbote on Leontisige. I felfrige abbote on Baðan, 1 þi gebro- Gra. j amung abbote on Penscopan. 7 Rapulp abbote on Pincelcumbe. 1 Sæple abbote on Glepeceastre. ] Elfstan Becanus on Pigpuce stre. Đxt is $ pe pilla's geopne gehịpsume beon Gode ] Sincta Marım. Sancte Benedicte. 1 us rýlfe gepihtlæcan spa neah spa pe nyhst magon to pam pıhte. J beon spi hız appitin is Quafi cor unum & anima una. I pe pillag urum populde hlafonde Pillelme cònıncge. I mahchiloe bere hlærbian hold beon fop Lode 1 for populde. j habbe je us gepro8 betreonan to ure saule þeapfe. I to ealpa para gebrovna þe us under beoobe sýrde, pe mu- nuc hadee rýnd. $ is. $ pe pilla beon an annerse spýlce ealle s vn mýn- straš rýn an mynster. I beon spa hit her beforan appiten is Quaſi cor unum & anima una. Þip $ pe ælcere pucan singan i mæðgan on ælcum mýrstre ļýnseplıce for ealluin gcbpoppum, Monandæge ] Frigedæge y pite se bro for pe capitula mæsse puca bið, þ þar mægsan gefordige, for þı gebro na Þe libbende sýnd, 1 for ælcan fortfarenan brufor, ælç þæri þinga pore don spilce hig ealle ætgebere on anum Mønstpon päron. 7 nu is baja aboga cpýðræbennæ ß hit pilla beon Gode gehupsume, 1 heopa biscope to heora gemænelicum peappe. $ is. $ heofa æld seal son an C mässan, y for his agenra handa gebýcge, y an C beanferðra manna geba Erge. 7 b redan. 7 ealle þa gescýgean. 1 ælc sònge himsýlf vir mæssan. 7 him fopeson xxx nihta his mete beropan him. j ænne pænis on uppan þam meter Frode us gefultumige $ pe hit þur motan gelæstan 7 mið suman Gode gecacnian. Sic fiat (6) pasaupst so toaline jitq 1133 mm grobing and service & Medio 3. Conventio inter epifcopum W. priorem T. et fratres de Wireceftria, et inter abba- tem Alwynum et fratres de Ramſeya ; quatenus utrumque monafterium in okta nibus fit commune. aero ÆC eſt conventio inter epiſcopum W. et priorem T. et fratres de Wire- ceſtra ; et inter abbatem Alwinum et fratres de Rameſeya, quatenus utrumque monaſterium in omnibus commune fit et unum, in gratia videli- (1) Hickefii Diſſert. Epift. p. 19, 20. cet . 4 APPENDIX cet beati preſulis Oſwaldi, qui Ramefenſe monaſterium primitus conſtru- endo et dedicando et Wigornenfe poflidendo, utrumque in domino com- plectitur. Et hoc placet ut pro unoquoque defuncto fratre utriuſque con- gregationis xxx. dies pleniter agantur, et prebenda fratris per xxx, dies in elemofynam detur ; pro epiſcopo vero et priore Wigornenſi, et pro abbate Ramenfi per integrum annum fua prebenda ad elemoſinam mitta- tur, et in omnibus habeant fratres alterutrum hinc et inde fuum locuni, et in qualibet neceſſitate fuum refugium (). 4. Sententia Sampſonis epiſcopi de eletto Eboraeenfi . -L ICET hunc qui in pontificatum Eboracenſem electus eſt, olim ex conjuge filium fufceperim, eique juxta fæculum et carnis na- turam honoris ac dignitatis provectu, jus æquiſſime debeam: multo maxi- me tamen id matri meæ eccleſiae Cantuarienſi debeo, quæ me in eum, in quo fum, honorem provexit, et gratiæ, quam à Chrifto Domino me- ruit, me per pontificale miniſterium participem fecit. Quapropter notum omnibus eſſe volo, me et literis patris noſtri ANSELMI, de cauſa, quæ nunc inter nos agitur factis, modis omnibus obediturum, nec unquam af- ſenſum præbiturum, ut is qui electus eſt in epiſcopatum Eboracenſem, aliquatenus conſecretur , donec de ſubjectione fua ccclefiæ Cantuarienfi debitam et canonicam obedientiam profiteatur. Ipfe enim præſens fui, quando frater meus THOMAS archiepiſcopus Eboracenfis, tum antiquis conſuetudinibus, tum invincibilibus allegationibus actus, eandem profeſſio- nem LANFRANCO archiepiſcopo Cantuarienfi et cunctis ejus fucceffori- bus fecit (d). 5 Carta H. Senioris de Hundredis. H. Rex Anglie. Omnibus vicecomitibus, in quorum vicecomitatibus Samp- • fon epiſcopus habet terras et coll' falutem. Præcipio ut he ſubno- minate terre geldent cum terris prediai epifcopi, et ſequantur fuos Hun- dredos. In Gloceftra fira in Bernintreu Hundr. v. hide, quas Osbertus Giffart tenuit. Et iii. hid. et dimid. in Cuntona, quas Gislebertus filius Tv raldi tenuit. Ee in Wacrecumbra Hundr. iiii. hid. er dimid. in Dodeſwel- lo et Pecleſworda, quas Robertus tenuit. Et x. hid. in Eſtona, quas Drogo tenuit. Et in Teidbaldeſtan Hundr. In Cliya vii. hid. in Stokes, quas tenuerunt Bernaldus et Renaldus.. In Wireceſtra ſcira in Oſwaldeſlawe Hundr. In Grimeleya i. hid. que vocatur Chenitwic, quam tenuit Ro- bertus Diſpenſator, er in Warwic fcira in Patelau Hundr. i. hid. in Lo- matelau Hundr. I... (0) Reg. 1. dec. et cap. Wigorn. f. 71. &. et MSS. Bib. Bod. N. 2583. 93. 3. b. Ead m. hiſt. non. L. 4. P. 103. cheam, Cartarum Originalium. 5 1920 UN frojd cheam. : Et in Meretona Hundr. ii. hid. et dimidia virgata terre in Flec- kenhou, quia fic teftatur carta mea Wintonie ; tefte Rogero epiſcopo Sa- lesb. apud Wodeſlocam. Et has terras teftatur carta Winton. effe fancie Marie de Wireceſtra, teſte eodem (e).131.5 audiato into on other word 107 draisanoguð oflə noflens led o bobanad auma 6. Carta Sampſonis epiſcopi de Wluarunbamtund. Niverfis fancte et catholice eccleſie fidelibus, Sampſon. Dei gratia Wi- gorn. epiſcopus falutem et Dei benedi&ionem. Confenfu et confir- marione Henrici" regis conceſſi et dedi Thome priori et fratribus, et filiis noftris, monachis videlicet fancte Marie de Wireceſtre, eccleſiam de Wlver- unhamtuna, cum terris et poſſeffionibus et omnibus rebus ad cam perti- nentibus, ita liberam et quietam, ficut dominus meus Willelmus rex eam mihi conceſſit et dedit. Hanc autem donationem fervantes et manutenen- tes ab omnium retributore mercedem accipiant : fi quis vero, quod ablit, eam vel violare vel in aliquo minuere, five etiam ab uſibus fratrum, quibus eam perpetualiter dedi, ſubtrahere temptaverit ; timendum erit ei ne dia Ariai judicis gravem ſentiat ultionem. Tefte Ailrico archidiacono, Frederi- ·co et Ailwino capellanis, &c. (f), ik amico aib n ni 2013 soista 2:13M361 Sipas om boroto od ISION DW 7. Carta Teodwaldi epiſcopi de Gurgite. 95 greitt a más On stion de tournost dbarano sortanonguistos NNO ab incarnatione Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti M°C°XVIII°. in. dictione Xa.n Ego Teodwaldus gratia Dei Wigornenſis eccleſie an- tiſtes conſilio optimatum meorum conceſſi et perpetualiter dedi unam piſ cariam in Sabrina, que ad Norwicam pertinebat, cum gurgite, et infula, et pratis, et terra, et hominibus, et domibus, et omnibus rebus ad eam pertinentibus, quietam et liberam ab omni fervitio, fratribus eccleſie noſtre ad victum fuum. Hanc donationem fiquis infringere preſumpſerit, perpe- tuo anathemate, lonili reſipuerit, dampnetur. b Hujus donationis funt te- ftes, &c. (g). bør om gids mouc 019) anos 3 il su: 0101357 39 olor pulangan si sono tinguts so inuo omit! 35 9000 a 3) sad iveneb mee slls19 Bibsten D. Carta ejuſdem de Burefioné et Dudrenbulle. T 383091 ans offelsos abihorq oluniq- T Heodwoldus Dei gratia Wigorn. epiſcopus, omnibus fuccefforibus fuis, et cun&tis filmis matris eccleſie, falutem et benedictionem. Sciatis nos au- ctoritate epiſcopali confirmaſſe priori et monachis Sre Marie Wigornenſis ec- cleſie Bureſtonam et eccleſiam de Dudrenhulla cum capellis et decimis ad eam pertinentibus, quos primum Osbertus filius Ricardi eis dedit pro falute (-) Reg. 1. dec. et cap. Wig. f. 4. b. (f) 1bid f. 35. do (8) Ibid. f. 9. b. C anime : 6 A P PENDIX anime fue, et quos poft eum filius ſuus Hugo firmiter conceffit, let carta ſua et ſigillo confirmavit. Quare volumus, et auctoritate qua fungimur precipimus, quatinus has predictas elemofynas libere et in pace teneant, et inconcuſſe poſſideant. Omnibus autem ad hoc eos adjuvantibus fit pax et fuprema benedi&io Dei et noftra. Amen. Teſte Hugone archidiacono, &c. (b). N . do zálos 120 9 Carta Simonis epiſcopi de Weßberie in Salfomariſco . 12 Homero Vit Sibbo sodori ostimme pingville Overing univerfi fan&te matris eccleſie filii, quod ego Symon Dei NO gratia Wigornenſis:cepiſcopus, cognita antiqua tenura 1 et canonico jure (ſancte Wigorncnſis eccleſie, reddidi,i et preſentis carte munimine con- firmayi, eidem Wigornenfi eccleſie, i priori fcilicet & monachis, ceclefiam Weſtbirie in perpetuam poſſeſſionem, cum omnibus pertinentiis fuis,j: ſcia licet cum capella fancte Wereburge ſuper montem Hembirie fita, et ca- pella de Cumbtune, quam Bertrannus clericus dirationavit apud Wigorn. in generali fynodo, net cum poffeflione quæ fuitpi Ailwini capellani, quam Paganus clericus redemit de Engelberto favore uxoris, fue, et roflenſu Sy- monis beredis fuiy ficut carta prenominati Pagania teftatur, et cum acris, quas prefatus Engelbertus in die obitus fui eccleſie de Weſtbiric deviſit. Ego quoque propria manu feci priori et conventui de prefata ecclefia Weft- birie, et ſuis appendiciis ſuprafcriptis, canonicam inveſtituram. Inveſtitu- ram autem iftam eo libentius et fiducialius cis feci, quod in prefata Weſtburi- enfi eccleſia, religionem et ordinem monachicum, et ibi monachos Wigorn. Deo fervientes temporibus beatorum patrum. Oſwaldi et Wlítani epiſco- porum fuiffe cognovi ; quos let Sampfoni epiſcopusopoftmodum minus pro- vide quam oportuie eliminavit. Hujus rei teftes dunc, &c. (i).sgo cililmos iofis sluini 13 „ignagmuo pasidoni 1739 meiwon bs sup artidna di monta mobs audzy orliando pudimob 5 audinimod 5 43133 siang ulon gibaldi Carta Symonisiepifcopi de Lauwernasigiup audioanista Puigra srynirini zinpit_m9nofisnob onsH muut mubiy, bt Sime Imon Dei gratia lepifcopús de Wigreceſtre, omnibus fidelibus fan&te Ma- rie Wigorn, eccleſie falutem in Domino, Sciatis me reddidiffe Deo et eecleſie fančte Marie Wigreceſtre Lauwernam ; et volo et precipio, ut ficut predicte ecclefie eam donavi, ita bene et in pace, et fine omni calumpnia eam teneat. Tefte Turftino archidiacono, Gervaſio capellano: meo, et toto capitulo predi&e ecclefie (k). dizolban) mudirumo auqo igo moni't sista jadi zablowbosh TOTOROIDON 3039915699 PRIN INDO (-) Reg.i. dec. er cap Wig, f. 11. (a) Ibid. T. g. sa ibia. f. 13. ölıq ostirof enab mua stadmorbili ob mi81931 cctlanad aito it ora mbaba zis genisl sit auspad:0 orang zone mudirmacista see OTT .. i 35ie (1) IN" Carta Cartarum originalium. // Carta Symonis epifcopi de vos marcis de Theloneo. Ymon Dei gratia Wigornenfis epiſcopus omnibus fuccefforibus fuis fan&te S Marie Wigornenfis i ecclefie falutem. Sciat fanctitatis, veſtre dilectio me conceſliſſe et in perpetuam-. elemofynam dediffe priori et dilecto con- ventui meo Wigarnenfi. v. marcas argenti per fingulos annos de Thelo- nio me de Wigornia pro remedio anime mee , et omnium predeceſſorum et fucceflorum meorum et parentum meorum ; videlicet duas marcas ad feſtum ſancti Godwali ad uſus monachorum, et 1. marcam ad anniverſa- rium beati wlftani epifcopig nethin. marcam ad canniverſárium Sampſonis epiſcopi, pariter patris et matris mee, et 1. marcam ad anniverſarium The- oldi epiſcopi. T. Eudone decano, magiſtro Serlone, &c. (1). molto nitonya ** 1/2 Carta Symonis epiſcopi fuper denariis fanáti Petri. ENTER minilomals maniorpaq ni 10 ninsorioz on ajaineet osno GO Symon Dei gratia Wigornenſis epiſcopus dono et perpetualiter concedo tribus et filiis noftris, monachis ejufdem noftre fedis, denarios fancti Petri, quos decani noſtril de terrisa eorum exigere ſolebant, quorum ſum- ma uſque ad viginti folidos eftimabatur. Hii ſunt teftes, &c. (m). shares & 3 ES 13 Carta Symonis epiſcopi ſuper decima Peni. *** oles and to at tarinan rotet 011 Ymon Dei gratia Wigornenſis epiſcopus omnibus ſucceſſoribus ſuis et omni- SE bus fidelibus fancte eccleiie falutem. Sciar o fraternitas veſtra me con- ceffiffe in perpetuum fratribus noftris, monachis Wigornenfis eccleſie, om- nem decimationem totius feni mei de hiis villis, fcilicet, North-vic, Wi- cha, Remeſeya, Rippel, Breoduna, Fladebiria, Hantuna, Stratford, Hen- byri, Heortlebyri, ad uſus monachorum et hoſpitum. Hanc meam donati- onem ita epifcopali auctoritate confirmo"; ut fiquis' eam diabolico inftin&u violare prelampferit, nifi emendationem congruam fecerit, perpetuo anathe- mate feriatur." Amen, Amen, Amen (n). A Tus wuwbou en god seniorp MED wurdogne () Ibid. f. 10. obane sot, anotzise 10 pob (m) Ibid. (1) Ibid, FOTOD 049 munniti sam : zumineup oruto **** 19 DAzilaqoo 59 eilwool az autotu ni a dimmo oisemmatino's dois writorloof veislit mezzora 90|1961 19 16200 Opbob sli 23.0) Carta 8 A P PENDIX 14. Carta Symonis epiſcopi de terra Rogeri Piftoris. Ymon Dei gratia Wigornenfis epiſcopus ſuis fuccefferitus ctn cm- nibus in Chrifto fidelibus falutem. falutemme dediffe fratribus no- ftris monachis de Wireceftra terram, quam tenuit Rogerus Piſtor, ad ho- fpitalitatem indigentium, de me, quam diu vixit. Et volo ut ipfi fratres noſtri candem terram, cum domibus et artis, et culturis, et pratis bene et libere, et quiete teneant à geldis et auxiliis, et omnibus fervitiis et exactionibus, ad elemofynam et hoſpitalitatem indigentium. Hæc donatio facta eſt in capitulo Perſorenſ Teſte Turſtano, &c. (o). on - I aina nyinirls, I 01635en! am BitBox 33 erikoistua igoitia or oligsoons) Omkost. Ob looshqa iblo 19". Carta Symonis epiſcopi de Ceftrebulle. Ymon Dei gratia Wigornenfis epifcopus, omnibus fuccefforibus ſuis in Chriſto falutem. Sciatis me conceffiffe et in perpetuam elemoſinam dediffe priori et filiis meis, monachis Wireceſtre, totam terram meam de Ceftreulle ; et volo et auctoritate Dei et mea precipio, quatinus' mona- chi Wigornenfes predi&am terram teneant tam libere i et quiéte, ficut i un- quam aliquis predeceſſorum meorum liberius et quietius eandem terram te- nuit. T Eudone decano, &c. (2). 16 zivomir MY SI Carta Symonis epiſcopi fuper ecclefiis ſancti Switbuni et fancti Martini. is en gardiofrou se refirmo euqoliqo 20m9mogi klant is a momy! SYI Ymon Dei gratia Wigorpenſis epiſcopus univerſis univerſalis matris ec- cleſie filiis falutem, et pontificalem Noveritis me pe- titione, voluntate, et favore Eudonis decani dediſſe et conceffiffe, priorir et monachis Wigornenſis eccleſie kariffimis filiis meis, eccleſiam Sancti Swithu- ni, que in proprio feudo ipſius decani fita et fundata: fuit, eccleſiam quo- que ſancti Martini, quam prefatus Eudo decanus) de priore et monachis Wigornie tenuit, quamque eis die qua habitum religionis accepit, a liberam et quietam reddidit : falva duntaxat dignitate mea et conſuetudinibus epi. ſcopalibus. Terram quoque, que de meo feudo eft, quam Godwinus auri- faber infra burgum tenuit de predicto decano, er decanus de me, fimiliter eis do, et petitione decani concedo et confirmo. Volo ergo multumque deſidero, quatinus hec mea iftarum écclefiarum ſimul et terre donatio, et donationis confirmatio omnibus in futurum et ſeculis et populis rata et in- convulfa permaneat, et harum literarum mearum fulciatur aucthoritate, et teſtimonio roboretur. Acta eſt autem iſta donatio coram his teftibus, et ce- tera (9) (0) Reg; 1. dec. et cap. Wig, f. 10, w Ibid. (9) Ibid, f. 9. Carta Cartarum originalium 9 . CLOTURI DE om zimny o slomio to hin 3891 17. Carta Symonis epiſcopi de ecclefia de Strande apud Londono sta voi mirili Symon mon Dei gratia Wigornenfis epifcopus fanéte matris eccleſie filiis, tam modernis quam pofteris, falutem et benedi&tionem. Notum vobis eſſe volumus, nos pro amore Dei ejuſque fanctiſſime Genetricis priori et con- ventui ſancte Marie Wigornenfis eccleſie, ecclefiam quandam apud Lun- doniam ab ipfa Wigornenfi eccleſia olim poffeffam reddidiſſe, et in per- petuam elemoſinam conceffiſſe. Eft autem ecclefia illa fancta Maria apud Strande appellata. Quare volumus firmiterque precipimus, quatinus prædicta Wigornenſis eccleſia fratreſque ibidem Deo fervientes in eterna pof- feffione eandem ecclefiam inconcuffe poffideant, et eadem libertate et qui- ete, qua ego eam hactenus tenui, teneant. Hujus rei teſtes funt Gervaſius archid. &c (r). Qgo , 10mise a punt oid! taarifa ni mat ab tant to confirmatio Symonis epiſcopi ſuper poffeſionibus.nicos SYmon Dei gratia Wygornenfis epifcopus, omnibus fibi rite fuccedenti- bus, et univerſis matris ecclefie filiis, falutem et epiſcopalem benedi- ctionem. Sancte Wigornenfis eccleſie neceffariis profectibus conſulentes, fimul et dilecti filii noſtri Radulfi prioris et ceterorum fratrum Wigornenſium petitionibus annuentes, dilectioni veſtre notum eſſe volumus, nos, com- muni utilitate inſpecta, eidem eccleſie et fratribus in ea Deo fervientibus confirmando concelliffe, et concedendo in perpetuum confirmaſſe, poſſeſſi- ones et tenuras, tam in temporibus noſtris, quam et ante tempora noſtra, eidem ecclefie ex donatione regum et ducum, et aliorum quorumlibet fidelium, ad monachorum ufus collatas, integre et libere perpetualiter pof- ſidendas. Sunt autem hee poffeffiones et tenure, quas eidem eccleſie et priori et monachis fibi vicarie fuccedentibus epiſcopali auctoritate et pre- ſentis cartule inſcriptione communimus; videlicet Croppethorn, Nether- tun, Cerletun, Seggesberge, Vverbyri cum Penedoc, Cantertun, Tetintun cum Alffigtun, Clive, Herfertun cum Scirnac, Myttone, Blacawelle, Scepe- ſtun, Alveſtun cum fuis appendiciis, Locceflee, Stoke cum fuis appendi- ciis, Fepſincun cum Dunhamſtede, Wlwardelege cum Horſelee et Culleclyve, et Burton et aliis ſuis appendiciis, Lindruge, Newenham, Cnichtetun cum ſuis membris. Bureſtun, Grimelee cum fuis membris, Hallage cum fuis membris. Hynewic cum fuis membris, Bradewaſſe, Ikecumbe, Titbrictune, Lyppard, Laverne, et pratum, quod dicitur Kyngeſham, bet una virgata terre ex dono Walteri de Bellocampo. Dimidia hydą in Lench, et terre quas habent in vrbe et in ſuburbio, molendinum apud Tapenhale, cum terrra que ad illud pertinet. Piſcaria in Sabrina, que dicitur Beverburne, terra que ad illam pertinet. - Piſcaria de Hallage et de Scedewelle, et vakan Doogivabiola -iz ---- OTO TUTTO TISTICS Onom stim, niqaf Solomoni Ca on selle kolom » I W tam et item Eadwardus abbas et Hardingus prior et canonici qui nos mine ecclefie Oſneie venerant ; in arbitros compromiſerunt, fub atte- ſtatione veritatis , fe eorum ſubjicientcs arbitrio. Arbitri vero pro bono pacis, quam pro exequenda voluntate domini pape, decreve- runt, ui eccleſia Oleneienſis memoratam eccleſiam de Begeberia, cum capel- lis et omnibus pertinentiis ſuis et libertatibus, ec liberá adminiftratione, ec omni integritate, tam vicarie, quam aliarum rerum ad ipfam pertinentium, falvo in omnibus juie dioceſani epiſcopi, in perpetuum poſſideat. Red- dendo ex caufa compenfationis annuatim Wigorn. ecclefie 1x. fol. nomine canonis duobus terminis ; in fefto S. Mich. live infra" viii. dies xxx. fol. in paſcha, five infra viii. dies pafche xxx. fol. et cos priori 'ét monachis Wigorn. ad predictos terminos mittet. Preterea Wigorn. "epiſcopus canonicum quendam ad minus viginti annorum , nec publica infa- mia laborantem , qui competenter regulam et conventum fequi poſſit , in ecclefia Ofeneje" ponet, qui pro Wigornenfi eccleſia er epiſcopo Deo preſtet obſequium, et obeunte canonico illo, epiſcopus, qui pro tem- pore fuerit, alium lub forma preſcripta fubrogabit. Ita tamen fequens epi- ſcopus canonicum ibi ponet, fi pofitus à predeceſſore fuo mortuus fuerit. Que ut fine fraude intelligantur, hoc intellectu fint interpretanda, ut eccle- fia de Ofeneia duos fimul predicta de caufa póſitos non habeat canonicos. Conventus etiam . Ofeneie univerſi fcilicet et ſinguli pro cpiſcopo Wigorn. tale fuffragium orationum facient in vita et in morte, quale fit pro funda- toribus et abbatibus ſuis. Audito autem arbitro partes utrinque út fpo- fponderant adquieverant, et debet hec compoſitio ex compromiſſo tam pre- fati epiſcopi Wigorn. quam utriuſque ccclelie fcripto et ſigillo viciſſimºro- borari. Quod ut ratum inconcuffumque permaneat, figilli noftri impreffi- one roboravimus. His teſtibus Hạmel. Gloec. &c. (a). 9 $ 25. Carta B. Cant. archiepiſcopi de Duderhulle. B D. fidelibus, ad quos preſentes littere pervenerint, illam que eſt in Domino Dei gratia Çant. archiepiſcopus, totius Anglie primas, ommibus Chriſti falutem. Ne illa que à nobis ordinata ſunt futuris temporibus" per oblivi- onis incommodum deleantur, eadem fcripto duximus committere, et pofte- rorum noticie delegare. Noſſe igitur volumus univerſitatem veftram, quod nos, dum adminiſtrationem Wigorn. eccleſie gereremus, ecclefiam fancti Auguftini de Duderhulle Ade filio Edwini clerico, fub annua penſione cen- tum folidorum dilectis, filiis noftris monachis eccleſie Wigorn. ſingulis annis perfolvenda conceſſimus, et, juxta officii noſtri debitum, curam ejufdem ec- cleſie illi commiſimus. Hec autem literis noftris duximus exprimenda (b). (Ibid. f. xxx. (6) Reg. 1. dec. et cap. Wig. f. 23. a. er b. Tranza 16 $ APPENDIX + H. 26. Tranſcriptum Carte regis Henrici fen. de feodo unius militis ill Inteberge. Dei gratia rex Anglie et dux Norman. et Aquit. com. Andegavie, archiepiſcopis, epiſcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, vicecomitibus, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus ſuis, falutem. Sciatis, querelain que verteba- tur inter epiſcopum Herford. et epiſcopum Wygorn. de feodo de Inte- berge, unde epiſcopus Wygorn. exigebat ab epiſcopo Herfordenfi ferviti- um feodi unius militis, et unde Hereford. epiſcopus afferebat ſe debere ſervitium dimidii militis tantum, et unde recognitio coram me ſummoni- ta fuit per xxiiii. milites, in preſentia mea effe terminatam inter Willelmum de Norhale Wygorn. epiſcopum er Willelmum de Ver epi- ſcopum Herford apud Kemeſey, videlicet, quod cum recognitio illa per pre- dictos xxiiii. milites ſuper predicto ſervitio debebat fieri, epiſcopus Her- ford. recognitionem recipere nolens, confeffus eft, fe de prenominato feodo de Inteberge debere jam dicto epiſcopo. Wyg. fervitium feodi unius mi. litis integrum.. T. B. Cant. archiepiſco, H. Dunelm. et H. Coventr. et F. Menev. epiſc. et Ran. de Chamvill, Raymundo .com. Ceftr. Roberto com. de Leygr. Willelmo .com. de Arundel, Waleranno com. de Warr. Roberto Marmion, Willelmo Mareſchal, et Ricardo de Chanvill, et Gilberto fil . Remfridí apud Kemeſey (c). : 27. Carta Ricardi regis de Elartis. R Icardus Dei gratia rex Anglie, dux Normannie, Aquitanie, comes An- degavie, juſticiariis, vicecom. et foreſtariis, et omnibus miniſtris et baillivis et viſoribus foreſtarum totius Anglie, ſalutem. Sciatis, nos concef- fiſſe, et preſepti carta confirmaſſe Deo et eccleſie fancte MARIE Wigorn. et Willielmo ejuſdem loci epiſcopo, et omnibus fuccefforibus ſuis, in liberam et perpetuam elemoſinam pro anima patris noftri regis H. et pro ſalute Alienor. matris noſtre et noſtra, quietantiam de fexcentis et xiiii. acris de Eſſartis menfuratis per perticam continentem in longitudine xxv. pedes et dimid. per manu pedes, fcilicet, in manerio de Rippel centum ét xii. acr. in manerio de Kemeſey centum et Ixi. acr. et dimid. 'in manerio de Nor- wich xxxiji. acr. in Weneland xxxiiii. acr. in Optun centum et xiii. acr. in Fladeberia xiii. acr. et dimid. in Hertleberia iiii. acr. in Hembiria juxta Wich, xxxiiii. acr. et dimid in Alvenechirch vi. acr. et dimid. in Wifwar- dele xviii. acr. et dim. in Stoke xliii. acr. in Tibritton i. acr. et dimid. in Hemberia in Salſomariſco xxxviii, acr. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus, (c) Giff: 299. b. Lib. alb. epiſc. Wig. f. 45. a. es lib. sub. f. 120. Art > quod Cartarum originalium. 17 quod idem epiſcopus et omnes fucceſſores ſui habeant et teneant predi- Čtas ſexcent. et xiiii. acras liberas et quietas de eſfartis et placitis et re- wardis foreſte, et waſtis, et omnibus auxiliis, et de omni conſuetudinc et exactione ad foreſtam pertinente, et quod inter eſfarta non numerentur. Tefte B. Cantuar. archiepiſcopo, Hug. Lincoln. &c. Dat. apud Gaidint. xv. die Septembris, primo anno regni noftri, per manum Willielmi de Longo Campo cancellarii noſtri (a). 28. Carta Henrici epiſcopi fuper penſionibus ecclefiarum Wigora. Niverſés fancte matris ecclefie filiis, ad quos preſens fcriptum perve- nerit, Henricus Dei gratia Wigornenſis epiſcopus falutem in vero falutari. Univerſitati veſtre notum facimus, nos ad petitionem dilectorum filio- rum noftrorum S. prioris et ſacri conventus eccleſie Wigorn. eis confir- maſſe penſiones, quas de quibufdam eccleſiis in Wigornia à temporibus predeceſſorum noſtrorum perceperunt, fcilicet, in ecclefia omnium Sancto- rum dimidiam marcam, in ecclefia fancti Clementis dimidiam marcam, et in eccleſia fancti Martini unam marcam, et in ecclefia fancti Swithuni xv. fol. Quod ut firmiſſime in poſterum perſeveret, preſenti ſcripto figil- lo noftro appoſito roboravimus. Hiis teftibus, &c. (6). 29. Carta H. epiſcopi de capellis de Dodeham et de Knitewich. C6 Niverſis fancte matris eccleſie filiis, ad quos preſens carta pervenerit, Henricus Dei gratia Wigorn, epiſcopus, eternam in Domino falutem. Noverit univerſitas veſtra, nos cartam predeceſſoris noftri bone memorie Rogeri quondam Wigorn. epiſcopi inſpexiffe in hec verba : “ Univerfis ſancte “ matris eccleſie filiis ad quos preſens fcriptum pervenerit R. miſeratione di- “ vina Wigorn. ecclefie miniſter humilis falutem in vero falutari. Ad uni- 6 verſitatis veſtre notitiam volumus pervenire, quod Symon de Mans pro « fua et predeceſſorum fuorum falute priori et conventui Wigorn. eccleſie, jus advocationis quod habuit in capellis de Dodeham et Knitewicha pia " devotione donavit. Ita, fcilicet, ut preſcripti monachi jus memoratum abf- que reclamatione preſcripti Symonis, vel heredum ſuorum in perpetuum habeant, et teneant pacifice et quiete, et hoc eis carta propria confirma- vit. Nos igitur piam devotionem memorati Symonis in animo commendantes, CS donationem ab ipſo factam ratam habemus et gratam, eamque jam dictis priori et conventui ſcripti et figilli noſtri munimine roboramus. Teftibus " Roberto de Bernaio, et Gaufrido de Cortone, presbyteris, Roberto Blundo, Roberto de Porta, Daniele, et pluribus aliis clericis et laicis”. CC (a) Reg. 1. Dec, et Cap. Wig. f. 44. a. (6) Ibid. p. 25. a. F Nos 18 APPENDIX Nos igitur predeceſſoris noſtri piis veſtigiis inherentes, jus omne quod prefatis monachis in preſcriptis capellis collatum eſt preſenti ſcripto con- firmamus, et ſigilli noſtri roboramus. Hiis teſtibus, &c. (c). U 30. Carta H. epiſcopi de penſione de Uverebyri. Niverſis fancte matris eccleſie filiis, ad quos preſens fcriptum perve- nerit, Henricus Dei gratia Wigorn. epiſcopus eternam in Domino fàlutem. Cum ex injuncto nobis officio paftorali omnium fubditorum no- ſtrorum commoditati intendere teneamur, eorum tamen propenſius ftudere debemus utilitatibus, quos et morum honeftas, et ſancte converſationis or- do diſtrictior reddit commendabiles ; ad univerſitatis veftre notitiam volu- mus pervenire, nos conſiderata honefta converſatione dilectorum filiorum prioris et ſacri conventus eccleſie Wigorn. divine pietatis intuitu eis con- ceſſiſſe et auctoritate epiſcopali confirmaſſe annuum canonem duarum mar- carum in eccleſia eorum de Vverbiria, et dimidie marce in capella ejuf- dem de la Berge annis fingulis nomine penſionis percipiendis à vicariis quibuſcumque pro tempore earumdem, ecclefie, fcilicet, de Vverbiria et capella de la Berga. Vt autem hec noſtra conceſſio 'majori gaudeat aucto- ritate, noſtro et communi fratrum aſſenſu provifum eft et ftatutum, uc de medietate hujus penſionis die Transfigurationis Dominice, quem eis folempniter celebrandum inſtituimus, fratribus in refectorio ob tante fo- lempnitatis reverentiam victui neceffaria, decentius et opulentius inveniantur, et de alia medietate die anniverſarii noſtri fratres reficiantur, et elemoſine pro remedio anime noſtre et predeceſſorum noſtrorum, copiofius erogentur. Ut autem hec noſtra conceſſio rata et inconvulſa in perpetuum perſeveret, eam preſenti ſcripto et figilli noſtri appofitione roboravimus. Hiis teſtibus, magiſtro Will. de Tunebrigge, &c. (d). 31. Carta Ricardi regis de Foro de Strafford. Icardus Dei gratia rex Anglie, dux Norman. Aquit. et com. Andegav. epiſcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, juſticiariis, vic. feneſcallis, prepoſitis, ballivis, et omnibus miniſtris et fidelibus ſuis fac lutem. Sciatis, nos conceſſiffe et preſenti carta noſtra confirmaſſe dilecto nobis in Chriſto Johanni Wigorn. epiſcopo et ſucceſſoribus fuis, forum per. petuum fingulis feptimanis die Jovis in manerio ſuo de Stratford habendum. Quare volumus, et firmiter precipimus, quod idem epiſcopus et ſucceſſores ſui prefatum forum perpetuo habeant in prefato manerio fuo de Stredford (s) Reg. 1. dec. et cap. Wig.p. 14. (d) Ibid. p. 33. b. fingulis Cartarum Originalium. 19 fingulis feptimanis die Jovis,ut dictum eſt,bene et in pace,libere et quiete,integre et honorifice. Et prohibemus, ne quis eos ſuper hoc diſturbet aut impediat. Teftibus H. Cant, archiepiſcopo, H. Cov. epiicopo, Willielmo de fàncte Nia- rie eccleſia, Willielmo filio Rad. fenefcalli Norm. Willielmo de Hume et conſtabulario Norm. Rob. de Harecort, et pluribus aliis. Data per manum magiſtri Euſtachii Sarum decani tunc agentis vicem cancellarii xxv. die Junii apud Infulam Andeliac. regni noſtri anno feptimo (e). . 32. Carta 7. epiſcopi ſuper peuſione ecclefie de Cliva. Muibus Chriſti fidelibus, ad quos preſens fcriptum pervenerit, Johannes O Dei gratia Wigornenſis epiſcopus ſalutem in Domino. Noverit univer- fitas veſtra, nos divino intuitu conceſſiſſe et dediffe dilectis in Chrifto filiis priori et conventui Wigorn. xx. fol. Efterlingannuatim percipiendis de ec- cleſia manerii ſui de Cliva, de quibus ipfi debent convertere xvii. fol. ad faciendum fibi pitanciam in die feſtivitatis beati Romani, et iii. fol. ad lumi- nare eccleſie. Salva vicaria, quam in preſentiarum tenet Adlardus. tem hec noſtra donatio perpetuam optineat firmitatem, eam preſentis fcripti annotatione et ſigilli noftri appoſitione roboravimus. Si quis vero hanc do- nationis noſtre et confirmationis paginam infringere temere attemptaverit, indignationem glorioſe Virginis, et beati Romani, et noſtram ſe noverit in- curſurum. Telte magiſtro Ricardo Grim, &c. (f). Ut au- 33. Teftamentum regis Johannis. GO J. Dei gratia rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, dux Norm. et Aquit. com. Andegav. gravi infirmitate preventus, nec fufficiens ad tempus infirmitatis mee currere per ſingula, ut teftamentum meum de fingulis re- bus meis condam ; ordinationem et diſpoſitionem teſtamenti mei fidei et diſpoſitioni legitime committo fidelium meorum ſubfcriptorum, fine quorum conlilio etiam in bono ſtatu conftitutus, nullatenus in preſentia eorum ordina- rem : ut quod ipſi fideliter ordinaverint et diſpoſuerint de rebus meis, tam in fatisfactione facienda Deo et ſancte eccleſie de dampnis et injuriis eis illatis, quam in fuccurſu faciendo terre Jeroſolimitane, et fuftentatione preſtanda filiis meis pro hereditate ſua perquirenda et defendenda, et in remuneratione facienda illis qui fideliter nobis fervierunt, et in diſtributione facienda pauperi- bus et domibus religioſis pro ſalute anime mee, ratum fit, et firmum. Peto etiam, ut qui conſilium et juvamen eis fecerit ad teſtamentum meum ordi- nandum, gratiam Dei percipiat et favorem. Qui autem ordinationem et diſpo- fitionem ſuam infregerit, maledi&tionem et indignationem omnipotentis Dei (e) Lib. alb. epiſc. Wig. ſive extenta, p. 43. (f) Reg. 1. dec. et cap Wig. P-30.6. et 20 A P P E N D I X et beate Marie, et omnium fanctorum incurrat. Inprimis igitur volo, quod corpus meum fepeliatur in eccleſia fancte Marie et fancti Wulftani de Wi- gorn. Ordinatores autem et diſpoſitores tales conſtituo: dominum G. Dei gratia titulo ſancti Martini Presbyterum Cardinalem apoftolice ſedis lega- tum, dominum P. Winton. epiſcopum, dominum R. Ciceftrenſem epiſco- pum, dóminum S. Wigorn. epiſcopum, fratrem Aimericum de fancta Maura, W. Marefcallum comitem Penbroc. R. com. Ceftr. Willielmum comitem de Ferrariis, Willielmum Bruwne, Walterum de Lafcy, et Johannem de Mone- mut. Savaricum de malo Leone, Falkeſium de Breante, 68). HE 34. Carta H. regis filii 7. regis de fitu Caftri. Enricus Dei gratia rex Anglie, archiepifcopis, epiſcopis, abbatibus, pri- oribus, com. bar. juſtic. vic. prepoſitis, miniſtris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus fuis, falutem. Sciatis, nos concelliſſe, et hac carta noftra confirmaſſe pro nobis et heredibus noſtris, priori et monachis ſancte Marie Wigorn. par- tem illam caftri Wigorn. ex parte boreali ejufdem caftri, in qua domus no- ſtre ſite fuerunt, que eſt de feodo noftro, ufque ad partem illam ejuſdem caftri, que eſt de feodo Walteri de Bello Campo, tanquam jus ecclefie ſue : et quam Guala quondam legatus Anglie, et W. Mareſcallus ſenior, quondam comes Penbroc, dum fuit cuſtos nofter, et regni noſtri, eifdem priori et mo- nachis aſſignaverunt ad ampliationem curie ſue, die quo corpus domini J. regis patris noſtri commendatum fuit fepulture in eccleſia beate MARIE Wigorn. In preſentia venerabilis patris S. quondam epiſcopi Wigorn. et R. com. Ceſtr. et Linc. W. de Ferariis com. Derby, W. de Laſcy, Johannis de Monem. Hugonis de Mortuo Mari, Walteri de Clifford, qui interfuerunt fepulture predicti domini J. regis patris noftri, nobis tunc temporis exiſtenti- bus infra etatem ; habendam et tenendam de nobis et heredibus noftris eiſdem priori, et monachis, et fuccefforibus fuis, in perpetuum ad predicte curiæ ſuæ ampliationem. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus pro nobis et heredibus noftris, quod predicti prior, et monachi, et ſucceſſores ſui in per- petuum habeant et teneant partem predictam caſtri Wigorn. ex parte boreali ejufdem caftri, in qua domus noſtre ſite fuerunt, et que eſt de feodo noftro, uſque ad partem aliam ejufdem caftri que eſt in feodo Walteri de Bello Campo, bene et in pace, libere et quiete, cum omnibus pertinentiis fuis tanquam jus eccleſie ſue, ficut predicti Guala et W. Marefcallus partem illam eis aſſigna- verunt tempore predicte. Hiis teftibus, venerabili patre P. Winton. epiſcopo, H. de Burgo com. Kanc. &c. Dat' per manus venerabilis patris R. Cyceſtr. epiſcopi cancellarii noſtri apud Bruges, viceſimo ſecundo die Maii, anno regni noftri fexto decimo. 1232. (b). () Originale penes Dec. et cap. Wigorn. (b) Reg. 1. dec et cap. Wig. p. 44. 35. De + > *** Gartarum originalium. 21 * 35. De Cafro Wygory, teftimonium. W: et H. Dei gratia Eboracenfis et Dublinienſis archiepiſcopi, et J. ea- dem gratia Bathon. et Glaſton. epiſcopus, univerfis Chrifti fidelibus eternam in Domino falutem. Noveritis, nos preſentes faiſle ubi dominus W. Marefcallus, cuſtos domini regis et regni, de confilio et aſſenſu domi- ni legati et magnatum Anglie, reddidit et conceſſit ex parte ipfius domini regis venerabili in Chriſto fratri noſtro S. Wygorn. epiſcopo ball. caſtri Wy- gorn. tanquam jus eccleſie ſue. Retenta ad opus dicti regis mota ejuſdem caftri. Et in hujus rei teftimonium has literas noftras patentes figillorum no- ſtrorum impreſſione fignatas confecimus. Valete (i). 36. Litere dirigende regi ad poftulandum licentiam eligendi. Xcellentiſſimo domino H. Dei gratia illuſtri regi Anglie, domino Hy- bernie, duci Normannie, Aquitanie, et comiti Andegavie, devoti filii W. prior Wigorn. et humilis ejuſdem loci conventus, falutem et reveren- tiam. Cum per mortem venerabilis patris, W. Wigorn. epiſcopi, tam 'ec- cleſia Wigorn. quam nos nuper fuimus paſtoris folatio deftituti, veſtre domina- tioni excellentiſſime ſupplicamus, quatinus eligendi tam ecclefie predicte, quam nobis, paſtorem, licentiam nobis tribuere velitis competentem. Valeat ex- cellentia veftra per longa tempora (k). 37. Litere dirigende domino Cantuar. pro officialitate. Everendo patri in Chriſto , Cantuar. archiepiſcopo, totius Anglie primati, devoti filii fui, W. prior Wigorn. et humilis ejuſdem loci conventus, falutem, et tam devotam quam debitam cum obedientia reverentiam. Cum vacante ſede Wigorn. ec- cleſie, ejuſdem loci priores officialitatis curam in epiſcopatu ipfo ex poffef- fione diutina, ac conſuetudine longis retro temporibus optenta hactenus op- tinuerint; veſtre paternitati ſanctiflime duximus fupplicare, quatinus, cum per mortem venerabilis patris noftri W. Wigorn epiſcopi eccleſie Wigorn. fedes vacans fit, dicta poffeffione in dicte conſuetudinis prejudicium diu appro- bate aſſenſu veſtro gratuito, non tam concurrente quin etiam opitulante, con- tra juſtitiam non privemur. Valeat fancta paternitas veſtra femper in Do- mino (1) ) Ibid. (1) Ibid. p. 43. b. (1) Ibid. G 38. Litere 22 1 P PENDIX H. (38. Littere regis de licentia eligendi: Dei gratia Anglie, &c. dile&tis fibi in Chrifto priori et conventui Wid gorn. falutem. Venientes ad nos ex parte veſtra frater Thomas fup- prior et frater Ernaldus monachus domus veſtre, cum litteris veftris paten- tibus, nuntiaverint nobis eccleſiam veftram vacantem effe per mortem venera- bilis patris, W. quondam epiſcopi veftri, et petierunt à nobis licentiam eligen- di alium vobis et ipfis in epiſcopum et paftorem. Nos igitur petitioni veſtre benigne condeſcendentes, concedimus vobis et ipſis licentiam alium eligendi vobis in epiſcopum et paftorem. Mandantes quatinus talem eligatis vobis in epiſcopum et paſtorem, qui regimini eccleſie veftre fufficiat, et nobis fidelem et regno noftro utilem dinoſcitur. T. meipfo apud Noting. xxiiii. die Auguſti anno regni noftri xxº. 1236. (m). U 39. Confirmatio Walteri de Cantilupo epifcopi fuper decimis: a ingin Niverſis Chrifti fidelibus hoc preſens ſcriptum viſuris vel audituris, Walterus, Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopusz eternam in Domino falu: tem. Quoniam bona, que locis religiofis conferuntur, non conferuntur, non tam in uſus ibidem Deo famulantium convertuntur, verum etiam ad fuftentationem pauperum et peregrinorum deputantur, ex officio noftri debito, - loca talia tenemur paterna affectione tractare, et eiſdem ſubveniendo ea brachiis ca- ritatis artius amplexari. Hinc eſt, quod divine pietatis intuitu in favorem religionis, et hoſpitalitatis augmentum, dilectis in Chrifto filiis priori et con- ventui Wygorn. auctoritate pontificali, de confenfu rectorum ecclefiarum, quibus cura parochianorum incumbit, concedimus et confirmamus decimas, quas ab antiquo percipere conſueverunt in parochiis infra fcriptis, fecundum quod eas hactenus poſſederunt ; videlicet in parochiis de Bradewas, et de Grimele, de Hallawe, de Seggesberewe, de Vverbiri, de Cropthorn, de Hu- melton, et de Wyke epiſcopi, de Wycheneford, de Herforton, de Clive pri- oris, de Bremeſgrave. Concedimus etiam eis ecclefiam dicti manerii de Bremeſgrave, cum omnibus pertinentiis fuis in proprios uſus, ſalva vicaria perpetuo poffidenda, quam quidem eccleſiam predeceſſor nofter eis prius con- cefferat, ut in inſtrumento fuper hoc confecto plenius continetur. Penſiones etiam eccleſiarum, quas predeceſſor nofter eis confirmavit, auctoritate predicta duximus confirmandas. Ut autem hec noftra conceffio perpetue firmitatis ro- bur optineat, hoc prefens ſcriptum figilli noftri munimine duximus roboran- dum. Dat apud Cirenceſtre undecima Kal. Decembris anno pontificatus no- ſtri tertio (11) ligne de limite Spotify ng (m) Reg. dec. et cap. Wig. p. 43. b. () Ibid. p. 53. b. 40, Carta Cartarum originalium. 23 40. Carta de vetito Namio de terris, feudis, et libertatibus infra comitat. Wygern. Glouc. et Waruyc. Enricus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, et dominus Hibernie, dux Normannie, 1 Aquitanie, et com. Andegavie, archiepifcopis, epiſcopis, abbatibus, pri- oribus, comitibus, baronibus, jufticiariis, vicecomitibus, prepoſitis, miniftris, er omnibus ballivis et fidelibus ſuis, falutem. Sciatis, nos dediſſe, conceſſiſſe, et hac carta noſtra confirmaſſe, pro nobis et heredibus noftris, pro anima do. mini J. regis patris noſtri, et animabus anteceſſorum et heredum noftrorum, Deo et ecclefie beate Marie Wigorn. et Waltero Wigorn. epiſcopo, et ſucceſſori- bus ſuis in perpetuum, in puram, liberam, et perpetuam elemoſinam, quan- tüm ad nos pertinet, omnia placita de vetito namio de terris, feudis et liber- tatibus ejuſdem epifcopi, et predicte eccleſie Wigorn. infra meras comitatu. um Wigorn. Glouc. et Warewike. Ita quod nullus vicecomes, aut alius balli- vus, contra preſentem noſtre libertatis donationem, nifi per eorumdem epifco- porum manifeftum defectum, ingrediatur de cetero terras, feuda, aut liberta- te's ejuſdem epifcopi, vel fuccefforum fuorum, aut ecclefie Wigorn. ad facien- dum deliberationes namiorum vetitorum, vel ſummonitiones, aut atachiamen- ta, ad trahendum placita de verito namio ad comitatus vel hundreda extra predicta terras, feuda, aut libertates. Sed idem epiſcopus vel fucceffores fui habeant et teneant, per fe, vel per ballivos fuos, omnia placita predicta ad nos pertinentia de vetito namio, et commoda ex illis provenientia retineant, et omnia faciant, que ad predicta placita pertinent, fine contradictione noſtri vel heredum noftrorum, aut vicecomitum, vel aliorum ballivorum noftrorum. Hoc adjecto, quod fi aliquis jus fibi vendicare voluerit in placitis predictis de vetito namio, non tenebimur eidem epiſcopo, vel fuccefforibus fuis, predic- tám libertatem warantizare, quin inde reſpondeant in curia noſtra, fecun- dum legem et confuetudinem regni noſtri. Et quia predictus epiſcopus no- luit predictam libertatem à nobis recipere, quin pro fe et fuccefforibus fuis nobis pro ea perpetuam faceret recompenſationem, acquietabit nos perpetuo de fex marcis ſterlingorum fingulis annis de elemoſina noftra, quam folvere tenebamur per annum de ſcaccario noſtro prioriſſe et monialibus de Wroc- keſhale. Quare volumus, et firmiter precipimus, pro nobis et heredibus no- ftris, quod predictus epiſcopus et ſucceſſores fui habeant et reneant, in perpe- tuum in puram, liberam, et perpetuam elemofinam, qiantum ad nos perti- net, omnia placita de vetito namio de terris, feudis, et libertatibus ejuſdem epiſcopi, et predicte ecclefie Wigorn. infra metas comitatuum Wigorn. Glouc. et Warewike'; ita quod nullus vicecomes, aut alius ballivus, contra preſenter noſtre libertatis donationem, nifi per eorumdem epiſcoporum manifeftum defectum, ingrediatur de cetero terras feuda, aut libertates ejuf- dem epifcopi ' vel fuccefforum fuorum, aut eccleſie Wigorn. ad faciendum deliberationes namiorum vetitorum, vel ſummonitiones, aut attachiamenta, ad trahendum placita de vetito namio ad comitatus vel hundreda extra predicta terras, feuda, aut libertates: Sed idem epiſcopus vel ſucceſſores ſui habeans 24 A P PE N D I X & Stredford ſuper habeant et teneant, per fe, vel per ballivos ſuos, omnia placita predicta ad nos pertinentia de vetito namio, et commoda ex illis prevenientia retineant, et omnia faciant, que ad predicta placita pertinent, fine contradi&ione no- ftri vel heredum noſtrorum. Hoc adjecto, quod fi aliquis jus fibi vendicare voluerit in placitis predictis de vetito namio, non tenebimur eidem epif- copo vel fuccefforibus fuis predictam libertatem warantizare, quin inde re- fpondeant in curia noſtra, ſecundum legem et confuetudinem regni noftri, ficut predictum eſt, Hiis teſtibus, Joh. de Pleſſetis com. Warwike, Gal- frido de Lezuman, et Willielmo de Valentia, fratribus noftris, Petro de Sabaudia, Willielmo de Cantilupo, Radulpho filio Nicholai, Johanne de Grey, Joh. de Burgo, Rogero de Monte alto, Roberto de fancto Johanne, Roberto Waleraund, Gilberto de Segrave, Willielmo Bardulf, Nicholao de ſancto Mauro, Rad. de Bakepus, Willielmo de ſancto Ermino, et aliis. Dat per manum noſtram apud ſanctum Maçarium ſexto decimo die Junii, anno regni noſtri triceſimo octavo (). 41. Carta Henrici regis de Warenna de omnibus dominicis terris epiſcopi Wigorr. in comitatibus Wygorn. Warrewyke, et Glouceſtre. UTEnricus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, dux Normannie, Aquitanie, it comes Andegavie, archiepiſcopis, epiſcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baronibus, jufticiariis, vicecomitibus, prepoſitis, miniſtris, et omnibus ſuis ballivis, et fidelibus fuis, falutem Sciatis, nos conceffiſſe, et hac carta noſtra confirmaffe, Waltero Wygorn. epiſcopo, quod ipſe et ſucceſſo- res ſui imperpetuum habeant liberam Warennam in omnibus dominicis terris fuis de Hambyri in Salſo Mariſco, Beybiri, Wythindone, Clive, Bredone, Rippel, Kemeſeye, Wye, Norwyke, Hertlebyri, Alvinecherche, Fladebyri, et Rugges; dum tamen terre ille non fint infra metas foreſte noſtre. Ita quod nullus intret terras illas ad fugandum in eis, vel ad aliquid capien- dum, quod ad varennam pertineat, ſine licentia et voluntate ejuſdem epiſco- pi vel fuccefforum fuorum, fuper forisfacturam noftram decem librarum. Quare volumus, et firmiter precipimus, pro nobis et heredibus noſtris, quod predictus epiſcopus et ſucceſſores fui imperpetuum habeant liberam varen- nam in omnibus dominicis terris fuis de Hambyri, in Salſo Mariſco, Bey- biri, Wytindone, Clyve, Bredone, Rippel, Kemeleye, Wyke, Norwyke, Hertlebyri , Alvinecherche, Fladbyri, Blakeley, Tredintone, Stredford fuper Aven- am, Hampton epiſcopi, Eſton, et Rugges, dum tamen terre ille non fint infra metas foreſte noftre. Ita quod nullus intret terras illas ad fugandum in eis, vel ad aliquid capiendum, quod ad Warennam pertineat, line licentia et voluntate ejuſdem epifcopi et fuccefforum ſuorum, ſuper forisfacturam noſtram decem (0) Lib, alb, epifc. Wig. ſive Extenta, po 40 dibrarum Cartarum originalium. 25 librarum, ficut predictum eſt. Hiis teſtibus, Galfrido de Lezuman, Johan ne de Pleſfetis com. Warwyke, Radulpho filio Nicholai, Bernamo de Cry* oillis, Willielmo de Grey, Drogone de Barentino, Philippo de Vallibuss Wakelino de Ardery, Willielmo Gernun, Willielmo de fancto Ermino, et aliis. Dat" per manum noftram apud Mertone fecundo die Aprilis, anno regni noſtri tricefimo nono 1255. (0) ... 42. Confirmatio Henrici regis Cartaruin H. proavi, et H. avi fui, de hundre- dis et libertatibus terrarum epiſcopi Wigoro. На Enricus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, et dux Aquitanie, omnibus ad quos preſentes litere pervenerint, falutem. lofpeximus cartam, quam bone memorie H. quondam rex Anglie, illuftris proavus no- ſter, fecit Sampſoni quondam Wigorn. epiſcopo, in hec verba : “ H. rex “ Anglie omnibus vicecomitibus, &c.” uſque ad " teſte codem", ut inſpeximus etiam cartam, quam H. quondam rex Anglie, illuſtris avus nofter, fecit, eccleſie Wigorn. J. tunc epiſcopo ejufdem loci, in hec verba : " H. rex Anglie, et dux Normannie et Aquitanie, et comes Andegavie, omnibus "baronibus, et juſtitiariis, et vicecomitibus, et minittris, et fidelibus fuis “ de Wireceftre fchire, et de Glouceſtre fchire, et de Warwyke ſchire, fa- “ lutem. Sciatis, me concefliffe et confirmaffe eceleſie Wireceſtre, et Jo- " hanni epiſcopo, omnes terras fuas et tenementa, et redditus, et libertates, et dignitates, et liberas confuetudines, et quietantias fuas, in boſco, et in plano, in pratis et paſcuis, in aquis et molendinis, in ftagnis et vivariis, in burgo et extra, in omnibus locis, cum toll et team, et foca et faca, " et infangeneſtheff, et cum omnibus aliis conſuetudinibus et libertatibus fuis, cum quibus predicta ecclefia Wireceftre melius vel liberius tenuit tempore regis H. avi mei. Tefte Thoma cancellario, Ricardo de Hum. “ conſtabulario, comite Patricio. Dat Sarum". Nos autem predictas conceſſiones et confirmationem ratas habentes et gratas, eas pro nobis er heredibus noftris, quantum in nobis eſt, concedimus et con- firmamus, ficut carte predicte rationabiliter teftantur. In cujus rei teſtimoni- um has literas noftras fieri fecimus patentes. Tefte meipfo apud Wefem. vicefimo fecundo die Octobris, anno regni noftri quinquagefimo fecundo. 1267. (9) 06 66 .. :: () Lib. alb. five extenta, po 11. (a) Ibid. p. 39, 40 . ob ܕ ܝ . ܂ τι είναι ένα εν λό H 43. Girta 26 A P P E N D I X and audiftar el fomunitate dhani oilit orgloon 43. Carta Walteri de Cantilupo de capella Carnaries Niverſis Chriſti fidelibus Walterus de Cantilupo miſeratione divina Wygorn. epifcopus, falutem in Do:nino. Cum bone memorie Wil. lelmus de Bleys quondam Wygorn. episcopus, predeceſſor nofter, quan- dam capellam apud Wygorn. inter majorem eccleſiam et aulam epiícopi, opere conſtrui fecerit eleganti, et ſub eadem Cryptum competentem, in qua multorum oſfa recondi fidelium conftituit defunctorum, in qua qui- dem tota capella predicta Carnaria vulgariter nuncupatur : Nos conſide- rantes pium fore ac falubre, cogitationis effectum, in predicta capella pre- decefforis noftri, qui tale poft fe memoriale reliquit ; noftrique, anteceſſo- rum noftrorum omniumque fidelium deſunctorum memorie providere, ut in predicta capella ad divini culcus augmentum perpetualiter capellani, qui in memyriam predictorum, ad laudem Dei, er beate Marie virginis, er beati Thome martyris, in cujus nomine et honore dicta capella eſt conſtruc ta, omniumque fanctorum, divina celebrent in eadem, devotionis ducri fervore, de conſenſu capituli noftri Wygorn. taliter, ſub fpe uberiore p pro- videntie arque fortune, in nomine Patris, Filii, et Spiritus Sancti duximus ordinandum : Staruentes, quod in predicta capella, que Carnar a dicitur, fint quatuor capellani continue reſidentes, quorum unus fit magiſter perpetuus ibidem ad difpofitionem epifcopi prefigendus ; qui quidem capellani in divinis ofti- ciis in omnibus canonicis, et aliis, que fibi incumbunt, ufum Sarum obſer- vantes, pro viribus fimul pſallant, et ad dictam capellam mane conveni- ant ad minus quam cito in civitate pulſatur; eodem modo ad horas faci- ant vefpertinas; circa Miſſarum autem officia ita fe habeant capellani, quod cotidie antequam ſcolas adeant, celebretur una Miſſa de die cum nota, et auditis lectionibus tres celebrentur cotidie pro defunctis, et hoc ſine nota, fi voluerint, vel cum nota. Circa ftatum vero capellanorum predicorum qualiter fe habere debeant in victu et geftu taliter ordinamus ; videlicet, quod omnes fcolas exerceant, fimul comedant, et in una domo fimul dor- miant. De viginti autem marcis ad capellanorum fuftentationem in dic- tis locis ſpecialiter deputatis, predictus magifter cuilibet trium facerdotum viginti duos folidos annuatim pro ſtipendiis exhibere ; de reliquo vero quod ſupereſt, teneatur in exhibitione eſculenti et poculenti eifdem. Ita, fcilicet, quod cotidie habeant bonum panem triticeum, et bonam cereviſiam, cujuf- modi bona in civitate dicta communiter confuevit, unum ferculum fufficiens et honeftum, cum una pitancia competentis; prout ftatus patrie et temporum qualitas poſſibilitas diverfimode fe extendet. Tenebit dictus magiſter de dicta pecunia accepta unum clericum fufficientem, et alia onera dicte capelle, luminare videlicet, libros, veſtimenta, et alia. Infuper etiam in eorum hofpitio unum fervientem continue honeftum, et alia domus onera, prout utilitas exegerit, fuftinere. Sacriſta vero predicte capelle, ac etiam hofpitii dictorum cape!lanorum edificia, ne contingant ipſa ruinoſa fieri, Cartarum Originalium. 27 fieri, fuſtentabit. Ad evitandum inſuper omnis ſuſpicionis incommodum in premiſlis, volumus obfervari, ne predicti capellani magiſter, aut alii, laycos aliquos, et maxime mulieres, fibi in focietatem affumant, nec fit igitur frequens acceſſus laicorum, nec aliquatenus mulierum, nec etiam ca- pellani predicti, inſtabilium more, vagabundi exiſtant, nec aliqua fufpecta frequentent, le gerant ficut facerdotalem decet in omnibus honeftatem. Hanc autem ordinationem noftram obfervantes, et eandem ope confilii et bonorum largitionibus promovere caritatis intuitu fatagentes, bonorum omnium que in dicta capella fient, imperpetuum et noſtre benedi&tionis concedimus effe participes, illam autem malitiofe impedientes, feu perturbantes, vel quomodolibet violantes, indignationem Dei Omnipotentis, et glorioſe Vir- ginis matris ejus, et Apoftolorum Petri et Pauli, et beati Thome martyris predicte capelle patroni, omniumque ſanctorum, et noftram maledictionem incurrant. In cujus rei teftimonium predictam ordinationem fecimus figilli noſtri impreſſione muniri, ac etiam eandem figilli capituli noftri Wigornie munimine roborari. Dat' Wygorn. in die Sabbati proxime ante feftum purificationis beate Marie virginis, anno Domini millefimo CCmo. LX°. quinto (r). :: S 44. Carta de Caſtro de Hertlebure kernellaudo. Enricus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, et dux Aquitanie, archiepifcopis, epiſcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baronibus, jufti- ciariis, vicecomitibus, prepoſitis, miniſtris, et omnibus ballivis, et fidelibus fuis, fálutem. Cum bone memorie Walterus quondam Wigorn. epiſcopus, quoddam caftrum foſſato et muro de petra et calce firmare inceperit, apud maverium fuum de Hertlebury, in comitatu Wigorn. nos venerabili patri G. Wigorn. electo, cancellario noftro, gratiam facere volentes in hac parte ſpecia- lem, conceſſimus, ei pro nobis et heredibus noftris, quod prefatus G. Wigorn. electus, et ſucceſſores fui caftrum ſuum predictum foſfato et muro de petra et calce includere, firmare, kernellare, emendare, et afforciare poſlint, ad volunta- tem fuam, et caftrum illud fic clauſum, firmatum, et kernellatum, tenere fibi et fuccefforibus fuis, fine occaſione vel impedimento noſtri, vel heredum no- ftrorum, imperpetuum, ficut predictum elt. Hiis teftibus, venerabile patre W. Ebor. archiepiicopo Anglie primate, Rogero de Leyburne, Roberto Waleraund, Roberto Aquilun, Willielmo de Atite, Willielmo Belet, Petro de Chaump- nent, Johanne de Trublevil, Stephano de Eddeworth, et aliis. Datº per manum noftram apud Windefore octavo die Junii, anno regni noftri quinquageſimo fecundo ). 6) Lib. Penc. f. -7, &c. (s) Lib. alb. epiſc. Wig intitulat. Extunts et Chart. f. 45.b. 45. Com 28 APPENDIX > 45. Compoſitio inter epiſcopum et executores W. de Cantilupo. O Mnibus ſancte Matris eccleſie filiis, ad quos pervenerit hec fcriptura, Go- defridus, miſeratione divina humilis miniſter eccleſie Wigorn. falutem in Domino fempiternam. Ad univerſitatis veftre notitiam volumus perve- nire, quod cum noftro et noftre ecclefie nomine, et noftrorum quorumlibet fuccefforum, ex ordinatione bone memorie Willielmi de Bleys epiſcopi Wi- gorn. ſue tbe. interventu firmata, ſuper inſtructione omnium maneriorum poftrorum epiſcopalium in inſtrumentis, averiis, animalibus, et rebus aliis conſiſtente, diſcretos viros dominum Robertum de Eſthall, magiſtros Hu- gonem et Thomam de Cantilupo, Wigorn. Glouc. et Stafford. archidia- coni, executores teftamenti bone memorie Walteri de Cantilupo epiſcopo Wigorn. coram officiali curie Cant. auctoritate domini O. fancti Adriani diac. card. apoſtolice fedis legati cognofcente traxifſemus in caufam tandem lite fuper hoc inter partes legitime conteſtata, et teſtibus ex parte no- ftra productis, cum propter prolixitatem deponentium, et varios litis an- fractus, difficilis exitus videretur ; placuit judici et partibus cauſam per concordiam terminari ; unde partium interveniente aſſenſu per dictum offi- cialem fuit falubriter ordinatum, quod centum libre ſterlingorum de bonis teftatoris predicti per manus dictorum executorum nobis, noftro et noſtre ecclefie nomine, et noftrorum quorumlibet ſucceſſorum, aſſignarentur, et integre folverentur, noftris uſibus, dum vixerimus, deputande, et poft no- ftrum deceffum de bonis noftris ... priori Wigorn., vel facriſte qui pro tempore fuerit, ante omnia perfolvende et deponende in tuto, ad ufus noſtri proximi ſucceſſoris, virtute preſentium fuo poftero fimiliter obligati. ita ut quilibet epiſcopus preficiendus in ecclefia fupradicta, de bonis fui predecefforis teneatur exigere tantam fummam, et eam fuo relinquere fuc- ceffori fub pena tanti, rato manente nihilominus principali. Ad hec offici- alis predictus de conſenſu partium ordinavit, quod dicta pecunie fumma, quo ad proprietatem fit eccleſie Wigorn. et quoad uſum tantummodo fit prelari, et quod eccleſia quoad eam omnibus noftris et ſucceſſorum noftro- rum creditoribus preponatur ; et quod prelatus ipfius, qui de bonis fui predeceſſoris non exegerit dictam fummam, ad ipfius folutionem ſuo po- Itero faciendam nichilominus teneatur. Quam ordinationem dicti executores ratam diabentes et firmam, per integram centum librarum numerationem et folutionem plenariam nobis factam, imperpetuum firmiter folidarunt. Et nos eam pro nobis et fuccefforibus noftris promiſimus obſervare et in- ſtare pro viribus, ut ipfa per noftrum capitulum confirmetur. rei teftimonium figillum dicti officialis et noftrum preſentibus funt appen- fa. Hiis teftibus, dominis Galfrido de Rindweie capellano noftro canonico de Wilton. Nicholao de Wodeford can: nico de Weſtbiri, mayiltris Gai- frido de Cubberleye canonico Landavenſi, Alano de Quixleya, Rogero de Stokes, Waltero de Borto., Thoma de licheford, Willielmo'de Hamme, l'es In cujus Cartarum originalium. 29 Petro de Okleya, clericis, et aliis. Dar' apud Weſtm. ii . Id. Mail, anno gratie M°. CC° ſeptuagentefimo, pontificatus noftri anno fecundo (t.) 46. Cartd ſuper feria de Blockele. Dwardus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, et dux Aqui- tanie, archiepiſcopis, epiſcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baroni- bus, juſticiariis, vicecomitibus, prepoſitis, miniſtris, et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus ſuis, ſalutem. Sciatis, quod cum venerabilis pater G. Wigorn. epiſcopus, et predeceſſores fui, quondam epiſcopi loci ejuſdem, quandam feriam apud manerium fuum de Blockleye in comitatu Wygorn. fingulis annis per octo dies duraturam, videlicet, in vigilia, et in die, et in cra- ſtino fan&i Mathei apoſtoli, et per quinque dies fequentes, habuerunt à tempore quo memoria jam non extat ; nos ad requiſitionem prefati epi- fcopi conceſſimus, pro nobis et heredibus noftris, quod ipſe et ſucceſſores ſui in perpetuum habeant predi&tam feriam ibidem, per octo dies predic- tos, et per alios octo dies fequentes continuo predictos octo dies, dura- turain ; nifi feria illa fit ad nocumentum vicinarum feriarum. Quare vo- lumus, et firmiter precipimus, pro nobis et heredibus noftris, quod predic- tus epiſcopus et ſucceſſores fui in perpetuum habeant predictam feriam, apud manerium fuum predictum,fingulis annis, per predi&tos o&to dies, et per a- lios octo dies proximos, ut predi&tum eſt, fequentes duraturam, cum omnibus libertaticibus et liberis confuetudinibus ad hujuſmodi feriam pertinentibus ; nifi feria illa ſit ad nocumentum vicinarum feriarum, ficut predictum eſt. Hiis teſtibus, venerabili patre R. Bathon. et Wellen. epiſcopo, cancellario no- ſtro, Eadmundo fratre noftro, Eadmundo comite Cornubie, Johanne de Warenna comite de Surria, Willielmo de Bello Campo comire War- rewyke, Johanne de Vefci, Eadmundo de Mortuo Mari, Ricardo de Brus, Roberto filio Johannis, Thoma de Weilandia, Rogero Loveday, et aliis. Data per manum noftram apud Weſtmon. quinto die Februarii, anno regni noftri quarto decimo (u). minna enteni Per om 120 (1) Gif. f 29 a. et b. (w) Lib. alb. epifc. Wig f.XLI. OSIM i okolt sont Sib-yononi for 47. Artice) 30 UIPPENDIX W GUYS Ons is by mi bude sa svile 19 abbirobebi 9b out obal Okrs lort 21 000 omdatnggenaq 47. Articuli epiſcopi verſus comitem Warwici. Illiemus de Bello Campo : pater Willelmi de Bello Campo, com Warr. auctoritate propria infra hundredum de Oſwaldeflowe, apud Auneleye, levavit et tenuit allilam panis et cerevifie, cum judicio, fine wa. tanto et affenfu bone memorie Walteri de Cantilupo quondam Wigorn. epifco- pi, et ejufdem loci conventus, in prejudicio, &c. non Idern Willelmus de Bello Campo toto tempore fuo tenuit viſum franci ple- gü in omnibus maneriis ſuis fitis infra hundredum de Oſwald. in prejudicium dibertatis de Oſwaldellow antedicte, line waránte, et affenfu, et voluntate de- mini Wigorn, er fui capituli minime intervenientibus, built ole Idem Willelmus fubtraxit manerium fuum de Beningworđe de hundredo de Olwaldeflowe ad curiam ſuam propriam de baronia, in prejudicium libertatis antedicte, line afſenfu, &c. 700 pudibotod zitten and won iqomat Idem Willelmus impedivit fuo tempore per vices Walterum quondam Wi- gorn. epifcopum, habere et tenere Warennam fibi et ſucceſſoribus ſuis à domi- no rege conceſlam, in dominicis terris fuis de Bredone ; quod quidem domini- cum, ut ſuum, tanquam Warennam ad manerium de Aumeleye pertinentem, ut capud ad membrum, poſſidere conabatur. Dapliga am Di&tus Willelmus filius ſuus, heres et comes Warr. patri fuo ſuccedens, da minum G. Dei gratia, epiſcopum Wygorn, modernum, in fupradictis articulis contra libertatem de Oſwald. Wygornienſi eccleſie, à tempore quo non extat memoria, conceffam, minime ceſſat infeftare. iv modromony basi siisti Item dictum eſt de antiquioribus ville de Alvichirche, quod tenementum de la Blakegrove, quod Willielmus de Belne nunc tenet, aliquando fuit domini- cam bofcum domini epiſcopi Wygorn. quod quidem tenementum alienatum eft ab eccleſia antedicta, per vim et potentiam Folkwy de Wycheforde, et af fenfu et voluntate Hugonis quondam perſone de Alvichirche, cujus filiam no- mine Iſabellam Hugo de Beine duxit in uxorem, cui fucceflit Willielmus de Belne, filius et heres modernus, qui primo cartam domini regis optinuic de dicto tenemento ad impetrationem dominorum Johannis Mancel et Symonis de Wauton. Item Hopwode olim fuit dominicum epiſcoporum Wygorn. uſque ad tem- pus quondam Symonis Wygorn. epifcopi, qui illud manerium dedit cum nepte lua Willielmo de Mileſweres, unde ex poſt facto accidit, quod Willielmus de Bleys, quondam Wygorn. epifcopus, implacitavit Th. de Hopwode in curia do- mini regis, et pagiles fuos tenuit, decedente vero dicto Th. remanfit dictum placitum uſque in hodiernum diem (w). : :: 27 (*) Giff. f. Lüli. b. uislam Forma Shume i mirea di Harta Cartarum originalium. 32 . Wilhelm : Et conceſſerunt predicti A lig DO o oitosito obro Forma pacis ini:e inter dominum G. epiſcopum Wygorn. et com. Warr five finis fattus iu curia domini regis inter epifcopum Wygornu vet crm. Warr. anno viii . bune solution problemen min vaqal Tllelmus de Bello Campo comes Warr. venit et recognovit, quod tene- tur venerabili patri Godefrido Wygorn. epiſcopo vet ſucceſſoribus fuis, et eccleſie ſuc Wygorn. ſingulis annis in perpetuum in fex marcis ſterlingo- rum percipiendorum per manus prepotici fui de Stolton rrjuxta Wadbarwe, in feſto Affumptionis beate Marie Virginis, in eocleſia cathedrali Wygorn. ira quod liceat dicto epilcopo et fuccefforibus fuis diftringere dictum comi- tem et heredes ſuos in manerio predicto de Stolton,npro prefato redditu les marcarum, fi à retro fuerint, fine aliqua contradictione, prout kibet. Parliamento ejuſdem, quod erit à die paſche in xv. dies proximo futura provideri poteric, interveniente ad hoc conſilio dictorum epiſcopi et comitis, quod dictus redditus fex marcarum monialibus de Wroxehale per dictum comitem et heredes fuos fine medio folvi poterit, ita quod non veniat per manus predicti epiſcopi et ſucceſſorum fuorum ad eas, p et in om nibus, quoad ſuas libertates, eccleſia Wygorna in conſerverur indempnis ; tunc ipfe comes et heredes fui ipſis monialibus fatisfaciant de redditu' me- morato, ſecundum tenorem carte quam habent de domino rege de redditu eodem ; et tunc erunt predictus comes et heredes fui verſus di&um epi- Scopum et ſucceſſores fuos quieti de folutione redditus predi&i. Preterea, idem comes recognovit ſe teneri dicto epiſcopo in quadraginta libris bone et legalis monete, de quibus folvet in feſto Nativitatis beati Johannis Baptiſte proximo futuro xx tt. et in feſto Omnium Sanétorum proximo ſequent. xx ib, et niſi fecerit, concellit quod vicecomes Wygorn. eas fieri faciat fine dilatione de terris et catallis fuis in balliva fua. Et pro hac recognitione idem epiſcopus pro fe, fuis fuccefforibus, et eccleſia fua Wy- gorn. remiſit et quietum clamavit predictum comitem et heredes fuos de mille libris, in quibus Willielmus de Bellocampo pater dicti comicis, quon- dam vic. Wygorn. nomine expenſarum tenebacur ecclefie Wygorn. set de quibus dictus epiſcopus dictum comitem implacitavit. n Et promiſit idem e. pifcopus, quod erga executores teſtamenti bone memorie Walteri quondam epiſcopi Wygorn. et erga omnes homines predictum comitem et heredes fuos fervabit indempnes, et ſuper hoc fibi faciet inſtrumentum, prout con- filium dicti comitis et fuum ordinabit ; et vice verſa dictus comes, fe- cundum predida conſilia, ſuper predicto annuo redditu fex marcarum fuf- ficiens faciet inſ Facta eſt autem heo recognitio et conventio in preſentia domini regis, et ſui conſilii ipfius domini regis, et fui confilii in- terveniente expreſſo conſenſu, apud Wynton, in vigilia Circumciſionis Domini. Anno regni fui octavo. : .d.7** 19 4 80g 2 mio in Quando 32 A P PE N D I X Quando contentio erat inter G. Wygorn. epiſcopum, et W. de Bello . campo com. Warr. anno pontificatus dicti epiſcopi quinto, fuper libertati- bus eccleſie Wygorn. quas tam pater ipſius comitis, quam etiam idem comes ufurpaverint injuſte, tandem predictus epiſcopus et comes com- promiſerunt in certas perſonas, ut ipfi audirent et determinarent contenti- ones hujuſmodi ; videlicet, ex parte epiſcopi, magiſtrum Thomam de Wy- mundebam, et priorena fancti Thome de Stafford ; ex parte vero comitis, abbatem Eveſham, et dominum Robertum Walrond, qui in diverfis locis de predictis contentionibus tractaverint, primo apud Glouc. ii. Wynton, iii. London. iiii. Wodeſtoke, quinto Kyderminſtre, vi. Stratford ſuper Abbonam, vii. Stanleye in com. Warr. viii. apud Kenilworth, poftea vero lis conquievit apud Wynton. in forma prefcripta (y). Bin od bomo Dahal * 48. Tranſcriptum compofitionis inite inter epiſcopum et capitulum Wygorn. Ateat univerſis fancte matris ecclefie filiis, ad quos pervenerit hec fcrip- tura, quod nos Godefridus, miſeratione divina miniſter ecclefie Wi- gorn. fuper diverſis controverſiis et querelis inter bone memorie Williel- mum predecefforem noftrum ex parte una, et priorem et capitulum no- ftrum, ex altera, olim exortis, inter cetera compoſitionis capitula tandem inite inter eos infertum comperimus hunc tenorem ; circa cuſtodiam autem prioratus vacantis ordinatum eft fub hac forma ; ut fcilicet epiſcopus Wy- gorn. vacante prioratu , ecclefias ad preſentationem prioris et conventus fpectantes, quas e interim vacare contigerit, libere conferat perſonis ido- neis, cuſtodias etiam et efchaetas, necnon et maritagia libere tenentium eque conferat, fi acciderint hii cafus prioratu vacante; roto reſiduo, tam in capite prioratus et maneriis eorum, quam in eccleſiis, quas habent in uſu proprio, nec non et aliis beneficiis feu redditibus, ad folius cuſtodiam pertinente. Nec per collationem eccleſiarum, cuſtodiarum eſchaetarum maritagiorum, que fiet ab epifcopo, prioratu vacante, aliquid conventui vel eorum priori prejudicium generetur, quin priore eis ordinato, ad ipfos a- lia vice fpe&et ordinatio feu preſentatio omnium premifforum, cum iterum vacaverint ; vel acciderint prioratu non vacante. Propter premiffa vero non differatur ordinatio prioris vel aliquatenus protrahatur, fed quanto commodius fieri poterit, vacante prioratu, deſtinabit conventus ad epiſco- pum ſuum, ubicumque fuerit in Anglia, aliquot de gremio fuo, qui ei ſep- tem monachos nominatos à conventu per literas patentes conventus pre- fentent, ut fic ordinatio fine difficultate procedat. Si vero epiſcopus exi- turus fit regnum, ad quafcunque partes iturus, ftatuet aliquem loco fuo, qui unum de feptem nominatis à conventu eis priorem preficiat vice ſua, (y) Giff. f, 398, b, et 425. b. obano's five Cartarum Originalium. . 