DA B 390147 670 .Y59 GM ན ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE { UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | Z PLURIBUS MUNT TUEBOR 31-QUÆRIS PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE DA 670 Y59 N9 THE ! NORTH RIDING RECORD SOCIETY FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE NORTH RIDING OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. 080 • Society » Anno Domuu,1883€ 1883 *Noth Riding - Record VOLUME II. QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. (EDITED BY THE REV. J. C. ATKINSON.) LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1884. Ref. - Stacks Thorp 1-20-37 33242 CONTENTS. 1612, 1 Oct., HELMESLEY 1612, 6 Oct., RICHMOND 1612-3, 8 Jan., HELMESLEY 1612–3, 12 Jan., RICHMOND 1613, 14 April, THIRSKE 1613, 8 July, HELMESLEY 1613, 13 July, Richmond QUARTER SESSIONS. 1617, 1 Oct., NORTHALLERTON 1617-8,- Jan., HELMESLEY 1617-8, — Jan., RICHMOND PAGE PAGE I 1616, 9 July, HELMESLEY • 135 4 1616, 9 July, RICHMOND 145 7 1616, 1 Oct., HELMESLEY 153 10 1617, — July, THIRSKE. 158 14 160 20 165 25 166 1613, 30 Sept., Malton 30 1618, April, THIRSKE 167 1613, 5 Oct., RICHMOND 33 1618, July, HELMESLEY 171 1613-4, 11, 12 Jan., HELMESLEY 36 1618, — July, RICHMOND 174 1613-4, 14, 15 Jan., RICHMOND 38 1618, 1 Oct., MALTON 179 1614, 4, 5 May, THIRSKE 40 1618, 6 Oct., RICHMOND 184 1614, 8, 9 July, HELMESLEY • 45, 58 1618-9, 7 Jan., HELMESLEY 188 1614, 12 July, RICHMOND 48, 71 1618-9, 12 Jan., RICHMOND • 193 1614, 4, 5 Oct., MALTON 52 1619, 7 April, THIRSKE. 197 1614, 7, 8 Oct., RICHMOND 55, 80 1619, 8 July, Helmesley 204 1614-5, 10, 11 Jan., HELMESLEY . 81 1619, 20 July, RICHMOND 208 1614-5, 13, 14 Jan., RICHMOND 84 1619, 30 Sept., THIRSKE 215 1615, 18, 19 April, THIRSKE, 87 1615, 11 July, HELMESLEY 97 1615, 14 July, RICHMOND 102 1619-20, 11 Jan., MALTON 1619-20, 8 Jan., RICHMOND 1620, 26 April, THIRSK. 223 226 • 232 1615, 3 Oct., HELMESLEY 106 1620, 11 July, HELMESLEY 238 1615, 6 Oct., RICHMOND 108 1620, 14 July, RICHMOND 242 1615-6, 9 Jan., HELMESLEY IIO 1620, 3 Oct., MALTON 245 1615-6, 12 Jan., RICHMOND 114 1620, 10 Oct., RICHMOND • 250 1616, 10 April, THIRSKE 121 • 1 1613, 24 April, BROMPTON 1614, 9 May, THIRSKE 1614, 1 July, SNAINTON 1615, 27 April, SLINGSBY SPECIAL SESSIONS. PAGE 19 1615, 28 April, SNAINTON • 44 • • 50 • 93 1616, 5 April, "" PAGE 94 1615, 8 May, SUTTON IN GALTRES. 95 1616, 4 April, HUTTON BUSHELL • 117 120 iv CONTENTS. PAGE 1616, 22 April, SUTTON IN GALTRES 127 1616, 28 April, WATH • 1616, 29 April, RICHMOND 128 1617, • ... Cockwold MIDLAM PAGE • 157 169 129 RICHMOND '. 170 1616, 2 May, Gisbrough • 130 STOKESLEY 170 1616, 8 May, CUCKWOLD 133 1619, 20 July, HUTON BUSHELL • 212 1616, 1 May, NORTHALLERTON 134 1619, 12 Aug., STOKESLEY 213 SUTTON • 156 1620, 19 April, HACKNESS • 230 KIRKBY MOORSIDE . 157 1620, 20 April, EBBERSTON 231 PAGE • 256-313 Abstracts and Extracts from the LAME SOLDIERS and HOSPITALLS Book Proportions of Men or Money, &c, leviable throughout the N. Riding. 294, 305, 306, 318 List of Bridges within the N. Riding, and Charges on account of the same List of Beacons in the N. Riding. Lists of Arms, Armour, &c to be provided in the several Wapentakes, &c BRIDGE ACCOUNTS, Book of 298-305 • · 305 309-313 • 313-321 INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. In the present Volume the MINUTES and ORDERS of the last quarter of the year 1612, and of the eight years 1613 to 1620, have been dealt with. Besides this, the Register of Presentments of Recusants for the years 1614, and 1616 to 1620,* have been gone through, as also the Lame Soldiers' Book, and some few folios of the first of the two Bridge Books. The earliest entry in these books (with a reference in it to a Quarter Sessions assessment made four years earlier still) is dated 12 January, 1569, but it is not until some few years later that any regular or systematized series of Minutes is met with. Still the entries we find are pregnant with facts, statistics, and suggestions that are valuable as helping to furnish forth materials for compiling a lively notice of the local and public history of the times, the condition of this northern. country and its belongings, and the general business and other organization of the District. Some few remarks on some of the topics thus suggested seem, perhaps, to be called for in way of introduction. I. RECUSANCY.-Reference was made, in the Introductory Notice prefixed to Vol. I., to the suspiciously insufficient nature of the returns afforded by the Presentments of Recusants recorded in the MInutes and ORDERS of the years 1605 to 1612, and to the indications, which presented themselves in divers places in the course of the said Minutes. and Orders, of a prevalent remissness on the part of those officials whose business it was to make such presentments, or to see that they were sufficiently made. At page 27 of the present volume a notably stringent Order will be noticed, intended to put an end to all such official remissness. The date of this Order is July 13, 1613; while two years later-viz., July 4, 1615-a series of, for the times, heavy fines was inflicted on Constables and Ministers of divers parishes for * Register A. of Recusants, dealing with the Presentments for the year 1614, is the only notice we have of such presentments. Of the presentments for the later years specified, copy is found in the "Minutes and Orders" also, though in many instances defective or worse, as noted at the various places of their occurrence. vi INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. their participation in cases of precisely the like remissness. The result was that, in the first case cited, no less than 970 presentments of Recusants were made in July, 1614-viz., 657 at Helmesley and the remainder at Richmond; and in the second, that in July, 1616, 529 more were presented at Helmesley, and 490 at Richmond. The total number of presentments recorded in the present volume is so nearly 2,400 that that round number may be fairly alleged. Of these, it may be stated, many were presented twice, and a few three times ;* but the major part seem to have been presented but once, and but once only. At the place in the Introductory Notice to Vol. I. already referred to, it was observed that Egton and Ugthorpe did not figure largely in the number of dwellers therein actually presented. In the present volume this is altered; for at the Helmesley Sessions in July, 1614, no less than 135 Egton Recusants are presented, and 35 besides from Ugthorpe, while Whitby Strand supplies a contingent of upwards of 80 more. Again, in July 1616, 81 persons from Egton were presented for Recusancy, but none from Ugthorpe, 80 (within one or two) being added from Whitby Strand. Yet further:-in 1617 the presentments from Egton numbered no more than seven, and those from Whitby Strand amounted to six in all. There is, however, some difficulty in attempting to generalize from these facts and figures. At first sight, it would appear that the very stringent measures taken against Recusancy, over and above the mere fact of presentment, and more than dimly intimated in divers entries on the following pages, were attended with the result they were intended to bring about, and that a result eminently successful. But in the face of the fact stated in the last note, viz., that out of the total number of Recusants presented in the years 1614, and 1616 to 1629 (numbering 2,400 in the first six years only of that period), only 90 are recorded as having publicly conformed-it is simply impossible to come to any such con- clusion. In the sequel-perhaps the long and lingering sequel-no doubt conformity, more or less real as well as apparent, became the rule. But at first, so far as our statistics may seem worthy to be depended upon, a sullen, rather than a patient, submission to the coercion imposed is all that can be inferred. The Recusant was a Recusant at heart still, although he may have been constrained not in any way to obtrude his Recusancy upon the powers that were. II. HIGHWAYS, BRIDGES, and other like means of locomotion.—It is * It may be added here that at the end of Register B., on a loose sheet, is an alphabetical index of those who conformed out of all presented during the years 1616 to 1629, both inclusive. The total number is precisely 90. The present volume com- prises five out of the entire number of years specified. محمد INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. vii almost impossible to enter upon this matter, however briefly and inadequately, without some coincident notice of a matter that might seem to be altogether unallied; I mean the ancient Common or Open- field system of husbandry; which, at the date of these volumes (as incidentally noted in several places), was subjected to the material altera- tions involved by the process of enclosure, on whatever principles such enclosure may have been conducted or accomplished. That these two matters are not in reality unconnected, but, in fact, very much the contrary, as also that in some cases at least, perhaps in many or the most, the enclosure was made in accordance with formal or authorized allot- ment, and subject to certain conditions-as to the highways, among other things-is amply apparent from (to mention no other instance out of the several which present themselves) the entry noted at the foot of p. 49 and overleaf. That the Open or Common-field system prevailed, or had prevailed, almost up to the date when these Records of ours begin, and over the great bulk of the entire N. R., there can scarcely be any question : certainly none as regards the purely rural part of it.* And, of course, * As the Open-field system is one to which attention has been distinctly called only in recent days, the following extract from Mr. Seebohm's excellent book on the subject will, the Editor hopes, be pardoned by the reader. After drawing attention to a reduced tracing of a map of the township of Hitchin, made about the year 1816, the author writes: "It will be seen at once that it presents almost the features of a spider's web. A great part of the township at that date, probably nearly the whole of it in earlier times, was divided up into little narrow strips. These strips, common to open-fields all over England, were separated from each other by green balks of unploughed turf, and are of great historical interest. They vary more or less in size, even in the same fields. There are 'long' strips and 'short' strips. But, taking them generally ... the normal strip is seen, from a reference to the scale, to be roughly identical with the statute acre. The length of the statute acre is a furlong of 40 rods or poles. It is 4 rods in width. Now 40 rods by I rod make 40 square rods, or a rood; and thus, as these are 4 rods in breadth, the acre of the scale with which the normal strips coincide is an acre made up of 4 roods lying side by side. Thus the strips are in fact roughly cut 'acres,' of the proper shape for ploughing. For the furlong is the 'furrow-long,' i.e., the length of the drive of the plough before it is turned; and that this by long custom was fixed at 40 rods, is shown by the use of the Latin word 'quarentena' for furlong. The word 'rood' naturally corresponds with as many furrows in the ploughing as are contained in the breadth of one rod. And four of these roods lying side by side made the acre strip in the open-fields, and still make up the statute acre. This form of the acre is very ancient. Six hundred years ago, in the earliest English law fixing the size of the statute acre (33 Ed. I.), it is declared that '40 perches in length and 4 in breadth make an acre. The whole arable area of an unenclosed township was usually divided up by turf balks into as many thousands of these strips as its limits would contain, and the tithing maps of many parishes besides Hitchin, dating sixty or eighty years ago, show remains of them still existing, although the process of ploughing up the balks and throwing many strips together had gradually been going on for centuries... The strips viii INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. where the Open-field system prevailed, an almost infinite number of what at the present day would be called 'accommodation-roads' must have existed too, over and above the necessarily numerous lines of road, high-street, or King's highway, horse-tracks, pathways, &c., on the map lie side by side in groups, forming larger divisions of the field. These larger divisions are called 'shots,' or 'furlongs,' and in Latin documents ‘quarentenæ› being always a furrow-long in width. Throughout the whole length the furrows in the ploughing run parallel from end to end. . . . The shots or furlongs are divided from each other by broader balks, usually overgrown with bushes. This grouping of the strips in furlongs and shots. . involves another little feature which is also uni- versally met with, viz., the headland. It will be seen on the map that mostly a common field-way gives access to the strips; ie., it runs along the side of the furlong and the ends of the strips. But this is not always the case; and when it is not, then there is a strip running along the length of the furlong inside its boundaries and across the ends of the strips composing it. This is the headland. Sometimes, when the strips of the one furlong run at right angles to the strips of its neigh- bour, the first strip in the one furlong does duty as the headland, giving access to the strips in the other. In either case all the owners of the strips in a furlong have the right to turn their plough upon the headland, and thus, the owner of the headland must wait until all the other strips are ploughed before he can plough his own. The Latin term for the headland is 'forera.'