11 A 574455 પ 12. ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E-PLURIBUS-UNUIA TUEBO SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE THE CLINICAL GUIDE; OR 102772. POCKET-REPERTORY FOR THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. By G H. G. JAHR. TRANSLATED BY CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D. SECOND AMERICAN REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION, FROM THE THIRD GERMAN EDITION, ENRICHED BY THE ADDITION OF THE NEW REMEDIES, BY SAMUEL LILIENTHAL, M.D. NEW-YORK: BOERICKE & TAFEL. PHILADELPHIA: F. E. BOERICKE & A. J. TAFEL. Boston: OTIS CLAPP.-Chicago: C. S. HALSEY.-Cincinnati: SMITH & WORTHINGTON.-Detroit: E. A. LODGE.-Pittsburg: J. G. BACKOFEN & SON.-St. Louis: H. C. G. LUYTIES; JOHN MUNSON. LONDON: TURNER & Co., AND JAMES EPPs. 1869. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by WILLIAM RADDE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. HENRY LUDWIG, Printer, 39 Centre-st., N.-Y. EDITOR'S PREFACE. THE first edition of this valuable "POCKET-COMPANION” has been long out of print. Dr. Jahr's third, improved and enlarged edition is too valuable a work, not to be clothed also in the English language, in order to assist the many stu- dents who have embraced with heart and soul the glorious doctrines of Hahnemann; but even the busy practitioner, to whom time is often too valuable to ponder over the larger works in the library at home, will find it a ready help by the side of the patient. As the "New Remedies" have steadily progressed in the estimation of our colleagues, we have not only added them to the chapter of Materia Medica, but have endeavored also to give to each its place among the different diseases in alphabetical order. We feel ourselves under last- ing obligations to Prof. HEMPEL, whose first edition of this work underlies this volume, also to Professors GUERNSEY and RAUE, of Philadelphia; Prof. WELLS, of New-York; Profs. FRANKLIN and HELMUTH, of St. Louis, and many others, for we have drawn on all sources to make this little volume as profitable as possible. May it guide the young physician to the selection of the true remedy; may it go on its mission to alleviate human sufferings, and my labor will be then amply rewarded. SAMUEL LILIENTHAL, M.D. NEW-YORK, Sept., 1869. THIS volume will be of great assistance to practitioners and students of medicine as well as to the general reader. By the assistance of the lately published works in Europe and America the symptomatology of each disease has been greatly enriched; and the editor has taken special pains to have the characteristics, or key-notes, of each remedy fully pointed out. The New Remedies have likewise received full consideration in the body of the text, wherever clinical facts have coincided with the provings. In short, no effort has been omitted to enhance the value of the original work by suitable additions from every proper source. Orders please address to the publishers BOERICKE & TAFEL, New-York. INTRODUCTION. Although we may justly presume, that every physician, who intends to practice Homœopathy, has already studied Hahnemann's Organon and the principal works of our school, still it may happen, that this book will reach some, who have not enjoyed such opportunities; and for those we will pre- mise the following general remarks-to point out to them the starting point, from which they have to take up their studies. § 1. Homœopathy has been frequently called the specific art of cure, and if we do not understand by specific remedies such, as can be given against certain diseases in every case and at any time, Homœopathy possesses a certain right to such a name, for although she has not for each disease its specific always healing remedy, yet she has for every sin- gle case its truly specific remedy, which we can find ac- cording to rules firmly established and which cannot de- ceive. § 2. The rules are founded on the concordance of the symp- toms produced by the chosen remedy to those of the given case of disease; but not only do the general pathognomonic and local symptoms have to agree perfectly with the given case, but also particularly must the peculiar characteristic symptoms be found in the sphere of action of the remedy as well as in the disease. § 3. But not only does the suffering organ with its pathog- nomonic symptoms, but also the more remote (external, dis- ease-making) cause and the individual constitution of the patient play a part in the selection of the remedy; as there are many, which by virtue of their pathogenetic qualities correspond most exactly to the consequences of certain ex- ternal causes (as contusion, disordered stomach, overheating, fatigue, mental emotions, catching cold, &c.) or to particular ages, sexes, trades, modes of life, or some peculiar con- stitutions. § 4. In order to become accustomed to a certain method, it would be advisable, to aim in every medical examination at the following four points, and to ascertain seriatim as nearly as possible: 1 2 INTRODUCTION. 1.) The suffering organ and the kind of morbid process which befel it, with the pathognomic symptoms belong- ing to it. 2.) The pathological, non-essential symptoms, but which especially characterize the case in hand. 3.) The external cause, by influence of which the disease was produced. 4.) The morbid disposition of the patient according to his constitution, age, sex, mode of life or occupation, &c. § 5. In order to find out the suitable remedy, it is not ma- terial, in which order this examination was made, but we must be careful to consider every essential feature of the case. Suppose we begin with the suffering organ and the pathological process-present in it, (as inflammation, spasm, paralysis) we will often find a great many remedies covering the case, which number will diminish as soon as we examine the non-essential, so called accidental symptoms, but which distinguish this case from all others. From this smaller circle we again select those remedies, which agree to the morbid cause of the case and the individual constitution of the pa- tient, reducing thus the number to two or three, till we select one as the remedy, covering the case. § 6. We may however find cases, in which no single remedy covers all the symptoms according to their order, inasmuch as one may suit the pathognomic symptoms, another may give us the individual characteristic symptoms, a third may cover the causal ones, without being in accord with the con- stitution of the patient. § 7. The value of the accidental symptoms, having fre- quently very little in common with the pathognomic symp- toms, has to be well considered in acute diseases, for we often find, that a remedy, appearing for itself very little suited to the pathological state and perhaps only found in the fourth or fifth rubric for this disease, may yet cure the disease as if by magic; on account of that accidental symptom, present in this individual case and also in the remedy. But if two remedies show the same accidental symptom, we would cer- tainly prefer that one, which also most perfectly contained the pathognomic symptoms. But of still higher value, than even these accidental symptoms, in acute diseases is the con- sideration of the external disease-producing causes, (as over- heating, catching cold, poisoning, indigestible or noxious food, mechanical influences, anxiety, grief, anguish, fright, home- sickness and other emotions). When such a disease-pro- INTRODUCTION. 3 ducing influence is clearly made out, we have to prefer the remedies covering such cause, to all others and select from them again that one responding to the individual cha- racteristic symptoms of the case. § 8. In all tedious chronic diseases the importance of all external disease-producing causes is of less importance, though not to be neglected, neither do we often find clearly expressed characteristic symptoms in the diseased organ, on which to base the selection of the remedy. The only rational method, by which to deal with such cases, is, to find out not only the individual constitution of the patient. and to write out the whole history of the case from its very beginning, going back even to infancy; but to choose then a remedy, cor- responding most perfectly to the totality of the symptoms seen in this history. In such an examination we must con- sider nothing trivial, although it may not show a clear rela- tion to the present disease. For example, a patient suffers from chronic gastritis, or from hæmorrhoids, or from any other chronic disease and all our apparently well-selected remedies have failed to produce favorable results; it would then be imperative upon us to consider well every thing ab- normal in the functions of the organs of the patient. Alo- pecia, ailments of the eyes and ears, the state of the skin, of the respiratory or abdominal organs, &c., in fact, every thing must be considered, for it may give us a clue to the remedy. Especially former diseases, and the remedies, used for them, lead sometimes to the right selection; also, the so-called individual morbid disposition of the patient, as frequent coryza, the sweat of the feet and axillæ, constipation or di- arrhea; temperament, character, state of the mind; chil- blains, or other diseases of the skin; in general, all tender cies to anamalous states of health. § 9. What we have said of chronic diseases in relation to time, in reference to the study of all pathological states, through which the patient may have passed during his life, the same holds good in relation to epidemic diseases, accord- ing to space. As in chronic diseases-the time is the form, under which the total morbid entity of an individual shows itself, so also epidemics show only their total entity on many single individuals: as it never happens, that we can see all manifestations on a single person; but one person shows one group and others other groups of the symptoms, peculiar to the reigning epidemic. Now in such epidemics, only those remedies will have the greatest power even against single 4 INTRODUCTION. symptoms, which correspond by the complex of their symp- toms to the totality of the disease; and it is therefore in such cases the first duty of a physician, to collect from many soli- tary cases a full picture of all manifestations and symptoms, belonging to this disease, and to adjust to this picture a cor- responding series of remedies, each of which will act most efficiently in that case, in which it is also in accord with the individual manifestations. § 10. It may not be superfluous, to show a little more clearly, in what series of symptoms these manifestations, which define a remedy as peculiar and specific to a given case, must be sought for. We all know, that this cannot be the peculiar kind of pain, (cutting, stitching, pressing, &c.,) nor the peculiar seat of the pain, as in most cases the patient is hardly able to define strictly his sensation and the place where he feels them; and with few exceptions, (as the burning pain of arsenic,) the same sensations are found among a great many remedies. Of more weight are the circumstances and conditions, by which certain pains or symptoms make their appearance, as e. g. at night, in the morning, after eating, in this or that position of the body, during or after certain oc- cupations, &c. Of the same value are also the so-called ac- companying symptoms, that is, ailments appearing simulta- neously with the pain or the fever, or the chill, the sweat, vomiting, stool, nausea, fainting, spasms, &c. Where all such circumstances are plainly found in the case of the disease, and in the corresponding remedy, we may safely assert that good results will be produced by the application of the remedy. § 11. Not always, however, does it happen in practice, that we can fix at last our choice only on one remedy: it happens rather frequently, that after a most thorough investigation our choice remains vacillating between two or three reme- dies, of which each corresponds to a part of the most weighty indications; but none to the whole of them, or two or three of them appear equally adapted to the case, without our being able to decide which ought to be preferable. In such a case it would be advisable to prefer that remedy, which has thus far done the most service in combatting the disease. Such a remedy will then either help or alter the case so far, that, after its action has run its course, or even during that time another one will be indicated with more certainty and given with better effect. § 12. But in every case it is advisable, after having given the best selected remedy, to wait a certain time according to INTRODUCTION. 5 the severity or mildness of the case, before we exchange a carefully chosen remedy for another. In very severe diseases, running its course quickly, as a clear case of Asiatic cholera, a remedy must show some curative action in an hour or two, (or less); in severer forms the beginning of an amendment ought to show itself in from six to twelve hours; in less severe cases after twelve to twenty-four hours; and in chronic cases it may be retarded for four, eight or ten days. Under such circumstances, the physician, after having made judi- ciously his choice, must always await patiently the action of the remedy, before he changes it for another; and if the disease has even not made any progress for the better in that time, but only remained in statu quo, without getting any worse; this of itself alone is a sufficient indication, not to change the remedy, but to continue its further influence, at least for twice the time above given. Should, however, the disease increase during that period, and instead of ameliora- tion, more or less dangerous symptoms show themselves, then certainly we are justified in changing this remedy for an- other, better suited to the present condition. § 13. It happens however, sometimes, that even the best selected remedy, from which we had a right to expect good results, produces in the beginning, instead of a perceptible amelioration, a seeming aggravation, and new symptoms in the state of the patient; and only after their disappearance a more striking and quick amelioration sets in. În such a case it would certainly be most imprudent, to change the re- medy before a reasonable time, and it becomes us to know, how to distinguish between such a seeming, artificial aggra- vation and a real progress of the disease. Such aggravations appear usually only with sensitive persons or with such, pos- sessing a particular idiosyncrasy, manifest in high suscepti- bility to the effects of certain remedies; frequently they are also the natural consequences of a dose, rather too large, of the given remedy. But if the remedy is the one truly indi- cated, these new symptoms will most plainly show themselves inside of that period, in which we have to wait for the action of the remedy. They appear also in most cases in the sphere of the accidental symptoms, showing usually the character of mutability and want of steadiness, violent though they may be: finally, a good observer will perceive in them a simulta- neous beginning of amendment, rendered evident in the sen- sations, and the whole deportment of the patient. All this will only be seen in cases, in which the remedy tried was the 6 INTRODUCTION. one really indicated. But in the contrary case these aggrava- tions and new symptoms appear later, i. e. after the expira- tion of the periods intimated in former paragraphs. They are then more strongly fixed in their manifestations, increase rather during their course and the whole state of the patient is for the worse. There is then no time for waiting, but without delay, a remedy more suitable to the present state has to be employed. § 14. However difficult the selection of the right remedy may appear to the beginner at the start, yet that difficulty is small in comparison with the question of the dose and the repetition of the remedy,-a question about which the best physicians of our school have not as yet reached a definite conclusion. One advises only strong tinctures, or at the utmost the very lowest dilutions,-every two or three hours drop or a grain; others use, according to circumstances, the different dilutions, in drops or in pills, dry or dissolved in water, either in a single dose or repeated every one, two, three, up to twenty-four hours. Others, again, ascend far above the thirtieth up to the very highest dilutions, (even to the hundred thousandth,) and ascribe to them their safe and speedy cures. It is useless, to descant here on the different theories, by which these successes are explained, may it suf- fice to say, that cures can be made with any dilution, pro- vided that the doses are neither too often repeated nor too seldom. § 15. We do not mean to say, that the degree of dilution is of no moment whatever, for if we take fresh venereal ulcers as an example, we find the higher dilution of Mercury to have no effect whatever: whereas, the first, second or or third trituration of Mercury, one-half grain morning and evening, will eradicate the disease in at least ten days. But such cases are entirely too solitary to build upon them any theory whatever. In other familiar instances, e. g. Cannabis in Gonorrhea, Veratrum in Cholera, Spongia in Croup and other remedies, in thousands of different cases, we have evi- dence that the same remedial power is effective, in whatever dilution the remedy may be given, as I can affirm from large experience. § 16. In spite of all the efforts made to find out the differ- ent modes of action between the high and low dilutions, this labor has so far been in vain, and nobody can prove with certainty, whether the former or the latter of these are stronger or weaker. Indeed, it is problematical, if repeated INTRODUCTION. 7 : concussions render the remedies stronger or more penetrat- ing for my own experience has shown me, that either one acts variously on different persons. But we may take this for an axiom and past all doubt, that we have not as yet found the limit, up to which dilutions can be carried, and it may be, that the one, who gives for example, the eight- thousandth, gives a potence as surely curative, as the one who uses the first or third; we leave out, of course, those excep- tional cases, which require only the low dilutions. § 17. Although in relation to their absolute efficacy no dif- ference could as yet be set up between the high and low dilutions: yet the difference in the mode of their efficacy will yet be made out. That excellent and ingenious physician, Dr. Hering, has already drawn in several places the attention to such a difference, that the higher dilutions have as secon- dary effects, what the lower have as primary effects: Thus Opium in large doses produces sleep, but in small ones, i. e., higher dilutions sleeplessness; or Natrum-muriaticum in low dilutions thirst, in the higher dilutions, thirstlessness. Should this be found true, as my experience teaches me, that it will, it would be well to ponder over it in all remedies, which are rich on reciprocal actions; then plumbum, nux- vomica, opium in lower dilutions would be truly homeo- pathic to constipation, but in higher dilutions to diarrhoea But even such a rule would have many exceptions, as the known and successful application of Nux-vom. and Plumb. in the highest dilutions and in the smallest doses for constipation, so that for the moment it still remains an open question, to be decided by further experience. § 18. But there is another, more essential difference, for which I have already claimed attention (in 1851) and which has since been duly acknowledged by several of my colleagues. This does not consist in the larger or smaller efficacy of the dilutions, i. e., not in its strength or weakness, but in the development of the peculiarities of the remedy, furthered per- haps by percussion, so that, the higher we ascend, we find more clearly the special and peculiar character of the re- medy. Let us imagine one or more concentric circles, as the figure of the next paragraph will show, whereof each radius signifies a remedy in its different stages of dilution, according to its distance from the centre. In the first dilution, that is, in the innermost circle, where the radii still lie close together, similar or related remedies, as Merc., Bell., Lach. have yet a great many symptoms in common: but the more they pro- INTRODUCTION. gress in the scale of dilution, the more they recede also in their effects and every one appears in its particular, strictly different or specific peculiarities: so that, when, for example, in a given case of disease, where the choice lies between two or three different remedies, one as well as the other may help in low dilutions. This never can be admitted with the higher and highest dilutions, as soon as the case shows strongly marked symptoms for only one of these very similar remedies. Phos Ars. Sulph. Hep. Puls. Mere Cham 30 15 15 6642 Bell Lach. 120 Phos.c CIC อ้างๆ Ad q snug § 19. A known fact, which helps to corroborate this view of the qualitative difference of the dilutions, is among others also the effect of medicaments and poisons in large, massive, or at any rate sufficient doses, to produce their noxious ge- neric effect. In such doses, all narcotics, as Belladonna, Opium, Stramonium, act in a manner equally stupefying, producing death by apoplexy or paralysis; all drastics pro- ducing vomiting or purging; the so-called acrid poisons in- flammation of the stomach and bowels, and at this point of INTRODUCTION. 9 lowest dilution, where all the radii lie together as yet in one point, it is impossible to perceive any specific difference what- ever between the different effects of the single narcotics, drastics or other related substances, than that the one already unfolds its generic effect with doses under a grain, while others need several grains of the crude substance to show the same or equal effect. § 20. All provings, made only by crude substances, have given us so far only general manifestations, as they are also found in every other material of the same generic action, but hardly any special characteristics. Only to the Hahneman- man provings with dilutions up to the thirtieth are we indebt- ed for the most characteristic symptoms. We do not deny the necessity, in order to get acquainted with the general generic effect of a medicament, to make provings with large undiluted doses: but to get at the strictly differential quali- ties, distinguishing it from all others, related to it, it will be just as necessary to make conscientious and careful provings with the higher and highest dilutions. § 21. By continued diluting and concussing, remedies get therefore neither stronger nor weaker, but their individual peculiarities become more strongly and more rigorously de- veloped, and it is this which has for a long time governed me in my practice. I use in all cases, in which on account of less conspicuous and characteristic symptoms, the choice vacil- lates between two or three similar remedies, that remedy which seems to me the most indicated, but I give it in the lower dilutions (1 to 15). But where a case strictly indicates only one remedy, whose true characteristic symptoms (Key- notes) correspond exactly with the most characteristic symp toms of the case under treatment, I prefer and choose with confidence the higher or highest dilutions: for I know, that exactly the specialty, which we need, is only fully developed in the highest dilutions, and from them only can we expect the best results, and it is really remarkable, what quick suc- cess often follows the application of only a single dose. § 22. My rule in reference to the size and repetition of the dose is to dissolve in all severe, acute cases, with or without fever, as in acute inflammations, severe convulsions, frequent vomiting or diarrhoea, furious rheumatism, from three to six pellets in a tumbler half full of water, and to give ac- cording to the rapidity or slowness of the disease every hour or every 2 or 3 hours (in cases like Cholera every quarter to half an hour) a tea-spoonful (not a table-spoonful), and I 1* 10 INTRODUCTION. have reason to be perfectly satisfied with such a procedure. In less severe cases, as in coryza, light rheumatic attacks, se- quels of catching cold, affections of the stomach from indiges- tion and similar cases I give every twenty-four hours (if necessary) one dose, two or three pellets of the indicated di- lution dry on the tongue of the patient, or morning and eve- ning a tea-spoonful of the medicine, prepared by dissolving the pellets in a tumbler half full of water. In truly chronic and tedious cases I give a dose only every four days, each of three pellets, either dry on the tongue, or I prepare a solution of them, a tea-spoonful of it to be taken in the morning for a week, and then wait for the result eight to fourteen days, or if amendment occurs, even from three to five weeks. § 23. I prefer the pellets to the alcoholic dilutions, as it seemed to me, that the Alcohol increases the action of the remedies on the nervous system; whereas the pellets, after the Alcohol has evaporated, have the same curative influence, without irritating the nerves. For the same reason I nerve add Alcohol to the watery solution, in order to make it keep better, when it has to be taken for a long time; but I prefer to give the patient several powders, each of which containing the medicated pellets, in order that he may renew himself the medicine every day or two. With such a procedure I hardly ever see this nervous irritation happening so easily to sen- sitive persons even after the smallest dose. § 24. My reason for giving the medicine only in tea-spoon- ful doses and for the small quantity of pellets, arises from the conviction, that the right remedy, however small the dose may be, will show its beneficial effect in the period, indicated in § 12. and if this small dose has not done it by that time, a larger dose would certainly not have done it better, but rather aggravated the evil. My large experience has convin- ced me, that where such a dose of a truly indicated remedy has done nothing in a given time, yea where the disease in spite of it has rather increased, no larger dose or more fre- quent repetition will avail; but we have to examine anew, in order to select a remedy, more appropriate to the present state of the disease. § 25. We have already remarked in § 15. that there are exceptions, where massive doses are the rule, and we will ex- plain here the reason of it. Reviewing all cases, which may happen in the common run of practice, it appears to me, that this exception is entirely limited to the primary syphilitic ulcer, produced by the chancre poison. For all other kinds INTRODUCTION. 11 of ulcers, substantial alterations and affections of the skin (even condylomata, scirrhus and carcinoma, when curable) pass away just as well as purely dynamic affections under re- peated application of doses, as indicated in § 22. and if it is the right remedy, still more speedily, even under the use of the very highest dilutions. Why therefore this solitary stand- ing exception of the effects of Mercury in primary syphilitic ulcers? Does Mercury only in low dilutions produce its action, similar to syphilis, and is it in the higher ones enanthiopathic? Or does the essence of a syphilitic ulcer consist in a living organic fungosity (a vegetable or animal parasite) which Mercury does not cure or remove on homeopathic princi- ples? but, being given in sufficiently large doses, destroys by its inherent power, so inimical to everything organic this for- mation of the living organic cells? This at least is the only rational way, by which we might explain this solitary excep- tion to a general rule. But the same ought to be the case in cancer, in favus and other diseases, where inimical fungosities and living parasites play such a great part, and yet the con- trary is the case. We leave the subject therefore undecided and unexplained. § 26. There are again some chronic diseases, as certain lipomata, some kinds of polypi and in general some local affections of little activity, or some tedious indispositions of the mental or emotional or other functions, where it is ab- solutely necessary for a cure, to wait for the action of the remedy, given either in one dose or for four to five days in quick succession, because some affections need more or less time for their retrogression and removal. Should we continue to give such a remedy daily for six or eight weeks, the orga nism would then get accustomed to the remedy, no reaction will follow any more and the cure will be retarded, or these continued doses produce after a few days so many new symp- toms, that the physician will be forced to exchange it for a new one, before the first has had time, to act favorably; a procedure, which is certainly not the high-road to success. Many a time have we seen one or several doses of a perfectly indicated remedy keep up its action for six or eight weeks and remove permanently chronic diseases, especially tedious affections of the stomach, tumors, goitre, herpes, polypi, &c. § 27. During the time we await the action of one or of several doses of the well-selected remedy, given in quick suc- cession, we will either see some of the unavoidable accessory effects or the aggravations produced by it, which will com- 12 INTRODUCTION. monly appear during the first eight, ten, or fourteen days, (and it is our imperative duty, to let them pass off, for they are certainly followed by an amelioration, continuing steadily for weeks and months, without another remedy being neces- sary), or, as it is sometimes the case, after a few doses a visible, though temporary amendment takes place and towards the third and fourth or fifth week an aggravation of the original ailment appears, and this is a sure sign, that the remedy, in spite of its apparent similarity, was not the true one, and that we have to change it for another related to it. In such a case it would be a great mistake, to give the first remedy in re- newed or stronger doses. § 28. It may happen also sometimes, that in these chronic cases, during the time, that we await the action of the single dose, the amelioration suddenly stops, after having continued steadily to the eighth or ninth week and the case seems to get worse again. Here irreparable injury might be done, if we should then give a new remedy or repeat the former one; for by letting these ailments pass on for five, six or eight days, without doing anything, they disappear for themselves, to give room to a more lasting improvement, and this will pro- gress for months without interruption. One of the most re- markable and instructive cases, I saw in the beginning of my practice in 1828, was that of a patient, who had suffered from herpes during eight years. One dose of Calcarea sufficed to make the herpes disappear from the face and fore-arms in about three weeks. However towards the eighth week some vesicles appeared again on the places formerly affected, in- creasing so much by the third day, that I thought best to give another dose of the Calcarea. But a severe aggravation followed, so that I changed for another remedy in a week; and the case dragged its slow length along during nine months under different remedies. At last a dose of Arsenicum brought the patient back to that state in which I found him in the beginning and for which I had given Calcarea. Nothing re- mained, but to try it again. I gave 3/30 in a single dose and the result was the same as before: a clear skin was seen after the third week, but followed by the appearance of new vesi- cles about the end of the ninth week. By that time I had been made acquainted with the remarks of Drs. Hering and Gersdorff, who had already observed those late aggravations of certain remedies and I concluded to do nothing. Before a week passed these vesicles decreased again, after ten days the patient was again perfectly clean and he has remained INTRODUCTION. 13 cured during the next twenty years, as I have seen him on several occasions during that time. § 29. This case teaches us also, that it is not advisable, after having awaited the action of a remedy and improvement has set in, to apply the same remedy, should a new aggravation take place. Renewed favorable action of the same remedy we can only expect, after having given one or more inter- mediate remedies. An astute observer moreover readily perceives, that in most cases this renewed aggravation (which is not produced by the remedy) shows somewhat different symptoms; so that in fact a repetition of the first remedy is not at all indicated, but for the the ensuring of a perfect cure we need a remedy correlated to that first used. In several articles of this book we shall try to draw attention to reme- dies, which may advantageously follow one another; but we advise the practitioner not to rely blindly on such expedients, but to study every case for itself and the remedy suitable to each one, as it may appear at different times. § 30. Many practitioners have seen good effects from the alternation of correlated remedies, as Bell, and Merc. in angina, Bry. and Rhus in typhoid fever, &c. If we understand by alternation a procedure, in which the second remedy is not applied, till the first one ceases to produce any further ame- lioration, and if then we do not return again to the first re- medy, till the second one has done all the good expected from ít; and if we are then sure, that this first remedy is again in- dicated: then we perfectly agree to such alternation, for cases may occur and do occur, in which such a course of treat- ment is the very thing needed. But another mode of alter- nation is frequently recommended; this is, to combine, as it were, two remedies, by giving them alternately in quick suc- cession, without allowing either one time enough for its action, either according to the severity of the case every one to three hours a dose, first one and then the other, or by alternately changing the remedies every twenty-four hours or in chronic cases every four to eight days. We will not and cannot deny, that such a practice may have done some good, but we do not wish to recommend it to the beginner, partly because we have no experience about it, partly because even those, who pursue this mode of treatment, could never give us any fixed rules about their application. § 31. The same objection, but in far higher degree, is also valid against the simultaneous application of two remedies, of which each corresponds to a part of the symptoms, but 14 INTRODUCTION. neither one to their totality. We have no right and do not intend to blame or criticize the old experienced practitioner or even the young physician, for trying such procedure, as freedom of thought and of action belongs to every one. But in the name of personal liberty and true science we firmly protest, when some dictators of our school endeavor to base upon such experiments a rule and a binding law for others: for true science can have nothing to do with such a lawless and perfectly arbitrary procedure, as it is impossible, to deduct from such treatment a fixed rule, according to which we can hereafter act. For who can tell beforehand, in what combi- nations the actions of two simultaneously given remedies will enter into the organism, and what will be the final result? Some defenders of the mixed doses have proposed, to make provings of such remedies in their combination, as Bell. and Merc., but this absurdity is too palpable, to be ever thought of; for such combination-provings would only lead us to an infinite chaotic confusion; the complex of symptoms thus re- ceived would it be more comprehensive, as our polychrests now are, in which we may find combinations and complications enough, if we only study them rightly? And where should it end? for provings could again and again be made by combi- nation of three and even four remedies, without ever reaching a more satisfactory result. § 32. The old physician, or even every practitioner may act in his practice, as he pleases, and make experiments, as he pleases, but a teacher dare only recommend safe methods, based on firm principles and rules; he must insist, therefore, that in all cases only one remedy, clearly indicated, be given at once, the action of which cannot be safely interrupted, till we are sure, that no further curative effect can be expected from the further continuance of its action. O! how we wish, that every student would swear allegiance to this rule, till he has collected experience enough to enable him, to know how and when to try experiments. Only a master, but not the apprentice, dare to override fixed rules: for only the mas- ter knows, what he does and how it is done. § 33. The rule, we have given to beginners, on acount of the simplicity of the dose, we will enlarge to hold also the dose and its repetition. If the beginner wishes to be on the safe side, it will be to his advantage, to give only the smallest doses (two to three pellets dry or three to six pellets, dissolved in water, a tea-spoonful at a time) of the middle dilutions (twelve, fifteen, thirty) and not to repeat the medicine, till INTRODUCTION. 15 he is sure by observation of its effect (§ 12), that he has chosen the right remedy, for the truth must never be forgot- ten: that it is not the direct action of the remedy, which produces the cure, but the curative power of nature, incited to reaction by the remedy. From this truth several axioms arise, which we would re- commend for further observation. 1) It is far better in all doubtful cases, to give too weak a dose of a middle dilution, than too large a dose of the tincture or of the highest dilutions, inasmuch as the mistakes, com- mitted by giving too small a dose, may be easily rectified, whereas the mistakes of giving too strong a dose can never be made good again. 2) In all cases, where there is no direct indication to ex- change one remedy for another, nor for repetition of the remedy, it is our duty, to wait, till we find an indication for the one or the other. 3) So long as the disease does not progress any further, after the application of the remedy, there is not the least dan- ger in waiting, till new indications appear. 4) So long as the curative power of nature, after having given our remedy, reacts favorably on the disease, it is the duty of the physician to do nothing; for all that he could do, would only more or less disturb the curative action of nature, and therefore, instead of improving, aggravate the case. 5) There is nothing more injurious to the patient, than the impatience of the physician and the constant change of reme- dies. The quiet, attentively observing physician will fare better in chronic diseases with two or three remedies, in single doses and at long intervals, and cure his patient more easily in a few months, than another with sixty remedies, given hourly or daily, could do in so many years. 6) A plain, continually progressing improvement, although slow, is far preferable to the uncertain hope of a very proble- matical acceleration by prematurely chosen new remedies or by repeated doses. 7) There are also cases, in which it is far better, to leave the disease to nature and its natural course, than to attack the patient continually with large and repeated doses of badly selected remedies. 8) In fact, our rule must be: IT SHALL BE OUR AIM, TO DO THE UTMUST WITH FEW REMEDIES AND RARE DOSES, FOR NA- TURE, NOT THE REMEDY, IS THE CURATIVE AGENT. SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF THE VARIOUS ARTICLES CONTAINED IN THIS WORK, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. N. B.-Those headings in the following paragraphs which are printed in italics, should be studied first; the general information which they fur- nish will be found more or less useful in all particular cases. I. GENERAL REMARKS.-See the Articles : A. Constitution, age, sex and temperament; causes of dis- ease; conditions of aggravation; conditions of improve- ment; emotions; colds; suppression of secretions and erup- tions; injuries; ill effects of heat; ill effects of various kinds of nourishment; weakness of the stomach; diseases of drunk- ards; ill effects of growth; poisoning, especially by alum, arsenic, valerian, prussic-acid, lead; abuse of cinchona; noxious vapors; iron; adipic poison; ichtyotoxicon; crab- apple vinegar; poisonous honey; abuse of iodine; abuse of coffee; abuse of camphor; abuse of chamomile; poisoning by copper; abuse of magnesia; abuse of mercury; opium; narcotism; phosphorus; noxious mushrooms; glanders; saf fron; sal.-ammoniacum; nitrate of silver; abuse of salt; sarsaparilla; hepar-sulphuris; abuse of sulphur; mezereum; cantharides; stramonium; poisonous sumach; abuse of to- bacco; abuse of tea; alcohol; tin. B. Deadness of single parts; swelling of viens; aneurisms; sanguinous congestions; plethora; anæmia; haemorrhage; rushes of blood; inflammations; arthrocace; hydrarthrus; arthritis; arthralgia; diseases of bones; spasms; paralysis; contraction of the muscles; polypi; rachitis; rheumatism; mucous derangement; paroxysms of pain; scurvy; scrofu- losis; tuberculosis; typical affections; dropsy. C. Emaciation; debility; atrophy of scrofulous children; deficient exhalation; dread of motion; cyanosis; chlorosis; eclampsia; epilepsy; adiposis; jaundice; catalepsy; dis- eases of children; dread of air; marasmus senilis; nervous 16 SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF ARTICLES. 17 debility; fainting; apparent death; apoplexy; asthenia; consumption; awkwardness; chorea; hydrophobia; worm- affections; tremor. II. CUTANEOUS AND EXTERNAL DISEASES.-See: A. Formication; acne; lepra; eruptions; variola; blood- blisters; petechiae; boils; eczema; exanthemata; herpetic eruptions, phagedenic blisters; rash; zona; itching of the skin; ichthyosis; itch; lichen; measles; nettle-rash; plague; pemphigus; purple-rash; ecthyma; rubeolæ; scarlatina; varicella; rupia; impetigo; syphilis; varioloid. Tinea capatis; eruptions in the face; mentagra; herpes præ- putialis. B. Excrescences; steatoma; chilblains; fungus articu- laris; moles; polypi; tuberculosis; fungous excrescences (fungus hæmatodes, &c.); sycoma; sycosis; warts. C. Abscesses, gangrene; glandular diseases; suppura- tions; tumors; ulcers rhagades; indurations of the skin, anasarca; stings of insects; diseases of bones; diseases of nails and panaritia; ædema; erysipelas; scurvy; scrofu- lous; affections; indurations; injuries; sore skin. D. Cyanosis; chlorosis; bloody sweat; jaundice; pitiriasis; erythema; dropsy. III. MORBID SLEEP.- See: Night-mare; yawning; morbid sleep; sleepnessness; sopor; dreams, (see under morbid sleep.) IV. FEVER.-See: Inflammatory fevers; gastric (mucous and bilious fevers); yellow fever; catarrhal (and rheumatic fever); nervous fever (typhus); plague; morbid sweat; febris anglica; deficient warmth; fever and ague; dentition-fever (see under diseases of children); hectic fever. V. MENTAL DISEASES.-See: Paroxysms of anguish ; idiocy; delirium; weak memory and mind; mental; derangement; emotions; morbid emotions; home-sickness; hypochondria; hysteria; unhappy love; anthropophobia; diseases of drunk- ards; melancholy; mania of suicide; awkwardness. VI-VII. DISEASES OF THE HEAD AND BRAIN.-See: De- lirium; meningitis; concussion of the brain; hydrocephalus ; debility of the brain; congestions of the brain; apoplexy; vertigo. VIII. EXTERNAL HEAD.-See: Open fontanelle; large head; falling off of the hair; tinea capitis; bones of the skull; plica polonica. 18 SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF ARTICLES. IX. DISEASES OF THE EYES.-See: Hæmorrhage from the eyes; ophthalmia; running of the eyes; cancer of the eyes; blepharophthalmitis; blepharospasmus; blepharoplegia; pains in the eyes; weakness of the eyes; (and alterations of vision); contraction of the lids; ulceration of the eyes; paleness of sight; stye; short-sightedness; photophobia; hemeralopia; strabismus; cataract; glaucoma; nyctalopia; fistula-lachry- malis; bleareyedness; far-sightedness. X. DISEASES OF THE EARS.-See: Deficient hearing; ex- cessive irritation of hearing; otorrhea; parotitis; otitis; herpes of the ear; otalgia; polypus of the ears. XI. DISEASES OF THE NOSE.-See: Anosmia; excessive irritation of the sense of smell; bleeding of the nose; sup- puration of the nose; swelling of the nose; cancer of the nose; polypus of the nose; coryza. XII. FACE.-See: Swelling of the cheeks; eruption in the face; complexion; erysipelas of the face; prosopalgia; tris- mus; mentagra; swelling of the lips. XIII. TEETH.-See: Diseases of the gums; toothache; den tition; (see under: Diseases of children.) XIV. BUCCAL CAVITY.-See: Ranula; hæmorrhage of the mouth; stomacace; fetor of the mouth; aphthæ; ptyalism; deficiency of speech; diseases of the tongue. XV. THROAT AND FAUCES.-See: Angina faucium; angina tonsillaris; dysphagia; pharyngitis; esophagitis. XVI. TASTE AND APPETITE.-See: Loss of appetite; ma- lacia; alterations of taste; loss of taste; canine hunger; weakness of the stomach; (and ill effects of certain kinds of nourishment.) XVII. GASTRIC DERANGEMENT.-See: Hæmatemesis; cho- lera and cholerine; gastric (and bilious) derangement; de- rangement of the stomach; hiccough; heartburn and eruc- tations. XVIII. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH.-See: Gastroenteritis; gastritis; gastromalacia; cardialgia, and pains in the stomach. XIX. HYPOCHONDRIA.-See: Hepatitis; induration of the liver; splenitis; diaphragmitis. XX. ABDOMEN AND GROIN.-See: Distention of the abdo- men; abdominal congestions; enteritis; peritonitis; colic; ab- dominal tubercles; ascites; pot-bellied; ileus; tympanitis.— Hernia; bubo. SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF ARTICLES. 19 XXI. STOOL AND ANUS.-See: Hæmorrhage of the anus; itching of the anus; diarrhoea; cholera and cholerine; hæmor- rhoids; fistula recti; prolapsus of the rectum; dysentery; constipation; worm-affections. XXII. URINE AND URINARY DIFFICULTIES.-See: Catarrh of the bladder; cystitis; hæmorrhoids of the bladder; cys- tospasmus; cystoplegia; polypus of the bladder; thickening of the bladder; urinary secretion; urinary difficulties; uri- nary fistula; hæmorrhage of the urethra; urethritis; gonor- rhoa; stricture; diabetes; retention of urine; nephritis; calculi renales; lithiasis. XXIII. MALE SEXUAL PARTS.-See: Balanorrhoea; sexual instinct; sexual power; gonorrhea; hernia scrotalis; orchitis; induration of the testes; phimosis; prostatitic; herpes præ- putialis; sycosis; syphilis. XXIV. FEMALE SEXUAL PARTS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN.- See: Diseases of the ovaries; hæmorrhage of the uterus; metritis; cancer of the uterus; diseases of the uterus; pro- lapsus of the uterus; herpes præputialis; swelling of the pu- dendum.-Menstrual difficulties; amenia; chlorosis; leucor- rhoea; sexual instinct; sexual power; pregnancy; confine- ment; labor; puerperal fever; nursing; breasts and nipples. N. B. Diseases of children, infants at the breast and new- born infants, (see under: Diseases of children.) XXV. TRACHEA AND COUGH.-See: Croup; influenza; hoarseness (and aphonia); cough; catarrh; catarrhal fever; laryngitis; laryngeal phthisis; whooping-cough; tracheitis; tracheal phthisis; catarrh. XXVI. CHEST, RESPIRATION AND HEART.-See: Asthma Wigandi et Millari; asthma spasmodicum; asthma thymicum; angina pectoris; congestions of the chest; inflammation of the chest; pleuritis; pains in the chest; hydrothorax ; orthop- nœa paralytica; diseases of the heart (and palpitation of the heart); hæmorrhage of the lungs; pneumonia; paralysis of the lungs; pulmonary phthisis. XXVII. BACK, SMALL OF THE BACK AND NECK.-See: Lumbago; nephritis; atrophia spinalis; spinitis; arthralgia; diseases of the bones; spasms; paralysis; rhachitis; rheum- atism; paroxysms of pain; scrofulosis. XXVIII. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-See: Deadness of single 20 SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF ARTICLES. parts; athrocace; hydrarthrus; tumors; arthritis; chiragra; arthralgia; diseases of the bones; paralysis; contraction of muscles; rheumatism; paraxysms of pain; diseases of the nails (and panaritia. XXIX. LOWER EXTREMITIES.-See: Arthrocace; hydrar- thrus; arthralgia; tumors; ulcers; arthritis; coxagra; gonitis; diseases of the bones; paralysis; diseases of the nails; œdema; podagra; psoitis; contraction of muscles; ery. sipelas; rheumatism; paroxysms of pain; diseases of the nails. N.B.-The full names of the remedies recommended in this work, will be found at the end of the work, in the "Characteristic Symptoms,” in the body of the work the abbreviated names have been used. CLINICAL GUIDE; OR, POCKET-REPERTORY; FOR THE HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. 21 N. B. The classification of remedies which I have used in this Repertory is the same as that which has been used in my Manual. The remedies under No. 1 are those that have acquired authority both from our provings and from experience at the sick-bed; the remedies under No. 2 are likewise authoritative, but not in the same absolute sense as those under No. 1. The remedies under No. 3 have only been confirmed by single cases, or are simply indicated theoretically; and the remedies marked with an interrogation-point (?), have never been used in practice, and are proposed upon a mere theoretical suggestion. 22 CLINICAL GUIDE FOR THE HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. ABSCESSES, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL, § 1. Internal ab- scesses generally require the same remedies as external. A preference should be given : a) For acute abscesses, to: 1) bell. hep. merc. sil. 2) apis. ars. asa. bry. cepa. cham. hep. lach. led. mez. phos. puls. sulph. b) for chronic abscesses, whether cold or occasioned by congestions, to: asa. aur. calc. carb-v. con. hep. iod. laur. lyc. mang. merc. merc-c. nitr-ac. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. Further: if there arises on any internal or external part a painful, red, inflamed, swelling, which may point and form a suppurating swelling, bell., or if this does not succeed in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, hepar will often disperse the whole swelling and keep suppuration off; but when once matter has formed, Merc. will bring on the discharge of the pus and frequently finish the case up, its chief indication being, that suppuration must have already taken place. Should the open wound not heal under the continuation of Merc., give hep. or silic., which are the real specifics against all benig- nant or malignant suppurations. If the abscess looks erysi- pelatous: Apis. bell. - if bluish, Lach. § 2. Particular indications. ARSEN. for intolerable, burning pains during the fever, or when the abscess threatens to become gangrenous, or is ac- companied by great debility. ASA: for abscesses discharging a colorless, serous pus; vio- lent pains on contact, and great sensitiveness of the adjoining parts. BELL. Pressure, burning and stinging in the abscess cheesy and flocculent pus. Is specially suitable for hepatic abscesses. BRYON. the tumor is either very red or very pale, with ten- sive pain. MEZER. for abscesses of fibrous parts or of tendons, or for abscesses arising from abuse of Mercury. 23 24 ADIPOSIS.-AGUSTIA. PULSAT. When the abscess bleeds readily with stinging or cutting pains, or when an itching, stinging or burning is ex- perienced in the surrounding parts; especially varices. RHUS. especially for abscesses of the axillary or parotic glands, when the swelling is painful to the touch or dischar- ges a bloody serous pus. ACNE. 1. the best remedies are generally 1) sulph. 2) bell. carb-v. hep. led.-n-jugl. 3) ars. baryt. calc. graph. kal. lach. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. puls. sabin. selen. silic. 4) agar. ant. aur. bry. chin. dig. dros. merc. plumb. sabad. spong. § 2. Particular indications. For acne disseminata (pimples in the face of young people): 1) bell. carb-v. hep. sulph. 2) ars. calc. berch. led. n-vom. phos-ac., puls. For acne indurata (indurated pimples: 1) carb-v. led. sulph. 2) ars. bell. hep. nux-v. puls. For acne miliaris (miliary pimples of young chlorotic girls) 1) calc. sulph. 2) graph. hep. kali-natr. natr-m. sabin. selen. For acne punctata (black pores) 1) sulph. 2) natr. nitr-ac. 3) dros. graph. sabin. 4) aur. bry. calc. dig. natr-m. plumb. selen. For acne rosacea. (coppery-red eruption of the face) 1) carb- a. 2) ars. kreas. mez. rhus. ruta. veratr. 3) calc. cann. carb-v. cicut. kalled. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. sil. thuj. 4) alum. aur- m. canth. caps. caust. clem. lach. n-jugl. petr. plumb. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. For acne vermiformis (comedones). 1) selen. sulph. 2) graph. natr. nitr.-ac. 3) bry. calc. dros. natr-m. sab. 4) aur. dig. plumb. sabad. For acne in the face of young plethoric people: 1) bell. carb-v. 2) hep. sulph. For acne of drunkards: 1) led. nux-v. sulph. 2) ars. lach. puls. For acne arising from sexual abuse: calc. phos-ac. sulph. ADIPOSIS: for adiposis (polysarcia) of young men and girls, observation and symptoms point to the following reme- dies: 1) calc. puls. sulph. 2) ant. caps. ferr. 3) ars. baryt. lyc. 4) cupr. veratr. AGUSTIA: the principal remedies are: 1) bell. lyc. natr- m. phos. puls. sil. 2) alum. amm-m. anac. calc. hep. hyose. kal. kreas. magn-m. nux-v. rhod. sec. sep. verat. § 2. For loss of taste from purely nervous causes, such as ALCOHOL.- -AMBLYOPIA. 25 paralysis, the principal remedies are: bell. hyosc. lyc. natr.- m. n-vom. sep. verat. For agustia attended with catarrh, coryza, &c, we use: 1) n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) alum. calc. hep. natr.-m. rhod. sep. 3. Compare dysecoia, anosmia, amblyopia, &c. ALCOHOL, Poisoning by: According to Hering the prin- cipal remedies are: 1) milk. 2) mucilaginous drinks. 3) caus- tic spirits of Ammonium, (one drop in a tumbler full of sugar water, in teaspoonful doses). Black coffee is likewise useful, as well as n.-vom. in homeopathic doses. ALUM, Poisoning by, and ill effects of, abuse of. For poi- soning by large doses: 1) soap-water or 2) sugar-water, until vomiting sets in; afterwards puls. or veratr. for the remaining symptoms. AMBLYOPLA, weakness or morbid alteration of sight. § 1. weakness of sight from mere dim-sightedness to complete blindness may arise from so many causes, and may be attend- ed with so many different morbid states of the organism, hat there is scarcely a remedy which is not of advantage in the treatment of this affection. I have, therefore, noted only the most efficacious remedies for amblyopia, furnishing par- ticular indications to serve as points of support, and to facili- tate the selection of remedies for particular cases. The principal remedies for amblyopia are: 1) aur. bell. calc. caust. chin. cic. cin. dros. hyosc. merc. natr.-m. n.- vom. phos. puls. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) agar. cann. caps. cimicif. con. croc. dig. dulc. euphr. guaj. kal. lach. lachn. lyc. magn. natr. nitr.-a. op. plumb. rhus. sec. spig tart. zinc. For amblyopia, simple weakness of sight. 1) anac. bell. calc. caps. cin. croc. hyosc. lyc. magn. puls. ruta. sep. sulph. 2) cann. caust. cep. natr. natr.-m. phos. plumb. &c. For amblyopia amaurotica (incipient amaurosis). 1) aur. bell. calc. caps. caust. chin. cic. con. dros. dulc. hyosc. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. op. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. zinc. 2) agar. cin. dig. euph. guaj. kal. kal.-bi. lach. lachn.? lyc. n.-mosch.? plumb. veratr.-vir. ? sec. For complete amaurosis, provided it is not incurable, the same remedies should be used as for amblyopia amaurotica, the remedy depending not so much upon the degree of weak- ness, as upon the totality of the symptoms. Unless secondary symptoms should require other remedies, we may use: bell. 2. 26 AMBLYOPIA. calc. merc. phosph. sep. sulph. &c. though any other re- medy may be used if indicated by the general symptoms. For erethic amaurosis, principally: Bell. cact. calc. cic. cimicif. con. gels. hyosc. merc. nitr.-a. op. phos. sep. sulph. &c. For torpid amaurosis: Aur. caps. caust. chin, dros. dulc. natr. natr.-m. op. phos.-ac. plumb. sec. veratr. § 2. As regards external causes, if the weakness should have been caused by fine work: give Bell. or Ruta, or per- haps carb.-v. calc. gels. lachn. and spigel.; by old age: aur. baryt. con. op. phos. see. After suppression of a habitual bloody discharge, as hæmor- rhoids, menstruation, &c.: bell. calc. lyc. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. After suppression of an exanthem: bell. calc. caust. lach. lyc. merc. sil. stram. sulph. After arthritic metastasis: ant. bell. merc. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. By abuse of Mercury or some other metallic substance: 1) sulph. 2) hep. nitr.-a. sil. 3) aur. bell. carb.-v. chin. lach. op. puls. By rheumatic causes: 1) cact. cham, euphr. lyc. merc. n.- vom. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. 2) caust. hep. lach. By debilitating causes, loss of animal fluids, sexual abuse: 1) chin. cin. 2) anac. calc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. sulph. 3) phos.- ac. sep. By scrofula: 1) bell. calc. chin. cin. dulc. merc. sulph. 2) aur. euphr. hep. n.-vom. puls. By drinking: calc. chin. lach. n.-vom. op. sulph. By suppression of a suppuration or mucous discharge: chin. euphr. hep. lyc. puls. sil. sulph. By catching cold in the head or in the eyes. 1) bell. dulc. 2) cham. euphr. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. By external injuries, blows on the head, violent cancussions : 1) arn. 2.) con. euphr. rhus. ruta or staph. § 3. As regards the AFFECTIONS, which may attend ambly- opia, the principal remedies are: If nervous headache: aur.bell. bry. calc. hep. nitr.-a. n.-vom. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. sep. sulph. &c. If congestion of blood to the head: aur. bell. calc. chin. gels. hyosc. n.-vom. op. phos. sil. sulph. &c. If hearing and the ear is affected: cic. glon. nitr.-a. petr. phos. puls. &c. AMBLYOPIA. 27 If by gastric and abdominal ailments: ant. calc. caps. chin. cocc. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. sulph. If by uterine derangements: aur. bell. cic. cocc. con. magn. natr.-m. n.-vom. plat. phos. puls. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. &c. If by pulmonary complaints: calc. cann. hep. lach. lyc. natr.-m. phos. sil. sulph. If by diseases of the heart: aur. cact. calc. cann, dig. lach. phos. puls. sep. spig. If by spasm, epilepsy: bell. caust. cic. ignat. hyosc. lach. op. sil. stram. sulph. § 4. as regards symptoms, the remedy should be selected in accordance with the totality thereof, both the symptoms of the eye and those of the general organism. But as it would be impossible, to enumerate those symptoms without repeating the pathogenesis of every remedy indicated, we must content ourselves with furnishing the following particular indications for the different remedies of the eyes, leaving to the practi- tioner the business of supplying omissions and modifying our indications agreeably to the general symptoms of the patient. Use AURUM: for black spots or scintillations; half-sightedness, so that things appear to be cut off horizontally; tensive pain in the eyes; sudden attack after scarlatina and during child- bed. BELLADONNA: for dilated or insensible pupils; photopho- bia; spasmodic motion of the eyes and eyelids, induced by the light impinging upon the retina; scintillation or mist, black spots or points before the eyes, or spots of various colors or silver-colored; hemeralopia, as soon as the sun is down; diplopia or the objects appear red or inverted; stitches in the eyes, or aching and distensive pains extending to the orbits and forehead; red face;-after suppressed scarlet eruption with cerebral symptoms. CALCAREA: for mistiness of sight, gauze before the eyes, especially when reading, or after eating, with black motes before the eyes; extreme photophobia, with dazzling of the eyes by light; dilated pupils; pressure or feeling of coldness in the eyes. CAUSTICUM: for sudden and frequent loss of sight, with sen- sation, as if a pellicle were stretched over the eyes; or dim- sightedness, as if looking through a cloth or mist; black threads or mists; scintillations; photophobia. CHINA: for weak sight, the patient sees only the outlines of things near him; the letters look pale, are surrounded by 28 AMBLYOPIA. white borders, blurred; dilated and not very sensible pupils; dimness of cornea, as if the eyes were filled with smoke; scin- tillations or black motes; the eyes feel better after sleeping. CICUTA: frequent vanishing of sight, as if by absence of mind, with vertigo, especially when walking; the objects seem to totter and the letters to move, when reading; diplo- pia; frequent obscuration of sight, alternating with hardness of hearing; blue margins around the eyes; photophobia; burning in the eyes; aching pains in the orbits. CIMICIFUGA: aching pain in the centre of both eyeballs; black specks before the eyes, diplopia. CINA: for dimness of sight, when reading, going off by wiping the eyes; dilated pupil; photophobia; pressure in the eyes, as if sand had got in, especially when reading. DROSERA: for frequent vanishing of sight, especially when reading, the letters look pale and blurred; photophobia; the eyes are dazzled by the light or by the glare of fire; they are very dry; the nose is dry and stopped up, stitches in the eyes. GELSEMINUM: the eyes close on looking steadily at an ob- ject; diplopia, when inclining the head towards the shoulder, but vision single, when holding the head erect; mist before the eyes; dimness of sight; dilatation of the pupils; confusion of sight with heavy looking eyes; smoky appearance of the eyes; total blindness with dizziness; thirst for light; after apoplexy, congestion of the head. HYOSCYAMUS: for dilated pupils; frequent spasms of the eyes and eyelids; squinting, diplopia, hemeralopia; illusion of sight, as if every thing were red or larger, than it really is; aching, stupefying pains over eyes. LACHNANTHES : the sight is obscured; while looking at any- thing fixedly, gray fixed rings are seen. Brilliant eyes, pupils much enlarged with red cheeks; when reading or writing, a small gray spot, as large as a lentil, is running before the left eye; in looking long at one spot or in moving the head suddenly, it gets dark before the eyes. MERCURIUS: for mistiness of sight; frequent momentary loss of sight; black points; scintillations; black motes; par- oxisms of momentary blindness; the letters seem to move when reading; the eyes are very sensitive to the light, or the glare of fire; cutting, stinging or aching pains in the eyes, especially when exerting the eyes, (dilated, or even insensible, or unequal pupils.) NÁTRUM-MURIAT.: for frequent obscuration of sight, espe- AMBLYOPIA. 29 cially when stooping, walking, reading, writing; dimsight- edness as if through gauze or feathers; the letters look blurred; diplopia; half-sightedness; frequent, spasmodic closing of the lids; frequent lachrymation. NUX-VOMICA: for scintillations, or black or gray points, or flashes; the eyes are very sensitive to light, especially early; violent pressure in the eyes after using them ever so little, red face; dilated pupils; heaviness and frequent closing of the eyelids; in consequence of habitual use of intoxicating drinks. PHOSPHORUS: for sudden paroxysms of nyctalopia, or sen- sations as if things were covered with a gray veil; the eyes are very sensitive to the light or are dazzled by bright light; blackness, or black points or sparks; aching pains in the eyes, orbits and forehead; frequent lachrymation, especially in the open air, and when exposed to the wind; after sexual ex- cesses. PULSATILLA for frequent vanishing and obscuration of sight with paleness of the face and disposition to vomit; blindness at twilight and sensation as if the eyes were bandaged; or mistiness of sight or sensation as if the dimness of sight could be removed by wiping, particularly in the open air, or in the evening or early on waking; diplopia or paleness of sight; shining or flashing rings before the eyes; photophobia with stitches in the eyes, when the light impinges upon the retina; frequent and copious lachrymation, particularly in the open air, when exposed to wind and light; contraction of the pupils. RUTA: for mistiness of sight, with complete obscuration at a distance; muscæ volitantes; aching or boring pains in the eyes on using them, particularly when reading, lachryma- tion in the open air. SEPIA: for dimness of sight, particularly when reading or writing; contraction of pupils; gauze, black spots or stripes before the eyes; photophobia in the day-time; aching pains over the eyeball. SILICEA: for dimness of sight, as if looking through a gray cover; paroxysms of sudden nyctalopia; the letters look pale and blurred, when reading; sparks and black spots before the eyes; photophobia, the light of day dazzles the eye; frequent lacrymation, especially in the open air; stitches in the fore- head, which seem to strike through the eye. SULPHUR: for mistiness or dimness of sight as if looking through black gauze or feather-dust; frequent obscuration of sight, especially when reading; photophobia, especially from 30 AMBLYOPIA. the light of the sun, and when the weather is warm and sul- try; the eyes are dazzled by the light; sudden paroxysms of nyctalopia; scintillations and white spots, or motes and black points or stripes before the eyes; tearing burning pains in the head and eyes; profuse lachrymation, especially in the open air; or great dryness of the eyes, especially in the room; un- equal or dilated or insensible pupils; after suppressed cuta. neous diseases. VERATRUM-ALB.: for hemeralopia; sparks or black spots be- fore the eyes, particularly on rising from the bed or from the chair; profuse lachrymation with burning, cutting or feeling of dryness; diplopia, photophobia, &c. VERAT.-VIRIDE: dimness of sight; walking brings on blind- ness with fainting; dilated pupils; diplopia; immense circles of a green color appear around the candle, which, as vertigo comes on, turn to red, when closing the eyes; vertigo; after loss of vital fluids. § 5. The following remedies deserve particular consideration for particular symptoms. PALE-SIGHTEDNESS: Dros. petrol. puls. sil. THINGS LOOK BLUE: bell. lyc. stram. stront. sulph. zinc. THE EYES ARE DAZZLED BY BRIGHT LIGHT: baryt. calc. caus. cic. dros. euphr. graph. kal. merc. n.-vom. puls. phos. sep. sil. sulph. NYCTALOPIA: phos. sil. sulph; acon. merc. con. nitr. n.-vom. phos. stram. HEMERALOPIA: bell. chinin? hyosc. merc. puls. stram ve ratr. COMPLETE, CONSTANT BLINDNESS: bell. calc. caus.? chel.? cic.? con.? dig.? euphr.? gels.? hyosc.? natr.-m? op. ? phos.? pul.? sec.? sil. stram. sulph. veratr.-vir.? BLINDNESS WITH FREQUENT DESIRE TO WINK: croc. euphr. gels. hep. petr. phos.-ac. plat. staph. DIPLOPIA: bell. cic. daphne. dig. euphr. gels. hyosc. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. oleand. puls. sec. stram. sulph. verat. veratr.- vir. OBSCURATION (vanishing) of sight: agar. aur. bell. bry. cact. calc. caust. cic. cimicif. con. dros. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. lyc. mang. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. oleand. phos. puls. sil. sulph. DARKNESS (GRAY BLACK COVER) BEFORE THE EYES: agar anac. aur. bar. calc. caust. chin. chinin. con. euphr. magn.-c. merc. natr. natr.-m. phos. sep. sil. AMBLYOPIA. 31 THINGS LOOK AS IF AT A DISTANCE: anac. carb.-a. cic. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phos. stan. stram. sulph. COLORED APPEARANCE BEFORE THE EYES: aur. bell. bor. camph. hyosc. kali. n.-vom. puls. spig. veratr.-alb, and vir. FEATHER-DUST BEFORE THE EYES: calc. lyc. natr. natr.-m. sulph. LUMINOUS APPEARANCES, scintillations: aur. bell. bry. caust. croc. hyosc. kal. lyc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. spig. zinc. BLACK AND DARK SPOTS BEFORE THE EYES: ammon.-m. anac. aur. bar. bell. calc, caust. chin, chinin. kal. merc. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. phos. sep. sil. FLYING SPOTS AND GAUZES: acon. agar. amm.-m. bell. calc. chin. con. merc, nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sil. stram. LUMINOUS VIBRATIONS: amm, caust. cham. graph. GAUZE OR MIST BEFORE THE EYES: bell. calc. caust. chinin. croc. dros. ign, kreas. lyc. merc. natr.-m. petr. phos. phos.-ac. rut. sec. sep. sulph. THINGS LOOK YELLOW: bell. canth. chin. cin. dig. merc. sep. THINGS LOOK GRAY: nitr.-a. n.-vom. phos. sil. stram. THINGS LOOK LARGER THAN THEY ARE: euphr. hyosc. natr.- m. phos. THINGS LOOK GREEN: dig. merc. phos. rut. sep. sulph. verat.-v. zinc. HALF-SIGHTEDNESS; aur, calc, caust, lyc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. sep. LIGHT COLORS AND APPEARANCES BEFORE THE EYES: amm. bell. bor. calc. camph. hyosc kal, natr.-m, n.-vom. puls. sil. spig. valer. SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS: amm. calc. chin. con. cycl. euphr. hyosc. lach. lyc. nitr.-a. petr. phos. phos.-a. puls. rut. sulph. sulph.-ac. tart. valer, cimicif, THINGS LOOK SMALLER THAN THEY ARE: hyosc. plat. stram. LONG-SIGHTEDNESS: calc. coff. con. dros. hyosc. lyc. meph. natr. natr.-m. n,-vom, petr. sep, sil. sulph DILATED PUPILS: acon. bell. calc. caps. chin. cic. cin. cocc. con. croc. cycl. gels. guaj. hep. hyosc. ign. ipec. led. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. sec. spig. squill. staph. stram. veratr. zinc. CONTRACTED PUPILS: anac. arn. ars. bell. camph. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. dig, euphr. ign, led. mez. mur.-ac. phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. squill. sulph. thuj. verat. zinc. COLORS AS OF THE RAINBOW: bell. cic. kal. nitr. phos. phos.- ac. stram. sulph. 32 AMENIA. THINGS LOOK RED: bell. con. croc. dig. hep. hyosc. spig. stront. sulph. verat.-vir. SHADOWS BEFORE THE EYES: seneg. HALO OR AUREOLA ROUND THE LIGHT: 1) bell. cocc. phos. puls. rut. sulph. 2) alum. calc. cic. dig. euphr. nitr. sass. sep. stann. staph. stront. DISPOSITION TO SQUINT: alum. bell. hyosc. puls. BLACKNESS OF SIGHT. black colors before the eyes: bell. calc. chin. euphr. kal. magn.-c. phos. sep. sil. stram. STRIPES BEFORE THE EYES: amm. bell. con. natr.-m. puls. sep. DIMNESS OF SIGHT: ambr. amm. anac. bar. bell. calc. can. caust. chin, con. croc. euphr. gels. hep. ign. kreas. lachn. lyc. merc. phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. sulph. THINGS LOOK INVERTED: Bell. DISPOSITION TO WIPE THE EYES ALL THE TIME: carb.-a. croc. lyc. natr. phos. puls. THE LETTERS LOOK BLURRED, WHEN READING: Bell. bry. chin. daph. dros. graph. hyosc. lyc. natr.-m. sen. sil. stram. viol-od. AMENIA: Amenorrhea; Menoschesis; suppression of the menses, and the ailments incidental thereto: § 1. The best remedies are: 1) Asclep. calc. caul. cimicif. helon. puls. sep. sulph. 2) acon. aletr. bry. con. dulc. graph. kal. lyc. sep. sil. 3) amm. arn. ars. bar. bell. caust. cham. cocc. cupr. ferr. natr.-m. phos. pod. 4) china. iod. merc. n.- mosch. op. plat. rhod. sab. staph. stram. valer. veratr. zinc. § 2. AMENIA OF YOUNG GIRLS, that is, too long delay of the first menses, requires principally: 1) calc. puls. sulph. 2) acon. apis. caust. cocc. graph. kal. natr.-m. petr. sep. veratr. Suppression of the menses in consequence of a cold, prin- cipally: 1) Cauloph. cimicif. gels. n.-mosch. puls. or 2) Bell. dulc. sep. sulph.-or if occasioned by fright or sudden emo- tions-1) Acon. lyc. 2) Coff. op. veratr. For feeble, though not entirely suppressed menses: Asclep. calc. caust. con. graph. kal. lyc. magn. natr.-m. phos. puls. sil. sulph. veratr. zinc. cauloph. § 3. For amenia of plethoric individuals, use: Acon. bell. bry. gels. n.-vom. op. plat. sabin. sulph.; for debilitated or cachectic individuals: Aletris, ars. chin. cipriped. con. graph. helon. iod, natr.-m. puls. polyg. sep. sulph. § 4. Particular indications for the symptoms characterizing amenia. AMENIA. 33 ACONITUM. Frequent congestions of blood to the head or chest, with palpitation of the heart; aching, pulsative or stitching pains in the head; redness of the face, full and hard pulse, frequent heat with thirst, disposition to be angry, &c., is particularly suitable for young girls, who lead a sedentary life; frequent epistaxis. ALETRIS FAR.: Cases of debility, arising from protracted illness, loss of fluids; defective nutrition, &c. with constipa- tion, indigestion, night-sweats and depression of spirits. APIS: In young girls, who are constantly engaged, yet do nothing right; congestion of the head and delirium; œde- matous swelling of the lower extremities. APOCYNUM: In young girls, with bloating of the abdomen, and extremities. ARSENICUM: Great debility, pale, livid complexion with: blue margins round the eyes; constant desire for sour things, coffee or brandy; great craving for sexual intercourse; cor- rosive leucorrhoea; frequent paroxysms of fainting. BRYONIA: Amenorrhea is attended with violent erethism of the circulation; frequent congestion of blood to the head or chest, with bleeding of the nose or dry cough, coldness, frequent shudderings, which sometimes alternate with a dry or burning heat; constipation, belly-ache and colic. CALCAREA: Frequent rush of blood to the head; vertigo, burning pains in the forehead, or throbbing and aching pain in the head; buzzing in the ears; belly-ache with a feeling of fullness in the hypochondria and inability to wear tight clothes; colic, with pain down the thighs, especially at the time when the menses ought to appear; great languor, heaviness in the whole body, especially in the lower limbs; amenorrhoea from working in water, with anasarca. • CAULOPHYLLUM: Amenorrhea, accompanied by spasmodic action or extreme atony; spasmodic bearing-down pains, with scanty flow, sympathetic cramps and spasms of neigh- boring organs, as of the bladder, rectum or bowels. CAUSTICUM: Hysteric pains, colic, pains in the loins, ab- dominal spasms; yellowish complexion. CIMICIFUGA: Leucorrhoea; suppression of the menses from cold; pressive heavy headache, melancholy, palpita- tion, and other reflex symptoms, with rheumatic pains in the limbs, and uterine cramps; suppression from men- tal emotions. CHINA: Pale face with blue margins round the eyes, head- ache, especially at night; belly-ache, particularly after din- 2* 34 AMENIA. ner; bad digestion; emaciation, great debility with languor and heaviness of the lower limbs; sleeplessness or restless sleep with anxious or fatiguing dreams; or abdominal or pulmonary spasms; rush of blood to the head with pulsa- tions of the carotids; nymphomania; nervousness, great ser sitiveness to the least noise, &c. COCCULUS: Hysteric abdominal spasms at a time, when the menses ought to appear, with pressure towards the chest: oppression, restlessness, anguish, sadness, moaning; great debility, which does not even allow the patient to talk; or discharge of black blood in drops, attended with great nervous distress. CONIUM: Hysteric and chlorotic symptoms, flaccid and dry or hard or painful breasts; great nervousness, involun- tary laughter and weeping; great weakness after the least walk; anguish and sadness; abdominal spasms, distention of the abdomen, stitching pains, leucorrhoea, &c. CUPRUM: Rush of blood to the head with aching pain in the vertex; red face and eyes; or pale face with blue mar- gins round the eyes, or burning redness of the face with red eyes; typical paroxysms of the most violent cramps in the abdomen, extending to the chest, with nausea and vom- iting; abdominal spasms, or twitchings in the limbs with screaming; palpitation and spasms of the heart. CYPRIPEDIUM: Amenorrhea with hysteria, great nervous debility and mental despondency. FERRUM: Great nervousness and debility, trembling of the limbs; emaciation, great disposition to lie and sit; rush of blood to the head with throbbing pain, roaring, buzzing and prickling in the brain; pale, livid face with blue mar- gins round the eyes, pressure in the stomach and head; great lassitude in the lower limbs and other chlorotic affections. GELSEMINUM: Sensation of heaviness in the uterine re- gion with increase of the white leucorrhoeal discharge, ach- ing across the sacrum, amenorrhoea from cold. GOSSYPIUM: Amenorrhea from torpid condition of the uterus in leuco-phlegmatic temperaments. ? GRAPHITES: The menses appear occasionally, but are pale and cease again shortly after; especially when herpetic or erysipelatous eruptions appear on the skin; hysteric head- ache, nausea, pain in the chest, great debility; colic and hysteric spasms, leucorrhoea and sterility, hæmorrhoidal dis- position. 35 AMENIA, HELONIAS: General weariness and languor; gloominess and dullness of mind, amenorrhoea from general atony and anæmia and torpid condition of the whole system, with dis- ordered condition of the digestive organs. IODIUM: Frequent palpitations of the heart; pale face, sometimes alternating with redness; loss of breath on as- cending an eminence; great nervousness, debility, especially in the lower limbs and other chlorotic symptoms. KALI-CARBON: Very efficacious, particularly when attend- ed with difficult breathing, palpitation of the heart; dispo- sition to erysipelatous eruptions, and paleness of the face, which sometimes alternate with great redness. LYCOPODIUM: Chlorotic symptoms; disposition to sad- ness, melancholy and weeping; hysteric headache; sour vomiting and acidity in the mouth, swelling of the feet, pains in the back and loins, colic, fainting fits; leucorrhoea; swell- ing and pressure in the umbilical region, and drawing or ten- sive pain through the whole body; liver spots on the chest ; great desire for sweet things. ; MERCURIUS: Rush of blood to the head; dry heat; orgasm of the circulation, leucorrhoea, cedematous swelling of the hands and feet or of the face; pale face and sickly complexion; great languor and debility with trembling and rushes of blood after the least exertion: irritable mood; sad, peevish and whimsical. NATRUM: Frequent headache; hysteric or chlorotic ail- ments; disposition to melancholy with listlessness; great de- bility of body and mind, with heaviness in the limbs, and aversion to motion; disposition to be angry and vehement; fluttering of the heart; costiveness; cutting pain in urethra after urination. NUX-MOSCH.: Suppression of the menses, with spasms and other hysteric affections; disposition to sleep and faint away, with great nervousness, debility, complete exhaustion after the least exertion, pains in the loins; frequent waterbrash; fitful mood. OPIUM: Suppression with congestion of blood to the head, which feels heavy; redness and heat of the face, sopor and convulsive motions. PHOSPHORUS: Menses too late or not appearing, tight feel- ing in the chest with dry, tight cough, and spitting of blood, worse before midnight, bloatedness below the eyes; vertigo. POLYGONUM: Warmth and a peculiar tingling sensation 36 AMENIA. throughout the whole system; slight aching pains in the hips and loins; a sense of weight and tension in the pelvis. PULSATILLA : Amenorrhoea, especially from a cold or get- ting wet or when attended with frequent paroxysms of hemi- crania with stitching pains extending to the face and teeth; or aching pains over the forehead, with pressure on the vertex; pale complexion; vertigo with buzzing in the ears; stitching toothache, the pains suddenly shifting from one side to the other, frequent catarrh; difficult breathing; loss of breath and asthma after the least exertion; palpitation of the heart; cold hands and feet, frequently alternating with sudden heat; disposition to mucous diarrhoea; leucorrhoea; pains in the loins; oppressive weight in the abdomen; colic with nausea and vomiting; constant chilliness with yawning, stretching and great languor, especially in the lower limbs; swelling of the feet; especially suitable to females with blond hair, blue eyes, freckles on the face, mild disposition and disposition to sadness and weeping. SABINA: When the menses, after flowing profusely at other times, cease, and are replaced by a thick, foetid leucorrhoea. SANGUINARIA: Abdominal pains; as if the menses would appear; amenorrhea with slight nausea, pains in the loins extending through the hypogastric and iliac-regions, as well as down the thighs; suppression of menses, followed or pre- ceded by pulmonary disease. SENECIÓ: Amenorrhoea from cold. Nervous irritability, lassitude; wandering pains in the back and shoulders, with feeling of lassitude; sensation of a ball rising from the sto- mach into the throat. SEPIA: Ranks with Puls. for amenorrhea with leucorrhœa; it is further indicated by frequent paroxysms of hysteric or nervous headache; toothache with excessive sensitiveness of the dental nerves; delicate constitution; delicate and sen- sitive skin; sallow complexion or dingy spots on the face; nervous debility and great disposition to sweat; frequent alternation of chilliness and heat; disposition to melancholy and weeping, frequent paroxysms of catarrh; exposure to wet, pains in the limbs as if bruised; frequent colic and pains in the small of the back. SULPHUR: Aching tensive pain in the head, especially from the occiput to the neck; or throbbing pains in the head with congestion of blood, heat, digging, shocks and whiz- zing noise in the brain; pale and sickly complexion, blue margins round the eyes and red spots on the cheeks; pim- ANEMIA. -ANGINA PECTORIS. 37 ples on the forehead and around the mouth; immoderate hunger, voracity; general emaciatlon; sour and burning eructations; pressure, feeling of repletion and heaviness in the stomach, hypochondria and abdomen; hæmorrhoidal dis- position; slimy diarrhoea or constipation with hard stools and frequent ineffectual urging; abdominal spasms; leucorr- hoa; itching of the sexual organs; hysteric and chlorotic symptoms; the limbs are liable to go to sleep; asthma; pains in the loins; fainting fits; great disposition to take cold; nervous debility; great languor, especially in the lower limbs, and great exhaustion after talking; irritable mood; dispo- sition to be angry; or sad and melancholy, frequent weeping. VERATRUM-AL.: Amenorrhea with nervous headache; hys- teric affections; pale livid face; frequent nausea and vomit- ing; cold hands, feet and nose; great weakness with faint- ing turns; sexual excitement, even nymphomania and other forms of mania. § 5. See: Menstrual difficulties, chlorosis, &c. ANÆMIA.-The best remedies are: 1) Ars. chin. helon. hydrast. puls. squill. staph. sulph. 2) Arn. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. cin. con. ferr. graph. ign. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. ver. If it arises from loss of blood, or other fluids, give: 1) chin. helon. n.-vom. sulph. or 2) calc. carb.-v. cin. hydrast. phos.-ac. staph. sulph. If caused by violent acute diseases, use: calc. carb.-v. chin. hep. kal. natr. natr.-m, n.-vom. veratr. See: CHLOROSIS, DEBILITY, SCURVY, &c. ANASARCA.-Principal remedies: 1) Ars. hell. 2) Bry. chin. dig. dulc. eupat. helon. hydrast. merc. sulph. or perhaps apis. camph. convolv. iris.-v. lact. lyc. rhus. samb. senec. sol- nigr. for anasarca after cutaneous diseases, such as scarla- tina, measles, we give with great effect hell. and ars. in other cases the remedies have to be chosen in accordance with the symptoms. See: Dropsy. ANEURISM: Best remedies, so far as known: 1) Carb.-v. lach. lyc. 2) guaj. puls. sulph. In some cases may be requir- ed: 3) Calc. caust. graph. kal. 4) Ambr. arn. ars. aur.-m. ferr. natr.-m. zinc. ANEURISM by anastomosis yields to: Carb.-v. caust. lycop. plat. thuj. ANGINA PECTORIS: Neuralgia pectoris, s. cordis. One of the principal remedies seems to be Hepar, after which give, 2) Ars. cact. cimicif. cupr. lach. samb. veratr.-alb. and vir. 38 -ANOREXIA. ANGUISH. 3) Acon. aur. bell. caust. dig. phos. spong., and (according to Hartmann), Ang. ipec. mosch. sep. As regards the particular indications, we refer the reader to the remedies under Asthma, congestions of the chest, suffocative catarrh, and diseases of the heart. ANGUISH, paroxysms of: Generally a mere symptom, though sometimes so prominent and distressing, that it de- serves a special treatment. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. aur. bell. cham. dig. merc. n.-vom. puls. verat. 2) Alum. anac. baryt. carb.-a. carb.-v. cocc. cupr. graph. hyosc. ign. lyc. nitr. nitr.-a. phos. rhus. sep. spig. spong. sulph. Particular indications : BY SIMULTANEOUS AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST: 1) Acon. ars. aur. ipec. puls. veratr. 2) Cact. calc. bry. carb.-v. dig. spig. BY GASTRIC ÓR ABDOMINAL AFFECTIONS: 1) Ars. calc. cupr. natr. n.-vom. puls. veratr. 2) Bell. cham. carb.-v. cocc. lauroc. lyc. natr.-m. stann. thuj. By AFFECTIONS OF THE HEART: 1) Acon. ars. aur. cact. dig. puls. spig. spong. 2) Cham. cimicif. gels. lycop. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. veratr.-vir. By HYPOCHONDRIASIS: 1) Acon. ars. calc. dig. lach. natr. n.-vom. 2) Æscul. alum. anac. bell. caust. cham. con. corn.-c. cyprip. graph. hell. hep. ign. iris. lach. lept. lyc. merc. mosch. nitr.-ac. pod. puls. sep. stram. By HYSTERIA: 1) Acon. cic. cocc. con. croc. cyprip. hyosc. ign. mosch. n.-vom. 2) Aletr. bell. calc. caust. caulop. corn.-f. gels. hyosc. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. phos. sil. scutel. veratr. BY HYPERÆSTHESIA OF THE BRAIN: Acon. bell. hyosc. lachn. merc. n.-vom. veratr. ANOREXIA. § 1. Though generally a mere symptom, yet it is some- times a mere dislike to certain kinds of nourishment, which can be treated with: 1) Ant. arn. cact. chelone. china. hep. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. tart. 2) Baryt. bry. calc. cimici. cyclam. gels. gymnocl. helon. hydras. iris. lob. natr.-m. sep. sil. 3) Ars. bell. canth. cic. cocc. comoclad. con. ign. lyc. op. plat. sang. thuj. verat. § 2. For INDEPENDENT anorexia, or for anorexia remaining after gastric affections, we have: 1) Ant. cact. chelon. cycl. gymnoclad. sulph. 2) China. iris. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. For anorexia accompanied with hunger, use: 1) Cact. chin. cimicif. eupat. hell. natr.-m. rhus. 2) Bry. calc. ign. n.-vom, op. sil. 3) Ars. baryt. dule. magn.-m. sulph.-ac. For anorexia accompanied with complete loathing of food, ANOSMIA.-ANTHRAX. 39 give: 1) Ipec. puls. rhus. 2) China. ign. jugl. n.-vom. 3) Acon. bell. comoclad. lach. lob. mur.-ac. sep. § 3. For PARTIAL ANOREXIA, or aversion to particular kinds of food, we have principally, as for aversion to beer: 1) Bell. chin. cocc. n-vom. 2) Cham. stann. sulph.—to brandy : İgn. to wine: Ign. lach. mgt.-aus. merc. sabad.-to water: Bell chin. n.-vom. stram.-to milk: Bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. cin. igr. natr. puls. sep. sil. sulph.-to coffee: Bell. bry. cham. chin. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus.-to drinks generally: 1) Bell. canth. hyose. n.-vom. stram 2) Lach. natr.-m.—for aversion to rye bread: Lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sulph.- to bread generally: Con. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls.- to butter: Carb.-v. chin. merc.-to fat and fat things: Bry. carb.-a. carb.-v. hell. hep. natr.-m. puls.-to meat and broth: 2) Ign. merc. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. calc. carb.-v. lyc. rhus. sabad. sep.-to fish: Graph.--to vegetables: Hell. magn.-c.—to warm boiled food: Calc. graph. ign. lyc. magn.-c. sil.-to solid food: 1) Bry. staph. sulph. 2) Ferr. merc.—for aversion to sour things: Bell. cocc. ferr. sabad. sulph.—to sweets, sugar, &c.: Ars. caus. merc. nitr.-ac. phos, sulph. zinc.-to salty things: Graph. selen. 4. For further indications, see: gastric derangement; stomach, derangement of; nausea, vomiting, &c. ANOSMIA: The best remedies, are; Bell. calc. gels. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. sanguin. sep. sil. sulph. or Alum. aur. caps. caust. hep. hyosc. ipec. kal. lyc. magn.-m. mez. nitr.-ac. oleand. op. rhus. veråtr. For loss of smell from paralysis of the olfactory nerves, we have principally: Bell. caust. hyosc. lyc natr.-m. n.-vom. op. plumb. sep. For catarrhal anosmia: Alum. calc. gels. hep. mez. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sanguin. sep. sil. sulph. Compare nasitis, catarrh, &c.; also amblyopia; hearing, hardness of; and the causes and varieties of these affections. ANTHRAX: When caused by infection, the best remedy is: Ars., unless China, rhus, sil. or puls. should be indi- cated. The malignant pustule generally yields to 1) Ars. bell. sil. rhus., or perhaps: Chin. hyosc. mur.-ac. sec. sep. 2) Anthracin. apis. carb.-v. kreas. lach. The common arthrax or carbuncle, which is not caused by infection, generally requires, sil. or perhaps, cepa. hyosc. lyc. or nitr.-ac. Sometimes arnica. is given with good effect at the commencement, after which n.-vom. completes the cure. 40 ANTHROPOPHOBIA.-APOPLEXY. There is a kind of carbuncle, which contains lice; this re- quires Ars. and chin. ANTHROPOPHOBIA.-This kind of mania is best treat- ed with: 1) Baryt. hyosc. lyc. natr. puls. rhus. 2) Acon. anac. aur. bell. cic. con. cupr. led. selen. stann. 3) Amm.-m calc. mang, natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sulph. See also: Mental derangements and Morbid emotions. APHTHÆ. The best remedies are: Baptis. bor. hydr. merc. n.-vom. sulph. sulph.-ac., &c. See: Stomacace. APOPLEXIA.-The best remedies are: 1) Acon. arn. baryt. bell, cocc. gels. lach. lachn. n.-vom. op. phos. puls.; and then 2) Esc. ant. cact. chin. coff con. dig. gymnocl. hyosc. ipec. laur. merc. n.-mosh. sang, tart. § 2. For APOPLEXIA SANGUINEA: 1) Arn. bell. cact. lach. n.-vom. op., or else 2) Acon. ant. baryt. coff. ipec. hyose. merc. puls. sanguin. For APOPLEXIA SEROSA: Arn. dig. ipec. merc. or bar. chin. GOCC. COn. For APOPLEXIA NERVOSA: Arn. bell. coff. gels. hyosc. lachn. stram. 2) Camph. lauro. 3) Bar. cocc. ipec. phos. § 3. For the subsequent paralysis: 1) Arn. bell. caust. cocc. cupr. lach. n.-vom. rhus. stram. zinc. or also 2) Anac. baryt. cafc. con. dulc. laur. natr.-m. phos. plumb. ruta. sep. sil. For HEMIPLEGIA, particularly: Alum. anac. bell. caust. cocc. graph. kal. lach. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sulph.-ac. 2) Esc. arg.-n. arn. chinin. hyosc. plumb. rhus. stram. 4. For Apoplexia of drunkards, give: Lach. n.-vom. op. or baryt. coff. con. puls. For Apoplexia of old people: Baryt. or op. or con. dig. merc. &c. For Apoplexia from loss of blood, or other debilitating causes: Chin. ipec. or also carb.-v. cocc. n.-vom. puls. sep. For Apoplexia from overloading the stomach: a few table- spoons of black coffee, or if this should be insufficient: Ipec. n.-vom. puls. § 5. Particular indications. ESCULUS-Severe vertigo, with reeling, like drunken men; vertigo with nausea and dimness of sight; confused stupor; thickness of speech; great weakness with trembling. ACONITUM: Heat of the head; pulsation of the carotids; skin more warm, than cold; pulse full, hard, strong, even suppressed, but not intermittent; especially when fright or vexation were the cause of it in plethoric-apoplectic subjects. ARNICA: Full and strong pulse with paralysis of the APOPLEXY. 41 limbs, (especially on the left side); loss of consciousness and stupefaction, with stertorous breathing; sighing, muttering, involuntary discharge of urine and fæces, &c. BARYTA: For paralysis of the tongue, or the upper limbs, especially on the right side; the mouth is drawn on one side; disturbed consciousness, with childish gesticulations, and inability to keep the body erect; coma, restlessness, moaning and muttering; circumscribed redness of the cheeks; in old age. BELLADONNA: Stupefaction, loss of consciousness and speech, or convulsive movements of the limbs and muscles of the face; paralysis of the extremities, especially on the right side; the mouth is drawn to one side; paralysis of the tongue; ptyalismus, difficulty of swallowing, or entire ina- bility to swallow; (loss of sight); dilated pupils; red pro- truded eyes; red bloated face; reaching with the hands to the genitals. CACTUS: Vertigo from sanguineous congestions to the head; face bloated and red with pulsating pain in the head; heat in the head and face, causing madness and horrible anxiety; pulsating pain with sensation of weight on the right side of the head; pressing pain in the forehead increased by bright light or loud noises. COCCULUS: The paroxysms are preceded or attended by vertigo, nausea, convulsive motions of the eyes; paralysis, especially of the lower limbs, with insensibility, &c. CUPRUM: In nervous apoplexy with convulsions, distortions of the face, and palsy of speech. GELSEMINUM: Headache with nausea; tightness of the brain; giddiness; tendency to stagger with imperfection of vision; vertigo unto falling; intense passive congestion to the head with nervous exhaustion. HYOSCYAMUS: Nervous apoplexy with somnolency; red- ness of the face; paralysis of the esophagus and numb feel- ing of the hands; sudden falling down with a shriek, sopor. IPECACUANHA: In serous and nervous apoplexy with ver- tigo, lips hanging down, loss of speech, salivation and pa- ralysis of the extremities. LACHESIS: Stupefaction with loss of consciousness, with blue face and convulsive movements, or tremor of the ex- tremities; or paralysis, especially of the left side; the parox- ysms are preceded by frequent absence of mind, or vertigo with rush of blood to the head; blowing expiration; after the use of liquors or mental emotions. 42 APPARENT DEATH, ASPHYXIA. LACHNANTHES: Vertigo with sensation of heat in the chest and round the heart; sensation as if the vertex were enlarged. and driven upwards; the head feels enlarged, as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within; the whole face becomes yellow, &c. LAUROCERASUS: Palpitation of the heart; scarcely percep- tible pulse, cold moist skin, convulsions of the muscles of the face. NUX-VOM: Stupefaction, stertorous breathing and ptya- lism; bleareyedness, dim eyes; paralysis, especially of the lower limbs; hanging down of the lower jaw; the parox- isms are preceded by vertigo with headache and buzzing in the ear, or nausea with urging to vomit. OPIUM: The paroxysms are preceded by dullness of sense, vertigo and heaviness of the head, buzzing in the ears and. hardness of hearing, staring look, sleeplessness, anxious dreams or frequent desire to sleep; the paroxysm is attended by tetanic rigidity of the whole body, redness, bloatedness and heat of the face; the head is hot and covered with sweat; red eyes with dilated, insensible pupils; slow, sterto- rous breathing; convulsive movements and trembling of the extremities; foam at the mouth, &c. PULSATILLA: For stupefaction and loss of consciousness, bloated and blueish red face, loss of motion; violent palpi- tation of the heart, almost complete suppression of the pulse, and rattling breathing. SANGUINARIA: Distension of the temporal veins; pain like a flash of lightning in the back of the head; vertigo on quickly turning the head and looking upward; burning heat and redness of the face. SEPIA: In men, addicted to drinking and sexual excesses, with a disposition to gout and hæmorrhoids.-Dizziness in walking, with staggering; forgetfulness; cold feet; inter- mitting pulse. In particular cases apis and glonoine will be indicated and prove of great benefit. § 6. In apoplexy and convulsions: Bell. hyosc. lach. op. followed by paralysis: 1) Arn. bell. n.-vom. stann. zinc. 1)Anac. con. lach.—with paralysis of one side and convulsions of the other side: Bell. lach. stram.-followed by idiocy : Hell. § 7. For further indications see: Congestion of the head, sopor, spasms, &c. APPARENT DEATH, ASPHYXIA. § 1. Put a few pel- lets of the specific remedy on the tongue of the patient, or ARTHRALGIA. 43 administer the medicine by the rectum; not omitting the re- quired mechanical means of cure; but NEVER RESORT TO BLEEDING. If the asphyxia should have been caused by a blow, fall, &c., give Arnica, especially if the patient has not been bled before; in the contrary case, or if the patient lost much blood in conseqnence of the injury, give first China, (accord- ing to Hering) and then Arnica. If arising from suffocation; Hering recommends for those who tried to kill themselves by suspension: opium; by inha- lation of carbonic acid gas: Op. acon. bell.; and by drown- ing: Lachesis. For asphyxia from congelation, after the patient has been resusitated by the usual means, give for the remaining symp- toms: Ars. carb.-veg. or acon. bry. For asphyxia by stroke of lightning, give: n.-vom. The pa tient should at the same time be placed in recently dug soil, half sitting, half lying, and should be covered with it all over, except his face, which is to be turned towards the sun, until the first signs of life become apparent. For asphyxia of new-born infants, we use: Tart. op. chin. and acon. (according to Hempel.) Compare causes and conditions. ARTHRALGIA. § 1. Intending to say every thing we had to say on the pathological character of the diseases un- der rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, &c., we here point out more particularly the parts to which the remedies have spe- cific curative relations. This knowledge is not required in every case, but in many cases it is, since two or three reme- dies may correspond to the general state of the patient, and one of them only to the part affected. 62. Remedies, given for a) ARTHRALGIA generally 1) ars. bell. bry. caust. colch. ferr. kal. led. lyc. mang. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phytol. puls. rhod. rhus-tox. rhus-vern. sep. stront. sulph. 2) ambr. amm. ant. apoc.-and. arn. aur. caps. carb.-v. coloc. dros. eupat. hell. hep. petr. phos. rut. sass. sil. spig. stann. staph. sulph.-ac. thuj. zinc. b) for pains in the AXILLARY JOINT: 1) bell. bry, calc. carb.-v. ferr. ign. kal. lyc. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. thuj. zinc. 2) ambr. arn. caps. caust. cimicif. led. natr.-m. petr. phos. verat. c) In the ELBOW-JOINT: 1) arg. bell. bry. calc. cauloph. caust. kal. led. merc. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) ant. graph. lyc. mez. petr. phos. puls. rhus-ven, ruta. staph. verat. 44 ARTHRALGIA. d) In the WRIST JOINT: amm. ars. bry. calc. cauloph. caust. graph. kal. nitr. rhus. ruta. sep. sulph. 2) alum. carb.-v. euphr. hell. lach. led. mang. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. puls. sab. sil. stront. e) In the FINGER JOINTS: 1) agn. ars. bry. calc. carb.-v. caust. graph. hep. lyc. sep. spig. sulph. 2) aur. carb.-a. cham. chin. clem. colch. cycl. hell. ign. kal. lach. led. natr.-m. nitr. petr. phos. puls. rhus. rhus-v. sab. sil. spong. staph. § 3. a) For pains in the HIP AND HIP JOINTS: 1) ars. asclep.- tub. bell. bry. cale, carb.-v. caust. coloc. led. lyc. merc. rhus. sulph. 2) ant. cocc. ferr. hell. ipec. kal. mez. natr-m. n.vom. phos. puls. rhod. sabad. sep. sil. stront. verat. b) In the KNEE and KNEE-JOINTS: acon. asclep.-tub. bell. bry. calc. cauloph. caust. chin. lach. led. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. phos. phytol. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) alum. anac. ars. asa. carb.-v. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hell. hep. iod. kal. lyc. magn.-c. merc. nitr.-ac. rhod. ruta. spig. stann. staph. stront. veratr. zinc. c) In the TARSAL-JOINTS: 1) ars. bry. caust. chin. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. ruta. sep. sulph. 2) ambr. ars. carb.- a. dros. hep. ign. kal. kreas. led. natr. oleand. spig. staph. zinc. d) In the TOE-JOINTS: arn caust. chin. cimicif. kal. led. sabin. sep. sulph. zinc. 2) aur. calc. cham. con. ferr. lyc. n.-vom. rhus. sil. § 4. a) For pains in the UPPER ARM: bry. cocc. ferr. phytol. sep. sulph. 2) ars. asa. bell. chin. ign. mgt-arc. mez. nitr. puls. stann. val. b) In the FORE-ARM: asclep.-tub. calc. carb.-v. caust. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phytol. rhus. sass. sep. staph. sulph. 2) arg. carb.-a. chin. con. dulc. ferr. kal. mez. nitr. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. rhod. spig. stront. thuj. c) In the HANDS: 1) asclep.-tub. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. cimicif, lach. lyc. n.-vom. rhod. sep. sulph. 2) ambr. anac. aur. caust. cham. chin. clem. cocc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. kal. merc. mez. natr. natr.-m. petr. phos. phytol. rhus. sil. spig. spong zinc. d) In the FINGERS: 1) asclep.-tub. amm. carb.-v. graph. hep. lyc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus .sil. sulph. 2) ambr. amm.-m. calc. caust. cycl. kal. lach. mang. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. phos.- ac. phytol. rhod. sep. spig. staph. sulph.-ac. thuj. vēratr. § 5. a.) For pains in the THIGHS: 1) bry. calc. cauloph, chin. hep. merc. petr. phos.-ac. phytol. rhod. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) arn. bell. caps. carb.-v. caust. cocc. coloc. graph. guajac. ARTHRITIS. 45 led. mez. natr.-m. n.-vom. oleand. plat. rhus. sass. spig. spong thuj. b) In the LEGS: bell. bry. calc. caust. ferr. kal. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sep. sil. staph. 2) anac. asa. bor. con. graph. ign. merc. mez. phos,-ac. rhod. rhus. sulph. c) In the TIBIA: 1) asa. calc. lach. merc. mez. phos. puls. sabin. 2) agar. arn. bell. caus. con. dulc. ign. kal. lyc. mang. mur.-ac. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. d) In the CALVES: 1) alum. ars. calc. cham, con. graph. lyc. natr. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. verat. 2) ant. bry. chin. coloc. euphr. ferr. ign. kall. mgt.-aus. natr.-m. n.-vom. sil. spig. stann. zinc. e) In the TENDO-ACHILLES: 1) anac. ant. caust. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. puls. rhus. staph. sulph. zinc. § 6. a) In the FEET: 1) arn. bell. bry. camph. caust, lyc. puls. sep. sulph. 2) ars. aur. baryt. ferr. graph. hep. kal. natr.- m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. rhus-ven. rhod. rhus-tox. ruta. b) In the HEELS: 1) amm.-m. ant. arn. caust. graph. ign. led. lyc. mgt.-arc. natr. nitr.-ac. puls. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. 2) cale, coloc. con. merc. petr, rhod. rhus. spong. c) In the DORSA OF THE FEET: 1) calc. camph. carb-a. caust. lyc. merc. puls. spig. thuj. 2) anac. asa. bry. chin. colch. hep- ign. led. mur-ac. natr. n.-vom. rhus. sass. staph. sulph. zinc. d) In the SOLES: 1) ambr. caust. graph. mur.-ac. phos. phos.- ae. puls. spig. sulph. 2) bell. bry. calc. chin. cupr. ign. led. lyc. natr. rhus. sil. tarax. zinc. e) In the TOES: 1) arn. asa. caust. graph. sabin. sulph. thuj. 2) agar. aur. carb.-a. carb.-v. chin. cimicif. kal. led. lyc. mgt.- arc. merc. phos. phos.-ac. plat. sep. sil. staph. f) In the BIG-TOE: 1) arn. ars. asa. bry. calc. caust. cimicif. kal. plat. sabin. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) ambr. amm. amm.-m. aur. cocc. cycl. led. mgt.-arc. natr. puls. rhus. sass. sep. thuj. § 7. For further particulars see: arthritis, rheumatism; neuralgia; pain, paroxysms of; coxagra; gonitis, &c. ARTHRITIS. § 1. The best remedies are: 1) acon. ant. bell. calc. caust. chin. cocc. ferr, n.-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls rhod. sabin. sulph. 2) apoc.-andr. arn. colch. comoclad. daphn. men. merc. natr. phytol. sang. staph. tart. thuj. 3) alum. canth. chel. cic. con. dulc. stann. 4) cin. kal.-bi. ol.-an. ol.-jec ran. ran.-sc. 82. For ACUTE ARTHRITIS: 1) acon. apoc-andr. bell. bry chin. hep. n.-vom. puls. 2) ant. arn. ars. cocc. ferr. kreas phytol. sulph.-with gastric affections: ant.-with severe pains in hands and knees: cocc. 46 ARTHROCACE ARSENIC. For CHRONIC ARTHRITIS: 1) benz. caus. kalm. lach. sil. 2) calc. coloc. guaj. iod. mang. phos.-ac. rhod. sass. sulph. For ERRATIC ARTHRITIS: 1) arn. mang. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. 2) asa. daphne. plumb. rhod. For ARTHRITIS WITH SWELLING: 1) arn. chin. cocc. hep. rhus. sulph. 2) ant. bry. chinin. For ARTHRITIS WITH HÆMORRHOIDAL OR MENSTRUAL DIFFI- CULTIES: berb. - With URINARY DIFFICULTIES: berb. canth. sass. § 3. ARTHRITIC NODOSITIES require: 1) calc. lyc. rhod. 2) ant. graph. led. n.-vom .3) agn. bry. carb.-a. carb.-v. nitr. n.-mosch. ran. sabin. staph. 4) aur. dig. phos. sep, sil. zinc.—painless : nitr. ARTHRITIC CONTRACTIONS, are frequently relieved by: 1) bry. caust. guaj. sulph. 2) calc. coloc. rhus. sil. thuj. § 4. For the precursory symptoms of gout, the same reme- dies are generally to be used that we use for the gout itself. The following remedies will generally answer: ant. bell. bry. n.-vom. For RECENT ARTHRITIC METASTASES, the following are very useful: acon. bell. n.-vom. sass. sulph.-in most cases the af- ected organs should be considered; we refer the reader to the paragraphs on: headache, ophthalmia, gastric derangement, where the symptoms arising from arthritic causes will be found mentioned. § 5. For the ARTHRITIC AFFECTIONS of DRUNKARDS, we use: 1) acon. calc. n.-vom. sulph. or 2) ars. chin. hep. iod. lach. led. puls. For the arthritis of persons who indulge in rich living: ant. calc. iod. puls. sulph. For that of persons working in WATER: 1) calc. puls. rhus. sass. sulph. 2) ant. ars. dulc. n.-mosch. § 6. For particular indications see: rheumatic pains, and compare: causes; pain, paroxysms of; conditions; periods of the day; influence of the weather, nourishment, &c. ARTHROČACE. This inflammation of the terminal ex- tremities of bones has been most successfully treated with: 1) coloc. phos.-ac; 2) cic. phos. or perhaps with 3) calc. cocc. hep. sil. sulph. or 4) puls. rhus. zinc. ARSENIC, poisoning by; The antidotes are: 1) soap- water. 2) albumen, dissolved in water and used as a drink. 3) sugar-water. 4) milk. 5) sesquioxyde of iron; but better the hydrated-oxyd or pure iron-rust in sugar-water. Vinegar is useless, oil is hurtful. ASCITES.-ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. 47 After the alarming symptoms have been removed, we give ipec. After ipec. we give china, especially when the patient is irritable, has a restless sleep and nightly febrile motions; or n.-vom., when the patient is worse in the day-time, parti- cularly after sleeping, with constipation or else with diar- rhoeic slimy stools or Veratr., if after Ipec. frequent nausea remains with vomiting and heat, or chilliness over the whole body and great debility. For the eruptions of the forehead, ophthalmia and headache caused by wearing hats, that have been worked with arsenic, the best remedies are: 1) carb.-v. ferr. 2) chin. hep. The best remedies for the ill effects of arsenic as a medicine, are: China. ipec. n.-vom. verat. ASCITES. The best remedies are: 1) apis. apoc. can. ars. chin. hell. kal. merc. senecio. sulph. 2) asclep.-tub. acon. bry. cepa. chim.-umb. colch. dulc. erig. euphorb. eupat.-purp. iris. prun. sep. 3) asa. dig. led. lyc. puls. squill. 4) aletris? ampel? coloc.? helon. ? Ascites from the LOSS OF BLOOD: from venesections, &c., yields to china, as by a miracle. In all other cases the selection of the remedy depends upon the exciting cause, and the pathological character of the disease, and the general symptoms of the remedy have to be carefully compared with the symptoms of the disease. ASTHMA MILLARI ET WIGANDI. The specific remedy for Asthma Millari is in most cases sambucus. In other cases we give : 1) acon. ars. ipec. lach. mosch. 2) chin. ign. 3) ol. anim.-dippel. For the concealed Asthma Millari, the so-called Asthma Wigandi, we have principally: 1) Acon. bell. ipec. samb. 2) ars. baryt. cham. chin. coff. cupr. lach. n.-vom. op. 3) chlor- ine. gels. iod. plumb. For particular symptoms see: Asthma spasmodicum. ASTHMA SPASMODICUM, or periodicum and ASTHMA generally § 1. The remedies are: 1) Acon. ars. ascl.-tub. bell. bry. camph. cupr. ferr. ipec. lobel. n.-vom. phos. puls. samb. sanguin. sulph. 2) ambr. amm. ascl.-inc. ascl.-syr. aur.. cact. calc. carb.-v. caulop. cham, chịn. cist.-c. cocc. dulc. gels. lach. mosch. op. phytol. tart. verat.-a. verat.-v. zinc. 3) ant. bapt. caust. coff. eupat. euphorb. hyosc. ign. kal. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. rhus-gl. sep. sil. stann. stram. 4) aloe, apis. benz. cepa. millef. § 2. For asthma from CONGESTION OF BLOOD TO THE CHEST: 48 ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. 1) Acon. aur. bell. merc. n.-vom. phos. spong. sulph. 2) amın. asclep.-syr. calc. carb.-v. cupr. ferr. gels. puls. For asthma attended with MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES: 1) Bell. caulop. cocc. cupr. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. phos. sep. For FLATULENT ASTHMA, (from incarceration of flatus in the abdomen: 1) Carb.-v. cham. chin. n.-vom. op. phos. sulph. zinc. 2) Ars. asclep.-tub. caps. hep. natr. verat. For asthma HUMIDUM OR PITUITOSUM, (with accumulation of mucus in the bronchi or lungs: 1) Ars. bry. calc. chin. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph. lach. lob. phos. puls. seneg. sep. stan. sulph. 2) Arum-tr. baryt. bell. camph. con. hep. ipec. merc. n.-vom. rhus-gl. sanguin. sil. tart. zinc. 3) Pulmo.-vulp. silphium-laci- niatum. For the real ASTHMA SPASMODICUM, nervosum s. periodicum: 1) Baptis. bell. cact. camph. cocc. cupr. hyosc. ipec. lach. lobel. mosch. n.-vom. phos. samb. stram. sulph. tart. zinc. 2) Ant. ars. bry. caulop. caust. ferr. kal. lyc. op. sep. stan. The following remedies are the best to control an attack of asthma immediately: frequent smelling on the strong tincture of Camphor and 1) Ipec. n.-vom. 2) Acon. ars. cact. cham. lobel. mosch. op. samb. tart.-- To remove the asthmatic disposition we use: 1) Ant. ars. calc. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Amm. carb.-v. caust. cupr. ferr. graph. kal. lach. lyc. phos. sil. § 3. For asthma from inhaled dust, STONE-DUST, as takes place among sculptors, stone-cutters, we employ: 1) Calc. hep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. chin. ipec. n.-vom. phos. For asthma caused by the VAPORS OF SULPHUR, give Puls; by the vapor of copper or arsenic: 1) Hep. ipec. merc. 2) Ars. camph. cupr. For asthma FROM A COLD: 1) Acon. bell. bry. dulc. ipec. 2) Ars. cham. chin. cistus. lobel. For asthma caused BY AN EMOTION: Acon. cham. coff. gels. ign. n.-vom. puls. veratr. If caused by a sSUPPRESSED CATARRH: 1) Ars. ipec. n.-vom. 2) Camph. carb.-v. chin lach. puls. samb. tart. § 4. For ASTHMA OF CHILDREN we find generally useful: 1) Acon. ars. bell. cham. coff. ipec. mosch. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. samb. tart. 2) Camph. chin. cupr. hep. ign. lach. lyc. phos. puls. stram. sulph. For asthma of HYSTERIC WOMEN: 1) Acon. apis, bell. caulop. cham. coff, ign. mosch. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. stram. 2) Asa. aur. caust. con. cupr. ipec. lach. phos. stan. sulph., &c. ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. 49 For asthma of OLD PEOPLE: 1) Aur. baryt. con. lach. op. 2) Ant. camph. carb.-v. caust. chin. sulph. 3) Pulmo-vulpis. § 5. Particular indications: ACONITUM: 1) For sensitive persons, young plethoric girls, leading a sedentary life, or when the paroxysms set in after the least emotion;-2) Dyspnoea with inability to take a long breath, accompanied with restlessness, heat and sweat. 3) Suffocative cough at night, with barking and hoarse voice, spasmodic constriction of the throat and chest; anxious, short and difficult breathing with open mouth; great anguish, with inability to utter a single word distinctly; 4) For asthma of adults, caused by rush of blood to the head, with vertigo, full and frequent pulse, cough and bloody expectoration.. ARSENICUM: Acute or chronic asthma, with difficult breath- ing, cough and accumulation of thick mucus in the chest; shortness of breath, particularly after a meal; oppression of the chest and want of breath on walking fast, on ascending an eminence or after any kind of exercise, even after laughing; constriction of the chest and larynx, with painful pressure on the lungs and in the pit of the stomach; anguish and suffo- cative paroxysms, increased by the warmth of the room; suf- focative attacks, especially at night, or in the evening, when in bed, with panting and wheezing breathing with the mouth open, great anguish, as if the patient would die and cold sweat; the paroxysms abate, as soon as the patient begins to cough and throws off mucus or a tenacious viscid saliva in the shape of vesicles; the paroxysms return in rough weather, in the cold open air, or when the temperature of the air chan- ges, and they may be caused by warm and tight clothes; the paroxysms are accompanied by great debility, or by par- oxysms of pain and burning in the chest. (In acute asthma Ars. is frequently suitable after Ipec., unless it had been given at the commencement of the attack.) ASCLEPIAS-TUB: Necessity to inspire hurriedly, followed by a sensation of oppression. Want of breath, often very great, particularly after eating and smoking; pricking or contracting pain in the region of the heart. BAPTISIA: Difficulty of breathing; the lungs feel tight and compressed, cannot get a full breath; constriction and op- pression of the chest; sharp pains in the chest, when taking a long breath; awakes with great difficulty of breathing, the lungs feel tight and compressed, could not get a full breath, relieved only by getting the face to the fresh air; most symp- toms of oppression are due to nervous depression, 3 50 ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. BELLADONNA: Suitable for children and women of an irri- table constitution and with disposition to spasms; oppression of the chest and loss of breath; tightness in the chest and stitches under the sternum, with paroxysms of dry cough at night, with catarrh or moist cough, expectoration of mucus after a meal; anxious sighing, at times deep, at times short and rapid, breathing with open mouth and great working of the chest; constriction of the larynx, with danger of suffoca- cation on touching the larynx and on turning the neck; un- easiness and beating in the chest, with palpitation of the heart; asthmatic paroxysms with loss of consciousness; re- laxation of the muscles and involuntary discharge of urine and fæces. BRYONIA: Difficult breathing and loss of breath, particu- larly at night and towards morning, with stitching colicky. pains, urging to stool, inability to lie on the right side, pres- sure and tension in the chest and contractive sensation in cold air; frequent cough with pains in the hypochondria, tickling in the larynx, vomiting and expectoration, at first frothy, then thick and viscid; increased difficulty of breathing when talking or during any kind of exercise; the patient feels relieved after expectorating or on rising from a recumbent position; in the evening, when in bed palpitation of the heart; anguish and throbbing in the temples, with difficult, anxious and sighing breathing, with straining of the abdominal mus- cles and mingled with deep inspirations or slow and deep breathing during exertions; frequent stitches in the chest, especially during an inspiration and when coughing, also during motion. (Bry. is frequently suitable after ipec. in acute asthma. CACTUS: Spasmodic cough with copious mucous expecto- ration; dry cough, from tickling in the throat; constriction in the chest, preventing free speech and hindering respiration; painful sensation of constriction in the lower part of the chest, as if a cord was tightly bound around the false ribs with ob- struction to the breathing; periodical attacks of suffocation, with fainting, cold perspiration on the face and loss of pulse; anxiety returning in the evening; sanguineous congestion in the chest, preventing his lying down in bed; periodical stitches in the heart. CISTUS-CAN.: Feeling, as if the windpipe had not space enough; ; in the evening, soon after lying down, a sensation, as if ants were running through the whole body, then anx- ious, difficult breathing; is obliged to get up and open the ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. 51 window, the fresh air relieves him; immediately on lying down again these sensations return; periodical attacks of asthma on lying down with loud wheezing. CUPRUM: Suitable to children or hysteric persons, especially after fright, chagrin, a cold and before the appearance of the menses; with spasmodic constriction of the chest, hiccough, difficulty of breathing and talking; hurried breathing, ster- torous and moaning, with convulsive straining of the abdomi- nal musles; dyspnoea, especially when walking and ascending an eminence, with desire to take deep breath; short and spasmodic cough with dyspnoea, suffocative fits and stridulous inspirations, when attempting to take deep breath; rattling in the chest as of mucus, expectoration of white and watery mucus; sensation of emptiness and faintness in the pit of the stomach, and painfulness of the pit on touching it; seething of the blood with palpitation; red face, covered with warm sweat; aggravation at the period of the menses. EUPATORIUM-PERFOLIATUM: Difficulty of breathing with anxious countenance, perspiration and sleepiness; painful irri- tation of the pulmonary organs, with heat in the chest; great dyspnoea, obliging the patient to lie with his head and shoul- ders very high; cough with flushed face, and tearful eyes— the patient supports the chest with his hands. FERRUM: Violent orgasm of the blood, oppression of the chest with almost imperceptible movement of the chest on taking breath, and greatly dilated nostrils during an expira- tion; dyspnoea, particularly at night or in the evening, in bed, in a recumbent position, with the head low or during rest generally, or from the least covering on the chest; the patient feels relieved after being uncovered, or after raising the trunk, or from taking ever so little physical or mental exer- cise; suffocative fits in the evening, in bed, with warmth of the neck and trunk, the limbs being cold at the same time; spasmodic constriction of the chest, aggravated by motion; paroxysms of spasmodic cough with expectoration of tenacious and transparent mucus; expectoration of blood; attacks after midnight, driving patient out of bed. GELSEMINUM: Constrictive pain around the lower part of the chest; short paroxysmal pain in the superior part of the right lung, on taking a long breath, with stitches from above downwards; sudden sensation of suffocation, as in hysteria, respiration almost imperceptible; sighing respiration; heavy and labored respirations; slow breathing with rapid pulse. IPECACUANHA: Suitable to children and adults for: dys- 52 ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. pnoea, nightly suffocative fits; spasmodic constriction of the larynx, rattling of mucus in the chest; dry and short cough, great anguish and fear of death, cries and restless running to and fro; the face is alternately red and hot, or pale, cold and sunken; anxious features; nausea with cold sweat on the forehead; the breathing is anxious, hurried and sighing, or short and as if through dust; tetanic rigidity of the body with blueish redness of the face. Ipec. is generally first indi- cated in paroxysms of acute asthma; afterwards we give ars. bry. or n.-vom. LACHESIS: Worse after sleep; after eating; from moving the arms and touching the throat; cannot lie, must sit up, bent forwards. LOBELIA-INFLATA: Tightness of the chest and laborious breathing with disposition to keep the mouth open to breathe; oppression of the chest, causing a deep breath to be taken to relieve the pressive pain in the epigastrium, inclination to sigh; slight tickling, on taking a long breath, under the lower part of the sternum; paroxysmal asthma; when deep breathing, a sensation as if something had fallen out of its place, going back only with great pain; constant dys- pepsia, aggravated by the slighest exertion and increased by even the shortest exposure to cold, to an asthmatic paroxysm; sensation of weakness and pressure in the epigastrium; rising from thence to the heart, with or without heartburn; feeling as of a lump or quantity of mucus, and also a sense of pressure in the larynx, pain in the forehead from one temple to the other. NUX-VOMICA: Short or slow or stridulous breathing; anx- ious oppression of the chest, especially at night, early in the morning and after eating; spasmodic constriction, especially. of the lower part of the chest, with loss of breath in walking or talking, or in cold air and after every exercise; orthopnoea and nightly suffocative paroxysms, especially after midnight, preceded by anxious dreams; short cough, with difficult ex pectoration; expectoration of blood; clothes feel unpleasant to the chest and hypochondria; distension, aching pain and anguish in the region of the heart and in the region of the hypochondria; tension and pressure in the chest; rush of blood to the chest with orgasm of the blood, warmth, heat and palpitation of the heart; great anguish and distress of the whole body; amelioration in the recumbent posture, or by turning to the other side, and by raising the trunk; also by belching up a good deal of wind. ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. 53 PHOSPHORUS: Noisy and panting breathing, dyspnoea; op- pressed breathing and oppression of the chest, particularly in the evening and morning, and when sitting or during exercise; great oppressive anxiety in the chest, stridulous inspirations in the evening, when falling asleep; nightly suffocative parox- ysms, as if the lungs were paralyzed; spasmodic constriction of the chest; short cough, with either salt, or sweetish, or blood-streaked expectoration; stitching or pressure, heaviness, fullness and tension in the chest; congestion of blood to the chest with ascension of heat in the throat, and palpitation of the heart; phthisicky disposition. PULSATILLA Especially for children, after suppression of rash, also for hysteric persons, after suppression of the men- ses or in consequence of cold, with hurried, short, and super- ficial or rattling breathing; arrest of breathing as if from the vapors of sulphur; oppression of the chest, loss of breath and suffocative fits, with anguish of death, palpitation of the heart and spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest, par- ticularly at night and in the evening, in a horizontal position; the asthmatic distress increases by motion, by ascension of eminences and by walking in the open air; short, barking cough with asthma or copious expectoration of mucus and blood-streaked expectoration; spasmodic tension, sensation of fullness and pressure in the chest with internal heat and or- gasm of the blood; stitches in the chest and sides. SAMBUCUS: Especially for children, for: stridulous and hur- ried breathing; oppression of the chest with pressure in the stomach and nausea; pressure on the chest as from a load with anguish and danger of suffocation; dyspnoea when lying; nightly suffocative paroxysms with spasmodic con- striction of the chest, sudden starting from sleep and scream- ing; great anguish, trembling of the whole body, swollen blueish hands and feet, heat of the whole body; mucous rat- tling in the chest and inability, to utter a single loud word; morbid sleep with the eyes and mouth half open; paroxysms of suffocative cough with screaming. SANGUINARIA: Dry cough, awakening him from sleep, not ceasing until he sat upright in bed and flatus was discharged upwards and downwards; chronic dryness of the throat, and sensation of swelling in the larynx with expectoration of thick mucus; pain in the chest with periodic cough; pressing pain in the region of the heart; continued pressure and heaviness in the whole of the upper part of the chest, with difficulty of breathing, 51 ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. SULPHUR: For chronic asthma with difficulty of breathing and painless oppression of the chest; frequent attacks of asthma in the day-time, even when walking in the open air; asthma when talking; wheezing, mucous rattling, ronchus in the chest, oppressed breathing and suffocative fits, especially at night; fullness and sensation of weariness in the chest; pres- sure in the chest as from a load, after eating ever so little; burning in the chest with rush of blood and palpitation of the heart; suffocative cough with spasmodic constriction of the chest and urging to vomit; difficult expectoration of whitish mucus or copious yellow expectoration; blood-colored saliva; spasms in the chest with compressive sensation and pain in the sternum, blueish red face, short breath and inability to speak. § 6. The following remedies may likewise be employed: AMBRA: Suitable to children and scrofulous individuals, with short, oppressed breathing, paroxysms of spasmodic cough with expectoration of mucus, wheezing in the air-passages, pressure in the chest, &c., &c. AMMONIUM: For chronic asthma, especially when attended with disposition to hydrothorax, with shortness of breath, especially when ascending an eminence; oppressed breathing and palpitation of the heart after the least exercise; conges- tion of blood to the chest and feeling of heaviness in the thorax. AURUM: Congestion of blood to the chest with great op- pression, and desire to take deep breath, especially at night and when walking in the open air; suffocative fits with spas- modic constriction in the chest, violent palpitation of the heart, blueish red face and falling down without conscious- ness. CALCAREA: For chronic asthma with tight breathing and tension in the chest as if from rush of blood, relieved by rais- ing the shoulders; desire to take deep breath and sensation as if the breath remained stopped between the scapula; the patient loses his breath by merely stooping; he is suffering with dry cough, especially frequent towards morning. CARBO-VEG. For spasmodic flatulent asthma, also for chro- nic asthma with disposition to hydrothorax, oppression and tight breathing; fullness, accumulation of mucus and anxious compression of the chest, heavy and short breathing, espe- cially when walking; pressure and sensation of weariness in the chest, frequent attacks of spasmodic cough, &c., &c. CHAMOMILLA: Especially suitable for children, or for suf ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. 55 focative fils, with short anxious breathing, swelling of the pit of the stomach and hypochondria, with uneasiness, screams and drawing up of the legs; paroxysm of asthma after a fit of anger or after taking cold. CHINA: For difficulty of breathing and oppression with inability to breathe with the head low; wheezing during an inspiration; spasmodic cough and nightly suffocative fits, as if from too much mucus in the throat with difficult expecto- ration of a clear and thick mucus; pressure in the chest as if from rush of blood, with violent palpitation of the heart; sud- den prostration, bloody expectoration. COCCULUS: Suitable to hysteric females, or for rush of blood to the chest, with difficulty of breathing as if the throat were constricted; racking cough with oppression of the chest, especially at night; spasmodic constriction of the chest, especially on one side only; pressure in the chest and orgasm of the blood with anguish and palpitation of the heart; sen- sation of languor and emptiness in the chest. DULCAMARA: For humid asthma, or for acute asthma from a cold. LACHESIS: Suitable to persons suffering with hydrothorax, or of a large, bloated, lymphatic appearance, shortness of breath after a meal, during a walk and after exercising with the arms; tight breathing, dyspnoea and oppression of breath- ing, with aggravation after eating; suffocative fits in a re- cumbent posture, or when touching the neck; spasmodic con- striction of the chest, obliging one to rise from bed and to sit with the trunk bent forwards; slow and wheezing breathing; desire to take deep breath, especially when sitting. MOSCHUS: Suitable to hysteric individuals and to children, or for oppression of the chest and suffocative fits as if from the vapors of Sulphur, commencing with a desire to cough and getting worse until the patient despairs of getting over the paroxysms; spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest, especially when feeling cold. OPIUM: Congestion of blood to the chest, or pulmonary spasms, with deep, stertorous, rattling breathing; tightness of breath and oppression, with great anguish, tightness, and spasmodic constriction of the chest; suffocative fits during sleep, like nightmare; suffocative cough with bluish redness of the face. SPONGIA: For pressure in the larynx as from a plug; wheezing breathing, or slow and deep breathing, as if from debility; mucous rattling; want of breath and suffocative fits 56 ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. after every exercise, with weariness, rush of blood to the chest and head, anguish and heat in the face; also for asth- matic symptoms in consequence of goitre. STANNUM: For asthma and oppression, especially in the evening or at night, when lying down, also in day-time during every exercise, and frequently attended with anguish and de- sire to detach the clothes; oppression and mucous rattling in the chest; cough with copious expectoration of viscid or lumpy, clear or watery, yellowish, salt or sweetish mucus. TARTARUS: Especially suitable to old people, also to chil- dren or for anxious oppression, difficulty of breathing and shortness of breath, with desire to sit erect; oppression and suffocative fits, especially in the evening or in the morning, in bed; mucus and rattling in the chest; suffocative cough or congestion of blood to the chest, and palpitation of the heart. VERATRUM: Suitable after Chin. ars. ipec. especially for suffocative fits, even when sitting erect and during exercise; pains in the side; hollow cough; cold sweat, or cold face and cold limbs. ZINCUM: For tight breathing and oppression, especially in the evening; shortness of breath after eating, for accumulation of flatulence; increase of asthma when the expectoration stops, decrease when it recommences. 87. Our further consideration deserves: In ANXIOUS BREATH- ING. 1) Acon. bell. bry. kreas. 2) Ars. hep. ipec. phos. plat. puls. spong. squill. stann. PANTING BREATHING: 1) Arn. bry. calad. ipec. nitr.-a. phos. sil. stram. 2) Bell. carb.-a. cham. cin. cupr. verat.-SHORT BREATHING: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. carb.-v. ipec. sep. 2) Calc. chin. con. cupr. lach. plat. puls, sil.-SLOW-BREATHING: 1) Bell. bry. laur. op. 2) Camph. caps. con. cupr. hep. ign. ipec. n.-vom. spong.-LOUD, NOISY : 1) Cham, chin. ein. coce. phos. samb. spong, squill. 2) Acon. arn. calc. hep. hyosc. ign. kal. natr.-m. n.-vom. stram. sulph.- WHISTLING: 1) Cupr. hep. lach. samb. spong. 2) Ambr. ars. cham. kal. phos.-RATTLING: 1) Bell. chin. cupr. hep. lyc. op. puls. sulph. tart. 2) Anac. ars. cham. cin. hyosc. ipec. lach. laur. n.-vom. petr. stann. stram.-SOBBING: Ang. asa. calc. led. op. sec.-STERTOROUS: 1) Arn. lach. op. 2) Cham. hep. laur. natr.-m.-QUICK, HURRIED: 1) Acon. bell. bry. carb.-v. cin. cupr. hep. lýc. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Ars. cham. ip. natr. natr.-m. rhus. samb. seneg. sil. spong. stann. verat.-WEAK, FEEBLE: 1) Bell. oleand. phos. 2) Hep. laur. veratr.- SIGHING: 1) Bry. ipec. 2) Acon. cocc. ign. op. sil. sec. stram.-GROANING: 1) Acon. bell. lach. 2) Ars. cupr. ASTHMA SPASMODICUM. 57 mur.-ac. squill. DEEP: 1) Bry. ipec. op. 2) Ant. aur. caps. cupr. lach. sil. stram.-IRREGULAR: 1) Acon. bell. cupr. op. 2) Cham. cin. ign. iod. laur. led. puls. OPPRESSION OF THE CHEST: 1) Arn. ars. bell. cham. con. crotal. dulc. graph. kreas. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. oleand. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. 2) Acon. asar. chin. cupr. ign. ipec. phos. plat. puls. samb. sang. seneg. thuj.-ORTHOPNŒA : 1) Ars. carb.-v. cupr. ferr. ipec. kal. lach. n.-vom. phos. puls. samb. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. bry. calc. caust. chin. con. dig. dros. graph. hyosc. led. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. spig. squill.- Suffocating FITS: 1) Acon. ars. carb.-v. chin. hep. ip. lach. op. puls. samb. spig. spong. sulph. tart. 2) Aur. baryt. camph. cham. graph. lact. n.-vom. phos. sec. veratr.-SHORT BREATHING: 1) Acon. amm. arn. ars. bry. carb.-v. caust. ipec. lach. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Ambr. bell. chin. con. lyc. natr. n.-mosch. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sabad. sil. spig. zinc.-HEAVY-BREATHING: 1) Ars. bell. iod. kreas. lach. phos. sulph. 2) Alum. camph. carb.-v. hyosc. kal. natr.--STOPPAGE OF BREATH: 1) Ars bry. calc. puls. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Anac. arn. caust. chin. cocc. guaj. led. lyc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. phos. plat. plumb. ruta. samb. sass. stram. veratr.-- HOT-BREATH: 1) Acon. cham. 2) Ant. calc. natr.-m. rhus. sabad. squill. sulph. zinc.-COLD-BREATH: 1) carb.-v. veratr. 2) chin. mur.-ac. rhus.-Sour smelling: Cham. n.-vom.— FOUL: 1) Aur. carb.-v. ip. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Acon. arn. bry. cham. chin. coff. dulc. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. puls. sep. stram. § 8. Finally, when the difficulty of breathing takes place mostly: IN THE EVENING: 1) Ars. graph. stann. sulph. 2) Bell. carb.-a. carb.-v. chin. con. ferr. lach. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. sep. verb.-AFTER BODILY EXERCISE: Amm. ars. EXERCISE: Amm. ars. bor.-AFTER CHAGRIN: 1) Ign. staph. 2) Ars. ran.-BY RAISING THE ARM: 1) Spig. 2) Ant. cupr. led. sulph.-MOVING THE ARM: Ang. camph. led. spig.-IN BED: 1) Carb.-a. con. graph. tart. 2) Ars. bell. carb.-v. chin. ferr. lach. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. sep. spig. sulph. verb.-BY MOTION: 1) Ars. phos. stann. 2) Arn. bry. calc. cann. caps, con. ferr. graph. ipec. led. lyc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. spig. verat.-BY STOOPING: Alum. amm. cale. sil.-BY EATING: 1) Con. dig. laur. sil .stann. 2) Ars. carb.-v. ferr. led. rhus.—WHEN AFTER EATING: 1) Puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-a. chin. lach. n.-vom. phos. zinc-IN THE OPEN AIR: Ars. aur. graph. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sulph.-MORNING: 1) Carb.-a. con. phos. tart. 2) Bell. dig. kal. n.-vom. seneg. squill. sulph.- AFTER EMOTIONS: 1) Cham. ign. n.-vom. 2) Acon. ars. coff. puls. verat.-By TOUCHING THE THROAT: 1) Bell. spong. 2) 3* 58 ASTHMA THYMICUM.—ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. Hep. lach.-BY TURNING THE HEAD: 1) Bell. spong. 2) Hep. -ÂFTER COFFEE: Bell.-FROM COLD AND COLD AIR: Ars. bry. carb.-v. petr. puls.-FROM COLD DRINKS: Thuj.-FROM THE PRESSURE OF THE CLOTHING: 1) Bry. calc. hep. lyc. n.-vom. spig. sulph. 2) Amm. carb.-v. caust. coff. kreas. lach. sass. spong.-From MORTIFICATION: 1) Ign. staph. 2) Ars. ran.-BY LAUGHING: Ars. cupr. lyc. plumb.-AFTER OR DUR- ING RUNNING OR QUICK WALKING: 1) Caust. sil. 2) Ang. aur. bor. ign. puls.-BY LYING: 1) Dig. nitr. phos. 2) Ars. asa. calc. hep. lach. n.-vom. puls. samb. sep. sulph. tart.-WHEN LY- ING ON THE BACK: Phos. sil.-WHEN LYING ON THE SIDE: Carb-a. plat. puls. sabad. sulph; ON THE SUFFERING SIDE: Bor. calc. lyc. sulph; ON THE LEFT SIDE: Spig; ON THE SOUND 'SIDE: Stann.-FROM LYING LOW WITH THE HEAD: Chin. hep. puls.-WHEN SOMETHING COVERS THE MOUTH : Lach.-AT NIGHT: 1) Ars. carb.-v. n.-vom. puls. 2) Calc. ferr. graph. 3) Alum. amm. dig. merc. sulph.-DURing or after SNEEZING: Dros. merc. sil. sulph.-FROM RIDING: Graph.- WHEN RESTING: Ferr. rhus. sil.-DURING SLEEP: Lach. samb. sulph.——DURING DEGLUTITION: Bell.-DURING THE PAROX- YSMS OF PAINS: 1) Puls. 2) ars. sil.-FROM SINGING: Amm. sulph.-WHEN SITTING: Alum. dig. dros. lach. phos. samb. staph. verat.-FROM TALKING: 1) Dros. sulph. 2) Bor. cann. caust. kal. lyc. rhus. spig. stram.-WHEN STANDING: Sep.- WHEN ASCENDING: 1) Merc. n.-vom. 2) Amm. ars. aur. baryt. bor. calc. cupr. graph. hyosc. iod. led. nitr. nitr.-a. sep. stann. zinc.-FROM ASCENDING STAIRS: 1) Merc. 2) Amm. ars. bor. hyosc. led. nitr.-ac.-DURING DEFECATION: Rhus.— DURING OR BY DRINKING: Arn. bell. n.-vom. thuj. verat.-BY STRAIN- ING: 1) Rhus: 2) Calc. sulph.—in the WARM ROOM AND FROM WARM CLOTHING: Ars. BY BENDING BACKWARDS: Cupr. § 9. See: Congestions of blood to the chest, catarrh, phthisis. &c. ASTHMA THYMICUM: (Asthma of Kopp): Remedies: 1) Acon. bell. con. ipec. merc. seneg. spong. tart. veratr. 2 Amm. lach. phos. zinc. §) Ambr. asa. aur. berb. cupr. ign. ferr. For precursory symptoms: Acon. hep. ipec. seneg, spong. tart. For cough: Bell. con. hep. merc. veratr. For symptoms: See Asthma spasmodicum. ATROPHY OF CHILDREN: The best remedies for atrophy of scrofulous children are: Sulph. followed by ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. 59 Calc.; also, 1) Ars. baryt. bell. chin. cin. n.-vom phos. rhus. or also, 2) Aloe. arn. cham. hep. iod. lach. magn. petr. phos. puls. In most, not too complicated cases, it will be advisable, to begin the treatment with a dose n.-vom., if constipation is present; or ars., if diarrhæa is present. After the one or the other has done all that could be expected, we follow it with Sulphur, one or two doses in three or four weeks, and the little that yet remains, one or two doses Calc. given in six or eight weeks, will suffice to remove. Particular indications. ÆTHUSA-CYNAPIUM: The child throws up its milk soon after nursing, with great force, suddenly, then falls asleep, as if from exhaustion, to awaken for a fresh supply. ALOES: The child passes substances looking like jelly- cakes, sometimes small, at other times large; but they adhere together like congealed mucus; they may be green-colored or transparent. ARGENT.-NITR.: Diarrhoea of green fetid mucus, passing off with much flatulency. ARSENICUM: Dry parchment-like skin; hollow eyes with blue margins; the food is passed or vomited up undigested; desire to drink frequently, but little at a time; great restless- ness and tossing to and fro, especially at night; short sleep, interrupted by starting and convulsions; oedematous swell- ing of the face, greenish or brownish diarrhoeic stools, with discharge of undigested food; painful and offensive stools; pale and waxy look; weariness with constant desire to lie down; cold hands and feet; night sweats. BARYTA: For swelling of the cervical glands; great physi- cal debility, constant desire to sleep; bloated abdomen and face; pot-belliedness; great laziness, indisposition to work either with the mind or body; aversion to play; absence of mind; want of attention and weak memory. BELLADONNA: Frequent colic, with involuntary stool; whimsical and obstinate; cough at night with mucous rat- tling; swelling of the cervical glands; they do not sleep much, but are drowsy; half-sleeping and half-waking; aver- sion to exercise and open air; nervousness; particularly for precocious children with blue eyes and fair hair. BENZOIC-ACID: The urinary odor is very strongly am- moniacal. BRYONIA: The food is thrown up immediately after eat- ing, and there is constipation; the lips are dry and parched· the mouth is dry; and the child wishes to keep very still. 60 ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. CALCAREA-C.: Great emaciation with good appetite; hollow, wrinkled face; large open fontanelles; much perspiration about the head in large drops, which wets the pillow far around when the child is sleeping; enlargement and indura- tion of the mesenteric glands; great debility with general weariness after the least exercise and frequently with profuse sweat; frequent diarrhoea or clay-like stools; dry and flabby skin; dry hair; frequent palpitation of the heart, chills; pains in the small of the back; cough with rattling of mucus in the chest; extreme nervous sensitiveness; aversion to exercise. CHAMOMILLA: The child must be carried all the time, for it is only then quiet. Diarrhoea green, watery and slimy, or like chopped eggs and spinach. Odor like decayed eggs; one cheek red, the other pale. CHINA: Emaciation, especially of the hands and feet; ab- domen distended with flatulency; voraciousness; offensive, painless, undigested stools; diarrhoea, especially at night with copious, whitish, papescent stools; copious sweats, es- pecially at night; idleness and listlessness; hollow, pale or livid face; stupefying, unrefreshing sleep; great debility and prostration. CINA: The child picks its nose very much; is very rest. less; cries, is very unamiable; pale face; wetting the bed ; great voraciousness CONIUM: Hardness and distention of the abdomen with frequent sour evacuations. FERRUM: Frequent vomiting of food; stools undigested; redness of the face. GRAPHITES: The child has moist blotches on the skin, ex- uding a transparent glutinous fluid. HEPAR: The child has a sour smell, and white fetid eva- cuations. IODINE: A brown color of the face, and copious and pa- pescent stools. KREASOTE: Fetid evacuations and excoriation of the mu- cous surfaces generally. LYCOPODIUM: Much commotion, rolling and rumbling in the abdomen. Aggravation after four P. M., and gets better at eight or nine in the evening. MAGNESIA-C.: Green watery, very sour: smelling diarrhoea and great emaciation. MERCURIUS: Much straining at stool, which is slimy, often ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. 61 bloody; the child is never so well during damp weather; enlarged glands; night sweats. NATRUM-MUR.: Rapid emaciation of the throat and neck of the children; irritability; the children are very slow to learn to talk. NUX-VOMICA: Yellowish, sallow complexion, bloated face; obstinate constipation; large difficult stools, or alternate con- stipation and diarrhoea; large abdomen with flatulence; no appetite or great hunger, desire to eat with frequent vomit- ing of the ingesta; constant desire to lie down; sleeplessness towards morning; aversion to open air; nervousness, ill humor. OLEANDER: The food passes off unchanged in a remarka- ble degree and very easily and almost unconsciously. PETROLEUM: Emaciation, with diarrhoea by day, and none at night. PHOSPHORUS: Suitable to young girls with blond hair, blue eyes, delicate skin, slender stature with cachectic cough, di- arrhea; frequent exhausting sweats; great debility with orgasm of the blood; palpitation of the heart, or oppression of the chest after exercise. Copious stools, pouring away like water from a hydrant, with great exhaustion. PHOSPHOR.-ACID: Yellowish and very offensive stools; the child is very listless, wants nothing and cares for nothing. PODOPHYLLUM: Emaciation; many stools daily, all of which are natural. Morning diarrhoea. PULSATILLA : Diarrhoea worse at night; no stools alike, they are so changeable; for a time the child seems much better, then it gets worse again without any appreciable cause. The appearance of the child changes in this manner several times, the same day; but it is usually worse towards even- ing, and always seems better in the open air. RHUS-TOX.: Great debility with constant disposition to lie down, pale face, hard and distended abdomen; great thirst; slimy and bloody diarrhea; great appetite; aggravation after midnight; colic, diarrhoea and restlessness increases at that time. STANNUM: The child is always relieved in its abdominal sufferings by pressing hard upon the abdomen, leaning upon something. STAPHYSAGRIA: Large abdomen, voracious and canine hunger; slow stool; swelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands; frequent and constant attacks of catarrh, with scurf 62 ATROPHY OF THE SPINAL MARROW.-AWKWARDNESS. in the nostrils; unhealthy, readily ulcerating skin; fetid night-sweats; frequent boils. SULPHUR: The child frequently awakens from sleep with screaming; great voracity; wishes to put in its mouth every thing it sees; watches eagerly for every thing, cups, tum- blers, vessels of food; child sweats easily; swelling of the inguinal glands, or of the axillary and cervical glands; hard and distended abdomen; mucous rattling in the trachea; fluent coryza; frequent slimy diarrhoea or obstinate consti- pation; stools excoriate the anus; pressure on the chest, palpitation of the heart; pale color of the skin with bad looks, deep and hollow eyes; stitches in the chest and side, &c. Compare: Hectic Fever, Phthisis and Scrofula. ATROPHY OF THE SPINAL MARROW; Tabes dor- salis.-The following remedies are probably the most useful: 1) Alum. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Calc. carb.-v. caust. cocc. natr. natr.-m. phos. phos.-ac. 3) Chin. ? lach.? rhus. ? sabad.? sep.? sil.? staph.? I have treated twenty-one cases of this disease, arising from onanism, accompanied with hypochondria, despondency, aversion to life. The characteristic unsteadiness of the limbs and the peculiar formication in the back, was present in every case; and I and I gave in every case one dose of nux-vom. 3/30, allowing it act from two to three weeks; and then sulphur 3/30, allowing it to act from four to five weeks. If unplea- sant symptoms remain, I resort to Calc. carb.-veg. caust. phos.-ac. I never saw any benefit from China, nor from Staphys., but they may prove useful in some cases, Atrophy, with perfect paralysis of the lower extremities, has so far not shown itself very amenable to treatment, but when alum. does not help, I would propose: Nux-vom. sulph. n.-vom. caust. n.-vom. calc. carb.-v. cocc. phos. rhus-t., in this order and alternation, in a single dose and at long intervals. We might study, also, Ferr. kal. natr.-m. n.-mosch. sec. As in all other chronic diseases, so is also in this disease constant change of remedies exceedingly hurtful. AWKWARDNESS.-If a natural defect, nothing can be done for it; if a morbid state, the following remedies may prove useful: Bell. caps. carb.-a. caust. coloc. graph. kal. lyc. natr.-m. petr. sep. sil. sulph. BACK, small of the, pains in the: Generally a mere symp- tom, especially in piles and uterine affections. The principal remedies are: 1) Âlum. amm. caust. kal. kreas. lach. natr.-m. BLEPHAROPHTHALMIA. 63 n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Ambr. baryt. bor. calc. dulc. graph. lyc. natr. sil. verat. 3) Arn. carb.-a. cham chin. cocc. ign. magn.-m. merc. n.-mosch. phos. ruta. sabin. spong. zinc. BALANORRHOEA s. gonorrhea spuria.-If syphilitic or sycosic, the principal remedies are: Merc. nitr.-ac., or thuj.- in all other cases, the following will prove nseful: 1) N.-vom. sep. sulph. 2) Chin. merc. mez. nitr.-ac. thuj. BLEPHAROPHTHALMIA, blepharitis: § 1. The best. remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. ars. bell. calc. cham. chin. cocc. con. euphr. gels. graph. hep. hydrast. iris. merc. n.-vom. phy- tol. puls. rhus. spig. sticta. sulph. veratr. 2) Alum. asclep.-t. baryt.-c. bry. caust. comoclad. dig. eupat.-p. iod. kreas. lept. lyc, natr. natr.-m. phos.-ac. seneg. sep. staph. thuj. zinc. § 2. If the external surface of the lids be inflamed: Acon.、 bell. hep. sulph. If the INNER: Acon. ars. bell. hep. hydrast. iris. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sticta. sulph. For inflammation of the MARGINS AND MEIBOMIAN GLANDS: Acon. ars. bell. calc. cham. euphr. hep. merc. n.-vom. puls. sep. sticta. sulph. For STYES: Puls. or staph. or amm.-c calc. ferr. thuj. For inflammation of the UPPER LIDS: 1) Ars. bry. calc. caust. croc. hep. phos. puls. rhus. sep. spig. staph. sulph. 2) Baryt. bell. cham. chel. con. cycl. ferr. lyc. merc. sil. For inflammation of the LOWER LIDS: 1) Ars. bry. calc. dig. merc. natr.-m. rhus. ruta. seneg. sep. 2) Alum. bell. caust. § 3. For ACUTE BLEPHARITIS: Acon. bell. cham. euphr. hep. merc. n.-vom. puls. For CHRONIC BLEPHARITIS: Ant. ars. calc. chin. sulph. § 4. Particular indications: ACONITUM: The eyelids are swollen, hard and red, with heat, burning and dryness; or they are pale, shining and swollen, with burning and tensive pains; copious secretion of mucus in the eyes and nose; extreme photophobia; fever, with great heat and thirst, &c. (After Acon., are frequently given: Bell, hep. or sulph. ANTIMONIUM: Red swelling of the lids, with gum in the canthi; photophobia and stitches in the eyes. ARSENICUM: Inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva, with congestion of the vessels; great dryness of the lids, especially the edges, with spasmodic closing or nightly ag- glutination. BELLADONNA: Swelling and redness of the lids, with burn- ing and itching, constant agglutination, bleeding on opening 64 BLEPHAROPHTHALMIA. the eyes, also attended with eversion of the lids, or with great paralytic weakness of the lids. CALCAREA: Cutting, burning or acute pains, especially when reading, with red, hard and big swelling, copious secre- tion of gum, and nightly agglutination; to be given espe- cially when Sulphur does not seem to relieve the patient. CHAMOMILLA: Great dryness of the edges, or else copious secretion of mucus, with nightly agglutination, spasmodic closing, or great heaviness of the lids. CHINA: Frequent creeping on the inner surface of the lids, especially in the evening, with lachrymation. EUPHRASIA: Ulceration of the margins, with itching in the day-time, and agglutination at night, with redness, swelling, , photophobia and constant winking, coryza, headache, or heat about the head. (If Euphr. should be insufficient, Nux-vom. and puls. will complete the cure.) HEPAR: Inflammatory redness of the lids, with ulcerativė or contusive pain on touching them; nightly agglutination, or spasmodic closing of the eyelids. (This remedy is fre- quently suitable after Acon. or merc.; after Hep., Bell. is frequently suitable.) HYOSCYAMUS: Spasmodic closing of the lids. MERCURIUS: Hard lids as if contracted, with swelling, difficulty of opening the lids, cutting pains, ulcers on the margins, pustules on the conjunctiva, crusts around the eyes, eversion of the lids; stitching and burning pains, itching, or when there is no pain at all. (After Merc., if insufficient, Hep. is frequently suitable.) NUX-VOM. Burning itching of the lids, especially the mar- gins, or sore pain made worse by contact, agglutination of the lids, especially early in the morning; eye-gum in the canthi; catarrh, headache, or heat in the head. (Nux-vom. is frequently suitable after Euphrasia, if this should not suf fice to remove the inflammation.) PULSATILLA Inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva or the margins, copious secretion of mucus; trichiasis; styes; nightly agglutination; tensive or drawing pains. (Puls. fre- quently effects a cure, if Euph. or nux-vom. should not suffice.) • RHUS-TOX.: Stiffness of the eye-lids, as if paralyzed, with burning itching. SULPHUR: Inflammatory redness of the lids, with burning pains, secretion of mucus and eye-gum; ulceration of the mar- gins, pustules and ulcers around the eyes, &c. (Acon. is BOILS.-BONES. 65 frequently suitable before Sulphur, and after Sulph., Calc. is frequently suitable.) VERATRUM: Excessive dryness of the lids, lachrymation, difficulty of moving the lids, and great heat in the interior of the eyes. We advise also: when the conjunctiva of the lids is ROUGH- ENED and VILLOUS: Ars. bell. merc. sulph.-when covered with SMALL VESICLES: Baryt. bell. con. hep. merc. rhus. sep.- for BLUENESS: Ars. cocc. spig.—for BLOOD-REDNESS: Merc. sulph.-for WEB-LIKE APPEARANCE OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS: Ars. bell. calc. con. euphr. hep. merc. puls. rhus. sulph.-for swELL- ING: Acon. ars. n.-vom. rhus. sulph.—for ULCERATION: Acon. ars. calc. euphr. hep. merc. puls. sep. sulph.-for ROSE-COLOR: Cocc. euphr. merc. puls. spig. sulph.-for REDNESS: Acon. ars. bell. cocc. con. euphr. graph. hep. merc. puls. rhus. spig. sulph.—for VARICOSE STATE: Puls.—for PUFFY APPEARANCE : Acon. ars. rhus. sulph. BLEPHAROPLEGIA.-Paralysis of the eyelids. The best remedies are: 1) Bell. nitr.-a. sep. spig. stram. veratr. zine. 2) Cale. cham. coee. hyose. n.-vom. op. phos. plumb. rhus. BLEPHAROSPASMUS.-Principal remedies: 1) Bell. cham. cocc. hep. hyosc. merc. natr.-n. staph. stram. sulph. 2) Ars. coce. con. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. viol.-od. BOILS.-Furuncles: 1) Arn. bell. hep. lyc. phos. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. calc. hamam. iris. lach. led. merc. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch, n.-vom. phos.-ac. phytol. sec. sep. sil. staph. tart. thuj. LARGE boils require: 1) Hep. lyc. nitr.-ac. sil. 2) Hyosc. natr. phos. phytol. tart. 3) Apis. crotal. lach. merc. SMALL boils: 1) Arn. bell. sulph. 2) Grat. magn.-c. natr.-m. n.-vom. zinc. If they mature slowly, give hep.; if very much inflamed and painful, give bell. or merc. If large boils can be treated at the very commencement, Calc. sometimes eradicates the disposition. If large boils threaten to become carbunculous, the best remedies are: 1) Nux.-v. sil. 2) Ars. bell. 3) Caps. hyosc. lach. rhus. sec. 4) Apis. ? crotal. ? hep. For the DISPOSITION to boils, give: Lyc. n.-vom. phos. phyt. sil. sulph. BONES, Diseases of.-Osteitis, exostosis, caries, necrosis and other diseases. § 1. The best remedies are: Ang. asa. aur. bell. calc. dulc. euphorb. lyc. merc. mez. phos. phytol. 66 BONES. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Chin. hep. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. rhus. rumex. staph. § 2. Particular indications: ANGUSTURA: For caries, particularly suitable to persons, who have drank too much coffee or have a morbid desire for coffee; easily irritated from the least provocation. Asa. For exostosis, caries and necrosis, especially of the extremities, also for softening of the bones. AURUM: For exostosis and other diseases of the bones in consequence of abuse of mercury, especially for caries of the nasal bones, with ozæna, diffusing a most horrid smell; caries of the cheek bones and exostosis of the skull. BELLADONNA: For exostosis on the forehead with caries of the palate; also for curvature of the back. CALCAREA: For curvature of the spine and long bones; swelling of the joints; softening of the bones, when the fon- tanelles remain open too long and the skull is very large; for exostosis and caries of the extremities; necrosis. CHINA: Caries with profuse suppuration. DULCAMARA: For exostosis with ulcers on the arm in con- sequence of suppressed itch. FLUORIS-ACIDUM: For swelling and. caries of the bones, especially when they are of a syphilitic nature. LYCOPODIUM: For exostosis, osteitis and caries, in scrofu- lous persons. MERCURIUS: For exostosis, caries, pains in the bones as if broken, &c. MEZEREUM: For exostosis on the extremities of scrofulous persons, especially of the tibia, with the most violent nightly pains in the bones. OLEUM-JECORIS: Specific for all kinds of scrofulous diseases of the bones, as arthrocace, spina-ventosa, caries, &c.; fistu- lous ulcers, with raised edges, easily bleeding, and discharg- ing ichor of a nauseating smell. PHOSPHORUS: For exostosis of the skull, with tearing- and boring pains, and swelling of the clavicle. PHOSPHORI-ACIDUM: Especially in the arthrocace of children, or when after external injury of the periosteum there re- mains a feeling as though the bone were scraped with a knife. PHYTOLACCA: For diseases of the bones, especially of syphi- litic persons. PULSATILLA For curvature of the spine, with open fonta- nelles in children. RUMEX: For caries, necrosis and other morbid affections BONES. 67 of the bones, may they arise from syphilis, mercurio-sy- philis or scrofula. RUTA: For pains in the bones as if broken, and disease of the periosteum, or even caries in consequence of external in- juries, with erysipelatous inflammation of the external parts. SEPIA: For exostosis and caries of the extremities. SILICEA: For caries, exostosis, necrosis, delayed closing of the fontanelles and for almost all diseases of the bones. Silicea and Calcarea are the best remedies to begin with in diseases of the bones; fistulous openings and discharge of thin pus and bony fragments. STAPHYSAGRIA: A good remedy for padarthrocace. STILLINGIA: For periostitis and scrofulous diseases of the bones. SULPHUR: For curvature, softening, swelling, caries and other diseases. Sulph is suitable before Calcarea in the be- ginning of the disease. § 3. a) For INTERSTITIAL DISTENTION OF THE BONES: 1) Asa. lyc. merc. sil. staph. 2) Calc. mez. phos. phos.-ac. sulph. 3) Aur. fluor.-ac. b) For NECROSIS: 1) Asa. calc. sil sulph. 2) Ars. phos. sabin. sec. c) For OSTEITIS: 1) Merc. mez. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Asa. aur. calc. chin. lyc. nitr.-a. phos. phos.-ac. puls. d) For SOFTENING: 1) Asa. calc. merc. sil. sulph. 2) Hep. lyc. mez. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. ruta. sep. staph. e) For SWELLING; 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc. phos.-ac. puls. sil. staph. sulph. 2)Aur. clem. daph. guaj. nitr.-ac. phos. rhus. ruta. f) For CARIES: 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc. phos.-ac. sil. sulph. 2) Ang. ars. aur. con. fluor.-ac. hep. mez. nitr.-ac. rhus. ruta. sabin. spong. staph. g) For FRACTURES, to PROMOTE THE RE-UNION OF BONES: Asa. calc. lyc. nitr.-ac. ruta, sil. sulph., symphytum officinale. h) For CURVATURES: 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. hep. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. staph. 2) For SCROFULOUS DISEASES OF THE BONES: 1) Calc. con. lyc. merc. ol.-jec. phos.-ac. phytol. sil. staph. stilling. sulph. 2) Bell. rumex. k) For MERCURIAL: Asa. aurum, fluor.-ac. kal.-hydroj. mez. phos.-ac. phytol. staph. 1) For SYPHILITIC: Aur. fluor.-ac. kal.-hydroj. merc. phos.- ac. phytol. § 4. For diseases of the SKULL: Aur. calc. daphn. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sil. 68 BRONCHITIS. b) When the FONTANELLES remain open and the infants have large heads: Calc. puls. sil. sulph. c) For diseases of the PALATINE bones: Aur. merc. mez. sil. d) For diseases of the SUBMAXILLARY bones: Cist. merc. sil. e) For diseases of the NASAL BONES: Aur. calc. merc. ƒ) For diseases of the LONG BONES: 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc. phos.-ac. sil. sulph. 2) Clem. daphn. guaj. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. rhus. rumex. ruta. stilling. g) For diseases of the JOINTS: Calc. phos.-ac. staph. sulph. 5. Remedies for PARTICULAR PAINS: a) For pains generally: 1) Asa. chin. lach. merc. phos. phos.-ac. puls. rut. sabin. sil. staph. 2) Ars. aur. calc. cocc. cupr. cycl. ferr. kreas. lyc. mang. mez. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. b) Boring pains: Bell. calc. merc. puls. sep. sil. spig. c) Burning pains: Asa. carb.-v. phos.-ac. rhus. ruta. sulph. d) Aching pains: 1) Arg. bell. cupr. sabin. staph. 2) Aur cycl. daph. guaj. hep. ign. kal. merc. mez. oleand. puls. rhus. e) Sensation as if the flesh was beaten loose: Bry. dros. ign. kreas. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. rhus. sulph. thuj. f) Beating and pulsations: Asa. calc. lyc. merc. mez. nitr sabad. sil. sulph. g) Creeping pains: Cham, plumb. rhus. sec. h) Gnawing and corrosive pains: Amm.-m. canth. con. dros. lyc. mang. phos. phos.-ac. ruta. staph. i) Tearing pains: 1) Arg. baryt. carb.-v. chin. kal. merc. sabin. spig. staph. 2) Agar. aur. bell. bry. caust. cocc. cupr. lyc. natr.-m. nitr. phos. phos.-ac. ruta. zinc. k) Scraping and rasping pains: Asa. chin. puls. rhus. sabad. spig. 1) Cutting pains: Anac. dig. sabad. m) Stitching pains: 1) Bell. calc. caust. con. dros. hell. merc. puls. sass. sep. 2)Ars. asa. aur. chin. lach. mez. phos. ruta. n) Sore pains: Con. graph. hep. ign. merc. phos.-ac. o) Pain, as if broken: Cocc. cupr. hep. magn.-m. natr.-m. puls. ruta. samb. sep. verat. p) Jerking pains: Asa. calc. chin, colch. lyc. natr.-m. puls. rhus. § 6. See Mercurial disease, Rhachitis, Scrofula, Syphi- lis, &c. BRONCHITIS, catarrhus bronchialis.—§ 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cact. cham. dros. hep. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sanguin. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. calc. caps. carb.-v. caust. chin, cin. dros. dulc. euphr. hepatic.-tri. hyosc. BRONCHITIS. 69 con. ign. ipec. lach. phos. phos..ac. sep. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. stict. stilling. veratr. verb. 3) Asclep.-syr. cup. hep. iod. kal. lact. sabad. seneg. spig. spong. tart. 4) Baryt. cann. eupat.-ar. ferr. lyc. magn.-c. mang. natr. natr.-m. petr. stram. § 2. For ORDINARY CATARRH, with light cough and fever: Cham. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. stict. sulph. For VIOLENT AND DRY COUGH: 1) Bell. bry. cham. ign. n.- vom. sulph. 2) Acon. caps. cin. dros. hep. hyosc. lach. lyc. merc. natr.-m. phos. rhus. spong. For SPASMODIC Cough: Bell. bry. carb.-v. cin. dros. hep. hyosc. ipec. lob. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph., &c. For moist cough, with copious expectoration: 1) Bry. carb.-v. dulc. euphr. merc. puls. sulph. tart. 2) Calc. caust. lyc. seneg. sep. sil. stann., &c. For CATARRH WITH HOARSENESS: 1) Cham. dulc. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. samb. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. carb.-v. dros. mang. natr. phos. tart. For FLUENT CORYZA: Ars. dulc. euphr. gels. ign. lach. merc. puls. stict. sulph. For DRY CORYZA: 1) Bry. n.-vom. 2) Amm. calc. lach. sulph. 3) Bry. carb.-v. caust. hep. ign. § 3) For BRONCHITIS ACUTA: 1) Acon. bell. bry, cact. cham. dros. gels. phos. spong. 2) Ars. lyc. merc. n.-vom. puls. squill. sulph. 3) hepat. ? stict.? For EPIDEMIC CATARRH OF INFLUENZA: 1) Acon, ars. bell. caust. merc. n.-vom. rhus. 2) Arn. bry. camph. chin. ipec. phos. puls. sabad. seneg. sil. spig. squill. stict. verat. 3) Agar. cham. con. hyosc. kal. op. sulph. For SUFFOCATIVE CATARRH: Ars. carb.-v. chin. ipec. lach. op. 2) Baryt. camph. graph. puls. samb. tart. For CHRONIC CATARRH: 1) Carb.-v. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. caust. dulc. lach. mang. natr. phos. sil. stann. Catarrhal affections, consequent on measles, require: 1) Bry. Carb.-v. cham. dros. hyosc. ign. n.-vom. sticta. 2) Acon. bell. cin. coff. dulc. sep. Catarrhal affections of OLD PEOPLE: Baryt. carb.-v. con. hydrast. hyosc. kreas. lach. phos. rhus. stann. sulph. Catarrhal affections of CHILDREN: 1) Acon. bell. cham. cin. coff. dros. ign. ipec. sulph.—of SCROFULOUS children: Bell, calc. -of very fat children: Ipec. calc. § 4. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Burning fever, with full bounding pulse; rough, hoarse voice; painful sensitiveness of the affected part, with aggravation of the pain in breathing, coughing or 70 BRONCHITIS. talking; short dry cough with constant irritation and pain- ful titillation in the larynx and bronchi; oppressed breathing with tension, soreness or stitches in the chest when coughing or breathing; violent, rough, hollow cough at night, but short and panting cough in the day-time; thirst, sleepless- ness or restless sleep with tossing about; burning headache, red face and eyes; or also, when the cough is convulsive or hacking, with scanty expectoration of whitish and bloody mucus, after exposure to cold west winds. BELLADONNA: Dry cough with sore throat, coryza, fever, in the afternoon and evening, dry and burning skin, frequent de- sire for cold drinks, without however drinking much; obsti- nacy and malice in children with hurried respiration during sleep; or when the following symptoms occur: spasmodic cough, which does not allow one time to breathe; racking cough, from intolerable titillation in the throat, as if from dust or from some other foreign body, or dry, short, hollow, barking cough; the cough occurs at night, or in the after- noon or evening when in bed, and even during sleep, coming on again after the least motion; bruised pain in the nape of the neck when coughing, or headache as if the forehead would split; rheumatic pains in the chest; stitches in the sternum or hypochondria; mucous rattling in the chest; red face and headache; hoarseness and mucus in the chest, fre- quent sneezing, especially at the termination of a paroxysm. BRYONIA: Dry or moist cough, from titillation in the throat, or when the following symptoms occur: spasmodic cough, suffocative cough, especially after midnight, or after eating or drinking, with vomiting of the ingesta; cough with yellowish expectoration or expectoration of a dirty, reddish or bloody mucus; stitches in the side when coughing; or pains in the chest aud head as if those parts would split; great inclination to sweat; hoarseness, mucus rattling in, and painfulness of the larynx, increased by smoking. Aggra- vation, when entering a warm room, with asthmatic feeling. CACTUS-GR. Rattling of mucus, continuing day and night, catarrhal cough with much viscid expectoration; oppression of breathing with spasmodic cough and expectoration of mucus. CHAMOMILLA: Accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, with dry cough, occasioned by constant titillation in the larynx and chest, worse when talking; or cough morning or at night when in bed, or even during sleep, sometimes ac companied by suffocative fits; scanty expectoration of bitter mucus in the morning; or when the cough was caused by BRONCHITIS. 71 chagrin, or when children are attacked by it in consequence of their cries; or for hoarseness with coryza, dryness and burning in the throat, thirst; fever towards evening; ill humor, taciturnity, disposition to be angry and peevish. MERCURIUS: Roughness and hoarseness, with burning and titillation in the larynx; disposition to sweat, but the sweat affording no relief; aggravation by the least draught of air, or when the following symptoms occur: dry racking cough, especially in the evening or at night, even during sleep, and occasioned by titillation and a feeling of dryness in the bron- chi; cough with stitching pains in the chest or with nausea, bleeding of the nose, (in the case of children) pains in the head and chest, as if these parts would split, expectoration of blood, fluent coryza, hoarseness and mucous diarrhoea. NUX-VOMICA.-Rough, dry and deep cough, occasioned by dryness of the larynx, with tension and pain in the larynx and bronchi; hoarseness and painful feeling of rawness in the throat; especially in the morning, or in the evening when in bed; accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, which the patient is not able to detach; dry coryza with dry mouth, hot and red cheeks, shivering or alternate chills and heat; constipation, painful heaviness in the fore- head, ill humor, irritated spirits, obstinacy, &c.; or when the following symptoms are present: Convulsive, racking cough, occasioned by titillation in the throat, especially in the morn- ing, or at night when in bed, or after a meal, or when occa- sioned by exercise, thinking or reading; oppression at night, or headache as if the skull would split; contusive pain in the epigastrium and pain in the hypochondria when cough- ing; or, for: cough with vomiting or with bleeding from the nose or mouth. PULSATILLA : Hoarseness, aphonia; stitches and soreness of the throat and palate; coryza, with yellowish, greenish and fetid discharge; moist cough, with pain in the chest; chilli- ness and absence of thirst; or cough which is at first dry, then moist, with profuse expectoration of a salt, bitter, yel- lowish or whitish, or even bloody mucus; or racking cough, especially in the evening or at night in bed, worse when ly- ing; with nausea, vomiting, suffocative sensation as if from the vapors of sulphur, and mucous rattle; painfulness of the abdomen, when coughing, as if bruised, or painful shocks in the arm, shoulder or back, or involuntary emission of urine. RHUS-TOXICODENDRON: Hoarseness and roughness, sore- ness of the throat, frequent sneezing, considerable mucus in 72 BRONCHITIS. the nose without coryza, but with difficulty of breathing or, for short and dry cough at night, occasioned by a titillation in the bronchi, with restlessness and shortness of breath, especially in the evening and before midnight; painful shocks in the head and chest, or tension or stitches in the chest; pain in the stomach or stitches in the loins; or when the cough gets worse in the cold air, and is less in warmth or during motion; or when the cough comes on in the morning on waking, or in the evening, with bitter taste in the mouth, or vomiting of the ingesta. RUMEX-CRISPUS: It has a specific affinity for the laryngeal and bronchial mucous membrane; cough frequent and continu- ous, dry, occurring in long paroxysms, greatly aggravated by any irregularity of respiration, such as an inspiration a little deeper, or by talking, or by inspiring a little colder air, or by pressure upon the trachea in the region of the suprasternal fossa, rawness and soreness in the trachea, extending in the bronchi, chiefly in the left, tickling behind the sternum, pro- voking the cough; cough worse in the evening; after re- tiring, when the least air provokes incessant coughing. STICTA-PULMONARIA: Excessive dryness of the nasal mu- cous-membrane, which becomes painful; the secretions are so quickly dried, that they are discharged with great effort in forms as hard as scabs; the soft palate feels like dried leather, deglution painful; aggravation in the evening and fore-part of the night, the morning hours are nearly free from distress; dry and hacking cough from tickling in the larynx with op- pression of the lungs, causing a feeling of a hard mass col- Îected in them; incessant cough at night, cannot sleep nor lie down with comparative freedom from cough during the day-time. SULPHUR: Hoarseness, aphonia, roughness and scraping in the throat, accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, fluent co- ryza, cough, soreness in the chest, chills, aggravation of the symptoms in damp and cold weather; or for dry, racking cough, with nausea, vomiting and spasmodic constriction of the chest, especially in the evening, or at night when lying, or in the morning, or after a meal; or for: Cough with co- pious expectoration of thick, whitish or yellowish mucus, sometimes only in the day time, with dry cough at night; or obstinate, dry cough from titillation in the throat, stitches in the chest or head when coughing, stupefaction, obscuration of sight; feeling of fullness in the chest, oppression, mucous rattling, palpitation of the heart, and suffocative fits. BRONCHITIS. 73 § 5. The following remedies may likewise be used: ARNICA: Dry or moist cough, if excited by titillation in the larnyx, especially in the morning, during sleep, with weeping and cries, or when it attacks children after crying much; or for moist cough, the patient being unable to throw off the loose mucus; and when the following symptoms are present: Aching and crampy pain in the head, as if the brain were strung together; stitches in the chest; pain in the loins and rheumatic pains in the limbs; frequent bleeding of the nose and mouth, or even bloody expectoration. ARSENICUM: Moist cough with difficult expectoration and tenacious mucus in the larnyx and bronchi; or for: dry, rack- ing cough, especially in the evening after lying down, or at night, excited by drink or cold air; attended with dyspnoea, or even suffocative fits, especially in the evening in bed; great languor, debility; hoarseness and coryza, with discharge of an acrid, corrosive mucus; rheumatic headache, with vio- lent pains; the symptoms are worse at night and after a meal. CALCAREA: Frequent attacks of obstinate hoarseness; ac- cumulation of tenacious mucus in the bronchi and larnyx; dry, violent cough, with titillation as if from feather-dust in the throat, especially in the evening, in bed, or at night, during sleep; or moist cough, with mucous rattling, or with a thick, yellowish, fetid expectoration; pains and stitches in the side and chest; great languor, and sadness on account of one's ill health. CAPSICUM: Hoarseness and dry cough, which is worse in the evening and at night, sometimes attended with nausea, wandering rheumatic pains, and headache as if the skull would split; pressure in the throat and ear; stitches in the chest or back, or pressure on the bladder, with stitches in that region; coryza, with stoppage of the nose and titillation in the nostrils. CARBO.-VEG.: Obstinate hoarseness and roughness of voice, especially in the morning or evening, made worse by con- stant talking, or cold and damp weather; or spasmodic cough, either several paroxysms in the day-time, or only in the evening; or cough with profuse expectoration of green- ish mucus; rheumatic pains in the chest or limbs; ulcerative pain, or scraping and titillation in the larynx. CAUSTICUM: Violent racking cough, especially at night, with pain in the throat and head; hoarseness, roughness and fee- bleness of the voice; fluent coryza with headache; feeble 4 74 BRONCHITIS. appetite, nausea and vomiting of the ingesta; rheumatic pains in the limbs and facial bones; chill during every mo- tion; heat at night, with palpitation of the heart; great de- bility of the lower limbs; aggravation of the symptoms in the open air; involuntary emission of urine during cough. CHINA: Hoarseness, rough and deep sound of the voice, owing to mucus adhering in the larynx; dry cough as if from the vapors of sulphur; or spasmodic suffocative cough at night, with bilious vomiting and difficult expectoration of viscid or whitish, and sometimes bloody mucus; the cough is excited by laughing, talking, breathing, and even by eating or drinking. CINA: Suitable to children, when the cough is dry, or with scanty expectoration, with sudden starting during sleep as if in affright, want of breath, moaning, pale face or rough cough every evening, especially when the children are affect- ed with worms; or when fluent coryza is present, with burn- ing heat in the nostrils, and violent, and painful sneezing. DROSERA: Hoarseness with deep sound of the voice; dry- ness, roughness and scraping in the larynx, with accumula- tion of yellowish, gray or greenish mucus; dry, spasmodic, racking cough, especially at night or in the evening when in bed, frequently attended with nausea or vomiting of the in- gesta, bleeding of the nose or mouth; paroxysms of suffoca- tion or cough, excited by laughing or weeping, emotions, singing, tobacco-smoke, or drinking. DULCAMARA: Moist cough, especially after a cold, with hoarseness or bloody expectoration; or for panting, barking cough like whooping-cough, excited by a deep inspiration. EUPHRASIA: Dry cough with violent catarrh attacking the eyes; cough which exists only in the day-time, with difficult expectoration, or only in the morning, with copious expec- toration and tight breathing. HYOSCYAMUS: Dry cough, worse at night and in a recum- bent posture, less when sitting up; cough with titillation in the larynx or bronchi; or spasmodic cough, with red face and mucous rattling. IGNATIA: Dry and rough cough, with fluent coryza, head- ache, feeble voice; or short cough as if from feather-dust or the vapors of sulphur; the cough finally becomes spasmodic, especially suitable to patients who had suffered much grief; or when the catarrhal symptoms get worse after a meal, after going to bed, and in the morning, after rising. IPECACUANHA: Especially suitable to children when they BRONCHITIS. 75 almost suffocate in consequence of the mucus, with rattling of mucus; or for spasmodic, suffocative cough, with bluish face and spasmodic rigidity of the body; contractive sen- sation and titillation in the larynx; or for dry cough, or cough with scanty expectoration of flat and unpleasant mu- cus, with nausea and vomiting of albuminous mucus, or with bleeding of the nose and mouth. LACHESIS: Catarrhal cough and coryza, stinging pains in the head, stiff neck and distress in the chest; constant hoarse- ness, with sensation as if mucus adhered to the throat; the cough comes on at night during sleep, or in the evening when in bed, or after sleep, and is excited by titillation in the larynx, or by the least pressure on the larynx; it is worse after eating, or when rising from a recumbent posture; the cough is attended with pains in the throat, eyes, ears and head. PHOSPHORUS: Hoarseness with cough, fever, and appre- hension of death; roughness or complete extinction of voice; painful sensitiveness of the larynx; dry cough from tickling in the throat, with stitches in the larynx, and soreness in the chest; the cough is excited by laughing, drinking, loud read- ing, or walking in the open air; or dry cough with expecto- ration of viscid or bloody mucus. PHOSPHORI-ACIDUM: Hoarseness, moist cough, from titilla- tion in the pit of the stomach or throat-pit; the cough is dry in the evening, and in the morning it is attended with a whitish, or yellowish, or even purulent expectoration; with aching pains in the chest. SEPIA: Cough with copious expectoration of putrid, or salt mucus, of a yellowish, greenish color, or purulent, or even bloody, frequently only in the morning, or evening, with mu- cous rattling, weakness and soreness in the chest; or for dry, spasmodic cough, like whooping-cough, especially at night or in the evening in bed, with dyspnoea, nausea and vomiting of bile; especially suitable to scrofulous persons, or persons affected with herpes, or herpes in the joints. SILICEA: Obstinate cough, with copious, transparent or purulent expectoration; or racking cough, with sore throat and cholic, or suffocative cough at night. SQUILLA: Chronic catarrh, with profuse expectoration of a whitish and viscid mucus; the expectoration is at times easy at others very hard. STANNUM: Copious expectoration of a yellowish or green- ish mucus of a sweetish or salt taste; or dry, racking cough, 76 BRONCHITIS. especially in bed from evening till midnight, worse in the morning, and sometimes attended with nausea and vomiting of the ingesta. STAPHYSAGRIA: Cough with expectoration of a yellowish, viscid, purulent mucus, especially at night, ulcerative pain in the chest, or even bloody expectoration. VERATRUM: Hollow and deep cough, as if proceeding deep from the chest or abdomen; colic, ptyalism, bluish face, in- voluntary emission of urine, violent pain in the side, difficult breathing and great debility; or stitches towardst he abdo- minal ring, as if hernia would protrude. § 6. The following remedies may be indicated in certain cases. CUPRUM: Severe spasmodic cough, with stiffness in the body, stoppage of the breath and loss of consciousness during the paroxysms; or vomiting after the paroxysms and rattling of mucus, with whistling breathing during the intermission. CALC.-C. Teething children; loose cough, rattling of mu- cus; bowels move frequent towards evening. CARB.-V.: Evening-hoarseness; burning under the ster- num; in bad cases, coldness of skin, pointed nose; rattling of large bubbles; dyspnoea; cold knees in bed. CAUST. Morning-hoarseness; when coughing, pain in the left hip; involuntary discharge of urine. EUPAT.-PERF.: Rough, scraping cough; violent cough, with soreness in the chest; cough before and after measles. HEPAR: Deep asthmatic or dry, hoarse rough cough with nausea or with pain in the larynx, with sneezing or with cry- ing and sobbing after the attacks, and with renewed cough after every drink. HEPATICA-TRILOBA: Pain and constriction of the right chest; excessively annoying irritation of the fauces; expec- toration profuse, yellow, creamy and exceedingly sweet; tick- ling, itching and scraping sensation in the chest, aggravated by eating or inhaling dust. IODIUM: Cough excited by unbearable tickling in the re- spiratory organs, with wavy inspiration during the parox- ysms; preceded by anxiousness; great debility, malaise and emaciation. KALI-CARBONICUM: Sometimes for spasmodic cough with nausea and vomiting of mucus, especially when the cough comes on in the morning (4, 5 o'clock) or awaking at night from the sleep. (Frequently indicated after Carb.-v., or in alternation with it.) BREASTS AND NIPPLES OF WOMEN. 77 LACTUCA: Severe spasmodic cough, with vomiting after every paroxysm, and especially when every change of weather and temperature produces the cough. SABADILLA: Coryza with dullness in the head, pale com- plexion, dull cough with vomiting or with expectoration of blood, particularly when lying down; aggravation in the cold, at night and particularly towards evening. SENEGA Burning and titillation in the larynx and throat with danger of suffocation, when lying down. SPIGELIA: The catarrh is accompanied by severe pains in the face, and neither bry. or n.-vom, have done anything. TARTARUS: Cough with great rattling of mucus in the respiratory organs; renewal of the paroxysms during fits of anger; nausea and vomiting of the ingesta with copious mu- cus; during the paroxysms sweat on the head, with hot moist hands. § 7. Compare: Catarrh, Laryngitis, Angina Pectoris, Pleuritis, Pulmonary Phthisis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping cough, Influenza, Cough, Hoarseness, &c. BREASTS AND NIPPLES OF WOMEN: § 1. The best remedies for sore nipples are: Arn. sulph. or calc. cham. ign. millef. puls. ARNICA: When in the first days of nursing the nipples only feel sore, as if bruised. CALCAR.-CARB.: An ulcer appears on the nipple, discharg- ing pus, the patient is otherwise a subject for this remedy. CHAMOMILLA: The nipples are much inflamed and very tender. She can hardly endure the pain of nursing. She feels irritable and cross, with impatience. CASTOR-EQUORUM: In neglected cases, where the nipple is nearly ulcerated off. It only hangs, as it were, by small strings. CROTON-TIG. Excruciating pain, every time the child draws at the nipple, the pain runs through to the scapula of that side. GRAPHITES: The nipple seems to have little vesicles on it, at least it oozes out a thick glutinous fluid, which forms a crust, that is removed by nursing, when the same formation again occurs, and so on. LYCOPODIUM: The nipple bleeds very much and is very sore. MERCURIUS: The nipple feels raw and sore; she has sensi- tive gums, sore teeth, enlarged cervical glands, &c. PULSATILLA : In mild tearful patients, who weep at every nursing, the pain from nursing often extends into the chest, 78 BREASTS AND NIPPLES OF WOMEN. up into the neck, down the back, and often changes from place to place. SEPIA: The nipples crack very much across the crown in various places; deep cracks. SILICEA: The nipple ulcerates very easily and is very sore and tender. SULPHUR: After nursing the nipple smarts and burns very much. It chaps badly about the base and bleeds. For INFLAMMATION OF THE BREAST, (mastitis).—The best remedies are: Bell. bry. carb.-a. cist.-c. graph. hep. lach. merc.-sol. phos. phytol. sil. sulph. veratr.-vir. ACONITE: When a chill in dry cold air has been the excit- ing cause, and a true synochal fever prevails. BELLADONNA: The breasts are swollen and hard with stitch- ing and tearing pains; there are red streaks running like radii from a central point with erysipelatous redness: (is fre- quently suitable in alternation with Bry.) BRYONIA: The breasts have a stony heaviness in them; they are hot, hard and painful, but not very red and turgid with milk; with tensive or stitching pains in the swelling and burning heat on the outside. She feels sick on first sit- ting up in bed or in a chair, and still more sick on standing up; rough dry lips and constipation; stools dry, looking as if burnt. CISTUS.