33 ſive jam prioratu vacante, ipſe regnum egredi ſtatuerit, five eo agente extra regnum contigerit prioratum vacare ; ut undique provideatur eccle- fie, ne per abſentiam epifcopi remaneat defolata. Et fi nemine conſtitu- to loco fui, qui priorem poſſit, ficut dictum eſt, preficere, contigerit epif- copum egredi regnum, ne vel fic per negligentiam vel deſidiam epiſcopi contingat ordinationem prioris impune differri, hoc in penam ipfius ftatu- erunt, ut five ante egreſſum ipſius vacaverit prioratus, five poſtea, nichil interim per ipſum, vel ſuos, de dictis eccleſiis, cuſtodiis, eſchaetis, vel maritagiis conferatur, fed illa vacatione pertineant ad folum conventum Nos vero pro nobis et fuccefforibus noftris preſcriptum articulum, et ce- tera dicte compoſitionis articula rata habentes, fi contra ea vel aliquid eorum per aliquos de noftris quibuſcumque de facto fuerit attemptatum, id volumus non tenere. Et quatenus in aliquo premiſſorum dicti capituli va- cantis, feu prioris et eorum poffeffio leſa fuerit vel turbata, ipſam eis reſtaura- mus pacificam et quietam ; ſalvo tamen nobis et fuccefforibus noftris de conſenſu capituli memorati, quod habeamus unicum peditem ſervientem fumptibus eorum de gratia largiendis in curia tantum dicti prioris Wy- gorn. dum vacaverit, ad explorandum folummodo ea, que nos contingere poterunt in premiffis, cum hujus cauſe in predi&a curia tanquam in capite primo debeant nunciari. In cujus rei teſtimonium figillum noftrum appo- ni fecimus huic ſcripto. Hiis teftibus, domino Henrico abbate Cirenceſtre, domino Waltero de Langele, milite, doniino Galfrido de Rindweya capel- lano et cancellario noftro, domino Nicholao de Wodeford ſeneſchallo no- ftro, domino Jordano de Aldeſwell rectore eccleſie de Wythindon, do- mino Waltero de Berton noftri hofpitii ſeneſchallo, magiſtris Galfrido de Cuthburle, et Waltero de Bathon, Thoma Paſſelewe, et aliis. Dat pridie Nonas Decembris anno gratie M° CC' LXX. quarto (7). " ***** 49. Confirmatio Gregorii pape ſuper pofelionibus epiſcopatus Wygorn. Regorius epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, venerabili fratri Wigorn. epiſcopo, ejuſque fuccefforibus canonice fubftituendis. In eminenti apoſtolice ſedis fpecula, licet immeriti, diſponente Domino, conſtituti, fra- tres noftros epiſcopos, tam propinquos, quam longe poſitos, fraterna debe- mus caritate diligere, et ecclefiis fibi à Deo commiffis paſtorali follicitudi- ne providere ; quocirca, venerabilis in Chriſto frater epiſcope, tuis juſtis poft lationibus clemencer annuimus, et ecclefiam Dei genctricis et virginis MARIE Wigorn. cui auctore Deo preeſſe dinofceris, fub beati Petri et noftra protectione fufcipimus, et preſentis ſcripti privilegio communimus ; ftatuentes ut quaſcunque poſſeſſiones, quecunque bona eadem ecclefia in preſentiarum julte ac canonice poffidet, aut in futurum conceflione pontifi. vum, largitione regum vel principum, oblatione fidelium, feu aliis juſtis 29 abrio onde ont DE TO ICT Daroga TOTOVIT- *22) Gift omuxo ni upe modis, K 34 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX modis, procurante Domino, poterit adipiſci, firma tibi, tuifque fuccefforibus, et illibata permaneant. In quibus hec propriis duximus exprimenda voca- bulis : Locum ipſum in quo prefata ecclefia fita eſt, cum omnibus pertinen- tiis fuis. Jus patronatus ecclefie de Claverdon, de Nortwike juxta Wigoriz de Wike, de Kemeſey, de Fladebyry, de Eſton, de Hertlebyre, de Ham- biric juxta Wicum, de Alvithechirch, de Hamptona, de 'Stratford, de Blockele, de Tredinton, de Bredone, de Rippel, de Cliva, de Withindon, de Beyburis, et de Hembirie in Salfo Mariſco, maneria, villas, et grangias, quas habes in epiſcopatu Wygorn. de Stratford, et de Blockele nundinas mercatum de Alvithchurch, domos et manfas, redditus, terras, homines, falinas, et molendina, que habes in civitatibus Wigorn. er London ; in villis de Wychio, de Wenlande, de Blikele, et in aliis villis et parochiis predictis ; nec non homagia baronum, militum, et omnium aliorum feu- datariorum tuorum, et pertinentias eorundem, cum pratis, vineis, nemori- bus, parcis, piſcariis, paſcuis, et uſuagiis, in boſco et plano, in viis et fe- mitis, in ſilyis, aquis, et molendinis, et omnibus aliis libertatibus et im- munitatibus fuis ; ad hec cimiteria ecclefiarum ; et ecclefiaftica beneficia nullus hereditario jure poſſideat ; quod fiquis facere prefumpferit, cenſura canonica compefcatur. Preterea, quod communi confenfu capituli tui vel partis confilii fanioris in tua dioceſi, per te, vel fucceffores tuos, fuerit ca- nonice inftitutum, ratum et firmum volumus permanere. Prohibemus in- fuper, ne excommunicatos vel interdictos tuos ad officium vel communio- nem eccleſiaſticam fine confcientia et conſenſu tuo quifquam admittat, aut contra ſententiam tuam canonice promulgatam aliquis venire preſumat, niſi forte periculum mortis immineat, aut dum preſentiam tuam habere nequirit, per alium fecundum formam eccleſie, fatisfactione premiffa, oporteat ligatum abfolvi ; facrorum quoque canonum auctoritatem , fequentes ftatuimus, ut nullus epiſcopus, vel archiepiſcopus abſque Wigorn. epiſcopi conſenſu, conven- tus celebrare, cauſas etiam vel eccleſiaſtica negotia in Wigorn. dioceſi, niſi per Romanum pontificem, vel ejus legatum fuerit eidem injunctum, tractare pre- fumat ; niſi forſan metropolitanus ejus aliquid premifforum fecerit in calibus fibi à jure conceſſis ; illam quoque abuſivam confuetudinem vel potius abo- minabilem corruptelam, quam ballivi regis Wigornenfi epifcopo decedente bona mobilia epiſcopatus tanquam ad eundem regem jure fucceſſionis pertineant; ras. piunt, et afportant, penitus abolemus, fub interminatione anathematis, prohi- bentes ne talia de cetero attemptentur. Decrevimus ergo, ut nulli omnino ho minum liceat prefatam eccleſiam temere perturbare, aut ejus poffeſfiones au- ferre, vel ablatas retinere, minuere, ſeu quibuſlibet vexationibus fatigare, ſed omnia integra conſerventur eorum, pro quorum gubernatione ac ſuſtentatione conceffà funt, uſibus omnimodis profutura, ſalva ledis apoftolice auctoritate ; fiquis igitur in futurum eccleſiaſtica ſeculariſve perſona hanc noſtre conſtitutio- nis paginam fciens contra eam temere venire temptaverit, fecundo, tertiove commonita, niſi rearum ſuum congrua ſatisfactione correxerit, poteſtatis how noriſque fui careat dignitate, reamque ſe divino judicio exiftere de perpetra- ta iniquitate cognoſcat, et à facratiffimo corpore ac ſanguine Dei et Domini Redemptoris noſtri Jeſu Chriſti aliena fiet ; atque in extremo examine diſtricte ſubjaceat : Cartarum originalium. 35 ſubjaceat ultioni. Cunctis autem eidem loco fua jura ſervantibus fit pax Domini noſtri Jeſu Chriſti, quatinus et hic fructum bone actionis percipiant, et apud diſtrictum judicem premia eterne pacis inveniant. Amen. Amen. Amen (6). Kun ole trainibo moto 30. Confirmatio Gregorii pape ſuper decimas terris et pofleſſionibus prioris et conventus Wigorn. G Regorius epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, dilectis filiis priori et conven- cui Wigorn. ordinis ſancti Benedicti, falutem, et apoftolicam benedi- ctionem. Juſtis petentium deſideriis dignum eft nos facilem prebere con- fenfum, et vota, que à rationis tramite non diſcordant, effectu profequente complere. Ea propter, dilecti in Domino filii, veſtris juſtis poftulationibus in- clinati, decimas, terras, poffeffiones, ac alia bona veſtra, ficut ea omnia juſte ac pacifice poſſidetis, vobis et monaſterio veſtro per vos, auctoritate apoſtoli- ca confirmamus, et preſentis fcripti patrocinio communimus. omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam noftre confirmationis infringere, vel ei aufu temerario contraire, Siquis autem hoc attemptare preſumpſerit, indig- nationem omnipotentis Dei, et beatorum Petri et Pauli, ejus fe noverit in- curſurum. Dat Viterbii ili. Kal. Maii pontificatus noftri anno undeci- mo. 1275 (6):6) iangan pada bu Nulli ergo I lib . st. Qualiter dóminus epifcopus G. admiſſus eft tanquam frater in ordine fratrum Posao Minorum. Ut en met de nie Ver Enerabili in Chriſto patri domino G: Dei gratia, epiſcopo Wygorn. fra- ter Jeronimus, ordinis fratrum Minorum generalis miniſter et fervus, cum reverencia falutem, et pacem, que finis eft et premium meritorum. Quamvis ex debito caritatis omnibus altringamur , illis tamen longe amplius noſcimus obligari, quorum dilectionem finceram certis indiciis frequentius ex- perimur. Proinde devotionis veftre ſinceritatem attendens, quam ad noftrum ordinem ob Dei reverentiam geritis, ut accepi, dignum putavi divineque a€- ceptabile voluntati, ut ab ordine prerogativam fentiatis falutarium gratia- Verum quia nudi temporalibus caritatis veſtre benificiis dignam re- pendere vicem temporaliter non valemus, piis ipfam fpiritualium beneficio- rum viciſſitudinibus, prout in noftris apud Deum fervamus defideriis, re- compenſare ſpiritualiter affectamus. Ea propter ego, qui, licet indignus, cul- ram fratrum habeo generalem, vos ad univerſa et noftre religionis fuffragia, tam in morte recipio, quam in vita, plenam vobis bonorum omnium partici- pationem, tenore preſentium conccdendo, que per fratres noſtros ubicunque rum. ha () Reg. 1. dece (-) Reg. 1. dec. et cap.-Wig. f. Lix. Lx. () Ibid. f. LX.b. terrarum : 36 A P PENDIX ama terrarum morentur, operari dignabitur clementia Salvatoris. Adjiciens vobis inſuper de gratia fpeciali, ut cum Domino placuerit de miſerie inſtantis exilio, vos ad patriam evocare, veſterque obitus, multo tempore annuente Domino differendus, noftro fuerit generali capitulo nuntiatus, idem pro vobis fiat offi- cium, quod pro fratribus noftris defunctis, recitatis ibidem per totum ordinem annuatim fieri conſuevit. Dar' Parifiis xvi. Kal. Decembris, anno Domini M® CCLxxº viiº. (c). SAC $2. Litera excufatoria veniendi London ad congregationem Prelatorum. Ancto patri et domino reverendo domino J. Dei gratia, archiepiſcopo Cant. totius Anglie primati, G. permiſſione divina Wygorn. , eccle- fie miniſter humilis, falutem et devotum obedientie ſpiritum cum reveren- tia debita tanto patri. Licet die tertia poft inſtans feftum Purificationis beate Marie virginis gloriofe apud novum Templum, London, una cum ceteris veftris fuffraganeis, pro negotio liberationis domini Almarici de Mon- teforti, fecundum tenorem mandati apoſtolici divina favente clementia fa- ciende, affe&taremus plaudenti animo coram vobis preſentiam perſonaliter exhibere : domino tamen noftro regi Anglie illuſtri, dum in noftra moratur dioceſi, vacantis indies, et non nobis, veſtre paternitatis ſanctitatem requi- rimus reverenter, quatinus abfentiam noftram hac vice, quoad diem et lo- cum predictos, occafione premiſſa habere dignemini, fi libeat, excufatam. Ad tractandum verumtamen ſuper memorato negotio, vice noftra, et faci- endum quo ad id quod veſtra fanctitas de conſilio prelatorum veſtre pro- vincie duxerit ordinandum, dilectos nobis in Chriſto magiſtros Garinum de Boſco, et Ricardum de Vienne, clericos noſtros, conjunctim atque di- viſim facimus et conſtituimus procuratores, ratum et firmum pariter habi- tur. quicquid prefati magiſtri vel alter ex eis noftro nomine egerit quo- modolibet in negotio fupradicto. In cujus rei teſtimonium figillum no- ftrum de noſtri conſcientia literis preſentibus eſt appenſum. Dat apud Alvyne- chirche xii Kal. Jan, anno Domini Mº CC° Lxxx. primo. ortum . pu (s) Giff. f. 720 lave (d) Ibid. f. 126, alias Cxxv. amour anana no eurigh aidata azien iskor pot nii pa ng gros dois 53. Petitiones Cartarum Originalium. 37 SET 53. Petitiones impetrande in Romana curia contra archiepiſcopum Cant. Ign. fanctitati veſtre Godefridus, Dei gratia, epiſcopus Wigorn. quod licet predeceſſores ſui, à tempore cujus memoria non exiſtit, ac ipſe- met pro fui regiminis tempore, huc uſque fuerint in poſſeſſione, vel quaſi habendi omnem omnino cognitionem caufarum inter fuos ſubditos religio- fos pariter et ſeculares quoſcumque, abfque attemptatione quarumlibet perſona- rum, nec non corrigendi emendandive crimina, feu delicta infra fuam dioceſim commiffa, quomodolibet per quoſcumque que jure ordinarie poteftatis per ju. dicem ecclefiafticum poſſent congrue terminari , ac teftamentorum quo- rumlibet decedentium in ſua dioceſi probationem et executorum teftamentorum hujuſmodi ratiocinia, fimiliter audiendi admittendique appellationes ad eum in- terpofitas à fuis fubditis quibuſcumque fub eo juriſdictionem habentibus, fu- per iftis etiam ac aliis ex his proficiſcentibus cognofcendi, hacque poffeffio- ne, vel quali plene, pacifice, et inconcuffe hactenus uli fuerint et gaviſi , negligentie et appellationis cafibus, fi qui forfan fuerint. minime omiſſo medio, duntaxat exceptis. Archiepifcopus tamen Cant. non ſua quoad dioceſim Can- tuarienſem juriſdictione, vel officio, quod ei incumbit ratione viſitationis, aliove jure fibi tanquam priori, ut premittitur, competente, contentus: omni- miodam juriſdictionem premiffam ad fimplices fubditorum dicte dioc. Wigorn. querelas indiſtincte non ſolum reſcribendo, fed cauſas hujus extra ipſam dio- cefim perſonis multotiens doctrinam juris, vel facti, per exercitium experi- entiam non habentibus, committendo. Teſtamentorum etiam probationem admittendo de facto ; ac executores pro libito, ut fuper adminiſtratione fua reddant coram eo, vel fuis commiſſariis ſuo nomine rationem, ſimiliter com- pellendo; recipiendo appellationes quafcumque, à fubditis epiſcopi memorati ad eum interpoſitas, ipfo loci dioceſano medio pretermiſſo, contra ſanctiones canonicas fibi nititur uſurpare, in ipſius epifcopi et fubditorum fuorum pre- judicium non modicum, dampnum pariter et gravamen, ac fue juriſdictionis et juris eccleſie Wigorn, eluſionem, premiffeque poſſeſſionis, vel quaſi pertur- bationem fimiliter manifeftam. Et quod preſertim deteſtabile reputatur, cri- minoſos in criminibus notoriis quantumcumque enormibus, rectores etiam ec, cleſiarum, in cafu, quo ipſo jure fuis beneficiis ſunt privati, cum infra annum à tempore receptionis eorum in ſacerdotes ſe non fecerint promoveri, etiam licet hoc publicum et notorium habeatur, appellantes admittit ; et pro con- ſuetudine ſue curie, que corruptela potius dici debet, probatione appellationis hujus ſummarie procedente, appellantes ipfos non abſque ſui et illorum peri- culo, ut ſcandalo plurimorum ſub tuitionis nomine, in fuis maliciis et errori- bus protegit et defendit, adeo ut, quoad eos debita correctio effectum opti- nere nequeat ; ſuiſque beneficiis ſic privati, contra Concilii Lugdunenfis teno- rem de facto non abſque gravi periculo animarum in fui regimine fic confec- to, dampnabiliter confoventur. Unde petit epiſcopus memoratus quoad ea que juriſdictionem ſuam contingere dinofcuntur, fibi, fui, et ecclefie fue predic- ie nomine, contra memoratum archiepiſcopum, et fui impugnationes ſeu fumptiones diffɔnas omni juri, auctoritate facroſancte fedis apoſtolice, ad L quam feu pre- . :: 38 AP PE N D I X : quam tanquam ad matrem eft in neceſſitatibus recurrendum, falubre remedium adhiberi, et quo ad alia videlicet que in tuitionem in notoriis criminibus, et rectoribus ecclefiafticis beneficiis fic privatis modo predicto concedit eidem per eam impendi confilium oportunum. G. Wigornenfis dilecto filio magiſtro R. de Wychio, eandem quam ſibi ſa- lutem et habundantiam gratie cum ſincera dilectione. Mittimus vobis petitio- nes noftras, quas affectamus per fummum pontificem, veſtra mediante indu- ftria, ad exauditionis gratiam admitti, eoſdem judices eligentes, quos eligit dominus vefter er nofter Herford. Si tamen per viam conſultationis expediri poffimus, longe magis vellemus ; et quia ea, que vobis commiſimus et com- mittimus expedienda, executioni demandari non poffunt fine magnis fumpti- bus er labore, laborem veſtrum hujufmodi noftre remunerationi fecure com- mittatis, fumptibus autem noftris non parcentes, fed nobis remanderis quod debetur, et nos, cui vultis focietati Mercatorum Londinenſium ad mandatum veftrum fatisfaciemus ad plenum, &c. Creſcat prudentia et diligentia veſtra in Domino. Dat apud Ichull v. Non. Maii anno Domini Mº ČCº octogeſi- mo fecundo Ce). conto 54. Appellatio contra archiepiſcopum Cant. per epifcopum Wygorn. : IN N Dei nomine, Amen. Cum nuper venerabilis pater dominus Johannes Dei gratia, Cant. archiepifcopus, totius Anglie primas, Godefridum, per- miſſione divina, Wigorn. epiſcopum, multipliciter gravaverit, fatigaverit, et moleftaverit, nunc fubditos fuos ad examen fuum trahendo in cafu à jure non conceſſo, nunc crimen Simonie falſo et malitiofe fibi impingendo, nunc inobedientiam et reatum perjurii eidem imponendo, alias gravis et injuriofus exiftendo eidem. Ex hiis et aliis criminationibus ac veriſimili- bus conjecturis, Ego, Johannes de Staneweya, presbyter, procurator patris predicti, metuens eidem domino meo per dictum archiepiſcopum, vel fuos futurum poffe prejudicium generari, ne idem archiepifcopus per fe, vel ſuos, contra dictum dominum meum, feu in ejus prejudicium, hac occafio- ne quicquam faciat, ftatuat, vel attemptet fufpendendo, excommunicando, interdicendo, feu alias gravando, ſedem apoſtolicam in hiis ſcriptis provoco et appello; fupponens me, et ftatum dicti domini mei, et ſuorum, tam clericorum quam laicorum, fibi quocunque titulo adherentium juriſdictioni et defenſioni et protectioni fedis predicte. “ Hec provocatio facta fuit apud Hampton v. Kal. Febr. M° CC° octogeſimo tertio, hora prima, in capella « epiſcopi, in preſentia magiftrorum S. de Balenden et W. Pikerell, do- 6 minorum, G. rectoris ecclefie de Kemeſey, Ade perpetui vicarii de Ham- է ամՈ ԼՅՈՒՔՍ (e) Giff. £. Cxxxiv. b, et Cxxxv. rategol acuitos muito amarimon Da sirotar iwi ineo anatilib bonsantra bure Cartarum originalium. 39 66 bure in Salfo Mariſco, N. rectoris eccleſie Omnium fanctorum Wigorn. et Henrico de Lich tabellione (f). G 55. De modo certificandi capitulum Wygorn. fuper reformatione pacis inter ar. cbiepiſcopum Cant. et epiſcopum Wygorn.spiss on Om liisa &c. dilectis in Chrifto filiis • priori et capitulo noſtre eccleſie ca- thedralis civitatis ejuſdem, ſalutem, gratiam, et benedi&tionem, cum mutue dilectionis et caritatis augmento. Attendentes profecto noftre quietis pretextu veſtros poffe multipliciter applaufus foveri, vobis tenore preſenti- um intimamus, quod omnis diſſentionis articulus, dominum archiepiſcopum Cantuarienfem et nos nuper undecunque contingens, abſque noſtri et ec- clefie noſtre prejudicio, nunc vel alias in futurum, in noftri adventu ibidem, premiffis colloquiis mutuis et amplexibus, diffugio ac difficultate poftpofitis, feliciter extitit expeditus, et firmatur denuo abfque gravedinis et laboris materia, priſtine dilectionis indicium federe firmiori, Semper valeatis in Do- mino et Virginę gloriofa Dar' apud Ichull xiii. Kal. April . (g). putad bo tot dito: O EM $6. Litera miſſa archiepiſco Cant. per epiſcopum Wigorn. Ancto patri et domino reverendo domino Johanni, Dei gratia, Cant. archiepiſcopo, torius Anglie primati, G. &c. falutem , et fe ad vota devotum, cum reverentia debita tanto patri fedatis jam diſcordiis, que inter nos nuper per quorumdam facta, abſque culpa noftri novit Altiſſimus, habebantur, fohto vehementius ducimur in applaufum. Et licet fedus pa- cis inite indiſſolubile reputemus ; nos tamen poft noftri receffum à vobis varias recepimus epiſtolas à diverſis, è quibus aliqui de modo tranquillita- tis requirunt ; et quidem diffentionis. Scintillam adhuc ex parte veftra fu- pereſſe deſignant ; pacem hujufmodi undique non habentes pro firma. Ob quod, ut lingue fic dicentium notorie veritatis indicio compefcantur, vota veftra quoad hoc veſtris velitis apicibus ſub vere lucis radio defignare, ut quod in mente geritur, utrobique elucefcat paterter, et hiis exhibitis, fi ve- ftra fanctitas hoc affectet, gravaminis futuri preſumptio, que fub velamine forſan haberi poffet, una cum obloquentium opinione fallibili, radicitus extirpe- tur. Veſtra fancta paternitas in Chrifto valeat et floreat diutius cum honore Dat apud Ichull iiiiº Id. Marcii. ar (s) Ibid. f. CCii. (8) Ibid. f. CCiri. 6. . 40 ΑΡ Ρ Ε Ν D 1 X NO ni Alia eidem direita. Onda Ittimus fancte paternitati veſtre ſtolam et annulum ; et cum ad par- tes noftras declinaveritis, adducemus vitulum faginatum, quia pater nofter, quem aliqu. hujuſmodi in filium, et etiam quoad nos reputavimus mortuum, revixit, perierat et inventus eſt. Et utinam in mutue dilec- tionis vinculo ita conſtringamur de cetero, ut de nobis in viſceribus caritatis uniti fine medio, viſus hominum, ecce duo, dicere non prefumat. Dat ut ſupra (b). V 57. Reſponſio archiepiſcopi. Enerabili in Chriſto fratri domino G. Dei gratia, Wygorn, epiſcopo, frater J. permiſſione divina facerdos Cant. falutem et ſinceramin Domino caritatem. Teftem invocamus gloriofum Chriſti confefforem Wul- ſtanum, cujus aliquam devotam memoriam recenſemus, qui eft nofter con- ſcius in excelſis, quod benevolentiam animi veftri ingenti deſiderio affec- tamus. Nimis enim eſſemus coram Deo et hominibus infelices, fi qui ab adoleſcentia noftra honori cupivimus vivere Chrifti Domini toto corde, jam vellemus tempore fenectutis, in qua, licet in carne ambulamus, non ſecun- dum carnem, ut noſtra patitur fragilitas, ambulamus, in corde et cordis anfractuofis greſſibus ambulare. In ifto igitur fidelitatis fpiritu quam te- nemus, vobis innocentiam et ſanctam amicitiam promittimus ad perſonam veſtram nos veraciter fervaturos, quantumcumque poterimus juſtitia inof- fenſa, ad cujus injuriam veſtrum non credimus animum inclinari . Nullum igitur vobis ſuſcitent ſuſpicionis affectum epiſtole quorumcumque, quia il- lam quam ſoli novimus, vobis cordis noſtri fcribimus veritatem. Memo- ralia autem veſtra nunc et pluries recepimus caritatis, filium vero nos ve- ſtrum olim fuiſſe fatemur, proculdubio et adhuc ex affectu filium remanere, qui niſi nos ſuperioris urgeret auctoritas, et neceſſitas aliena, libentius Deo teſte eſſemus veſtre capelle clienctulus quam ſedis Britannice prime primas; metaphoram autem perditi filii, nonnobis credimus convenire, quia in retroac- tis proceſlibus juxta directorum conſilium callem juſtitie tenuimus juxta grati- am nobis datam, nec conſortia cum ipfo fecuti fuimus inhoneſta. Stolam ta- men noftris portabimus in humeris, rogantes obnixius ne unquam eam nos de- ponere compellatis, cujus rei miniſterium vobis portitor preſentium intimabit . Valete in Chriſto Jeſu et Virgine glorioſa. Datº apud Octoford Idus Marcii anno viº (1) (1) Ibid. CCiiii. b. (i) Ibid. et CCv a. 58. Litera Cartarum originalium. 41 58. Litera magiftri Job. de Butterleye pro eccleſia de Clyve, et aliis expenſis curie Romane. Sancto Ancto ac venerando in Chriſto patri domino fuo domino G. Dei gra- tia Wygorn. epiſcopo, fuus ubique devotus Johannes de Butterleye debitum famulatum cum omni reverentia pariter et honore. Die Veneris proxima poft feftum Nativitatis beate Marie ad curiam Romanam Tibure tunc exiftentem acceſſi, et literas veſtras domino .... Cardinali Anglico, ac magiſtro Berard de Niapol. directas preſentavi eiſdem, qui eas reveren- ter admiſerunt, promittentes fe ea, que in eis continebantur, pro viribus procurare. De magiſtro Berardo de Niapol. reſponfum habui, quod petitionem ſuper eccleſia de Clyve domino Pape nuper legit, et quod eam conceſſe- rat, ut credit. Sed quia non erat quis, qui expeditionem ipfius tunc pro- ſequeretur, idem dominus Berrard nec petitionem hujuſmodi, nec reſpon- fionem domini pape ad eam potuit invenire ; aſſeruit etiam, quod do- minus papa de hujus conceſſione nullatenus recordatur, fed promiſit fe pro- moturum petitionem, quam ſibi dedi ſuper hujus facto tempore oportuno. Ceterum literas veſtras una cum literis Mercatorum de recipiendis centum et quinque libris, et cum quibuſdam veſtris petitionibus, non per puerum ve- ſtrum, qui apud Malynes, ut dicebatur, infirmus remanfit ; fed per quendam alium recepi iii. die Octobris affectione devota; et quia in ipſis literis mihi precepiftis, ut vobis reſcriberem quanta pecunia ad expedienda veftra negotia indigerem, et etiam que petitiones crederem expediri poffe, ex infrafcriptis e- licere poteritis, ut eftimo, veritatem. Procurato mihi ingreſſu ad papam hora valde congrua, cauſas propter quas ſedes epiſcopalis Wygorn. ere alieno one- ratur, tam de mortalitate pecorum, ſterilitate agrorum de concurſu exercitu- um, &c. quam de reparatione maneriorum, et alias, ſibi expofui feriatim viva voce, petens ut hujus expreſſionibus miſericorditer ſubveniret, ac demum lec- ta eidem petitione fuper eccleſia de Clyve, et intellecta, dixit fe nolle deliberare fuper ea. Poftea vero, magifter Berard de Niapol. et ego conſiderato, quod hujuſmodi deliberato remedio indigebat, tractavimus cum magiſtro Berard, ip- fius domini pape ſecretario, eidem ducentas libras ſterlingorum camere do. mini pape folvendas promittentes, priuſquam nos voluit exaudire, folvendas poſtquam dicta petitio feliciter fuerit expedita ; et eidem promifimus quadra- ginta marcas pro fuo labore : unde ex fua promiffione, qui talia poteſt, et fine quo nulla ardua expediuntur, ad preſens firmam ſpem et certam habeo, quod illa petitio de Clyve, faltem ad vitam veftram, quam Deus conſervet in proſperitate votiva, cum in alia forma ſpes non erat, et illa quod vos pofletis auctoritate apoſtolica duabus perfonis ydoneis concedere officium tabelliona- tus, nec non illa quod tractatibus canonicorum eccleſie de Weſtbury in choro et capitulo poteritis intereſſe, per Dei gratiam expedientur ad votum, excepto de prebenda retinenda in eadem, de cujus expeditione dubito ve- hementer. Ifta credo poffe expedire ad minus, fi pecunia non defue- M rit . 42 APPENDIX no. rit in hac parte. Et certe licet dominus papa, quoad diſpenſationem fu- per pluralitate beneficiorum dicatur gratiofus, inauditum eſt, quod ipfe un- quam aliquam ecclefiam in proprios uſus prius concefferat, preter unam. Dominum Berrard de Niapol. fupradictum, qui circa iſtud negotium non ceffat laborare, oportet refracere larga manu, 'ille enim circa fada noftra diligentiam adhibet juxta poſſe. De petitione contra non reſidentes, quam mihi miſiſti, nichil eft adhuc actum; proponam illam tempore oportu- Iftas expenfas facere oportet, preter alias, que minoribus officialibus dabuntur per quorum manus litere tranſibunt. Unde ad minus centum er fexaginta libras, immo omnimodo ducentas, fi poteftis, pet literas Mer- catorum, fi placet, celeriter deſtinetis. Ita quod ad tardius dicta pecunia fit ad me in curia infra tres feptimanas poft diem fefti Nativitatis Domi- ni. Perſone enim fupradicte credunt pro certo me pecuniam predictam in manibus habere promptam folvendam eiſdem, quam cito dicta negotia fuerint expedita, et fi contrarium, immineatur periculum non modicum negotiis veſtris, et etiam mihi poterit imminere. Sciat veftra paterni- tas, quod per literas ipforum, qui aliquam magnam fummam pecunie ve ſtre per me receperint, vel per libros Mercatoruñ, aut per manum publi- cam de folutione pecunie veftre, de quibus et quantum quis acceperit, conftabit vobis evidenter. Confimiles literas vobis mitto per alium nunti- um, ne forte iftas caſu fortuito perire contingat. Valeat et vigeat veſtra paternitas profperis incrementis. Dat' Rome xii. die S. Pr. 1286. Poft confectionem preſentium Johannes de Gledefeye, puer vefter, ad me ve nit, quem mecum retinere intendo, quouſque ipſa rei experientia fe uno modo vel alio manifeftet. G. 59. Refponfio epiſcopi. &c. dilecto in Chrifto filio magiſtro J. de Butterleye, procuratori . fuo in curia Romana commoranti, falutem et gratiam in agendis cum dilectione ſincera. In feſto fancti Andree Apoftoli, apud Wygorn. veſtras recepimus literas tria precipue continentes ; primum, videlicet, de eccleſia de Clyve, noſtro duntaxar perpetuo in ufus proprios obtinenda; de qua quidem gratia fic conceffa temporaliter non curamus, cum honorem noftre ecclefie Wygorn. duraturum perpetim potius appetamus, quam pro- prium commodum temporale. Et licet petitio noſtra vobis tradita in re- ceffu, forfan fuerit fub disjunctione concepta, hoc tamen à noſtro propofi- to ſeu conſcientia non proceflit. Aliud fuit, quod tractatibus Canonico- rum eccleſie prebendalis de Weſtbury libere intereſſe poffemus, fuper quo miramur, cum hoc auctoritate propria pro libito facere valeamus. Terti- um exftitit de duobus tabellionibus de noftris clericis preficiendis, quod quafi frivolum reputamus. Ducentas autem libras argenti preter pecuniam vobis traditam pro prima petitione fub forma fuperius annotata, et pro duabus aliis petitionibus fubfequentibus, de quibus non multum curamus, effundere nolumus, nec credimus eſſe fanum. In receſſu fiquidem veftro verſus cu- riam, Cartarum originalium. 43 quoquomodo. riam, quaſdam alias petitiones vobis tradi fecimus, alias etiam per quen- dam' intervenientem nuncium tranfmifimus poftmodum in eadem curia profequendas, de quibus nullam feciftis in directis literis mentionem: ob quod eaſdem fcribi fecimus iterato, vobis tradendas per preſentem bajulum, fi forte eedem efſent oblivioni tradite, vel amiſſe. Affectantes itaque no- ftrum propofitum feliciter ad finem optatum perduci, vobis mandamus quatinus fi fingulas petitiones noftras predictas, fecundum earum fubftanti- am et tenorem, nequiritis forſitan expedire, faltem quatuor ex eis, quas pre- cipue ponderamus, et que nobis magis funt cordi, primam fcilicet, quoad eccle- fiam de Clyve nobis et fuccefforibus noftris in ufus proprios perpetuis temporibus concedendam ; fecundam videlicet, quod concedatur nobis et noftris fuccefforibus in perpetuum una prebenda in ecclefia de Weſtbury eſtimationis decem marcarum vel librarum ; tertiam, quod omnes eccleſias, que de noſtro patronatu exiftunt, nobis liceat in dicta eccleſia de Weſtbury facere prebendales ; ac quartam, quod omnes fructus primi anni omnium ecclefiarum vacantium in noftra dioceſi integraliter percipere valeamus, cum fumma diligentia impetrare curetis ; fumptibus attamen moderatis, quos fum- mam illius pecunie vobis tradite in receffu, et per manus Mercatorum vobis poftea numerate, fecundum veftrorum procuratoriorum ac inſtrumentorum obligatoriorum, que vobis tradita fuerant, feu tranſmiffa, excedere nolumus Non enim intendimus occafione premiffa tanto debitorum cumulo nos et noftram eccleſiam Wygorn. gravari ad preſens, à quo non poſſumus de facili, ut videtur, pro noftrorum dierum fpatio relevari. Quod fi di&a curia in noftris petitionibus premiſſis, feu tribus duabufve earum, vel una illa, fcilicet, que eadem appropriatione dicte ecclefie de Clyve, nobis et noftris fuccefforibus perpetuo concedenda fe non reddiderit gratiofam, ex tunc de ampliori pecunia refundenda per nos ad preſens, ex premiffis caufis, fpem nullatenus habeatis. Sed ad partes Anglicanas cum tota noſtra pecunia, falvis expenſis neceffariis, et cum omnibus literis obligatoriis et procuratoriis, tam ex traditione noftra, quam tranſmiſſione facta per nuntium quandocumque ob- tentis, abſque more diſpendio celeriter redeatis. Optamus fiquidem hac vice à noſtro propoſito, quo ad hec potius toraliter refilire, quam pro debitorum onere importabili nos et noftram ecclefiam Wygorn. fub exactionibus perpetuis non abfque gravi periculo infolerter gravare. Ad hec admodum admiramur ex hoc, quod de hiis que vobis injunxinus, quoad perfonam et factum ma- giſtri Ade de Fyleby adimplenda, videlicet de pecuniarum quantitatibus, quas idem in curia prefata dudum exiftens pro noftris negotiis nullatenus expeditis, per eum perfonis variis particulariter afferit fe folviffe, fuper qui- bus cum omni cautele ſtudio curetis à perfonis fingulis veritatem inquirere ſingillatim. Et quia magiſter ille penes ſe detinet noſtra inſtrumenta procu- ratoria et obligatoria minus jufte, ab eadem curia remedium impetretis, fe- cundum formam, quam veſtre diſcretionis arbitrium reputaverit competentem. Ut autem nos de promotione veſtra, fecundum quod promifimus fuiffe et effe follicitos attendatis, ecclefiam de Badmynton xl. marcas valentem, ut dicitur, que nuper vacavit, et cujus collatio ad nos per lapſum temporis extitit, 44 APPENDIX - extitit devoluta, vobis contulimus intuitu caritatis ; capellanum veftrum de Seggesberwe in poſſeſſionem dicte ecclefie corporalem veſtro nomine facientes induci (k). 60. Bulla appropriationis ecclefie de Clyve ad vitam epiſcopi Wygorn. Onorius epiſcopus, fervus ſervorum Dei, venerabili fratri, G. epiſcopo Wygorn. falutem et apoftolicam benedictionem. Petitio tua nobis exhi- bita continebat, quod fedes epifcopalis Wygorn. adeo gravatur debitorum o- nere fub uſuris à tuis predecefforibus contractorum, et occaſione guerre Wallie, cui fedes eadem vicinatur, aliaſque faciente malitia temporis, fic ſunt ipſius fedis redditus diminuti, quod ad opportunos fumptus, tueque familie competentis, et fuftentationem edificiorum fedis ejufdem, que mi- nantur pro majori parte ruinam, nequicquam fufficiant ; ſed nifi dicte fedi per apoſtolice proviſionis clementiam fuccurratur, verendum eſt, ne non fo- lum ruine dictorum edificiorum irreparabile detrimentum incurrat, ſed et ſubſtantie fue refiduum vorago abforbeat ufurarum. Quare ut per dictorum ſatisfactionem aliquam, debitorum gravamini currentium ufurarum occurrere valens, et ſaltem fuftentationi predictorum edificiorum quoquomodo fuc- currere humiliter fupplicaſti, ut miſericorditer fedi compatientes eidem, quod eccleſiam de Clyve curam animarum habentem tue dioc. in qua jus optines patronatus ; feu fructus, redditus, et obventiones ipfius, ejus cedente vel de- cedente rectore, imperpetuum, vel faltem ad vitam tuam, epiſcopalis menſe Wygorn. ufibus deputare de benignitate apoſtolica dignaremur. Nos itaque attendentes, quod in premiſlis non tam perſone tue utilitatibus inhias, quam ecclelie tibi commiffe commodis, prout decet ſollicitudinem officii paftoralis, intendis: tuis ſupplicationibus inclinati, fraternitati tuæ preſentium auctoritate concedimus, ut veris exiſtentibus ſupradictis, ecclefie de Clyve prefate ceden- te vel decedente rectore, ipfius fructus, obventiones, et redditus, reſervata de ipſis ydoneo vicario, quem ad curam ejufdem ecclefie fueque parochie inter- im inftituas, congrua portione, ac provifo quod nequicquam propter hoc ipfius ecclefie de Clyve conſuetum fervitium minuatur, ufibus prediae fedis valeas, quoad vixeris, deputare. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam noſtre conceſſionis infringere, vel ei aufu temerario contraire. Siquis autem hoc attemptare preſumpferit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Perri et Pauli Apoſtolorum ejus fe noverit incurfurum. Dat' Rome a- pud fanctam Sabinam iii. Non. Novembris, pontificatus noftri anno fe- cundo. (l) Giff. f. 263. a. et b. In > Cartarum Originalium. 45 ogs Bioh zasy voliga sh baba ollupeni neve que In alio Manuſ. voilla Memorandum, quod iftam bullam impetravit magifter Johannes de But- terleye pro cc'. marcis ſterlingorum, et habuit eam duplicatam, quarum u- nam habet, de precepto domini noftri epiſcopi, magiſter Thomas de Stoke, nofter officialis, ut eam in curia Romana in melius permutaret. Aliam ve- ro bullam tradidit Johannes de Stane cuidam armigero Bartholomeo de Thovengo, procuratori rectoris ecclefie de Ethrope, ut ipfe illam in curia permutaret, et procuraret illam affignari menſe epifcopi Wygorn, in per- petuum, videlicet, apud Weſton fub Egge xi. Kal. Od. anno noſtre con- ſecrationis xxiiiº. (1). - supan MEYA mom i cobor obit 61. Nova ordinatio ſuper cantaria Carnarie Wygorn. Mnibus fancte matris eccleſie filiis G. permiſſione divina miniſter eccleſie Wygorn. falutem in Domino fempiternam. Humanitus reſolutis in Chrifto, eidem Mediatori Dei et hominum, pro- ſunt oblata facrificia facerdotum, maxime cum in vita meruerunt, ſuper- ftitum poftea talibus beneficiis adjuvari . Quamobrem in capella juxta no- ftram conventualem et cathedralem ecclefiam, quinque presbyteri ftatuun- tur exorantes et immolantes cotidie pro defunctis, cum bonis quibufdam et poſſeſſionibus, ac decem libris argenti annuatim percipiendis, de manerio de Hembure in Salfo Mariſco, fibi pro victualibus aſignatis. Verum ip- fius manerii, fed et epiſcopatus proventus, in diminutionem ex variis cau- fis et inopinatis et novis, ac impenſas tam neceffarias, quam inevitabiles, in augmentum indies tendere novimus et ſentimus, nec conjectura probabili reſtat de hiis fpes melior in futurum, propter quod proſpiciendo ec- clefie et fuccefforibus noſtris, quantum, Deo auctore, poſſumus, providendo- que, ut pro deficientibus fupradicta diſpoſitio tam falubris perpetuis tempo- ribus valitura procedat, et presbyteri memorati ab aliis non requirant ; fed apud fe habeant unde congrue fuftinentur, nec ipfos occaſione dicte pecu- nie ex incuria non ſolute, ut fieri aſſolet, à ſtatutis ſervitiis vacare contin- gant : eccleſiam ſancte Helene civitatis Wygorn. nunc vacantem, noſtri pa- tronatus, illis appropriamus, cum fuis juribus et pertinentiis, in uſus fuos in perpetuum convertendam. Ordinantes inſuper et ſtatuentes, quod ad augmentum cultus divini fex fint presbyteri, et ex iis fit magiſter Servi- cii defunctorum, qui in capella predicta et domo fua, in qua volumus omnes vivere communiter, ſub uno tecto dormire, et ad refectionem dor- mitionemque horis competentibus convenire ; fuos focios, in capis nigris et fupelliciis, tam ad fuum ſervitium accedendo, quam in eo commorando u- tentes, fuis preceptis honeſtis parentes, benignos et pacificos amore fra- : (1) Giff. f. 342. alias cccxliii. N terno 46 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X terno foveat in tranquillo, deſides, negligentes, erranteſque, debelleſque, per cenfuram eccleſiaſticam corripiat et compeſcat ; et preter correptionem hujus in rebellione contumaciter perſiſtentes nobis denuntiat, ut eis per nos amotis quantocyus loco ipforum alii fubrogentur. Sit nichilominus prepo- ſitus Servicii defunctorum, cui domos rectoris eccleſie ſande Helene aſſig- navi. Quique bona omnia et proventus ad prefatos magiftrum et pref- byteros Ipectantia colligat i et percipiat, de quibus vicario perpetuo in ece cleſia ſancte Helene centum folidos, magiftro eidem centum folidos pro ſe et clerico, et presbyteris reliquis viginti et quinque marcas exfolvat nomine victualium, in feſtis beati Michaelis, Nativitatis, Paſche, et Na- tivitatis Johannis Baptiſte, pro equalibus porcionibus ; fed magifter decem et feptem marcas de fumma viginti et quinque marcarum predicta ha- beat, et fuos ſocios in eſculentis et poculentis procuret ydonee, ac ſin- guli fingulariter iidem focii viginti folidos à prepoſito recipiant, nomine Calciarii et Veſtiarii, terminis ſupradictis. Qui quidem prepofitus capellam luminaribus, ornamentis, libris, et omnibus neceſſariis, exhibeat fufficienter inſtructam, et tam capellam quam , alia presbyterorum edificia conſtruat, reparet, et conſervet, in uſum fuum licite percipiens et convertens, hiis abſque diminutione vel mora aliqua convenienter expletis, fi quid proven- tuum cure fue ſenſerit fupereffe. ---- ET MATADOR "baron marido mal Magiſter igitur, ficut ad eum pertinet, ut premittitur, et prepoſitus Ser. vicii defunctorum, in his cauſarum negotiorumque communitaris presbyte- rorum cum diſcretione et fumma diligentia gerant curam, ut in die Meffi- onis extreme eternam metentes mercedem premia condigna pro meritis conſe quantur. » Datum et actum apud Bredon iii. Id. April. an. Domini MCC. octo. gefimo feptimo (m). uanh ni svona atragostin slidutivos Ostonia monon me zanogmi : silvort 39 aitarriqoni 91 FOTO oooooooooo reuat a 501 giin sitten 3D sterilidi dott (m) Giff. f. 268. do nosos (I hilon auditonte remos entegray all in oisilegtits 3156 to, lupon niile de ma prydag 15 Jansone stosilov nudin -1000 91311 anoite olqi son non sbau dan ninos y alisivut 1 sin Jionis Pratt gulot tron ipad *3 inilor "TOPORTE no grin IPO sobu sme mana out role ni zrisaniaaa 29 uden at cuinea ziut us Mooidea brusas 9 19quin mino *1700 sivih ammo muito Romuloy sup ni kiongob 19 stond elaqs uprko.Banisa -pcb cotisay bu 39 attob odbor onu dot e 19:imentov St97iv 230-In fa eiminn eieren ai to rout; s indoo audiregaqros ciod supmoroidim - obarasso ma es trop online minimad muut be mes tobillaqui -El monte legs 2009 namestnet vifta od ritamata nil y ona tyen lii site sa le Cartarum originalium. 47 Bunalnog pigham ond engines simsa mabaranir uk TO inicion mo barba do bras In alio loco fic invenitur : nosabato 09 soon UN IN . : YN nomine individue Trinitaris, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, pre- deceſſorum noftrorum veftigiis inherentes eccleſiam ſancte Helene in civitate Wygorn, et eccleſiam de Newentone in Coreſwolde, nunc vacantes, noftri patronatus, illis appropriamus, cum fuis juribus et pertinentiis, in ulus fuos in perpetuum convertendas. Statuentes, quod in augmentum cultus divini, ſex fint presbyteri, et unus ex eis fit magifter Servicii defunctorum, qui in capella predicta et domo fua, in qua volumus omnes vivere com- muniter, ſub uno tecto dormire, et ad refectionem dormitionemque horis competentibus convenire, focios fuos in capis nigris et ſuppelliciis tam ad ad fuum ſervicium accedendo, quam in eo commorando utentes, fuis pre- ceptis honeftis parentes, benignos et pacificos amore fraterno foveat in tran. quillo, defides, negligentes, errantes, rebelleſque per cenfuram ecclefiafticam corripiat et compefcat, et poſt correptionem hujus in rebellione contuma- citer perſiſtentes nobis denuntiat, ut eis per nos amotis, quamtocius loco ipforum alii idonei ſubrogentur. Omnes etiam totum diei cujuſlibet offi- cium, ac beate Virginis ex ordinc, et mortuorum fervitium ex integro more, temporibuſque debitis, fimiliter diſtincte per omnia compleant et de- vote uno miſlam de die, altero de beata Virgine, et reliquis pro defunc- tis celebrantibus cotidie, Paſche et Nativitatis Domini diebus exceptis, ac unam orationem fpecialem, expreffo noftro nomine, pro nobis er ſucceſſori- bus noſtris priore et noftro capitulo degentibus, aliam pro nobis expreffo fimi- liter noſtro nomine, et pro omnibus predecefforibus noftris et fuccefforibus, prioribus et fratribus noſtri capituli mortuis, in miffis fingulis dicentibus im perpetuum. Idemque magiſter bona omnia et proventus ad prefatos magi- ſtrum et presbyteros fpe&antia colligat et percipiar. De quibus vicario per- petuo in eccleſia ſancte Helene centum folidos, necnon et vicario perpe- tuo de Newentone centum folidos cum domibus competentibus affignatis, in feſtis beati Michaelis, Nativitatis Domini, Pafche, et Nativitatis beati Johannis Baptiſte ad fuam ydoneam fuftentationem exfolvat pro equalibus porcionibus, et ſocios ſuos in eſculentis et poculentis procuret ydonee, ac ſinguli ſingulariter iidem focii viginti et duos folidosi di&o magiſtro recipiant, nomine Calciarii et Veſtiarij, terminis fupradictis. Capellam inſuper lumi- naribus, crnamentis, libris, et omnibus neceſſariis eſſe faciat et conſer- vet fufficienter inſtructam: et tam capellam, quam alia fua et presbyte- rorum edificia conſervet ac reparet, et clericum capelle continue deſervi- entem exhibeat, et agnoſcat in folidum, omnia onera ordinaria et extraor- dinaria, in ufum fuum licite percipiens et convertens, hiis abfque diminu- tione vel mora aliqua convenienter expleris ; fiquid proventum cure ſue fen- ferit ſupereffe. Magiſter igitur, ficut ad eum pertinet, ut premittitur, in hiis caufarum negotiorumque omnium communitatis presbyterorum cum diſcre- tione et fumma diligentia curam gerat, ut in die Meſſionis extreme eter- nam 48 A P PENDIX quam cito ifta me te nam metens mercedem premia condigna pro meritis conſequetur. Dat et act apud Alvynechirche vº. Id. Decembris anno Domini Mº. ČCº. LXXX°. viiº, noftre vero confecrationis xx°. (1). IDE Memorandum, quod dominus Hugo de Walyngford, capellanus et cuſtos, nunc per iſtam literam deputatus, in Carnarie magiftrum comparuit coram domino G. Wygorn. epiſcopo, apud Alvechirche, tempore receptionis ordina- tionis ipfius, le expreffe nolle amplius exigere feu vendicare illas x. libras, quas de manerio epiſcopi in Salfo Mariſco et literas epiſco- porum Wygorn, antiquitus fibi nomine hujus perceptionis conceffas reftituere, capellanis Wygorn. vel alio modo legitimo fuerit confirmata (o). 201 SIE of 62. Reformatio pacis inter epiſcopum et conventum Wigorn. Ateat univerſis, quod nos G. Dei gratia, epiſcopus Wigorn. kariſſimos noftros in Chrifto priorem et conventum noſtrum Wigorn. quoad om- nia fua fpiritualia, feu ordinem tangentia, in eo ftatu, in quo fuerunt die Veneris poft feftum Exaltationis Crucis, anno Domini MCCLXXX. octavo, et quoad omnia per materiam difcordie orta, à die predicto uſque ad confec- tionem preſentium, inter nos ex parte una, et ipfos ex altera, in pace dimit- timus. Salva compoſitione inter bone memorie Willelmum de Bleys, predecef- forem noftrum, et eos habita, per omnia et ſingula de cetero modo conſueto, temporibus predeceſſorum noſtrorum et noſtro hinc inde ſervando. De amer- ciamentis vero hominum et tenentium dictorum prioris et conventus in manerio ſuo de Alweſton in hundredo de Pathelowe et Gilput amerciatorum nichil in poſterum exigemus, ficut nec eo nomine quicquam recepimus ufque modo. In hiis et predi&tis fuccefforum noſtrorum in omnibus falvo jure In cujus rei teſtimonium figillum noftrum preſentibus eft appenſum. Dat Wygorn. XV. Kal. Febr. anno Dornini MCCLXXXVIII. Memorandum, quod predicti religiofi prior et conventus Wygorn. dederunt epiſcopo, pro bono pacis, viginti marcas ſterlingorum, et preter hoc, eidem e- piſcopo obligantur in quadraginta marcis folvend. pro equalibus portionibus, in feſtis Annuntiationis Dominice, et Nativitatis Johannis Baptiſte, anno Domini fupradicto (p). Patcas (») Giff. f. 342. alias CCXLIII. (0) Ibid. () Ibid. 298. alias CCXCIX. membro "STOTO 29 *spics in TM je to toys sisi an - ຄົນ ໄປມາ ແນມກະດານ ນ ນ ວ ເປັນ 31 inez * 3032110 avion mun oil beb mon mmovads friend nano pa 1375 sexy zincils M aiba sa pag main skinsels ontor 63. Pro- Cartarum originalium . 49 132 63. Proceſſus habitus inter epiſcopum Wygorn. et ſuum capitulum, anno vicefia mo ſecundo pontificatus iplius epiſcopi. . locaiboi . N : ? Bulla Pape Nicholai. bani alion & maigini Freitundit mabp out issus oder Icholaus epifcopus, &c. dile&tis filiis Radinge et de Wyggemore monaſt. abbatibus Sarr. et Hereford. dioceſeon, &c. ac .... precentori eccleſie Wellenfis, falutem, &c. Sua nobis dilecti filii Sua nobis dilecti filii ... prior et capitulum eccleſie Wyg. ordinis fancti Benedicti petitione monſtrarunt, quod licet ad eos in eccleſiis Wygorn. civitatis et dioceſeos jus examinandi electiones, conſervan- di electos, inſtituendi et deftituendi rectores, ſede Wygorn. vacante, per- tineat, et in poffeffionem vel quafi exercendi predicta fint et fuerint, tempore cujus memoria non exiſtit : tamen venerabilis frater nofter epiſcopus Wygorn. de Kemeſey, de Bredon, de Wythindon, de Clyve, et de Weſton ſuper Averna, eccleſias predicte dioceſeos, que immediate ipfi Wygorn. eccleſie ſubjacent, et in quibus jura hujus competunt .... priori et capitulo memoratis, ecclefie de Weſtbury ejuſdem dioceſeos contra volunta- tem ipſorum, ut ipfius cum eorum jactura redditus augmentaret , duxit contra juſtitiam conferendas, conſtituens eas prefate eccleſie de Weſtbure pro fue voluntatis libito prebendales, ac eas pro prebendis magiſtro Johanni de E- broycis, Waltero de Berton, Radulfo de Vaſto Prato, et Johanni de Stane- weye, clericis et familiaribus ſuis, tunc earumdem eccleſiarum rectoribus, quos in eadem eccleſia de Weſtbury canonicos novos inſtituit, ipfius eccleſie de Weſt- bury canonicorum augendo numerum, aſſignavit. Et fic tandem eedem eccle- ſie non immediate, prout debent, eccleſie Wygorn. predicte ſubjaceant, ſed dic- te eccleſie de Weſtbury, cui eas contulit, mediate, ac per conſequens priori et capitulo memoratis, jus inftituendi et deſtituendi rectores, quod, ut predicitur, in eifdem ſede Wygorn, vacante obtinent, fubtrahatur. Quas quidem eccleſias prefati familiares ipfius epiſcopi, per eundem epiſcopum in dicta eccleſia de Weſtbury canonici taliter inftituti, non tanquam earum rectores, ſed eas tan- quam fibi prebendales, et pro prebendalibus aſſignatas, pretextu collationis et aſſignationis hujus occuparunt, et detinent occupatas, in animarum ſuarum periculum, ipſorumque prioris et capituli, ac prefate Wygorn. eccleſie preju- dicium non modicum et gravamen. Quare pro parte prioris et capituli predictorum fuit nobis humiliter ſupplicatum, ut cum ex predictis, eis et pre- fate Wygorn. eccleſie non ecclefie non modicum immineat detrimentum, providere ſibi fuper hoc paterna follicitudine curaremus. Quocirca diſcrecioni veltre per Apoſtolica fcripta mandamus, quatinus vocatis, qui fuerint evocandi, &c. facientes, &c. Teftes autem, &c. quod ſi non omnes, &c. Dat' Rom. apud fanctam Mariam majorem xv°. Kal. Maii, pontificatus noftri anno ' ſe- cundo. Ifta 50 APPENDIX N Iſta Bulla predicta miſſa fuit epiſcopo Wygorn. ſub figillo auditoris curie Romane, per magiſtrum Johannem Blondel, procuratorem epiſcopi in ea- dem curia, antequam innotuerit capitulo Wygorn. Et quia non fuerit bullata, judices noluerunt committere alicui vices ſuas pro parte epifcopi, ſed promiſerunt hoc fe facturos, cum reſcriptum autenticum videretur ; et interim alias nullo modo. Poftea vero miffa fuit epiſcopo talis Bulla cum plumbo, quaſi fuper eodem negotio ad alios judices, fub hac forma: TIcholaus epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, venerabili fratri epiſcopo London, et .... abbati monafterii Radinge Sarum dioc. ac magiftro Gyffredo de Veterano, camere noſtre clerico canonico Cameracenſi in Anglia commoranti, falutem et Apoftolicam benedi&tionem. Sua nobis dile&ti filii prior et capitulum ecclefie Wygorn. ordinis fancti Benedi&ti petitione mon- ftrarunt, quod venerabilis frater noſter ...; epifcopus Wygorn. de Kemefey, de Bredone, de Clyva, de Wythindon, de Weſton ſuper Avenam, et de Bodebroke, ecclefias Wygorn. dioc. que immediate ipfi Wygorn. ecclefie ſubjacent, de Weſtbury et de Warrewyke, pro fue voluntatis libito prebenda- les, ac eas pro prebendis magiſtro Johanni de Ebroyc. Waltero de Berton, Radulfo de Vaſto Prato, Johanni de Staneweye, et Petro de Leyceſtre, clericis, et familiaribus fuis, tunc earumdem ecclefiarum rectoribus, ipſarum de Weſt- bury et de Warrewyke ecclefiarum canonicorum augendo numerum, aflignavit. Quas quidem ecclefias predicti familiares ipfius epifcopi per eundem epiſcopum in eifdem de Weſtbury et de Warrewyke ecclefiis canonici noviter inftituti, non tanquam earum rectores, fed eas tanquam fibi prebendales, et pro preben- dalibus affignatas, pretextu collationis et aſħignationis hujus occuparunt, et de tînent occupatas, in animarum fuarum periculum, ipforumque prioris et ca- pítuli prefate Wygorn. ecclefie prejudicium non modicum et gravamen. Quare pro parte prioris et capituli predi&torum fuit nobis humiliter ſupplica- tum, ut cum ex predictis, eis et prefate Wygorn. ecclefie non modicum im- mineat detrimentum, providere fibi fuper hoc paterna follicitudine curare- Quocirca difcretioni veſtre de utriuſque partis procur. affenfu, per Apoſtolica Scripta mandamus, quatinus vocatis apud Radinge, qui fuerint evocandi, et auditis hinc inde propofitis, quod canonicum fuerit appellati- one poftpofita decernas. Facientes, quod decreveritis auctoritate noſtra, fir- miter obfervari . Teftes autem, qui fuerint nominati, fi fe gratia, odio, vel timore ſubtraxerint, per cenſuram ecclefiafticam, appellatione ceffante, cogatis veritati teſtimonium perhibere. Quod fi non omnes hiis exequendis potueri- tis intereffe, duo veftrorum ea nichilominus exequantur. Dat' Reate Kal. Junii pontificatus noftri anno ſecundo. W TOU hip fins Dano s:qisiologa -90 mo Do non il noup S. mos 26 orar proseghe anches AMG JAYA BETUL, Tsitsi mbre obre Qua mus. Cartarum originalium. 51 Qua quidem Bulla recepta, dominus epiſcopus Wygorn. in exequendo eam prevenit ſuos adverſarios, fic quod obtinuit duas commiſſiones "à do- mino Londoneofi epiſcopo, et abbate Radinge judicibus delegatis, archidia- cono Barkſhire, et ejus p officiali directas, magiſtro Gyffredo de Veterano committere feu citare tunc temporis recuſante, fuper quo habet idem epi- fcopus pupplicum inftrumentum, quarum commiſfionum tenor talis eſt : DIA .... 1 Piſcopus London. judex ſede Apoftolica delegatus, diſcreto viro archidiacono Barkſhire, Sarum dioceſeos, falutem et gratiam Salvatoris. In cauſa, ſeu negotio, que vel quod inter religioſos viros . . . priorem et capitulum ecclefie Wygorn. ex parte una, et venerabilem pa- trem dominum Wygorn, epiſcopum, pretextu de Kemeſey, Bredone, Clyva, Withindon, Weſton fuper Avenam, et Bodebroke ecclefiarum, quas, ut fuggeritur, idem epifcopus Wygorn. eccleſiis de Weſtbury et de Warr. contulit et aſſignavit inibi prebendales, ac alios, quos hujuſmodi negotium ſeu caufa contigit, vertitur vel verti fperatur auctoritate Apoſtolica, ex al- tera ; vobis committimus vices noftras. In cujus rei teſtimonium figillum noftrum preſentibus duximus apponendum. Dat' apud Crundenen Kal. Septembris, anno Domini Mº. CC. LXXX. nono. Abbas Radynge, judex à fancto fummo pontifice delegatus, difcretis viris ar- chidiacono Barkſhire, Sarum dioceſeos, et .... officiali fuo, falutem in eo qui eſt omnium vera falus. In caufa, feu negotio, &c. ut fupra. Dat' apud Et quia di&tus . . . . archidiaconus Barkſhire afferuit, fe non poffe admit- tere commiſſiones predictas propter ftudium, epifcopus Wygorn. miſit epi- fcopo Londinenſi. ... abbati Radynge, et magiſtro Gyffredo de Veterano, judicibus fuis, Henricum tabellionem fuum, ut ipfi committerent, audita recufatione dicti .. .. archidiaconi Barkſhire, domino archidiacono Oxon, magiftris Waltero de Bathon. et Johanni Lovel clericis. Qui quidem epi- fcopus London, reſpondebat expreffe, ſe non poffe tertium committere, quia fcripfit patenter, fe hoc feciffe magiſtro Petro de Pyricon clerico ca- pituli Wygorn. fuam commiffionem petenti dićtam fcripturam liberando. Verumptamen .. abbas Radynge ſuper eodem requiſitus commiſit vices ſuas de conſenſu clericorum predictorum .... archidiacono Oxon, et decano monaſterii de Eveſham conjunctim et diviſim, fic quod dictus magiſter Gif- fredus permittens fe cognofcere perſonaliter, una cum abbate Radynge, citavit partes ad quintum diem juridicum proximum poſt feſtum Omnium Sanc- torum apud Radynge, ut comparerent, &c. Et quia videbatur quibuſdam de conſilio epiſcopi non fibi multum competere commiſſio hujus, miſſus erat ma- gilter Robertus de Wychio dicto .... archidiacono Barkſhire, ut ipſe auc- toritare priorum commiſſionum perpetuaret reſcriptum per aliquam faltem cita- tionem. Tenor commiſfionis pofterioris abbatis Radynge talis eft: Abbas 52 APPENDIX 3 Bbas Radynge, judex à fummo Pontifice delegatus, diſcretis viris do- minis archidiacono Oxon. in ecclefia Lincoln. et decano mona- ſterii Eveſham, Wygorn. dioceſeos, falutem in eo qui eft omnium vera falus. In caufa feu negotio domino London. epiſcopo, nobis, ac magiſtro Gyffredo de Veterano Camere domini pape clerico canonico Cameracenſi à dicto ſum- mo pontifice commiff. que vel quod vertitur, ſeu verti fperatur auctoritate A- poftolica, inter religioſos viros priorem et capitulum eccleſie Wygorn. cathedralis ex parte una, et venerabilem patrem dominum .... Wygorn. epi- ſcopum, pretextu de Kemeſey, de Bredon, de Clyva, de Wythindon, de Weſton fuper Avenam, et de Bodebroke eccleſiarum, quas, ut fuggeritur, i- dem epiſcopus Wygorn. ecclefiis de Weſtbury et de Warwike contulit , et conſtituens aſſignavit inibi prebendales, ac alios in refcripto Apoſtolico nomi- natos, nec non quofcumque hujus negotium five cauſa contingit, ex altera. Vobis et utrique veftrorum conjun&im et divifim cum cohercionis canonice po- teftate, commiſſione diſcretis viris . . . archidiacono Barkſhire, et ejus ... of- ficiali, per nos facta, utpote re exiſtente integra preſentibus revocata, et cer- tis ex caufis cum juriſdictione noftra in hac parte reaſſumpta, de confenfu partium committimus vices noftras. Ita quod, fi non ambo hiis exequendis interfueritis, alter veftrorum ea nichilominus exequatur abſentis preſentia, aut etiam excufatione nullatenus expectata. In cujus rei teſtimonium figillum no- ftrum fecimus hiis appendi. Dat’ Radynge in camera noftra xviº, Kal. Oc- tobr. anno Domini Mº.CCº. LXXX. nono. Malomon S1 Commiſſio epiſcopi London. Emorandum, quod fub ifta forma de verbo ad verbum, dominus Lon- don epifcopus commiſit vices fuas predictis archidiacono Oxon. et decano de Eveſham, hoc non obſtante, quod prius priori Wygorn. fcripferat, fe non amplius poſſe committere, cum archidiacono Barkſhire ad inſtantiam.. epiſcopi Wygorn. commiſit ; quia idem archidiaconus Barkſhire excufavit, fe non poffe cognoſcere in illa cauſa variis prepeditus. Habitis ergo commiffi- onibus fupradictis à domino London, epiſcopo et abbate Radynge, talis fit exe- cutio fub hac forma: mosom aina euba dan mustamus mooth musniyo ba na ümunopaudabiy nooi dishty suo a no bad been planne who lid off bekostymulantonigoolia one slet du die onminbide, 03 oben ab eodos gating auto arsolet reuplamen mor og montoh Doam Certificate itto al meseledds asortofog eixoiliemon012 I aud A Cartarum originalium. 53 H Certificatorium, in quo continentur citatio principalis et Bulle tenor. R Everendis in Chrifto patribus ac dominis London. epiſcopo, abbati Ra- dynge, ac venerabili viro magiftro Giffredo de Veterano, camere domini pape clerico, canonico Cameracenfi, judicibus à fede Apoftolica delegatis, of- ficialis domini archidiaconi Wygorn. falutem in Domino cum reverentia et ho- nore. Nuper die Martis proxima ante feſtum Apoſtolorum Simonis et Jude, anno Domini Mº. CCº. LXXX9 IX°. apud Wygorn. per dominum Nicho- aum de Avebury, capellanum reverendi patris domini G. Wygorn. epiſcopi, reſcriptum Apoftolicum, et mandatum veftrum exequendum, in forma qua ſequitur, recepi : - MO ***** Epiſcopus London. abbas monafterii Radynge', et Giffredus de Veterano, camere domini pape clericus, canonicus Cameracenſis, ju- dices fub certa forma à fede Apoſtolica delegati, difcretis viris Oxon. He- reford. »et Wygorn. archidiaconorum officialibus ac decano de Clifton et Bromyard, Hereford. dioc. falutem in falutis Auctore. Literas » fan&tiſſimi patris, et domini noftri N. pape iiii. quas vobis mittimus folummodo intu- endas, recepimus in hec verba : bou 116/200ob 33. 2017 100 ***** 66 Icholaus epifcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, &c. ut ſupra. Volentes igitur IN mandatum Apoftolicum, ut tenemur, efficaciter adimplere, diſcretioni “ veftre in virtute obedientie, qua tenemini dicte ſedi fub pena canonica precipi- of endo diſtricte mandamus, quatinus vos, feu veftrorum aliquis, ad quos vel quem preſentes litere pervenerint, peremptorie citetis vel citet, ex parte « noſtra, immo verius Apoftolica, reverendum patrem dominum Wygorn, e- " piſcopum, magiftrum Johannem de Ebroyc. Walterum de Bertone, Radul- « phum de Vaſto Prato, Johannem de Stanweya, et Petrum de Leyceſtre, in predictis Jiteris Apoftolicis nominatos, ut quinta die juridica poſt feſtum « Omnium Sanctorum compareant legitime per fe, vel procuratores feu pro- curatorem ydoneum ſeu ydoneos, in ecclefia conventuali apud Radynge, coram nobis, vel commiſſario, ſeu commiſſariis noftris prefatis viris reli- “ giofis, priori et capitulo memoratis, fecundum formam, vim, et effec- tum preſcripti mandati Apoftolici reſponfuros, facturos, et recepturos, “ quod juſtitia fuadebit, denunciantes vel denuntians religiofis predic- cis, et aliis, quorum intereſt, publice et peremptorie, quod eifdem die er « loco compareant fimiliter, fi fibi viderint expedire ; diem autem citationis, “ et quid in premiſſis feceritis, nobis, vel noſtro commiſſario feu commiffa- * riis, conftare faciatis in forma premiffa per veſtras literas patentes harum ſe- “ riem continentes. Dat' quantum ad nos abbatem Radynge apud Radynge, Id. Septembris, anno Domini Mº. CCº. LXXX°. nono. Datº quantum ad nos • Giffredum apud Waltham xvi . Kal. Octobris anno predicto. Dat' apud nos, « R. miſeratione divina, London. epifcopum, xvii. Kal.Novembris anno Domi- “ ni predido". Р 66 66 P Cujus 54 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X Cujus au&oritate mandati veftrorum, mihi per predictum Nicho- laum de Avebury predi&ti reverendi patris Wygorn. epiſcopi capellanum et familiarem, ut premittitur, exhibiti, volens mandatis Apoftolicis et ve- Atris, cum maturitate et feſtinatione, qua fcivi et potuit: reverenter obedi- re, reverendum patrem dominum G. Wygorn, epiſcopum in eccleſia fua cathedrali Wygorn. et manerio fuo ibidem, magiftrum Johannem de E- broyc. apud Kemeſey, ubi Jarem fovet ; Radulphum de Vaſto Prato apud Wythindon, ubi Jarem fovet ; Walterum de Berton apud Bredon, ubi la- rem fovet ; dominum Johannem de Stanweye apud Weſton fuper Ave: nam, ubi larem fovet ; et dominum Petrum de Leyceftre apnd Bode- broc, ubi larem fovet, peremptorie per me et alios citavi,. et citari feciz quod in eccleſia conventuali Radynge comparerent coram vobis, vel com- miffario feu commiſſariis veftris, per fe, vel procuratorem feu procuratores. ydoneum ſeu ydoneos, quinta die juridica poft feftum Omnium Sanc- torum, priori et capitulo Wygorn. ecclefie juxta formam, vim, et effec- tum mandati predi&i, reſponturos, facturos, et recepturos, quod juftitia fuadebit, puplice et peremptorie dictis priori et capituli, et aliis, quo- rum intereft, in prioraru et capitulo fuo Wygom. et aliis locis pupplicis denuntians, quod di&is die et loco comparerent fimiliter, & fibi viderint expedire, facturos et recepturos quod eſt juftum. Sicque mandatum ve- ftrum diebus Martis et Mercurii proximis ante dictum feftum Apoſto- Jorum Simonis et Jude, in omnibus, et per omnia, quatinus potui et de- bui, reverenter et fideliter ſum executus. Dat's apud Wychium in Via gilia dicti, fefti Apoftolorum Simonis et Jude, anno Domini ni fupradicto (9). 23 tota lov tio sirottiq cini dita viril asteblong reson intienots sa mzaberetsuat sabotagit. 2011737 ommi sifon ** (9) Giff. f. 311, 312, 313. sy is mudo nap 10 Eniront affoftor 17 apribon »0311 usTIETENglov 199 visigor and 19. byte nuisigot namo mom & mime gyapbe bouge ilgarasitoa selama ni osebi usht manoby matema »x137 dy katero non alirsana u oru Nimamos is išort m4709 1 yol bapak 18:90mon plurica s'rroing chois 37 >> Owinolon dog a boneant inquing mata Deborahaiselon Tournamuumblidabast a mai bonp » ala msbila soup witoramarog 10 silduqlarini moup aiiis => po poate mon maiharibu29 30lesbiv idatsilientrestamos paol » imatoo na ulicamos orilor lov eidon nebimost alimot ni biup 19 -s1 suite avisa 2015 sil ettilsv 194 cmoria antol mi aikosi stan64. Litera pas buqe sgabei modda con bs mes sanoa msit 200 bem non 2) "l'inimod ons ainda9094 obuos is opibog anne andono in turbo / baga nebaidia niczo una apadmavovla, ex maqoolid nabnoj osivib ynajmutta Sobiborg in Cartarum originalium. 