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To mention a few names—here are to be found speaking each in his well-known style and characteristic vein : Chauncey M. Depew President Eliot (Harvard) Abram S. Hewitt George Parsons Lathrop Carl Schurz Bishop Potter William E. Gladstone Sir Charles Russell Edward J. Phelps President Carter (Williams) Benjamin Harrison T. De Witt Talmage Grover Cleveland Ex-Pres. White (Cornell) General Horace Porter Rev. Newman Smyth Doctor Storrs Emilio Castelar. Here, too, sound the familiar voices of George William Cur- tis, Lowell, Blaine, Phillips Brooks, Beecher, Garfield, Disraeli, Bryant, Grady and Choate. There are poets also :-Longfellow, Holmes, Tennyson, Byron, Whittier, Schiller, Shelley, Hood and others. More than a hundred other authors besides! We have not space to enumerate. But the selections from them are all just the thing. And all the selections are brief. 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New York City CLASSIC INTERLINEARS “The superiority is readily apparent of the interlinear over other translations, not only in the saving of time, but also for all purposes of. careful study, making possible as zwell as convenient and easy a correct solution of idioms, a quick insight into the sense, a facile and lucid re- arrangement of the context in the English order, and a practical compar. ison of both the similarities and the contrasts of construction.” Twelve volumes now ready in this popular Series. Uniform in style and price Caesar Cicero's Orations Cicero on Old Age and Friendship Demosthenes on the Crown Horace, Complete Virgil’s AEneid, Complete Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics. Livy Homer’s Iliad, the First Six Books Xenophon's Anabasis, the First Four Books Xenophon’s Memorabilia Greek New Testament NEARLY READY Ovid's Metamorphoses Cornelius Nepos IN PREPARATION . Sallust Juvenal OTHERS TO FOLLOW Claggic Interlinear Cranslations THE ORATION OF DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN The original text reduced to the natural English order WITH A LITERAL Interlinear Translation CoPYRIGHT, 1895, By ARTHUR HINDS & Co. PUBLISHED BY ARTHUR HINDS AND COMPANV 4 COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW YORK CITY WE ARE ACTING As the Agents of numerous Educational institutions, large and small, throughout the country, for the purchase and for- warding of all Text-books used therein. Our exceptional facilities enable us to attend to this line of business with the utmost promptness, and we save our customers the delay and uncertainty of correspondence and dealings with num- erous publishers, express companies, etc. We can present no better testimony as to the success of our efforts in this direction, than the cordial approval of our old patrons, who are constantly sending us new customers. We haze Aurchased the stock and good! zyż of the AVezw York School Book CZeazz- 2ng House, which fºrme retires from &zeszness. wºme smº, ARTHUR HINDS & CO., * Cooper Institute, - New York City. e : • ?: f Aft º tº £3 i. PREFACE In preparing the Classic Series of Interlinear Transla. tions the publishers have insisted upon a faithful adher- ence to two obvious essentials; the reduction of the original text to the natural order, and, as far as possible, a strictly, literal version. - In all cases, however, where the meaning as thus literally rendered is not sufficiently intelligible, explanatory words or phrases have been added. It is hoped that the plan will be appreciated of insert- ing all explanatory words and phrases, by means of brackets, in immediate conjunction with the text, thus obviating the annoyance and the serious loss of time that attend frequent reference to notes by numbered paragraphs in an appendix. The superiority is readily apparent of the interlinear over other translations, not only in the saving of time, but also for all purposes of careful study; making possible as well as convenient and easy, a correct solution of idioms, a quick insight into the sense, a facile and lucid re-arrangement of the context in the English order, and a practical comparison of both the similarities and the contrasts of construction. PLAN OF THE ORATION Exordium. Refutation of charges foreign to the indictment: (a) Of a private nature; (b) Of a public nature. Reply to the charges contained in the indictment. Strictures upon the character and course of his an- tagonist, compared with his own. Peroration. THE ORATION OF T)|EMOSTELENES ON THE CROWN. Ctesiphon, an Athenian citizen, had proposed a decree that the state should bestow a crown upon Demosthenes for his pub- lic services, and that proclamation should be made of the same in the theatre during the great Dionysia, at the per- formance of the new tragedies. Aeschines thereupon in- dicted Ctesiphon as the author of an illegal measure. “The proposal of Ctesiphon,” so ran the indictment, “was a violation of Athenian law in three distinct points: two purely technical ; the third, that the characterization of Demosthenes as a public benefactor was false, while to lodge a document false in substance among the state records is for- bidden by law.” This arraignment of the public career of Demosthenes was continued with great violence by Aeschines throughout his speech. Demosthenes, in his speech for the defence, refuses to follow the order suggested by Aeschines, but throwing the legal questions, as to which he feels him- self weak, into the middle of his oration, devotes his supreme efforts to a vindication of his own public career and motives and to a violent attack upon Aeschines. IIpótov prev, 6 divöpes 'Affmvatou, eúxopal Tãort First, O men of Athens, I pray to all to's fleo's kai Tào aws, ôormv the gods and all (the goddesses), that as much eūvouav ćyó Suare\6 exov Te good-will as I continue having (continually have), both - (1) 2 j) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. * Ti, TóNew kai ipºv Taoiv, too-airmw towards the state and towards you all, so much jirapéat pot Tap ju6v eis Tovtovi Töv dyóva, may be afforded to me by you in this present Contest, 5, 3. c/ Af 3. A. 5 e V e a M éteuff & Tép éortv pºd Nuort” iTép vpov, Kal then (that) which is most in the interest of yourselves, and *A e Af 3. / \ / *A ths juerépas ejore/8eias Te Kai 66&ms, Tooto your religious duty as well as your reputation, this V M *A an Toys theoûs Tapao Thoral Úpºv, the gods may put in you (in your hearts), not Af M 5 Af A M fº, Totºjo-aortal Tov duríðukov orºpºſłov\ov Tept Tov to make my Opponent your adviser respecting the Tós öéï iſ as ākočeuv ćpot (yap manner in which it behooves you to hear me (for * / •N y Af 3. & V / Tooró ye āv ein oxéravov), d\\& Tovs vopovs this indeed would be cruel), but (to consult) the laws kai Tôv Špkov čv Ó Tpos draoru Tois d\\ous and the oath, in which besides all its other êukatous kai Tooro yéypattal, to Öpotos obligations of justice also this is written, the impartial 3. Af 5 a *A 5 3. V 3. / dkpodo-aortal duºpolu. Tooro 3’ ortiv oij pušvov hearing of both sides. And this is not only *A \ / / 5 Q \ *A To p") Tpoko.Teyvokeval p.m.8év, où8é TO to have formed no adverse prejudice, nor (merely) 3. * Q y 5 Af sy 3. M dToãooval Tºv etyvouav dubotépous to mu, äAA& to show your good will to both alike, but kai Tô, djs &aortos Tów d'youtſopepov also, 3.S each of the contending (orators) / M / cy 3 ey Begotſ\mtav Kai Tpoſipmtat, oùTos 6 OLO"OLU, has desired and predetermined, SO to allow him A * A V a 3 Af pſorao flat Tú Tâéet kai Tà diroMo'yūg. to deal with his arrangement and defence. IIoMA6 pºev obv ćyoy’éAaTroopal Aio Xívov In many points now I am at a disadvantage with Aeschines W . M \ 5 an / 3. ^ 3/ KOLTOL TOUTO190, 7"Oly a youa, ööo 8 2 Cº) divöpes in this trial, and in two points, O IlléIn f)}.MOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3 3. * M Af cM M cy 5 5 / Affmvalov, KOLU, peyºAa, ev pºev Otu ov dyováčopal of Athens, really important. One, that I am not contending v an y N *A 3 y 5 M Tept TG)P LOT COL" 'yap L’UL OU LOTOL) epºol for an equal stake; for it is not the same thing for me as *A 5 *A > Af M \ 8vapoptelu Tús Tap' (p.6v eduoias Kai Toiſtø pº to lose your goodwill, and for this man not e an 3. \ V \ éAéiv Tiju ypaſp?iv, dNA pºol pºv— 8é to seize the indictment (win his case), but for me indeed— but 3. A. 5 an 5 Q \ M 5 A. * où 8otſ\opal eitéïv oijöèv Švo Xepes àpxópevos too I do not wish to say anything of bad omen when beginning my Af º 3. * A6) ov– oitos 8 karmyopet pov čk Teptovoias. Speech— but he 3,CCUISéS me at an advantage. cy S’ ey /* & / *A eTepov o , ô (bùorew vTapxel Taoruv And the other is (that) which naturally is inherent in all 5 Af 5 Af V zº *A * a dvěpátovs, dico'ſelv påv Tóv \ovšopuóv kai Tôv. men, to hear invectives and - *A e / y > an > *A kaTm) optov jöéos, dx9eorðat 8 TOLS 67TOLLI/Ovoſt, accusations with pleasure, and to be annoyed at those who praise aúToys' Totºrov Toivvy 6 p.év čo Tu Tpos jöov)w, themselves; of these then (that) which ministers to pleasure, / A cM M e 3/ 5 * 5 '. * 8éðotal Tovtg), O 8è GOS E7TOS EUTELly évox\e. has been granted to him, and(that) which, SO to Say, offends a * 5 Af º M s Af Tôoruv, Mottröv époi kāv pºev eij\agoúpºevos all, is left for me. And if indeed while guarding against Tooro pººl Aéyo Tô Tetpaypºva this, I do not tell (I abstain from telling) what has been done 3. gº / 5 y 5 A. épavrò, 66% owk exeuv &troXijo-aorffat by myself, I shall seem not to be capable of clearing myself from & / 3 CN 3 / 5 2 ºn Ta Karmyopmplewa où8 Sevkviſva èd'ois the things charged (the charges) nor of showing in what dévô Tup.60.0av éðv 8' 8aôíſo êq à I think I have a right to be honored; but if I proceed to what V M kai Tetroimka kai TetroXtrevpal, divayka.orthforopal I have both done and effected as a statesman, I shall be forced Aéyeuv ToMAdkus Tepi épavrov. Telpdoropat to speak frequently about myself. I will endeavor * 4 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. M º an * c Af pºev ovu 7TOU.6L]) TOUTO COS pºetpuotato." therefore to do this with all possible moderation : S’ ey <\ \ *A 5 * 3. Af y ô Tu äv Tô Tpaypa aúrò divaykāſm, but whatsoever the C8,S62 itself constrains me to, /* ºn / 3. 8 / 3y \ 5 / TOUTOU OUTOS eOTTL OUKOLLOS eXeuv Tmu OLUTUOLl/ for this he Ought to bear the blame C * O évo Tºmorópevos Towootov dyóva. the one having (who') set on foot (instituted) such a trial. Oiual 6 ip6s, 6 divöpes 'Affmvalou, Tâvtas I think that you, O In eIl of Athens, all āv Ópoxoyńoral Tovtovi Tôv dyóva eival kouvöv would admit that this trial is common s Af \ as W Sy 5 Q \ 3. A. époi Te kai Krmoudºurt kai dévov oijöèv éAórtovos both to me and Ctesiphon, and calls for no less ortovëſ's époi yöp pew diroo Tepeto-flav Tóvrov exertion from me; for to be deprived of anything 3. V *\ \ V y 2\ éoti Avtrºpov kai XaXeTöv, d\\os Te KOLI) is painful and grievous, both otherwise and especially if pº Af e 3. 3. *A X Af Tooto orvp/8aivſ) tºp itſ éxflpoo, öé pºd Nuorta this happens to one by (the act of) an enemy, but most of all gº 5 € a > /* N / Tús Tap ip6v eijvotas kai bu)\avôpotrías, (to be deprived) of your good will and humanity, ôorgºttep kai Tô Tvyetv Towtov čotiv pleytotov. inasmuch as also to win these is the greatest(of gains). tovtovi Ö' too dyóvos évros Tepi Towtov, This trial being about these things, 3. a V Aº Af C an e Af dévô KOLU ôéopal TTOLI/TC01/ vpov OptOLOS I request (as a right) and beseech all of you alike dkoto'ai pov diroMo'youpévov Tepi Tów to hear H]6. making my defence with regard to the karmyopmpévov Sukaios, dorſtep oi vápot charges with fairness, just as the laws A eM º 5 5 ſº \ keMečovo-vu, oùs O éé àpx?s Tuffels direct, which the one who originally proposed them, / A 3/ e ea \ *A X6\ov, (a)]/ €UlyOv S , vpuup KOLl, Smpotukös, Solon, being well disposed to you and a friend to the people, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 5 S/ gº º 5 geto beiv eival kvptovs OU thought it essential should be rendered supreme(valid) not Af * Af 3. * V * ovov Tºp palat, d\\& kai TG) alone by the fact of recording them, but also by the fact ipas Tovs SuköCouras āpºopºokéval, oilk that you who are judging have taken an oath, not (because) 3. *A e e- cy 3. 5. v A. 5 > &Two Töv Špºv, dºs y ápºol batverau, ä)\\ distrusting you, 3S to me it appears, but e ey cy \ 3 / *A M / º ôpóv čtv Tós airías kai Tàs Staffoºds, OLLS Seeing that the charges and the calumnies, wherein ô Sudºkov ioxiet ék Too Meyeſv TpóTepos, the prosecutor is strong from speaking first, 3. y *A A an 5 M O'U FC 61/U Tó ‘bet youtu trapextetu ei p'i) it is not possible for the defendant to outstrip (defeat) unless cy gº * ékaotos ūpov Tóv Šukačávrov each one of you the jurors, keeping up 8 / V 5 Aſ N V V waſhvXóTrov Tiju ejoré8evav Tpos Toys theoûs through all the cause his religious duty towards the gods, V 3. tº ſº * *A kai Tpooróéetal ejvoikós Tā Śikawa too shall likewise admit with favor the pleas of the ey * - * e *A y to repov Aéyovros, kai Tapao Xov čavTöv to ov last speaker, and after showing himself a fair \ 3. A. cy kai kouvöv dºpoatãv dipºdotépous OUTC) and impartial hearer to both shall thus only a V Af \ e /* Towmore tav Trºv êudyvooruv Tepu atravtov. make his decision about everything. MéA\ov Šē Övööval Aéyov Tijuepov te Being about to give an account to-day both * 3. Af Af * º y V Too ičíov 8tov Tavrös, Ös éouke, kai of my private life in its entirety, àS it seems, and *A pa A' TG) 19 Kouvm - TetroXutevpévov, of those things publicly effected by me as a statesman, A. 2 /* M * BoöNopal TóAuv Tapaka)\éoral Toys theoûs, I wish again to call the gods to my side (to aid me), M / * y *A c/ kai évautíov Úp.6v etxop at Tpótov pºv, oormv and in your presence I pray first, that as much 6 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. gºa 3/ 5 & * 3y evvouav eyo övare\ó exov Te U. good will as I continually have both towards the / M as * / TóAet kai úpiv Taoruv, too-airmv inröpéal State and towards you all, so much may be afforded - a 3. V a pot Tap' ip6v eis Tovtovi Töv dyóva, to Ine by you in this present trial, y 3 cy / t Af M \ 3. Af érettº & Tu péAAct orvuoſo elu kai Tpès eijöočíav then whatever will conduce both to the good name gº M 3. Af kouvi, kai Tpès etjoré8evav ékóortg), of the state and to the good conscience of each individual, * \ gº e as Tooro Toys theoûs Tapao Thoral pºv this the gods may put in the hearts of you a a W ^ a TTOLOTLI/ 'yvoval Tept Tavt moru T7s all to decide concerning this present 'ypaſhfīs. indictment. Ei peu of v Aio Xiums karmyópmorev p.6vov If Il OW Aeschines had accused me only M º Tepu (a)]/ éöíoke, (for those things) on account of which he brought the prosecution, 3. •M * káyd) eijff's àu direMoyoſpºv Tept too I too would at once have made my defence OI). the A. 3. C. > s V 3. A TpogovXeºpatos attoo. 8 €Telê) divoj\oke preliminary resolution itself; but since he has spent 3. 5. / A. \ oùk éAótta, Aéyov övečvov not less of his speech (than half) in going through y A \ an Af Af TâNAa. Kai Tà TAeſota Kate letſo atópov, the other matters and in most of them has lied against me, /* ^ * \ cy vopičo €LIVOLU, dvaykalov KOLt. Šikatov Cºpºo, I think it to be necessary and just at the same time, * Sy 5. as 3. an A. *A 6 ávépes 'Affmvalov, eitréiv 8paxéa. Tpotov O Ille Il of Athens, to speak briefly first W 6. M a Tepu Totſtov, iva p.möeis ip6.u about these things, in order that Il O Orlé. of you 3. / an 3/ Af 3. Aº ºypºvos Tois & offev Náyous akovn) led away by his irrelevant arguments may listen DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 7 &\\otpudºrepov Tów pov Sukatov jtěp Tús with prejudice to my just arguments about the 'ypaſbºs. indictment. A3) pºv Óora Tepi Töv i8tov Now, as for the calumnies OIl private matters Motöopoſpevos BećNaorºjumke trepi époo, which he has abusively uttered about me, Af C: e /* V / A. 6edoraorffat dis dit)\6 kai Sikawa Aéya). observe how plainly and honestly I speak. ei pºev to Te € Tovootov oiov If you know me (to be) such a man as º g º *A 3. *A OUTOS mTuato (oj 'yap be (the prosecutor) just now accused me of being (for I have not Af sy Af º 3. € a BeBioka d\\offi Tov ) trap' juºv), lived anywhere else than among you [consequently yow V 5 A. A p.m.8é àváo Xmote bovijv, must know me well J), do not even tolerate the sound (of my voice), p.m3' ei TetroXtrevpal Tóvta Tó Kouvâ. not eVell if I have discharged all my public duties c Af 5 3. 5 A. /* vTepev, d'AA' àvao-Tavres kata/mºtoraorffe pre-eminently well, but having risen up condemn me y 5 QN M e / - M Af jöm' ei öé üTeu)\ſqiate kai yuyvöorkere at once; but if you have conceived and know M 5. * & V 3. *A Af kai épé kai Toijs épovs ToMAó BeNTío both Illé and mine to be much better A. * 3. / M cy TOUTOU kai ék BeNTuóvov, Kai, ivo. than this fellow and of a better stock, and, to M W Aéya, p.m.8év étaxfles, Xeipova pºmbevös say nothing offensive, inferior to In O Orle an - 3. TC019 perptov, p.mö pºev Two Teiſete of the respectable citizens, do not believe A f W * y *A *A º Toºtº itép Töv d\\ov (yöp 87Xov dis him even about the rest (for it is plain that cy 3. 3. A. e A. 5 ey OLTTOLLWT eTX dºtteto ôpoſos), 8 mu everything was forged in the same way), and what 8 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. ejvouav trapó, Tavta Töv Xpóvov čvéebelx0e favor you have uniformly (comStantly) exhibited éti ToMAóv Tóv Tpótepov dydºvov, kai upon many former trials, that also M A. 3. A” A. vvvi trapdo Xeorge épot. kakoſthms In OW afford to me. And maliciously crafty (ill- 5 M 3. A. *A 3/ 8'dºv, Aio Xium, travtexós eiſm?es natured) as you are, Aeschines, you have been thoroughly simple gºthms Tooto, pe diſbévra Toys Môyovs in fancying this, that I, passing over the arguments trepi Tôv Tempaypºvov kai TetroXtrevpuévov OI) my actions and public conduct, / *A *A Af & V : *A Tpéleo-flat Tpos Tās Motöopias Tàs trapó, oroú. would turn to your wituperations. 5 M Af a 3. cy A. où 8) troviſora, Tooro' oily otra terúboplav I will not do this; I am not so .* blind; d\\’ pºev & Kate heißov kai Övé8a)\\es itép but your falsehoods and calumnies about *A 3. TC01/ TetroXttevpuévov éčerdoro aijtíka, my public conduct I will discuss at once, to repov 8é pºvmathjoroplav Tſis tropºreſas Taºrms and afterwards I will touch upon the ribaldry *A º ths oëToori àvéðmu yeyev muévns, &v l, SO licentiously used by you, if it may be M Aº 5 A. tovtovor Sov)\oplewows dikoúelv. to these wishing to hear(if this cowrt wish to hear me). • º \ M Tà pieu of v karmyopmpleva ToMAó kai Now the charges (against me) are many and \ M º A öeuvâ, kai Tepi 6v évíov oi vópot serious, and for some of them (at any rate) the laws / M ôvöóaoru peyºAas kai Tôs éoxdras tup.opias' assign great, nay, the most severe punishments; j Śē Tpoaipeg us air) too trapóvros dyóvos but the very principle of the present trial éxe ôpoo implies at once (the very principle and object of this trial combine) DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 9 3. Aſ \ cy \ . Aº M étripetav kai i8puu kal Motöoptav kai the imalignity and insolence and abuse and \ a M M A. Tpotm)aktopov éxÉpoo pºv KOLU, TTCLI/70, insult of a personal enemy and everything *A *A * \ Tô Touaora,' pºevtov Tov Katmyoptov Kat of the kind; but notwithstanding for the accusations and Töv airvāv Tóv eipmuévov, eitre "the charges that have been alleged (by this enemy), if indeed º 5 an > Sp a / an jorav ć)\mflets, oijk vu Tim TóNew Nabeiv they were true, it is not possible for the state to inflict 3. As Af 3 & 5 S Af 3. M an dšíav Šikmu, ojö eyyvs. ov yap 8é. an adequate penalty, no, nor anything like it. For we ought not dºpaupetorffat Tô Tpoore).0eiv Tg) to deprive any one of the right to come before the A. M an Af }S’ ôňug KOLL Tv)(euv Móyov, OU popular assembly and to obtain a hearing, nor yet Toweiv Totto èv to get émpeias should a man exercise this right in the line of malice W p ſº *A M / 3. y kai ºpffóvov på Toys fleoûs, éo Tuv otte and envy ; by the gods, it is neither y - 3. * sy * ^ Sy Af A éxov Ópffós owre troMutuköv oiſte §ikatów proper, Il Or constitutional, R1OI’ just, º y 3. an º & divöpes 'Affmvalov' &MA’ éb’ ois gentlemen of Athens: but (his duty was) in whatever cases édépa. ple döukoúvra. Tiju TóNuv, he saw Ille injuring the state, oùort ye Tm)\ukočrous j\tica vov especially supposing them to be so monstrous as he just now 3. /* * Af * an érpayóðet KOLU, övečijet, Xphortal TOLLS tragically detailed, - to take advantage of the ék Töv vápov Tupoptats Tap' airó. legal penalties at the very same time 5 sº M Táčukňuata, ei pºev čápa Tpdatovta. as the offences themselves, if he saw me . committing 3/ × 3. AP 3. A. \ OLC (U.O., eiorayyeMias, eiorayyáN\ovra kai What deserved impeachment, impeaching me and $ 10 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. /* 3. Aº 3. 2 º' 3. M kafluotoivta eis kptoruv trap juiv, ei 83 bringing me to trial before you, and if Af A. p 'ypdºovta. Tapavopºo, 'ypadháp evov proposing unconstitutional measures, indicting me / 3. trapovopov' où yöp 8ſtov for it ; for of course it cannot be supposed that \ A * pºev Šćvatoi Sudiketv Krmorºdóvra 8t' he is capable of attacking Ctesiphon on account of 3 M •A 5. 3. s /* > * epºe, &v odk 8 éypdallato epue me, and that he would not have impeached Hºle 5 A y 3 / 3. /* ovtov, eutep évôpºvčev éčexéyòeuv. myself, if he had expected to convict me. *A M y KOLU, pºv €U, éópa Awe Nay, further, if he had seen Illé 3. a £ *A * y º dèukoovta äpäs T. Töv d\\ov Gº)1/ doing you any one of those other wrongs which * As *A N M 1/UI/U, êvé8a)\\e kai Övečje, ) kai he just now falsely charged and specified, Or even sy * & an 3. M Af \ * dNN' étuoſov, evoru vopou kau Tuptoptat any other whatsoever, there are laws and penalties W 3 *A \ Af sº kai dyóves kai kptoreus éxovo at trukpó. and trials and Verdicts having sharp *A / 5 Af * Af \ KOLU, peyóNo. Tatſutupuwo. Tept Tavtov, PCOLU, and Severe punishments in every case, and cy - 3 ye ex gº 3. OLTTOLOT!, Toºtous eśńv Xphort at Kat any one of these he might have put in force against gº M époo, kai Ötmvika ébaïveto Tetrovnkós me, and if he had publicly done /* M *A Af at Tatra kai Tootou Töv TpóTov kexpmpévos Tots this and in this Iſla, Il Iler put in force the \ M Af Tpös épé, # karmyopia provisions applicable to my case, his speech for the prosecution N C * * an y > * 5 āv djuo)\oyett Toºs épyous aijtoo. vöv 8 would have tallied with his actions. But now s \ * 5 º * Aſ 38 *A €KOTOLS Tàs épôms kai Sukaias Óðoo departing from this straight and just COUI rSe DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 11 A M *A 3. A. 5 V Af kai ºbvyóu Toijs éAéyxovs Tap Tö Tpdypata and avoiding inquiries at the time of the offences aúró, Tooroútous Xpóvous to repov themselves, at such intervals of time afterwards itrokpíveral orvpuſhoprioras airías kai he plays his part - heaping tip accusations and orkóppata kai Aotöopias: eita pièv karmyopet scoffings and revilings; then he accuses époo, kpível be Tovtovi, me, - while he is prosecuting another (brings my kai Tpoão Tatau Tºju client here to trial), and puts his 3y *A 3. *A sy * éx0pav Tpos epte ÖAov tov personal hatred against Iſle before all the pºev dyóvos, S’ oùöapoo dTmutmkós contest, and yet, though never having met 3. \ 3 M A. Af * eplot €7TL Tavt mu (paivetal {mtów Ille upon this ground, he openly seeks 3. A. V 5 Af € / /* dºeNéo-flav Tiju èTuTuptav čTépov. KOLUTou, to take away the civil rights of another. And again, “s y * /* *A cy zº y (a) divöpes Affmuatov, Tpos OLTTOLOTLly TOLS &\\ous gentlemen of Athens, besides all the other êukatous ois Tws &v éxov eitreºu just things which OL16. might have to say (pleas which e V * an vTsp KTmoruſhovtos, öoké: a man might wse) in behalf of Ctesiphon, it seems éuotye &v Aéyeuv kai Toor' kai to me at least that he might say this also and / \ 5 5 A, cy A. º e ex pºx eikótos, OTU öſkatov jv juás with very good reason too, that We ought to have * ^ 5 ^ gº e A. y Towetorffat TOly ěčeraorpov Tºms 'mpetepas éx?pas put to the issue (discuss) OUIF quarrel 3. 3. e * 3. *A 5. Af * *A ép ºpów airów, où Tapa)\etiretv To prev by ourselves, not to give up the dyovíčeoffat Tpès d\\?\ovs, 6' (mtévv Contest against one another, and seek 2 12 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. ep A. tº érépg, Örg, 860 opew KOLKO1) TL another to whom we shall do an injury (what other * e \ £8 / * Af yöp (Teppoxi) doukias Toºró person we can injure); for the height of injustice this is 'ye. assuredly. - 2 * y y 3. 2 Toivvy pºev div tus Sou €K. TOUTC)ly Therefore any one might see from these things Aſ *A Aº e Af 7TOLLWTOL Ta Katmyopmpleva optolos all the charges & alike 3. A. Sy A 3/ > eupmplevo. OUTE Šukaios OUT to have been prepared neither justly It Of" a M étrº où6ep was āAm6eias’ Botſ\opal be with regard for any truth ; but I wish 5 Af cy 3 * M 3 ey V éðerdorat &ao Tov adrów kai kaff €v, kai to examine every one of them separately also, and Aſ 3. cy Af Aº - c \ pºdºvort) &ora Kate leiſorató pov vTep especially what he falsely charged upon me concerning A 5 \ *A M ths eipſiums kai Tàs Tpeo/8etas, divaruffets the peace and the embassy, attributing M * *A V époi TOL Tetrpaypºva éavré, pºeta. to me the things done by himself with / y 3, 2 * ^ y q'u)\okparovs. éat, 8' dvaykalov, 6 divöpes Philocrates. And it is necessary, gentlemen 5. º M *A y 3. *A Affmvatou, kai ºrpoo ſixov toros, divapuno at of Athens, and proper perhaps, to remind * e * 3. juás 65s Tô Tpaypara eixe KOLT you how things Were throughout M cy *A ékeſvows toūs Xpévows, tva theophre those times, that you may contemplate cy A. €KOLOTTOL Tpos Töv intrópxovta. each one of them with an eye to the present Kaupév. * crisis (with a view to the circumstances of the time). Tàp Too qbokukov troNewov For when the Phocian War” DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 13 A º orvo Tavros, OU 8." épé (yúp had been set in operation, not through me, (for º A où Tóte to €yaye étroMitevópmv) not then as yet was I engaged in proposing public measures), g an * cy vpºets Tpótov pºv oùto 8vékevote you were in the first place in such a state of mind cy - 2 *A dio-re 8owſ\eoffat q}okéas pºev oroffival, 3.S to wish the Phocians to be saved, * *A 3. kaitep ôpóvres Trovoovtas où 6íkawa, though seeing that they were doing anything but right, <\ * a ö’ &v éðmorðmual ©m/3atous traffodoruv and you would have been delighted at the Thebans suffering ôtwoov, ôpyvčópevot aijto's oùk anything, being angry at them not 3. Af - > QNS 3. / N d)\óyos ojö döíkos' 'yap without reason DOI’ without justice; for º - > ois mºrvynſkeo-av év Aeëktpous, OU (that)success which they obtained at Leuctra, they had not ékéxpmvro perpíos' étrel{}’ &Taora used with moderation ; then all e / / * 7, IIe)\otóvvmoros ôuevo Tijket, KOLU, Peloponnessus had become completely divided, and 3/ º A' où6° of plorobvres Aakeóaupovíovs neither were those who hated the Lacedemonians cy y e. * 3/ /\º oùTaos to Xvov Čorte diveMeiv attoos, où strong enough to subdue them, Il Ol' 3. y 'morav oi Tpórepov dipxovtes St’ Were those who formerly ruled by means of éketvov Kúptov Töv TóNeov, them (supported in power by them) masters of the cities, 3. M º W d)\\d. ºv kai trapó, toūrous KOLL but there was both among these and A cy a y Tapa OLTTOLOTUI/ TOLS dN}\ous TUS among all the other states a sort of y Sy \ A c W akputos epus KOLL Tapax"). O 8è complicated (interminable) strife and confusion. And “A 14 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Y a - * M 3. qbu)\varros ôpóv TOLUT (yö. mu Philip seeing these things, (for they were 5 3. a 3. /* /* où diſbavn) diva)\torkov Xpmplata. anything but hard to perceive), by lavishing money an A > / Tots ſpoëóraws trap' ékáo Tows ovvékpove on the traitors in the several states kept bringing A. & Af TOLVTOLS kai éroſpattev Tpos aſſroºs' them all into collision and confusion one against another; G 3 º y €UT €v ois d'AAou ºpºdiptavov kai then, while the rest were blundering and *A 5 / 5 N Af \ Kakós éqipóvovu, alſTös trapeO-kevoiſeto kai ill-affected, ho was prºpäling liiuselſ alid 3. Aº M Af C. \ º ébùeto KOLTOL TTOLLWTO)1/. djs 8é OU was growing up against them all. But when the * V an * ©m/8atou Tóte pºèv Bapets, vöv 8” Thebans, then so overbearing, but now 3. * Aſ a A' atvXeus, Taxattropoćpevow Tºp Pºkel so unfortunate, harassed by the length *A an M AºA Too ToMéuov ºffo av bavepot TTOLOTUL, of the war, were, as was plain to all, 5 A Af 3. > dvayka.orffmorópevot karaſhetjyeuv €ºp on the point of being compelled to have recourse tC) *A cy * iſpás, ô pu)\utſtros, [,]/O, TOUTO us, Philip, that this might M Af 8 V e - / {\{} pºm yewouTo pºmoe at TóNews orvue Affolev, not take place and that the cities might not unite, 3. / 3. /* C a M a V émy yet\ato eipſumv Úpºv pleu, Bojffetau. 8è made proffers of peace to you, and of aid º Af éketvows. Tí Olyl/ orvum) ovuorato to them. . What then helped 3 * *A *A an € a > \ A an aúró Tpos to Aa3eiv Špas àNiyov beiv him. to surprise you all but t Af *A ékóvtas Ščatatapévovs; % TC01/ willingly deceived ? The (cowardice) of the y º: 3. d\\ov ENNºvov, eite *A X other Greeks,—(I hardly know) whether it is right DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 15 3. as 3/ 5 sy y €UTTELI/ kakiau €UT aſyvouav €LT6: to call it cowardice Or ignorance, Ołº \ 3 A. * > cN e * Aſ kai diplºbóTepa Taüt', oi jp.6v ToMepotſvtov both these together— who while you were waging a V \ V * orvuex, Kai pakpóv TóAepov, Kai Tootov an incessant and long War, and that too e M a Af an e A. itrép Töv orvpuſhepôvtov traoru, djs yéyovey for matters of benefit to all, as has become ^ 3. ** / ºf a y ºpovepôv ćpyq), orvueMºp/80-vov Úpºv otte evident from the issue, aided you neither A. y A. 3/ > y Xpmpaoruv ovte oropaoruv ovt d. NAq) with money Il Ol' men, I}O!” with anything 3. * * e A. 2. *A Af ojöevi TC01/ OLTTOLL/760ly" OUS KOLL Šukaíos else whatsoever; against whom, both justly M kai Tpoormicóvtos ôpytópevot éroipos and fitly incensed, you readily & Af *A (D \ / º M º 3. A. virm covarate tº plattirºp. m. psy ovu eupmum lent an ear to Philip. The peace . A' a N * > 3. A. Tóte orvyxopmffeſora övå taúr émpdxth), then agreed upon was through these means brought about, e º où 8t’ &pe, dis of ros êvé8a)\\ev. not through me, 3.S he calumniously charged ; M \ 5 A. & 8 8 / / TO. 8è döukňuata KOLU, opo okmplato Tovtov but the wrong-doings and corruption of these 3. 5 es sy £ / 8 * ev airfi, du Tus égeräſm wkatos, in relation to it, if OI) e. €X3,1001116S fairly, y *A M eūpāorel OULTUO, Töv vvvi trapóvrov he will find to be the cause of the present A. \ \ / 3. 3. *A Tpaypºdrov. kai Tavri Täv6 drpuffo)\oyobpal troubles. And all these things I am stating accurately W A. e *A *A 3. Aº kai 8večápxopal vTep Tös àM)0etas. and rehearsing at length for the sake of the truth. 3. A * 5 Af \ / Af ei ydp tº dàikmua tä pºuota Sokoúm For if any wrong-doing, however great, should appear 3. 3. €19 toūrous, où8év éortu 87trov in these transactions, there is nothing assuredly 16 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. *A S \ 3. 3. º M *A 3. M Tpos épé, d\\ ev Tpotos evarov bearing upon me, but the first who spoke kai pumorffels ötrép tºs eipſiums ºv and made mention about the peace WäS > / º º V º * Apwortóðmpos, O vTokput ms, Ö 8é Aristodemus, the actor, and the person 5. Af \ A. W éköečāpºevos kai 'ypdalias KOLU who seconded him and drew up the resolution and pºvo 660 as éavrov però Totºrov Čiri Taota let himself out for hire with him for that purpose Aº © º: / dºw\okpºt"), 6 ‘Ayvoiſorvos, (in this transaction) was Philoſºrates the Hagnusiaii, º *A *A 5 Af 3. & 5 * O Oros Kouvovos, Aio Xium, ovX o epos your associate, Aeschines, In Ot, mine, > CN > º * * A. où8 āv or ēvappayfis levóópevos, not even if you burst with lying, e W Af cy cy As Ol, 8è OrviveLTTOl/TeS €196KOL O7"Ol) ömſtrote and their supporters from whatever cause it might be (yöp 66 Tooró y’ év tá, Tapóvri) (for I pass this by for the present) were Eü8ovXos kai Kmbuorodóv' éyò 8' Eubulus and Cephisophon ; but I oùöèv oijöapoo. &\\’ ôuos, had nothing to do with it anywhere. , But nevertheless, toūrov čvrov towoſtov kai otºto Seukvvuévov ćit’ although these things are so and shown to be so by * 5 Aſ * * 3. a Zºº Tús d\mbetas auths, eis Tooff (on the basis of) the truth itself, to such a pitch 3. A. ^ cy y 3 / 2 dvavčetas 'm Kev GOS 7. érôApa Méyetv of impudence he had come that he ventured to assert 6s éyò dpa. Tpès Tó yeyevno-flat that I, forsooth, in addition to having become 3. * 3. attuos ths eipſiums kai kekøMukós eimv the guilty cause of the peace, had also prevented Töv TóAuv Towſoraorffat aúròu però. the state from making it with DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 17 *R Af *A & A. * > Kouvoo ovveóptov Tów E\\ºjvov. eit the general confederacy of the Greeks. Then— 6— Tí ãv eitrów Tus Tpooreſtrol oré O— what name could one use and address you öpffos ; éo-ruv appropriately 2 (by what name could one rightly call you ?) Is there ôtrov or) trapov, ôpôv ple any place where you, being present, seeing In 8 3. A / gº Af A. *A &daupoğuevöv Tàs TóAeos tº Mukačrmu Tpaşuv depriving the state of such an advantage V A e / ^ A kai orvppaxiau, j\ikmu vvvi Övečijews and alliance, 3S you just now stated, 5 Af •N \ 3. 77'yavaktmoras, i) TapeN66)u éðiðaša's expressed your indignation, or coming forward stated, M *A *A ey *A KOLU, 8večm)\9es TOLUTOL O. 1979E9 and explained these things which you now karmyopets; kai pºv et éyò étrettpdkeuv charge me with ? And truly, if I had sold qbu)\{TTg) To kao)\ooraw Tºv Kouvovíav to Philip the prevention of the coalition - *A & A \ \ º \ * TC019 E\\ºjvov, orot Noutröv ºv To prºm of the Greeks, it remained to you not *A 5 V * W / orvyāorat, d\\& 8oav kai Öuapaptiſpeoffat to be silent, but to cry out and to protest *A * Af 5. Af KOLU, 8)Xoov TOUTOLO" L. OU TO LI/U19 and to disclose it to these men. Well then, 3. * 3 A. *A 3 Q-3 3. M oùöapoo Totmoras Tooto, oùö oùöets you never did this, In OK” did any one ever y /* M M A. 3. Aſ mkovo.6 orov Tiju boviju Taºrmv, €UKOTC0S. hear your voice to this effect, and naturally so; oùre yāp fiv Tpeo/Beta direo ta)\puéum for neither WàS an embassy Sent / ^ 3. A. *A & /* TOTe Tpos oùöévas Tów ‘EX\ºjvov, at that time to any of the Greeks, 5 *A A. Aº º s A. ăNA6. TāNat Töutes ºffo av čeM)\eypºvou, but long ago all had been tried and found out, 18 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. S/ /\} º y 5 Q \ e ^ * OU OUTOS eupmkev ojöèv vywes trept Il Ol' has he spoken a sound (trwe) word upon toūrov. Xopis 8è Tóvrov kai this subject. Apart also from this he even A. V / ^ A. s öua/36AXel Tºv TóNuv Ta peyota €1) traduces the country to the greatest extent in º A. 3. M e * an M º OUS theißeraw: 6L 'yap vpºets Tapeka)\ette TOUS pºev his falsehoods; for if you were calling on the ty 5 e 3. & EAA muas eis TóNepov, dua 6& OLUTOU, Greeks to take up arms, while at the very same time you 3. A /* N /* N eTepareTe Tpéo/3ews Tpós (pi\virtſov Tepi were sending ambassadors to Philip för 3 2. 8 / as 3. A. - eipijums, 8vetpºtteorffe Tpaypºa Eijpubătov, peace, you were doing a deed of Eurybatus, où épyov TóAeos oùöé Xpmorrów not the act of a commonwealth Ol' of honest > / 5 3. 5 3y an 5 3/ gº ãv0p6trov. 3)\’ our éo-Tu Taota, oùk éo Tu IOleIl. But these things are not so, they are not so ; / V * / Af 5 A > \ tí yöp kai 8ovX6pºevot peretéu Teoff &v attoos for with what object after all would you have sent for them 5 A. gº pºn e 5 \ M > /* © 5 \\? €1/ Tovtg) Tg) Kaupº 2 etru Tojv eupmumv 2 OL at that time 2 For peace 2 But e *A cy 3. 5 5 V N A. 3. º itrºpxev ćtraoruv. &MA &ti Töv TóNepov; d.MA they all had it. For War? But 5 * s / M 2 / 5 M OLUTOL é8otſ\eveOffe Tept eipſiums. Éyd) you yourselves were deliberating about peace. I 5 *A º y \ OUKOUI/ (baivopal Cº.) L/ OUTE iyepov therefore appear to be neither the mover of où8’ airvos Tſis é àpx?s nor in any way responsible for the original 3. /* 37, *A 3y º elpmums, OUTE TC019 d)\\ov (a)]) peace, In Ol' of the other things which Aſ A 5 QN \ A - katelletſorató pov oùöèv Seikvvrat he falsely charged upon Iſle is anything shown *N ~5 \ OP/ &\mbès. to be true. DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. . 19 5 N A c A. 5. A. ETelS) Toivvv 7 TóAus émotºjorato When therefore the state had made M 3. Af A. 5 as / A. Töv eipſumv, orkéliao fle évraúða TóAuv tí the peace, observe then again what Tpºrteuv ékáTepos ºpov Tpoet Aero: course of action each of us chose ; ^ * 3. A y Af Kat yap 6. K. TOUTCOI/ etoreo-ffe TLS for from this you will understand who º e / Af Af ºv ô ovvayovučópºevos Tavra pu)\{TTg, it was that co-operated in all things with Philip, kai Tís ô Tpatrov jtěp Öpov and who it was that acted in your behalf V ex \ Af *A A. kai (mtöv Tö orvpdbépov Tij TóAew. and sought the interest of the commonwealth. 5 M V / Af 3/ eyo pºev Touvu Bov)\etſov éypalia I therefore as a Senator moved a resolution Toys Tpéo-Bels dTottNetv Töv taxio Tºmu that our ambassadors sail by the quickest way étri Toys Tótrovs, év ois &v Tvv66 vovrat for those regions, in which they heard dºt\virtov čvra, kai ditoxap/86 velu Toijs Philip was, and receive in return the cy / \ * > 5 QN A •º sy opkovs. TL 8è TOUT éöövato, (º) divöpes oaths. And what did this amount to, gentlemen 'Affmvalov; yd) 8v8&o. §v pºev pu)\{mtg of Athens? I will explain. . It was Philip's orvpſhépov Töv perað Xpóvov Tów interest that the interval between the öpkov yevéorðat oaths of ratification (those taken by us and by Philip) should be djs TAetortov, ipºv 8’ dis 3.S long as possible, yours (that it should be) 3t.S 5 Af V / sy e * M 5 éAdXwo Tov. Övö. Tí; OTU, vpºets pºev ovk short as possible. Why? Because you not / 2 3. º e / 3. A. 3. º pºvov did 7S mplepas oppoorate, &\\ only from the day that you swore, but 20 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 5 5 º 3. / *A 3. A. dq, q)s j\tTío are Tmu eupmumv from the day that you hoped that the peace y 3. A. Af V éoreo-flav, éčeXiſora offe 7TOLOTOLS TOLS would be effected, broke up all your M \ * \ A’ º 8 \ 5. N Tapao-kevas Tas Tov Toweſwov, O Oé EK 7TOLUTOS preparations for war, whereas he all ſº. " / gº toū Xpóvov pºd Nuorta étpaypateiſeto Tooro, the time was making this delay his chief concern, /* c/ 3. 5 {} M cy - vopºiſov, Ötep ºu d\mtés, OOTOL * believing, which was true, that whatever possessions *N / Æ \ Tms TóNeos Tpo)\d.6ov Tpo of the city he might take before *A ey * A * toû toos épkovs diroëoovat, TOLUTOL TOLUTOL taking the oaths in return, all these c. 5 éeuv 6e/3aíos' yap oijöéva Añoſeuv he should hold securely ; for no one would break e - e ey Töv eipſumv éveka toûtov. Ot, the peace on account of this. Which things 3 M º y 3. a A’ \ éyò), 6 divöpes 'Affmvatou, Tpoopºpevos kai I, gentlemen of Athens, foreseeing and Af * & Af an Aoyučópevos ypddo Totto Tô infºbuopa, TAelu considering, moved this decree, to sail 5 M M A. 3. º A. º º éti Toys Tótrovs évois pi\tTTos àv j, for the regions where Philip might be, V M A. 3. / \ KOLL Töv Taxio Tºmu diro)\appaveuv TOUS and as quickly as possible receive the cy cy 3 a a opkovs, Ll/ TC01/ 69pgköv, oaths in return, in order that while the Thracians, Tów Śpietépov orvpped you, Éxóvrov Tatra your allies, held those V Af eM º - * /* TOL Xapua. O. OUTOS 1/1919 êvéorvpe, places which this man was just now disparaging *A Af *\ *\ *A W Tö Xeppelov kai Tô Mvptmvöv kai (pulling to pieces), Serrium and Myrtenus and * Af cy cy Töv 'Epyto-kmv, OUTG) oi opkov Ergisce, under these circumstances the oaths DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 21 * *A V * iyvouv6', KOLU pº) ékéïvos might be sworn, and that he (Philip) might not *A Af TpoMaſłów Toys étukaipovs Töv Tótſov by seizing in advance the favorably situated places ex Af M Kataotaim Kúptos Tijs Qpikms, p.m.8é become master of Thrace, nor, *A M Af eiſtopſoas To)\\ów pºèv Xpmplatov having become possessed of much . money troX\ów Śē otpatuartów, Ér Totºrov and many troops, by means of these might * * * Af figãios étuxetpotm Tots \ouTois Tpdyplaguw. easily enter upon his other undertakings. 3. * M \ / * \ / eira Tooto pºev Tô injquorpa ouxi Aéyel, And yet this decree he does not mention 5 QNS 3. A. g 5 Q \ 5 \ / ojö’ divayuyváorkev ei Šē éyò BovXetſov Il Ol' read; but that I, being a Senator, 3/ an A. M dipmu beiv Tpooráyetv Tows tpéo Bets, thought proper to introduce the ambassadors, *A / an Tooró pov Sud Sax\ev. &\Aö ti éxpāv this is a matter he taunts me about. But what ought an A. pe troueuv; 'ypdal at pº) Tpoord yetv I to have done 2 Should I have proposed not to introduce M c/ *A TOUS mkovtas étri. Tooff’ those who were come for the express purpose cy 3 a- e a º an *A iv Šva\ex960 up juiv; ) kexedora, Tov of negotiating with you ? or have ordered the M an an dpxvtéktova pū karavetpal autoſs 6éav ; lessee not to assign them a seat 2 &\\’ éffed povv &v €v Toiv but they might have seen the plays in the /* 3. * 3. M * :) 8volv 38oNoiv, €l, p.m Tovt two-oboli seats (by payment of two oboli), if this resolution z' s éypdºm. éðel pe ºbvXóTTeuv Tö. had not been moved. Was it my duty to guard the *A * Alukpa. orvpuſhëpovta. Tns tróAeos, petty interests of the State, .* 22 JDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. / V V cy Tetſpokeval 8è Tö, ÖAa and have sold the whole (the highest interests of the state), ce º 3. A. M A, dio Tep of Tov ; ot; 87trov. Naftov Aéye like these men 2 No, to be sure. Take and read A. M *A / cM TO LE/U19 pot Tovti Tô inj buopa, O then to me this decree, which º *A y V Af OUTOS oradôs eið0s Tapé6m. he, though evidently acquainted with it, has passed over. WHKPIXMA. THE DECREE. [“’Etti dipxovros Mumorºſhi)\ov, Šum kai vé, “In the archonship of Mnesiphilus, on the thirteenth ékaTop 8avóvos, divX7s IIavövovíðos of Hecatombacon, the tribe of Pandionis A /* Af Tpvravevočorms, Ampwoot'éums Ampoorffévows presiding, Demosthenes, the son of Demosthenes TIavavueijs eitſev, Tew87) pi\tTiros diroo Teixas of Paeania, moved :— Whereas Philip, having despatched /* Af º /* A. Tpéo:/8evs Tetroimtal. ÓpoMo'youpévos orvuºjka's ambassadors, formally proposed (acknowledged) articles M * 5 A. A. * a, V Tepi Tàs eipſiums, 3e36x0at Tú (8ov\fi kai of treaty, be it resolved by the council and Tô oftwº Tó ‘Affmvatov ôtros &v t. 4, t. 2 77 people of Athens, in order that the eipijum j čtvYeupotovnfleſo a €v Tú Tptºrm peace voted in the first ékk\moríg étute) earth), Aéorðat jöm assembly may be ratified, to choose immediately 3. A. 3. Af Af Af €K. Tövtov 'Affmvatov Téute Tpéo Beus, from the whole body of the Athenians five ambassadors, Toys 8é Xelpotovnffévras diroëmpeiv and that the persons elected do repair, A. / t N cy •A Totovſzévows pumäeputav Štrepôo)\ºv, Širov &v making Il O - delay, wheresoever DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 23 Af *A Af 3/ \ Tvvödvovrat Töv (pi\varrow Ov70, KOLU, they shall ascertain Philip to be, and Töv Taxio Tnu Maſłeiv Te Toys Špkovs trap' with all possible speed receive the oaths from aúToo kai 600Val étri him. and give (the oaths themselves) according to Taºs ovuſhikaws diploxoympévals aúró the articles agreed upon between him. *\ * 3. A. * A, Tpos Töv 'Affmvatov Šmuov, orvptrept)\ap/8dvovtas and the Athenian people, comprehending kai toos orvppaxovs ékatépov. Tpéo Bets also the allies of either party. As ambassadors jpéthmorav Eßov\os 'Avadºxiſo Tuos, Aio Xiums were chosen Eubulus of Anaphlestus, Aeschines Koffokſöms, Kºmºbworodóv "Papavočovos, of Cothocidae, Cephisophon of Rhamnus, Ampwokpdºrms pXveūs, KAéov Kofforcíðms.]” Democrates of Phlya, Cleon of Cothocidae.” 'Epwoo Tóte 'ypālavros Taota. Although I then had moved this measure M * ^ / * /* kai (mtoovtos Tö orvpubépov tº TóNeu, and was seeking the interest of the State, 3. * / º e *A OU TO qbu)\{TTg, OUTOL ow Xpmotov not that of Philip, these worthy Af /* V *A Tpéo Seus ºppovtſo'avtes Spax) kaffivto ambassadors, caring little about it, set themselves down 3. - Af an ce *A cy év Makešovíg Tpels öAovs prºvas, éos in Macedonia three whole months, until qbíAutritos ºffe ék Optikms karao Tpelliduevos Philip - returned from Thrace, having subdued Tövta. Täket, éčov all the parts there, although it was possible Af e a *A M * *N /* ôéka muepôv, p.6\\ov 8é Tpuðv j Tertápov, within ten days, or rather three Or four, dºx0at eis Töv ENA fortovtov kai oróg at to reach the Hellespont and Sà. We 24 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Af M TOL Xopia, Maſłóvtas TOUS opkovs the fortresses, having received the oaths *A 3 * 5 an 3 / > & *N. Tpiv čkéïvov čeMéïv aird. ov yap av before he reduced them ; for he would not A 3 a a lat' OLUTC01/ juðv Tapóvtov, % have touched them if we had been present, Or º 3. ey oùk &v dipkūopew aúrów, (OO"Te we would not have put the oath to him, so that •A anº āv 8wnpaprijket Tºms eipſiums kai he would have lost the - peace and 3. •A 3. 3. Af M * ovK av evXe dipuſbótepa, KOLU, Toju not have obtained both, namely:-both the eipſumu kai Tà Xopia. peace and the fortresses. gº M gº Tovoorov Toivvv éyéveto Tô pºev Tpótov Such therefore WaS the first k\éup a pièv PvNiittov, Sopoć6kmpa toûtov trick of Philip, bribe-taking of these *A 5. Af 3. Af \ 5 zº Töv d8íkov divöpg|Tov KOLU, éxôpóv unjust IT1621] and enemies theois' jTép où ôpoxoyó of the gods; for which I avow M 2 M a V 3 M a W kai Tóte kai vov kai dei ToMepeiv KOLL that I was and am and ever will be at war and /* A. / 3. cy êvadépeoffat Toºtous. 0edoraorffe à érepov variance with them. But mark another kakoúpympia èrt peºčov Totºrov eith)'s piece of villany still greater than this directly ébečms. Telê) yöp 6 pi\tTTos duox6 ymore after. For when Philip agreed to 3. Tiju eipſumv TpoMaſłov Tiju ()pºkmu Suð. the peace, having secured Thrace through A. 3 M /* ** 5 * / toūTovs oux. Teworffévras Tó épé, ſmºbiopatu, their disobeying Imy decree, TöNuv diveiral Tap' aúTów he again purchases from them (bribes them) DEMOSTELENES ON THE CROWN. 25 sy & 3 / 3. A e. Otros pºm attuopºev ék Makešovías, éos that . we may not depart from Macedonia, until Tovſjoratto to eitpetrº Tſis otpateias he has made the things ready for the expedition a cy * ths éiri toos pokéas, iva pººl, juáv against the Phocians, lest, if we 3. A. - cy Af M dTayyev) divtov O7TU, pe NNew KOLU, reported (to you) -- that he intends and Tapao kevägeral tropečeo-flav Šeop', 'pºets is preparing to march hither, you 5 A’ Q A a égéAffolte KOLU, Teput)\eijo'avtes TOLLS might Sally forth and having sailed round with your Tpumpeovu eis IIö\as 60tep Tpórepov treasures to Thermopylae just as before Af N N 3. 3. e/ 3 k\eto atte Töv Topffpov, d\\ Op. block up the strait, but at the same time dikoúoute Taota juðváTayye). Aévrov you might hear of these things: from our report 3. a y * * *A KOLKELI/OS evm el/TOS IIv)\ów and he might be this side of (within) the Gates kai ipſets éxout)" Tovmoral p.m3év. and you be able to do nothing. ^ cM ô Sè q>{\virtros 'mu oùTo €v bö89 kai But Philip W3,S in so much fear and a 5 Af - \ * > *A / ToMAſ, dyovíg., p7) kai avtov Tpoet)\mbótos anxiety, lest even though he had already gained Taota, ei Tpo Too Toys q}okéas these advantages, if before the Phocians dToMeoffat ilm dioratorffe Bombeiv, Tö. were destroyed you should vote to assist them, his Tpaypat' ékööyou aijtov, affairs should slip from his grasp (he show!d miss his main cy gº dote pºvo-flooral Tovrovë Töv katattvortov, objects), that he hires te this despicable fellow here, *A *A y oùkétu Kovum pºetó TC01/ d)\\ov no longer in common with the other 26 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. 3. 5 /* 5 e V Tpéo Beov, d)\\ iöíg kaff airtov, ambassadors, but individually by himself, fººt *A V 5 gº & eitreºv touaora KOLU, dTayyet)\aw Tpos to make that statement and report tC e * > an c/ > 5 / Upto S, 8t (a)]/ OLTTOLLWT diſtröNeto. you, by which everything was lost. gº as y 3. * M A. dévô 8é, & divöpes 'Affmvatou, kal 6&opal But I require, gentlemen of Athens, and entreat fº e 3. a *A ip as trap 6\ov Tov dyóva peplumo flat you throughout the trial to remember gº ey 5 Af M Tovto, OTL Aio Xivov Aw'm) this, that if Aeschines had not (in his speech) A. M 3y * *A karmyopija'avros pºmbèv čo Tàs ypad,7s, accused me of anything ° outside of the indictment, 5 (M'.) º 3. W 3. A. 3. Af A où8 av eya) étrovoúumv odóéva Móyov neither would I have spoken a word e. 3. y érepov, Toºrov 8 Cºpºo. Kexpmpevov irrelevant, but as he has at the same time had recourse to / 5 / \ / 5 A. Tºoraws airíaus kai 3Maordºmputats, dvdykm all sorts of charges and slanders, it is necessary \ A *A *\ cy Kāpºol dTokpívao-flat pukpó, Tpos ékao Ta for me also to answer briefly to each one as A / º º TO)1/ Katnyopmplevov. Tuves ovu morav of his charges. What then Were e Af e A. / N OL Aðyou finflévres, Tóte Tapa the Statements made at that time on the part of M > ex cy 3. toūrov, KOLL 8t Ol) S OLTTOLl/T this man, and on account of which everything e 3. as as dTâAero ; (OS où 8e7 60pv6éio-flav was lost 2 That you should not be alarmed a y *A Tô (Pi Auttrov trapeNºm,\v0évau €UO (t) IIv)\ów’ by Philip's having passed this side of the Gates; \ cy 2 cy e as Af 3. 'yap &Tav6 OOTO, vpºets Botſ\eo-0 for everything which you wish 3/ •A 3/ 3 e Af W eO'Toºl, OLI/ éxmt” mov)(tav, KOLU, will be brought about, if you remain quiet, and DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 27 ~ º an an dikoúoreo-fle 8volv 7) Tptóu 'pepôv you will hear within two OF three days S \ Af Af º M aúTöv yeyev muévov (bù Nov ous pºev that he has become a friend (of those) against whom cy 'm ket éx0pös, Tojvavtſov Šē he has been coming as an enemy, and on the contrary 3. N º Aº éxöpöv O LS . q}{\os. an enemy (to those) to whom (he has come as) a friend. 5. N & & A 3/ an ov yap Ta pmpata ébm Begawoov For it was not words, said he, that consolidate “A 5 / / *A 3. A. 3. V Tós oikeuðTºmtas, pºd)\a Orepºv6s 6Vopºd Cov, d\\ó. friendships, using very fine phraseology, but "A * *A- / / \ cy Tö Taijrā orvpuſhëpeuv' orvpuſbépelv Šē OLTTOLOTU, identity of interests; and it was the interest of all & / Af M gº - \ e gº ôpotos qu)\tTTg, Kai Pokejov Kai Üpºv alike, Philip and the Phocians and you, &Tax\ayfival Tºs diva)\!ymorias kai to be relieved from the heartlessness and .4 Tús Baptºrmtos Tſis Tóv OmBaíov. Taota 8” . overbearing insolence of the Thebans. And these statements aúToo Tuvès mirovov dopepos övő. of his some heard with pleasure on account of ^ // > e *A 3. A. *A V Tºmu Tóff UTTOUOTOLI/ dTéx0elav Tpos TOUS the then lurking hatred toward the ©m/8atovs. Tí of v orvué8m eijffès Thebans. What then happened immediately pera Taijt’, oùk eis pakpāv; subsequent to these things, not long after ? M * /* s Af W Tovs pºev qbokéas dToMeo-flat KOLU, The Phocians were destroyed and V A. 3 ºn *A e * 3. Tós TóNews at Tów Kataokaºbºvac, ipas 8 their cities demolished, and you dyayóvtas jovktav Kai Tetorffévras toūrg, who kept quiet and trusted to this man uukpov to repov O'kevaya, yetv €k Tów were shortly afterwards carrying your effects out of the 3 *s 28 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. dypóv, Toorov 8é Nabeiv Xpwortov, country (into the towns), while this man received gold, kai étu Tpos Tóvrous Töv pew dºréxflewav and even besides these things that the hostility Töv Tpos ©m/8atows kai Oetta)\oys on the part of the Thebans and Thessalians A. * f V W A M 'yevéo-flav Tú TóNeu, Töv Šē Xapuu Tºjv was gained by the city, and their gratitude e V a Af A. ey 2 itrép Töv Tetpaypevov dºt\{TTg). ôtu 8 for what was done by Philip. (And to prove) that Ta'ot" éxel oito, Aéye pºol Tó Te these things are So, read Ille both the infºbuopa Too KaNNuo-0évows kai Tiju decree of Callisthenes and the étwo-roºv Tiju too qu)\tirtov, & 6v dubotépov letter of Philip, from both of which cy 5. * Zº y \ e * &Tav6 Ta'off €OTOLU, (bavépá úpiv. all these things will be clear to you. Aéye. Read. WHKDIXMA. THE DECREE. [“’ET Mumorld!