-C. Particularly indicated in scrofulous subjects, when there is the greatest sensibility to cold air, inflamma- tion and suppuration of the breast, with a sense of fullness in the chest. GRAPHITES: In all cases, where there are so many old cica- trices from former ulcerations, that the milk can scarcely flow. A high dilution of this remedy will now cause the milk to flow easily and ward off the impending abscess. HEPAR: When suppuration seems inevitable, in spite of Bry. Bell. or Merc., give a single dose high, and await the re- sult, either in resolution or in suppuration. LACHESIS: When the breast has a bluish or purplish ap- pearance, and she has chills at night and flushes of heat by day. MERCUR.-SOL.: Hard swelling of the breast with sore and raw sort of pain; the milk is not good, and the babe refuses it. PHOSPHORUS: When Hepar. does not stop the suppurative process; the breasts are ulcerated, fistulous, with hard and callous edges; or colliquative sweats and diarrhoea with cough, feverish heat in the evening, circumscribed redness of the cheeks and other symptoms of hectic fever. CAMPHOR.-CANCER AND SCIRRHUS. 79 1 PHYTOLACCA: Particularly where the hardness is very ap parent from the first. Sensitive and more or less painful; even after suppuration has taken place these characteristics remain. SILICEA: Fistulous ulcers with thin and watery, or thick and offensive discharge; the substance of the mamma seems to be discharged in the pus; one lobe after another seems to ulcerate, and discharge into one common ulcer, often with great pain, or there may be several orifices, one for each lobe. SULPHUR: Inflammation running in radii from the nipple. Profuse suppuration, with chilliness in the fore-part of the day and heat in the after-part. Some hæmorrhoidal com- plication. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: Serviceable in all cases, where these troubles are complicated with great arterial excitement. For the sensation of TENSION in the breast are particularly indicated: Merc. n.-vom. sec. sep. § 3. For INDURATION OF THE MAMMÆ AND NODOSITIES in the breasts, give: 1) Carb.-a. con. sil. 2) Clem. coloc. graph. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. ol.-jec. phos. puls. sep. sulph.-if the dis- ease should have been caused by a blow: Arn. carb.-v. and con. deserve a preference. For CANCER IN THE MAMME, the principal remedies are: 1) Apis. ars. aster. brom. calc.-oxal. clem. hydrast. oxal. phytol. sil. or 2) Aur.-mur. bell. con. hep.? kreas.? nitr.-ac. ? sep. sulph. 3) Carb.-a. graph. lach. For ATROPHIA MAMME: Con. iod. nitr.-ac. sass. CALCULI RENALES AND GRAVEL, the principal remedies are: 1) Lyc. sass. sep. 2) Ant. calc, cann. n.-vom. op. petr. phos. ruta. sep. sil. zinc. 3) Alum. ambr. amm. arn. canth. chin. lach. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. thuj. uva. Cal- carea urinaria? 4) Alnus.-r. chimaph. coryd. erig. eryng. eupat.-ar. and purp. fras. gossyp. pod. § 2. For CALCULI, are particularly indicated: Cann. sass. uva. calc.-urin. For GRAVEL: Lyc. sass. 1) Ant. calc. phos. ruta. sil. zinc. § 3. Compare: Urine, morbid secretions of, and Urinary difficulties. CAMPHOR, ill effects of.-For poisoning with large doses: black coffee, until vomiting sets in; afterwards Opium 30 in water, a teaspoonful every hour. CANCER AND SCIRRHUS.-§ 1. Best remedies: 1) Ars. bell. con. n.-vom. phytol. sep. sil. sulph. 2) perhaps also: Aur. calc. carb.-a. chin. clem. coloc. graph. lyc. merc. nitr.-a. 80 CAMPHOR.- -CANCER AND SCIRRHUS. phos. puls. staph. thuj. 3)Calend. cistus.-c.? hydrast.? rumex-cr. § 2. Particular remedies are: For MEDULLARY CANCER: 1) Bell. phos. 2) Carb.-a. sil. sulph. thuj. For OPEN CANCER: 1) Ars. con. phytol. sil. sulph. 2) Apis. aur. bell. calc. hep. lach. merc. nitr.-a. oxal. sep. staph. thuj. For SCIRRRHOUS INDURATIONS: 1) Sil. 2) Bell. clem. con. petr. phytol. sep. sulph. 3) Carb.-a. carb.-v. cic. hydrast. iod. lach. phos. ran. rhus. spong. staph. Scirrhous or cancerous affections in consequence of contu- sion or shock, require: Con. or Staph., or Arnica. See: Cancer of the womb, face, and cancer of the other organs. CANCER OF THE EYES.-Laurocer. is the only remedy known for this affection. It is probable, however, that: 1) Calc. con. sil. 2) Ars. bell. hep. lyc. sep., &c. are more specific. CANCER OF THE NOSE.-Principal remedies: 1) Ars. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. calc. carb.-a. sep. See: Cancer and eruptions in the face. CANCER AND SCIRRHUS OF THE STOMACH.-The best reme- dies are: 1) Ars. baryt. lyc. n.-vom. phos. verat. or Con. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Bell. bism. carb.-an. and veg. kreas. lach. mezer. sep. CANCER AND INDURATIONS OF THE UTERUS: Carcinoma et Scirrhus uteri. § 1. The best remedies are: 1) Carb.-a. graph. kreas. 2)Ars. aur. bell. chin. eic. elem. coce. con. dule. iod. magn.m. mere. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. staph. thuj. 3) Apis. kal. sabin. 4) Calc. graph. lach. natr.-c. 82. For INDURATION (SCIRRHUS) of the uterus: 1) Carb.-a. 2) Aur. bell. chin. magn.-m. sep. staph. 3) Clem. cocc. con. perhaps also, rhus. phos. apis. For real CARCINOMA-UTERI.—Graph, and kreas. have been used. The following remedies deserve consideration: 2) carb.-a. 3) Ars. bell. chin. clem. merc. sep. sil. 4) Lach. staph. sabin. phos. perhaps also, Calc. apis. thuja. For PHAGEDENIC (not cancerous) ULCERS OF THE UTERUS and neck of the uterus, I have seen good effects from : 1) Nitr.-a. thuj. 2) Ars. bell. chin, coce. mere. sep. § 3. Particular indications : ARSENICUM: Terrible dartings and lancinatings, which burn like fire; acrid corroding, burning discharges, which may be thin or thick, brown or black, and extremely offensive; worse after midnight. CAMPHOR.-CANCER AND SCIRRHUS. 81 AURUM: The womb is prolapsed and indurated; the pain is like that of a bruise, with shooting and drawing. BELLADONNA: Frequent hæmorrhages of the uterus; the blood feels hot and has a very bad smell, with pressing to- wards the genital organs, violent pains in the small of the back and exeessive nervousness. CALC.-CARB.: Pale leucophlegmatic temperament; the feet feel as if she had on cold damp stockings; vertigo on going up-stairs; the menses flow too often and too abundantly; sore burning feeling in the internal genitals; a constant ach- ing in the vagina. CARB.-A.: Violent pressing in the loins, the small of the back and the thighs, during the menses, with unsuccessful desire to eructate-with chilliness and yawning; great languor in the thighs before and during the menses; after the ap- pearance of the menses she feels so tired, she can hardly speak, accompanied by yawning and stretching; weak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach, cachectic appearance. CLEMATIS: For softened scirrhus, with corrosive leucorr- hoea and lancinating pain. CONIUM: Burning stitches, stinging, nausea, vomiting and sadness; the breasts are relaxed, except at the menstrual flow, when they often swell and become painful. The urine intermits in its flow; vertigo, particularly on turning the head when lying in a prostrate position. GRAPHITES: Hot and painful vagina; swelling of the lymphatic vessels and mucous follicles; the neck of the uterus is hard and swollen, with tuberculous nodes and cauliflower excrescences; great weight in the abdomen on rising, with fainting sort of weakness and aggravation of the pains, de- laying menses, with aggravations of the pains shortly before, and at the appearance of the menses; discharge of black, lumpy fetid blood; stitches shooting through the abdomen as far as the thighs; burning and stitching pains; constipa- tion; livid complexion; sad and anxious mood; constipation. IODIUM.- Uterine hæmorrhage after every stool, with cut- ting in the abdomen and pains in the loins and small of the back; great weekness during the menses, particularly in going up-stairs; long lasting uterine hæmorrhage; dwindling and falling away of the mamma; aggravation from external warmth. KREASOTUM: Shooting stitches in the vagina; burning and swelling of the external and internal labia, profuse discharge of dark coagulated blood, or of a pungent bloody ichor, pre- 4* 82 CANCER AND SCIRRHUS. ceded by pain in the back; aggravation of the pains at night, fainting on rising from the bed; she always feels chilly at the menstrual period; complexion livid, disposition sad, irrita- ble; cauliflower excrescences; wretched complexion, great debility, sleeplessness. LACHESIS: More particularly if the cancerous affection be developed at the critical period, or as a consequence of the change of life. The pains increase more and more, until re- lieved by a profuse discharge of blood; violent pains, as if a knife were thrust through the abdomen, which has to be re- lieved from all pressure. MAGN.-M. Large, dry, hard difficult stools, which crumble as they come to pass to the verge of the anus; let the action of this remedy be continued a long while, after the bowels become regular and comfortable and the scirrhus will also disappear; uterine spasms, extending to the thighs and oc- casioning leucorrhoea. MERCURIUS.-Prolapsus vagina: The inguinal glands sym- pathize with the cancerous affection. NITRIC-ACID: The disease is based on a syphilitic taint; the urine is very offensive; aggravation after midnight; vio- lent cramp-like pains, as if the abdomen would burst, with constant eructations, violent pressing, as if everything would come out at the vulva, with pain in the small of the back, through the hips down the thighs; bowels rather loose, with violent, cutting pains after an evacuation, lasting for hours. PHOSPHORUS: In tall, slim females, with sense of empti- ness in the abdomen; much heat up the back, and a narrow, tough, dry stool, like a dog's; cutting pains through the ab- domen, sometimes with vomiting, very sleepy, particularly after dinner; belching up of an immense quantity of wind after eating frequent and profuse hæmorrhages, pouring out freely and then ceasing for some hours or days. SEPIA: Lancinating pains from the uterus to the umbilicus; putrid excoriating discharge from the vagina; a sense of weight and pressing down, which causes her to cross her thighs lest the organ should escape; sensation of weight in the anus, not relieved by an evacuation; very cold feet and hands, icy-cold; great sense of weakness and emptiness at the pit of the stomach; yellowness of the face, particularly across the bridge of the nose like a saddle; shooting stitches with burning in the neck of the uterus. SILICEA: Discharges of blood between the regular periods. Increased menses with repeated paroxysms of icy-coldness CANTHARIDES.—CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. 83 over the whole body; attacks of melancholy; anguish in the pit of the stomach; fetid, brownish purulent ichorous leucorr- hoa; always great costiveness before and during the menses; momentary attacks of sudden blindness. SULPHUR: Offensive, corrosive, ichorous leucorrhoea; sen- sation of heat in the crown of the head; coldness of the feet or burning in the soles of the feet at night; flushes of heat which pass off in a perspiration with faintness; the patient feels remarkably weak and hungry at the pit of the stomach from eleven in the morning till noon; she cannot wait for dinner; light sleep at night, awakens frequently; violent burning in the vagina with painful soreness during sexual intercourse. THUJA: Cauliflower excrescences; bleeding easily, having an offensive pungent odor; warts, fig-warts and other excres- censes about the vulva or anus; ulcers in the internal surface of the vulva with sore and smarting feeling; pressing and contractive pain in the vulva, when sitting; cramp-like pain in the vulva and perinæum, when rising from a seat; cramp- pain in the vulva, extending as far as the abdomen. § 4. Compare: Menstrual difficulties, Cancerous Ulcers and Indurations. CANTHARIDES, poisoning by.-The best remedy for large doses is: Spirits of camphor, in drop doses, on sugar, one drop every ten or fifteen minutes. Use mucilaginous drinks and frictions with camphor. For the ailments which frequently arise from the abuse of Cantharides: Acon, or Puls. are frequently suitable. CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA.-§ 1. The best remedies are: 1)Ars. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. cham. chin. cocc. ign. lep- tand. lobel. n.-vom. puls. sanguin. sulph. 2) Bism. carb.-a. caust. dioscor. graph. grat. gels. iris.-v. lach. lyc. magn.-c. nitr.-sp. phos. sil. stan. stront. verat.-vir. 3) Escul.-hip. amm. ant. cauloph. cimicif. coff. coloc. croc. cupr. daphn. euphorb. gran.? kal. kreas. natr, natr.-m. n.-mosch. plumb. sec. sep. § 2. In consequence of emotions, as anger, indignation, &c.: Cham. coloc. or also, n.-vom. staph. For cardialgia from abuse of coffee: Cham. cocc. ign. n.-vom. From abuse of chamomile: 1)Ň.-vom. puls. or also, bell. ign. From status gastricus: Bry. n.-vom. puls. or also, Aut. carb.-v. chin, coloc. For cardialgia of drunkards or in consequence of de- bauches: Carb.-v. n.-vom. or in the chronic state: Calc. lach. sulph. + 84 CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. From debility, loss of animal fluids, from nursing, sweat- ing, abuse of cathartics, from the effects of a confinement, &c.: Carb.-v. chin. cocc. or also, n.-vom. From over-exertion: Bry.-from a fall: Lycop. From catching cold: Bry. coloc. n.-vom. plumb. From waiting too long for food: Ign. From repelled eruptions: Ars. caust. sulph. § 3. Cardialgia with SANGUINEOUS OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE PORTAL SYSTEM: Carb.-v. or n..vom. sulph. In the case of hysteric or hypochondriac individuals: Calc. cocc. grat. ign. magn.-c. n.-vom. stann., &c.—during the menses: Cham. cocc. n.-vom. puls.—when the menses are too feeble: Cocc. puls.--when too profuse: Calc. or lycop. For cardialgia from abuse of kitchen salt: Nitr.-sp. or carb.-v. § 4. Particular indications: BELLADONNA: When Chamomilla seems to be indicated. but is ineffectual; most generally suitable to females or deli- cate individuals, especially when the following symptoms are present gnawing pressure, or spasmodic tension, obliging the patient to bend backwards, or to stop the breath, which alleviates the pain; the pains are brought on by eating; the pain is so violent, that the patient loses his consciousness and faints away; great thirst, with aggravation of the pains by drinking; slow and scanty stool; sleepless nights, sometimes a little sleep in the day-time. BRYONIA: Pressure in the pit of the stomach as from a stone, especially during or immediately after a meal, with sen- sation of swelling in the region of the stomach; or contrac- tive, pinching and cutting pains, abating by pressing upon the region of the stomach, or after several eructations; aggra- vation of the pains by motion, or when walking, with stitches in the region of the stomach on making a false step; consti- pation, pressure and compressive sensation in the temples, forehead and occiput, as if the skull would burst; relief is obtained by making pressure on the head or temples. CALCAREA: Suitable to plethoric persons that are apt to bleed from the nose, or to females who menstruate pro- fusely, or after Belladonna had been given with but partial effect; it is indicated by: Pressure in the stomach, compres- sive, crampy pains, or clutching sensation in the region of the stomach, with anxiety; aggravation of the pains at night, or after a meal, frequently vomiting of the ingesta, acidity and nausea; painful sensitiveness in the region of the stomach CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. 85 when pressing upon it; constipation and hæmorrhoidal dis- tress, or chronic looseness of the bowels; palpitation of the heart, &c. CARBO-VEG.: After Nux.-v. had been given with partial effect, or when the following symptoms occur: Painful, burn- ing pressure, with anguish, trembling and aggravation by contact, also at night and after a meal, especially after taking flatulent food; or spasmodic contractive pain, compelling the patient to bend double, with asthma and aggravation in a recumbent posture; heartburn; nausea; loathing of food, even when merely thinking of it; frequent flatulence, with • oppression of the chest and constipation. CHAMOMILLA: Distension of the epigastrium and hypo- chondria, with pressure as from a stone; oppression, short and difficult breathing; aggravation of the pains after a meal, or at night, with great anguish and restlessness; decrease of the pains by bending double, instantaneous relief by coffee; and when the following symptoms are present: Beating pain in the vertex, at night, obliging one to get out of bed; irri- table, peevish mood. Cham. is frequently most suitable in alternation with Coff.; if it should be ineffectual, give Bell. instead. CHINA: Dyspeptic weakness, with distension of and pain- ful pressure in the region of the stomach, after eating or drinking ever so little; acidity, heartburn, slimy or bilious passages; the pains get worse during rest, abate during mo- tion; loss of appetite, aversion to food and drink; idleness; sleepiness; hypochondriac mood and inability to work, espe- cially after a meal; slow stool; yellow, livid complexion; yellow appearance of the whites. COCCULUS: After partial relief by N.-vom. or Chamom. Symptoms: Aching, contractive pains in the abdomen, pass- ing off after discharge of flatulence; the colic returns after eating, with nausea, water in the mouth and oppression of the chest; hard, delaying stool; ill, intractable mood, taciturn. IGNATIA: After partial relief by Pulsatilla. Symptoms: Painful pressure as from a stone, especially after eating or at night, in the region of the pylorus; or sensation of weak- ness or emptiness in the pit of the stomach, with sensitive- ness to contact, and burning in the stomach; hiccough; re- gurgitation of the ingesta; aversion to food and drink, or to tobacco; accumulation of mucus in the mouth, &c.; suitable to persons who had been starving either from want or other causes. 86 CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. NUX VOM.: Contractive, aching or crampy pains, with clutching or clawing sensation in the stomach; the pressure of the clothes on the epigastrium feels unpleasant; the pains are worse after a meal, after taking coffee, at night, or to- wards morning, or after rising; sensation as if a band were tied round the chest, with pain extending to the back and kidneys; the attack is attended with nausea, water in the mouth, heartburn, or even vomiting of the ingesta; sour or foul taste in the mouth; flatulent distention of the abdomen; constipation, hæmorrhoidal ailments, hypochondriac, peevish, quarrelsome mood, with vehement disposition; hemicrania, or aching pains in the forehead, with inability to work; pal- pitation of the heart, with anguish. Nux.-v. is generally suitable at the commencement of every case of cardialgia; sometimes, however, an exacerbation of the symptoms takes place after every dose of Nux.; in such cases Puls. ign., or Cham. deserve a preference. If Nux.-v. should be without effect, though apparently indicated, Cham. or Cocc. should be tried. PULSATILLA Stitching pains, worse when walking or when making a wrong step; or crampy pains, either before breakfast or after a meal, generally attended with nausea, or vomiting of the ingesta; absence of thirst, except at the acme of the pains; beating in the epigastrium, with anguish, or tension and compression in the region of the stomach; soft, or liquid stools; aggravation of the pains in the evening, with chills, which increase correspondingly with the pains; sour or bitter taste of the mouth or food; sad and whining mood; bland temper. SULPHUR Pressure as from a stone, particularly after eat- ing, with nausea, water in the mouth, or vomiting; also when the following symptoms are present: acidity, heartburn, fre- quent regurgitation of the ingesta; aversion to fat food, rye- bread, sour things or sugar; dullness of the head, with ina- bility to think; the pressure of the clothes on the hypochon- dria is unpleasant, with distention of those parts: disposition to piles or accumulation of mucus in the intestines; hypo- chondriac, whining mood, disposition to be vehement. § 5. ARG.-NITR.: In the middle between the xyphoid carti- lage and the navel a small spot, which is very sensitive to the slightest pressure; from this spot a very severe pain spreads to the hypochondriac region, into the back, up the shoulders, even to the head; gradually increasing in intensity and as gradually leaving again. CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. 87 ARSENICUM: Burning pain, pit of the stomach sensitive to touch; vomiting of ingesta, as soon as taken; anguish, faint- ing; face pale, earthy. BISMUTHUM: Aching pain, with feeling of heaviness and indescribable malaise in the stomach. CARBO.-A. After partial relief from carb.-v., burning ach- ing pain, acidity, heartburn, mucus in the stomach and con- stipation. CAUSTICUM: Pressure, spasmodic contraction and griping in the stomach, as if clawed; the hair stands on end as the pains increase, acidity and mucus in the stomach. DIOSCOREA: Frequent empty eructations; constant distress in the stomach, more in the afternoon and evening; severe cutting, tearing pains in the stomach and region of the gall- bladder; burning distress in the stomach with sharp, prick- ling pains in it and faintness. GRAPHITES: Crampy, spasmodic or clawing pains, or pres- sure with vomiting of the ingesta. GRATIOLA: Pressure in the stomach, especially after a meal, with nausea, ineffectual attempts at eructations, constipation and hypochondriac mood. IRIS-VER.: Burning distress in the epigastric region, not allayed by drinking cold water; colic-like pains in the epi- gastric region; intense burning in the region of the pan- creas, distressing nausea and vomiting; vomiting of an ex- tremely sour fluid. LACHESIS: Aching pains which diminish immediately after a meal, but recommence again in a few hours, and are par- ticularly violent after a siesta; dyspeptic weakness, flatu- lence and constipation. LEPTANDRIA: Constant distress in the lower part of the epigastrium and upper portions of the umbilical regions; sharp, cutting pains at intervals, in the same parts; burning, aching sensation in the stomach, aggravated by drinking cold water; weak, sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach, great desire for stool, that cannot be retained one moment. LOBELIA-INFL.: Nausea, pain, heat, oppression and excessive uneasiness; extreme nausea with profuse perspiration; feel- ing of weakness of the stomach, extending through the whole chest; feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a plug; violent painful constriction in the cardia; tightness of the epigastrium with acidity in the stomach. LYCOPODIUM: Compressive pains as if the stomach were pressed together from both sides; less in the evening, but 88 CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. coming on again in the morning, especially in the open air, or after a meal. MAGNESIA: Aching and contractive pains, with sour eructations. NITR.-SPIRITUS: Aching, contractive pain from eating too much salt, fullness in the stomach after a meal, with sour or slimy vomiting; loss of appetite, heartburn, acidity. PETROL Pressing, drawing pain, ameliorated by keeping on eating something constantly; water-brash; feeling of fullness in the pit of the stomach and painful to the touch; aversion to open air, don't like to move; better from warmth and warm air. PLUMBUM: The patient bends backwards during the spell, gets better from hard external pressure upon the stomach; afterwards yellow appearance of the eyes, badly swelling feet and sweat of the feet. Sanguinaria: Soreness in the epigastrium, aggravated by eating; burning in the stomach with headache; jerking in the stomach, as from something alive; feeling of emptiness in the stomach. SILICEA: Aching pain in the stomach, especially after eat- ing or drinking rapidly, with mucus in the stomach and vomiting. STANNUM: Obstinate cardialgia, bitter eructations; canine hunger; diarrhoea, nausea, pale and sickly complexion. STAPHYSAGRIA: Aching and tensive pain in the stomach, at times worse, at others better after eating, especially bread, with frequent nausea and constipation. STRONTIANA: Aching in the stomach, especially after a meal with a fullness in the abdomen. § 6. For pains in the stomach with great anguish and op- pression in the pit and region of the stomach: Anac. ars. calc. carb.-veg. cham、 chin. graph. guaj. laur. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. puls. spig. stann. stram. sulph. thuj. veratr.- Painfulness to contact, in the pit of the stomach: 1) Ars. baryt. bry, calc. coloc, lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. sil. spig. sulph. veratr. 2) Camph. cann, colch. dig. ferr. kal. magn.-c. magn.-m. phos.-ac. plat. rhod. sep. stann.-Boring pains: Amm. ars. caps. carb.-an. natr. nitr. sep.-Burning pains: 2) Ars. camph. carb.-veg. cic. dig. lach. n.-vom. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Bry. dulc, hyos. lach. magn.-c. merc. mez. mur.-ac. nātr. nátr.-m. zinc.-Aching pains: Ars. baryt. bell. bry, calc. carb.-an. carb.-veg. caust. châm, cic. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. 89 phos. rhus. sep. sil. stann. staph. sulph.- Ulcerative pain: Baryt. cann. carb.-veg. con. hell. mgn.-c. magn.-m. merc. rhus. stann.—Swelling in the region of the stomach: Amm. aur. calc.coff. hep. ipec. lyc. natr.-m. petr. sulph.— Griping and clawing in the stomach: 1) Calc. carb.-an. caust. magn:arct. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.- puis. sil. 2) Arn. chin. coccul. graph. lyc. natr. nitr.-ac. petr. stann. sulph. sulph.-ac.-Feeling of coldness in the stomach and pit of the stomach: Alum. amm. baryt. caps. chin, colch. con. laur. natr.-m. phos. rhus. sulph. spong. zinc.-Beating pains: Bell. carb.-veg. cic. dros. graph. kal. kreos. laur. lyc. magn.-m. merc. mosch. mur.-ac. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhab. sep. sulph. tart. thuj. zinc.—Crampy pains : See § 1.-Creeping pains: Alum. caust. colch. plat. puls. rhod. rhus.-Gnawing pains: Alum. amm. amm-.m. ars. baryt. calc. carb.-vcg. graph. hep. lach. lyc. natr. nitr.-ac. phosph. plat. puls. rhod. ruta. sil. sulph.—Tearing pains: Alum. amm. ars. baryt. carb.-an. cupr. kreos. lyc.merc. n.-vom. puls. ruta. sep. sulph.-Stitching pains: 1) Arn. bry. caust. colch. dig. lach. nitr..ac. rhus. sep. 2) Alum. amb. amm. baryt. calc. canth. carb.-an. chin. con. cupr. graph. ign. magn.-c. natr.-m. phosph. sulph.-Feeling of fullness: 1) Chin. dig. kal. lách. lyc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. petr. phosph. 2) Acon. arn. asa. kal. merc. mez. staph.—Sore pain: Alum. baryt. bry. cale, chin. colch. con. hell. ign. Kal. lach. magn.-c. mang. mosch. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. ran. sabad. sep.-Constric- tive, contractive pains: 1) Amm. carb.-an. carb.-veg. graph. magn.c. natr. natr-m. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Alum. borax. chin. coccul. dig. guaj. kal. lyc. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. phosph. plumb. rhab. rhus. sep. sulph.-ac. § 7. When the patient suffers especially in the evening: 1) Calc. puls. 2) Carb.-v. lyc. phos. sep. sulph.-ac. thuja. when pressed upon: 1) Ars. bry. lyc. n.-vom. sil. 2) Acon. amm. calc. ign. lach. natr.-m. puls. sulph.-from stepping: 1) Bry. 2) Anac. baryt. hell. puls. magn.-m.-from the touch: 1) Ars. baryt. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. sulph. 2) Bry. calc. con. cupr. lach. merc. natr. spig.-from motion: Ang. bry. cas. cupr.-from stooping: Alum. rhus.-from eating: Ang. arn. cic. con. sep. tart. verat.—during the swallowing of the food: Baryt. nitr.-a. sep.-after eating: 1) Ars. bell. chin. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Baryt. bry. carb.-v. cham. cic. coloc. ferr. kal.-bi. petr. phos. plat. sil.-improvement from eating: Graph. phos. sep.-from a false step: Bry. puls. rhus.-in the open air: Lyc. n.-vom.-mornings: 1) Ars. bry. calc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. 2) Chin. lyc. phos. staph. sulph.- 90 CATARACT.-CATARRH. from walking: 1) Calc. phos. puls. sep. 2) Bell. bry-from drinking coffee: Cham. n.-vom.—amelioration from coffee: Cham.-amelioration from cold drinks: Phos.—amelioration from lying down: Bell. bry. calc. cham. caust. chin. graph. stann.—at night: Arg.-n. ars. calc. carb.-v. cham. graph. Îyc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sulph.-- amelioration by rest: Bry. cham.—aggravation by fright: Carb,-v.-when sitting: Hep. puls. sulph.-aggravation from speaking: Caps. natr. n.-vom. -after drinking: 1) Ferr. n.-vom. 2) Acon. kal. nitr.-ac. rhod sil. sulph.-ac.-amelioration from the warmth of the bed: Graph. lyc. § 8. The pains are relieved by motion: Calc. chin.-by stooping: N.-vom.-by lying down: Bry. calc. cham.-by ly- ing on the back: Bry.-by leaning backward: Bell.-by bending down: Arg.-n. ars. bell. bry. cham. n.-vom. -by sit- ting: Bry-by eating: Phos.-by eructations: Bell. bry.. dig. calc. con. coloc. lach.-by vomiting: N.-vom.-by exter- nal heat: Ars. coloc. graph. lyc. phos.-by pressure: Bry. carb.-v. § 9. Accompanied by vertigo: Lyc. n.-vom. puls.-head- ache: Bell. bry. lyc. n.-vom. sep.-redness of face: Bell.; n.-vom.-paleness of face: Ars. chin. sep.-thirst: Ars. bell. n.-vom.―thirstlessness: Puls.-hunger: Chin. ign. n.-vom.— water-brash: Bry. cocc. n.-vom. sil.-acidity: Bry. carb.-v. chin. cocc. n.-vom. phos. puls.-eructations: Ars. bell. bry. calc. cocc. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sep. sulph.—hiccough: Sec.— nausea: Ars. bell. bism. cocc. coloc. croc. lyc. mez. n.-mosch. n.-vom. sep. -- vomiting: Arg.-n. ars. bry. calc. carb.-v. cocc. coloc. lyc. mez. n.-vom. phos. plumb. puls. sec. sep. sil.-con- stipation: Ars. bell. bry. calc. coloc. con. lyc. mez. n.-vom. plumb. puls. sec. sulph.-diarrhea: Ars. calc. n.-vom. puls. —cold sweat with anguish: Ars. carb.-v. cocc. coloc. sep.- fainting: Ars. bell. § 10. Compare: Vomiting; Stomach, weakness of; Colic; Condition; Causes, &c. CATARACT: The best remedies for cataract are: 1) Cann. caust. con. magn.-c. phos. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. baryt. bell. calc. chel. dig. euphr. hep. hyosc. lyc. nitr.-ac. op. ruta. seneg. spig. stram.-for cataract from injury by a blow, (cataracta traumatica): 1) Con. 2) Amm. euphr. puls. ruta. GLAUCOMA, or blue or green cataract, seems to require prin cipally: phosphorus. For RETICULATED cataract give: Caust. and plumb. CATARRH, CORYZA. ! CATARRH, CORYZA. 91 § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Amm. ars. cepa. cham. dulc. eupat. gels. hep. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. rumex. sanguin. sticta. sulph. 2) Esc. hep. bell. cimicif. euphor. ign. ipec. lyc. natr. samb. 3) Alum. anac, bry. calc. carb.-v. caust. con. graph. hydrast. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. senec. sep. sil zinc. 82. For the PRECURSORY SYMPTOMS, when the development of the catarrh seems to be delayed, with catarrhal affection of the frontal cavities, eyes, &c., use: 1) Amm. calc. lach. n.-vom. puls. 2) Caust. hep. natr.-m. 3) Ars. bry. lyc. For DRY CORYZA, or catarrhal obstruction of the nose, use, together with the above-mentioned remedies: Bry. calc. carh -v. ign. lyc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. plat. sil. Obstruction of the nose in case of NEW-BORN INFANTS, is generally relieved by Nux-vomica or Sambucus. For FLUENT CORYZA, blenorrhoea nasalis: 1) Merc. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. cham. dulc. hep. ipec. lyc. nitr.-ac. sil. 3. The best remedies for ORDINARY CATARRH, are: Bell. eupat. hep. lach. merc. rumex. sticta. 2) Ars. dulc. ipec. n.-vom. sanguin. 3) Cham. puls. sulph. 4) Amm. bry. cimicif. euphr. ign. For CATARRH WITH FEVER: 1) Merc. n.-vom. 2) Aĉon. ars. gels. sabad. spig. verat.-vir. For CHRONIC CATARRH: Alum. anac. bapt. calc. carb.-v. caust. con. graph. hydrast. lyc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phytol. sep. sil. zinc.-and the remedies indicated for suppuration of the nose. For the DISPOSITION TO CATARRH, the best remedies are: Esculus. calc. graph. natr. puls. sil. stict. sulph., and the re- medies indicated for cold. § 4. For the consequences of SUPPRESSED CATARRH, give: Acon. ars. bell. bry. chin. cin. gels. n.-vom. puls. sanguin. sticta. sulph. If the head be greatly affected, give: 1) Acon. bell. cham. chin. cin. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-v. lach. lyc. puls. If the eyes should be principally affected, give: 1) Bell. cham. euphr. ign. lach. n.-vom. puls. or 2) Hep. merc. sulph. For asthmatic complaints, use: 1) Ars. ipec. lob. 2) Bry. n.-vom. sulph. For bronchitis: Acon. bry. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. § 5. Particular indications: ÆSCULUS-HIP.: Severe fluent coryza; burning in the nos- tril, raw feeling throughout the whole nasal cavity; discharge of watery thin mucus from the nose; formication in the nose; burning and stinging in the eyes; lachrymation. AMMONIUM: Stoppage of the nose, especially at night; 92 CATARRH, CORYZA. swelling and painful sensitiveness of the nostrils; discharge of blood from the nose on blowing it, dryness of the nose; painful eyes, lachrymation; epistaxis; dry mouth, especially at night. ARSENICUM: Stoppage of the nose, with copious discharge of a watery mucus and burning in the nose, with soreness of the adjacent parts; sleepless night; bleeding at the nose; hoarseness; buzzing in the ears, headache with beating in the forehead and nausea; relief by warmth; absence of thirst or desire to drink always, but little at a time. BRYONIA: Severe dry coryza with catarrh of the frontal and maxillary cavities and severe tearing, drawing, twitch- ing and stitching pains in the affected parts, and when N.-vom. did not help. CHAMOMILLA: Principally suitable to children, or after suppression of sweat; with ulcerated nostrils; chapped lips; great drowsiness; heaviness of the head with dullness; chills with thirst; one cheek is red, the other pale; acrid mucus from the nostrils, (frequently suitable before or after Puls.) CEPA Profuse discharge of bland water from the eyes and burning excoriating water from the nose; terrible la- ryngeal cough, compelling the patient to grasp the larynx with his hands, for it seems, that the cough would tear it. CIMICIFUGA-RAC.: Dry coryza with stinging sensation in the evening; fluent coryza of whitish mucus during the day; abundant watery coryza with sneezing and aching pain in the head and eye-balls; great sensitiveness to cold air, as if every inhalation brought the cold air in contact with the brain. Severe pains in the face with lassitude all over. DULCAMARA: Stoppage of the nose with discharge, which is suppressed by the least contact with cold air; the symp- toms are worse during rest and abate during motion; bleed- ing of the nose; dryness of the mouth without thirst; rough and hoarse voice. GELSEMINUM: Watery discharge from the nose; sneezing with dull headache; tingling in the nose, bloody mucus dis- charge; hoarseness; soreness in the throat and chest; severe cough with a metallic sound, somewhat like croup; epistaxis. HEPAR: In all cases of ordinary catarrh, after partial re- lief by Merc., or when the patient had been drugged with mercury; generally when every breath of cold air causes a new attack of catarrh or headache; or when the catarrh is confined to one nostril and the headache gets worse by motion, CATARRH, CORYZA. 93 HYDRASTIS: Constant discharge of thick, white mucus from the nose with profuse lachrymation; stuffed up, smart- ing sensation in posterior nares, with discharge of thin, clear mucus; sharp, raw, excoriating feeling in both nares. LACHESIS: Where Merc. or Hep. were indicated, but did not suffice, or extremely copious discharge of watery mucus; swelling of and soreness of the nares and lips; plugs in the nostrils; lachrymation; sneezing; or when the coryza does not form itself fully, with obstruction of the nose; buzzing in the ears; lachrymation, headache, ill-humor and entire inability to think; and especially when N.-vom. does not help. MERCURIUS: Ordinary catarrh, whether epidemic or not. Symptoms: frequent sneezing; copious discharge of watery saliva; swelling, redness and soreness of the nose, with itch- ing and pain in the nasal bones on pressing upon them; fetid smell of the nasal mucus; painful heaviness in the forehead; night-sweats, chills and feverish heat; great thirst; pains in the limbs; desire to be alone; the symptoms are aggravated by warmth or cold.-(Compare: Bell. hep. and lach.). NUX-VOMICA: Suppression of the catarrhal discharge with stoppage of the nose; headache with heaviness in the fore- head or with stitching or tearing pains; hot face, especially in the evening, with burning redness of the cheeks; rigidity of the whole body; vexed mood, vehement; the catarrh is fluent in the morning, dry in the evening or at night, with dry mouth, without much thirst; feeling of dryness in the chest; constipation or hard stools; or simultaneous stoppage of the nose and discharge of a burning and corrosive mucus, for which Ars. did no good; or when accompanied by severe pains in the face.-(Compare: Ars. bry. ipec. and lach.) PHYTOLACCA: Total obstruction of the nose, when riding, so that one is forced to breathe through the mouth; not relieved by blowing the nose; flow of mucus from one nostril, while the other is stopped; mucus discharged with difficulty; con- tinual hawking. PULSATILLA Loss of appetite; loss of taste and smell; discharge of a yellowish, green, thick and fetid mucus swelling of the nose; discharge of blood from the nose on blowing it; ulceration of the nostrils; frequent sneezing; photophobia; rough voice; dullness and heaviness of the head, especially in the evening and in a warm room, with ob- struction of the nose; amelioration in the open air; chills, especially in the evening, absence of thirst, whining mood. -Frequently suitable after or before Cham). 94 CATARRH.-CORYZA. RUMEX: Dull headache, worse by motion; sore feeling in the eyes, without any external signs of inflammation; fluent coryza with painful irritation in nostril and sneezing; bleeding of the nose; violent and rapid sneezing; feeling of dryness in posterior nares; cough excited by tickling in the throat-pit and aggravated by the least current of air; hoarseness. SANGUINARIA: Fluid coryza with frequent sneezing; wa- tery, acrid coryza, making the nose sore; copious watering of the right eye; fluid coryza alternating with stoppage of the nose; loss of smell; rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough and finally diarrhoea. STICTA-PUL.: Premonitory symptoms of catarrh; exces- sive dryness of the nasal mucous membrane, which becomes painful. The secretions dry so quickly, that they are dis- charged with great effort in the form of scabs; deglutition painful from dryness in the throat; aggravation at night; incessant sneezing, burning in the eyes; dull frontal head- ache, with feeling of fullness at the root of the nose. SULPHUR: Stoppage and great dryness of the nose or co- pious secretion of a thick, yellowish or purulent mucus; fre- quent sneezing; discharge of blood from the nose on blow- ing it; loss of smell; soreness and ulceration of the nostrils, &c.-(Suitable after Puls.) § 6. Of the other remedies, the following deserve con- sideration: BELLADONNA: After partial effect of Merc. or Hep., the sense of smell is at times more, at others less keen than usual; headache worse from motion; dull pain in frontal sinuses. EUPHRASIA: Copious discharge of whitish mucus, with red eyes and lachrymation. IGNATIA: Catarrh of nervous persons, with frontal head- ache and hysteric nervousness. IPECACUANHA: After partial effect of Ars. and N,-vom., for great debility, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting. LYCOPODIUM: Stoppage of the nose at night, dull head, burning pain in the forehead. NATRUM: The catarrh returns every other day; it is excit- ed by the least draught of air and does not yield to sweating. SAMBUCUS Suitable to new-born infants; the nose is ob- structed by a tenacious thick mucus, with sudden starting from sleep, as if suffocating. § 7. Compare: Cough, Catarrh, Suppuration of the nose and especially: Mucous membranes, diseases of the. CATALEPSY.-CAUSES OF DISEASE. 95 CATARRH, SUFFOCATIVE, Orthopnoea paralytica, paralysis pulmonum.-The best remedies are: 1) Ars. carb.-v. chin, ipec. lach. op. tart. 2) Acon. baryt. camph. gels. graph. puls. samb. 3) Aur. bell. bry. cham. con. dros. hep. hyosc. ignat. mgt.-arc. merc. n.-vom. phos. spong. sulph. verat. § 2. For suffocative catarrh with accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, give: 1) Ars. camph. chin. ipec. tart., or 2) Carb.-veg. graph. puls. samb. For APOPLEXIA PULMONUM from congestion of blood to the lungs: 1) Acon. bell. bry. chin. gels. ipec. phos. samb. 2) Ars. aur. cham. n.-vom. op. spong. sulph. For PARALYTIC ORTHOPNOEA, purely nervous or true pa- ralysis of the lungs: 1) Baryt. graph. hyosc. lach. n.-vom. op. 2) Ars. aur. carb.-v. chin. mgt.-arc. § 3. The best remedies for CHILDREN, are: 1) Acon. ipec. samb. tart. 2) Bell. cham. hep. ign. merc. sulph. For OLD PEOPLE: 1) Baryt. lach. op. 2) Ars. aur. carb.-v. con. phos. verat. § 4. Compare: Asthma, Congestion to the lungs, Pneu- monia. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER: The best remedies, are: Coloc. dulc. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sulph., or also, 2) Ant. apis. apocyn.-c. calc. carb.-v. chimaph. con. erig. hamam. hy- drast. kal. phos. stict. uva-after catching cold: Dulc. puls. cep.-with bleeding: Hamam. millef. See Cystitis and Ischuria. CATÁLEPSY, Nyctobasis, Somnambulism. § 1. These diseases are essentially related to each other. We include them in the same paragraph, in order to give the reader a chance, in case he should not discover suitable reme- dies for one form, to study the remedies of the other. § 2. For CATALEPSY we use principally: 1) Cham. ipec. plat. stram. 2) Acon. agar. bell. cic. hyosc. gels. lach. mosch. verat. 3) Asa. camph. coloc. dros. ign. merc. op. petr. For SOMNAMBULISM: 1) Bry. natr.-m. sil. sulph. 2) Petr. phos. rhab. For NATURAL CLAIRVOYANCE: Phos.; also: 1) Acon. bry. cicut. hyosc, magn.-arc. 2) Agar. mosch. natr.-m. sil. sulph. verat. Compare: Spasms; Emotions, morbid, and Dreams. CAUSES OF DISEASE.-A great many particular causes have been mentioned in special paragraphs. It may, how ever, be interesting to the reader to review the principal causes of disease under one head, as follows: 96 CAUSES OF DISEASE. a) From abuse of medicines: (See the different drugs.) b) From Sexual abuse: 1) Calc. chin. n.-vom, phos.-ac. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Arn. anac, carb.-veg. con. merc. natr.-m. phos. sep. 3) Agar. ars. cin. con, kal. natr. petr. phos. puls. sil. spiy. thuj. (Compare: DEBILITY.) c) From bathing: Ant. ars. bell. calc. carb.-veg. caust. nitr.-ac. rhus. sussap. sep. sulph.-Compare: Cold.) d) Inhalation of noxious vapors: (See VAPORS.) e) If from congelation: 1) Acon. ars. bry. carb.-veg. lach. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph.-ac. 2) Agur. camph. colch. petr. phos. sulph.-Compare APPARENT DEATH.) f) If from being heated: 1) Acon. ant. bell. bry, camph. carb.-veg. sil. 2) Caps. kal. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. thuj. zinc.— Compare: HEAT, ILL EFFECTS OF.) g) From weariness in walking: Arn. bry. cann. chin, coff ferr. rhus. thuj. veratr.—(Compare: WORN OUT.) h) From violent concussion of the body: 1) Arn. bry, cic. con. spig. 2) Acon. bell. calc. cin. hep. ign. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. ruta. sulph. i) From riding in a carriage, swinging, or some other passive motion: 1) Ars. cocc. petr. sulph. 2) Colch. ferr. n.-mosch. sep. sil. 3) Borax. carb.-veg. colch. croc. graph. hep. ign. kal. natr. natr.-m. phos. plat. selen. staph. k) From mental exertion : 1) Bell. calc. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Anac. arn. aur, cocc. colch. ign. lyc, natr.-m. oleand. plat. sabad. sep. sil.-(Compare: WORN OUT.) 1) From emotions: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. hyos. ign. lach. merc. n.-vom. op. phos. phos.-ac. plat. puls. staph. stram. veratr. 2) Ars. aur. calc. caust. cocc. coff. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. rhus. sep. sulph.—(See: EMOTIONS) m) From hurtful food or drink. (See: STOMACH, WEAK- NESS OF.) n) From poisonous things or animals.-See: POISONING) o) From stings of insects.—(See: STINGS OF INSECTS.) p) From physical exertions: 1) Acon. arn. bry, calc. chin. cocc. coff. merc. rhus. sil. veratr. 2) Alum. cann. lyc. natr.-m. .n.-vom. ruta. sabin. sulph.-(Compare: WORN OUT.) q) From derangement of the stomach: 1) Ant. arn. ipec. n.-vom. puls. 2) Acon. ars. bry. carb.-veg, chin. coff. hep, ign. natr. staph. 3) Calc. carb.-veg. cham. hep. natr. natr.-m. phos. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. r) From watching: 1) Carb.-veg. cocc. n.-vom. puls. 2) Amb. bry. chin. ipec. natr. natr.-m. phos.-ac. ruta. sabin. selen. sep. (Compare: WORN OUT.) CAUSES OF DISEASE, 97 s) From getting wet by rain, &c.: 1) Calc. dulc. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. n.-mosch. rhus. sassap. 3) Ars. bell. borax. bry. caust. colch. hep. lyc. phos. sep.—(See: COLD.) t) From intoxication: 1) Ant. carb.-veg. coff. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. chin. dulc. natr. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. rhus.--(Compare: DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF, and WORN OUT) u) From loss of animal fluids, blood-letting, &c. : 1) Calc. carb.-veg. chin. cin. lach. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sulph. veratr. 2) Ars. con. ferr. ign. kal. merc. natr. natr.-m, phos. puls. sep. sil. spig. squill. staph.-(Compare: DEBILITY.) v) For ailments of habitual drunkards: 1) Ars. bell. calc. chin. coff. hell. hyos. lach. merc, natr. n.-vom. op. puls. sulph. 2) Agar. ant. carb.-veg. cocc. ign. led, lyc. natr.-m. n.-mosch, ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. selen. sil. spig. stram. veratr.—(See : DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF.) w) From onanism: 1) N-vom. sulph. 2) Calc. carb.-veg. chin, cocc. con. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phos. phos.-ac. staph. 3) Anac. ant. cin. dulc. kal. lyc. merc. petr. phos. puls. sep. sil. spig. staph.-(See: DEBILITY, ATROPHY OF THE SPINAL MARROW, SEXUAL INSTINCT, &C.) x) From heat of the sun: 1) Ant. bell. camph. hyos. natr. puls. 2) Acon. agar. bry. euphr. lach. selen. sulph. val.— (See: HEAT.) y) From stone-dust: 1) Calc. sil. 2) Lyc. natr. puls. sulph. z) From suppression of habitual secretions or eruptions: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. chin. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. caust. cham. dulc. graph. kal. lyc. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. stram. 3) Amb. amm. ant. arn. aur. baryt. cin. cocc. cupr. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. merc. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m.¯nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. ran. seneg. spong.--(See: SECRE- TIONS, SUPPRESSED.) za) From a cold: 1) Acon. cham. coff. dulc. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. bry. carb.-veg. hyos. ipec. phos. rhus. sil. spig. 3) Calc. chin. coloc. con. graph. hep. lyc. mang. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. samb. sep. veratr.-(See: COLD.) z b) From injuries: 1) Arn. sic. con. hep. lach. puls. rhus. sulph.-ac. 2) Acon. amm. bry. calc. caust. cham. euphr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. ruta. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. 3) Alum. bell. borax. carb.-veg. dulc. iod. petr. sil.-(See: INJURIES.) z c) From washing and working in water: 1) Calc. n.- mosch. puls. sassap. sulph. 2) Amm. ant. bell. carb.-veg. dulc. merc, nitr.-ac. rhus. sep. spig.-(See: COLD.) z d) From suppression of fever and ague.-(See: FEVERS, INTERMITTENT.) 5 98 CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. CHAMOMILE, ILL EFFECTS OF.-The best remedies are: 1) Acon. cocc. coff. ign. n.-vom. puls. 2) Alum. borax. camph. coloc. ACONITUM: Fever with heat, and tearing or drawing pains, less during motion. COCCULUS: Hysteric abdominal spasms, either recent or old ones aggravated. COFFEA: Violent pains or feverish heat with great nervous- ness and excessive sensitiveness. IGNATIA: Violent cramps and convulsions, or soreness in the folds, Puls. having proved ineffectual for the latter symptom. NUX-VOм.: Old ailments are made worse, or cardialgia set in; Coffea being ineffectual. PULSATILLA : Nausea with vomiting or diarrhœa, or sore- ness in the folds of infants. CHEST, PAINS IN, DISTRESS IN THE. This refers merely to the rheumatic pains in the chest, as the other pains are specially treated of under Asthma, An- GINA PECTORIS, CONGESTIONS OF THE CHEST, PLEURITIS, PNEU- MONIA, &c. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. bry. chin. n.-vom. puls ; or, 2) Ars. bell. caust. carb.-v. cham. colch. lach, merc. phos. sulph. verat. FALSE PLEURISY (Pneumonia notha) require Arn. or some- times Bry:, or even Acon., if the patient should be very restless and feverish. If a metastasis of the rheumatism to the heart threaten to take place, Hering advises to give Lach., after which Caust. and Carb.-veg. may be exhibited. See: RHEUMATISM and PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF; also: CAUSES, PERIODS OF THE DAY, CONDITIONS. CHILBLAINS.-The best remedies are: 1) Agar. bell. petr. phos. puls. sulph., or, 2) Arn. carb.-a. carb.-v. cham. chin. hyosc. lyc. mgt.-aust. phos.-ac. rhus. sulph.-ac. 3) Aloes. cepa. For inflamed chilblains, give: Ars. cham. lyc. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph. For blue, red and swollen chilblains: Arn. bell. kal. puls. For very painful ones; 1) Hep. 2) Arn. nitr..ac. petr. phos.- ac. puls. sep. CHILDREN, Diseases of, Morbi neonatorum. § 1. Many diseases of children having been mentioned in CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. 99 other articles, we here content ourselves with mentioning the acute or otherwise most important diseases under one head. § 2. ASTHMTATIC ATTACKS of infants, with spasms, danger of suffocation and bluish face yield: to Ipecac.; if occurring dur- ing sleep, with screams, dry and husky cough and anxiety: to Samb.; if the spells seems to be excited by some abnor- mal condition of the heart: to Lauroc. or Mosch., and in cases of tall slim children: to Phos. See: Asthma Millari and Thymicum. Hardness and distention of the hypochondria and pit of the stomach, with shortness of breath, loss of breath, anguish and restlessness, tossing about, screams, drawing up of the legs, (liver grown) yields: to Cham. 83. For OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUM the best remedies are: 1) Acon. cham. dulc. merc. 2) Bell. bry. calc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulphur. thuj.-See: Ophthalmia. § 4. For CEPHALEMATOMA, (bloody tumor of the head,) in small infants, give: 1) Arn. rhus. 2) Merc. sil. § 5. For HERNIA: Aur. cham. n.-vom. sulph. verat.-for umbilical hernia: N.-vom. or Sulph.-for inguinal: Aur. cham. n.-vom. sulph. veratr. These remedies should be given one at a time and at long intervals. Particular indications: ACONITE: Constant fever; uneasiness and distress; the parts are very tender to the touch. BORAX: The child cannot bear a downward motion; is very nervous; cries day and night. CALCAREA: Leucophlegmatic temperament with large open fontanelles; the child may have two or three hernias. CHAMOMILLA: Constant diarrhoea; the child is fretful and wants to be carried about. CINA: Very restless sleep. LYCOPODIUM: Much croaking; rattling and commotion in the abdomen: colic and crying; red sand in the urine; screaming when urinating. Always worse after 4 P. M. NUX-VOMICA: Colic; draws up its feet and then thrusts them down again; constipation; hernia looks blue. SILICEA: Frequent colic relieved by the discharge of offen- sive flatus; tenderness about the hernial tumor; vomits much milk after nursing. § 6. For induration of the nipples: Cham.-for swelling of the little breast: 1) Arn. cham. 2) Bell. bry. 3) Hep. sil. § 7. DIARRHEA of infants from acidity in the primæ-viæ 100 CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. with colic and screams; tenesmus and sour smell of the whole body, in spite of the greatest cleanliness, yields: to Rhab. If insufficient, or if the colic is very violent, Cham. de- serves a preference, if the child should be very red, and Bell. if the face be pale. ARSENICUM: Much exhaustion and rapid emaciation; undi- gested, offensive and painful stools immediately after taking nourishment. BRYONIA: Diarrhoea from hot weather-or Carbo.-veg. if Bry. does not cure under these circumstances. CHAMOMILLA: Watery or greenish stools, like eggs beaten up; the child must be carried; is feverish and cross; the stools have the odor of rotten eggs, and are excoriating. CROT.-TIG. Colic aud diarrhoea immediately after nursing, the stool escapes suddenly, as if with an expulsive spasm. DULCAMARA: Every cool change of weather excites the diarrhoea, also exposure in cold, damp places. GRAPHITES: Soft, dark, half-digested, very offensive stools, followed by great, but transient prostration; sour stools, excoriating the external anus. MERC.-SOL.: Much pain before the stool, great relief im- mediately after. Stools frothy, slimy, bloody or dark green, with much straining; the child's thighs and legs are cold and clammy, particularly at night. N.-MOSCH. Diarrhoea with indomitable disposition to sleep; stools offensive and copious. NUX.-VOM: Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Indi- gestible food has been the cause of the diarrhea; frequent, small and painful stools, worse towards morning. OPIUM: Diarrhoea from fright. PODOPHYLLUM: Painful diarrhoea with grinding of teeth; morning diarrhoea, green and watery, or the stools are quite natural, only too frequent; prolapsus-ani. SENNA: Dark colored water, with cutting pains; but less severe than those of Jalap, with flatulency. SEPIA: An almost constant oozing from the bowels. SULPHUR: The dischages are slimy, for the most part brown, green or white, and often marked with slight streaks of blood; much redness around the anus and excoriation between the thighs. Besides the above-mentioned remedies, the following may be recommended: Acon. ant. arg.-n. calc. chin. coloc. ferr. hep. ipec. lach. magn.-c. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. verat. CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. 101 § 8. FEVERS generally require: Acon. cham. coff, or Bell. bor. ign. merc. n.-vom., or Gels. lept. podoph. ACONITUM: Great heat with thirst, especially when sleep- lessness is present, or the sleep is restless and the patient frequently starts up from sleep, with anguish, cries, des- pondency. CHAMOMILLA: Burning heat and redness of the skin with frequent desire to drink; great restlessness, especially at night, with tossing about, anxiety, moaning; red face and cheeks, especially only one cheek; hot sweat about the head, even in the hairs; short anxious breathing, mucous rattling; short, dry and panting cough, and convulsive twitchings of the limbs. COFFEA: The fever is not very violent, but the nerves are irritated, with sleeplessness, restless sleep, and frequent sud- den starting and waking from sleep; fretful mood, alter- nately merry and whining. § 9. For the SPONTANEOUS LIMPING of children, give first: Merc., then Bell, or alternately. If these remedies should be insufficent, give: Rhus.-tox., and then according to the symptoms: Calc., or Coloc., or one of the remedies mentioned under Coxagra or Coxarthrocace. § 10. For the RASH OF INFANTS a few doses of Acon. are generally sufficient; if not, give: Cham., or then Sulph., if necessary. § 11. For the GASTRIC DIFFICULTIES AND COLIC of infants, give: 1) Bell. cham. ipec. merc. n.-vom. podoph. puls. 2) Bar.-c. calc. hyosc. iris.-v. lept. lyc. magn.-c. rhab. sulph. For acidity of the stomach with sour vomiting and sour diarrhea: 1) Bell. cham. rhab., or 2) Calc. magn.-c. n.-vom. puls. For chronic dyspepsia of children, or for weakness of the stomach with great tendency to be disturbed by the least indiscretion, give: Bar.-c. calc. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. Particular indications': ARSENICUM: The food passes undigested, the stools are offensive; much crying during and after nursing, or as soon as the child begins to take food; emaciation. BARYT.-C: Useful in colic of dwarfish children, those who do not grow. BRYONIA: The child has to be kept very still, in order to relieve its colic and other sufferings; the stools are dark, dry and hard, as if burnt. 102 > CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. CHINA: Colic comes on at a certain hour every afternoon. CINA: The child is always cross and troublesome, when awake. It is seldom still and quiet, whether sleeping or awake. IGNATIA: When the trouble seems to arise on account of grief of the mother or nurse. IPECAC.: Sickness of the stomach. IRIS.-V. Constant nausea and vomiting of an extremely sour fluid; vomiting of the food an hour after meals. JALAPPA - The child is good all day, but screams and is restless all night. MAGN.-C.: Colicky pains, relieved by green liquid stools. Nux-v.: Colic with constipation, caused by the stimulating food, taken by its mother or nurse. PODOPH. Morning colic, causing an absolute retraction of the abdominal muscles. RHEUM.: Much colic with very sour stools. SENNA; The child turns blue during its cries, caused by incarcerated flatus. STANNUM: The child's colic is relieved by pressing firmly upon its abdomen. When it is crying with colic, relief is at once obtained by carrying it with its abdomen resting upon the point of the nurse's shoulders. STAPHYSAGRIA: Pains caused by a fit of chagrin or indispo- sition of the nurse. VERATRUM: Terrible colic with coldness of the forehead; very cold feet with colic. 12. JAUNDICE: Of new-born infants generally yields to Merc., or if this be insufficient, to China. § 13. RETENTION OF URINE: Yields to Camph., or to a few doses of Acon. or Puls. § 14. CONVULSIONS OF INFANTS: Require: 1) Bell. cham. cin. coff. gels. ign. ipec. merc. op. verat.-vir. 2) Acon. apis. caust. cupr. lach. lil.-tig. n.-vom. stann. sulph. 3) Lachn.? scutell.? zizia. ? ACONITE: The febrile excitement is very great; hot, dry skin, anxiety, anguish. APIS: Shrieking; boring the head into the pillow; in- flammatory affections of the brain. ARSENICUM: The child, lies as if dead; pale, but warm; is breathless for some time; finally it twists its mouth first to one side then to the other; a violent jerk appears to pass through the whole body, and respiration and consciousness gradually return. The spasms return at longer or shorter CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. 103 intervals, unless relieved by this remedy-until death closes the scene. BELLADONNA: The paroxysms terminate or alternate with coma; or the children suddenly wake up as if in affright, with wild, anxious and staring looks; dilated pupils; tetanic rigidity and icy coldness of the whole body, with burning heat in the hands and forehead; the children wet their beds frequently. CALC.-C. The anterior fontanel remains wide open; glan- dular swellings round the neck; teething process is either very slow or else too rapid; great perspiration about the head; hard, swollen abdomen; often indicated after Bell. ; scrofulous diathesis. CAMPHOR: The spasms result from suppressed catarrh, either of the head or chest ; anæmic subjects. CAUSTICUM: Convulsive motions of the upper part of the body with feverish heat and coldness of the hands and feet. Convulsive motions of the extremities in the evening, when the child is sleeping, with disturbed eyes, and icy coldness of the body. CHAMOMILLA: For convulsions of the extremities with in- voluntary motions of the head, afterwards coma with half opened eyes and loss of consciousness; redness of one cheek and paleness of the other; sighing and frequent desire to drink; the nurse may have had a fit of anger, causing the convulsions in the child. CICUTA-VIR.: Violent shocks through the head, arms and legs, which cause them to jerk suddenly. Spasmodic rigidity of the body-either opisthotonos or emprosthotonos. The child seems well and in great spirits, when suddenly it be- comes rigid,—then relaxation sets in, with much prostration. CINA: The children are affected with worms, or wet their beds frequently, with spasms in the chest, convulsions of the extremities, hard and distended abdomen, frequent itching of the nose, dry cough resembling whooping cough, &c. COFFEA: Suitable to feeble children; the attack is brought on by excessive laughing or playing; the child is very exci- table and weakly, and is frequently attacked with convulsions without any secondary symptoms. CUPRUM-ACET. : The spasms result from retrocession of the eruption in scarlet fever. HYOSCIAMUS: Every muscle in the body is convulsed with frothing at the mouth. IGNATIA: The spasms return at the same hour every day; 104 CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. screaming and violent trembling all over, single parts seem to be convulsed, the muscles or single limbs. IPECACUANHA: Between the paroxysms the children suffer with shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, with frequent spasmodic stretching of the limbs. KREASOT: The convulsion occurs from the swelling of a gum over a tooth, which is not quite through. LACHESIS: The spasms come on during sleep. MERCURIUS: Hardness and distention of the abdomen, fre- quent eructations and ptyalism, or heat, sweat, and great de- bility after the spasms-spasms from suppressed salivation. NUX.-VOм. The spasms are the result of indigestion; constipation. OPIUM: The spasms occur from fright, screaming before and during the spasm; trembling of the whole body; stretch- ing of the extremities; coma; distention of the abdomen; constipation and retention of urine. SILICEA: Spasms, which return at the change of the moon. STANNUM: Renewal of convulsions with the cutting of every tooth; also, in consequence of worms. STRAMONIUM: Congestion of the head; heat all over the body; red face; profuse urine; deep snoring sleep. SULPHUR: When other remedies fail; after suppression of eruptions; morning diarrhoea; during the eruptive stage of scarlatina. VERATR.-ALB: Cold sweat on the forehead during or after the spasm. VERATR.-VIR. Irritative fever with cerebral congestion, producing convulsions. ZINCUM; During dentition to anæmic children. § 15. SWELLING OF THE HEAD.-See: § 4. Cephalæmatoma. § 16. HYPERTROPHY OF THE BRAIN: 1) Calc. 2) Merc. sil. -the bones of the head do not close, (the fontanelles re- main open too long); 1) Calc. 2) Puls. sil. sulph. § 17. MUSCULAR DEBILITY OF INFANTS, in consequence of which they have great difficulty in learning to walk, yields to: 1) Bell. calc. caust. sil. sulph. or, 2) Pinus-silvestris. natr.-mur. 18. The best remedies for ACIDITY OR DIARRHŒA, are; 1) Cham. rhab. 2) Bell. calc. sulph. § 19. For ASPHYXIA or apparent death of new-born infants; the best remedy, together with the necessary external ma- nipulations, is one grain of tartar-emetic to eight ounces of CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. 105 water, either as an injection or in drop doses, a few drops every fifteen minutes. If no change should take place in half an hour, give Opium, if the face of the infant should be blue; or China, if pale. If the infant should show signs of life, give Aconite, in case the face was blue or red; and China, if pale. § 20. SLEEPLESSNESS OF INFANTS yields to Coffea, pro- vided the nurse does not drink coffee; in this case give Opium; also, when coff. proves ineffectual or the infant's face is red. Sticta has also frequently produced sleep. Sleeplessness with colic or screams yields to Cham., Jalap, or Rhab. For sleeplessness with restlessness and feverish heat, give Acon. For sleeplessness after weaning, with constant cries for hours or even days, give Bellad. § 21. For HICCOUGH, give: Acon. n.-vom. puls. 22. For the CRIES OF NEW-BORN INFANTS, when without any perceptible cause, give: Bell. or Cham. If the child cries on account of headache or earache, give first: Cham., or then Bell., provided Cham. was not sufficient. For COLIC, with the legs drawn up and red face, give: Cham., or Bell., if the face is pale. If attended with sour diarrhoeic stool and tenesmus, give: Rhab. If these remedies remain without effect, try: Borax. Jalap. Ipec. or Senna. The abuse of Chamomilla by the nurse or infant will be antidoted by Borax, ign., or puls. If the children are very restless, with sleeplessness and fever-heat, Acon. or coff. are indicated. § 23. For APHTHÆ OR THRUSH, the following remedies find application: ARSENICUM: The aphthæ assume a livid or blueish appear- ance, with great weakness and diarrhoea. BORAX: The child frequently lets go the nipple, showing signs of pain in the mouth from nursing; the urine smells like cat's urine and is very acrid; the child feels frightened from a downward motion. BRYONIA: The mouth is unusually dry with thirst; dry lips, rough and cracking; the child does not like to take hold of the breast; but when once its mouth is moistened, it draws well. MERC.-SOL. Much salivation, and more than usual moisture in the mouth. Inflammation in the whole buccal cavity and ulcers upon the gums. 5* 106 CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. STAPHYSAGRIA: Spongy gums and the aphthous patches bleed easily. SULPHUR: The child does not take its usual long sleep; it awakes often. SULPHURIC-ACID: The mouth appears very painful, and the child is very weak; ecchymoses. § 24. For DRY CORYZA OR STOPPAGE OF THE NOSE, which prevents infants from breathing, while nursing, the best re- medy is: N.-vom. or Samb.; or, Cham., if the stoppage be attended with discharge of water from the nose; or Carb.- veg., if the distress be worse in the evening; or Dulcam., if worse in the open air. § 25. For STUTTERING the best remedies, are: Bell. euphr. merc. sulph., suitable mechanical exercise being instituted at the same time. Nutr.-m. will help, when children are slow to learn to talk. § 26. For CONSTIPATION of new-born infants, give: Bry.n.- vom. op. If these remedies should be insufficient, give: Alum. lyc. sulph. verat. § 27. For SORENESS, INTERTRIGO, the best remedy is Cham., provided the nurse does not use chamomile-tea; in this case, give: Bor. ign. or puls. If Cham. should prove insufficient, give Bor. or carb.-veg., or Merc., if the skin of the infant should be yellowish and the parts raw, or if the soreness extends behind the ears. If all these remedies should prove ineffectual, Sulph. will be found useful, or Sil., if Sulph. is not sufficient. Caust. graph. lyc. sep. have likewise been recommended. § 28. The best remedies, incidental to DENTITION, are: 1) Acon. bell. bor. calc. cham. coff. ign. merc. sulph. 2) Apis. ars. cin. ferr. ipec. kreas. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. n.-vom. podoph. sil. stann. For SLEEPLESSNESS, give: Coff. or: Acon. bor. cham. stict. For FEVER: 1) Acon. cham. coff. n.-vom. 2) Bell. bor. gels. sil. For RESTLESSNESS and nervousness: Coff., or: Acon. bell. bor. cham. For CONSTIPATION: Alum. bry, magn.-m. n.-vom. sulph. For DIARRHŒA: 1) Merc. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. cham. coff. ferr. ipec. magn.-c. podoph. For DRY AND SPASMODIC COUGH: Cham, cin. n.-vom. For SPASMS AND CONVULSIONS: Bell. cham. cin. ign. 2) Calc. stann. sulph. zinc. CHIRAGRA. CHOLERA AND CHOLERINE. 107 For SLOW DENTITION: Sulph. and calc. to aid the work of nature. § 29. Compare: Atrophy, Angina, Eclampsia, Rachitis. Crusta-lactea, Scrofula, &c. CHIRAGRA.-The best remedies, are: 1) Agn. ant. bry. caust. cocc. graph. led. lyc. n.-vom. rhod. sulph. 2) Aur. calc. carb.-v. dig. lach. phōs. rut. sabin. sep. sil. zinc. For further particulars, see: Arthritis. CHLOROSIS.-The best remedies, are: 1) Calc. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Amm.-c. ars. carb.-v. chin. con. ferr. helon. natr.-m. phos. plumb. 3) Crotal. dig. graph. hell. ign. kal. n.-vom. spig. staph. valer. 4) Aral.-rac. caust. phos.-ac. sabin. sarrac. senecio. sulph.-ac. zinc. 5) Ant.-cr. cyclam. ipec. For further particulars, see: Menstrual difficulties, Amenia. CHOLERA AND CHOLERINE.-The best remedies, are: 1) Ars. camph. cupr. ipec. sec. veratr. 2) Bell. canth. carb.-v. cham. chin. cic. coloc. dulc. hyosc. iris.-v. lach. laur. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. podoph. puls. § 2. SPORADIC CHOLERA, during the summer heat, give: Ars. Cham. chin. coloc. dioscor. dulc. euphorb.-cor. gnaphal. ipec. iris. merc. podoph. veratr. For ASIATIC OR EPIDEMIC cholera: 1) Ars. camph. ipec. veratr. 2) Carb.-v. cupr. sec. 3) Bell, canth. cham. cic. kal.-hy- droc. jatroph.-c. lauroc. merc. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. 4) Oxygenized water. For CHOLERINE or for diarrhoea during the cholera: 1) Ars. 2) Ipec. phos.-ac. podoph. sec. verat. 3) Cupr. phos. A species of cholera arising from chagrin or anger, requires: 1) Cham. 2) Coloc., if anger and chagrin were combined. § 3. For ASPHYCTIC CHOLERA, (the pulse hardly to be felt); 1) Ars. camph. verat. 2) Carb.-v. kal.-hydrocyan. 3) Acon. For cyanotic cholera: 1) Camph. verat. 2) Carb.-v. kal.- hydroc. sec. 3) Ars. ipec. laur. op. When diarrhoea prevails: 1) Verat. 2) Ars. 3) Ipec. sec. 4) Cupr. jatr. phos. phos.-ac. 5) Carb. v. cham. dulc. ferr. merc. podoph. sulph. When vomiting prevails; 1) Ipec. 2) Iris. verat. 3) Ars. jatr. 4) N.-vom. When spasms prevail: 1) Camph. 2) Cupr. verat. 3) Ipec. sec. 4) Cham. coloc. lauroc. op. § 4. For single ailments, without true cholera, (CHOLEROSIS.) For difficulty of breathing and oppression of the chest: 1) Carb.-v. 2) Acon. chin. n.-vom. sulph. 3) Bell. bry. rhus. 108 CHOLERA AND CHOLERINE. For abdominal spasms and colic: 1) Cham. verat. 2) Camph. coloc. 3) Ars. cupr. n.-vom. op. For diarrhea: 1) Verat. 2) Ipec. 3) Ars. phos. phos.-ac. sec. 4) Carb.-v. cham. coloc. crot.-tig. cupr. ferr. merc. sulph. For vomiting: 1) Ipec. 2) Verat. 3) Ars. carb.-v. iris. n.-vom. tabac. For fever: 1) Acon. 2) Bell. For fear and anxiety: 3) Carb.-v. ipec. lach. op. 1) Ars. verat. 2) Acon. calc. ign. For gastric difficulties; loss of appetite, nausea, &c.: 1) Ipec. verat. 2) Ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. 3) Bell. bry. carb.-v. rhus. sulph. For headache: 1) Camph. 2) Bell. veratr. 3) Bry. hyosc. ign. n.-vom. For malaise and debility: 1) Chin. 2) Ars. carb.-v. ferr. verat. 3) Ign. ipec. n.-vom. For vertigo: 1) Camph. 2) Bell. 3) Hyosc. lach. n.-vom. op. For spasms in the calves of the legs: 1) Cupr. 2) Camph. verat. 3) Coloc. § 5. For the consequences of cholera, the following reme- dies have been recommended: Acon. bell. bry. canth. carb.-v. chin. hyosc. op, phos.-ac. rhus. stram. sulph. If the cerebral system is involved: Bell. lach. op., or Acon. hyosc. stram. For inflammatory affections: Acon. verat.-vir. For gastric and abdominal affections: Bell. bry. carb.-v. merc. rhus. sulph. For nausea: Carb.-v. n.-vom. lach. For pulmonary affections: 1) Acon. bell. bry. carb.-v. rhus. sulph. 2) Arg.-nitr. cic. For general debility: China. For debility of the intestinal canal: Phos. sulph. For typhoid affections: 1) Hyosc. 2) Bry. rhus. 3) Bapt. bell. carb.-v. cocc. lachn. op. phos.-ac. stram. § 6. Particular indications: ARSENICUM: Violent pains in the stomach, with great an- guish and burning in the epigastrium as if from a hot coal; burning, unquenchable thirst, obliging one to drink frequently, but little at a time; constant nausea, diarrhæa and violent vomiting of watery, bilious or slimy, greenish, brownish or blackish substances; vomiting and diarrhoea come on again after drinking ever so little; lips and tongue are dry, black- ish and cracked; the patient is unable to sleep, tosses about, moans, is apprehensive of approaching death; sudden pros- CHOLERA AND CHIOLERINE. 109 tration; hippocratic countenance, hollow cheeks, pointed nose, hollow and dim eyes; small, feeble, intermittent or tremu- lous pulse; tonic spasms in the fingers and toes; icy coldness of the skin, and clammy sweat. CAMPHOR: At the commencement of the disease, when there is neither thirst, nor vomiting or diarrhea; sudden prostration with wandering looks and hollow eyes; blueish appearance and icy coldness of the face and hands, also coldness of the body; disconsolate anguish, with fear of suf- focation; the half-stupefied and insensible patient utters hoarse cries and moans, without complaining of any thing in particular; but, if asked, he complains of burning pains in the stomach and throat, with cramps in the calves and other muscles, and utters loud cries when one touches the pit of the stomach.-Camphor is seldom suitable when vomiting, diarr- hoea and thirst have already set in, but it should never be given except when the following symptoms are present: Icy coldness and blueness of the limbs, face and even tongue, with tonic and painful cramps in the extremities and calves, dullness of sense, moaning, tetanus, and trismus. CUPRUM: Vomiting and diarrhoea, convulsions of the ex- tremities, especially of the fingers and toes, sometimes with rolling of the eyeballs, great restlessness and coldness of the prominent parts of the face; aching pains in the pit of the stomach, getting worse by contact; spasmodic colicky pains without vomiting, or vomiting preceded by spasmodic con- striction of the chest, arresting the breathing, or vomiting attended with violent pressure in the epigastrium; audible rolling, along the oesophagus, of the liquid which one swallows. IPECACUANHA: Qualmishness in the stomach, chills pro- ceeding from the stomach or bowels, or cold face and extre- mities; when the vomiting is a prominent symptom, or alter- nates with watery diarrhoea accompanied by colic; or yellow- ish diarrhoea without vomiting, but with cramps in the calves, fingers and toes; Ipec. is generally indicated by vomiting or diarrhea at the commencement of the disease, or when the patient is otherwise improving. For a violent attack, Ipec. is of no use. (Nor for a mode- rate attack. Aconite is the sole and real specific for every variety or form of cholera. HEMPEL.) SECALE CORNUTUM: The vomiting is over, but the stools are not yet bilious, or there are still pains in the extremities; or for diarrhoeic, brownish or flocculent and colorless stools with sudden prostration, icy coldness of the extremities, 110 CHOLERA AND CHOLERINE. clean tongue or thinly coated with white mucus; the evacua tions are preceded by vertigo, anguish, cramps in the calves, rumbling in the abdomen, and nausea. VERATRUM: Principal remedy, when there are violent evacuations upwards and downwards; icy coldness of the body, great debility and cramps in the calves, vomiting, copious, watery, inodorous stools mixed with white flocks, pale face without any color, blue margins around the eyes, deathly anguish in the features, cold tongue and breath; great oppressive anguish in the chest, giving the patient a desire to escape from his bed; violent colic, especially around the umbilicus, as if the abdomen would be torn open, the abdomen is sensitive to contact, with drawing and cramps in the fingers, wrinkled skin in the palms of the hand, reten- tion of urine. § 5. BELLADONNA: For typhoid symptoms, coma with half-opened eyes or distorted eyes, grating of the teeth and distortion of the mouth, or great restlessness, desire to escape, stitches in the side or burning pains in the abdomen; burn- ing heat and redness of the face, and desire for cold drinks; accelerated pulse, which is more or less full, but not hard. CANTHARIS: The urinary passages are principally involved, with violent burning in the hypogastrium, rumbling in the abdomen, bloody stools with tenesmus, heat in the abdomen, great restlessness, cerebral symptoms. CARBO-VEG.: Incipient paralysis with complete collapse of pulse, or with congestion of blood to the chest and head after cessation of the spasms, diarrhoea and vomiting, with oppres- sion of the chest and coma; the cheeks are red and covered with clammy sweat. CHAMOMILLA: At the commencement of the disease, or in the precursory stage, especially when the following symptoms occur: The tongue is coated with a yellowish mucus, colic in the umbilical region, pressure from the region of the sto- mach to the heart, great anguish, cramp in the calves, watery diarrhea and sour vomiting. CHINA: Lienteria, vomiting of the ingesta, painful oppres- sion in the abdomen, after eating ever so little, with oppres sion of the chest and eructations affording relief; loss of ap- petite with sensation of repletion; hyppocratic countenance; prostration unto fainting. CICUTA: Little diarrhoea, but the vomiting alternates with violent, tonic spasms of the muscles of the chest and distor- tion of the eyes; or coma, with the eyes half open; heavy CINCHONA. 111 breathing, congestion of blood to the head and chest, vomiting or diarrhoea. COLOCYNTHUS: Vomiting, first of the ingesta, afterwards of green substances, with violent colic, retention of urine, cramps in the calves, frequent diarrhoeic stools, which, with every new evacuation, become more colorless and watery. DULCAMARA: A species of cholera from taking cold drinks, with vomiting of the liquid, and of bilious, green or slimy and yellowish substances, frequent greenish stools, painful abdo- men, with burning and retraction of the region of the sto- mach, great debility, collapsed pulse, cold extremities, burn- ing thirst, great dullness of sense. HYOSCYAMUS: Typhoid symptoms, after the vomiting, diar- rhoea and coldness had ceased, with dullness of sense, wander- ing looks, red and hot face; Bell. having proved useless. LACHESIS: For typhoid symptoms, if Bell., hyoscyam. or opium prove inefficient. LAUROCERASUS: Rheumatic pains in the extremities, hard- ness of hearing, cloudiness of the brain, distortion of features, and sensation of constriction in the throat when swallowing. NUX-VOMICA: Scanty diarrhoeic stools, but frequent urging and little or no discharge; cardialgia, great debility, anguish in the pit of the stomach, aching pain in the occiput, and internal rather than external chilliness. OPIUM: For stupor and coma which yield neither to Hyos- cyam. nor Bellad.; these symptoms sometimes occur when the real cholera symptoms have already ceased. PHOSPHORUS: Diarrhoea attended by violent thirst, rum- bling in the abdomen and debility; the diarrhoea occurs during or after the cholera. PHOSPHORIC-ACID: Diarrhoea with pale face, dullness of the head, viscid tongue so that the finger adheres to it, rumbling in the abdomen, and green-whitish, watery and slimy stools, with diminished secretion of urine. CINCHONA, ILL EFFECTS OF. § 1. The best remedies for these ailments, are: 1) Arn. ars. bell. calc, ferr. ipec. lach. merc. puls. veratr. ; or 2) Caps. carb.-v. cin. natr.-m. sep. sulph. ARNICA: For rheumatic pains, heaviness, languor and bruised pain in the extremities, drawing in the bones, sensi- tiveness of all the organs of sense, aggravation of the pains by motion, talking and noise. ARSENICUM: Ulcers on the extremities, dropsy or œdema of the feet, short cough and dyspnoea. 112 COFFEE. BELLADONNA: Congestion of blood to the head, with heat in the face, pains in the head, face and teeth; or for jaun- dice, when Merc. is insufficient. CALCAREA Headache, otalgia, toothache, pain in the limbs, especially when these symptoms are occasioned in con- sequence of the suppression of fever and ague by large doses of Quinine, and Puls. prove insufficient. FERRUM: For oedema of the feet. IPECACUANHA: Six pills in water, a tablespoonful three times a day, generally removes most of the symptoms. LACHESIS: For fever and ague which had been suppressed by large doses of Quinine; Puls. is inefficient. MERCURIUS: For jaundice or other affections of the liver. PULSATILLA Otalgia, toothache, headache, pains in the limbs, after suppression of fever and ague. VERATRUM: Coldness of the body and limbs, with cold sweat, constipation or diarrhoea. § 2. For the consequences of suppressed fever and ague, give: 1) When the fever is actually suppressed: Arn. ars. bell. calc. carb.-v. cin. ferr. ipec. lach. merc. puls, sulph. 2) When the fever still continues: 1) Ipec., and then : 2) Ars. carb.-v. lach. puls.; or, but less frequently: 3) Arn. cin. veratr.; or, finally: 4) Calc. bell. merc. sulph. For further details, see: INTERMITTENT FEVER, HEPATITIS, LIENITIS, and the other diseases arising from abuse of China. COFFEE, ILL EFFECTS OF.-The best remedies are 1) Cham. cocc. ign. and n.-vom. 2) Bell. canth. carb.-veg. caust. hep. ipec. lyc. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. Particular indications: CHAMOMILLA: Headache and toothache; extreme sensi- tiveness to pain, with crying; pains in the stomach, abating a little after taking coffee; violent colic, great oppression in the pit of the stomach, with hard pain. COCCULUS: Debility and sweat after every exercise, trem- bling of the limbs, sudden starting up during sleep as if in affright; flushes of heat; toothache when eating; sensation of emptiness in the head; colic; great sadness and anguish ; aggravation of the symptoms in the open air, during motion, when eating or drinking. during sleep, or by tobacco-smoke. IGNATIA: Headache, as from a nail in the brain, or as if the forehead were pressed asunder, or for beating in the head, which is relieved by stooping; debility; sensation of empti- ness in the pit of the stomach; spasmodic colic; painfulness COLCHICUM.-COLD. 113 or going to sleep of the limbs; fitful mood; at times gay, at others sad. NUX-VOMICA: Sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, ex- treme nervousness, hemicrania, or sensation as if a nail were driven into the brain, with aggravation of the pains on stoop- ing or when walking, also in the open air; toothache, colic aggravated by coffee; extreme sensitiveness to the open air; lively and choleric temper. For other affections, we refer the reader to the diseases of the special organs. The chronic ailments arising from the abuse of coffee, are frequently relieved by Merc. or Sulph., provided Cham., Nux-vom. or Ign. are not sufficient. COLCHICUM, ILL EFFECTS OF.-Give: Cocc. n.-vom. puls. COLD, ILL EFFECTS OF A. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. cham. coff. dulc. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. bry. carb.-veg. hyos. ipec. phos. rhus. sil. spig. 3) Calc. chin. coloc. con. graph. hep. lyć. mang. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. samb. sep. veratr. § 2. For acute pains occasioned by a cold, give: Acon. ars. bell. cham. coff. merc. n.-vom. puls. samb. spig.-If less acute: Dulc. chin. ipec. n.-mosch. Obstinate, chronic ailments require, beside the above reme- dies: Calc. carb.-veg. graph. hep, lyc. mang, natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph. § 3. For colds from exposure to wet, or getting wet to the skin, give: 1) Calc. dulc. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. n.-mosch. rhus. sassap. 3) Ars. bell. bry. caust. colch. hep. lyc. phosph. sep. For a cold occasioned by bathing: 1) Ant. calc. carb.-veg. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. caust. nitr. ac. rhus. sassap. sep. sulph. By washing and working in cold water: 1) Calc. n.-mosch. puls. sassap. sulph. 2) Amm. ant. bell. carb.-veg. dulc. merc. nitr.-ac. rhus. sep. spig. By profuse sweats: Acon. calc. carb.-veg. chin. dulc. merc. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. By the head getting wet: Acon. baryt. bell. led. puls. sep. By the feet getting wet: 1) Cupr. nitr.-ac. puls. sep. sil. 2) Cham. merc. natr. rhus. By taking cold on the stomach in consequence of eating ice, fruit, acids, &c.: Ars. carb.-veg. puls. § 4. For suppression of sweat or some other sec etion by a cold, give: 1) Bry. ipec. 2) Acon. ars. carb.-veg. cham. dulc. merc. puls, rhus. sulph. 114 COLD. For suppression of coryza by a cold: Acon. ars. calc. chin. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. For derangement of the menses by a cold: Acon. bell. dulc. calc. chin. puls. sep. sil. sulph. See: "Suppression of secretions." § 5. For THE DISPOSITION TO TAKE COLD, I recommend: 1) Bell. calc. carb.-veg. coff. dulc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Acon. baryt. borax. graph. hyos. ign. lyc. magn. m. merc. natr. natr.-m. petr. phos. sep. spig. sulph., giving the specific remedy at long intervals. This remark applies to sensitiveness to wind, weather, draught of air, warmth and cold. If one is effected by every little cold air, take: Bry. calc. carb.-veg. cham. merc. rhus. veratr. If cold weather is generally hurtful, take: Ars. baryt. bell. cale. camph. caps, caust. cocc. đc. hell. n.-mosch. nom. rhod. rhus. sabad. For great sensitiveness to wind: Carb.-veg. cham. lach. lyc. sulph. To draughts of air: Acon. anac. bell. calc. cham. chin. sil. sulph. To cool evening-air: Amm. carb-veg. merc. nitr.-ac. sulph. To rough weather: Bry. rhod. sil. To damp and cold weather: Amm. borax. calc. carb.-veg. dulc. lach. rhod. rhus. veratr. To changes of weather: Calc. carb.-veg. dulc. lach. merc. rhus. sil. sulph. veratr. If the weather change from cold to warm: Carb-veg. lach. sulph. are preferable; if from cold to warm: Dulc. merc. rhus. or veratr. Comp. §§ 5 and 6 of the article: "CONDITIONS.” § 6. Colds in spring, generally require: Carb.-veg. lach. rhus. veratr. In summer: Bell. bry. carb.-veg. dulc., and if there should be thunder and lightning: Bry. rhod. sep. sil. Cold in autumn: 1) Dulc. merc. rhus. veratr. 2) Calc. bry. chin. In winter: 1) Acon. bell. bry. dulc. rhod. rhus. 2) Cham. ipec. n.-vom. sulph. veratr.-in dry and cold weather : Acon. bell. bry. cham. ipec. n -vom. sulph. ; in wet and cold weather: Dulc. rhod. rhus, veratr. Compare: §§ 4 and 7 in the article: "CONDITIONS." 7. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Toothache, prosopalgia or other kinds of neu- COLD. 115 ralgia with headache, congestion of blood to the head, buz- zing in the ears, stiffness of the extremities, fever-heat, toss- ing about, anxiety, &c. ANTMONIUM: Headache, or gastric symptoms, loss of ap- petite, nausea, &c. ARNICA: Pains in the limbs, rheumatic or gastric symptoms. ARSENICUM: Asthmatic or gastric affections, with cardialgia. BELLADONNA Headache, dimness of sight, sore throat, gastric symptoms, coryza, feverish heat, &c. BRYONIA Spasmodic cough with nausea; pains in the limbs, diarrhoea, &c. CALCAREA: Obstinate pains in the limbs, aggravated by every change in the weather, or working in the water. CARB.-VEG.: Hollow, obstinate cough, with vomiting, asth- matic affections; pains in the chest, &c. CHAMOMILLA Headache, toothache, otalgia or other kinds of painful neuralgia, restlessness, disposition to get angry, feverish heat, moist cough, painful colic and diarrhoea, &c. (especially suitable to children.) COCCULUS: Gastric symptoms. COFFEA: Headache or other nervous pains, with whining mood, toothache, sore throat, gastric symptoms, moist cough, painless diarrhoea, pains in the limbs, or fever. HEPAR: Ophthalmia or toothache, or obstinate pains in the limbs. IPECACUANHA: Gastric symptoms, nausea, spasmodic cough with vomiting, asthmatic affections, &c. MERCURIUS: Pains in the limbs, sore throat, sore eyes, toothache, otalgia, painful diarrhoea, or even dysentric stools. NUX-VOMICA: Fever, dry coryza, stoppage of the nose, dry cough, constipation, or dysenteric stools, or slimy, painful diarrhoea with tenesmus and scanty evacuations. PHOSPHORI-ACIDUM: Rheumatic pains, or cough, excited by the least cold weather. PULSATILLA Fluent coryza, moist cough, otalgia, fever, diarrhoea, &c., especially suitable to pregnant females. RHUS.-TOX. Toothache or pains in the limbs. SILICEA: Obstinate pains in the limbs, worse when the weather changes. SULPHUR: Obstinate pains in the limbs; colic; slimy di- arrhea; profuse coryza; sore eyes; dimness of sight, otalgia, toothache, &c. § 8. Comp.: HEADACHE, OTALGIA, TOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM, CONDITIONS, &c. 116 COLIC. COLIC, ENTERALGIA, ABDOMINAL SPASMS.-Principal reme- dies: 1) Bell. coloc. dioscor. iris.-v. n.-vom. podoph. puls. 2) Acon. æscul.-hip. aletr. ars. carb.-v. cham. chin. cocc. coff. hyosc. ign. lyc. merc. phos. sec. sulph. 3) Agn. alum. ant. arn. calc. cauloph. caust. cimicif. colch. collins. cupr. ferr. gels. ipec. kal. lach. lept. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. op. plat. rhab. rut. seneg. stann. veratr. zinc. 82. For FLATULENT COLIC: 1) Bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. dioscor. n.-vom. phos. puls. sulph., or 2) Agn. aletris. colch. ferr. gels. gnaphal. graph. lyc. mgt.-arc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. veratr. zinc. For INFLAMMATORY COLIC: 1) Acon. bell. bry. hyosc. merc., or 2) Ars. bry. cham. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. (Compare: Enteritis.) For HÆMORRHOIDAL COLIC: Escul. ars. carb.-v. collins. coloc. lach. n.-vom. podoph. puls. sulph. For SPASMODIC COLIC: 1) Bell. cham. cocc. coloc. hyosc. ipec. magn. magn.-m. n.-vom. puls. 2) Ars. cupr. ferr. gels. helon. kal. lach. phos. stann. sulph. For NEURALGIA CŒLIACA: Ars. magn.-c. n.-vom. For WORM COLIC: 1) Merc. 2) Cin. sulph. 3) Cic. ferr. fil.? n.-mosch. rut. sabad. For different abdominal pains, compare: Cardiagia, He- patitis, Nephralgia, diseases of the Uterus, &c. § 3. In relation to the EXTERNAL causes : For lead-colic: Ars. n.-vom. op. podoph., or Alum. bell. plat. For colic from derangement of the stomach, (colica gas- trica :) 1) Bell. n.-vom. puls. 2) Acon. ars. bry. carb.-v. chin. coff. hep. sulph. tart. Compare: gastric derangement. For colic from chagrin or anger: Cham. coloc., or sulph. From some kind of injury, blow or strain: 1) Ars. bry. rhus. 2) Carb.-v. lach. From catching cold: Cham. chin. coloc. merc. n.-vom.- by a bath: N.-vom.-from exposure to wet and cold: Puls. § 4. For the colic of infants: 1) Cham. n,-mosch. rhab., or 2) Acon. bell. calc. caust. cic. coff. sil. staph. 3) Bor. cin. ipec. jal. senn. Colic of hypochondriacs: Esc. aletr. calc. chin, collins. grat. natr. natr.-m. stann. Colica hysterica: 1) Cocc. ign. puls. magn.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. stann. valer., or 2) Ars. bell. bry. cauloph. gels. stram. Colica menstrualis: Bell. cham. carb.-v. cocc. coff. n.-vom. puls. sec. sulph. zinc., &c. COLIC. 117 Colic of pregnant or lying in females: Arn. bell. bry. cham. hyosc. lach. n.-vom. puls. sep. veratr. § 5. Particular indications: BELLADONNA: Pinching and drawing as if every thing would fall out below, with aggravation during motion; pod shaped protusion of the colon, with abatement of the pains on bending double or making pressure; or clutching pains in the abdomen, or spasmodic constriction of the abdomen with burning and pressure in the small of the back, and over the pubis; especially when the following symptoms are pre- sent: Thin, purulent stools, or congestion of blood to the head, with redness of the face, swelling of the veins of the head, and such violent pains that the patient becomes deli- rious. (After Bell., Merc. is sometimes suitable.) COLOCYNTHIS: In most cases, especially for: Violent, cutting constrictive or spasmodic pains, with pinching, and griping; or cutting as if with knives; great sensitiveness and bruised feeling of the abdomen; the pains are attended with cramps in the calves, or chills and tearing in the lower limbs; also for great anguish, tossing about on account of the pain ; no stool, or else diarrhoea and vomiting of bile, which recom- mences after the patient takes ever so little food; the pains are relieved by coffee. (It is supposed by some, but doubted by many that coffee should be given alternately with colo- cynth, to control the aggravation produced by the colo- cynth; this aggravation is a natural development of the dis- ease, not an aggravation; after Colocynth, give Causticum for the remaining symptoms.) NUX-VOMICA; Obstinate constipation, hard stool; pressure in the abdomen as from a stone, with rumbling and sensation of internal heat; pinching, drawing, contractive or compres sive pains; pressure in the pit of the stomach, with distention. of the abdomen and sensitiveness to contact; distention ana fullness, especially in the hypochondria, with unpleasant sen- sation produced by the pressure of the clothes; cold hands and feet during the paroxysms, or even stupefaction unto loss of consciousness; cutting and flatulence deep in the abdo- men; sharp and hard pressure over the bladder and rectum, as if the flatulence would press out by force, obliging the patient to bend double; aggravation by walking; relief by rest, sitting or lying; violent pains in the small of the back and loins, and violent headache. PULSATILLA Stinging pains; beating in the pit of the stomach; restlessness, heaviness and fullness of the abdo- 118 COLIC. domen, with unpleasant distention; contusive pain when touching it; rumbling heat in the abdomen, causing anxiety; pinching, cutting, and tearing, especially in the epigastrium, with aggravation by contact; general heat with swelling of the veins of the hands and forehead; the clothes press upon the hypochondria; the pains are worse by sitting or lying, or in the evening, with chills, increasing with the pains; re- lief by walking; bruised pain in the loins when rising; nau- sea; diarrhoea; pale face with blue margins around the eyes; aching and tensive pain in the head. § 6. ACONITUM: Colic, involving the bladder, with violent cramp-pains, contraction of the hypogastrium in the region of the bladder; constant but ineffectual urging to urinate; great sensitiveness of the abdomen; pains in the loins as if bruised; great anguish, restlessness, tossing about. ARSENICUM: Great pain with anxiety in the abdomen; violent cutting, or spasmodic, drawing, tearing or gnawing pains, frequently attended with intolerable burning, or with feeling of coldness in the abdomen; the pains set in especially at night, or after eating and drinking; nausea, or watery and bilious vomiting; constipation or diarrhoea; thirst, chill, and great debility. CARBO-VEG.: Fullness and distention of the abdomen as if it would split, with rumbling, incarcerated flatulence, pinch- ing, difficult breathing, rising of air; congestion of blood to the head, with aching pain; slow action of the bowels; heat in the abdomen, especially about the head; the pains set in even after the slightest meal. CHAMOMILLA: Tearing, drawing pains, with great uneasi- ness obliging one to run to and fro; sensation as if the bowels were drawn up in a ball, or as if the whole abdomen were empty; loathing, bitter vomiting or bilious diarrhæa; pain in the loins as if bruised; incarcerated flatulence, with an- guish, tension, pressure and fullness in the pit of the stomach and hypochondria, or with pressure towards the abdominal ring; blue margins around the eyes; alternate redness and pale- ness of the face; the pains appear at night, or in the morning at sunrise, or after a meal. (Puls. is frequently suitable after Cham.) CHINA: Tympanitic distention of the abdomen, with full- ness, pressure as from a hard body, or spasmodic, constrictive pains, with incarceration of flatulence and pressure towards the hypochondria; the pains appear at night, or affect per- sons debilitated by sweating, depletions or other causes. COLIC. 119 COCCULUS: Spasmodic constriction of the hypogastrium, with nausea, difficult breathing, copious flatulence, fullness and distention of the stomach and epigastrium, feeling of emptiness in the abdomen; tearing and burning in the bowels, with compressive sensation in the stomach; nausea, consti- pation; great anguish, nervousness, tendency to start. COFFEA: Excessive pains, anguish and pressure in the epi- gastrium, great nervousness, restlessness, cries, grating of the teeth, convulsions, coldness of the limbs, moaning, suffoca- tive fits. HYOSCYAMUS: Spasmodic and cutting pains, vomiting, cries, headache, hard and sensitive abdomen. IGNATIA: Nightly colic; splenetic stitches; incarcerated flatulence, with difficulty of passing them; relief by passing the flatulence; fullness and distention of the hypochondria; especially suitable to delicate females. LYCOPODIUM: Excessive accumulation of flutulence, espe- cially after a meal, with pressure in the stomach and epigas- trium; fullness and distention of the abdomen and pit of the stomach; constipation, or scanty hard stools. MERCURIUS: Violent contractive pains, with hardness and distention of the abdomen, especially around the umbilicus; or tensive, burning or stinging pains; hiccough, canine hun- ger, aversion to sweet things; nausea and ptyalism; frequent urging to stool; or slimy diarrhea; aggravation of the pains at night, especially after midnight; chill, with warm and red cheeks; great sensitiveness of the abdomen to contact; great prostration. PHOSPHORUS: Flatulent colic, deep in the abdomen, worse when lying. SECALE: In men: Colic with pain in the small of the back; tearing in the thighs; eructations and vomiting; or, in women at the time of the menses; burning pain in the right side of the abdomen; constipation and cholera-pains in the abdomen; or tearing colic, pale face, cold extremities, small and feeble pulse, cold sweat. SULPHUR: Hæmorrhoidal colic, after ineffectual use of Carbo-veg. and N.-vom.; also for bilious colic, if Cham. or Coloc. should prove ineffectual; or for flatulent colic, if not re- lieved by Cham. Cocc. Nux-v. or Carb.-veg.; or for worm-colic, if not entirely removed by Merc. or Cina. § 7. Give more especially: a) For great distention: Acon. arn, ars. bell. bry. carb.-veg. cham. chin, coccul. dig. graph. hyos. ivd. kal. lach, magn.-m. 120 COLIC. merc, mur.-ac, natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phos. rhus. sep. sil.-For pains from flatulence: Bell. calc. carb.-v. caust, chin. chinin. con. graph. hep. ign. ipec. iod. kal. lyc. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. n.-vom, phos. phos.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. veratr.-For hardness of the abdomen: Anac. calc. caps. carb-v. graph, magn-m. n-mosch. petr. phos. plumb. sil.—For excessive flatulence: Agar. canth, carb-a. carb-v. caust. chin. graph. hell. kal. lyc. mang. merc. nitr-ac. oleand. phos. plumb. veratr. b) For boring pains: Cin. coloc, sen. sep. tar.—For burn- ing in the abdomen: Acon. ars. bell. canth. carb-v. cham. caust. lach. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. sec. sep. sil. veratr.-For aching pains: Bell. carb-v. caust. calc. lach, natr-m. n-vom. phos. sep. sulph.-For sensitiveness of the abdomen: Acon. amb. canth. carb-v. cham. coloc. graph. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. n- vom. puls. sulph. ther. thuj. veratr. For bearing-down pains: Bell. dulc. lach. plat.-For pains with pressure from within outwards: Asa. bell. berb. con. lyc. prun. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc.-For feeling of heat in the abdomen: Bell. canth. carb-v. mez. phos. sil.—For feeling of hollowness or emptiness: Arn. coccul. coloc. hep. lach, mur-ac. phos. puls. sep. stann. — For feeling of coldness in the abdomen: Eth. ars. calc. chin. hell. kal. kreos. magn-arct. men. oleand. petr. phos. plumb. rut. sec. sep. -For beating, pulsative pains: Cann. caps. cin. kal. lach. lyc. sep. sulph-ac. tart.-For pinching pains: Bell. calc. carb-v. chin, lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. sulph. spasmodic, crampy, griping, constrictive pains: Anac. asa. bell. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. chinin. coccul. coloc. hep. ipec. iod. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. plat. puls. thuj.-For pains which oblige to bend double: Bov. calc. carb-v. coloc. lyc. sulph. For gnawing pains: Canth. oleand. rut. sen. — For tearing pains: Ars. bry. cham. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn-m. sec. sulph. For cutting pains: Ars. calc. coloc. con. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos. sec. sil. spong. sulph. verair. For stitching pains: Bell. calc. caust. cham. chin. con. lach. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. sep. sulph.- For shocks in the abdomen: Anac. arn. cann. con, croc. nitr. oleand. plat. For pains as if sore and raw: Arn, ars. asar. bell. calc. canth. carb-v. colch. con. hep. hyos. ipec. kal. n-vom. phos. stann. For c) For evening-exacerbations: Amb. amm. ant. arn. bell. bov. bry. calc. caust. chin. con. dulc. hep. ign. kal. lach. laur. lyc.magn-c. magn-m.mang. merc. mez. nitr-ac. phos.plat. puls. ran. rhus.sen. sep. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. val. zinc.-For pains COLIC. 121 which are excited by the cool evening air: Carb-veg. merc.- For pains which are aggravated or excited by contact: Acon. arn. ars. bell. carb-v. cupr. hyos. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb. puls. sulph. veratr.—By motion: Asar. bell. bry. cann. dig. graph. kreos. ipec. magn-aust. merc. natr-m. n-vom, ther. Aggravation after a meal: Ars. carb-v. cham. chin. coloc. graph. iod. kal. lyc. magn-c. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. zinc.- For nightly pains: Acon. arn. ars. bar. bry. calc. cham. chin. graph. hep. magn.-m. merc. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. Aggravation by drinking: Ars. n-vom. sulph. Amelioration by exter- ual warmth: Alum. amm. ars. canth. natr. sil. d) For pains with great anguish and restlessness: Ars. carb-v. cham. lyc. merc. mosch. n.vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sec. sulph. sulph-ac. verat. — With chilliness: Ars. colch. ferr. kal. magn-c. merc. puls. With pains in the chest: Bell. caps. carb-v. lach. lyc. n-vom. phos. plumb. sulph. With pains in the small of the back: Alum. amm. bar. calc. caust. cham. kal. kreos. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. phos. sulph. With diarrhoea: Ars. cham. coloc. merc. phos. puls. rhab. sulph. tart. With constipation: Alum.bell. bry. calc. carb- v. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. op. plumb. sep. sulph. With nausea or vomiting: Ant. ars. con. ipec. natr-m. n-vom. tart. verat.; With eructations: Bell. bry. hep. lach. § 8. For pains affecting principally the epigastrium: 1) Arn. caust. cham. chin. coccul. ign. lyc. n-vom. puls. 2) Acon- amm. ant. bell. calad. calc. canth. chel. cin. coloc. cal. magn- arct. merc phos. plumb. rhus. staph. sulph. The umbilical region: 1) Bell. bry, coloc, chin. ipec. kreos. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. amm-m. anac. cin. con. ign. n-mosch. n-vom. plat. rhab. sep. sulph-ac. verb. The abdomen: 1) Amb. bell. bry. carb-v. caust. chin. yc. sep. 2) Arn. calc. caps. coccul. coloc. ign. kal. merc. n-vom. phos. sil. spig. thuj. The sides: 1) Åsa, asar. bry. carb-v. chin. ign. sulph. zinc. 2) Bell. calc. caust. cocc. led. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. staph. tar. thuj. The abdominal ring and inguinal region: 1) Aur. coccul. ign. lyc. magn-arct.n-vom. sulph. sulph-ac. 2) Alum. Alum-m. calc. cham. clem. coloc. magn-aust. rhus. sil. spig. thuj. veratr. The abdomen generally: 1) Acon. ars. bell. carb-v. cham. chin. coccul. coloc. coff. hyos. ign, lyc. merc. n-vom、 phos. puls. sec. sulph. 2) Agn. alum. ant. arn. calc. caust. colch. 6 122 COMPLEXION. cupr. ferr. ipec. kal. lach. magn-m. natr. natr-m, nitr-ac. n- mosch. op. plat. rhab. rut. sen. stann. veratr. zinc. COMPLEXION, MORBID ALTERATION OF THE COLOR AND APPEARANCE OF THE FACE. Though generally a mere symptom, yet the changes in the complexion frequently point to the proper remedy. § 1. a) For pale face, give: 1) Ars. bry. calc. carb-vey. chin. ferr. ipec. lach. phosph. puls. sep. spig. stann. tart. ve- ratr. 2) Alum. arn. camph. cin. hell. nitr-ac. n-mosch. phos-ae. rhus. samb. sec. b) Red face: 1) Acon. ars. bell. cham. chin. coccul. hep. hyos. ign. iod. merc. n-mosch. op. rhus. stram. sulph. 2) Chin. dulc. hyos. lach. puls. squill. tart. veratr. c) Paleness of one, and redness of the other cheek: Acon. coloc. ign. n-vom. veratr. d) Red cheeks: 1) Acon. caps. cham. chin. ferr. lyc. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Bry. cann. dross. dulc. iod. kal. stram. e) Circumscribed redness of the cheeks: 1) Acon, chin. lyc. phosph. 2) Bry, calc. dros. dulc. iod. kal. krcos, lach. led. puls. samb. sep. stann. stram. sulph. f) Frequent alteration of color, at times red, at others pale: 1) Acon. bell. cham, cin. croc. ign. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. veratr. 2) Alum. aur. caps. carb-an. chin. ferr. graph. hyos. magn-c. spig. squill. sulph.-ac. g) Blue-red face: 1) Acon. ang. cham. cupr. lach. puls. 2) Ars. aur. bell. bry. camph. con. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. merc. samb. spong. veratr. h) Bluish color: 1) Ars. bell. hyos. op. veratr. 2) Acon. ang. aur. bry. camph. cin. con. cupr. hep. lach. lyc. samb. spong. staph. tart. i) brown-red color: 1) Bry. hyos. iod. nitr-ac. op. sep. staph. stram. sulph. 2) Carb.-veg. kreos. puls. sec. k) Sallow, livid color: 1) Ars. chin. ferr. ipec. lyc. merc. n.-vom. 2) Bry. carb.-veg. croc. kreos. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. samb. sep. sil. 1) Gray color: Carb.-veg. kreos. lach. laur. m) Greenish color: Ars. carb.-veg. veratr. § 2) As respects partial colors, give: a) For blue margins round the eyes: 1) Ars. chin. ipec. lyc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. sec. staph. veratr. 2) Anac. coccul. cupr. ferr. hep. ign. phosph. sep. sulph.--yellow margins: Nitr.-ac. n.-vom. spig.-greenish: Ars. veratr. 1 : COMPLEXION. 123 b) For borders around the nose: yellowish-looking: Nux.- v. sepia.—for yellow saddle across the cheeks and nose: Sep. -for yellow nose and mouth: Nux.-v. sep.-for yellow temples: Caust. c) For bluish mouth: Cin. cupr. ferr. stann. d) For spots in the face: 1) Ars. ferr, rhus. sabad. sil. 2) Calc. carb.-an. colch. lyc. natr. samb. sulph. veratr. e) Blue spots: 1) Ferr. 2) Cin. cupr. stann. f) Yellow spots: 1) Colch. fer. natr. sep. 2) Caust. nitr- ac. n.-vom. g) Red spots: Calc. lyc. rhus. sabad. samb. sil. sulph. h) Black points: 1) Dros. graph. natr. nitr.-ac. selen. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. dig. hep. natr.-m. sabad, sabin. i) Shining face, as from fat: 1) Magn.-c. natr.-m. plumb. selen. 2) Bry. chin. merc. rhus. stram. § 3. As respects other symptoms of the face, give : a) For sunken face: 1) Ars. chin. lach. n.-vom. sec. sep. stann. veratr. 2) Anac. camph. cic. coloc. cupr. dros. ferr. lyc. phosph. phos.-ac. staph. sulph. b) For sunken eyes, hollow looks: 1) Ars. camph. chin. ferr. lach. phosph. phos.-ac. sec. staph. sulph. veratr. 2) Anac. cic. coloc. cupr. cycl. dros. iod. kal. nitr.-ac. oleand. puls. spong. stann. c) For pointed nose, collapse of features: Ars. chin. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. staph. veratr. d) For hippocratic face: 1) Ars. chin. phosph. phos.-ac. sec. 2) Canth. carb.-veg. cupr. n.-vom. veratr. e) For altered features: 1) Ars. camph. chin. op. phos.-ac. rhus. spig. stram. veratr. 2) Bell. canth, caust. cham, colch. graph. hell. lyc. oleand. sec. f) For bloated face: 1) Acon. ars. bry. cham. chin. hyos. n.-vom. op. phosph. puls. samb. spong. stram. sulph. 2) Ärn. ars. bell. ferr. hell. ipec. kal. lach. rhus. sep. sil. spig. stann. veratr. g) For bloatedness around the eyes: Ars. ferr. phosph.• puls. rhab.--under the eyes: 1) Ars. chin. n.-vom. phosph. veratr. 2) Bry. calc. sep.-in the region of the glabella: Kal.-around the nose: Calc. h) For sickly looks: 1) Chin. n.-vom. phosph, sulph. 2) Cin. clem. lach. puls. i) For wrinkles: Calc. lyc. sep. stram.-for wrinkles of the forehead: 1) Cham. hell. lyc. sep. stram. sulph. 2) Amm. bry, graph. n.-vom. rhab. rhus. k) For distorted features: 1) Ars. bell, caust. cham. graph 124 CONCUSSION, &c.-CONDITIONS, &e. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. n.-vom. op. sec. stram. veratr. 2) Ang. camph. cie, coccul. cupr. hyos. lyc. mere. plat. puls. rhus. sil. spig, spong. squill. 84. For further details, see: ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, SWELLING OF THE FACE, DISEASES OF THE Nose, Cancer of THE NOSE, &c. CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN.-The best remedies for cerebral affections produced by concussion, fall, blow on the head, &c., are: 1) Arn. and cic.; or, 2) Dign. ign. laur. petr. merc. (See INJURIES.) CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATIONS, OR AMELIORA- TION OF THE SYMPTOMS. § 1. There are practitioners who select a remedy princi- pally with reference to the external conditions of the symp- toms, such as: the time of day when they appear, the side of the body, head, chest, &c., where they appear, &c. This is evidently going too far, though it cannot be denied, that these external conditions have a general value in many cases, and facilitate the selection of a remedy, provided the practi- tioner is otherwise thoroughly acquainted with the essential points of our Materia Medica. To select a remedy with re- ference to these external conditions exclusively, might prove of great detriment to the patient. §2. As regards the time of day, give: a) When the pains occur or exacerbate principally in the evening: 1) Amb. amm. amm.-m. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. caust. colch. dulc. euphr. hell. hyos. lach. laur. mang. merc. nitr. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. ran.-sec. sep. sulph.-ac. thuj. zinc. 2) Ant. asa. borax. carb.-an. carb.-veg. cham. chin. cocc. con. croc. graph. guaj. hep. ign. kal. laur. led. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. mez. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. phos.-ac. plat. rhod. rhus. seneg. sil. stann. staph. stront. sulph. tart. b) When in the evening, in bed, after lying down, or gene- rally before midnight: 1) Ars. bry. calc. carb.-veg. graph. hep. lyc. merc. phosph. puls. rhus. selen. sep. 2) Alum. amm.- m. arn. aur. calad. carb.-an. caust. chin. cocc. dulc. ign. ipec. kal. lach. led. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.- ac. ran. sassap. sil. stront. sulph. sulph.-ac. tart. thuj. veratr. c) When at night: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bell. calc. caps. cham. chin, cin. colch. con. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyos. ign. magn.-c. magn.-m. mang. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stront. sulph. thuj. 2) Ant. aur. baryt. bry. camph. cann. canth. carb.-an. carb.-veg. caust. coff. croc. cupr. hell. iod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. magn.-arct. CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. 125 mez. natr. n.-vom. plumb. ran. rhab. sabad. samb. sec. selen. spig. sulph.-ac. tart. thuj. d) When during sleep: 1) Alum. ars. bell. bry. cham. hep. lach. merc. mosch. nitr. nitr.-ac. puls. samb. sil. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. anae. arn. baryt. borax. cale. caust. chin. cin. con. dulc. graph. hyos. ign. kal. led. lyc. magn.-arct. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. phosph. phos.-ac. rhab. rhus. ruta. stann. thuj When after midnight, or early on waking: Alum. amb. amm.-m. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb.-veg. caust. con. graph. hep. kal. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. petr. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Amm. ant. arn. aur. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb.-an. chin. croc. dros. ferr. ign. mang. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr. phos.-ac. plat. ran. rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. sil. squill. staph. sulph.-ac. thuj. veratr. f) When early in the morning: 1) Amb. amm. amm.-m. ant. ars. bry. calc. carb.-veg. cin. croc. dros. guaj. ign. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. rhus. squill. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. alum. anac. ant. aur. carb.-an. coff. con. hep. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.-aust. petr. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sabin. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. g) When in the forenoon, or after breakfast: 1) Carb.-veg. natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch. sep. 2) Amm. anac. ars. bry. calc. caust. cham. con. dig. graph. guaj. hep. kal. magn. nitr. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. sabad. sassap. sil. staph. sulph.-ac. val. veratr. h) When in the afternoon, after dinner: 1) Alum. asa. bell. lyc. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sil. thuj. zinc. 2) Amm. amm.-m. ant. borax. calc. canth. cic. coloc. con. graph. ign. mosch. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. ran. sassap, selen. val. i) When the symptoms are worse after sleep: Anac. calc. carb.-veg. cocc. con. graph. lach. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. §3. As regards the period of digestion, give: a) When the symptoms which exist before breakfast are mitigated by the breakfast: Baryt. calc. graph. hep. ign. iod. n.-vom. petr. plat. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. b) When setting in or increasing after breakfast: Amm.- m. bry. calc. carb.-veg. caust. cham. con. graph. kal. lach. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. thuj. zinc. c) When the symptoms which exist before a meal, are less during or after a meal: 1) Amb. calc. cann, ferr. ign. iod. lach, natr. phosph. sabad. stront. zinc. 2) Alum. amb. anac. baryt. caps. chin. graph. laur. puls. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. 126 CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. d) When the pains come on while eating: 1) Amm. baryt. carb.-an. carb.-veg. cocc. graph. hep. kal. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. phosph. puls. sep. 2) Amb. arn. borax. calc. caust. cham. cic. con. magn.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sil. sulph. veratr. e) When the pains come on or get worse after eating: 1) Amm. anac. ars. bry. calc. carb.-veg. caust. chin. con. kal. lach. lyc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. sep. si'. sulph. zinc. 2) Amm.-m. ant. borax. carb.-an. cham. cin coc. hep. ign. natr. petr. phos.-ac. puls. ran. squill. stann. sulph.-ac. thuj. f) When the pains are caused by drinking: 1) Ars. bell. canth. carb.-veg. chin. cocc. ferr. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. sil. veratr. 2) Acon. ant. arn. baryt. bry. caust. cin. coloc. con. hell. hep. hyos. ign. lach. nitr.-ac. phosph.`phos.-ac. puls. sep. sil. stram. sulph. sulph.-ac. g) When the pains are caused or aggravated by smoking: 1) Amb. calc. ign. ipec. lach. n.-vom. phos. puls. spong. staph. 2) Acon. alum. anac. ant. arn. bry. carb.-an. chin. cic. clem. cocc. euphr. magn.-arct. natr. natr.-m. petr. ruta. selen. sulph. sulph.-ac. h) Compare under " STOMACH, WEAKNESS OF," the various kind of nourishment. § 4. As regards seasons and periods of the moon, give: a) For pains which get worse or come on again in spring : 1) carb.-veg. lach. rhus. veratr. 2) Amb. aur. bell. calc. lyc. natr.-m. puls. b) In summer: 1) bell. bry. carb.-veg. dulc. 2) Lyc. natr. puls, rhod. sil. c) In autumn: 1) Calc. colch. dulc. lach. merc. petr. rhod. rhus. veratr. 2) Aur. bry. chin. d) In winter: 1) Acon. bell. bry. carb.-veg. cham. colch. dulc. ipec. n.-vom. petr. rhus. sulph. veratr. 2) Amm. aur. camph. merc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phos. puls. rhod. sep. e) At a change of the moon: 1) Alum. calc. sabad. sil. 2) Amm. caust. cupr. dulc. graph. lyc. natr. sep. sulph. thuj. f) At new-moon: 1) Alum. amm. calc. caust. cupr. lyc. sabad. sep. sil. g) At full-moon: Alum. calc. graph. natr. sabad. sil. spong. sulph. h) At increase of moon: 1) Alum. dulc. thuj. § 5. As regards the influence of air and wind, give- a) For the pains caused by sultry weather: 1) Bry. rhod. sep. sil. 2) Carb.-veg. caust. lach. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. petr. phos. CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. 127 b) By stormy and windy weather: 1) Bry. rhod. sil. 2) Carb.-veg. chin. lach. lyc. mur.-ac. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhod. sil. veratr. c) By winds: 1) Carb.-veg. cham. lach. lyc. sulph. 2) Acón. ars. aur. bell. chin, con. graph, mur.-ac. n.-vom. phos. plat. puls. sep. thuj. d) By North-winds: Acon. caust. hep. n.-vom. sep. sil. e) By East-wind: 1) Acon. bry. carb.-veg. hep. sil. 2) Caust. n.-vom. f) By South-wind: Bry. carb.-veg. rhod. sil. g) By West-wind: Calc. carb.-veg. dulc. lach. rhod. rhus. veratr. h) By a draught of air: 1) Acon. anac. bell, calc. cham. chin. sil. sulph. 2) Caps. caust. graph. hep. ign. kal, natr. n.-vom. rhus. selen. sep. i) By cool evening-air: 1) Amm. carb.-veg, merc. nitr.-ac. sulph. 2) Borax. mez. n.-mosch. plat. k) By open air and during a walk: 1) Amm. calc. carb.- an. caust. cham. cocc. coff. con. cal. lyc. natr. n.-mosch. n.- vom. sil. stram. sulph. 2) Alum. bry. camph. carb.-veg. chin. ferr. guaj. hep. ipec. lach. led. magn.-aust. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. puls. rhus. selen. spig. sulph.-ac. thuj. val. veratr. 1) By confinement in a room: 1) Alum. asa. croc. magn.- arct. magn.-c. magn.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sabin. 2) Acon. amb. anac. ant. asar. baryt. graph. hell. hep. ipec. lyc. mez. mosch. natr.-m. op. plat. sassap. seneg. sep. spong. stront. thuj. § 6. As regards cold and dampness, give: a) For the pains caused by cold weather: 1) Ars. baryt. bell. calc. camph caps. caust. cocc. dulc. hell. n.-mosch. n.- vom. rhod. rhus. sabad. 2) Acon. amm. anac. aur. borax. carb.-an. carb.-veg. coich. hep. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mang. merc. mez. mosch. nitr.-ac. phosph. phos.-ac. sep. sil. spig. stront. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj. b) By cold air: 1) Bry. calc. carb.-veg. cham. merc, rhus. veratr. 2) Ars. aur. camph. caps. caust. cocc. colch. dulc. hell. lyc. n.-mosch. phos. rhod. sep. stront. 3) Acon. amm. bell. carb.-an. hep. kal. lach. mang. mez. mosch. nitr.-ac. n.- vom. phos.-ac. sabad. spig. stront. sulph. c) By a limb becoming cold: Bell. cham. hell. hep. puls. rhus. sep. sil. d) By uncovering a part: 1) Ars, aur. cocc. con. hep. kal. merc. mosch. n.-vom. rhus. samb. squill. sil. stront. 2)Arà. bry. 128 CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. camph. caust. cic. clem. colch. con. dulc. graph. hyos. magn.- c. magn.-m. natr. natr.-in. n.-mosch. phos. sabad. sep. staph. e) By cold and damp weather: 1) Amm. calc. carb.-veg. dulc. lach. merc. n.-mosch. rhod. rhus. veratr. 2) Borax. carb.-an. chin. colch. lyc. mang. nitr.-ac. puls. ruta. sassap. sep. spig. sulph. f) By exposure to wet: 1) Ars. calc. colch. dulc. n.-mosch. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. 2) Bell. bry. hep. ipec. lach. lyc. phosph. sulph. g) By working in the water, or by washing: Amm. ant. bell. calc. carb.-veg. clem. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. phos. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. sulph. h) By every change of the weather: 1) Calc. carb.-v. dulc. lach. merc. rhus. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) Graph. mang. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhod. § 7. As regards warmth, give: a) For pains caused by a change of temperature: Ars. carb.-veg. dulc. n.-vom. phos. puls. ran. rhus. sulph. veratr. b) By warmth generally: Amb. ars. aur. camph. cann. carb.-veg. dros. iod. led. natr.-m, nitr.-ac. phos. puls. rhus. sec. seneg. thuj. c) By warm air or warm weather: Ant. bry. carb.-veg. cocc. colch. iod. lach. lyc. puls. sulph. d) By the warmth of the bed: 1) Ars. bell. carb.-veg. cham. dros. graph. led. lyc. merc. puls. rhus. sabin. sulph. veratr. 2) Amb. calc. caust. cocc. graph. kal. led. lyc. phos. phos.-ac. spong. thuj. e) By a warm stove in the room: Acon. agn. alum. anac. ant. arn. cin. colch. croc. iod. natr.-m. op. phos. plat. puls. sabin. spong. sulph. thuj. f) By the action of the sun: Agar. ant. bell. bry. camph. euphorb. graph. lach. natr. puls. selen. sulph. val. g) By wrapping a part up in warm clothes: Acon. borax. bry. calc. ign. lyc. magn.-arct. phos. puls. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. § 8. As regards mechanical pressure, give : a) For the pains caused by pressure upon the affected part: 1) Agar. anac. baryt. bry. cin. hep. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-c. merc. plat. sil. 2) Ant. arg. bell. calc. cann. caps. carb.-veg. guaj. magn.-m.-mez. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. oleand. phos.-ac. ruta. sep. val. zinc. b) By the pressure of the clothes: 1) Bry. calc. carb.-veg. caust. con. lach. lyc. merc. n.-vom. puls. spong. 2) Caps. hep. nitr.-ac. sassap. sep. stann. sulph. val. CONDITION OF AGGRAVATION. 129 c) By mere contact: 1) Ang. bell. bry. caps. cham. chin. cin. coce. coleh. cupr. hep. hyos. 1ye. n.-vom. puls. ran. sabin. sep. spig. staph. sulph. tart. 2) Acon. anac. arn. camph. cann. carb.-veg. caust. euphorb. graph. kreos. hell. lach. magn.-c. magn.-m. mez. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. rhus. sil. stram. sulph. veratr. d) By leaning with the part on something: Arn. bell. carb.-v. chin. con. hep. kal. nitr.-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. staph. thuj. veratr. e) By grasping with the hands: Amm. calc. carb.-veg. caust. cham. chin. led. lyc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. plat. puls. sil. § 9. As regards the different positions of the body, give: a) For the pains caused by raising one's self: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry, cocc. ign. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Cham. chin. con. lyc. op. veratr. b) By raising one's-self from a recumbent posture: Acon. bell. bry. carb.-veg. caust. cham. cocc. con. dulc. graph. guaj. hep. ign. lach. natr.-m, nitr.-ac. n.-vom. oleand. petr. sep. sil. val. veratr. c) By rising from a seat: Bell. bry. caps. carb.-veg. caust. chin. con. ferr. lyc. mang. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. sil. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. veratr. b) By stretching the affected part: Alum. bry. cale. carb.- carb.-veg. caust. chin. con. hep. kal. mang. ruta. sep. sulph. thuj. an. e) By stooping: 1) Acon. alum. baryt. bell. bry. calc. graph. hep. n.-vom. petr. puls. sep. spig. thuj. val. 2) Amm. amm.-m. arn. cic. cocc. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.- m. phosph. rhus. sulph. f) By standing: Agar. amm.-m. aur. bry. caps. caust. cocc. con. mang. petr. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sabad. sep. sil. stann. sulph. val. veratr. g) By sitting: 1) Agar. amb. ars. asa. haryt. caps. cin. ferr. guaj. lach. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. plat. puls. ruta. sep. 2) Acon. alum. anac. caust. chin. dulc. euphorb. graph. lyc. merc. natr.-m, op. phos.-ac. rhod. rhus. sulph. sulph.-ac. tart. val. veratr. h) By rest: 1) Agar. asa. aur. caps. con. dros. dule. euphorb. ferr. lach. phos.-ac. puls. rhod. rhus. samb. sulph. val. 2) Amm. amm.-m. chin. coloc. kal. kreos. lyc. magn.- c. magn.-m. mosch. ruta. sabad. sil. stann. i) By lying: 1) Amb. asa. caps. dros. mosch. natr.-m. puls rhus. samb. sep. verbasc. 2) Alum. asa. aur. carb.-veg. 6* 130 CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. chin. con. dulc. euphorb. ferr. lyc. mur.-ac. natr. rhod. ruta. sil. val. k) By a recumbent posture: Acon. amm. amm.-m. ars. caust. cham. chin. coloc. cupr. ign. magn.-m. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. 1) By lying on one side: Acon. ars. bry. calc. carb.-an." cin. ferr. graph. hep. ign. kal. lyc. natr. phos. puls. rhus. sabad. sil. stann. sulph. m) By lying on the right side: Amm.-m. aur. borax. caust. kal. magn.-m. merc. n.-vom. puls. spong. stann. n) By lying on the left side: Acon. amm. colch. kal. lyc. natr. natr.-m. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. o) Lying on the painless side is more painful than lying on the affected side: Amb. arn. bry. calc. caust. cham. coloc. ign. kal. magn.-aust. puls. rhus. sep. stann. p) By changing one's position: Caps. carb.-veg. caust. con. lach. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. ran. § 10. As regards motion, give : a) For the pains caused by motion generally: 1) Arn. bell. bry. colch. dig. graph. hell. ipec. led. magn.-aust. merc. natr.-m. 1.-vom. phos. ran. spig. squill. staph. b) By moving the affected part: Arn. bell. bry. caps. cham. chin. ferr. cocc. guaj. led. merc. mez. n.-vom. puls. rhus. spig. staph. thuj. c) By raising the affected part: Arn. bell. bry. chin. con. ferr. graph. kal. led. natr. puls. rhus. sil. d) By turning or bending the part: Amm.-m. arn. bell. bry. calc. chin. cic. hep. ign. kal. lyc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. e) By riding in a carriage, swinging, or other passive mo- tions: 1) Ars. cocc. petr. sulph. 2) Colch. ferr. n.-mosch. sep. sil. 3) Borax. carb.-veg. colch. croc. graph. hep. ign. kal. natr. natr.-m. phos. plat. selen. staph. f) By walking: Arn. bell. bry. calc. carb.-veg. chin. colch. con. dig. graph. hell. hep. led. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sassap. sep. squill. staph. sulph. sulph.-ac. veratr. g) By running or walking fast: Arn. ars. aur. bry. calc. caust. ign. kal. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. seneg. sep. sil. sulph. h) By riding on horseback: Ars. natr.-m. sep. sulph.-ac. i) By ascending an eminence: Acon. alum. ars. aur. ba- ryt. bry. cale. canu. merc. n.-vom. petr. rhus. sep. spig. spong. stann. sulph. thuj. § 11. As regards fatiguing, concussive motions, give: a) For pains caused or aggravated by concussion generally: CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. 131 Arn. bry. cic. con. hep. ign. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. ruta. sulph.-ac. b) By stepping: Ant. arn. bell. bry. calc. caust. chin. con. graph. magn.-m. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. tan. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. c) By making a false step: Arn. bry. cic. con. puls. rhus. spig. d) By bodily exertions: Acon. arn. ars. bry. calc. chin, cocc. coff. lyc. merc. natr.-m. rhus. ruta. sil. sulph. veratr. e) By manual labor: Amm.-m. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sil. veratr. f) By laughing: Ars. bell. borax. carb.-veg. chin. dros. kal. lach. mang. phos. stann. g) By coughing: Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb.-veg. dros. hep. ipec. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. veratr. h) By sneezing: Acon. amm.-m. arn. ars. bell. borax. bry. carb.-veg. chin. cin. lyc. merc. mez. mosch. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. i) By blowing one's nose: Arn. bry. calc. caust. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. sep. spig. sulph. k) By singing: Amm. dros. hep. stann. sulph. 1) By talking: 1) Anac. arn. ars. bell. calc. carb..veg. cocc. ign. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. rhus. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. amb. amm. aur. cann. chin. dulc. ferr. kal. magn.-c. magn.m. phos.-ac. plat. puls. rhus. selen. sil. ve- ratr. § 12. As regards the influence of emotions and sensual impressions, give: a) For pains caused or aggravated by emotions: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. coloc. ign. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. puls. staph. 2) Ars. aur. caust. cocc. coff. hyos. nitr.-ac. n. mosch. op. plat. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. veratr. b) By solitude: Ars. con. dros. mez. phos. sil. stram. zinc. c) By company: 1) Baryt. hyos. lyc. natr. puls. rhus. 2) Amb. carb.-an. carb.-veg. con. magn.-c. natr. petr. phos. plumb. sep. stann. stram. sulph. d) By mental exertions: 1) Bell. calc. ign. lach. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. anac. arn. ars. aur. borax. cocc. lyc. natr. oleand. sabad. selen. sil. staph. e) By reading: 1) Agn. aur. calc. cin. cocc. con, graph. lyc, natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. sil. 2) Asa. bell, borax, bry. 132 CONDITIONS OF IMPROVEMENT. carb.-veg. caust. chin. coff. dulc. ign. kal. natr. oleand. rhod. ruta. sabad. sulph. sulph.-ac. verb. f) By writing: 1) Asa. aur. calc. cin. ign. kal. natr.-m. sep. sil. zinc. 2) Borax. bry. cann. carb.-veg. chin. coce. graph. hep. lyc. coccul. natr. n.-vom. oleand. ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. spong. sulph. sulph.-ac. g) By bright light; 1) Acon. bell. calc. colch. con. graph. hyos. lyc. merc. phos. stram. 2) Arn. ars. bry. cham. chin. coff. euphr. hell. hep. ign. natr. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. h) By noise, &c.; 1) Acon. arn. bell. calc. cham. coff. con. lyc. natr. n.-vom. plat. sep. spig. 2) Ang. aur. bry. carb.-an. chin. colch. ign. mang. petr. phos. phos.-ac., puls. sil. zinc. i) By strong odors: 1) Acon. aur. bell. cham. cbin. coff. colch. graph. lyc. n.-vom. phos. 2) Baryt. con, hep. ign. kal. phos.-ac. selen. sep. sil. § 14. Compare AMBLYOPIA, OPHTHALMIA, ACOUSTIA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, FEVER, SLEEP, MORBID CAUSES, &c. CONDITIONS OF IMPROVEMENT.-Many of these conditions are, of course, the contrary of the conditions of aggravation; all we have to do, therefore, is to point out the principal conditions of improvement in one series. For pains which are relieved by leaning against something, give: Bell. carb.-veg. kal. merc. n.-vom. rhus. staph. By pressure upon the part: 1) Amm. amm.-m. con. magn.- m. mang, mur.-ac. natr. phos.-ac. stann. 2) Alum. anac. ars. aur. bry. cocc. dulc. graph. kal. phos. puls, rhus. sulph.-ac. By thinking of the pain: Camph. By resting the part upon something: Alum. amm. hep. n.-vom. phos. puls. ruta. staph. sulph. By contact: 1) Asa. calc. mang. men. mur.-ac. plumb. 2) Anac. bry. caust. natr.-m. phos. sulph. thuj. By motion (see: aggravation by rest.) By riding in a carriage: Graph. nitr.-ac. By staying in the open air. (See: aggravation in the room.) By walking: 1) Amm. amm.-m. ars. dulc. ferr. magn.-c. magn.-m. mosch. plat. puls. rhus. sep. val. 2) Agar. alum. amb. ars. aur. caps. con. lyc. merc. mur.-ac. nitr. sabad. samb. stann. sulph. veratr. By coffee: Ars. cham, coloc. By external coldness: (See: aggravation by warmth.) By change of position: Ars. cham. ign. phos.-ac. puls. val. By lying: Alum. arn. ars. bry, canth. carb.-an, cupr. lyc. CONFINEMENT. 133 magn.-c. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. n.-vom. sabad. spig spong. staph. stram. veratr. By a recumbent posture: Bry. calc. carb.-an. ign. kal. lyc. n.-vom. puls. stann. sulph. By lying on one side: Arn. ars. n.-vom. phos. sep. By lying on the affected side: Amb. arn. bry. calc. caust. cham. coloc. ign. kal. magn.-aust. puls. rhus. sep. stann. By rest: (See: aggravation by motion.) By sleep: Calad. chin. colch. n.-vom. phosph. puls. selen. sep. By sitting: Acon. anac. bry. carb.-an. carb.-veg. coff. colch. mang. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. phos. phos.-ac. 1hus. squill. staph. thuj. By sunshine: Con. plat. stram. stront. By standing: Ars. bell. calc, cocc. colch. graph. ipec. merc. mur.-ac. phos. plumb. By staying in the room. (See: aggravation in the open air. CONFINEMENT.-The principal remedies-for the dis- eases of lying-in females are: For EXCESSIVE OR TOO LONG AFTER-PAINS: 1) arn. cham. coff. or 2)calc. n.-vom. sulph. puls.-for MILK-FEVER: 1) acon. coff. or 2) arn. bell. bry. rhus.-for WANT OF MILK: 1) calc. caust. puls. or 2) agn. asa. bell. bry. cham. chin. coff. dulc. merc. phos.-ac. rhus. sec. sulph. for SUPPRESSED SECRETION OF MILK: acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. merc. puls. rhús. sulph.- for GALACTORRHEA and the consequences of weaning: bell. bry. calc. chin. con. phos. puls. For POT-BELLIEDNESS of lying-in women: 1) Sep. 2) coloc. For CONVULSIONS, eclampsy, &c.: 1) Cycl. hyosc. ign. plat. 2) Acon. arg.-n. bell. bry. canth. caust. cauloph. cham. chin. cicut. cimicif. cocc. coff. cypriped. cup. gels. hell. ipec. lach. lachn. laur. merc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. phos. puls. sec. scu- tel. stram. ver.-vir. zinc. zizia. (Compare spasms.) For DIARRHŒA: Ant. dulc. hyosc. rhab. (c. diarrhoea.) For the EMOTIONS (mania): 1) Bell. plat. puls. sulph. verat. zinc. 2) Cimicif. cypriped? scutel? verat.-vir. For FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR: Calc. lyc. natr.-m. sulph. For PUERPERAL FEVER: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. n.-vom. rhus. verat.-vir. 2) Coff. coloc. hyosc. ip. merc. puls. verat.- alb. (comp. puerperal fever.) For COLIC: 1) Bry. cham. 2) Arn. bell. diosc. hyosc. iris. lach. n.-vom. podoph. puls. sep. verat. For SLEEPLESSNESS: Coff. stict. For DEBILITY: 1) Calc. kal. 2) Chin. sulph. 3) n.-vom. phos.-ac. verat. 134 CONGESTIONS. For SWEATING: 1) Acon. bry. 2) Chin. sulph. verat. For SUPPRESSION OF THE LOCHIA: Aletr. cauloph. cimicif. coloc. hyosc. n.-vom. plat. sec. verat, zinc. asar. For Too PROFUSE AND TOO LONG LASTING LOCHIA: bry. cale. croc. erig. hep. plat. puls. rhus. sec. senec. tril. ustil.-mad. For AGGRAVATION, AS OFTEN AS THE CHILD IS PUT TO THE BREAST: ferr. phell. sil. For CONSTIPATION: Bry. n.-vom. op. plat. (c. constipation.) For PHLEGMASIA ALBA DOLENS: 1) Arn. bell. hamam. rhus. 2) Acon. ars. calc. cimicif. iod. lach. n.-vom. puls. sil. sulph. verat.-vir.? For SORE NIPPLES: 1) Arn. sulph. 2) Calc. cham. ign. puls. For INFLAMMATION OR SUPPURATION OF THE MAMMA: Bell. bry. cist. helon. merc. phos. phytol. sil. (c. mastitis.) CONGESTIONS, SANGUINEOUS. Principal remedies-: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. cact. chin. ferr. gels. hyosc. lachn. merc. n.-vom. op. phos. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. amm. asa. aur. calc. carb.-v. cimicif. coff. graph. hep. iris. kal. lept. lyc. lycopus. mosch. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phytol. plumb. po- doph. rhus. sang. sep. spong. stram. sulph.-ac. thuj. verat.- alb. veratr.-vir. For particulars see: congestions of the abdomen, chest, head, &c.* CONGESTIONS OF THE ABDOMEN: the best remedies are: 1) N.-vom. and sulphur. 2) Ars. cact. caps. carb.-v. collins. lept. podoph. or also 3) Aloe. bell. bry. cham. gels. helon. merc. puls. rhus, veratr. ARSENICUM: frequent, scanty, slimy or watery stools with great debility. NUX-VOMICA: Suitable to persons, who lead a sedentary life and are engaged in intellectual pursuits, &c., especially for constipation, hard stools, pains in the loins, as if the hips and back were broken and powerless; hard and tight abdomen. CAPSICUM: suitable to phlegmatic, lazy, clumsy and sensi- tive people, especially when small, watery or slimy stools are frequently present. CARB.-VEG.: flatulence, slow action of the bowels, bad di- gestion and loss of appetite. COLLINSONIA flatulence and rumbling in the stomach and bowels; constipation; sluggish stool with distention of the abdomen; loose papescent diarrhoea with nausea. LEPTANDRIA; constant dull burning distress in the epi- gastric and hypochondriac regions; profuse, black, undi- CONGESTIONS. 135 gested stool with great distress in the region of the liver, extending to the spine; urine very dark. PODOPHYLLUM: fullness, with pain and soreness in the hypochondriac region; congestion of the portal system; hot watery evacuations with prostration. SULPHUR: for most cases, even in the most stubborn ones, especially to hypochondriac persons, and after n.-vom. See: Hæmorrhoids. CONGESTIONS OF THE CHEST. Principal remedies: Acon. aur. bell. cact. chin. cimicif. gels. glon. merc. u.-vom. phos. sang. spong. sulph. verat.-vir. ACONITUM: Violent pressure with palpitation of the heart, short breath, anguish, short and dry cough, disturbing the sleep, great heat and thirst. AURUM: Great anguish with palpitation of the heart, op- pression or real paroxysms of suffocation with sensation as if the chest were constricted, falling down without conscious- ness and bluish complexion. BELLADONNA: Great restlessness with beating in the chest; beating of the heart, which is even felt in the head, oppres- sion, heavy breathing; short cough, disturbing sleep; internal heat and thirst. CACTUS-GR. Constriction in the chest, preventing free speech, with hoarse, low voice; difficulty of breathing, con- tinued oppression and uneasiness, as if the chest was con- stricted with an iron band; sanguineous congestion in the chest, which prevents him lying down in bed; palpitation of the heart, worse when walking and at night, when lying on the left side. CHINA: When the congestion is caused by debilitating losses, with palpitation of the heart; heavy breathing, op- pression, anguish; or when the breathing is impossible with the head low. CIMICIFUGA: Stitches in the region of the heart and severe pain in the left side of the chest; lancinating pains in the chest, increased by taking a long inspiration palpitation and irregular action of the heart, dependent on rheumatic and uterine irritation. GELSEMINUM: Constrictive pain around the lower part of the chest; stitches in the lungs from above downwards; heavy and labored respiration; inspirations sighing, long with croupy sound, expirations sudden and forcible. GLONOINE: Feeling of constriction in the chest with throbbing headache and vertigo; strong, visible palpitation 136. CONGESTIONS. of the heart; rush of blood to the head and chest and con- stant pulsating and beating pain in these organs. MERCURIUS: Anxious oppression and heavy breathing, with desire to take deep breath; heat and burning in the chest, palpitation of the heart and cough with bloody expec- toration. NUX-VOM. Heat and burning in the chest, especially at night, with tossing about, anxiety, sleeplessness; or tensive pressure, as from a weight, especially in the open air, with heavy breathing and unpleasant pressure of the clothes upon the chest. PHOSPHORUS. Oppression and heaviness, tension and feeling of fullness of the chest; palpitation of the heart, an- guish, and sensation of heat rising to the throat. SANGUINARIA. Burning and pressing in the breast, espe- cially in the region of the heart, with difficulty of breathing; palpitation of the heart; with great weakness; short, acce- lerated, constrained breathing. SPONGIA. Orgasm of the blood in the chest after the least exertion, with dyspnoea, anguish, nausea and fainting weakness. SULPHUR: Orgasm of the blood in the chest with malaise, fainting, trembling of the arms, palpitation of the heart; heaviness, fullness and pressure in the chest, as from a weight, particularly when coughing; oppressed breathing, especially at night, when lying. VERATRUM-VIR: Sensation as of a heavy load on the chest; anxious oppression of the chest; constant dull burning pain in the region of the heart; oppression of the chest with nausea. Compare: Asthma. CONGESTION OF THE HEAD; Congestions at caput. 81. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. cact. cimicif. coff. gels. glon. lachn. merc. n.-vom. op. puls. rhus. verat.-alb, verat.-vir. 2) Cham. chin, dulc. hamam. hedeoma. ign. sil. sulph. 3) Aur, cann. graph, sang. zizia. § 2. Persons, who are FOND OF SPIRITS should take: 1) N.-vom. lach. or puls. or 2) Ars. op. calc. sulph. persons leading a sedentary life, require acon. or n.-vom. — Ĝirls, at the age of pubescence: Acon. bell. or puls. - Children during DENTITION: Acon, cham. coff, gels. For congestion from great joy, give coff. or op., from fright or fear, opium; from violent anger, cham. or perhaps bry. or n.-vom. and from suppressed anger, ignat. For congestion from a fall, blow or violent concussion, CONGESTIONS. 137 give: Arn. cic. merc.; from debilitating losses: Chin. calc. sulph. nux. or verat.—from the least cold: Dulc. - from lifting heavy weights, or from injuries: Rhus. or, calc.— congestion from constipation: bry. n.-vom, op. merc. puls. The disposition to congestions of the head requires: Calc. hep. sil. sulph. § 3. Particular indications : ACONITUM: Beating and fullness in the head; frequent vertigo, especially when stooping; sensation, as if the head would split, especially over the eyes, worse when stooping or coughing; scintillations and darkness before the eyes; buz- zing in the ears; frequent fainting turns, palpitations, &c. or violent burning pains in the head, especially in the forehead, with red and bloated face, red eyes, paroxysms of rage or of being beside one's self. (After Acon. bell. is frequently suitable.) ARNICA heat in the head with chilliness of the remainder of the body; dull pressure in the brain, or burning, beating, buzzing in the ears and vertigo, obscuration of sight, espe- cially when rising from a recumbent position. ASCLEPIAS-SYRIACA. A feeling, as if some sharp instrument was thrust through from one temple to the other, with feeble pulse and cold skin; headache with vertigo occurring after suppressed perspiration or from retention of effete matters in the system. AURUM: heat of the head, roaring noise in the head, fiery sparks before the eyes, worse after mental exertions; fearful and longing for death. BELLADONNA. Violent pressure in the forehead, or beating, burning and stitching pain in one side of the head; aggrava- tion when walking, or during motion, when stooping, or by the least noise or light, with red and bloated face, red eyes, scin- tillations, darkness before the eyes, buzzing in the ears, diplopia, disposition to sleep; or for dull aching pains, deep in the brain, with pale sickly complexion, loss of consciousness, delirium and muttering; or the pain appears after a meal, with languor, somnolence, painful stiffness of the nape of the neck, heavy tongue and other apoplectic symptoms. BRYONIA: Painful compressive sensation in both sides of the head, or as if everything would fall out at the forehead when stooping; nose bleeds without relief, burning eyes, lachrymation, constipation. CACTUS. Vertigo from sanguineous congestions to the head, face bloated and red with pulsating pain in the head; heat in the head and face, causing horrible anxiety; pulsating 138 CONGESTIONS. pain, with sensation of weight in the right side of the head, so severe, as to make him cry out; heavy pain on the vertex, diminished by pressure, but increased by talking or a strong light; strong pulsations in the temples, as if the skull would burst. CIMICIFUGA. Heaviness and dullness of the head; severe pain in the head, particularly in the forehead over the right eye, and extending to the temple and vertex with fullness, heat and throbbing, with a sensation, as if the top of the head would fly off; the brain feels compressed. COFFEE Lively temper; cerebral excitement, sleepleness, heaviness of the head, increased congestion, when talking; shining and red eyes. GELSEMINUM: Headache extending from the occiput to the os frontis; heaviness of head with dullness of mind, dimness of sight and vertigo; swimming sensation in the head; double vision and great sensitiveness to all sounds; vertigo on rapid movement; during dentition children become drowsy, coma- tose and convulsive. GLONOINE: Pains ascend from below upwards, aggrava- tion of the pains in the head by motion, fainting; very quick pulse, as long as the headache lasts; vertigo, dull headache, feeling of fullness in forehead and vertex, rush of blood to the head, constant pulsation and beating in the head; scintilla- tions before the eyes or black spots; buzzing, ringing in the ears during the headache. LACHNANTHES: Dizziness in the head with sensation of heat in the chest and around the heart; dull headache over the whole head; sensation as if the vertex was enlarged and driven upwards; headache, pressing the eyes outward, the head feels enlarged and as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within; the body is very cold, impossible to get warm, burning of the head, like fire. MERCURIUS: Fullness in the head, as if the forehead would split or as if the head were bandaged, or when the symptoms are worse at night, with burning, tearing and stitching pains: the patient sweats readily and profusely (is frequent- Îy suitable after bell. or opium.) NUX-VOMICA: Nervousness and painful sensitiveness of the brain when walking or moving the head; pressure in the temples, remaining unchanged when lying or raising one's self; dim eyes with desire to close them without being able to sleep; great heaviness of the head, especially when moving the eyes, with sensation, when thinking, as if the CONGESTIONS. 139 head would split; aggravation of the symptoms in the morn- ing, in the open air, or after a meal, and especially after tak ing coffee. OPIUM: Violent congestion, with tearing pain; pressure in the forehead from within outward; throbbing in the temples; wandering look; thirst; dry mouth, sour eructations, nausea or vomiting. PULSATILLA Exhausting pain on one side of the head; or the pain commences in the occiput, thence to the root of the nose, or vice versa; relief by tying a cloth round the head, or by pressure, or walking; aggravation by sitting; heavi- ness of the head; pale face with vertigo; whining mood; shivering, anguish, phlegmatic temperament, &c. RHUS-TOX. The congestion is accompanied by burning, throbbing pains, with fullness in the head, aching or creep- ing, vacillating sensation in the brain; the pains appear after eating. VERATRUM: Shocks with pressure, or pains on one side, or sensation as if the brain were dashed to pieces; or contrac- tive pain with astringent sensation in the throat; painful stiffness of the nape of the neck; copious secretion of watery urine, nausea, vomiting, &c. Particular remedies for headache are: a) When there is much vertigo or dizziness: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. calc. caust. cic. con. lach. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.- vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. baryt. bruc. cann. carb.-an. cham. chin. coccul. dig. hep. ign. kal. laur. lyc. petr. phos.-ac. spig. stram. sulph.-ac. tart. veratr. b) When the vertigo is so bad that one falls down: 1) Bell. coccul. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Acon. chin. cic. con. graph. lach. phos.-ac. rhus. sulph. zinc.-that one falls forward: 1) Cic. graph. sil. 2) Cupr. magn.-c. magn.-m. mang. natr.-m. phos.-ac. rhus. sabin. sassap. sulph.-Backward: 1) Chin. phos.- ac. 2) Kal. rhod. sassap.-Sideways: 1) Con. sulph. 2) Acon. lach. sil. zinc.-To the left side: 1) Lach. zinc. 2) Dros. mez. n.-mosch. sil.-To the right: Acon. ferr. sabad. sil. c) When there is much heat in the head: 1) Acon, arn. bell. bry. carb.-veg. chin. lach. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. sep. sil. sulph. d) When the head feels too full: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. caps. chin. daph. graph. merc. phosph. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. carb.-veg. chin. coff. petr. spong. sulph.-ac. e) When it feels heavy: 1) Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. 140 CONSTIPATION. carb.-veg. chin. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. amm, amm.-m. camph. carb.-an. cham. con. dulc. hell. kal. lach. laur. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. n.-mosch. oleand. op. petr. phos. plumb. staph. § 4. a) When the head feels dull: 1) Anac. bell. calc. carb.-veg. chin. hell. magn.-aust. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. petr. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. bell. carb.-an. cic. coccul. ferr. graph. hell. ign. kal. magn.-c. natr. n.-mosch. phos. puls. spig. staph. stram. thuj. zinc. b) When it feels cloudy, with confusion of the senses, &c.: 1) Acon. agar. bell. bry. cic. hell. hyos. laur. natr.-m. op. stram. veratr. 2) Calc. cann. carb.-veg. caust. cham. coccul. con. kal. magn.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls, rhab. rhus. sil. veratr. c) When stupefied: 1) Arn. bell. hell. hyos. laur. n.-vom. op. phos. phos.-ac. plat. rhus. stram. veratr. 2) Ars. bry. calc. camph. cic. con. cupr. laur. natr.-m. n.-mosch. puls. rhab. sabad. sabin. stann. staph. sulph. verb. d) When there is loss of consciousness: 1) Arn. bell. hyos. n.-vom. op phos-ae. plat. rhus. stram. veratr. 2) Baryt. camph. cic. cupr. hell. kal. mur.-ac. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phosph. puls. § 5. See: HEADACHE, APOPLEXY, CONGESTION, &c. CONSTIPATION. § 1. This is a mere symptom, the cure of which requires a remedy corresponding to the totality of the symptoms characterizing the morbid state. Principal remedies: 1) Æscul.-hip. bry. calc. chelon. collin, hydrast. iris. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. plumb. podoph. sep. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. 2) Aletr. alum. bapt. bell. cann. canth. carb.-v. caust. chimap. cimicif. con. evonym. gels. graph. hedeom. kal, kreas. merc. mitchel. nitr.-ac. phos. plat. puls. sass, stann. sulph.- ac. zinc. § 2. To obtain immediate relief, give: 1) Esc. bry. n.- vom. podoph. op. or, 2) Cann. collins. hydrast. lach. mgt.-arc. merc. plat. puls. sulph. For habitual constipation, costiveness, give: bry. calc. caust. con. graph. lach. lyc. sep. sulph. § 3. Constipation of persons who lead a sedentary life. requires: 1) bry. n.-vom. sulph. 2) lyc. op. plat. Constipation of drunkards: Calc. lach. n.-vom. op. sulph. Constipation resulting from the abuse of cathartics or set- ting in after diarrhæa: n.-vom. op. 2) ant. lach. ruta. Constipation of old people, or alternating with diarrhea: 1) Ant. op. phos. 2) Bry. lach. rhus. ruta. CONSTIPATION. 141 Constipation of pregnant females: 1) N.-vom. op. sep. 2) Alum. bry. lyc.-and of lying in females: Ant. bry. n.-vom. plat. Constipation of infants at the breast: 1) Bry. n.-vom. op. 2) Alum. lyc. sulph. verat. Constipation brought on by travelling in a carriage: 1) Plat. 2) Alum. mgt.-arc. op. Constipation from poisoning with lead: Alum, op. plat. § 4. For constipation with ineffectual urging: 1) Caps. con. lach. lyc. merc. n.-vom. sep. sulph. 2) Arn. bell. calc. carb.-v. caust. cocc. graph. ign. kal. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-a. puls. sil. staph. verat. zinc. 3) Esc.-hip. hydrast. phytol. podoph. Constipation without the least desire, as from inactivity of the bowels: 1) Alum. chin. hep. kal. natr.-m. n.-vom. staph. thuj. veratr. 2) Anac. arn. bry. carb.-v. cocc. graph. ign. lyc. magn.-m. natr. n.-mosch. op. petr. rhod. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. 3) Collins. gels. hydrast. pod. When the faces are very hard: 1) Amm. ant. bry. calc carb.-v. con. guaj. lach. magn.-m. op. plumb. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. carb.-a. caust, kal. lyc. magn.-c. mgt.-arc. merc. n.- vom. petr. rhus. ruta spong. staph. sulph.-ac, thuj. 3) Esc.- hip. When lumpy, like sheep's dung: 1) Alum. magn.-m. merc. op. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. baryt. carb.-a. caust. graph. kal. lach. mang. n.-vom. petr. plumb. stann. sulph.-ac. thuj. verb. When too large: 1) Bry. calc. kal. mgt.-arc. n.-vom. 2) Aur. graph. ign. magn.-m. merc. stann. sulph..ac. thuj. verat. zinc. When too thin: Caust. graph. hyosc. merc. mur.-ac. natr puls. sep. staph. When too scanty: 1) Alum. arn. calc. graph. lyc. magn.-m. natr. n.-vom. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. baryt. cham. chin. lach. ruta. stann. staph. zinc. § 5. Particular indications : ESCULUS-HIP. Constant urging to stool; ineffectual ef forts to stool; difficult hard stool, followed by burning and constriction of the rectum; very hard and dry stool, followed by colicky pains in umbilicus and severe cutting pains in ano; stools very large, hard and difficult with feeling of pro- lapsus ani; desire of a passage from the bowels without result; excessive dryness of the rectum, with feeling of heat; worse when getting up after sitting. ALUMINA: The rectum is inactive; bowels move only by 142 CONSTIPATION. straining the abdominal muscles; stools very hard, knotty and scanty; ailments from lead. AMM.-MUR: Hard stools; crumbling to pieces when evacuat- ed; requiring great efforts to expel them, followed by soft stool. BAPTISIA: Constipation with torpor of the liver and hæmorrhoids. BRYONIA: Especially in summer, suitable to persons, who are disposed to rheumatism, or when the constipation was caused by disordered stomach, with disposition to feel chilly, congestion of blood to the head, headache; irritable mood, disposition to be angry; taciturn; generally suitable to vehement persons. CALC.-CARB: Hard, large, partially undigested stools; after stool feeling of faintness; oozing of fluid from the rectum, smelling like herring-brine; restless sleep towards morning. CAPSICUM: After drinking urging to stool, but only slime is passed; feeling of heat in the abdomen. COLLINSONIA: Constipation with a good deal of flatulence; sluggish stool, with distention of the abdomen, heat and itch- ing of the anus; habitual costiveness. HYDRASTIS: Constipation stands alone without any other ailment or is itself the cause of all other existing ailments. IRIS-VERSICOLOR: Constipation succeeded by thin, watery diarrhoea. LACHESIS: Obstinate constipation, with pressure in the stomach and ineffectual attempts at eructations. MERCURIUS: The constipation is accompanied with bad taste in the mouth, painful gums, but no loss of appetite, (give Staph., if Merc. should not suffice.) NATR.-MUR: Obstinate constipation, when all action of the bowels seems lost. NUX-VOMICA: Suitable to hypochondriac and hæmorrhoi- dal persons; the constipation was caused by eating too much or by deranging the stomach, &c. Symptoms: loss of appe- tite, nausea, distention of the abdomen, with pressure and heaviness; heat, especially in the face; congestion of blood to the head, headache; inability to work; disturbed sleep, oppression, cardialgia, ill-humor; sensation as if the anus were closed or narrower than usual, with frequent ineffectual urging. OPIUM: Sensation, as if the anus were closed, but without any great urging; beating and sensation of heaviness in the abdomen; cardialgia, dry mouth, loss of appetite, congestion of blood to the head, headache, red face, &c. CONSTITUTION. 143 PHYTOLACCA: Constipation of long standing; continual inclination to go to stool; hard stools; burning distress in the umbilical region; wind passes the bowels constantly, of a very fetid nature; pain in the umbilical region with desire for stool. PLATINA: The patient is only able to pass small lumps with tenesmus and creeping at the anus after every evacua- tion; chill with sensation of weakness in the abdomen; con- strictive pain in the abdomen with pressure, pain in the stomach and ineffectual attempts at eructation. PLUMBUM: Stools consisting of small, hard balls; constric- tion and drawing up of the anus; frequent violent colic; drawing in of the abdomen, in the region of the navel. PODOPHYLLUM: Constipation with headache and flatulence; hard and dry faces, voided with difficulty; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea; hard stool, coated with yellow, tenacious mucus. Morning aggravation of all the intestinal symptoms, weakness and soreness of the back. PULSATILLA Suitable for constipation produced by de- rangement of the stomach in consequence of eating too much fat; chilliness, peevish and taciturn. SELENIUM: Stool so hardand impacted, that it has to be re- moved by mechanical aid; the fæces contain threads of fæcal matter like hair. SEPIA: Suitable to females or to rheumatic individuals, or when sulph. and n.-vom. are insufficient; unsuccessful urging to stool, with sensation in the rectum, as of a lump having lodged in it. SULPHUR: Habitual costiveness, especially suitable after n.-vom., to hypochondriac and hæmorrhoidal persons; fre- quent, but ineffectual urging to stool, with incarceration of flatulence, malaise, distention of the abdomen, inability to perform any mental labor. 8 6. Should these remedies not prove sufficient, select a remedy in accordance with the general state of the patient. CONSTITUTION, AGE, SEX, AND TEMPERAMENT. The following classification of remedies agreeably to con- stitution, sex, &c., is, of course imperfect, and many reme- dies which have been omitted in the various paragraphs, may have to be supplied after a little more observation. Never- theless, an intelligent physician will find the attempted clas- sification of service, were it only to confirm the selection of a remedy, or to decide him in favor of one remedy among several doubtful ones. 144 CONSTITUTION. § 2. Premising all this, we will give the preference, as respects age and sex: a) For the male sex, to: 1) Acon. alum. aur. bry. canth. carb.-veg. chin. clem. coff. coloc. dig. euphorb, graph, ign. kal.. magn.-arct. magn.-m. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n -vom. op. phos. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. 2) Agar, alum. anac. ant. ars. baryt. caps. carb.-an. caust. coloc. con. hep. lach. lyc. mosch. mur.-ac. par. petr. phos.-ac. plumb. puls. seneg. stann. sulph.-ac. thuj. veratr. b) For the female sex, to: 1) Acon. amb. amm.-m. asa. bell. cham. chin, cic. con. croc. hyos. ign. magn.-c. magn.-m. mosch. n.-mosch. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. stann. val. 2) Alum. amm. arn. borax. calc. caust. cocc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. kal. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phosph. ruta. sabad. sec. spig. stram. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. c) For children: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. coff. hep. ign. ipec. lyc. merc. n. mosch. rhab. sil. sulph. 2) Amb. ars. aur. baryt. borax. bry. canth. chin. cin. dros. hep. magn.-c. n.-vom. puls. rhus. ruta. spong. stann. staph. sulph.-ac. veratr. viol.-tr. d) For young people: Acon. bell. bry. lach. and many others. e) For old people: Amb. aur. baryt. con. op. sec. § 3. As respects constitution: a) For blond persons of lax fibre, to: Bell. calc. caps. cham. clem. con. coccul. dig. graph. hyos. lach. lyc. merc, rhus. sil. sulph. b) For dark-complexioned, with rigid fibre: Acon, anac. arn. ars. bry. kal.^ natr.-m. nitr-ac. n.-vom. plat. puls. sep. staph. sulph. c) For bilious individuals: 1) Acon. bry. cham. chin. coc- cul. merc. n-vom. puls. 2) Ant. ars. asa. asar. cann. coloc. daphn. dig. ign. ipec. lach. sec. staph. sulph. tart. d) For nervous persons: 1) Acon. baryt. bell. chin. con. cupr. ign. magn.-arct. merc. natr. n.-vom. phos. plat. puls. sil. stann. sulph. val. viol.-od. 2) Alum. ars. carb.-veg. cham. dig. graph. hep. hyos. laur. lyc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phos.-ac. rhus. sabin. sep. stram. teucr. e) For plethoric individuals. See PLETHORA. f) For lymphatic individuals: 1) Bell. calc. carb.-veg. chin. lyc. merc. natr.-m. nit.-ac. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. arn. ars. baryt. dulc. ferr. graph. kal. petr. rhus. thuj. g) For bloated, spongy persons: Amm. ant. ars. asa, bell. CONTRACTION OF MUSCLES. -CORNS. 145 calc. caps. cupr. ferr. hell. kal. lach. merc. puls. rhus. seneg. spig. sulph. h) For slender individuals: Amb. n.-vom. phos. sep. i) For thin, lean subjects: 1) Amb. ars. bry. chin. graph. lach. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. stann. sulph. 2) Ant. baryt. cham. clem. cupr. ferr. ign. ipec. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. plumb. puls. sec. sil. staph. veratr. k) For fat, large persons: Ant. bell. calc. caps. cupr. ferr. graph. lyc. puls. sulph. 1) For weakly, cachectic individuals: 1) Arn. calc. chin. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sulph. veratr. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. lach. merc. phos. sec. sep. &c. § 4. As respects temperament and disposition: a) For choleric, vehement individuals: Acon. ars. aur. bry. carb.-veg. caust. hep. kal. lyc. magn.-aust. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. plat. sep. sulph. b) For bland dispositions: Amb. bell. calad. cic. coccul. ign. lyc. magn.-arct. puls. sil. sulph. e) For phlegmatic individuals: Bell. caps. chin. lach. merc. natr. natr.-m. mez. puls. seneg. d) For lively dispositions: Acon. ars. cham. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. &c. e) For melancholy persons: Acon. aur. bell. bry. calc. chin. graph. ign. lyc. natr.-m. plat. puls. rhus. stram. sulph. veratr. f) For sensitive people: Ars. ant. calc. canth. coff. con. cupr. ign. lach. lyc. n-vom. phos. plat. sabad. CONTRACTION OF MUSCLES, INDURATION. The principal remedies for this affection, which is generally connected with rheumatic or arthritic ailments, are: 1) Amm. amm.-m. caust. coloc. graph. lach. natr. natr.-m. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Baryt. carb.-an. carb.-veg. con. lyc. n.-vom. See: GoUT and RHEUMATISM. COPPER, ILL EFFECTS OF, OR VERDIGRIS. For poisoning with large doses, Hering recommends: 1) Albumen, either with or without water; 2) Sugar, or Sugar- water; 3) Milk; 4) Mucilaginous drinks; 5) Iron filings dis- solved in vinegar, and mixed with gum-water. The subsequent dynamic affections require: 1) Hep. n.-vom.; or, 2) Aur. bell. chin, cocc. dulc. ipec. merc. CORNS. § 1. The principal remedies, which, indeed, do not always cure, but palliate the pain, are: 1) Ant. calc. sep. sil. 2) Amm. carb.-an. ign. petr. lyc. nitr.-ac. sulph. 7 146 CORNEA.- COUGH. § 2. a) For boring pains, give: Borax. caust. natr. phos. b) For burning pains: Calc ign. magn.-arct. petr. phos.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. c) For aching pains: Ant. graph. bry. phos. sep. d) For inflammation: Lyc. sep. sil. e) For tearing pains: Bry. lyc. magn.-m. natr. sep. sil. sulph. f) For stitching pains: Ant. bry. calc. lyc. natr. natr.-m. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. g) For pain generally: Bry. calc. lyc. n.-vom. phos. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. h) For soreness: Amb. graph. ign. lyc. magn.-arct. n.-vom. rhus. sep. § 3. See: SKIN, INDURATION, THICKENING OF THE. CORNEA, diseases of the.-Principal remedies: 1) Calc. cann. con. euphr. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. aur. chel. chin. cin. hep. kal.-bi. lach. magn.-c. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. ruta. seneg. sep. sil. spig For SPECKS give: 1) Calc. cann. caust. euphr. hep. hydrast. nitr.-ac. seneg. sil. 2) Ars. cin. kal.-bi. ruta. sep. spig. sulph. 3) Aur. carb.-a. con. puls.-nut. For ULCERS and CICATRICES: 1) Sulph. hep. sil. 2) Ars. calc. kal.-bi. lach. merc. natr. For PTERYGION: Chrom. lach. op. plumb. For OBSCURATION OF THE CORNEA: 1) Calc. cann. caust. euphr. magn.-c. puls. sulph. 2) Chel. chin. hydrast. nitr.-ac. phos. For FUNGUS HEMATODES: 1) Bell. calc. lyc. sep. sil. 2) Carb.-a. sulph. thuj. For STAPHYLOMA: Apis. calc. euphr. lyc. sulph. Compare also: ophthalmia. COUGH, tussis. § 1. Cough being, generally speaking, a mere symptom, it seems impossible, to furnish precise instructions for the treatment of every species of cough. Nevertheless, it may not be superfluous to mention the principal remedies for cough, provided the practitioner selects his remedy in ac- cordance with the general symptoms of the patient. Taken in this sense, the principal remedies for cough are: 1) Acon. aral. asclep. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb. v. hep. ipec. lob. lyc. lycopus. n.-vom. phos. puls. rum. sang. sep. stann. stict. sulphi. 2) Ceras. cham. chin. cimicif. cin, con. dros. dulc. eupat. gels. gnaph. ham. helon. hep. hyosc. ign. kal. lach. led. leptan. rhus sil. spong. 3) Esc.-h. apoc. arn. caps. caust. COUGH. 147 comoclad. dioscor. euphr. op. phos.-ac. pod. phytol. squill. stann. staph. verat. verb. § 2. For CATARRHAL COUGH: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cact. cham, cimic. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. calc. caps. caust. chin. cin. dros. dulc. euphr. hydrast. hyosc. ign. ipec. lach. phos. phos.-ac. sep. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. stict. verat. verb. For cough accompanied with VOMITING OR NAUSEA, give: 1) Bry. carb.-v. dros. ferr. hep. ipec. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Esc.-h. calc. chin. kreas. lept. natr.-m. sep. sil. 3) Lach. phos.-ac. rhus. sabad. tart. veratr. For NERVOUS AND SPASMODIC cough: 1) Bry. carb.-v. cin. hyosc. ipec. n.-vom. puls. rum. 2) Ambr. bell cupr. dros. ferr. hep. mgt.-arc. merc. sulph. 3) Acon. calc. chin. con. ign. iod. kal, kreas. lact. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. § 3. For DRY COUGH, WITHOUT EXPECTORATION: Acon arum. bell. bry. calc. cham. coff. hep. hyosc. ign. iris. ipec. lach. lachn. n.-vom. petr. phos. rum. sang. sep. spong. sulph. 2) Ant. arn. ars. cact. carb.-v. caust. chin. cin. cupr. dros. iod. kreas. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac- n.-mosch. plat. puls. rhus. seneg. spig. squill. stann. staph. 3) Esc.-hip. asclep.-tub. cact. cimicif. cist. gymnocl jugl. lachn. stict. zizia. For LOOSE COUGH, WITH EXPECTORATION: Ars. bry. calc. chin. iod. lyc. phos. puls. seneg. sep. sil. squill. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. anac. apoc.-c. arum. dros. dulc. eryng. euphat.- p. ferr. kal. lept. merc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. ruta. senec. spong. staph. stict. thuj. veratr. 3) Asclep.-syr. eryng, collins. eupat.- perf. hepat. hydrast. For cough, loose in the day-time, dry at night: Ars. calc. cham. graph. n.-vom. puls. sabad. sil. sulph. For cough, with expectoration only in the morning: 1) Alum. amm. bry. calc. carb.-veg ferr. hep. magn.-c. mang. natr.-m. phos. puls. sep. squill. sulph.-ac. 2) Bell. kal. led. lyc. mur.-ac. natr. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. sil. Expectoration only in the evening: 1) Arn. cin. graph. 2) Calc. kal. lyc. mur.-ac. nitr. n.-vom. phos. ruta. sep. stann. Expectoration only at night: Bell. calc. caust. hep. led. lyc. sep. When it is impossible to throw off the detached substance: Amb. arn. caust. kal. sep. § 4. a) For bloody expectoration: 1) Acon. arn. bry calc. ferr. ipec. lyc. nitr.-ac. phos. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. chin. con. croc. dros. dulc. hep. hyos. laur. led. merc. nitr. rhus sabin. sec. sep. sill. squill. sulph.-ac. 148 COUGH. b) For blood-streaked expectoration, or mucus mixed with blood: 1) Ars. bry. chin. ferr. phos. sabin. sep. 2) Acon arn. bell. borax. iod. ipec. laur. lyc. magn.-c. op. sulph.-ac zinc. c) For purulent expectoration: 1) Calc. carb.-veg. chin. con. kal. lyc. natr. nitr. phos. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. carb.-an. dros. ferr. hep. merc. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. stann. d) For jelly-like expectoration, or resembling boiled starch, de.: Arg baryt. chin. dig. ferr, laur. e) Frothy expectoration: Ars. ferr. op. phos. puls. sec. sil. f) Mucous expectoration: Ars. bry. calc. chin. lyc. phos. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Amm. arg. baryt. bell, carb.-veg. cin. dulc. iod. kreos. lach. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. ruta. staph. thuj. g) Fetid expectoration: 1) Calc. natr. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. con. graph. guaj. lyc. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. stann. h) Watery expectoration, or of thin mucus: Arg. carb.- veg. cham. chin. ferr. graph. lach. lyc. magn -c. merc. stann. sulph. i) Tenacious expectoration: 1) Ant. ars. bell. bov. carb.- veg. seneg. sil. 2) Alum. anac. cann. cham. chin. dulc. ferr. iod. kal. magn.-c. magn.-m. lach. merc. mez. phos.-ac. rhus. spong. zinc. § 5. a) Yellow expectoration: 1) Bry. calc. carb.-veg. dros. kreos. phos. puls. stann. staph. thuj. 2) Acon. amm.-m ars. lyc. mang. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. ruta. sep. spong. b) Gray expectoration: 1) Amb. ars. lyc. sep. 2) Anac. arg, chin. kreos. lach. magn.-m. n.-vom. thuj. c) Greenish expectoration: 1) Ars. carb.-veg. magn.-c. yc. puls. stann. 2) Borax. colch. led. mang. natr. phos. sil. thuj. d) Reddish, not bloody expectoration: Bry. squill. e) Blackish expectoration: Chin. lyc. n.-vom. rhus. f) Whitish expectoration: 1) Arg. carb.-veg. kreos. lyc. phos. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. amm.-m. carb.-an, chin. cin. cupr. ferr. rhus. sil. § 6. a) For bitter expectoration: 1) Ars. cham. merc. n.-vom. puls. 2) Arn. bry. canth. dros. nitr.-ac. sep. b) Foul expectoration: Arn. bell. carb.-veg. cham. con. cupr. ferr. puls. sep. stann. c) Salt expectoration: 1) Ars. lyc. natr. phos. puls. sep. 2) Alum. amb. baryt. cale, chin. dros. graph. niagn.-c. magn.- m. merc. n.-vom. samb. sil. sulph. COUGH. 149 d) Sour expectoration: 1) Calc. n.-vom. phos. 2) Bell. cham. chin. hep. kal. magn.-m. plumb. puls. sulph. e) Musty expectoration: Borax. f) For expectoration tasting like old catarrhal mucus: Bell. puls. sulph. g) For sweetish expectoration: Calc. phos. 2) Kreos. kal. lach. magn.-c. n.-vom. puls. samb. squill. stann. sulph. h) For expectoration tasting like tobacco: Puls. i) For expectoration having an offensive taste: 1) Ars. dros. merc. puls. 2) Calc. ferr. ipec. lach. natr.-m. sep. k) For other kinds of taste, compare TASTE. § 7. a) For RACKING, EXHAUSTING COUGH; 1) Ars. bell. lach. lob.-inf. merc. n-vom. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Anac. carb-v. gymnocl. hyosc. ign. lyc. sol. 3) Caust. chin. con. cupr. graph. ipec. kal. phos. rum. rhus. squill. b) For SUFFOCATIVE COUGH: 1) Arum. chin. cin. cupr. dros. ¿pec. op. sil. 2) bry. carb-v. con. hep. n-vom. puls. sep. sulph. 3) Árs. carb-a. caust. cham. lach. mgt-arc. n-mosch. samb. tart. c) For HOARSE DEEP COUGH: 1) carb-v. cin. hep. ign, merc. n-vom. stann. sticta. 2) acon. ambr. apoc. ars. carb-a. caust. kreas. lyc. nitr-ac. phytol. samb. verat. verb. d) For HOLLOW BARKING COUGH: 1) Acon. bell. bry. dros. hep. nitr-a. spong. staph. 2) caust. cin. ign. kreas. phos. samb. spig. e) For PANTING WHEEZING COUGH: 1) cin. dros. 2) bell. carb-v. con. cupr. dulc. hyosc. ipec. phos. puls. rum. spong. verat. 3) Acon. ambr. arum. chin. kreas. lyc. rhus. fFor TITILLATING COUGH: 1) Acon. ars. cham. dros. iod. ipec. lach. natr-m. n-vom. phos. phytol. puls. rum. sep. staph. 2) Amm. bell. carb-a. caust. cimicif. con. eryng. gels. ham. nitr. sil. spong. stann. verat. g) For CROWING COUGH: 1) Chin. cin. dros. dulc. samb. spong. 2) Acon. hep. h) For SPASMODIC COUGH: 1) bell. bry. carb-v. chin. dros. hyosc, ipec. n-vom. puls. 2) Ambr. comoclad. cupr. ferr. hep. mgt-arc. merc. sulph. 3) Acon, calc. chin. cou. ign. iod. kal. kreas. natr-m. sep. sil. verat. i) For SHORT HACKING COUGH: 1) Acon. ars. coff. lach. merc. natr-m. n-vom. sulph. 2) Alum. bry. caust. chin. eupat. graph. ham. hep. ign. kreas. lyc. nitr-a. phytol. pod. puls. rhus. sep. spong. squill. stann. sulph-ac. k) For cough, as if from the VAPORS OF SULPHUR or from 150 COUGH. feather dust in the throat: 1) Ars. chin. ign. puls. 2) Amm. calc. cin. teucr. § 8. a) For cough coming on IN THE EVENING, give: 1) Ars. calc. caps. carb-a. carb-v. dros. hep. kreas. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. puls. stann. 2) Amm. cham. con. eupat-p. kal. lach. lyc. b) AT NIGHT IN BED: 1) Acon. amm. ars. baryt. bell. calc. caps. cham. cimicif. dros. eryng. graph. hyosc. kal. merc. natr-m. n-vom. petr. puls. rum. sang. sep. sil. sticta. 2) Anac. arn. carb-a. carb-v. caust. chin. cocc. coff. colch. comoclad. hep. ip. kreas. lyc. mgt-arc. magn-m. phos. ruta. sulph. verb. 3) eupat-perf. lachn. rumex. zyzia. c) IN THE MORNING: Alum. ars. bry. calc. caust. cham. chin. dros. iod. kal. lachn. lyc. natr-in. n-vom. phos. phyt. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. d) AFTER A MEAL: Ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. china. ferr. hep. lach. n-vom. phos. puls. sang. sil. staph. sulph. e) After DRINKING: Acon. ars. bry. chin. dros. hep. lach. phos. squill. f) In the OPEN AIR: 1) Ars. nitr. phos. sulph. sulph-ac. 2) Alum. ipec. mgt-arc. rhus. seneg. g) In the COLD, in COLD AIR, and after taking a cold drink : Amm-m. ars. caust. cimicif. hep. ipec. phos. sil. squill. 2) carb-v. dulc. nitr-ac. sabad. sep. h) During EXERCISE: 1) Ars. bry. chin. dros. ferr. lach. n-vom. phos. sil. stann. 2) Hep. natr-m. i) When, LAUGHING, TALKING, SINGING, READING (motions of the chest): Cimicif. chin. comoclad. lach. n-vom. phos. puls. stann. 2) Anac. baryt. caust. dros. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. sil. 3) hepat.-myric. k) When LYING, going off again when raising one's self or rising from a seat: 1) Hyosc. mez puls. rhus. sabad. sulph. 2) Con. ipec. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil.-When lying on the back: Amm-m. kal-bi. natr-m. phos.-DURING SLEEP: Ars. calc. cham, lach. § 9. a) For cough, AFFECTING THE HEAD, and causing pain in the head: 1) Bell. bry. calc. caust. natr-m. n-vom. rum, sang. sulph. 2) Alum. ambr. anac. caps. carb-v. hep. lach. lyc. merc. phos. sep. squill. 3) Asclep-tub. b) The FACE GETS RED AND BLUE during the paroxysms: Acon. bell, cin. con. cupr. ipec. kal. n-vom. op. sil. c) With PAINS IN THE THROAT: 1) Acon. carb-v. hep. kal. merc, natr-m, n-vom. phos. spong. 2) Ars. calc, caust` chin CRAMP. 151 lye. nitr-ac. phytol. 3) Arum. asclep-syr., and tub. bapt. cact. cimicific. cist. eryng. hydr. d) Producing NAUSEA AND VOMITING: 1) Bry. carb-v. dros. ferr. hep. ipec. lob. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Calc. chin. kal. kreas. natr-m. sep. sil. verat. 3) lach. plios-ac. pod. rhus. sabad. tart. e) With pain in the region of the STOMACH and HYPOCHON- DRIA: 1) Bry. dros. lach. n-vom. phos. 2) ambr. amım. ars. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. as if f) With pressure through the ABDOMINAL BING, HERNIA would protrude: 1) mgt-arc. n-vom. sulph. 2) cocc. natr-m. sil. verat. g) With PRESSURE ON THE BLADDER, and causing the urine to spirt out: 1) Caust. natr-m. phos. squill. verat. zinc. 2) Ant. caps. colch. kreas. puls. staph. sulph. h) Affecting the CHEST: 1) Acon. bell. bry. lyc. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Amm. arn. ars, bor. calc. carb-v. caust. dros. kal. mang. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. sep. squill. i) With ARREST OR DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING: 1) Ars. cupr. ipec. op. sil. tart. 2) acon. bell. carb-a. carb-v. cic. con. hep. kreas. lach. mgt-arc. natr-m. n-mosch. n-vom. puls. sang. sep. sil. squill. k) With STITCHES IN THE SIDE: Acon. bry. phos. squill. sulph. 2) ambr. chin. verat. 1) When the paroxysms AROUSE THE EMOTIONS, as anger, &c.: 1) asar. bell. 2) arn. cham. tart.-With crying: arn. bell. cin. hep. 2) samb. tart. § 10. Compare: Asthma, croup, angina pectoris, pleuri- tis, whooping-cough, influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneu- monia, phthisis, pulmonalis, &c. CRAMP IN THE CALVES: Although a mere symptom, yet it is sometimes so distressing, that it requires a special treatment. Principal remedies are: 1) cham. cupr. rhus. sulph. verat. 2) calc. camph. caust. coloc. euphr. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. sec. sep. sil. 3) alum. ambr. anac. chin, con. ferr. graph. ign. mgt- aus. n-vom. phos. puls. spig. stann. staph. CROUP. Angina membranacea. § 1. The best remedies are: Acon. spong. hep. in water, a tablespoonful every hour or half hour. ACONITE: During the inflammatory period, should be con- tinued as long as the following symptoms are present: great nervous and vascular excitement, burning heat with thirst, dry and short cough, short and hurried, but not yet wheez- ing or sawing respiration. Cough and loud breathing dur- 152 CRAMP. ing expiration, but not during inspiration. Every expiration ends with a hoarse hacking cough; the child is in agony, impatient, throws itself about. SPONGIA. The above symptoms are less, but the charac- teristic symptoms of croup remain, or these symptoms exist from the commencement: rough, crowing or barking cough, or dry cough, with difficult expectoration of scanty mucus; slow, loud, wheezing and sawing breathing, or suffocative fits with inability to breathe, except with the head bent. backwards. The cough sounds like a saw driven through a pine board, each cough corresponding to a thrust of the saw; sawing sound also during remission; worse in the evening. HEPAR. The cough has become less after Spongia, but the air-passages remains clogged; or the croup symptoms are attended with rattling of mucus from the commencement, the cough is moist, with little difficulty of breathing and slight nervous or vascular excitement; the rattling choking cough gets worse, particularly in the morning part of the night; after exposure to cold west wind. § 2. Other remedies are: BELLADONNA: if the cough is hoarse, causing the face to flush and the eyes to become red. BROMINE: Spasm of the larynx; suffocative cough; hoarse, whistling, croupy sound with great effort; rattling wheezing; gasping, impeded by respiration; heat of the face; formation of a false membrane in the larynx and trachea; much rattling in the larynx, when coughing. (After Spongia.) IODINE: Pains in the chest and larynx, the child grasps these parts with his hands. Paleness and coldness of the face in very fleshy children; the voice has a deep, hoarse, rough sound. (After Hepar.) KAL.-BICHROM. Croup with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus, inflamed fauces; hoarseness; worse morning. LACHESIS: This remedy has cured far advanced and ap- parently hopeless cases, indicated especially by very distress- ing aggravation after sleep, as if the child were dying; commencing paralysis of the lungs. PHOSPHORUS: When a hoarseness remains after croup with tendency to relapse; combination with bronchitis. TARTARUS-EM.: There is a sound, as if a large quantity of mucus were in the bronchical tubes, but none is expectorated. Apparent danger of suffocation; paralytic state of the lungs; face cold, bluish, covered with cold perspiration. CRAMP. 153 § 3. For the ROUGH AND BARKING COUGH, which some- times sets in a few days previous to the attack of croup, give: cham. chin. cimicif. cin. dros. hyosc. n.-vom. veratr. For CROUP WITH ASTHMA MILLARI: Samb. mosch. or lob. sang. In desperate cases give: 1) Mosch. phos. 2) Cham. cupr. lach. 3) Brom, iod, kal.-bi. kaolin. 4) Apis. For LARYNGITIS, HOARSENESS AND CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS remaining after croup, give: 1) Hep. phos. 2) Arn. bell. carb.-v. dros. rum. stilling. For the DISPOSITION TO CROUP: Lycopod. or Phosphorus has been recommended. CYANOSIS. Digitalis is said to have cured this disease. Lachesis has been recommended. It is incurable, when de- pending upon an organic affection of the heart; Laurocera- sus ought to be tried. For symptomatic cyanosis, not depending upon organic affection (as in cholera), are recommended: 1) Acon. camph. carb.-v. cupr. dig. lach. op. veratr. 2) Arn. ars. aur. bell. merc. natr.-m. n.-voin. phos. puls. rhus. samb. sec. sil. spong. CYSTITIS, inflammation of the bladder : The best remedies are: 1) Acon. camph. cann. canth. dig. n.-vom. puls. or 2) calc. cauloph. chimaph. collins. erig. eupat.-p. gal. gels. graph. hydrast. hyosc. kal. lyc. mez. polyg. senec. sep. sulph. 3) Apis. arn. ars. verat.-v. ACONITUM: violent fever with thirst, frequent and violent urging to urinate, with no discharge or only a few drops of dark, red and turbid or bloody urine; painfulness of the region of the bladder, when touching it, with increase of the pains during micturition. (After Acon. give Cann. BELLADONNA: rapid sinking of strength, the region of the bladder is very sensitive to the touch; the urine hot and fiery red; clear at first, but soon becoming turbid on stand- ing and depositing a copious, slimy, bright-red, bran-like sediment. CAMPHORA: when the disease is caused by abuse of Can- tharides, in whatever shape they may have been used; or for complete suppression of urine, slow and thin stream, burning in the urethra and bladder. CANNABIS: frequently after Aconite, for complete suppres- sion of urine, or for urging to urinate, especially at night with burning pain, or drops of bloody urine; gonorrheal inflammation, CANTHARIDES: vomiting and nausea; great thirst, but 7* 154 CRAMP. drinking or even the sight of water increases the pain; fre- quent small pulse; violent tenesmus and burning in the bladder; violent, but ineffectual urging to urinate, with drop-discharge of a saturated dark urine, stinging and burning pains in the region of the bladder, before and after micturi- tion or cutting pains from the kidneys to the bladder; the abdomen is distended and painful to contact, especially in the region of the bladder. CHIMAPHILA: copious discharge of clear limpid urine; frequent and profuse urination; urging to urinate after void- ing urine; pressing fullness in the region of the bladder. It causes mucous sediment to disappear from the urine. DIGITALIS: the neck of the bladder is principally affected with retention of urine and constrictive pain in the bladder, or frequent and painful urging to urinate, with discharge of a few drops of dark-red and turbid urine. DULCAMARA: for chronic affections of the bladder, constant urging to urinate, painful pressing down in the region of the bladder and urethra; drop discharge of urine with mucous sediment or mixed with bloody lumps. (After dulc., kal. or phos. is sometimes suitable.) ERIGERON: dysuria in teething children; the children cry on voiding urine, the calls for which are frequent; in- creased secretion of urine, having a very strong odor; vesi- cal irritation from calculi. Eupatorium-purpureum: constant desire to pass water accompanied by a cutting, aching pain in the bladder; most excruciating smarting and burning in the urethra upon void-. ing the urine; passes a few drops at a time and is obliged to make the effort very often. KALI-CARB.: violent cutting and tearing in the bladder, neck of the bladder and urethra; less urine and fiery, with a good deal of ineffectual urging. NUX-VOM.: frequent urging to urinate with violent pains during and after micturition, which is very scanty; burning pain in the urethra, bladder and kidneys; contractive pain in the urethra after urinating; is suitable to patients who use a great deal of spirits, and who suffer with hæmorrhoids. PHOSPHORUS: retention of urine as if there were an ob- stacle in the urethra with pain in the abdomen when the last drops are discharged; contractive pain in the bladder, or stitches from the neck of the bladder to the anus. POLYGONUM-P.: painful cutting and feeling of strangulation at the neck of the bladder, while urinating, lasting a long CYSTOPLEGIA.-DEBILITY. 155 time after; pains in the bladder; frequent and profuse dis- charge of clear, white or straw-colored urine. PULSATILLA: the urging to urinate is attended by aching, burning and cutting pains in the region of the bladder; heat and redness of the region and sometimes complete suppression of urine; or scanty painful discharge of slimy urine, or of bloody urine with purulent sediment. SULPHUR: in obstinate cases, the urine is mixed with mucus or blood, burning in the urethra after micturition. (After sulph., calc. is frequently suitable, especially when the dis- ease is caused by suppression of hæmorrhoids; if the burning pains do not yield to calc., give ars. or carbo.-veg. See: Haematuria, urinary difficulties, ischuria, nephritis and nephralgia. CYSTOPLEGIA: Principal remedies: ars. dulc. lach. or acon. bell. cic. hyosc. lauroc. mgt.-au For paralysis of the bladder itself: Ars. hell. laur. For paralysis of the neck of the bladder: 1) Ars. dulc. hyosc. 2) Acon. bell. eic. hell. lach. laur. mgt.