55 64. Litera archiepiſcopi pro funere H. Poche. Rater Johannes, permiſſione divina, Cant. ecclefie miniſter humilis, toti- us Anglie primas, venerabili in Chrifto fratri domino9. , Dei gratia Wygorn. epiſcopo, falutem ér finceram in Domino caritatem. lo Meminimus, nos alias vobis icripfiffe et dixiſſe etiam miniſterio vive vocis, quod injuriam factam pauperibus fratribus Wygorn. per monachos Wygorn. in forma debita corrigi faceretis, et quia certa relatione didicimus, nichil ha&tenus circa emendationem tante injurie efficaciter actum eſſe, fraternitatem veftram itera- to rogo, moneo, et hortamur in Domino, vobis nichilominus diſtricte et vir- tute obediencie precipiendo mandantes, quatinus funus Henrici Poch, civis Wygorn. qui inter fratres predictos, ſicut fibi licitum fuerat, fepulturam ele- git, exhumari faciatis, er fratribus predictis abfque difficultate reftitui, infra quindecim dies à tempore receptionis preſentium computandos, ut juxta ulti- mam voluntatem defuncti, formamque et tenorem privilegii ordinis fratrum predictorum, in loco, quem ſibi elegerat, tradatur eccleſiaſtice ſepulture ; alio- quin nos, ex nunc caulam ipſam tenore preſentium, certis ex caufis, ad no- ftrum revocantes examen, mandamus quatinus citatis peremptorie :... prio- rem et conventuum monachorum Wygorn. quod compareant coram nobis, ubicumque fuerimus in noftra diocefi, feu provincia, proximo die juridico ante feſtum beati Petri, quod dicitur Ad vincula, fuper premiſſis et omnibus eo contingentibus, audituros, facturos, et recepturos, juxta tenorem privile- giorum predicti ordinis, quod juſtitia fuadebit. Qualiter autem prefens man- datum noftrum fueritis executi, nobis diſtincte, fideliter, et aperte, per literas veſtras patentes harum ſeriem continentes, citra diem predictum, intimare cu- retis ; denuntiantes nichilominus prefatis priori et conventui, quod five vene- rint, five non, fiec fuper premiſlis, quod poftulaverit ordo juris. Ad hec de- nuntietis et denuntiari faciatis in omnibus eccleſiis veltre civitatis et dioceſeos, omnes illos excommunicatos, qui in oblatione dicti funeris fratres predic- tos violenter conculcaverunt, vel eis alias injurioſam violentiam intulerunt, cu- jus pretextu dubium non eſt, ipſos in excommunicationis fententiam incidiſſe ; inquiratifque et inquiri faciatis diligenter de nominibus eorumdem, et quos reos inveneritis ad diem predictum peremptorie citare curetis, quod compare- ant coram nobis, penam pro demeritis recepturi, eorum nomina nobis ſerio reſcribentes., Valeat veſtra paternitas ſemper in Chrifto. Dar' apud Lambeth iii. Id. Julii, anno Domini M°. CC. nonageſimo, ordinationis noſtre duodeci- mo (r).un y tripoz 19 rapoloodud Gioc non efisy audinou inom 2 tlorq bqorat zvid norto X equi **(r) Ibid. f. 3iş, alias CCCXX. et 322. nq ir logout 037 mentis ueron Metoo Death note ORTI 22 gian Na grotinib abusti 200 alle VISIT m ge Mandatum 56 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX Mandatum archiepiſcopi contra capitulum Wygorn. pro funere Henr. Poch, civis Wygorn. F Rarer Johannes, permiſſione divina Cant. archiepiſcopus, totius Anglie primas, conſervator privilegiorum ordinis fratrum Minorum in Anglia à ſede Apoftolica indultorum, venerabili in Chrifto fratri domino . ... Dei gratia Wygorn. epiſcopo, vel ejus officiali, falutem, et ſinceram in Domino caritatem. Cum publicum fit et notorium, tam in regno Anglie, quam cete- ris et omnibus Chriſtianitatis partibus fa&i actu permanentis, ita quod nulla tergiverſacione celari poteft, dictos fratres Minores privilegiatos eſſe à di&ta ſede Apoftolica à multis retro temporibus, quod in locis fuis omnibus liberum ha- beant fepulturam, et quod corpora illorum decedentium omnium licite recipe- re valeant, qui fe in locis eorumdem fratrum humari elegerint in ſua ultima voluntate ; ac publicum, notorium, et manifeftum exiſtat facti et adu perma- nentis .... priorem et conventum, Wygorn. corpus Henrici Poche, civis Wygorn. defuncti, qui dum adhuc viveret in domo ſeu loco fratrum Mino- rum ejuſdem loci fibi ſepulturam elegit, contra voluntatem ipfius defunc- ti nequiter rapuiffe, et in prejudicium di&orum fratrum ac privilegiorum fuo- rum violenter ad fuum monafterium apportaſſe, et ibidem illum defunc- tum feciſſe minus provide ſepeliri ; fitque etiam publicum et notorium me- moratos priorem et conventum ad reftitutionem predicti corporis ipfis fratri- bus faciendam fepius legitime per nos fuiffe rogatos et monitos, licet ſpretis et contemptis hujus monitionibus, hoc hactenus facere non curaverint vel ali- qualiter, ut dicitur, adhuc curent ; ac propter hoc, nos, archiepifcopus et conſervator privilegiorum dictorum fratrum, predictos confratres dicti ordi- nis ab omnibus gravaminibus, moleftiis, et injuriis, notoriis et manifeſtis, contra quoſcumque defendere et tueri debeamus ac teneamur auctoritate ſedis predicte, adhuc ex benignitate decreverimus, ipſos priorem et conven- tum per loci dioceſanum, vel alium adhuc, ut prius, ad convincendum e- orum malitiam ex habundanti eſſe monendos, quod corpus dicti Henrici fic violenter aſportatum et ſepultum, pleno jure fratribus reftituant memo- ratis, vobis, auctoritate Apoftolica, de qua vobis et omnibus, quorum in- tereft, parati fumus fidem facere pleniorem, et in virtute obedientie, qua dicte fedi et nobis tenemini, firmiter injungendo mandamus, quod eofdem priorem et conventum infra triduum à tempore receptionis preſentium moneatis per vos, vel per alium, et efficacitér inducatis, fub pena excom- municationis majoris,quam in perſonas . . . prioris ... ſupprioris . .. facriſte .. precentoris .... celerarii .... ſubcelerarii .... et coquinarii, ex nunc prout ex tunc, in hiis ſcriptis proferimus, ſi monitionibus veftris non paruerint in hac parte, et etiam interdicti in eccleſiam fuam ex tunc fupponimus pro facto, et pro fuppofita haberi precipimus, quod infra xy. dies à tem- pore hujus monitionis, dictum corpus eifdem fratribus fideliter reddant, et fine ulteriori cavillatione, fraude, aut dilatione reftituant pleno jure. Si vero Cartarum Originalium. 57 VE vero monitis veſtris non paruerint in premiſlis priorem Wygorn, et fubpriorem, ac ceteros obedientiarum fubditos excommunicatos eſſe, ut premittitur, et eorum eccleſiam interdicto fuppofitam, in omnibus et Tingulis eccleſiis veſtre civitatis et dioceſeos publice et folempniter, pulſa- tis campanis, candelis accenſis et extinctis, denuncietis, ſeu denunciari fa- ciatis inter Miſſarum folempnia fingulis diebus Dominicis et feſtivis , donec à nobis aliud receperitis in mandatis. De die autem receptionis preſentium, et qualiter preſens mandatum immo verius Apoſtolicum fueritis executi, nobis diſtincte, fideliter, et aperte, cum ex parte fratrum fueritis requiſiti conftare faciatis per literas veſtras patentes harum ſeriem continentes. Dat' apud Wrotham vii'. Kal. Decembris, anno Dom. M°. CC. nonagefimo, ordinationis noſtre duodecimo (s). Who 65. Litera inbibitoria mila epiſcopo Wygorn. rab officiali curie Cant. Enerabili in Chriſto patri, domino G. Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopo, officialis curie Cant. ſalutem cum reverentia et honore. Sua nobis procurator religioſorum virorum prioris et conventus cathedralis ec- cleſie beate Marie Wygorn. petitione monftravit, quod cum procur. dic- torum religioſorum, ex eo quod vos eiſdem comminantes manifeſte aſſerui- ftis ftatu veſtro epiſcopali durante, et fratre Philippo Aubyn ejuſdem ec- cleſie Wygorn. priore exiſtente, vos velle dictos religioſos, eorumque mo- naſterium predictum, undique pro poffe gravare et dampnificare, nullaque pace gaudere, proinde ac ex aliis certis et legitimis caufis comminatio- nibus verifimilibus, preſumptionibus et probabilibus conjecturis, metuentium fibi et monaſterio ſuo predicto, per vos, ſeu auctoritate veſtra, poſle in futurum prejudicium generari : ne vos, ſeu quis alius, veſtro nomine, vice, auctoritate, ſeu mandato circa priorem et conventum memoratum, aut eorum aliquem ipforum, vel eccleſiam prediam, jura, libertates, lau- dabiles confuetudines folitaſve obſervationes fuas, aut alia quecunque dic- tos religioſos eorum ordinem aut ftatum tangentia, quoquo modo nova, in- fueta, difficilia, oneroſa, intolerabilia, ſeu aliqualiter prejudicialia precepta, ob- fervantias feu ſtatuta, quocunque nomine cenſeantur, ftatuendo, injungen- do, ſeu fupplicando juriſdictionem, poteftatem, aut cohercionem infolitam indebite uſurpando, aſſumendo, ſeu exercendo in eoſdem, antiquas conſuetu- dines, jura, ſeu libertates iphus eccleſie immutando, infringendo, perturban- do, contraveniendo, pronunciando, cognoſcendo, decernendo, diffiniendo, ſuſpendendo, excommunicando, excommunicationumve ſententias puplican- do, interdicendo, fequeftrando, adminiſtrationem officialium, ſeu miniſtro- dicti monafterii impediendo, ſeu quovis alio modo gravando facere- tis, ftatueretis, feu in ipſorum religioforum, vel eccleſie fue prejudicium, aut gravamen quicquam attemptaretis, ſeu faceretis aliqualiter attemptari , ſedem Apoftolicam, et pro tuitione curiam Cant. legitime provocaſſe, et etiam appellaſſe, vos, premiſſis provocatione et appellatione non obftanti- bus, fed fpretis potius et rejectis, ad prefatum monaſteriusvifitationis () Giff. f. 334. alias CCCXXXV. SON balbuena Q officium : rum 58 APPENDIX pon officiun inibi exercendi* caufa nuper cum immoderato evectionum et fa. milie numero accedentes, procurationem immoderátam, indebitam et inſoli- tàm exegiſtis, ſeu potius extorſiſtis à religioſis memoratis, quam eiſdem reddere l'eu reſtituere contra juſtitiam renuiſtis, et adhuc reſtituere non curatis, ſecrétaque in ipſa viſitatione per vos inventa, que fecundum an- tiquam conſuetudinem dicti monaſterii hactenus approbatañ, diutiuſque pacifice obſervatam in egreſſu ipſius epiſcopi viſitantis, feù paulo poſt fini- tam viſitationem ibid. priori ejuſdem loci tradi conſueverant corrigenda, conſcriptaque penes cum vel alium ipfius loci monachum dimitti, vobil- cum aſportaſtis feu detuliſtis, ipſorumque córre&tionem fi quã facienda fuerat de eiſdem, per quatuor menſes et amplius, malicioſe protelantes, in ipſa viſitatione ſecretius inquifita fecularibus perfonis, unà cum nomini- bus deponentium de eiſdem medio tempore, non abſque plurimorum fcan- dalo revelaftis, ac ipfis religiofis monitis, non vocatis, nec pro cortumaciter abſentibus, cum bona monafterii fui à bonis epiſcopalibus totaliter fint, et ab antiquo femper fuiſſent difcreta et feperata, liberam bonorum fuorum adminiſtrationem,quam femper predeceſſorum veftrorum,aut veſtro irre- quifito confenfu exercere conſueverant, eifdem auferre temere molientes, jurif- di&ionemque inſolitam, feu adminiftrationem in eiſdem indebite uſurpan- tes, ne abfque veftra licentia et confenfu dicti prior, aut ceteri obedien- tiarii ratione adminiſtrationis fue et officii aliquem contractum, feu nego- tii onus ineant aut fubeant, mutuamve pecuniam à quocunque recipiant, leporariofve canes fecum exeuntes adducant, licet hec omnia ex permiffi- one juris, 'et conſuetudine antiqua approbata, eifdem fùis canibus et ma- xime pro libertatibus fuis conſervandis fint permiffa fimpliciter et indiſtinc- te, eſumque carnium, contra fuas obſervantias regulares, contra juſtitiam inhibuiftis, eademque in virtute obedientie, et fub pena majoris excommu- nicationis obfervari ab eiſdem perperam decreviſtis; hiiſque injuriis èt erró- tibus non contenti, fed bonorum et rerum ipfius monafterii totaliter ab epifcopalibus rebus, ut premittirur, diviſorum liberam adminiſtrationem compoti feu ratiocinii receptionem, quam abſque cujufquam au&toritate, feu confenfu, hactenus à tempore, cujus memoria non exiſtit, di&i prior et conventus cetereve perfone per eofdem aut eorúm majorem partem ad hoc deputande habere confueverant, interdicere conantes, eiſdem, ut bo- norum ipfius prioratus inventorium coram perfona à vobis deputanda fie. ret, ipfeque prior ac ceteri officiarii, feu miniſtri ipfius monafterii admi- niftrationum fuarum rationem redderent, feu recitarent coram vobis, nulla legitima hec exigente irrationabiliter ftatuiftis, officiumque veftrum epiſco- pale die Cinerum ultimo preterita, uſu extraneo et conſuetudini ipſius ec- clefie Wygorn. laudabili à veſtris predecefforibus hactenus obſervate con- trario, penitus et diverſoque more inſolito exercuiftis, celebraftis, et fieri demandaftis conſuetudinem ecclefie Wygorn. premiſſe hactenus approba- tam et pacifice obſervatam jura et libertates ejuſdem, aliis diverſis injunc- tis, feu ſtatutis erroneis graviter ledendo, ftarumqne dictorum religioſo- rum et monafterii fui temere immutando, in di&torum religioforum et eeclefie Tue predicte prejudicium non modicum et fcandalum plurimo- 2 rum Cartarum originalium. 59 om rum, propter quel procurator dictorum religioforum fentiens dictos do minos ſuos et fe, ex premiffis, et eorum quolibet, per vos indebite pre- gravari, quam cito premiffa ad notitiam dictorum dominorum fuorum pervenerunt, facroſanctam fedem Apoftolicam, et pro tuitione fedem Cant. predićte legitime, ut afferit, appellavit. Quocirca vobis inhibemus, et per vos omnibus et fingulis, quibus jus exigit, inhiberi, ne pendente in curia Canc. hujus tuitorie appellationis negotio quicquam hac occaſione attemptetis, feu attemptari faciatis, in partis prejudicium appellantis, quo- minus liberam habeat appellationis fue profecutionem, prout juſtum fue- rit utriuſque. Vos etiam tenore preſentium peremptorie citamus, quod compareatis coram nobis, aut commiſſario noftro, in ecclefia beate Marie de Arcubus, London, feptimo die juridico poft Dominicam, qua cantatur Miſericordia Domini, in di&to tuitiorie appellationis negotio facturus et recepturus, quod juſtitia fuadebit. ov De die vero receptionis preſentium, et qualiter mandatum noftrum fueritis executi, nos, aut commiffarium noftrum dictis die et loco certificare curetis, per veſtras patentes literas harum feriem continentes. Dat' iii. Id. Apr. anno Domini Mº. CC® . nonagefimo primo. moldatud og 15gormula abung tiba Forma pacis inite inter dominum epifcopum et fuum capitulum. oddsä. DVD Nno Domini Mº. CCº. nonageſimo primo, ii. Id. Maii, apud Ke- A meſeia, in preſentia venerabilis patris domini Roberti, Dei gratia, Bathon, et Wellen. epiſcopi, religiofi viti Walteri, permiſſione divina, ab- batis Winchecombe, et magiſtri Willelmi Pykerel, ad pacem et tranquil- Jitatem laborantium partium infrafcriptarum, videlicet, quod cum eſſet ma- teria queſtionis exorta, inter reverendum patrem dominum G. Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopum, ex parte una, et religioſos viros . . .. priorem et con- ventum Wygorn., ex altera, ſuper variis et diverſis articulis, feu quere- lis, tam in temporalibus quam ſpiritualibus, hinc inde provocationes et appellationes, ſuggeſtiones, impetrationes, tam in curia Cant. quam in cu- ria regis eſſent facte, placuit partibus antedictis, quod omiffis omnibus et fingulis queſtionibus, actionibus, exactionibus, fcutagiis de Cotiſdon et de Lawerne, controverſiis, cavillationibus et querelis, predicti, epifcopus, abbas, et W. tradarent inter fe, de pace facienda, firmanda, et pariter obſervan- da inter ipfos, firmiter promittentes, quod ftarent et Stabunt ordinarioni, laudo ſeu dicto predictorum epiſcopi, abbatis, et magiftri. Articulis itaque recitatis, hinc inde qui reſident penes abbatem predictum fub figillo predi&ti Bathon, et Wellen. epiſcopi, hoc excepto, f.quod de preben- datione ecclefiarum non foret tractandum; dividendi tamen in quinque par- tes, ita quod una pars tradatur domino Bathon. et altera domino Wy- gorn. epifcopis, tertia .... priori et conventui Wygorn. quarta abbati predicto, quinta dicto W. ad memoriam futurorum, dictus Bathon, et Wellenf. epiſcopus ordinavit, laudavit, et per viam amicabilis compoſiti- nis ſtatuit confentientibus prefatis abbare et magiftro, quod omnia grava- mina . > 9 60 A P P E N D I. X ma- mina utrimque illata ſubducerentur. Queſtiones, querele, actiones, exac- tiones ſcutagiorum de Cotiſtone et de Lawern, cavillationes, provocationes, appellationes, profecutiones earumdem in utraque curia ex quacumque cauſa, tam in temporalibus quam fpiritualibus ceſſarent pro tempore re- troacto, omnibus comminationibus, contumeliis , jurgiis, injuriis, pro- bris, n et approbriis, fcandalis , ſuſpenſionibus , interdictis excommu" nicationibus, et aliis cordium rancoribus , ac quibuſcumque litis teriis totaliter circumſcriptis. Ita quod predictus pater Wygorn. omnia gra- vamina, tam in ftatutis quam in aliis gravaminibus, in predictis articu- lis contentis revocaret, et ab eiſdem in pofterum ceffaret ; * ſalvo fibi jure epiſcopali et dioceſano in omnibus impofterum exercendo. Unde partes antedicte premiſſam ordinationem, laudum, feu dictum, ob reverentiam prefati Bathon. et Wellen. admittentes gratanter, dictus pater Wygorn. predicta ftatuta caffavit, annullavit, revocavit, et voluit ac conceffit, quod dicti .. prior et conventus ab exactione dicti ſcutagii, et ab omnibus, que inde accidere poffint in futurum, perpetim fint perpetim ſint immunes et quieti, et ſuper hoc ipſis faciet omnem ſecuritatem, quam ſciverint providere. Et dicti. .. prior et conventus omnibus provocationibus, appellationibus, impetrationibus, factis, et faciendis, propter premiſſa fponte pure et abfo- lute renuntiarunt, et promiſerunt fe in preſentia ipfius fepedicti patris Bathon. et Wellen. cam libenter quam liberaliter fervaturos. Et quia pre- dictus pater Wygorn. fuprafcriptis priori et conventu ſuſpenſionis, excom- municationis et interdicti ſententias impofuit, eoſdem petentes abfolutionis beneficium ad cautelam abfolvit. Porro ut in compofitionibus et tranſac- tionibus bona fides ac equalitas obſervetur, quia predicti compoſitores pen- fatis omnibus hoc negotium tangentibus adverterunt, quod dicti religiofi offenderant fuum patrem, ftatuerunt, quod dictus prior, pro ſe et conven- tu fuo, vadiaret feu i gagiaret quingentas marcas, quas ſtatim gagiavit. Quas quidem quingentas marcas ad inſtantiam immo potius ad juſſum ſepedicti Bathon, et Wellen. et ob caritatem mutuam amodo dilatandum dictus pater Wygorn. dictis .... priori et conventui remiſit totaliter cor- de grato. Hec acta ſunt in preſentia diſcretornm virorum magiftrorum Willelmi Burnel, Johannis de Rodeberwe, Nigellile Waleys, Petri de Pyrytone, Galfridi de Northwyco, Johannis de Berford, et 'dominorum Johannis de Bruges, Hugonis tunc cancellarii de Bathon. Willelmi de lancto Michaele, Johannis de Strangeweye, Willelmi de Molend. Bartho- lomei de Devyſes, Nicholai rectoris eccleſie de Seggesberge, Ricardi rec- toris eccleſie de Íccumb, Johannis de Bromeſgrave clerici, Roberti de Barne- by, et aliorum În premiſſorum vero teſtimonium figillum fepedicti venerabilis patris domini Bathon, et Wellen. epiſcopi per ſe, abbate et magiſtro predictis preſentibus, eſt appenſum. Dat. et act. ut ſupra. . uo Om ca Cartarum originalium. 61 O Mnibus Chriſti fidelibus, ad quos preſens ſcriptum pervenerit, Godefri- dus, Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopus, falutem in Domino fempiternam. Noveritis nos remiſiſſe pro nobis et ſucceſſoribus noftris, et omnino quietum clamafle . . • priori et conventui noſtre eccleſie. Wygorn. et corum fucceffo- ribus, totum jus et clamium, quod habuimus, vel habere poterimus in ſcu- tagio cum homagio, et omnibus aliis que exinde poterunt, provenire de predi&is priore et conventu, et eorum ſucceſſoribus, ac hominibus et te- nentibus eorumdem in Coteſtone et Lawern Willielmi imperpetuum. Quare volumus, et concedimus, pro nobis et fuccefforibus noftris, quod ipfi .. prior et conventus, et eorum fucceffores, ac homines et tenentes eorum de predic- tis villis de Coteſtone et Lawern Willelmi, de ſcutagio cum homagio, et om- nibus aliis, qui exinde poterunt provenire, ſint liberi et quieti imperpetuum. Et ut hec noſtra remiſſio et quieta clamantia imperpetuum robur optineat fir- mitatis, preſens ſcriptum ſigilli noftri impreſſione roboravimus, biis teftibus, do- minis Willelmo le Power, Henrico de Ribbesford, Johanne de Graftone, Ro- berto de Bracy, Henrico de Penedoc, militibus ; Thoma de Codelege et Ri- cardo de Grymehull, et aliis. orina organi iba Memorandum, quod ifta Carta conceffa fuit ad inſtantiam domini Bathon. et abbatis Wynchecumbe, apud Kemeſey xi. Kal. Maii, anno Domini Mº. CCo. nonagefimo primo ). umab Memorandum, quod anno Domini M°. CCº. nonageſimo fecundo, in feſto Pentecoſtes, nos, prior et conventus cathedralis ecclefie Wygorn, concorditer attendentes multiplicia, tam in fpiritualibus quam temporalibus, beneficia per venerabilem patrem noſtrum dominum Godefridum, Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopum, nobis et ecclefie noftre caritative collata, volentes eidem , vicem gratam rependere cum affectu, de confenfu unanimi eidem concedimus, quod annis ſingulis poſt deceſſum ejuſdem, treſdecim pauperes anniverſarii ſui die per elemofinarium noſtrum, qui pro tempore fuerit, pro ipſius anima ſpeciali- ter exhibeantur. Ad quod inviolabiliter obſervandum, prefens fcriptum in no- ſtro Martirologio fecimus annotari (u). Blonial brailaren Pro anima G. epiſcopi btwa (1) Giff. f. 337, 338. (u) Ibid. f. 370, alias CCCLXXI. : R 66. In- .. : 62 APPENDIX 66. Indiftamentum contra epiſcopum Wygorn. pro Colingrugge. tua. Ogerus de Moles, Adam Gurdun, et Johannes filius Thome vicecomiti Suthampt. falutem. Ex parte domini regis tibi mandamus, quod di- ftringas Godefridum epiſcopum Wygorn. per omnes terras et catalla in balliva Ita quod, ad ea manus non apponet, donec à domino rege aliud habueris mandatum. Et quod de exitibus earumdem domino regi refpondeas. Et quod habeas corpus ejuſdem epiſcopi coram domino rege in craftino Aſſumptionis be- ate Marie Virginis, ubicunque fuerit in Anglia, ad fatisfaciendum domino regi de tranſgreſſione venationis, unde eſt indictatus coram nobis in comitatu predic- Et ad habendum ad eundem diem ibidem Augerum nepotem ſuum, Wik lelmum Salvage pincernam fuum, Henricum venatorem fuum, Johannem garſonem ejuſdem Henrici, et Radulphum Sprenggehuſe manupaftos fuos, de tranſgreſſione venationis indi&tatos, ad reſpondendum domino regi pro tranf- greſkone predicta. Et habeas ibidem tunc hoc Breve. Dat’ apud Wynton. die Dominica proxima ante feſtum Tranſlationis beati Thome martyris, anno regni regis Edwardi viceſimo primo. to. E Ewardus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, er dux Aquitanie dilecto et fideli ſuo Rogero de Moles, falutem. Mandamus vobis, quod manerium venerabilis patris G. epiſcopi Wygorn. de Ichulle, quod nuper capi feciſtis in manum noftram, pro tranſgreſſione, quam ipſum epiſcopum fecifle dicitur, capiendo unum cervum in foreſta noftra de Collinggerugge ſine li- centia noſtra, et unde indi&atus fuit coram vobis, et dilecto et fideli noftro A- dam Gurdun, juſticiariis noftris, ad inquirendum de tranſgreffionibus in fore- ftis, chaciis, et parcis noftris factis in diverſis comitatibus regni noftri aſſig- natis, eidem epiſcopo per manucaptionem ſuam propriam, uſque ad inftans Parliamentum noftrum fancti Michaelis, replegiari facias. Ita quod tunc ftet recto in curia noſtra de tranſgreſſione predi&a. Er habeatis ibi hoc Breve. Teſte meipfo apud Briſtoll xxx. die Septembris, anno regni noſtri vicefimo pri. mo. Per ipſum R. nunciante H. de Veer (x). (x) Giff. f. 351. b. 67. Arta Cartarum originalium. 63 67. Articuli contra Godfridum epifcopum Wygorn et refponfiones ejufdem. con N OS Robertus, permiſſione divina, Cantuarienſis archiepifcopus, Anglie primas, capitulum et dioc. Wygorn. viſitantes, invenimus, quod « quidam epiſcopus Wygorn. tempore quo eccleſia Wygorn. fuit combufta, · fufcepit in fe onus reficiendi feu reparandi eandem eccleſiam, pretextu ( cujus prior et capitulum conceſſerunt fibi ad certos annos, diu exh, ef- e fluxos, decimas fuorum dominicorum, fuccefforeſque dicti epiſcopi et e- « piſcopus, qui modo eft, licet nichil expenderent pro reparatione dicte « eccleſie, perceptionem tamen dictarum decimarum continuarunt injufte, e et adhuc epiſcopus nunc exiftens continuat illud idem. DOS lurow LOT Ad iftud articulum refpondet dominus epifcopus, quod de convencione hu- jus nichil fcit, nec aliquas decimas de dominicis religioſorum hactenus percepit, nec percipit in preſenti, nec predeceſſores fui perceperunt, quod ſciat. omania 2. Item invenimus in vifitatione predicta, quod epiſcopus appropriavit ecclefiam fancti Petri de Wynchecumbe ejuſdem loci monafterio abſque cauſa legitima, ad falfam fuggeftionem quorundam, eidemque appropria- tioni prior et capitulum Wygorn. circumventi erronee confenferunt. -Danlos och souple Ad fecundum articulum refpondet epiſcopus, quod ipfe non appropriavit dictam eccleſiam, fed orta queſtione fuper quibuſdam portionibus inter abbatem et conventum Wynchcumbe dictam eccleſiam in proprios u- fus ab antiquo obtinentes, ex parte una, et vicarium ejuſdem loci, ex 940. altera ; de confenfu partium earumdem de eiſdem portionibus, medi- at ante juſtitia, ordinavit pro utilitate eccleſie et partium quiete, prout in inftrumento inde confecto plenius continetur. 3. Item invenimus, quod epifcopus appropriavit, abſque cauſa legitima, et injuſte, priori et capitulo Wygorn. eccleſiam de Grimlege, cum ca- pella de Hallowe. Ad tertium articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod ex cauſa juſta et ſufficienti, b que tunc fuit, ut ſibi videbatur, prout in inſtrumento appropriationis inde confecto et regiſtrato plenius continetur, eccleſiam de Gremeleye ju- fte appropriavit ; et fi videatur domino archiepiſcopo cauſam hujus ayxat ceffare, vel inſufficientem effe, paratus eft dominus epifcopus, fi hoc decreverit idem dominus archiepiſcopus, appropriationem hujus revo- care. 4. 6 Item 64 APPENDIX 6 & 4. Item, quod epiſcopus abſtulit precentori Wygorn. miniſterium vo- ** candi ordinandos, et fecit fratrem Thomam de Wychio predictum pre- centorem ejici ab eccleſia violenter, quia vendicavit in ordinibus dictum S miniſterium tanquam precentor, etriextorſit. LX. marcas a capitulo, ur reduceret illud in hoc cafu ad ftatum priftinum, ficut patet in inſtrumento fuper hoc confe&o. Nitabas oup wormos 1110 uqook ansion Ad quartum articulum refpondet epiſcopus, quod miniſterium vocandi ordinandos, tam de jure quam de confuetudine, ad archidiaconum lo- spici, feu aliquem deputandum per epiſcopum femper pertinuit, et ad- Nu huc pertinet, pro libito voluntatis fue, ets non ad precentorem Wy- gorn. niſi forſan hoc aliquotiens contingeret .exfpeciali deputatione di&ti epiſcopi. Dicit etiam, quod fratri Thome de Wychio nullam violentiam temerariam fecit hac occaſione, aut precepit inferri, nec a- liquam pecuniam recepit » à capitulo Wygorn. ea occaſione, ut ipfum reduceret ad ftatum talem priſtinum, quia hujus ftatum nunquam ha- buit, nec adhuc habet, nec fcit de aliquo tali inſtrumento. Ima 25. 5. of Item, quod licet procuratio à priore rét a capitulo non conſueverit domino, ratione viſitationis ; epifcopus tamen eam exigit, et recipit ab eiſdem.suprot tabonaron ontoutes mony! miezimasi 35 Total 25 TL 1100 Ad quintum articulem reſponder epiſcopus, quod ipfe confuevit tempo * pri re ſuo viſitare priorem et capitulum, et procurationem recipere ab eiſdem, yan nec credit, quod contra hoc pofſic aliqua conſuetudo introducirib ei 2011030 nie 18-99 matib draconian 109VHOD.13 assados 6. Item, quod epifcopus ufurpavit bona eccleſie in officio facriſte, ex * quibus, pro magna parte, fecit conftruere caſtrum fuum apud Hertlebure, et aliquas edes apud Wygorn. Kemeſey, Wyke, et tamen in fua prima creatione promiſit, quod nunquam aliquid exigeret de hujus officio. ribana Ad ſextum articulum refpondet epiſcopus, quod non ufurpavit bona fa- criſtarie, nec ex illis bonis caſtram apud Herrlebure, vel edes apud Keme- ſeye, et Wyke conſtruxit, vel conſtrui fecit; fed de bonis propriis epi- ſcopi, et aliis, canonice acquiſitis ; promiſit tamen dictum facriftam quaf- odam edes epiſcopales juxta ecclefiam cathedralem Wygorn. edificare, et sbal expenfas miniſtrare, de quibuſdam proventibus ſpectantibus ad eundem epifcopum in ecclefia Wygorn, quos ad illum ufum feperavit à triginta tri- 2010 bus annis retro. « Si queritur de quali proventu, refpondit, quod de me. pont dietate obventionum provenientiam ad tumbam fancti Wlítani, et fere- -Ovtrum, ſecundum formam compoſitionis. reanimob boshi jina 7. Item, Cartarum Originalium. 65 7. Item, quod epiſcopus monachum prefectum in facriftam reputat ex- emptum ab obedientia fui prioris et aliorum, quibus obedire tenetur, et con- fert illud officium ad vitam ipſius ſacrifte, ficut apparet per literas ab epiſcopo Gibi conceſlas. mente est in mib Ad feptimum articulum refpondet epiſcopus: Prefe&tio et promotio dicte facriſte pertinet ad eum, et ad predeceſſores fuos pertinuit ab antiquo de conſuetudine eccleſie, nec reputat eum exemptum ab obedientia pri- oris fui in aliis, nifi quatinus contingat officium predi&tum, et fi aliqua litera perpetuitatis fuper dicto officio emanavit, hec fuit propter nimiam occupationem di&i epiſcopi, et importunitatem aliquorum inftantium 1951 Rooib rol muaintan 150 8: Item, quod epiſcopus de facto prebendavit omnes majores eccle- • fias parochiale, ad patronatum fuum ſpectantes, fine conſenſu prioris et capituli Wygorn. et conceſſit promotis ad eaſdem eccleſias duplicem ti- tulum, videlicet, prebende et inſtitutionis facte, tanquam in eccleſia cu- ram animarum habente. 6 Ad octavum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod fuper eo an preben- daverit hujus eccleſias vel non, pendet lis fuper aliquibus ea- rum coram delegatis ſedis Apoſtolicæ, et ſuper aliis majoribus coram preſidente curie Cant. Dicit etiam epiſcopus, quod aliquotiens voluit et intendebat eccleſias de predictis apprebendafle, et quaſdam literas sibi fuper hoc fibi fecit, hujufque propofitum fuum capitulo Wygorn, ex- -nis pofuit, et exponi fecit, ad illiciendum eorum confenfum, non inten- dens abſque eorum conſenſu aliquam apprebendationem facere, et tan- dem viſo quod non potuit apud eos proficere, deftitit ab intento, re- putans fe nichil feciffe. Et ad declarationem reſcriptionis prioris fic mis reſpondet epiſcopus, quod quaſdam literas fecit formari fuper prebendati- --one quarundam eccleſiarum, quas noluit effe clericis pro titulis, ni demum in eventum conſenſus fui capituli, ficut alias eſt reſponſum, et nullo alio modo prebendavit. 9. Item, quod epiſcopus emit quoddam manerium de Cocton, ipſum "approprians fuo epiſcopatui, aſſenſu regio concurrente, hujus emptioniſ- que cartas benedicens in capitulo, ipfas oprulit cum manerio ſuper fum- mum altare Wygorn, ex poſt facto tamen dictum manerium vendidit, pecu- niam inde receptam propriis utibus deputando. parmiarolib uusia Ad nonum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod cum Willelmus de Spine- to filius Willelmi de Spineto, verus heres dicti manerii de Cocton, inftaret pro di&o manerio recuperando jure fuo hereditario, aſſiſten- tibus eidem dominis Lincoln, et Elienf. epiſcopis, et aliis quam plu- rimis magnatibus regni Anglie, et tandem cum conftaret legitice ei- S dem 66 APPENDIX wapidempnem. 10. mos 3 dem epiſcopo Wigorn. de jure hereditario predicti, volens idem epi- ſcopus exonerare conſcientiam ſuam, et bonam fidem agnofcere, pe- namque Concilii Oxon. evitare, intervenientibus regni proceribus re- giis, dictum manerium non valens centum folidis annuatim, prefato heredi dimiſit, et unam fummam pecunie recepit, ad quam et etiam majorem aſcendunt ſumptus, quos fecit dictus epifcopus circa lites va- rias, et res alias, occaſione dicti manerii, et nichilominus in rebus aliis longe plus valentibus, ipfam eccleſiam diravit et confervavit in- prima parte este * Item, quod epifcopus, fuggeſto domino pape, quod ecclefia Wy- gorn. fuerat ruinoſa, et ob hoc petito ſubſidio, obtinuit fibi concedi pri- fructus eccleſiarum per terminum in fua dioceſi vacantium ; et licet • nichil circa illam eccleſiam expendiſſet, ne dum per dictum terminum, ſed per quaternium, et amplius, primos fructus vacantium ecclefiarum per- cepit, et adhuc à fimplicibus preſentatis nititur extorquere. Ad decimum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod non folum propter ipfam eccleſiam materialem Wygorn. fed propter edificia et domos pertinentes ad eandem, et alias cauſas neceſſarias et utiles fuit fic conceſſum dictum ſubſidium, quod quidem ſubſidium convertit, juxta formam conceſſionis predicte, in opera et cafus magis neceſſarios, pro- ulut melius videbatur expedire, nec quicquam ultra formam conceſſionis hujus exegit, ſeu recepit. 37 1910 indsbroni 1. "Item, quod epiſcopus in viſitatione fue eccleſie cathedralis edidit ſtatuta gravia, et poftmodum, pro revocatione ftatutorum ipforum quin- quaginta marcas à capitulo recepit. ito Ad undecimum articulum reſpondet epifcopus, quod in viſitatione fua nulla gravia ſtatuta contra formam juris edidit ; fed potius quedam prius edita canonice obſervanda, prout ex eorum inſpectione eviden- ter poterit apparere, eifdem injunxit, nec ipſa, ficut nec debuit, hac- tenus revocavit, nec pro revocando aliquod recepit. II. 12. Item, quod epiſcopus quoſdam ſervos ad epiſcopatum fuum fpec- X tantes, abſque confenfu prioris et capituli Wygorn, manumifit. BE1995 Ad duodecimum articulum refpondet epiſcopus, quod bona epiſcopi et ca- pituli funt diſcreta et ſeperata ex confuetudine ecclefie, tam epiſcopus per ſe, quam capitulum per ſe, faciunt manumiffiones, prout utilitati eccleſię viderint expedire. 10000 to 2017 Ny eie b millos i solbord! ont su obukio qu997 Onnea oftib org 19 sati - la meupils 19 rigosliqa Insila is aloonil ob msbis andis - gardaigatsioon termobar 19 silgrA ingay sadiseagem aimai ។ 2 13. Item, . Cartarum originalium. 67 : 1973. Item, quod epiſcopus conceſſit domino Symoni Ade Crombe ... qui neptem ipſius epiſcopi duxit in uxorem, aſfiſſara panis et cereviſie in hundredo de Oſwaldeſlaw, fine conſenſu prioris et capituli, et hoc fecit in leſionem enormem ſue dignitatis epifcopalis. 220v 29 130 - sa sobod konika Bibs Bondat one littoia go etilgariaga errupto Ad tertium decimum articulum refpondet epifcopus, quod tam Symon de Crombe, quam fui anteceſſores, ab antiquo habuerunt dictam affi- - 1 W fam panis et cereviſie, lreddendo inde annuatim epiſcopo Wygorn. ** viginti folidos, qui redditus plus valet quam affiſa predicta." Unde o epiſcopus nihil novum conceffit, fed ipfum in ftatu, quam prius ha- *Toynbuit, remanere permifit, at ingilis alw at sa 14. Item, licet epiſcopi Wygorn. qui pro tempore fuerunt, confuevif- fent priorarum Majoris Malverne viſitare, et procurationes recipere, ac Selectionem prioris examinare, nec non confirmare vel quaſfare, er in poffeßione juris talia exercendi fuiffent, à tempore cujus memoria non extabat epiſcopus tamen, qui nunc eft, hujus jura conceſſit de fac- if to abbati Weſtmonaſt. pro manerio de Knytwyke, abſque conſenſu pri- Soris et capituli Wygorn. eccleſie, in enormem ejufdem eccleſie leſio- enem pissabte soinuano a menor "Outup artista oiten oqeolie MONTUOTI or subtop Dy mabtop to mailoc Ad quartum decimum articulum refpondet epifcopus, quod licet epifcopi Wigornienſes aliquotiens conſueverunt in prioratu Majoris Malverne juriſdictionem fuam in caſibus in articulo expreſſis exercere , quia tamen abbas Weftmonaft, quedam privilegia, prout fibi videbatur, fuf- stid ficientia fuper exemptione monafterii fui et cellarium ejuſdem, et pre- cipue dicti prioratus Majoris Malverne à juriſdictione epiſcopali ordi- naria exhibuit; dictus epifcopus, eorum pretextu, ob reverentiam fe- ci midis Apoſtolice, ab exercitio Officii, et jurifdi&tionis epifcopalis, fuper- ſedit hucuſque. Prior vero et conventus vero et conventus predictum manerium de Knythewyke pure, ſponte, et abſolute, epiſcopo et ſuccefforibus fuis, cum poſtea contulerunt, prout in inſtrumentis inde" confectis plenius continetur. Que narrantur in hac reſponſione, funt vera ; cetera in ar- - sticulo contenta negatitica takaotſast, mou 15. Item, quod epiſcopus à fingulis eccleſiis ſue dioc. ſepulturam haben- tibus, exigit pro criſmate duos folidos, et ab eccleſiis non habentibus fepul- turam, duos denarios. dissoov dios de to no anstedarq and Super 10DBUD Ad quintodecimum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod nichil recipit ab ecclefiis fue dioc. nifi folita et conſueta, pro caufis autem in articulo con- tentis nichil recepit. malo : 16. Item, 68 A P PENDIX 6 זה וליווי * 16. Item, cum magifter Walterus Chamel dediffet XL. libras fter- lingorum ad faciendum cancellum eccleſie de Clive, eandemque pecuniam in manibus vicarii ejuſdem eccleſie dimififfet, epiſcopus Wigorn. qui nunc eſt, per vexationes varias ipſam pecuniam ab eodem vicario ex- torquere preſumpſit, et nichil pro fabrica di&i cancelli hactenus eſt im- " penfum. 120100nica 13000larmu indb Ad ſextodecimnm articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod executores Wal- anteri Scamel tradiderunt fibi quadraginta libras pro cancello novo fa- ad ciendo, et pro domibus pertinentibus ad rectoriam edificandis et re- parandis, et paratus eft pecuniam, juxta voluntatem defuncti, conver- tere in uſus aſſignatos. om ont 100 17. Item, quod epiſcopus percipit annuatim a vicario de Douname nee quatuor marcas, nomine procurationis, in ipſius grande vicarii pre- judicium. Siam Ad ſeptimum decimum articulum refpondet" epifcopus, quod hoſpitalarii conteccleſiam Douneameney chabent in proprios ufus, ex qua debetur en piſcopo penſio annua quatuor marcarum, ex canonica ordinatione im poſita, quam quidam vocant Procurationem, ad cujus folutionem o- ko neratur vicarius ejuſdem, et propter hoc pinguiorem habet portio- I POLETOV Bros ausboopis di sinto Budi toisibilnoj 18. Item, quod epiſcopus iextorfit av magiſtro Thoma de Stoke, exe- cutore teſtamenti Galfridi de Hameneye, xx. marcas antequam poffet libere exequi hujus teftamentum. tureMi zinojaM ateistoita Bib suoio Ad octavum decimum articulum refpondet epiſcopus, negando contenta in eodem. be sipino 19. Item, quod epiſcopus a clericis volentibus habere literas teftimonia- « les ſuper fuis ordinibus 11 s. vi d. recipit pro ſigillo. aro Ad nonum decimum articulum refpondet epifcopus, negando contenta li eodem. yo Item, quod epiſcopus a presbyteris vocatis ad prandium, ſuos per regiſtrum, vel per teſtes quantumcumque bene probarent ordines, recepit xii d. et a clericis pro privatis figillis, 11 d. et ab biis, qui minus fuffi- cienter probarunt, dimidiam marcam, et a nullo modo probantibus, unam marcam, ut poſſent libere celebrare. Nolentes vero quicquam folvere rema- • nebunt fufpenfi . on nem. 20. Ad re Cartarum originalium. 69 Ad viceſimum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, negando contenta in eo- ** dem. dem. ES G Toon onoord one 101 meno) Piatti հ 21. Item, quod epiſcopus Godefridum incumbentem detentioni eccle- * fie de Weſton ſub egge, dum eſſet in minori etate, fcienter permiſit tenere eandem eccleſiam per plures annos, et pro ipfo tolerando in de- * tentione ipfius ecclefie recepit fingulis annis LX. marcas. ob Dutt man Ris Ad viceſimum primum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod dictum Godefridum prop- nev ter nobilitatem generis, et alias caufas, fub expectatione gratie fedis apo- ſtolice permiſit ad tempus ecclefiam de Wefton tenere, licet forfan per- defecte non fuiffet etatis, ficut alii prelati Anglic faciunt in fimilibus caſibus, al et interim cuftodem ecclefie Alia contenta in articulo, prout -Svenarrantur, negat. sk istab sbabajist mabi sa netron 'T'enciolog bsopp эл1 122. Item, quod epifcopus fcienter contulit ecclefiam de Kemeſey ma- giftro Thome de Stoke, tunc habenti notorie, in dioc. Wygorn. plura bene- ficia curam animarum habentia, videlicet, eccleſiam de Camme, et vicariam * de Standiſh, abfque fufficienti diſpenſatione, ergolig . hope busxs oninimo srivibanona o nie BoAd vicefimum fecundum refpondet epiſcopus, quod magiſter Thomas de de Stokes portionem in ecclefia de Standiſh, non ut vicariam, fed ut reca toriam, optinuit commendatam, ante Concilium Lugdunenſe. Ecclefia cair yero de Camme, toto tempore quo eam tenuit, fuit litigiofa ; et fic in collatione ecclefie de Kemefeye non videbatur fibi dictum Thomam fic 50pluralem extitiffe, ut locus eſſet artioris conftitutionis fuper exhibendis difpenfationibus edite.ainoise Div his icoona boslo by reiss bludup semaines IC22207q 10 minutaq 19 des? 23. Item, quod epiſcopus fcienter contulit Waltero de Berton, tunç ha- "benti unam eccleſiam parochialem de Mellis, et vicariam de Kynemerford, • quibus cura animarum eft annexa, eccleſiam de Brudone, habentem curam confimilem, nulla fufficienti diſpenſatione exhibita.mpte resident Ad vicefimum tertium articulum refpondet epifcopus, quod dictus Walterus portionem in ecclefia de Kynemerford, non ut vicariam, fed ut rectoriam, But optinuit ante Lugdun. Concilium commendatam ; ecclefiam vero de at Mellis, Bathon. et Wellen. dioc. per aliqua tempora tenuit tanquam epi- fcopi loci fequeſtr, et fuit dictum fequeftrum fibi commiſſum ante Concilium Lugdun. pro voluntate epiſcopi revocandum, quod idem epi- fcopus Bathon er Well. poftea revocavit. Dicit etiam, quod ante dictum Concilium ecclefiam de Bredone dicto Waltero contulit, nec reputavit eum li pluralem, cum eccleſiam de Melles fuo nomine non poſſedit, fed tanquam ſequeſtrator, ut predicitur. instead out bei 1911 8 T 24. Item, 70 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX 24. 11 f. Item, quod epiſcopus admiſit dominum Radulphum de Heng- ham tunc habentem notorie plura beneficia curam animarum haben- tia ad ecclefiam de Fayreford, cui cura confimilis eft annexa, nulla dif- penſatione fufficienti exhibita. Idem fecit de magiſtro Johanne de Ca- domo ad eccleſiam de Stratford ſuper Abbonam. Similiter admiſit do- minum Johannem de Berwyke ad eccleſiam de Severneſtoke $: ac domi- num Petrum de Leyceſtre ad ecclefiam de Thornbure, habentem plura beneficia in eadem dioc. et alibi. Perumah Ad vicefimum quartum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod dominum *** Radulphum de Hengham ad eccleſiam de Fayreford admiſit, fub ex- to a pectatione gratie ſedis Apoftolice, quam promiſit infra tempus exhi- fuor bere. Idem reſpondet de domino Johanne de Berewyke, quoad eccle- fiam de Severneſtoke. Et idem refpondet de domino Petro Leyce- ſtre, quoad ecclefiam Thornebure ; et idem reſpondet de domino Jo- hanne de Cadomo, quoad eccleſiam de Stradford, ficut alii prelati faci- unt in caſu fimili. wirits has become 25. Item, quod epiſcopus, fi audiat referrio de aliquo fubdito fuo, quod fit nummoſus, ftatim confingit occaſiones diverſas omnino vexandi eos, ut magnam fummam pecunie extorqueat ab eifdem, propter quod in Wygorn. dioc. magnum fcandalum ſuſcitatur. i 12 ab mod sine e mo 1500 Ad vicefimum quintum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, et diffitetur omnino sit quod in eodem articulo continetur. ssionnelle albasisoitosti colonidinou 20 26. Item, quod clerici epiſcopi ad vifitationis. officium deputati, ipfo ſci- ente et permittente, licet procurentur, recipiunt à quibuſdam ecclefiis 11 s. quibuſdam, dimidiam marcam. 100 gujagidi cuotta bugdlito boost DOYA mitoloas mainad m Ad viceſimum fextum refpondet epiſcopus, quod clerici fui vifitantes nullas procurationes recipiunt, quod fciat, nifi confuetas, et di jure de- ext9tle W nasib bonp porpoliva sobno kot mimpina Ti moliv bA 27.1. ^ Item, quod epiſcopus extorſit à rectore ecclefie de Magna Comp- 6 ton XX. libras pro primis fructibus , qui ad eundem epiſcopum non * fpectabant, cum vel juxta verüm valorem, ad xii. libras duntaxar fit 5 taxata. Ili ono កត្ត ! czibarna il oli inou iga nisbi boup atubungoman is action on mm Ad vicefimum feptimum reſpondet, quod ecclefia de Compton Magna va- ma» let annuatim L. marcis ; unde miniftri fui pro primis fructibus venditis eidem rectori receperunt viginti libras ab eodem, juxta tenorem privilegii Apoftolci, de quo fcilicet fuper fit mentio nobbargonflanpil bitas. opsat 28. Item, Cartarum originalium. 71 230, 28 Item, devaſtavit et deftruxit filvas fuas ad epiſcopatum fuum perti- nentes, videlicet, in Malverna et in Beanboys. Moda Ad vicefimum octavum articulum reſpondet epiſcopus, et negat, fe devaſta- tionem feciffe in filva de Malverne ; quantum ad filvam de Bealboys di- 13. cit, quod nullam talem habet. tamodaiorpre e o sirgoun 100V 29. Item, quod epifcopus, in penultima viſitatione fua multos de conſan- guinitate fua fecum adduxit ad monafterium Wygorn. ita quod erant centum equi de ſua familia, et illi fecum venientes dampna plurima fecerunt, uten- filia domus frangendo, mappas ſeindendo, epiſcopo connivente. Dice. bat i etenim, quod non venit cut viſitaret, fed potius ut oneraret. apropibro eterisering say idi o non siup aminen kerranovasivijera Ad viceſimum nonum articulum refpondet, negando contenta in eodem, et dicit, quod modo civili et canonico vifitavit.booome 30. Item, in tantum oneravit abbatiam de Teukesbure.... vifitatione, quod ſua procuratio exceſit xxxta. marcas. orque son oyanma ab og guoliroop blue, Exidab mun gan iconqos onpins de Ad triceſimum articulum refpondet a quod de abbatia de Teukesbure non exegit nifi debitam et conſuetam procurationem. . Sed excefferunt in fumptibus, et hofpites invitarunt ... preter conſci- entiam epifcopi ; et fi dampnum incurrerunt, de fe conquerantur. se ispute raditqisiga kilo audinimo ob map logamtos Item, fimiliter in viſitatione ultima in domo de Perſore onera- 6 vit in tantum domum illam, quod fua procuratio exceſſit XXX, marcas, et nichilominus recepit munera, viz. Palefridum H. de Chaldewell tunc abba- tis, griſeum, et cupam argento: up to suptqi usvorq 191134 Simon Thos ojosodo Ad tricefimum primum articulum reſpondet epifcopus, quod nullam pro- curationem exegit niſi debitam et conſuetam et ſi excefferunt in isim fumptibus, hoc fecerunt preter, confcientiam epiſcopis nec aliquid occaſione viſitationis recepit, preter eſculenta et poculenta. Dicit ta- men, quod poft quarterium anni. à tempore viſitationis complete, quendam pullanum per di&um abbatem de Perſore libi gratis obla- tum recepit. De cuppa argentea non recolit. moimmno solo Item, dominus epiſcopus Wygorn. induci facit in corporalem poſ- feffionem eccleſiarum archidiaconatus Glouc, rectores inſtitutos um, ſeu alios, quam per ipfum archidiaconum Glouc. ſeu ejus officialem, licet ab antiquo, de jure et conſuetudine approbata, hujus inductiones ad ipfos pertineat. tamen . 31. 6 de 3 32. per ali- Ad ** 72 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX Ad triceſimum ſecundum refpondet epifcopus, quod inductiones hujus ſemper conſueverunt fieri per epiſcopum, vel aliquem per eum deputan- dum, pro ſuo libito voluntatis. . 33. Item, dominus epiſcopus eccleſiam de Ameneye fancte Marie dicto archidiacono jure archidiaconali fubjectam, abbati et conventui • Cyrenceſtre, qui fe exemptos fore aſſerunt, appropriavit, in ipfius ar- chidiaconi prejudicium, et fui archidiaconatus ; tum quia ab illis redori- bus ipſius eccleſie de Ameneye, ficut de aliis ecclefiarum rectoribus pre- di&ti archidiaconatus conſueverunt archidiaconi Glouc. habere primas in- ductiones, obedientias, convocationes, correctiones, et officium decanatus ruralis, &c. de quibus fpoliatur archidiaconatus predictus per ipſam ap- propriationem, maximo quia non eſt ibi vicarius perpetuus ordinatus, et ipfi religiofi exemptos ſe pretendunt, quia extra villam de Cyrenceſtre non < ſunt auctoritate ordinaria evocandi. Cortina da ne bom Ad triceſimum tertium reſpondet epiſcopus, et dicit, quod ecclefiam de Dunameneye non appropriavit, ſed illam religioſis de Cyrenceſtre ab antiquo appropriatam cum debita cauſe cognitione reſtituit eiſdem, stu. Cetera in eodem contenta diffitetur. lor nu 34 6 Item, quod epifcopus duas partes proventuum in viſitatione e juſdem domini archidiaconi perfonaliter viſitantis et corrigentis, tam de contumaciis, quam de omnibus aliis procurationibus dumtaxat exceptis, exigit minus juſte.ordbog om procurato 29 Oistu019 sek bonp agli monob Incon mi - Ad triceſimum quartum articulum refpondet epiſcopus, quod hujus duas partes proventuum, tam ipfe, quam fui predeceffores, perceperunt à tempore cujus contrarii memoria non extat, et pertinent ad jus ec- RADA deſe fue, ex confuteudine pacifice obtenta ab antiquo. bin 35 Item, idem epifcopus inhibet, et inhiberi facit, ne de crímini- « bus feu deli&tis religioforum in archidiaconatu ſuo perpetratis, feu com- miſfis, et extra loca religioſa, ac etiam de defectibus cancellorum, ad religioſos ſpectantibus reparandis idem archidiac. per ſe, vel per officia- - lem, ſeu commiſſarium, aliqualiter intromittat. Ad triceſimum quintum reſpondet epiſcopus, quod ab antiquo correc- tio exceſſuum religioforum in fua dioc. femper pertinuit, et pertinet no ad cpifcopum et ejus officialem, et non ad inferiorem prelatum. De defectibus vero cancellorum dicit, ſe non intromittere, niſi tempo- re viſitationis. 36. Item, Cartarum Originalium. 73 36. Item, ejuſdem domini epiſcopi officiales, fuique commiffarii, jur- gia et modicas cauſas coram officiali domini archidiaconi in capitulis fuis pendentes, et alias cauſas archidiaconales, ad vocationem archidia- conalem ab antiqua conſuetudine pertinentes, ad ſuum examen traxe- * runt ; et ne per ipfum archidiaconum, ſeu ipſius officialem, aliqualiter procedatur in cauſis hujus inhibebant. Ad triceſimum fextum articulum refpondet epiſcopus, et negat in eo contenta, et dicit, quod fui officiales et commiſſarii per preventionem cogno- fcunt in omnibus cauſis, et in talibus coram ſe pendentibus licite in- cumbent, inferioribus juriſdictionem jufte defendendo. . Articuli ultimo liberati, fcilicet, per priorem et conventum, de violati- one compoſitionis facte inter eos et Gul. de Bleys, epifcopum Wygorn. predecefforem fuum ; fed pagina eſt lacerata, et non funt legibiles ; compofitio vero fequitur. () Giff. f. 470, b. 471, 472, 473. is an idea 68. Compoſitio * A 74 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX 68. Compoſitio inter epiſcopum et monacbos Wigornienſes, anno MCCXXIV. N° Overint univerſi preſentes literas infpecturi, quod cum inter dominum W. epiſcopum Wigorn. et conventum ejuſdem eccleſie, ex uno latere, variæ quæſtiones effent obortæ, tam ſuper inſtitutione cujuſdam W. quondam prioris de Malvern, quem prædictus epifcopus dicto conventui præfecerat in priorem, quàm fuper inſtitutione et deftitutione priorum alias pro tempore facienda : item pro cuſtodia di&i prioratus, prioratu vacante, et ſuper provenientibus tumbæ et feretrorum beati wlftani, fu- per poffeffionibus et debitis conventui ad mandatum epiſcopi detentis, nec non ſuper modo ingrediendi capitulum, et dampnis, et expenfis, et que- ſtionibus, et aliis injuriis, hinc inde vario modo, ficut dicebatur, illatis. Item, cum ex alio latere, inter dictum conventum et prefatum W. quem illis dederat in priorem, ob inſtitutionem ejufdem W. aliis quæſtionibus et injuriis hinc inde illatis, fimiliter orta eſſet nonnulla contentio, viris pro- vidis er diſcretis pluries inter eos de pace tractantibus, nec proficientibus. Tandem pro pace reformanda convenientibus in capitulo Wigorn. domino S. Cantuar, archiepiſcopo, et dominis J. Bathon, et H. Lincoln. epiſcopis, nec non de Eveſham et de Rading abbatibus, cum aliis diſcretis viris, didi epiſcopus et conventus Wigorn. fuper omnibus quæftionibus inter fe motis ; idem etiam conventus et dictus W. fuper omnibus queſtionibus, fimiliter inter fe motis in dictos dominos Cantuar. Bathon. et Lincoln. et memoratos abbates de Eveſham et de Rading, et magiftrum S. de Eketun, clericum dicti domini Cantuar. quos compoſitores amicabiles ele- gerunt fpontanea voluntate, compromiſerunt fuper facrofancta jurantes, quod eorum ftarent ordinationi in omnibus quæftionibus inter eos fubortis Secedentibus igitur in partem di&is compoſitoribus, et nunc ad hanc par- tem, nunc ad illam habentibus regreſſum, ut habita frequenti collatione eos facilius ad concordiam revocarent, tandem penſato ftatu eccleſiæ Wigorn. et conſiderato animarum periculo, quod imminebat, ponderatis etiam variis circumſtantiis illud negotium tangentibus, magna fuper hoc cum viris dif- cretis habita deliberatione , ita ad honorem Dei et ecclefæ, ad pacem etiam et tranquillitatem partium concorditer ordinarunt. Imprimis, ut dictus W. quondam prior Malvern, quicquid juris habuit, vel fibi vendicavit in prioratu Wigorn, abſolute et fimpliciter reſignaret, quod et in eorum preſentia fine dilatione fecit ibidem, Facta igitur reſignatione, provide runt, quod idem W. ad honeftam ſuſtentationem ſuam manerium de Clive,quod eft prioratus Wigorn. omnibus diebus vitæ fuæ in uſus proprios retinebit in ea- dem integritate, qua confuevit conventus vel prior eorum illud manerium retinere, falva conventui ecclefia ejufdem villæ, cum decimis rufticorum et libere tenentium, et aliis pertinentiis, preterquam de dominico nanerii, quod ap.d memoratum W. ficut dictum eſt, remanebit. Providerunt au- tem, quod idem W. nichil alienet, vel aliquid tempore fuo faciat, quo minus Cartarum originalium. 75 minus dominium manerii, cum pertinentiis, poft deceſſum ipſius, ad con- ventum revertatur in eadem integritate, qua illud recepit. De debitis e- tiam à dicto W. prætextu hujus litis contractis, premiſſa taxatione præ- miſſorum et dicti W. facramento obſecuto, ftatuerunt, quod conventus Wigorn, vel eorum prior, ipfi, pro expenſis illis centum marcas perſol- vat, ita ut in feſto Natalis Domini proxime venturo percipiet viginti quinque marcas, et in Paſcha ſequenti alias viginti quinque, et in feſto Nata- lis beati Joannis Baptiſte viginti quinque marcas et reſiduas viginti quinque marcas in ſequenti feſto beati Michaelis. De monachis etiam, qui faverant dicto epiſcopo, vel memorato W. providerunt, quod ipſi ad conventum in bona pace et gratia revertantur ; ita quod, ad invicem omni injuria fepulta, et rancore ſemoto, ſe fraterna caritate pertractent. Ordinarunt etiam, quod hac vice nullum habeant priorem de domo fua, ſed dictus dominus Wigorn. de extraneis monachum aliquem, quem ſe- cundum conſcientiam fuam idoneum reputaverit, excepto dicto W. jarn amoto, eis hac vice præficiat in priorem. De cætero autem, vacante prio- ratu, fic providerunt ordinationem faciendam, ut conventus ſeptem mona- chos, quos voluerit de gremio fuo (injunctum eſt tamen ut de melioribus hoc faciat) epifcopo fuo præfentet ; qui neceſſe habebit unum ex illis feptem, quem voluerit, illis præficere in priorem, quem quidem epiſcopus Wigorn. non poterit amovere, nec alium priorem deinceps, niſi ex certa cauſa, ficut prædeceffores fui facere conſueverunt. Circa cuſtodiam autem prioratus vacantis ordinatum eft fub hac forma : * Ut dominus epifcopus Wigorn. vacante prioratu, eccleſias ad præſentationem prioris et conven- tus fpectantes, quas interim vacare contigerit, libere conferat perfonis idoneis. Cuftodias etiam, eſchaetas, nec non et maritagia libere tenentium etiam conferat, fi acciderint hi cafus, prioratu vacante, toto reſiduo, tam in capite prioratus et maneriis eorum, quam in ecclefiis, quas habent in ufu proprio, nec non in aliis beneficiis ſeu redditibus, ad folius conventus cu- ſtodiam permanente ; nec per collationem ecclefiarum, cuſtodiarum, eſchae- tarum, maritagiorum, quæ fiet ab epifcopo, prioratu vacante, aliquid con- ventui vel priori præjudicium generetur, quin priore eis ordinato, ad ipfos alia vice ſpectet ordinatio feu præſentatio omnium præmifforum, cum i- terur, vacaverint, vel acciderint, prioratu non vacante. Propter præmiſſa vero, non differatur ordinatio prioris, vel protrahatur, fed quanto commo- dius fieri poterit, vacante prioratu, deſtinabit conventus ad epifcopum fuum, ubicunque fuerit in Anglia, aliquos de gremio ſuo, qui ei feptem • monachos nominatos à conventu per literas patentes conventus præſen- tent ; ut fic ordinatio fine difficultate procedat. Si vero epiſcopus exi- turus fit regnum, ad quaſcunque partes iturus, ſtatuat aliquem fuo loco, qui unum de ſeptem nominatis à conventu eis priorem præficiat vice ſua : five jam prioratu vacante, ipſe regnum egredi ftatuerit, live, eo a- gente extra regnum, contigerit prioratum vacare, ut undique providea- tur eccleſiæ, ne per abſentiam epiſcpi priore remaneat defolata. Et ſi nemine conſtituto loco fui, qui priorem poſfit, ficut dictum eſt, præfice- cere, contigerit epifcopum egredi regnum ; ne vel fic per negligentiam vel 76 A P P E N D I X vel deſidiam epiſcopi contigerit ordinationem prioris impune differri, hoc in pænam ipſius ftatuerunt, ut five ante egreſſum ipſius vacaverit prioratus, five poftea, nichil interim per ipſum, vel fuos, de didžis ecclefiis, cuſtodiis, eſchae- tis, vel maritagiis, conferatur, fed illa vacatione pertineant ad folum con. ventum. 6 De proventibus autem tumbæ et feretrorum beati Wolſtani ita ftatuerunt; ut medietas eorum, de cetero, fpectet ad epiſcopum, medietas ad conventum, et ad cuftodiam illam epiſcopus pro parte ſua, et conventus pro parte ſua, quos voluerint cuſtodes, honeftos clericos vel monachos deputabit. Circa in- greffum vero epiſcopi, ſive modum ingrediendi capitulum, ita providerunt ; ut cum voluerit epiſcopus capitulum eorum intrare, præmuniat conventum, utrum tractare velit de ſpiritualibus, ſeu ordinem tangentibus, vel potius de tempo- ralibus ; et ſi veniat de ſpiritualibus, feu ordinem tangentibus tractaturus, ſolus, fine clericis, moretur dum tractaverit de premiſlis ; five vero tractaturus veni- at de temporalibus, libere cum clericis fuis fæcularibus capitulum ingrediatur. Sed fi inciderit aliquid tra&andum de ſpiritualibus, feu ordinem tangentibus, ftatim clerici fæculares fine difficultate recedent, epiſcopo ſolo interim, fine clericis ſuis, remanente. Provifum eft etiam, quod omnes penſiones vel reddi- tus, ſeu beneficia, quæ confueverunt prior et conventus percipere in eccleſiis dioceſis Wigorn. et de novo funt retenta, ipſis ſtatim, et ſine difficultate reſti- tuantur; et epiſcopus eis penſiones, ſeu redditus, nomine perpetui beneficii confirmabit. Omnia autem alia debita, exceptis præmiſfis, dampna etiam et expenfa, et alia hinc inde petita, ordinarunt dicti proviſores ad invicem re- mittenda, et quod dominus epifcopus omnem cum fuis eis offenſam, ranco- rem, et indignationem remittat, ipſos ad pacis ofculum benignius admittendo; et quod ipſi et alii monachi, qui fuerant domino epiſcopo, vel memorato W. una cum eodem W. ad invicem fibi rancorem et indignationem remittant, pacis oſculo mediante, quod et factum eſt ibidem in preſentia proviſorum. Si vero viderit dictus epiſcopus ecclefiam Wigorn. reconciliandam, eo quod nuper ſine auctoritate illius fuerit reconciliata, libere eam reconciliet, dum tamen fine pre- judicio monachorum. Injunxerunt etiam proviſores partibus in virtute praſtiti juramenti, ut in fingulis capitulis fideliter ordinationem præmiffam obſervent. Statuentes nichilominus, ipfam futuris temporibus ab epiſcopis et monachis Wigorn. qui pro tempore fuerint, in perpetuum obſervandam. Si quid vero in quæſtionibus jam motis fuerit hic omiffum, iidem proviſores hoc ordinacioni fuæ plenarie reſervarunt. Huic igitur ordinationi in fcriptis redactæ, appoſue- runt ſigilla ſua di&i proviſores, injungentes dictis epiſcopo et conventui, ut et ipfi fimiliter figilla ſua apponant, et priorem, cum creabitur, inducant fimiliter ad confentiendum præmiffis, et quod etiam figillum ſuum apponat. Datum in capitulo Wigorn. anno Domini millefimo ducentefimo viceſimo quarto, die Jo- vis proxima poſt feftum beati Michaelis (). (x) Giff. f. 44. b. 45. Angl. Sac. P. 1. f. 543, 544, 545. 69. Tefta- X Cartarum originalium. 77 4 onidab suporadiop) em Bridab eintio bonp polow tisatqm. ແຖິງ bis inuincitus ob onerobil moraloti morala 69. Teftamentum Godefridi Giffard, quondam epifcopi Wygora. ein b T N nomine ſancte et individue Trinitatis, Patris, et Filii, net Spiritus Sandi. Amen. Ego, Godefridus Giffard, permiſſione divina , ecclefie Wygorn. minifter, animo teftamentum condendi fane mentis exiſtens, illud ordino, et facio in hunc modum. In primis, commendo animam meam Deo, qui ipfam creavit ex rnichilo, et in fine temporis reſuſcitabit per fui miſericordiam, et glorificabit cum carne... Et proteſtor, me in fide catho- Jica velle dies meos fatales finire ; nec ab articulis fidei, nec a religione Chriſtiana, feu profeſſione, quam in baptiſmate fum profeſſus, in vita vel in morte velle recedere quoquomodomi Corpus vero meum ordino fepeli- endum in eccleſia cathedrali Wygorn. in qua de miſericordia Dei Omnipoten- tis confiſus curam epiſcopalem accepi ac geſli ad tempus. Et rogo cari- tative, ac moneo in Jeſu Chriſto priorem Wygorn, qui pro tempore fe- pulture mee preerit ecclefie fupradicte, nec non et confratrum ipfius mo- nafterii venerandum collegium, ut corpus meum fepeliant in tumulo, quod juxta magnum altare, a parte dextra, in eodem monafterio, juxta mee voluntatis arbitrium, fituatur. Volo aurem, quod idem prior, et torus conventus loci ipfius, fratres etiam minores, ac pauperes fratres hofpitali- um fanati Wlftani, et fancti Oſwaldi, nec non et fancte moniales albe de Wyſtone civitatis Wygorn, ac omnes et ſinguli, * dicta die fepulture mee confluentes ibidem, juxta diſcretionem executorum meorum, in eſcu- lentis et poculentis, ac aliis neceffariis, decentius procurentur. Voto eriam, quod omnes in ſpeciali michi ſervitio adherentes dum vixeram, et moram poſt tepulturam meam facientes in villa Wygorn. quam diu executores mei ibidem fuerint, meis fumptibus, ut premittitur, fuftententur ; et quod an- tequam recedant ad propria, vel alibi, quo volierint, fibi quod eis lega- tur, apertius exprimatur, et certus terminus, juxta diſcretionem executorum meorum, fimiliter prefigatur, et locus ubiet quando ſua legata recipere valeant, abſque tedii diſpendio longioris Et volo, quod omnes pauperes die fepulture mee, pro elemoſina recipienda, advenientes ibidem, qui- libet eorum habeat unum denarium, vel valorem ejuſdem ad minus. Et quod quilibet monachus di&i monaſterii Wygorn. habeat in craftino poſt funus meum traditum fepulture duos folidos ſterlingorum, fi executores mei tantam pecuniam tunc promptam ad manum habuerint ; et fi non, certus dies non prolixus immo proximius et vicinius aſſignetur eiſdem ad pecuni- am recipiendam predi&tam, ita quod quilibet eorum de dicta pecunia faciat, prout libuerit, et honeſtati convenit, abſque fui reclamatione prioris, et Tad ifta complenda C. libr. Iterlingorum, vel CC. marcas, fi C. libr. non ufficiant ad predicta." Et quia prefata legata funt corporis mei funeralia vel quali, volo, quod pre ceteris, et hoc quam cito commode fieri pote- rit, premiffa omnia folide compleantur. Hiis autem fic juxta voluntatem X meam 78 A P P E N D I X meam completis, volo, quod omnia debita mea quibuſcunque debitoribus meis ad plenum folvantur. Item, do, lego domino Cantuarienfi archiepi- ſcopo, qui pro tempore fuerit, anulum capelle mee cum leone, circuni- vallatum ſmaragdinibus, qui ſemper fuis fuccefforibus archiepiſcopis rema- neat, et unum jocale pretii decem marcarum. Item, domino London, e- piſcopo unum anulum, cum fecundis melioribus i et epiſcopalibus cirotecis. Et volo, quod quilibet epiſcopus Cantuarienſis provincie habeat unum a- nulum fibi decentem de meis dum durent, et fi non fufficiant, emantur ad perficiendum quod eis legatur, nullus tamen fit minoris pretii quam L. vel XL. folidorum. Item, do, lego domino regi Anglie unam cup- pam pretii X. marcarum, et anulum unum cum pretiofiori rubeto, quem habeo. Teneor autem domino regi in X. libr. quas fibi de bonis meis volo perfolvi ad plenum. Ei quia fignaculum fancte Crucis recepi, jam eft diu in voluntate mittendi unum militem bellatorem in ſubſidium ter- re fancte ad generale paſſagium Anglicorum, volo, quod alicui probo ho- mini dentur L. libr. de bonis meis, pro me ad dictam peregrinationem faciendam. Item, do, lego eccleſie cathedrali Wygorn. meliorem mitram quam habeo, et quam aliquando habui de dono germani mei, quondam Éborum archiepiſcopi, una cum amita, ſtola, et manipulo de preciociſſimis margaritis fecte ejufdem ; et reſtituentur omnino ecclefie antedicte om- nia et fingula veſtimenta, et alia, que per manus facriſte loci ejuſdem in prima creatione mea recepi. Do, lego infuper, diete eccleſie Wygorn. ciphum meum aureum ad unum calicem faciendum, et XL. folidos ad fabricandum eundem, et unum veſtimentum integrum preciofius quod ha- beo, ad deferviendum pro loco et tempore majori altari, et chori auro contextas, quaſi unius fecte in ornamentum eccleſie antedicte, et omnia ornamenta mea de albo diafpero, una cum alba et amita mea de ferico ac ſtola, et manipulo ejufdem fecte, do, lego, et aſligno ad deſerviendum altari capelle Virginis glorioſe in eccleſia fupradi&ta. Item, do, lego, et aſligno unum veſtimentum integrum tertium precioſius quod habeo, carnarie Wygorn. Item, aſſigno altari ſancte Crucis in majori ec- clefia cathedrali veſtimentum, quod habui de dono domine Mabille Gif- fard, abbatiſſe de Schaftebure, fororis mee, cum paruris fericis plenis fcutis, et cum ſtola et manipulo ejuſdem ſecte, et unam caſulam de rubeo Samite, quam habui de dono diæti germani mei, archiepiſcopi, et duas fiolas meas argenteas de mea capella. De reſiduis autem veſti- mentis meis fuperius non legatis, ordinent executores mei in pios ufus, ubi magis crediderint Domino complacere. Volo tamen, quod ſpirituali- ter provideatur de illis veſtimentis reſiduis majori altari eccleſie albarum monialium de Wyſtone, ad honorem beate Marie Magdalene, in cujus nomine conſecratur ; et quod moniales ibidem Deo ſervientes centum ſo- lidos habeant in pecunia numerata nomine legati. Item, do, lego priori eccleſie cathedralis Wygorn. qui tcmpore mortis mee prefuerit in eadem, cuppam unam pretii C. fol. et juftam unam argenteam ad vinum cum spotto uno argenteo ad aquam, et fint de melioribus, juxta diſcretionem duas capas 8 exe- Cartarum originalium. 