. . . Where the strips abruptly meet others, or abut upon a boundary at right angles, they are sometimes called butts. Two other details marking the open-field system require only to be simply mentioned. Corners of the fields, which, from their shape, could not be cut up into the usual acre or half- acre strips, were sometimes divided into tapering strips pointed at one end, and called 'gores' or 'gored' acres. In other cases little odds and ends of unused land remained, which from time immemorial were called 'no man's land,' or 'any one's land,' or 'Jack's land,' as the case might be." But further than this, "neither the strips nor the furlongs represented a complete holding or property, but the several holdings were made up of a multitude of strips scattered about on all sides of the township, one on this furlong and another on that, intermixed, and it might almost be said entangled together, as though some one blindfold had thrown them about on all sides of him. "" A little further on the author continues-"It is stated that every occupier of un- enclosed land in any of the common fields of the township may pasture his sheep over the rest of the field after the corn is cut and carried, and when it is fallow. If he choose to enclose his own portion of the common field he may do so, but he then gives up for ever his right of pasture over the rest. It is under this custom that the strips and balks are gradually disappearing. And the general conclusion, assuming that the Hitchin example may be taken as a typical one of the English Open-field system, is that it may be regarded generally as having belonged to a village or town- ship under a manor. We may assume that the holdings were composed of numbers of strips scattered over the three open fields; and that the husbandry was controlled by those rules as to rotation of crops and fallow in three seasons which marked the three-field system, and secured uniformity of tillage throughout each field. Lastly, whilst fallow, after the crop was gathered, the open fields were probably everywhere subject to the common rights of pasture. The sheep of the whole township wandered and pastured all over the strips and balks of its fields, while the cows of the township were daily driven by a common herdsman to the green commons, or, after the hay crop of the owners was secured, to the common meadows. An INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. ix 1 rendered necessary alike by local convenience and the purposes of public or general inter-communication. But it is at least equally obvious that, wherever and whenever an enclosure took place, there would be a certainty rather than only an imminent danger of interfer- ence with some or other of the rights of way inferred in either of the means of passage to and fro implied by each of the terms employed above. A man's private interest might lead him on to undertake the trouble and toil and expense of enclosure, but it would be less likely to induce him to take much trouble or incur much cost in maintaining roads and paths for the benefit of others rather than of himself, or not, in some cases, to grudge the very space itself that was taken out of his allotment or property by the mere existence of such ways and rights of way. And hence would arise a frequent crop of encroachments and interferences or stoppages, to say nothing of more gradual but not less. certain results of simple neglect. What livelier picture, however, could we have than that which is afforded by the following passage from a writer of Elizabeth's time (1577-1588) of the actual state of the case as then extant? "Now to speak of our common high waies through the English part of the Ile, you shall understand that in the claie or cledgie soile they are often verie deepe and troublesome in the winter halfe. Wherefore by authoritie of parliament . . . . all sorts of the common people doo imploie their travell for six daies in summer upon the same. And albeit that the intent of the statute is verie profitable for the reparations of the decaied places, yet the rich do so cancell their portions, and the poore so loiter in their labours,* that of all the six, scarcelie two good daies works are well performed. Besides this, such as have land lieng upon the sides of the waies, doo utterlie examination into the details of an Enclosure Act will make clear the point that the system as above described is the system which it was the object of the Enclosure Acts to remove. They were generally drawn in the same form, commencing with the recital that the open and common fields lie dispersed in small pieces intermixed with each other and inconveniently situated, that divers persons own parts of them, and are entitled to rights of common on them, so that in their present state they are incapable of improvement, and that it is desired that they may be divided and enclosed, a specific share being set out and allowed to each owner. For this purpose Enclosure Commissioners are appointed, and under their award the balks are ploughed up, the fields divided into blocks for the several owners, hedges planted, and the whole face of the country changed. The English Village Community Examined &c., pp. 1-14. "" * See the presentments on pp. 23, 32, 103, 171, 172. Here also I may append an extract from the very interesting contemporary note-book kept by Mr. Mauliverer, fuller reference to which is made on p. 306, note. "The Order for Commonday woorkes. Every seven oxgang[s] must finde a draught. Ther must be 4 men with spades for every daye to lay stones, grip and fill holes." In connection with this see especially the entry from fo. 185, on p. 172. X INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. neglect to dich and scowre* their draines and watercourses, for better avoidance of the winter waters . . . . whereby the streets doo grow to be much more gulled than before, and thereby verie noisome to such as travell by the same. Sometimes also these daies works are not imploied upon those waies that lead from market to market, but each surveior amendeth such by-plots and lanes as seem best for his owne commoditie, and more easie passage unto his fields and pastures. There is another thing likewise to be considered of, that the trees and bushes growing by the streets sides doo not a little keep off the force of the sunne in summer for drieng up of the lanes. Where- fore if order were taken that their boughs should continuallie be kept short, and the bushes not suffered to spread so far into the narrow paths, that inconvenience would also be remedied, and manie a slough prove hard ground that yet is deepe and hollow. Of the dailie in- croching of the covetous upon the hie waies I speake not. But this I know by experience, that wheras some streets within these five and twentie yeares have been in most places fiftie foot broad according to the law, whereby the traveller might either escape the theefe, or shifte the mier, or pass by the loaden cart† without danger of himself and his horsse; now they are brought unto twelve, or twentie, or six and twentie at the most, which is another cause also whereby the waies be the worse, and many an honest man encumbred in his journeie. what speake I of these things whereof I doo not thinke to heare a just redresse, because the error is so common, and the benefit thereby so sweet and profitable to manie, by such houses and cotages as are raised upon the same.”† * See the entries on pp. 8, 9, 46, 82, 172, &c. + See the entry on p. 198. But Harrison's Description of England (New Shakspere Society's Series, Part iii. pp. 148–151). A series of strange statements touching the badness of the high-roads, and even between important places, a century later still, will be found in Macaulay's History of England, i. pp. 373 et seq.:-" On the best lines of communication the ruts were deep, the descents precipitous, and the way often such as it was hardly possible to distinguish, in the dusk, from the uninclosed heath and fen" (and he might have added, had he been fully aware of all the facts, cultivated land which lay on both sides). "Ralph Thoresby, the antiquary, was in danger of losing his way on the great North road, between Barnby Moor and Tuxford, and actually lost it between Doncaster and York. . . . . It was only in fine weather that the whole breadth of the road was available for wheeled vehicles. Often the mud lay deep on the right and the left; and only a narrow track of firm ground rose above the quagmire. It happened, almost every day, that coaches stuck fast, until a team of cattle could be procured from some neighbouring farm, to tug them out of the slough." Facts that are mentioned in continuation are such as these :—that a viceroy, going to Ireland, was five hours in travelling fourteen miles, from St. Asaph to Conway"; that he was "forced to walk great part of the way between Conway and Beaumaris"; that in some parts of Kent and Sussex "none but the strongest horses could get • INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. xi Passing these various statements and considerations under review, we find a full explanation of the great multiplicity of presentments, and of sundry different kinds, recorded in the following pages, all bearing upon the bad condition of the highways, and the various acts of simple negligence or overt mischief and damage tending to bring about or perpetuate such a position of circumstances, as connected with this means of intercommunication between place and place. And it is hardly to be expected that, the state of matters being such as regards the highways, the condition of the bridges would be mate- rially better. In fact, there are between one hundred and thirty and one hundred and forty presentments touching the bad state of repair of the bridges in the N. R. in the few years embraced by the entries in the present volume, and while many of them testify most explicitly as to the ruinous condition of the bridges specified, not a few besides throw a light upon the nature of the structures themselves. Many of them, perhaps most, with the sole exception of those over the great rivers, or wider streams, of the district, were of wood, and many of these were calculated only for the passage of horse and man, and by no means of any kind of carriage. In this connection, to give but one instance, the two entries touching Egton bridge, the one on p. 174 and the second on p. 221, are very instructive. In July, 1618, £50 is ordered to be levied for the repair of this bridge, and, a year and a quarter afterwards, £10 more, but it is to be used as "a foote and horse bridge" only, and "anie one offering to drive anie cartes or waines over" it shall be dealt with summarily-" made to answere their contempte." Nay, Whitby bridge itself, from the evidence of a singularly interesting entry (pp. 319, 320) touching it, would appear to have been constructed only of timber about the year 1575,* and to through the bog, in which, at every step, they sank deep"; that Prince George of Denmark, on his road to Petworth, "was six hours in going nine miles; and it was necessary that a body of sturdy hinds should be on each side of his coach, to prop it." The historian, writing with only a partial and imperfect knowledge of all the cir cumstances, adds: "One chief cause of the badness of the roads seems to have been the defective state of the law. Every parish was bound to repair the highways which passed through it; the peasantry were forced to give their gratuitous labour six days in the year," to supplement which, a parochial rate might be laid "to supple- ment the expense. "That a route connecting two great towns, which have a large and thriving trade with each other, should be maintained at the cost of the rural population scattered between them is obviously unjust; and this injustice was peculiarly glaring in the case of the great North road, which traversed very poor and thinly inhabited districts, and joined very rich and populous districts." Beyond question, the principle which underlies this remark, more than hinted at in the text, would be fully operative in the case of the many persons concerned in the many presentments touching disrepair of highways contained in the following pages. "" Young, adverting to the subject of Whitby bridge, says (Hist. of Whitby, ii. 541), xii INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. have been built upon precisely the same principle as any other wooden bridge in the Riding. (( III. TIMES' PRICES.-We have in all more than one hundred and sixty of these, and still the same remark must be made which was made on p. v. of the Introductory Notice to Vol. I. We have, for instance, the price of a wether varying from 4s. to 9s. ; that of an ewe from 21d., 4d., or 8d., to 6s., 75., or 12s.; that of a lamb from 4d. or 6d. to 2s., 35., or 4s. ; but there is no explanation of these widely divergent values. Certainly, from the testimony of a German, who visited England in 1592,* we find it stated that one of the best wethers sells for about 20s., the inferior sort about 10s., and the worst about 6s. or 8s.; a sheepskin of good quality about Is., and an inferior one 8d., and a pound of wool about twelvepence. One other such comparison is also possible, derived from Harrison himself:-"In my time," he says, a cow hath risen from foure nobles (£1. 6. 8) to foure marks (£2. 13. 4)," or just double. It is somewhat remarkable that the three prices of cows given in the present volume are £1. 6. 8, £2. 13. 4, and £3. 10. Possibly the reason alleged for the increase in price of the animal named-viz. that "the greatest occupiers weane least store, bicause they can buie them (as they saie) far better cheape than "It is a current opinion that there was no bridge over the Esk, in the centre of our town, till about the year 1630, when the wooden bridge which had previously stood at Stone-quay or Boghall, was removed, through the influence of Sir Hugh Cholmley, to where the present bridge stands, and assumed the form of a draw- bridge." Admitting the existence of a wooden bridge for foot-passengers from the end of Waterstead-lane at Boghall to the opposite bank, the author cited proceeds to show that the opinion he quotes was utterly untenable, and that in fact there was written evidence to prove the existence of the Whitby bridge prior to the year 1595. Our entry shows that it had fallen into decay before 1575, which of course pre- supposes a very much earlier date than "prior to 1595" for its erection. But the entries of charges for Whitby bridge at pp. 298, 304 of the present volume, carry us back to 1564, and show the bridge in decay even at that period. But, to revert to the character of the bridge—we find Dr. Young continuing as follows :— "At first, no doubt, this bridge, like others then in the country, would be rudely constructed, and too narrow to admit carriages: yet probably it was a kind of drawbridge, some part of it being so framed as to be occasionally lifted up or removed. . . . . At any rate, our bridge was a draw-bridge previous to the year 1637. . After passing through various successive improvements, Whitby bridge was completely rebuilt on stone pillars in 1766, when it cost the county about £3,000." The Editor would only add that Young's principal reason for assuming the probability of the bridge being a drawbridge from its first erection-viz. "the making up of the Horngarth so much higher up the river," which he takes to be a proof that large vessels must have had access to that part of the harbour, is based upon an entire misconception as to, not to say ignorance of, the nature of the Horngarth itself, which was simply agricultural in its purpose, and could have no possible connection with shipping in any form. • • * Jacob Rathgeb, Narrative of Count Mümppelgart's Bathing Excursion to England, printed 1602, and quoted in the Introductory part of Harrison's England, p. lxxxi. INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. xiii to raise and bring them up"-may partly suggest some sort of explana- tion why the sheep should have been of so much less value in these northern parts than in those where Rathgeb's knowledge was obtained. There is no question that the drover was a person largely employed at the time of our Records, and that vast numbers of oxen-or rather of the species at large-were perpetually on the road towards centres of sale, many of them very distant. The stirk, stot, cow, heifer, &c., would thus have an advantage, as to possible or actual value, over the slower and less able traveller, the sheep. Besides which, the most cursory inspection of the various flocks of moor or mountain sheep which pasture in thousands over the wide moorlands of the district in which this is written, would suggest the idea, even to one not qualified to be a "judge of sheep" at an Agricultural Show, that if some of them were worth (let us say) 20s. or 25s., others of them, and not a few, could hardly be expected to fetch more than a third, or at most the half of that sum. And in those olden days the sheep in the N. R. must have had a hard experience in winter time. The prices of horses named are from 30s. or £2 up to £5 for a mare, £4 for a horse, £1. 