-aus. CYSTOSPASM: the best remedies are: Asa. caps. clem. phos--ac. puls. sass. sep. ter. DEADNESS of single parts, a mere symptom, which in conjunction with other symptoms, frequently points to: 1) Calc. chel. con. lyc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sec. sulph. 2) Ant. merc. natr.-m. sil. stann. thuj. zinc., &c. DEBILITY, asthenia: § 1. In many cases a mere symptom, which disappears with the general disease. Sometimes, however, it arises from losses of animal fluids, sexual excesses and violent acute diseases and requires special treatment. Principal re- medies are: 1) Ars. carb.-v. chin. ipec. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. staph. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. alet-far. aral. amm. arn. baryt. calc. camph. caust. chelon. cocc. cornus. ferr. graph. helon. hydr. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. oleand. rhus. rum. sang. sec. sep. sil. 3) Anac. arg.-n. bar.-m. bapt. cann. canth. ceras. cham. cimicif. con. corydal. cupr. dig. dulc. eupat.-per. fluor.-ac. fras. gels. hyosc. kreas. lept. lycopus. magn.-m. mosch. mur.-ac. petr. plat. stann. zinc. § 2. 2. For debility from LOSS OF ANIMAL FLUIDS give: china; and if this should be insufficient: 1) Calc. carb.-v. cin. lach. n.-vom. phos..ac. sulph. verat. 2) Nitr.-ac. sulph. ac. selen. § 3. For debility from SEXUAL EXCESSES without onanism give china; chronic debility requires: 1) Calc. ceras, helon 156 DEBILITY. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sil. staph. sulph. or 2) Anac. arn. carb.-v. con. merc. natr.-m. phos. sep. CALCAREA is indicated, when an embrace causes languor, trembling of the extremities, weariness, pain in the head. STAPHYSAGRIA: When the patient worries about his ail- ments, and is affected with asthma after an embrace, and with hypochondriac mood. SELENIUM: easy exhaustion; inability to perform any kind of labor, either mental or physical; sexual desire, with de- bility and relaxation of the organs; loss of prostatic juice. § 4. ONANISM generally requires: n.-vom., then sulph. and calc., provided phos.-ac. and staph. are not sufficient; frequently we give with success: carb.-v. cin. cocc. con. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phos. China is of little use, as the chief cause is here not loss of animal fluids, but rather nervous prostration. To eradicate the vice, give sulph. calc. or 2) chin. cocc. merc. phos. 3) Ant. carb.-v. major. plat. puls. § 5. For exhaustion and debility from OVERWORKING THE BODY: Acon. arn. ars. bry. calc. chin. cocc. coff. merc. rhus. sil. verat. From NIGHT-WATCHING: Carb.-v. cocc. n.-vom. puls. From STUDYING TOO HARD and overworking the mind: Bell. calc. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. From SEDENTARY HABITS: N.-vom. sulph. § 6. For debility in consequence of ACUTE DISEASES: 1) Chin. hep. sil. verat. 2) Calc. kal. natr.-m. phos.-ac. sulph. 3) Alet.-far. bapt. cornus. fraser. gels. hydr. mitchel. For debility from BLOOD-LETTING: chin. phos.-ac. sulph.-ac. For debility from GROWING TOO FAST: phos.-ac. For OLD PEOPLE: Aur. baryt. chin. con. op. 7. For HYSTERIC DEBILITY. See hysteria. DEBILITY, nervous; or excessive nervous excitement. § 1. Principal remedies are: 1) Acon. cham. chin. cimicif. coff. cornus, helon. lept. lycopus, mgt.-arc. n.-vom. puls. sang. 2) Asar. bapt. hep. ign. nitr.-ac. teucr. valer. verat. § 2. If caused by study, watching or a sedentary life, give 1) N.-vom. sulph. 2) Calc. carb.-v. chelon. cocc. iris. lach. mgt.-arc. puls. If caused by abuse of coffee: Cham. ign. merc. n.-vom. sulph. If by abuse of mercury: Carb.-v. cham. hep. nitr.-ac. puls. If by narcotics: Cham. coff. merc. n.-vom. If by abuse of wine or spirits: Acon. bell. coff. n.-vom. puls. sulph. DEGLUTITION.—DELIRIUM. 157 § 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Suitable to young people (especially young girls) when plethoric and leading a sedentary life, or for ex- treme sensitiveness to pain, sleeplessness, tossing about, ex- treme sensitiveness of sight and hearing, red cheeks, tendency of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, &c. CHAMOMILLA: Sensitiveness to pain, disposition to faint when suffering ever so little; disconsolate, tossing about, moaning and lamenting; irritable, quarrelsome mood, al- ternate paleness and redness; or one cheek pale and cold, the other warm and red, &c. CHINA: Great debility with trembling, aversion to physical or mental labor; excessive nervous sensitiveness; sensitive- ness to draughts of air, sleeplessness from thoughts crowding upon one's mind, or remaining awake late at night; heavy dreams, causing anxiety even after waking, disposition to sweat, hypochondriac mood. COFFEA: Sleeplessness, mental excitement, ill-humor, or excessive mirthfulness and liveliness; extreme sensitiveness to pain. ÑUX-VOм.: Irritable, nervous sensitiveness of all the organs of sense, tendency to start, anguish, disposition to lie down, aversion to open air and exercise, peevish mood, vehement, disposed to be angry. PULSATILLA Corresponds to the symptoms of Nux, but more suitable to females or people of bland disposition. MAGN.-ARCT.: Nervousness, trembling, distention of the abdomen, anguish, nervous debility. DEGLUTITION, DIFFICULT, DYSPHAGIA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. canth. caust. hyos. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. sil. stram. 2) Acon. alum. amm. ant. ars. aur. calc. cham. cic. cocc. con. cupr. dros. ign. kal. laur. lyc. merc. n.-vom. op. rhus. § 2. If caused by inflammation, give: Acon. bell. canth. cham. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls.; and the other remedies indi- cated for sore throat. If caused by spasms of the fauces: 1) Bell. canth. hyos. lach. stram. 2) Alum. ars. cic. coccul. con. ign. laur. lyc. merc. n.-vom. op. veratr. If caused by paralysis of the muscles: 1) Caust. con. graph. lach. sil. 2) Ars. bell. carb.-veg. cocc. cupr. hyos. ipec, kal. laur. ? n.-mosch. ? n.-vom. ? op. plumb. puls.? rhus. ? § 3. See: PHARYNGITIS, SPASMS, PARALYSIS, &c. DELIRIUM. § 1. It is a mere symptom, though of 158 DIAPHRAGMITIS. great importance in selecting a remedy. For delirium with- out fever, or mania, see: Mental derangement; delirium with fever or violent cerebral irritation requires: 1) Bell. cact. hyosc. lachn. op. stram. verat.-a. verat.-vir. 2) Acon. aur. bry. cupr. lach. lyc. n.-vom. phos. sulph. 3) Arn. ars. bapt. calc. canth. cham. cimicif. cin. cypriped. gels. ign. kal. pod. puls. rhus. sang. sec. spong. zizea. § 2. Particular indications : a) For ANXIOUS, FRIGHTFUL OR FRIGHTENING delirium: 1) Acon. bell. hyosc. opium. puls. sil. stram. 2) Anac. bapt. calc. cimicif. cypriped. hep. lachn. n.-vom. phos. pod. verat. b) With FANCIES: 1) Bell. stram. sulph. 2) Cham. gels. hyosc. op. sep. sil. spong. 3) graph. c) With DESIRE TO ESCAPE, jumping up from bed: 1) Bell. bry. 2) Acon. coloc. op. d) LOQUACIOUS DELIRIUM: 1) Bell. rhus. stram. verat. 2) Cact. lach. op. e) With VISIONS, PHANTASMATA, &c.: 1) Bell. hyosc. op. stram. 2) Ars. cact. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 3) Calc. camph. carb.-v- dros. hell. hep. nitr.-ac. plat. sang. veratr. f) MERRY DELIRIUM: 1) Bell. 2) Acon. op, sulph. verat. zizea. g) MUTTERING DELIRIUM: 1) Bell. hyosc. stram. 2) n.- vom. h) With ILLUSION OF SPACE: Bell. bry. lach. verat. i) RELIGIOUS DELIRIUM: 1) Bell. puls. stram. verat. 2) Aur. croc. lach. sulph. k) With SCREAMS: Plant. puls. stram. verat.-vir. 1) With TALKING ABOUT DEAD PEOPLE: Bell. n.-vom. op. 2) Ars. canth. hep. m) SAD WHINING DELIRIUM: Acon. bell. puls. n) FURIBUND DELIRIUM: Acon. bell. cimicif. op. plumb. verat. Compare: Fever, mental derangement, morbid § 3. sleep and dreams. Compare: DIABETES, Diabetes mellitus. Principal remedies: 1) phos.-ac. 2) Coloc. 3) Carb.-v. chimaph. lach. merc. sulph. 4) Arg. aur. eupat.-pur. helon. meph. mur.-ac natr.-m. nitr.- ac. phos. 5) Amm. amm.-m. bar.-m. carb.-a. con. magn.-c. Phos.-ac. is especially indicated by the discharge of milky urine. Compare: Secretion of urine, urinary difficulties, diseases of the kidneys. DIAPHRAGMITIS: The following remedies have been MI DIARRHŒEA. 159 theoretically recommended; Acon. ambr. ars. cann. cham. cocc. colch. dros. laur. lyc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. spig. verat. ĎIARRHOEA. § 1. Principal remedies are: 1) Ars. cham. chin. dulc. ferr. ipec. merc. puls. rhab. sec. sulph. verat. 2) Ant. bry. calc. caps. coloc. crot.-t. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ar. rhus. 3) Arn. bell. berb. carb.-v. cupr. graph. hep. hyosc. lach. magn. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. petr. sep. 4) Esc.-h. alnus. apoc. asclep. chim. collin. gnaph. ham. hel. hydr. iris. jugl. lept. phytol. pod. rhus.-v. rum. § 2. PAINLESS DIARRHOEA: Ferr. veratr. or, Ascl.-s. caul. chin. cinn, dule. gels. ipec. petr. phos. sec. sulph.. Diarrhoea WITH COLIC: Apoc.-a. ars. bry. cact. cham. col- lins. coloc. hep. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sulphur, &c. With VOMITING: Apoc.-a. apoc.-c. ars. ascl.-s. bell. bry. calc. cham. coloc. collin, chin. crot. dulc. euphorb. ferr. gnaph. ipec. iris. pod. puls. (See cholera.) With TENESMUS: Ars. caps. hep. ipec. lach. merc. n.-vom. rhab. rhus. sulph. 2) Esc.-h. eupat,-per. gels. With discharge of UNDIGESTED FOOD, lienteria: 1) Chin. ferr. iris. oleand. 2) Ars. bry, calc. cham. dulc. men. phos. phos.-ac. phyt. pod. sec. 3) Ant. arn. asar. bor. con. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. rhab. rhus. sang. sil. sulph. COLLIQUATIVE DIARRHOEA: Ars. chin.ipec. verat. or, 2) Arn. calc. dulc. euvon. euphorb. ferr. fraser. gnaph. merc. petr. phos. phos.-ac. pod. sec. For BILIOUS, SLIMY DIARRHŒA: See gastric derangement. For CHRONIC DIARRHEA: Aln. ampel. apoc.-c. bapt. calc. chin. cist. collins. ferr. graph. hep. lach. lept. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. phos.-ac. pod. sep. sulph. For DISPOSITION TO DIARRHEA give: Calc. graph. kreas. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sulph, § 3. Diarrhoea in CONSEQUENCE OF AN EXANTHEM, requires: Ars. chin. merc. phos.-ac. puls. sulph. From VIOLENT EMOTIONS, fright, sudden joy: 1) Ant. coff. op. verat. 2) Acon. puls. From depressing emotions: Ign. phos.-ac. From chagrin or anger: Cham. coloc. From DERANGED STOMACH, or irregular living: Ant. coff. ipec. puls. n.-vom. From revelling: carb.-veg. n.-vom. From drinking milk: Bry. sulph. or, lyc. natr. sep. From the use of acids or fruits: Ars. lach. puls. or, china.? rhod.? From abuse of CATHARTICS OR CALOMEL: Hep. or, carb.-v. chin, nitr.-ac. From abuse of magnesia: Puls. rhab. From 160 DIARRHEA. abuse of rhabarb: Cham. merc. puls. or, coloc. n.-vom. From abuse of tobacco: Cham, puls. Diarrhoea FROM A COLD. 1) Bell. bry. cham. dulc. merc. n.-mosch. verat. or, 2) Caust. chin. natr. n.-vom. op. puls. sulph. From a cold in summer, fall or winter: Ars. dulc. or, bry. merc. From a cold drink: Ars. carb.-v. n.-mosch. puls. 4. Diarrhoea of OLD PEOPLE: Ars. bry. phos. sec. Of CHILDREN: Ant. cham. ferr. hyosc. ipec. jalap. magn. merc. n-mosch. rhab. sulph. sulph.-ac. During DENTITION: Ars. calc. cham. coff. ferr. ipec. magn. merc. sulph. Of ENFEEBLED PERSONS: Chin. ferr. n.-mosch. phos. phos.- ac. sec. 2) Bapt. Of PREGNANT FEMALES: 1) Ant. dulc. hyosc. lyc. petr. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. cham. chin. n.-vom. puls. verat. Of LYING IN FEMALES: Ant. dulc. hyosc. rhab. Of CONSUMPTIVE PERSONS: Calc. chin. ferr. hep. phos. Of SCROFULOUS PERSONS: 1) Calc. dulc. lyc. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. baryt. chin. § 5. Particular indications. ACONITE: after checked per- spiration; frequent, scanty and loose stools with tenesmus. ESCULUS-HIP. Stools papescent, mushy, white or natural in color, accompanied with severe lumbar and sacral pains, weak- ness, tenesmus, and very unpleasant sensations in the rectum and anus. Chronic diarrhea. AGARIC.-M. The diarrhoeic stools are accompanied with abundance of flatulency, with painful drawing in of the ab- domen; the itching, burning and red places of the skin fade away, as the diarrhoea improves. ALOES: Difficulty to retain the faces, on account of sub- paralysis of the sphincter-ani: diarrhoea consisting of light-co- lored, semi-liquid fæces, preceded and accompanied by much gurgling and flatulence in abdomen; morning diarrhea; the rectum seems full of fluid, which feels heavy, as if it would fall out. ALUMINA: Diarrhea with tenesmus; she has to strain at stool in order to pass water. ANTIM.-CR.: Diarrhoea at night and early in the morning, with white tongue, loss of appetite, eructations and nausea, watery diarrhoea containing hard lumps. ARSENICUM: Watery or slimy, whitish, greenish or brown- ish evacuations, especially at night, after midnight and to- wards morning, or after eating or drinking; with colic, burn- ing or tearing pains in the abdomen; violent thirst; loss of DIARRHEA. 161 appetite with nausea or vomiting; exhausting diarrhea con- taining undigested food; very offensive diarrhoea; emacia- tion, debility; sleeplessness, anguish at night; distention of the abdomen, cold limbs, pale face with sunken cheeks; hol- low eyes and blue margins around the same; peculiar and distressing restlessness; tenesmus with painful constriction above the anus, extending to the loins; painful rawness of the surface around the anus; diarrhoea in consequence of severe external burns; diarrhoea after chilling the stomach by taking cold substances. ASA-FŒTIDA: Watery liquid stools of the most disgusting smell, also the same in infants and children. ASCLEPIAS-TUB. Fluid, painful stools of a very strong smell or like spoiled eggs with the sensation as if the bowels would come out; black clammy stools with yellow spots, like fat, attended with a feeling as if a stream of fire passed through the abdomen. BAPTISIA: adynamic diarrhoea. Stools dark, offensive, mucous and even bloody. BELLADONNA: Involuntary diarrhea; the diarrhoeic stool is followed by frequent urging, no more stool being passed; flushed face, red eyes; throbbing carotids, &c. BRYONIA: In summer, especially when the diarrhea was caused by cold drinks, or by anger and chagrin, and cham. proved insufficient; burning diarrhea; lips dry and parched; thirst: nausea after eating; nausea on motion. CACTUS: Bilious diarrhoea, the stools always preceded by pain: morning diarrhoea of very loose fæces, preceded by great pain; sensation of great weight in the anus and a strong desire to pass a great quantity, however nothing passes; pricking in the anus, as of sharp pins, ceasing on slight fric- tion. CALCAREA: Frequently after sulphur for chronic diarrhoea, suitable to scrofulous children with debility, emaciation, pale face and great appetite; much crawling and itching, like ascarides in the anus; does not sleep towards morning; yellow, offensive stools; food passes undigested. CAPSICUM: Slimy diarrhoea, with tenesmus and burning at the anus; the burning is confined to the lower part of the rectum, with throbbing and a sense of excoriation, and pain in the back continuing after the stool. CHAMOMILLA: Hot diarrhoeic stool, smelling like rotten eggs and excoriating the anus; watery, bilious or slimy diar- rhoea of yellowish, whitish or greenish color, almost like 162 DIARRHEA, stirred eggs; discharge of undigested food; painless, green, watery diarrhoea, a mixture of fæces and mucus; nightly diarrhoea with colic, causing her to bend double; rumbling in the abdomen; loss of appetite, thirst, coated tongue; tear- ing or cutting pain in the bowels, fullness in the pit of the stomach, distended abdomen; frequent eructations with nausea and bilious vomiting; bitter mouth; quarrelsome, ob- streperous disposition and in children screams, restlessness, tossing about, constant desire to be carried, &c. CHINA: Diarrhoea of yellow watery stools, undigested and with much flatulence; copious, watery, brownish stools, mixed with undigested food, especially at night and after a meal; with violent aching, constrictive or spasmodic colic or no pain at all; sensation of distention in the abdomen, not relieved by eructations or dejections; great weakness in the abdomen; rumbling, eructations, burning pains about the anus; loss of appetite, thirst and complete prostration. COLOCYNTH: Bilious or watery diarrhoea, with violent, spasmodic colicky pains; the pain is relieved by the eva- cuations, is very sharp, doubles the patient up, is accompanied with outcries and often with slight nausea; the pains are paroxysmal and more of a neuralgic than inflammatory cha- racter. Aggravation after eating or drinking, and the diar- rhoea is frequently caused by anger or chagrin. CORNUS-CIRCINATA: Dark and bilious stools, with griping and tenesmus; general debility and nervous excitability; chilliness followed by flushes of heat and sweat. CROT.-TIGL. Suddenly gushing out of watery substances; stools resembling gray neurine and marked by the occurrence of great debility; intermittent diarrhoea with great and sud- den debility; vomiting and purging, as soon as the patient drinks the least quantity. CUPRUM: Violent diarrhoea with cramps in the stomach and chest; ineffectual desire to urinate. DIGITALIS: Violent diarrhoea of ash-colored stools with very slow pulse. DULCAMARA: Diarrhoea attended with prostration of strength; the color of the slimy stools frequently alternates between green, white and yellow, and the desire to evacuate is attended with nausea, or where the attack is the result of chill; nightly evacuations, with colic, especially in the um- bilical region, loss of appetite, thirst; nausea or real vomit ing; pale face, languor, restlessness. EUPATORIUM-PER.: Profuse, bilious, watery stools with DIARRHEA. 163 nausea and severe colic, prostration and relaxation; tenesmus with small discharges of loose stools; morning diarrhoea. FERRUM: Nightly diarrhoea, or after eating and drinking; easy painless stools, discharge of watery substances mixed with undigested food; pale face; emaciation, distended ab- domen, without flatulence; thirst; canine hunger alternating with loss of appetite, cardialgia; spasmodic pains in the back and anus. FERR.-ACET. Frequent diarrhoeic stools, corroding the anus, the face being fiery red. GELSEMINUM: Diarrhoea caused by fright, excitement or emotion, especially with impressible nervous people ; periodi- cal pains in the abdomen, with yellow diarrhoea coming on in the evening; bowels loose, but great difficulty to discharge anything. GRAPHITIS: Diarrhea with varices and a smarting, sore feeling after the stool, when wiping; stools made up of half digested substances and of insupportable fœtor; the stools are followed by great, but transient prostration. GRATIOLA: Green and frothy evacuations; yellow watery diarrhoea with painful, copious and frequent stools, preceded by rumblings and cuttings in the abdomen, and nausea; the pain is not relieved by the stool, but is by the escape of fla- tulence. HYOSCIAMUS: Diarrhea with involuntary jerks of the mus- cles, immediately before, during, or immediately after the stool; involuntary stools, without pain; patient passes them unnoticed in the bed; yellow watery diarrhoea. IPECACUANHA: Watery or slimy diarrhoea, of a bilious, whitish or greenish color with nausea, vomiting of yellowish, whitish or greenish mucus; tearing or cutting colic with screams (in children), tossing about; accumulation of mucus in the mouth; distention of the abdomen, debility with con- stant desire to be lying down; pale face with blue margins round the eyes; chilliness: ill and vehement humor. IRIS-VER.: Diarrhea with burning in the rectum and anus after a passage; periodical night diarrhoea, attended with pain and two or three free discharges before morning; con- stant uneasiness and grinding in the bowels; a mushy pas- sage once or twice a day with fetid discharges of wind of a coppery smell, attended occasionally with an involuntary es- cape of fluid, soiling the shirt and sometimes a passage of scy balous matter, together with fluid mucoid fæces of an of- 164 DIARRHEA. fensive, putrid and coppery odor, periodical spells of diarrhoea, always at night about two or three o'clock; severe headache. LACHESIS: Diarrhoea always worse after sleeping, with frothy urine; stools of mixed blood and slime LAUROCERASUS: Green mucous diarrhoea with peculiar suf- focating spells about the heart. LEPTANDRIA: Profuse, watery stools, followed by severe cutting pains in the small intestines; after exposure to wet damp weather; chronic diarrhoea from chronic irritation of the mucous membrane or from hepatic derangement; diar- rhoea of debility; camp diarrhoea; profuse, black, papescent, tar-like, very foetid stools, generally in the afternoon and evening. MERCURIUS: Watery, slimy, frothy or bilious or bloody stools, especially at night, of a greenish, whitish or yellowish color; the stools look like stirred eggs; frequent tenesmus, burning, itching and soreness of the anus; frequent colic morning diarrhoea, composed mostly of slime and fæcal mat- ter, with tenesmus before and during the stool; diarrhoea preceded by a faint sickish pain in the abdomen, entirely re- lieved by stool; stools of plain red mucus; purulent diarrhoeas with chill between and flashing heat during the stools; worse in the evening. NUX-MOSCHATA: Diarrhoea of teething infants, attended by indomitable disposition to sleep; very offensive and copious discharges; chronic diarrhoea from pregnancy, with unusual sluggish flow of ideas; diarrhoea with fainting. ; NUX-VOMICA: Frequent, scanty evacuations of watery, slimy, whitish or greenish substances with colic and tenesmus; always after previous use of quack medicines. PHOSPHORUS: Watery diarrhoea, pouring away as from a hydrant, with great sense of weakness in the abdomen and general debility; perhaps chronic diarrhoea with gradual loss of strength. PHOS.-ACID: White, gray diarrhoea; watery or slimy diar- rhoea with discharge of undigested substances or involuntary stools; involuntary diarrhoea, with sensation as if wind were about to escape; pulse soft, great depression of mind. PODOPHYLLUM: Yellow and dark green diarrhoea, frequent- ly accompanied by prolapsus ani; the stools for the most part mornings or forenoons, the pains in the abdomen and back are worse during an evacuation and continue after; dark yellow stools of the odor of carrion; constricting pains with real re- traction of the abdominal walls. DIARRHEA. 165 PULSATILLA : Slimy, bilious or watery diarrhoea of a whit- ish, yellowish or greenish color, or changeable color; papes- cent stools or liquid fetid stools with soreness of the anus; watery dirarhæa only or usually at night, sometimes uncon- sciously evacuated; pains before the evacuations, with much rumbling of the bowels; no thirst; a bad taste in the mouth, nothing tastes good, disagreeable eructations or slimy and bitter vomiting; colic, especially at night. RHEUM. Sour diarrhoea, with cutting and colicky pains about the navel; liquid, slimy stools, as if fermented, with pale face, ptyalism, colic, frequent urging and tenesmus; or copious stools with vomiting and great debility; or in children when the diarrhoea is accompanied with screams and restless- ness, the children toss about and draw up their legs; pains are worse at once from uncovering an arm or leg. RHUS.-TOX. Diarrhoea, especially at night, with tearing in the limbs, headache and colic, worse after eating and drink- ing; stools are a mixture of blood and slime with red and yellow mucus and all rather thin; frothy, thin, yellow, odor- less, painless and involuntary stools, as from paralysis of the sphincter. RUMEX: Diarrhoea in the morning with cough from tick- ling in the throat-pit; profuse, offensive, thin and watery stools; evacuations painless; nausea nausea on movement in the night, preceding the evacuations, mouth dry, tongue coated yellow. SECALE: Painful diarrhoea with great prostration; putrid, fetid and colliquative diarrhoea; painless evacuations with de- bility; watery, yellowish or greenish stools, which are dis- charged rapidly with great force and even involuntarily; discharge of undigested food; colic, especially at night; slime on the tongue; pappy taste; frequent rumbling. flatu- lence and fullness of the abdomen. SULPHUR: Diarrhoea in the morning, driving him out of bed, having hardly time to save himself from being soiled; frequent evacuations, especially at night, with colic, tenes- mus, distention of the abdomen, heavy breathing, chilliness and debility; slimy or watery, frothy or putrid stools, whitish or greenish; discharged of undigested, sour or bloody substances; the diarrhoea sets in again after the least cold; red mucus with fever, loss of appetite and cutting pains in the bowels; stools of mixed blood, mucus and pus, the blood is likely to be in streaks; frothy feculent stools with much flatulence and tenesmus. 166 DIARRHŒŒA. SULPHUR.-ACID: Diarrhoea with great debility, sensation of tremor all over, without any trembling; the stools are like chopped mucus, saffron yellow and stringy, frothy with burn- ing in the rectum. VERATRUM: Exhausting diarrhoea; weakness after every passage, with cold sweat on the forehead and all over him; painless, brownish or greenish, watery or papescent diarrhoea with much rumbling, feeling of coldness in the ab- domen, and more or less disposition to debility; in summer season with vomiting, coming on suddenly at night, generally painless. § 7. In general use : a) For BLOODY stools: 1) Ars. canth. chin. dulc. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sec. sep. sulph. 2) Arn. asar. bry. calc. caps. carb.-v. cham. dros. ferr. hep. kreas. lyc. nitr.-ac. phos. sil. sulph.-ac. b) For PAPESCENT: 1) Ant. chin. lach. phos.-ac. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. calc. cin. mez. natr. phos. c) For PURULENT: 1) Arn. canth. lach. merc. sil. sulph. 2) Bell, calc. kal. puls. sep. d) For PUTRID: 1) Arn. ars. bry. carb.-v. chin. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Cocc. graph. ipec. nitr.-ac. sec. sep. e) FLOCULENT: 1) Ars. verat. 2) Ipec. f) BILIOUS: 1) Cham. chin. merc. phos. pod. sulph. 2) Apoc. ars. cin. collins. coloc. conn. dulc. eupat. gels. ipec. iris. bapt. n.-vom. veratr. (Compare green and yellow. g) Like STIRRED OR CHOPPED EGGS: 1) Cham. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Lach. n..mosch, sulph.-ac. viola.-tr. 3) Ipec. magn. h) YELLOW: 1) Ars. chin. cocc. dulc. ipec. petr. rhus. 2) Asclep. calc. cham. cist. coloc. gels. iris. lept. merc. pod. polyg. 3) lach. magn. sec. sulph. i) GRAY, ASH-COLORED: 1) Calc. dig. merc. phos.-ac. sec. 2) Caul. lob. rhus.-ven. pod. k) GREEN: 1) Cham. merc. phos. puls. sec. sulph. 2) Ars. asclep. calc. conn. dulc. hydr. ipec. iris. pod. polyg. sep. stann. 1) FECAL: Ars. bry. calc. cham. cin. merc. mur.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. rhab. sulph. m) SOUR SMELLING: 1) Calc. graph. hep. magn.-c. rhab. sulph. 2) Cham. natr. sep. n) ACID, CORRODING: 1) Ars. cham. china, ferr. merc. n. vom, puls. sulph. verat. 2) Ant. dulc. graph. ign. kal. lach. phos. DISTENTION OF ABDOMEN AND FLATULENCE. 167 0) FROTHY: 1) Chin. coloc. rhus. 2) Arn. calc. magn.-c. merc. sulph. p) Mucous: 1) Ars. asar, bell. bor. caps. cham. chin. dulc. ferr. ipec. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Ascl. cact. calc. carb.-v. collins. coloc. eryng. graph. hell. ign. iris. ipec. kept. petr. phos.-ac. pod. rhab. rhus. rut. sec. sep. tart. q) BLACK: 1) Ars. camph. chin. ipec. squill. sulph.-ac. verat. 2) Cact. cupr. dioscor. gnaph. lept. merc. pod. stram. sulph. 3) Acon. brom. calc.-c. iris. op. 1) VERY FETID, CADAVEROUS: 1) Arn. ars. bry. carb.-v. chin. ip. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Calc. cham. guaj. lach. merc. nitr -ac. n.-vom. sep. squill. sulph.-ac. s) UNDIGESTED: 1) Chin. phos.-ac. sec. 2) Arn. ars. calc. cham. dulc. ferr. iris. oleand. phytol. podoph. sang. sulph. 3) Asar. bry. con. lach. merc. n.-vom. t) INVOLUNTARY: 1) Arn. bell. bry. chin. dulc. fer. hyosc. op. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. sec. verat. 2) Ars. calc. carb.-v. cin. mur.-ac. natr.-m. sulph. u) WATERY: 1) Cham. chin. dulc. ferr. hell. ipec. magn. merc. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sec. 2) Acon. ant. apoc. ars. cact. calc. caul. dig. euphorb. gnaph. iris. lept. natr.-m. petr. phytol. podoph. sang. senec. sulph. verat. v) WHITE: 1) Calc. cham. chin. dig. hep. merc. puls. rhus. sec. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. caust. caulop. cin. ign. lach. lob. n.- vom. phos. phos.-ac. pod. rhus.-ven. spong. verat. w) MORNING: Aloe. ant. alum. aur. amm.-c. bor. bov. bry. cact. carb.-a. cimicif. dig. eupat.-p. grat. iod. kal. lyc. magn.-c. mur.-ac. n.-vom. phos. pod. puls. rum. sec. staph. sulph. thuj. x) DURING THE DAY: 1) Forenoon: Carb.-a. kal. kal.-n. magn.-c. mur.-ac. stann. sulph. 2) Noon: Alum. bor. magn.- m. sulph. 3) Afternoon: Aloe. amm.-c. alum. bor. carb.-a. dulc. hell. kal. lyc. magn.-c. mur.-ac. phos. stann. sulph.-ac. y) EVENING: Aloe. alum. bov. carb.-a. dig. dulc. ind. kal. kal.-n. lach. mang. merc. mur.-ac. ol.-an. phell. stann. zinc. z) NIGHT: Arn. ars. aur. bov. bry. cast. caul. caust. cham. chel. chin. graph. grat. iris. kal.-c. magn.-c. merc. nat.-c. phyt. puls. sil. sulph. tab. § 8. Compare: Cholera, vomiting, gastric derangement, lienteria, dysenteria, worm-affections. DISTENTION OF THE ABDOMEN AND FLATU- LENCE. The best remedies are: 1) Asa. chin. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Esc.-h. arum.-tr. bell. cact. carb.-v. cist. cham. cocc. or, 3) Esclep. agn. bapt. calc.-ph. caps. cauloph. collins. coloc. 168 DREAD OF AIR. ferr. gels. graph, iris. lach. lyc. mgt.-arc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. phos. phyt. rum. sangu. verat. zinc. If arising from the use of FLATULENT FOOD, give: 1) Chin. 2) Bry. cepa. lyc. petr. 3) Aloe. calc. kal. millefol. puls. sep. verat. If after TAKING A DRINK: 1) N.-vom. 2) Chin. cocc. ferr. veratr. After using PORK OR FAT: 1) Chin. colch. puls. 2) Carb.-v. colch. natr.-m. In particular, give: For COPIOUS FLATULENCE: Esc.-h. agar. carb.-v. chin. cist. collins. corn. gels. gnaphal. graph. kal. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.- vom. phos. phos.-ac. plumb. sangu. staph. sulph. For DISTRESS FROM FLATULENCE; Apoc. asclep. caps. carb.-v. chin. chinin, lach. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phos. puls. sulph. For INCARCERATED flatulence; Carb.-a. carb.-v. caust. cepa. chin.cistus. con. graph. hep. iod. kal. lach. lyc. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. sil. sulph. For pains, occurring EARLY IN THE MORNING : Alum. asa. baryt. cact. carb.-a. caust._ cham. gnaphal. mgt.- arc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. For RUMBLING: Agar. ant. arn. bry. cact. canth. carb.-v. cauloph. caust. chin. como- clad. gels. hell. ign. iris. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. phyt. phos.- ac. puls. sass. sep. sulph. verat. For COPIOUS DISCHARGE OF FLATULENCE: Æsc.-h. agar. canth. carb.-a. carb.-v. caust. chin. cist. collins. corn. gels. gnaphal. graph. hell. kal. lyc. mang merc. nitr.-ac. oleand. phos. plumb. sang. verat. For INODOROUS FLATULENCE: Amb. bell. comoclad. carb.-v. lyc. For FETID FLATULENCE: Arn. ars. asa. calc. carb.-v. chin. corn. graph. iris. jugl. phytol. plumb. puls. sang. sil. sulph. FOUL SMELLING FLATULENCE: Arn. ars. carb.-v. corn. ign. iris. oleand. puls. sulph. For FLATULENCE SMELLING LIKE ROTTEN EGGS: Arn. coff. sulph. tart. teucr. For WARM, HUMID FLA- TULENCE: Carb.-v. chin. HOT FLATULENCE: Acon. cham. phos. staph. zinc. COLD: Con. SMELLING LIKE GARLIC: Agar. asa. mosch. phos. SMELLING SOUR: Arn. calc. cham. graph. hep. magn.-c. merc. natr. natr.-m. rhab. sep. sulph. NOISY FLATULENCE: Caust. lach. merc. squill. teucr. zinc. DREAD OF AIR, extreme sensitiveness to the open air: Though generally a mere symptom, yet it points principally to the following remedies: 1) Calc. carb.-a. caust. cham. cocc. coff. ign. kal. mez. natr. n.-vom. petr. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Amm. bell. bry. chin.con. guaj. hep. lyc. mgt.-aus. merc. mosch, nitr.- DROPSY. 169 ac. n.-mosch. phos. sep. spig. sulph. sulph.-ac. 3) Ars. cin. ferr. ipec. lach. phos -ac. rut. staph. thuj. DROPSY: § 1. The best remedies are: 1) Apis. apoc.- c. ars. chin. colch. dig. dulc. hell. iris. kal. led. lyc. merc. sulph. 2) Asclep. bry. camph. canth. chimaph. convolv. ferr. fluor.-ac. lach. lact. phos. prun. rhus. samb. sol.-nigr. squill. 3) Am pelop. ant. aur. baryt. carb.-v. chel. con. erig. hyosc. lept. rhus.-gl. sabad. sabin. tereb. tart. verat.-vir. § 2. Dropsy in consequence of SUPPRESSION OF EXANTHE- MATA: 1) Apis. apoc.-c. ars. asclep. dig. hell. rhus. sulph. 2) Aur. bry. colch. dulc. lach. merc verat.-vir. From SUPPRESSION OF INTERMITTENT FEVERS: Ars. chimaph. dulc. ferr. merc. sol.-nig. sulph. From LOSS OF BLOOD or animal fluids: Chin. ferr. helon. lyc. merc. sulph. apoc.-c. Dropsy of DRUNKARDS: Ars. chin. hell. led. n.-vom. rhus. sulph. Dropsy from ABUSE OF MERCURY: Chin. dulc. hell. phytol. sulph. § 3. From diseases of the LIVER OR SPLEEN: Aur. chimaph. chin. fluor-ac. iris. lach. lept. lyc. merc. From CATCHING COLD: Apis. apoc. ars. dulc. tart. From IRREGULARITY OF THE MENSES: Apis. ars. helon. From DISEASES OF THE HEART: 1) Apis. ars. aur. bry. cact. carb.-v. dig. fluor.-ac. hell. lyc. squill. tereb. 2) Cannab. crot. § 4. Particular indications: APIS: In nearly all cases of dropsy, especially anasarca, ascites, dropsy of the chest and pericardium. APOCYNUM-C.: Non-inflammatory dropsy, having a rheu- matic or congestive origin; hydrocephalus, abdominal drop- sy from hobnail liver, although it acts best in dropsies, when there is no organic derangement to impede its action; ascites, anasarca and oedema of the feet, succeeding typhus; post scarlatinal dropsy; whenever this remedy is successful, the skin becomes moist, before the urinary secretions become more abundant. ARSENICUM: Anasarca, ascites and oedema of the lower ex tremities, more especially when the skin, and particularly the face look livid, pale and greenish; great debility and prostra tion; tongue dry and red; thirst very great; asthma with symptoms of suffocation when lying on the back; cold ex tremities, tearing pains in the back, small of the back and limbs. 8 170 DROPSY. ASCLEPIAS-SYRIACA: post-scarlatinal dropsy; dropsy arising from suppressed perspiration or some forms of renal disease. BRYONIA: Anasarca and oedema of the feet, especially when the swelling increases in the day-time and decreases the evening. CACTUS: Edema of the hands, especially the left; cedema of the lower extremities, the skin is shining and pressure with the fingers leaves an impression for a long time, occurring in diseases of the heart. CAMPHORA: Anasarca with red urine and thick sediment. CANTHARIS: Dropsy from atony of the urinary organs with ischuria, tenesmus of the neck of the bladder, païns in the limbs, chronic coryza, &c. CHIMAPHILA: Anasarca and ascites following intermittents; it produces copious discharge of clear limpid urine; frequent and profuse urination and causes mucous sediment to disap- pear from the urine. CHINA: Anasarca and ascites, especially in old people. Suitable for organic affections of the liver and spleen, although ferr. and ars, concur in this case. CONVOLVULUS: Edema, dropsy with constipation, distress in the abdomen and debility. DIGITALIS: Ascites, anasarca, hydrothorax, when there are organic affections of the heart and a hurried pulse. EUPATORIUM-PURPUR.: Diabetes insipidus; albuminuria; dropsy due to renal disease with severe dyspnoea and oedema of the whole body and extremities. HELLEBORUS: Anasarca, ascites, hydrothorax, &c., acute dropsy, especially for: great debility, vapor, feverish symp- toms stitching pains in the limbs, diarrhoea, suppression of urine, &c. HELONIAS: Anasarca with general debility, albuminuria and an atonic condition of the generative organs, such as chlo- rosis, amenorrhoea, dropsy from uterine hæmorrhage. IRIS-VER.: Ascites and anasarca of hepatic origin. KALI: Ascites, dropsy of old people. LACTUCA: Anasarca with great swelling of the feet, abdomen and eyelids. LEDUM: Dropsy with pain in the limbs and dry skin. LEPTANDRIA: Ascites and anasarca from obstruction of the circulation in the portal system. LYCOPODIUM: Dropsy from hypertrophy of the heart. MERCURIUS: Ascites, hydrothorax, acute or chronic ana sarca, sometimes accompanied with affections of the liver, op DROPSY OF THE JOINTS.—DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. 171 pression of the chest, general heat and sweat, constant short and racking cough, anguish, &c. PHOSPHORUS: Dropsy, adema of the hands, feet and face. PRUNUS: Ascites and dropsy. RHUS, sambucus and solanum-nigrum: Anasarca. § 5. Compare: Anasarca, ascites, hydrothorax, hydro- cephalus, hydrocele, &c. DROPSY OF THE JOINTS, hydrarthrus: Is frequently cured by sulphur, or, by: Ant. ars. bry. calc. iod. kal. lyc. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF, and ill-effects of spirits generally. § 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. ars. bell. calc. carb.-v. chin, coff. hyos. lach. merc. natr. n.-vom. op. puls. stram. sulph. 2) Agar. arn. coccul. dig. ign. led lyc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. ran. rhod. rhus. rut. selen. sil. spig. veratr. zinc. § 2. For intoxication itself, the best remedies are said to be: Acon. bell. coff. op. For the consequences of revelling at night, and of intoxi- cation, give: 1) Ant. carb.-v. coff. n.-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. bry. calc. chin. dulc. natr. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. For the chronic consequences of drinking: Ars. bell. calc. chin. coff. hell. hyos. lach. merc. natr. n.-vom. puls. sulph. For delirium tremens: Ars. bell, calc. coff. dig. hyos. n.- vom. op. stram. For the disposition to drink: Ars. calc. lach. merc. sulph. sulph.-ac. 3. As regards symptoms, give: ACONITUM: When drinking wine is followed by: feverish heat, tendency of blood to the head, red face and eyes, and even loss of reason. ANTIMONIUM: Gastric affections in consequence of revel- ling, nausea, loathing, loss of appetite, &c., Carb.-veg. being insufficient. ARSENICUM: Mental derangement, anguish which drives one to and fro, fear of thieves, ghosts, and solitude, with de- sire to hide one's-self, trembling of the limbs, &c. BELLADONNA: Loss of reason, delirium, visions of mice, rats, &c., red and bloated face, tongue coated, aversion to meat, sleeplessness, stammering speech with constant smile, dry feeling in the throat, with difficult deglutition, violent thirst, paroxysms of violent fever, &c. CALCAREA: Delirium, visions of fire, murder, rats and mice, neither Bell. nor Stram. being sufficient. 172 DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. CARB.-VEG. Aching or throbbing pain in the head, in con- sequence of a debauch, relief in the open air; nausea without desire to vomit; liquid, thin stools. CHINA: Debility of drunkards, especially when dropsy is setting in. COFFEA: Great excitement of feeling, especially in chil- dren), with excessive mirthfulness, sleeplessness, nausea and even vomiting; or headache after intoxication, with sensation as if a nail were sticking in the brain, Nux-vom. being insuf- ficient. Coffea has likewise removed the trembling of the hands of drunkards. HYOSCYAMUS: Epileptic convulsions in consequence of drinking; sleeplessness with constant tossing about; delirium with visions as if persecuted, and with desire to escape; tremor of the limbs, &c. LACHESIS: Debility and tremor of the hands, especially when the patient finds it hard to correct himself. MERCURIUS: Debility of drunkards who abuse coffee. Nux- v. and Sulph. having proved fruitless. NATRUM: Debility and dyspepsia of drunkards. NUX-VOMICA: Hemicrania after intoxication, with sensation as if a nail had been driven into the brain; aggravation in the open air, by walking, motion, thinking and stooping; nausea with desire to vomit and straining; constipation, or else small, slimy stools, with tenesmus; vertigo; red eyes, with gum in the canthi; photophobia; hacking cough, &c.; or, in confirmed drunkards: for tendency of blood to the head, cloudiness or loss of consciousness, delirium, frightful visions, and desire to escape; great anxiety driving the patient to and fro; sometimes with cold and damp hands, feet and face nausea, waterbrash, vomiting of food or bitter substances; sleeplessness or half sleep, with sudden startings as if in af- fright; anxious dreams; constipation, or else diarrhoeic, scanty stools; tremor of the limbs, debility, &c. Suitable to drunkards who indulge in abuse of coffee. OPIUM Comatose sleep with stertorous breathing, or anxious delirium, with visions of mice and scorpions, &c.; fear, desire to escape, or dreams from which the patient wakes as soon as he is spoken to with a loud voice; constipa- tion, troublesome breathing, general sweat, epileptic convul- sions and spasms; trembling of the extremities, lock-jaw, twitching of the muscles of the face and mouth, staring look; dark-red face, &c. PULSATILLA: Derangement of the stomach, cloudiness ; DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. 173 heaviness in the forehead, relief in the open air; nausea, especially after eating or drinking; sour eructations, coated tongue, &c.; especially when the wine was sulphurated. STRAMONIUM: Suitable to habitual drunkards; anguish driving one to and fro; taciturn; wandering look, fear, de- sire to escape; epileptic convulsions; rage; red, hot, and bloated face; visions, illusions of fact, (such as, that the half of the body is cut off, &c.) SULPHUR: Trembling, dropsical and other affections of drunkards, especially when they indulge in abuse of coffee. DYSENTERY: bloody flux. § 1. Acon. æsc. aloe. arn. ars. bapt. hamam. iris. merc. rhus. sulph. 2) Bry. carb.-v. cham. chin. cist. collins. coloc. ipec. n.-vom. puls. rhus.-gl. 3) Bell. caps. colch. corn. dios- cor. dulc. gels. geran. gnaphal, gran. hep. hydras. kreas. lach. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. sang. seneg. staph. trill. verat.-vir. § 2. ACONITE: For dysentery, when the days are warm and the nights cool; rheumatic pains in the head, nape of the neck and shoulders, or violent chills, heat and thirst. (If aconite does not suffice, give: Cham. merc. nux.-V. or, puls. ESCULUS-H.: Dysentery caused by hæmorrhoidal irritation and confined to the rectum. ALOES: Aggravation by acids; shooting or boring pains in the region of the navel increased by pressure; the lower part of the abdomen swollen and sensitive to pressure, the dis- tention and movements in the abdomen are more in the left side and along the track of the colon, increased after food; fainting whilst at stool; frequent stools of bloody water; violent tenesmus; great repugnance to free air, which not- withstanding ameliorates the suffering; hunger during the stool; cutting and pinching pains in the rectum and loins; heaviness, weariness and numbness in the thighs; with the stools escape large quantities of flatus; when urinating urging to stool. ARNICA: Nausea with constant sense of fullness and satiety in the stomach, hard swelling in the right side of the abdomen, with pain as if cutting into a wound, when touched, relieved by escape of flatus; putrid and slimy taste and eructations; loud rumbling in the bowels, as if empty; stools of blood and fæces; offensive flatulence, like bad eggs; tenesmus of the neck of the bladder with fruitless urging to urinate; putrid breath; chill of the back and front of thighs. ARSENICUM: Stools smelling like old foul ulcers: greenish urine; sticky perspirations; great restlessness and tossing 174 DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. about in bed; pains relieved by external heat; despair of life; sensation as if the abdomen would burst, before the stool; sensation of contraction just above the anus, at the stool; burning in the rectum and trembling in all the limbs, after the stool; tenesmus with burning in the rectum and anus; face sunken, pale and features distorted; great exhaustion after each stool, pain relieved after the evacuation; red and blue spots on the skin; fœtid urine. BAPTISIA: Violent colicky pains in the hypogastric region before the stool, the stools are mucus and blood, brown coat- ing of the tongue, great tenesmus; adynamic dysentery with acrid fæcal discharges, which are frequent, small and offen- sive; ulcerative inflammation of the bowels. BELLADONNA: Sensibility of the abdomen to external pres- sure, the sense of soreness being deep in the abdomen; con- stant pressing to the anus and genitals, as if everything would be pushed out; pains of a constricting character, relieved by bending forward; thirst, belching, vomiting; starting in sleep; delirium. BRYONIA: Frequently after acon., especially during hot summer and from taking cold drinks; every motion produces stool. CANTHARIS: burning like fire in the anus, after the stool; dryness of the lips and thirst during the pain; vesicles and canker in the mouth and throat; collapse, small pulse, cold- ness of hands and feet. CAPSICUM: Thirst after every stool, and shuddering after drinking; stool after drinking: taste like putrid water; tenes- mus of the bladder; drawing pains in the back, which with the tenesmus are continued after the stool, which consists of thin adhesive slime, mixed with black blood, with twisting pains about the navel. CARBO-VEG.: When Ars. is insufficient to remove the putrid symptoms, when the patient's breath is cold, and he com- plains of burning pains. (If the stools continue putrid, give: China.) CHAMOMILLA: After Acon; when there are great heat, thirst, rheumatic pains in the head and great restlessness. CHINA: Dysentery in marshy districts with intermittent symptoms or when ars. and carb.-veg. are insufficient, to re- move the putrid symptoms; discharges of a terrible cadaver- ous smell, worse at night, of a chocolate color. CISTUS: chronic dysenteric diarrhea? COLCHICUM: cramps in the calves of the legs, prolapsus DYSENTERY. 175 ani; constriction of the oesophagus; great swelling of the lower part of the abdomen; frequent shudderings down the back; discharges white, jelly-like or bloody mucus. COLOCYNTH: Fruitless efforts to vomit; weakness, pale- ness and prostration after the stool; severe cutting and squeezing pains, accompanied by retching and bending the body forward, relieved by pressure, by coffee, and the relief is followed by immediate disposition to stool; cold hands with warm feet. Mostly indicated in the first stage; fullness and pressure in the abdomen, tympanitic distention, chills proceeding from the abdomen, white-coated tongue. CORNUS-CIR.: Dysentery with abdominal pains, before, during and after stool, with great debility and biliousness; ulceration of the mucous membrane of the rectum. DIOSCOREA: Patient is at the onset seized with violent, cutting, lancinating pains in the bowels, eliciting shrieks from the patient; dysentery with spasmodic pains in the bowels, with unusually severe tenesmus; steady twisting pains in the abdomen. ERIGERON: Stools small, streaked with blood, accompanied with tormina; burning in the bowels and rectum; hard lumps of fæces mixed with the discharges; urination painful or suppressed. HAMAMELIS: When the amount of blood in the stools is unusual in quantity, amounting to an actual hæmorrhage; it is generally dark, in small clots or patches scattered through the mucus. IPECA CUANHA: Suitable for fall-dysenteries (bilious dysen- teries) with violent tenesmus and colic; bilious stools, after- wards bloody mucus; worse in the evening. IRIS-VER. Dysentery, when the patient is cold, skin blue, vomiting with prostration of strength; bilious dysentery with griping pains in the umbilical region and loud rumbling in the bowels. LACHESIS: Cadaverous smelling stools; during the stool burning in the anus; cramp-like pain in abdomen; abdomen very hot; coldness, thirst; tongue red and cracked at its point, or black and bloody. MERCURIUS: Excoriating discharges; cuttings in the lower part of the abdomen, at night; the abdomen is externally cold to the touch; cutting stitch in the lower abdomen, from right to left and aggravated by walking; fecal, putrid taste in the mouth; nausea, with vertigo, obscured vision and flashes of heat; offensive perspiration; the pains are increased 176 EARS, HERPES OF THE. before the stool, and during the stool with violent tenesmus; the pains are rather increased after a stool and sometimes then extend to the back; during the stool hot sweat on the forehead, which soon becomes cold and sticky; frequent discharge of pure blood or bloody green mucus like stirred eggs; screams during stool (in children). MERC.-CORR.: Cold face and hands with small and feeble pulse; all the pains, but especially those of the rectum are aggravated by motion; faintings, weakness and shuddering; the limbs as if bruised and trembling; abdomen tense, hard and sensitive to pressure, especially about the navel; astrin- gent metallic taste; severe pains in the rectum, which con- tinue after the discharge; the fruitless urgency to stool in- creases the pains; evacuations very offensive, suppression of secretion of urine; retention of urine. NITR.-AC.: Constant pressing in the rectum without any stool, or the patient evacuates mere mucus, after which the tenesmus continues, followed by headache, dryness of the throat, violent thirst, intermittent pulse. NUX-VOM. Stools small, frequent, with violent tenesmus; pressing pains in the loins and upper part of the sacral region, with sensation as if broken; the pains and tenesmus cease with the stool. PLUMBUM: Severe tenesmus; frequent and almost fruitless efforts to stool; cutting pains with violent outcries; retrac- tion of the abdomen; constriction and retraction of the anus. RHUS-TOX.: Nocturnal exacerbations in the later stages; constant. tenesmus and urging to stool with nausea and the passing of but little bloody water. SULPHUR: Difficult breathing, bloodstreaked mucous stools; frequent urging to stool, violent tenesmus, especially at night, prolapsus ani at night; cutting pains, while urging at stool, from pressure on the abdomen or bending the body backwards, relieved by the application of dry heat; ulce- ration of the mucous membrane of the intestines. § 3. Compare also: Diarrhoea. EARS, HERPES OF THE. § 1. The herpes or scurfs on or behind the ears, require principally: 1) Graph. hep. merc. oleand. petr. sulph.; or, 2) Ant. baryt. calc. cic. kal. lach. lyc. mez. phos. puls. sep. sil. staph. § 2. Give more particularly: For eruption near or on the ears: 1) Baryt. calc cic. sulph. 2) Ant. kal. petr. phos. puls. sep. sil. ECZEMA. 177 -EMACIATION. For scurfs behind the ears: Baryt. calc. graph. hep. lyc. mez. oleand. puls. sep. staph. For scurfy eruption: Graph. hep. lach. lyc. puls. staph. For soreness: Graph. kal. lach. merc. petr. sulph. For humor: Calc. graph. lyc. oleand. petr. For ulcerated eruption: 1) Amm. carb.-v. merc. puls. ruta spong. 2) Alum. kal. stann. For itching of the parts: Amm. anac. baryt. lyc. puls. sulph. For swelling of the ears: Anac. calc. kal. lyc. merc. puls. sep. For fetid smell of the ears: Aur. carb.-veg. graph. hep. oleand. § 3. Compare: ERUPTIONS, HERPES, SCALDHEAD, OSTITIS, &c. ECCHYMOSIS, SUGILLATIO. Principal remedies: 1) Arn. bry. con. lach. n.-vom. rhus. rut. sulph.-ac. 2) Ars. berb. calc. cham. chin. dulc. ferr. laur. par. plumb. sec. sulph. If caused by injuries, give: 1) Arn. 2) Bry. con. rhus. rut. sulph.-ac. Sanguineous spots or petechiae, such as occur in putrid typhus, require: Ars. bry. rhus. For morbus maculosus Werlhofii, the principal remedy is Bry. Besides, we may have to use in complicated cases: Led. phos. sil. stram. The cadaverous spots of old people, require principally: 1) Con, 2) Ars. bar. lach. op. ECZEMA. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. dulc. merc. phos. 2) Ars. aur. carb.-v. clem. con. petr. rhus. sulph. For eczema with fever, give: 1) Acon. bell. dulc. 2) Petr. phos. Chronic eczema requires: Clem. dulc. merc. petr. phosph. sulph. Mercurial eczema: 1) Chin. hep. su ph. 2) Acon. bell. dig. Eczema solare (caused by the action of the sun): 1) Acon. bell. camph.; or, 2) Clem. hyos. Impetiginous eczema: Carb.-v. con. rhus. zinc. Compare: ERUPTIONS, EXANTHEMATA, HERPES. EMÁCIATION.-Though a mere symptom, yet it points principally to: 1) Ars. calc. china. graph. lycop. natr.-m. stann. staph. 2) Ambr. baryt. bryon. chain. clem. coccul. cupr. 8: 178 EMOTIONS. ferr. guaj. ign. iod. ipecac. laches. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. phos. phos.-ac. plumb. puls. secal. silic. veratr. Compare: ATROPHY, PHTHISIS, MARASMUS, &c. EMOTIONS, ILL EFFECTS Of. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. aur. bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. hyos. ign. lach. merc. n.-vom. op. phos. phos.-ac. plat. puls. staph. veratr. 2) Ars. calc. caust. coccul. cupr. lyc. natr.-m. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. § 2. For the consequences of anguish, fright, fear, give: 1) Acon. ign. op. puls. 2) Bell. caust. coff. hyos. lach. n.- vom. samb. veratr. Of excessive joy: 1) Coff. op. puls. 2) Acon. caust. croc. Of grief: 1) Ign. phos.-ac. staph. 2) Ars. coloc. graph. hyos. lach. lyc. n.-vom. veratr. Of home-sickness: 1) Caps. merc. phos.-ac. 2) Aur. carb.- an. caust. staph. Of unhappy love: 1) Hyos. ign. phos.-ac. 2) Aur. caust. coff. hell. n.-vom. staph. Of jealousy: 1) Hyos. 2) Ign. lach. n.-vom. phos.-ac. staph. Ôf mortification, insults: 1) Bell. coloc. ign. plat. puls. staph. 2) Aur. cham. natr.-m. phos.-ac. seneg. Of chagrin and contradiction: 1) Acon. bry. cham. coloc. ign. n.-vom. plat. staph. 2) Ars. bell. coff. phos. puls.-And when accompanied with indignation: Coloc. staph. Of violent anger: Acon. bry. cham. n.-vom. phos. § 3. Particular indications. ACONITUM: Headache, feverish heat, tendency of the blood to the head, and constant fear, especially in children; or when Opium had not been given at the onset for fright. BELLADONNA: Loss of consciousness, or constant anxiety with fear, weeping, howling, and malice (in children); also when Acon. and Op. had proved insufficient for the conse- quences of fright. BRYONIA: Chilliness and shuddering over the whole body, great tendency to vehement anger, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and bilious state in consequence of anger. CAPSICUM: For sleeplessness caused by home-sickness, with heat and redness of the cheeks. CHAMOMILLA: For the following consequences of anger: Bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, disposition to start and vomiting of bilious matter; cutting colic; diarrhoea; pres- sure in the stomach and pit of the stomach; headache; fever with heat, thirst, red face and eyes, anguish and restlessness; EMOTIONS. 179 jaundice; cough; palpitation of the heart; shortness of breath; asthma; suffocative fits; or, in children, convulsions and asthma, or derangement of the stomach in consequence of eating and drinking after anger. COFFEA: Nervous excitement in consequence of great joy, with trembling, disposition to faint, especially in females and children; or if the patient took chamomile-tea immediately after a fit of anger. COLOCYNTHIS: When the consequences of chagrin or mortification are: Spasmodic-colic, cramp in the calves, nausea, bitter taste with vomiting, sleeplessness, &c. HEPAR: When children, after a fit of anger, weep con- stantly without one being able to quiet them, and Bellad. did not help. HYOSCYAMUS: In consequence of fear: Stupefaction and apathy; inability to swallow, convulsions, sudden starting or involuntary laughing during sleep, desire to escape, &c. And, when, in consequence of unhappy love, the patient feels jealous, runs about restlessly, &c. IGNATIA: For the consequences of fright, mortification, chagrin, grief, especially after losing a friend, relative, or the consequences of unhappy love, or for: deep, gnawing, irresistible grief, vomiting, gastric symptoms, headache, ver- tigo, pale face, or even convulsions or epilepsy, especially in children, in consequence of fright or fear. MERCURIUS: Recent or inveterate consequences of fright or mortification, also home-sickness, and for: great anguish, trembling end restlessness, sudden starting from sleep, orgasm of the blood on making the least effort, sleeplessness, inability to bear the warmth of the bed; great nervousness, quarrel- some mood; the patient complains of every body and even his own family; desire to escape, constant shivering, night- sweats. NUX-VOM.: For the consequences of anger, with general chilliness, and when Bryonia proved insufficient, or if the patient had taken chamomile-tea directly after the fit of anger, or had eaten or drank any thing else, and if Chamom, had not removed the ill effects entirely. OPIUM: To be used immediately after a paroxysm of joy or fear, especially for: Pains in the forehead, stupefaction or loss of consciousness, heat and sweat about the head, with coldness of the rest of the body, tendency of blood to the head, eructations or sour vomiting, great anguish, heaviness in the abdomen; diarrhoea, or involuntary stools; pressure 180 EMOTIONS. on the chest and difficulty of breathing; fainting fits, parox- yms of spasm or even epilepsy; trembling, cries or sopor with stertorous breathing; spasmodic rigidity of the whole body, internal heat with coldness of the body, cold sweat, &c. PHOSPHORIC-ACID: For the consequences of deep grief, un- happy love, home-sickness, or in all cases where Ignat. is not sufficient, especially when the patient is taciturn, dull, list- less; when the hair falls out or turns gray; hectic fever with profuse sweat in the morning; constant desire to sleep, &c. PLATINA: When anger or mortification is followed by: In- difference, alternate sadness and laughter; pride with con- tempt of others; great anguish and dread of death; in females, the urinary passages are involved. PULSATILLA : Diarrhoea with heat in the abdomen and cold limbs, in consequence of fear; or for the consequences of anger, in persons of a bland disposition; or when the patient took chamomile-tea directly after the anger; and when Cham. was not sufficient. SAMBUCUS: When fright or fear occasion: Coldness of the whole body, trembling, convulsive twitchings; oppression of the chest; sopor with stertorous breathing; Opium was not 'sufficient. STAPHYSAGRIA: For the consequences of anger, especially for: Indignation and ill-humor, the patient pushes violently away from him what is near him: ill-humor, restlessness, fear; or when deep grief occasions: sadness with dispo- sition to take every thing in bad part, great dread of the future, sleep in daytime, and sleeplessness at night; falling off of the hair; feeble and faint voice; hypochondriac mood. VERATRUM: When fright or fear occasioned; diarrhoea, or involuntary evacuations from the bowels, with coldness of the whole abdomen. § 4. Give more particularly : a) For jaundice : Cham. merc.chin.—for convulsions : Bell. cham. ign. hyos. op. samb.-for tetanic spasms: Bell. op. ign. -for epileptic attacks: Ign. op. (bell. lach. caust.)-for great debility with trembling: Merc. op. phos.-ac. veratr.—forfaint- ing fits: Coff. op. veratr.-for spasmodic pains: Colcc.-for nervous excitement: Acon. coff, magn.-arct. merc. n.-vom.-for vascular orgasm: Acon. coff. merc. b) When there is fever: Acon. bry. cham. n.-vom. chills and shuddering: Bry. merc. puls.-coldness of the body: Op. puls. samb. veratr.-heat and redness of the cheeks. EMOTIONS, MORBID. 181 Caps. ign. acon.-night-sweats: Merc. phos -ac.-hectic fever: Ign. phos.-ac. staph. c) For sleeplessness: Acon. coff. merc. caps. coloc. staph.— Sopor: Op. samb. (phos.-ac. staph.) d) For melancholy and sadness: Aur. ign. phos.-ac. plat. staph.-for constant weeping and lamenting: Bell. hep.-for constant cries: Bell. op.-constant anxiety and fear: Acon. bell. cham. merc. plat. staph.-mental derangement: Bell. hyos. lach. op. stram. veratr.-indifference, dullness, apathy: Hell. hyos. phos.-ac.-constant indignation: Coloc. staph. e) Loss of consciousness and stupefaction: Bell. hyos. nux- v. op. tendency of blood to the head, and headache: Acon. bell. coff. ign. n.-vom. op.-falling off of the hair, or when the hair turns gray: Phos-ac. staph. f) Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting: Bry. cham. coloc. ign. n.-vom. op. puls.-bilious ailments: Acon. bry. cham. coloc. ign. n. vom.-pains in the stomach: Cham. nux-v. puls.-colic and diarrhoea: Cham, puls. veratr.-involuntary stools: Op. veratr. g) Pains in the chest, asthma, &c.: Aur. bell. cham. n.-vom. op. samb.-violent palpitation of the heart: Acon. cham. hep. op. puls. Compare: EMOTIONS, MORBID, MENTAL DERANGEMENT, ME- LANCHOLY, &c. EMOTIONS, MORBID. § 1. Having mentioned the remedies, which require to be used for the different varieties of mental diseases, in the arti- cles on: MENTAL DERANGEMENT. CLAIRVOYANCE, HYDROPHO- BIA, WEAK MEMORY, HYPOCHONDRIA, IMBECILITY, IMBECILITY, MELAN- CHOLIA, &c., it remains for us now to exhibit in one series the remedies which are proposed for the various symptoms that characterize mental diseases. The principal remedies for those diseases are: 1) Aur. bell. hyos, ign. lach. lyc. op. phos. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sep. stram. veratr. 2) Acon. anac. ars. calc. cann. caust. cham. coccul, con. graph. hell. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. rhus. sil. sulph. 3) Ant. baryt. bry. cann, canth. chin. cin. coff. cupr. hep. rhus. stann. staph. § 2. Use more particularly: a) For anguish, anxiety: 1) Ars. puls. veratr. 2) Acon. arn. bell, bry. calc. carb.-v. cham. graph. ign. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phos. rhus. samb. spig. spong. sulph.-For fear and apprehensions: Acon. anac. ars. baryt. bell. bry. calc. caust. cic. coccul. graph. hep. hyos, lach.merc. n.-vom. op. sulph-ac. veratr.-For uneasi- 182 EMOTIONS, MORBID. ness as if from a bad conscience: Alum. amm. ars. aur. carb.- veg. caust. cin. coccul. con, cycl. dig. ferr. graph. hyos. merc.- n.-vom. puls. sil. stram. sulph. veratr.-For anxiety driving one from one place to another: Acon. ars. aur. bell. bry. canth. carb.-v. coloc. cupr. dros. graph. hyos. merc. n.-vom. op. plat. puls. sep. spig. staph. stram. veratr. b) For vexed mood: 1) Ars. calc. caust. cham. ign. kal. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. aur. bell. bry. chin, con, graph. hep. lach. natr. natr.-m. petr. phos. phos.-ac. plat. sil. staph. zinc.-For irritable vexed mood: 1) Ars. bry. carb.-v. caust. con.natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. staph. sulph. 2) Arn. aur. bell. cham. chin. coccul. hep.ign. lyc. merc. natr. petr. phos.-ac. plat. sep. spig.-For disposition to be angry: 1) Aur. bry. carb.-v. cham. caust. hep. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. caps. chin. croc. graph. lyc. magn.- aust. natr. natr.-m. petr. sep. sil. c) For suspicion and distrust: 1) Baryt. caust. cic. hyos. lyc. puls. 2) Anac. ant. aur. bell. cham. dros. hell. lach, merc. op. ruta. sulph.-ac.- For anthropophobia: 1) Amb. baryt. hyos. natr. puls. rhus. 2) Bell. cic. con. cupr. lyc. selen. d) For nervous excitement: 1) Ácon. arn. aur. bell. calc. cham. coff. magn.-arct. merc. phos. val. 2) Asar. bry. carb.-veg. chin. ferr. hep. hyos. lyc. natr.-m. sep. sulph. teucr. veratr. For great tendency to start: Acon. bell. borax. calc. carb.-veg. caust. cham. coccul. con. natr.-m. petr. phos. sil. sulph. e) For malice: 1) Anac. bell. hyos. lach. lyc. n.-vom. stram. veratr. 2) Ars. caps. cupr. natr. natr.-m. petr. phos. plat. sec. For disposition to swear: Anac. veratr.-Disposition to kill somebody: Ars. chin. hep. lach. stram.-For disposition to commit acts of violence: 1) Bell. hyos. stram. veratr. 2) Anac. ars. baryt. chin, coccul. cupr. hep. lach. lyc. mosch. natr. n.-vom. plat.-For vindictive mood: Agar. anac. aur. lach.-For artful disposition: Cupr. lach. n.-vom. f) For bold, audacious disposition: 1) Ign, magn.-arct. op. 2) Acon. agar. merc. sulph. g) For obstinacy, head-strongness: Bell. calc. ign, kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sil. sulph.-For quarrelsome mood: 1) Ars. caps. chin. ign. lach. merc. natr.-m. veratr. 1) Arn. aur. bell. caust. cham. hyos. lach. lyc. mosch. n-vom. petr. sep. staph. h) For abundance of fancies and fixed ideas: 1) Bell. coc- cul. ign. phos.-ac. sabad. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. amb. cic. hell. hyos. lyc. merc. n.-vom. op. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sec. sil. val. veratr. For hypochondriac ideas and apprehensions : 1) EMOTIONS, MORBID. 183 Calc. chin. natr. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Anac. aur. 2) Anac. aur. con. grat. lach. mosch. natr.-m. phos. phos.-ac. sep. staph. 3) Ars. caust, chin. graph. hell. hep. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. petr. puls. rhus. val. i) For serious mood: Alum. aur. bell. caust. cham. euphorb. hell. hyos. ign. led. merc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. spig. stann. For silent, taciturn mood: Aur. bell. caps. caust. cham. euphorb. hell. hyos. ign. ipec. lyc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. plat. puls. stann. For want of disposition to talk: 1) Amb. bell. bry. ign. lach. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. stann. 1) Alum. calc. chin, coloc. cycl. hell. natr.-m. plat. sulph. k) For indifference, apathy, listlessness: 1) Ars. bell, calc. ign. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sep. sil. staph. 2) Árn. cham. chin. coccul. con. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. plat. 1) For vehement, angry mood: 1) Bry. carb.-veg. caust. hep. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. sep. 2) Anac. aur. dros. kal. lach. mosch. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. plat. sulph. m) For greedy desire to possess a thing: 1) Ars. bry. puls. 2) Calc. lyc. sep. n) For moaning, weeping, lamenting: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc.cham. cin. coff. graph. hyos. ign. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. plat puls. sep. stram. sulph. veratr. o) For merry mood, singing, whistling, dancing, &c. 1) Bell. coff. croc. lach. lyc. natr.-m. op. plat. stram. veratr. 2) Aur. cann. carb.-an. cic. hyos. natr. spong. zinc. p) For despondency and despair: Acon. aur. calc. caust. con. graph. ign. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. veratr.-For being tired of life: Amb. amm. ars. aur. bell. chin. lach. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. plat. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj.--For de- sire of suicide: 1) Ars. aur. n.-vom. puls. 2) Alum. ant. bell. carb-veg. chin. dros. hep. hyos. mez. rhus. sec. sep. spig. stram. tart. q) For illusions of fancy: 1) Bell. stram. 2) Anac. lach. natr.-m. op. puls. sil. sulph. 3) Acon. ars. bry. calc. canth. carb.- veg. cham. dulc. hell. hep. kal. magn.-m. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. plat. r) For religious mania: 1) Bell. hyos. lach. puls. stram. sulph. 2) Ars. aur. croc. lyc. selen. s) For bland, tender turn of mind: Coccul. croc. ign. lyc. magn.-arct. mosch. puls. sil. t) For pride, vanity, &c. 1) Lyc. plat. stram. veratr. 2) Alum. arn. caust. chin. cupr. hyos. ipec. lach. par. phos. u) For sadness, melancholy, &c.: 1) Ars. aur. bell. ign. 184 ENTERITIS.-EPISTAXIS. lach, puls. sulph. 2) Acon. bry. calc. caust. cham. coccul. con. graph. hell. hyos. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. plat. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. veratr. v) For amorous disposition: 1) Ant. hyos. veratr. 2) Graph. ign. lach. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. plat. puls. sil. stram.-For lasciviousness: 1) Canth. hyos. phos. stram. veratr. 2) Chin. lach. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. plat. puls. w) For mania, craziness, &c.: 1) Acon. bell. calc. hyos. lach. n.-vom. op. plat. stram. veratr. 2) Agar. anac. ant. arn. ars. cann, canth. caust. cic. coccul. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. ign. lyc. merc. natr. n.-mosch. oleand. par. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. sep. sil. sulph. zinc.-For rage: 1) Bell. canth. hyos. lyc. stram. veratr. 2) Agar. ars. camph. cann. coccul. croc. cupr. lach. merc. plumb. sec. x) For fitful mood: 1) Acon. alum. bell. croc. ferr. ign. plat. stram. sulph.-ac. zinc. 2) Aur. cann. caps. carb.-an. caust. chin, coccul. cycl. ferr. graph. hyos. kal. lyc. magn.-arct. natr.- m. sep. val. §. 3. Compare: WEAK MEMORY, MENTAL DERANGEMENT, CLAIRVOYANCE, HYDROPHOBIA, HYPOCHONDRIA, MELANCHO- LIA, &c. ENTERITIS, inflammation of the bowels: Give first a few doses of Acon. to reduce the inflammation, after which Lach. bell. or merc. will complete cure. In more complicated cases, use: 1) Apis. ars. bry. hyosc. n.-vom. 2) Ant. canth. cham, chin. coloc. ipec. nitr.-ac. oxal. puls. rhus. sec. squill. sulph. We have to consider also: When the Diaphragm is also affected: acon. bry. cham. lyc.-when the PERITONIUM Suffers: acon. bell. bry. lyc. merc. when the CECUM is especially affected (TYPHLITIS): bell. lach. rhus.for inflammation of the COLON: bell. merc.- when MORTIFICATION threatens: ars. for superficial erysipe- latous inflammation: acon. bell. merc. Compare: Fevers, Inflammatory, Gastritis, Cholera, Colic, Diarrhea. EPISTAXIS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. chin. croc. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Amb. cann. carb.-v. cin. ferr. gran, kroos. led. sabin. sec. sep. sil., &c. For hæmorrhage from the nose: 1) Acon. chin. 2) Arn. bell. chin. merc. puls. rhus. sec. § 2. If caused by tendency of blood to the head, give: 1) Acon. bell. chin. croc. con.: or, 2) Alum. cham. graph. rhus. ERGOTISM.-ERUPTIONS. 185 If occurring during a cold: Ars. or Puls. In affecting children who have worms: Cin. or Merc. For females who menstruate scantily: Puls. or Sec. or. Sep. -If the menses be too profuse, give: Acon. calc. croc. sabin. -With amenorrhoea: Bry. puls. or sep. For debilitated persons, in consequence of loss of blood, &c. 1) Chin. or sec.; or, 2) Carb-v. cin. ferr. If in consequence of being stimulated by spirits: N.-vom., or Acon. bell. bry. If caused by bodily exertions: Rhus. arn., or, Bry. calc. puls. sulph. Epistaxis after a blow, contusion, requires: Arn. 3. For the disposition to epistaxis, give: Calc. carb-v. sep. sil. or sulph. Compare: HÆMORRHAGES, CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD, CATARRH, MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES, DEBILITY, HEAT, ILL EFFECTS OF, WORN OUT, INJURIES, &c. ERGOTISM, RAPHANIA.-If caused by the use of spurred rye: Solan.-nigr. is a specific.-Besides, we may require: Acon. bell. colch. hyos. op. plat. stram. rhus; or, especially when gangrene sets in: Ars. chin. euphorb. síl. ERUPTIONS, CUTANEOUS.-The size of this work only allows us to offer a condensed series of the principal symptoms, though it will be found sufficient to answer all or- dinary demands. Give for: a) Itching eruptions: Agar. ant. ars. bry. caust. cham. clem. kal. lach. merc. mez. nitr.-ac. oleand. ran. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. veratr.-Biting: Amm.-m. bry. calc. caust. euph. lach. led. lyc. mez. natr.-m. oleand. phos. ac. puls. ran.- sc. sulph.-Burning: Ambr. ars. bell. bry, caps. carb.-v. caust. con. hep. kreos. lyc. merc. mez. ran. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. viol.-tr.--Stinging-itching: Acon. ars. bar. bell. bry. clem. con. dros. hep. led. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. ran. rhus. sep. sulph. b) Painless eruptions: Amb. hell. hyos. lyc. stram. sulph. -Painful: Ant. arn. bell. chin. clem. cupr. dulc. hep. lyc. magn.-m. phos.-ac. puls. sep. sil. veratr.-Tearing and pain- ful: Calc. lyc. mez. sep. sil. staph. sulph.-Tensive and pain- ful: Arn. bar. caust. con. phos. puls. rhus. sulph.-Painful as if sore or ulcerated: Alum. amm.-m. arg. aur. bry. calc caust, cic. colch. dros. graph. hep. kal. mang. merc. natr.-m nitr.-ac. petr. phos. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. zinc. c) Blue-colored eruptions: Ars. bell, con. lach, ran. rhus 186 ERUPTIONS. Transparent: Cin. merc. ran. Yellowish: Agar. ars. cic. euph. kreos. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. sep.-Purple-colored: Acon. bell-Rose-colored: Alum. natr.-phos. sil.- Scarlet- colored: Amm. ars. bell. croc. euph. hyos. merc. phos.— Blackish: Ars. bell. bry. lach. rhus. sec. sil.— Whitish: Agar. ars. bry, ipec. phos. sulph. thuj. val. zinc.-With white tips: Ant. puls. tart. d) Readily bleeding: Calc. dulc. merc. sulph.-Blood-blis ters: Ars. bry. natr.-m. sec. sulph.-Gangrenous: Ars. bell. camph. carb.-v. lach. mur.-ac. ran. sabin. sec. sil.-Purulent: Ars. cic. clem. dulc. hep. lyc. magn.-m. merc. petr. rhus. sep. staph. tart. zinc.-Humid: Bov. calc. carb.-v. cic. clem. graph. hep. kal. kreos. merc. nitr.-ac. petr. rhus. sel. staph. viol.-tr.-Spreading: Ars. bor. calc. caust. cham. clem. con. graph. hep. kal. magn.-c. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. petr. rhus. sep. sil. squill. staph. sulph. viol.-tr.-Scurfy: Alum. ant. ars. bar. bell. bov. calc. carb.-a. chel. cic. clem. coloc. con. dulc. graph. hell. hep. kal. lyc. merc. natr.-m. oleand. puls. ran. rhus. sassap. sep. sil. staph. sulph. viol.-tr.-Dry: Bar. bov. calc. carb.-v. cupr. dulc. led. mang.-c. merc. mez. petr. phos. sassap. sep. sil. staph. veratr. viol.-tr. zinc. e) Peeling off: Acon. amm. amm.-m. bell. clem. cupr. led. merc. mez. phos. sep. sil. staph.-Scaly : Agar. amm.-m. aur. cic. clem. dulc. led. magn.-c. merc. oleand. phos. sulph.- Horny: Ant. graph. ran.- Cracked: Alum. calc. cham. cycl. hep. lach. merc. petr. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. sulph. f) Fine eruptions, with a fine grain: Bry. carb.-v. graph. hep. merc. phos.-ac. sulph.-Grit-shaped: Graph. hep. natr.- m.—Millet-shaped: Agar. ars. led. val.-Clustered: Agar. calc. ran. rhus. veratr.-Zone-shaped: Ars. graph. merc. puls. rhus. sil. sulph.-Grape-shaped: Calc. rhus. staph. veratr.- Confluent: Agar. cic. hyos. phos.-ac. tart. val. g) Pimple-shaped: Acon. ant. ars. bell. bry. caust. cham. dulc. graph. hell. hep. kal. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. oleand. phos. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. spong. staph. sulph. tart. thuj.- Vesicular: Amm.-m. ant. ars. bell. bry. canth. caust. chin. clem. graph. hep. kal. lach. phos. ran. ran.-sc. rhus. sulph.- Papular: Alum. ant. calc. caust. dulc. graph. hep. lach. lyc. mez. natr.-m. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. veratr.-Pustulous : Ant. arn. ars. bell. hyos. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. tart. h) Eruptions which only appear on covered parts: Led. thuj.-On hairy parts: Kal. lyc. merc, natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos.- ac. rhus. ERUPTIONS. 187 § 2. Compare: BLOOD-BLISTERS, VARIOLA, HERPES, MA- CULE, RASH, ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, SCALDHEAD, MEASLES, CRUSTA LACTEA, RUBEOLÆ, ERYSIPELAS, SCARLATINA, &c. ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, HERPES, SPOTS, ULCERS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars aur. baryt. calc. carb.-v. cic. dulc. graph. hep. led. lyc. magn.-m. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Amm. ant. bov. bry. caust. con. kreos. lach. sassap. sil. staph. veratr. § 2 As regards simple macula and pimples, give: a) For freckles (ephelides): Alum. ant. calc. dulc. graph lyc. mur.-ac. puls. sep. sulph. b) For acne: 1) Ars. bell. calc. carb.-v. hep. lach. sulph. 2) Aur. cann. canth. carb.-an. caust. cic. kreos. Îed. natr. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. veratr. c) For acne simplex in young people, and especially high- livers: 1) Bell. hep. led. n-vom. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. carb.-v. lach. n .vom. phos.-ac. puls. d) For acne of drunkards: Kreos. led. n.-v.-Ars. lach. puls. e) For acne rosacea: 1) Ars. carb.-an. kreos. rhus. ruta. veratr. 2) Aur. calc. cann. canth. carb.-v. caust. cic. led. lach. sep. f) Acne punctata (black pores, comedones): 1) Graph. natr. nitr.-ac. selen. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. dig. dros. hep. natr.-m. sabin. § 3. As regards herpes in the face, give: a) For impetigo facialis (humid scurf in the face): 1) Calc. graph. sulph. 2) Ars. cic. lyc. rhus. sep. b) For crusta lactea: 1) Rhus. 2) Calc. sulph. baryt. cic. graph. lyc. merc. sassap. (Viol.-tr. ? ? ?) 3) Ars. c) For scrofulous (eruption from teething): 1) Merc. sulph 2) Calc. graph. rhus. sep. d) For herpes furfuraceus: 1) Ars. bry. cic. sulph. 2) Anac. merc. thuj. e) For lupus or impetigo rodens, or herpes exedens scrofu- losus: 1) Ars. bell. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Čic. graph. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. f) Lupus of the wing of the nose, herpes exedens idiopa- thicus: 1) Staph. 2) Ars.? aur.? calc.? sep.? sil.? sulph. ? g) Psoriasis facialis: 1) Calc. graph. lyc. sep. sulph. B Ulcerated corners of the mouth: 1) Amm. bell. calc. caust. graph. hep. ign. kreos. merc. natr.-m. sil. 2) Ant. arn.? natr. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sulph. veratr. i) Mentagra (herpes of the chin): 1) Ant. cic. graph. sulph. 2) Carb.-v.? clem.? dulc.? kreos.? merc.? sassap.? sep.? 188 ERUPTIONS, HERPETIC. k) Crusta serpiginosa: 1) Ars. cic. graph. merc. sassap. 2) Cale. baryt. lye, rhus. (Viol. tr. ?) § 4. As regards ulcers of the face and lips, give : a) For cancerous ulcers: 1) Ars. bell. sil. sulph. 2) Clem. con. hep. merc. 3) Hydr. myric. phytol. b) Scrofulous ulcers: 1) Bell. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Cic.? graph.? natr.-m.? nitr.-ac.? sulph.-ac. ? § 5. And lastly, give, as a general rule: a) For eruptions on the forehead: Ant. bell. caust. hep. kreos. led. natr.-m. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. b) On the temples: Alum. ant. bell. carb.-v. caust. lyc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. sulph. thuj. c) Around the eyes: Ars. con. hep. merc. staph. sulph. d) In the eyebrows: Caust. kal. natr.-m. selen. staph. e) On the cheeks: Ant. bell. calc. caust. kreos. lach. natr. natr.-m. phos. rhus. sep. sil. staph. veratr. f) On the nose: Alum. aur. carb.-an. carb.-v. caust. graph. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. g) Around the nose: Ant. caust. natr. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. h) On mouth and lips: Ars, bry. calc. caust. kreos. natr.- m. n.-vom. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. i) In the corner of the mouth: Ant. amm. arn. bell. calc. caust. graph. hep. ign. kreos. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sulph. veratr. k) On the chin: Ant. bell. caust. con. graph. hep. kal. kreos. lyc. merc. natr.-m. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. § 6. Compare: ERUPTIONS, HERPES, MACULA, ULCERS, &c. ERUPTIONS, HERPETIC. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. bov. calc. clem. con. dulc. graph. iris. lyc. merc. n.-jugl. oleand. rhus. sass. sep. sil. sulph. 2) alnus.-r. aral. bry. carb.-v. caust. cic. cist. comocl. fluor-ac. hep. jugl. kreos. led. lob. natr. natr.-m. petr. phytol. ran. staph. zinc. §. 2. Use more particularly : a) For HERPES PHLYCTÆNOIDES OF MILIARIS: 1) Acon. bell. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. bov. calc. comoclad. chim. euphorb. lyc. merc. rhus.-ven. sep. b) For HERPES EXEDENS s. phagadœnicus, impetigo rodens, LUPUS: 1) Ars. graph. hydr. phyt. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. cic. clem. con. merc. sep. c) For herpes furfuraceus, pityriaris: 1) Ars. bry. calc. kreos. sil. sulph. 2) Dulc. graph. lyc. nuph. sep. sulph. 3) Anac. cic. lach. led. merc. natr.-m. phyt. stilling. thuj. 4) Clem. oleand. phos. d) For herpes crustaceus, IMPETIGO: 1) Calc. lyc. sulph. ERYSIPELAS. 189 2) Alnus. con. graph. jugl. rhus. 3) Ars. cic. dulc. lach. merc. sep. e) For herpes circinnatus: 1) Cist. clem. sep. 2) Comocl. magn.-c. mezer. natr. natr.-m. phytol. rhus.-ven. 3) Calc. ? caust.? sulph.? f) For herpes squamosus, PSORIASIS: 1) Ars. clem. dulc. led. magn.-c. merc. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Apoc.-c. calc. caust. graph. lyc. nuph. 3) Phyt.? g) For psoriasis inveterata: 1) Graph. lyc. sep. sulph. 2) Calc. hep. merc. puls. rhus. sil. h) For LICHEN : 1. Coce. ? corydal. ? dule. ? 2) Acon. ? bry.? cic.? lyc. ? mur.-ac.? sulph. ? 3) Iod. hep. calc. phos. sulph.-iod. § 3. As regards subjective symptoms, give: a) For burning of the herpes: 1) Ars. carb.-v. caust. merc. rhus. sulph. 2) Calc. hep. lyc. puls. sep. staph. b) ITCHING: 1) Ars. calc. caust. clem. merc. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Bov. con. graph. nitr.-ac. oleand. ran. sil. staph. c) STINGING or TEARING: Calc. clem. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. §. 4. Give more particularly: a) For YELLOWISH, BROWN YELLOW herpes: Lyc. merc. natr. sep. b) For RED: Cic. clem. dulc. lyc. magn.-c. merc. staph. c) For WHITE: Ars. bry. graph. lyc. zinc. 5. a) IMPETIGO, humid herpes: 1) Calc. dulc. graph. kreos. lyc. merc. rhus. sep. 2) Alnus. alum. bov. carb.-v. caust. iris. juglans. phos.-ac. staph. sulph. b) DRY HERPES: 1) Dulc. led. mere. phos. sep. sil. veratr. 2) Baryt. bov. calc. clem. comoclad. kreos. phos.-ac. staph. sulph. c) SUPPURATING: 1) Cic. clem. merc. rhus. sep. 2) Dulc. lyc. natr. sulph. d) For READILY BLEEDING: Ars. carb.-v. lyc. merc. phos. phos.-ac. sil. sulph. § 6. For LOCAL HERPES see: Eruptions on the face, lips, chir, pudendum, &c. ERYSIPELAS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1. Acon, apis. bell. graph. lach. merc. puls. rhus. 2) Arn. ars. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb.- a. cham. clem. comoclad. euphorb hep. hitr.-ac. phos. plumb. rhus.-ven. sil. sulph. zizea. 3) Alnus. âral. amm. carb.-v. chin. croc. gymnocl. hydr. hyosc. icd kal. lyc. sep. stram, thuj. 2. For SIMPLE ERYSIRELAS: Acon. bell. gels. hep. lach. verat.-vir. 190 ERYSIPELAS. For ERYSIPELAS FUGAX: 1) Bell, rhus. 2) Graph. puls. For PHLEGMONOUS ERYSIPELAS: 1) Apis. bell. graph. hep. merc. puls. rhus. verat.-vir. 2) Acon. calc. chin. kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. phos. sulph. thuj. For SCARLET COLORED: 1) Amm. bell. hyosc. merc. phos. 2) Acon. ars. bry, croc. lach. stram. sulph. For VESICULAR ERYSIPELAS: 1) Rhús. 2) Comoclad. eu- phorb. graph. hydr. 3) Apis. ars. bell. hep. lach. For ZONA: 1) Cist. mez. rhus. 2) Ars. graph. puls. 3) Merc. phyt. sil. sulph. 83) For SECONDARY ERYSIPELAS, with oedematous swellings: 1. Apis. rhus. 2) Ars. chin. kal. merc. sulph. For HERPETIC ERYSIPELAS, with large ulcerated surfaces: 1) Clem. rhus. 2) Ars. graph. iris. merc. sil. sulph. For GANGRENOUS: 1) Ars. carb.-v. 2) Bell. camph. chin. lach. sabin. sec. § 4. Compare swelling, gangrene, erysipelas of the face, zona, scarlatina. ERYSIPELAS FACIEI: Principal remedies: 1) Apis. bell. lach. rhus. 2) Cham. comoclad. graph. hep. puls. rhus.-ven. sulph. 3) Acon, camph. canth. carb.-a. carb.-v. cupr. euphorb. gels. hydr. sep. stram. verat.-vir. APIS: Swelling on the side of the face and temples, whitish or inclining to a delicate pink color; puffiness of the eyelids, biting and stinging of the skin; also in many cases, where bell. is insufficient or in persons suffering frequently from it, and especially in women and children. BELLADONNA: For delirium, stitching headache, furious look, violent thirst, dry tongue, parched lips and other symptoms, pointing to an approaching metastasis to the brain; when on the right side, smooth and shining. COMOCLADIA: Burning on face and eyes, worse towards evening; excessive swelling of the face with tormenting itch- ing and swelling; corrosive itching of the head; dizziness and heaviness of the head, with shooting pains, relieved by move- ment. LACHESIS: From the first, or when the cerebral affection did not yield to Bell; bloated red face, attended with heat, headache and coldness of the extremities; one-sided tense headaches, extending from occiput to eyes, with vomiting, vertigo, tendency to faint and numbness.-after lach. hep. or merc. are sometimes indicated. RHUS For vesicular erysipelas, or erysipelas of the scalp, generally a specific. EXCRESCENCES, FUNGOUS. 191 Compare: Erysipelas and swelling of the cheeks. ERYTHRIASIS.-Acon. given to the mother, is a specific remedy. EXANTHEMATA, ACUTE: § 1. The principal remedies for acute exanthemata (variola, morbilli, rubeola, scarlatina, purple-rash:) are: 1) Acon. bell, bry. coff. gels. merc. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Arum. ars. amm. bapt. baryt. chin. cimicif. hell hydr. lach. rhus. sarrac. stram. verat.-vir. § 2. For the periods-inflammatory fever, give: 1) Acon. gels. verat.-vir. 2) Bell. bry. coff. and in general, the reme- dies indicated for inflammatory fever. § 3. As regards the eruption itself, give For MACULE: Acon. amm. bell. bry. phos. puls. For RASH: Acon. bry. gels. ipec. rhus. valer. For SUPPURATING ERUPTIONS: 1 Bell. merc. rhus. 2) Ant. ars. cimicif. hydr. puls. sarrac. sulph. tart. 3) Hyosc. For GANGRENOUS: 1) Ars. carb.-v. 2) Bell. hyosc. lach. rhus. sec. sil. For ERYSIPELATOUS: 1) Bell. rhus. 2) Apis. amm. euphorb. phos. 3) Camp. cimicif. carb.-v. graph. § 4. SUPPRESSION OF ERUPTION BY A COLD or other causes requires: 1) Ars. bry. cimicif. phos. puls. stram. sulph. 2) Bell. caust. cupr. hell. op. phos.-ac. If the suppression be attended with metastasis to the brain: 1) Bell. hell. stram. 2) Arn. ars. phos.-ac. puls. If succeeded by distress of breathing and pain in the chest: bry. phos. sulph. § 5. SECONDARY AFFECTIONS require: a) Catarrhal affections: Bry. cact. carb.-v. dros. dulc. hyosc. ign. n.-vom. dros. sep. stict. b) Affections of the ear and sense of hearing: Bell, carb.-v. colch. hep. lyc. men. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. sulph. c) Diarrhea: Chin. merc. puls. sulph. verat. d) Dropsy: 1) Apis. ars. dig. hell. 2) Apoc.-c. arn. bell. phos.-ac. seneg. sulph. § 6. Compare: Variola, measles, scarlatina, &c. EXCRESCENCES, FUNGOUS.-Principal remedies: 1) Ars. carb.-an. carb.-veg. phos. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Ant. bell. calc. clem. con. kreos. lach. lyc. inerc. nitr.-ac. staph. 3) N.-vom.? petr.? rhus.? sabin.? tart.? thuj.? For fungus hæmatodes: 1) Ars. carb.-an. phos. sil. 2) Carb.- veg. lach, lyc. merc. nitr-ac. sulph. 3) Calc.? clem.? kreos.? n.-vom. ? rhus.? sabin.? sep.? staph.? tart.? thuj.? The principal remedies are: Caic. and phos. at long intervals. 192 EXERCISE, &c.—EYES, &c. For fungus medullaris: 1) Bell. carb.-an. phos. thuj. 2) Sil.? sulph. ? For fungus articulorum: 1) Ant. kreos, lach. sil. 2) Ars. iod. lyc. phos. staph. 3) Clem.? petr.? rhus. ? sabin. ? sulph.? EXERCISE, DREAD OF.-A mere symptom which, in conjunction with other symptoms, generally points to: 1) Ais. bell. chin. lach. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. sulph. tart. 2) Acon. calad. caps. chel. dulc. hell. hyosc. ign. iod. merc. mez. mur.-ac. rut. thuj. EXHALATION, DEFICIENT-A symptom which, with the other symptoms that exist with it, generally points to: 1) Acon. bell. cale. cham. chin. colch. dulc. graph. kal. led. lyc. n.-mosch. phos. sen. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. arn. ars. cann. caust. coff. hep. hyosc. iod. ipec. lach. magn.-c. mur.-ac. natr. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. sec. sep. staph. verb. viol.-od. EYES, CONTRACTION OF.-Principal remedies: 1) Agar.? 2) Ant. arn. canth. croc. crotal. squill.-See OPHTHALMIA. EYES, NEURALGIC PAINS IN THE. § 1. For true neuralgic pains, give: 1) Bell. chin. hyosc. spig. 2) Asar. caust. guaj. hep. par. phos.-ac. plumb. thuj. 82. As regards the pains, with or without inflammation, give: a) For sensation as if the eyeballs were too large: Bell. spig.-Asar. caust. guaj. hep. hyos. natr. natr.-m. op. par. phos.-ac. plumb. sen. tar. thuj. b) For pains which increase by contact: Bell. chin. hell. hep. sulph.-By motion: Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. hep. led. mag.-aust. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. ran. spig. sulph.- For boring pains: Bis. calc. hep. kal. natr.-m. spig. thuj.- Burning pains: Acon. ars. asar. bell bry. calc. carb.-v. coloc. croc. crotal. euphorb. lach. lyc. magn.-m. merc. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. spong. sulph.-Aggravation by turning the eyes: Acon. bry. caps. cupr. lyc. v.-nom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. For aching pains: Arn. bar. bell. bry. cale. carb.-v. caust. chin. cin. cupr. graph. ign. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. ol.-an. puls. rhus. rut. sabad. sep spig. staph. sulph. veratr. zinc.-Sensation as of a thread being drawn through the eyes: Bry.ign. lach. mur.-ac. par. plat. valer.-Sensation as of a foreign body (sand or dust): Acon. bell. bry. cale. carb.-v. chin. cin. con. graph. ign. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. spig. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj.-Pressing-down pains: Aur. cann. hell. oleand. par. puls.-Pressure from within outward: Acon. FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR. 193 asar. bell. bry. cann. canth. caust. con. dros. guaj. ign. led. nagn.-arct. n.-vom. par. puls. ran. rhus. spig. val.-Stitches from within outward: Calc. cocc. dros. natr. sil. sulph.- Pressure from without inward: Agar. anac. aur. bis. chin. phos.-ac. spig. zinc.-Stitches from without inward: Arn. bell. phos.-Feeling of coldness in the eyes: Alum. amm. berb. calc. con. kal. lyc. magn.-arct. par. plat.-Beating pains: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. (cham. cocc.) ign. magn.-aust. (phos.) petr.- Pinching pains: Croc. nitr.-ac.-Bone-pains in the cavities: Aur. hep merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. staph. sulph.-Tearing pains: Ars. bell. bry. (cham. chin, colch. con.) kal. led. lyc. magn.-c. (merc.) n.-vom. (puls.) sen. sil. sulph. zinc.-Scraping pains: Ars. lyc. puls. rhus.-Cutting in the eyes: Bell. calc. canth. coloc. kal. lyc. merc. mur.-ac. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. veratr.-Pains as if sore or excoriated: Alum. arn. bar. bry. carb.-v. croc. euphr. iod. kal. lyc. magn.-aust. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. sep. sil. staph. sulph.-Feeling of heaviness in the eyes: Bell. calc. natr. plat. sep.-Tension in the eyes: Acon. aur. calc. led. lyc. natr.-m. phos. sulph.-ac.-Stitching pains: Ars. bell. bry. calc. coloc. con. dig. euphr. graph. hep. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. sen. sep. spig. thuj. val. veratr.-Feeling as if bruised: Arn. bry. chin. cupr. hep. lyc. n.-vom. rhus. sulph. veratr. For further details, see: PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, and CONDI- TIONS. EYES, SUPPURATION OF.-Remedies: 1) Caust. euphr. kreos. nitr.-ac. 2) Bell. bry. graph. Compare: OPHTHALMIA. FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR, ALLOPECIA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. hep. graph. kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. bar.-c. carb. v. caust. chin. kal. magn. merc. natr.-m. sep. staph. zinc. § 2. Falling off of the hair after severe acute diseases, re- quires: 1) Lyc. hep. sil. ; or, 2) Calc. carb.-v. natr.-m. phos.-ac. and sulph.-To lying-in females give: Calc. lyc natr.-m. sulph. If caused by loss of animal fluids, (depletion, excesses, &c.) give: Chin. ferr; and if caused by frequent sweats, give: Merc. If caused by long grief, give: Phos.-ac. or staph.; or, Caust. graph. ign. lach. If caused by nervous or hysteric headache, give: 1) Hep. nitr.-ac. 2) Ant. calc. sil. sulph.; or, 3) Aur. phos. sep. 9 194 FEVERS. If caused by abuse of Mercury, give: Hep. or carb.-v. ; and if by abuse of China, give: Bell, or hep. § 3. As regards the condition of the scalp and hair, give for sensitiveness of the sculp: Calc. bar.-c. carb.-v. chin. hep. natr.-m. sil. sulph. For violent itching of the scalp, especially if in consequence of old suppressed eruptions, give: Graph. kal. lyc. sil. sulph. For scales on the head: Calc. graph. magn. staph. For the disposition of the hair to turn gray, give: Graph. lyc. phos.-ac. sulph.-ac. For great dryness of the hair: Calc. kal. phos.-ac. When the hair is frequently covered with viscid sweat. Chin. merc. § 4. Moreover,-a) When the hair falls off on the sides of the head: 1) Graph. phos. 2) Kal.? zinc.? &c. b) On the sinciput: Ars. natr.-m. phos. c) On the vertex: Baryt. graph. lyc. sep. zinc. d) On the occiput: 1) Carb.-v. phos. sil. 2) Petr.? e) On the temples: Calc. kal. lyc. natr.-m. f) For some places getting bald: 1) Canth. phos. 2) Iod. Behind the ears: Phos. § 5. For falling off of the hair on other parts of the body: a) In the eyebrows: Agar. bell. caust. kal. b) Whiskers: Calc. graph. natr.-m. Moustaches: Kal. natr.-m. plumb. d) On the mons veneris: Natr. natr.-m. rhus. § 6. Compare: SCALDHEAD, NAILS, ITCHING OF THE SKIN, FEBRIS HELODES, SUDOR ANGLICUS.-Hahnemann re- commends Samb.-The best remedies in my own practice have proved to be Acon. and Bry.; the former sometimes breaks the disease in a few hours. FEVER, CATARRHAL AND RHEUMATIC: 1) The principal remedies are: 1) Acon. ars. bell, bry, cact. caust. cham. chin. dulc. gels. merc. n.-vom, puls. rhus. stict. sulph. 2) arum. arn. asclep. bapt. camph. coff. ipec. phos. sabad. sang. sil. spig. squill. stann. verat. § 2. For violent ACUTE FEVER: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cact. cham. gels.; 2) Ars. coff. eupat. ign. merc. puls. rhus. squill. stict. If the fever should be light, or if it abate, use; 1) Chin. dulc. n.-vom. puls. rhus; 2) Arn. ipec. phos. seneg. verat. FEVERS. 195 For PROFUSE SWEATS without relief: 1) Bry. chin. merc. sulph.; 2) Cact.? eupat.? verat -vir.? For VIOLENT PAINS: 1) Acon. ars. cham. coff. ign.; 2) Gels. merc. puls. sulph. § 3. For CATARRHAL ailments after fever: 1) Sulph. phos. seneg. stann. stict. ; 2) Ars. bry. dulc. eupat. merc. puls. senec. sil. squill. For RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS: 1) cimicif. cact. caust. chin. gels. iris. sil. sulph.; 2) Hep. lach. phytol. verat.-vir. § 4. Compare: Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Sore Throat and the different fevers, &c. FEVER, GASTRIC AND BILIOUS: § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bapt. bell. bry. cham. cocc. corn. ipec. iris. lept. merc. n.-vom. pod. puls.; 2) Ant. asclep. cact. cimicif. coloc. dig. gels. hel. hydr. rhus. squill. tart. verat.; 3) apoc.-and. eupat.-per. gran.? hedeom.? phy- tol.? triost.? sulph. § 2. As regards the varieties of fever, give: When the GASTRIC symptom are predominant: 1) Ipec. iris. n.-vom. pod. puls.; 2) Ant. bry. coloc. corn. dig. eupat. gels. rhus. sulph. tart. verat.; 3) Bell. cact. cimicif. helon. daphn. squill. When the BILIOUS symptoms: 1) Acon. bry. cham. chin. cocc. corn. iris. lept. n.-vom. pod. puls. ; 2) Ars. coloc. eupat. daph. dig gran.? ipec. jugl. sulph. When the MUCOUS symptoms: 1) Bell. chin. dig. merc. puls. rhus.; 2) Ars. cham. cin. dulc. ipec. n.-vom. rhab. spig. sulph. When WORM symptoms: 1) Cic. cin. merc. sil, spig. sulph.; Apoc.-and. acon. dig. euphorb. hyosc. gels. n.-vom. sabad stann. stram. teucr. val. § 3. According to the character of these fevers, give: When INFLAMMATORY: Bell. bry. cact. cham. gels. merc. puls. tart. verat.-vir.; acon. is only indicated when bilious symptoms are present, never by purely gastric symptoms. When the character of the fever is TYPHOID: (febris gastri- ca nervosa :) 1) bell. bry. cocc. rhus. verat.; 2) Ars. bapt. carb.-v. chin. corn. hyosc. iris. lept. When PUTRID, use: Ars. bapt. carb.-v. chin. gels. merc. mur.-ac. phos.-ac. rhus. sulph. sulph.-ac. § 4. As respects causes, give: a) For GASTRIC fever, arising from indigestion: 1) Ipec. puls.; 2) Ant. bry. n.-vom. sulph. tart. b) From chagrin or anger: cham. coloc.; 2) Acon. bry 196 FEVERS. chin. n.-vom staph. If the patient had used much chamo- mile-tea, give puls. c) From a cold: Acon. bell. bry. cham. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. d) From swallowing cold water, ice or acids: 1) Ars. puls.; 2) natr.-m. sulph. sulph-ac. lach. § 5. Particular indications : ACONITE: When bilious symptoms prevail, such as: Yel- low coating on the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth and of food and drink, except water; burning thirst; bitter eructa- tions, bitter, greenish or slimy vomiting, (vomiting of asca- rides); distention of the hypochondria; painfulness of the region of the liver, with stitches and pressure; suppressed stool, or small frequent stools, with tenesmus; red, scanty urine; dry heat, with full frequent pulse, sleeplessness and restlessness; moaning, quarrelsome, vehement disposition. (Compare: Bry, cham.) BELLADONNA: The tongue is coated yellowish or white, thick coating; aversion to drink and food, sour taste of the mouth and rye-bread; vomiting of sour, bitter or slimy sub- stances; slimy diarrhoea; dry heat, especially about the head, with thirst, alternating with chills; anguish, restlessness, sus- picious or whimsical mood, violent headache as if every thing would fall out at the forehead; dry mouth; difficult deglu- tition; sopor in the day-time, sleepless nights, &c. (Com- pare: Cham and merc.) BRYONIA: Dry, brownish-yellow tongue; putrid smell from the mouth; bitter taste, especially after sleeping, or pappy, insipid or foul taste; great desire for wine, sour drinks, or coffee, with aversion to solid food; nausea, accumulation of mucus in the stomach, frequent desire to vomit, or real vomiting of bile, especially after drinking; stitches in the head, in the pit of the stomach or side, in the extremities, especially when coughing or walking; pressure and tension in the pit of the stomach, especially after eating; constipa- tion: watery, clear or yellowsh urine, with yellowish sedi- ment; violent heat, with burning thirst, or chilliness and shuddering over the whole body, with redness (and heat) of the face; vehement disposition; great debility; dullness of the head with vertigo, &c. (Compare: Acon. cham. nux- vom.) CHAMOMILLA: Red and chapped or yellowish-coated tongue; bitter taste of the mouth and food; fetid smell from the mouth; loss of appetite, nausea, or bitter or sour eructations FEVERS. 197 and vomiting; great anguish, tension and pressure in the re- gion of the stomach, hypochondria, and especially in the pit of the stomach; flatulent colic with tearing pains and disten- tion of the abdomen; constipation, or diarrhoeic, greenish stools, or sour diarrhoeic stools mixed with fecal matter and mucus resembling stirred eggs; yellowish urine with floccu- lent sediment; hemicrania; pains in the limbs; great nervous- ness with restlessness and moaning, or vehement disposition; asthma; heat, especially of the face and eyes, with red cheeks (sometimes only on one cheek), or heat mixed with shivering and the hair standing on end; sleeplessness with restlessness, or restless sleep with anxious dreams, starting, &c. (Com- pare: Acon. bell. nux-v. puls.) COCCULUS: Yellow-coated tongue; loathing of food; dry mouth, with or without thirst; fetid eructations and desire to vomit; painful fullness of the stomach, with difficult breath- ing; constipation, or soft stools with burning at the anus ; great debility, with sweat on taking the least exercise; head- ache, especially in the forehead, with vertigo, &c. (This remedy is frequently suitable after abuse of Chamomile.) IPECACUANHA: Yellow-coating on the tongue, with dry mouth; loathing of food (especially greasy things), with de- sire to vomit; fetid odor from the mouth; bitter taste in the mouth, and of food; nausea, with regurgitation of the ingesta, and vomiting of undigested food; pressure and pain- ful fullness in the pit of the stomach; colic; diarrhoeic, yel- lowish stools, or fetid, putrid stools; pale, yellowish color of the skin; headache, especially in the forehead; febrile heat, with thirst or shiverings. (Compare: Nux-v. and puls.) MERCURIUS: Moist tongue, coated white or yellowish: dry and burning lips, nauseous, foul or bitter taste; nausea, with desire to vomit, or vomiting of mucus and bitter substances; painfulness of the hypochondria, pit of the stomach, or around the umbilicus, especially at night, with anguish and restless- ness; sleepy in the day-time, wakeful at night; peevish, irritable mood; chills alternating with heat; burning thirst, sometimes with aversion to beverage, &c. (Compare: Bell.) NUX-VOм.: Dry and white, or yellowish-coated tongue, especially towards the root; burning thirst, with burning in the throat; bitter or foul taste, bitter eructations, constant nausea, especially in the open air; desire to vomit, or vomit- ing of undigested food; cardialgia with aching pain; pain- ful pressure and tension in the whole region of the stomach and hypochondria; spasmodic colic, with pinching and rum- 198 FEVERS. bling in the umbilical region; constipation, with frequent but ineffectual urging to stool, or with small, diarrhoeic, slimy or watery stools; aching pain in the forehead, with vertigo; angry, vehement, peevish, hypochondriac mood; great de- bility and languor; red and hot, or yellowish and livid face; heat, mixed with chills or shuddering; bruised feeling in the limbs; aggravation of the symptoms towards morning, &c. (Compare: Acon. bry, cham. ipec. and puls.) PULSATILLA Whitish mucous coating on the tongue; flat, pappy or bitter taste, especially after swallowing; eructations tasting of the food which one had just eaten, or bitter eruc- tations; aversion to food, especially to fat and meat, with desire for sour or spirituous drinks; waterbrask; regurgita- tion of the ingesta; nausea, great desire to vomit; vomiting of slimy and whitish, bitter and greenish substances, or sour substances; vomiting of undigested food; pressure in the pit of the stomach, with difficult breathing; constipation, or diarrhoeic, white, slimy, or bilious or greenish stools; or stools resembling stirred eggs; hemicrania; frequent chills with absence of thirst; or dry heat and thirst; alternate pale and red face, or one cheek is red and the other pale; sad mood, with whining, moaning and restlessness. (Compare: Cham. ipec. and nux-vom.) § 6. We may likewise use: ANTIMONIUM: in consequence of indigestion, with loss of appetite, loathing of food, nausea and desire to vomit; the ailments not having yielded to ipec. or puls. BAPTISIA: Weak and tremulous feeling; pulse quick, full and soft; internal and external heat with thirst; headache and tendency to delirium; tongue yellowish brown in the centre and red at the edges; constipation, alternating with diarrhoea; loss of appetite and great thirst; urine high-colored. COLOCYNTH: Bilious fever, with cardialgia, spasmodic colic and diarrhoeic stools, which come on again after eating ever so little, cramps in the calves, &c.; Cham. bry. n.-vom. or puls. were unable to effect a change. CORNUS: Flushes of heat and coldness in alternation; dull headache, with aching pains in the eye-balls; rumbling of wind in the bowels; stitches in the chest and under the scapula; sense of debility and fatigue; nausea, aversion to meat and bread, loss of appetite, griping pains in the bowels; dark, green, thin and very offensive stools, with copious emission of very offensive flatus. DIGITALIS: Nausea early on rising; bitter taste in the FEVERS. 199 mouth; thirst; slimy vomiting, diarrhoeic stool and great debility. EUPATORIUM-PER: Chilliness with excessive trembling, aching in the bones and soreness of the flesh, with nausea, followed by burning fever; alternate chilliness and flashes of heat, vomiting at every draught; jaundiced color; thick yellowish fur on the tongue; intense headache, especially in the occiput; fullness and tenderness in the hepatic region, with stitches and soreness on moving or coughing; urine scanty and dark colored; profuse bilious watery stools, with nausea and severe colic, prostration and relaxation. GELSEMINUM: Complete loss of muscular power, marked exacerbation of the fever towards night, and decline of the heat without perspiration towards morning; heaviness of the head with vertigo and blindness, loss of appetite with bitter taste; large, deeply bilious stools. IRIS.-VER. Chills over the whole body, although abun- dantly covered; fever with muttering delirium and bilious diarrhoea. LEPTANDRIA: Great lassitude; tendency to shiver, with sore and lame feeling; stupor, heat and dryness of the skin; dark, fœtid, tarry or watery stools, mixed with bloody mucus and an icterode condition. PODOPHYLLUM: Backache before the chill, delirium and loquacity during the hot stage with forgetfulness afterwards of all that passed; violent headache with excessive thirst during the fever; sallowness of the skin; headache, alternat- ing with diarrhea; putrid taste; fullness and twisting pains in the hepatic region; bilious stools. RHUS Great debility, delirium, putrid diarrhœa, dry tongue, thirst and typhoid symptoms. SQUILLA: The disease is accompanied with pleuritic stitches; and neither Acon. nor Bry. helps. TARTARUS: In children, especially when catarrhal symp- toms occur at the same time, with loose cough, profuse secre- tion of mucus and difficulty of breathing. TRIOSTEUM: Autumnal fevers; bilious headache with the fever and bilious vomiting. VERATRUM: Great debility after a stool, with fainting; yellowish color of the skin, dry tongue, or tongue coated yellowish or brown, &c. 7. For more details, see Gastric Derangements, Typhus, &c. 200 FEVERS. FEVER, HECTIC. § 1. Principal remedies: Ars. calc. chin. cocc. ipec. phos. phos.-ac. sil. sulph. ; also, Bell. con. cupr. dig. hell. ign. iod. kal. lach. lyc. merc. n.-vom. puls. sep. stann. staph. veratr. zinc. § 2. For slow nervous fever, give: Ars. chin. cocc. merc. mosch. n.-vom. phos.-ac. staph. veratr. Hectic fevers attended with local chronic inflammations, suppurations, &c., require the remedies which correspond to the respective organic affections, principally: 1) Ars. calc. chin. cocc. ipec. phos. sil. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. canth. hep. lach. lyc. merc. puls. Hectic fevers caused by emotions, long grief, homesickness, dc., require: Phos.-ac. staph.; or, Ign. lach. merc., and even Ars. graph. If caused by debilitating loss of animal fluids, by depletion, sexual excesses, &c., give: 1) Chin. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sulph. ; or, 2) Calc. cin. lach. staph. &c. If coming after severe acute diseases, such as typhus, cholera, &c., give: 1) Cocc. hell. hyos. phos.-ac.; or, 2) Ars. chin. veratr. Hectic fevers may likewise result from dyscrasia (scrofula, syphilis, &c.), or from abuse of medicinal substances, or from slow poisoning, in which case give the antidotes indicated under these respective heads. § 3. Particular indications. ARSENICUM: Great emaciation, with debility and palpita- tion of the heart; night-sweats, with hot and dry skin in the day-time; thirst, obliging one to drink frequently, but little at one time; restless sleep, unrefreshing, disturbed by sudden starting; constant desire to lie down; irritable and strange mood; loss of appetite, with weak digestion, &c. CALCAREA: Constant heat with little thirst, or frequent paroxysms of flushes of heat, with anguish and palpitation of the heart, or constant shuddering, especially in the evening, with red cheeks; withering, dry skin; emaciation, debility with listlessness; loss of appetite; paroxysms of anguish, in the evening; dry and short cough; great desire to be magne- tized; great prostration after talking; sweat breaking out easily; great apprehensions about one's health; slow, weak digestion, night-sweats, &c. CHINA: Pale complexion and sunken cheeks and eyes; great listlessness; dry and flaccid skin; sleeplessness, or rest- FEVERS. 201 less sleep, unrefreshing, with anxious dreams; loss of appetite, with desire for dainties; or great hunger, even voracious, with weak digestion; ill-humor, malaise, distended abdomen and other ailments after eating; frequent sweats, especially at night; frequent diarrhoeic stools, even with discharge of undigested food. COCCULUS: Great debility and trembling after the least exertion; frequent flushes of heat, especially in the face; blue margins around the eyes; dry mouth; loss of appetite; op- pression of the chest, with orgasm of the blood, and anguish; great sadness; sudden starting from sleep, and anxious dreams; frequent nausea; sweat easily breaks out during motion; bland temper. IPECACUANHA: Dry and extremely troublesome heat, espe- cially in the evening, with thirst; great restlessness, burning in the palms of the hands and night sweats; parchment-like skin; desire for dainties only; very listless; out of breath after the least motion, &c. PHOSPHORUS: Dry cough, with short and oppressed breath- ing; chilliness towards evening, followed by dry heat; de- bilitating diarrhea; exhausting clammy night-sweats; ema- ciation, debility, &c. PHOSPHORIC-ACID: Sad, oppressed mood; taciturn, listless; the hair turns gray; febrile heat in the evening, with anguish and accelerated pulse; debilitating sweats in the morning, &c. SILICEA: Pale, livid complexion, dry, short cough; emacia- tion; loss of appetite; shortness of breath; debility, espe- cially in the joints; febrile heat in the evening or morning, &c. SULPHUR: Febrile heat, especially towards evening, with sharply circumscribed redness of the cheeks (especially the left cheek); dry skin, with thirst: thin, pale face; dry or diarrhoeic and slimy stools; short, oppressed breathing; pal- pitation of the heart; sweat towards morning; debility, tired feeling in the limbs, with heaviness, dry cough, &c. Compare: PULMONARY PHTHISIS, LARYNGEAL PHTHISIS, TUBERCLES, &c. FEVERS, INFLAMMATORY, SYNOCHA, SYNOCHUS, &c. § 1. The principal remedies for inflammatory fevers, or acute fevers with local inflammations, are: 1) Acon. bell. bry. hyos. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. 2) Ars cann. cham. kal. lyc. nitr. sulph. veratr. 3) Chin. chinin, coccul. coloc. coff. hep. ipec. lach. mez. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. op. phos. sec. sep. 9* 202 FEVERS. § 2. For simple synochal fevers we use: 1) Acon. 2) Bell. bry. 3) Ars. cham. hyos. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. If they assume a typhoid character, with symptoms of cere- bral irritation, the following remedies are required: 1) Bell. bry, hyos. op. rhus; or, 2) Cham. coccul. n.-vom. phos.-ac. stram., and others. See: TYPHUS, also: TYPHUS PUTRIDUS. § 3. If these fevers should be attended by symptoms of meningitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, violent pains in the stomach, enteritis, &c., acute cutaneous eruptions, vomiting, diarrhea, &c., give the remedies indicated under these respective heads. In every local inflammation, no matter what organ is affected, Aconite is the principal remedy when the fever is violent, with thirst, dry, burning heat, and a hard (full or not full) pulse; Acon. should be continued until the inflammatory pulse is subdued. Very sensitive persons sometimes require the alternate use of Coffea and Acon. § 5. Particular indications. ACONITUM: Burning heat, sometimes preceded by chills or shuddering; burning thirst; dry and burning skin; bloated, hot and red face, or red spots on the cheeks; or redness of face which alternates with paleness, especially when the pa- tient raises himself; red, inflamed and painful eyes; sleep- lessness; restlessness, agonizing tossing about, sometimes attended with anguish, dread of death, screams; full and hard or subdued pulse; violent stitching, or aching and beat- ing pain in the head; vertigo on raising the head; nightly delirium; dry lips and mouth; clean and moist tongue; hur- ried, stuttering speech; dark-red urine; oppression of the chest, with short, anxious, hurried breathing; stitches in the chest or sides; short cough; palpitation of the heart; pains in the limbs. (Compare: Bell. bry. cham.) BELLADONNA: Internal and external heat, with dark-red face and eyes; burning thirst, with aversion to drink, or constant desire to drink without ability to do so; moist (and clammy) skin; sleepiness in the day-time, sleeplessness at night; or restless sleep with sudden starting, twitching of the limbs, loss of consciousness, muttering, grasping at flocks, or screams and convulsions, or furibond delirium, frightful visions, desire to escape from bed; obstinate and malicious hot head; violent headache, especially in the forehead, as if everything would issue through the forehead; dilated pupils; furious and wandering look; photophobia; dry mouth and lips; ulcerated corners of the mouth; hurried and indistinct FEVERS. 203 speech; sore throat with difficulty of swallowing; cough, with headache and redness of the face; scanty, yellow urine; stitching pains in the limbs; red spots on the skin. (Com- pare: Acon, cham. merc.) BRYONIA: Great heat or chill, with chattering of teeth, either one or the other symptom, attended with redness and heat of the head and face; nightsweat, especially towards morning; unquenchable thirst, sometimes followed by vomiting; drow- siness, with sudden starting, screams and delirium, as soon as the patient closes his eyes; delirium day and night; irrita- ble mood, or apprehensions on account of his illness, dread of death; taciturn; restless, tossing about, grasping at flocks; great and general debility; hard, full and hurried pulse; stu- pefying headache, with vertigo on raising the head; dullness of hearing and sight; dry lips; pressure in the pit of the stomach; constipation; dry cough, with pain in the pit of the stomach; stitches in the chest or side; tearing or stitch- ing pains in the limbs. (Compare: Acon. bell. cham. nux- vom.) CHAMOMILLA: Internal and external heat, sometimes pre- ceded by chill; or heat in the face and eyes, with red cheeks or only one cheek being red; burning thirst, with burning from the mouth to the stomach; sleeplessness, with restless- ness and tossing about; or sleep with anxious dreams and sudden starting; great restlessness and anguish; hemicrania; vertigo on raising the head, with darkness or scintillations before the eyes and fainting turns; red and cracked tongue; bitter taste in the mouth and of the food; sour or bitter eructations and vomiting; anguish, tension and pressure in the region of the stomach and hypochondria; colic and diar- rhea; hot, burning urine; tearing in the limbs, face and head; fetid breath; distress of breathing, and orthopnoea. (Compare: Acon. bell. nux-vom.) MERCURIUS: Chills alternating with heat, red skin; burn- ing thirst, sometimes with aversion to drink; frequent full pulse, stitching and aching pains in the head; red, bloated face; vertigo on raising one's-self; dry and burning lips; moist tongue or coated white or yellowish; painful sensitive- ness in the region of the hypochondria, epigastrium and um- bilicus; great anguish, tossing about, sleeplessness; sleepy in the day-time; peevish and disposed to be vehement. (Compare: Bell.) NUX-VOM. Heat, especially in the face, sometimes mixed with shuddering; dry and burning skin; hard, frequent 201 FEVERS. pulse; great debility and fainting turns; anguish, with palpi- tation of the heart and dread of death; extreme nervous- ness; sleeplessness or comatose sleep; headache worse on stooping; vertigo worse on stooping; hot, red face, some times accompanied with chilliness of the body; dull, dim, red eyes; dry and white tongue; thirst, with burning in the throat; aching pain in the stomach and region of the stomach, constipation; bruised feeling in the limbs; vehement irrita- ble mood. (Compare: Bry and cham.) § 6. Of other remedies use: ARSENICUM: For burning heat at night, with burning in the veins; sleeplessness with great restlessness and tossing about; anguish, with despair and dread of death; great de- bility and necessity to lie down. CHINA: Heat, dry mouth, parched and burning lips, red face, delirium, chill as soon as the patient uncovers himself ever so little; debility and pains in the limbs. COFFEA: Suitable to children: for great restlessness, toss- ing about, nervousness, screams, weeping. HYOSCYAMUS: Violent delirium, sleeplessness from nervous excitement, subsultus tendinum, grasping at flocks; red and hot face; red, staring and sparkling eyes. LYCOPODIUM: Circumscribed redness of the cheeks, cere- bral irritation, debility, dry and red tongue; constipation; ill humor after sleeping; screams, headstrongness and grum- bling. PULSATILLA : Dry heat at night, especially in the face, with heat and redness of one cheek; delirium; whining mood; no thirst, or else unquenchable thirst; tongue covered with white mucus; painfulness of the pit of the stomach; bitter taste; diarrhoeic, slimy stools. RHUS.-T.: Great heat, anguish, dry skin, stupefying headache, delirium, with desire to escape; red, burning face; red dry and rough tongue; debility; grasping at flocks. SULPHUR: Frequently useful for the ailments remaining after the use of Acon. bell. or bry. Compare: GASTRIC FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, HECTIC FEVER, TYPHUS, and all the local inflammations. FEVER PUERPERAL.-The best remedies are: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. cimicif. coff. coloc. n.-vom. rhus; or, 2) Arn. ars. hyosc. ipec. lach. lam. merc, plat. puls. sec. stram verat.-alb. verat.-vir. ACONITE Violent fever with dry and burning heat; vio- FEVERS. 205 lent burning thirst and desire for cold drinks; red and hot face, short breath, difficult and sighing breathing; distended abdomen and sensitive to contact; periodical cutting pains through the whole abdomen; scanty, bleeding and fetid lochia after Acon. use bell. or bry. ARSENICUM: Burning, throbbing, lancinating pains, burn- ing like fire; great restlessness and anguish, with fear of death; she is sure she will die; thirst for frequent sips of water, a little at a time. Cold water aggravates her symp- toms. She wants more covering-wants to be wrapped up. BELLADONNA: Distended abdomen, with stitching and dig- ging pains; the pains are sudden-coming on quickly and ceas- ing as quickly after continuing a longer or shorter time; violent spasmodic colic, as if the parts were clasped with claws, or painful pressing downwards towards the sexual organs; the abdomen is sensitive to contact; chills in some parts, heat in others, or else burning heat, especially about the face and head, with red face and eyes; aching in the forehead, with throbbing of the carotids; dry mouth, with red tongue and thirst; difficult deglutition, with spasm of the fauces; sleep- lessness, with tossing about, or sopor, with furibund delirium, or other cerebral symptoms; the lochia are scanty, watery and slimy, or offensive, or entirely suppressed; metrorrhagia, with coagulated fetid blood; involuntary flow of urine; the breasts are swollen and inflamed, or flaccid and without milk; constipation, or diarrhoeic, slimy stools: (if Bell. be insuffi- cient, try Hyosc.) BRYONIA: Distended abdomen, sensitive to contact and motion; the least motion aggravates her sufferings; her head aches as if it would split open; sitting up (as if in bed) causes nausea and fainting; constipation, the stools being hard and dry, as if burnt; violent fever, with burning heat of the whole abdomen; burning thirst, with desire for cold drinks; irritable, vehement or apprehensive dread of the future. CALC.-CARB. Leucophlegmatic condition; the feet feel cold and damp, the head and upper part of the body are in pro- fuse perspiration; constant aching in the vagina, stitches in the neck of the uterus, menses have always been too profuse and return too often and too soon. CANTHARIS: The urinary symptoms are of the greatest im- portance in determining the selection of this remedy. CHAMOMILLA: The breasts are flaccid and empty, with metastasis of the milk to the abdominal organs, and whitish 206 FEVERS. diarrhoea; rather scanty lochia; distended abdomen, sensi- tive to contact; colic-like labor-pains; general heat, with red face and great thirst; great impatience; she can hardly re- strain herself to treat people with civility. Urine abundant and light colored; especially indicated when the fever was caused by anger or by a cold. CIMICIFUGA: Suppression of the lochia from a cold or men- tal emotion, with severe paroxysmal pains in the abdomen; cold chills and prickly sensation in the mammæ. COCCULUS: Paralytic pain in the back and paralysis of the lower extremities; sensation as of sharp stones in the abdo- men on motion; head and face hot, feet cold; metallic taste; shivering over the mammæ. COLOCYNTH: The disease is caused by violent chagrin; severe colicky pains, causing her to bend double, with great restlessness; feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intes- tines were being squeezed between stones; delirium, alternat- ing with sopor; hot head, red face, glistening eyes, dry heat; hard, full and hurried pulse. HYOSCIAMUS: The disease is developed by emotional dis- turbances; spasmodic symptoms, jerks of the extremities, face and eye-lids, &c.; typhoid state, with delirium; patient throwing off the bed-clothes, wishing to be naked. LACHESIS: She cannot bear any pressure, not even of the clothes, upon the uterine region; sensation as if the pains were ascending towards the chest; exacerbation after every sleep, whether day or night. NUX-VOMICA: Sudden suppression of the lochia; feeling of heaviness and burning in the sexual organs and abdomen, or else the lochia are too profuse, with violent pains in the small of the back; ischuria and burning when urinating; consti- pation; nausea, desire to vomit, or actual vomiting; red face; rheumatic or spasmodic pains in the thighs and legs, with going to sleep of these parts; dullness of the head, or beat- ing and pressure in the head, with vertigo; obscuration of sight, ringing in the ears and fainting turns. PLATINA: Painful pressure in the region of the mons vene- ris and genital organs; voluptuous tingling in the vulva and abdomen; profuse discharge of thick black blood: constipa- tion. RHUS-TOX. Worse at night, especially after midnight; restlessness; she cannot lie still, but must change her posi- tion, which affords a few moments' relief; slow fever, dry tongue; powerlessness of the lower limbs; she can hardly FEVERS. 207 draw them up; the white lochia again assume a bloody tinge, with discharge of clots of blood. SECALE: Strong tendency to putrescence; discharge of thin black blood, a kind of sanies, with tingling in the legs and great debility. Compare: Peritonitis, Metritis, Typhus, Diseases of Lying- in Females. FEVERS, INTERMITTENT: § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Apis. ars. chin. eupat.-p. ign. ipec. lach. lob. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. verat. 2) Âcon. æsc.-h. ant. arn. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb.-v. cham. cin. ferr. gels. lept. op. pod. tart. 3) Alet.-far. apoc. canth. cocc. coff. corn. dros. hep. hydr. hyosc. lyc. men. merc. mez. n.-mosch. sabad. samb. sep. staph. thuj. valer. 4) ang. cact. ceras. chel. cimicif. chimaph. cupr. dig. hell. kal. lam. phos. tarax. verat.-vir. § 2. a) For marsh-intermittent fevers: 1) Ars. chin. ipec. 2) Arn. carb.-veg. cin. ferr. natr.-m. rhus. veratr. b) For fevers prevailing in damp and cold seasons: Calc. carb.-veg. chin. lach. n.-mosch. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr. c) For fevers prevailing in spring and summer, or in the warm seasons generally: 1) Ars. bell. calc. caps. cin. ipec. lach. sulph. veratr. 2) Ant. bry. carb.-veg. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. thuj. d) For the fall-intermittent: Bry. chin. n.-vom. rhus. veratr e) For mismanaged intermittent fevers, by large doses of Quinine: 1) Arn. ars. bell. ferr. ipec. lach. puls. veratr. 2) Calc. caps. carb.-veg. cin. merc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. sep sulph. § 3. a) For fevers with simple type: 1) Arn. ars. bell. bry. carb,-veg. chin. cin. hyos. ign. ipec. natr.-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. ant. calc. caps. cham. cocc. coff. dros ferr. hep. men. merc. mez. n.-mosch. op. sahad. samb. sep. staph. thuj. val. b) For fevers with double type: Ars. bell. chin. dulc. graph. n.-mosch. puls. rhus. stram. c) For quotidian fevers: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. caps. carb.-veg. chin. cic. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. natr-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. stram. sulph. veratr. 2) Alum. cact. calc. con. diad. graph. petr. sabad. veratr. d) For tertian fevers: 1) Ars. bell. bry. canth. carb.-veg. chin. ipec. n.-vom. puls. rhus. 2) Ant. arn. calc. caps. cham. 208 FEVERS. cic. dros. dulc. lach. lyc. mez. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. rhus. sabad. staph. veratr. e) For quartan fevers: 1) Ars. puls. veratr. 2) Acon. arn. carb.-veg. clem. hyos. ign. ioď. lyc. n.-mosch. puls. sabad. f) For fevers that come on every fortnight: Ars. g) Every year: Ars. carb.-veg. lach. § 4. As regards the period when the fever sets in, give: a) For evening-fevers: 1) Arn. ars. bell. bry. carb.-veg. lach. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. calc. carb.-an. carb.-veg. dulc. graph. ign. ipec. led. lyc. merc. n.-vom. petr. sabad. sep. staph. b) For night-fevers: ) Bell. carb.-veg. cham. merc. n.-vom. rhus. veratr. 2) Amm.-m. ars. baryt. borax. calc. caps. carb.- an. caust. hell. hep. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. sep. squill. staph. stram. sulph. thuj. c) For morning-fevers: Arn. bell. bry. calc. cham. lach. natr.-m. n.-vom. sabad. staph. veratr. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. chin. con. graph. guaj. hep. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph. zinc. § 5. As regards the relation of the stages, give : a) For fevers where the chill and coldness prevail either entirely or partially: 1) Bry. canth. caps. chin. n.-vom. puls. sabad. veratr. 2) Coff. diad. hyos. ipec. petr. phosph. ruta. staph. b) When there is only chill and heat, but no sweat: 1) Arn. ars. bell. bry. carb.-veg. cham. dulc. ign. ipec. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. rhus. sulph. 2) Acon. caps. carb.-an. hell. lyc. merc. phosph. phos.-ac. puls. sabad. sep. spig. sulph. tart. val. c) When there is only chilliness and sweat, but no heat: 1) Caust. magn.-aust. puls, rhus. veratr. 2) Amm.-m. ars. bry. carb.-am. lyc. sabad. sulph. thuj. d) For mere heat, with little or no chill and sweat: 1) Acon. bell. bry. ipec. n.-vom. sabad. sil. val. veratr. 2) Ars. calc. coff. coloc. dulc. lach. lyc. op. phosph. puls. staph. sulph. e) For heat and sweat without chill: 1) Ars. caps. carb.-veg. cham. coff. led. n -vom. op. phosph. rhus. stram. 2) Acon. amm.-m. bell. bry. carb.-an. chin. cin. hell. hep. ign. ipec. puls.. sabad. spig. staph. tart. val. veratr. f) When the sweat prevails: 1) Bell. bry. calc. chin. hep. merc. rhus. samb. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. carb.-veg. graph. natr.-m. puls. g) When chill, heat and swent exist in the same degree: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. caps. cham. graph. ign. ipec. rhus. sabad. 209 FEVERS. spong. veratr. 2) Chin. cin. hell. hep. lyc. magn.-aust. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sabin. staph. sulph. § 6. As regards the succession of the symptoms, give: a) When the chill comes first, then the heat: 1) Acon. arn. bell. cin. hep. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. 2) Bry. caps. carb.-veg. chin. dros. hyos. ign. ipec. natr.-m. nitr. petr. phosph. phos.-ac. sabad. veratr. b) When the heat comes first, then the chill: 1) Bry. calc. caps. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Bell. lyc. puls. sep. staph. c) When heat and chilliness alternate: 1) Ars. bry. calc. chin. merc. n.-vom. 2) Asar. baryt. bell. coce. lye. natr.-m. phosph. phos.-ac. sabad. sil. spig. sulph. veratr. d) When heat and chilliness exist simultaneously: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. cham. hell. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. 2) Anac. asar. bry. chin. ipec. lyc. nitr.-ac. oleand. rhab. sabad. spig. sulph. veratr.—External heat, internal chill: Acon. ars. bell. calc. coff. ign. lach. lyc. men. nitr. n.-vom. phosph. sep. sill. squill. sulph.-Internal heat, external chill: Arn. bry. chin. hell. merc. mosch. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. spong. stann. veratr. e) Sweat and chill coming on simultaneously: 1) Lyc. puls. sabad. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. led. n.-vom. thuj.-Sweat after the chill, no heat: 1) Carb.-an. caust. lyc. rhus. thuj. veratr. 2) Bry. caps. lyc. magn.-aust. sabad. f) Sweat and heat together: 1) Bell. caps. cham. hep. n.- vom. op. rhus. 2) Acon. bry. chin. cin. hell. ign. ipec. merc. phosph. sabad. spig. staph. val. veratr. g) Sweat after the heat: 1) Ars. cham. ign. ipec. rhus. veratr. 2) Bry. carb.-veg. chín. cin. coff. graph. hep. lyc. nitr.-ac. op. puls. spong. staph. sulph. § 7. As regards the thirst, give: a) For thirst before the paroxysm: Arn. chin. puls.- During the chill: 1) Acon. bry. caps. carb.-veg. cham. cin. ign. natr.-m, n.-vom. rhus. veratr. 2) Ant. arn. ars. calc. chin. hep. ipec. kal. natr. sulph.-After the chill or before the heat: Ars. chin. dros puls. sabad. thuj. b) Thirst and heat together: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. hep. hyos. lach. merc. natr.-m. rhus. sec. sulph. 2) Caps. chin. n. vom. puls. sil. val. veratr.-No thirst during the heat: 1) Ars. camph. caps. carb.-veg. chel. chin. hell. ign. ipec. men. merc. n.-mosch. sabad. 2) Bell. lach. n.-vom. puls. rhus. samb. sep. spig. sulph. veratr. c) Thirst after the heat: Amm.-m. chin. n.-vom. op. puls. tart.-Thirst during sweat: Ars. cham. chin. hep. merc. natr. 210 FEVERS. natr.-m. puls. rhus. stram. veratr.-Thirst after the sweat: Lyc. n.-vom. sabad. § 8. As regards secondary symptoms, give: a) For pains in the limbs: Ars. chin. hell. ign. natr.-m. n.- vom. rhod. rhus. veratr.-For great debility: Ars. chin. ferr. hyos. lach. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus.-For dropsical symptoms: Ars. chin. ferr. hell. stram.-For sopor or drowsiness: Bell. carb.-veg. hell. hyos. lach. op. puls. rhus. tart.-For great nervous and mental excitement: Acon. ars. bell. bry. cham. coff. ign. lyc. n.-vom. puls.-For tendency of blood to the head (with vertigo, delirium, stupor, &c.): Acon. bell. bry. camph. carb.-veg. coloc. hyos. lach. n.-vom. op. puls. rhus. stram. val.- Violent headache: Arn. ars. bell. chin. ign. lach. lyc. mez. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhod. rhus. sep. spig.--Gastric symptoms: Ant. ars. asa. bell. bry. cham. chin. dig. ign. ipec. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. stram. sulph. tart.-Diar- rhaa: Arn. ars. cham. chin. coloc. ipec. phos. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. veratr.-Constipation: Ars. bry. calc. lyc. natr.-m. n.- vom. veratr.-Liver complaint: Ars. chin. merc. n.-vom.- Affections of the spleen: Ars. cap. cham. chin. mez. n.-vom. -Catarrhal symptoms (cough, &c.): Acon. bell. bry. chin. con. hep. kreos. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. spig. sulph.- Oppression of the chest, and distress of breathing: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bry. chin. ferr. hep. ipec. lach. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. And when these secondary symptoms set in principally before the paroxysm, give: 1) Arn. ars. carb.-v. chin. ipec. natr.-m. puls. rhus. 2) Bell. calc. cin. hep. ign. n.-vom. phos. spong. sulph. If during the chill: 1) Ars. bry. caps. chin. hep. ign. natr.- m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. veratr. 2) Arn. calc. carb.-v. cin. hell. ipec. lach. merc. mez. n.-mosch. sabad. sep. If during the heat: 1) Acon. ars. bell. carb.-v. cham. ign. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. puls. rhus. 2) Bry. calc. caps. chin. coff. dros. hyos. ipec. lach. merc. op. phos.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. If during the sweat: Acon. ars. bry. cham. lach. merc. natr. n.-vom. op. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. veratr. zinc. If after the paroxysm is over: Ars. bry. carb.-v. cic. coff. ign. lach. lyc. n.-vom. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. sil. § 9. As regards the pulse (a very imperfect indication in fever and ague) give: a) For intermittent pulse: Ars. chin. dig. lach. merc. natr.- m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. sec.-For apparently want FEVERS. 211 ing imperceptible pulse: Acon. ars. carb.-v. con. cupr. hyos. op. sec. sil. stram. tart. veratr.-Hard pulse: Acon. bell. bry. canth. hyos. iod. n.-vom. phos. plumb. stram. sulph.-Small pulse Acon. ars. bell. camph. canth. clem. cupr. dig. hyos. lach. laur. merc. n.-vom. op. phos. plumb. sec. sil. stram. veratr.-Slow pulse: Bell. camph. chin. con. cupr. dig. laur. merc. op. phos. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. samb. sec. veratr.- Hurried pulse: Acon. ars. bell. bry. coloc. hyos. iod. merc. phos. puls. sec. sil. spong. sulph.-Irregular pulse: Acon. ant. ars. bry. chin. dig. hep. kal. lach. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos.- ac. rhus. sec. spig. stram. val.-Full pulse: Acon. bell. bry. camph. coloc, ferr. hyos. lach. n.-vom. op. phos. puls. samb. sec. sep. sporg. stram. sulph. tart.-Soft pulse: Carb.-v. chin. cupr. iod. plumb. stram. veratr.-Tremulous pulse: Ars. cic. con. merc. rhus. spig. stram. tart. § 10. Symptomatic indications. ARSENICUM: Chill and heat set in simultaneously, or alter- nate with each other, or internal chilliness and external heat, or vice versa; also, burning heat, as if boiling water were flowing through the veins; no sweat, or sweat long after the heat and especially at the commencement of sleep; or little heat and chilliness, and when the chill is accompanied with: pains in the limbs, anguish, uneasiness, flushes of heat when talking or stirring ever so little; oppression of the chest, pulmonary spasms, headache, &c.; during the heat: Rest- lessness, pressure in the forehead, vertigo or even delirium; during the sweat: buzzing in the ears; after or during the fever, generally: great debility, vertigo, painfulness of the liver or spleen; nausea, disposition to vomit, violent pains in the stomach; ulcerated corners of the mouth, bitter mouth, trembling, great anguish in the præcordial region, lameness of the extremities, or violent pains; tendency to dropsy. (Compare: Chin. ferr. ipec. veratr.) CHINA: Nausea, canine hunger, headache, anguish, palpita- tion of the heart or other ailment previous to the paroxysm: Thirst, generally before or after the chill and heat, or during the sweat, or during the whole of the paroxysm, or during the apyrexia; chill alternating with heat, or the heat sets in long after the chill; no thirst, tendency of blood to the head, headache, pale face during the chill, dry and burning mouth and lips, red face and canine hunger during the heat; great debility during or after the paroxysm; uneasy sleep, yellow complexion; drowsy after a meal, pains in the liver and 212 FEVERS. spleen, bilious or dropsical symptoms, painfulness or swell- ing of the liver and spleen, &c. IGNATIA: Thirst only during the chill; chill moderated by external heat; external heat with partial internal shudder- ing, nausea and vomiting; pale color of the skin and pains. in the back during the chill; no thirst, headache, vertigo, delirium, pale face, or else alternately pale and red, or only one check red, during the heat; headache, pain in the pit of the stomach; great languor, deep sleep, with stertorous breathing, after or during the fever; eruption on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, nettle-rash, &c. IPECACUANHA: Much chilliness with little heat, or much heat and little chilliness; the chill is increased by external heat; no thirst or but little during the chill, violent thirst during the heat; previous to or between the paroxysms: nausea, vomiting and other gastric symptoms, with clean or coated tongue and oppression of the chest.-Even if Ipec. should not be exactly indicated, yet it is very apt to effect a favorable change, so that Arn. chin. ign. nux-vom., or Ars. carb.-veg., or cin. will complete the cure. LACHESIS: Chills after a meal or in the afternoon, with violent pains in the limbs and pleuritic stitches, oppression of the chest and convulsive motions; violent headache during the heat; delirium, burning thirst, red face, restlessness, in- ternal shudderings during the heat, livid complexion, debility, prostration between the paroxysms, heat, especially at night; sweat after the heat, the fever is easily excited by eating sour things. NATRUM-MURIATICUM: Constant chilliness; heat, with stupe- faction, obscuration of sight, vertigo, red face; violent head- ache during the heat, bone pains, yellowish complexion, de- bility, ulcerated corners of the mouth, thirst during the chill and especially during the heat; dry tongue; painful sensi- tiveness of the pit of the stomach to contact; bitter taste and no appetite. NUX-VOMICA: Great debility from the commencement, then chill and heat; or heat first, then chill; or external heat and and internal chill, or vice versa; constant desire to be covered, even during the heat and sweat; during the chill, the skin, hands, feet and face are blue; cold, or pleuritic stitches, stitches in the abdomen, pains in the back and small of the back, or drawing in the limbs; during the heat: headache, buzzing in the ears, distress in the chest, heat about the head and face, red cheeks and thirst during the chill and heat; FEVERS. 213 gastric or bilious symptoms, vertigo, anguish and constipa- tion. Is frequently suitable after Ipec. (Compare: Ars. bry. chin. ign. and puls. PULSATILLA No thirst during the fever, or thirst only dur- ing the heat; or chill and heat simultaneously, with thirst; aggravation in the afternoon and evening; headache, anguish and oppression during the chill; during the heat: red and bloated face; sweat in the face, shuddering as soon as the patient recovers himself, or only red cheeks; or, between the paroxysms: gastric or bilious symptoms, bitter mouth, slimy, bilious or sour vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation, oppression of the chest, moist cough or headache. Is frequently suita- ble after Lachesis, or when the fever comes on again after overloading the stomach ever so little. (Compare: Cin. ign. nux-v., or Ant. and cham.) RHUS-TOX: Chill and heat together, the paroxysms gene- rally in the evening or at night, sweat after midnight or towards morning; during the chill: pains in the limbs, head- ache, vertigo, toothache; during or between the paroxysms: convulsive twitching of the limbs, nettle-rash, colic, diarrhea and gastric affections; jaundice, sleeplessness and tossing about, thirst at night, palpitation of the heart with anguish and pressure in the pit of the stomach. (Compare: Ars. ign. nux-v. puls.) § 11. Moreover, we require to use: ACONITUM: For violent heat and chill; heat, especially about the head and face, with red cheeks; anguish, palpita- tion of the heart, pleuritic stitches; whining, lamenting mood, ill humor, or sadness, despondency, dread of death. ANTIMONIUM: Little thirst, coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, eructations, nausea, loathing, vomiting and other gastric ailments, colic, tension and pressure in the region of the stomach, constipation or diarrhoea. ARNICA: Chill in the evening; thirst, even before the chill; bone-pains before the attack; during the fever: constant de- sire to change one's position; apathy; pains in the stomach, no appetite, aversion to meat during the apyrexia: yellow color of the skin, bitter taste in the mouth, listlessness. Suit- able after Ipec. BELLADONNA: Violent headache, with stupefaction; much heat and slight chill, or vice versa, some parts are cold, others warm; heat with red face and throbbing of the carotids; no thirst, or else a good deal; irritable, whining mood. BRYONIA: Coldness, prevails, chill, with red cheeks, heat 214 FEVERS. about the head, and yawning; or the heat prevails, with sub- sequent chilliness, or pleuritic stitches: headache and vertigo during the heat (or before the chill), coated tongue; bitter taste, aversion to food, nausea, desire to vomit, or vomiting; a good deal of thirst, constipation or diarrhoea. CALCAREA: Heat in the face, then chill; or heat in the face with cold hands; or alternate chill and heat; or external chill with internal heat; vertigo; heaviness of the head and limbs; stretching, pains in the small of the back, restlessness. CAPSICUM: Thirst during the chill, or during the whole fever; chill, then burning heat; much mucus, in the mouth, throat and stomach; diarrhoea, with slimy and burning eva- cuations; ill humor, anguish and stupefaction, increasing with the chill; chills begin in the back. CARBO-VEG.: Chill in the evening or at night; thirsty only during the chill; copious sweat with subsequent chill; rheu- matic pain in the teeth and limbs before or during the fever; vertigo, nausea, and red face during the heat. CHAMOMILLA: Pressure in the pit of the stomach, hot sweat on the forehead; despair, tossing about, or bilious vomiting, diarrhoea and colic: thirst, heat and sweat prevailing. CINA: Vomiting and canine hunger before, during or after the paroxysms; thirst only during the chill or heat; pale face during the whole of the paroxysms; frequent tickling in the nose; dilated pupils; emaciation. FERRUM: Chill, with thirst and headache, orgasm of the blood, swelling of the cutaneous veins; tendency of the blood to the head; oedema of the face, especially around the eyes; vomiting of the ingesta; short breath, debility. OPIUM: Sleep during the heat and even chill; stertorous breathing with the mouth open; convulsive twitchings; warm sweat; suppression of the secretions. Suitable to old people and children. VERATRUM: External chill and cold sweat, or internal heat with dark-red urine, delirium and red face; or chill with nausea, vertigo, pains in the small of the back and back; or chill, alternating with heat; constipation; or vomiting, with diarrhea; thirst during the chill and heat. § 12. Consider moreover: CANTHARIS: When the urinary passages are involved. COCCULUS: Nervousness, spasmodic symptoms, cardialgia, constipation. COFFEA: Very sensitive and nervous, even with mild fever; heat with thirst, red face, lively mood; sweat with thirst, soft FEVERS. 215 stools or diarrhea; colic, with shuddering, restlessness, toss- ing about. DROSERA: Violent chilliness with cold face; icy-cold hands and feet; nausea, bilious vomiting; headache, spasmodic cough during the heat; gastric symptoms during the apyrexia. HEPAR: Fever, with coryza, cough, distress in the chest; or chill with thirst, preceded by bitter taste, followed by heat and sleep. HYOSCYAMUS: Chills or heat, cough at night, or even epileptic attacks. MENYANTHES: Chill, shuddering, chilliness in the abdomen. MERCURIUS: Heat and chill; heat, with anguish and thirst; sour or or fetid sweat, with palpitation of the heart. MEZEREUM: Chill, coldness, especially of the hands and feet, or violent heat; great thirst; headache; pale face; pain- fulness, swelling and hardness of the spleen; debility, sensi- tiveness to cold air. NUX-MOSCHATA: Little thirst during the heat; desire to sleep; white tongue; rattling bloody expectoration. SABADILLA: Chill, with little thirst, or no thirst; dry, spas- modic cough; tearing pains in the bones during the chill; delirium, sleep, stretching during the heat. SAMBUCUS: Sweat, or great heat, without thirst. SEPIA: Chill with thirst, pains in the limbs, icy-cold hands and feet, deadness of the fingers. STAPHYSAGRIA: Fever in the evening, with chill, scorbutic affections and nocturnal heat. SULPHUR: Fever from suppressed itch, with chills every evening, heat and sweat towards morning; fever with palpi- tation of the heart; violent thirst, even before the chill. THUJA: Chill, with cold trembling, externally and inter- nally, with or without thirst; then sweat without previous heat. VALERIAN: No chill, but great heat and thirst, and dull- ness of the head. § 13. Consider moreover: APIS-MEL: Pure uncomplicated intermittents; paroxysms well marked; chill, heat and sweat; quotidian fevers, with- out any disease in liver or spleen; intermittent fever, coming on in the afternoon, the chill commencing in the front of the chest or in the knees; nervous excitability with restlessness; urticaria; sleeplessness in the apyrexia. ARANA-DIADEMA: Intermittent, with gastricismus; loss of appetite, nausea, inclination to vomit, anomalies in the stool, 216 FEVERS. dyspeptic symptoms, urine dark-colored, liver and spleen swollen and enlarged; after a while, ascites, loss of strength, laziness, irritability, or more frequently yet, apathy; chills prevalent, with thirst; tendency to hæmorrhages, like in scorbutis. CACTUS-GR. Quotidian fevers, appearing at the same hour every day; severe chilliness, not relieved by covering: burn- ing heat, with shortness of breath and restlessness, lasting a long while, followed by copious perspiration; coldness, fol- lowed by burning heat, with great dyspnea, thirst, violent pain in the head, coma, stupefaction, insensibility, terminat- ing in inextinguishable thirst and very profuse perspiration. CORNUS-FL.: Miasmatic fevers; paroxysm preceded for days by sleepiness; sluggish flow of ideas; headache of a heavy, dull character; nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bilious or watery diarrhoea; chill, with cold clammy skin; nausea and vomiting and violent pains in the bowels; fever, with violent headache; hot, but moist skin; stupor, cerebral fullness; pulse quick and hard, confusion of intellect; apy rexia; debility, gastric irritability; painful diarrhoea. EUPATORIUM.PERF.: The paroxysm generally commences in the morning; thirst, several hours after the chill, which continues during the chill and heat; vomiting at the conclu- sion of the chill; pains in the bones early in the morning be- fore the chill; headache, backache and thirst during the chill; flushed face and dry hot skin during the fever; fever accom- panied with sleep and moaning, and followed by slight per- spiration; great weakness and prostration during the fever, with faintness from motion; little or no sweat at any time during the disease. GELSEMINUM: Simple, uncomplicated intermittents, espe- cially fresh cases; severe chill, intense burning fever, great restlessless, sensitiveness to light and sound, mental anxiety or agitation, delirium, sleeplessness; curious sensation of fall- ing; swimming from giddiness; partial blindness or deaf- ness; absence of gastric or hepatic symptoms. HYDRASTIS: Quotidian fever, with considerable gastric dis- turbance; jaundice and general cachectic condition. LEPTANDRA: Considerable prostration; loss of appetite; heavily coated brown tongue: bitter taste in the mouth; con- stipation or diarrhoea, with dark fetid stools; jaundice; yel- low, saturated urine. LOBELIA-INF.: Quotidian, with more or less long-lasting shuddering towards the middle of the day, followed by sweat FEVER, YELLOW.-FORMICATION. 217 and heat, which lasts until next morning; shaking chill with thirst, then heat with thirst and sweat; the coldness is in- creased after drinking; the sweat begins with the heat or after the heat has continued for some time. PODOPHYLLUM: Quotidian, tertian and quartan fevers, when the hepatic, intestinal and gastric symptoms correspond (After Pod. use Ars. china or nux-vom.) VERATR.-VIR.: Is often of great use in the hot stage, when the action is intense and the vascular system is strongly ex- cited. FEVER, YELLOW, febris flava: We know of one case cured by Crotalus. Try: Arn. arg.-nitr. ars. bell. bry. carb.-v. lach. merc. 2) Acon. amm. eupat.-p. gels. rhus. verat.-vir. 3) Apoc.-and. chin. ipec. n.-vom. In the beginning: Acon. bell. bry. gels. verat.-vir. For black vomit: Ars. For usual vomiting: Ipec. iris. FISH-POISON, ICHTYOTOXICON.-For poisoning with mus- cles, "Herring" recommends powdered charcoal with mo- lasses or sugar-water; afterwards smell of camphor, and drink black coffee. For poisoning with fish, take powdered charcoal mixed with brandy; if this, and black coffee, should not be sufficient, drink sugar-water, very sweet. If this should not help, drink a quantity of half vinegar and water. If this poisoning should be followed by scarlet redness on the skin, with swelling of the face and hands, sore throat, &c., take Bell. or cap. FISTULA LACHRYMALIS. - Principal remedies: 1) Bell. calc. chel. puls. ruta. 2) Bry. natr. natr.-m. petr. phosph. sil. stann. staph. sulph. Compare: ULCERS and OPTHALMIA. FISTULA RECTI.-Give: Calc. caust. sil. and sulph. Compare: ULCERS, FISTULOUS. FISTULA URINARIA.-Give: Ars. calc. carb.-an. sil. sulph. Compare: ULCERS, GONORRHOEA, and URINARY DIFFICULTIES. FONTANELLES, OF INFANTS, RETARDED CLOS- ING OF.-Give: Calc. or sil. sulph. FORMICATION.-Generally arising from paralysis of the nerves, which_ramify through the affected part. Principal remedies: 1) Baryt. carb.-veg. rhodod. secal. sulph. 2) Aur. 10 218 GASTRITIS. borax. lycop. magnes-m. natr. phos.-ac. platin. sabad. staph. 3) Cann. lauroc. mur.-ac. phosph. rhus. silic. zinc. FUNGUS ARTICULORUM.-Principal remedies for this deposit in the cellular tissue, are: 1) Ant. sil. 2) Ars. con. kreos. iod. lach. lyc. petr. phosph. staph. sulph. GANGRENE. §. 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. chin. lach. sil. 2) Asa. bell euph. hell. plumb. sabin. sec. squill. 3) Acon. con. merc. ran. sulph. sulph.-ac. tart. § 2. For humid gangrene: Chin. hell. squill. Hot gangrene: 1) Sabin. sec. 2) Ars. bell. mur.-ac. Cold gangrene: 1) Ars. asa. chin. squill. sec. 2) Bell, con. euph. lach. merc. plumb. ran. sil. sulph. sulph.-ac. tart. § 3. Gangrana senilis: 1) Sec. 2) Chin. con. plumb. §4. Gangrenous or black variola, requires: 1) Ars. carb.-v. 2) Bell. hyos. lach. rhus. sec. sil.; or, 3) Ant. mur.-ac. sep. Gangrenous blisters: 1) Ars. bell. camph. lach. ran. sabin. sec. 2) Acon. carb.-v. mur.-ac, phos. Carbuncles: 1) Ars. bell. sil. 2) Caps. hyos. rhus. sec. tart. (Compare: ANTHRAX.) GASTRITIS.—§ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. chel. byosc. ipec. n -vom. puls. verat.; or, 2) Ant. canth. euph. ran. stram. 3) Esc.-h. asa. baryt. bar.-m. camph. cann. colch. coloc. cupr. dig. hed. hell. hydr. iris. laur. mez. nitr. phos. pod. sabad. sec. squill. tereb. § 2. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Inflammatory fever with great pain; the dis- ease is caused by taking cold or by taking a cold drink while heated; stitch-like, burning and pressing pain in the pit of the stomach, with anguish and fear of death. ESCULUS-H: Sub-acute gastritis; the burning aching dis- tress in the stomach is almost unendurable, making him feel weak and faint; retching and violent vomiting. ANTIMONIUM: Caused by derangement of the stomach, with frequent vomiting, the tongue is coated with white or yellow mucus, great thirst at night; belching, with taste of food; total loss of appetite. ARSENICUM: Frequently in alternation with Acon., espe- cially when the disease is caused by a cold in the stomach, by eating ice, &c., or with sudden prostration, pale hyppocra- tic face, cold extremities, &c., verat. being insufficient. BELLADONNA: Cerebral symptoms; dullness; loss of con- sciousness; delirium. Hyosc. being fruitless, 219 • GASTRITIS. BRYONIA: Frequently after Acon. or Ipec., especially when caused by taking a cold drink while heated. EUPHORBIA-COR.: Vomiting, arising from fright, over-in- dulgence in ices, fruits, with sinking, anxious feeling at the stomach; faintness, slow and weak pulse, cool skin, cool feet and hands; cold sweat on the body and extremities; spasms of the legs and feet. HYDRASTIS: Dull aching pain in the stomach, causing a very faintish feeling; a goneness in the epigastric region; acidity, constipation. HYOSCIAMUS: Dropsical or cerebral symptoms, apathy, loss of consciousness or delirium; the patient is insensible to the danger of her situation. IPECACUANHA: A good deal of vomiting with violent pains; the disease is caused by derangement of the stomach or by taking a cold drink, Acon. being insufficient. IRIS-VER. Rising of very sour water; great burning dis- tress in the epigastric region, not allayed by drinking cold water; intense burning in the region of the pancreas; severe and profuse vomiting; vomiting with much pain in the stomach. NUX-VOMICA: The same causes as under Ipec.—acon. bry. ars., or Ipec. being insufficient. PHOSPHORUS: Cutting burning pains in the stomach; great heat of the body with cold extremities; frequent shudderings; sinking of the reactive power; convulsions. PODOPHYLLUM: Unusually severe vomiting, the ejecta con- sisting of bile and blood; distressing nausea; belching of hot flatus, which is very sour. PULSATILLA Caused by gastric impurities, or by eating ice. Ars. and ipec. being insufficient. SANGUINARIA: Burning, jerking in the stomach, as if some- thing alive, with headache, unquenchable thirst; vomiting and prostration; vomiting of bitter greenish fluid. SEPIA: Abdomen bloated; congestion and heat of the head; headache; tongue coated without lustre; often sore and covered with little blisters on the edges and tip; sour smell from the mouth and likewise of the urine, which is clear like water, or pale-yellowish; constant drowsiness; anxious dreams and great fever heat; especially in children, from taking cold when the weather changes. VERATRUM: Excessive coldness of the extremities, sudden prostration, pale and hyppocratic face. 220 GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. § 3. Compare: Inflammatory Fevers, Cholera, Gastric Derangement, Weak Stomach and Cardialgia. GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, GASTROSIS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. cham. cocc. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. 2) Caps. carb.-veg. chin. coff. coloc. dig. hep. rhab. rhus. squill. tart. veratr. 3) Asa. asar. berb.? calc. cann. cic. cin. colch. con. cupr. daph. dros. ign. lach. lyc. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. rhab. sec. sep. sil. stann. sulph.-ac. tarax. § 2. For acidity, sour eructations, &c.: 1) N.-vom. puls. robin. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. calc. caps. carb.-veg. cham. chin. con. phosph. sep. staph. sulph.-ac. For bilious state, (bitter taste, eructations or vomiting): 1) Acon. bry. cham. chin. coce. mere. n.-vom. puls. sep. verat". 2) Ant. ars. asa. asar. cann. coloc. daph. dig. gran.? ign. ipec. lach. sec. staph. sulph. tart. For pituitous symptoms, (with mucous coating of the tongue, slimy taste and vomiting): 1) Bell. caps. chin. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. veratr.; or, 2) Ars. carb.-veg, cham. cin. dulc. petr. rhab. rhus. spig. For saburral symptoms (spoiled taste, nausea, loss of appe- tite): 1) Ipec. n.-vom. puls.; or, 2) Ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. carb.-veg. cham. coff. hep. merc. tart. verat. § 3. For gastric complaints of children: 1) Bell. cham ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls.; or, 2) Bar.-c. calc. hyos. lyc. magn. c. sulph. For gastric symptoms occasioned by derangements of the stomach: 1) Ant. arn. ipec. n.-vom. puls. ; or, 2) Acon. ars. bry. carb.-v. chin, coff. hep. sulph. tart., &c. By abuse of spirits: 1) Carb.-veg. n.-vom.; 2) Ant. coff ipec. puls.--By abuse of coffee: 1) Cocc. ign. n.-vom. 2) Cham. merc. puls. rhus. sulph.; of tobacco: Cocc. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. staph.; of acids: 1) Acon. ars. carb.-veg. hep. ; or, 2) Lach. natr.-m. sulph. sulph.-ac. By abuse of chamomile: Puls., or nux-v.; of rhubarb : Puls.; of mercury: Carb.-veg. chin. hep. or sulph. By getting heated: Bry. or sil.; by a cold: Ars. bell. cham. cocc. dulc. ipec.; by ice, fruit, &c.: Ars. puls. carb.-veg. By external injuries, such as: a blow upon the stomach, or by straining, &c.: 1) Arn. bry. rhus. ; or, 2) Puls. ruta. By nervous excitement, excessive watching or studying, &c.: 1) Arn. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Carb.-veg. cocc. ipec. veratr.; or, 3) Calc. lach. ? GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. 221 By loss of animal fluids, nursing, vomiting, abuse of cathar- tics: 1) Chin. carb.-veg. ruta. 2) Calc. lach. n.-vom. sulph. By emotions, anger, chagrin, grief, &c.: 1) Cham. coloc. 2) Acon. bry. chin. n.-vom. puls. Compare: INDIGESTION, CAUSES, &c. Particular symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Yellow coating on the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth and of food and drink, except water; excessive nausea; bitter eructations; violent but ineffectual urging to vomit, or bitter, greenish or slimy vomiting; distention and swelling of the hypochondria, with painful sensitiveness of the region of the liver; no stool, or small, frequent stools, with tenesmus; beating or stitching pain in the head, worse when talking. ANTIMONIUM: Indigestion, with the following symptoms: Frequent hiccough, loss of appetite, loathing, tongue coated or covered with blisters, dry mouth; or else: accumulation of saliva or mucus in the mouth; thirst, at night; nausea, desire to vomit, increased by drinking wine; eructations smelling and tasting of the ingesta, or with a fetid smell; vomiting of the ingesta or of slimy and bilious substances; painfulness of the stomach to the touch, with painful feeling of fullness; colic and frequent flatulence; diarrhea or consti- pation; dull headache, worse when smoking or going up- stairs. (After Ant., Bry. is sometimes suitable.) ARNICA : Gastric symptoms occasioned by external injuries, watching, mental exertions, &c.; generally for: Great ner- vousness, with dry or yellow-coated tongue; putrid, bitter or sour taste; bad smell from the mouth; desire for acids; aver- sion to smoking; eructations tasting of putrid eggs; urging to vomit; flatulent distention, especially after a meal; heavi- ness of the whole body; giving way of the knees; vertigo, dullness of the head, aching pain with heat in the brain, and stupefaction. (After Arn., are sometimes suitable Nux-v. and cham.) ARSENICUM: Acrid, bitter eructations; dry tongue, with violent thirst and desire to drink frequently, but little at a time; salt or bitter taste, nausea, vomiting of the ingesta, or of bilious, brownish or greenish substances; colic, or burn- ing pains in the stomach and abdomen, with chilliness and anguish, or violent, burning pressure at a small spot in the stomach; great sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to contact; great debility, desire to lie down; no stool, or else watery, greenish, brownish or yellowish diarrhoea, with tenes- 222 GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. mus; the vomiting or diarrhoea comes on again after drink- ing and after every motion of the body. BELLADONNA: Whitish, yellowish, or thickly-coated tongue; aversion to drink and food; sour taste of rye-bread; vomit- ing of food or of sour, bitter or slimy substances; sometimes with constant nausea, dry mouth or thirst; headache, in the sinciput, as if every thing would fall out at the forehead, with throbbing of the temporal arteries; no stool, or slimy diarrhoea. BRYONIA: Especially in summer and hot and damp weather; for: dry tongue, coated white or yellow, and covered with blisters; thirst day and night, with sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat; putrid smell from the mouth; bitter taste, especially on waking, or pappy, flat, foul taste; aver- sion to solid food, with desire for wine, acids or coffee; fre- quent, ineffectual attempts at vomiting; or else, bilious vom- iting, especially after drinking; tension and fullness in the region of the stomach, especially after eating; constipation ; dullness of the head, with vertigo, or burning, oppressive or distensive pain in the head, worse after drinking; chilliness and shuddering. ; CHAMOMILLA: Red and cracked tongue, or coated yellow; bitter taste in the mouth, and of food; fetid odor from the mouth; loss of appetite, nausea, or eructations and greenish, bitter or sour vomiting; great and oppressive anxiety, ten- sion and pressure in the pit of the stomach, hypochondria and epigastrium; constipation, or greenish, diarrhoeic stools or sour diarrhoea, or discharge of fæcal matter and mucus, resembling stirred eggs in appearance; restless sleep, with tossing about and frequent waking; pain and fullness in the head; hot and red face; red and burning eyes; sensitive, suspicious temper. (If the patient should have made exces- sive use of chamomile-tea, give Cocc. and puls.) COCCULUS: Yellow-coated tongue, loathing of food; dry mouth with or without thirst; fetid eructations, nausea and desire to vomit, especially when talking, after sleeping, when eating, or during motion, particularly riding in a carriage; painful fullness in the region of the stomach, with labored breathing; constipation, or soft stools, with burning at the anus; debility, with sweat during the least exercise; aching in the forehead, with vertigo. IPECACUANHA :"Clean tongue, or thickly coated with a yel lowish mucus, dry mouth; loathing of food, especially fat food, with desire to vomit; violent, ineffectual straining, or else GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. 223 vomiting of the ingesta or of slimy substances, easy, but with great force; fetid smell from the mouth, bitter taste in the mouth and of food; violent pains, pressure and fullness in the region of the stomach; colic and diarrhoeic stools of yellow- ish color, or fetid, putrid smell; chilliness or shuddering over the whole body; pale, yellowish complexion; aching in the forehead, or sensation as if all the bones of the skull were broken; sometimes nettle rash. MERCURIUS: Moist tongue, or coated white or yellowish; dry, burning lips, offensive, foul and bitter taste; nausea, desire to vomit, or bilious, mucous vomiting; painful sensi- tiveness of the epigastrium and abdomen, especially at night, with anguish and restlessness; drowsy in the day-time, sleep- lessness at night; sometimes aversion to drink. (Is fre- quently suitable after Bell.) NUX-VOM: Dry and white tongue, or yellowish towards the root; no thirst, or else burning thirst, with heartburn; accu- mulation of albuminous mucus or of water in the mouth, bit- ter or foul taste in the mouth, or else the food tastes flat; bitter eructations, constant nausea, especially in the open air; desire to vomit, or vomiting of the ingesta; cardialgia; pain- ful pressure and tension in the epigastrium and hypochondria; constipation, with frequent but ineffectual urging to stool; or small, diarrhoeic, slimy or watery stools; dullness of the head, with vertigo; heaviness, especially in the occiput; ringing in the ears, rheumatic pains in the teeth and limbs; worn-out feeling, inability to think; restless, quarrelsome, vehement disposition; hot and red, or yellowish and sallow face. (After Nux-v., cham. is frequently suitable.) PULSATILLA : Tongue coated with whitish mucus; foul, pappy or bitter taste, especially after swallowing; bitter taste of food, especially of bread; bitter, sour or putrid eructa- tions, or tasting of the ingesta; aversion to food, especially warm (boiled food), also to fat and meat, with desire for acids or spirits; acidity in the stomach; excessive mucus in the stomach; regurgitation of the ingesta; excessive nausea, desire to vomit, especially after eating and drinking, or with evening exacerbations; vomiting of food, or mucus, or bitter and sour vomiting (especially at night); hard, distended ab- domen, with flatulence, rumbling; slow stool, or slimy and bilious diarrhoea; hemicrania, tearing or darting; chilliness, with languor and drawing through the whole body; ill hu- mor; taciturn, vehement without reason, especially when the patients are habitually of a bland and obliging disposition. 224 GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. § 5. Use likewise : CAPSICUM: Suitable to phlegmatic, clumsy individuals, or to suspicious persons who take every thing in bad part, with mucous evacuations, heartburn, burning in the stomach and at the anus during every stool. CARBO-VEG. No appetite, malaise, or even vomiting of food, after the least meal, frequently with acidity in the sto- mach; pains in the stomach when pressing on the pit; great sensitiveness to cold, or hot, dry or damp weather; heaviness and dullness of the head, with debility. CHINA: No appetite, loathing of food and drink, as if one had eaten enough; frequent eructations, or regurgitation and vomiting of the ingesta; painful distended abdomen, with pressure around the umbilicus; frequent discharge of fetid flatulence; lienteria; chilliness and shuddering after drinking. COFFEA: Gastric symptoms accompanied by great nervous- ness and by sleeplessness. COLOCYNTHIS: Cardialgia, vomiting or diarrhoea after eat- ing ever so little; spasmodic colic; cramp in the calves. DIGITALIS: Nausea, especially on waking in the morning, with bitter taste in the mouth; thirst, vomiting of mucus; diarrhoea and debility. HEPAR: Aching in the stomach, with nausea, eructations, desire to vomit, with slimy, bilious or sour vomiting and heartburn; colic and constipation; or else diarrhoeic, slimy stools. RHUBARB Pappy taste, aversion to solid food or coffee; nausea, with colic, or diarrhoeic, sour stools, or slimy and brownish stools. RHUS-TOX. Gastric symptoms, especially at night, with colic, aching pain in the stomach, dry and bitter mouth, nau- sea and desire to vomit. SQUILLS: Gastric symptoms accompanied by pleuritic stitches, Acon. and bry. being insufficient. TARTARUS: Constant nausea, with desire to vomit; great anxiety, or violent ineffectual urging to vomit; or else, slimy vomiting and diarrhoea. VERATRUM: Dry tongue, or else coated yellowish or brown- ish, bilious vomiting and diarrhoea, debility, fainting fits after stool. § 6. Compare: Loss OF APPETITE, MALACIA, COATED TONGUE, VOMITING, HEARTBURN; STOMACH, DERANGEMENT OF; COLIC, DIARRHEA, GASTRIC FEVERS, &c. GLANDS, DISEASES OF. 225 GASTRO-ENTERITIS.-For the treatment, we refer the reader to GASTRITIS and ENTERITIS. GLANDS, DISEASES OF. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Amm. aur. bar.-c. bell, calc, carb.-veg. cham. cist. con. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. sil. spong. staph. sulph. 2) Alum. boy. canth. carb.-an. graph. iod. kal. mang. ol.-jec. plumb. phytol. sabin. § 2. Particular indications: AMMONIUM-CARB.: Swelling of the cervical glands, with itching eruptions of the face and body. AURUM: Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands in consequence of syphilis, or abuse of mercury. BARYTA Swelling, inflammation and induration of the cer- vical glands, especially when there is dry scurf' on the head and in the face. BELLADONNA: Inflammatory swelling of the glands and lymphatic vessels, forming red and shining strings or cords, with lumps; heat of the affected parts, tensive and stitching pains; also for swelling, suppuration or induration of the in- guinal or cervical glands, and for cold swellings. After Bell. are frequently suitable: Dulc. hep. merc. rhus-t.; or Calc. nux-v. and sulph. BRYONIA: Swelling of the cutaneous glands, forming small, hard knots under the skin. CALCAREA: Swelling and induration of the submaxillary, axillary and inguinal glands, also of the cervical, parotid and facial glands, especially when there is otorrhea and hard hear- ing. Also for cold swellings and swellings of the mesenteric glands. Calc. is frequently suitable after sulph. CARB.-VEG.: Induration of the axillary glands, and lumps in the breasts. CHAMOMILLA: Inflammatory and painful swelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands, and for induration of the mammæ of new-born infants. CISTUS: Swelling and suppuration of the submaxillary glands, with caries of the jaws. DULCAMARA: Cold swelling, also for inflammation and in- duration of the inguinal and cervical glands, with tensive pain. Dulc. is frequently indicated after Bell. or merc. GRAPHITES: Scrofulous swelling of the cervical glands. HEPAR: Suppuration of the axillary and inguinal glands, especially when much mercury had been used. 10* 226 GLANDS, DISEASES OF. IODIUM: Scrofulous or arthritic induration of the inguinal, cervical or axillary glands. MERCURIUS: Cold swellings, inflammation, swelling or sup- puration of the submaxillary, axillary, inguinal or parotid glands, especially in scrofulous or syphilitic individuals. After Merc. are frequently suitable; Dulc. bell. hep., or rhus-t. NITRIC-AC.: Inflammatory swelling or suppuration of the inguinal or axillary glands, especially after abuse of mercury, or in syphilitic subjects. NUX-VOM. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, with heat and shining redness, hardness and painfulness. Nux.-v. is frequently suitable after Bell. SILICEA: Scrofulous induration and swelling of the cervical, parotid, axillary and inguinal glands, with or without inflam- mation. SPONGIA: Scrofulous swelling and induration of the cervi- cal glands. SULPHUR: Swelling, induration and suppuration of the in- guinal, axillary and submaxillary glands, also of the cervical and even cutaneous glands, either from scrofula or in conse- quence of some cutaneous disease, such as scarlatina, &c., or from abuse of mercury. * § 2. Give more particularly : a) For inflammatory swellings: 1) Bell. merc. phosph. sil. 2) Acon. baryt. camph. cham. graph. hep. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. staph. sulph. thuj. 3) Arn. carb.-an. carb.-v. lyc. rhus. b) Cold swellings: 1) Ars. bell. calc. cocc. con. merc. 2) Asa. dulc. lach. c) Hard swellings: Baryt. bry. calc. con. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph. "Painful d) Painful swellings: Aur. bell. carb.-an. chin. iod. puls. sil. sulph. e) Painless swellings: Calc. con. dulc. phos.-ac. sep. sulph. § 3. Also: a) For suppurating glands: Bell. calc. cist. hep. merc. nitr.- ac. sil. sulph. Aur. lach. sep. b) Ulcerated glands: Ars, phosph. sil. Bell. con. hep. lach. sulph. thuj. c) Indurated glands: Baryt. bell, calc. carb.-an. clem. con. * Rhus-tox. is a most important remedy for glandular swellings.→ HEMPEL. GONORRHEA. 227 graph. lyc. sulph. Carb-veg. cham. chin. magn.-m. rhus. spong. § 4. Compare: INFLAMMATION, SWELLINGS, SUPPURATION, ULCERS, &c. GLANDERS, POISON OF.-The best remedies, accord- ing to Hering, are: 1) Ars. phos.-ac. 2) Calc. sulph. GOITRE, STRUMA.-Principal remedies: 1) Iod. spong. 2) Amb. amm. calc. caust. hep. lyc. natr. natr.-m. spong. staph; and perhaps, 3) Carb.-an. con. dig. kal. magn.-c. merc petr. phos.-ac. plat. sil. sulph. GONITIS, INFLAMMATION OF THE KNEE.-For lymphatic or scrofulous swelling of the knee: Calc. or sulph.; or, 2) Arn. ars. ferr. iod. lyc. sil. Arthritic swelling requires: Arn. bry. chin. cocc. lyc. n.- vom. sulph. For suppuration: 1) Merc. sil.; or, 2) Bell. hep. sulph. For serous effusion (hydrarthrus): 1) Sulph.; or, 2) Calc. iod. merc. sil.; or, 3) Con. dig. For white swelling, (or phlegmasia alba dolens): 1) Bry. lyc. 2) Ant. ars. puls. rhus. sabin. sulph. 3) Bell. calc. chin. iod. merc. rhus. sep. sil. See: ARTHRITIS, SUPPURATION, TUMOR, DROPSY, SCROFULA, &c. GONORRHOEA: § 1. The chief remedy through all the stages is and remains Cannabis-sat., not in water, but every day (morning or evening) three pellets, dry, on the tongue. This will produce a favorable change in a few days, without the intervention of any other remedy, provided the patient keeps perfectly quiet and abstains totally from all heating drinks, and from coitus. § 2. If Cannabis does not suffice, and a remuant remains after a couple of weeks, use Merc.-sol. 3, or sulph., or alter- nate the two remedies, till a perfect cure is established. Give Merc. for greenish or puriform discharge, and sulph. for serous, whitish, painless discharge. CANTHARIDES: Are indicated by violent inflammation, sup- pression of urine, priapism, painful erections, &c. ACONITE and GELSEMINUM are sometimes excellent for vio- lent pains. § 3. The best remedy for SECONDARY GONORRHOEA is Cannabis, given strictly as already mentioned; but, when it had been mismanaged with large doses of copaiva or cubebs, 228 GUMS, DISEASES OF THE. and cann. should not suffice, then give sulph. or merc.; or, 3) Asclep.-syr. caps. ferr. ham. hydr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phytol. sep. thuj. Caps. is indicated by a whitish, thick dis- charge, like cream, with burning during micturition; if caps. should be insufficient, give Ferr. or n.-vom. For strictures, give: 1) Clem. hydr. petr. sulph. 2) Dig. dule. puls. rhus. Figwarts require: 1) nitr.-ac. thuj.; or, 2) Cinnab. hydr. ; Merc. and sulph. sometimes effect a cure. For gonorrhea and chancre combined, give Merc. hydr. § 4. The following remedies have likewise been recom- mended: Agn. con. cop. cub. dulc. hep. led. lyc. merc.-cor. mez. petr. sabin. selen. Agnus is suitable when the sexual instinct has become extinct or greatly diminished, and when there is a whitish serous gleet, without pain. Other indications are; For severe inflammatory symptoms: 1) Cann. 2) Canth. merc. merc.-cor. 3) Cinn. sulph. For yellowish-green discharge: 1) Cann. 2) Merc. merc.- 3) Cinn. fluor.-ac. cor. For difficult urination: 1) Cann. canth. 2) Dig. merc. petr. sulph. For milky discharge: 1) Cann. 2) Caps. ferr. n.-vom. sulph. § 5. For the consequences or metastases: 1) For ophthalmia-gon: 1) Acon. 2) Puls. 3) nitr.-ac. sulph. thuj. 4) Ars. hep. merc.-sol. merc.-cor. 2) For orchitis: 1) Aur. merc. puls.___2) Agn. brom. nitr.- ac. rhod. 3) Clem. n.-vom. tussil. 4) Ham, verat.-v. 3) For rheumatism: 1) Clem. daph. 2) Sess sulph. 3) lyc. thuj. 4) For strictures: 1) Clem. 2) Cann.; perhaps, also: 3) Arg.-nit. petr. rhus. sulph. 5) For prostatitis: 1) Cann. nitr.-ac. puls. thuj. 2) Phos. selen. sulph. GROWING, ILL EFFECTS OF. The best remedy is Phos.-ac., not only for the pains in the limbs, but also for the bodily and mental languor of which so many young people complain when growing too fast. GUMS, DISEASES OF THE. § 1. Principal remedies: Amm. amm.-m. bell. bor. carb.-v. chin. hep. merc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. staph. sulph. 2) Ars. baryt. calc. caps. carb.-a. caust. HEMORRHOIDS. •229 cimicif. dulc. eupat.-ar. graph. hydr. kal. kreas. myr.-cer. phos. phytol. puls ruta. sep. sulph.-ac. thuj. ph § 2. 2. For SWELLING AND INFLAMMATION OF THE GUMS: 1) Bell. calc. caust. chanı. chin. cimicif. cist. graph. hydr. hep. merc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sep. staph. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. baryt bor. myr.-cer. natr-m. nitr. ac. phos. sil. For the LIABILITY TO BLEED: Ars. calc. carb.-v. cist. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. sil, staph. sulph. For ABSCESSES AND FISTULE: Calc. sil. staph. sulph.; or, Caust. lyc.? natr.-m. petr.? canth.? For FLESHY EXCRESCENCES: Staph. thuj. For ULCERATION of the gums: Alum. calc. carb.-v. kal. lyc. merc. natr.-m. sil. staph. sulph. sulph.-ac. For LOOSENESS OF THE TEETH: 1) calc. carb.-v. cist. merc. phos. phos.-ac. 2) Ant. natr. rhus. sep. For SCORBUTIc affections: 1) Caps. carb.-v. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. staph. sulph. 2) Am. amm.-m. ars. bry. caust. dule. hydr. kal. kreas. mur.-ac. phyt. sep. &c. § 3. For MERCURIAL symptoms: Carb.-v. chin.; or, hep. hydr. nitr.-ac. phytol. staph. ILL EFFECTS OF SALT require : Carb.-v. or nitr.-sp. Persons who lead a sedentary life, and are corpulent and phlegmatic, require: 1) Caps. 2) Bell. calc. merc. sulph.; thin and lively persons, n.-vom. carb.-v. chin. natr.-m. HÆMATEMESIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. cact. erig. ferr. hamam. hyosc. ipec. n.-vom. phos. sang. 2) Amm. bell. bry. canth. carb.-v. caust. chin. eryng. lach. lyco- pus. lyc. mez. natr.-m. plumb. puls. rum. sec. sulph. verat. 3) Millef. aloe. verat.-vir. Use especially: For injuries, or bruises on the stomach: Arn. ars. ham. ipec. After fright: N.-vom. acon. From cold on the sto- mach: Puls. hyos. From other gastric ailments: Ars. hyos. ipec. natr.m. n.-vom. phos. sang. From affections of the spleen: Ars. n.-vom. phos. From affections of the liver: Ars. hyos. n.-vom. With redness of the face: Bell. cact. hyos. With pale, distorted face: Ars. carb.-v. ipec. natr.-m. n.-vom. sec. With simultaneous black stools: Ars. bell. ham. ipec. natr.-m. n.-vom. rum. With small, weak pulse: Ars. carb.-v. ipec. sec. With hard, full pulse: N. vom- acon. verat.-vir. HÆMORRHOIDS.-Principal remedies: § 1. 1) Acon. œsc.-h. ant. ars. bell. calc. caps. carb.-v. 230 HÆMORRHOIDS. cham. collins. dioscor. ign. ham. hydr. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. n.- vom. phos.-ac. pod. puls. sulph. thuj. 2) Aloe. ambr. amm.-c. amm.-m. anac. berb.? caust. chel. ? chin. coloc. erig. graph. kal. lach. lept. lob. petr. phytol. polyg. rhus. sang. sep. tril. § 2. We have also to consider: For ANOMALIES of the hæmorrhoidal difficulties and ail- ments in consequence of the suppression of a habitual hæ- morrhoidal flow: 1) N.-vom. sulph. 2) Calc. carb.-v. puls. 3) Aloe. apis. For the HÆMORRHAGES: 1) Acon. alum bell. calc. carb.-v. cham. collins. graph. ham. ipec. lept. phos. puls. sep.; or, 2) Æsc.-h. chin. sulph. 3) Amm. ant. caps. cascar. erig. ferr. merc. millef. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. trill. For HÆMORRHOIDAL DISPOSITION: 1) N.-vom. sulph. 2) Esc.-h. calc. carb.-v. caust. graph. lach. petr. &c. For INFLAMMATION OF HÆMORRHOIDAL TUMORS: 1) Acon. cham. ign. puls. 2) Ars. mur.-ac. n.-vom. sulph. For LARGE SWELLING: Bell. caps. kal. mur.-ac. phos.-ac. thuj. For PROTRUSION OF THE HÆMORRHOIDAL KNOBS: Calc. nitr.-ac. sulph. thuj. Like a pad round the anus: Calc. mur.-ac. n.-vom.; or, æsc.-hip. aloes. collins. For GREAT PAINFULNESS: 1) Bell. calc. graph. mur.-ac. pæon-off. sulph. 2) Aloes. apis. ars. For ULCERATION: Ign. puls. phytol. pæon-off. For INDURATION OF THE KNOBS: Sep. For STRANGULATION: Bell. ign. n.-vom. sep. lob. For BURNING of the knobs: Ars. caps. carb.-v. ign. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. sulph. For ITCHING: Ars. carb.-v. ign. n.-vom. For STINGING: Carb.-v. ign. mur.-ac. natr.-m. n.-vom. sulph. For HÆMORRHOIDAL COLIC: Carb.-v. coloc. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. For MUCOUS HÆMORRHOIDS: 1) Æsc.-h. ant. caps. carb.-v. puls. sulph. 2) Bor. ign. lach. merc. 3) Graph. phos. n.- vom. § 3. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Bleeding piles, with stitches and pressure in the anus, feeling of repletion in the abdomen, with tension, pressure and colicky pains; pains in the small of the back, as if the back of the os-sacrum were broken. ANTIMONIUM: Copious secretion of a light-yellow mucus, with burning, creeping, itching or even smarting at the anus. (Is frequently suitable in alternation with Puls.) HÆMORRHOIDS. 231 ARSENICUM: Burning discharge of blood, with burning and stitching pains in the tumors; heat and restlessness, burning in all the veins, or great debility. (Is frequently suitable in alternation with Carb.-veg.) BELLADONNA: Bleeding piles, with violent pains in the small of the back, as if the back would break. (If Bell. should not be sufficient, give Hep.) CALCAREA: After Sulph., if this should be insufficient, or if it should have been abused; for frequent bleeding of the piles, or for suppression of habitual bleeding. CAPSICUM: The tumors are very large, with discharge of blood or bloody mucus from the rectum, burning pains at the anus; painful drawing in the small of the back and back; colic. CARBO-VEG. Large bluish tumors, with stitching pains in the small of the back, stiffness of the back, burning and tear- ing in the limbs; constipation, with burning stools and dis- charge of blood; frequent tendency of the blood to the head, bleeding of the nose, flatulence, slow action of the bowels, &c., also for copious and burning discharge of mucus from the rectum. CHAMOMILLA: Flowing piles, with compressive pains in the abdomen, frequent urging to stool, occasional burning and corrosive diarrhoeic stools; tearing pains in the small of the back, especially at night; or painful and ulcerated rhagades of the anus. IGNATIA: Violent stitches in the rectum, itching and creep- ing at the anus, copious discharge of blood, prolapsus recti during stool, or sore, contractive pain of the rectum, with frequent, ineffectual stools and discharges of blood-streaked mucus. MURIATIC-AC.: The hæmorrhoidal tumors are inflamed, swollen, bluish, with swelling of the anus, sore pains, violent stitches and great sensitiveness to contact. NUX-VOMICA: Blind and flowing, or irregular piles, espe- cially suitable to persons who lead a sedentary life or use too much coffee or spirits; also suitable to pregnant females or persons affected with worms, &c.; generally for: stitching, burning or itching of the anus; stitches and shocks in the small of the back, with bruised pain, so that the patient is unable to raise himself; frequent constipation with ineffectual urging to stool, and with sensation as if the anus were closed or constricted; frequent tendency of the blood to the head or abdomen, with distention of the epigastrium and hypo- 232 HÆMORRHOIDS. chondria; heaviness of the head, inability to think, vertigo; ischuria, suppression of urine; discharge of blood and mucus from the anus. SULPHUR: If Nux should be insufficient, especially for al- ternate constipation and discharges of blood-streaked mucus; feeling of soreness at the anus, with itching and stitches; fre- quent tendency of the blood to the head; palpitation of the heart; the vascular system is easily excited, throbbing in the whole abdomen, with anguish and oppression, after the least emotion; weak digestion; dysuria; bleeding, burning and frequent protrusion of the hæmorrhoidal tumors. (Sulph. is best given in alternation with Nux-v.; these two remedies in alternation are sufficient in most cases to effect a cure.) § 4. ESCULUS-HIP.: Constriction, protrusion, fullness, ach- ing, dryness, itching, pricking, tenesmus; pains in the rec- tum and anus, also in the back; severe fullness and bearing down, with constipation; feeling in the rectum as though folds of the mucus membrane obstructed the passage, and as if, were the effort continued, the rectum would protrude; appearance of hæmorrhoids, like ground-nuts, of a purple color, very painful, and with a sensation of burning; aching pain and lame feeling in the back. CACTUS Constipation as from hæmorrhoidal congestion; swollen varices outside the anus, causing great pain; great itching of the anus, which causes him to rub the part very often; pricking in the anus, as from sharp pins, which ceases on slight friction; copious haemorrhage from the anus, which soon ceases. COLLINSONIA: Constipation, with a good deal of flatulence; chronic constipation; pains in the epigastrium; congestions of the pelvic viscera; small tumors protrude from the anus; obstinate hæmorrhoids. DISCOREA: Black, dry, hard, lumpy stool, followed by pro- lapsus; hæmorrhoidal tumors of livid color are prolapsed, with great pain and distress in them. ERIGERON: Hard, lumpy stools; feeling in the anus as if it were torn; burning in the margin of the anus; bleeding piles. HAMAMELIS: Painful and bleeding piles; burning sore- ness ; fulln ess and at times rawness of the anus; weakness or weariness in the back, as if it would break off; tumid hæ- morrhoidal veins, bluish in color, the whole anus encircled with a red erythematous halo; constipation; severe frontal headache: restless nights; pricking pains in the region of the heart? pricking pains along the course of the veirs? HÆMORRHAGES. 