79 . executorum meorum. Et volo, quod illa Et volo, quod illa tranſeant ad fucceffores fuos, quam diu durent. Item, do, lego fratri N. facriſte Wygorn. qui modo eft, fi plus me vivat, unum ciphum precii XL. fol. Item, domino J. de Wylinton, unum ciphum precii C. ſol. Item, do, lego Willelmo Gif- fard, meo germano, tres carucas boum in villa de Boytone. Alia au- tem mobilia ibidem, omnia et ſingula, et in aliis maneriis, tam mee here- ditatis, quam epifcopatus, quocunque nomine cenfeantur inventa, preter or- namenta in capella de Boytone, vendantur omnino ad ultimam volunta- tem plenius adimplendam. Item, do, lego eidem domino Willelmo, fra- tri meo, anulum capelle mee, cum rubeto et ſmaragdine gimellatum, eo quod archiepifcopus Eborum, meus germanus predictus, eundem michi tanqiam fuo heredi, et fuccefforibus meis jure hereditario mihi fucceden- tibus legavit ; una cum quinque anulis veteribus et precioſis, qui penes me reſident in uno laqueo ferico colligati, qui fuerunt anteceſſorum patri- monii mei, et non eccleſie Wygorn. et fimiliter quatuor cornua de Bugle apud Boytone exiſtentia, ad bibendum, una cum quodam cornu habente pedem argenteum deauratum, quod in mea cuſtodia reſidet, in forma pre- diata. Item, do, lego domino Petro de Chauvent ciphum unum precii centum fol. Item domine Agneti Giffard, nepti mec, mon. de Wilton. xx. fol. Item, domine Mabille Giffard, abbatiſſe de Shaftebure, forori mee, xx. ſcutella argentea, cum totidem falfariis, ita quod in uſus fuc- cefforum ſuarum in illo monaſterio, quam diu durent, remaneant, uno potto, ſeu pichero argenteo ad vinum, et alio potto ad aquam, et habeat pomum de ambra. Item, domine Margarete Aucher, nepti mee, de Schaftebure, XL. fol. Item magiſtro J. de Ebroyc. nepti meo, do, lego mitram unam de margaritis, quaſi per totam invelatam, que fuit dicti germani mei archiepiſcopi, et unum anulum precii L. vel ÅL. fol. nec non et Bibliam meam minorem. Item, do, lego domino Henrico Aucher, militi, nepoti meo, X. libr. cum lorica una, et caligis ſerreis, et cooper- torio ad equum unum. Et volo, quod babeat ele&ionem pre ceteris pre- mifforum. Item, do, lego domino Hugoni de Elcote tantundem per om- nia, excepta electione. Item, do, lego domino Alexandro de Frivill x. loricam unam, cum caligis ferreis, et coopertorio ad unum quum, et meliorem equum, quem voluerit eligere, de carectariis meis. Item, Johanni Giffard, nepoti meo, X. marcas. Item, Richardo Aucher, nepos meus, habeat x. marcas, et unam loricam, cum caligis ferreis, et coopertorio ad unum equum, nomine legati, cum uno equo de carecta. riis meis, fecundo meliori. Volo etiam, quod Ricardus de Babintone ha- beat x. marcas, et equum unum, juxta ordinationem executorum rum. Item, do, lego domine Margarete de Neuville, uxori quondam do mini Johannis Giffard, nepti mee, ciphum unum centum folidorum, et u~ num fermaculumaureum, vel anulum aureum precii LX. fol. Item, Iſabelle do- micelle ſue XL. fol. Item, domine Agnete de Chavente, ciphum unum precii C. fol. et unum anulum L.vel XL. fol. et unum pannum aureum. Item domine Johanne de Wellinton, unum ciphum precii centum ſol. Item domine Sibille de Acton cum e- meo- $ 80 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX : Adon, nepti mee, unum ciphum precii centum fol. et pottum unum argenteum ad vinum, et alium portum ad aquam, et melius fermaculum aureum quod habeo, exceptis prelegatis. Item, domine Katerine, uxori domini W. fratris mei, unum ciphum meliorem quem habeo, poft lega- ta ſuperius, et pottum unum ad vinum, et alium ad aquam. Item ux- ori domini Simonis de Crombe, nepti mee, unum pottum argenteum, et ciphum de argento cum XL. fol. Item, domine Sibille de Bodaringham, nepti mee, unum ciphum argenteum pretii C. fol, et viro fuo unum anulum precii XL. fol. Item, domine Johanne, uxori domini Hugonis de E- ſcote, unum fermaculum aureum, et zonam unam precii quinque marca- rum. Item domine Johanni, uxori domini Alexandri Friville, zonam nam, er fermaculum aureum precii predicti. Item, do, lego cuilibet de clericis meis commenfalibus, unum pannum ſericum. Item, do, lego do . mino Thome de Wycheford, ciphum unum precii C. ſol. Item, do, lego cuilibet armigerorum, qui me in aliqua linea conſanguinitatis non artin- gunt, C. fol. Et volo, quod Simon Savage, pincerna meus, qui diu ftetit in ſervitio meo habeat XX. marcas. Icem, do, lego XX. libr. Galfri. do de Hembure, ballivo meo, pro fuo diutino lervicio mecum mecum habito. Et volo, quod quilibet ſerviens in coquina aliquid habeat ſecundum ſuorum exi- gentiam meritorum. Ballivi autem terrarum mearum reſpiciantur fatis de- center pro ſervitio ſuo, ad arbitrium executorum meorum. Item, Nicho lao, camerario meo, lectum meum, una cum una roba integra, ad opus uxoris ejus. Item, do, lego Roberto Ciflori, camerario meo, XL. fol. Item, do, lego Roberto, braciatori, quinque marcas ; et Andree, hoſtiario aule XL. fol. Item, Thome, vigili, XL. fol. et omnibus aliis valettis, de officio, xx. fol. Item, do, lego cuilibet clericorum meorum de capella, qui de beneficio eccleſiaſtico non fit proviſus, XL. fol. Et volo, quod omnes carectarii eť palefridarii mei, et cuſtodes fomeriorum meorum re- ſpiciantur decenter, fecundum diſcretionem executorum meorum, et moram diutinam, quam mecum fecerunt. Item, do, lego monialibus de Stodeley, Com. Oxon. unum pannum ſericum. Item, fratribus minoribus Wygorn. C. fol. et fratri Edmundo de Mandevile ejuſdem ordinis, XL. fol. Item, pauperibus fratribus hoſpitalis ſancti Wlſtani Wygorn. XL. fol. et hoſpitalis fan&ti Oſwaldi loci ejuídem, XX. fol. Item fratribus Predicatoribus Glouc. XL. fol. et fratribus Minoribus loci ejuſdem, tantundem. Item fratribus de monte Carmeli loci ejuſdem, i. marcam, Item, hoſpitali · ſancti Bartho- lomei loci ejufdem, Glouc. i. marcam. Item, fratribus Minoribus Briſtoll. XL. fol et fratribus Predicatoribus ibidem, XL. fol. et fratribus de monte Carmeli ibidem. i. marcam ; er fratribus de Saccis ibidem, dimidiam mar- Item, Predicatoribus Warr. XL. fol. Item volo, quod quilibet execu- torum meorurn habeat unum jocale precii C. fol. et aliquam platam argenteam in mei memoriam ſpecialem, et pottum unum, ſi fufficiant. Et fi aliquis legatorum meorum premoriatur, extinguantur fibi legata, et aliis cedant lega- tariis, vel pauperibus erogen:ur, juxta diſcretionem executorum meorum. Ad hanc autem mcam ultimam voluntatem complendam, aſſigno executori- bus cam. Cartarum Originalium. 81 bus meis omnia bona mea ubicunque inventa, etiam omnia debita, que mihi à quocumque debentur. Aſigno etiam ad id idem faciendum omnes libros meos, cujuſcumque fuerint facultatis, et in manibus quorumcumque exiſtant, niſi aliter, me ſuperſtite, ordinavero de eiſdem, quod intendo facere, Domino diſponente. Et ad premiſſa omnia et fingula ſolide facienda, fi facultas affue- rit, et fimiliter defalcanda, ſi neceſſitas id expofcat, ordino, facio, et conſti- tuo, per preſentes, meos executores, videlicet, dominum Walterum de Ber- ton, rectorem eccleſie de Bredon, magiſtrum Johannem Rodeberge, recto- rem eccleſie de Hertlebure, dominum Bartholomeum de Devyſes, Johannem de Staneway, rectorem eccleſie de Rippil, et Galfridum de Hembure. Quod fi aliquis vel aliqui executorum iftorum recuſent vel recuſet ad- miniftrationem hujus executionis admittere, ſeu etiam premoriatur, vel premoriantur, tunc ftatim liceat aliis executoribus loco recuſantis, vel recu- fantium, defuncti feu defunctorum executorum ipforum, alium, feu alios ad hoc ydoneos, quotienfcumque et quandocumque voluerint, ſubſtituere, ponere, et aſſignare, ac ſubrogare, eorum propria au&oritate, fine affenfu querendo alicujus ordinarii , prout in fuis conſcientis melius viderint expe- dire. Executoribus autem predictis in remiffionem peccatorum fuorum in- jungo, quod predictum laborem non recuſent fubire, quos volo de bonis meis procurari decenter, quotienfcumque eos circa predicta legata contigerit labo- Dat apud Kemeſeyam juxta Wygorn. Idus Septembris, anno Do- mini Mº. CCC°. primo. Preſentibus teftibus infrafcriptis, videlicet, magiſtro Alexandro de Bourlyngham, dominis Thoma de Perſora, Johanne de Ha- veke, Willelmo de eadem) Johannes de Acton non fuit preſens) Willelmo de Burton, clerico, elemofinario meo, et aliis ad hoc vocatis, una cum magiftro Roberto de Sutton, clerico (a). walang modern how to novads . rare (a) Geynsb. f. 17. I AKRESIES 3 o 497 Bailey) sport (19017 vi muitas dengan julle sale, som stanotiolute ab altor co 事業 ​pline intimoa. on erinnen Stue 100 Wonton Online Y 70. Licentia the only one descoperire votre part . > 1 82 APPENDIX , contain: ono malo vec Domici e sored in ons 70. Licentia eligendi epiſcopum à rege conceffa. hibro Dwardus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, et dux Aquitanie, dilectis ſibi in Chrifto .... priori et conventui Wygorn. falutem. Ac- cedentes ad nos fratres Gilbertus de Maddeleya, et Johannes de Harley, com- monachi veſtri, cum literis patentibus capituli veſtri, nobis ex parte veſtra hu- militer ſupplicarunt, quod cum ecclefia veſtra predicta, per mortem bone me- morie Godefridi, nuper epiſcopi loci illius, paſtoris fit folatio deſtituta, alium vobis eligendi in epiſcopum et paftorem licentiam vobis concedere dignaremur : Nos igitur, precibus veftris in hac parte favorabiliter inclinati, licentiam illam vobis duximus concedendam. Mandantes, quod talem vobis eligatis in epifco- pum et paftorem, qui Deo devotus, regimini eccleſie veſtre neceſſarius, nobiſque in regno noſtro utilis et fidelis, exiftat. In cujus rei teſtimonium has literas noſtras fieri fecimus patentes. Tefte meipfo, apud Welloure xv. die Februarii anno regni noſtri tricefimo. Per breve de privato ſigillo. (6) E so 71. Preſentatie electi ad regem. Sony nor Xcellentiſſimo domino fuo .... domino Edwardo, Dei gratia, regi An- glie illuftri, domino Hibernie, et duci Aquitanie, devoti fui monachi, Jo- hannes, prior, et capitulum eccleſie cathedralis Wygorn. falutem in eo, qui dat falutem regibus, cum omni reverentia et honore. Celſitudini regie preſen- tibus literis intimamus, quod felicis recordationis domino Godefrido, quondam epiſcopo noftro, viam univerſe carnis ingreſſo, et ipfius corpore ecclefiaftice tra- dito ſepulture, conceſſaque nobis à veftra majeſtate licentia eligendi : Nos, vo- luntate vnanimi et conſenſu, virum providum et diſcretum fratrem Johannem de ſancto Germano eccleſie noſtre monachum, canonice elegimus nobis in epi- fcopum et paſtorem. Hinc eſt, quod eundem fratrem predi&um electum no- ſtrum excellentie veſtre per fratres Stephanum de Wytton, fuppriorem, et Gilbertum de Maddeleya, facriſtam, eccleſie noſtre monachos, feu per eorum alterutrum preſentamus, ſupplicantes humiliter et devote, quatinus ele&tioni noſtre de predicto Johanne facte, aſſenſum dignemini regium benignius imper- tiri, veftras ſuper hoc literas patentes domino Cantuarienfi epiſcopo, totius Anglie primati, fi placet, dirigentes. In quorum omnium fidem et teftimonium literas communi ſigillo noftri capituli figillatas, dominationi veſtre, quem in longitudinem dierum Rex regum conſervet Omnipotens, mittimus has paten- Dat' in capitulo noftro Wygorn. iiii'. Kal. Aprilis, anno Domini mille- ſimo trecentefimo fecundo (C). tes. (1) Regiftrum ſede vacante, P. 1. b. (c) Ibid. 72. Litera Cartarum originalium. 83 72. Litera regia ad apam pro eletto Wygork. SA Anctiſſimo in Chriſto patri domino B. divina providentia fancte Romane ac univerſalis eccleſie fummo pontifici, Edwardus, eadem gratia, rex An- glie, dominus Hibernie, et dux Aquitanie, devota pedum ofcula beatorum. Religiofus vir .... electus Wygorn, noſtro favore confiſus ad vos fub ea fpe noftras literas impetravit, quod dominationem veſtram in electionis de ſe fac- te negotiis favorabiliorem debeat invenire. Pro ipſo itaque, qui de honeftis moribus et literarum peritia commendatur, fanctitati veſtre attento ſupplica- mus affectu, quatinus predictum electum in dictis fuis negociis habentes, fi placet ſpeciali benevolentia commendatum, fic fibi Apoftolicum benigne favo- rem impendere dignemini ſuper illis, quod noſtra fibi fentiat rogamina fructu- ofa. Conſervet vos Altiſſimus ad regimen eccleſie ſue ſancte per tempora pro- ſpera et longeva. Dat' apud Weſtm. v. die Auguſti, anno regni noſtri triceſi- mo (d). com ondoreto be . -- 73. Litera capituli Wygorn. ad papam pro eodem ele&to. Anctiſſimo in Chriſto patri, et domino, domino B. divina providentia facro- fancte Romane et univerſalis eccleſie ſummo pontifici, ſui humiles et devoti prior et capitulum eccleſie Wygorn. devota pedum oſcula beatorum. Su- munt fervi ſcribendi fiduciam et audaciam fupplicandi, non tam de propriis meritis, fed de clementia et bonitate patris ſui et domini confidentes. Sane ec- cleſia noſtra predicta nuper viduata paſtore : Nos ad electionem futuri pontifi- cis procedentes, inter alios, quos eidem eccleſie utiles eſſe confpeximus, ad fra- trem Johannem de fancto Germano, noſtrum commonachum et confratrem, morum elegantia preditum, ac laudabilis vite converſatione preclarum, litera- rumque fcientia decoratum, noftre conſiderationis intuitum convertentes, con- corditer ipſum elegimus in dicte eccleſie noſtre epiſcopum et paftorem. Cum itaque dictus electus pro ele&tionis de ſe facte negotio ad preſentiam veſtre ſan. ctitatis accedat, dominationi veſtre Alexis genibus prece qua poffümus humili- ter ſupplicamus, quatinus perſonam ipfius electi, veluti benemeritam gratioſis, fi placet, affectibus proſequentes, ipſum dignemini in hujuſmodi ſuo negotio paterne benevolentie gratia confovere. Speramus autem, et credimus, quod per ipſius circumſpectionis induſtriam prefata eccleſia noftra, Deo propitio, dirige- tur ſalubriter, providi gubernatione paſtoris (e). (d) Ibid. f. 8. () Ibid. 74. Din 84 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X RO 74. Dimiffio prioris d juriſdictione. Obertus, permiſſione divina, Cantuar. archiepiſcopus, totius Anglie pri- mas, dilecto filio, officiali noftro Wygorn. ſede vacante, falutem, gra- tiam, et benedictionem. Quia venerabilem fratrem noſtrum dominum W. Dei gratia, epiſcopum Wygorn. nobis à fede Apoſtolica commendatum be- nigne fufcepimur, qui profeſſionem canonicam nobis et ecclefie noftre Can- tuarienfi fecit, ut debuit: Vobis committimus, et mandamus, quatinus ei- dem epiſcopo, vel cuicumque ad hoc deputando per eum, cuſtodiam fpiri- tualium epiſcopatus Wygorn. liberetis integraliter fine mora! Salvis nobis ac etiam noftre nocioni et deciſioni impofterum, omnibus correctionum negotiis dicte dioceſeos, coram nobis, aut noftras vices gerentibus ante da- tam preſentiam inchoatis. Et nos fuper hoc certificetis opportune, cum congrue fueritis requiſiti. Dat' apud Lametheth vii. Id. Febr. anno Domi- ni millefimo trecenteſimo fecundo, confecrationis noſtre nono (f). ཀ ཡྻོ ཝ P Atri ilo 75. Litera directa priori Wygorn. ſuper expeditionem eleftorum Elyenſ. et Wygorn. ad curiam Romanam. san Atri fuo reverendo domino Johanni de Wyke, priori Wygorn. fuus humilis et devotus frater, Ricardus de Bromwyke falutem'et reverenti- am debitam cum honore. Literas cujufdam monachi Elyenfis, qui cum electo Elyenſi ad curiam Romanam iter arripuit, receperunt ſtudentes Ox- on. fub hiis verbis : Venerabili cerui fratribus, Laurentio de Glouceſtre, ſacre theologie doctori, Willelmo de Camme, priori monaſterii ordinis fan&ti Benedi&ti, monachifque ibidem provincie Cantuarienfis ſtudentibus, fuorum humilis, fi placet, frater Alanus de Hemmingſtone eccleſie Hely- monachus, falutem, et quicquid faluti congruit et honori. Cum poft receffum domini electi Elyenlis, et familie ſue in exitu regni Francie ſupervenit eiſdem familie diſperſio, quorundam incarceratio, equo- rum et aliorum bonorum amiffio; tandem, ut Altiflimo placuit, poft multa viarum diſcrimina, excepto "uno famulo, ſunt congregati pauperes valde pecunia, fed fani corporibus, lii. Id. Oét. 'una cum electo Wy- gorn, urbem Romanam dicti elect. et familia ingrediabantur, et faluta- to domino papa, ut decuit, et cardinalibus, negotium electionis Elyenfis die Mercurii proxima ſequenti, videlicet, Tranſlationis beate Etheldriche, virginis, coram dictis dominis papa et cardinalibus proponebatur, Quo die ceffit juri ſuo eleftus Wygorn. ac die Sabbati proxima ſequenti iterato fuit propoſitum pro parte diſcuſſum. Deinde, die Lune proxima id ne gotium coram eiſdem agitabatur, et recitatis publice in conſiſtorio per C (f) Regiſt um ſed yac. f. 15. b. pre- Cartarum originalium, . 85 6 prefatum Elyenſem queſtionibus et refponfionibus fuis alias coram vene- rabili patre domino archiepiſcopo Cant. factis, commiſſa fuit tribus do- minis, Matheo Rubeo, Leonardo Alanenfi, et fratri Gentili cardinalibus. Dominus papa publice ſedens in confiftorio, poft fuam predicationem, ut in pofterum audietis, prefecit fratrem Willelmum de Gaynesbure “ eccleſie Wygorn. et electum Elyenfem eccleſie Elyenfi in epifcopos et paſtores, quod vobis, ut credo, ſuper hujus expeditione, quoad ecclefiam Elyenfem exultantibus per preſentes fignifico, fuper etiam confecrationem ipſius electi Elyenſis, et à lede Apoftolica licentiam in brevi recedendi. Valete in Domino. Dat' Rome nono Kal. Novembris, anno Domini 6 Mº. CCCº. fecundo.' Hec nova mihi fait amariffima. Verum jam verificatur illud, quod dicitur in Proverbiis, Donum bominis dilatat viam ejus, et inter principes ſpatium ei faciet. Valeat paternitas veſtra in Chriſto, et in Virgine glorioſa (©). Doroba 76. De inthronizatione W. de Geynesboruwe. Emorandum, quod in Vigilia Tranſlationis fan&i Edmundi, Cant. ar- chiepiſcopi, et ſanctorum Primi et Feliciani martyrum, viz. vi. Id. Jun. epifcopus frater W. de Geynesboruwe pernoctavit ad Kemeſeyam, et frater Johannes de Wyke, prior Wygorn. comedit cum ipfo illo die ; et dixit priori, quod non arriperet iter verfus Wygorniam pro fua introniza- tione in craftino, antequam prior veniret fibi apud Kemeſeyam. Tum pri- or annuebat ei, ex gratia fpeciali, quod fibi veniret, cum ex conſuetudine tan- tum per leucam deberet fibi obviaſſe, fic pater in Confuetudinario. Et fu- it intronizatus anno gratie MCCCIII. et anno regni regis Edwardi, filii regis Henrici, treceſimo primo, litera Dominicali F. Luna XI. die Tranſla- tionis fancti Edmundi, Cant. archiepifcopi, et ſanctorum martyrum Primi et Feliciani, fc. v. Id. Jun. fub tali modo. Prior predi&tus mane venit ad eum apud Kemefeyam, cum facriſta, et capellano, et alio monacho, cum alia familia fua, et dicebat ei, quod hora fuit eundi. Epifcopus conceſſit, quia die preterita dicebat, fe velle intronizari, fi fieri poffet, ante horam tertiam, propter calorem diei, et occurfum populi . Statim obviaverunt fibi abbates, fcil. de Eveſham, Teakesb. Perſore, et alii prelati ; fimiliter obvi- averunt fibi epifcopi Herefordie et Landavenſis, cum archidiaconis pluribus ; fimiliter milites Thomas de Berkeleya, et Huyo de Veyr; idem Thomas fuit fenefcallus ſuus ad feftum, et fuerunt eſtimati feptingenti equites fibi obviantes, et plures. Prima proceſſio ville obviavit fibi prope Redehull, fecunda proceſſio fuit fratrum Minorum , et obviavit fibi extra domum ſancti Wolítani. Et tunc temporis ibi primo deſcendebat, et ibidem dif- calceavit ſe. Statim fuit paratus magifter Roggerus de Bondone, ex parte (3) Ibid. f. 13. b. N J. 86 APPENDIX ng J. archid. Cant. et accepit palefridum fuum cum cella ; fimiliter accepit capam fuam, et capellum, pyleum, botas, caligas, pedut, tm. Calumpniavit inſuper cuppam fuam, cum x. marcis pro expenſis ſuis, nec fatisfecit ei ftatim de cuppa et. x. marc. petiit enim diem epiſcopus ad inquirendum et conſulendum, fi predeceffores fui ita fecere, vel conſuetudo de ita ha- beret. 110 ITIKO fo Perrexit ftatim nudis pedibus, et intravit cymiterium ad gradum juxta prioris portam. Obviavit fibi conventus reveſtirus, fecundum quod moris eft, fimiliter epiſcopi et alii prelati reveſtiti, obviaverunt et fecerunt, quod incumbebat ficut potuerunt, propter concurfum populi: cantore incipiente, Rz ſont lumbi. Prelati cum conventu euntes ad ecclefiam, intelligentes, quod e piſcopus veniret cum ipſis, et non fecit. Interim epiſcopus ulus confilio quorundam, intravit ecclefiam fancti Michaelis, et induic ſe ibi pontificalibus, et fic intravit per chorum reveſtitus veríus altare, er adoravit fuper fedile, ipfo adorato, furrexit ; perrexit ad altare, et ofculatus eft illud, et optulit iii. pannos deauratos, et ibi dedit primo benedi&tionem. Tunc divertebat ſe ver- fus ftallum fuum juxta chorum, ubi deberet intronizari, priore ipſum fequente cum epiſcopis, et aliis prelatis. Statim magifter Roggerus de Bondone pre- dictus legit commiſſionem ſuam ſibi factam ex parte ſ archidiaconi Cant. fub iſto tenore, epiſcopo interim ftante, et aliis : J. archidiaconus Cantuar, di- “ ledo fibi in Chriſto magiſtro Roggero de Bondone, falutem in auctore ſalu- tis. Ad intronizandum, ſeu inſtallandum venerabilem patrem dom. W. Dei gratia, Wygorn. epifcopum, auctoritate curie Cantuarienfis, ac vice, et nomine noſtro, in predicta eccleſia Wygorn. er ad faciendum omnia et lin. gula, que fuper intronizatione feu inſtallatione hujus per nos forent, fi pre- ſentes eſſemus, quomodolibet facienda ; nec non ad petendum et recipiendum nomine noſtro, quecunque ratione prediéte intronizationis feu inſtallationis ad nos debent de jure vel de confuetudine pertinere, vobis,tenore preſentium,coni- • mittimus vices noftras. In cujus rei teftimonium figillum noftrum preſenti- bus duximus apponendum. Datapud Hathefeld iii. Kal. Junii, anno Do- mini M°. trecenteſimo tertio.'Statim, lecta commiſſione, dicebat clericos predictus ifta verba, " Virtute iſtius commiſſionis mihi facta, EGO INTRO- NIZO TE, et fecit ipfum tunc primo federe in cathedra. Statim epiſcopus Herfordie incepit, TE DEUM LAUDAMUS, cantore cum conventu, et aliis, profequendis precibus follempniter uſque ad finem. i Tunc dedit epifcopus be- nedictionem, fecunda vice, in ftallo fuo Poftea ftatim intravit veſtiarium, fe- cit lavare pedes fuos, et induit ſandala, et celebravit Miſſam follempniter de fancto Wlſtano. Miffa finita, dedit audientibus Miſſam XL. dies indulgentia- rum, et ſic intraverunt curiam epifcopi ad feſtum ; fuit utique iſta ſolempnicas, facta in Octavis Trinitatis, ſcilicet, v. Id. Junii, ut fupra (h). 91adeda men mat shut ollabong shoes (5) Reg. ſed. voc. f. 15. bityno figure autonog ziet alone moins 77. 1 Litera . Cartarum originalium. 81 R 77. Litera H de Blunteſdon, elemofinarii domini E. regis Anglie, 1 er quam conceffit fratri W. de Gegnesbure, epiſcopo Wygørn. C. libras, in quibus domus noſtra fibi tenebatur be usage oiba sa sinolovoud toita coiba so stimolo orod mula mu je TD motra: ) Eligioſis viris in Chrifto fibi dilectis, T. priori eccleſie beate Marie Wygorn. et ejuſdem loci conventui,Henricus de Blunteſdon,archd. Leyceſt. ac domini noſtri regis Anglie elemoſinarius,ſalutem er finceram in Domino caritatem. Cum pos venerabili Patri Domino fratri W. Wygorn, epiſcopo kariſſimo amico noftro uſum centum librarum, in quibus nobis renemini concefferimus ad ipſum rele- vandum pro parte quantum ad expenſas circa intronizationem fuam faciendam, cujus pretextu nollem aliqua ratione, quod idem epiſcopus hac noſtra conceſſio- ne indebite fruſtraretur, vos rogamus affectione et conamine, quo poffumus amplecti quatinus in inſtanti maxima i neceſſitate ipfius epiſcopi, folutionem prefate pecunie ſic accelerare curetis, ut inde, ficut optamus, valeac relevari in intronizationis ſue fumptibus exfolvendis, ita duntaxat, quod citra feftum be- ati Petri ad vincula ipſa integre perfolvatur. Iftud nullatenus omittentes, fi- cut offenfam noftram evitare, ac per nos, ſeu amicos noftros, fiquid vobis gratum aut utile fuerit, de cetero volueritis expediri. Per latorem preſentium nobis nichilominus reſcribatis indilate, qualiter hoc noftrum deſiderium cum celeritate optata duxeritis exaudire. Cum enim apud nos fixum fuerit, quod pater veſter epiſcopus ad preſens per fubventionem tante pecunie relevetur, diſplicerer nobis, fi contra vos per viam aliam quam amicabilem procedere co- geremur. Valete. Dat' apud Kyrkham die Martis, in feſto ſancti Gregorii anno Domini Mº.CCC9. ſecundo. ៗ toosid oma Recepta fuit ifta litera die ſanctorum Cyricii, et ..... "epiſcopo exiſtente apud Kemeſeyam, et fuit ifte dies octavus dies intronizationis fue (i). 01:53 OS Farooliosir Anime (1) Ibid. fə xix. i art 13300 SLO tilsiboy got thing ; anormal ibras Odlon ong91 sb inoils lov and oils sebou srotanother sin919 euiimud to to oup lay perditip sbi osnascitul in zi9negrimit tristos 2014 so ous .0130gsrt zinoddəlo zuil at fop vobassibro lingvonah turbivoro du innslu orbinis noloa vieta ni TilslynDreslot youngby gli 15 km arabszona ondo etoilib esotonined chusty cienasto fr MLET ** həb na inirengib ooglo digition milon on Sagt omin EJOV blussnotni poe om on -9074 emplon turnsupolno msitang sinibusiting sav nove mescola mens: 999 Tohle escolop macists be f9 erinerte: Toer inincet om dimsvoli oih s slimu bure na 78. Litera CON 0011 88 A P P E N D I X 78. Litera regis ad papam. PAPE 2 rex devota pedum oſcula beatorum. Amor paternus tunc in filium benevolentiæ fuæ radios affluentius admi- niſtrat, cum in patris affectibus clementius exauditur obfecratio filialis. Sane, pater fanctiſſime, nuper favente Salvatoris clementia, mordentis omnia mor tis impietas, felicis recordationis, fratrem W. de Gaynesburgh, quondam e. piſcopum Wygornienſem, ad veftræ ſanctitatis præfentiam, pro quibuſdam dicti regni negotiis, per claræ memoriæ dominum E. quondam regem An- gliæ, patrem noftrum tranſmiſſum apud Belvacum in regno Franciæ, in fui itineris regreſſu, de laboribus vocaverat ad quietem. Cujus obitu religiofis viris priori et conventui dictæ ecclefiæ Wygornienfis veraciter nuntiato, ipfi tanquam lugentes fibi fine patre, petita à nobis licentia eligendi, prout ex conſuetudine, et ex jure patronatus noftri ad nos dinoſcitur pertinere, pa- riter et obtenta, dilectum clericum W. Reginaldum, thefaurarium noftrum (virum utique conſilii maturitate conſpicuum, diferetione providum, quem vitæ converſatio, morum honeftas, laudabiliaque decorant gratiarum munera et virtutum, quemque in fpiritualibus novimus et temporalibus circumfpec- tum, cujus etiam probata fidelitas ipfum nobis, et populo regni noſtri gratum reddit multipliciter et acceprum, et penes quem fic affectio noſtra exuberat, quod fui commodi et honoris augmentum præ cæteris clericis noſtris, pro qui- bus et eorum negotiis vobis hactenus fcripfiffe meminimus, cordis ex intimo reſpicimus et optamus) in patrem ejufdem eccleſiæ et paſtorem unanimiter et concorditer, prout Altiſſimo placuit, elegerunt. Nos igitur, ob aliquas certas caufas, prædictæ electionis examinationem et confirmationem totalemque ejuf- dem negotii expeditiouem, per alios, vel alium, quam per adminiſtratorem ſpiritualitatis archiepiſcopatus Cantuar. per vos ibidem deputatum, expediri corditer affectantes, veſtræ ſanctitati devotiſſime ſupplicamus, quatinus tam con- cordi electione, utilitateque dictæ eccleſiæ, quam affectu noſtro ac ipſius elec- ti humilitate paterna meditatione penſatis, aliquibus vel alicui de regno noftro dictæ Catuar. eccleſiæ fuffraganeis vel fuffraganeo, de quibus, vel quo, ve- ſtra providentia decreverit ordinandum, qui in illius electionis negotio, auc- toritate di&tæ ecclefiæ Cantuar. in eventu conſenſus ejufdem electi, ſub- lato cujuſlibet dilectionis obftaculo, procedere valeant vel valeat, dignetur committere et mandare. Veſtra paternitas Veſtra paternitas reverenda fic benigne, ficque gratiofe perſonam noftram in ipſo electo dignemini concemplari, ut idem thefaurarius nofter, immo nos in perfona ejuſdem votum, ut firmiter fpe- ramus, optatum per veſtræ gratitudinis gratiam conſequamur, no que prop- terea clementiæ veſtræ ad gratiarum actiones aſſurgere teneamur Conſervet, &c. Dat apud Langele 2'. die Novembris, anno Domini 1307. regni vero noftri primo. Et Cartarum Originalium. 89 Et eodem tempore fcripſit P. Sabinenſi epiſcopo pro eodem electo, et qua- tuor presbyteris cardinalibus, et quinque diaconis cardinalibus (k). 19. Formă, ſub qua dominus Walterus in epifcopum Wygorn. auctoritate Apollo- lica eròt prefektus. D $ Lemens, epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, dilecto filio Waltero, electo Wygorn falutem et Apoftolicam benedictionem. Paſtoralis officii no- bis, quanquam immeritis, fuper univerfas orbis ecclefias divina difpofitione commiſſa, cura frequens follicitat mentem noftram, ut de ipſarum eccle- fiarum ftatu proſpero cogitemus, pro illis maxime regendis falubriter ac feliciter dirigendis proviſionis noſtre miniſterium propenſius exercentes, que propriis deſtitute paſtoribus vacationis incommodis exponuntur, ut per idem miniſterium eis in paftores viri preficiantur ydonei, per quorum ftu- diofam folertiam et induftriam circumſpectam eedem ecclefie in fpiritua- libus floreant, et in temporalibus augeantur. Dudum fiquidem eccleſia Wy- gorn. per obitum bone memorie Guyllelmi epiſcopi Wygorn. paftoris fo- latio deſtituta, Nos, ex certis rationabilibus cauſis, proviſionem ipſius ec- cleſie, ea vice, diſpoſitioni noſtre, ac fedis Apoftolice, duximus reſervan- dam, decernentes ex tunc irritum et inane, fi fecus fuper hoc fcienter vel ignoranter contingeret attentari. Sed prior et capitulum ejufdem eccleſie te canonicum ecclefie fancti Pauli Londinenſis, poft conſervationem pre- dictam et decretum hujus, per formam compromiſſi in eorum epiſcopum elegerunt. Tuque intellecto de reſervatione ac decreto predictis, licet tibi, ut aſſeritur, non conftaret de ipſis, prebere tuum confenfum electio- ni hujus recuſaſti , de prefata reſervatione certitudinem expectando. Cum- que per literas cariſſimi in Chrifto filii noftri Edwardi, regis Anglorum illuftris, nobis fuerit humiliter fupplicatum , ut te fuum thefaurarium et familiarem, quem de virtutum inſignitum titulis multipliciter commenda- vit, preficere in paſtorem predicte Wygorn. ecclefie dignaremur. Nos at- tendentes electionem eandem contra reſervationem et decretum prefata fuiffe preſumptam, eam, non tamen perſone tue vicio, auctoritate Apo- ftolica irritam, exigente juftitia, decrevimus, et inanem. Poſtmodum au- tem ad proviſionem dicte Wygorn. ecclefie faciendam cepimus intendere diligenter, et poſt deliberationem, quam ad deputandum regimini ejuſdem eccleſie famofam ydoneamque perſonam, cum fratribus noftris habuimus, in te, quem literarum fcientia, morum honeftas, vite virtus, fpiritualium prudentia, circumſpectio temporalium, fame laudabilis odor, et aliarum in- fignium claritas meritorum, nobis et eiſdem fratribus acceptabilem repre- (K) Rymeri Fælera, T. 3. p. 27, 28, 29. 1 А а ſentant SAS.. 90 APPENDIX ſentant, direximus tandem aciem noſtre mentis, tegue, licet abfentem, hu- juſ. virtutum et gratiarum, quibus perſonam tuam decoravit Altiffimus, exi- gentibus meritis, nec non predi&ti regis in hac parte devotis fupplicati. onibus inclinati, de fratrum predictorum conſilio eidem eccleſie Wygorn. preficimus in epifcopum et paftorem, curam et adminiſtrationem plenam atque liberam ipfius Wygornienfis ecclefie tibi, tam in ſpiritualibus quam in temporalibus, committendo, in eo qui dat gratias, et largitur premia ; confidentes, quod dicta Wygorn. eccleſia ſub tuo felici regimine, dextera Domini tecum faciente virtutem, preſervabitur à noxiis et adverſis, et confèrvata feliciter ſub umbra tui nominis exultabit, ac tu inibi velut fi- delis villicus fideliter villicabis, et tanquam paſtor ydoneus verbo proficies pariter et exemplo. Quocirca diſcretionis tue per Apoftolica ſcripta man- damus, quatinus impofitum tibi onus à Domino fufcipiens reverenter, el- que ſubmittens humiliter collum tuum, eandem Wygorn. eccleſiam diligas ac dirigas, ut fponfam divinitus tibi datam, et curam ac adminiſtration nem predi&tas, ſie geras fideliter, er follicite proſequaris, quod ipſa Wy gorn. ecclefia, fponfo perutili ac fructuofo adminiſtratori gaudeat fe com- miſſam, tuque propterea concrefcens virtutibus et latioris fame claritate re- fulgens, noftram ac ejuſdem fedis benedictionem et gratiam digne valeas promere, ac demum tariquam fidelis fervus et prudens, cum multiplica- tis talentis in eterna Domini tabernacula letabundus introeas, cum elec- tis premium recepturus. Dar' Pictavis prid. Id. Febr. pontificatus noftri anno tertio (1) () Reg. ſed, vac. f. LVI. he Mandatum Cartarum originalitum 91 Mandatum Apoftolicum, ut prior et capitulum Wygorn. predicto domino W. tanquam paftori obediant et intendant. C Lemens, epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, dilectis filiis priori et capitulo eccl. Wyg, falutem et Apoftolicam benedictionem. Paftoralis officiu--- ut fupra, mutatis mutandis, ufque ad pariter et exemplo. Quocirca vniverſita- ti veſtre per Apoſtolica fcripta mandamus , quatinus eidem electo tanquam patri et paſtori animarum veſtrarum, plene ac humiliter inten- dentes obedientiam et reverentiam debitam fibi exhibere curetis, ejus fa- lubria monita et mandata ſuſcipiendo devote ac efficaciter adimplendo. Alioquin ſententiam, quam ipſe ritu tulerit in rebelles, ratam habebimus, et faciemus, auctore Domino, uſque ad fatisfactionem condignam, inviolabi- liter obſervari. Dat' Pictavis, ut fupra. Memorandum, quod ifte Bulle publicate fuerunt in ecclefia cathedrali Wygorn. circa horam diei tertiam, feria ſecunda ebdomad. Pafche, videlicet, xviii. Kal. Maii, anno Domini M°. CCC°. octavo (m). - 80. Commilio falta epiſcopo Landavenſi. Enerabili in Chriſto patri domino J. Dei gratia, Landaven. epiſco- VER po W. permiſſione divina Wygorn. epiſcopus, falutem in vero fa- lutari. Locorum diftantias in noftra dioceſi aliquales, et cure gravis nobis incumbentis ſollicitudinem paſtoralem, noftramque circa regis et regni An- glie negotia occupationem notoriam multipliciter advertentes ; ad releva- men ac commodum, et utilitatem fubditorum , ut fperamus, noftrorum conſiderationes habentes, eccleſias, baſilicas, altaria et fuperaltaria, et eccle- fiarum cimiteria, nondum Deo dedicata, in noftra dioceſi, confecrandi, et re- conciliandi ipſa loca fic conſecrata, cum ea contigerit prophanari, religionem ingredientium votum profeſſionis folempnis admittendi, indulgentias noftras fubditis concedendi, confeſſiones eorumdem de commiſſis in cafibus de jure nobis refervatis ſpecialiter audiendi, et confitentibus falutares penitentias injungendi, parvalos confirmandi, virgines confecrandi, perſonis literatis,quas ad miniſterium eccleſie aptas reputaveritis, primam conferendi tonfuram, clericos noſtre dioce ſeos per magiſtros Johannem de Rudberwe, officialem noſtrum, et Johannem Bradewaſs, fequeſtratorem noftrum, admittendos, et vobis preſentandos, nec non et clericos veſtre dioceſeos in diocefi noftra ad omnes ordines ordinandi, locis et temporibus opportunis, procurationes debitas ab eccleſiarum rectori- bus, vel eccleſias in proprios uſus obtinentibus, vel eorum vicariis, cum per vos aliqua loca ipforum contigerit dedicari, ſeu reconciliari, petendi et recipi- endi vobis vices noſtras cum cohercionis canonica poteſtate committimus per . (m) Ibid. f. LVI, LVII. preſentes, 3. 92 APPENDIX preſentes, donec eaſdem duxerimus revocandas. In cujus rei teſtimonium li- teras noftras figillo noftro ſignatas vobis fieri fecimus has patentes. Dat' Lon- don. iii. Non. Dec. anno Domini M°. CCC°. octavo, et conſecrationis noſtre primo. Walterus, permiſſione divina, Wygorn. epiſcopus, dilectis filiis archidiaco- nis, eorum officialibus, aliiſve ſuis commiſſariis, ac locorum decanis, ceterif- que viris eccleſiaſticis in Wygorn. dioc. conſtitutis, falutem, gratiam, et bene- di&tionem. Cum venerabilis paler, dominus J. Dei gratia Landaven. epiſco- pus intime per nos fuerit requiſitus, ut in dedicationibus, reconciliationibus ec- cleſiarum, baſilicarum, cimiteriorum, et altarium, benedictionibus virginum, confirmationibus parvulorum, ac ordinum celebratione, et aliis articulis, no- bis, ex officii noſtri debito, multipliciter incumbentibus, cum res exegerit, ipſumque per dictam noftram diocefim contigerit pertranfire onus pro nobis fubire, laboremque fuum in noftri relevamen impendere caritatis affectu curaret : Nos prefati patris, noftro beneplacito in his favorabiliter ſui gratia annuentis, honeftatem, prudentiam, peritiam, et diſcretionem non modicum ponderantes in articulis prenotaris, et aliis in noftra litera fac- ta ſuper hoc infertis, eidem patri fiducialiter commiſimus vices noſtras. Quocirca vobis mandamus, firmiter injungentes, quatinus patrem memora- tum, cum pro executione noftri officii, ut premittitur, per vos tranfire contingat, cum debita reverentia admittatis gratanter, et officio ejus exe- quendo neceſſaria preparetis. Illos etiam, qui habent parvulos confirman- dos, ut pro eorum confirmatione locis congruis et temporibus debitis, ac etiam univerfos et fingulos, que dictum patrem, ratione officii noftri ei- dem in hac parte commiffi contingere poterunt, reverenter accedant ad eum circumquaque per loca premuniatis, ut decet, &c. In cujus, &c. Dat' ut fupra (1). POOD 05 (~) Beyn f. 3. A. NODO lolo 1ozo con muidugi mosbe DES Houten non page Lobo Die outon ramaian xfon boob ai topibois et 7 011939 ron Banoin piretrocco ndio o 82. Ne homo in ni Cartarum originalnum. 93 R o nangulo MAT meditasi 81. Ne Eborum archiepiſcopus Crucem erigat in dioceſi Wygorn. Everendo in Chriſto patri et domino Waltero, Dei gratia, Cantuar. ar- chiepiſcopo, totius Anglie primati, Walterus, permiſſione ejuſdem Wy- gorn, ecclefie miniſter humilis, ſalutem, cum omni obedientia, reverentia, et honore. Mandatum veftrum in caſtro de Elmeleye xvii . Kal. Julii , anno Domini infraſcripto, circa horam dictæ diei nonam recepimus, [continentem] tenorem infrafcriptum : Walterus, permiſſione divina, Cant. archiepiſcopus, totius Anglie primas, ( venerabili fratri domino W. Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopo, falutem et fraternam in Domino caritatem. Regiminis ſuſcepti nos cura follicitat, ut pro tuitione ftatus et jurium ecclelie noſtre ipfis prejudicare, vel ea perturbare conantibus, remediis quibus poterimus congruis obviemus. Cum igitur dominus Eborum archiepiſcopus veſtram dioceſim infra noftram + Cant. provinciam fit ingreſſus, moram faciens in eadem, ne per provinciam « veſtram infra veſtram dioceſim incedens Crucem fuam coram fe erigi faciat, « vel differri ; etiam ( inclinando benedictionibus ipſius archiepifcopi, et aliis modis, contra in- "hibitiones pupplicas, tam per nos, quam predeceſſores noftros, prius fac- tas, nequiter obedire, vel periculoſe favere preſumant, in noſtram et ec- cleſie noftre Cant. ac juris ejuſdem, injuriam et prejudicium manifeftum, ad quorum quidem jurium conſervationem vos nuperrime profeſſionis ve- • ftre vinculo fortius aſtringſiſtis, licet inde, ut videtur, immemores hujus irrogato prejudicio defenſionis veſtre clipeo omiſeritis penitus obviare vobis committimus, et in virtute obedientie firmiter injungendo manda. mus, quod ftatim, receptis preſentibus, quam citius fieri poterit oportu- ne, in ſingulis eccleſiis et locis publicis veſtre dioceſeos, ubi timerur dic- tum poffe prejudicium imminere, nichilum diſtrictius faciatis, fub pena excommunicationis majoris, ne quis eidem domino archiepiſcopo taliter incedenti ſuis benedictionibus inclinando vel aliter faveat quoquo modo. Ad ipſum etiam dominum archiepiſcopum veftram dioceſim fic ingref- ſum perſonaliter accedentes, eundem nominatim, et omnes fibi adheren- tes, ſtatim moneri canonice faciatis, et ſub pena canonice diſtrictionis artius inhiberi, ne ipfe archiepiſcopus Crucem fuam coram fe in noſtra • Cantuarienſi provincia erigi faciat, ſeu deferri, vel aliquis de ſibi adhe- rentibus ipſam Crucem ſic deferat, vel delationi ejufdem opem confe- rat vel aflenſum. Denuntiantes eidem domino archiepifcopo taliter in- cedenti, et ceteris fupradictis, quod fi quicquam in noſtri prejudicium, contra ‘monitiones veftras, preſumpſerit attemptare, cenfuras eccleliafticas pro defenſione juris eccleſie noſtre in hac parte diſſimulare non poteri- mus contra eos, proat juftum fuerit , exercere. In omnibus inſuper locis veſtre juriſdictionis, per qie idem dominus archiepiſcopus incedendo tranſ- ierit, vel fic incedens moram fecerit, durante inceflu ac mora hujus, fa- ciaris à divinis, et publica pullatione campanarum ceffari. De nomini въ bus 94 A P P E N D I X bus etiam fubditorum veftrorum omnium dicto domino archiepiſcopo contra inhibitionem memoratam faventium et obedientium diligentius inquirentes, ſeu facientes inquiri, omnes, quos fuper hoc inveneritis cul- • pabiles aut rebelles, per cenſuras eccleſiaſticas puniatis . Cenfuras eaſdem • abfque noftra licentia nullatenus remittentes. Et ne preſens mandatum “ noftrum fepius iterari oporteat, vobis injungimus firmiter, in virtute 0- bedientie, qua eccleſie noſtre fupradicte tenemini, quatinns omnia fupra- fcripta , toto tempore veftri regiminis, diligentius obſerveris, et faciatis in poſterum firmiter obſervari. Diem vero receptionis preſentium, et for- mam executionis omnium premifforum, ac cauſam quare, juxta profeſſi- onis veſtre debitum, hujus prejudicio, in quo quod id vos latere potuit, ' excuſatio juſta et vera pretendi non poterit, ficut probabiliter tenemini hactenus occurrere diſtuliſtis. Similiter et quando veftram extitit dioce- ' celim dictus dominus archiepiſcopus fic ingreſſus, et per quantum tempus moram traxit in eadem, nobis refcribere non tardetis per veſtras paten- tes literas harum ſeriem continentes. Dat' apud Lameth. ii. Id. Ju- nii, anno Domini Mº. CCC°. quinto decimo. : Hujus igitur veſtre pie paternitatis au&oritate mandati literis veſtris re- ceptis, ftatim in fingulis eccleſiis et locis publicis noſtre dioceſeos, ubi ti- metur poffe dictum prejudicium imminere, et aliis, quibus expedire, di- ſtrictius fecimus inhiberi, ſub pena excommunicationis majoris, nequis dic- to domino archiepiſcopo taliter, ut premittitur, incedenti ſuis benedic- tionibus inclinando vel aliter favcat quoquomodo, ad di&tum dominum archiepiſcopum, quam citius commode poſſimus perfonaliter acceffuri, quod et omnes fibi adherentes moneri canonice faciemus, ne Crucem ſuam co- ram ſe in veftra Cantuarienſi provincia erigi faciat, feu deferri, vel ali- quis de fibi adherentibus ipſam Crucem fic deferat, vel delationi ejuſdem opem conferat vel affenfum, denuntiaturi eidem, et ceteris fupradi&tis, quod fi quicquam in veſtri prejudicium, contra monitiones noftras, pre- fumpferint attemptare, cenſuras eccleſiaſticas vos diſfimulare non poffe contra eos, prout juftum fuerit, exercere. In omnibus etiam locis noſtre dioceſeos, durante ipſius mora et inceſlu hujus, à divinis et publica pul- fatione fieri demandavimus campanarum ceſſari. De nominibus etiam fub- ditorum noftrorum dicto domino archiepiſcopo, contra inhibitionem me- moratam facientium et obedientium diligentius demandavimus inquiri, et quos culpabiles aut rebelles invenire nos contigerit, per cenſuras qualcun- que eccleſiaſticas puniendo. Ad hec vero, quod nos ſuper hujufmodi ir- rogato prejudicio omifimus, ut aſſeritur videſ. penitus obviare, profeſſio- nis, ut videtur, immemores, cujus excuſatio juſta et vera pretendi non po- terit, ficut pretendi nitimini probabiliter vos tenere, cum propter publicas inhibitiones nobis et predeceſſoribus noftris factas, que nos veriſimiliter la- tere non poterant, tum propter alia in veſtris literis plenius contenta, quam gravius redarguitis, quod dolemus, teftem invocamus gloriofum Chri- fti confeſſorem Wlſtanum, qui eſt noſter conſcius in excellis, quod bene- volentiam et obedientiam vobis, et eccleſie veſtre Cant. ex noſtra profeſſio- ne Cartarum originalium. 95 et per R ne debitis,animi noſtri ingenti deſiderio exhibere, pre ceteris affectamus,et affec- tavimus, temporibus retroactis, potius nobis, quam eccleſie veſtre, ſeu vobis pre- judicium irrogando, bona conſcientia afferentes, quod ingreſſus archiepiſcopi memorati infra noſtram dioceſim, et ejuſdem progreſſus, uſque veftrarum literarum, nos laruit undequaque, que tam ex diftantia locorum per que creditur inceffiffe, quam in aliis occupatio aſſidua, ad que, ex officii no- ſtri debito aſtringimur hiis diebus, quo ad veſtram paternitatem , nos red- dent merito, et probabiliter excufata. De tempore vero ingreflus, quantum tempus moram traxit in eadein dioceſi noftra, propter ſe veritatem temporis, hucuſque certiorari non potuimus, ut vellemus ; fed facta inqui- ſitione pleniori de predictis, veſtre reverentie refcribere non tardemus. Et fic mandatum veſtrum, prout ad preſens poſſumus, diligenter ac reverenter fumus executi. Dar' apud Stodleye xvi. Kal. Julii ſupradicto. af en tollimet urol 11990. Domino Dome Jopa silnog zido Aliud mandatum de eodem negotio. bibit TER POST Everendo in Chriſto patri et domino, domino Waltero, Dei gratia, Cant. ar- chiepiſcopo, . totius Anglie primati, Walterus, permiſſione ejufdem, Wygorn. eccleſie miniſter humilis, falutem, cum omni obedientia, reveren- tia, et honore. Mandatum veftrum apud Hampton. xi. Kal. Julii, anno Dom. Mº. CCC. XV. circa horam veſperarum recepimus, tenorem infra- fcriptum : Walterus, permiſſione divina, Cant. archiepiſcopus, totius Anglie pri- mas, venerabili fratri domino W. Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopo, falu- tem, et fraternam in Domino caritatem. Quia, ut pridem vobis fcrip- • fimus, dominus Eborum archiepiſcopus veftram dioceſim infra noftram Cant. provinciam jam ingreffus, moram faciens in eadem, eadem, ac per ip- fam incedens Crucem fuam coram fe erigi facit publice et deferri, et hoc • ulterius per noftram provinciam incedendo, ut dicitur, continuare pro- ponit, in noſtram et eccleſie noſtre Cant. ac juris ejuſdem injuriam et prejudicium manifeftum, cui taliter incedenti populares, ipſius provincie ejuſdem archiepiſcopi benedi&ionibus inclinando, et modis aliis, in noftram et ecclefie, ut prenotatur, injuriam, et contra inhibitiones publicas, tam per nos, quam per predeceſſores noftros, in cafu conſimili prius factas, nequiter obedire, et modis aliis favere preſumunt. Ut tam ipſius archi- epiſcopi, quam etiam ceterorum eidem in hac parte faventium, injuria reprimatur, vobis committimus, ac in virtute ohedientie, qua nobis, et eccleſie noſtre predicte tenemini, firmiter injungendo, mandamus, qua- tinus ftatim receptis preſentibus ad dictum dominum archiepiſcopum per- fonaliter accedentes ipfum nominatim, et omnes ſecum inceſſu hujus comitantes, cum ad id fe facultas obtulerit, canonice moneatis, et artius inhibeatis eiſdem, ne ipfe archiepiſcopus Crucem fuam fic erectam coram fe in noftra Cant. provincia erigi faciat, aut deferri procuret ; ſeu co- mitantes ipſi delationi ejuſdem conſilium prebeant aut aſſenſum ; et fi, non obſtantibus monitionibus ac inhibitionibus hujus ſecus attemptatum mismo DIGESTIONS extij : 6 : 96 Jor A P PENDI X boot 6 extiterit, ipfi archiepiſcopo ingreſſum eccleſie protinus interdicere non tarderis. Si autem per tres dies continuos ſequentes ipſe archiepiſcopus ſuſpenſionem hujus animo fuftinuerit indurato, eundem à pontificali of. ficio fufpendatis; et fi fubſequenter per tres dies alios immediate fe . quentes, in eadem ſuſpenſione protervitate nimia perduraverit, ex tunc in eum majoris excommunicationis ſententiam promulgetis. In taliter ve- ro deferentes Crucem hujus nominatim, ac in genere in omnes conſen- fim ad id, ut pretangitur, adhibentes, majoris excommunicationis ſenten- tiam proferatis, et ſententiam ipfam fingulis diebus fequentibus poſtmo- • dum in ecclefiis et locis publicis, per que ſic tranſitum fecerit, ac aliis per veftram dioceſim publicetis, et faciatis folempniter publicari. Volentes, quod ipſum mandatum noſtrum primum in hac parte vobis directum, nichilominus exequimini diligenter in omnibus ſuis punctis. Diem vero receptionis preſentium, et formam executionis omnium premiſſorum, ac • etiam de nominibus rebellium in hac parte, cum vobis conftare poterit, ' de eiſdem quibuſcumque temporibus oportunis nobis reſcribere non tarde tis, per veftras patentes literas harum ſeriem continentes. Dat apud Lameth xv. Kal. Julii, anno Domini ſupradicto. Hujus igitur auctoritate mandati, facta inquiſitione diligenti, invenimus per eandem, quod dominus archiepiſcopus Ebor. iii. Non. Junii, noftram dioceſim Cruce erecta eſt ingreſſus apud Warr. per diem et noctem commorando, et de loco predido ad villam de Stretford cum Cruce e- recta declinavit, et ibidem in domibus rectorie pernoctavit et deinde profectus eſt ad villam de Campeden, Cruce fimiliter erecta, et ibidem cum magiſtro Richardo ejuſdem rectore aliquamdiu moram traxit, mo qui ſibi in dilatione Crucis, contra formam inhibitionis, favebat et favet, ad. herebat et adheret, ut dicitur, opem fibi preſtans, conſilium, et favorem, populumque ejufdem ville ſuis benedictionibus fecit inclinare; et a loco de Campeden profectus eſt ad locum de Suthleye, erecta Cruce, pra, et ibidem cum domino Johanne de Suthleye, milite, prandebat, cui rector ejuſdem, ut dicitur, obedivit gratia ipforum publice pulſato, ſeu pulſar fare faciendo, et deinde at manerium ſuum de Chirchdon declinavit i- bidem, quaſi continue morando, una tamen die, ut afferitur, prandebat cum domino Johanne Gyffart, mili:e, in caſtro ſuo de Brunesfeld, et, ex tunc in inanerio fuo de Chirchdene, quod afferitur eſſe à juriſdictione veftra et noftra exemptum, continue eft moratus ; que omnia nos tunc latebant, et receptionem literarum veftrarum, prout jam inquiſitione inve- nimus, precedebant. Ad hec licet ftatim receptis veſtris literis verſus dic- tum archiepiſcopum greſſus noftros direximus, ut fibi contenta in manda- to veſtro primo nobis ea occalione directo, exponeremus, prout tenor ejuf- dem exigit et requirit, occurrente nobis xi. Kal. Julii nuncio veſtro, nobis mandatum artius deferente, omnibus aliis premiſlis, non fine magno damp- no, gravibus laboribus, et expenſis, Glouceſtriam acceſfimus, moram ibi- dem continue faciendo, ut dictum dominum archiepiſcopum extra mane- rium fuum de Churchdene apprehendere poffemus, ipſum nominatim, et omnes 3 ut ſu- Cartarum Originalium. 97 omnes fecum inceſſu hujus comitantes moneremus et inhiberemus, fecun- dum formam et modum in veftro mandato plenius expreffum, ad quem nobis huc ufque non patuit acceſſus, eo quod in loco, qui a jurifdiáione veſtra et noftra communi reputatione afferitur exempto, fines fuos nullatenus progrediendo à tempore receptionis veftrarum literarum, continuo eſt mora- tus, quem per potentiam armatorum ad magnum numerum, ut dicitur, ac cenſuras ecclefiaſticas contra facientes, feu quicquam attemptanres, in pre- judicium exemptionis fue infra dictum locum, quem aſſerit fic exemp- tum, fulminando ſeu latitando tuetur. Predictas tamen monitiones, inhi- bitiones, et fententias, per ſingula loca confinia publice fecimus, et pub- licavimus, et per alios mandavimus publicari, et ſuis commenfalibus et familiaribus notificavimus, et dicto domino Eborum archiepiſcopo, quam citi- us ipfum perſonaliter apprehendere poffumus, notificabimus, et fubditis no- ftris fub gravibus cenfuris, de notificando committimus, fi infra noftram juriſdictionem apprehendi poffit quoquomodo, pro cujus apprehenſione per unam ebdomadam in partibus Glouceſtrie moram fecimus perſonalem. Excommunicamus et in genere omnes confenfum, auxilium, vel favorem juxta formam nobis demandatam eidem adhibentes, ipfam in ecclefiis et locis publicis, per que fic tranſitum fecerit, aliis per noftram dioceſim, mandamus publicari. De nominibus rebellium in hac parte, veſtre pater- nitati apparere poteft per premiſſa ; à tempore vero receptionis mandati veftri per jurifdi&tionem noftram non inceſſit, nec moram fecit ; et ideo fibi faventes, vel fuis benedictionibus inclinantes, non invenimus. Sed fi de aliquibus noftris conſtare poterit in futurum, contra eoſdem, prout riobis mandatur, ſeveriùs procedemus. Et fic mandatum veſtrum, quan- tum fcivimus et potuimus, reverenter fumus in omnibus executi. Dat apud Lanthony quinto Non. Julii, anno Domini M°. CCC°. quintodeci- mo (o.) (0) Maydenſton, f. 130; b. gr. a.10 Diversiteti idroa orten en una su u Beetessin antam endilegantin ot toonbaanco rosidingqing winter noe annet grunt businside tismui beupetit3q8 nbasathane so betileedid toitained to os ou peninde sroutesi stenda sik og what ab di atdon oli on 19 meg akan va с с 81. Ob 98 APPENDIX 530 ko WA 82. Obligatio epiſcopi in annua penfione quinque marcarum folvend Ade de Murymouth. ine BITTE Alterus, permiffione divina, Wygorn. epiſcopus, diſcreto viro magiſtro Ade Murymouth, juris civilis profeſſori, falutem, cum gratia Sal- vatoris. Veſtre probitatis merita attendentes, et diligentiam veſtram af- fe&ivam, quam in negotiis noftris ſemper ſentimus efficacem, operamque et laborem, que circa eadem amodo impendetis ; vobis, tenore preſentium, quinque marcas annue penfionis damus et concedimus, vobis, vel certo ar- tornato veſtro, folvend in feſtis fan&ti Michaelis, et Annuntiationis, ad quarum folutionem fideliter faciendam terminis prenotatis obligamus nos, et omnia bona noftra, quouſque vobis, vel alicui veftrorum, per nos provifum ex- titerit de beneficio competenti. In cujus rei teftimonium, &c. Dat apud Blockeley, quinto Kal. Octobris, anno Domini millefimo trecentefimo decimo quinto, confecrationis vero noftre fecundo (P). MATED ចេត abadeg bol mut 83. Litera miſſa pape per regem, pro T. de Cobbam. umebrer SIEMER rex devota pedum ofcula beatorum. Quos ingentior commendat ex- cellentia meritorum, et virtutum attollunt merita potiora, illos decet, ut rependantur digna dignis, favoris ubertate profequi amplioris, et attollere ube- riori retributione premiorum. Recolentes itaque grata et fructuofa obfequia, que dilectum clericum noſtrum, magiftrum T. de Cobham, juris canonici et ſacre theologie doctorem approbatum, tam clare memorie genitori noftro, quam nobis etiam ante hec tempora utiliter et fideliter impendiſſe cognovimus, ac defiderantes ex corde ipfius honoris et profectuum incrementa, fanctitati veſtre, que gratioſam ſe exhibet gratioſis, tòtis affe&ibus fupplicamus, quod e- undem magiſtrum T. virum eminentis fcientie, ex nobili genere procreatum, fama pollentem, moribus inſignem, vite converſationis honeſtate preclarum, in ſpiritualibus et temporalibus circumſpectum, et multarum virtutum cumulo inſignitum, habere dignemini noftri intuitu propenſius commendatum, et fic veſtre ei Apoſtolice liberalitatis et munificentie janua aperire, quod juxta fpera- tam fiduciam, eo potioris gratie ubertate ſentire ſe valeat pertractari, quo no- ftris affectibus intimius conjungitur, et pro ipſo noſtra inſtantia devotius inter- pellat. Conſervet, &c. Dat apud Clarindone X. die Aprilis, anno regni no. ftri decimo (9). PAPE () Maydenſtone, f. 37. a. 6) Cobb. f. iii. al. CXVIII. 84. Exemia Cartarum originalium. 99 84. Exemia mila domino I bom. epiſcopo, in intronizatione, in pecunia 113- merata. D Ꭰ Cs. E rectore eccleſie de Welford XX s. De rectore capelle de Elmelek XL De domino Willelmo de Thortofte De abbate et conventu Glouc. XX tb. De abbate de Eveſham Csap its beste De abbate de Teukes buren totta on Tottey 20 X marc. route tant en De magiſtro de Stret ford mwist y marc. rti Vantung korps De abbate de Hayles a totona VI marciando il con amigos De archidiacono Glouc. XL s. 38 Molonne 58 De abbate de Kyngefwode XL s. De vicario de Berkele XX S. De priore de Coventre Cs. Summa De iftis folvi mercatoribus Ad curiam Romanam LVII tb., onde olidontact L marc. XXX marc. () Searching 85. Litera mila pape per Thomam, epiſcopum Wygorn. An&tiffimo patri fuo, fi placet, ac domino ſumme et fingulariter venerando, domino Johanni, divina providentia, facrofancte Romane ac vniverſa- lis ecclefie ſummo pontifici, fuus devotus filius, et humilis capellanus, Thomas, Dei et ſui gratia, Wygorn. eccleſie miniſter modicus, cum ſub- je&tione et obedientia debitis, devotiffima pedum ofcula beatorum. Licet, pie pater et fancte, pacem annunciantis pulchri fint pedes, et fanctitatem veſtram letiorem efficerem, fi vobis publicam terre veſtre Anglicane leti- tiam nunciarem ; neceffe tamen habeo, ipla neceſſitate cogente, quod do- leo, contrarium nunciare. Quia cum nuper à veftra cellitudine, et ab illuſtri principe domino rege Francorum, necnon à fereniſſimo domino re- ge noftro eſſent nuntii venerabiles et diſcreti ad partes boreales Anglie deſtinati, inter quos, licet minimum, eram unus, ad tractandum cum Sco- tis ſuper pace reformanda cum eis, ubi quelivimus pacem, ecce turba- tio! et dum regni circumferentiam purgare curavimus, peſtis peſſima, fami- liaris hoftilitas, et ad bellum inteſtinum preparatio latenter irrepſit in centro. Nam confederati ad invicem, quidam comites et barones, cum non modica multitudine populari, caſtra capiunt, perpetrant homicidia, et cetera quoque mala ; quid tamen in hoc facto queritur, quidve intenditur, igno- .: . 12 sila (-) Maydenſtone, f. 56. ratur, IOO APPENDIX ratur. Sed hoc ſcio, quod inter nos omne caput languidum, et omne cor merens, periculum in terra, periculum in mari , ubique lupus in fabula, nec fraterna latera fraude carent, et creditur veraciter, quod venenum inſanabile fit infufum in terra, nifi hoc amoveat fancta, prudens, et pre- potens manus veſtra. Ceterum, fancte pater, dignetur veſtra fanctitas gra- tanter admittere duos pannos de ſcarleto, et duas pecias panni tenuis Anglicani, et duas penulas de pellibus agninis Anglie pro mantellis, quas ad uſum hujus temporis eſtivalis curavit vobis mea parvitas deſtinare, memoriale u. tique minimum, ſed affectionis et obedientie vere fignum. Non occurrunt, pater, ad preſens alia quevis nova, que fint veſtre celfitudini fcribi dig. na, fed eft, et ſemper erit facerdos vefter modicus ad domini veſtri pre- cepta paratus. Valeat in vobis, et felicitetur in Domino ad eccleſie fue regimen, et populi Chriſtiani falutem, Apoftolica celfitudo. Dat' London, &c. anno Domini, &c. () noun 86. Litera milla Jacobo diacono-cardinali Romane eccleſie. Enerabili in Chriſto patri, ac domino fuo reverendo, fi placet, domino Jacobo, Dei gratia, facrofanete Romane eccleſie, ac tituli fanáti Geor, gii ad velum aureum diacono-cardinali, ſuus ad vota paratus, Thomas, per- miſſione divina, Wygorn. eccleſie miniſter humilis, votive ſalutis affectum cum debitis reverentia et honore. Cum non habeam, pater et domine, quicquam temporale condignum, quod veſtre referam bonitati, pro multiplici beneficio quod accepi, pro ſalute veſtra fuppliciter oro Deum, me ad hoc perpetuo re- cognoſcens aftrictum. Verum pro eximiis exigua rependere vobis aufus, de veftra ad plenum dilectione confifus, pro camere veſtre ornatu, licet minimą, duas pecias panni tenuis Anglicani, et duas penulas pro mantellis, per latorem preſentium veſtre paternitati tranſmitto, quas acceptare dignemini, tamquam memoriale modicum, affectionis tamen uberrime, ac obſeguii debiti verum fignum. Ceterum, pater et domine reverende, licet terra noſtra cum Scotis fuftinuerit diu guerram, et eam fenferit ſatis duram, durius tamen eſt, et dolo- roſius referendum, quod in ipfa terra orta eft inter regni proceres, procurante fatore zizanie, diſcordia inteſtina, dum alter alterius caſtra capit, homines in- terficit, et cetera queque bona fpoliat, diſlipat, et confumit. Sed quis occaſio- nem tanti dampni dederit, qualiſque ſuper hoc expectandus fit finis, aut quas partes perfecutio ipſa contingat, nemo fcit, niſi qui princeps hujus negotiationis exiſtir. Hujus rei feriem in partibus noſtris nimium divulgatam porerunt ve- nerabiles nuntii domini noftri pape, qui in Anglia jam fuere, ſermone vobis clariori referre. Nec eſt poſſibile, prout creditur, quod abſque ſedis Apoſtoli- ce prudentia tanta tumultuario fopiatur. "Super eo, pater et domine reverende, quod curaſtis mihi mandare, ut nepoti Pertucii de Cazamunicis, familiaris ve- olup ize1920 (s) Maydenſtone, fol. 6t. alias LXXI. .. obat ༡༡།༢༣ ftri, Cartarum originalium. IOI sono 87. : ſtri, vellem de non curato beneficio providere. Sciatis, quod poſtquam in epi- fcopum creatus exſtiti, nullum clericum huc uſque promovi, nec fcio quando tale quid facere potero, cum fit mihi beneficiorum paucitas, et exſpectantium de ſedis Apoftolice gratia multitudo. Nam adhuc manent mihi fex reſidui, preter eos, quos gratioſe et favorabiliter ob ſedis Apoftolice reverentiam ex- pedivi. Super his mihi Nicholaus, veſter familiaris, teftis erit, qui poft ejus adventum in Anglia continue mecum ftetit, et plenam veritatem in hac parte cognovit. Non occurrunt ad preſens alia quevis nova, que ſint veſtre reveren- cie intimanda ; fed eſt, et ſemper erit veſter Thomas antiquus fidelis vobis, di- ligens, et continuus capellanus. Valeant, fint, et crefcant in Domino vobis dies longevi, proſperi, et felices (t). sabun nians Litera miſa regi. ivalla Xcellentiſſimo principi, et domino fuo reverendo, fi placet, domino E. Dei gratia, R. Anglie illuftri, domino Hibernie, et duci Aquitanie, ſuus devotus et humilis capellanus, T. ejufdem permiſſione, Wygorn, epiſcopus, de- votum obedientie fpiritum, cum omni fubjectione, reverentia, et honore. Veſtra mihi regia celſitudo nuper fcribere dignabatur, quod ad reprimendam Scotorum malitiam, qui jam, ſicut aliter, regnum veftrum hoftiliter ſunt ingreſli, homines ad arma, vel aliud fubfidium competens providerem ; et quid fuper hoc facere pofſem vobis literatorie conſtare facerem indilate. Sciat veftra mag- nitudo regalis, quod licet homines ad arma per me et per meos diutius et di- ligentius inquiſivimus, vobis in hoc negotio deſtinandos, nullos hucuſque ydo. neos in hiis partibus reperire potui, qui non ſint veſtra, vel veſtrorum retenti- one preventi. Quapropter providi ad veſtrum obſequium quinquaginta libras vobis ad veftrum mandatum in proximo tranſmittendas, quas acceptare digne- tur, licet munus exiguum, veſtra conſueta benignitas, conſiderans poſſe meum. Ingreſſus enim epiſcopatum ipfum nudum, et omni bono deftitutum inveni, labores et ſterilitates poftea ſuſtinui, et latere non poteſt, quot fim palſus jactu- ras, et rerum difpendia in preſent. Sed cum, volente Deo, fortuna proſperior affuerit, mea manus taliter qualiter ad jutrix veſtro beneplacito, et meo deſider rio, largius reſpondebit.” Dirigat actus veftros virtus regis pacifici ad pacem perpetuum regni veſtri. Scriptum, &c. (u), volia con 2011 ali Det er 6) Ibid. (u) Ibid. f. 73. alias LXXX, te mtibman inson ilvole 19 anh, 9787 DOO de teen positions 39Toupit, it seinen giflov slag tog obou top. Into 20919010 tbtilor 199 bogpobudak adm9131901 19 Desmota sisiima inmd Be mig pussillon asbestoud aasdad con mi pelo mungut, puisque soia salan qaraslob oop sb sib babagbanoa mbalon udarstore tilidsovstido mezoolds masuflon Asos otaslid exits D d 88. Litera 102 A P P E N D IX og mailomnium 2013 ob slav office 2007 set 88. Litera mila Eborum arcbiepiſcopo. sa os dina Enerabili in Chriſto patri, ac kariſlimo, fi placet, amico, domino Willer- mo, Dei gratia, Eborum archiepiſcopo, Anglie primati, ſuus, Thomas, ejufdem Dei permiſſione, Wygorn, epiſcopus, falutem, et quicquid poterit ho- noris et commodi cum defiderio complacendi. Inſpedis nuper veſtre fere- nitatis apicibus, audiciſque omnibus, que nuntiorum veftrorum clara et dif- creta facunditas nobis intimare curavit , ac literis Apoftolicis, prout de- cuit, reverenter admiſſis, Spiritus, qui femper promptus eſt annuere votis veſtris, licet in infirma carne et debili vaſculo collocatur, citationes, com- miſſiones, et omnia per veſtri conſilii prudentiam ordinata, prona mente conceſſit, et illico ſigillavit; fpem ipſis et fiduciam tribuendo, quod habita ſanitate, ad diem ſtatutum perſonaliter adeſſemus, quod tunc fuit, et ad- húc effet, ſi poſſibilitas fe offerret, intime cordi noftro. Verum quia for- tune adverſitas et corporis fragilitas mutant creberrime in deterius vices luas, illa fanitatis fcintilla, quam tunc fperabamns brevem, fuit ftatim poftea extin&tioni propinqua. . Morborum noſtrorum cumulus, qui utinam cflet vadens, et non rediens, totiens recedit et redit, quod nullam omni- no ponere fiduciam in fanitate valemus. Sic enim continue nos affligit pectoris ftri&titudo, quam medici folent nominare Catarrum, quod propter difficultatem et impotentiam reſpirandig credimus nos fepe, et circa medi- as noctes fuffocari. Nutrimus idropifim noſtram antique malignitatis å- lumpnam, tantumque fuftinemus in corporis cute pruritum, quod vix ma- nus noftras poflumus à carne ſubtrahere per momentum. Hiis paffioni bus i laboramus, abfque hiis que latent intrinſecus, fuper quibus reputamus honeftius fubticere quam loqui. Hanc materiam, ut dicunt medici, fi temporis eſtivalis exponeremus ardorig' malitiam preſertim canicule non verentes, quantumcumque vellemus modicas vel breves peragere dietas, quamque fuaviter conſueto vehiculo volveremur, hurnoribus, qui jam qui- eſcunt, fufcitatis ex motu, mors inopinata de facili fequeretur. Ex fcimus veraciter coram Deo, quod fi itluc nos venire contingeret quovif- modo, nichil utiliter effemus acturi, quia nec poffemus, abſque ſcandalo virorum, nos cetibus immiſcere, nec ea, que mente conciperemus, fermo- ne diſtincto proferre ; nec credat veftra paternitas reverenda, nos prop- ter tempus meſſium, quod jam ad diem nocionis inftabit, à propofito re- vocari, vel quod canonicorum amicitie nos incuryent, vel terreant homi- cidia, que inter indigenas et alienigenas referuntur in civitate veſtra hor- ribiliter perpetrata. Quia vere veſtrarum et capituli veftri concordiam pre- poneremus omni commodo temporali, caufe veſtre veritatem, fi liquerer, omni amicitie preferremus, et ſperaremus habunde, quod per veſtre di- letionis auxilium effet nobis in illis partibus fuper ſecuritate profpectum. Supereſt igitur fola, que legem non habet, fupradicta neceſſitas, que im- potentiam noftram accedendi ad diem, de quo dolemus, excufat. Digne- tur ergo veftra dilectio conſueta noftram abfentiam habere favorabiliter 5 ex- Cartarum originalium. 