10 to £3 for a colt. Rathgeb states that horses are abundant, and although low and small, yet very fleet: Harrison adds that they are easy-paced. Further, he goes on to state that the cart-horses are very strong, for that "five or six of them will draw three thousand weight* of the greatest tale with ease for a long journeie [although it be not a load of common usage, which consisteth onelie of two thousand, or fiftie foot of timber, fortie bushels of white salt, or six and thirtie of baie, or five quarters of wheat "]. But inasmuch as on a good road, not very hilly, a single cart-horse now will draw 15 cwt. to one ton without difficulty, and the lighter weight for a journey, we have to allow for something besides the inferior roads in 1592, when it took five or six to trail a ton or a little more. Perhaps this may help us to understand that £5 may have been a good price for an English horse for ordinary purposes, and that the lower charges quoted were really according to the value of the animals specified.t * This probably means 3,000 lbs. weight, especially as some of the weights named just below are fairly coincident with such an assumption. In the days when wheat was sold by stricken measure, it seldom averaged 60 lbs. to the bushel; and there is little doubt that in James's time, taking all considerations into account, it barely averaged 56 lbs. But, assuming the 5 quarters to have weighed 60 lbs. each bushel, we have but 2,400 pounds in all, while at 56 lbs. the total weight would be 2,240 pounds. † For the sake of comparison as to the, by Harrison, implied higher prices of foreign horses as compared with English (Part II. pp. 3, 5), and horses for riding or the coach, as contrasted with horses for the cart or plough an entry in the Roll of Whitby Abbey Expenses for the year 139 will not be without interest. It is this— "Pro I equo ad cariagium, xvis. Pro I equo domino Abbati, £6." • • xiv INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. Space forbids me to deal with other topics under this head. IV. In the Introductory Notice to Vol. I., at p. viii., it was said, referring always to the material for inference furnished by the contents. of the said volume, that "we were by no means yet in a position to draw precise inferences, or, much more, make authoritative statements bearing on the general circumstances of the district, agricultural, com- mercial, political, or as as to the condition and character of the inhabitants, socially, morally, or physically"; and it is only in some degree, and in one or two directions merely, that the case is altered now. I pass by for the present the clearly-marked distinctions, apparent throughout these Volumes of Records, drawn between the different classes of society-my Lord always at the head, and next to him, my Lord's brother or son; then the Knight Baronet, following whom comes the Knight; after him the Esquire (armiger), then the Gentleman (generosus), and next the Yeoman. To the Yeoman succeeds the husbandman, after him the grasseman, and finally the labourer. There seems to be no exception to the rule which prescribes the observance of these grades; and it is also to be observed that while the Jury in every case is mainly composed of men described as Yeomen, in almost every case without exception one Gentleman, or more, heads the Pannell. But the most striking matter under the present head is forcibly brought to our notice by four different presentments noted in the following pages. At page 16, Rob. Tose, Curate of Skelton, is presented for keeping an unlicensed alehouse there; at p. 206, Rowland Sewell, Clerk, Vicar of Brompton, for brewing and selling ale, being unlicensed; at p. 105, a gentleman (generosus) is named as having been disallowed. to brew and keep an alehouse on two grounds :-i. his wife's recusancy ; ii. his own disorderly carriage and behaviour; a stringent Order against. him, and his surreptitious departure from the Court and consequent committal to the custody of the Sheriff, being mentioned at p. 109. The fourth case is (p. 93) that of a girl being formally apprenticed by the Overseers and Churchwardens of Kirkby Moorside to Tho. Denton, Parson there. It is idle to speculate, when these two Clergymen were presented for brewing and keeping alehouses without license, how many of their clerical brethren escaped a like publicity by keeping within the letter of the law, and duly taking out licenses to keep their several "tipling- houses." That these two men were alone in the practice, it is almost impossible to believe, as also that Mr. James Cleasbie, of Cleasbie (whose brother Leonard, by the way, is seen once and again in the position of the gentleman at the head of the Jury), was the only gentleman engaged in selling ale and beer with, or without, license. No INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. XV doubt many readers of these lines will remember Macaulay's sketches of the country-gentleman and country-parson (i. pp. 319, 330), and possibly have been half inclined to surmise that that brilliant writer's love of striking description and telling antithesis-to say nothing of party or personal bias-had led him to something very like over- colouring his picture. In reality, however, it would seem not to have been so. In a note to p. 26 of Harrison's England, the Editor (Mr. F. J. Furnivall) writes-"On the general character of the ministers of England, see the Parker Society's Zurich Letters, ii. 63. Harding calls them tinkers, tapsters, fiddlers and pipers; Jewel admits their want of learning; many of them were made of 'the basest sort of the people'; artificers and unlearned men were admitted to the ministry; many had come out of the shop into the clergy; an order was given to ordain no more artificers; some beneficed ministers were neither priests nor deacons ; laymen were presented to benefices, and made prebendaries; and an Archdeacon was not even in Orders." This note, fortified with authorities for each several statement, is appended to a passage in the above-named book, wherein mention is made of "the covetousnesse of the patrones, of whome some doo bestow advousons of benefices upon their bakers, butlers, cookes, good archers, falconers, and horssekeepers insted of other recompense for their long service." Nor is this quite all. The livings were wretchedly poor and the parsons were most heavily taxed, "so that of a benefice of twentie pounds by the yeare, the incumbent thinketh himself well acquited, if, all ordinarie paiments being discharged, he may reserve thirteene pounds, six shillings, eightpence, towards his owne sustentation, and maintenance of his familie" (Ib. p. 24). There is little wonder then, that, with such characteristics and such incomes, the state of things more than hinted at in the entries under notice should have prevailed, or that some of the clergy should have resorted to the exercise of some trade to aid their wretched livings- for that seems to be the explanation which most commends itself of the apprenticeship of a poor girl to a parson. Thus, too, the two cases of extortion by clerical persons, one the Clerk of Alne, the other Archdeacon of Cleveland,* met with in consecutive pages (171, 172), seem to admit of an easier elucidation. * The name here is Will. Denton, and the date is 1618, and he as well as the apprentice-receiving parson, whose name is Thomas Denton (date 1615), are both described as of Kirkby Moorside-a circumstance which seems to suggest a possible clerical error. It should be added that there is some obscurity, not very easily pene- trated, touching the name Denton in connection with the Archdeaconry named. According to Le Neve, John Philips became Archdeacon in 1601. About 1604 he was made Bishop of Man, but held the Archdeaconry in commendam with the xvi INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. It is somewhat remarkable that no case at all of Witchcraft is met with through the entire space of time covered by the Minutes and Orders of the present Volume. The Editor was able, less than twenty-five years since, to make a very large collection of local witch stories, and it was impossible for the collector to shut his eyes to the fact that, even yet, the witch was held by more than one of his informants to be one of "the powers that be." Rathgeb notes that "many witches are found who frequently do much mischief by means of hail and tempests,” and the Depositions from York Castle (Surtees Society Series) amply testify to the nature and amount of the belief in witches at a time not so very remote from that we are occupied with. It is, however, probable that entries of the kind will be found a little later on in the series. The name Finally, a few words as to the Index, for space entirely forbids refer- ence to any other of the several topics noted for remark. of every Recusant presented, or convicted, or conforming, has been scrupulously entered, and, as far as possible, confusion of one with another has been avoided, difficult of attainment as that aim must necessarily be when so many occurrences of the same surname (some- times differently spelt, moreover), and (often) Christian name, are met with. But the difficulty is enhanced in the present case by the apparent carelessness of the compilers or copyists of the original lists. Many instances will be noted in which two different Christian names are appended to the same surname.* But wherever it is so, there is no reasonable doubt that it is the same person who is designated by the varying names. And this fact alone is at once seen to be one sugges- tive of other and undetected cases of mistake. But it is hoped that the Index is mainly correct. In other particulars the principles on which the Index has been compiled are the same as those specified at the close of the Introduc- tory Notice to Volume I. The question Bishopric until 1619, when he was succeeded by Henry Thurscross. seems to arise, is the entry in the Minutes and Orders thoroughly erroneous, or, what is more likely, was Denton in some way or other Philips' locum tenens? * Sometimes even the very surname itself is so altered as to make recognition even, and much more identification, a matter almost of accident rather than of difficulty merely. [Since the above has been in print the Editor has learnt that another Register of Recusants presented has been discovered at Northallerton. It comprises the presentments made in the three years 1611-1613, and extends over no less than eighty-six leaves. It must, of course, affect some of the deductions made above.] . QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [SERIES A.-MINUTES AND ORDERS. VOL. A². f. 71.] [71.] HELMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, 1 Oct. 1612. Before Tho. Posth. Hobby, Will. Bamburghe, John Gibson, Rich. Etherington, Rich. Vaughan, Henry Franckland, Knts., Tho. Davyll, Rich. Darley and Tho. Norcliff, Esquires, and by adjournment at RICHMONDE, 6 Oct., before Tho. Lassells, Conyers Darcy, Tim. Whittingham, Tim. Hutton, Arthur Dakins, Knts., Adam Midleham and Rob. Pepper, Esquires. Sir Henry Slingesby represented by Tho. Clarke. PANNELL. Ralph Brandesby, Thirsk, Gent". Will. Wilson, Crambe, "" Tho. Hornby, Sowerby, John Crow, Upledom, Rich. Judson, Danby, Yom". " "" Will. Traynholme, Faceby, Yom". Rich. Parkinson, Pickering, Tho. Tailour, Thornton, Will. Skelton, Jun., Thornton, Yom". Rob. Mercer, Rosdale, "" "" "" Geo. Warde, Westerdale, Yom". Ralph Willis, Loftus, Thos. Bryce, Farlington, "" Yom". Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moreside, Yomn Rich. Waite, Thornton, WHO PRESENT John Stainforth late of Bransby, weaver, Rob. Sampson late of the same, lab'., and Margt. his wife for a riotous assembly and assault on one Rog. Palmer, taking from him a long net called a conyhaie,* value and divers other nets called [71] pursenettes † &c. 40S., "HAY. A net, used for catching hares or rabbits." Halliwell. to catch coneys wythe. Cassis." Pr. Pm. “HAYE, net + “PURSE-NET. A net, the ends of which are drawn together with a string, like a purse." Halliwell. VOL. II. B 2 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Margery wife of Ralph Chapman of Midleton in Pickeringlith, Clerk, for an assault on and resistance to James Brewester, Constable of the same, in the execution of his duty in executing a warrant from Sir Rich. Etherington, J.P. for their apprehension, &c. James Nolson late of Bransby, tyler, "laicus homo existens," for keeping a cony-haie, two dogs and two ferrets for hunting rabbits, and for setting nets for the taking of rabbits in a close of Rich. Chomeley's of Stearesby, Esq., not having &c. Geo. Franckland and John Franckland jun". both of Lealam in Danby, yeomen, for an assault and affray at Lealam on one Simon Calvert &c. [Partes submiserunt et ordo inde patet in Rotulis et non intratur in hoc libro.] [72.] James Denton of Midleton upon Leaven for not sufficiently repairing and so keping his yates in his closes at Gowton betwene him and Tho. Smeaton of Gowton, in the streete leading * from Faceby to Yarme. Geo. Mawmon of Thornton in Foston † parish for stopping the usual footway leading from Foston to Sheriff Huton, and taking away the style there. Will. Milner of Skelton, Roland Patteson of Skiningrave, Fr. Tomlyn of Egton, all Recusants, and three others, all of Egton, for brewing to sell &c; and two others of the same place, for makinge drinkinges &c. [Per Will. Baytes, Marc. Lyell, Cap. Const.: et per hom.] Rich. Stubbes of Kirkleadom, aylehouskeeper, for receiving into his dwelling house Ralph Rookeby, Esq.,‡ Nich. Conyers of Bolby, and divers other persons unknown, and suffering them to remain during the time of Divine Service. * We have here a feature of the country-side in Cleveland which has now, even in the Dales parishes, become somewhat evanescent and is on the point of fading away for good. Thirty years ago, the writer, if he had to ride from Danby to Lealholm, had twenty-two gates to open by one line of road, and twenty-three by the other. This was along the "street," "high-street," "highway," or "turnpike ” (the usual country word), in either case. There were no hedges or walls on either side of the road or street." Where one farmer's (or yeoman's) "liberty" ended and another's began, there was a gate, or "yatt" (as sounded in this district), and as all the farms in the district are small (scarcely, with one exception, averaging 100 acres) the gates were inordinately multiplied. The roads about Faceby and Yarm have all long run between hedges now; but this Minute shows what the nature of the roads or highways in old times really was. + Thornton le Clay. Ralph Rookeby of Marsk, with his wife, are among the Recusants recorded as presented on pp. 114, 123 of Vol. I. The Conyers family also were adherents of the old faith, and it may be supposed that this presentment was made not without a Recusancy bearing. HELMESLEY, OCTOBER I, 1612. 