\ov dipxovros, ovyk)\ºjtov “In the archonship of Mnesiphilus, in a special ékk\morias JTö otpatmyav assembly (called) by the generals v6pm kai Tpvtåveov kai with the approbation both of the prytanes and BovX7s, öekörm ātuávros paupaktmptôvos, the Senate, on the twenty-first of Maemacterion, Ka}\\torffevms ’Ereovíkov da)\mpets eitre Callisthenes, son of Etenicus of Phaleron, moved : p.möéva "Affmvatov pmöept? Tapevpéo et No Athenian shall on any pretext DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 29 / as 5 pº A. 3. 5. 5. 'yūyveoffat kottaſov ću Tú X6pg, d\\ €1/ sleep in the country, but all in y \ /* an cº \ OLOTEU KOLU TTépaved, OOTOU, |W7) the city and Peiraeeus, as many as have 110t eioriv ćtroTeraypevow év Tots ºppovptovs’ been detailed for the garrisons; A. 3 e Af * / ey toūrov 6’ &cdo Tovs Swatmpeiu Taºuv mu and they shall all keep the posts which / A. 5 A TrapéNaftov p")Te dºmpepetovtas they have had assigned to them, neither absenting themselves by day pºſte äTokoutouvtas. 6s 8° &v direuthform Il OI’ by night. And whosoever disobeys 98 en Af sy 3/ an Tºpoe Tô mºbiopatu èo Tao €voxos Tots this decree shall be subject to the 3. / an A. 5 * A. 5 Aº étuttpious Tis Tpoëoorías, éâu prºj čtvöeukviſm penalties of treason, unless he can show 3. A S/ \ e / M V TU döövatov Ol/ Tept €OLUTOly" Tept 8è some insuperable difficulty in his case ; but concerning Too děvvoſtov ô otpatmyos étri the impossibility let the general Of Töv 6t)\ov kai ô eart ths the infantry and the (general) of the övoukijorea's kai. ô 'ypapparei)s Tīs administration and the clerk of the * 5 A. /* M M Bov)\ms eTukpuueta). katakopičevv Šē kai Senate judge. And they shall convey Tavra. Tà ék Töv dypôv Töv Taxio Tnu, all effects out of the country as quickly as possible, Tô pºev €vTös ékatov etkooruv o Tañíov those within a hundred and twenty stadia 5 y \ *A & M €LS OLOTU KOLU, IIeupova, Tô 8é into the city and Peiraeeus, those 5 *A e N y Af > EKTOS €KOUT Oly €LKOOTUL, o Tañíov €US that are beyond a hundred and twenty stadia to "EXevolva kai (PvN)w kai "Aſhwövav Eleusis and Phyle and Aphidna 30 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. kai ‘Papwoovra kai Xočvvov. eitre and Rhamnus and Sunium. Thus moved Ka)\\to 0éums pa)\mpeiſs.”] Callisthenes of Phalerum.” *Ap’ éti Taºravs Taºs éAtriot Was it with these expectations then that es º *A étroveto-be Tiju eipſumv, ) Ta'ot" you made the peace, Ol' W2,S this * e Af 3. Af > € as oùtos 6 p.uorfforós éirm'yyáNNeff juiv; what this hireling promised you? Aéye 87, Tøv étwo toxºv jv pi\tTTos Read Il OW the letter which Philip y * > V * êtrepulſe êeºp pºeta Tavra. Sent hither after this. EIIIXTOAH. THE LETTER. [“qbíAutritos 8aortNet)s Makeóóvov Tſ, “Philip king of the Macedonians to the 6ovXi, kai Tô Smug, 'Affmwatov Senate and the people of the Athenians, / y e a * Af Xalpeuv. UOTE 'mpas TapeNºm,\v06tas greeting. You know that we have passed y as ~ W Af e > €LO Cº.) IIvXóv kai TreTovmpevows jºb this side of the Gates and have subdued under c M V * * A. \ €OLUTOUS TO, KO/TO, Töv Poköa, KOLU, ourselves what pertains to Phocis, and eioraymoxótas (bpovpas Tôv have put garrisons in as many of the Toxtorpeditov Šora pºév čkovoríos Tpoorerítero, to WinS àS voluntarily submitted, M 8 M M e A / \ Tå Öé - pººl inTalkočovta Nagóvres kató. but those not yielding, having taken by A W 5. Af Kpatos KOLU, éčavöpatroëvorópevot force and having enslaved the inhabitants, i) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 31 A. 9 V M * Kateokdalopºev. &Kočov 6é kai ipas we razed to the ground. Hearing, however, that you /* * 3. a A. Tapao-kevoiſeortal 6omffeiv attoºs yéypaſha are preparing to assist them I write e es ce S fº & 5 N. / vpºuv, two. évox\mate pº) étri TAéov to you, that you may trouble yourself no further \ M W cy an Trept toūtov. Tovs pºèv yöp 6\ous Šokéire about this business; for on the whole you appear * 3. A / plot 7TOUGUE/ oùpév perpuðv, to me to be doing anything but what is reasonable, Af W 3. M Af ovufféuevov Tnv eipijvnv KOLU, ôpoios having concluded the peace and all the same Af dutitrapećyovres, being inclined to take the field (drawing out your forces against me), M * a N 3. M KOLL TOLUTOL Töv Pokéov ojöè and that too when the Phocians were not even orvptrepveuxmppévov év Taºs Kouvais ºpów comprehended in Old Y COLTTE]] OIl - / cy 5 & \ 5 / * orvuſhikaws. 6,orte éðv prº èppevinTe Tots agreements. So that if you do not abide by your & Af 5 QN V diploxoympévows, Tpotep forete ojöèv stipulations, you will gain no further advantage 3. * - * 35 ča, too €50akévat 38vkoovres.”] Sa Ve that of being agressors in wrong.” 5 A. e *A 5. *A s a Akočere djs oradôs év Tà étuo Toxi, You hear how plainly in his letter ^ e *A as M A *A Tpos ūpās 6m)\ot kai Suopičeral Tpos to you he evinces and affirms to *A Af ey *A 3. M Toys éavrov orvppºdyovs, Öru “Taota éyò his own allies, “These things I - / 3. /* 3 / V Tetrovnka 'Affmwatov čkóvtov kai have done although the Athenians were unwilling and cy 3. y ‘’s an º Avtovpuévov 60 tº eitep eſſ ºbpovette, 6 took it hard, so that if you are wise, O * \ - M A. ©m8otovº kai ©eTTa)\ot, jToxºffilieoffe Thebans and Thessalians, you will regard 32 DEMOSTELENES ON THE CROWN. A. M 3. * A • 5. M 33 toūrous pºèv éxflpods, Two Teijorete 6 poi, them as enemies, and put confidence in me,” 5 / Af * e A A \ où ypdalas Toºtous toſs firjuaq.v, 6ovXópevos 6& not writing in these words, but wishing êeukvěval Taota. Tolyapoov čk Toºtov to show this. Accordingly by these means y 3. M 5 / - 3. QXeT \agóv €KéLI/OUS €LS he went on bearing them away so far that ^ 5 an º 5. /* e *A to pumö Tpoopºv p.m.8 aio-0óveoffat Ötwoov they did not even foresee . JOO!” become aware of amy A \ an 5 3. 5 ex 5 an A Tów però Tatra, d\\' éâoral ékéïvov Tovſjoraortal of the consequences, but suffered him to put A. ^ A e 5 e ^. s º e Tövta Tó Tpdypdata jºb’ &avrò é Öv oi everything in his hands; hence the A a Taxattropov kéxpmutav Taºs Tapoiſorals wretched (Thebans) are suffering their present * º M 3 º r * M orvpdopaſs. Ó Sé àvré, ovvepyos KOLL misfortunes. And his co-operator and e ovvayovuo Tàs Taºrms Tfis Tío Tea’s kai O helpmate (in winning) this confidence and the one 5 A W *A º \ Af dTayyet\as Tà l'évôň 8e0po kai (bevakia as who brought false reports hither and cajoled A pº juás, oùToori à vöv Óðvpópevos T.& you, this is he who is now bewailing the W traith) 69/80 ſov KOLl, övečvov sufferings of the Thebans and dwelling upon them º 3. º djs oiktpó. alſTös Gº) L/ attuos 3.S pitiable, although he himself is the author V an a * KOLl, Tow Tav KOLKCO!/ kai TG) 19 év QPaokejo-u both of these calamities and those of the Phocians ^ e / ce 3. ce KOLL OUTTOLUTG) 19 ôo’d MAa. oi E\\mwes and of all as many as the Greeks / *A v c/ * V 3. * TeTövt/aoruv. 87Xov yap 3rt or pºev dyeſs have suffered besides. For you, forsooth, grieve 5 M an / 3. A. *::: M éti Tots orvp/8e0mkóoruv, Aio Xium, PCOLL OVer What has happened, Aeschines, and DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 33 * y éAeets Toys ©m/3atovs, eXGov pity the Thebans, though you have a V *A kTijuat' év tá 6ovotíg kai yeapyów property in Boeotia, and are farming *A 3 A. 5 V 8 \ / ey To ekeuvov, eyo Oe Xaupa), OS what once was theirs, while I rejoice, who WàS 5 v 5 A e *N *A / eijff)s éémrodumv Štrö Too Tpdéautos immediately demanded by him who did Tatra. these things. 3 3. A\\6. yóp eputréttoka. €LS But no more; for I have fallen upon e 3. an 2 Aóyovs oùs to as pa)\\ov dippéore, topics which perhaps it will be more fitting Aéyetv attika. Éiróveipu TóNuv . 8) to discuss by and by. I will return again accordingly 3 M *A 3. / e V €7TL TOLS dToëeſſels, COS TO, to my demonstrative proofs, that the dówkºjuata Totſtov yóyovey attva iniquities of these men have been the causes *A & Af TGOU 191919 L Tapóvtov Tpaypatov. of the present state of affairs. 'ETévô) yöp pew jue's éémtrórmorffe ütő For when you had been deceived by du)\íTTov Svö. Totſtov Töv čv Tats Philip through those who during their M Tpeo/8etals pºvo-floordivtov čavroës KOLL embassies let themselves out for hire and > - / 5 Q \ 5 \ e * e A &Tayyev) divtov oë8èv ć)\mbès juºv, oi Śē reported not a word of truth to you, and the /* - * 5. A. * Taxattropov CPokets éâmtratºvto KOLL unhappy Phocians had been deceived and 3 * / ai TóNews alſTów divipmuto, Tl, éyéveto; their cities destroyed, what followed 2 e / / V \ 5 A. oi pºev kard TTwo Tov Oetta)\ot kai ävator0m Tov The despicable Thessalians and stupid 34 IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. ©m3alot #yoovro Töv P(AvTTov (bùov, Thebans regarded Philip as a friend, /*A * ^ 3. eijepyétmv, orothpa' ékéïvos ºv Toivt a benefactor, a Saviour; he W2,S everything º as 5 Q \ y V 3y OLUTOLS" oùöè ſitcovov ºbovňv, 6 L to them ; they would not even listen to a syllable if TLS Botſ\ovto Aéyeuv d\\o tw. OIlê wished to say anything to the contrary. e an V e A. V / ipels öé jºbopºp evow Ta Tetſpaypºeva But you, though viewing with suspicion what had been done M e >y KOLL övo Xepaívovres ôpos myere and feeling aggrieved at it, nevertheless kept Töv eipſumv' od yap fiv 6 TV āv étrovette. the peace ; for there was nothing that you could have done. kai oi d\\ot be "EXXmves, And so also the rest of the Greeks, ôpioios ipºv Tedbevakuopºvov kai equally with you having been deceived and º 3/ y övmpaptmkótes Cº)1/ 7\tTwo-au, dopepot having failed of what they hoped for, gladly #yov Tiju eipſumv, kai aúTot kept the peace, though they themselves 5 *A / V Af €k To)\\oo TpóTov Tuvâ ToMepoëpºevou. had been for a long time in a manner assailed by him. cy W /* V ote 'yap qbí)\tTTos Teputov For when Philip, marching and countermarching, kateo Tpépeto 'IAAwpuoi)s kai Tpuga)\\ods, was gradually subduing the Illyrians and Triballians, Tuvas Sè kai Tôv EX\ºvov, kai étroveſt" and also some of the Greeks. and was putting c 5 e * \ ' A A A. jºb avrò ToMAós kai pºeyd Aas 8vvæpneus, under his control many great resources, kai TUlyeS Tów ek Tów TóNeov and certain citizens of the states, 3 M ... e. 5 /* *A 3. A €7TL Tſ) éčovoríg Tºms eupmums relying on the strength of the peace, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 35 Af 5 an / º 8aôíčovres €K6 LOTE 8ved,0eſpouto, Cº)]/ going thither were corrupted, of whom º * º Af / 5 p. 5 ey oùros ºv eſs, Tóte Tavtes éq, OUS he WaS One, then all against whom 3. as *A / 3. p= ékelvos Taira Tapeg-keväſet étroXepoovt.o. he was making these preparations were attacked. ei öé pº) jo-06 wovto, oùros érepos But if they did not perceive it, this is a different Af 3. *A 5 Aft 3. V V M Aóyos, OU Tpos eple. eyo pew yap matter, not concerning Iſle, For I; for my part, Tpotſ\eyov kai StepapTwpópmv kai was continually forewarning and protesting both 3. e as 3 M M cy Af e M Tap jutu dei kai Ötrol Tepuſbffeimv. ai Śē before you always and wheresoever I was sent. The TóNeus évôorovv Töv pºev states were diseased (demoralized), on the one hand, since those an M /* év Tó troXuTeiſeortal kai Tpatteuv engaged in public life and the administration of affairs A * A. S \ ôopoëokoëvrov kai Suaq,0elpopuévov €7TL were taking bribes and becoming corrupted for the sake of A' *A 8 M i8 * \ A * Xpmpaoru, Tov oe voucotov KOLU To)\\ów gain, while private individuals and the multitude Tô pºev où Tpoopop.évov, Tô 8é were on the one hand without foresight, and on the other 8 A *A e Af \ * eXea&op16vov tº figo Tóvn kai o Xoxi, beguiled by the indifference and indolence 3 e A. Q e Af º / kaff juépav, kai datavrov Tetrov66Tov of their daily life, and all were laboring under / Tovovtoví Tu Tóðos, oiopewov ékóo Tov somewhat of the same affection, imagining, each of them, º /* 5 - * Tô Selvöv jčeiv TX3)w oijk d’éavToys, dNA& that the peril would just stop short of themselves, and *A M an ölö. Töv ćrépov kuvöövov Tà éavTów that by the dangers of others their own interests / 3. *A cy A oxforew dorda)\60s, OTOLLP BoöNovtau. would hold safely, whenever they wished, > 36 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. eit' oluo, givp/8é8mke toſs pèv TAj9eoruv Then I think it has happened to the masses, 3. W *A *A N 5 A. t A ãuti, Tús ToMAñs kai dºcaipov figſ/vpias instead of their great and unseasonable ease, dToMoMekévau Tiju é\ev{}eptav, Toſs 6& that they have lost their liberty, but to the Tpoeo Tºkóort kai oiopewows To)\etv public men and those who supposed they were selling sy \ e V Tā)\\a TAïv €OLUTOUS all else * except themselves, that they A. 5 Af e W Af Tetpakóoruv aio-0éo-ffat eavtovs Tpotovs’ discovered that they had bartered away themselves first; 5 \ N Af W /* ey A. duti yop (bi)\ov kai éévov, d. TOTe for instead of friends, 3.S they then 5 / e / s A. divopºd Couto, juika éðapoëókovv, were named, when they were receiving bribes, they wov dkočovoruv kó\akes kai éxflpot In OW hear themselves called parasites and enemies * M Af y 5. cy theo's kai Toivta, Tâ)\\ OL to the gods and all the other (names) which Tpoor.jket. eikóTos' ow8ets yap, 6 divöpes befit them. Justly; for no man, gentlemen 5. a 3. / /* 3. *A Affmvalov, diva)\to Kev Xpºpulat Çmtów of Athens, lavishes his money seeking V / *A Af 3 Q 3 Tö orvpubépov too Tpoötöövtos, où8 the interest of the man who is ready to betray, Il Or étrelëdv 'yevnTav Kūptos dºw when he has become possessed of what 3. *A *A / āv Tpímrat étu Xpfital Tg) Tpoöörm he has purchased does he still use the traitor A. \ *A ^ -.. orvp/8otſ\@ Tepi Tôv \outrów as adviser for future proceedings; for otherwise 5 Q \ V º º 5 / / oùöèv 'yap av mu eijöaupovéo repov TpoöóTov. nothing would have been more fortunate than a traitor. 3. > *A Sy 9 / &\\ TOLUTOL €OTU, OUK." Tóffew ; But this is not SO ; whence can it be 2 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 37 * & * 2 troX\ot ye kai Öeſ. dXX’ trelčáv ô Nay, it is far otherwise. But when the Iman who /* 3/ * N Çmtów apxeuv Katao Tſ) éykpaths is ambitious to rule has become Ima.Ster /*A Af M M es Töv Tpaypºdſtov, Šoti kai TC)ly of the position, he is also (master) of those who *A V / dToëopévov Tavta, Tóte 8) Tore, betrayed it, then, indeed— then, 3. M W M /* M eiðd)s Tmu 8è Tovmpuav, KOLL (I say), knowing their baseness, he both an M an \ pavoreſ kai d'Ivo Ted Kai TpóTm)\akíčev. hates and distrusts and spurns them. an Af \ M S e \ orkotetre Sé kat yap ev o Kaupos And mark the reason; for even if the time *A Af / e *A Töv Tpaypºdſtov Tapex j\v6ev, o Kaupos of the events has passed by, still the time an *A W Too ye eiðéval Tô Towaora del Tópeo Tv for appreciating such things is always present Tots eſſ hpovo00 v. p.éxpt Towtow Aao-0éums to men of sense. Until that moment Lasthenes 5 / e. y divopºdſero (bi Aos Puxittſov, Šos Tpoijóokev was called the friend of Philip, until he betrayed 3/ º OAvv{}ov' pºexpt Totºrov Tup.6\aos, éos Olynthus; until that moment Timolaus, until y diróAeore 678as pºexpt towtov Eijöukos he destroyed Thebes; until that moment Eudicus M as /* 6. kai Xºpos of Aaptoratou, Éos étoimorav and Simus, the citizens of Larissa, until they put * > an Oetta)\tav Štrö pu)\íttg). €UT 7, traora Thessaly into Philip's hands. So then, the whole 3. \ *A oikovpévm yóyove peoT) Tpoëotów land is become full of traitors 5 A. M e /* M / é\avvopévov kai Ü3pušopévov kai TL driven from city to city and insulted,— nay, what M Kaköv oùxī Tao Xóvtov. Tú 8° misery is there which they do not suffer ? How fared * 38 T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 'Apío Tpatos év >ukvóvu, kai tí IIepi\aos Aristratus l]] Sicyon, and how Perilaus 5 / 3. s Af 5 €19 Meydpous; ovK atteppuppevou ; é: in Megara 2 Are they not outcasts? From dºw TLS div föou kai oradéortat' which facts any one might see € Weſt most plainly cy e A. V e *A Af OTU, O ºvX&rtov Tiju èavroſ, Tarpiða that he who guards his country / V 5 /* A pºd)vota KOLL duru)\éyov TOUTOLS most (vigilantly), and Opposes these TAetoſta, ofºros, Aio Xium, Teputoué. most (strongly), he it is, Aeschines, who SéCU1 reS juiv tois Tpoötöodoru kai pºorðapvoooru for you traitors and hirelings *A y 3 p 3 ey * A. To exeuv éb’ &Tºp ôopoëokºjo'ere, the possession of that for which you will receive your bribes, M M V V V M KOLL Suð. Toys ToMAoûs Tovtovi kai and through the majority of these and V s A. an e Ap A. Toys &v0wo tapévows toºs juerépous BovXºjpaoruv those who oppose your - designs ipels éorté oró kai éppwo flow, it is that you 3, re safe and in the receipt of pay, 5. M Af gº e *A º 3. Af €7TEL Sud ve vpos āv ditto)\6\ette for had it depended on yourselves you would have been ruined TāNat. long ago. Kal éxov ćrt ToMAö Aéyetv Tepi Although having still many things to Say about pºev Tóv Tóte Tpax0évtov, jyotpat eipſo-flat the things done at that time, I think that I have said TAeto Tów ircavóv kai Taota. of Tos 8' more than enough even (in saying) these. But this (Aeschines) airvos, kata.orkeddoras pov 60-ſtep is answerable, who has emptied out on Iſle as it were e Af *A *A V e-A - éa)\okpa.oríav Tuva. Tſis éavToo Tovmpia's kai Tôv the stale mess of his own villany and DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 39 3. Af A & * Aº dèukmudſtov, ju Tpos toūs veotépous Wrongs, which, to those younger an Aº º - & * TC01/ Tetſpaypºevov mºv avaykovov than the events referred to, it was necessary 5 Af sy V e an V & Toxiſoraorffat. to os Sé üpe's kai to clear myself of. And perhaps you to O (as well / \ V - Tapmudºx\morffe, oi Kat Tpuv as myself) were disgusted with it, who, eVéll before as *::: e *A épé eitreºu OTU, Ol)1/ eið6tes Tiju Toºtov I said anything whatsoever, knew of his Af / / 5 / 5 V pºvo flapvíav TOTé. KOLUTOU, ôvopºd ſev avT)w serving for hire at that time. And yet he calls it. Af \ /* M an * (bu)\tav ye kai čeviav, kai vov trov \eyov friendship, and lately somewhere in his speech 3, 2 44 5 3. 8 Af 5. /* €LTTE O ôveloíčov ćuoi he used the expression of “The man that reproaches IHe / 35 - Töv ćeviav 'AAečávöpov.” eyd, with the friendship of Alexander.” I reproach 5 Af OTOL §evíav A\ečāvöpov; Tóffew you with the friendship of Alexander 2 Whence s * 3/ \abóvrt # Tós dévoffévri ; On JTe having gotten it Or how having merited it 2 Neither 3. Af M 3/ 5 y dºw\tirtov čávov oit’’A\ečdvěpov ćyd) eitroup' div Philip's friend nor Alexander’s should I ever call 5 cy 3. & an as ore, oùx owto paivopal, ei p'i) bet ka)\etv you— I am not so mad, unless we are to call \ M * M Af kai Toys flepuo-Tös kai Toijs Tpdatovtas reapers and those who do sy *A *A - a d\\o tv pºorðoo bí\ovs kai éévows TGOU anything else for hire the friends of those /* 5. 2 5 3, * i.e. Af puto-floorapuévov. dAN oijk Čo Tu Taota Töffev; who have hired them. But this is not so ; how can it be so 2 ToMAoû ye kai Öeſ. dAN& puto-flotov pu)\{TTov Nay, it is quite the reverse. But the hireling of Philip 5 Af / M 5 / as éyò ore TpóTepov Kat 'AAečāvöpov ka)\ó I called you Once, and Alexander’s I call 40 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. vöv kai Tavtes of Tow. et 8" you now, and all these do so. If 5 * 5 /* 5 W a 3. o,7TLo-Teus, épôtmorov attoos, pâ)\ov 8 you disbelieve me, ask them, or rather 5 W / * / M5 * M *A *5 y 3. as éyò Towſoro Tootſ' 57ép oroo. 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, I will do this for you. Gentlemen of Athens, Tórepov Aio Xiums Sokeſ juiv eival pºwo-0orós does Aeschines appear to you to be the hireling *A / 5 A. 5 A. cM /* * # *ēvos A\ečávöpov; d.Kočevs & Aéyovoruv. or the friend of Alexander 2 You hear what they say. BoöNopal Toivvu jöm diroMo'yūoraorffat kai I wish then accordingly to windicate myself also M * *A 3 en *A * Tepi Tàs ypaſp?s alſTijs kai övečext/eiv upon the indictment itself and to go through in detail Tô Teſtpaypew' épavTó, úva. Aio Xiums kaitep the things done by myself, that Aeschines, though 5. V . cy 5 A 3. c/ eiðd)s Op.60s akovo m 8t OL knowing, nevertheless may hear on account of what ‘bmp, eivat Sikatos Tvyxdveuv kai Towtov I say that I am worthy to receive both these Töv TpoſłegovXevpévov kai étu To)\\@ pºetóóvov rewards formerly decreed and even by far greater e- Aſ V Af Af \ êopeſov Totºrov. Naftov kat pot Aéye Tºv rewards than these. Take and read me the 'ypadºu avròv. indictment itself. TPA (pH. THE INDICTMENT. 44 °E *A X A. 8 3/ º, c 7TU, aupov OU apxovtos, eKT) vo Tapwevov “In the archonship of Chaerondas, on the sixth éAaqºm/8oNuovos, Aio Xiums 'ATPopºfftov of Elaphebolion, Aeschines, son of Atrometus Kofforcíðms àTſveyke Tpos Töv dipxovra of Cothocidae, lodged with the Archon \ Af V a (ypadºv) Tapavópov Kató KTºmoru boutos (an indictment) for illegal measures against Ctesiphon, DEMOSTHENIES ON THE CROWN. 41 toū Aeog-flévovs 'Avadºvo Tíov, Ött &ypale the son of Leosthenes of Anaphlystus, because he moved injibuopa Tapºvopov, djs apa Se: a decree against law, that indeed it is right orted avóoral Ampwoot'evnv Ampwoo-0évows to CrOWn , Demosthenes, son of Demosthenes TIatavvéa Xpworó orted dug, kai dvayopetoral of Paeania, with a golden crown, and to proclaim év tá, fled Tp(p toſs preyd Mots Avovvoríows, in the theatre at the great Dionysia, an * cy e *A an kauvois Tpay@800s, 6tt ö 87pos o Teqjavoi with the new tragedies, that the people CI’OWIl Ampoo 66vmu Ampwoo-0évows TIavavuéa. Xpvoró Demosthenes, son of Demosthenes of Paeania, with a golden ortedøvg veka dperms, kai ejvotas CI’OWIl on account of his merit, both the good-will is Švatexeſ éxov ets Te & Tautas Toys which he continually cherishes towards all the cy *A E\\muas kai Töv Šmuov Tów Greeks as well as toward the people 'Affmvatov, kai divöpayaffias, kai Övört of the Athenians, and his integrity, and because * / M A. v A. öuare\et Tpdttøv kai Aéyov Tô BéAttorra he is constantly doing and saying (those things) which are best Tó öſjpg kai Tpóðvpués éo Tu Toweiv for the people and is zealous to do ey 5 *A N A / • " O TU dyadov &v Ščumtat- Tăuta TOLUTOL whatsoever good he can— all these clauses dalias levöſ, kai Tapºvopa, that he has moved (are) false and illegal, Tów vópov oùk éóvtov Tpótov pew the laws Inot allowing in the first place levöeſs ypaſbös kata/36AXeoffat eis Tà that false documents be inserted in the êmpſéova ypſippata, eira public archives, in the next place (not permitting) 42 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. oted avoidu Töv Štreiſt/vvov (Ampwoot'evns 8é éo Tu to crown one waiting for an audit (but Demosthenes is tetxotrotos kai Teraypºvos eart commissioner of walls and has been appointed to the charge of Tó 6eopuká), étu Sé the theoric fund), and in the third place (ordering) pº) divayopeiſelv Töv otépavov čv Tó fled Tpg In Ot to proclaim the CPOWI1 in the theatre Avovvorious th kawi, Tpayq'86v, at the Dionysia with the new (exhibition) of tragedies, d'AA' éâu pév j BovX) orted avoi, but if the Senate confer a crown, (ordering) 5 *A 5 an Af 5 * V divetteſv év Tó BovXevrmpiq), €6v 8é to publish it in the Senate-hall, and if the A. 5 \ 3. * 5 /* A' TóAus, év Tvkvi, Év Tij ékk\moríg. Tipmpo. city, in the Pnyx, at the assembly. Penalty, TrevTjkovta. TóAavra. KAmtºpes, fifty talents. Witnesses to the summons, Kmºbworobôv Kojquorodóvtos ‘Papavoiſorvos, Ctesiphon, son of Ctesiphon of Rhamnus, KAéov KAéovos Kofforcíðms.”] and Cleon, son of Cleon of Cothocidae.” *A pèv too limbío-paros 8vºket, The clauses of the treaty which he prosecutes, & divöpes 'Affmvatou, Éotiv Taot'. 'Atrö 8' gentlemen of Athens, are these. But from aijtów Towſtov ćyö oiu at Towſoeuv 87Xov these very charges I think I shall make it evident ipºv Tpótov čtv ćtroXoyforopa Śukaios to you at the outset that I shall defend myself honestly Tavra. 'yöp Tovmorópevos Tàu avròv Tóðuv in all things; for, taking the Sanle order Tów yeypappévov Toºtg) épô of the charges in the indictment as he has done, I will speak M A 3 cy 3. a M Tept travtov koff’ &cao Tov čhečms kai about all one by one in succession, and I).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 43 e M - \ A 38 M * A º €KGOL) Tapa, eūlia) OU O619. Tov pºev ovv shall willingly omit no one. With regard then to the * A. * 'ypdalal pe Öuatexéiv Tpatrouta KOLL statement that I have invariably done and A. * A. M Aéyovta Tó SéAttorTº Tô 87ſuſp, kai said the best things for the people, and * - as cy 3. *\ €LL'OLU, Tpóðvpov TTOLeLL) O TU, dyaffèv that I am anxious to do whatever good V an W &v Ščvapai, kai étrauvelu eart toūtous, I can, and the panegyric of me on these grounds, M º * vopuiſo Töv kptoruv eival év Tots I think that the decision must rest upon my Af 3. & \ A 3. Af TetroXttevpévous dtrö yöp Towrov čera'ſ opewov public acts; for from an examination of these e Af y 3. A \ /* eūpethjoretal eite d'Amffm kai Tpoorjkovta. it will be discovered whether true and proper sy V a *A *A eite kai levčfi Taora KT mortºv Or false are these things that Ctesiphon /* W 5 ^. \ M an 'yeypade Tepi époo Tööé o Tedavoov has alleged about me; and as for his proposing to crown me W A. 4 & 2 8 V 8 *A pº) Tpoo’ypdalavra. €7TéUOOLI/ \g) without the additional proviso, “when he has rendered M 5. 33 \ * as Tós ejóðvas” kai kexedorat divetteſv his accounts,” and his order to make proclamation * Af 3. a *A Töu o Tébavov čv Tó fled Tpg), jyotpat pév of the crowning in the theatre, I think M an an a" Kai Towto Kouvovetv Toºs TetroXttevpévous, that this also has to do with my public acts, y sy Aſ 5 *N A * fº EUTE dévôs eipt too orted divov kai Tàs whether I am worthy of the CrOW In and the 3. Af a - y * divappmjorea's Tijs v Towſrous eite kai pººl, proclamation among the citizens, or it may be not, 3y an º étu pévrov Šoke. SeukTéov eivaí pot kai still however it appears that I must show also V / 3. cy 5 * * Toijs vópovs, kaff Oly S eśńv the laws, according to which it was justifiable 4 44 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. toūrg, 'ypdºbelu Tatra. oùToor pºev for this man to move these resolutions. Thus A. V º *A º y 3. * Sukaios kai dit)\ós, ò divöpes 'Affmvalov, honestly and artlessly, gentlemen of Athens, êyvoka Toveto flav Tiju äToMoyſav, have I determined to conduct my defence, *A 5 5 5. 5 \ ey A AP A. Bačwoop at 8 €77 OLUTO, O, Tetpaktav plot. KOLU ... and I now proceed to my own actual measures. And M e / 5. as *\ p.m3ets intoxã8m pe atraptav Tov let no one suppose that I am withdrawing my A * *A 3. Nóyov Tºms ypaſbºs, éðv éputéora, eis argument from the indictment, if I go into \ Tpdgets kai A6).ows ‘EX\muukås' affairs and discussions relating to Greece in general; ô yöp ôv6kov Tö Too for the man who impugns the statement of the ilmºbiopatos pe Aéyetv kai Tpatteuv resolution that I speak and act for T& dpuatá kai Yºlº the best interests of the state and who has impeached Tajra djs ovſk &Amtºm, oùTós éo Tuv this statement 3S untrue, he it is e Af * A. \ e A. ô Tetrovnkós Toijs A6-yovs trept datavrov who has made the remarks about all a \ Töv ćuoi retroXttevpuévov oiketovs KOLL my public acts appropriate and divaykaiovs Ti, 'ypadi). eito. necessary to this indictment. In the next place, when \ 3. a an *A Af kai oijo ov To)\\óv Tpoaupéoreov Tijs ToMTetas there were indeed many lines of public life open to my choice, 5 * & Af V \ M e V éyò eiMópmv Tiju Tept Tós E\\muukås I chose that which had reference to Grecian Af cy 3. \ Af / es Tpºets, dote eiut kai Sikatós Toweto flat affairs, so that I am also justified in drawing \ 5 / e / TOLS dTošeišews €K. TOUTCOL”. my proofs from them. sº DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 45 *A pèv oſſºv q}{\varros Tpoińage kai Now (the conquest) which Philip had gained and katéo Xe Too too €ué ToMuteſeo-0at held before I entered the field of public life kai Ömpmyopetv, édoro' yöp #youp at and Oratory, I will pass over; for I think 3 Q \ / <> N 5 /* cM \ où8èv TOUTCOL) euvoº Tpos epce' OL 8è that none of these COI) Cer Il S me ; but the / s 3. º e A. 5 M 3. A. övekao) ſtºm dq, 'ms mpºspas eya etreo Tºv checks he met with from the day on which I entered eart Tatra, Taota. dvapºvijo'o kai upon these duties, these I will recall and A. e Af Af e Af *A toūrov jºbéo \6)ov, Ütrevard v Too-oorov. of these I will render an account, premising this much. & divöpes 'Affmvalov, Ütrºpée qu)\{TTg) pleya Gentlemen of Athens, Philip had from the first a great TAeovéktmpwa. yap ovvé8m tapó toºs advantage. For it happened that among the "EXX mov, où tworiv, d\\& Tāoruv Ópoios, Greeks, not Some, but all alike, / M s /* an M 'yevéorffat hopāv divt/p6trov Tpoãotów KOLL there sprang up a crop of traitors and / \ 5. gº an A. cy êopo66kov kai éxflpóv fleo's Tooraúrmv čormv bribe-takers and enemies of the gods such 2,S oùöeſs peplumtat . To Tpórepov yeyovvi'av In O Orle remembers to have ever before sprung up ; oùs Aa36)v ovvayovvorrà's kai ovvepyoos whom having taken as coadjutors and fellow-laborers / 3y an M cy \ êvéðmke étu Xéºpov Toys "ENA") was kai he brought into a still worse state the Greeks, who even Tpórepov čxovtas kakós Tpos éavrobs kai before were ill-disposed towards each other and orraorvoo Tukós ééatratów Toys pew, 81800s divided into factions, by deceiving SOD16 and making offers an M Af M M Af A. Tots 8e, 8tadteipov toys 8e Tâvta TpóTov, to others, and corrupting others in every Way, 46 - DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Q A. 3. M Ae KOLU, övéortmorev €US To)\\ó. pep"), and broke them up into many parties, ätraoruv čvtos évôs too orvpuſhëpovros, ko)\iſeuv though all had OIlê interest, to prevent 3. * A A an 3 & Af ékéïvov yiyveorbal peyav. Töv 6’ ‘EAA#vov him. from becoming powerful. While the Greeks ôvrov diardvrov ću towaćrm kata.orgio’ev Were all in such a condition kai ért dyvoig too ovvuotapevov kai and still in ignorance of the gathering and $vopévov kakoo, öet pås orkotteſv, 6 divöpes growing mischief, you have to consider, gentlemen 'Affmvalov, Tí Tpºttetv kai Tovelu of Athens, what course of conduct and action º gº ^ A. e Af W §v Tpoorfikov Tiju TóAuv éAéo-flat, kai it was fitting for the State to adopt, and / * / 3. 5 *N \ Toºrov \affeiv \6 yov trap' époi yūp of this to receive a reckoning from Ime ; for 3. Af 3. A2 º A. e *A 3. *A a eyo elp u O Ta&as €OLUTOL) évraoffa Tºms I am he who placed himself at this point of the ToMtetas. Tórepov čxpºv at Töv, Aio Xium, administration. Should it, Aeschines, 3. zº ‘A A. M M 5 Aº M e *A dºbeſorav Tó (bpévmpa kai Tàu d'étav Tiju airms abandoning its spirit and its character 3. * A. * *A év Tſ) Taşel ©eTTa)\ov kai in the rank of (ranging itself with) Thessalians and AoAóTov, orvykatakTāorffat pu)\{TTg, Dolopians, have helped Philip (in trying to gain) \ 5 M *A º A' \ 3. as Tāv ćpx?)u Tów ‘EX\ºvov kai avoupevu the Supremacy over the Greeks and have annihilated Tô kaxó kai Sikawa Tów Tpoyóvov; the honors and rights of your ancestors 2 -N *A as *A W M e 3. *A 77 pººl Toweiv Tooro pºev, yāp djs d\m 66s or if not to do this, for this truly *A * A. * cN 3. ðelvöv, Tepw8eiv 'ywyvopºevo. TOLUTOL OL 8 were horrible, yet allow to take place that which T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 47 e Zº *A AP 3. e 3/ eopo. . kai Tpomorffdiveſ”, Gos eOukev, it perceived and foresaw, we must suppose, 3. *A A. 3. \ €k To)\\oo, orvp/8morópeva, €U, pºmºets for a long time, was about to take place, if IłO OIl 6. A. 3. V * 3y e / º 5 Af koxiſorel ; 3XXà vöv ćyoye jöéos āv époiumv should prevent? Nay, but I now for my part should like to ask Töv p.d.)\to Ta étitupôvta. Tots the man who most severely criticizes what Terpaypºvows, Tús Toías peptóos has been done, which sort of party --- he 3. /* 3 - A V Af / A. é8otſ\et’ &v Töv TóAuv yewéo-tºat, Tórepov Would best have liked our city to belong to, whether Tös ovvautías Töv kaków (to that which was) an accomplice (in bringing about) the evils *A 3. es Af an ce kai aio Xpóv orvp/8eſłmkóTov toºs TXAmoru, and disgraces which have befallen the Greeks, Ås &v Tus eitrov 69eTTa)\oys (the party) to which one might say that the Thessalians kai Toys però TočTov, # Täs repleopakvias and their allies (belong), or to that which permitted Taota yuyvópeva étri Tſ) éAtríðt these things to take place with a view to the hope *A 5 QN / A. es º •N / Tös istas TAeovečías, q)s ãv fleſmuev of selfish advantage, in which we may place 3. A. V Af \ 3. Aº Apkóðas kai Meoro-mutovs kai Apyetovs. the Arcadians and Messenians and Argives. d)\\& Tox\oi kai Toitov, p.6\\ov 8& Tévres, But many even of these, or rather all, 3. /* - a e as M W > M dºrm)\dºxa.oruv Xeºpov ºpóv. Kai yap ei pºev have come off WOrSe than we. For if ‘píAltſtros dis ékpºtmore évôéos & Tudov ºxero Philip after his victory had immediately marched off kai peta Taür öyev joivXíav, AvTijora's pumbèv and thereafter kept quiet, without harassing p.m.8éva pºſite Tów airoo orvpp.dxov pºſite Tów anyone either of his own allies Or' of the 48 DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN, d\\ow ‘EX\}vov §v div tus pºpulius other Greeks, there might have been some blame kai karmyopia karð Töv čvavtuoffévrov of s and . reproach upon those who opposed what 5 an y 3. \ Af e / €KELlyOS eTpattev: €l, 8è Tepuel Aeto OLTTOLLWTCOI/ he did ; but if he has stripped from all e Af ^ 3. / M & Af Oplotos Tô détopia, Tāv Āyepovčav, without exception their dignity, their dominion, ‘A 3. p an \ V M A. Töv čNev6eptav, p.6\\ov 8é kai Tàs trouteias, their liberty, nay, rather even the constitutions ôorov éöðvato, Tós oux ipei's of all that he could, can it be doubted that you 5. Aº 3. / e / /* é8ov\eiſoraorffe évôośćTata diträvrov Teworffévres took the most glorious course of all by yielding époi ; to me 2 3. ‘AAA’ tavépxopal ékéſore. Tí, Aio Xium, But I return to the question. What, Aeschines, Tpoorfike Tiju TóAuv Toweiv, Öpóorav did it befit the commonwealth to do, when she saw q2i\tTTov karaokevačápºevov ćavrò dipx?)u kai Philip establishing dominion and Tvpavvíða Tóv ENA'ſvov; ) Tí óel Tôv sovereignty over the Greeks 2 or what ought her. oriºuſ?ov\ov Tóv 'Athjumoruv Aéyévv % counsellor at Athens to have advised Or A. 3 M W M *A 'ypdheuv epte (kai yap TOUTO proposed, myself I mean, (for this an /* cy / V TAélotov Švadépet), Ös ovvijóeuv pew makes the greatest difference), who knew that ék Tavros too Xpóvov pºexpt Tús juépas dº from the carliest times to the day OIl º 3 M 3. A S \ *A *A ºr S aúrós diveſłmv éti Tô 8mpa, which I myself mounted the platform, (appeared M / 3 M A. Töv Tarpiða del áyovučopéumv as a Speaker), OUlſ country had ever striven T) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 49 *A /* *A an *A A. *A Tept Tporteſov kai Tupºs kai 66&ms, kai for primacy and honor and renown, and 3. * V *A Af dum)\okvlav TAeta kai Xpijuata kai orópata had expended In Ore money and IO €Il e M. Af A *A *A A. vTep ºbt)\otupias kai Tôv Tāori orvpubépôvtov for the sake of glory and the general weal •N c. * s 7 &ao Tou Tôv d\\ov ‘EX\ºjvov diva)\6kaoruv than the rest of the Greeks had severally expended 6: M & ex & A º M A. 3 * vTep avtov, éópov 8' Tov (pi\tTTov aurov, On their own interests, and saw Philip himself, cy an º e V Tpös 6v ſipºv ć dyöv ºv, vTep with whom OUIr contention WaS, in the strife for 3. a V / *A 3. \ dpx?s kai Övvao Tetas, Töv 64,00)\pov power and empire, with his eye ékkekoppevov, Tàu k\etv kateayóta, Tův cut out, his collar-bone broken, his Xeºpa, Tô orke Nos Tetmpopºvov, Tau pépos hand, his leg mutilated, every part cy yºn A. e Af /* O TU, Too orópatos º Túxm 8ovX70eim whatsoever of his body Fortune might wish e - *A cy * TapeNéorffat, Tpoiéuevov Tooro, date (fiv to take away, ready to sacrifice this, SO 8.S to live *A an a \ Tºp \outó pietà Tupils kai 86&ms; with the rest, in honor and glory? 38 M 5 \ M M <\ a' OU Oe oùöels pºv koi &v toxpºfforat Nor would any one indeed €VéIl Venture 3. * *A a M /* eitreºv tootó ye, djs Tpoorfikev Tó pew Tpadévtu to say this, that it was right for a man brought up 5/ év IIéA\m Xopiq, Tóte ye āvtu d66&Q at Pella, a place then indeed obscure \ KOLU pukpó, éyyevéo-flat Tooratºrmv and insignificant, to have reached such Af cy 3. * * 3. a peya)\olivXíav, do Te étuffvp?oral Tºs opx?)s an elevation of mind, 8|S to aspire to the sovereignty an t V *A Töv E\\ºjvov kai épºſła)\éo-flat Toot.’ of the Greeks and conceive this project 50 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. *A *A c e 3. º 9 /* eis Töv voov, Üpºv 8 of ovu 'Ath)vaíous in his thoughts, while you who are Athenians M a kai kata čkdo-Tºv Tiju juépav Ópóort €v and every day contemplate in an *A A. M A. e /* 3. Tao'ſ kai A6 yous kai fleopſipaoru intopºvijuaff all that meets your ears and eyes the memorials ths dºpetºs Tóv Tpoyóvov intapéat of the virtue of your anceStorS were possessed with cy Tooratºrmv kaktav, dote atte‘TayyáAtovs such baseness, 8,S by your own offer 3. *A *A * 5 Af éffeXovtås Tapaxophoral tºs éNevt/epias and of your own free will to surrender the independence Tów ‘EX\}vov (pi)\tiſtrºp. oijö’ &v eis of the Greeks to Philip. Nor would any one Af *A º ^ ºfforeveu Taota. AouTöv ºv Toivvy kai Say this. It remained therefore and cy * as pº Opua. divaykalov čvavTuobo-0av Šukaios at the same time was necessary to resist rightfully Tào up ois ékéivos étpattev d'êukóv Špas. all that he was doing wrongfully to you. *A an M an a Toot' pºets pºèv éirouette éé dpx?s This you did from the beginning 5. Af V A. y M eukota's kat Tpoorm Kovros, êypaſbov be properly and becomingly, and the mover of your resolutions \ Af ^ 3 V 2 KOLU, ovve/3otſ\evov Kaw eya) kaff and the adviser of your counsels was I myself during ey 5. A. / e - an 3. M oùs étroMutevöpmu Xpóvows. ôpo)\oyó). GAA& the period of my political life. I acknowledge it. But an * sy - *A Tí éxpñupe Toweiv; yºp jöm épotó what should I have done 2 For Il OW I ask \ y 5 o’, dqets Tavta TâNA’, ApuſbítroXuv, you, dismissing all the rcst, Amphipolis, A / e Af º /* IIöövav, Iſottòawau, ‘AAévvmorov peuvmpal Pydna, Potidaea, Halonnesus; I mention 3. *\ A g Af M N / où'ěevös Toºrov >eppelov če, Kai Aopto-kov, IlOIle of them ; Serrium, and Doriscus, i) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 51 * V / A. * cy 3 kai Tàu Töpffmoruv IIetrapſtow kai Öor and the ravaging of Peparethus and whatsoever e 3/ pº / 5 / d)\\a Tovatra. 7) TóAus jöäkmto, other similar wrongs the country has suffered, 5 S5 3 > Af Af ojö’ oièa. €U. yeyovev. KOLUT OU I do not even know if they have happened. And yet Af 3. 3y / A *A orv y ébmo-06 pe Aéyovra TOLUTOL you at least said that I, speaking of these things, 5 * \ 3. 3y *A épéa)\eiv Tovtovoi eis éxflpav, TC0 L brought these into enmity (with Philip), although the A. M A 3/ ilm buopºdrov Tept Tovtov Ol/TC)]/ decrees proposed concerning these events were those Ev6otſ\ov kai Apuo Topóvtos kai Avoteſt}ovs, of Eubulus and Aristophon and Diopithes, oùk épôv, 6 Aéyov eyepôs ô Tu not.” mine, O you who say recklessly whatever &v 8ov\mtºs. odóē vov épô you please. Nor will I now (as I did not then) speak M A. 3 * e 3 an Tepu Tovtov. d)\\ O €KéUl/OS Of these matters. But (I ask) whether the man A. M 3/ M Af orderepuſépévos Töv Eöðouav kai kata.orkeväſov that was appropriating Euboea and preparing étutetxuopa Čiri Tàu 'Attuköv, kai étuxeupóv a fortification against Attica, and attempting Meyāpots, kai kata)\apſ?dvov 'Qpeov, kai Megara, and seizing Oreus, and / \ & \ KO/TOLOTKOLTTTC)ly IIopfluov, KOLU kaffuo-Tös razing Porthmos, and setting up Af 5 M 3. *A / q2)\to Tíðmu Tvpavvov čv pºèv 'Opeg KAetrapyov Philistides as tyrant in Oreus, Clitarchus 3. 5 3 / * A \ . €1/ 8 Epetpig, KOLL Tovovpuevos TOI/ in Eretria, and bringing the ‘ENAſſo-Tovtov jºb’ avTó, kai ToMopków Hellespont into his power, and besieging Bučvrvov, kai čvalpóv ć's pºèv ‘EAAmviðas Byzantium, and destroying some of the Greek 52 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A. 3. cN M Af * Af TóNews, eis dis 8e katayov toos (bvyā6as, cities, tO others restoring exiles, Tótepov Trovãov Tavta Taota jöíket was he by doing all these things committing injustice M M 3. V > A. kai Tapeq Tóvöel kai éWve Tiju eipſumv and breaking the truce and violating the peace *A 5/ \ A. a *A º, oi, ; kai Tórepov čxpfiv TUI/O, TOI/ or not ? And was it right that some one of the e / *A E\\ºjvov bavīval Töv ko)\tforovta. Greeks should rise up to stop 5 A an gº N *A 3. M * OLUTOI/ 7TOLe Lly TOLUTOL ~. % |17); €l, pºev 'yap his doing these things Or not ? For if M * e Af pº) éxpfiv, &\\& Töv ‘EXAdèa. this was not right, but Greece should be a º - M an Af / ôq,0muav oſſorov Tiju Mvoróv \etav ka)\ovpuéumv in the sight of the world “Mysian booty,” as the phrase is, 3. /* / M 5/ Affmuatov Ç6vtov KOLU Ovrov, while the Athenians were alive and in being, - * * Tepuéipyaopal pºev ćyd) eitrov Tepi toûtov, I have exceeded my duty in speaking on these subjects, M * V # 8& TóNts tepueipyao Tav Trevorffeſora èpºol, and the city has exceeded her duty in following my counsels, sº ey éo-To Sé Tavra. di Témpaktav and let it be granted that all the transactions 3. Af \ e / 3. Af 5 8 M döukňuata kai dipaptijuata épid. ei Öe are iniquities and delinquencies s of mine. But if 5, *A M Tuvâ éðel, havăval ko)\vT)w Toºtov, SOIOle OIOle ought to have arisen to prevent these things, 3/ •A > Af *A tiva d\\ov 7 Tov 'Affmvatov Šmpov who else than the Athenian people * Af M Tpoorfike 'yevéortal ; Taota Toivvu èyd) should it have been 2 These things then did I M e * étroXutevópmv, KOLL opov advise in my capacity as a statesman, and seeing 3. / katašovXoſpevov Tavtas dvěpátovs him reducing to subjection all men, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 53 3. gº 3. / *A A. A. ékéïvov \vavtuoſumu, kai ÖvetéNovv Tpo)\eyov I opposed him, and continued forewarning \ / M •ſ. *A KOLU, övődorkov pºº) Tpoſeo-flav Taora and instructing you In Ot to make these sacrifices q'u)\tirTºp. to Philip. M M 5 A. 5 M 3. a Koi. Tºju eupmumv y pººjv ekevvos And as for the peace indeed it was he éNvore Maſłów Tó TNota, oùx ºff that broke it by taking OUII’ ships, IlOt, the / 5 Af Af \ Af TóAws, Aio Xium. ºpépe Tö limbío-pata state, Aeschines. Produce the decrees S’ 3 M M M 5 *A M *A /* aúró kai Tàu èTwo ToMºv Töv too qu)\tTitov, themselves and the letter of Philip, Q / 5 2 -- * º 3 M KOLU, Aéye ébeśńs 'yap OLTTO and read them one after another; for from 3. / Af /* Af éčeračopevov Totºrov yevljoretat havepôv an examination of them it will be evident Tís Tívos attvös éo-Tu. who is to blame and for what. VHôIXMA. THE DECREE. [“’ET âpxovtos Neok\éovs, p.mvös “In the archonship of Neocles, in the month Bombpopuðvos, ovyk)\ºjtov čkk\marías Boedromion, a special assembly (having been into otpatmyaw, Etßov\os Mumoufléov convened) by the generals, |Bubulus, son of Mnesitheus KóTpelos eitrev. čarevö) oi o Tpatnyol of Coprus, moved : Whereas the generals Tpoor.jyyevXav ću Tà ékk\moríg dis dpa. have reported in the assembly that e M / M 5 / ô Tapā (pl) introv otpatmyos Apwiſvtas Philip's general, Amyntas, 54 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. , * 3. A. A y Kataymoxév els Makešovíav Kai éxel has carried to Macedonia and holds s * Af *\ Af M év ºbvXaki, Aeočápavta Töv vačapxov kai in custody Leodamas the admiral and * y / 5. / 3. 5 * TOL 6: UKOOTUL, orkóm dToo-Ta)\evta. pºet OLUT OU the twenty vessels despatched with him V * 3. étri Tiju Tapatropºriju TOU orítov ELS for the convoying of corn, to º A. M & / & \ EAAſſo-Tovtov, Toys Tpúróvels kai Toijs the Hellespont, let the prytanes and the - W 3. an cy e M otpatm'yoos étupleMºm.0%uav Štros ?) BovX3) generals take care that the council * \ Af W A ovvax0ſ, Kai Tpéo:/8evs Tpos ºpi AvTTov be convened and ambassadors to Philip e * cy / * A. aipeſ/60t, OLTLlvéS Tapayevopºevot 8va)\éovtal be chosen, who, going to him, shall treat *A 5 & M *A 2 *A \ - Tpos autov trept too diſbetºval Töv vačapxov with him. about the release of the admiral M V an M V A \ kai Tà TNova kai Toys OTpatvoros. Kau and the vessels and the troops. And 5 W € 3 / - A * º ei pºev Ó Apºſutas Tetroimkev Taijta. 8t if Amyntas has done these things through y c A ayuotav, ôtt ö 8mpos où ignorance, (they shall say) that the people do not - * 5 Q \ 3 * 5 Af pepalitpoupéſ ow8èv avTºp' ei Sé make any complaint against him; but if from having M fº \aftov Tu TAmppexoovta. Tapá Tö. found (Leodamas) in any irregularity contrary to his 5 A. cy 5 as 5 A. étréo Taxpéva, 6tu 'Affmuatov čTuo-kelliduevot orders, that the Athenians, having made inquiry, 5 - A. a etruTupwmoſovoru Kató. Töv détav Tſis will punish him according to the deserts of his 3. \ Af 3. 8 V 8 A. A. 3. M ... O Lyoptos. 60, O6 Aw'm) eTepov TOUTCOL) eo-Tuv, disobedience. But if neither of these it is, 3. 3. i8 Af 3. f* - d)\ ióta. ayuapovovoruv but a wiſful wrong, either on the part of DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 55 º 3. Aº º e 3. A O dToo-Teſ. Aas m O dTeota)\pévos, him who gave or him who received the commission, N * e. as kai Aéyéu Tooto, iva ô ôňpos that they say this also, in order that the people 5 / A. Af * aiorðavöpevos BovXeiformtal TL Set understanding - may deliberate as to what they must a 33 TTOLGUIV. | do.” Tooro pºev to injquopa Toivvy Eiðov\os This decree then Eubulus éypalev, oùk éyò, Tö 8' épéðs ‘Apo Todóv, moved, not l, the next, Aristophon, eiß’ ‘Hymoutritos, eit 'Aptoſtobóv TóAuv, then Hegesippus, then Aristophon r again, eita Pi Aokpatms, eira Kmºbworodóv, eira then Philocrates, then Cephisophon, then , . e S/ 5 M S > 5 Q \ M Toivres oi d\\ov º 8 ojöèv Tepi all the others (rather than I); but I had no concern in Totſtov: Aéye. - this matter. Read. WHKDIXMA. THE DECREE. 66 3. M A. y cy M Af [“’ET Neok)\éovs dipxovtos, evi) kau veg “In the archonship of Neocles, in the last day Bombpopuðvos, yuápm 8ov\ms, Tpvrávels of Boedromion, at the desire of the council, the prytanes kai o Tpatmyoi diveweykóvres éxpmpdrug-av and generals brought up and proposed V 5 an 5 / ey sy TOL €k Tös ékk\moria's 6tu ēēoče the proceedings of the assembly that it had seemed good Tô 87ſuq, Aéo-flat Tpéo/8evs Tpos PíAirTov to the people to appoint ambassadors tC) Philip Tepi Tàs divakopºvěſis Tóv TAotov kai for the recovery of the ships and 8 *A 5 \ \ \ \ /* Ovl/OLL €1/7'OAOLS KO/TO, Tà limbío-pata to give them instructions according to the decrees 56 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. a ` 5 A. M c/ A ék Tös ékk\morías, kai ei \ovto Towſorêe, of the assembly, and they chose the following, Kmbuoroq 6vra KAéovos "Avadh) iſo-Tuov, Cephisphon, son of Cleon of Anaphlystus, - a- 3. Ampákputov Ampwoqbóvtos Avayvpdorvov, Democritus, son of Demophon of Anagyrus, IIoMákputov 'ATúpavrov Kofforcíðmu. Polycritus, son of Apemantus of Cothocidae. Tpvraveig ITToffourtöos ºbvX fis, "Apuo-Tobóv In the presidency of the Hippothoëntian tribe, Aristophon Ko)\\vTeijs Tpóeópos eitrev.”] of Colythus proposed it.” cy s M Af A. * Qortrep eya) TOULUL öevkviſo TOLUTOL Just as. I then produce these M /* ce * M 3. A. Tà limptopata, oùto or kai, Aio Xium, decrees, SO do you also, Aeschines, Seléov ypdallas Totov mºbuo pa show on account of having moved what decree 5 M > 3/ / a /* 3. 3. 9 •A 3y éyò eipt attlós Too ToMéuov. 3MM’owk &v éxots' I am to blame for the W3,I’. But you could not ; 'yöp ei etxes, vvvi äu Tapéoxov for if you had been able, you would just now have produced où6èv Tpótepov avtoo. Kai pºv ojö’ nothing SOOH]6. I’ than this. And indeed not even º Af 5 M > * 5 Q e V ô Đí)\tTTos ojöèv airwātav epºe vTep Philip makes any charge against me On account of Too ToMéuov, éyka)\6v étépous. the war, though he complains against others. A. 2 5 M Q 5 M V * / Aéye 8 avT)w Tºjv étuo To)\ºv Tºw Tov qbu)\{TTov. Read Philip's own letter. EIIIXTOAH. THE LETTER. “ pi\vartos 8aoruMeys Makeóóvov rfi “Philip, king of the Macedonians, to the DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 57 \ an M *A 8 Aſ *A6) Af Aº Bov)\fi kai Tô Smpag, muatov Xaupétu. Senate and people of the Athenians greeting. e º e * V * M oi Tap' ip6v Tpeogevrai, Kºmbuoroºbóv kai Your ambassadors, Cephisophon and * Ampuékputos kai IIoMákputos, Tapayevópevot Democritus and Polycritus, having come \ 5 \ A. * *A 3. /* Tpos épé, 8veXéyouto Tepi Tàs d'héoreos to me, conferred about the release an Af º Aſ - 3. / Töv TAotov Óv Aaočápas €vavdpxet. of the boats which Laodamas commanded. 5 ey W “s. Af 3/ kaff ÖNov pºev Olyly ‘patvéo-fle éuotye Absolutely therefore you appear to me 3/ 3. / º A’ 3. y Ş éoreo-flat év peyd'Am evmſ/eig, €l, oteorff to be very silly, if you think 5 M A. S/ * M an epte Navt/dively OTU, TOLUTOL Tô TNota that I do not see that these boats s A. Af W e ééatreo Tºm Tpódhaoruv pew COS were commissioned ostensibly for the purpose Tapattépalovra Töv oſtov €k Too of conveying COTR). from the ‘EX\mortóvrov eis Añpºvov, 8onthſo-ovta Öe Hellespont to Lemnos, but really to assist an es M / e 3. X m\vp/8puavots Tots pºév troMopkovpévous ÜT the Selumbrians who are being besieged by épot, où 6è orvpatepveuxmpºpevous év Tats me, and not included in the A. *A Af Af tº e * orvuſhikaws thS bu)\{as keupwévals kouvi, juiv. treaty of friendship existing between us. \ * * y kai Taota ovverdixth) Tó vavdpxg) divew pºèv And these instructions were given to the admiral without *A / * > Af & *A /* too 8%uov Too 'Affmvatov, Ütrö 86 Tuvav the sanction of the people of the Athenians, but by certain dpxóvtov kai érépov pew vov čvtov ibworov, magistrates and others who are now private citizens, 5 8 M *A / /* \ * €K O6 Tavros Tpótrov 8ovXopaevov Tóv Šmpov but who are in every way desirous that the people 58 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. a * e &vt. Tús vöv ÚTapxočorms bu)\tas in place of the * In OW existing friendship * / * Tpós épé àva)\afteſv Töv TóNepov, ToMAó with Iſle should renew the war, much pa)\\ov ©t)\otupovpuévov orvuteTeXéo-flav II]. Uſé patriotically pursuing the accomplishment of * º * as * TOUTO # 8omſ/moral Toſs X”)\vp/8puavots' this object than aiding the Selumbrians; M e A *A * y kai ÜTo)\appoivovoruv Tô Towooto éoreo-flav and they suppose that such a thing will be * *A 3. Tpóoročov aúTots' TOUTO où pºevrov an income to themselves; this does not, however, * / y ôokeſ plot intrºpxetv Xpijoupou oùff’ appear to me to be an advantageous thing either C as sy 9 5 Af A. 5 / e es ipºv oit' époi ÖvöTep dºbímpºt ipſºv for you Or for me. Therefore I release to you A as * *\ * td. Te TNota vöv katax0évta Tpós juas, the vessels lately brought t() uS, W *A * * kai too \ovtſov, Šāv Botſ\mote pº and for the future, if you are willing not étrutpéreuv Tols ipv61, Tpoeotykóoruv troXutețeo-flat to allow your leaders to act , / 5 5 5. e- 9 W. kakoff00s, d)\\ eTuTupwate, kaya, with bad faith, but will punish them, I also Af A M 9 A Teupdoroplav ŠvadvXóTTeuv Tiju elpmum v. will endeavor to keep the peace, eijrvXéïre.”] Farewell.” > - *A Zºº) - 3. Evrajff oùöapoo yeypadev Here nowhere has he made mention of A 5 3. Ampwoo-0éumv, - oùö’ oùöeptav airíav KOLT Demosthenes, Il OF of any charge against 5. º Af 5 º 5 *A an y epov. Tu Tot ouv éyka)\ov Tots d\\ous Iſle. Why then, while he complains of the others, 3 M A. an *A ey oùXi peplumtav Tów époi Tetpaypºvov ; OTU, does he not mention my acts? Because DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 59 āv épéuvmto Töv dèukmpdºrov Tóv attoo, he must have noticed the unjust acts of himself, y 3. Af *A 5 * €l, éyeypºbel TU Tept epov’ if he had written anything concerning me; 'yöp Toitov éyò eixópmv kai for this (was what) I held to and Toºtous juavtvoiumv. Kai Tpótov pleu èypalia this (what) I opposed. And first I proposed * /* 5. /* cy Töv Tpeo/8etav eis IIe)\otóvvmorov, Öre the embassy to the Peloponnesus, when ékeſvos TpóTov Tapečijeto eis IIe)\otóvvmorov, he first began to steal into the Peloponnesus, *5. M s y e / > cy eita Tův eis Eö8ovav, fivík mTTeto next the one to Euboea, when he was laying his hands Eü8oías, eito. Tºv ěšočov, on Euboea, then the expedition, 3. A. /* 5 3 5 *A M M oùkétu Tpeo/8etav ćir 'Opeov, kai Toju no longer an embassy, to Oreus, and the one eis Epérptav, Éirew87) ékelvos katéo Tmorev to Eretria, when he established Tvpdvvows év Taſtavs Taºs TóAeo v. rulers in those cities. V an V 3. A. c/ M pietà Taota Sé d"Téo Teu)\a & Tautas Toys Afterwards I despatched all the 5 / 3. ey Af 5 A. dToo TóAovs, kaff oijs Xeppóvmoros éoróſh) armaments, by which Chersonesus was preserved kai Bućvrvov kai Tävres of orippaxov. and Byzantium and all OULF allies. 