103 enten 0 excufatam, adventum noftrum ad diem nullatenus expectantes, et nos fi- ducialiter convalefcentia habita, Domino permittente, promittimus, pro vobis et eccleſie veſtre juribus promptiſſime laborare. Vos diu conſer- vet Altiſſimus ad ecclefie ſue regimen, et commiffi vobis gregis gaudium et falutem. Script. apud Herrelebure xv. Kalend. Julii (x). uatie ale rob SABA 25101100 Toitto on 89. Legata foluta et ſolwenday extracta de teſtamento, bone memorie domini Th. de Cobbam, nuper Wygoril . epiſcopi, videlicet, ecclefie Wygorm. et ſuc- ceffori fuo. noulto rime om in Nprimis, lego fabrice eccleſie Wygorn. XX. fb. o boto Item, calulam glaucam, cum alba cujus paramenta funt inferius confuta aca, et amitam, et duos pannos fericos, et towallos altaris, cum frontello de armis confuto, lego alcari . ubi ero ſepultus, et cum hiis miniftretur ibi- dem. Hot domu lidiupails Item, eidem altari lego magnum Miſſale notatum van Item, eidem altari, duo candelabra argenti. homoa non poort Item, eidem altari, duas fialas argenti. Item, eidem altari, vnam ymaginem beate Virginis, quam habui ex dono abbatis ſan&i Auguſtini Briſtoll, 107 Item, mitram pulchram, quam habui de dono archiepiſcopi Cantuarienfis, remaneat eccleſie Wygornienſi in perpetuum. coob Item, fucceffori meo lego omnia blada in epiſcopatu feminata, et XL. boves, ita quod ipfe dimittat tantumdem fucceffori valoris C. librarum. Item, lego ſucceſſori meo majus doſſer cum leopardis. Item, eidem lego criſmatorium. Item, eidem lego vas aque benedicte, cum aſperſorio. Item, eccleſie Wygorn. ad ponendum fub pedibus epifcoporum, lego ban- karium longum de vario. On a to disco 2017 Item fucceſſori meo lego omnia vaſa coquinaria, qualitercumque ſpectantia, five London, five in dioceſi exiſtant. pliipate ist s innet inteftistönsortives Item, lego eccleſie Wygorn. ut pendeat ſuper magnum altare, jocale argente- um deauratum ad modum ſalarii. Onuinton "PORAL Aston Item, altari, ubi corpus meum fepelietur, ii. caſfas. ut idalias mula po zalog automon sto 200 Concordatum eſt inter dominum et executores,quod dominus habeat in omni- bus maneriis quarteriam frumenti tam de ſemine quam deliberatione pro iii. s. I- tem quarteriam filiginis pro ii. s. Item, quarteriam fabe, piſe, ordei, et drageti, ii. s. viii. d. Item, quarteriam avene, pro xx. d. torst 13 zumindutbe Tegin T30791 nesvan ibomtud PONTACTE . (x) Cobh. f. 123. al. CXXX.. Item, 104 APPENDIX et BE HON 19 saboqxo anaas kun ergib. De mrriton muutisvbe nattlbx 0 Item, dicta mitra pulchra, de qua fupra tangitur, quam habui' à do- mino archiepiſcopo Cantuarienfi , ecclefie Wygorn. remaneat in perpetuum, dum tamen executores mei habeant literam meam obligatoriam, quam i- dem archiepiſcopus habet penes ſe, alioquin fi retradatur mitra, et litera mea obligatoria per executores extrahatur. Item, eft una alia mitra, que fuit domini Walteri de Maydefton, pre- deceſſoris mei, quam emit à domino Bathonienfi pro XL. libris illam feci areſtari London. per juſticiarios domini regis, et fuit mihi affignata et liberata pro dampnis in partem folutionis, et illam lego fuc- ceſſori meo, et omnia blada in epifcopatu feminata, ut prius, ac etiam XL. boves. Ita quod ipſe ſucceſſor meus dimittat ſucceſſori fuo tan- tumdem vel C. libr. Sterling. et ille fucceffori fuo, et ſic de fingulis in perpetuum, quia ita folebat effe antiquitus, ut audivi, et hec facio de libera voluntate mea, quia ego nichil habui, nec in pecunia, nec in aliis quibuſcumque rebus, niſi domos deſtructas pro majori parte, ficut ſciunt multi, et omnes de epiſcopatu illo. Quod fi hoc modo fucceſſor meus non fuerit contentus, omnia tam blada, quam mitra, vendantur, et habeat centum libras, omnibus fuccefforibus in perpetuum remanſu- ras, ut fic ecclefia priſtino et antiquo ftatui fuo reſtitui videatur, et ta- men ego nunquam habui à predeceſſoribus meis unum denarium, vel valorem, nec in animalibus, nec in bladis, nec in utenſilibus mane- riorum, fed domos diruptas pro magnis fumptibus pro poffe reparavi (y). 50 XANIM 71.coliqp më sau 10 90. Ad papam pro Wulfano, Wygornienſis ecclefiæ electo. bio ya APÆ rex devota pedum ofcula beatorum . Zelus nos movet pulcritudinis domus Dei, et ad id ſincera devotio nos compellit, ut ea, pater fanctiſſime, veſtræ beatitudini finceriter fug- geramus, eaque efflagitemus humiliter fieri et' concedi, per quæ et honori univerſalis eccleſie, ac ftatui tranquillo et profpero regni noftri, creditur falubriter provideri. a Sane, vacante nuper Wygornienfi eccleſia, per mortem bonæ memoriæ, Thomæ, olim epiſcopi loci illius, prior et conventus ejuſdem eccleſiæ, petita à nobis licentia, prout moris eft, et optenta, die ad electionem de futuro pontifice celebrandam ftatuto, convenientes in unum religioſum virum fra- trem Wolftanum, priorem loci illius, in fuum elegerunt epifcopum concor- diter et paſtorem : cui quidem electioni nos ſubſequenter regium aſſenſum adhibuimus et favorem ; idemque «electus pro confirmatione electionis hu- juſmodi, penes venerabilem patrem . . archiepiſcopum Cantuarienſem, loci no 6) Cobh. f. 45 : 1997) Me- X Cartarum Originalium. 105 metropolitanum ac conſecrationis munere optinendo, fecundum juris exigen- tiam, jam profequitur, prout decet. Verum quia ab aliquibus, non abfque gravi murmure, eft relatum, quod prædicta electio, tam rite et concorditer celebrata, prætextu reſervationis (quam per ſedem Apoſtolicam aſſerunt inde factam eſſe) effe&um debi- tum minime fortietur (de quo nonnulli magnates et alii plurimum con- turbantur) nos -------. buca nga 20 stimatione tra van od Ad virtutum merita, quibus præfatus electus multipliciter inſignitur, et ad bonum ipfius regimen in prioratu prædicto, nec non ad laudabilis famæ fuæ præconium, et ejus circumfpectam induftriam noftræ confiderationis intuitus dirigentes, ac ſperantes per ipfius probitatis folertiam (i facta de ipſo electio effectui mancipetur) in difponendis regni noſtri negotiis, noftram imbecillita- tem poſſe fulciri præſidiis, et in opportunitatibus fupportari.tangas 1 Confiderantes etiam quæ et quanta nobis et regno noftro, progenitorum noftrorum temporibus, nota intulerunt difpendia quorumdam indiſcreta re- gimina prælatorum. nobody eidon bord SITES San&itati veftræ devotis affectibus fupplicamus, quatinus diffimulato , fi placet, reſervationis rigore (fi quæ forſan electionem præceſſerit antedic- tam) æquanimiter pati dignemini, ut præfatus ele&us (quem virum novi- mus religione probatum, devotione confpicuum, litterarum fcientia prædi- tum, et in agendis quibuflibet providum et diſcretum) ad honorem aſcen- dere valeat, ad quem fic canonice eft vocatus : nec finat veſtra clementia ip- fum aliquorum inhibitionibus fuper hoc indebite perturbari. kalau Speramus etenim, quod prædicta ecclefia fub ipſius regimine, divino fibi affiftente præſidio, ſalutaria incrementa fufcipiet, ac noftra, et regni noftri ne- goria, per ejus maturitatem confilii provide diſponentur. Conſervet, &c. Dat’ apud Notingh fexto die Septembris. Este Visco Per breve de privato fi- gillo. tige នទំនRese ៖ Eodem tempore ad cardinales fcripfit pro præfato electo (%). Invest (+) Rym, Fæd. Tom. 4. Po 308! 2110 asli haluated g 210TIDA yordomnit: sud 9 sidan carilei de aborto $ Stoun sprogaisob seidon lidhujung custom into a culor si evide bouge -- 100g 2500 pages unterlebihan bobotoho de passgil 3 ao a poubem aldov potubade using unanup Nocloq moitalib igrao borp bountisäget omsnss nens ad Jenaqenica zidov bißibus tot eilsgolioalan mo paslatonivong Bocoolique - mis silloge 2 HARI 10 Disa be shot ashaa elte mennoot mobile mobis atacsosiobuiam revenit didesmabraktisere commandoni toiseltb ditoria de 189 # Sapnap diday eincidin Eesti Ratoils 91. Super 113 miibuindo infineonidon mauppiap instalatii *** bile 19 el PSICON els mil ca Bibs than anat Тоб APPENDIX ON neria ciui matrimul obisnygo roam zinoijatoolnos pemungukousin 010 ubotom bennig er 91. Super confecratione Wulftani Uggornienfis, eletti. 280 RE EX dile&is fibi in Chriſto priori et conventui eccleſie Chriſti Cantua- rienfis, falutem 10oC autonoop Bene novit veſtra prudentia, et eft apud vos, ut credimus, perpetuæ memoriæ commendatum, qualiter ecclefiis cathedralibus, regii patronatus, ſuis paſtoribus viduatis, electores à nobis eligendi licentiam petere, et ea optenta, electioneque in poſterum canonice celebrata, electos fuos nobis debent præſen- tare pro aſſenſu regio optinendo. handa doto 2 Noſque, hujufmodi aſſenſu regio adhibito, ſignificare habemus per Jitteras noftras patentes, vel domino ſummo pontifici, in ecclefiis fibi immediate fub- jectis, aut metropolitanis, ad quos pertinet ele&iones hujuſmodi confirmare, ut ipfi quod fuum eft, circa electos exequantur. et Ipfilque electionibus fubfequen- ter confirmatis, confirmatores earumdem hoc nobis debent, per ſuas patentes litteras, intimare, ac ipſi electi fidelitates fuas nobis facere, et temporalia epi- fcopatuum, ad quos fic aſſumuntur, à nobis recipere aftringuntur. - Hunc morem, ſicut noftis, non folum regia, fet etiam Apoftolica introduxit auctoritas, et longævæ conſuetudinis vſus vtentium moribus approbavit, Hoc fiquidem jus regiæ coronx noftræ fic annectitur, quod non poffumus,fi ne viola- tione præſtiti a nobis in noftra coronatione facramenti, ejus diminutionem feu ſubtractionem aliqualiter tolerare: quinimo ad ejus defenfionem una nobiſcum, omnes et ſinguli nobis fubditi, ex ligeantiæ fuæ debito, obligantur. Quamob- rem mirari compellimur, et moveri ex eo, quod, præmiffis nuper circa per- fonam venerabilis patris Wolftani Wygornienſis eledi confirmati per ordinem obſervatis,et bonæ memoriæWalterus nuper Cantuarienfis archiepifcopus, eidem electo (cujus fidelitatem diu et recepimus, et temporalia epiſcopatus illius ei reſtituimus) munus canfecrationis impendere voluntarie recufavit ; quam.. quam ſuper hoc fuiffet cum debita inftantia requiſitus er ſolicitatus pluries ex parte noftra. Advertentes igitur, ex hujuſmodi dilatione, non folum ipſi electo (cujus honores et commoda, ob ipſius probitatis et induſtriæ magnitudinem, lin- cero zelamus affe&tu) grave præjudicium : fet nobis etiam (ſi contingeret, quod abfit, jus noſtrum regium auferri , feu diminui in præmiſſis) exha- | redationis periculum poſſe veriſimiliter evenire, ac volentes tanta pericu- la, quatenus poterimus, declinare, vobis mandamus, in fide et ligeantia qui- bus nobis tenemini, firmiter injungentes, quod omni dilatione poſtpoſita, epiſcopos comprovinciales, cum archiepiſcopalis juriſdictio vobis competat, eadem fede vacante ad certum diem, ad eccleſiam veftram Cantuarien- ſem faciatis convocari, munus conſecrationis eidem electo, ſecundum juris exigentiam, abſque ulterioris dilationis incommodo impendendum. Inhibe- mus etiam vobis fub forisfactura omnium, quæ nobis forisfacere poteritis, ne prætextu alicujus mandati feu commiſſionis vobis quacumque auctori- tate facti feu faciendi, quicquam nobis inconfultis, in præjudicium regii juris noſtri prædi&ti, aut juris præfati electi, attemptetis, feu per alios at- temptari Cartarum Originalium. 107 temptari faciatis quovis modo ; fcientes quod fi fecus facere præſumpſeritis, ad vos tanquam violatores jurium coronæ noftræ, et contemptores mandatorum noftrorum, graviter, ficut convenic, capiemus. Teſte rege, apud Pontem fractum, decimo feptimo die Novembris. Per ipſum regem et magnum concilium (a). 100 Oy . RE 92. Contra Adamum de Orleton, jura corone violantem, minatoria, Sudetene og EX Adæ de Orleton, nuper Herefordenſi epiſcopo, falutem. Bene novit veſtra prudentia, et non poteftis, ob ligeantiæ veftræ debi- tum, ignorare, qualiter, eccleſiis cathedralibus, regii patronatus, fuis paftoribus viduatis, electores à nobis eligendi licentiam petere, &c. ut ſupra, in literis priori et conv. eccl. Chriſti Cant. on Quamobrem turbavit nos rumor, ncbis à nonnullis fidelibus noſtris nuper perlatus, quod vos (ad jura coronæ noftræ conſiderationem non habentes) epiſcopatum Wy- gornienfem, ad quem venerabilis pater Wolftanus, nuper prior Wygor- nix, electus fuerat, eademque electio, poft aſſenſum noftrum regium ad- hibitum, per loci metropolitanum canonice extitit confirmata, cui etiam tem- poralia epiſcopatus illius, capta prius fidelitate fua, reſtituimus, ut eft mo- risi vobis conferri, dimiſſo dicto epiſcoparu Herefordenſi, non abfque am- bitionis vitio, procuraftis. Et quia, abſque læſione conſcientiæ noftræ, jura coronæ noftræ, fub diſſimulatione linere non poſſumus taliter deperire, vobis in fidelitatis et ligeantiæ debito, et fub forisfactura omnium qiæ nobis fo- risfacere poteritis, diſtricte inhibemus, ne quicquam quod in præmillis in læſi- onem jurium coronæ noftræ cedere poſſit, attemptetis, feu faciatis attemptari, feu fieri per alios procuretis, fub periculo quod incumbit: fcientes pro certo, quod diffimulare non intendimus, quin violatores jurium coronæ noftræ, prout ad hoc ex vinculo juramenti aftringimur, puniri modo debito faciemus. Teſte rege apud Coventre, duodecimo die Decembris. in Per ipfum regem, et magnum concilium (6). hom 1109 of (a) Rym. Fæd. T. 4, p. 324, 325, (6) Iside P. 330 93. Sum- the video die invloed is soon in die land operating the plants tagalog segir es so that story the * -1. 108 APPENDIX motion is อไว้อาคารบัน กรรม LODD o com memahan 53. Summonitio Adæ de Orieton ad comparendum coram rege in parliamento. R! EX Adæ de Orleton, nuper Herefordenſi epiſcopo, falutem. Ex relatu intelleximus fide digno, quod vos epiſcopatum prædictum in curia Romana dimiſiſtis, et ad eccleſiam Wygornienſem, quæ per mortem bonæ memoriæ Thomæ de Cobham, nuper Wygornienfis epiſcopi, qui apud Hertle- buri in comitatu Wygorniæ diem fuum clauſit extremum, vacavit, vos trial. ferri procuraſtis. Ad quam quidem eccleſiam venerabilis pater Wolftanus, ejufdem eccleſiæ Wygornienſis electus, confirmatus rite et canonice, promotus fuit, et à nobis temporalia ejuſdem epiſcopatus jamdiu eſt, recepit, prout moris eft, et tem- poribus progenitorum noſtrorum, ſicut noftis, fieri conſucvit. Et quod vos diverſas litteras, juri coronæ noftræ prejudiciales, immo potius exhæredationem coronæ noftræ continentes, præmiffa contingentes, infra reg- num noftrum portaftis ; et eis, non obftantibus inhibitionibus noftris vobis per diverſas litteras noſtras, tam ſub magno, quam fub privato figillis noftris, plu- ries directis ex parte noſtra, uti intenditis, in derogationem regiæ dignitatis noftræ ; de quo turbamur in intimis, et movemur. Bilirsenice Volentes igitur jura coronæ noftræ, prout ex juramenti vinculo aſtringimur, illæfa pro viribus conſervare, vobis ſubligeantiæ veftræ debito, et ſub foriſ- factura omnium, quæ nobis forisfacere poteritis, diſtricte inhibemus, ne ali- quas litteras quafcumque, reſervationem, præfectionem, aut proviſionem di&tæ Wygornienſis eccleſiæ contingentes, nobis et coronæ noftræ præjudiciales publi- cetis, feu faciatis per alios quomodolibet publicari, vel eis uti præfumatis, no- bis inconſultis, quovis modo. bob olunsko lunurd der Sec vos ipſi, cum eiſdem litteris, fitis coram nobis et confilio noftro apud Eborum in parliamento noftro, quod ad diem Dominicam proximam poft fe- ftum Purificationis beatæ Mariæ Virginis, proximo futurum, fecimus fumno. neri (et ad quem diem præfato electo mandavimus, quod ibidem perſonaliter interfit) ad faciendum el recipiendum fuper dicto negotio, quod de communi conſilio magnatum et procerum regni noftri contigerit ordinari ; et hoc fub veſtro periculo facere nullatenus omittatis. Et habeatis ibi hoc breve. Teſte rege apud Wygorniam, vicefimo fexto die Decembris. Per ipſum regem et conciliam (c). (0) Rym. Fæd. T. 4. F. 331. 94. Res Cartarum Originalium. 109 - W trybie ma obnovno rabotatenent pumixob Innsnya mellets silskog monyWmbly earnslow 2011 marotat 13 moqonline mi sitebe dacia 94. Res que debentur pro intronizatione epiſcopi Wygorn, situsqtibon Sibo Sito Ominus archidiaconus Cant. habet percipere de fingulis intronizationibus epiſcoporum per ipfum vel fuos procuratores faciendis ſubſcripta, de epiſcopis ipfis intronizatis. In primis, hofpitium pro x. equitaturis, fenum et avenam, ligna et paleas competenter per ii. noctes. Item, eſculenta et poculenta pro fe et familia, in hofpitio predicto. Item, ii, tortices magn. et vi. minores pro potu, et habet xii. pri- kets, viz. candelas duplices feu decentes pro cena et aliis in menſa, et vi. punett. de candelis minoribus, quodlibet punett. de xxiiii. can- delis. Interior Item, palefridum epifcopi, de quo defcendit die intronizationis, cum fella, freno, et toto apparatu, ftatim cum deſcenderit. sintet man Item, capam, capellum, botas feu ocreas, cirotecas, et pillen. sthlab Item, fecundam menfam poſt epifcopum ad partem dextram in pran- dio. of met Item, cuppam, de qua potaverit epiſcopus in menfa. nr b Item, in craftino x. marcas argenti, pro expenfis in eundo et redeundo fa- ciendis. 01010 bro ki ga otorite nimepatan ལ་ ། Hec Jon, de Redenhale capellanas libere capelle ſancti Stephani in palatio Weſtm. commiſſarius, Hug. de Engoliſma archidiaconus Cant, ab epiſcopo percepit 1328. (d). con แนว el core isha TO : warly 95. Bulla pape ſuper collatione epiſcopatus Wygornt . - 7. bigion It ging bort mudinis consists o. Ohannes epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, dilecto filio Simoni, electo Wy- gorn. falutem et Apoftolicam benedictionem. Regimini univerſalis eccleſie, diſponente Domino, preſidentes, de univerfis orbis eccleſiis, juxta paftoralis officii debitum, folicite cogitamus c ſed earum nos angit foli- citudo propenfior, que propriis deſtitute paftoribus, vacationis fubjacent detri- mentis, ut eis per noſtre ſolicitudinis ftudium de falubris proviſionis remedio fuccurratur, ne, quod abfit, earum proviſione dilata, lupus rapax gregem Domi- nicum paftore carentem invadat, oves rapiat et diſpergar. Nuper fiquidem, vacante Wygorn. ecclefia, pro eo quod nos venerabilem fratrem noftrum A- dam, Winton. tunc Wygorn. epiſcopum, licet abſentem, à vinculo, quo tene- batur eidem Wygorn. ecclefie, cui tunc preerat, de fratrum noftrorum con- dilio, et Apoftolice poteftatis plenitudine abſolventes, ipfum ad Winton, ec- i(d) Horleton. V. 2. f. 7. 4. Ff clefiam .. ITO APPENDIX cleſiam tunc vacantem, duximus transferendum, preficiendo eum eidem Win- ton. ecleſie in epiſcopum et paſtorem. Nos, volentes eidem Wygorn. eccleſie, ne diſpendia prolixe vacationis incorrere paterna folicicudine precavere, cum nullus, preter nos, hac vice de ipfius Wygornienſis eccleſie ordinatione fe in- tromittere poffit, pro eo quod nos diu ante vacationem hujus ipfius eccleſie Wygorn omnes ecclefias cathedrales tunc vacantes, et vacaturas in antea, per tranſlationes per nos factas, et in poſterum faciendas, de prelacis ipſarum ubi- libet conſtitutis, ad alias ecclcfias tunc vacantes, et impofterum vacaturas, a- pud fedem Apoftolicam vacare intelleximus, et volumus, earumque proviſio- nes diſpoſitioni nofre duximus refervandas, decernentes ex tunc irritum et ihane, fi fecus fuper hiis per quofcunque, quavis auctoritate, fcienter vel igno- ranter, contingeret attemptari : poft deliberationem quam de preficiendo ei- dem eccleſie Wygorn. paftorem wcilem, et etiam fructuotum, cum eiſdem fra- tribus habuimus diligentem. Ad te archidiaconum Cantuarienfem, capella- num noſtrurn; in fubdiaconatus ordine conſtitutum, quem liberali ſcientia eru- ditum, inſignitum elegantia morum, decorum honeftare, vite munditia niti- dum, in ſpiritualibus providum, et in temporalibus circumſpectum, apud nos fide digna teſtimonia commendarunt, quique dictam Wygorn. eccleſiam ſcies et poteris in ſuis manutenere viribus, et etiam adaugere, direximus oculos no. ſtre mentis, quibus omnibus debita meditatione penfatis de perfona tua nobis, et eifdem fratribus noſtri, ob hujus tuorum exigentiam meritorum accepta, eidem Wygorn, eccleſie de dictorum fratrum confilio, auctoritate Apoſtolica providemus, teque illi preficimus in epifcopum et paſtorem, curam et admini- ftrationem ipfius ecclelie Wygorn, tibi, tam in ſpiritualibus, quam in tempo- ralibus plenarie committendo, firma fpe fiduciaque tenentes, quod, dirigente Domino actus tuos, dicta Wygorn. ecclefia per tue circumſpectionis et diligen- tie fructuoſum ſtudium preſervabitur à noxiis et adverſis, ac proſperitatis pro- ficiet commodis et honoris.. Jugum igitur Domini humeris tuis impoſitum fufcipiens reverenter, et fuavi ejus oneri humiliter colla ſubmittens, ipſius Wy- gorn. eccleſie folicitam curam gerens, gregem Dominicum tue diligentie credi- rum , doctrina serbi et operis informando, ita quod eadem eccleſia Wygorn. tue vigilantie ſtudio multiplicibus gaudere commodis, et cooperante clementia fummi regis optatis conſurgere valeat incrementis, Dar' Ayinion jii, Idr De- cembr. pontificatus noftri anno xyiiiºloo bile ob derde son chans atseb aicine pripomote aboris oibartar iconejos asidelek ob maltill citibus of sipoa pag garam winnot go Tano Alib borivora sanks and lots 1898 mablogin pa nas tras vosotras passat molo o solidarity boue o Pose ou oupa ens els 10 monica mogt W 04101 BOW web nga matofon densitab mad on to abso thog ytrubis moord 30. man bu mulai pervlods snibudinala sejto ofloqa olla arribada 96. Bulla obs Cartarum Originalium. 96. Bulla ac conſecrandum dictum epiſcopum Wygorn. Jom .. Ohannes, epifcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, dilecto filio Simoni, electo Wygorn. falutem et Apoſtolicam benedictionem. Cum nos nuper Wy- gorn. ecclefie paftoris regimine deſtitute, de perſona taa nobis et fratri- bus noftris tuorum exigentia meritorum accepta, auctoritate Apoſtolica, de earumdem fratrum confilio duximus providendum, preficiendo te ipſi ec- clelie in epifcopum et paftorem , prout in noftris inde confectis literis plenius continetur. Nos ad ea, que ad tue commoditatis adgmentum ce-- dere valeant, favorabiliter intendentes, tuis fupplicationibus inclinati, tibi, ut à quocumque malueris catholico antiſtite gratiam et communionem Apoſtolice fedis habentem, aſcitis, et in hoc fib aſiſtentibus duobus vel tribus catholicis epifcopis fimilem gratiam et communionem habentibus, munus conſecrationis recipere valeas, eidem antiſtiti, ut munus predic- tum auctoritate noftra impendere libere tibi poflit, plenam et liberam concedimus tenore preſentium facultatem.oc Volumus autem, quod idem antiftes, qui tibi prefatum munus impendet, poftquam illud tibi impende- -it, à te, noſtro et ecclefie noſtre Romane nomine, fidelitatis debite foli- tom recipiat juramentum, juxta formam, quam fub bulla noſtra mitti- mus interclufam, ac formam juramenti, quod te preſtare contigerit, no- bis de verbo ad verbum, per tuas patentes literas tuo ſigillo fignatas per proprium nuntium quantocyus deſtinare procuret, quodque per hoc vene- rabili fratri noftro archiepifcopo Cant. cui prefata ecclefia metropolitico jure fubeffe dinofcitur, nullum impofterum prejudicium generetur. Dat" Avinjon. xviii. Kal. Januar. pont. noftri anno decimo octavo (e). (e) Mont. V, 1, f. 11, a, de la opinia citite artista se presenta rifle they can - Partea etappe de pe 04 ansehenen otation and cou supaya siis said silna innan. Pro ? 10. dan harte wees ** : 401, 2012 metais ir . ... II2 A P P E N D I X 97 Pro Wulftano epifcopo Wygornienſi, de non veniendo ad parliam ent propter debilitatem excufatoria. EX omnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Sciatis, quod de gratia noſtra, nec non pro eo quod venerabilis pater Wolftanus, epiſcopus Wy- gornienſis, tanta debilitate et infirmitate corporis ſui detinetur, quod abfque gravi damno et corporis fui periculo non poteſt commode laborare, ut accepimus : ac etiam pro eo quod idem epiſcopus nobis benevole con- ceſlit anniverſarium domini E. nuper regis Anglie, patris noftri, annuatim in perſona ſua propria, dum fanus et potens ſui fuerit, in abbatia fancti Petri Glouceſtrie (ubi corpus dicti patris noſtri jacet humatum) quamdiu vixen rit, celebrandum, et ſuper celebratione hujuſmodi literas ſuas patentes fa- cere promiſit. 2013) par atbildes Conceſſimus pro nobis et heredibus noftris, quod prefatus epiſcopus pro toto tempore vite fue, quotiens infirmitate, aut per acceffum fuum ad dic- tum anniverſarium fuerit impeditus, quo minus ad parliamenta ſeu concilia noftra, vel heredum noftrorum, poffit commode declinare, tunc totiens, tam coram nobis, quam heredibus noftris, fuper hujuſmodi non adventu fuo ad parliamenta et concilia predicta, licite et impune, per fufficientem et idone- um procuratorem fuum excufetur de gratia noſtra feciali. In cujus, &c. Teſte rege apud Shutteleye, vicefimo primo die Junii. Je Per breve de privato figillo(ſ). Da er orinteqori sa iyo sa ogromuroints onto lo stile 98. Pro Wolftano epiſcopo Wygornie, de non veniendo ad parliamentum ex- (ornbo amb cufatoria. non si EX omnibus, ad quos, &c. falutem. Supplicavit nobis venerabilis pa- ter Wolftanus, epiſcopus Wygorniæ, ut cum ipſe tantæ æta- tis, et ſui ipfius tam impotens exiftat, quod abſque periculo et corporis fui dampno non modico multum laborare non poſſit; idemque epifcopus anniverſario domini Edwardi, nuper regis Anglie, patris noftri, fingulis annis apud Glouceftriam, pro folempnitate ejuſdem anniverſarii, ibidem perſonaliter facienda ad rogatum noſtrum, concefferit intereſſe, abſentiam ipfius epiſcopi in parliamentis, confiliis, et aliis congregationibus (que per nos, extra dioeceſim ipfius epiſcopi futuris temporibus teneri feu ſummo- neri contigerit) habere velimus excufatam : nos ad premiffa conſideratio- nem habentes, ac volentes eo prætextu fupplicationi ejuſdem epiſcopi an- nuere in hac parte, de gratia noftra fpeciali conceſſimus, pro nobis, , et hæredibus noftris, præfato epiſcopo, quod ipſe pro toto tempore vitæ fuæ ad parliamenta, conſilia, feu alias congregationes, quæcumque (quæ per nos RES (f) Rym. Fæd. Tom. 5.8.191 vel Cartarum Originalium, ID3 vel hæredes noſtros extra dictam diæceſim, seko nune i teneri feu ſummoneri contigerit) in propria perſona fua venire minime teneatur, nec ad hoc all- qualiter compellatur : fet ipſum epiſcopum de adventibus fuis ad parliamenta, confilia, et congregationes hujuſmodi habere volumus excufatum ex caufis an- tedi&tis. Ita tamen, quod idem epiſcopus ſufficientes vel fufficientem procura- tores vel procuratorem ad parliamenta, confilia, et congregationes hujuſmodi mittat, ad confentiendum hiis, quæ per prælatos et alios ibidem fummonitos contigerit ordinari. In cujus, &c. 1a Per breve de privato ſigillo (g). autola San 1 em amon shave 99. Breve regium ad orandum pro felici progreſſu guerre contra Franciam, poft navalem victoriam in fefto nativitatis fancti Jobannis Baptiſte, 1340. po Wowwhd) si wrong, boup pale amestaan wateis Dwardus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie et Francie, et dominus Hibernie, vene- rabili in Chriſto patri Wulftano,&c. Effufam circa nos hiis diebus pro- pitiationis divine clementiam ad veſtri contemplationem et letitiam vobis du- cimus intimandam. Scitis autem nimio vos, cet alii fideles noſtri quadam participatione fenfiftis, quantis fuimus et fumus guerrarum laceſſiti turbini- bus, et velut in mari magno procellofis fluctibus agitatis. * Sed licet funt mi- rabileş elaciones maris, mirabilior tamen eſt in altis Dominus, qui procellam convertens in auram. jam, inter tot adverſa, clementiſfime nos refpexit. Nam cum pridem ordinaffemus paffagium noftrum neceſſarium verſus partes Flan- drie, dominus Philippus de Valefio, perſecutor nofter infeftiffimus hoc previ- dens, iclaſſem maximam navium armatarum, quam in expugnationem noſtri noftrorumque fidelium parari fecerat, ad infidiandum nobis in portu de Swina tranſmiſit, ut vel fic nos caperet, vel noſtrum tranfitum impediret, qui tranſi- tus, fi, quod abfit, fuiffet impeditus, ardua negotia, que profequimur, fuiſſent penitus in ruina: quin immo nos et noftri fuiffemus verifimiliter periculo confufionis magne fubje&ti . Sed Deus miſericordiarum videns nos in tantis periculis conſtitutos, gratius et citius quam, humanas ratio indicare poterat, miſit nobis magnum navalei fubfidium, iet infperatum numerum armatorum, ac femper venrum profperum juxta votum, et dia fub fpe celeftis auxilii, er juftitie noſtre fiducia, dićtum: portum: navigio venientes inveuimus dictam claſſem, set honeftos, noftros . paratiffimos ad prelium in multitudine co- piola, quibus in fefto Nativitatis fancti Johannis Baptiſte proxime preterito, ipſe fres noftra Chriftus Deus per conflictum fortem et validum nos prevalere conceffit, faeta Itrage non medica-dictonum hoftium,capta etiain quodammodo tota dicta claſſe, cum leſione gentis noſtre modica relpective, ficque tutior de cetero patebit tranfitus noftris fidelibus ſupra mare, et alia bona plurin a ſunt ex hoc nobis et noftris fidelibus veriſimiliter perventura, de quo ipes pulcher- rima jam arridet. Nos autem tantam celeſtem gratiam devotiffime contem- 6 (3) Ibid. f. 310. :: Gg g plantes 114 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI х X $ plantes, ipli Salvatori noftro laudes et gratias humiliter exfolvimus, deprecan tes, ut qui jam et ſemper in oportunitatibus copiofis gratiis nos prevenit, con- tinuatis nos auxiliis profequatur, et nobis regere temporaliter fic concedat in terris, ut in eo letemur eternaliter in excelſis. Dilectionem R. veſtram atten. te rogamus, et per Dei mifericordiam obfecramus, quatinus foli Deo vivo, qui tantum ſignum nobiſcum fecit in bonum in devote laudis preconium aſſur- gentes, nos jam in remotis agentes, et ne dum jura noftra recuperare, ſed ianctam eccleſiam catholicam attollere, et injuftiria populum regere cupien- tes, fibi devotisorationum inftantiis recommendare curedis, facientes pro nobis miſſas, et alia pie placationis officia miſericorditer exerceri, et ad hoc . clerum et pop. Ium veftre dioceſeos ſalutaribus monitis inducatis, ut Deus ipfe “miſeratus nobis, progreſſuin felicem et exitum annuar gratiofun, detque fere vo ſuo cor docile, ut recte judicare poſlimus, et regere, et fic facere quod pre- cipit , ut mereamur affequi quod promittit. Teſte Edwardo, duce Cornubie, et comite Ceftrie, filio noftro cariſſimo, cuftode Anglie apud Waltham ſancte Crucis xxviii. die Jun. anno regni noftri Anglie xiiii: regni vero noftri Francie primo'. vo OBODA Nos igitur attendentes,quod victoria non eſt in homine, fed ex Deo,qui docet manus ad prelium,habens in fuo moderamine corda regum,virtutem manuum ip- fius Omnipotentis regis, in dicti regis noſtri temporali victoria laudamus atque benedicimus, et in ipfius auxilium fuppliciter invocamus. Et quia devote preces fidelium, et alia pietatis opera, plerumque iram mitigant Redemptoris, et miſeri- cordiam alliciunt Salvatoris,vos monernus et hortamur attente,quatinus laboribus et periculis, quibus idem dominus rex pro republica tam humiliter fe jam expo- fuit, per vos debite conſideratis, pro felici progreffu et exercito fuo, Tedulis af- fiftatis orationibus apud Deum, et ad id clerum et populum archidiaconatus Wygorn. efficaciter inducacis, ac in civitate Wygorn. eccleſiis et locis aliis di&ti archidiaconatus miffas celebrari, proceſſiones fieri, orationes, et alia faciatis pieca- tis opera exerceri, ut Dominus nofter miſeratus fuper dictum dominum noſtrum regem et ſuum exercitum rore fue benedictionis infundat, greſſus et actus fuos regat et dirigat, ipfoſque ab adverſis, protegat et defendat; et cum honore triumphali in proſperitate votiva reducat. Et ut ad fupplican- dum taliter mentes fidelium propenſius excitentur de Omnipotentis Dei miſeri- cordia, fanctiffime matris fue, bonorumque confefforum Ofwaldi et Wolftani patronorum noftrorum, ac omnium Sanctorum meritis et precibus confidentes, ipſis fidelibus de peccatis fuis vere penitentibus et confeſſis facientibus, ut pre- mittitur, ſupradica, XL. dies indulgentie concedimus per preſentes. Dat’apud ) Blokkeleye xii. die Julii, anno Domini milleſimo CCCº. XL. et noſtre con: fecrationis fecundo. (b). mu i Posu iontag 01 (b). Wolft. V: 1. f. 154. al. CCXXIV. robintain rain 100. Ad Cartarum Originaitum. 115 100. Ad papam, ſuper malitiofe fuggeftis contra epiſcopum Wygornienfem. ook oqsiliq isng mabao W niac otvara nic Art APE rex, &c. Sincera nos movet affe&io, quam ad perfonam reverendi patris Wolítani, Wygornienſis epifcopi, propter vitæ munditiam, et alia meri- torum inſignia, quibus iplum novimus laudabiliter inſignitum, corditer of tinemus, ut finceritatem fuam veftræ clementiæ commendemus. Audivimus equidem , quod quidam Johannes Bodemon, et Thomas Dunclent, et fui complices, in ftatus ipfius epiſcopi fubverſionem nequiter confpirantes, et veftram nitentes illudere fanctitatem, fibi fermonibus odii detraxerunt, defcribentes eum inobedientem et rebellem veftris et ſedis Apoſtolicæ, proceſlibus, monitis, et mandatis, et ut, propter hoc, ad fan- ditatis veftræ curiam vocetur perfonaliter pro viribus infiftentes. se soup Quæ quidem fibi fic impofitæ confidemus fore veritati contraria, et de ipfo in fenium jam vergente malitioſe fuggeſta, cum, inter alios præla- tos regni noftri Angliæ, juftus, pius, et honeſtus, ac Deo et fanctæ Ro- manæ ecclefiæ devotus et obediens fit, et femper fuerit reputatus.m Quamobrem fanctitati veftræ, quæ clementer intelligit fuper fenes, vo- tivis affectibus fupplicamus, quatinus cum idem epiſcopus jam fit quaſi in ſenecta et fenio conftitutus, dignetur veftra benignitas fibi, quoad vocati- onem perfonalem, præfertim propter impotentiam corporis, cum veriſimi- liter in via deficeret ; miſericorditer ignofcere, ac refponfiones et excuſa- tiones fuas ſuper fibi fic impofitis, per procuratores ſuos et nuncios clem menter audire: motum indignationis veftræ contra eum (fi placuerit cohibendo, donec fuggefta percurrerit celebris difcuffio veritatis.' Confer- vet, &c. Dar apud Weftmonaſterium viceſimo die Januarii (1). : (i) Rym. Fæd. T. 5. p. 438, mashauri ya 3864 bits OTROS oslaw sa asign AW RED 10/15 aid darbo die 2011 DA DET de son he map PSS 20 de maio 203 org yetarianty solis toe te pabloni E' il canale 10. Super A potongan ****** platot 116 APPENDIX R 10r. Super ſuggeſtionibus prælibatis. EX venerabili in Chriſto patri W. eadem gratia, epiſcopo Norwicenfi, fa. lutem. Quia Johanes Bodemon et Thomas Dunclent, et ſui complices, in fta- tus venerabilis patris Wolftani, Wygornienſis epiſcopi fubverfionem, ut di. citur, nequiter conſpirantes, ipſum domino fummo pontifici, fuper diverſis con- temptibus et rebellionibus, minus veraciter, ut credimus, detulerunt, cum inter alios prælatos regni noftri Angliæ, ipſum reputemus fincerum homi- nem et devotum, ut propter hoc voceturi perſonaliter ad curiam pro vi- ribus inſiſtentes : fuper hoc dicto domino fummo pontifici, per noftras ſupplicavimus litteras ſpeciales, ut, cum idem epiſcopus jam in fenio con- ftitutus, propter impotentiam verifimiliter in via deficeret dignetur fibi, quoad comparitionem perſonalem in curia, miſericorditer ignoſcere, et, ut per procuratores fuos reſpondere, et ſe defendere valeat, annuere grati- ofe. 2011 Et ideo fpecialiter vos rogamus, quatinus procuratoribus ipſius epiſcopi, in ipſius profecutione negotii, pronis confiliis et auxiliis veftris aſſiſtere, et ad impediendum dictam vocationem perfonalem cum efficacia laborare, et ipfum epiſcopum, fuper fibi fic impofitis, viis, quibus poteritis, excuſare. Dat apud Weftmonaſterium viceſimo die Januarii . June 1919 Conſimiles litteræ diriguntur Magiftro Jobanni de Offord, decaro · Lincolæ, set fratri Tbome de ifle (k)... 102. Litera Jeh. de T boresby, epifcopi Wyg. cxpitulo eccleſte Eborum. 18 V Enerabilibus viris et amicis cariffimis : *capitulo ecclefie Eborum, Johannes, &c. falutem, et finceriſſime dilectionis affe&um. pridem perlato rumore, et receptis poftmodum finceritatis veſtre literis no- bis per diſcretum virum magiſtrum Gilbertum de Welton noſtrum concanoni- cum preſentatis, de poſtulatione nobis in archiepiſcopum dicte Eborum eccleſie concorditer per vos facta, nimirum ftupor nos invaſic, ex eo, quod ſic in nos direxeritis unanimiter vota veſtra, cum plures haberetis de gremio perit om res, aptiores, et fine comparatione , meliores. meliores. Sed in hoc affectionem, quam ad nos habetis, licet immeritos, aperte videmus. De qia, vobis er veſtrorum fingulis, graces et gratias referimus, quas valemus : et utinam divina clementia velit annuere votis noftris, ut poffumus aliq sa facere vo- bis grata, et eidem ecclefie profutura, ad que reputamus, nos perpetuo (k) Thores by, f. 48 dcbi Gartarum Originalium. 117 debitores, et ea femper faciemus pro viribus leto corde, ponderantes gratum affectum veftrum, etiam fi nunquam intentus ſequatur effectus. In votivis et longevis fucceſſibus vobis annuat Altiffimus. Script. London. vi. dic Septem- bris (1) SA dia 10. Litera ejuſdem epiſcopi Wygorn. ad Anctiſſimo, &c. Quibus profequar gratiarum actionibus, quibufve laudibus efferam veſtre liberalitatis affluentiam, que licet immeritum pridem Mene- venfis ecclefie me prefectum, et poftmodum ex ulteriori dono gratie ad Wy- gornienſem tranſtulit ecclefiam, cum aliarum adjectione multiplici gratiarum, nefcio, cum non correſpondeat voluntati facultas ; fed ipfe queſo, qui merita fupplicum excedit et vota, cujuſque locum tenetis in terris, veſtre beatitudini dicta beneficia recompenſet. Et quia, vacante jam Eborum eccleſia, per mor- tem bone memorie W. ultimi ipfius archiepiſcopi, venerabiles viri capitulum ipſius ecclefie in me licet indignum dirigentes unanimiter vota ſua, à ſanctitate veftra me poftulant in archiepiſcopum ipfius eccleſie tranf- ferendum, ficut per literas dicti capituli fuper hoc beatitudini veſtre mil- ſas, plenius poterit apparere. Ego de hoc ftupens nimirum, et timens, in varios diftrahor cogitatus. Sed cum in hoc velle non habeam, neque nolle, dicte Wygorn. eccleſie nexibus alligatus, fancte veſtre diſpoſitioni et fedis A- poftolice ſimpliciter et humiliter luper hoc me fuppono, fumpta de pre- guſtata bonitatis veſtre dulcedine fiducia, quod innata vobis liberalis et bo- ne voluntatis 'habundantia adjiciet ex gratia, quod oro non preſumo, Ad vniverſalis eccleſie regimen et munimen fanctitatem veftram longevam faciat et compotem Bonitas increata. Script. London. (m). (1) Thoresby, f. 45. (m) Ibid. piedades en Buenos the ESTE PER Hh 00 1:04. De SUNDO 1925 too . 118 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX on mind that, de sosial oni per GATION DES 104. De provifione ad eccleſiam Eborum. cellspot ignol es Iemens epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, cariflimo in Chrifto filio Ed. wardo, regi Angliæ illuftri, falutem et Apoftolicam benedictionem. Gra- tiæ divinæ præmium, et præconium humanæ laudis, acquiritur, fi per ſeculares principes ecclefiarum prælatis, præfertim eccleſiarum cathedralium regimini præ- fidentibus, oportuni favoris præſidium et honor debitus impendatur. Dudum fiquidem bonæ memoriæ Willielmo, archiepifcopo Eboracenfi, regi- mini Eboracenſis eccleſiæ præſidente, nos, cupientes eidem ecclefiæ, cum eam quoviſmodo vacare contingeret, operationis noftræ minifterio utilem præfi- dere perſonam, proviſionem ejufdem eccleſiæ ordinationi et difpofitioni noftræ ea vice duximus fpecialiter refervandam, decernendo ex tunc irritum er inane, fi fecus fuper hiis per quofcumque, quavis auctoritate, fcienter vel ignoranter, contigerit attemptari. Poſtmodum vero præfata eccleſia per obitum ejuſdem Williehni, qui in partibus illis debitum naturæ perfolvit, paftoris folatio deſti- tuta, nos, vacatione hujufmodi fide dignis relatibus intellecta, ad provifionem iphus ecclefiæ celerem et felicem (de qua nullus præter nos, ea vice, ſe intro- mittere poterat, reſervatione et decreto obfiftentibus fupradictis) ne prolixse vacationis exponeretur incommodis, paternis et folicitis ftudiis intendentes ; poft deliberationem, quam de præficiendo eidem eccleſiæ perfonam, utilem et etiam fructuofam cum fratribus noftris habuimus diligentem ; demum, ad ve- nerabilem fratrem noftrum Johannem, epiſcopum olim Wygornienſem, in ar- chiepifcopum Eboracenfem electum, confideratis grandium fua fuarum virtu. tum meritis (quibus perfonam fuam dominus infignivit) et quod ipfe, qui M'y- gornienfi ecclefiæ hactenus laudabiliter præfuit, eandem Eboracenfem ecclefiam iciet et poterit, auctore Domino, feliciter gubernare, convertimus aciem no- ftræ mentis. Intendentes igitur tam ipfi Eboracenſi ecclefiæ, quam ejus gregi Dominico falubriter providere, præfatum Johannem epifcopum à vinculo, quo prædictæ ecclefiæ Wygornienfi (cui tunc præerat) tenebatur, de dictorum fratrum conſilio, et Apoftolicæ poteftatis plenitudine, abſolventes, ipfum ad eandem Eboracenfem eccleſiam tranſtulimus, eumque illi præfecimus in archie. pifcopum et paftorem, curam et adminiſtrationem ipfius Eboracenfis eccle- fiæ fibi, tam in fpiritualibus, quam temporalibus, plenarie committendo, liberamque ſibi tribuendo licentiam ad ipfam eccleſiam tranſeundi, firma fpe fiduciaque conceptis, quod præfata Eboracenfis ecclefia, per ipfius Jo- hannis electi circumſpectionis fructuoſum ftudium (gratia fibi aſſiſtente divina) regetur utiliter et profpere dirigetur. Cum itaque (Fili cariſſime) fit virtutis opus Dei miniſtros benigno favore proſequi ; ac eos verbis et operibus pro Regis æterni gloria, venerari, ferenitatem regiam rogamus et hortamur attente, quatinus eundem electum et præfatam Eboracenfem ecclefiam, fuæ curæ commiffam, habens pro Apoftolicæ fedis et noſtra re- verentia propenſius commendatos, ipſos benigni favoris auxilio proſequa- ris ita quod idem electus tuæ celſitudinis fultus præfidio, in commiffo fibi Cartarum Originalium. 119 fibi curæ paſtoralis officio, poſſit (Deo propitio) proſperari, ac tibi exinde à Deo perennis vitæ præmium, et à nobis condigna proveniat actio gratiarum. Dat' Avinion. decimo ſexto Calend. Novembris, pontificatus noftri anno unde- cimo, (a). Sigillo avulſo. DE 105. De provifione ad ecclefiam Wygornienſem. mo'y CLE Lemens, epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, cariſſimo in Chriſto filio Edwardo regi Angliæ illuftri,falutem et Apoftolicam benedi&tionem. Gratiæ divinæ præmium, &c. ut fupra. Nuper fiquidem ecclefia Wygornienſis, ex eo paftoris regimine deftituta, quod, nos venerabilem fratrem noftrum Johannem, epifcopum tunc Wygorni- enſem, in archiepiſcopum Eboracenfem electum, extra Romanam curiam ex- iftentem, à vinculo quo tenebatur eidem Wygornienſi ecclefiæ (cui tunc præe- erat) de fratrum noftrorum confilio, et Apoftolicæ poteſtatis plenitudine, ab- folventes, ad Eboraceníem ecclefiam, tunc vacantem, duximus transferendum, præficiendo eum ipfi Eboracenfi ecclefiæ archiepiſcopum et paftorem. Nos, yo- lentes eidem Wygornienſi eccleſiæ, ne diſpendia longæ vacationis incurreret, paterna follicitudine præcavere ; cum nullus, præter nos, ea vice de ipfius ec- clefiæ Wygornienſis proviſione fe intromittere poſſet, pro eo quod nos, diu ante vacationem hujufmodi, ejuſdem Wygornienfis ecclefiæ, proviſiones omnium cathedralium eccleſiarum vacaturum per tranſlationes, per nos de prælatis ea- rum ubilibet conftitutis, faciendas ad alias cathedrales eccleſias tunc vacantes, diſpoſitioni noftræ duximus ſpecialiter reſervandas, decernendo ex tunc irri- tum et inane, fi fecus fuper hiis, per quofcunque quavis auctoritate, fcienter vel ignoranter, contingeret attemptari. Poft deliberationem, quam de præfici- endo eidem Wygornienſi eccleſiæ perfonam, utilem et etiam fructuofam, cum fratribus ipſis habuimus diligenter, demum ad venerabilem fratrem noſtrum, Reginaldum Wygornienſem, tunc Menevenfem epiſcopum, conſideratis gran- dium virtutum meritis (quibus perfonam fuam divina gratia inſignivit) et quod idem Reginaldus epiſcopus (qui regimini Menevenfis eccleſiæ hactenus utiliter præfuit) dictam Wygornienſem eccleſiam fciet et poterit (auctore Domino) utiliter regere, et feliciter gubernare, aciem noftræ mentis duximus dirigendam. Intendentes itaque tam dictæ Wygornienſi eccleſiæ, quam ejus gregi Dominico falubriter providere, præfatum Reginaldum epiſcopum à vinculo quo tenebatur, &c prout in bulla ſuperiore, mutatis competenter mutandis, Datum Avinion, unde- cimo Kal. Novembris, pontificatus noftri undecimo (0). (n) Rym. Fæd. T. s. p. 744. () Ibid. p. 745. 7:. :- . ***** : 106. Rea . I20 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X 106. Revocatio licentie eligendi. E "Dwardus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, &c. dilectis fibi in Chrifto, priori et conventui ecclelie Wygorn. falutem. Licet nuper ad fupplicatio- nem veftram nobis fa&am, continentem dictam eccleſiam per mortem bone memorie Reginaldi, ultimi epiſcopi loci predicti vacaſſe, et paftoris fola- tio deftitutam fuiffe, vobis licentiam alium eligendi in epifcopum et pa- ſtorem ejuſdem loci, per literas noſtras patentes concefferimus ; quia tamen reverendus vir magiſter Johannes de Barnet, nobis predilectus, vivente pre- fato Reginaldo, qui ad epiſcopatum Elien. per ſedem Apoftolicam tranf- latus fuit in epifcopum dicte eccleſie Wygorn. per eandem fedem elec- tus fuit et confirmatus, ficut per literas nobis à dicta 'ſede directas, clare nobis conftat, conceſſionem noftram predictam vobis de licentia predicta factam tenore preſentium duximus revocand. Et ideo vobis mandamus, firmiter inhibentes, ne ad electionem predictam colore licentie predicte procedatis, nec quicquam inde, fub periculo quod incumbit, faciatis, feu facere preſumatis. Sed electioni illi omnino ſuperſedeatis ex caufa fupra. di&ta. In cujus rei, &c. Licentia eligendi dat apud Weſtm. xiiii. die Decembris, anno regni regis E. tricefimo quinto (P). 107. Indulgentia pro ecclefia Wygorn. Ohannes, &c. dile&tis in Chrifto filiis; archidiaconorum noftrorum Wyn gorn, et Glouc. officialibus et decanis noftrarum civitatis et dioceſeos quibuſcunque, ſalutem, gratiam, et benedictionem, et infraſcripta executi- oni debite demandare. Inter ſolicitudines nobis incumbentes curis excita- mur precipuis, ut illa, que divini cultus augmentum precariſſime ſponſe noſtre eccleſie cathedralis Wygorn. honorem, feu commodum, necnon pa- rochianorum noftrorum devotionem, et animarum ſalutem concernunt, totis vi- ribus nutriamus et foveamus nutrita. Penſantes equidem laudabiles vicina- rum dioceſium obſervantias, quas Summo Creatori noftro firmiter credimus complacere, ad procurandum fimilia in noſtra dioceſi obfervari, fumus et merito plurimum invitati. Ad laudem igitur er honorem Omnipotentis Dei et gloriofiffime Virginis Marie, matris fue, ac patronorum noftrorum beatorum confefforum Oſwaldi et Wolftani, et omnium ſanctorum, nec- non fubditorum noftrorum animarum falutem, de peritorum conſilio duxi- mus ordinandum, quod in fingulis eccleſiis parochialibus noftrarum civita- A (p) Reg. fed. v..c. f. cxi. b. tis . Cartarum Originalium. 121 . tis et dioceſeos predictis, qualiber Die Dominica, ſtatim poſt aſperſionem aque benedicte, facerdos magnam miffam celebraturus ibidem, convertens ſe ad populum, injungat inibi congregatis, quod quilibet eorum flexis ge- nibus oret pro fratribus, et fororibus, et benefactoribus dicte eccleſie noſtre cathedralis, et fabrice ejuſdem, devote dicendo Orationem Dominicam, cum ſalutatione Angelica, et facerdos incipiat illam Antiphonam, Mater, ora filium, ut poft hoc exilium, nobis donet gaudium ſine fine ; quam ille, una cum aliis miniſtris altaris devote percantet : qua fic percantata dicat facer- dos illum verſiculum, Ora pro nobis, ſancta Dei genetrix, ut digni efficiamur promiſionibus Chrifti, cum illa oratione, Meritis et precibus fue pie matris, lie- nedicat nos Filius Dei Patris. Et, ur hec premiſſa devotius et fervidius im- poſterum obferventur, omnibus. Chriſti fidelibus, tam parochianis noftris, quam aliis, quorum dioceſani hanc noftram indulgentiam ratam habuerint, de peccatis fuis vere contritis, et conf effis, qui, ut premittitur, pie oraverint, ſeu de bonis Gibi à Deo collatis fabrice feu confrarie eccleſie noftre fupradi&te, pias elemoſinas fuerint elargiti, de Dei miſericordia confidentes quadragin ta dies de injuncta fibi penitentia miſericorditer in Domino relaxamus, In cujus rei teftimonium figillum noſtrum fecimus hiis apponi. Dat'a- pud Hertlebure xxii. die menſis Septembris, anno Domini millefimo CCCº. ſexageſimo fecundo, et conſecrationis noftre primo (9). samil ligt boup bir 108. Papa ad regem, de proviſione . ... q . olan Rbanus, epiſcopus, ſervus fervorum Dei, cariſſimo in Chrifto filio, Ed. wardo, regi Angliæ illuſtri, falutem et Apoſtolicam benedictionem. Gratiæ divinæ præmium et præconium humanæ laudis acquiritur, fi per ſe- culares principes, ecclefiarum prælatis, præſertim eccleſiarum cathedralium, regimini præſidentibus, oportuni favoris præfidium et honor debitus impenda- tur. Dudum fiquidem provifiones omnium eccleſiarum cathedralium, ex tunc in antea vacaturarum, per tranſlationes de prælatis earum, ubilibet conſtitutis, per nos faciendas impofterum ad alias ecclefias cathedrales, tunc vacantes, et in antea vacaturas, ordinationi et difpofitioni noftræ duximus refervandas. Decernentes ex tunci. irritum et inane, ſi ſecus ſuper hiis, per quoſcunque quavis auctoritate, ſcienter vel ignoranter contingeret attemptari. Poftmo- dum vero, eccleſia Wygornenfi , exveo paftoris folatio deſtituta, quod nos venerabilem fratrem noftrum Willielmum, epiſcopum Wygornienfem in archiepifcopum Cantuarienfem electum, licet abſentem, a vinculo, quo eidem Wygornienſi ecclefiæ, cui tunc præerat, tenebatur, de fratrum no- ſtrorum conſilio, et Apoftolicæ poteſtatis plenitudine abſolventes, ipſum ad eccleſiam Cantuarienfem tune vacantein, auctoritate Apoſtolica duxi- mus transferendum, præficiendo eum dictæ ecclefiæ Cantuarienfi - in archie- : (q) Barnet. f. 14. @ I i piſcopum 122 A P P E N D I X piſcopum et paſtorem, nos ad proviſionem ipfius Wygornienfis ecclefiæ ce- lerem et felicem, de qua nullus, præter nos, ea vice ſe intromittere po- tuerat, neque poterat (reſervatione et decreto obfiftentibus fupradi&tis) ne ipſa Wygornienſis eccleſia diutinæ vacationis fubjaceret incommodis, pater- nis et folicitis ftudiis intendentes ; poft deliberationem, quam fuper hiis, cum eiſdem fratribus habuimus diligentem, demum ad venerabilem fratrem noftrum Willielmum, Wygornienfem, tunc Ciceſtrenſem epiſcopum, confi. deratis grandium virtutum meritis et muneribus gratiarum, quibus perſonam ſuam, prout fidedignorum, percepimus teſtimonio, Altiſſimus inſignivit : Quodque ipfe Willielmus, qui regimini ejuſdem eccleſiæ Ciceſtrenſis hac- tenus laudabiliter præfuit, præfatam Wygornienſem eccleſiam fciet et po- terit, auctore Domino, ſalubriter gubernare, direximus oculos noſtræ men- tis. Intendentes igitur, tam dictæ ecclefiæ Wygornienfi , quam ejus gregi Dominico, falubriter providere, ipſum Willielmum à vinculo, quo dictæ ecclefiæ Ciceſtrenſi, cui tunc præerat, tenebatur, de ipforum fratrum conſi- lio, et Apoftolicæ potcftatis plenitudine abſolventes, ipfum ad pra fatam Wygornienſem eccleſiam, auctoritate prædi&a duximus transferendum, ip- fumque illi præfecimus in epiſcopum et paſtorem, curain et adminiſtra- tionem ipfius eccleſiæ Wygornienſis eidem Willielmo in ſpiritualibus et tem- poralibus plenarie committendo, liberamque fibi tribuendo licentiam ad e- andem ecclefiam tranſeundi, firma ducti fiducia, quod, ipfius Willielmi ac- tu et opera (illius clementia dirigente, à quo univerſorum cariſmatum do- na proveniunt) prælibata eccleſia Wygornenſis, per ipfius Willielmi curio- ſam folertiam, ſuumque miniſterium ftudiofum, honoris et proſperitatis multiplicibus proficier incrementis. Quocirca ſerenitatem regiam rogamus, et hortamur attente, quatinus eundem epiſcopum, una cum ecclefia fuo commiſſa regimini, habens pro divina et Apoſtolicæ fedis, et noſtra reve- rentia propenfius commendatos, fic eiſdem te exhibeas favore regio bene- volum, et in oportunitatibus gratioſum, quod idem epiſcopus, per auxili- um tuæ gratiæ, in commiſſo ſibi eccleſiæ præfatæ regimine, utilius profi- cere valeat; tuque proinde conſequaris præmia felicitatis æternæ, etiam celfitudinem regiam condignis poſſumus in Domino laudibus com- mendare. Enter Dat’ Viterbii v. Id. Octobris, pontificatus noſtri anno fexto. 16 Anno Domini millefimo trecenteſimo fexageſimo nono, Indictione ſeptima, et pontificatus domini papæ prædiéti ſeptimo anno, et domini Edwardi , regis An- gliæ, tertii d conquæftu, quadragefimo tertio, infra palatium in camera ipfius do- mini regis, apud Weſtmonaſterium prop London, quarta die menfis Junii, dominus Willielnius de Lenn, epiſcopus Wygornienfis, olim Ciceſtrenfis, eodem domino noftro rege tunc præſente, renuntiavit liberationi temporalium' ipfius e- piſcopatus per papam faétæ fibi, et renuntiavit, quoad hoc, omni vigori et effettui literarum Apoftolicarum prædictarum, et deinde fecit fidelitatem fuam ditto domino noſtro regi in forma capituli. et nos Ego right, Cartarum Originalium. 123 at Ego cpiſcopus ... mutatis mutandis de jurejurandu, et alias conſueta oth prilor abih ter acer aftantibus et præfentibus, neto Venerabili patre, domino Willielmo de Wykebam, poftus 2011 juisit Wyntonienſis epifcopo. --tag iberjast Illuftri domino, Johanne, duce Lancaſtriæ ; colored sn B Et Thoma, ejus fratre germano. Ricardo Arundellæ. Humfredo de Bown, Herefordiæ. Thoma de Bello Campo, Warrewyk, comitibus. Dominis of bowall mcadab Willielmo, domino de Latymer, ſeneſcallo. cimental pole mille Alano de Bushill, camerario regis . osle 4 sue Dominis, Petro de Lafcy. Johanne de Branketre. et Willielmo de Thrington, ಮಕರ : Notariis regis (r). sono mettore my 170 109. Mandatum domini epiſcopi ne Lollardi predicent infra ſuam dioceſim. Enricus, miſeratione divina, Wygornien. epiſcopus, dilectis filiis Wy- gornie et Glouceſtrie archidiaconis noftris, ac omnibus et ſingulis ab. batibus, prioribus, decanis, eccleſiarum rectoribus, et vicariis, eorumque lo- ca tenentibus, presbyteriſque parochialibus, curatis, et non curatis, ac pa- rochianis noftris quibufcumque per noftram civitatem et dioceſim, ubilibet conſtitutis, falutem, gratiam, et benedictionem. Frequenti clamore et divul- gata fama, quod dolentes referimus, ad noſtrum pervenit auditum, quod licet, fecundum canonicas fan&tiones, nemo prohibitus, vel non miffus, abf- que ſedis Apoftolice, vel epiſcopi loci auctoritate, fibi predicationis offici- um uſurpare debeat publice vel occulte. Quidam tamen eterne dampna- tionis filii, antechriſti diſcipuli, et Machamite fequaces, inſtigatione diabo- lica conſpirati, in collegio illicito, et à jure reprobato, nomine, feu ritu Lollardorum confederati, magiſter Nicholaus Hereford, Johannes Afthton, domini Johannes Perney, Johannes Parker, et Robertus Swynderby, in- fania mentis perducti, ac fue falutis immemores, fub magne fanctitatis ve- lamine, venenum ſub labiis in ore mellifluo habentes, zizaniam pro fru- mento in grege Dominica ſeminantes, devotiones Chriſti fidelium ecclefie Dei et ejus miniftris folitas conferri, ab eiſdem fubtrahere, et ipfis cupi. ditati deditis, et avaritia obcecatis, eorumque diſpoſitionibus et ordinationi- bus attrahere et appropriare nituntur, ac nonnullas propoſitiones et con- cluſiones hereticas, atque falſas, ab eccleſia Dei dampnatas, determinatio- (-) Rym. Fæd. T. vi. p. 596,597. naman ang po onibus 124 A P P. E N D I X : onibus fancte ecclefie et ſanctorum patrum repugnantes, que ftatum totius eccleſie Dei, noſtreque dioceſis, et tranquillitatem regni ſubvertere, et in quantum in eis eft, ennervare nituntur, tam in ecclefiis et earum cimi- teriis, quam in plateis, et quampluribus loci prophanis dicte noſtre dio- cefis non verentur aſſerere, dogmatizare, et publice predicare, ac fecrete in aulis, cameris, ortis, et gardinis Chrifti fideles utriuſque ſexus auricu- Jare, et ipſos, prout facti notorietas ad nos deduxit, ſua hujuſmodi per- verſa doctrina inficientes, et tanquam diaboli membra, à fide catholica, fine qua non eſt ſalus, facientes flebiter deviare. Nos, ipforum pernicio- fis auſibus occurrere, ac predicto morbo peſtifero medelam apponere, cu- pientes, prout noftro in hac parte incumbit officio paftorali, attendenteſ- que, quod tam perniciofum exemplum atque malum in plurimos ferpere poterit, eorum animas letali contagione necando, nec debeamus, ficuti nec debemus fub diffimulatione tranſire, et velatis oculis tollerare, ne fanguis eorum de noſtris manibus requiratur ; ſed illud in quantum nobis ex alto permittitur, tanquam tribulos et fpinas de agro Dominico radicitus extir- pare volentes : et preſertim cum in conciliis provincialibus per venerabi- lem patrem et dominum W. Cantuar. archiepiſcopum Oxon. et London. nuper celebratis, de conſenſu fratrum noftrorum epiſcoporum conſilio et aſſenfu, ſacreque theologie doctorum, et juris canonici et civilis profeſſo- rum, et aliorum clericorum, qui famoſiores e: peritiores de regno judi- cantur dicte conclufiones et propofitiones quedam heretice, quedam erro- nee atque falſe, ab eccleſia Dei reprobate fuiffe et dampnate. Vobis igi- tur omnibus et fingulis tenore preſentium monemus "primo, ſecundo, et tertio, ac diftrictius inhibemus pro prima monitione unum diem, fro fe- cunda alium diem, et pro tertia monitione canonica unum alium diem aſlignando, nequis veftrorum de cetero cujufcumque ftatus aut condicionis exiftat, hereſes, feu errores predicas, vel earum aliquem teneat, doceat predicet, vel defendat; ac dictos magiſtros *N. 'Hereford, et J. Alfhton, dominos J. Perney, J. Parker, et Rob. Swinderby, aut aliquem alium de eorum ſecta prohibitum, per dioceſanum non miſſum, vel de cujus pote- ftate non conftiterit ad predicanduin, in veftris eccleſiis, vel earumdem cimiteriis, aut dictarum parochiarum locis prophanis quibufcumque admit- tat, aut eorum aliquem predicantem audiat vel auſcultet ; fed ftatim tan- quam ſerpentem peſtiferum venerium emittentem fugiat et evitet, ſub na excommunicationis majoris, quam in vos omnes et ſingulos in hac par- te rebelles, et monitionibus noftris non parentes, lapſis illis tribus diebus pro monitione canonica affignatis, mora, culpa, et offenfa veſtris preceden- tibus, et id merito exigentibus, ex nunc prout ex tunc ferimus in his ſcriptis, ac etiam promulgamus. Et fi ex tunc, quod abfit, predictas cen- ſuras non curantes, et contra premiſſa feceritis, aut aliq.ein eorumdem fuftinueritis animo indurato ecclefias et cimiteria in quibus, vel fi in locis prophanis quibuſcumque dictarum parochiarum noſtre dioceſis, admittuntur, predicent, aut audiantur, contra noftras inhibitiones fuperius prenotatas ſul- pendimus à divinis. Inhibentes omnibus et fingulis curatis et presbyte. ſis quibufcumque, ne in eiſdem aut earum aliqua fub irregularitate pre- dicta, pe: Cartarum Originalium. 125 1. dicta, ante fufpenfionis hujuſmodi relaxationem divina celebrare preſumant. Dat' in manerio noftro de Hembury Saltmerſch primo die Auguſti, anno Do- mini Mº. CCC°. LXXXVII°. et noſtre conſecrationis duodecimo (s). master mu? 1931, lidoilanib, soitu miltisits ili ostiut ar 3h 204 19 pago, 110. Bulla de mitra, bacuio, et de aliis. nirdob muflod cum dob bobo de Deusminis 15704 sex H CH LEMENS, epiſcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, dilecto filio Johanni de Eveſham, priori eccleſie Wygornienſis, ordinis fancti Benedi&ti, falutem et Apoftolicam benedictionem. Dum clara merita religionis et vite, ac virtutum inſignia, de quibus apud nos fidedignorum teftimonia te commendant, debita conſideratione penſamus, dignum duximus, ut illa te prerogativa profequamur honoris, per quam eccleſie Wygornienſi , cujus prior exiſtis, honor accreſcat, et fucceffores tui priores ipfius eccleſie hom norentur. Hinc eft, quod nos, tuis fupplicationibus inclinati, auctoritate tibi, et eiſdem fuccefforibus tuis Apoſtolica tenore preſentium indulgemus, ut tu, et iidem fucceffores tui, mitra, anulo, baculo, tunica, et Dalmatica paſto- ralibus uti, ac benedi&tionem folemnem in miffa et menſa dare libere va- leatis, dummodo in benedictionis datione hujuſmodi legatus fedis Apo- ſtolice, vel antiſtes aliquis, non fit prefens. 20* Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam noftre conceſſionis infringere, vel ei aufu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attemptare preſumpſerit, indignationem Omnipotentis Dei, et beatorum Petri et Pau- li Apoſtolorum ejus fe noverit incurfurum.rola inco hubo b Data Aviniondie fexto Idus Januarii, pontificatus noftri anno nono (1). ** SD Semi audishe atvuoy megye o ono () Wakf. f. 128. b. (1) Lib. Penf. f. st. a. 189.15 on directa SE contourt si epilya omnes 34 101 sunimolidoines Due Dominato da ob -lo eurišdu sisi sa ainotoqu sirspollo su tom mogiri olid man inte hentet emolinsdoboza) Hiofeno 195 ogol rau cilief non si pur nos ibéo omo Aids Susta wat omtr912 setbase omituin a no voitettact nuo obra . Kk 11. Literz · Liter ..6 : 126 APPENDIX in omeleta mvb mar outczasy Ibomilorad -- inonsgu 108 Bib ontor Otament no 111.. Litera arcbiepiſcopi ad priorem Wygorn. 9. Mainio om I N Chriſto fili chariſfime, utinam difſenfionis ſcintilla inter verum fratrem noftrum dominum Henricum, Dei gratia, Wygorn. epiſcopum, et vos de hiis exterioribus, que vix congruunt animarum faluti, jam, quod dolemus, in- cenſa, extinguatur providenti cautela, priuſquam aliis fufflatibus in flammam tranſeat deſtructionis porro noftre confiderationis judicio ſtatus veſtre de- centie non detrahitur, fi careatis, in preſentia prelati et pontificis, cui à vobis reverentia debetur, ulu paſtoralis baculi, ut fic aliqualiter prelationis diſtinctio à ſubditis cognofcatur. Non omnino prior nofter, qui in loco eminentiori pre- ponitur, in preſentia, noftra uritur baculo paftorali, licer ſede metropolitana va- cante, fibi competat in prelatos et fubditos Cantuarienſis provincie fuperioritas et omnimoda juriſdictio fpiritualis, femper in Chrifto valete. Scriptum in manerio noftro, &c. (u). I ce 112. Litera Ricardi, epiſcopi Wygorn. de intronizatione fua: mi Diteltu Im 00 BTOB N Chriſte fili et amice dilectiſfime, loco falutationis confuete premiſſa bene dictione paterna. Nos à diu,licet invitos, à noſtra dioceſi abfentantes,com- miſli nobis regiminis neceſſitas oneroſa, totiuſque cleri noftri nobis multum be- nevoli gratiſſima liberalitas preexperta , excitant et inducunt, ut ad citius vi- dendum vos et illos, et fpecialiter miri decoris pulcherrimam fponfam noftram, ad partes illas, cum omni celeritate poſſibili libentius feftinemus. Quamobrem in ecclefia noſtra cathedrali die quarto Februarii intronizari et inſtallari, volente Domino, proponentes, amicitiam veftram votivis affectibus imploramus, qua- tinus eiſdem die et loco vos, una cum aliis, tunc ibidem valentibus dominis et prelatis ad honoris noftri, et eccleſie noſtre amplius incrementum, nobiſcum ad. effe velitis in hujuſmodi folenniis, et in menfa. Et quanquam vobis convivium delicatum pro tunc promittere non audemus, nichilominus tot et tantorum amicorum concurrentium mutua colloquia et perſonalis preſentia uberius ſolati- um loco delicatioris ferculi diſcumbentibus miniſtrabunt, et ulterius vultum hila- rem et cor gratum habebitis, ut ſperamus. Vos diu conſerver in proſperis Fili- us Virginis gloriofe. Script. Jan. A. D. milleſimo quadringenteſimo ſe cundo, et noftre tranſlationis fecundo (x). 