3 Two offences against the Statutes of Service. Rich. Johnson of Nawton for suffering of tinckers to sitt drinking in his house untill they were drunke; and also for suffering the said tinckers to play at cardes &c. Tho. Wilson, Constable of Nawton with Budlam, for suffering the said tinckers to plaie at cardes in his owne presence in the house of the said Rich. Johnson. [Per Tho. Clark, Henr. Cowpland, Cap. Const., et non per hom.] Elizth. Dale of Sutton upon the Forrest, widow, being an inholder, for not harboring of such persons as Humphrey Brabyener, Constable there, diverse tymes brought her to lodge &c. [Per hom., scil. Smeaton et Socios.] [73.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that a Warrant &c to attach Edw. Graunt and Fr. Knight, High Constables of Allertonshire, and them bring before Sir Henry Franckland to be bound in £20 a peece, to appear at Helmsley Sessions and answer for not paying the money by them received to the Thress., and for departing &c. That a like warrant &c to attach Marm. Wyld, gent"., Thres'. for L. S., to answer for not attending this Court to perfect his accompt &c. That a Warrant &c that the Churchwardens and Overseers of Raskell shall pay the arrearages of 3d. weekly, charged on the said parish for the relief of a bastard child begotten by Tho. Watson of Joane Barnby, to the said Joane: otherwise that they be bound to appear at the next Sessions &c. License to brew withdrawn for suffering disorders in a public house on the Saboath day. That a warrant &c to attach Henry Jackson and bring him &c to appear at next Sessions and answer such matters as Mr. Jagger* of Kirkby in Cleveland, Clark, shall on his Maties behalf object and informe against him. Whereas Rich. Ellerker Esq., Thres'. for L. S., was fined £5 for negligence, but now has given good content to the Court, therefore he is discharged of the said fine. [73] That the Warrant to attach thexecutours of Mark Rawson and Oswald Tailour, late High Constables of Allertonshire, &c be renewed. . . . to appear at Helmsley and there perfect their accompts, and in respect that Mark Rawson's executor is an aged woman, her deputy to be admitted &c. * Graves, at p. 241 of his Hist. of Cleveland, gives a list of Incumbents, both Rectors and Vicars, of Kirkby, and William Jagger's name stands in the list of the latter as having been inducted in the year 1592. B 2 4 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. That, as Phillice Swale was enjoyned to enter bond &c and to appear at next Sessions but refused to do so, she be now committed to his Maties gaile. That 6s. 8d. be paid presently to Ellys Flunders (or Flounders) of Helmesley, widow, who nursed one Rich. Richardson, a sick soldier, in her house till his death &c. That Geo. Watkyn, L. S., recommended by the Lo. President, shall have 40s. &c, without expectation of further relief till this time twelve- months, and then to repair again to the Sessions and his case to be considered. Next Sessions at Helmesley on Friday next after the Epiphany. Roll signed by Tho. Posth. Hobby, Will. Bamburgh, Rich. Vaughan, Henr. Frankland, Knts., Tho. Davile, Tho. Norcliff, Rich. Darley, Esquires. RICHMONDE, 6th Oct. 1612. Sir H. Slingesbie represented by Tho. Clarke. Rich. Burgh, Easby, PANNELL. Gent". Rob. Nicholson, Stanfray, Leon. Robinson, St. Trinyans, Cuthbert Anderson, Gailes, Yom". Will. Firbanck, Melsonby, Tho. Edlinge, James Hirdman, West Runcton, Will. Clarke, Crakall, Yom", "" "" John Fawell, Tunstall, Tho. Sowerby, Disforth, Will. Cotes, Brunton, Yom". "" "" "" "" "" Tho. Beckwith, Swynton, "" "" Geo. Danby, Barton, "" "" "" "" John Raper, Sinderby, "" Rob. Wright, Melsonby, "" Tho. Dun, Ainderby Whernoe, Yom". Steph. Metcalf, Chantree, Rich. Mitchell, Crachall, Henry Lucas, WHO PRESENT- Marm. Graunt of Northallerton, yom"., for shooting four ducks with a handgunne at Westmyre within the west field of Long Cowton. John Cade late of Midleton Tyas, lab'., for damaging the hedge of whins of a close of James Hawkesworth's called Chester Close at Midleton Tyas, to the value of is. Will. Fisher of Newby on Wiske for retaining Rob. Gambles as an undersettle. [Per hom. et per informationem Tho. Lassells, Mil.] The foote plankes and the cawsey of the horse-bridge at Kirkby upon Wiske as in great decay &c, and ought to be repaired by the RICHMONDE, OCTOBER 6, 1612. 5 inhabt. of Kirkby Wiske. [Per hom. et per inform. Tho. Lassells, Mil.] A case of drunk and disorderly. John Guy of West Graunge in Askrigge, James Guy of Brockhall Cote in Askrigge, and Tho. Blyth of Helme, in the same parish, all husbandmen, for riotously breaking into the house of Will. Nicholson at Askrigg and damaging the doors and windows of the same. [Per Geo. Danby, Jur. et scil. alt. Jur.; Sec[undum] in Rotulo.] John Horner of Carlton for keeping a greyhound &c, and also for keeping of a gun. Geo. Horner of Carlton in Coverdale for killing a hare in the snow, and for shooting at game several times &c. [75.] Three other cases of the like. The inhab's. of Newbiggin for not repairing a highway in Newbiggin Holmes, leading between Thoralby and Burton in Bushopdale &c. [Per Adam Thomlinson et Henr. Turner, Cap. Const., et non per hom.] Jas. Meade jun'. of Allerton for refusing to sell ale to his neighbours, having sufficient store in his house. Will. Rymer for selling ale contrary to the assise. Seven cases, all from the neighbourhood of Northallerton, of "not exercising shooting in the long bow, &c." . Mark Dixon of Northallerton for keeping inmates. Will. Metcalf of Thornton Beanes for not punishing a roague accord- ing &c. [Per Edw. Graunt, Fr. Knight, Cap. Const., et non per homagium.] [76.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that a warrant &c to attach Chr. Bell of Tunstall and him bring &c to appear at next Sessions to answer for his contemptuous words against the Justices &c. That Tho. Jackson, one of the High Constables of Hang East, on notice given him shall repair unto Sir Conyers Darcy and Sir Arthur Dakins, to make his accompt of money received for Burne Bridge, and also of all other money by him received for the use of the country. That Chr. Lobley, Constable of Carlton in Coverdale, for suffering John Horner, attached by him on suspicion of felony, to escape, be fined 5s. That Leon. Robinson of St. Trynyons be appointed Thres'. for Hospitals vice John Smith, superannuated. Forasmuch as on the sworn information of Will. Wilson and Geo. Croft that Rich. Pepper of Lang Cowton, gent"., did upon his meeting with Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of the late Geo. Franke Esq., shortly after 6 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. her taking the othe of allegiance, begin to scoffe and jest with her touching the same in scornefull manner, saying to her You have taken the oath, you have sworne lustily, and you said—I, Elizabeth Franke, wife of Geo. Franke, &c, goeing forwards in some words of the oth but I will make you sweare again, and asked one Chr. Stevenson that was standing by whether she had sworne truely or noe, and gaped at her and put out his tongue. [No Order appended, the entry ending thus.] That Cecily Beckwith have 40s. allowed her [loss by fire]. That a warrant &c to attach two persons &c to appear at next Sessions to answer for not finding sureties, and departing the Court &c. [76b.] Another warrant &c "to appear at next Sessions."- That Fr. Lascelles have 40s., allowed him at the last Sessions [see Vol. I. 267], for money paid to Peter Slater &c. That, whereas on the sworn information of Valentyne Metcalf of Es- lington in the County of Middlesex, who sayeth that he being about the Kinges service, as assistant for the executing of the Commission from the Court of Exchequour, one Fr. Horner of Carlton said to the said Valen- tine that the Commission he had was counterfait, and that the Com- missioners that were in it were slaves, and false, like unto himself; and that the said Francis then followed him with a staffe and a dagger, and sayd he would kill him, . . therefore a warrant &c to attach him &c to appear &c. • Next Sessions at Richmond on Wednesday next after the Epi- phany. Roll signed by Coniers Darcy, Arth. Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Adam Midleham, Rob. Pepper, Esquires. [77.] PURVEYORs. A note of the rate for levyinge the money for his Matics Purveyor. The N. R. of the countie of Yorke, beinge chardged with £152 15 7, to be paid to his Maties Purveyor yearelye at the Qu. Sessions holden next after the Feast of Epiphanye, by the Head Con- stables for the last fower yeares specified in the composition with him, made the 8th daie of Julye 1611, and remayninge with the Clerke of the Peace, is to be divided into the severall Wapentakes as followeth by vertue of an Order made in Sessions dated 21 day of April, 1612. £ s. d. Langbarghe... 25 9 2 Bulmer Ridall. Birdforth.. • £ s. d. Pickering Lythe. II 9 2 Allertonshire 20 7 6 15 5 7 Whitby Strand 12 14 7 Richmondshire. IO 3 9 5 I 10 52 4 0 £152 15 7 HELMESLEY, JANUARY 8, 161. 7 [78.] HELMESLEY, Qu. Sessions at, 8 Jan. 161. Before Tho. Bellassis, Rich. Ether- ington, Rich. Vaughan, John Gibson jun"., Henry Franckland, Knts., Tho. Davile and Tho. Norcliffe, Esquires; and by adjournment at Richmonde, 11th July, before Sir Arthur Dakins, Adam Midleham and Rob. Pepper, Esquires. Tho. Clarke appeared as deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard, Sheriff FIRST PANNELL. Rob. Leeming, Pickering, Gent". "" "" John Ellerton, John Todd, Sedall,* Rob. Webster, Brotton, Tho. Gibson, Pickering, Beter Hunter, Rudby, Geo. Sowley, Nunnington, Yom". Rob. Hick, Kirkby Moreside, Yom". Tho. Wilson, Nawton, Tho. Hebborne,† Stangay, Tho. Frost, Easingwold, Yom". "" "" Chr. Hobson, Dowthwaitdale,,, "" 39 James Smyth, Sowerby, WHO PRESENT- Rich. Wasse late of Kirkby, lab'., for stealing an ewe at Morton, value rod., the property of Sir H. Bellassys. Laurence Barker and Geo. Thorneley, late of Sinnington, laborers, for stealing 8 sheaves of oats, the property of some one unknown. July 21. An offence against the Statutes of Service. [78.] Will. Skelton of Thornton, yeoman, for absenting himself from the church on the Saboath day, and sitting drinking in the ale- house. Chr. Oates of Formanby, clothworker, for working in taking of cloth from the tenters on the Saboath day in the time &c. Will. Haye of Thornton, lab., for not goeing to the church &c. Tho. Nottingham of Myton for carrynge away a wayne bodyfull ‡ of wood, being the goodes and cattell of Sir Henry Franckland. Five cases of brewing without license. [Per hom. et per Cap. Const. de Pickeringlith.] * A name which, in previous instances, appears in the form Siddall. † A nearer approximation to the original form, Hepburn, than the more usual Hebron. See Vol. I. p. 221 n. This is an adjective, and an analogue to the standard word brimfull, and the pro- vincial word bankfull, applied in this district, and elsewhere, to a beck, stream or river in time of approaching flood. 8 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. The inhab's. of Whitwell for not repairing and scowring the beck and the highway in the street leading from York to Malton in a place near to Spittle-bridge, and both ends of the same bridge. [Certificate is made by Mr. Brigges that this way and bridge is well repaired: Ideo exon'.] The inhabts. of Sheriff-hutton for not repairing the bridge over Fosse, lying in the street between York and Sheriff-hutton. [Per hom. et per Will. Robinson, Ball.] [79.] The inhabs. of Skelton for not repairing the highway or street leading from York to Tollerton, in a place near to Mistres Lovell's milne, and so to the towne of Skelton, &c; those of Skipton for the like in a place near to the Smithie in the feilds; and those of Tholthorp cum Flawith for not repairing the high- waies at both endes of the bridge, and also the bridge itself over Sunne-becke. SECOND PANNELL- John Stockton, Huton Rudby, John Shepperde, Gent". Yom". Will. Dringe, Hawnby, Gent". Rich. Lyth, Newton, Stangrave, Yom". Will. Metcalf, Tilehouse, "" Marm. Fewster, Easingwold, Yom". Geo. Stoope, Brotton, Yom". Peter Waynman, Loftus, "" Rob. Robson, Slingesby, Brian Myles, East Harlsey, Tho. Jackson, Helmsley, Geo. Mawmond, Thornton, Oswold Wynde, Welbery, Will. Mawmond, Thornton, Will. Taylour, 39 "" "" "" "" WHO PRESENT- Tho. Foord, late &c, for stealing a duck, value 3d, of Tho. Cam- plyn's * &c. [Pleads guilty, and sentenced to be whipped, sedente Curia.] Rich. Fawcett, lab., for stealing two door-keys, value 6d. Rog. Johnson of Sproxton Cote, fuller, for breaking and damaging the hedges of West End Park at Helmsley belonging to the Earl of Rutland, &c. Tho. Tailour of Thornton in Foston parish for putting the water out of the due running course in Thornton-feild, &c. The inhabt. of Whorleton for suffering the water to run out of the due course, &c. * A common Cleveland colloquial corruption of the name Campion. See Vol. I. p. 176 n. HELMESLEY, JANUARY 8, 1613. 9 Will. Baytes of the West Laythes,* gent"., for not scowring one syke† adjoining on Pottoe Carre &c. The highway from Myton Close to Kirkby on the Hill as in great decay, and ought to be repaired by the parishe of Aldburgh and Kirkby on the Hill. [Per hom. H. Franckland.] John Richardson, Constable of Battersby, for not appearing at the Petty Sessions before the Head Constables &c. Rob. Metcalf, Constable of Worsall, for not punishing rogues &c. Tho. Younge, Churchwarden of Kirk-leventon for not paying his L. S. money. [Per hom. et per Cap. Const. de Langbargh.] [80.] Eleven presentments from Bulmer Wapentake, and three below from Sand Huton, for brewing &c. The Churchwardens and inhabt. of Welbery for not paying L. S. and Hospitals money &c. Tho. Marshall of Thirske, glover, for stopping a common sewer, t called Barbeck, in his owne yard, whereby the water standeth in the highways, &c. The inhabts. of Carlton Mynyot for not amending their highways between Carleton and Thirske, &c. The inhabt. of Lastingham and Kirkby-moreside parishes for not repairing the bridge called Lowney bridge betwixt the said lordships. Rich. Dobson and Tho. Moysey, Constables of New Malton, Raph Freer, Constable of Gillamore, [80.] Tho. Trattle, Constable of Risdale, for not appearing at the Statute Sessions. The inhabt. within the Wapentake of Bulmer for not repairing Stockton Layne, being the Kinges street leading to York. The inhabts, of Keldholme for not repairing the Kinges street lead- ing from Keldholme towards Pickering, near unto Keldholme-milne. The inhabts, of Barton parish for not repairing the Kinges highways within the lordship of Butterwick, &c. The inhabt. of Kirkby-moreside for not repairing the highway betwixt Kirkby milnes and Dowe-wath. The inhabt. of Kirkby-misperton for not repairing Kirkby-misperton layne leading from thence towardes Pickeringe. [Per Cap. Const. de Rydall, sed non per hom.] Fr. Thomlin of Egton, tanner, hath in open Court taken the Oath of * Over the chancel-door of the old church at Whorlton were carved two shields, one with the inscription "Orate pro nobis, A.D. 1593,” and the other with the arms of Bate. This is, no doubt, the Will. Bate of West Lathe mentioned in the Visita- tion of Yorkshire 1583 (see Ord's Cleveland also, pp. 409, 450), who was succeeded by Will. Bate of West Lathe, but styled of Eston by Ord (p. 409), and said to have died Oct. 13, 1621. + See Vol. I. p. 219, and note. See Vol. I. p. 200, and note. 10 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Allegiance and subscribed his marke to the Sessions Roll in testimony thereof, and hath tyme given him to bring certificates of his conformitie until the next Sessions. [81.