3. º e e M e ea \ / éć 6v Špiu pév Útripxov Tó. kóAAuota, Whence to you there accrued the noblest results, 3/ / *A /* / étrauvov, 86%at, Tupai, ortébavov, XapuTes praises, eulogies, honors, crowns, thanks Tapó, Tóv et Tetov6óTov 8 toſs pºèv Tów from those befriended ; while to those of the döukovpºvov Tóte Trevorffeſoruv Špºv injured who were then persuaded by you 60 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. # orotmpia Tepteyévero, Tots 3' 6\tyopſoraort Safety resulted, those who disregarded you ToMAdkus Töpepºvijo flat 6v Úpe's Tpoeirate, had frequent occasion to remember the Warnings you gave, kai vopičev ipas eiwat pº pºvov and to realize that you Were IlOt, only 3/ e an 5 M *A / €Ul/OUS éavTots, d\\& kai (bpovipovs well disposed towards them, but also shrewd divöpóTovs kai pºdivreus' yap Tövta ä. Iłł6 Il and prophets; for all that / 5 Af * M cy Tpoevtrate ék/8é8mkev. Kat pºmu OTU you predicted has come to pass. And verily, that q'u)\to Tíðms &v éðoke ToMA& pew Xpijuato. Philistides would have given a great deal of money dio T' éxelv 'Qpeov, ToMAó Sé K\etrapyos to keep Oreus, and a great deal Clitarchus diot’ exeuv 'Epérpuav, . To)\\& 6’ 6 pixwºrtos to keep |Fretria, and a great deal Philip 5 v cy * / ) 3 & A. 5 as 3. 3. e a aúrós diorre Taoff introſpxeuv adró b üpas, himself so as to have these advantages against you, kai. p.m.8év Tepi Tôv d\\ov ééexéyxeorðat and that nothing concerning the reSt. might be exposed º A. 5 A *A p.m.8 p.m.8éva éčerdiſeuv Tavtaxov In Ol' anyone examine everywhere ey a 5 QN / 5 V 5. an M ce OL TOUG) ly jöikel, oùöels ayuoet, KOLU q)Kuota his acts of injustice, no man is ignorant, and least Tautav orſ' oi yöp Tpéo/3ews of all you ; for those ambassadors who 5 A * \ *A Af diſbukvoúpºevow êeºpo Tapa, TOU K\eltdºpxov were in the habit of coming here from Clitarchus \ * A. A. KOLL Too dºu)\to Tôov TOTe kaTeXvov and Philistides at that time used to lodge *A "A 3. Aº * V Tapa Orot, Aio Xium, KOLL OTU with you, Aeschines, and you Tpoijéévels adróvº oùs acted as their host (did the honors of the city to them ;) whom DEMOSTEIENIES ON THE CROWN. 61 e 5 * M / y COS éxflpoys KOLL Aéyovtas OUTE aS enemies, and making neither 8 /* S/ Af e A <> / ikawa otte orvpubépovta ºff pºev TóAus just El Ol' advantageous offers, the State 2 / > * Af A 3. A d.Tij\aore, 6’ forav q}{\ov oroi. OU TO LI/U19 expelled, but they were your friends. Accordingly 5 Q \ , A 5 A. º gº oùöèv Totºrov čTpdx0m, 6 8Nao (bmp,óv none of these things was effected, O you who speak slanderously M * \ e *A Tept époi kai Aéyou ... as orvoiró pew concerning I]] € and Say that I am silent - V * 3. Maſłov, Boð 8 diva)\60'as. having received something, but clamor having spent it. 3. 5 3. M fº M d'AA' od ori; ye, d\\& 8oºs pév exov, Not so you, but you clamor while you have, A. M 3. Af 3. 3 N a º 3. A. TTOLUOI’éU 8è oùöétrot , eav pºm ovtov attpooravtes and will never cease, unless these having disgraced A. e *A A. ore Túpepov Taijo-ooruv. Öpov Otedavoordivtov you to-day shall stop you. When you crowned M N M \ épé Toivvv éiri TOUTOLS Tóte, KOLL Iſle then for these services at that time, and 5 / \ 5 & V Apwortovíkov ypdalavros Tās avtas ovX\agós Aristonicus proposed the S8. In 62 words cy a e *A *A A. do Tep KTºmoruſbóv oſſroot vov yeypade, that Ctesiphon here has now proposed, *A *A / A. a kai Toi o Teddvov divappm {}évtos év tá, and the CrO WIl was proclaimed in the A. ^ Af S/ ffed. Tpg), kai Toºrov yiyvopévov plot jöm theatre, and this W3. S to me already Af 5 A. V êevrépov kmpúypatos, Aioxiums Tapov a second proclamation, Aeschines, being present, 3/ > a 3/ / OUT divrettev OUTE éypdallato Töv neither opposed it In OI’ indicted the 5 Af / Af M Af eitóvta. kai Nagaju KOLU, Aéye pov Id OWer, And take also and read Iſle *A \ / Tooto Tô injquopa. this degree. 62 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN, WHKPIXMA. THE DECREE. [“’Enri dipxovros Xalpóvöov, Hymiuovos, “In the archonship of Chaerondas, Son of Hegemon, cy /* A. *A éct m d"Tvávtos yopm)\vóvos, Aeovtíðos ºbvXīs on the twenty-fifth of Gamelion, the Leontian tribe 5 Af A. TpvTavevoúorms, Apvo Tóvukos GPped pptos presiding, Aristonicus of Phrearri 3. 5 N A. 6 Af eitſev, etevö) Ampwoot'éums Ampwoot'évows moved : Whereas Demosthenes, son of Dermosthenes M A. *\ N A IIowavvets Tapéo Xmtav ToMA&s kai pºeyd'Aas of Paeania, has rendered many important /* a", / ex 3 Af N Xpelo.S Tºp öjuq Tó ‘Affmvaíou kai services to the people of the Athenians and an an \ / ToMAois Tóv orvppºxov, Kai Tpórepov, to many of her allies, and both before, M 5 /* / an .- {{} kai év Tó Tapóvri Kapò (3=307th)Ke and Oll the present OCC%.S. Oll has aided them V es / Af 5 /* êvã Töv mºbvopºdſtov, kat |\sv0époke by his decrees, and liberated as A. 5 *A 3 /* V Tuvas Tóv TóNeov čv Tim Eij6oſa, Kai certain of the . cities in Euboea, and öuatexeſ divečvo 9 8% 3 °Aff Af OLT6A-6 U. v evvows Tºp ºptq) Tºp 7) wavov, perseveres in his goodwill to the people of the Athenians, V A ‘A A. cy 3 N KOLL Aéyev KOLL Tpattel O TU dyadov and Says and does whatever good •A A e Af 5 / 2 e-A CLI/ 6tſumtav vTep Te Ath)vatov OLUTC)ly he can both for the Athenians themselves kai Tôv d\\ov ‘ENNºvov, Šeš6x0at and the other Greeks, be it resolved Tm BovXfi kai Tô offpº Tô 'Affmuatov by the Senate and people of the Athenians 5. / /* / €7TOLUl/€OTOLL • Ampwoot'évnv Ampwoo-06vows to honor Demosthenes, Son of Demosthenes T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 63 ITalavéa kai o Tedavooral Xpworó orted dug), of Paeania, and to crown him with a golden Crown, kai dvayopeto at Töv oréhavov čv tá, and to proclaim the CF'() W l] . in the ffed rpg, Avovvorious, kauvois Tpay98oſs, theatre at the Dionysia, with the new tragedies, v & /* W W N Töv 6é Tpvtavečovorav (bv)\}v kai Tôv and let the presiding tribe and the 3. /* 5 * *A dyovo0érmv étuplexmtºval T]s Superintendent of the games have a care to the divayopetoreos Too orreſpºvov. eitſev proclamation of the crown. Thus moved º A. e / 33 Apwortóvukos Ó pped.pptos.”] Aristonicus of Phrearri.” 3/ º e an c/ ^S / EOTuv oiju vpov ôortus otöé TUI/O. Is there then one of you who knows of any s Af an * A. N aio Xúvmu orvp/8&orav Tim TóNew övő. disgrace falling on the State by reason of *A - W Af 2\ *\ •A / Tooto Tô injquo pa º X\evaopov 7) ye Nota, this decree, Ol' scoffing O)" ridicule, eM * an 3/. OUTOS 19101/ ébm (results) which this man just now said A. •N 5 M - an M orvp/8;foreo-flat, àv éyò o Ted avópav; kai will come to pass, jf I ann crowned 2 And pºv &rav Tó Tpaypºata fi véa kai Surely when deeds 3, l'é recent and yv6 pupa Tãot, €du te éxm ka)\6s, Tvyxºvel familiar to all, if they seem good, they receive / 5 / 3. e e A. Af 3. V XapuTOS, eau tº dis eTepos, Tupopua.S. eya) favor, and if otherwise, punishment. I Toivvu baivopal Tervynkós X&pitos Tóre, then appear to have received reward at that time, M 5 / 3 Q \ A. Kai ou peuleads où8é Tuptoptos. and not blame Or punishment. 5 A. V a N / Ovkovy pºexpt pév éketvov Tów Xpóvov, Now then, up to that period, 64 T).EMOSTEIENIES ON THE CROWN. év ois Tait' éupdx0m, duopoxóympat when these things were done, I am acknowledged Tpatteuv Tóvtas toūs Xpovovs Tô dipuota to have done on all occasions what was best * / a-M * Af \ T] TóNeu, Tºp vukav Aéyov KOLU for the State, by prevailing in counselling and ypºbov, ôT' &ovXelſeo-6e, Tó proposing decrees, when you were deliberating, by the fact that Tô ypaſbévra Karatpaxtºval, kai the measures proposed were carried into effect, and A Af 5 3 . ºn *A Af orredóvows yeuéo-0av čá airów Tú TóNew CrOWI)S followed from them to the city kai époi kai Üpºv traoruv, Tó Tetovão flat Üpas and me, and to you all, and that you made Af V A as /* tºworías kai Tpooróðovs Toſs theo's sacrifices and solemn processions to the gods djs toūTov čvtov dyafföv. as though these things Were good. 'Etrévô) totvvv Ó DíNutritos éém)\dth) ék When, therefore, Philip was driven out of * 3. A. an V ey e > e *A Tös Eö8otas, Tots pºèv ÖTNous jºb vpov, Euboea, with arms indeed by you, * V / V as A. c 5 Tú 8& Toxºteig kai Tois mºbío-paoru ÜT but by statesmanship and resolutions by époi), kāv Tuves toūTov êvappayóori, me, though some of these men deny it till they burst, éðjtel érepov čtvreuxworpov Kató, thS he sought a second means of attack upon the / e /* º, c/ / 3. * TóNeos. Öpóv 6 &ti Xpºpeſ TAetortg) city. . Seeing that we used the most 3. Af Af /* 5 / / étewordkrø orirº Tavrov duffpdºrov, 6ov\ópºevos imported CO l'Il of all men, wishing yevéorffa Kūptos Tús ovtotropºtías, to be master of the corn-carrying trade, V 5 V / *\ M an 5 /* TapeN66)w éiri 60pſikms, Tô pºev Tpótov jčíov passing along by Thrace, in the first place, he required DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 65 & 39 & A A /* Bučavtſovs outas airó orvppaxovs orvpato)\epetv the Byzantians, being his allies, to join in *N / w e an e S’ 5 #6 Töv TóNepov Tpös ipv6s, 6s oùk jffeXov the Wºlf against you, and when they refused 5 QN5 y *A \ . As où8 ébaorav Tetovão-ffat Tnv O'vppax Law and said that they had not made ... the alliance - e fº A. éti Toiſvows, Aéyovtes d'Amflº), 3a)\6pºevos O]] these terms, telling the truth, built / as * Xapaka Tpos T] TóNew KOLL a palisade against the city and - 3 . A. étuo Tjoras p.mxavijuat étroAvôpkeu. having set his engines he laid siege to it. cy es Toºrov 6é 'ytyvopévov & Tu pºev Tpoornke And after these things took place, what it then behoved a . as • 3. a - ipas Toweiv, oùkét épotſforo. 87Vov ydp &o Tuv you to do, I will not ask again ; for it is evident cy 5 M / º e A. a &Taoruv. d)\& Tís jv Ó 8om{}foras Tots to all. But who was it that succored the V Bvčavrious kai ord,oras attoºs; Tís people of Byzantium and rescued them 2 Who was it e . *A ô kaoxiſoras. Töv ENAſſo-Tovtov dº Notpuotºmual that prevented the Hellespont from becoming alienated aº (3 y kat' ékeſvows toūs Xpévows ; Śpets, 6 divöpes at that time 2 You, gentlemen º /* cy 3. a Affmvaſiou. ôtav 8 Aéya) Tö ipets, of Athens. But when I use the word “you,” 2 Aéya, Tův TóNvv. Tís 8 ô Aéyov I mean the commonwealth. But who was he who spoke \ A. \ *A kai ypdºbov Kai Tpatrov Th TóAel and moved and acted in the interests of the state \ /* fºx KOLU diarNós diſbew86s 8v8oys and honestly and unsparingly devoted e *A 5 & A. 5 A. s W éavrov eis Tó Tpdypata ; Éyó. d)\& himself to the work 2 I. But M © Nº 2 *A 3. A. cy pºw 7\ika Taota djºbéAmorev ćtravras, indeed how great benefits these things rendered to all, 66 1) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 5 A S an an 5 a / S “A oùkér Šeſ paffeiv čk Too Nóyov, d\\d there is no further need to learn from my speech, but Tetreſpa.orffe épygy ô yöp Tóte TóNepos you have tested it by experience; for the war which was then évo Tós divew too €veykeſv ka Nºw 86&av upon us, besides bringing you a fair reputation, 8vºyev Špas €v Tāori Tois kata Töv 8tov kept you with all the necessaries of life 5 /* M 3. A. *A &q,00worépous KOLL evovotepous Tºms in greater abundance and cheapness than vov eipſiums, ju of Tot oi Xpma Toi the present peace, which these worthy men Tºmpoboruv kató. Tös Tatpíðos étri maintain against the interests of their country with * /* 3. Af A. º Taºs éATío-up pe)\\oiſoravs, Ct) 12 their expectations for the future, in which I pray ötapºptotev, - kai perdo Xotev čv that they may be disappointed, and partake of what e a e A. \ Af vpºets OU BovXópevow Tó, BéATuota you who are well-wishers to your country airetre Toys 6eois, pi) petabolev Úpºv ask of the gods, and not impart to you º / 3. *A Af s 3. * (a) 1/ Tpomp mutat avTou. Aéye 8 OLUTO US what they have chosen for themselves. Read them \ M Af * / KOLL TOUS o Teddvows TOI/ Bučavtſov both the CrOWI)S of the Byzantians \ M * / º KOLU, TOvs 7"Gº) ly Tſeptufftov O LS and those of the Perinthians, where with 3. A. M / 5 Af éo Teddvovy Töv TóNuv €K TOUTC)]). they crowned the city on account of these things. WHKDIXMA BTZANTION. THE BYZANTINE DECR.E.E. 4 & 2 *A e / Af A. [“’ET iepopºvápovos Booſtropix@ Aap dyntos “In the presbytership of Bosporichus, Damagetus I).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 67 éNečev év Tº d'Aſa, Maſłów moved in the Assembly, having obtained c / 5 an an 5 N t patpav ék Tös 8oNas, étrévôň Ö a preliminary decree from the Senate : Whereas the ôāpos Ó 'Affavatov čv Te toſs ſpoyeyevapévous people of the Athenians, both in former an Af 5 & /* kaupous ôuare\éew eduoéov Bučavtſovs times have been uniformly friendly to the Byzantians kai toſs orvppaxos kai ovyyevéot and their allies and their kinsmen, IIeptufftovs, kai Tapéo Xmtav To)\\ós the Perinthians, and have rendered many kai peyd Nas Xpetas, év Te Tó Tapeq Takótt great services, and also on the present Kalpó qbu)\{TTo Tô Makeóóvos occasion, when Philip, the Macedonian, étuo Tpate foravros étri Tàu Xópav kai has made an expedition against the country and \ / 5 5 s A. Af M Töv TóAuv étſ divoortgorev Bučautía,w kai the state to destroy the Byzantians and IIepuffiou, kai Šatovtos Töv Xópav kai Perinthians, both burning the land and A. / e *A * >y Sevöpokotréovros, 8onthſo as ékarov kai etkoort felling trees, having assisted us with a hundred and twenty A. M Aº \ / W TAotous kai orírg, ka? BéAeoru kal ships and COI’Il and weapons and . º Af 3. / 5 M 3. A / ôTAttous ééet\eto apºe €K. TG) 19 peyºAov heavy armed troops, rescued UIS from great Kuvöövov kai dirokaréo Tao'e Tāv Tótpuov perils and preserved OUII’ hereditary /* W V / \ w To)\tTeiau KOLL 7" (OS wop Gos Kou Taos constitution and Oll].” laws and OUII* Tadhos, 3e36x9at Tø Ödipug, Tô Bučavtſov sepulchres, be it resolved by the people of the Byzantians M Af /* 3. Af KOLL IIepuv6ſov 86pºev Affavaíous and Perinthians to give to the Athenians 68 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A. étuyapatav, To)\tTeiau, the right of intermarriage, the right of citizenship, the right *A \ 5 an / êykTaoruv 'yas kai oijkvav, Tpoeëptav of possessing among us land and houses, an honorable seat év toºs dyôort, Tóffočov Tori Tàp Boxau at the games, admission to the Senate *A N as A. V N e V KOLL TOI/ ôapov Tpatows pºeta. To vepo, and Assembly first after the sacred rites, M as 3. / Af M Af kai toºs éðe Novoru katovkéeuv táv TóAuv and to those wishing to dwell in the city %peu d\ewtowpyjrous Tao'av táv Newtowpyväv. the privilege of being exempt from all the state burdens; o Tao at 8é kai Tpets eikóvas and to erect also three Statues ékkatēekatróxes év tá, Bootopeſº, Töv of sixteen cubits in the harbor, (representing) the * & 5 /* A. e *\ 86pov rov 'Affavatov oſted avoijuevov ÚTö people of the Athenians crowned by *A Ap arº /* N Af Tô 6dpo Tô Bučavtſov kai IIepuv6üov: the people of the Byzantians and of the Perinthians; 3. a \ M / 5 M dToo-Tel Aat 6é KOLU ffea pias €S TOLS and to despatch also deputations to the Tavnyúpucts v Tó ‘EAAdöw, "Io fluva kai general festivals in Greece, the Isthmian and Népea kai 'OXijuTua kai Tſūtva, kai Nemean and Olympian and Pythian, and divakapoćat Tös orteffdivos ois ô to proclaim the CI’O WIl S where with the *A e 5 Af 3. Af & 3 e ex 86.pdos Ó 'Affavaíow éo Teddvarrat āq Āpàov, people of the Athenians have been crowned by uS, cy e cy 3. A. A. ôtrays of "EX\aves €7"LOTEG)1/7TOLL TOLly Te that the Greeks may know both the 3. V 3. /* M V 5 / apeTav Affaijatov kau Tav evXapuo-Tuav Virtue of the Athenians and the gratitude Bučavtſov kai IIepuffſov.”] of the Byzantians and Perinthians.” DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 69 /* W M / M *A 5 Aéye Kai Toys orted divows trapö. Töv čv Read also the CI'OWIIS from those in A - Xeppovijo-g). the Chersonesus. VHKDIXMA XEPPONHXITON. THE DECREE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CHERSONESUS. “Oi Xeppov movtów katovkobvres “Those of the people of the Chersonesus dwelling in * 3. X motöv, "EXeoivta, Mdèvrov, 'AAotrekóvvmorov, Sestus, Eleus, Madytus, and Alopeconnesus, *A V A V \ an oted avovoru Tàu 8ovXºv kai Töv 8%pov CrOW ll the Senate and people o Af *A / 5 v Ath)vatov Xpworq) orted divg OLTTO of the Athenians with a golden CrOW ºn of the value of e /* / * W e A * ěčíkovta Taxdvtov, Kai i8ptſovrat Bopov sixty talents, and build an altar A' \ 8 A. 3. {} Af cy Xaputos Kat ºpov Affmwatov, OT!, to Gratitude and the people of the Athenians, because éyove trapairvos peytotov Tóvtov (that people) have been a helping cause of the greatest of all 3 *A A. 5 / dyabów Xeppov)oritats, ééeXópevos blessings to the people of Chersonesus, by rescuing them 5 *A / - \ 5 V €K. ths pu)\{TTov kai dirošovs from the power of Philip and restoring \ Aº v A. * 3. Af TOLS Tarpiðas, Tovs vopovs, Tmu éNevt/eptav, their country, their laws, their liberty, T& iepā. kai év travri Tô aióvu and their sanctuaries. And in all the time * a 3. 5 Af 3. an pleTa TOLUTOL oijk &AAeſliev evXapuo-Tov after these things they will not fail to be grateful kai Totòv ô tº dyafföv 8 ºvnTau. Taora and to do them whatever good they can. This émºbío-auto èv Tó Ková, 6ov\evrmpiq).”] was decreed in the general council.” Aº 3. *A *A Oükoov of pºvov to oróoral Xeppóvmorov Therefore not only the saving of the Chersonese 2. 70 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. V / * Q \ * *A *A KOLL Bučdvtuov ow8é Tô kao)\borou TOly and Byzantium and the preventing the ‘EAA fortrovtov yewea bat Tóre, into pu)\{mtg Hellespont from coming then into Philip's hands 5 Q \ N 'A / a- 5 A. où6è Tö Töv TóAuv Tupa.orffat CK TOUTCOL) and the city’s being honored by reason of this & A’ e 5 ^ M e /* Af * Tpoaipeg's épº) kai ſã toxºteto èvettpd.éato, have my course and policy effected, &\\d. kai éðelčev Tôoruv dvdpºrous but they also proved to all Iſléºl A. Af *A A. \ Tiju Te KaNokayoffſav Tós TóAeos kai both the nobleness of the city and Töv kaktav pu)\in Tov. 6 @v påv ye bí\os the baseness of Philip. He, being the friend kai or ſupaxos toſs Bučavrious éopâto and ally of the Byzantians, W8,S S626 Ol into Tóvtov Toxtopków aijroos, où by all besieging them, than which Tí yévout' &v atoxiou # putapčrepov; could anything be more shameful Or Outrageous? e a 3. e •A 5 A. V vpºets 8 Ol, Olly &LKOTC0S KOLl, But you, who might with good reason €Ven Af * & / 5 Af pepſilºpºevou To)\\d. kai Šíkawa €KéUl/OLS have made many just complaints against them Tepi 6v #yvopovijkeo-av eis juás év for the wrongs which they had done to you in an 3/ / s Af 3. Tots pºſtpoort/ev Xpovols, ébaïveo-fle OU former times, appeared not póvov od plumorukakoúvres oijöè Tpoiéuevot only not resenting injuries Il OI’ deserting V 3. Af 5 * & Af toūs dèukovpºevows, d\\& kai oróðoutes, them when wronged, but eVen protecting them, 5 *N 3. /* Af y M eš (a)]/ ékT&orffe ôóšav, evvotov, Tupºu from which you gained glory, goodwill and honor Tapó. travtov. kai pºv ôtt in the sight of all men. And indeed that DEMOSTHENIES ON THE CROWN. 71 W 5 A. * 38 W gº pºev čo Teqjavdºkat mom) To)\\oys TG) L you have crowned already many of your Af ce y e 3 cy 5. ToMutevopºvov & Tavtes to aoru 8t’ &vtuva 8 statesmen all know ; but through what y \ /* &\\ov, oriºuſ?ov\ov kai fºtopa Méyo, other person, a counsellor and orator I mean, M 3 & M e A 5 / TAjv 61 pe, º TóAws éo Teddvorov, besides myself, the city has been crowned, • * º º J. 5 as ow8° àv eſs éxov eitreºv. lmot any one could Say. e M Toívvv iva étrušešo kai Tàs Therefore, in order that I may show also the A A & *A |SAaord mputas, d's étrovſjorato Kató Tów reproaches, which he uttered against the 5 \ a Ew80éov kai Tôv Bučavríov, Ütropºupºvijo-kov Euboeans and the Byzantians, calling up 3/ M 3 * V ei Tu 8vo, Xepes étrémpakto attois Tpos whatever injury has been done by them against e a y a vpos, ovoros ovkobautias pº) p.6bov you, to be mere slanders In Ot only *\ ^ as M * M e *A Tg) eual levöeſs (yöp Tovto pºev 77'yovpal by their being false, for this I think & e- c A 5 QN / 3. M \ * ipos inrapyeuv eið6tas), d\\d kai Tg), you already know, but also by this, 5 M / 5 º 5 an / ei Tô pud Mort’ morav d'Amflets, orvpubépévv that, were they ever so , true, it has been profitable Af a / cy & W Xpijo aortal, Tois Tpdypaoru oitos dis éyò to manage matters thus 3S I /* /* ey <\ Kexpmplot, £8otſ\oplav Švečexõeiv čv ) have managed them, Is wish to relate OIlê Or' Šišo Tów ka)\ów Tſ) TóNew two of the things honorable to the city / 3. * M * 5 TeTpaypºvov kaff Öpas, kai Taür öv done in your time, and these in /* g \ 'A 5 V an y 3. A. 8paxéorv kai yap dei Set divöpa iöig a few words; for it is always proper for a man privately 72 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. kai trów Kovvi, Tepāotal Tpatteuv and a state publicly to endeavor to perform V W *\ V Af td. Now"Tó. Tpos TOL kóAAuota what remains to be done according to the most honorable Töv Útrapxóvtov. ipei's Toivuv, of the deeds which have gone before. You, then, 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, Aakeóaupovíov gentlemen of Athens, while the Lacedaemonians dpxóvtov yūs kai fla\dtrºs kai katexóvrov commanded land and Sea, and occupied Tö. Kūk\@ tfis 'Attukňs dippoo Tais the places in the circle of (around) Attica by Harmosts M * y / KOLL $povpats, Eð8ovov, Tavaypav, and garrisons, Euboea, Tanagra, v cy Af Af 3/ KOLU, OLTTOLOTOLI/ Bolottav, Méyapa, Aiyuvav, the whole of Boeotia, Megara, Aegina, KAeovós Tós dANas vºjo ovs Tús Cleonae, the other islanders when Oll I' TóNeos Tóte kTimorapevms oute vais, state at that time possessed neither ships, oùre Teixm, €ºj\ffere eis A\taptov, In Ol' walls, you made an expedition to Haliartus, V /* 3. a e A. ty kai Ta)\uv of Tox)\ats ºpepaws to Tepov and again not many days afterwards eis Kópuwêov, Töv 'Affmvatov to Corinth, although the . Athenians might A. º 3. / Af 3. *A M Tóte àv éxóvrov TóAA’ pºvmorukakºoraw kai at that time have borne many grudges, both against Kopuffious kai ©m3aíous Töv Tpax0évrov the Corinthians and against the Thebans, for their actions * *A \ Af 3. 5 3. Tepi Töv AekeNeuköv TóNepov. d)\ OUK in the Decelean war; but they did not 3. Af *A 3 CN 3 3. / Af €7TO LOUI/ Tovto, ojö eyyvs. KOLUTOU, do this, nor anything like it. And yet, Af 5. Af S/ / \} 3. Af * TOTe Aüo Xium, oùff €Totovy Taota at that time, Aeschines, they neither did these IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 73 dpuſhötepa inrēp ejepyeTöv out' éðoov two things for benefactors nor did they look on them 5. A. 5 3. 3. \ a dikſvövva. d)\\ OU övő. TOLUTO, as free from danger. But not for such reasons sh. M Af 3 p 3 Tpolev to TOUS kataſhetjyovtas €d would they abandon those who fled to e V 5 S e M * /* eovtovs, &\\ vTep eijöočías them (for protection,). but for the sake of rell'OWI). V *A y / e W Kau Tupºms jffeXov 8v86val airows and glory they were willing to expose themselves Tots 8euvois, öpffös kai. ka)\ós to danger, and a right and noble A. A M cy 3. / (8ovXevópºevou. yap pºev čtraoruv divěpáTous decision it was. For to all IOleIl A. 3. \ Af *A /* º 06 watos éo-Ti, Tépas Too 8tov, kāv Tus death is the limit of life, even if OI) e. Af e V * 5 kaffeipčas OLUTOI/ Tmpſ) €1/ having shut himself up keep himself safe in 5 Af a M W 3. M y oukuo-kg).' - 8e. 8è TOUS dyaffoys divöpas a cage (closet); but it becomes brave IOleIl éyxeupelv pleu dei & Taoruv Toºs ka)\ots, to embark always in every honorable undertaking, Tpoſła)\\opepovs Töv dyaff)w éATíða, holding before them the shield of a good hope, A. * A cy *A e *\ ºbépeuv 6 yeuvaíos O TU, OLIV O 6eós and to bear manfully whatever the deity 8v86. Taot' étrotovu, oi Üpérepov Tpóyovov, may allot them. Thus did your ancestors, * / 3 e Af e a ey Taoff oi Tpeo/3%repov vpov, OU, thus the older of yourselves, who, Aakeóalpovíovs où duras ºbt)\ovs ow8’ though the Lacedonians were not friends IłOI’ 3. . Af 5 V 3. / M & Af eijepyéras, d\\& 78ukmkótas ToMA6 kai peyd'Aa benefactors, but had done many great injuries M e *A / 3. ‘A an Töv juáv TóNuv, Étevã) 0m3alov to our city, when the Thebans, having 74 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A. 5 Af 9 * 3. /* Kpatijo-autes év Aetſktpots diveMeïv étrexeipovy won their victory at Leuctra, attempted to crush them, A. s Af M e A V övekoxiſorate, où (bođm{} M *A EX\ojvov. €UT Teffeopmkós Tºjv Greeks. Well, then, after observing the 6 76 DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN. / 3. A M A. 5 Af TóAuv Ely TOO-OUTOLS KOLL TOLOUTOLS éffe Novorav state Oil So many and such occasions ready 5 Af e V *N Af dyovíčeo-flav vTep Tov orvpuſhepóvtov to enter upon a contest for the interests a i\\ Af y \\ 3. V N A. *A TOLS OL OUS, Tu epºeAAov eya) KéA61)OTELI/ 7) of others, what W8,S I to urge Ol' 3. *A a *A Tí orvpºſłovXeijo-euv auti, Towev T]s what advise her to do, when the *A 3/ N M 3. a Rov)\ms oiſorms TpóTov Tuvá úTép autºs; deliberation W3,S in a manner about herself? a \ A. \ \ pºvnjo-ukakeuv vm Ata. Tpos TOUS To rake up grievances, I suppose, against those A. A. M a / BovXopaevows ord ſeo-flat, Kai (mtéºv Tpodgorets wishing to be rescued, and to seek pretexts > 2 éthmka vopov kaff Ol/ muaykaoro, I proposed a law by which I compelled Toijs pièv, Toijs TNovoríovs, troueiv Tö. the one class, the rich, to do their / 3/ 3. M V Af 5 / 6íkawa, €7TOLUOT 8è Tovs Tevmtas dèukovpévows, duty, and stopped the poor from being oppressed, ôtep 8' ºu Xpmorpºratov Ti, TóNet, and what W3.S most useful to the State, étoimora Tós Tapao-keväs yūyveoffat év I caused her preparations to be made in an * \ 3. a Kaupg). KOLU 'ypaſpeis eiorſ))\}ov time. And having been indicted I entered upon Tootov Töv dyóva eis juas kai this trial before you and 5 / Q & /* º dTébvyov, KOLL O 8vºkov Ol)K. escaped conviction, and the prosecutor did not y A /* a / /* é\abev Tö pºepos Töv injdov. KOLUTOU get his portion of the WOteS. And indeed Tóora Xpijuata oteorffé Toys what Sll IllS do you think that the 78 DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN. # e A. /* * *A M 'myepova's TGOU Orvppoptov 7) TOUS leaders of the symmoriae Or the Af \ Af / öevrépovs kai Tputovs 8v8óval pot, second class and the third class offered me, cy Af a * dio-re pºtata pºév pº) 0éival TOUTOI/ in order first of all that I should not propose this *A / sº 8 \ V / Tov vopov, et Oe pºm, kata/3a)\6vta. law, but if not this, that having dropped it A. gº 6 y éav čv Útrapoortg; Toorajt’, 6 divöpes I should leave it under protest ? Such sums, gentlemen * an cy 5 / 5 A 3 ~ *A Ath)valov, Öora ökvijo-aup’ &v eitreºv Tpos of Athens, aS I should hesitate to tell to * W S / as * 3 ipas. kai eikótos ékéïvov čTpattov toot'. you. And no wonder they attempted this. * 5. * an yóp jv OLUTOLS ék pºev TGOU For it was possible for them under the Tpotépov vópov Newtowpyetu ovvekkatēeka, former laws to perform the service by sixteens, > a W M avTous pºev diva)\torkovo-v pukpó KOLU, themselves indeed spending little Or 5 M 5 A. º M 3. / oùöèv, étutpí8ovoruv 8 TOUS atropovs nothing, but grinding down the needy Töv To)\vrčov, ék 8é too €pot, vópov citizens, whereas, under my law, écao Tov Tufféval Tô yuyvöpwevov kató. each had to pay the sum accruing in proportion to * \ / Töv ovoríav, kai ébóvm Tptºpapyos his property, and he proved to be the trierarch an C. M 8volv ô Tpórepov čcros kai 6ékatos of two galleys who was formerly the sixteenth *A en M 2 Sy orvureNºis Tns pºtas' 'yap oùöe étu contributor to One ; for no longer 3. A. e M / 5 \ ojvápačov éavroës Tpumpdpxovs, d\\d were they calling themselves trierarchs, but as cy ^ orvute) eſs. GOO"Te 8) contributors. So that, as I have said, to get j).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 79 Taota Avtºval kai pº divayka.orffiival these regulations annulled and not to be compelled an \ /? 5 y 5 cy 7TOLéU19 TO, 6íkawa, Oly K éorff O TU, to do their duty, there is not anything oùk éðiðoorav. Kaí Aéye pºol that they would not have given. And read me, *A W \ /* 3. Tpotov pºev TO injquopa kaff first, the decree in consequence of cM 5. a V V º W O eiorſ))\ffov Tºv ypaſhºv, eita toûs which I appeared on the indictment, then the kata)\óyovs, Tów tº ék Too Tpotépov lists, both that of the former / M *A \ N 5 / vopov KOLL TOly KOL7TO, Tov epov. law and that under mine. Aéye. Read. WHKPIXMA. THE DECREE. [“’ET: dpxovros TIo)\vk\éovs, “In the archonship of Polycles, cy 5 W A. V an éctm éiri 8éka 7)wos Bombpopuðvos, on the sixteenth of the month Boedromion, t Af *A A. ITToffourtóos bvX fis Tpvravevovorms, the Hippothoontian tribe presiding, Ampwoot'evns Aepwootévows IIowavvets Demosthenes, son of Demosthenes of Paeania, eiorſveyke vöpov eis to Tpumpapyuköv introduced a law for the naval service divt. Too Tpotépov, kāff' ôv in the place of former one, in which jorav ai orvutéNevav Tóv Tpumpdpxov: there were the associations of the trierarchs; W M *A e *A KOLL BovX5) KOLU, O ôňpos and the council and the people étrexelpotówmorev kai Tſatpok\ms pXveys ratified the law; and Patrocles of Phlyus 80 T) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. &Tijveyke Ampwootéveu Tapavópov, brought a charge against Demosthenes for illegal proceedings, V 3. \ *\ / ax /* KOLL OU Napov Tô pºepos Töv |njqov and not having received his share of the votes dTétuoſe Tós Tevrakootas Špaxpºs.”] paid the penalty of five hundred drachmas.” dépe 8) kai Töv ka)\ov Produce IłOW also that precious KatóNoyov. roll. KATAAOTOX. THE ROLL. [“Toys Tpumpàpxovs ka)\eto-flav “Let the trierarchs be summoned ovvekkatēeka Čiri Tàu Tpumpm €k sixteen for each galley according to a", *A 5 "N y M /* * Töv ovvte)\evöv, dTö eikooru kai Tévre étéov the associations, from the ages of twenty-five /* \ 3/ eis tetrapdikovta, ću Tois A6xots, éti to ov to forty, in the classes, equally / - *A A. 35 Xpopévows Tm Xopmylſ. | discharging the duty.” dépe 8) Tapó. Tootov Töv Produce JQ OW after this the kard'Aoyov ék Too €pwoo vópov. roll under my law. KATAAOTOX. THE ROLL. 44 V A. e as {} 3. M [ Toys Tplm pap)(ovs aupévoryat €7TL. “Let the trierarchs be taken for *\ *N Töv Tpumpm kató. ths odoria's kató. each triereme according to their property by /* 3. *A / A' Tuptºmoruv, OLTTO 8éka Taxcivtov: valuation, from ten talents upwards; T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 81 3 * W e 5 / ^ 5 Af éâv 8é 'm ovorua, E. atToTetup/mpcev” but if their property be rated Af / c A. TNevövov Xpmplatov, q) Newtowpyia at a larger Surn, et their service 3y V & 5 \ ce *A éo To kata Töv diva)\oytopov čos Tpuðv be in the same proportion as far as three / --- N & *A 3y V M TAotov kai ÜTmpetukov. čo to 6é kard triremes and a tender. And let it be in Töv air)u dva Moytav kai ois the S3, Iſle proportion also for those persons whose 5 / 3. V 3. / a Af Af oùoría éo Ti éAdTTov Tóv Séka Taxdvtov, property is less than ten talents, A. 5 Af > \ / ovva yopévous eis ovvréAelav eis Tó Séka grouped together in a company up to ten A. 35 TöAavra.” talents,” - *Apo ye Sokó pukpó Áomffmoral Do I then appear to have but slightly helped Tots Tévmoruv judov, ) oi TAoûorvov the poor among you, or (do) the rich (appear &v diva)\60 at pukpd to you) that they would have spent a small amount of money Too pººl Toweiv Tó Sikata; for the sake of not (being compelled) to do what is just 2 où pºvov toivvy orepºvčvopal Tó pº Not only, then, do I pride myself On not ps *A 3 Q \ kaffvdéïvat Tovto, où8é having abandoned these measures, and not only on having * 5 * V 5 * M Tô ditroºvyetv 'ypadeis, d)\\d kai been acquitted on the indictment, but also * yº - \ /* Af * Tô Đeival Töv orvpdbépovta vöpov Kal on having established a beneficial law and *A A. - a 3y Tg) Sečokéval Treupov epyq). on the fact that it has given proof of itself by actual experience. yóp Töv Tóvta TóAepov, Tów For during the whole War, when the 82 T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. / A. *\ ^ 5 *N dToo-TóNov ywyvopºevou kata. Tov epov naval expeditions were fitted out under my N / 38 M A. / 6’ Tov vopov, OlyO6LS Tpumpoºp)(OS 7T (077"O law, IMO trierarch eVer 5 3/ e A. 3. e as e oùx éðmke wkermplav Top vpºuv Cº) S lodged a petition with you as if 5 A. 5 3. / 5 Af dótkoºp evos, oùk ékafféCeto èv Movvv)(ig, having been wronged, nor seated himself in Munychia, s s / e N /* 3. Af ovX é8ét}, UTTO TG)ly &Too To)\eov, nor was thrown into chains by the commissioners of despatch, 5 A. y 5 an 3/ OU Tpump?)s OUT kata)\mºbbeſora éa) nor was any trireme, either having been captured at Sea. 3. A pa A 3A 3 5 A 5 as diróAero Tſ) tróAet, oùT' direxeighth) at Too lost to the city, I). Or left behind in port here, 3. Af 5 / A M V OU) övvapéum dvd yeo-flat. KOLUTOU, K OUTO, TOUS not able to put out. And yet, under the Tpotépovs vópovs & Tavra Taota éyèyvero. former laws, all these things happened. *\ s sy ^ a- 3. 3. an TO 8’ airvov, to Newtowpyeiv jv év Tots And the reason was, that the burden WºłS O Il the A. M V V 3 A. Tevjoruv' 8) To)\\6. Tô d'êtſvara poor; accordingly many cases of inability A. 5 ^ 2 / - & orvuč8auvev. éyò 8 petmueyka Tas occurred. But I transferred the Tpulpapxias ék Töv dirópov eis charge of fitting out triremes from the poor to toys ejºtópovs’ oiv travt’ Tô 8éovra the wealthy; accordingly all requirements éytyveto. kai pºv kat' Tooto avrò were wont to be met. And indeed for this itself kai dévôs eipt tvYeºv étraívov, ôTu too I deserve to receive praise, that A A. * *A Tpompoſpamu Tavra Tó Touatta ToMute'pata I adopted all such IY}{28,SUll'éS 3. 3. º cy / V M did Cz)79 OptO. 66éat kai Tupai from which at the same time glory and honor DEMOS THENES ON THE CROWN. 83 W 8 A Af ~ 5\ © KOLL vvapºels ovveſłauvov Tſ) TTO/\6:U and power accrued to the State ; /* 8 M M \ V p 6 £800-kavov Sè kai Tukpov kai kakómtes but malignant Ol' vexatious O}" unprincipled 3. 58 Af Af 5 v 58 \ EOTU OU O €ly ToMitevpo. eptov, Ol) Og is In O public measure of mine, }). Ol' *A 38 & 5 / as / Totreuvov, oùöé àvdićvov Tſis TóNeos. grovelling I) Ol' unworthy of the city, Af A. 3y 5 * ^ TOUI/U19 davfjoroplav čxov Tawto §ffos I therefore shall be shown to have the same character y * v \ / / M év Te Tots kata Tův TóAuv ToMute ſpooru kai both in my city policy and s as & as v 5/ 5 *A Ely Toſs E\\muukoºs' yap oite év tº in the general affairs of Greece ; for neither in the / e A. V / V * TóNew eixópmv Tós Xdpvtas Tapó, Tów city did I ever choose the favor Of the TNovortov på)\\ov 7 Tā Śākaua Tów ToMAów, wealthy rather than the rights of the many, 3/ > 5 as e a S A. M OUT év roſs E\\muuko's jºyd Thora Tó. In OF in general Hellenic affairs did I value the 86 \ M Č --.” qu)\{ po, KOLl Tºw gevlov UA UTTTTOU gifts and the friendship of Philip duti Töv kolvi, orvpdepôvtov Tào v in preference to the general interests of all Toºs "EX\mort. the Greeks. º a /* V 6. / 5 /* Hyotpat Toivvv \outröv eivaí pºol eitreºv I think, then, that it remains to me to speak Tept too knpūypatos kai Tôv eißvvóv. about the proclamation and the accounts; 'yöp to djs émpatrov Te Tô diplo Tó kai for the fact that I both did the best things and 3. V \ *\ 3/ *A / eupºu övd. 7TOLUTOS €Ul/Ovy S KOLU, Tpóðvpos 3,10] always well disposed and zealous eff Toletu Üpas, vopičo ikavós to promote your interests, I think has been sufficiently 84 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. ~ A 5 * S A. Seòm)\óorffat €K TGOU elpmplevapu shown by what has been already said pºol. Kairot Tö. peywortó ye by me. And indeed the most important points Töv TetroXttevpuévov kai Tetpaypevov of my administration and conduct s *A Af e / N a épavrò Tapa)\etto, öToxap/8dvov beiv ple I pass by, supposing it necessary for me *A M 3. *A A 5 a- \ Tpotov pew dTroöoovat ébéðs TOUS in the first place in order the to produce A ^ * / 5. *A * \6)ovs Tepi Too Tapavópov alſTov, eita, arguments relative to the illegality itself, then, •N y \ M *A KOLI/ €UTC) p.m.8év Tept TC019 even though I say nothing concerning the a / \outrów ToMutevpd. Tov, ôpotos remainder of my political acts, supposing that nevertheless / N V Af 3. jirdpxelu plot to ovuew80s ékóo Tºp Tap I have the consciousness of each one of ipov. you (for my witness). a M A. ^ M º Töv pºev Nóyov Ovv, oùs OUTOS Of the words, then, which this man, a y ‘A 3. - * 8vakvków divo kai kºto €Aeye Tept jumbling together confusedly, spoke concerning * / Af º - M TC01/ vopov Tapayeypapºpevov, oup at pºol the laws which have been transcribed, I think, by Toys theoûs oùre juás pav06 veuv the gods, that neither you see the bearing of * A. sy 5 5 M 5 A. TOUS ToMAoûs OUT airós éðvvdpmv the greater part, was I myself able zº e /* M *A *A OTUI/€Ul/OLL 8va)\éopau Sé Tepi Tôv to comprehend them ; Šukaſov justice of the case M Aº 'yap 8éo Tooroúrov For I am so far from but I will speak e * dTAós simply about the A 5 M Töv Óptºv. and in a straightforward way. oùk eipi I am not \éyeuv dis saying that DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. - 85 itreſt/vvos, ô vöv obros êvé8a)\\e kai accountable, as he just now was falsely and Af c/ 3. e *A ^ cy ôtopičero, dorff Ópo)\oyó €LI/OLU, O.7TOLI/7"OL distinctly asserting, that I acknowledge that I have been all \ Af e A. º •A Töv 8íov Štreiſt/vvos (º) ly my life responsible for whatever I have either 8wakeyeipuka i TetroAttevpal Tap' tºpºv. handled Ol' done as a public man among you. Öv pºevtov ye ék Tös ièías odorías For what, however, I have of my own private property étayyed duevos 8éôoka Tó Smug, bmpt offered and given to the people, I affirm º /* e / s A. e / ~€ LIVOLU, itreſt/vvos oùöeptav juépav that I am not accountable, no, not for a single day— (ákočevs Aio Xium ; ot;8 d.)\ov obôéva, (Do you hear, Aeschines 2)— Il OI’ anybody else, 3 Q , º Af •N *A 3. Af où8 av Tv)(m Cº)ly TLS TOI/ ELylyeC, not even if he happen to be one of the nine dpxóvrov. yap tis vópos éott peo ros archons. For what law is full A' 3. / \ Af too avrms děukías KOLU, pºvo avtºpotías of so great injustice and in humanity 60te pºèv d.Too-Tepelu Tàs Xdpvtos Töv aS to deprive of thanks one who öövta Tu Tów i8tov kai Tovſjo-auta has given of his private means and done Tpaypa (bºdvěpotov kai bºx6öopov, an act public-spirited and generous, sy 9 3. V Af * dyeiv 8 €LS toūs ovkoqbduras, KOLL and to bring him before sycophants, and 3. /* Af 5 V \ 3 /) A º €pwortóval Tovſtovs étri Tôs ej9úvas 61, Čookev ; Set them to audit his donations ? ojöé eſs. ei Sé Ömoruv of Tos Ševčáto, None. And if he says there is, let him produce it, 3. M A. M Af 3. 3. kāya) ortépéa) kai orwaytrijoroplav. d)\\ and I will be content and keep silence. But 86 i).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. oùk éo Tuv, & divöpes 'Affmvatou, äXX ofºros there is none, gentlemen of Athens, but this an ey M *A * ovko havtov, Ötu div Tóre éti Tô calumniator, because being at that time O Ver the 6 a 5 #3 * /* & 44 .5 eoplkø, etéðoka Tö Xpſipata, bmoriv, i. theoric fund I contributed money, SayS, “The V 5 / * \ 3/ BovX3) étáveorev avrov čvra Senate praised him. while undischarged e A. 3S 3. SA 2 \ iTeſt/vvov. - OU Tept oùöevös of his accounts.” (Yes, but) not on account of any Af º º e A 5 3. Tovtov ye, (a)]/ #v Štreiſt/vvos, d\\ of those things, for which I was held responsible, but s 3. º 5 º / 3. N *A éd, ois étrečoka, 6 ovkodóvra. d.MN& kai for what donations I made, O sycophant. “Oh, but N ^ A W Teuxotrovos jorða, ºbnori. KOLU, a commissioner of walls you were,” says he. (Yes,) and QN / gº 5 - c/ oua ye Tovto ôp06s étmvoúpmv, OTU for that reason I was justly praised, because 5 A. 3. A V º 5 / étréðoka Tövm)\opºva kai oijk ČAoyuč6pmv. I gave the sums expended and made no account of it. v e V \ \ 8 a }{} * \ yap O pºev oytoplos Tpooroevrau evt/vwov KOLü, For an account requires examination and *A 5 Af e V *A Af 3. W TGOU éčeraorévrov, 7) 8è êoped ôukaſa EOTL men who will examine it, but a free gift deserves Af A. \ /* / Tvyxdveuv xdpvros kai étraívov SvöTep to receive thanks and praise ; therefore 58? 3/ a > \ 3 ^. c/ S’ OO L. éypalev Tavt Tept epov OTL this man here made this motion in my favor; and that Taira otto diploitat od pâvov čv Tots this is a settled principle, not only in your / 3. V W 5 *A e / ce vópous, d\\ó kai év toºs juetépous éteoruv, laws, but also in your habits, éyò Sečo figãos ToMAaxóðev. yöp I will show easily by many proofs. For, *\ *A fº Af 5 A. Tpa)Tow pºev Navouk)\ffs ToMAdikus éo Teddvoral first, Nausicles has often been crowned DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 87 jºb’ ipov OTpatmyajv, S 3 by you, while holding the office of general, for zº * 5 V a 3 QS / º/15 / ows Tpoevto dTö Töv ibíov' eið’ Avôtup.os what he expended from his own funds; next Diotimus, cy 3/ *A 5 A .* *A Af OTE éðoke TOLS do-Tiêas. KOLL To Nuv because he gave shields, and again Xapíðmpos, éo Tedavoovro eið’ NeoiſtóNepos Charidemus, were crowned ; again Neoptolemus oùToori 6v étuo Tórms To)\\ów épyov, here, superintendent of many works, /* 5 > º 5. A. \ *A A. Tetup/mTau éd; ois étréðoke, yāp rootó ye has been honored for his donations. For this <\ y A. S º fº sy âu ein oxét)\vov, ei 7) Tg) apxovtu would be cruel, if either to anybody holding V 5 N \ 3 / W ^ TLI/O. apx?]v Aw'm) éééo Tau övd. Tºmu 8, Il office it shall not be permitted by reason of his 5 M Af V e *A *A / -N dpx?)u Övöóval Tó avToo Tim TóNet, 7) office to give his own money to the state, Ol' 3. M *A Af A. e Af OLUTU too kopto-ao-flat Xapuv jºbéčev instead of receiving thanks shall render eijffivas Tów Śoffévrov. Toívvv an account of what he has given. (To prove) then cy * > 3. * A OTU TOLUT &Am0% Aéya), that these things (are) true (which) I say, Naftºv Aéye pov Tó ſmºbio-pard aird take and read DO € the very decrees Tô yeyev'muéva Totºrous. Aéye. passed in honor of these men. Read. WHKDIXMA. THE DECREE. [“”Apxov Ampévukos d’Aveys. “Archon, Demonicus of Phlyus. On the cy 3. 3. / a’, / ektm pºet eikdèa Bombpopuðvos, 'yvopºm twenty-sixth of Boedromion, with the sanction 88 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 8ov)\ms kai Örjuov, KaNNias ºpped pptos of the Senate and people, Callias of Phrearrii eitrev čtv êoké. Ti, BovXfi kai moved that it appears good to the Senate and * A. * Af \ Tô 8mpg) orted avóoral Navoruk\éa TOly the people to CrOWn Nausicles, the general 5 M a- cy cy /* €7TU, TCOI/ ôTAov, OTL 8vox)\tov of the heavy-armed soldiery, because, when two thousand 3. Af e an 3/ s y Ath)vatov ôTAutów ôvTov čv "Ipºſ:8pg) Athenian heavy-armed troops Were at Imbrus, \ A a * Af * kai 8om flotºvtov Tols 'Affmuatov Katoukodoruv and were defending those of the Athenians dwelling in Töv who ov, PíNovos Too kexeupotov muévov the island, since Philo, the man appointed et. Tns övoukijorea's où to the charge of the treasury department, W3. S not 8vvapévov 8vo, Toys Xeupovas TNedora, able on account of the storms to sail A fº M e A. 3y KOLL pºvo-floëormoral TOUS ôT\ttas, éðoke - and pay the hoplites, he advanced money 3. as 3 Q A • A' \ º €K Tys iöías OUOTLOLS KOLU, OUK from his own private property and did not eiorémpaše tov ôňpov, kai ask the people for it again, and divayopetoral Töv ortébavov Avovvorious to proclaim the CI’OWIl at the Dionysia Kauvois Tpay@8ots.”] with the new tragedies.” TTEPON PH dº IXMA. A SECOND DECREE. “Ka)\\tas Ppedippuos eitre, Tpvráveau “Callias of Phrearrii moved, the prytanes Aeyóvtov ywópm Áov\ms, étrévô) declaring it to be with the sanction of the Senate : Whereas DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 89 e 3 M ga t *A Xaptômpos O étri Tôv ÓTMTöv, Charidemus, - general of the foot-soldiers, having 3. * 3. * M / - daroo Taxels eis XaXapºva, Kai Auðruptos been despatched to Salamis, and Diotimus, ô étri Töv iTTéov, TUL/COI/ Tów general of the horsemen, when certain of the otpatvotóv ću Tà pºixm étri Too troops in the battle by the Totapoo orkvXev{}évrov iTö Tów river had been stripped of their arms by the A 3. a 5 /* 5 Af ToMepiſov, ék Töv ibíov diva)\opºdrov enemy, at their own expense Af V Af 3. A. kaffdºm Avorav TOUS 1960.19 LO’KOUS O KTOLKOO LOLLS armed the young men with eight hundred 5 / A. as a \ O.O.Tuoruv, ðeóóxflat Ti, Sov)\i, Kai shields, it has been resolved by the Senate and Tô Smug, orreóavóoral Xapíðmpov kai. t. ū. people to crown Charidemus and AtóTupou Xpvoró orted divº, kai dvayopetork, Diotimus with a golden crown, and to proclaim it tois pºeyd)\ous IIavathyvaíous €v Tó at the great Panathenaic festival during the 'yvpavukó dyöv kai Avovvoríows. kauvois gymnastic Contest and at the Dionysia with the new Tpayºots' 6eorpofféras Šč, Tpvrávels, tragedies; and that the judges, prytanes, 5 Aº 3. *A *N 3. A. 95. dyſovofféras €Tupexmtºvav Tijs divayopetoreos.”] and prizemasters have charge of the proclamation.” "Ekaortos toūTov, Aio Xium, §v Each of these men, Aeschines, W3.S. & / *A M 5 a º º S 3. itrečfluvos Tſis pºèv dipx?s fis ºpxev, oùx 8 accountable for the office which - he held, but not e A. 5. 2 2. 5 * jTeiſt/vvos éb’ ois éo redavooro. accountable for the matters in respect to which he was crowned. 5 * 5 QN 3 5. A. * A 5 / oùkoov oſſº êy& yöp Öſtrov čo Tí pov No more then am I; for, I presume, there are to me 90 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 5 v / A. an y *A *A 5 ex Taijrā Sūkaud Tois dANovs trepi Tôv alſTóv. the same rights with others concerning the same things, étréðoka: étrauvoop at Suð. Taota, I have given money; I am praised on account of that, oùk &v Štreiſt/vvos 6v étéðoka. not being accountable for what I gave. 3. , \ / Af 5 /* Oly" KCLU ôéôokó. 'ye eijffivas I held office ; yes, and I rendered an account 5 A 5. º 5 A. V /5 eKevlyov, oùx 6v étréðoka. vi) At , in those matters, not for what I gave. Yes, indeed, 3. 3. > Af º 3. W d'AA' d'êikos ºpča ; €UTCL Tapov, but I did wrong in my office? and did you then, though in court ôte oi \oyuo Tai eiohyov ple, où when the examiners brought me forward, not / Katmyopets accuse me? cy cy Toívvy UI/O, eiðre OTU Therefore, in order that you may know that 5 as an *A aúTös of Tós paptvpet pot éo Teqjavôoffat this man himself bears witness to me that I have been crowned 5 º 3, . º ed’ of s ºv oùx intetſºvvos, for those things for which I was In Ot responsible, cy Nagów dvdyvoff Tö 6\ov 'rid\to pa take and read the whole decree Tô ypadhév plot. & ois Too which was prepared for me. For from what things of the /* * > 5 / A. TpoſłovXeiºpatos oùk éypdalato, Tolſtows, preliminary decree he did not indict, from these gº cy ºbovňoretow ovkodavtów he will be seen to act the part of a slanderer in those which övőket. Méye. he prosecutes. Read. WHKDIXMA. THE DECREE. [“’Etti dipxovros Eijffvk\éovs, “ In the archonship of Euthycles, on the DEMOST HENES ON THE CROWN. 91 évôtm diſtóvros Tvavelitóvos, Oiumíðos (bvX fis twenty-second of Pyanepsion, the Oeneian tribe - A as Af Tpvravevovorms, KT movdóv Aéoorffévows presiding, Ctesiphon, son of Leosthenes ^ V A. 'Avaſh)ijo Tuos eitſev, Telê) Ampwoot'évns of Anaphlystus, moved : Whereas Demosthenes, V Ampwoot'évows IIowavven)s 'yevópevos son of Demosthenes of Paeania, having been W *A a", * * * & Tupe) mT)s Tūs étuoſkevils Töv Teuxów superintendent of the repair of the walls, M 5 & 3. kai Tpoorava)\60 as eis Tà épya. Tpia and having expended O Il the works three / 5 *\ *A i8 Af s A’ Tº avta. atTo Tms woua's OU OTLOLS (additional) talents from his own private resources, *: fº, /* M étréðoke Taira Tó Smºg), Kai - has given that sum to the people, and whereas, M V * *N karao Taffeis étri too fleopukov having been appointed to the charge of the theoric fund, / an as étréðoke TOLS fleopols ék he has presented to the theoric funds from among Tao ov Tóv ºbvX601, €katov pavās eis all the tribes a hundred minas for / *\ *A er V 6vorías, ðeó6x9at Tſ) /3ovXi, kai sacrifices, it has been resolved by the Senate and gº A a 3 Af s A. Tºp öjpg Tô 'Affmvaſov €7TOLLI/6OTOLU, the people . of the Athenians to honor Ampoorffévrºv Ampoo'86"ovs IIowavvéa évéka Demosthenes, son of Demosthenes of Paeania, on account of * * M º an dpetàs kai ka)\okayaffia's fis 8vateNet the virtue and nobility which he has continued y - \ *A 5 Gºl/ év Tavti kaupº €LS Töv to exhibit OOl every occasion toward the a * º Af - M * 8%pov Töv 'Affmvatov, Kai o Teqjavôoral people of the Athenians, and to crown him an / * * pvoºp orreſ/divº, kai dvayopetorat Töv with a golden CrOWn, and - to proclaim the , ºr 92 IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Af 5 *A / - Af otépavov čv Tô fled Tp(9 Avovvorious CrOWIl in . the theatre at the Dionysia * * as W V 3. /* KOLLI/O LS Tpáygöoſs' Tov 8é d'yovo0érmv with the new tragedies; and for the prize master 5 *A a 5 /* 3 * .* étupleMºm.0m vav Tijs divayopetorea’s.” to have charge of the proclamation.” * > 3. M 3. * eM M 3 Af 3 Q \ Taij7 €OT Lly Ol) KOUly OL pºev étréðaka, oùöèv These are, then, my donations, Il OI! 6. ... ? V Af eX A. (Ol/ or) yeypalav' & 8é of which have you indicted; but (the rewards) which # 8ovX) (bmovv Šeiv yeweathat pºol the Senate says ought to be conferred upon me . 5 M A. * * y 3. ey A. OLI/TU, Tovtov, TOLUT éorff OL övőkets. for them, these 3. I’é what you arraign. ôpoxoyów oùv Tô Naſciv - Acknowledging, therefore, the receiving of that which Tö, Övööpewa cival évvopov, ypºdel Tapavópov has been given to be lawful, you accuse as illegal *A 5 *A Af Af e *A TO dToëooval Xopul) TOUTCOI/. O 8è the recompense for them. But a man Af 3/ V 5 ‘A /* TapuTóvmpos div6potros kai éxflpös ffeois wholly depraved and defested by the gods w A. s/ *A *A es / KOLL Bºo-kavos Óvros Tpos theów 7TOLOS and truly malignant, by the gods, what sort of TLS āv et) ; oùx à Towootos; 3, 1]] all would he be? Would he not be such a one as this ? Kai pºv Tept too y knpütteo bat And, indeed, concerning the proclamation év Tó ffed Tpg), Tapa)\etto Tô pºev in the theatre, I pass over the fact plvpudkus pivptovs kekºmpoxbat kai that thousands of thousands have been proclaimed and *A 5 A Af 3. *A TO OLUTOS To)\\ókus éorted avóo flat that I myself have often been crowned A. s *A *\ *A º cy TpóTepov. 3)\\& Tpos fleów €t, OUTC) before. But, by the gods, are you SO DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 93 N V 3. Aº 3. A cy so orkavos kai dvaío-thitos, Aio Xium, Öort perverse and stupid, Aeschines, a.S 3. /* / : cy f* M où 6iſuaora, Aoyto-aortal OTU Tg) pºev not to be able to reflect that to the one /* ... 6 Af 3y M oted avovpévg) O otépavos exel Tov crowned the CEO WIl has the 3. W *A cy * 5 es aúTöv (m)\ov, Ötrov OL1/ divappmöm, S8, Ole value, wherever it may be published, V V / Af S a A Tööé Knípvyua yūyveral év tá, fled Tp(p and the proclamation is made in the theatre éveka Too orvpubépoutos Tów orted avoiſvtov; for the benefit of those who confer the crown 2 àp oi dikoúoravtes âTavres For those who have heard 2.É'ê all Tpotpétrovtal eis Tô Towelveſ Tºv TóAuv, encouraged to render service to the State, kai étrauvovort Toys & Točušávta's Tºv and praise those who show their Af * * Af aptu pa)\\ov TOU orted avovpdevov- gratitude Iſl()]’é than the one crowned ; / e / A - * *A övöTep 'm TóAvs 'yeypaſhev Tootov therefore, OUII" commonwealth has enacted this Töv vópov. Aabdiv 8" Aéye plot Töv law. Take and read ICO 6. the vópov alſTóv. law itself. NOMOX. THE LAW. [“” Oorovs oted avovori Tuves Tóv Šmíuov, “Whatsoever men any of the townships crown, ékdo-Tovs Toveto flav Tós divayopetoreus Tóv let them severally make the proclamations of the / 5 º /* * 3 Q Af A. O'Teddvov čv avroſs Tols ièíows Smpous, CY'OWIlS in their own townships, 3 * Aº º: a, e *A 5 Af *\ eav pºm) O êmpos é Tóv 'Affmvatov 7) unless the people of Athens Ol' 94 DEMOSTEIENIES ON THE CROWN. e * gº an 7, 8ov)\?) orted avoi Tuvas' éćeivat 5’ the Senate CEO WIl any persons; and it shall be lawful *A divayopeteorðaw Towtovs év tá, fled Tpg) to proclaim them in the theatre 35 Avovvorious. | at the Dionysia.” º /* 5. A. * Aº º Akočevs, Aio Xium, Tot, wäpov oradôs You hear, Aeschines, the law distinctly Af * \ / *A *\ Aéyoutos, TA)w €div ô 8%pos ) Saying, “unless where the people Or e V / 7, 8ovX3) ilm biomtav TLly O.S." the Senate may vote (to proclaim) any ; 5 V º erº divayopewera öö toūTovs. Tí oùv, 6 let the herald proclaim these.” Why, then, O / as A Taxattope, orvkodhavrets; TU, wretclu, do you bring this false accusation ? Why / 3. TAdtteis Aéyovs; Tí oravtov oijk &AAegopičevs do you invent statements 2 Why do you not take hellebore 3 W A 5. 