21 (u). Lib. alb. f. 412. b. (x) Clifford. f. $4, b. ITS,. De Cartarum Originalium. 127 113. De reſtitutione temporalium Wygornienfis epiſcopatus. . EX eſcaetori ſuo in comitatu Wygorniæ, falutem. 'n brandiaran Sin Cum dominus fummus pontifex venerabilem patrem Thomam, nuper epiſcopum Landavenſem, à vinculo, quo eidem ecclefia tenebatur, abfolve- rit, et ipfum ad eccleſiam Wygornienfem, vacantem per tranflationem Ricardi, nuper epiſcopi ejuſdem eccleſiæ Wygornienfis, tranſtulerit, ipfum- que in epiſcopum di&ti loci Wygorniæ præfecerit et paftorem : ficut per literas bullatas ipſius domini ſummi pontificis nobis inde directas, nobis conftat ; nos, pro eo, quod idem epiſcopus omnibus et fingulis verbis, no- bis, et coronæ noftræ præjudicialibus, in dictis literis bullatis contentis, coram nobis palam et expreſſe renuntiavit ; et gratiæ noftræ humiliter fe fubmifit, volentes cum eo in hac parte agere, gratioſe cepimus fidelita- tem ipſius epiſcopi, et temporalia dicti epifcopatus Wygorniæ, prout mo- ris eft, reſtituimus eidem. Et ideo tibi præcipimus, quod eidem epiſco- ro temporalia prædicta, cum pertinentiis in balliva tua liberes, in forma prædicta, ſalvo jure cujuſlibet. Teſte rege apud Glouceſtr. viceſimo die Novembris. ait One Per ipſum regem. Confimilia brevia diriguntur efcaetoribus ſubſcriptis , fub eadem data, videlicet, Eſcaetori regis in Com. Glouc. Efcaetori regis in Com. Middl. Eſcaetori regis in Com Warr. : . Et mandatum eſt militibus, &c. (y). pianto (). Rym. Fød. T. viii. P.- 503. Bilanteessa para la internet ismét met hulle nie robertsolare observed to be comuni Cataratabunge wanaoguth I14. Pro * 128 APPENDIX sinnige 114. Pro epiſcopo Wygorniæ. EX omnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Sciatis, quod de gratia noſtra ſpe- ciali, et tam conſideratione grandium onerum, quæ venerabilis in Chriſto pater, Thomas, epiſcopus Wygornienlis ante hæc teropora fuftinuit, quam pro eo, quod ipſe majorem quercuum quantitatem in boſco ſuo, infra fo- reſtam noftram de Fekenham, quam in aliquo alio boſco maneriis epiſco- patui fuo Wygornienfi fpectantibus, magis propinquo habet : Conceſſimus eidem epiſcopo licentiam ad tot quercus, fibi et epiſcopatui fuo prædicto pertinentes, infra dictam foreſtam noſtram, quod fummam ducentarum mar- carum atringent, per ſuperviſum viridariorum ibidem profternendum, et venditioni exponi faciendum, pro domibus maneriorum fuorum prædicto. rum, quæ in pluribus locis multipliciter defectivæ et ruinofæ exiſtunt, in- de reparandis et emendandis, et quæ per ipſum, tempore competenti, abf- magnis cuſtubus ac etiam abſque eo, quod per venditionem quercuum prædictarum relevari poſſit, competenter reparari non poterunt et emendari. In cujus, &c. Jadi au Teſte rege apud Weſtmonaſterium, decimo feptimo die Junii. Per breve de privato ſigillo (2). que fuis R. ob du Sciroda 115. Pro epiſcopo Wygornienſi de mutuo. psilah ॥ No mo mai ino EX omnibus, &c, ſalutem. Sciatis, quod, cum venerabilis in Chriſto pater, Thomas, epiſcopus Wygornienſis, conſideratis grandibus culti- bus et expenſis, quos nos pro communi commodo, circa proſecutionem et adeptionem juris noſtri (Deo dante) in partibus Aquitaniæ, ac alibi in partibus tranlinarinis, infra breve facere oportebit, fummam ducentarum marcarum nobis gratanter mutuaverit, et thefaurario noſtro Angliæ fum- mam illam ad opus noſtrum perſolverit, nos (pro fecuritate ipfius cpilcom pi, ac prompta reſolutione fummæ prædictæ eidem facienda providere vo- lentes) conceſimus, et verbo regio promittimus præfato epiſcopo, et exe- cutoribus ſuis, quod ipfi, de ſumma prædicta, de denariis provenientibus de medietate decimæ, nobis per clerum Cantuarienſis provinciæ in ulti- ma Convocatione fua facta conceſſe, ad feftum fancti Martini in yeme proximo futurum folvenda, per manus fuas, ac collectorum medietatis de cimæ prædictæ in dioeceſe Wygornienſi deputatorum, feu deputandorum, fideliter perſolvatur, videlicet, per manus ipfius epiſcopi, pro fpiritualibus et temporalibus fuis de viginti et ſex libris, duobus folidis, tribus dena- (z) Rymn. Fæd. T. viii [:535: siis Cartarum Originalium. 129 riis, et uno obolo. Per manus collectorum dictæ medietatis decimæ in archidiaconatu Glouceftriæ, de quinquaginta et tribus libris, duodecim foli- dis, duobus denariis, et uno obolo, Et per manus collectorum ejufdem medietatis in archidiaconatu Wygornienſi , de quinquaginta et tribus libris, duodecim folidis, et duobus denariis, virtute talliarum, fuper dictos epi- ſcopum et collectores ad collectores ad receptam ſcaccarii noſtri, pro eodem epiſcopo, viceſimo quinto die Julii proximo præterito, de eiſdem ſummis feparatim levaturum ; et et quod talliæ prædictæ ſibi inde ad dictam receptam, prædicitur, levatæ, nec earum aliqua, prætextu aliquarum aliarum aſſigna- tionum, exonerationum, vel pardonationum, per nos, hæredes, feu ſucceflores noſtros, de medietate prædicta de cætero faciendarum, nullatenus caſſentur, adnullentur, revocentur, feu abſque conſenſu prædicti epiſcopi mutentur, feu mutetur. Nec quod dicta ſumma ducentarum marcarum, aut aliqua par- cella inde, contra dictam conceſſionem noſtram nobis, aut hæred bus no- ſtris, vel ad opus noſtrum, aut hæredum noftrorum, aliqualiter folvatur, nec per ipſos, ſeu hæredes noſtros percipiatur, recipiatur, allignetur, aut pardonetur ; injungentes præfatis collectoribus, et eorum cuilibet, et e- orum attornátis et deputatis, quatinus dictas ſummas de medietate præ- dicta, ſuper ipſos per tallias prædictas ſic levaras, eidem epiſcopo, aut executoribus ſuis, folvant tallias dicas ſummas continentes, penes ſe, loco acquietantiæ recipientes. Volumus etiam, et concedimus præfato epiſcopo pro nobis, hæredibus, et ſucceſſoribus noftris, per preſentes, quod nec prædictus epilcopus, nec fucceffores, aut executores ſui, nec terrarum te- nentes fui onerentur, nec eorum aliquis impofterum oneretur ad com- putandum in ſcaccario noſtro, hæredum, vel fuccefforum noftrorum, nec a libi de fumma prædicta, nec de aliqua parcella ejuſdem. Nec quod ipfe, aut ſucceſſores, ſeu executores ſui, ſeu eorum terrarum tenentes, inde moleftentur, impetantur, nec aliq o modo per nos, hæredes, vel ſucceſſores noftros, de receptione ſummx prædictæ, vel alicujus inde parcellæ, moleftentur, feu graventur, nec eorum aliquis moleſtetur, vel gravetur quoquo modo in futurum. wih bolno17 Volentes infuper, et concedentes pro nobis, hæredibus, et ſucceſſoribus noftris, quod didi colledores, et eorum quilibet, ac eorum deputati et af- fignati, in eorum compotis, ad didum ſcaccarium noftrum, de medietate prædicta faciendis, de ſummis prædictis, dicto epiſcopo, aut executoribus fuis, virtute talliarum prædictarum folvendis, ut prædicitur, fine quacum- que contradi&tione noftra, hæredum vel ſucceſſorum noftrorum, quorum- cumque exonerati exiſtant pariter et quieti. Et quod chefaurarius et barones de ſcaccario noftro, qui nunc funt, feu qui pro tempore erunt, aliquam exonerationem, five allocationem ad idem ſcaccariurn noſtrum, eiſdem collectoribus in compotis ſuis de medietate prædi&ta, de aliquibus aliis ſummis, per ipfos collectores inde colligendis, antequam dicta ſum- ma ducentarum marcarum, de dictis primis denariis per eoſdem collec- tores ejuſdem medietatis levandis, præfato epiſcopo, aut executoribus fuis plenarie perfolvatur, minime faciant, nec fieri permittant quovis modo, contra 130 APPENDIX In cujus, &c. Teſte rege u064 contra vim et effectum taliarum prædi&arum. apud Weſtmonafterium duodecimo die Julii. Per ipſum regem et concilium (a) Dubb MSENDBRUD din ng ibaia zivot pigsbyoub iqa 116. Forma electionis Philippi Morgan in epiſcopum Wigorn. SOM N Dei nomine. Amen. Per preſens publicum Inſtrumentum cun&tis appareat evidenter, quod anno ab Incarnatione Domini, ſecunduni cur- fum et computationem ecclefie Anglicane, millefimo CCCCXIX. indic- tione XII. pontificarus fanctiſſimi in Chriſto patris, ac domini noftri, do- mini noftri Martini, divina providentia pape Quinti anno fecundo, menſis. Aprilis die viceſima quarta, in domo capitulari eccleſie cathedralis Wy- gorn. venerabiles et religiofi viri fratres Johannes. Fordham, prior ecclelie predicte, et ceteri in di&ta ecclefia monachi, et ordinem regularem fanc- ti Benedicti, ut afferuerunt, exprefſe profeſi.' In mei notarii publici, ac diſcretorum virorum magiftri Ricardi Grafton, in legibus bacularii , ac do- mini Johannis Brewer, capellani, et Willielmi Drawer, literati Wygorn. dioc, ceſtium ad hoc per prefatos priorem et capitulum fpecialiter rogato- rum, perfonaliter conſtituti , capitulariter congregati, et hora capitulari, ut mihi apparuit, capitulum ibidem facientes, fuper prefixione et aſſig- natione terminum , ad eligendum epifcopum dicte ecclefie futurum, per mortem bone memorie domini Thome Peverell, ultimi epiſco- pi dicte ecclefie, qui fecundo die menſis Martii tunc ultimo preterito diem ſuum in manerio ſuo de Hambury in Salſo Mariſco clauſit extre- mum, regimine paſtoris deſtitut. faciend. et ftatuend. tractarunt in com- muni Et. tandem prefatus Johannes Fordham, prior, de communi con- fenfu et affenſu expreſſo omnium et fingulorum ſuorum confratrum predic- torum fuperius nominatorum, ac ipſius et ipforum vice, nomine, et vo- luntate expreſſis, die Lune, viz. vicefimum quartum die predicti menſis Aprilis : proxime tunc futurum, hora capitulari ejuſdem diei confueta, cum continuatione et prorogatione dierum et horarum fequentium, fi oporteat, uſque ad finalem expeditionem negotiorum hujufmodi ad tracrandum in ipfa domo capitulari de electione futuri pontificis ipſius eccleſie et paſtoris hu- jufmodi canonice eligendi, et electionem hujuſmodi celebrandum, ipſomet Johanne priore, et ceteris commonachis omnibus et fingulis ſuperius no- minatis ibidem tunc, ut prefertur, capitulariter et perſonaliter congregati, cum tunc, ut dicebant, plures, aut alius in numero non erant, nec erat, in dicta ecclefia monachi ordinem predictam profeſli ſeu profeffus, nec ali- quis alius, qui deberet feu debet, poſſent feu poffet, vellent ſeu vellet in hujas eleccionis negotio, de proximo epiſcopo futuro celebrando, de con- fuetudine, vel de jure, quam prior et monachi fupradicti prefixit, ftatuit, et aſſignavit." Quo die adveniente, videlicet, xxiiii. die predicti menſis A- prilis, anno Domini, Indictione, pontificatus, ac loco prefatis, pro elec- muda 303 OGOgile obots roup sotietoq nuit bort mot orining tugevlohoq sr tione (). Rym, Fad. T. viii. p. 767. Cartarum Originaisum. 131 6 ecclefie veítre predicte neceſſarius, nobiſque et' regno noftro utilis et fi. tione füturi epiſcopi, ut premittitur, allignato, in preſencia mei notarii publici, et venerabilium virorum magiftrorum Ricardi Grafton er Wil lelmi Burdone, in legibus bacularii, ac Johannis Ledbury, Johannis Stokes, et Joh. Sywnerton, publicorum auctoritate Apoftolica norariorum, teſti- um ad hoc rogatorum, prefatus Johannes Fordham, prior, et cereri com- monachi ſupradiéti in dicta ecclefia convenerunt perſonaliter, et in ea. dem eccleſia miſla de fancto Spiritu exſtitit per unum monachorum pre- dictorum ad fummum altare ecclefie predicte devote celebrata ; et poft celebrationem dicte miffe, ante horam decimam ejufdem diei, prefatus Jhannes, prior, et omnes monachi fupradicti, in predicta domo capitu- lari comparuerunt, et in eadem domo capitulari capitulum facientes, "fra- cer Thomas Ledbury, bacularius theologie, monachus ecclelie predi&te, publice in lingua Latina propoſuit Verbum Dei ; et prepoſitione hujuſmo- di ſermonis finita, Johannes, prior fupradi&tus, fecit licentiam regiam eis, et ecclefie predicte conceffam, et ibidem exhibitam, ad eligendum notum epiſcopum et paftorem, per fratrem Johannem Clyve, facriſtam dicte ec- clefie, et monachum, publice perlegi, cujus licencie regie tenor fequitur in hec verba : hala • Henricus, Dei gratia, rex Francie et Anglie, et dominus Hibernie · dilectis fibi in Chrifto priori et conventui ecclefie cathedralis Wygorn, • falutem. Ex parte veſtra nobis eſt humiliter fupplicatum, ut cum ec- clefia veſtra predicta, per inortem bone memorie Thome, ultimi epiſco- pi ecclefie illius, paftoris fit folatio deſtituta, alium vobis eligendi in e- piſcopum et paftorem ejuſdem eccleſie licentiam vobis concedere digna- Nos precibus veſtris in hac parte favorabiliter: inclinati, licen- * tiam illam vobis, tenore preſentium, duximus concedendam. Mandantes, quod talem vobis eligatis in epifcopum et paftorem, qui Deo devotus, delis exiftat. In cujus rei teſtimonium has literas noſtras fieri fecimus patentes. Teſte meipfo apud civitatem Ebroycen. xxv. die Martii, anno no regni noftri feptimo. aonibsgut the reasonra Qua quidem litera, fic, ut premittitur, lecta, ſtatim poft in communi lecta fuit publice conſtitutio Concilii Generalis, que fic incipit : Quia prop ter, ut eft moris ; et illa Conſtitutio fuit expoſita eis in lingua Latina et ſtatim poft lecturam et expofitionem Conſtitutionis predicte, prefatus Johannes Fordham, prior, de conſenſu et voluntate tunc expreſfis omni- um commonachorum et confracrum fuorum predictorum, vice fua, ac no- mine omnium et fingulorum de capitulo feu conventu dicte ecclefie, quaſdam monitionem et proteſtationem fecit in fcriptis, ac legit, fub hao forma verborum : moon tre be 139 night distans i Esdrasitado e sulle moduan ilusni 1903 wontstola bo karlisl muulusione sa 129OT003 IN remur. 2 . 132 A P PENDI X 9 : IN IN DEI NOMINE. AMEN. Ego, frater Johannes Fordham, prior eccleſie cathedralis Wygorn. dioc. vice mea, et nomine omnium et ſin- gulorum monachorum de capitulo eccleſie fupradicte, de voluntate er conſenſu eorundem, moneo hic publice omnes excommunicatos, ſuſpen- ſos, et etiam interdictos, et alios, li qui forſan ſunt hic inter nos, qui de jure, ſeu conſuetudine, in iſto electionis negotio intereſſe non debeant, feu non debent, quod de hoc capitulo noftro, feu domo noſtra capitu- lari, ſtatim recedant, me, et alios commonachos, et confratres dicte ec- - cleſie in dicta domo capitulari congregatos, et capitulum facientes, ad quos jus et poteſtas eligendi pertinet, libere eligere permittentes. Pro- teſtans, quod non eſt mea, vel aliorum premiſforum confratrum meo- rum voluntas vel intentio tales admittere tanquam jus in electione habentes, aut procedere, ſeu eligere cum eiſdem. Ymmo volo, et vult quilibet noſtrorum, quod voces talium, fi qui reperiantur, poſtmodum “ nulli preſtent ſuffragium, nec afferant alicui nocumentum, ſed prorſus pro non receptis, ſeu pro non habitis, penitus habeantur. Quibus quidem monititione et proteſtatione fic factis, venerabiles viri magi- ſtri Ricardus Grafton, et Willelmus Burdone, in legibus bacularius, ac Jo. hannes Ledbury, et et Johannes Stokes, publice auctoritate Apoſtolica notarii, ego Ricardus Lanrak, notarius lubſcriptus, proteſtati fuimus, et quilibet noftrorum proteſtatus eft, tunc ibidem, palam, publice, et ex- preſſe, nos non habere aliquod jus intereſſendi cum eis in electionis ne- gotio faciendo per eoſdem de ipforum epiſcopo et paſtore futuro, et ideo nos velle ab eiſdem priore et capitulo ftatim recedere, niſi eſſe- fpecialiter rogati ad intereſſendum cum eiſdem in negotio predic- Quibus proteſtationibus, fic, ut premittitur, factis, ſtatim poft pre- fatas frater Johannes, prior, et omnes monachi, ſuperius nominati, fic, ut premittitur, capitulariter congregati, et conventum dicte eccleſie, ut michi apparuit, in prefata domo capitulari facientes, rogarunt ſpecialiter prefatos magiſtros Ricardum Grafton, et Willelmum Burdone, Johannem Ledbury, et Johannem Stokes, ſupradictos, et me Ricardum Lanrak, notarium publicum fubfcriptum, quod eſſemus cum eiſdem in toto cjal: dem electionis negotio celebrando ipforum futuri epiſcopi et paltoris, ad regulandum, fi oporteret, hujuſmodi electionis negotium cum eiſdem, perhibendum teſtimonium veritati ſuper actis hujuſmodi negotii, et a- gendis ; expulſis primitus de dicta domo capitulari, quibuſcunque perſonis extraneis jus et vocem in dicta eleccione celebranda non habentibus. Poſtea, per magiſtrum Ricardum Grafton, regulatorem ipfius electionis fuerat tunc expofitum in dicca domo capitulari utrum Der viam ſcro- tinii, compromiſli, aut Spiritus Sancti in hujufmodi electionis negotio effet per eoſdem procedendum. Tandem placuit dicto priori, omnibuf: que, et ſingulis commonachis, et confratribus dicte ecclelie ibidem capi- tulariter congregatis, et capitulum facientibus, ad electionem epifcopi mus to. eorum Cartarum Originalium 133 eorum futuri et paftoris unanimiter et concorditer,per viam Spiritus Sancti velle procedere, et fic ſubito et repente nullo prorfus inter ipfos, ut mihi notario pub- lico videbatur, tractatu prehabito in hac parte, neque aliqua inſtigatione hu- mana aliter precedente feu interveniente, quod ſcivi, vel fcire potui, ego nota- rius infrafcriptus, fed abfqi e aliquo intervallo Spiritus Sancti gratia, ut appa- ruit, inſpirati, prior prefatus, primo et ſtatim, in venerabilem virum magi- ftrum Philippum Morgan, utriuſque juris doctorem, virum utique, ut afferitur, providum et diſcretum, vita et moribus merito commendandum, in ordine ſacerdotali, et etate legitima notorie conſtitutum, de legitimo matrimonio procreatuin, in ſpiritualibus et temporalibus quam plurimum circunſpectum, conſentit ; et ipfum in fuum epiſcopum et paftorem elegit tunc ibidem, et fic incontinenti omnes et finguli monachi ecclelie fupradicte prefatum magiftrum Philippum, una voce, et uno ſpiritu, canonice et concorditer, nullo ipforum commonachorum dicte ecclelie in hac parte diſcrepante, in diate ecclelie epi- fcopum et paſtorem elegerunt, et eidem eccleſie providerunt de eodem , Te Deum folempniter decantantes, et fic decantando, ufque ad fummum altare ejufdem ecclefie proceſſerunt ; finitaque decantatione hujuſmodi, prefatus prior et commonachi eccleſie memorate rogarunt prefarum magiſtrum Willelmum Burdone, ut dictam electionem , fic de prefato fic de prefato magiſtro Philippo concorditer et canonice celebratum publicaret in communi. Qui qui- dem magifter Willelmus ſtatim dictam electionem et formam ejuſdem de prefato circumſpecto viro magiftro Philippo Morgan factam in lingua mater- na, publice alta, et intelligibili voce, coram multitudine populi tunc aftantis, vulgariter publicavit. Et ex tunc dicti prior et commonachi ad alia loca, ubi voluerunt,ſe tunc divertebant. A&ta funt hec,prout fupra fcribuntur et recitantur, fub anno Domini Mº CCCC. XIX. indictione, pontificatu, menſe, diebus, et locis predictis; preſentibus tunc ibidem prefatis magiftris Ricardo Grafton, et Willielmo Burdone, in legibus baccular. ac magiſtris Johanne Ledbury, Jo- hanne Stokes, et Johanne Swynerton, clericis publicis, auctoritate Apoftolica, notariis teſtibus ad premiſſa vocatis fpecialiter et rogatis. Et ego Johannes Stokes, clericus Wygorn. dioc. publicus, auctoritate Apo- ftolica, notarius, premiſlis omnibus et ſingulis, dum fic, ut premittitur, age. bantur, er fiebant, fub anno Domini, Indictione pontificatu, menfis die, et * loco predictis, una cum prenominatis in hujuſmodi electionis intereſſendi re- quifitis, prefixione termini ſtatuti, per predictos priorem, pro electione futu- ri epiſcopi Wygorn et paftoris, et facti, duntaxat exceptis, perſonaliter inter- • fui, eaq.e omnia et fingula fic fieri vidi et audivi, ac de mandato prefati pri- (oris et capituli eccleſie cathedralis predicte aliunde occupatus per alium, fcri- * bi feci, publicavi, et in hanc publicam formam redegi, fignoque et nomine meis folitis et conſuetis per predictum priorem et conventum requifitus et rogatus fignavi, in fidem preſentis inftrumenti, ac omnium et fingulorum premiflorum teftimonium (b). :. ! (b) Reg. Sed. vac, f. (CXL. CCXL!. M m 117. Litera 134 A P P E N D I X these 11%. Litera prioris et conventus ad papam Martinum Quintum. Anctiſlimo in Chriſto patri ac domino, domino Martino, divina provider tia, pape, Quinto, ac univerfalis eccleſie ſummo pontifici, fui humı. les et devoti filii Johannes, prior eccleſie cathedralis beate Marie Wy- gornie, et ejuſdem loci capitulum ordinis fancti Benedicti, cum omni re- verentia et honore devota. pedum oſcula beatorum. Vacante nuper ec- clefia Wygorn. predicta per mortem bone memorie domini Thome Peve. rell, ultimi epiſcopi dicte ecclefe, qui die fecunda menfis Marcii, anno Domini milleſimo CCCC°. decimo octavo, diem fuum claufit extremum, ipfiulque corpore poſtea in eccleſia fratrum Carmelitarum juxta univerſi- tatem Oxon. infra dioc. Lincoln. eccleſiaſtice tradito ſepulture: Nos fra- tres. Johannes Fordham, prior eccleſie cathedralis fupradicte, Johannes Dud- ley ſupprior, Johannes Hatfield elemofynarius, Rogerus Eveſham, Johan- nes Wyrecetre camerarius, Thomas Hertulbury hoftilarius, Thomas Ru- dyng coquinarius, Willelmus Croppethorne infirmarius, Johannes Clyve fa. criſta, Thomas Ledbury baccalarius in theologia, Radulphus Fylkin tum- barius, Johannes Stone, Johannes Lye refectorarius, Johannes Hambury celerarius, Johannes Cowleſdon magiſter capelle, Johannes Temedebury precentor, Johannes Alcetre ſubcamerarius, Ricardus Wyrcetre luccentor, Thomas Colwell tertius prior, Ricardus Cowerne pitanciarius, Thomas Aldurton, Ricardus Tyburton ſubcelerarius, Robertus Lawerne, Willelmus Brokron, Thomas Mufard capellanus, Ricardus Stoolton, Willelmus Ho- dynton ſubſacriſta, Thomas Blakwell quartus prior, Ricardus Barndeſley ſcolaris Oxon. Johannes George, Johannes Esbury, Johannes Why- tynton, Ricardus Lychefeld, Robertus Schrovesbury, Willelmus Her- tulbury, Johannes Sudbury, Johannes Stodley, Willelmus Eveſham, Thomas Littlethull Johannes Stafford, in dicta eccleſia cathe- drali monachi, regulam fancti Benediai in dicta eccleſia cathedrali, ſeu ejus monafterio expreſſe profeſſi, et in facris ordinibus conftituti, et in eiſdem ordinibus publice miniſtrantes, pro talibus etiam notarie habiti et reputati, capitulum ejuſdem eccleſie facientes in domo capitulari ipſius ecclefie congregati . xiiii'. die menſis Aprilis, anno Domini millefimo CCCC°. decimo nono, diem viceſimum quartum dicti menſis Aprilis, cum continuatione et prorogatione dierum fequentium pro electione futuri e- piſcopi dicte eccleſie cathedralis noſtre, et paſtoris, celebranda nobiſmet ipfis prefiximus et. aſſignavimus, de conſenſu noftrorum omnium et fingu- lorum expreſſo. Quibus die et loco nos omnes et ſinguli monachi fupradic- ti ad celebrandum dictam electionem congregati, cum non effent alii, qui hujuſmodi electioni intereſſe deberent, miffa de Sancto Spiritu in choro dicte eccleſie ad magnum altare ejuſdem celebrata fubfequenter, et ympno Veni Creator Spiritus, in domo capitulari ejuſdem capitulari ejufdem folempniter decan- et Cartarum Originalium 135 decantato, optentaque licentia regia, exhibita, et perlecta, pro electione ha. jufmodi facienda, propoſitoque Verbo Dei, et quibuſdam monitionibus per predictum priorem noſtrum, de voluntate et conſenſu expreſſis omnium et fingulorum monachorum dićte eccleſie factis in hac parte, ſub hac forma ver- borum: IN N Dei nomine. Amen. Ego frater Johannes Fordham, prior eccleſie cathedralis Wygornie Wygorn. dioc. vice mea, ac vice et nomine omnium et fingulorum monachorum de capitulo ecclefie fupradicte, de voluntate et 6 conſenſu eorumdem, moneo hic publice omnes excommunicatos, ſuſpenſos, 6. et etiam interdictos, ac alios, fi qui forfan fint hic inter nos, qui de jure, « feu confuetudine in ifto electionis negotio intereſſe non debeant, ſeu non “ debent, quod de hoc capitulo noftro, feu domo noſtra capitulari, ſtatim re- 6. cedant, ine, et alios commonachos, et confratres dicte eccleſie in domo non (ſtra capitulari congregatos, et capitulum facientes, ad quos jus et poteſtas 6 eligendi pertinet, libere eligere permittentes. Proteſtans, quod non eſt mea, 6 vel aliorum premifforum confratrum meorum voluntas, vel intentio, tales admittere, tanquam jus in electione habentes, aut procedere, ſeu eligere cum eiſdem. Ymmo volo, et vult quilibet noftrorum, quod voces talium, fi qui reperiantur poftmodum, nulli preſtent fuffragium, nec afferant alicui nocu- mentum; ſed prorſus pro non receptis, feu pro non habitis penitus habe- 6. antur. Et incontinenter poft premiſſa, exclalis, per priorem et capitulum predic- tos, à dicta domo capitulari, fecularibus, et aliis perfonis quibuſcumque, qui electioni hujuſmodi noſtre intereffe non deberent, exceptis dumtaxat venerabi- libus et difcretis viris magiſtro Ricardo Grafton, et Willelmo Burdone, in legi- bus baccalariis, ac Ricardo Lanrak, Johanne Ledbury, et Johanne Stoke, cleri- cis norariis, auctoritate Apoftolica, publicis, ad intereffendum nobifcum in prefenti electionis negotio, tanquam regulatoribus ejuſdem negotii, et teſtibus per nos aſſumptis fpiritualiter et rogatis, lectaque conſtitutione Concilii Gene- ralis, Quia propter, expoſitifque nobis formis electionum in dicta conftitu. tione contentis et declaratis, ftatim, nullo tractatu interveniente, facta interro- gatione per predictum magiftrum Ricardum Grafton, dicte electionis regulato- rem, per quam viam ad futuri pontificis electionis eſſent proceſſuri, dominus prior antedictus ftatim refpondebat in hunc modum : • Placet mihi de electione Spiritus Sancti, et Spiritus Sancti gratia invoca- ta, magiftrum Philippum Morgan, utriufque juris doctorem, virum uti. que providum et difcretum, vita et moribus merito commendandum, de legitimo matrimonio procreatum, in ordine facerdotali, et etate legitima, * conftitutum, in fpiritualibus et temporalibus plurimum circumſpectum, ſcien item et valentem dicte ecclefie jura tueri, et cui nil obviat de canoni- * cis inſtitutis, eligo in epifcopum et paſtorem ecclefie memorate.' Quo facto omnes et ſinguli commonachi et confratres ejuſdem capituli in con- tinenti in prefatum magiftrum Philippum Morgan fuum prebuerunt confenfum, 6 ac 136 APPENDIX ac unanimiter, et concorditer,ipfum per viam Spiritus Sancti elegerunt canonic tunc ibidem ; moxque Te Deum laudamus decantantes, et ad majus altare dic- te eccleſie cum dicta decantatione procedentes ; demum finita dicta decanta- tione per magiſtrum Willelmum Burdon antedictum, electionem, ut prefertur, de predicto magiſtro Philippo celebratarn fecerunt in lingua materna publice, et alta voce publicari, et ſic ſeceſſerunt ab eccleſia predicta. Ea propter fanctitati veſtre, nos, prior et capitulum fupradi&i, voce unanimni fupplicamus humiliter et devote, quatinus eandem electionem tam concordem fic folempniter et ca- nonice celebratam, benigne dignemini confirmare, ac electo noſtro munus con- fecrationis impendere, et cetera eidem in hac parte neceffaria favorabiliter im- pertiri, ut, Deo auctore, nobis et ecclefie predicte, velut paſtor ydoneus, pre- eſſe valeat, et prodeſſe, nos, fub ipfius regimine, poffumus in regularibus difci- plinis coram Deo ſalubriter militare. Ceterum, ut fanctitas veftra cognofcat evidentius premiffam rei gefte veritatem, nofque in hujufmodi petitione fore unanimes et concordes, fanctitati veſtre prefens electionis noftre decretum tranf- mittimus, quod per Ricardum Lanrak, clericum Oxon. dioc. notarium publi- cum ſubſcriptum, fcribi et publicari mandavimus, ac coram nobis in dicta do- mo noſtra capitulari noſtri communis figilli appenfione fecimus communiri. Dar' et act' quoad figillationem preſentis decreti noſtri viceſimo ſexto die pre- fati menſis Aprilis, fub anno Domini milleſimo CCCC. decimo nono, indic. tione duodecima, pontificatus fanctiſfimi in Chriſto parris, et domini noftri, do- mini Martini, divina providentia, pape Quinti anno fecundo, preſentibus tunc ibidem diſcretis viris, magiſtris Ricardo Grafton, et Willelmo Burdon, cleri- cis, in legibus baccalariis, et notariis publicis ſubſcriptis, reftibus ad premiffa vocatis fpecialiter, et rogatis. ** · Et ego Ricardus Lanrak, clericus Exonienſis dioceſeos, publicus, auc- toritate Apoſtolica, notarius, premiflis omnibus et fingulis, dum fic, ut pre- mittitur, agebantur et fiebant, fub anno Domini, Indictione, pontificat menſe, die, et loco predictis, una cum teftibus in hujufmodi electionis et intereſſen- tibus, prefixione termini ftatuti, per predictos priorem et conventum pro elec- tione futuri epiſcopi Wygorn, et paſtoris, facta, dumtaxat exceptis, preſens interfui, eaque omnia et fingula fic fieri audivi, ac figilli communis dictoruin prioris ex conventus appenfionem vidi, meque aliis negotiis multipliciter im. pedito, per alium fcribi feci, publicavi, et in hanc publicam formam redegi, ſignoque et nomine meis folitis fignavi rogatus et requiſitus, in fidem et te cftimonium omnium et fingulorum premiflorum (c). 0 () Reg. Sed, yac. f. CCXLII, er CCXLIII. 118. De Cartarum Originalium. 137 R olib bol kuo didiniob. 16gos toq shqi mus 10 mb mer Eth bion 118. De Cuftodia temporalium epiſcopatus Wygornix commiffa. HIIDED mwebtrene DORY - 320 E X ornnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Sciatis, quod per manucaptionem Thomæ Guynne de Londonia, et Ricardi Trohaites de comitatu Wy- gorniæ, commiſimus magiſtro David Pryſe, canonico ecclefiæ cathedralis Lincolniæ, et Willielmo Hertlond, cuftodiam omnium temporalium epifco- patus Wygorniæ, nuper per mortem venerabilis patris Tbome Pevereli, nuper epiſcopi loci illius, vacantis, et in manu noftra ex caufa prædic- ta' exiſtentium. Habenda à feſto ſancti Michaelis ultimo præterito, uſque ad diem confectionis præſencium, reddendo nobis pro cuftodia prædicta quadraginta marcas tantum ad ſcaccarium noftrum ad feſtum Nativitatis fancti Johannis Baptiſtæ proximo futurum. In cujus, &c. In cujus, &c. winslo ovli. 16 muitos mwib otsti Teſte Jobanne Duce Bedfordiæ, cuſtode Angliæ, apud Weftmonaſte- rium xviii, die Octobris, in mol 2017 muut Tatlat up an oro Per billam Willielmi Rynwolmerſh, deputati thefaurarii An- baus anger be mug gliæ (d), dikuussy centist wibat mobipile foorové tanta stunt topino storical rogi w zupils ou atrimob orabout on our befa tatoribus non 119. De Requeſtubus pro Tranfituris ad Generale Concilium. ama pest, uradi apite 3D Osho EX univerſis et fingulis regibus, principibus, ducibus, marchionibus, comitibus, nobilibus, baronibus, dominis, vicecomitibus, capitaneis, ca- ſtellanis, conftabulariis, gubernatoribus vicorum, fortalitiorum, civitatum, caſtrorum, et omnibus amicis et benevolis noftris, ac populis cujuſcumque ſtatus, gradus, dignitatis, preeminentiæ, feu conditionis fuerint, ad quos præfentes literæ pervenerint. Salutem in omnium Salvatore. Cum venerabilis pater Thomas, Wygornienſis epiſcopus, pro bono publico militantis eccleſiæ, ac noſtri, regnorum, dominiorum, et ſubditorum no- ſtrorum, in ambaſſiata noftra ad GENERALE CONCILIUM apud civi.. tatem Baſilenſem jam exiſtens, ac alias partes mundi longinquas, ex ordinati- one et appunctuamento noftris, ſe transferre habeat in præfenti. Univerſitatem veſtram multipliciter honorabilem, et quemlibet veſtrum per ſe attentius et efficatius quo poffumus, tenore præſentium, requirimus et roga- mus quatinus RECON (1) Rym. Fæd. T. ix. p. 807. Nn Bundem 138 APPENDIX Eundem epiſcopum, cum ipfe per regna, dominia, territoria, loca, diſtric- tus, juriſdictiones, et poteſtates veſtra, ſeu alicujus veſtrum, per terram vel per aquam tranfire contigerit, noftræ majeftatis intuitu, et harum precum noftrarum fpeciali interventu , propenſius recommendatum ha- bentes. Eundem epifcopum cum familiaribus, equis, bonis, hernefiis, et rebus fuis quibuſcumque recipiatis, et inibi morari, ſeu per eadem regna, dominia, terri- toria, loca, diſtrictus, juriſdictiones, et poteftates, cum fibi placuerit, libere, et abſque impedimento feu perturbatione quacumque redire permittaris, fine folutione Dacii, Pedagii, Gabelli, aut aliqua aperitione manticarum, litera- rum, feu herneſionum, necnon fálvum et ſecurum conductum ac fcortam ſibi, fi neceffe fuerit, fuis fumptibus habere faciatis. Non inferentes eis, nec quomodolibet inferri permittentes, in corpori- bus feu bonis eorumdem, dampnum, impedimentum, violentian, injuriam, moleftiam, aut gravamen, quin potius, fi egeant, eis, in eorum agendis miniſtrare dignemini conſilium , auxilium, et favorem, ac fcortam falvum- que er ſecurum condu&tum per paſſus, ioca, et dominia veſtra, et cu- juflibet veſtrum, rationalibus fumptibus et expenſis. Et fiquid eis in per- Tonis vel rebus injuriatum fuerit (quod nollemus) id indilate reformari cu- retis noftris precibus, et amore. Nos fiquidem fubditis veſtris, et cujuſlibet veſtrum, cum ad regna, feu ad dominia noftra aliquos ex ipſis declinare contigerit, favorem confimilem, et majorem, fi indiguerint, grato animo impendere promittimus, et de fac- to veraciter impendemus. In cujus rei teſtimonium has literas noſtras fieri fecimus patentes, uſque re- ditum prædi&ti epiſcopi in Angliam, duraturas. Dat' fub magni figilli noftri teftimonio, in palatio noftro Weſtm. xxviii . die Novembris (e). moon (e) Rym. Fæd. T. x. p. 5272, con caroledes en 09 malaisilla on ar ansette oman 280 rog Out 19 0019 120. Pre stay with Cartarum Originaltuin. 139 I 20. Pro epiſcopo Wygorn. de exportando. EX omnibus ad no &c. falutem. quos, Sciatis, quod de avifamento et aſſenſu concilii noftri, conceſſimus, er licentiam dedimus venerabili in Chrifto patri Thomæ, epiſcopo Wygorni- enfi, quem in ambaſliata noftra, verſus Generale Concilium apud Baliliam jam exiftens, in præſenti deſtinamus : Quod ipſe bona et jocalia ac vaſa argentea fua uſque ad valorem mille librarum fecum extra regnum noftrum Angliæ ducere poſſit, et cariare abfque perturbatione five imperitione quacum- que noftri, vel hæredum noſtrorum, in futurum ; aliquibus ftatutis five ordi- nationibus, in contrarium factis non obftantibus. In cujus, &c. Teſte rege, apud Weftmonafterium, viceſimo octavo die SOMMERD bloo Per breve de privato ſigillo (f). 121. Pro eodem epiſcopo. EX, &c. ut ſupra ufque ibi jam exiftens, et tunc fic, ad fervitium nobis ibidem impendendum, in præfenti deſtinamus, quod in caſu, quo ipſe, in ambaſfiata noftra prædicta, ultra unum annum moretur, et eodem anno finito, fibi de quingentis marcis, pro expenfis fuis, pro fe- cundo anno, aut aliter, juxta ratam temporis, per quod dictum concilium durabit, per nos minime provideatur, quod ex tunc ipſe à prædi&to con- cilio legitime recedere poſſit, et meare ad Apoſtolos viſitandum, abſque perturbatione, five impetitione quacumque noftri, vel hæredum noſtrorum in futurum. Et quod ipſe, ſimili modo, ab eodem Concilio Generali recedere poſſit, fi fibi per nos de quingentis marcis pro expenfis fuis pro tertio anno,, fi dictum concilium per tantum tempus durare contingat, non provideatur. In cujus, &c Tefte ut fupra. HOS Per breve de privato ſigillo (g! iusi f) Ibid. P: 528. , | () Ibid. Piccolo moglasnim ugoona onunl maoptingo Tatilimit 9oilida muroliga ay ဦးဆောင် 122. Pro 140 A P P E N D I X I 22. Pro epiſcopo memorato.ost RE E X omnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Sciatis, quod nos, de avilamento et conſenſu concilii noſtri, ordina- vimus et appunctuavimus venerabilem in Chriſto patrem, Tbomam, Uygor- nienſem epifcopum, ad eundum, cum aliis, in ambaſſiata noftra verſus Generale Concilium apud Bafiliam, ad prxſens exiſtens. Ac, de gratia noftra fpeciali, et ad requiſitionem prædi&i epiſcopi, nec non ea conſideratione, quod ipfe nobis conceſſit de tranſeundo in eadem ambaſ- liata nobis ferviturus , de aviſamento et aſſenfu dicti concilii noſtri, conceſſimus, et licentiam dedimus eidem epiſcopo, quod ipſe, dicto Gene- rali Concilio finito, diſſoluto, aut ultra unum annum prorogato, limina Apoftolorum licenter viſitare, et ibidem, pro indulgentiis perquirendis, per fpatium unius anni morari poſfit, abſque perturbatione five impetitione noftri, vel hæredum noftrorum quacumque in futurum. In cujus, &c. Teſte Rege apud Weſtmonafterium, viceſimo octavo die Novembris. anonim Per breve de privato figillo (b). bara 123. Receptio ambafiatorum regis in primo congreſu ad Concilium Baſileenſe. 27100 STAR STI ſunt prelati, qui equitando honorarunt dominos epiſcopum Wy- gornenſem, et priorem Northwyceniem ambaſliatores Chriſtianiſſimi principis domini noftri regis Anglie et Francie, in eorum primo congreſſu ad Concilium Baſileenſe. ition ist Deuts In primis, dominus preſidens concilii miſit fratrem fuum, et familiares ſuos. "Item, dominus cardinalis Placentinus miſit J. prepoſitum, er fami- liares ſuos. Item, dominus cardinalis ſancti Euſtachii miſit duos prelatos, et fuos familiares. . Item, dominus epiſcopus Mediolanenlis venit perſo- naliter. Item, archiepiſcopus Lugdunenſis, ambaſliator Delphini, miſit fuos familiares. Item, dominus epiſcopus Conſtantienſis, perfonaliter. Item, e- piſcopus Pavienſis, fimiliter. Item, dominus epiſcopus Cumanus, fimiliter. Item, epiſcopus Laudon. fimiliter. Item, epiſcopus Belicen. fimiliter. I- tem, epiſcopus Auguften, fimiliter. Item, epiſcopus Lawzonen. ſimiliter. Item, epiſcopus Cabilicen. fimiliter. Item, epiſcopus Meſſinen. Item, epi- Pb) Rym. Fæd, T. X. p528. fcopus Cartarum Originalium. S ſcopus Novarien. Item, epiſcopus Albigarien. Item, abbas Siftercien. Item, abbas Virgiliacen. Item, abbas fancti Ambroſii Mediolanen, et un- decim alii abbates, et prior de Caritate. Item, ambaſſator duorum ar- chiepiſcoporum Moguntinen. et Colonen. ac Lodowici, comitis Palatini er ducis Bayarie, electorum facri imperii. Itein, tres turme Boemiorum in opertis equis poſitorum. In prima turma erant Pragenſes in ſecunda erat ſecta Orphanorum et in ea erat Petrus Payo, et alias dicitur Clerk, Anglicus ; et in tertia erat ſecta Thaboritarum ; et erat nu- merus omnium predictorum equitantium, cum fuis familiaribus, uc cfti matur, non minus quam quinginci equeſtres. Quarto vero die Marcii ve . nerunt ambaſliatores domini pape, viz archiepilcopus,, ec ii ab- bates, contra quos equitarunt plures domini et prelati. Acta fuerunt hec menſe Marcii, anno Domini milleſimo CCCC°. tricelmo fecundo, facio Concilio Baſilienſi convenientes in unum *). soit con sus ibnegaianos hqctose to the srol podlab sigolos sosten 124. Forma electionis epiſcopi Thome Bourgcbier. I wistening An&tiflimo in Chriſto patri, ac domino noftro Eugenio, divina providentia, ſacroſancte Romane ecclefie fum 10 pontifici, veſtri oratores continui et devoti in Chriſto filii, frater Johannes Fordam, prior éccleſie cathedralis Wygorn. et ejuſdem loci conventus ordinis ſancti Benedicti, cum omni vene- rancia et honore filiali devotiſſima pedum ofca la beatorum. Cum propter va- carionem diutinam ecclefie paſtoris folatio deftituta in ſpiritualibus er tempo- ralibus difpendia paciantur, conditores canonum, provida deliberatione, ftatu- erunt, quod ultra tres menfes vacare non debeat eccleſia cathedralis , ea- propter ad veſtre beatitudinis notitiam deducimus per preſentes, quod va- cante nuper eccleſia cathedrali predicta per mortem reverende memorie domini Thome Põlton, ultimi epifcopi ejuſdem eccleſie, qui in Concilio Baſilienſi diem fuum clauſit extremum, de cujus morte xxv. die menſis Septembris ultimi preteriti nobis priori et conventui primitus conftabat, et non ante, ipſiuſque domini Thome epifcopi predicti corpore venerabiliter, prout decuit, eccleſiaſtice tradito ſepulture, petitaque ab excellentiſſimo principe et domino, domino Henrico, Dei gratia, rege Anglie et Francie, dicte eccleſie cathedralis fundatore et patrono, ut mor s eft, alium in noſtrum et di&te eccleſie epiſcopum eligendi licentia pariter et optenta. Nos prior, ne dicta eccleſia cathedralis fue viduitatis incommoda diucius deploraret, de voluntate, aſſenſu, et mandato conventus ecclefie cathedralis predicte in domo capitulari, ejufdem eccleſie antepenaltimo die menſis Novembris, anno Domini M. CCCCXXXIII°. inſimul capitulariter congregati, et capitulum five conventum facientes, diem Mercurii, viz, ix. diem mnenſis (1) Lib. alb. f. 144. 0 0 Decembris 142 A PP E N D I X Decembris ex tunc proxime futurum, nobiſmet ipfis, et cuilibet de di&to convento, ad electionem fururi epiſcopi di&te ecclefie cathedralis in domo capitulari tunc faciendam, et ad procedendum in hujufmodi electionis ne- gotio in dicta domo capitulari celebrande necnon ad omnia alia" et fingula facienda, exercenda, et expedienda, que ipſius electionis negotium, et nos in hac parte contingere poterant, vel debeant, et que in eadem requiruntur, uſque ad finalem expeditionem ejuſdem incluſive, cum conti- nuatione et prorogatione dierum tunc fequentium, quouſque ele&io hujuf- modi fuerit celebrata, prefiximus, ſtatuimus, ct aſſignavimus tunc ibidem, Dido vero die Mercurii, viz. di&ti menfis Decembris ix. anno Domini fupradicto, ut prefertur, aſſignato adveniente, miſſa de Spiritu Sancto ad fummum altare dicte ecclefie cathedralis folempniter celebrata, ipfaque fi- nita, et campana adftatim, ut moris eft, ad capitulum live conventum congregandi pulſata, nos, prior, ac omnes er ſinguli de conventu ecclefie cathedralis ſepedicle, videlicet, nos, Johannes Fordam, prior predictus ac frater Thomas Mufard, fupprior, Thomas Ledbury, facre theologie profeffor, Rogerus Eveſham, Will . Cropthorne, Johannes Clyve, Thomas Collewelle, Ricardus Cowarne, Thomas Alderton, Ricardus Tiburtone, Jo- hannes Stafford, Will. Hodynton, Thomas Blacwell, Ricardus Barneſley, Will. Hertilbury, Johannes Whytynton, Johannes George, Ricardus Ly- chefeld, Johannes Sudbury, Johannes Scodley, Thomas Lyllnull, Ricar- dus Wellip, Johannes Hanley, Johannes Malvern, Will. Ludlow, Johan- nes Clyfton, Walterus Evyas, Egidius Holiwell, Egidius Kydermyſtre, Will. Blount, Johannes Morton, Johannes Bokynhull, Johannes Hertilbu- ry, Johannes Worceftre, Johannes Longley, Johannes Evelham, Hugo Leynrwardyn, Ricardus Tendebury, Johannes Webley, Johannes Brogh- tone, Thomas Welford, presbyteri Johannes Lawarn," laac Ledbury, Thomas Wyche, diaconi, et Hugo Knyghton, fubdiaconus, dicte ecclefie cathe- dralis commonachi et confratres, predictum ordinem fancti Benedi&i in di&ta ecclefia cathedrali expreffe profeſi , ac in erate fufficienti et legiti- ma conftituti, cum non fuerunt, neque ſunt, alii feu alius, jus feu vocem in electione hujufmodi habentes, feu habens, qui debuerunt aut debent intereffe, quam nos commonachi et confratres fuperius fpecialiter nomina ti, domum noſtram capitularem ecclefie cathedralis antedicte adivimus, et ibidem capitulariter congregati, er capitulum five 'conventum dicte eccle. fie cathedralis facientes, propoſtoque ibidem per unum de confratribus noftris Verbo Dei , ac ympno Veni Creator Spiritus per nos decantato, er Spiritus San&ti gratia humiliter invocata, prefatus venerabilis vir, fra- ter Johannes Fordam, prior ſupradictus, de voluntare, confenfu, er man- dato omnium monachorum conventus fupradi&i quamdam moniticnem et proteſtationem fecit, et perlegit publice tunc ibidem, fub forma que fe- quitur verborum. dogo In Cartarum Originalium 143 . N Dei nomine. · IN Amen. Ego, Johannes Fordam, prior ecclefie ca- thedralis Wygorn. ac preſidens hujufmodi capituli, vice mea, ac no- inine omnium et fingulorum monachorum de capitulo feu conventu ec- cleſie cathedralis antedicte, ac de mandato et voluntate eorumdem, mo- neo omnes et fingulos excommunicatos, ſuſpenſos, ac etiam interdi&os, ( ac quofcumque alios, fi qui fortan hic fint, qui de jure, vel conſuetu- * dine, feu quavis alia ratione, in inftanti electionis negotio de futuro epifcopo iſtius ecclefie Dei preſidio celebrande intereſſe non debeant, quod à domo ifta capitulari, et hoc capitulo noftro recedant, me, et a- lios commonachos ac confratres meos ecclefie cathedralis predicte voces * in electione hujufmodi habentes, libere eligere permittentes, proteſtans omnibus, via, modo, et forma juris melioribus, quibus efficacius et uti- Jius potero nomine meo, ac vice, nomine, et mandato omnium et fin- gulorem commonachorum et confratrum meorum fupradictorum hic com- parentium jus er voces in ifto electionis negotio habentium, quod non eft mea, vel aliorum confratrum meorum eccleſie cathedralis predic- te intentio feu voluntas tales admittere, tanquam jus fu voces in hujuſmodi electionem habenres, aut procedere, feu eligere cum eiſdem ; ymmo volo, et vult quilibet noftrorum, quod voces raliom, fi que poftmodum reperiantur, quod abfit, in electione hujuſmodi interveniffe, nullem preſtent fuffragium, nec afferant alicui nocumentum, fed pror- • fus pro non receptis, et non receptis, et non habitis, nullifque omnino et invalidis pe- Cnicus habeantur. ident Quibus quidem monitione et proteſtatione fic fa&tis, nulli alii in die ra domo capitulari remanſerunt, preter nos. XLV. commonachos et con- fratres fupradictos, et preter venerabiles et difcretos viros magiſtros Jo hannem Hody, ecclefie cathedralis Wellenſis cancellarium, Johannem Sro- kys, legum doctorem, Adam Moleyns, Johannem Cokkys, in legibus bas calarium, Johannem Skeffy ntone, in decretis bacalarium, Robertum Kent, Robertum Dunnygge, et Thomam Litilbury, notarios publicos, quos fu- pradi&tos magiftros Johannem Hody et Johannem Stokys ad dirigendum nos in actu clearionis hujuſmodi, et ad informandum nos de viis et elec- tonum formis, preftitutoique Robertum Kent, Robertum Donnygg, et Tho- mam Litilbury, notarius predictos, ad reducendum in fcriptis acta five geita in hujuſmodi noſtre electionis negotio, et ad conficiendum inftrumen- ta publica de et ſuper eifdem, prout opus fuerit, ac dictos Adam Mo- leyns, Johannem Cokkys, (et Johannem skeffyngton, ad teftificandum et perhibendum teſtimonium veritati de et fuper a&is et agendis, per nos in hac parte rogavimus et requiſivimus, ac nobiſcumque in dicta domo capitulari fecimus remanere. Lecraq.e coram nobis litera licentie regiefundaroris et parroni ecclefie cathedralis fi pedicte, nobis, ut premitcitur, coneeſſa. Cujus tenor talis eſt: 9119 i moramon 4913119109 ibumitunt Hew- . " mi 144 APP E ND 1 X in nec Henriens, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, &c. Ac nominibus et cognominibus omnium confratrum et commonachorum eccleſie cathedralis predicte; una cedula conſcriptis, publice prélectis, lectum quoque fuit eciam co- ram nobis, et expoſitum, per prefaturn magiſtrum Johannem Stokys, legum doctorem, capitulum, Quia propter, et fingule vie, five forme, deſcripte in eodem ; poft cujus quidem capituli lecturam et expoſitionem, fic, ut prefertur, habitam et factam, immediate, nullo, tractatu prehabito, actu aliquo, 1 ſeu notificatione interveniente, ſupradictus frater Jo- hannes Fordam prior eccleſie cathedralis prelibate, venerabiiem virum magiſtrum Thomam Bourgchier, in facultate artiu m magiſtrum, liberum et legitimum, ac in et de legitimo matrimonio procreațum, virum uti- que providum et diſcretum, literarum ſcientia, vitaque et moribus me- rito commend andum, in ordine ſacerdotali conſtitutum, et in ipirituali- bus et temporalibus plurimun circumſpectum, ſcientem et valentem ju- ra dicte ecclefie cathedralis protegere ſufficienter et tueri, cum quo, ut dicitur, et ut informamur, licet non plenum ſuper etatis fue defectum, ad epiſcopatus dignitatcm optinendam per ledem Apoftolicam in hac parte fufficienter extitit diſpenſatum , in noſtrum et dicte eccleſie. Wygorn. epifcopum elegit, ac probabili dubio et ignorantia ductus eundem ma- giſtrum Thomarn Bourgchier à fanctiſfimo in Chriſto patre, et domino noftro, domino, Eugenio, divina providentia papa noſtra, in e, iſcopum cccleſie cathedralis preaicte poſtulavit, prout, de jure melius valere poteſt." Nofque alii commonachi et confratres fuperius in ſpecie defcripti, om- nes et ſinguli, capitulum ſive conventum ejufdem eccleſie cathedralis, rut premittitur, facientes, nullo noftrorum diſcrepante, et ſubito et repente, nullor contractu , feu acta vel facto aliquo interveniente, ſed abſque inter vallo, Spiritus Sancti gratia, ut firmiter credimus, inſpirante, eundem reve- rendum virum magiſtrum Thomam Bourgchier in noſtrum et prefate eccleſie cathedralis Wygorn. epiſcopum, unico ſpiritu, unico contextu, et una voce, concorditer elegimus. Et propter probabile dubium diſpenſati- onis, fuperius declaratum, eundem magiſtrum Thomam Bourgchier à prefato ſanctiſſimo in Chriſto patre et domino noftro papa predict. in dic- te eccleſie epiſcopum eriam concorditer et unanimiter poftulavimus, prout de jure melius valere poteft, pretextu premiſſorum. Ac data per nos priorem et confratres predictos, fic, ut prefertur, inibi capitulum five con- ventum facientes, fupradicto fratre Thoma Ledbury duntaxat excepto, ei- dem fratri - T home poteſtate fufficiente ad eligendum et poftulandum in communi, prout poteft melius de jure valere, vice fua, ac vice et nomine dictorum priorum et conventus, ac omnium jus et voces in hujuſmodi electione habentium, prefatum magiſtrum Thomam Bourgchier, in noſtrum et dicte ecclefie cathedralis epiſcopum, hujuſmodi electionem et poſtulati- onem, cum factè fuerint, clero et populo, juxta juris exigentiam, folemp- niter publicandan, pariter et conceſſam, prefatus frater Thomas Ledbu- ry, hujuſmodi poteftatem in fe affumens, vice et nomine noſtris, atque vice 9 . 145 Cartarum Originalium. vice ſua coram nobis, ut prefertur, capitulariter congregatis, prefatum ma- giſtrum Thomam Bourgchier in noftrum et fepedicte ecclefie cathedralis Wygorn. epiſcopum publice tunc ibidem elegit, et poſtulavit, ſub hac for- ma verborum : IN 6 6 C N Dei nomine. Amen. Vacante noviter ecclefia ifta cath. Wygorn. per mortem reverende memorie domini, domini Thome, nuper et ultimi epiſcopi eccleſie cathedralis predicte, et prelati regimine deftituta, vo- catis omnibus et fingulis, qui de jure feu conſuetudine fuerunt in hac par- te evocandi, ad electionem futuri epiſcopi celebrandam, et ifto die ad hoc prefixo, preſentibus omnibus et fingulis, qui debuerunt, voluerunt, et po- tuerunt commode intereffe. Nos prior, et omnes confratres et com- • monachi eccleſie cathedralis predicte, reverendum virum, magiftrum Thomam, Thomam Bourgchier, in noftrum et iftius ecclefie epifcopum ' concorditer et unanimiter elegimus, et ex certis caufis poftulavimus, prout ' poteft melius de jure valere. Idemque prior et conventus michi Thome Ledbury, confratri et commo- nacho ecclefie cathedralis predicte, ad eligendum et poftulandum, ut prefer- tur, eundem magiſtrum Thomam Bourgchjer, vice et nomine eorumdem, in epiſcopum eccleſie cathedralis antedicte publice in communi fufficientem de- derunt poteftatem. Ego, predictus frater Thomas Ledbury, prefatum reverendum virum ma- giſtrum Thomam Bourgchier liberum et legitimum, ac in et de legitimo matria monio procreatum, virum utique providum,et diſcretum literarum fcientia, Vi- ta, et moribus merito commendandum, in ordine facerdotali conftitutum, n 6 ſpiritualibus et temporalibus plurimum circumſpectum, ſcientem, et valen- tem jura iſtius eccleſie cathedralis protegere ſufficienter et tueri, cum que, ut dicitur, et informamur, licet non ad plenum fuper etatis fue defectum in hac parte ſufficienter extitit difpenfatum, vice mea, ac vice, nomine, et s mandato omnium confratrum et monachorum meorum predictorum, in noftrum, et dicte eccleſie cathedralis epiſcopum eligo, in communi, et propter probabile dubium diſpenſationis predicte, eundem magiſtrum Tho- mam, à fanctiffimo in Chriſto patre ac domino, domino Eugenio, divina providentia papa noftro, prout de jure melius valere poteft, in noſtrum et dicte eccleſie cathedralis epiſcopum poftulo in his fcriptis." 6 6 6 6 Conſequenterque, nos prefati prior et commonachi ſupradicti, caufas prop- ter quas prefatum magiſtrum Thomam B. ut prefertur, elegimus, et etiam poftulavimus, ac caufas electionis et poſtulationis hujuſmodi publice exso- fuimus et declaravimus ; fuit namque, et eft idem m. T. B. liber, legitimus, ac in et de legitimo matrimonio procreatus, vir utique providus et diſcretus, literarum fcientia, vitaque et moribus merito commendandus, in ordine fa cerdotali conſtitutus, in ſpiritualibus et temporalibus plurimum circumfpectus, fciens et valens jura dicte eccleſie cathedralis protegere fufficienter et tueri. Nobàſque priori et conventui à nonnullis fidedignis certificatum fuit, et in- rimatum, Рp 146 A PPENDIX timatum, quod cum prefato m. T. B. fuper fue etatis defectum, ad epi- ſcopatus dignitatem optinendam fuerat per fedem Apoftolicam legitime difpenfatum, ſed de ipfius diſpenſatione hujufmodi, ſeu certa ejus etate, nullatenus fuimus fufficienter informati, prefatus quoque m. T. B. eccle- fie noſtre cathedrali Wygorn. ac toti eccleſie Anglicane valde utilis ex- iftit, et qui plurimum neceſſarius ad errores et herefes, qui in diverſis partibus dioceſeos Wygorn. indies excrefcunt, debelland. et extirpand. op- preſfionefque ecclefiarum, ac invaſiones et uſurpationes juriſdictionis liber- tatum, juriumque rerum et ecclefiafticarum perfonarum, que per poteſta- tem ſecularem his diebus plus folito exercentur debite corrigendum, et fecundum exigentiam juris divini et humani firmiter, ut íperatur; refor- mandum, attentis ipſius nativitate diſcretione ec potentia, cum de nobili ſanguine regum regni Anglie oriundus exiftat, premiſſiſque fic factis ; nos prior et conventus predicti pfalmum Te Deum laudamus folempniter de- cantantes in ecclefiam cathedralem predictam ad fummum altare ejuſdem acceſſimus, ubi ad tunc prefatus frater Thomas Ledbury, vice ſua, vice, nomine, et voluntate conventus predicti, dictam electionem et poftulatio- nem, fic, ut premittitur, fact. et celebrat. clero et populo inibi in magna niultitudine congregatis, palam et publice publicavit et expofuit tunc ibi- dem. Deindeque incontinenti poſt premiffa fic, ut premittitur, peracta, nos prior, et ceteri confratres et commonachi predicti, omnes et ſinguli, ad, et in domum capitularem ecclefie cathedralis prelibate redeuntes, et ibidem capitulariter congregati, et capituli five conventus unanimi conſen- ſu et affenfu noftris, fratres Thomam Ledbury et Willelmum Hertilbu- ry noftros et dicte eccleſie cathedralis Wygorn. confratres fuperius de- ſcriptos, conjunctim et divifim, utrumque in folidum, noſtros veros et legitimos procuratores et nuncios ſpeciales ordinavimus, fecimus, et con- ftituimus tunc ibidem, dedimuſque et conceſſimus eiſdem procuratoribus noftris, et eorum utrique, poteſtatem generalem, et mandatum fpeciale pro nobis, et nomine noftro, dictas electionem et poftulationem de prefato m. T. B. ut prefertur, fact. et celebrat. eidem m. Thome notificandi et intimandi, ac ipfum m. T. ut electioni et poſtulationi hujuſmodi, feu e- orum alteri, prout fibi melius viſum fuerit expedire, fuos conſenſum pre- beat et affenfum, debite requirendi, ipſiuſque conſenſum hujuſmodi peten- di et optinendi. Prefentibus, dum fic, ut premittitur, dicto nono die menfis Decembris, anno Domini predicto, agebantur et fiebant, prefatis mag. Adam Moleyns, Johanne Skeffington, Johanne Cokkys, et Johanne Swynarton, ſuperius recitatis. Subſequenter vero prefati menfis Decembris die xv. anno Domini fupradicto, in quadam alta camera infra hofpitium reverendi in Chriſto patris et domini, domini Coventren. et Lichfelden. epiſcopi, in fuburbio civitatis London. fituat. prefati fratres Thomas Led- bury et Willelmus Hertlebury, confratres et procuratores predicti, prefato m. T. B. ibidem perſonaliter preſente, prefatam electionem et poftulatio- nem de ipſo m. T. ut prefertur, fact. et celebrat. intimarunt et notifi- carunt, ac eundem m. T. ipforum et dicte eccleſie cathedralis prioris et capituli . Cartarum Originalium. 147 eapituli nomine inſtanterrogarunt et requiſiverunt ſepius et inſtanter, ut electioni et poftulationi prediais de fe, ut prefertur, factis et celebratis, fuum preberet conſenſum pariter et affenfum. Qui quidem m. T. fic rogatus et requiſitus eiſdem procuratoribus noftris poteftatem requirendi, ut prefertur, habentibus, reſpondebat ſe velle in ea parte deliberare. De- indeque poft meridiem ejuſdem diei xv. circiter horam quintam dicti pro- curatores in mei etiam notarii publici predicti, ac dominorum mag. Jo- hannis Stokys, Ade Moleyns, et Henrici Hamond, preſentia, iidem procu- ratores prefatum M. Thomam B. in quadam alta camera decani libere capelle regie ſancti Martini magni civitatis London. infra precinctum dic- te capelle ſituat. pariter preſentem, nomine procuratorio, quo fupra roga- verunt et requiſiverunt fepius et inſtantius, ut electioni ec poftulationi de ipfo factis, feu corum alteri, prout fibi melius viſum fuerit expedire, fuos prebere conſenſum pariter et aflenfum. Quibus requiſitionibus fic fac- tis, idem m. T. B. dixit, quod non erat plene deliberatus ad dandum eis in ea parte plenum reſponſum, et quod vellet deliberare quid in ea par- te conſultius fuerit fiendum. Conſequenter vero ejuſdem menſis Decem- bris die xviii. in prefata alta camera decani libere capelle regie fancti Martini magni civitatis London. in preſentia prefatorum m. Johannis Stokys, Ade Moleyns, Henrici Hamond, Benedicti Stokys, et Rogeri Malmesbury, teſtium ad hoc rogatorum, prefati procuratores prefatum m. T. B. ibidem perſonaliter preſentem et exiſtentem nomine procuratorio, quo fupra fepius et inſtanter rogarunt et requiſiverunt, quatinus electioni et poftulationi predictis de ipfo, ut prefertur, factis et celebratis, abſque ulteriore dilatione fuos prebere conſenſum pariter et aſſenſum. Tandem vero prefatus magiſter Thomas B. ſic requiſitus prefate poftulationi, ut: premittitur, de fe facte non conſentit, nec diſſentit; fed beneplacito et vo- luntati fanctiffimi in Chriſto patris et domini noftri, domini Eugenii, pa- pe predicti, ſe ſubmiſit, et à predicta forma electionis fupradicte receſlit, fub hac forma verborum : ... IN N Dei nomine. Amen. Ego Thomas Bourgchier, in epiſcopum ec- cleſie cathedralis Wygorn. per priorem et conventum ejuſdem ec- clefie cathedrafis ignoranter, probabiliter, ut afferunt, an mecum fuper defectum etatis mee, in hac parte fic difpenfatum, vel non, qui per viam Spiritus fancti concorditer electus, et etiam poftulatus, prout de jure melius poteſt valere, ad confentiendum electioni et poſtulationi hu- juſmodi per partem eorumdem prioris et conventus fepius et inftanter * requiſitus, poftulationi de me facte, non confentio nec diffentio, fed beneplacito et voluntati fanctiſſimi in Chriſto patris, et domini noftri, o domini Eugenii, divina provideritia pape noftri, me fubmitto, er in for- ma electionis de me facte totaliter recedo in his ſcriptis . 'In quorum omnium et fingulorum fidem et teſtimonium preſens noſtre & electionis decretum figno, et ſubſcriptione dictorum m. Roberti Kent er 6. Thome. Lytilbury, notariorum publicorum, conſignavi, noftrique figilli come munis : 148 APPENDIX munis appenfione fecimus communiri.' Dat et acta ſunt hec omnia et ſingula, prout fuprafcribuntur et recitantur, fub anno Domini Mº.CCCC. xxxiii. Indictione xii. pontificatus fanctiffimi in Chrifto patris et domini noftri, domini Eugenii, divina providentia pape iiii . predicto anno tertio, menſe, diebus, et locis fuperius deſignatis, preſentibus teftibus fuperius, ut premittitur, diviſim recitatis, ad premiſſa vocatis ſpecialiter et rogatis. Dat quoad appofitionem figilli noſtri communis predict. in dicta noftra domo capitulari xxvii. die menfis Decembris, anno Domini fupradicto (k). REX : 125. De reſtitutione temporalium pro epiſcopo Wygornienfi. . EX efcaetori fuo in comitatu Wygorniæ, falutem. Cum dominus Eugenius, fummus pontifex, de perfona Thomæ, electi Wygornienſis, tunc decani eccleſie fancti Martini magni Londoniæ, ac ftudii univerſitatis Oxoniæ cancellarii, ecclefiæ Wygornienfi nuper vacanti, per mor- tem Thomæ, quondam epiſcopi ibidem, providerit, ipfumque Thomam elec- tum in epifcopum ipfius loci præfecerit ec paftorem, ficut per literas bullatas ipfius domini fummi pontificis, nobis inde directas, nobis conſtat. Nos, pro eo, quod præfatus Thomas electus, omnibus verbis, nobis et coronæ noftræ præjudicialibus, in di&is literis bullatis contentis, pa- lam et exprefſe renuntiavit, et gratiæ noftræ humiliter fe fubmiſit. Volentes cum eo agere gratiofe, cepimus fidelitatem ipfius Thomæ ele&ti, et temporalia epiſcopatus illius, prout moris eft, reſtituimus eidem. Et ideo tibi præcipimus, quod eidem Thomæ electo temporalia prædicta, cum pertinentiis in balliva tua, liberes in forma prædicta, ſalvo jure cujufi- bet. Tefte rege apud Weſtmonafterium xv. die Aprilis. Per breve de privato figillo. Confimilia brevia diriguntur Eſcaetoribus ſubſcriptis in comitatibus ſubſcrip- tis, fub eadem data, videlicet, Para Eſcaetori regis in com. Warr. do Eſcaetori regis in com. Midd. งาน รายงาน Efcaetori regis in com. Glouc. ac marchiis Walliæ eidem comitatui adjacentibus. Et mandatum eft militibus, &c. In cujus, &c. Tefte ut Per breve de privato figillo (1). (9) Reg. fed. vac. f. 260, 261, 262, 263. (1) Rymeri Fædera, T. xi. p. 54. de person tauge ABOUT 126. De :. Cartarum Originalium. 149 Quodlipe Nos *75 126. De reftitutione temporalium epiſcopatus Wygornienfis. REX eſcaetori ſuo in comitatu Wigorniæ, falutem. Cum dominus, fummus Pontifex, de perſona Johannis Carpenter eccle- fiæ Wygornienſi, nuper vacanti, per tranſlationem Thomæ, quondam epiſcopi ibidem, ad eccleſiam Elienſem providerit, ipſumque Johannem in epifcopum Wygornienſem præfecerit, et paftorem, ficut per literas bullatas ipſius domini ſummi pontificis nobis inde directas, nobis conftat : Nos, pro eo, quod idem Johannes omnibus verbis, nobis et corona noftræ præjudicialibus, in dictis li- teris bullatis contentis, coram nobis palam et expreffe renuntiavit, et gratiæ noſtræ humiliter ſe ſubmiſit, volentes cum eo agere gratiofe, cepimus fidelia tatem ipſius Johannis, et temporalia dicti epiicopatus Wygornienfis, prout moris eft, reſtituimus eidem : Et ideo tibi præcipimus, quod eidem Johanni temporalia prædi&t. cum pertinentiis, in balliva tua, liberes in forma prædicta ; ſalvo jure cujuſlibet. Teſte rege apud Weſtmonafterium viceſimo ſeptimo die Februarii . Per breve de privato ſigillo. Conſimilia brevia diriguntur eſcaetoribus ſubſcriptis in comitatibus ſubſcrip- tis, fub eadem data, videlicet, Eſcaetori regis in com. Glouc. Eſcaetori regis in com. Warr. Et mandatum eſt militibus, &c. (). RE 127. De reftitutione temporalium Wygoru. EX eſcaetori ſuo in comitatu Wigorniæ falutem. Cum dominus Sixtus, ſummus pontifex, ad eccleſiam Wigornienſem, paſtore carentem, per liberam et ſpontaneam ceſſionem venerabilis viri j. nuper epiſcopi ibidem, reverendum patrem, J. nuper Roffenſem epiſcopum à vinculo quo dictæ Roffenſi ecclefiæ tenebatur, de fratrum conſilio et A- poſtolicæ poteſtatis plenitudine, abſolvens tranſtulerit, eumque illi præfecerit in epiſcopum et paftorem, ficut per literas bullatas ipfius ſummi pontificis, nobis inde directas, vidimus plenius contineri. Nos pro eo, quod idem nuper Roffenfis epiſcopus, ad eccleſiam Wigornienſem ſic tranſlatus omnibus et lingulis, ut ſupra. Cepimus fidelitatem ipſius J. nuper Roffenſis epiſcopi, ad dictam eccleſiam Wigornienſem tranſlati, et temporalia ipſius epiſcopatus, prout moris eft, re- ftituimus eidem. (1) Rymeri Foedera, T. xi. p. 54. ୧ g Et 150 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X Et ideo tibi præcipimus, quod eidem J. nuper Roffenfi epiſcopo, ſic ad dictam eccleſiam Wigornienſem tranſlato, temporalia predicta, cum perti- nentiis in balliva tua, liberes in forma prædicta ; ſalvo jure cujuſlibet. Teſte rege apud Bugden viceſimo quarto die Septembris. Per ipſum regem. Confimilia brevia Et mandatum eſt militibus (m). 