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that three Warrants &c to attach persons &c. That 20s. be allowed to Rob. Hardy in respect of his loss by fire. That Chr. Hall of Lastingham, alehouse-keeper, for suffering play &c, be fined 3s. 4d. That Rob. Bowes of Yarme, who has confessed to brewing to sell, keeping an unlicensed alehouse, and harboring a felon, be bound with sureties to forbear brewing &c, and to appear &c. That the inhabt. of Ellingthorpe shall repair their highways (for which they are fined), between Ellingthorpe-feild and Milby moor, before May day next, upon payne of £5, &c. That the inhab's. of Hovingham parish be fined on their present- ment 3s. 4d., and that they shall repair Holme lane before Midsommer upon pain of [81b.] That Mich. Flounders be discharged from brewing any more. Next Sessions at Thirske, 14 April, 1613. Roll signed by Rich. Etherington, Rich. Vaughan, John Gibson Jun., Knts.; Tho. Davile, Tho. Norcliff, Esquires. [82.] RICHMOND, Qu. Sessions (by adjournment) at, 12 Jan. 1613. Before Sir Arthur Dakins, Rob. Pepper and Adam Midleham, Esq. Tho. Clarke Deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard. Tho. Duffeild, Boulton, PANNELL. Gent". Chr. Michaell, Skabd Newton, Gent". Will. Metcalf, Craikall, Gent". John Johnson, Brompton, Yom". Geo. Danby, Barton, John Fawvell, Tunstall, Cuthbert Anderson, Gailes, Yom". Will. Myles, Hornby, Will. Firbank, Melsonby, Rob. Wright, Rob. Lightfoot, "" "" "" Gent". Fr. Smith, Exilby, "" Yom". John Sadler, Burneston, "" Rich. Grainge, Horneby, "" Miles Smyth, Leeming, Arthur Lynskell, Cawdwell, "" John Horner, Carleton, "" RICHMOND, JANUARY 12, 1613. II WHO PRESENT- Four persons, two of them "yomen," for stealing two geese at Little Smeaton, value iod. John Preston, for assault and affray on Widow Godley Buckle on the highway. James Guy of Lawcote, and Henry Metcalfe of Forsdale, yomen, for breaking into a cowhouse (the door of which was locked) at High Coate and driving ay from thence a cow of Anth. Pratt's, red hawked * in colour. Two cases of assault. Peter Thornton of Kidstons in Bushopdate or entering a close of Leonard Jake's (called Le Great Close) and taking thence six wain- loads of hay, value £6. [83.] Chr. Kearton of St. Nicholasses, yeoman, for that he did drawe and sett the course of the water discendinge from a spring in a close of St. Nicholassys, called the Well-close, into the Kinges high- street leading from Richmond to Easby, being contrarie to its right course, and damaging to the highway, &c. [Per horn. et super sacra- mentum Joh. Paycock.] Geo. Jackson of Newton Morker, gent"., for an assault &c on Rob. Skrewton, one of the Deputy-bailiffs in Richmondshire, in rescueinge of a horse distreyned by the said deputy at Pattrick Brompton and further, for, when a warrant under the handes of Sir Conyers Darcy was served upon him touchinge the said assault, drawing his sword upon the said Screwton and resisting him in violent sort, and would not obey the warrant &c. [Per hom. super sacrm. Rob. Skrewton, Dep. ball. ibidem.] Will. Clarke of Little Crakall for stoppinge, plowing upp and hinder- ing of one highway, or ancyent way, lying betwixt the towne of Litle Crakall and the parcell of meadow called the Wraie † in the tenour of Rich. Michell. [Per hom. et per sacr. Ric. Michell.] [83] Peter Thornton of Kidstons in Bushopdale, gent". [see supra], for rescue at Midleham of a horse seized in course of law by Rog. Whytay, Deputy-bailiff of Hang West, &c. Anth. Pratt of Shaw-cote for making a rescusse on Jas. Metcalf, Deputy-bailiff of Hang West, who had distreyned ten sheep, to the number of three at least of the said Anthonies, upon an execution out * "HAWKIT, adj. Having a white face; or white spots or streaks; a term applied to cattle." Jamieson. + See Vol. I. p. 187, note. The word is of great interest as showing the survival of the old form wra as late as 1612. The modern "tenure," but a corruption rather than a form of the said word. 12 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. of his Maties Court of the Mannour of Midleham. [This and the last- Per hom. et super sacr. Rog. Whitay, Dep. ball.] Three persons of Patterick Brompton, for not keeping the night watch &c. Geo. Kidd and Tho. Whitton, Constables of the same, and Rob. Townson, another Constable there, for not seeing of the watch kept &c. [Per hom. et super sacr. Ric. Hawe.] [84.] The inhabts. of Newsome for not repairing the high street, especially in a place near South Ottrington fields, &c. The inhabt. of South Ottrin[g]ton for the like in the hiewaie towardes Richmond nere to a place called Newby Planckes; and the inhabts, of Newby for the like in the same place. The inhabts. of Warlaby for the like decaie betwixt Warlaby and Ainderby in the high-street leading to Richmond; those of Aynderby with Steeple, for the like in the said street betwixt Aynderby and Thurntoft; of Little Langton for the like in the same street in the passage betwixt Thurntoft and Litle Langton; of Thurntoft for the like in the same place; of Great Langton for the like in the same street on the north side of Langton; of Morton, for the like, betwixt the town of Morton and Morton bridge in the street leading from Northallerton to Beedall; and those of Scruton for the like in the same street. Rich. Nelson of Sowerby for selling ale above the rate &c.; and for using the trade of a baker, being not licensed &c. [84b.] Five persons for badging, being not licensed, and three others for brewing &c. [Per hom. et super sacr. Rob. Gam[el]. Ralfe Sadler of Burneston for keeping an ailhouse and suffering men therein to be drunke, and his wife to be a meanes to drinke and make men drunke, namely one Rich. Pybus, servant to Mr. Parkinson, the Kinges Attorney in the North partes; also for selling of aile at an excessive rate; and for refusing to lodge or receyve for one night a Souldior brought unto him by the Constable, he having money to defraie his charges, and the Constable giving his word for his good behaviour, and being lawfully licensed to passe from the service in Ireland. John Wilson of Burneston for disobeying the Constable there and refusing to helpe and carry a cripple unto the next towne, and abusing the Constable in calling him most shamefull and vilde names. James Metcalf of Melmorby for digging a ditch in the highway, being a common street to passe unto York and Rippon, &c. [Per Cap. Const. de Hallykeld, sed non per hom.] Will. Whitwell of Leeming, carryer, for being drunke and for abusing Mr. John Dodsworth, Head Constable of Hang East. RICHMOND, JANUARY 12, 161}. 13 [85.] The inhabts. of Leeminge for not repairing their towne-gait, and so along to Leeming bridge, it being in the parish of Burneston; and for the like decaie from the said bridge unto Aiskewe-moore, being within the parish of Beedall, &c. The inhabts. of Watlas for not repairing the way in Clifton layne, being a way very much used from Wensadale to Yorke, and for the country unto Midleham Markett, &c. [Per Cap. Const. de Hally- keld, sed non per hom.] Five persons from Northallerton, for selling ale contrary &c., with three others below. Mich. Wilkinson of Borrowby for refusing to certifie the names and wages of his servants &c. Three persons for brewing &c. Will. Bretton of Thornton Beanes for playing at cardes with other mens' servantes for money in his house out of Christenmas, viz.: on Sonday 10 Jan". Inst. Jas. Wighell, Constable of Osmotherley, for not executing the pre- cept of the Head Constable. [Per Cap. Const. de Allertonshire sed. non &c.] [856] Five persons of Osmotherley, for selling ale contrary to the assise. [Adhuc per Cap. Const. de Allertonshire, sed non &c.] Three other cases of brewing &c. [Per Joh. Dodsworth, Cap Const., sed non &c.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that a Warrant &c to apprehend Will. Massam of Gilling, husb"., and Jane his wife, and bring them before Sir Tim. Hutton and Rob. Pepper, Esq., or thone of them, to be bound with good sureties to keep the peace &c, and the latter also to appear at the next Sessions &c. That, whereas Anth. Pratt of High Cote was bound to appear at this Sessions to present a bill of Indictment of fellony against James Guy and Henry Metcalf, and did preferre an Indictment of Tresspasse, therefore he be fined 5s. [86.] Whereas Fr. Smyth of Brompton on Swaile, gent"., for using blasphemous oathes in the face of the Court, and other contemptuous words, was fyned 40s., and then the said Smyth answered-No, let it be £5: And thereupon the Court hath ORDERED that he enter bond for the good behaviour and to appear at the next Sessions, and be fined 5s. [Committitur quia non invenit plegios &c.] Rowland Atkinson of Askarth is fyned ros. for divers misdemean- ours, which is shewed in certificates; fine to be estreeted. [Com- mittitur.] 14 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Chr. Bulmer, Thres". for L. S., for not appearing at this Sessions and also for [not] paying his money dew upon the Justices warrant, is fined 20s.-Provided that if he pay £5 unto the handes of Paule Speek for Chr. Kidd, L. S., then the fine to be discharged, &c. ORDERED that the Churchwardens and Overseers of Raynton shall provide for the relief of James West of Baldersby and his five poor children: els to appear before Sir Arthur Dakins or Sir Rich. Mus- grave to show cause &c. Forasmuch as it is alledged that Tho. Jackson, one of the Head Constables of Hang East, still has money in his hands received for bridges &c, which he refuses to pay over, therefore a warrant &c to bring him &c to be bound to appear at the next Sessions, &c. ORDERED that a Warrant &c to apprehend Rowland Atkinson of Askarth &c to appear at next Sessions to answer &c for that he, when departing from the Court did putt out his tongue at a poore man, one Edw. Bogett, whom he had formerly wounded and laid in perill of death, and sayd to him that he would make him as weake as he was before, having been sensured now in Court for the said hurts and bound to the good behaviour. Next Sessions at Thirske, 14 April, 1613. Roll signed by Sir Arthur Dakins, Rob. Pepper and Adam Midleham, Esquires. [87.] THIRSKE, Qu. Sessions at, 14 April, 1613. Before Will. Eure, Knt., Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Tho. Posth. Hobby, Will. Bamburgh, Tho. Bel- lassis, Rich. Vaughan, Arthur Dakins, Knts., Rich. Darley and Rob. Pepper, Esquires. Tho. Clarke, gent., Deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard, Sheriff. FIRST PANNELL. Rich. Lockwood, Sowerby, Gent". Tho. Foxe, Marderby, Will. Yom". "" Will. Burnett, Catton, Joh. Mouncton, Bagby, Yom". "" "" "" "" Ketchingman, Thirkelby, Math. Foxton, Brompton, Yom". Edw. Ketchenson, Brompton,,, Will. West, Loftus, 22 John Butterwick, Bushby "" Joh. Flower, Brompton, John Routh, Kirklington, Will. Bargh, Disforth, Marm. Fewster, Easingwold,, John Preston, Lakenby, THIRSKE, APRIL 14, 1613. 15 [87b.] WHO PRESENT, Two persons for assault, one of them on Tho. Clarke, gent"., one of the High Constables of the Wapp. of Rydal, &c. A man for sheepstealing. [88.] Inquiratur pro D'no Rege whether nine females named, all of Sawdon, with others unknown, being riotously assembled, broke into a certain close of Sir Rich. Etherington's at Moreson, broke down the wall thereof, &c. [The fine assessed upon each to be 5s. on their submission 4 submitted.] Two men for trespass and wilful damage in certain closes at Great Langton, called New-close and Wood-close, in the occupation of Fr. Langley, and also for net-fishing in the said Fr: Langley's fishery in the water of Swale. [88b.] A widow for breaking and damaging the hedges of a close, &c. Tho. Harte, father and son, of Lofthouse, for turning a water-sewer out of the right course &c. Healam Bridge in Watling Streete, being the Kinges high street and post-way from London to Carliell, Barwick and other places, within the parishes of Burneston, Kirtlington and Pickhall, as in ruyne and decay, but by whom it is to be repaired is not certainly known. That Howe bridge near Malton ought to be repaired by the country. [Side-note: This presentment is subscribed under a long petition on the vill inter billas veras.-Per Lockwood et socios, huc usque.] [89.] SECOND PANNELL. Will. Rymer, Morton, James Best, Sawcock, Edw. Wright, Sowerby, John Crawe, Upledam, Rich. Grange, Hornby, Will. Coates, Brompton, Mich. Trattle, Rosdale, Gent". "" Yeom". Rich. Bell, Thirske, Fr. Welbery, Kirkledam, Yeom". "" Rog. Mackeridge, Kirkledam, Yeom". Rich. Anderson, Aldwarke, Yeom". Will. Mawmond, Thornton, "" "" "" "" Rob. Burton, Letby, "" Valentine Morrell, Thirkleby, Ralph Hopps, Sutton, "" WHO PRESENT- A yeoman's servant, for stealing, at Streightfeild in Sowerby, three ash trees, value 6d, and one stone of hay, value 2d., &c. Geo. Metcalfe late of Ulston [Oulston in Coxwold], lab'., for stealing a linen web, 28 yards in length, value 24s., &c. John Porrett late of Upleathom, lab'., for stealing a purse at Kirk- leatham, value Id., from a cowhouse of Will. Cut[h]bert's, containing 16 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. 5s., and also a pair of breeches and a pair of sto[c]kings, value 7s., a coverlett (feltrum), value 20d., and other articles of clothing &c. [89.] A miller from Pickering, for breaking into Mary Haldore's barn and stealing thence three stone of hay, value 6d. Three laborers for assault &c on Phillis Swale. Two others for an assault &c on John Stubbs, Deputy Bailiff for Langbargh in the execution of a warrant from Sir Chr. Hildyard &c. Tho. Walworth of Langthorne for fencing up and turning the passage of the Kings high street in Holley Moore. [Sir Coniers Darcy affirmeth that of his owne knowledge the said Walworth is wrongfullie presented: ideo parcatur.] [90.] Rich. Mitchell of Little Craikall, yeom"., for that at Craikall aforesaid, the Kinges high street there being in the towne gate,* he did take up part thereof by setting a stone wall about yt, and so straytening the Kinges street, and also, by laying great store of stone in the said street, &c. Rob. Tose of Skelton, Curate there, for keeping an alehouse there,† contrarie &c. A husb". for excessive drinking, &c. An alehouse-keeper for "keeping a disorderly house in carding and drinkinge att unlawful times of the night." A person using the trade of a butcher &c. Four others for brewing &c. Newsome bridge leading from Malton to Kirkby Mooreide as in decay and to be repaired by the country. [Per hom. super evidenciam Cap. Const. de Langbargh.] [90b.