233 LOBELIA-INF.: Copious hæmorrhoidal discharge; debility; sensation of tightness in the epigastrium and acidity of the stomach; sense of weakness and oppression at the epigas- trium, with oppression at the breast; discharge of black blood after stool. PEONIA-OFFIC.: Painful ulcer at the anus, with exudation of a fœtid moisture; hæmorrhoids, with fissures in the anus; intolerable pains when going to stool and sometimes after- wards. PODOPHYLLUM: Congestion of the portal circle; diseases of the spleen; constipation and diarrhoea; hard stool, coated with yellow tenacious mucus; prolapsus-ani; bleeding and non-bleeding piles. POLYGONUM: Copious stools, followed by a smarting sen- sation of the anus; straining at stool, with mucous, jelly-like discharge. § 5. See: Colic, Constipation, Congestion of the Abdo- men. HÆMORRHOIDS OF THE BLADDER. Principal remedies: 1) N.-vom. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Acon. ars. bor. calc. carb.-v. graph. lach. merc. sabad. 3) Alnus. Compare: CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, CYSTITIS and URI- NARY DIFFICULTIES. HÆMORRHAGES. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Chin. 2) Arn. ham. phos. sabin. 3) Acon. bell. calc. croc. erig. ferr. ipec. merc. millef. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. sang. sep. sulph. trill. 4) Alnus. ant. apoc.-c. ars. cann. caps. carb.-a. carb.-v. ceras. cimicif. cham. collins. cupr. dros. erecht. gal. gels. geran. graph. hell. hyosc. iod. iris. kal. lach. led. lyc. lycopus. nitr. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. senec. sil. stram. sulph.-ac. verat.-vir. zinc. § 2. For ACTIVE hæmorrhages of young plethoric sub- jects: 1) Acon. bell. 2) Croc. ferr. hyosc. puls. 3) Arn. calc. cham. chin. erecht. erig. gels. geran. ipec. kal. lyc. lycopus. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. rhus. sab. sang. senec. sep. stram. sulph, trill. verat.-vir. PASSIVE hæmorrhages of persons who have been weakened by depletions and loss of animal fluids, require: 1) China. 2) Ars. carb.-v. ferr. gal. ham. hell. ipec. iris. led. mgt.-aus. merc. phos. rhus. sec. § 3. For DARK RED, VENOUS hæmorrhages: 1) Cham. croc. ham. hell. iris. n.-vom. puls. sep. 2) Amm. ant. arn. lach. magn.-c. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch, phos -ac. sulph. 234 HÆMORRHAGES. For BRIGHT RED, ARTERIAL hæmorrhage: 1) Acon. bell. dulc. erecht. hyosc. sabin. 2) Arn. calc. carb.-v. ferr. gels. ipec. led, lycop. mgt.-aus. merc. phos. rhus. sang. sec. senec. trill. § 4. If the blood be BROWN: 1) Bry. carb.-v. 2) Calc. con. puls. rhus. For ACRID blood: 1) Canth. kal. nitr. sil. 2) Amm. ars. carb. kal. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. COAGULATED blood: 1) Bell. cham. plat. rhus. 2) Arn. chin. croc. ferr. hyosc. ign. ipec. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos.- ac. sabin. sec. sep. stram. FETID blood: 1) Bell. bry. carb.-a. sabin. 2) Caust. cham. chin. croc. ign. kal. merc. phos. plat. sec. sil. sulph. TENACIOUS, VICIOUS blood: Croc. cupr. magn.-c. sec. § 5. Compare: Hamorrhage from the respective organ. HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE ANUS. See Hæmorrhoids. If caused by injuries of the anus or rectum, give: Acon. arn. chin. croc. phos. sulph. sulph.-ac. HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE EYES. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. carb.-v. cham. n.-vom. 2) Arn. calc. crot. euphr. rut. seneg. Bloody sweat: Bell. calc. n.-vom. seneg. Ecchymosis: 1) Arn. bell. calc. n.-vom. seneg. 2) Cham. crot. plumb. rut. HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE LUNGS, HÆMOP- TYSIS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. ars. chin. ferr. ipec. ham. millef. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. sang. sulph. trill. 2) Bell. cact. carb.-v. dros. dulc. erig. geran. hyosc. ign. n.- vom. op. rhus. 3) Amm. bry. cocc. coff. collins. con. croc. cupr. gal. kal. kreas. lach. led. lyc. merc. phos.-ac. sep. sulph.- ac. 4) Hepat.-tr. lycopus. senec. verat.-vir. § 2. 2. For spitting of blood (hæmoptysis): 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. carb.-v. chin. dulc. ham. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Amm. ars. con. cupr. kal. led. lyc. sep. sulph.-ac. For REAL HÆMORRHAGE, loss of large quantities of blood, give: 1) Acon. arn. bell. carb.-v, chin. dulc. ferr. hyosc. ipec. n.-vom. op. phos. puls. rhus. 2) Ars. croc. ign. led. millef. sulph. sulph.-ac. 3) Cactus. In severe cases, with imminent danger, give: Acon. chin. ipec. op. HÆMORRHAGES. 235 After ailments require: 1) Carb.-v. chin. 2) Ars. coff. ign. sulph. Preventive remedies: Ars. n.-vom. sulph., alternately, at long intervals, one dose only. 3. With ONANISTS: Carb.-v. chin. ferr. n.-vom. phos. sulph. With phthisical patients: 1) Acon. arn. ars. cham. chin. dros. ferr. lach. millef. phos. puls. sulph. sulph.-ac. sep. stann. 2) Erig. When THE MENSES ARE STOPPED: 1) Puls. 2) Acon. bell. bry. con. ferr. sep. sulph. senec. 3) Ars. millef. phos. With LYING-IN WOMEN: Acon. arn. chin. hyosc. ipec. puls. sulph. trill. When the FLOW OF HÆMORRHOIDS is stopped: Carb.-v. led. lyc. n.-vom. phos. sulph. collins. After SEVERE EXERTIONS: Acon. arn. ferr. puls. rhus. After GREAT LOSS OF BLOOD: Ars. chin, ferr. With DRUNKARDS: 1) N.-vom. op. 2) Ars, hyosc. § 4. Particular indications: ACONITUM: The paroxysm is preceded by: Orgasmus san- guinis in the chest, with feeling of fullness and burning pain; palpitation of the heart, anguish, restlessness, aggravation on lying down; pale face, expression of anguish in the counte- nance: copious discharge of blood from time to time, even when coughing but very little. (After Acon. are sometimes suitable: Ars. and ipec.) ARNICA: The hæmorrhage is caused by mechanical injury, fall, blow on the breast or back; or for: slight expectoration of black and coagulated blood, with heavy breathing, stitch- ing, burning and contraction in the chest, palpitation of the heart, great heat in the abdomen, and fainting fits; or for: discharge of bright-red, frothy blood, mixed with mucus and coagulated lumps; tickling under the sternum; stitching in the head and bruised pain in the region of the ribs when coughing. (In traumatic hemorrhage it may sometimes be necessary to give a dose of Acon. previous to Arn.) ARSENICUM: If Aconite be insufficient, and for: Great an- guish with palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, dry, burn- ing heat and restlessness, driving one out of bed; also after Chin. arn. ferr. in violent hæmorrhages; or, after Hyoscyam. in the blood-spitting of drunkards. After Ars. are sometimes suitable: Ipec. nux-v. sulph., especially in chronic hæmor- rhage. BELLADONNA: Constant tickling in the throat, with desire 236 HÆMORRHAGES. to cough and aggravation of the hæmorrhage by coughing; sensation as if the chest were filled with blood, with aching or stitching pains which are made worse by motion. CARBO-VEG.: Violent, burning pains in the chest, even after the hæmorrhage; in general suitable to persons who are very sensitive to changes of weather, or who suffer with mercurial symptoms. CHINA: Bloody expectoration during violent cough which was first hollow, dry and painful, with taste of blood in the mouth; alternate shiverings and flushes of heat; great de- bility with constant desire to lie down; frequent sweats; trembling, obscuration of sight or dullness of the head. Or, after great loss of blood, the patient being pale and cold, with fainting fits and convulsive twitching of. the hands and facial muscles. (After Chin. are frequently suitable, espe- cially for the last-mentioned symptoms, Ferr. or arn., also Ars.) DULCAMARA: Constant titillation in the larynx, with desire to cough; expectoration of bright-red blood, with aggrava- tion during rest; the hæmorrhage is caused by a cold or a loose cough which had existed for some time previous. FERRUM: Scanty expectoration of pure bright-red blood during a slight paroxysm of cough, with pains between the scapula; heavy breath, especially at night; inability to sit; relief by motion, but frequent desire to lie down, and great debility after talking. (Is suitable to thin persons, of yellow- ish color of the skin, and whose sleep is frequently disturbed; also after China, in severe cases.) HYOSCYAMUS: The discharge of blood is preceded by a dry cough, especially at night, obliging the patient to get up; frequent sudden starting from sleep; also suitable to drun- kards, particularly if Op. and nux-vom. should not be suffi- cient. (In such a case, Ars. is sometimes suitable after Hyos- cyamus.) IGNATIA: For debility after the arrest of the hæmorrhage, with disposition to be vehement and vexed. IPECACUANHA: If, after Acon., there remain: Taste of blood in the mouth, frequent hacking with expectoration of blood- streaked mucus; nausea and debility; also after the incom- plete action of Ars., the paroxysm recurring. NUX-VOM. After Ipec. or Ars. (and, in drunkards, after Op.) for: Tickling in the chest, with cough distressing the head; aggravation towards morning, especially in persons of a lively and choleric temperament; or when the hemorrhage HÆMORRHAGES. 237 is occasioned by suppression of the hæmorrhoidal flux, by a fit of anger or by a cold. (In the latter case Sulph. is fre- quently suitable after Nux-vom.; Hyos. and Ars, are espe- cially suitable to drunkards.) OPIUM: Suitable to persons who are addicted to drinking, in severe cases; or for: discharge of a thick, frothy blood; the cough is aggravated by swallowing; oppression or heavy breathing and anguish; burning at the heart, tremor of the arms and feeble voice; anxious sleep with sudden starting; coldness, especially of the extremities, or heat, especially in the chest or other parts of the trunk. (After Op., Nux-v. is frequently suitable.) PULSATILLA In obstinate cases, discharge of black and coagulated blood; anguish and shuddering, especially at night: debility; pains, especially in the lower part of the chest; qualmishness or empty feeling in the pit of the sto- mach; suitable to timorous, phlegmatic and readily-weeping individuals or for hæmorrhages from suppression of the menses. (In this case Cocc. is sometimes suitable.) RHUS-TOX: Bright-red blood, aggravation of the symptoms from chagrin or the least emotion; disposition to be angry, uneasy and timid mood; tickling in the chest. SULPHUR: Frequently suitable after Nux, to persons affected with piles, or after Ars. to prevent relapses. 5. CACTUS: Pneumorrhagia, accompanied each time with convulsive cough and expectoration of several pounds of blood; difficulty of breathing; continued oppression and uneasiness, as if the chest was constricted with an iron band and could not dilate itself for normal respiration; sanguinary congestion in the chest, which prevents him lying down in bed. COLLINSONIA; Hæmoptisis, caused by portal congestion or cardiac affections. : HAMAMELIS Labored respiration; when attempting to assume the recumbent position breathing becomes almost im- possible; tickling cough, with a taste of blood on waking; hæmoptisis, with a taste of sulphur in the mouth and dull frontal headache; the blood discharged is pure venous blood, coming into the mouth without much effort. § 6. See: Hæmorrhages, Pneumonia, Pulmonary Phthisis, Cough. HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE MOUTH.-Principal re- medies: Arn. bell. chin. dros. ferr. kreas. led. lyc. 238 HÆMORRHAGES. HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE UTERUS, Metrorrhagia and Menorrhagia. § 1. For metrorrhagia or menorrhagia give: 1) Arn. bell. bry. cauloph. cham. chin. cinnam. croc. eriger. ferr. helon. hyosc. hamam. ipec. plat. puls. sab. sec. sep. trill. 2) Acon. aletr. calc. carb.-a. cimicif. erecht. ign. magn.-m. natr.-m. n.- vom. phos. sang. senec. sil. sulph. verat. 3) Apoc. asclep.-t. bapt. cann. gels. iod. rat. ruta. 4) Apis. hedeom. iris. millef. phytol. plumb. rhus. 5) Arg.-nit. geran. lycopus. ustilag.- mad. § 2. For ACTIVE hæmorrhage in plethoric persons, give: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. ferr. n.-vom. plat. sab. sulph. bell. 2) Arn. croc. hyosc. ign. ipec. phos. sil. verat. 3) Trill. -vom, For PASSIVE hæmorrhage in debilited cachectic subjects: 1) Chin. croc. puls. sec. sep. sulph. 2) Carb.-v. n.-yom. ipec. phos. ruta. ? verat. 3) Aletr. cauloph. cimicif. ustil.-mad. For MENORRHAGIA, or profuse menstruation: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. ign. ipec. magn.-m. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. plat. sec. sep. sil. sulph. verat. 2) Ammon.-c. arg.-nit. cimicif. cocc. collins. croc. digit. erig. ferr. gels. hyosc. iod. kreas. lyc. trill. ustil.-mad. For hæmorrhage during PREGNANCY, or AFTER CONFINE- MENT or a MISCARRIAGE: 1) Bell. cham. croc. ferr. plat. sabin. 2) Arn. bry. chin. cinnam. hyosc. ipec. 3) Cocc. kal. lyc. merc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. plumb. puls. sec. sep. 4) Aletr. cauloph. eriger. ustil.-mad. Hæmorrhages at the CRITICAL AGE, require: 1) Puls. 2) Bell. lach. 3) Plat. sec. sep. laur. 4) Apoc.-can.? calc.-c. trill. ustil.-mad. § 3. Particular indications: ACONITE In active hæmorrhage, with fear of death and much excitability; she cannot sit up, even in her bed; she seems so giddy, she falls over. ALETRIS.-FAR.: General debility; loss of tone in the mus- cular system; passive hæmorrhages from that condition of the uterus, which predisposes to menorrhagia and abortion. APIS.-MEL.: Profuse uterine hæmorrhage with heaviness in the abdomen; faintness; great uneasiness and yawning; red spots, like bee-stings, upon the skin, and sensation as if stung by bees, in the abdomen and in different parts of the body. ARNICA In cases from a fall, a shock to the system, or a concussion; blood bright-red or mixed with clots; nausea in the pit of the stomach; warmth about the head and the ex- HÆMORRHAGES. 239 tremities cool, especially in pregnant women, provided cinam. has been ineffectual. BELLADONNA: The blood is neither bright nor dark; vio- lent aching and tensive pains in the abdomen; constrictive or distensive sensation; painful pressure over the sexual organs, as if all would escape the vulva, or pain in the back, as if it would break; the blood sometimes has a bad smell; a flow occurs at times between the periods; darkness before the eyes; groaning, yawning, jerkings of the arms; convul- sive clenching of the thumbs. BRYONIA: Hæmorrhage of dark-red blood, with pain in the small of the back and headache as if it would split; dry mouth and lips; nausea and faintness on sitting up in bed. CALCAREA-C. She has always menstruated too often, too much and too long; it seems difficult for her to stop men- struating; leucoplegmatic constitution; cold damp feet; swelling at the pit of the stomach like a saucer bottom up; vertigo on stooping, worse on rising again or on going up- stairs; climaxis. CANTHARIS: Uterine hæmorrhage, with great irritation in the neck of the bladder; urinating often, smarting, cutting and burning in passing only a few drops. CAULOPHYLLUM: Passive hæmorrhage, an oozing from the lax uterine vessels after premature delivery; protracted lochia; threatening abortion, and with spasmodic bearing down pains; tremulous weakness of the whole system. CHAMOMILLA: Discharge of dark-red or black, fetid blood, with lumps; the discharge taking place by fits and starts; with labor-like pains in the abdomen; frequent discharge of colorless urine; irrascibility. CHINA: Paroxysmal discharges of blood with spasmodic pains in the uterus; colic, frequent urging to urinate, and painful tension in the addomen; suitable to persons who have lost much blood; even in severe cases, with heaviness of the head, vertigo, vanishing of the senses, sopor, fainting fits, cold extremities, pale and bluish face and hands, with con- vulsive jerks across the abdomen. CIMICIFUGA: Menorrhagia, when the flow is profuse, but more of a passive character, dark, coagulated and accompa- nied with heavy pressing down, labor-like pains, nervousness, hysteric spasms, &c. CINNAMONUM: Suitable to pregnant or lying-in women, after straining, missing a step or some other exertion. CROCUS: Black, glutinous, lumpy blood; bounding and 240 HÆMORRHAGES. turning in the abdomen, as if something alive; yellowish, sallow complexion; debility, with vertigo, dim eyes, fainting turns, sadness and great anxiety and restlessness; worse from slightest motion; yellowish earthy color of the face. ERIGERON: Hæmorrhage, with violent irritation of the rectum and bladder; hæmorrhage from the womb and bladder; abortion, with profuse hæmorrhage and dysuria; flooding before and after labor. FERRUM: Copious discharge of partly fluid, and partly black and coagulated blood, with pains in the loins and labor- like colic; violent vascular excitement, with headache, vertigo, glowing red face, full and hard pulse. HAMAMELIS: Passive hæmorrhage, with anæmia. HYOSCIAMUS: Hæmorrhage after accouchement, miscarriage, or at any time, when there are general spasms of the whole body, interrupted by jerks or by twitchings of single limbs; the bright-red blood continuing to flow all the time. • IGNATIA Hæmorrhage after the abuse of Cham.; heavy sighing and sobbing, with empty feeling at the pit of the sto- mach; great despondency. IODIUM: Uterine hæmorrhage occurring at every stool, with cutting in the abdomen, pains in the loins and small of the back. IPECACUANHA: Constant flow of bright-red blood, with cutting about the umbilicus, or nausea and constant desire to lie down; violent pressure over the uterus and rectum, with shuddering and chilliness, heat about the head and debility; the flow is continuous and the patient gasps for breath; after child-birth or the taking away of the placenta. KREASOT: Black blood, in large quantities, and of an offen- sive smell; climaxis. LACHESIS: Pain in the right ovarian region, increasing more and more, until relieved by a discharge of blood; climaxis. NUX-VOMICA: Metrorrhagia as a precursor of the critical age, also after parturition, particularly if there be constipa- tion or frequent calls to small and painful stools. PHOSPHORUS: After difficult labor; between the monthly periods or during pregnancy; particularly in tall and slim persons; weak and empty feeling across the abdomen; con- stipation; much belching after eating. PLATINA: Metrorrhagia of dark, thick blood, with pain in the small of the back, which penetrates into both groins, with excessive sensitiveness of the genital organs; flooding, with HEADACHE. 241 the sensation as if the body were growing larger in every direction; great sexual excitement, in pregnant females. PULSATILLA: The hæmorrhage ceases for a short time and then recommences with redoubled force; the blood being black, mixed with coagulated lumps: labor-like pains; suita- ble to pregnant females and those at the critical age, or after parturition, or when the placenta adheres. PHYTOLACCA: Metrorrhagia, menses too copious and too frequent. SABINA: After parturition or miscarriage, with black, dark, lumpy blood; pains in the abdomen and loins, like labor- pains; great debility or rheumatic pains in the extremities or head. SECALE: Passive hæmorrhage of very fetid blood; sallow face; general debility, insensibility and feverish pulse. Pas- sive hæmorrhage in feeble, cachectic persons, particularly when the weakness was not caused by previous loss of blood; flooding worse from the slightest motion; convulsive jerk- ings; general coldness. SEPIA: Chronic metrorrhagia, excited from the least cause; yellow spots on the face and on the bridge of the nose; icy- cold paroxysms; icy-cold feet and flushes of heat; painful sense of emptiness at the pit of the stomach; fetid urine, with a sediment, as if clay were burned at the bottom of the vessel; constipation. SULPHUR: Chronic hæmorrhage; she seems to get almost well, when it occurs again and again, day after day, for weeks; she is weak; has weak and fainting spells, flushes of heat, heat on the top of the head and cold feet; sleep very light, often gets awake; feels very weak in the morning; gets hungry spells, when she cannot wait for her food, espe- cially for her dinner. TRILLIUM: Active uterine hæmorrhage; especially during or after parturition or miscarriage. HEADACHE, CEPHALALGIA. § 1. Sometimes symptomatic, but in many cases idiopa thic, or constituting the most prominent symptom in the group. Principal remedies are: 1) Ant. bell. bry. calc. caps. cham. chin. cimicif. coff. coloc. gels. ign. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sang. sep. sil. sulph. verat.-a. veratr.-vir. zizia. 2) Esc.-gl. asc.-hip. arn. ars. asclep. aur. bapt. cauloph. carb.-v. cin. collins. corn. cocc. dulc. ham. hell. hep. ipec. iris. lept. lob. lyc. op. plat. stict. 2) Amm. amm.-m. apoc. asar. clem. 11 242 HEADACHE. con. diosc. erig. eryng. ferr. graph. guaj. gymnocl. hydr. hyosc. jugl. kal. lach. mosch. natr.-m. nuph. petr. phytol. phosph. § 2. As regards the pathological varieties, give: for ARTHRITIC headache: 1) Bell. bry. coloc. ign. ipec. n.-vom. sep. spig. verat. 2) Arn. ars. aur. caps. caust. cin. mgn. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. puls. sabin. zinc. For headache from CONGESTION OF BLOOD to the head: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. cact. calc. carb.-v. coff. gels. merc. lach. n.-vom. op. phos. puls. rhus. veratr.-alb. verat.-vir. 2) Cham. chin. cimicif. cin. cocc. dulc. hep. ign. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. 3) Alum. amm.-c. con. ham. hed. lach. led. sang, zizia. For GASTRIC HEADACHE: 1) Æsc.-gl. acon. arn. ars. asar. bell. bry, calc. caps. caust. coloc. corn. ign. iris. lach. lept. n.-vom. puls. sang. sep. sulph. verat. 2) Berb.? carb.-v. cocc. eupat.-per. n.-mosch.; and if CONSTIPATION should be the principal cause: Bry. coff. collins. hydr. n.-vom. op., or verat. lept. For HYSTERIC HEADACHE: 1) Aur. cocc. hell. hep. ign. iris. magn.-c. mgn.-m. mosch. nitr.-ac. phos. plat. sep. stict. valer. verat. 2) Caps. cham. lach. rhus. ruta. For CATARRHAL HEADACHE: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham, chin.* gels. merc. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-v. caul. cimicif. cin. ign. lach. lyc. myrica.-cer. puls. For NERVOUS HEADACHE, megrim: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. cauloph. chin. coloc. iris. puls. sang. sep. stict. 2) Bry. caps. ign. ipec. n.-vom. rhus. verat. 3) Arn. cham. cic. coff. hep. nitr.-ac. op. petr. sil. sulph. thuj. 4) Agar. asar. caust. con. gels. graph. helon. hyosc. mang. mosch. natr.-m. phos. plat. sabin. spig. zinc. 5) Ascl.-syr. cimicif. gels. For RHEUMATIC HEADACHE: 1) Acon. bry, cham. chin. cimi- cif. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. sep. spig. stict. sulph. 2) Bell. ign. phos. 3) caust. lach. led. magn.-m. § 3. For the headache to which FEMALES are liable: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. cauloph. cimicif. cocc. coloc. dulc. helon. lach. magn.-m. n.-vom. puls. plat. spig. verat. For NERVOUS, SENSITIVE persons: Acon. cham. chin, coff. gels. ign. iris. ipec. spig. verat. For CHILDREN: Acon. bell. caps. cham. coff. ign. ipec. gels. § 4. As regards EXTERNAL CAUSES, give for headaches from excessive studying, exertion, &c.: 1) n.-vom, sulph. 2) Aur. calc. lach. natr. natr.-m. puls. sil. 3) Anac. graph. lyc. magn.-c. mgt.-arc. phos. For headaches from emotions, as from grief: Ign. phos.-ac. HEADACHE. 243 ! staph. From chagrin or anger: Cham. n.-vom.; or, 2) Coloc. lyc. magn.-c. natr.-m. petr. phos plat. rhus. staph. From heat, or getting overheated: 1) Acon. bell. bry. carb.- v. glon. 2) Amm. baryt. calc. caps. ign. ipec. sil. From abuse of coffee: Cham. ign. n.-vom. 2) Bell. caust. cocc. hep. lyc. merc. puls. From the influence of metallic substances, give sulph. as the principal remedy; or, if principally from the influence of copper, give hepar; or, if from abuse of mercury, give: 1) Carb.-v. chin. puls. 2) Aur. hep. nitr.-ac. sulph. From long watching: 1) Cocc. n.-vom. puls. 2) Bry. calc. chin. sulph. From nightly revelling or abuse of spirits: 1) Carb.-v. n.- vom. 2) Ant. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. coff. ipec. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. rhus. sulph. From smoking or abuse of snuff: Acon. ant. ign. From cold: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. dulc. n.-vom. 2) Ant. chin. coloc. puls. From draught of air: Acon. bell. chin. coloc. n.-vom. From bathing: Ant. calc. puls. From a cold drink: 1) Acon. bell. 2) Ars. natr. puls. From bad weather: Bry. carb.-v. n.-vom.; or rhod. rhus. verat. From external injuries, blows on the head, concussions of the brain: 1) Arn. cic. 2) Merc. petr. rhus. From straining: 1) Calc. rhus 2) Ambr. arn. bry. natr. phos.-ac. sil. Compare: Causes. § 5. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Violent, stupefying, compressive, or contractive pains, especially over the root of the nose: great heaviness and feeling of fullness in the forehead and temples, as if the head would burst: burning pains through the brain, or draw- ing pains in one side of the head; headache, with buzzing in the ears and coryza, or with desire to vomit; moaning, la- menting, dread of death, excessive sensitiveness to noise or motion; pale and cold, or else red and bloated face, with red eyes; strong, full and quick, or small and even intermittent pulse; sensation as if the hair were pulled, or as if a ball were rising into the brain, spreading a coolness; aggravation by motion, when talking, raising one's self and drinking; re- lief in the open air. (After Acon. are frequently suitable: Bell. bry, or cham.) ANTIMONIUM: When, in consequence of derangement of 244 HEADACHE. ་ the stomach, indigestion, cold, or suppressed eruption, the following symptoms make their appearance: pain in the fore- head, as if it would break, or boring, crampy, dull, (and tear- ing) pains, especially in the forehead, temples or vertex; aggravation on going up-stairs; relief in the open air; fall- ing off of the hair; nausea, loathing, loss of appetite, eruc- tations, desire to vomit. (This medicine is frequently suita- ble after Puls.) BELLADONNA: Great fullness and violent aching pains, or pains as if the head would split, or as if every thing would issue through the forehead or one side; pains over the eyes and nose, or semi-lateral, drawing, tearing or stitching pains; wavering shocks and undulations in the head, as of water, with sensation as if the skull were too thin; violent throb- bing of the temporal arteries, and swelling of the veins of the head; the headache sets in every afternoon and lasts un- til morning; it gets worse by motion, especially by moving the eyes, or by ascending an eminence, by contact, in the open air, or in a draught of air, or at night in the warm bed ; Bell. is particularly suitable when the headache is accompa- nied by vertigo, stupefaction, red and bloated face, red eyes; excessive sensitiveness to noise, light, shock or contact; ill- humor; moaning, desire to remain in bed, buzzing in the ears, obscuration of sight. (After Bell. are frequently suitable: Hep. merc. or plat.) BRYONIA: Distensive pressure or compressive sensation in the head, with feeling of fullness as if every thing would issue through the forehead; beating, jerking or drawing pains and stitches in the head, especially on one side, or from the orbital bones to the temple; burning pain in the forehead, or heat in the head; headache, with vomiting, nausea and desire to lie down; the headache sets in every day after din- ner, or early in the morning on waking and first opening one's eyes; aggravation by walking, stooping, and by contact; vehement, quarrelsome disposition; frequent chills. After Bry, are frequently suitable: Rhus-t. or Nux vom. CALCAREA: Stupefying, aching, beating or hammering pains, or hemicrania, with nausea, eructations and desire to lie down; or boring in the forehead as if the head would split; heat or feeling of coldness in the head; cloudiness and dullness of the head as if in a vice; the headache sets in every morning on waking; aggravation by mental labor, spirits, bodily exertions, motion, stooping, chagrin, &c.; falling off of the hair. (Calc. is particularly suitable after HEADACHE. 245 Sulph. or nitr.-ac. After Calc. are frequently suitable Lyc. nitr.-ac. or sil. CAPSICUM: Semi-lateral, stitching and aching pains, with nausea, vomiting and weak memory, or pains as if the skull would split; the pains get worse by moving the head or eyes, by walking, in the open air and in cold; especially suitable to phlegmatic, indolent persons of suspicious disposition, or to headstrong, clumsy people, afraid of exercise or the open air, with frequent chills, especially after drinking. CHAMOMILLA: Suitable to children and to persons who are driven to despair by the least pain; for tearing and jerking in one side of the head (down to the jaws); stitching heavi- ness or painful beating in the head; one cheek is red, the other pale; hot sweat about the head, even the hair; bloated face, painful eyes; catarrhal state of the throat or bronchi, or bitter, foul taste in the mouth, &c. (Cham. is suitable after Acon. or coff.; after Cham. are frequently suitable: Bell. and puls. CHINA: Suitable to persons who are sensitive to pain, espe- cially for aching pains at night that prevent sleep, or pier- cing, jerking pains in the forehead as if the contents would issue through it; boring in the vertex, with contusive pain in the brain; or jerking, tearing, and sensation as if the skull would split; aggravation by contact, reflection, conversation, open air, motion, draughts of air and wind; the hairy scalp and the hair are very sensitive to contact; or suitable to per- sons of a peevish, dissatisfied disposition; or to obstinate, disobedient children that are fond of dainties, of pale com- plexion, with flashes of heat and redness, loquacity and rest- lessness at night. (Is suitable after Coff. and caps.) COFFEA: Pain as if a nail were driven into the head, or as if the brain were torn or bruised; sensitiveness to noise, music, and to pain, which appears intolerable, with despair, screams, weeping, restlessness and great anguish, chilliness, aversion to the open air; especially suitable to persons who do not use coffee, or to persons who take a momentary dis- like to coffee, though they are otherwise fond of it; the headache is caused by thinking, chagrin, a cold, &c. (Is frequently suitable after Acon. or cham.; or before Ign. nux- v. or puls.) COLOCYNTHIS: Violent semi-lateral, tearing, drawing pains, or crampy aching pains, with nausea and vomiting; compres- sive sensation in the forehead, worse when stooping or lying on the back; the headache sets in every afternoon or evening, 246 HEADACHE. with great anguish and restlessness, obliging one to leave the bed; violent pain, extorting cries from the patient; sweat smelling like urine; copious watery urine during the pains, or scanty, fetid urine between the paroxysms. IGNATIA: Aching pains over the nose; worse or better when stooping, or jerking or beating, pressing as if the parts would split, or boring stitches deep in the brain; tearing in the forehead, and sensation as if a nail had been driven into the brain, with nausea, obscuration of sight, photophobia pale face, copious and watery urine; momentary disappearance of the pains by a change of position; they come on again after eating, in the evening after lying down, or early after rising; aggravation by coffee, brandy, tobacco and strong odors; tendency to start, fitful mood, taciturn and sad. (Is frequently suitable after Cham. puls. or nux-vom. MERCURIUS: Feeling of fullness as if the skull would split, or as if the head were tied up with a bandage; tearing, burn- ing or stitching and boring pains, or semi-lateral tearing down to the teeth and neck, with stitches in the ears; violent aggravation at night, by the warmth of the bed, also by con- tact, hot and cold things; constant night-sweat, but without relief. NUX-VOMICA: Pain as from a nail driven into the brain, or stitching pains with nausea and sour vomiting; stitches and pressure in one side of the head, worse towards morning, driving the patient out of his senses; excessive sensitiveness of the brain to motion and walking; heaviness of the head, especially when moving the eyes, thinking, with sensation as if the skull would split; whizzing in the head, with vertigo, or with shocks when walking; contusive pain in the brain; headache every morning on waking, after eating, in the open air, when stooping, or during motion, even when merely moving the eyes; the pains come on again after drinking coffee, with aversion to coffee; pale, worn-out look; constipa- tion, with tendency of the blood to the head; irritable, vehe- ment disposition, or lively sanguine temper, &c. (Compare Bry. cham. coff. ign. and puls.) PULSATILLA Tearing pains, worse towards evening; or beating stitches, early after rising and in the evening after lying down; semi-lateral tearing pains, shocks and stitches, with vertigo, desire to vomit; heaviness in the head; obscuration of sight; photophobia; whizzing, tearing, darting or jerking in the ears; pale face, whining mood, loss of appetite, no thirst, chill, anguish, paroxysms of bleeding at the nose 247 HEADACHE. palpitation of the heart; aggravation in the evening, also during rest, and especially when sitting; relief in the open air, decrease of the headache by pressing or bandaging the head; bland temper, or else cold and phlegmatic. RHUS-TOX.: Tearing, stitching pains, extending to the ears, root of the nose, malar bones and jaws, with painfulness of the teeth and gums; burning or beating pains; fullness and oppressive heaviness of the head; headache immediately after a meal; desire to be quiet and lie down; the pains are ex- cited again by the least chagrin, or by walking in the open air; wavering of the brain when stepping, and creeping in the head. (Is frequently suitable after Bryonia.) SEPIA: Stitching and boring pains, extorting cries from the patient, with nausea and vomiting; headache every morning; semi-lateral tearing and drawing in the head; pressure and drawing in the occiput; photophobia, with inability to open one's eyes; constipation; sexual desire; aversion to food; tendency of the blood to the head, with heaviness and con- fusion; pressure over the eyes, when looking at bright day- light feeling of coldness about the head. SILICEA: Beating pains, with heat and tendency of the blood to the head; headache every morning or afternoon; aggravation by mental labor, talking or stooping; pains at night from the nape of the neck to the vertex; sensation as if the head would split, and as if the brain would issue through the forehead and eyes; semi-lateral stitching or tearing pains, extending to the nose and face; tumors on the head; fre- quent sweat about the head; great sensitiveness of the scalp; falling off of the hair. (Is frequently suitable after Hep. or Lyc.) SULPHUR: Fullness, pressure and heaviness of the head, especially forehead; or pressure as if the head would split; tearing, stitching, drawing or jerking pains, especially on one side; or beating and painful bubbling in the head, with heat and tendency of the blood to the head; roaring in the head; aching pain over the eyes, obliging one to knit one's brow or to close one's eyes; or headache, with dim sight, inability to think, nausea and desire to vomit; headache every week, or every morning or night; or in the evening in bed, or after a meal: aggravation by thinking, in the open air, by walking; great sensitiveness of the scalp to contact; falling off of the hair. VERATRUM: Maddening pains; semi-lateral beating with pressure or constriction in the brain, with constriction of the 248 HEADACHE. throat; sensation as if the brain were bruised; pains in the stomach; painful rigidity of the nape of the neck; copious discharge of clear urine; nausea, vomiting, &c.; great de- bility, even unto fainting, with great malaise on raising one's- self from a recumbent posture; chilliness and cold sweat over the whole body; thirst; diarrhoeic stools, or else con- stipation, with tendency of blood to the head. § 6. Besides, we may use: ARNICA: For pains over one eye with greenish vomiting; crampy compression in the forehead, as if the brain were compressed and indurated; heat in the head, with coldness of the rest of the body. ARSENICUM: Semi-lateral, beating pains, with nausea, buz- zing in the ears, &c., periodically, especially after a meal, or in the morning, or at night, or in the evening, in bed, with weeping and moaning; the pains sometimes become mad- dening; painfulness of the scalp; cold applications relieve the pain. AURUM: Bruised pains, especially early in the morning, or during mental labor, so that the ideas frequently become con- fused; roaring in the head, in hysteric females. CARB.-VEG.: Aching or beating pains over the eyes, or in the whole head, commencing at the nape of the neck; the pains set in especially in the evening or after a meal, with tendency of the blood to the head, and heat in the head. CHINA Tearing, drawing or oppressive pains, as from a load on the head, worse in the open air and when reading or thinking, with coryza. COCCULUS Headache, with feeling of emptiness in the head, or with bilious vomiting. DULCAMARA: Oppressive, stupefying pain in the forehead, with stoppage of the nose; or boring or burning in the fore- head, with digging in the brain; aggravation during motion, even when talking, with heaviness in the head. HEPAR: Pain as from a nail in the brain; violent boring in the head, or nightly pains as if the forehead would be pulled out, with painful tumors on the head. IPECACUANHA: Headache, with nausea; sensation extend- ing to the tongue as if the brain were bruised; vomiting or desire to vomit. LYCOPODIUM: Headache, with disposition to faint and great restlessness; or tearing headache, especially in the afternoon or at night; pains extending to the eyes and nose, even teeth, with desire to lie down. HEADACHE. 249 OPIUM: Tendency of blood to the head, with constipation, violent, tearing pains, or tensive pressure through the whole brain, with beating or great heaviness in the head; unsteady look, thirst, dry mouth, sour eructations, desire to vomit, &c. PLATINA: Violent, crampy pains, especially over the root of the nose, with heat and redness of the face, restlessness, whining mood, roaring in the head as of water, with cold- ness in the ears, eyes and one side of the face; scintillations, illusions of sight, objects appearing smaller than they really are. (Is frequently suitable after Bell.) 7. Use more particularly: ESCULUS-GLABRA: Severe vertigo, with reeling like intoxi- cated; vertigo, with nausea; vertigo, with dimness of sight; fullness and heaviness of the head, confusion of ideas; thick- ness of speech; loathing of food; sensation of fullness in the stomach. ÆSCULUS-HIP.: Feeling as if a board were on the head; confusion of the head and giddiness; dull pains in the head, here and there, chiefly in the right temple and occiput, fol- lowed by dull stitches in the forehead and left temple: a sensation of fullness and pressure rather than acute pain; suitable to catarrhal, bilious, gastric and hæmorrhoidal head- aches. ARANEA-DIAD.: When the headache comes at regular hours: flimmering before the eyes; dizziness in the head, which obliges the patient to lie down; on rising, a feeling as if the head and hands were bloated and swollen. ASCLEPIAS-SYR.: Nervous headaches, which are followed by profuse diuresis; dull and stupid feeling in the head; sensation as if some sharp instrument was thrust through from one temple to the other, with feeble pulse and cold skin; headache after suppressed perspiration. CACTUS-GR.: Congestive headaches; pressing pain in the head, as if a great weight lay on the vertex; headache, with prostration and weariness; excessive pain in the head, with such anxiety that he cannot stay in bed. It affects more the right side of the head; continued and tormenting pulsations in the head. CIMICIFUGA: Dullness of the head and pain in the forehead and occiput; when going up-stairs, a sensation as if the top of the head would fly off; aching pain in the head, particu- larly in the occiput, experienced only while in-doors, relieved by the open air-increasing during the afternoon and quite severe in the evening; brain feels too large for the cranium; 11* 250 HEADACHE. dull pains in the occipital region, with shooting pains down. the back of the neck; severe pain in the eye-balls, extending into the forehead, and increased by the slightest movement of the head and eye-balls. CORNUS-CIR.: Dull heavy pain in the whole head; with drowsiness; the headache increased by walking, stooping, or shaking the head; sense of fullness of the head, relieved by a copious stool; dull heavy sensations in the head; shoot- ing, aching and throbbing pains in the head; sense of full- ness and pressure in the head, preventing sound sleep. EUPATORIUM-PER.: Periodical headache; pain in the occi- put after lying, with sensation of a great weight in the part, requiring the hands to lift it; headache better in the house, aggravated when first going into the open air, relieved by conversation; throbbing headache; darting pain through the temples, with sensation of blood rushing across the head; soreness and beating in the back part of the head. GELSEMINUM: Great heaviness of the head, slightly relieved by shaking the head; dull, stupefying pressure in the head, most frequently in the forehead and temples; dimness of sight and vertigo; excruciating headache, accompanied by slight nausea; dry mouth, coated tongue, bitter taste; swim- ming sensation in the head; head felt very light, with vertigo; a settled, dull, dragging headache, mainly in the occiput, mastoid and upper cervical region, extending to the shoulders, relieved when sitting, by reclining the head and shoulders on a high pillow; nervous headaches, commencing in the cer- vical portion of the spinal column, and spreading thence over the whole head. GLONOINE: Congestion of the brain; throbbing, pulsating pain from below upwards, with fullness and feeling of en- largement in the head; it feels like the motion of waves in the brain; congestion of the eyes; ringing in the ears; pal- pitation of the heart. HELONIAS: Pain in the forehead, as if a band about an inch wide were drawn across from temple; feeling of full- ness in the head, with vertigo; pain in the occiput, with pulsative pain in the vertex, increased by stooping, attended with vertigo; great activity of the salivary glands. IRIS.-VERS.: Pains in the forehead and right side of the head, aggravated by rest and on first moving the head, but re- lieved by continual motion, accompanied by lowness of spirits, nausea, and even vomiting; sick headaches, of a gastric or HEADACHE. 251 hepatic origin; violent, stupid or stunning headache, with facial neuralgia. LACHNANTHES: Dullness and giddiness of the head, with sensation of heat in the chest and around the heart; sensa- tion as if the vertex were enlarged and was driven upwards; the head feels enlarged, and as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within; the body is very cold, impossible to get warm; yellow face; the head burns like fire, accompanied with much thirst; painful tearing in the forehead and tem- ples down the cheeks. LEPTANDRA: Bilious headaches; constant, dull, frontal headache, with dizziness while walking, accompanied by con- stipation, furred tongue, bitter taste, indigestion, yellow urine, languor and depression of spirits. LOBELIA-INF.: Dull heavy pain around the forehead from one temple to the other, on a line immediately above the eye-brows; pains through the head in sudden shocks; out- ward pressing in both temples; continual periodical headache in the afternoon, increasing until midnight, every third attack being alternately more or less violent. PHYTOLACCA: Headaches of syphilitic patients; dull, heavy headache in the forehead; sharp, shooting pains in the right temple; headache through the whole head of a dull pressing character, with vertigo and impairment of vision. SANGUINARIA : Migrane or sick headache; the attacks oc- cur paroxysmally; the pains begin in the morning, increase during the day and last till evening; the head seems to feel as if it would burst, or as if the eyes would be pressed out, or the pains are digging, attended with sudden piercing, throbbing lancinations through the brain, involving the fore- head and top of the head in particular, and being most severe on the right side, followed by chills, nausea, vomiting of food or bile, forcing the patient to lie down and preserve the greatest quiet, as every motion aggravates the suffering, which are only relieved by sleep; congestions of the head; with distention of the temporal veins. STICTA-PUL.: Dull sensation in the head, with sharp, dart- ing pains through the vertex, side of the face and lower jaw, dull, heavy pressure in the forehead and at the root of the nose; darting pain in the temporal region. THERIDION: Very severe headache, with nausea and vomit- ing, like sea-sickness, and with shaking chills: sun-stroke; headache in the beginning of every motion, cannot bear the least noise; throbbing frontal headache or behind the eyes, 252 HEADACHE. extending in the occiput; heaviness of the head, as if she had something else upon it. § 8. Use more particularly: a) For pressing pains as if the skull would split: 1) Bell. bry. chin. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. amm. ant. baryt. calc. caps. caust. graph. magn.-arct. merc. mez. natr. plat. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. spig. spong. staph. stront. b) For aching pains: 1) Anac. arn. bell. calc. carb.-an. carb.- veg. chin. coccul. ign. kal. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. asa. aur. bry. caust. cham, cic. dig. dulc. ferr. ipec. lach, mez. natr. petr. plat. c) For tensive pains: 1) Arn. asa. bell. caust. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sil. stront. sulph. 2) Ars. cann. carb.-an. carb.-veg. clem. graph. magn.-arct. mosch. natr. natr.-m. nitr. petr. spig. stann. tart. veratr. d) For crampy, pinching, spasmodic pains: 1) Acon. arn. calc. carb.-veg. coloc. ign. phos.-ac. plat. stram. 2) Amb. ang. chin. colch. mez. mosch. n.-mosch. n. -vom. petr. sep. stann. zinc. e) For compressive pains: 1) Arn. bry. carb.-veg. chin. cocc. hell. Hye. men. mosch. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phos.-ae. plat. sil. spig. staph. tart. 2) Acon. alum. anac. calc. caust. cic. con. dulc. graph. magn.-arct. nitr.-ac. oleand. sep. staph. sulph.-ac. f) For constrictive, contractive pains: 1) Anac, asa. carb.- veg. chin, cocc. graph. laur. merc. natr.-m. nitr. petr. phosph. plat. puls. 2) Acon. camph. cann. hyos. ipec. lach. mosch. petr. phos.-ac. stann. sulph. ac. val. veratr. g) For pain as if tied up with a bandage or surrounded with a tight band: Cycl. iod. laur. merc. nitr.-ac. sassap. stann. sulph. § 9. a) For boring, digging-up pains: 1) Calc. dulc. hep. puls. sep. 2) Amm. amım.-m. bell. cocc. ign. laur. magn.-c. merc. mez. phos.-ac. plat. sabin. spig. stann. staph. zinc. b) For beating, hammering, pulsative pains: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. carb.-veg. ferr. ign. kreos. lach. natr.-m. phosph. puls. sep. sil. stram. sulph. 2) Borax. bry. cham. cocc. dros. euphr. kal. laur. led. mang. nitr.-ac. op. oleand. petr. plat. sabad. seneg. squill. c) For pain as if a nail or plug were driven into the brain: 1) Ácon. arn. hep. ign, magn.-arct. n.-vom. plat. sulph.-ac. 2) Asa. carb.-veg. cocc. coff. dulc. hell. kreos. natr.-m. oleand. rhus. thuj. d) For tearing or drawing pains: 1) Arn. ars. bell, calc. HEADACHE. 253 chin. con. ign. lach. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amb. aur. bry. caps. carb.-an. carb.-veg. cham. natr. phosph. spig. staph. e) Stitching pains: 1) Acon. bell. bry. canth. caust. con. ign. merc. natr. petr. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Älum. arn. asa. calc. chel. chin. lach. laur. magn.-c. natr.-m. n.-vom. selen. staph. f) Sore or ulcerative pains: 1) Amm. ars. carb.-veg. caust. chin. ign. lyc. magn.-c. mez. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. sep. sulph. zinc. 2) Acon. borax. kreos. lach. magn.-arct. mang. oleand. rhus. sabad. sabin. stront. g) Pain as if bruised, torn or dashed to pieces: 1) Aur. bell. camph. chin, con. hell. ign. n.-vom. puls. veratr. 2) Alum. am.-m. ars. carb.-an. caust. coff. con. euphr. hep. ipec. merc. mur.-ac. phosph. phosph.-ac. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. zinc. h) Darting, jerking pains: 1) Amb. arn. bell. calc. chin. ign. kal. magn-aust. nitr.-ac. puls. sep. sil. 2) Anac. caust. graph. lyc. n.-vom. petr. phosph. phos.-ac. plumb. sulph. § 10. a) Feeling of coldness in the head or on the vertex: 1) Bell. calc. phosph. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. arn. dulc. mosch. b) Burning in the head: 1) Acon. bell. bry. eug. merc. n.-vom. phosph. sabad. sep. 2) Amm. arg. arn. carb.-veg. caust. cocc. dulc. graph. hell. kal. mur.-ac phos.-ac. rhus. spig. stann. sulph.-ac. veratr. c) Roaring, buzzing in the head: 1) Aur. calc. graph. lach. plat. puls. staph. sulph. zinc. 2) Acon. baryt. carb.-veg. caust. cocc. dulc. graph. hell. kal. mur.-ac. phos.-ac. rhus. spig. stann. sulph.-ac. veratr. d) Sensation as if the brain were loose, moving, falling against the skull: 1) Acon. bell. chin. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. baryt. bry. calc. carb.-an. cic. coff. kal. Îyc. magn.-s. phos.-ac. plat. puls. rhus. spig. e) Wavering (swashing) in the head, as of water: 1) Bell. dig. amm. asa. aur. carb.-an. hep. hyos. lach. magn.-m. n.-vom. rhus. spig. squill. f) Creeping sensation as of something alive: 1) Arn. colch. hyos. laur. magn.-aust. plat. puls. rhus. 2) Acon. 2) Acon. baryt. canth. cic. cocc. cupr. petr. phosph. phos.-ac. sil. sulph. g) Sensation as if a ball were rising into the head: Acon. ign. lach. plumb. sep. h) Sensation as if a current of air were passing through the head, or as if wind were blowing upon one: Aur. colch. magn.-aust. puls. sabin. zinc. 254 HEADACHE. § 11. a) For pains from above downwards, pressure, stitches from above downwards: 1) Carb.-veg. caust. ferr. magn.-arct. puls. sulph. 2) Amb. cin. con. cupr. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. plat. rhus. spig. spong, tart. veratr. b) Pains from below upwards: 1) Bell. caust. cham. 2) Phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. c) From within outwards: 1) Asa. bell. bry. calc. chin, con. dulc. merc. mez. phosph. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. sulph. val. 2) Acon. alum. carb.-veg. dros. ign. lach. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.-m. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhod. sabad. samb. staph. verb. d) From without inwards: 1) Anac. arn. calc. canth. laur. plat. 2) Coccul. dulc. hell. ign. plumb. sabin. spig. stann. staph. sulph.-ac. e) Pains seated at a small spots: 1) Acon. bry. lyc. 2) Amb. anac. dulc. eug. ferr. graph. hep. laur. led. mosch. n.- mosch. plat. sep. spig. squill. staph. f) External pains in the integuments of the skull: 1) Acon. arn. bell. calc. chin. lyc. merc. mez. n.-vom. rhus. staph. 2) Alum. carb.-veg. caust. graph. guaj. hep. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. ruta. sep. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. § 12. a) Forehead and sinciput are principally affected: 1) Acon. amm. ars. bell. calc. chin. cocc. dulc. ign. kreos. lyc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phosph. plat. sabad. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. arn. caps. carb.-veg. ferr. hep. ipec. lach, magn-c. magn.-m. merc. mez. natr. nitr.-ac. puls. spig. thuj. b) The temporal region: 1) Bell. calc. natr.-m. plat. 2) Acon. alum. añac. chin. kal. kreos. magn.-c. magn. n.-mosch. petr. puls. sabin. sulph.-ac. c) The sides of the head: 1) Acon. bry. natr.-m. phos.-ac. 2) Ása. canth. graph. guaj. kal. laur. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.- aust. magn.-c. magn.-m. mang. plat. puls. sulph. thuj. veratr. d) Semi-lateral pains: 1) Ars. calc. chin. cic. coloc. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. sep. 2) Agar. alum. amm.-m. anac. asa. cin. dulc. kal. mang. mez. mur.-ac. phosph. phos.-ac. plat. sabad. sabin. sassap. spig. staph. sulph.-ac. verb. e) Left side: Ant. arn. asa. asar. calc. chin. colch. coloc- dros. lach. merc. mez. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. rhod. selen. sil. spig. sulph. zinc. f) Right side: Acon. alum. calc. caust. dros. ferr. hep ign. lyc. mosch. plumb. ruta. sabad. sabin. sil. g) Vertex and upper head: 1) Agn. calc. caust. con. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. phosph. spig. 2) Acon. amb. anac. carb.-an. cocc. HEADACHE. 255 cupr. natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phosph. sep. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. h) Occiput: 1) Acon. calc. carb.-veg. ign. kal. nitr.-ac. petr. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. carb.-an. colch. magn.-m. mez. mosch. natr. n.-vom. sil. thuj. § 13. a) The eyes are involved, or the pains extend to the eyes: 1) Acon. baryt. bell. bry. calc. coccul. hep. lach. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. selen. sep. sil. 2) Ars. borax. carb.- veg. caust. cic. ign. kreos. nitr. phosph. phos.-ac. spong. sulph.-ac. b) The region of the ears is principally affected, or the pains extend to the ears: 1) Canth. lyc. merc. mosch. mur.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Anac. alum. arn. borax. calc. caps. caust. con. ign. natr. natr.-m. nitr. phosph. c) The pains are seated over the root of the nose, or extend down to the nose: 1) Acon. hep. n.-vom. phosph. rhus. 2) Ars. ign. lach. lyc. merc. mez. mosch. stann. d) They affect the face: 1) Acon. hep. rhus. sil. 2) Amb. bry. calc. carb.-veg. cin. dros. graph. kreos. lach, natr.-m. nitr. n.-vom. petr. phosph. spong. sulph. thuj. e) They cause heat and redness of the face: Acon. bell. ign. lach. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. plat. sil. sulph. f) They extend to the teeth: 1) Lach. lyc. puls. rhus. sep. 2) Calc. carb.-veg. caust. ign. kreos. magn.-c. merc. sulph. g) The nape of the neck is involved, or the pains extend to the nape of the neck: Baryt. bell. carb.-veg. caust. con. graph. kal. lyc. puls. sabin. 14. a) The pains attack the understanding and impede thought: Acon. amb. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb.-an. caust. cocc. hell. Kal. lach. magn.-c. natr. n.-vom. op. petr. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. b) They cause vertigo or dizziness: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. carb.-an. caust. lach. n.-vom. phosph. puls. 2) Anac. chin. coce. con. hell. magn.-m. mur.-ae. natr, natr.-m. nitr. ae. rhus. sep. c) Dimness or weakness of sight: Acon. arn. bell. calc. cham. cic. hyos. ign. n.-vom. puls. sil. stram. d) Roaring in the ears: Acon. ars. borax. chin. n.-vom. puls. rhus. staph. thuj. e) Nausea or vomiting: 1) Amm. arn. bell. bry. carb.-veg. coloc. ipec. lach. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. chin, cocc. con. dulc. ign. kal. magn.-c. natr.-m. phosph. stann. veratr. f) They oblige one to lie down: 1) Bry. calc. con. n.-vom 256 HEAD, LARGE. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. selen. sep. 2) Alum. amm. anac. bell. graph. kal. magn.-m. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. oleand. op. petr. sil. stann. sulph. § 15. a) The pains occur principally in the evening: 1) Alum. carb.-an. carb.-veg. laur. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. phosph. puls. sulph. 2) Coloc. hep. merc. mur.-ac. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.- vom. petr. rhus. sep. sil. val. b) At night or in the evening in bed: 1) Bell. chin. hep. lach. lyc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. magn.-c. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. op. sassap. sepia. c) In the morning on waking: 1) Bry. calc. kal. lyc. natr.- m. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Baryt. bell. cham. chin. coff. con. hep. ign. ipec. lach. magn.-c. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. thuj. d) In the morning generally: 1) Bry. calc. caust. chin. hep. kal. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. phosph. phos.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. ars. aur. baryt. bell. carb.- an. con. iod. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. mur.-ac. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. puls. thuj. e) After a meal: 1) Amm. ars. bry. carb.-an. carb.-veg. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Alum. arn. baryt. calc. canth. caust. chin. cin. con. coff. graph. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. nitr. nitr.-ac. puls. f) In consequence of mental labor (reading, writing, think- ing, &c.): 1) Calc. chin. natr. n.-vom. puls. sil. 2) Arn. aur. carb.-veg. caust. cin. cocc. coff. ign. lyc. natr.-m. petr. phosph. sep. sulph. g) Worse in the open air, better in a room: 1) Calc. caust. chin. coff. con. rhus. spig. sulph. 2) Bell. ferr. hell. hep. magn.-arct. magn. merc. mur.-ac. n.-vom. petr. puls. staph. sulph. sulph.-ac. h) Worse in a room, better in the open air: 1) Alum. amm. arn. asar. bov. carb.-an. magn.-c. magn--m. phosph. puls. sabin. 2) Acon. ant. arn. hell. sep. sulph. § 16. Compare: CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD, PAINS, PAR- OXYSMS OF, CAUSES, CONDITIONS, &c. HEAD, LARGE, OF CHILDREN. --The best remedies for this affection and the retarded closing of the fontanelles, are : Calc. sil. sulph. (See: SCROFULA.) HEAD, MORBID CONDITIONS OF, in consequence of mental exertions. Principal remedies: 1) N.-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Aur. calc. colch. lach. mosch. natr. natr.-m. puls. sil.; or, 3) Amm, amb. bell. cham. cic. dig. iod. laur. led. nitr. n.-mosch. phosph. sep. spong. sulph.-ac. val. zinc. HEARING, &c. 257 See: WORN OUT, WEAK MEMORY, EMOTIONS, MORBID. HEARING, DEFECTIVE, DYSÆCIA, SURDITIS, &c. § 1. The principal remedies for this affection are: 1) Calc. lyc. phos. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. caust. graph. hyosc. lach. led mang. merc. nitr.-ac. op. petr. puls. 3) Amm. anac. asa. aur. coff. con. hep. kal. magn.-c. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sep. staph. verat. 4) Ambr. ant. ars. bell. carb.-v. cic. cocc. dros. iod. laur. oleand. plumb. rhus. ruta. stram. 5) Aloe. cep. glonoin. jatr. 6) Apoc.-can. aral. bapt. cact. cist. comocl. eupat.-pur. gels. hydr. lachn. rhus.-ven. sang. If caused by CONGESTION OF BLOOD, with buzzing, &c.: 1) Aur. bell. caust. graph. merc. phos. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Anac. bry. calc. lyc. mur.-ac. n.-vom. sep. spig. rhod. For NERVOUS DEAFNESS, from paralysis of the auditory nerves: 1) Arn. bell. caust. hyosc. n.-vom. petr. phos. phos.- ac. puls. sil. 2) Anac. calc. cocc. con. graph. lyc. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. op. verat. For CATARRHAL or RHEUMATIC deafness, in consequence of a cold in the head or of the whole body, give: 1) Acon. ars. bell. cham. con. gels. graph. hep. led. mang. merc. puls. 2) Calc. carb.-v. caust. coff. lach. nitr.-ac. sulph. For ERETHIC deafness: Caust. con. iod. n.-vom. phos. puls. § 2. In relation to external causes, we give: If by suppression of DISCHARGES from the ears or from the nose: 1) Hep. lach. led. 2) Bell. merc. puls. 3) Calc. lyc. If a sequel to some ACUTE EXANTHEM, as measles, scarlatina, &c.: 1) Bell. men. merc. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Carb.-v. phos. Deafness caused by measles, require: Merc. puls. or carb.-v.; by scarlatina: Bell. hep. or nitr.-ac.; by variola: Merc. sulph. If caused by SUPPRESSION OF HERPES, or other cutaneous eruptions: 1) Graph. sulph. ant. 2) Caust. lach. ? &c. If by SWELLING AND HYPERTROPHY OF THE TONSILS: Aur. merc. nitr.-ac. staph. If by ABUSE OF MERCURY: 1) Asa. nitr.-ac. staph. 2) Aur. carb.-v.? chin. ? hep. hydr. petr, sulph. If by TYPHOID DISEASES: Arn. phos. phos.-ac. verat. hapt. ? If by SUPPRESSION OF INTERMITTENT FEVERS: 1) Calc. puls. 2) Carb.-v. hep. n.-vom. sulph. From AFFECTIONS OF THE CERUMEN: Con. petr. hydr. From ULCERS IN THE EARS: Calc. caust. graph. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph. From NOISES in the ears: Arn. bell. calc. caust. con. graph. lyc, mang. merc. petr. phos. rhod. For cracking in the ears, 258 HEARING, &c. when sneezing or inspiring, with a loud echo in the ears: Graph. eupat.-purp. When the RIGHT SIDE is affected: Calc. n.-vom. con. puls. gels, lachn. For OLD PEOPLE: Arn. petr. For SCROFULOUS patients: Calc. iod. lyc. rhus-ven. Also: By AGGRAVATION from motion: bell. n.-vom. phos. ; in the open air: Calc. con.; when sneezing: Puls. ; from ardent spirits: Phos. By AMELIORATION from sweating: Calc.; by cleaning the rose: Mang. merc.; in clear, dry weather: Phos. puls. § 3. Particular symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: Tendency of blood to the head, with buzzing in the ears, scintillations, pressing pain in the forehead from within outwards, especially in young, plethoric, large indivi- duals; also in scrofulous subjects, with a fine delicate skin, red and white cheeks; also, after apoplexy, meningitis, typhus, &c. CALCAREA: Deafness as if the ears were closed; frequent buzzing, rolling or ringing, singing and musical sounds in the ears; or frequent beating and heat in the ears; constant dry- ness of the ears, or purulent discharge; aching pain in the forehead, &c. CAUSTICUM: Sensation as if the ears were stopped up, with buzzing and roaring in the head; loud reverberation of sounds and of one's own words in the ears; otorrhoea, rheumatic pains in the ears and extremities; extreme sensitiveness to cold winds, &c. GRAPHITES: Great dryness in the ears, or purulent dis- charge; hard hearing, which sometimes ceases while riding in a carriage; singing, whizzing and ringing, or buzzing and thundering reports in the ears, especially at night, or sensa- tion as if air were penetrating into the eustachian tube; herpes and crusts around the ears and on other parts of the body. HYOSCYAMUS: Hard hearing as if stupefied, especially after apoplexy, if Bell. proves ineffectual. LACHESIS: Dry ears, with hard and pale, or white and pappy cerumen; painful beating, cracking or whizzing, roll- ing and drumming in the ears, with reverberation of the sounds; soreness and crusts around the ears, &c. (Frequently suitable after Caust.) LEDUM: The ears feel as if closed, with whizzing in the HEARING, &c. 259 ears; dullness and stupefaction of the head on the affected side, feeling of stiffness in the scalp, and after suppression of otorrhoea or of coryza or catarrh of the eyes. LYCOPODIUM: Roaring and whizzing in the ears, or crack- ing as of air-vesicles; sensation as if hot blood were tending towards the ears; humid scurf in the region of the ear, or on the ears. MERCURIUS: Stoppage of the ears, discontinuing when swal- lowing or blowing one's nose; loud reverberation of all the sounds in the ear; ringing, buzzing and whizzing, especially in the evening, or purulent otorrhoea, with ulceration of the ears; rheumatic pains in the ears or head, or in the teeth; great tendency to sweat, &c. MANGANUM: Frequent otalgia, with tearing and stitching extending to the tympanum; ulcerative pain in the ears; whizzing and rushing in the ears, especially after stooping; report, when swallowing or blowing one's nose; hard hear- ing as if the ear were stopped up, the ear opening when blowing one's nose; the deafness increases or decreases ac- cording as the weather is fair or bad. NITRI-ACIDUM: Dry ears, or discharge of cerumen; stop- page of the ears, with roaring, beating and detonations; fre- quent toothache, with scorbutic affection of the gums; stitches in the teeth and ears. OPIUM: Suitable after apoplexy, or to patients who are liable to epileptic fits; or in alternation with Bell or Hyosc. PETROLEUM: Painful dryness of the inner ear, or discharge of blood and pus; ringing, or rumbling and roaring in the ears; herpes or soreness on or near the ears; frequent tooth- ache, with swollen cheek; bleeding of the gums, pressing pains in the occiput, from within outwards, &c. (It is fre- quently suitable after Nitr-ac.) PHOSPHORUS: Hard hearing, especially deep to the human voice, with loud reverberation of the sounds, especially words, in the ears, extending to the inner head; tendency of blood to the ears, with beating and throbbing; dry feeling, or dis- charge of cerumen. PULSATILLA Hard, black or liquid cerumen, with dis- charge; stitching pains in the ears, or discharge of pus or blood; the ears are stopped, with roaring and whizzing, or beating, murmurings, ringing or chirping; especially suitable to persons of a bland disposition, or to females who are lia- ble to leucorrhoea and other irregularities of the urinary sys- tem. 260 HEARING, &c. SILICEA: Discharge of cerumen; stoppage, passing off with a report, or when blowing the nose; deafness, especially to the human voice, also without noise in the ears, or also with ringing, gurgling and fluttering; the deafness is worse when the moon changes, especially at full or new moon; deafness, alternating with extreme sensitiveness of hearing; crusts behind the ears. SULPHUR: Deafness, especially to the human voice; fre- quent stoppage of the ears, especially when eating or blow- ing one's nose; also on one side only; murmuring or undu- lating sensation in the ears as if caused by water, or whizzing and roaring; tendency of blood to the head; disposition to coryza or other blennorrhoeas, discharge of the ears, &c. 4. Besides we may use: CACTUS: Pulsations in the ears, continuing day and night; noise in the ear, like the running of a river, continuing all night; diminished hearing from the buzzing in the ears; very painful otitis from checked perspiration. EUPATORIUM-PURP.: Reports in the ears, feeling as though they were full; crackling in the ears, like the burning of birch-bark, aggravated upon swallowing anything; squeaking sound in the ears. GELSEMINUM: Rushing and roaring in the ears; sudden and temporary loss of hearing; the pains which ascend from the back to the occiput often affect the ears; digging in the right ear; stitches; pain behind both ears. HYDRASTIS: Roaring in the ears, like cog-wheels, from debility or from catarrh of the inner ear; otorrhoea of thick mucus. LACHNANTHES: Singing in the ears; cracking in the right ear, followed by a sensation as if it would discharge some- thing; tearing and tingling in both ears; crawling in the ear, relieved by boring, but immediately returning; crawling in the right ear, while eating; sensation as of cold in the external ear. RHUS-VEN.: Deafness; vesicular inflammation of the ears, exuding a yellow, watery serum; itching behind left ear. SANGUINARIA: Burning in the ears, with redness of the cheeks; otalgia, with headache; singing in the ears, with vertigo; painful sensitiveness to sudden sounds; humming in the ears, with determination of blood. § 5. Use more particularly, for roaring and whizzing in the ears: 1) Acon. arn. bell. cact. caust. chin. con. gels. graph, hydr. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. u.-vom, petr. puls. sep. sulph. 2) HEARTBURN. 261 Alum. amb. amm. anac. baryt. bor. bry. calc. carb.-v. cham. croc. hep. kal. lach. natr.-m, op. phos. plat. spig. ther. rhod. Buzzing and surring: Arum. bell. caust. con. graph. hyosc. iod. natr.-m. puls. sulph. Thundering, rumbling: Amm.-m. calc. caust. graph. plat. Fluttering, as if of a bird: Aur. bell. calc. caust. graph. petr. puls. sil. spig. sulph. Ringing and singing in the ears: 1) Bell. calc. caust. chin. graph. kal. lachn. lyc. men. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sang. 2) Amm. baryt. bor. chel. con. petr. sil. sulph. Racking, when chewing or moving the jaw: Baryt. calc. eupat.-purp. graph. kal. lachn. men. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. Cracking and detonations in the ears: Graph. kal. mang. natr. sil. staph. zinc. Ringing, as of bells: Ambr. calc. con. led. natr.-m. sil. § 6. For DEAFNESS TO THE HUMAN VOICE: Ars. phos. sil. sulph. For sensation of STOPPAGE: 1) Bry. con. lyc. mang. merc. puls. sil. spig. 2) Calc. caust. graph. kal. iod. lach. men. nitr.-ac. petr. sep. sulph. For sensation as if CLOSED BY SOMETHING IN FRONT: 1) Calc. nitr.-ac. sulph. 2) Acon. ant. carb.-v. chin, cocc. hyosc. led. men. phos. spig. For occasional ALTERNATION, WITH GREAT SENSITIVENESS OF HEARING: Aur. bell. calc. coff. lyc. sep. spig. § 7. Compare: Excessive irritation of the sense of hear- ing, hæmorrhage from the ears, cerumen, otorrhoea, otalgia, and useful indications may also be found by analogy under amblyopia. HEARING, EXCESSIVE IRRITATION of-Principal remedies: 1) Arn. aur. bell. bry. coff. lach. lyc. natr. phos.-ac. sep. spig. 2) Acon. calc. cham. chin. con. graph. merc. n.-vom. petr. phosph. puls. sulph. For sensitiveness to noise, give: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. ign. lyc. n.-vom. 2) Ang. arn. borax. calc. colch. con. ipec. natr. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sep. spig. To music: 1) Bry. natr. phos.-ac. sep. 2) Acon. amb. cham. lyc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. Comp.: NERVOUS IRRITATION, DEBILITY, &c. HEARTBURN, ERUCTATIONS, REGURGITATION, &c. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Arn. bry. cale. carb.-veg. con. ign. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Amm. arn. carb.-an. caust. cocc. graph. natr. sil. staph 262 HEART. tart. val. 3) Alum. amb. ant. bell. cann. canth. caps. chin. cin. croc. cycl. dros. graph. kal. mez. natr. nitr.-ac. petr. ran. rhod. sabad. sassap. stan. sulph.-ac. thuj. 4) Es.-hip. diosc, hyd. § 2. For frequent rising of air, give: 1) Arn. bell. bry. carb.-veg. caust. cocc. con. hep. kal. lach. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. staph. sulph. veratr. 2) Alum. amb. amm.-m. ant. calc. carb.-an. chin. dulc. graph. ign. lyc. mur.-ac. petr. sabad. sassap. sil. spong. stann. sulph.-ac. thuj. val. verb. 3) Es.-hip. bapt. caul. eup.-perf. hyd. iris. pod. Painful eructations require: Coccul. n.-vom. petr. phosph. sabad. sep. Ineffectual urging to eructate: Amb. carb.-an. caust. cocc. con. graph. hyos. ign. kal. magn.-arct. magn.-c. n.-vom. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sulph. zinc. Eructations tasting of the ingesta: Amb. amm. ant. carb.- an. carb.-veg. caust. chin. con. lyc. natr.-m. phosph. puls. sil. § 3. Regurgitation of food : 1) Arn. bry. carb.-veg. graph. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sassap. sulph. sulph.-ac. tart. 2) Ant. bell. calc. can. con. dros. hep. ign. lyc. merc. natr.-m. plumb. staph. veratr. zinc. Regurgitation of undigested food: 1) Bry. cham. con.ign. lach. phosph. 2) Amm.-m. camph. magn.-m. mez. sulph. § 4. Sour eructations or regurgitation: Calc. cham. chin. lyc. n.-vom. phosph. sulph. 2) Amm. ars. bell. caust. ferr. graph. ign. ipec. kal. natr.-m. phos.-ac. puls. sassap. stann. thuj. veratr. 3) Hydr. iris. phytol. robin. pod. Pyrosis, heartburn: 1) Amm. calc. chin, can. croc. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Caps. carb.-an. carb.-veg. caust. dulc. graph. hep. ign. iod. kal. merc. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. sabad. sep. sil. staph. sulph.-ac. 3) Iris. pod. Waterbrash: 1) Ars. calc. carb.-veg. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Baryt. bell. caust. cupr. dros. graph. hep. ipec. led. natr. petr. rhus. sabad. sil. staph. veratr. § 5. Compare: GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, WEAK STOMACH, DERANGEMENT OF THE STOMACH, &C. HEART, DISEASES OF: § 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. ars. aur. bell. cact. carb.-v. cimicif. collins. glonoin, kalm. lauroc. oxal, phos. puls. spig. 2) Arn. benz. cann. caust. kal.-bi. lach. naja.-tr. spong. 3) Amb. apis. asa, con, cupr. kreas. mang. natr. natr.-m. n.- mosch. rhus. sep. sulph. verat.-vir. § 2. For CARDITIS, use: 1) Acon. bry. cact. puls. 2) Cann. caust. cimicif. glon. lach. 3) Apis. ars. bism. cocc. crotal. dig. natr.-m. spig. verat.-vir. HEART. 263 For ENDOCARDITIS in particular: 1) Acon, cann. 2) Ars. bism. bry. cocc. dig. glon. spig. 3) Ápis. caust. crotal. gels. lach. natr.-m. puls. For PERICARDITIS: 1) Ars. bell. cann. colch. crotal. glon. 2) Apis. lob.-inf. ? cact. cimicif. trill. ? verat.-vir. ? For EXUDATIONS in the pericardium: Apis. ars. cann, crot. dig. glon. lauroc. For RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS of the heart: Acon. ars. aur. bry. cact. calc, cimicif. caust. colch. dig. lach. phos. puls. spig. lauroc. For EXUDATIONS AND DEPOSITS: Ars. cann. For VALVULAR AFFECTIONS: Aur. bism. cann. collins. crotal. dig. lauroc. rhus. spig. For ANEURISMA: 1) Aspar. cann. carb.-v. graph. puls. spig. verat. 2) Aur. calc. caust. graph. guaj. lach. lyc. rhus. 3) Ambr. arn. ars. ferr. natr.-m. zinc. 4) Cact. For HYPERTROPHY: 1) Acon. aspar. bism. graph. lyc. puls. spig. verat. 2) Ars. brom. iod. kal.-bi. kalm. phos. spong. 3) Cact. For POLYPI: 1) Lach. 2) Calc.? staph.? 3) Brom. ? § 3. For PALPITATION: Í) Acon. aur. cact. calc. chin, cocc. ferr. gels. iod. lyc. merc. natr.-m. petr. phos. puls. sep. spig. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. asar. bell. bry. caust. cimicif. coff. col- lins. ign. kal. lach. lycopus. n.-vom. phos.-ac. pod. ruta. sang. thuj. verat. 3) Berb. cham. dig. n.-mosch. op. scutol. verat.- vir. For the most common cases, without known cause: Acon. ars. sulph. For palpitation from plethora or rush of blood: 1) Acon. cact. n.-vom. bell. 2) Aur. coff. dig. gels. lach. op. phos. sulph. In the case of nervous or hysteric persons: Asa. cham. cocc. coff, ign. lach. lil.-tigr. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. verat. After emotions: Acon. cham. coff. ign. n.-vom. op. puls. verat.; after chagrin: Acon. cham. ign. n.-vom. ; after fright: Op. or coff.; after sudden joy: Acon. coff.; after great fear or anguish: Verat.; after debilitating loss of fluids: 1) Chin.; 2) N.-vom. phos. sulph.; with onanists: Ferr.; after suppression of eruptions or old ulcers, &c.: Ars. caust. lach. sulph. 84. For PALPITATIONS, especially evenings: Carb.-a. caust. lyc. natr. nitr. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. sep. sulph.; after exertions of the mind: Ign. staph.; of the body: Amm.; from motion: Graph. natrum-m. phos. staph. veratr.; after eating: 1) Lyc.; 264 HEATED. 2) Camph. carb.-a. carb.-v.; 3) Calc. ign. hep. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. puls. sep. sil sulph. thuj.; mornings: 1) Kal.; 2) Carb.-a. ign. n.-vom. phos. ; from every emotion: 1) Puls. ; 2) Nitr.-ac. phos.; from singing in the church: Carb.-a; from lying on the back: Ars. nitr.; from lying on the side: Baryt. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls.; from music: Carb.-a. staph.; at night: 1) Calc. phos. puls.; 2) Ars. ign. lil.-tigr. lyc. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. sil. sulph.; at the menstrual period: 1) Cupr.; 2) Alum. ign. iod. nitr.-ac. phos. rhus. sil. spig.; when sitting: Ang. carb.-v. dig. magn -m. natr. phos. rhus. sil. spig.; after speaking: Puls.; when ascending: 1) Nitr.- ac. sulph. thuj.; 2) Verat.; after stool: Caust. tart.; when ascending stairs: Sulph.; after drinking: Con.; with great anguish: Ars. verat.; with violent crampy pains in left ovary: Naja.-tr. § 5. When the beats of the heart intermit: 1) Chin. kal. lil.-tigr. natr.-m. sep.; 2) Acon. ars. bry. chinin. dig. hep. lach. natr.-m. op. phos.-ac. sulph.; when not in harmony with the pulse: Acon. arn. cann. dig. kal. natr.-m. op. phos.- ac.; irregular: 1) Ars. natr.-m. spig.; 2) Alum. arn. aur. laur. sabin. zinc.; tremulous: 1) Ars. calc. natr.-m. spig. ; 2) Cic. cocc. kal. lach. phos. rhus. staph. § 6. Compare: Congestions of the chest, Emotions, Ple- thora, &c. HEATED, ILL EFFECTS OF GETTING, in consequence of ex- ertions, exposure to the heat of the sun, &c. § 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. bell. bry. camph. carb.-veg. sil.; or, Op. thuj. zinc. § 2. Particular indications: ACONITUM: For the consequences of a stroke of the sun, or of excessive heat of the stove, especially when the patient had been sleeping in the sun or near the hot stove. ANTIMONIUM: One is unable to bear the heat of the sun, or is exhausted by doing the least work in the sun, with night-sweat, constant desire to sleep, gastric symptoms, &c., and in general, if Bryon. should not be sufficient to remove these symptoms. BELLADONNA: Aconite being insufficient, and especially for: headache, with feeling of fullness and sensation as if every thing would issue through the forehead; worse when stoop- ing, moving, or by the least emotion; great anguish and restlessness, rage, or great irritation of the cerebral nerves, HEMERALOPIA.—HERNIA. 265 or great fearfulness, tendency to start, and dread of the things around or near one; disposition to weep and scream. BRYONIA: Painful feeling of fullness in the head; loss of appetite; or loathing, vomiting and diarrhoea; milk is indi- gestible; mobility and trembling; the pressure of the clothes on the hypochondria is troublesome; vehement disposition, fits of anger; dread of the future. CAMPHOR: Acon. or Bell. being insufficient to remove the effects of heat. CARBO-VEG.: Every exposure to heat causes headache, or heaviness, pulsative pains and pressure over the eyes; pain in the eyes, whenever the patient endeavors to look at a thing. SILICEA: The heat causes nausea or other gastric ailments, for which Ant. and Bry. are insufficient. § 3. For the weariness which one often experiences in heavy sultry weather, give: 1) Bry. carb.-veg. n.-vom. rhod. sil.; or, 2) Caust. lach. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. phosph. § 4. Compare: SEASONS and WEATHER, WORN OUT, DE- BILITY, &c. HEMERALOPIA. - The best remedies for this kind of blindness, which commences at twilight, are: 1) Bell. veratr.; or, 2) Merc. hyos. puls. stram. See: Ambliopia, for particular indications. HEPAR SULPHURIS, ILL EFFECTS OF. For poisoning with large doses: 1) Vinegar diluted with water, or citric acid; 2) Mucilaginous drinks and the like, or injections. For secondary ailments and the consequences of medicinal abuse of Hepar, give: 1) Bell.; or, 2) Cham. sil. 3) Alum. igu. graph. HERNIA. § 1. The best remedies for the cure of hernia, are: 1) Amin.-m. aur. cocc. lyc. magn.-c. n.-vom. sil. sulph.-ac. veratr. 2) Cham. clem. magn.-arct. nitr.-ac. rhus. sil. sulph. Hernia of little children, occasioned by constant screaming, requires: Aur. cocc. n.-vom. nitr.-ac. or veratr. § 2. Incarceration of hernia is generally cured, without operation, by: 1) Acon. n.-vom. op. sulph.; or, 2) Ars. bell. lach. veratr. ACONITUM: Violent inflammation of the parts, with burn- ing pains in the abdomen as from hot coal, extreme sensitive- ness to contact, nausea, bitter, bilious vomiting, anguish and 12 266 HEPATITIS. cold sweat; in most cases relief is obtained by one dose, which may be followed by a second dose in one hour; but if no relief sets in after the third dose, give Sulphur. (See below.) NUX-VOM.: The swelling is less painful or sensitive to con- tact, and the vomiting is less violent, but there is great diffi- culty of breathing; the incarceration is caused by a cold, ex- posure to heat, by a fit of anger or by chagrin, or also by irre- gular living, &c. (May be repeated every two hours.) OPIUM: If no relief is obtained after the second dose of Nux, or if the following symptoms occur from the commence- ment: Red face; distended, hard abdomen; putrid eructa- tions or vomiting of fæcal matter. (Repeat every fifteen minutes until relieved.) If the vomiting should be attended by cold sweat and cold- ness of the extremities, Veratr. deserves a preference; and if no improvement takes place after the second dose, give⚫ Bell. SULPHUR: If Aconite remains without effect, or if the bilious vomiting should change to sour. If, after giving the Sulphur, the patient should go to sleep, do not disturb him for some hours at least. If gangrenous symptoms should set in, give Lach.; or, Ars. if Lach. should not suffice. HEPATITIS; inflammation of the LIVER. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. chin. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Aur. calc. chal. euphorb.- cor. kal. lept. lyc. magn.-m. natr. natr-m. nitr.-ac. 3) Alum. ambr. amm. cann. canth. hydr. myr.-cer. n.-mosch. phyt. pod. verat.-vir. 4) Cic. dig. magn.-m. § 2. ACUTE HEPATITIS requires: 1) Acon. 2) Bell. bry. merc. n.-vom. 3) Cham. chin. lach. lyc. puls. sulph. 4) Ars. cocc. phos. podoph. 5) Lept. phyt. § 3. Particular indications: ACONITE Violent inflammatory fever, with stitches in the region of the liver; intolerable pains; icterus present or not; moaning, tossing about, anguish and dread of death. BELLADONNA: Aching pains, extending to the chest and shoulder; distention in the pit of the stomach; tension in the region of the stomach: labored and anxious breathing; the least touch on the epigastrium produces excruciating pains; vomiting; a high degree of sensibility and congestions to HEPATITIS. 267 } the head; obscuration of sight; vertigo, with fainting, burn- ing thirst, anxious tossing about and sleeplessness. BRYONIA: Aching pains, with tension in the hypochondria, yellow-coated tongue; violent oppression of the chest; with hurried anxious breathing, constipation, aggravation of the pains by motion; yellowish face; great thirst. CHAMOMILLA: Dull, aching pains, not aggravated either by pressure or motion or breathing; pressure in the stomach ; tension in the hypochondria; oppression of the chest; yel- low color of the skin; yellow-coated tongue; bitter taste in the mouth; paroxysms of anguish. CHELIDONIUM: Crampy pain in the inner angle of the right shoulder-blade; shooting pain from the liver into the back; pressive pain in the back part of the head, towards the left ear; pressure in the eye-balls; bitter taste in the mouth; nausea; palpitation of the heart, with very quick and irre- gular pulsation and without abnormal sound; constipation. CHINA: Suits more the residues of the inflammation, espe- cially the swelling and hardness of the region of the liver, with intensive disturbances of the digestive organs; head- ache, bitter taste, yellow-coated tongue, yellow color of the skin, debility, aggravation at night or after eating, sensitive- ness to external cold. LACHESIS: Merc. or Bell. being insufficient, or alternately with either, suitable to drunkards; formation of abscesses. LEPTANDRA: Yellow-coated tongue; constant nausea, with vomiting of bile; shooting or aching pains in the region of the liver; loss of appetite; urine of a brownish color, or, at any rate, very dark; pain in transverse colon; dizziness; dark, almost black stools; hot, aching pains in the liver, with chilliness along the spine; sharp, cutting pains near the gall- bladder; great burning distress in the back part of the liver and in the spine. MERCURIUS: The regio hepatica is very sensitive to the touch, to inspiration, coughing, &c.; aching pains, which do not allow one to lie on the right side; bitter taste; loss of appetite; unquenchable thirst for cold drinks; severe chills, alternating with burning fever; nightly exacerbations; great restlessness very yellow color of the skin and eyes. (After Merc., Lach. is frequently suitable.) NUX-VOMICA: Stitches or beating pains, with excessive sensitiveness of the region of the liver to contact; bitter and sour taste; desire to vomit or vomiting; pressure in the hypochondria and region of the stomach, with short breath; 268 HERPES PUSTULOSUS, &c. thirst, red urine, headache, vertigo and paroxysms of an- guish. (After Nux, Sulph. is frequently suitable.) PHOSPHOR.: Icterus in the very highest degree; the powers of life ebbing away with the severe inflammation of the liver; typhoid symptoms predominating; fatty liver. PHYTOLACCA: Digging pains in the right hypochondrium, preventing motion. PODOPHYLLUM: Feeling of fullness and stitches in the right hypochondrium; twisting pains, with sensation of heat in the region of the liver. PULSATILLA: Frequent attacks of anguish, especially at night, with diarrhoea; greenish and slimy stools; desire to vomit; bitter taste in the mouth, yellow-coated tongue; oppressed chest; tension in the hypochondria and pressure in the stomach; thirstlessness. SULPHUR: Frequently after N.-vom., especially when the stitching pains continue, or when the above-mentioned reme- dies are ineffectual or produce only a partial improvement. § 4. The best remedies for CHRONIC affections of the liver, are: 1) N.-vom. sulph. 2) Aur. bell. lach. lyc. magn.-m. natr. 3) Alum. ambr. calc. chin. sil. 4) Chel. ign. iod. laur. sep. 5) Eupat.-per. hydr. iris. lept. pod. sang. For SWELLING or INDURATION of the liver: 1) Ars. calc. chin. con. dig. ferr. magn.-m. n.-vom. sil. sulph. 2) Caps. graph. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. puls. For ABSCESSES IN THE LIVER: Hep. kal. lach, merc. sil. For affections of the liver from MISMANAGED OR Sṛp- PRESSED FEVER AND AGUE: 1) N.-vom. sulph. 2) Calc. caps. lach. natr.-m. puls. 3) Natr. sulph. For BILIOUS CALCULI in the liver: Calc. hep. lach. podoph. sil. sulph. HERPES PUSTULOSUS, ECTHYMA.-Not to be con- founded with rupia, the primitive form of ecthyma being pustulous, that of rupia vesicular; the ecthyma-pustules, at their base, are more inflamed, harder and more firmly seated than in rupia. (See: RUPIA, RHYPIA.) However, rupia and ecthyma being closely related to each other, externally at least, the same remedies will probably do for either eruption. Ecthyma seems to require more parti- cularly: Ars. merc. rhus. sulph.; or, Borax. cham. staph. See: RUPIA and HERPES. HICCOUGH. 269 HERPES OF THE SEXUAL ORGANS, HERPES PRÆPUTIALIS, &c. § 1. For true herpes præputialis (spots on the prepuce): Aur. hep. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. Besides: Dulc. sep. sulph. Itching of the pudendum requires: 1) Calc. carb.-v. con. kal. lyc. natr.-m. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. graph. kreos. magn.-c. nitr.-ac. staph. 3) Calad.-seg. Itching and herpes of the scrotum: 1) Dulc. petr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sulph. 2) Amb. coccul. rhod. thuj. Itching and humor of the anus: 1) Merc. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. thuj. 2) Bar. calc. zinc. See: HERPES, VAGINA, SWELLING OF, PHIMOSIS, &c. HERPES SQUAMOSUS, PSORIASIS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. cic. clem. dulc. led. lyc. merc. sep. sulph. 2) Bry. caust. graph. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. oleand. petr. phos. rhus. thuj. 3) Aur.? cupr.? magn.-c. sassap. ? zinc. ? § 2. For psoriasis infantilis: Calc. cic. lye. merc. sulph. Psoriasis inveterata: 1) Clem. sulph. 2) Calc. merc. petr. rhus. sep. Psoriasis syphilitica: Merc.; or, if much Mercury should have been used: 1) Clem. sassap. sulph. 2) Lyc. n.-jugl nitr.-ac. thuj. 3) Cist.-can. eupat.-perf. phytol. § 3. Psoriasis labialis, with cracked, ulcerated lips: 1) Merc. natr.-m. 2) Calc. graph. mez. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sil. Psoriasis facialis: 1) Calc. sulph. 2) Graph. lyc. sep. 3) Cic. led. merc. oleand. Psoriasis palmaris: Mur.-ac. sulph.-ac. zinc. 2) Aur. calc. graph. hep. merc. petr. sassap. sil. sulph. Psoriasis scrotalis: Petr. nitr.-ac. thuj. §. 4. See: HERPES. HICCOUGH, SINGULTUS. Generally a mere symptom, though sometimes very trou- blesome, and then pointing to the following remedies: 1) Acon. amm.-m. bell. bry. cupr. hyos. ign. magn -m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. stram. sulph. 2) Agar. ars. baryt. borax. calc. carb.-v. cocc, coff. cupr. graph. lach. led. lyc. merc. mur.-ac, natr.-m. nitr.-ac. ruta. sep. sil. spong. staph. veratr. 3) Gels. sang. HOARSENESS, RAUCEDO, APHONIA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Carb.-v. dros. mang. phos. 270 HOARSENESS. spong. 2) Bell. bry. caps. caust. cham. dulc. hep. merc. natr. n.-vom. petr. puls. rhus. samb. sil. sulph. 3) Amb. calc. chin. graph. natr.-m. seneg. stann. veratr. § 2. Catarrhal hoarseness requires: 1) Cham. carb.-v. dulc. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. samb. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. calc. caps. dros. hep. mang. natr. phos. tart. Chronic hoarseness: 1) Carb.-v. caust. hep. mang. petr. phos. sil. sulph.; or, 2) Dros. dulc. rhus. Aphonia (loss of voice): Ant. bell. caust. merc. phos. sulph. § 3. Hoarseness in consequence of measles: Bell. bry. carb.-v. cham. dros. dulc. sulph. In consequence of croup: 1) Hep. phos.; or, 2) Bell. carb.-v. dros. Of bronchial catarrh: Carb.-v. caust. dros. mang. phos. rhus. sil. sulph. Of a cold: Bell, carb.-v. dulc. sulph.; and if aggravated by every return of cold and damp weather: Carb.-v. and Sulph. § 4. As regards affections of the voice, give: a) For monotonous sound of voice, without modulation: Dros. graph. spong. stram. b) For high, fine, shrill voice: Bell. cupr. stann. stram. c) Hollow, dull voice, as if from the grave: 1) Bell. caust. dres. phos. samb. spong. veratr. 2) Camph. carb.-v. hep. ipec. stann. veratr. d) For croaking voice: Acon. cin. ruta. e) Crowing voice: Cupr. stram. f) Loss of voice: 1) Baryt. bell. carb.-veg. caust. phos. 2) Ant. dros. hep. lach. merc. natr.-m. plat. puls. spong. sulph. veratr. g) Nasal voice: 1) Aur. bell. lach. lyc. merc. phos.-ac. 2) Alum. bry. staph. h) Rough, hoarse voice: 1) Carb.-v. dros. mang. phos. spong. 2) Bell, bry. caps. caust, cham. dulc. hep. merc. natr. n.-vom. petr. puls. rhus. samb. sil. sulph. 3) Amb. calc. chin. graph. natr.-m. seneg. stann. veratr. i) Feeble, low voice: 1) Ant. canth. caust. hep. sec. veratr. 2) Bell. carb.-v. chin. lyc. op. spong. staph. k) Deep bass-voice: 1) Chin. dros. sulph. 2) Anac. iod. laur. par. 1) Insonorous voice: Ang. dros. spong. m) Falsetto voice, not pure: 1) Caust. graph. merc. spong. 2) Baryt. camph, chin. eroc, nitr,ac, n.-mosch. sabad. HOME-SICKNESS.-HUNGER. 271 n) Voice that gives out: Dros. spong. o) Hissing voice: Caust. phos. § 5. Compare: BRONCHIAL CATARRH, COUGH, SPEECH DEFICIENT, &c. HOME-SICKNESS, NOSTALGIA. Principal remedies: 1) Caps. merc. phos.-ac.; or, 2) Aur. carb.-an. ign. CAPSICUM: Red cheeks, weeping and sleeplessness. MERCURIUS: Anguish, trembling and restlessness; espe- cially at night, sleeplessness; vexed mood, causing one to complain of every body; desire to escape, &c. PHOSPHORI-ACIDUM: Taciturn; dull mood, hectic fever, with drowsiness and morning-sweat. HONEY, ILL EFFECTS OF POISONOUS. According to Hering, the principal remedy is Camph., by olfaction and as a liniment; then drink black coffee or tea, as hot as you can bear it. HUNGER, CANINE. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. chin. cin. iod. lyc. petr. phos. sil. spig. staph. sulph. veratr. 2) Con. graph. hep. kal. natr.-m. n.-vom. sabad. sep. 3) Bry. coccul. hyos. lach. magn.-m. merc. rhus. squill. § 2. The desire to eat much, gluttonous, requires: 1) Chin. cin. lyc. merc. petr. staph. 2) Calc. natr.-m. sil. sulph. veratr. 3) Collins. eupat.-perf. gels. pod. If this hunger should set in during recovery after violent acute diseases, after debilitating loss of animal fluids or blood, or after other debilitating causes, give: 1) Chin. veratr.; or, 2) Calc. natr.-m. sil. sulph. § 3. Sudden hunger, inducing fainting unless satisfied, requires: 1) Calc. chin. cin. hyos. merc. sabad. sil. spig. 2) Con. magn.-m. natr.-m. n-vom. petr. sep. When the food is readily thrown up again: 1) Bry. n.-vom. phos. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Calc. cin. hyos. lyc. natr.-m. When passed undigested as soon as taken into the stomach: 1) Chin. phos. veratr. 2) Bry. calc. con. merc. sulph. § 4. İf affecting pregnant females: Con. magn.-m. natr.- m. n.-vom. petr. sep. pod. If persons who are affected with worms: Hyos. merc. sabad. sil. spig. 272 HYDROCEPHALUS ACUTUS. § 5. Compare: WEAK STOMACH, GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, MALARIA, &c. HYDROCEPHALUS ACUTUS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. apis. apoc.-can. bell. verat.-vir. 2) Bry. hell. sulph. 3) Arn. ars. cin. con. dig. hyos. lach. merc. op. stram. 4) Art.-vul calc.-c. calc.-phos. cupr. arg.-nitr. zinc. For HYDROCEPHALUS ACUTUS: 1) Acon. apis. bell. calc. 2) Apoc.-can. bry. glon. hell. sulph. tart. zinc. veratr.-vir. For CHRONIC: Ars. hell. sulph. § 2. Particular indications: ACONITE: In the first fever stage where there is very active inflammation, with much heat, restlessness and distress. APIS: The child screams out very sharply in its sleep, espe- cially after suppression of erysipelas, nettlerash, scarlatina; profuse sweat on the head of a musk-like odor; squinting; grating of teeth; trembling of the limbs; irregular, slow pulse. APOCYNUM-CAN.: Heaviness of the head; coma, with stupid drowsiness; involuntary motions of the extremities. BELLADONNA: Almost constant moaning; the child re- mains in a drowsy, sleepy state; starting and jumping. BRYONIA: Acon. and Bell. being insufficient; or for: face red, almost brown-red; the eyes roll about in their sockets, at times closed, at others wide open; dry lips; dry, yellow, brown-coated tongue; more or less constant motion of the jaws, as if chewing something; distended abdomen; con- stipation; scanty urine, or burning while passing it; quick moaning breathing; dry, hot skin over the whole body; thirst, with hasty swallowing of the liquid. CALC.-C. and PHOS. During teething; fontanelles wide open; rachitic scrofulous diathesis. CUPRUM: After catarrhal and exanthematic fevers; diffi- cult dentition. HELLEBORUS: Moderate fever; feeble, not very quick, soft and irregular pulse; labored breathing, occasionally with deep sighs; complete apathy; inability to raise one's self alone; the patient frequently moves his trembling hand to the head; constant relapsing of the head on raising the trunk ; frequent rubbing of the nose; the eyes are half opened, with the pupils turned sideways or upwards, and convulsive move- ments of the lips; dilated pupils; wrinkled forehead and covered with cold sweat; no desire for anything but drink, swallowing it greedily and in large quantities, and moving HYDROPHOBIA. 273 the mouth constantly as if chewing, both before and after drinking; easily angry, striking about, unwilling to have any body near him, and getting the more angry the more kindly he is spoken to; pale and bloated face; stupor; starting fre- quently, with screams and howling; the nostrils become dirty and dry; dropping of the lower jaw; scanty, dark urine, with sediment like coffee grounds. SULPHUR: In cases where suppression of an erruption has preceded the disease; or the child does not get well on ac- count of some constitutional dyscrasia. § 3. We may use besides: ARSENICUM: Great depression of the vital powers, emacia- tion, and a very waxy, pale look; thirst for water, only a little taken at a time, but very often. ARTEMESIA: In the stage of exudation after the futile use of Bell. hell, and cin., with convulsions on the right side and paralysis on the left side; coma; greenish diarrhea; face pale and oldish looking; body cold all over. ARGENTUM-NITR.: According to Grauvogl, in the last stage. He gives it in the sixth dilution, every two hours, and at the same time, Calc. phos., second trit., night and morning. DIGITALIS: Pulse very slow, or irregular, white evacua- tions and bilious vomiting; second stage: the power of vision entirely gone, with dilated pupils, great restlessness. FERRUM-ACETICUM: In weakly anæmic children. HYOSCIAMUS: Delirium, with jerking of the limbs; watery diarrhea; red face; wild staring look and throbbing of the carotids. MERCURIUS: Scorbutic gums; salivation; swelling of the glands; slimy or clay-colored stools, especially of children, who suffer from worms. OPIUM: This remedy is of great value when cholera infan- tum threatens to terminate in this disease. ZINCUM: The child cannot keep its feet still; particularly indicated in dropsies following scarlet fevers. HYDROCEPHALOID: A secondary brain affection, the result of nervous exhaustion and anæmia of the brain, caused by debilitating diarrhoeas and loss of blood, with small and rapid pulse and cold state of the body (a sort of typhoid condition of the brain) requires: 1) Calc. phos. sulph. zinc. 2) Carb.- v. china. kal.-c. merc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. scill. sep. sil. verat. HYDROPHOBIA.-Dr. Hering advises first to apply heat at a distance, and to continue this proceeding until chills set 12* 274 HYDROTHORAX.-HYPOCHONDRIA. in, after which the application of heat is to be renewed three or four times a day, until the wound is healed without leav- ing a cicatrix with discoloration. At the same time the patient is to take a dose of Bell. or Lach., as often as the wound becomes worse, or a dose of Hydrophobin, and this treatment is to be continued until the wound is perfectly healed. If, after the lapse of seven or eight days, a little vesicle should show itself under the tongue, accompanied with febrile motions, it should be opened with a pointed knife, and the mouth should be rinsed with salt-water. If the rage should have actually broken out without any- thing having been done for it previously, give: Bell. or lach., or canth., hyoscyam. and merc., or stram. veratr.-alb. veratr.- vir. apoc. (See: MENTAL DERANGEMENT and PHARYNGITIS.) HYDROPHOBIA, SPURIOUS, DREAD OF WATER, Symp- tomatic hydrophobia. This disease requires: Amm. calc. nitr.-ac. sassap. sep. sulph. The following remedies may likewise be considered, though I have no evidence of their curative powers in this disease: 1) N.-mosch. puls. 2) Amm. ant. bell. carb.-veg. dulc. merc. rhus. spig., &c. HYDROTHORAX.-Principal remedies: 1) Am.-c. ars. bry. carb.-v. dig. hell. kal. lach.merc. spig.; or, 2) Aur. calc. dulc. lyc. sen. squill. stann. 3) Apoc.-can. asclep. sang. For symptoms, see: ASTHMA ; PNEUMONIA; PULMONARY PHTHISIS; HEART, DISEASES OF; CATARRH, SUFFOCATIVE, &C. HYPEROITIS, INFLAMMATION OF THE PALATE.-Principal remedies: 1) Baryt. bar.-m. bell. calc. lach. merc. n.-vom.; or, 2) Acon. aur. chin. coff. sil. Inflammation of the velum, requires: Acon. bell. coff. merc. n.-vom. Inflammation of the palate: 1) Calc. chin. n.-vom.; or, 2) Bar.-c. bar.-m. lach. merc.; or, 3) Aur. bell. sil. Ulceration or caries of the palate: 1) Aur. lach. merc. sil. ; or, 2) Baryt. calc., &c. (See: BONES, DISEASES OF.) If caused by abuse of mercury, give: 1) Aur. lach.; or, 2) Bell. bar.-m. calc. sil., &c. (Compare: SORE THROAT, STO- МАСАСЕ.) HYPOCHONDRIA. § 1. The principal remedies for this condition of the mind HYPOCHONDRIA. 275 are: 1) Nux-v. and then Sulph.; or, 2) Calc. and then Chin. and Nitr.; or, 3) Anac. aur. con. grat. lach. mosch. natr.-m. phos. phos. -ac. sep. staph. If caused by sexual abuse, loss of animal fluids, or other debilitating causes, give: 1) Calc. chin. nux.-v. and sulph.; or, 2) Anac. con. natr.-m. phos.-ac. sep. and staph. If caused by the derangement of the abdominal functions, sedentary mode of life, &c., give: 1) Nux-v. and sulph.; or, 2) Aur. calc. lach. natr. and sil. § 2. Symptomatic indications, as far as possible. CALCAREA: Lowness of spirits, with disposition to weep; paroxysms of anguish, with orgasmus, sanguinis, palpitation of the heart; shocks in the region of the heart; despair about one's health; apprehensions of illness, misfortune, in- fectious diseases, insanity, &c.; dread of death; excessive sensitiveness of all the organs of sense; malaise, aversion to work, inability to think or to perform any mental labor, &c. (Compare: Sulphur.) CHINA: Languor; mental dullness; or excessive sensitive- ness of all the organs of sense; mental distress; discourage- ment, fixed idea that he is unhappy and persecuted by enemies; headache, or boring pain in the vertex; weak di- gestion, with distention of the abdomen, ill-humor, indolence after eating; sleeplessness on account of ideas crowding upon his mind, or restless, unrefreshing sleep, with anxious dreams, tormenting the patient even after he wakes, &c. NATRUM: Lowness of spirits, weeping and lamenting on account of the future; desire to be alone; aversion to life; ill-humor; disposition to vehemence; inability to perform any mental work; headache; want of appetite, feeble diges- tion, ill-humor, and a number of bodily and mental ailments after a meal, and after the least irregularity, &c. NUX-VOM. Ill-humor, despondency, aversion to life, dispo- sition to vehemence; indisposition to work, or to perform any mental labor; fatigue of the mind after the least mental exertion; unrefreshing sleep, aggravation of the distress in the morning; dullness of the head, with aching pains, or sensa- tion as if a pin were sticking in the brain; aversion to the open air, constant desire to lie down, with great exhaustion after walking; painfulness and distention in the region of the hypochondria, epigastrium and the pit of the stomach; constipation, slow action of the bowels, hæmorrhoidal dis- position, &c. (Sulph. is frequently suitable after Nux.) SULPHUR: Lowness of spirits, painful anxiety of mind; 276 HYSTERIA. solicitude on account of one's affairs, health, salvation; fixed ideas; paroxysms of anxiety, with impatience, restlessness, vehement disposition; bodily and mental indolence; absence of mind, irresoluteness; dullness of the head, with inability to perform any mental labor; exhaustion after the least mental exertion; headache, especially on the vertex; fullness and pressure in the pit and region of the stomach; constipation, hæmorrhoidal disposition; disposition to feel very unhappy, &c. (Calc. is frequently suitable after Sulph.) § 3. Use moreover: ANACARDIUM: For sadness, desire to be alone; dread of the future, despondency, fear of approaching death, &c. AURUM: Great restlessness, dread of death, whining mood, painfully anxious state of the mind; inability to reflect, with headache after making the least mental exertion, as if the brain were dashed to pieces, &c. CONIUM: Listlessness, dread of company and death at the same time, &c. GRATIOLA: Peevish, capricious, constipation, oppression of the stomach, after a meal, &c. LACHESIS: Uneasy about one's health; idea that one is hated by one's own family; inability to perform any mental or physical labor, &c. MOSCHUS: The patient complains without knowing what ails him, with anguish, palpitation, &c. NATRUM-MUR.: When Natr. is insufficient, though it seems to be indicated. PHOSPHORUS: Sadness, alternating with mirth and laughter; uneasy about one's health; paroxysms of anguish, when alone, or in stormy weather, with timorous disposition, &c. PHOSPHORI-ACID.: Dread of the future, brooding over one's condition, taciturn, &c. SEPIA: Anxious a boutone's health, feels indifferent even to his own family; aversion to one's own affairs; despond- ing, weary of life. STAPHYSAGRIA: Listless, sad, dreaming of the future; sad distressing thoughts about one's illness; aversion to mental or physical labor; inability to think, &c. § 4. Compare: MENTAL DERANGEMENT; MELANCHOLY, HYSTERIA, EMOTIONS, MORBID. HYSTERIA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Agn. aur. bell. calc. caust, cic. cocc. con. grat. ign. lach. mosch. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phos. plat. puls. sep. sil. stram. sulph. veratr. 2) HYSTERIA. 277 Alet.-far. anac. apis. ars. asa. asclep.-t. bry. cact. ceras cham. chin. cimicif. corn. cyprip. cauloph. gels. iod. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. stann. staph. stram. val. viol.-od. 3) Eryng. eupat.-ar. hed. myric .polyg. scutel. senec. stict. therid-cur. verat.-vir. § 2. a) For general CONVULSIONS: 1) Bell. cic, cocc. ign. ipec. mosch. stram. verat.-alb. verat.-vir. 2) Aur. cham. gels. stann. 3) Bry. calc. caust. coff. con. cupr. magn.-c. magn.-m. plat. puls. sec. sep. sulph. 4) Cauloph. veratr.-vir. b) For AFFECTIONS OF THE MIND AND MORBID EMOTIONS: 1) Aur. calc. con. ign. n.-mosch n.-vom. phos. plat. sulph. 2) Anac. asa. caust. grat. sep. sil. sulph. viol.-od. 3) Cact. gels. senec. c) For HEADACHE: 1) Aur. ign. iris. plat. mosch. sep. 2) Bell. cocc. hep. magn.-c. magn.-m. val. verat. 3) Bry. nitr.- ac. phos. 4) Alet.-f. cact. gels. therid.-cur. d) For SPASMS IN THE THROAT: Con. lyc. magn.-m. plumb. sulph. 2) Asa. caust. gels. senec. e) For GASTRIC AFFECTIONS: 1) Ign. 2) Cham. cocc. magn.-c. n.-vom. f) For ABDOMINAL SPASMS: 1) Ign. 2) cocc. ipec. n.-vom. 3) Magn.-m. mosch. stann. valer. 4) Ars. bell. stram. sulph. verat. g) For VESICAL SPASMS: Asa. puls. sep. h) For MENSTRUAL AND UTERINE difficulties: 1) Cocc. ign. 2) Cic. con. magn.-m. n.-vom. puls. 3) Hyosc. natr.-m. plat. sep. stann. 4) Alet. f. cact. cauloph. senec. verat.-vir. i) For SPASMS IN THE CHEST and difficulty of breathing: 1) Ign. n.-vom. mosch. 2) Acon. ars. bell. coff. u.-mosch. puls. stram. 3) Aur. con. cupr. ipec. phos. stann. § 3. Particular indications: ACONITE Vertigo on rising from a recumbent position; she dreads too much activity about her; constant headache; great and distressing fear of death. ALETRIS-FAR.: Vertigo, with vomiting; sleepiness and stupefaction; flatulency; colic in epigastrium; premature and profuse menses. ANACARDIUM: Great forgetfulness; loss of memory; uses profane language. ARSENICUM: Real hysterical asthma at every little ex- citement; worse the latter part of the night. ASAFOETIDA: Much trouble about the oesophagus; sensa- tion of pressure, or as if a body or lump were ascending in the œsophagus, obliging frequent deglutition to keep it down; soreness in the esophagus, preceded by burning. 278 HYSTERIA. AURUM: Fine eruption on the lips, or face and forehead ; thoughts of suicide, with palpitation of the heart. BELLADONNA: Rush of blood to the head during spasmo- dic attacks, with redness of the face and eyes. CACTUS-GR.: Sadness, taciturnity and irresistible inclina- tion to weep; love of solitude; fear of death; congestive headache; constriction in the uterine region; very painful menstruation with great prostration. CIMICIFUGA: Restlessness and sleeplessness; nervous head- aches, particularly in the forehead and eye-balls, from within. outwards; amenorrhoea and retarded menstruation. CAULOPHYLLUM: Menstrual and uterine epilepsy; hyste- rical convulsions, connected with dysmenorrhoea. COCCULUS: Choking constriction in the upper part of the fauces, with difficulty in breathing and disposition to cough; retarded menses, which finally appear, with great weakness and nausea, even to faintness. CONIUM: Vertigo in a recumbent position; globus hyste- ricus; the breasts swell, become hard and painful before the menses, when the hysterical symptoms increase. GELSEMINUM: Hysterical epilepsy; hysterical convulsions, with spasms of the glottis; excessive irritability of body and mind, with vascular excitement; semi-stupor, with languor and physical prostration; nervous headaches, commencing in the cervical portion of the spinal column and spreading thence over the whole head; hemicrania; dysmenorrhoea of a neu- ralgic or spasmodic character. IGNATIA: Anguish, with shrieking for help, with suffocating constriction of the throat; difficult deglutition; emptiness at the pit of the stomach, with frequent sighing and great despondency; mental symptoms change very often, cheer- fulness, with great despondency. LACHESIS: Sensation as if a lump were rising in the throat, which does not particularly incommode her, but merely feels unpleasant, but she cannot bear the lest pressure externally about her throat, or even about her chest, stomach or abdo- men; aggravation after sleep. LYCOPODIUM: Sensation of satiety and of fullness up to the throat; much flatulency, particularly in the left hypo- chondrium; red sand in the urine; urine pale, especially during the night. MOSCHUS: Violent, long-continued, inveterate scolding, until she falls down in a swoon; great anguish, as if she would die; frequent fainting; constriction of the chest. HYSTERIA. 279 NATRUM-MUR.: Delaying and decreasing menses; som- nambulismus; a constant desire for salt; aversion to bread; relief from perspiration. : NUX-MOSCH. Mental symptoms change frequently and suddenly; excessive tendency to laughter; enormous dis- tension after a meal; vicarious leucorrhoea instead of the menses. PHOSPHORUS: Increase of sexual desire; great sense of weakness in the abdomen; eructations of wind after eating. PLATINA: Self-exaltation and contempt for others; strange titillating sensation, extending from the genital organs up- wards into the abdomen; spasms, with wild shrieks; menses in excess, dark and thick; chilliness predominates; ameliora- tion in the open air. POLYGONUM-PUNCT.: Slight vertigo, with sensation in ex- tremities as of a galvanic shock passing through them; con- stant desire to urinate; warmth and a peculiar sensation of tingling throughout the whole system; amenorrhœa. PULSATILLA: The forms of her symptoms are very change- able. SENECIO: Lowness of spirits, sleeplessness, sensation as if a ball were rising from the stomach in the throat, with dis- position to relieve it by swallowing; amenorrhoea and dis- menorrhoea. : SEPIA Paroxysms of something twisting about in her stomach and rising toward the throat; her tongue becomes stiff and she is speechless and rigid like a statue; painful sensation of emptiness in the pit of the stomach; putrid urine; icy-cold hands and feet; sudden fainting, with pro- fuse sweats and undisturbed consciousness, without being able to speak or stir. SULPHUR: She comes out of her spasms feeling very happy, and every thing seems beautiful to her. Copious discharge of colorless urine at the termination of her spasms. THERIDION: Hysterical affections during puberty and in climacteric years; headache of the worst kind; want of self- confidence; vertigo and nausea increased to vomiting; the least noise increases the headache; anxiety about the heart; violent stitches high up in the chest. VALERIANA: Sensation as if something warm were rising from her stomach, arresting her breathing, with tickling deep in the throat and coughing. VIOLA-ODORATA: Much weeping without knowing why; 2.80 ITCHTHYOSIS.—IMBECILITY. distress in the chest; difficulty in breathing; anxiety and palpitation of the heart. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: Congestive dysmenorrhoea; violent hysterical spasms in plethoric persons. ZINCUM: Incessant and powerful figetty feeling in the feet or lower extremities; she must move them constantly. ICHTHYOSIS. Principal remedies: 1) Clem. hep. plumb. thuj. 2) Alum. ant. coloc. graph. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. 3) Amm. cic. dulc. lach. ran.-sc. rhus. ICTERUS, JAUNDICE: Acon. alone will often remove the whole disease, or merc., provided the patient had not abused it previously, in which case china should be given. Chin. may likewise be given alternately with merc. In obstinate cases, when merc. or chin. are insufficient, hep. sulph. or lach. should be tried, either alone or in alternation with merc. For For jaundice caused by a fit of chagrin or anger, give: Cham. n.-vom. or lach. sulph. or acon. bry. ign. natr.-m. jaundice from abuse of china, give: Merc., or bell. calc. n.- vom. From abuse of merc.: Chin. hep. lach. sulph. From abuse of rubarb Cham. merc. In complication with gall- stones: Carduus-mar. n.-vom. podoph. If caused by taking cold in consequence of sudden changes of temperature: Dulc. n.-vom. cham. By improper food and overloading the sto- mach: Puls. ant.-cr. bry. carb.-v. cham. natr.-c. n.-vom. If being attended with much flatulence: Carb.-v. cham. chin. ign. lyc. n.-vom. plumb. Try moreover: Ars, calc. carb.-v. corn. dig. gels. helon. hydr. lept. n.-vom. pod. sang., or nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. ILEUS, miserere. The characteristic symptom of this affec- tion is: Vomiting of fœcal matter and urine. If caused by intussusception of the intestines, give: Lob. op. plumb. thuj. or cocc.? n.-vom. ? pod. ? sulph.? If caused by inflammation, or by some internal swelling, give: Bry sulph.; or, if fever should be present: Acon. or bell. lach. merc. may be required. (See: Enteritis and Hernia.) IMBECILITY, IDIOCY. Principal remedies are: Bell. hell. hyosc. lach. op. sulph., or anac. croc. n.-mosch. (See: Emotions, morbid.) IMPETIGO, HERPES-CRUSTACEUS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. graph. rhus, sulph. 2) Bell. bov. cic. clem. dulc. lyc. merc, mur. ac. sep. staph. INDOLENCE. INDURATIONS. 281 3) Alnus.-rub. alum. baryt. con. kreas. lach. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. oleand. sass. 4) Amm. carb.-v. caust. hep. jugl. phos. phos.- ac. ran. sil. § 2. For IMPETIGO SCABIDA: 1) Dulc. 2) Graph. lyc. sulph. For IMP. PURIFLUENS: 1) Calc. rhus. sulph. 2) Carb.-v. cic. con. graph. lyc. sep. sil. 3) Nitr.-ac. staph. For IMP. RODENS: 1) Ars. graph. rhus. sulph. 2) Calc. carb.-v. cic. con. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. 3) Bell. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. For IMP. FIGURATA: Ars. calc. clem. dulc. graph. hep. rhus. sulph. For IMP. SPARSA: Cic. lach. sulph. § 3. For SCURFS AROUND THE EYES: 1) Ars. hep. merc. sulph. 2) Calc. oleand. petr. sil. staph. For SCURFS AROUND THE MOUTH: Ars. calc. graph. kreas. rhus. sep. sil. staph. For SCURFS ON THE NIPPLES: Ars. cham. hep. graph. lyc. sulph. INDOLENCE, INDISPOSITION TO MOVE, &c.- Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. caps. chin. guaj. lach. natr. natr.-m. n-vom. sep. 2) Alum. baryt. bell. bry. chell. cocc. dulc. hell. ign. iod. mez. mur.-ac. op. puls. ruta. tart. thuj. Indolence with heaviness, require: 1) Natr. natr.-m. phosph. stann. 2) Asa. calc. chin. dig. ign. kal. mez. nitr.-ac. phos.- ac. rhab. sec. sep. sil. spong. INDURATIONS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. carb.-an. carb.-veg. con. lach. rhus. sep. sil spong. sulph. 2) Agn. alum. baryt. bov. bry. can. cham. clem. dulc. iod. kal. magn.-m. phosph. plumb. ran. staph. 3) Arn. calc. chin. graph. lach. lyc. petr. phos.- ac. puls. squill § 2. Inflammatory indurations (after inflammations): 1) Bell. carb.-veg. chin. clem. lach. magn.-m. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Agn. arn. baryt. bov. bry. calc. cham. con. dule. graph. iod. lyc. puls. sep. sil. staph. Scirrhous indurations: Bell. carb.-an. carb.-veg. cham. clem. con. magn. magn.-m. n.-vom. phosph. sep. sil. staph. sulph. § 3. Compare: GLANDS, DISEASES OF, and CÂNCER. INDURATION OF THE SKIN, CALLOSITIES, &c. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. clem. graph. rhus. sep. 2) Ant. chin, dulc. lach, ran, sil. 282 INFLAMMATION.—INFLUENZA. Hard collosities require: 1) Ant. graph. ran. sep. sil. 2) Dulc. lach. rhus. sulph. thuj. Horny indurations: Ant. graph. ran. sulph. When the hard pieces of skin become detached: 1) Graph. natr. sep. 2) Amm. ant. borax. clem. ran. sil. sulph. INFLAMMATION.-§ 1. The principal specific for in- flammation is Aconite, though this is not the only remedy. Aconite is principally indicated by fever, hard and accelerated pulse, dry skin, &c.; in short, by the so-called sthenic inflam- mations of the old school. § 2. Sulphur is the principal remedy for chronic inflam- mations, though only remedial when indicated by the totality of the symptoms. See: INFLAMMATORY FEVERS. INFLUENZA, GRIPPE. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. bell. caust. merc. n.-vom. 2) Arn. bry. camph. chin. ipec. phosph. puls. sabad. sen. sil. spig. squill. veratr. 3) Cepa. gels. stict.-p. § 2. ACONITUM: Inflammatory symptoms, pleuritic stitches and inflammation of the chest; or for dry, violent and rack ing cough, with or without oppression, stitches in the chest or sides; also for rheumatic symptoms, with bronchial catarrh and sore throat. ARSENICUM: Rheumatic headache with violent pains, fluent coryza and discharge of corrosive mucus; or for: Great de- bility, with aggravation at night or after a meal; spasmodic cough, with desire to vomit, or with vomiting and expectora- tion of watery mucus; running of the eyes; inflamed eyes, with ulcers on the cornea and excessive photophobia. (For this last symptom, Bell or Lach. is sometimes indicated.) BELLADONNA: Spasmodic cough, or excessive aggravation of the headache by talking, bright light, walking or other motions; or when the meningeal membranes are involved, with burning heat, restlessness, delirium and convulsions. CAUSTICUM: Rheumatic pains in the limbs, and chills, ag- gravation by motion; pains in the malar bones and jaws; dry, violent cough, worse at night, with heat of the whole body; sensation in the chest as if raw and excoriated; con- stipation, loss of appetite and nausea, or even vomiting of the ingesta. MERCURIUS: Rheumatic pains in the head, face, ears, teeth and extremities, with sore throat; pleuritic stitches, inflam- INFLUENZA. 283 mation of the chest, with dry, violent, racking, unceasing cough, not allowing the patient to utter a single word; dry or fluent coryza; frequent bleeding at the nose; constipation or mucous or bilious diarrhoea; chill or heat, with profuse sweat. NUX-VOMICA: Rough and hollow cough, with mucous rat- tling or thick expectoration; violent headache as if the brain. were bruised; heaviness of the head, vertigo, pains in the loins, constipation, loss of appetite, nausea and desire to vomit; thirst; sleeplessness or restless sleep, with anxious dreams; stitches or pain in the chest as if raw. § 3. Use besides: ARNICA: Inflammatory symptoms with spurious pleurisy, rheumatic pains in the limbs, crampy headache or bleeding at the nose, and hæmoptysis. BRYONIA: Rheumatic pains in the limbs and chest, not allowing one to move. CAMPHORA: Catarrhal asthma with excessive accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, suffocative fits, and dry and cold skin. CHINA: Debility after the influenza, with loss of appetite and heat without thirst. IPECACUANHA: Paroxysms of cough, accompanied by vio- lent urging to vomit and vomiting of mucus. PHOSPHORUS: The bronchial and laryngeal affection is so intense that the voice becomes altered from the pain, and speech is almost impossible. PULSATILLA Cough day and night, especially when lying, with mucous distress in the bowels, and diarrhoea. SABADILLA: Fluent coryza, dullness of the head, gray- dingy color of the skin, dull cough, with vomiting or spitting of blood, especially when lying down; aggravation of the symptoms in the cold, also towards noon, and still more towards evening; red spots in the face or on the chest. SENEGA: Constant tickling and burning in the larynx and throat, with danger of suffocation when lying. SILICEA: For catarrhal disposition left after an attach of influenza. SPIGELIA: Influenza accompanied by prosopalgia. SQUILLA: Moist cough from the commencement, with mu- cous expectoration. STANNUM Cough dry at first, then moist, with copious expectoration, or when the influenza threatens to assume a phthisicky character. 284 INFLUENZA.—INSECTS. VERATRUM: Influenza accompanied with symptoms of sporadic cholera, with few catarrhal symptoms, but great debility. Compare: CATARRH, BRONCHIAL CATARRH, COUGH. § 4. CEPA: Fluent coryza, with copious lachrymation and aggravation in the open air. CIMICIFUGA: Rheumatic-catarrhal attacks, with pains in the limbs, head, face, eye-balls; chilliness; heat and fluent watery coryza; stuffed condition of the nostrils, with great sensitiveness to cold air, as if the base of the brain were laid bare and every inhalation of the brain brought the cold air in contact with it. EUPATORIUM-PERFOL.: Flowing coryza; sneezing; hoarse- ness, with roughness in the voice; hacking cough in the eve- ning, with soreness in the chest; restlessness; pains and ach- ing in the limbs; the patient is constantly changing his posi- tion, although the pains are not aggravated by repose. GELSEMINUM: Catarrhal fever, with sneezing, watery coryza, soreness of the throat and cough, with rawness in the chest; severe cough, with (in children) a metallic sound, somewhat like croup. PHYTOLACCA: Influenza, with derangement of the diges- tive organs; thin, watery discharge from the nose, which in- creased until the nose became stuffed; inability to breathe through the nostrils; difficulty of swallowing. SANGUINARIA : Intense irritation of the nasal mucous mem- brane; smell in the nose like roasted onions; fluid coryza, with frequent sneezing; influenza, with rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea; loss of smell. STICTA-PUL.: Excessive dryness of the nasal mucous mem- brane, which becomes painful; soft palate, feels like dried leather, with painful deglutition; exacerbation in the latter part of the day and forepart of the night, the morning hours are nearly free from distress; incessant cough during the whole night, dry and hacking from tickling in the larynx, with oppression in the chest ; incessant sneezing, with a feel- ing of fullness in the right side of the forehead, extending down to the root of the nose, with tingling in the right side of the nose. INSECTS, STINGS OF: Acon. arn. bell., or merc., generally procure prompt relief. If the sting should happen on a very sensitive place, caus- 285 INSENSIBILITY.--ISCHURIA. ing fever and inflammation, let the patient smell of Camphor, and give Acon. should camph. be found insufficient. If the tongue be stung by a bee, give A con. and then Arn., and if no relief should be obtained, give Bell., in water, and afterwards Mercury, if the Bell. should cease to act. For stings in the eye, give Acon. and Arn. alternately; Acon. for one hour, and let the Arnica act from three to four hours. INSENSIBILITY TO EXTERNAL PHYSICAL IMPRESSIONS. If this condition should exist during illness to such an extent that no remedy seems to effect the patient, give: 1) Carb.-v. laur. oleand. op. phos.-ac. 2) Anac. bell. camph. carb.-a. hyosc. lach. stram, sulph. IODIUM, ILL EFFECTS OF: For poisoning with large doses, give: 1) Starch, mixed with water. 2) Wheat flour. 3) Mucilaginous drinks. For secondary affections, or drug symptoms, give Bell., then Phos; or Ars. chin. coff. hep. spong. sulph. IRON, ILL EFFECTS OF. Principal remedies: 1) Chin. hep. puls. 2) Arn. ars. bell. ipec. merc. verat. ISCHIAS, COXALGIA, COXARTHROCACE. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. bry. calc. colch. coloc. hep. merc. puls. rhus. sulph.; or, 2) Ant. arg. arn. ars. asa. aur. canth. cham. dig. graph. kreas. lach. lyc. n.-vom. sep. staph. § 2. Genuine coxalgia seems to require: 1) Bry. calc. caust. led. rhus.; 2) Ant. bell. colch. coloc. lach. merc n.- vom. puls. sep. sulph. Nervous coxalgia (ischias): 1) Puls. 2) Arn. bell. coloc. lyc. rhus. sep. Coxarthrocace: Coloc. phos.-ac.; or, Calc. hep. sil. sulph. zinc. Luxatio or claudicatio spontanea (involuntary limping): Merc. and Bell., alternately, every few days a dose; or, Calc. coloc. lyc. puls. rhus. sulph. zine. § 3. See: COXARTHROCACE, GOUT, NEURALGIA, RHEUMA- TISM, PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, &c. ISCHURIA-Spasmodic ischuria requires: 1) N.-vom. op. puls.; or, 2) Aur. canth. con. dig. hyos. lach. rhus. veratr. Compare: URINARY DIFFICULTIES. 286 ITCH. For ischuria paralytica, give: Ars. dulc. hyos., &c. See: URINARY DIFFICULTIES. ITCH, SCABIES. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Merc. and sulph.; or, 2) Carb.-veg. caust. clem. hep. lach. lyc. rhus. sep. veratr.; or, 3) Dulc. natr. phos.-ac squill. § 2. For dry itch, give Merc. and Sulph. alternately every four, six or eight days, until an improvement takes place, or the symptoms change; these new symptoms generally indi- cate: Carb.-veg. or Hep., provided it is the dry itch, or Čaust., if a few pustules should have supervened. The symptoms which remain after Carb.-veg. or Hep. frequently yield to Sep. or Veratr. § 3. For pustulous itch give first Sulph. and Lyc. alter- nately as above. If the itch should become drier, give Carb.- veg. or Merc. Give Caust. once a day, if Sulph. or Lyc. remain without effect. If Caust. should not produce a change in two or three days, give a dose of Mercury every forty- eight hours. If ulcers should form, give Clem. or Rhus-t.; if the pus- tules should change to large vesicles of a yellowish or bluish color, give Lach. § 4. Itch mismanaged by Sulphur-ointment, requires Merc. or Caust.; or, Calc. dulc. nitr.-ac. puls. selen. sep. If mis- managed by the Sulphur and Mercurial-ointment, give: Chin. and Caust. alternately, and then the above-mentioned reme- dies. The so-called bakers' itch requires: 1) Sulph. lyc.; or, 2) Calc. dulc. rhus. and graph. § 5. Other eruptions are easily confounded with the itch. Impetigo, eczema, &c., exactly resembling the itch, may be gradually developed by uncleanliness, vermin; and the only difference between these eruptions and the itch is, that the acarus, this only true pathognomonic characteristic of the itch, is wanting in the former. For acarous itch, Sulph. is undoubtedly the principal spe- cific, though it seems by no means impossible that Caust. merc., &c., might cause such an alteration in the cutaneous exhalations as would lead to the destruction of the acarus, which I regard as the cause, not the effect, of the itch. Í know of a young man who contracted an eruption in conse- quence of having slept in an unclean bed on a journey, and who removed it by a wash of tobacco-juice and vinegar. ITCHING OF THE SKIN. 287 " This acarous itch admits of a mere external treatment, with the Sulphur-ointment, without exposing the patient to the danger of contracting secondary diseases. Of course I do not wish to be understood as if I would sanction the treatment, by external applications, of the various itch-like eruptions where the acarus is not present. These are the eruptions to which Hahnemann's psora-doctrine should be applied, and the suppression of which, by salves and washes, will induce the various secondary affections enumerated by Hahnemann and Autenrieth. The proper way, therefore, would be to distingish, 1) Sca- bies acarosa, which can be treated externally without danger, provided the acarus is the cause, not the effect of the disease; 2) Scabies Impetiginosa, eczematica, &c., dynamic diseases requiring a purely internal treatment. As regards symptoms, I recommend for eruptions seated in the folds of joints, and especially in the hands and between the fingers, if characterized by itching: a) Generally: 1) Sulph. 2) Carb.-veg. caust. merc. selen. sep. sulph. 3) Ant. ars. lach. veratr. 4) Coloc. dulc. cupr. kreos. mang. phos.-ac. squill. tart. zinc. b) For eruptions readily bleeding: 1) Merc. 2) Calc. dulc. sulph. c) Dry and rash-like eruptions: 1) Carb.-veg. merc. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Calc. caust. cupr. dulc. led. veratr. d) Humid eruptions: 1) Carb.-veg. graph. lyc. sulph. 2) Caust. clem. kreas. sep. staph. e) Pustulous eruptions: 1) Caust. kreas. merc. sep. sulph. 2) Ant. squill. § 6. See ERUPTIONS and HERPES." * ITCHING OF THE ANUS. Aconite is an excellent remedy, especially if the skin be inflamed; we may likewise try: Merc. nitr.-ac. sepia. sulph. thuj.; and: Baryt. calc. zinc. at long intervals. See: HERPES, ITCHING OF THE SKIN, HÆMORRHOIDS, WORM AFFECTIONS. ITCHING OF THE SKIN, PRURITUS, PRURIGO SIMPLEX. § 1. This itching may depend upon a variety of causes, of which the principal are: 1) a simple irritation of the * An excellent means of removing inveterate itch, is the hydropathic treatment. I know of a case that had been treated homœopathically for a whole year, here and in Europe, without the least success, and finally yielded completely to hydropathic treatment (at Brattleborough) in the short space of five weeks.-Hempel. • 288 LABOR. skin, by sweat, &c. 2) A so-called humor characterized by a very fine vesicular eruption. § 2. For simple itching, in the evening while undressing, or after having got warm in bed, or by exercise, give: 1) Bry. n.-vom. op. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Coccul oleand. The acrid humor about the anus, sexual organs, &c. (pru- rigo) requires: 1) Calc. merc. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Carb.- veg. con. natr.-m. sil. 3) Alum. amb. amm. baryt. caust. coccul. graph. lyc. phosph. rhus. thuj. § 3. For itching of the anus, give: 1) Alum. amm. calc. carb.-veg. caust. lyc. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Baryt. kal. phosph. sil. thuj. zinc. Itching of the scrotum: 1) Nitr.-ac. petr. sulph. 2) Amb. carb.-veg. caust. coccul. graph. lyc. thuj. Itching of the pudendum: 1) Calc. carb.-veg. con. natr.- m. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. amb. amm. merc. nitr.-ac. rhus. § 4. Compare: HERPES OF THE SEXUAL ORGANs and anus, and ERUPTIONS, HERPES. LABOR. § 1. The best remedies to facilitate labor, or to remove dynamic difficulties, are: 1) Cham. coff. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. puls. sec. 2) Acon. bell. calc. 3) Caul. macrot. gossip. gels. § 2. SPASMODIC pains require: 1) Coff. n.-vom. 2) Bell. cham. n.-mosch. puls. COFFEA: For VIOLENT pains, driving the patient to despair; if Coffea should not help, give Aconite. NUX-VOMICA: Pains without actual labor, with constant urging to go to stool or to urinate. If n.-vom. should not suffice, give: 1) Cham. or bell.; or, 2) N.-mosch. or puls. § 3. WEAK OR DEFICIENT PAINS require: Bell. chanı. gels. kal. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. puls. ruta. sec. sep. BELLADONNA: The pains come on suddenly and disappear after a time, as suddenly as they came; spasmodic contrac- tions of the neck, which is hot, dry and tender; throbbing headache, with great sensibility to light and noise. GELSEMINUM: Cutting in the abdomen, from before back- wards and upwards, rendering the labor-pains useless. IPECACUANHA: Constant nausea; the pains are distressing by reason of a sharp cutting about the navel, which darts off towards the uterus, hindering the proper action of the womb. KALI-C.: The pains begin in the back, and instead of com- ing round in front pass off down the buttocks, or they are LABOR. 289 sharp and cutting across the lumbar region, arresting con- tractions. NATR.-MUR.: Very sad and foreboding, so much so that labor goes on very slowly, from feeble pains. NUX-VOMICA: Every pain causes an inclination to go to stool or to urinate; every pain causes fainting, and thus in- terrupts the progress of labor; retarded and painful labor in women used to sedentary life or to high living. OPIUM: The pains have been suppressed from fear or fright. She is in a soporous state, with red face and eyes and sterto- rous breathing; twitching and jerking muscles. PULSATILLA: Inactivity of the uterus; the pains excite palpitations, suffocation and fainting spells, unless the doors and windows are wide open. SECALE: For weak cachectic women, or in women weak- ened from venous hæmorrhages, no matter whether spasmo- dic pains or no pains are present. § 4. If the PLACENTA should not be expelled readily, or should adhere to the uterus, give: Puls. or sec. If Puls. should not be sufficient, or if there should be tendency of blood to the head, red face, glistening eyes, dryness of the skin and vagina, great anguish and restlessness, Bell. is the best remedy. § 5. VIOLENT AND LONG-LASTING AFTER-PAINS require; 1) Arn. cham. coff. 2) Calc. n.-vom. puls. xanthox-fr. CHAMOMILLA: Pains very distressing; she can hardly bear them; she is irritated and ill-natured. Dark lochial discharge. COFFEA: Sleeplessness; the after-pains are distressing and she feels them very acutely. CUPRUM-AC. Terrible crampy pains; pains which produce cramps in the extremities. NUX-VOM.: Aching pains; every pain causes an inclination to go to stool. § 6. CONVULSIONS or SPASMS during labor, require: 1) Gels. hyosc. ign. 2) Bell. cham, cic. cupr. lach. op. puls. stram. zinc. ACONITE: When in their incipiency there is a hot, dry skin, thirst, restlessness, fear of death. ARGENT-NITR.: Constant motion from the time she comes out of one spasm till she goes into another; the spasms are violent and are preceded by a sensation of expansion of the whole body. ARNICA: The pulse is full and strong, and during every pain the blood rushes violently to the face and head; symp- 13 290 LABOR. toms of paralysis of the left side; loss of consciousness; involuntary discharge of stool and urine. BELLADONNA: Convulsive movements in the limbs and muscles of the face; paralysis of the right side of the tongue; difficult deglutition; renewal of the fits at every pain; more or less tossing between the spasms, or deep sleep, with gri- maces, or starts and cries, with fearful visions. CICUTA Strange contortions of the upper part of the body and limbs during the paroxysms, with blue face and frequent interruptions of breathing for a few moments. CUPRUM: Spasms, complicated with violent vomiting; opisthotonos with every paroxysm, with spreading out of the limbs and opening of the mouth. GELSEMINUM: Premonitory symptoms: The head feels very large; the spasms occur as the first symptom of the os uteri being unchanged, or perhaps rigid. HYOSCIAMUS: Bluish color of the face, and twitchings and jactitations in every muscle of the body. IGNATIA: Deep sighing and sobbing, with a strange com- pressed feeling of the brain. LACHESIS: Violent convulsions in the lower limbs, with coldness of the feet; stretching backwards of the body and crying out. OPIUM: Sopor, with stertorous respiration; incoherent wandering and convulsive rigidity of the body, with redness, swelling and heat of the face. PULSATILLA The countenance is cold, clammy and pale; loss of consciousness and of motion; stertorous breathing and full pulse. STRAMONIUM: Frightened appearance before and after the convulsions commence; sardonic grin; stammering, or loss of speech; loss of consciousness and sensibility; frightful visions; laughter; singing; attempts to escape. VERAT.-VIR.: Great activity of the arterial system; con- vulsions or mania. § 7. DERANGEMENT OF THE LOCHIAL DISCHARGES. BELLADONNA: Offensive lochia, feeling hot to the parts; delirium and frightful visions. CHAMOMILLA: Suppression of the lochia, followed by diar- rhoea, colic, toothache, irritability. COFFEA: The discharge is too profuse, with an exalted nervous sensibility. CARBO.-AR.: Lochia too long-continued, thin, offensive, ex- coriating, with numbness in the limbs. LAGOPHTHALMUS.-LASSITUDE. 291 KREASOTE: Very offensive lochia, almost ceasing and ex- coriating; then it freshens up and again almost disappears, to freshen up once more. PLATINA: A little discharge remains, but it is black and clotted; great tenderness of the genital organs. PULSATILLA The milk has disappeared from the breasts; the scanty lochial discharge is milky. SEPIA: Offensive, fetid, excoriating lochia, with little sharp-shooting pains in the region of the neck of the uterus. §8. INJURIES OF THE SEXUAL PARTS in consequence of painful labor, require ARNICA, bathing the parts with ten drops in eight ounces of water. For METRORRHAGIA, use: 1) Croc. plat. 2) Bell. cham. ferr. sabin. Compare: Metrorrhagia. See, also: Confinement. LAGOPHTALMOS, PARALYSIS OF THE EYE-LIDS. Prin- cipal remedies: 1) Bell. nitr.-ac. sep. spig stram. verat. zinc. 2) Cale. cham. coce. hyose. n.-vom. op. puls. plumb. rhus. LARYNGITIS and LARYNGEAL PHTHISIS. Prin- cipal remedies: 1) Acon. carb.-v. caust. dros. hep. iod. phos. spong. 2) Arg. ars. brom. lach. n.-vom. sang. 3) Arg.-n. bell. canth. kreas. merc. samb. tart. verat. 4) Bry. calc. cham. cist. eryng. ipec. led. mang. nitr. nitr.-ac. seneg. stann. stilling. 5) Esc.-h.? ampel.? rum. ? For ANGINA LARYNGEA: 1) Acon. bell. hep. phos. spong. 2) Ars. carb.-v. cham. dros. iod. ipec. merc. seneg. tart. For PHTHISIS LARYNGEA: 1) Ars. calc. carb.-v. caust. cist. iod. phos. sulph. 2.) Arg. hep. kreas. mang. nitr.-ac. spong. 3) Arg.-n. dros. dulc. kal.-bi. lach. led. seneg. sil. For ULCERATION OF THE LARYNX: 1) Ars. calc. carb.-veg. phos. 2) Caust. dros. hep. kreas. nitr.-ac. spong. 3) Arg. arg.-n. iod. kal.-bi. led. mang. sulph. For preachers, teachers, and generally for people who use their voice continually: 1) Calc. 2) Arg. lach. See: Hoarseness, Cough, Bronchitis, Tracheitis, Pha- ryngitis. LASSITUDE, or debility from bodily or mental exertions, asthenia. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. carb.-v. chin. ipec. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. staph. sulph. verat. 2) Acon. amm. arn. baryt. calc. camph. caust. cocc. ferr. graph. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. oleand. rhus. sec. sep. sil. 3) Anac. arg.-n. bar.-m. cann, canth. cham. con. cupr. dig. dulc. 292 LAUGHTER.-LEAD. fluor.-ac. hyosc. kreas. magn.-m. mosch. mur.-ac. petr. plat. stann. zinc. § 2. For DEBILITY from GREAT LOSS OF FLUIDS, the chief remedy is China. 2) Calc. carb -v. cin, lach. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sulph. verat. 3) nitr.-ac. sulph.-ac. § 3. For DEBILITY from SEXUAL EXCESSES, but without onanism: 1) China. 2) Calc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sil. staph. sulph. 3) Anac. arn. carb.-v. con. merc. natr.-m. phos. sep. Calcarea: Great debility, tremor of the legs, lassitude and headache after every coitus. Staphys.: Asthmatic paroxysm with hypochondria after coitus. § 4. The consequences of ONANISM require n.-vom., fol- lowed by sulph. and calc.; should phos.-ac. and staph. not suffice, Carb.v. cin. cocc. con. natr.-m. n.-mosch, phos. are also recommended. China is not indicated, as the disease is not caused by loss of fluids, but by nervous derangement. To eradicate the tendency to this vice, give: 1) Sulph. calc. 2) Chin. cocc. merc. phos. 3) Ant. carb.-v. major. plat. puls. 5. If worn out by BODILY EXERTIONS: Acon, arn, ars. bry. calc. chin. cocc. coff. merc. rhus. sil. verat. If by fre- quent watching: Carb.-v. cocc. n -yom. puls. By excessive study: Bell. calc. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. By sedentary habits: N.-vom. sulph. § 6. For debility after severe acute diseases, give: 1) Chin. hep. sil. verat. 2) Calc. kal. natr.-m. phos.-ac. sulph. If the patient lost much blood by venesections: Chin. phos.- ac. sulph.-ac. For young people, who grow too fast: Phos.-ac. For debility of old people: Aur. baryt. chin. con. op. § 7. For HYSTERICAL AND NERVOUS DEBILITY, see Hysteria. LAUGHTER, spasmodic, HYSTERIC. Principal remedies: 1) Aur. calc. con. ign. 2) Alum. bell. caust. croc. cupr. phos. zinc. 3) Anac. asa. cic. hyosc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. plat. stram. verat. For risus sardonicus, frequently a dangerous symptom in severe cerebral affections, are proposed: Ran.-sc. zinc.-ox. LEAD, ill effects of. § 1. Poisoning with large doses re- quires: 1) Sulphate of magnesia, dissolved in water, as a drink. 2) Sulphate of potash. 3) Soap water. 4) Albumen. 5) Milk. 6) Mucilaginous drinks or injections. § 2. The subsequent dynamic ailments require: Alum. bell. n.-vom. op. plat. These remedies likewise remove the drug-symptoms occasioned by lead. LEPRA.-LEUCORRHEA. 293 LEPRA. Hering recommends: Alum. ars. carb.-a. carb.- v. caust. comoclad. graph. natr. petr. phos. sep. sil. sulph. For the spots and tumors of leprous patients, give: Alum. natr. sil. LEUCORRHŒA, FLUOR-ALBUS, WHITES. 1. This affection depends upon an inflammatory irrita- tion of the vaginal mucous membrane, or upon some more deep-seated affection of the uterus. In the former case, even if the disease should be very obstinate and malignant, the following remedies should be principally used: 1) Calc. merc. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Esc.-hip. aletr. alum. amb. amm. caul. cimicif. carb.-a. carb.-v. chin. cocc. con. graph. ham. hel. kal. kreas. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. phos. phyt. pod. ruta. sabin. senec. sil. stann. trill. zinc. 3) Acon. agn. asclep.-inc. bapt. bov. cann. caust. chimaph. dros. eupat.-purp. hep. hydr. iris. iod. lach. myric. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. phos.-ac. rhus.-gl. sulph.-ac. § 2. As regards symptoms, give: a) For BLUISH: Ambra. For BLOODY MUCUS: 1) Baryt. calc. carb.-v. cauloph. cocc. con. eupat.-purp. ham. hydr. kreas. nabul. nitr.-ac. pod. puls.- nut. pod. senec. sep. sulph.-ac. 2) Canth. chin. murex. zinc. For BROWN: Amm.-m. cocc. nitr.-ac. For THICK: 1) Ars. bor. carb.-v. con. magn.-m. natr. natr.- m. puls. pod. sep. 2) Caul. murex. THIN, WATERY: Alum. amm. carb.-a. carb.-v. euphorb. graph. magn.-c. magn.-m. puls. sil. sulph. PURULENT: Chin. cocc. con. ign. merc. nitr.-ac. sep. ALBUMINOUS: Amm.-m. bor. bov. mez. nabul. petr. plat. YELLOW: Ars. carb.-a. carb.-v. cham. hedeom. kal. kreas. lyc. natr. phos.-ac. sabin. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Hydr.? senec.? GREEN: Carb.-v. lach. merc. natr.-m, nitr.-ac. sep. MILKY: Amm. calc. carb.-v. con. lyc. phos. puls. sabin. sil. sulph.-ac. sep. SLIMY: Ambr. amm. calc. carb.-v. chin, con. lach, magn.-c. merc. mez. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. sass. sep. stann. tart. thuj. zinc. FETID: 1) Caps. kreas. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sabin. sep. 2) Aral.? bapt.? rhus-gl. ? trill. ? b) For BURNING: Alum. amm. calc. carb.-a. con. hedeom. kreas. puls. sulph.-ac. SMARTING, ITCHING: Calc. cham. con. ferr. lach. merc. phos. sep. sil. sulph. 294 LICE-MALADY. CORROSIVE, ACRID: Alum. amm. ars. bor. bovist. carb.-v. cham. con. hep. hedeom. ign. kreas. merc. natr.-m, nitr.-ac. nymph. phos. puls. ran. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. sulph.-ac. c) For leucorrhoea PRECEDING THE MENSES: Alum. baryt. calc. chin. graph. kreas. lach. phos. puls. sep. sulph. zinc. DURING THE MENSES, or IN THEIR STEAD: Alum, chin. cocc. lach. puls. zinc. After the menses: Alum. calc. graph. kreas. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. puls. rut. sil. sulph. BETWEEN the menses: Calc. con. d) For leucorrhoea accompanied with ABDOMINAL SPASMS or COLIC: Caust. cocc. dros. ign. lyċ. magn.-c. magn.-m. puls. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. With PAINS IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK: Baryt. caust. con. graph. natr.-m. kreas. æsc.-hip. carbol.-ac. • With GREAT DEBILITY: 1) Baryt. chin. kreas. stann. 2) Aletr.-far. bapt. helon. hydr. With HEADACHE: Natr.-m. With YELLOW COMPLEXION: Chin. ferr. natr.-m. sep. With PALE FACE: Ars. calc. graph, kreas. lyc. natr.-m. puls. sep. §. 3. Compare Amenia and menstrual irregularities. LICE-MALADY, PHTHIRIASIS. § 1. For lice on the head and other parts of the body, the best remedy is cleanliness and regular habits. If lice should have formed, use: For lice on the head: Frequent washing with vinegar, mixed with part of a solution of one spoonful of tobacco- juice in a tumblerful of water, or snuff in place of the juice. If the scalp should not be sound, or if the children are very small, it is best to use the vinegar without tobacco-juice. The same mode of washing should be adopted for lice on other parts of the body. Tobacco-juice is likewise the best remedy for lice of the sexual organs, either in the shape of a wash of equal parts of tobacco-juice and vinegar, or of an ointment made of snuff and lard. If the use of tobacco should induce unpleasant symptoms, diarrhoea, vomiting, &c., Puls. will remove them very speedily. If the lice should have got into one's clothes, those have to be heated in an oven; nothing else will clean them. § 2. Spontaneous generation of lice in the skin or in boils and tumors on the skin, requires: 1) Ars. chin. staph.; or, 2) LICHEN.LITHIASIS. 295 Merc. sulph.: or, 3) Lach. ? magn.-arct.? oleand. ? sabad.? These remedies deserve confirmation. LICHEN.-Principal remedies: Acon. bry. cic. cocc. dulc. lyc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. sulph. Lichen simplex: 1) Coccul. dulc. 2) Acon. bry. puls. Lichen agrius: Cic. lyc. mur.-ac. sulph. Lichen strofulus: Cic. caust. cham. merc. sulph.-Graph. rhus. Try likewise: Agar. amm. ars. calc. carb.-veg. con. phos.- ac. staph. stront. LIENITIS, SPLENITIS, and other affections of the spleen. Principal remedies: 1) Agn. arn. bry. caps. chin. ign. n.-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Acon. ferr. iod. mez.? Acute lienitis requires principally: China.; also, Acon. ară. ars. bry. n.-vom. Acon. when there is inflammatory fever. ARNICA: China being insufficient, especially for aching, stitching pains arresting the breathing, or for typhoid symp- toms, with languor, listlessness, dullness of sense; the patient does not think that he is very sick. ARSENICUM: Frequent bloody diarrhoeic stools, with burn- ing, great debility; or when the disease assumes an intermit- tent character, and China is insufficient. BRYONIA: The swelling continuing after giving China, Ars. or Nux-v., with stitching pains in the region of the spleen during motion. CHINA: After Acon., or even from the commencement, for aching, stitching pains, or when the disease has an intermit- tent character. NUX-VOMICA: After Chin. or Ars., the swelling and the aching pain in the stomach continuing, and the general state of the patient being the same. For constipation, swelling and induration of the spleen, give: Ars. caps. chin. ign. sulph. ; or, iod. mez. ? LITHIASIS, Gravel. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Lyc. sassap. 2) Ant, cale. cann. n.-vom. petr. phosph. ruta. sep. sil. zinc. 3) Alum. amb. amm. arn. canth. chin. lach. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. thuj. uva. § 2. For stone in the bladder: Cann. sassap. uva. For gravel: 1) Lyc. sassap. 2) Ant. calc. phosph. ruta. sıl. zinc. § 3. See SECRETION OF URINE and URINARY DIFFICULTIES. 296 LOCK-JAW.-MACULÆ. LOCK-JAW, TRISMUS.-A mere symptom, though_indi- cating principally: 1) Camph. hyosc. igr. veratr. 2) Lach. merc. plat. sil. 3) Acon. ang. camph. hydroc. cal. laur. merc. mosch. n.-vom. plumb. phosph. LOVE, UNHAPPY, ILL EFFECTS OF: Generally re- moved by: 1) Aur. hyosc. ign. phos.-ac. staph. 2) Lach. puls. sulph. Melancholy, weeping, religious mania: Aur. puls. sulph. Jealousy: Hyos. lach. n.-vom. Grief: Ign., or, Phos.-ac. staph. Hectic fever: Phos.-ac. staph., or, Puls. LUMBAGO.-Principal remedies: Bry. nux-v. puls. rhus.-t. sulph.-See RHEUMATISM, PAINS IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK, and PAINS IN THE BACK. LUPIÆ. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. daph. graph. kal.; and 2) Hep. nitr.-ac. sil. sulph. I have so far cured every case of lupia with one dose of Calcarea 30, allowing it to act seven or eight weeks. The swelling generally commences to diminish in the 4th to the 7th week. For Steatoma the principal remedy seems to be Bar.-c. For Ganglia: Sil., or sometimes, Amm. or Phos. MACULÆ, EPHELIDES, PURPURA, &c. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bry. lyc. natr. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. ars. calc. carb.-veg. con. graph. hyos. lach. merc. n.-vom. nitr.-ac. oleand. sabad. staph. sulph.-ac. § 2. For Ephelides (freckles): 1) Lyc. phosph. sulph. verat. 2) Amm. ant. calc. dulc. graph. natr. nitr.-ac. puls. Hepatic spots: 1) Lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Ant. carb.-veg. con. dulc. hyos. lach. natr. n.-vom. phosph. Furfuraceous spots (ptyriasis): Ars. alum. bry. lyc. phosph. sep.; and when these spots are seated on the head or along the border of the hair scalp: Ars. and alum, or Calc. graph. oleand. staph. Spots of pregnant females yield to: Sep. or con. Moles (nævi) to: Carb.-veg. sulph. 2) Calc. graph. sulph.-ac. § 3. Blue-red spots require: Bell. phosph. Bloody spots: 1) Ars. bry. rhus. 2) Hyos. led. phosph. sec. sulph.-ac. (See PETECHIA.) Brown-red: 1) Nitr.-ac. phosph. 2) Cann. : MAGNESIA.—MALACIA. 297 Yellow: Arn. ferr. petr. phosph. sulph. Greenish: Arn. con. sep. Copper-colored: Ars. carb.-an. kreas. mez. rhus. ruta. veratr. Red: 1) Carb.-veg. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. phosph. sep. 2) Arn. con. kal. sulph. sulph.-ac. If growing pale in the cold: Sabad. Spots as if by contusion, shock, blow: 1) Con. 2) Arn. sulph.-ac. (See PETECHIA.) Scarlet: 1) Amm. bell. merc. phosph. 2) Croc. euphorb. hyos. sulph. Violet: Phos. veratr. Black: Ars. lach. rhus. sec. Wine-colored: Coccul. sep. White: see § 4. § 4. White leprous spots: 1) Ars. sil. 2) Alum. phosph. sep. sulph. Rose-colored: Natr. phosph. sil. Syphilitic (copper-colored, violet): Merc. nitr.-ac. § 5. See PETECHIA, ECCHYMOSES, Purpura, &c. MAGNESIA, ILL EFFECTS OF.-The principal anti- dotes of this medicine when given in too large quantities, are: Ars. cham. coff. coloc. n.-vom. puls. rhab. ARSENICUM: For violent, burning pains, worse at night and compelling one to leave the bed. CHAMOMILLA: Violent colic with or without diarrhoea. COFFEA: Sleeplessness and nervous excitement. COLOCYNTH: Excessive spasmodic pains, constipation or slow stool. NUX-VOM. Obstinate constipation, or constipation with colic, Colocynth having proved ineffectual. PULSATILLA : Spasmodic colic with leucorrhoea, or watery diarrhoea with colic, after Rhubarb had been tried without effect. RHUBARB: Watery, sour diarrhoea, with colic and tenesmus. MALACIA, desire for strange or exceptional things. a) Desire for beer: Acon. caust. coccol. merc. natr. n.-vom. petrol. puls. sulph. For brandy: Ars. china. hepar. n.-vom. upi. selen. sepia. sulph. Wine: Acon. bry. calc. cicut. hepar. laches. sepia. staph. sulph. Spirits generally: Hepar. puls. sulph. sulph.-ac. Refreshing things: Caust. coccul. phosph. phos.-ac. puls. rhab. sabin. valer. Coffee: Angust. ars. aur. bryon. carb.-veg. coni. Milk: Ars. bovist. merc. rhus. sabad, silic. staph. 13* 298 MAMMÆ AND NIPPLES. b) Fat: Nux-v. nitr.-ac. Herrings: Nitr.-ac. veratr. Smoked things: Caust. Meat: Helleb. magnes.-carb. sulph. Vegetables: Alum. magnes.-c. Oysters: Laches. Cucrim- bers: Ant. veratr. Sourkrout: Carb.-an. cham. Flour: Sabad. Warm food: Cycl. ferr. lyc. Bread: Ars. bell. natr. natr.-m. puls. Liquids: Bry. ferr. merc. staph. sulph. c) Bitter things: Dig. natr.-m. Salt things: Carb.-veg. caust. coni. mephid. veratr. Sour things: Ant. arn. ars. bor. bryon. cham. hepar. ignat. kali. phosph. puls. sepia. squill. stram. sulph. veratr. Sweet, dainties: Amm. baryt. china. ipecac. kali. lycop. magnes.-m. natr. rhab. rhus. sabad. sulph. Juicy things: Phos.-ac. Fruit: Alum. ignat. magnes.-c. sulph.-ac. veratr. d) Desire for clay, chalk, lime: Nitr.-ac. nux-v. coal: Cicut. con. For char- Comp.: GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, WEAK STOMACH, &c. MAMMÆ AND NIPPLES. § 1. The best remedies for sore nipples are: 1) Arn. sulph. 2) Calc. cham. crot.-tig. graph. ign. lyc. merc. puls. sep. sil. CHAMOMILLA is suitable for inflamed or ulcerated nipples, provided the patient had not previously used it to excess, in which case, Ign. or puls., or, perhaps, Merc. and sil. are the best remedies. For SIMPLE SORENESS use Arn.; and if this should not be sufficient, Sulph. or calc. hel. Afterwards we may require: Caust. graph. lyc. merc. n.- vom. sep. sil. § 2. For MASTITIS give: 1) Bell. bry. carb.-a. cist. graph. hell. hep. lach. merc. phos. phyt. sil. sulph. verat.-vir. BELLADONNA: The breasts are swollen and hard, with stitching and tearing pains, and erysipelatous redness radiat- ing from a central point, (acts well in alternation with Bry.) BRYONIA: The breasts are hard, rigid, turgescent, with tensive or stitching pains on the swelling, and burning heat on the outside, especially when there are febrile motions, heat, vascular irritation; she feels sick on first sitting up in bed or in a chair, and still more sick on standing up; consti- pation, stools dry, looking as if burnt; thirst for large quan- tities of water; as prophylactic on the 2d to the 4th day it controls the flow of milk. CACTUS: Particularly indicated in scrofulous subjects, when there is the greatest sensibility to cold air; inflamma- MANIA OF SUICIDE. 299 tion and suppuration of the breast, with a sense of fullness in the chest. GRAPHITES: In all cases, where there are so many old scars from former ulcerations that the milk cannot flow. HEPAR: When suppuration has set in, in spite of Bell. bry., &c. LACHESIS: When the breast has a bluish or purplish ap- pearance, and she has chills at night and flushes of heat in daytime. MERCURIUS: Hard swelling of the breast, with sore or raw pain; the baby refuses the milk, which is not good; other mercurial symptoms. PHOSPHORUS: Inflammation of the mammæ, threatening ulceration, with stitching or cutting pain; hectic fever and night sweats; fistulous ulcers with blue appearance and hard and callous edges. PHYTOLACCA: The hardness is very apparent from the first, the breast is sensitive and more or less painful. SILICEA: Particularly in fistulous ulcers, the discharge. being thin and watery, or thick and offensive; symptoms of hectic fever. SULPHUR: Inflammation running in radii from the nipple; profuse suppuration, with chilliness in the fore-part of the day and heat in the after-part. VERAT.-VIR.: Complication of all these troubles, with great arterial excitement. § 3. The principal remedies for INDURATION and LUMPS of the breasts, are: 1) Carb.-a. cist. con. phyt. sil. 2) Clem. coloc. graph. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. ol.-jec. phos. puls. sep. sulph. If caused by A BLOW OR SHOCK, give: Árn. carb.-a. con. For the sensation of EXTENSION in the breast, give: Merc. n.-vom. sec. sep. CANCER OF THE MAMMA requires: 1) Apis. ars. aster.-rub. clem. hydr. oxal. phyt. sil. 2) Bell. con. graph. hep? kreas. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. ATROPHIA MAMMA requires: Con. iod. nitr.-ac. sass. MANIA OF SUICIDE. - Principal remedies: 1) Ars. aur. n.-vom. puls. 2) Alum. amb. amm. bell. lach. nitr.-ac. plat. sep. 3) Ant. carb.-v. chin. dros. hep, hyosc. mez. rhus. sec. spig. stram. tart. For disposition to hang or choke one's self; Ars.; to drown one's self: Bell. dros. hyosc. puls. sec.; to shoot one's self: Ant. carb.-V. 300 MARASMUS SENILIS. MEASLES MORBILLI. When accompanied with GREAT DREAD OF DEATH: Acon. alum. chin. nitr.-ac. plat. rhus. When the mania is caused by excessive anguish or fear: 1) Aur. n.-vom. puls. 2) Bell. caust. chin. dros. hep. plat. rhus. spong. staph. When by SADNESS, MELANCHOLY, &c.: 1) Aur. lach. 2) Carb.-v. hep. plat. ruta. spong. sulph. sulph.-ac. When by DESPAIR: Amb. carb.-v. hyosc. lach. natr. sep. 2) Cact. eup.-purp. lob. MARASMUS SENILIS.-Principal remedies: Baryt. con. op. phos. sec. PURPURA SENILIS: 1) Con. 2) Ars. bry. rhus. sec. sulph.-ac. 3) Lach. ? op. ? baryt. MEASLES, MORBILLI. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. gels. puls. 2) Bell. bry. chin. phos. sulph. verat.-vir. § 2. To facilitate the eruption and to abbreviate the pre- cursory stage, give: Acon. gels. puls., or verat.-vir.; or even Coffea, should the patients be very restless, sleepless, beside themselves, or toss about. PHOTOPHOBIA is frequently relieved by Bell., if Acon. and puls. should not be sufficient; also, Phos. sulph.. The COUGH Sometimes requires a dose of Coff. hep., or Sticta after Acon.; real pulmonary catarrh, or inflammation of the chest, sometimes requires Bry. § 3. If the irruption should RECEDE, give: Bry. phos. puls.; or, 2) Ars. bell. caust. hell. sulph. The CEREBRAL symptoms require: Î) Bell. gels. stram. ; or, 2) Ars. hell. puls. verat.-vir. The PULMONARY symptoms: Bry. phos. sulph. TYPHOID, PUTRID symptoms: 1) Phos. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. bapt. carb.-v. mur.-ac. phos.-ac. sulph.-ac. § 4. For the SEQULÆ of measles, give: Bry. carb.-v. cham. chin. dros. dulc. euphr. hyosc. ign. n.-mosch. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. The CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS, such as cough, hoarseness, sore throat, &c., require: Bry. carb.-v. cham, con. dros. dulc. hyosc. ign. n.-vom. sep. stict. sulph.; for dry and hollow cough: Alianthus, cham. ign. n.-vom. stict.; for spasmodic: 1) Bell. cin. hyosc.; 2) Carb.-v. dros.; 3) Canth. cupr. dig. ipec. rum. sang.; for dry short cough: Coff. The MUCOUS DIARRHEIC stools require: Chin. merc. puls. sulph. OTITIS AND OTORRHŒA: 1) Puls. 2) Carb.-v. 3) Cact. colch. lyc. men. merc. nitr.-ac. sulph. MEASLES MORBILLI. 301 PAROTITIS yields to Arn. or rhus., and the white rash to n.-vom. § 5. Particular indications: ACONITE Vertigo; red and painful eyes, with photopho- bia; coryza, sore throat, with hoarseness and dry, hollow hacking cough; stitches in the sides and chest; sleepless- ness, or little sleep, with vivid dreams and sudden starting; dry heat all over, with red and hot face, or bloated face bleeding at the nose; frequent urging to urinate; vomiting, or colic, with diarrhoea. ; APIS; Confluent eruption and oedematous swelling of the skin; greatly inflamed eyes; croupy cough; violent cough, similar to hooping-cough; catarrh of the bowels, with diar- rhoea; prostration, muttering and delirium. BELLADONNA: Swelling of the parotid glands, with ptyal ism; sore throat, with difficult deglutition and painful stitches when swallowing; hoarseness and dry cough, which fatigues the chest, with oppression and suffocative fits; dry heat, with violent aching in the forehead, delirium and convulsive twitching of the limbs; violent thirst; anguish and restless- ness, with nervousness and sleeplessness; moaning and drowsiness. BRYONIA: The eruption does not fully develop itself, it ap pears pale, and there is much dyspnea; rheumatic pains in the limbs, with dry cough and stitches in the chest, when breathing or coughing. GELSEMINUM: Chilliness, watery discharge from the nose, hoarseness, with feeling of soreness in the throat and chest, rawness of the chest, with cough; specifically indicated during the eruptive stage. PHOSPHORUS: Violent and very exhausting cough; dry cough, with desire to vomit or vomiting; typhoid symptoms, with loss of consciousness; watery diarrhoea; tongue coated with dirty thick mucus; black lips; debility; complication, with bronchitis. PULSATILLA In almost every stage of the disease, and in most cases, even with putrid and typhoid symptoms, or for slow and tardy appearance of the eruption; inflammation of the inner and outer ear, with or without discharge; dry mouth, without thirst; short and dry cough; stitches in the chest; chronic loose cough after measles. STRAMONIUM: Delirium, with frightful visions of rats, mice, &c.; desire to hide one's self; spasmodic symptoms in the pharynx and difficulty of swallowing. 302 MEASLES MORBILLI. SULPHUR: The eruption fails to make its appearance and the catarrhal symptoms become continually worse and worse; ophthalmia, with scanty eruption, or violent otalgia, with purulent discharge; hardness of hearing; tearing and beat- ing in the head; pain in the limbs and lameness; or when typhoid symptoms are present, with moist cough and puru- lent discharge. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: During the febrile stage, especially if pulmonary congestion is to be feared, with dyspnoea, cough and pains in the chest; convulsions preceding the outbreak of the eruption. § 6. Apply moreover: ARSENICUM: black measles; or, retrocession of the erup- tion; sallow complexion, with blue or greenish-brown stripes; crusts around the mouth; bloated face, pale and red; burn- ing, beating pains in the eyes, with photophobia; typhoid symptoms; vomiting; diarrhea; great sinking of strength; all worse about midnight. CHINA: Violent colic, with unquenchable thirst; abdo- minal ailments, with frequent stools; emaciation; pale face; debility and no fever. CAMPHOR: When there is much coldness and blueness of the skin; the face is pale; the child does not wish to be covered; the eruption does not appear; also, in different after complaints, especially painful and difficult micturition. DULCAMARA: Retrocession of the eruption from exposure to damp cold air. EUPHRASIA: Streaming of hot, burning tears from the eyes, with great photophobia; profuse running from the nose, without burning; cough only during the day. IPECACUANHA: Much nausea; short, hurried breathing; incessant and most violent cough with every breath; gastric symptoms, with violent fever. KALI-BICHROM.: Flowing of water from the eyes, with burning, when opening them; pustules on the cornea; stitches. in the left car, extending into neck and head; watery dis- charges from the nose, with great sensitiveness and ulcera- tion of the nostrils; loud rattling cough, with stringy expec- toration. MERCURIUS: The glands of the throat are much swollen, with difficulty of swallowing; slimy stools, streaked with blood. STICTA-PUL.: incessant dry or spasmodic cough, worse in the evening and during the night, with oppression of the MELANCHOLIA. 303 lungs and the feeling of a hard mass collected there; sleep- lessness. § 7. Compare: Inflammatory Fevers, Exanthemata, Rubeola, Scarlatina. MELANCHOLIA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. aur. bell. ign. lach. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Calc. caust. cocc. con. graph. hell. hyos. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. sil. stram. veratr. For black melancholy: 1) Ars. aur. lach. n.-vom.; or, 2) Ant. anac. calc. graph. merc. sulph. For silent melancholy: 1) Cocc. hell. ign. lyc. phos.-ac. puls. sil. veratr.; or, 2) Con. petr. sulph., &c. For religious melancholy: Aur. bell. lach, lyc. puls. sulph. § 2. Particular indications: ARSENICUM: Periodical attacks of anguish and restlessness, restless moving about, inability to remain quiet in bed or to sit still; the anguish sets in at night, or in the evening at twilight; disposition to weep: fixed idea that one has offended every body, or cannot lead a happy life; fear, with disposi- tion to kill one's self, or excessive fear of death; oppressive and compressive sensation in the pit of the stomach; hot and red face, &c. AURUM: Violent præcordial anguish, weeping, praying, palpitation of the heart, aversion to life, desire to kill one's self; disposition to despair of one's self and of the respect of others, and to consider every thing from the worst side; inability to perform mental labor, even the least; frequent buzzing in the ears and headache; bruised pain of the brain after every mental labor; affections of the liver, &c. BELLADONNA: Great anguish, especially at the approach of persons; disposition to attack people, followed by tears of repentance; or restless, gloomy and whining moods, with listlessness and indifference; amorous paroxysms; spasms in the throat and urinary passages; excited sexual instinct, &c. IGNATIA: Taciturn, staring look; grief, indifference to every thing; anguish, palpitation of the heart; disposition to cry; desire to be alone; debility; frequent sighing; sallow, sunken face; falling off of the hair, &c. LACHESIS: Anguish and restlessness, inducing the patient to go out into the open air; low spirits, with longing to give one's self up to grief, to despair of one's salvation; frequent sighing; followed by relief, &c. PULSATILLA: Great tendency to start; anguish, with desire 304 MEMORY. to drown one's self; sleeplessness, with anguish, or restless sleep with anxious dreams; anxious contractive sensation in the chest, especially in the evening or at night, with asthma and suffocative fits; despair of salvation, with constant pray- ing; great disposition to weep, or to sit still with folded hands, &c. SULPHUR: Anguish, with apprehension about one's fate, domestic affairs, salvation; disposition to sit still and listless- ly, or to despair and escape; fear, anguish, whining mood, praying and complaining of impious thoughts that crowd upon one; pale face; great listlessness, &c. § 3. See: MENTAL DERANGEMENT, EMOTIONS, MORBID; HOME-SICKNESS; HYPOCHONDRIA, &c. MEMORY, WEAK, INABILITY TO THINK. § 1. Principal remedies: Aur. arn. calc. carb.-veg. chin. lach. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom, puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. § 2. If caused by debilitating loss of animal fluids, give: Chin. nux-vom. and sulph. (Compare: DEBILITY.) If caused by excessive studying and mental labor, give: 1) N.-vom. and sulph.; or, 2) Aur. calc. lach. natr. natr.-m. puls. sil. (Compare: LASSITUDE.) If caused by external injuries, as a blow, fall on the head, &c., give: Arn.; or, perhaps, Cic. merc. rhus. If by abuse of spirits: Nux-v.; or, Calc. lach. op. merc. puls. sulph. Compare: DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. If caused by violent emotions, fright, grief, anger, &c. 1) Acon. staph.; or, 2) Phos.-ac. op., &c. Compare: Emotions. If caused by exposure to wet or dampness, give: 1) Carb.- veg. rhus. veratr.; or, 2) Calc. puls. sil. If by congestion of blood to the head: Chin. merc. rhus. sulph. § 3. Use moreover: For general morbid state of the head: 1) Aur. bell. calc. hyos. lach. lyc. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. puls. sep. stram. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. anac. caust. chin. coccul. hell. hep. ign. merc. natr. natr.-m. phosph. plat. rhus. sil. staph." For weak memory: 1) Anac. bell. hyos. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. rhus. staph. sulph. 2) Alum. bry. calc. con. cycl graph. hell. hep. oleand. petr. sil. stram. veratr. zinc. MENINGITIS. 305 For loss of memory: Anac. bell. bry. con. hep. hyos. natr.- m. op. petr. puls. sil. stram. veratr. For difficult comprehension: Amb. calc. con. cycl. hell. ign. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch. oleand. op. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. staph. stram. thuj. For slow flow of ideas: Alum. amm. aur. calc. carb.-veg hyos. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. petr. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. For loss of ideas: Alum. amm. caust. hell. hyos. lach. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. oleand. staph. thuj. veratr. For dullness of sense, idiocy, &c.: Alum. bell. calc. hell. hyos. natr. natr.-m. oleand. op. phos.-ac. sep. staph. stram. sulph. § 4. Comp.: MENTAL DERANGEMENT; EMOTIONS, MORBID ; HEADACHE, &c. MENINGITIS, ENCEPHALITIS. § 1. These two affections have been arranged under one head, because their symptoms are almost alike. The best remedy for meningitis is Bell., which is sometimes to be preceded by Acon. In some cases we have to give: 2) Bry. gels. hyosc. op. stram. sulph.; or, 3) Esc.-gl. camph. canth. cimicif. cin. cocc. cupr. dig. hell. lach. lachn. merc. tart. veratr.-vir., but especially Apis. glon. § 2. Meningitis of CHILDREN requires: Acon. bell. cin. hell. lach. merc., or Apis. glon. Meningitis caused by a STROKE OF THE SUN: Arn. bell. gels. scutel. verat.-vir., or, Camph. glon. lach. therid. Meningitis from suppression of ERYSIPELAS, or some other eruption, such as scarlatina, requires: 1) Bell. rhus. 2) Apis. lach. merc. phos.; and if caused by SUPPRESSION OF OTOR- RHEA, give Puls. or sulph. If caused by CONGELATION, or a mere cold in the head, give: Acon. bry., or, Ars. hyosc. If meningitis threatens to pass into HYDROCEPHALUS, give: 1) Bell. bry. hell. 2) Apis. arn. apoc.-can. dig. cin. con. hyosc. op. stram. verat.-vir. (See Hydrocephalus.) § 3. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Inflammatory fever, delirium, violent burning pains through the whole brain, especially in the forehead; red and bloated face, red eyes, &c.; full of anxiety and fear of death. APIS: Especially after suppression of erysipelas, urticaria, scarlatina, &c. 306 MENINGITIS. ARNICA: When the disorder results from a concussion. BELLADONNA: Boring with the head into the pillow: sen- sitiveness to light and noise; or, for violent burning and stitch- ing pains in the head; red, sparkling eyes, with furious look; red and bloated face; sopor, with distorted and half-opened eyes; heat in the head, with violent throbbing of the caro- tids; swelling of the veins of the head; loss of conscious- ness and speech, or muttering, violent delirium; convulsive inovements of the limbs; spasmodic constriction of the throat, with difficult deglutition and other hydrophobic symptoms; vomiting; involuntary discharge of urine and fæces. BRYONIA: Chills, livid-red face, heat about the head, great thirst; constant sopor, with delirium; sudden starting from sleep, screams and cold sweat on the forehead; burning and aching pains in the head or stitches shooting through the brain; more or less constant motion of the jaws, as if chew- ing something; constipation. CINA: Vomiting, with clean tongue, or discharge of worms by the mouth or rectum; milky-white urine; the child is cross and peevish. GELSEMINUM: Intense and overwhelming congestion of the brain in children during the period of dentition; coup de soleil; excruciating headache, with nausea, giddiness and blindness. GLONOINE: Sun-stroke; throbbing headache, aggravated by shaking the head, and attended with great quickness of pulse; headache ascending from below upwards and from within outwards, with feeling as if the brain were swelling or getting too large; redness of the eyes, with soreness of the globe of the eyes. HYOSCIAMUS: Stupor, loss of consciousness, delirium, the patient talking of his domestic affairs; singing, muttering, smiling, grasping at flocks, sudden starting; watery diar- rhoea; red face, with staring look. LACHNANTHES: Fever, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks and brilliant eyes; restlessness, wakefulness, whining on account of headache; sensation as if the vertex were enlarged and driven upwards; wry neck. OPIUM: Lethargy, stertorous breathing, with the eyes half- closed and stupefaction after waking; frequent vomiting; complete listlessness and dullness of sense; the patient not desiring nor complaining of any thing. STRAMONIUM: The sleep is almost natural, with twitch- ing of the limbs, moaning, tossing about, absence of mind H MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. 307 after waking; or staring look; slow and shy retreating, or desire to escape, with screams; frightful visions; feverish heat, red face and moist skin. VERATRUM-VIR.: Sun-stroke; fullness, weight or distention of the head; giddiness; intense headache, with fullness and throbbing of the arteries, sometimes with stupefaction; in- creased sensitiveness to sound, with buzzing, roaring, &c.; double, partial, luminous, painful, dim or otherwise disordered vision; nausea and vomiting; tingling and numbness in the limbs; mental confusion; loss of memory; convulsions or paralysis of motion. § 4. Apply moreover: CAMPHORA: After sun-stroke, with convulsions, pulling the head sideways; loss of consciousness; delirium; constricting pain in the occiput and over the bridge of the nose. CARBO-VEG.: Congestion of the brain from over-heated rooms, with spasmodic constriction, nausea and pressure over the eyes; feeling of coryza. CUPRUM: After a sudden suppression of erysipelas, or with great loss of strength, convulsions in the extremities, loss of consciousness; heavy moaning-breathing, quick pulse, which cannot be counted any more. He bites in the glass, when drinking. PULSATILLA: When the inflammation was caused by sup- pression of an otorrhoea, or any other discharge. MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES, SPASMS, COLIC, DIFFI- CULT MENSTRUATION, MOLIMINA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. bry. calc. cocc. coff. graph. ign. n.-vom. phos. plat. puls. sec. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. amm. amm.-m. carb.-veg. caust. cupr. kal. kreas. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. petr. sil. zine. 3) Baryt. borax. cham. chel. con. phos.ae. sabin. stram. tabac. Particular indications: BELLADONNA : Colic before the menses, with great languor, loss of appetite and obscuration of sight; or the menses are accompanied by sweat on the chest at night, frequent yawn- ing, chills, colic: præcordial anguish, burning thirst, pains in the loins and spasmodic pains in the back; pressing down in the abdomen, as if the contents would push through the sexual parts, with heaviness as from a stone; the limbs go to sleep while sitting, with pressure on the rectum; tendency of the blood to the chest and head. with beating pains, heat 308 MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. about the head, red and bloated face; suitable to young, plethoric subjects. BRYONIA: Tendency of the blood to the chest or head, with short cough and frequently bleeding; leucorrhoea, rheu- matic pains in the limbs; aching or burning pain in the sto- mach; pressure and fullness in the epigastrium; chilliness or frequent shuddering; constipation. CALCAREA: Tendency of the blood to the head, with stupe- faction and vertigo; or tearing, boring headache, made worse by an emotion or by a change of weather; leucorrhoea, colic, pain in the back and spasmodic pains in the small of the back; violent colicky pains; loss of appetite; asthmatic ail- ments; toothache, nausea, or vomiting. CHAMOMILLA: Violent colic after profuse and premature menses, with great sensitiveness of the abdomen to contact, as if the inner parts were ulcerated; pains in the small of the back and abdominal spasms of the worst kind, with diar- rhoeic, greenish or whitish stools; nausea, eructations, desire to vomit, yellow-coated tongue, and bitter taste in the mouth; especially suitable when the blood is of a dark color, clotty, and when there are fainting fits with thirst, cold limbs, pale and worn-out appearance. COCCULUS: Premature menses, with abdominal spasms, or feeble menses, with leucorrhoea between the menses, or dis- charge of a few drops of black, coagulated blood, with ach- ing colicky pains, flatulence, nausea unto fainting, laming weakness, oppression and spasms of the chest, anguish and convulsive motions of the extremities; or reddish leucorrhoea in the place of the menses, mixed with purulent and blood- streaked serum. COFFEA: Excessively painful and violent paroxysms of colic, with excessive discharge of blood, profuse secretion of mucus, voluptuous itching and excessive sexual excitement. GRAPHITES: The menses are too scanty and short, the blood being thick and black or watery and pale; colic and abdominal spasms, headache, nausea, pains in the chest, bronchial catarrh or coryza; great debility, rheumatic pains in the limbs; ædematous swelling of the feet and legs; herpes or toothache with swelling of the cheeks. IGNATIA : Premature and profuse menses, with thick, clotty blood; spasmodic colic; painful heaviness in the head, pho- tophobia, anguish, palpitation of the heart and great debility unto fainting. NUX-VOMICA: Premature, profuse and long-lasting menses, MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. 309 preceded by drawing pains in the nape of the neck; or for: uterine spasms with aching pain in the hypogastrium down to the thighs; nausea with fainting, especially in the morn- ing; languor, chill, rheumatic pains in the limbs; pains in the small of the back as if bruised; constipation, with ineffectual urging; frequent pressure on the bladder, without result; sensation as if the abdomen would burst; tendency of the blood to the head, with vertigo and headache; irritable, quar- relsome mood, or restless and beside herself. PHOSPHORUS: Scanty menses, preceded by leucorrhoea, whining mood, colicky pains and cutting as if with knives, vomiting of bile, mucus and food: or the menses delay at first, and then appear so much more profusely and last so much longer, accompanied with great debility, blue margins around the eyes, emaciation and restlessness; or stitching headache, bruised pain in the limbs, palpitation of the heart, spitting of blood, chills, and swelling of the gums or cheek. PLATINA: The menses are too profuse and last too long, or they appear too early, with discharge of black and slimy blood; leucorrhoea before and after the menses; spasmodic colic, with painful pressure over the sexual parts; frequent desire to urinate; constipation or hard stools; colic; loss of appetite; frequent paroxysms of vertigo or anguish, with restlessness and weeping; discharge of black and thick blood; sleepless nights; short breath and suspicious mood. PULSATILLA: Delaying menses with discharge of black and coagulated or pale and watery blood; or for: colic, abdo- minal spasms, pains in the liver, cardialgia, pains in the small of the back, nausea, desire to vomit, or sour and slimy vom- iting; megrim; vertigo; chilliness, with pale face; a good deal of urging on the rectum and bladder; leuchorrhoea; whining mood, or anguish; sadness and melancholy. SECALE: The menses are too scanty or last too long, with tearing or cutting colicky pains; cold extremities; pale face; cold sweat; great debility; small and almost suppressed pulse. SEPIA: Profuse or not very scanty menses, with leucor- rhoea, spasmodic colic and pressure over the sexual organs, headache, rigidity of the limbs, toothache and melancholy. SULPHUR: Premature and profuse menses, or scanty menses, with discharge of pale blood; or when the menses are pre- ceded, accompanied or succeeded by: colicky pains, abdo- minal spasms, headache, tendency of the blood to the head, bleeding at the nose, pains in the small of the back; great 310 MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. restlessness and anguish; toothache; heartburn; cardialgia, itching of the pudendum and leuchorrhea; asthmatic com- plaints; cough, or epileptic convulsions. § 2. Apply moreover: ALUMINA: The menses delay, but finally appear, being too pale and too scanty; during her menses corroding urine is frequently passed day and night; after the menses she is ex- hausted in body and mind. AMMONIUM-CARB.: Premature and abundant menses, pre- ceded by griping, colic and want of appetite; or the dis- charge is blackish, in clots, and passes off with pain in the abdomen; constipation, paleness of the face. ALETRIS-FAR.: Colic in the hypogastrium; pressure in the region of the uterus; labor-like pains at the time of the menses; weight in the uterine region; premature and pro- fuse menses. ASCLEPIAS-SYR.: Neuralgic type; intermitting, bearing down, labor-like pains, accompanied with a copious discharge of urine. APIS-MEL.: Congestive type; violent, labor-like, bearing down pains, followed by discharge of scanty, dark, bloody mucus; stinging pain in the ovaries; scanty dark urine; wax-colored skin. BROMINE: Violent contractive spasms during the menses, lasting from six to twelve hours, leaving the parts sore; emission of large quantities of flatus during the menses, with slight pain in the abdomen; membranous dysmenorrhoea; hard swelling in the ovarian region; blue-eyed persons. CACTUS-GR.: Terrible pains in paroxysms during menstrua- tion, mostly in the evening; the scanty menses cease when lying down. CANTHARIS: Membranous dysmenorrhoea, with the pecu- liar dysuria of this remedy. CAULOPHYLLUM: Sensation as if the uterus were congested, with fullness, heaviness and tension in the hypogastric region; spasmodic pains in the uterus, broad ligaments and various portions of the hypogastric region, with sympathetic cramps of the neighboring organs, as of the bladder, rectum or bowels. CIMICIFUGA: Rheumatic, neuralgic and congestive dys- menorrhoea, with hysterical convulsions, before the menses; headache, with severe pains in the eye-balls, increased by the slightest movement, during the menses; aching in the limbs, severe pain in the back, down the thighs and through the MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. 311 hips, with heavy pressing down, labor-like pain, weeping mood, nervousness, hysteric spasms, cramps, tenderness of the hypogastric region, scanty flow of coagulated blood or pro- fuse flow; between the menses, debility, nervous erethism, neuralgic pains, tendency to prolapsus. COLLINSONIA: Dysmenorrhoea, with hæmorrhoids, consti- pation and dyspepsia; pruritus pudendorum; prolapsus or retroversion, caused by the constipation. GELSEMINUM: Sick headache, preceding every menstrual period, attended by profuse vomiting and bearing-down pains in the abdomen; spasmodic and neuralgic dysmenorrhoea. KREASOT. Difficulty of hearing, before and during the menses, with buzzing and humming in the head. The menses are too frequent and too profuse, succeeded by an acrid-smell- ing bloody ichor, with corrosive itching and biting of the parts, with more or less pain during the flow, but much aggravated after it has ceased. MERCURIUS: Before the menses: dry heat and rush of blood to the head; during the menses: anxiety, red tongue, with dark spots, saltish taste, scorbutic gums, teeth feel sharp; breath of a mercurial odor and salivation. PHYTOLACCA: Very painful menstruation in apparently barren females; menstruation too copious and too frequent. SANGUINARIA: Dysmenorrhea; the pain rises in the head from the nape of the neck, and finally in the forehead, as if the eyes would be pressed out; scanty menstruation. THUJA Terribly distressing pain in the left ovarian and iliac regions, with scanty flow; she has to lie down the suf fering is so great. XANTHOXYLUM-FRAX.: Appearance of the menses too soon; profuse menses, with violent pains; it is more especially in- dicated in females of spare habit, nervous temperament and delicate organization. § 3. Use more particularly :❤ When the pains occur in YOUNG GIRLS who have NOT YET MENSTRUATED at a period, when the menses ought to appear: 1) Puls. sulph. 2) Caust. cocc. graph. kal. natr.-m. sep. sulph. For PREMATURE menses: 1) Amm. bry. calc. carb.-v. kal. kreas. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. plat. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. sulph.- ac. 2) Amb. amm.-m. cham. cin. cocc. con. croc. ¿gn. ipec. rhus. ruta. sec. 3) Alet.-far. seneg. sang. DELAYING MENSES: 1) Caust. con. cupr. dulc. graph. iod. kal. lyc. magn.-c. natr.-m. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Dros. hep. lach. 3) Cimicif. senec. sang. mitchel? xanthoxyl.? 312 MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. TOO SHORT: Am. baryt. dulc. graph. lach. natr.-m. phos. puls. sulph. J TOO LONG: Chin. cocc. cupr. ign. ipec. kreas. lyc. natr. n.- vom. phos. plat. puls. sabin. sec. sulph.-ac. TOO SCANTY: 1) Alum. amm. cact.-gr. carb.-v. caust. con. graph. kal. lach. magn.-c. natr.-m. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Cocc. dulc. ferr. lyc. merc. phos. ruta. sabad. sass. sep. staph. sang. Too PROFUSE: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. carb.-v. chin. ferr. ipec. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. plat. sabin. sec. sil. stram. sulph,- ac. 2) Bry. cham. cin. cocc. hyosc. ign. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. ruta. samb. sep. sulph. 3) Aletris. cimicif. senec. trill. phyt. ustil.-mad. When the menses are about to cease, AT THE CRITICAL PERIOD: 1) Lach. puls. 2) Caust. cocc. con. graph. kal. lyc. natr.-m. ruta. sep. sulph. 3) Helon. trill, ustil.-mad. $ 4. When the menses are Too PALE, TOO WATERY: 1) Bell. calc. carb.-v. cocc. ferr. graph. lyc. nitr.-ac. plat. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. chin. con. hell. kal. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. plumb. sep. spig. BROWN BLOOD: Bry. calc. carb.-v. rhus. THICK BLOOD: 1) Crocc. cupr. plat. sulph. 2) Arn. n.- mosch. puls. DARK, BLACK BLOOD: 1) Bell. bry. cham. croc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Amm. ant. kreas. lach. magn.-c. nitr.-ac. sep. 3) Cimicif. ustil.-mad. BRIGHT-RED BLOOD: Bell. calc. carb.-v. dulc. ferr. hyosc. ipec. nitr.