128. Littere direct. d domino epiſcopo, priori et conventui minoris Malverniæ. *** babe Ight wellbeloved Bretheryn, I grete you well. And as it is notory knowen throgh all my Diocyſe, to the grete Diſpleaſure of Godd, diſworſhipp of the Church, and Slaunder to the Religion of the bleſſed Patrone thereof Saynt. Bennet, and many other innumerable bleſſed Con- feſſors of the fame, the myſlyvyng and diffolute myflyvyng and diſſolute governaunce of the Bretheryn that hath byn inhabite yn the place of lyttel Malverne, beyng of my Fundacion and Patronage ; the Rules of that holy Religi- on not obſerved ne kept, but rather the ſeide Bretheryn yn all their de meanaunce hath byn vagabunde, and lyved lyck Laymen, to the perni- cious Example of all Criſten Men. And therefore it is a grete preſump- cion that the grete ruyne of the Church and place, the decay of the lyvelode, and the grete poverty that the ſeid place hath be now late yn, was, that Godd withdrew his grace and benyfytes, and for the myf- gyding thereof was not pleaſed. And foraſmoche as now by his Grace and Mercy I have bylded your Church, your place of your_logyng is fufficient repareid, and, as I ſuppoſe, a grete part of the Dett“ of the ſeyde place be content: And for that cauſe, and by the cauſe ye ſhuld the better underſtande your Religion, ye have byn this ii . yeres yn wor- ſhippfull and holye places of your Religion, ſuppoſing that ye be now ſufficiently inſtructe yn the fame, I am now content, that everych of you that was ther before now late, when I toke the Rule thereof into myne hands, except Dan. John Witteſham, which by the Law may not be thear, reſorte to the feide place of lyttel Malverne, and thear to a- byde and lyve after your holy Profeſſion, exhortyng you in the name of our Lord Criſt Jeſu, the bleſſed Patrones of your Religion, and virtute obediencie, et fub pena excommunicationis, that frohensforth ye kepe your (m) Rym. Fæd: T. xii. p. 34* Re. * Cartarum Originalium 151 .. Religion, with the hoole obſervaunce and diſciplyne Rules thereof, the Service of God notte dieque devoutely be ſaid and ſong ; your Chapytre, Cloyſtir, Fraytor, and Dormytor be kept according, with all dewe obe- dience unto your Sovereynes. And that none of the Bretheryn goe into the Towne or the Feldes without an urgent cauſe, licenſe asked and ob- teigned of the Prior: And yet that he that fhall be foe lycenced have a Felow with him. And alſo I deſire, and will, and pray you, for my recompence goftly, to have every day a Maffe at our Lady Aulter ſeyde by oon of the Bretheryn for me, videlicet, quolibet die Dominica de Trinitate ; die Lune, de Angelis; die Martis, Salus populi ; die Mercurii, de Requiem ; die Jovis, de Corpore Chriſti; die Veneris, de ſantta Cruce, et die Sabbati, de Sancta Maria, cum Evangelio, Stabant juxta crucem, cum Collect. Secret. et Poſtcom. de ſancto Johanne Evangeliſta ; ac in qualibet die, poft Vefperas, cantetur Antipbona, O Maria, et fobames, cum Verſibus et Collectis. And alſo I will, that in every Maſſe be ſaid the Collect Rege quis, &c. with the Secret. and Poſtcom. and Poſt mortem meam in qualibet Milla oratio, Deus qui inter Apo- ftolicos, &c. Which Articulls, and everych of them above writen, be kept and obſerved, under the peyne before writtyn, we will and charge you. And yf ye fo doe, ye ſhall fynde me good Lord to you, and to your place. And ye ſhall have Godds bleſfing and myne. And yif ye doe the contrarye, I Íhall ſee the Reformacion thereof to your greyous punyſhment, in ex- ample of all other. Whereof I wol be right fory, as God knoweth, which ynforce you to be his trew Servaunts, and to do your Dewtye, and evyr have you in his bleſſed kepyng. Written at Bewdeley in haſt, the xxii. day of October, Anno Domini 1482. miesto the MIVARD John Worceſter. popote To the Prior and Bretheryn of the Priory of littel Malverne (n). sumont (u) Alcok, f, m. 33 gaia do METOD watat tumiba se i Concies and fresh porked 8389380* ostao site ugostio sinode stil suo it parinsgata muto VÀ shoot m Wystal pilos de situé mi is computador a Tokies 03800 bis au UMIVAXONA no babe grobat me shume in suprantu op tot endorsinnan Darabontibiotos gvák problemos condicijo tot Naromonen i prin detaliu for beste pagation of 129. De bplin cake de toute path to be auto onde yon on oil . 152 A P P E N D I X R storbo stast onclub 129. De pardonatione pro epiſcopo Wigornienfi . Watoto EX omnibus ballivis et fidelibus ſuis, ad quos, &c. falutem, Sciatis, quod nos, de gratia noftra fpeciali, ac ex certa fcientia, et mero motu noftris, PAR DONAVIMUS, REMIŠIMUS, et RELAXAVI- MUS, ac per præſentes PARDONAMUS, REMITTIMUS, et RELAX- AMUS reverendo in Chriſto patri, Roberto epiſcopo Wigornienſi, alias dicto Roberto epiſcopo Wigornienſi, nuper dicto Roberto Morton, clerico, cuftodi Rotu- lorum cancellariæ noftræ, alias dicto Roberto epiſcopo Wigornienſi, nuper dicto Roberto, clerico, five cuſtodi Rotulorum cancellariæ nofiræ ; alias dicto Roberto epiſcopo Wigornienfi, nuper dicto Roberto Morton, clerico, cuſtodi Rotu- lorum cancellariæ domini E. nuper regis Angliæ quarti ; alias dicto Roberto epi- ſcopo Wigorn. nuper dicto Roberto Morton, clerico, five cuſtodi Rotulorum cana cellariæ domini E. nuper regis Angliæ quarti ; alias dicto Roberto epiſcopo Wi. gorn. nuper Roberto Morton, archidiacono Glouceſtriæ; alias dicto Roberto epiſco- po Wigorn. nuper dicto Roberto Morton, clerico Wigornienfi elelto ; alias dicto Roberto Morton, clerico, Wigorn. epiſcopo ; ſeu quocumque alio nomine cenſe- atur, omnimodas tranſgreſſiones, offenfas, meſpriſiones, contemptus, impeti- tiones, detentiones, elongationes, negligentias, extortiones, ignorantias, con- celamenta, et deceptiones, per ipſum Robertum epiſcopum, ante feſtum ſancti Andreæ Apoftoli, anno regni noſtri duodecimo, qualitercumque factas, five Et inſuper, ex ſcientia et motu noftris prædi&tis PARDONAVIMUS, REMISIMUS, et RELAXAVIMUS eidem Roberto epifcopo, omnimodas proditiones, ac fectam pacis noftræ, quæ ad nos verſus ipfum Robertum epi. fcopum pertinet, pro omnimodis proditionibus, rebellionibus, inſurrectionibus, feloniis, conſpirationibus, conføderationibus, riotis, routis, conventiculis illi- citis, cambipartiis, manutenentiis, imbraciariis, ac aliis tranſgreſſionibus, neg. ligentiis, extortionibus, imaginationibus, meſpriſionibus, ignorantiis, contemp- tibus, concelamentis, forisfacturis, deceptionibus, attemptatis, et offenſis qui- bufcumque, per ipſum Robertum epiſcopum, ante prædictum feftum, quali- tercumque factis, five perpetratis. Ac etiam Utlagariis, fi que in ipſum Robertum epiſcopum hiis occaſio- nibus, feu earum aliqua fuerint promulgata, et firmam pacem noſtram ei inde concedimus. Ita tamen, quod ftet recto in curia noſtra, ſi quis verſum eum loqui voluerit de pra miffis, vel aliquo præmifforum. PARDONAVIMUS etiam eidem Roberto epiſcopo omnia et omnimoda judicia, executiones et poenas mortis fuper ipſum redditas, ſive adjudicatas, aut reddendas, five adjudicandas, ac omnimodas forisfacturas quorumcumque terrarum et tenementorum, bonorum et catallorum fuorum occafionibus predictis, ſeu earum aliqua, et eadem terras et tenementa, bona et catalla eidem Roberto epiſcopo damus et reſtituimus per præſentes, habenda et gaudenda eidem Roberto epifcopo, de dono noſtro, abſque compoto, feu aliquo alio nobis inde reddendo ſeu faciendo, Ac * Cartarum Originalium. 153 7 Ac etiam PARDONAVIMUS, REMISIMUS, et RELAXAVIMUS eidem Roberto epifcopo omnia et omnimoda eſcapia et evaſiones quo- rumcumque felonum et clericorum convictorum five attinctorum ante dictum feftum qualitercumque facta, nec non omnimodas poenas, redemp- tiones, forisfacturas, ſecuritates pacis, et alias recognitiones et manucaptio- nes, et omnimodos fines adjudicatos, amerciamenta, exitus, forisfacturas, relevia, ſcutagia, ac omnimoda debita, compota, præſtita, arreragia firmarum et compotorum, et alia deperdita nobis ante dictum feftum per præfa- tum Robertum epifcopum qualitercumque forisfacta, debita, five pertinen- tia, nec non omnimodas demandas, tranſgreſſiones, offenſas, negligentias , contemptus, meſprifiones, et impetitiones per ipfum Robertum epiſcopum contra formam, tam omnimodorum ftatutorum, ordinationum et proviſio- num de perquiſitionibus, acceptationibus, lectionibus, publicationibus, no- tificationibus, et executionibus quibufcumque, quarumcumque, literarum et bullarum Apoftolicarum, et omniuin aliorum ftatutorum et proviſionum, pra textu quorum aliqua ſecta verſus eundem Robertum epifcopum, per billam, vel per breve de Præmunire facias, ſeu alio modo quocumque, pro aliqua materia, ante dictum feftum facta, fieri valeat ; quam omnium et omni- modorum aliorum ſtatutorum quorumcumque factorum, five editorum, per ipfum Robertum epiſcopum, ante eundem diem, qualitercumque factas five perpetratas, et omnimodas aciones, fectas, querelas, impetitiones, executio- nes, et demandas, quas nos folus, vel nos conjunctim cum aliis perfonis, vel alia perſona, habemus, feu habere poterimus quoviſmodo, verſus ipſum Ro- bertum epiſcopum, pro præmiſlis, vel aliquo præmifforum, aut pro aliqua re, cauſa, vel materia quacumque ; aliquibus ftatutis, ordinationibus, proviſioni. bus, reftitutionibus, five actibus in contrarium fa&is five editis, aut aliqua alia re, caufa, vel materia quacumque, non obftantibus. In cujus, &c. Teſte rege apud Weſtmonaſterium decimo quinto die Martii. Bila ་ Per ipſum regem (o). X u (0) Rymeri Fød. T. xii. p. 649. et para sa mga bagay tableta Mot et autres sisteiden siste optimal estado Ti suprotstandingkan ZOTT CASA Rreth julkan tone 10 Pro Bortoloita ibarat und seine Ruhe 154 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X EDUAIVAR UZHDOT 20 NITIVOQRASS meo ciano sodliço ondo pasbie 30. Pro Sylveftro de Giglys de cuſtodia temporalium. REX omnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Sciatis, quod nos certis de cauſis nos ſpecialiter moventibus, de gratia noſtra ſpeciali, et ex certa fcientia, et mero motu noftris, dedimus et con- ceſfimus, ac per præſentes damus et concedimus prædilecto et fideli confiliario noftro Silveſtro de Giglys, archipresbytero Lucenfi, caufarum noftrarum in curia Romana ſolicitatori, cuftodiam omnium temporalium epifcopatus Wy- gornienfis, cum pertinentiis, ac omnimodos exitus proficuorum, reddicuum, fir- marum, reventionum, et emolumentorum omnium et fingulorum dominio- rum, maneriorum, terrarum, tenementorum, hundredorum, reddituum, pof- feffionum, temporalium, quorumcumque feodorum, militum ac wardorum, maritagiorum, releviorum, heriettorum, efcaetorum, fervitiorum, feriarum, mercatorum, tolnetarum, cuſtumarum curiarum Lær, viz. franchiplegiorum, advocationem eccleſiarum, capellarum, cantariarum , abbatiarum, prioratuum, eccleſiarum collegiatarum, decanatuum, archidiaconatuum, præbendarum, præ- pofiturarum, hoſpitalium, ac aliorum beneficiorum ecclefiafticorum quorum- cumque, et cum omnibus aliis juribus, commoditatibus, et emolumentis qui- buicumque infra regnum noftrum Angliæ, aut Walliæ, et marchias Walliæ epiſcopatui Wigornienfi quoquo modo pertinentibus, five fpectantibus, quæ ad manus noftras, ratione ultimæ vacationis ejuſdem, per et poft mortem bonæ memoriæ Johannis ultimi epiſcopi loci prædicti devenerunt, aut devenire dem buerunt, aut in manibus noftris exiftunt. Habendam et tenendam cuftodiam prædictam, ac etiam retinendo et perci- piendo omnia exitus, proficua, redditus, firmas, reventiones, et emolumenta prædicta, ac cætera præmiſſa eidem Silveſtro, affignatis et executoribus fuis à tempore mortis præfati Johannis, nuper epiſcopi, hucuſque, et ex nunc quamdiu temporalia illa, ac cætera præmiſſa in manibus noftris contigerint remanere, tam per manus fuas, et miniftrorum noftrorum, in comitatibus et marchiis illis, ubi præmiffa, feu aliquod præmifforum feperatim exiſtunt, vel exiſtit, libere et quiete, abſque compoto, reſponſo, deu aliquo alio, nobis pro præmiſſis, feu aliquo præmifforum reddendo, folvendo, feu faciendo quoviſmodo. Et ulterius concedimus præfato Silveſtro plenariam poteſtatem tenore præſentium omnia hujuſmodi eccleſias, collegiatas, cantarias, abbatias, prio- ratus, eccleſias collegiatas, præpofituras, decanatus, archidiaconatus, præ- bendas, hoſpitalia, et alia beneficia eccleſiaſtica quæcumque, nobis ratione vacationis prædictæ pertinentia, cuicumque fibi placuerit, cum et quotiens vacavcrint, feu aliquod eorum vacaverit, ad libitum fuum concedendi, con- ferendi, præſentandi five donandi, ac etiam auctoritatem et poteftatem fa- ciendi five donandi omnimodos fenefcallos, receptores, ballivos, firmarios, et alios officiarios, miniſtros, five occupatores, et officia quæcumque epiſco- patut prædicto pertinentia, cuicumque ſibi placuerit, et hujuſmodi officiarios, five Cartarum Originalium. 155 tum, five officia ad libitum fuum prædictum expellendi, et amovendi, ac revocandi, prout nos faceremus, fi præſens conceſſio noſtra facta non fuſſet, abſque impedimento, moleſtatione, calumpnia, perturbatione, feu gravamine noltri vel hæredum noſtrorum, juſticiariorum, efcaetorum, ballivorum, vicecomi- vel aliorum officiariorum, feu miniſtrorum noftrorum quorumcumque ; eo quod expreſſa mentio de vero valore annuo, feu aliquo alio valore, five certitudine præmifforum, five alicujus præmifforum, aut de aliis do nis five conceffionibus eidem Silveſtro, per nos, ante hæc tempora factis, in præfentibus minime facta exiſtit ; aut aliquo ftatuto, actu, ordinati- one, five reſtrictione in contrarium, ante hæc tempora facto, edito, ordi- nato, five proviſo, aut aliqua alia re, cauſa, vel materia quacumque, in aliquo non obftante. In cujus, &c. Teſte rege apud Weſtmonaſterium primo die Decembris. Per breve de privato Sigillo (P). 131. De reſtitutione temporalium. vibrant RE EX eſcaetori fuo in comitatu Glouceſtriæ ac marchiis Walliæ eidem comitatui adjacentibus, falutem. Cum dominus, fummus pontifex, nuper vacante ecclefia cathedrali Wi- gornienfi, per obitum bonæ memoriæ Johannis, ejufdem ecclefiæ ultimi paſtoris et epiſcopi, perfonam dilecti et fidelis noftri Silveſtri, ejuſdem ec- clefiæ electi, in ipfius eccleſiæ epiſcopum præfecerit et paftorem, ficut per literas bullatas ipfius domini fummi pontificis nobis inde directas, nobis conftat : Nos, pro eo, quod idem electus, per fuum procuratorem fuffici- entem, omnibus et fingulis verbis, et coronæ noftræ præjudicialibus, in dic- tis literis bullatis contentis, coram nobis palam et expreffe renuntiavit, et gratiæ noftræ humiliter ſe ſubmiſit, volentes cum eo in hac parte agere gratiofe. Eidem eledo (cujus fidelitatem per dictum procuratorem fuum cepimus) temporalia epiſcopatus illius, prout moris eft, reſtituimus. Et ideo tibi præcipimus, quod eidem electo temporalia prædicta, cum pertinentiis in balliva tua, fine dilatione liberes in forma prædicta, falvo jure cujuſlibet. Tefte rege apud Weſtmonaſterium decimo ſeptimo die Martii . talente Per breve de privato Sigillo. : be ..... YS - అర క వ ల వరకు వున (p.) ibid. f. 705. Conſimilia 156 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX Confimilia brevia diriguntur eſcaetoribus fubfcriptis in comitatibus ſubſcrip. tis, fub eadem data, videlicet, Eſcaetori ſuo in com. Warr. Eſcaetori (uo in com. Midd. Eſcaetori fuo in com. Wigorn. Et mandatum eft, &c. (2). 132. Bulla Leonis X. preficiens Julium de Medices in adminiſtratorem epiſco- patus Wygorn. L EO epifcopus, fervus fervorum Dei, dilecto filio Julio, tituli fancti Lau- rentii in Damaſo, presbytero cardinali, fancte Romane eccleſie vicecan- cellario, falutem et Apoftolicam benedictionem. Ecclefiarum utilitati tune recte conſulitur, et indempnitati falubriter providetur, cum viris circumſpec- tis et providis earum cura committitur. Unde Romanus pontifex, cui id ex Apoftolatus officio incumbit, de univerfis orbis ecclefiis folicite cogitans, illarum adminiftrationem ſancte Romane ec- clefie cardinalibus interdum committitur, ut per illorum providentiam circum- ſpectam eccleſie ipſe preferventur à noxiis, ac felicibus in ſpiritualibus et tem- poralibus, dante Deo, proficiant incrementis. Dudum fiquidem proviſiones ec- clefiarum omnium apud fedem Apoftolicam tunc vacantium, et inantea vacaturarum ordinationi et diſpofitioni noſtre reſervamus, decernentes ex tunc irritum et inane, fi fecus fuper hiis, à quoquam quavis auctoritate fcienter vel ignoranter contigerit attemptari: poftmodum vero ecclefia Wigorn. cui bone memorie Silveſter, epiſcopus Wigornienfis, dum viveret, preſidebat, per obitum ejuſdem Silveſtri epiſcopi, qui apud fedem predictam debitum nature perfolvit, paſtoris folatio deftituta : Nos cum eidem eccleſie, de cujus proviſione nullus preter nos hac vice ſe intromittere potuit, five poteft, reſervatione et decreto obfiftentibus fupradictis, ne eccleſia ipfa longe vacationis exponatur incommodis, de gubernatore utili et idoneo, per quem circumſpecte regi et ſalubriter dirigi valeat, quia tibi,ut ftatum tuum juxta cardinalatus fublimitatem decentius tenere, ac expenfarum onera te jugiter de neceſſitate ſubire oportet, facilius perferre valeas, de alicujus ſubventionis auxilio providere volentes, ac fperantes quod cu per datam tibi à Domino providentiam, ac alia multiplicum virtutum dona, quibus circumfultus exiſtis, eidem eccleſie effe poteris multipliciter fructuofus : te, quoad vixeris, prefate ecclefie adminiſtratorem in ſpiritualibus et temporalibus etiam, una cum fancti Laurentii in Damaſo, qui titulus tui cardinalatus exiſtit, ac Narbonen. et Florentin. quibus ex con- ceſſione et difpenfatione Apoftolica preeffe dinofceris. Nec non omnibus et (o) Din, f. 716. fingulis X Cartarum Originalium. 157 fingulis aliis ecclefiis, monafteriis, prioratibus, prepofituris, canonicatibus, et prebendis, dignitatibus, perſonatibus, adminiſtrationibus, et officiis, ceteriſque beneficiis eccleſiaſticis, cum cura, et fine cura, fecularibus, et "quorumvis ordi- num regularibus, que ex quibufvis conceſſionibus aliis, et diſpenſationibus A- poftolicis, in titulum, et commendam, et adminiſtrationem obtines, et im- pofterum obtinebis, ac penſionibus annuis tibi, fuper quibufvis fructibus, reddi- tibus, et proventibus eccleſiaſticis aflignatis, quas percipis et percipies in futu- rum, tenendam, regendam, et gubernandam de fratrum noſtrorum confilio, auctoritate Apoftolica conftituimus et deputamus, curam et adminiſtrationem ipfius eccleſie Wigornienfis tibi in eifdem fpiritualibus ac temporalibus plenarie committendo, firma fpe fiduciaque conceptis, quod, dirigente Domino actus tuos, ecclefia ipſa Wigorn. per tue circumſpectionis induftriam et ftudium fructuofum, regetur utiliter, et profpere dirigetur, ac grata in eiſdem fpi- ritualibus et temporalibus fufcipiet incrementa. Volumus autem, quod debitis et conſuetis menſe epifcopalis Wigorn. ſupportatis oneribus de reſiduis illius fructibus, redditibus, et proventibus difponere ac ordinare libere et licite vale- as, ſicuti epiſcopi Wigornienſes, qui pro tempore fuerunt, de illis difponere et ordinare potuerunt, feu etiam debuerunt ; alienationem tamen quorumcumque bonorum immobilium, et preſentium mobilium ipfius menſe penitus interdic- tam. Quocirca circumſpectioni tue per Apoftolica fcripta mandamus, quati- nus curam et adminiſtrationem predictas ſic per te, vel alium, feu alios exer- cere ftudeas follicite, fideliter, et prudenter, quod ipfa eccleſia Wigorn. guber- natori provido et fructuofo adminiſtratori gaudeat fe commiſſam, tuque preter eterne retributionis premium, noftram et dicte fedis benedictionem, et grati. am exinde uberius conſequi merearis. Dat' Rome, apud ſanctum Petrum, anno Incarnationis Dominice millefimo quingenteſimo viceſimo primo, feptimo Idus Junii, pontificatus noftri anno nono (r). .. . ( Regiſtr. Wig. N. 28, f. 4. tabo ODSBORD? 9 SLOV: Sr 13. De : : 158 A P PE N D I X R = sinonno eiusiloqerg Endiistoirą atliedsnom inoloog eitls dilugn bo o 13 dittoisardinier nedbenolocadionsingtb ibadera 133. De reſtitutionibus temporalium pro epiſcopo Wygcrnienfi. igitorid uitwistinaqib- s» citlo audinodono atidudiup ko suncudius Srdado ficirabe 33 me BASS 13 manusia iti ploilo loq, EX eſcaetori fuo in comitatu Wygornix, falutem os sidonirdo mmolog Cum eccleſia cathedralis Wigornienſis nuper certo modo, quem dominus fummus pontifex haberi voluit pro expreſſo, paſtoris folatio fit deftituta, idein dominus fummus pontifex perfonam dile&ti nobis in Chriſto Jeronimi de Ghi- nucciis diltæ ecclefiæ Wigornienſis electi in ipſius eccleſiæ epifcopum præfecerit et: paſtorem, ſicut per literas bullatas ipfius domini fummi pontificis, nobis inde directas nobis conſtat. Nos, i pro eo, quod idem electus omnibus et ſingulis verbis nobis et coro- næ noftræ præjudicialibus, in dictis literis bullatis contentis, per procu- ratorem fuum fufficientem, coram nobis palam et expreſſe renuntiavit, et gratiæ noftræ humiliter fe fubmiſit, volentes cum eo in hac parte agere gra- tioſe. Ipſius electi renuntiationem et fidelitatem per dictum procuratorem fuum cepimus, et temperalia epiſcopatus illius, prout moris eſt, reftituimus eidem : Et ideo tibi præcipimus, quod eidem electo temporalia pradicta, cum perti- nentiis, in balliva tua, fine dilatione liberes in forma prædicta ; falvo jure cujuſlibet. Moot Dailes tanto Teſte rege apud Weſtmonaſterium viceſinio die Februarii. hivang in Per mandatum domini cancellarii. Confimiles literæ patentes diriguntur eſcaetoribus ſub eiſdem forma et data, videlicet, Eſcaetori ſuo com. Glouc. ac marcbiis Walliæ, eidem comitatui adjacentibus. Eſcaetori ſuo in com. Wart. Eſcaetori ſuo in com. Midd. Et mandatum eſt militibus, liberis hominibus, et omnibus aliis tenentibus de epiſcopatu prædi&to, quod eidem electo, tanquam epiſcopo, et domino fuo, in omnibus, quæ ad epiſcopatum prædictum pertinent, intendentes fint et reſpon- dentes in omnibus, prout decet. In cujus, &c. Teſte, ut fupra (s). () Rym. Fæd. T. xiii. p. 780,781. 2 334. De Cartarum Originalium 159 134. De refitutionibus temporalium pro epiſcopo Wygorn. R EX eſcaetori fuo in comitatu Wigorniæ, falutem.amatuv91 Cum reverendiſſimus in Chriſto pater, Thomas, Cantuarienſis archiepiſco- pus,totius Angliæ primas et metropolitanus, vacante nuper epiſcopatu Wigorni- enfi,per deprivationem Jeronimi de Ghinucciis, ultimi epiſcopi ibidem,prior ec- clefiæ cathedralis Wigornienfis, et ejufdem loci commonachi, five conventus, dilectum et fidelem capellanum noſtrum magiſtrum Hugonem Latymer, facræ theologiæ profefforem, in eorum epifcopum elegerint et nominave- rint ; cui quidem electioni et perſonæ fic electæ, regium noftrum affen- fum adhibuimus er favorem ; confirmaverit, ac ipſum Hugonem Latymer epifcopum Wigornienſem conſecraverit , ipſumque epifcopalibus infigniis inveſtiverit ; ficuti per literas patentes ipfius reverendiffimi in Chrifto pa- tris nobis inde directas, nobis conftat. qon Nos confirmationem et confecrationem illas acceptantes, fidelitatem ipfius electi et confirmati nobis pro temporalibus epiſcopatus prædi&ti, prout moris eft, reſtituimus eidem.mogu monde do mundong isip wastrah Nos confirmationem et conſecrationem illas acceptantes, fidelitatem ipfius electi et confirmati nobis pro temporalibus epiſcopatus prædicti, prout moris eſt, reſtituimus eidemandant in 9 minsan po yong sup Et ideo tibi præcipimus, &c. ut ſupra. Uporabite som lemto Teſte rege apud Weſtmonafterium quarto die O&obris. Per breve de privato ſigillo.. ...i Conſimilia brevia diriguntur, &c. Et mandatum eft militibus, &c. (t). totals a I () Ibid. T, XIV. P. 553, . .. 134. Sig: : 160 A P P E N D I X 135. Significavit pro epiſcopo Wygorn. RE LX reverendiſſimo in Chriſto patri Thomæ, eadem gratia, archiepiſcopo Cantuarienſi, totius Angliæ primati, falutem. Cum nuper vacante ſede epiſcopali Wigornienſi, per liberam reſignationem Hugonis Latymer, clerici, ultimi epiſcopi ibidem, ad humilem fupplicationem dilectorum nobis in Chriſto prioris et conventus eccleſiæ noftræ cathedralis Wygorniæ, eiſdem per literas noftras patentes, licentiam concefferimus ali- um fibi eligendi in epifcopum loci prædicti et paftorem. Ac iidem prior et conventus prætextu licentiæ noftræ prædictæ, dilectum nobis in Chriſto ma- giftrum Johannem Bell, utriuſque juris doctorem, capellanum noftrum, fibi elegerint in epifcopum et paftorem, ficut per literas fuas patentes communi Gigillo ſuo figillatas, nobis inde direetas, plenius apparet. Nos electionem il- lam acceptantes, eidem electioni regium aſſenſum noſtrum adhibuimus pariter et favorem; et hoc vobis tenore præfentium ſignificamus. Rogantes ac in fide et dilectione, quibus nobis tenemini, firmiter vobis man. dantes, quatenus præfatum Johannem Bell, Wigorn. electum et electionem prædiétam confirmare, et eundem Johannem Bell in epiſcopum Wygornienſem conſecrare, ipſumque, prout moris eft, epifcopalibus infigniis inveſtire, cætera- que peragere, quæ veftro in hac parte incumbunt officio paftorali, juxta formam ſtatuti inde editi et proviſi, velitis diligenter cum affectu. obi In cujus, &c. Teſte rege apud Terlyng, ſecundo die Augufti. on oma De reftitutionibus temporalium pro epiſcopo memorato. 7 R EX eſcaetori fuo in comitatu Wigorniæ, falutem. Cum reverendiffimus in Chrifto pater Thomas, permiſſione divina, Can- tuarienſis archiepiſcopus, &c. ut fupra, mutatis mutandis, Teſte rege apud Terlyng quarto die Auguſti. tangan para mer, en opleidingen . 136. De Cartarum Originaliun. 161 & cann tanea voluntate, libere, pure, ſimpliciter... ma 136. Reſignatio epiſcopatus Wigornienfis. la cost N Dei nomine." Amen. "Per præſens publicum inftrumentum cun&is ap- pareat evidenter, et notum fit, quod anno Domini millefimo quingen- tefimo quadragefimo tertio, et regni illuftriffimi et potentiſſimi in Chrifto principis et domini noftri domini Henrici octavi, Dei gratia Angliæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ regis, fidei defenforis, ac in terra fub Chrifto fu- premi eccleſiæ. Anglicanæ et Hibernicæ capitis, anno tricefimo quinto, menfe vero Novembris die decimo feptimo, in quadam interiori alta camera infra caſtrum de Hertleburye, Wygornienſi diæcele notorie fitum et ſituatum, in noftrorum notariorum publicorum ſubſcriptorum, ac teſtium inferius nomi- natorum præſentiis, conſtitutus perfonaliter reverendus in Chriſto pater dominus Johannes, permiſſione divina, Wigornienſis, ut afferuit epifcopus, quafdam reſignationem, dimiffionem, renunciationem, et ceſſionem epifco- patus ſui antedicti, in fcriptis fimul conceptas et redactas, fecit, legit, et interpoſuit eundemque epifcopatum ſuum reſignavit, cæteraque fecit et exercuit fub eo, qui ſequitur verborum tenore: op petition sigor OSITOS DE N Dei nomine. Amen." andiamo il t'q sopti1950 inou Coram vobis publicis et auctenticis perfonis ac teſtibus fide dignis hic præfentibus, ego Johannes, permiſſione divina, Wigornienfis epiſco- pus, ex certis caufis veris, juſtis, et legitimis, me, et animum meum ad hoc moventibus, cupiens et affectans, ine ab onere, cura, et regimine didi epiſcopatus mei penitus exui et exonerari, eundem epiſcopatum meum pc Wigornienfem, cum fuis juribus et pertinentiis univerſis, in facratiffimas manus ſereniſſimæ regiæ majeftatis Henrici octavi, Dei gratia, Angliæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ regis, fidei defenſoris, ac in terra ecelefiæ Angli- et Hibernicæ capitis fupremi, non vi, aut metu coactus, neque dolo, vel fraude ad hoc inductus, neque aliqua alia machinatione ſiniſtra cir- cumventus ; fed ex mea mera fcientia, animoque deliberato, ac fpon- epiſcopatum, cum fuis juribus et pertinentiis univerſis, re et verbo vacuum ' dimitto, jurique, titulo, et poffeffioni meis in dicto epiſcopatu meo · præhabitis, et hactenus in eodem mihi competentibus, renuncio, eifque cedo, et ab eiſdem totaliter et expreſſe recedo in his fcriptis, humiliter fupplicans excellentiſſimæ regiæ majeſtati prædictæ, quatinus hanc meam reſignationem admittere, meque à cura et regimine , di&ti epiſcopatus exonerare dignetur intuitu caritatis. 3 zudtun aninisid Sup · Et rogo vos dominos notarios publicos, de, et ſuper præmiffis, unum vel plura, publicum vel publica, inſtrumentum ſive inſtrumenta, mihi conficere, ac vos teſtes hic præſentes teſtimonium perhibere, muistaamoilloi muollduq 21ste pod odbi z ivibes 35 iliv na ont elsgnit osibirsta minim zitrogea kids groteipilda linnion girnisilliW isih wart Super :: 162 A P P E N D I X Super quibus omnibus et ſingulis præfatus reverendus pater reſignans, nos notarios publicos ſubſcriptos fibi unum vel plura, publicum feu pub- lica, inſtrumentum ſive inſtrumenta conficere rogavit et requiſivit. Á&ta fuerunt hæc omnia et fingula, prout ſuprafcribuntur et reci . tantur, ſub annis Domini et regni regis, menſe, die, et loco ſuperius recitatis. Præfentibus tunc ibidem venerabilibus viris to bude Dm totam hubnup ni on Waltero Blounte, armigero, Thoma Bagard, legum doctore, ni mascara 3 miuti a to sont alo Et Ricardo Ewer, in facra theologia bac- winton colizzatore et chalaureo, Herefordenſis et Londonienſis 40 olid reſpective diæcefium teftibus, ad præ Royal miſſa vocatis ſpecialiter et rogatis. 119, 20dan Et ego Willielmus Warmſtrye, Herefordenſis dioeceſis litteratus, publicus au&oritate regia notarius, quia præfatæ relignationis lecturæ et interpoſi- tioni, cæteriique præmiffis omnibus et ſingulis, dum fic, ut præmittitur, “ fub annis Domini et regni regis, menie, die, et loco ſupramemoratis, agebantur et fiebant, una cum prænominatis teftibus, ac Thoma Wem, notario publico ſubſcripto, præfens perſonaliter interfui, eademque omnia et fingula fic fieri vidi, ſcivi, et audivi, atque in notam prothocollarem fumpfi : ideo hoc præſens publicum inſtrumentum manu mea propria fideliter fcriptum, exinde confeci, ſubſcripſi, et publicavi, * publicam et auctenticam formam redegi, fignoque, nomine, et cogno mine, et ſubſcriptione meis folitis et conſuetis ſignavi, in fidem et teftimonium omnium et fingulorum præmiſforum rogatus ſpecialiter et . requifitus. Ad imum figni siert 05 ouadilah suport mabaon terngitar alulonde pontolareit blant Laus Deo, pelo me PHOESDEV OSISV 19 97 ceilaavi Pax vivis, requieſque defunctis. ut cooking extoplias obiboi Bir topsiod 19 biti pitne strpits guest dissacmg idime mboo ne znate W.. alikosad qiro eid ni obost SNSX93 latot bine de uby Er ego Thomas Weme, clericus Herefordenſis dioecefis, publicus, auc- Storitate regia, notarius, quia præfatæ reſignationi lecturæ et interpofitioni, cæteriſque præmiſlis omnibus et ſingulis, dum fic, ut præmittitur, fub annis Domini et regni regis menfe, die, et loco fupradictis agebantur et ficbant, una cum fuprafcripto Willielmo Warmftrye, notario publico, ac teſtibus fupradictis, præſens perſonaliter interfui eaque omnia et fingula fic fieri vidi et audivi ; ideo hoc præſens publicum inftrumentum manu dicti Willielmi, notarii publici, me aliis negotiis interim præpedito fideliter ܪ Cartarum Originalium. 163 fideliter confcriptum exinde confeci, et in hanc publicam formam re- 6 degi, fignoque et nomine meis fòlitis et confuetis fignavi, meque hic ſubſcripli, in fidem et teſtimonium omnium et fingulorum præmiſforum ad hoc rogatus et requiſitus. Ad imum figni, Convertantur retrorſum qui volunt mibi mala. 137. Licentia regia concefla domino epiſcopo Wygorn. ad exercend' juriſ; 2 dictionem ſpiritualen. E DWARDUS SEXTUS, Dei gratia, Anglie, Francie, et Hibernie rex, fidei defenfor, et in terra ecclefie Anglicane et Hibernie fupremum caput, reverendo in Chrifto patri Nicholao, Wigorn. epifcopo, falutem. Quandoquidem omnis juris dicendi auctoritas, atque juriſdictio omnis, tam illa que ecclefiaftica dicitur, quam fecularis, à regia poteſtate, velut à fupremo capite, et omnium infra regnum noftrum magiftratuum fonte et fcaturigine primitus emanaverit : fane illos, qui juriſdictionem hujuſmodi antehac non niſi precario fungebantur, beneficium fic eis ex liberalitate regia indultum, gratis animis agnoſcere, idque regie munificentie folummo- do acceptum referre, eique quoties ejus majeſtati videbitur libenter cedere, convenit. Itaque cum tu, qui in dioceſi Wigorn. epiſcopali munere fungi dinofceris, nobis humiliter fupplicari feciſtis, ut juriſdictionem ecclefiafticam tibi delegare noftra auctoritate regia atque fuprema, ex gratia noſtra ſin- gulari dignaremur: Nos tuis in hac parte fupplicationibus humilibus in- clinati, et noftrorum fubditorum dicte Wigorn. dioc. commodis confule- re cupientes ; tibi vices noftras, fub modo et forma inferius defcriptis committend'fore teque licentiand' eſſe decrevimus. Ad ordinand' igitur quoſcunque infra dioceſim tuam Wigorn, ubicumque oriundos, quos mo- ribus et literatura (previo diligenti et rigoroſo examine idoneos fore com- pereris) ac ad omnes etiam facros et presbyteratus ordines promovend' preſentatoſque ad beneficia eccleſiaſtica quecunque infra dioceſim tuam Wigorn. conftituta, ſi ad curam beneficiis hujufmodi imminentem ſuſtinend' habiles reperti fuerint et idonei, admittend' ac in et de eiſdem inſtitu- end' et inveſtiend' ac etiam, ſi res ita exigat, deſtituend' beneficia ec- cleſiaſtica quecunque ad tuam collationem five difpofitionem ſpectantia et pertinentia perſonis idoneis, conferend' atque approband' teſtamenta et ultimas voluntates quorumcumque ſubditorum noftrorum tue dioceſeos bona jura five credita, non fummam centum librarum vite et mortis ſuarum tem- pore ſeſe extendunt, quatinus hujuſmodi teſtamentorum approbatio, arque adminiſtrationis conceffio per predeceſſores tuos, aut eorum alicujus refpe- đive commiſſarios retroactis temporibus fiebat, ac fieri et committi potu't et poteſt, in preſenti, et non aliter committend' calculumque, ratiocinium et alia in ea parte expediend' caufafque, lites et negotia coram te aut tuis deputatis pendentes indeciſas, necnon alias, five alia quaſcumque, five quecumque, . :: 164 APPENDIX quezumque, ad forum eccleſiaſticum pertinentes, ad te, aut tuos deputatos, five deputand' per viam querele, appellationis, five alias devolvend’ five de- ducend' que citra legum noſtrarum et ſtatutorum regni noſtri offenſam, coram te, feu tuis deputatis agitari, aut ad tuam, five alicujus commiſſariorum, per te, vigore hujus commiſſionis noftre depurand' commiſſionem devolvi aut de- duci valeant et poſſint examinand' et decernend. Ad vitandum etiam capi- tulum eccleſie tue cathedralis Wigorn. civitatemque Wigorn. nec non omnia et ſingula loca eccleſiaſtica quecumque, clerumque et populum dicte dioceſeos Wigorn. quatinus per te, five predeceſſores tuos, Wigorn. epiſcopos viſitare, hujuſmodi temporibus retroactis, ac per te, five eoſdem de legibus et ſtatutis, ac juribus regni noſtri exercere poruit, aut poteſt, et non aliter. Nec non ad inquirendum per te, aut alium, live alios, ad id per te deputandum, five depu. tandos, fuper quorumcumque exceſſibus, criminibus, ſeu deli&tis quibuſcumque, ad forum eccleſiaſticum ſpectantibus, infra dioceſim Wigorn. ac delinquentes, five criminolos juxta comperta per te in ea parte, per legitima juris noſtri re- media, pro modo culpe, et, ut natura et qualitas delicti popofcerit coercend' et puniend. Cereraque omnia et fingula in premiſlis, feu circa ea neceſſaria, feu quomodolibet opportuna, preter et ultra ea, que tibi ex facris literis divinitus commiffa effe dignoſcuntur, vice, nomine, et auctoritate noftris exequend’ tibi, de cujus fana doctrina, conſcientie puritate, vite et morum integritate, ac in rebus gerendis, fide et induſtria plurimum confidimus, vices noſtras cum pote- ſtate, alium vel alios, commiſſarium vel commiſſarios, ad premiffa, vel eorum aliqua ſurrogand' et fubftituend' eoſdemque ad placitum revocand' tenore pre- fentium committimus, ac liberam facultatem concedimus, teque licentiamus per preſentes ad noftrum beneplacitum duntaxat duraturum, cum cujuſlibet congrue et eccleſiaſtice coercionis poteſtate, tuain conſcientiam coram Deo ſtric- tiſſime onerantes, et, ut fummo omnium Judici aliquando rationem reddere, et coram nobis tuo fub periculo corporali refpondere intendis, te admonentes, ut interim tuum officium, juxta Evangelii normam, pie et ſancte exercere ftu- deas, et ne quem ullo unquam tempore, vel ad facros ordines promoveas, vel ad curam animarum gerendam quoviſmodo admittas, niſi eos duntaxat, quos ad tanti et tam venerabilis officii functiorem vite et morum integritas certiffi- mis teftimoniis approbata, literarum fcientia, et alie qualitates requiſite, ad lioc habiles et idoneos, clare et luculenter oftenderint et declaraverint. Nam, ut maxime compertum cognitumque habemus, morum omnium, et Chriſtiane religionis corruptelarn à malis paftoribus in populum emanaffe, fic et veram Chrifti religionem, viteque et morum emendationer, à bonis paftoribus iterum delectis et affumptis, in integrum reftitutum iri haud dubie fperamus. In cujus rei teſtimonium preſentes literas noftras inde fieri et figilli noftri, quo ad caufas eccleſiaſticas utimur, appenfione juffimus communiti. Dat. XXVP. die menſis Februarii, anno Domini milleſimo quingentefimo quadragefimo fexto, et re ni noſtri anno primo (u). vil maxime (4) Heath. f. 12, 13. Annibars gone com a BRO 138. Super Cartarum Originalium 165 3 colseres zabaab ya maiinto mandio 138. Super tranſlatione epifcopi Gloucefirenfis ad epifcopatum Wigornienſem. Apolog Mo EX omnibus, ad quos, &c. falutem. o Cum per quendam actum in parliamento noftro inchoato apud Weftmonafterium quarto de Novembris, anno regni noſtri primo, et i- bidem tento, inter alia ftatuta pro republica noſtra edita, ordinatum, in- actitatum, et ſtabilitum fuerit, Quod nullum breve de licentia eligendi (vulgariter vocatum CONGÉ D'ESLIE R) deinceps concedendum fo. ret, nec electio alicujus archiepiſcopi feu epiſcopi per decanum et capi- tulum fieret, fed quod nos per literas noftras patentes quolibet tem- pore, cum aliquis archiepiſcopatus feu epiſcopatus vacaret, alicui perfonæ, quam nos idoneam exiſtimaremus, eundem conferre poffemus et valea- mus, et eadem collatio fic per literas noftras patentes hujuſmodi perſo- na facta et deliberata, cui nos eundem conferremus archiepiſcopatum feu epiſcopatum, vel ejus ſufficienti procuratori, aut attornato, ftaret et foret, ad omnes intentiones et conſtructiones, tanti et ejuſdem effectus, quanti et qualis foret, fi breve de 1 centia eligendi conceſſum effet, electio rite facta, et eadem confirınata fuiffent ; et quod poſt hujufmodi collationem, eadem perfona, cui hujufinodi archiep ſcopatus feu epilcopatus fic foret collatus, feu datus, poſſet conſecrari, profequi, et habere liberationem fu- am, feu Breve de amoveas manum, ac omnia alio agere, prout fi eædem ceremonia er electiones factæ et actæ fuiſſent, prout in eodem ftatuto, inter alia, plenius liquet er apparet. ie Ac cum epiſcopatus Wigorniæ ad præfens fit vacuus, luoque .paftore ideo deftitutus, per deprivationem Ni- cholai Heath, nuper loci illius epiſcopi, et ob id ad munus noftrum re- gium juſte pertinere dinofcatur, alium in ejus locum qi ob eximias animi dotes, populum noftrum illius diæcelis late patentis , juxta divi Pauli normam digne palcat, turrogand m duximus : :: Sciatis igitur, Nos, exiſtimantes, et bene ſcientes, reverendum in Chriſto patrem Johannem Hoperum, nuper Glouceſtren. epifcopum, perfonam i- doneam effe ad epifcopatum Wigorn. fupradi&um, modo vacantem, proprer fingularem facrarum literarum doctrinam, quam mores probatilli. mos, quibus idem reverend is 1 ater, nuper Glouceſtren epiſcopus pærdi- tus eft, ac propter hoc, quod juxta Salvatoris noftri elogium illum virum imprimis dignum eſſe judicamus, ut iuper mulca conſtituatur, qui fuper pauca fuit fidelis. Ex gratia noftra fpeciali, ac ex certa fcientia, et mero motu noftris, nec non de avifamento Concilii noſtri, contulimus, dedimus, et conceffi- mus, ac per præſentes conferimus damus, et concedim s præfato reve- rendo patri Johanni, nuper Glouceſtren. epiſco o, prædictum epiſcopatum Wigorn. ac eundem Johannen Hoperum in epifcopatum Wigorn tranf- ferim's per praſentes, ac ipíum Johannem epiſcop. m Wigorn. ac dioe- celis U u .: 166 APPENDIX . ceſis Wigorn. nominamus, facimus, ordinamus, creamus, declaramus, er conſtituimus per præſentes. Habendum, tenendum, occupandum, et gaudendum predictum epiſco- patum Wigorn. à fefto Michaelis Archangeli ultimo præterito, eidem re- verendo patri Johanni, durante vita ſua naturali, si tamdiu bene fe gef- ſerit in eodem, una cum palatio, ac omnibus aliis domibus, ædificiis, do- miniis, maneriis, terris, tenementis, hæreditamentis, poſſeffionibus, et juri- bus, tam ſpiritualibus, quam temporalibus, ac omnibus aliis proficuis, commoditatibus, emolumentis, dignitatibus, aucthoritatibus, juriſdictionibus, privilegiis, et præeminentiis quibuſcumque, eidem epiſcopatui Wigorn. ac officio paſtorali ejufdem, quoquo modo ſpectantibus, pertinentibus, five incumbentibus. qoldova erant Cumque etiam dominus Henricus, nuper rex Angliæ octavus, pater now fter præchariffimus, per literas ſuas patentes gerentes datam apud Weftm. tertio die menſis Septembris, anno regni fui tricefimo tertio, ſcitum nu- per monafterii beati Petri Glouceſtriæ, in comitatu villæ Glouceftriæ, ac locum et eccleſiam ipfius in ſedem epiſcopalem, ac in ecclefiam cathedra- lem creari, erigi, fundari, et ſtabiliri decrevit, ad eandem ecclefiam ca- thedralem, de uno decano presbytero, de uno archidiacono, et ſex præ- bendariis presbyteris, tenore prædictarum literarum patentium, realiter, et ad plenum erexit, fundavit, ordinavit, fecit, conſtituit, et ftabilivit, ita- que, et per prædictas literas fuas patentes, ordinavit , quod prædicta eccle- fia eſſet, et ex tunc imperpetuum foret eccleſia cathedralis et fedes epi- ſcopalis, ac quod tota villa Gloceſtren. ex tunc imperpetuum effet civitas, ipfamque civitatem Glouceſtren. vocari, appellari, et nominari voluit et decrevit, ac ipfam civitatem et comitatum ejuídem civitatis, ac totum et integrum comitatum Glouceſtriæ, prout per snetas et limites dignoſce- bantur et limitabantur, ab omni juriſdictione, auctoritate, et diæcefe epi- fcoporum Wigorn. Eboracen. et Hereforden. ac fuccefforum fuorum, et eorum cujuflibet pro tempore exiſtentium, feparavit, exemit, exoneravit, et omnimodo per prædictas literas ſuas patentes liberavit, ac omnem ju- riſdictionem epiſcopalem infra eafdem civitatem et comitatum ejufdem ci- vitatis, ac totum comitatum Glouceſtriæ prædicto epiſcopo Glouceftren. à prædicto nuper rege per literas fuas patentes nominando, eligendo, et fuccefforibus fuis epifcopis Glouceſtrenſibus prædicto epifcopatui Gloceſtren. adjunxit et univit, ac ex dicta civitate et comitatu ejuſdem civitatis, et ex toto comitatu Glouceſtriæ, dioccefim fecit et ordinavit, illamque dicen ceſim Glouceftrenfem imperpetuum fimiliter vocari, appellari, nuncupari, et nominari voluit et ordinavit. Et, ut illa ſua intentio debitum et uberiorem fortiretur effectum, præ- di&tus nuper rex quendam Johannem Wakeman, clericum, ad epiſcopatum dictæ fedis Glouceſtren. nominavit et elegit, ac ipfum Johannem Wake- man epiſcopum Glouceſtren. per prædictas literas ſuas patentes nominavit, fecit, et creavit. .܀܀ . ಇದೇ 27 - Cartarum Originalium. 167 . : , Et uiterius voluit, conceſſit, et ordinavit, quod idem epiſcopus eſſet corpus corporatum in re et nomine, ipſumque pro uno corpore declara- vit, acceptavit, ordinavit, fecit, et conſtituit, haberetque fucceffionem perpe- tuam, prout fimiliter per prædictas literas fuas patentes, inter alia, plenius li- quet et apparet. dabra Quæ quidem fedes epiſcopalis ad præſens vacua in manibus regiis, ratione et occaſione reſignationis, renunciationis, ac furſum-redditionis fupradicti reve- rendi patris Johannis Hoperi, nuper Glouceſtren. epiſcopi, exiſtit ; et quia prædicta civitas Glouceſtr. et comitatus ejufdem civitatis ac comitatus Glou- ceſtren. priuſque facti fuerunt Glouceſtrenlis diæceſis, ac ante confectionem prædictarum literarum patentiam prædicto Johanni Wakeman, epifcopo Glou- ceſtren. facti fuerunt temporibus retroactis, partim infra diæcefes Eboracenfem et Herefordenſem, ac præcipue infra dioeceſim Wigornienfem, ac epifcopo- rum pro tunc Nos præmiffa fcientes, conſideranteſque, ac pro diverſis, juſtis, et legi- timis cauſis ad hoc fpecialiter moventibus, nec non de adviſamento Con- cilii noſtri, eccleſiam cathedraiem prædictam, ac civitatem Glouceſtren. prædi&am, et comitatum ejufdem civitatis, ac totum comitatum noſtrum Glouceſtren. nec non villam et parochiam de Kyngefwood infra di&tum comitatum Glouceſtriæ, prout per metas, limites, et bundas dinoſcuntur et limitantur, ab omni juriſdictione, auctoritate, et diæceſe epifcoporum Glouceſtren. Eboracen. Briſtoll. et Hereforden. ac fuccefforum fuorum, et eorum cujuſlibet pro tempore exiſtentium, feparamus, dividimus, eximi- omnem jurifdi&tionem epiſcopalem infra prædictam eccleſiam cathedralem et civitatem Glouceſtr. ac infra totum comitatum ejufdem civitatis, non infra totum et integrum comitatum noſtrum Glouc. ad villam et parochiam de Kyngefwood prædicta, ac infra totum archidiaconatum Glou- celtriæ, et archidiaconatum ejufdem, in diæcefim Wigornienſem imperpe- tuum convertimus, transferimus, adjungimus, unimus, annectimus, et de novo reſtituimus, ac ea omnia et fingula parcellam dioeceſis Wigorn. er epiſcopatus Wigorn, realiter, et in plenum creamus, facimus et ſtabilinus perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturam, et pro fic ſtabiliri, ac imperpe- tuum inviolabiliter obfervari ab omnibus fubditis noſtris volumus, et ju- bemus per præſentes. Ecclefiamque cathedralem Glouc. prædictam, ac civitatem Glouceſtr. et comitatum ejufdem civitatis, ac totum et integrum comitatum no- ftrum Glouceſtr. prædictum, nec non villam et parochiam de Kyngef- wood prædicta, ac totum archidiaconatum Glouc. et archidiaconatum ejuf- dem parcellam dictæ diceceſis Wigorn. et epiſcopatus Wigorn. imperpetuum vocari, appellari, er nominari, tam in locis ante hæc tempora exemptis, quam non exemptis. nec the cougar zit biggest and most 168 APPENDIX Volumus, ac per præſentes' imperpetuum ordinamus prædi&um epiſco- patum Glouceſtren. et corpus fuum, ac ſucceſſionem ſuam prædi&am, et nomen epiſcopi Glouceſtren, prædicti, in re e in nomine, per preſentes diſſolvimus et adnichilamus, corpuſque diſcorporarum diſſolutumque decla- ramus et facimus, ac fucceflionem fuam prædictam penitus determinatain diſſolutamque declaramus, et in quantum in nobis eft, irritain et vacuam faci- mus per præſentes. barbou si Ecclefiæ cathedralis Glouceſtriæ dignitatibus, libertatibus, juribus, com- moditatibus, et privilegiis omnibus et fingulis, tam per nos, quam per perchariffimum parrem et progenitorem noftrum eidem ecclefiæ cathedrali, ac decano et capitulo ejuſdem præanteal fa&tis et conceſſis, in omnibus, et per omnia, exceptis et omnimodo reſervatis. * 9 Et ulterius, Nos, de abundanti liberalitate noftra, ac pro diverſis juftis et legitimis cauſis ad hoc ſpecialiter moventibus, eccleſiam cathedralem Glouceſtren. prædi&tam ac civitatem Clouceſtren. et comitatum ejuſdem civitatis, ac totum et integrum comitatum noftrum Glouceſtren. prædictum, nec non villam et parochiam de Kyngefwood prædicta, ac totum archi- diaconacum Gloceſtren. et archidiaconatum ejuſdem, ac fucceffores fuos archidiaconatos Glouceſtr. qui pro tempore eſt, et erunt, nec non cætera omnia et fingula toca prædicta (etiam fi exempta, aut alicujus, vel ali- quarum peculiaris juriſdictionis, aut juriſdictionum ante hæc tempora fierint vel extiterint) una cim præcinétibus et territoriis eorumdem, ac cujuſlibet inde parcellæ, vel eorum alicujus, prout per metas, limites, et bundas dinofcuntur er limitantur, ab omni juriſdictione epifcopali, auctoritate, et dioece e cæterorum quorumcumque epifcoporum, seu aliorum hominum, præterquam juriſdictione, auctoritate, et diæcefe Wigorn. ac epiſcopi ibidem, et succeſſorum fuorum epiſcoporum Wigorn. pro tempore exi- ftentium, feparamus, eximimus, exoneramus, ac imperpetuum per præſentes liberamus. Ac omnem juriſdictionem epiſcopalem infra eccleſiam cathedralein Glou- ceſtren. prædi&tam, ac civitatem Glouceſtr. ac com. ejuſdem civitatis, ac infra totum et integrum com noftrum Glouceftren. prædictum necnon infra villam et parochiam de Kyngefwood prædicta, ac infra totum archidiaconatum Glouceſtren prædictum, ac archidiaconatum eju ejuſdem, ac ſucceſſores fuos archidiaconos Glouceſtren. qui pro tempore eft, aut im- pofterum erunt, ac infra omnia et fingula loca prædicta, tam exempta, quam non exempta, una cuin præcinctibus et territoriis eorumdem, ac cujuſliber inde parcellæ, vel eorum alicujus, fuperius nominata et aſignata, prædicto patri Johanni Hopero, epiſcopo Wigorn, moderno, et ſucceſſoribus fuis Wigorn. epiicopis, ac epiſcopatui Wigorn. adjungim s, inimus, et per præfentes imperpetuum annectimus, eaque omnia et fingula infra dicecelim Wigorn. creari, erigi, fundari, ec imrerperuum ſtabiliri decernimus. parcellam dioeceſis Wigorn. et epiſcopatus ejuſdem realiter, et in plenum creamus, facimus, et itabilimus perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturam ; : ac et Cartarum Originalium. 169 :: :: et fic ftabiliri, ac inviolabiliter obfervari imperpetuum volumus, bet per præſentes jubemus, ac ea omnia et fingula fuperius præconceffa, una cum præcinatibus et territoriis prædictis, parcellam dicecefis Wigorn. vocari, appellari, nuncupari, et nominari volumus, ac per præſentes imperpetuun ordinamus. O Et inſuper, nos, de abundantiori liberalitate noftra, nec non de aviſa- mento concilii noftri, dedimus et conceffimus fupradicto reverendo patri, Johanni Hopero Wigorn. epiſcopo, et fuccefforibus fuis Wigorn. epifco- pis, quod ipfe, et fucceffores fui Wigorn. epifcopi de cætero imperpetuum (fi tamdiu bene fe geſſerit et gefferint in eodem) licet et quiere, abſque impedimento noftro, vel hæredum noftrorum, valeat et valeant, poflit et poffint archidiaconos ac præbendarios quofcumque infra ecclefias cathedrales Wigorn. et Glouceftr. prædictas, conferre et donare, quoties et quando continget, eos, live eorum aliquem, per mortem, reſignationem, depriva- tionem, feu aliter quocumque modo vacare, clericos itaque quofcumque idoneos infra totam et integram diæcefim Wigorn. prædictam, ac infra omnia et fingula loca, tam exempta, quam non exempta, et territoria ejufdem, ac eorum cujuſlibet parcellam dioeceſis Wigorn. prædictæ, per literas noftras patentes ad præſens factam, ubicumque oriundos, et alios quofcumque in ea parte legitime dimiffos et licentiatos, ad omnes etiam facros et presbyteratos ordines legitime ordinare et promovere, præfen- tatofque ad beneficia aliqua eccleſiaſtica quæcumque, infra totam et inte gram dioecefim Wigorn. prædictam, et juriſdictionem ejuſdem, tam infra loca exempta, quam non exempta, exiſtentia et conftituta, admittere, ac *in, et de eiſdem inſtituere et inveſtire, ac eos, feu eorum aliquem ab eiſdem, five eorum aliquo deftituere, et fi ita res exigat, penitus repellere et amovere. Nec non beneficia et promotiones eccleſiaſticas quafcumque ad collationem, præſentationem, et liberam difpofitionem fupradicti reverendi patris Wigorn. epiſcopi fpectantia five pertinentia, conferre, præſentare, et donare libere, licite, et quiete valeat et valeant, poſſit et poffint. - Teſtamentaſque, et ultimas voluntates, quorumcumque defunctorum infra totam et integram diæcefim Wigorn. et epiſcopatus ejufdem, tam infra loca exempta, quam non exempta, ac adminiftrationes bonorum quorum- cumque prædictæ diæceſis et juriſdictionis ab inteftatis, feu per viam in. teftati decedentium, etiam cujuſcumque taxæ, fummæ, aut valoris fuerint aut erunt, approbare, inſinuare, et committere, ac bona omnia et fingula eorumdem decedentium in caſibus à jure permiſſis ſequeſtrare, calculumque, compotum, et ratiocinium exigere et cupere, ac alia quæcumque in ea parte neceſſaria, feu quomodoliber oportuna facere et perimplere. Cauſaſque, lites, et negotia quæcumque ad forum eccleſiaſticum, feu conſiſtorium epi- fccpalem quomodo fpectantia et pertinentia, per viam querelæ fcu appel- lationis, aut alias devolvenda, tam ad inftantiam et petitionem partis vel partium, quam ex officio mero, mixto, vel promoto, audire, expedire, cognoſcere, et examinare, ac ea et eas, cum ſuis incidentibus, emergentibus dependentibus, annexis, et connexis quibufcumque diſcutere, decidere terminare, et finire. xx Eccleſias .: : 170 A P P E N D I X Eccleſias quoque cathedrales prædictas, civitates Wigorn. et Glouceſtren. prædi&as, ac comitatus noftros totius dioeceſis Wigorn prædictæ, nec non omnia et fingula alia loca fuperius fpecificata, totumque clerum et populum eorumdem, ac cujuſlibet parcelæl, tam in capite quam in membris, quoties et quando opus viſum fuerit et videbitur expediens prædi&to reverendo patri Johanni Hopero Wigorn. epifcopo, ac fuccefforibus, fuis Wigorn. epifcopis viſitare, ac de, et fuper quibufcumque criminibus, exceffibus, er deli&is, ad forum eccleſiaſticum, feu confiftorium epiſcopalem quoquomodo fpectantibus five pertinentibus infra totam dioeceſim Wigorn. prædi&am, ac infra omnia er fingula loca fuperius præſignificata, tam exempta quam non exempta, infra totam juriſdi&tionem Wigorn. prædictæ, et epifcopatus ejuſdem commiſlis et perpetratis, tam ex officio mero et mixto, quam pro- moto, inquirere, et quofcumque delinquentes, five criminoſos, per ceníuras ecclefiafticas, et alia legitima juris ecclefiaftici remedia, debite corrigere, reformare, et punire, vicarias itaque quofcumque generales five officiales, nec non commiſſarios ac regiſtrarios, et alios nuntios, five miniſtros quoſ cumque, pro debite executione et expeditione præmiſforum, five eorum alicujus, depurare, nominare, facere, et præficere. Cæteraque omnia et fingula in præmiſſis, feu aliquo præmiſforum, aut circa ea neceſſaria fuerint quomodolibet requiſita, nec non cætera omnia et ſing la juriſdictiones, auctoritates, et poteftates, ordinarias et epiſcopales, ac officium paſtorale quovifmodo tangentia, concernentia, et refpicientia (præter et ultra ea, quæ ex facris Literis divinitus effe dinofcuntur) vice, nomine, et auctoritate noftris regiis, exequi, exercere, facere et expedire, ac executioni demandare valeat et valeant, poffit et poſfint abfqae impe- dimento noſtro, vel vel hæredum ſeu ſucceſſorum noftrorum ; aliqua alia donatione, conceffione, five commiſſione ante hæc tempora, per nos, vel aliquem progenitorum five prædecefforum noftrorum, aut per aliquem epifcopum Wigorn. in contrarium factis, datis, conceſſis, ſive commiffis in aliquo non obſtantibus. Ét ulterius, de ampliori gratia noſtra, certa fcientia, et mero motu noftris, dedimus, et conceſſimus, ac reſtituimus, et per præſentes damus, concedimus, et reftituimus præfato Johanni, epiſcopo Wigorn. omnia et fingula dominia, maneria, terras, tenementa, ac hæreditamenta quæcumque, cum pertinentiis, dicto epiſcopatui Wigorn. fpectantia , feu quoviſmodo pertinentia, aut parcellam poffeffionum, jurium, reventionum, five hæredi- tamentorum ejufdem epiſcopatus exiſtentia, ac omnia et fingula exitus, redditus, reventiones, et cætera proficua quæcumque dictorum dontiniorum, maneriorum, et meſuagiorum, terrarum, tenementorum, præmifforum quorumcumque, et cujuſlibet inde pareellæ, á fefto Michaelis Archangeli ultimo præterito, hucuſque provenientia, creſcentia, ſeu emer- gentia, habenda præfaro Johanni Hopero, epiſcopo Wigorn. quamdiu ſe bene gefferit in eodem, ex dono noftro, abſque compoto, feu aliquo alio proinde nobis hæredibus, vel ſucceſſoribus noftris quoquomodo reddendo, folvendo, vel faciendo, et abſque alio brevi de reſtitutione temporalium, ne feu et cæterorum Cartarum Originalium. 171 - - - tam fpiritualibus, quam temporalibus, ac in omnibus aliis et ſingulis locis, feu aliquo brevi de Amoveas manum, aut aliquo alio brevi, proſecutione, liberatione, feu warranto quocumque, à nobis, hæredibus, vel fuccefforibus noſtris quoquomodo impetrando, obtinendo, feu profequendo; aliquo a&u, ftatuto, ordinatione, lege, proviſione, prohibitione, proclamatione, reſtric- tione, conſtitutione, aut confuetudine in contrarium inde antehac habitis, factis, editis, ordinatis, proviſis, ſeu uſitatis, aut aliqua alia re, cauſa, feu materia quacumque in aliquo non obftantibus. Et præterea, de ampliori gratia noſtra volumus, ac per præſentes con- cedimus, pro nobis, hæredibus, et fuccefforibus noftris, quod hæ literæ noſtræ patentes, et quodlibet verbum, fententia, et claulula in eiſdem contenta, ſeu ſpecificata, interpretabuntur, exponentur, capientur, intelli- gentur, adjudicabuntur, et determinabuntur, tam coram nobis, hæredibus, et ſucceſſoribus noſtris, quam in quibuſcumque curiis noftris, et curiis hæredum et fuccefforum noftrorum, nec non in quibufcumque aliis curiis, ac curam quibuſcumque judicibus, juſticiariis, et aliis perſonis quibufcum- que, et alia perſona quacumque, ad maximum commodum et proficuum prædicti epiſcopi Wigorn. ac fuccefforum fuorum epiſcoporum Wigorn. et arctiſfime erga nos, hæredes, et fucceſſores noftros, et hoc licet nomen aut cognomen prædicti epiſcopi Wigorn. vel certitudo veri valoris epi- fcopatus Wigorn. prædicti, ſpecialiter et certitudinaliter in hiis literis no. ftris patentibus non exprimantur, declarentur, feu fpecificentur, aut aliqua omiſſione nominis feu cognominis alicujus peculiaris juriſdictionis infra totos comitatus Wigorn. aut Glouc. prædictos, vel aliquo alio defectu, negligentia, repugnantia, feu contrariofitate, in præfentibus, aut eorum aliquo, aut eo quod expreſſa mentio de vero valore annuo, aut de certi- tudine præmifforum, aut de aliis donis, feu aliis conceſſionibus per nos præfato epiſcopo Wigorn. ante hæc tempora factis, in præſentibus minime facta exiſtit, aliquo ſtatuto, actu, ordinatione feu reſtrictione, in contrarium præmiſſorum ſeu eorum alicujus, ante hæc tempora editis, factis, feu ordinatis, vel aliqua cauia, re, ſeu materia quæcumque in aliquo non obftantibus: Et ulterius etiarn volumus, et per pr pientes concedimus, ac firmiter injungendo præcipimus, pro nobis, hæredibus, et ſuccefforibus noſtris, tam cancellario et concilio noftro curiæ augmentationum et reventionum com ronæ noftræ pro tempore exiſtentibus , quam quibufcumque auditoribus, recentioribus, firmariis, et aliis officiariis, et miniſtris noſtris quibufcum- que, quod ipfi, et eorum quilibet, ſuper folam demonſtrationem harum literarum noftrarum patentiam, vel irrotulamenti earumdem, abſque aliquo alio brevi feu warranto à nobis, hæredibus, vel fuccefforibus noftris quo- quomodo impetrando, obtinendo, ſeu profequendo, plenam, integrarn, et debitam allocationem et folutionem præfato reverendo patri Johanni Ho pero, Wigorn. epiſcopo, vel affignatis, vel attornatis fuis, de omnibus redditibus, proficuis, et denariorum fummis quibuſcumque, de prædi&is maneriis, dominiis, terris, et tenementis, ac cæteris præmiſlis omnibus et fingulis, aut aliqua inde parcella, exeuntibus, provenientibus, ſeu renovan- tibus, : 172 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X tibus, facient, et fieri cauſabunt, et hæ literæ noftræ patentes erunt an- nuatim de tempore in tempus, tam dicto cancellario et concilio curiæ augmentationum et reventionum coronæ noftræ pro tempore exiftentibus, quam quibufcumque auditoribus, receptoribus, firmariis, ac aliis officiariis et miniſtris noftris quibufcumque , fufficiens warrantum et exoneratio in hac parte. Volumus etiam, et per præſentes concedimus reverendo patri Johanni Wigorn. epifcopo, quod habeat et habebit has literas noftras patentes ſub magno ſigillo noftro Angliæ debito modo factas et figillatas, abſque fine, feu feodo magno vel parvo nobis in Hanaperio noftro, feu alibi, ad ufum noftrum quoquomodo reddendo, folvendo, fcu faciendo ; et hoc, abſque aliquo alio brevi feu warranto proinde à nobis, hæredibus, vel fuccefforibus noftris quo- quomodo impetrando ; ſed quod hæ literæ noftræ patentes erunt annuatim fufficiens warrantum et exoneratio cancellario noftro Angliæ in hac parte. Eo quod expreſſa mentio de vero valore annuo, aut de aliquo alio valore vel certitudine præmifforum, five eorum alicujus, aut de aliis donis, five conceſſionibus per nos præfato reverendo patri Johanni Wigorn. epiſcopo, ante hæc tempora facis, in præfentibus minime facta exiſtit, aut aliquo ſtatuto, a&u, ordinatione, proviſione, five reſtrictione in contrarium factis, editis, ordinatis, five proviſis, aut aliqua alia re, cauſa, vel materia quacumque in aliquo non obſtantibus. In cujus rei, &c. Tefte rege apud Weftmonafterium vicefimo die Maii. Per breve de privato figillo (x). (x) Rym, Fod, T.xy. p. 298. podig 139. De ne spil Cartarum Originalium 173 39. De conceſſione pro epiſcopo Wigorn. et Glouc. REX ret. EX omnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Cum per quendam actum in parliamento noftro, &c. ut fupra uſque appa Ac cum epiſcopatus Wigorniæ et Glouceftriæ ad præſens vacui fuifque pa- ftoribus idoneis fint reſtituti, per liberas reſignationes, renuntiationes, et fur- fum redditiones reverendi patris Johannis Hoperi, Wigorn et Glouc. reſpective nuper epiſcopi, et ob id collatio prædictorum epiſcopatuum ad munus noftrum regium jufte pertinere dinofcatur. Cumque ad notitiam noftram devenit, quod fructus, redditus, et proventus prædiai nuper epiſcopatus Glouceſtr. fuerint, et fint, admodum exigui et tenues, quoad fuftentationem nuper epiſcopi, nec veriſimiliter ad fuftentati- onem ejufdem epiſcopi in futurum fufficere poterint, quodque etiam temporis qualitas, et locorum vicinitas nos invitat, ut epiſcopatus Wigorn. et Glouc. unire debeamus; quoniam nec longe à fe itineris intervallo femoti aut fe- juncti funt, nec tanta populi multitudo eft, ut, ficut nuper fuit, duos habere debeant paſtores, ſed ſub uno idoneo epiſcopo, et vigilanti paftore, populus utriuſque dioceſis Wigorn, et Glouc. ſatis commode paſci, et fpiritualiter erudiri et gubernari poterit. Nos igitur, utilitati dictorum epiſcopatuum, ecclefiarum cathedralium eorumdem digne proſpicere cupientes, de gratia noftra fpeciali, ac ex certa fcientia et "mero motu noftris, nec non aucthoritate noftra regia ſuprema et ecclefiaftica, qua fungimur in hac parte, prædictos nuper epi- piſcopatus et dioeceles Wigorn. et Glouc. ac omnes et omnimodas jurif- di&iones jura dignitates et privilegia omnia et fingula prædi&tis epifcopa- tibus, aut eorum alteri fpectantia five pertinentia epifcopo Wigorn. et Glouc. cuicumque pro tempore exiſtenti, unimus, annectimus, adjungimus, et incorporamus, ac ex dictis duobus epiſcopatibus, et dicecelibus unum epiſcopum, paftorem, et diceceſanum effe volumus, ordinamus, et ſtabili- mus perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturum, et pro fic ordinari, er im- perpetuum ftabiliri, ac inviolabiliter obfervari ab omnibus fubditis noftris volumus et jubemus per præſentes ; et quod epifcopus Wigorn. et Glouc. quicumque impofterum fuerit , aut erit, et fucceffores fui, per nomen, et fub nomine epifcopi Wigorn. et Glouc. nuncupatur, appelletur, et nomine tur, nuucupentur, appellentur, et nominentur. q son Noſque eriam ulterius fcrutantes, et præmiffa confiderantes, cupienteſque populum noftrum prædictarum dioecefium Wigorn. et Glouc. juxta divi Pauli normam digne paici, et fpiritualiter gubernari, epiſcopum idoneum atque paftorem vigilantem ibidem præficiendo duximus et ducimus per præſentes. ху Sciatis 174 APPENDIX Sciaris igitur, quod nos, Adjudicantes et fatis fcientes reverendum patrem Johannem Hoperum, prædictorum epifcopatuum Wigorn, et Glouc. reſpective nuper epifcopum, perfonam idoneam eſſe ad epilcopatus Wigorn. et Glouc. fupradictos modo vacantes, tam propter fingularem, &c. ut fupra. Concedimus præfato reverendo patri Johanni Hopero epiſcopatus Wigorn. et Glouc. ac eundem Johannem Hoperum in epiſcopum Wigorn. et Glouc transferimus per præſentes, ac ipſum Johannem epiſcopum Wigorn. et Glouc. ac diceceſis Wigorn. et Glouc. eligimus, ordinamus, facimus, creamus, declaramus, et conftituimus per præſ Et volumus, ac per præſentes concedimus et ordinamus, quod idem e- piſcopus Wigorn. et Glouc. fit corpus corporatum in re et nomine, ip- fumque pro uno corpore declaramus, acceptamus, ordinamus, facimus, et conftituimus per præſentes imperpetuum, babeatque fucceffionem perpetu- am, ac quod ipfe et fucceffores fui per nomen, et fub nomine epiſcopi Wigorn. er Glouc. nominabitur, vocabitur, nominabuntur vocabuntur im- perpetuum, ac quod ipfe et ſucceſſores fui per idem nomen, et fub ipſo nomine proſequi, clamare, et placitare ac implicitaria Et per idem nomen, maneria, dominia, terras capere, recipere, gaudere --- ac generaliter omnia alia et fingula recipere gaudere, dare, concedere, onerare, et facere, prout et eifdem modo et forma, quibus epiſcopus Coventren, et Lichfelden. aut epifcopus Bathon. et Wellen, feu cæteri epiſcopi infra hoc regnum noftrum Angliæ, reci- pere, dare, concedere, onerare, aut facere poflit aut poſſint, valeat aut valeant, feu aliquis epiſcopus infra regnum noftrum Angliæ recipere, dare, concedere, onerare, aut facere poſſit aut valeat, et non aliter, nec ullo modo, tort som Habendos, tenendos, occupandos, et gaudendos prædi&tos epiſcopatus et fedes epifcopales, ac diæceſes Wigorn. et Glouc. una cum omnibus et fingulis eorum juriſdictionibus, dignitatibus, privilegiis, præeminentiis, pro- ficuis, et emolumentis univerſis prædi&is epiſcopatibus, ſeu eorum alteri, jure, five juriſdictione epiſcopali quoquo modo pertinentibus five fpectan- tibus, eidem reverendo patri Johanni Hopero durante vita ſua naturali, et ea libere, inconcuſſe, et pacifice et quiete, fi præfatus Johannes tam diu fe bene gefferit erga nos in eodem.ubdita cans ita Volumus itaque, et per præfentes conſtituimus, declaramus, et ordina- mus, quod præfatus reverendus pater Johannes Wigorn. et Glouc. epiſco- pus et fucceffores fui Wigorn. et Glouc. epiſcopus et ſucceſſores ſui Wi- gorn, et Glouc. epiſcopi habitabit et habitabunt, moram reſidentiamque faciet et facient, ac hoſpitabiliter fovebit et fovebunt impofterum, et de- inceps fingulis annis, et annuatim alternis vicibus, infra prædi&as diceceſes Il Wigorn. et Glouchóviz. per five circa unam medietatem cujuſlibet anni infra prædictam dioecefim Glouc. ita tamen ut alteram ecclefiam et dice- ceſum, cui corporaliter pro tempore præfens eſſe non poterit, ſolicita provi- Cartarum Originalium. 