5 3 CN 5 5 A. 3. Af €Ti Toijtovs; d) \ où6 ato Yövel evorayajv for this 2 But you are not even ashamed instituting A. - / 5 3. V 3. A ôikmu (b0óvov, oùk ow8évôs doukºjuatos, a trial for envy, not for any offence, *A an s *A kai peratovou Toijs pièv vépous, dºboupóv and altering SODO € laws, and leaving out / *A S’ ey cy ^ 8 /* pepm Tov O , oùs 6\ovs ºv UKOLU, Ol/ parts of others, the whole of which it was right 5 a / divayuyváorked-flav 'ye TOLS ôpop.okóort to read, at least to those who have sworn an M M / lmºbveto flat KOLTOL TOUS vopovs ; that they will vote according to the laws 2 3. an * N étrelta Tolów Towaota Néyevs d. Then you that do such things describe what qualities an * *A * cy 8e. Tpoorevval Tô Smpotukó, oo-Tep ought to be in a man of the people, as if 3. 8 8 M 5 8 Af g & M €KO €OG)KCOS divöpućvta kata ovyypadºv, you had put out a statue to be made according to Contract, & T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 95 5 3 Af 3 3, . ČUT kopºvčápévos ovK eXovta. and then had it delivered to you, deficient in what eX * - *A a º a Tpoormicev ék Tös ovyypaſbºs, 7) it ought to have under the contract, Ol' \ M A. Af toūs 6mpotukov's yºyvoorkopévows Nóyg), as if patriots were tested by a definition, 5 3. 3. as / & d)\\’ ow Tous Tpaypooru KOLL and not rather by their whole conduct and an M * Tots ToMTetſuaoru. Kai Boğs - public services. And you shout and call me (all A q \ *A y ôvopºd Gov ſºmtö. KOLL appm)TO, sorts of) In a ſl) eS mentionable and unmentionable, cy 5 e Af eM / dio-Tep & dipºdºms, d. TpooreoTuv as if from a Wagon, which (words) befit M V *A * 3. A. AP oroi kai Tô oró yévet, oùk épot. Kaitot you and your race, not Ille. And yet * \ ^ 3/ 3. /* Tooro kai, 6 divöpes 'Affmuaſtov. (I would say) this too, gentlemen of Athens. 5 W e - / Af /* éyò jyotpat Nouèopiav Švaſhépetv karmyopias I think that calumny differs from accusation A. a N M / 3y Tovſø, Tg) T]v pºev karmyoptav exelu in this, that accusation deals in 5 8 A. 3. º 5 \ e Af 3. OL UK?)plat 2 Cº.) I) €LO Uly OLL Tuptoptal €ly offences, for which there are penalties in aq / \ M /* Toºs vópous, Tiju Sé Nouèopiau the laws, but calumny (involves) A. cM A. * s a 8Aaord mutas, d's orvp/8oivet toºs éx0pots defamations, which it chances that foes / M 3. / *\ • A e *A \éyévv Tepi d\\?\ov kata Toju avtov utter against one another according to their A. e Af \ \ A. q)`joruv. ÖTeſ. Amba Śē Tovs Tpoyovovs 11ature. But I have supposed that OUI r ancestors 3. an A *A / º oikoëophoral TOLUTU TOL Sukao Tripua, ovX built these courts of justice, n Ot cy A g *A 5 *A Ul/OL ovX\éautes upwas €LS TOLUTO, that having assembled you within them & 96 T) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. * *A 5 Q. A A. OLTTO TC01/ iðtov Aéyopºev from your private business we should utter an *\ 3. / 3. /* 5 3. cy Kakós Tó d'Tóppmta d'AAſ}}\ovs, d\\ U}/OL reproaches against each other, . but that ěčexéyxopleu, éâv tus Tvyxºvii) l, We should prove it against him, if anyone has chanced & / 5 Af > Af / TU Tmu TG)\uv jövkmkós. Aio Xiums TO Lly U19 to injure the city in any respect. Aeschines, then, eið0s Taijta. ojöéu ºrtov époo knowing these things no less than I, ei Aero Top Teiſeuv duti Too Katmyopetv. chose to blackguard instead of accusing me. 3. W 5 CY 5 5 g- Af / 3. 3. * où pºv oijö evta offa Šíkavós éo Tuv d'TeXffeiv However, not even here ought he to come off y 3/ y 5 A. 5 M éxov čNattov. jôm 8 Topévoropºwº etru having less. And now I will proceed t() Tatra, épartſjora's aijtov Too-oorov. this matter, having first asked him such a question as this. TóTepóv Tus bú oré eival Tſis TóNeos Should one say you 2, l’e the state's •N 3 v 3. \ 3 /* 5 * 7) eptov éxflpöv, Ato Xium ; epov Ol' my enemy, Aeschines 2 Mine, ö)\ov čtv. of pièv éira jv \age ºv of course. Where, then, it was possible to obtain Sikmu Tap' épot, iTép Totſtov satisfaction from Ille in behalf of these kató. Toijs vópovs, eitep #8tkovu, according to the laws, if I had done anything wrong, €v Taft's eijff ºvals, ev namely, in the examination of my accounts, in a a 3. as y / Taº's ypaſbats, €v Taºs d\\aus Kptoreovv, the public accusations, in the other trials 3 2. /* º 5 5 \ * éééNuttes' of 6' éyò pºev (brought against me), you neglected it; but where I difféoos &Taoru, Tots vópous, Tó am safe in everything, by the laws, by the DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 97 póvº, Th Tpoffeo pig, Tó length of time, by the limitation of actions, by the Af / Af M / ToMAdkus TpóTepov kekpto-flav Tepi Tävtov, frequent previous decisions about every point, *A Af 3. A Tºp . pºmºetróTote éče)\eyx07wav by the fact that I have never been convicted 3. * A e * yº, / dèuków pºmèëv vpCO.S, Tſ) TóNew of any wrong to you, while the city 8 divdykm ). TAéov ) é\attov eTeïval º |J. must, Ill Ol'é Ol' less, participate ye Tàs 66&ms Tów Teſtpaypevov at any rate in the character of what has been done êmpooríg, évta offa on account of the state, is it here and on this ground that 3 / cy N ^ 5 \ atTºwTºkas: Opo. |WT) T]S éxflpös you have met me 2 Beware lest you are an enemy / V 3 ^ M -- a Tovtov pºev, epos 8è Tpoortrout). of these, while you profess to be mine. * V /* e M 3. M * ETévô) TO Lly Uly 7) pºev eijo-eſºs KOLL Since, therefore, the righteous and A a A. cy Sukata lifiqhos öéðeuktat O.T.O.O.U., just VOte has been pointed out to all, As /* e J. A. Set Sé |Lé, CDS éouke, Koutſep it is necessary for me, 3.S it seems, although 5 >y / A. N où dura (bùorev (buxoMotöopov, Suð. not naturally fond of railing, yet on account of \ Af > A. e V / Tós B\aordºmplia's eipmuevos ūTô Totºrov, the calumnies uttered by this man, 3. M pº N *A s as OLI/7 U. To)\\ów kai levóóv €LTT6:LIV instead of many false things to say 5 v 5 * , 5 M 3. º W avta. tavaykauotat Tept ovtov, KOLL merely the most essential things concerning him, and as Af N M Sečav tís div Kal Tívov to show who he is and from whom descended that ce e 8 A. sy *A as A V OUTG) S pg. LG) S opxel TOl) KOLKO) S \éyeuv, KOLU he so readily COIl)]]] el] CéS reviling, and 98 T) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Af A. A 9 A T LIVOLS Aóyovs ôvao-ºpet, OLUTOS what expressions of mine he cavils at, himself cA A a /* eipmkós O. T US Tov perptov having spoken words which what one of respectable dvěpátov oijk &v dikumore b0éyéaortal:— yöp Ił16I1 3. 3 : & •N ei Aiolkös ºff if Aeacus," Ol' jv Katmyopov, had been my accuser, Tepitpuppa dyopas, a drudge of the forum, aijtov he 3. º OUK oup at I do not think 33° º / {} cy 3. 6 a \ / Ol) OLTV. Toploraor OLL Oly'TC)S eTax €LS oyovs, or found such offensive terms, ty 5 8 A. e-A º *A dio ſtep £v Tpay93tº 8000Ta 6 'ym as if 1I] a tragedy exclaiming “O earth, M cy M 5 M M M a'a kai j\ee kai diper), Kai Tà Tovatºra, and Sll]] and virtue,” and such things, M / 3. Af A. M kai TôMuv étuka)\oºpºevov orºved uv Kai and again, appealing to good sense and 8 A º ^ M A Taloelaw, T] TOL ka)\d. KOLl good breeding, by which the honorable and V 5 "A / N a Tô aio Xpó 8wayvywóorkeray ya TOLUTOL the base are distinguished ; for these things 8 / s A. 3. s *A A 8 V jTovtſev jºcoſet’ attoo \éyovros. &; you doubtless heard him. speaking. But, ^ Af A' Af M (a) káðappa, TLS pºetovo-vo. OTOL you abomination, what participation is there to you *A as an 5 * * , / 7) TOLS OFOLS apeT)s ; Tís Suáyvoorus OF yours in virtue 2 How should you discern 2\ \ A N A e $6 º 7) Kawov p.m Tovovta)u ; Topew m what is honorable O]." otherwise ? Whence, O r" Tós dévoffévru ; Too Sé Where how qualified ? would not have shrunk from pronouncing 2– ſor 2\ A ‘Paëdpavövs Müyos Rhadamanthus, Ol' Minos 3. \ \ / d'AX& pººl ortreppo)\6yos, instead of a prater, S/ \ ô\effpos ypapparei)s a wretch of a writing clerk, * 3 TOU OLUT such things -\ 3. a OL1/ GL773 U19 would have spoken 0éuts orov plumotºval is your right to speak of i) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 99 Tau6etas, #s où8° eis Töv pleu good breeding, which not OD 6 of those ce 5 area /* •N y djs &\mbºs TeTvXmkotov OLL/ e L77 Ol, really having obtained would say 5 Q \ * \ e * 3. N oùöèv Towootov Tept ovtov, d\\6. any such thing concerning himself, but •N 5 Af e / A. a 3. kāv épv6'pudoreve étépov Aéyoutos, Tots 8 would even blush to hear another saying it, while to those 3. * \ cy * M &ToMelbfleiot pºv alo-Tep orv, destitute of it, like yourself, yet / 5 e 5 * / Tpoortovovpºevous 8 UTT dvavothmorías, pretending to it through simplicity, Tepteo Tuv Tô Towev Toys dikočovtas the result is that they cause those who hear it 5 an cy / 5. *\ an d)\yeiv OTOLI/ Aéyooruv, où Tô Sokéïv to grieve whenever they speak, not that they appear eival Tovoitous. to be such (as they desire). Ouk dropóv 6’ 6 Tu Xp) eitſelv Tepi Not being at a loss what to have to say concerning oroo kai Tôv orów, dropó Too Tp(6Tov you and yours, I am yet at a loss what first *N. A. 3. e e A. / pumo 06, Tótep djs 6 Tarſip orov Tpóp.ms to mention, whether how your father, Tromes, éðoºeve Tap' 'EXTíg. Tô 8v8&orkovt. was slave to Elpias, who taught Ypſippata Tpos Tó ©moreig), éxov letters y the temple of Theseus, having / / * / •N e Taxetas Xoivukas kai čNov, ) dis heavy leg-irons and a collar, Oł' how # pºſtmp orov Xpopéum Tots pºeffmpepuuois your mother, resorting to the midday yópous €v Tó k\evoríg Tô Tpos prostitutions in the brothel Il 628.1° Tô jpot ka)\apirm éééðpellié ore Töv ka)\öv {, the statue of the Hero Calamites, brought you up, the handsome : : : º * : 100 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. . divöpiavta. kai dkpov Tpitayovuotiv ; puppet and a capital actor of third-rate parts? 3. W A y *A *A d)\\d. TOlly'TGS UOTOLOTU Tavta, KOLI/ But all know these things, even if s \ M Af 5 3. e e eya) pº) Aéya). &\\ Cº) S O I do not tell them. Or how the Tpumpatºms poppºſov, 6 Sooxos Atovos galley-piper, Phormion, the slave of Dion Too ºpeappíov, &véo Tºmorev alſT) v Giró of Phrearrii, raised her from Af *A * s Af 3. V V Taiſtme Tūs ka)\ms épyao'ías ; d.MAó v?) this honorable employment? But, by N Af V V M > a V A. Töv Ata kai Tois theoûs 6kwá pºj \éyov Zeus and the other gods, I fear lest in saying V A. V fº, 5 N / Tô Tpoor.jkovta Tept orow airós 66&o what is proper about you I myself may seem Tpompſo-flav A6)ovs of Tpoorjkout as épavT6. to have chosen topics unbecoming to myself. Taota pºév oiv édora), dpéopal be This, therefore, I shall pass by, and commence 5 5. 5 *A ^ * \ /* OLTT OLUTC)ly Coly OLUTOS Begiokev. from those acts which he has done during his life; yöp oijöé ºv for neither Were (the actions of his life) of an 6v čtvYev, &AA’ ois à è?pos katapatau. ordinary kind, but such as the people execrate. / 5 W 5 M /* M º 'ya ôlé Tote—, Öljé Aéyo — pºev ov For lately— lately, did I say?— nay, rather, Xffès kai Tpomu yeyove only yesterday or the day before, he has become at the ce 3 3. * M & A. V Cºpſ. Ath)valos KOLL p770p, KOLU same time an Athenian and an Orator, and M / M 5 /* *A M Tpoorffels öðo orvX\agós étroímorev Töv pew having added tWO syllables he made his * / 5 M / 3. A TaTepa OLI/TU TpópmTos ATPópmTov, father, instead of Tromes, Atrometus DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 101 3. / / *A r)v Šē pºmtépa divápaorév Tóvv orepºvós and his mother he named, very dignifiedly, /* cM cy y TXavkofféau, ju & Tautes to aoru Glaucothea, whom all know to have 3y a /* ka)\ovpºevnv "Epwarovoſav, Tv)(oborav Tavrms been called Empusa, having received this Tús étrovvpºtas Šm)\ovóTv Čk Too Towev title it is plain from her doing *A • / 2 A. KOLU Tao'Xeuv TOLUTOL” yóp tröffew and submitting to anything; for whence y 3. ey d\\offev; &\\ Op.60s otherwise (how else could she have received it) 2. But, nevertheless, arº. cy / \ N ei Oly'TC)S dx^ptortos kai Tovmpös you are SO ungrateful and wicked A ty 3. M 3. A. V diſorew COOT 'yeyovos éAeūffepos övå. by nature, that, having become free through A 5 A. M - Af TOUTOUOTL €K öotſ\ov kai TAoûortos these instead of a slave, and rich *A 3. c/ … / er TToxov oùx Ötros éxels Xapuu instead of a beggar, you not only do not show gratitude 5 an 5 & Af A Ov7OLS, d)\\d. pºvo-0óoras Toxºteiffew to them, but have hired yourself out as a public man \ M kata Tovtovi. KOLL édoro Tept against them. And I will pass by that about º M y 5 Af e ov pºev €OTU TLS dp/buo-Smitmorus CoS which there is some dispute on the ground that, 3/ 3y e M *A opo. eupmkev UTTe Tās tróAeos' forsooth, he has spoken for the good of the state; cy QN > *A 2 Af / & 8 (bavépôs direčeixth) Tpattov but what he is clearly shown to have done M *A fº * jTép Töv ćxt/pov, Taota ävapºvſjord. for the enemy, of these I will remind you. A. N *A 5 ^ Tís yöp ju6v OU K. oiêe Töv For who of you does not know of the w 5 a ey º dTolmqvorffévra "Avtuſhövta, OS }\ffev disfranchised Antiphon, who Cà,006. 102 Í).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. eis Tāv TóAuv étrayyev) duevos qu)\{TTg, into the city, having promised to Philip 5 /* W cM 5 * epºtſp?)oreul” Tô veópua ; Ol/ eptov that he would burn your arsenal 2 Whom I. / A. 3. an *A Maſłóvtos kekpuppevov čv IIeupate. Kai found concealed in Peiraeus and Af 3 V Af º Katao Tſjoravros eis Tiju èkk\moríav oſſtos brought before the assembly, and this e / a M M º ô 8dorkavos |Soóv Kai kekpayós, òs mischief-maker shouting and clamoring, as if a- CN W. A. TTOL (v) OéLly OL €v êmpſokpatíg I were doing outrageous things under a democratic c Af / 5 / ićpíčov Tovs mTvXmkotas form of government, insulting unfortunate *A * W / 3. 3. 5 / Töv To)\tTöv kai Bačíčov éir OU KUOLS citizens, and, going into their houses 3/ - Af 3. / 3. *A OLIVél) ilmºbiopatos, étoimorev dºpetºval. without a vote of the people, caused him to be released. V 3. M e M e 5 º' 5 /* Af Kal el pºm 7) Bov)\}) : éé Apeſov Tóyov, And unless the council of the Areopagus, 5 Aº *\ *A & 5 es aiotopeum TO Tpaypta. KOLl, i8000 a. discovering the fact and seeing \ e Af y 5 * A. an Töv Úpetépav dyvouav čv od 3éovt. orvp/8e/3mkvlav how ill-timed was your mistake, 3. 2 \ y - N étrečjtmore Töv dutpoſtov kai had made further inquiry after the IT). 8, El and *A 3. / e e /* ovX\agovora eTavnyayev COS vpo S, seized and brought him before. you, e * •N º O TOLOUTOS āv éðjptraort such a man as this would have been snatched out of your grasp, \ V *\ Af * KOLL 8tašijs TO Šikmu öooval and having evaded paying the penalty would have •N 5 /* 3. c \ Af * Af § CŞ.1/ éčeTéutret UTTO TOUT OUL TOU oreplvo)\óyov been sent out of the way by this grand talker here; S’ e as - /* 5. Af - Tylyly ipſets ortpe/3\60'avtes direkteivate as it was, yOu tortured and executed DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 103 aúrðv, djs éðel, 'ye TOUTOly kai. him, aS you ought to this man also. a e M & 5 5. / / Tovyapovv 77 BovX3) # & "Apeſov Tóyov Accordingly, the council of the Areopagus, eiðvia Taotaº Tetpaypewa Totſtºp knowing these proceedings carried on by this man Tóte, djs ipov dTö Tms airms at that time, when, although you from the S3, Iſle s /* º eſ: M ayuovas mortep Tpoteo-0e To)\\ó. thoughtlessness from which you neglect many Tôv Kouvov Xelpotov moróvtov aúTöv of the public interests, chose him orūvöukov jTré Too iepot, as advocate in the case relative to the temple * * 5 2 3. / / V row £v AñAg), Koikeivmu Tpooreſ Neoffe KOLU, at Delos, you both selected it (the Council) and étrovſjorate kvptav Too Tpaypatos, pèv eithôs made it arbiter of the matter, immediately 3. Af *A e Af Af W citrij)\oorev TOUTOly GOS Tpoëótºmu, Tpoorétaše 8è rejected him aS a traitor, and appointed & A. Af \ a 3/ TTepetón Aéyeuv' KOLL TOLUTOL émpače Hyperides to plead ; and this it did, Af M *A s M a * ºpépovo a Tův lifiqhov ditrö Tot 3opov, giving the WOte from the altar, M º /* *A 5 / A. KOLL où6epta lifidos jvéxth) Tovtg) and El O Vote was given for this a * *A ey * 5 5 * Tº putopſ). Kai OTL TOLUT dX70% wretch. And (to prove) that this (is) the truth Aéyo, kóAet pot toys pºptvpas (which) I say, call 1016 the Witnesses Toºrov. of these things. MAPTTPEX. WITNESSES. [“Oſ3e, Ka)\\ías Xovvvets, Zojvov “We here, Callias of Sunium, Zenon 104 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. q}\veys, KAéov qba)\mpets, Ampuévukos of Phlyus, Cleon of Phalerum, Demonicus fº A. Mapaffoºvvos, paptupovo-v Ampoorffével of Marathon, testify for Demosthenes º A. cy *A A. iTé OTowTov, OTU, TOU ôjuov in behalf of all, that the people Totè Xeupotovºjo-autos Aio Xiumu or ſwówkov having formerly elected Aeschines as their advocate 3. V 5 / e ^ a €US TOUS ApºpukTúovas UTTE TOU before the Amphictyons, on the question of the gº fº A e an /* iepoo Tot, €v Affºg, jueſs ovvedpedo-autes temple at Delos, We in council 3. Af e / 3. an ekpulvapºev TTepetomu eival pa)\\ov determined that Hyperides WQS II) Ol'e S/ A. e M a A. . M dévov \eyeuv U77 E Tús TóNeads, Kai worthy to plead on behalf of the State, and e / y A. * 5 Trépetóns direo Taxm.”] Hyperides was commissioned.” *A ey Owjkoov ôte Towſrov Aéyovros Accordingly, inasmuch as, when, as this man was speaking, e \ 5 / M /* 7) BovX3) & Tſj)\aorév kai Tpooréračev the Senate removed him and appointed e / Af \ 2 y e ea eTepp, Tote KOLL d.Tébmveu vpuu another, then, also, it pronounced him to you * / V eival Tpoöörmu kai kakóvovv. to be a traitor and an enemy. *A Af eM M * Toj7-O TO Ll/1919 ev pºev TOLOUTO ToMitevpa Here, then, is one such political act an Af cy / 9 Toºtov Tov veolvuov, opolov ye, où yºp; of this fine fellow, very like, is it not, º * *A A. W cy ois karmyopet époi dvapºupºvijo-keoffe Sé repov. what he charges me with ? Now call to mind another. M cy 3. - op ôte q>{\tTTos étrepulſe II ºffova For when Philip Sen [. Python N /* V /* /* Töv Bučovtuov kai orvučirepulse Tpéo-Bels of Byzantium, and sent at the same time ambassadors DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 105 A. * e * Af t Tapó, Tavrov Tów airtov orvpped Xov, as from all his own allies, as if Af M A 3. 3. A. M Towſorov Tiju TóAuv év aiorxiſvi/ Kai about to put the city to shame and Af 5 *A / M s M betéov döukoto av, Tote pºev eya) show it to be in the wrong, then I 5 e Af an A Af M oùx intext%pmora Tó II ºffouv 6pac-vuopévg) kai did not give way to Python, blustering and fiéovt. ToMA6 kaff ipov, d\\’ running in full stream against (abusing) you, but /* \ 3 M S/ dvao-Tös dureſtrov KOLU, ovXu Tpověoka I’OSé and answered him and did not betray *A Af *A Af 3. º cy Tô Sikawa Tſis TóNeos, d)\\' oitos the rights of the commonwealth, but SO *A / * cy ºbavepôs éðj\eyêa dºt\varrow doukouvra dote plainly did I convict Philip of injustice that Af 3. V Toys éketvov orvpp.dxovs attoos divuotapévows his very allies rose up - & an º \ Af ôpo)\oyevº oftos 8é ovum) ovíčeto and acknowledged it; but he fought his battle \ 3. Af *A A. kai épaptiſpel Tavautía Ti) Tarpíðu, and bore witness against his own Country, \ an a- KOLL TOLUTOL levöm. and that false witness. \ *A 3. 3 3. A. Kai Taoto ovk diréxpm, d\\ö. Tölvu And this was not enough, but again, M * /)3 cy \ 3. pietà Tajff' to Tepov ćAffd,0m ovvuòv 'Avačívg. afterwards he was found meeting Anaxinus a 3. *A 3. Af A Tô KataokóTºp eis Tºv oikiau ºpdoróvos. the Spy at the house of Thraso. / cy /* KOLUT OU OOTUS Ovvmet And yet the man who kept up a secret intercourse *\ 5 as *A A. t N kai ékouvox.oyetto Tg) Tepºpffévru jaro and communication with the man Sent by an A. A. Af Tov ToMeptov povoS povg), (emissary of ) OUII enemies, alone with him, 106 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. º 5 * *A ,” oùtos at Tös jirmpxe Tú (bùorev katoo-kottos this man must himself have been by nature a spy W A. an Af V kai troXéuvos Ti, Tarpiðv. Kai and enemy to the state. And (to prove) cy * † 3. *A / Af V ôtu Taot' d'Amflº, Néyo, kóNew pou Toys that these statements are true, call me the /* poptvpas Toijtaw. witnesses of these things. MAPTTPEX. WITNESSES. - A. e [“TeXeómulos KAéovos, TTepetőms “Teledemus, son of Cleon, Hyperides, Ka)\\atory pov, Nukópaxos Avodavrov son of Callaeschrus, Nicomechus, Son of Diaphantus, N papTwpovo v Ampoorðevel kai étropºdoravto testify for Demosthenes and swore eart Töv otpatm'yov eiðéval before the generals that they knew that 9 Af Aio Xiumv ATpop/jtov Kofforcíðmu Aeschines, the son of Atrometus of Cothocidae, 5 * orvuepyópevov vukrös eis Tiju oikíav met by night, at the house / M / 3. / ey ©pdorovos kai kouvox.oyoſu.evov Avačívg), Ös of Thraso, and conferred with: Anaxinus, who 5 / 3. A. ^ x 2 ékpíðm eival katºo-kotos trapó, PvNúTirov. was judged to be a spy of s Philip. º e Af 3. A. 3 W OLUTOLl, CLU paptupual dTeóóðmorov €7TL These depositions were returned before Af /* c Aº e *A 93 Nuktov, Tpirm ioTapiévov čkatop/80-16vos.”] Nicias, on the third of Hecatombacon.” 3y C 3. gº Exov Toivvv pºvpta érep” €U77é LLP Though having now countless other things to say W * *A Q Trept O.U.T.O.U. Tapa)\etto. kai yap about him, I omit them. For DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 107 cy 3/ 3. & <\ Sy 8 * Ol) T(z) TTC) S eXéu. eya) Ot, L' eXoupºl eléal the case is somewhat as follows. I could show y W Af º ^ e {} éru To)\\0. Tovſtov, Öv oitos eſſpeth) still many such things, which he was found 3. Af V Af e a KOUT éketvows TOUS Xpovovs vT)petov at that time doing to assist /* A 5 {} as: s Aft S’ 3 *A Tous pºev ext/pous, étrºped ſov epºol. the enemy, and to harass Iſles 3. º *A * /* 3. e as 5 &\\' Taijta. où Tiberal Tap vpuu els But these things are not treasured up by you for 5 /*A A. 5 (N* ey *\ 9 M dikpuffſ, pump.mu ovo jv Tpoorfikev ćpyńv, careful remembrance Or proper resentment, M J. & dAN& Tuvi (banj)\p éðel, Šešćkate ToMAºv but through evil Custom you have given great 5 A. an Af e /* de éčovoríav Tºp 8ov)\opewg inrookeNíčeuv license to any one wishing to supplant V a \ /* A. KOLL ovkoſhavteſv TOly Aéyoutd. and calumniate the man who says * e - A. 5 A. W Tu Töv Úpºv orvpubépôvTaju, divta)\\attópºevou Tö what is to your interest, bartering away the A. an / an e 8 *A orvpubépov Tijs TóNeos Tms 'moov")s interests of the city for the pleasure * A. 5 N *A Af Kat Xaputos €7TU Taºs \ovéoptats and delight there is in (hearing) revilings; A. e an / 5 M 3. / 5 M övóTep figów éo Tu kai dorſha)\éo repov dei because & easier it is and safer always as a", * as •A pºvo-flapwelv jirmperoëvro Toºs éxflpots m to take bribes in the service of the enemy than /* e / \ / e \ ToMTeijeo-flav ćAópºevov Tiju Tóðuv vTep to manage affairs having taken a stand in defence of ipov. you. *A ^ *A M *A' Kai Tô pºèv 8) (bavépôs ovvayovíčeoffat And that he quite certainly and evidently co-operated Af * an as V V qbu)\tTTg) Tpo Too ToMepweiv Šeuvöv pºèv, with Philip before the War was shocking, 8 108 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 6 yń kai fleot, yāp Tós oë ; O earth, and ye gods, for how could it be otherwise? M a Af / 3. 3. KOUTOL Tús Tatpíðos' 86te 8 GU, against his country | Yet allow him, if BoöNeo-0e, 36Te attá, Tooro. d)\' éirew8) you please, allow him. this. But when 3f V as * 3. / jöm Tó TNoia ºpavepôs éoreotſ\ºto, Il OW the ships had openly been seized, Xeppóvmoros étropffelTo, äuffpotos étropečeff Chersonesus was ravaged, the man was marching S \ M 3. V 5. A 5 ^ N Af €Ti Tàu ‘Attukùv, ovkét jv Tó Tpaypato. against Attica, no longer were affairs ev duºhuo'ſ mtmoriuq), dNA’ TóNepos in a state admitting of doubt, but Wall" évevo Tojkeu, ô Tu pév oùTos ô 86.0 kavos had begun, what . this malignant 5 /* / 5 y e M e * iap/8evodd yos Tótot’ &mpačev infép ipov, mouther of iambics ever did for you, 5 N 32 an 5 Q y O?J K OLIV eXot öeºat, ojö €OTUL, he would not be able to show, nor is there oùöèv lºſºvopa Aio Xium otte peºčov oit’ a resolution of Aeschines, great Or éAaTTov ÚTép Töv orvpuſhepóvtov Tij small, concerning the interests of the TóAet. ei 8é dºmoru State. But if he says (there is any such decree), let him *A / 5 *A 3 * ey 19101/ Ševčára) €ly Tg, eptºp 58atu. In OW show it during my time. > * 3. 3/ 5 / / di)\\ oùk éo Tuv oijöév. KOLUT OU, But there is no such an one. And yet one of 3. / 5 N a Af •A avaykm) OLUTOL) 8volv 0óTepov, 7) two things must be: either by reason / > y 5 M S an * / TOT eXovt p.mºv éyka)\eiv TOLS Tpattopºevous of his then having no fault to find with those things done itſ époo p?) ypºdeuv érepa by me, he abstained from proposing other measures DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 109 trapá Taoff’, ¥) (mToovta Tö orvpubépov contrary to them, or that, while pursuing the interests Tów éxflpöv, pº) (bépeuveis pºéorov of our enemies, he refrained from bringing forward T& dpetvo Toºtov. In ea.SUIreS better than these (of mine). º > 3 5 Q 5 y cy Ap’ oivojö’ é\eyev, . oortrep Did he then refrain from speaking also, aS he refrained 5 Q'º y e A. A. oùö’ &ypaſhev, 'muuka. TU, KOLKOl/ from proposing decrees when some mischief Af 5 Af / c \ * M 3' sº ôéow épyāoraq flat Üpºds; ov pºev ovv mu was to be worked against you ? Nay, rather, it was not possible eitréiv ćrépg). kai % TóAws, dis for another to speak. And the city, aS éoukev, Šávaff kai (bépelv Tó pºev d\\a it seems, was able also to endure other things kai ofºros Navt/divetv Trovãov: and this man to perform them without being detected; év 8 €irečelovd 3 &v8 'Affmvat S pyogato, o avopes 7)wallot, one thing he did, gentlemen of Athens, tovoorov, 6 étrét}}ke Té\os Tôoru as follows, which put the finishing stroke on all Tots Tpotépous’ Tepi où his former achievements; concerning which divoj\oore toys ToMAoûs X6.yovs, 8tečudºv he expended many words, rehearsing \ * / *A 5 A. TOL 66).pdata TC)ly Apºptororéov the decrees concerning the Amphissian as *A c / 3. /* . Töv Aokpóv, Cr) S ôvao Tpéliov rā)\mflés. Locrians, in order to pervert the truth. *\ 3. > * A 3. / 5 Af 3. TO 8 OU TOUOUTOI/ EOTU . Töffew ; où8étrot But the affair is not of this nature. How can it be 2 Never ot, €icvilev Tākeſ. Teſtpaypewa oravſø. will you wash out the remembrance of your performances there; oùx oëto ToMAá čpets. you will not say enough for that. I 10 IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 2 5 e ex • y 9 £º Evavtſov 6 ju6v, 6 divöpes Affmvatou, And in your presence, gentlemen of Athens, a \ M \ Af ka)\6 travta's rows fleobs kai trooros, I invoke all the - gods and all the goddesses, ey ... 3 M 3. V M OOTOL éxovov Tºv ATTuköv Tiju Xópav, as many as possess (guard) the Attic land, M A 3. cM KOLl, Töv ATóN\o Töv II ºffvov, OS and Apollo the Pythian, who • A *A A. N Tatpóós éo Tu Ti, TóNeu, kai étreiſkop at is the father-god of our city, and I implore A as 3. M y 3. *A TOUTOLS TO.Oru, ev pºev evºroupºu &\m0ſ, them all, if I shall speak the truth \ e gra *A A 5 º 5 M 5 Tpos vpos KOLL TOT" e L7T"Oly eijff)s €1) to you as then also I immediately (spoke it) before *A A cy a 3. \ Tg) êmuſp, O7"e Tp(0Tov eiðov TOUTOI/U, the people, the very moment I saw this \ \ e Tov putapov citrópºevov Toºtov Too Wretch engaging in this / M y 5 A 3y Tpdypatos (yöp &yvov, eú0éos éyvov), work, (for I perceived, instantly perceived it,) *A *A öooval pºol eiſtuxtav kai orotmptav, So may they grant me favor and protection, 3 Q \ * 3/ is c/ S ei öé Tpos éxÉpav m €1/€K. and if with malice Or on account of *A 3. ióias bu)\ovelkias €ird yo levöſ, airíav personal enmity I bring a false charge *A 5 / A. Af toūrg), Tovmoral pºe avovntov 7TOLI/76) 12 against this man, so may they deprive me of all Töv dyatºv. blessings. / º * > 3. A. *A TÉ OUI/ TavT etmpapal KOLU, Why, then, have I made these imprecations and 8 / e V *A ey veTeuvopºmu OUTC)O", ordoëpós; OTU asseverations SO assuredly 2 Because, \, y 2 * kat eXov ypgppeat keipeva èv Tó although I have documents lying in the I) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 111 êmpoorig, ëć dºv oradôs public archives, from which I shall clearly 3. Af a 3. M 3. \ étudetša, Tovt , KOLL eiðd)s prove these asseverations, and though I know iſpás pumpovetſovras Tö. Teſtpaypeva, you remember the facts, (bo600pav čkéïvo, pi) of ros ūTo)\mböſ, I fear that, lest this man should be considered é\dºttov Tôv Kaków too insignificant (to have accomplished) the evils eipyao pewov at Tø 6trep Tpórepov ovvé8m, done by him ; 3.S before happened, cy 5 Af V A. /* ôte étoimorev Toys taxattraºpovs q}okéas when he caused the . unhappy Phocians dToMáoffat dTayyei Aas Tà levöſ, öeop’. to be destroyed by making false reports to you. M *A / *...*- 3. 5. Af sº yöp Töv TóNepov čv "Apºpto-orm, 8. For the War at Amphissa, On account of ôv dºt\varros j\ffe eis EX6'Telav kai which Philip Cà,I\}{2 into Elateia, and 3. ey 6: Af e W - a 8t OP jpéthm 7)eptov Tov on account of which he was chosen leader of the 5 cº / cy 5 / cy 5 M Apºpuktvóvov, Ös divetpelle OLTTOLLWT TOL Amphictyons, which ruined everything fº e As ºn , 5. º TCO ly ENNºvov, OUTOS €OTTUL, O of the Greeks, this fellow is the one who ovykarao-kevdoras kai eis divip helped him get it up and more than any other man has been attvos Távrov Tów peytotov kaków. the cause of all OUll” greatest calamities. * 3. * / 3 5 /\ \ A. KOLU epov TOT eijëi)s öuapaptvpopévov And when I at that time immediately protested “A ex s * 3. Af & 4 3. Af kai. Boðvros év tá, ékk\moríg evorayevs * and exclaimed in the assembly— “You are bringing / 5 M 5 V 3. /* TóAepov €LS Tiju ‘Attuki)w, Aüo Xium, 2, W2, l’ into Attica, Aeschines, 112 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. º Apuſhuktvovuków an Amphictyonic ovykathjpevot sitting with him of 8” and the rest éðaðuašov wondered Aéyeuv, speak, Keviv an idle 3y éxflpav. enmity. Af étrºyeuv was bringing € that I 8vá. out of ºforus real character M > CN / Töv ibíav personal / yeyove W2LS º a Ath)valov, of Athens, A KOLL and Toºtov of those M KOLL and Tós how ^ 39 (t) divöpes gentlemen Af ovved-kevºorth) were gotten up dikoúorate, hear, ôleorte you will see a Tyul/ Il OW 3. V étrévô) since kai yóp Tp6. for pºol. M KOLU, and peyd'Aa you will be greatly Töv kolvöv, Af io Toptav of public affairs, the investigation jv there was 5 €ly Tô Đu)\{mtg. in Philip, / - 33 TóNepov war ’’— / ék Tapak)\ºjoreos by invitation you were prevented that the affair dqeXºjoſeo be V * KOLL and Af 6edoreorge. you will observe. e * ou pºev those 3. S/ OUK 60,0)]/ pſe would not let me M e /* kai ÜtreMap/8avov and Supposed s A. * fºx OLUTUOLI/ avTQ charge against him g cy S’ e 7Tus 'm However, what the an / Tøv Tpaypatov, transactions, éveka Tivos Taota for what purpose they émpdxth), they were accomplished, Tóte: then ; M orvureflev, concerted, Tpös for éka)\ºthyte eij was well assisted by it cy p OO"7) 8 €LIV otm S what craftiness Oük jv (BuAttritº) trépas ow8’ data)\\ay) too Philip could not finish Il OF get rid of the ToMeuov Tpós juás, ei p'i) trovſjoreve War with you, unless he made ©m8oſovs kai GerraNoës éx?poès Tū the Thebans and Thessalians enemies to the / \ 5 M Af an e A. TóNev. d)\\d. kavſtep Tov vpletepov, state. But, although your Töv otpatm'yov ToMepotſvtov aúrá generals fought against him. DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 113 9 A. *A *A cy e 5) * /* &0\tos kai kakós duos ūT' Too To)\epov without fortune or skill, yet from the War” *A \ a's pº, 3. aúToo kai Tôv \mo Töv ćirao Xe pupia itself and the plunderers he suffered infinite 2 V y 5 A. 3. V KOLKOU. 'yap OUTE éðyero oùöèv damage. For he neither could export any an A. *A TG) 19 'yvyvopºevov ék Tms Xópas of the produce from his own country 3/ 5 > /* º 3. as 3 3 * º V OUT evo-mºyeTo Gº)l/ e3eir avtºp' mv 8è Il Or could he import what he needed ; and he was / 3/ > / *N TOTe OUT Kpett Tov juðv €v at that time neither superior to you at a Af 3/ > & an s Tſ, 6a)\dtrn OUT 8vvarðs éAffeiv eis Sea, IOOI’ was he able to invade * 3. \ z * 3 Töv 'Attuköv pºſte Getta)\6v ćko)\ov6oiſvtov Attica if neither the Thessalians joined his march / pºffre ©m/3atov ôuvévrov. In Or the Thebans gave him a passage; / \ 5 * * *A /* ovvé8auve 3e airó, Kpatovvtv Tô ToMeuq) it was his fortune, though victorious in war & V y * Toys otpatmºyo's 6Tovovoróñtroff ipei's OVer the generals, such indeed as you 3. / zº * 5 ex * / an éčetréatrete (yúp é@ Tootó ye), kakotaffeiv sent Out (for I pass this), to suffer losses an 3 * *A - *A *A Tſ, biſorel airfi Too Tótrov kai Tôv by the very nature of the locality and the º p 3. * cy 5 jTapxóvtov čkatépous. ei pºev oſſºv €1/6K circumstances of each party. If then, because of *A i8 / y Af *N Tās ibías ext/pas orvpareſtov his personal enmity, he were to try to induce either V •N \ A Tovs Getta)\oys 7) TOUS ©m3atovs the Thessalians Of" the Thebans 8 / 5 : 3) & e- e * 38 / Bačíſeuv éd’ (p.6s, ºyeiro ojöéva to join in marching against you, he thought that no one A. * * 2_ _^. 3 \ V W Tpooréeuv Töv votiv airó' éðv 8é Nagóv would pay any attention to him ; but if, taking up 114 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. M /* /* as Tós éketvov kouvâs trpoqbāorews aipeffi, pretexts in which they were concerned, he should be chosen e v y e e- ºyepov, j\tTuče pgov general, he expected that he would with comparative ease W M trapakpoiſored that To pºev, give the scales an unfair lift for his own advantage in some cases, Teſoreuv Tô 8é. Tí obv ; étuxeupel, and persuade in others. What then 2 He attempts, A' 3. 3. º as A' 6edoraorff Cº) S €v, Toufioral TóNepov observe how cleverly, to make 3, W8, tº an > A. \ / *A & Tots 'Appuktúooru kai Tapaxmu Tepi Tàu for the Amphictyons and a disturbance at the - /* e / IIv\aíav: yöp eis Taijt’ jTeXóp/80-yev Pylaea; for thereupon he thought 5 W 5 /\ \ A. e * OLUTOUS eijff)s Señoreo-flav airtoo. they would immediately address him with entreaties. 3. V *N as 2 ei pºev Toivvy Tus m Tóv iepopump.6vov Now, if one of the commissioners of religious rites, Af 3. an º an Tepºtropºevov Tap éavrot, q) TG) ly who were sent by himself Ol' Af 5 As 5. a / *A 5 / O'vpupaxov €K6 Lly Oly evo-myovro Tovto, évópºuſe his allies, introduced this subject, he thought . * V Af \ *A KQ, TOUS 69,780 tows KOLL TOUS that both the Thebans and the V / as w ©erraNoijs intróleo-0av Tó Tpaypa kai Thessalians would suspect the thing and / / º 5 ºn 5 as Tövtas ºbvXóšeo-0au, āv 8 fi Affmvaſios would all be on their guard, but should it be an Athenian * an W 3. *A ô rooro Touðv, KOLL Tap ju6v who did this, and (one sent) from you — ſº e A. > / º Tov v^Tevolvtuayv, eijirôpos Anjoretv who were opposed to him, it would easily pass unnoticed ; cy arº º otep ovvé8). TG) S of v čTotmorev and thus it turned out. How, them, did he effect a sº g *A A. º *\ M Tavt ; pivot obtav TOUTOI/ L. où8évôs 8è, his purpose ? He hires this man. No one, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 115 oiu.au, Tpoetóóros Tô Tpaypºa oijöé I believe, being aware of the thing OW’ divXóTTovtos, dºor rep Tà Touaora evote attending to it, just as such things are WOnt /* 3. € a º \ yūyveoffat Tap' ºpºv, of Tos Tpog)\mbels to be done among you, this man, having been nominated Tv)\dyopas kai Tpuðv ) Tetrapov as Pylagoras and three Ol' * four Xelpotovno divtov aúTöv àveppſthm. having held up their hands for him, was declared elected. djs 8& Nagov to détopa Tſis TóNeos When, with all the prestige of the city > /* 3. V 3. / dqikeTo eis Toijs Apºpuktúovas, about him, he arrived among the Amphictyons, 3. * \ W A 3/ 5 dqets kai Tapuãov Tóvta. Tā)\\", having dismissed and neglected all other things, 5 5. A. º º 5 / eTepauvev ép ois épºvo 660m, he accomplished those things for , which he was hired, * 3. / A \ A cy kai editpooróTovs Nóyovs kai pºffovs 66ev and pretty stories and fables, as to how e /* /* A. 77 Kuppaia, Xopa. kaffueptºth), the Cirrhaean territory came to be consecrated, orvuffets kai. 8večext?dºv, Teffew divöpdºrovs having invented and related, he persuades II] CIl direipovs Nóyou kai oiſ Tpoopop.évows to unused to speeches and unsuspicious of the / M e A / pºov, toūs iepopºvipovos, mºbio-aortat consequences, the Hieromnemons, to vote an - N / cy • 6: W Tepve)\ffeiv Tmu Xopav mu ou pºev to make a survey of the country which the 3. an 3y º *A 3 ex Apºpto-oré's épaorav oſſo av ordów aiſtóv Amphissians said WàS their own 'yeop yetv, of Tos Sé jtuato eival to cultivate, but (which) he charged to be (was) ths iepās Xópas, Tów (a portion) of the sacred tract, though the 116 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. *A $ / Af e * Aokpóv étrayóvrov ow8eptav Šíkmu ºpiu, Locrians were not instituting any suit against us, 3 Q 3 eX º *A / où8 di otºros vov trpoda.oriſetau, Il OI’ (threatening) what he HOW pretends they were, • *A º a oùk Aéyou d\mbº. yv6oreo-fle 8 ékéiffev. not telling the truth. But you will perceive from this fact. 3. *A a * oùk évºv ömſtrov TOLS Aokpots It was fiot possible, of course, for the Locrians / A. *A * / y TeXéo-aortav Šíkmv kata Tſis TóAeos divew to bring an action against the State without Too Tpoorka)\éo-aortav tís of v čk\mfrevorev Summoning us to appear. Who, then, summoned *A \ a 3 M *\ ºpós : étri Toías dipx?s; eitrè Töv us 2 In whose archonship 2 Tell us the /* 3. 5 *A 3y eið6ta, öeléov. 3)\\’ owk &v éxous, man who knows of it; point him out. But you cannot; 3. \ Af *A /* *A &\\ó Taºrm kevi. Tpoq d'orew , katexpó but this was an idle plea that you presumed upon M as as 3. / Af kai levöel. Töv "Apºbuktvövov toivvv and a false one. While the Amphictyons, then, V º / karð Töv jºbjymorºv Tiju Toitov Tepwóvtov at the instance of this man made a survey of v \ A. Töv Xópav, oi Aokpot aſpoo Teoróvtes the territory, the Locrians fell on them, *A V cy W \ pukpoo pew karmkóvtwo av ćtravtas, Tuvas be and well nigh speared them all, and some * as A Af KOLL Töv iepopump.6vov ovvmptraorav. also of the Hieromnemons they carried off captive. º: * - cy 3 . . Af 3. A. W (a) S 8’ &ta ék Towtov ćyk\muata kai When Once, after this, complaints and A > Af \ M > zº TóNepos érapdxth) Tpos toūs ‘Apºpuoroets, Wral" 2 were stirred up against the Amphissians, V \ an y V to pew Tpótov ć Kóttvdos ſyaye otpatvāv at first Cottyphus led an army *A 3. A * * e 5 e M Töv 'Apichuktvövov avròv, djs 6' oi pºev of the Amphictyons themselves, but as SOIſle DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN. 117 oùk ºffow, oi 8' N 06vtes étrotovu ow8èv, did not come, and those who did come did nothing, oi kateo Kevao pºevou, kai Tovmpol Taxat those who were prepared and traitors of old Töv (betta)\ów kai Tôv év Taºs d\\als of the Thessalians and those in the other TóAeorv #yov eis Tºv čTuovo av cities took measures against the ensuing A. 3 N. N - / Tv)\atav €7TL Töv PíAuſtratov assembly (for hastening the matter) to Philip & / 5. V ^ 3. A 5 / ? jºyepwéva eith)s. kai eiMfdbeorav et Móyovs as general forth with. And they had formed fair A. W 3/ as º Tpopdorets' yap &baorav Šeiv pretexts; for they said it was necessary either 3. V 5. Af M /* OLUTOUS eio dépetv kai tpébeuv, that they themselves should contribute and support §évows kai (muvoov Tovs pº) Trovoovtas mercenaries and punish those not doing Taira, à aipeio-flav čkéivov. TÉ this, OF to choose him. (general). What *A Af M M M 3. A 8éſ Aéyetv Tô Tro)\\d. ; 'yap €K TOUTG)1/ need to speak many words? For, thereupon, e A. e A. & V * 59 jpéth) 77'yepov. Kou pºeta Tavt he was chosen general. And after this, eijfféos orvX\éas ôſvapu kai immediately collecting a force and W c 3 & V /* TapeN6ów GOS étri Tiju Kuppatav, smarching professedly against Cirrhae, éppóo-flat bpdoras ToMAó. Kuppatous kai having bidden a long farewell to the Cirrhaeans and Aokpots, kata)\ap/8&vel T) v 'EXciteway. Locrians, he seizes Elateia. ei pºev of v, djs eiðov toot', oi Om/3atov If then, when they saw this, the Thebans pi) eijfféos pºetéyvoorav kai had In Ot immediately changed their minds and 118 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 4. éyévovto pºeff' juðv, âtav Tooro sided with us, this whole Tô Tpaypºa &v eiorétéore dotep Xelp dippovs eis thing would have fallen like a torrent upon V Aſ * M Af > 5 /* Túv TóAuv' wov Šē Tó y' éčaíbums the State ; but as it was, for the moment at least, ékéïvov étréo Xov aúrðv, pºvo-tapév, they checked him, principally, indeed, *5 y 3. * s A. N *A 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, eúvoig tuvos fleów gentlemen of Athens, by the favor of some god Tpös iſpás, eito. pºevtov kai, towards uS, and then, however, and, cy 3 cy Sy V 3. OOTO]/ kaff €va divöpa, kai Öt So far as it could rest with any one, through 3. A \ A. * V A M épé Öos 6é pou Taira Tà. 86)pata kai me to O. Give II]6. these decrees and toūs Xpóvows év ois écaorta Témpaktau, the dates of the several transactions, cy º 3 Q a C / A. cy Ul/ eióñte j\ika Tpaypata aúrm in order that you may know What mischief this e M M / 3. 77 pulopa keda)\?) Tapdéaora oùk éðake pestilent Creature has stirred up, yet has not paid ôíkmv. Aéye pot Tö 86 ypºata. the penalty. Read II) 62 the decrees. AOTMA AMCDIKTTONON. THE DECREE OF THE AMBEIICTY ONS. “ Under the priest Clinagoras, at the spring / & y an / Tv)\aías éðoče TOLS Tv)\ayópous Congress, it has been resolved by the deputies \ an A. *A 5 Af kai Tols ovvéðpots Töv 'Appuktvövov, and the councillors of the Amphictyons, V * *A *A 3. a KOLU, TG) Kouvg) Töv 'Apºſhuktvövov, and by the assembly of the Amphictyons, DEMOSTHENES ON THE, CROWN. 119 3. M 5 * 5 Af 5 * étrévô) Apºpuoroets €TuSaivovoruv €7TL seeing that the Amphissians trespass upon Túv iepāv Xópav kai O'Teipovort the sacred territory and sow it kai katavéuovoruv Bookſjuaoru, Toys and pasture their cattle on it, that the / ‘A *A A. 3. an Tv)\ayópovs kai toys ovvéðpovs être) fleiv deputies and the councillors do enter thereupon M /* V cy /* /COLL êua)\afteſv toys Špovs O'Tºols, and mark at intervals the boundaries with pillars, kai direuteiu Tois 'Apºpto-oreoow Too Novºroo and enjoin the Amphissians for the future \ 3. /* . 92 pº) étruſ&aivetv." not to trespass.” ETEPON AOTMA. ANOTHER, DECREE. 4 & 9 M e Af / 3. *A Etti tepéos KXelvayópov, eapuvms “ Under the priest Clinagoras, at the spring /* 3/ * Af Tv)\aías, éðoče TOLS Tv)\ayópous Session, it has been resolved by the deputies M /* / *A 3. Af kai Toſs ovvéðpots Töv 'Apºpuktvövov and the councillors of the Amphictyons, kai Tó Kouv6 Töv 'Apºbuktvövov, and by the assembly of the Amphictyons, 3. \ c 5 * 5 / / étrévô) OU éć 'Apºpto-orms katavelpºdpºevot seeing that the people of Amphissa ‘having apportioned Töv iepāv Xópav 'yea'pyotoru the sacred territory (among them) are cultivating it kai véuovo v Bookºuata, kai ko)\vópevow and feeding cattle upon it, and though being forbidden Toueiv tooto, Tapayevópwevow év Tots 6TNous, to do this, having come to arms, A \ Af N N A. kekøNúkao'e petà Bías To kowow orvuéðptov have stopped with force the general council *N e A. W V Af TC01/ E\\ºvov, kai. Sé TeTpavpdatukaot Of the Greeks, and have also wounded 120 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. V Af *\ 5 £8 *A e A’ Tuvâs, KóTTvſhov Töv 'Apkóða, Töv jpmp. 5 \ M e (8 TO Tpatteuv TOLUT éti Tôv ENAdôa. namely, to carry out these plans against Greece \ W - Af M º * KOLL TOUS ©m,3atovs KOLL vplas, and the Thebans and you, Tpooretroveſto èë Towev Kouvâ. while he pretended that he was carrying out the general interests \ • * 3. kai 86&avta Toſs ‘Apºpuktúoort. Ó Sé and the resolutions of the Amphictyons. And the man who V s a". V 3. & * Tapao Xów anytó Taºſtas Tós diſhoppºds kai furnished him these facilities and tàs Tpopdorews ºv of ros. Aéye. pretexts was this man. Read. EIIIXTOAH. | THE LETTER. [“ pi Attritos 8aortNet)s Makeóóvov toºs “Philip, king of the Macedonians, to the * as * 8mp woup'yoºs kai Tois ovuéðpovs Tów magistrates and the council of the év tº ovppaxig IIeMoTovumorſov kai traoru confederate Peloponnesians and to all * y / / 3. \ toſs dANots orvppºxovs Xaipeiv. čirew8) the other allies, greeting : Whereas Aokpot oi ka)\otiplewoº 'OſóNau, karovkobvres the Locrians, called Ozolian, dwelling 122 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. év Apºpto-orm, TAmppexotoruv eis Tö in Amphissa, commit sacrilege against the ispöv too ‘AtróA\ovos too €v AeAſhots, kai temple of Apollo at Delphi, and 5 A. 3. cy *A M épxópevow pºeff & TNov \em)\atovov Tiju coming with 3. I’IllS despoil the e V Af A. 3. º * iepāv Xópav, 800Xopal pºeff vpov sacred ground, I propose together with you * a *A \ 3. A. M 8omffeiv Tó fleſ) kai dipºvao-flav Toys iO SucCOr the god and to repel those /* A * 5 *A Tapaſaivovtd.s TU, TC01/ évore/36v who violate any of those things held sacred év divöpóTovs 60te ovvavtate però. among men ; wherefore meet me with * cy 3. N / 3/ 3. * Tów 37Aov eis Tiju Poköa, éxovres étuottwo pov 3.1"I]]|S in Phocis, having provisions Tetrapdikovta juépôv, Too Évéo Tótos pºvěs for forty days, during the present month Agov, dis jue's dyopaeu, djs 8é 'Affmuoſov, of Lous, as We reckon, and as the Athenians, gº e * A. / Bombpopuðvos, djs 8é Kopivövou, Tavijuov. Boedromion, and as the Corinthians, Panemus. Tots 8e pº ovvavtſo aoru Tavömpet Those who do not assemble with all their forces Xpmorópºeffa [Tots 8e orvp/8otſ\ovs juiv we will treat / 3. /* 5. a 55 keupévous] étuºmptovs. eijrvXéïre.”] as subject to the usual penalties. Farewell.” e * A3 cy M V 5 QN / * / Opā0' 6tt (beiſyet pév tás ibías impod dorets, You see that he avoids private pleas, / V 5 ^ 5 V Af katabetſyev Šē eis Tās ‘Apºpuktvovukås. Tís and has recourse to an Amphictyonic. Who, º º Af 3 * *A Olyly O orvpatrapa.orkevooras avTg) Tovta ; then, was it that helped him to arrange this? /* e 5 2 Af M / TLS O évôoſs taſtas Tās Tpod doreus; Who was it that lent him these excuses 2 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 123 rís ô airvos pºd Morra Tów kaków Who is it that is most to blame for the misfortunes Töv yeyev muévov; oux oùTos; ph that have happened P Is it not this man 2 Do not, / / Af 3 y 3. * Toívvu Teputóvres Aéyéte, á divöpes Affmvatov, then, go about and say, gentlemen of Athens, djs jºb’ vös divöpóTov ) ‘EAAós Tétouffew that by OL16. IIla, Il Greece has suffered an º c 5 e ‘A 3. º e *A TOLOLUTOL. ovX jºb évôs, d\\ 1977"O such things. Not by One man, but by ToMA60 kai Tovmpôv Tóv trap' ékóo Tows, 6 yń many . miscreants in every state, O, earth kai fleoſ eſs Öv oùroo’i, and ye gods; one of whom is this man, (Aeschines cy 3. A. 3. * 5 *A Ov, ei Séow eitreºv TóAmffès was one of them) whom, were it fitting to speak the truth * Af V >y 5 *A 3. A' eij\agm0évra pºměèv, éyòye očk áv Ókvijo-aupt without any scruple, I should not hesitate 3 as A 3. / * € / €LTT6:Ul/ KOLI/OI/ d'Avriptov OLTTOLUTC)1/ to call the common pest of all that has been *A V *A 5 A . 5 Af / Töv pºeta Taura ditroMoMátov, divt/p6trov, Tótrov, subsequently lost, men, places, TóAeov' yap 6 Tapao Xów to otéppa, cities; for the man that furnished the seed, oùTos attvos Tów ºvtov. ôv he is responsible for the crops. From whom c/ 3. V 5 ſ) \ 3. / OTTOS oùk . Totè eijffès iöövtes that you did not, 3.S SOOD 8.S 62W €I’ you saw him, S. A. Af M e Sy direo Tpadºmte, 0avpd ſo twºv dis &oukev, turn away in disgust, I wonder ; only, 3.S it seems, éorri trap juiv ToMº to orkóTos Tpo Tºms there is with you a thick cloud OVer' the &\mbetas. truth. / /* e /* * Xvp/8é8mke TOLL/U19 pºol dilapwévg. TC019 It has so happened now, that, having touched upon the 9 124 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. tre+paypºvov Totºrg, kata Tůs Tarpiðos things done by this man against his native land, 3 as 3. cy 5 * /* dqixflav €US O. O.U.T.O.S TetroXttevpal I have arrived at the part I myself took in a public capacity A. el évautvoiuevos TOUTOLS" CL in opposition to these things; which, *N R cy s •N 5 Af s Aº / ToMAóv pºev čvek OLD 6LKOTG)S OLKOUOTOLUTE for many reasons, it is fair that you should hear Plov, p.d. Muota 8’ ôtu aio Xpóv éo Tuv, from me, and especially because it would be a shame, º y 3. as 5 5 M M c / 6 divöpes Affmvalov, ei éyò pºev vTepwelvo. gentlemen of Athens, when I have undergone Tà épya Tóv Tóvov Útěp ip6.u, üpels the toil of exertions on your behalf, you 8è più'ěé divéeorge Toys A6-yovs adrów 'y e should not even bear the recital of them. W e a 5 M Af ^ M M c a 'yöp Špóv éyò 0m3aíovs, oxeóðv 6é kai úpas, For seeing the Thebans, and I may also add, you, JTö Töv (bpovočvrov Tö. through the influence of those seeking the interest A. M A. 3. 5 Af qbu)\{TTov KOLL ôved,0appevov Tap ekatepous, of Philip and corrupted in each state, a V 5 QN V 7 & A. Tapopóvra's kai oijöè kaff Év ºbvXatropévows overlooking and not at all guarding against cM M ^ *\ 5 Af * O pºev 'm v do/Sepov dipºpotépous kai what W3. S dangerous to both and öeópevov Tox)\fis (bv)\akfis, To av deserving of much vigilance, namely, permitting Töv PíNutrirov aúčáveo-flat, 8è Philip to increase in strength, but on the contrary éroipos éxovtas eis éxópav kai ready for enmity and *A Af 3. Af A. *A to Tpoorkpoiſeuv d'AA'j)\ous, 8veréAovv Tapatmpôv collision with each other, I continually watched e gº ôtra's Tooto pº) yewotto, oùk p.6vov that this might not be, In Ot only DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 125 a * A e Af dtrö täs épavtoo yudºpams intoxap/83 vou because in my own judgment I deemed Taora orvpdépew, dAN' eið0s ‘Apo Todóvra this to be expedient, but knowing that Aristophon, M A. S/ Af *A / kai Ta)\iv EijSov)\ov Tavta Tov Xpovov and again Eubulus, had always Af ^ Aſ W A, BovXopaevows Tpača, Tatºrmv Tàu ht)\tau, desired to bring about this friendship, M / 5 /* e * M KOLU, ToMAókus divtu)\éyovras Šavroſs Tept and while they were frequently opposed upon as >y 5 / C *A * / Yº, Töv d\\av det Öployvopovoovras Toot". other matters were always agreed upon this. eM gº W \ º / A. oùs @vta's pºèv ori), 6 kivaēos, kokakeiſov Men whom, while living, you, you fox, flattered A. 3. 3. 3. / es trapmko)\otſflets, 6' oijk ato-flavet karmyopów and closely followed, yet do not See that you are accusing - cM Teffvédèrov: 'yö. OL éturupºs them when they are dead; for in what you charge upon époi trepi 60m/3atov, karmyopets €ketvov IY] e concerning the Thebans, you censure them M a *A 5 an *A A. *A troXi) pa)\\ov ºff €poo, Tóv Tpórepov ºff much IOC, Ore than me— who SOOIléI’ than éyò Šokupaordurov taſtnu Tàu orvppaxiav. I approved that alliance. 5 3. 3. / 5. an cy Af M d'AA' étraveupºu ékéſore, otu. Tovtov pºev But I return to that point: that when this man / M A. 3 3 Af Tovmoravtos Töv TóNepov čv 'Apºptoro m, had stirred up the War in Amphissa, as W sy * *A Tów Śē d)\\ov TGOU ovvepyov and the others, his coadjutors, orvpatepavapiévov attá têv čxôpav Tpos had helped him in establishing the animosity with ©m/8aíovs, ovvé8m Töv PvNúTTov čAffeiv the Thebans, it happened that Philip C3, ITT 6. 3. e *A º e. º éd, 7)|10|S, of Tep Šveka OUT OU, against UlS, for which object these men 126 LEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. & A - 3. ovvékpovov Tós TóNews, KOLU €l, brought the states into collision, and if we had not Tpoećavéortmuev pukpov, roused ourselves a little beforehand, we should an c - ow8 &v éðvvoſtºmpey diva)\apeiv aijto'ſs. not have been able even to recover ourselves. ce gº oùto pexpt tróppo oùTou Tpoſſya you So far had these men carried * 3, 3. º 3. º sy Töv čxôpav. évois 8 mte 78m their enmity. But in what condition you were at that time *\ \ 5 2 3. Af Tô Tpös d\\?\ovs, OLKOUOTOLUTES in respect to your relations to each other, having heard M fº / V * Tovtovi Tôv limſbuopºd Tov kai Tôv ćtokptoreov, these decrees and answers, y ..ſº *A etored-fle. Kai Aagov Aéye Taota pºol. you will know. Take and read them to me. WHKDIXMA. DECREE. « » * S/ e $6 ce {}; [“’ Ett öpxovros Hpotēffov, &rm bffivovros “In the archonship of Herapy thus, on the twenty-fifth pumvös éAadm8oNuóvos, Epex0míðos pu)\ms of the month Elaphebolion, the Erechtheian tribe Tpvravevočorms, yv6ºpſ) Bov)\ms kai presiding, by the advice of the Senate and otpatmyov, Étretó) pi\vittos karei)\m be enerals: Whereas Phili has taken possession g p d's pºèv TóNews Tów do Tvyettóvov, Tuvâs 6é Tropffet, of certain cities of our neighbors, and is besieging others, keda)\aíg 8& Tapao keväſeral Tapayúyveo-0at and in short is preparing to advance 3 M * 9 M 3. 