-ac. sabin. sulph. LUMPY, COAGULATED BLOOD: Amm. bell. cham. chin. cocc. ferr. hyosc. ign. magn.-c. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. plat. p: s. rhus. sabin, stram. 2) Cimicif. ustil.-mad. CORROSIVE BLOOD: Amm. carb.-v. kal. natr. nitr. sass. sil. sulph. FETID BLOOD: Bell. bry. carb.-a. carb.-v. caust. cham. croc. kal. kreas. phos. sabin. sil. § 5. When the menses are attended with CONGESTION OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD, VERTIGO: 1) Caust. iod. merc. phos. verat. 2) Arg.-nitr. cimicif. hyosc. With HEADACHE: 1) Bell. carb.-v. lyc. natr.-m. n.-v m. sep. sulph. 2) Calc. cupr. graph. hyosc. magn.-c. mag -m. phós. verat. sang. 1 With AFFECTION OF THE EYES: Calc. magn.-c. merc. puls. sil. sulph. With SWOLLEN CHEEKS: Graph. phos. sep. MENTAL DERANGEMENT, 313 With TOOTHACHE: 1) Baryt. calc. carb.-v. kal. magn.-c. sep. 2) Amm. graph. natr.-m. phos. sulph.-ac. With NAUSEA AND VOMITING: 1) Amm.-m. carb.-v. cupr. lyc. n.-vom. puls. verat. 2) Caps. hyosc. magn.-c phos. sulph. With COLIC OR ABDOMINAL SPASMS: Bell. calc. cham. cocc. coff. con. cupr. graph. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. plat puls. sec. sep, sulph. xanthoxyl? ustilag-mad. With DIARRHŒA: 1) Amm.-m. graph. sil. verat. 2) Alum. amm. caust. kreas. magn.-c. 3) Bry. With DISTRESS OF BREATHING: Cocc. graph. ipec. lach. puls. sep. With PALPITATION OF THE HEART: 1) Alum. cupr. ign. iod. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. spong. 2) Cimicif. croc. dig. With PAINS IN THE BACK AND SMALL OF THE BACK: 1) Amm. amm.-m. calc. caust. graph. kal. lach. magn.-c. magn.-m. n.- vom. phos. plat. sep. 2) Hamam. helon, senec. With PAINS IN THE LIMBS: Bry. graph. sep. verat. With SPASMS: 1) Acon. bell. caust. cham. cocc. coff. cupr. graph. ign. phos. plat. puls. 2) Bry. chin. con. magn.-m. natr.- m. n.-vom. sep. With great DEBILITY, LANGUOR, FAINTING: 1) Caust. graph. ign. magn.-c. n.-vom. puls. sep. 2) Calc. cocc. trill. With derangement of the MENTAL OR EMOTIVE SPHERE: Acon. coff. cham. hyosc. natr.-m. stram. verat. § 6. When the distress sets in shortly BEFORE the appear- ance of the menses: 1) Baryt. calc. carb.-v. cham. cocc. cupr. lach. lyc. merc. phos. puls. sep. sulph. verat. 2) Amm, asar. cón. dulc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. plat. sil. When DURING the menses: 1) Amm. amm.-m. calc. carb.- v. cham. con. graph. hyosc. kal. kreas. lach. phos. puls. sep. 2) Alum. ars. bor. bry. chin. cocc. coff. ign. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. plat. sil. sulph. verat. zinc. When AFTER the menses: 1) Bor. graph. kreas. lyc. natr.- m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. plat. ruta. stram. 2) Alum. ars. calc. con. magn.-c. phos. sep. sil. § 7. Compare: Uterus, diseases of; haemorrhage from the uterus, Colic, Amenia, Leucorrhoea. MENTAL DERANGEMENT, INSANITY, MANIA, RAGE, &c. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. calc. hyos. lach. n.-vom. op. plat. stram. veratr. 2) Anac. arn. ars. canth. cupr. lyc. puls. sil. sulph. 3) Agar. ant. cann. caust. cic. coccul. con. coloc. croc. dig. dulc. ign. merc. natr. n.-mosch. oleand. par. phos. plumb. rhus. sec. sep. zinc. 1 14 314 MENTAL DERANGEMENT. § 2. If caused by depressing emotions, such as: grief, mortification, chagrin, anger, &c., give: 1) Ign. phos.-ac. staph.; or, 2) Bell. hyos. n.-vom. plat., &c. See: EMOTIONS. If by excessive study, use: 1) Lach. plat. stram. 2) N.- vom. op. sulph.; or, 3) Bell. hyos. veratr. Compare: Lassitude by mental labor. If connected with religious fancies, give: 1) Bell. hyosc. lach. puls. stram. sulph. veratr.; or, 2) Ars. aur. croc. lyc. selen. For delirium tremens: 1) N.-vom. op. 2) Ars. bell.; or, 3) Bell. calc. hyos. lach. stram.; or, perhaps, Puls. merc. sulph. Compare: Drunkards, diseases of. Mental derangement of females, if caused by irregularity of the sexual function, requires: 1) Acon. bell. plat. puls. stram. veratr.; or, 2) Cupr. lach. merc. sulph. Compare: Menstrual irregularities, Sexual instinct, &c. § 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Fear and presentiment of approaching death; desire to escape from home or from one's bed; gloomy, taci- turn; paroxysms of anguish and convulsions; cold sweats; tendency of the blood to the chest and head; palpitation of the heart and oppressive anxiety; delirium, the patient weep- ing and laughing alternately, &c. BELLADONNA: Great anguish, with restlessness and appre- hensions; the patient becomes unconscious in such a manner that he knows his family only by hearing them talk; fright- ful visions of ghosts, devils, soldiers, war, oxen, with desire to escape or hide himself; distrustful, diffident mood, or quarrelsome, or desire to spit, beat, bite, to tear every thing, or to tear out his teeth; screams, howls, &c. Conversation with dead people; dread of death; desire to be alone, aver- sion to talk, taciturn; ill-humor, disposed to be vehement and peevish, or moaning and praying; foolish gesticulations; wild eyes; with fixed, furious look; bloated face; great de- sire to look at the sun or fire; froth and foam at the mouth; stuttering speech; burning thirst, or aversion to drink, with difficult deglutition, sudden starting, twitching; trembling of the extremities, especially the hands; sleepless, restless, &c. CALCAREA: Delirium, talking of murder, fire, rats and mice; or for: ill-will, obstinacy, ill-humor, taciturn mood, trembling of the limbs, &c. HYOSCYAMUS: Rage, alternating with epileptic spasms; sleepless, delirious, loquacious; anguish and fear, especially + MENTAL DERANGEMENT. 315 at night, with dread of being betrayed or poisoned; desire to escape; visions of dead persons; jealousy, rage, with desire to beat and kill; foolish gesticulations; delirium, talking about his affairs, trembling of the limbs, &c. LACHESIS: Loquacious, jumping rapidly from one subject to another; ecstacy, unto crying; distrust, suspicion; jea- lousy, pride, presentiment of death; doubt of salvation, &c. NUX-VOM. Anguish and restlessness, with desire to leave one's house and wander about the fields; loss of conscious- ness, delirium, frightful visions, irrational acts and speeches; pale and bloated or red and hot face; tendency of the blood to the head, stuttering, trembling of the limbs; dull and heavy head, fullness and indolence of the body; pressure, heaviness and pressing in the pit of the stomach, in the re- gion of the stomach and hypochondria; desire to vomit, vomiting of bile and food; constipation or watery diarrhoea; sleeplessness, with sudden starting, &c. OPIUM: Coma, loss of consciousness; rage, with strange or fixed fancies, the patient imagines that he is outside of his own body; frightful visions of mice, scorpions, &c., convul- sive motions and trembling; anguish, rage, inability to go to sleep, with bloated and flatulent abdomen; tendency of the blood to the head, with red face, &c. PLATINA: Delirium, talking of past things, singing, laugh- ing, weeping, dancing, making faces and gestures; obstinate, or irritable and quarrelsome, with desire to reproach others with their faults; despising others and thinking much of one's self; excessive sexual excitement; constipation; an- guish, with palpitation of the heart and fear of death; frightful visions, with fear, fixed ideas, the patient fancies that every body he sees is a demon, &c. STRAMONIUM: Stupefaction, with great anxiety and rest- lessness, or loss of consciousness, so that he no longer recog- nizes his own family; fixed ideas, the patient imagines that his body is broken, &c.; delirium, with frightful visions, fear, desire to escape, or praying, the patient looking devout and exhibiting religious attitudes; or very loquacious, lasci- vious, or assuming all sorts of manners, an important look, conversing with spirits, dancing, laughing, beating about, or ridiculous gestures, alternating with expressions of sadness and melancholy; or indomitable rage, with desire to bite, spit, cut down and kill; desire for light and company, aggra vation when alone and in the dark, and at the period of the 316 MENTAL DERANGEMENTS. fall-equinox; red and bloated face, with an insipid friendly look, &c. VERATRUM: Anguish and restlessness, fear and tendency to start; despondency; very taciturn, swearing and cursing on every occasion; desire to reproach others with their faults; loss of consciousness, with singing, whistling, laughing, lasci- vious thoughts, desire to wander about out of doors; irra- tional and proud ideas; disposition to assert that he is suffer- ing with imaginary ailments; religious delirium, &c. 84. Of other remedies, use: ANACARDIUM: For stong disposition to laugh at serious things, and to be serious in the presence of things that are really ludicrous; constant contradiction with one's self; want of moral and religious sentiment, even with disposition to swear and curse; fixed idea that he is possessed of the devil, &c. ARNICA Foolish mirth, with great levity of manners, wan- ton and malicious, headstrong, quarrelsome, &c. ARSENICUM: Excessive anguish and irresoluteness; fear of ghosts, thieves and solitude, with desire to hide one's self; aversion to conversation, with desire to censure. CANTHARIS: Rage, with screams, beating and howling; the paroxysms come on again at the sight of water, or if water should get into his throat; great sexual excitement, and excitement of the parts; great thirst, aversion to drink, with difficult deglutition, &c. CUPRUM: Deficient moral force; fixed idea that one is doing some imaginary work; singing, or malicious and peevish disposition; wild, and inflamed eyes during the paroxysms; weeping and anguish, or ludicrous gestures and desire to hide himself; sweat after the paroxysms, &c. LYCOPODIUM: Rage, attended with desire to blame others, and arrogant manners. PULSATILLA: The patient is quiet, with folded arms, he moans, says that nothing ails him, is stupefied, delirious at night, with frightful visions, fear, desire to hide himself, &c. SILICEA: Fixed ideas, for instance: the patient counts pins, is afraid of them, collects them from every part of the room; taciturn, listless; anguish, aversion to work; aggra- vation at full moon. SULPHUR: Fixed idea that he possesses beautiful things and an abundance of every thing, with confusion of ideas, such as: mistaking a hat for a bonnet, old rags for beautiful clothes, &c. MENTAL DERANGEMENTS. 317 § 5. Use more particularly: a) For mental derangement, with anxiety, fear, frightful visions and thoughts: 1) Bell. hyos. op. stram. 2) Ars. calc. cupr. lyc. n.-vom. op. sulph. veratr. 3) Cact. tell. xant. b) For restlessness, obliging one to leave the house or bed, and wander about: 1) Bell. hyos. n.-vom. op. stram. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. bry. canth. coloc. cupr. c) For praying, begging, moaning, weeping: 1) Ars. bell. merc. puls. stram. 2) Acon. ign. mosch. natr.-m. sulph. d) For religious praying, kneeling and other religious acts: 1) Bell. hyos. lach. puls. stram. sulph. veratr. 2) Ars. aur. croc. lyc. selen. e) For disposition to curse, swear, quarrel, &c.: 1) Anac. bell. hyos. lyc. stram. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. cupr. natr.-m. n.-vom. f) For rage, acts of violence, biting, spitting, tearing, beating: 1) Bell. canth. hyos. lyc. stram. veratr. 2) Agar. ars. camph. cann. coccul. croc. cupr. lach. merc. plumb. sec. g) For mania as if possessed of the devil: Anac. hyos. h) For illusions of fancy, visions, seeing of ghosts, &c.: 1) Bell. stram. 2) Anac, lach. natr.-m. op. puls. sil. sulph. i) For erroneous fancies, fixed ideas, &c.: 1) Bell. coccul. ign. phos.-ac. sabad. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. amb. cic. hell. hyos. lyc. merc. n.-vom. op. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sec. sil. val. veratr. k) For false representations, such as: that one is sick, &c. : Bell. veratr. 1) For crazy mirthfulness, singing, whistling, dancing, war- bling, &c.: 1) Bell. coff. croc. natr. op. stram. veratr, 2) Aur. cann. cic. hyos. phosph. phos.-ac. plat. m) For ludicrous gestures and acts: 1) Bell. hyos. merc. stram. 2) Cic. cupr. n.-mosch. n) For gesticulating all the time: 1) Bell. hyos. mosch. stram. 2) Ars. cic. n.-mosch. puls. sep. veratr. o) For performing all sorts of crazy actions, as if one were very busy: 1) Bell. merc. stram. 2) Camph. cupr. op. sec. sulph. veratr. p) For loquacity: 1) Bell. hyos. stram. 2) Acon. ars. camph. n.-vom. n.-mosch. lach. lachn. q) For lascivious speeches and acts: 1) Hyos. phos, stram. veratr. 2) Bell. n.-mosch. r) For amorous craziness: 1) Ant. hyos. veratr. 2) Aur. ign. phos.-ac. § 6. See: EMOTIONS, MORBID, and comp.: MELANCHOLY, 318 MERCURY. and all those BODILY ailments with which deranged persons are apt to be affected. MERCURY, ILL EFFECTS OF: § 1. Poisoning with corrosive sublimate, requires, (accord- ing to Hering: 1) Albumen, dissolved in water, as a drink ; 2) sugar-water; 3) milk; 4) starch, mixed with water, or bookbinder's paste. Albumen and sugar-water are the prin- cipal remedies, which may be used in alternation. § 2. Secondary affections require the usual antidotes for the drug-symptoms of Mercury, the principal of which is: Hepar, in water, a teaspoonful night and morning; espe- cially for headache at night, falling off of the hair, painful nodes on the head; inflamed, red eyes, with painful sensitive- ness of the nose when pressing upon it; scurfs around the mouth; ptyalism and ulcerated gums; swelling of the ton- sils and cervical glands; swelling and ulceration of the in- guinal and axillary glands; diarrhoeic stools with tenesmus ; inflammation of the skin, and disposition to ulcerate, &c. After Hep. give Bell. or nitr.-ac. If symptoms remain after Nitr.-ac. give a dose of Sulphur for one or two weeks; after Sulphur, Calc. does good service. The ill effects of Mercury and Sulphur together, require: Bell. puls., or even Mercurius. § 3. As regards symptoms and chronic affections, give: For affection of the mouth and gums, ptyalism, &c.: 1) Carb.-veg. dulc. hep. nitr.-ac, staph. sulph.; or, 2) Chin. iod. natr.-m. For sore throat: 1) Bell. carb.-veg. hep. lach. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Arg. lýc. nitr.-ac. thuj. For nervous debility: 1) Chin. hep. lach.; or, 2) Carb.- veg. nitr.-ac. For nervous excitement: Carb.-veg. cham. hep. nitr.-ac. puls. For excessive sensitiveness to changes in weather, to cold, &c. Carb.-veg. chin. For rheumatic pains: 1) Carb.-veg. chin. dulc. guaj. hep. lach. phos.-ac. sassap. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Arn. bell. calc, cham. lyc. For affections of the bones, exostoses, caries, &c.: 1) Aur. phos.-ac.; or, 2) Asa. calc. dule. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. sil. sulph. For affections of glands, buboes, &c.: Aur. carb.-veg. dulc. nitr.-ac. sil. : METRITIS. 319 For ulcers: Aur. bell. carb.-veg. hep. lach. nitr.-ac. sass. sil. sulph. thuj. For dropsical symptoms: Chin. dulc. hell. sulph. § 4. See: MERCURIAL AILMENTS under: HEADACHE, OPH- THALMIA, TOOTHACHE, COLIC, DIARRHŒA, &c. METRITIS. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. cham. coff. merc. n.-vom. 2) Bry. cact. canth. cauloph. chin. eupat.- purp. hedeom. ign. lach. plat. puls. rhus. sec. 3) Apis. veratr.-vir. ACONITE: Violent fever, especially when the disease was caused by fright during confinement or during menstruation; hard, rapid pulse; hot, dry skin; intense thirst; sharp-shooting pains in the whole abdomen, which is very tender to the touch; great restlessness; fear of death and predicting even the hour of death. BELLADONNA: When the disease occurs during confine- ment, with suppression of the lochia or adhesion of the pla- centa; or heaviness, drawing and pressure in the hypogas- trium, as if every thing would pass through the vagina, with burning stitches, pain in the small of the back, as if bruised or broken; stitching pains in the hip-joint, not allowing the parts to be touched or moved; or clutching pains, as if the hands were clawing with the nails; involuntary flow of urine; furious delirium; throbbing headache, with throbbing of the carotids; drowsy dozing, with startings and inability to go to sleep. BRYONIA: The least motion aggravates her suffering; sit- ting up causes nausea and fainting; stitch-like pains. CANTHARIDES: Constant painful urging and tenesmus of the bladder; in worst cases, when the patients lie unconscious, with their arms stretched out along the side of the body, in- terrupted by sudden starting up, screaming, throwing about the arms, and even convulsions; all signs of erosions and ulceration of internal organs. CHAMOMILLA: After confinement, when the disease is caused by a fit of chagrin or anger, with copious secretion of the lochia, and discharge of black, clotty blood. If abuse of Chamo- mile should have contributed to the development of the dis- ease, give: Acon. ign. n.-vom. puls. COFFEA: The disease is caused by a sudden joy; she is in a state of ecstacy and is very sensitive to contact. HYOSCIAMUS: Especially if the inflammation be developed by emotional disturbances; spasmodic symptoms, jerks of } 320 MEZERIUM. บ the extremities, face and eye-lids; in cases which fall into a typhoid state, with delirium, the patient throws off the bed clothes, she wishes to be naked. IODIUM: Acute pain in the mammæ, developed by the me- tritis; the mammæ also get very sore; low, cachectic state of the system, with feeble pulse. LACHESIS: She cannot bear any pressure, not even of the clothes, upon the uterine region; she wishes frequently to lift them, not that the abdomen is so very tender, but that the clothes cause an uneasiness; sensation as if the pains were ascending towards the chest; metritis during the criti- cal age; aggravation after sleep; amelioration of the pains by a flow of blood from the vagina; skin alternately burning hot and cool; abdomen distended; lochial discharge thin and ichorous. MERCURIUS: Stitching, aching or boring pains in the uterus, with little heat, but frequent sweats and chills, moist tongue, with intense thirst; aggravation throughout the night. NUX-VOMICA: Violent aching in the hypogastrium, aggra- vated by pressure and contact; violent pains in the loins; constipation or hard stools; retention of urine, dysuria or ischuria; swelling of the os tincæ, with contusive pains and stitches in the abdomen; frequent desire to urinate, with scalding and burning pain; aggravation towards morning. : PLATINA Particularly after confinement, if there be ex- cessive sexual excitement; painful pressure in the region of the mons veneris and the genital organs; profuse discharge of thick black blood; constipation, the stools adhering to the anus and rectum. SECALE: When there is a strong tendency to putrescence; the inflammation seems to be caused by suppression of the lochia or menses; discharge of thin, black blood, a kind of sanies, with tingling in the legs and great debility. SEPIA: Burning, shooting or stitching pains in the neck of the uterus; a constant sense of pressing in the vagina, she feels that she must cross her limbs to prevent a protrusion; painful stiffness in the uterine region; sense of weight in the anus; putrid urine, depositing a clay-like sediment, which is difficult to remove; icy coldness of the feet; great sense of emptiness in the pit of the stomach. See: Puerperal fever and diseases of uterus. MEZEREUM, ill effects of. Principal remedies: Bry. merc. rhus. MISCARRIAGE. 321 BRYONIA: The joints are principally affected; in which case it should be given in alternation with Rhus-tox. MERCURIUS: When the bones or the parts of the inner mouth are affected. MISCARRIAGE, ABORTUS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. calc. carb.-v. cham. croc. ferr. ipec: lyc. n.-vom. sabin. sec. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Apis. asar. bry. cann. canth. chin. cycl. hyosc. n.-jugl. n.-mosch. plumb. puls. rut. sang. millef. 3) Alet.-far. ascl.-inc. cauloph. cimicif. erig. gels. hed. helon. lept. phyt. pod. ustil-mad. § 2. For the DISPOSITION to miscarriage, give: 1) Calc. carb.-v. ferr. lyc. sabad. sep. sulph. zinc. 2) Asar. cann. cocc. kreas. n.-mosch. plumb. puls. ruta. sil. All women prone to abortion ought to take Sepia snd zinc. CALCAREA: Suitable to plethoric persons, with profuse and premature menses, disposition to leucorrhoea, painful nipples, tendency of the blood to the head, colic, pains in the loins, varices of the sexual organs. CARBO.-VEG.: Pale, or premature and profuse menses, with varices of the sexual organs; frequent headache, pains in the loins, abdominal spasms, &c. FERRUM: Suitable to chlorotic females, with leuchorrhoea, when the menses are suppressed; or to plethoric females, with great vascular action, red face, full and strong pulse, premature and profuse menses. LYCOPODIUM: The menses are too profuse and last too long, with itching, burning, and varices of the sexual organs; dry- ness of the vagina, disposition to melancholy, with sadness and weeping; leucorrhoea, frequent headache and pains in the loins, fainting fits, &c. SABINA: Suitable to plethoric persons, with profuse and too long menses; the miscarriage generally takes place in the third month of pregnancy. SEPIA: Leucorrhoea, with soreness, eruption and itching of the sexual parts; scanty or premature menses, with weeping, melancholy, headache and toothache; frequent attacks of megrim; feeble constitution; tender and sensitive skin; gray color of the skin, with brownish or yellowish spots in the face; slender waist, nervous debility, disposition to sweat; frequent colic, disposition to catarrh. SULPHUR: Premature and profuse, or scanty and delaying menses, with leucorrhoea, itching, burning and soreness of the parts; eruption or herpes on the skin; hæmorrhoidal dis- 14* 322 MISCARRIAGE. position; disposition to catarrh or other blennorrhoeas; nerv- ous debility, with loss of appetite; great languor, especially in the lower limbs; frequent headache, with tendency of the blood to the head, &c. Compare: AMENORRHOEA and DYSMENORRHEA. § 3. The precursory or first symptoms of miscarriage, in- dicate: 1) Arn. bell. bry. cham. hyosc. ipec. n.-vom. sabin. sec. 2) Cann. chin. ein. coce. n.-mosch. plat. puls. rhus. ruta. ARNICA: Is indicated, if labor-pains set in in consequence of a shock, motion, or some other external injury, with the discharge of blood or serous mucus. BELLADONNA: For violent aching or tensive pains through the whole body, with sensation of constriction or distention, pains in the loins as if broken, bearing-down and congestion to the sexual organs, with or without discharge of blood. BRYONIA: Violent pains, with obstinate constipation, ten- dency of the blood to the head, dry mouth and thirst, parti- cularly if Nux-vom. should have been ineffectual against this condition. CHAMOMILLA: Violent cutting pains from the loins to the abdomen, with frequent desire to urinate or go to stool; dis- charge of blood from the vagina, with discharge of coagula; heaviness in the whole abdomen, frequent yawning, chills and shuddering; great restlessness and convulsive motions of the limbs. HYOSCIAMUS: Alternately clonic and tonic spasms, with loss of consciousness and discharge of a bright-red blood, especially during the spasmodic paroxysms. IPECACUANHA: For spasms with consciousness, especially when accompanied with cutting pains around the umbilicus, with pressure towards the sexual organs, and with discharge of blood. If Ipec. should be insufficient, Plat., or even Cina, is frequently indicated. NUX-VOм.: Obstinate constipation, with congestion of blood to the womb, especially suitable to patients who have in- dulged in stimulating drinks, such as: wine, coffee, &c. SABINA: The precursory symptoms of miscarriage set in in the first period of pregnancy; or at any other period when pressing and drawing pains from the loins to the pudendum are present; discharge of blood from the vagina; relaxed and soft abdomen; constant urging to stool with diarrhoea, or desire to vomit, or vomiting, even of the ingesta; fever, with shivering and heat. SECALE: Suitable to enfeebled and cachectic females, with MISCARRIAGE. 323 disposition to passive hæmorrhage, spasmodic affections, &c., or when the uterus is in a state of atony, or affected with organic diseases. § 4. Consider moreover: ALETRIS-FAR.: Habitual tendency to abortion, not depend- ing upon syphilis or other causes independent of the repro- ductive organs; weight in the uterine region, tendency to prolapsus uteri. APIS: Stinging pains in one or the other ovarian region, more and more frequently, till labor-pains are produced; sometimes flowing, and finally abortion; absence of thirst and scanty urine; constipation. CAULOPHYLLUM: Abortion, with little or no flooding; habitual abortion from uterine debility; menstrual irregu- larities, occurring subsequent to and consequent upon mis- carriage; severe pains in the back and loins, threatening abortion. CIMICIFUGA: Cold chills and prickling sensations in the breasts; habitual abortion. ERIGERON: Abortion, with profuse hæmorrhage, diarrhoea and dysuria. MERCURIUS: Hæmorrhage, with swelling of the external organs of generation. NUX-MOSCHATA: Suitable to hysterical females, who are disposed to fainting spells; patients are chilly and catch cold very easily. OPIUM: After severe fright, with wild spasmodic labor- pains in the latter months of pregnancy. PULSATILLA: When the discharge is arrested for a little while, then returns with redoubled violence; she passes black blood, with labor-like pains. RHUS: When the patient has been wrenched or strained, her pains at first are worst at night, she is very restless and must move frequently to find relief. SEPIA: Especially in the 5th and 7th month of pregnancy, with inclination to fainting, rush of blood to the chest, head and uterus; varices; the motions of the fœtus are hardly to be felt. USTILAGO-MADIS: Passive hæmorrhage after miscarriage; the blood comes frequently away in lumps; flooding more or less for days and weeks. § 5. For the CONSEQUENCES OF MISCARRIAGE, such as Me- trorrhagia, Metritis, &c., see these heads. The remaining WEAKNESS OF THE BACK and the limbs, with 324 MOLES.-MUCOUS DERANGEMENT. continual sweating and dry cough, are best removed by Kali- carb. The remaining FLOODING requires mostly: Bell. erig. ipec. plat. sabin. cham. lyc. sec. trill. ustil.-mad. MOLES, NÆVI.-Principal remedies: 1) Calc. carb.-veg. sulph. 2) Graph. sulph.-ac. 3) Caust. ? lyc.? nitr.-ac.? petr.? phos.-ac.? plat. ? sil.? thuj.? MUCOUS DERANGEMENT, diseases of the mucous membrane. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Alum. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb.-veg. caust. chin. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. mez. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. seneg. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. amm.-m. ant. borax. carb.-an. cham. dig. dros. euphr. graph. hyos. ign. kal. magn.-c. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. plumb. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. sulph.-ac. 3) Cann. canth. cin. cocc. colch. guaj. iod. lach. magn.-m. natr. petr. thuj. zinc. § 2. Use more particularly: a) For inflammation of the mucous membranes, without, or only with serous secretion: 1) Acon. ars. bry. cann. canth. merc. mez. n.-vom. phosph. sil. spong. sulph. 2) Borax. cham. dros. hyos. ign. ipec. kreas. petr. puls. sep. squill. staph. b) For chronic blennorrhoeas and increased but not inflam- matory secretion: 1) Calc. caps. chin. dulc. euphr. merc. natr.- m. phosph. puls. seneg. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. borax. canth. carb.-an. carb.-veg. caust. cham. dig. dros. graph. hep. hyos. ign. lyc. magn.-c. mez. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. rhus. sil. spig. staph. sulph.-ac. c) For disorganizations of the mucous membranes (thick- ening, interstitial distention, &c.): 1) Calc. caust. con. dulc. merc. mez. natr.-m. petr. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. bell. carb.-veg. chin. euphr. graph. lyc. seneg, scp. stann. staph For ulceration : 1) Ars. asa, bell. cale, carb. veg. caust. merc. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. canth. chin. con. dros. dulc. hep. kreas. lach. lyc. petr. rhus. staph. thuj. zinc. § 3. As regards the nature of the secretions, give: a) For bloody (blood-streaked, or with specks of blood): 1) Ácon. ars. bell. chin. ferr. iod. merc. n.-vom. puls. sep. sil. 2) Baryt. canth. carb.-veg. caust. cocc. dros. kreas. lyc. natr.- m. nitr.-ac. phosph. sabin. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj. zinc. b) For thick mucus: 1) Aſum. amm.-m. baryt. calc. carb.- veg. magn.-m. natr. natr.m. phosph. puls. sil. stann. staph. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. ars. borax. kreas. ruta. spong. MUCOUS DERANGEMENT. 325 こ ​c) Thin mucus, watery: 1) Ars. carb.-veg. cham. graph, lach. magn.-m. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. carb.-an. chin. magn.-arct. mez. mur.-ac. n.-vom. sep. sil. squill. d) Purulent: I) Ars. asa. bell. calc. carb.-veg. caust. merc. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. cann. canth. chin. con. dros. dulc. hep. kal. kreas. lach. magn.-m. natr. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. stann. staph. zinc. e) Albuminous: Amm.-m. borax. mez. petr. plat. Jelly- like, or like boiled starch: Arg. hell. laur. rhus. sabin. selen. Milky: 1) Calc. puls. sil. 2) Carb.-veg. con. ferr. lyc. phosph. sabin. sep. sulph.-ac. f) Tenacious, viscid: 1) Ars. bell. cann. cham. cist. hep. merc. mez. phosph. phos.-ac. samb. seneg. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. borax. carb.-an. carb.-veg. caust. kal. plat. sep. spong. Fibrinous: Alum. seneg. Lumpy, flocculent: Agar. amb. kal. kreas. magn.-c. merc. phosph. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. Indurated, in hard pieces: Bry. con. natr. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. g) Corrosive, acrid: 1) Alum. amm. amm.-m. ars. borax. merc. natr. m. phosph. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Carb.-veg. cham. ferr. ign. kreas. mez. nitr.-ac. ruta. sulph.-ac. 4. As regards color, give: a) For blue-colored: Amb. ars. cupr. b) Brownish: Amm.-m. ars. bell. borax. carb.-v. nitr.-ac. sulph. c) Flesh-colored: Alum. cocc. kreas. merc. nitr.-ac. sabin. d) Yellow: 1) Ant. bell. bry. calc. carb.-veg. kreas. lyc. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. ars. cann, canth. cham. cic. graph. hep. kal. natr.- m. sabin, selen. stann. staph. thuj. e) Gray-colored: 1) Amb. arg. ars. lyc. sep. sil. thuj. 2) Anac. carb.-an. caust. chin. kreas. lach. magn.-m. merc. f) Greenish: 1) Carb.-veg. dros. led. lyc. magn.-c. merc. phosph. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Ars. ferr. kreas. natr. sep. thuj. g) Whitish: 1) Asar. bell. calc. colch. merc. phosph. puls. sil. 2) Carb.-veg. con. ferr. lyc. phosph. sep. sulph.-ac. § 5. As regards color or taste, give: a) For bad secretions (bad-smelling or foul-tasting): 1) Ars. calc. led. merc. natr. puls. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Aur. bell. con. dros. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. ipec. lach. magn.-m. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sabin. b) For foul, putrid smell or taste: 1) Ars, calc. hep. merc. natr. puls. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Bell. con. cupr. ferr. graph. kreas. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. sep. 326 MUSCLES.-NAILS. c) For metallic taste: Calc. cupr. ipec. n.-vom. rhus. d) For salt taste: 1) Ars. baryt. graph. lyc. natr. petr. phosph. puls. sep. sil. 2) Calc. carb.-veg. chin. dros. graph. rhus. samb. stann. sulph. zinc. e) For sourish taste or smell: 1) Calc. chin. graph. hep. kal. magn.-m. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph.`plumb. puls. sep. sulph. f) For musty taste or smell: Borax. carb.-veg. g) For smell or taste as of old catarrhal mucus: Bell. ign. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sulph. h) For sweetish taste: Asar. calc. dig. kreas. lach. magn.- c. mèrc. n.-vom. phosph. plumb. puls. samb. stann. sulph. § 6. Compare COUGH (expectoration), WHITES, SUPPURA- TIONS, &c. MUSCLES, CONTRACTION, INDURATION OF: See Contrac- tion, &c. MUSHROOM, NOXIOUS, ILL EFFECTS OF. For poison- ing: 1) Powdered charcoal mixed in water; 2) Smelling of spiritus-nitri-dulcis. For the secondary diseases: 1) Coff. puls. 2) Acon. n.-vom. MYELITIS.—The principal remedy for all acute cases is Dulcamara, to be preceded by Aconite, on account of the fever. If Dulc. should fail, select: 1) Bell. bry. coccul. n.-vom. rhus.: or, 2) Ars. calc. caust. dig. ign. puls. veratr. In a case of chronic inflammation of the upper portion of the spinal marrow, with apparently incipient softening, and paralysis and atrophy of one arm, I have used Caust. and staphysagria with great benefit, also Dulc. and lach. MYOPIA.-Principal remedies: 1) Amm. anac. carb.-veg. con. nitr.-ac. petr. phosph. phos.-ac. puls. sulph. For myopia in consequence of ophthalmia: Puls. and sulph. For myopia from abuse of mercury: 1) Carb.-veg. nitr.-ac. sulph.; or, 2) Puls. Myopia in consequence of typhus or debilitating loss of animal fluids, requires: Phos.-ac. NAILS, DISEASES OF. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Graph. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. ars. calc. caust. con. hep. lach. magn.-aust. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. ran. sabad. sep. squill. § 2. For panaritia (an inflammation of the skin, tendons, C NARCOTISM. 327 and their sheaths, or of the periosteum,) use: 1) Sil. sulph. 2) Hep. lach. 3) Alum. calc. kal. merc. nitr.-ac. petr. puls. sep. If these ulcers should have been occasioned by a splinter or the prick of a pin, use: 1) Nitr.-ac. sil. 2) Hep. lach. petr. sulph. For onychia, a panaritium under the nail, Hep. is almost specific, after which Lach. acts well; and, if ulceration should have set in, Silicea or sulph. In phlegmonous inflammation between the skin and the sheaths of the tendons, it is well to give first Sulph., and if this should not prevent suppuration, Hep., which sometimes opens the abscess in a few hours. Inflammation of the tendinous sheaths and synovial mem- branes first require Sulph., then Silic., if no change should take place in twenty-four hours. If the periosteum should have been involved, Sil. is the principal remedy; otherwise try Calc. or sulph, in alternation with Sil. § 3. Use more particularly: a) For breaking, peeling-off and splitting of the nails: 1) Graph. sil. squill. sulph. 2) Alum. merc. sep. For thicken- ing, curative, roughness of the nails, use: 1) Graph. sabad. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. merc. sep. For growing into the flesh: 1) Graph. magn.-aust. sulph. 2) Kal. sil. For falling- off: Ant. ars. hell. merc. squill. sec. sep. thuj. For hang- nails: 1) Natr.-m. rhus. sulph. 2) Calc. lyc. merc. sabad. stann. b) For painfulness and sensitiveness: 1) Caust. graph. magn.-aust. n.-vom. sep. sil. 2) Amm.-m. natr.-m. puls. rhus. sulph. c) For discolored nails: Ant. ars. graph. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. For blue-colored: Aur. chel. chin. dig. lyc. natr.- m. n.-vom. sil. For spotted: 1) Nitr.-ac. sil. 2) Alum. ars. natr.-m. sulph. For yellow-colored: 1) Amb. con. sep. 2) Chin. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sil. spig. For white spots : Nitr.-ac. sil. NARCOTISM, ILL EFFECTS OF NARCOTIC SUBSTANCES. Poisoning with large doses requires: 1) Large quantities of black coffee; 2) Vinegar mixed with water. The remaining ailments yield to: 1) Bell. carb.-veg. cham. coff. lach. merc. n.-vom. op. puls. 2) Amm. ars. caust. graph. hyos. ipec. lyc. natr.-m. rhus sep. sulph, kal. 328 NEPHRITIS. Compare: DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF: OPIUM, and the other narcotic substances mentioned in this work. NEPHRITIS, NEPHRALGIA, and other affections of the KIDNEYS. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. can. canth. n.-vom. puls. 2) Acon. alum. berb colch. hep. lyc. sass. 3) Caul. chimaph. collins. coryd. erig, eup.-purp. eryng. gels. geran. phyt. polyg. senec. trill. ACONITE: Synochal fever; secretion of urine diminished; micturition more frequent, and difficult or painful; urine more saturated or mixed with blood; consequence of expo- sure to cold. BELLADONNA: Stitching pains in the kidneys, extending along the ureter as far as the bladder, with periodical aggra- vation, great anguish and colicky pains. (If Bell. does not suffice, try Hep.) CANNABIS: Drawing pains from the kidneys to the pubic bones, with anguish and malaise. CANTHARIS: Stitching, tearing and cutting pains, with painful discharge of only a few drops of urine, or with com- plete suppression of urine, or when the urine is mixed with blood. CHIMAPHILA: Copious discharge of clear limpid urine; frequent and profuse urination; urging to urinate after void- ing urine; pressing fullness in the region of the bladder ;- it causes mucous sediments to disappear from the urine. ERIGERON: Sharp, stabbing pains in the region of the left kidney, the pains running from left to right; dull aching dis- tress in the lower dorsal region; urine first suppressed, then increased; urging to urinate, with emission of only a few drops of burning urine; discharge of mucus with urine; dysuria of teething children. EUPATORIUM-PURPUREUM: Deep, dull, aching pains in the kidneys; smarting and burning in the bladder and urethra; pain excruciating when passing urine; constant desire to pass urine, although she passes only a few drops at a time; numbness of the legs. HEPAR: Dull pains in the kidneys; the stitching paroxys- mal pains run down to the bladder and lower extremities; pale urine, with flocculent, muddy-white sediment; blood comes only with the last drops; suppurating fever, chills, alternating with burning heat. MERCURIUS: Diminished secretion of urine, with constant NETTLERASH.-NIGHTMARE. 329 desire to pass urine; urine saturated, dark-brown, mixed with. blood, with dirty white sediment. NUX-VOMICA: When the disease was caused by suppression of piles, or abuse of alcoholic drinks, producing congestion of blood to the abdomen, with tension, distension or pressure in the region of the kidneys. PULSATILLA: When the disease is accompanied by amenor- rhoea or scanty menses, in females of a delicate constitution, and bland phlegmatic disposition; or when the urine is bloody and deposits a purulent sediment. SENECIO: Bloody urine; urging to urinate, tenesmus of the bladder; slight pains in the region of the kidneys, nau- sea, attendant on renal derangement and renal colic. TEREBINTHINA: Scanty secretion of dark, (occasionally) bloody urine; œdema all over; diarrhea; bronchial catarrh, with expectoration of much mucus. NEPHRITIS ALBUMINOSA, BRIGHT'S DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. Principal remedies: 1) Apis. ars. canth. colch. coloc. dig. geran. helon. hell. merc.-cor. nitr.-ac. phos. sec. sulph. tereb. 2) Bry. calc. chin. con. ferr. kreas. lyc. mez. puls. sabad. sabin. 3) Kali.-c. kal.-hydroiod. rhus. Cauloph. chimaph. eupat.-purp. helon. phytol. 4) Compare: Cystitis, Urinary Difficulties, Uretrorrhagia, Retention of Urine and Secretion of Urine. NETTLERASH, URTICARIA. - Principal remedies: 1) Apis. cale. caust. dulc. hep. lyc. rhus. 2) Acon. ant. ars. bell. bry. carb.-v. clem. con. cop. ign. kreas. mez. natr.-m. n.- vom. petr. puls. sep. sulph. urt. verat. ACUTE NETTLERASH requires: 1) Acon. apis. bry. dulc. rhus. urt. Chronic: 1) Calc. lyc. 2) Ars. carb.-v. caust. petr. rhus. sulph. urt. For URTICARIA PORCELLANEA (essera): give: Cop. puls. NIGHTMARE, INCUBUS.-Principal remedies: 1) Acon. n.-vom. op, puls. sulph. 2) Aloe. amm. bry. con. hep. phos. ruta. sil. valer. 3) Alum. cinnab. guaj. natr. natr.-m., &c. ACONITE: To children and females, for: feverish heat, thirst, palpitation, orgasmus sanguinis, oppression of the chest, anguish and restlessness. NUX-VOMICA: The paroxysms are caused by beer, spirits, copious meals, sedentary life, &c. OPIUM: Severe paroxysms, with suppressed breathing, half- opened eyes, open mouth, stertorous breathing, rattling, anx- 330 NOMA.-- NOSE. ious features, cold sweat in the face, twitchings and convul sive motions of the extremities, &c. PULSATILLA Stertorous inspirations: anxious sad dreams, with weeping; lying on one's back with the arms stretched above the head, or with the hands laid cross-wise on the ab- domen and the feet drawn up; or, for dreams about black beasts. SULPHUR: Light, unrefreshing sleep, with aching or beat- ing pains in the head, dreams about fire, the arms stretched above the head, the eyes sometimes half open. NITRATE OF SILVER, POISONING WITH. First swallow large quantities of salt water, then mucila- ginous drinks. NOMA, CANCER AQUATICUS. I know of one case that was greatly benefitted by Sulph. calc. sil., given in this order. The physician was induced to this selection of remedies by the scrofulous constitution of the child and his parents. This is another proof that the re- medies ought not to be selected with reference to one patho- logical symptom, but in accordance with the general state and constitution of the patient. NOSE, SUPPURATION OF.-Fetid, inflammatory ulceration of the Schneiderian membrane, Ozona. §1. Principal remedies: Alum. amm. asa. aur. bry, calc. carb.-v. caust. con. graph. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. thuj. § 2. For chronic stoppage of the nose: 1) Bry. calc.caust. con. graph. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. amh. anac. ant. aur. carb.-an. carb.-v. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m, mur.-ac. n.-vom. petr. puls. rhod. sep. spig. staph. thuj. For ulceration, rhagades and scurfs of the nostrils: Alum. aur. borax. calc. cic. graph. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph. For purulent discharge, or ozona in the narrower sense: 1) Aur. merc.; or, 2) Alum. asa. calc. cic. con. lach. puls. sulph. For syphilitic ozona, Merc. is the principal remedy; if Merc. should have been abused by the patient, give: 1) Aur. 2) Asa. hep. lach. nitr.-ac. sulph. thuj. § 3. Compare: NOSE, SWELLING OF, CATARRH, &c. 331 NOSE.-NURSING. NOSE, SWELLING OF, AND INFLAMMATION OF THE EX- TERNAL NOSE. § 1. Principal remedies: Arn. ars. asa. aur. bell. bry. calc. hep. merc. natr.-in. phos, puls. sep. sulph. zinc. § 2. If caused by a blow, contusion, fall, &c., Arn. is the best remedy. If by abuse of Mercury, give: Asa. aur. bell. hep. lach. ? sulph. If by hard drinking: 1) Ars. calc. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. hep. lach. merc. To scrofulous patients give: 1) Asa. aur. calc. hep. merc. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Bry. lach. phos. § 3. For red and painful swelling of the nose, give: 1) Bell. hep. merc.; or, 2) Alum. bry. calc. phos. rhus. sulph. If the tip be red, give: Carb.-an. nitr.-ac. rhus. Red spots require: Phos.-ac. sil. Copper-redness: 1) Ars. carb.-an. veratr. 2) Calc. cann. carb.-v. kreas. mez. rhus. ruta. § 4. When the swelling is accompanied by black pores: 1) Graph. natr. selen. sulph. 2) Bry. calc. natr.-m. sabin. When by scurf on the tip: 1) Carb.-v. natr.-m. sep. sil. 2) Carb.-an. nitr.-ac. When by old warts: Caust. § 5. Compare: NOSE, SUPPURATION OF, CANCER OF THE NOSE, ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, CATARRH, &c. NURSING, LACTATION. § 1. Principal remedies for the ailments incident to nurs- ing: 1) Bell. calc. cham. merc. puls. sep. sil. 2) Acon. bry. carb.-v. chin. con. dulc. kal. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. rhab. rhus. staph. zinc. 3) Ars. borax. carb.-an. cin. graph. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. natr.-m. samb. stann. § 2. For deficiency of milk: 1) Agn. calc. caust. dulc. puls. rhus. zinc. 2) Acon. bell. bry. cham. chin. cocc. iod. merc. n.-mosch. sep. sulph. If the deficiency be caused by want of vital action (in the breasts of the organisms generally), give: Calc. caust. puls. rhus. If the secretion of milk should be prevented by an excess of vital action in the breasts, with tension, redness and throbbing in these parts, and if considerable milk fever should be present, give: 1) Acon. bry. cham.; or, 2) Bell. merc. Lumps or nodes in the breasts, require: 1) Dulc.; or, 2) Agn. bell. cham. rhus. 332 NYCTALOPIA.- -ŒDEMA OF THE FEET. If the deficiency of milk depend upon some unknown cause, and no particular remedy be indicated, try: 1) Dulc. 2) Agn. calc. zinc. §3. Milk-fever, if medical interference should be at all necessary, requires: Acon. or Coff., alone or alternately. If these remedies be insufficient, try: Bell. bry.; or, rhus. Arn. is sometimes useful, especially when, in consequence of hard labor, the sexual parts have been injured. § 4. For retrocession of the milk, give: 1) Bell. bry. dulc. puls. 2) Acon. calc. cham. coff. merc. rhus. sulph. If this retrogression should be caused by violent emotions, give: 1) Bry. cham. coff. 2) Acon. bell. If by a cold: 1) Bell. cham. dulc. puls.; or, 2) Acon. merc. sulph. A metastasis to the abdominal organs, requires: Bell. bry. puls. rhus. The chronic consequences of the retrogression of the milk, require: Rhus-t.; or, Calc. dulc. lach. merc. puls. sulph. § 5. Bad, thin milk, or if the infant refuses to take it, give the mother: 1) Cham. cin. merc. sil. 2) Borax. carb.- an. lach. n.-vom. puls. rhab. samb. BORAX: The milk coagulates readily: if Borax be insuffi- cient, give Lach. SILICEA: The child throws up after nursing and refuses the breast. § 6. Puls. is the best remedy to arrest the secretion of milk after weaning the child, or to prevent the secondary ailments of weaning. Bell. bry. calc. are likewise useful. Galactorrhoea requires Calc., especially when the breasts are turgid with milk. Try moreover: Bell. borax. bry. rhus. ; or, Chin. con. phos. puls. stram. § 7. Compare: MAMME. NYCTALOPIA. Principal remedies for sudden paroxysms of blindness in the day-time: 1) Acon. merc, sil. sulph. 2) Con. nitr. n.- vom. phos. stram. Compare: AMBLYOPIA. CEDEMA OF THE FEET.-Principal remedies, provided no organic diseases are present: Ars. chin. ferr. kal. lyc. merc. phos. puls. rhus-t. sulph. If caused by loss of blood, give China, or Ars. and ferr. If caused by abuse of China, give: Ferr. or Ars., or, per- haps, Puls. sulph. CSPHAGITIS. 333 OPHTHALMIA. CESOPHAGITIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Arn. ars. bell. cocc. merc. mez. rhus. 2) Asa. carb.-v. euphorb. laur. sabad. sec. Compare: SORE THROAT, DEGLUTITION, DIFFICULT PHA- RYNGITIS, &c. OPHTHALMIA.-§ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. cham. euphras. hepar. ignat. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ant. arn. bryon. caust. china. coloc. digit. dulc. ferr. graph. hyosc. laches. nitr.-ac. petrol. rhus. sepia. spigel. sulph.-ac. veratr. 3) Alum. aur. baryt. borax. cannab. canth. clem. coni. led. lycop. natr.-m. phosph. silic. staph. thuj. § 2. For acute ophthalmia the first remedy is Acon. ; after which a dose of Bell. is generally sufficient to cure the dis- ease. The following remedies can likewise be used: 1) Cham. dulc. euphr. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. 2) Ant. arn. bor. canth. lach. nitr.-ac. spig. sulph.-ac. veratr. Chronic ophthalmia requires, beside the above-mentioned remedies, Sulphur, and: 1) Alum. ars. bor. calc. euphr. hep. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. spig. phosph. sil. thuj. 2) Ant. bar. caust. chin. col. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hyos. petr. rhus. sep. veratr. § 3. As regards the pathological character of ophthalmia, give for arthritic ophthalmia: 1) Acon. bell. col. spig. 2) Ars. cham. dig. hep. merc. n.-vom. rhus. 3) Berb. colch. led. lyc. Comp.: ARTHRITIC AILMENTS. For catarrhal ophthalmia: 1) Acon. ars. bell. cham. euphr. hep. ign. n.-vom. puls. 2) Dig. euph. merc. sulph. Rheumatic: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. euphr. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr. 2) Bell. led. lyc. spig. Scrofulous: 1) Ars. bell. calc. dulc. hep. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Caust. chin. ferr. graph. petr. sep. 3) Aur. bar. cann. cham. con. dig. euphr. iod. lyc. magn.-c. natr.-m. Syphilitic: 1) Merc. nitr.-ac. thuj. 2) Aur.? lyc.? phosph.? Gonorrhoeal, in consequence of suppressed gonorrhea: 1) Acon. puls. 2) Nitr.-ac. merc. thuj. sulph. Purulent ophthalmia of new-born infants: 1) Acon. bell. cham. euphr. merc. sulph. 2) Calc. dulc. puls. rhus. 3) Bor. bry. n.-vom. Contagious, egyptic ophthalmia: 1) Acon.? bell.? calc.? euphr.? merc. ? nitr.-ac. ? sulph. ? 2) Phos ? staph.? thuj.? Scorbutic: Amm. amm.-m.? caust.? carb.-veg.? merc.? 334 OPHTHALMIA. mur.-ac.? staph. ? sulph.? 2) Canth. ? cist.? hep. ? natr.-m. ? nitr.-ac.? n.-vom. ? § 4. As regards external causes, give for ophthalmia caused by a cold: Acon. ars. bell. calc. cham. dulc. hep. n.- vom. puls. sulph. By external injuries: 1) Acon. arn. calc. sil. sulph. 2) Euphr. nitr.-ac. petr. puls. rut. sulph.-ac. By straining the eyes in doing fine work: Bell. carb.-veg. rut. spig. By abuse of Mercury: 1) Bell. hep. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph. 2) Dulc. chin. lach. lyc. staph. thuj. After exanthems (measles, scarlatina, small-pox): Bell. bry. cham. hep. hyos. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. After suppression of eruptions generally: Alum. ars. carb.- v. caust. graph. lach. natr.-m. sel. sep. sulph. zinc. § 5. Symptomatic indications: ACONITE: For acute ophthalmia, especially if the following symptoms should be present: Red eyes, with dark redness of the vessels; intolerable, burning, stitching or aching pains, especially when moving the eyes; photophobia; copious lachrymation and bleareyedness, or great dryness of the eye- lids. (After Acon. are frequently suitable: Ant. bell. or hep.) ARSENICUM: For burning pains as from hot coal; or ach- ing and stitching pains, aggravated by light or motion of the eyes; violent pains, obliging one to lie down, or intolerable pains, with anguish, obliging the patient to rise from bed; congested eyes; corrosive lachrymation, nightly agglutina tion; photophobia; specks and ulcers on the cornea. BELLADONNA: Vivid redness of the sclerotica, burning and corrosive lachrymation, or great dryness of the eyes, with painful sensitiveness to the light; aching pains around the eyes, or deep in the eyes, or stitching pains in the eyes and head; aggravation by moving the eyes; dilatation of the pupils; violent catarrh, with cough; or violent headache, with vertigo, stupefaction, sparks or black spots before the eyes; or obscuration of sight, or specks and ulcers on the cornea, &c. (Bell. is frequently suitable after Acon. hep. or merc.) CALCAREA: Violent aching or stinging pains, with itching; or burning and cutting pains aggravated by reading or can- dle light; redness of the sclerotica, lachrymation, specks and ulcers on the cornea; photophobia; mistiness of sight or as if spots were hovering before the eyes, especially when using the eyes. (Calc. is frequently suitable after Sulph, or Dulc.) OPHTHALMIA. 335 CHAMOMILLA: Red eyes, with aching pains when moving them or shaking the head; or stinging, aching or burning pains, as if heat were rushing out of the eyes; red and swollen eye-lids, with copious secretion of mucus and nightly agglutination; great dryness of the eyes. The pains are in- tolerable, &c. EUPHRASIA: Aching pain in the eyes, redness of the sclero- tica; inflammation of the cornea, with vesicles, or specks and ulcers on the cornea; copious secretion of mucus and tears; swelling of the eye-lids; frequent desire to wink; rash around the eyes, or coryza and headache; photophobia, flickering of the light. HEPAR-S.: Redness of the eyes and eye-lids, with soreness when touched; spasmodic closing of the eye-lids; difficulty of moving the eyes; photophobia, especially in the evening; the sight is at times dim and obscured, at others clear; pres- sure in the eye-ball, as if it would start out of the head; specks and ulcers on the cornea and pimples around the eyes and eye-lids; copious lachrymation, nightly agglutination. (Hep. is frequently suitable after Bell. and Merc.) IGNATIA: The eyes are not so much red as painful, with sensation as if sand in the eyes; copious lachrymation, espe- cially from the light of the sun; nightly agglutination ; pho- tophobia; mistiness of sight; fluent coryza or headache. MERCURIUS: Cutting pains or pressure as if from sand in the eyes, especially after using the eyes, or in the evening and in bed; or tearing, itching and stinging, especially in the open air; copious lachrymation, especially in the evening: excessive sensitiveness of the eyes to the glare of fire or to light; vesicles and pimples on the sclerotica; ulcers on the cornea; pustules and scurfs around the eyes and on the mar- gins of the lids; mistiness of sight; the inflammation is brought on again by the least cold. (Merc. is frequently suitable after Bell.) NUX-VOM. The canthi are redder than the eyes; ecchymo- sis and softening of the sclerotica; burning pains and pres- sure in the eyes as if from sand; lachrymation; photophobia, especially in the morning; nightly agglutination; the in- flammation is attended with nightly headache; catarrh, with stoppage of the nose; aggravation in the morning on wak- ing, or after a meal, or in the evening in bed. PULSATILLA : Pressure as if from sand, or tearing, stitch- ing, cutting and boring pains in the eyes; redness of the eyes and eye-lids, with copious secretion of mucus; copious 336 OPHTHALMIA. lachrymation, especially in the cold air, wind, and when ex- posed to the light of day; great dryness of the eye-lids, especially in the evening; burning and corrosive lachryma- tion; nightly agglutination; oedematous swelling of the eye- lids or around the eyes; photophobia, with stitches in the eyes; aggravation towards evening. (Puls. is suitable at the commencement of scrofulous ophthalmia, previous to Ferr. ; or after Acon, in rheumatic ophthalmia.) SULPHUR: Pressure as if from sand, or itching and burn- ing in the eyes and eye-lids, with aggravation on moving the eyes or exposing them to the light of the sun; redness of the eyes and eye-lids; inflammation of the iris, with distorted pupil; dimness of the cornea as if covered with dust, or specks, vesicles and ulcers on the cornea; pustules, ulcers and scurfs around the eyes and on the lids; lachrymation, espe- cially in the open air; or dryness of the eyes, especially in the room; photophobia, with closing of the lids; mistiness of sight, scintillations, &c. (Sulph. is frequently suitable after Acon., or Merc. and Puls.; after Sulph., Calc. is most suitable.) § 6. Try moreover: ANTIMONIUM: For red eye-lids, with eye-gum in the canthi, photophobia and stinging pains. ARNICA: Difficult and painful motion of the eye-lids and eyes, as if excoriated; dilated pupils, sensitiveness to light; red and swollen eye-lids and eyes. BRYONIA: Red eyes, with burning pains and pressure, as if from sand, with aggravation in the evening or at night; swollen eye-lids, with pains in the head, when opening the eyes. (Bry. is frequently suitable after Puls., in rheumatic ophthalmia.) CAUSTICUM: Swelling and ulceration of the eye-lids, with nightly agglutination; pressure or burning pains in the eyes. CHINA: Aggravation towards evening, with pressure as if from sand in the eyes; photophobia; frontal headache; hot and red, or dim and faint eyes, as if filled with smoke in the orbits. COLOCYNTHIS: Violent burning and cutting, extending far back in the head and nose, with great anguish and restless- ness. DIGITALIS: Redness of the eyes and conjunctiva; stitches through the eyes; lachrymation, increased by light and cold; photophobia; obstruction and dryness of the nose. ༣ OPHTHALMIA. 337 DULCAMARA: Aching pain when reading; dimness of sight, scintillations, aggravation by rest. FERRUM: The eyes become weak and moist after using them ever so little; or they become red, with burning pains and styes. GRAPHITES: Ulcers on the cornea, photophobia, swollen lids, agglutination. LACHESIS: Dry eyes, photophobia, lancinations, dimness of sight. NITRI-ACIDUM: Pressure and stitches in the eyes; lachry- mation, especially when reading; yellow rings around the eyes; specks on the cornea; swelling of the eye-lids and suppuration of the eyes.* PETROLEUM: Burning, stitching or pressure over the root of the nose, and swelling of the nose, with discharge of pus. RHUS-TOX. Bry. being insufficient, with burning and stitching and copious lachrymation, nightly agglutination and erysipelatous swelling of the eye-lids, with photophobia. SEPIA: Photophobia, catarrh, nightly agglutination, pus- tules on the eye-ball; aching pains. SPIGELIA: Aching, stitching or boring pains, penetrating into the orbits and head, with sensation as if the eye-balls were too large; excruciating pains. SULPHURIS-AC.: Burning pains, with photophobia, lachry- mation, especially when reading; difficulty of opening the lids. VERATRUM: Tearing pains, with violent headache, photo- phobia, heat and feeling of dryness in the eyes. § 7. Try moreover: ESCULUS-HIP. Burning in the internal canthi; burning and stinging deep in the orbit; weight and heat in the eyes; lachrymation. CISTUS-CAN. Scrofulous ophthalmia; pressure above the eyes; spasmodic piercing pain in the eyes, with headache; stitches in the eyes. COMOCLADIA: Edges of the eye-lids inflamed and red; conjunctiva and sclerotica red, with great intolerance to light; violent pain, extending from the posterior portion of the right eye through the head to the occipital protuberance, with great soreness of the eye-ball; profuse lachrymation, and sensation as if the eye was much larger than usual; eyes dull and glassy, the vessels congested, the eye-lids red, swol- *Specifically suitable for syphilitic ophthalmia.-Hempel. 15 338 OPHTHALMIA. len, and below the inferior tarsal cartilage the face is very much puffed out; eye-balls worse on moving them. ERYNGIUM: Smarting, burning sensation, with heavy ach- ing pain, produced by strong light; squinting on exposure to a strong light; tearing, burning pains in the eyes; great intolerance of light, congestion of sclerotica, watery or puri- form discharge. EUPATORIUM-PERF.: Soreness of the eye-balls, intolerance of light, redness of the margin of the lids, with glutinous secretion from the meibomian glands; lachrymation. GELSEMINUM: Fullness and congestion of the lids; diplo- pia, when inclining the head towards the shoulder, but vision single, when holding the head erect; dryness of the eyes; soreness, with sensitiveness to light, and lachrymation; eyes much inflamed and weak, with great flow of tears. HAMAMELIS: Conjunctivitis from external causes and burns, sugillations. HYDRASTIS: Mucous membrane of the eye-lids much con- gested; discharge of large quantities of thick white mucous; profuse lachrymation; eye-lids glued together, smarting and burning of the eyes and lids. IRIS-VERS. Redness of the conjunctiva; the eyes feel dull, with pain over left superciliary ridge; severe pain in internal canthus, with effusion of tears; eyes sunken, with blueness of the eyes. LEPTANDRA: Eyes smart and ache; eye-lids agglutinated; profuse secretion of tears; lids and balls feel constricted. PHYTOLACCA: Painful pressure on the upper parts of both eyes and forehead; burning and smarting sensation in the eyes, with great flow of tears; sandy feeling in the eyes; reddish-blue swelling of the eye-lids, worse on the left side and in the morning; agglutination of the eye-lids during the night; lachrymation, relieved in the open air; photophobia; vertigo, with dimness of vision. It is eminently indicated in rheumatic, catarrhal, scrofulous, mercurial and even syphi- litic ophthalmia; it is recommended for granular lids and fistula lachrymalis. RHUS-VEN.: Eyes closed from the great swelling of the cellular tissue around them; profuse lachrymation; constant dull aching pains in the eye-balls; smarting and burning of the eyes. SANGUINARIA: Catarrhal ophthalmia, granular lids and even ulcers of the cornea. STICTA-PUL.: Burning in the eye-lids, with soreness of the OPHTHALMIA. 339 ball on closing the lids or turning the eyes. Variolous and morbilous ophthalmia. § 8. Use more particularly: a) For evening exacerbation: Amm. amm.-m. asar. bell. cale. carb.-a. caust. euphr. hyos. lach. lyc. merc. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. phos. puls. sep. sulph.-ac. Night exacerbation: Acon. arn.`ars. cham. chin. croc. euphr. hep. hyos. ign. kal. lyc. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sep. staph. sulph. Morning exacerbation: Acon. amm.-m. calc. carb.-v. euphr. graph. ign. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. phosph. phos.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. sulph.-ac. Exacerbation after eating: Bry. calc. caust. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. b) For congestion of the vessels: Acon. ars. bell. ign. lach. merc. phos.-ac. spig. sulph. Interstitial distention of the sclerotica: Bell. sen. sulph. Eruption around the eyes, ac- companying the inflammation: Bell. euphr. merc. nitr.-ac. sen. sep. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. Bloody spots and sweat : Arn. bell. calc. carb.-v. cham. crotal. n.-vom. plumb. rut. sen. Suppuration: Bell. bry, caust. euphr. graph. hep. kreas. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph. Twitching of the lids: Bell. calc. carb.-v. caust. croc. kreas. lyc. n.-vom. sulph. Worse in the open air : Acon. amm -m. bell. bry. calc. caust. lyc. merc. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. phos, puls. rut. sen. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj. Yellow color of the sclerotica: Acon. ant. ars. bell. cham. chin. dig. ign. merc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sulph. Styes: Con. ferr. graph. puls. rhus. sen. sep. staph. sulph. Swelling of the affected parts: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. dig. euphr. guaj. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sen. sep. sulph. thuj. Ophthalmia with ulcers on the cornea: Ars. calc. euphr. hep. lach. merc. sil. sulph. Heat and burning of the eyes: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. croc. euphr. lach. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phos. sep. sulph. Itching of the eyes: Alum. bar. bell. bry. calc. caust. ign. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sil. sulph. Spasm of the eyes: Bell. cham. croc. hep. hyos. merc. natr.-m. rut. sil. staph. Photophobia: Acon. amm. amm.-m. ars. bar. bell. bry. calc. cham. croc. euphr. graph. hep. hyos. ign. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phos. rhus. sil. spig. sulph. Blepharo- plegia: Bell. nitr.-ac. sep. spig. veratr. Ectropium: Bell. merc. Closing of the lids: Ars. bell. cham. croc. hep. hyos. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. Redness of the parts: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry, calc. cham. chin. euphr. graph. ign. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph. Sensation as of sand in the eyes: Beli. bry. calc. carb.-v. chin. ferr. graph. hyos. ign. merc. > > > } 340 OPIUM AND LAUDANUM. -ORCHITIS. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. sulph. sulph.-ac. Halo around the light: Alum. bell. calc. dig. phos. puls. rut. sep. staph. sulph. Blen- norrhoea: Bell. dig. euphr. graph. merc. puls. sen. sulph. Lachrymation: Acon. alum. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. dig. euphr. graph. hep. ign. lach. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. phos. puls. rhus. rut. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thuj. Dry- ness: Acon. ars. bar. bry. lyc. n.-vom. puls. staph. sulph. veratr. Varicose swellings: Carb.-v. puls. Contraction of the lids: Agar. ant. arn. canth. croc. Indurations: Bry. spig. staph. thuj. Nightly agglutination: Ars. alum. bar. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. caust. cham. croc. dig. euphr. graph. hep. ign. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thuj. c) The whole eye being affected: Acon. arn. bell. calc. caust. cham. croc. dig. euphr. hep. ign. lyc. merć. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. The conjunctiva: Acon. ars. bell. dig. euphr. merc. puls. sulph. For pains in the orbits: Bell. cale. chin. hyos. plat. spig. The cornea being particularly diseased: Ars. bell. calc. chin. euphr. hep. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. rut. sen. sep. sil. spig. sulph. The lids: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. cham. croc. dig. graph. hep. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. The canthi being principally affected: Alum. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. caust. euphr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. thuj. The external canthus: Bar. bry. calc. hep. ign. natr.-m. n.-vom. sep. sulph. Inner canthus: Alum. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. caust. euphr, n.-vom. petr, phos. puls. rut. sil. staph. sulph. § 9. Compare: HÆMORRHAGE FROM THE EYES, Running OF THE EYES, BLEPHAROPHLEGIA, BLEPHAROSPASMUS, BLE- PHAROPHTHALMITIS, PAINS IN THE EYES, AMBLIOPIA, DISEASES OF THE CORNEA, &c. OPIUM AND LAUDANUM, ILL EFFECTS OF. The best remedy for poisoning with large doses, is: 1) Black Coffee; or, 2) Vinegar. If consciousness should have returned, a few doses of Ipec. will be found very useful. If any ailments should remain after Ipec., give N.-vom. merc. or bell. The last-mentioned remedies are excellent antidotes against the drug-symptoms occasioned by the medicinal abuse of Opium. ORCHITIS, Oscheocele, Haematocele, Sarcocele, &c.; in- flammation and swelling of the testes. C OTALGIA. 341 § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Arn. aur. clem. nitr.-ac. puls. 2) Ars. con. hamam. lyc. merc. natr. n.-vom. phyt. rhod. spong. staph. verat.-vir. zinc. 2. Orchitis caused by CONTUSION, shock, blow, requires: 1) Arn. hamam. puls. 2) Con. zinc. By suppression of GONORRHOEA: 1) Merc. puls. 2) Agn. aur. brom. clem. nitr.-ac. phyt. rhod. hamam. By metastasis of PAROTITIS: Merc. n.-vom. puls. § 3. ERYSIPELATOUS ORCHITIS, as affects chimney-sweeps, requires Ars. or Merc. § 4. CHRONIC INDURATION OF THE TESTES (sarcocele): frequently yields to: Agn. arg. aur. baryt.-m. clem. con. graph. lyc. rhod. sulph. Hæmatocele: See the remedies for contusion. Hydrocele: Graph, puls. sil. rhod. sulph. sulph.-ac. Scro- fulous persons require Sil. Oscheocele, or hernia scrotalis, has been treated most suc- cessfully with Magn.-m, and n.-vom. OTALGIA, PAINS IN THE EARS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. cham. mere. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Arn. chin. dulc. hep. n.-vom. plat. spig.; or, 3) Ant. borax. bry. calc. magn.-c. phos.-ac. Inflammatory otalgia requires: 1) Bell. merc. n.-vom. puls.; or, 2) Borax. bry. calc. magn.-c. Rheumatic otalgia: 1) Bell. merc. puls.; or, 2) Arn. chin. hep. n.-vom., &c. Otalgia caused by a cold or by sudden suppression of some secretion, requires: 1) Cham. chin. dulc.; or, 2) Merc. puls. or sulph. 3) Cact. lachn. tell. § 2. Particular indications: BELLADONNA: Stitches in and behind the ears; digging and boring pains, tearing and stitches extending to the throat, with ringing, buzzing and roaring in the ears; extreme sen- sitiveness to noise; painful state of the head and eyes, also with photophobia; red and hot face; tendency of the blood to the head. CHAMOMILLA: Lancinations, or tensive and drawing pains extending to the lobe of the ear; dry ears as if stopped up; great sensitiveness to noise, especially to music; excessive sensitiveness to pain; suspicious, ill-humor, and disposition to get angry without sufficient cause. MERCURIUS: Stitching, deep-seated pains, or tearing, ex- tending to the cheeks and teeth, with chilly feeling in the 342 OTALGIA. ears; the pains are aggravated in bed; or spasmodic pains, with inflammatory redness of the ears; discharge of ceru- men; profuse sweat, affording no relief. PULSATILLA : Darting, tearing pains, as if something would penetrate through the ears; the outer ear is red, hot and swollen, or stitching and tearing pains affecting the whole side of the head, and almost depriving the patient of his reason; suitable to chilly individuals disposed to cry, and especially to females. SULPHUR: : Drawing, tearing or stitching pains extending to the head and throat; burning heat through the ears; ex- treme sensitiveness to noise, the patient being nauseated by the slightest musical sounds; especially suitable to persons that are subject to catarrh or tendency of the blood to the head. § 3. Use likewise : ARNICA: In the case of sensitive, nervous individuals, when the pain is brought on again by the least cause, with pressure and stitches in and behind the ears; tearing, internal heat and great sensitiveness to noise. CHINA: The tearing pains are felt more externally, are aggravated by contact, with redness of the ear, stitching in the ear and ringing of the ears. (Is frequently suitable after Arn.) DULCAMARA: The pains are aggravated at night, during rest, with nausea. HEPAR: Frequently after Bell., when this remedy is in- sufficient, and the patient complains of stitches in the ears, when blowing the nose, and of beating, throbbing and roaring. NUX-VOMICA: Suitable to persons of a lively, choleric dis- position, for: tearing, stitching pains, extorting cries, or ex- tending to the forehead and temples, with tearing in the facial bones; aggravation in the morning, or in the evening in bed. PLATINA: Violent crampy pains, shocks, rumbling and de- tonations in the ears, which feel cold, numb, and as if dead, with creeping, extending to the face. SPIGELIA: Painful aching, as if a large nail were sticking in the ear; with aching and tearing pains in the facial bones. § 4. Use likewise : CACTUS Pulsations in the ears, continuing day and night; noise in the ear, like the running of the river, continuing all night; diminished hearing from the buzzing in the ears; very painful otitis, from checked perspiration. OTALGIA. 343 ERYNGIUM: Burning, tearing pain, as if they were being torn from their location. GELSEMINUM: Rushing and roaring in the ears; sudden and temporary loss of hearing; digging in the right ear; stitches, pains behind both ears. HYDRASTIS: Roaring in the ears, like cog-wheels. LACHNANTHES: Singing before the left ear; cracking in the right ear, followed by a motion as if it would discharge something; tearing and tingling in both ears; crawling in the ear, relieved by boring, but immediately returning; it feels then as if something had closed the ear; sensation as if cold in the external ear. PHYTOLACCA: Shooting pain in the right ear; pain in both ears, worse in the right one; irritation of the eustachian tubes; a sense of obstruction in the left eustachian tube, with a rushing sound in the ear of the same side, and a feel- ing as if the hearing were dull, while at the same time it is sensitive to the most minute sounds; increased sense of hear- ing, with pain in the forehead; shooting pains in the ears when swallowing. SANGUINARIA: Burning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks; earache, with headache; singing in the ears, with vertigo; painful sensitiveness to sudden sounds. § 5. Use more particularly: For THROBBING pains in the ears: 1) Acon. calc. magn.-m. natr. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. caust. cham. chin. graph. kal. puls. rhus. For TEARING pains: 1) Arn. bell. calc. cham. colch. con. eryng, merc. n.-vom. puls. zinc. 2) Acon. alum. ambr. caps. kal. lyc. spig. sulph. For pains, as if the EAR WOULD BE TORN OUT: Bell. eryng. merc. puls. For STITCHING PAINS: 1) Arn. bell. calc. cham, con. dros. kal. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Alum. baryt. canth. caust. chin. ign. magn.-m. men. natr. natr.m. nitr. phos.-ac. plumb. ran. sass. sil. spig. staph. zinc. For STITCHES THROUGH THE EAR: 1) Con. kal. sil. spong. 2) Alum. amm.-m. mang. natr. 3) Gels. phytol. sang. For CRAMPY, DRAGGING PAINS: 1) Bell. cham. dros. merc. n.-vom. plat. puls. sulph. 2) Ambr arn. dulc. mur.-ac. n.- mosch. phos. sabad. spig. spong. stram. thuj. § 6. Compare: Prosopalgia, Headache, Pain, Tooth- ache, &c. 344 OTITIS. OTORRHEA. OTITIS, INFLAMMATION OF THE EAR. § 1. For acute internal otitis, Puls. is in most cases a spe- cific remedy. Bell. deserves a preference when the brain is affected, with great anguish, vomiting, coldness of the ex- tremities, delirium, &c. For the subsequent ailments which do not yield to Bell. or Puls., try: 1) Merc. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Borax. bry. cact. calc. cham. hep. lyc. magn.-c. phos. sil. tellur. § 2. For chronic INTERNAL OTITIS, see: Otorrhoea. § 3. For EXTERNAL otitis, Puls. is likewise the chief re- medy. 2) Bell. bor. cact. calc. magn.-c. merc. rhus. sil. sulph. If the ears should be SWOLLEN, try: 1) Bor. merc. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Calc. kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. sep. 3) Cistus. tellur. If ULCERATED: Merc. puls. ruta. spong. tellur. If ITCHING: Amm. puls. rhus. sulph. tellur. § 4. Compare: Otalgia, Herpes on the Ear, Otorrhoea, &c. OTORRHŒA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. lyc. merc. puls. sulph. 2) Bapt. carb.-v. caust. con, graph. hyd. lach. nitr.-ac. petr. phyt. sil. 3) Alum. anac. asa. aur. carb.- a. cham. cist. colch. gels. gran. kal. men. natr.-m. phos. senec. 4) Ars. elaps. hep. tellur. § 2. Discharge of CERUMEN requires: 1) Con. merc. 2) Kal. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. puls. 3) Amm.-m. anac. phos. CATARRHAL OR MUCOUS otorrhea: 1) Merc. puls. sulph. 2) Bell. calc. carb.-v. hep. lyc. natr.-m. phos. 3) Gels. hydr. PURULENT OTORRHOEA: 1) Bell. hep. merc. puls. sil. 2) Asa. calc. caust. lach. nitr.-ac. petr. 3) Amm. aur. bor. carb.- v. cist. kal. lyc. natr.-m. 4.) Bapt. SCROFULOUS OTORRHEA, with ulceration of the concha: 1) Calc. graph. hep. hydr. lyc. merc. phyt. puls. sulph. BLOODY DISCHARGE; hæmorrhagia auricularis: 1) Merc. puls. 2) Bell. calc. cist. con. graph. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. § 3. OBSTINATE OTORRHOEA, after acute otitis, requires: Merc. puls. sulph. Otorrhoea in consequence of some ACUTE EXANTHEMA, such as scarlatina, measles, small-pox, requires: Bell. colch. hep. lyc. men. merc. or carb.-v. If caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY: Aur, asa. hep. nitr.-ac. phyt. sil. sulph. And if caries should already be present: Aur. nitr.-ac. sil. If caused by ABUSE OF SULPHUR: Puls. or merc. OTORRHEA. 345 § 4. To remove the consequences of a SUPPRESSED otor- rhœa, give: 1) Bell. merc. puls. 2) Bry. dulc. n.-vom. If this suppression should be followed by SWELLING OF THE CERVICAL OR PAROTID GLANDS, give: Bell. merc. puls. If by HEADACHE OR FEVER: Bell. bry.; and if the discharge should have been arrested by a cold, give: Dulc. or merc. If orchitis should set in: Merc. puls.; or, Aur. n.-vom zinc. § 5. Discharge of DISEASED CERUMEN requires: Amm.-m. calc. con. lach. merc. petr. selen. sep. sil. thuj. RED CERUMEN, like blood: Con. Cerumen, LIKE PAP: Lach. § 6. Compare: Hearing, deficient; Otalgia, Otitis, &c. OVARIES, DISEASES OF. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Apis. bry. con. 2) Bell. cact. cimicif. hamam. lach. merc. 3) Chin. dulc. hedeom. plat. sabin. 4) Acon. ambr. ant. ars. canth. phyt, pod. staph. ustilag.-mad. Dr. Hering saw good effects from Lach. and then Plat., in a case of induration and suppuration of an ovary. For HYDROPS OVARII are recommended: Apis. dulc. sabin. ACUTE Ovaritis requires: 1) Apis. bry. cimicif. 2) Canth. coloc. con. hep. ign. lach. merc. plat. puls. CHRONIC Ovaritis, with painfulness of the ovaries: Apis. bry. coloc. clem. hedeom. iod. phyt. sabin. sep. staph. thuj. § 2. Particular indications: AMBRA: Stitches in the ovarian region when drawing in the abdomen or pressing upon it; discharge of bluish-white menses from the vagina; burning, smarting, itching and titil- lation of the vulva and urethra during urination. APIS: Stinging pains in the ovaries; aggravation after coitus; enlargement of the right ovary and pain in the left pectoral region, with cough; swelling, with stinging pains from sexual intercourse during the monthly period. BELLADONNA: Enlargement of the right ovary with pres- sure downwards, as if every thing would be forced out of the vulva. BRYONIA: Stitching pains in the ovaries on taking a inspiration; aggravation by pressure or motion. deep CACTUS-GR.: Pulsating pains in the uterus and ovarian re- gion, like an internal tumor suppurating, the pain extends to the thighs and becomes insupportable, then it ceases com- pletely and occurs at the same time on the next day, and so on for many successive days. CANTHARIDES: Stitches, arresting the breathing, or violent 15* 346 PAINS. pinching pains, with bearing down towards the genitals; great burning pains in the ovarian region; constant urging and straining to urinate, with painful discharge of only a few drops of urine, which sometimes is bloody, after suppressed gonorrhoea. COLOCYNTH: Intense boring or tensive pain in the ovary, causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness. CONIUM Induration and enlargement of the ovary, at- tended with nausea, vomiting, eructations of wind; lancinat- ing pains; acrid, white and slimy leucorrhoea; labor-like contractions; pains in the iliac region. GRAPHITES: Inflammation, aggravated by every cold she takes or from getting the feet damp; delaying menses; morn- ing sickness during the menses; obstinate constipation of large knotty fæces, with varices; itching blotches here and there over her person, oozing a glutinous fluid. LACHESIS: Especially in cases where the left ovary was first affected, with tendency towards the right; worse after sleeping; the pain is often relieved by a discharge of blood from the vagina. If pus has already formed, Lachesis may be the most appropriate remedy to promote its escape ex- ternally. HAMAMELIS: Ovarian affections, accompanied with swelling and tenderness. PLATINA: Sexual passion altogether too strong; burning paroxysmal pains in ovaries, with stitches in the forehead. STAPHYSAGRIA: In many cases, particularly where the mind has been dwelling too much on sexual objects. THUJA: In cases where the left ovary is more particularly affected; the sufferings are much increased at every men- strual period, they even become almost intolerable; the pain extends all through the left iliac region into the groin, and sometimes in the left leg; the pain is frequently excited by walking or riding, and becomes so severe that she has to lie down. ZINC: In chronic cases; boring pains in the left ovary, causing her to press on the part continually; the pains en- tirely relieved during the menstrual flow, and return with the same violence after their expiration. PAINS, PAROXYSMS OF. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bry. cham. chin, coff. hep. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. vertr. 2) Bell. caps, colc, coloc. con. kal. magn.-c. mez. phosph. ruta, sep. PAINS. 347 spig. stann. staph, thuj. val. verb. 3) Agn. alum. anac. ant. arg. asa. asar. aur. baryt. calc. canth. caust. cocc. ferr. graph. hyos. led. magn.-aust. natr. natr.-m. phosph. rhod. sabin. sas- sap. spong. stront. sulph. zinc. § 2. Pains of irritable, nervous persons, require: 1) Acon. ars. bry. cham. chin. coff. hep. ign. merc. n.-vom. val. veratr. 2) Asar. aur. canth. cocc. ferr. magn.-arct. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. staph. If affecting rheumatic individuals, give: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. cham. merc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. 2) Ant. ars. carb.-veg. caust. chin. colch. ferr. ign, lach. lyc. rhod. ruta. sassap. sep, sulph. thuj. veratr. If arthritic: 1) Acon. bell. bry. colch. kal. merc. phosph. rhod. rhus. sabin. spong. staph. 2) Agn. arg. baryt. calc. caust. chin. cocc. ferr. graph. n.-vom. puls. sassap. sep. stann. sulph. thuj. If persons who have used much mercury: 1) Arn. carb.- veg. cham. chin. hep. puls. 2) Arg. bell. dulc. calc. guaj. lach. lyc. mez. phos.-ac. sassap. sulph. If persons who have indulged in the excessive use of coffee: 1) Cham. coff. ign. n.-vom. 2) Bell. canth. caust. cocc. hep. merc. puls. sulph. If plethoric individuals: 1) Acon. arn. bell. ferr. hyos. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. 2) Aur. bry. calc. chin. lyc. nitr.-ac. phosph. sep. sulph. § 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Intolerable pains, especially at night, stitching or throbbing; fever-heat, sighing, lamenting, inconsolable, anguish, or with dread of death; thirst, red cheeks, small and hurried pulse, great sensitiveness of the whole nervous sys- tem, especially of the organs of sight and hearing; sleepless- ness, with tossing about. ARNICA: Creeping in the affected parts, with restlessness, obliging one to move them constantly; aggravation by the least exertion, and even by the least noise. ARSENICUM: The pains are burning or tearing, setting in principally at night or during sleep, or driving the patient to despair; attended with great anguish, debility, obliging one to lie down; intermission; feeling of coldness in the affected part; aggravation during rest, after working, or in the eve- ning, in bed, or after eating; relief by external warmth. BELLADONNA: Stitching, burning pains, aggravated by motion, light or noise, also by the least concussion, or even by the stepping of other people in the room; the paroxysms 348 PAINS. set in every day, afternoon, and last until midnight; aggra- vation by a draught of air, warmth of the bed, &c. BRYONIA: Aching, or drawing and tearing, or stitching pains, or as if an ulcer were under the skin; aggravation by moving the body, relief by moving the affected part; irrita- ble, vehement disposition; disposition to rheumatism, &c. CHAMOMILLA: Jerking, tearing, and beating pains, with sensation of rigidity in the affected parts; excessive sensi- tiveness to pain; extreme debility, even unto fainting, after the first paroxysm of pain; bloated face, or one cheek is pale, the other red; hot sweat about the head, even in the hairs, with restlessness, cries, weeping, and irritable, quarrelsome mood. CHINA: Extreme sensitiveness of the skin; aggravation by the least touch; sensation of rigidity and laming weakness in the affected parts, attended with aching pains, ill-humor, dissatisfied temper, sensual disposition, pale face, with fre- quent flushes and warmth, very loquacious or restless at night. (China is frequently very useful after Coffea.) COFFEA: Intolerable pains, whining mood, the patient is beside himself, with restless tossing about, cries and great anguish; shuddering in the open air; excessive sensitiveness of all the organs of sense, and especially sight; cannot bear the least noise. (After Coff. are frequently suitable: Nux- vom. ign. chin., or puls. HEPAR: Pains as if sore, or from subcutaneous ulceration, aggravated by contact; fainting turn when the least parox- ysm of pain occurs, especially in the evening. IGNATIA: Tearing pains or pressure from within outwards, or stitching boring; pale face, watery urine; momentary re- lief by changing one's position; the pains come on again after eating, in the evening after lying down, or early after rising; changeable mood with tendency to start; or sad, taciturn mood; bland, sensitive temper. MERCURIUS: Suitable to persons that are disposed to rheu- matism, with night-sweats, tearing and stitching pains; aggra- vation at night; feeling of coldness in the affected parts, de- bility and orgasmus sanguinis on making the least exertion; pale face, or flushes on the face, or red spots on the cheeks. NUX-VOMICA: Suitable to persons who are addicted to the use of spirits or coffee, of a lively choleric temper and red face; or suitable to people who lead a sedentary life; for draw- ing or jerking pains setting in in the morning, in bed, after PAINS. 349 eating, or in the evening, aggravated by open and cold air, reading or meditating. PULSATILLA Tearing, or stitching and beating pains, only on one side, worse after retiring in the evening, or early in the morning, also during rest and when sitting; relief in the open air; suitable to females and individuals of a bland, timid and quiet temper, with pale complexion and disposition to feel chilly. RHUS-TOX.: Creeping and burning pains, or drawing-stitch- ing; or pains as if from subcutaneous ulceration; aggrava- tion during rest and in the open air; relief by motion and warmth; quiet disposition, disposition to melancholy and sadness, or paroxysms of anguish. VERATRUM: Violent pains inducing delirium and frenzy for a short time; or pains with debility, even unto fainting; cold sweat, general coldness of the body, with thirst; aggra- vation in bed, and at night, or towards morning; relief on rising and walking. 8. 4. Use more particularly: a) When there is: great nervous and muscular excitement, with feverish heat, red cheeks, &c.: 1) Acon. cham. chin. coff. ign. merc. val. 2) Arn. ars. bell. bry. canth. n.-vom. puls. rhus. b) When great debility, chilliness and coldness: 1) Ars. veratr. 2) Arn. chin. hep. merc. n.-vom. puls. c) When the affected parts become very thin, emaciated: 1) Caust. staph. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. graph. led. mez. natr.-m. d) When they sweat readily: Bell. calc. cham. chin. graph. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhod. sep. sulph. § 5. a) For sensation as if the affected part would be stretch- ed, enlarged, widened: Bell. bry. carb.-veg. chin. dulc. hyos. ign. laur. merc. n.-vom. oleand. op. puls. rhus. sep. spig. staph. sulph.-ac. b) For painful tension in the affected part: 1) Asa. bell. bry. caust. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. stront. sulph. 2) Arg. arn. ars. aur. calc. coloc. con. kal. magn.-m. mang. merc. mez. mosch. nitr.-ac. phosph. plat. rhod. rhus. sep. stann. veratr. zinc. c) For feeling of fullness: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. carb.- veg. chin. merc. mosch. phosph. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. asa. calc. caps. cham. coff. con. graph. hell. kal. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. puls. sep. spong. sulph.-ac. d) For sensation as if every thing would issue through the 350 PAINS. affected part (forwards, upwards, or downwards): 1) Acon. bell. bry. caust. cham. chin. cocc. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.-m. mosch. natr. n.-vom. plat. puls. sep. sil. sulph. sulph.- ac. 2) Alum. amm. amm.-m. aur. calc. cann. con. magn.-c. phosph. phos.-ac. spig. spong. staph. stront. thuj. croc. e) As if the part would fly to pieces: 1) Bell. bry. calc. caust, con. ign. lach. merc. natr.-m. puls. sep. sil. spig. sulph. 2) Acon. amm. ant. baryt. caps. carb.-an. carb.-veg, chin. con. graph. hep. kal. magn.-arct. merc. mez. natr. n.-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ran. sabin. spong, staph. thuj. § 6. a) For compressive pains, as if in a vice: Alum. bell. cocc. hell. ign. ipec. magn.-c. mosch. natr.-m. n.-vom. plat. spig. spong. sulph. sulph.-ac. b) Sensation as if the part were tied up with a band: Anac. aur. bell. chin. con. graph. ign. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. plat. puls. sassap. sulph. c) Sensation as if the clothes were too tight, as if they pressed upon the affected part: 1) Bry. calc. carb.-veg. caust. kreas. lach. lyc. merc. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Amm. caps. carb.- an. nitr.-ac. puls. sassap. sep. sil. spong. stann. d) For sensation of heaviness in the affected part: 1) Acon. bell. calc. carb.-veg. chin. magn.-arct. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. amm. amm.-m. arn. ars. baryt. bry. carb.-an. cham. con. dulc. kreas. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. mur.-ac. natr. n.-mosch. op. pet. plumb. sabad. sabin. spig. spong. staph. thuj. veratr. § 7. For aching pains: 1) Arn. bell. calc. carb.-veg. caust. chin, cupr. ign. lyc. n.-vom. phosph. sep. stann. staph. sulph. zinc. 2) Acon. alum. amb. amm.-m. anac. ars. aur. carb.-an. cocc. cupr. ign. magn.-aret. merc. natr. natr.-m. phos.-ac. plat. ruta. sassap. veratr. b) Pressure as if a plug or nail had been driven in: 1) Arn hep. ign. n.-vom. oleand. plat. ruta. sulph.-ac. 2) Acon. anac. ant. asa. carb.-veg. cocc. coff. dulc. hell. lyc. magn.-arct. natr.-m. rhus. ruta. spig. spong. sulph. thuj. c) Boring pains: 1) Bell. calc. dulc. hep. merc. natr.-m. puls. ran.-sc. sep. spig. 2) Acon. agn. ant. arg. aur. carb.-an. carb.-veg. caust. cin. cocc. hell. ign. kal. laur. magn.-c. magn.- m. merc. mosch, rhod. sil. stann. staph. thuj. zinc. d) Digging pains: 1) Amm.-m. arn. bell. cin. dulc. mang. n.-mosch. rhod. sep. spig. stann. 2) Acon. asa. bry. calc. carb.-an. cin. cocc. con. kal. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. phos.-ac. plat. rhod. rhus. ruta. seneg. sulph. val. PAINS. 351 e) Sensation as if a ball were ascending in, or adhering to certain parts: Acon. ign. lach. natr.-m. plumb. sep. sil. § 8. a) For constrictive sensation in the affected parts: 1) Alum. anac. bell. chin. graph. ign. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Acon. aur. calc. canth. cocc. con. dig. dros ipec. lyc. mosch. n.-mosch. phosph. phos.- ac. sassap. sep. stann. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj. veratr. b) Griping, grasping, clawing: 1) Calc. carb.-an. carb.- veg. caust. ign. n.-vom. phosp. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. bell. coloc. graph. hep. lyc. magn.-m. merc. natr. natr.-m. stann. stront. c) Dragging pains: 1) Arn. bell. calc. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Amb. ars. cham. colch. mez. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. plat. rhab. sep. staph. veratr. d) Sensation as if the part were too short, or contracted: 1) Amm. amm.-m. baryt. caust. coloc. con. graph. lach, natr. natr.-m. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. arn. asa. bell. bry. carb.-an. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. mez. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. oleand. phos.-ac. plat. rhod. seneg. stann. stront. zinc. e) Crampy, spasmodic pains: 1) Amb. calc. carb.-veg. coloc. ign. oleand. phos.-ac. plat. 2) Acon. anac. ang. arn. ars. bell. carb.-an. caust. chin. cin. cocc. con. graph. kal. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. meż. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhod. sep. stann. staph. sulph. f) For actual cramp: 1) Anac. ang. bell. calc. caust. cin. coloc. graph. lyc. merc. plat. rhus. sep. 2) Agar. amb. ars. asa. camph. cann. cocè. con. dulc. ign. kal. magn.-arct. mez. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. phosph. sec. spig. stann. sulph. thuj. g) For contraction of the parts: 1) Calc. caust. coloc. graph. guaj. lyc. merc. rhus. sec. sil. 2) Anac. carb.-an. caps. chin. cic. cin. ferr. hyos. lach. merc. n.-vom. op. phosph. plat. sol.-nig. stram. tart. § 9. a) For benumbing pains, with feeling of numbness in the affected parts: 1) Acon. bry. cham. cocc. con. lyc. n.-vom. oleand. plat. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Amm. anac. ars. asa. bell. calc. carb.-an. caust. chin. hell. hyos. ign. merc. mosch. op. phosph. phos.-ac. sec. sep. stram. b) For laming pains: 1) Aur. caps. carb.-veg. cham. chin. cin. cocc. colch. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. sabin. staph. 2) Acon. bell. bry. caust. ign. magn.-arct. natr.-m. phosph. rhod. sil. veratr. c) Pains as if bruised: 1) Arn. chin. cocc. hep. ign. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Arg. 352 PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. aur. bry. calc. camph. carb.-veg. caust. con. dros. ferr. magn. c. magn.-m. merc. nitr.-ac. phosph. phos.-ac. sil. stann. thuj. d) Sensation as if the flesh were beaten loose on the bones: Bry. canth. ign. led. merc. mosch. natr.-m. nitr.-ae. n.-vom. rhus. staph. sulph. thuj. e) Sensation of contusion, blow, &c.: 1) Arn. cic. cin. con dros. lach. oleand. plat. puls. ruta. 2) Acon. alum. amm caust. ign, kal. natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phosph. plumb. rhus. sulph. f) Pain as if strained or sprained: 1) Arn. bry. calc. caust. ign. natr-m. petr. phosph. puls. rhod. rhus. sulph. 2) Amb. amm. carb.-veg. graph. lach. nitr. n.-vom. ruta. sep. spig. stann. thuj. § 10. a) For tearing pains: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. caust. chin. ign. kal. lyc. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhod. rhus, sil. stront. sulph. zinc. 2) Alum, amb. arg. calc. caps. carb.-veg. ferr. led. natr. natr.-m. nitr. phosph. phos.-ac. sassap. sep. thuj, val. b) Cutting pains: 1) Bell. calc. canth. coloc. dros. kal. lyc. merc. natr. phos.-ac. rhus. sil. sulph.-ac. 2) Alum. caust. chin. con. dulc. graph. hyos. ign. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sep. spig. staph. sulph. c) Stitching pains: 1) Acon. asa. bell. bry. calc. canth. chin. guaj. ign. merc. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. spig. staph. sulph. thuj. 2) Amm. amm.-m. arn. ars. caust. cocc. colch. con. dros. graph. hell. kal. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr.-m. n.-vom. sabad. sassap. sil. spong. sulph.-ac. verb. d) Shocks or jerks: 1) Amb. calc. cic. colch. ign. magn.- arct. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phosph. plat. puls. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. sulph.-ac. 2) Anac. arn. ars. bell. cann. cham, lyc. magn.-c. mez. petr. rhus. spong. tart. e) Twitching, jerking pains: 1) Asa. calc. caust. chin. colch. cupr. graph. ign. kal. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. anac. aur. bell. bry. cin. clem. con. graph. lyc. magn.-aust. merc. phos.-ac. sep. spig. stann. val. § 11. a) Gnawing, corrosive, scraping pains: Alum. ars. asa. baryt. bell. calc. canth. caust. cham. con. cupr. dros. kal. kreas. lach. lyc. mang. natr.-m. phosph. phos.-ac. plat. puls. ran.-sc. rhus. ruta. sabad. spig. staph. b) Tingling in the parts: 1) Acon. arn. bell. caps. chin. colch. kal, phos.-ac. plat. puls. sec. sep. solan.-nig. spig sulph. 2) Alum. ars. caust. croc. euphr. ign. magn.-aust. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. sabad. zinc. PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. 353 c) Creeping: Alum. arn. aur. bell. calc, kal. nitr.-ac. n.- vom. rhod. rhus. sec. sep. staph. sulph. thuj. d) Going to sleep of the parts: 1) Calc. carb.-an. carb.-veg. chin. cocc. croc. graph. kal. lyc. merc. petr. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amb. arg. baryt. caps. cham. con. guaj. hyos. ign. magn.-arct. magn.-aust. magn.-m. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. rhod. stram. sulph. thuj. veratr. e) Sensation as if wind were blowing on the parts, or as if a current of air were passing through: Aur. colch. graph. magn.-aust. oleand. puls. rhus. sabin. spig. stram. zinc. f) Feeling of coldness in the parts: Ars. calc. camph. carb.- veg. chin. colch. dros. ipec. laur. lyc. magn.-aust. merc. mez. natr. natr.-m. nitr. n.-vom. phosph. phos.-ac. sep. sulph. verat. § 12. a) For burning pains: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. canth. carb.-veg. caust. euphorb. graph. merc. n.-vom. phosph. phos.- ac. rhus. sabad. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Arn. calc. chin. kal. lach. lyc. mez. petr. plumb. rhod. ruta. sabin. sil. veratr, b) Beating, throbbing, pulsative, hammering pains: 1) Acon. amm.-m, ars. bell. calc. carb.-veg. cham. cocc. ferr. ign. kal. magn.-aust. natr.-m. phosph. puls. sep. sil. sulph. tart. 2) Alum. asa. bry. cann. caps. kreas. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.- m. nitr.-ac. petr. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. stram. veratr. c) Pains as from subcutaneous ulceration: 1) Amm.-m. bry. caust. kal. lach. phosph. puls. ran. rhus. sil. 2) Cann. caust. cham. cic. graph. ign. mang. merc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. thuj. zinc. d) Pain as if burnt: Baryt. bell. bry. caust. hyos. ign. lach. magn.-m. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sulph.-ac. e) Sore and smarting pain: 1) Arg. canth. cic. graph. hep. ign. mez. n.-vom. plat. sep. sulph.-ac. zinc. 2) Alum. arn. bry. calc. caust. cin. kal. kreas. lyc. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. ran. rhus. sil. stann. staph. sulph. § 13. a) For pains striking, from above downwards: Acon. agar. baryt. bell. bry. canth. caps. carb.-veg. caust. chin. cin. ferr. graph. kal. kreas. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.-aust. merc. natr. natr.-m, nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. sabin. sassap. sep. sulph. val. veratr. zinc. b) From below upwards: Acon. alum. anac. arn. ars. bell. calc. carb.-veg. caust. cham. chin. colch. con. dulc. euphr. magn.-arct. magn.-c. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. rhus. samb. sep. spong. stront. sulph. thuj. val. c) From within outwards: 1) Arg. asa. bell. bry. chin. con rhus. spig. spong. stann. sulph. val. 2) Acon, alum. cale 354 PARALYSIS. dros. dulc. ign. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.-aust. merc. mez. mur.- ac. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. phos.-ac. sabad. sep. sil. staph. d) From without inwards: 1) Anac. arn. calc. canth. ign. kal. plat. spig staph. zinc. 2) Bell. calc. cann, caust. cocc. dulc. hell. laur. mez. nitr.-ac. oleand. plumb. rhus. sabin. sulph.-ac. e) For semilateral pains: 1) Alum. asa, calc. cocc. coloc. dulc. graph. kal. magn,-arct. magn.-aust. mang. mez. n.-vom. oleand. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sassap. spig. staph. sulph.-ac. verb. 2) Agar. amb. anac. arg. ars. canth. carb.-veg. caust. chin. cic. cin. guaj. ign. lach. merc. mur.-ac. phosph. rhus. sabad. sassap. stann. zinc. f) Pains, felt cross-wise, right shoulder, left foot, &c.: Agar. calc. mang. nitr.-ac. sil. val. g) Left side: 1) Calc, chin. coloc. lach. merc. petr. phosph. sulph. 2) Arn. asa. asar. colch. cupr. graph. hep. lyc. mez. nitr.-ac. phosph. rhod. sep. spig. sulph.-ac. thuj. h) Right side: 1) Amm. amm.-m. canth. caust. sabad. stront. zinc. 2) Agar. alum. calc. dros. ign. lyc. mosch. ruta. sabin. i) Erratic pains: Arn. chin. daph. n.-mosch. puls. rhod. sulph. 2) Ars. asa. bell. con. ign. iod. mang. sabin. sassap. sec. sep. val. zinc. § 14. See: CONDITIONS, CAUSES, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, &c. PARALYSIS.-§ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Caust. cocc n.-vom. rhus. 2) Arn. baryt. bell. bry. dulc. ferr. lach. led. lyc. oleand. ruta. sil. stann. sulph. zinc. 3) Es.-gl. caul. gels. hedeom. myr. phyt. sang. xanthox. § 2. a) For HEMIPLEGIA: 1) Caust, coce. lach. n.vom. 2) Arg.-n. bell. graph. plumb. 3) Alum. anac. arn. chin. hyos. kal. phos.-ac. rhus. stann. staph. sulph.-ac. For LEFT SIDED hemiplegia: Arn. ars. bell. caust. rhus. For hemiplegia of THE RIGHT SIDE: Arn. bell. caust. rhus. b) In consequence of CONVULSIONS: 1) Ars. caust. cupr. sec. sulph. 2) Bell. cocc. laur. n.-vom. 3) Cic. hyosc. plumb. rhus. sil. stann. stram. c) If caused by RHEUMATISM: 1) Arn. baryt. caul. caust. chin. ferr. gels. ruta. tart. 2) Bry. cocc. lyc. sulph. d) In consequence of EMOTIONS: Arn. natr. stann. e) After BODILY EXERTIONS: Arn. rhus. f) In DRUNKARDS: N.-vom. g) In consequence of DEBILITATING INFLUENCES, sexual ex- PARALYSIS. 355 cesses, onania: 1) Chin. ferr. natr.-m. sulph. 2) Cocc. n.- vom. phos. rhus. h) In consequence of APOPLEXY: 1) Arn. anac. baryt. caust. cupr. n.-vom. plumb. sec. 2) Lach. stann. stram. zinc. 3) Anacard. bell. op. cocc. i) In consequence of CATCHING COLD: Arn. caust. colch. dulc. merc. rhus. Of damp cold: Caust. rhus. Of severe cold: Caust. Of suppression of perspiration: Colch. k) After INTERMITTENT FEVERS: Arn. ars. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. 1) After TYPHOID FEVERS: Cocc. cupr. rhus. sulph. m) If caused by SUPPRESSION OR RETROCESSION of an erup- tion: Caust, dulc. hep. sulph. n) In consequence of SPINAL AFFECTIONS: Aluminum. arn. ars. phos. o) Caused by POISONING BY ARSENICUM: Chin. ferr. graph. hep. n.-vom. p) By POISONING BY LEAD: Cupr. op. plat. q) By MERCURY: Hep. nitr.-ac. staph. stram. sulph. 3. a) PARALYSIS OF THE EYE-LIDS, require: 1) Sep. spig. verat. 2) Bell. nitr.ac. stram. zine. 3) Coce. op. plumb. rhus. b) Paralysis of the FACIAL MUSCLES: Bell. caust. cocc. graph. n.-vom. op. c) Of the PHARYNX, ORGANS OF DEGLUTITION: 1) Caust. cocc. cupr. gels. lach. sil. 2) Ars.? bell.? ipec.? kal.? laur.? n.-mosch. ? plumb. ? puls. ? stram.? d) of the TONGUE AND ORGANS OF SPEECH: 1) Arn. ars. baryt. bell. caust. cocc. dulc. hep. hyosc. lach. 2) Acon. gels. hydroc. op. stram. 3) Cupr. ac.-muriat. plumb. e) Of the EXTREMITIES of the body, upper and lower : Esc. arn, ars. colch. dulc. merc. n.-vom. rhus. 3) Gels. sang. f) of the UPPER EXTREMITIES: 1) Esc.-hip. arn. calc. caust. chin. coce. colch. dulc. merc. n.vom. Thus. sep. tart. 2) Acon. bell. bry. lyc. nitr. verat. RIGHT SIDE: Arn. n.-vom. rhus. LEFT: N.-vom. rhus. Of the HANDS: 1) Ars. caust. ferr. rhus. ruta. sil. 2) Amb. cupr. natr.-m. Of the FINGERS: 1) Calc. sec. sil. 2) Amb. cupr. natr.-m. g) Of the LOWER EXTREMITIES: Esc.-gl. alum, arn. bell. bry. caul. chin. cocc. colch. dulc. gels. kal. merc. natr.-m. n.- vom. phos. plumb. rhus. sec. sulph. verat. alb. and vir. RIGHT: Plumb. rhus. LEFT: Arn. h) of the FEET: Ars. chin. oleand. plumb. 356 PARALYSIS.—PAROTITIS. i) Of the BLADDER: Ars. bell. canth. dulc. hyos. lach. lyc. natr.-m. op. cact. gels. k) of the RECTUM AND SPHINCTER-ANI: Caust. coloc. hyos. lyc. op. rut. zinc. sulph. § 3. For paralysis of the MOTOR AND SENSORY NERVES: Ars. bell. caust. ign. n.-vom. rhus. Of the SENSORY NERVES alone: Plumb. sil. Of the MOTOR NERVES alone: Gels. PARALYSIS OF THE LUNGS, Orthopnoea paralytica, suffocative catarrh. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. carb.-v. chin. gels. ipec. lach. op. tart. 2) Acon. baryt. camph. graph. puls. samb. 3) Aur. bell. bry. cham. con. dros. hep. hyos. ign. mgt.-arc. merc. n.-vom. phos. spong. sulph. verat. § 2. If of a CATARRHAL nature, or caused by excessive accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, give: 1) Ars. camph. chin. ipec. tart. 2) Carb.-v. dros. gels. graph. hep. merc. phos. puls. samb. spong. sulph. verat. If of a CONGESTIVE nature, caused by congestion of blood to the lungs (apoplexia pulmonalis): 1) Acon. bell. bry, chin. gels. ipec. phos. samb. 2) Ars. aur. cham. n.-vom. op. spong. sulph. Purely NERVOUS paralysis requires: 1) Baryt. graph. hyos. lach. n.-vom. op. 2) Ars. aur. carb.-v. chin. mgt.-arc. § 3. TO CHILDREN give: 1) Acon. gels. ipec. samb. tart. 2) Bell. cham. hep. ign. merc. sulph. 2) TO OLD people: 1) Baryt. lach. op. 2) Ars. aur. carb.- v. chin. con. phos. verat. § 4. See: Asthma, Congestions of the Chest, Bronchitis, Cough, Pneumonia, &c. PAROTITIS. The best rémedy for acute parotitis is Merc. in most cases a specific, though Aur. is sometimes indicated. Erysipelatous inflammation, or metastasis to the brain, with disappearance of the swelling, stupor and delirium, require Bell., or hyosc., if bell. should not be sufficient. In case Merc. should have been previously abused, or in case it should not be sufficient, or the swelling should com- mence to harden, with hectic fever, &c., Carb.-veg. is indi- cated. This remedy is generally indicated when the patient very hoarse and there is a metastasis to the stomach. is If Carb.-veg. is insufficient, Cocc. will be found serviceable. In obstinate cases consider: 1) Kal. rhus. 2) Amm. aur. calc. cham. con. Compare: Sore throat. PEMPHIGUS.—PHAGEDENIC BULLE. 357 PEMPHIGUS. Both chronic and acute pemphigus re- quire: 1) Bell. dulc. rhus. sep. 2) Canth. hep. ran. Compare vesicular erysipelas, which is so much like pem- phigus that the same remedies may perhaps be employed for either. We have no written evidence of the treatment of this dis- ease; nevertheless, the remedies which have been recom- mended by Hahnemann, for phagedenic blisters, or the so- called Fressblasen, (spreading and corrosive blisters), may be tried for pompholix, though these blisters seem to be of the class of ecthyma rather than pompholix. PERITONITIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham.; or, 2) Coff. coloc. hyos. n.-vom. rhus. Comp.: ENTERITIS, METRITIS, PUERPERAL FEVER, INTER- MITTENT FEVER, &c. PETECHIA, MORBUS MACULOSUS. Petechia which occur in typhus putridus, require: Ars. bry. rhus. Morbus maculosus Werlhofii yielded in my practice to Bry. in every instance. We may try, moreover: Arn. bell. berb. hyos. lach. led. n.-vom. phos. rut. sec. sil. stram. sulph.-ac. PHARYNGITIS, with inflammation of the velum and uvula. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. alum. bell. canth. hyos. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. stram.; or, 2) Ars. calc. dulc. ign. veratr. For simple, uncomplicated inflammation, give: Acon. bell. canth. lach. merc. Inflammation with spasmodic constriction of the fauces, requires: 1) Bell. hyos. lach. stram. veratr.; or, 2) Alum. ars. cie. coec. ign. laur. lye. mere. n-vom. op. For sensation as of a foreign body in the throat, give: 1) Ars. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls.; or, 2) Bell. lach. sulph. If the inflammation should extend to the velum, give: Acon. bell. coff. merc. n.-vom. Inflammation of the uvula requires in most cases: 1) Bell. coff. merc. n.-vom.; or, 2) Calc. seneg. sulph. Compare: SORE THROAT. PHAGEDENIC BULLÆ (blisters) OF HAHNEMANN. A kind of spreading, ulcerated blisters on the buttocks, feet, heels, toes, hands and fingers, always isolated, and distin- 358 PHIMOSIS.-PHOTOPHOBIA. guished from pompholix by the absence of those mucous derangements of the stomach, intestinal canal, or other func- tional derangements, which are generally said to accompany pompholix. Principal remedies: 1) Cham. graph. petr. sil. 2) Ars. bor. calc. caust. clem. hep. kal. magn.-c. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. rhus.-t. sep. squill. sulph. PHIMOSIS, paraphimosis and inflammation of the prepuce. If caused by syphilis, give Mercurius, or Nitr.-ac. sep. thuj. Phimosis with gonorrhea, requires: Cann. merc. sulph. Phimosis from friction or some other mechanical cause, re- quires Arn., and if inflammation should be present, give Acon., then Arn., and if Arn. should not be sufficient, try Rhus.-t. or Euphrasia. If caused by uncleanliness, Acon. or Merc., or Sulph. will be found sufficient. If by chemical or poisonous substances, &c., give: Acon. bell. bry. camph. Suppuration requires Merc. or Caps. or Hep., and subse- quent indurations: Lach. or Sulph. or Sep. For threatening gangrene, give: Ars. or Lach. or Canth. To little children, give: Acon. or Merc., or Calc. and Sulph. PHOSPHORUS, ILL EFFECTS OF. Complete poisoning requires: 1) according to Hering, vomiting as speedily as possible; if necessary, excite it by tobacco or mustard; 2) black coffee, in large quantities; 3) water mixed with com- mon Magnesia. Oil and fat things are hurtful, milk likewise. If symptoms remain use: 1) N.-vom. 2) Alum. bell. sulph. PHOTOPHOBIA. - Principal remedies: 1) Bell. con. euphr. ign. puls. staph. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. calc. hep. merc. n.-vom. phosph. rhus. sulph. veratr. BELLADONNA: Halo of various colors around the flame; red spots, mist or darkness before the eyes, diplopia and de- crease of sight. CINA: Suitable to scrofulous children, that wet their beds frequently, and to onanists. CONIUM: Pale redness of the eye-ball, with congested ves- sels of the conjunctiva, suitable to scrofulous subjects. EUPHRASIA: Headache, the light of the candle seeming to be dark and to flicker. IGNATIA: Pressure in the eyes, with lachrymation, and with- out any other perceptible symptoms. PLAGUE.-PNEUMONIA. 359 + PULSATILLA: Bright circle around the candle-light, with dimness of sight as if through mist, or as if through some- thing that can be rubbed off; diplopia, or obscuration of sight. STAPHYSAGRIA: Blackness or scintillations before one's eyes, or flames, especially at night, or halos around the can- dle-light; with dimness of sight. VERATRUM: Black motes or sparks before the eyes, with diplopia. Compare: OPHTHALMIA and AMBLYOPIA. PLAGUE, ORIENTAL.-The best remedies seem to be: 1) Ars. bell. carb.-veg. chin. rhus. 2) Bry. hep. lach. sil. sulph. PLETHORA.—Such a thing as too much blood does not exist, and the symptoms which seemed to point to an excess of blood, frequently yield as by magic to: Î) Acon. bell. ferr. hyos. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Arn. aur. bry. calc. chin. croc. dig. graph. lyc. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. rhus. sep. stram. thuj., to be chosen in every case according to the symptoms. PLEURITIS, PLEURISY.-The principal remedy is Acon., a few pellets in water, a tablespoonful every two or three hours. After Acon., if the improvement should not continue, give Bry., as above; and if sensitiveness to the weather should still remain, give Sulphur after Bry. Com- plicated cases may require: Chin. kal. lach. n.-vom. squill.; and perhaps: Arn. gran.? Compare: PNEUMONIA and the other AFFECTIONS of the CHEST. PLICA POLONICA.—The principal remedies seem to be Vinca, borax. lyc. natr.-m. PNEUMONIA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bry. cann. chin. gels. phos. rhus. squill. sulph. verat.-vir. 2) Bell. lach merc. puls. seneg. 3) Ars. asclep. bapt. cact. canth. lachn. nitr. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. sabad. sang. sep. tart. verat.- alb. § 2. The principal remedy in the first stage is Acon., after which Bry. may be given, to be continued until the breath- ing is easier and the expectoration looks better. If after bry. weakness of the chest, oppression and cough should remain, give Phos. or Sulph., or Chin. lach, lyc. sil. § 3. If HEPATIZATION should already exist, before a phy- 360 PNEUMONIA. sician is called in, Acon. and bry. may still be of great use, but the principal remedy is Sulph., a few pellets in a tumbler full of water, a tablespoonful every three hours. If symptoms of suppuration clearly show themselves, give : 1) Lach phos. 2) Bell. sulph. Or when expectoration is tardy and the lungs full of pus: Carb.-v. seneg. merc. * For inflammation of the RIGHT LUNG, with bilious symp- toms, Tart. is frequently very serviceable. § 4. For ASTHENIC PNEUMONIA, (pneumonia notha), as we see it in old people, with danger of paralysis of the lungs, Acon. is likewise the principal remedy, after which, if another paroxysm should set in, Merc. should be given. Bell. should be given after Merc. if a spasmodic constric- tion of the chest, with dry, hacking cough, should remain, or Cham, if the breathing continue wheezing. After Cham. N.-vom. is frequently suitable. Should no change take place after Merc. give Ipec., espe- cially if the breathing be anxious and hurried, or Verat.-alb., if the extremities are cold, with constrictions of the chest and great anxiety, or Ars. if the patient continues to sink, with suffocative paroxysms. § 5. TYPHOID pneumonia first requires Op., then some- times Arn. or rhus. If no change should occur after these remedies, give Verat. or Ars.; if the debility and rattling increase, Bry. and Rhus.-t., Ipec. and Ars., or Ars. and Verat. alternately, are very fre- quently useful. Should the improvement not continue, give Sulph., and then again one of the former remedies, which seemed to be most beneficial. BED-SORES, especially if gangrenous, require Chin, and ars For OBSCURATION OF SIGHT give Bell., and if the strength should continue to fail, give Natr.-m. § 6. If symptoms of INCIPIENT PHTHISIS should set in after pneumonia, or if the inflammation should threaten to become chronic, or if the existence of TUBERCLES should have to be suspected, give Sulph.; or, 2) Amm. lach. lyc. phos. ; or, 3) Ars. aur. calc. hep. kal. nitr. nitr.-ac. ol.-jec. stann. sulph..ac. If PURULENT EXPECTORATION should remain after pneumo- nia: 1) Chin. ferr, hep. lach. lyc. merc. sulph. 2) Dros. dulc. laur. led. puls. 3) Bell. ? hyosc. ? phos.-ac.? § 7. Particular indications: ACONITE: In the initiatory stage, with the following symp- toms: chill of more or less severity, general feeling of ma- laise; sense of oppression of the chest; more or less diffi- PNEUMONIA. 361 culty of breathing, which is shortened and accelerated; fine stitching pains in the chest; sense of fullness in the chest ; short dry cough; soreness in the chest like excoriation; heat in the chest cutaneous congestion, hot perspiration, pulse full, hard and quick; disinclination to all movements; in the second stage: cough after drinking; cough excites pain in the larynx, relieved by lying on the back, aggravated by lying on either side; cough, with stitching pains in the chest, with thin frothy expectoration, or blood-streaked; oppression and acceleration of the respiration; sense of weariness and exhaustion of the chest; burning shooting or burning press- ing pains in the chest, with painfulness to external pressure. (Bry. follows well after Acon.) BELLADONNA: In the initiatory stage, when the symptoms of hypercemia of the brain are present. BRYONIA: Anxiety from oppressed respiration; pressure on the middle or lower part of the sternum; a bruised feel- ing in the chest; the short dry cough is somewhat looser; expectoration not yet free, though more copious; it is yellow and thick, or mixed with blood; all the sufferings are in- creased by motion; especially indicated when the pleura or the bronchial mucous surface are also attacked with stabbing pains through the chest; inclination to lie perfectly still. IODINE: (Croupous pneumonia): Anxiety and oppression of the chest, with burning, tearing or stabbing pains; sensa- tion when breathing as if something resisted the expansion of the chest; cough, with dyspnea and blood-streaked ex- pectoration. KALI-HYDROIOD.: If Bell is insufficient for the congestion of the brain; also in secondary croupous pneumonia during the course of a bronchitis, when Phos. did not suffice; accord- ing to Kafka, at the beginning, when the disease localizes itself. PHOSPHOR.: (Catarrhal pneumonia): Dryness of the air- passages; sense of excoriation in the upper part of the chest ; dry, hard cough; cough after drinks; sense of pressure, like a weight, in the upper part of the chest; stitching pains when coughing, moving and breathing; bruised soreness, especially to the touch; loose cough without expectoration, with sensation of rawness of the chest; cough with white expectoration, difficult to detach; fine bloody streaks in the mucous expectoration; the breath is very short after each cough; anxiety and heaviness of the chest, as if it were pressed together with obstructed respiration. The stronger 16 362 PNEUMONIA. the prevalence of the bronchial element the earlier its admin- istration may be called for, while just the reverse is true in the pleuritic variety. In the pulmonary variety, where the hepatization of the affected lung is extensive, it is indicated in the latter part of the period of the deposit and the early part of that of absorption. (Sulphur is frequently indicated after Phos. SULPHUR: Sudden dry cough, as if the lung would be torn out, with increased pain in the head; loose cough, with sensa- tion of excoriation and pressure on the chest and thick mu- cous expectoration, also with rattling in the trachea and hoarseness; expectoration of greenish masses of sweet taste, offensive breath; the greatest dyspnea; oppressed breathing when speaking; obstructed breathing in sleep, she must be waked to prevent suffocation; anxiety and weakness of the chest; severe shooting pains through the chest; copious sweating from the least exertion. It is mostly indicated in the stage of hepatization with threatening suppuration, but only in cases free from complications with other diseases, where it accomplishes the absorption of the infiltration. TARTARUS-EMETICUS: Paroxysms of cough, with suffocative arrest of breathing; rattling, hollow cough; cough, with heat and moist hands, sweat about the forehead, anxious op- pression of the chest, with rising of heat, reaching as far as the heart; dyspnoea, with desire to cough and a quantity of rattling mucus in the chest, or oedema pulmonum; impend- ing paralysis of the lungs; cyanosis. § 8. Use moreover. ARNICA: If the disease be caused by some external injury. ARSENICUM: Fetid or dingy-green expectoration, pointing to approaching gangrene, Chin. or Lach. being insufficient; burning and heat in the chest; pale face, cold extremities; prostration. CACTUS-GR.: Oppression of respiration, pricking pains, acute intense cough; sanguinolent sputa; hard, quick vibrating pulse; feeling of constriction in the chest, preventing free speech; sharp wandering pains in the chest, especially in the scapular region. CANNABIS: Difficult, greenish expectoration, with delirium during the fever and vomiting of greenish bilious matter; frequent, hard, teasing cough, sometimes even incessant, with dullness on percussion. Mostly indicated late in the third stage, or for complication with diseases of the heart or the larger vessels. PNEUMONIA. 363 CAPSICUM: Broncho-pneumonia in phlegmatic, indolent or suspicious persons. ĈARB.-VEG.: In the third stage; rattling in chest; cough by spells; brownish expectoration; bluish face and lips; feet cold; pulse small, weak; sopor; delirium. CHELIDONIUM: Right side; bilious symptoms; pain under right shoulder-blade; great and quite irregular palpitation of the heart. CHINA: If the patient had lost much blood, either by de- pletion or hæmorrhage, or bilious symptoms, or symptoms of incipient gangrene being present. GELSEMINUM: Only indicated in the forming or congestive stage, where it breaks up the disease, by producing free per- spiration, especially if it was caused by cold air acting on the skin. GLONOINE: Collateral œdema of the parts of the lungs not attacked with pneumonia, hindering the returning of the blood from the brain and thus producing poisoning by car- bonic-acid and apoplexy. Extreme dyspnoea, serous and foamy sputa, cyanosis, with fullness of all the veins of the neck and head; coma. LACHESIS: Especially successful in removing deposits re- sulting from inflammations in lungs already invaded by tu- bercles, or from those inflammations of low grade which are not unfrequently developed in the progress of other diseases; cough, with tickling in the larynx, chest and epigastrium; the expectorated mucus is round and gray, or sticky and yellow, or watery, almost never at night, and accompanied by coryza. Cough after every sleep; suffocation and short- ness of breath from the cough; frothy expectoration, mixed with blood. Copious perspiration, which relieves. LACHNANTHES Cough, worse in bed, preventing sleep; stitches following one another in quick succession, while at rest and when moving; hot and oppressed feeling in the chest and heart, with dizziness; unnatural brightness of the eyes, with red, flushed face; typhoid pneumonia. LYCOPODIUM: Circumscribed redness of face; sweat with- out relief; fan-like motion of nostrils; crossness after get- ting awake. MERCURIUS: Pneumonia and bronchitis, especially when the patients are disposed to blenorrhoea, or when the patients have a profuse expectoration of viscid, bloody mucus; bili- ous pneumonia, with diarrhoea. 364 PNEUMONIA. NUX-VOMICA: Bronchial symptoms being present, or when the patients are addicted to drinking or suffer with piles; gastric symptoms predominate. PULSATILLA : Pneumonia after measles, or in consequence of an obstinate bronchial catarrh or suppressed menses. RHUS-TOX. Typhoid pneumonia, with torpor and apathy, neither cough nor sputa being present. SANGUINARIA: In the third stage, with red or gray hepa- tization, and purulent infiltration of the pulmonary paren- chyma. Extreme dyspnoea; short, accelerated, constrained breathing; tenacious rust-colored sputa, expectorated with difficulty; patient lies on the back; no pains, or burning stitching pains; pulse quick and small; face and extremities. rather cold, or hands and feet burning hot, with circum- scribed redness and burning of the cheeks, especially in the afternoon. SCILLA: Pneumonia, attended with gastric symptoms, or after it had been treated by bleeding, Chin. being insufficient; or when a profuse expectoration of mucus was present from the beginning. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: Oppression of the chest, with nausea and vomiting, relieved by profuse perspiration. It is indi- cated in the incipient stage of engorgement; sinking, faint feeling in pit of stomach; regularly intermittent pulse. 89. We may also consider: If the patient is in danger to suffocate in his blood: Acon. squill.; for great dyspnoea in the first stage: Tart.; for con- gestions to the brain: Atropin. bell. glon. lachn.; for stitch- ing, pleuritic pains: Arn. bry.; for cerebral symptoms: Bell. bry. hyosc.; for copious mucous expectoration at the begin- ning: Squill.; for brain symptoms from resorption of pus: 1) Rhus. 2) Lach. sulph.; for perfect hepatization: Ars. lach. phos. tart. sulph. (nitr.-ac.); for puriform softening of the exudation: Carb.-v. merc. rhus. seneg. sulph.; for quoti- dian hectic fever: Sulph. (puls.); for miliarious prodroma : Ars. hyos. verat.-alb.; for red miliaria: Bry.; for white: Ars.; for neglected, drawn-out cases: Ars. bell. bry. carb.-v. chin. con. lyc. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph.; for copious puri- form expectoration: Ars. bell. lyc. phos., for ichorous: Carb.-v. con. sep. sil.; for threatening paralysis of the lungs: Gels. phos. tart.; for threatening gangrene: Ars. carb.-v. § 10. Comp.: Congestions of the Chest, Pleuritis, Asth- ma, Bronchitis, Cough, Phthisis, &c. PODAGRA.—POISONING. 365 PODAGRA. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. bry. calc. sabin sulph. 3) Amb. amm, asa. coccul. kal. led. sil. thuj. zinc. See: GOUT. POISON, ADIPIC.-This dreadful poison sometimes de- velops itself in badly kept sausages or other pork. Accord- ing to Hering, a beverage composed of equal portions of vinegar and water, to be taken in large quantities, is the best antidote. It may likewise be employed as a wash or gargle. Instead of vinegar lemon juice may be employed; and, if the patient should desire, these acids may be used alternately with sugar, black coffee, or fresh black tea. If the dryness of the throat should continue after using these remedies, and if even slimy injection should not pro- cure an evacuation from the bowels, give Bry., and continue it as long as the symptoms continue to be unfavorable. The ailments which remain after Bry., sometimes yield to Phos.-ac.; and, if paralysis or consumption should set in, give Ars. or kreas. POISONING, TOXICATION. § 1. We refer the reader to Dr. Hering's treatise on “Poisons,” from which the principal items contained in this work about poisons and their antidotes have been borrowed. § 2. In treating a case of poisoning, two things are re- quired: 1) Removal of the exciting cause; and, 2) Treat- ment of the disease occasioned by the poisoning. This treatment is to be conducted in every case agreeable to the principles of the new school. The removal of the poisonous substances should be effected by the simplest and most innocent method, either with the finger, or, if this should be impossible, as in the case of poi- sons that had been swallowed, we recommend the following means suggested by Hahnemann and Hering: 1) Excite vomiting or stool by the simplest means, copious administration of tepid water, irritating the fauces by means of a feather or something similar; placing on the tongue a pinch of salt, snuff or mustard; or, if neither of these means should be sufficient, resort to injections of tobacco-smoke. 2) Neutralize the poison by means of: The white of an egg, vinegar, or lemon-juice, coffee, camphor, milk, oil, soap, mu- cilaginous drinks, tea, wine, sugar; or, in some cases: am- moniacal gas, iron-rust, charcoal, kitchen-salt, epsom-salt, 366 POISONING. sweet-almond oil, spiritus-nitr.-dulc., potash, boiled starch, &c. § 3. Particular indications: WHITE OF AN EGG, dissolved in a sufficient quantity of water, and used as a drink, especially for: Metallic substances, such as quicksilver, corrosive sublimate, verdigris, tin, lead, and sulphuric-acid; when the patient complains of violent pains in the stomach or abdomen, with tenesmus, or diarrhoea and pains at the anus. VINEGAR: Antidotes poisoning with alkaline substances; but is hurtful in cases of poisoning with mineral acids, corro- sive vegetable substances, Arsenic, and a large quantity of salts. In many cases it removes the ill effects of Aconite, Opium, narcotic substances, poisonous mushrooms, belladon- na, carbonic-acid gas, hepar-sulphuris, poisonous muscles and fish, and even of adipic-acid. The vinegar may be drank or administered by the rectum, alternately with mucilagin- ous substances. The vinegar should be as pure as possible. Crab-vinegar is, of itself, poisonous. COFFEE: Strong black coffee, the beans being little roasted, and drank as hot as possible. Indispensable for a large num- ber of poisons, especially when causing drowsiness, intoxica- tion, loss of consciousness, or mental derangement, delirium, &c., in general antidoting narcotic substances, such as: Opium, nux-vom., belladonna, narcotic mushrooms, poison- ous sumach, bitter almonds, prussic-acid and all those sub- stances containing it, Bell., colocynth, valer., cicuta and cham. In case of poisoning with Antimony, Phosphor. and Phos- phoric-acid, coffee is no less indispensable. CAMPHOR: Principal antidote of all vegetable substances, especially such as have a corrosive effect, or when vomiting and diarrhoea, pale face, cold extremities and loss of consci- ousness are present. Camphor is a specific remedy for the ill effects of poisoning insects, especially cantharides, whe- ther administered internally or externally. Likewise for the effects of so-called worm-medicines, tobacco, bitter almonds, and other fruits containing prussic-acid. It is likewise use- ful for the secondary affections remaining after poisoning with acids, salts, metals, phosphorus, poisonous mushrooms, &c., after the poisonous substance itself had been removed from the stomach by means of vomiting, &c. MILK: Less useful than is supposed. To procure an arti- ficial covering or envelop for the poison, mucilaginous sub- stances are to be preferred. Fat milk (or cream) is suitable POISONING. 367 in all cases where oil is, and hurtful where oil is. Curdled or sour milk is suitable or not suitable in all cases where vinegar is or is not. OLIVE OIL: Less useful than is believed. It is of no use in cases of metallic poisoning, and even hurtful in cases of poi- soning with Arsenic. It is very bad for the ill effects of Canthar. This remark applies to poisoning with any other insect, or if the poison should have got into one's eye. Oil may be used to facilitate the extraction of insects from the ear in case they should have got into it. Oil is most suitable for poisoning with corrosive acids, such as: nitric-acid, sul- phuric-acid, &c. It is sometimes useful in cases of poisoning with alkalies, to be administered alternately with vinegar, and in cases of poisoning with mushrooms. MUCILAGINOUS SUBSTANCES, drinks, or injections of mucila- ginous substances, should be resorted to in cases of poisoning with alkalies, especially when administered alternately with vinegar. SOAP, common castile soap, dissolved in four times its bulk of hot water, and drunk, is one of the best remedies in many cases of poisoning. It may be drank by the cupful,―a cup- ful every two, three or four minutes, in all cases where the white of an egg is indicated but does not produce sufficient relief. Soap is particularly useful in all cases of poisoning with metallic substances, especially Arsenic, lead, &c. Like- wise for poisoning with corrosive acids, such as: Sulphuric- acid, nitric-acid, &c., with alum, corrosive vegetable sub- stances, castor oil, &c. Soap is hurtful in cases of poisoning with alkalies, such as: Lye, nitrate of silver, potash, sodů, oleum-tartari, ammonium-muriaticum, (Salmiac) ammonium- carbonicum, caustic or burnt lime, barytes, &c. SUGAR, or sugar-water, one of the best remedies in many cases. In case of poisoning with mineral acids or alkalies, it is best to resort at once to the specific antidote, though sugar is not hurtful. In case of poisoning with metallic substances, various kinds of paint, verdigris, copper, sulphate of copper, alum, &c., sugar is preferable to every other remedy, and not till the patient has been relieved by the sugar, administer the white of an egg or soap-water alternately with sugar. Sugar is likewise an excellent antidote in cases of poisoning with arsenic, or corrosive vegetable substances. • § 4. Of the other antidotes use: AMMONIACAL GAS: For alcohol, bitter almonds, prussic-acid. IRON-RUST: For arsenic. 368 POISONING. EPSOM-SALTS: For alkaline poisons. CHARCOAL: For foul fish, foul meat, poisonous mushrooms, poisoning muscles, &c. KITCHEN-SALT: For nitrate of silver and poisonous wounds. MAGNESIA: For acids. SWEET-ALMOND OIL: For acids. POTASH: For acids. STARCH: For iodine. SPIRITS OF NITRE: For alkaline poisons and animal sub- stances. TEA: For adipic-acid and poisonous honey. WINE: For noxious vapors and poisonous mushrooms. 5. The first thing we have to do, in treating a case of poisoning, is to remove the poison by vomiting, and then to administer suitable antidotes. If we should not be able to ascertain what kind of poison had been swallowed, we should first administer the white of an egg; and, if there should be stupefaction, coffee. If we should know that the poison is: a) A metallic substance, we have to give: first the white of an egg, sugar-water, soap-water, and afterwards, for the remaining ailments: Sulph., which is a real antidote to metals. b) If acids and corrosive substances, give: 1) Soap-water; 2) Magnesia, dissolved in water; 3) Chalk-water; 4) Alka- lies or potash dissolved in water, taking a tablespoonful as long as the vomiting continues. Afterwards mucilaginous drinks, and alternately Coff. and Op. as homoeopathic anti- dotes. As regards the remaining ailments, give Puls. for sulphuric- acid; Bry. for muriatic-acid; Acon. for the other acids, and especially crab-apple vinegar. If the skin should have been corroded by poisons, apply soap-water, or a watery solution of Caust.; and if corrosive substances should have got into the eyes, apply sweet-almond oil, or fresh unsalt-butter. c) For alkaline substances: 1) Vinegar and water, in large quantities; 2) Lemon-juice, or acids from other fruits, diluted with much water; 3) Sour milk; 4) Mucilaginous drinks, or injections. Vinegar is hurtful in cases of poison- ing with Barytes; but epsom-salt dissolved in water, renders good service; afterwards: Camph, or Nitr.-spir. The se- condary effects of poisoning with potash, require: Coff, or Carb.-v.; and those of poisoning with spirits of Ammonia, Hep. POISONING. 369 d) For the inhalation of noxious vapors: sprinkle the patient with vinegar and water, or let him inhale the vapors of a solution of chlore; afterwards, after the return of con- sciousness, give black coffee, or a few doses of Op. or Bell. (See: VAPORS.) e) For vegetable poisons: 1) Camphor, by olfaction, or sometimes a drop of the spirits of camphor on sugar; 2) Black coffee or vinegar, especially for narcotic vegetable juices. The best antidotes for corrosive vegetable juices, are soap-water and milk. f) For animal poisons: See the single poisons, such as: Cantharides, adipic poison, stings of insects, fish poison, poisonous honey, &c. For toad poison, or similar poisons, if they should have got into the stomach, give powdered charcoal, stirred up with oil or milk; or let the patient smell of the sweet spirits of nitre, if bad symptoms should set in, and afterward give Ars. If a poison of this kind should have got into the eye, give Acon. § 6. As regards the wounds or bites inflicted by poison- ous animals, Hering proposes the following mode of treat- ment: For the bites of poisonous serpents, mad dogs, or other poisonous animals, apply heat at a distance, for which purpose anything may be used which is handy at the time: a red-hot iron, incandescent piece of coal, or even a burning cigar; hold this as near as possible without burning the skin. The heat should be kept up uniformly, and should be con- centrated upon the wound exclusively. The edges of the wound should be covered over with oil or fat, and this should be repeated as often as the skin gets dry. If no oil or fat can be had, use soap, or even saliva. Wipe off carefully every thing which is discharged from the wound. Continue the application of heat until the patient feels chilly and stretches himself; if this should take place too speedily, con- tinue to apply the heat for about an hour, or until the effects of the poison commence to disappear. § 7. At the same time administer internal remedies. In the case of a serpent's bite, give the patient a swallow of salt-water from time to time, or a pinch of salt or powder, or a few pieces of garlic. If, nevertheless, dangerous symptoms should set in, give a tablespoonful of wine or brandy every two or three minutes; continue this until the symptoms abate, and repeat the brandy at every return of a paroxysm. If the stitching pains should increase in violence, and be 16* 370 POLYPI. felt nearer the heart; if the wound, at the same time, should be bluish, checkered like marble and swollen, with vomiting, vertigo and diarrhoea, give Ars. 30, and another dose in half an hour, if the symptoms should continue to get worse, or only in three hours, if they should remain unchanged; if an improvement should set in after the first dose, do not repeat the medicine until the symptoms get worse again. If Ars., even if repeated, should have no effect, give Bell. In some cases Senega may be tried. The chronic sequela of the bite of a serpent require: Phos.-ac. and Merc. § 8. If the bite should have been inflicted by a mad dog, apply heat at a distance, as above, and for the remaining treatment, see HYDROPHOBIA. If the bite should proceed from a man or animal which is not mad, but furious, give Hydrophobin; which is recom- mended by Hering. § 9. Wounds which have become poisonous in conse- quence of decayed animal matter or pus having got into them, require Ars. To guard against unpleasant consequences in case we should have to touch decayed animal substances, poisonous wounds or ulcers, or men and animals infected with contagious dis- eases, we should hold our hands for ten or fifteen minutes near as strong a heat as can be borne, and afterwards wash them with soap. The use of Chlore in such cases is well known. POLYPI-Principal remedies: 1) Calc. lyc. sang. staph. 2) Con. kal.-bi. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sil. thuj. 3) Ambr. ant. ars. aur. graph. hep. mez. petr. sep. sulph. sulph.-ac. teucr. 4) Hydr. For VESICULAR POLYPI: Calc. FIBROUS GROWTHS require: 1) Calc. staph. 2) Ars. hydr. lyc. petr. phos. sep. sil. sulph. teucr. thuj. SARCOMATOUS GROWTHS: 1) Calc. staph. thuj. 2) Lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. GRANULOUS GROWTHS: 1) Nitr.-ac. thuj. 2) Calc. lyc. staph. SPONGY GROWTHS: 1) Calc. staph. 2) Lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph. It should not be forgotten, that, if we wish to treat polypi successfully we should allow a dose of the appropriate re- medy to act six or eight weeks. POLYPUS OF THE BLADDER: In regard to this disease, we PREGNANCY. 371 possess the record of only one case, treated successfully with Calc. Perhaps we might try: Staph., or Con. merc. phos. puls. sil. thuj. 0 POLYPUS OF THE EAR: Try, Dulc. merc. staph. POLYPUS OF THE NOSE-Principal remedy: Puls. (4 doses 3) every four days a dose, then a dose Calc., whose action should remain undisturbed for six to eight weeks, or longer, and if this does not help, Sang. Teucrium is of little use. Try: Hydr. kal.-bi. phos. sep. sil. staph. POLYPUS OF THE UTERUS OR VAGINA: Try 1) Calc. lyc. nitr.-ac. plat. puls. 2) Aur. con. merc. mez. petr. phos. phos.- ac. sil. staph. thuj. For granular vegetations, condylomata: Thuj. nitr -ac, staph. calc. lyc. merc. tart. POT-BELLIED.-If the patients be children: see atrophy of scrofulous children. If young girls, at the age of pubescence: Lach. If old females, or females who have borne many children, give: 1) Sepia; or, 2) Bell. calc.? chin.? n.-vom. ? plat. ? PREGNANCY. § 1. Principal remedies-for the morbid states incident to pregnancy: a) For convulsions and spasms: 1) Bell. cham. cic. hyosc. ign. 2) Cocc. ipec. mosch. plat. stram. verat.-alb. 3) Arg.- n. arn. canth. caust. cupr. gels. hell. lach. laur. n.-vom. op. sec. verat.-vir. zinc. b) For affections of the EMOTIVE SPHERE: 1) Bell. puls. 2) Acon. cupr. gels. lach. merc. plat. stram. verat.-alb. c) For HEADACHE: 1) Bell. bry. cocc. n.-vom. plat. puls. verat. 2) Acon. calc. magn.-c. sep. sulph. 3) Eryng. gels. helon. iris. lachn. stict. d) For the YELLOW OR BROWN SPOTS in the face: Con. ferr. nitr.-ac. sep. e) For TOOTHACHE: 1) Magn.-c. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. 2) Álum. bell. calc. hyosc. rhus. staph. f) For BULIMY: Magn.-m. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. sep. g) For AFFECTIONS OF THE STOMACH, such as nausea, vom- iting: 1) Con. ipec. n.-vom. puls. 2) Acon. ars. ferr. kreas. lach. magn.-m. natr.-m. n.-mosch. petr. phos. sep. sulph, verat. 3) Esc.-hip. aletr.-far. caul. cimicif. gels. h) For COLIC: 1) Arn. bry. cham. n.-vom. puls. sep. 2) Bell. hyosc. lach. verat. 3) Collins. diosc. iris. lept i) For CONSTIPATION; 1) Bry. n.-vom. 2) Alum. Agar 372 PRESBYOPIA.—PROSOPALGIA. 4 chelid. chin. graph. lyc. natr.-m. op. plumb. puls. rutan. sabad. sep. sulph. zinc. 3) Collins. hydr. podoph. k) For DIARRHEA: 1) Ant. phos. sep. sulph. 2) Ars. cham. dule. hyosc. lach. laur. lyc. merc. n.-mosch. op. petr. phos.-ac. puls. rheum. rhus. verat. 1) For ISCHURIA AND DYSURIA: 1) Cocc. phos.-ac. puls. 2) Con. n.-vom. sulph. m) For VARICES: 1) Hamam. lyc. 2) Carb.-v. puls. PRESBYOPIA.-Principal remedies: 1) Calc. dros, sep. sil. sulph. 2) Carb.-an. coff. con. hyosc. lyc. meph. natr. natr.-m. petr. See: Amblyopia. PROLAPSUS OF THE RECTUM.-Eryng. hamam. ign. n.-vom. merc. phyt. pod. sulph.; and perhaps to remove the disposition to this affection: Ars. calc. lyc. ruta. sep. Prolapsus of the rectum in children, requires: Ign. n.-vom. pod. PROLAPSUS UTERI AND VAGINE.-Principal re- medies so far as known: Aur. bell. cimicif. n.-vom. sep.; or perhaps Esc. aletr. calc. gran.? ham. helon. kreas. merc. n.-mosch. stann. : Prolapsus of the UTERUS requires: Aur. bell. calc. cimicif. helon. n.-vom. sep. stann. Of the VAGINA: Kreas. merc. n.-vom. Recent prolapsus, of about a fortnight's duration, yield to one dose of n.-vom. 30, in 24 hours, provided the patient re- mains quiet in bed for 24 hours. PROSOPALGIA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. caust, coloc. con. hep. lyc. merc. mez. n.-vom. phosph. plat. spig. staph.; or, 2) Bry. calc. caps. chin. lyc. puls. rhus. sil. stann. sulph. thuj. veratr.; or, 3) Actæa. aur. arn. ars. ant. bar.-c. châm. coff. kal. kal.-chi? magn.? magn.-m. ? phyt. sang. 82. Inflammatory prosopalgia requires: 1) Acon. arn. bry. phosph. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Bar.-c. bell. lach. merc. plat. thuj. veratr. Rheumatic: 1) Acon. caust. chin. merc. mez, phosph. puls. spig. sulph. thuj.; or, 2) Arn. bry. hep. lach. magn. n.-vom. veratr. 3) Cimicif. gels. Arthritic: Caust. coloc. merc. n.-vom. rhus. spig., &c. Nervous: 1) Spig. 2) Bell. caps. lyc. plat. spig. magn.- arct.; or, 3) Hyos. lach. magn. n.-vom., &c. 1. PROSOPALGIA. 373 If caused by abuse of Mercury: Aur. carb.-veg. chin. hep. sulph. See: MERCURIAL AFFECTIONS. § 3. Prosopalgia of plethoric persons is frequently re- moved by: 1) Acon. bell.; or, 2) Calc. chin. lach. phosph. plat. Of nervous persons, by: Bell. lach. lyc. plat. spig. § 4. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Red and hot face, with pain on one side, creep- ing, or as from an ulcer; swelling of the cheek or jaws; fever-heat; thirst; violent pains, with restlessness and an- guish, &c. BELLADONNA: The pain follows the course of the infra- orbital nerve, and is easily excited by friction; or for tearing, stitching pains in the bones, jaws or malar bones; in many cases rigidity of the nape of the neck; spasms of the eye- lids; convulsive twitching of the facial muscles and distor- tion of the mouth; hot and red face, &c. CAUSTICUM: Tensive or beating pains in the facial bones, especially under the eyes, with a sort of lameness of the facial muscles, or drawing pains in the jaws, so that the pa- tient is unable to open his jaws; rheumatic pains in the limbs, buzzing in the ears, &c. COLOCYNTHIS: Tearing and stitching pains, affecting prin- cipally the left side of the face, and extending to the head, temples, nose, ear and teeth, with swelling of the face, aggra- vation by touching the parts ever so slightly, &c. CONIUM: The pains set in at night; tearing or stitching. HEPAR: Pains in the malar bones, worse when touching the parts, extending to the ears and temples. LYCOPODIUM: Pains commencing with a feeling of coldness, especially in the right side of the face, worse at night or in the evening. MERCURIUS: Tearing or stitching pains, affecting one whole side of the head, from the temple to the teeth, worse at night in the warm bed, with ptyalism, lachrymation, sweat in the face or about the head, sleeplessness, &c. MEZEREUM: Spasmodic, stupefying pains affecting the left malar bone, and extending to the eye, temple, ear, teeth throat and shoulder, worse after taking anything warm, or on coming out of the open air and entering a room. NUX-VOM. Tearing and drawing pains extending to the inner ear, with swelling of the cheeks; red face or cheek, (or one only) on yellowish tinge, especially around the nose and 374 PROSOPALGIA. . mouth; creeping in the face with twitching of the muscles; aggravation by mental labor, wine, coffee, &c. PHOSPHORUS: Tearing pains, especially on the left side, with itching and tension of the skin of the face; swelling and paleness of the face; aggravation by moving the facial muscles when eating, talking, &c., or, by the slightest touch; pains from the jaws to the root of the nose or the inner ear; congestion of blood to the head, with vertigo; buzzing in the ears, &c. PLATINA: Tingling pains, with feeling of coldness and numbness in the affected side; or for cramp-pain and tensive pressure in the malar bones; aggravation in the evening and during rest; whining mood; red face, thirst, &c. SPIGELIA Jerking tearing, burning and pressure in the malar bones; violent pains, not allowing either to touch or move the part, with shining swelling of the affected side, or with anguish of heart and great restlessness. STAPHYSAGRIA: Aching, beating pains from the teeth to the eye, or stitching, burning, drawing, cutting or tearing pains, with sensation of swelling in the affected side, spasmo- dic weeping, cold hands and cold sweat in the face. § 5. Use more particularly: a) For distensive pains: Bell. ign. phos. plat. spig. b) Burning pains: Bell. cham. coloc. graph. ign. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. samb. spig. veratr. c) Aching pains: Bell. chin. mez. rhus. par. spig. stann. staph. d) Crampy pains: Mez. nitr.-ac. par. plat. stann. thuj. e) Beating: Acon. bell. merc. plat. staph. f) Tingling: Nux.-vom. plat. g) Tearing: Alum. carb.-v. chin. coloc. con. hep. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. rhus. spig. staph. h) Cutting: 1) Bell. staph. 2) Calc. coloc. rhus. i) Stitching: Alum. ars. bell. coloc. con. graph. lyc. merc. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. k) Tensive: Aur. baryt. caust. coloc. hep. par. phos. rhus. 1) Pains with feeling of numbness in the affected parts: Mez. plat. m) Digging pains: Coloc. plat. n) Drawing pains: Ars. carb.-v. hep. kal. rhus. sil. stann. o) Jerking pains: Chin. n -vom. phos. spig. thuj. § 6. For pains worse: a) By contact: Actæa. chin. dros. hep, phos. spig. PROSTATITIS.-PTYALISM. 375 b) By motion, talking, chewing: Actæa. bell. bry. calc. mez. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. spig. staph. c) For pains on one side only: Acon. actæa. bell. coloc. con. dros. mez. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. plat. puls. spig. stann. staph. d) Pains on the left side: 1) Coloc. graph. lach. staph. sulph. 2) Acon. calc. con. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. spig. verat. e) Right side: Bell. bry. con. rhus. spig. f) Worse in the evening: 1) Bell. con. lach. mez. nitr.-ac. phos. plat. puls. 2) Acon. bry. calc. coloc. kal. rhus. stann. g) Nightly pains: 1) Acon. con. merc. nitr.-ac. sil. 2) Bell. bry. calc. cin. dros. kal. lach. mez. natr.-m. phos. puls. rhus. spig. staph. thuj. h) Worse after eating: 1) Bry. calc. con. kal. natr.-m. n.- vom. phos. sil. 2) Nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. § 7. See: HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, CAUSES, CONDITIONS, &c. PROSTATITIS. The principal remedies, so far, are: Puls. and Thuj. We may likewise try: Agn. aur. cann. canth. ? iod. merc. spong.? sulph.? İf caused by gonorrhæa, give, above all: Puls. and Thuja. PRUSSIC ACID, POISONING WITH. Resort to: 1) Spirits of ammonia, which the patient should smell of, or dissolve a few drops in a tumblerful of water, and give it in teaspoonful doses; 2) Black coffee by the mouth and rectum; 3) Vapors of vinegar or Camphor. . Subsequent secondary ailments require: Coff. ipec. nux.-v. The same mode of treatment applies to poisoning with bitter almonds or Laurocerasus. PSOITIS. Principal remedies: Acon. bry. n.-vom. puls. rhus. staph. See: RHEUMATISM and PAIN, PAROXYSMS Of. For suppuration, see: ABSCESS and INFLAMMATORY TUMOR. PTYALISM. Principal remedies: Bell. calc. canth. hep. iod. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. op. sulph. arg. baryt. bry. caust. cham. chin. dros. ign. ipec. lyc. natr.-m. puls. seneg. sep. ac. veratr. colc. dulc. euphorb. 2) Alum, amb. ant. graph. hell. hyosc. staph. stram. sulph.- 376 PHTHISIS FLORIDA. If caused by abuse of Mercury, give: Bell. chin. dulc. hep. 10d. lach. nitr.-ac. op. sulph. See: STOMACACE. PULMONARY PHTHISIS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. hep. kal. lyc. phos. puls. spong. stann. sulph. 2) Ars. chin. dros. ferr. iod. lach. nitr. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. 3) Bry. carb.-v. con. dulc. kreas. laur. led. merc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. 4) Amm. amm.-m. arn. bell. dig. guaj. hyosc. n.-mosch. n.- vom. plumb. samb. seneg. zinc. 5) Aral. asclep. cimicif. ham. hel. lycopus. lob. phyt. sang. senec. stict. stilling. trill. PHTHISIS FLORIDA, in consequence of violent and badly treated pneumonia or of violent pneumorrhagia, re- quires: 1) Lyc. ham. 2) Ferr. hep. lach. merc. sulph. trill. 3) Dros. dulc. laur. led, puls. SUPPURATION OF THE LUNGS, in consequence of mercurial abuse requires: 1) Carb.-v. guaj. hep. lach. nitr.-ac. phyt. sulph. 2) Calc. ? chin. ? dulc.? lyc.? sil. ? PHTHISIS OF STONE-CUTTERS: 1) Calc. hep. lyc. sil. 2) Lach.? sulph. § 2. For TUBERCULOUS PHTHISIS, try: 1) Hep. in alterna- tion with Spongia. 2) Calc. kal. lyc. phos. puls. stann. sulph. 3) Ars. brom. carb.-v. iod. kreas. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. samb. sep. sil. 4) Amm. arn. bell. bry. dros. dulc. hyosc. natr. natr.-m. nitr. n.-mosch. In the FIRST STAGE, the tubercles being still crude, or com- mencing to inflame and soften, give: 1) Hep. phos. spong. sulph. 2) Amm. calc. carb.-v. lyc. nitr.-ac. 3) Acon. arn. ars. bell. dulc. ferr. hyosc. kal. merc. nitr. stann. sulph.-ac. In the SECOND STAGE, with purulent expectoration, give: 1) Calc. hep. kal, sil. spong. 2) Bry. lyc. phos. puls. sep. sulph. 3) Carb.-v. chin. con. dros. ferr. lach. merc. natr. nitr. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. rhus. stann. 4) Dulc. guaj. hep. laur. samb. zinc. 5) Cimicif. PHTHISIS MUCOsa, see Blenorrhoea Pulmonum, with copi- ous expectoration of tuberculous mucus, requires: 1) Dulc. hep. lach. merc. seneg. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. carb.- v. chin. crot. dig. lyc. phos. puls. sil. zinc. § 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Frequent congestion of blood to the chest, with short cough, hæmoptysis and disposition to pneumonia. AMMONIUM: Slimy and bloody expectoration, with violent oppression of the chest and short breathing. ARSENICUM: Utter proştration; dyspnoea; exhausting diar- PHTHISIS FLORIDA. 377 rhoa; intermittent chills, fever and sweats; thrush in the mouth. BELLADONNA: Suitable to scrofulous children, with cough at night, shortness of breathing and mucous rattling, or suit- able to young girls at the age of pubescence. (After Bell. suits Hep. lach. phos. or sil.) BRYONIA: For many cases in the second stage, in alterna- tion with Puls. (From 14 to 14 days.) CALCAREA: One of the principal remedies in the second stage after Sulph. or Nitr.-ac. refuse to act; or, even in the first stage, suitable to phlethoric young people that are affected with congestions of blood, epistaxis, &c.; also to young girls with profuse and too frequent menstruation. (After Calc. lyc. or sil., or nitr.-ac. is frequently suitable.) CARB.-VEG.: Violent, spasmodic cough, at times dry and painful, at others purulent, slimy and mixed with tuberculous substances; purulent and offensive sputa; hoarseness; cool skin; great prostration; hypocratic face. CHINA: Suitable to patients that have frequently been attacked with pneumorrhagia, or have been weakened by bleeding. (After Chin. Ferr. is frequently suitable.) CIMICIFUGA: In those intercurring congestions and inflam- mations from exposure, with a dry, barrassing cough; acts also beneficially in night-sweats and diarrhoea. DROSERA: For severe cough of young people with expec- toration of bloody pus and severe pains in the chest. DULCAMARA: Great disposition to take cold or when the disease originates in frequent colds. FERRUM: When the disease occurred in consequence of pneumonia, or a neglected catarrh, and is attended by heavy breathing and vomiting of food or lienteria. (In this latter case Chin. is indicated.) HAMAMELIS: Tickling cough, with a taste of blood on waking; passive venous haemorrhages from the pulmonary mucous membranes; cough and hæmoptysis, with a taste of sulphur in the mouth, and dull, frontal headache. HEPAR Suitable to children or scrofulous young people in the first stage of the disease, frequently after Bell., or alternately with Merc. or Sil.; the patients are chilled in the open air, perspire freely after the least exertion, with burning redness of the cheeks, and heat and dryness of the palms of the hands; spasmodic cough, in paroxysms, with titillation in the larynx and efforts of vomiting or bronchial catarrh, (from childhood up,) with loud rattling of mucus. ་ 378 PHTHISIS FLORIDA. IODIUM: Chronic hoarseness, with accumulation of quanti- ties of tough phlegm in the larynx, with the sensation as if something has to be got rid of by hawking or coughing; tough, stringy expectoration, sometimes streaked with blood, with stitches in the clavicular region, hæmoptoe. (Alter- nately with Hep. or ars. or sulph.) Morbid hunger soon after eating, and yet loss of flesh; morning sweat. KALI-CARB.: Excellent for incipient or developed phthisis, especially after Nitr.-ac. or sil., or when the children look bloated over the eyes and between the eye-brows; the seat of the hoarseness and of the chronic catarrh is more in the trachea; albuminous sputa, with small pus-globules. Exces- sive cough, with nausea and vomiting, especially in the morn- ing hours, with constrictive pains in the chest and throat, redness of the face and sweat over the whole body. Chronic coryza, induration and swelling of the glands of the neck, paleness of the face, frequent bleeding from the nose, red cheeks in the evening, loss of appetite, with fullness and bloatedness of the abdomen; easily frightened; a slight touch of the feet causes the patient to jerk them up in affright; nursing mothers. LACHESIS: After or alternately with Bell. hep. sil.; cough worse after sleep, fever worse in the afternoon. LYCOPODIUM: For hectic fever, with cough and purulent ex- pectoration in consequence of violent or neglected pneumonia, or for incipient or even fully developed tuberculous phthisis; bloody or purulent expectoration; worse from four to eight in the afternoon; night-sweats. NATR-MUR.: For congestions to the head, with hectic flush of the cheeks and general malaise after the least exertion; sleepy by day and restless at night; chronic coryza, with total loss of taste and smell. NITRIC-ACID: At the commencement of the disease, before using Kal., suitable to persons of brown hair, yellowish com- plexion and disposed to diarrhea; thirst early in the morning. OLEUM-JEC.-ASELLI: When the catarrh of the respiratory organs is complicated with other affections, as of the glands, the bones, or with cutaneous diseases, as tinea, impetigo, &c. PHOSPHORUS: Suitable to thin, blond, slender individuals, or to children and delicate girls, with dry, short cough, short breath, striking thinness, bloated appearance under the eyes, disposition to diarrhea and sweat; aggravation of the cough by speaking and deep breathing; the albuminous and blood- streaked sputa are difficult to expectorate, with hæmoptoe in 379 PHTHISIS FLORIDA. consequence of the exertion to detach them, and leaving after the cough severe dyspnoea and short breathing; fre-- quent flushes of heat, malaise and debility, especially in the knee-joints, during the evening; loss of strength, rapid emaciation and paleness of the skin. (Suitable after Bell., or alternately with Lyc. or sil.) PULSATILLA Very effective in the suppurative stage, espe- cially with young, chlorotic girls. SAMBUCUS: The disease is accompanied by profuse, colli- quative sweats on frequent paroxysms of asthma. (Fre- quently suitable after or in alternation with Ars.) SANGUINARIA: Incipient phthisis; chronic dryness in the throat and sensation of swelling in the larynx and expectora- tion of thick mucus; cough, with coryza, then diarrhea; tormenting cough, with expectoration and circumscribed redness of the cheeks; a hot, burning streaming in the right breast, beginning under the right arm and clavicle and draw- ing itself downwards towards the liver; acute stitches in the region of the nipples; pressure and heaviness in the whole. of the upper part of the chest, with difficulty of breathing. SENECIO-AUR.: Incipient phthisis, attended with troublesome cough, the result of obstructed menstruation; increased secretion from the bronchi; loose mucous cough; rattling in the chest; labored respiration. SILICEA: Complication, with induration of the glands and affections of the bones; tuberculous deposits in the skin, showing themselves as lumpy, immovable tumors, firmly ad- herent to the skin; nightly paroxysms of cough, with titilla- tion in the fossa above the sternum and purulent expectora- tion; especially after Lyc. phos. hep. or calc.; night sweats; pale, waxy appearance of the skin. STANNUM: This remedy is not indicated by a decidedly purulent expectoration, but more than any other remedy by mucous expectoration in the first stage of consumption, or when a neglected catarrh threatens to pass off into phthisis; profuse expectoration, mostly of a sweetish taste; profuse night sweats. SULPHUR: Continual symptoms of scrofulosis on the skin, showing itself as acne, impetigo, pityriasis, chronic eczema, or in ulceration; stitching pains in the clavicular regions; aggravation of the cough by motion, stooping, or by any light exercise, with dyspnoea and palpitation of the heart; evening fever; night sweats; nightly paroxysms of cough, with dry- ness and titillation in the throat; for pulmonary suppuration 380 PHTHISIS FLORIDA, after violent pneumonia, also for tuberculous phthisis in the second stage, even for incipient tuberculosis; provided the inflammatory symptoms had been removed by other reme- dies, (such as Acon. phos.,) and a dose is allowed to act for several weeks. THERIDION-CUR.: In the beginning of the disease; night cough; violent stitches high up in the chest, beneath the left shoulder, perceived even up in the throat; great inclination to sigh; anxiety about the heart; slow pulse, with vertigo; icy sweat at night, with faintness and vertigo. (Follows well after Calc. and lyc.) TRILLIUM?: Hæmoptysis; incipient stages of phthisis, with bloody expectoration; even in the more advanced stages, with copious purulent expectoration, hectic fever, trouble- some cough. § 5. We would recommend also: For COPIOUS SWEATING: Ars. chin. phos. sil. calc. iod. samb. and phos.-ac., internally, and sponging with a solution of Acid-phos. dilut. zij. to 3iij. dist. water, morning and evening. For the DYSPEPSIA: Ars. bry. hep. n.-vom. natr.-m. sep sulph. For PAINFUL DIARRHOEA: Cham. ip. puls. verat. merc. rhus. For colicky pains: Coloc. nitr.-ac. op. rheum. For PAINLESS DIARRHŒA: Ars. phos. calc.-c. chin. ferr. phos.-ac. For TENESMUS: Ars. sulph. merc. hep. rhus. ; in aggravated cases: Merc.-cor. For BLOODY STOOLS: Ars. chin. merc. puls. sep. sulph. For BLOODY EXPECTORATION: Acon. bell. bry. arn. ferr. ipec. phos. trill., when fever is present at the same time; if not, give: Chin. hamam. phos.-ac. sulph.-ac.; in severe cases, try: Phos. sec. or ergotin. ars. For PLEURITIC PAINS: Arn, bry. sulph. For ŒDEMA OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES: Chin. dig. colch. § 6. It may be proper here to repeat, that the remedy must be well chosen, otherwise it might produce a danger- ous irritation and even inflammation of crude tubercles. The medicine should not be repeated, unless we are sure that it is the proper remedy, and that the first dose has ceased to act. 8 7. Compare: Asthma, Congestions of the Chest, Bron- chitis, Cough, Pneumonia, &c. PURPLE RASH.-RHACHITIS. 381 PURPLE RASH.-Principal remedies: 1) Acon. coff. 2) Bell. sulph. If the disease should be complicated with scarlatina, give sulph.; if with measles, Bry. See: Inflammatory Fevers and Exanthems, and compare: Variola, Rash, Measles, Scarlatina. RANULA.—Principal remedies: Calc. merc. thuj.; per- haps, also, Ambr. RASH, Miliaria.-Principal remedies: Acon. ars. bell. bry. cham. ipec. puls. sulph. If the breaking out should be accompanied with great anguish, give Ars. LYING-IN WOMEN require principally: Bry. or ipec.; and for CHILDREN: Acon. bell. bry. cham. ipec. If sudden retrocession or slow development of the erup- tion should be followed by asthmatic complaints, gastric symptoms and fainting turns, give Ipec. Miliaria alba requires principally: 1) Ars. bry. 2) Bell. valer. See: Purple and Scarlet Rash. RETENTION OF URINE, ISCHURIA: SPASMODIC ISCHU- RIA: 1) N.-vom. op. puls. 2) Aur. canth. con. dig. hyosc. lach. rhus. verat. 3) Eupat.-purp. gal. gels. myr. pod. senec. Compare: Urinary difficulties. For INFAMMATORY ISCHURIA: Acon. can. canth. eupat.- purp gels. n.-vom. puls. (See Cystitis.) For PARALYTIC ISCHURIA: Ars. apoc.-can. dulc. hyosc. Compare: Urinary difficulties. RHACHITIS, Rickets. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Asa. bell. calc. lyc. merc. puls. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Mez. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. therid-cur. For CURVATURE OF THE SPINE: Bell. calc. puls. sil. sulph. For curvature of the LONG BONES and SWELLING OF THE JOINTS: Asa. calc. sil. sulph. For too LARGE SIZE of the head, the fontanelles remaining open: Calc. puls. sil. § 2. Particular indications: BARYTA-CARB.: Will be found suitable to many cases in dwarfish children and in those of imperfect development. PHOSPHORIC-ACID: Pale, sickly look; great debility; pain- less diarrhoea, tottering gait. 382 RHAGADES.-RHEUMATISM. RUTA-GRAVEOLENS: Tottering gait, as if the thighs were weak and there is much pain in them on walking. STAPHYSAGRIA: When the teeth turn black and crumble, with the progress of the disease, in little fragments. See: Scrofula and Diseases of Bones. RHAGADES. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Alum. calc. hep. hydr. lyc. merc. petr. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Arn. aur. cham. cycl. lach. magn. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sass. sil. zinc. § 2. RHAGADES OF THE HANDS, from working in water: 1) Calc. hep. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. cham. merc. rhus. sass. CHAPPING IN COLD WEATHER: Petr. sulph. § 3. HÆMORRHOIDAL rhagades at the anus: Agn. arn. cham. graph. hydr. 2) Hep. rhus. sass. sulph. Rhagades of the LIPS: Arn. ars. caps. cham. ign. merc. natr.-m. puls. sulph. Of the ALE NASI: Merc. sil.; of the prepuce: Arn. merc. sep. sil. sulph. thuj, § 4. DEEP BLEEDING rhagades require: 1) Cham. merc. sil. 2) Calc. graph. lach. nitr.-ac. petr. staph. sulph. The principal remedy for SYPHILITIC RHAGADES of the hands or between the toes, is Merc.; if the patient should have had much Merc., give: Aur. carb.-v. lach. nitr.-ac. sass. sep. sulph.; nevertheless, Merc. will be found indispensable, provided the rhagades are not exclusively mercurial. Compare: Ulcers, Suppurations, Soreness of the Skin. RHEUMATISM. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. cauloph. cham. cimicif. gels. merc. n.-vom. phos. phyt. puls. rhus. sang. sulph. 2) Ant. apoc. asclep. carb.-v. caust. chi- maph. chin. colch. coloc. ferr. hep. ign. kal.-bi. lach. lyc. n.- mosch. rhod. rhus-gl. rum. ruta. sass. sep. stict. verat.-alb. verat.-vir. 3) Esc.-h. aln. cact. camph. calc. cann. canth. collins. cupr. euphr. eupat.-purp. ham. kreas. magn.-c. mez. nitr.-ac. polyg. ran. spig. squill. stann. tart. valer. 4) Cocc. dulc. erig. iris. led. lept. triost. § 2. For ACUTE rheumatism: Acon. ant. arn. ars. asclep. bell. bry. caul. cham. chin. cimicif. colch. dulc. ign, merc. n.- vom. puls. rhod. rhus. verat.-vir. For CHRONIC rheumatism: Caust. chimaph. clem. hep. lach. lyc. phos. phyt. sulph. verat.-alb. 2) Bry. dulc. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. stilling. thuj. RHEUMATISM. 383 Rheumatism and SWELLING OF JOINTS: Acon. ant. apoc.-a. arn. ars. asclep.-t. bell. bry. chin. colch. clem. ham. hep. lyc. mang. merc. n.-vom. rhod. rhus. sulph. verat.-vir. Rheumatism with CURVATURE AND STIFFNESS OF THE AF- FECTED PART: 1) Ant. bry. caust. guaj. lach. sulph. 2) Amm.- m. coloc. graph. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. sep. Rheumatism, with PARALYSIS: 1) Arn. chin. ferr. rhus. ruta. 2) Cin. cocc. hell. plumb. sass. staph. ERRATIC RHEUMATIC PAINS: 1) Bry. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. 2) Arn. ars. asa. bell. daphn. mang. plurb. rhod. sabin. sass. sep. sulph. valer. § 3. Rheumatism in consequence of exposure to cold in winter: 1) Ars. bry. n.-vom. 2) Carb.-v. colch. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. sulph.-ac. Pains coming on after TAKING THE LEAST COLD, require : Acon. arn. bry. calc. dulc. merc. phos.-ac. sulph. If caused by ABUSE OF MERCURY: 1) Carb.-v. chin. guaj. lyc. sass. sulph. 2) Arg. arn. bell. calc. cham. hep. lach mez. phos.-ac. puls. rhod. valer. In consequence of BADLY-TREATED GONORRHŒA: 1) Clem. sass. thuj. 2) Daphn. lyc. sulph. If by being IN WATER, or by exposure to damp and wet weather: 1) Calc. n.-mosch, puls. rhus. sass. sep. 2) Bell. bor. bry. carb.-v. caust. colch. dulc. hep. lyc. sulph. If caused by BAD WEATHER, give: 1) Calc. dulc. n.-mosch. rhod. rhus. verat. 2) Amm. ant. carb.-a. carb.-v. lach. lyc. mang. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. sep. spig. stront. sulph. If by EVERY CHANGE OF WEATHER: Bry. calc. carb.-v. dulc. graph. lach. mang. merc. n.-mosch. phos. rhod. rhus. sil. sulph. verat. § 4. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM Tearing or stitching pains, pressing like a weight or as if bruised; shooting drawing pains, less when sitting, with aggravation in the evening and at night; loud outeries and complaints, with weeping, tears and despairing anxiety; intolerance of noise, even of music; intense bright- red and shining swelling of the affected part, and excessive sensitiveness to contact and motion; aggravation or return of the pains by wine or other heating causes, also by emo- tions; high fever, with dry heat; incessant thirst; redness of cheeks, or alternation of redness and paleness of the face. ARNICA: Irritability of the mind; pains as if sprained or contused; feeling of lameness and tingling in the affected parts, or hard, bluish-red, or shining swelling; violent pains in 384 RHEUMATISM. the affected parts, with sensation as if resting upon something very hard; aggravation evening and night and by moving the affected parts. (Arn. is suitable after or before Chin. ars. ferr. rhus.) BELLADONNA: Stitching burning pains, worse at night and by motion; swelling of the affected part, with shining, widely- spreading, erysipelatous redness; violent fever, with throb- bing of the carotid arteries; congestion of blood to the head, red face and eyes. (Suitable after Acon. cham. merc. puls.) BRYONIA: Disposition subdued or easily excited to anger; tensive or tearing pains, with stitches in the affected part as often as it is moved, or pains, which have no certain locality, and affect the muscles rather than the bones; shooting pains as if the flesh were loose on the bones; red and shining, or pale and tensive swelling or stiffness of the affected part; aggravation in the evening and before midnight and during the least motion; general sweat or chilliness and shuddering, or fever heat, with headache, bilious or gastric symptoms; thirst, with occasional calls for large draughts of cold drinks. CHAMOMILLA: Drawing pains, worse at night or in bed; relieved by external warmth; disposition to constant move- ment of the affected part, which is numb and partially para- lytic; drawing jerks in the bones and tendons; pains in the periosteum, with paralytic weakness; sensation of paralysis in the parts, after the cessation of the pains; rigid sensation and as if bruised in the joints, with cracking when moving; exacerbation in the evening and before midnight; fever, with burning heat in the affected part, preceded by shudder- ing; hot sweat about the head, even in the hair; great rest- lessness, tossing about, or chill; desire to be in bed. (Suit- able after or before Bell. puls. or ign.) MERCURIUS: Stitching, burning or tearing pains, worse in cold and damp weather, in bed, at night or toward morning; pains in the bones, as if broken; in the joints, as if sprained; accompanied by profuse perspiration, (often sour or offensive smelling), which gives no relief to the pains; adema of the affected parts, especially of the feet or ankles; swelling of the joints, large, pale or slightly red and puffy in appearance, or oedematous; especially to cases of syphilitic origin or complication, affecting the joints, bones or periosteum. (Fre- quently suitable after Bell. bry. chin. dulc. lach.) NUX-VOMICA: Especially appropriate to attacks of the large muscles of the loins and the large joints; tensive, jerking or pulling pains, with pale, tensive swelling, especially in the RHEUMATISM. 385 back, loins, chest or joints; numbness or lameness of the affected muscles, with spasms or twitchings of the muscles; aversion to the open air and great sensitiveness to cold; gastric symptoms; constipation; shuddering, with trembling and aggravation of the symptoms; worse after midnight and morning; disposition sad, despairing, silent or angry; excessive sensibility to all external impressions, the slightest jarring or concussion is insupportable. (Rarely suitable in the beginning, but after Acon. arn. cham. ign.) PULSATILLA Drawing, tearing or jerking pains, worse at night, or in the evening in bed; also by the warmth of the room or by attempting to change a position which the patient had been in for a long time, or pains which shift rapidly from one joint to another; sensation of numbness or lame- ness in the affected parts, or stitches and feeling of coldness at every change of weather; relief by uncovering the part or in the open air; pale face and chills, increasing with the pains; aggravation in the evening and before midnight; frequently caused by currents and jets of damp air or by ex- posure to rain or to protracted wet weather. (Suitable after Cham, ign. or arn.) RHUS-TOX.: Tearing, burning or tensive pains, or pains as if sprained, with sensation of lameness and creeping in the affected parts; tearing pains, with sense of dull numbness after motion; paralytic pains in the joints; rigidity, or red and shining swelling of the joints, with stitches when touch- ed; aggravation after midnight and morning, during rest and in bad weather. (Suitable after Arn. or bry.) SANGUINARIA: Inflammatory swelling of all the joints, with redness and spasmodic pains in the affected parts. § 5. Use likewise: ANTIMONIUM-CRUD.: Drawing, shooting and tensive pains; shortening of the muscles and tendons, with bending of the limbs; aggravation by warm air and heat of the sun; appro- priate to chronic cases and to rheumatic inflammation of mus- cular tissue, especially of the biceps flexor cubiti. ARSENICUM: Protracted cases, with nocturnal aggravations of the pains, great emaciation and profuse sweatings from exhausted vital force; pains which are felt during sleep; drawing, tearing pains, especially in the limbs, with inability to lie on the affected side and relief by motion of the affected part. CALCAREA-CARB.: Almost specific for cases contracted by working in the water or a long continuance in it. 17 386 RHEUMATISM. CAUSTICUM: Affections of the ligaments and tendons, and also the periosteum, with little or no dislocation and pale swelling, if any; shooting pains in the joints after taking cold, relieved by warmth and in bed; shortening of tendons, and rigidity and flexion of joints; great sensibility to cold open air and currents of wind, which aggravate the pain; the patient is averse to lying uncovered; evening aggravations. CHINA: Suitable to weak and emaciated subjects, with in- clination to excessive perspiration; the parts about the joints are swollen and excessively sensitive to the touch; the pains are worse at night and accompanied by a sensation of weak- ness in the affected parts, which are restless and disposed to constant movement, which relieves; great excitability of the whole nervous system. COLCHICUM: Paroxysms of tearing, stitching or drawing pain in the affected part through to the bone; lameness of the affected part; tearing in warm weather, with stitches in the limbs when the weather is cold; aggravation from evening till morning, sometimes intolerable in the evening; nightly heat, with thirst; nervousness; yellow spots in the face; loss of appetite, with loathing of the smell rather than the taste of the food; diminished, dark-brown urine. DULCAMARA: Disposition angry, impatient, morose, aggra- tion in the evening and at night, and during rest; dull shooting, or shooting drawing pains, with little fever, mostly caused by cold damp air. FERRUM: For rheumatic lameness of the shoulder. HEPAR: It is related to cases of mercurial rheumatism, es- pecially in scrofulous subjects; tearing and shooting pains in the limbs and joints, with aggravation at night, especially during a nocturnal chill. Excessive nervous excitability. IGNATIA: Pains, as if contused or sprained or sensation, as if the flesh were loose on the bones in consequence of blows, the pains are worse at night, diminished by a change of position; pains which appear while lying on the side, disap- pear when lying on the back; great sensibility to currents of air; aggravation afternoon, evening and after midnight; alteration of disposition at short intervals. LACHESIS: Chronic rheumatism in alternation with Hepar; lacerating, jerking and sprained-like pains; stinging or lace- rating in the knees; stiffness and curvature of the affected parts; aggravation in the open air, during damp weather, after sleeping, from exertion and in the evening. LEDUM: Rheumatic pains first attack the feet and then ex- RHEUMATISM, 387 and upwards; pressing tearing pains in joints and muscles; paralytic pains in all the joints; at night in bed, while mov- ing the body; the warmth of the bed and the bed-covering are unbearable, pains aggravated by motion, in the evening and before midnight; pains change their location quickly, accom- panied with little or no swelling. LYCOPODIUM: In rheumatism of the finger-joints and espe- cially in chronic cases; drawing and tearing pains, worse at night and during rest; painful rigidity of the muscles and joints, with sensation of numbness in the affected parts (:suitable after rhus., calc. n.-mosch. puls.) NUX-MOSCHATA: Wandering, aching or drawing pains, worse during rest, or in the open cold air, caused by pro- tracted wet weather. PHOSPHORUS: Tearing, drawing and tensive pains, setting in when taking the least cold, with headache, vertigo, op- pression of the chest. RHODODENDRON: The pains are worse during rest; excited by storms and rough, damp and windy weather; tearing, drawing and shooting pains without redness or swelling, worse on change of weather. RUTA: Rheumatic lameness of the wrist or tarsal joint; pains as from a blow, fall or as if crushed, aggravated by touch, bending the body or the affected joints, and relieved by continual motion; sense of want of power or partial paralysis. SABINA: Drawing pains in the long bones of the upper and lower extremities, extending to the joints, where they are most severe, worse in a room and better in the open air. paralytic pains in the joints after exertion, especially in rheumatism of the metatarso-phalangeal joint of the great toe, with great swelling, bright, shining red, intense sensi- bility to touch and motion, worse at night; high fever. SEPIA: Tension in different limbs, as if the tendons were too short; drawing tearing from below upwards, in the arms and legs, only in repose, with great weakness; cessation of the pains during powerful movement and walking in the open air; aggravations evenings and nights, local warmth relieves the pain; great sensibility to cold air, especially to the north wind; suitable to persons of a slender form, par- ticularly to females with a delicate skin and complexion. SULPHUR: Erratic pains with or without swelling, the result of taking cold, especially from cold dampness or from working in water; pains with loss of power and numbness 388 RHEUMATISM. of the parts affected; pains like a sprain; tension as if from shortening of the tendons, especially in the tendons of the feet after a short walk; heat relieves and cold aggravates the pain; sensibility to wind and open air and to a change of weather; dread of washing. THUJA: Tearing and beating pains, as from subcutaneous alteration, with coldness and feeling of numbness in the affected parts, worse during rest and in bed; rheumatism from gonorrhœal poisoning; tearing pains in the neck, preventing its turning; pain over the neck, shoulders and spine with stiffness of the neck; boring, tearing pains in the loins, extending to the hip. Aggravation mostly afternoon, evening and night; warmth relieves and cold aggravates the pain. VERATRUM-ALBUM: The violence of the pains causes deli- rium; pains in the limbs like bruises and pressure, intolerant of the heat of the bed, but relieved by rising and walking about; they are renewed by damp cold weather; stiffness of the limbs in the forenoon and while standing. § 6. Try moreover: APOCYNUM-AND.: Cramps in the feet, probably in the muscles and tendons; great pain in the joint of the big toe, heat in the right leg and knee; tingling pains in the toes; pain and stiffness in back of head and neck; dull heavy pain in the chest, while breathing; rheumatic headaches. CIMICIFUGA: Rheumatism affecting the belly of the muscle; burning, cramping, stitching pains in the muscles of the body; inflammatory rheumatic fever with intoxicated feeling of the head, severe pains in the eyeballs, extending into the forehead and increased by the slightest movement of the head or eyeballs; dull pains in the occipital regions, with shooting pains down the back of the neck; face-ache and toothache; pleurodynia and rheumatism of the muscles of the chest; articular rheumatism of the lower extremities with much swelling and heat of the affected parts. CAULOPHYLLUM: erratic shifting pains; articular rheuma- tism affecting the smaller joints, especially suitable to females; rheumatic and neuralgic headaches; severe pain in the finger-joints, they look red and are very stiff, closing the hand is painful. GELSEMINUM: Rheumatic neuralgia; myalgia; dull aching pains in the back, particularly in lumbar and sacral region; deep-seated, dull aching pains in upper and lower extremities and joints generally; rheumatic pains in the RHEUMATISM. 389 upper and lower extremities, induced by cold, and attended with loss of motion. RHUS-VENENATA: Aggravation before rain; stiffness of the joints in the morning, relieved by exercise; rheumatism of the tarsal and metatarsal joints, especially the ankle joints; aggravation by rest and mental labor; uncovering mitigates the itching and burning; crick in the neck and rheumatic pains between the shoulders; stiff back; constant dull pains in the cervical, dorsal and lumbar regions; draw- ing pains in the shoulders and elbow joints, worse during motion; constant aching in the hands and fingers with stiff- ness; dull drawing pains in the knees, ankles, feet and toes. STICTA-PULM.: Sharp darting pains in upper and lower ex- tremities; dull headache with darting pains through vertex, side of the face and lower jaw; swelling and stiffness of the joints. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: Inflammatory rheumatism with gas- tric complications; constant aching pains in the back of the neck and shoulders; lumbago. § 7. RHEUMATISM OF THE HEART; requires: ACONITE: In the beginning of most inflammations with fibrinous deposits, if there be full, hard, quick pulse, great heat of the skin, thirst, anxiety, restlessness, loud complain- ing, sharp shootings in the region of the heart. ARSENICUM: For the latter stages, where there is great prostration of strength, cold damp surface or cold and sticky perspiration; rapid emaciation; restlessness; great oppres- sion of the respiration, burning pains in the region of the heart; pulse small, rapid and feeble; worse when lying on the back, and at night, especially after midnight. BRYONIA: In the first stage, when the fever is acute, with great thirst for cold drinks, hard and quick pulse, the shoot- ings in the heart greatly aggravated by the least motion and the respiration much embarrassed by a sense of pressing in the middle of the sternum. CACTUS: Acute carditis, with slight cyanosis of the face, oppression of the breathing, dry cough, pricking pain at the heart, impossibility of lying on the left side; pulse quick, throbbing, tense and hard; acute painful stitches in the heart as to cause him to weep and to cry out loudly, with ob- struction of the respiration; dry convulsive cough; the heart beats with great force and irregularity; constriction in the region of the heart and epigastrium, as if the heart were grasped and compressed, as by a hand of iron; increased 390 RHEUMATISM. by muscular exertion, especially by reading aloud or loud talking. All the rheumatic pains go from above down- wards. CIMICIFUGA: Intense anxiety about the heart, with pain in the left shoulder, extending down the left arm with the sensation, as if bound to the side. LACHESIS: Rheumatism of the pericardium and endocar- dium; weight in the chest with anxiety; spasmodic pain in the heart, causing palpitation; constriction of the heart; shortness of breath at every motion, especially of the hands, with great weariness; inability to lie down on account of a suffocating sense of fullness in the chest, with the necessity of removing all pressure from the neck and chest, and gasp- ing for breath, and when relieved of this, the patient lies on the left side with the head raised high; anxiety, paleness of face, restlessness, excessive perspiration. PULSATILLA: In persons of mild and gentle disposition, complaining of shootings in the region of the heart, or heavy pressure and burning; palpitation increased by slight mental emotion or by speaking, with anxiety; intolerance of the pressure of the clothes, which the patient constantly endea- vors to remove; darkening of the vision; aggravation by lying on the left side. PHOSPHORUS: Pressure, as if a great weight were lying on the middle of the sternum; great pressure in the upper part of the chest; cough excited by drinking; excoriation of the chest, when coughing; cough wakes him constantly at night, exciting great pain in the chest; cannot lie on the back; dyspnoea with inability to exert himself; palpitation of the heart. RUMEX: Burning, stinging pains in the whole of the left side of the chest, suddenly when taking a deep inspiration, while in the act of lying down at night; sharp shooting pains in the left chest. SPIGELIA: Excessive irritability of the heart; the violent or undulatory palpitation not synchronous with the beat of the pulse; sharp shooting pains; short and oppressed respi- ration with great anxiety. SPONGIA: fibrinous deposits upon the valves; sense of suffocation, accompanied by violent loud cough, anxiety and difficult respiration; violent and rapid action of the heart with loud blowing sound, as of a bellows; sudden paroxysm of suffocation with violent palpitation, arousing the patient. from his sleep. • RUPIA. -RUBEOLE. 391 VERATRUM-VIRIDE: Prickling pains in the region of the heart; constant burning distress in the cardiac region; flut- tering sensation and palpitation on taking the least exercise; palpitation with dyspnea; cardiac oppression with passive congestions. § 8. Comp.: Gout, paroxysms of pain, conditions, causes, weather, &c. RUPIA s. RHYPIA. § 1. Names have caused an immense confusion in the de- partment of cutaneous diseases. Samuel Plumbe, Schonlein and others, confound rupia and ecthyma; Hebra applies the name rupia only to syphilitic herpes with pyramidal crusts; Bateman, who distinguishes R. simplex and R. proeminens, understands by it an eruption very similar to ecthyma with which other authors have either confounded rupia, or who, in its higher forms, have classed it with the corroding and spreading ulcers. According to Bateman, the primitive form of rupia is vesicular, never pustulous, as that of ecthyma, though it is very difficult to distinguish these eruptions from each other, when more developed, except perhaps by the fact that the crusts of rupia are broader and less firmly ad- hering than those of ecthyma. Hebra's rupia is the syphilitic form with conical scurfs, and is the same as Bateman's rupia proeminens; whereas Bateman's rupia simplex is identical with the so-called phagedenic blister of Hahnemann and a kind of phagedenic ulcers of older writers. § 2. According to these distinctions, we propose for rupia, or rupia (Schoenlein), one or more of the following remedies, or of those which have been indicated for ecthyma. b) For rupia simplex (Bateman), (the ulcus phagedenicum of some authors, or the bulla phagedenica of Hahnemann : 1) Ars. cham. graph. petr. sil. 2) Borax. calc. clem. hep. natr. nitr.