175 providentique cura diſponat quatinus verbum Dei et divina miniſteria populo ibidem, Deo præftante, ſincere et catholice prædicentur, admini- ftrentur, et peragantur. Et ulterius, de habundatiori gratia noſtra, ex certa fcientia eccleſias cathedrales Wigorn. et Glouc. prædictas, ac civitates Wigorn et Glouc. ac comitatus eorumdem, ac totos et integros co tatus Wigorn. et Glouc prædictos, ac totam illam partem comitabus Warrewici, ab antiquo infra dioeceſim Wigorn. exiſtentem, nec non totam villam et parochiam de Kyngefwood juxta Wotton under Ege in comitatu Glouceſtriæ, ac archidiaconatus Wigorn. et Glouc. et archidiaconos ibidem ab omni juriſdictictione epiſcopali cæterorumpue quorum- cumque epiſcoporum -imperpetuum liberamus per præfentes. Ac omnem et omnimodam juriſdictionem epiſcopalem infra eccleſias cathedrales et civitates noftras Wigorn. et Glouc. --- reverendo Johanni Hopero, epiſcopo Wigorn. et Glouc. et ſucceſſoribus fuis Wigorn. et Glouc. epiſcopis ac epiſcopatibus Wigorn. et Glouc, adjungimus, unimus, et per præſentes in perpetuum annectimus, &c. ne Et inſuper, nos de ampliori gratia noſtra, ac ex certa fcientia, et mero motu noftris, dedimus et conceffimus, ac per præſentes damus et concedimus ſupradicto reverendo patri Johanni Hopero, Wigorn. et Glouc. epiſcopo ac fuccefforibus ſuis quod -poſfit ex poffint archidiaconos et præbendarios quoſcumque infra eccleſias cathedrales Wigorn. et Glouceftr . prædictas con- ferre, collare, et donare, &c. ut ſupra, mutatis mutandis. anderem 13 hebben In cujus rei, &c. Teſte rege apud Weſtmonaſterium octavo die sohou Per ipfum regem (y). 2 . of (y) Rym. Fæd. T. XV. p. 320. to . Tạo Koi 176 AP PE N D I X 140. Commiſſio ad vifitandum aultoritate ſedis Apoftolice. Eginaldus, miſeratione divina, fanéte Marie in Coſmedin fancte Romane eccleſie diaconus cardinalis Polus, nuncupatus fan&tiſlimi noſtre pape et fedis Apoſtolice, ad ſereniſſimos Philippum et Mariam Anglie reges, et uni- verſum Anglie regnum de latere legatus, venerabili in Chriſto patri epiſcopo Wigornien. ialutem in Domino. Legationis, qua fungimur, officium poftulat, ut eccleſias et loca in legatione noftra comprehenſa, maxiure ea, que Apofto. lice ſedi immediate commendata, atque fubjecta ſunt, que per alium quam per Romanum j ontificem, et ejus legatos viſitare non poſſunt, viſitemus, et que ibi corrigenda fint, corrigamus, ceteraque ad honorem Dei, et ipfarum eccleſi- arum et locorum utilitatem inſtituamus, que inftituenda effe videantur. Ve- rum cum nos ipfi multis aliis ejufdem legationis occupationibus impediti, huic muneri ſatisfacere non poſſumus, id aliis prelatis, quorum fidei doctrine et di- ligentie nobis jam perſpecte confidere poſſumus, committendum eſſe duximus. Circumſpectioni igitur tue cathedralem, et quaicumque alias eccleſias, ac pia loca tue civitatis, et dioceſeos etiam à tua juriſdictione exempta, et ſedi A- poftolice immediate ſubjecta au&oritate Apoftolica ſemel tantum viſitandi, queque ex eis correctione et emendatione indigere cognoveris, tam in capite quam in membris, prout ſecundum Deum et canonicas fanctiones noveris ex- pedire, contradi&tores quoſlibet et rebelles, per cenſuras ecclefiafticas, et alia juris remedia, appellatione propoſita, compefcendi, et, G opus fuerit, auxilium brachii ſecularis invocandi, et alia, que in premiſſis neceſſaria fuerint, feu quo- modolibet oportuna faciendi, mandandi, ordinandi, et decernendi, eadem au- &oritate Apoftolica, per literas felicis, &c. Julii pape tertii, tam ſub plumbeo, quam ſub forma Brevis, expeditas, ad quarum infertionem non tenemur, nobis conceffa; tenore preſentium concedimus facultatem, non obftantibus conſtitu- tionibus et ordinationibus Apoftolicis, neque omnibus, que in premiſſis literis idem felicis recordationis Julius tertius predictus obftare noluit, ceterifque con- trariis quibufcunque. Dat' apud Grenewich Roffen. dioc. anno à Nativitate Domini 1556, decimo ſexto Kalend. Marcii, pontificatus fanctiſſini in Chri- ſto patris et domini, domini Pauli, divina providentia pape quarti anno primo. Reg. cardinalis Polus legatus (Z). (2) Reg. Potes, f. 21. 141. Con- Cartarum Originalium. 177 141. Conceſſio regie majeſtatis collationum prebendarum in ecclefia cathedrali Wigorn. domino epiſcopo ibidem facta. Ecimo die menſis Auguſti anno domini millefimo quingenteſimo octogeſi- D mo primo, reverendus in Chriſto pater dominus Johannes, divina provi- deutia Wigorn. epiſcopus, humiliter, cum gratiarum actione, in caftro fuo de Hertlebury recepit literas regie majeſtatis patentes verborum fequentium fub tenore, viv. C ELIZABETH, Dei gratia, Anglie, Francie,et Hibernie regina, fidei defen- for,&c. omnibus ad quos preſenres litere pervenerint, falutem. Cum Henricus octavus, pater nofter prechariffimus, per literas ſuas patentes gerentes datam apud Weſtm. quarto die Januarii, anno regni fui tricefimo tertio, infra fcitum ' ſeptum circuitum ambitum et precinctum nuper cenobii five monafterii dum 6 extitit ecclefie cathedralis beate Marie virginis Wigorn. quandam ecclefiam cathedralem ſub nomine et titulo ecclefie cathedralis Chrifti, et beate Ma- srie Virginis Wigorn. ex fundatione dicti nuper regis, patris noftri precha- riſlimi, de uno decano presbytero, et decem presbyteris prebendariis ibidem 6 omnipotenti Deo omnino et imperpetuum fervituris, creavit, erexit, funda- vit, ftabilivit, et incorporaverit, dictos decem presbyteros prebendarios,cum 6 nonnullis poffeſfionibus dotaverit, et in eiſdem prebendis decem idoneas per- Archbi- -' , , w 8 ဖို့ នកុន A Novel fogla otganies กับ : ) Ir 2 รถ VS จาก ระส่วน T283996 of A 25 OF THE Tela 100 -2020 e polo Moſt Remarkable Names and Places men- es tion'd in this Work. 2 de dgeil 2 ta, pa mort animlag S. ſtands for the SURVEY, A for the ACCOUNT. A. Berley Hills, in the Hundred of bis Daughter in Marriage, to the Dodingtree, S. Page 1. Beauchamps ; from wobence it has to Abington in Berkſhire, where this day the Name of Acton-Beau- was a famous Abbey, A. p.125 champ, Ablinton near Bibury in Gloucefter. Adam de Herwinton, founded a Chan- fhire, a Mannor belonging to the try for two Prieſts in the Conventual Biſhops of Worceſter, Church of Perſhore, A. 178 Abotsbiri, au Abbey by the Sea-fide in Adam de Murymouth, Profeffor of Dorſetſhire, it's Civil Law, A. 164 Aclea, now Oakley, a Village in Here Adam de Orlton, Biſhop of Worceſter, fordſhire, taken away from the Church A.170 by Earl Ronig, A. Adeleide, Queen, Daughter of Godfrey, Acon, in the boly Land, at the Siege of Duke of Lovain, A. 106 which place Baldwin, firſt Biſhop of Ægelline, Dean, a noble and prudent Man, Counſellor to King Ethelred, mop of Canterbury, died, *** A. 117 A. 59 dingtreeHandred, taken away from Eveſham, A. 70, 71,81,85,100 vero the Church by Ágelwy, Abbot of Ælfeage, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, $Eveſham, and from him by Urſo d'Abetot, who gave it away with B bb Ælferc .: 70, 85 A. 124 A. 114 A. 58 tofgaida 2 .: 186 The INDE X. A. 48 A. 69 A 92 A. 100 A. 59 Ælfere, Duke of Mercia, A. 41,50,51 Alfred, King Ethelred's eldeſt Son, bis Ælfnoth, Biſhop of Dorcheſter, Eyes put out, and be impriſoned, by a Man, Ælfige , Abbot of Bath,nea mar. 10 Alfrie, Archbishop of York, a. 62,67 Ælfſtan, Father to Biſhop Wolftan, Alkrinton, in the Hundred of Berkley, Glouceſterſhire, A.187 Ælfiligton, Alffigton Ællington, now Alriton, Aulfton, near Teukesbury, Á. 43, Alvechurch, Alvine Church, Ælfgythe 68,76,109 Cyrcan, in the middle Diviſion of Ælfſtan, Prior of Worceſter, A. 100 Otwaldeflow Hundred, A 36,120, Æfchgraf-Wood by Weſtbury in Glou 121,122,131,132,136,137,139,163, cerſhire, 181. Ælige near Winterburn in Glocefter- Alwine, Abbot of Ramſey, Ahire, A. 92 Alured or Alfred, Biſhop of Worceſter, Æftlege or Afteley, in the lower Divi- A. 181 on of Dodingtree Hundred, A. 70 Ambreſley, or Omberſley, in the lower Æthelhnn, or Adelhun, Biſhop, A.35 Diviſion of the Hundred of Blaken- Ævic, High Sheriff of Staffordſhire, burſt, appropriated to the Abbey of Eveſham, 168,175 , of , 74 Angleſey, , A.IT Agene 13. AnſelmArchbishop Ailnoth, Metropolitan, A. 62 A. 103,104,112 Ailred, Abbot of Rievale, A. 79 Arminfred, Biſhop of Sedun, A. 74 Ailrick, Aribdeacon of Worceſter, A. Arreley, in the Hundred of Chelten- 85,89 ham, Glouceſterſhire, la A462 Alam, Prieſt of St. Alban's, A.89 Arundell, Arcbbiſhop of Canterbury, Alceſter, in Warwickſhire, A.125. The companiei A. 189 Priory bere united to the Abbey of St. Afaph, A. 125,195,196 Evefham, mo197 Aſculum in Italy, A 203 Aldred, Biſhop of Worceſter, A:39, Afton, A. 14,124. in Glouceſterſhire. 69,70 Eaſtune juxta Salwarp, A. 16. Aldulph, or Adulf, Biſhop of Worce Afton Cantelow, Warwickſhire, ap- A.49,56,57 propriated to the Priory of Maxſtoke, Alcock, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 198. A. 177 Rebuilt the Church of Little Mal Athelſtan, King, STA.35,36 ori vern, and founded Jeſus-College in Aumeley, Almeley, Elmley Caftle Cambridge, ariavo.1 to song 199 middle Deviſion of Ofwalánow, A. Alexander, Pope, Double 110,137 Alfefton, or Alveſton, in the Hundred Avon TO Y A.9 of Pathlow, Warwickſhire, S. 3. A. Auft, famous for its Palage over the 87,109,144 Severn, Glouceſterſhire, A.7, 213 Alfnoth, Prief of St. Helen's, A 89 Aylmington, Alchmundington in the Alfied, King of the Angles and Saxons, Pariſh of Henbury Saltmarſh, Glou- A.31,32 uceſterſhire, A. 32 dative ** Een od foted B. Babington, fter, A. 74 Avon River, The INDE X. 187 S.92 158 B A. 114 A. 210 A. 45 A. 33.45 A. 28.41 .: Beauchamp, Sir John, bis Monument, B. Beauchamp, Sir John, of Holt, s.97 Beavais in Picardy in France, A. Abington, Biſhop of Biſhop of Worceſter, Becford, Beccanford, near Teukesbury Verſes ſet up in memory of him, in Glouceſterſhire, A. 21,23.162 S:37 Becket, Thomas à, Bacceſofre, now Batsford, in Kiſtgate Bees, St. in Cumberland, Hundred, Glouceſterſhire, A. 12 Bell, Biſhop of Worceſter, ſerviceable Badmington Magna, in the Hundred of to the King in defending bis Divorce Grom baldaſhe in Gloceſterſhire, A. from 2. Catherine, A.205 624. appropriated' to the Abbey of Bendia, Pope, son Lilleſhull, 177 Benedict, Abbot of Teukesbury, u A. Baieux on the Aure, not far from the 107 Sea, in Normandy, A.78,103,105 Bengworth, Beninwyrthe, Benning Baldwin, Biſbop of Worceſter, and af wrde, near Eveſham, og terwards Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 63 77.83 A. 116,117. Bentley, Beonetley, Weft fide Severn, Balls, Chantry in Trinity Church, Briſtol confirmed, A. 196 Beol ne, Beln, in Halffhire Hundred, Bangor, A.103,106,125,122 A. 25. 61. 70 Bannocksbourn near Stirling, A. 161 Beonfington, Hundred of Ewelme, Ox- Barlo, Dean of Worceſter, A. 208 fordſhire, a Royal Village, Barneſley, Bearendelea, near Bibury Beorn, Couſin German to Swein, muru in Glouceſterſhire, A. 28 ther'd by bim, A. 66 Barnet, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 182 Beornhard, Earl, A. 16 Barton's Grave-ſtone, S. 124 Beortulff, Burtulff, King of Mercia, Bartholomew, Biſhop of Exeter, A. 5.31. A.12.26,27 113. 114 Berkley, Beorcley, Glouceſterſhire, A. Baskervile's Tomb, S. 107 18.25 Baſil in Swifferland, A.193,194 Berkley, Sir Henry, 218 Batenhale near Worceſter, S. 14.32 Bernard de Novo Mercato, A.87 A. 43 Bernard Siſtre, Archdcacon of Cant. A. Bath, Beathum, hatum Bathum A. 176 19. 22. 29. 100. 106,107. 115. 119. Berrow, Lower Diviſion of Oſwaldflow 1 26.148,,189,190. A. 120 193.195,196.208. Bertford, Battle. Abbey in Suſſex, A.114 Bertanwellan, Byrhtanwell, Oxford, Bearmondeſlea in Glouceſterſhire, A ſhire, Beſel or Boſel, Biſhop of Worceſter, 24 A. 6 Beauchamp Peverel de gave Codeſton on the Hills, S. 19 Beverey, two Miles North of Worce. Beauchamp, Sir James, bis Monument, ſter, Beverey > A. 32 A. 41 A. 32.43 S. 18.32 S. 92 The INDEX : A. 179 90173152 ?) 213 A of Oſwaldeflow, 188 Beverey or Beverburne Fibery, A. Breutford, Breganford in Middleſex, 109 A. 18 Bibery, Beaganbyrig, Gloceſterſhire, Brauntsford, two Miles Weft from A.III11. Worceſter ; tbe Bridge bere built by Bichmerſh near Bidford in Warwick Biſhop Wolftan de Brauntsford, fhire, A. 69 Bidforn, appropriated to Kenilmorth Bredicot, tbree Miles Tot from Wor- Abbey, A.162,163 ceſter, A. 46,47 Billon, Bishop of Worceſter, A.220 Breedod, Middle Diviſion of Oſwalde- Bilhampton, in the middle Diviſion of flow, A. 17,18,19. 27.68. 109,110. Oſwaldeflow Hundred, appropriated 129. 132. 137. 139 to the Nuns of Cokhill A. 171. Brian, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 181 bis Monument, S. 102 144.146.161 Biſley in Glouceſterſhire, A. 162.199 163.197-212 Bitumæum Monaſtery, A. 24. Quere Bright's Monument, S. 87 wbere. Bridgnorth, A. 60 Blackwell, a Hamlet in the Pariſh of Brithwold, Monk of Glaſtonbury, A. • Tredington, MA 8,9 Bladen River near Dailesford, upper Brighteh, Brighteagus, Biſhop of n Worceſter, A. 6 ,63.66.73 Blanford, Biſhop of Worceſter, bis Britnoth, Earl, a great Favourer of Monument, the Monks, A. 48 Bleys, Biſhop of Worceſter gave Wyke Briſtol City, A. to bis Church, S. 18. Confecrated the 198.219. pis Broadiſs, Bradewas, four Miles Weft Blickley, William, Son of Robert de from Worceſter, A. 21.109.131 Eftwud, ſold to Bilbop Bleys a Bromefgrove, Halfſhire Hundred, $ 3. O Meadow here, A. 128,129 13. A. 23.131.146. The Church Blizzard, William's Grave ftone, $. 86 bere appropriated 10 the Priory by Blockley, a Mannour belonging to the Biſhop Bleys, A.D. 1236. Biſhop of Worceſter, upper Diviſion Bromley, Bromleage, of Oſwaldeflow Hundred, A. 28.107. Bromley's Monument S. IN 131,132. Bromwic in Staffordſhire, S.31. A.109 Bocking in Effex, A.215 Bruton Priory, in the Dioceſs of Bath Boteler, Ralph, Lord Sudeley, S. 196 and Wells, Botwin, sbbot, A. 49 Buckingham. A. 83.126 Bourgchier, Thomas, Biſhop of Wor- Budbroke near Warwick, appropriated ceſter, Son of William, Earl of Ewe to the Collegiate Churcb tbere, A. in Normandy, by Anne bis Wife, 145.148 Daughter to Thomas of Woodſtoke, Buzden in Huntingtonſhire, a Seat of Duke of Glouceſter, the Biſhop of Lincoln, A. 198 Bourgchier's Lady, Grave ftone, S. 121 Bufuwud, not far from Tenbury and Bradley, Bradanlægh, a Hamlet in the most Eaſtham, ** Pariſh of Fladbury, A. 1 2. 20. 23 Bulllingham S. 49 Bells, p. 128 A. 69 TERRITORS A. 185 A. 194,195 A. 59 za : .. The INDE X. 189 196 A.4 A.S A. 75.30 sé A. 185 * CA A. 215 Bullingham, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. Carpenter, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 313. bis Monument, S. 41 Bureſton in Shropfhire, A. 104.106. Cedda, Biſhop of Mercia. A. 4 109. 114 Cellack, Biſhop of Mercia, Burhed, King of Mercia, gave to the Ceolowoldingcote on the Eaft ſide the Church, Wolverley, S. 31. A. Severn, near Worceſter, A.25 30.34 Ceolulph, King of Mercia, in wboſe Burgh, or Peterburgh, Reign the Danes deſtroyed bis King- Burnell , Robert, Biſhop of Bath and dom, Wells, A. 148,149,150 Cefterhulle, A 109 Bytleſden Priory, in the Dioceſs of Chadſley, Čeadreſleaghe, lower Diviſi- Lincoln Cool on of Halffhire, A. 25. 61. reſtored to the Church ly Godiva, Wife to Earl Leofrick, 69,70 C. Chalchyth, Celchyth, perbaps Henley upon Thames, A.12.20.24 Charlton, Ceorletune, in the Pariſh of Alfhill, Canon of Chriſt Church, Cropthorn, A. 18.77.109 and Dean of Bocking, nominated Chelſey near London, A. 20 to this See, but died before Conſecra- Cheltenham, a Market Town in Glou- tion, ceſterſhire, A.22,23 Cambray, a City in Flanders, A. 145 Chelmeſcote near Brailes in War- Cambridge Univerſity, A.165.100. wickeſhire,where there was a Cbantry 205.210,215,216 225 founded by Thomas de Pakinton of Cambrugg, in the Hundred of Borkley, Brailes, Glouceſterſhire, A.177 Chertſea Abbey in Surrey, A.IOO Camme, near Berkley, appropriated to Cheſter City, the Abbey of Glouceſter, A.177. Chicheſter City, A. 181 Cirencefter, Ciceter in Glouceſterſhire, Canning, Dean of Weſtbury, built A.131.161. A Chantry was founded in Ratcliff Church at Briſtol, A. 178. the Chapel of this Monaſtery by Willi. 181. 198 am de Hereward, 178 Canterbury, A. Chirinton, in the Hundred of Kineton 103,104,105,106,107,108. 110, II. in Warwickſhire, A. 162 114.116.118,119,120,121,122, 123. Claines near Worceſter. The Tithes 126,143. 148.150, given to the Nuns of Whitſtane, 151,152,153,154.156 159,160,161, 162,163,164,165, Claverdon in Barlicway Hundred in w 219,220.loon Warwickſhire, A. 138 Canterton, Cantuaretun, Conderton, Clent in Staffordſhire , appropriated Middle Diviſion of Oſwaldellow, with the Chapel of Rowley to the Boliguel A. 30.109 Abbey of Haleſowen, A, 59. 177 Carent, or Cerent River runs down to Teukesbury, A. 18 Cec De A. 174 A. I$1.177 A. 153 . 14 . Clethall 190 The INDE X. ſter, S. 30 A. 163 m A. 59 A. 201 Clethall near Wich, A.115 Colne, Cunelgan, Cungle River in Cleve Biſhops in Glouceſterſhire, a Glouceſterſhire, A. 11'28.41 Mannour formerly belonging to the Colwell, Thomas, Subprior of Worce- Biſhops of Worceſter, A. III. 132. 212. Compton Longa in Warwickſhire, ap- Cleve, Priors, upper Diviſion of Oſwalde propriated to the Abbey of Wal- flow, S. 14.81. A. 109.121,122, den, 123. 127. 131. 162 Compton Parva in the Deanery of Clibery, Upper, in Shropſhire, A. 66 Stow on the Woulde, appropriated to Cliff in Kent, A. 183 the Abbey of Teukesbury, A 197 Clifford, Biſhop of Wotceſter, fent on Condicote in the Hundred of Slaughter an Embally to the Emperor to treat in Glouceſterſhire, A.68.74 of a Marriage between bis Son and Conrad, Emperor of Germany, who the Lady Blanch, the King's eldeſt married King Canut's Daughter, Daughter, A. 188,189 A. 62 Clifford near Stratford upon Avon, A. Conſtance, an Imperial City, A.82.83 A. IO 35. 42, 47 Coolberg in Wich, Sir Simon Clifford's Grave-ſtone, 5.97 Cotheridge, Coddaryoge, Cotheridge, Coddaryoge, A. 41.66 Clifton upon Teme, upper Diviſion of Coventry City, A. Dodingtree Hundred, Clopton near Teme, A. 46.76 Cranmer, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Clopton, Warwickſhire, 47.ITO Cloveſho, alias Abington, Berkſhire, Cranmer, Edmund, Archdeacon of A. 13.15.20,21 Canterbury, A. 226. 208 Cluny in the Dutcby of Burgundy in Crediton, Kirton in Devonſhire, A.63 France, A. Criddeſho, a Member of Cropthorn, Cnut, King, A.59,60 73 A. 18 Cobham, Biſhop of Worceſter, called Cricklade in the Hundred of High- the Good Clerk, S.104. A.160.165 worth in Wiltſhire, Codeſwell on the Hills in Glouceſter- Crokham. ſhire, A. 19.26.28 Crombe, Lower Diviſion of Oſwalde Coenred, King of Mercia, went to ſlow, Rome, and became a Monk, A.2 Croppethorn, Middle Diviſion of oi- Coenwif, King of Mercia, gave to the waldellow, A. 131, Biſhop and his Family tbe Diet of S.30.31 twelve Men, A. 24 Crowl, four Miles eaſt from Worceſter Cofton in the Hundred of Halffhire by S. 14.32. A. 27.61.174 the Licky, wilusti si non A. 18 Croydon in Surrey, Cohanlea at Sture, aniniw A. 23 Croyland Abbey in Lincolnſhire, A.36. Cokhull, Cookhill, a Nunnery Eaſt 62.114. Pored 11 from Inkbarrow , A. 213 Cubberley, Coberley in Rapiſgate- Colingrugge Foreſt in Hampſhire, A. Hundred in Glouceſterſhire, A 178 49. o 181. i 1993 Collesborn, Cowlesbotn, Rapiſgate. Cudley near Worceſter, A. 40.44 Hundred in Gloceſterſhire, A.24 Cullacliff, a Member of Wolverley, A 76.109 Crutch A. 96 A. 174 A. 43 A. 202 stainly The INDE X. 191 S. 32 A.13 A.17 A. 207 A. 59 . Cruch near Wich, A. 115 Dogldon in Wales, Cumbtone-Chapel near Hembirie in Dorcheſter, near Oxford, a Biſhop's Salfo Marifco, Glovceſterſhire, A. See, A. 50.79 108. Dover in Kent, A. 161 Cuthbert, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Draiton, a Village by Stratford upon Avon, Warwickihire, A. 61 Cutſden, Coteſdon, in Kiſgate Hundred Dublin in Ireland, A. 106 in Glouceſterſhire, S. 15:32 Ductun near Winterburn in Glouce- A. 44.46.148 ſterſhire, Cynelm, Abbot, A. 33 Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick, Cynewulf, King of the Weſt Saxons, A. 19.79 Dudley, a Market-Town in the lower Cye near Tenbury, Diviſion of Halffhire Hundred, A.130 Dudmarton, Didmerton in Grombold Aſh Hundred in Glouceſterſhire, D. A. 162 Dunedham near the River Wye, A. 67 Ailesford, upper Diviſion of Of Dunhamſted in Himbleton Pariſ, waldeflow, A. A. 24.109 St. David's City, A. 119.125 Dunſtan, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 87. David, Biſhop of Bangor, A 106,107 38.48,49.51. Archbiſhop of Canter- Denebert, Biſhop of Worceſter gave bury, A. 80,90 Herferton to the Monaſtery, S. 31 Durham City, A. 81.115.118 Derham, Rettory, A. 182 Durſley in Glouceſterſhire, appropria- Derhurſt, Deorhurſt. Priory in Glou ted to the Archdeaconry of Glouceſter, ceſterſhire, united to the Abbey of A. 198 Teukesbury, A. 23.197 Dichford, upper Diviſion of Oſwalde- flow, Diuma, Biſhop of the Mercians, A. 4 Dobbins's Monument, S. 86 , Dodenham, lower Diviſion Bibury in Hundred, five Miles Glouceſterſhire, A. 28 33 Weft from Worceſter, A.115.120 Eanbert, Vice Roy of the Wiccians, and Dodentre-Hundred, A.76 bis two Bretbren Vhtred and Aldred, Doderhill St. Auguſtin's in Wich, A.15,16 appropriated to the Prioey of the Eardulyeſton, a Member of Lindrige, , Cathedral Churcb, A. 106 110 A. 21 111.114,115,117 Earngate, the Son of Grim, A. 60 Dodford Priory near Bromelgrove, ú. - Eaſtham, Eſtham, upper Diviſion of nited to the Abbey of Haleſowen, Dodingtree Hundrod, Gb A. 59 D * A. 72 E. * A. 197 Eaſton, C. 192 The INDE X, A. 172,173 A. 36. A. 64 A. 73 Eaſton, Eſton, Afton, Biſhops Afton, Edward II , King, cauſed Articles to be White Ladies Afton, three Milse exbibited againſt Biſhop Orleton Eaft from Worceſter. T'be tbird * Part of this Village ſold to Biſhop Edwi, King, gave Pepſtinton and five Bleys by Cecily de Evercy, A. 128. Furnaces of Salt at Wich, S. 14 112. 138. Biſhop Giffard Giffard gave it to the Nuns of Whitftan, 153 Edwin, Brother to Earl Leofric, A. 69 Eathored, Beſhop of Worceſter, A. 12. Eedes, Dean, bis Monument, S.47,48 19,20. Egbert, King of the Weſt Saxons, Eatun, by the River Charwell in Ox- A. 26 fordſhire, A. 29.34,35 Egfrith, Son of Offa, A. 16 Ebrithſton, Ebryghton in Kiſtgate- Elmley, Aumeley, middle Diviſion of Hundred in Glouceſterſhire, appro Oſwaldeflow, A. 18.63.66,67,137 priated to the Abhey of Bytleſden, Elſmore near Glouceſter, A. 162 kaltertolo to A.18% Ely City, Ecgwin, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 8. Emma, Queen, Keys of bis Fetters miraculouſly found Enſham in Oxfordſhire. at Rome, 9. Founder of Eveſham Eoveſham, Eveſham, where there was Abbey. toistaba a famous Abbey, A. Edgar, King, and his two Qneens E 81.83,84,85. 100.107,108. 122.123. theileda and Ethelfrida. Their Sta. 123, ** Tues on the Eaſt ſide of the Tower Erwen, a famous Schoolmaſter, A. 73 of Worceſter, which be built, S. 8. Eftbury near Worceſter in the Pariſh Turned out the Seculars, and put in of Grimley and Hallow, A. 76.85 the Monks, S. 16. A.40, Elige near Wiuterburn in Glouceſter- Edgiva, Abbeſs of Leominſtre, A.65 Ahire, A. 16,18. Æligsbourn runs Edmund, Brother to King Athelſtan, i by Sedgbarrow, ibid. 18 A. 36 Eftlech, St. Andrew, appropriated to Edmund, King, the Abbey of Teukesbury, both in Edmund, Son of King Ethelred, A.59 Glouceſterſhire, A. 202 Edmund, Abbot of Perſhore, A.100 Eſtlee in Knightlow Hundred in War- Ednoth, Biſhop of Dorcheſter, A. 50 wickſhire, Edred, King, units A.36 Ethelard, Vice Roy of the Wiccians, Edric Streon, a perfidious Duke, A. aski b A. IO 2:59. Ethelbald, King of Mercia, A. 10.12 Edric, Steerman of the Biſhops Ship in 13.19.79. ob King Edward's time, A: 82 Ethelmodes Tree, 04 A. 125 Edli , Archbiſhop of Canterbury, A.65 Ethelmund, Prince, by A. 16 Edward the Confeſſor, A. 65,66.70. Ethelred, King, gave Clyve to the Edward, King, A. 21.35.40 Ethelred, Duke of the Wiccians, and Edward, Son of Edmund Ironſide, who Ethelfeda bis Lady, Daughter of married Agatha, the Daughter of King Alfred, A. 31,32,33 the King of Hungary, A.67 Ethelric, the Son of Ethelmund, A.25 A. 37.79 A. 110 Ethel- The INDE X. 193 A. 14 S. 29 Ethelwold, Biſbop of Wincheſter, A. Fiſher, John, ard Agnes bis Wife, 1,"39.48.51 S10 Ethelwolph, Duke, and bis Wife Fladbury, middle Diviſion of Oſwalde- Wulfthryhte, A. 28 flow, wbere there was formerly a Evenlode, upper Diviſion of Oſwalde Religious Houſe, A 7,10,18,19, flow, A, 17:43 77.85 25, 509,110,118,123,129,132,138, Eveſham, John de, Prior, bis Monu-191,162,186. ment, et S. 42 Fleetwood, Biſhop of Worceſter, bis Eureux in Normandy, A.121,196 e Monument, 1S. SO Euftace, Biſhop of Ely, with Hubert, Fletcher, Biſhop of Worceſter, A.219 Archbilhop of Canterbury,and others, Fleury, a famous Monaſtery ſituate ca came to Worceſter to enquire into the the Loyre in France, A. 39,50,51, Trutb of Biſhop Wolftan's Miracles, 52,56. 0A 122 Florence, a City in Italy, A.203 Ewe in Normandy, A. 121-196 Florence of Worceſter, an Hiftorian, Exeter City, A.& 0 Eyford near Stow in Glouceſterſhire, Ford, an Abbey in Devonſhire, A.11n appropriated to the Abbey of Eve Fordham, John, Prior of Worceſter, ſham, horen A. 1 A. 197 Forfeld, near Chaddefley and Bel- broughton, A. 60 iwboo Formoſus, Popeye A. 49 Fotherby, Charles, Archdeacon of Canterbury, A. 220 F Acanley near Tiddington, A.43 Foſs Road, Fairford in Glouceſterſhire, ap- Frampton in Whiſton Hundred in propriated to the Abbey of Teuker Glouceſterſhire, A. 162 bury, A. 171 Franciſco Neapolitano, Archdeacon of Fangel, Robert, Archdeacon of Glou- 1 Worceſter, ceſter, & S. 79 Freake, Biſhop of Worceſter, S. 116, Feades and Thurſtan, the King's Re- 117. A. 219 ceivers, ſain at the Tower of Wor- Frethern in Whifton Hundred in ceſter, ora A. 64 Glouceſterſhire, A. 162 Feckenham, upper Diviſion of Half Frithgod, a famous Schoolmaſter, A.38, ſhire Hundred, A. 148,151,191 39. Fehhaleage, ali to A. 19 Fulbert, Abbot of Perſhore, Fenton, a Prebend in the Church of Furneſs Fells in Lancaſhire, A.210 York, A. 165 Pepſinton, Fepſenatune, given to the Cburcb by King Edwi, in the Pariſh kerana take of Himbleton, Eaſt of Worceſter, S. 14.31. A 36,37,109 Finnan, Biſhop of Lindisfarn, A. 4 ure noget F. A. 12 A. 154 A. 5° D dd G. S. 194 The INDE X. sin G. S. 32 A 64 215010 A. 8;37,119 182 A. 107 Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Glouceſter, and Joan bis Counteſs, A. 145.149 Gilbert, Earl of Pembroke gave to the Cburcb Dogeldon, Gilbert, Biſhop of Hereford, A. 110. St. TALL in , A.35 of Rocheſter, A I Gauden, Biſhop of Worceſter, Gillingham in Clavering Hundred in bis Monument, jnboom S. 152 - Norfolk, Geneva, Ofre, A. 44,46 Giſo, Biſhop of Wells, A. 70.81 Geolwaford near Waffanburnan and Glamorgan, Vrban, Biſhop of, A 106 Gyting broc in Glouceſterſhire, A. Glaſtonbury Abbey ‘iu Somerſetſhire, 18,19. German, a Man of great Learning, Gloceſter, Cleowécente City, "A. 23, placed over the Monaſtery at Weftbu- ** $$ 35,70,72,81,100,101,101,107,116, ry in Glouceſterfhire, removed thence 117,125,131,156,742,145,149,153, to Ramſey, and from thence to 160,161,162,137,181,182. Winchcomb, A. so. retired to Godfry, Biſhop of Bath, "Fleury, time bado trabrogi Godfry, Abbot of Wincheomb, A 107 St. German in Cornwall, A.63 Godiva, Lady to Earl Lcofric: A. 69 Gete, Giate in Glouceſterſhire, A. 18. Godric, Son of Godman, Abbot of 124. Winchcomb, A.67 9 Gianfell near Melanfane in Gaſcony, Godwin, Earl, A. 64 65 A. 160 Godwin, Brother to Earl Leofric, Gigles, John, Biſhop of Worceſter, A, 68 promored to this See by Pope Alex- Godwin, Abbot of Winchcomb, A 67 ander, til Ni 001A.201 Goldisberge's Monument, Sigles, Silveſter, promoted to this See by Goldora in Oxfordſhire, bat: A.417 the same Pope, tenilo qs971 odliA.202 Gorhambury, A. 216 Giffard, Walter, a Norman, Edrl of Gosfrid, Biſhop of Conſtance, A. 82, Buckingham, We coulia 9A82 en 83 84. Giffard, Godfrey, Biſhop of Worceſter . Grafton near Bromeſgrove, a Chapel i A.135,13610 His Controverfylswith formerly here, di SMAL A.146 so:William de Beructrarfipglazplewith Greenfield, Archbiſhop of York, A.162 3&the airchbiſhop of Canterburyzeli39. Gregory, Biſhop of Dublin, A. TOO with his Prior and Convento 142. Griffin, Prince of South Wales, A.67. with Gilbert da Clare MandsdJoan i King of Wales, 69. King of South cibis. Counteſs, 149. I He ledorned the Wales, 170 Eaſt Part of his Church, S. 5. He Grimesby in Lincolnſhire, A. 216 gave to the Church Grimley and Grimley, Grímanlea, Grimanhylle, Hallow, S. 18.32 His cumbent three Miles North from Worceſter, Effigies, 1» S.18.32. A. Giffrey de Veterano, Canon of Cam- 201208. bray, Clerk of the Pope's Chamber, Grimelee Filbery, 119 A 145 Guala, the Pope's Legate, S41 S. 44 A. 124 Guido, The INDE X. 195 S. 64,65 A. 159 A 25 H. options Canterbury, A. 185 Horſcomb in Durſtan Hundred in , North of Worceſter, A. 25: 68.109. , . Guido, Abbot of Perſhore, A.104.107 Hanley near Upton upon Severn, A. Guido, Cardinal de Sabina, the Pope's 149. Legate, A. 133 Hardicnute, King, A. 64 66 Guillerm, Archbiſhop of Roven, the Harold, King, ibid. Pope's Nuntio, and Vicar-General of Harold, Earl, A. 69 Ademar de Rupe, Archdeacon of Harreys's Grave-fione, Gundulph, Biſhop of Rocheſter, 8.10g *** Glouceſterſhire, A 162 Guy de Beauchamp, Earl of War. Harvey, Biſhop of Bangor, with Gun- wick, dulph, Biſbop of Rocheſter, dedica Gythinge in Kiſtgate Hundred in ted the great Church at Glouceſter, Glouceſterſhire, built by abbat Serlo, A. 103 Gytingbroc, A 19 Harvey, Biſhop of Ely, A. 106 Hatfield, Hertfordfhire, a Seat of the A. 165 Haukſhead, in the Hundred of Furnel- fels in Lancaſhire, the birth-place of Bilbop Sandys, A, 210 H Η Acun, Eart, and his Wife Gun- Hawford, alias Ballard's Tomb, S. 68 nild, A.57 Hayles Abbey in Kiſtgate Hundred in Hadſor, Henddes Ofie, upper Diviſion A. 167 of Halfſhire Hundred, "A. 96.162 Heabert, Biſhop of Worceſter. A. 12. Haefeldene by Weſtbury in Glouce- 25,26,27 Ahire, 4.92 Heath, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 206. Haleſowen Abbey in Shropſhire, A. . deprived, 208. reſtored, 209. , 4: 299 197 Hedtfeld near Worceſter Hallow, Hallage, Halnegan, two Miles Hellerley near Shotery, by Srratford A 131.151.159 Hemenhale, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. Halſey's Grave-ſtone, S. 82 175. Hampton by Bengworth, A. 18. 81 Henbury in Saltr arſh in Gloucefter- Hampton upon Avon in Warwick ſhire,,92.109,110. 120, fhire, a Mannour formerly belonging 121,132-139.-42.191.212 to the Biſhops of Worceſter, Å. 19. Henley in Arden in Warwickſhire, made a diſtinct Pariſh from Wotton Hampton by Salwarp, Hampton Lo Wawen, Burials excepted. 10 Dame Alice Stury founded a Henry, King, and bis Son Richard, Chantry bere, A. 118 Hampton, Heanton in Glouceſterſhire Henry 111. King, at the Dedication of A. 72.77.181 Worceſter Cathedral, Hanbury, Heanbiri near Wich, mid- Henry IV. King, granted Bp. Peverell dle Diviſion of Oſwaldellow, A. Licence to cnt down as many Oaks as 16.129.138 would amount to 200 Marks, to en- able him to repair bis Mannoura Howless Henry , SA. 33 vet. A. 109 A.125 A. 191 . 196 The INDE X. A. 171 Henry VIII. King, ſent Biſhop Gigles Horſley in Longtree Huudred in to the Later an Council, A. 202 Glouceſterſhire, A. 185 Henry de Ferrere, with Remigius de Hoſtia in Italy, A.165 Feſchamp, Biſhop of Lincoln, and Hrotware, abbeſs, Grandaughter of Adam, brother 10 Eudo the King's Dunnan, and Daughter of Bucgan, Steward, ſent to ſurvey the whole A. 13.17 Kingdom, A. 8; Huddington, Huntenatune, middle Di. Henry, Cardinal-Presbyter of St. Eu viſion of Oſwaldeſlow, A. 16 ſebius, and Biſhop of Wincheſter, Hubert, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, A. A. 119,120,122 Henry, Biſhop of Lincoln, A, 126 Hugh, Biſhop of Hereford, A.125 Henry, Earl of Ewe, A. 195 Hugh de Diſpenſer, A. 173 Herdwyke, four Miles below Glouce- Hugh Pelegrin, the Pope's Nuntio, ſter, A. 162 A. 180 Hereford City, A. 12,13.22,23.70.81. Hugh, Biſhop of Lincoln, A.218,119 82. 103. 106,107. Hugh, Biſhop of Durham, A.115.118 140.153. 156.170,171,172.185.218 Hugo de Engoliſma, Archdeacon of Heribert, Biſhop of Norwich, A.106 Canterbury, Hertford, Herutford, Hartford, A. s. Hult near Cam in Glouceſterſhire, A, 181 149 0 Hertilbury, Heortlabiri, lower Diviſion Humphry, Earl of Stafford, A. 195 of Oſwaldellow, A. 103.109,110. Huneſham Fiſhery, TisHA. 56 129,,138. 156. Hungerford, Sir Walter, Treaſurer of 159 do England, erected a Chantry at the Heyhamſtede in Glouceſterſhire, A. Altar of the Virgin Mary in the 162. Parochial Church of St. Leonard Hide Abbey in Hantſhire, de Farley in Hungerford, Wilt- Hill, DOVA A.72 fhite, Himbleton, Hymelton, Humilton, Hwætmunftane in London, middle Diviſion of Oſwaldeflow, A. Hynewick by Worceſter, Hilnwick Hill, no S. 8 Himeney and Pirie, A. 110 Hynynton', Hinton in Kiſgate- Hindlip, three Miles from Worceſter, Hundred in Glouceſterſhire, A. 162 Homme by Clifton upon Teme, B.59 Honynton near Shipſton' in Kineton belowlod i setet Hundred in Warwickſhire, appropri- ated to the Prior and Convent of the an Cathedral Cburch of Coventry, A. Dieses socola Mossos 180. Hopton by Cliberry in Shropſhire, A. 66. olla toista J. Ja- Hopwuda by Alvechirch, Horſley Priory in Eſſex, A. 109.185 A.114 By A. 193 A.32 A. 109 A.42 A. 27 Ibo INDE X 197 . J. S. 31 A. 20.109 S. 107 D: 11.7 bil John de Thorisby, Bilbop of Worce- fler, A. 175 Oral , John de Crema, Cardinal of Rome, A. 106 John Green , Prior of Worceſter, oli A. 186 J Aarummam, Biſhop of Mercia ; A.4 John, Biſhop of Landaff, A.150.159 Jambert, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, John, Biſhop of Bath, SVI A. 106 A. 19 John deOfford, Dean of Lincoln, A.178 Jerome de Ghinnuciis, or de Nugutiis, John, Biſhop of Norwich, A. 115 an Italian, made Biſhop of Worce- John de Blockley founded a Chantry ſter, A. 203 in Church of Blockley, A. 185 Ichington long, Icenantune in War. John de Eaveſham, Prior, obtained ths wickſhire, A. 42.48.72 Privilege of the Mitre, S. 24. and Ichull, Itchell, in Crundall Hundred, got appropriated to bis Priory Crop- Hantſhire, A. 138.140.149 thorn, Overbury and Wolverley, Icombe, Iccancumb. Ikecumbe, upper Diviſion of Oſwaldeflow, near Stow John of Eureux, Archdeacon of Glou- on the Woulds, ceſter, A. 170.159 Jeſus-Chapel, S. 102 Ipſwich in Suffolk, A. 189 Inglethorpe's Monument, Ingin, K. of Oſwaldellow, A. 20.23.44 46.118. Jocelin, Biſhop of Bath, A. 126 Enelm, Son of Coenwlf, murther'd St. John's in Bedwardine, adjoining to by bis eldeſt Siſter Quendrida, Worceſter, A. 184. Made a Paro- chial Church, Feb. 17,1931. by Bio Kenulph, King, gave Hallow, Hyne- ſhop Lynn. wick, Himulton and Donamſted, S. 16 King John gave to the Church Lin- drugg, Wolvardeley and Stoke, S. Kemſey, three Miles South of Worce- 13:31. His Tomb, 35, 36, and din ſter, lower Diviſion of Olwaldeflow, vers Privileges, a A. 121,122 a Mannour belonging to the Biſhop- Pope John, A.121,122 rick, 1 A. 29.61. 109,110.118. John de Chiſhull , Dean of St. Paul's, 128.132. 138.144.148,149.153.156. confecrated Biſhop of London by Bp. 161,162. in Giffard, A. 138 Kenilworth in Knighlow Hundred in John de Conſtantiis, Biſhop of Wor Warwickſhire, A. 137.163 ceſter, A. 120. bis cumbent Efi- Kinewold, or Coenwald , Biſloop of gies, S. Worceſter, atteso A. 35,36 John de St. Germano, choſen Biſhop of Kineward, High Sheriff of Worceſter- Worceſter, Put refuſed by the Pope, ſhire, A. 83 A. 154,155 Kingham in Glouceſterſhire, Еее Kingfham, K A. 25 :44 VW A. 59 198 The INDE X. A. 5.133 A. 45 A. 2139 A. 156 A fhire, son grifft A. II A. ISI A. 165 Kingſham, a Meadow near the City of Leiceſter, a Shire Town, Worceſter, A. 109 Lench,middle Divifiou of Oſwaldeflow, Kidington near Oxford, A. 61 Kingſton upon Hull, A. 200 Lench Church, in the ſame Diviſion Kingſton Weft in Wiltſhire, A. 204 Kingſwood by Briſtol, Leofert, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 60, Knighton, Cnitaton, a Member of 61. Lindrige, i to 8 Arzt Leofrick, Early gave Blacwell to the Knitewick, lower Diviſion of Oſwalde Church for the uſe of the Refectory, flow, fix M. des Weft from Worceſter, S. 18.2. A. 60161.64.68. died at Os A. Bromleage, 69.74 Kyderminſter, a Market Town, ten Leominſter, Lempſter in Hereford Miles North of Worceſter, A.137. A. 63 163 Leppa, Earl, and bis. Daugbtes Kynewarton, near Aulceſter in War- Beage, bin wickſhire, wat A. 162.190 Lewelin, Prince of Wales, Kynſi, Archbiſhip of York, Lewes Lufhborough, Bp. of Ely, died at Hatfield, A. 196 Lewes, a Market Town in Suſſex, L. Ligh, in the lower Diviſion of Perſhore Hundred, appropriated to Perſhore Acy, Earl of Lincoln's Tomb, Abbey, A: 66 Lilleſhul Priory in Shropſhire, A.177 Lacy, Walter, Abbct of Glouceſter, Lincoln City, A. 83.117,118,119,120. DR Cody A.107 126,205.217 Lambeth, the Archbiſhop of Canterbu- Lindisfarne, or Holy Iſland. The Bi- ry's Palace, A. ſhoprick tranſlated from bence to Landaff in Wales , Ar 125-156:184. Lypdirbam, Lyndrugg, Lindridge, given to the Lanfranc, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Church by Duke Wilfrith and bis W 1. A. 78,79.81,82 Lady Alta, in Dodingtree Hundred, Lanthony Priory near Glouceſter, A. S. 13. A.21 godi adiet i Linn or Lynn, Bp. of Worceſter, A. Latimer, Biſhop of Worceſter, burnt 184. His Grave-ſtone, af Oxford with Bp. Ridley, A.204 Lions, a City in France Laurence, Prior of Coventry, A. 110 Littleton, Judge, bis Tomb, Lawern, near Worceſter, Weft ſide of Littleton, Sir Thomas, bis Monument, the Severn, A. 25-42. 77,109,110. 148.153. $ 16. 0 Litchfield City, A.,13. Lechlade in Glouceſterſhire. A Chan try founded bere by Cecilia, Dutcheſs Living, Abbat of Taviſtoke, and af- of York, Mother to King Edward terwards Biſhop of Worceſter, A. the fourth, A. 168. and anotber 242 62,63,64,65,66,67 hy John Twiniho. Ledbury, William, Prior of Malvern, de poſedom Long- A. 202 L Acy, A. 4 of S. 13 5.79 A.132 S. 112 S. 114 A. 142 The INDE X. 199 A. 103 A. 177 A. 203 A. 191 Longbarrow, in the Diocefs of Stow Martin V. Pope, tranſlated Biſoup in Glouceſterſhise, appropriated to Morgan to Ely, A. 192 Hailes Abbey, A. 164 Maude, Empreſs, her Forces took the Longdon, lower Diviſion of Perſhore City of Worceſter, burnt part of it, Hundred, appropriated ro Weſtmin and ſpoiled the whole, A. 108 fter A 43.171 Mauger, Biſhop of Worceſter, confe- London, A, 31.34.3 crated by Pope Innocent at Rome, 107. 109. 117 119 125,137.138.145. A. 121,222 155.156 159.160,161,162. Maurice, Biſhop of London, Lootwic in Wich, A. IO Maiſtoke in Herlingford Hundred in Lovain in Flanders, A.106.210 Warwickſhire, Loxley near Stratford upon Avon in Medices, Julius de, promoted to the Warwickſhire, A. 61.109 Biſhoprick of Worceſter by Pope Lucca in Italy, Aini Leo X. Ludadingwic by Beverburnan or Bar- Ments, a City in Germany, A. 13 burn near Worceſter, A 34 Mercia, Kingdoui of, divided into three Luddington, an Hamlet near Stratford Parts, North, South and Weſt, and upon Avon, A. 61 converted from Idolatry by three fa- Luddington's Monument, S. 96,97 mous Mer, Cedda, Adda, and Betta, Lypiard, Lappawurthin, Lappewrth, à Mile Eaſt from Worceſter, A25: Merſce, 103.109.110. Merſton ficca, dry Merſton, in Kilt- gate Hundred in Giouceſterſhire, A. 162 M. Milcot near Stratford upon Avon, A. 61,77.85 Mildred, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 14, Aerbroc in Shrop hire, A. 66 15,16 Magefitenſians, Radnorſhire Minchinghampton in Glouceſterſhire, and Shropſhire Men, A. 162 Mailroſs in Scotland, A. 14. Molendinis, William de, bis Grave- Malvern, Great, lower Diviſion of ſtone, Mortimer, Robert, and Joyce bis Malvern Foreſt, A, 120 Wife, Mohon S. 83 Malvern Hill, A, 149 Morton, Nephew to Archbiſhop Mor- Malvern Little, lower Diviſion of ton, made Biſhop of Worceſter Oſwaldeflow Hundred, A. 108.122 A. 200 Mancheſter, Hugh of, a Dominican Morton Daubeney in Kineton Hun- Frior dred in Warwickſhire, appropriated Marcliff, Marnanclive, near Bidford in to the Hoſpital of St. John in War- Warwickſhire, A. 30.69 wick, por A. 177.181 Mareſchall, William, Earl of Pembroke, Morton A. 4,30 A. 48 A. 64 S. 79 A. 155 A: 124 200 The INDE X. A, 12 OX Narbonne A. 114 of Worceſter, A. 125. tran - Osbern, Son of Eſcrob, one of the King's Morton near Breedon, A. 48 Northwic near Worceſter, a Manncur Moſeley, Moſeleage, in the Pariſh of of the Biſhops, A. 16.102.110. Grimley, A. 25.41 Mucton, Mitton, Myttun, A. 27. Norton, near the River Tyrl in Glou- Con42.109.124. S. 18.32 ceſterſhire, ineren DA. 19 Mull, and Maud bis Wife, S. 29 Norton Chapel near Worceſter, A. Mufarden in Biſley Hundred in Glou 198. ceſterſhire, A. 162 Norwich City, A. 87.103,104.106. 115.121.219 whest. Nothelm, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, N. babamento Sedilo BA Nottingham, A. 29 119.169 Arbonne, in the South Part of France, A. 203 0. Navarre, a Kingdom in the North Part of Spain, Neccham, Alexander, bis Tomb, s. O Dingley, Odingalea, four Miles 124. bis abbA sbb tak North Eaft from Worceſter, Netherton, Neothertune, a Membor of + lower Diviſion of Oſwaldellow, A. Cropthorne, A. 18.109 25.4.1. Neunham, Neowanham, in the Pariſh Odo, Biſhop of Baieux, 1. A. 77.85 of Lindrige, $. 32. A.20.109 Offa, King, gave Cropthorn, Bradwas, Newbold, a Member of Tredington, Lawerne and Iccumb, A. 48 weut to Rorne aud turned Monk, Newbold Facy in Warwickſhire, ap- A. 9.16.19,19 propriated to Queen's College, Oxon. Ofre, Ovére, A. 23.128. , Sir Tho- mas Chantry Newenton on Cotſwould Hills, ito abere. ibar got 141,142.154 Omberſley, See Ambreſley. Newport in Glouceſterſhire, a Chantry Onnanford in Glouceſterſhire, A. 16 in the Chapel of St. Maurice, founded Ordwii, a Man of greåt Probity, A. 70 bere by William de Syde, A.177 Osbern, Brother of William, Earl of Nicholas, Pope, 199003 Hereford and Biſhop of Exeter, Nicholas, Archdeacon of Ely, made A. 81 Biſhop lated to Wincheſter. Barons, Nigel, Clerk to Remigius, Biſhop of Osbert, Son of Richard, Lincoln, and Ulf and Ranulph, and Ranulph, Osbert, Son of Hugh, gave to tbe Monks, bis Attendant A 84,85 Nuns of Weſtwood the Church of Norhal, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 117 St. Auguſtin, Dudurhul, A. 111. Norman, William, Prior of Mal- 114.115. 19 na salitaal! vern, S. 16. 30. A. 71.75 A. 34 A. 104 A. 125 Oſeney, The INDE X. 201 A. 113 A. 59 . A. 124 A. 114 Ofeney, Ofney, a Religious Houſe iu Pebwith, a Market Town on the River Oxfordſhire, Parret in Somerſetſhire. Othere, Vice • Rory of the Wiccians, Pencofan in Herefordſhire, A. 56. King of the Wiccians, 7. Penda, King of the Mercians, ſain by . 799 Ofwy, 903 939 A. 3 Oskitel, Archbiſhop of York, A. 38. Pendoc, Peonedoc, lower Diviſion of 43. unt Oſwaldeflow, A. Ofred, of the Royal Family of the Penitenham, A. Wiccians, A 14 Perſhore, where there was a famous Oſric, Vice Roy of the Wiccians, A. Abbey ſeven Miles South Eaſt from 14. Worceſter, A. 50.54.62 100 104. Oftfor, Biſhop of Worceſter. 1.6 107, 108. Oſwald, King, gave to the Church 199. Overbury, A. 14. 31 Perſley-Grove near Hampton uporn Oſwald, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 21. Avon in Warwickſhire, A. 175 38, &c. S. 2.54.. Archbiſhop, 1.6. Perugia in Italy, 31:35. bis Tomb, 61. bis Miracles, Peter, Biſhop of Cheſter, A.81 52,53,54,55,56. 90.102. Peter, Prior of Wenlock, made Biſhop Ofwy, a Chriſtian King of Northum of St. David's, berland, A. 3 Peter, Biſhop of Wincheſter, A. 125 Overbury, Uferebiri, or upper Breodun, Peterburgh City, A. 56.125 S. 14.31. A. 30.125.131 Peverell, Biſhop of Worceſter, A 190 Oxford, A. Peveſey, given to the Monaſtery at 1979.195, 20. Wincheſter, Pirie near Worceſter, Α. ΙΙΟ Plegmund, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, P. Poer, Hugh, with Richard de Grefton, gave the Church of St. Clement to Agham, or John de Pageham, the Monks, Biſhop of Worceſter, A.JII Poitiers, a City in France, A.159 Painſwike in Biſley. Hundred in Glou- Pollefworth in Hemlingford Hundred ceſterſhire, appropriated to the Priory in Warwickſhire, a Nunnery, A. 191 A. 192 of Lanthony, adjoining to Glouceſter Polton, Biſhop of Worceſter, 2013 A. 188 Pontfract in Yorkſhire, A.16y A.122 Paris, the Capital City of the Kingdom Ponthieu in Normandy, of France, A. 165.171.209 Pontoiſe in Normandy, Pares, Bifbop of Worceſter, A 209 Powick, two Miles from Worceſter, Peada, King of the Mercians, A. 3 appropriated to the Priory of Great Pedreda, or Pederton; a Counéil beld Malvern, A.161 bere, wbere was determined the Cauſe Preſtbury in Glouceſterſhire, appropri- between the Sees of York and Wor ated to the Priory of Lanthony, ad- ceſter, A. 78 joining to Glouceſter, A. 188 A. 36 A. 31 - . A. 114 PA A. 165 Fff Preſton ** : 202 The INDE X. A. 145 A. 156 A. 42.45 ** A. 17 Preſton in Glouceſterſhire, appropria- Reading in Berkſhire, A. 107.125. ted to the Abbey of Teukesbury, 1 27.144,145 ubora A. 162.202 Reate, a City of Umbria in the Pope's Price, John, Chancellor of the Dioceſs, Dominions, bis Grave fone, S. 56 Red Hill by Worceſter, Pulton near Bibury in Glouceſterſhire, Redmarley, lower Diviſion of Oſwal- WonsblA. 28 deflow Hundred, Byrigtune in Oxfordſhire, A. 16.47 Reginald or Raynold, Walter, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 138 Reginald, Abbot of Eveſham, A. 107 200Q Remigius, Biſhop of Dorcheſter, A. 79 Remigius de Feſchamp, Biſhop of Lincoln, of A. 83.84 Ueinton in Kiſtgate Hundred in Ribbesford, in the lower Diviſion of Glouceſterfhire, appropriated to Dodingtrec Hundred, taken away the Nunnery of Polleſworth in War from the Church by Urſo d'Abetot, wickſhire, A. 190 will be note that they , Rice, Sir Griffith ap, bis Tomb, S. 71 Richard I. King, granted to the Bi- of R. 17officinalishop of Worceſter a weekly Market musstudian'l on every Thurſday at Stratford upon 1 Canva Avon, A. 120 Adnor, Readan Horan, A. 16. Richard II. King, confirmed to the Bi- jhops of Worceſter ſeveral Privile- Ræccesford ix Herefordſhire, A.59 ges granted to them in their Wood of Ralph, Abbat of Wincombe, A. 100 Fladbury, and their Apart Lands Ralph, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, A. within the Foreſt of Feckenham, A. 106. oldado a atins got 70% 186. Ralph de Beornac, took from the Richard, Erchbiſhop of Canterbury, Church ſeveral Villages, Ralph de Waer, or Guader, Earl of Sir Richard de Stratford founded a Norfolk, tori Chantry in the Chapel of St. Kathe- Ralph, Biſhop of Chicheſter, A. 106, rine in the Churcb of Campden, A. 125 toplojot 2.181.0 Detai Ralph, Prior of Worceſter, A.117,118 Richard, Biſhop of London, A. 106 Ramſey, a rich Abbey in thc Fens of Richard, Biſhop of Hereford, A. 106, Huntingtonſhire, nto A. 44.50.52, 107. 54,125. biwo Richard, Biſhop of Salisbury, A 125 Randulph, Prior of Worceſter, A. 123 Rievale Rayenſhill, Ræfneſhill, two Miles Raft Ripum, Rippon in Yorkſhire, A.49 from Worceſter, Sunl A. 25,63 Ripple, lower Diviſion of Oſwaldellow, Raymund Pelegrini, Proctor of Peter, taw roy A 6.169,110 132.182 Cardinal-Deacon of St. Mary New- & A church in Rome, Archdeacon of Canterbury, A. 182,183 Roan, RA 32. A. 76 A. to A. 81 w .. The INDEX 203 11 S. A.87 2.59 A. 107 : A. 176 . com os Roan, a City in Normandy, A. 120. Roger, cbbat of St. Auguſtin's in 185.192 Canterbury, A. 116 Robert, Biſhop of Hereford, A. 81. Rome, A. 115.131 135. 140, Robert, Duke of Normandy, 200,201,20 2.204. Robert de Braci, Biſbop of Hereford, Kone, Duke of tbe Mageſitenfians, with Simon, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 64.66 conſecrated the Church of Lanthony Roning, Earl, near Glouceſter, A.107 Rowley Chapel in Staffordſhire, appro- Robert, a Monk of Cluny, made Abbat priated to the Abbey of Halefowen, of Winchcomb, A. 177 Robert, Biſhop of Exeter, A. 108 Rugges, 4.132. Land belonging to the Robert, Biſhop of Thetford, A. 103 Biſhoprick. Q. wbere Rullell, Sir Robert, Biſhop of Worceſter, only Son John, A218 of William, Steward of Normandy, Ruſtand, the Pope's Legate, witbftood A. 116 by Fulk, Biſhop of London, and Robert de Winchelſea, Archbiſhop of Walter de Cantelupe, Biſhop of Canrerbury, A. 115.165 Worceſter,in a Public Synod. A,130 Robert de Stretford, Archdeacon of Canterbury, Robert, Biſhop of Chicheſter, Vicar- S. General of John, Archbiſhop of Can- terbury, A. 176 Robert, Biſhop of Sarum, , A 106,107.125 Rocheſter City, A, 103 119.183.185. 195 198,199.206.219 Saltmarſh, A. 110 Roger de Ivry, the King's Butler, Saltwic, X. 77.82,83 Salwarp, Saiowarpe, A.25.69. River, Roger de Bretevil, Earl of Hereford, A, 8.10.17 and Emme bis Siſter, A. 81, Sampſon, Biſhop of Worceſter, A.103. bis Grave-ſtone, Roger de Lacy, A. 87 Sandys, Biſhop of Worceſter, from Roger, Biſhop of Salisbury, A.J06 thence tranſlated to London and from A. 108 Roger, Biſhop of Coventry, thence to York, A. 210,211,212, Roger, Archdeacon of Canterbury 213,214 A. 110 Saperton in Biſley Hundred in Glouce- Roger, Son of Robert, Earl of Glouce iterſhire, A. 42, 162 ſter, natural Son of Henry I. made Sapian, Sapy, upper Diviſion of Dod- Biſhop of Worceſter A D. 1163. ingtree Hundred, A. 20.63 who, with Bartholomew, Biſhop of Savaricus, Biſhop of Bath and Wells, Exeter, were called by Pope Alexan- der III. the two great Ligbts of Saxulph, Abbot of Burgh, made Biſhop England, of Litchfield, Scadwell, Scedewell Fiſhery in Severr, above Worceſter, Sceldelley A. 32 82.95 S. 75 A19 A. 113 A.S A. 68109 . 204 The INDE X. A 77 A. 25 A. 44 A. 23 Church, A.149 A 21 A. 27 Sceldeſley, Sheldſley, lower Diviſion of Sluford, Weft ſide of the River Sture, Dodingtree Hundred, Sciranac, Shurnake, in the Pariſh of Smite near Worceſter, Inkbarow, A. 68.109 Smellrugge. Lands ſold here by Geofry Scræfley, de Cumpton to Bp. Bleys, A. 128 Sedgbarow, Secgesberwe, middle Di. Snitfield in Barlichway Hundred in viſion of Oſwaldeflow, ſituated on the Warwickſhire, appropriated to St. Weft ſide the Brook Ælegburne, A. Sepulchre's in Warwick, A. 169 Abd 18.109.131. S. 31 Sodbury, Soppanbirig in Grom baldaſh Sedun, a City in France, A78 Hundred in Glouceſterſhire, given Serlo, abbat of Cirenceſtcr, A. 26 · to the Sacriſt of Worceſter for the Seward, Dyke of Northumberland, A. better repairing of the Cathedral- Sar64,65 S. }I. A. 32 128 Shipſton, a Market Town in the upper Sommers, Sebright, ber Grave-ſtone, Diviſion of Oſwaldellow, S. 31. S76 A. 17.109.162 Southampton, Shorham in Kent, A. 206. Speckley, Specklæatun, on the Eaſt Shotery, Scotarith near Stratford upon ſide Severn, two Miles Eaſt from Avon, Worceſter, A, 25.47.63 Shrewsbury, A. 125 Spilsbury, Speolesbyrig in Oxford. Side in Rapiſgate Hundred in Glouce Thire, ſterſhire, where William de Side Stafford, A. 136,137 founded a Chantry, and dedicated it Szanley, Stoneley in Knightlow Hun- the Virgin Mary, dred, Sidnaceſter, Stephen, Pope, Sigfrid, Biſhop of Chicheſter, A. 106,107 Stephen, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, A. Sigred, Abbat, ** 126. . Silveſter de Eveſham, Biſhop of Wor- Stillingfleet, Biſhop of Worceſter, bis ceſterconfecrated by Pope Innocent at Perugia, A. 124 Stoke on the Eaſt ſide Salwarp, or Stoke Simon de Mans gave to the Monks Prior, appropriated to the Priory, Dodenham and Knightwicke, 4.115 S. 13,18,31,32. A. 24 31,42,45, Simon, Chaplain to Queen Adeleide, 92. Biſhop of Worceſter, and a great Stoke Clare in Suffolk, Benefactor to it, A. 106. S. 170 Stolton, Stulton, four Miles from Wor- Simon de Monteacuto, Biſhop of ceſter, in the Road to London, A. Worceſter, 137,138 Simon Ilip, Arcbilhop of Canterbury, Stone, in the Pariſh of Berkley in A. 183 Glouceſterſhire. John Serjeant, ju- Siſton in Pocklechurch Hundred in nior, founded a Chantry bere, Glouceſterſhire, A. 162 181 Slymbridge, Robert, foanded a Chantry Stratford upon Avon in Warwickſhire, in the Church of Thornbury in Glou A. 10.19 120.131,132,136,137,139, ceſterſhire, 1 A, 202 171.174. 1 92.205,207. Stratford near London, A.120 Streoneſhale, A 177 A.137 A. 49 A. 49 Š. S 51 . A. 199 A. 173 A. . 205 The INDE X. A. 25 A.43 T. Streoneſhale, now Whitby in York- Tetlington in the Pariſh of Treding- fhire : Hilda's famous Monafte ton in Worceſterſhire, A. 48 A. 6 Teverſham near Cambridge, A. 217 Sture in the Province of the South Tewkesbury in Glouceſterſhire, A. Mercians, A. 16,19 106. 107. Sture, A. 24,25,28 176.181, 182. 197. 202. Here was a Subbingwic near Lawern and Hallow, famous Abbey, and the great Church was conſecrated by Biſbop Theulphus, Suttonwood near Weſtbury in Glou Anno Domini 1121, A. 106 ceſterſhire, A. 26 Theodore, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Swain Son of Earl Godwin, A. 65 A. 5.6.90 Theofecan Hill, Thetford in Norfolk, A. 103.104 Theulphus, Thewoldus, Tidulf Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 105. bis Grave ſtone, S.75. He gave Beve- Albor, Mrs. Catherine, Wife to rey and Mutham to the Monks, T Dr. Talbot, Dean of Worceſter, S. 18,32, A. 106 and Biſhop of Oxford, afterwards Thiccan Appletree near Droitwich, Biſhop of Salisbury and Durham, A. 60 ber Monnment, S. 72,73 Thingull, William, Rector of Rippon Tame in Oxfordſhire, and Dear of the Arches, A. 182 Tamworth, Tamworthig, Tomowor- Thirkeſſon in Leiceſterſhire, A. 204 thig iu Warwickſhire, A. 19,24,27 Tholouſe, a City in France, A. 132 Tanworth, Toneworth, near Henley Thomas, William, Bp. of Worceſter, in Arden in Warwickſhire, A. 177 bis Monument, S. 106. bis Wife's Tapenhale in the Pariſh of Claines Grave-ſtone, 73. bis Son's, 75 near Worceſter, A. 89 Thomas, Archbiſhop of York, A. 81. Tatfrith, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 16 103 Taviſtoke in Devonſhire, Living, Thomas, Prior of srceſter, A.92. an Abbat there, was afterwards 100.104 Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 62.63. Thomas, Abbotoj Winchcomb, one of 67. the King's Juſtices itinerant, A. 128. Tedefley, Teccanhome near Bromeſgrove, A. Thomas de Cherleton, Dottor of Civil Law, 23. Teme River, A. 153.179 Thomas, Lord Berkeley, founded a Chantry in the Abbey Church of St. Tenbury on the River Teme, Teme- byrig, Auguſtin in Briſtol, A. 198 Teottington, Tetyngton near the River Thomas de L'Ile, Biſhop of Ely, Cerent or Carent, A. 18. 26.109 A. 182 Terdebiy in the upper Diviſion of Thomas, Cardinal-Prieſt of St. Cecilia, Halfſhire Hundred, Arcbbiſhop of York, Legate à Latere, Chancellour of England, A. 203,204 Thornburgh, A. 174 : A. 42 A.170 A. 59 A. 59 Gg 8 206 The INDEX A. 4 A. 122 A. 42 :: A. 17 A. 129 Thornburgh, Biſhop of Worceſter, bis Trumhere, Biſhop of Mercia, Monument, S. 44,45 Tuſculum in the Campagna di Roma, Thornbury, a Market Town in Glou- ceſterſhire, A.162 Tyderington in Thornbury Hundred Thorndon, in Glouceſterſhire, appropriated to Thorney in the Iſle of Ely, A. 114 the Prior and Convent of Lanthony Thorp, given by King Henry I to the juxta Glouceſter, Monaſtery of Norwich, A. 104 Tyneburginton, A. 26 Thur, Earl of the Mid. Angles, A. 64 Tyreldtune, A. 16. Tyrl River runs Tibberton, Tibritton, Teburtone, by Norton in Cheltenham Hundred Titbrictune, East from Worceſter, A. in Glouceſterſhire. 46.103.162 Tideman de Winchcomb, Biſhop of Worceſter, A, 87 V. Tilhere, Abbot of Beorclea, and after- wards Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 18 , a Withing Iterbium, a City in Tuſcany, be. Bradley in Glouce- ſterſhire, Sala A. 13.17 Timberdene Fiſhery, a Mile belove Upton upon Severn, ſeven Miles below Worceſter, Worceſter, A. Timbingetun, given by King Offa to Upwic, a Member of Droitwich, A. the Monaſtery at Clife, A. 16 41. Todenham in Kiſtgate Hundrad in Urban V. Pope, A. 186 Glouceſterſhire, A. 23 Urban, Biſhop of Glamorgan, A.106 Todington in the ſame Hundred, ap- Urſo, D’Abetot, High Sheriff of the propriated to the Abbey of Hailes, County, A. and is now the Seat of the Lord Utrid, Uhtred, Vice-Roy of the Wicci- Tracy, ans, gave to the Church, Stoke, on the Toki, a rich and powerful Man, Fatber Eaſt Side Salwarp, now called Stoke of Aki, another rich and powerful Prior, and Shepeſton, or Scepwaei- Miniſter of the King's, A. 68 ſctune, now called Shipſton upon Tormerton in Grombaldaſh Hundred Stour, a Market Town in the furtheft in Glouceſterſhire, where there was part of the Eaſt ſide of the County, * a Chantry founded by John de la S. 18.31. A. 16 Riviere, for a Warden, four Chap- lains and two Clerks, Toſti, Earl of Northumberland, A.64 Tours, a City in France, A.115.132 2 Tredington, upper Diviſion of Oſwal- deflow, A. Robert Walden of Warwick found- a Chantry bere. A. 109 A. 185 A. 178 .. .:: The INDE X. 207 A. 204 W , A 45 A. 32 : A. 27 Warham. William, Archdeacon of Can- terbury, W. * Warmſtry, Dean of Worceſter, bis, and ſeveral of bis Family's Grave- ftones, S.98,99,100 Addon Chapel in Gloucefter- Warwick, A. fhire, A. 162 Waſhborn, Wafſanburnan, a Member Wæcgleſwyrthje of Overbury. Wakefield, Bimop of Worceſter, A.184. Watlington, Wæclington, Hwætlinga- Lord High Treaſurer of England, tune in Oxfordſhire, 185. made an Addition of two ar- Wearfetfeld near Bromeſgrove, A. 27 ches to the Weſt End of the Cathedral, Werethyll, A. 18 and built the North Porch, A. 185. Weorfethill, S. 21. and appropriated the Chapel of Wells City, A.,149. the Charnel-Houſe to the Sacriſt of 201.208. his Cathedral-Church, S. 14 Wenland in the Foreſt of Malvern, A. Walden, an Abbey in the Dioceſs of 120,121 London, A. 163 Werefrid, Biſhop of Worceſter, A. 29. Walker, Prior of Great Malvern, A. fled into France, 30, 31. tranſlated 107 St. Gregory's Pnftoral, 32 Walter de Cantilupe, Biſhop of Wor- Weremund, Biſhop of Worceſter, A.17 ceſter, A. 129. bis Controverſy with Werfthull near Bromefgrove, A. 18 William de Beauchamp, Earl of Weſtbury Weſtbirig, Weſtburg, in VVarwick 132,133. He made great Henbury Hundred in Glouceſter- Addition to the Charnel Houſe, 134 ſhire, A.,105, 108. Walter de Grey, Biſhop of VVorceſter, 141,142.145 S. 37. A.123 Weſtley in Glouceſterſhire, A. 162 Walter, a Lorainer, Chaplain to Queen Weſtminſter, A.,125, Eadgitha, made Bishop of Hereford, 126,127.131.136, A.70 176.219. Walter Agelwy, Abbat of Eveſham, Weſtmynter in the LordMip of Henbu- * 5 A. 82.85 ry in Salfo Marico in Glouceſter- Walter, Abbat of VVinchcomb, A. ſhire, A. 148 Weſton Subedge near Campden in Walter, Ahbat of Glouceſter, A 189 Glouceſterſhire, A. 144.205. made Walter Leigh, Prior of VVorceſter, a Prebend of Weſtbury. choſen Biſhop, but rejected by the Pope, Weſtwode, formerly a Nunnery, new A. 184 the Seat of Sir Herbert Pakinton, Walter de Lacy, a potent Baron, A. 181. Wethele, near Aulceſter in Warwick - Walter de Maydenſton, Biſhop of ſhire, made dependent on the Church Worceſter, A. 160 of Kinwarton, Walítod, Biſhop of Hereford, A.12 Whicwood, Huiccewuda, a Foreſt in Oxfordſhire. A. 24 A. III.IIS A. 190 Whitenh . 208 The INDE X. A. 43 A. 85 A. 119 A. IIS A. 192 A. 185 Whitenherſt, Whetenhirſt, in Whitſton cbafes, 128. Hie building the Chapel Hundred in Gloueeſterſhire, A. 185 of the Charnel Houſe, 129 Whitlanlinc, William the Conqueror, and Maud Whitfond, a Sea Port near Calais in bis Lady, A. 81,82.100 France, A. 138 William, Biſhop of Durham, Whitſtan, where was the Nunnery William, Biſhop of Ely, Lord High of the White Ladies, adjoining to Chancellor of England, Worceſter, S. 10. A. 21.153 William de Gaynsboyé, Biſhop of Whittington, near Worceſter, A. 25. Worceſter, BTC 4763 William, Abbat of Glouceſter, A. 107 Wic, near Hembury in Salfo Mariſco William, Earl of Hereford, A. 76 in Glouceſterſhire, 1 A.92 William, Biſhop of London, fled into Wic, Wyke, Wyken Wyke Biſhop, on France, A. 122 the Weſt Side Severn, and on the William, Abbat of Perſhore, River Teme near Worceſter, A. William Rufus,King, A. 86 87. 109,110. 131,122.138. 150.153. William, Biſhop of Sarum, A. 196 184.212. William de la Such de Haringworth Wicbold, near Droit wich, A. 8.69 got Ebryghton in Glouceſterſhire, Wiccia, a Province of the Mercian appropriated to the Abbey of Bytleſden Kingdom, containing Worceſterſhire, in Lincoln Diocefs, Glouceſterſhire, and Part of War- William de Syde founded Chantries in wickſhire, lom Started by A. 6.16,30 Side, Canibrugg, Newport, aud Wiccians, A. 31 Wortley in Glouceſterſhire, A. 177. Wiccian Hills, udn. $. 1 178. 1 Wich, Droitwich, A. 110.139 William de Ver, Biſhop of Hereford, Wiglaff, King of the Mercians, A. 26 foto A. 118 Wigmore, an Abbey in Herefordſhire, William Wenloke, Prior of Worceſter, A. 144 1 * A. 201 Wilden, Abbat, A: 49 William, Abbat of Winchcomb, A.189 Wilfrid, Biſhop of Worceſter, A.11,12 William de Whittlefey, Biſhop of Wilfrid, Primate of York, A. 49. Worceſter, A. 183 expelled from York, and upon Sax. William de Zouche, Archbiſhop of ulph's Death, made Biſhop of the _ York, the A. 190 Mercians, A. 89 Willis, Dean of Worceſter, A. 20. bis Wilfrith, or Wilferth, Biſhop of Wor- & Tomb, odamlar ceſter, A. 35 Wilſon, Dean of Worceſter, bis Tomb, Wilfrith, or Wilferth, with Alta bis by Lady, gave Lindrige to the Priory, Wilſtan, Abbat of Glouceſter, A.69 70 A He was Provoſt of Worceſter Priory William de Beauchamp. A. 109.124 before Abbat, William de Bleys, Biſhop of Worceſter, Wimbleton in Surrey, A. 158 A. 126. His Controverſy with his Wincheſter City, A. 39.6 3.67.78. Prior and Convent, and with the Prior125.135 of Malvern, 127. His Enlargement of the Biſhoprick, with ſeveral Pur- Winchomb S.70 ibid. S. 9,10. A. 21 A. 69 The INDE X. 209 A.40 A. 152 A.27 Winchcomb Abbey in Glouceſterhire, Wolwardington in Barlichway Hundred A. 50,51.59.67,100. 107,108. 119. in Warwickſhire, A.162 WORCESTER, in Latin, Wigornia, Windſor, A. Vigornia ; in Saxon, Wegerna, A 24. Winfrid, Biſhop of Litchfield, A.S Wegorne, 19, Weogerxe, 8. 12. 24. Winſey, Prieſt of St. Helen's, A.90 30. 32. Weogorne, 7. 23. 26. 35. Winſige, Dean, Wigorne, 16.21.29. Wiogorna, 56. Wirfield, the cdvowfon given to the Wegernaceſtre, 8. Wegernceſtre, 15. Priory by King Edw. I. Wegornaceſtre, 23. Wegrinanceaſtre, Withington, a Mannour of the Biſhops 16. v'egrincefter, 13. Weggernace- of Worceſter, on the Hills in Glou aſtre, 17. 34. Wengernaceſtre, 15. ceſterſhire, near the River Tillath, Wéogorniceſtre, 16,17. Weogornace- A. aftre, 33. Weogoruceltre, 20. Wigor- Witlavesfeld in the Perill of Bromeſ cefire, 18. Wigorniceftre, 31. Wigre- grove, ceſtre, 30. Wsogoernaceafire, 26. Wi- Witley little, lower Diviſion of Oſwal receaſtre,82. Worceſtera The Sce dellow, near Abberley-Hills, A. 43. taken out of Litchfield, A. S. $. I. 44 76 at forf dedicated 10 St. Peter, S. 2. Wittleſey, Biſhop of Worceſter, and A, 15:17,21. The Monaftery bere afterwards Archbiſhop of Canterbury, firſt erelted about the Year 770, and A. 183 dedicated to St. Mary, which after- Wodeſtoke in Oxfordſhire, A. 114 wards became the Cathedral Church, 137.149 S. 2. A. 16,40. The City Spoiled Wolftan, reprobus, Biſhop of VVor and Inrnt by Order of King Hardi- ceſter, A. 49.57. and Archbiſhop of cnute, A 64. $. 3. York, 58 Cat bedral and Caſtle conſumed by St. Wolftan, Biſhop of VVorceſter, Son Fire, A. 105. S. 4. Burnt down of Ælfſtanand V Vigeva, A. 72, &c. again, A. 121. The Cathedral rebuilt to 102. He began to work Miracles, and dedicated to St Mary, St. Peter, 121. Canonized, 122. His Corpſe put St. Oſwald and St. Wolftan S. 4. into a new Sbrine, 125. His Tomb, The City beſieged Anno S. 29. and his Miracles in painted Domini 126), taken and plundered, Glaſs, with Virſes wrote under them, A.133. Worceſter mentioned alſo 32,33,34 in the following Pages, A. 38,49,51, Wolftan de Braunsford, Prior, eleited 55,59,60,61,70,71,78,79,83,87,88, Biſhip, and rejected by the Pope, A. 89,90,91,100, 03,104,105,106,107 169. made Biſhop of VVorceſter, 108,109,110,111,114,115,117,118 176 123,127,128,131,135,136. 137,138 St. Wolftan's Hospital reformed and 141,142,146,149,150,152,153 154 reſtored by Bishop Bourchier, A. 195 156,459,160,161,162,164,166,168 Wolverhampton, Wulverunhamtone 297,178,180,181,183,189,192,195 in Staffordſhire, 198,208,213,221,222. Wolverley, Wulfirdingley, Wulward- dinglea, otherwiſe called Secceflea, S. A. 29 61.74-109,112,113 122. H h h Woutley, The City, A. 125 A. 104 6.13 210 The INDE X. A. 12 Dan A. 177 A. 67 A. 27 Wortley in Berkley-Hundred in Glou- Wutton, VVidutuun near VVarwick, ceſterſhire, where VVilliam de Side founded a Chantry in the Chapel of VVychenford, in the lower Diviſion of St. John Baptiſt, Oſwaldeflow near V Vorceſter, A.131 Wotton under Edge in Glouceſterſhire VVye River, appropriated io thr Abbey of Teukeſ- bure, A. 202 Wreodenhale near Cofton, not far Y. from Bromelgrove, Wrockſhale, VVroxhale, a Nunnery in Warwickſhire, A. 132.138.162 7 Ardley, in the lower Diviſion of Wrubbenhale near Bewdley, A. 110 Perſhore Hundred, a Village the Wuduceaſtre, fartheſt North of the whole County. Wlburn in Bedfordſhire, A. 177. It was appropriated to the Wulfheard, Son of Caſſan, Priory of Maxſtoke in VVarwick- Wulfrington, VVolverton, a Member ſhire. of the Mannour of Kemeſey, A. York City, A. 8,43,49,51,37,60,62, 46,63 70,71,72,74,75,78,80,81, 103, 104, Wulfwold, Abbat of Chertſey, A. 100 138,161,162, 163,165,168,180,195 Wulfi, Son of Earl Leofric, A. 12,33 A. 122 A:20 A. 74 213. fsbo VF I N 1 s. 21.0 des samas ន . 다 ​:: - : 3 9015 02011 1699 .. in politie elements .... er en in verslag regeneration on because i atiti na mga nabangan mga tao sa paninigami ei team..... :: SILAS WRIGHT DUNNING BEQUEST UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GENERAL LIBRARY Para 1950 ...... .. B 493548 。 命 ​