3 Q A e A’ €7TU, Túv Attukňv, trap' ow8èv jyotſuevos against * Attica, setting at nought A. Tös ºperépas orvythſkos, kai étruſ&d'A\eral Ollf treaty, and his intending . DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 127 - \ V 3. Afteuv toos épkovs Kai Tàu eipſumv, to break his oaths and the peace, A \ M / 8 8 A. Tapaſaivov Tós Kouvâs Tío Tets, e66x0aw in violation of our common engagements, it has been resolved Th 8ovXfi kai Tô 8%ug tréateuv Tpos by the Senate and the people to send to * \ Af ce A. º * avrov Tpéo &ets, ottuves 8va)\éovtat autó him ambassadors, who shall confer with him M Af M kai Tapaka)\éorovo.uv autov p.d.)\vota pºév and exhort him by all means if possible as * M öuatmpeiu Túv Špačvouav Tpos ſpas kai to maintain his relations of amity with UIS and \ / > S v N. *A A. Tâs orvuſhikas, ei Šēpº), 300wat Xpóvov his agreements, and if not, to give time *A Af *\ V Af V Tſ) Tó)\et Tpós Tö 8ov\eijo-aortal kai to the commonwealth for deliberation and troviſoraorbat Tós divoxas pºexpt too pumvós to conclude an armistice until the month a e :* as 6apym)\vövos. tipéthmorav €k Tºs Thargelion. There have been chosen from , the *A an 3. /* 3. BovXàs Xipios 'Avayvpdorvos, Eöfföömpos Senate Simus of Anagyrus, Euthydemus ge *A q}\vdorvos, BovXayópas ‘AAoteköffev.]” of Phlyus, Bulagoras of Alopece.” ETEPON VHópDXMA. ANOTHER, DECREE, 4 & 2 M y c A ce & A Etti dipxovtos Hpottiſbov, evm kal veg “In the archonship of Heropy thus, on the last day pumvös povvvywóvos, Yvºum ToMepºpxov, of the month Munychion, by the advice of the Polemarch : . étrévô ĐíAttritos étruſ&d)\\etav Katao Thoral Whereas Philip is aiming to put Om/3avóvs eis dAMorpuðrmta Tpós #pas, the Thebans at variance with ourselves, 128 1DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. trapeakeiſao Tau Sé kai Tapayúyveo-flav Tavri and has prepared to advance with his whole Tô otpatetipatv Tpós Tovs Tótrovs éyyuota army to the places nearest to * 5 an Af \ a ths 'Attukňs, Tapa/Saivav Tós orvuſhikas - Attica, violating the engagements e Aº * e a 3. a A. vTapxovoras Tpos mp as avT4), öeóóxflat that subsist between UIS and him, it has been resolved ga pº \ *A A a /* V Tſ) BovXfi kai Tô 6716 Téuthat Tpós by the Senate and the people to send to airów Kºjpuka kai Tpéo Bets, ottuves him. a herald and ambassadors, who dévºorovov kai Tapaka)\éorovov aúTöv shall request and call upon him Af *A 3. A. cy e Tovſjoraorbat Tas avoxas, OTTG)S O to make an armistice, in order that the /*A A. 3. /* ôňpos Bov)\eijo-mTau évôexoplewoos' people may take measures according to circumstances; kai yap vov où kérpuke Bombeiv for . as yet they have not determined to come to the aid év oijöevi Tôv perpíov. jpéth)orav ék in any ordinary circumstances. There have been ghosen from ths 8ov\ms Néapxos Xooruvépov, TIoMukpatms the Senate Nearchus son of Sosinomus, Polycrates > Af \ *A 3/ 5 Af ETúbpovos, kai kāpué Eivopos “Avaq))\to Tuos son of Epiphron, and for herald Eunomus of Anaphlystus, 3. * A. 33 ék Too Smuov.” from the people.” Aéye 87) kai Tàs dirokptorets. Read In OW also the anSWerS. ATIOKPIXIX AG)HNAIOIX. THE ANSWER TO THE ATHENIANS. [“ pi\vittos 8aoruMeys Makečávov tº “Philip, king of the Macedonians, to the DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 129 6ovXfi kai rô Smug, 'Affmvatov Xaipeiv T] p Oſ)p(, ºvalſ Xalpeuv. Senate and the people of the Athenians, greeting. cy Af cy sy *A 5 2 mu pév aipeouv etxete Tpós juas dit What intentions you had against Iłle from 3. a > * an M OpX?)s, oùk dyvoo, kaº riva ortovëv the beginning, I am not ignorant, nor what exertions Toweſort/e BovXópevot Tpoorka)\éoraorffat you are making with the wish to enlist on your side ©etta)\oys kai Om/3aíovs, ért Sè kai the Thessalians and Thebans, and still further, also Bovoroſs' autóv 8" 6é\tuov (bpovoúvtov the Boeotians; but since they are better advised & \ * A. A. M e * kai pº 8ovXopewov Tovſjoraorffat Töv čavrów and do not choose to regulate their cy 5 3 e as 5 V e A. aupeouv éb' juiv, &\\ó. wo-tapevov policy at your pleasure, but range themselves karð. Tö orvpuſhëpov, ipei's vov on the side of their own interest, you now, 5. º gº > / A. éć Štroo Tpodºms & Too Tei Mavres Tpós ple having turned round and having despatched tC) IOOle Tpéo &ets kai Kºjpuka pumpovetſete ovuffmrów ambassadors and a herald, talk of agreements M 3. an M 5 M 3. 3. M KOLl, airetorffe Tås divoxós, kar’ ow8èv and ask for an armistice, . although in nothing Af © 2 e a 5 M Af Trett)\ºmppe) muévot jºb ºpóv. éyò puévrov having been injured by Ill 62, I, however, 5 *A *A /* dikoúoras Töv Tpeo/8evrów ovykatatíðepal having heard your ambassadors, assent to toſs trapaka)\ovpuévous kai éroup.6s eipt troueto-flat what you ask for and am ready to make Tós divoxás, du Tep Tapatréualaures toūs oùk an armistice, if, having dismissed those who did not 3. * - / f * s / öpffös orvp/8ov\etſovtas Špºv déudo-mte rightly advise you, you will judge them deserving Tús Tpoorm coiſons drupcías. Öppoorffe.”] of a fitting disgrace. Farewell.” 130 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. ATIOKPIXIX (S)HBAIOIX. THE ANSWER TO THE THEBANS. [“ píAuttros 8aoruMeys Makeóóvov Tſ) “Philip, king of the Macedonians, to the *A ^ *A A' Af Aº BovXà kai Tô 87ſug. 6978atov Xaipevu, Senate and the people of the Thebans, greeting. ékopºvo dumu Tàu Tap' ip6v étuo Toxºv, Št is I have received your letter, in which 5 * M C V sy ãvaveotorffe Tjv Špačvouav Low kai Övros you renew amity with me and really * M 5 \ / TTOLéLT6: Töv eipſumu épºol. Tvvödvopal make peace with me. I learn, A. 8 / 3. {} as: A. *A pºevrov SvöTu 'Affmuatov Tpoordbépovta Tão-au however, that the Athenians are proffering all / C. es - Af c \ Aº (buxottputav Špiv 8ovXópevot juds yeuéo-0at honor to you, wishing you to become Af an º 3 ex orvykataívows toºs int' atyrów Tapaka)\ovpévous. abettors of their proposals. M º /* *A *A Tpórepov pleu oiv Kateytyvoorkov ºpiów étri Formerly, therefore, I was disposed to blame you Oſl * / / A 3. A. 5 A. Tó puéA\euv treiffeoffat Taºs éketvov čAtrior. the prospect of your being persuaded by the hopes they held out V 3. * *A / * a *A 2 kai étrako)\ovtſev tº Tpoaupéo et autóv. vov 8 and espousing their policy. But now, 5 M M e *\ 3y 5 / 3. / étrºyvoys Tā āpās éxelu è&mtm Kóras eipſumv having discovered you to have sought peace *\ t gº * º 5. an a Tpos juas pax)\ov ) étrakokovtſeiv tats with UIS rather than following the A. ºf A, cy A * 'yvopaus eTepov, jorðmu kai. p.6)\\ov counsels of others, I was rejoiced— €Well the more 2 * & *A M * / 3. earavuo vplas kató, troX\d, p.d. Morta 8 do I praise you for many reasons, and especially 5 W *A Aº M Af €7TU, Tô BovXeſorao-flat trept towTow because you have consulted in this business ** i).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 131 3. A. M \ y 5 3. / - V ãorda)\éo repov kai Tà éxeuv čv euvoig trpos in a safer way and preserve your attachment to e e- cy > Af 3/ e es 5 ºpas àtrep &\triča, otoreuv Úpºv ov me; which I trust will bring you IlO pukpāv fiotröv, Šáv Tep pleumte étri Tatºrms small advantage, if you persevere in that a - A. 3y 33 ths tºpofféoreos. &ppoorffe.” determination. Farewell.” "O på Nutritos owto 8waffeis rās TóNews Tpès Philip, having thus disposed the States towards 3. Af \ Af M 5. \ &\\ºj\as ôud Totºrov, kai étraptºets each other by these contrivances, and elated toūrous Tots mºbiopaoru kai Taºs & Tokptoreovu, by these decrees and answers, ^ 3/ M A M p jkev čxov Tiju Sövapºuv kai katéAa3ev Cà, ºn €. with his army and seized M 3. / e e an *A *A Töv 'ENdrewav, GOS ‘mpov KOLU, TC01/ Elatea, as if We and the ©m/8aíov où8 &v étu orvpatvewordvrov &v Thebans would never again conspire together, y /* 5 * V *A A. ev tu yevouro. dNA6 pºv Tóv 66pv6ov even if occasion should arise. But indeed the commotion orvp/8divta Tóte év tº tróNeu pév & Tavtes there was at that time in the city you all sy cy 5 5 A. *A LO"Te” optos 8 OLKOUOTOLT& Mukpo, know ; but yet listen to a few circumstances, 3. *A 3. aúTö tävaykauðrata. the most striking. º Aº M W 3 3. º & Eotrépa pºév yöp jv, 8’ Tus mke (os It was evening, and some one C3,11162 to V / s A. e * Af Tovs Tpvravels dyyá\\ov djs "ENdºreto. the Prytanes with the announcement that Elatea karei Anttau. Kai però, taota oi pºev had been taken. And after this SOIllé 5 M 3. A. M * eijff)s éčavao Tóvres perað Settvoovres immediately rising up in the midst of their meal, 132 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. éčelp you T’ roſs ék Töv orkmvöv Tów began driving the people from their booths kata Tiju dyopav kai évettipatpacrav Tó. in the agora, and set fire to the 'yeppa, oi Śē peretéu Tovro toos o Tpatmyoës sheds, and others sent for the generals V 3. Af \ * . M & kai ékd)\ovv Töv ora)\truktïw Kai º and summoned the trumpeter; and the / 3. / A. - *A 3 ¢ Af TóMs ºv TAſipms floptſ&ov. Tú 6 to repaig city WàS full of commotion. And on the following day, cy * & / e *A A. 5 / appa Tſ) mptepg. oi pºev Tpvtdveus ékóNovu early in the morning, the Prytanes summoned Tàu 8ovXºv eis to 8ov\evtſipuov, Üple's 8' the Senate to the Senate Chamber, and you 5 Af 5. M 5 Af M \ étropečeorge eis Tºv čkk\moríav, kai Tpiv Went to the assembly, and before ékeivnv Xpmpatío at Kai Tpoſłov)\eporat the senate had done any business and proposed any measure Tás Ó Smpos kaffnto divo. Kai the whole people had taken their seats above. And M *A e & * peta. TOLUTOL Cº) S 77 BovX5) after this, when the Senate 3. *A V e A. 3. Af eio ºffew kai oi Tpvrávels átrúyyev) av had entered and the Prytanes had reported Tô TpoormyyeXpreva èavroſs kai Tapſyayov what had been announced to themselves and presented Töv jkovra kákeſvos eitſev, 6 kmpué the courier and he had spoken, the crier 5. Af M & 4 A. A 3. A. 3 * ºpota pºev Tís Boö)\etal a yopewelu ; asked: “Who wishes to harangue the people?” 3. A º A. a M A -- ojöeſs 8 Topºet. Too Sé Kmpvkos But no one came forward. And though the crier épotóvros ToMAókus ojöèv påA\ov oijöeſs put the question repeatedly, none the more did any one diviortat', dardvtov pleu Töv otpatmyaov arise, though all the * generals IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 133 / A. V *A Af Tapovtov, diarávrov 8é TC01/ fimTópov, were present, and all the orators, *A 8 M £8 * * *A Af ths be trarpíðos Tū kouvī, ‘bovň ka)\otorms and our country with her common voice called for \ S *A º e V Af \ cº W Töv ćpoov6' 5"Tép oratmpias' yap ju bovňv Some one to speak for her safety; for the voice which c a 5 Af \ V / 6 kmpvé àqímori kata toûs vópous, the crier sends forth according to the laws, A' A. A. 5 e * N Taºrmv Šíkawów Śortuv ºyeloffat Kouvºv this it is just to consider the common voice * Af / 3. M sy V Tºms Tarpiðos. KOLUTOU, €t pºev éðel, TOUS of the country. And yet, if it was for those / aca M Af Bov)\oplewows oroffival Tyu TóAuv who wished for the safety of Old I? State an / e an M e sy Tape.Nffeiv, Tóvres jue's kai oi d\\ot to come forward, all you and the other 3. /* / <\ A' M \ Ath)valou dvao Toivres àv é8aôíčere étri Tô Athenians having risen up would have mounted the es ge N ^S > ey A. 3. £8mpa yöp oiâ’ 3rv Tavtes é8ovNeo-6e platform; for I know that you all desired • ‘M *A 3. M \ ovtmv oroflºvav GU, 8è TOUS her to be saved ; if those (would have come forward) - Af 3. V V TAovo-votdºrovs, oi Tpuakóo wov et Öe Tows of greatest wealth, the three hundred; but if those an \ y *A dpuſbótepa Tavta, KOLL 601/OUS Tſ) who were both these things, both loyal to the \ A. e W * TóNew kai TAovortovs, OU pºeta Tavra. state and wealthy, those who subsequently 5 / * Af 3. 8 / * étušávres Tās peyd'Aas etruoooreus gave the great voluntary contributions; M V 5 Ae \ / 3. / kai yap eijvoig kai TAoûrg, toimorau for by loyalty and wealth they did arº, 3) 5 2 e y s a e *\ Toot” di)\\ djs &oukev, kelvos ū kaupós this; but, a.S it seems, that occasion *A 3. Af e & Af 3. A. 3. A. Kai éketvm 7 ºpepa ČKö)\et ov pºdvov and that day called not only for 134 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. y W A 3y 5 V *A eijvovu Kai TAoûortov divöpa, d\\d. KOLL a loyal and rich mall, but also for trapmko)\ovt/mkóra toſs trpaypaoruv é: one who had closely followed the transactions from 3. a \ 5 a A. Cºp)(3)S, HCOLL öpffos ov)\\eXoyworpióvov the beginning, and had rightly inferred /* cy M A Af e f Tivos éveka kai Ti 3ovXópevos Ó pi\utſtros for what cause and with what object Philip tatt &mpattev yap ô pº) eið0s was thus acting; for the man who was ignorant of an º 3. 5 * Af TCLUT p.m3 éémtakós tróppoffew these matters Ił Ol' had studied them from far back 5 an 3/ 5 5 º >y 3/ 3 étupleMös, oùT'ei mºv €UlyOvs OUT carefully, not even if he were patriotic and not even ei TAoûorvos, où6èv påA\ov ćueAAév etored flat if rich, was any the more likely to know. cy M an 3 Q 3 cy / ô Tu Xp) Towelv odó čelv orvp/8ov\eiſelv what to do or to be qualified for advising € a 5. M /* 3. / º 3. ipºv. čyd) Toivvv éq divojv OUTOS el/ you. I then showed myself this man Oll 3. A. a € / M M º ékeivn tº ºpépg, kai TapeN66)v eitrov that day, and coming forward said eis iſpás, à dicoſorate pov to you what I beg you to hear from me Tpooro Xóvres Tov votiv 8volv čvek', évôs pºv, with your best attention for two reasons, one of which is, &M 3. Ul/ eiôte ôtu èyd) pºvos Tów that you may understand that I alone of your Aeyóvtov kai ToMutevopºvov oùk éAutov Orát0rS and public men did not desert A an an a Töv Tóēuv Tſis ejvotas év toſs Šeuvois, the post of patriotism in the midst of dangers, * * * an d'AAd €ºntašápmu év aijto's Tois (bo6epots kai but I was found in the very hour of panic both M Aéyou kai ypddov Tó Séov6' itrép speaking and moving what was necessary for DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 135 *A cy A ipov, étépov 8é, OTL diva)\60'avtes you ; and another reason is, because at the expense of * Af y 5 3 / - * pukpov Xpovov éoreot” pºtreupérepov troX\@ a little time you will gain much experience \ \ *A /* 2 Tpös Ta Novard Tºms traorms troXuTeias. regarding the rest - of your administration in general. 3. ey *A M eitrov Toivvv čtv “ſºyoop at Toys pew I said then, that “I think that those Atav flopv6ovpuévows 6s ©m/8atov who are so very much alarmed, as if the Thebans / an M itrapxóvtov q'u)\{TTg, âyvoetv TO. were on the side of Philip, do not understand the / A. 5. V 3CN5 º ey Tapovta. Tpdypat) e 'yap oiè €U OTU, present state of affairs. |For I know well that, 5. *A fºº) gº .3. €l, Tooff OUTG).S érôyxavev éxov, if this SO happened to be, 5 A 3. / 5 M 5/ . s 3. An ovK av mRovopºev aijtov čvta év "EAaTeig, we should not have heard of his being at Elatea, 3. 3. y \ an C Ar e Af 3. Af dAN Étri Tois ºperépous Ópíows. Trío Tapwat but ÜIl our frontiers. I know *A / - cy cy oradôs, pºevtov O7"U, mket certainly, however, that he has come , ºr 5 Af * ce 3. A. Ul/ Toumormtav td. &roup a €v Gºj6aws. in order to make matters ready in Thebes. º 3. a ce 5 A. / 33 (OS 8 TOLUTOL eXel, OLKOUOTOLT6: pov (To prove that) these things are SQ, hear my explanation,” * 3. cy ébmv. “ Kelvos mºrpétuo Tav OLTTOLUTOLS said I. “He has ready at his command all Af cy 5. e8 *A 0m/3atov OOTOU evmw of the Thebans whom it was possible either as / *A *A TelCrOLL Xpmpooru j čatratforav to prevail upon by means of money Ol' to deceive ; V 3. 3 S 3 *A 3. A. > * Toys 8 dar' dipx?s div6eo Tºmkóras adró those who from the first have resisted him - M *A 2 / 3. *A kai vov čvavrvovpévows Śivarat odèap.6s and still Oppose, he can in no way 136 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. an Af º A *A TéLO"OLL. TU, OUI/ AoûMerau, kai prevail upon. What then does he wish, and cy / Af M 3. Af ElvéKO. T LI/OS kateſ \m bev Töv 'ENdreuau ; for what has he seized Elatea 8 / A. *A A. \ cy Setéas 80yapuu kai Tapao Tjoras Tā āt)\a By displaying a force and by bringing his 3. I’IſlS *A *A *A TAmoríov étrapat kai Tovmoral into the neighborhood (he means) to encourage and make * M *A / ôpaoré's Toys pºév éavToo bí\ovs bold his friends, * 2 V 3. / €/ 3 º' katat)\fišat 6' Toys évautuoupévows, U19 and to intimidate his adversaries, that they may either cM * avyxopmjoroot do8mffévres C. 191919 concede from fear what they now 5 3 ſ) / º *A ... 3 Q / 5 º oùk éfléNovoruv, i. 6vao-060 up. ei puév Toivov refuse, or be compelled. If, then,” Sy 44 -: pº /* 6° 5 ébmv ºpews Tpoatplorople €1/ said I, “We shall choose deliberately in * y tº trapóvtu, et Tu öða-ko)\ov trémpaktat the present matter, if anything disagreeable has been done - M * *A ©m{80ious Tpós #16s, pep, who flat roſ, ov by the Thebans towards LIS, to remember this *. 3. * º *A kai d.Two Teiv attoºs djs of ort év tº peptov and to regard them with distrust in the character Töv čxflpóv, Tpótov pew Towſo-opew d. of enemies, in the first place we shall be doing what º y º a q}{\virtros &v eißatto, €UTOL ºboſłoopſ at Philip would desire; in the next place I fear Töv vov div6eo TºmkóTov aijrø lest, when those In OW opposed to him. * º Tpoorêečapévov kai Tävrov putº, yuápm have received him and all with one COn Sent qbu)\tTTwo divtov duſbótepov čX000-vu eis have become Philippized, they may both march into W 5 V *A Af Zn as > 5 & Töv Attuköv. &v pºevtov revorffnt eptOu Attica. If, however, you listen to me IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 137 kai yewmarðe Tpós Tó orkoteiu Tepi 6v and apply yourselves to consider seriously what āv Aéya, d'AAó pº (buxovetketv, oiu.au I say, instead of disputing about it, I think that M \ A /* KOLL TOL 8éovra Aéyeuv both these things which are fitting to say A \ / \ - 8óšeuv KOLL êvaMºorew TOl/ will meet your approval and I shall avert the Af 5 / a / A $. kivövvov čbeo Tºmkóra Tſ) tróNev. TU OU19 danger threatening the city. What then dºmpt beiv; Tpótov pew étavéival do I say ought (to be done) 2 First of all to dismiss * / A. º /* Töv trapóvta på8ov, eita petafféo-0av your present fear, then to change your views kai Tavtas bogeto-flav Štěp 60m/3atov: and all - to fear for the Thebans; * 3. M s Af a", * 'yap €LOTUI/ To)\t) eyyvtepa, TC01/ öeuvöv for they are much In earer peril jipov, , kai ajto's Tpotépous éo Tuv than we are, “ and to them first is e - Af Sy 3. V 3. e / O kivövvos étrelt toos év \vKíg. the peril; secondly, that those who are of age kai Toys intréas €&eX0óvras 'EXevorivſöe and the cavalry, having marched out to Eleusis, Šećat traoruv ip as Övtas autoi)s show the world that you 3. I’e yourselves év toºs ÓTAous, iva yewmtaw Tots ev under arms, that there may be to those at ©m Saws bpovovoru Tô juérepa éć to ov Thebes who prefer your cause equally *A Af M a Af TO Tappmovćeo-flat Tept Töv Sukaſov, courage to speak out in defence of their rights, 3. A. cy cy A. 3. 5 5 A. eið6oruv čtv, dorſtep Tâpeoff' év EXateig seeing that, a.S there is at Elatea ôſvapus # 8onthſoovora Tois Toxodort rºw a force ready to assist those selling their 138 DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN. ~~ cy * j Tarpíða pu)\ittg), oùto jue's iTdp)(eff country to Philip, thus you 3,1'é ce *A A. 3. * A. éroupou kai Bomſhīorer Tots 8ov)\opewows ready and will assist those who wish 3. Af e V a s / 3 / dyovíčeorðav Štěp tºs éAevt/epias, édiv Tus to contend for their liberty, if any one sy 5 3 5 V & * A. Uſ) etſ avtovs. peta Tavra. ke)\etja, advances against them. Further, I advise you * A. A' M *A Xelpotov moral ôéka Tpéo:3ews, kai Toujorat to elect ten ambassadors, and to make * ge, gº, Towtovs però Töv otpatm'yov kvptovs tlieill, together with the generals, directors V * A. 8 an 8 / 5 an KOLL TOU TTO7"e €U, Bačíčevv čketoſe both of the time when it is necessary to march thither *A V s kai Tàs éé6öov €Tevööv 6' oi Tpéo &ets and of the expedition itself. When the ambassadors 3y 5 A. z- * éAffooruv €US Gºj90s, TC0S Tapauvoo have arrived at Thebes, how do I advise * / A. A Xprjoraortav Tó Tpdypatv; Toºtg) Tavv pov to conduct the matter? To this particularly pray *A * & as Q Tpooréxete Töv voiv. pº) Sciorbal pºèèv attend. (I advise) you not to ask anything (B) / ( V C. \ 5 ^ 78atov yöp 6 kaupos aig Xpos), of the Thebans (for the OCC3S1 O Il is disgraceful) 3. 3. d'AA' étrayyáAAeo-0aw (it is disgraceful to do so on such an occasion), but to offer *A & 8om6;forevv, OLI/ ke)\eijooruv, (OS to assist them, if they urge it, on the plea that \ >y a /* *A ékéivov påv čvrov čv toºs éoxdrous, Šć ju6v they 2.Te in extreme danger, and that we A. ^ A sy “A 3. an Tpoopop.évov Tó pe)\\ov dueuvov ) kelvow: See the future better than they ; €/ > 3 V M Af a M lv eav pºev öéčovrat & TOLUTOL KOLL that, in case they should receive these proposals and *A e ea M 3. Af Tevo 660-vv 7)|Jul’; KOLL a pºev Sukmºpévot should commit themselves to us; we may both have accomplished DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 139 g cN A. Q A. - - a OL 6ov\ópeffa kai Tpdéopeu Taora what we wish and may have done it M A. 3. Aº a / peró. Tpoox.jpatos détou Tàs tróNeos, under a pretext worthy of the city; āv 6' dipa pºſſ orvpſ3fi Katarvyetv, and if after all it should not happen that you should gain your object, ékéivot pºev ćyka)\@oruv attois, du vov that they may reproach themselves, if in this case 5. / \ M 3. *A éčapaptdvooruv TL2 p.m.8év 8é avo Xpov they fail of anything, while nothing disgraceful p.m.8é Tateuvöv fi tre+payperov juºv.” Or grovelling shall have been done by you.” Taota. kai TapatMºjo.ua Towtous These things and others very like them eitröv katé8mv. Tavtov Šē ovvetrauveordvrov I spoke and left the platform. And all unanimously approving M 5 N 5 / * Q \ 3. ... /* kai oijöevös eitóvros ojöèv €1/OLUT LOL) and In O Oſle saying anything in opposition, oùk eitrov pew taota, oùk éypala óē, I did not make this speech and yet not make a motion, 5 QN 5 3y M 3. 5. Af \ 3 QM > oùö’ éypaſha pºév, oijk empéo &evora öé, oijö In Or make a motion and yet not go as an ambassador, Il Of érpéo &evora pºév, oùk érevora öé go as ambassador and yet not persuade A. 3. * 5 * *A 3. a 3/ 9m3aíovs, dAN' diró Tâs àpxãs dxpt the Thebans, but from the beginning to *A * A A ths teNevtſis 8več)\{}ov Svö. Tövtov, the end I went through it all, M 3y 3. 3. \ & gº e ea KOLL éðok epwavrov dTAós vpuu and I gave myself entirely to your service eis Toys kuvöövows tepueo Tmkóras Tū to meet the dangers which encompassed the TóAet. Kat bepe pºol to infºbuopa Tô Tóte city. And bring me the decree then yevópevov. passed. 10 140 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Katrol Tíva Botſ\et 66 oré eival, Well, then, how would you have me represent you, Aio Xium, kai tíva èpavTöv čketvmu Aeschines, and how myself on that V e A. A 5 M M T]v mpepov ; BoöNew epovtov pºev, day? Would you have me (describe) myself, &A •N \ / *A A. Ol/ OLL OTU Novéopoćpevos KOLU, êuag (pov as what you would abusively and slanderously ka)\éo-ows, Batta\ov, orè 8é p.m.8’ call me, Battalus, and yourself not even \ / ce . 3. *A A - * a 5 * Töv Tv)(óvta ripa), á)\\d. Toºrov Tuvâ Tów diró an ordinary hero, but one of those upon *A a / º / ths orkmums, Kpeodóvrmy 7) Kpéovra the Stage, Cresphontes Or Creon *A 3. A. cM M 3. 7) Oivápoov Ol/ TOTe EL/ Or Oenomaus, whom OHCe at Ko)\\vrò étréºpulias Kakós introkpwépévos; Collytus you murdered by your wretched acting 2 Tóte Toivvy kat' ékéivov Tóv kaupov ćyó 6 Then, yes, I say, at that crisis, above all others, I, the Bótta)\os IIavavvets ébdivºjv div I3attalus of Paeania, found myself to be y /* *A Af *A 3. A. dévos TAetovos Tſ) traſpöv orod Oivopºdov more serviceable to the State than you, Oenomaus * Af M Af º * Q \ 3. *A Too Koffokſöov. Ori) pew ye jo-0a oëbèv oijöapoo of Cothocidae. You Were of no earthly Xpijoupos éyò 6é émpatroſ' travta. ôora use; I did everything which an \ 3. M / A. *A Tpoorfike Töv dyadov troXirmv. Aéyé pou Tö became a good citizen. Read me the /* / ilmſ buopºd. decree. VHCPIXMA AHMOXOENOTY. DECREE OF DEMOSTHENES. so / [“’ET âpxovros Navaruk\éovs, Atavríðos “In the archonship of Nausicles, the Aeantian IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 141 * V ºpv)\ms Tpvravevoúorms, ékTim émi 8éka tribe presiding, on the sixteenth orkupodopuðvos, Ampwoot'evns Ampwoo-devous of Scirophorion, Demosthenes, son of Demosthenes Iſavavueds eitrev, étrévô) dºt\varros ô of Paeania, moved : Whereas Philip, the Bao'u)\ets Makeóóvov daiveral év Te king of the Macedonians, appears in *A / / Af M Tó TapeNºm,\v66tu Xpóvg trapagatvov Tós past time to have violated the orvuſhikas 'yeyev muevas avrò Tpos Töv treaty made between him and the :* *A 9 AP \ an > Af ’87pov 'Affmvatov Tepi Tms eup")ums, people of the Athenians with reference to the peace, intepušov toūs ūpkovs kai T& in contempt of his oaths and those things vopluſéueva eiwat 6ikawa Tapó, Taoru Tots thought to be just among all the "ENA")ort, kai Tapaupétrau TóNews Greeks, and is surreptitiously depriving us of cities où6èv Tpoorm coiſoras airó, Tuvâs 8é kai in no way belonging to him, and some €Ven 5/ 5. / A / OUOTOLS Affmvatov Tetroimkev Šopua)\dºtovs belonging to the Athenians has taken, 3. M \ t \ º / où8év Tpoaôukm flets UTTO TOU ëſipov though in no wise provoked by the people too 'Affmvatov, év Te Tó trapóvtu of the Athenians, and at the present time 5 M M / a A. *A a 3. / étri Toxi) Tpod yet ti, Te Āig kai Tà dipºtmtv. is going far ahead both in violence and , in cruelty; kai yap ‘EAAmvíðas TóNews d's pºèv and inasmuch as of Grecian cities SOD16, es. 3 / \ A. & Af Toveſ épºq poèpovs Kai kata)\tſev Tós ToMTetas, he garrisons and overthrows their constitutions, \ M \ / 5 A. Tuvas Šč kai kata.orkóTTet éðavöpatroëvč6Tevos, and some he razes to the ground and enslaves the inhabitants, 142 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. * W & A. eis évías 68 kai divri ‘ENNºvov karoukićet and in some also, instead of Greeks, he settles Af 3. /* 5 \ M e \ Bap/86 povs etrayov €7TL TOL vepa. barbarians, bringing them into the temples V M Af a 5 KN V 5 A. kai Toys taqbows, Tovov oijöèv d'AAóTptov and the sepulchres, doing nothing foreign 3/ - fº, * /* y *A oùre tºs éavroſ, Tarpíðos owre TOU either to his own country Or to his W * TpóTov, KOLL katakópos Xpºpevos Tſ) character, and making an insolent use of the yº, - 5 * Túxm l/U19 Tapoiſorm avTºp, fortune In OW accruing to him, 3. Af e *A ty 3. * M.' étu)\eMºmo pºevos éavToo Tu èk pukpot kai forgetting that from a petty and * A. /* Too Tv)(óvros 'yeyovey diveXTío Taos ordinary sort of person he has become unexpectedly *A e. W e A * \ péyas' KOLU, éos pév eopa OLUTOI/ great ; and as long as they saw him - Af / / M Tapatpot'pºevov 6apſ36 povs TóNews KOLl, annexing barbarian cities and 5 Q. A gº A. iðias, ô Šmpos à 'Affmvaíov itrexºp/80-vew their own, the people of Athens considered 3y º *A an 3. é\attov eival TO TAmppleMeſo-flat €LS of less importance the offence committed against *A M a € aúTöv' vöv 8é ôpóv EXAmvíðas TóNews itself; but now, seeing * of Greek cities *A W e Aº *A 8 W Ta's pºev - ićpušopévas, TOLS Oe SOH]6. outraged and some 5 Af A e * 3. OLly OLOTOLTOUS 'ywyvopºevas, 'myevtal €Ul/OLU, destroyed, they think it would be \ A an a- A. ðeuvöv kai dvdévov Tſis Tóv Tpoyóvov monstrous and unworthy Of their ancestral 86 N *A M "EXX 6&ms To Teptopav TOUS E\\muas glory to overlook the Greeks gº KaraöovMovpévows: Svö 8eê6x9at Tſ) who are being enslaved; therefore it is resolved by the 1) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 143 BovXi, kai Tô Sºuq. Tó ‘Affmvatov, t (, i. (, Senate and people of the Athenians, 5 A M /* an an eijčapevows kai tºo avtas Tots 6eois having prayed and sacrificed to the gods kai jpooru To's karéxovoru Töv TóNºv and heroes who protect the city \ \ / W 5 Aº - * kai Tàu Xópav Tiju 'Affmvaſov, kai and the territory of the Athenians, and évôupwmffévras Tſis àperms top 7poyóvov, considering well the virtue of their ancestors, 8wóru èTowoovro Tepi TAetovos Swarmpetv in that they deemed it of more importance to preserve Töv čAevdeptav Tów ‘EX\}vov 7, Tøv ièíav the liberty of the Greeks than their own - Af A. / * s Tarpíða, kafféAkeuv Švakoo'ías vais eis country, to embark two hundred ships OLT Q A. M * A Töv 06Nattav kai Tov vavap)(ov the Sea, and that the admiral 3. an 3. *A a \ *A diva"TAeºv čvrös IIvXów, kal TOly sail within the Gates, and that their otpatmyov kai Tôv itſ trapyov čáyetv Tós general and commander of horse lead the M M M f *A /* trečás KOLL TOLS UTTTTLKOLS övvæpets infantry and the cavalry forces 'EXevolvd.öe, tréulav Šē kai Tpéo Bels Tpos to Eleusis, and also to send ambassadors to toūs ‘āA\ovs "EX\muas, Tpótov Šē travtov the other Greeks, and first of all Tpès Om/3atovs, 8vá to Töv Pí\virtſov eival to the Thebans, because Philip is 2 A. º 3. Af / fº V éyyvráto tºs ékéivov X6pas, Tapaka)\etu 8é nearest their territory, and to exhort º M V / “A Af aurois pºmbèv katat)\ayévras Töv PíNutritov them, not at all dreading Philip, 3. Af * e *A -3 Af Q divréxeorðat Tſis éavTów é\ev{}epias KOLL to cling to their own independence and 144 T)FMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. d\\ov other Tów of the cy º pº OTU O ôňpos that the people ei Tu Tpótepov if formerly anything TóNeot Tpós cities against övvæpeow kai with troops and V c/ kai ÖTAous, and arms, "EXX")ort Greeks) Tepi Tàs i yegovias for the leadership diroo Tepetorffat deprived ths that s w eiðds knowing to contend is V KOLL and à)\\odºtſ\ov divěpátov a foreigner 86&ms ren OW n Tôv of the ths of the dpetfis Valor Tów of their * > Af 8%pos 'Affmvatov people of the Athenians ©m/8atov of the Thebans Tú ovyyeveig in connexion by families dvapºupºvijo-ketal be kai And they remember also Töv Tpoyóvov conferred by the ancestors / A. Tpoyóvows 60m/3atov’ an CeSt0rS of the Thebans; eival to be 'Affmvaſov, of the Athenians, d)\\6Tpwov unfriendly d'AA'ſ Aas, each other, Xpijuaoru money ôvapºpto-3mtéïv Tpoyóvov. an CeStorS. WA KOLL and ‘E\\ºjvov, Greeks, (to say) pumoſukaków ow8èv not bearing any malice yeyovev Taºs had been done by the A' * Bomſhjored kai will assist them. both / BéAeo-l weapons ofºr U 1) (being &\\?\ovs one another dpxeoffat 8è but to be commanded #yepovías leadership N KOLU and º a- * anytous pºev for them ^ Tpos against &T, that *\ ka)\öv, honorable, Tns of the eivat is & A. EX)\ºjvov Greeks t ^ . U7TO by *A KOLU both Tms of the C O the 8%uov people 3. Af dvdévov unworthy \ KOLL and .3 V 3. W ëri Še offöè, And besides, Töv the 3. / d)\\óTptov alien jyettau consider y OUTE neither y OUTE Il OI’ Tô 6podºg. identity of race. ečepyeo'ías benefits 3. V €LS TOUS upon the katſyayov they restored Tös the * e *A TCOI/ & O.UTOU of themselves kai yap for DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN. 145 W an t A - 5 A. rows traßas ‘Hpak\éovs diroo repovgºvovs the SOIl S of Hercules • who were deprived intô IIexotovumorſov tºs Tarpgas dpx?s, by the Peloponnesians of their hereditary domain, Kpatijo-autes toſs 6TAous toūs Telpop.évows defeating in battle those who attempted 3. Af an 5 / C A’ *A divtuſ?aivetv toºs ékyóvous ‘Hpak)\éovs, kai to resist the descendants of Hercules, and º A V 5 A M N 5 A. inteóečdueffa Töv OiðūTovu Kai Toys éktreoróvtas we gave shelter to Oedipus and those exiled 3. 5 Aº M \ cy Af per ékéivov, Kai ToMAG repa ºbt)\dvěpotra with him, and many other kind * \ 3/. e /* e * *A KOLU, évôoča vTapxel 7pºup Tpos and generous acts have been done by us to 9m/3aíovs’ 8v8tep ojöè vov ô the Thebans; wherefore neither In OW will the ôňuos "Affmvatov dToo Tºjo eral Tów people of the Athenians desert the orvpubépôvrov 60m/3aíous Te Kai Tois d\\ous interests of the Thebans and the other "EXX mort. orvufféorffat 8é Tpós attoos Greeks. And let an agreement be entered into with them Tovioraq flat orvppaxiav kai étuyapuſau, to make a treaty of alliance and intermarriage, \ a V an cy A. kai. Sooval kai Nafteſv ćpkovs. Tpéo Bets and give and receive oaths. Ambassadors: Ampwoo-0évms Ampwoot'évows IIa wavvets, Demosthenes, son of Demosthenes of Paeania, Tirepetőms KMedvěpov Xbºttlos, Mumoruffetëms Hyperides, son of Cleander of Spheltus, Mnesithides, 3. Af /* Af Avtuſhdvows GPpedippuos, Ampwokpótºms son of Antiphanes of Phrearrii, Democrates, Xoſpi\ov ºpMweils, KöA\avoxpos Avotiuov son of Sophilus of Phlyus, Callaeschrus, son of Diotimus Koffokíðms.”] of Cothocidae.” 146 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. ce 3 / 3. \ “A / Aürm éyévero OpXm Kau Tpartm This W3.S the beginning and first Kardo Taorus Töv Tpaypºdºrov Tepi 678as, establishment of our relations with Thebes, Tö. Tpó Toºtov Tôv in matters previous to these measures after the TóAeov ÚTmypevov eis éxópav Kai pºoros cities had been drawn into hostility and hatred kai d'Iruotſav JTö Tovſtov. Tooto and distrust by means of these men. This "A A. 3. Af * A. Af Tô infºbuopa štroimorev Töv kívöuvov Tórc decree caused the danger then / *A Af a ce treptortóvta Tſ) tróNew Tapexteiu do Tep surrounding the city to pass away like Af º W Af * Af A. vébos. mu pºev Touvvv Too Sukaſov. Toxtrov a cloud. It was then the duty of a good citizen Tóte 8éléat Tāoriv, et éixev TU, at that time to show it to all, if he had anything dueuvov Totſtov, pº) étrutupuav better (to propose) than these measures, not to be censuring *A º M / * º / vov. 6 yöp orºpºſłovXos kai 6 ovko havtoms, IłOW. For the counsellor and the caviller, 5 V ſº y 5 M 5 A. 5 oùöé Tóv d\\ov ow8èv eolkotes, €ly while in no other respect alike, in Toºrg, TAetortov Švaſbépovoruv dXXºj)\ov' this most differ from each other: º A' 3. A. Af \ pº ô pew ye dºtropatveral yuápºmu Tpo Tów the one declares his opinion before the /> M / e *A e A' Tpaypºdrov, kai Ötödoruv čavröv Štreiffvuov proceedings, and makes himself accountable Tots Tetorffeſort, Ti, Túxm, Toºs kalpoſs, to those who follow his advice, to fortune, to occasion, an Af e M /* Tg, BovXopaevo 66° Olymoras to any one that chooses; the other having kept silence ãvík’ éðel, \é iv Tu 800-ko). 'm 'yevu, OLD TL OUOTKOAOL/ when he ought to have spoken, should anything untoward DEMOSTELENES ON THE CROWN. 147 a * Af 5 /* \ orvp/85), Tooro Aao Kaivet. ekeuvos pºev happen, this he makes a matter of reproach. That, oùv, ôtep eitrov, fiv 6 kalpös too ye therefore, 3.S I said, W3 S the time for the 3. N / *A / *A &vöpös ºppovričovros Tſis TóNeos kai Illa. It who regards the commonwealth and *A Af A. / V M an / Töv Šukaſov \6 yov. 6,68& Totowpaw Tooratºrmv honest counsels; but I go so much e M cy <\ *A y intrepòo)\ºv, dote, áv vov TLS eXī) beyond this, that, if In OW any one has TL BéAtlov Seiðai, ) ô\os et anything better to show, Ol' generally if sy 5 en W º 3 M TU d)\\o evmu TNºv 6v éyò any other course was possible except what I A. º * 3. a 3. W . Tpoet)\ópmv, ÖpoMoyá, döukeiv. et yap adopted, I confess that I was wrong. For if &orff’ ô Tu TUS vöv čápakev, there is anything which any one has now discovered, Ö Tpaxtºv Tóte &v ovvmīveykev, which if done then would have been to our advantage, * 5 3. \. * M /* 5 M Toot’ eyd (bmput beiv p^) Aaffeiv ćué. this, l Say, ought not to have escaped me. 5 M / > y /* º / 3 ei Se p.m.T eOTU pºmte mu p")T But if there neither is one In Or was one, and 8 A. V /* º 8 V 39 5 /* pºmoetra) Kat Typepov av pººjoeus exot evtſevu, not even yet and to-day could any one suggest one, Tí éxpfiv Töv oriuſ&ov\ov Toweiv; what was a counsellor to do? Was he 5 e A. * A an OU éAéo-flat TOL kpatuorra TC019 not to choose the best of the dauvopévov kai évôvtov; measures that presented themselves and were possible 2 toūto Toívvv éyò étoimora, Aio Xium, This, therefore, I did, Aeschines, when *A A. 5 *A 64 Aº A. Tov kmpvkos epotovtos, TLS Botſ\etal the crier asked, “Who wishes 148 I).EMOSTELENES ON THE CROWN. d A. 33 3. 66 Af 5. *A 6 * 'yopewelv, OU TLS OLUTUOLOTU OLU Tept to speak?” not “Who wishes to complain about Tów Tapex)\v0óTov,” odóē “Tís the past?” In Or “Who wishes éyyvão flav Tô pºe NAovt’ oreo-flaw.” croſſ S' to guarantee the future ?” While you 3. 5 / * A. A. 5 A. kat' éketvows toūs Xpévovs Kathmuevov d'hôvov OL) those Occasions Sat Imute 5 as 5 / 3. * M y év Taºs ékk\morials éyò traptov čNeyov. in the assembly, I came forward and spoke. étrévô) 6' oij Tóre, d\\& Selfov vov. Since you did not then, yet show us 10 OW. 5 M A. *A A ey 2 €UTTE Tus m Aóyos Ol/TLI) Tell me either what IlléâSUlre there was which éxpfiv eipeiv, 2A Kalpös I ought to have devised, Or what opportunity of orvpdépov tº TóNew trapeNet.htm it’ benefiting the State was neglected by 3. *N Af M A. A’ an 5 5 époi ; tās 8é orvppaxia, Tis Tpačus, éd, me? What alliance, what plan, to ex ſº 3/ 3. a Aº 'my pa)\\ov éðel pe a yayevv Tovtovoru ; which I should rather have directed these ? "AAA& pºv Tô pºev TapeNºm Nvffös. del But I need not urge that the past is always 5 fº ^ an \ 5 W 3. *A dºpetraw Tapa, Tooruv, KOLL ojöets où8apoo dismissed by all, and Il O OIlê / Aº M / Tpotíðmoruv 8ov\ºju trept toºtov: chooses to deliberate about it ; whereas it is V V / º V V 3. an Tô be puéNNov 7 Tó Tapov OLTTOLUTEL the future Ol' the present that calls for M A. * A. / Töv Tóšuv Too orvpgotſ\ov. TOTe the active services of the Statesman. At that time, Toivvv, djs éðóket, Tă pºv Tóv Selvöv then, as it appeared, SOD16. of the dangers 39 V QN 5 ; sy *A épeN\ev, Tô 8 #87 Tapmu, were impending, and some already were present, T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 149 evois orkóTel Tºv Tpoaipeoiv in which mark the aim a Af W / M A. pov Tijs ToMtetas, pººl ovkołóvret Tá orvp/86 vta' of my policy, do not rail at the result; yöp Tô pew Tépas Tāvtov yiyveral, dis for the end of all things is, a.S āv Ó Saipov 8ov\mtº: # 8é Tpoatpeovs the deity chooses; whereas it is his policy * A * \ A. *A avT) 8m)\ot Tmu êudvowav TOU alone which shows the mind of the orvp/8otſ\ov. p.m 8) this Tooto dis Statesman. Do not, then, impute this a.S 3. A. s V 3. A. /* *A dótkmpa €uov, ei ovvé8m PvNūrūg, kpathoral a crime to me, that Philip chanced to conquer Tú p.dxm yöp Tö TéAos toūrov in the battle; for the issue of this º 3. * * 3. 3. 3. / ly EL/ Tºp beg), OUK €19 epºol. depended OI! the god, not Oſ) II) e. 5 5 e 5 & N. A. ey cy 5 ex &\\ ajs oùX eiMóp.mu & Tavra. Öora évºv But that I did not adopt all the measures possible 3 3 / V \ 3y * KOLT divöpdºttuvov Moytopov, KOLl, émpača TOLUTOL as far as human calculation goes, and carry them out Af M 3. *A Q A. ôukaios kai étupleMos KOLL qu)\otróvos honestly and diligently and laboriously itép Siſwapuv, j dis où veoty)ordpump beyond my power, or that I did not institute Af *A * y *A Tpayptota ka)\d. KOLU, dičva Tms proceedings honorable and worthy of my Af M 5 * *A A. * TóAeos kai avaykova, Taord. Seléov country and actually required, this show pol, Kai Tót’ ºn Katmydpet pov. to me, and then, and not till then, a,CC Ulse Iſle, 3. 5 e V * Af A. ei 8 ô Orkm"TTôs orvpuſ as yeyove pºet ov But if the tempest that befell has overpowered M / e a 3. \ M A. *A pº) p.6vov judov, d\\ó kai travtov Tów not only uS, but also all the 150 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. d\\ov ‘EX\}vov, Tí Xph trouetv; other Greeks, what ought to be done Ž cy º * *A 6a-Tep &v et Tus airvøto vačk\mpov Tijs Just as if OD16. were to blame the ship owner for the > M vava'yūas Tpdéauta Tavt eart loss of the ship, who had done everything for \ * orotmpig, kai kata.orkeväoravta Tô TAotov Bafety, and § provided the vessel Tao-w did 6v ÚTeXcip/8ave orothjoreotal, with everything by which he supposed she would be secure; ^ * A etra Xpmoºdpevov Xeup ovu KOLL and then encountered a St0rm and *A * • *A <\ M Töv orkevów avrò Tovmoróvtov i kai 6Aos had his tackle strained Or rather entirely / 5 3. 3/ 5 5. A’ M a orvutpuſ?évrov. 3) N' owt' ékv8épwov Tiju vadu, broken to pieces. “But I did not pilot the vessel,” cy 3. ºbjoreveu áv dio Tep oijö’ eyd) éo Tpatjyovv, he might say, just as I myself was not in command, 3/ º A' *A / 3. 3. 3. Af oùte ºv kūpuos Tfis Túxms, d\\ ékeivm IłOF W3.S. master of Fortune, but she *A /* 3. 3. Af M Töv Tavrov. d)\ \oytſov kai (guided) all. But consider and cy 3. * 5. e * 5 / opo. ékeºvo, ei ºpºv dyovučopévous reflect upon this— If for us, fighting \ / cy *A €TO, 60m3atov eiuapto Tpača, with the assistance of the Thebans, it was fated to fare cy a * 5 OvTaos, Tí Xpmv Tpoorðokāv, €l, thus, what must we have expected if * 3, Ar A. 5 M p.möè éoxoplev toºtous orvppaxovs, d\\ö. we had not even had these as allies, but . A. Af e M o Tpooréðevro qbu)\in Tºp, jirép OU they had joined themselves to Philip, for which ékéivos Tót, dºbſke Taio as bowds; he then left nothing unsaid (wsed every argument) * M *A * KOLU, ei vov Tpvov juépôv Öööv And if now when three days' march DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 151 5 A a 2. *A * - Af OLTTO Tijs Attukijs Tms playms from Attica, the - battle Af *A Af M A. 'yevopºevms TOO-Ov7 OS kivövvos KOLL ºbó80s was fought, such peril and alarm Tepuéortm Töv TóAuv, tí Tpoorêokmorat āv Xpfiv surrounded the city, what would we have had to expect 3y *A *A €t, TTOU Tms Xópas TOUTO if in some part of our land this 5 M Af A' * * * 2 TOLUTO Taffos ovveſ?”) ; āp' otorff S3 Iſle disaster had happened? Do you know ôru vov pew orthval, ovvext/eiv, divatvejorat, that now, indeed, to stand, to assemble, to regain breath, ToMA& Tów eis orotmpiau many things which tended to the safety ex Af A. * e Af \ / \ an tfi tróNet, pia juépa kai Öſo kai Tpets of the city, One day and two and three sy A. 3. 5 y éðoorav, Tóte 6’— oùk dévov (days) allowed, but, then, it is not worth while eitreºv, & ye p.m.8é éöoke to mention those things, which did not even give * 3. Teupav eijvotg Tuvøs a trial of themselves through the kindness of some one gº \ º A. A / ffeów kai Tô Tpoſła)\éo-flav Tiju TóNuv of the gods, and from placing before the city - º M Taiſtmu Tàu orvppaxiav, 7s OTU this alliance, against which you Karmyopets. inveigh. - IIdivta Sé Tavri Tô ToMA6 pov éo Tu But all this long story of mine is directed V ºf a ^ y M *A \ Tpósipas, 6 divöpes SukaoTai, kai Toijs to you, gentlemen of the jury, and to those Tepueo Tºmkóras & offev, kai drpoopévovs, standing on the outside round the bar, and to all who hear, éret Tpós ye Toorov Töv kata TTwo Tov (8paxos for - iO this contemptible fellow a short 152 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. \ M A 3. A. 3. Q * kai oradºs Aóyos éðipket. ei peu yūp and plain answer was enough. If º Af M 5 /* tà puéA\ovta ºu Tpóðm)\a oroi, Aio Xium, the future W3,S revealed to you, Aeschines, a 3. cy 3 Af 3. póvg| Töv d\\ov, Št’ j TóAvs é6ovXeijeff alone, when the State was deliberating y / Tepi toūtov, éðel, Tpoxéyeuv about these things, you ought to have forewarned us <-”. 5 8 A *A $8 º TOT €l, O6 pº) Tpom €LS, €U. at that time; but if you did In Ot foresee it, you are f Af º, 5 e- > Af * 3/ itreiſt/vvos Tms aſtºs dyvoſas Tois dANovs, accountable for the S3, IO 6. ignorance as the rest, cy a *A *A dºorte Tí ori) Katmyopets Tavta. époo SO why do you make these accusations against me 5 *A º M *A v * V Af pa)\\ov ) éyò orov ; 'yöp yo) ye yova rather than I against you ? For I have been Af *A 3. dpetvov To)\tTys OTOU' €LS a better citizen than you in respect to *A fºº) 3 M cM /* V Tajff' avºró. OL Aéyo (kai these very matters of which I am speaking (and M *A 3y /* y * ey trepi Tôv d\\ov Šva)\éyopat owtro), Tooroorov Óorov others I discuss not at present), inasmuch as 5 w M 3/ 3. *\ S. \ *A *A eya) pºev éöoka epwavrov €LS TOL Sokolovra TTOLOTU I gave myself up to what seemed to all A. 3. A. 5. / y orvpuſbépeuv, ôkvijo as ow8éva èvov for the general good, shrinking from Il O personal Af 3 QN > * / M M * kivövvov ojö intoxoyvorºuevos, OTU 8è €LTTES danger Il OF taking thought of any, but you suggested 5/ A5 ce & A. Aſ V OU eTepa BeXTío toūTov (Yap neither any other better measures than those (for y 5 &v oë éxpóvto Toºtous), OUT then they would not have adopted these counsels of mine), In Or Tapéoxes oravrov Xpijo-upov ojöèv rendered yourself useful in any respect eis Tatra, with reference to (the prosecution of) these measures (of mine), IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 153 e/ 5 A y º: ôtep 8' &v dutpoſtos but the very thing which 8, IOla, Il (would have done) ô ĐavXótatos kai Övorpevéo Tatos Tſ) who was most worthless and most hostile to the Af *A 5 M * a 5 Af TóNet, Totto èti Tois orvp/8&oruv čğraoral State, that, after the event, are you found Tetrovnkós, kai dpa 'Apío Tpatos év to have done, and at the same time Aristratus in Ndºg kai 'AptorróNeos év Odo q), oi éxt/pot Naxos and Aristolaus in Thasos, enemies A. a A Af M kaffa Tag Tris TóNeos, Kpuuovot TOUS once for all of the state, are bringing to trial the ºbíAovs 'Affmvaíou kai Aio Xiums 'Athjumoruv friends of the Athenians, and Aeschines at Athens Katmyopet Ampwootévows. Kaitov ôrg, is accusing Demosthenes. And yet (the man) for whom M 5 Af & * e A. 5 A. Tô ditvYºjuata Tóv ENA'ſvov OLTTEKELTO the disasters of the Greeks were kept in reserve 5 * ºn / 5 Ar * évévôokupaeiv, oùTós éo Tu Sikatos pa)\\ov to found a reputation upon, he ought rather 3. A. *A as e / M dToMoMéval ºff Katmyopetv ćtépov kai to die the death than 3.CCUISé his neighbor; and ôtg) oi atrol kaupol ovveumvóxaoruv to whomsoever the S8,D} 6 times are profitable kai Tois éxflpots Tfis TóAeſos, oùk évv as to the enemies of the city, it is not possible Tootov eival ejvovv T] Tarpiðv. that this man is well disposed toward his country. as V M 5 º a M an ôm}\ots 8e kai éć 6v (ms PKOLU, 7TOLELS Nay, you show this, too, by your life and actions V /* M / 3 . /* kai ToMute ſev kai Toi)\up ow To)\vreiſel. and by what you do and by what you do not do as a public man. Tpatteraítv Tóv Šokoúvtov orvpuſhëpeuv Špiv; Is anything going on that appears good to you? 3. Af 3y 5 Af /* W Aio Xiums didovos. avtekpovo e Tu KOLL Aeschines is mute, Has anything gone wrong and 154 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 'yeyovev otov oijk Čšev ; TópeoTuv Aio Xiums. happened as it ought not ? Forth comes Aeschines; 60tep to fiftypata kai Tà otdorpata just as fractures and Sprains as / ey *\ Af V Kuveirau, Tóte 6tav Tl kaköv Adºm to start, whenever any disease attacks the orópa. body. - 'ETelS) 8é éykelta. Toxi}s toſs orvp/8é8mkóorºv, But since he lays much stress on the results, A. A. *A 5 as 2 £º ; BoüAop at Tū, KOLl, <T&Lly trapdºočov. KOLL I will even assert something of a paradox. And, * *A W as *A A. A Tpós Avôs kai fleſov pºmºets flavpdorm Tiju pov by heavens, let I] O OL16 marvel at my e W 5 & 3. 5. A. Af intrepòo)\ºv, d\\& pºet’ eijvotas fleopmord to extravagance, but kindly consider ey A. 3. ^ V / {2, / O Aéya). ei yap Tó pe)\\ovta yew.joreo-flat what I say. For, if the results ^ / cy A Af nu Tpóöm)\a atTooru, KOLL TOLUTES had been foreknown to all, and all Af W V 3. A. 3/ Tpoſëeo-au, kai ori), Aio Xium, Tpotſ\eyes had foreseen them, and you, Aeschines, had foretold them kai Stepaptópov 8o01. kai kekpayós, and protested with clamor and outcry, Ös ow8' éð0éyéo, ojö’ oitos fiv you who did not even open your mouth, not even then ought Tſ) TóNew &Too-Tatēov Towtov, eitep the city to have abandoned that policy, if º / / 2\ / - N evXe \6 yov 86&ms j Tpoyóvov she had regard for glory OI’ her ancestors OF Too pe)\\ovros aidovos. vöv pew ye Soke. her future life. For now she appears ditotuxetv Tóu Tpaypºtov, ô kouvöv éo Tuv to have failed in her undertakings, a thing which is common Tào divöpg|Tows, 6tav Taora öokſ, T6 to all men, whenever this is the will of the IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 155 * > 5 a / 6eó. Tóte 8 dévodora Tpoeo-Tavat deity; but in that case, claiming as she did to lead a sy 3 x > a Töv d'A\ov, , €UT OLTTOOTOLOTOL toūtov, others, and afterwards deserting this position, 3. A. / āv čo Xev airíav Tpoöeóokéval travtas she would have been charged with betraying all * A * qbu)\{TTg. ei yöp Tpoeiro dikovtti Taota to Philip. For had she given up without an effort that V º 5 / / cy 3. e Tepu Cº)l/ oùöéva kūpāvvov čvruv' oi for which there is no danger which her 3. e A. / Tpóyovot ovX vTepelvav, TLS forefathers did In Ot encounter, who, 3. M <\ * M /* oùxī katérrvorev &v orod; OLO "V6 & 2 would not have loathed you? For heaven forbid I should say Tús TóAeós, p.m.8 pod. Tío 6’ 6:50a)\poſs OUII* country, or even myself. But with what eyes, Tpös Avôs éopópev &v Toys by Zeus, could we have looked upon those 3. A. 3. Af 3. * Æ divěpátovs diſbukuovpuévows eis Toju tróAuv, resisting the city, 3. \ V Af 5 5 cy €U, to pºev Tpaypºat ELS OTTE if affairs (had come to the pass) to which \ / Af M C A. vvvu Tepteo Tºm, díNutritos 8é tipéth) they have now come, and Philip had been chosen ºyepov kai kūpuos diträvtov, repov 8" leader and master £º of all, while others Xopis juov jo'av Tetovnuévot Tov dyóva without UlS had made the struggle iTép too pº yewéorffat Taot', kai Taoto. to prevent that happening, and that, Tús TóNeos pºměetrótrote év toºs éutſpoorffe though our state has never yet in her former Af & A y 3. Af Xpovous mpmplevºs döočov dorſbøNevav years chosen a dishonorable safety *A *A \ Aſ e M *\ * pa)\\ov 7 Tov kívövvov jTép Töv ka)\óv. rather than danger in the camp of honor. 11 156 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Tís yöp ‘EX\}vov, Tís 8é £80p86pov, For who of the Greeks, and who of the barbarians, 5 º c/ \ V A. M oùk oičev ôtu kai Tapó, 6978atov kai does not know that both from the Thebans and Tapá Tôv Aakeóaupovíov 'yevopºvov from the Lacedaemonians, who were ioxvpóv étu Tpótepov Totºrov kai Tapó too in power before them, and from the A. *A M *A A Bao'u)\éos IIeporów pºetà To)\\ms Xóputos King of the Persians, with much thankfulness • ? SA 5 Af 3. Af *A Af Toot’ &v dopepos é86th) TI) TóNeu, would this have been readily permitted to the state, Av 3otorm ô Tu Boifleta, kai čxočulj tö tº e & whatever she chose and keep Tô cartºs Toweiv To kexevöpevov kai her own on condition to do what she was bidden and 5 ex cy A. *A e / €OLIV érepov Tpoeo-Tavau Töv ENA'ſ vov. allow another to have the lead of the Greeks. 3. 5 * Zºº º * £ 3y d\\ To off mu OvK, 0S eOLKe, But this W 3.8 not, it would seem, a A 5 Y Ae Af 3 QM 3 3. M Tois Tót’’Affnvaíous T&Tpua ow8 OLI/€KTO, with Athenians of that age, national In OK” tolerable où8' épºqvra, où8' ow8eis Tótrote éðvvºſtºm I? Or natural, nor was anyone eV el" able ék Tavrös too Xpóvov Tetoral Tºv TóAuv, at any period of time to persuade the city, Tpoorbepºevmu Tois ioxºovoru pév, Tpattovav Šē by attaching herself to those who are powerful, but who do pº, Sikata, ôov\eiſeuv do da)\60s, d\\’ what is wrong, to be in subjection with security, but Távta Töv aióva ŚwateréNeke kuvövvetſovo a during all time has she persevered in braving danger dyovučopéum trepi TpoTetov kai Tupils in her struggle for supremacy and honor M / *A a /\5 e an e A. * kai 86&ms. Kai Taoff’ pºets intoxapºdivet and glory. And this you esteem DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN. 157 gº cy \ M /* eival, ovta orepºvá Kai. Tpoormicouta to be SO noble and in such correspondence with /* e / sy ey W as Toºs juerépous j9eoruv (DOTE KOLL TC01/ your character that €Ven of your an / 3. \ Tpoyóvov étrauvette p.d.) vort TOUS ancestors you praise In OSt, those an Af 5 / Af * 3. º TOLUTOL Tpdéautas, €UKOTC0S. Tus 'yap OUK OLl/ who thus acted, and with reason. For who would not dyāorauro tºs dipetſis éketvov Tów divöpóv, admire the virtue of those men, º e / 3. / 5 \ A OU, vTepeeuvov épéâutes ELS TOLS Tpumpels who had the courage to embark in their galleys a M \ M M ék\vareſu kai Töv Xópav kou Tºjv and leave both their territory . and their TóNuv Útěp too pººl towhoral to kexevópevov, city rather than do the bidding of another, e Af A. N M / éAópºevow 0eputo Tok)\éa Töv pºev orvp/8ovXeiſo avta. choosing Themistocles, the one who gave *A - 3. TOLUTOL otpatmyov, kata)\uffdoravres 8 such counsel, for their general, and stoning to death Kvport Nov dTodºmudpºevov Töv Útrakowſeuv Cyrsilus, who declared himself in favor of submission to Toºs étuTattopºevous, où autov p.61,ov, d\\& the terms imposed; not him only, but kai ai yuvaikes ai Üpérepat Töv attoo also your wives (stoning) his . as 3. º A e / > 5 an 3. / yvvaik'. ov yap oi Tót’ ‘Athlvatov čáñTovu wife. For the Athenians of that day looked oùte fiftopa. oùre otpatmyov not for an orator OI’ , a general 3 cy A S gºa 3. 