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that Roger Whitey, Deputy-bailiff for Hang West, as he did not appear at this Court, as bound by his office, be fined 40s. That everie Wappentake within the N. R. shall pay hereafter, towardes the releife of the poore prisoners in York Castle, half as much more as they have heretofore paid, yf so be that the West and East Ridinges do the like &c. That whereas Tho. Kay of York, merchant, is appointed receiver of the money payable by the several Head Constables in the N. R. to his Maties Purveyours, in regard of his paines and ease of the said Head Constables therein, he shall have allowed on everie recept after the rate of 4d. atteverie Pound. * See Vol. I. p. 99, and note. + A presentment which, considered by the light of modern notions, is a singular one indeed. It seems almost to put “Wonderful Walker's" school-keeping and cobbling within the altar-railing into the shade. See Vol. I. p. 209 n. THIRSKE, APRIL 14, 1613. 17 That whereas Will. Nodding of Cams-head is the reputed father of a base child by Elizth. Skelton wch, he is willing to keep at his own charge, the said Elizth. shall deliver the said child to the said William to be by him kept &c: otherwise she shall keep the child herself, and he be discharged &c. That Rich. Richardson of Raskall, alehouse-keeper, on complaintes of his behaviour, be discharged of his license to brew and likewise disabled to keep an alehouse. [91.] That a warrant &c directed to the Bailiff of Ridall to appre- hend Rob. Lassells of Wood Appleton and Henry Lassells his son, and them bring before Tho. Davile Esq. J.P. to be bound &c at the next Sessions to answer &c such things as shalbe objected against them by Geo. Allan, or otherwise, &c. Whereas £10 hath been allowed &c towards the repair of Yafforth bridge, and on certificate made proved to be insufficient, therefore a further allowance of other £10 for the finishing of the same is made, and if the former £10 be not already levied and collected, both these sommes to be rated, levied and collected together. [Surveyours: Rog. Sturdy, gent"., Tho. Ward, gent".] • That Chr. Bulmer of Upsland, gent"., late Thres'. for L. S. for Rich- mondshire, shall appear at the next Sessions for that Division and perfect his accompt concerninge Arundale, a L. S., who doth complain that he wanteth a quarter's pay mentioned to be paid in the said Mr. Bulmer's accompt. [Give him notice hereof.] That a warrant &c directed to the Head Constables of Hang West to attach Marm. Wilde of Hunton, gent"., late Thres'. &c, and him bring &c to appear at the next Sessions at Helmeslay there to shew cause why he should not repay such money as he hath received of the Head Constables &c. [91.] That, whereas on the accompt of Will. Percivall, one of the Surveyors, and Collector of the money for the repair of Skipton, Top- cliffe, and Dawlton bridges, it appeareth that he hath disbursed £8. 6. 3 more than he has received, therefore a new assessment for the said sum be made, estreeted and levied &c and repayment made &c. Whereas the executors of Mark Rawson and Oswold Tailer, late Head Constables of Allertonshire, were charged with arrearages of 26s. 8d. collected towards the repair of Ayton bridge, which sum has now been paid by them or their assignes, therefore they be now dis charged &c. That Humfrey Warrener, L. S., shall have no further pension, unless he shall come in person to receive the same, or certificate produced or affidavit made in Court of his sickness or infirmitie whereby &c. Whereas James Bell, L. S., with letters from Sir Will. Wade, craves a C 18 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. pension or allowance &c, promising to be no further chargeable, there fore the Court hath given him the summe of £4 &c. Whereas former warrants have been awarded against Cuthbert Talor, executor of Oswold Talor his father, one of the late Head Constables &c, for arrearages of money collected by him &c, and the said Cuth- bert was expected att this Court to have perfected his accompt &c and hath not appeared, but his brother Geo. Tailor hath tendered his appearance and undertaken to bring the said Cuthbert before the Justices, and to make good the arrearages aforesaid, &c. [No order, however, expressed.] Whereas Fr. Rashe, L. S., hath heretofore had a pension of £4 per ann., on consideration &c the said pension is augmented to £6, &c. Whereas Tho. Marshall of Watton, pretending to have been a sol- dier, brought a letter from Sir Will. Wade to the Justices for his releife, but admits he has no certificate of service in the Warres &c, and freely offers never to charge this country any more, the Court allows him 20s., as a gratuity, towards his present necessities, &c ORDERED that a wa rant &c to the Head Constables of Halikeld, to attach Will. Grant of Pickhall, gent"., late Thres". for the Hospitals for Richmondshire, that they may have him before the Justices at the next Sessions, to be held at Helmesley, and that he bring with him thither his accompt &c. That the Clarke of the Peace shall, after the end of everie Easter Sessions, make transcriptes of the severall charges that ar to be levied within the N. R. for the relief of L. S. and Hospitals, and also of an Order made in Easter Sessions in 1611 concerning the distribution of the said monie by the severall Threasurers, and shall send the said transcriptes to the said Thress., and shall add to the Order formerly recyted that no Threasurer shall pay anie soldier's pension to anie person or persons but to the soldier himself, except Affydavit be made that he is not able to come in person to receive yt without danger of his life (except Chr. Kiddes pension granted to Powle Speck [See above, Vol. I. p. 267] by warrant &c for receipt of £10. 10, being due for a yeare and a halfe of his said pension), which is now confirmed to be paid to the said Powle Speck by the Threasurers for L. S. &c in that Division, and warrantes to be made for payment thereof. That, forasmuch as by certificate of Rich. Darley Esq., and other- wise, it appears that Math. Carter of Buttercram has had great losse by fier, he shall have five markes allowed him &c. That the sum of £100 shall be assessed and levied towards the repair of How bridge [Will. Brigges Esq., Tho. Pearcy, gent"., Tho. Jerome and Tho. Mead, yeomen, Surveyors]; that 20s. shall be assessed &c for Healam Bridge [Fr. Hunton, Capt. Conn. : Surveyors]; PICKERING, APRIL 24, 1613. 19 that £30 shalbe &c for Howsom bridge [John Cholmley, Tristram Jackson, John Foster, and Marm. Etty, Surveyors]; that £13. 6. 8d &c for Willow bridge. [Tho. Pudsey Esq., Fr. Dineley, Geo. Robinson, Surveyors.] [93.] Next Sessions at Helmeslay, 8 July, and [by adjournment] at Richmond, 13 July, 1613. Roll signed by Sir Will. Ewre, Sir Henr. Bellasis, Sir Tho. Posth. Hobie, Sir Will. Bamburgh, Sir Rich. Etherington, Sir Arthur Dakins, Sir Rich. Vaghan, Knts.; Rob. Pepper Esq. [94.] PICKERING-LITH cum WHITBY-STRAND. Special Sessions at BROMPTON, 24 April 1613. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Rich. Ether- ington, Knts. Tho. Clarke, gent"., deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard, Sheriff. FIRST PANNELL. James Smith, Brompton, Gent". | Tho. Beswick, Allerston, Yeom". Rob. Salmon, Lebberston, Yeom". Chr. Anderson, Cayton, John Candeler, Seamer, "" John Nesfeild, Irton, "" Lancelot Osborne, Ayton, Tho. Flintoft, Scawbie, Will. Aggeson, Burniston, Steph. Skelton, Wilton, Will. Goodall, Thornton, Rob. Smales, Farmanby, Rich. Grame, Pickering, John Marshall, Ayslaby, 99 "" "" "" "" "" "" Rob. Hodgson, Cloughton, "" Henry Skelton, Wrelton, Tho. Skelton, Synnington, Tho. Bailiffe, Cropton, "" "" "" Will. Stubbs, Huton Bushell,„, Henry Clifford, Brompton, Rob. Dodgson, Kirkby Misperton, Yeom". "" Peter Kirkupp, Snainton, "" Rog. Collinson, Ebberston, Rog. Humble, Great Bargh, Yeom". "" WHO PRESENT- Two persons for brewing to sell &c. [94] Three other persons for the same. Rob. Walker of Scawbie, alehouse-keeper, for suffering drink in his C 2 20 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. house in time of &c, and also for enticing Rich. Smith's child to bring corn for ale and cheesecakes and such like. Two men for continuing drinking in the house of the said Walker. • Margt. Johnson of Hutton Bushell for brewing &c (since the death of Tho. Poskitt and his wife who formerly kept an alehouse) only to releive the said Poskittes children; and another for brewing &c. [95.] SECOND PAnnell. Rich. Sneaton, Ewcoote, Fr. West, Whitby, Tho. Moorewood, Yeom". Gent". | John Yeom". Eskdailside, Jas. Woodhouse, Ugglebarnby, Yeom". Rob. Sheminge, Sneaton, Yeom". Josua Jackson, Horskarse,* Rob. Lawnd, Fillingdale, "" "" John Kockerill, Stoupe-brow, Yeom". Jas. Hill, Knaggy-house, Yeom". Geo. Marshall, Silford,† Will. Harbart, Goutland, Rob. Merrie, Lockton, Rich. Lythe, Newton, Edw. Cropton, Habton, Leon. Shotton, Ryton, "} "" WHO PRESENT- Five other persons, with John Sutton of Haskerth,* for brew- ing &c. ORDERED per curiam that the Constable of Cropton shall set Henry Robinson of the same in the stockes in Cropton Chappell yeard for four hours for brewing &c and hath not wherewith to pay his fyne &c. [96.] HELMESLEY, Qu. Sessions at, 8 July 1613. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Rich. Etherington, Tho. Belassis, Henry Tanckrede, Rich. Vaghan, Henry Jenkins, Knts., Rob. Brigges, Tho. Norrcliffe, Walt. Bethell, and Will. Tankard, Esquires. Tho. Clarke, gent., Deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard, Sheriff. * An unusual form of the local name Hawsker. See another form, Haskerth, a little below. + Doubtless the place known by the name of Silfhow or Silpho. Not the only instance in these Records of such a site for the stocks. HELMESLEY, JULY 8, 1613. 21 SECOND * PANNELL. John Heslerton, New Malton, Gent". Brian Miles, East Harlesey, Yeom". Will. Webster, Brotton, Phil. Craven, Frerehill, Yeom". "" John Nicholson, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Chr. Carleton, Thirleby, Yeom". Will. Grundall, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Geo. Porter, Warthill, Yeom" James Richardson, Holtbie, Will. Heworth, Stockton, "9 99 †Tho. Marsingall, Newholme, Yeom". +Geo. Shepherd, Helmesley, Yeom". Weare, Easingwold, Yeom". Rob. Hick, Kirkby Moorside, ❘ +Henry Yeom". Geo. Boseman, Skelton, Yeom". [96'.] WHO PRESENT Tho. Thornton, late of Mill-hill, parish of Bransbie, for rape, in Tho. Baldrigg's dwelling-house at Yearesley Pele, on his wife Elizabeth, aged 50. Two laborers, for stealing an ewe, value 8d., from a close (called Toftes) of Roger Gamell's at Sutton under Whistoncliffe. Frissy als. Friswith Wilkinson of Middleton on Leven for stealing two linen napkins, value 4d., from the dwelling-house there of Greg. Ingledow. [97.] A carpenter, for stealing a little pig, value 3d., of the goods &c. A yeoman, for stealing from Marm. Fawcett's house at Borrowby, "octo virgas astrigmenti bombicyni, Angl. viii yeardes of Calowne Lace," value 16d., and also a quarter and half quarter "panni lanei, Angl. caresey [kersey]," value 6d., of the goods &c. FIRST PANNELL. Geo. Hall, Oswoldchurch, Gent". Yeom". "" Will. Dringe, Haunby, Geo. Liones, Skelton, Peter Hopperton, Hovingham, Yeom". Geo. Sunley, Nonington, Yeom". Rob. Thompson, Catton, Will. Burnett, Will. Barker, Seamer, Nich. Barker, Bewdlam, Tho. Wilson, Nawton, Will. Wood, Bransedale, Tho. Bell, Dalton, Yeom". "" "" "" Chr. Potter, Stokesley, ,, "" John Ripley, Raskell, "" "" "" "" Geo. Watson, Blackmanley,§ * Sic. "Primum" is erased and "sc'dm" substituted. + These three names are crossed out. This is probably, like Cullen and some other forms, merely a corruption of Cologne, silk manufactures being still one of the industries of that city. § What the place thus designated may be seems quite uncertain. 22 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [97] WHO PRESENT- Ralph Storie of Oswoldchurch, linnen weaver, for uttering scandal- ous and defamatory words, in the dwelling-house and presence of Sir Rich. Vaghan at Thorpe in le Willowes, against one Geo. Hall of the same, gent"., &c. viz.-"Base rogue, I am as good as thou art," and many other contemptuous &c. Rich. Pearte of Borrowbie, yeom"., for riotous assault &c on Geo. Broadbelt of Thornton Beanes and Rob. Metcalf of Borrowbie, break- ing a pike staff three yards in length (unum baculum bipennem longi- tudinis trium virgarum) over their bodies &c. Three men with their wives, natives of other counties, for disorderly conduct in Tho. Simpson's house at Slingsby. [98.] A case of assault, and one of stealing from the "officina vel forgium D'no Regis apud Mowgrave, Angl. vocat' Allom Mines," a piece of iron weighing one stone &c. Four persons for assault. [986.] Will. Bell of Thirske, marchant, for building a cottage in a close called le Sparlin Close and not laying four acres &c. A man and his wife, and a widow woman below, for brewing &c. Rob. Dale of Holtbie for taking up the Kinges Wafe† wherein he hath no propertie, contrarie &c. "" * The fact that is involved here—namely, that the King himself had alum-works at Mulgrave in the year 1612-is one of some interest in the history of the alum-trade. Young, the Whitby Historian, states that in the early period of the alum-trade "the English manufacturers could not even secure the home trade without obtaining from King James an order prohibiting the importation of alum. About that time, the alum business was engrossed by the King, as a royal prerogative; and the alum works were let on lease from the crown, a compensation being paid to the proprie- tors. Young supposes the art of alum-making may have been introduced by Sir Thomas Chaloner, at the earliest, about 1595, and in the list he gives of Alum-works established in Cleveland (vol. ii. pp. 810, 811), he makes "the work at Sandsend Ness commence about the year 1615," while the works at "Holmes, near the present Mulgrave Castle, commenced about 1680, or a few years earlier," at Ash Holme, near old Mulgrave Castle, about the same time," and at "Rock Hole, between East Row and Rock Head," next in succession-and he supposes all the manu- facture to have been in the hands of lessees. But it is apparent from the entry under notice that the Mulgrave works were in operation more than half a century before the time he gives for their commenced existence, and that the King himself was the proprietor of the "officina vel forgium" at Mulgrave. The whole early history of the alum-trade in England, and its introduction, is full of fable and error, some of which the Editor has pointed out in his, as yet, uncompleted History of Cleveland, in the notice of the parish of Guisborough. "" + "WAIFS are goods stolen, and waived or thrown away by the thief in his flight, for fear of being apprehended. These by the law are given to the King, as a punish- ment upon the owner for not himself pursuing the felon, and taking away his goods. from him" (Encycl. Britannica). As to the more literal, in contrast to the legal HELMESLEY, JULY 8, 1613. 