-ac. rhus. sep. squill. staph. c) For the rupia of Hebra (rupia syphilitica or rupia proeminens of Bateman) Mercurius. This is not always sufficient; in one case I had to give: Alum. nitr.-ac. clem. thuj. sassap., then Sulph., and lastly another dose of Merc., which effected a permanent and thorough cure. § 3. See: HERPES, ULCERS, HERPES, PUSTULOSUS, and SYPHILIS. RUBEOLE-This disease is intermediate between scar- latina and measles, the symptoms of the mucous membranes 392 RUNNING OF THE EYES. -SALT. being like those of scarlatina and the eruption itself resem- bling measles. The principal remedies are: Acon. bell. n.-vom. puls. See: EXANTHEMATA, MEASLES and SCARLATINA. RUNNING OF THE EYES-Blennorrhea oculorum, Ophthalmo-blennorrhoea. Principal remedies: 1) Dig. euphr. graph. pu ls.sen. 2) Alum. amm. calc. caust. chin. euphr. guaj. hep. lyc. nitr.-ac. sil. spig. sulph. thuj. For frequent lachrymation, give: 1) Acon. bell. calc. euphr. kreas. puls. rut. sil. spig. staph. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. bry. dig. graph. hep. ign. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. spong. staph. thuj. Bleareyedness, lippitudo: 1) Acon. euphr. merc., puls. 2) Rhus. spig. 3) Gran.? par.? RUSH OF BLOOD. Complained of by plethoric, debilitated, hypochondriac or nervous individuals; the principal remedies are: 1) Acon. aur. calc. hep. kal. kreas. lyc. phos. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. amm. arn. bell. bry. carb.-v. caust. croc. chin. ferr. iod. natr.- m. n.-vom. op. petr. phos.-ac. rhus. samb. sassap. sen. sil. stann. thuj. Rush of blood of plethoric individuals requires: 1) Acon. aur. bell. calc. lyc. phos. sep. sulph. 2) Arn. bry. chin. ferr. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. thuj. Of nervous, very irritable individuals: 1) Acon. arn. bell. chin. n.-vom. 2) Amb. aur. calc. ferr. lyc. petr, samb. SAFFRON, ILL EFFECTS OF. The best antidote, according to Hering is black coffee, to be drank until vomiting sets in, and for the secondary dis- eases: Opium. Chronic secondary affections require: Acon. bell. plat. puls. SAL-AMMONIAC and NITRE, POISONING WITH. Tepid water with unsalted butter, to be drank until vomit- ing sets in; afterwards mucilaginous drinks in large quantity. Secondary ailments require: Nitr.-sp. coff. n.-vom. SALT, ILL EFFECTS OF. Principal remedy: Nitri.-sp. After this: Ars. carb.-v. lyc. merc. n.-vom. puls. 393 SCARLATINA. SASSAPARILLA, ILL EFFECTS OF. Hering recommends Bell. or Merc.; we may try more- over: Amm. cham. lyc. sulph. SCARLATINA, Scarlet Fever: § 1. The principal remedy is Bell., unless we should have to give: 2) Acon. amm. apis. ars. baryt. camph. carb.-v. lach. merc. phos. sulph. 2) Coff. con. ipec. phos.-ac. rhus. 3) Arum. asclep. gels. myric. phyt. sang. scutal. verat.-vir. 82.) For the fever in the PRECURSORY STAGE, give acon., if bell. should not be sufficient. The SORE THROAT requires next to Bell., baryt. calc. merc. phyt. GANGRENOUS SORE THROAT: 1) Amm. ars. carb.-v. 2) arum. lach. sulph. phyt. The VOMITING requires acon. or ars., if bell. should not stop it; for the tenesmus and ischuria give con., and for the PUT- MONARY SPASMS: ipec., provided bell. is insufficient. § 3. For RETROCESSION of the eruption the best remedies are: bry. phos. phos.-ac. sulph.-If cerebral symptoms with coma should have set in, give op.; or bell., if the patient should start as soon as he closes his eyes. For the PAROTITIS, which sometimes sets in after the disease, give: bell. calc. carb.-v. kal. phos. sil. rhus. or merc. § 4. The DROPSICAL Symptoms after scarlatina, require: apis. arn. ars. bell. dig. hell. phos.-ac. seneg. 2) Asclep. syr. verat.-vir. HYDROCEPHALUS: apis. apocyc. can. arn. bell. hell. phos.-ac. HYDROTHORAX: 1) Ars. hell. seneg. 2) Arn. digit. ASCITES: Apis. dig. hell. ANASARCA: Ars. hell. or bar.-m. § 5. PAROTITIS or OTORRHEA in consequence of scarlatina, requires bell. hep. puls. 2) Colch. lyc. men. merc. nitr.- ac.; or if CARIES of the ossicula aurium should have set in: aur. calc. natr.-m. sil. § 6. The principal remedies for SCARLET-RASH are: Acon, and coff; or sulph. and bell., if the former should not be sufficient. For a combination of SCARLATINA AND SCARLET-RASH, Dulc. has proved efficient. § 7. Particular indications. ACONITUM: Frequent colic, with bilious vomiting; violent fever, with dry heat; frequent, full and hurried pulse; con- gestion of blood to the head, with bloated face, vertigo and 17* 394 SCARLATINA. stupefaction, or delirium; or drowsiness with sudden starting from sleep; dry, short, painful cough; bleeding of the nose or spitting of blood; angina faucium. BELLADONNA: Violent inflammation of the throat and ton- sils, with stitching pains and spasmodic contraction; inability to swallow liquids, which frequently return by the nostrils; suffocative sensation on touching the pharynx or turning the head; violent thirst, with or without dread of water; in- flamed and painful eyes, with photophobia; violent pressure in the forehead, as if the eyes would be pressed out, or tear- ing and stitching in the head; vertigo with obscuration of sight; red and dry tongue; sleeplessness, with nervousness; frightful visions on closing the eyes; sudden starting from sleep and jumping up. MERCURIUS Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, ptyalism, ulcers in the mouth, swelling of the inguinal glands, &c. PHOSPHORUS: Dry and hard tongue and lips, which are covered with blackish crusts; loss of speech and hearing, difficult deglutition; inability to retain the urine; falling off of the hair. RHUS-TOX.: When the eruption becomes vesicular, with sopor, sudden starting from sleep, restlessness, ischuria and great thirst. SULPHUR: Cerebral affection not yielding to Bell., with sopor, sudden starting, distortion of the eyes; constant de- lirium, bloated and shining-red face; stopped nose; dry, cracked, red tongue, covered with a brownish mucus; thirst and difficulty of swallowing. § 9. Try moreover. ALIANTHUS: Violent vomiting; severe headache, dizziness and photophobia; rapid small pulse; muttering delirium; livid eruption, more profuse on forehead and face; torpid state. AMMON.-C. Hard swelling of the right parotid and lym- phatic glands of the neck; putrid sore throat. APIS: When there are much heat, redness and irritatiou of the skin, great restlessness and nervous agitation, sensi- tiveness of the entire surface of the body, an oedematous and erysipelatous appearance around the ulcers in the throat, frequent and painful urination; redness, heat and burning of the tongue, disturbed sleep and thirst; post scarlatinal dropsy; scarlatina typhosa, the whole nervous system is under the paralyzing influence of the poison. SCARLATINA. 395 ARUM-TRIPHYLLUM: Malignant scarlatina with great sore feeling in the mouth, redness of the tongue, elevated papillæ, cracked corners of the mouth and lips; stoppage of the nose without much coryza; urine very abundant and pale, sub- maxillary glands swollen; eruption all over the body, with much itching and restlessness; stiffness of the neck. CALCAREA: A perfect specific for the throat affections, parotitis and swellings around the neck, especially when the eruption is already fading; also for the affections of the chest, even when a tendency to paralysis prevails. GELSEMINUM: Intense fever with nervous erethism in the beginning; asthenic forms of scarlet fever. HYOSCIAMUS: Acute inflammatory affection of the brain; convulsions with jerking of the limbs; burning of the skin, when laying the hand on any part of the body, with cinnabar redness; quiet sleep with laughing expression of countenance or suffocating snoring during inspiration; absurd delirium; sleeplessness from nervous excitability with convulsions and shuddering, as if from fright; strabismus; burning dryness of the tongue and lips with inability to speak distinctly; dryness of the throat with thirst; constriction of the throat, preventing swallowing. LACHESIS: Threatening gangrene or destructive decompo- sition of both fluids and solids; cool surface, covered with cold perspiration; torpid peripheral circulation; passive hæmorrhages of dark fluid blood; swelling of the cellular tissue threatening gangrene, especially about the throat; in- ability to think, with great weakness of memory; heaviness of the head, the pains are deep in the brain and aggravated by external pressure; throbbing pain, with beating from every motion, causing nausea and efforts to vomit, with pain- ful boring in the vertex. MERC.-IOD. After Lachesis, loss of voice, hoarseness, can only lisp; fauces bluish-red, ulcerated. OPIUM: Convulsions, delirium; soporous condition with snoring; not relieved by Bell. PHYTOLACCA: Angina scarlatinosa, with high fever, no eruption, nose and upper lip much excoriated by an acrid discharge, slight delirium, great prostration. STRAMONIUM: Violent convulsions, especially excited by being touched or at the sight of bright shining things, with spasmodic jerkings of the limbs, paralytic trembling of the arms and hands, especially of the right, with which he con- stantly reaches into the air and attempts to grasp some im- 396 SCROFULOSIS. aginary object; restlessness with itching of the skin; rash of a coppery red color, dry and hot skin; coma with rattling respiration and bloody froth at the mouth; rapid alternation of laughing, crying and singing; stupidity; terrified ravings or mild loquacious delirium: sensation of weakness and un- pleasant lightness of the head; great dryness of the throat; compelling frequent drinking and moistening of the mouth; swelling of the tongue, so that it hangs from the mouth; paralysis of the tongue. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: For the febrile stage of scarlatina sim- plex and anginosa; intense arterial excitement with cerebral congestion or irritation of the spinal centres; it is also useful in certain sequelae of scarlatina, as acute rheumatism, dropsy, when febrile symptoms are present. § 10. If COMA follows after the vomiting during the first stage: 1) Dulc. sol.-nigr. 2) Bry. op. sulph. When the patients are red all over, like a boiled lobster: sulph., (sometimes with Acon. interpolated), followed, ac- cording to circumstances by: baryt. calc. puls. When the eruption DECREASES: Seneg. or calc. (when throat troubles are present. For SWELLING OF THE PAROTIS give: calc., when the swelling is on the right side, with irritability in the morning and desire for hard-boiled eggs; Kal.-carb., when the rest- lessness appears between 2-3 o'clock in the morning, ard the swelling is also worse on the right side. See: Exanthems, Erysipelas, Purple rash, sore throat, &c. SCROFULOSIS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. asa. baryt. bell. calc. cin. con. hep. iod. lyc. merc. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Aur.-mur. carb.- an. carb.-v. cist. dulc. graph. lach. kreas. pin. staph. 3) Amb. amm. aur. bar.-m. bry. chin. cocc. ferr. ign. magn.-c. mez. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. petr. puls. ran. rhab. sep. veratr. § 2. At the commencement of the disease, when the children have great difficulty in learning to walk, give: Bell. calc. sil. sulph., and perhaps in some cases: Ars. chin. cin. ferr. lyc. magn. pin. puls. rhab. sep. In the second period, when the glands are affected: 1) Baryt. bell. cale. ist. con. dule. hep. lye. mere. nitr.-ae. phos. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Ars. bry. carb.-an. clem. graph. kal. natr. n.-vom. puls. The cutaneous affections (eruptions, herpes, ulcers, &c.,) 397 SCROFULOSIS. require: 1) Aur. baryt. calc. cist. clem. con. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. mur.-ac. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Canth. kal. mez. nitr.-ac. ol.-jec. petr..ranunc. Affections of the bones: 1) Aur. calc. cist. lyc. merc. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Asa. bell. hep. mez. nitr.-ac. rhus. ruta. sep. staph. Srofulous enlargement of the abdomen of children: Sulph.; then Calc.; or: Ars. baryt. bell. chin. cin. lyc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. § 3. Particular indications, which, however, must neces- sarily be incomplete on account of the great variety of the symptoms: ARSENICUM: Atrophy, emaciation, swelling of the cervical glands, and hard, distended abdomen; bloated face; diar- rhea; debility, with constant desire to lie down; pale and bloated; herpes, scurfy eruptions and ulcers; ophthalmia; scurfs on the hairy scalp; cancerous affections, &c. ASA: Exostosis, caries; curvature of the bones; glandular swellings; otorrhea; ophthalmia; ulcers of the nose, or nasitis with swelling, &c. BARYTA: Atrophy; swelling and induration of the cervical glands; bloated body and face, with distended abdomen; physical and mental debility; dry scurfs on the head; in- flammation of the eyes and eyelids; herpes in the face; fre- quent sore throat; great disposition to take cold, &c. BELLADONNA: Hard, swollen and ulcerated glands: mus- cular debility, with difficulty of learning to walk; photo- phobia; inflammation of the eyes and eyelids; cough with mucous rattling; otorrhoea; emaciation and atrophy; ulcers; inflammatory swelling of the nose; swelling of the lips; fre- quent bleeding of the nose; cancerous affections; pale and bloated; frequent sore throat with swelling; asthmatic affections; distended and hard abdomen; inability to retain the urine; disposition to wet one's bed; premature develop- ment of the mind; blue eyes and blond hair. CALCAREA: Large head with open fontanelles, curvature of the back and vertebræ, or other rhachitic affections; herpes, scaldhead, crusts in the face; hard or suppurating glandular swellings; ulcers, exostoses or caries; hard and enlarged abdomen, with swelling of the mesenteric glands; emaciation and voracious appetite; thin and wrinkled face, with dim eyes; dry and flaccid skin; difficulty of learning to walk; difficult dentition; ophthalmia, photophobia and blepharophthalmitis; otorrhea; red swelling of the nose; 398 SCROFULOSIS. swelling of the upper lip; frequent bleeding of the nose; pale and bloated; constipation or frequent diarrhoea, &c. CINA: Worm-affections, pale face, emaciation, voracious appetite; inability to retain the urine. CONIUM: Constipation and induration of the glands; herpes; ophthalmia; photophobia; frequent blennorrhoea from the lungs; dry cough; asthma; cancerous affections, &c. HEPAR: Pale and bloated, with induration and suppura- tion of the glands; atrophy; scaldhead; herpes; ophthal- mia; otorrhea; swelling of the nose or upper lip; cancerous ulcers; disposition to phlegmonous sore throat, catarrh or bronchitis: disposition of the skin to ulcerate, &c. (Suitable before or after: Bell. sil. lach. merc. IODIUM; Emaciation; swelling and induration of the glands, the whole of the lymphatic system being involved; rhachitic affections; inflammation of the eyes and eyelids; otitis and otorrhea; swelling of the mesenteric glands; frequent catarrh, bronchial catarrh, &c. LYCOPODIUM: Swelling and suppuration of the glands; dis- position to catarrh, bronchitis, &c.; inflammation, curvature and other affections of bones; atrophy; herpes and ulcers; scabs on the hairy scalp; ophthalmia; otitis and otorrhoea; pale and bloated; frequent sore throat; obstinate constipa- tion, &c. (Frequently suitable after Cal.) MERCURIUS: Disturbed reproduction, with bodily and mental weakness; disposition to take cold, to sweat, catarrh, bronchial catarrh, &c.; pale and bloated; swelling and sup- puration of the glands; rhachitic affections; exostoses; cur- vature, caries and other affections of bones; eruptions and corrosive herpes with crusts; tinea capitis; crusts in the face; ophthalmia; blepharophthalmitis; otitis; otorrhoea; frequent sore throat; slimy diarrhoea, &c. (Is frequently suitable after or before: Bell. dulc. iod. rhus.-t. : RHUS-TOX Swelling of the glands; scaldhead, herpes in the face, and other eruptions discharging pus or forming crusts; emaciation; hard and distended abdomen; frequent catarrh; ophthalmia; otorrhoea; frequent diarrhoea, &c. (Frequently suitable after Merc.) SILICEA: Swelling and suppuration of the glands; exostoses, curvature, caries, and other diseases of the bones; pale and bloated: cancerous affections; disposition of the skin to ul- cerate; swelling of the nose or upper lip; scabs on the hairy scalp; otorrhoea, &c. (Is frequently suitable after: Lyc. hep. or sulph.) SCROFULOSIS. 399 SULPHUR: In almost every case, at the commencement of the treatment, especially when the patient complains of eruptions, herpes, swelling, suppuration or ulcerations of glands; disposition to take cold, or to diarrhoea with colic, or to constipation, also to catarrh and other blennorrhoeas; disposition to sweat easily and profusely; morbid reproduc- tion; spongy and flabby flesh; physical and mental debility; difficulty of learning to walk; inflammation of the eyes and eyelids; otorrhoea; pale and bloated, &c. (Suitable after Bell. merc. iod. rhus.-t., &c.) § 5. Other remedies. ALNUS-RUBIA: Enlargement of the submaxillary glands; strumous enlargement of the tonsils; obstinate impetigo and porrigo; chronic diarrhoea. CHIMAPHILA: Ulcers of an indolent and flabby character. CORNUS-CIRCIN.: Scrofulous ophthalmia; herpes of the eyelids; ulcerations of the tongue, gums and mouth gene- rally; chronic diarrhoea. CORIDALIS-FORM.: Scrofulous cutaneous diseases, especi- ally when accompanied with feeble digestion and poverty of blood. HYDRASTIS: Ophthalmia and otorrhoea scrofulosa; scir- rhus and cancer of the breast in women of scrofulous consti- tution; ozæna; cancer of the nose; indolent or irritable ul- cers of the legs. IRIS.-VERS. Scrofulous affections and skin diseases; in- flamed eyelids. KALI.-BICHROM.: Scrofulous ulcers and skin diseases. NUX-JUGLANS: Especially for skin diseases and glandular swellings. MEZEREUM: constant excoriations of the nose and of the throat. PHYTOLACCA: Glandular affections and skin diseases, es- pecially tinea capitis; granular lids; ozæna. PSORINUM: For nearly the same symptoms as sulphur. RUMEX: Chronic cutaneous eruptions: glandular enlarge- ments, foul and indolent ulcers. THERIDION: Rachitis, scrofulous diseases, of the bones; either alternately with Lycopod. or follows well after Calc. and Lycop. have been used. § 6. Compare: Atrophy; glandular affections; diseases of the bones; rhachitis; ophthalmia; otorrhoea; herpes; ulcers, &c. 400 SCURVY. -- SECRETIONS. SCURVY:-Principal remedies for scorbutic affections: 1) amm. amm.-m. merc. mur.-ac. n.-vom. staph. sulph. 2) Ars. canth. carb.-a. caust. cist. hep. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. sulph.-ac. 3) Alnus. agave. geran. gal. hydr. rum. phyt. xanthox. See: Gums, diseases of the, and ulcers. SEA-SICKNESS: Principal remedies: 1) Sulph. 2) Ars. coc. petr. 3) colch. ferr, n.-mosch. sep. sil. tab. ther. For ailments, occasioned by RIDING IN A CARRIAGE, give : 1) cocc. sep. 2) Bor. hep. ign. cyn. n.-mosch. petr. selen. sil. For nausea and vomiting, caused by SWINGING : COCC. petr. SECRETIONS, SUPPRESSION OF; ERUPTIONS, BLENNOR- RHA. § 1. The principal remedies for the ailments arising from this cause, are: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. chin. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-v. caust. cham. dulc. graph. kal. lyc. phosph. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. sil. stram. 3) Amb. amm. ant. arn. aur. baryt. cin. cocc. cupr. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. merc. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. ran. seneg. spong. veratr. zinc. § 2. Give more particularly : a) After suppression of eruptions and herpes: 1) Bell. bry, dulc. graph. hep. ipec. phos.-ac. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. amb. ars. carb.-veg. caust. cham. lach. lyc. merc. natr. n. mosch. phos. rhus. sassap. sep. sil. staph. thuj. b) Suppression of hæmorrhage or abandoning habitual de pletions: Acon. bell. chin. ferr. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Arn. aur. bry. calc. carb.-veg. graph. hyos. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. ran. rhus. seneg. sep. sil. spong. stram. c) Suppression of ulcers and purulent discharges: 1) Bell. hep. lach. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. lyc. merc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. staph. d) Suppression of piles: 1) Acon, calc. carb.-veg. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Amb. amm. ant. ars. bell. caps. caust. chin. coloc. graph. ign. kal. lach. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. petr. rhus. sep. sil. e) Suppression of lochia: 1) Coloc. hyos. n.-vom. plat. rhus. sec. veratr. zinc. 2) Bell. bry. con. dulc. puls. sep. sulph. f) Suppression of milk: 1) Bell. bry. dulc. puls. 2) Acon. calc. char. coff. merc. rhus. sulph. g) Suppression of menses: 1) Acon. bry, con. dulc. graph. kal. lyc. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. ars. baryt. bell. câlc. caust cham. chin. coce. cupr. ferr. iod. mere. natr.m. n SEXUAL INSTINCT. 401 mosch. op. plat. phosph. rhod. sabin. staph. stram. val. veratr. zinc. h) Suppression of catarrh or some other blennorrhoea: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. cin. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Amb. amm. carb.-veg. con. dulc. graph. ipec. kal. lyc. natr.- m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. phosph. rhod. samb. sulph. i) Suppression of sweat: 1) Bell. bry. cham. chin. dulc. lach. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. calc. graph. lyc. merc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. k) Suppression of foot-sweat: 1) Cupr. nitr.-ac. puls. sep. sil. 2) Cham. merc. natr. rhus. § 3. Compare: ERUPTIONS, PILES, NURSING, CONFINE- MENT, AMENIA, CATARRH, COLD, &c. SEXUAL INSTINCT, MORBID CONDITIONS OF THE. § 1. The remedies which affect the sexual functions prin- cipally, are: 1) Canth. caust. chin. con. lyc. merc. natr. natr.- m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. plat. puls. selen. staph. thuj. ve ratr. 2) Arn. ars. bell. calc. cann. carb.-veg. clem. coff, graph. hep. hyos. kal. lach. magn.-arct. magn.-c. mosch. mur.-ac. n.- mosch. op. phos.-ac. plumb. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. stram. sulph. zinc. § 2. For the male sex: 1) Arn. cann. canth. merc. nitr.- ac. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. phos.-ac. puls. sulph. thuj. 2) Agn. amb. ars. carb.-veg. caust. chin. clem. graph. hep. ign. kal. lyc. petr. rhus. sep. staph. For the female: 1) Amb. bell. con. croc. ferr. graph. hyos. ign. kreas. mosch. n.-mosch. n.-vom. plat. puls. sabin. sec. sep. sulph. thuj. 2) Acon. alum. asa. aur. calc. carb.-veg. cham. chin, coccul. kal. lyc. magn.-m. natr.-m. nitr -ac. rhus. staph. § 3. For excessive sexual excitement: 1) Canth. chin. magn. arct. n.-vom. phosph. plat. puls. veratr. 2) Ant. aur. calc. cann. graph. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. merc. mosch. natr. natr.-m. op. sabin. sil. stram. Satyriasis: 1) Canth. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Hyos. phos. stram. veratr. Nymphomania: 1) Hyos. phos. stram: veratr. 2) Bell. canth. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sulph. Erections from physical excitement, even priapism: 1) Canth. coloc. graph. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Cann. ign. kal. magn.-arct. op. phos.- ac. plat. staph. thuj. § 4. Disposition to nanism: 1) Calc. n.-vom. sulph. ; or, 402 SEXUAL POWER. -SKULL. 2) Chin. coccul. merc. natr.-m. phosph.; or, 3) Ant. carb.- veg. plat. puls. For the consequences of this vice, give: Chin. n.-vom. phos.-ac. or staph., especially when they seem to be of an acute nature, and resulting from excessive rather than long- continued abuse. Slow, chronic ailments, require: Calc. n.-vom. sulph., at long intervals. Some cases require: 1) Cocc. merc. phosph; or, 2) Ant. carb.-veg. plat. puls. § 5. For excessive nocturnal emissions, give: 1) Chin. phos.-ac. selen. sulph. 2) Carb.-veg. caust. con. kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. v.-vom. petr. phos. puls. sep. 3) Bell. calc. graph. merc. stann. If caused by onanism or sexual abuse, give: 1) Chin phos.-ac. sulph. 2) N.-vom. phosph. puls. sep. For discharge of prostatic juice, give: Calc. hep. phos.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Agn. anac. natr. nitr.-ac. puls. selen. staph. thuj. SEXUAL POWER, DEBILITY OF. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Agn. baryt. calad, calc. cann. con. graph. ign. lyc. mosch. mur.-ac. natr.-m. selen. sulph. 2) Ant. camph. caust. chin. kal. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. phosph. sep. § 2. Impotency of males: 1) Baryt. calad. calc. can. con. lyc. mosch. mur.-ac. natr.-m. selen. sulph. 2) Agn. ant. camph. caust. chin. graph. hyos. lach. magn.-aust. n.-mosch. petr. sep. § 3. Sterility: 1) Borax. calc. cann. merc. phosph. 2) Amm. caust. con. graph. natr -m. sulph. sulph.-ac.; or, 3) Agn. cic. croc. dulc. ferr. hyos. merc. natr. plat. ruta. Compare: MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES and MISCARRIAGE. § 4. If an embrace causes unpleasant feelings: 1) Agar. calc. kal sep. 2) Alum. bov. carb.-veg. chin. graph. merc. natr. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. selen. staph. § 5. Compare: DEBILITY, LASSITUDE; and, under CAUSES: EXCESSES, ONANISM, &c. SKIN, COLOR OF, ULCERATIONS OF THE, see: CYANOSIS, CHLOROSIS, JAUNDICE, MACULA, ERYSIPELAS, &c. SKIN, SORE, UNHEALTHY.-The principal remedies for a disposition of the skin to ulcerate when the least wound is inflicted upon it, are: 1) Cham. hep. lach. petr. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. baryt. borax. calc. graph. lyc. mang, nitr.-ac. staph. SKULL, DISEASES OF THE BONES OF THE. SLEEP, MORBID. 403 § 1. The principal remedies for exostoses are: Aur. daph. merc. mez. phosph. phos.-ac. Mercurial exostoses require: Aur. daph. phosph. phos.-ac. mez. Syphilitic: Aur. merc. mez. § 2. Large head of scrofulous children, with retarded closing of the fontanelles, require: Calc. puls. sil. §3. See: BONES, DISEASES OF. SLEEP, MORBID. § 1. Principal remedies for this state, though generally a mere symptom: 1) Ars. bry. calc. cham. chin. coff. hep. kal. merc. phos. puls. rhus sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. bell. borax. carb.-V. caust. con. graph. hyos. ign. kreas. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. thuj. 3) Amb. amm. amm.-m. aur. baryt. camph. cann. carb.-an. cocc. dulc. ipec. led. magn.-arct. mosch. phos.-ac. plat. rhod. sabin. samb. sassap spong. staph. sulph.-ac. veratr. § 2. Use more particularly for: a) Anxious sleep: 1) Cocc. dulc. graph. lyc. magn.-c. natr.- m. phos. spong. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. bell. ferr. hep. kal. petr. rhus. b) Stupefied sleep: 1) Bell. bry. camph. cham. con, croc. graph. hep. led. n.-mosch. op. phos. puls. sec. 2) Calc. carb.- v. cic. hyos. ign. lach. magn.-arct. magn.-c. nitr. n.-vom. plat. spig. sulph. tart. veratr. c) Deep, heavy: 1) Bell. ign. n.-mosch. op. stram. tart. 2) Alum. ant. ars. con. croc. cupr. hyos. led. magn.-arct. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sec. sep. veratr. d) Light, like slumber: 1) Ars. cham. graph. ign. n.-vom. op. petr. sulph. 2) Calc. coff. kal. lach. lyc. nitr. puls. sil. veratr. e) Comatose: 1) Bell. bry. camph. croc. hell. n.-mosch. op. sec. stram. tart. veratr. 2) Arn. caps. carb.-v. coloc. con. hyos. lach. led. magn.-arct. mosch. phos. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. samb. f) Short, with early waking: 1) Ars. caust. dulc. kal. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sep. sil. 2) Aur. borax. bry. calc. chin. coff. croc. graph. lyc. magn.-arct. mur.-ac. sulph.-ac. g) Too long, waking late: 1) Calc. caust. graph. magn.-m. n.-vom. phos. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. con. hep. kal. lach. magn.-arct. merc. natr. natr.-m. phos.-ac. puls. sec. sil. stann. h) Raving, with many fancies: 1) Acon. calc. carb.-v 404 SLEEP, MORBID. graph. kal. lyc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. petr. puls, sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Carb.-an. chin. con. hell. ign. nitr. nitr.-ac. op. sep. i) With many dreams: 1) Alum. bell. bry. calc. chin. con. kal. kreas. lyc. magn.-c. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. arn. bry. camph. carb.-v. cham. coloc. ferr. graph. hep. ign. magn.-arct. magn.-m. merc. mez. natr. natr.-m. rhus. sep. spong. staph. k) Not refreshing: 1) Alum. bry. chin. con. graph. hep. kreas. lyc. op. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. baryt. bell. calc. cann. caps. carb.-an. carb.-v. caust. cic. ign. lach. magn.-m. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. sabad. sil. squill. staph. thuj. 1) Restless, tossing about: 1) Amb. ars. baryt. calc. chin. kal. lyc. phos. rhus. sabad. sabin. sil. sulph. 2) Amm.-m. aur. bell. bry. cham. coff. colch. coloc. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. led. magn.-c. merc. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n -vom. petr. phos.-ac. puls. samb. sassap. sec. seneg. spig. squill. staph. stram. tart. thuj. m) İnterrupted by frequent waking: 1) Bell. calc. graph. hep. kal. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. ars. carb.-an. carb.-v. caust. chin. ign. magn.-arct. oleand. rhus. sil. staph. § 3. When the patient stretches his arms above his head during sleep: Chin. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. plat. puls. rhab. sulph. veratr. When laying them under his head: Acon. cocc. magn.-aust. phos. phos.-ac. plat. tart. When on his belly: Magn. plat. puls. b) When drawing up his legs: Carb.-v. plat. puls. stram. When opening them: Cham. magn. puls. When stretching them: Plat. stann. When bending the knees: Amb. magn. viol -od. c) When bending the head forwards: Acon. phos. puls When sideways: Cin. spong. When bending it backwards: Bell. chin. hell. hep. n.-vom. rhab. d) When lying on his back generally: 1) Bry. n.-vom. puls. rhus. 2) Acon. ant. aur. calc. chin. cic, coloc. dig. dros. ferr. ign. lyc. magn.-arct. plat. sulph. e) When he is unable to lie on the left side: Kal. lyc. natr. phos. sil. Not on the right: Aur. merc. puls. Not on the back: Acon. alumn. baryt. caust. colch. merc. natr. magn.-m. n.-vom. phos. spig. sulph. When he is only able to sit in bed: Acon. ars. chin. cin. hep. lyc. magn.-aust. phos. puls. rhus. sabin. spig. sulph. tart. § 4. a) For frightful dreams, causing anxiety: 1) Acon. arn. bell. calc. caust. chin. graph. kal. lyc. magn.-c. n.-vom. SLEEP, MORBID. 405 phos. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Anac. ars. aur. bry. carb -v. hep. ign. kreas. magn.-m. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. rhus. sep. stram. sulph.-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. b) For vexatious dreams: Bry. caust. cham. chin. magn.- arct. magn.-c. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. rhab. sep. c) Agreeable, merry dreams: Alum. ars. aur. caust. magn.- c. magn.-m. merc. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. phos. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sep. staph. sulph. d) Disgusting dreams about dirt, vermin, disease, pus, &c : 1) Mur.-ac. n.-vom phos. 2) Amm. anac. kreas. magn.-m. natr.-m. puls. sulph. zinc. e) Dreams with fixed ideas, dreaming about one and the same object: Acon. ign. puls. stann. f) Dreams which continue after waking: 1) Chin. graph. phos. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. bry. calc. caust. ign. lach. led. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. g) Lascivious, amorous dreams: 1) Graph. lach. natr. natr.- m. n.-vom. op. sil. staph. 2) Ant. canth. chin, coloc. con. ign. kal. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. oleand. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sep. spig. stann. thuj. h) Dreams which fatigue the head, about scientific things, &c.: 1) Bry. graph. ign. lach. magn.-arct. magn.-aust. n.-vom. phos. puls. 2) Acon. alum. anac. arn. aur. bell. calc. carb.- an. carb.-v. cham. chin. natr.-m. op. phos.-ac. sabin, stann. sulph. zine. sulph i) Vivid dreams: 1) Anac. calc. cocc. lyc. natr. natr.-m. petr. phos puls. rhus. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. agar. arn. bell. bry. carb.-an. carb.-v. cham. cic. coff. con. dros. graph. laur. lyc. magn.-arct. merc. mur.-ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. spig. staph. stram. k) Fanciful dreams: 1) Calc. graph. kal. lyc. natr. natr.- m. n.-vom. op. petr. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. baryt. carb.-an. carb.-v. cham. chin. con. hell. ign. nitr. nitr.-ac. puls. spong. zinc. 1) Dreams about the common affairs of the day, and other indifferent things: 1) Bry. graph. lach. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Anac. bell. cic. cin. croc. kal. lyc. magn.-c. merc. natr.-m. n.- vom. phos.-ac. sassap. staph. sulph. m) Confused dreams: 1) Chin. cic. croc. lyc. natr. puls. stann. val. 2) Acon. alum. baryt. bry. cann. caust. hell. magn.-aust. magn. phos. sil. n) Dreams in a waking state: Acon. arn. bry, cham. hep. ign. magn.-aret. merc. n.-vom. op. petr. rhab. sep. sil. stram. ulph. 406 SLEEP, MORBID. § 5. a) Dreams about thieves and robbers: 1) Magn.-c. merc. natr. sil. 2) Alum. aur. bell. magn.-m. petr. phos. ve- ratr. zinc. About ghosts, demons, &c.: Alum. carb.-v. ign. kal. lach. magn.-c. natr. op. sassap. sep. spig. sil. sulph. About defunct persons, burials, &c.: 1) Anac. ars. calc. kal. magn.- c. phosph. phos.-ac. thuj. 2) Amm. arn. aur. bry. caust. con. graph. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. plat. sulph.-ac. b) Dreams about misfortunes, adverse circumstances, cha- grin, danger, &c.: Anac. arn. ars. chin. graph. iod. kreas. lyc. n.-vom. phos. puls. About diseases: Amm. anac. borax. calc. con. kal. nitr. n.-vom. sil. About quarrels, disputes: Alum. arn. baryt. bry. calc. caust. cham. hep. kal. magn.-c. merc. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. puls. stann. staph. About war, bloodshed: Amm.-m. ferr. hep. merc. plat. spong. thuj. verb. About murder: Amm.-m. calc. carb.-an. guaj. ign. kál. natr.- m. phos. petr. sil. staph. c) About animals. dogs, cats, &c.: 1) Arn. puls. 2) Amm. amm.-m. bell. calc. hyos. lyc. merc. n.-vom. sil. sulph. sulph.- ac. About serpents: Alum. kal. sil. About vermin, &c.: Amm. ars. calc. hell. mur.-ac. n.-vom. phos. d) About water and danger of water: Alum. amm.-m. ars. dig. graph. ign. kal. magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. nitr. sil. Fire and danger of fire: Alum. anac. ars. calc. hep. kreas. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. phos. rhod. rhus. spig. spong. sulph. § 6. a) When the patient moans a good deal during sleep: 1) Caust. cham. chin. cin. ign. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac n.-vom. rhab. 2) Arn. ars. aur. bry. hyos. ipec. magn.-c. merc. mur.-ac. natr.- m. op. phos. phos.-ac. rhab. sulph. veratr. b) When he starts a good deal: 1) Ars. bell. cham. graph. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. petr. puls. samb. sec. sil. sulph. 2) Arn. bry. calc. carb.-an. caust. chin. cupr. dros. hep. ign. magn.-arct. magn.-c. natr. natr.-m. phos. rhus. sep. veratr. zinc. c) For screams during sleep: 1) Bell. bry. cham. hep. puls. rhab. rhus. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Arn. aur. borax. calc. caps. carb.-an. caust, cocc. croc. graph. hep. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. sep. staph. tart. d) Talking during sleep: 1) Ars. baryt. calc. cham: ign. n.-vom. puls. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Arn. calc. graph. kal. lyc. magn.-c. merc. natr.-m. phos. phos.-ac. plumb. rhab. rhus. sabin. sep. spong. stann. tart. thuj. e) Weeping during sleep: 1) Cham. ign. kal. natr.-m. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. puls. 2) Calc. carb.-an. caust. kal. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.-c. phos. puls. sil. SLEEPLESSNESS. 407 7. When the patient snorts a good deal during sleep: 1) Bell. camph. carb.-v. op. rhus. sil. stram. 2) Calc. caps. cham, chin. dros. dulc. hyos. ign. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. puls. rhab. sulph. b) When the eyes are only half closed or entirely open: Bell. caps. chin. coloc. hell. ign. ipec. op. phos.-ac. samb. stram. sulph. c) Sleeping with the mouth open: Cham. dulc. ign. magn.- arct. magn.-aust. merc. op. rhus. samb. For chewing and swallowing during sleep: Bry. calc. ign. d) For distorting one's features, quivering of the lips, dis- tortion of the eyes, and other convulsive motions during sleep: Bell. bry. cham. chin. cocc. hell. hyos. ign. ipec. op. phos.-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. samb. veratr. § 8. Compare: SLEEPLESSNESS and SOPOR. SLEEPLESSNESS, INSOMNIA. § 1. Generally a mere symptom, though in some cases the principal complaint of the patient, arising from an excess of irritation or stimulation. The principal remedies for sleeplessness generally are: § 2. 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. chin. coff. con. graph. hep. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.- vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. anac. camph. caust. cin. cocc. ipec. led. magn.-arct. magn.-c. magn.-m. mosch. nitr.-ac. op. phos.-ac. plat. rhus. staph. sulph.-ac. thuj. veratr. § 3. If sleeplessness be the only or principal symptom, give: Acon. bell. coff. hyos. ign. mosch. n-vom. op. puls. Particular indications: ACONITE: For sleeplessness caused by anxiety or alarming events, by fear, fright, &c. BELLADONNA: The patient is sleepy, but is unable to sleep; with great anguish, restlessness, frightful visions, dread of things which are near him, &c., or when the patient is really sleepy in the morning or evening, but no sleep follows. COFFEA: Sleeplessness caused by joy, or an agreeable sur- prise; or suitable for the sleeplessness of children, or for sleeplessness caused by long watching; also suitable to per- sons that have indulged in excessive use of coffee. HYOSCYAMUS: Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, espe- cially after violent diseases, or suitable to irritable and easily excited individuals. IGNATIA Sleeplessness caused by grief, care, sadness anx- ious thoughts and depressing emotions. 408 SLEEPLESSNESS. MOSCHUS: Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, without ary other ailment; suitable to hysteric or hypochondriac in- dividuals. NUX-VOM. Sleeplessness caused by excessive thinking, reading, &c., until late at night, or when caused by abuse of coffee, or when all sorts of ideas crowd upon the person's mind. OPIUM: Sleeplessness after emotions, such as fear, fright, &c.; or when the patient is troubled with visions of ghosts, strange figures, &c., or suitable to old people. PULSATILLA Suitable to individuals that have eaten too much at supper; or when the sleeplessness is attended with orgasmus sanguinis, congestion of blood to the head; heat, causing anxiety, &c. § 4. For the sleeplessness of children, with criés, colicky pains, restless tossing about, &c., the best remedies are: 1) Acon. bell. cham. coff. jalap. rhab.; or, 2) Borax. cin. ipec. senn. ACONITUM and COFFEA: For great restlessness and feverish heat. BELLADONNA: The child cries for days and hours without any perceptible cause. CHAMOMILLA: Deserves a preference when the child com- plains of sleeplessness, with headache and otalgia. JALAPPA: Suitable for colic and diarrhoea. RHUBARB : Suitable for frequent urging to stool, with tenes- mus and colic. § 5. Use moreover: a) For sleeplessness caused by pains which set in in the evening or at night: 1) Ars. bry. calc. carb.-an. carb.-v. chin. hep. lyc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Arn. bell. caust. cocc. graph. kal. merc. phos.-ac. thuj. b) If caused by nervousness, mental excitement: 1) Calc. chin. coff. hep. lach. lyc. mosch. n.-vom. plat. puls. sep. 2) Borax. bry. caust. cocc. con. graph. hyos. kal. magn.-arct. phos.-ac. rhus. sil. spong. staph. sulph. c) If caused by nightly restlessness, agitation of the blood, heat, &c.: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. cin. graph. kal. lach. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhab. senn. sep. sil. 2) Alum. amb. ars aur. carb.-an. caust. chin. con. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. op. rhus. sec. thuj. d) If caused by pains: 1) Acon. alum. aur. bell. cham. chin, coff. hep. lach. lyc. magn.-c. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. SMELL, BAD. 409 2) Amm. ars. calc. carb.-v. magn.-m. mur.-ac. natr.-m. phos. rhus. sep. e) If by cold feet: Amm.-m. bry. carb.-v. kal. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. sulph. zinc. § 6. a) If the sleeplessness occur principally before mid- night: 1) Alum. ars. bry. calc. carb.-v. chin. con. graph. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Anac. arn. bell. borax. carb.-an. caust. hep. ign. kal. led. magn.-c. magn.-m. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. op. phos.-ac. plat. sassap. spig. staph. sulph.-ac. thuj. b) If the patient wake soon after midnight, and be unable to go to sleep again: 1) Ars. caps. coff. hep. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sil. 2) Aur. bry. cann. caust. dulc. graph. lach. magn.-c. natr. phos.-ac. sep. sulph.-ac. c) Remaining awake for hours at night, and not being able to go to sleep again: 1) Natr.-m. phos. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. aur. bell. calc. caust. dulc. graph. magn.-c. merc. mur.-ac. natr. n.-vom. puls. sassap. sulph.-ac. d) Sleeplessness the whole night: 1) Ars. chin, cin. coff con. hyos. magn.-c. mosch. n.-vom. op. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. aur. bell. camph. carb.-v. cham. clem. coloc. dulc. graph. hep. kreas. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. op. phos. sec. spig. squill. spong. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj. e) Great drowsiness, but no sleep: 1) Bell. cham. lach. op. phos. sep. 2) Ars. bry. calc. carb.-v. caust. chin. clem, cocc. con. hep. kal. magn.-aust. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sulph. thuj. § 7. For further particulars, see: "SYMPTOMEN-CODEX." SMELL, BAD, OF THE MOUTH. § 1. Though only a symptom, yet it is of great impor- tance in the selection of a remedy, and generally points to: 1) Arn. ars. aur. carb.-veg. merc. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. cham. chin. dulc. hyos. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. rhus. sil. stann. 3) Acon. amb. anac. carb.-an. coff. graph. ipec. spig. § 2. If affecting young girls at the age of pubescence, Aurum is generally suitable; or, Bell. hyos. puls. sep. If perceived only in the morning, try: Arn. bell. n.-vom. sil. sulph. If after a meal: Cham. n.-vom. sulph. If in the evening and at night: Puls. or Sulph. If caused by abuse of Mercury: Aur. carb.-veg. lach. sulph.; or, Arn. bell. hep. SMELL, EXCESSIVE SENSITIVENESS and ILLUSIONS 18 410 SOFTENING OF THE STOMACH.-SOPOR. OF.-Principal remedies: 1) Aur. bell. calc. graph. lyc. magn.- arct. n.-vom. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. cham. chin. coff. hep. puls. For great sensitiveness, give: 1) Aur. bell. con. graph. hep. lyc. phosph. phos.-ac. plumb. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. baryt. cham. coff. con. kal. n.-vom. sep. For illusions of smell, such as of bad eggs, putrid sub- stances, decayed cheese, manure, or generally for bad and fetid smell, give: Aur. bell. calc. magn.-arct. men. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. verat. For smell as of chalk or clay: Calc. magn.-arct. As of herrings: Agn. bell. As of pitch or tar: Ars. con. As of sour things: Alum. As of old coryza: Graph. ars. sulph. As of sweetish things: Aur. As of Sulphur, or burning sponge, or gunpowder: Anac. ars. calc. graph. n.-vom. As of burnt or burning substances: Anac. aur. graph. n.-vom. sulph. SOFTENING OF THE STOMACH, GASTROMALACIA. We may try: 1) Calc. 2) Ant. ars. baryt. carb.-veg. n.- vom. puls. sulph., &c.* SOPOR, SOMNOLENCE, CATAPHORA, COMA, COMA VIGIL, LETHARGY, &c. § 1. These various states being all characterized by a dis- position to sleep between the regular hours of sleep, we will comprehend them under the same head, and first indicate the general remedies for this condition. They are: 1) Ant. bell. bry, calc. carb.-veg. con. croc. lach. n.-vom. op. phosph. phos.- ac. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. tart. 2) Acon. anac. arn. ars. camph. carb.-an. caust. chin. cin. coloc. graph. hell. hep. kal. laur. magn.-arct. merc. mosch. natr. natr.-m. sabad. samb. sec. sil. stram. veratr. 3) Amm. amm.-m. cann. dig. ferr. magn.- c. magn.-m. merc. nitr.-ac. petr. § 2. Give: a) for common drowsiness in the day-time: 1) Bell. calc. carb.-veg. chin. con. graph. hep. kal. lach. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. anac. bry. cann. caust. cham. cin. dig. ferr. magn.-c. magn.-m. nitr.- ac. puls, sabad. sep. sil. stram. zinc. b) For drowsiness after rising in the morning, or in the forenoon: 1) Ant. calc. carb.-veg. graph. hep. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. phos.-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Caust. con. magn.- arct. magn.-m. merc. puls. rhus. sil. spig. sulph.-ac. tart. zinc. c) Drowsiness after dinner, or in the afternoon: 1) Chin. * Also Kreasotum.-Hempel. SOPOR. 411 graph. lach. n.-vom. phosph. rhus. sulph. 2) Acon. agar. amm. anac. baryt. carb.-veg. chin. croc. kal. natr. natr.-m. n.- mosch. phos.-ac. puls. ruta. sil. staph. d) Early in the evening: 1) Ars. bell. calc. con. croc. kal. lach. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amm.-m. anac. arn. cin. cycl. natr.. nitr.-ac. phosph. rhus. ruta. sep. thuj. e) For excessive sleepiness, drunk with sleep: Bell. bry. camph. carb.-veg. coff. con. croc. magn.-arct. n.-mosch. op. phosph. phos.-ac. puls. tart. § 3. a) Sopor, or constant somnolence, generally requires: 1) Bell. croc. lach. n.-mosch. n.-vom. op. puls. tart. veratr. 2) Ant. arn. ars. baryt. bry. camph. cham. coce. con. croc. cupr. hell. hep. hyos. laur. led. magn.-arct. merc. phosph. phos.-ac. plumb. rhus. samb. sec. sep. stram. b) Coma somnolentum, cataphora, carus: 1) Bell. led. n.- mosch. op. n.-mosch. 2) Ant. baryt. camph. carb.-veg. cham. con. croc. hep. laur. magn.-arct. n.-vom. phosph. phos.-ac. plumb. puls. sec. stram. tart. veratr. c) Coma vigil, agrypnocoma, typhomania: 1) Ars. bell. cham. coce. hep. hyos. lach, n.-vom. op. 2) Acon. anae. ant bry. ign. laur. magn.-arct. phosph. spong. sulph. veratr. d) Lethargy, lethargus, veternus, with fever and delirium : 1) Bell. lach. op. stram. 2) Ant. bry. cham. carb.-veg, merc. plumb. puls. tart. § 4. Particular indications: ACONITE Stupid drowsiness, hot head, dilated pupils, cold hands and feet, feeble, quick pulse, or feeble and slow.- Hempel. BARYTA: Stupid sleep, with restlessness, moaning and mut- tering, insensible pupils; feeble and quick pulse. * BELLADONNA: Deep or long sleep, with immobility, sub- sultus tendinum, pale and cold face, cold hands, small and quick pulse, moaning, convulsive motions and twitchings of the limbs, &c.; hunger; furious look on waking; burning heat and dryness of the mouth after the paroxysm. (Suita- ble before or after Lach., or after Op.) CHAMOMILLA: Suitable to children, for great restlessness, tossing about; sudden starting from sleep; jactitation of the limbs; shortness of breath, feverish heat and redness, at times on one, at times on the other cheek; screams, colic, greenish diarrhoea, &c. LACHESIS Long sleep, or alternation of sopor and sleep- lessness; or, deep sleep, with grinding of teeth, tremulous and intermitting or completely suppressed pulse. 412 SORE SKIN.--SORE THROAT. NUX-VOм.: Deep sleep, with sudden starting, sighing, loud snoring, bleareyed, dimness of sight, depression of the lower jaw, ptyalism, &c. OPIUM: Deep sleep, with open and distorted eyes; red and bloated face, depression of the lower jaw, loss of conscious- ness; heavy, slow and intermitting breathing; slow or com- pletely suppressed pulse; convulsive motions of all the ex- tremities, facial muscles and corners of the mouth, &c. PULSATILLA Constant drowsiness, loss of consciousness, delirium, heat and restlessness, tossing about, involuntary motions of the mouth, hands and fingers, &c. (Suitable after Cham. or. Tart.) Compare: SLEEP, APOPLEXY, TYPHUS, MENINGITIS, &c. SORE SKIN, INTERTRIGO. Principal remedies: 1) Cham. chin. graph. ign. lyc. puls. sep, sulph. 2) Acon. arn. bell. calc. carb.-v. caust. hep. mang. merc. oleand. petr. phos. phos.-ac. ruta. sulph.- -ac. Soreness of full grown persons in the summer season, is frequently cured by: Arn. carb.-v. n.-vom. lyc. sulph. Bed-sores require: Arn. carb.-v. chin. plumb. sulph.-ac. Soreness of the nipples: 1) Arn. sulph.; or, 2) Calc. caust. cham. graph. lyc. n.-vom. sep. Soreness of children: 1) Acon. cham. lyc. sulph.; or, 2) Chin. graph. ign. merc. puls. ruta. sep. If chammomile-tea had previously been used in quantities, give: Ign. or Puls. SORE THROAT, ANGINA FAUCIUM. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. cham. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. 2) Baryt. bry. caps. chin. cic. coccul. coff. dulc. ign. rhus. sabad. sep. sulph. veratr.. 3) Alum. amm. ars. calc. canth. carb.-v. gran.? kreas.? lyc. mang. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. seneg. staph. thuj. § 2. Common sore throat without fever, as occurs frequent- ly after a cold, generally yields to: 1) Bell. merc. 2) Cham. n.-vom. puls. sulph. Acute angina requires: 1) Aconite when there is fever; after which may be given: 2) Bell. bry. cham. coff. ign, merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus.; or, 3) Ars. baryt. canth. caps. chin. dulc. hep. lach, mang. staph. Chronic or habitual angina requires: 1) Alum. baryt. calc. carb.-v. hep. lach. lyc. sep. sulph. 2) Bell. chin. mang. natr.- m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sabad. seneg. staph. thuj. § 3. As regards varieties, give for simple catarrhal or SORE THROAT. 413 rheumatic angina: 1) Bell. cham. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. carb.-v. caps. dulc. hep. rhus. seneg. Phlegmonous angina, with inflammation and swelling of the affected parts, requires: 1) Acon. bell. hep. ign. merc. n.-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Alum. baryt. calc. canth, coff. lach. sep. thuj. For polypus or membranous inflammation of the fauces, prescribe: Alum. bell. chin. hep. merc. puls. spong.; and Acon. when there is fever. For croup, (see: CROUP.) Gangrenous angina indicates: 1) Amm. ars. lach.; or, 2) Con. euphorb. kreas. merc. sulph. § 4. As regards external causes, give: a) For angina after acute exanthemata, such as, scarlatina, measles, variola, &c.: Ars. bar.-c. bell. carb.-v. ign. merc. puls. b) After abuse of Mercury: Arc. bell. carb.-v. hep. lach. lyc. staph. sulph. c) After a cold: Bar.-c. bell. bry. cham. coff. dulc. ign. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. d) In consequence of syphilis: 1) Merc. nitr.-ac. thuj.; or, 2) Carb.-v. lach. phos. e) In consequence of wounds or injuries by foreign bodies, splinters, &c., which have got into the throat: 1) Acon. bell. cham. cic. ign, or merc.; or, 2) Carb.-v. con. nitr -ac. puls. sulph.-ac. 5. Symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: For almost every kind of angina, especially when the following symptoms are present: Sore pains, scrap- ing, sensation of thickness, burning or stinging in the throat, especially during deglutition; pains which extend into the ears; contraction and spasmodic constriction of the fauces, with constant desire to swallow, or else difficult, almost im- possible deglutition; absence of thirst or else violent thirst, with aversion to drink, or with inability to drink, because the liquid returns by the nostrils; vivid, frequently yellowish redness of the affected parts, without swelling; or swelling and inflammatory redness of the velum palati, uvula or ton- sils, even with suppuration; rapidly spreading ulcers; profuse accumulation of viscid, whitish mucus in the throat, mouth, and on the tongue; ptyalism; swelling of the muscles and cervical glands; violent fever, with hot, red and bloated face; violent aching pain in the forehead; whining mood 414 SORE THROAT. and obstinacy. (Compare Mercury, which is sometimes in- dicated before and after Bell.) CHAMOMILLA: Suitable to children, or when the disease is occasioned by suppression or interruption of the cutaneous action; or for: swelling of the parotid or submaxillary glands, or tonsils; stitching, burning pains, or sensation as if a foreign body were sticking in the throat; dark redness of the affected parts; inability to swallow solids, especially when lying; thirst, with dry mouth and throat; tickling in the larynx, with cough; roughness, hoarse voice; fever to- wards evening, with alternation of heat and chilliness; red cheeks, or only one cheek red; great restlessness, tossing about, crying, moaning. LACHESIS: Bell. and Merc. being insufficient, for: sore pain, burning and dry throat, at one spot or all over as far as the ears, larynx, tongue, nose, gums, with soffocative breathing, ptyalism, &c.; swelling, redness and swelling of the tonsils and velum; constant desire to swallow, with spasms in the throat, or with sensation as if a lump were sticking in the throat; aversion to drink, the liquid frequent- ly returning by the nose; aggravation in the afternoon, morning, or after sleeping, also by contact; relief by eating. MERCURIUS: Frequently in alternation with Bell., for: violent stitches in the throat and tonsils, especially when swallowing, the stitches extending tothe parotid glands, ears and submaxillary glands; burning in the throat, with sore- ness; swelling, and intense inflammatory redness of the affect- ed parts; elongation of the uvula; constant desire to swallow, with sensation as of a lump in the throat that ought to be swallowed down; difficult deglutition, especially as regards drinks, which frequently return by the nostrils; bad taste in the mouth; ptyalism; swelling of the gums and tongue; suppuration of the tonsils, or slowly spreading ul- cers in the throat; aggravation at night, or in the evening, or in the open air and when talking; chill towards evening, or alternation of chilliness and heat; sweat, without relief; rheumatic, tearing or drawing pains in the head and nape of the neck. NUX-VOM. Frequently after Cham., or suitable to thin, bilious and choleric individuals, or persons of a sanguine temperament, especially for: scraping and sore pain in the throat, particularly when swallowing or taking an inspiration; pain during empty deglutition, as if the pharynx were con- tracted, or as if a plug were sticking in the throat; stitches SORE THROAT, 415 extending to the inner ears, especially when swallowing; swelling of the uvula, palate and tonsils; or sensation of swelling, with stitches and pressure; dry cough, with head- ache and pains in the hypochondria when coughing; small fetid ulcers in the mouth and throat. PULSATILLA Suitable to females and persons of a bland and phlegmatic temper, for: bluish redness of the throat, tonsils or uvula, with sensation of swelling in these parts, or sensation of a lump in the throat; scraping, soreness and dryness in the throat, without thirst; stitches in the throat, especially between the acts of deglutition, with pressure and tension during empty deglutition, chill towards evening, with increase of soreness; varicose swelling of the cervical veins; accumulation of tenacious mucus on the affected parts. § 6. Give moreover: ACONITUM: For violent fever, with dry heat, red cheeks, restlessness, despair; dark redness of the affected parts, with troublesome and painful deglutition; burning, choking, creeping and contraction of the throat; painful sensitiveness of the throat when talking; burning thirst. BRYONIA: Painful sensitiveness of the throat to contact, and when turning the head; painful and troublesome swal- lowing, as if a hard body were sticking in the throat; stitches, soreness and dry feeling in the throat, rendering talking diffi- cult; fever, with or without thirst, or chilliness and feeling of coldness; irritable mood. CAPSICUM: Fever, with chill and thirst, and subsequent heat; aching pains with spasmodic constriction of the throat; soreness and ulceration of the mouth and throat; painful cough; constant desire to lie down and sleep, with dread of the open air and cold. COFFEA: Coryza, irritation in the throat, inducing cough; sleeplessness, heat, whining and moaning; swelling of the velum and elongation of the uvula; the affected parts are very sensitive; short, dry cough, &c. HEPAR: After Bell. or Merc., for: dryness, sensation of a lump, or stitches in the throat, as from splinters, especially when swallowing, coughing, breathing or turning the head; painful scraping, difficult deglutition, pressure in the throat with danger of suffocation; swelling of the tonsils. IGNATIA: Red and inflammatory swelling of the palate or tonsils; sensation as of a lump in the throat, or stitches ex tending to the inner ears, especially between the acts of 416 SORE THROAT. deglutition, with burning or sore pain when swallowing; it is more difficult to swallow liquids than solids; the tonsils are hard or covered with little ulcers. (Compare: Cham. nux.-v. puls.; or, Bell. merc. sulph. hep.) RHUS TOX.: Bryonia being insufficient; rather whining disposition; pressure and stitches during deglutition; beat- ing pain at the base of the pharynx; sensation of contraction in the throat during deglutition; sensation of swelling in the throat, with contusive pain even when talking. SULPHUR: Swelling of the throat, tonsils or uvula; scrap- ing and dryness, sore pain; burning and stitching in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition; pressure in the throat as from a lump, or painful sensation of contrac- tion; with difficult deglutition; swelling of the cervical glands. § 7. Try moreover: ESCULUS-HIP.: Constricted sensation, causing a disposition to hawk; dryness and burning in the throat, when swallow- ing, with raw feeling; scraping sensation in the throat; fre- quent call to expectorate mucus, which becomes watery; stinging and burning in the soft palate and posterior nares; great congestion of tonsils and soft palate, with constant aching distress and constant inclination to swallow. ALUMINA: Rawness and soreness in the throat and mouth, which feel swollen, with sensation of spasmodic constriction; salivation and imposibility to swallow or to open the mouth, when neither Bell. nor merc. did help. APIS-MEL.: Contraction and erosion in the throat in the morning; sensation of rawness and scalding all around the margin of the tongue; rawness, burning and blisters on the edge of the tongue, accompanied with stinging pains; red and fiery appearance of the buccal cavity, with painful tender- ness; frequent inclination to swallow, but the act is attended with some difficulty; erysipelatous appearance of the tonsils and fauces. ARUM-TRYPHYLLUM: Rapid swelling of the tongue, with prickling and burning pains; oedema glottidis; mercurial or idiopathic salivation; inflammation of the mucous follicles of the throat, with exudation of mucus; constant hawking, and profuse secretion from the diseased tissues; enlargement of the tonsils. CACTUS: Constriction of the throat, which excites the fre- quent swallowing of saliva; constriction of the œsophagus, SORE THROAT. 417 which prevents swallowing, he must drink a great quantity of water to force it down in the stomach. CIMICIFUGA: Dry spot in the throat, causing cough; dry- ness of the pharynx and inclination to swallow during the night; soreness of the throat when swallowing; unpleasant fullness in the throat; inflammation of the uvula and palate. GELSEMINUM: Pain on swallowing, going up into the ear, spasm of the glottis; dryness, irritation and soreness of the fauces; difficult swallowing; paralytic dysphagia; painful sensation of something having lodged in the esophagus; burning in the oesophagus, from the mouth to the stomach; spasmodic pains in oesophagus; hawking up of bloody water. HYDRASTIS: The mucous membrane of the fauces studded with round protuberant spots of a red color, as if injected with blood, with aggravation from the least exposure to cold; mercurial salivation; syphilitic angina; ulceration of the mucous membranes of the throat. LACHNANTHES: Great dryness in the throat, especially at night, when waking, accompanied by much cough; sensation of swelling in the left side of the throat; dryness, with sleep- lessness, followed by hoarseness. PHYTOLACCA: Sensation in the pharynx like that caused by eating choke-pears; soreness of the throat and a feeling when swallowing saliva, as if a lump had formed there; soreness of the posterior fauces and apparent extension of the irritation into the eustachian tubes; swelling of the soft palate and tonsils; feeling as if a ball of red hot iron had lodged in the fauces and the whole length of the œsophagus, when swallowing; sensation as if the trachea were being strongly grasped; hawking to rid the throat and posterior nares of mucus, which relieves the choked feeling; sensation of scraping and rawness in the throat and tonsils. SANGUINARIA: Ulcerated sore throat; chronic dryness in the throat and sensation of swelling in the larynx and ex- pectoration of thick mucus; aphonia, with swelling of the throat; continual severe cough without expectoration, with pain in the head and circumscribed redness of the cheeks; tormenting cough, with exhaustion; feeling of dryness in the throat, not diminished by drinking. 8. As regards symptoms, give: a) When the velum is principally affected: 1) Acon. bell. coff. lach. merc. natr.-m. phos. phos.-ac. 2) Arg. carb.-v. stram sulph. 18* 418 SORE THROAT. b) When the uvula: 1) Bell. calc. carb.-v. coff. merc. n.- vom. puls. · 2) Caust. iod. lyc. natr.-m. sil. sulph. c) When the tonsils: 1) Bell. lach. merc. 2) Amm. cham. ign. n.-vom. puls. staph. 3) Alum. baryt. calc. hep. lyc. nitr.- ac. phos. sep. sulph. thuj. d) When the larynx is involved: Acon. ars. bell. bry. carb.- veg. dros. hep. iod. n.-vom. phosph. spong. e) When the oesophagus: Amm. ars. asa. canth. carb.-veg. coccul. lach, natr. f) When the fauces: Alum. bell. carb.-veg. ign. lach. merc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sulph. § 9. a) For burning pains: Alum. ars. bell. carb.-veg. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls. rhus. seneg. b) Aching: Alum. caust. hep. merc. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. c) Sensation of swelling, without any swelling being pre- sent: Chin. lach. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph. d) For tickling and titillation: Carb.-veg. lach. sep. e) For scraping and roughness: 1) Acon. amm. carb.-veg. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. caust. con. graph. sabad. sep. f) Sensation as of a plug, lump, &c., in the throat: 1) Bell. cham. ign. lach. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Amm. caust. nitr.-ac. sep. g) Tearing pains: Amm. ars. iod. lyc. h) Pains as if raw and sore: 1) Alum. calc. carb.-veg. caust. ign. lach. merc. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. sep. 2) Amm. caps. carb.-an. graph. kal. lyc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sep. staph. i) Cutting pains: Puls. sep. stann. k) Stitching pains: 1) Acon. bell. ign. merc. puls. 2) Calc. cham. hep. lach. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sulph. thuj. 1) Sensation of contraction: 1) Bell. dros. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. carb.-veg. caust. chin. natr.-m. veratr. m) Constrictive sensation and spasm in the fauces: 1) Bell. ign. n.-vom. stram. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. caps. carb.-veg. coccul. con, natr.-m. sabad. seneg. veratr. § 10. a) For swelling of the affected parts: 1) Amm. bell. calc. lach. merc. n.-vom. staph. 2) Alum. baryt. cham. chin. coff. graph. hẹp. lyc. nitr.-ac. phosph. sabad. sil. sulph. thuj. b) Suppuration: Bell. lach. hep. merc. c) Ulcers in the throat: 1) Alum. bell. ign. lach, merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. thuj. 2) Borax. calc. staph. d) Redness: 1) Acon. alum. amm. bell. cham. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Baryt. coff. hep. lach. lyc. staph. 419 SPASMS, e) Profuse secretion of mucus: Alum. bell. calc. caps. caust. cham. chin. con. ign. kal. lach. lyc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. seneg. staph. sulph. f) Mucous lining on the affected parts: Bell. canth. chin. merc. plumb. puls. g) Ptyalism: 1) Acon. bell. chin. merc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Alum. amb. ant. arg. bry. calc. cham. ign. lach. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. h) Dryness of the mouth and throat: Acon. bell. bry, calc. cham. ign. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. seneg. sep. sil. sulph. i) Varicose condition of the throat: Carb.-veg. puls. k) Soreness: Alum. amb. carb.-veg. graph. kal. lach. merc. mez. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. sabad. sil. § 11. a) For constant desire to swallow: 1) Bell, cham. ign. lach. lyc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. 2) Alum. calc. caps. caust. chin, con. kal. seneg. staph. sulph. b) Painful deglutition: Bell. bry. hep. merc. n.-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. staph. thuj. c) Pain during empty deglutition: Bry. coccul. lach. hep. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. d) Pain when swallowing food: Alum. baryt. bry. cham hep. nitr.-ac. n -vom. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. e) Difficulty in swallowing liquids: Bell. canth. cupr. ign. iod. lach. merc. natr.-m. phos. sil. f) Deglutition being altogether prevented or rendered very difficult: 1) Acon. bell. canth. hyos. lach. lyc. merc. stram. 2) Alum. amm. ars. bry. calc. canth. carb.-veg. caust. cham. cic. cin. con. cupr. dros. hep. ign. n.-vom. phosph. phos.-ac. puls. sep. sil. g) Pain not increased by swallowing: 1) Ign. 2) Alum. amb. caps. graph. lach. merc. mez. n.-vom. puls. spong. stann, staph. 12. Compare: STOMACACE, PTYALISM, BRONCHITIS, CA- TARRH, COUGH, &c. SPASMS, CONVULSIONS. § 1. We have arranged under one head the various spas- modic affections, such as catalepsy, epilepsy, chorea, hysteric convulsions, eclampsia, tetanus, &c., because they frequently indicate the same remedy, provided the secondary symptoms correspond to it. The reader is thus enabled to discover more easily the characteristic indications for the respective remedies. § 2. Principal remedies for SPASMODIC AFFECTIONS: 1) 420 SPASMS. : Bell, calc. caust. cham. cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. n.-vom. op. sil. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. agn. arn. ars. camph. cic. citr. cocc. croc. merc. mosch. plat. rhus. stann. veratr. zinc. 3) Agar. arg. caul. ceras. cimicif. cypriped. eupat.-arom. gels. hell. lachn. laur. lob. phyt. scutel. verat.-vir. zizia. 4) Cact. dios- cor. erech. hedeom, pod. § 3. RECENT SPASMS require: Acon, ang. arn. bell. camph. caul. cham. cic. cimicif. citr. croc. gels. hyosc. ign. ipec. merc. mosch. n.-vom. op. rhus. scutel. stram. verat.-alb. verat.- vir. For CHRONIC SPASMODIC AFFECTIONS: Ars. calc. caust. cupr. lach. plat. sil. stann. sulph. zinc., unless Bell. cocc. croc. hyos. merc. n.-vom. rhus. stram. verat. should be indicated. § 4. a) For CATALEPSY: 1) Bell. cham. ipec. natr.-m. plat. stram. 2) Acon. agar. cicut. hyosc. mosch. vérat.-alb. 3) Asa. camph. coloc. dros. ign. merc. op. petr. b) For CHOREA: 1) Bell. caul. caust. ceras. cimicif. cyprip. cham. cic. cupr. eupat.-ar. gels. hyosc. ign. laur. natr.-m. n.- vom. sep. stram. zinc. 2) Ars. asa. chin. cin. coff. dulc. iod. puls. sabin. scuttel. sil. verat.-vir. 3) Agar. electr. sec. stict. c) For ECLAMPSIA: 1) Bell. caul. caust. cham. cic. cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. kal. mosch. n.-vom. plat. verat.-vir. 2) Cin. magn.- c. n.-mosch. phos. stram. 3) Arg. canth. hell. nitr.-ac. sil. sulph. 7 d) For EPILEPSY: 1) Bell, calc. caul. caust. corn. cupr. cyprip. hyosc. ign. lach. n.-vom. op. sil. sulph. 2) Agar. arg.-n. ars. camph. cic. cin. hep. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. plumb. pod. sec. sep. sil. stann. stram. verat.-vir. zizia. 3) Amm.-brom. arg. cham. cocc. dig. dros. gal gymnoc.? lachn.? merc. petr. puls. polyg. tart. valer. verat.-alb. RECENT ATTACKS of epilepsy frequently yield to: Bell. camph. ign. n.-vom. op.; CHRONIC CASES re- quire: 1) Sulph. 2) Calc. caust. cupr. sil. 3) Bell. hep. lach. or some other remedy. DURING THE ATTACK Camp. (tinct. fort. as olfaciens) is of great service. e) For EPILEPSY WITH CONSCIOUSNESS: 1) Cin. stram. 2) Camph. canth. magn.-c. n.-mosch. n.-vom. plat. 3) Ang. ars. bell. hell. kal. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sulph. 4) Calc. caust. hyosc. lyc. merc. mur.-ac. sep. sil. f) TETANUS generally sets in in consequence of wounds, poisoning, and points to the following remedies: 1) Ang. bell. bry. camph. cham. cic. gels. ign. ipec. mosch. n.-vom. nymph. op. plat. sec. stram. verat.-vir. 2) Acon. árn. cann. canth. cin. cocc. grat. hyosc. lach. laur. rhus. scuttel. stann. § 5. CONVULSIONS OF CHILDREN require: Acon. ars. caust. SPASMS. 421 cham. cic. cin. coff. cupr. gels. hyosc. ign. ipec. lach. merc. n.-vom. op. plat. pod. stann. stram. sulph. zinc. If caused by dentition: Bell. calc. cham. cin. ign. pod. stann. sulph. If by worms: Cic. cin. hyosc. ign. merc. sulph. HYSTERIC FEMALES principally require: 1) Aur. bell. caul. ceras. cimicif. cocc. corn. cyprip. gels. ign. ipec. mosch. scutel. stram. verat.-alb. 2) Bry. calc. caust. cham. con. eupat.-ar. hedeom. magn.-c. magn. m. plat. polyg. sec. sep stann. stict. sulph. If the spasms depend upon the menses: caul. cimicif cocc. coff. cupr. ign. puls., and spasms of lying-in women re- quire: 1) Bell. cham. cic. hyosc. ign. 2) Cupr. plat. sil. 3) Ålet. caul. cimicif. hedeom. veratr.-vir. § 6. If the spasms depend upon wOUNDS OR OTHER EX- TERNAL INJURIES, give: 1) Arn. or ang. 2) Puls. rhus. sulph. Spasms caused by FRIGHT or some other emotions, require: Cham. cupr. hyosc. ign. n.-vom. op. plat. In a case of epilepsy after fright Artem. has been given with success. Spasms caused by ONANISM or other debilitating concus- sions of the nerves, require: 1) Calc. lach. n.-vom. sil. sulph. 2) arn. chin. phos.-ac. If caused by ABUSE OF NARCOTICS: (Wine; opium; beer, adulterated with bell. cocc. &c.; tobacco) give: bell. cham. citr. coff. cupr. hyosc. ign. n.-vom. op., &c. If caused by RETROCESSION OF SOME ERUPTION: Ars. cale. caust. ipec. lach. n.-vom. stram. sulph. If by a cold, or by suppression of the cutaneous secretions: Acon. bell. cham. chin. cic. lach. n.-vom. sil., &c. If by MERCURIAL VAPORS: Bell. stram.-If by the vapors of copper or arsenic: Camph. merc.—Give ars. for copper and cupr. for arsenic. § 7, 8. Symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: For tetanus, trismus, hysteric spasms, con- vulsions of little children, eclampsia, chorea, epilepsy, &c.; when the convulsions commence in the upper extremities, with creeping and feeling of rigidity in the same, twitching of one or more of the extremities, especially of the arms; convulsive motion of the mouth, facial muscles and eyes; congestion of blood to the head, with vertigo, dark-red, hot and bloated face, or with pale and cold face and shuddering; photophobia; distorted or staring eyes, dilated pupils; spasms in the larynx and fauces, with inability to swallow and with danger of suffocation; foam at the mouth; involun- tary passage of fæces, or diarrhoeic stools with undigested food; oppression of the chest and anxious breathing; the 422 SPASMS. spasms are excited again by the least touch or the least con- tradiction; stupefaction or complete loss of consciousness; sleeplessness between the paroxysms, with restless tossing about; deep or comatose sleep, with smiling and distortion of features; sudden starting from sleep, with a cry; obstinate, weeping; malicious desire to bite and tear everything; or great anxiety, fear, frightful visions. (Comp. Cham. Hyos- cyam. Ign. Op. Stram. CAUSTICUM: Epileptic convulsions, chorea, St. Viti, with screams, violent movements of the extremities, grinding of the teeth, laughing or weeping, involuntary or frequent emission of urine; cold water brings the paroxysms on again. CHAMOMILLA: For spasms of children and lying-in females, when characterized by: Stretching of the limbs, convulsions of the extremities, eyes, eyelids and tongue; convulsive starting during sleep; red, bloated face, or one cheek is red and the other pale; dry and burning heat of the skin; with burning thirst; hot sweat on the forehead and hairy scalp; anguish, moaning and lamenting; anxious, hurried, rattling breathing; dry and rattling, short cough; colicky pains, distended abdomen, diarrhoeic, green stools. (Com.: Bell. ign.) CUPRUM: For convulsions of children, tonic spasms, epi- lepsy, St. Vitus' dance; and for: convulsions commencing at the fingers or toes, or in the arms; clenching the thumbs; loss of consciousness and speech; ptyalism, sometimes like froth; suffocative paroxysms (especially with previous weep- ing); frequent emission of urine; turbid urine; red face and eyes, weeping and anguish, or strange demeanor, disposition to hide himself; the paroxysms return every month, especi ally after the menses. HYOSCIAMUS: Clonic spasms, chorea, epilepsy, &c., espe- cially for Bluish color aud bloatedness of the face, foam at the mouth, protruded eyes, convulsive movements of some parts or of the whole body; violent tossing about; clenching of the thumbs; the spasms come on again every time he attempts to swallow liquids; great anxiety with cries and grinding of the teeth; loss of consciousness; oppression of the chest, involuntary emission of urine, congestion of blood to the brain; deep and comatose sleep, with stertorous breathing; feeling of hunger and gnawing in the stomach; dry cough at night; desire to laugh at every thing; running SPASMS. 423 about from place to place between the spasms; delirium. (Comp. Bell, op.) IGNATIA: Clonic and tonic spasms, hysteric spasms, con- vulsions of little children, epilepsy, chorea, St. Viti, &c.; and for: Convulsive movements of the extremities, eyes, eyelids, facial muscles and lips; opisthotonos; clenching the thumbs bluish, or very red face, or one cheek red, the other pale, or alternate redness and paleness; foamy saliva; spasms of the pharynx and larynx, with suffocative fits, difficult deglutition; loss of consciousness with involuntary screams and laughter; frequent yawning or sopor; anxiety and deep sighs; the spasms recur every day; bland, sensitive disposition; fitful mood; quiet temper. IPECACUANHA: Clonic and tonic spasms, especially of chil- dren, and hysteric females; especially for: opisthotonos, loss of consciousness, screams; pale, bloated face, distortion of the facial muscles, and of the half-closed eyes, or convulsive movements of the facial muscles, lips, eyelids and extremities; asthmatic ailments, with mucous rattling, nausea, loathing, paroxysms of vomiturition, vomiting or diarrhoea. LACHESIS: Epileptic convulsions and other clonic or tonic spasms, when characterized by: Cries, falling down without consciousness, foam at the mouth, cold feet, eructations, pale face, vertigo, heavy and painful head, palpitation of the heart, distended abdomen, comatose condition, nausea, &c., suitable to children and young people, also to men in full manhood. NUX-VOMICA: Clonic and tonic spasms, epilepsy, chorea, &c., especially when characterized by: cries, opisthotonos, trembling or convulsive twitching of the limbs or muscles; the spasms are excited by chagrin or mortification; involun- tary discharge of fæces and urine; feeling of rigidity in the limbs, and as if they would go to sleep; vomiting; copious sweat; oppression of the chest; constipation, ill humor and irritable disposition. OPIUM: Tonic and clonic spasms, epilepsy, &c., with: set- ting in of the paroxysms at night and in the evening; opis- thotonos, or violent motions of the extremities, especially the arms; loss of consciousness; insensibility; cries; clench- ing of the fists; suffocative paroxysm, deep and comatose sleep. (Comp. Bell. hyos. ign.) STRAMONIUM: Clonic and tonic spasms, catalepsy, eclampsia, chorea, hysteric spasms, &c., especially for: opisthotonos convulsive motions of the extremities, especially the upper; 424 SPASMS. ; risus sardonius; stuttering or loss of speech; pale, worn out appearance, with a stupid-friendly look; or red and pale face; loss of consciousness and sensation, sometimes with cries furious or religious motions, frightful visions, laughter, lamen- tations, singing, desire to escape, &c.; the spasms are ex- cited again by contact, or by the sight of bright or shining objects. (Comp. Bell.) § 8. Use likewise: ACONITUM: For tetanus, trismus, and other tonic spasms, with alternately pale and red face, cries, grinding of the teeth, and convulsive hiccough; also for spasms of young plethoric people (especially young girls) who lead a seden- tary life. ANGUSTURA: Tonic spasms, with opisthotonos, trismus, &c. ARNICA: Tonic spasms, especially in consequence of wounds, with palpitation of the heart, trismus, opisthotonos, &c. ARSENICUM: Epilepsy, with burning in the stomach, spine and abdomen. CALCAREA: Epilepsy, chorea, &c., especially for nocturnal paroxysms. (After Sulphur.) CAMPHORA: For some kinds of epilepsy, with stertorous breathing, red and bloated face, coma. CICUTA: Clonic and tonic spasms, epilepsy, catalepsy, eclampsia, &c., with pale or yellowish complexion, trismus, distortion of the extremities, cries, frothy saliva, colic as if from worms, &c. CITRIC-ACID: Convulsions caused by eating Stramonium. COCCULUS: Epilepsy, chorea and other spasms, especially during the menses, or in consequence of some external in- jury. CROCUS: Chorea and other convulsions, with laughing and springing, especially when the convulsions alternate with paroxysm of whooping-cough. MERCURIUS: Epilepsy and other convulsions, with cries, rigidity of the body, bloated abdomen, itching of the nose, thirst and nocturnal paroxysms. MOSCHUS: Hysteric spasms, especially when pulmonary spasms are present at the same time. PLATINA Catalepsy and eclampsia, without loss of con- sciousness, with trismus, loss of speech, convulsive motions of the eyes, corners of the mouth and eyelids, the paroxysms set in at dawn of day. RHUS-T. Tonic spasms, chorea, &c. SPASMS. 425 SILICEA: Chronic epilepsy. (After Calc.) STANNUM: Epilepsy, with tossing of the extremities, clenching of the thumbs, pale face, opisthotonos, loss of consciousness; the paroxysms occur in the evening. SULPHUR: Chronic epilepsy, with creeping sensation in the muscles, with cries, stiffness of the body; the spasms are caused by fright or excessive running. VERATRUM: Clonic and tonic spasms, with loss of sense and motion; convulsive motions of the eyes and eyelids; anguish, loss of spirits and despondency. § 9. Other remedies: BRYONIA: When in lying-in women the spasms have been controlled and there remain fullness of the pulse, abdominal tenderness and perspiration, dry parched lips and thirst; or in children, when the spasms recur from the repercussion of measles. CAULOPHYLLUM: Menstrual or uterine epilepsy; hysterical .convulsions; chorea, especially of rheumatic origin. CHINA: Convulsions caused by great loss of arterial blood. CIMICIFUGA: Uterine epilepsy, hysterical spasms due to uterine displacements; nervous tremors with great rest- lessness; chorea, from rheumatic and other causes; mania-a- potu; sleeplessness and restlessness at night; fullness, heat and throbbing in the head from within outwards; peevish- ness, wakefulness, flushed face and injected eyes of teething children; over-sensitiveness of the eyes; spasms chiefly on the left side only. CUPRUM-ACETICUM: The spasms result from retrocession of the eruption in scarlet fever. CYPRIPEDIUM: Chorea from exhaustion of the nerve- forces; convulsions from irritability of the brain in children. GELSEMINUM: Clonic and tonic spasms; epilepsy, chorea, hysteria, tetanus; excessive irritability of body and mind vascular excitement; hysterical insensibility and catalepsy: sudden headache with dimness of sight or double vision with dizziness, great heaviness of the head and semi-stupor; con- vulsions in children with flushed face and throbbing of the arteries. Convulsions in parturition with distressing pains running from before backwards and upwards in the ab- domen. GLONOINE: Convulsions with congestion to the head and heart; alternation of redness and paleness of the face. HELLEBORUS: A shock passes through the brain, as if from 426 SPASMS. a shock from electricity-followed by considerable move- ments of the body; the urine is very dark and a sediment like coffee-grounds. HYDROPHOBIN: The spasms are excited whenever the patient attempts to drink water or if she hears it pouring from one vessel into another; the sight or sound of water affects the patient unpleasantly. HYDROCIANIC-ACID: The muscles of the back, face and jaws are principally affected, and the body assumes a bluish tint. KALI-CARBONICUM: The spasms seem to be relieved or pass off by frequent eructations. KREASOT: When the convulsions occur from the swelling of a gum over a tooth, which is not quite through. LAUROCERASUS: There is much gasping for breath either before, during or after the spasm with a bluish tint of the skin; patient is conscious of a shock passing through her body before the spasm; after fright. NUX-MOSCHATA: Convulsive motion of the head from behind forwards. TART.-EMETIC: Spasms caused be repelled eruptions, with paleness of the skin and much difficulty of breathing. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: Great activity of the arterial system; convulsions or mania; convulsions with tendency to opistho- tonos, hysterical convulsions; intense sexual excitement. ZIZIA: Epilepsy, spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face and extremities. § 10. a) Convulsions with ANGUISH: Bell. caust. cham. cupr. hyosc. ign. lyc. verat., WITH ERUCTATIONS: Kal. lach. lyc. puls. sass., with COLIC: bell. caust. cham. cupr. lach. merc. natr.-m. plumb. sep. sulph., with LOSS OF CONSCIOUS- NESS: Ang. bell. camph. cic. con. cupr. hyosc. ign. ipec. lach. n.-vom. op. plumb. stram., with DIARRHŒA: Alum. chin. hyosc. kal. led. nitr.-ac. sep., with thirst: Acon. hell. cham, merc. n.-vom. verat., with vomiting: Camph. cupr. ipec. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sep., WITH YAWNING: Ign. hep. rhus., with BLUE FACE. 1) Camph. verat. 2) Cin. cupr. hydroc.-ac. hyosc. lauroc. ign. op. with PALE FACE: Cic. ipec. sil. sulph., with YELLOW FACE: Cic., WITH RED FACE: Bell. camph. cin. cocc. cupr. ign. ipec. lyc. stram., with PAINS IN THE EXTREMITIES: Bell. caust. cham. cin. plumb. sec., with MICTURITION: Caust. cupr. hyosc. lach, natr.-m. n.-vom., with PALPITATION OF THE HEART: Glon. lach. merc., with HUNGER: Cin hyosc., with COUGH: Cham, cin. croc. cupr. dros. verat., SPEECH, DIFFICULT. 427 with HEADACHE: Ars. bell. calc. caul. caust. cham. cin. con. gels. lach. natr.-m. sep. verat., with LAUGHING: 1) Aur. calc. con. ign. 2) Alum. bell. caust. croc. cupr. ign. phos. zinc., with CRAWLING IN THE EXTREMITIES: Bell. caust. ign. plumb. rhus. sec., followed BY PARALYSIS: 1) Caust. lach. 1) Arg.- n. bell. cic. cocc. cupr. hyose. laur. n-vom. plumb. rhus. sec., with RUNNING IN THE LIMBS, AS OF A MOUSE: Bell. nitr.-ac. sil. sulph., with CARDIALGIA: Ars. con. hyosc. lyc. natr.-m, nitr.-ac. n.-vom. plat. plumb., with FOAM IN THE MOUTH: Canth. cham. cin. cupr. hyosc. ign. lach. laur. lyc. op. plumb. sil., with FAINTING: Acon. camph. carb.-v. cham. cupr. ign. lach. mosch. n.-vom. verat., with SPINAL PAINS: Alum. calc. con. kal. lyc. merc. mosch, natr.-m. nitr.-ac., with SOMNOLENCE: Bell. camph. cham. dros. hyosc. ign. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. op. sil., with SCREAMING: Bell. calc. caust. cin. hyosc. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. op. sil., with DEBILITY: Calc. cic. con. kal. merc. n.-vom. plumb. sec. sep. squill. verat., with PERSPIRA- TION: Bell. sec. sil., with VERTIGO: Ars. bell. calc. lach. n.- vom. op. sep. sil., with sensation in the limbs, as IF THEY WERE GONE ASLEEP: Acon. bell. bry. camph. n.-vom. oleand. op. puls. rhus. sec. sulph., with NAUSEA: Camph. cupr. ipec. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls., with MENTAL ALIENATION : Bell. canth. croc. hyosc. mosch. sec. stram., with CRYING : Alum. aur. bell. caust. cin. cupr. ign. lach. mosch. plumb. stram., with RAGE: Bell. canth. croc. hyosc. stram., with GNASHING OF TEETH: Acon. caust. coff. hyosc. sulph. 6) Convulsions, (or epilepsy), with FALLING BACKWARDS: 1) Bell. ign. op. rhus. 2) Ang. camph. canth. chinin. cic. ipec. kal. n.-vom. spic. stram., with FALLING SIDE WAYS: 1) Bell. con. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Sil. squills., SIDEWAYS LEFT: Bell. caust. lach. sabad., SIDEWAYS RIGHT: Bell., FORWARDS: 1) Cic. rhus. 2) Arn. canth. cupr. ferr, sil. sulph. c) If the convulsions are mostly in the EVENING: Alum. calc. caust. laur. op. stram. sulph., after EXERCISE: Alum. kal. natr.-m. petr., at the AQUINOCTIAL: Calc., at the TOUCH: Ang. bell. cocc. stram. tart., in the OPEN AIR: Carb.-v. n.- vom. plat. sep. sulph., MORNINGS: Calc. kal. n.-vom. plat. sep., after every EMOTION: Acon. bell. coff. hyosc. ign. n.-vom. puls., at every NOISE: Ang. arn. ign., from COLD WATER: Calc. rhus., from RUNNING: Sulph., from BRIGHT SUBSTANCES OR LIGHT: Bell. stram., at NIGHT: Calc. caust. cic. cin. cupr. hyosc. kal. lyc. merc. op. sec. sil. sulph., at the NEW MOON: Caust. sil., at the FULL MOON: Calc., during the MENSES: 428 STOMACACE. Cocc. coff. cupr. caul. cimicif. ign. puls., during SLEEP: Kal. sil., at the least fright: Ign. hyosc. lach. op. sec. sil. sulph. verat., after DRINKING: Calc. bell. hyosc. stram., after WASH- ING: Sulph., after CRYING: Arn. cup., from the WIND: Plat. sep. sulph., AMELIORATION BY COLD WATER: Caust. SPEECH, DIFFICULT, STUTTERING, DUMBNESS, &c. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. caust. con. dulc. euphr. hyos. lach. laur. merc. n.-vom. op. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. amm. annac. bov. bry. calc. cann. carb.-n. carb.-veg. chin. cic. cupr. hep. lyc. mez natr.-m. oleand. plumb. ruta. sec. sil. stann. thuj. veratr. § 2. a) For difficult speech, stammering, &c.: 1) Bell. caust. dulc. euphr. graph. lach. merc. natr. n.-vom. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. cic. con. natr.-m. op. ruta. sec. stann. 3) Anac. arg. calc. cann. carb.-an. carb.-veg. hep. lyc. oleand. plumb. thuj. veratr. b) For nasal twang: Alum. bell. bry. lach. lyc. phos.-ac. sil. staph. c) Loss of speech, dumb: 1) Dulc. euphr. hyos. lach. laur. merc. op. plumb. stram. 2) Bell. caust. chin, cic. con. cupr. euphr. oleand. ruta. sec. veratr. § 3. If this condition be accompanied with inflammatory affections of the organs of speech, give: 1) Acon. bell. cann. dulc. lach. merc. n.-vom. sulph. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. bry. calc. canth. hep. lyc. natr.-m. sil. staph. If depending upon spasms: 1) Bell. canth. hyos. op. stram veratr. 2) Cic. con. cupr. lach. laur. ruta. sec. If upon paralysis: 1) Bell. caust. dulc. euphr. graph. hyos. lach. laur. n.-vom. natr.-m. stram. 2) Canth. carb.-veg. chin. stann. staph. zinc. § 4. Comp.: SORE THROAT, SPASMS, PARALYSIS, &c. STOMACACE, inflammation or ulceration of the mouth. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) merc. n.-vom. 2) Ars. bor. caps. carb.-v. dulc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. staph. sulph. sulph.-ac. 3) Chin. gran. hep. iod. n.-mosch. sep. sil. 4) Arum.-t. bapt. corn. eup.-a. ham. hell. hydr. iris. myr. nym. phyt. pod. rhus.-v. If caused by MERCURY: 1) Carb.-v. dulc. hep. nitr.-ac. staph. sulph. 2) chin. iod. natr.-m. 3) Bapt. corn. iris. If by abuse of KITCHEN SALT: Carb.-v. nitr.-sp. For simple APHTHÆ of children: 1) Bor. hell, sulph.-ac. 2) Merc. n.-vom. sulph. 3) Bapt. corn, eup.-ar. euph. hydr. myr STOMACACE.. 429 § 2. Particular indications. ARSENICUM: The edges of the tongue are ulcerated, aph- thæ, violent burning pains; swollen and readily-bleeding gums; looseness of the teeth; the aphthæ assume a livid or bluish appearance, attended with great weakness and diar- rhoca. ARUM-TRIPHYLLUM: Burning and biting sensation in the mouth and throat; stomatitis in its most acute forms, with great tumefaction of the lips, mucous membrane of the mouth, followed by superficial ulceration, mercurial or idio- pathic salivation. BAPTISIA: Soreness of the teeth and gums: oozing of blood from the gums; thick and swollen tongue with numb pricking sensation of the tongue and bad taste in the mouth; ulcerous sore mouth; chronic mercurial sore mouth, the gums loose, flabby, dark-red or purple and intolerably fetid breath; stomatitis materna; cancrum oris; profuse salivation. BORAX: The child frequently lets go the nipple, showing signs of pain in the mouth from nursing; it cannot bear a downward motion, it is very nervous, cries much day and night; ulcerated gums; aphtha in the mouth or on the tongue, which bleed readily, tenacious mucus in the throat; acrid fetid urine. BRYONIA: The mouth is unusually dry with thirst; dry lips, rough and cracking; the child does not like to take hold of the breast; but when once its mouth is moistened and it is fairly at work, it nurses well. CAPSICUM: Suitable to large, phlegmatic, plethoric persons, who lead a sedentary life; especially for: burning vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue, swelling of the gums. CARBO-VEGETABILIS: The mouth is very hot, the tongue almost immoveable with escape of bloody saliva; the gums stand off, are sore and ulcerated, bleed profusely, with loose teeth and bad smell of the ulcers. CORNUS-CIRCINATA: Stomatitis materna; aphthous stoma- titis of children; ulceration of the buccal mucous membrane from a cold or gastric derangement; scrofulous ulceration of the tongue, gums and mouth. DULCAMARA: The least cold brings the disease on, with swelling of the cervical glands. HAMAMELIS: Bleeding and spongy gums; dryness of the mouth; burnt sensation on the tongue; blisters on the sides of the tongue. 430 STOMACACE. HYDRASTIS: Stomatitis materna; mercurial sore mouth; aphthæ of children; sticky mouth; excessive secretion of tenacious mucus from the mouth, so profuse, that it may be removed in long tenacious shreds; peppery taste in the mouth; dryness of the tongue with sensation as if it had been burnt; it felt raw and sore and had a dark red appear- ance with raised papillæ. IRIS-VERS.: Painful burning in the mouth and fauces; tongue feels as if it had been scalded; constant discharge of saliva; ulcers on the mucous membrane of the cheeks. MERCURIUS: Red, spongy, receding, ulcerated gums with burning pains at night, and soreness, especially when touched; loose teeth, inflamed, sore, ulcerated tongue and mouth, some- times covered with aphthæ; fetid, cadaverous smell from the mouth and ulcers; profuse discharge of fetid, and even bloody saliva; with ulceration of the orifice of the stenonian duct; the tongue is swollen, stiff, hard, or moist and covered with white mucus; pale face and chills; burning diarrhoeic stools. NATRUM-MUR.: Swollen, readily bleeding gums with great sensitiveness to cold and warm substances; ulcers and blisters in the mouth, on the tongue and gums, with burning pains and impeded speech; ptyalism, rigidity of the tongue, especially on one side. NITRIC-ACID: Bleeding, white and swollen gums, loose teeth; sore mouth with stinging pains; fetid smell from the mouth; ptyalism. NUX-VOMICA: Suitable to thin persons of lively temper and sedentary habits, especially for: foul and painful swelling of the gums, with burning or beating pains, fetid ulcers, pimples and painful blisters in the mouth, on the gums, palate and tongue; ptyalism at night, bloody saliva; tongue white and thickly coated with mucus; fetid odor from the mouth; pale face with sunken cheeks and dim eyes; emaciation; consti- pation; angry, irritable mood. PHYTOLACCA: Mercurial ptyalism; inflammation and ulcer- ation of the buccal cavity; tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth and on the tongue; yellowish saliva of a metal- lic taste; tongue feels rough with blisters on both sides and a very red tip; teeth feel very sore and elongated; secretion from mouth, throat and salivary glands much increased and of a thick, tenacious ropy consistency; teeth clenched; lips everted and firm. STOMACH. 431 PODOPHYLLUM: Copious salivation; offensive odor from the mouth; soreness of the mouth and tongue on waking in the morning; stomatitis materna; tongue red, dry, cracked, somewhat swollen, and often bleeding. RHUS-VENENATA: Intense redness of the mucous membrane of the tongue, cheeks and fauces with small vesicular points with the feeling, as if the mouth and throat had been scalded. STAPHYSAGRIA: Pale, white, ulcerated, or painful and swollen gums; readily-bleeding spongy excrescences on the gums and in the mouth; mouth and tongue are ulcerated and covered with blisters; discharge of saliva, which is at times bloody; stinging pains on the tongue; sickly complex- ion with sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, surrounded with blue rings; swelling of the cervical glands and blisters under the tongue. SULPHUR: Readily-bleeding, receding and swollen gums with beating pains; blisters and aphthæ in the mouth and on the tongue, with burning and soreness, especially when eat- ing; fetid and sour smell from the mouth; ptyalism or bloody saliva; tongue thickly coated, whitish or brownish; slimy, greenish stools with tenesmus; rash; restlessness at night, &c. SULPHURIS-ACIDUM: Aphthæ; swollen, ulcerated and rea- dily bleeding gums; profuse ptyalism; great weakness; ecchymoses. §3. Comp.; Ptyalism; gums, diseases of the, scurvy; mercury. STOMACH, weakness of the; Dyspepsia. § 1. Hepar and Sulphur are excellent remedies, and frequently effect a cure, provided they are given at long in- tervals. Other remedies are: Arn. bry. calc. chin. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. 3) Carb-v. natr. natr.-m. ruta. sep. sil. 4) Amm. anac. ars. aur. baryt. bell. con. dros. ferr. graph. hyosc. ign. kal. kreas. lyc. n.-mosch. petr. phos. staph. veratr. 5) Esc.-hip. aletr. asclep. bapt. caul. cer. chelon. collins. corn. cyprip. eup.-perf. hel. hepat. hydr. iris. lept. lob. lycopus. pod. rhus.-gl. rum. sang. verat.-vir. § 2. Hep. and Sulph. are excellent remedies for dyspepsia, and frequently effect a cure, provided the remedies are given at long intervals. The following remedies are likewise indicated in many cases: 1) Arn. bry, calc. chin. lach. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. 432 STOMACH. or, 2) Carb.-veg. natr. natr.-m. ruta. sep. sil.; or, 3) Amm. anac. ars. aur. baryt. bell. con. dros. ferr. graph. hyos. ign. kal. kreas. lyc. n.-mosch. petr. phosph. staph. veratr. § 3. Dyspepsia of children requires: Baryt. calc. ipec. lyc. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph.; or, Hyos. iod. Of old people: 1) Baryt. cic.; or, 2) Ant. carb. veg. chin. n.-mosch. n.-vom. Of hypochondriacal people: 1) N.-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Bry. calc. chin. con. lach. natr. staph. veratr., &c. Of hysteric individuals: 1) Puls. sep.; or, 2) Bell. bry. calc. con. hyos. ign. lach. n.-mosch. phosph. sep. sulph. veratr., &c. Of pregnant females: Acon. ars. con. ferr. ipec. kreas. lach. magn.-m. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. petr. phosph. puls. sep. § 4. Dyspepsia in consequence of sedentary habits: Bry. calc. n.-vom. sep. sulph. ;-in consequence of watching: Arn. carb.-veg. cocc. n.-vom. puls. veratr.;-of long studying: Arn. calc. lach. n.-vom. puls, sulph.; or, Cocc. veratr. Dyspepsia caused by loss of animal fluids, abuse of cathar- tics, vomiting, bloodletting, &c., requires: Chin. carb. veg. ruta.; or, Calc. lach. n.-vom. sulph.-By sexual abuse: Calc. merc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. staph. By overloading or deranging the stomach: Ant. ars. ipec. n.-vom. puls.-By abuse of wine or spirits: Carb.-veg. lâch. n.-vom. sulph.; or, Ars. bell. chin. merc. natr. puls.-By abuse of coffee: Cocc. ign. n.-vom.; or, Carb.-veg, cham. merc. puls. rhus. sulph.-By abuse of tea: Ferr. or Thuja.- By abuse of tobacco: Cocc. merc. ipec. n.-vom. puls. staph. Dyspepsia in consequence of external injuries: a blow on the stomach, heavy lifting, strain, &c., requires: Arn. bry. rhus.-t. or, Amm. calc. con.? puls. ruta. In consequence of depressing emotions, such as: chagrin, anger, &c. Bry. cham. chin. coloc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. staph. &c. § 5. Symptomatic indications: ARNICA: After Chin. if this should not suffice, and for: Nervousness; dry or yellow-coated tongue; sour, foul or bitter taste; bad smell of the mouth; frequent eructations, sometimes tasting of putrid eggs; desire for acid things; fullness in the epigastrium, flatulence and distension of the abdomen after a meal; feeling of indolence in the extremities; vertigo; dullness of the head, especially in the forehead, over the eyes; stupefaction and heat in the head; disturbed sleep, STOMACH. 433 with sudden starting, frequent waking, anxious and heavy dreams; yellowish, livid complexion; frequent nausea, with desire to vomit, especially in the morning or after eating; hypochondriac mood. (After Arn. n.-vom. is sometimes suitable; comp. Bry. and Rhus.) BRYONIA; For dyspepsia which principally occurs in the summer or in damp and hot weather; or for: loss of appetite, alternation with canine hunger even at night, or loss of appe. tite after swallowing a mouthful; desire of wine, coffee and acids; loathing of food, sometimes so violent that even the smell of food is intolerable; frequent eructations, especially after a meal, generally a mere rising of air, or with sour or bitter taste; oppression and distension of the pit of the stomach; colicky pains, regurgitation or vomiting of the in- gesta; bread and milk spoil the stomach easily; discharge of water from the mouth, like waterbrash; painful sensitive- ness of the region of the stomach to contact; inability to bear the pressure of the clothes; constipation or hard stools; restless, irritable, vehement disposition. (Comp.: Arn. Chin. Rhus.-t. CALCAREA: Sticky or dry mouth, with sour or bitter taste; continual thirst, with feeble appetite; food has no taste; hunger after a meal; paroxysms of canine hunger, especially early in the morning; aversion to meat and warm food, with desire for wine and dainties; nausea or sour regurgitation after eating milk; heat, distention, headache, pain in the stomach and abdomen, or drowsiness after eating; heartburn and acidity, accumulation of mucus in the stomach, fullness and swelling in the region of the stomach, with great sensi- tiveness to contact; tension in the hypochondria, and in- ability to wear tight clothes; stool every two, three or four days; or two or three stools a day; general debility; stitch- ing or aching pain in the head, with feeling of coldness in the head; plethoric, fat constitution. (Frequently suitable after Sulph.) . CHINA: Dyspepsia from loss of animal fluids, noxious miasms in the air, in the spring and fall, in the neighbor- hood of canals, marshes, &c., for: aversion to food or drink, as if one had eaten enough; desire for wine, pungent, spiced, sour and refreshing things; frequent derangement of the stomach, caused by the least irregularity and especially by a late supper; malaise, drowsiness, hypochondriac mood, full- ness, distension, eructations, or even vomiting of the ingesta; debility, with constant desire to lie down, after every, even 19 434 STOMACH. the least meal; chilliness and great sensitiveness to the least draught of air; remaining awake in bed late in the night; easily disturbed night-sleep; ill humor and indisposition to do anything. (Compare: Arn. Bry. Rhus.) HEPAR: Chronic dyspepsia, especially when the patient had taken much mercury, or when he complains of: liability to derange his stomach, in spite of the most careful diet, with desire for wine, or sour, pungent, refreshing things; fre- quent nausea, especially in the morning, with desire to vomit and eructations, or vomiting of acid, bilious or slimy sub- stances; accumulation of mucus in the throat; colic; hard, difficult, dry stools; pressure, distention and heaviness in the epigastrium; bitter taste in the mouth and of the food while eating; aversion to fat; great thirst; the clothes, press on the hypochondria and feel tight. (Áfter Hep., Lach. and Merc. are sometimes suitable.) LACHESIS: Chronic dyspepsia, especially after Hepar, for: irregular appetite; aversion to bread, desire for milk and wine, though these substances do not agree; nausea, eructa- tions, vomiting of the ingesta; malaise, indolence, repletion, pains in the stomach after eating, &c.; flatulence, constipa- tion or hard stools; livid complexion, fullness in the hypo- chondria and epigastrium; with sensitiveness to contact. (After Lach. Merc. is sometimes suitable.) MERCURIUS: Foul, sweetish or bitter taste, especially early in the morning; loss of appetite, or voracious appetite, with speedy repletion after eating; aversion to solid food, meat, warm food, with desire for refreshing things, milk, cold drinks, or wine and brandy; pressure in the epigastrium, eructations, heartburn, and other unpleasant feelings after a meal; eructations, nausea, desire to vomit; painful sensitive- ness, fullness, pressure and tension in the region of the stomach; flatulence; constipation, frequently with ineffectual urging to stool, and tenesmus; sadness, hypochondria, sus- picious and vehement mood. NUX-VOM. Suitable to persons that are disposed to piles, and for: sour and bitter taste in the mouth and of the food, especially bread, or the food has no taste; aversion to food with desire for beer, milk, wine, brandy; or insatiable hun- ger, though satiated very soon; nausea, eructations, regurgi- tation or vomiting of food, flatulence, dullness of the head, vertigo, malaise, hypochondriac mood; languor, indolence, drowsiness after eating; distention, fullness and tension in the epigastrium, with great sensitiveness to contact and un- STOMACH, 435 pleasant pressure of the clothes on the hypochondria; liquids, rye-bread, and acids, do not agree; sour eructations and re- gurgitation of food; frequent nausea and desire to vomit; accumulation of mucus in the stomach; heartburn; heaviness of the head, with inability to perform mental labor; frequent heat and redness of the face; restless, quarrelsome, vehement mood; lively and choleric temperament; yellowish, sallow complexion; constipation, hard stools. (After Nux.-V. Sulphur is frequently suitable. PULSATILLA Suitable to females or persons of a phlegmatic temperament and bland disposition, with disposition to ex- cessive secretion of mucus in the primæ viæ; acidity, with sour, bitter or foul taste in the mouth and of the food; aver- sion to warm or boiled food, with desire for sour, pungent or stimulating substances, wine, brandy, &c. No thirst; nausea, desire to vomit, eructations or vomiting; difficulty of breathing, sadness and melancholy after a meal; bread dis- agrees; bitter or sour eructations, or eructations tasting of the ingesta; water-brash; frequent hiccough; frequent diarrhoeic stools, or slow stools; colicky pains with rumbling in the abdomen. (After Puls., Sulphur is frequently suit- able.) RHUS-TOX. Bry. being insufficient, and for the following symptoms: Flat, viscid taste in the mouth; foul, or sweetish, or bitter taste of the food; no appetite, as if one had eaten enough, with aversion to bread and meat, or desire for dain- ties; liquids, bread and beer disagree; sleep, fullness, eruc- tations, nausea, languor, vertigo after eating; frequent, empty violent and painful eructations; waterbrash; pressure and distention in the region of the stomach; frequent emis- sion of fetid flatulence; gastric ailments at night; hypochon- driac mood, melancholy, despondency, dread of the future, uneasiness about one's affairs, &c. (Compare: Arn. and China.) SULPHUR: Chronic dyspepsia, after Nux.-v. and Puls., for: Sour. foul, or sweetish taste in the mouth, especially early in the morning; food has no taste, or tastes too salt; aversion to food, especially meat, bread, fat, and milk; with desire for sour things and wine; meat, fat, milk, acids, sweets and flour disagree; after a meal: heavy breathing, nausea, pain in the stomach, regurgitation or vomiting of the ingesta, languor, chilliness, &c., and frequent eructations; acidity, heartburn and waterbrash; disposition to mucous derangements in the primæ viæ; flatulence, slow action of the bowels; great 436 STOMACH. thirst; sad hypochondriac, or peevish and vehement disposi- tion. (After Sulph. are frequently suitable: Calc. and mere. § 6. Other remedies: ÆSCULUS-HIP.: Heartburn, waterbrash, empty eructations; burning pain in stomach; severe fluttering sensation in the pit of the stomach, pains worse after eating, continuing until after taking food again. ALETRIS-FAR.: Dyspepsia with general debility; nausea, disgust for all food, the least food causes distress in the stomach; frequent attacks of fainting with vertigo; consti- pation; sleepiness. ALUM: Gastric derangements with inactivity of the rectum, and of the œsophagus, so that even small portions of food are swallowed with difficulty; tingling itching at the tongue; loss of taste; heartburn; potatoes particularly disagree. ARGENTUM-NITR.: The head sympathizes very much, pain, vertigo, &c.; the time seems to pass very slowly; the stomach seems as if it would burst with wind, accompanied with great desire to belch; which is accomplished with diffi- culty, when the air rushes out with great violence. BAPTISIA: Irritability of the stomach with acid eructations; gone, empty feeling in the stomach; nausea with want of ap- petite and constant desire for water; griping pains and looseness of the bowels, with frequent, small, offensive stools. BELLADONNA: Face flushed or very pale; eyes red; a putrid taste arises from the fauces, also while eating or drink- ing, although the food tastes natural; nausea in the throat. BERBERIS: She dreads all downward motion; bitter taste of everything, even of the saliva; distension with flatulence after every meal. CAUSTICUM: Phlegm in the throat, but inability to hawk it up; sensation as of lime being burned in the stomach with rising of air; hæmorrhoids, causing great suffering in walk- ing. COLLINSONIA: Cramp-like pain in the stomach, with nausea; rumbling in the stomach and bowels; excessive appetite; hæmorrhoids. CHELIDONIUM: Constant pain under the lower inner angle of the right shoulder-blade; nausea causes great heat of the body; great desire for milk, the drinking of which ameliorates all her symptoms; amelioration of the pains in the stomach after eating. CINA: Grinding of the teeth, tumbling and tossing during sleep; diarrhoea after drinking; inclination to vomit, with a STOMACH. 437 weak, hollow, empty feeling in the head; constant pressure in the stomach at night with restlessness. COCCULUS: Burning in the œsophagus extending into the fauces, with taste of sulphur in the mouth; metallic taste; sensation in abdomen as if sharp stones rubbed together on every movement, and the lower extremities seem almost paralyzed. CORNUS-CIR.: Nausea with bitter taste and aversion to all kinds of food; empty feeling in the stomach, with tasteless eructations; desire for sour drinks; nausea with debility and eructations; smarting and burning in the mouth, throat and stomach, with desire for stool; sensation of faintness in the stomach and abdomen. CUPRUM: Violent vomiting of frothy mucus; when drink- ing the fluid descends with a gurgling noise; sensation in the stomach as if there was something bitter in it; the violent vomiting is relieved by drinking cold water. CYPRIPEDIUM: Dyspepsia the result of mental over-exer- tion, anxiety or grief. EUPATORIUM-PERF.: Insipid taste, distaste for food, desire for ice-cream; canine hunger preceding ague; anorexia of drunkards; belching of tasteless wind, with a feeling of ob- struction at the pit of the stomach; shuddering proceeding from the stomach; qualmishness from odors, the smell of food, cooking, &c. HELONIAS: Wakes every morning early, with the lips, tongue and fauces dry and a bitter taste in the mouth; cramp- like pain in the stomach, relieved by the eructations of taste- less gas. HYDRASTIS: Eructations of sour fluid; faint feeling at the stomach; great sense of sinking and prostration in the epi- gastrium with violent and long-continued palpitation of the heart; flatulence, distention and painful digestion. IRIS-VERS.: Nausea and vomiting of watery and extremely sour fluid; sickness of the stomach, obliging him to lie down; burning in epigastrium, not allayed by drinking cold water; vomiting of food, an hour after meal. LEPTANDRA: Nausea with deathly faintness upon rising in the night; painful distress in stomach, with rising of food, very sour; canine hunger; sharp cutting pains in the lower part of the epigastrium and upper portions of the umbilical re- gions; weak, sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach. LOBELIA: acrid burning taste in the mouth; frequent gulping up of a burning sour fluid; frequent violent hic- 15 438 STOMACH. cough, with abundant flow of saliva in the mouth; vomiting of food, particularly after eating it warm; feeling of weak- ness in the stomach, extending through the whole chest and downwards as far as the umbilicus; sensation of weight, as if the stomach were too full, worse on pressure; burning pain in the stomach towards the back, as if the part of the stomach nearest the spine were inflamed. LYCOPODIUM: Much rumbling and working in the abdo- men; gurgling in the left hypochondrium; sensation of satiety; immediately after a meal sensation as of fasting, but no hunger; heartburn with acidity. MAGNESIA-MUR.: A continual rising of white froth into the mouth; eructations tasting like onions; fainting nausea suc- ceeded by coldness and weakness in the stomach and gulp- ing up of water. NUX-MOSCHATA: Dyspepsia from swallowing the food un- triturated and unmixed with saliva; all food seems to turn into wind; heartburn; distended condition of the stomach with a degree of warmth; distended and flatulent condition of the abdomen. PODOPHYLLUM: Regurgitation of food; sourness of the stomach; belching of hot flatus, which is very sour; vomit- ing of food an hour after a meal, with a craving appetite, im- mediately afterwards; vomiting of food with putrid taste and odor; waterbrash; heartburn; colic with retraction of the abdominal muscles. RUMEX: Sensation of weight in the stomach, with pressing sensation as far upward as the throat-pit; descending towards the stomach upon empty deglutition, but immediately return- ing; shootings from the pit of the stomach into the chest in various directions; dull aching in the forehead with nausea. SABADILLA: No relish for food, till the first morsel is taken, when he makes a good meal; heartburn, commencing in the abdomen and extending clear up to the mouth; horrid burn- ing in the stomach; vomiting of ascarides. SANGUINARIA: Burning in the stomach with headache; jerking in the stomach, as if from something alive; unquench- able thirst; vomiting with craving to eat in order to quiet the nausea, vomiting with protraction; spasmodic eructation of flatus; loss of appetite and periodic nausea; heartburn, nausea and irregular chills; dyspeptic headache, terminating by regurgitation and vomiting of greenish fluids; lips red and dry; throat hot and dry; tickling at the entrance of the larynx, which excites cough, not relieved by expectoration. STOMACH. 439 SELENIUM: Violent beating of the pulse after eating, par- ticularly in the abdomen. STAPHYSAGRIA: Sensation as if the stomach were hanging down relaxed; hunger shortly after a full and substantial meal; extreme hunger, even when the stomach is full of food. § 7. Use more particularly: a) For the ill effects from beer: 1) Ars. bell. coloc. ferr. n.- vom. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. asa. ign. mez. mur.-ac. stann. veratr.-From lemonade; Selen.-Brandy: 1) N.- vom. op. 2) Ars. calc. cocc. hep. ign. lach. led. stram. sulph. veratr. Wine: 1) Ars. calc. coff. lach. lyc. n.-vom. op. sil. zinc. 2) Ant. arn. natr. natr.-m. puls. selen. sulph.-Spirits generally: 1) Ars. calc. carb.-v. hell. hyos. lach. n.-vom. op. puls. sulph. 2) Ant. bell. chel. chin. coff. ign. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-mosch, rhus. selen. sil. stram. veratr. b) From Coffee: 1) Cham. coccul. ign. merc. n.-vom. 2) Canth. carb.-v. caust. chin. coccul. hep. ipec. lyc. puls. rhus. sulph.-Tea: 1) Chin. ferr. selen. 2) Ars. coff. hep. lach. veratr.- Chocolate: Bry. caust. lyc. puls.-Milk: 1) Bry. calc. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Amb. ars. carb.-veg. chin. con. cupr. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-c. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph.-ac.- Water: 1) Chin. merc. puls. rhus. sulph.-ac. 2) Ars caps. cham. ferr. natr. n.-vom. veratr. c) When bread disagrees: 1) Baryt. bry. caust. chin. merc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. staph. 2) Cin. coff. kal. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom phosph. sulph. zinc.-Butter: Ars. carb.-veg. chin. hep. nitr.-ac. puls. sep.-Fat: 1) Ars. carb.- veg. chin. natr.-m. puls. sep. sulph. tarax. thuj. 2) Colch. cycl. ferr. hell. magn.-m. nitr.-ac.-Meat: Calc. ferr. merc. puls. ruta. sep. sil. sulph.- Veal: Calc. caust. ipec. nitr. sep. Pork: Carb.-veg. colch. dros. natr -m. puls. sep.-Spoiled sausage: Ars. bell. bry. phos.-ac. rhus.-Fish: Carb.-an. kal. plumb.-Oysters: Puls., drinking at the same time quantities of milk, when dangerous symptoms set in, in consequence of the stomach being overloaded with oysters.-Foul fish: 1) Carb.-veg. puls. 2) Chin. rhus.-Poisonous muscles : Bell. carb.-veg. cop. euphorb. lyc. rhus. d) Flatulent food: 1) Carb.-veg. chin. 2) Bry. chin. cupr. lyc. petr. puls. sep. veratr.-Potatoes: Alum. amm. sep. veratr.-Fruit, &c.: 1) Ars. bry. puls. veratr. 2) Chin. magn.-m. merc. natr. selen. sep.-Pastry, &c.,: 1) Bry. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-veg. kal. veratr.-Eggs: Colch. ferr. puls.-Acid things: 1) Acon. ars. carb.-veg. hep. sep. 440 STRABISMUS.—SUBSTANCES, ALKALINE. 2) Ant. ferr. lach. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. phos..ac. sulph sulph.-ac.-Salt: Ars. calc. carb.-veg. dros. lyc. nitr.-sp.- Sweets: Acon. cham. ign. merc. selen. zinc. e) Ice: Ars. carb.-veg. puls.-Pepper: Ars. chin cin. n.- vom. Onions: Thuj. f) Tobacco: 1) N.-vom. puls. 2) Ign. spong. staph. 3) Acon. ant. arn. bry. cham. chin. clem. coccul. coloc. cupr. euphr. ipec. lach. merc. natr. natr.-m. phosph. veratr. g) Every kind of food disagrees shortly after taking it: 1) Calc. carb.-veg. caust. chin. natr.-m. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Amm. ars. bry. con. cycl. graph. kal. lyc. natr. nitr.-ac. petr. phosp. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. § 8. Compare: Loss oF APPETITE; HUNGER; VOMITING; HEARTBURN; GASTRIC DERANGEMENT; STOMACH, DERANGE- MENT OF; COLIC; DIARRHEA, &c. STRABISMUS.-Principal remedies: Bell. hyos., or alum. STRAMONIUM, ILL EFFECTS OF.-Poisoning with large doses: 1) Black Coffee; 2) Vinegar and lemon-juice; and if no vomiting should set in: 3) Injections of tobacco. For the remaining symptoms: 1) N.-vom. 2) Bell. hyos. STRICTURE OF THE URETHRA.-Principal remedies: 1) Carb.-veg. clem. dig. dulc. n.-vom. petr. puls. rhus. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. camph. canth. chin. cic. coccul. merc.? phosph. ? spong.?; or, 3) Arn.? calc.? con.? graph.? lyc.? magn.-m.? sil. ? Spasmodic stricture: 1) Canth. n.-vom. puls. 2) Bell. camph. cic. coccul. Callous stricture, as after gonorrhea; 1) Clem. dig. dulc. petr. puls. rhus.; or, 2) Camph. carb.-veg. canth. cic. merc phosph. spong.?; or, 3) Arn.? calc.? con.? graph.? lyc.? magn.-m.? sil? STYE-Principal remedies: 1) Puls., or staphys.; or, 2) Amm.-c. bry. calc. con. ferr. graph. lyc. phosph. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. stann. Compare: BLEPHAROPHTHALMIA. SUBSTANCES, ALKALINE, POISONING by. Hering recommends: Vinegar, two tablespoonfuls mixed with eight to ten ounces of water, drinking a tumblerful every quarter of an hour. 2) Lemon-juice or other vegetable acids, sufficiently diluted; 3) Sour milk; 4) Mucilaginous drinks and injections. SULPHUR.-SUPPURATION. 441 In a case of poisoning with barytes, pure vinegar is hurt- ful; but Glauber-salt, dissolved in vinegar and diluted with water, will be frequently found excellent. The effects of poisoning with potash, are best antidoted by Coffea or Carb.-v.; and with Sal-ammoniacum, by Hep. SULPHUR, ILL EFFECTS OF. Principal remedies: 1) Merc. puls. sil. 2) Chin. n.-vom. sep. For the consequences of the vapors of sulphur, give: Puls.; for sulphurated wine: Merc. puls.-Ars. chin. sep. SUMACH, ILL EFFECTS OF. The eruptions require: Bell. bry.; or, Ars. merc. puls. sulph. SUPPURATION. § I. The principal remedies for suppurating wounds and ulcers are: 1) Asa. hep. lach. merc. pals. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. calc. canth. carb.-v. caust. cist. dulc. kreas. lyc. mang. nitr.-ac. phos. staph. sulph.-ac. § 2. Give more particularly for bloody pus: 1) Asa. hep. merc. 2) Ars. carb.-v. caust. nitr.-ac. puls. sil. For jelly-like: Cham. merc. sil. Ichorous: 1) Ars. asa. carb.-v. chin, merc. nitr.-ac. rhus. sil. 2) Calc. caust. kreas. phos. sulph. Watery, thin: 1) Asa. caust. merc. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. carb.-v. lyc. nitr.-ac. ran. rhus. staph. Fetid, cadaverous: 1) Asa. carb.-v. chin. hep. sil. suph. 2) Ars. calc. graph. kreas. lyc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sep. Viscid: Asa. con. merc. phos. sep. § 3. Brown, brownish: Ars. bry. carb.-v. rhus. sil. Yellow: 1) Hep. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. carb.- V. caust. phos. rhus. sep. staph. Greenish: Asa. aur. caust. merc. puls. rhus. sep. sil. Gray: Ars caust. merc. sil. Leaving a black stain: Chin. § 4. Sour-smelling, or causing an acid taste: Calc. hep. merc kal. sulph. Salt: 1) Amb. ars. calc. graph. lyc. puls. sep. staph. sulph. Acrid, corrosive: 1) Ars. caust. merc. nitr.-ac. ran. rhus. sep. sil. 2) Carb.-v. cham. clem. lyc. natr. petr. staph. sulph. sulph.-ac. § 5. Laudable pus: 1) Hep. lach. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. calc. mang. phos. rhus. staph. 442 SWEAT, MERBIN. Malignant pus: 1) Asa. chin. hep. merc. phos. sil. 2) Ars. calc. carb.-v. caust. kreas. nitr.-ac. rhus. sulph. sulph.-ac. Too profuse: 1) Asa. hep. merc. phos. puls. sep. sulph. Ars. calc. chin. lyc. rhus. sil. sil 2) Suppressed or prematurely stopping: Calc. hep. lach. merc. Suppuration of membraneous tissues: Sil. § 6. See: ABSCESS, GANGRENE, TUMORS, ULCERS, WOUNDS, &c. SWEAT, BLOODY. This symptom points to: 1) Arn. calc. n.-vom. 2) Cham. clem. coccul. crotal. lach. n.-mosch. &c. SWEAT, MORBID, NIGHT-SWEATS, LIABILITY TO SWEAT, § 1. Mere symptoms, but of great importance, and point- ing to: 1) Bell. bry. calc. carb.-an. carb.-v. caust. cham. chin. graph. hep. kal. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. puls. rhus. samb. selen. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. borax. cocc. coff. guaj. ign. lyc. natr. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. sabad. sil. stann. staph. thuj. 3) Amb. amm. amm.-m. baryt. caps. coloc. con. dros. dulc. ferr. hell. hyos. lach. magn.-arct. magn.-aust. nitr. rhab. rhod. spig. spong. sulph.-ac. tart. § 2. a) For profuse night-sweats: 1) Amm.-m. ars. baryt. bry. calc. carb.-an. caust. chin. graph. ipec. kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sep. stann. staph. sulph. 2) Alum. amb. amm. anac. arn. bell. canth. carb.-v. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. hep. iod. lach. magn.-arct. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr. n.-vom. sabin. samb. sep. veratr. b) Sweat setting in as soon as one gets into bed: Ars. calc. carb.-an. carb.-v. cham. con. hep. magn.-c. merc. mur.-ac. op. phos. rhus. verat. c) Morning sweats: 1) Bry. calc. caust. chin. con. ferr. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. ars. canth. carb.-an. carb.-v. guaj. hell. hep. iod. kal. magn.-c. natr. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. veratr. d) Sweat in day-time from the least exertion or exercise: 1) Calc. carb.-an. carb.-v. caust. chin. hep. kal. natr. natr.-m. puls. selen. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Amm.-m. asar. bell. bry. ferr. graph. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. phos. phos.- ac. rhod. rhus. spig. staph. sulph.-ac. zinc. e) Sweat in the day-time, even during rest: 1) Anac. rhus. SWEAT, MORBID. 443 sep. sulph. 2) Asar. calc. con. ferr. phos.-ac. spong. staph. sulph.-ac. f) Sweat during mental exertions, conversations, &c.: Borax. graph. hep. sep. sulph. § 3. Partial sweats, a) On one side: Amb. baryt. bry. cham. ign. n. vom. puls. rhab. rhus. spig. sulph. b) About the head only: 1) Bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. merc. puls. sil. veratr. 2) Graph. kal. n.-vom. op. phos. rhab. rhus. sassap. staph. val. 3) Camph. dulc. guaj. hep. magn.-m. sabad. sep. spig. c) In the face only: 1) Carb.-v. ign. puls. rhus. samb. spong. veratr. 2) Alum. bell. borax. carb.-an. chin. cocc. coff. dros. dulc. magn.-arct. merc. phos. rhab. ruta. sep. sil. stram. sulph. - Under or around the nose: Bell. n.-vom. rhab. d) Sweat on the neck and nape of the neck: 1) Bell. nitr.- ac. sulph. 2) Ars. kal. mang. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. stann. e) On the back: 1) Chin. petr. phos.-ac. 2) Ars. calc. dulc. guaj. hep. lach. natr. sep. sil. veratr. f) On the chest: Agar. arn. canth. chin. cocc. graph. hep. lyc. nitr. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. selen. sep. sil. g) On the abdomen: Amb. anac. arg. canth. dros. phos. plumb. staph. h) About the sexual parts: 1) Aur. hep. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. 2) Amm. baryt. bell. canth. con. ign. magn.-m. merc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhod. selen, staph. i) In the axilla: 1) Hep.. kal. lach. nitr.-ac. petr. sep. sulph. 2) Bry. caps. carb.-an. dulc. rhod. selen. squill. thuj. zinc. k) On the hands: 1) Calc. con.hep. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Baryt. carb.-v. dulc. ign. iod. led. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. puls. rhab. thuj. zinc. 1) On the feet: 1) Calc. carb.-v. kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. baryt. cupr. dros. graph. lach. magn.-m. natr.-m. petr. phos.-ac. puls. sabad. sabin. thuj. zinc.—And if this sweat should smell badly: Baryt. graph. kal. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. zinc. § 4. a) Exhausting sweats: 1) Ars. carb.-an. chin. ferr. natr.-m. nitr. phos. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Calc. cocc. iod. lyc. merc. n.-vom. samb. veratr. b) Profuse sweats, not affording any relief, especially with pains in the limbs, catarrhal or rheumatic fevers, &c. Chin. dulc. lach. lyc. merc. nitr. sep. : c) Oily, fatty sweats: Bry. chin. magn.-c. merc. stram, 444 SWELLING OF THE LABIA. d) Warm or hot sweats: Bell. bry. camph. cham. lach. op. phos. sabad. stann. e) Cold sweats: Ars. camph. carb.-v. chin. cin. hyos. ipec. sec. veratr. 2) Aur. cupr. ferr. hep. ign. lach. magn.-arct. n -vom. petr. puls. sabad. sep. staph. stram. tart. f) Sticky sweats: Acon. anac. ars. bry. calc. camph. carb.- an. cham. chin. ferr. hep. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. plumb. sec. spig. veratr. g) Sweat leaving a stain on the linen: Ars. bell. carb.-an. graph. lach. merc. rhab. selen. § 5. a) Fetid sweats: 1) Amm.-m. baryt. dulc. graph. hep. led. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. rhus. selen. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Bell. canth. carb.-an. ferr. kal. magn.-c. merc. puls. rhod. spig. veratr. b) Sour-smelling: 1) Ars. asar. bry. lyc. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) Arn. bell. carb.-v. cham. ferr. hep. ipec. kal. led. magn.-c. merc. n.-vom. rhus. c) Bitter-smelling: Veratr.-With smell as of blood: Lyc. -Empyreumatic smell: Bell. magn.-arct. sulph.-Fetid smell: Carb.-v. n.-vom. staph. stram.-Acrid smell: Rhus-t. SWELLING OF THE CHEEK. For swelling in consequence of toothache: 1) Arn. cham. merc. magn.-arct- n.-vom. puls. sep. staph.; or, 2) Ars. aur. bell. bry. carb.-v. caust. sulph., &c. For red and hot swelling: Arn. bell. bry, cham, merc. Hard swelling: Arn. bell. cham. Pale swelling: Bry. n.-vom. sep. sulph. Erysipelatous: 1) Cham. sep. 2) Bell. graph. hep. lach. rhus. sulph.—and other remedies indicated for erysipelas. If remedies had been administered for the toothache before the swelling set in, give after Merc. and Cham.: Puls.: or after Puls. or Bell., Merc.; Bell. after Merc.; or Sulph. after Bell. bry., &c. Compare: TOOTHACHE. SWELLING OF THE LABIA, (VULVA.) The lymphatic swelling of the labia requires: Merc. sep. sulph. Swelling of the prepuce, if not caused either by gonorrhea or syphilis, requires: Acon. arn. merc. rhus. sep. sulph. See: SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA, PHIMOSIS, HERPES PRÆPU- TIALIS, &c. SWELLING OF THE LIPS. --- SYNCOPE. 445 SWELLING OF THE LIPS. Scrofulous swelling of the lips requires: Aur. bell. bry. hep. lach. merc. sil. staph. sulph., &c. Swelling and eversion of the lip: Bell. merc. Crusts and ulceration of the lips: 1) Bell. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Ars. aur. cic. clem. graph. natr.-m. nitr.-ac., &c. Scirrhous indurations and cancerous ulcers: 1) Bell. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. clem. con. Compare: Eruptions in the face and swelling of the face. SYCOMA, SYCOSIS MENTI ET CAPILLICII. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. carb.-v. cic. graph. hep. sil. 2) Con. ? staph.? sulph.? thuj. ? SYCOSIS HAHNEMANNI, VENEREAL FIGWARTS. Principal remedies: Nitr -ac. and Thuja; moreover: Cinn. euphr. lyc. phos.-ac. sabin. staph.; or N.-vom. sassap. The suppurating, horny and crest-shaped warts seem to require Thuja; the pediculated, Lyc.; and the flat ones: Sassap. sulph. (See: SYPHILIS.) SYNCOPE, LYPOTHYMIA, FAINTING. § 1. Principal remedies for fainting, sudden loss of con- sciousness, hysteric weakness, &c., require: Acon. camph. carb.-v. cham. hep. ign. lach. mosch. n.-vom. phos.-ac. veratr. § 2. If caused by fright or some other emotion, give: Acon. amm. camph. cham. coff. ign. lach. op. veratr. If by violent pain: Acon. or Cham. If by the least pain: Hep. n.-mosch. To hysteric persons give: Cham. cocc. ign. mosch. n.-mosch. n.-vom.; or, 2) Ars. natr.-m. If caused by debilitating losses, or acute diseases, give: Carb.-v. chin. n.-mosch. n.-vom. veratr. If by abuse of Mercury: Carb.-v.; or, Hep. lach. § 3. Give more particularly: op. ACONITUM: For: violent palpitation of the heart, conges- tion of blood to the head, buzzing in the ears; and if the fainting takes place as soon as the patient raises himself from a recumbent posture, with chills and deadly paleness of the face, which was red previously. CARBO-VEG.: The paroxysms set in after sleeping, after rising in the morning, or while yet in bed. 15* 446 SYPHILIS AND SYCOSIS. CHAMOMILLA: The paroxysm is accompanied with vertigo, darkness of sight, hard hearing, sensation of qualmishness and flatness in the pit of the stomach, &c. COFFEA: Suitable to sensitive persons, and if the symptoms caused by fright do not yield to Acon. HEPAR: The paroxysms set in in the evening, preceded by vertigo. LACHESIS: Asthmatic affections, vertigo, pale face, nausea, vomiting, pains and stitches in the region of the heart, cold sweat, spasms, trismus, stiffness and swelling of the body, &c. MOSCHUS: The paroxysms set in at night, or in the open air, with pulmonary spasms, or succeeded by headache. NUX.-VOм.: The paroxysms set in principally in the morn- ing, or after a meal; also suitable to pregnant females or persons worn out by mental labor or addicted to the use of spirits; and generally, when nausea, pale face, scintillations beforethe eyes, or obscuration of sight, pains in the stomach, anguish, trembling and congestion of blood to the head or chest are present. PHOSPHORIC-ACID: The paroxysms set in after a meal, Nux. v. being insufficient. VERATRUM: The paroxysms set in after the least motion, or are preceded by great anguish or despondency; or at- tended by spasms, lock-jaw, convulsive motion of the eyes and eyelids, &c. SYPHILIS AND SYCOSIS: § 1. The principal remedy is Merc., but we are seldom able to cure a primitive chancre by high dilutions, as they only aggravate the disease, by irritating the nervous system of the patient. § 2. The best way to cure a primitive chancre in its acute stage, is to give a dose of the first or second trituration every day or every other day, till amelioration takes place; without troubling ourselves much, how the ulcers may look in the first days. After eight or ten days, (or even after two or three days) red tips, being healthy granulations can be per- ceived at the bottom of the ulcers, which continue to increase. During the time the ulcer sometimes bleeds and the edges become depressed. If no benefit occurs from the use of merc., Cinnabar is an excellent remedy, but should proud flesh start up from the ulcer, Nitric-acid 6, a few pellets dissolved in water, a tea- spoonful morning and evening is indicated, provided the SYPHILIS AND SYCOSIS. 447 syphilitic character of the ulcer, that is, its lardaceous appear- ance has disappeared under the continued use of Merc. Nitr.-ac. is likewise excellent for chancres, that had been inaffectually treated with large doses of Merc. It should not be given when the chancres heal of themselves, without Mercury. § 3. Every chancre, which is not treated, or improperly treated with Mercury, becomes chronic after the lapse of from six to eight weeks, losing its lardaceous appearance and raised edges, and exhibiting a red surface with a hard bottom and secreting a thin bad pus. Nitr.-ac. should not be given for such chancres, for it favors the breaking out of general syphilis, the symptoms of which are roseola on the abdomen, and pimples on the forehead and region of the stomach. The principal remedy is Mercurius, which should be con- tinued, giving one dose every 48 hours, until the chancre and the spots and pimples have disappeared. Should doubtful symptoms develop themselves after the disappearance of the chancre, and should their true nature, whether mercurial or syphilitic, not be apparent, give: Aur. carb.-v. lach. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. phytol. thuj. § 4. Give for TRUE HUNTERIAN CHANCRE: merc. sol., or merc.-præc.-rub. For the ELEVATED: Præc.-rub. or cinnab., and if it should spread and get fungous: Nitr. ac. 1. For the SERPIGINOUS: Merc.-cor. or should this aggravate: Sulph. 15, or nitr.-ac. 1—3. OLD CHANCRES, treated for a long time with Mercury, re- quire nearly always nitr.-ac. Iris, Phytolacca, and perhaps Sanguinaria may also be re- commended for the different forms and stages of chancre. § 5. SECONDARY CHANCRES IN THE THROAT require the same treatment as the chronic chancre (2, 3 doses Merc. of the third trituration, or lyc. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. phytol. thuj., should the patient already have taken too much Mercury. BUBOES, which, if not primitive, usually only appear when the primitive chancre was driven away by caustics, and which appear frequently before the cicatrization of the chancre, do not need any special treatment and commonly disappear with the primitive chancre by the use of Merc. But should they appear after the cicatrization of the chancre or should the patient have already taken to much mercury, nitr.-ac. is then the chief remedy, or aur. carb.-a. badiaga. lach. sil. sulph. CONSTITUTIONAL SYPHILIS requires merc.; or if the patient 448 TASTE. should have been drugged with it: Aur. lach. nitr.-ac. phytol. sulph. thuj. or alum. bell. carb.-v. clem. dulc. guaj. hep. iris. iod. lyc. phos.-ac. sass. staph.-CONSTITUTIONAL SYCOSIS re- quires: Natr. sulph. or thuj. SYPHILITIC BONE-PAINS require: Aur. lach. merc., the spots, herpetic eruption, ulcers: Kal.-bi. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-jugl. thuj., the OPHTHALMIA: Merc. nitr.-ac. thuj. A chief remedy for constitutional syphilis, especially affec- tions of the bones and of the skin, (particularly if the patient has been drugged with Mercury, is kali.-hydroiod. (40 grains in 100 times its quantity of water, 3 tablespoonsful a day.) TASTE ALTERATIONS OF: § 1. Changes of taste are mere symptoms, which however point to the following remedies: 1) Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. cham. chin. cocc. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. 2) Bry. caps. carb.-v. hep. kal. natr. natr.-m. petr. phos. rhab. sabin. sep. squill. staph. sulph. tart. verat. 3) Asa. asar. calc, cupr. ign. lach. lyc. magn.-m. sil. stann. sulph.-ac. tarax. § 2. Use more particularly: a) For BITTER TASTE: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bry, calc. cham. chin. merc. natr, natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. verat. 2) Amm. carb.-a. carb.-v. coloc. con. dros. ferr. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. magn.-m. spong. staph. tart. b) TASTE AS OF BLOOD: 1) ipec. sil. zinc. 2) Alum. amm. ferr. kal. natr. sabin. sulph. c) EMPYREUMATIC: Cycl. puls n.-vom. ran. squill. sulph. d) As of Pus: Merc. natr. puls. e) CLAYEY: Cann, chin. ferr. hep. ign. phos. puls, stann. f) FLAT, watery, insipid: 1) Bry. chin. dulc. ign. natr.-m. puls. staph. 2) Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. caps. ipec. kal. lyc. magn.-m. natr. petr. phos. phos.-ac. rhab. rhus. ruta. stann. sulph. g) FOUL, as of bad eggs, cheese, &c.: 1) Acon. arn. caust. cupr. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. carb.-v. cham. con. natr.-m, n.-vom. petr. phos. phos.-ac. sep. verat. h) GREASY, oily: Alum. asa. caust. lyc. mang, puls. rhus. sabin. sil. verat. i) HERBY: N.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. sass. verat. k) METALLIC, brassy: 1) Agn. amm. calc. cocc. cupr. lach. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. 2) Alum. coloc. mgt.-aus. ran. sass. seneg. sulph. zine. 1) PAPPY, viscid, slimy: Arn. bell. cham. chin. dig. lyc. TEA.-THICKENING OF THE BLADDER. 449 magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. n.-vom. petr. phos, plat. puls. rhab. rhus. m) RANCID: Alum. ambr. asa. bry. cham. ipec. mur.-ac. n.-vom. petr. puls. sulph. n) SALT: 1) Ars. carb.-v. merc. phos. phos.-ac. puls. rhab. sep. zinc. 2) Chin. cupr. lach. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. sulph. verat. o) SOUR: 1) Amm. bell. calc. chin. kal. merc. natr.-m. n.- vom. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Alum. carb.-a. cham. chin. cocc. con. cupr. graph. ign. lach. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr. nitr. nitr.-ac. petr. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. stann. tarax. 3) Caps. rhab. p) BAD TASTE GENERALLY, as from a spoiled stomach: 1) Bry. calc. kal. merc. n.-vom. puls. sep. 2) Ars. asa. caust. chin. ign. natr.-m. petr. stann. sulph.-ac. valer. zinc. q) SWEETISH: 1) Bell. bry. chin. dig. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. plumb. puls. sabad. squil. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. amm. cupr. ferr. ipec. kal. lyc. merc. n.-vom. rhus. sass. sulph.-ac. TASTE OF FOOD, Bitter: Bry. coloc. ferr. hep. rhab. rhus. sulph., bitter after eating and drinking: Ars. bry. puls. FOOD AND DRINK BITTER: Chin. puls. FOUL TASTE AFTER FOOD: Rhus., food tastes salty: Carb.- v. sulph., food tastes sour: Calc. chin., sour taste after eat- ing: Carb.-v. cocc. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sil., sour taste after drinking: N.-vom. sulph., after DRINKING MILK: Carb.-v. sulph., bread tastes sweet: Merc., beer tastes sweet: Puls., food tastes after NOTHING: Ars. bry. n.-vom. puls. staph., tobacco tastes acid: Staph, bitter: Cocc, nauseous: Ipec., BADLY: Arn. calc. cocc.ign. n.-vom. puls. IN THE MORNING, BITTER TASTE: Arn. puls, foul: Rhus. sulph., sour: N.-vom. sulph., sweet: Sulph. For loss of taste give § 1. 1) Bell. lyc. natr.-m. phos. puls. sil. 2) Alum. amm.-m. anac. calc. hep. hyosc. kal. kreas. magn.-m. n.-vom. rhod. sec. sep. verat. • § 2. Loss of taste from purely NERVOUS causes, as para- lysis, &c., requires: Bell. hyosc. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. sep. verat. From CATARRHAL states, coryza: 1) N.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. hep. natr.-m. rhod. sep. § 3. Comp.: Loss of hearing, of smell, of vision, &c. TEA, ill effects of,-Principal remedies: 1) Ferr. selen. thuj. 2) Chin. coff. lach. verat. THICKENING OF THE BLADDER: Principal remedies: 450 TIN.-TOBACCO, ILL EFFECTS OF. Dulc. merc. puls. sulph. See: Catarrh of the bladder and cystitis. TIN, ill effects of,-Poisoning with large doses requires : 1) White of an egg. 2) Sugar. 3) Milk. The chronic ail- ments require: Puls., or carb -v. hep. ign. TINEA CAPITIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. hep. lyc. rhus. sulph. 2) Bar.-c. cic. con. graph. oleand. phos. sep. staph. zinc. 3) Erech. eup.-perf. iris. myr. phyto. 4) Alum. brom. chel, hell. kal. magn.-c. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. par. petr. rut. sil. For DRY SCALDHEAD: (Tinea furfuracea et amiantacea) give: 1) Sulph. or calc. 2) Ars. hep. merc. phos. rhus. For HUMID: (Achor, favus, tinca favosa muciflora). 1) lyc. sulph. 2) Hep. rhus. sep. 3) Baryt.-c. calc. cic. graph. oleand. staph. zinc. If other SCROFULOUS AILMENTS should be present at the same time, such as swelling of the cervical glands, give: 1) Amm. ars. baryt. calc. staph. 2) Bry. dulc. § 2. The best mode of classifying tinea, is as follows: a) TINEA AMIANTACEA, ECZEMA CAPITIS: Ars. carb.-a. merc. rhus. staph. b) TINEA FAVOSA: 1) Ars. sulph. 2) Hep. merc. phos. 3) Baryt. brom. calc. c) TINEA PORRIGINOSA SEU MUCIFLUA, porrigo capitis: 1) Calc. rhus. sulph. 2) Ars. hep. lyc. sep. sil. 3) Baryt. cic. graph. merc. oleand. staph. viol.-tric. d) TINEA GRANULATA SEU IMPETIGINOSA, impetigo capitis: 1) Sulph. 2) Calc. 3) Ars. hep. merc. phos. rhus. e) TINEA FURFURACEA, pityriasis capitis: 1) Alum. mez. oleand. sulph. 2) Bry. calc. graph. staph. 3) Ars. dulc. lyc. phos. sep. f) PSORIASIS CAPITIS: 1) Calc. 2) Graph. lyc. sep. sulph. 3) Cic. led. merc. oleand. g) CRUSTA SERPIGINOSA : 1) Sulph. 2) Ars. calc. 3) Clem dulc. graph. sass. sep. The constitutional symptoms of the patient are after all the best indications for the selection of the remedy. TOBACCO, ILL EFFECTS OF. § 1. Principal remedies: Acon. bry. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. cupr. merc. n.-vom. puls. staph. veratr. § 2. For the immediate consequences, give: Acon, cham. cocc. cupr. n.-vom. puls. staph. veratr. TONGUE, DISEASES OF THE. 451 The chronic ailments require; Cocc. merc. n.-vom. staph. For the effects of chewing, give: Cham. cocc. cupr. n.-vom. puls. For working in tobacco-manufactories: Ars. coloc. cupr. 3. Use more particularly: ACONITUM: Violent headache with nausea. CHAMOMILLA: Vertigo, stupefaction, fainting, bilious vomiting, diarrhoea, &c. COCCULUS: Bad digestion, great sensitiveness of the nerves. NUX-VOм.: Bad digestion, nausea, nervousness and obstinate constipation. PULSATILLA : Nausea, loss of appetite, thick saliva in the mouth, diarrhoea and colic. STAPHYSAGRIA: Anxiety and restlessness, nausea, obstinate constipation, &c. VERATRUM: Weakness, fainting turn, diarrhea, icy cold- ness of the extremities and body, &c. § 4. For the toothache, give: Bry. or Chin.; for the nausea: Ign.; and for the constipation: Mercury. TONGUE, DISEASES OF THE. § 1. Most of them, from a simple coating up to inflamma- tion, suppuration and gangrenous disorganization, are mere symptoms, induced by digestive derangements, fevers, poison- ous substances, dyscrasias, &c.; nevertheless, in selecting a remedy, these symptoms deserve particular attention, inas- much as they generally indicate specific remedies. § 2. Coating of the tongue: 1) Ant. arn. bell, bry, cham. chin. dig. ign. ipec. merc. phosph, plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. amb. ars. carb.-veg. cin. dig. dulc. hep. hyos. iod. lach. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. sabin. sec. seneg. staph. tart. thuj. veratr. verb. Brown coating: Bell. carb. veg. hyos. n.-vom. sabin. sil. sulph. verb. Thick coating: Baryt. bell. bry. cham. chin. lach. merc. phosph. sec. sabad. sabin. selen. Yellowish coat- ing: Bell. bry. carb.-veg. cham. chin. coloc. ipec. lach. mez. n.-vom. plumb. puls. sabad. sabin. seneg. veratr. zinc. Gray: Amb. puls. tart. Greenish: Magn.-c. magn.-m. plumb. rhod. Slimy: Bell. chin. cupr. dig. dulc. lach. magn.-arct. natr. n.- mosch. n.-vom. phosph. puls. seneg. sep. sil. stann. stront. sulph. White: Arn. ars. bell calc. carb.-veg. cham. chin. croc. dig. ign. ipec. merc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. puls. staph. thuj. Bluish color of the tongue requires: Ars. dig. mur.-ac. 452 TONSILITIS.-TOOTHACHE Brown: Ars. lach. n.-vom. plumb. rhus. sec. sulph. Pale- ness: Agar. lach. merc. natr. Red: Ars. bell. `cham. hyos. rhus. stann. sulph. veratr. Black: Ars. chin. lach. n.-vom. op. sec. rhus. veratr. White: Ars. bell. bry. coloc. graph. hell. lach. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. petr. puls. sep. sulph. Dryness of the tongue and inouth: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. carb.-veg. cham. cist. dulc. hyos. phosph. rhus. 2) Arn. calc. caps. hell. kal. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. plumb. puls. staph. stram. sulph. sulph.-ac. veratr. Feeling of dryness when the tongue is moist: Acon. ars. bell. camph. caps. chin. coff. n.- mosch. phosph. rhab. rhus. stront. sulph.-ac. § 3. Inflammation of the tongue: Canth. plumb. ran.-sc. Blisters or pimples on the tongue: Amm. aut. calc. canth. carb.-an. caust. cham. graph. hell. merc. mez. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sabad. sep. spig. squill. thuj. zinc. Ulcers: Bov. cic. dig. graph. lyc. merc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. op. Apthæ: Agar. borax. cham. hell. merc. mur.-ac. n.-vom. sas- sap. sulph. sulph.-ac. thuj. Soreness: Agar. carb.-veg. dig. kal. lach. lyc. merc. mez. mur.-ac. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. phos.-ac. sabad. sil. Swelling of the tongue: Calc. con. dig. dros. dulc. hell. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. sec. sil. stram. thuj. Sup- puration: Canth. merc. § 4. Paralysis: Acon. ars. bell. caust. dulc. graph. hyos. lach. n.-mosch. op. stram. Stiffness: Borax. colch. euphr. lach. natr.-m Difficulty of moving the tongue: Anac. bell, calc. con. lyc. Heaviness of the tongue: Anac. bell. carb.-veg. colch. lyc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. plumb. § 5. See: STOMACACE, SPEECH, DIFFICULTIES OF, Angina FAUCIUM, &c. TONSILITIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Baryt. bell. hep. ign. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sulph. ; or, 2) Calc. canth. cham. gran. ? lyc. sep. thuj. Suppuration and ulceration of the tonsils: Bar.-c. bell. ign. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. sep. Induration: Baryt. calc. ign. sulph. Inflammatory swelling which threatens to terminate in suppuration: 1) Acon. bell.; then, 2) Hep. lach. merc.; 3) Ign n.-vom. sulph. See: SUPPURATION. TOOTHACHE. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. cham. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Bry. cale, chin, hyos. igu. mez. rhus. spig. TOOTHACHE. 453 staph. magn.-arct. 3) Acon. ant. arn. ars. carb.-veg. coff. hep. sep. sil. veratr. 4) Baryt. caust. cycl. dulc. euphorb. magn.- c. nitr.-ac. phos -ac. plat. sabin. § 2. For pains in hollow teeth: 1) Ant. 2) Magn.-arct. mez. sep. staph. 3) Acon. bell. borax. chin. merc. natr. n.- vom. puls. 4) Baryt. bry. calc. cham. coff. hyos, kreas. lach. lyc. magn.-c. phosph. phos.-ac. plat. plumb. rhus. sabin. sil. sulph. It is very difficult to discover the suitable remedy; if no proper remedy can be found, introduce a little cotton moistened with one drop of the tincture of Aconite into the hollow tooth, or in some cases, Bell. instead of the Acon. This frequently affords instantaneous relief. § 3. If several teeth at once, or a whole jaw should be affected, give: Cham. merc. rhus. staph.; or for pains on one side: 1) Cham. merc. puls. rhus. 2) Calc. chin. ign. mez. phos.-ac. plat. spig. sulph. Toothache with pain in the facial bones, requires: Clem. hyos. magn.-c. merc. n.-vom. rhus. spig. sulph." If the pain extends to the eyes: Cham. calc. clem. puls. spig. To the ears: Ars. bell. cham. clem. kreas. merc. puls. sep. sulph. To the head: Ant. ars. bell. cham. hyos. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. Toothache with swelling of the cheeks, requires: 1) Arn. cham. lyc. magn.-arct. magn.-c. merc. n.-vom. puls. sep. staph. 2) Ars. aur. bell. bry. carb.-veg. caust. sulph. Swelling of the gums: Acon. bell. cham. chin. hep. hyos. merc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. Swelling of the submaxil- lary glands: Carb.-veg. cham. merc. n.-vom. sep. staph. § 4. Toothache from congestion of blood: 1) Acon. bell. calc. cham. chin. hyos. mez. puls. sep.; or, 2) Aur. phosph. plat. sulph. Rheumatic or arthritic toothache: 1) Acon. bell. caust. cham. chin. merc. n.-vom. puls. staph. sulph.; 2) Arn. bry. cycl. hep. lyc. magn.-c. phosph. rhus. sabin. veratr. magn.-aret. A Nervous toothache requires: 1) Acon. bell. cham. coff. hyos. ign. n.-vom. plat. spig. magn.-arct.; or, 2) Ars. magn.- c. mez. sulph. veratr., &c. § 5. Toothache from abuse of coffee: 1) Cham. ign. n.- vom.; or, 2) Bell. carb.-veg. merc.; or, 3) Cocc. puls. rhus. From smoking: 1) Bry. chin. spig.; or, 2) Cham. merc. sassap. From abuse of Mercury: 1) Carb.-veg. nitr.-ac.; or, 2) Bell. chin. hep. puls. staph. sulph. From a cold: 1) Acon. bell. cham. coff. dulc. ign. merc. n.- 454 TOOTHACHE. vom. puls.; 2) Baryt. calc. chin. hyos. magn.-arct. n.-mosch. phosph. rhus. sulph. From exposure to cold and dump air: 1) N.-mosch. puls.; or, 2) Bell. calc. hyos.. merc. sil. staph. sulph. From the water which one drinks: 1) Bry. carb.-veg. merc. staph. sulph. 2) Calc. cham. mosch. n.-vom. puls. sil. sulph. § 6. Toothache of nervous and sensitive persons requires : Acon. hell, coff. hyos. ign. n.-vom. plat. spig. Toothache of females: Acon. bell. calc. cham. chin. coff. hyos. ign. plat. puls. sabin. sep. spig. Of plethoric young girls: Acon. bell. calc. At the time of the menses : 1) Amm. baryt. calc. carb.-veg. cham. graph. lach. magn.-c. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phosph. sep. During pregnancy: 1) Bell. calc. magn. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. sep. staph. 2) Alum. hyos. rhus. During nursing: Chin. Of hysteric females: Ign. sep. Toothache of children: Acon. bell. calc. cham. coff. ign. merc. sulph. § 7. Symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: Anxiety, driving one to and fro; or for: sadness, whining mood; pains in the gums and teeth as if ulcerated; tearing, cutting, stitching or drawing pains in the teeth, face and ears, worse in the evening, after lying down, and especially at night; boring in the carious teeth, as from congestion of blood, with bleeding on sucking at the teeth; painful swelling of the gums, with heat, itching, vesicles and burning; swelling of the cheeks; ptyalism, or dryness of the throat and mouth, with great thirst; the pains are renewed by mental labor, or after a meal; aggravation in the open air and by the contact of food (while chewing, &c.); hot and red face; beating in the head or cheeks; burning and red- ness of the eyes. (After Bell. are sometimes suitable: Merc. hep., or cham. puls.) CHAMOMILLA: Irritable and whining mood during the pain: violent drawing, jerking, or beating and stitching pains; pains that seem intolerable, especially at night, in bed, driv- ing one to despair, with hot swelling of the cheeks, and red- ness, shining swelling of the gums, and swelling of the sub- maxillary glands; pains in one whole side of the jaw with- out the patient being able to point out the tooth which is affected; digging and gnawing in a carious tooth, with loose- ness; stitching or beating semilateral pains in the whole side of the head which is affected, in the ear and face; aggrava- tion or renewal of the pains from eating or drinking anything cold or warm, especially coffee; pains, with heat and redness, TOOTHACHE. 455 especially of one cheek; warm sweat, even in the hairs; anx- iety, restlessness, or weakness unto fainting, &c. MERCURIUS: Tearing, stitching pains in the carious teeth, or in the roots of the teeth, affecting the whole side of the head and face, even to the ears; painful swelling of the cheek or submaxillary glands; ptyalism; aggravation in the eve- ning or at night, in bed, the pains are excited by cool and damp air, or by eating or drinking anything hot or cold; dullness, looseness and sensation of elongation of the teeth; swollen, whitish, ulcerated and colorless gums, readily bleed- ing, with itching, burning and soreness to the touch; night- sweats, vertigo, rheumatic pains in the limbs; peevish or whining mood; chilliness, red cheeks, &c. (Is frequently suitable before or after Bell. or dulc., or before Hep. or carb.- veg.) NUX-VOM. Suitable to persons of a lively, choleric tem- perament, with bright complexion; also to individuals who indulge in coffee, wine, brandy, or who lead a sedentary and confined life; sore pains or jerking drawing, with stitches in the teeth and jaws, or only in the carious teeth; pains ex- tending to the head, ears and malar bones, with painful swell- ing of the submaxillary glands; swelling and sensitiveness of the gums, with beating as if in an ulcer; red and hot spots on the cheeks and neck; aggravation or renewal of the pains at night, or early after waking, or after dinner, during a walk in the open air, when reading, thinking, or performing any other mental labor, or in a warm room; relief in the open air; lamenting and despairing, or irritable, quarrelsome, peevish humor. PULSATILLA : Suitable to individuals of a bland, quiet and timid disposition, and who cry easily; toothache with otalgia and hemicrania; tearing, drawing, stitching or jerking pains, as if the nerves were put upon a stretch, and then suddenly let go again; or beating, digging and gnawing pains, with creeping in the gums; pains which extend to the face, head, eye and ear of the affected side, with pale face, heat in the head, chilliness of the body, and asthma; aggravation or re- newal of the pains in the evening or at night, after midnight, in bed, and in a warm room, or from eating or drinking any- thing warm, when sitting or picking the teeth; relief by cola water (which sometimes aggravates the pain), and by cool, fresh air. § 8. BRYONIA: Suitable to persons of a lively and choleric disposition, or to vehement and obstinate people; pains in 456 TOOTHACHE. carious and still more in the sound teeth; jerking and draw- ing pains, with looseness of the teeth and sensation of elonga tion, especially during and after a meal; stitches in the ear; pains, with desire to lie down; worse at night or by intro- ducing anything warm into the mouth, or by lying on the sound cheek, relief being obtained by turning to the affected side; soreness of the gums. CALCAREA: Toothache, with congestion of blood to the head, especially at night; with beating, stitching, boring pains, or soreness; gnawing and digging, both in the carious and sound teeth; swelling, painful sensitiveness of the gums, with liability to bleed; aggravation or renewal of the pains by a draught of air, or cold air, or by drinking anything warm or cold, or by the least noise, cold, and when the menses make their appearance. CHINA: After debilitating losses of animal fluids, while nursing, &c.; or if the pains should cause ill, quarrelsome humor; or for dull, distressing pains in the carious teeth; or beating, drawing and jerking pains; the pains come on or get worse after a meal, or at night, or after the least contact ; they return in the open air, or in a draught, and abate by pressing the teeth firmly together; swelling of the gums; dry mouth, with thirst; congestion of blood to the head, with swelling of the veins on the forehead and hands; rest- less sleep at night. HYOSCYAMUS: Violent tearing and beating pains, extending from the cheek to the forehead; swelling of the gums, with tearing pains and buzzing in the tooth, which appears to be loose; the pains come on in cold air, or early in the morn- ing; congestion of blood to the head, with heat and redness. of the face; spasms in the throat, or convulsive twitching of the fingers, hands or arms; nervousness; red and shining eyes. IGNATIA: In many cases where N.-vom. and puls. seem to be indicated, or suitable to persons of a bland disposition, or who are now disposed to weep, then to be merry and cheer- ful, but especially to persons who are apt to give themselves up to grief; the teeth feel bruised, loose; the pains are par- ticularly felt towards the end of the meal, or are even worse; or they are aggravated by coffee, smoking, after lying down in bed in the evening, or on waking in the morning. MAGNETIS-POL.-ARCTICUS: Pains in the carious teeth, as if they would be pulled out, or painful jerks and shocks through the periosteum of the jaw, with drawing, aching, tearing, 457 TOOTHACHE. digging, burning or stitching pains; swelling and painfulness of the gums to contact, or the gums feel numb when the pains abate; aggravation of the pains after eating, and in warmth; relief in the open air and when walking; red and hot swelling of the cheek; chilliness of the body; nervous- ness; tremor of the limbs. MEZEREUM: The carious teeth are principally affected, with burning, boring, or drawing stitches, extending to the facial bones and temples; sensation as if the teeth were too dull, and elongated; aggravation of the pains by contact, motion, or in the evening, with chilliness, rushes of blood, congestion of blood to the head; feeling of rigidity and drawing pains in the affected side of the head; constipation, loss of appe- tite, ill-humor. RHUS-TOX. Suitable to persons of a quiet, melancholy or anxious disposition; for tearing, jerking or stitching pains, or for digging and creeping, and sore pains in the teeth; the pains get worse, or come on in the open air, or at night, when they are intolerable; relief by applying something warm; the gums are painful and burn; the teeth are loose, and the carious teeth smell badly. (Comp. Bell. and Bry.) SPIGELIA: Aching, distensive pains, or jerking, beating, tearing, especially in the carious teeth; the pains set in im- mediately after eating, or at night, obliging the patient to get up; worse by applying cold water or going into the open air; particularly useful for: burning, jerking and tearing pains in the malar bones; bloatedness of the face, with yel- lowish color around the eyes; pains in the eyes; frequent desire to urinate, palpitation of the heart, chilliness, restless- ness. STAPHYSAGRIA: The teeth are becoming black, carious, and commence crumbling, with pale, white, ulcerated, swollen and painful gums, readily bleeding, with tubercles and excre- scences; swelling of the cheek and submaxillary glands; aching, tearing and drawing pains in the gums, in the carious teeth and in the roots of the sound teeth; the pains are worse or set in when chewing, or immediately after drinking any- thing cold, or after eating, or by exposure to cold air, or early in the morning, or at night. SULPHUR: For tearing, jerking and beating pains, in sound or carious teeth; pains which extend to the ears and head, with swelling of the cheeks, congestion of blood to the head, headache, inflammatory redness of the eyes and nose; stitches in the ears; constipation, with frequent but ineffectual urg- 20 458 TOOTHACHE. ing to stool; pains in the small of the back; restlessness in the extremities; drowsiness in the day-time; chilliness; ag- gravation or renewal of the pains in the evening, or at night in bed, or in the open air, in a current of air; also by apply- ing cold water, when eating or chewing; looseness, elonga- tion or dullness of the teeth; the gums bleed readily, recede 'from the teeth, are swollen, with beating pains. (Suitable after Coff. or Acon.) § 9. Consider likewise: 1 ACONITUM: When it is difficult to describe the pains, the patient is beside himself, Coff. being insufficient; stitching jerks or shocks, or throbbing pains, with congestion of blood to the head, heat in the face, red cheeks and great restless- ness. ANTIMONIUM: Pains in carious teeth, followed by jerking and gnawing, extending up to the head, especially in the eve- ning in bed; the pains are worse after eating, or by apply- ing cold water; relief in the open air; the gums bleed readily and recede from the teeth. ARNICA: Toothache after an operation; or for pain as if sprained in the teeth; or for drawing and pulling in the teeth, while eating; or when the cheek is swollen, red and hard, with beating and tingling in the gums. ARSENICUM: Elongation and painful looseness in the teeth; drawing, jerking pains in the teeth and gums, extending to the ears, cheek and temples; the pains are so great that they drive the patient to despair; the pains come on at night, are aggravated by lying on the affected side; relief near the warm stove. CARBO-VEG.: Ars. or merc. being insufficient, for receding and bleeding gums, with ulcers; the teeth are loose and sen- sitive to contact, especially after eating; drawing, tearing or beating pains, especially when the teeth are touched by hot, cold or salt things. COFFEA: Excessive pains, with weeping, trembling, anguish and tossing about; indescribable pains, or tearing and jerk- ing, especially at night or after a meal. (If Coff. should not be sufficient, give Acon. or hyoscyam. sulph. veratr.) HEPAR: Frequently after Merc. or bell., especially for painful or erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks; jerking and drawing pains in the teeth, worse when pressing the teeth together, when eating, in a warm room, or at night. SEPIA: Beating and stitching pains, especially when the patients have a yellowish complexion; pains which extend to TOOTHACHE. 459 the ears, and along the arm, to the fingers, where they ter- minate in a creeping sensation: particularly when the pains are attended with swelling of the cheeks, cough, and swelling of the submaxillary glands. SILICEA: Stitching pains, with swelling of the jaw-bone or only the periosteum; pains affecting the jaw rather than the teeth; or nightly pains, with sleeplessness; unhealthy skin; aggravation of the pains at night, or by the contact of any- thing hot or cold. VERATRUM: Pains with swelling of the face, cold sweat on the forehead, nausea or even vomiting of bile; rigidity of the extremities; fainting, coldness of the whole body, with internal heat and excessive desire for cold water; beating pains, or pressure and feeling of heaviness in the teeth. § 10. Or try, lastly: BARYT-CARB.: The gums and cheeks are pale and swollen, with beating in the ears, especially at night; or burning stitches in the teeth, when touched by anything warm. CAUSTICUM: Beating or stitching pains, with painful or readily bleeding gums, and rheumatic pains in the facial mus- cles, eyes and ears. CYCLAMEN: Stitching and boring pains, or dull jerking, especially at night, in arthritic patients. DULCAMARA: Toothache from cold, with diarrhoea, Cham. being insufficient; or dullness of the head, with ptyalism, and receding, spongy gums, Bell. and merc. being insufficient. EUPHORBIUM: Aching, stitching or boring pains, with ery- sipelatous swelling of the cheek, or with crumbling of the teeth. MAGNESIA-CARBON: Boring pains at night, or tearing and jerking pains, or ulcerative pains; intolerable pains during rest, obliging the patient to get up and walk the room, with swelling of the cheek. NITRI-ACIDUM: Beating, or jerking, stitching and drawing pains, especially in the evening, in bed. PHOSPHORI-ACIDUM: Swollen, receding and bleeding gums, with tearing pains, worse in bed and by the contact of hot or cold things; violent pains in the incisors at night. PLATINA: Beating and digging pains in the teeth, worse in the evening and during rest; crampy sensation and numb pain in the affected side of the face; proud, overbearing dis- position. SABINA Beating or aching pains, setting in in the evening or at night, in bed, and after eating, with sensation as if the 460 TOOTHACHE. tooth would fly to pieces, or would be torn out; beating in the whole body; frequent eructations and loss of blood from the uterus. § 11. Use more particularly for: Feeling of fullness, swelling, distensive sensation in the teeth: Amb. amm. graph. mur.-ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. ran. rhod. sabin. spig. spong. Sensation as if the teeth would start or be torn out of their sockets: Bry. cocc. magn.-arct. mez. mur.-ac. natr. natr.-m. snlph. Boring and digging in the teeth: Bell. calc. cham. cycl. laur. magn.-arct. magn.-c. mez. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. plat. puls. sil. sulph. Burning pains: Baryt. cham. kal. magn.-arct. merc. mez. Buzzing and roaring, whizzing in the teeth: Hyos. magn.-arct. n.-vom. sep. sulph. Aching pains: 1) Ars carb.-veg. caust. magn.-arct. n.-mosch. sep. 2) Anac. asa. chin. graph. kal. natr.-m. phosph. staph. sulph. Sensa- tion of gnawing: Carb-veg. cham. kal. puls. staph. thuj. Ulcerative pain: Alum. amm. bell. carb.-veg. caust. graph. magn.-c. mang. natr. phosph. sil. Bubbling in the teeth: Lyc. nitr.-ac spig. Digging, griping in the teeth: Amm. ant. borax. carb.-an. ign. kal. magn.-m. rhus. sulph.-ac. Shift- ing pains: Amb. bell. graph. hep. iod. magn.-c. nitr.-ac. puls. tab. Feeling of coldness of the teeth: Nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. sep. Sensation as if the teeth were jammed: Amb. anac. carb.-veg. cham. magn.-arct. plat. spig. Beating pains: 1) Caust. chin. kal. magn.-arct. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. sep. 2) Acon. amm. bell. cham. coloc. hyos. magn.-c. plat. puls. spig. sulph. Tingling in the teeth: Acon. arn. baryt. rhus. Feeling of looseness: 1) Acon. arn. aur. hyos. ign. merc. nitr.-ac. n.- mosch. rhus. sulph. 2) Alum. amm. baryt. carb.-an. carb.- veg. caust. hep. hyos. ign. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. Tearing in the teeth: 1) Bell. cupr. hyos. lach. magn.-arct. merc. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Amm. amm.-m. borax. carb.-veg. caust. chin. mur.-ac. sep. staph. sulph.-ac. Jerks in the teeth: Baryt. bell. calc. magn.-aret. merc. sep. spig. sulph. Feeling of weakness in the teeth: Amm. merc. Feeling of heaviness: Sep. veratr. Stitching pains: 1) Baryt, bell. calc. caust. cham. con. cycl. graph. kal. lach, magn.-aust. merc. mez. n.-mosch. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Amm. clem. laur. natr.-m, nitr.-ac. Feeling as if set on edge: 1) Amm. merc. mez. sulph. sulph-ac. 2) Aur. dulc. caps. kal. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. phosph. phos.-ac. sep. sil. staph. Numb feeling: Arn. chin. ign. magn.-arct. natr.-m. plat. Sensation as if elongated: 1) Bell. caust. cham. hyos. kreas. mez. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. carb.- TOOTHACHE. 461 an. carb.-veg. lach. magn.-arct. magn. c. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. sep. Sensation as if sprained: Arn. merc. n.-vom. Digging pains, see: Boring. Sensation as if they were soft: Alum. caust. ign. lyc. Soreness: 1) Bell. n.-vom. rhus. thuj. zinc. 2) Carb.-veg. graph. ign. lach. sep. sil. staph. Pain as if bruised: Alum. caust. ign. lyc. Drawing pains, see: Tear- ing. Jerking pains: 1). Cham. clem. coff. magn.-arct. nitr.- ac. n.-vom. puls. sil. spig. 2) Bry. chin. rhus. § 12. Crumbling of the teeth: Bell. borax. euphorb. lach. plumb. sabad. staph. When they bleed readily: Amb. amm. ant. baryt. bell. carb.-v. lach. phos. phos.-ac. sep. sulph. Smooth teeth: Phos. selen. Yellow Lyc. nitr.-ac. phos -ac. Elongated: 1) Bell. caust. cham. hyos. kreas. meż. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. carb.-an. carb.-v. lach. magn.-arct. magn.-c. magn.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. sep. Loose: 1) Alum. amm. carb.-v. caust. puls. sulph. 2) Baryt. carb.-an. hep. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. rhus. sil. sulph. Covered with sordes: Alum. arn. cham. hyos. iod. mez. petr. plumb. sulph. Black : Merc. plumb. sep. squill. staph. § 13. When the molar teeth are principally affected: 1) Amm. bry. carb.-v. chin. con. ign. iod. kreas. magn.-arct. magn.- c. magn. m. meph. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. The upper teeth: Acon. aur. bell. carb.-v. chin. kreas. magn.-c. magn.-m. natr.-m. nitr.-ac petr. phos. sep. zinc. The incisors: Agar. alum. carb.-v. chin. ign. kal. magn.- arct. merc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. Cuspi- dati: Calc. mur.-ac. n.-vom. petr. rhus. sep. squill. sulph.-ac. Lower teeth: Amb. amm. anac. arn. aur. bell. carb.-an. carb.- v. caust. cham. chin. magn.-arct. natr. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. rhus. ruta. sabad, sabin. spig. sulph.-ac. thuj. zinc. § 14. Aggravation in the evening: Alum. hep. kal. lyc. magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. mez. natr. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sabin. sassap. sulph. In the evening in bed: Amm. bell. calc. cham. chin. coff. graph. kal. magn.-c. merc. n.- mosch. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sabin. sil. staph. sulph. Re- lief by pressing the teeth together: Chin. coff. euphorb. magn.-m. Aggravation when eating: Aur. bell. bry. carb.-v. caust. cham. graph. kal. lach. magn.-arct, magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. Relief by eating: Amb. amm. cham. magn.-arct. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. rhod. sil. Aggra- vation by riding in a carriage: Calc. magn.-c. The pains are worst in the open air: Alum. amb. amm. caust. con. graph. magn. c. natr. n.-vom. petr. phos. staph. Relief in the open air: Bry. hep. magn.-arct. magn.-m. n.-vom. sabad. stann. 462 TOOTHACHE. ད་ The pains set in early in the morning: Ars. baryt. bry. caust. dros. hyos. ign. kreas. magn.-c. magn.-m. merc. mez. nitr. n.- vom. petr. phos. phos.-ac. sabin. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. Aggravation by mental labor, reading, thinking, &c. : Bell. ign. n.-vom. Aggravation by coffee: Bell. cham. ign. merc. n.-vom. Aggravation by cold, relief by warmth: Calc. lyc. magn.-c. nitr.-ac. Relief by cold, see: aggravation by warmth: Aggravation by eating or drinking anything cold: Baryt. calc. carb.-v. cham. con. magn.-m. merc. mur.-ac. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos.-ac. puls. thuj. Relief by eating or drinking anything cold: Amb. magn.-c. magn.-m. Aggra- vation by cold drinks, &c.: Bry. calc. cham. graph. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. Relief by cold drinks: Bry. clem. puls. Aggravation by cold air: Bell. calc. chin. hyos. magn.-arct. merc. nitr. n.-mosch. n.-vom. petr. sassap. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Relief by cold air: N.-vom. puls. sep. Aggravation by exposure to air: Amm. ant. aur. bell. bry. calc. caust. chin. hyos. magn.-arct. merc. natr.-m. n.-mosch. n.-vom. petr. phos. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. The pains set. in at night: Amm. bell. calc. cham. chin. clem. coff. graph. kal. lyc. magn.-c. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. n.- vom. oleand. phos. puls. rhus. sabin. sil. staph. sulph. Aggra- vation by exposure to wet, by wet and damp weather: Amm. borox. natr. n.-mosch. rhod. rhus. When the pains appear principally at the time of the menses: Amm. baryt. calc. carb.-v. cham. graph. lach. magn.-c. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. sep. The pains set in while cleaning the teeth: Carb.-v. graph. lach. lyc. phos.-ac. ruta. staph. Aggravation by salt. things: Carb.-v. Relief by salt things: Magn.-c. Aggra- vation by sucking at the teeth: Amm. bell. carb.-v. kal nitr.- ac. n.-mosch. n.-vom. zinc. Relief by sucking: Clem. Ag- gravation or renewal of the pain by picking the teeth: Puls. Relief by picking: Amm. sassap. The pain is excited by sweet things: Natr. Aggravation by smoking: Bry. chin. clem. sabin. sassap. spig. Relief by smoking: Borax. merc. natr. spig. Aggravation by drinking, warm or cold: Amm. caust. cham. dros. lach. rhus. sabin. sil. spig. Aggravation by eating or drinking anything warm: Agn. amb. anac. baryt. bry. cale. carb.-v. magn,-arct. kal. lach. merc. puls. sep. sil. sulph. Relief by warm food or drink: Magn.-m, nitr.-ac. phos. sil. Aggravation by warm drink: Amm. cham. dros. lach. magn.-aust. n.-mosch. n.-vom. puls. sil. Relief by warm drink: Lyc. n.-mosch. sulph. Aggravation by warmth gene- rally: Cham, hep. magn.-arct. magn.-c. n.-vom. puls. rhod. TRACHEAL PHTHISIS. -TUBERCULOSIS, 463 Relief by warmth: Ars. kal. natr. n.-mosch. n.-vom. rhus. sulph.-ac. Aggravation in a warm room: Cham. hep. magn.- arct. magn.-c. n.-vom. puls. Aggravation in bed: Cham. graph. magn.-c. merc. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sabin. spig. sulph- ac. Relief in bed: Amm. bry. lyc. n.-vom. Aggravation in the wind: Acon. graph. puls. sil. Aggravation by a draught of air: Bell. calc. chin. sassap. sep. sulph. Aggravation by pressing the teeth against each other, or by chewing: Alum. amm. bry. graph. guaj. hep. hyos. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos. phos. -ac. puls. rhus. sil. spong. staph. sulph. Relief by chew- ing: Bry. chin, coff. seneg. Compare: PROSOPALGIA, HEADACHE, PAINS, PAROXYSMS OF, CONDITIONS, CAUSES. TRACHEAL PHTHISIS. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. carb.-v. caust. cist. phos. 2) Dros. hep. kreas. led. mang. nitr.-ac. See: HOARSENESS, COUGH, BRONCHITIS, LARYGITIS, &c. TREMBLING, TREMOR. Generally a mere symptom, but sometimes indicating a more or less general paralysis of the muscles. Principal re- medies: 1) Alum. anac. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. iod. lach. merc. op. phos. plat. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Carb.-v. cic. coce. con. hep. kal. magn.-aret. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ae. n.-vom. petr. rhus. sabad. sec. stram. zinc. The trembling of the hands of drunkards requires: Ars. lach. n.-vom. sulph. TUBERCLES, ABDOMINAL. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. hep. lach. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. caust. iod. kal. merc. nitr.-ac. ol.-jec. phos. TUBERCULOSIS. § 1. Principal remedies: Ars. calc. iod. kal. lyc. phos. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. amb. bell. bry. carb.-an. carb.-v. chin. con. dros. ferr. hep. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. seneg. sep. sil. thuj. 82. For the stage of irritation and inflammation: Acon. amm. bell. bry. calc. dros. lyc. phos. For the stage of suppuration, the real consumptive stage: 1) Ars. calc. ferr. iod. hep. kal. lyc. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Carb.-v. chin. con. nitr. phos.-ac. sep. staph. §3. It is doubtful whether tubercles of the brain, lungs, . 464 TUMORS. intestines, require different remedies. Probably any tubercles should be treated with the same remedies, provided the to- tality of the symptoms corresponds. TUMORS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. bell. bry. cham. hep. merc. phos. puls. rhus sulph. 2) Ant. arn. carb.-v. caust. chin. dule. kal. lach. led. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. rhod. rhus. sabin. samb. sep. sil. § 2. Phlegmonous tumors require: Ars. bell. bry. cham. hep. phos. puls. sulph. If given in time, these remedies will generally suffice to disperse the swelling before suppuration sets in; Ars. is indicated by burning; Bry. by hot and tight, or pale or red tumors; Bell., when the redness spreads over the adjacent parts; Hep. and Rhus, when the swelling is painful to the touch; Puls. when it is surrounded by a red areola, &c. For hard swellings, give: Baryt. carb.-an. carb.-v. con. iod. kal.; or, Bry. cham. sulph. If suppuration should have set in, give Hep. or Lach., which will soon bring the swelling to a head. If the suppuration should last too long, give: Calc. hep. merc. phos. sil. Phos. and Sil. more particularly if hectic fever supervene. See: SUPPURATION and ULCERS. § 3. Lymphatic swellings and abscesses require: Asa. bell. calc. carb.-v. cocc. dule. hep. lach. merc. phos. sep. sil. sulph. If inflammatory, give: 1) Merc. 2) Bell. carb.-v. hep. lach. sep. sil. phos. If cold, without inflammation, give: Asa. bell. calc. coccul. dulc. merc. sulph. § 4. Lipomata (lupiæ) require: 1) Calc. 2) Graph. hep. sil.; or, 3) Baryt. caust. nitr.-ac. sulph. Steatomata: Bar-c. Ganglia: Arn. rhus.; or, Amm. phos. phos.-ac. plumb.? sil. zinc. § 5. Phlegmasia alba dolens: 1) Bry. lach. 2) Ant. ars. puls. rhus. sabin. sulph.; or, 3) Bell. calc. chin. iod. merc. rhus. sep. sil. Edematous and dropsical swellings: 1) Ant. ars. bry. chin. hell. lyc. merc. puls. squill. sulph. 2) Aur. baryt. bell. dig. dulc. ferr. kal. led. phos. rhod. rhus. sabin. samb. stram. Arthritic swellings: 1) Acon. ant. arn. bry. chin. colch. merc. sulph. 2) Coccul. hep. kreas. n.-vom. rhus. Rheumatic swellings: 1) Acon. arn. bell:bıy. cham chin. TYMPANITIS.—TYPHUS. 465 colch. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Coccul. hep. kreas. lach. rhus. Arthritic nodosities: 1) Agn. ant. calc. carb.-ac. caust. graph. lyc. merc. puls. rhus. sabin. staph. sulph. 2) Acon. arn. aur. clem. cic. dig. hep. led. nitr.-ac. § 6. Pale swellings require: 1) Baryt. bry. lyc. rhus. 2) Arn. calc. iod. merc. puls. sep. Blue red: 1) Arn. bell. cham. lach. 2) Ars. canth. con. kal. sil. Red-spotted: Chin. lyc. sep. Erysipelatous: 1) Bell. puls. rhus. 2) Acon, amm. arn. ars. hep. phos. sep. Black-blue: merc. op. veratr. 1) Ars. lach. puls. 2) Acon. arn. bell, dig. § 7. Hot, red swellings: 1) Arn. ars. bell. borax. bry. chin. coccul. hep. lach. lyc. merc. n.-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. ant. asa. aur. cann. colch. led. mang. natr.- m. nitr.-ac. Suppurating: 1) Calc. hep. merc. phos. sil. 2) Baryt. lach. lyc. mang. sulph. Hard, tight: Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb.-an. cham. graph. lyc. phos. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. Shining: Arn. ars. bry. merc. sulph. Cold: 1) Ars. calc. bell. coccul, dulc. merc. sulph. 2) Asa. con. lach. puls. rhod. spig. § 8. Burning and painful: 1) Ars. bry. lyc. phos. sulph. 2) Acon. arn. bell. caust. lach. merc. puls. rhus. sep. sil. Creeping: Arn. colch. merc. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. Stinging and painful: Acon. bry. caust. nitr.-ac. puls. sep. sulph. $9. Compare: Abscess, Glands, diseases of; Suppura- tion, Ulcers, Arthritic ailments, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Lupia, &c. Also all local swellings, such as: Swelling of the cheeks, knee, &c. TYMPANITIS. Principal remedy: 1) China. 2) Carb.-v. coloc. lyc. n.-vom. sulph. 3) Gels. hedeom. podoph, polyg. xanthox. Comp. Distension of the abdomen and colic. TYPHLITIS. Principal remedies. 1) Bell. 2) Acon. dioscor. merc. n.-vom. ol.-crot. op. TYPHUS, FEBRES NERVOSÆ. § 1. Under this head we arrange all fevers with typhoid 20* 466 TYPHUS. symptoms, such as typhus gastricus, pituitosus, stupidus, ver- satilis, putridus, ship and hospital fever, and even pneumoty- phus, for they are all different forms of one and the same disease, the typhus. In all such fevers the following remedies require our attention; 1) Bell. bry. hyosc. lach. merc. n.-vom. phos.-ac. rhus. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. arn. ars. camph. carb.- v. cham, chin. coce. lye. mur-de. natr.-m. nitr.-ae. nitr.-sp. n. mosch. op. puls. sulph. 3) Cupr. daphn. gran. mosch. phos. sulph.-ac. veratr. zinc. 4) Asclep. bapt. chim. cyprip. eupat.- perf. gels. iris. hamam. podop. rhus.-gl. 5) Asar. ceras. cimicif. corn. lachn. lept. myr. verat.-vir. § 2. a) For FEBRIS NERVOSA VERSATILIS give: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. cupr. hyosc. lyc. mur.-ac. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. stram. verat. zinc. b) For FEBRIS NERVOSA STUPIDA: Arn. ars. bell. bry. chin. coce. hyose. lạch. nitr.-sp. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. rhus. stram. verat. c) For TYPHUS CEREBRALIS: 1) Bry. 2) Acon. bell. hyosc. lach. lyc. n.-vom. op. phos.-ac. rhus. stram. verat. zinc. 2) Asclep. gels. lachn. verat.-vir. d) For TYPHUS PULMONALIS: 1) Bry. or rhus. 2) Ars. bell. chin. hyosc. merc. phos. sulph. tart. e) For TYPHUS ABDOMINALIS, febris nervosa putrida: 1) Rhus. or bry. 2) Ars. chin. merc. 3) Arn. carb.-v. n -mosch. puls. sulph. 4) Canth. mosch. tart. 5) Apis. ginseng, hyosc. n.-vom, op. phos. phos.-ac. verat.-alb. 6) Bapt. cimicif. corn. gels. hamam. podop. myric. § 3. In the PRECURSORY stage, bry. or rhus. will some- times cut the disease short. The INFLAMMATORY stage requires: 1) Bry. 2) Acon. bell. cham. hyosc. lyc. n.-vom. rhus. stram. 3) Gels. iris. lachn. verat.-vir. The stage of DEBILITY: 1) Rhus. 2) Ars. carb.-v. chin. merc. mur.-ac. 3) Arn. lach. n.-mosch. phos.-ac. sulph. 4) Bapt. cyprip. eupat.-perf. lept. pod. rhus.-gl., Carb.-veg. par- ticularly will sometimes bring about a favorable change, even if life seems almost extinct. During the STAGE OF CONVALESCENCE, if the patient is very weak give: 1) Cocc. chin. verat. 2) n.-vom. sulph. § 4. Symptomatic indications: APIS: Apathy; stupor with murmuring delirium, hardness of hearing, inability to talk and to put out the tongue, which is cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with vesicles; difficulty in swallowing; great soreness and bloatedness of the ab- TYPHUS. 467 domen; constipation or frequent, painful foul, bloody and in- voluntary stools; unconscious flow of urine; dry burning skin or partial clammy sweats; white miliary eruption on the chest and abdomen; great weakness and sliding down in bed; changeable, weak and intermitting pulse. It removes the tenacious mucus from the throat, which is sometimes so troublesome. BELLADONNA: Alternate chill and heat, or internal and external heat with redness and burning heat of the cheeks and whole face; trembling with sense of weariness in the limbs; great debility with sleepiness in the afternoon; ex- alted irritability of all the organs; congestive tendency of the blood to the head; red spots like flea bites or petechiæ on the chest, abdomen, face and neck; great drowsiness; profound coma with snoring; jerking of the tendons with pale face and cold hands, and small, hard, rapid pulse; sleep- lessness with strong desire to sleep; anxious and frightful dreams; shudderings from the slightest current of air; furi- ous delirium with violent headache; illusions of the senses and imagination; violent and loud delirium with staring in the eyes; vertigo with anxiety and glimmering before the eyes; throbbing of the carotid and temporal arteries; de- lirium with manifestations of violence; the eyes are promi- nent, staring, brilliant or affected by spasmodic motions, or the eyes may be dull and without expression; the pupils are either contracted or greatly dilated; deafness; distortion of the mouth; dry and cracked lips or they are dark red and dry; dryness of the mouth and throat extending from the fauces into the nose; burning thirst with aversion to drink or with desire to drink and inability to swallow; tongue red, hot, dry and cracked, red on the margin and white in the centre, trembling of the tongue, paralytic weakness of the organs of speech; loss of appetite, loathing of food and nau- sea; no stool; bright yellow or scanty red urine; hurried breathing, difficult speech from difficulty of respiration; in- clination to perspire with very hot skin; cold sweat in the face; great languor and debility; painfulness of all the limbs; aggravation from all movements, &c. (Comp. hyosc. lach. op. stram.) BRYONIA: Chill, succeeded by constant heat all over the body, especially about the head with red face and profuse sweat, or dry and chapped, or moist and clammy skin; dry, brownish and cracked lips and tongue; violent thirst for large draughts of cold drinks; taste insipid; aversion to 468 TYPHUS. food, with nausea and desire to vomit, or slimy and bilious vomiting; violent pain in the pit of the stomach, when touched; constipation or diarrhea with almost involuntary discharge, especially in the morning and at night; stools offensive like putrid cheese; distension of the abdomen; red- brown or bright-yellow urine with yellowish sediment; op- pressive stupefying headache with pains, as if the brain were torn and bruised; feeling of drunkenness with desire to lie down; throbbing in the head, worse by moving or opening the eyes; dullness of the head with difficulty of thinking and great forgetfulness; delirium, especially at night, or in the morning, upon business affairs, with disposition to run away; gauze before the eyes; stoppage of the ears and hard hearing; copious accumulation of thick and tenacious mucus in the posterior nares and fauces: bleeding of the nose, es- pecially at 3 o'clock, A. M., or after rising; prostration with trembling and vertigo on raising one's self; sleeplessness with flushes of heat and restless tossing about; constant desire to sleep; comatose sleep with anxious delirium or with dry heat, jerkings of the face and involuntary stools; grasping at flocks; anxious perspiration, which prevents sleep, with sighing, short cough and pressure on the chest; acid sweat- ing at night, preceded by thirst, with pressing drawing in the head toward the end of the sweating, followed by con- fusion of the head; stitches in the chest or side; painfulness and lameness of all the limbs; disposition subdued or easily excited to anger. (Compare Rhus.-t.) HYOSCYAMUS: Uncommon sinking of strength; debility and weariness of the whole body; jerkings of the limbs and tendons; incontrollable disposition to sleep; gentle sleep with profuse perspiration; coma vigil; carphologia; waking with outcries; burning heat, but external and internal; small and thready, rapid and intermittent pulse; insensible stupidity, which is conscious of no want except thirst; illusions of the imagination and senses; indistinct and muttering loquacity; grasping of flooks; vacant staring at surrounding objects, with apparent entire self-forgetfulness; vertigo, like drunken- ness; heaviness of the head, with sense of empty confusion and severe pain; eyes sparkling and red, prominent and con- vulsed, or weak, dull, without lustre; squinting; deafness; offensive smell from the mouth; tongue red, hard, dry and clean or coated brown; burning dryness of the tongue and lips; paralysis of the tongue; tympanitic distension; watery diarrhoea, involuntary and unnoticed in bed; paralysis of the TYPHUS. 