3. 8t’ &rov Sov)\eiſo ovoruv eitvYôs, d)\\ by whom they should attain a secure servitude, but 5 Q \ *A 5 º Aº 5. A 5 & A où8è (ºv jčíovv, ei pººj čáčo Tav they deemed it not even worth while to live, if it should not be possible Toweiv tooto per’ Nevt/epias. yap &cao Tos to do SO with freedom. For each 158 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. aúrów #yetto oùxī yeyevno-flat Tó of them considered that he was not born to his W \ *A M A. º W M TaTpu kau Tſ) p")TPU pºvov, d\\d kal father or mother only, but also Tſ, Tarpíðv. öuaſhëpel 8& Tí; ôtu to his country. What is the difference? (It is,) that ô pleu voptſov yeyevno-flat Tots yovedorº pºvov he who thinks he is born to his parents alone Tepupévet Töv Tſis eip appevms kai awaits the death of destiny and & 5 / A. º V TOly avtopatov 6divarov, O 8è that of nature, but he (who thinks he is born) * y^ A. 5 A. 3. /* kai Ti, Tarpiðv éflexforew dToffvijo-keuv to his country also will wish to die c W *A M 3. yº / - Af vTep Tov pºm étw8éiv Tavt mu ôovXečovorav, for the sake of not Seeing her enslaved, M e / Af gº / kai ºyſoretal bogeporépas Too flavditov and will regard as more terrible than death \ ey M M 2 Af cM º A. A. Tós iſſpels kai Tàs drupi as ā's divºykm pepelu the insults and indignities which one must bear 3. * / A év tº TóNew ôov\evoúorm. in a commonwealth enslaved. Ei pºev Toivvv étrexeipovu Aéyetv Tour', If, therefore, I had attempted to say this, e 5. W / t *A ya y djs éyò Tpoſſya you Üpas (bpovetv déva that I led you on to have a spirit worthy of *A A. 3. y 3. cy 3. sy 3. Af TC01/ Tpoyovov, OU K éorff OOTUS Ol)K OLly 6LKOTC0S your ancestors, there is not a man who would not justly 5. A. A. * $ 5 *A M 3. A. etuTup'moreve pºol. l/U19 8 eya) pºev dTodaiva, rebuke me." But now. I declare Tós Touaiſtas Tpoaupéorews juerépas, kai that such principles are yours, and Seikuupºv ôtu kai Tpó époo show that also before my time e / º 3. *A A. m TóAus evXe Tovt Tô Đpóvmpa, the commonwealth had this spirit; 1) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 159 A Af / ths pºévtov Švakovías in the execution, however, Töv Tetpaypºvov (bmpºv I *A e 2 t A Tús éd ékáorrows of every single thing \ 5 * an Aº Kalu eplavſø pleTeuvov, that was effected, say that I too had a share, oftos 83 karmyopóv Tóv ÖMov, Kai but this man, arraigning the whole, and ke)\etſov tipas éxelv époi Tukpós bidding you regard }}] e. bitterly º: > As / M Af a os autuq, ºpó8ov kai Kuvēēvov tº as the cause of the dangers and alarms to the tróNeu, y\{xetal d"Too Tephoral commonwealth, tenaciously strives to deprive épé ths prev Tupams eis Tö Tapov, IQ6 of honor for the moment, 3. /* 2 * a \ 5 A 5 didaupetta, 8 vpov To eykopºva evs but robs you of the eulogies for cy *\ *A A 3. V & &Tavta Töv Novtröv Xpóvov. ei yöp COS all future time. For if, on the ground that 3) * 3. Af \ Af eptov OU ToMutevorapévov Tó, BéATuota I did not carry out the best policy as a statesman, - * \ katalmqueſ offe tovël 8óšere you shall cast your votes against this friend here, you will appear e 5 an V Af jpaptmkévau, où Taffeiv Tó orvp/8divta. to have done wrong, not Tā āyvapoorđum Täs Túxms. to have suffered what befell you 5 9 5. 3y &\\ ovſk O'Tuv, by the perverseness of fortune. But it is not possible, 2 3. c. A. y oùk éo Tuv ôtros judiptete, divöpes it is not possible that you have done wrong, IOleIl 2 as 3. Af “A Af e M Affmvalov dodwevou Töv kívövvov Útě 2 of Athens, in undertaking the perilous contest for *A ,” Q Af e /* ths éAevſ/epias kai orant mpias diardvrov, the freedom and safety of all; *A M *A p.d. Toijs Tów Tpoyóvov Tpokuvövvetſo avtas no, by those of our ancestors who bore the brunt of the peril an - \ Mapaffovu Kai Toi)s trapatašapevows év at Marathon and those who stood in the ranks at 160 T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. IIAatava's kai Toi)s vavpax.jorautas Plataea. and those who fought in the naval battle 5. an \ W 5 5 2 Af ^ év Xa)\apºvu Kai Toijs étrº Aprepavoríg kai at Salamis and those off Artemisium and V e A M 5 w 3/ To)\\oys etepovs toūs dyadows divöpas many other brave Iſle I) keupévows év toºs &mpoorious pumpaoru, who repose in the public monuments, cy cy e / º A. 3. / oùs àtravtas Ópoios ºff tróAus déudio-aora all of whom alike the city, having deemed worthy a 5 ea *A 3, 3. /* 5 M ths at Tis Tupºns étalev, Aio Xium, oùxī of the S8, Iſle honor, buried, Aeschines, not pºvovs roos adrów Katop660 avtas ow8é alone those of them who were successful, not alone toūs kpatijo avtas. Öukaios. 6 p.év yöp ºv those who were victorious. Justly. For what was épyov dyafföv divöpóv, Témpaktat &Tao-v the part of brave men, was performed by them all; a / 5 cN e A. Sy Tú Túxm 6', mu ô Satuov čvelpºev and as for their fortune, what the deity assigned ékdo'Tous, Taºrm kéxpmural. or pew émett', to them severally, that they obtained. Did you, then, & Katópate kai ypappatokiſhov, BovXópevos you execrable desk-stooper, with the view of dTootepmoral ép.’ ths tupiñs kai robbing In e of the honor and A. W W y / du)\avôpotías Tapa Tovtovi éAeyes TpóTata esteem of these men, appeal to trophies kai p.dxas kai épya Taxaud, and battles and deeds of olden time, 6v Tivos oùroot 6 trapov dyov and which of these, pray, did this present trial Tpoorečetro; euè 8é, 6 Tputayovuotá, Tov call for ? and I, you third-rate actor, who A. Af *A p Tapuovta. orſpºovMov T] TóNew came forward as counsellor to the city i).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 161 M an / N / Af Tept Tov Tpoteuov Tô Tivos (bpóvmpa in matters pertaining to her supremacy, whose spirit Jy /* \ V * > *\ éðel, Aagóvt’ diva/3aivetv. čari Tô 8%p'; Tô ought I to have assumed in mounting the platform 2 The *A *A 3. / TOU époovtos dvdºva spirit of a man who would say what was unworthy Aº Af Af 5 A 3. Af 3. \ Tovtov ; ôukaios pºevt av dTét}avov. eTeu, of the past 2 Nay, but I should have deserved to perish. For, 6 y 3. an * Q.5 e *N as Af 5 * 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, ové àpas àeſ kpively diró gentlemen of Athens, you must not judge from * 3. * /* /* 3. Af Af Tös airms Suavotas Tās Te i8tas Šíkas the S8. It? 6. principles both private CaLIS6S \ M / 5 M V kai Tàs Smpoo'ías, d\\d. * TOL and public, but (you must judge) the A M *A 3 e /* Af orvp/86Xava pºév Too kaff juépav Bíov affairs (contracts) of everyday life orkotroovros étri Tôv i8tov vópov with your eyes upon the laws which concern private matters kai épyov, Tós 6é Kouvas Tpoatpéorets and the facts of each case, but your public resolutions,— 3. A. 3. \ 3. A. * daroğAétovtas eis Tā dòudºpºata TC01/ with your eyes upon the examples of your Tpoyóvov. kai écao Tov tiplôv Se: an CeSłOrS. And each - of you should vopuiſely ăua Tú (8aktmptſ, kai consider that, together with your staff and *A A. /* *\ / Tô orvp/8óAq Tapa)\apſºdively ye Tô Đpóvmpia ticket, you take along the spirit * *A / cy 3. / V Tô Tús TóAeos, OTOLLP evorumte TOL of the commonwealth, whenever you enter the êmpſéoria kpwoovres, etirep oleo-fle Xpfival Court-room for judgment, if you think you ought Tpatteuv d'éta éketvov. to act worthily of them. ‘AAA& 'yöp epteorov eis ta But (enough), for in touching OIl the 162 T)|EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Tetpaypewa toſs ip6v Tpoyóvous éortuv deeds performed by your ancestors there were some Töv mºbuo parov kai Tôv Tpax9évrov ć of the decrees and transactions which Tapé6m v. Botſ\opal of v étrave).0eiv I omitted. I will therefore return to the point e p 3. * > 5 Af ôTóffew eis Taot’ effé8mv. whence I made this disgression. 'Qs yöp diſbukópºeff eis Tàs 67,80s, When we arrived at Thebes, Katekapºvopºev Tpéo Beus PUNúTTov kai we found ambassadors of Philip and ©erta)\6v kai Tôv d\\ov orvppadixov the Thessalians and the other allies / “A V M e A. Af Tapóvras, kai Toijs pièv ºpetépovs q i\ovs present, and Oll].” friends €v $684, Toys 8 €keſvow ôpaoréïs. in trepidation, and his friends confident. cy 3. 5 * /* * cy - ötvö' od vôv Aéyo TOLUTOL €196KO, To prove that I am not now asserting this for the sake of toū āpavrò orvpubépovtos, Aéye pot Tiju my own interests, read II] e the 3. M cM e /* / 2 3. / étuorroMºv jv oi Tpéo Beus TöT' étrépalapwev letter which . we ambassadors then despatched eijff)s. Kaitov oùros kéxpmtal at once. And by the way, this man has adopted / 3 e *A Af ce 3. Tooraúrm y ÚTep/8oNº ovkodavtías diot', such an extravagance of calumny that 5 A' a A 3. Af et pºev TL TC01/ ðeóvrov étpdxth), if, on the one hand any of our objects was achieved, ºbmoruv Töv kaupov, oùk épé yeyevnorthal he says the opportunity, In Ot I, WaS 3/ e / 3. *\ / e e A. oluTuov, O.T.O.U.Tov 8 TC019 orvp/86 vtov CoS eTepos the cause, while of all that has happened adversely épé kai épºv Töv Túxmv (he says) that I and my fortune i).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 163 º 5 & & 2, M 6 Ll/OLU, airíav. KOLU, 60S eOukely, éyò ô 3, Pé the cause. And, as it seems, I, the A. M e A 8 *A 3. * orſpºov)\os PKOLU, p7Top O KCR) avTºp counsellor and Orator, See Dºl by him º Af 3. ^ * M /* €Lly O.L OTU19 OLUTLOS ojöevös Tov pºev Tpax0évrov to have a share in none of those things effected 5 / \ *A º 3. ěk Nôyov kai too 6ovNečo aortal, eivat 3 by argument and counsel, but to be Af y *A 5 Af 5 as cy p.6vos airvos Tóv čtvYm{}évrov čv toºs & TAous the sole author of the misfortunes in-arms W N M / a <\ Af 3. KOLU, KOLTOL Toju OTpatmºyuav. TO) S Olly 'yevout and in strategy. How could there be 5 Af º A / opotepos m katapatótepos ovko havtºms; a more Savage and execrable calumniator 2 M A Aéye Tojv étuo ToMºjv. Read the letter. EIIIXTOAH. THE LETTER. 3. 8% / 5 A. M 5 Af ETrevöm Toivvv ćtrovſjoravto Töv čkk\moríav, When, then, they convened the assembly, Tpoornyov ékeſvovs Tpotépous, they introduced them (owr opponents) first, 8 V & 5 /* 3y V / LOL TO €KellyOv S eXeuv Tmu Töðuv because they held the position Töv orvppaxov. kai TapeN66vres of allies. . And coming forward 5 A. W M - 5 / éömpmyópovv ToMAG pºev ćykopºld ſovres they harangued the people in high praise of qbí\virtov, ToMAó 6 ju6v Katmyopoovres, Philip, and disparagement of you, 5 A. A. º cy / 5 5 / avapuupºv'moºkovtes Trdºv{} OOTOL TTC)7TOT" étpdéate calling up to memory all that you had ever done évavría ©m3aíous. Tö 6' oiv Kedd Aavov, against the Thebans. To sum up, however, 164 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. Af 3. *A jčíovu aúTots dirošooval Xàpuu - they required them to show their gratitude º * º A. e M A. 6v pºev et Tetróváeorav UTTO qbu)\{TTov, for the benefits they had received at the hands of Philip, \ageºu 8’ Śikmu 6v jötkmvro and to take satisfaction for the wrongs they had suffered & 3 tº *A º Af A. º jºb’ pov, otroTepos BoöNovtat, 7) at your hands, in whichever way they wish, either •A A. > V 5 5 ºf a övévtas OLUTOUS ép’ (p.6s 7) allowing them a passage against you Ol' / 3. M 3. M M s ./ ovvep/80)\óvºas eis Tāv’ATTuköv, kai éðeikvvorav, joining in the invasion of Attica, and they proved, dis govto, ék pºev 6v autoi aS they thought, that as the result of what they /* N a M 5 Af ovve/3otſ\evov Tó 6ookſuata kai divöpdaroğa. advised, the herds and slaves kai TâNA’ dyaſa jčovta ék Tös 'Attukňs and other effects would come from Attica 3. M Af 3. M * 3y eis Tºv Bouotiav, ek 8é 6v ćbao'av into Boeotia, while, as the result of what they said ºpas épeºv T& év tí, Bovotíg We should advise, property in Boeotia ôvaptraorff morópeva Öttö too troXéuov. kai would be plundered through the W3, ". And *A y \ A. 3y To)\\d, d\\a. Tpos Totſtous éAeyov, many other things in addition to these they said, / \ Af 3. > º M TTOLL/TOL 8è OTU1976 Lly Ol/T €LS TOLUTOL. all tending to the same result. ey 5 € a 5 Af A *A \ \ d 6’ hueſs divrettopaev Tpos taota, Tâ pºev What we said in answer to these things, the details kaff &aorta éyò pºv &v Tupºmoratumv čvri on each point, I would esteem it a recompense for Tavrös too 8tov eitreºv, jpuas Sé a whole life to describe, but with regard to you Af M *A a / ôéöouka, pi) Töv kaupóv Tapex m\v66tov, I fear, lest, since the time has gone by, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 165 cy •) a dio-Tep &v et àyotſuevov yeyevnorthau you may, as if you thought there had been a Af & katak\vopov Tów Tpaypºdrov, vopriorite a deluge over the events, consider * Af Toys Aóyovs Tept Toºtov patatov the speeches about them an unprofitable s/ cy S’ º e a 5. Af ôX\ov. O TU O Olyly ºpleus eTrevorapºev annoyance. What then, We persuaded them \ ty an * KOLU OL dTekpívavto ſipºv, dikoúorate. and what they answered uS, hear. \ Nagóv Aéye TOLUTU. Take and read this. ATIOKPIXIX (S)HBAION. THE ANSWER OF THE THEBANS. *A gº Af 5 / M MeToº TOLUTOL TO LI/U19 €kd)\ovv KOLU, After this, then, they invited and peretéutovto ipas. éâûte, sent for you. You marched out, 5 a ce Af é8omffeite, iva Tapa)\eſtra, you rushed to their succor, to omit 3. /* cy 3. Af 3 Q A Tav pleo-g), oùtos oikeia's éðexovto what happened between, SO cordially they received jpas ào'T' Töv ÓTAutóv kai Tôv iTTéov you that, while their infantry and cavalry 5/ sy /* \ & Ol/TC)]/ éa) öéxeorbal Tºv otpatvāv were outside the walls they admitted your army eis Tós oikías kai to do Tv eart into their houses and citadel, among Taibas kai yuvaikas Kai Tô Tuptºrata. their children and wives and things most precious. / 3. 5 / as e / an KOLUTOU év ékeivil Tú ºpepº 678atou And indeed OEl that day the Thebans Jy *A 5. A. - Af - M éðelčav TTOLOTLI/ divt/p6trous Tpua TOL exhibited to all Ille]] - three of the 166 i) BMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A. 5 Af 3. e * cM N kd)\\to Ta éykópava kaff ip6v, éu pév most honorable encomiums upon you, Ol) 6. 3. Af cy M A Af V divöpeias, érepov 8é Öukavooriſvns, Tpírov Šē for bravery, another for justice, and a third A. M *A 5 A. ,” orod poortjums. kai yap Aépevow troviſoraortal for self-command. For when they chose to engage in the V 5 *N 5 e *A *A •N M Töv dyóva pºet, ip6v på)\\ov ) Tpós COntest in alliance with you rather than against . iſpás, ékpuav Úpas eival kai duetvows kai you, they judged you to be both braver and / S 5 a /* M /* ŠukawóTep dévotiv PvNúTirov kai Towſoravtes to make more just demands than Philip ; and by placing 5 3 e *A \ 5 / *A 3. 3. a ép juiv Tà év TAeto Tú (bv)\aki, trap avtots in your power what is guarded most jealously with themselves kai Tapó Tāori 8', Tatēas kai yvyatkas, and indeed with all men, their children and wives, Sp 5/ Af Aº éðelšav exovtes two Tuv oroq poor ſums they showed they had faith in self-command Tepi ipov. év ois T&oſuv, in regard to you (faith in your self-command). In all these things, y 3. as 5 / 3. Af divöpes 'Affmvalov, €hdvmorav eyvokotes men of Athens, * they were shown to have thought ôp60s kata y Úpas. oùte yap rightly at least as far as you are concerned. For - *A / 3. / 9 V Af too otpatotréðov eiore),061 tos eis Tºv TóAuv after your army entered the city 5. M 2 Af c \ * Q \ 5 Q \ oùöels €vekd)\eorev vpulu où8èv, où8é Il O Oſle accused you of anything, not even 3 Q A ce Af Af döíkos' OUTC) oróðpova's TapeO-Xete unjustly ; SO discreet did you show ipas aúToiſs' 8ts Te orvpatapatačduevov yourselves; and twice having fought in conjunction with them Tós Tpºtas paxas, Tiju T' éiri Too Totapoo the first battles, that at the river \ a Kai Tàu Xelpepuumv, éðetéate juas autois and the battle of the storm, you showed yourselves DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 167 3. 3. A. f 3. V M \ odk dipléuttovs pºvov, d\\d kai flavpao Toys not irreproachable only, but also admirable Tó kóopaq), Taºs Tapao-kevaſºs, in your discipline, your equipments, (and) * Af 3 3 (a 5 / y Th Tpot/vpig. ēp of éytyvovro ètrauvov your zeal. Which called forth eulogies M M * y e a V 5 e a Tapa pev Tóv d\\ov Úpºv, Tapá 6 ju6v from other men to you, and from you 0worſaw kai Top Tai Tots theois. sacrifice and thanksgiving to the gods. M 3/ 6: / º 5 / 3. As KOLL eyoye jöéos àu époiumv Aio Xiumu, And I for my part would gladly ask Aeschines, ôte Ta'ot" émpdºtteto kai while these things were being done and the / º M / M a M TóAus ºffv peoT) @Nov kai Xapas kai city WAS full of enthusiasm, joy and 3. Af / Af as a ettauov, Totepov ovvét}ve Tois To)\\ots praise, whether he joined with the multitude in sacrifice kai ovvevdpaiveto, ö AvToiſuevos kai and festivity, Or grieving and orrévov kai ôvorpevaívov Toºs Kouvois moaning and Sulking over the public 5 a * sy 3. \ * * dyabots kaffnto oilcov ; et pºév yöp Tapmu Sll CCéSSéS Sat at home 3 For if he was present M 5 A. \ *A y KOLL éâmtdiſeto pºetà Töv d\\ov, and was proved to have been with the rest, *A 3. an M * 3. 5 KNS cº TG)S OU 7TOLel, 8elvá, p.6\\ov 6' oijö’ Öorua, how does he not perform outrageous, or rather impious acts, ei 6v aúròs étrovſjorato Toys if (the measures) of which he made the 6eois paptupas, dis dpío Tov, Taoff gºds witnesses, as being most desirable, these wov dévot ipês toūs ūpopuokóras toūs he now demands you who have sworn by the A. / e > sy theoûs mºbío-aortal as ovK apuo-Ta ; gods to vote (as being) other than the most desirable 2 168 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. * *A M 3. ei öé pºſſ trapmu, TC0S €ort ovſk Šikatos If he was not present, how does he not deserve 3. /* Aº 3. s an e *A dToMoMeval tro)\\dkus, ei éAvtretto Öpóv to die a thousand times, if he grieved to behold a 5 ſ > º e y sy Tovto, éd, OUS oi d\\ou eXaupov : these things, at which others rejoiced ? Af \ M an * A / Aéye pow 87) kai Tatra to limºbío-pard. Read Iſle In OW also these decrees. WHKPIXMATA (S)TXION. THE DECREES FOR SACRIFICE. 3. * /* * gº Oijkoov ºpe's pºèv ºpeu Tóte év Accordingly, We Were then (engaged) in /* /* 3. s * Aº 6voríaws, 6m8oſov 6 €1/ Tºp vopičev sacrifice, but the Thebans were in the belief a- 3. *A Q oreo-àorffat 8. juás, KOLC, that they had been preserved through uS, and trepveuo Tojket Toſs Šokodoruv Señoreo-ffat it had come about that those who seemed likely to want 3 y > or " º sº Áombeſos did 6v oùTov čiſpattov, SUICCOr on account of what these men did, 5 V * e / 3. º OLUTOUS Bombeiv eTepots eå Öv were themselves sending succor to others because 3. cy A. eretorffnt poſ. dAN& pºv oias ºbovás Ó pi\varros you followed my advice. What strong expressions Philip / \ cy a Tót’ ºbſet kai év ovals Tapaxaus then uttered and in what trouble º 3 M /* A. 3. mu eTu Tovtovs, pathjoreo-fle €K he was on this account, you shall learn from Töv čtvo To)\óv Tów ékeſvow 6v étreptrev his letters which t he sent 5 M eis IIexotóvvmorov. kai Aagóv pot Aéye Taºtas, to the Peloponnesus. Take and read me these, c/ > - fº - / Ul/ eiöre Tí dTeupydorato in order that you may know what was the effect of IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 169 # ép) ovvéxeva kai TAdvov kai my perseverance and journeys and Taxautopiat kai Tà troXX& mºbiopata, labor and the many decrees d. oùTos vöv övéo-vpe. which this man was just now pulling to pieces. Kaitov, divöpes 'Affmvalov, 'yeyóvaoru And indeed, IlléIl of Athens, there have been 3 ¢ as M sy M A. trap juiv ToMAoi évôočov kai pºeyd'Aot among you many renowned and great € / & 3. *A A’ 5. * fiftopes Tpó épov, KaN)\to Tpatos ékeºvos, Orators before me, that famous Callistratus, "Apuo to hov, Kéba)\os, ©paoréSovXos, Aristophon, Cephalus, Thrasybulus, cy - A. 3. 3 cy 3. & A. eTepot pºvpuol' d)\\ Šuos ojöets toūTov countless others; but nevertheless Il O Oſle of them A. 3y e M A A 3. 5 Q \ TóTote éðakev čavrov Tſ) tróAel eis ow8èv ever gave himself to the state * in any case *A * 3. 3. º V 8va Tavrös, d)\\ O pºev through everything (thoroughly), but the / 5 <\ 5 / e V 'ypºdov oùk &v émpéo Bevorev, ð Sè mover of a resolution would not be ambassador, the Aſ 5. <\ 3/ cy A Tpeogeiſov oùk &v éypalev. ekaotos yap ambassador would not move a resolution. For each autov ŠtréNewtre éavrò dipa pºév figo róvnu, of them would reserve for himself not only relaxation, cy * 5 A. y Af 3. âpa 6' divadhopdv, €U TU, yevout . but also an excuse for shifting the blame, if anything went wrong. Tí oiv; eitrov Tus àv, ori) too-oorov Útrepſipas How then— one might say,+ did you so far surpass M sy e A, M Af cy Toys dANovs pop/ſ) KOLU, TóMpum Cº)O’Te others in might and boldness 3S /* A 5 / 3. / * TTOL 601/ TOLl/TOL avToS ; Ol) Aéya) Tovto, to do everything yourself? I do not say that, 3. 2 5 Af *A /* d)\\ eTetrelopmv TOly kivövvov but I was convinced that the danger 170 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A *A / * ey Kateu)\mbota Töv TóAuv eival oijrays which had come upon the city W2.S SO Af cy 3. 5 5 A. A. Af peyaw diot' odk éööket plot 8v86val Xópav great that it seemed to me to give no place 5. M A. > /* * 3. A. 3. / où8é Tpovouav oùöeptav Tās ibias dorpa)\etas, Ol' thought for individual safety, 3. 3. 3. 5 *\ º di)\\ €Ll/OLL ayatſm tou, €U, but that it was a matter of satisfaction, if, V Af cy as Af pmbéu Tapa)\virgu Tws à Set Tpdéevev. without neglecting any act of duty, 3, Illa, Il should meet his fate. étretreſorpºmu 8’ itép épavrov, Tvyöv pleu And I was persuaded for myself, perhaps divator0mtöv, Šuos 6' étretreiopmv, pºſite foolishly, but nevertheless I was persuaded, that neither •A / Af 5. Af &v p.m3éva 'ypddhovt 'ypdal at would any one else— who proposed measures— propose BéAtvov époo, pºſite Tpatrouta better than myself, nor, if he tried to carry them out, Tpaśat pºſite Tpeo/8evouta do so better than myself, nor, if he went as ambassador, Tpeo/8e00 at Tpoffvpérepov pºmbe Sukawórepov. act as such with more zeal and honesty than myself. M gº 3. *\ an Suð Taota. érattov épavTöv év Tóoruv. Therefore I engaged myself in every matter. Aéye Tós étuo ToMás Tós Too DuMºrtov. Read the letters of Philip. EIIIXTOAAI. THE LETTERS. 3. * € 5 A Af 3. A. Eis Towto. 7, Épº) To)\vreia, Aio Xium, To this did my policy, Aeschines, A. A. Af M M katéo Tºmore pí)\virtov: Taºrmv Töv (bow)w reduce Philip; such the voice ékéivos dºñke, Tô Tpo Toºrov he uttered, (although) before this DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 171 3. Aſ * M as Af étraupépcevos ToMAoûs kal 6pageſs Aéyovs accustomed to hurl many bold words a / 5 2 ºn /* Tſ) TóNev. div6’ 65u Sukaios against the city. Wherefore with reason éo Teqjavoºp mu JTö tovtovi, was it proposed that I should be crowned by these my countrymen, M V W 3. 3. / c V / KOLU, OTU Tapºv odk divréAeyes, Ó Sé Avdºvčas and you although present opposed it not, and Diondas, Af 5 3/ \ 'ypalid pºevos oùk é\agev Tö who impeached the motion, did not get the (fifth) Aº an /* Af A’ * \ pºepos Töv lºſſºbov. Kat pot Aéye Taota Tó. part of the VOteS. Read me these /* M / M 5 / lmºhiopiata Tó Tóte pév dTotted evyóra, decrees which were then legally acquitted (confirmed), 8’ ow8é ypaſhevta jirô Toºrov. and not even impeached by this man. WHKPIXMATA. THE DECREES. Tavri Tà limbíoſpat”, 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, These decrees, IOOleIl of Athens, 3/ M º V V V 3. V e /* s éxel Tâs avtas ovX\agós kai Taijrd fiſſuat contain the very syllables and the very words âtrep Tpórepov pºev "Apwortóvukos, vov 8é which formerly Aristonicus, In OW an c /* / \ 5. Af KT mortgbóv oſſroot yeypadev. Kai Aio Xiums Ctesiphon, here has proposed. And Aeschines S/ ? 3 Q A * > 5 * 3/ OUT éðiočev TOLUT OLUTOS OUTE neither arraigned these himself Il Ol' ovykarmyópmorev Tg) ypalapávø. aided that man who preferred an indictment. kaitot etirep vov karmyopet pov &\m07, And yet, if his present charge against me be true, •A / *A 5 / 3 QN / OLly TOTE p.6\\ov eikóTaos éöíokev he might at that time with better reason have arraigned 172 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. \ A. *A A. *A * Töv AmpopéAmu Töv ypdºpovta Taota kai Demomeles who moved this, and & c A. •A / 3. M Af cy Töv TTepetómv 7, Tövő'. 8vo, Tí; OTU Hyperides, than this man. Why? Because y 5. ga V 5. an 3. * * éo T' Tööe pºèv čveveykéïv ét ékéïvows kai he (Ctesiphon) may refer to them and * Af *A / M - Tós yu.60 eus Töv Sukao Túptov kai Tô to the decisions of the COurts and to the fact - * 5 A N TOUTOly OLUTOl/ pº) katmyopmkéval that this very man (Aeschimes) did not 3.CCUlSe / c éketvov ypaldivtov Taijtë & Te them, although they moved the same (decrees) which º \ \ *\ Ovtos vuvu, kolu TO Toijs vópovs he has now, and to the fact that the laws / > an * * p.mkét éâv Katm'yopetv Tept no longer permit to accuse (proceedings) on account of * cy - M *A TC)ly OUTC) Tpax0évtov, kai To)\\d. things thus settled, and many ce ſº A. 3. * \ * * 5 •N 3. Af eTepa TOTe 8 OLUTO TO Tpaypº OLl/ ekpueto other things; then the matter would have been tried 5 5 e *A Af A. ép' airtoo, Tpu Tu Tovtov on its own merits, before any of these (prejudications) as 3. 3. A. ^ > Tpoxaſ?eiv. d)\ Tóte, oipat, OUK had affected it. But then, I imagine, it would not º ey A a 5 / ly O vuvu Toleu, ék\éčavta. have been possible to do what Aeschines now does, picking Out a- \ *A ék Taxatów Xpóvov KOLL To)\\ów from former times and many A. &M / \ Af ilmquopºdſtov O. pºſite pmöets - Tpoijdet decrees what In O OI) e. knew before /* 5 A 5 / A. *A / pºſt’ &v ºffſh, Tjuepov fºntºvav, 8vaſ?6)\\euv, nor supposed would be said to-day, to calumniate them, M M V kai pereveykóvta Toys Xpévovs kai petaffévra and by changing dates and substituting an /* * *A levöeſs Tpod dorets Tois Teſtpaypºvows divt. false motives for action instead of DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 173 * 3. *\ * A. TG)1/ dX70ów öokéïv Tv \éyeuv. the true ones, to appear to speak to the purpose. *A 3. º 5 º / Taota Tóte oùk ºv, dAN' Tautes of That then was not possible, but all the / •A . 5 Af s 3 M *A 3. A A6).ow &v éytyvout €7TL Tſis à)\m{}etas, statements must have been according to the truth, A 3. * Jº Af éyyös Tów épyov Úpov čtv peplumpevov close after the facts while you still remembered º \ A. 3. ékao Ta kai éxóvtov påvov oijk ev the particulars and had them almost at: an W / M M 5 Af Taºs Xeportv. Övöſtep ºvyov toos éAéyxovs your fingers’ ends. Therefore, having shunned investigations 3. *A ce Tap' attö. Tö Tpaypat' vov ºkeu, at the time of the facts, he has now come (at this late period), ce * A *A as vopičov, dºs y áuoi čokeſ, juás Tovſjoretv thinking, as it appears to me at least, that you would make it * M Sy 5 M dyóva fimtópov, kai éoreo-flav OU YU, a Contest of orators, and that it would be not *A V Af ěčéraoruv Tóv TetroXttevpuévov, kai kptoruv an inquiry into political conduct, and a decision / 5 V a / A / Aóyov oùxī too orvpdépovros Tim TóAet. on powers of speaking, not on the interests of state. º \ M Eito, oroſhigetat, kai (bmari Tpoorjkeuv Then he turns sophistical, and says that you ought 3. an / \ e * º M dpeX70 at 66&ms Tept ºpov 7s pºev to forget the opinion concerning UIS which cy 5 y y º cy 3. cy mkeT eXoutes oikoffev; oortrep 8 2 OTOLly you have brought from home, and that as, when 3. ae / oiópºevol - Tepuéival Xpijuato. thinking that there remains a balance of money (in your favor) - Af 2\ º * Aoyićnorfle, ... Tºp, ău ai ſãºbot you have a reckoning with some one, if the pebbles ^ W W 6oruv kaffapal kai pºmèëv 3, re clear (the accounts are even) and nothing * as cy \ * Tepuſ), Ovyxopewte, OUTC) KOLU, 191919 remains, you allow it, SO also In OW 174 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Tpoorfféorffat Tots bauvopévous ék Too ought you to yield to the clear results of the Aóyov. ffedoraorffe Toivvv dis oraßpöv argument. See, then, how rotten ºbúorev, djs &oukev, éo Tu Tav ô Tu in its nature, as is to be expected is cverything which &v pi) iſ tre+paypevov Sukatos, yāp k Towſtov has not been done justly. For by this aúToo Too O'odhoo Tapačetypatos very cunning simile * 3. º / © * e / vöv y' dipo)\6 yūke ºpo S vTapxeuv he has now acknowledged . that we are, to begin with, éyvoo pºevows épépèv Aéyeuv thoroughly convinced in ourselves that I speak e V *A /* 5 M 3. e M vTep Tms Tarpíðos, OLUTOL) 8 1977e on behalf of my native country, and he on behalf of q}v\tTTov. yöp où &v éðtel perateffew Philip. For he would not have attempted to persuade juás pº) Tovatºrms odorms Tús you differently, if such were not the e Af e Af M e / itrapyoiſons intoxºffilieos Tepi ekatepov. pre-existing opinion about each. V M cy 3. / / 3. *A kai pºv čtv ye ot, Aéyev ôíkawa dévôv And that he does not say what is right in requiring Af A. *A Af 5 * petafféortal Taúrmu Töv 86éau, Éyd) (you) to change this opinion, I fimbíos 8v8&o, où Tuffets will easily show, not by putting down / zº > * º A. lmjºbovs (ow yap OUTOS Moytopºds COUnterS (for this kind of calculation 3. & * / 3. 5 3. / éo Tuv 6 Tóv Tpaypºdrov), d\\ divapºuvºorkou does not apply to measures), but by calling to mind ékao Ta év 8paxéori, Xpºpevos ūpºv each circumstance briefly, using you an 5 A. a cy M / Tots dicotſovoruv \oyvo Taºs dua kai pºdiptvoru. who hear me . as at once auditors and witnesses. 1) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 175 'yöp épi) Toxteta, ās ottos karmyopet, For my policy, which he arraigns, dvti pºev Too OmBaſovs ovvepºſła)\eiv instead of the Thebans invading 3. V Af V Af eM / eis Tºv Xópav però Pu)\tTTov, 6 Tóvtes this country with Philip, 3.S all 3/ 3. A. /* 5 e *A govto, Totmorev Tapatačapevows pºeff' huôv expected, caused them to join our ranks / > an 3. M & Q \ * & / ko)\iſeuv čkéïvov, duti 8& Too Töv TóAepov and preverit him, and instead of . the War eival év Tū ‘Attuki) yevéorðaw being in Attica (it caused it) to take place e / A. 5 A an / , 5 A étrakóorva o Tööta ätrö Tús TóAeos étri seven hundred stadia from the city, O]] a" © . /* a 5 V M TOLS opuous Bouaytów, duti 8& the confines of the Boeotians, and instead - a V \ Af M S/ e * Too Toys \mo-Tös (bépelv Kai dyeuv ºplas of robbers plundering U1S 5 a 3. / M 3. M ^ ék Tös Eij6oías Töv Attuki) v eival issuing from Euboea, (it caused) Attica to be 3. 3. A. - 5 / / \ A ev eupmvº) ék ba)\dºtſ) s Tavta Töv TóAepov, in peace on the coast side during the whole war, duri Öe too p(\tTírov čxelv Töv ‘EX\ſqrtovtov, and instead of Philip being master of the Hellespont, Maſłóvra Bvčdvtuov, Toijs Bučavtſovs. by taking Byzantium, (it caused) the Byzantines as 5 e A ^ 3. * orvpatroXepelu pºeff judºv Tpós ékéivo”. to join with us in the war against him. āpā 6 Noyworpºos Töv ćpyov ſhaivetal OTOL Does this computation of deeds appear to you cy Af *N an Opºolos injdous ; 7) 8éïv to resemble sums in arithmetic 2 Ol' that we should divtave) elu Taota, āNA’ oux orkelao flaw ötros clear these things off, instead of considering how / cy A. M pump ovevſhjoretal Töv OLTTOLIVTOL Xpovov ; KOLl, they may be remembered for all time 2 And 176 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. oùkéru Tpoo Tiffmut ôtu tºs pév Guórmtos, I do not now add to the account that of the cruelty, eM y 5. as º mu éo Tuv ièeiv év ois qbí\tTTos which we could have seen in the cases in which Philip katéo Tm kaffairać kūpuos Tuvøv, becauſe absolutely master of any state, Af e a ea e a V ovvé8m étépous Teupaffival, juels öé it has been the lot of others to have had the trial, while you ka)\ós Towoovtes kekôpºvo-ffe Toijs kaptois have happily reaped the fruits *A / , c\ 5 an 3. Af ths bu)\avôpotías, ju èkelvos ét)\dºtteto of his generosity, which he assumed toward you, A. & M * A. Trepuga)\\ópºevos Tà Noutrö. Töv Tpaypºdºrov. while compassing the rest of his objects. 5 3. 5 * *A &\\ €G) TOLUTOL. a But I pass by these things. \ M 5 QN V 3. A 3. * * 3 Kai pºv oijöé Ökvijoo €UTTéLL) Tovt , And yet I will not hesitate to say this, ôtt ô 3ov\ópevos övkaios éčerdiſeuv that one desiring fairly * to tcst Töv fiftopa kai pº ovkobauteºu, an Orator and . nof; to calumiliate him, oùk &v karmyöpel Touaora oia ori) vov čAeyes, would not have made such charges as you just now made, .TAdittov Tapačetypata kai pulpwoºpewos ſºjuara inventing similes and mimicking words kai oxiuata (Tóvv yöp Tapó, Tooro, and gestures (for of course it has all been owing to this, 3. e * V a e Af A. ovX opgs: 7"OL Töv E\\ºjvov 'yeyove, don’t you see ? that the affairs of the Greeks have turned out S 5 \ A. *A V ev eya) öueMéx0mu Tovti Tô (as they have); namely, that I used this e en 3. V \ V *A A W fºua, d\\d. p5) Tovti, j) trapſ weyka Töv word, but not that, or turned my Xéºpa Sevpi, d'AAá pºj, Sevpi), āAN' hand hither, but In Ot thither), but DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 177 étrº ajtóv Tóv épyov āv éo-kóTel Tiva's keeping to the simple facts he would have considered what 3. ^ V /* / e A. d'hoppos kai tívas 8vvdpºets j TóAws I'êSO Ul I'CéS and , what power the city º cy 5 3. / 3. N / 5 V etxev, OT evo meuv €US TO. Tpa) pat 2 KOLU, had, when I entered into public affairs, and Tiva's éyò però Tait' orvuſyayov airſ, what I subsequently raised for her étuo Tös, - kai Trôs T& after I came forward, and bow the affairs Töv čvavtſov eixe, eit’ ei puév étoimora of our adversaries Were. ' Then, if I had made V / 5 A *A 3 A. TOLS êvvápºets é\dºttovs, āv éðeikvvev her reSOU! I'CeS less, he would now point out 3 QN / 3. º º 3. \ 5. \ Tášíkmu. Ol/ Tap ejzou, €L 8è - the guilt resting upon me, but if (I had made them) *A / º -N 3. / To)\\6 pºetſovs, oùk &v éo-vkobdivrew. much greater, , he would not have calumniated me. > N \ V A. º 3. V étrévô) 8é ori) Tébevyas Tooro, eya) But since you have shirked this (course), I Tovſjoro kai o Kotretre ei Xpijoropal Tó Nóyg. will do it; See if I shall make the statement Šukaios. fairly. Aüvapºuv pew Toívvv 7 TóNus eixey Toys For resources, then, the city had 3 the Af 5 cy 3. \ M vmoruotas, ovX atTov70s, d)\\d. TOUS islanders, In Ot all, but the 3. A. M y Af y dorffeveO-Tdrovs' yap oùTe Xíos otite weakest ; for neither Chios Il Ol' ‘P680s oùre Képkvpa jv pºet" ju6v. Rhodes nor Corcyra W 3S with us; A. \ / 3. orijutašuv 8è - Xpmplatov €LS but a subscription of money (she had) to the amount of A . N A. / V * 3 Tévve Kai Tetrapdikovta TóNavta, kai Taot forty-five talents, and this 178 T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 3. Af e /* 5 * c A. #v TpoečevXeyuéva: ôTAirmv 8 m intréa. had been collected beforehand; infantry Or cavalry, 5 QN / * *A 5. Af eM \ A. oùöéva, TX)w Tóv oiketov. Ó Sé 7TOLLWTC)ly IłOD16 beside the native. But what of all things M / ‘A Af 5 e M a kai bogeptºratov kai pºd Nuorff itép Tów was most alarming and most in favor of the *A * º éxflpöv, OUTOL Tapeq kevºketo av Tóvtas enemy, these fellows bad contrived that all V A. A' Af TOUS Tepuxopovs, Meyapéas, OmBatovs, OUII* neighbors, the Megarians, the Thebans, Eö80éas, éyyvrépo èxflpas à hu)\ias. the Euboeans, Were Ilêa Fèr enmity than friendship. oùros ūtrāpyev čxovta Tô pºev Tſis tróAeos, Such were the circumstances of the state, * 3. M •A y 3. * 3 CN / y kai oijöets av exot €UTTéLLP où8év d\\o and IłO ſºlº Il could say anything else * * :) V M *A / \ Tapa Tavt T& 8é Too Luxtºrtov, Tpos to the contrary; the affairs of Philip, with ey tº e es 5 \ º A. eM Ol/ ô juºv dyöv fiv, orkéliaoffe 7TCO S. whom Our contest WaS, See how they were. Tpótov pºv §pxe Töv dico)\ov6oiſvrov In the first place, he led those who followed him, 6v airós alſTokpdrop, 6 Tóveis Töv TóNepov being himself absolute, which of military advantages éo Tuv peywortów dittavrov. eið’ is the most important of all; in the next place oùrow eixov tá čTMa deſ év Taºs Xeportv. they had 8, FITIS always in their hands; éretta mutópel Xpmud Tov, Kai émpattev besides, he had plenty of money, and did ey A 3 * 3. /* OL öööelev avtºp, où TpoMéyav whatever seemed good to him, not giving notice év Tots ſmºbiopia.oruv, où8 €v Tó (bavepô C. t. in decrees, In Orº openly / 5 & 5 Af e V ov)\evópevos, [ojö kpuópevos, UTTO deliberating, nor brought to trial, by i) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 179 a A. 5 Q \ A. Töv orvkoſhavtotºvtov], où8é beiſyov calumniators, IlOI’ defending himself against M A 38° •A e A. 'ypadds Tapavopov, ov 6v Štreiſt/vvos indictments for illegal measures, Il Or responsible 3. \ e * oùöevi, dNA airós dittºs 8e0 Tórms, to any one, but himself absolute master, e M 'myepov, kūpuos Tavrov. éyò 6’ leader, lord of all. And I, e 2 an \ ó duriteTaypºvos Tpos Toorov (kai yap who was matched against him. (for /* / * > º ôíkatov éčerdorat TOUT ), Tivos mu it is right to examine this), of what WaS A. 3. Af \ 5 A Kvpuos ; oùöevós. 'yap OLUTO I master ? Nothing. For as to this very \ a- a º TO 8mpmyopetv Tpa)Tov, OU privilege of addressing the people to begin with, in which V a e an > pºvov ćyd) pereixov, Üpets Tpoijtíffet” alone I participated, you offered it 3. y A 5 3 Af *A \ éč to ov toſs trap' ékeivov puto-flapwooo-u kai equally to his hirelings and \ M cy º époi, kai OOTOL of Tou Teplºyévouvto myself, and whatever successes these gained over 3. *A • * > 3. Af *A > époo (taota 8 éytyvero ToMAó, 8. Iſle (and these Were many, through eM cy 'm v Tpódaoruv čkao Tov Túxot), whatever pretext each might chance to arise), an M *A Tajff' BegovXevpuévov itép TC01/ in these points you took counsel in the interests of the . 3. * 3. * 3 3. cy 5 éX0pôv atmºte. &\\ Op.60s €K enemy and so went home. But nevertheless, under / V M Tolowſtov čAattopatov ćyd) étoimora pièv such disadvantages, I made e es Af 3. A. > V vpuu O'vppaxovs Ew80éas, AXavows, your allies (the) Euboeans, Achaeans, Kopuffious, Oméatovs, Meyapéas, Aevkaðtovs, Corinthians, Thebans, Megarians, Leucadians, 180 . DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Kepkvpatovs, dºb' 6v orvuſixth)orav (and) Corcyraeans, from whom were collected pºpuov pew kai Teutakuo Xi Nuov §évot, fifteen thousand mercenaries, Af * º an >y *A 8vox{\vov 8 UTTTéLS Q. 1961) TC019 and two thousand horse apart from the a- A. A V 3. V 5 /* Toxuruków Śēvapºeov: Xpmudſtov Šē éyò étoimora national forces of each state ; and of money I secured A. A ty 5 A TAeto-Tºw orvuté Nevav ôorov čvvſjömu. the largest joint-contribution of as much as I could. ei öé Aéyevs ôikava ſī Tā Tpos @mſ?aſovs, But if you speak of justice either as regards the Thebans, Aioxium, 7) Tà Tpos Bučavtſovs, % Aeschines, Or as regards the Byzantines, Ol' *\ ^ 3. Af 2\ Af V *A Tô Tpos Eö80éas, j Šva)\éyev v.vvi Tepi as regards the Euboeans, Or discuss In OW about Töv torov Tpótov prev dyvoets ôrt equal terms, first you are ignorant that éketvov Tptºpov Tów kai Tpotepov of those triremes which before 5 Af f M *A & /* a yovuorapevov vTep TGOU E\\ºjvov, fought for the Greeks, Tpuakooriou odorów Töv traordºv. % TóAvs three hundred in all, the city Tapéo Xero Tös Swakoorías, kai oijk opato furnished two hundred, and did not seem A 5 a > V A. vopičovo a éAattoo.orffat ojöè Kpuuovo'o. to think she was unfairly treated In Or prosecute M Af an 3. \ TOUS orvp/8ovMeiſoravtas TOLUTOL ojöè those who advised this course El Ol' S *A S \ A •2 *\ *A ayavaktovora etru Towtous (aio Xpov yöp), feel vexed over it, (shame on her if she had 1) 3. V 3y Af a * 3. d)\\d. eXovora, Xaptu TOLS theois, €U, but was grateful to the gods, that Kouvoo Kuvêiſvow Tepuo-Tavros Tots when a common danger beset the i) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 181 ty *A 3. E\\mov alſT) Tapéo Xero Sutt)\dota Tóv d\\ov Greeks she herself furnished double what the rest did eis Tāv orotmpiau dittavrov. eito. for the preservation of all. And after all kévôs Xóputas Xapíčel they are but poor favors (which) you are conferring tovtovoi. orvkobautóv épé. Tú yöp on these persons while calumniating Iſle. For why do vöv Aéyeus oia èxpñu Tpatteuv, you In OW Say what I Ought to have done, . 3. 3. > / 3 •A 5. A / * d)\\ OU TOT 6v év Tū TóAew kai but did not then, being in the city and \ a 3 y y 3. / Tapov Taür öypaſhes, eúrep eveóéxero being present, make these proposals, if indeed they admitted it Tapa toûs trapóvtas Katpots, év of under the existing circumstances, in which éðel Séxeo-flav oſſy Öora é8ovXópeta, āNA’ we had to accept In Ot what we liked, but c/ \ A. 2 A N º OOTO, TOL Tpaypat Sotº). 'yap O what the matters allowed. For OI) e. itſ pXev éroup.os divtovoúpevos kai WºłS ready to bid against us and / W M 3. / Tpoorðečópevos Taxi Toijs direMavvopºevows to welcome eagerly those rejected Tap pow kai Tpoorthforov Xpſipata. by us and to give money in addition. 3. 2 5 *A 59 / A\\ GU, vvu exo Katmyoptos But if In OW I have accusations against me étri. Tots Tetſpaypºvous, tí &v oleorte, for what I have actually done, what would you think, 3. / > 5 * 5 - Af M €l, TOT épot dikpuſ?oMo'youpévov Tept if then while I was refining about A. c A 3. a V Tovtov, OLL TóNews dºrm) flow KOLU, these points, the cities had gone off and / Af M cy Tpooréffevro q}v\ittg), KOLL’ Oppo. attached themselves to Philip, and at the same time 182 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. / / 3. Af M *A kateo Tom kūpuos Eij6otas kai 60m/360w he had become naster of Euboea and . Thebes \ ** A. Af Ap \ kai Bučávtſov ; Tí TOUTOUOTL TOUS and Byzantium ? What (do you think) these > a 3. /* an •A •A Af / dore/8eſs div606Tovs Toweiv &v 7 Ti Aéyéuv; impious Illell would have done or said 3 3. e 5 8 A / ) ". OU COS ééeóóðmorav; Would they not (have said) that they were given up 2 º * 5 2 A ^ 5 e * oùx dis & Tºdth)orav 8ovXópevot eival pºet" p.61); That they were driven away while wishing to join us? eira - kaffèortmice éykpati]s too pºèv Then, (that) he had become master of the e M EX\mo-Tövtov övd. Bučavtſov, KOLL Hellespont by means of the Byzantians, and * * a º Af kūpuos Tſis orwtotropºtías Tàs Töv ENA'ſ vov, controller of the corn trade of the Greeks, \ 3. e A. 8apūs 6' kai čuopos TóAepos kekopovo Tau and a heavy neighbor Wall" had been brought 5 Af eis Töv Attuki)w övő. 69,780 tow, into Attica by means of the Thebans, e QN 3 Af A. " y c \ % 8° 06Natta yeyovev dTAovs UTTO and the sea. had become unnavigable through * \ gº, e Af 5 *A E 38 / * TG) 10 motov oppºopºevow ek Tºms Evpotas ; the pirates making excursions from Euboea.” 5 <\ 3/ * 3 \ / oùk &v éAeyov Tavt , kai, ToMA6 ye Would they not have said these things, aye, and many érepa Tpós Toºtous; Tovmpöv, other things too besides these ? A wicked thing, * >y 3. * . N t / 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, Tovmpöv 6 ovkoddutºms O men of Athens, a wicked thing is a calumniator, 5 V V / Af \ ael kai Tavtaxóffev 66 orkavov kai always and every way malicious and Af & *A \ 3. / / 3. ºbu)\aituov Tooto Sé Távt/p6Tvåv €OTLly fault-finding; but this creature is V / - / 3. 3. *A kai biſorew kivaēos, éé àpx?s by his very nature too a fox, from the beginning DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN, 183 *A 5 M e V 38 3. Af Tetrovſkos où8èv vywes OU éNewſtepov, having done nothing wholesome Ołº noble, 5 A Af 3. as 5 at Torpayukös Tíðmkos, dipovpatos Oivápaos, a very tragic ape, a rustic Oinomaus, Af e Af /* v e Q / Topao mpos pſ).Top. TU 'yap 'm Orm Selvörms a counterfeit Orator. For in what does your eloquence cy 3. Sp *A Af * 7) Kev evs ovºmoruv Ti, Tatpíðv; l/UI/ Ct) f\le to the aid of your country 3 Now at last /* e es V *\ * / Aéyets 'mpouv Tepu Tov Tapex)\v66Tov 5 do you speak tC) US about the past 2 cy •N 3/ 5 *\ 3. V 3. * M oo Tep OLL 6:U, TLS vat pos €UOTU (01/ dorffevodoru pºev Just as if a physician visiting his patients as Af V /* V Tous kapºvovoruv pº) \éyou p.m.8é in the course of their sickness should not speak In OF 8 Af 8 5 ºn 3. A. ‘A 6L Kl/UOL U Cº)]/ d.Tode'éovta Tův give directions about what will drive away the / 3. M M 5 e- A. / M voorov, €Teu8) 8è 7 LS OLUTC01/ TeXevtſoeve KOLL disease, but when one of them has died and M A. º Af 3. *A Tô vopuéâp ev ºbépouTo avTg), the customary (solemnities) were being performed over him, 5 a 5 & V an Af dko)\ov66v eTV To pumpo, 8večíov following to the grave should expound : 46 5 e M cy {} 3. / \ M \ €U, Oly'TOOTL OUL/ potros etToumorev TO KOLD TO, “If this Iſla Il had done this and that, 5 •N 5 / 53 5 / ^ pº, oùk &v &Tét}avev.” ep/8póvtmte €UTOL l/UI/ he would not have died ” Idiot, do you then now at last A. Néyevs; speak? 5 /* 3 Q \ M ^ 3. *A Oi Toivvy oijöè Tºju mTTav, et yavpugs Nor indeed even as for the defeat, if you exult 3 ºn *A / Taºrm ép m Tpoormicev O-Tevelv ore, in that which ought to have made you groan, º A. e A. * * Cº) Katapate, evpmorete 'yeyovvvav Tſ) accursed one, you will not find it to have befallen the * \ a 3. TóNew év ow8évi TC019 Top city in any one of the things pertaining to 184 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CIROWN. S M / M e M 3. an epot. Aoyićeorge Šē ośtoo’i. oë8apoo me (my measures). Consider it thus. From no place Af 3. cy 5. / {} * Toštroff", O7TOU étréuq,0mu Tpeogevròs at any time, where I was sent as an ambassador e 3 e * 3. V 3. a", e \ * jºb’ pov éyò dºrm) flow ſittmbels Tów by you, have I come away defeated by the A' / 5 A. Tpéo Beov Tapó pu)\ittrov, oùk ék (betta)\tas, ambassadors of Philip, not from Thessaly, > º A 3. 3. 3. *A oùk éé Apºpakſas, oil, éð ‘IAAvpuóv, not from Ambracia, not from the Illyrians, 3. ^ *A *A p • où Tapó, Tóv €pgkóv 8a0-w) āov, oùk not from the Thracian kings, not 5 y * / ék Bučavtſov, oijk d\\offev ovoap offev, from Byzantium, not from any other place whatsoever, 3. an * 3. OU Tô TeXevrata ék (9m.8ów, d)\\ not on the last occasion from Thebes, but ^ 3. *A e A. an €vois aúToo oi Tpéo &ews kpatm?elev in whatever cases his ambassadors were worsted * A. * \ a e Tó Nóyg), TOLUTOL etruov Tots & TAous in arguments, in these he came up with arms A * * a- as kateo Tpépeto. TOLUT oùv dTatte's and carricq his point. This, then, do you charge º s an \ 5 3. Top epov, KOLU ovſk aid Xijvel Te upon me, and are you not ashamed both / \ 5 M y A. M OTK (9777"Goly TOly OLUTOly els pa)\akíav KOLU, to scoff at the same man for cowardice and 5 an -cy 3/ Af fºa dévôv čva Övta. 'yevéorffat kpeſtro Tms demand of him single-handed to Overcome - the 8 A. \ / M *A an Af vvæpneas ºptAirTov ; kai Taota Toſs A6-yots; power of Philip 2 And that too with Words 2 \ Af y 3. 3 /* Af 'yap TUlyOS d'A\ov ºw eya) Kvpuos ; For what else had I at my command 2 3. M * Af e A 5 Q \ a où yöp Tijs ye lºxms ekao Tov, où8ë Tijs Certainly not the spirit of each individual, I) ())" the Af *A º *A TúXms Töv Tapatašapwevov, où8è T^s fortune of the army, I] Ol' the DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 185 Aſ º 5 * 3y 3 OTpatm'yuas, - 'ms OLTTOLUTELS ept conduct of the war, for which you demand of me. 5. / & cy * º º N ^: évôſvas OUTG) O’KOLLOS € L. d)\\d, pºv the accounts ; SO perverse are you. But º s •A & e / y e A. Af (t) l/ &v Ó ſºftop ein jTeiſt/vvos, Adu/3ave of that which a statesman may be accountable for, make *A 3. pº A' 7TOLOTOLly éééraoruv' ov Tapavtovpal. T LIVOL a complete examination ; I do not beg off. What º * 5 as * A oiv čo Tu Tauta ; ióéiv Tó Tpdypºata then 3 l'é these functions? To see I events 3. , \ A M apxopºevo. KOLL Tpoavorfféorffat KOLL in their beginnings and to discern beforehand and * * y a Af A Tpoevtſev TOLS d)\\ous. TOLUTOL Tetpaktat proclaim beforehand to others. This has been done W sº M a- pºol. KOLL étu TO.S ékaoTaxoi, by me. And still further the several *A 3/ * A. Af 8paëvrfitas, Škvovs, dºyev'as, bu)\ovelkias, delays, backwardness, ignorance, jealousies, eX A. e: Af Priº A. O, - TpooreoTuv OLTTOLOTOLLS TOLLS TóAeoru which are found in all states * V 9 an º A To)\vtukd KOLU, avaykava aplaptºpata, as constitutional and necessary defects, * /hº e 3. 3. Af * Tajff djs eis éAdXuota orvo Teixal, these into the smallest possible compass to bring, M 3. A. 5 / kai Toijvavtſov Tpotpélial eis 6p16vouav and on the other hand to impel the states to harmony V A. V * a KOLU, qu)\tav KOLL öppºv TOU 7TOLéLly and friendship and an impulse to do M A. M /* * Af Af TOL 8éovta. KOLU, TTOLUTOL TOLUTOL TetrovnTau their duty. And all this too has been done W 38 \ A. > cy 5. V pºol, KOLU OUOELS pººjitoff evpſ) où8év by me, and In O OIlê will ever find anything 5 Af V 5 5 / 3. A. éAAevdh9év to kat' épé. €L TOLI/U19 TLS omitted as far as I am concerned. If then Olle 3/ *A epowto övtuvoov, Tío-w should ask any one whomsoever, by what means 186 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. qbí\virtſos 8vºkºjoſato Tô TAeſota Öv Katetipate, Philip achieved most of his successes, / \ y gº Af “A Tövtes &v eitrovev Tó otpatotréðg kai all would say by his army and * * / \ Af M \ Tºp övöóval kai Övaq,0eſpew Toys étri by his bribing and corrupting those in *N Af 5 a- 5 ^ *A 3/ TG) ly Tpaypatov. OU PCOTU 1) eya) #v OUTE Kūptos power. Well, I had neither the control * , , , & \ * W A’ ty Oly 77'yeptov Tov pºev övvdpeov, (t) O-Te Il () I’ direction of your forces, so that 38° e Af A 3 A * / où6’ 6 A6 yos Tpos épé TC0 ly Tpax0évrov the question does not concern me of the deeds done \ * \ A * N V *A KOUT ON TOUUTOL. Kat pººjv TQ m pºm) êvaſhflapſwa, in this department. And at any rate in the matter of being bribed Xpmpaoruv kekpatmka PvNúTTov Óortep yap by money or not I have overcome Philip ; for as & 5 A / & / o ovovpuevos veyukmice Tov Nagóvta, the bidder has overcome the one who takes the price, 2 \ A cy e N \ W €OLIV Tp(mtat, oùTaos 6 p.m Nagóv p.m.8é if he buy him up, SO he who refuses the price, if un- 8vaq,0apels veyirmice Töv divoſpevov. dote corrupted, has defeated the bidder. Therefore e / 5 / * 5 5 A. 7) Tó)\vs amTTmtos To kat eple. the commonwealth is undefeated as far as I am concerned. 3. *A pèu Toivvu èyo Tapeqxópmv €US What, therefore, I contributed towards Töövkaios Tovtovi ypdºbelu Towatta its being just for this man to propose such things Tepi époo, Tpós To)\\ots érépous concerning me, in addition to many others Taijta. kai Tapat)\ºjo.ua Tovſtovs these and (others) such as these 5 A' cM 5 e / e as a 5 €OT Lly" OL 8 ow Tavtes vpdeus, TOLUT there are ; those which all of you (furnished), those jöm Néo. yóp eijff)s perö. Töv In OW I will mention. For immediately after the DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. .187 / e *A 3. M * V p.dxmu 6 &mpos, eið0s kai éopakós battle the people, knowing and having witnessed Af cy M y 5. TTOLLWTOL OOTOL éyò eTpattov, €1/ everything which I did, in the midst 3. as an * \ gº \ attoºs tois Selvois kai bođepots pºeffmkós, of its very perils and alarms walking e A 3 > S v 3. N ºvuk où8' ºv 0avpdao Töv (living), when it would not have been wonderful * a Af \ Toys ToMAoûs dyvopov'norai Tu Tpös (if ) the people had felt some ill will against 5 V *A V V épé, Tpótov pleu èxelpotóvel Tôs épºds yuápas me, in the first place passed my resolutions N Af an A. & / * Tept orotmpias Tàs TóAeos, kai Tøv6 for the safety of the city, and all things cy c * an ôora èTpºtteto èveka Tſis byMakſis, which were done for the defence, a A c êvãračus Töv (bvXókov, (namely,) . the disposition of the garrisons, e A. A 3. A. ai Tºppov, Tô Xpijuata eis Tó Teixm, the trenches, the money for the walls, 5 /* & *A 5 a / 3/ 5 eywyveto övő. Tov epov ilm duopºdſtov: étreuff C8,YO € through my decrees; and further, aipotſpevos orutóvnv ô 87ſuos upon appointing a commissioner of grain the people 5. - \ Af N \ éxelpotóvmorev ćué ék Tövtov. kai pºetó chose In e from among all. And after *A / arº * TOLUTO, OTUOTOLUTC)ly ois jv. this, (when) those conspired to whom it was 5 M * S \ a Q V étrup eMés Toueiv ćué kakós, kai ypaſbös, an object to do In 6 mischief, and indictments, 3. A. 3. A. Af * > eijffſvas, eiorayyeMias, TTOL)/TOL TOLUT audits, impeachments, all these 3. p 5 *A etrayovrov plot, où Tó ye Tpótov continually brought in against me, not at first 3. e A 3. º êu' avTów, dNA6. Su' ày iTeX du/8avov in their own persons, but by such persons as they imagined 188 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A 5 5 A. M A. y pºdºlorff' dyvoſjoreo-0aw (yap Syſtrov torte would best enable them to screen themselves (for you surely know V / cy M V e A. e / KOLU, peºvno-fle OTL kata Tyv ºpepov ekao Tºmu and remember that every single day Toës Tpºtovs Xpovovs éyò ékpuvápmu, kai during that first period I was arraigned, and 3/ 5. 