23 • [99.] The inhabts. of Marton for that Marton Lane leading from Stearsbie to Yorke is in decaie, &c. Margt. Dakins of Fryton, widdowe, for not coming to the common worke at the times limited by the Surveyours of the highwaies within the Constablery of Hovingham, having lawfull warninge given her. The inhabts. of Keldholme for not repairing Apeley bridge &c, by reason whereof there is no passage to the Kinges Markettes. A carpenter, for entertayninge a person as his apprentice for six yeares and never had Indentures &c., and the latter for working as a carpenter and not having served for seven years &c. [99.] Fr. Hood of Normanby for harbouringe idlers, being the statute rogues, and other mens' servantes, att unlawful times. Tho. Sheppard and Tho. Leif, Churchwardens of St. Michaell's, New Malton, for not paying the money for L. S. &c. Jas. Hall of Worsall ye. younger, late Churchwarden of Kirkleventon, for not payinge L. S. monie &c. The inhabts. of Litle Busbie for not keeping the day-watch at Great Busbie &c. [100.] ORDERS made &c. Peter Brasse of Stokesley, clothier, indited for Recusancie, and now convented for the same, hath this day in open Court taken the Oath of Alleageance and entred bond for good behaviour quousque. ORDERED, upon complainte made of some defect of allowance towardes the reliefe of the prisoners in Yorke Castle, that the former assessment shalbe augmented half as much more as it was before, and that from henceforth the collection shalbe made and levied throughout the North-ridden accordingly by the Head Constables in everie Wap- pentacke. [This Order is confirmed upon certificate made by Mr. Paull Wood, Collector, that the other Ridinges have done the like.] That, whereas on the sworn information of Will. Hornbie, Bailiff of Rydall, it appears that when the said Hornby was about to serve a warrant on Rob. Lassells and his son Henry in the house of one Tho. Sheppard, of Kirkby Moorside, the said Sheppard prevented the said service &c, a warrant &c to attach the said Sheppard &c. That, whereas Peter Brasse of Stokesley, clothier, is convented before the Justices and enjoyned to find sureties, and has none at hand, he shall repaire before some of the Justices and enter bond, • meaning of the word, Skeat defines WAIF as anything found astray without an owner. M. E. waif, weif. A Norman-Fr. law-term. O. Fr. waif, later gaif, pl. waives, gaives. Roquefort gives gaif, a thing lost and not claimed. Cot- grave has choses gayves, weifes, things forsaken, miscarried, or lost.' Waif is an old Norman-French term, and of Norse origin. Icel. veif, anything flapping about; veifa, to vibrate, move about." 24 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. himself in £200 and two sureties each in £100, to be of the good behaviour &c as long as he shall continue to be a Popishe Recusant; and whereas he has entered his own bond of £40 for appearance at the next Sessions, it is further Ordered that if such Justice before whom he with his sureties are bound in £400 as aforesaid do retourne and certify the said recognce of £400 at next Sessions, the said Peter be discharged of his personal appearance there &c. Forasmuch as the Court is informed by Sir Rich. Vaghan of sundrie undecent and contemptuous and insolent misbehaviours committed against him by Raphe Storie of Oswoldchurch, weaver, as also of opprobri[o]us and scandalous words uttered by the said Storie against Geo. Hall of Oswoldchurch &c.-Therefore it is Ordered that he be putt in the stockes at Oswoldchurch on Sunday next, and there sitt bareheaded betweene the time of morning and eveninge prayer. [101.] Ordered that the Head Constables of the several Wapen- takes shalbe allowed upon the collection of all monies for L. S. &c at the rate of 6d. in the pound, and no more. That John Twentyman, gent"., Purveyor for provision of his Maties wax, shall have paid him out of the N. R. and in answer to the letters sent from his Maties Privie Counsell dated 27 June 1613, after the rate of the W. R., and in such manner and upon the same conditions as the W. R. hath compounded with him, observing the old proportion of xii, x, and viii. Whereas John Robinson hath petitioned the Lo. President in the North to be made a pensioner amongst the L. S., and it appears that at Easter Sessions, 1610, he had, on his promise not to crave further relief, £3. 6. 8 allowed him as a gratuity, still on further consideration of the case and the Lo. President's letter, and his own written undertaking to be no further troublesome, he shall have 30s. allowed and paid him &c. Forasmuch as the Court is informed by Sir Henry Tanckrede, on his own knowledge and view, that Rich. Conny of Bilsdale hath sustained great loss by fire, he shall have 40s. allowed him. Next Sessions at Malton, the last day of Sept. next. Roll Signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, Sir Rich. Etherington, Sir Henry Tanckrede, Sir Henry Jenkins, Sir Rich. Vaghan, Knts., and Tho. Norcliffe, Will. Tanckard, Esquires. RICHMOND, JULY 13, 1613. 25 [102.] RICHMOND, Qr. Sessions at, by adjournment, 13 July, 1613. Before Coniers Darcy, Arth. Dakins, Henry Jenkins, Knts., Tho. Davile, Rob. Pepper, Adam Midleham and Will. Tankard, Esquires. Tho. Clark, gent"., Deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard. FIRST PANNELL. Gent". "" Fr. Hunton, Caythorpe, Fr. Knight, Northallerton, Chr. Mitchell, Scab Newton,, Rich. Miles, North Cowton, Yeom". Fr. Mansfeild, Newton, Tho. Thackwray, Exilby, Will. Cootes, Brompton, Math. Foxton, "" Henry Raper, Exilby, Yeom". "" " "" Edw. Hutchinson, Brompton, Yeom". Will. Miles, Hornby, Tho. Best, "" John Stephenson, Cleasbie, Miles Smith, Leminge, Yeom". "" "" Geo. Chartley, Middleton Tyas, Yeom". Chr. Wilkinson, Burton, Yeom". Henry Pibus, Brompton,' [102] WHO PRESENT "" Guy Pinckney for assault &c at Kaybrigge in the Kings hyeway at Danby, and another for non-payment of assessment imposed on him for his ground. The inhabts. of Great Smeton for non-repair of the Kings high-strete betwixt Smeton and the common leading to Darnton. A person for breaking the assise of ale; and two alehouse keepers for keeping disorderly houses. [103.] A case of encroachment on the highway between Bedell and Richmond on the Lordshipp of Little Craycall. [Will. Clark, Rich. Clapham, Henr. Lucas, Jur'.] A similar case on the highway from Middleton Tyas to Darlington at a place called Five hills Yate. [Geo. Browne, Joh. Flower, Jur'] Chr. Cooper, Rich. Fawcett, Vickar of Kattericke, and certain other Tennantes of Bolton for stopping a high-waie over the river Swale betwixt Kattericke and Bolton, and so to Stockton, &c, which was the usuall waie fiftie yeares since: and did lie from the S.E. end of Katte- ricke and so over Swale, and so on the east side of Swale northwards through certain pastures belonging to the towne of Bolton and in the occupation of the parties presented. [Henr. Swawdell, Joh. Coniers, Ric. Maie, Jur.] 26 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [103] SECOND pannell. Adam Thomlinson, Thornton Ruste, Gent". John Robinson, Waldon, Gent". Steph. Metcalfe, Chauntrie, Yeom". Mart. Carter, Awdbrough, Yeom". Rob. Wright, Melsonby, Will. Firbancke, John Mansfeild, Awdbrough, Yeom". Gawin Spennce, Coverham, Yeom". John Jaike, Burton, Chr. Topham, " Math. Pibus, Fletham, John Hawe, Fencotes, 39 "" "" "" "" "" Fr. Baine, Ellinstringe, "" Cuthb. Anderson, Gale, "" Rich. Mitchell, Craikall, "" WHO PRESENT- John Pepper, of Long Cowton, gent"., for taking and driving away a mare worth 46s. 8d, two colts each worth £3, and a third colt, sorrell gresseld* in colour, worth 30s., &c. John Hutchinson of Reeth for building a stone wall at Ellers there, so as to divert Arclebecke from its proper course, and Charles Hutch- enson of the same for taking sundry large stones from a close in Sir Tim. Hutton's free tenement, called West Close, and with them divert- ing the course of the stream, to Sir Tim. Hutton's damage and that of the tenant of the closes called New Close, Tenter Close and West Close, to the amount of 100 marks, and also to the ruin of Grinton bridge, and of the highway there. [104.] A labourer for stealing a purse (worth id.) with 3s. in it, and also £3.5 out of a chest, a shirt worth 18d, a pare of stokins, 12d., belonging to one John Lucas, and a pare of breches, worth 5s., a pare of stokens, 12d., and a pouch, 6d., belonging to one Nich. Smith. A man and his wife for rescue from the Bailiff of Hang East of a mare, seized under distraint by authority of His Majties Court of Midlam; another man for the like, rescueing a cow, and earnestly threatening that he would kill the Bailiff; and a third for a rescue from the stable of the Deputy Bailiff of Hang East, of a cow, "arreasted by him upon an execution and valewed and prysed by 4 sufficient neighbors." [104] A wooden bridge called Ulsey Bridge, over the Yore in the Kinges strete from Richmond to Midlam, as in great ruine and decay, &c. * Two persons, unlicensed alehouse-keepers, for "using unlawfull "( GRIZZLED, of a grey colour. Shakspere has grizzled, Hamlet, i. 2, 240 (in some copies grisly): also grizzle as sb., a tinge of gray. Formed with suffix -y (or -ed) from M. E. grisel, a gray-haired man. Grisel is formed with suffix -el from Fr. gris, gray.”—Skeat. RICHMOND, JULY 13, 1613. 27 games," and a third for “making a drincking upon the Sabaoth daie"; and also two others for brewing &c. [105.] ORDERS made &c. Whereas all Recusantes within these divisions of Richmondshire and Allertonshire ought to have beene prescribed and delivered to the Head Constables to draw all the said presentmentes in forme of Law: And forasmuch as such presentments for Recusancie are altogither imperfect for want of informations and directions of the said forme in, that behalfe: Therefore time is given by this Courte untill the next Sessions to perfect and bring in the same. And in meanetime every Constable to take copies of the said forme and instructions frome the Head Constables of everie division, paying 6d. for everie copie, or otherwise, if they will copy yt, to pay nothing for the same. That, whereas Fr. Wright of Cwenbury, gent"., refuses to pay the assessments "imposed upon him for the King, bridges, and otherwise" a warrant be directed to Tho. Waggett, Dep. Bailiffe of Gilling East, to attach him &c. That the Overseers of Massam do relieve a poor man upon his peti- tion, providing a suitable house for him and his family, with 128. weekly towards their maintenance, [105.] and until such home be found for him 18d. weekly, and if they refuse to do so, then a warrant &c. To issue a warrant to attach a man and his wife to be taken bound with two subsidie men, himself in £40 and each of the latter in £20, to appear &c. [Direct this warr. to all Bailiffs and Constables.] A warrant &c to attach the Constable of Ilkton for not duly execut- ing a warrt. of Sir Arth. Dakins', &c, and a similar warrant to attach other two persons &c. [106.] That Tho. Jackson, Head Constable of Hang East, and Roger Whitey, Deputy-bailiff of Hang West, be for adequate reasons dis- charged of the fines formerly imposed upon them. That a partly blind man complaining that he does not get his allow- ance of 4d. a week paid regularly, there being an arrear of 5s. due, the Overseers of his parish (Hunton) shall at once pay "the arrearages and for the future at every months end 16d. &c. >> Whereas there was severall Orders conceived and made at Helmesley Sessions, the eight of this moneth, touching some arrearages due to the Purveior for the provision of his Maties wax; As also touching some augmentation of the allowance to the Prisoners in Yorke Castle: This Courte thinkes fitt that the same Orders shall be likewise confirmed in this Division, and that the monie be hereafter levied accordingly. That a carpenter of Massam having his arme broken and so become 28 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. disabled, &c have £3 presently paid him by the Thres. to the Hospit alls as a benevolence towardes his maintenance. Whereas Peter Patteson of Pattrick Brompton, a poore man, hath a daughter infected with a disease called the Kinges evill, and intendes to travell with her to the Kinges Matie for cure thereof,* and being des- titute of meanes for such a long journey, hath craved of this Courte • * This entry seems to be sufficient to provoke the following note :— "It was known that he (King William III.) was so profane as to sneer at a practice which had been sanctioned by high ecclesiastical authority, the practice of touching for the Scrofula. The ceremony had come down almost unaltered from the darkest of the dark ages to the time of Newton and Locke. The Stuarts frequently dispensed the healing influences in the Banqueting House. The days on which this miracle was wrought were fixed at sittings of the Privy Council, and were solemnly notified by the clergy in all the parish churches of the realm. When the appointed time came, several divines in full canonicals stood round the canopy of state. The surgeon of the royal household introduced the sick. A passage from Mark xvi. was read. When the words, 'They shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover,' had been pronounced, there was a pause, and one of the sick was brought up to the King. His Majesty stroked the ulcers and swellings, and hung round the patient's neck a white riband to which was fastened a gold coin. The other sufferers were then led up in succession; and as each was touched, the chaplain repeated the incantation, They shall lay their hands,' &c. Then came the epistle, prayers, antiphonies, and a benediction. The service may still be found in the prayer books of the reign of Anne. Indeed, it was not till some time after the accession of George I., that the University of Oxford ceased to reprint the Office of Healing together with the Liturgy. Theologians of eminent learning, ability, and virtue gave the sanction of their authority to this ceremony; and, what is stranger still, medical men of high note believed, or affected to believe, in the balsamic virtues of the royal hand. One of them is not ashamed to tell us that the gift was communicated by the unction administered at the coronation; that the cures were so numerous, and sometimes so rapid, that they could not be attributed to any natural cause; that the failures were to be ascribed to want of faith on the part of the patients; that Charles once handled a scrofulous Quaker, and made him a healthy man and a sound Churchman in a moment; that, if those who had been healed lost or sold the piece of gold which had been hung round their necks, the ulcers broke forth again, and could be removed only by a second touch and a second talisman. We cannot wonder that when men of science gravely repeated such nonsense, the vulgar should believe it. Still less can we wonder that wretches tortured by a disease over which natural remedies had no power should eagerly drink in tales of preternatural cures : for nothing is so credulous as misery. The crowds which repaired to the palace on the days of healing were immense. Charles II., in the course of his reign, touched over 100,000 persons. The number seems to have increased or diminished as the King's popularity rose or fell. During that Tory reaction which followed the dissolution of the Oxford Parliament, the press to get near him was terrific. In 1682, he performed the rite 8,500 times. In 1684, the throng was such that six or seven of the sick were trampled to death. James, in one of his progresses, touched 800 persons in the choir of Chester Cathe- dral. The expense of the ceremony was little less than £10,000 a year, and would have been much greater but for the vigilance of the royal surgeons, whose business it was to examine the applicants, and to distinguish those who came for the cure from those who came for the gold. On one single occasion William III. was impor- tuned into laying his hand on a patient. 