469 sphincter ani or of the bladder; suppressed secretion of urine; retention of urine or involuntary urination. LACHESIS: Painful weariness of the limbs, extending from the elbows and knees; weakness with inclination to sleep; great dullness of mind with bodily weakness; heaviness of the head with dullness, like lead in the occiput, with vertigo; vertigo as often as the patient raises himself; muttering de- lirium, stupid looks; loquacity, difficulty in protruding the tongue, which is almost paralyzed, dry and brown or black, or smooth and shining; thinks, she is dead, and that prepa- rations are made for her funeral, or that she is nearly dead and wishes some one would help her off; eyes weak and dull or distorted; sensibility to light; deafness; sensitiveness to sound; bleeding from the nose; dryness of the mouth with thirst or constant desire to drink; distension of the abdomen, also hard, with gurgling and rumbling in the bowels before the diarrhoea; red-brown and copious urine. LYCOPODIUM: Prostration; depression of the lower jaw; dim and half-closed eyes; slow breathing with open mouth; or alternate chills and heat; irresistible sleep; starting in sleep, awakes, as if he were frightened by a bad dream, appa- rently continues to dream after waking; cannot bear to be left alone; frequent jerking of the limbs, or even of the whole body, whether awake or sleeping; headache, as if the bones of the skull were driven asunder; animation without heat or congestion of blood to the head and face; circum- scribed redness of the cheeks; debilitating sweats; red tongue; constipation; uneasy, nervous, desponding and weeping mood; quiet disposition or screams; ill-will, espe- cially on waking. MERCURIUS: Vertigo, stupefaction, fullness and confusion of the head; dullness, inability to think; headache, especially in the forehead and on the vertex; buzzing in the ears; the tongue is thickly coated or dirty-yellow, or clean tongue with a bitter foul taste; bleeding gums; nausea, desire to vomit or vomiting of slimy or bitter substances; great sensi- tiveness and painfulness of the pit of the stomach, region of the liver and abdomen around the umbilicus, with pains, es- pecially at night; restlessness, anxiety and tossing about; constipation or green yellow diarrhoeic stools; dark-brownish urine; burning and dry skin or copious debilitating and clammy sweats; debility; sleeplessness; no delirium or scarcely perceptible. NUX-VOMICA; Sudden sinking of the forces; great weari 470 TYPHUS. ness, immediately upon the slightest motion; sudden para- lytic loss of strength, even in sitting, but most on moving; immoderate sensibility to the open air; excessive sensitive- ness of all the organs with prevailing gastric and bilious symp- toms; drowsiness as if intoxicated with loss of consciousness; vertigo with obscured vision and ringing in the ears; vertigo on rising from lying on the back, with obscured vision; con- tinued bleeding from the nose, dryness of the nose; red and burning cheeks and palms of the hands; white, or black dry tongue with red and cracked edges, dry lips; offensive smell from the mouth, putrid like carrion; dryness of the mouth, also only of the forepart, and especially of the tip of the tongue; thirst with aversion to liquids; aversion to food; inability to speak loud, with the sensation as if the tongue were too thick; distension of the epigastrium with sensitive- ness to touch; pain in the abdomen, as if all were raw; fre- quent small diarrhoea-like stools, excoriating to the external parts; putrid watery diarrhoea with cutting and drawing pains in the abdomen and loins, extending to the thighs. PHOSPHORI-ACIDUM: Complete listlessness, stupefaction and dullness, especially of hearing; the patients are not affected by anything and complain only of weakness and confusion of the head; somnolency, passing into stupor; stupid expression of countenance; unintelligible muttering delirium; staring dull looks with glassy or hollow eyes; sleeplessness at night with anguish and tossing about; confusion and painful cloudi- ness of the head, especially on waking; dry tongue; dryness, burning and roughness of the skin or the skin looses its tur- gidity and hangs in folds; clammy moist skin, bedewed with an abundant perspiration and covered by miliary eruption; frequent epistaxis, rather aggravating the disease; ecchy- moses and bluish red patches, turning to bed-sores; moist and pale tongue; loud rattling and whistling in the chest with little cough; frequent very liquid stools, often passed in- voluntarily; albuminous urine; enlargement of the spleen. RHUS-TOX: Desire for frequent and constant movement, giving temporary relief to the patient; prostration with sen- sation as if bruised, and constant desire to sit or lie down; lenticular red spots with small vesicles in the centre; restless, disturbed, anxious sleep with frightful dreams, with frequent waking or comatose slumbering with snoring, murmuring, picking at the bed-clothes and dreams; the patient desires to be covered while sweating; great anxiety with pressure in the heart, tearing pains in the loins and sinking of all the TYPHUS. 471 forces, more after than before midnight; want of memory; headache, when opening the eyes; loquacious delirium; epis- taxis, especially after midnight; tongue not coated, but very dry with desire for drink; repugnance to all ingesta; dis- tension of the abdomen with severe pinching; very offensive flatus; diarrhoea sudden, thin, yellow, frothy, almost without fetor or preceding colic, but the discharge is involuntary, as if from paralysis of the sphincter; involuntary stools, especi- ally at night in sleep; nocturnal diarrhoea with severe colic, which disappears after the discharge, with headache and pain in all the limbs; disposition depressed, sad, without courage, despairing. STRAMONIUM: Beating headache, especially on the vertex, with fainting turn, obscuration of sight, and hardness of hearing; delirium with violent tossing about, frightful visions and illusions of sight and hearing, or with singing, whistling, talking in a foreign tongue, desire to escape from bed, &c.; loss of consciousness, the patient not knowing even his own family; dilated insensible pupils; no stool or urine; coma with stertorous breathing; small, shining, star-shaped pe- techiæ, on the face, throat and chest; profound sleep with stertorous breathing and waking with loud outcries; the whole inner mouth as if raw; great dryness of the mouth, so that food tastes like straw; paralysis of the tongue and trembling, when protruding it; complete inability to swallow from dryness of the throat; blackish diarrhoea every hour, smelling like carrion; involuntary discharge of urine. ZINCUM: Convulsions with trembling of the hands, cold extremities; loss of consciousness, sinking down in bed, de- pression of the lower jaw. § 5. Other remedies. ARNICA: Weakness, weariness and bruised soreness, which compels to lie down; general sinking of the forces; sleep unrefreshing and full of dreams, in sleep whimpering, loud talking; loud blowing in- and expirations; involuntary eva- cuation of fæces and urine; vertigo, while raising or moving the head; pupils contracted, with beclouding of the head; epistaxis; dry lips and dryness of the mouth, with great thirst; putrid smell from the mouth; distension and hardness of the abdomen; brown or white diarrhea with distention of the abdomen before the stool and rumbling in the abdomen during the stool. ARSENICUM: Anxious weakness, absent-mindedness, stag- gering gait; general and rapid sinking of the forces; prostra 472 TYPHUS. tion with inability to leave the bed, with falling of the lower jaw and eyelids; emaciation, petechiæ: dullness and aver- sion to all movements; after each disturbance he sleeps again immediately; restless and disturbed sleep; carphologia; anx- ious and frightful dreams; cold, sticky perspiration, or sour and offensive; excess of sensibility to sounds and lights; pulse excited, frequent, empty, or small and irregular; deli- rium with headache, anxiety, noises before the ears; great restlessness, loss of speech, trembling and anxious sweating; staring wild expression, or dull lustreless eyes, deafness; lips and tongue dry and blackish; excessive thirst, but drinks only a little at a time; swelling and tenderness of the spleen ; distention, rolling and gurgling in the abdomen; putrid and offensive flatus; involuntary and unnoticed stools and urina- tion; greenish dark-brown stools, smelling like foul ulcers; black, burning, excoriating stools with restlessness and colic. CAMPHORA: Violent delirium, dullness and heat of the head, with clammy cold skin; debility and clammy sweats; disposition to diarrhoea (sometimes suitable after Rhus.) CARB.-VEG.: Coma with rattling; hippocratic countenance, insensible pupils; small, almost extinct pulse; cold sweat in the hands, feet and in the face; trembling of the body with prostration; sluggishness of the mind with confusion of the head; heaviness and immobility of the tongue with difficult speech; distention of the abdomen with copious escape of flatus; involuntary stools with cadaverous smell; dark-red urine with a little flock in the centre and strong smelling; ecchymoses and bed-sores from decomposition of the blood. CHINA: Aversion to all efforts of body or mind; great weakness with strong disposition to perspiration during movements and in sleep; constant sopor or unrefreshing sleep; anxiety on waking from frightful dreams; taciturnity; slow movements of ideas and of the power of comprehension; heaviness of the head with increasing vertigo; hippocratic face; dry, hard, and cracked or blackish lips; blackish tongue, as if raw or burnt; swelling and hardness of the spleen; distention of the abdomen with pain and diarrhoea; tympa- nitis, especially in the morning; yellow, watery, involuntary diarrhoea; blackish stools; rattling and moaning sounds in the chest and loud sounds through the nose. COCCULUS: Attacks of jerking in the muscles, especially of the lower limbs; trembling of all the limbs; unconquerable sleepiness; indolence and great weakness; the least effort or interruption of sleep is followed by great loss of strength; TYPHUS, 473 irritability to noise and contradiction; whirling vertigo, when rising up in bed, with nausea, compelling to lie down again; dry mouth; dry, rough tongue with whitish-yellow coating; distention of the abdomen, rumbling in the bowels; costiveness, only exceptionally diarrhea; frequent urination in small quantities; enlarged spleen; exanthema; bed-sores or hæmorrhage are never present. COLCHICUM: Weakness, as if after exertion; sudden sink- ing of the forces, so that in ten hours he can hardly speak or walk; cadaverous aspect and extreme prostration; lying on the back, comatose; respiration audible and quickened; eyes half open; hands and feet cold; trunk hot and extremities cold; skin dry, forehead covered with cold sweat; pulse small, frequent, thready or pulseless; unconsciousness; carphologia; pupils much dilated and little sensitive to light; nostrils dry and blackish; lips, teeth and tongue covered with a thick brown coating; grinding of the teeth; tongue heavy, stiff and numb; inextinguishable thirst; tympanitis with sensitiveness to pressure in the epigastrial region; stools fluid, offensive with white flakes or black stools, passed involuntarily; secretion of urine suppressed or copious in- voluntary urination; respiration irregular and intermittent. MURIATIC-ACID: Prostration, headache as if the brain were bruised, putrid symptoms, distress in the side; settling down in bed, while digging with the head in the pillow; turning up the whites, depression of the lower jaw, slavering. NATRUM-MURIAT.: Loss of consciousness, unquenchable thirst, dry tongue, debility, &c. NITRI-SPIRITUS: Prostration, listlessness, stupidity with starting, wild looks, deafness, dry-brownish lips, sleep with delirium and muttering, &c. NUX-MOSCHATA: Bluish spots on the skin; general restless- ness in the muscles with vertigo; after the slightest exertion weakness with inclination to lie down; profound coma, lying silent, immoveable, in a dreamy state; delirium and stupidity; frantic drunkenness; dryness of the mouth, tongue and throat with fullness of the stomach and loss of appetite; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; putrid or colliquative diarrhea; urine scanty, high colored and clear. OPIUM: Weariness, like intoxication, with aversion to all external objects, persons and things, with drowsiness, silly, stupidity, sadness and weakened memory; coma vigil with indistinct muttering; tongue almost clean, with hard, bright red eyes and cracked lips; stupefying sleep, stertor, especially 474 TYPHUS. during expiration; perfect loss of consciousness and insensi- bility with relaxation of the muscles; great heaviness of the occiput, so that the head constantly falls backwards; glassy immoveable eyes, like one dying; stupid aspect with relaxed and hanging facial muscles and lower lip; black dry tongue, without thirst; paralysis of the tongue; tympanitis; ex- tremely offensive watery diarrhoea; involuntary stools; re- tention of urine; stertorous, deep-drawn breathing. PULSATILLA : Trembling weakness and heaviness of all the limbs; great restlessness and tossing about in bed with throwing off of the bed-covering, because of heat, yet he shivers as soon as uncovered; heat of hand and foot of one side with coldness and redness of the other, evening and night; perspiration on one side of the body; great difficulty in speaking to use the right expression; fixed ideas; heavi- ness of the head, with vertigo and intolerance of light; pu- pils first contracted, then dilated; deafness; putrid smell from the mouth; tongue cracked, with gray coating; un- conscious loose stools at night in sleep. PHOSPHORUS: Heaviness and dullness of mind and body; sudden attacks of great weakness; great sleepiness, like coma; frequent waking from sensation of heat, dry heat, with pain in the part on which he has lain; throbbing in the arteries of the throat; increased sensibility of the senses, especially of hearing and smell; great indifference; absence of ideas; vertigo, with confusion and stupidity of the head, as if he would loose his senses; frequent and copious epis- taxis; hollow, sunken eyes, with blue circles and dingy hip- pocratic face; bleeding of the gums, from the slightest touch; intolerable dryness of the mouth and tongue, sticky, with great thirst, not relieved by drinking; extreme sensibility of the abdomen, great flatulency, with offensive flatus; black, gray, involuntary diarrhea; urine of strong ammoniacal odor, turbid, depositing a white sediment; troublesome cough, with pressing headache and pain in the forepart of the chest; anguish of the chest, as if pressed together, with want of breath. SECALE: Heaviness of the limbs, with numbness; rapid sink- ing of the forces; fainting; great trembling of the part moved in every effort, even of the protruded tongue; petechiæ, stupe- fying slumber; cold and sticky, profuse perspiration; de- pression of spirits, with timidity; bland or violent delirium, followed by vertigo, with sense of lassitude; diminution or entire loss of sense of hearing and sight; epistaxis; hippocratic TYPHUS. 475 face; brown or black tongue, with dryness of the throat; voice hoarse and hollow; anxious and difficult respiration, with sighing and hiccough; loss of speech and subsultus; putrid, offensive and colliquative diarrhea; suppression of the urinary secretion. SULPHUR: Constant heat, especially in the evening, with full, hurried pulse, great thirst, dry and brownish tongue; scanty, dark-red urine, which soon deposits a sediment; sleeplessness; delirium, with open eyes; grasping at flocks; constipation, or diarrhea-like water, with grumbling in the bowels. VERATRUM: Great prostration, cold sweating; coma vigil, with frequent starts, as if from fright; uninterrupted sleep for three days; great thirst for cold drinks; hippocratic face; nocturnal copious diarrhoea, with pain during and after the stool, with chill; unnoticed thin stool when flatus escapes ; during the stool, great weakness, paleness of the face and cold sweat on the forehead; involuntary discharge of urine. § 6. Use moreover: : BAPTISIA: Excessive drowsiness, with delirium; restlessness, her head feels as though scattered about, and she tosses about in bed to get the pieces together; chilliness all day, heat at night chilliness, with soreness of the whole body; heavy, dull, bruised sensation in the head; stupefying headache; confusion of ideas; delirium at night; heavy sleep, with frightful dreams; dry, red tongue, or brown-coated tongue; sticky mouth, fetid breath, fetid sweat and great fetor of all discharges; great debility and nervous prostration, with erethism. EUPATORIUM-PERFOL.: Copious perspiration, with nausea and vomiting; pungent heat with the perspiration at night; alternate chilliness and flashes of heat; throbbing headache; pain in the occiput after lying, with sensation of great weight in the part, requiring the hands to lift it; insipid taste; yel- low or white-coated tongue; diarrhoea, with smarting and heat in the anus. GELSEMINUM: Great prostration of all the vital forces, with strange sensation in the head and continued jactitation of the muscles; drowsiness, with dimness of vision; a kind of drunken stupor; clammy, feverish taste; distention of the abdomen, with pain and nausea. HAMAMELIS: Discharge of blood per anum, in large quan- tities, of a tar-like consistency. LEPTANDRIA: Great prostration, stupor, heat and dryness 476 TYPHUS. of the skin, calor mordax or coldness of the extremities; dark, fetid, tarry or watery stools, mixed with bloody mucus and a jaundiced condition. LACHNANTHES: Fever, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks and brilliant eyes; restless sleep at night, with con- tinually increasing dryness of the throat; heavy, feverish dreams in the morning; whining on account of headache; great loquacity, afterwards stupid and irritable; icy coldness. of the body, external heat relieves the coldness; burning fever, with somnolency and delirium; deafness; sensation of heat in the abdomen. VERATRUM-VIRIDE: Restless sleep, with frightful dreams of being drowned; coldness of the whole body, with cold per- spiration upon the hands, feet and face; pulse soft and weak; feeble, irregular, scarcely perceptible pulse, with cold, clam- my perspiration; dimness of vision and dilated pupils; con- stant, dull, heavy headache; tongue feels as if it had been scalded; intense burning in the fauces, with constant inclina- tion to swallow; typhoid dysentery. § 7. Consider also: a) For IRRITABILITY AND QUARRELSOMENESS: Bell. bry. lyc. For OPPRESSED AND MELANCHOLY FEELING: Bell. puls. For DISINCLINATION TO SPEAK: Phos.-ac. For DELIRIOUS VISIONS: Bell. bry. hyosc. rhus. For PERFECT APATHY: Apis. ars. carb.-v. cocc. hyosc. op. phos.-ac. stram. For SOPOR: Apis. ars. carb.-v. cocc. lach. op. For ANXIETY AND RESTLESSNESS, desire to run away: Ars. bell. bry. hyosc. merc. stram. For FURIOUS DELIRIUM: Bell. op. stram. For LOSS OF MEMORY: Anacard. b) For SQUINTING: Hyosc. For WEAKNESS OF SIGHT: Hyosc. stram. zinc. For THE EYES SUNK IN, with pale mar- gins around: Ars. verat. For WILD BRILLIANT EYES: Bell. op. For RED FACE: Bell. n.-vom. op. rhus. For PALE, SUNK- EN FACE: Ars. phos.-ac. verat. zinc. For BLACK, BROWN or CRACKED LIPS: Ars. lach. phos.-ac. zinc. The LOWER JAW DROOPING (threatening paralysis of the brain): Ars. carb.-v. lach. lyc. op. zinc. For DIFFICULTY OF HEARING: Bry. carb.- v. phos.-ac. rhus. For OVER-SENSITIVENESS OF HEARING: Bry. For EPISTAXÌs: Bry. carb.-v. ham. phos.-ac. For BLACK CRUSTS ON THE NOSTRILS: Hyosc. zinc. c) For PARALYSIS OF THE TONGUE: Hyosc. mur.-ac. Tongue dry: Ars. rhus. mur.-ac.; thickly coated: Bry. carb.-v. rhus. ; nearly clean: Cocc.; aphtha: Mur.-ac. sulph.; gastric ail- ments, nausea, vomiting: Ars. bry. hyosc. verat.; pain in TYPICAL DISEASES.-ULCERS. 477 the pit of the stomach: Ars. bry. rhus. verat.; affection of the liver: Merc.; swelling of the spleen: Ars. cocc. phos.-ac. rhus.; colicky pains: Ars. merc. phos.-ac. rhus. verat.; me- teorismus: Ars. carb.-v. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. ; constipation : Apis. bry. cocc.; diarrhoea: Apis. ars. (bry.) carb.-v. ipec. phos.-ac. rhus.; involuntary: Apis. arn. ars. carb.-v. phos.-ac. rhus. zinc.; bloody: Mur.-ac. phos. nitr.-ac. rhus.; purulent (ulcers in the bowels): Apis. ars. carb.-v. nitr.-ac. phos. rhus. sulph.; putrid: Apis. ars. carb.-v. phos. ; urine albuminous: Phos.-ac. rhus.; brown-red: Bry. verat.; watery: Bry. mur.- ac.; involuntary: Apis. arn. ars. d) For DISEASES OF THE LUNGS: Apis. ars. bry. carb.-v. ipec. lach. mosch. nitr.-ac. phos. rhus. seneg.; for hepatiza- tion: Lach. nitr.-ac. phos. rhus. ; cough, with expectoration: Ars. lach. phos. rhus. seneg.; bloody expectoration: Lach. phos. rhus.; oedema pulmonum: Carb.-v. tart.; threatening paralysis of the lungs: Carb.-v. mosch, tart. e) For PAINS IN THE LIMBS: Camph. rhus. ; paralytic sen- sation Cocc. rhus.; spasmodic motions: Bell. hyosc. ign. mosch. zinc.; changing positition frequently: Bry.; restless- ness: Bry. stram. rhus.; sinking down in bed: Apis. mur.- ac. zinc.; extreme prostration: Apis. ars. bry. (merc.) phos. phos.-ac. rhus. f) MILIARIA, threatening: Bry. calc. lyc.; red: Phos.-ac. rhus. stram.; white: Apis. bry. mur.-ac. sulph. valer. ; bluish appearance: Carb.-v. verat.; Petechiae, ecchymoses: Ars. bry. carb.-v. phos.-ac. zinc.; bed-sores: Ars. phos.-ac. zinc.; according to Hering: Fluoric-acid. § 8. Compare: Inflammatory, Gastric Fever, &c. TYPICAL DISEASES. 1) Ars. caps. chin. ign. ipec. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. sep. spig. 2) Alum. anac. ant. arn. baryt. bry. canth. carb.-v. cocc. lach. plumb. rhod. rhus. sabad. staph. sulph. verat. See Intermittents. ULCERS. § 1. Ulcers, without an exception, depend upon a particular dyscrasia of the organism, and cannot be radically healed except by means of remedies which are capable of eradicating the dyscrasia, of which the ulcer is the mere symptom. Nevertheless, the character, configura- tion and other peculiarities of ulcers should not be left out of consideration in selecting a remedy. These external cha- racteristics of ulcers point generally to the following reme- dies: 1) Ars. asa. hep. lach. lyc. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb.-v. cham. chel. clem. con. 478 ULCERS. . cupr. graph. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. rhus sep. staph. thuj. 3) Arg-n. fluor.-ac. kal.-bi. n.-jugl. 4) Aln. aral amp. bapt. chel. corn. erecht. gal. ger. ham. hydr. lycopus. myr. phyt. polyg. rhus.-g. rum. stilling. § 2. We should use more particularly. a) For ATONIC ulcers, as we find them among old, feeble and cachectic persons, especially on the legs, ulcera atonica pedum: 1) Ars. lach. sil. sulph. 2) Calc. carb.-v. graph. ipec. lyc. mur.-ac. natr. phos.-ac. puls. rut. 3) Amm. amm.-m. fluor.-ac. n.-jugl. 4) Aral. bapt. lycopus. polyg. b) For ARTHRITIC ulcers: 1) Bry. chin. lyc. phyt. sulph. 2) Calc. graph. kal.-bi. rhus. staph. c) For HERPETIC ulcers, (ulcera petiginosa): 1) Ars. calc. clem. graph. kal.-bi. lyc. merc. n.-jugl. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. zine. 2) Aral. cist. jugl. phyto. · d) For SCORBUTIC ulcers: 1) Ars. carb.-a. carb.-v. lach. merc. mur-ac. staph. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. asa. clem. con. hep. phos. sep. sil. thuj. 3) Aln. geran. gal. hydr. rum. phyto. e) For SCROFULOUS: 1) Ars. bell. calc. carb.-v. lyc. mur.- ac. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. cist. graph. hep. kal.-bi. lach. n.-jugl. phos. 3) Aln. amp. aral. coryd. gal. hydr. iris. jugl. myr. phyt. rhus.-gl. rum. stilling. tril. f) For SYPHILITIC: 1) Merc. 2) Aur. carb.-v. lach. nitr.-a. thuj. 3) Iod. kal.-bi. mez. n.-jugl. 4) Aral. ascl. coryd. chim. iris. phyt. rum. sang. stilling. g) For MERCURIAL: Asa. aur. bell. carb.-v. hep. kal.-bi. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-jugl. phos.-ac. phyto. sass. sep. sil. sulph. § 3. As regards the STRUCTURE AND SHAPE OF ULCERS, give: a) For FISTULOUS ulcers: 1) Ant. calc. lyc phos. sil. sulph. 2) Asa. bell. carb.-v. caust. con. fluor.-ac. nitr.-ac. puls. ruta. b) For FLAT, SUPERFICIAL ulcers: 1) Lach. lyc. merc. nitr.- ac. phos -ac. thuj. 2) Ars. asa. bell. puls. sep. sil. c) For HARD CALLOUS ulcers, with callous edges: Ars. asa. calc. carb.-v. hep. kal.-bi. lach. lyc. merc. n.-jugl. petr. sep. sil. sulph. d) For CARIOUS ulcers: 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc. sil. 2) Aur. hep. phos.-ac. ruta. sabin. sulph. 3) hydr.? phyto.? rum.? e) For CANCEROUS ulcers, that is, ulcers which look like cancer, but are of a different nature: 1) Ars. con. lach. merc. sil. sulph. 2) Apis. aur. bell. calc. clem. hep. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. squill. staph. 3) Hydr.? phyt.? rum.? f) FUNGOUS ULCERS: 1) Ars. carb.-a. lach. merc. petr. sep. 479 ULCERS. sil. sulph. 2) Carb.-v. clem. cham. phos. staph. thuj. 3) podo.? sang.? g) LARDACEOUS ulcers: 1) Ars. hep. merc. sabin. 2) Cupr. kal-bi. nitr.-ac. n.-jugl. sulph. thuj. h) DEEP ulcers: 1) Ars. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. calc. con. lyc. sep. i) VARICOSE ulcers: 1) Ars. calc. carb.-v. lach. puls. sulph. zinc. 2) Caust. collins. graph. ham. lyc. 3) Ammon.-n calend. tart.-em. k) VERMINOUS ulcers: 1) Merc. sil. 2) Ars. calc. sabad. 1) INDENTED ulcers: 1) Merc. phos.-ac. 2) Hep. lach. sil. staph. sulph. m) SHAGGY ulcers: 1) Ars. 2) petr. sil. § 4. As regards appearance and color, use: a) BLUISH: 1) Asa. aur. con. hep. lach. lyc. 2) Ars. sil. b) SPOTTED: Arn. con. lach. sulph.-ac. c) YELLOW: Calc. carb.-v. lyc. puls. sil. d) GRAY: Ars. caust. merc. sil. e) GREENISH: Asa. aur. caust. merc. puls. rhus. sil. f) DISCOLORED, unclean, dirty ulcers: Ars. calc. lach. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. sabin. thuj. sulph. g) Ulcers with RED AREOLE: Ars. asa. calc. cham. hep. lach. lyc. merc. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. h) Ulcers, WHICH TURN BLACK: Ars. asa. carb.-v. ipec. lach. sec. sil. sulph. i) WHITISH, WHITE-SPOTTED: Ars. canth. lach. merc. sil. § 5. As regards the pathological nature of ulcers, select: a) For READILY BLEEDING ulcers: 1) Ars. carb.-v. hep. kal. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. phos. phos.-ac. sulph. 2) Con. puls. sil. 3) Arn. caust. con. iod. sec. ham. b) For GANGRENOUS: 1) Ars. bell. chin. lach. sil. 2) Con. kal.-bi. rhus. sec. squill. 3) Bapt.? rhus.-gl.? c) SUPPURATING ulcers: 1) Ars. hep. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Ása. chin. con. lach. phos. phos.-ac. d) INFLAMED ulcers: 1) Ars. cham. hep. lyc. merc. phos. sil. staph. 2) Acon. bell. bry. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sulph. c) PUTRID ulcers: 1) Ars. carb.-v. hep. merc. mur.-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. amm.-m. asa. bell. calc. chin. phos.-ac. rhus. f) PHAGADENIC ulcers: 1) Ars. hep. lyc. merc. mez. sil. sulph. 2) Carb.-v. caust. cham. clem. con. graph. nitr.-ac. petr. ran. rhus. sep. g) TORPID ulcers: 1) Carb.-v. con. lyc. phos.-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Carb.-a. cupr. op. sil. 480 URETHRITIS.-URETRORRHAGIA. h) CICATRIZED ULCERS, WHICH OPEN AGAIN: 1) Ars. 2) lach. sep. 3) Coloc. crotal. 4) Carb. veg. § 6. As regards PAINS, give:. a) For VERY PAINFUL ulcers: 1) Ars. carb.-v. graph hep. sil. 2) Arn. asa. bell. lyc. merc. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. puls. 3) Acid.-nitr. calend. chin. b) PAINLESS: 1) Carb.-v. lach. phos.-ac. sep. sulph. 2) dulc. sec. c) ITCHING OR SMARTING: 1) Ars. hep. lyc. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Ant. caust. chin. graph. nitr.-ac. phos.-ac. d) BORING PAINS: 1) Aur. bell. nat.-m. sil. sulph. 2) Chin. ranunc.-b. e) BURNING: 1) Ars. carb. v. merc. mez. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Arg.-met. aur. caust. clem. kreas. natr.-c. ranunc.- b. staph. f) PRESSURE AND TENSION: Caust. con. graph. merc. phos. puls. rhus. sil. spong. sulph. 2) Phyt. g) BEATING AND THROBBING: Asa. calc. clem. kal. lyc. merc. sil. sulph. h) CREEPING AND GNAWING: Arn. baryt. cham. clem. con. dros. lach. lyc. merc. phos. rhus. ruta. sep. staph. sulph. i) TEARING AND DRAWING: Ars. cale. lyc. sep. sil. sulph. k) STITCHING OR CUTTING: Ars. bell. calc. canth. graph. lyc. merc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 1) SORE PAINS: Graph. hep. puls. sep. sulph. m) DARTING, JERKING: 1) Asa. calc. caust. puls. rhus. sil. 2) petrol. ranunc.-b. § 7. Compare: Suppuration, herpes and eruptions, ar- thritis, scurvy, scrofula, syphilis, mercurial cachexia, diseases of the bones, cancer, varices, glandular affections and the parts, where ulcers are apt to break out. URETHRITIS. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. cann. canth. merc. sulph. 2) Asclep. cann.-ind. erig. eryng. gels. ham. podo. tril. URETHRORRHAGIA, hæmaturia. § 1. Principal re- medies: 1) Calc. cann. canth. ipec. lyc. merc. millefol. nitr.- ac. sulph. zinc. 2) Arn. ars. chin. con. mez. puls. 3) Caps. cop. crot. op. phos. sec. sep. thereb. uva. 4) Alnus. cact. chimap. erig. cupat.-pur. ger. ham. trill. § 2. If caused by a BADLY-MANAGED GONORRHŒA: Cann. canth. puls. 2) Chimap. If by SUPPRESSION OF HERPES OR ITCH: Ars. calc. con. sulph. URINARY DIFFICULTIES. 481 If by EXTERNAL INJURIES: Arn. con. puls. rhus. If attended with AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS: 1) Canth. lyc. puls. sulph. 2) Cact. erig. eupat.-pur. ham. URINARY ANURIA, &c. DIFFICULTIES, ISCHURIA, LISURIA, § 1. These various affections have been arranged under one head in order to avoid unnecessary repetitions. The principal remedies for these affections are: 1) Acon. bell. camph. cann. canth. coloc. dulc. hep. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. aur. baryt. caps. caust. colch. dig. graph. hell. hyosc. kal. lyc. mur.-ac. n.-mosch. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. ruta. sabin. sass. staph. 3) Esc.-h. apocyn.-can. asclep. bapt. cact. collins. chim. cimicif. coryd. erig. eupat.-pur. gels. gnaph. ham. hell. hydr. § 2. As regards the varieties, give: a) For DYSURIA, with ineffectual urging: 1) Acon. cann. canth. dulc. lyc. mgt.-aus, merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. aur. bell. calc. colch. con. dig. hyosc. kal. n.-mosch. phos. sass. staph. 3) Apoc.-can. asclep. cact. caul. chim. erig. eupat.-pur. ham. hed. hell. iris. phyto. senec. b) For ANURIA, ISCHURIA: 1) Arn. bell. canth. hell. lyc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. op. puls. stram. 2) Acon. aur. camph. con. dig. hep. hyosc. lach. laur. plumb. rhus. ruta. sulph. verat. 3) Apoc.-can. eupat.-pur. gal. gels. myr. pod. senec. c) For ENURESIS NOCTURNA: 1) Bell. calc. caust. cin. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. amm. arn. ars. benz.-ac. bry. carb.-v. cham. chin. con. graph. hep. kreas. mgt.-aus. merc. natr.-m. op. petr. ruta. seneg. stram. d) For ENURESIS: 1) Arn. bell. carb.-v. caust. cic. cin. hep. hyosc. lyc. mgt.-aust. natr.-m. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. staph. sulph. zinc. 2) Acon. dulc. kreas. lach. laur. magn.-c. meïc. petr. sil. spig. 3) Cact. eupat.-pur. gels. geran. pod. polyg. sang. stilling. § 2. As regards the pathological state, to which the uri- nary difficulty belongs, give: a) For an INFLAMMATORY state: 1) Acon. cann. canth. merc. n.-vom. puls. 2) Bell. cop. dig. dulc. sabin. sass. sulph. 3) Alnus. caul. erig. gels. hydr. verat.-vir. b) For a SPASMODIC state: 1) N.-vom. op. puls. 2) Bell. canth. caps. caust. cin. coloc. hyosc. ign. lach. lyc. rhus. verat. c) For PARALYSIS: 1) Ars. cic. cin. dulc. hyosc. lyc. rhus. staph. 2) Acon. bell. caust. laur. mgt.-aus. 3) Cact. caul. gels. 21 482 URINARY DIFFICULTIES. d) STRICTURES OR INDURATIONS in the urinary passages: Clem. dulc. merc. petr. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Hydr. e) HÆMORRHOIDAL AILMENTS: 1) N.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. calc. carb.-v. lach. merc. 3) Esc. collins. ham. hydr. pod. f) During PREGNANCY or when the MENSES ARE SUP- PRESSED: 1) Cocc. phos.-ac. puls. 2) Con. n.-vom. sulph. 3) Asclep. cact. caul. eupat-purp. gels. ham. hell. iris. sang. g) LYTHIASIS or GRAVEL: 1) Lyc. sass. 2) Calc. cann. n.- vom. petr. phos. sep. 3) Alnus. chimap. collins. coryd, erig. eupat.-perf. eryng. gal. pod. 4) Aspar. ipomeanil. nitr.-ac. tab. uva.-urs. § 4. As regards EXTERNAL CAUSES, give: a) When caused by a COLD: 1) Acon. bell. dulc. merc. n.- vom. puls. 2) Apoc. eupat.-perf. gels. senec. b) By a CONCUSSION in consequence of a fall, bruise, shock: Arn. cic. con. rhus. puls. c) When by ABUSE OF SPIRITS: 1) N.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. calc. hep. lach. merc. d) By abuse of CANTHARIDES: 1) Camph. 2) Acon. puls. e) When by EXPOSURE TO WET AND COLD: 1) Puls. sass. 2) Alum. calc. sulph. f) By FRIGHT OR FEAR: Acon. bell. hyosc. op. verat. § 5. We may moreover prescribe, if the accompanying symptoms permit: a) For FREQUENT URGING to urinate: 1) Bell. bry, canth. carb.-v. caust. chimaph. colch. graph. kal. lyc. n.-vom. phos.- ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. sass. squill. staph. sulph. 2) Acon. arn. baryt. caps. cocc. coloc. dig. dulc. guaj. hell. ign. merc. mur.-ac. phos. sabad. sep, spong. pareira-brav. b) INEFFECTUAL URGING: 1) Phos. 2) Amm. hedeom. uva. c) URGING AT NIGHT: 1) Arn. ars. bell. calc. caust graph. mgt.-aus. natr.-m. puls rhus. sep. sil. squill. sulph. 2) Alum. amm. baryt. bry. cin. cupr. dros. hep. merc. n.-vom. op. ruta. stram. d) For FRUITLESS URGING: 1) Canth. caust. dig. n.-vom. petr. puls. sass. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. arn. camph. cham. chin. coloc. hyosc. kal. Îyc. merc. phos. phos.-ac. plumb. sil. e) For urinating in a FORKED STREAM: 1) Cann. canth. rhus. f) INABILITY TO EMIT ALL THE URINE, drops of which con- tinue to fall out: 1) Calc. kal. selen. 2) Bry. lach. natr. petr. rhod. sil. staph. thuj. g) EMITTING THE URINE IN DROPS ONLY 1) Bell. canth. URINE. 483 dulc. mgt.-aus. n.vom. sulph. 2) Arn. camph. cann. caps. caust. clem. colch. con. merc. n.-mosch. petr. puls. rhus. spig. staph. stram. 3) Eryng. h) INTERRUPTED OR THIN STREAM: 1) Caust. clem. con. dulc. mgt.-aust. sulph. zinc. 2) Carb.-a. kal. phos.-ac. thuj. § 6. Finally, for: a) PAINFUL EMISSION OF URINE: 1) Cann. canth. coloc. hep. merc. lyc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. puls. thuj. 2) Bell. clem. colch. con. dulc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. sass. sep. sulph. verat. 3) Esc.-h. erig. hed. gal. gels. iris. senec. b) BURNING PAINS: 1) Ars. calc. cann. lach. merc. natr. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. seneg. sulph. 2) Canth. caps. carb.-a. carb.-v. caust. con. hep. ign. lyc. nitr. nitr.-ac. thuj. verat. 3) Asclep. bapt. cact erig. eupat.-purp. gels. iris. c) CUTTING PAINS: 1) Ant. caun. canth. con. dig. phos.-ar. 2) Arn. calc. guaj. hep. merc. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. petr. staph. thuj. d) STITCHING PAINS: Arn. cann. clem. lyc. nitr. n.-vom. phos. senec. e) SORENESS AND SMARTING: 1) Carb.-v. ign. phos. sep. 2) Calc. hep. lyc. magn.-c. mez. natr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. 3) Eupat.- purp. gal. senec. § 7. Compare: Secretion of Urine, Cystitis, Catarrh of the Bladder, Paralysis of the Bladder, Gonorrhoea, Li- thiasis, &c. URINE, MORBID SECRETIONS OF. § 1. Under this head we have arranged a number of affec- tions of urinary organs, which, though differing from each other pathologically, yet, so far as their symptoms are con- cerned, all point to the remedies mentioned below. § 2. As regards the SECRETION OF URINE itself, give: a) For COPIOUS MICTURITION: 1) Arg. carb.-v. led. merc. mur. ac. natr.-m. phos.-ac. puls. rhus. spig. squill. sulph. verb. 2) Alum. ambr. ars. canth. carb.-a. daphn. guaj. ign. lach. natr. nitr. oleand. phos. seneg. 3) Apoc.-and. bapt. cact. chin. cimicif. erig. eupat.-perf. eupat.-purp. gal. gels. hell. iris. lob. phyto. polyg. rum. sang. senec. b) FREQUENT URINATION: 1) Arg. baryt. caust. kreas. lach. merc. nitr. oleand. phos.-ac. puls rhus. spig. squill. sulph. verb. 2) Alum. ambr. ars. canth. carb.-a. daphn. guaj. ign. lach. natr. nitr. oleand. phos. seneg. 3) Esc.-hip. cimicif. erig. eryng. eupat.-purp. gymnoc. gal. hydr. pod. sang. c) SCANTY SECRETION: 1) Acon. arn. aur. bell. bry. canth. 484 URINE. hyosc. laur. n.-vom. op. plumb. stram. colch. hep. merc. puls. ruta. sec. sulph. collins. eryng. eupat.-perf. eupat. purp. pod. polyg. rhus-gl. senec. 2) Ars. camph. chin. 3) Apoc.-can. asclep. ham. hed. lept. lob. d) DIMINISHED SECRETION: 1) Bell. canth. colch. dig. graph. hell. hyosc. iod. laur. n.-vom. op. plumb. ruta. sec. staph. stram. verat. 2) Acon. alum. arn. bry. cann. carb.-v. caust. dulc. hep. kal. merc. nitr.-ac. phos. puls. rhus. sass. sulph. e) SUPPRESSION OF URINE: 1) Acon. bell. canth. hyosc. iod. laur. op. plumb. sec. stram. 2) Alum. colch. dig. graph. hell. n.-vom. ruta. sass. veratr. 3) Erig. hedeom. pod. sarrac? § 3. As regards THE NATURE OF THE URINE, give: a) For urine with AMMONIACAL SMELL: 1) Asa. carb -a. iod. mosch. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. stront. 2) benz.-ac. pareir-brav. b) Pale, watery, colorless urine: 1) Aur. coloc. con. mur.- ac. nitr. phos. phos.-ac. puls. staph. 2) Alum. arn. colch. dig. hep. ign. magn.-c. natr.-m. plat. rhus. sass. sec. sep. stram. stront. sulph.-ac. 3) Apoc.-an. erig. eupat.-perf. eupat.-purp. gal. gels. hell. phyt. polyg. rum. sang. sarrac. c) Dark-colored, red, fiery, saturated: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. carb.-v. colch. merc. sep. sulph. tart. verat. 2) Ant. calc. canth. caps. chin. dig. dros. hell. hep. ipec. kal. lách. n.- vom. phos. puls. selen. staph. 3) Esc.-hip. bapt. collins, corn. eup.-perf. ham. myr. rhus. senec. a) Dark, blood-colored: 1) Calc. sep. 2) Coff. hep. petr. sulph.-ac. 3) Bell. carb.-v. merc. rhus. 4) Cham. hed. e) Dark-red, red-brown, brown-red urine: 1) Arn. bell. bry. dros. lach. phos. sulph. 2) Acon. ambr. ars. calc. caust. colch. kreas. merc. nitr.-ac. pet. puls. 3) Eupat.-perf. gymnoc. lob. f) Yellow-colored: 1) Ambr. arn. bell. cham. chin. ipec. lach. rhab. sass. zinc. 2) Agar. amm. ant. canth. carb.-v. colch. hyosc. ign. led. magn.-m. nitr. samb. spong. verat. 3) Apoc.-can. cact. caul. gymn. polyg. g) GREENISH: 1) Ars. camph. rhab. ruta. veratr. 2) Aur. chin. iod. kal. magn.-c. rhod. sulph. h) Hor: Acon. ars. bry. canth. cham. colch. dig. hep. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom, phos.-ac. sec. squill. i) COLD: Agar. nitr.-ac. k) VISCID: Arg. canth. coloc. cupr. dulc. kreas. phos.-ac. 1) MILKY, WHITISH, as if stirred with milk, flour or chalk: 1) Phos.-ac. 2) Aur. carb.-v. cin. coloc. con. merc. mur.-ac. nitr.-ac. phos. sulph. 3) Alum. amm. arn. bell. cann. canth, URINE. 485 caust. chin. dulc. hep. iod. natr.-m. rhus. 4) Gels. lob. eryng. eupat.-perf. eupat.-purp. myr. phyt. m) SOUR-SMELLIMG: 1) Ambr. merc. 2) Calc. graph. natr. nitr.-ac. petr. 3) Bapt. eryng. lept. phyt. pod. n) ACRID URINE: 1) Bor. cann. caust. hep. merc. 2) Arn. calc. clem. graph. iod. kal. natr.-m. phos. rbus. seneg. thuj. veratr. 3) Gal. 0) FOAMING: Chinin. lach. laur. lyc. seneg. spong. P) FETID: 1) Ars. carb.-a. carb.-v. guaj. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph. 2) Cupr. dulc. natr. petr. phos. phos.-ac. sep. stann. 'viol.-tric. q) TURBID: 1) Chin. cin. con. dulc. merc. sabad. sep. 2) Ambr. bell. cann. carb.-a. carb.-v. cham. ign. phos. puls. rhus. r) BECOMING TURBID: Bry. caust. cham. cin. graph. hep. merc. mez. phos.-ac. rhus. seneg. sulph. s) CLOUDY: 1) Ambr. bry. caust. merc. nitr. petr. phos.-ac. seneg. thuj. 2) Ant. chin. kal. lach. rhod. sass. § 4. As regards the sediment, deposited by urine, give: a) For BLOODY urine: 1) Cann. canth. puls. 2) Arn. ars. chin. ipec. lyc. merc. mez. 3) Calc. caps. con. n.-vom. phos. sec. sep. sulph. zinc. 4) Chim. hed. senec. tereb. b) BLOODY SEDIMENT: 1) Sep. sulph.-ac. 2) Canth. dulc. lyc. phos.-ac. puls. c) PURULENT: 1) Cann. canth. clem. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sep. 2) Chim. d) FIBRINOUS, FLOCCULENT: Cann. canth. merc. mez. nitr.- ac. seneg. tart. e) OPALESCENT: Calc. chin. hep. iod. par. petr. phos. puls. sulph. f) JELLY-LIKE SEDIMENT: Coloc. puls. g) YELLOW SEDIMENT: 1) Baryt. cham. chin. cupr. lyc. phos. sil. spong. sulph.-ac. zinc. 2) Amm. canth. lach. h) GRAY SEDIMENT: Con. hyosc. spong. i) GRAVEL, SAND, OR STONE SEDIMENT: 1) Lyc. sass. 2) Calc. cann. n.-vom. petr. phos. pod. sep. sil. 3) Alum. ambr. amm. ant. canth. chin. lach. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. puls. thuj. zinc. k) LOAMY sediment: Amm.-m. sass. sep. sulph. sulph.-ac. zinc. 1) Sediment resembling FLOUR, CHALK OR LIME: Calc. chin graph. merc. natr.-m. phos.-ac. sulph. tart. m) REDDISH, BRICK COLORED: 1) Canth. chin. lyc. natr.-m phos. puls. sep. squill. valer. 2) Ácon. ambr. ant. arn. dulc. lach. nitr.-ac. sil. n) SLIMY URINE OR SEDIMENT; 1) Ars, dulc, merc. natr.-m. = UTERUS, DISEASES OF THE. 486 puls. seneg. 2) Ant. canth. carb.-v. coloc. con. hep. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. sass. sulph. 3) ascl.-t. chim. erig. eupat.-purp. sarrac. o) MUCOUS THREADS IN THE URINE: Cann. canth. merc. mez. nitr.-ac. seneg. tart. p) WHITISH sediment: Colch. dulc. hep. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. phos.-ac. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. 2) eryng. eup.-perf. eupat.-purp. phyt. q) SPECIFIC GRAVITY TOO HIGH: Asclep.-syr. eupat.-purp. hel. myr. phyt. puls. sarrac. senec. r) SPECIFIC GRAVITY TOO LOW: eryng. eupat.-purp. puls. Comp.: Urinary Difficulties, Gonorrhoea, Enuresis, Cysti- · tis, &c. UTERUS, Diseases of the. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. cham. cocc. cón. hyosc. ign. magn. magn.-m. n.-vom. plat. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Bry. caust. mosch. natr.-m. n.-mosch. stann. stram. verat. 3) Aletr. asclep. caul. cimicif. gossyp. hed. helon. ham. nymph. pod. senec. trill., &c. Comp.: Hysteria. § 2. SWELLING OF THE UTERUS in old females or women, who have borne many children, require: 1) Sep. 2) Bell.? calc.? chin.? n.-vom.? plat. ? METEORISMUS of the uterus: phos. lyc. sulph. coccos 3. METRITIS: See that article. 8 4. 4. PUTRESCENTIA UTERI, as sometimes occurs in cachec- tic females after confinement, requires: Sec. § 5. HYDATIDS AND MOLES: for their expulsion: Puls. sec. To remove disposition: 1) Calc. sil. 2) Calc. sulph. sil. 3) Acon. ars. bell. chin. ferr. graph. hyosc. kal. lyc. merc. sabin. sep. canth. § 6. METRALGIA OR HYSTRALGIA: 1) Cocc. con. ign. magn. magn.-m. 2) Bell. bry. caust. cham. hyosc. natr.-m. n.-vom. plat. sep. stann. 3) Aletr. caul. cimicif. gels. hed, senec. § 7. POLYPI, vaginal and uterine: 1) Calc. sang. staph. 2) Aur. con. lyc. merc. mez. nitr.-ac. petr. phos. phos.-ac. plat. puls. sil. teucr. thuj. 3) Hydr. § 8. PAINFULNESS of the os-tince to the touch: Chin. 9. SCIRRHUS AND CANCER of the uterus: see that article. § 10. PROLAPSUS OF THE UTERUS: 1) Aur. bell. calc. n. vom. sep. stann. 2) Benz.? gran.? kreas. ? merc.? n.- mosch.? 3) Aletr. cimicif. collins. eupat.-pur. hel. ham. pod. § 11. VAGINA, swelling of.--For swelling of the labia: Merc. sep. sulph. VALERIANA.—VARICES. 487 VALERIANA, ILL EFFECTS OF.-The best remedy is Cham., after which Coff.; in some cases N.-vom. or Sulph. VAPORS, NOXIOUS, ill effects of. Hering proposes: 1. To counteract sulphuretted hydrogen: 1) Sprinkling with water and vinegar, which should at the same time be held under the patient's nose to inhale the vapor. 2) Chlore- water, when the patient shows signs of life after having been apparently dead; a few drops may be given internally. 3) Black coffee, when the diluted vinegar does not agree, and the patient complains of chilliness; 4) a few drops of good wine, when great heat and debility set in. § 2. The vapors of coal are antidoted by: 1) Water and vinegar; and after return of consciousness: 2) By a few doses of Opium; or, 3) Bell. if Op. should be insufficient. The ill effects of emanations from wood and loam-work in recently built houses, are best treated with Sulph.-ac. § 3. The vapors of chlore require: 1) Tobacco-smoke; 2) Brandy or wine; 3) Loaf sugar. § 4. See: SULPHUR, PRUSSIC-ACID, MERCURY, &c. VARICELLA.-Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ant. bell. puls. rhus. tart. 2) Ars. canth. carb.-v. con. ipec. merc. sep. sil. thuj. 3) Asa. caust. cycl. led. natr. natr.-m. sec. sol.-m. sulph. § 2. As regards varieties, give for: a) Varicella emphysematica: 1) Acon. ant. bell. puls. tart. 2) Canth. con. merc. sec. sil. sol.-m. thuj. b) For the so-called swine- or water-pox: Acon. belk led. puls. rhus. For the acuminated varicellæ: 1) Acon. ant. bell. puls. rhus. tart. 2) Ars. carb.-v. ipec. sep. thuj. § 3. In the inflammatory period give Acon., no matter what form the eruption may have, or Bell. if the brain should be irritated. The tenesmus or ischuria requires: Canth. con merc. Swelling of the cervical glands: Bell. carb.-v. merc. Large pustules with profuse suppuration: Ars. merc. puls. rhus. thuj. For slow development of the eruption, with gastric and bilious symptoms: 1) Ant. puls. tart. 2) Ipec. rhus. sulph. § 4. See: VARIOLA, EXANTHEMS, VARIOLOID. VARICES.-Principal remedies: 1) Arn. ars. calc. carb.- v. caust. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ambr. ant. coloc. ferr. 488 VARIOLA. graph. kreas. laches. lycop. magn.-aus. natr.-m. silic. spigel. sulph.-ac. zinc. VARIOLA. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. merc. rhus. thuj. 2) Acon. bell. bry. camph chin. sulph. tart. 3) Bapt. caul. cimicif. diosc. gels. hydr. sarrac. verat.-vir. § 2. Precursory stage: Acon. gels. verat.-vir.; or, Coff. bry. rhus.-t. For METASTASIS TO THE BRAIN: Bell.; and for GASTRIC AILMENTS: Ars. ipec. If the eruption be accomplished, give Sulph. or merc., to promote the desiccation; if the eruption should be very vio- Îent, a dose of Bell. may be required; and, if the suppura- tive fever should be very violent, give Acon, or bell.; or Cham., if there should be cough. If the pus should be icho- rous, and gangrene threaten to set in, give Ars. or carb.-v.; ptyalism requires Merc.; catarrh with cough and hoarseness, Ars. merc., and for diarrhoea give China. § 3. Generally speaking use: a) During the FEVER PERIOD: 1) Acon. bell. gels. veratr.- vir. 2) Bapt. op. ars. sarrac. b) During the ERUPTIVE PERIOD: 1) Hydr. merc. 2) Ant.- cr. caul. cimicif. bell. stram. c) MATURITY: Hydr. merc. sarrac.? sulph. thuj. d) Period of DESICCATION: 1) Acon. bell. cham. puls. 2) Bry. n.-vom. 3) Caul. gels. hydr. sarrac. e) BLACK, GANGRENOUS pocks: 1) Ars. carb.-v. 2) Bell. hyosc. lach. rhus. sec. sil. § 4. Symptomatic indications: ARSENICUM: Angina faucium; metastasis to the mouth and throat, in the last part of the eruptive period; also for black pocks. BAPTISIA: Pustules appear thickly upon the palatine arch, tonsils, uvula; fetid breath, profuse salivation and great prostration. BELLADONNA: After Acon., for violent fever, congestion of blood to the head, furious delirium, meningitis; intense swelling of the skin and of the mucous membranes, with tick- ling cough and salivation, dysuria and tenesmus of the blad- der; ophthalmia with photophobia. BRYONIA Precursory stage with gastric symptoms, or after the eruption is out, when ascites sets in. CAMPHORA: In those dangerous cases, where the swelling. VARIOLOID. 489 suddenly sinks in and the pustules suddenly dry up, showing a complete giving out of the life-forces. CHINA: Black pustules, diarrhoea, oppression, &c., during the eruption. CIMICIFUGA: In the precursory stage for the musculår pains; it decidedly modifies the disease, preventing pitting and even the development of pustules. COFFEA: Restlessness and bilious vomiting at the com- mencement of the disease. GELSEMINUM: Intense and painful fever at the commence- ment of the disease with tendency to convulsions. HEPAR: For the suppurative fever; croupy cough. HYDRASTIS: Itching and tingling of the face with ædema- tous swelling; sore throat; dark pustules, prostration. MERCURIUS: Ptyalism, tendency of blood to the head; irritation of the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose and mouth, during maturity; diarrhoea in the last half of the period of dessication. PHOSPHORUS: Hæmorrhagic diathesis; bloody contents of the pustules; hard, dry cough; bronchitis; hæmorrhage from the lungs. PHOSPH.-ACID: Typhoid condition; the pustules don't fill with matter, but degenerate into large blisters, which burst- ing, leave the surface excoriated; watery diarrhoea. RHUS-TOX.: Typhoid symptoms; the eruption shrinks and looks livid, SARRACENIA: Recommended for the whole disease from beginning to end; no characteristics yet! TARTAR-EMETIC: If the exanthem is tardy in developing itself with nausea, vomiting, sleepiness or for suppression of the eruption; also in putrid variola. THUJA: For the suppurative stage. Vaccinium and Varı- olinum have been used with benefit. VERATRUM.-VIR.: Intense fever with excessive pain and restlessness. Used in alternation with Macrotin thê vesicles flattened rapidly, dried and fell off. VARIOLOID. Principal remedies: Bell. and Merc.; or, Ars. and rhus. Precursory stage, for violent fever and headache, Acon. and Bell., and for pain in the small of the back. To promote desiccation, give: Sulphur. bry. For subsequent catarrh, give Merc. or Bell.; or, when 21* 490 VEINS, SWELLING OF THE.—VERTIGO. asthmatic affections are present, with mucous rattling: Tart. emet. and senega. The affections of the bones require: Sil. or Phosph.-ac. ; and those of the joints: Bell. bry, merc. VEINS, SWELLING OF THE. Principal remedies: 1) Bellad, china. crocus. ferr. hyosc. phosph. pulsat. sulph. thuj. 2) Amm. arn. baryt. calc. chelid. cicut. coloc. coni. cyclam. laches. lycop. magn.-arc. meny. natr.-m. n.-vom. phos.-ac. sassap. sepia. spigel. spong. VERTIGO. § 1. The principal remedies for vertigo and the affections of which it is sometimes the most prominent sýmptom, are: 1) Acon. arn. bell. calc. chin. con. hep. lach. lyc. merc. n.- vom. op. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Ant. baryt. bry. carb.-an. cham. cic. cin. cocc. ign. kal. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. petr. sec. sep. stram. veratr. zinc. § 2. For vertigo proceeding from the stomach, the best remedies are: Acon. ant. arn. bell. cham. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. Vertigo from cerebral irritation or debility, requires: Arn. bell. cham. chin. cin. hep. mosch. n.-vom. puls. and rhus. From congestion of blood to the brain: Acon. arn. bell. chin. con. lach. merc. n.-vom. op. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. From suppression of ulcers or cutaneous eruptions: 1) Cale. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. carb.-veg. cham. hep. ipec. lach. phosph. puls. From riding in a carriage: 1) Hep. sil.; or, 2) Cocc. petrol. § 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM Vertigo on raising one's head when lying or stooping, and when attended with: nausea, eruptions, vomit- ing, obscuration of sight, loss of consciousness, dizziness. ANTIMONIUM: Derangement of the stomach, nausea and vomiting, aversion to food, &c. ARNICA: Vertigo in consequence of too copious meal, or during a meal, with nausea, obscuration of sight, dizziness, red face, &c. BELLADONNA: Vertigo with anguish, stupefaction or ab- sence of mind, darkness; or vacillation, nausea, trembling of the hands, and scintillations; or when the vertigo is caused by stooping or raising one's-self. CHAMOMILLA: Vertigo on rising in the morning, or after VERTIGO. 491 } eating, and especially after drinking coffee; with obscuration of sight, or fainting turns. CHINA: Vertigo on raising one's head (or during motion), with sensation of weakness of the head, which the patient is not well able to hold erect. CONIUM: Vertigo causing the patient to fall to one side, es- pecially when looking about; sensation of heaviness and full- ness of the head; weak memory. HEPAR: Vertigo from riding in a carriage, or moving the head; or vertigo with nausea, stupefaction, fainting turn and obscuration of sight. LACHESIS: Vertigo with pale face, fainting, vomiting, bleed- ing at the nose, &c., especially when the vertigo is felt early on waking, or when it is attended with absence of mind, stupidity, intoxication, &c. MERCURIUS: Vertigo on rising, or raising one's head; or in the evening, with nausea, obscuration of sight, heat, an guish, desire to lie down. NUX-VOM. Vertigo during or after a meal, or when walk- ing in the open air, stooping or thinking; or in the morning, or evening in bed, when lying on the back, with sensation as if the head were turning and with danger of falling; or with buzzing in the ears, obscuration of sight; or fainting turn and loss of consciousness. OPIUM: Vertigo from fright, especially when attended with: Trembling, debility, stupefaction, buzzing, obscuration of sight; the vertigo comes on by raising one's-self in bed, and obliges one to lie down again. PULSATILLA: Vertigo causing the patient to fall, especially on lifting one's eyes, or when sitting or stooping, especially in the evening in bed or after a meal; with heaviness of the head, buzzing in the ears, heat or paleness of the face, ob- scuration of sight; nausea and desire to vomit. RHUS-T.: Vertigo on lying down in the evening, with fear that he will fall or die. SILICEA: Vertigo in the morning, or on lifting up one's eyes, when riding in a carriage, or stooping, and after an emotion, with fear of falling, nausea; or when the vertigo seems to rise from the back to the nape of the neck and thence to the head. SULPHUR: Vertigo especially when sitting, ascending an eminence, or after a meal, in the morning, evening, or at night; with nausea, fainting, or bleeding of the nose. § 4. ESCULUS-GL.: Severe vertigo with reeling and 492 VERTIGO. nausea; vertigo with dimness of sight; confused stupor; thickness of speech; sensation of fullness and cramps in the stomach. CACTUS: Vertigo from sanguineous congestion to the head with strong pulsation and heavy weight in the head. EUPHORBIA-COR.: Vertigo with faintness, dimness of sight and prostration. GELSEMINUM: Constant dizziness with tendency to stagger and imperfection of vision, aggravated by smoking; swim- ming sensation in the head, which felt very light with vertigo. GLONOINE: Congestive vertigo with feeling of fullness in the head, like intoxicated, and face alternately pale or red. with simultaneous congestions to the heart. LOBELIA Vertigo with nausea; vertigo with pain in the head and trembling agitation of the body with a dull heavy pain around the forehead from one temple to the other, on a Îine immediately above the eyebrows. § 5. Consider moreover: For vertigo with ANXIETY: Bell. caust. coff. merc. n.-mosch. rhod.; with ERUCTATIONS : Magn.-c. n.-mosch. petr. sang. sass.; with DIMNESS before the eyes: Acon. arn. bell. calc. carb.-a. cham. cic. hep. hyosc. gels. ign. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. puls.; with LOSS OF CON- SCIOUSNESS: Ang. baryt. bor. carb.-a. caust. chin. con. ipec. lach. laur. natr.-m. n.-vom. op. phos. sulph.; with GASTRIC AILMENTS, NAUSEA, VOMITING: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. cocc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. chin. hep. lob. lyc. magn.- c. nitr -ac. petr. phos. ; with PALE FACE: Lach. led. magn.-c. petr. puls.; with PALPITATION OF THE HEART: Glon. plat. puls.; WITH HEADACHE: 1) Acon. bell. cact. camph. cocc. gels. ign. lach. n.-vom. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Ars. asa. bov. calc. chin. coff. con. glon. lact. laur. lob. magn.-c. phos. sec. sil.; with AFFECTION OF THE STOMACH: 1) Ant n.-vom. puls. 2) Acon. ambr. arn. bell. cham. hell. kal. merc. rhus.; with FAINTING: Bry. cham. croc. euphorb. hep. lach. magn.-c. mosch, n.-vom. sulph.; with SURRING IN THE EARS: Chin. n.- vom. puls. sang. sep.; with FALLING BACKWARDS: 1) Bell. 2) Chin. chinin. kal. led phos.-ac. rhus. sass. spig. spong. stram. with INCLINATION TO SLEEP: Laur. phos. puls.; with FALLING SIDEWAYS: Amm.-m. cann. con. dros. mez. n.-vom. rhus. sil. sulph.; with FALLING DOWN in general: 1) Bell. cic. cocc. con. puls, rhus, sil. sulph. 2) Acon. cann. chin. graph. kal. kal.-bi. phos.-ac. rhod. sass. spig. spong. For FALIJNG VINEGAR. VOMIT, BLACK. 493 FORWARDS: Arn. cic. cupr. ferr. graph. magn.-c. natrum.-m. phos.-ac. rhus. sass. sil. sulph. § 6. When the vertigo comes especially IN THE EVENING: Amm. ars. calc. carb.-a. graph. hep. kal. merc. nitr.-ac. n.- vom. phos. phos.-ac. plat. puls. After LYING DOWN IN BED: N.-mosch. n.-vom. petr. rhod. staph.; when RISING UP IN BED: Acon. arn. ars. baryt. bell. bry. calc. carb.-v. con. merc. petr. phos.; when OPENING THE EYES: Acon. puls. sang.; when SHUTTING THE EYES: Ars. hep. lach. petr. thuj.; when STOOPING: 1) Baryt. bell. bry. lach. lyc. n.-vom. petr. puls. 2) Acon. carb.-v. mosch.; when EATING: Amm. arn. magn.-c. magn.-m. phos. sil. AFTER EATING: Cham. natr.-m. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sulph.; when CROSSING A STREAM: Ang. brom. ferr. sulph.; in the OPEN AIR: Ambr. calc. canth. dros. kal. n.-vom. phos. sep. sulph. ; in the MORNING: Agar. alum. bell. carb.-a. carb.-v. cham. con. lach. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. puls.; when wALKING: Arn. ars. bell. calc. ferr. ipec. merc. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac.; after DRINKING COFFEE: Cham. mosch. n.-vom.; when MOVING THE HEAD: Acon. arn. calc. chin. natr.-m. sang.; when READING: Amm. arn. when LYING DOWN: Ars. carb.-a. con. lach. natr. petr. phos. rhus. sep. staph. thuj.; when LYING ON THE BACK: Merc. n.-vom. sulph.; when THINKING: Agar. natr. puls.; at NIGHT: Amm. calc. carb.-a. caust. natr. nitr.-ac. phos. sass. sulph.; when LOOKING DOWN: Oleand.; when SPEAKING: Cham.; when WRITING: Kal. merc. phos.-ac. rhod.; when LOOKING UP: Caust cupr. graph. plumb. sep.; when SITTING: Amm. caust. kal. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. sulph.; from the LIGHT OF THE SUN: Agar.; when ASCENDING: Bor. calc.; after DRINKING: Mang. sep.; when TURNING AROUND OF LOOKING ABOUT: Agar. con. ipec. phos. ther. § 7. Spasms. Compare: Congestion of the Head, Apoplexy, VINEGAR, ill effects of. Principal remedies: Acon. ars. asar. ign. n.-vom. puls. sep. VOMIT, BLACK; melæna. This disease, which is characterized by discharge of black blood by the mouth or rectum, requires: 1) Ars. chin. verat. 2) Ipec. n.-vom. petr. phos. plumb. sulph.-ac. ? Comp.: Black and bloody evacuations under diarrhoea and vomiting. 494 VOMITING AND NAUSEA. VOMITING AND NAUSEA : § 1. The remedies, which are generally indicated by these symptoms are: 1) Ipec. n.-vom. puls. 2) Ars. bry. cham. cupr. ferr. sil. sulph. verat. 3) Ant. arn. bell. calc. chin. ein. dig. dros. dulc. hyosc. ign. lach. merc. phos. plumb. sec. sep. tart. 4) Ambr. carb.-v. caust. cic. cin. coloc. guaj. lyc. natr.- m. op. petr. rhus. sabad. stann. 5) Esc.-hip. apoc.-and. asar. cact. collins. erig. eupat.-perf. iris. sang. 6) Asclep.-tub. caul. cimicif. gels. ham. hed. lob. phyt. triost. verat.-vir. § 2. HEMATEMESIS, vomitus cruentus: 1) Acon. alœ. arn. ars. ferr. hyosc. ipec. n.-vom. phos. 2) Amm. bell. bry. canth. carb.-v. caust. chin. hyosc. lach. lyc. mez. mill. plumb. puls. sec. sulph. verat.-alb. 3) cactus. erig. eryng. ham. lycopus. rum. sang. verat.-vir. VOMITING OF FÆCAL MATTER: (Passio iliaca, ileus, chor- dapsus, miserere, &c.) 1) Bell. n.-vom. op. sulph. 2) Acon. bry. plumb. raph. thuj. ? VOMITING OF BLACK MATTER, melæna: 1) Ars. calc. chin. verat. 2) Ipec. n.-vom. raph. sulph., &c. Vomiting OF THE INGESTA: 1) Ars. ferr. hyosc. ipec. n.- vom. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. cin. cocc. cupr. dros. graph. kal. kreas. lach. natr.-m. phos. rhus. sep. stann. verat. Vomiting of DRINKS: 1) Ars. hyosc. ipec. sil. verat. 2) Arn. cin. samb. spong. § 3. Vomiting in consequence of PASSIVE MOTIONS, such as riding in a carriage, sailing, requires: 1) Ars. cocc. colch. ferr. petr. 2) Bell. croc. n -mosch. sec. sil. sulph. If by OVERLOADING THE STOMACH, or by eating indigestible food: 1) Ipec. puls. 2) Ant. bry. n.-vom. sulph. 3) Ars. bell. ferr. rhus. Vomiting of DRUNKARDS: 1) Ars. lach. n.-vom. op. 2) calc. sulph. Vomiting of PREGNANT FEMALES: 1) Ipec. n.-vom. sulph. 2) Con. ferr. puls. sep. 3) Acon. ars. kreas. lach. magn.-m. natr.-m. n.-mosch. petr. phos. veratr. If caused by WORMS: 1) Acon. cin. ipec. merc. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Bell. carb.-v. chin. lach. § 4. Use more particularly: For vomiting of BILE, with bitter taste and greenish look: 1) Ars. bell. bry. cham. ipec. merc. n..vom. phos. puls. sep. verat. 2) Ant. arn. cann. chin. cin. coloc. con. cupr. dros. dulc. ign. lach. lyc. petr. raph. sec. sulph. 3) Apoc.-and. eupat.-perf. iris. lob. verat.-vir. WARMTH, DEFICIENT. 495 If it tastes SALTY: Magn.-c. puls. sil. sulph. For SOUR smelling and tasting vomiting: Calc. cham, chin. n.-vom. phos. phos.-ac. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. ferr. ipec. lyc. sulph.-ac. tart. 3) Ĉact. iris. Vomiting of MUCUS: 1) Ars. bell. dros. n.-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. ant. calc. cham. chin. cin. con. guaj. hep. hyosc. ign. merc. sec. verat. 3) Eupat.-perf. iris. sang. WATERY Vomiting: 1) Bell. bry. caust. ipec. 2) Arn. ars. chin. cupr. n.-vom. puls. sulph. § 5. Vomiting by MOTION Ars. bry. n.-vom. veratr. With DIARRHEA : 1) Ars. bell. coloc. cupr. dulc. ipec. phos. puls. veratr. 2) Apoc.-and. iris. Worse AFTER EATING: 1) Ars. ferr. ipec. kreas. n.-vom. puls. sulph. verat. 2) Acon. arn. hyosc. natr.-m. Vomiting EVERY MORNING: 1) Ars. dros. n.-vom. verat. 2) Hep. lyc. natr.-m. sil. AT NIGHT: Ars. chin. ferr. n.-vom. sil. sulph. AFTER DRINKING: 1) Ars. chin. ferr. verat. 2) Acon, arn. bry. cham. n.-vom. puls. sil. § 6. Vomiting of MUCUS AND THEN BILE: Verat.; of MUCUS AND THEN FOOD: Ars. oleand. ; of FOOD AND THEN BILE : natr.-m. phos. zinc.; of FOOD AND THEN MUCUS: Dros. n.-vom. selen.; of FOOD AND THEN WATER: Ferr. puls.; of WATER AND THEN FOOD: Ipec. magn. n.-vom. sulph. BITTER-SALTY : Sil. BITTER-SOUR: Tart. ipec. puls.; OF CLOTTED BLOOD: Arn. caust.; BROWN: Ars. bism. mez. phos.; FOUL: Bry. cocc. n.-vom. carb.-v. kreas.; ONLY OF SOLID FOOD: Ars. bry. cupr. phos. puls. sulph. verat.; ONLY OF FLUIDS: Ars. dulc. merc.-cor. puls. sil.; of COLD FLUID AFTER GETTING WARM IN THE STOMACH: Phos.; JELLY-LIKE: Ipec.; YELLOWISH: Ars. colch. iod.; GREENISH-BLACK: Petr. phos. plumb.; OILY : N.-vom.; MILKY: Arn.; SALTY: Iod. magn. puls. sep. sil. sulph.; FOAMY: Lyc. merc.-cor. puls. verat.; SWEETISH: Calc. kreas. plumb. § 7. Comp.: Gastric derangement; Weak Stomach, Gas- tritis, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Worm-affections, &c. WARMTH, DEFICIENT, TENDENCY TO FEEL CHILLY, &c. & 1. Principal remedies for this symptom: 1) Ars. bry. camph. carb.-veg. con. dulc. ipec. lyc. natr. natr.-m. puls. ran. rhus. veratr. 2) Acon. alum. ang. arn. calc. caps. caust. chel. chin. euphorb. ferr. led. merc. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. oleand. op. phosph. sabad. sassap. sep. staph. stram. 496 WARMTH, DEFICIENT. sulph. thuj. 3) Aur. baryt. bell. carb.-an. cic. graph. hell. hyos. kal. magn.-arct. sec. squill. staph. tart. § 2. When there is an excessive want of animal heat: 1) Ars. chel. con. phosph. puls. ran. rhus. sep. veratr. 2) Acon. alum, ang. calc. camph. caps. caust. chel. chin, euphorb. ferr. ipec. led. lyc. natr. natr.-m. nitr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. oleand. op. sabad. sassap. staph. stram. sulph. tart. thuj. b) For great sensitiveness to the open air: 1) Amm. calc. caps. carb.-an. caust. cham. cocc. coff, mez. natr. n.-vom. puls. rhus. 2) Agar. alum. annac. aur. bell. cicl. dulc. lach. lyc. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-mosch. rhod. c) Chilliness, disposition to feel chilly, even in a room, &c.: 1) Ars. bry. carb.-veg. caust. chin. magn.-arct. merc. natr.-m. n.-vom. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Agn. alum. anac. asar. calc. cham. cocc. hep. ipec. kreas. mez. natr. nitr.-ac. n..-mosch. petr. ran. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. veratr. d) Frequent shuddering: 1) Acon. ars. bell. chin, cocc. ign. merc. n.-vom. puls. rhus. sep. staph. 2) Aur. bry. calc. caust. clem. coff. hep. kal. magn.-arct. magn.-aust. magn.-m. natr. natr.-m. phosph. plat. rhab. sabad. sabin. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. 83) a) External coldness: 1) Arn. ign. merc. mosch. n.- vom. phosph. plat. rhus. sec. veratr. 2) Calc. caust. chin. lyc. mez. mur.-ac. puls. rhod. sabad. sec. staph. sulph. b) Internal coldness: 1) Ars. calc. chin. laur. lyc. n.-vom. puls. sep. 2) Agn. alum. amb. bell. bry. chin. colch, ign. men. merc. mez. phosph. spig. sulph. veratr. c) Coldness or chilliness on one side: 1) Caust. n.-vom. puls. rhus. 2) Baryt. bell. bry. verb. d) Constant Coldness or chilliness about the head: 1) Bell. calc. phosph. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. arn. dule. mosch. e) Constant coldness or chilliness in the back: 1) Bell. calc. caps. chin. lach. natr.-m. n.-vom. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Amm.-m. camph. croc. dig. dulc. hep. lyc. phosph. rhus. sec. staph. thuj. f) Constant coldness of the hands: 1) Iod. lach. natr. natr.- m. sulph. 2) Amb. aur. calc. carb.-an. carb.-veg. caust. chin. coloc. con. dros. graph. merc. natr. natr.-m. n.-vom. ran. sas- sap. spig. thuj. g) Coldness of the feet: 1) Amm. amm.-m. calc. caust. con. graph. cal. lach. lyc. mur.-ac. natr. natr. -m. petr. phosph. plat. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) Amb. ars. carb.-an. carb.-veg. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. kreas. merc. nitr.-ac. oleand. sep. stront. zinc. WARTS. 497 -WHOOPING-COUGH. WARTS, VERRUCÆ. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. caust. dulc. natr. nitr.- ac. rhus. sep. sulph. thuj. 2) Ars. baryt. bell. hep. lyc. natr.- m. phos.-ac. sil. staph. Warts on the hands of onanists require: Nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. thuj. § 2. Use moreover: For old warts: Calc. caust. nitr.-ac. rhus. sulph. Bleeding warts: Magn.-aust. natr. nitr.-ac. thuj. Inflamed warts: 1) Caust. natr. nitr.-ac. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. calc. rhus. sep. staph. Ulcerated warts: 1) Calc. caust. hep. natr. thuj. 2) Ars. phosph. sil. Itching warts: Euphr. kal. nitr.-ac. phosph. thuj. Painful warts: 1) Calc. caust. petr. phosph. rhus. 2) Lyc. nitr.-ac. sep. sil. sulph. § 3. Flat warts require: Dulc. lach. Large warts: Caust. dule. kal. natr. nitr.-ac. sep. Small warts: 1) Calc. nitr.-ac. rhus. sassap. sep. sulph. thuj. 2) Dulc. ferr. hep. lach. Hard horny warts: Ant. borax. dulc. graph. ran. sulph. thuj. Pediculated: Dulc. lyc. thuj. § 4. Warts in the face: Caust. dulc. kal. nitr.-ac. sep. sulph. In the eyebrows: Caust. On the eyelids: Nitr.-ac. Under the eyes: Sulph. On the nose: Caust. Warts on the arms: Calc. caust. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. Warts on the hands: Calc. dulc. lach. lyc. nitr.-ac. rhus. sep. sulph. thuj. Warts on the fingers: Lach. nitr.-ac. rhus.-t. sep. sulph. thuj. WHOOPING-COUGH, TUSSIS CONVULSIVA. § 1. PRINCIPAL REMEDIES: 1) Cin. dros. 2) Carb.-v. ipec. n.-vom. puls. verat. 3) Acon, arn. bell, calc. cupr. dulc. hep. kal. merc. tart. 4) Bry. cham. con. iod. lact. led. sep. sulph. 5) Anac. arg.-n. ars. ferr. lach. nitr.-ac. samb. 6) Arum.-tr. asar. caul. eupat.-ar. euphorb. hed. lob. pod. sang. 7) Acid.-carbol.? § 2. In the first period, period of incubation, give: Acon bell. carb.-v. dulc. ipec. n.-vom. puls. verat. ACONITUM: Dry and wheezing cough, with fever or burn- ing pains in the larynx or trachea. BELLADONNA: Severe paroxysms with congestion of blood 498 WHOOPING COUGH. to the head; expectoration of blood and bleeding from the nose; the eyes look congested; involuntary stool and urine: spasms in the throat with stiffness of the limbs. The parox- ysm is often announced with crying, which arises from pain in the stomach, but is not accompanied by vomiting. Carbo-Veg.: The cough threatens to pass over into the se- cond stage; convulsive cough,especially in the evening or before midnight, with red neck, pain in the throat when swallowing, lachrymation; or stitches in the head, pains in the chest and throat, or when an eruption breaks out on the head and abdomen; great exhaustion after every coughing spell, with blueness of the skin, hot head and face. DULCAMARA: Moist cough from the commencement, with easy expectoration and hoarseness, and when the cough was brought on by taking cold. IPECACUANHA: The coughing is so rapid, the child scarcely gets a chance to breathe; gets blue in the face, strangles at every cough; stiffness of body, suffocation, perspiration on the forehead; worse in the room and better in the open air. NUX-VOMICA: Frequent very dry, hard cough from mid- night till morning; the child puts its hands up to its head while coughing: vomiting, anguish, suffocation, bluish face, bleeding from the mouth and nose, constipation. PULSATILLA Very loose cough from the beginning, worse towards evening; vomits mucus at every fit of coughing; diarrhoea, worse at night; useful also in neglected cases, where there is profuse expectoration of yellow mucus. § 3. In the SPASMODIC period, with vomiting and bleeding from the nose and mouth, the best remedies are: Caul. cin. cupr. dros. verat., or 2) bell. merc. CINA: During the paroxysm the children suddenly become rigid, and the paroxysm is followed by a gurgling noise from the throat to the abdomen; this remedy is a specific, when the children are affected with the usual worm symptoms, such as: ravenous appetite, cutting in the bowels, itching of the anus, desire to rub one's nose or to bore with the finger in it. (Comp.: Merc.) CORALLIA: Violent spasmodic cough; firing minute guns. of short barking cough all day, and for half an hour or so toward evening, increasing to a violent spasmodic paroxysm; severe paroxysm, followed by a loose cough with vomiting of great quantities of very tough, ropy, stringy mucus. CUPRUM: Cataleptic fits with unconsciousness and much mucus on the chest; the body becomes rigid during the WHOOPING-COUGH. 499 paroxysm with arrest of breathing and loss of consciousness, vomiting after the paroxysms and rattling of mucus in the chest between the paroxysms; with every paroxysm the child appears as if it were really dead. (After cuprum verat. is often suitable.) DROSERA: Few, if any, paroxysms of violent coughing until midnight, when violent paroxysms set in; the whoop is well developed, often with bleeding at the nose and mouth and sometimes tremendous fever; the paroxysms cease in the morning or before noon; cough in violent spasmodic spells, as if it would suffocate. LEDUM: Dizziness; staggering after the paroxysm; moaning and groaning during sleep; spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm after the spell, so that inhalation becomes double, sobbing-like, as we observe after hard crying-spells. VERATRUM-ALB.: Dros. and Cupr. being insufficient, or sometimes before these medicines, especially when the children are very feeble with a sort of hectic fever, cold sweat, especially on the forehead; small, hurried and feeble pulse; great thirst; or the coughing causes an involuntary emission of urine, and pain in the chest and loins; between the parox- ysms the patients are in a comatose state and care not either to move or converse; excessive weakness of the neck, so that the children are scarcely able, to keep their head erect, attended with rash over the whole body or only in the face and on the hands. § 4. The convulsive form is not always fully developed, and it frequently happens, that, at a period, when the whoop- ing cough is epidemic, children are seized with a spasmodic cough which is without a great many of the characteristics of whooping-cough. The best remedies then are: Bell. bry. iod. merc. sulph. tart. BELLADONNA: Cerebral irritation, or the cough is preceded by a painful sensation in the region of the stomach, with bleeding of the nose and mouth, or ecchymoses in the eye; or when other spasmodic symptoms, such as: tetanus, con- vulsive asthma, &c., are present; or when the paroxysms terminate in sneezing. BRYONIA: When the child coughs almost always imme- diately after eating or drinking and vomits what it has eaten, after which it will return to the table, finish his meal and then have another paroxysm of coughing and vomiting; fre- quent paroxysms in the evening or at night. CHAMOMILLA: The cough and vomiting are more frequent 500 WHOOPING-COUGH. during the time of meal; fretful disposition; the cough is worse at night, when crying, from cold air and during sleep; better after getting warm in bed. CAUSTICUM: Cough, after getting better, comes to a stand still, and there remains a dry, hollow cough. (Com.: Phos.) CONIUM: Cough mostly at night, with bloody expectora tion; slight expectoration and no whoop. FERRUM: Vomiting of the ingesta after every cough. HYOSCIAMUS: Cough is always worse on lying down and better on rising up or sitting up. IODIUM: The cough is excited by tickling in the bronchi with undulating inspirations during the paroxysms, which are preceded by great anguish, attended with great exhaus- tion and emaciation. IPECACUANHA: The coughing is so rapid, the child scarcely gets any chance to breathe; gets blue in the face, strangles at every cough; stiffness of the body, suffocation, perspira- tion on the forehead; worse in the room, better in the open air. KALI-CARB Sacculated swelling over the eyes. LACHESIS: Great constant debility; cough worse after sleeping, either in the night or day. L'ACTUCA: Violent cough, with vomiting after every parox- ysms, but without any other characteristic symptoms. : LOBELIA Stadium adynamicum, violent racking cough, in paroxysms of long continuance, followed by profuse expec- toration of ropy mucus, which adheres to the pharynx. MERCURY: Double paroxysms of coughing, separated by an interval of perfect rest; the child sweats very much at night, and bleeds at the nose and mouth with every coughing spell. MEPHITES: Specific in some forms of spasmodic cough. NUX-VOMICA: Frequent, very dry, hard cough, worse in the morning; the child puts its hand up to its head, while coughing; constipation. PHOSPHORUS: Much hoarseness; almost total loss of voice from the effects of the cough. ← PULSATILLA: Cough very loose from the beginning, worse towards evening: vomits mucus at every fit of coughing; diarrhoea. SEPIA: The cough is always much worse in the morning, when it is loose and terminates in an effort to vomit. SILICEA: Worm-symptoms, when Cina did not suffice. SQUILLA: Violent coryza, eyes full of water, the nose WHOOPING-COUGH. 501 dribbles; rattling of mucus in the chest; every paroxysm winds up with sneezing and involuntary discharge of urine during paroxysm; morning aggravation. SULPHUR: Frequent relapses without any known cause or where the cause consists in exposure to cold in scrofulous subjects; suppressed cough, dry and choking, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. TARTARUS: The vomiting is accompanied by diarrhoea with great prostration, or the children vomit up their supper in the first hours after midnight. § 5. If the convulsive period has run its course, and catar- rhal symptoms remain, use: Arn. carb.-v. dulc. hep. puls. ARNICA: Sore, bruised sensation all through the chest, from violent paroxysms of coughing, so severe as to make the child cry, followed again by a paroxysm of coughing. He places his hands upon the chest, to support it during the coughing fit. Severe congestion to the brain during the cough with epistaxis and expectoration of foaming blood, mixed with clots of blood; sometimes there is putrid mucus, which cannot be expectorated, but is swallowed again; the cough is occasional during the day, but more frequent and severe in the evening, till midnight; aggravation from motion, in the warmth and after drinking. ARSENICUM: The cough is mostly in the day-time, with arrest of breathing, with tough mucus in the chest, and ex- pectoration of frothy mucus in lumps; asthmatic symptoms with great debility and coldness of surface. BARYTA-CARB.: Whooping cough in old people with rough- ness in the throat and a tickling sensation in the pit of the stomach. Aggravation in the evening before midnight; after getting the feet cold; when lying on the left side; when sleeping in a cold room and from thinking of it. CARBO-VEG.: The catarrhal cough frequently becomes spasmodic or the vomiting keeps up, though the other symp- toms of whooping cough have disappeared. CHELIDONIUM: A very loose, rattling cough remains a long time, and does not improve any more. COCCUS-CACTI: Every coughing spell is terminated by spit- ting of large quantities of ropy mucus. DULCAMARA: The catarrhal cough is accompanied by pro- fuse expectoration of mucus. HEPAR: Hoarse croupy night-cough; mucous rattling in the chest, with choking; cough worse after exposure to 502 WORM-AFFECTIONS. chilly night air, and from drinking cold water; the child cries. after coughing. KALI-BICHROM. Choking cough and spitting out tough, stringy mucus, which sticks to the throat, mouth and lips. PULSATILLA: Moist cough with easy expectoration of serous mucus. § 6. Although we have distinguished whooping cough into stages, we wish to have it remembered, that the selection of a remedy does not depend upon the name of the disease, but upon the symptoms, the pathological character of the disease and the state of the patient. Compare: Bronchitis, croup, cough, &c. WORM-AFFECTIONS, HELMINTHIASIS. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. cin. merc. sulph. 2) Calc. carb.-veg. chin. cic. ferr. fil. graph. ign. n.-mosch. n.- vom. sabad. sil. spig. 3) Ars. kal. natr.-m. petr. phosph. puls. ruta. sabin. val. § 2. For tænia, give a dose of Sulphur, when the moon is on the decline; at the next full moon give a dose of Mercury; then again, in eight days, a dose of Sulphur; and so on for some time. If this treatment should prove unsuccessful, give: 1) Calc. carb.-veg. graph. magn.-m. n.-vom. puls. sabad. sil. 2) Ign. merc. petr. phosph. 3) Fil. fragar.-vesc. gran. § 3. The best remedies for maw-worms are: 1) Acon. cin. merc. sabad. 2) Sulph.; or: 3) Bell. calc. cham. chin. cic. graph. hyos. lyc. natr.-m. n.-vom. rhus. ruta. sil. spig. Fever with colic, disposition to vomit, hard and distended abdomen, tenesmus or small slimy stools, require Acon.; after which, in a few hours, Cin. may be given; and if neces- sary, in 24 hours, Merc. If the fever and colic should be attended with great thirst, nervousness, sudden starting from sleep, and tendency to start, give Bell., or Lach. if Bell. should not suffice. For the fever, some have successfully given: Chin. cic. sil. spig. For the colic and convulsions: Cic. For worm-colic with canine hunger, diarrhoea and chilliness: Spig. For the fever-paroxysms of scrofulous patients: Sil. After these paroxysms have been subdued, a dose of Sul- phur may be given, allowing it to act 4, 5, 6 weeks, and if after the lapse of this period, worm-symptoms should still manifest themselves, such as: Loss of flesh, voracious ap- WORN OUT.—WOUNDS. 503 petite, pale face, &c. give: Baryt. calc. graph. lyc., or natr.-m. § 4. The best remedies for the ailments caused by asca- rides, are: 1) Acon. calc. chin. ferr. ign. merc. sulph.; or 2) Graph. n.-vom. phosph. teucr. For feverish restlessness at night, tossing about, give: Acon.; and, if this should not suffice, Ign. If Acon, and Ign. should not help, and if the distress should return at new or full moon, Sulph. should be given, either during the decline or increase of the moon; or else: Calc. ferr. chin. WORN OUT. SEE LASSITUDE AND DEBILITY. WOUNDS, INJURIES, SPRAINS, &c. § 1. Principal remedies: 1) Arn. cic. con. hep. lach. puls. rhus. sulph.-ac. 2) Acon. amm. bry. calc. caust. cham. euphr. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. phosph. ruta. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. 3) Alum. bell. borax. carb.-veg. dulc. iod. petr. sil. § 2. For sprains, luxations, &c., give; Arnica, 10 drops of the tincture in a tumblerful of water, before and after the necessary manual operations, such as: reduction of the dislo- cation, &c. If the contusion or luxation should be very bad, Arnica 30 may likewise be given internally; and if no result should have been obtained in 24 hours, Rhus.-t., one dose, allowing it to act until an improvement takes place. A second dose of Rhus. may be given after the first cases to act; or, if a pain should occasionally be experienced in the sprained joint, Amm. ruta. should be resorted to; or: Agn. bell. bry. puls.; or, Calc. carb.-an. carb.-veg. ign. lyc. magn.-aust. natr. natr.-m. nitr.-ac. n.-vom. petr. phosph. sep. sulph If the patient should have injured himself by lifting heavy weight, the principal remedy is Rhus.-t., especially when the dorsal and cervical muscles and the vertebral column are affected, and headache, pains in the back or gastric ailments are experienced. If Rhus should not suffice, give: Calc. cocc. natr. n.-vom. sulph.; or: Arn. bry. carb.-an. carb.-veg. graph. kal. lyc. sep. sil. If hernia inguinalis should have been caused by lifting heavy weight, or by straining the body, give: 1) N.-vom. sulph.-ac. 2) Cocc, sulph. If a prolapsus of the womb should have been occasioned by these causes, N.-vom. is almost a specific remedy, and should be resorted to before Bell. or Sep. are given. The ill effects of missing a step or pressing the foot to the 504 WOUNDS. floor with too much violence, require: 1) Bry. 2) Cic. con. puls. rhus. 3) Arn. spig. § 3. Parts which have been injured by a contusion, fall or blow, should be bathed with a solution of Arnica; Arnica being likewise taken internally if the contusion be very bad, or if the head, chest, abdomen, &c., should have been vio- lently concussed. If Arnica should be insufficient, give: For simple contusion without concussion: 1) Euphr. iod. puls. ruta. sulph.-ac. 2) Croc hep. mez. petr. phosph. sulph. For concussion from blow, shock, fall, or other causes: 1) Cic. con. puls. rhus. 2) Euphr. iod. lach. sulph. sulph.-ac. Concussion of the whole body by a fall: Bry. cic. con. puls. rhus sulph.-ac. Ecchymosis which does not yield to Arnica : 1) Bry. rhus. sulph.-ac. 2) Con, dule. lach. n.-vom. puls. sulph. Swelling of the injured parts: 1) Bry. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Bell. n.-vom. sulph.-ac. § 4. If there should be a solution of continuity (as in wounds, &c.) apply first Arnica as a wash; and if this should be insufficient, apply: For bites, not of poisonous animals: Arn. sulph -ac. And of poisonous animals: 1) Amm. ars. bell. 2) Caust. lach. natr.-m. puls. seneg. Contused wounds, see: Contusion in the preceding para- graph. Excoriations, bedsores: 1) Arn. sulph.-ac. 2) Carb.-veg. chin. puls. Cut-wounds: 1) Staph. sulph. 2) Natr. plumb. sil. sulph.-ac. Gun-shot-wounds: 1) Euphr. nitr.-ac. plumb. sulph.-ac. 2) puls. ruta. sulph. Splinters: 1) Acon. carb.-veg. sic. hep. nitr.-ac. sil. 2) Lach. sulph. Stab-wounds: 1) Carb.-veg. cic lach. nitr.-ac. sil. 2) Con. hep. plumb. sulph. Burns: Acon. ars. carb.-veg. caust. lach. stram. urtic. Relief is sometimes obtained by washing the burn with soap- spirits. Burns of the tongue sometimes are cured by a small dose of Ars. or Caust. § 5. Employ more particularly: For readily bleeding wounds: 1) Acon. arn. chin. phosph. 2) Carb.-veg. diadem. lach. sulph. sulph.-ac. For profuse suppuration: 1) Bell. chin. merc. puls. sulph. 2) Bell. hep. lach. plumb. For inflamed, angry, ulcerated wounds, give; 1) Cham. YAWNING, SPASMODIC.-ZONA, ZOSTER. 505 sil. 2) Borax. graph. hep. lach. merc. nitr.-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. sulph.-ac. Gangrenous wounds: 1) Ars. chin. lach. sil. 2) Acon. amm. bell. carb.-veg. euphorb. § 6. If the muscles and soft parts alone were injured, give: 1) Arn. euphr. hep. puls. sulph.-ac. 2) Con. dulc. lach. n.-vom. sulph. If the tendons, ligaments or synovial membranes: 1) Amm. arn. bry. rhus. ruta. 2) Calc. natr. natr.-m. phosph. 3) Agn. carb.-an. carb.-veg. lyc. magn.-aust. n.-vom. petr. sep. Wounds of glandular organs require: 1) Con. iod. kal. phosph. 2) Cic. hep. merc. puls. sil. sulph. Wounds of bones or the periosteum: 1) Calend. phos.-ac. puls. ruta. 2) Calc. phosph. sil. staph. Fractures: Calc. calend. ruta. sil. symphitum officinale. § 7. Traumatic convulsions (tetanus) require: Ang. bell. cic. cocc. Traumatic (wound) fever: Acon. bry. rhus.-t., provided Arn. is insufficient. Nervous symptoms, after violent concussion of the brain or spinal marrow, require: 1) Cic. con. 2) Bell. calc. cin. hep., provided Arn. is insufficient. § 8. See: POISONING, BITES OF POISONOUS ANIMALS, &c. YAWNING, SPASMODIC. The principal remedies for this symptom are: 1) Ign. magn.-arct. natr.-m. plat. rhus. sulph. 2) Amm, caust. cham. cocc. croc. euphr. lach. magn.-c. nitr.-ac. tart. veratr. ZONA, ZOSTER, IGNIS SACER. This disease only occurs on the trunk, and should not be confounded with common vesicular erysipelas. The principal remedies for this disease are: 1) Rhus.-t. 2) Graph. These two remedies generally suffice in recent cases. In old cases, which had been mismanaged with other medicines, we may try: Ars.; or: Merc. puls. or: Bry. cham. natr. selen. sil. sulph. CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. INCLUDING THE NEW REMEDIES. A. ACON.-ACONITUM-NAPELLUS.-Stitching pains, or pains confined to a small spot, fixed pains; painful sensitiveness. of the body, or especially of the affected part, to contact; loud complaints and outcries with weeping, tears, and des- pairing anxiety, especially at night; great nervous and vas- cular excitement, or great debility and fainting fits; dry burning heat of the skin and swollen parts; burning, red, inflamed eruptions; dry heat all over, with thirst, short breathing; full, hard, hurried pulse, redness of the face or cheeks, disposition to uncover oneself, chills when uncover- ing oneself ever so little; frequent shiverings, with dry burning heat of the skin; anguish and forebodings, lamenta- tions; apprehension of death, and designation of the day when it will happen; sensitiveness and tendency to start; zoomagnetic state of the mind; nightly delirium; frequent paroxysms of vertigo; attacks of fainting, chiefly on rising from a recumbent position, or with vanishing of sight; ver- tigo, with a sensation of intoxication or reeling in the head; rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head and red face; fullness and heaviness in the forehead; beating head- ache or stupefying tightness in the forehead; sensation on the vertex as if the hairs were pulled; inflamed and painful eyes; hard red swelling of the lids; photophobia; dilated pupils; sensitiveness to noise and odors; bleeding of the nose; bloated and red face, or pale face on raising the head; dry and parched lips; perspiration on the side of the face he lies on; dry mouth; inflamed fauces, with stinging, burning and dark redness; loathing of food or burning, unquench- able thirst: bitter taste of the mouth, and of food and drink 507 508 AGAR. ALOES. except water; vomiting of mucus, blood or ascarides; pres- sure as from a stone in the pit of the stomach, the hypochon- dria or the region of the liver; distended abdomen, as in flatulent colic or dropsy; the abdomen is painful to contact; constipation or small soft stool with tenesmus; white stools with red urine; red, hot, fiery and scanty urine; suppres- sion of urine; profuse menses; short, hurried breathing; suffocative fits, as if from anguish or compression of the chest ; short and dry cough, with expectoration of blood or bloody mucus; stitches in the chest, especially on the side, when breathing, coughing or moving; palpitation of the heart, with great anguish of the chest. AGAR-AGARICUS-MUSCARIUS.-Convulsions and tremors of the extremities, epileptic fits; debility and languor after coitus, excessive sensitiveness of skin, miliary eruptions, chil- blains; bone-pains in the lower extremities; prosopalgia and toothache. AGN.—AGNUS-CASTUS.—Impotence; gleet, with absence of sexual desire; sterility; suppressed menses; deficient se- cretion of milk in lying-in women; ulcers in the mouth and on the gums; swelling and induration of the spleen; ascites; flatulency; soreness and rhagades of the anus; swelling and induration of the testicles; leucorrhoea; luxations; arthritic nodes; inflammatory rheumatism of the joints. AILANTHUS.-Catarrhal and asthmatic condition of the head and chest. Almost constant, dry hacking cough, with soreness of chest, heat of throat and chest. ALOES.-Jaundice; old, putrefying, even gangrenous ul cers; caries; oedematous swellings; burns; rush of blood to the head, especially from stagnation of blood in the portal system; hammering headache; watering of the eyes; spots and other diseases of the cornea; ulcers on the lips and gums; aphthæ and ulcers on the tongue; bleeding from the mouth; cramps in the stomach; weakness of digestion in phlegmatic persons; vomiting with constipation; hæmatemesis; spleen swollen and indurated; pains in the liver; gall-stones; swell- ing and induration of the mesenteric glands; ascites; abdo- minal tubercles; diarrhoea with colicky pains and urgent calls to go to stool; grayish white stools; constipation from atony of the bowels; accumulation of fæces in bowels from long-continued constipation; want of secretion of bile; dysen- teric diarrhoea, frequent stools of bloody water, fainting while at stool; suppressed hæmorrhoids; pituita in abdo- men; ascarides; sense of heat or excoriations on anus, peri- ALUM. 509 næum and sexual organs; uterine pains, suppressed men- struation; chlorosis; sterility; rush of blood to the chest; dyspnoea; goitres. ALUM.-ALUMINA.-Compare Calc., Merc., Silic., Cham., Ignat.-Constrictive sensation in various organs; soreness of the mucous membranes; aggravation or renewal of many pains after eating, or amelioration of those which arose in the morning and evening; aggravations of symptoms from walking in the air and talking; paroxysms of convulsive laughter; itching of the skin in the evening; humid herpes and scurfs; renewal of the diseases of the skin on every full and new moon; rhagades; dreams with anxiety and night- mare; much chilliness and horripilations, especially in the evening; sad mood, whining and moaning; lowness of spirits; absence of mind and no desire to do anything se- rious; inability to think or recollect; stitches in the brain, sometimes with inclination to vomit; throbbing in the head with stitches; pressure or lacerating; itching scales on the hairy scalp; profuse secretion of mucus in the eyes, with co- pious lachrymation in daytime and nightly agglutination; squinting of either eye; for many evenings a hot, red ear; otorrhoea of a purulent character; blenorrhoea of the nose with ulcerated nostrils; painful swelling and redness of the nose; discharge of pieces of dry, hard, yellow green mucus; the smell is weak, wanting; disposition to catarrh for many years; heaviness of the face and tightness of the skin of the face, as if covered with the white of an egg; blotches and formication of the face; violent itching of the face, with pimples or boils; humid scurf on the temples; toothache, especially when chewing, with sensation as if the teeth were loose and elongated; bleeding of the gums; swelling and ulceration about the gums; increased secretion of mucus and saliva in mouth and throat; difficult deglutition, as if the fauces were paralyzed or from spasmodic constriction of the œsophagus; soreness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat; irregular appetite, at times excessive, at times deficient; after eating potatoes, pain in the stomach, nausea and colic; heartburn, waterbrash, frequent sour eructations; colicky pinching and lacerating, with chilliness in the abdo- men, relieved by heat; pressing and pulsations in the abdo- minal ring; difficult stool, as from inaction of the bowels; mucous diarrhoea, itching in ano and bleeding hæmorrhoids; pains in the renal region; frequent desire to pass water, with an increased secretion of aqueous urine; sexual desire in- 510 AMBR. creased (or suppressed), with erections and nocturnal emis- sions and amorous dreams; tabes-dorsalis; scanty and pale menses, slimy and corrosive leucorrhoea; short dry cough with arrest of breath; frequent hoarseness, especially even- ings; orthopnoea, as if from constriction of the chest, irregu lar beating and shocks of the heart. AMBR.-AMBRA-GRISEA.-Crampy pains in the muscles and tearing in the joints; pains as if strained; numbness of the skin; increased debility, especially mornings in bed and after conversation; itching and burning of the skin, as if one had the itch; burning herpes; causes sup- pressed itch and herpes to reappear; dry skin; anxious, vexatious dreams, with talking during sleep, disturbing the rest; great weariness on waking in the morning; chil- liness of single parts, followed by heat in the face; profuse night-sweats; nervousness, despondency, loathing of life; aversion to talking or laughing; embarrassed manners in so- ciety; dullness of the head, dullness of the mind; weak memory; vertigo with chilliness about the head; severe paroxysms of vertigo; rush of blood to the head, especially when listening to music; lacerating in the head and vertex, with paleness of face and coldness of bands; the hair feels sore when touched; falling off of the hair; pimples on the forehead; pressure on the eyes, as if they had been closed too tightly; buzzing and ringing in the ears, deafness of one ear; obstruction of the nose; frequent desire to sneeze with tingling and dryness of the nose; jaundiced complexion and red spots in the face; flushes of heat with titillation in the face; twitching of the lips and wings of the nose; pains in decayed teeth and bleeding of the gums; bad smell from the mouth; sore blotches under the tongue; scraping in the throat, as in catarrh, with increased secretion of mucus; fre- quent empty eructations and waterbrash; pressure and crampy sensation in the abdomen, with feeling of heaviness, as if the backbone were luxated; feeling of coldness in abdo- men, only on one side irregular stools; turbid urine, with brown sediment and a reddish cloud; sour smell of the urine; burning in the region of the vesicule-seminales; pleasurable sensations in the interior sexual organs; erections; soreness, swelling and itching of the labia; leucorrhoea with discharge of pieces of bluish white mucus; hoarseness with tenacious mucus in the throat; spasmodic cough with hoarseness and eructations; night cough with titillation in throat; very AMM. 511 salty expectoration; palpitation of the heart with pale face, arrest of breathing. AMM.-AMMONIUM-CARBONICUM.-Compare with Bell. and Lach.; very useful in diseases of women, young people and children.-Ulcerative pains, or stinging and tearing, less in bed; drawing in the joints as from shortening of the tendons; pains as if sprained in the joints, pains more on the right side than on the left, especially evenings and in the fresh air; great sensitiveness to cold and open air; extreme lassitude, cannot bear speaking or to be spoken to; burning pimples; red suppurating swellings; rash, scarlet redness of the skin; freckles; ganglia; excoriations; sleepiness in daytime, but cannot fall asleep at night, or restless sleep on account of frightful dreams about death and corpses; chills in the even- ing; sad, anxious mood; great anguish, as if he had com- mitted a crime; excessive exaltation of the fancy; loathing of life; great forgetfulness and confusion of mind, easily makes mistakes in writing and cyphering and confounds his words; vertigo in the morning, especially when reading; headache with nausea; fullness of the head and headache as if the forehead would split; drawing and lacerating in the whole head; on moving the head sensation as of the brain falling to and fro, sometimes with stinging pains; feeling of coldness or burning in the eyes, also with photophobia; eyes run in daytime, but agglutinate during the night; lachryma- tion; hardness of hearing, with itching and suppuration of the ears, bleeding of the nose; stoppage of the nose, particu- larly at night, and discharge of burning water from the nose; pale face and miserable look; freckles, pustules, boils and itching eruptions on the face, with swelling of the glands of the neck; herpetic eruption around the mouth; the lips are sore, dry and chapped; the corners of the mouth ulcerate ulcerative pain of the roots of the teeth, or stitching, drawing and tearing pains in the teeth, especially when pressed against one another in biting, or during menstruation, or in the even- ing; the teeth feel loose, dull and elongated, as after having eaten acids; rapid decay of the teeth; blisters and ulcers in the mouth, with ulcerative pain in mouth and on the tongue; collection of saltish or watery saliva in the mouth and saliva- tion; sense of scraping and soreness in the throat, or sensa- tion as if some foreign substance were lodged in the throat; continual thirst, so that he cannot eat without drinking; great inclination for sugar; weak digestion; much water- brash and sour eructations; great pressure at the pit of the 512 AMM.M. -ANAC, stomach, with nausea, especially after eating; feeling of cold- ness or burning in the stomach; heartburn; spasmodic con- tractions in abdomen, with qualmishness and flow of water to the mouth; costiveness; retarded and hard stool; itching of the anus and bleeding piles; at night several copious emissions of urine; wetting the bed; urine with sandy sedi- ment; continuous erections; frequent pollutions and shock- ing pain in scrotum; swelling, itching and burning in puden- da; acrid and blackish menstrual flow; courses too soon and too copious, with toothache, backache and colic; hoarseness and aphonia; dry cough at night, as if from feather-dust in the throat; bloody expectoration; heaviness of the chest, as if from too much blood; asthma, with palpitation of the heart and difficulty in ascending stairs; increasing orthopnoea. AMM.-M.—AMMONIUM-MURIATICUM.-Pains, as from an ulcer; tension and straining, as from shortening of the ten- dons; jerking tearing in the limbs, especially the fingers and toes, with throbbing as if suppurating; constant erethistic state of the circulation, with anxiety; miliary rash or blotches, which burn after being scratched; whining, peevish, unsoci- able mood; feeling of fullness in the head; burning of the eyes at twilight, going off when the room is lighted; muscæ volitantes and spots before the sight; coryza with sore nose and copious discharge of thick yellow mucus; pale face; rhagades, with suppurating blisters on the lips; the corners of the mouth ulcerate easily; throbbing in the tonsils; great thirst; frequent hiccough; burning in the stomach, extend- ing to the pharynx, like heartburn; stitches in the spleen, especially mornings, with difficulty of breathing; distention of the inguinal region, with ulcerative pain when touched; constipation or hard scanty stool in clots; sore pain in the rectum and discharge of blood from the anus; courses too early, with pains in abdomen and back; leucorrhoea albumi- nous or of a brown mucus; violent dry cough; asthma, es- pecially when moving the arms much or when stooping. ANAC.-ANACARDIUM - ORIENTALE.—Pressure as from a plug or crampy jerking; many symptoms appear during dinner; debility and prostration with trembling, even after short walks; lameness; sensitiveness to cold and draughts of air; want of irritability of the skin; anxious dreams about fire, loathsome diseases and dead bodies; hypochondria, with fear and foreboding of misfortunes and dangers; want of moral courage; harshness and inhumanity; laughing at serious things and vice versa; sensation as if he had two op- ANG.-APIS. 513 posite wills acting against each other; great inclination for analytical investigations; illusions of the fancy; weakness of mind and memory, with bruised pain in the head when re- flecting; hardness of hearing and want of smell; extreme paleness of the face with hollow eyes; rough herpetic skin around the mouth; fetid odor from the mouth; dyspepsia and weakness of the stomach, with heat in the face; hypochon- dria and sleepiness after eating; sexual excitement, with dis- charge of prostatic juice; racking cough, like whooping cough, especially at night, with rush of blood to the head. ANG. ANGUSTURA.-Spasmodic pains, traumatic tetanus; tetanic spasms, with blue cheeks and lips; caries and painful ulcers attacking the bones. ANT.-ANTIMONIUM - CRUDUM.-Aggravation by the heat of the sun or warm air, also after eating and during the night; adiposis or emaciation; dropsical swellings; pustules like chicken-pox, tumors and blisters as when bitten by in- sects or like nettle-rash; brown spots and freckles; horny excrescences; red hot swellings; great sleepiness, feels over- whelmed with sleep; night and morning sweats, especially every other day; dejection of spirits, uneasiness, disposition to shoot himself in the night; violent headache after bath- ing, with debility of the extremities; inflammatory redness of the eyes and lids; sore nostrils and corners of the mouth; pustulous eruptions on the cheeks and chin, with yellow scurfs; freckles; pains in carious teeth and bleeding of the gums; ptyalism; salty saliva; great thirst; loss of appe- tite; eructations tasting after the ingesta, nausea, vomiting of bile and mucus; oppression of the stomach from over- loading it; cardialgia lasting a great while; agonizing burning in the pit of the stomach; great inflation of the ab- domen, especially after a meal; hard, difficult stool, with great straining; discharge of yellow mucus from the anus; alternate diarrhoea and constipation of old people; liquid stools, with portions of solid matter; frequent micturition, with discharge of mucus; red sediment in the urine; sexual excitement, with erections and emissions; hoarseness and aphonia, especially during warmth; paroxysms of suffocative asthma; burning in the chest, when coughing. APIS.-APIS-MELLIFERA.-One of our best remedies in many diseases of children and women (especially widows), also against suppressed exanthemata (scarlatina, measles and especially nettle-rash), also against every kind of erysipelas, but especially against the traumatic form. It is also indi 21* APOC.-C.—ARG. 514 cated against wounds, especially punctured ones; hydropic swellings; herpes, boils; arthritic nodes; hysteric convul- sions; manias of different kinds, especially among women, and originating in the sexual organs; hydrocephalus of chil- dren (nearly specific); apoplexia senilis; nervous headaches, of bilious or gastric origin; migræne originating in the cen- tral ganglia; bald spots on the head; blepharophthalmia of rheumatic or gouty origin; iritis and corneitis; spots and scars on cornea; staphyloma (nearly specific); oedema of the eye; fistula lachrymalis; hordeola; erysipelas of the face, especially one-sided, with pale red swelling; neuralgia of the lips, the tongue and the gums; swelling, inflammation, sup- puration and carcinoma of the tongue; inflammation of tongue, mouth and throat; angina diphtheritica; erysipela- tous ulcers in throat; pneumonia infantum; cardialgia; me- tastasis of nettle-rash to the stomach and bowels; diaphrag- matitis, splenitis; abdominal inflammations and dropsies; diarrhoea in the morning, hands blue and cold; chronic diar- rhoea, especially in subjects inclined to biliousness and ery- sipelas; hæmorrhoids; urinary troubles, especially strangury, cystitis, albuminuria, diabetes, gleet; ovarian diseases, as in- flammations, pain, hypertrophy, swelling and dropsy; hyper- trophy and dropsy of the uterus; menstrual "difficulties swelling and neuralgia of the pudenda; imminent danger of abortion; menorrhagia; hysteria; carcinoma mamma (re- lieves at least the pains); pleuritis, hydrothorax; inflamma- tion and dropsy of the pericardium; panaritium; podagra; arthritis of the knee (also after gonorrhea); intermittent fevers, coming on in the afternoon in pure uncomplicated paroxysms. APOC.-C.-APOCYNUM - CANNABINUM.-Useful in many cases of dropsies in the tincture or decoction of the fresh root. HUGHES suggests triturations of the dried root. It exerts an influence over all secretions and excretions; hardly ever fails to cure obstinate retention or suppression of urine and distressing strangury (FRELIGH). Menorrhagia, thin watery diarrhoea, dysenteric diarrhea, hæmorrhage from the bowels; dyspepsia, with sensation of sinking in the stomach, nausea, attended with drowsiness. ARG.-ARGENTUM - METALLICUM.-Affects especially the organs of respiration and urinary organs. Frequent inclina- tion to pass urine and copious micturition; pollutions; pains in the testicles; sore pains in the bronchial tubes and in the chest; difficult deglutition; swelling of the submaxillary ARG.-N. —ARN. 515 glands; paralytic weakness of the upper and lower extremi- ties; despondency; vertigo with loss of consciousness; tear- ing in the muscles of the upper and lower extremities. ARG.-N. ARGENTUM - NITRICUM. Tabes dorsalis (pro- gressive spinal paralysis); symptoms of old age; great weak- ness, with trembling of the extremities; epileptic fits; hemi- plegia; mercurial ailments; syphilitic diseases? itch-like eruptions; warts; hydrophobia; hemicrania on the right side; pustules, spots and ulcers on the cornea; pterygium; chronic ophthalmia; bleareyedness; nyctalopia; ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose; lacerating pains in the face; herpetic eruptions in the face and around the lips; toothache during mastication and when eating sour or cold things; aphtha: stomatitis ulcerosa; inflammation of the fauces, with the sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat, accumulation of a tenacious thick mucus in the throat; weakness of digestion, with violent belching; cardialgia at night; softening of the coats of the stomach and cancer of the stomach? lead colic; phthisis intestinalis ulcerosa? gleet? stricture of the urethra, bloody urine; chancres on the sexual organs; phthisis trachealis; spasmodic asthma, with suffocative fits; gout in the hip-joint; painful swelling of the knee; podagra. ARN.—ARNICA.-Stinging, creeping or laming and bruised pains in the affected parts; aggravation of the pains by speaking, moving about, blowing, and even by every sound; uneasiness in the whole body, with a kind of excessive mo- bility, with the sensation as if the affected parts were resting on too hard a surface; pains as if sprained, contused, hurt; painful and excessive sensitiveness of the whole body especi- ally of the skin and of the joints during motion; painful con- cussion in all the limbs; tremulous uneasiness and languor, with seething of the blood and beating of the arteries; lan- guor and weariness, obliging him to lie down; torpor of the capillary system; a number of small boils; red, shining, hot swellings, stinging, burning and itching pains in the skin; somnolence; starting as in a fright when falling asleep; dreams about frightful objects; the lower part of the body feels cold, the upper warm; the head alone, or the face alone hot, the body cold; dry heat of the face with coldness of the nose; chilliness in the evening or after sleep; fever heat at night, with thirst, hypochondria and great irritability of nind: quarrelsomeness and peevishness; vertigo when walk- ing or raising or moving the head; tensive pressure in the 516 ARS. forehead, as if the brain were squeezed up in a lump; itch ing, tearing or stitching in the head; immobility of the scalp; sore and bruised feelings of the edges of the eyelids, as if too dry, with pain on motion; epistaxis; pale, sunken-in features; one cheek is hard and swollen; creeping in the face, nose, scalp, lips and gums; parched, chapped lips; ulcerated cor- ners of the mouth; toothache, as if the teeth were sprained and loose; white-coated tongue; foul smell from the mouth; bitter taste; repugnance to eating, especially to meat; desire for vinegar; empty, bitter or foul eructations; nausea and empty retching; vomiting of coagulated blood; fullness and spasmodic pressure in the stomach, as if the heart were squeezed together; splenetic stitches when walking, arrest- ing the breath; colicky pains, owing to flatulence; fetid flatulence, smelling like rotten eggs; frequent small mucous stools; involuntary stool at night, in sleep; brown fluid diarrhoea, resembling lees of beer; nocturnal enuresis; reten- tion of urine, with tenesmus of the bladder; brown urine, with brick-dust sediment; inflammatory swelling of the scro- tum and spermatic cord; strong sexual desire, with erections and pollutions; inability to throw off the loose phlegm in coughing, he has to swallow it; hæmoptoe, with discharge of bright-red blood or black lumps; stitches in the chest, es- pecially when coughing or moving about; fetid breath; ex- cessive difficulty of breathing, with anguish and oppression of the chest; stitches in the chest or on the side; stitches in the region of the heart, with paroxysms of fainting; soreness. of chest when coughing, places his hand upon the chest to relieve it; obstruction and infiltration of the parenchyma of the lungs, followed by decomposition of the blood. ARS.-ARSENICUM-ALBUM.-It causes general emaciation, a wasting of all the tissues, robbing the blood of all its red corpuscles and of superinducing a general condition of anæ- mia, with all its usual concomitants, anasarca, dropsies, disor- ders of the gastro-intestinal apparatus, great loss of vitality; cardiac derangements, pulmonary oppressions and cerebral and nervous symptoms; drawing and tearing in the extremi- ties, with impossibility to lie on the affected part, and re- mission only when moving the affected part; pains seem intolerable, drive one to despair and frenzy, and come on principally in the evening, when lying down, after midnight, early in the morning, when rising after dinner; a kind of desperate restlessness and anxiety accompanies the pains; burning pains; periodic, typical appearance of the symp- ARUM-TRIPIIYLLUM. 517 toms; amelioration of the pains by walking about and exter- nal warmth; the paroxysms of pains are frequently accom- panied with secondary complaints; anguish, excessive failing of strength and inability to remain up; great emaciation and consumption; trembling on account of debility; cold, parch- ment-like, dry skin, also with blueness; burning eruptions and ulcers, flat and ichorous; laziness, sleepiness, dread of movement, great weariness; starting of the limbs, when on the point of falling asleep and during sleep; frightful dreams; general external coldness, with cold, clammy perspiration; anxious heat at night, with burning in the blood-vessels, as if boiling water would course through them; intermittent pulse; perspiration towards the end of the fever or at the beginning of sleep; religious melancholy; excessive anguish and agony, especially at night; fear of death; fear of thieves; vexed mood, with disposition to censure the weaknesses of other people; beating pain in the head, particularly in the forehead over the root of the nose; swelling of the head; suppurating crusts on the hairy scalp; dim oedematous eyes; yellowness of the whites; difficulty of hearing the human voice; burning coryza; sunken, pale, livid, cadaverous coun- tenance, with hollow eyes, surrounded by blue margins, and with blue nose; swelling of the face, particularly under the eyes; jaundiced appearance; blackish, cracked, swollen or ulcerated lips; spasmodic grinding of the teeth; blueish, brown or blackish trembling tongue; desire for brandy; thirst, but can drink only a few drops at a time; excessive nausea, so that he is obliged to lie down; vomiting of blood or black substances; vomiting of the ingesta, or as often as he takes a drink; burning in the stomach, anguish, painful- ness of the pit; pressure at the pit, as if the heart would be pressed out of its position; colic, spasmodic and cutting, driving one to despair; burning and watery diarrhoea, with tenesmus and colic; stools involuntary and unnoticed, exco- riating the anus; burning varices of the anus; profuse and premature menses; corrosive leucorrhoea; cough after drink- ing or after going in the fresh air; orthopnoea; nightly suffo- cative fits; palpitations while patient is lying on the back, ceasing on rising. LUM ARUM-TRIPHYLLUM.-Burning heat in the stomach and oesophagus, spreading rapidly all over the body; burn- ing and biting in mouth and throat; oedema glottidis; ma- lignant scarlatina; hoarseness and sore throat of clergymen 518 ASA. AUR. and public speakers; promotes expectoration; asthma humi- dum. ASA.—ASA-FŒTIDA.-Intermittent, pulsative pains, from within outwards; stitching, tearing and changed by contact; appearance of the pains when sitting and amelioration when walking in the fresh air; dark red, hot swellings; ulcers, penetrating to the bones, discharging a thin fetid ichor; globus hystericus, flatulency; much trouble about œsopha- gus, every excitement that brings on hysterical symptoms points thither; gastrodynia. ASAR.-ASARUM - EUROPÆUM. Hemicrania, bilious and gastric affections, lienteria; helminthiasis; ophthalmia ar- thritica. ASCLEPIAS-INCARNATA.-Amenorrhoea. ASCLEPIAS-SYRIACA AND TUBEROSA.-Headache, with dullness and stupidity, with vertigo, with gastric affec- tions, feeling as if some sharp instrument were thrust from one temple to the other; vomiting, leaving the system much relaxed, with quick, feeble pulse; profuse urine, with head- ache; burning sensation in urethra when urinating; dropsy after scarlatina or from suppressed perspiration; intermitting, bearing-down, labor-like pains in uterus. The action of the A.-tuberosa on the lungs is specific; dry and hacking cough, with pleuritic stitches; acute rheumatic pains. AUR.-AURUM-FOLIATUM.-Bruised pains, especially in the joints, early in the morning, when in bed, most violent when at rest; passing off immediately after rising; numb- ness and insensibility, more when lying still than in motion; violent seething of the blood; excessive susceptibility to every sort of pain; formication; laming tearing in the bones; restless sleep, with frightful dreams and delirium; prevailing chilliness and great sensitiveness to cold air; religious me- lancholy, great anxiety, longing for death, suicidal mania; quarrelsome, peevish and vehement; the least contradiction excites his wrath; rush of blood to the head, with tumult and roaring in the head; fatigue and nausea from mental labor; half-sightedness, as if the upper part of the eye were covered with a dark body; black spots and fiery sparks be- fore the eyes; roaring in the ears; dark, brown red, slightly elevated spots on the nose, painful when touched; ulcerated scurfy nostrils, with swelling of the nose; swelling of the cheek and lip, with drawing tearing in the bones; gum-boil, with swelling of the cheek; fetid odor from the mouth; flatulent colic; disposition of exciting hernia to protrude; AUR. M.-BARYTA-CARBONICA. 519 jumentous urine, like buttermilk; sexual excitement, with frequent nightly erections and pollutions; swelling and con- tusive pain in the testes; nocturnal asthma and constrictive oppression in the chest; palpitation of the heart, with con- gestion of blood to the chest; shaking of the heart, when walking, as if it were loose. AUR.-M.-AURUM-MURIATICUM. B. BAPTISIA-TINCTORIA.-General prostration; changes his position frequently, for it feels as if lying on a hard floor (Arnica); ulcerations of mucous membranes, especially of the mouth; burning heat of the whole body, particularly the face; tongue feels dry, smarting, sore; typhoid fevers, with delirious stupor, besotted expression of face, injected eyes, diarrhoea, dry brown tongue, offensive breath, fetid urine and stool; cannot go to sleep, because she cannot collect herself; numb feeling of the head and face, delirium; verti- go, with sensation of paralysis of the eyelids; cancrum oris; diphtheria; frequent eructations of flatus; gone, empty feel- ing of the stomach; rumbling in bowels; soreness of abdo- minal muscles; stools dark, offensive, mucous, and even bloody; great hoarseness; constriction and oppression of chest. BARYTA-CARBONICA.-Diseases of old people; scro- fulous affections; drawing and tearing in the extremities, with straining, as if too short; very sensitive to cold and catches cold easily; great weariness, with constant inclination to lie or sit down; great debility of the body, nerves, senses and mind; great nervousness, with excessive irritation of all the senses; unhealthy skin; glandular swellings and in- durations; unconquerable drowsiness in daytime and sleepi- ness; solicitude and anxious care, dejection of spirit, dread of men; forgetfulness and loss of memory; apoplexy of old people; paralysis of the organs of speech, headache over the eyes or in the occiput; the scalp is painful to the touch; eruption on and behind the ears; sensation as if the face were covered with cobwebs; swelled face, or sensation as if the face were swelling; chapped lower lip; swelling of the upper lip and submaxillary glands; jerking, throbbing tooth- ache; pale red swelling of the gums; inflammation of the throat and tonsils, with suppuration; stinging sore throat, when swallowing; burning blisters on the tongue; constant 520 BELL. thirst; little appetite, but fancies for dainties; pain in stomach and sensitiveness of precordial region; painful writhing sensation in the stomach while eating, when the food is descending into it, as if it had to force its way through and over sore places; suppression of the sexual desire; feeble and short menses; hoarseness and aphonia; tensive pain in the small of the back; lancinations in the nape of the neck. BELL.-BELLADONNA.-It excites and strengthens the ganglionic nerves, but depresses the cerebro-spinal system. Stinging or burning pain, with bruised feeling and swelling of the affected parts; spasmodic paroxysms, with screams, creeping in the muscles, renewed by the least contact or chagrin; great sensitiveness to cold air and to draughts; fainting fits, sometimes resembling lethargy; hyperesthesia of the whole nervous system; rush of blood to the affected. part, with sensation of fullness and pressure from within out- wards; renewal and aggravation of the pains by motion or contact; red shining swelling of the affected parts; lethargy or sleeplessness, with unsuccessful attempts to sleep; alternate heat and chilliness, or partial chilliness with heat of the head; great anxiety and restlessness, or excessive irritation of the senses, with whining and lamenting; furibund delirium; crazy actions; loss of consciousness; violent pain in the fore- head, as if it would split, or burning stinging over the eyes; headache with throbbing of the carotids, vertigo and buzzing in the ears; red, shining and protruded, or faint and dis- torted eyes; dilated or extremely contracted pupils; staring and sparkling, shining, glistening eyes; inflammation of the eyes, with photophobia and smarting lachrymation; can see nothing at night; bloated red and hot face, or at times red, at times pale, or pale and sunken; stirring, humming in the ears; hæmorrhage from mouth and nose; twitchings of the muscles of the face; corners of the mouth ulcerate; spasms and constriction of the throat, with impeded deglutition; entire inability to swallow even liquids, which return by the nose; violent thirst, frequently with aversion to drinks; mouth and throat red and dry, or covered by a white tena- cious mucus; sense of soreness deep in abdomen; colic, as if a spot were seized with nails and spasmodically drawn to one lump; distention of the abdomen around the ribs, with protrusion of the colon like a pad; constipation or mucous diarrhoea; inability to retain the urine or the stool; pressing towards the female sexual organs as if they would protrude painfulness of the abdomen to contact, as if sore and ulcer- BENZ.-BOR. 521 ated; painfulness of the larynx, with danger of suffocation when touching it; short spasmodic cough, with stitches in the abdomen and chest; painful stiffness of the neck and nape of the neck; convulsions of children and parturient women; aggravation from all movement; inclination to per- spire, with very hot skin. BENZ.-BENZOIC-ACIDUM.-Diseases of women and children. Itching herpetic eruptions on the back and on the hands; rheumatic swelling of the joints with tension, feeling of cold- ness and paralytic pains; extremely painful swellings; spots on the cornea; fungus hæmatodes of the eye; swelling of the eyelids with eversion and agglutination; acrid, corroding tears; epithelial cancer of the face; glossitis; partial swell- ing and induration of the tongue with redness and dryness; wide-spread ulceration of the tongue with fungous surface; suppurating swelling in the mouth, behind the last molares; blueish tongue; acidity of the stomach, sour vomiting and eructations; constant thirst; inflammation of the bladder, strong-smelling urine, dark, burning and chafing, of increased specific weight; enuresis; serviceable in old people, when a high-colored and strong-smelling urine dribbles away; gonorrhoea, when the urinary symptoms correspond; herpetic eruptions on genital organs; metritis; goitre; acute articular rheumatism; arthritic inflammation of the hip; stones in the bladder. BOR.----BORAX-VENETA.-Diseases of the mucous mem- branes, particularly of the mouth, throat and ears. Aphthæ and aphthous ulcers on the inside of the cheek. Catarrhal complaints in damp and cold weather; unwholesome skin, small wounds suppurate and ulcerate; phagedenic blisters; erysipelatous inflammation; herpetic eruptions; anxious sleep with starting; anguish and fear of getting in- fected; easily frightened; low-spirited and peevish, especially in children, with crying and fretting; headache with nausea and trembling; plica polonica; redness round the eyes, after crying; inflamed eyelids, with tears during daytime and agglutination at night; inflammation and swelling of the ears with otorrhea; ulcer in the nostril with sensation of throb- bing and tension; coryza, with green thick discharge; erysi- pelas in face; swelling, heat and redness of the check, with lacerating pain in the malar bone, and great pain when laughing; herpes on the upper-lip and round the mouth; dull, griping toothache in hollow tooth; the gums bleed easily; aphthæ and ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue, a great 522 BOV.-BRY. deal of mucus in the throat; dyspepsia with diarrhoea after eating; vomiting of phlegm; pressure and stitches in the region of the spleen increased by turning or when riding; tenacious, viscid, yellow slime with stool, with pain in the small of the back; yellow, mucous diarrhea; green stools in an infant; fetid urine with acrid smell; menses too early; easy conception; severe drawing in the muscles of the chest ; pains in the small of the back. BOV.-BOVISTA -Moist scurvy; pimples covering the whole body; leucorrhoea with a sensation of extraordinary swelling of the head; intermittents with prevailing chill; leucorrhoea and menostasia after catching cold. BROM.-BROMIUM. Affections of the chest, heart and eyes, specific action more on the right lung-Excessive languor and debility; yellowness of the skin; green sores with smell of carrion; sleeps with his mouth open; perspires easily, even after the least exertion; his business is repulsive to him; oppressive headache, with darting, lancinating pains, especially after the use of milk; violent ophthalmia with darting pains; photophobia, lachrymation and secretion of mucus, followed by puckering up of the conjunctiva; swelling and hardness. of the parotis; soreness of the nose with scurfs; membranous inflammation of the fauces; sore throat with tonsillitis; sour food disagrees; swelling of the spleen (after gonorrhoea); en- largement of the mesenteric glands; papescent stools; dis- charge of cadaverous-smelling substances; black facial ´diar- rhœa; swelling of the scrotum with chronic diarrhea; sup- pressed menses; laryngitis and bronchitis with exudations, rough, croupy cough with suffocative symptoms, as from the fumes of sulphur; spasmodic croup with oppression of the chest and suffocative breathing; hoarseness following croup, measles, bronchitis; difficulty of breathing, with languor (after measles); peculiar feeling of weakness and exhaustion in the chest; palpitations with oppression about the heart and much yawning; hypertrophy of the heart; chronic arthritis with swelling, immobility and deformity of the joints. BRY-BRYONIA-ALBA. Aggravations in the open air, by movement and contact, after eating and towards midnight.- Tension, drawing and tearing in the affected part, which does not bear motion; sweat during rest and trembles when the pain abates; bruised pain, as if ecchymosed, or as if the flesh had been detached from the bones by blows; great nervous- ness, obliging one to lie down; miliary eruptions; tight, red, CACTUS. 523 hot swellings, or pale; hard nodes in the skin; erysipelatous inflammation in the joints; sleepless at night, or disturbed sleep; nightmare; nightly rushes of blood, with heat, dreams and delirium; chilliness, frequently with heat and red face; sweat day and night, sometimes greasy, or dry heat and thirst; calls for large draughts of cold water; lowness of spirits, discouragement, despairs of a recovery; disposition to be angry; hyperesthesia of all the senses, especially of hearing and of sight; rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head; headache, early in the morning, on waking, relieved by eating; jarring headache as if the brain were loose; heaviness from loss of energy in the brain; rheumatic headaches in cold, raw, and wet seasons; headache with nausea, vomiting, worse even by moving the eyes; the hair of the head is very greasy; face red and bloated, or yellow and livid, or circumscribed redness of the cheeks; lips dry and chapped, taste insipid, tongue presents only slight coat- ing; dryness of mouth, constant or occurring shortly after eating; little thirst, unless for cold water; pain, pressure and shooting in stomach, increased by motion, aversion to food, bitter taste of the food, eructations with remains of food rising in mouth; desire for wine, acids, or coffee; vomiting of food or of bitter substances; painful pressure in the region of the stomach; painful sensitiveness of the liver; cannot bear anything tight round the waist; obstinate constipation; or yellow nightly, or morning diarrhea; foul diarrhoeic stools; scanty, brown, hot urine; dry coryza; dry cough, racking or with vomiting of food. Cough almost immediately after eating and drinking, and vomits what he has eaten; coughs up coagulated or brownish blood: excruciating head- ache during cough; stitches in the chest and sides of the chest, painful, when coughing, breathing or moving; deep, panting, or anxious and hurried breathing; lumbago; pain- ful tension, like bruise; shooting, as if the flesh were loose on the bones. Bright and shining swelling of the integu- ments. Rheumatism caused by cold dry air. C. weakness, CACTUS.-CACTUS-GRANDIFLORUS. - General profound depression, protracted sleeplessness; interrupted sleep, so that he awakes unrefreshed in the morning; sad- ness, taciturnity and irresistible inclination to weep; melan- choly and affections of the emotive sphere; vertigo from 524 CALC.-CARB. rush of blood to head; pale face and emaciation or bloated and red face with pulsating pain in head; insufferable pain on the right side of the head, increased by noise or strong light; weight on vertex; strong pulsations in the temples, as if the skull would burst; weakness of sight, recurring perio- dically; complete loss of appetite; all food causes weight in the stomach; copious vomiting of blood; acrid eructations with violent burning in the stomach; constriction of the hypochondria, impeding respiration; great thirst, which causes him to drink much water; very troublesome pulsations of the coeliac artery; violent pains in the bowels, almost causing him to faint; bilious diarrhoea, always preceded by pain; great weight in the anus and a strong desire to eva- cuate a great quantity, but nothing passes; copious hæmor- rhage from the anus; morning diarrhoea; hæmaturia, strangury and paralysis of the bladder; pulsating pains in uterus and ovarian region; dysmenorrhea; constriction in the uterine region; copious menstruation of black pitchy blood. Constriction of the chest, preventing free speech with hoarseness and low voice; prolonged oppression of the chest, with difficult breathing and uneasiness; periodical attacks of suffocation with fainting, cold perspiration on the face and loss of pulse; sensation of constriction of the heart, as if an iron band prevented its normal movement; pricking pain and stitches in the heart with difficult breathing; palpi- tation, worse when walking or when lying on the left side metastasis of rheumatism to the heart; Angina pectoris; œdema of the hands, especially the left; oedema of the feet and legs; dry, scaly, herpetic eruptions; violent itching. CALC.-CARB. CALCAREA-CARBONICA. Corrector of mal-nutrition; cachexia with deficiency of blood in conse- quence of material losses; tendency to fat; debility and atrophy; large head in children, difficulty of children in learning to walk; contraction of the fingers and toes; tear- ing and stitches in the extremities, especially nights, or in summer, or at every change of weather; numbness and dead- ness of various parts: nervousness; apprehensive despairing mood; sensitiveness to cold and damp air; great emaciation or excessive obesity; he is easily tired by bodily exertions; rough and dry skin; pale complexion; nettlerash; many warts; scurfy eruptions and herpes; rhagades; fetid ulcers; lymphatic tumors; carious ulcers. Difficulty of falling asleep on account of many thoughts involuntarily thronging his mind; chilliness; hot flashes; perspires freely at night or ; CALLEND.—CANN. 525 when walking; melancholy mood; anxiety and fear, espe- cially at twilight; rush of blood to the head; chronic morn- ing headaches, aggravated by fresh air; profuse perspiration of the head; scurf on the hairy scalp alopecia; sore nose, red on the points; polypus of the nose; very dilated pupils; bloody exudation from the eyes; pale and thin-wrinkled face; eruptions of a humid character on the face; swelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands; great thirst with little appetite; large abdomen with swelling of the mesen- teric glands; enlargement in the region of the stomach, like an inverted saucer; ravenous appetite; aversion to meat; desire for wine and dainties; sour taste of the food, or in the mouth; sour vomiting, especially in children; sour diarrhea, smelling like putrid eggs; involuntary diarrhea; constipa- tion or several stools daily; hæmorrhoids; great debility after coitus; profuse and premature menses; cough with fetid, purulent expectoration; chronic hoarseness; rheuma- tism contracted by working in water; cold feet; young persons grow too fat; anxiousness and shuddering as soon as evening comes. CALEND.-CALENDULA-OFFICINALIS.-Most beneficial in wounds, promoting favorable cicatrization with the least possible amount of suppuration; also in sugillations, or bloody and serous infiltrations of the cellular tissue, in traumatic ophthalmia, in destructive syphilitic ulcers. Rheumatic drawing pains, only during motion, restless nights; sensitive- ness to the open air; the submaxillary glands are painful to the touch. CAMPH.-CAMPHORA.-Asiatic cholera; influenza; epi- lepsy; typhus; dropsical affections, insolation. Most of the pains are excited during motion and at night; aggravation by cold and fresh air; great feeling of dryness all over; ex- cessive prostration; convulsions and tetanic spasms with loss of consciousness and vomiting; cold, withered and wrinkled face; sopor and delirium; coldness all over with pale face, blue skin and cold sweats; great anguish with loss of sensa- tion; dull and pressive sick headache, affecting the eyeball, relieved by bandaging and rest; burning in the mouth, fauces and stomach; internal heat and external chilliness; want of sexual power and weakness of the sexual organs; accumula- tion of mucus in the air passages, even unto arrest of breathing. CANŇ.-CANNABIS-SATIVA-Hysteric complaints; feeling of inertia and great weakness after little exercise; mania and 526 CANN.-IND.-CAPS. other mental derangements; scrofulous ophthalmia; cataract; obscuration and specks of the cornea; gastric and bilious complaints; cardialgia; indurations of the liver; spasmodic colic; sacculated ascites; chronic constipation; cystitis and nephritis; urinary difficulties, hæmaturia, stones in the bladder; gonorrhoea; leucorrhoea, sterility; abortus; bronchial affections, pleurisy, asthma, diseases of the heart. CANN.-IND.-CANNABIS-INDICA. - Exaggeration of all perceptions and conceptions, aphrodisia and tendency to catalepsy; satyriasis, nymphomania; delirium tremens; certain forms of insanity. Violent mania, with frightful illusions of the senses, with disposition to suicide, with great suspicion, shame and fear. All the insane symptoms charac- terized by violence. Excessive acuteness of hearing; attacks come on in shocks as if from electricity. CANTH.-CANTHARIDES.-Lancinating pains and stitches from without inwardly; burning sore pains, especially in the mucous membranes; the right side particularly affected; amelioration by lying down; great emaciation with debility, forcing one to keep the recumbent position; convulsive tossing of the limbs with shrieking and roaring; trismus, tetanus and opisthotonus; fevers consisting almost exclusively of the cold stage or violent, acute, burning fevers; great restlessness and anxiety; paroxysms of rage and hydrophobia with convulsions, renewed by the sight of water; miserable looks; hippocratic countenance; great paleness, or yellow- wretched, sickly appearance; foamy ptyalism; blisters on the gums and tongue; difficult deglutition, especially of fluids. vomiting of food or hæmatemesis with violent retching; burning thirst, with aversion to drinks; constipation or dysenteric diarrhea; violent pains in the neck of the blad- der; suppression of urine; paralysis of the neck of the blad- der; strangury with discharge only of a few drops; priapis- mus; frightful satyriasis; inflammation and gangrene of the sexual parts; severe catarrh with discharge of tough mucus from the nose; feeling of weakness in the chest with faint speech. ; CAPS.-CAPSICUM-ANNUUM.-Paralytic painful stiffness, when commencing to move; laziness, weariness and dread of motion; chilliness and coldness of the body; soporose ague; prolonged cold stage; chills run up and down the back, worse after drinking; taciturn, obstinate and peevish; mental weakness as if the head were empty; stomacace; tickling in pit of the throat, with vexatious cough and CARB.-A,CAULOPH. 527 hawking; taste like putrid water; slimy stools with tenes- mus; throbbing and sense of excoriation, with pain in back, which continues after the stool. CARB.-A.-CARBO-ANIMALIS.-Specific for the syphilitic bubo, threatening to pass over in suppuration. Most symp- toms are alike to CARBO.-V.· CARBO-VEGETABILIS.-Universal debility; general physical depression. Pains with anxiety, heat and despair; rheumatic drawing and tearing with flatuleucy and loss of breath; burning pains, especially in the joints and bones; attacks of sudden weakness with fainting or paralytic feeling; tremulousness with great failing of strength, as if he had recovered from a severe fit of sickness; fine rash; readily bleeding, fetid, ichorous, burning ulcers; drowsiness in the daytime; night-sleep, broken by restlessness and anxiety; chilliness and coldness of the body, followed by hot flashes; collapse of pulse; disposition to sweat; profuse sour-smelling perspiration; despondency; tremulous restlessness and fear (of ghosts); irritability and tendency to start; confusion of the brain with muddled condition of the head; congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing pains; painfulness of the scalp, even when merely touching the hair; lacerating in the bones of the head; myopia; scabs on the tip of the nose; pale, gray yellow complexion; crusta lactea; loose teeth, and receding, easily bleeding gums; dyspepsia with weakness of digestion; acidity, pyrosis, swelling of the pit of the stomach, eructations; flatulency, relieved by pressure and rubbing of stomach and abdomen, aggravated by eating and drinking; dyspeptic headaches; salty taste in the mouth and of the food; disgust for meat and fat, which causes flatulence; cardialgia, the pains and the spasms of the stomach are aggravated or excited by fright, chagrin, a cold after a meal, at night, or by flatulent food; flatulent colic; gnawing pain in stomach, with great tympanitic distension of the abdomen; constipation as from inactivity of the bowels; discharge of mucus from the rectum, during and between stools; constant bleeding of piles at every stool, with burning and itching in ano; great swelling of the piles and lancinating pains in the thighs; dark-red urine; lascivious fancies; menses too soon and too copious; or too weak and too pale; frequent hoarseness, especially mornings and evenings; cough, when taking the least cold; cough with expectoration of mucus, also greenish, purulent mucus; soreness of the chest. CAULOPH.-CAULOPHYLLUM-THALICTROIDES.-Hysteria; 528 CAUST. chorea; epileptiform spasms during or near the menses; rheumatism; restlessness and nervousness; hot and dry skin; sleeplessness at night, from a kind of nervous relaxa- tion; copious emission of pale or straw-colored urine; sensa- tion as if the uterus were congested, with fullness, heaviness and tension in the hypogastric region; labor-like pains; pro- fuse secretion of mucus from vagina; dull pains in lumbar region; constant flying pains in arms and legs. CAUST.-CAUSTICUM.-Tearing, stitching and drawing in the joints and bones, relieved by heat; contraction of single parts, or numbness and deadness; stiffness in the joints; coffee aggravates the symptoms, also walking in the open air or in the evening; sensitiveness to cold, fresh air and draughts; weakness and trembling in all the limbs; un- steadiness of the limbs, especially in children, who fall easily; heat over the whole body and restlessless; trembling, para- lytic weakness, with fainting; paralysis, especially of the organs of speech and deglutition; paralytic state of the upper eyelids; paralysis of extremities, especially when com- plicated with contractures; itch-like eruptions; prurigo; itching of the whole body at night, with dry heat, especially of the head and face, back and calves; warts and varices; great sleepiness, like coma; profuse sweats and chilliness, particularly at night and when walking out; melancholy and despondency; excessive anxiety; vexed irritated mood; large warts on the face, nose and eyebrows; nightly aggluti- nation of the eyelids; flitting to and fro before the eyes, as of wavelets of light; fiery sparks before the eyes; discharges from the ears; stoppage of the nose and constant coryza; yellow, discolored complexion, with yellowish temples and pale blue lips; scorbutic gums and loose teeth; aversion to sweet things; difficult deglutition on account of constriction in the throat; oppression of the stomach, even after eating bread; empty eructations, and great pains when he cannot pass the wind upwards; enlargement of the stomach in children; chronic constipation; frequent and unsuccessful desire to pass stool, accompanied with pain, anxiety and red- ness of the face; hæmorrhoids, made intolerable by walking; involuntary emission of urine, especially when coughing, sneezing or walking; menstrual complaints; uterine cramps; leucorrhoea; chronic hoarseness and aphonia, as from weak- ness of the laryngeal muscles; soreness in the chest and larynx, especially when coughing; glandular swellings of the neck, resembling goitre. CEPA. -CHAM. 529 CEPA.-CEPA, ALLIUM-CEPA.-Filiform pains; aggrava- tion by the heat of the room; bad effects from dampness and cold; injuries from chilling vegetables (cucumbers, salads); effects from wet feet; diseases in phlegmatic indo- lent constitutions; diseases of children, particularly catarrhs, gastricismus or helminthiasis; articular rheumatism; faint- ing fits; coma; bad effects from intoxication; eruptions; measles, nettlerash, warts, bunions, brittle nails, abscesses, glandular swellings; carbuncles; contusions, burns, poison- ous wounds from bites; intermittent and epidemic fevers; catarrhal headaches; catarrhal ophthalmias, enchymosis, ul- cers and spots of the cornea; catarrhal otorrhoea, with diffi- culty of hearing and surring in the ears; coryza, with watery corroding discharge; watering of the eyes; headache and aggravation in a warm room; stomacace; scorbutus; ca- tarrhal angina, tonsillitis, ulcers in the throat; gastric diffi- culties and colic, especially in children, also in gormandizers and topers; helminthiasis; ascites; diarrhoeas morning and night; hæmorrhoids; rhagades in ano; vesical catarrhs; nephritic colic; stone in the bladder; weakness of the blad- der; too copious micturition; spasm of the sphincter-vesicæ; after-pains last too long; white swelling of the knee in par- turient women; hoarseness, bronchial catarrh, asthma. CEDRON.-Endemic intermittents; chill in the evening, little or no sweat, but much cerebral congestion; bites of venomous reptiles. CHAM.—CHAMOMILLA.-Lameness and numbness of the affected parts, with constant disposition to move them, ame- lioration by external heat; hammering pains, as from swell- ing; nervous irritation, with intolerance of pain; excessive sensitiveness to fresh air, wind and draughts; fainting weak- ness; excessive prostration as soon as the pains commence; convulsive twitchings of the lips, facial muscles, eyes and lids; twitchings when falling asleep; unhealthy skin; mil- ary eruptions; painful ulcers, with nightly burning and creeping; yellow skin; restless sleep, with moaning, weeping and howling; starting and tossing about while asleep; coma vigil; nightly sleeplessness, with fits of anguish; shuddering, with internal heat; feverish heat, with red cheeks and hot sweat on the forehead and head, even in the hairs; anguish and tossing about, as if in despair; hypochondriac vexed mood; the child is not still until carried on the arm; vertigo, with flushes of heat, or as if one would faint; dullness of comprehension; vanishing of thoughts; rush of blood to the 23 530 CHEL.-CHIN. head, with beating pains; redness and heat of one cheek; wrinkles over the nose; frequent change of color in the face; fetid smell from the mouth, especially after a meal; red and cracked tongue; foul taste in the mouth; vomiting of bile or acids; violent pressure in the pit of the stomach; green- ish diarrhoea, like stirred eggs; green, watery, corroding stools, with colic, thirst, bitter taste and bitter eructations; hoarseness; oppression of the chest, as from flatulence; sud- den stoppage of the breath in children; cough and vomiting during the meal; pains simulating sciatica. CHEL.-CHELIDONIUM.-Acts particularly on the portal system, mesenteric glands, lymphatic vessels, liver and spleen. Quartan intermittents, with heat and perspiration prepon- derating; contraction of the pupils and darkness before the eyes; sensation of constriction in the throat; tension and hardness of the abdomen; costiveness and diarrhoea alternat- ing; oppression of the chest; pressing pain on the lower. lumbar vertebræ; melancholy and hypochondria; icterus; hepatitis chronica; hypertrophies of liver and spleen; asth- ma abdominale. CHIMAPH.-CHIMAPHILA - UMBELLATA.-Scrofula; dysu- ria, strangury, catarrhal affections of the bladder; it causes mucous sediments to disappear from the urine; anasarca and ascites following bilious intermittent fevers. CHIN.-CHINA, CINCHONA-OFFICINALIS.-Diseases of nu- trition; profound alteration of the blood; debility, attended with a certain amount of irritability; jerking tearing, in- creased by contact, and with lameness of the affected parts; wandering pains; painful weariness in the limbs, with con- stant disposition to stretch, move or shift the position of the limbs; lassitude and languor, mental and physical; bruised pains of the bones in the joints, especially when lying, less when moving about; aggravation of the pains, especially by contact, also at night or after a meal; nervousness, with feel- ing of debility; painful weariness in the joints, with pressure as if from a weight; lameness and tremulous weakness; ema- ciation and consumption; yellow color of the skin; dropsical swellings or hard, red inflammatory swellings; drowsiness in the daytime, but no sleep at night in consequence of fancies; disturbed sleep with heavy anxious dreams, with waking in a state of half consciousness; coldness and shuddering over the whole body; fevers commencing with shaking and chil liness, mostly in the evening or afternoon, followed by heat · and then sweat at night, with thirst during the sweat, as well CIC.-CIMICIFUGA. 531 before as after the chill; hypochondrial indifference and apathy; despises everything as dull and of no account; quarrelsome, fitful mood; ill-humor from the impossibility to regulate the ideas which press on his mind; heaviness of the head, with reeling sensation; soreness of the brain, as if bruised, when making an effort of the mind; rush of blood to the head with pain, as if the skull would burst; painful sensitiveness of the hairy scalp when touched; yellowness of the eyes; ringing in the ears; dimness and weakness of sight; yellow, livid complexion; or pale, sunken face, with hollow eyes and pointed nose; foul smell from the mouth, especially early in the morning; ptyalism with nausea; flat bitter taste of all food; great weakness of digestion, with pains even after the slightest meal; great desire for wine or dainties; oppression of the stomach and spasmodic pains, particularly after eating or drinking; swelling of the liver, also with hardness; emission of a quantity of flatulence, sometimes very fetid; various kinds of diarrhoea, particularly after a meal or at night; black watery diarrhea; involuntary undigested stool after eating fruit; lascivious fancies, with frequent erections; sexual excitement; suffocative fits at night; accumulation of phlegm in throat and in the chest; pressure between the scapulæ, as if from a stone. CIC.-CICUTA-VIROSA.-Strong development of the nerv- ous system; pains, as if bruised all over; catalepsy; con- vulsions, the limbs, head and upper part of the body are moved in a strange manner; tremulous movements; sup- purating, confluent eruptions with yellow scurfs; chilliness and coldness with desire to be near the warm stove; appre- hension about the future; mania, want of confidence and dread of men; merry craziness; loss of sense and vertigo with reeling; stupefaction with heaviness; at times she sees things double and they look black; dark-red pustules on the face; crusta lactea; grinding of the teeth; lockjaw; foam in and at the mouth; dumbness; inability to swallow; burning ulcers on the edges of the tongue; great desire for charcoal; hiccough; hæmatemesis; colic, as if from worms, with convulsions; involuntary emission of urine, as from paralysis of the sphincter vesica; tightness in the chest, she is scarcely able to breathe the whole day. Opisthotonos. CIMIČIFUGA.—CIMICIFUGA-RACEMOSA.—Great sensitive- ness to the cold air; nervous weakness and continual rest- lessness; bruised feeling, as if sore; it affects the left side most; burning, cramping, stitching pains in the muscles 532 CINA.-CLEM. rheumatism affecting the muscle of the belly; nervous pros- tration, resembling delirium tremens: chorea; eruptions of white pnstules over the face and neck; sometimes large, red, papular, variola; sleeplessness, particularly after mental excite- ment; vertigo, impaired vision; head feels strange and wild; heaviness and dullness of head, relieved in the fresh air; aching pains in eyeballs; sensation, as if the eye was enlarged; ocular hyper-æsthesia; amblyopia and amaurosis; profuse greenish and slightly sanguineous discharge from the nose; severe rheumatic pains in face, lower jaw, lower teeth; offensive breath; root of tongue and fauces swollen ; soreness and difficulty of swallowing; hoarseness, roughness and scraping in the throat; dry coughs from irritation and tickling at the lower part of the larynx; dry spot in the throat causing cough; eructation and slight nausea; pain and regurgitation of food after eating; faintness of the epi- gastrium; profuse flow of pale watery urine; leucorrhea; menorrhagia; suppression of the menses; labor-like pains during pregnancy; prickling sensations in the mammæ ; sup- pression of the lochia; spinal irritation; crick in the back; sciatica; disagreeable sensation as of an electric shock in any part of the body. CINA.-Atrophy; scrofula convulsions; epilepsy, eclampsy and other spasmodic affections; intermittent fevers; inflammation of the brain, acute hydrocephalus; amaurosis, specks on the cornea; gastric symptoms, worm affections; wetting the bed, symptoms most violent in the morning and evening; pressure or contact aggravate the symptoms. ; CINNAB.-CINNABARIS.-Affects especially the mucous membranes of the chest and abdomen; syphilitic affections syphilis complicated with tuberculosis; phagadænic ulcers; headache, relieved by pressing the head together; ptyalism; heat in the mouth; nightly, painless diarrhoea; balanor- rhoea?; ischias, where the rheuma is complicated with syphi- lis; chronic diarrhoea, especially chronic camp diarrhoea. CINNAM. CINNAMOMUM. Hæmorrhages following abortions or after parturition. CIST. Cistus-canadensis. Scrofula; sense of dryness in the throat; shingles; indura- tion of glands, otorrhea: caries of the maxilla; scorbutic state of the gums; difficult expectoration of a tough phlegm. CLEM.-CLEMATIS-ERECTA.-Ailments from abuse of Mercury; acute articular rheumatism after gonorrhoea; scurty eruptions and herpes; spongy excrescences, scirrhus and cancer?, melancholy; chronic ophthalmia; strictures of -COLCH. 533 the urethra after gonorrhoea; swelling and induration of the testicles; glandular swellings and indurations; arthritic nodes. COCC.-COCCULUS.-Pains in the bones, like broken, when moving; painful stiffness in the joints, with cracking, semi- lateral pains and distress; aggravations of the pains from drinking, smoking, contact and riding in a carriage; sensi- tiveness to fresh, warm or cold air; spasms and convulsions from the touch of painful sores; epileptic spasms; trembling of the extremities; excessive prostration; spinal irritation with nocturnal boring pains; spots on the skin as if from red wine; cold glandular swelling with stinging pain; chlorotic color of the skin; frequent yawning; coma vigil; chilliness and coldness, sometimes with heat of the skin; melancholy and foreboding anguish with sudden startings; headache, as if the head were constricted, or as if the eyes would be pulled out; head feels empty or hollow; redness and heat of the cheeks with burning; great dryness in the mouth; pain and burning in the œsophagus, difficult deglutition, as from para- lysis of the œsophagus; great disgust for all food and drinks; nausea unto fainting, especially when riding in a carriage; cardialgia after eating; bloating of the abdomen from flatu- lence; disposition to inguinal hernia; suppression of the menses, with a good deal of distress; cervical or uterine leucorrhaa, coming off with a sudden gush when stooping or making any unusual exertion; pains in uterus on pressure; tenderness of one or both ovaries; severe spasmodic pains in neck of uterus; oppression of the chest, as from a load; diffi- culty of breathing as from constriction of the chest and the throat; painful paralytic feeling in the back. COFF.-COFFEA-CRUDA.-Suits hysterical and chlorotic patients. Primary effects: Exhilaration and excessive ex- citation; secondary: Physical and spiritual debility, morose- ness. Excessive nervousness with sensitiveness to pain, let it be ever so trifling; increased activity of the organs of digestion and secretion; extreme mobility of the muscles; aversion to open air; sleeplessness from excessive mental or bodily wakefulness; anguish with trembling; cannot com- pose himself; excessive pain, driving one to despair; con- gestion to the head; sensation, as if the brain were torn, as if a nail were driven in the head; sense of hearing in- tensified; sparkling eyes with more acute seeing; cannot bear anything tight round the waist; sexual excitement. COLCH.-COLCHICUM-AUTUMNALE.-Sudden tearing or 534 COLLINSON. -COLOC. stitching pains even through the periosteum, with lameness of the affected parts; aggravations of the pains by mental excitement, especially in the night and evening, frequently driving one to despair; tearing of the limbs in warm weather and stitches in cold weather; sensitiveness of the body to contact; lameness of the kneejoints, causing them to give way; creeping as if frozen, especially when the weather changes; œdematous and dropsical swellings; nightly-heat with great thirst; headache from mental exertion; alopecia; otorrhoea with tearing; sense of smell morbidly increased; yellow spots in the face; bloated face; increased secretion of saliva; nausea, even from the mere smell of broth and eggs; burning or sensation of icy coldness in the stomach; dysen teric stools of white mucus or membranous substances, with tenesmus; constipation with unsuccessful urging; brown dark urine. COLLINSON.-COLLINSONIA-CANADENSIS.-Fullness and throbbing of the head; vomiting, with pain and heat in the stomach; sensation as of flatulence in the stomach; sluggish stool, with distention of the stomach; hæmorrhoidal tumors; diarrhoea with nausea; abnormal condition of the uterine organs, dependent upon diseases of the rectum or bowels; dysmenorrhoea; pruritus pudendorum; chronic, painful, bleeding hæmorrhoids; hæmoptysis and cardiac disease, based on portal congestion. COLOC.-COLOCYNTHIS.- All pains characterize neuralgic more than inflammatory affections; affections from anger, with indigestion, especially vomiting and diarrhea; ameliora- tion of the pains by motion, coffee and smoking; crampy pains, internally and externally, or tonic spasms, with squeez- ing; contraction of the muscles, even to the contraction of all extremities; fainting, with coldness; hemicrania, with violent pain in eye, alternating with neuralgia of plexus cœ- liacus; hemicrania, with vomiting; desquamation of the epidermis; glandular swellings, with suppuration; urinoust smell of the night sweat; neuralgia of the communicans faciei, infraorbital and sciatic nerve; face pale and relaxed; eyes look dull; eruption of pimples in the face, with burning pain when touched; bitter taste of the mouth and of the food; spasmodic, constrictive colic, as if the bowels were pressed between stones, with diarrhoea; severe colicky pains, mostly round the navel; has to bend double, being worse in any other posture, with great restlessness and screaming on changing his position; pressure on epigastrium, followed by CON. CORRAL. 535 loud eructations; sharp, cutting colic, with marked aggra- vations and ameliorations; tympanitic distention of the ab- domen; yellow diarrhoeic stool after taking the least food or drink; dysenteric stool, with mucus and blood; weakness and prostration after stool; frothy, thin, yellow and mouldy smelling stools; fetid urine, which becomes turbid and jelly- like, soon after standing; spasmodic constriction of the chest. CON.-CONIUM-MACULATUM.-Cramp and spasmodic pains in various parts; most pains come on in the night or when at rest; debility in the open air; seething of the blood; vio- lent pain, as from bruises, in all the limbs; nervous attacks ; blue, yellow, green spots, as if ecchymosed; swelling and induration of glands; chronic herpes, humid or crusty and burning; bleeding of the ulcers; the edges of the ulcer be- come black, with effusion of a fetid ichor; schirrhus?; can- cerous ulcers; hypochondria and hysteria, with crying; antropophobia, with aversion to solitude; fearful and de- sponding; want of memory; dizziness and whirling sensa- tion in the head; intoxication; apoplexy, with paralysis, particularly in old people; pale or bluish, bloated face; pho- tophobia; ulcers of the lips; spasms of the esophagus; difficult deglutition; loss of speech; weak digestion, with gulping up of sour substances from the stomach; frequent and empty eructations, especially early in the morning; ischury; strangury; the flow of urine suddenly stops and continues after a short interruption; sexual weakness uterine spasms; aching in the abdomen during pregnancy, every night after going to bed, relieved by getting up and moving about; suppressed menstruation, acrid mucous leu- corrhoea; spasmodic cough; incessant cough; spasmodic constriction of the chest; dysmenorrhoea, with sharp pains about the heart. COP. COPAIVÆ-BALSAMUM. Epistaxis, hæmorrhages after wounds; irritation of the urinary mucous membrane; irritation of urethra and neck of the bladder occurring in old women; gonorrhoea; nettlerash; roseola variolosa; mucous discharges from lungs and bowels; ill effects from poisonous muscles. ; CORRAL.-CORRALLIUM-RUBRUM.-Feeling of heat and dryness in the eyes; nose bleed; swelling of submaxillary glands; loss of appetite; pressure in stomach; borborygmi; chronic constipation; burning on urinating; discharge of a green or yellow pus. When taking a long breath, sensation as if cold air passes through the respiratory organs; difficult 536 CORN-C.-CUPR. expectoration; nervous cough; asthma millari; endemic whooping cough; phthisis, with great dyspnoea. CORN-C.-CORNUS-CIRCINATA-General debility and im- paired mental energy, with great drowsiness; dull, heavy sensation in the head, with shooting, aching or throbbing pains in the head; sense of fullness in the head, relieved by a copious stool; nausea, loss of appetite; symptoms resem- bling jaundice; diarrhea, with excessive debility and nerv- ous excitability; sleep unrefreshing and disturbed by un- pleasant dreams. CROC.-CROCUS-SATIVUS.-Hysteria, with mental derange- ment; excessive mirth, foolish laughter; bounding, rolling in the abdomen; motion in the stomach, hither, thither, up- wards and downwards; bounding sensation in the affected parts as if something alive; the limbs, on which one rests at night, go to sleep; seething, of the blood; hæmorrhage of tenacious black blood; excessive weariness, relieved by going in the fresh air; frequent fainting turns; aggravations towards morning; scarlet-red spots on the skin; sleepiness in day-time; remarkable alternation of weeping and laugh- ing, quarrelling and singing; nightly spasms of the eye-lids; dimness around the eyes and darkness in front, with twitch- ing and itching of the upper eye-lid; livid complexion and burning red spots in the face; active hæmorrhage from the uterus of dark appearing blood; false pregnancy. CROT.-CROTALUS.-Bilious remittent fevers, yellow fever, spinal meningitis. CROTON. CROTON-TIGLIUM. Eczema in the face and external genitals; itching and burning of the skin; choleraic diarrhoea; cholera infantum; stools resembling gray neurine and marked by the occurrence of extreme debility; light stools, ejected with considerable force; intermittent diar- rhoea, with great and sudden debility; vomiting and purg- ing as soon as he drinks the least quantity; while nursing the child, a pain, like a thread, draws straight from the back through to the nipple. CUPR.-CUPRUM-METALLICUM.-Paralysis of motion, with decreased nutrition of the paralyzed part, whereas the sen- sory nerves are perfectly normal; the action of the mind perfectly normal; paralysis of the tongue, with stammering; severe contractions of the muscles; chorea; spasms and con- vulsions, with piercing shrieks, or commencing at the fingers and toes; epilepsy; the affections appear in groups; hyper- æsthesia; pains in the bones as if broken; coma, with con- CYCLAM.~DIG. 537 vulsions; itch-like and leprous eruptions; anguish, with fear of death; paroxysms of rage, with pride, rage or fear; red and inflamed eyes; blue face and lips; cachectic paleness, with sunken features and hollow, blue-edged eyes; cold tip of the tongue; violent retching and vomiting, with violent spasms and convulsions; cramps in cholera, more about the chest, with moderate vomiting of green matter and moderate thirst, relieved by drinking, stools are also not too copious; hoarseness; spasmodic cough; hooping cough, with vomit- ing; asthma and spasmodic, suffocative fits. CYCLAM.-CYCLAMEN-EUROPEUM.-Headache, with diz- ziness; obscuration of sight; drawing pain in the internal meatus auditorius; pains in the liver; suffocative attacks; chlorosis from checked menstruation. D. DAPH.-DAPHNE-INDICA.-Rheumatic and arthritic pains, with stitches; bone pains and exostoses; aggravation in cool air and by decreasing moon; fullness of the head as if it would burst, especially when rising from bed; weak sight, as if a pellicle were drawn over the eyes; dyplopia; cough, with vomiting, and yellow, frothy, blood-streaked expectora- tion; constipation. DÍADEM.-ARANEA-DIADEMA. -Weariness, pains in the bones, feverishness, consisting mostly of a chilly state; quo- tidian fever; thirst; great tendency to hæmorrhages, like in scorbutic dyscrasia; epistaxis; periodical headache; inter- mittent diarrhea; violent pain in the teeth of the upper and lower jaw, only in the night, as soon as she lies down in bed, and which continues for some time; feels constantly chilly, even on hot summer days, feels always decidedly worse on wet, rainy days; menorrhagia. DIG. DIGITALIS-PURPUREA. M Aggravation in a warm room; chilly feelings from the feet upwards; delirium tre- mens; hydrocephalus acutus; epileptic fits, caused by fre- quent pollutions or onania; arthritis? glandular swellings and indurations; jaundice; chlorosis; lividity of the face; dropsical affections; gastric, bilious and mucous fevers; len- tescent typhoid fever; worm fever; melancholy from organic disease of the heart; fainting from insufficient action of the heart; increased action of the heart, with slow pulse; serous apoplexy; arthritic, catarrhal and scrofulous ophthalmia ; incipient amaurosis? ascites, hydrocele; hypertrophy and 23* 538 DIOS.-V.—DULC. induration of the prostate gland; scanty discharge of urine; urine pale, but slightly cloudy and smoky; menorrhagia; hæmoptysis. DIOS.-V.-DIOSCOREA-VILLOSA.-Cramps of the stomach; flatulent colic; bilious colic; cholera morbus; dull heavy pain in the pit of the stomach, worse after eating, relieved by copious eructations of air; constant heavy, dull, wearing pain in the cardiac portion of the stomach, extending to the left side and dorsal region; steady, twisting pains in abdo- men, worse when lying down and in the morning. DROS.-DROSERA-ROTUNDIFOLIA.-Fever with nausea and gastric symptoms or with sore throat; anxiety with fear of ghosts; the least trifle frightens him; dimness of vision; longsightedness; gauze before the eyes; print looks pale, when reading; eyes cannot bear daylight or candlelight; frequent bleeding from the nose; bleeding from the mouth; black pores in the face and on the nose; difficult degluti- tion as from constriction of the œsophagus; bitter taste in the mouth and of the food; cannot bear pork; vomiting of bile, mucus and food; colic caused by eating acid food; waterbrash; the hypochondria are painful to the touch and when coughing; frequent urination at night; suppressed or retarded menstruation; leucorrhoea with labor-like pains; creeping in the larynx as from a soft body; hoarseness and deep base-voice, with rough and scraping feeling of dryness in the throat; a great deal of phlegm in the larynx; pain in the larynx when talking; dry, spasmodic cough, evening and night, with retching, bleeding from the mouth and nose, blue face and suffocative fits; cough with discharge of bright red or black blood; whooping-cough, few if any paroxysms. until midnight, when violent paroxysms set in; whoop well developed, often with bleeding from mouth and nose and sometimes tremendous fevers. Paroxysms cease in the morn- ing or before noon; cough, caused by titillation in larynx and accompanied by vomiting; purulent expectoration; phthisis tuberculosa. DULC.-DULCAMARA.-Ailments from abuse of Mercury; ill effects of exposure to wet and cold weather; affections of the mucous membranes; scrofulous affections with indura- tions and swelling of single glands; cold swellings; hydrops; paralysis; affections following measles; herpes caused also by the abuse of sulphur; vesicular eruption; softening of the bones; nettlerash; warts; scarlet and purple rash; fe- bris mucosa; headache after catching cold; amaurosis inci- ERIG. 539 --- EUPHOR. piens; crusta lactea; scrofulous ophthalmia; paralysis of the tongue; catarrhal sore throat; cholerine and sporadic cholera; diarrhoea after catching cold; stools of white mucus with prostration of strength; color of slimy stools frequently alternating between green, white and yellow; desire to evacuate attended with nausea; catarrh of the bladder; stricture of the urethra; scrofulous buboes; herpes præputialis; chronic catarrhs and hoarseness; mucous asthma; hydrothorax. E. ERIG.—ERIGERON-CANADENSE.--Lassitude with depression of spirits; dull headache with pains in all the large joints; epistaxis, bleeding from the gums; rough dry feeling in pharynx, with bad taste in the mouth; nausea and eructa- tions of tasteless air; retching and vomiting with burning sensation in stomach; hæmatemesis; diarrhea with burning sensation through the alimentary canal; stools loose and streaked with blood; dysentery with dysuria or suppression of urine; bloody piles; dull aching distress in the lower dor- sal region; frequent micturition with crying on voiding urine; uterine haemorrhage; with violent irritation of the rectum and bladder; hæmorrhage after labor or abortion; profuse lochial discharges; palpitation and headache arising from defective menstruation; incipient stages of phthisis at- tended by bloody expectoration. Aggravation during rainy weather. EUPAT.-P.-EUPATORIUM-PERFOLIATUM.-Corrects the in- jurious effects of Quinine; pains in the bones, which accom- panied influenza; general biliary derangement; intermittent fevers; morning fevers, with a greater amount of shivering during the chill than is warranted by the degree of coldness, thirst several hours after the chill, continuing during the chill and heat, no sweat; imperfect apyrexia; fever attended with violent pains in the bones, resembling rheumatism; periodi- cal headache with tertian type, soreness and beating in the head, shooting pains from left to right side of the head; sickly sallow countenance; vomiting of bile with trembling, attended with pain in the epigastrium and extreme prostra- tion; flowing coryza; hoarseness with roughness of voice; rheumatic affections, accompanied by perspiration and sore- ness of the bones. EUPHOR.-EUPHORBIUM.-Breaking off of the teeth; 540 EUPIIR. FERR. ptyalism; strangury; a quantity of white sediment in the urine; mercurial affections; diseases of the bones and mucous mem- branes; old indolent ulcers; scarlatina; warts; ophthalmia; vesicular erysipelas; oesophagitis; adhesion of the pleura. EUPHR.-EUPHRASIA-Consequences of bruises, blows and contusions; ophthalmia, also traumatic; chronic blenor- rhoea of the eyes; inflammation, ulceration, muscular and other diseases of the cornea; burning and smarting lacchry- mation, particularly in the wind; incipient amaurosis; moist cough after influenza; condylomata; profuse fluent coryza with smarting lacchrymation, or with sneezing and discharge of mucus; lameness and stiffness of the tongue and cheeks. F. FERR.-FERRUM-METALLICUM.-It produces a veritable state of anæmia, characterized by great emaciation, paleness of the skin, puffiness of the face and eyes, dropsical swell- ings, hypertrophy or dilatation of the ventricles of the heart, cardialgia, nausea, loathing of food, vomiting, frequent diar- rhoeic stools, fullness of the chest, difficult breathing, copious urinary discharges, great languor, weakness, faintness, drow- siness, tremulousness, tendency to spasms and cramps. Hammering, pulsating pain in head; humming in ears; con- gestion to the head with pale face; intolerance of all spirituous liquors; dread of movement with loss of muscular tone and debility. Rushes of blood; congestions and hæmorrhages with vascular irritation; tearing and stitching, especially at night, with disposition to move the affected parts; hæmor- rhages, the blood being bright-red and fluid or black and clotted; many of the symptoms appear at night, are aggravat- ed by sitting, relieved by slight motion; debility with tremb- ling; pains in the limbs; constant disposition to be lying down; burning and soreness of a great many spots on the skin; the natural heat of the body is difficient; perspires easily when walking; night sweat with strong smell; morn- ing sweats after headache; vehement, quarrelsome, disputa- tive; vertigo on looking at flowing water; pain about the head as from subcutaneous ulceration and painfulness of the hair, when touching it; burning and pain in the eyes as from excessive drowsiness; load in the stomach after eating; watery diarrhoea and lienteria; indigestion especially after beer or sour food; discharge of ascarides; disposition to miscarriage; uterine hæmorrhage with labor pains in the 541 FLUOR.-AC,-GELS. abdomen and small of the back; pains after coitus; spas- modic cough with vomiting of mucus or food; hæmoptysis and purulent expectoration, asthma as if from constriction of the chest. FLUOR.-AC.-FLUORIC-ACID.-Weariness after walking; obstinate varices; ill-humored, fault-finding; loss of the hair; caries; fistula lacchrymalis with crusts, moisture and itching; painful soreness of the right nostril; neuralgia of the eye and upper maxilla; crusta lactea, tinea capitis; pressure in the spleen; diarrhoea in summer; chronic menorrhagia with asthma; the palms of the hands are always moist; dry, chapped hands; panaritia; ulcers round the ankles of the feet; rheumatic and neuralgic pains of the extremities, which wander about or fly to the head or heart; jerking pains in different parts of the body; sleeplessness from fullness of the head. GELS. G. GELSEMINUM-SEMPERVIRENS. Numbness, ting- ling, prickling and crawling sensation; depresses and para- lyzes the nerves of motion; tetanus; hydrophobia; infantile spasms of the glottis ; spasmodic croup; profound and intense prostration of the whole muscular system; myalgia from great over-exertion; pulse frequent, soft, weak; heart's action slow and feeble; the action of the heart and arteries much depressed with cold hands and feet; chills and pains in head; nervous chills, especially in hysterical persons; chil- liness with vertigo; headache and coated tongue; cold ex- tremities, inclination to hug the fire, with chills following each other in rapid succession from sacrum to base of the occiput; miasmatic fevers, remittent fever, especially in children and women; intermittent fever; fevers, based ou blood dyscrasia with a tendency of decomposition of its hæmatine and globules; typhoid fever with great prostration of the vital forces, with strange sensations in the head and continued jactitation of the muscles; eruptive fevers in their forming stage; excessive irritability of body and mind; con- fusion of mind; stupid intoxicated feeling; excruciating headache, accompanied by slight nausea; nervous headache; hemicrania with dimness of sight or double vision and sensi- tiveness to all sounds; sunstruck; distressing headache after intermittents; diplopia, when inclining the head towards the shoulder, but vision single when holding the head erect; 512 GLON.-GRAPH. dimness of sight; amaurosis; confusion of sight with heavy looking eyes; smoky appearance before the eyes; ptosis, asthenopia, strabismus; amaurosis; thirst for light; watery discharge of the nose; bloody mucous discharge from the nose, orbital neuralgia; toothache of a shooting character: tongue red, raw and painful; yellow or white coating of the tongue; scarlatinous angina, tonsilitis, paralysis succeeding diphtheria; pain on swallowing, going up in the internal ear, with deafness threatening; large deeply bilious discharges; creamy papescent stools; frequent micturition of a clear and limpid urine, with relief to the dullness of the head; invo- luntary emission of semen, without an erection; flaccidity with coldness of the genital organs; gonorrhoea; dysmenor- rhoea; false labor pains; threatened abortion, puerperal con- vulsions depending on uræmia; rheumatic myalgic pains in extremities. GLON.-GLONOINE.-Increase of pulse from 20 to 40 beats; congestion to the head, heart and medulla oblongata, especially during menstruation, pregnancy or lying-in, as well as in the climacteric years or after suppression of habitual hæmorrhages, with irregular, intermittent, increased or changeable pulse; ill effects from fright, anger and mechani- cal concussions; affections of getting chilled, when the body was heated; ill effects from motions, to which he is not used to, as riding, driving; ill effects from severe cold; fainting fits with or without the loss of consciousness; convulsions, especially on the left side; epilepsy and eclampsy; conges- tive, apoplectic and typhoid fevers; cerebral typhus; sun- stroke, congestions to the head, apoplexy, inflammation of the brain, ill effects from coup de soleil, even the most dan- gerous symptoms; hydrocephalus; headache and migrane after excessive labor, from the heat of the sun, after suppress- ed perspiration and from sedentary living; sea-sickness; worm-affections; nervous palpitations, neuralgia; congestions to heart and lungs; carditis and pericarditis; inflammation of the spinal marrow. GRAPH.-GRAPHITES.-Crampy pains with red swelling, hardness and painfulness of the affected parts; tension, as if the muscles were contracted; sudden darting pains, espe- cially in parts affected with ulcers; the extremities go to sleep; stiffness of the joints; liability to take cold; he has to avoid a draft of air; pulsation in the whole body after slight exercise; nervousness with tremulousness, or moaning; ex- cessive emaciation; aggravations of all pains, when getting GUAJ. 543 cold; dryness of the skin and deficient exhalation; erysipelas, steatoma, glandular swellings; moist herpes, phagadænic blisters, sore places, disfigured nails, fetid ulcers and other diseases of the skin; fanciful ravings at night; restlessness with anxious dreams; waterbrash at night; chilliness, early when in bed; cold feet and hands; sweat at the least motion; night-sweats; disposition to grief and despondency; anxiety about the smallest things, even unto despair; humid erup- tions on the hairy scalp; falling off of the hair of the head, even on the sides of the head; gray hairs; photophobia; daylight dazzles the eyes; eruptions and soreness behind the ears; fetid smell and stinking discharge from the nose; pale or yellow color of the face, with blue edges round the eyes; hemiplegia and distortion of the muscles of the face; ulcerated corners of the mouth; scurfy eruptions around the mouth and skin; frequent discharge of saliva; foul urinous smell from the mouth; sensation in the throat, when swallowing, as if a plug had lodged in it; dyspepsia, excessive flatulence and constant vomiting after taking food; fullness and hard- ness of the abdomen; distended abdomen; discharge of foul smelling winds; feeling of weight in abdomen; chronic con- stipation with hardness in region of liver; hard knotty stool with discharge of mucus and blood; pains in hæmorrhoidal knobs; prolapsus recti, without straining, as if the sphincter ani were paralyzed; light or brown colored, half digested, thin and intensely stinking passages with burning in rectum; watery leucorrhoea at time of menstruation; swelling of both ovaries, with sensation, as if they were in motion with pains on stooping or pressure; sore pains in back from sexual ex- cesses; sexual excitement; suppressed, or scanty and pale menses; pains and cramps during menstruation; soreness of the pudendum and between the thighs; hoarseness and titil- lation in the throat; voice not clear; soreness of the nipples with humid blisters; fetid sweat of the feet. GUAJ.—GUAJACUM.-Stitching and tearing with contrac- tion of the affected parts and heat and renewal of the pains by the least motion; the limbs go to sleep easily; emacia- tion; suffering parts are very sensitive to the touch; laziness and weariness with disinclination to motion; creeping pains in the bones, also with swelling and interstitial distention; stitches in the brain or hemicrania with stitching and tearing pain; eyes swollen and protruding with the sensation, as if the lids were too short; aversion to milk; constipation or soft stool, in pieces; constant urging to urinate with copious dis- 544 HAMAM.—HELL. charge of fetid urine; shuddering of the mamma; bad cough with fetid purulent expectoration and stitches in the chest. H. HAMAM.-HAMAMELIS-VIRGINICA. Phlebitis, various forms of varicosis, venous haemorrhage, passive haemorrhages from uterus and lungs; phlegmasia alba dolens; epistaxis purpura; bleeding and painful piles.-Painful fullness of the brain, pressure in the forehead between the eyes; feeling as if a bolt was passed from temple to temple and tightly screwed; epistaxis, with a feeling of tightness of the bridge of the nose and considerable crowding pressure on the fore- head between the eyes; extravasations in the conjunctiva and painless suggilations on the eyeball; dry, thirsty feeling in the throat, not relieved by drinking water; roughness of the fauces; constant inclination to swallow; burning, sharp pains in the stomach; distress in the umbilicus; rumbling in the bowels with cutting pains; dull pains in the hypo- chondria; dysentery, the evacuations largely loaded with blood; ineffectual desire for stool; hard, dry, dark colored stools; ardor urinæ; scanty high-colored urine; hæmaturia; violent contractions of the vagina and a smarting, burning sensation, followed by prurigo; ovarian diseases, pain, like labor-pain commences in the region of the ovary and passes down the broad ligaments to the uterus; neuralgia of the testicles; orchitis; cold sweat of the scrotum at night; in- cipient impotence; tickling in the larynx with constant in- clination to cough; slight hacking cough; tickling cough, with a taste of blood on waking; hæmoptysis with taste of sulphur in the mouth; oppressive tightness of the lower part of the thorax, with inability to make a full inspiration; severe backache all day after an emission; lumbago; severe draw- ing pains in the flexor muscles; stiffness in the hands and fingers. HELL. HELLEBORUS.-Lancinations in the joints or across parts; stitching boring in the periosteum and other parts, increased by eating and drinking; cool air and bodily exertions; heaviness of the limbs with painful sensitiveness and aversion to motion; paroxysms of sudden muscular re- laxation with sudden prostration, especially when not thinking of the action of the muscles; convulsions and spas- modic rigidity of the limbs, with shaking of the head; ame- HELON.HEP. 545 lioration in the fresh air; pale countenance; the skin peels off; dropsy; falling off of the hair and of the nails; sleepi- ness in daytime and coma; chilliness of the body with heat of the head; silent melancholy and moaning; indisposition to mental labor; frequent staring; the whole head feels be- numbed; burning heat in the head with pale face; œdema of the face; wrinkles on the forehead; ptyalism with sore- ness of the corners of the mouth; blisters and aphthæ in the mouth and on the tongue; aversion to fat and green vege- tables; hunger with aversion to food; ulcerative pain in the stomach after eating, and soreness of the pit of the stomach, when coughing or stepping; burning in the stomach, rising up of the oesophagus; sensation of coldness and heaviness in the stomach; diarrhoea of white, jelly-like mucus; complete loss of sexual desire; dyspnoea from contraction of the chest with desire to make a deep inspiration. HELON.-HELONIAS-DIOICA.-Weariness and languor; excessive irritation of the glandular system; dull, gloomy and irritable, desire to be left alone; a feeling of pressure from within upwards to the vertex, aggravated by looking steadily at one point; pain in the forehead, as if a band were drawn across; salivation of pregnant women and teething children; stomatitis materna; vomiting and purging, with a griping and burning sensation in the epigastrium; diarrhoea, with a burning sensation in the bowels and irritability of the stomach; albuminuria; burning, scalding pain when urinat- ing; strangury; piercing, drawing pain in the lower part of the back, through to the uterus; nipples very sensitive and painful; amenorrhoea, marked by general atony and an ancemic condition; leucorrhoea; atonic and passive menor- rhagia, prolapsus uteri. HEP-HEPAR-SULPHURIS.-Drawing, tearing and stitch- ing in the limbs and joints, especially on waking early in the morning; increase of pain during his nightly fever, especial- ly the cold stage; nervous irritability, with pain to the touch and increased sensitiveness to fresh air; faints easily at the slightest pain; chronic suppurations; glandular swellings, with suppuration; erysipelas, rhagades, unhealthy skin, fetid ulcers and cutaneous affections generally; great tendency to perspire; sweats day and night without relief; disagreeable acid-smelling perspiration; cancer; hot and red swelling, with strained feeling; sore and bruised pain when touching the parts; much and convulsive yawning; nightly sleepless- ness, or disturbed sleep by thoughts passing through the 546 HYDRAST. A head like clouds; nightly chill, with increase of pain, or dry night heat, with headache, thirst and delirium; hypochon- dria; dejected, sad, fearful; the slightest cause irritates him; pimples on the hairy scalp, sore to the touch; falling off of the hair and many bald places; erysipelatous ophthalmia, nightly spasms of the eyelids; scabs on and behind the ears; puriform fetid otorrhea; yellow complexion, with blue bor- ders around the eyes; flushes of heat in the face and head; ulcerated corners of the mouth; ptyalism, also after abuse of mercury; painful sensation as of a plug in the throat, or stitching as from a splinter; dyspepsia, with pressure, swell- ing and tension in the stomach; putrid taste, metallic taste; desire for wine and sour things; bloatedness and painful sen- sitiveness of the abdomen, cannot bear anything tight around the waist; slow stool, as from inaction of the bowels; green. slimy diarrhoea with a sour smell; sour-smelling diarrhoea in children; dysentery, with discharges of bloody mucus; weak- ness of the bladder, with slow discharge of urine; wetting the bed at night; the urine looks flocculent and turbid; greasy pellicle on the urine; soreness of the pudendum; di- minished sexual instinct; feeble erections; weakness of the larynx with hectic fever; weakness of the vocal organs; ac- cumulation of phlegm in the throat; dry cough, with spas- modic retching and vomiting, or moist cough, with mucous rattling in the chest; anxious wheezing breathing, with dan- ger of suffocation when lying down; night cough; anxious feeling about the heart, with palpitation, in hypertrophy; swellings on the hands and feet, disposed to suppurate; hang nails and ring-arounds. HYDRAST.