3. / / S/ ovt OLTTOI/OLO. Xoo-uk)\éovs OUT& neither the desperation of Sosicles, In Oł" /* Af 3y A. ovko havtia dºu)\okpdºrovs oiſte povuo. the sycophancy of Philocrates, In OI’ the madness Autóvãov kai Me) divtov oit’ &AA’ ow8èv of Diondas and Melantus, In Ol' anything else jv direipatov Totſtous kat’ époo), WàS left untried by them against me), év toºtous T&oru Toivuv pºvo to pºev 8vo. on all these occasions, I say, chiefly through M wV V A M 5 e A M TOUS ffeoys, Seiſrepov 8è St. vpºols KOLL the gods, but secondly through you and Toys d\\ovs 'Affmvaíovs éoroſópmv. čukatos: the other Athenians, I was preserved. And justly ; 'yöp Toito kai d'Anthès éo Tu ka? jaré for this is both true and to the credit of Töv Sukao Töv ćpopuokóTov kai yuávtov the judges under oath and deciding Tô eiopka. - oijkoov €v what is in accordance with their oaths. Well then, in V - ºn S) / cy 3 pºev Ous eio my ye)\\ópºmu, OT the matters for which informations were laid against me, when dire/mºbiſeoffé pov kai oiſ pereştóore Tots you acquitted Iſle and did not give the Af \ /* *A / Šudikovoruv TO pºepos T(01/ injdov, prosecutors their share of the votes, A 3. 5 A. A V 3/ Af Tót’ &lmöſeorte pie Tpatteuv Tó dipwortó. you then voted that I did the very best; 3. º \ 3. / Q év offs 8é dTébevyov TOLS and in the matter in respect to which I was acquitted on the DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 189 \ 3. 8 A. V / \ ypaſbós, òTeóeukvěpmv kai ypcióeuv kai indictments, I was shown both to move and • * \ Aéyéuv čvvopa' év offs 8é say what was legal; and in the matters in respect to which N 3. an étéo-muaived the Tås eijffivas, Tpooropoxoyette you put your seal to the accounts, you further certified a Af V Toivra Tetſpax0at pot Sukaios KOLU that all had been done by me honestly and 5 Af / 3. cy 3. / / §§opoãokſtos. TOUTO)1/ Ovy OUTC)S eXovtov TL ncorruptibly. Under these circumstances, then, what an *N Af 3. vopa Tpoormicev ) Tí Šikatov jv Töv *name was it proper Or what just for KTºmoruſhovta fléo-flav Tols itſ poo Tetpaypºvows; Ctesiphon to assign to my actions? ey A - oùv Ó éópa Töv Šipov tufféuevov, ºwas it not that which he saw the people assigning, - eX oùx é. Toys Sukao Tós ôpop.okóras, not that which the judges under oath, - > cM a kov)( O Töv d'Anjffevav 8e/3avoborav # that which (he saw) the truth establishing Tapa Tãoru ; to all ? \ M * Nai, by]oriv, d\\& Tö Too Kedd Mov Yes, he says, but the example of Cephalus \č —X 8 A. M a M Kola ov, Tô p.möeptav ypadºu ºbvyetv. Kai is honorable, never to have been indicted. Yes, A 3. 3/ * / v.) At eijöalpóv ye. &\\& TU, by Zeus, and fortunate too. |But why *A M &\\ov Ó ToMAdkus, pºev (bvyöv, the more should a man, who has often been tried, pºmºetróTote 8" ééeXeyx9els döuków, but has never been convicted of doing evil, Af 5 A M *A / 3. 3. A. yūyvout' &v Ště Tooro Sukatos év éyk\ºjuatv; be on that account justly open to reproach 2 * y 3. a Kaitov Tpós ye Toorov, divöpes 'Ath)valov, And yet, so far as he is concerned, at least, men of Athens, 19() IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. \ y a *A *A a-A kai éo-Tu pou eiteiu Tô ka)\öv too Kedd Aov. I also have a right to use the boast of Cephalus. V A. 3. 3. Af A. 5 Q 3 3 Q A 'yap TTC)7TO7" €ypdaliató où8 éöíoče For he never proposed IłOI’ prosecuted 58 A \ cy ovoeptuav 'ypaſbºv |Lé, (OOTe any indictment against me, so that e Af f * *A 3. 6poMóympat into orov ye eival troXírms I am acknowledged by you at least to be a citizen pmbéu Xeipov too Keda)\ov. no wise iiiſerior to Cephalus. * 3. TIavTaxóffew pºev Toívvv du Tus too From all sides, therefore, one may sees - \ º *A 5 ^ A - Tiju avrov dyvoopoortjump kai Tàu 8ao-kavíav, his unfairness and his spitefulness º ce 3. 3. 2 º' /* *A ovX jkuota 8 dq, 6V 8veXéX0m Tept: and not least from what was said about: *A A. 5 A Q 3 cy M e * !'" ths Túxms. Öyó 3' 6\os pév jyotipal A. fortune. And in general I regard (as) 5 / cy y <\ Af \ avom Tov OOTUS dvdpotos div Tpodépelº senseless one who, being a man, brings forward # , , & § ,” • tº & - TvXmu ăutpørgy ju yöp -* * * * fortune as a reproach against a man ; ſor (when) e A / Af O vopičov Tpºttetv 8é\Two Ta a man, who believes that he is in the greatest prosperity M 3 / 3. 3. kai oiópºevos éxetv apwortmu oùk oièev and fancies that he has the best fortune, does not know 3. an A. an et pºeveu Towaiſtm pºexpt Tºms whether it will continue such until the *A - M A. M éo-trépas, TC0S Xp?] Aéyéuv Tepi evening, how is it proper to speak about Af *A *A 5 8 / c / º Tavrms m Tós évévôſeuv eTepg); this Or how reproach another for it? 3. º y étrelë) 8° of Tos Tpös To)\\ots d)\\ous But since this man, in addition to many other things, * \ a a A. KOLL Tept Towtov Xp?tav Tó Nóyg) also in regard to this UIS6S words DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 191 5Tepmºbóvos, orkelao-0, 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, insolently, look, men of Athens, & A' cy \ 5 Af “A kai fleopſorate 60-9 kai d'Amtéo repov kai and observe with how much more truth and 3. dvěpottuva repov ćyő Sta)\ex{h;oroplav Tepi humanity I will speak about Ths tºxms Toºtov. čyo) jºyotpat Tiju fortune than this man. I regard the V A a Aſ 5 V pºev Tv)(mu Tms TóNeos dyaſh)v, fortune of the commonwealth (as) good, \ & an \ \ A. & a KOLL opo KOLU Töv Ata Töv Aoëovalov and I see eVen Dodonian Zeus pavtevópwevov to off" jipºv, Tiju declaring this in oracles to us; the - Töv Tóvtov div0p6trov pewtow, 7) (fortune) of all mankind, however, which vöv étréxel XaXeTöv kai Selvijv. Il OW prevails, (I hold to be) cruel and dreadful ; Tís yöp ‘EX)\ºvov ) tis 8apſ3dpov for who of the Greeks Ol' who of the barbarians ow €v Tó Tapóvt. Tetreſpatat has not at the present time experienced *A an & V / /* ToMAóv kaków ; Tô pºev Toivvy TpoeNéo-flat many evils? Now the fact that we chose V Af *A N / 3/ Tó Kö)\\to Ta KOLU TO Tpatteuv apeuvov the noblest policy and the fact that we are in better case Af 5 *A & a a 5 2 3. TOUTC)ly OLUTC01/ E\\ºvov Tóv oint'évrov, ei than those very Hellenes who fancied that, if Tpóouvro juás, Sudićeuv €v they abandoned uS, they would continue in eijöalpovíg., Tíðmpt eiwat Tús dyaffs t - prosperity, I deem to be (a proof) of the good Túxms Tús TóNeos. To Šē Tpoorkpotoral fortune of the state; but that we have met with reverses \ M / 5. *N 6: *A e KOLL pº) Tavt ovp/8%ual TºpLuv Cº) S and all things have not turned out to us aS 192 T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. é8ovXópºeff', vopičo Tºv TróNuv we wished, I think that the city pereuxmºbéval puépos étruſ&d)\\ov has only participated ill the portion which fell 5 * e * an / as y 3. A éb' ſpas Tūs Túxms Tóv d\\ov divt/p6trov. to our lot of the fate of other DO €11. 5 > an 5 /* / º QN / év 8 Tols ièious vopičo €Ul/OLU, Öikolov But in personal matters I think it is right éčerdićevu Töv ćpºv Töv ibiav Túxmv kai z' to examine my personal lot and V e /* e \ e as s V W º Tmu ekao Tov evos mpov. eyo pºev OUI) that of each one of you. I therefore e \ 5 /*A \ a / 3. *A oùToort dévô Tepu Tös Túxms, épô6) thus think in regard to fortune, rightly; “A /* t an 5. *A /* \. KOLL Šukaios, COS öokó epov'Tg), vopuiſo 8è and justly, as I appear to myself, and I \ e a e V \ s \ A 5 QN / - KOLL vpºwly * O 8è dºmoru Tūw epºmu Tm v i8tav think also to you; he says that my own personal Túxmu eivaí kvpuotépav Tijs kouvms fortune is paramount U vel ille Cömmon fortune = - es A. *A v \ A Tis TóAeos, Tův pukpāv ſcal batſ\mu : of the state, the small and mean *A 5 a * Af M es y Tms dyatºs kai peyd'Ams. Kai Tôs évv over the good and great. How Cà Il Tooro yewéo-tat ; this possibly be 2 Kai prºv et ye Tpoalpet travros However, if you are determined at any rate 5 Af M 5 V / 3. / ěčerdiſeuv Tºju epºmu TvXmv, A to Xium, to examine my fortune, Aeschines, orkóTel Tpös Töv oreavtoo, kāv look at it in comparison with your own, and if cy an an *A eipms Tiju èpºv 8eXTio Tús Orms, Taüoral you find mine better than yours, Ce3Se A' 3 fºx Af Af Motöopoćpevos avT). GTKO7TéU TO LI/U19 to revile it. Look, then, |DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 193 s 3. s *A / & & Af eijövs éé àpxms. kai Tpos . Avôs pºmbets from the very beginning. A nd by Zeus let no one katayv6 p.m.8eptav livXpótmta pov. 'yap lay a charge of absurdity against me. For 3/ 3 y A /* 5 * OUT ei Tws Tpotſm)\akiſeu Trévíau, Éyd) neither if one insults poverty, do I jyotpaw éxeuv voov, oùr' et Tus consider that he has wisdom, D. Ol' if OI) e. * 5 5 / A” Tpadets €19 dq,06vous Orepºvvvetal having been bred in affluence prides himself étri Toiſvg), dAN’ into Tris BAaord mutas O]] that ; but by the slander V /* V *A *A KOLU, ovkodbav tías Tovtovi too XaAeroo and malice of this cruel man 3. / /* 5. A. divaykóGopal ép.Túrteuv eis TovočTovs Nöyovs, I am forced to fall into such a discussion, º * / / OUS Xpſ)oropal pºetpuotata which I will handle in the most temperate way e N a A. dis &v Štívopal ék Töv čvávrov. I can, so far as the case will allow. °E N M Af e an & Ai / pºol pºev Touvvv vT)p €ly, to Xuum, Well, then, it was my lot, Aeschines, A \ sy A 3. M A. Tatēl pºev Ol/TL qovtåv €LS TO, Tpoor)kovta. when a boy, to attend respectable as V y e/ ötöao-ka)\eta, KOL, eXeuv OOTOL Schools, and to have so much as 2 V 3. *A Töv Toumorouto. p.m.8èv avo Xpov one should have who is to do nothing II] e2,Il 2 3 M öv čvöevav, eče),061 tº 8& ék Taíðav from indigence and having got beyond the age of boyhood A. Tpatteuv dikóNov0a. Towtows, to do things in keeping with this (training), zº as 3. / Xopmyevu, Tptºpap)(ety, eio dépeuv, I acted as choragus, became trierarch, paid taxes, 5 /* - *\ Af A. 3 Af dToMeitéo-flat p.m.8épuas ºbt)\otipia's pºſite ièias shrank from no act of self sacrifice, private 194 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. pºſte §mpoorías, d\\& eiwat Xpijo upov kai but or public, WAS useful both Tú TóAel kai Tois (bi)\ots, étévô) be to the city and to my friends, and when éSočá pºol Tpoore) beiv Tpös it appeared good to me to enter into \ *A e y a Af Tô kouvá, éAéortal Touaira ToMute'pata public affairs, I chose such a line of politics ey M & M • *, A M e 3 (a) OTC KCLU UTTO Tºms Tarpiðos KOLL UTT that both by my cöuntry and by troXXów d\\ov ‘EANºvov čorted avóortal many other Greeks I have been crowned /* W M : an * 3. \ ToMAókus, Kai p.m.8é úpas Toijs éxflpods, many times, and so that not even you, my enemies, étruxeupéïv Aéyévv djs eM attempt to say that (the policy) which A. 5 A. > 3 5 V Q V Tpoet)\ópmv où ka)\d, y' ºv. éyò pºev 8) I adopted was not honorable at any rate. I then, Af A / \ Totavrm TvXī) orvp/868íoka, KOLU, with such fortune, have lived, and •A 3? 2 3. cy º 3. an CLU &Y(t)}/ TóAA eTep €L’IT & LP though I might have many other things to say * 3 a Af A. Tept ov7ms Tapa)\etta), ºvXatrópºevos about it, I forbear, guarding against Tö AvThoraí TUI/OL év ois offending any one (by dwelling) on what A M 3. e *A 5 V W Orepºvvvopout. Orly 8 O Orepºvos avmp. KOLU I am proud of. But do you, the man of dignity and êuattiſov toos d\\ovs Tpös Taºrmw despiser of other men, in comparison with this of mine orköttel Toíg tuvi Túxm kéxpmoral, 8tº See what sort of fortune you have enjoyed, through ju érpººns Taºs pév du pºetó which you were brought up as a boy in fº 5 / 8 A. cy fº A ToMA'ſs évêeias, Tpoorečpetſov dua Tó Tatpi great poverty, attending with your father 1) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 195 Tpos Tá Štěaoka)\eta), Tp(Sou Tô pºav at the school, rubbing the ink \ Af \ / \ a- kai O'Toyyiſov tá (300pa kai kopów and Sponging the benches and sweeping Tö Tavčayoyeſov, Šxov Tóðuv oikétov, the School-room, having the rank of a domestic, 5 3. Af \ / rº, V 3. \ oùk éNev66pov Tavè0s, 'yevópevos 6& avmp not of a gentleman’s son, and having become a Illal), 3. Af A Af aveyvyvoorkes TOLS BiBAovs you used to read aloud the mystic books TúpmTpi teNoüorm kai to your mother when performing her rites of initiation and TáNAa orvueakevopov, Tiju pév vökta to help her in her other impostures, by night / \ / \ vegpičov KOLL Kpatmpičov KOLL wrapping in fawn-skins and drenching with wine and kaffaipov toos TeXovpévows kai &topdirtov purifying the novitiates and Scouring Tô Tm) @ kai Tots Tutſpots, kal (them) with clay and bran, and divuo Tós &Tö Too kaffappoi) 'having made them rise after the purification Af / 44 × ^ º ke)\eijov Aéyeuv, ébvyov Kaköv, eúpov bidding them to say, “I escaped the bad, I found dueuvov,” orepºvvvópevos eart Tºp the better,” priding yourself OIl the fact that p.m.8éva Tótore ÖAoA'ſéal ty)\ukoot' (kai In O OL162 €Ver howled so loud (and y / M *\ 3/ y 3 * eyoye vopuiāo. pº) 'yap oteorff OLUTOI/ for my part I believe it; for do not think that he Af M cy / 5 / 5 5 difféyyeo-tal pºev OUT (a) peya, ö)\o)\ºeuv 8 ovX speaks . so loud, and yet does not howl e /* 5 V a e / y itép)\apatpov), év 8é Taºs juépaus a yov splendidly), and in the daytime leading V *A e a- M V Af êvã Töv Óööv Toys ka)\oys budorovs, through the StreetS those noble rioters, 196 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A. e V Tís odk &v dis d'Antós ejöaupoviorete airów who would not really bless himself, \ M e gº A g 5 8 \ S’ 5 Af ! Kat Toju avrov TvXmu ; eTetom *Ypºlº and his fortune 2 When you were enrolled Y e / eis Toys &mp.6tas ôToorojirote, among your fellow-demesmen in whatever way you please, *\ 3 ex a / 3. e QN M S’ ^ 5 A yöp 6 tootó ye, étéð) 8 oiv éveypºdºms, for I pass by that, when, however, you did get enrolled, * 3/ eijfféos ééeXéčo Tö kóA\to Tov Tów épyov, you immediately selected the most honorable of employments, as a s Af ypapparedev kai jirmperetv Tois àpxtöſots. that of clerk and assistant to our petty magistrates. e 3. M / * djs 8 dºrm)\dyms TOTe TOUT OU KOLt, And when you were removed after a while from this also, 3 M Af A. 3. eX OLUTOS Tovmoras Trdºv6 having yourself done everything which DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 197 * ſº 3/ 3. A Katmyopets Töv d)\ov ov Katmo Xvuas, you charge against others, you did not dishonor, p.d. At odóēv Tóv Tpointmpypevov Tg) by Zeus, any of your antecedents by your M *A /* 5 V / \ pera Taota 8tg), dAN& pvoºdºo as oravrov subsequent life, but hiring yourself ékéivous introkputats €tuka)\ovpévous roºs to those aClOrS nicknamed the A. Af M Af 6apwortóvous, >up ºg kai Xokpºtev, lugubrious, Simylus and Socrates, 5 /* * Af pº \ / €rputayovío Tels, orvX\éyov oroka kai 36tpus you acted third parts, collecting figs and grapes / cy - kai éAdas oo-Tep ôtropºv'ms €k and olives like a fruiterer from * a /* A. Töv d'AAotptov Xoptov, Napºſłdvov TAeto other men’s farms, getting IQ OI’é º *A Tpatſuara &Tô Totºrov - - TC01/ kicks from them than from the 3. Af cy e * 3. / \ a youou, oùs 'pet's myovíčeorge Tepi plays, (in) which you battled for *A * º 3/ M Tös livX fis' yop ºv do-Tověos kai your life ; for there was an implacable and dkūpuktos TóNepos ipºv Tpós toys unceasing W3, r carried on by you against the - > * 3. 5 theatós, jºb’ 6v ei\mbos ToMAó. Tpatºp at audience, from whom you received many wounds e - eikótos orkótteus Go S Set\ows and naturally taunted aS cowards Toys & Teipovs Töv Tolowſtov kuvöövov. those inexperienced in . such dangers. 5 \ W M º . &\\ó yöp Tapeus (º)1/ TLS But passing by that, for which OD 62 3. Af 5 y N A. 8 * \ aitudio-aut' div Tiju Teviav, 8ačvotpat trpos might blame his poverty, I will proceed to aijrā Tº katmyopſipata Too TpóTov orov. the actual charges against your character. 198 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. cy * / / 3. A. eiàov yap Tovatºrmv ToMureiau, Étevöff Tote You esponsed such a line of politics, when at last 5 *A / a M * > ** 3 cy étrºAffé orov Toumoral Kau Tovt , 8t’ ºv it occurred to you to enter this line also, that *A / M 3. A. y Af Ths Tatpíðos pºev evtvXovo ms éſms 8tov if the country had prospered you lived the life Nayd) öeóvos kai Tpéuov kai del of a hare, fearing and trembling and " ever . *A a, Af 5 3. º 3. an - Tpoorêoków TAmyſoreo-flat éð’ ois à8wkoovt. expecting to be scourged for the crimes ovvijöews oravrò, evois 3' which you were conscious to yourself of having committed; but while € 3/ 5 A - º e p > º: /* . oi d\\ot ºtºxmorav, cºllow tºp diardvrol, the rest suffered, you were seen by all <\ e Cº)1/ tºpaoºs. Kairou ôortus - to be bold. And indeed, a man who, when ºf A. *A 5 Af 5 A. Xv)\tov Toxºtów dºtroffavávrov, é0dppmore, a thousand citizens had perished, was in high spirits, Tí éo Tuv oftos Strauðs traffeiv jTö Tôv what does he deserve to suffer at the hands of the Af M Af cy 3. 3y s as Ç6vtov ; troX\ó Toívvv ére exov ettreuv living? Many other things though I might say M 3. *A Af V > * a Tepi avtoo trapa)\etalio' yap ow oipal Selv about him, I will omit; for I do not think it necessary Aéyeuv eixepós Trdºvt’ aiovo& to speak indiscriminately all the disgraceful \ 3 A. & 2 × A. A 3. / KOLU, ôvetom OO" OLIV betéaupt Tpoorovt tovtºp, accusations which I might show to befit this fellow, 3. » cy M 5 3. A. 5 Af 3. es d'AA' 60 a pºmbèv éo Tuv aio Xpóv époi €LTT6:Uly. but (only) what is not disgraceful to myself to mention. "Ečéraorov Toívvv Tap' d\\m)\a Examine, therefore, in comparison with each other, W A. *A 3. W A. td. Beguopéva OTOU Kapºot, Tpaos, the course of life pursued by you and me, gently, pº) Tukpós, Aio Xium eit' épôtmorov and not malignantly, Aeschines; then ask DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 199 * M / Af ce > TOUTOUOrl, Toju Torepov Tv)(mu EKOLOTOS anjrów these people whose fortune each of them •N cy 3. 3 Q A Q / &v éAouff". éðiðao-kes 'ypopupata, would prefer. You taught reading, 5 M S’ 5 / 5 Af s \ éyò 6’ doirov. €TéNews eya) and I went to school. You performed initiations, I 5 ö’ ‘TeXoºpmv. éxópeves éyò received them. You danced in the chorus, I º 6’ exopſyovv. éypappudreves, éyò furnished it. . You were assembly-clerk, - I S’ 3. / - 5 A. S \ #KKAmoríaſov. eTputayovuoteus, eya) was a speaker. You acted third parts, I S’ 5 / 3. A. 5. * 3. éffed povv. €&eiruttes. éyò 8 was a spectator. You were hissed off the stage, and I M * a éoriſputtov. itép TC01/ éxflpóv hissed you. For the enemy A. a . 5 M Q 3 e M *A TetroXttevorov Tóvta, éyò 8 vTep Tms has all your policy been, and mine for my Af 5 an 3/ 5 V *A /* Tarpíðos. É6 TáN\a, d\\d vvvi Tjºepov country.' I pass by the rest, but this very day 5 M M / c *A a éyò pºev Šokupd{opal inſep Too Otedavotºval, I am on probation for a crown, \ M 3. / 3. gº 3 & *\ TO 8è duopoxóympat döukeiv p.m.8 OTLovv, and am acknowledged to be guilty of no offence whatever, \ * º oroi Öe jirdpxel ôokéïv eiwat ovkodóvrm, whereas it is your fortune to appear a calumniator, / W y * /* 3. kuvövvetºevs 8e €U/Te Set or and you are on your trial as to whether you are to go on * a sy 3 y *A M étu Tooro Toweiv, eit' iſom Tetratorffat, Aw'm) doing this any longer, or are to be stopped at once, not , *A A . * / peta\agóvta Tö pºepos Töv injdov. having received the required share of the Votes. 5. * º 5. e * A. OL affſ, 2 ovX opºs : TvX) Good indeed—— don’t you see ?— in the fortune in which orvp/8efbuokós Katmyopets Tfis épºns dis (batºms. having passed your life you denounce mine as miserable. 200 IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. º * V dépe 87) kai dvayvá úpiv Tós paprupías Come now, let me read you the evidence Tów Acutovpytów, Öv NeXettotpymka. of public services, which I have performed. * : \ trap d’s Tapavāyvoth kai ord plot tas As a contrast to which pray do you too read me the finjorets d’s éAvpaívov, Wel'SeS which you used to murder: %ica) vekpów Kevöuóva Kai okóTov triñag, I am COme, having left the shades and dusky portals of Hades, \ KOLL And kakayyeweiv.pl?v ioff, pij 0é%ovtá us, Ill news, believe me, I am loath to bear. * \ & \ M / KOLU, KOLKOl/ oi fleoi pºev, p.dxtorta, Like a wretch as you are, may the gods, if so it may be, 3y / * 3. €7TéLTOL TOLUTES oùTou, dToMeo'evav ore and if not, all these Athenians, bring you to ruin as * 5/ W A ^ kakós, trovnpöv Óvta kai ToMitmu kai evilly, vile as you are, both as a citizen and Tputayajvuo Tojv. as a third-rate actor. Aéye tas paptvpías. Read the evidence. MAPTTPIAI. EVIDENCE. 3. M A. ſº \ *A A Ev puév toivvv Tots Tpos Töv TóAuv In matters, then, pertaining to the state, *A 3. M a 5 2 3. TOLOUTOS" - €19 8è TOLS iöious €l, such has been my character; and in private if pº) trºutes torte ôtu kouvös kai you do not all know that I have been acessible and (buxdvěpotros kai étrapków Tots 8eopévows, kind and liberal to the distressed, T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 201 a W 5 S \ \ y * Q \ Af OTUC)7TCz) KOLL où8év av evºroupºu où8é Tapao Xoup'mu I am silent, and will not say a word and will offer oùoepiau paptvptav Tepi 106twu, oùT’ Il O evidence on this matter, neither el Tuvas €Avorópmv ék Töv if there have been any that I have ransomed from the ToMeptov, oùt’ ei. twort fluyatépas enemy, nor if the daughters of any persons 2 y 5 QN \ ovvečáðoka, OUTE oùöèv I have helped to portion (in marriage), Il OI’ any Töv Totoſtov. kai yap of to tros ūrei Amba. such acts. For thus have I assumed. 5 \ Af \ *A º / a éyò vopuiſo Tov pleu eś traffövta. öeiv I hold that the one receiving an obligation should pepºvno-flav Tóvta Töv Xpóvov, Töv 8é Toviſoravta. remember it through all time, and the one conferring it étru)\e)\no-flat eijffès, ei öel Tov pºv should forget it immediately, if the one is to Toteiu èpyov Xpmorrow, Töv Šē pºpukpoilnºxov do the deed of a worthy man, the other of a high-spirited 3. A V V e Af \ Af dvěpátov. Tööé útropºupºvijo-kelv kai Aéyeuv Iſla, Il To remember and speak of M 3 Q A 3. Af *A a cy Af s TOLS iöſas evepyeo was pukpov Selv opotov eo-Tu. your OWrl bounties is next door to ^ 3 A' > ^ /* *A 3. \ Tô 6vevöſſelv. od 8) trovſjoro Towootov oijöèv, reproaching. I will not do any such thing, 5 Q \ /* 3. 3. où8é Tpoaxtºforopat, &\\ IlOr shall anything induce me to do so, but ey 3 e / N A. ôtros Toff Ötreſ Amppav Tepu Tovtov, whatever the opinion that has been formed about me in these matters, 3. * opket pºol. Iain quite satisficd. 3. Botſ\oplav Šē dira)\\ayets Töv ibíov I wish then, having escaped from private topics, 3 as 3y * \ eitreºv čtv pºvkpó. Tpos ūpas Tepi to say yet a few words to you about 202 I) EMOSTELENES ON THE CROWN. Töv kouvóv. ei pºev yap, Aio Xium, Éxets eitreºv public matters. For if, Aeschines, you can mention Tów divěptóirov jTö TOUTOly Töv j\tov of the men under . this Sll Il ôortus yeyovey diffégos Tºs (a single man) who has come off unscathed from the övvaarteſas - Pu)\{TTov TpóTepov kai Tàs power of Philip formerly and that 'A\ečávöpov vov, ) Tów ‘EX\ºvov ) of Alexander now, either of the Greeks Ol' töv 8ap/8dpov, Šoto, ovyxopó orov of the barbarians, well and good, I concede to you M s M y A 5 f A. Töv ćpºv ette 3otſ\et Övopºdſelv Túxmv that my— whether you wish to call it fortune eite 8vo, Tv)(tav yeyevſo-tat airíav Tóvtov. Or misfortune— has been the cause of everything. 3. M V /*A /* 3 5 / 5 * €l, 8è KOLL TG)ly p.möetróTot iöövtov epºe But if € Ven. of those who have never seen II] e pmöé dkmko6Tov époo ºbovijv To)\\ot Il OI’ heard my voice many Af V M - *A *A A. Tetróvãooru To)\\0. Kai Selva, pº) povov have suffered many grievous things, not only kat' divöpa, d\\& kai ÖNat TóNews kai individually, but also whole cities and x, . Af / *A 3. / étum, Tóorg, Sukawórepov kai d'Amfléo-repov nations, how much more right and true is it jºyevo-flat Töv airíav diróvtov Totºrov, to think the C2, U1Se of all this e y A A. 9 /* 60S eoukev, Kouwmv TvXmu div6pg|Tov was, as it would seem, the common fortune of men kai (bopdu Tuva Tpaypºtov XaAerºv kai and a crop of troubles overpowering and oùx otav čev. ori) Toívvv such as ought not to have been (lamentable). You, then, 5 M a 5 3. *A 5 W \ A. dqets Taot' airvá, épé Töv TetroXtrevpºevov disregarding this, 3,CCUISé Ille whose political career was DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 203 *A * - M a 3 Topa Tovtovoru, KOLL TOLUT among these (my own cowntry mem), and that too, i8 M cy \ 5 K V 5A evoos OTU, KOLL €L |17) TO OAOv, knowing that, €VéIl if Il Ot the whole, ! 3. * Af 5 / pepos y Tijs BAaord mutas €TuğäA\el a part at least of your calumny falls on ºf V / Af 3. V \ &Taoru, kai pºto Ta OTOl. ev pºev yap all, and particularly on yourself. For if | > | x 3. Af •A 5 5 *\ 5 A. éyò alſTokpo Top Óv kat' épavTöv č8ov\evópºmu I with absolute powers vested in myself took counsel | \ a Af an X Tept TG) 10 Tpaypatov, jv àv about Oll!" affairs, it would have been open ... e. e. an 3/ * / 3. *A Špºv Tols d\\ous fiftoporuv airvāorffat fo you, - the other speakers, to accuse 2... }. 3. 8 M *A M 3. e Af ºpe et oe Tapmte pºev €ly OLTTOLOTOLL S /me ; but if you were present at all * 3. /* 5 * 3. e TOLLS ékk\morials, del 8 77 the assemblies, and (if) at all times the TóAws év kolvø Tpowtiffew orkotretv State publicly propounded for discussion \ p * > M / 3 Tö orvpubépov, Tajt’ 8é TOT the course fit to be pursued, and these measures then éööket Taort eival diplot', kai pºd Nvota | appeared to all to be- best, and especially V 3. & 3. 3. * Af 5 Af OTOU (oj yöp T' covotg y Tapexopels to you (for assuredly it was not from goodwill that you resigned 5 M 5 A. \ A. \ epºol éATíðov KOLU Ǻj\ov KOLU ºtO me the expectations and admiration and Tupou, & Tavra. Tpoorju Tots honors, all of which attended on what was A. e 3 3. *\ A 5 V Tpattopºevous vir epov Tote, &\\d. done by In 6 at that time, but & A a 3. / A. mTTopºevos Tös d'Amfletas Šm NováTw because you were compelled by the truth manifestly M • 3, - V A. 5 an KOLU, Tºp exeuv pmbév BéATuov eitreºv), and because you had nothing better to Say), 14 204 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. . *A 5 3 a *A M an 5 A Tós owk dèuke's kai Seuvâ Tovels éyka)\ów do you not act unjustly and shamefully in complaining of . toūTovs, vöv ôv Tót’ owk eixes Aéyetv these measures now, than which you then could not suggest BeXTio ; Tapó pºev Toivvu Tao-wu Tois &\\ous better 2 Now among all other ; s Af y 5 & e- A an 2 div0p6trous eyayy opa, Ta TouavTa 8toplopaeva. Ill CIl I see these principles defined t ! d kai Teraypºva 7TG) S' döukeſ Tis éków and settled in a manner; a man willingly offends; ôpyńv kai tup.opiau Kató. Totſtov, wrath and punishment for him. 5 /* /* 3/ / 5 Q, éčijuapré Tus OLKGOly" ovyyvopmv ov7% A man has erred unintentionally ; pardon instead of ths tup.opias Totſtºp. oùT' 38wków Tus ; punishment for him. Has any one, without criminality 3/ 3 3. /* V e \ 3. OUT éčapaptdvov, öoys €OLUTOL) €US ºr Ol' error, devoting himself to N * / *A * A. - Tå Öokoúvta orvpdépetu Taoru ou katópffoore what seemed for the general good, failed - pºetſ' citravtov; 6ikavov odk ovetoiſeu = - in common with all ? It is not right to reproach - 5 Q \ as a Af 5 :, oùöè Novéopelo flat Tºp Tovovtg), dA)\d Il Ol' abuse such an one, but orvudyffeorðaw. où p.606v Tavra Taira. to sympathize with him. Not only will all these principles (bavijoretal oitos év Tols vopiuous, dANó kai be found so in the enactments of the law, but € Veil: € A. 5 M A a 7, diſorus avT) êv6pukev TOU l]ature herself has thus laid them down in he * Af A M a 3. dypºdious vópous kai Tois ét}eorv unwritten laws and in the moral constitutions duffpotívows. Aio Xiums Toivuu Tooroorov of men. Aeschines, however, has so fal e / c/ 5. / º /* - itrepòé8Amkev & Tavtas divěpáTovs 6p16tmri surpassed all Illell in brutality DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 205 M cy M * kai ovkoſhavtåg, 60te kai div and malignity, that €Ven things which 3. A. 5 * e 3. Af V Epeplum to avros Cº)S atvXmplatov, KOLU, he cited himself 3.S misfortunes, €Ven º * > s *A * ſtavt epov Katmyopet. (these to me he imputes as crimes. | M * * y cy Koi. Tpos Tots dANous, do-Tep | And in addition to the rest, as though | > \ 3. M Af M - &vTös elpmºos tautas Toijs Aóyovs he himself had spoken all his words | e a M > * Aº S / dTAós kau pºet evvolos, ékéNeveu with candor and with good will, he bade you / 3. M M an cy Øv)\dºttetv epte KOLL Tmpeuv, O7TCOS watch f Ille and mind that V / S’ 3. / 5 Af pº) Tapakpoiſoopal pumö ééatratforo, övopºdſov I should not cajole O tº deceive you, calling me A / M ðelvöv Kat yomta kai oroghuo-Tău a man of art and a juggler and a sophist W V * > & 3 M / / 3/ KOLL To Touavt , GOS €OLI/ Tpotepos TLS evirm and such names, as though when a man is the first to say M 3/ M / * e a Tept d)\\ov TOL Tpooróvſ' éavrá), about another what applies to himself, ' v c \ * /h5 C/ y M M 5 A Kott 8) Tajff OUTCOS eXovTa, KOLL TOv S OLKOUOUTOLS that is true as a matter of course, and the hearers p A. 5. 5 / oùkétu orkeliopévovs Tis Tot' autós éo-Tuv are not further to inquire who the person is | Aº e * 5 W 3. 3-S2 cy Néyov Ó Tatra. évô 8 ois OTU, t at makes these statements. And I know that ºf * M / citravtes yuyvöo-kete Tootov, Kai vopuiſere you all know this man, and believe ; *A as A. M fº TOLUTOL Tpooreival towtg, Toxi, p.6)\\ov these charges to apply to him. much Iſl OI’6” w S Q 3. * º, ºº, 3 cy i. epºol. KOLK6 Ll/O eš oiè OTU than to mae. That also I well know that V 5 M / 3y Af tºv ćuju Seuvótmta— eO'Too yap. ih regard to my skill as an orator— but let this pass (be it so). } 206 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. y 3 & * \ 3. 2 Kairot eyo y opa) TOUS OLKOUOI/TOLS JHowever, l indeed see the hearers * Af * A. a to TAetortov kvptovs Tàs 8vvápeos Tów for the most part masters of the power of the A e e N •N º: a 5. 8 /* {} X \eyóvtov dis yūp àu Üpets àto 6&morffe kai. speakers; for as you may accept anºi Jº \ cy cy | éxmt’ eijvotas Tpós écao Tov, oùtos have goodwill toward each, SO 3. * 3. 3. ar, ô Aéyov éðoče qpovetv. et à oðw does the speaker See Ill to be wise. If, however, 5 Af * , éorru kai Tap' époi Tus éptreupta Totatºrm; I have any ability of this sort, / e Af /* * 3. Af trövtes eipſorete Taºrmu pév čeračopéumu you will all find that this was exhibited an an e V & eºs S \ | N év toºs kouvois intrép vpov aew Kau º * & } | I]. public business on behalf of you always, and º *A 5 e A }S’ i8 Af V 8 V où8apoo kaff Öp.6v ow toug, Tnu oe neVer against you nor on private matters; but that 5 /* º Toijtov TOUI/OUl/TLOly OU of Aeschines, on the contrary, (has been exhihited) , nint a e M an * pºvov Tó Néyeuv U7'e Töv čxfºpºv, only in speaking on behalf of the enemy, 3. V V y 5. A Af * \ d)\\ó kai et TUS é\ſirmoré Tu Tootov but also if any one has vexed him. al all *A Af A. M 7) Tpoorekpovore trov, KOLTOL roſtov. Or in any way offended him, against such mén. 5. *A an 9 * A. 5 & 5 OU) 'yap XpmTow avT) ôukatos, olº For he does not employ it. for justice, nor 3 p 3 cy /* *A / as - éd é orvpdepet Tſ) TóAet. for what benefits the commonwealth. ^ e ex *A 3/ M 5 y àp airá, 3e3avouv ovre Tºv opymu For to secure himself the indulgence of neither his anger 3/ M 3y 6 3/ > y }8 Ä ovte Túv ext/pav ovt d)\\o owbév In OK” his enmity In Or any other - an Af an *A M} TC01/ TOLOUTCOL) Sel TOly ka)\ö of such things should the man of hondr j DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 207 \ 3. \ Af 3. * * 5 A kāyaffou Toxirmv dévoov Toys eiore)")\v06tas and the patriot call on those who have entered the court M º M *A a- Šukao Tös vTep TC)ly Kouvov, as judges on behalf of the public interests, jS’ 3. Af 3. e A e \ Af | O'U €l, OTU,él/OLU, €US vpos vTep Tovtov, | nor ought he to come before you for such purposes, \ 5 V A. M \ 3y a 3. dAN& poºvorta pºév pººj čxeuv TOLUT but best of all not to have these feelings 5 a / 5 S’ 3y 3 5 / 3y év Tú (bùorel, ei 6 ap' divdykm, eXeuv in his nature, but if he must, to have them AS V A. Af 3. 3. Tpdos kai perpíos Suakeſpev’. év tíoſuv oſſºv mildly and moderately disposed. On what occasions, then, e. Töv Toxtevópºevow kai Töv fiftopa jught the Statesman and Orator' º \ 3. an an cy & Ll/OLU, ordoëpöv ; €v ois Tów ÖAov Tu ſo be vehement 2 Where any of the main interests a A A. - M 5 º Tſ) tróNew kuvövveterat, KOLU €12 OLS of the commonwealth is in jeopardy, and when éorti Tô 8mpg) Tpos toūs évavtſovs, év the people have to deal with their enemies, in Totºrous yöp Taira 'yevyatov these cases; for those (are the occasions) for a generous V 3. a Af A \ KOLL dyaboo To)\ítov. Tótrote 8é and brave citizen. But that without ever 5 / a /* 3. 3. *A dévôoravta Nagelv Šikmu Tap' époo having thought right to get satisfaction from Illé Sevös 8 / thíoſo Sé 8’ i8% |UT) evos Ompoo'vov, Tpoor 'mora, Oe pºſſ) UO LOTU on account of any public, nay I will add, eVen private 3. / A Zºº e M a / dèukſjuatos, pººjff jtěp Tús TóNeos wrong, - either on the state’s behalf pººjö jarép airtoo, jkeuv ovved-kevao pºevov or his own, he should now come forward having prepared karmyopiau orted divov kai an accusation against my being crowned and étraivov, kai dum).okéval Toorovtovort honored, and should have expended - so many 208 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A6)ovs iöías éxflpa's kai. q,06vov kai words of personal enmity, and spite and Pukpolluxias €o Ti Ormuelov, odóevös Xpmo too. Iſlé8, 1] IléSS is proof, . . not of anything good. *A M M *A 3 / \ TO 8è 8) KOLL €OLOTOLLWTOL Tovs But indeed, that he, having neglected to bring the 2 jº, ſº c ! dyóvas Tpos épé avTöv vov jkeuv trials against Illé myself, now should come 5 M A. 3. 3, \ ea Af €7TL Tów8 eXéu KOLU, TTOLOTOUl/ KOLKUOL1/. against this man, involves even everything that is bad. A' yº - - KOLU plot Šoke's ék Toºrov, And to me you appear from these things, 3. *A a Aio Xium, TpoeNéo-flat Tootov Töv dyóva Aeschines, to have undertaken this C3 U.Sé / / 3. / Af BovXópºevos Tovſjorao flat éiríðelčív Tuva wishing to make a sort of exhibitioni \6 you kai ſhova.orktas, oijk \agelvi of eloquence and vocal practice, not to obtain Af 5 \ s A 3y 3. s Tupuapuav oùöévôs dèukſjuatos. €OTU 8 ovX - satisfaction for any Wrong. But it is not t / f* & 6 > J’ U A6),0s Tov piſtopos, Aio Xium, the language of the orator, Aeschines, Tiptov, oč6’ 6 Tóvos Tſis that is the thing to be valued, }} Ol' the tone of his an 3. Q *\ an 3. V ºbovňs, d\\ö. Tö Tpoaupeto-flat TOLUTCL voice, but his adopting the same views *A * V ^ * V A TOLS ToMAoi's kai Tô pavoreºv kai bu)\eiv. with the people and his hating and loving Toys attoos ojo-Tep &v 7 Tatpís. ô yò. the same persons as his country. - For the man oùtos éxov Tiju livXiju, oùtos épel ºrd wr’ that is thus minded, he will say everything S 5 3. A. € 3. A A. 3 p 5 ºn y ét’ eijvoig ó 6’ 6epairetſov Totºrovs dº Óv in loyalty; but he that counts those from whom % TóAus Tpoopótaí Tuva kū'8vvov the commonwealth apprehends danger I) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 209 e an 3 e * 3 M a 3 * | eavtſ), OUK oppet €7TU Tms avT)s to herself, does not ride at the same (anchor) \ /* an 5/ 3. V y V TOLS ToMAots, oùkovy oijöé eXel Toju with the people, neither, consequently, has he the 5. ^ / a 3. Af 3. 3. aúrûv Tpoorêokiav Tijs dorſha)\etas. dAN Sal Ilê expectation of security. But, a - A. \ e / 3 * ôpºs : éyò yöp eixópºmu TOLUTOL do you see? I have ; for I have chosen the same things which 5 \ \ orvpuſhëpov6 Tovtovo-u, KOLL were to the interest of these (my cowmtry mem), and / 3 Q 3 y Jöév ěčaſpetov ojö tövov O exclusive Or private interests /* º 5 3. 58 V Aº M ^ - . TeToumpºot. ap ovu ovoe orv ; KOLD TOS ; have I made for myself. Is that so with you ? How can it be 2 ôs eijfféos pºetà Tâv pºdixmv étropetſov You who immediately after the War went off \ *\ / cy ^ Tpeo/8evtås Tpós q}{\virtſov, OS ºv as ambassador tC) Philip, who WaS attuos Töv orvpubopóv Th Tatpíðu the author of the calamities to your country éketvous Tois Xpévous, kai Ta'ot" that time, and that too 3. A A. *\ y A. Af Apwovpuevos TOLUTOL TOly éutſpoorffe Xpovov Tavt mu though refusing during all the previous time this \ A. e A. y / Tmu Xpelov, COS TOLUTES LOTOLOTLI/. KOLUTOU, service, 3.S all know. And indeed, A 6: 3. * M / TLS - O ééatratów Tmu TóAuv; who is it that deceives the State 2 3 C. Q / cM a ovX o pº) Méyou Ol, bpove. ; Is it not the man who does not say what he thinks? *A 5 e a *A Tô 8 O köpwé Katapatau And on whom does the herald pronounce a curse A. 3. a Af V an Šukaios; où Tó Toloiſtg); tí Šē pºetſov justly 2 Is it not on such an one 2 What greater Ší y •N 3. a 5 5 8 *A € / OL UKmpºo, eXot TLS OLL ELTTELly KOLT CLI/ pos p7Topos crime C8,Il OIl62 mention against an Orator 21() T) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. . *A 5 & es V Af et p07) ºppovet KOLL Aéyet than that he does not think and Say 5 A V A. e A ſ Tavta ; OTU TO LI/Ul/ eipet/ms the same things 2 You then have been found to be º º A / “A * Oly'TOS. eita or b0éyyev kai Toxpºs such a man. Do you then speak and dare 3. \ / V £8)\étreuv ELS TOL Tpoorotra Tovtovu ; to look into the faces of these men 2 5 e a 3. \ 5 w cy Tótep 77'yev OLUTOUS ovX 'yvywó0-keuv OOTLS Do you think they do not know what sort of a man º •N cy y an €U 3 atTavtas eXeuv TOOTOUTOly you are 2 Ol' that they are all sunk in such ce W A cy > 3 *A U7719 Oly KOLU Aſthmu w (º) OT OU peplumo flat sleep and oblivion 3.S In Ot to remember M A. cM CN / Toijs A6).ovs ois éömpanyópels the remarks which you made in your harangues to the people 9 €ly Tô ToMéug ; katapépévos at the time of the War 2 imprecating curses on yourself kai. 8vopºvipºevos eival oroi kai and protesting that there was between you and q'u)\in to p.möèv Tpaypa, dAN' épé Philip Il O relation, but that iſ étréºyeuv Toºrmv Töv airíav OTOU was bringing that charge against you cy 3. *A 3. / 3/ 3. º 3. an évek Tůs ióías ext/pas, oùk of orav dxnt/ſ). out of personal enmity, which was not true. e 5 A 5 5 A. e A djs 6' taxworff darmyyáAffm 7) Awax?), But as soon as there came the news of the battje, / 3. V A. e / an dpovtſo as ow8év TO107 COL) dipo)\6)ets you thought of none of these statements, but acknowledged kai Tpooretovoo eijfféos eivaí and avowed immediately that there was *\ 5 V Af & OTOU, Tpos avtov (bu)\tav KOLL between you and him a relation of friendship and §eviav, peratufféuevos Taota Tó Övöpata intimacy, Substituting these In 3. Iłł eS DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 211 tfi puto-tapuig. yóp ék Toías for your position as an hireling; for OIl what 3. •A º Tpod doréas to-ms # 8vkaías mu plea of equality OF justice could *A / 2 q}{\utritos éévos i) biXos à yvöpupos Philip be the intimate Or friend Ol' acquaintance Aioxium Tô TXavkofféas Tàs Twp. Tavuorſpías; 0. of Aeschines, 3. \ V eya) pºev I the son of Glaucothea the timbrel-player? oùx ôpó, &\\' épºvo-060ms do not see, but you were hired M orvpuſbépovta Tovtovi. V a \ éti Tô ôvaq,0eſpeuv TOL h interests of these to ruin the d'AA' àpos (your countrymen). But nevertheless, eixmppevos been caught oùro havepôs though you have thus openly Tpoöörms as a traitor oravtoo yourself M KOLL and 5 A OLUTOS yourself * M pººjvvT)s an informer Now8opeſ you revile yeyovos become 3 M €7TU, after V KOLTOL against M KOLL and O'vp. 3&ort fact, Tots the 5 V epºol Iſle Tövtas all Taota. for things 3. Af ôvevåſſels reproach eūpijo els you will find 5 / OLUTLOUS \: ;-->. chargea:e Öv with which pax\ov. SOOller (than I). IIo)\\& evdAa. Many pey great enterprises Tpoet Aero undertaken *A KOLU, and M \ kai ka)\d. glorious \ KOLL both 5 *A epov, me, *A 'yap for 3 M €7TL OWer e A. 7, TóAus, has the commonwealth, M KOLL katópffoore and carried out 3. Cººk juvmpuévnorev. she did not forget. Xelpotovov when electing Terexevrmkóort who had fallen Aio Xium, Aeschines, Su’ through * /* ormuelov 8é Here is the proof– époovt’ to speak 3. 3. V Tap OLUTOL immediately after 6v which C an ô 6mpos the people, Tots those Af orvp/86 vta. event Töv the man \ TOL the 212 I) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 5 5 A. - & / ov exeupotov more OTE TpoſłAm0évta, did not elect you though you were proposed, Af 5/ y 3 Q \ / Kautep ôvta eighovov, où6è Ampuděmv, although you had a fine voice, Il Or Demades, apti Tetovnkóra Tøv eipſiumv, où8’ though he had just made the peace, El Or ‘Hympova, odó d'A\ov ovſöéva ipov, Hegemon, El Ol' anybody else from among you, d'AA' épé. Kai oroo kai IIv6ok\éovs but In 62. And when you and Pythocles / 3. * \ 5 a º *A TapeN66vtos duðs kai dvačós, ò Zed, came forward brutally and shamelessly, O Zeus, kai fleot, kai karmyopoćvtov ćuot, and ye other gods, and urged against ICO 6: 5 W eX \ V W M / TOLUTO. O. KOLL O'v vulvu, Koll. Novéopovpévov, the same accusations which you now do, and abused me, 5 Af 5 A. sy 3 y *A 5 y éxelpotóvmorev ćué &r' dueuvov. To 3’ attvov they elected I}}{2 all the more. Of the reason 3. 5. a * cy V A. s // oùk dyvoets pºèv, Šuos 8e dipdoro orot käytä. you are not ignorant, and yet I will tell you. 5 A. 5 y º /* 5 5. v diplºbótep jöeorav ovtov, Toju t epºmu Both facts knew the Athenians, my eijvouav kai Tpoffvptav pºeff' ºs émpatrov loyalty and the zeal with which I conducted \ Af 2 M V e / 3. Af TOL Tpaypºat 2 KOLU, Toju vpletepav döuktav' their affairs, and your dishonesty; º V gº Af 3. /* 5. aº d yöp Töv Tpaypºdrov eijffevoúvtov ºpveto-0e for what when affairs were prosperous you denied ôtopºvčuevou, Taüt' diplo)\oyfforate évois éttavorev upon oath, this you confessed in the misfortunes of e / M º 3 N a * tróAus. Toys OUI/ €7TL TOLS KOLl/OLS the state. Those, accordingly, who in the common > /* / y º 5 Af drvXijuaoru Nagóvtas d8evav Óv éppóvovv, misfortunes found a security for their designs, e A e as 3. W. N / my moravto aútoºs éxflpoys pºév Tººl they considered to have been their enemies long ago, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 213 A /\3 M a", M T66° Sé 'yeyevnorðat havepoys' and at that moment to have become such manifestly; eito. kai ÜToMapſ36 vovres Tpoorſketv further also having considered that it was fitting Töv époovt’ eiti to's that the person who was to speak in honor of the Terexevtmkóorv kai koop ſorovta Tův éketvav fallen and celebrate their 5 M A / )3 Af º e / A /\5) dpetàv pººj6 yeyev muévov eival épopóðvov piſt, valor should not have sat under the same roof Or ôpéo-trověov Tolstpos éketvovs Tapatašapwevous, at the same table with their enemies, 3. / 3. at \ M A. p.m.8 kopºćeuv ékéſ, pºev kai Tatavíčeuv and that he should not revel there and sing a paean 3 M /* an *A & A' €7TL TOLLS orvpuſhopaſs TG) ly E\\ºjvov OVer the calamities of the Greeks pºetó. Töv attoxeipov too bovov, in company with the perpetrators of the murder, A 3. 5 / an ðeopo 8 eX0óvta. Tupuao flav, and then come here and receive distinction, M e / a", es p.möé vTokpuuopºevov Tú (bovi. and that he should not, acting his part, with his voice / V 3. Af A S * Šakpáeuv Tºju ekeuvov Tv)(mu, d)\\d. bewail their fate, but - an * a *A º orvua Nyeiv Tº livXī). Tooto 8 that he should lament over them in his heart. And this éópov trap' éavrots kai Tap' époi, they perceived in themselves and in me, V * e /* Sp *A *A 3 3y 5 5 A. Tapó 6 juïv ot. 8va Taür iſ exelpotóumorav but not in you. Therefore me they elected kai oux àpas. Kai oix 6 pºev Shuos and In Ot you. Nor did the people cy e M / \ 3. *A Ov70S, oi öé Tatépes kai 38eXdbol indeed (feel) thus, and the fathers and brothers Töv retexevrmkóTov oi ÜTô Too Sojuov of the deceased who by the people 214 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 2 / 5. & Af 5 M M * Tóff aipeffevres éti Tàs Taqīās at that time were chosen to perform their obsequies y 5 : *A Aº 3. V as \ dAAos Taos, d\\& 6éov attoos Toweiv Tö (feel) differently, but when they had to make the Tepičevſtvov djs Tap' oikeuotato Tów funeral banquet with the nearest relative of the Af cy y 5 y Af TerexévrmkóTov, 60tep TâNA’ eiofle yūyveo-flat, slain, as in other cases is customary, étrotmorav Toot’ Tap' épot. eikóros' they made it. with I]] 6. Reasonably ; yevel pew yap ékao Tos ékdo'Tºp §v for though of kin each to his own WàS *A 5 an 5 *A 3. M M 5. / pa)\\ov oiketos épcot, oùöels öé eyyvtepa, Ilêa, l'é!” than I was, yet no one was nearer Tàoruv kolvi): Ö yöp pºd Mota 8vébepew tº " t. all collectively; for whom it most concerned éketvows oroffmvat kai katop660'at, that they should be in safety and prosperity, oùros kai TAetortov pereixev Tijs Mºirms he also had the largest share in the anguish jTé dTâvrov Taffövtov (felt) for them all when they had met that fate ty A 3. 3y O. pºſitrot 6 pe)\ov. which, oh that they never had. A. 5. 5 * \ M 5 / - eX Aéye 8 avTºp Tovtu TO eTuypapºpla, O Read him. this epitaph, which e / /* s A. º a 7) TóNus Tpoet Neto èTwypdalav OLUTOLS the state chose to inscribe upon their monument e/ 9 P 5 A. V êmpoorig, Llº 2 Aio Xium, KOLU, at the public expense, in order that, Aeschines, €Ven • * 5 * & év Totſtg) autº eiôſis * OTOLUTC219 by this very thing you may know yourself 3y 3. / M Af M A. ôvta dyvápova kai ovkoçhdvtmu Kai pºtapóv. as heartless, a sycophant and foul. Aéyé. Read. . DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 215 EIIITPAMMA. THE EPITAPH. Otóe Tátpac Éveka opetépag eig óñptv £ffewto These for their country into the Conflict put ôTAa, Kai ãvTitáAøy iſłoty atteokéðagav. Their arms, and their adversaries' violence scattered abroad. uapváplevot 6° àpetàc Kai Öetuatog oil, égéogâv But contending by bravery and COurage they did not save "puzăç, &WW’ ” Atómy Kolvöv Šffewto 8paſ}7, Their lives, but Hades the common arbiter made, oùvekey ‘E2%ffvov, dig ui ºvyöv abºčva 6&vreg Eor the sake of the Greeks, that they might not, having placed about their Inecks the yoke Öov%00 in/mg $2%)0ty otvyepāv £3pw ãºffic. Of slavery, have to endure Savage insolence about them. Yala óē Tatpic §2.8t Kó%Totg Töv kapuávtov Theiota And their native earth holds in her bosom Of the Slain rnOSt. Góuat', être; th/roic ëk Atôg #6e Kpíoug’ Of the bodies, for to mortals at the hands of Zeus this is the issue; umóēv duaprčiv ão Tº 6807) Kai Távta Katopffoin, To fail in nothing is the prerogative of the gods, and to succeed in all things, $v totij polpay 6’ #Topew oil Tº ºvyčiv. But in mortal life from fate (the god) does not afford them any escape. 5. A 5 Af \ S > * / Akoúeus, Aio Xium, kai év avTºp Tovtg) Do you hear, Aeschines, eVer) in this very inscription, *A M A Aw'm) 8èv dpaptetv KOLU, TTOLl/TOL that in nothing to fail and in all things *\ ſº 5 Katopffoov €o-Tu 6eoû ; OU to succeed is the prerogative of the gods 2 Not yº, A 5 {} M 8 A. Tºp orvp/8otſ\g diveth)Ke Tiju vvopºlu. to the Statesman does it ascribe the power *A * \ 3. /* 5 \\ V toū katopffoov Toys &yovu (op.6vows, OL/\/\OL of winning when fighting, but * a Af º º Af º \ 8 * TOLS theois. Tu ovv, Cº) Katapat 2 OU, opel to the gods. Why, then, O execrable man, do you reproach M V * Af ey époi trepi Toitov, kai Né)evs OL Ille about these things, and say that which * 5. /* V * oi fleot Tpélievav eis kegbo)\ºju oroi kai may the gods turn upon the head of you and Tots orows; yours? 216 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Toívvv, 6 divöpes 'Affmvalov, ToMAá kai d\\a 2 p 7) 2 Now then, men of Athens, though many other karmyopmkótos kai attoo katelevapºvov, accusations and falsehoods he urged against me, pºd Nuort' Tavrov čffaijuaora, Ött one-thing most of all I wondered at, that, W *A Af A. pºvno-flets Töv orvpubeſłmicóTov TOTe when he mentioned the misfortunes which had then befallen Tſ) TóNew oùx éo Xe Töv yvápmu the city, he had not the state of mind & S/ A A. Af SM GOS eul/OUS kai Šikavos Toxirms &v -- which a patriotic and just citizen would (have had), 3 QS 3. A. 3 Q 3 3y * > A où8 éödkpworev, où8 êtraffe TOLOUT"Oly où8èv neither wept, IłOI’ felt any such emotion * * 3. 3. 5. Af V N Tſ) livXi), ā)\\ étröpas Töv (bovijv in his heart, but raising his voice M W \ Af 3/ \ kai yeym{}os kai Napvyyićov, geTo pºev and exulting and straining his windpipe, he imagined, A' * 3. *A 3. /* 2 8m)\ovóTw Katm'yopetv epov, ééébépe 8 apparently, that he was accusing me, but was exhibiting êetypa kaff éavtoo ôtt Tots proof against himself that in the divvapots 'yeyev'mpevous éoxe ow8èv distressful events that had occurred he had nothing e A * y Af \ opovos toºs d\\ovs. kaitov TOly in common with the rest. And indeed a person who ºbóo kovta (bpovtſºeuv Tów vópov kai Tàs professes to Care for the laws and the Toxvreias, 60tep of Tos v.vvi, kai constitution, 3S he just now did, €Ven. ei pumbèv d'AAo, öel 3. éxetv if nothing else, ought at least to have * / an 5 M & Tovto, \varetorffat TOLUTOL KOLU, this attribute, to grieve for the same things and Aº 2 M - * * \ Xaupeuw TOLUTOL to's troX)\ots, kal rejoice in the same things as the people, and DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 217 pº) tº trpoaupéorel Tôv Kouvów Teräx0au not in his choice of public principles to range himself év tá, pepel Tôv évavtſov. 6 ori) O]] the side of our enemies. This you \ \ V º Af 3 M vvvi pavepôs tre"Tovmicos et, pºorkov epte In OW have plainly done, saying that I y Af M 3. 5 M OLUTUOI/ 7TOLUTC01/ KOLL ôt epte am the cause of all and that through Iſle Töv TóAuv éputéoreºv eis Tpaypºata, the commonwealth has fallen into troubles, oijk diro tºs épºns troMºtetas though it was not from my policy 3. M Af e * 3. / oùöè Tpoaupéoreos Öpov dipčapévov Or principles that you began Bombeiv toºs "EXAmoru, mei ei Tooro to assist the Greeks, since if this / 3y S *. 3. e º 8offetm epoly Tap vpov, be conceded to me by you, that it was 8w' épé jpas àvavTuðo-flav Tſ) dpx? through me you opposed the domination Af V * c Aſ /* Tpattopaevſ) kató Töv E\\ºvov, peſovº preparing against the Greeks, a greater M *N /* a º / êoped &v Šoffeim orvpatraorév 6v Šeš6kate boon would be bestowed than all which you have given Toſs d\\ovs. dAN’ oit’ &v éyò (bºjo-aupt to the rest. But neither would I make * W 3. Af •A e a TOLUTO, (yöp döukoújv OLI/ ipas), this (assertion) (for I would be doing you an injustice), oùT' &v Špels eſſ otö’ &rt orvyxopjorate of Tós T' nor would you, I am sure, allow it ; and he, 3. 5 A. Af 3. *A ce gº €U, €TTOLéU. öíkawa, ovK av €1/6KOL Tºms if he acted honestly, would not, for the sake of his éxöpas Tpos épé £3\atte kai Stéfla)\\ev enmity towards me, have disparaged and defamed Tô peyota Tów Śpietépov ka)\óv. the greatest of your glories. 218 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN, - *A a 3. y *AAA& Tí Étrutupua, Tavt , d)\\a. But why do I rebuke him for this, when other *A A. 5 * Af ToMA6 orxet\vdºtepa attoo katerevorpevov far more shocking calumnies he has falsely uttered \ cy en kai KatmyopmkóTos; Ös yöp Katmyopet and charged (upon me) * For he who charges 5 *A \ º *A M M epov ºbu)\virtuopov, 6 yń kai fleot, H] € (with) Philippizing, O earth and ye gods, A º 5 A y A. M \ 6. / Ti oitos owk &v eitrov; kaitov vi) Töv Hpak)\éa what would this man not say ? And indeed, by Hercules W Af M y > / 5 : 5 Af KOLU TOLUTOLS theoûs, €l, 'y 8éow €7T. d)\mbetas and all the gods, if one had honestly an 5 / 3. A. *A Af orkoteto-flav, diveX6vtas Ékpºéorov to kataleiſbeorðat to inquire, putting away lying M 5 y A. A. & 3. *A 3 M kai 3 exflpaw Tu Aéyeuv, tíves dis dAmflós eioſiv and malicious speaking, who the persons really are * > \ \ M e/ *N 3 / ois étri Tàu keiba)\}v OLTTOLUTES OLly €LKOTCOS on whose heads all might reasonably M A. 5 an M 5 /> KOLL ôukaios divaffedev T]v OLUT LOLl/ and justly place the blame *A cy 2 A V Töv yeyevmpévov, evpout av TOUS for what has happened, one would find them to be 3. e Af gº ôpotovs Totºrg, Tap ekaoTſ) toov such men as this fellow in each of the A * \ 3. A. &M ey • TóNeov, OU TOUS epºol Ot, OT cities, not II] e Il like me; who, when A A. Af º 5 6 * To Tpaypºata dºw\ttſtrov ºv aortſev) the power of Philip W3S feeble M * N A. e gº, KOLU kopºvěſ, pºlkpa, ToMAdkus ſipov and exceedingly Small, and we were constantly A. * Aº \ TpoMeyóvtov KOLL Tapaka)\otivtov KOLL warning and exhorting and 8 8 A. M {\ •ſ. M vöao-kóvtov Tó, BéATuota, Tpotevro Tó. giving the best counsel, sacrificed the *A Af cy 3. *A i8 /* Kouvº) orvpºpépouta €1/6K Tms towa's general interests for the sake of selfish IDEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 219 aio Xpokepôetas, écao Tov čataróvres kai lucre, severally deceiving and Af M e / Af 8vaq,6eipovres toūs ūtrāpyoutas ToMiras, corrupting their respective citizens, ce 5. / A. / Af €G)S étrotmorav Šoć)\ovs, Adoxos, Kuvéas, until they made them slaves, Daochus, Cineas ©paorvöalos Oerta\ots, Kepkiöäs, Iepºvvpos, and Thrasydaeus the Thessalians, Cercidas, Hieronymus º A. > Aſ Af #8 Eökapºtíðas 'Apkóðas, Müptus, TeXéðapos, and Eucampidas the Arcadians, Myrtis, • Teledamus Mvaoréas 'Apyetovs, Eijëiffeos, KXeóTupos, and Mnaseas the Argives, Euxitheus, Cleotimus "Apío Taxpos 'HNeſovs, Néov kai and Aristachmus the Eleans, Neon and ©paoº-oxos Meoro-mutovs, oi Taïbes Thrasylochus the Messenians, the SOſlS * p- An 3. dºw\vdāov, too ext/pod fleots, 'Aptotpatos, of Philiades, the enemy of the gods, Aristratus 3. A Af Aº A. ETuxºpms Xukvovíovs, Aeivap)(os, Ampudºpatos and Epichares the Sicyonians, Demarchus and Demaratus - - cy Koplufftovs, IITouóðopos, "Extéos, IIept Aaos the Corinthians, Ptoiodorus, Helixus and Perilaus Meyapéas, TupéNas, 69eoyeitov, "Avepotras the Megarians, Timolas, Theogiton and Anemoetas ce •x ©m/8aſovs, "Ittrapxos, KAetrapyos, Xoo-to-rpatos the Thebans, Hipparchus, Cleitarchus and Sosistratus Eð80éas. 7, juépa €Tuxeſ lieu pe Aéyovra the Euboeans. The day will leave me while recounting Tà évépata Tóv Tpoôotóv. Tavres of rot, the I] 3,100 €S of the traitors. All these men, y 3. a 5 *A *A 3 * divöpes 'Affmvalov, €UOT LIV Tov ov7Gov O Athenians, 3 T€ 016. Il of the S3.00 €. 8ov\evpd. Tov ću Taºs airów Tarptoruv Óvtep politics in their own countries 3.S of Tov Tap' (pºv, duffpotrot pºtapoi kai these men among you, profligates and 15 220 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. kó\akes kai d\dotopes, écao Tot parasites and miscreants, who have each of them jkpotmpwagpövot Tós éavTów Tarpíðas, crippled -- their fatherlands, A. *A 5 Af A. M Tpottetokótes Tiju èAévêeptav Tpórepov pºev who have betrayed their liberty first q'u)\in Tºp, vov Šē 'AAečāvöpg), perpoovres to Philip, and now to Alexander, who measure Tiju ejbalpovíav Tú yao Tpi kai Tois their happiness by the belly and what 3. A & 2 3 /* V a to Xuo Tous, Tºjv ö’ éNev0eptav KOLU, is most base, and that freedom and \ A. 3/ / e e, ey * TO p.m.8éva eXeuv öeo-Tórmu ovtov, OL TOLS independence of any master, which with the A. cy º cy \ Tpotépous "ENA"moruv morav opol KOLL Greeks of former days Were the marks and kaváves Tóv dyatov, &vaterpoºbótes. standards of everything good, they have annihilated. Taºrms Toivvu Tſis oitos aio Xpas kai Of this SO base and A. AP V ; Af Tepuſ offTov Orvo Toloreos KOLU KOLKLO.S, infamous conspiracy and profligacy, pa)\\ovëſ', 6dvöpes’Affmuaiot, ei Sei pº Ampeiv, or rather, men of Athens, if I am to speak earnestly Tpoöoorías Tàs éNev0epias Tóv (be mot foolish), this betrayal of the liberty of the & /* cy / Af W *A E\\ºvov, j Te TóAvs yeyovev Tapó, Taoruv Greeks, the city is by all 3. A 5. A. 5. as 5 º dutpd trous OLI/OLUTLOS €K Tov epov Iſle Il acquitted owing to my Toxttevpºtov, Kai éyò Tap' counsels, and I (am acquitted) by ipºv. eird p" épartós duri Toías &perms you. Then do you ask me for what merit 5 a /* 3. M Af / cy dévô Tupao-flav; eya) 87; orov \eya óTu, I claim to be honored ? I tell you that, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 221 dittavrov Tóv troMutevopewov Tapó Tols while all the Statesmen among the "EXXmoru, äpéapºevov diró orov, Šuaq,0apévrov Greeks, beginning with yourself, have been corrupted / W º \ Af * 3. & S Tpótepov pºv Štrô dºu)\in Tov, vov 8 it formerly by Philip, and now by > / 5 M y *\ y A\ečāvöpov, epwe ovte Kaupos ovte Alexander, II] e neither opportunity In Ol' A. Af 3/ 3 / 3. *A ºptAavěpotía Máyov oit' peyeffos étrayye) vov fair speeches - Il OI’ large - promises oit’ &Atts otte (b680s oiſt’ d\\o ow8èv IłOI’ hope. Ił Ol' fear Il Ol' anything else 3. * 3. M Af * 5 \ etTypev où8é Tpomya yeTo Tpoôoovat où8év could tempt nor induce to betray aught dºv ékpua Śukaíou kai orvpuſhepóvrov that I considered just and beneficial an A • Q 3. cy A. Tſ) TaTpu êt, où8 2 OOTO, 7TG)7TO7"e to my country, In Or, what at any time orvp/8egotſ\evka tovtovoſt, orvp/8eflotſ\evka I have advised these, have I advised e Af - e a C / 3 N * *A opolos vpuu peºTov €7TU Tö Aſſippa like you, inclining towards gain e M a/ 5 3. 3 S 3. * oortrepavel TpvTav"), &\\ &T öpffms as if a scale (balance), but from an upright \ / M 5 / *A *A \ kai Sukaias kai d'òuaq,0épov Tijs livXīs, Kai and just and incorrupt Soul, and 8) Tpoo Tös peytotov as is well known, having presided over the most important Tpaypºdrov Tów duffpºtov kat' épavrov interests of the Iſle Il * of my time, TetroXtrevpav Tavta Taota invuòs kai I have performed all these political duties honestly and /* , / \ *A 2 3. *A * Sikatos. 8vo. TaoT’ dévô Tup.60.0aw. fairly. On account of this I claim to be honored. Tootov Šē Töv tely worpov ôv ori; And this repairing of the fortification, which you 222 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. pov 8téo-vpes, kai Tøv Taqipetav sneered at as mine, and the making of ditches kpivo déva pièv x&putos kai étraívov, I think worthy of thanks and praise, Tós yap oi; ; Töppo pºevtov Tov for how not ? (So they are.) Far, however, Tiffepwal Töv ću avrò TetroXttevpévov. do I place them below the acts of my administration. 2 /* 5. M 5 A. M /* OU Affots éyò éteixtora Tův TóNuv .Not with stones did I fortify the city 5. \ Af 3 Q º 5 \ A où8è TAtv6ows, ojö €7TL TOUTOLS In Or with brickwork, nor is it upon these a 3. *A * Aº S 3. Tov epovtov ºpov6 peyvo Tov. d)\ deeds of mine that I pride myself the most. But 3 * Af a & 5 \ *A éâv BoöAm O'Kottetv Töv ćuov Teuxuopov if you wish to view my fortifications Af e A. * ey *A / \ ôukaios, eúpijorets & TAa kai TóAets kai aright, you will find 3.F]]]|S and states and Tótrovs kai Alpevas kai vais kai posts and harbors and ships and itſtrovs kai Toys jTré Toºrov horses and Iſle (l for their 5 A. *A 5 ' 'M 5. Aſ apºvyovpºevows. Tavra. éyò Tpow8a)\6pmv defence. These I threw \ * > *A ey º * Tpo Tijs Attukňs, ôorov jv Švvarov in front of Attica, as far as W 3 S possible S. A. a M / 3. / duffpotivg Moytopº, KOLL TOUTOLS eTeuxuora by human wisdom, and with these I fortified Töv X6pav, oùxī Töv kūk)\ov too IIeupatós our territories, not the circle of the Peiraeus 5 Q \ * y 5 Aº 5 3 M © . A. où8é too do reos. odôé y áyö jrtiſt/mu Or the city. Nor was I beaten bu)\tirtov Tots \oyworpºols, ToMAoû ye kai Šet, by Philip in estimates, far from it, 5 Q \ * * º \ où8é Taºs Tapaorkevaſs, d\\' oi o Tparmyol In Ol' in preparations, but the generals T).EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 223. M /* a A kai at 8vvápºets Tov orvppaxov and forces of the allies (were overcome) *A / /* e 5. A. Tſ) TvXT). Tuves ai ditroëetéews by his fortune. What are the proofs toūtov ; évapyeº's kai ‘havepaí. of this 2 They are clear and evident. orkotretre Sé. Consider. A. as * sy an TÉ Xp?v Töv ejvovu To)\irmv Toleuv, What Ought a loyal citizen to have done, A. *A / e V * Af tí Töv troXttevópwevov Štěp Tús Tatpíðos. what the statesman working for his country *A A V * perö. Töorms trpovoias kai Tpoffvpias kai with all forethought and zeal and A. 3. 3. M A Šukavoortºvns ; OU K. ék pºev 6a)\dºttmºs fidelity ? Should he not on the seaboard - sy an zº Tpoga)\éo-flav Tiju Eßouav Tpo tºs 'Attukňs, have put (covered) Euboea before Attica, 3. V *A Af M Af 5 A ěk 8é Tſs peo’oyeſas Tºv Bouartíav, Šk Če and on the mainland Boeotia, and on Tów Tótrov Tpös IIe)\otróvvmorov the regions facing Peloponnesus V e Af 2 Tovs opopovs Taºrm; Ov the states which border on it 2 Should he not tº e cy Tpotöéorffat Tºv orutoTop Tíav, O7TC) S have provided for the conveyance of corn, that A *A Af kopºvo-ſhforerau Tapa, ºbu)\tau it be carried along (a country) friendly ~ 3, *A *A ^ 7TOLO"OLI/ dxpu Too TIeupatós; KOLL in its whole extent t() the Peiraeus 2 And *A \ *A O'Cº) OTOLL Tà pºev TC019 itrapxóvtov have secured some of the states already ours 3. Af A. “A Af éktrépitovto 8omffetas kai Néyovra by despatching expeditions (to them) and by advising kai ypdhovta Touaora, and moving accordingly, (namely,) M A . Tºv IIpokóvvmorov, Proconnesus, 224 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. A. * A. a Tmu Xeppóvmorov, Tºv Téveóov, Tpača, Chersonesus, Tenedos, and have effected cy V 3. & Af 3. * \ O7TC0S TOL 8 iTdpčev OUK6t, OL KOLU, that others shall become related and oriupax', to Buſāvrvov, Tiju "ASvöov, in alliance, (namely,) Byzantium, Abydos, M 3. \ 5 an * Af Töv Eij6ouav; kai d'ºbeMeïv Tós pºeyiotas Euboea 2 and have taken away the most important Töv pleu 8vvæpeov Útrapyovorów Tots of the reSOU! I'CeS accruing to the 3. * * > 3 A. * Af * - éx£pots, ôv 8 eve NewTe Tim TóNet, TOLUTOL enemy, and wherever the state was deficient, there Tpoorffeivat ; Toívvv &Tavra. to have supplied the deficiency 2 Now then, all Tatra. Témpaktav Toís Épots ſmºbiopia.orv these things have been effected by my decrees kai Toºs époſs ToMuteºpaoruv, 6, and by my public measures, which, 6 divöpes 'Affmuatou, Éav divew bffövov tus O men of Athens, if without prejudice any BoöAmtat orkottetv, eúpſoret kai Öpffós will examine, he will find to have been both rightly Af V A /* Áe/3ovXevpuéva KOLU, Tetſpaypewa Taorm planned and executed with all Šukavoortvm, kai Töv kaupov čkdo-Tov faithfulness, and that the opportunity in any case 5. A. 5 & 5 3. Ap 3. \ OU Tapet'évra oijö' dyvomtévra ow8ë Was not missed Ol' unobserved Ol' A. € $ 3. an \ cy º Tpoeffévra v7r eptov, Kat oora micev betrayed - by me, and of what depended 3. A. * *A e ‘A 3. \ eis Sºvapu Kai Aoytopov čvös àvöpös, O]] the power and prudence of one man, ojöèv éA\eld,0év. ei 8& to Xès % nothing was neglected. But if the power either ôaiuovás * , a *A \ó |M. 7) TvXms 7) qavXórms of some deity Or of fortune Or the worthlessness DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 225 otpatmyov ) Kakia tip.6v Tóv of commanders Ol' the wickedness of you who / *A A. •A Af * Tpoötöövtov Tós TóNews j tauta taota betrayed your countries, Ol' all these cy 5 / an cy cy OptO. éAvpwaiveto Toºs ÓNovs, 60S together went on damaging everything, until 5 Af A /* diverpelliav, TL Ampwoot'evns they had brought ruin, of what is Demosthenes 5 a 2 > 2. 5 M \ V 3. * děukei ; el 8 olos eyo kata Tyv epavrov guilty 2 But if such as I was in Tmy / 3. ºf a º 5 M 5 / Tºuv trap juiv, eis divāp éyéveto station among • you, Orlé Ill & Il had been év čkdo-Tim Tóv ENA mutóov TóAeov, in each of the Greek states, pa)\\ov 8 ei Oetta)\ía éo Xev čva divöpa or rather had . Thessaly possessed OIlê Iſla, Il / *A 2 /* ce 3/ povov KOLL Apkaðia €1/O, divöpa alone and Arcadia OI) e Iſla, Il *A 3. M 5 M 3. M y * ºppovodvta TaüTó. épot, oùöets oite Tóv having the same sentiments as I, no One, either of the ‘EAAºvov čo IIvXów oite Tów etoro Greeks beyond Pylae, Or of those this side, 5. /* 5 N an *A * 3. *A ekeypt)T av Tots trapovoru Kakoºs, d\\ó. would have suffered their present calamities, but A. & º sy 3. Af W 3. / Tövtes āv čvres éNeißepow kai aiſtóvopov all would, in freedom and independence, \ A 5 /* 3. *A pºeto. Taorms &öetas dorſha)\6s with entire freedom from fear, in security, év ejöalpovíg. ºxovv Tós éavTóv Tarpiðas, in prosperity, have lived in their own countries, éxoutes Xàpuu juiv kai Toſs d\\ous thankful to you and the rest of 3. A. *A A * Af Affmvatows TCOI/ TOOTOUTCOI/ KOLU, TOLOUTCOI/ the Athenians for so great and r such dyafföv 8t' épé. ivo. 8" eiôte blessings through me. And in order that you may know 226 DfEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. cy * aw p * 5 \ A ôTu Xpópav toºs A6-yous ToMA@ é\dºttooru that I make use of Statements falling far short a 3y * Töv ćpyov, ej)\apoºpºevos Töv (b66vov, of the facts, through fear of giving offence, A' M Méye plot Tavri kai Nagóv dvdyvoff Tov read Ille this and take and read the 5 {} M *A * M dpuffpov Tóv 8omffewów KOLTOL. number of the forces (sent out) in accordance with \ 3. N / Tà épô mºbio-para. my decrees. APIG)MOX BOHG)EION. THE LIST OF AUXII,IARIES. Tatra kai Towaora, Ato Xium, These and such things (like measures), Aeschines, * *A M 5 \ Af A Set Töv ka)\öv kāyatſov To)\irmv Tpdtreuv. it becomes the honorable and good citizen to do. º A. A 3. A ôv Katopffoupévov pleu, ävapºbuo/37tſtos In the event of their success indeed, beyond a doubt - jTºpxev eival pºeyiotous, kai Tö we might have been pre-eminently great, and this Šukaios Tpoorºv, dis Sé Étépos orvp/8divtov deservedly also, but though adversely they have turned out, Tepteo Tu youv to ejöokupelv - kai there is at any rate the result of a good reputation and \ A / *A A. TO p.m.8éva pučudeo-flav Tiju TóAuv the fact that nobody blames the State 8 V M 3 * * A 3. \\ *A (ſ pºmoe Toju avrms Tpoaupeouv, awaa kakugeuv Ol' its policy, but condemns Töv Túxmu Tàu oito kpivacrav Tó Tpdypata, the fortune that so ordered things, - 3. V A 3. 3. of pºd. At OUK (thus should a patriot act), 110t, by Zeus, not, I say, dTootdvta Tóv orvpuſhepóvtov Ti, TóNeu, deserting the interests of the state, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 227 Af 3. C & an 3. A. pºvo-0óoravta. 8 OLUTOl/ TOLS evolvtuous, and hiring himself to its adversaries, - \ * e M *A 6epaireiſelv Toijs Kaupovs vTep . Tov watch over the opportunities for its an 5. N * *A / éxflpóv avtv Tov T]s Tarpiðos, foes instead of those of his country, 5 QN M A. & M e A. oùöé Baokaivetv Tov pºev UTTOOTOLUTOL and malign the man who has undertaken Af M / Af > y Aéyeuv kai ypddeuv Tpdypat dšva. to recommend and propose IO 63SUll’6S worthy *A - / A. Tſis TóAeos kai TpoeNópevov pºeveuv of the State and makes it a principle to abide 5 N A. º 8 Aº i8t \ A. - etru Tovtov, avoe Tus toug Tu AvT)0 m, by them, and if any one privately offends him, *A *A \ an 3. A. 3. 3/ Tooro peplumorffat kai tripeiv, où6é y áyetv remember it and treasure it up, Il OI’ observe e Af #8 M cy \ cy * nov)(tav OLOUKOI/ KOLU, vTov/\ov, O Oru a retirement criminal and treacherous, àS you an A. . * V y e A. troué's troNAdkvs. o Tu yöp, éo Tuv ‘movXua. do oftem. There is, indeed, there is a retirement 8 Af \ A. * Af eM ukaia kai orvpuſbépovo a ti, TóNeu, ºv just and beneficial to the state, such as e an º *A an *A º an ipſets of ToMAoi Tôv To)\vtów d.TX60s you, the bulk of my countrymen, innocently sy 3. * º 5 ayere. d)\\ OUTOS OU enjoy. But this man (Aeschimes) does not y A “N e A *A W as dyew taſtmu Töv joivXíav, ToMAoû ye kai Öeſ, enjoy this retirement, far from it; 3. 3. 3. M cy Af 3. * d)\\ OLTTOOTTOLS ötav 86&n avTg) but withdrawing, whenever it pleases him, a", Af M * Tús ToMTetas (troX\dkus Sè Sokeſ), from public life (and it often does please him), Af A > 3/ M ºvX&TTel Tmuuk éoreo-tºe peoTol he watches for the moment when you are tired a * *\ *A too ovvexós Aéyovros ū Tapó, Tms Túxms of the Constant speaker, Of from fortune 228 DEMOSTEIENES ON THE CROWN. 3. A. A *N 3y Tu evaluTuopa orvp/8é8mkev 7) d)\\o Tu SOIn e rever Se has happened, or anything else ööorkoxov yóyove (troXXà èë untoward has taken place (and many 5 A. ^ 5 3 M A. *A 5, a TāvěpáTuva): euT etru Tovtg) Tºp Kaupg) are the casualties of human life); then, at such a momen., 5 / 5 Af & / 3. éčaíbums ébdivn p77Top, €K he suddenly springs up an Orator, (rising) after Tús jorvXías 60tep Tveip', kai his l'éSt like a gale, and M \ \ e A Tedova.orkmkós kai orvuet)\oxós finjuato. with well-trained voice, and having collected words kai Náyovs ovvetpet Totºrovs oradôs and phrases, he strings these together audibly M 3. \ A. M 3 Q. AP KOLL atveyotl, dépoutas pèv oijöeptav and without taking breath, bearing Il O sy 5 Q , *A > * 3. *A ovmoruv ojö' ktmoruv očevös dyadoo, advantage and possession of any good, * \ *A / * an *A orvpuſhopāv 8é Tó, Tvyóvrt TC019 To)\utów but detriment to some one or other of his fellow-citizens kai Kouvºv aio Xúvmu. Kairou Taºrms and to the general disgrace. And yet of this *N A. & *A 5 Af 3. A. Tijs peºërms kai tºs étupleMetas, Aio Xium, labor and diligence, Aeschines, y 3. Af 5. *A Af M eſtep £ytyveto èk livX7s. 8vkaías kai if it had proceeded from a spirit just and Tpomp.mpeums Tá orvpdépovta Tſis tarpíðos, solicitous for the interests of the state, Tobs kaptois éðel, eival yeuvaíovs kai the fruits should have been noble and v M 3. / a Af ka)\ot's kai 6deMuovs traoruv, orvppaxias beautiful and useful to all, alliances TóNeov, Tópous Xpmpdrov, Katao keväu of states, supplies of money, the establishment éptopſov, 0éorets orvpuſhepóvtov vópov, of a mart, enactment of useful laws, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 229 3. " + A. as 5 as 3. as evavtuopata tous diročevyffeſoruv éxôpots. Opposition to Our declared enemies. * e / º 'yap attavrov Towſtov mu év For for all those things there was in as sy A. 3 * / - M e M Tots divo Xpóvous éééraorus, kal 6 Tape.N66)w former times a demand, and the past A. #8 s 8 *A *A 5 A Xpóvos éðokev divöpi ka)\@ Te kāyat)6 time gave to a man noble and good - M 3. zº tro)\\d. dTočeſſels, €v ois many opportunities of showing himself, in which category \ > *A /* a", OTU oùöapoo davfjoret 'yeyovos où Tpa)Tos, you will nowhere be found to have been first, 5 A . 3. Af s 3. OU öeiſrepos, ov Tputos, ov téraptos, où Trépartos, or second, or third, or fourth, or fifth, º cy 5. e *A sy ovX ektos, ovX ottoo too ovu, OUK OUI/ or sixth, or in any rank whatever, at any rate not 5 / 3 ºn e M 3 º Aº * €7TL 'y OUS m Tatpus mºčdivero. 'yap in any case where the state was gaining strength. For Af Af a / TLS O'vpºpo)(La 'yeyove Tſ) TóNew what alliance has come to the state ex /* / / •N. *A oroo Tpd{avros ; Tſs 8e 8ojffeva º KThorus by your procurement? What SUl CCOr Or acquisition 5 / º A. / 8 \ . Af A. ejvotas # 86&ms; Tis 8é Tpeo/8eia, Tís of goodwill Or credit 2 What embassy, what A 5 eV. A. 5 Af övakovía, 8t' ºv TóAus évtup.otépa ; agency, through which the city has become more honored ? A an 3. Af º a 6-r *A *A * Tí Töv oikeſov 7 Tóv‘EXAmvuków kai čevuków, What domestic Ol' Hellenic or foreign affair, º Af * OUS étréo-Tºms, étrºvdºpffortal ; Totov Over which you presided, has been improved 2 What a / as Tpumpets; Tota 86 Am ; Totov veðorovkov; triremes 2 What weapons ? What docks 2 Tís étruo-kevi) Teuxóv; Totov itſtruków ; What repair of walls 2 What cavalry 7 / * c / * a º - Tí táv dittavrov ori) Xpriorupcos eī; Tās In what possible department are you useful ? What 230 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 8oſtela Xpmudrov ToMutuki) kai kouv) financial relief for the state and the public Tots eitrópous à tois (has been given by you) either to the wealthy or to the 3. Af 3 A. > 5 º * atTopols; où6epia. d\\", a) Tolly, needy ? None. But, my good fellow, ei p.m.8év toūrov, (take the will for the deed,) if (I did) none of these things, eijvová ye kai Tpoffvpia: Too; at least loyalty and zeal (was shown by me); Where 2 Tóte ; ôotus, 6 Tóvtov döukórate, When 2 Who, O thou of all the most unjust, où8’ ôte &Tavtes, ôoral Tötrot.’ not even when all, who ever éd,0éyéavt’ émi too 8mpatos, spoke upon the Bema (platform) 5 / 3. A. M étrečíðoorav €LS Orotmpwav, KOLU, gave donations for the preservation of the state, and Tö teNevtato "Apwortóvukos Tö finally Aristonicus (gave to the city) the dpyúpuov ovvet)\eypleuou eis Tāv étutupſtav, money which he had collected for regaining his civil rank, 5 Q \ / y as 3/ > où8é TOTe OUTe Tapfixtes OUT not even then either came forward Or 3. A. 3 Q \ 2 3. *A €7Te êokas où8èv, OUK atTopov, contributed anything, In Ot from inability, an Q. M Tós ydp; ös ye kek\mpovápmkas pèv for how could that be 2 seeing that you have inherited TAévôvov 7 Tevreta\dvtov Tóv Xpmudſtov II]. Ol'é than five talents of the money qbíNovos, too kmèeorrow, eixes 8' 8vrd Mavrov of Philo, your wife's father, and received two talents ôopeau épavov trapö. Töv jyepióvov as a gift clubbed together by the leaders Töv orvppopuðv éd ois éAvpºvo tov vópov of the Symmoriae for the damage you did to the law DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 231 *A 3. XX’ ey * Tpumpopxukov. OL Ll/O, |17) of the trierarchy. But that I may not, Af Aéyov \6 yov čk Nôyov ékkpoiſora èpovrov by going through subject after subject, put myself off a / Top Tapóvros, Tapa)\eſilio from (lose sight of ) the matter in hand, I will pass by *A 5 > c/ 5 3 W 8 º 3/ TOLTUTOL. d)\\ OTu y ovXu L évôevav this. But that it was not from poverty 3. 3. #8 5 / a- oùk étréðokas, ék Towſtov 87Nov, that you did not contribute, from this is evident, 3. M / *A A * d)\\ó. ºbv)\dtrav Tô pºmèëv Tapó oroo but “ from your care that no act of yours A. / * yevéorffat évavtſov Totºrous OUS might be in opposition to those for whom cy º &Tavta ToMuteiſeu. év tíoſuv OUI/ you do everything in public life. On what occasion, then, M & OTU veavia's kai Tmutka Aaptpós; are you spirited and when do you shine out 2 e A 3. •A A \ M 'muuk OLI/ ôé. Ko To Tovtovu, When it behooves (to say something) against these év Totºrous (your countrymen), Oll these occasions (you are) Af A. y Napºtſpoqov6tatos, pump ovukóTatos, diplo Tos splendid in voice, perfect in memory, an admirable *\ \ - AE jirokpuri)s, Tpayukös Beokpiums. actor, a tragic Theocrines. º Af *A 5 a 3. 8 a Eira peplumoral Tóv dyafföv divöpóv Then, you mention the good IOleIn M a a Tpórepov yeyev muévov. Kai ka Nós Touets. of olden time. And well you do it. º A. 8 / A 3. • y 8 3. {} * ov pºevtou travóv éo Tuv, & divöpes ‘Ath)vatou, Not, however, is it right, men of Athens, A \ Sp e Af Tpo)\apóvta. Tmu evuouav virapyovorov having drawn upon the goodwill existing 3. * *A * A trap' ipv6v Tpos TOUS Terexevrmkótas, on your part towards the dead, 232 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. éčerdiſeuv kai Tapabdºeuv čplē Tpos to examine me and compare Ill 6. with 5 / ^ *A a 3 e * €KéLl/OUS TOl/ vöv Øvra pºet" ju6v. them, (me) who 3,1]] In OW living with you. Tís yöp Töv Tóvtov oùk oièe ôtu For who of mortals does not know that toºs pév traoruv (600-u itreo Tí TLS against all living men there is a certain A. *A A' 2N. 5 A. q66wos 7) TAetov 7) éA&TTov, lurking of envy, greater OI’ - less, V M gº 3. M 5 QN M * 3. * toūs 8é Teffveóras odóets ow8é Tóv éxflpóv whereas the dead, no One, € WeIl of his enemies, ért pºvo et ; Towtov oëv éxóvrov any longer hates ? These things, then, being oùtos Ti, biſoret, éyò vov Kpivopal SO in human nature, am I In OW to be put on trial kai fleopópav Tpös Toi)s trpo and examined with reference to those before s *A * 3/ "A A. y 5 epavTov ; Tmbap,0s. OUTE 'yap 6ikatov OUT myself? By no means; for neither is it just Il OI’ y 3. Af 3. M *A W LOTOv, Aüo Xium, d)\\& Tpos Ore equitable, Aeschines, but in comparison with you kai d\\ov et Tuva 6otſ\et Töv Tpomp muévov U. and any other you like of those who have embraced Tajrd. OTOL kai {6vtov. the same principles as yourself and are living. käkelvo OrkóTeu. Tótepov kóAAvov kai And consider this. Whether it is more honorable and dueuvov tº TóNew Suá tês ejepyeo'ías better for the state because of the services Tów Tpótepov, oùoras inteppeyebels, of men of former time, surpassingly great as they are, 3. M * 3/ N ow pºev oiv eitrov Tus āv indeed no one can say 5. A. M axapuo-Tuav KOLL ingratitude and e /* y 5 j\ikas, ayeuv €US how great, to subject to Tpotm}\akuopov Tós contempt those DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 233 A. 5 * V * A. Af <\ ywyvopévos étri Töv Tapóvta 8tov, ) that are done for the present age, Or a cy A 3. 5 *A Tooruv, oorou Tpattovoru TU, pºet evvolo.S, for all, who do anything with goodwill, an * \ Af pºeteuvau Tupils kai bu)\avôpotías to have their share of honor and regard a \ M 5 M zºº, º 5/ Tús trapó, Toºtov ; kai pºv et kai Toot' dipa from these people? Yet, indeed, if so much as > a M M M ðeſ pe eitéïv, ) pew épºi troMºteta kai I must Say, my politics and Aſ S/ * an Tpoaupéots, OLly TLS ôp66s O'Kottºm, principles, if one fairly consider them, / Af t / M davfjoretav BovXopévm Öpota kai will be found to aim at similar and (indeed) an asºn 5 A. a- Taijró. Taºs Tóv Tót' étrauvovpévov divöpóv, the same results as those of the illustrious ancients, M \ as * # 8é or ) Taºs Töv ovko havtovívraov but yours (to resemble) those of the men who calumniated M a e Toys TovočTovs Tóte: ö)\ov yap ôtt such men at that time; for it is evident that V 3. º, 2 kai kat' éketvows ºfford v Tuves, o: €Well among them there were persons, who 8 / M M 3/ A. 3. A 8è V veO'vpov pºev Tovs outas Tote, etruvovu e TOUS slandered the mén then living, but praised those Af * Af eyevmpevows Tpétepov, Trovoovres 660-kavov who had lived before, acting in a spiteful as M > \ AP Tpaypla KOLU, TOLUTO OTOl. fashion, and the same thing as you (are doing). º / t 5 Q \ 5 5. Æ eira Aéyevs COS ojöèv €upt eyo Do you then say, that in nothing 3.I.Ol I ey / s A, V S’ cy 3. Af opotos ékeuvous ; O'v Öpovos, Aio Xium ; similar to the ancients? Are you like them, Aeschines? 3 3/ *A * 6.8° 6 orós d8eXdbös; d), Aos 8étus TC019 1/Uly Is your brother ? Is anyone else of our present e / ge 3. M M V Aº 38 / iXX M fimTópov; £yd) pºev yöp (bmpi ovoéva, d\\d, I speakers? assert that none is. But, 234 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. & º M cy sy V y 3. o Xpmote, Ul/OL €UTC) p.m.8év dNA’, my good fellow (that I may say nothing else), 5 A. *A *A "A A ééétaše TOL) @vta. Tpos TOUS examine the living in comparison with the Čóvtas, kai Toijs kaff airov, dioritep living, and those of his own age, &S / y V º TTOLUTOL td.X\a, . Toys Towntós, (you would) in all . . other cases, poets, V Q - M 5 A. e Af Tovs Xopovs, Tovs a yovuotas. ô Đu)\dippov dancers, athletes. Philammon 5 cy 3. 3. Aº A' ovX O70, fiv dorffevéo Tepos TNatſkov did not because he was weaker than Glaucus *A Af M e / 5 * Too Kapwortíov kai Tuvov ćrépov diff) mTów the Carystian and SOII) 6. other athletes 'yeyevmpevov Tpórepov, drijet do reddvoros who lived before, depart uncrowned 5 * > Af 3. 3. cy 3 / €K Tūs ‘OXvpatrías, d\\ OTU, epoxeto from Olympia, but because he fought diplo Ta Tów eiore) 66vtov Tpos better than those who entered the ring against aúTöv, Éorted avotto kai dumyopetro vuków. him, he was crowned and proclaimed victor. kai ori) ôpa pe Tpös And do you, (therefore,) examine me in comparison with toūs fiftopas vöv, Tpös oravrov, the Orators of the present day, with yourself, W cy A. an e / 5 A. Tpós àvtuva 6otſ\ev Tóv diardvtov' ow8éva with whomsoever you wish of them all; not one 3 * / ^ cy M * A ěčío Tapwav Cov, ôte pév tº TóNew do I decline. Of whom, when the state trapºv éAéorffat T& AéAttorra, had the opportunity of choosing the best policy, 3. Af es 3. M / 3. Af Af ébaptX\ov Tſis eis Tàu Tarpiða ejvotas kelp evms and rivalry in patriotism - lay * * V A. A. A év Kouvº Tao-w, yo) épauvöpmu \eyov kpótworta, open to all, I appeared to give the best counsel, DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 235 M * 3. an W ſº * / kai toºs épio's kai m'bio-pooru kai vápots and by my decrees and laws * / * cy 8 * an kai Tpeogetaws atTavta ovgºrevro, and negotiations the whole administration was carried on, 5 M \ e * º 3. a M 3. où'ěels öé üp.6v jv oděapoo, TX)u ei but no one of you W3.S. anywhere, except if A. A. 8éow étmpeão at Tu Totºrovs’ it were necessary to harm these (your fellow-citizens); & A. > v. QN W. Af 3 y étrelë) 8é ovvé8m di pºſitor' aideMe, but when (such things) happened— would to heaven they never had— V - º AP º 5 A’ A. KOLL OUK67"U, mu éééraorus orvp/8otſ\ov, and no longer was there a call for counsels, d'AA& Töv jirmperoëvrov toºs éturattopévous but for men ready to obey orders - kai Tôv étoiuov puto-flapweiv karð tºs and of men ready to take pay against their / \ as AP Aſ Tarpíðos kai Tôv 8ovXopaevov ko)\akeiſeuv country and men willing to flatter º *A M e érepov, Tmutkaora or kai écao Tos another (strangers), then you and each A M p Toºrov év Tóšev KOLU, peyas kai of these were at your posts and grand and A Aapatpos itſtroTpódos, éyò 8' dorffevös, fine horse-keepers, and I powerless, a 9 as 3/ A. ôpo)\oyö, äAA’ p.6)\\ov etyvows TOUTOLOTU I acknowledge, but more well-disposed towards these men gº 39 *R an ju6v. öðo 6', 3 divöpes 'Affmvalot, 8e. than you. Two things, ICO €In of Athens, should *A A. As A. y *A Töv troNirmu pétpuov (bùoret éxelu (yúp the citizen of well-balanced disposition possess (for cy M - º Aéyoutu OUTC) Tept épavToo speaking in this (general) way about myself 3. A sº an 3. diveTuđffováTatov plot eitreºv), €1/ It is least offensive for me to say so)— in * * 3. Af 8 \ Af M Aº pºev Taºs ééovoríaus Suaq,w}\dºttetv Tiju Tpoaipeouv authority, indeed, he should maintain the policy 16 236 T) EMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. toū yevyatov kai Too TpoTetov Ti, TóNet, of what is noble and pre-eminent for the State, s \ V *A M Af *A S/ év Tavri Še kaupº kai Tpdéev Tiju ejvouav’ and at all times and in every action, loyalty; A *A e Aº Af *A Aſ V Totºrov yöp () (bùorus kvpia, Too Sºvao flat 8é for of this, nature is master, but of power kai io Xīſeuv črepa. Taºrmv TO LI/U19 ... and might, other things. This (spirit), then, eūpijorete peprevmkvtav Tap' époi diſrå0s. you will find to have dwelt with Iſle absolutely. º * A 5 5 /* 3. opate Sé. OUK éčautotuevos, OUK Only see. Not when my person was demanded, not 3. Af 3. M /* etrayovrov Apºpuktvovukós Sikas, when they brought Amphictyonic suits against me, 5. s Af º 3. A. oùk ditreu)\otivtov, OUK éttayye) \opewov, not when they menaced, not when they promised, 3 M p A * Ap oùxī Tpoo/3a)\\óvrov Towtows toūs katapdºrovs not when they set these miscreants cy Af 3. M º a oortrep th)pta |M.OL: eya) ovéapos like wild beasts upon me, have I in any way Tpoëéöoka Tiju eijvouav eis tipas. abandoned my goodwill towards you. *A * 5 3. gº S. \ . 3. M *A Ap Tô yöp & 3px?s eißs Öpff)u kai Sukatav For from the very first, straightforward and honest *\ e Q \ * A * Af Töv Óööv Tiffs troXuTeios eiMápmu, (was) the course of policy (which) I chose, Tós Tupids, Tós övvao Tetas, Tós the honor, the power, the 5 A A *A / / A. eijöošías Tas Toms Tarpíðos 6epatreiſeuv, TOLUTOLS glory of my fatherland to cherish, these aúčeuv, petà Toºrov eival. éyò oijk to exalt, on their side to be. I do not, 3 M W A 5 A e A ^ eTu pºev Tows evtvXmpaoru étépov batópès in the case of the successes of strangers, gay kai 'yeymöös repuépxop at Kató Tiju and cheerful walk along the DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. 237 M M M dyopav, Tpoteivov Tiju Sečváv kai market placc, extelidiug IIIy right hand and > Af A. ey *A y eijayyev'.6pºevos TOUTOLS ov's av Ovopal Congratulating those who I think 5 Af 3. * * 8 W 5 {} fº, *A dTayyáA\euv čkelore, Tów öé àyatóv Tſis will report it yonder, while of the successes of the / s 2 M \ /* * TóAeos drowo Teqpukós Kai o Tévov kai city I hear with a shudder and a sigh and *A cy º kúTrov eis Tºv yńv, do-Tep of row with head bowed to the earth, like these e * º /? * M / oi övorore/3eſs, ot ôvao’ūpovoruv Tiju pév tróAuv, impious men, who rail at the city, ce 3. cy oorſtep ovX 8vaorépoutes aúToys, O7"OLLP as if they were not railing at themselves, whenever a *A 3/ M & 3. º Totòoruv Tooto, &o Sé BAetovoru, kai évois they do this, and look abroad, and where cy 3. / 3. / *A e A. érepos miſrúxmorev dtvYmoróvtov Tóv ENA'ſvov, another has triumphed by the ruin of the Greeks, * *A M - as Taor’ trauvooo-u kai (baori ðeiv this they glorify and protest that it is necessary * e * cy Tmpetv Štros pºeveſ Töv ćtravta Xpóvov. to see that it shall remain throughout all time. º Q M?) 87t’, 6 travtes fleot, p.m.8ets Never, I pray indeed, all ye powers of heaven, may any e a 3. / *A fº 5 *A upwov €7TL1961JO’éLely Todó’, d)\\d. of you grant this, . but (if) A M 3. A. *A A. pud Mota pºév évôeinte kai TOv7OUS by any means possible, put €Ven into these men N. A \ *A A Af 5 Q 3 y 3 BeXTio Tuvâ voov kai ºppévas, el 8' dip a better mind and heart; but if they y 3. / A. M 5. V 5 & V eXovoruv avuotaos, Tovtovs pºev avTovs kaff €OLUTOvs are indeed incurable, of themselves alone A 3 * / s *A Towſorate éé6\ews * KOL U. make them utterly destroyed (destroy them utterly) and Af 5 * M Af tº es 8 A TpoſóNeus év yū kai 6a)\dºtſ), juiv 8é ruined On land and Sea, and to us 238 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. a a / M /* g- 3. A Tots \outroſs 86te Tiju Taxio Tju dita)\\ayºu who are spared vouchsafe the speediest deliverance *A 5 A. / M 5 *A TC019 étrºpTripwévov bö8ov kai d'orºba)\? from our impending terrors, and unshaken Af OroTºpLav. security. º 7% is series contains the only two-part Greek Lexicon. Our Dictionaries Che Claggic ºerieg Clear type, good paper. Durably bound in half morocco in a style particularly attractive. Size 8x5% inches. 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Hazen, Principal Craftsbury Academy, AVorth Craftsbury, Vt. : I am much pleased with your Greek Dictionary, and shall recommend it to my classes. * * * If your French Dictionary is equal to the Greek Dictionary I shall be more than satisfied. L. M. Dunton, Pres’ſ Claſſin Oniversity, Orangeburgh, .S. C. : Please send. . . . . . copies Greek-Eng.—Eng.-Greek Lexicon ; . . . . . . copies German-Eng.—Eng.-German dit- to. (Classic series.) Edw. S. Joynes, Professor of Modern Zan- guages (Author of Voynes-Otto German and French Series), South Carolina College, Columbia, S. C. : The volumes are well made and very attractive. I shall call the attention of the students to them and see that our booksellers are provided with them reg- ularly hereafter. (French and German Dictionaries.) James P. Thoms, Ph. D., Principal Academic Zepart- ment, Wayland University, Beaver Dam, Wis. ... Your Greek- English and English-Greek Dictionary fills a want long felt. It is excellent in form, well bound, * * * accurate in scholarship, and is absolutely necessary for complete and thorough work in Greek. Please send me your terms for introduction to my Greek classes. Our Dictionaries.—Greek, German, Latin. J. T. X. Tehan, 7%reasurer St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, )&ansas: I have had your Greek Dictionary examined by several of our Professors, all of whom speak highly of it. Please forward. ... dozen copies as an opening for other orders later on. In the future we shall use your dictionary to the exclusion of . . . . and others. (Latin Dictionary previously adopted.) - D. W. Anderson, Principal Public Schools, Hughesville, Pa.. I am very well pleased with your Latin Dictionary. You may send me the other three dictionaries of the Classic Series. L. M. Dunton, President Claſſin University, Orangeburg, S. C. : Please forward.... copies Greek Lexicon. C. A. Meyer, Professor of German, Albany High School and Albany Female Academy, Albany, M. Y. & Your Classic German-English English-German Dictionary is a gem among the dictionaries. I shall recommend it to every pupil in need of a dictionary. Henry Julian, Bookseller to Washington and Zee Oniver- sity, Zewington, Va. : Send by Adams' Express. ... copies each of your Latin, Greek, French and German Diction- aries (Classic Series). Rev. S. Guilband, Professor of Greek, St. Charles Col. lege, Elliott City, Maſſ.: Your Greek-English and English- Greek Dictionary has been unanimously adopted by our College board. We will also take a certain number of copies of the English-Greek separate, because many of our students who have the Greek-English are without the English-Greek. . . . About I70 students follow the Greek course; so we will need a good supply of dictionaries. Our Dictionaries.—Greek, Latin, French. Joseph G. Wyman, College Bookseller, Boston University, Boston, Mass.: Prof. Buck, of Boston University, instructs me to put in stock the new Greek Dictionary, published by you. Please send.... copies at once. Rev. A. J. B. Vreibert, St. Charles College, Ellicot City, Mal. ... I like your Latin Dictionary very much, and I will recommend it. ... We shall introduce Hossfeld’s German and French Methods. [The other Dictionaries of our Classic Series have been adopted for St. Charles College by unanimous vote of the Öoard.] Rev. Abel Anderson, Professor of Ancient and Modern Zanguages, Windom Institute, Montevideo, Minn. : Having thoroughly examined your Dictionaries (Greek, Latin, German, French), I will report that they are all you claim for them, and you may look for orders from my students. John Ehrenbach, St. Mary’s College, Kentucky : Please send us by express .... copies Latin, .... Greek, .... French, . . . . German Dictionaries (Classic Series). N. F. Smith, Bookseller to Williams College, Williams- town, Mass.: Ship same route as previous Orders (Classic Dictionaries): 80 copies German-English English-German. 3o “ French-English English-French. 3o “ Latin-English English-Latin. Io “ Greek English English-Greek. Rev. F. Othmar Schneeberger, O. S. B., St. Meinrad's College, Indiana : You may send the.... copies Greek Dic- tionary by express. Öur Dictionaries—Greek. Francis G. Russell, S. J., Librarian and Professor of Greek, St. Francis Xavier’s College, 3 o West Sixteenth Street, Mew York: To say that I am greatly pleased with it (Classic Greek-English English-Greek Dictionary), is to praise it even less than it deserves. I find it quite to my liking, and I am confident that wherever used, it will be highly appre- ciated alike by teacher and pupil, and give full satisfac. tion. (Introduced.) Rev. S. Guilband, Professor of Greek, St. Charles Col. Jege, ÆZZicott City, Maj...' Your Greek-English and English- Greek Dictionary has been unanimously adopted by our College board. We will also take a certain number of copies of the English-Greek separate, because many of our students who have the Greek-English are without the English-Greek. ...About 170 students follow the Greek course; so we will need a good supply of dictionaries. Rev. P. Nicholas Leonard, O. S. F., St. Joseph’s Dio- cesan College, Teutopolis, Il/. It is our intention to intro- duce your Classic Greek Dictionary....We have so far used Grove’s Greek Dictionary. Brother Isidore, F. S. C., President Za Salle College, Ahiladelphia, Pa.. I shall take pleasure in recommending your Classic Greek Dictionary to the committee on text books, for adoption in our college, HOSSFELD Spanish. METHODS New Practical Method. ... (Key to ditto .35). . . . . . . $1.25 Spanish to learn English.....(Key to ditto .35).... 1.25 Spanish Reader . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e < e s - I.OO Conjugacion de los Verbos Ingleses... . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Eng.-Span. and Span.-Eng. Dictionary, in one vol. I.OO Eng.-Span. Commercial Correspondent. . . . . . . . . . . I. OO How to compose letters either in Spanish or English. En- larged edition, with a vocab. of technical expressions. Polyglot Correspondent, pocket size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5C) To enable tourists or business men to compose letters in any of the four languages. Italian. New Practical Method.....(Key to ditto .35). . . . . . $1.25 Eng.-Italian and Italian-Eng. Dictionary, in one vol. I.OO New Eng.-Italian Pronouncing Dictionary, 1892.. I.25 An absolutely . new work, containing the Commercial, Scientific, Technical, Military and Nautical terms. French. New Practical Method....(Key to ditto .35)........#1.25 French Reader... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-90 Eng.-French Exercise Books: 1st Series, Lessons 1-13...... 2d ditto, 14-26 ....... . . . .each .65 The set, I-26, complete. . . . . . . e e s tº e º e s = • * * * * * * * e a e s e a e º e º 'º º º I.25 Key and Tasks to do...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e .75 French-Eng. Dictionary, 16mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '59 Eng.-French { { “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 The two in one vol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. OO Eng.-French Commercial Correspondent. ........... I.OO By a new and simple method, an unlimited number of let- ters may be framed adapted for all the requirements of trade. Gierman. 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Dr. Brooks’ wide reputation as a teacher of the Classics is ou?" best zeszzzzzozzza! to the za/zee of £hese zvoz-AEs, which haze been constructed on the lines emeA/oyed by hime daily with has Brooks’ Classics Historia Sacra. Revised, with Vocabulary. 50 cents (postage 5 cts. extra). This justly popular volume, besides the Epitome Historia Sacrae, the Notes, and the Lexicon, contains 100 pages of elementary Latin Lessons So arranged as to form a practical course in Latin for the beginner, making it practicable for the teacher, with- out recourse to any other book, to carry the pupil quickly and in easy steps, over the ground preparatory to a profitable reading of the epitome Historiae Sacrae. Caesar’s Gallic War, with Lexicon. Illustrated and Revised Edition. English Notes, Critical and Explana- tory. Illustrated by Maps, Views and Plans of the Battles. Price reduced from $1.50 to $1.20 (post- age 12 ctS. extra). Brooks' Caesar, Ovid, Virgil, and other works, have placed him side by side with the foremost laborers in the classic field.”—Methodisi. Qazarterly Rezyżew. Virgil’s AEneid, with Lexicon. Illustrated and Revised Edition. Notes, Critical, Historical and Mythological. Metrical Index and Map, and numerous engravings of Antique Statues, Arms, Gems, Coins and Medals. Also Questions for Examinations. Price reduced from $1.75 to $1.50 (postage 12 ctS. extra). SAYs Dr. SHELTon MACKENzIE :-“It is the most beautiful edition of Virgil's AEneid yet published. As an illus- trated school book it has never been even approached.” Ovid’s Metamorphoses, with Lexicon. Illustrated and Revised Edition. Expurgated and adapted for Mixed Classes. Elucidated by an Analysis and Explanation of each Table. With English Notes, Historical, Mythologi- cal and Critical, and Questions for Examinations. Price reduced from $2.oo to $1.5o (postage 15 cts. extra). SAYS DR. NEweLL :—“It bears the impress alike of the ac- curate scholar and the experienced teacher. He has added a body of explanatory notes, which for fullness, variety and appropriateness, will compare with any similar work, and gain by the comparison.” Arthur Hinds & Co., 4 COOper Institute, NEW YOrk. A New New Testament The ever-growing interest in New Testament subjects —so generally and so intelligently discussed now-a-days— makes it desirable that the general reader, who would be well informed on current topics, should have some acquaintance with the relation of the standard English version to the original text, while a still more intimate knowledge on the part of the clergyman and the Bible Class teacher would seem almost imperative. Toward this end no aid is likely to be more helpful than the Interlinear New Testament. There are many other reasons, scarcely needing mention, why the Interlinear New Testament should be at the elbow of every intelligent º who either is or hopes to be posted on general topics. Not the east of these reasons is the facility with which it enables one, even if rusty in his Greek, or even if wholly unacquainted with Greek, to put his finger on the original Greek word or phrase, and at the same instant upon an absolutely literal rendering. To many it will Rºy repay its cost in the time saved from turning to a Greek €X1COIl. The Interlinear New Testament will be needed by every clergy- man, Sunday School superintendent, and Bible-Class teacher, as well as by many students of Greek in Schools and Colleges, by most intelligent people who wish their library complete, and by everyone who studies the Scriptures ; and for every reference library. Of course, no working library is complete without such a book. As in Ist Corinthians, XIII. (over) the word “charity” must be read “love" so in thousands of similar instances some other word will enable the Bible teacher to clarify the text. In all these instances that other word “ the word that iſ/umines,” is brought to the tip of one's pen at a moment's notice by The Greek = English In- terlinear New Testament Royal. 12 mo., 688 pages. . With Footnotes. , And with the standard English version arranged in the margin of each page in a column parallel with the interlinear page, and furnishing an ideal New Testa- ment in every respect. Plain Cloth - º * > - i- - $3.OO Half Leather º º - º • 4.OO Divinity Circuit, gold edge, round corners 5.oO PUBLISHED BY ARTHUR HINDS & CO., 4 COOper Institute, N. Y. City Smith’s New Class Register. By an ingenious device the pages are so arranged that the overworked teacher can keep a complete record for each pupil for every day during a whole quarter, also weekly and monthly average (if desired), and yet have to write the pupils' names only once for the whole period. Plenty of space for attendance, deport- ment, scholarship, etc. Of con- venient size to carry to and from school in the pocket. ONE OF MANY., J. H. Blanchard, Sup’t Schools, Wałerzyż//e, A/e. I consider Smith's New Class Register the most con- venient of any that I have ever seen. It gives, at a single glance, all the necessary data concerning pupils' records. My teachers all C: speak of it in the highest terms of praise. Price Fifty Cents. Arthur Hinds & Co. § 4 Cooper Institute New York City 3 5ee&ºeeeººge º <> Literal Translations — Speakers Handy Literal Translations. Cloth, Żocket size. 50 cts. per vol. Postage 5 cts, each. Fifty-five volumes, viz.: Caesar’s Gallic War. The Seven Books. 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New material with vitality in it for prize speaking. $1.00. Mail & cis. Acme Declamation Book. Cloth, 5o cts. ; paper, 30 cts. Handy Pieces to Speak. 50 cts. Aostage ſo cºs. * Interlinears, Dictionaries, &c. Interlinear Translations. New Classic Series. Cloth. Oc- tavo. $1.59 per volume. Postage, ſo cents each. Caesar. Cicero's Orations. Cicero On Old Age and Friendship. The New Testament. For large paper edition, with Notes, and parallel Standard Version in margins, see special circular. . Virgil’s £ncid, complete. Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics. Xenophon’s Anabasis. Xenophon’s Memorabilia. Homer’s Iliad. Livy. Books XXI and XXII. Horace. Demosthenes On the Crown. Others to follow. Dictionaries: The Classic Series. Elegantly and durably bound in half morocco. $2.00 each. Postage, 20 cis. each. French-English and Eng.-Fr. Dictionary, II22 pages. German-English and Eng.-Ger. Dictionary, III.2 pages. Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary, 941 pages. Greek-English and English-Greek Dict., IoS6 pages. English-Greek Dictionary. Price $1.oo. Postage rocłs. Dictionaries: The Hossfeld Series. The best clear-type pocket edition. French-English, 50 cts, . . . . English-French, 50 cts. French-English and English-French, $1.00. German-English, 50 cts. . . . . English-German, 50 cts. German-English and English-German, $1.00. Liddell & Scott's Abri’d Greek Lexicon, $1.50. Postage 18 cas. White's Latin-English Dictionary, $1.50. Postage 18 cºs. White's English-Latin Dictionary, $1.25. Aostage ſo cas. White's Lat.-Eng. Eng.-Lat. Dict., $2.70. Postage 24 cts. Smith’s New Class Register. The Best. 50 cts. Postage 4 cts. Handy School Record, or Teachers’ Class Register. 25 cts. Craig's Revised Common School Question Book, with An- swers. , Enlarged Edition, revised to 1895. Published at $2.25. Our Price, $1.50. Postage 14 cents. Send for descriptive circular. How to Become Quick at Figures. $1.O.O. Postage 8 cfs. How to Prepare for a Civil Service Examination. Revised Civil Service Rules. Full directions both sexes. 50 cts. Postage 5 cfs. Bookkeeping Blanks at 30 cts. per set. Five Blank Books to the set. Adapted for use with any text-book—Elementary. Prac- tical or Common School. 30 cts. per set. Postage 6 cts. per set. Bad English. Humiliating “Breaks” Corrected. 30 cts. Composition Writing Made Easy. Five grades, viz.: A, B, C, D, E. 20 cts. each. All five for 75 cts. Postage 5 cts. Oxford Handy Helps, 25 volumes, paper. 15 cts. each. Hossfeld Methods: Spanish, Italian, German, French, $1.25 each. Keys for each, 35 cts, each. Letter Writer for each lan- guage, $1.00 each. ARTHUR HINDS & CO., M. COOper Institute, N. Y. City, Three-minute Declamations F College Men $1.00—CLOTH, 38.1 PAGES-$1.00 ERE at last is a volume containing just what college stu- H dents have been calling for time out of mind, but never could find—something besides the old selections, which, though once inspiring, now fail to thrill the audience, because declaimed to death ! Live topics presented by live men 1 Full of vitality for prize speaking. Such is the matter with which this volume abounds. To mention a few names—here are to be found speaking each in his well-known style and characteristic vein : Chauncey M. Depew President Eliot (Harvard) Abram S. Hewitt George Parsons Lathrop Carl Schurz Bishop Potter William E. Gladstone Sir Charles Russell Edward J. Phelps President Carter (Williams) Benjamin Harrison T. De Witt Talmage Grover Cleveland Ex-Pres. White (Cornell) General Horace Porter Rev. Newman Smyth Doctor Storrs Emilio Castelar. Here, too, sound the familiar voices of George William Cur- tis, Lowell, Blaine, Phillips Brooks, Beecher, Garfield, Disraeli, Bryant, Grady and Choate. - There are poets also:—Longfellow, Holmes, Tennyson, Byron, Whittier, Schiller, Shelley, Hood and others. More than a hundred other authors besides! We have not space to enumerate. But the selections from them are all just the thing. And all the selections are brief. - In addition to a Żers?icatozes Zist of contezzás, the zºo/azmae contazzes a complete gezeera & Żzzdez &y £2.É/es and azºthors : and also a se/azate 271- de-r of azet/Łors, thºs ezzać/?zeg ozze who re???emzóers on Zy the ###2e to ſized 7-eadžy the azºthor, or zwho recal/s only £he author to 72nd 7zesłas readily all of Ž2s selections. Another invaluable feature:–Preceding each selection are given, so far as ascertainable, the vocation, the residence, and the dates of birth and death of the author; and the occasion to which we owe the oration, or address, or poem. $1.00—A # al/ bookstores, or of the ſºuð/?shers—ºr.oo e Arthur Hinds & Company 4 Cooper Institute tº sº New York City | |||||| - ~~ -- - - - - - - - - DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD ::::::Huitf::::: :::::::::::#### tºti;t ::::::::: º º - º: s: #::::::::::::::::::::::: - -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- **** * ** *** * *-***** *** ***** * yº, --- :::tº: :º sº ºf: [-y ######### § zºº # § - º º: º # º - ºw #######: ########### Sºft:::::::::::::: º *** *** *** E:::::::::: ------ * •- - - --> --- *** * *------- • **** * *-**** * .::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: -- ****** * * *.sºs v. -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: Fº: ####### ... : :::::::::::::::::::::::: :*: º:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *** * : **** ######## *::::::::::::: ******* # ºrs ******::::: **** - ::::::::: # #: - :: - - #. :::::::::::::::: { § ##: hº ::::::::: £º:: !º.: t; : #::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::: ############# *::::: :: º º::::: ############## tºº:::::::::::::::: #: ** * -*** ***- -------- **** :x: wº---- :::: ****** # ###### ::::::::::::::::::::::: **** **** *:::::::: ::::::::::::::: *:::::::::: - tº: #: #: ##: * :::::::### ::::::::: ########### ############ #; **** * ***** * * ::::::::::: 4*. * §§ - ######### *::::".:*:::::::::::: zizi rººt ºf tº • *, *, **** :::::::::::::: ##### § ***** º area; sis *::::::::::: tº: 4 * :::::::::::: #: ****** ******* :*: # §§ * § * * * , # ####### §§ #: - ** *:::::::: :::::::::::::: #. #