-HYDRASTIS-CANADENSIS.-Physical prostra- tion; faintish weak feeling; glandular diseases; scirrhus and cancer; erysipelatoid rash, with intense burning heat; rha- gades and excoriations; small pox; acute catarrhs, with mucous discharges; constant discharge of thick white mucus from the nose; ozona scrofulosa; sore mouth, aphthæ, sto- matitis materna; tongue large and marked by the teeth; excessive secretion of tenacious mucus from the buccal mu- cous membrane, so profuse that it may be removed in long tenacious shreds; ulcerated sore throat; syphilitic angina; sticky mucus around the palate, with bad taste; diphtheria; eructations of sour fluid; great sense of sinking and prostru tion at the epigastrium, with violent and long-continued pal- pitation of the heart; atonic dyspepsia, with acidity; jaun- dice; constant distress in the umbilical region, with loud HYDR.-AC.—HYOS. 547 run bling in the bowels, especially on going to bed or when awaking in the night; griping in the bowels, with profuse light-colored diarrhoea; light-colored but acrid stools; con- stipation; malignant ulcers in colon and rectum; dull, heavy weight in the lumbar region; gonorrhoea and gleet; mucous leucorrhoea, with tenacious discharge, sometimes hanging from the os in long viscid strings; discharge like white of egg, profuse, debilitating, immediately after menses; nympho- mania. HYDR.-AC. — HYDROCYANIC-ACID.-Syncope from con- traction of the cerebral arteries; languor and weakness; convulsions; paralysis; catalepsy; illusions of the senses; vertigo; oppressive pain in the forehead; sallow and gray complexion; lockjaw; stiffness of the tongue, imperfect arti- culation; spasms of the oesophagus; severe gastralgia; asth- matic breathing; feeble action of the heart; unsteady gait. HYOS.-HYOSCYAMUS - NIGER.-Spasms and convulsions, with diarrhoea, enuresis and coldness of the body; shriek, anguish and oppression of the chest and renewal of the paroxysm on attempting to swallow liquids; sudden falling down with a shriek and convulsions; hemiplegia; he is scarcely able to stand on his legs, and seems constantly in- clined to fall; dry, brittle skin; pustules like small pox, boils, brown spots and gangrenous blisters; coma, with con- vulsions or sleeplessness from anguish and nervousness; som- nolency, with fixed and inexpressive countenance and confu- sion of ideas; coma, with spasmodic symptoms; heat, with seething of the blood; copious and frequent perspiration; fearfulness and anxiety, with dread of men; frenzy and rage, with beating, murderous disposition and great physical strength; quarrelsome and reproachful; jealousy; lascivious and amorous disposition; complete loss of consciousness; imbecility and stupor; he talks more than usual and laughs at everything; mania, with furious ravings; mania, with horrid imaginations; ludicrous acts; congestions to the head; demeanor as if possessed of the devil; red, sparkling eyes and staring looks; night-blindness; objects look red and larger than usual; dilated pupils; cramps of the eyelids; difficult hearing, as if stupefied; pale blueish-cold face, or blood-red or brown-red face; the teeth feel elongated, loose, covered with mucus; clean, parched, dry tongue; burning and dryness of the tongue and lips; loss of speech from paralysis of the tongue; inability to swallow, on account of a spasmodic constriction and swelling of the throat; hydro- 548 HYPERIC.-IGNAT. phobia; aversion to liquids; vomiting of mucus, blood or food; colicky pains, with vomiting, headache and screaming; constipation from abdominal weakness; yellow, watery, co- pious, not offensive diarrhoea; involuntary stool while urinat- ing; painless diarrhoea; during childbed she has no will to make water; great prostration following parturition; sup- pressed or involuntary emission of urine; nightly, dry, spas- modic cough, especially when lying; spasms of the chest; cough worse on lying down, and better on rising or sitting up. HYPERIC.-HYPERICUM-PERFOLIATUM.-As valuable to the injuries of the nerves as Arnica is to those of the muscu- lar system. Weakness and trembling; constant drowsiness; tearing pains in different parts; vertigo, delirium, colic; ery- sipelas of the cheeks; melancholy, forgetfulness; dilatation of the pupils; bitter eructations; bloatedness of the neck and of the abdomen; thirst; tenesmus; stitches below the mammæ, dyspnoea, palpitations. I. IGNAT.-IGNATIA-AMARA.-Principal sphere of action in the nervous system, especially spinal nerves, with particular reference to genital system, in most disorders of the reflex system of nerves, as long as there are no important changes in the circulation. Pains are borne in dull resignation, pa- tients lie quietly; excessive sensitiveness, hyperæsthesia of the nerves, marked impressionability; spinal irritation, pains in- creased by the touch; distensive or constrictive sensation in the cavities of the body; pains in the joints, as if luxated; contusive and bruised pain, especially in. the periosteum of long bones, particularly when lying on one side and going off in a recumbent position; tingling in the limbs, as if gone to sleep; aggravation and renewal of the pains by smoking, coffee, brandy, noise, after meals, in the evening in bed and in the morning after rising; improvement by change of posi- tion, by lying on the back or on the painful part; pressure as. from a hard body, or cutting pains as from knives; faint- ing fits; opisthotonos with blue red face, spasms of the fauces, suffocative fits, loss of consciousness, foam at the mouth; sore places on the skin; a good deal of yawning, as if the lower jaw were dislocated; itching nettlerash; heavy deep sleep, which does not refresh; restless night-sleep, with moaning, talking, twitching of the limbs; dreams with fixed IOD.—IPEC. 549 ideas, continuing after waking up; chilliness, with renewal of the pains; heat and redness externally, with intolerance of warmth; whining, melancholy and internal grief, with moaning; changeable mood; sensitiveness of feeling; obsti- nate and irritable; cannot bear being contradicted; head- ache, as if the temples would be pressed out, as if the head would burst; photophobia; difficulty of hearing the human voice; change of paleness and redness of the face, or sunken pale face with blue borders around the eyes; redness and burning heat of only one cheek; bites his tongue easily when chewing or talking; increased secretion of saliva; sensation as if one swallowed over a lump, causing a crackling noise; stitches and sensation as of a lump in the throat, almost only between the acts of deglutition; aversion against eating, es- pecially meat and warm food; pains after eating and smok- ing tobacco; singultus after eating and drinking; spasmodic pains in bowels, with flatulency; constipation, with much urging and disposition of the rectum to protrude; bloody mucous diarrhoea; ascarides; sexual debility, but much de- sire; uterine spasms, with lancinating and labor-like constric- tion; irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhoea, originating in irritation of the nervous system without uterine conges- tion; spasmodic pains of ovaries, with contracted sensation of the stomach; constriction of the chest and throat, with dry cough. * IOD. IODIUM.-Ailments from abuse of Mercury; gene- ral emaciation, sometimes sudden and extreme; aggravation of the pains in the morning and at night; also during mo- tion, pressure, contact or warm air; swelling of the glands, with indurations; scrofulosis, rhachitis, rheumatism, herpes, scrofulous inflammations of the eyes and ears; blepharoph- thalmia; ptyalism and ulcers of the mouth after abuse of Mercury; abdominal phthisis; arthritic and scrofulous bu- boes; weakness of the stomach; leucorrhoea; galactorrhoea; laryngeal phthisis; chronic catarrhs; influenza; whooping cough; inflammatory swelling of the nose; old goitres; hy- drarthus; white swelling of the limbs and joints; sensitive and irritable; excessive kind of impatience; entire sleepless- ness; convulsive twitches of the muscles of the face; hoarse- ness and irritating cough; acrid sweat of the feet, corroding the skin; dark yellow, green urine; croup, unremittingly persisted in till amendment occurs. IPEC.-IPECACUANHA.-Bruised pain or drawing in the bones; cracking in the joints; great sensitiveness to heat 550 IR.-V. and cold; amelioration in the open air; debility, with pale face and blue margins around the eyes; paroxysms of sud- den debility, with nausea and loathing; opisthotonic spasms, with distortion of the features, red and bloated face, twitch- ing of the facial muscles, lips and eyelids; rigid stretching of the whole body; great emaciation; haemorrhage of bright red blood; rash; sleep with eyes half open and full of rest- lessness and moaning; want of vitality; chilliness and cold- ness; sudden attacks of heat, with sweat; peevish humor; extreme impatience; bruised pain of the brain and skull, with nausea; red, inflamed eyes; ears cold and chilly; yel- lowish hue of the face, or bloated pale face with blue borders around the eyes; red skin around the mouth; sweet taste in the mouth, as of blood; aversion to food; vomiting of mu- cus, bile and food; spasmodic nausea, with malaise; nausea, with distension of the abdomen and dryness of the throat; after vomiting, inclination to sleep; hæmatemesis; excessive pain in the stomach and pit of the stomach; sensation of emptiness and relaxation of the stomach; flatulent colic; griping pinching in the abdomen, as if one were grasping with the hands, alleviated by rest, but excited by motion yellow, slimy or green diarrhoea, as if fermented; watery and painless diarrhea; stool covered with red, bloody mu- cus; pitch-like stools; spasmodic suffocative cough, with blueness of the face and rigidity of the body; asthma and spasmodic suffocative fits; panting breathing; mucous rattling in the chest; convulsive evening cough; croup, with deep red color of tonsils and pharynx and slow devel- opment of croup. IR.-V.—IRIS-VERSICOLOR.-Nervous irritability with pros- tration of the whole system; lassitude and lowness of spirits ; malignant sore, resembling a boil; scrofulous affections and skin diseases; feeling of drowsiness; dreams of suffocation and fire; heat over the whole body, followed by chill, with cold hands and feet; sweat over the whole body, but parti- cularly on the groin; bilious fevers; sick headache; dull, heavy headache, with weakness, nausea and even vomiting; violent, stupid or stunning headache, with facial neuralgia; inflamed eye-lids; greasy feeling of tongue and gums on rising in the morning; painful burning in the mouth and fauces; nausea and empty eructations; aching in the stomach before breakfast and on drinking cold water; great burning distress in the epigastric region; intense burning in the re- gion of the pancreas; effectual in almost all kinds of vomit- KAL.-C. 551 ing; acidity of the stomach; colic, obliging him to bend forwards; fetid flatulence; bilious stools, with burning and smarting at the anus and rectum; grumbling bellyache ; periodical night diarrhea; cholera infantum and cholera morbus; seminal emissions with amorous dreams; coldness and itching of the genitals. K. KAL.-C.-KALI-CARBONICUM.-Feeling of emptiness as if the whole body were hollow; great sensitiveness and draw- ing pains in the limbs, with great paleness and chilliness after the attack; stitches in the joints, tendons and muscles; ul- cerative pain when pressing on any part of the body; pain as from bruises of all the muscles of the body; great dread of the open air; liability to take cold in the open air; seeth- ing of the blood and heat in the head; want of exhalation and inability to sweat; rush of blood and pulsations through the whole body; faints easily; nervous attacks of sudden in- disposition; trembling debility; glandular swellings and in- durations; dropsical and oedematous swellings; blueish chil- blains; ulcers bleed readily, especially at night; old warts; drowsiness in day-time and sopor; light and restless night sleep, with anxious dreams; twitching and starting when asleep; nightmare; chilliness and frequent shuddering; sweats easily; night sweat, anguish and great sadness; vexed and irritated mood; angry and wrathful; a good deal of vertigo, as if proceeding from the stomach; liability of the head to take cold; dryness and falling off of the hair; sac- culated swelling between the eye-brows and eye-lids; lac- chrymation and nightly agglutination; feeling of chilliness in the lids; coldness of the ears; inflammation and swelling of the glands of the ear; nostrils sore and ulcerated, with dis- charge of fetid matter; yellow or pale face, with hollow eyes and pale lips; pimples on the face; old warts; fetor from the mouth like old cheese; desire for sweet or sour things; inactivity and coldness of the abdomen; flatulence; costive- ness from want of action in the bowels; passage of fæces difficult on account of both; hæmorrhoidal knobs bleed and swell readily during stool or when urine is passed; tough, dark, soft stool; sudden, vehement desire for stool, as in diarrhea, although the stool was hard, with colic; urging to urinate, with increased secretion; itching, gnawing and sore- ness of the pudendum; deficient sexual desire; acrid men- 552 KAL.-BI. strual blood, with bad, pungent smell, making the thighs sore; cough, with expectoration of mucus and pus; complete hoarseness and aphony; night cough; spasmodic cough: lacerating scraping in the chest; frequent intermissions of the beat of the heart; asthma; goitre. KAL.-BI.-KALI-BICHROMICUM.-Symptoms aggravated or produced by hot weather; symptoms come on quickly and subside soon; morning aggravation; anomalous pains fly rapidly from one part to another; debility, with cachectic appearance; pale and yellowish complexion; emaciation; solid eruption-like measles over the body, sometimes pustu- lous, with gangrenous scurfs or spots; secondary syphilis, especially in fauces and soft palate; painful ulcer on tongue; pains in finger and elbow; vertigo, to falling, with nausea and vomiting; hemicrania over one eye; ophthalmia, with redness, burning of the swollen lids and watering of the eyes; bloody spots and pustules on the cornea, or white spots; amaurosis; chronic inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane: sore nose, with small ulcers in nostrils, and tough, thick, viscid discharge; polypus of the nose; ulceration of the septum nasi; swelling of the nose; syphilitic eruption on the face; scorbutic eruption; suppuration of the gums; tongue heavily coated; feeling in the throat as if the food would remain lodged there; ulcers in the throat and fauces; syphilitic ulcers in the throat; sweet metallic taste; exces- sive thirst; great weakness of digestion; over-indulgence in beer and other malt liquors, with morning nausea and sensa- tion of heaviness in head and eyes; vomiting of mucus; food presses like a heavy weight on the stomach, as soon as taken; empty eructations; ulcers in the stomach; constipation, with colicky pains; attacks of dysentery, returning periodically every year, in the early part of the summer; red, smooth, cracked tongue in dysentery; suppuration of the kidneys; pustules and itching in the pudenda; pain and soreness of the vagina; yellow, thick leucorrhoea, with pain in the back; leucorrhoea, with stringy and tough discharge; enlarged ton- sils, with deafness; pains in the ear, with swelling of the parotis and other neighboring glands; pains in the ear ex- tend up to the head and descend to the same side of the neck; ulceration of the larynx, with loss of smell; sharp stitches in left ear; chronic laryngitis and bronchitis; wheez- ing and rattling in chest, with expectoration of thick yellow mucus; hoarse croupy cough; cough worse when undressing, better after getting warm in bed; cough worse in the morn- KAL.-IOD.— KREAS. 553 ing on waking; wheezing and panting; violent cough, with retching and difficult expectoration of mucus, so viscid, that it can be drawn in strings down to the feet; polypi-like and membranous formation in the bronchial tubes; oppression of the chest and dyspnea; blisters on the feet from walking. KAL-IOD.-KALI-HYDROIODICUM.-Papulous eruptions; furuncles; petechia; enlargement and suppuration of the submaxillary gland; atrophy of the mamma; catarrhal fever; anguish and fear; exaltation as after spirituous drinks; severe frontal headache; severe ophthalmia; chemosis, with dis- charge of pus; oedema of the eyelids; mistiness before the eyes; flow of tears; earache; swelling of the face and of the tongue; pain and swelling of the gums; grumbling in the hollow teeth; fetid breath; ulcers of the tongue and mouth; ptyalism; salty saliva; bloody saliva, with sweet taste in the mouth; strong appetite, voraciousness; loss of appetite, with emaciation; empty eructations; vomiting; gastritis; flatulency; painful bloatedness of the abdomen; constipation, alternating with diarrhoea; increase of urinary secretion; mucous discharge from vagina and uterus; influ- enza, bronchitis, hoarseness; roughness in the larynx; dry cough, with greenish expectoration; stitches under the ster- num; dyspnoea, pleurisy, stitches in the heart; rheumatic pains in the extremities. KALMIA-LATIFOLIA. KALM. Rheumatic wandering pains, with threatening metastasis to the heart; intermittent, bilious and typhoid fevers; herpes, syphilitic eruptions; dis- eases of the heart of rheumatic or arthritic origin; hyper- trophy of the heart; thickening of the valves of the heart; diminishes the activity of the heart's action; acceleration of the pulse and of the beats of the heart. KREAS. — KREASOTUM.-Pains as if sore, contused and bruised; paralytic drawing and tearing; stitching in the joints; nightly pains; great agitation in the body, as if the parts were all in motion; pustules, resembling small-pox or itch; dry and humid herpes; sleepiness, with much yawning; dreams full of anxiety; chilliness and coldness; despair to get well again; weakness of memory; rush of blood to the head, with beating pains, as if everything would press out of the forehead; ulcerative pain in the head; falling off of the hair, particularly when combing the head; swelling of the borders of the eyelids, suppuration of the eyes and profuse discharge of acrid, smarting tears; inflammation of the outer ear, with bright redness; swelling and burning pain; humid 25 554 LACHN.-LACH. herpes of the ears; livid complexion; acne rosacea and scaly herpes on the eyelids, cheeks and around the mouth; draw- ing from the teeth to the temples; nausea, vomiting and waterbrash; painful hard spot on the region of the pylorus; spasmodic labor pains, ulcerative pains and painful feeling of coldness in the abdomen; intermittent stool, hard, dry, with a good deal of pressing; frequent desire to urinate, with copious emissions; fetid, brown, or reddish urine, with much sediment; liability of the uterus to disease; premature menses, with profuse discharge of dark blood; discharge of acrid-smelling, bloody, corrosive, yellow, foul-smelling, ichor after the menses; white and painless, or corrosive, yellow, foul-smelling leucorrhoea; dry, wheezing cough, with retch- ing; oppression of the chest; stitches about the heart. L. LACHN.-LACHNANTHES-TINCTORIA. Symptoms worse when lying down, they disappear when walking about ; fever, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks and brilliant eyes; itching and burning of the skin all night, worse after scratch- ing; wakefulness without feeling weak; restless sleep at night; whining on account of headache; sensation as if the vertex was enlarged and was driven upwards; the head feels enlarged and as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within; the whole scalp is very painful to the touch; coryza; profuse epistaxis; all the teeth painful, loose and too long; dryness in the throat, especially at night when waking, with much cough; headache relieved after eating: aversion to meat; hiccough; swelling and twisting in the upper part of the abdomen; flatulency; pneumonia; cough from irri- tation in the throat; feeling of fullness in the chest; stitches in the chest; sensation of heat in the region of the heart; wry neck. LACH.-LACHESIS.-Aggravation in the open air, during damp weather, after sleeping, from exertion, evening aggrava- tions; pains relieved by eating; left-sided affections; phleg- matic, spongy constitution, with dark eyes and inclination to laziness; emaciation; tearing in and contraction of the af- fected joints; bone-pains, mostly in the evening and passing off during sleep; paralysis; awkward gait from stiffness of the joints; laziness, aversion to motion, wants to lie all the time; great and sudden weakness and frequent syncope; aggrava- tion and renewal of the pains in damp weather, after every LACH. 555 sleep in the day or night, after fright, mortification, listening to tales of murder, after acids, wine or beer, and especially also during rest, amelioration during motion; tubercles, net- tlerash, pimples and warts, gangrenous blisters, erysipelas, scarlet-like eruptions, petechiae; yellowish complexion; deep- ly penetrating suppurations; unclean, flat, ichorous ulcers; pain in old cicatrices; aneurisms; sleepiness in day-time and coma; chilliness and coldness, or heat, with seething of the blood; perspires easily or cannot sweat at all; melancholy, discouragement and loathing of life; great nervous irrita- bility; anxiety and despair of one's recovery; attacks of nightly fear; mistrust and suspicion; peevish and fault-find- ing; loss of memory and forgetfulness, especially for ortho- graphy; maniacal jealousy; morbid talkativeness; increased activity of the phantasy; ideas rush upon his mind; rush of blood to the head, as if it would burst; one-sided, tense headaches, extending from occiput to eyes, with vomiting; vertigo, with paleness, tendency to faint and numbness; un- dulating pulsative headache; dryness of the ears, white ceru- men; frequent bleeding of the nose; ozæna; coryza, with soreness of the nose; yellow, gray, sallow color; erysipela- tous swelling of the face; sore throat, the soreness being felt at small spots in the throat, extending to the ears, with dan- ger of suffocation; sensation of a plug, lump or tubercle in the throat; sensation after eating, as if something had re- mained adhering to the œsophagus; desire for wine and milk, although he feels worse after it; dyspepsia, with pain after eating; extreme aversion to food, also to wine and smoking; eructations which afford relief, and aggravation if flatulence does not pass off; cannot bear anything tight around the waist; constipation; exhausting chronic diar- rhœa, urging to urinate, with frequent micturition; increased sexual instinct and many lascivious thoughts, with weak erections and impotency; scanty, delaying, intermittent menses; indispensable at the critical age, even when the menses are too profuse; soreness and rawness of the larynx, induced by tickling in the larynx and trachea, and provoked by deep inspiration, speaking and external pressure, patient cannot endure the least constriction around the throat; sense of fullness in trachea; cough at night, during sleep, or from tickling in the throat; chest feels raw between the shoulders, with stitches in the sides and bloody expectoration; cough, as if some fluid had come in the wrong passage, or violent cough from ulcers in the throat, with nausea and difficult 556 LAUR.-LED. expectoration; coughing of up frothy, tenacious, glairy mucus; excessive dryness of throat, particularly if it occurs in spots; diphtheria; pain in swallowing extends to both ears, aggra- vated from empty swallowing and ameliorated by taking warm food; inexpressible anguish about the heart; irregularity of the beats of the heart; old varicose ulcers; cracked skin between the toes; panaritium, with pricking in the extremi- ties of the fingers. LAUR.-LAUROCERASUS.-Paralysis; fainting fits, falls down suddenly; convulsions with subsequent paralysis of the muscles; epileptic spasms with foam at the mouth; excessive weakness and prostration; convulsions with staring eyes, lockjaw and foam in the mouth; evening exacerbation, ameli- oration in the open air and at night; deficiency of natural heat; chilliness of the whole body, with pain in the back; alternations of violent chills and burning heat; melancholy, dullness of the senses; stupefying headache; the brain feels contracted and painful; dryness of the eyes; optical illusions; darkness before the eyes; amaurosis; sunken countenance, livid complexion, yellow spots on the face; prosopalgia; loss of speech; the tongue feels burnt and numb; painful feeling in the throat; spasm, heat and pain in pharynx, œso- phagus and stomach; hiccough; bitter eructations; violent pains in the stomach with loss of speech, burning in the stomach and abdomen; sticking pain in the liver with pres- sure; jaundice; distention of the region of the liver, with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration; hard, firm, delayed stool; constipation; paralysis of the sphincter ani; urine, yellow, scanty, pale, spasmodic constriction of the larynx with hawking; frequent coughing with roughness and hoarse voice; slow moaning and rattling breathing; stitches in the region of the heart during an inspiration; sitting posture causes gasping for breath; pains, as if sprained in the ex- tremities. LED.-LEDUM-PALUSTRE.-Rheumatic and arthritic pains; rheumatic pains first attack the feet, and extend upwards; pressing, tearing pains in joints and muscles; aggravation in the evening till bedtime, but not in bed; pains change location quickly; no swelling of affected parts; left-sided affections; dropsy; herpes; boils; ascites; cough with greenish or bloody expectoration; asthma, aggravated by exercise; hæmoptysis with spasmodic cough; menses too soon and too copious; hæmorrhages connected with fibrous tumors; weakness and heaviness in the inferior extremities; LEPT.-LOB. 557 pains, simulating sciatica; swelling of the feet and legs; bites of poisonous insects. LEPT. - LEPTANDRA-VIRGINICA. -Weakness and faintness; general relaxation of the system; physical and mental de- pression with vertigo and drowsiness; universal chilliness; stupor, heat and dryness of the skin, calor mordax or cold- ness of the extremities; constant duli frontal headache; diz- ziness while walking; feeling, as if the hair were being pulled out; tongue coated yellow in the centre, flat pappy taste; nausea with faintness; severe vomiting with diarrhea; con- stant distress in the lower part of the epigastrium and upper portions of the umbilical regions; sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach; dull, aching, burning distress in the liver; sharp, cutting pains near the gall-bladder; jaundice; dark, almost black evacuations from the bowels; sharp cut- ting pains in umbilical region; thin, brown, often fetid stool; stools of mixed mucus, flocculent and watery, with yellow bile or blood; mucous, bloody stool, mixed with shred-like substances; stools of pure blood; pains in the bowels after stool, but no tenesmus. LOB.-LOBELIA-INFLATA.-Languor, feebleness, relaxation of the muscles, trembling of the limbs; tendency to faint; vertigo, nausea, partial blindness; anxious dreams and fre- quent waking; somnolence; depression of mind, with fear of death; reeling, swimming, intoxicated feeling; severe head- ache with dizziness and sickness of the stomach; heat and sweat about the face and head; disagreeable metallic taste in the mouth; flow of clammy saliva; copious salivation; burning of the throat; dryness of the fauces; sensation of a lump in the pit of the throat; bitter taste with coated tongue and thirst; flatulent eructations; frequent gulping up of a burning sour fluid; extreme nausea with profuse perspira- tion; copious vomiting with great prostration, but a good appetite shortly afterwards; pressing, compressing pain in pit of stomach, like a stick, going to the back and shoulders, worse after eating with anxiety and oppression of the chest ; nausea, worse at night and after sleeping, relieved by a little food or drink; dyspepsia; distention of the abdomen, with shortness of breath; flatulent rumbling in the abdomen with pain; intestinal intussusception; incarcerated hernia; copi- ous hæmorrhage from the hæmorrhoidal vessels; diminished sexual desire; rigidity of the os and of the perinæum during labor; frequent short, dry cough; violent racking cough, with profuse expectoration of ropy mucus; asthma; constant 558 LYC. → dyspepsia, aggravated by the slightest exertion, pressure of the epigastrium, rising from thence to the heart, with or with- out heartburn. LYC.-LYCOPODIUM.-Aggravation every afternoon at 4 o'clock; aggravation from warmth during rest, from pres- sure, from drinking wine, and when riding; over-sensitive- ness to pain; all the limbs are painful, when touched or pressed; drawing and tearing in the affected parts, especially every other day or in windy weather, relieved by external warmth; feels better in the open air, but is very sensitive to cold air; catches cold very easy; stiffness of the limbs with insensibility and numbness; seething of the blood and great restlessness of the body; frequent attacks of distressing feel- ing of coldness, as if the blood became cold, or the circulation were arrested; spasmodic extension and contraction of single limbs and muscles; drawing and stitching in all the limbs; epileptic convulsions; limbs go to sleep easily; tremulous languor; frequent syncope; emaciation; the skin of the whole body is hot and dry with tendency to crack; rhagades; itching liver-spots; humid herpes; large periodical boils; arthritic nodes; swelling of the glands; dropsical swellings; softening, contraction and curvature of bones; nightly bone pains; freckles; drowsiness in daytime with light; sleep at night; sleep full of fancies; irresistible sleepiness after dinner, uneasiness and twitching of the feet during sleep; violent chilliness and coldness of the body; burning fever heat in the evening; perspires freely during the day; perspiration smells sour and acrid; melancholy, sadness, grief and whin- ing mood; despair of being saved; anxiety in the evening, with dread of men, and fear of solitude; sensitive irritability and stubborn quarrelsomeness; frenzy with pride and desire to command; absence of mind, using one word for another in talking and one letter for another in reading; complaints with headache arising from mental labor; headache, as if the bones of the skull were drawn asunder, the brain vaccillating to and fro, especially when walking, going up-stairs, or rising after stooping; rush of blood to the brain with heaviness of the head, tearing in and around the head with pains in the bones of the skull; gray hairs, and falling off of the hair; suppurating eruptions on the scalp; vertical half-sightedness; excessive sensitiveness of hearing and sight; pale livid com- plexion with wrinkles, blue borders round the eyes and blue lips; flashes of heat in the face; scurf in the nose, ulcerated nostrils; stoppage of the nose with acrid discharge; sense MAGN.-C. 559 of smell exceedingly sensitive; nasal muscles are first ex- panded, then again contracted and shortened, as if turned up, giving the fan-like motion of the alæ nasi; pimples, freckles and itching herpes of the face; the teeth become yellow; foul breath from the mouth; desire for sweet things; sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to pressure and touch; tightness of the hypochondria, as from a band; pains in the liver; canine hunger with headache, as if not satisfied; after a meal, sensation as of fasting, but without hunger; nervous- ness and weariness after a meal with quick pulse; gastralgia and chronic gastritis, in persons subsisting mostly on heavy bread, sour small beer and adulterated coffee; chronic pain over the liver with irritability and inflammation of that organ; enteralgia and colic accompanied by accumulation of gas in the bowels with eructations and desire to go to stool, but inability to pass it, also colic from the passage of gravel or calculi; fluent coryza with cough and hoarse- ness; stuffing of nostrils; formication or ant-like crawling in windpipe at night; dry morning-cough; cough after drink- ing affecting the chest; loose cough with spitting of purulent matter, like confirmed consumption; phthisis pituitosa; short breathing of children; constant oppression with suffocation on doing the least work; painful stitches on left side of chest with bruised feeling; beating of the heart in bed; herpetic spots on neck and chest; pains in the loins in bed; stitches in the back after stooping; dragging of shoulder blades; stiffness of the nape of the neck; boring pains in arms; twitchings in the arms during sleep; dry skin and cold feet; frequent jerking of the limbs, or even of the whole body, whether awake or sleeping. M. MAGN.-C.-MAGNESIA-CARBONICA.-Pains, as if bruised or luxated, or great weakness, especially in the lower limbs; lameness and paroxysms of fainting, with falling down with- out loss of consciousness; most pains arise or get worse, when sitting, in the evening or at night; itching-creeping in the skin; phagedænic blisters; small, red-scaly herpes; small boils; great dryness of the skin; heat at night and anxious dreams with screaming and fright; evening chills; sour, or fetid and greasy sweat; anxiety and fear; vexed and peevish mood; vertigo with falling forward; tearing, stitching and boring in the head; scaly eruption on the scalp, itching in 560 MAGN.-M.-MAGN.-S. wet weather; burning of the eyes with photophobia; spots on the cornea; swelling of the eyeball as if dropsical; surring and fluttering in the ears; pale livid complexion; change- able color; tension in the face, as if the white of an egg were dried on it; bloatedness and tubercles of the face; digging tearing toothache at night, increased by cold; vesicular eruption in the mouth and on the tongue; numbness of the whole inner mouth; longing for greens and aversion to meat; sour smell from the mouth and sour eructations; frothy, sour and green diarrhoea with colic; ascarides; con- stipation; increased pale or greenish urine; delaying or sup- pressed menses, or else profuse and premature; white, slimy, smarting leucorrhoea with abdominal spasms; nightly spas- modic cough, especially at night during sleep; palpitations; great anguish in the heart, stiffness of the neck. ; MAGŇ.-M. — MAGNESIA-MURIATICA. Rheumatic pains; debility coming from the stomach; hysteric ailments and spasmodic paroxysms; headache every day; pulsations in the ear; redness and swelling of the nose; soreness of the nostrils with burning and scurfs; troublesome dryness of the nose or discharge of corrosive water; eruptions on the face frequent nausea with livid complexion, nervousness and weeping; chronic hepatitis and induration with aching pains; abdominal cramps, especially during the menses and leucor- rhaal discharge; painful hardness of the abdomen and con- stant distention of the same; chronic constipation with diffi- cult stool like sheep's dung; chronic looseness; uterine spasms with leucorrhoea; scirrhous indurations on the neck of the womb; spasmodic cough at night with titillation in the throat; aching pains in the knees; sweaty feet. MAGN.-S.-MAGNESIA-SULPHURICA.-Bruised feeling on the whole body; great languor with staggering gait; itching blotches, as if from nettles, with burning after scratching; violent colic at night in bed, with moaning; violent head- ache at night in bed, preventing sleep; lacerating headache with shaking of the brain; rush of blood to the head; burn- ing of the eyes; lachrymation with photophobia; dimness of the eyes; ringing in the left ear; profuse coryza with ob- struction of the nose; epistaxis; loss of appetite; aversion to food, bitter eructations, nausea, vomiting; trembling of the stomach with gulping up of water; alternation of hard and soft stools; diarrhoea, preceded by rumbling in the ab- domen, accompanied with bloatedness and emission of fetid flatulence; nocturnal micturition; burning leucorrhoea, MAGN.-ART.-MANG. 561 particularly during motion; painful burning in the chest, when coughing; dry cough with burning from the larynx beyond the pit of the stomach. ; MAGN.-ART.-MAGNES-ARTIFICIALIS.-General symptoms of the magnet, produced by touching either pole indiscri- minately while handling the magnet, or by laying the whole of the magnetic surface flat upon the body; pressing, tear- ing, drawing pains in different parts of the body; jerking pain and feeling of heat in the limbs without thirst; bruised pains in the joints, better on motion; angry and vehement vertigo after lying down; whizzing in the whole head; transitory headache; dryness of the eyelids; dilated pupils; strong whizzing in the ears; illusion of the smell; metallic taste on the tongue; darting, lacerating pains in the facial bones; violent grumbling in the teeth, toothache aggravated by cold drinks and mastication; swollen gums; ptyalism with pains of the submaxillary glands; foul breath; hunger without taste of the food; eructations; flatulence; diarrhoea without colic; constipation, as if the rectum were con- stricted; severe hæmorrhoidal pain in the anus after stool; nightly pollutions; retraction of the prepuce behind the gland; accumulation of mucus in the trachea; painful stiff- ness in the back. MAGN.-P.- ARCT.-MAGNETIS - POLUS-ARCTICUS, NORTH- POLE.-Pains in the periosteum of all the bones; tremb- ling through all the body; hyperæsthesia; sensation of coldness; spasmodic yawning; rush of blood to the head and to the face; scintillations in the eyes; whizzing in the ear; illusion of smell; violent bleeding at the nose; throb- bing in the hollow tooth; ptyalism; long-continued rancid heartburn; flatulent colic; gurgling in the abdomen; in- guinal hernia; diminution of the secretion of urine; increase of sexual desire; too frequent nightly pollutions; spasmodic cough, dyspnoea when ascending; pains in the back; lassitude through the whole body. MAGN.-P.-AUST.-MAGNETIS-POLUS-AUSTRALIS, SOUTH- POLE.-Lightness of the whole body; laziness and heaviness; feeling of coldness all over; wild, vehement rude; vertigo as if intoxicated; different headaches; double vision; canine hunger; flatulent colic, distended abdomen; incontinence of urine; frequent pollutions; oppression of the chest; tearing in the calves; paralysis of the sphincter vesica; varices. MANG.-MANGANUM.-Intolerable pains of the perios- teum and joints; arthritis of the joints with digging, tension 25* 562 MEN.-MERC. and drawing, jerking and stitching, generally on one side or crosswise; ostitis with boring pains at night; soreness in the folds of the joints; inflammatory swellings with suppuration; mach yawning, even without sleepiness; diminution of the power of the senses; dryness, heat and nightly agglutination of the eyes; dimness with burning of the eyes; hardness of hearing as if from stoppage of the ears, the ears opening by blowing the nose; whizzing in the ears or reports, when blowing the nose; wretched, pale and sunken face; chronic angina faucium with cutting soreness; oily taste in the mouth; eructations tasting of the ingesta; sour burning, like heartburn; distention and bloatedness of the abdomen with flatulency; rare, dry, difficult, knotty stool; diseases of the larynx and trachea with roughness and dryness of the throat and rough speech. MEN.-MENYANTHES-TRIFOLIATA.-Arthritic complaints; fever and ague with coldness in the abdomen; otorrhoea after exanthemata. MEPH.-MEPHITIS-PUTORIUS.-Fine, nervous vibrations, reaching to the interior of the bones and causing a good deal of anxiety; inclination to stretch one's-self with indisposition to do anything; wakes in the night, with congestion of blood to the legs; nightmare; redness of the conjunctiva with in- ability to read fine print; cough with fluent coryza and sore- ness in the chest, when reading loud; whooping cough; rheumatic pains in the arms and feet; the knees feel bruised. MERC. MERCURIUS. Aggravations at night and in bed, but this aggravation begins and ends with the night, pains increased by warmth of bed, not relieved by cold and rendered more acute by motion. -Congestions, seething of the blood; hæmorrhages; bruised pain in all the limbs, especially the thighs and pain, in all the bones; violent pains, as if bruised in the whole body, especially the thighs; drawing and lace- rating in all the limbs, particularly at night, or with copious sweats, which do not afford any relief; the limbs go to sleep easily with numbness and loss of all sensation; restlessness and twitchings of all limbs, with constant disposition to move. them; great exhaustion and debility, with inexpressible malaise of body and soul; general weariness after the least work or walk; fainting fits; great emaciation; aggravations. of the pains in the evening and at night in bed, where they get insupportable; nocturnal inflammatory bone-pains; stitching pains in the limbs and joints, with feeling of cold- ness in the affected parts; hot inflammatory swellings; in- MERC. 563 flamed, swollen, suppurating glands; small itching pimples, afterwards changing to ulcers; red, shining, pustular erup- tions; dry, rash-like, readily bleeding itch; spongy, blueish, readily bleeding ulcers; the linen receives a safron tinge from the imperceptible exhalation; inflammatory swellings with slow suppuration; falls asleep late in the night with exces- sive restlessness and anxiety; frequent waking as if in fright; much chilliness and shuddering, especially at night; disposi- tion to sweat and constant sweating during the pains; pro- fuse sour night sweat; great restlessness, especially in the evening and at night, with anxiety and fear; obstinate, quarrelsome, hypochondriac forebodings; bilious headaches, arising often from slight colds and worse at night; burning on top of the head; nightly sticking, boring, tearing head- ache; semilateral tearing and stitching in the head; feeling of fullness in the brain, as if it would burst; falling off of the hair with baldness; ulcerated borders of the eyelids with scurfs around the eyes; photophobia and scintillations; stitching and tearing pains in the ears; purulent otorrhoea; ulceration of the concha; bloody otorrhea; parotitis; red- shining swelling of the nose; pale livid complexion; yellow scurf in the face; cracks and rhagades in the corners of the lips; swollen, ulcerated, white, indented, receding gums, with nightly burning and soreness; looseness and falling out of the teeth; fetid smell from the mouth; fæcal or putrid taste in mouth and throat; incarnate red color of the mucous membranes; salt saliva; foetid saliva; burning ulcers and aphthæ in the mouth; husky voice; canine hunger; unquench- able thirst for cold water; weak digestion with constant hunger; inflammation and suppuration of the inguinal glands; much urging to stool with tenesmus; excoriating discharges; pains increasing before and during stool, with violent tenes- mus; pains rather increased than diminished after stool, ex- tending to the back; during stool hot sweat on the forehead, which soon gets cold and sticky; chilliness between stools; nausea and eructations during stool and burning in the anus during and after stool; dysenteric stools, or acrid, corrosive stools of bloody mucus; excessive emission of urine; dark- red, fetid urine; painful erections at night; profuse menses with anguish and colic; purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea; dry, racking cough, as if head and chest would split; paraplegia of the extremities, of the bladder and anus, with tendency to twitchings and shocks; severe pains in the spine, aggravated by motion; anesthesia of the skin. 561 MERC.-COR.-MEZ, MERC.-COR.-MERCURIUS-CORROSIVUS.-Spasm of the œsophagus, total suppression of the urine, bloody stools, hæmatemesis, coma, gangrene; ptyalism is rare; herpetic eruptions and boils; fever, with burning heat, cold sweat; hypochondriac disposition; headache, with rush of blood to the head; falling off of the hair on the head and on the pubes; contracted pupils, dimness of sight; paleness of the face; tearing in the upper maxilla; burning pains in the teeth; inflammation of the mouth and of the salivary glands; bleeding of the gums; mercurial fetor from the mouth; diffi- culty of deglutition; red eruption over the whole body; vomiting of pus, blood and bile; gastritis and enteritis, with tendency to gangrene; bloody stools, with colic and tenes- mus; suppressed or increased secretion of urine; bloody micturition; inflammation of the urethra, with discharge; swelling of the testicles; pains in the mamma; leucorrhea; constriction in the throat, hoarseness, dry cough; hectic fever; sciatica, nightly bone-pains. MERC.-IOD.—PROTOIODURETUM - MERCURII.—Secondary syphilis; syphilis complicated with scrofula; chronic tuber- culous skin diseases; chronic swellings of glandular organs. MERC.-BI-IOD.-DEUTO-IODURETUM - MERCURII.-Secon- dary syphilis; scrofulosis; rheumatismus gonorrhoicus; ca- ries incipiens; condylomata. MERC.-PRÆC.-R.-MERCURIUS - PRÆCIPITATUS - RUBer. Trembling, convulsions, salivation, nausea, vomiting, oppres- sion of the chest, gastralgia, colic, fainting, diarrhoea, un- quenchable thirst, redness of the eyes, staring wild looks; swollen and inflamed gums; tongue thick and heavy, severe diarrhoea, cold sweats; suffocating fits at night; palpitations; deeply-rooted syphilis, localizing itself in the fibrous mem- branes and periosteum; mania and melancholia after syphilis. MEZ.-MEZEREUM.-Diseases of the bones and mucous membranes; rheumatic tearing, drawing pains in muscles and long bones; semilateral pains, with chills and shuddering, aggravated by the touch and by motion of the affected parts; sensitiveness to the open air; glandular swellings? tertiary fever and ague, with swelling of the spleen and great sensi- tiveness to cold air; bone-pains on the head, with drawing and numbness; scaly and moist itching eruption on the hairy part of the head; crusta lactea; impetigo; herpes zoster; eruptions, with itching in the evening, when in bed, aggra- vated and changed to burning by touch or scratching; sen- sitive and easily bleeding ulcers, painful at night, the pus MILLEF.-MUR.-AC. 565 tends to form an adherent scab, under which the matter col- lects; ophthalmia; itching eruption behind the ear; yellow, thin, bloody and corroding discharge from the nose; benumb- ing pressure in malar bones and temples, chiefly in the right side, connected with a boring in the upper jaw and in de- cayed teeth; the teeth feel dull and elongated; organic car- dialgia; malignant induration of the stomach; burning pressure in the stomach; burning eating soreness, with the feeling as if food lies there undigested; eructations of air, with yawning; chilliness, with cold feeling, perspiration, anxiety, constriction of the pharynx, feeling of hunger with- out appetite, great thirst, pyrosis; corroding leucorrhoea of a semi-transparent mucus; menses too frequent and lasting too long; deep, hollow, hoarse cough; whooping cough; cough with vomiting after eating; stitching in the right side of the chest. MILLEF.-MILLEFOLIUM.-All kinds of haemorrhages; hysteria, hypochondria; convulsions of pregnant or partu- rient women; epilepsy; petechiæ; wounds and bruises; mu- cous discharges; dyspepsia, colic and diarrhoea; dysentery; hæmorrhoids; hæmaturia, miscarriage, menorrhagia, leucor- rhoea; lochia too copious; soreness of the nipples; haemoptysis. MOSCH.-MOSCHUS.-Nervousness; hysteria; hypochon- dria without any reasonable cause; fainting fits; eclampsia? catalepsy? nervous attacks; sleeplessness; impotence; asth- ma; asthma millari. MUR.-AC.-MURIATIS - ACIDUM. Scrofulosis; stinging boils; typhus, with putrid torpid character; twinkling be- fore the eyes and horizontal half-sightedness; insensibility in the meatus auditorius; hard hearing and deafness; obstruc- tion of the nose, like dry coryza; pimples in the face; freckles; scorbutic gums; rawness and smarting of the fauces; rough- ness and burning in the throat; rhagades in the throat; dys- pepsia, with aversion to meat, eructations and feeling of re- pletion in the abdomen after a moderate meal; abdominal spasms; bloatedness of the abdomen and flatulency; swell- ing of the varices of the rectum, with burning sore pain; prolapsus recti, with swollen, blue, protuberant knobs, pain- ful to the touch; diabetes; frequent desire to urinate, with emission of but a small quantity of urine and tenesmus of the bladder. 566 NATR. N. NATR.-NATRUM-CARBONICUM.-Rheumatic ailments, with muscular contractions; scrofulous affections; weakness from loss of animal fluids; hypochondria; drawing and lacerating pains in all the muscles and joints; aggravation of the pains during a thunder-storm; paroxysms of pains, with trembling, anguish and sweat; dread of the open air; liability to take cold, occasioning coryza; relaxation of the whole body; un- steady gait; heaviness and weariness of the whole body; dread of exercise; great weakness after a short walk, unto falling; dryness of the skin, with profuse sweat after the least exertion; suppurating herpes; yellow rings of herpetic spots; blotch-like spots and rosy blotches in leprous patients; bleeding, large warts; ulcerated phagedænic blisters; drow- siness in the daytime, with yawning; falls asleep late in the evening and with difficulty; sleeplessness the whole night; full of fancies in the night; cold hands and feet; chill in the evening, with heat and thirst after lying down; sweats ex- cessively during motion, even when the weather is cool; night-sweat; passive phlegmatic mood; dullness of the head, with fatigue from mental labor; reeling in the head; stupe- fying pressure in the forehead, in any position of the body; headache in the sun; violent congestion of blood in the head, when stooping, with throbbing; ophthalmia, with pho- tophobia; fistula lachrymalis; dim eyes, with sensation be- fore the eyes as if rain were falling; far-sightedness; hard hearing; nostrils ulcerated inside, high up; constant coryza, with cough; hot flashes in the face; yellow spots on the face and upper lip; great thirst; dyspepsia, with hypochondriac mood after eating, or after small errors in diet; constant qualmishness; sensation as if the stomach were fasting; colic, relieved by vomiting; affections after drinking; incar- ceration of flatulence; painful shifting of flatulence; insuffi- cient stool; stool tinged with blood; frequent and copious micturition; pressing on the pudendum, as if everything would issue from the abdomen; profuse putrid leucorrhoea; menorrhagia; discharge of mucus from the vagina after an embrace; salty, purulent expectoration; cough day and night, with coryza; stitches and burning in the outer parts of the chest; the skin of the hand is dry and parched, dry cold hands; sweaty hands; cramp in the calves; icy-cold feet; severe pains in the legs at night, relieved by dry rub- bing. NATR.-M. 567 ; NATR.-M.-NATRUM-MURIATICUM.-Aggravations on ly- ing on the left side, on motion, on exertion of mind or body; morning aggravations, relieved by perspiration and during rest and in the open air; stiffness and cracking in the joints; spasmodic sensation in the limbs as if gone to sleep; muscu- lar contractions, hysteric ailments; dread of exercise; pains, with dyspnoea and hemiplegia; the circulation is excited by every motion of the body; full and undulating pulse in the whole body, even during rest; pulse intermits a few beats great bodily weakness; emaciation; throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly, particularly during summer com- plaints; children do not learn to talk; painful sensitiveness of the skin; large and red blotches, itching violently; warts in the palms of the hands; varices; nettlerash after every motion; drowsiness in day-time, sleeplessness or difficulty of falling asleep at night; sleep full of fanciful ravings; lewd dreams; anxious dreams; irregular and frequently intermit- tent pulse; constant chilliness; hypochondriac anxiety; sweat during the least motion; when trying to comfort him he goes into a violent rage; great tendency to start; pro- fuse sweat, having a sour smell; status gastricus; protracted intermittents, with stitching headache, thirst, excessive dry- ness of the mouth, ulcerations around the corners of the mouth; somnambulismus; sensation as if the head would split; falling off of the hair, even of the whiskers; ulcerated eyelids; acrid lachrymation: agglutination of the eyes in the morning; dryness and obscuration of sight; a small fiery point before her eye, remaining wherever she looks; painful swelling of one-half of the nose; white pimples around the nose; excessive fluid coryza, with loss of smell and taste; livid face; twitchings of the muscles of the face; pimples in the face; bloody blisters on the inner side of the upper lip; throbbing and boring in the teeth; increase of the decay of the teeth; scorbutic gums, with bleeding; vesicles on the tongue; sore throat, as if a plug were lodged in the throat; spasms in the pharynx; putrid taste and smell in the mouth; canine hunger, with feeling of repletion after eating but lit- tle; sensation of pressure, or pinching cutting pains, or heart- burn after eating or drinking; sour regurgitation of food; hiccough; throbbing in the pit of the stomach, resembling palpitation; stitches in the hypochondria; morning colic; frequent distension of the abdomen; incarceration of flatu- lence; protrusion of inguinal hernia; constipation, with sen- sation of contraction of the anus; difficult expulsion of the 568 NAT.-S.-NITR.-AC. fæces, fissuring the anus; with flow of blood, leaving a sen- sation of much soreness in the anus; frequent micturition at night; excessive sexual desire; acrid leucorrhoea; delaying menses, decreasing more and more; cough from tittilation in the throat-pit; spasmodic suffocative cough; oppressive anguish in the chest; palpitation of the heart, with anguish; irregularities of the beats of the heart; languor and heavi- ness in the extremities. NAT.-S.-NATRUM-SULPHURICUM.-Nightly tearing in the limbs; great lassitude; vertigo and heaviness of the head, beating headache; inflammation of the eyes and eyelids; dimness or scintillations before the eyes; stitches and ringing in the ears; epistaxis; tearing in the facial bones; hammer- ing toothache at night; tonsillitis; loss of appetite, with pains in the stomach, liver and spleen; flatulency; diarrhoea, alternating with constipation; scanty and retarded menstrua- tion; pains in the bones of the extremities. NITR.-NITRUM.-Loss of appetite, with thirst; spasms in the stomach, with flatulent colic; painless diarrhoea; cough in the open air and when ascending stairs; bloody cough; neglected pneumonia; purulent phthisis; asthma, not allowing to lie low with the head; stitches in the chest during a deep inspiration. NITR.-AC.-NITRI-ACIDUM.-Brown eyes and dark hairs; inflammatory pains of the periosteum; hysteric ailments; tearing and drawing pains, coming on and passing off quickly; pains in the joints as if sprained, with cracking; stitching pains, as if from splinters; seething of blood; a slight mo- tion causes palpitation of the heart and sweat; he takes cold easily; the whole body is sensitive to the open air; pains, when the weather changes; sick feeling in the whole body, with aggravation towards evening; amelioration by riding; excessive thinness; want of energy of mind and body; nerv- ous and epileptic fits; tremulousness; glandular swellings; dryness of the skin; pimples; dark freckles; brown-red spots on the skin and boils; painful scars, wounds, warts, perniones and ulcers; encysted tumors; unrefreshing, restless sleep, with anguish, feels all his pains during his sleep; night- mare; lascivious dreams; violent fever, with chilliness, espe- cially in the back; fetid night sweats; sadness, as if oppressed with grief; weeping mood; excessive nervousness; irritable disposition; weakness of memory; dullness of head, like loss of consciousness; vertigo, with pulsations in the head and pressure in the middle of the brain; headache, as if the head NUPH.-NUX.-M. 569 were surrounded by a tight bandage; bone-pains on the skull; ulcerating eruptions on the scalp; falling off of the hair; suppuration of the eyes, with stitches; frequent lachry- mation; acrid humors in the eye; spots on the cornea; short-sightedness; hard hearing; steatoma at the lobule; roaring, throbbing, cracking in the ears; soreness and scurf in the nose; redness of the tip of the nose, and scurfy blis- ters on it; nose bleed; fetid smell from the nose; paleness of the face; yellowness around the eyes; bloatedness of the face around the eyes; pimples, pustules and boils in the face; soreness, burning and ulceration in the throat; constant thirst; aversion to meat, desire for chalk, clay and lime; ailments after eating, especially nausea, weakness and drow- siness; stitches and pulsations in the pit of the stomach; stitching and cutting pain in the abdomen; flatulent colic; excessive flatulence, inguinal hernia, putrid diarrhoea, with putrid flatulence; old hæmorrhoids, with remains of figwarts and syphilis; fissura ani; suppurating inguinal glands; chronic looseness of the bowels, itching and painful hæmor- rhoids; fetid urine; discharge of cold urine; involuntary micturition; red spots on the gland becoming covered with scabs; sycosis; chancre-like, suppurating ulcers, with flat edges; violent erections and pollutions; too frequent noc- turnal emissions; ailments during menses; cherry-brown and fetid leucorrhoea; hoarseness and stitches in the larynx; purulent expectoration; shortness of breath, with panting; pains in the back and small of the back. NUPH.-- NUPHAR-LUTEA.-Loss of strength; excessive moral sensibility; psoriasis; pityriasis; painful, bruising, shaking in the head at every step, when walking; sweetish taste; yellow diarrhoea, especially in the morniny, without colic; diarrhoea, with flatulency, in the evening; weakness in the limbs in the evening; nocturnal emissions; involuntary seminal losses; urine deposits a copious red sand. NUX-JUGL.-NUX-JUGLANS.-Scrofulous ailments; glan- dular swellings; syphilitic, scrofulous and mercurial ulcers and herpes; ulcers with thick, hard borders and lardaceous base; headache over the eyes; flatulency; pimples on back, neck and shoulders; pustules and boils on the arms. NUX-M.-NUX-MOSCHATA.-Aggravation by rest, by cold and dampness, by darkness; rheumatic pains, caused by cold; arthritic pains and nodosities; scorbutic affections; ailments from the effects of damp cold; pains, with drowsiness and fainting; hysteric spasms, with great debility; moisture of 570 N.-VOM. the skin, with coldness; loud talking and bewildered man- ners, with drowsiness; changeable mood, from deepest sorrow to most frolicsome behavior; cool, dry skin, with little dis- position to perspire; ailments of women and children; fever and ague, with simple and double type; loss of memory; nervous affections of the brain; toothache from damp air, or stitching and tearing in pregnant females; flatulency, with bloatedness of the abdomen; slimy diarrhoea, like chopped eggs, with loss of appetite and drowsiness, even in the day- time; diarrhoea, with fainting; offensive copious discharges, with indomitable disposition to sleep from exhaustion of the brain proper; uterine hæmorrhage, following delivery or after miscarriage; troublesome leucorrhoea, especially if the discharge be muddy or tinged with blood; colicky pains from menses, suppressed by cold and wet; oppression of the chest, proceeding from the pit of the stomach; hoarseness from walking against the wind; catarrh and rawness of the trachea from catching cold; palpitation, with fainting fits. N.-VOM.-NUX-VOMICA.-Aggravation by motion, after eating and in the open air, but worst about two hours after midnight and upon waking in the morning; aggravation strongly marked at the beginning of the motion, by the con- tinuance of which they are diminished; periodical and inter- mittent affections; rheumatic pains, especially of the muscles. of the back, loins, chest and small of the back; dartings through the whole body; stitching and tearing in the joints, worse when the weather changes; drawing and tearing, es- pecially at night, or with numbness of the affected parts; the pains are so insupportable that he would rather die; pains of the joints and limbs, as if bruised, especially during mo- tion or early in bed, forcing one to often change his position; paralysis; sensation of spasmodic drawing to and fro in the muscles, as if something were moving in them; trembling of the limbs, with fluttering of the heart and tremor; con- vulsions and cramps; epilepsy; fainting fits after making the least exertion, or after a walk in the open air; languor in all the limbs, laziness; heaviness in the upper and lower limbs; sudden failing of strength; great nervous weakness, with excessive irritation of all the organs of sense, particu- larly hearing and sight; excessive sensitiveness to the cold air; great liability to take cold; emaciation; atrophy and emaciation of children, particularly scrofulous children; ag- gravations by coffee, wine, smoking, watching and mental exertion; the pains which come on by keeping one's-self con- N.-VOM. 571 fined to a room are relieved by a walk in the open air, and vice versa; burning itching over the whole body; blue spots on the body, like ecchymosis; boils, chilblains; cold and blue skin, with blue nails; jaundice; drowsiness in the day- time, after meals and early in the evening; falls asleep late, as many ideas crowd on his mind; excessive anguish, as if one must kill himself; sad, despondent, silent or angry; des- pairing of health and recovery; the slightest jarring or con- cussion insupportable; impatient of the least opposition; irritability of all the senses; the head is easily fatigued by mental exertion; vertigo; the whole brain feels bruised rush of blood to the head, with heat and redness of the face; clavus hystericus; headache, attended with nausea and vomit- ing; migræne, when no complete intermission of perfect health occurs, where the symptoms during the period (free from headache) will often furnish the surest indication; livid, yellowish complexion and yellowish color around the mouth and nose; miserable pale complexion, with blue borders around the eye and pointed nose; distorted gloomy features; tongue coated with white slime; sour taste after eating or drinking, especially after milk, which seems to sour upon his stomach; herby or foul taste; aversion to rye bread; hun- ger, nevertheless aversion to food; regurgitation of food while eating, with hiccough; sour eructations; heartburn; vomiting of sour-smelling and sour-tasting mucus; vomiting of pregnant females; stomach distended and scrobiculus cordis arched forward; tenderness of external membranes of stomach, increased by slight, but diminished by strong pressure; pains momentarily relieved by bending forward; first eructations of gas, then of fluid, tasting of food, followed by retching and nausea, with flow of water from the mouth, and lastly vomiting, till every morsel of food is rejected from the stomach, whereupon the pains pass off; spasms of the stomach, caused by partaking of solid food; the clothes feel tight around the hypochondrium; sanguineous congestion and heaviness in the abdomen, as of a load; bloatedness of the abdomen, especially after eating and drinking; the abdo- minal muscles feel as if bruised; inguinal hernia; constipa- tion, as from constriction of the rectum, with ineffectual urg- ing; large hard stool, or frequent stool consisting of mucus and attended with tenesmus; bilious diarrhoea, with a good deal of pain, which ceases after the evacuation; diarrhoea brown, offensive, slimy, with pressing or squeezing pains; pains and tenesmus cease with the stool; prolapsus of the 572 OLEAND.—OP. • rectum; varices; painful urging to urinate, with drop-dis- charge of the urine; sexual excitement, with erections, espe- cially towards morning in bed and pollutions; prolapsus uteri; the menses are too profuse and too long, with much distress; dry cough, with vomiting of mucus; asthmatic constriction across the chest; attacks of suffocation; slight paroxysms of palpitation of the heart, with rushes of blood. O. OLEAND. —— OLEANDER. Tension through the whole body; buzzing sensation in all the limbs; laming rigidity of. all the limbs; painless paralysis; numbness and loss of sen- sation in the limbs; weakness of the whole body; fainting fits, as from debility, or with loss of consciousness, passing off after perspiration; itch-like eruptions, herpes; scurfy pimples; restless dreams, with frequent waking up; dullness of the mind, he is unable to think; scurfy eruption on the hairy scalp; scaly or humid scald-head, with nightly itching and burning after scratching; humid fetid spots behind the ears, with red, rough, herpetic spots in front; alternation of paleness and dark redness in the face; sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole chest; passes his food undigested with the stool; brownish burning urine, with whitish sediment; oppression of the chest when lying, as if the chest were oppressed by something heavy, occasioning a deep and anxious breathing; stitches in the chest, worst when taking a deep inspiration; buzzing sensation in the legs and feet, particularly the soles; constant coldness of the feet. OP.-OPIUM.-Effects of Opium are: Congestion of brain and other internal organs, with pallor of the skin; diminu- tion of all the secretions save that of the skin; constipation; slight cerebral excitement, followed by heavy sleep, merging into coma; relaxation of involuntary muscles; relief from pain; it has a depressing influence on the sympathetic nerve; ill effects of wine; accidents and ailments of old age; ill ef- fects of fright and mortification, or of too sudden joy; appa- rent death; diminished sensibility; general torpor of the nervous system and insensibility to medicinal action; absence of pain during complaints; renewal or aggravations of the pains from getting overheated; convulsions and cramps; tetanus; epileptic convulsions; paralysis; great sleepiness and perfect coma with insensibility; somnolency, with pleasant OXAL.-PETR. 573 countenance, replying correctly when roused; deep, sound, snoring sleep, with slow pulse; sleep with snoring or rattling breathing, as after an apoplectic fit; profuse sweat, with itching and eruption on the skin; fearful, with tendency to start; stupor, complete loss of consciousness and sensibility; delirium; visions of mice, scorpions, &c.; mania; intoxica- tions; paroxysms of vertigo; pulsations of the carotids; great heaviness of occiput, so that the head constantly falls backward; coma from congestion to the head; eyes red, as if inflamed, staring and shining; pupils dilated and immove- able; whizzing in the ears; blueish face; stupid appearance, with relaxed appearance of the facial muscles; paralysis of the tongue; red and bloated face; spasmodic motion of the facial muscles; distortion of the mouth; convulsive trembling of the facial muscles, lips and tongue; vomiting of fæces and urine; bloated abdomen, like tympanitis; constipation; hard stools in small lumps; fluid frothy passages, with itch- ing burning of the anus and tenesmus; watery and offensive diarrhoea. OXAL.-OXALIS-ACIDUM.-Emaciation, with disease of the heart; paralysis, emanating from the spine; rheumatic pains of the joints; severe pains of cancer; icterus; typhoid fever; emphysema cutis; chronic ulcers; apoplexia; vertigo; dis- charges from the eyes; aphthæ and ulcers in the mouth and gums; stomatitis; angina; waterbrash; vomiting of preg- nant women; dyspepsia; spasms of the stomach; gastritis; carcinoma ventriculi; pains in the liver; spasmodic and in- flammatory colic; enteritis; dysenteric diarrhoea; cholera; stones and gravel in the bladder; laryngeal and bronchial catarrhs; mucous cough; pneumonia; organic diseases of the heart; spinal atrophy. P. PETR.-PETROLEUM.-Ailments from anger, from riding in a carriage; cracking of the joints, also with stiffness; arms and legs go to sleep easily; seething of the blood; liability to take cold; dread of the open air; debility after making an exertion with vanishing of sight, trembling of the body, buzzing in the ears and nausea; fainting fits with seething of blood, heat, pressure in the pit of the stomach and palpitation of the heart; brown and yellow spots on the skin; itching, burning pustules; rhagades; chilblains, bun- ions; glandular swellings; proud flesh in the ulcers; nightly 574 PHOS. slumber full of fancies; frequent slight chills through the whole body; night-sweats; sadness, despondency and dispo- sition to weep; anxiousness with violent starting; excessive irresoluteness; out of humor and angry; his thinking power is weakened, weakness of memory with no desire for mental work; heaviness of the head; eruption on the scalp and on the neck; scabs on the hairy scalp; long-sightedness and short-sightedness; hard hearing and deafness from paralysis of the auditory nerve; dryness and stoppage of the nose; yellowness of the face; swelling of the submaxillary glands; foul breath; taste pappy, as from deranged stomach, or foul; canine hunger, but is soon satiated; nausea and vomiting from riding; the pit of the stomach swollen and painful to the touch; feeling of coldness in the stomach; hard, knotty stool; yellowish, watery stools; diarrhoea consisting of bloody mucus; dysentery; ascarides are passed with the stool; tænia; enuresis nocturna, with itching and dampness of the scrotum; burning pain in the urethra; herpes between the scrotum and thigh; discharge of prostatic fluid; pollu- tions; profuse leucorrhoea with lascivious dreams; hoarseness and dry cough; asthma and suffocative huskiness with titilla- tion, inducing dry cough; herpes on the nape of the neck; chapped hands, covered with rhagades; rough chapped tips of the fingers with stitching and cutting pains; chilblains; cold feet. PHOS. PHOSPHORUS. Ailments from cold and from anger, aggravations morning, evening, on lying on left side, burning pains of internal parts; improvement on lying on right side, during rest, on application of cold water, while eating; increased heat in paralyzed parts; progressive para- lysis with the intellectual faculties preserved; paralysis con- sequent on apoplexy with twitching and muscular contrac- tions in the paralyzed parts; albuminuric paralysis; puerperal paralysis, whether symptomatic of Bright's disease or not, especially when preceded or accompanied by uterine hæmor- rhage; chlorotic paralysis with puffiness under the eyes; rheumatic tearing and stitching after taking cold; sensitive- ness to cold weather; pains when the weather changes or during thunderstorms; liability to take cold in the open air; frequent agitation of the blood; hæmorrhage from various parts of the body; heaviness of the mind and body; languor and weakness of the joints; great nervous weakness; emaci- ation, especially of the hands; formication in the paralyzed parts; furfuraceous dry herpes; yellow or brown spots on PHOS. 575 the body; sanguineous spots; petechiæ, boils; lymphatic abscesses; fistulous ulcers; diseases of the bones; small wounds bleed profusely; frequent waking in the night from feeling too hot; restless at night and dreaming constantly; chilliness in the evening; amelioration after sleep; exhaust- ing sweats every morning; night-sweats; lowness of spirits. and despondency; anxious and irritable when alone; sensi- tiveness of the senses and tendency to start; great indiffer- ence to everything; vertigo; rush of blood to the head with buzzing and heat of the head; falling off of the hair; spots on the scalp get bald; dryness of the roots of the hairs; determination of blood to the eyes; discharge of burning and smarting fluid from the eyes, especially in the open air; photophobia; myopia, nyctalopia, as if he sees everything through a gauze; hard hearing, especially for the human voice; loss of the sense of smell; fetid smell from the nose; green, yellow discharge from the nose; pale, sickly, sunken complexion with deep, hollow eyes and blue margins around; bloatedness of the face, especially round the eyes; herpes round the lips; bleeding of the gums at the slightest touch; ailments with bitter or sour taste after drinking milk; canine hunger; nausea and frequent eructations, waterbrash; vomit- ing of cold drinks, after they got warm in the stomach; vomiting of pregnant women, when they have to get up from the table, throw up quickly the ingesta, without losing their appetite; dyspepsia; gastritis complicated with heartburn and invincible scratching in throat; loss of appetite with feeling of emptiness and want, with impossibility of eructating and tendency to diarrhoea; excessive formation of acidity; regurgitation of food, patient can literally not retain a morsel of food; little thirst and pains aggravated by drink- ing; sensitiveness of gastric region increased by motion; ulcers in the stomach; burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach; bloatedness and hardness of the abdomen with flatulency; large yellow spots and boils on the abdomen; icterus gravis from fatty degeneration of the liver; jaundice from suppression; acute diffuse inflammation of the liver; acute atrophy of the liver; pappy, bright, yellow stools with a sensation, as if wind were about to escape; semi-fluid scanty stools, escaping with force; hæmorrhoids appear simultane- ously with chronic relaxation of the bowels; relaxation of sphincter ani; stools mucous, liquid and passed involuntarily; stinging hæmorrhoids with passing of blood; blind piles; mucous discharge from the anus; involuntary emission of 576 PHOS.-AC.-PHYTOL. urine; urine with a sediment of white flocculi; ulcer on the prepuce; irresistible desire for an embrace; impotence, noctural emissions without dreams; menses too early, too profuse and too long; leucorrhoea with urging to urinate and weeping; hard, painful nodosities in the mamma; abscesses in the mamma with fistulous ulcers; chronic hoarseness and aphonia; croup with disposition to relapses; cough with rawness and hoarseness in the chest; panting, fatiguing cough with expectoration of tough mucus; phthisis tuberculosa in persons of gracile build, light-colored hair, night-sweats, cir- cumscribed redness of the cheeks, hæmoptoe, great irritabili ty; cough with saltish, purulent expectoration; oppression, anguish and heaviness of the chest; palpitation; yellow spots on the chest; tremor of the hands; numbness of the fingers; pains of the soles, as if ulcerated. PHOS.-AC--PHOSPHORI-ACIDUM.-Diseases of the bones, especially interstitial distention, inflammation and caries; drawing and twitching, tearing in the limbs; debility from loss of animal fluid, with pale complexion and with sweating in daytime; erysipelatous inflammations; herpes; boils; itching, flat ulcers with dirty pus or indented base; smarting pains in the wounds, even in those of bones; not disposed to talk; taciturn; apathic and indisposed to work; illusions of the senses; dull, buzzing headache; great falling off of the hair, particularly after grief; watering of the eyes; yellow spots in the conjunctiva; photophobia; the eyes are dazzled by looking at bright things; short-sightedness; intolerance of noise and conversation; cannot bear music; scurfs on the nose; burning on the skin of the cheeks; pimples on forehead and skin; moist scurfs on the cheeks, lips and corners of the mouth; the teeth become dull and yellow; soreness and bleeding of the gums, which stand off from the teeth; sore- ness of the left side of the throat; putrid, flat taste; violent thirst; pressure in the stomach, as of a load; sour eructa- tions; sensation in the stomach, as if something were heaving up and down; flatulence, especially after acids; white, gray diarrhea; lienteria; distention of the uterus, as if from air; milky urine, with jelly-like lumps; cough with purulent, fetid expectoration; old itching ulcers on the legs; sweaty feet; chilblains on the toes. PIIYTOL.-PHYTOLACCA-DECANDRA.-Great muscular de- bility; lassitude and desire to lie down; myalgia and rheu- matic pains, especially of a chronic character; periosteal rheumatism; tingling and pricking sensation over the whole PHYTOL. 577 surface; chronic skin diseases; restless sleep at night; nausea on being wakened out of sleep at night; vertigo with dim- ness of vision; dull, steady, aching pain in the forehead; headache, with sickness of the stomach, from walking; heavy aching in the head, with vertigo, and disinclination to mental labor; shooting pain from the left eye to the top of his head; burning and smarting in the eyes, with great flow of tears; catarrhal inflammation of the left eye, with flowing of tears and photophobia; long-sightedness; dimness of vision, ob- jects appear indistinct; increased sense of hearing with pains. in forehead; feeling in the nose and eyes, as if a cold would corne on; total obstruction of the nose, when riding, not re- lieved by blowing the nose; fluent coryza; acute and chronic nasal catarrhs, ozona; syphilitic ulceration of the nose; sickly countenance; dark, yellow color of the face and sclerotica; firm tetanic contraction of the masseters; tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth and on the tongue; ptyalism; irresistible inclination to bite the teeth together; rough blistered tongue; teeth feel elongated; metallic taste; in- flammation of the fauces; throat feels dry and sore, especially on swallowing; sensation as of a lump in the throat, causing a constant inclination to swallow; constant choking sensa- tion; hawking to rid the throat and posterior nares of mucus; dyphtheria; enlarged tonsils; taste like nuts in the mouth; hungry soon after eating; eructations with water- brash; vomiting with but little distress in the stomach; pain in the region of the pylorus; eructations of sour fluid; vomiting of abundant dark, bilious substance; regurgitation of food; bruised and sore feeling at the pit of the stomach; pinched feeling in the stomach; soreness and pain in the hypochondria; neuralgic pain in the left groin; griping pains as before a diarrhoea, followed by the passage of offensive flatus; mushy stool; severe colicky pain in the umbilical region; emission of flatus relieves the pain of the bowels ulceration of the rectum; fissura recti; prolapsus ani and hæmorrhoids; pains in the region of the bladder, before and during micturition; dark-red urine; sexual organs unusually relaxed; impotence; secondary and tertiary syphilis; men- struation too copious and too frequent; metrorrhagia; leu- corrhoea; inflammation, swelling and suppuration of the mammæ; dryness of trachea with dry cough; coughs at night with gagging and vomiting; intercostal rheumatism; tenderness of the muscles of the chest, as if they were bruised; s; 578 PLAT-PLUMB. constant dull, heavy pains in the lumbar and sacral regions, aggravated by motion; spinal irritation; lumbago. PLAT.-PLATINA.-Alternation of dolefulness and cheer- fulness; malaise; inclination to spasms; the spirit is affected when the body feels well, or vice versa; it suits chronic states with slow reaction, suffering from hysteria, hæmorrhoids, perhaps, also, from gout or worms. Ailments from chagrin, anger or mortification; neuralgia, with pulsative throbbing, and crampy, creeping numbness of the affected parts; spas- modic affections of the female sex and especially of hysteric women; attacks of spasmodic stiffness of the limbs, without loss of consciousness; lowness of spirits, especially evenings, with weeping when addressed and peevishness; proud feel- ings, with over-estimation of one's self; great absence of mind; cramp-like pressing in the temples from without in- wards; agony, with fear of death, which she believes to be near; delirium, heat and redness of the face; roaring in the head; numb pain in the vertex; burning sensation in the eyes, with drowsiness; whizzing, roaring and tingling in the ears; dry coryza, only in one nostril; feeling of coldness, creeping and numbness in the whole right side of the face; pulsative digging in the jaws; loss of appetite, eructations and pressure in the stomach; contractive pains, or dull shocks in the pit of the stomach; constipation; red urine, with white clouds; excessive sexual desire, with discharge of prostatic fluid; voluptuous tingling in sexual organs, with anxiety and palpitation; amenorrhea; profuse menses, com- ing too early and lasting too long, menstrual blood coagu- lated, black and thick; induration of uterus and ovaries; en- largement of ovaries; loss of voice; short, dry cough; short, difficult breathing. PLUMB. - PLUMBUM-METALLICUM ACETICUM. Paleness, emaciation, languor, anesthesia of the skin; general paralysis of the upper limbs, with aphony and difficulty of speech; hemiplegia; epilepsy; apoplexy; encephalitis; chronic mye- litis; jaundice; boils; skin rough, dry, scaly, yellowish; coma, with partial delirium; cold sweat over the whole body; slow, small pulse; loss of memory; loss of all the senses, the con- vulsions returning with increased violence; furious delirium; bland delirium in day-time and furións at night; headache, with vomiting and violent pains in the umbilical region; amaurosis saturnina; death-like, lead-colored face; that por- tion of the gums which is nearest the teeth exhibits a violet-colored border; teeth turn black; aphthæ, salivation, POD.-PSOR. 579 constriction of the throat; apepsia and dyspepsia; excessive thirst, violent pains around the navel, with constipation ; sunken abdomen; lead colic; pinching and lacerating colic; passages involuntary, but not unconsciously, marking para- lysis of the sphincter ani; dysentery, with excessive colic; scanty, hard, black-brown fæces, resembling sheep's dung; ischuria; impotence and sterility; fetid breath; short, dry, fatiguing cough; angina pectoris; excessive dyspnoea; vio- lent palpitations of the heart; coldness of the extremities, with great languor; complete paralysis of the limbs. POD. PODOPHYLLUM-PELTATUM.-Aggravations in the morning; sudden shocks of jerking pains; restless sleep of children; moaning in sleep with eyes half closed; drowsy and difficult to wake in the morning; sallowness of the skin; rolling of the head during dentition; morning headaches; headaches alternating with diarrhea; vertigo, with inclina- tion to fall forwards; ophthalmia aggravated in the morning; grinding of the teeth at night; the teeth are covered with dry mucus in the morning; fetid breath; copious salivation; sore throat, commencing on the right side and going to the left; goitre; voracious appetite or indifference to food; re- gurgitation of food; acid eructations; vomiting of food an hour after a meal with craving appetite immediately after- wards; waterbrash, heat in the stomach; vomiting of food, with putrid taste; lingering and death-like nausea; colic, with retraction of the abdominal muscles; rumbling of fla- tus; faintness, with sensation of emptiness in the abdomen after stool; enormous swelling of the abdomen; green, sour stool in the morning, with flatulence, during dentition; diar- rhoea, with constricting pains of the abdomen, stools are yel- low or dark green, often accompanied by prolapsus ani; the pains in the back and abdomen are worse during the stool and continue after it; stools excited by eating and drinking; white mucous diarrhoea; stools of the odor of carion; cho- lera morbus; hæmorrhoids; suppression of the menses; pro- lapsus uteri; leucorrhoea; cough, dry or loose; hacking cough; whooping cough, attended with costiveness and loss of appe- tite; palpitation of the heart; aching in the limbs; worse at night; rheumatic pains, with numbness in the limbs. PSOR.-PSORINUM.-Weakness in all the joints; ailments when riding in the open air, improved by rest; aggravations, mornings, evenings and at night; arthritic and rheumatic pains, mostly in the extremities; dropsy; an old cough, pal- pitation and fixed pain in chest, passed off after taking pso- 580 PULS. rinum; herpes; itching over the whole body at night; itch; herpetic eruptions with scrofulous ophthalmia; anxiety and melancholy; rush of blood to the head, with pains as if the brain would burst out; headache, occupying only small places; numbness of the head; tinea capitis; pressure in the eyes; sensation of sand in the eyes; blepharophthalmia, with photophobia; yellow color of the face; sickly complexion; herpes in the face; all the teeth feel loose, with swelling of the gums; nausea; vomiting; induration of the spleen; chronic abdominal affections; obstinate constipation; invo- luntary micturition; burning in the urethra; condylomata on the prepuce and herpetic eruption on the scrotum; aver- sion to coitus; dry coryza; dry cough, with oppression of the chest; cough, with greenish expectoration; incipient phthisis; want of breath in the open air; stitches in the chest; stiff neck; rheumatic pains in the back and small of the back; itch-like eruption and herpes on the hands. PULS. PULSATILLA.-Aggravations while lying down, in the beginning of exercise, during rest, in a warm room, from mental emotions, after warm food, in the afternoon and evening; improvement on lying on the right side, on motion, in the open air, by cold; pains in recumbent position are lessened by motion; pains in the limbs; tearing, drawing or jerking in the muscles, with numbness, lameness and swell- ing of the affected parts, stitches and feeling of coldness when the weather changes; rheumatism from exposure to protracted wet weather; erratic pains, shifting rapidly from one part to another, with swelling and redness of the joints; consequences of bruises and contusions, with soreness to the touch; semilateral pains and affections; paroxysms of pain, with chilliness, oppression of the chest and paleness of the face; aggravation of the pains when sitting, rising from a seat or during rest, or when lying on one side; the pains are worse before midnight or every other evening; excessive heaviness in the whole body, with chilliness in the extremi- ties; fainting turns, with cadaverous paleness of the face: epileptic convulsions, with violent tossing of the limbs, fol- lowed by relaxation, disposition to vomit and eructations; emaciation; chicken-pox; erysipelas, with swelling; cracking of the skin on wetting it; boils; flat putrid ulcers; chlorosis; chilblains, with blue red swelling, heat and burning or throb- bing; disposition to blenorrhoea; drowsiness in day-time, sleep at night prevented by ideas crowding upon him; rest- less sleep with tossing about; nightmare; coldness and shud- PULS. 581 dering, with chilly feeling internally; chilliness when un- covering; melancholy, with crying, moroseness and fear of death; solitude; despair of his salvation; fear of ghosts when alone in the dark; timid, whining mood; suspicion and distrust; gloomy, ill-humor, chilly; gastric, mucous or bilious fevers; intermittents, with long chill, little heat and absence of thirst, no stage strongly marked and they are apt to run into each other; disposition to sweat in the morning; hypochondriacal peevishness; hysterical laughter and cry- ing; intellectual labor fatigues him; gloominess of the head, with vertigo, as after intoxication or night-watching; vertigo when sitting, worse by talking or meditating; drawing and stitching pains in the head, in the teeth and ears; redness and swelling of the eyelids, with styes; lachrymation in the open and in cold air; dimness of sight, as if through mist ; otorrhoea; coryza, with copious mucus discharge; green fetid discharge from the nose; paleness of the face; alternate red- ness and paleness; toothache, with otalgia; foul taste, as of putrid meat; absence of thirst, with complete loss of appe- tite; bitter taste of all kinds of food; aversion to meat and longing after sour things; white or yellow coating of tongue, adhesive and difficult to remove; sensation in the middle of the tongue as if it were burnt and insensible; desire for spirits; eructations tasting of the ingesta; bitter bilious eructations; gulping up of a bitter fluid; the region of the stomach not distended, the patient complaining only of uncom- fortable feeling; shivering after every meal; colic as if diar- rhoea would come on, with natural stool; flatulent colic of hysteric females; frequent mucous stools, every evacuation being preceded by colic; white mucous diarrhoea, with pain before passage and much rumbling in the bowels; dysenteric stools of clear yellow or red or green slime, with or without severe aching pains and tenesmus, extending up from the anus along the sacrum; watery, greenish-yellow diarrhoea in the night, with rumbling in the abdomen; soft, acrid stools towards morning, with smarting in the anus; retention of urine; difficult emission of urine, drop by drop; excessive sexual desire, like priapismus; emission after onanism; amenor- rhæa; uterine spasms, resembling labor pains; distress dur- ing the menses, especially chilliness and paleness of the face, with thick and black blood; metrorrhagia; leucorrhoea, burning, thin, acrid; milky, painless leucorrhea; utter pros- tration during labor; cough only on lying down; cough with saltish taste; cough, with expectoration of thick mucous; 582 RAN. -RHUS.-TOX. asthma in a horizontal position, as if the throat would be constricted; paroxysms of palpitations of the heart, with anguish. R. RAN.-RANUNCULUS - BULBOSUS.-Epileptic convulsions; scrofulous affections; indurations; jaundice; vesicular erup- tions; phagadæna; flat corroding ulcers; horny and other excrescences; herpes over the whole body; bad effects from the abuse of intoxicating drinks. RHAB.-RHABARBARUM, RHEUM.-Diseases of children, especially when nursing or during dentition; scrofulous affec- tions; the child tosses about, screams, is quarrelsome, has convulsive drawings in the fingers, facial muscles and eye- lids; cries and asks for a variety of things with impetuosity; agony; convulsive twitching of the facial muscles, corners of the mouth and eyelids; tenesmus; diarrhoea of lying-in women, or papescent sour diarrhoea, preceded by urging; acrid stools, with shuddering, and followed by renewed in- elination with griping in bowels; fæces mixed with green slime. RHOD.-RHODODENDRON.-Arthritic and rheumatic pains in the limbs, caused by rough and stormy weather, worse during rest and in bed; violent tearing in the limbs after abuse of Mercury, with swelling and redness, and aggrava- tion of the pains at night and in the morning; the pains in the limbs are especially felt in the forearm and leg down to the fingers and toes, resembling a cramp-like drawing; pains in the bones or periosteum, generally at small spots, when the weather changes; reappearance of the pains at the ap- proach of rough weather or of a thunder-storm; swelling and redness of the joints, affected with gout; swelling of the testes, with drawing pressing, also after suppression of gonor- rhoea and cold; hydrocele. RHUS.-GL.-RHUS-GLABRA.-Painful fatigue after lying down; night-sleep disturbed by annoying dreams; profuse sweat during sleep; headache, especially in occiput; epis- taxis; ulcers in the mouth are very sensitive; diarrhoea. RHUS-TOX.-RHUS-TOXICODENDRON.-Affections of the ligaments, tendons and synovial membranes; want of plasti- city in the blood, with disposition of the organic activity to become extinct, even to paralysis; ailments arising from cold bathing, particularly convulsions; rheumatic tension, drawing and lacerating in the limbs, most violent during rest RHUS.-TOX. 583 or in the cold season, or at night in bed, with numbness and insensibility of the affected part after moving it; stitches in the joints, when at rest; tingling pains; anxious pains in affected parts; bruised pains in single parts, or sensation as if the flesh had been detached from the bones by blows; sensations in internal organs as if something were being torn off; pains as if sprained; bad consequences from straining or spraining; the parts on which one is lying go to sleep, parti- cularly the arm; numbness of single parts, with tingling and insensibility; stiffness of the limbs, on first moving the limb after rest; lameness; complete paralysis; hemiplegia; teta- nus; opisthotonos; languor, with constant disposition to be sitting or lying; great debility; sudden paroxysms of faint- ing; great sensitiveness to the open air, even when warm; erysipelatous inflammation, especially vesicular; pustules which break and discharge a fluid; herpetic eruptions; scurts; rhagades; warts; hang-nails; red shining swelling; violent and spasmodic yawning, with danger of luxating the maxilla; chilliness, with paroxysms of pains, sets in in the evening; evening fever, with diarrhoea; semilateral chills; sensation as if his blood were coursing hot through the vessels and too violently through the head; sweat during the pains; general sweat, also in the face; depression; sad, despairing, tearful mood, is without courage; dread of the future and want of confidence in himself; anguish, with fear of death; is afraid of remaining alone in the darkness; fear of getting poisoned; illusions of the fancy and visions; chattering delirium; pain as if the brain would be torn; painful creeping in the head; swelling of the head; phaga- denic scald-head; small soft tumors on the hairy scalp; swell- ing and inflammation of the parotis; pale, sickly look, with sunken cheeks, blue borders around the eyes and pointed nose; acne rosacea around the mouth and chin; crusta lac- tea, with thick crusts and secretion of a fetid, bloody ichor; fetid smell from decayed teeth; accumulation of water in the mouth; the tongue is not coated, but very dry; parched, red, or brown tongue; complete loss of appetite for any kind of food; waterbrash; sudden vomiting when eating; pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if swollen; nightly discharge of yellowish or bloody saliva; ulcerative pain in the pit of the stomach, as if something would be torn off, especially when stooping or making a false step; difficult swallowing of solid food, as from constriction of the pharynx and oesophagus • aversion to all food, especially bread; desire for cold milk; 584 RIIUS.-VEN.- RUM. bloatedness of the abdomen after eating; thin, yellow, odor- less, painless and involuntary stools, as from paralysis of sphincter; mixture of blood and slime; sense of constriction in the rectum, as though one side had grown up; dysenteric diarrhoea, involuntary stools during sleep; incontinence of urine; offensive discharge of black-appearing water from the vagina after delivery; soreness and swelling of the breast; dry tearing cough, coming on before the chill and continuing during the chill; sticking in the region of the heart, with painful lameness and numbness of the left arm; the small of the back feels as if bruised, especially when lying still on it. RHUS-VEN.-RIUS - VENENATA.-Chills, up and down the back, when warm or in bed; aggravation just before rain, in the morning, by rest and mental labor; hot and dry skin, with great restlessness; fine vesicular eruptions on an erysipelatous base, with itching and burning; boils; gloomi- ness, absence of mind; great swelling of the head, face and hands, with sharp, irritative fever; vesicular inflammation of the ear, exuding a yellow watery serum; odema of the eyelids; scalded feeling of the tongue; salty, slimy, flat, rough taste; intense redness of the tongue, cheeks and fauces; sore throat, with redness and swelling; great thirst; distress in the stomach and umbilicus; abdomen bloated and painful to the touch; rumbling and griping pains in abdo- men, worse before stool; stiff neck and rheumatic pains between shoulders. RUM.-RUMEX-CRISPUS.-Throbbing through the body; sensitiveness to the open air in cold weather, or to the cold; sharp pains in the left chest; stinging itching in the skin, especially when uncovered and exposed to the air, the warmth of the bed soon relieves the itching; sleepiness in the evening before the proper time; unquiet sleep, with dreams of danger just before waking; headache, worse on movement; frontal headache on awaking in the morning; sore feeling in the eyes without any inflammation; roaring in the ears; mucous discharge from posterior nares; violent and rapid sneezing; fluent coryza; sensation as of a burn or scald on the tongue; dryness of the mouth and tongue at night; sensation of a lump in the throat, not relieved by hawking and swallowing; sensation of weight or of a hard substance in the stomach after a meal; bitter taste in the morning; flatulency after meals; nausea with eructations; sharp pain in the pit of the stomach, either worse on move- ment or occurring while riding out in the open air; sensa- RUT. 585 tion of fullness in the abdomen, with rumbling of flatus ; griping pains in the bowels, below the umbilicus, relieved by the discharge of offensive flatus; liquid diarrhoea in the morning; brown, watery diarrhea; diarrhoea in the morn- ing, with cough; acute catarrhal affections of the larynx, trachea and bronchi; tenacious mucus in the throat, de- tached and removed by an expiratory effort, or attended with a constant desire to hawk and raise it; sudden change of voice at the same hour on consecutive days; it diminishes the secretion and exalts the sensibility of the mucous mem- brane of the larynx and trachea; frequent and continuous cough, dry, in long paroxysms, and induced or greatly ag- gravated by any irregularity of respiration; rawness and soreness of the trachea, extending below the supra-sternal fossa, and laterally in the bronchi, especially the left; annoy- ing and very persistent tickling in the throat, partially re- lieved by coughing; aggravation of the cough after retiring, so that the patient covers the head with the bed-clothes to keep the cold air off; hoarseness; aphonia; sensation in the left chest as if the heart had suddenly ceased beating, fol- lowed by heavy throbbing through the chest; burning, stinging pain in the heart, coming on soon after lying down. RUT. RUTA - GRAVEOLENS. Bone-pains, burning and gnawing pains in the periosteum; pains of a pressive or bruised character in the muscles, and especially in the peri- osteum; aggravations by rest, especially when sitting or in damp and cold weather; inflamed ulcers; warts, anasarca; bruises and injuries of the bones and of the periosteum; heat over the whole body; melancholy and loss of spirit; moist scurfs on the hairy scalp; lachrymation in the open air; maculæ cornea; debility of the eyes, from reading too much; red halo around the light of the candle; incipient amaurosis, with mistiness and complete darkness at a dis- tance; epistaxis; cardialgia after eating bread or raw and indigestible food; eructations of hysteric females; foul eruc- tations after meat; nausea during the meal, with vomiting of the ingesta; colic from helminthiasis; gnawing in the stomach; mucous diarrhea; prolapsus ani at every passage; frequent urging to urinate, with scanty emission, also of green urine, or with renewed ineffectual urging after mictu- rition; frequent micturition at night; involuntary_micturi- tion; gravel; menses too early and too copious and irregu- lar, or weak, followed by mild leucorrhoea; menorrhagia; 586 SABAD.-SANG. abortus; sterility; corrosive leucorrhoea after suppression of the menses. S. SABAD.—SABADILLA.-Sensitiveness against cold; laming drawing through all the limbs; sleepiness; restless sleep, not refreshing; fever and ague, with thirst between the chilly and hot stage; anxious restlessness; pressing pain in the forehead; pressure on the eyeballs, especially when looking upwards; fluent coryza, with disfigured countenance and dull- ness of the head; sore burning in the mouth, as if scalded; thick, yellow coating of the tongue; hunger, especially for sweets, honey and cakes, with aversion to meat, wine and sour things; nausea and waterbrash; vomiting of lumbrici; red spots upon the abdomen, chest and hands; tænia; cough when lying down, or deep hollow cough with expectoration of blood; the cough is attended with vomiting, stitches in the vertex, pains in the stomach; influenza. SABIN. SABINA.-Ailments of the female sex; acute and chronic arthritis; arthritic nodosities; rheumatic pains; pressing in the tooth, as if it would fly to pieces; profuse menses, with lumps of coagulated blood; menses too early; hæmorrhage from the uterus after confinement and miscar- riage; abortus, with flooding, especially in the third month; leucorrhoea after suppression of menses, or starch-like, yellow, ichorous, fetid leucorrhoea, with painful discharges of blood- like serum, with a fetid smell. SAMB. SAMBUCUS.-Emaciation; dropsical swelling of the whole body; awakes frightened out of his sleep, with anxiety, trembling and suffocative feeling; unendurable heat over the whole body, with fear to uncover himself; fever and ague, with excessive sweat; blueish and bloated face; pale or livid color; circumscribed cheeks; red spots on the face; swelling of the scrotum; too copious menstruation; tracheitis; membranous croup; cough, with profuse expec- toration of salt or also sweetish mucus; wheezing and hur- ried breathing; profuse expectoration, with oppressed respi- ration; asthma millari; angina pectoris. SANG. SANGUINARIA-CANADENSIS.-Cases marked by a cold and languid circulation, manifested by coldness of the extremities, a relaxed and pallid skin and great sensitiveness to all atmospheric changes. Prostration of muscular strength; weakness and palpitation; scaly eruptions; ill-conditioned ulcers, with callous borders and ichorous discharges; old SARRAC.-SARSAP. 587 indolent ulcers; warts; polypi; anxiety and feeling of dread; moroseness, with nausea; hopefulness; sanguine of recovery from illness; vertigo on turning the head and looking up- ward; feeling of soreness on small spots on the head, especi- ally in the temples; sick headache; pains in the head begin in the morning, increase during the day, and last till evening; digging, piercing, throbbing pains in the head, followed by chills; nausea, vomiting of bile or food, forcing the patient to lie down and keep perfectly quiet; every motion aggra- vates the pains, which are only relieved by sleep; pains like a flash of lightning on the back of the head; severe burning, heat and redness of the face; much sneezing; fluid coryza; watery acrid coryza; catarrhal ophthalmia; granular lids; ulcers on the cornea; beating humming in the ears; painful sensitiveness to sudden sounds; spongy and bleeding gums; pain in hollow tooth when touched by the food; grumbling toothache; toothache after cold drinking; ulcerated sore throat; feeling of dryness in throat, not diminished by drink- ing; sensation in throat as if it were swollen up and would suffocate him, with pain in swallowing and aphonia; prick- ling sensation on the tongue and roof of the mouth; tongue feels as if burned; loss of appetite, with uncertain cravings; fatty, slimy taste in the mouth; burning in the stomach; unquenchable thirst, with vomiting and prostration; nausea and vomiting from irritation of the coats of the stomach; flatulent eructations; bitter vomiting, with headache; sensa- tion as if hot water poured itself from the breast in the abdo- men, followed by diarrhoea; copious urination at night; tick- ling in the throat, with sensation of swelling in the larynx and expectoration of thick mucus; tormenting cough with expectoration and circumscribed redness of the cheeks; pains in the breast, with pressure and heaviness in the whole of the upper part of the chest, with difficulty of breathing; stitches in the breast; extreme dyspnoea; short, accelerated, con- strained breathing, with tenesmus; rust-colored sputa; burn- ing of the palms of the hands. SARRAC.- SARRACENIA-PURPUREA. — Dull, heavy, sore feeling in all the bones; retarded circulation; very chilly in the open air; skin hot and dry; perspires freely; variola?; dryness of throat; tongue coated brownish-white; bloated- ness of abdomen from flatulency; dark, fetid, copious stool with tenesmus. · SARSAP.-SARSAPARILLA.-Arthritic and rheumatic ail- ments with decrease in the urine, after suppressed gonorrhea 588 SCUTEL.SEC. or after getting cold and wet; malaise, especially in the hands and feet; ulcers from abuse of mercury; perspiration on the forehead, in the evening in bed; nausea in the throat, as if foul air would rise up; constipation with tenesmus vesi- cæ; dysenteric stools; gravel, calculi in the bladder; copious mucous leucorrhoea. SCUTEL.-SCUTELARIA-LATERIFLORA.-Restlessness, sud- den wakefulness, frightful dreams; tremulousness and twitching of the muscles; chorea; affections of the gray nervous tissue, especially of the spinal cord; nervous affec- tions of children; convulsions, hysteria, epileptic convulsions; hemicrania over the right eye; pulse considerably increased and beating rapidly. SEC.-SECALE-CORNUTUM.-Spasms of the upper and lower limbs, with convulsions; convulsions and twitchings, pain- ful contractions, tetanic symptoms; perfect paralysis with increased reflex-action; excruciating spinal pains, especially in the small of the back; perfect anesthesia; paralysis of the bladder and anus; peculiar tendency to gangrene; hysterical paroxysms during parturition and child bed. Dry brittle skin; dry heat with quick pulse and restlessness and loss of sleep; pulse small and suppressed; puerperal fever; perspira- tion from the hand to the pit of the stomach, or cold, clammy sweat; dread of death; excessive sadness, melancholy; deli- rium; vertigo with stupefaction; the eyes are pressed back in their sockets; epistaxis; sunken, hippocratic, pale, dis- colored face; yellow complexion; ugly spots in the face; yellowish-white, dry, thick, viscid coating of the tongue; frothy or bloody saliva; aversion to food; great thirst; nausea with vomiting of the ingesta and debility; Asiatic and sporadic cholera; cholerine; painful colic with pain in the back and thighs, eructations; vomiting and cutting and tearing in the abdomen; seated burning in the region of the spleen and loins; rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen; extremely offensive colliquative diarrhoea; diarrhoea with great prostration or watery, mucous, brown or discolored stools; diarrhoea after cholera; suppression of urine; bloody urine; hot, burning urine, coming out in small quantities; courses too long and too copious; congestion to the uterus; metrorrhagia; moles and polypi in the uterus; flooding after abortion, after parturition, with black, fluid blood, with ag- gravation by motion; swelling and warts on the os uteri; metritis during pregnancy or after confinement; chronic metritis from suppression of the lochia or menses; ail SEL.SEP. 589 ments during pregnancy; threatening abortus; irregular, labor pains, feeble, suppressed, or even spasmodic; adhesion of the placenta; lochia too long and bloody, or scanty and fetid; miliaria on neck and chest; cramps in the calves and soles of the feet. SEL-SELENIUM.-Pains worse after sleep; easy exhaus- tion; inability to perform any kind of labor; ailments from onanism; sexual desire with debility and relaxation of the organs; emaciation. ŠENECIO.—SENECIO-AUREUS.-Sensitiveness to cold air stitches in different parts of the body; inability to fix the mind on any one object for any length of time; dry skin and very brittle nails; lascivious dreams; dreams about business or about danger, always coming off lucky; obstinate sleep- lessness; dizziness, feeling like a wave from the occiput to the sinciput; sharp, shooting pains in the forehead from with- in outward; catarrhal feeling in eyes and nose; feeling of weariness in the lumbar region; increased flow of urine; bloody urine; diabetes; renal affections; amenorrhoea, not connected with structural lesion; too long continued lochial discharge; chlorosis in a scrofulous constitution; ailments of the climacteric age; bloody mucous discharge from bron- chial tubes; hæmoptoe. SENEGA. POLYGALA-SENEGA.-Rush of blood to the head; pressure in the eyes with diminished power of vision; lachrymation; dimness of the eyes, spots on the cornea, the letters run together, when reading; feeling of dryness in the nose; foul smell from the nose, scratching in the throat with salivation; metallic taste; thirst increased; loss of appetite; nausea; cardialgia; burning and stitches in the chest; feel- ing of lameness in the limbs. SENNA.-Rush of blood, especially nights, disturbing the sleep; sleeplessness with restlessness and crying, especially in nursing children; heaviness of the head in stooping; loss of appetite, thirst, nausea, colicky pains as in children; feel- ing of coldness in the bowels; flatulency; diarrhoea with burning in anus. SEP:—SEPIA.—It operates especially on the portal system, retarding the circulation and causing an overloading of the vascular system with venous blood, a plethora venosa with a state of depression. Affections of the capillary system; nervous ailments, bad consequences of chagrin; pains as if sprained, particularly when exerting the affected parts; likewise at night in the warmth of the bed; stitching or 590 SEP. burning pains; drawing, tearing from below upwards; jacti- tation of all the muscles; the limbs go to sleep easily; stiff- ness and immobility of the joints; seething of the blood, with congestions to the head and chest; the pains abate during motion in the open air, and are aggravated by rest, in the evening and at night; sensitiveness to cold and winds; hea- viness and laziness of body and spirit with languid breathing; sudden palsy from chagrin; great indifference to his own family; hysteric debility; fainting fits; itching pimples in the joints; itch-like eruptions; pemphigus; brown, reddish, herpetic spots in the skin; lymphatic tumors; sudor hys- tericus; offensive, sour smelling perspiration, especially from the axilla and soles; intolerance of warmth; pale, yellow complexion, with reddish-yellow spots on the skin; drowsi- ness in day-time and cannot get asleep at night from pleasur- able emotions; want of vital heat and chilliness in the eve- ning and in the open air; perspires freely when walking or exercising ever so little; despondency and sadness, weeps frequently, complete discouragement and melancholy; hemi- crania with vomiting; rush of blood to the head with heat; involuntary shaking of the head; falling off of the hair; pus- tules on the cornea; paralysis of the eyelids; incipient amaurosis with contraction of pupils; hearing sensitive to noise and music; plugs in the nose and painful eruption on the tip; loss of smell; black pores on the face; pale face with blue margins round the eyes; sickly complexion with dim, red eyes; yellow spots in the face and yellow saddle across the cheeks and nose; yellowness around the mouth; herpes on the lips and round the mouth; aversion to all food, especially meat; desire for vinegar or urine; ravenous hun- ger; painful feeling of hunger in the stomach; the pains in- crease during and immediately after a meal; acidity in the stomach, with hypochondria and loathing of life; nausea and vomiting of pregnant females; morning nausea; palpi- tation in the pit of the stomach; waterbrash; weight and distention of the abdomen; pot-belliedness of mothers; hard, difficult stool, sometimes mingled with mucus; diarrhoea after drinking milk; exhausting diarrhea; much blood with the stool, after cutting in the abdomen; expulsion of asca- rides; contracting pains in rectum, running along the peri- næum with exudation of fluid from the anus; green and sour smelling diarrhoea of children; itching and stinging of the rectum; flowing hæmorrhoids; continual desire to urinate; enuresis nocturna; turbid urine with brick-dust sediment; SIL. 591 increased sexual desire, lascivious ideas, constant erections and pollutions; great debility after coitus; sweat of the geni- tal organs; leucorrhoea, with stitches in uterus and itching in the vagina; milky leucorrhoea only in daytime; prolapsus vaginæ and uteri; swelling and humid itching; eruption on the inner labia; contractive pain in the vagina; violent- stitches in the pudendum, extending up to the umbilicus; suppressed menses; ailments during menstruation; abortion; expectoration from the chest, tasting very salt; taste of rot- ten eggs after coughing; cough with blood-streaked expec- toration; suppuration of the lungs; congestion to the chest, with palpitation and intermission of the beats of the heart; dyspnoea with tenacious mucus in the chest; brown spots on the chest; tetters in the nape of the neck and behind the ears; the skin peels off on the palms of the hands; painless ulcers on the tips of the finger; corns; profuse sweat of the feet with fetid smell; suppressed perspiration. SIL.-SILICEA.-Muscular weakness of children and diffi- culty of learning to walk; large head and slow closing of the fontanelles in children; it will cure the interior consequences of external causes, but not those of an external injury; draw- ing in the limbs, with lacerating and stitching; nightly stitch- ing in all the joints; bruised pains in the limbs; ulcerative pain of the whole side of the body on which he is resting, with chilliness when uncovering himself ever so little; in- sufferable thirst and frequent flushes of heat in the face aggravation by motion and about new moon; twitchings of the limbs night and day; epileptic fits; negligent heavy gait; aversion to mental labor; every change of weather is felt in the head and in the limbs; great liability to cold; sensitive to thunder-storms; debility and faintishness; rose-colored blotches; lymphatic swellings and suppurating boils; scir- rhous induration; glandular swellings, with suppuration and induration; scirrhous indurations; benignant or malignant suppurations, especially in membranous parts; unhealthy skin, every little injury produces suppuration; furuncles; malignant carbuncles; many different ulcers; ulcers on the nails; felons; affections of the bones; drowsiness in day- time and uneasy sleep, full of fanciful dreams, at night; fr- quent dreams and exclamations at night; bad dreams, with violent weeping; seething of blood and heat; sweat during moderate walking; night sweats; desponding and melan- choly; weeping mood; yielding; indifferent and appathetic; homesickness; somnambulism; sort of double consciousness, 592 SPIG. appearing to be in two places at the same time; want of memory; difficulty of thinking; vertigo; groaning shaking of the brain; obstinate morning headache, with chilliness and nausea; headache, as if the brain and the eyes would be pushed forward; beating in the head from congestion; painful sensitiveness of the head; sweat in the hair in the evening; itching pimples on the scalp; itching humid por- rigo; alopecia; fungus hæmatodes and ulcers on the cornea; spots and scars; photophobia; the eyes are dazzled by the light; gauze before the eyes; all things look blurred; paroxysms of sudden blindness; feeling as if the ears were obstructed, sometimes going off with a report; scurfs in the nose; plugs and ulcers in the nose; constant coryza; chap- ped skin in the face; ulcers on the lips; painful inflammatory swelling of the gums; the gums bleed easily; aversion to warm, cooked food, with disgust for meat; bitter oily taste in the morning; stinging sore throat, only when swallowing; pressure in the stomach; heartburn; frequent, empty, loud or sour eructations; waterbrash, with shuddering; vomiting after every drink; griping, pinching, crampy sensation over the stomach and hypochondria in frequent paroxysms; hot dis- tended abdomen, also in children; pot-belliedness; constipa- tion, with frequent desire for stool, which is composed of hard lumps; red mucus with the stool; micturition almost every night; excited sexual desire, with erections and lasci- vious thoughts; milky appearing leucorrhoea; painful smart- ing leucorrhoea, especially after the use of sour things; sore- ness of the chest from dry and hacking cough; cough, with purulent expectoration; arrest of breathing when lying on the back, when stooping, running and coughing; panaritia; fetid or cadaverous smell from the sweat of the feet; itch- ing, suppurating scurf on the frozen toes; cold feet from suppressed perspiration of the feet. SPIG.-SPIGELIA.-Tearing in the limbs; arthritis; stitch- ing lancinating; fainting fits in the warm room or at stool; catches cold easily; catarrhal fever; pituitous fever; worm fever; periodical, typical headache; nervous pains in and above the eyes, especially deep in the orbits, with pain of the eyeballs on moving them, as if too large; stitching in the eyes, with boring in the head and pain driving one to despair; ulcerating inflammation of the eyes and eyelids; dull appearance of the eyes; great inclination to wink; the upper lids hang down as if paralyzed; great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light; indistinctness of sight as if the eyes SPONG. 593 • were full of water; luminous flashes before the eyes; amau- rosis; cataract; periodical deafness; stoppage of the nose; fluent coryza after the least cold; pale, disfigured face, with yellow borders around the eyes; the cheeks and lips are at times pale, at others dark-red; typical nervous prosopalgia; violent pains in the face, not allowing the least motion or contact, with shining swelling of the affected side; tooth- ache, with prosopalgia, pale bloated face, yellow borders around the eyes, palpitation, chilliness and restlessness; canine hunger, with nausea and thirst; distaste for coffee and tobacco; nausea, with sensation as if something were rising from the stomach into the throat; pressure in the sto- mach and abdomen, as from a hard lump; worm affections; ascarides; lumbrici; influenza; dyspnoea; asthma, when stirring in bed, can only lie on the right side and with the trunk raised; suffocative danger on making the least motion, especially when raising the arms; spasmodic sensation in the chest, as if from the pit of the stomach, with arrest of breath- ing; undulating motion of the heart; cutting constriction of the chest, with anguish; hydrothorax, with organic diseases of the chest; unusually strong beating of the heart, he fre- quently hears the beating; the beating could be seen exter- nally through the clothes; the beat of the heart not in con- sonance with the pulse; stitches in the region of the heart; quick, painful darting in the front part of the chest, as from an electric spark; carditis; organic diseases of the heart; aneurisms of the heart and of the large vessels; headaches attended with fatiguing palpitations of the heart; palpita- tions increased by sitting down or by bending the chest forward. SPONG. -- SPONGIA. - Diseases of the lymphatic vessels and glands, with swelling and induration; heat, with dry, hot skin, thirst, headache and delirium; pressing, throbbing headache; rush of blood to the head with throbbing of the carotids; redness of the eyes, with burning and lachryma- tion; bitter taste; frequent eructations, with cutting and tearing in the stomach; relaxed feeling in the stomach as if it were open; hard stool; frequent micturition; inability to retain the urine; orchitis; swollen, painful spermatic cord; in- duration of the testes; pain in the larynx on touching it and turning the head; difficult respiration, as if the chest were closed with a plug and as if the air could not pass; stridu- lous breathing and barking cough from efforts of inspira- tion; burning in the larynx and trachea; dryness, husky 594 SQUILL. STANN. and hoarse voice; inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchii; croup; laryngeal and tracheal phthisis; cough, deep from the chest, with soreness and burning, or chronic cough with yellowish expectoration and hoarseness; wheezing inspiration; asthma, with amenorrhea; goitre; hard goitre. SQUILL.SQUILLA-MARITIMA.-Debility, with languor; dropsy; indurations of glands; heat, with chilliness, when uncovered ever so little; pale face after the heat; dark red- ness of the face; morning cough, with stitches in the side; tightness, oppression of the chest and difficult breathing; whooping cough, violent coryza, eyes full of water, the nose dribbles, mucous rattling in the chest, every paroxysm winds up with sneezing; involuntary discharge of urine during cough; cough worse towards morning; watery diarrhoea; diarrhoea, with dark, muddy-appearing discharges. STANN.-STANNUM.-Excessive mental and physical de- bility; intolerable uneasiness in the whole body; spasms, also hysteric or epileptic spasms of children during denti- tion; epilepsy, with clenching of thumbs, pale face, loss of consciousness; faint and drowsy; great sensation of faint- ness on going down-stairs, though he could go up-stairs well enough; great emaciation; hot sweat over the whole body, with complete prostration, even after the least exertion; perspires freely every morning; hectic fever; worm fever; anguish and melancholy; discouragement; want of disposi- tion to talk; heaviness in the head and stupefying aching pain in the brain; pale and sunken face, with hollow eyes; sickly features; faceache; the teeth feel elongated; loose- ness of the teeth; red tongue; nausea after eating; vomit- ing of undigested food after violent retching; cardialgia, with bitter eructations; hysterical and hypochondriacal ab- dominal spasms; unsuccessful desire for stool; dry stool, in lumps; frequent desire, as if diarrhoea would set in; severe diarrhea; frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission; prolapsus vagina; leucorrhoea, with great loss of strength; roughness of the throat, with hoarseness; cutting, as with knives, in the pharynx, when swallowing; chronic catarrh, with roughness, weakness of the chest, dyspnea and cough, with expectoration; titillating creeping in the throat; dry concussing cough, excited by talking, reading, singing, from lying on the right side, from titillation in the chest; yellow expectoration, having a putrid taste; mucous phthisis; con- sumptive cough; asthma at night, when lying on the back, or from exercise in the day-time; asthma, as if the clothes • STAPH. 595 were too tight; bruised pain in the chest when at rest or in motion; feeling of weakness in the chest as if deprived of its contents, particularly after expectorating or talking; hydrothorax; paralytic heaviness and weakness in the limbs. STAPH.-STAPHYSAGRIA.-Scorbutic affections; ailments from chagrin, with indignation, also from care and grief; hysteric and hypochondriac ailments; inflammatory bone- pains; drawing, lacerating pain here and there in the muscles of the whole body, when sitting; stiffness in the joints when rising in the morning; bruised feeling of the body, with feel- ing of lassitude, worse during motion; debilitated all over, especially in the joints, when walking; rash, with nightly con- vulsions; itch-like and herpetic eruptions; unhealthy skin; frequent boils; indurated glandular swellings; swelling of bones; great drowsiness; wakefulness before midnight; evening fever, consisting of the cold stage merely; inability to sweat, even when taking the most violent exercise, with pale face and headache; profuse night-sweat; putrid smelling night-sweats; cold sweat on forehead, hands and feet; sad- ness, with ill-humor; great desire to weep; indifference, with phlegmatic mood; children are ill-humored and cry for things which, after getting, they petulantly throw away; stupefaction of the head, hindering him from all labor; a number of itching scabs on the hairy scalp; humid scabs, with bad smell; falling off of the hair; pimples around the inflamed eye; tubercles in the margins of the eyelids; hard- ness of hearing from enlargement of the tonsils; coryza, with ulcerated nostrils; worn-out, pointed countenance, with hol- low eyes, as after a night's revel, or in consequence of some violent emotion; blue margins around the deeply sunken eyes, as after excesses; pressure and beating, extending from the teeth to the eyes; the face becomes brown and blue from chagrin and indignation; pimples on the cheeks, fore- head and in the corners of the mouth; inflammatory pains of the facial bones; ulcer of the lip, with gnawing, drawing pains; swelling and tubercles of the gums; bitter taste of the food; canine hunger, even with full stomach, with water- brash; appetite only for fluid food; feeling of weakness in the abdomen, as if it would fall off; pot-belliedness of chil- dren; swelling of the inguinal glands; constipation and de- laying stool, owing to a deficiency of peristaltic motion; dysenteric stools; frequent desire to urinate, passing a small quantity of dark-colored urine; painful micturition; excessive sexual desire, with nocturnal emissions and dreams; cough, 596 STICTA. -STRAM. with yellow purulent mucus; spasms in the diaphragm after chagrin. STICTA.-STICTA - PULMONARIA.-Inability to concentrate the mind upon any one object; her leg felt as though it was floating in the air, feeling light and airy, without any sensa- tion of resting on the bed; hysteria; dull sensation in the head, with sharp, darting pains through the vertex, side of the face and lower jaw; darting pains in the temporal re- gion; sick headache; burning in the eyelids, with soreness of the ball on closing the lids or turning the eyes; coryza; chronic catarrh of the nasal passages, otalgia; influenza; cough during and after measles; racking cough, lasting for hours and producing great exhaustion; whooping cough, in the first stage. STRAM.-STRAMONIUM.-Painful sensation, as if the joints were loose; spasmodic movements and convulsions, on looking at bright objects; violent motions of the limbs; epileptiform twitchings; epileptiform convulsions, with consciousness; spasms after fright; St. Vitus' dance; cataleptic immobility, with loss of consciousness; palsy of the limbs; tremors; incli- nation to keep the recumbent position; debility, with vaccillat- ing gait; fainting, with snoring, paleness of the face and loss of appetite; drowsiness; wakes with a solemn air of importance; deep, heavy sleep, with snoring, stertorous breathing, bloody froth at the mouth and dark brown face; chilliness of the limbs and trunk; melancholy, with desire for society, light, sunshine, aggravation of the symptoms by darkness and solitude; melan- choly, with fear of death, weeps all the time; believes all the time that he is alone and is afraid; mania with great strength; stupefaction; stupefaction of all the senses and insensibility to all external impressions; frightful fancies, such as shapes of dreadful animals; loquacious delirium; alternation of lu- dicrous demeanor and sadness; mania, with pride and affec- tation; violent headache, with obscuration of sight and hard hearing; glistening, staring eyes; dilatation of the pupils; optical illusions; paleness of the face; distorted features, as if by pain or fear and anxiety, with deep furrows and wrinkles on the forehead; red face with staring eyes; swelling of the face, as if turgid with blood, with friendly look; blue and swollen lips; speech as if paralyzed, utters inarticulate sounds; spasmodic constriction of the fauces and impossibility of swal- lowing; fear and horror of water and every fluid; violent singultus; cadaverous stools; suppression of urine; lascivi- ous disposition; spasms of the chest. SULPH. 597 SULPH.-SULPHUR.-It must never be given at the be- ginning of feverish muscular rheumatism, but only when, to stitching tearing, an obtuse muscular pain follows. Pains in the limbs, with weakness and numbness, and stitching in the joints with rigidity; drawing and tearing, becoming intoler- able under a feather bed; external heat ameliorates the pains, cold aggravates; most pains come on during rest and go off by motion; feels worst when standing; aggravation at night and when the weather changes; talking fatigues him and causes pain; sensitiveness to wind and open air; he is worse every eight days; inclines to catch cold; agitation in the blood, with distention of the veins of the hands; tre- mor of the limbs, especially the hands; epilepsy after a fright or after running about; jerking in all the limbs; unsteady gait; difficulty of infants to learn to walk; excessive emacia- tion; itch-like eruptions; small-pox, particularly during the suppurating stage; liver-spots; moles; rhagades; unhealthy skin; readily bleeding ulcers; boils'; chilblains; stinging and lacerating in the ulcers; glandular affections; diseases of the bones; chlorosis; jaundice; dropsy; drowsiness in the daytime and difficulty of falling asleep; wakeful the whole night; on going to sleep one leg is suddenly drawn up and shot out again, partially rousing him; sleep disturbed by frightful dreams; talking and muttering during sleep; night- mare; chilliness and coldness of the whole body; sweats readily at the least exercise; night-sweats; copious perspi- ration in the morning; chills and fever without reaction, stupid, constantly sinking; melancholy, despair of one's sal- vation; irritated and out of humor; taciturn; low-spirited, inclining to weep; disposition to philosophic and religious meditations; the most ordinary subjects awaken extraordi- nary admiration; feeling of heaviness and dullness of the head, as if the brain would fall forwards; drawing and la- cerating through the head; seething of the blood in the head, with frequent flushes of heat; pain as if the brain were beating against the skull; chronic periodical headaches; headache, followed by fetid sweats; tinea capitis; pains of the roots of the hairs; especially on touching them; alopecia; ulceration of the eyelids; obscuration and specks on the cor- nea; intolerance of the light of the sun; weakness of sight; pale and bloated face; deep eyes, surrounded with blue mar- gins; livid complexion; hot face, with red spots between the eye and ear; circumscribed redness of the cheeks; roughness of the skin; black pores of the nose, lips and chin: 598 SULPH.-AC.-SYMPH. teeth loose and elongated; swelling of the gums; aphthæ; sweet taste in the mouth; voracious hunger; acidity of the stomach; regurgitation of the food and waterbrash; heart- burn; pressure in the stomach, as of a lump; spasmodically contractive colic, extending into the chest, the groin and the genital organs; cramp-colic from piles, from flatulence, re- lieved by sitting bent; pinching around the umbilicus; con- stipation; insufficient stool, with sensation as if something had remained behind; lienteria; red mucus in the stool, with fever, loss of appetite and cutting pains in bowels; threatening ulceration of the mucous membranes of the bowels; copious, putrid, frothy stool, with tenesmus, or sud- denly and without control, patient has hardly time to leave the bed; slimy stools, with slight streaks of blood; nightly diarrhoea of children; diarrhoea some hours after midnight, or driving one out of the bed early in the morning; tenes- mus continues long after stool; hæmorrhoids; painful mic- turition, with discharge of drops of bloody urine; copious micturition after midnight; wetting the bed; fetid urine; fetid sweat of the genital organs; male impotence; emissions; suppression of the menses; menses too pale; burning corro- sive leucorrhea; much mucus in the chest and throat; suf- focating fits at night during the sleep; feeling of heaviness in the chest, as from a lump; rush of blood to the chest, with seething; pains in the small of the back; hang-nails; cold feet; cramps in calves and soles, particularly at night, with looseness of the bowels; blisters on the feet and toes. SULPH.-AC.-SULPHURIS-ACIDUM.-Itching over the whole body; red and blueish spots on the skin, as from suggilla- tion; sores on the skin, with gangrenous ulceration; ill- effects from mechanical injuries; febris mucosa; desponding, peevish, weeping mood; the hairs turn gray and fall off; chronic ophthalmia; loss of hearing; aphthæ; acidity in the throat and heartburn; pricking or burning in the stomach and abdomen; chronic diarrhoea; stools like chopped mucus, saffron-yellow and stringy; too early and too profuse men- strual discharge; uterine hæmorrhage; hoarseness, dryness and roughness in the larynx; chronic hæmoptoe; occasional and momentary dyspnoea; boils on the back. SYMPH. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE.- Fractures of the bones, contusions and injuries of the bones and periosteum; indolent and scorbutic ulcers. TAB.—TELLUR. 599 T. TAB. - TABACUM-NICOTIANUM. Weakness and tremor of the extremities; chilliness, fainting fits, convulsions; itching of the skin; chilliness with shuddering and cold sweat; anguish and oppression of the chest, vertigo, heaviness of the head; mist before the eyes; dilatation of the pupils; burning in mouth and throat; nausea, vomiting; spasms of the stomach; gurgling in the bowels; constant inclination to stool; green slimy diarrhoea, with tenesmus; erections and pollutions at night; itching in the throat; dry cough; oppression of the chest; stitches in the chest, with dyspnea; strong palpita- tion of the heart, pains in the groins and the small of the back; stitching tearing pains in the extremities. TART.-EM.-TARTARUS-EMETICUS.-Pustulous eruptions, like variola; varioloids; variola; great sleepiness, like coma; yawning and stitching; sleep in day-time; apoplexy; pale- ness of the face, with sickly looks; nausea, vomiting, diar- rhoea and great debility; sour vomiting of food; pains in the stomach and pit of the stomach, with pulsations; gas- tritis; colic, with restlessness of body and mind; yellow, brown or slimy diarrhoea, with colic before the stool; the larynx is painful to contact; membranous croup; hoarseness; catarrh, with mucus rattling in the chest; cough, with sneez- ing or vomiting of the ingesta, or with suffocative attacks, like asthma; palsy of the lungs; suffocative catarrh; fever and ague, with absence of thirst and great drowsiness. - TELLUR. TELLURIUM. Quiet disposition, forgetful; vertigo, worse in the morning and when walking out; dull headache; the brain feels as if beaten on the slightest inove- ment; cataract; lachrymation, with fluent coryza; discharge of watery fluid from the ears, smelling like fish-pickle, caus- ing a vesicular eruption, wherever it touches the skin ; twitching and distortion of the facial muscles, particularly when talking; ring worm on the face; salivation; gums bleed easily; rough, scratchy sensation in the throat; dry- ness of the fauces and throat, removed by eating and drink- ing; faintness in the stomach; pinching in the abdomen; peculiar and violently stinking flatus; slimy and black stools; itching in the rectum after stool; increased micturition; acrid urine; increased sexual instinct; herpes on scrotum and perinæum; garlic-like odor of the breath; hoarseness; palpitation and throbbing through the whole body, with full pulse; sleepiness and nightmare. • 600 THUJ. THUJ.-THUJA-OCCIDENTALIS. Tearing and beating in the affected parts, as if ulcerated; stitches in the limbs and joints; limbs go to sleep easily, especially at night in bed; sensation as if the whole body were very thin and delicate and might easily fall to pieces; the pains are worst during rest and in bed; amelioration by motion, cold and sweat ; aggravation in the afternoon and at night, towards three o'clock, or in the evening, hindering from falling asleep; the left side especially affected; ill effects from getting over- heated, drinking tea, onions and greasy food; seething of the blood, with pulsations of all the arteries; swelling of the veins of the skin; eruption like chicken-pox, with red au- reola; brown or marble spots on the skin; boils, chilblains, corns, figwarts; heat, with thirst; shuddering, when un- covering the body ever so little, with yawning; low-spirited and desponding; tired of life; slow comprehension, has to look for the words when speaking; headache, as if a nail were driven in the crown; heaviness of the head, with ill humor; tenderness of the scalp and of the hairs to the touch; eyes are bloodshot; lachrymation in the open air; tensive drawing in the nasal bones; ulceration and painful scurfs high up in the nose; nasal mucus, mixed with coagulated blood; heat of the face, with redness; aphthæ; swelling of the salivary glands; ranula; slow speech on accountof slow thinking; is easily satiated at the table; desire for cold food and drinks; rancid eructations after fat food; pain as from intussusception of the bowels; motions in the abdomen as from something alive; indurations of the abdomen; consti- pation as from intussusception of the bowels; feeling of pres- sure on the hæmorrhoids, with compression, swollen protrud- ing knobs, tenesmus; itching burning of the anus; copious micturition of clear light urine, has to get up several times during the night to pass water; sensation in the urethra as if drops of urine were running along; round, flat, unclean ulcers in the gland; figwarts, especially horny or humid, suppurating and itching; constant erections and emissions, with sensation of stricture in the urethra; discharge of stringy prostatic fluid in the morning, after awaking; cutting pain immediately before and during micturition, most vio- Îent in the region of the bladder; wart-shaped excrescences on the os-tincæ; stitches in the chest after cold drinking; palpitation of the heart, especially on ascending stairs; the region of the heart is painful; livid skin in the clavicular region; warts on the hands. TRILL.—VERATR. 601 TRILL. TRILLIUM - PENDULUM. Parturifacient; obsti- nate passive epistaxis; bleeding from the cavity of the ex- tracted tooth; chronic diarrhoea; dysentery, when the amount of blood is considerable and the discharges are fetid, when the disease threatens to become chronic; hæmaturia; menorrhagia, especially during labor, at time, or in abortion frequent and profuse menstruation; profuse leucorrhoea of a yellowish color and creamy consistency; chronic bronchitis; hæmoptysis.? ; V. VAL.-VALERIANA.-Jerking drawing in the limbs and bones; pains which appear suddenly, concussive, or shifting from one part to another; aggravation in the evening after meals, at rest, especially after preceding exercise; mitigation of the pains by motion, friction and rubbing; white erup- tion; hard pimples; morbid nervousness and hyperæsthesia of all the senses, with trembling; great restlessness and fear irritability of the mind with illusions of the senses; hypo- chondriac despair; scintillations and black motes before the eyes; sensation as if a thread were hanging down the so- phagus from the pharynx; empty eructations; taste as of fetid tallow; ulcerative pain in the abdomen and distensive sensation. • ; VERATR.-VERATRUM-ALBUM.-Ailments from fear and fright or from anger and chagrin; attacks of pain occasion- ing for a short time delirium and rage; pains in the muscu- lar parts of the body, composed of pressure and a bruised feeling; paralytic pain in the limbs as after excessive fatigue; pain in the limbs, which do not bear the warmth of the bed, cease entirely on walking about and generally appear early in the morning; the pains in the limbs are worse in the fall and spring, also in bed, damp and chilly weather; the pains are aggravated by the talking of other people; tremor of the limbs, excessive weakness, fainting fit; concussions like electric shocks, with profuse sweat; spasms and convulsions, with contractions of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; catalepsy, with lock-jaw; general emaciation; laming prostration and disposition to faint, from the least exercise; flaccid skin; coma vigil; long uninterrupted sleep; cold- ness of the whole body with cold clammy sweats; hot face, with redness and shuddering; slow and almost extinct pulse; great inequality in the division of animal heat; sweats 26 602 VERATR. easily in the daytime after the least exercise; anguish as from an evil conscience, or as if some evil were impending; fear- fulness, running about from anxiety, with anguish and scream- ing; furious delirium; mania, religious or amorous, with foolish demeanor; mania, with desire to cut and tear things, especially clothing; stupid condition, with low muttering or moaning; vomiting and increase of headache on rising, with proportionate well feeling in a reclining position, the least motion producing nausea or vomiting; dyspeptic or sick headaches, with shooting pains; paroxysms of pains, which drive the patient almost to distraction; chilliness on the top of the head; sensation as of a piece of ice on the head; cold sweat on the forehead; palsy of the eyelids, as if they were too heavy; hemeralopia, commencing at twilight; vanishing of sight; diplopia; red spots on the nose; cold, disfigured face, as of a dead person, with pointed nose and sunken cheeks; blue margins around the eyes; bluish or yellowish face; copper-red eruption on the face, around the mouth and the chin; dry, black and parched lips; lock-jaw; discharge of mucus from the mouth, and froth at the mouth; tongue red and swollen or dry, blackish and cracked; scraping and roughness in the throat; desire for fruit and acid things; pappy, putrid taste; voracious and canine hunger; unquench- able thirst, particularly for cold drinks; water brash; black vomit; vomiting, with diarrhoea and pressure in the pit of the stomach; Asiatic cholera, with rice-water discharges and violent vomiting; extreme thirst for large quantities of cold water, cramps in the calves of the legs, fingers and toes; hoarse voice; coldness of mouth and tongue; excessive sen- sitiveness of the pit of the stomach and the region of the stomach, with anguish in the pit of the stomach; flatulent colic, affecting the whole howels; cutting in the bowels, as with knives, or burning pains, or burning as if from hot coals; chronic constipation, as if from want of action from the bowels; green, watery stools, mixed with flocks, or brownish or blackish stools; unnoticed evacuations with escape of wind; diarrhoea, with extreme prostration; noc- turnal diarrhea; frequent, but scanty emission of dark-red urine; suppression of the lochia, with delirium and diarrhœa; nymphomania of lying-in women; thin, watery, dark-ap- pearing and offensive diarrhoea during puerperal fever; dys- menorrhoea, with vomiting and purging, or with exhausting diarrhoea and cold sweats; paroxysms of constriction of the larynx, suffocative fits with protruded eyes; violent cough, VERATR.-VIR.- -VIOL-TRIC. 603 with constant eructations; cough, with profuse expectora tion, blue face and involuntary emission of urine; palpita- tion of the heart, with anxiety and hurried audible breath- ing; tingling in the hand, as if it had gone to sleep; para- lytic feeling in the hip-joints; violent cramps in the calves; icy-coldness of the feet. VERATR.-VIR.-VERATRUM-VIRIDE.-It allays pain and hyperæsthesia; chorea; puerperal convulsions; cerebro spinal meningitis; convulsions, with tendency to opisthoto nos; sound sleep, with frightful dreams; restless night, with frightful dreams of being drowned; chilliness, with nausea; coldness of the whole body, with cold perspiration, especially upon the hands, feet and face; feeble, irregular, scarcely perceptible pulse; headache, with afternoon fever, vertigo; headache, proceeding from the nape of the neck; cerebral congestions, arising from plethora, vascular irritation, coup de soleil, alcoholic stimulants, teething; intense headache, with fullness and throbbing of the arteries, sometimes with stupe. faction; increased sensitiveness of the senses; cold bluish face, covered with cold perspiration, convulsive twitchings of the facial muscles, mouth drawn down at one corner; dimness of sight; walking brings on blindness and faintness; tongue feels as if it had been scalded; flat bitter taste; copi- ous secretion of saliva; burning and spasm of the œsopha- gus, with rising of frothy, bloody mucus in the mouth; ex- cessive gastric irritability; cardialgia and gastralgia; water. brash; the stomach seems to press against the spine, when lying upon the back; hiccough before and after vomiting; vomiting of bile and blood; cutting, aching pains in the umbilical region, with rumbling in the bowels and desire for stool; soft, mushy stool, preceded by cutting pains in the bowels; increased secretion of pale urine; orchitis; puer- peral metritis; violent menstrual colic previous to the occur- rence of the discharge; sensation as of a heavy load on the chest; oppression of the chest; pneumonia; pleurisy; con- stant burning distress in the cardiac region; faintness after rising from the recumbent position; fluttering sensation in the heart; palpitation, with dyspnoea; lumbago. VIOL.-OD.—VIOLA-ODORATA. —Vertigo, as if everything would turn round in the head; rush of blood to the head ; tension in the occiput and in the nape of the neck; pressive headache, with chilliness; hypochondria and hysteria; op- pression of the chest; helminthiasis. Miliary eru tion over VIOL.-TRIC.-VIOLA-TRICOLOR. 604 ZINC.-ZIZIA. the whole body; crusta lactea; tinea capitis; herpes; night sweats; epileptic fits; convulsions; heaviness of the head; pressive pain in the head; dimness of the sight; hot flushes in the face; tongue coated white, with nausea and vomiting; colic; hard stool; copious urination; tenesmus vesica, with urging to urinate; pollutions; leucorrhoea; stitches in the chest. Z. ZINC.-ZINCUM-METALLICUM.-Valuable in convulsions of children, who have become pale, but not anæmic, during den- tition, also in convulsions of chlorotic women, particularly if the upper part of the body is affected; loss of sensation in the body; feeling of coldness of the bones; chronic erup- tions; herpes and herpetic ulcers; rhagades; drowsiness in the morning, after dinner, with laziness; sleep disturbed by frightful dreams; screaming and talking during sleep; night sweats; perspires easily during the day; thoughts of death; abhors all work and exercise; loss of memory and forgetful- ness; bruised feeling in the head; buzzing in the head; coma, from cerebral exhaustion; hydrocephaloid; pain of the hairy scalp as if from subcutaneous ulceration; dryness of the eyes; paralysis of the upper lids; the teeth are sensitive and ache; bleeding of the gums; herpes in the throat after neglected gonorrhea; metallic taste; a sort of subdued nausea, with a general tremulous feeling and aching in the forehead; dull stitches in the region of the spleen; accumulation of flatu- lency, producing a protrusion of the piles; constipation ; soft stool and diarrhoea; retention of urine; enuresis in walking, coughing or sneezing; stones in the bladder; gravel; too quick emission of the semen; powerful erections, especial- ly at night; leucorrhoea, preceded by cutting colic; spasmo- dic asthma; tension of the sternum; palpitation and shocks of the heart, with intermission of the beats of the heart and arrest of breathing; pain in the small of the back; incessant and powerful fidgety feeling in the feet and lower extremities, he must move them constantly; rash in the bend of the elbows and of the hands; heaviness and weakness of the extremities. ZIZIA. ZIZIA-AUREA. —It has a direct affinity for the spinal cord and brain, causing irritations and congestions, with delirium and spasms, tic-douloureux, epilepsy and neu- ralgic pains. Aggravation by movement, noise, light and ZIZIA. 605 contact; drowsiness, with lassitude and fatigue; spasmodic twitchings during sleep; depression of spirits, with disgust for life; suicidal mania; giddiness; shooting through the orbits; bilious headache; sick headache, with acid and bilious vomiting; chronic catarrh, with yellow and fetid discharge from the nose; bitter taste; craving for acids and stimulants; tight cough, caused by taking a deep inspiration; hard, dry and short cough, with stitches in the chest; acrid leucor- rhea; retarded and suppressed menses; dragging sensation in extremities. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE LATIN AND ENGLISH NAMES OF THE DISEASES MENTIONED IN THIS REPERTORY. (The numbers refer to the page in the Repertory, where the article com- A. Abscess, 23. Abortus, 321. Acarus, 286. Achor, 450. Acids, desire for, 297. Acids, ill effects of, 431. Acids, noxious, 365. Acne, 24 Acne punctata, 24. Acne rosacea, 187. Acoustia, 257. Adenitis, 225. Adiposis, 24. mences.) Adipic poison, ill effects of, 365. After-birth, 288. After-diseases, after Exanthema- ta, 191. After-diseases, after Cholera, 107. After-diseases, after Inflammation, 155. After-pains, 288. Amenia, 32. Amenorrhoea, 32. Ammoniac, 392. Amygdalitis, 452. Anæmia, 37. Anasarca, 37. Aneurisma, 37. Aneurisms by anastomosis, 37. Anger, 178. Angina faucium, 412. Angina gangrænosa, 357. Angina laryngea, 291. Angina membranosa, 151. Angina palatina, 189. Angina pectoris, 37. Angina pharyngea, 357. Angina tonsillaris, 452. Angina uvularis, 357. Anguish, paroxysms of, 38. Anosmia, 39. Anorexia, 38. Anthrax, 39. Agalactia, 331. Agaric, 487. Agustia, 24. Alienatio mentis, Alcohol, poisoning by, 25. Alkalies, 365. Alopecia, 193. Alumen, 25. 313. Alum, poisoning by, 25. Amaurosis, 25. Amblyopia, 25. Anuria, 381, 481. Anthropophobia, 40. Aphthæ, 40. Aphonia, 269. Apoplexy, 40. Apoplexy, sanguineous, 40. Apoplexy, serous, 40. Apparent death, 42. Arthralgia, 43. Arthritis, 45. Arthritis articularis, 45. 608 INDEX. Arthritis gonorrhoica, 382. Arthritic nodosities, 45, 465. Arthritis nodosa, Arthrocace, 46 45. Arsenic, poisoning by, 46. Ascarides, 502. Ascites, 47. Asphyxia, 42. Asthenia, 155. Asthma catarrhale, 95. Asthma millari, 47. Asthma nervosum, 47. Asthma periodicum, 47. Asthma spasmodicum, 47. Asthma thymicum, 58. Asthma Wigandi, 47. Atrophia infantum, 58. Atrophy of the spinal marrow, 62. Aurigo, 280. Autumn, 124. Aversion to life, 299. Awkwardness, 62. B. Blepharoplegia, 65. Blepharoptosis, 65. Blepharospasmus, 65. Blindness, 25. Blisters, bloody, 65. Blisters, phagedenic, 268. Blood, 233. Blood, ill effects of loss of, 155. Blows, ill effects of, 504. Blue disease, 153. Boils, 65. Bones, diseases of the, 65. Bone-pains, 65. Brain-fever, 465. Brandy, ill effects of, 439. Brandy, ill effects of drinking, 171. Bread, ill effects of, 439. Breasts and nipples of females, 77. Breathing, difficult, 95. Bronchitis, 68. Buboes, syphilitic, 446. Buboes, scrofulous, 225. Back, pain in the small of the, 62. Burns, 504. Balanitis, 63. Balanorrhoea, 63. Baldness, 193. Bathing, ill effects of, 113. Buckwheat, ill effects of, 489. Bulimy, 271. Bullæ phagadanicæ, 185. Butter, ill effects of, 431. Buzzing in the ears, 257. C. Bed-sores of patients, 504. Beer, ill effects of, 439. Bee-stings, 284. Bilious derangement, 220. Bites, 504. Bitter almonds, 375. Bladder, diseases of the, 153. Blear-eyedness, 392. Blenorrhagia urethræ, Blenorrhoea, 324. 227. Blenorrhoea of the eyes, 333. Blenorrhoea of the nose, 90. Cachexia from abuse of Cinchona, 111. Cachexia, mercurial, 318. Calculi biliarii, 266. Calculi of the bladder, ´295. Calculi renales, 79. Calculi vesicales, 295. Calomel, ill effects of, 318. Callosities, 281. Camphor, ill effects of, 79. Cancer and scirrhus, 79. Cancer aquaticus, 330. Blenorrhoea pulmonum, 90. Blenorrhoea urethræ, 227. Blenorrhoea vaginæ, 293. Blenorrhoea vesicæ, 95. Blepharitis, 63. Cancer of the eyes, 80. Cancer of the face, 187. Cancer of the lips, 445. Cancer of the nose, 80. Blepharoblenorrhoea, 392. Blepharophthalmia, 63. Cancer of the stomach, 80. Cancer of the womb, 80. INDEX. 609 Cantharides, ill effects of, 83. Carbunculus, 39. Carcinoma mammæ, 298. Carcinoma ventriculi, 80. Carcinoma, 79. Carcinoma uteri, 80. Carcinoma faciei, 187. Caries, 65. Carcinoma labiorum, 444. Carditis, 262. Cardialgia, 83. Cataract, 90. Catarrh, 90. Catarrh, suffocative, 95. Catarrh, bronchial, 68. Catarrh of the bladder, 95. Catalepsy, 95. Causes of disease, 95. Cephalalgia, 241. Ceratitis, 146. Chagrin, ill effects of, 178. Chalazion, 440. Chamomilla, ill effects of, 98. Chancre, 446. Chapped skin, 382. Cheese poison, 365. Chest, oppression Chilblains, 98. of, 95. Children, diseases of, 98. Chilliness, 495. China or Cinchona, Chiragra, 107. Chlorosis, 107. Cholera, 107. Cholerine, 107. Chonorrhagia, 184. Choreomania, 420. 111. Chorea St. Viti, 420. Chorda gonorrhoica, 227. Chordapsus, 494, 280. Cinchona, ill effects of, 111. Clavus hystericus, 241. Cloudicatio spontanea, 98. Coelialgia, 116. Coffee, ill effects of, 112. Colchicum, ill effects of, 112. Cold, 113. Cold, liability to take, 113. Cold drinks, ill effects of, 439. Cold swelling, 464. Cold meal, ill effects of, 124. Cold air, ill effects of, 124. Coldness, 495. Colic, 116. Colic, bilious, 266. Colic, flatulent, 116. Colic, gastric, 116. Colic, hernial, 265. Colic, menstrual, 116. Colic, plumbai. 116. Colic, sanguineous, 116. Colic, from worms, 116. Colicodynia, 116. Color of the skin, 402. Coma, 410. Comedones, 24. Complexion, 122. Concussion of the brain, 124. Conditions of aggravation, 124. Conditions of improvement, 132. Condylomata, 445. Confinement, 133. Congelation, 42. Congestions, sanguineous, 134. Congestions of the abdomen, 134 Congestions of the chest, 135. Congestions of the head, 136. Conjunctivitis, 333. Constipation, 140. Constitution, age, sex, 143. Consumption, 200. Contractions, arthritic, 45. Contraction of muscles, 145. Contraction of tendons, 145. Contusions, 504. Convulsions, 419. Convulsions, cereales, 185. Copper-colic, 145. Copper, poisoning by, 145. Corns, 145. Cornea, diseases of the, 146. Cornea, pellicle on the, 146. Cornea, specks on the, 146. Coryza, 90. Coryza, dry, 90. Costiveness, 140. Cough, 146. Cough, humid, 147. Cough, spasmodic, 146. Coxalgia, 285. 26* 610 INDEX. 365. Cramp in the calves, 151. Coxarthrocace, 46. Dropsy, abdominal, 47. Dropsy of the ovaries, 345. Dropsy of the uterus, 486. Crap-apple vinegar, ill effects of, Dropsy of the joints, 171. Craziness, 313. Croup, membranous, 151. Crusta lactea, 187. Drowning, 42. Drowsiness, 410. Dolores, colici, 116. Crusta serpiginosa, 187. Cupidity, morbid, 181. Currents of air, ill effects of, 124. Dullness of sense, 304. Curvature of bones, 65. Cutaneous eruptions, 185. Cyanosis, 153. Cynanche, 151. Dolor faceci, 372. Drunkards, diseases of, 171. Dumbness, 428. Dysæcia, 257. Dysentery, 173. Dyspepsia, 431. Cystalgia, 155 Cystitis, 153. Cystodynia, 155. Cystopathia, 155. Cystoplegia, 155. Cystospasmus, 155. D. Dainties, desire for, 297. Damp weather, ill effects of, 124. Deadness of single parts, 155. Deafness, 257. Debility, 155. Debility, nervous, Decubitus, 504. 156. Deglutition, difficult, 157. Delirium, 157. Delirium tremens, 171. Dentition-fever, 98. Dentition, 98. Diabetes, 158. Dysphagia, 157. Dyspnoea, 95. Dysuria, 381, 483. E. Ears, herpes of the, 176. Ears, eruptions on the, 176. East winds, ill effects of, 124. Eating, ill effects of, 124, 431. Ecchymoses, 504, 177. Eclampsia, 419. Eclampsia of children, 420. Ecthymia, 268. Ectropium, 334. Eczema, 177. Eczema merc. uriale, 177. Eczema solare, 177. Emaciation, 177. Emotions, 178. Emotions, morbid, 181. Emphysema, 464. Diaphragmitis, 158. Diarrhoea, 159. Diplopia, 25. Dislocations, 504. Dizziness, 490. Draughts of air 124. Dread of air, 168. Encephalitis, 305. Eniephatorrhagia, 40. Encephalopathia, 241. Endocarditis, 262. Distention of the abdomen, 167. Enteralgia, 116. Dread of light, 358. Dreams, 403. Drinks, aversion to particular, 38. Drinks, desire for particular, 297. Drinking, ill effects of, 439. Dropsy, 169. # Enteritis, 184. Enterodynia, 116. Enteropathia, 116. Entropium, 334. Enuresis, 481. Enuresis paralytica, 155. Ephelides, 296. Ephemera protracta, 98. Ephidrosis, 442. INDEX. 611 Epididymitis, 340. Epilepsy, 420. Epulis, 228. Epistaxis, 184. Erections, 401. Ergot, 185. Ergotism, 185. Eructations, 261. Eruptions, cutaneous, 185. Eruptions, on the lips, 187. Eruptions, on the face, 187. Eruptions, herpetic, 188. Eruptions, on the nose, 331. Eruptions, phagedænic, 185. Eruptions, spreading, 188. Eruptions, suppression of, 185. Erysipelas, 189. Erysipelas of the face, 190. Erythema, 412. Erythriosis of infants, 191. Evening, 124. Evening air, 113, 124. Exanthemata, acute, 191. Excesses, ill effects of, 155. Excrescences fungous, 191. Excrescences, horny, 281. Exercise, dread of, 191. Exertions, ill effects of, 291. Exhalation, deficient, 192. Exostosis, 65. Expectoration, 146. Eye-lids, aversion of the, 333. Eyes, contraction of, 192. Eyes, closing of, 65. Eyes, neuralgic pains in, 192. Eyes, specks on the, 146. Eyes, suppuration of, 193. Eyes, ulcers of the, 146. F. Fall-diseases, 124. Falling, ill effects of, 503. Falling off of the hair, 193. Farsightedness, 372. Fat, aversion tó, 38. Fat, ill effects of, 220. Favus, 450. Fear, ill effects of, 181. Febris helodes, 194. Febris verminosa, 502. Febris lactea, 288. Fever and Ague, 207. Fever, bilious, 195. Fever, brain, 465. Fever, catarrhal, 195. Fever, with cerebral irritation, 465. Fever, consumptive, 200. Fever, dentition, 98. Fever, from injuries, 503. Fever, gastric, 195. Fever, hectic, 200. Fever, inflammatory, 201. Fever, traumatic, 503. Fever, with sopor, 410. Fever, saburral, 195. Fever, rheumatic, 195, 382. Fever, putrid, 466.- Fever, puerperal, 204. Febris pituitosa, 195, 466. Fever, petechial, 466. Fever, nervous, 465. Fever, mucous, 195, 466. Fever, milk, 288. Fever, lentescent, 200. Fever, intermittent, 207. Fever from worms, 502. Fever, yellow, 217. Fig-warts, 445. Fish-poison, ill effects of, 217. Fistula, 477. Fistula, dentalis, 228. Fistula, lachrymalis, 217. Fistula, recti, 217. Fistula, urethræ, 217. Fistula, urinaria, 217. Fixed ideas, 313. Flatulence, 167. Fluids, loss of animal, 155. Fluor albus, 293. Fontanelle of Infants, retarded closing of, 217. Food, ill effects of, 431. Food, ill effects of flatulent, 431. Foolish actions, 313. Foot baths, ill effects of 113. Foreboding, 95. Formication, 217. Fothergill's pain, 372. 612 INDEX. Fractures, 504. Freckles, 296. Fright, ill effects of, 178. Frozen, 42. Frozen limbs, 98. Fruit, desire for, 297. Fruit, ill effects from, 431. Fungi, 191. H. Hæmatemesis, 494, 229. Hæmatoe, 234. Hæmaturia, 480. Hæmoptysis, 146, 234. Hæmorrhoids, 229. Hæmorrhoids of the bladder, 233. Fungus articulorum, 218. Fungus, hæmatodes, 191. Hæmorrhages from anus, 234. Hæmorrhage of the brain, 40. Fungus, medullaris, 191. Furor uterinus, 486. Furunculi, 65. Hæmorrhage of the ears, 344. Hæmorrhage of the eyes, 234. G. Galactorrhoea, 331. Gangrene, 218. Ganglia, 464, 296. Gastralgia, 83. Gastritis, 218. Gastric derangement, 220. Gastroataxia, 220. Gastrobrosis, 220. Gastroenteritis, 225. Gastromalacia, 220. Gastropathia, 83. Gastrosis, 220. Gastrostenosis, 80. Ghosts, fear of, 178. Giddiness, 490. Glands, diseases of, 225 Glanders, poison of, 227. Glaucoma, 90. Gleet, 227. Globus hystericus, 276. Glossitis, 451. Glossopathia, 451. Glossoplegia, 451. Goitre, 227. Gonagra, 227. Gonitis, 227. Gonocele, 227. Gonorrhoea, 227. Gout, 45. Grief, ill effects of, 178. Growing, ill effects of, 228. Growing into the flesh, 326. Gumboil, 228. Gums, diseases of the, 228. Hæmorrhage of the kidneys, 480. Hæmorrhage from the lungs, 234. Hæmorrhage of the mouth, 237. Hæmorrhage of the nose, 184. Hæmorrhage of the rectum, 234. Hæmorrhage of the stomach, 229. Hæmorrhage of the urethra, 480. Hæmorrhage of the uterus, 238. Half-sightedness, 25. Hands, sweaty, 442. Hangnails, 326. Headache, 241. Head, morbid state of, in conse- quence of mental exertions, 256. Hearing, defective, 257. Hearing, hardness of, 257. Hearing, excessive irritation of 261. Heartburn, 261. Heart, diseases of, 262. Heated, ill effects of getting, 264. Helminthiasis, 502. Hemeralopia, 265. Hemicrania, 241. Hemiplegia, 40, 354. Hepar, ill effects of, 265. Hepatitis, 266. Hepatitis, chronic, 266. Hepatic phthisis, 266. Hepatic spots, 296. Hepatic tubercles, 267. Hernia, 265. Hernia, incarcerated, 265. Hernia, scrotal, 340. Herpes, 188. Herpes, circinnatus, 188. Herpes of the chin, 187. Herpes crustaceus, 188. INDEX. 613 Herpes exedens, 187, 188. Herpes of the face, 187. Herpes furfuraceus, 188. Herpes lachnoides, 295. Herpes phagadænicus, 188. Herpes phlyctænoides, 188. Herpes pustulosus, 268. Icterus, 280. Idiocy, 280. Jealousy, 181. Ileus, 280, 494. Illusions of sight, 25. Imbecility, 280. Impetigo, 188, 280. Impetigo rodens, 187. Indigestion, 220. Incarceration of bowels, 265. Herpes of the sexual organs, 269. Impotence, 402. Herpes, præputialis, 269. Herpes, squamosus, 269. Herpes, suppurating, 188. Hiccough, 269. Hoarseness, 269. Home sickness, 271. Incontinence of urine, 481. Incubus, 329. Indolence, 281. Honey, ill effects of poisonous, Indurations, 281. 271. Hordeolum; 440. Hospital fever, 466. Hunchback, 381. Hunger, canine, 271. Hydatids, 286. Hydrargyria, 177. Hydrargyrosis, 318. Hydrarthus, 171. Hydrocele, 340. Hydrocephalus, 272. Hydrometra, 486. Hydropericardia, 262. Hydrophobia, 273. Hydrophobia, spuria, 274. Hydrops abdominalis, Hydrops anasarca, 37. 47. Hydrops articulorum, 171. Hydrops, ascitis, 47. Hydrops, cerebri, 272. Hydrops ovarii, 345. Hydrops pericardii, 262. Hydrops pulmonum, 274. Hydrothorax, 274. Ilyperoitis, 274. Hypochondria, 274. Hypochondriasis, 274. Hysteria, 276. Hystralgia, 486. Jaundice, 280. Ice, ill effects of, 220. Ichtiosis, 280. I & J. Indurations of the liver, 266. Indurations of the skin, 281. Induration of the stomach, 80. Induration of the testes, 340. Infants, diseases of, 98. Inflammations, 282. Inflammation, eysipelatous, 189. Inflammation, gangrenous, 218. Inflammation of the bladder, 153. Inflammation of the bones, 341. Inflammation of the bowels, 184. Inflammation of the brain, 305. Inflammation of the breasts, 298. Inflammation of the bronchi, 68. Inflammation of the chest, 359. Inflammation of the conjunctiva, 333. Inflammation of the cornea, 146. Inflammation of the diaphragm, 158. Inflammation of the ears, 344. Inflammation of the eyelids, 333. Inflammation of the eyes, 333. Inflammation of the glands, 225. Inflammation of the heart, 262. Inflammation of the joints, 45. Inflammation of the iris, 333. Inflammation of the kidneys, 328. Inflammation of the knees, 227. Inflammation of the larynx, 291. Inflammation of the liver, 266. Inflammation of the lungs, 359. Inflammation of the mouth, 428. Inflammation of the nipples, 298. Inflammation of the nose, 331. 614 IXDEX. Inflammation of the ovaries, 345. Inflammation of the parotis, 356. Inflammation of the palate, 274. Inflammation of the pericardium, 262. Inflammation of the periosteum, 65. Inflammation of the peritoneum, 357. Inflammation of the pharynx, 357. Inflammation of the pleura, 359. Inflammation of the prostata, 375. Inflammation of the psoas muscle, 375. Inflammation of the retina, 333. Inflammation of the spinal mar- row, 326. Inflammation of the spleen, 295. Inflammation of the stomach. 218. Inflammation of the testes, 340. Inflammation of the tongue, 451. Inflammation of the tonsils, 452. Inflammation of the trachea, 68. Inflammation of the urethra, 480. Inflammation of the womb, 319, 486. Inflammation of the vulva, 486. Influenza, 282. Inguinal hernia, 265. Injuries, 504. Insanity, 313. Insects, stings of, 284. sions, 285. Insolatio, 305. Insomnia, 407. Intertrigo, 412. Itching of the scrotum, 269. Itching of the skin, 287. Itching of the testicles, 269. Labor, 288. L. Lactatio, 331. Lachrymation, 392. Lagophthalmus, 291. Lapis infernalis, 330. Laryngeal phthisis, 291. Laryngitis, 291. Lasciviousness, 401. Laryngitis exudatoria, 151. Lassitude, 291. Laudanum, 340. Laughter, spasmodic, 292. Lead, poisoning by, 292. Lepra, 293. Lethargy, 410. Leucoma, 146. Leucorrhoea, 293. Lice-malady, 294. Lichen, 295. Lienitis, 295. Lienteria, 159. Lifting, ill effects of, 504. Lightning, struck by, 42. Limping, spontaneous, 285. Lypothymia, 445. Lippitudo, 392. Lithiasis, 295. Liver, diseases of, 266. Liver, pains in the, 266. Lochia, 133. Lock-jaw, 296. Love, unhappy, ill effects of, 296. Insensibility to external impres- Liver-grown, 98. Intoxication, ill effects of, 95, 171. Loins, pains in the, 296. 220. Iodium, ill effects of, 285. Joints, inflammation of, 46. Joy, ill effects of excessive, 178. Iritis, 333. Iron, ill effects of, 285. Irritability, morbid, 156. Ischias, 285. Ischuria, 285, 481. Itch, 286. Itching of the anus, 287. Lumbago, 296. Lumbrici, 502. Lupia, 296, 464. Lupus, 187. Luxations, 504. Lying-in women, 133. Maculæ, 296. M. Mad dog, bite of, 365. INDEX. 615 + Magnesia, ill effects of, 297. Malacia, 297. Malaxis ventriculi, 410. Malum caducum, 420. Mammæ, 298. Mania, 313. Mania of suicide, 299. Mania of killing, 181. Marasmus dorsalis, 62. Marasmus infantum, 58. Marasmus senilis, 300. Mastitis, 298. Masturbation, 156. Maw-worms, 502. Measles, 300. Meat, aversion to, 38. Meat, ill effects of, 439. Megrim, 241. Melæna, 493. Melancholia, 303. Memory, weak, 304. Meningitis, 305. Morbus cerealis, 185. Morbus coeruleus, 153. Morbus eruditorum, 274. Morbus gesticulatorius, 420. Morbus maculosus, 357. Morbus niger, 493. Morbus sacer, 420. Morbus virgineus, 107. Mucous derangement, 324. Mumps, 356. Muscles, contraction of, 145. Muscles, debility of, in children, 98. Muscles, involuntary motions of, 419. Mushroom, noxious, 326. Muscles, poisonous, 217. Myelitis, 326. Myopia, 326. N. Menochesis, 307. Menoposis, 32. Menorrhagia, 238, 307. Menostasia, 32. Menstrual irregularities, 307. Mentagra, 187. Mental derangement, 313. Mercury, ill effects of, 318. Meteorism, 167. Metralgia, 486. Metritis, 319. Metrorrhagia, 238. Mezereum, ill effects of, 320. Mictus cruentus, 480. Miliaria, 381. Miliaria purpurea, 381. Milk, aversion to, 38. Milk, deficiency of, 331. Milk, ill effects of, 439. Milk, vanishing of, 331. Mind, weak, 304. Miscarriage, 321. Nævi, 324. Nails, diseases of, 326. Narcotic substances, 327. Nasitis, 331. Nausea, 494. Necrosis, 65. Nephritis, 328. Nettle-rash, 329. Neuralgia, 346. Neuralgia cordis, 37, 262. Neuralgia facialis, 372. Neuralgia ischiadica, 282. Neuralgia ocularis, 192. Nightly revel, ill effects of, 291. Nightmare, 329. Nipples, 298. Nitrate of silver, poisoning by, 330. Nitric-acid, poisoning by, 365. Noctambulism, 419. Nocturnal diseases, 124, 407. Noma, 330. North wind, ill effects of, 124. Nose, suppuration of, 330. Moon, aggravation by change of, Nose, swelling of, 331. Miserere, 280. Moles, 324, 486. 125. Morbilli, 300. Morbus caducus, 420. Nostalgia, 271. Notalgia, 62. "ty Nourishment, aversion to, 38. 616 INDEX. Nourishment, desire for particular kinds of, 297. Nourishment, various kinds of, ill effects of, 439. Nourishment, aversion to various kinds of, 439. Nursing, 331. Nyctalopia, 332. Nyctobasis, 420. Nymphomania, 486. 0. Oculus leporinus, 65. Odontalgia, 452. Edema, 464. Edema of the feet, 332. Edema of the lungs, 274. Esophagitis, 333. Onania, 155, 401. Onychia, 326. Oophoritis, 345. Ophthalmia, 333. Opium, 340. Orchitis, 340. Paralysis of the lungs, 356. Paralysis of the brain, 40. Paralysis of the tongue, 451. Paraplegia, 40, 354. Paraplegia of the heart, 42. Paraphrenitis, 158. Paraphymosis, 358. Parotitis, 356. Parturition, 288. Passio iliaca, 494. Passio hysterica, 486. Pastry, ill effects of, 439. Pears, ill effects of, 439. Peeling off of the skin, 281. Pemphigus, 357. Perforatio ventriculi, 410. Pericarditis, 262. Perinephritis, 328. Periods of the day, 124. Periostitis, 65. Peripneumonia, 359. Peritonitis, 357. Perniones, 98. Pertussis, 497. Oriental plague, 359. Orthopnoea paralytica, 356. Oscheocele, 340. Ostitis, 65. Otalgia, 341. Otitis, 344. Otorrhoea, 344. Ovaries, diseases of, 345. Oysters, ill effects of, 431. Ozana narium, 330. P. Pædarthrocace, 46. Pædatrophia, 58. Pains, paroxysms of, 346. Pains in the abdomen, 116. Pains in the anus, 229. Pale sight, 25. Palpitation of the heart, 262. Panaritium, 326. Pannus, 146. Parablepsia, 25. Paralysis, 354. Paralysis of the bladder, 155. Paralysis of the eyelids, 291 Petechiæ, 357. Pharyngitis, 357. Phymosis, 358. Phlegmasia alba dolens, 464. Phlegmon, 282. Phlogosis, 282. Phosphoric-acid, 365. Phosphorus, ill effects of, 358 Photophobia, 358. Phrenitis, 305. Phthyriasis, 294. Phthisis, 58, 376, 463. Phthisis abdominalis, 463. Phthisis mucosa, 376. Physconia sanguinea, 134. Piles, 229. Pityriasis, 268. Placenta, 288. Plague, oriental, 357. Plethora, 359. Plethora, abdominal, 134 Plethora pectoris, 135. Pleuritis, 359. Pleurisy, 359. Pleurisy, spurious, 359. Pleurodynia, 359. " INDEX. 617 Plica polonica, 359. Plumbum, 292. Pneumonia, 359. Pneumonia notha, 359. Pneumorrhagia, Podagra, 365. 234. Poison, adipic, 365. Poisons, 365. Pollutions, 401. Pulmonary phthisis, 376. Purple rash, 381. Purpura, 357. Pustules, 185. Pustules, black, 488. Pyelitis, 328. Pyrosis, 261. Polyphagia, 271. Polipi, 370, 486. Polypus of the bladder, 370. Polypi of the ear, 371. Polypi of the nose, 371. Polypi of the uterus, 486. Polysarca, 24. Pompholix, 357. Pores, black, 24. Porrigo favosa, 187. Porrigo larvalis, 187. Potash, 365. Pot-bellied, 24. Pot-belliedness of children and women, 371. Pregnancy, 371. Prepuce, inflammation of, 63. Presbyopia, 372. Pressure of the clothes on the hy- pochondria, 124. Priapismus, 401. Proctalgia, 229 Proctorrhoea, 234. Prolapsus ani, 372. Prolapsus recti, 372. Prolapsus uteri, 372, 486. Prolapsus vaginæ, 372. Prostatic fluid, discharge of, 401. Prostatitis, 375. Prosopalgia, 372. Prurigo, 287. Prussic acid, poisoning by, 375. Pseudopia, 25. Pseudoplasma, 79. Pseudo-syphilis, 269. Psoitis, 375. Psora, 286. Psoriasis, 269. Ptyalismus, 375. Pudendagra, 446. Pulmonary tubercles, 376. R. Rabies canina, 273. Rage, 313. Ranula, 381. Raphania, 185. Rash, 381. Regurgitation, 261. Retention of urine, 381. Retinitis, 333. Riding in a carriage, ill effects of. 124 Rhachitis, 381. Rickets, 381. Rhachialgia, 116, 292. Rhagades, 382. Rheumatism, 382. Rheumatismus gonorrhoicus, 382. Rhinitis, 331. Rhinorrhagia, 184. Rhypia, 391. Roseolæ, 391. Rubeolæ, 391. Rumination, 261. Running, ill effects of, 124. Running of the eyes, 392. Rupia, 391. Rush of blood, 392. Saburræ, 220. S. Saffron, ill effects of, 392. Sal-ammoniac, poisoning by, 392. Salivation, 375. Saltpetre, poisoning by, 392. Salt, ill effects of, 392. Salt food, ill effects of, 439. Sarcocele, 340. Sarcoptes hominis, 286. Sarsaparilla, ill effects of, 393. Satyriasis, 401. Sausage poison, 365, 618 Scabies, 286. Scabies vesicularis, 286. Scaldhead, 450. Scarlatina, 393. Scarlatina miliaris, 393. Scirrhus, 79. Screams of infants, Scrofulosis, 396. 98. Scurf around the eyes, 402. Scurvy, 400. Seasons, 124, 132. Sea-sickness, 400. Secale, ill-effects of, 185. Secretions, suppression of, 400. Sedentary life, ill effects of, 291. Semilateral affection, 346. Serpents, bite of, 365. Sexual instinct, 401. INDEX. Sexual organs, diseases of the, see the particular diseases. Sexual power, debility of, 402. Shock, ill effects of, 504. Short-sightedness, 326. Sideratio, 42. Sight, loss of, 25. Skin, color of, ulceration of, 402. Skin, unhealthy, 402. Skull, diseases of the bones of the, 402. Sleep, morbid, 403. Sleeplessness, 407. Small-pox, spurious, 487. Smell, bad, from the mouth, 409. Smell, loss of, 39. Smell, excessive sensitiveness of, 419. Softening of the stomach, 410. Somnambulism, 420. Sopor, 410. Soreness of the skin, 412. Sore throat, 412. Spasms, 419. Spasms, abdominal, 116. Spasms of the bladder, 155. Spasms of the eyelids, 65. Spasms of the lungs, 47. Spasms of the stomach, 83. Spasms of the uterus, 486. Specks on the cornea, 146. Speech, defects of, 428. Spermatorrhoea, 401. Spina bifida, 381. Spina nodosa, 381. Spirits of wine, 25. Splenalgia, 295. Splenetic stitches, 295. Splenitis, 295. Spots, 296. Sprains, 504. Spring, diseases incidental to, 124. Spurred rye, 185. Sputum cruentum, 234. Squinting, 440. Status biliosus, 220. Status gastricus, 220. Steatoma, 296, 464. Stenocardia, 37. Sterility, 402. Stomacace, 428. Stomach, derangement of, 220. Stomach, overloading of, 220. Stomatitis, 428. Stomach, weak, 431. Stone in the bladder, 295. Storm, ill effects of, 124. Strabismus, 440. Stramonium, ill effects of, 440. Strangulation, 42. Strangury, 481. Strictures of the urethra, 440, 482. Stroke of the sun, 305. Strophulus, 295. Studying too much, 155. Stuttering, 428. St. Vitus' dance, 420. Stye, 440. Stymatosis, 480. Sublimate, 318. Substances, alkaline, poisoning by, 440. Sudor anglicus, 194. Sugar, aversion of, 38. Sugar, desire for, 297. Suicide, mania of, 299. Sulphuric acid, 365. Sulphur, ill effects of, 441. Sumach, poisonous effects of, 441. Summer complaints, 124. Suppuration, 441. INDEX. 619 Surditis, 257. Suspension, 42. Sweat, bloody, 442. Sweat in the axillæ, 443. Sweaty feet, 443. Sweat, suppression of, 400. Sweat, morbid, 442. Sweats, desire for, 297. Swellings, 464. Swelling of the cheek, 444.` Swelling of the face, 190. Swelling of the foot, 365. Swelling of the hand, 107. Swelling of the knee, 227. Swelling of the labia, 444. Swelling of the lips, 445. Swelling of the liver, 266. Swelling of the scrotum, 340. Swelling of the testicles, 340. Swinging, ill effects of, 124, 504. Sycoma, 445. Sycosis, 445. Syncope, 445. Synocha, 201. Synochus, 201. Syphilis, 446. Syphilis, secondary, 447. T. Tabes, dorsalis, 62. Tania, 502. Taciturn, 181. Taste, alterations of, 448. Taste, loss of, 24. Tea, ill effects of, 449. Tongue, diseases of, 451. Tonsillitis, 452. Toothache, 452. Tophi, 65. Toxicatio, 365. Tracheitis, 68. Tracheal phthisis, 463. Trembling, 463. Trismus, 296. Tubercles of the brain, 463. Tubercles, abdominal, 463. Tubercles, 463. Tumor, 464. Tumor albus, 464. Tussis, 146. Tympanitis, 465. Typhlitis, 465. Typhus, 465. Typhus petechial, 465. Typical diseases, 477. Ulcers, 477. U. Ulcers in the face, 187. Ulcers of the feet, 477. Ulcers on the lips, 445. Ulcers, phagadænic, 478. Ulcus, 477. Ulcus syphiliticum, 478. Urethritis, 480. Urethrorrhagia, 480. Urinary difficulties, 481 Urine, 483. Urine, retention of, 381. Urine, morbid secretion of, 484. Urocystitis, 153. Urticaria, 329. Uterus, diseases of, 486. Uterus, moles in the, 486. Thickening of the bladder, 449. Uterus, putrescence of, 486. Telangiectasia, 324. Tenesinus, 173, 159. Testes, swelling of, 340. Tetanus, 419. Thirst, 207. Thrush, 40. Tin, poisoning by, 450. Tinea capitis, 450. Tinea facici, 187. Tinea favosa, 268. 'Tinea, humid, 268. Titillating cough, 146. Tobacco, ill effects of, 450. V. Vagina, swelling of the, 486. Valerian, ill effects of, 487. Vapor of coal, 487. Varicellæ, 487. Varices, 487. Varices of the anus, 229. 620 INDEX. Variola, 488. Varioloid, 489. Vascular excitement, 201. Vegetables, aversion to, 38. Vegetables, ill effects of, 431. Veins, swelling of the, 490. Verdigris, poisoning by, 145. Vermin, 294. Verrucæ, 497. Vertigo, 490. Vesicles, 185. Vinegar, ill effects of, 493. Vitriol, 366. Voice, loss of, 269. Vomit, black, 493. Vomiting, 494. Vomitus, 494. Vomitus cruentus, 229. Wasp-stings, 284. Weak sight, 25. Weaning, 331. Weather, ill effects of change of, 113, 124. Weather, influences of, 124. Weather, windy, 124. Weeping, 181. Wet, ill effects of getting, 124. Wetting the bed, 481. Wind, ill effects of, 124. Wine, ill effects of, 171, 431. Winter-complaints, 124. Whiskers, falling off of the, 193. Whites, 293. Whooping cough, 497. Worm affections, 502. Worn-out, 155, 291. Wound fever, 504. W. Walking, retarded, of children, 98. Warmth, deficient, 495. Warts, 497. Watching, ill effects of, 291. Water, dread of, 274. Water, ill effects of, 431. Water, workers in, 113, 382. Wounds, 503. Y. Yawning, 505. Z. Zona, 505. Zoster, 505. LIST OF REMEDIES. A. Actæ.-rac., Actæa-racemosa. Acon., Aconitum-napellus. Esc.-gl., Esculus-glabra. Esc.-hip., Esculus - hippocasta- num Æthus., Æthusa-cynapium. Agar., Agaricus-muscarius. Agav., Agave-americana. Agn.-c., Agnus-castus. Ailant., Ailanthus-glandulosa. Alet.-far., Aletris-farinosa. Aln.-rub., Alnus-rubra. Aloes, Aloes-soccotrina. As.-jec.-ol., Aselli-jecoris oleum. Ast.-rub., Asterias-rubens. Atrop., Atropinum-sulphuricum. Aur., Aurum-metallicum. Aur.-mur., Aurum-muriaticum. Bad., Badiaga. Bapt., Baptisia. B. Bar.-c., Baryta-carbonica. Bar.-mur., Baryta-muriatica. Bell., Atropa-Belladonna. Berb., Berberis-vulgaris. Benz.-ac., Benzois-acidum. Alumin., Alumina, the oxyde of Bism., Bismuthum-subnitricum. Aluminium. Ambr., Ambra-grisea. Bor., Borax-veneta. Bov., Bovista. Amm.-c., Ammonium-carbonicum. Brom., Brominum. Amm.-mur., Ammonium-muriati- cum. Amm. - phos., Ammonium-phos- phoricum. Anac., Anacardium-orientale. Angust., Angustura-vera. Ant.-cr., Antimonium-crudum. Ant.-tart., Antimonium-tartarisa- tum. Apis., Apis-mellifica. - Apoc. and., Apocynum - andro- semifolium. Apoc. - can., Apocynum-cannabi- num. Aral.-rac., Aralia-racemosa. Aran.-diad., Aranea-diadema. Arg., Argentum-metallicum. Arg.-nitr., Argentum-nitricum. Arn., Arnica-montana. Arsen., Arsenicum-album. Art.-vulg., Artemisia-vulgaris. Ar.-tr., Arum-triphyllum. Asa., Asafoetida. Ascl.-syr., Asclepias-syriaca. Ascl.-tub., Asclepias-tuberosa. Bry., Bryonia-alba. Bufo., Bufo.-sahytiensis. C. Cact.-gr., Cactus-grandiflorus. Calad., Caladicum-seguinum. Calc.-c., Calcarea-carbonica. Calc.-ox:, Calcarea-oxalica. Calc.-phos., Calcarea-phosphorica. Calend., Calendula. Camp., Camphora. Cann., Cannabis-sativa. Canth., Cantharides. Caps.,. Capsicum-annuum. Carb.-an., Carbo-animalis. Carb.-veg., Carbo-vegetabilis. Card.-mar., Carduus-marianus. Casc.. Cascarilla. Cauloph., Caulophyllum - thalic- troides. Caust., Causticum. Cepa, Allium-cepa. Cham., Matricaria-chamomilla. Chel., Chelidonium-majus. Chelon., Chelone-glabra. 622 LIST OF REMEDIES. Chimaph., Chimaphilla-umbellata. Eupat.-purp, Eupatorium-purpu- Chin., China, or Cinchona-offici- nalis. Chinin., Chininum-sulphuricum. Cic., Cicuta-virosa. Cim., Cimex-lectularius. Cimicif., Cimicifuga-racemosa; or Actæa-rac. Cin., Cina. Cinn., Cinnabaris. Cinnam., Cinnamonum. Cist., Cistus-canadensis. Clem., Clematis-erecta. Cocc., Menispermum-cocculus. Coff., Coffea-cruda. Colch., Colchicum-autumnale. Collins., Collinsonia-canadensis. Coloc., Colocynthis. Con., Conium-maculatum. Cop., Balsamum-copaiva. Coral.-r., Corallium-rubrum. Corn.-cir., Cornus-circinnata. Croc., Crocus-sativus. Crotal., Crotalus-horridus. Crot.-tig., Croton-tiglium. Coryd., Corydalis-formosa. Cupr., Cuprumn-metallicum. Cupr.-ac., Cuprum-aceticum. Cycl., Cyclamen-europæum. Cypriped., Cypripedium - pube- scens. D. Daph., Daphne-indica. Digit., Digitalis-purpurea. Diosc., Dioscorea-villosa. Dol.-pr., Dolichos-pruriens. Dros., Drosera-rotundifolia. Dulc. Solanum-dulcamara. E. reum. Euphorb., Euphorbia-corrollata. Euphorb.-off., Euphorbium.-offici- nale. Euphr., Euphrasia-officinalis. F. Ferr., Ferrum-metallicum. Ferr.-ac., Ferrum-aceticum. Ferr.-iod., Ferrum-iodatum. Fil.-mas., Felix-mas. Fluor.-ac., Acidum-fluoricum. Fras., Frasera-carolinensis. G. Gal., Galium-verum. Gels., Gelseminum-sempervirens Gins., Panax-ginseng. Glon., Glonoine. Gnaph., Gnaphalium-polycepha- lum. Gossyp., Gossypium-herbaceum. Graph., Graphites. Grat., Gratiola-officinalis. Guaco, Mikania-guaco. Guaj., Guajacum-officinale. Gutt., Gummi-gutti. H. Ham., Hamamelis-virginica. Hed., Hedeoma-pulegioides. Hell., Helleborus-niger. Helon., Helonias-dioica. Hep., Hepar-sulph.-calcareum. Hydr., Hydrastis-canadensis. Hydroc.-ac., Hydrocyaǹic-acid. Hyos., Hyosciamus-niger. Hyper.-per., Hypericum-perfolia- tum. Elaps., Elaps-corallinus. Erig.-can., Erigeron-canadense. I. Ign., Ignatia-amara. Ipec., Ipecacuhana. Eryng.-aq., Eryngium-aquaticum. Ir.-ver, Iris-versicolor. Eupat.-ar., Eupatorium-aromati- Iatr., Iatropha-curcas. cum. Iod., Iodium. Junc.-ef., Juncus-effusus. Eupat.-perf., Eupatorium-perfolia- Jalap., Jalappa. tum. LIST OF REMEDIES. 623 K. Kal.-bi., Kali-bichromicum. Kal.-br., Kali-bromatum. Kal.-chl., Kali-chloricum. Kal.-hydroi., Kali-hydroiodicum. Kal.-carb., Kali-carbonitum. Kalm.-lat., Kalmia-latifolia. Kaol., Kaolin. Kreas., Kreasotum. L. Lach., Trigonocephalus-lachesis. Lachn., Lachnanthes- tinctoria. Lact., Lactuca-virosa. Lauroc., Prunus Laurocerasus. Led., Ledum-palustre. Lept., Leptandra-virginica. Lil.-tigr., Lilium-tigrinum. Lobel., Lobelia-inflata. Lyc., Lycopodium-clavatum. Lycop., Lycopus-virginicus. M. Magn.-c, Magnesia-carbonica. Magn.-mur., Magnesia-muriatica. Mang., Manganum. Mar.-v., Marum-verum. Nitr.-ac., Acidum-nitricum. Nuph., Nuphar-lutea. Nux-jugl., Nux-juglans. Nux-mosch., Nux-moschata. Nux-vom., Nux-vomica. 0. Ol.-jec, Oleum-jecoris-morrhuæ. Oleand., Oleander. Op., Opium. Oxal., Oxalis-acidum. P. Par., Paris-quadrifolia. Fetr., Petroleum. Petrosel., Petroselinum. Phos., Phosphorus. Phos.-ac., Acidum-phosphoricum. Phyt., Phytolacca-decandra. Plat., Platina. Plumb., Plumbum-metallicum. Pod., Podophyllum-peltatuin. Prun., Prunus-spinosa. Psor., Psorinum. Pulm.-vul., Pulmo-vulpis. Puls., Pulsatilla. Men., Menyanthes-trifoliata. Meph., Mephitis-putorius. Merc., Mercurius-solubilis. R. Ran.-sc., Ranunculus-sceleratus. Rat., Ratanhia. Merc.-iod., Mercurius-proto-ioda- Ran., Ranunculus-bulbosus. tus. Merc.-bi-iod., Mercurius-bi-ioda- Rhab., Rheum, Rhabarber. tus. Merc.-rub., Murcurius-præcipita- tus ruber. Merc.-cor., Mercurius-corrosivus. Mez., Dapne-mezereum. Mill., Millefolium. Mosch., Moschus. Mur.-ac., Muriatic-acid. Mur., Murex-purpurea. Myr.-cer., Myrica-cerifera. N. Rhod., Rhododendron - chrysan. thum. Rhus-t., Rhus-toxicodendron. Rhus-v., Rhus-venenata. Rum., Rumex-crispus. Rut., Ruta-graveolens. S. Sabad., Sabadilla. Sabin., Juniperus-sabina. Samb., Sambucus-nigra. Sang., Sanguinaria-canadensis. Natr.-carb., Natrum-carbonicum. Sarrac., Sarracenia-purpurea. Natr.-mur., Natrum-muriaticum. Natr. -sulph., Natrum-sulphuri- cum. Sars., Sarsaparilla. Scill., Scilla-maritima. Sec., Secale-cornutum. 624 LIST OF REMEDIES. Sel., Selenium. Ther.-cur., Theridion - currasavi- cum. Senec.-gr., Senecio-gracilis. Seneg., Polygala-senega. Senn., Senna. Sep., Sepia. Sil., Silicea. Sol.-m., Solanum-mammosum. Sol.-n., Solanum-nigrum. Spig., Spigelia. Spong., Spongia-maritima. Stan., Stannum-metallicum. Staph., Staphysagria. Stict., Sticta-pulmonaria. Stront., Strontiana-carbonica. Stilling., Stillingia-sylvatica. Stram., Datura-stramonium. Sulph., Sulphur. U. Urt.-ur., Urtica-urens. Ust.-mad., Ustilago-madis. Uva-ur., Uva-ursi. V. Val., Valeriana-officinalis. Ver.-al., Veratrum-album. Ver.-vir., Veratrum-viride. Verb., Verbascum-thapsus. Viol.-tr., Viola-tricolor. Viol.-od., Viola-odorata. X. Sulph.-ac., Acidum-sulphuricum. Xant., Xanthoxylum-fraxineum. Symph., Symphytum-officinale. T. Tabac., Nicotiana-tabacum. Tarax., Leontodon-taraxacum. Tart.-em., Tartarus-emeticus. Tellur., Tellurium-metallicum. Tereb., Oleum-terebinthinæ. Teucr., Teucrium-marum-verum. Thuj., Thuja-occidentalis. Tril., Trillium-pendulum. Tussil., Tussilago-petasites. Z. Zincum., Zincum-metallicum. Zinc.-cy., Zincum-cyanuretum. Zinc. - sulph., Zincum - sulphuri- cum. Ziz., Zizia-aurea. Electr., Electricity. Magn.-a., Magnes-artificialis. Mgt.-arc., Magnetis - polus - arcti- cus. Mgt.-aus., Magnetis-polus-austra- lis. Filmed by Preservation 1990 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02005 0954