'God give you better health,' he said, and more sense.'"-Macaulay, History of England, iii. pp. 478–480. • D RICHMOND, JULY 13, 1613. 29 some releife in that behalfe:-Therefore the [Courte] thinkes fitt and so order[s] that he shall have presently paid unto him 20s. by the Thresurer. A poor man, burdened with a son six years old, both lame and dumbe, petitions aid, and the Court orders that he shall have 6d a week paid him by the Churchwardens and Overseers of his parish (Croft). An order for £30 towards the "erecting and building" of Tanfield Bridge having been made at the Richmond Sessions in 161º, and as there is still £3, part of the said £30, u[n]paid for the same use- Ordered that it be "paid by the Thres'. for the Hospitalls to Raph Hutchinson, Collector for the same bridge: Provided always that such other summes as are now allowed by this Court to other Charitable uses be first paid, and then this to be the next." That a Warrant &c to apprehend eleven different men of Healey, Ilkton and Ellingstring and bring them &c to appear at the next Sessions, and in the meantime keep the peace &c and especially towards one Cuthb. Browne. [107.] That Raph Milner of Richmond for his abuse in Court be fined 2s. 6d. The offender in the third case of rescue noted on p. 26 be fined 10s., and a second for a fraye made &c be fined 205. Whereas the decay of Ulsey bridge is now by the Jury found danger- ous, the necessary repairs being estimated at £40-Ordered that the said sum be estreated and levied &c. mother, for a That a warrant &c to apprehend a man and take him bound &c "that he shall neither brew to sell nor tipple ale or bere for thre yeares next ensewing: as also to be of good behaviour during that time. That the father of a bastard child shall pay to the yeare and a halfe (if he do so long live), 6d. a week &c. [Fr. Hunton, gent"., Head Constable of Halikeld, being present in Courte, hath undertaken to se this Order performed.] [107] Whereas John Metcalfe, gent"., L. S., bringing letters recom- mendatory from the Lordes of the Privie Counsell, as also from Sir Will. Wade, and craving some present releife and benevolence to support him in his travaile to the Baith, and so into the Low Countries, promiseing never to crave further allowance &c: Ordered that he have £4 presently paid him by Will. Rymer, Thres¹. for L. S. Next Sessions at Richmond, 5 Oct'. next. Roll signed by Arth. Dakins, Knt., Adam Midleham and Will. Tanckard, Esquires. ! 30 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [108.] NEW MALTON, Qr. Sessions at, 30th Sept., 1613. Before Will. Eure, Rich. Vaghan, Henry Jenkins, Knts., Will Brigges, Tho. Norcliffe and Rich. Darley, Esquires. Tho. Clarke, gent"., Deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard. FIRST PANNELL. Gent". John Heslerton, New Malton, Will. Snawdon, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Will. Yates, Bagby, Yeom". Will. Harrison, Kirkletham, Will. Metcalfe, Worsall, Will. Medd, Lastingham, Yeom". Rich. Wate, Thornton, "" "> Will. Wilkinson, Claxton, "" "" "" Fr. Challoner, Marton Grene, Yeom". Geo. Mawmond, Yeom". ( Alex. Orrick, New Malton, Tho. Woodcock, Amonderby,,, Thornton, John Stockton, Pottoe, SECOND PANNELL. Rich. Seaton, Rigge, Tho. North, Butterwick, Chr. Ripley, Dalehouse, Yeom". "" John Wightman, Skiplam, Yeom". Tho. Frost, Easingwold, "" "" Rich. Best, Lynton on Darwent, Rob. Dobson, Frere hill, Tho. Morrell, Thurleby, Yeom". "" "" Tho. Grene, Loftus, Yeom". Rich. Temisswood, Marton, Cuthb. Annison, Ruswarp, "" Tho. Scarfe,* Hinderwell, "" Tho. Simondson, Bagby, "" Rob. Robson, Slingsby, "" "" Rob. Sheppard, Appleton, [108b.] WHO (FIRST PANNELL) PRESENT A man for breaking a window at night in a dwelling-house [fined 6s. 8d.]; a woman for stealing unam riccam hordei, Angl. one stooke of barlie, value 1od.; a man for violent entry into a dwelling-house and an assault there on a person present, striking him with a knife, &c. [fined 5s. and to be set in the stocks]; another man for a like entry and assault on the mistress of the house. [109.] A man for trespass and wilful damage in a garden and orchard, * The writing here is cramped and indistinct; but the name appears to be as printed. Note Tho. Scarth of Hinderwell, in the special Pannell at the Oct. Sessions at Helmesley below. NEW MALTON, SEPTEMBER 30, 1613. 31 breaking and wasting the fruit-trees and quick-wood; another for assault- ing, in Burrowgate Hall garth at Pickering, Richard Grime, Constable there; a third named Will. Gowre, for an assault at Hutton on Darwent, in a certain alley between the dwelling-houses of Will. Strickland, gent"., and the said Gowre, on a labourer, with a dagger, striking him therewith cutting his lips and breaking his teeth. [109] Will. Loftus of Skelton for stealing from the common field * of the said vill two stooks of wheat, value 3s. 4d., of the goods of one John Knagges. THE SECOND PANNELL PRESENT- Michael Jackson of Cockeswold for brewing to sell &c, and two others for brewing and selling &c. The above-named Michael Jackson's wife for cominge forth of her house with a pitchforke and beating awaie a man that was cutting down her Ale-rodd,† he being soe commaunded to doe by Sir H. Belassis, Knt. Barronett. * A glance is here afforded at one feature of the ancient rural economy of the dis- trict. The arable, land of the township lay together in one large field, the "com- munis campus villæ" of this entry, each separate townsman's portion being marked off from his neighbour's by low earthen banks, called balks. This field was fenced round during the time the crops were growing, the fences or hedges being under the charge of the heyward of the township; on the severance and leading of the crops, however, the hedge was thrown down or broken through, and the cattle of the town- ship admitted to common pasture. Traces of this old usage, which had, by the present date, been sorely innovated on under the circumstances glanced at in the note to Vol. I. p. 99, were still remaining in this district-specially in one large field close to Staithes-less than thirty years ago. †This is a term of unusual occurrence, and possibly one which throws a little light on the subject of Alehouse or Tavern signs. In Brand's Popular Antiquities, under this head, the compiler says :-"There is a well-known proverb, 'Good wine needs no bush,' that is, nothing to point out where it is to be sold. The subsequent passage seems to prove that anciently tavern-keepers kept both a bush and a sign: a host is speaking 'I rather will take down my bush and sign, Than live by means of riotous expense.' Good Newes and Bad Newes, by S. R. 4to. London. 1622. In the notes to the chapter a passage is quoted from 'Poor Robin's Perambulation from Saffron Walden to London, July 1678,' as follows :— 'Some alehouses upon the road I saw, And some with bushes showing they wine did draw.' The inference naturally is that the alehouses were distinguished by something beyond the mere absence of the bush. And in this connection it is quite noteworthy that only a few lines lower the commentator says, that, from a passage in 'Whimzies, or a New Cast of Characters' (which he quotes), "it should seem that signs in ale- 32 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. : A man for using the trade of a whelewright, not having &c. [110.] The Constable of Normanby for refusing to warne the inhabts to come to their common day workes. The inhabt. of East and West Nesse and Muscottes for not repair- ing their bridge over the Rie. [Per Tho. Clarke et Henr. Cowpland: Cap. Const.] The inhabts. of Normanby for the disrepair of a bridge at the south end of Normanby Lane, betwixt Barughe and Normanby in the high- strete from Malton to Kirkby Moorside. [Per Tho. Clarke: Cap. Const. John Wilson of Hutton upon Darwent for brewing &c twice since Easter, and making generall drinkinges, one upon the Sabaoth day, and the other upon Whitson Tuesday, and continewed in drinking and dis- order most part of the day and almost all night &c. [On the oath of Will. Gowre taken before Sir Henry Jenkins and Will. Tanckard Esq., 27 Sept., 1613.] A similar presentment on the same basis against another. [110] ORDERS made &c. The Sheriffe of the Countie of Yorke, for his Bailiffes.generall default in not retorning sufficient Jurors for his Maties service, is fyned 40s. The inhabts. of Little Busbie presented for not keeping their watch, within the Constablerie of Busbies Ambo, and it is agreed that the said inhabt., with the consent of Will. Marwood, gent"., shall contri- bute in money with those of Great Busby for the keping of the watch within the said Constablerie for every third day, viz., for the third part of that Constablerie, &c. [This is affirmed to be true by Sir H. Jen- kins, who hath sett his hand to the originall in the Roll.] A stroller and traveler, who hath sustained much losse by shipwrack, allowed 20s., &c. Phillip Hobkin, Constable of Oswoldchurch, fined 20s. for not punishing such as he was commaunded, but the fine to be remitted if he discharge the duty &c. A warrant &c to attach Rob. Smithson, Curate of Yarme, &c to answer for his contempt in refusing to sett his hand to the presentment made, being thereto required by Henry Campleion, a Constable there, houses succeeded birch-poles." A painter is at work on a sooty alehouse, and the words bearing on the point are--"If she (the hostesse) aspire to the conceite of a signe, and desire to have her birch-pole pulled down, hee (the painter) will supply her with one;" and there is then added, "In Scotland a wisp of straw upon a pole is, or was heretofore, the indication of an alehouse." Almost certainly, then, the "ale- rodd" of the text is a sufficiently distinct intimation that in the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries a pole or rod set up in front of a house indicated that ale was sold there, just as the bush on its summit would show that wine also was to be obtained f required. RICHMOND, OCTOBER 5, 1613. 33 to whom he made answer that he would not subscribe because he should not punish them twice. [111.] A warrant &c to Constable of New Malton, to attach &c. Whereas Jane wife of Humphrey Warrener, L. S. (See vol. I. pp. 30, 194, where the name is Warren), petitions for a half year's arrears due before her husband's death: the Court not satisfied, but in considera- tion of her great need and long recovery, for her retourne into the South, allows her 13s. 4d. Geo. Watkin L. S. (See Vol. I. p. 257), with letters from Sir Will. Wade, to have 20s. allowed him. The issues against the inhab's. of Whorleton, and now in parchment Rolls ready to be estreited, to be discharged &c. A warrant &c to bring Tho. Dove of Newton in Rocliffe and Rich. Lieth, Constable there, into Court (sedente curia) to answer &c. I [111] Whereas John Steward of Oldstead is bound for the appear- ance of a man and his wife at the present Sessions and they have failed to appear, a warrant &c to attach them &c to enter bond to appear at next Sessions, with a view to discharge the said surety &c. A warrant &c to bring Rich. Jerom, the father of the begetter of a certain bastard child, before &c to be bound to bring his said son, Will. Jerome, to the next Qu. Sessions, to answer &c. Next Qu. Sessions at Helmesley, 11 Janr'. next. Roll signed by Sir Rich. Vaghan, Sir Henry Jenkins, Knts., Robert Briggs and Rich. Darley, Esquires. [112.] RICHMOND, Qr. Sessions at, 5 Oct. 1613. Before Fr. Bointon, Tho. Metcalfe, Arth. Dakins, Tim. Whittingham, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Tho. Davile and Adam Midleham, Esquires. Tho. Clarke, Deputy for Sir Chr. Hildyard. Henry Turner, Midlam, Will. Lumley, Ainderby, PANNELL. Gent". Rob. Wright, Melsonby, Yeom". Fr. Smith, Exi[l]by, "" Jerome Wray, Barton, "; Yeom". Tho. Thackwrey, Exi[l]by, "" Henry Pinckney, Whittyside, Geo. Mitchell, "" "" "" Rich. Close, "" "" Tho. Dun, Anderby Whernhow, Cuthb. Anderson, Gailes, Yeom". "" Will. Firbanck, Melsonby, "" VOL. II. Rich. Walker, Maunbye, Yeom". D 34 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. 1 [112] WHO PRESENT A man of Bedall for stopping a footpath there; another for a common assault &c on a woman; three men for cutting down and carrying away herbage and hay growing in the Common field at Thornton in lez Beanes, at a place called Readcarre, the property of &c; [113.] one of the said three, with a sister-in-law, for the like at a place called Rayndall in the aforesaid Common field; an ale- house-keeper for a disorderly house, harbouring rogues and vagabonds who get drunk continually, and use their knives &c to the disquiet of the neighbours and constables. Rob. Kendrawe of Osmotherley for using bowling on the Sabaoth daies in the church yarde in the time of Divine Service; and also Tho. Lowicke, gent"., and Rob. Ingeram of the same, for the like. [113] Two other persons for the like at the same place. Four persons of Lounes* for refusing to keep the day and night- watch; a man from Tollerton for makinge a rescue upon the body of Hugh Crookdike, Bailiffe of the liberty of St. Peter's, in the execution of a warrant, taking from him both prisoner and warrant &c; and an alehouse-keeper for suffering play at cardes in his house, and playing himself. [114] Chr. Knowles of Exilby for suffering unlawful games, viz. cardes, to be used in his house on the Sabaoth day, and keping a common football for the young men of the towne to play with, con- trary &c. Jas. Wiggell of Ellerbeck, butcher, for an assault &c on one Rob. Kendrawe, about Christenmasse last, being then Constable of Osmotherley. ORDERS made &c. Whereas severall letters have been directed from the Lords of the Grene Cloth in behalf of John Twentyman, Purveyor of His Maties wax -Ordered that £15 be estreited and levied within Richmondshire and paid into the hands of Sir Tim. Hutton before Christenmasse next, to the use of the said John Twentiman in discharge of all arrears and up to the end of the present year 1613, and in consideration of his charges spent about the same. Raph Turner of West Hauxwell, gent"., elected High Constable, and to come before Sir Tho. Metcalfe and Adam Midleham, Esq., to be sworn in stead of Henry Turner. Chr. Smithson of Mowton (Moulton), gent"., elected High Con- * No doubt Lunds, partly in the township of Hawes and partly in that of High Abbotside, in the parish of Aysgarth. RICHMOND, OCTOBER 5, 1613. 35 stable in stead of Geo. Robinson; and Raph Hooppes of Sutton Howgrave, gent"., instead of Will. Bell. [114] Whereas a warrant was directed from Tho. Davile, Esq. J.P., to the Constable of Newton Morker to apprehend Will. Seale &c, but Seale, . . . did escape and take a house for his guard, using con- temptuous wordes and barbarous outrages against the authoritie of Justice, therefore a Warrant &c to apprehend the said Seale and com- mitt him to His Maties Gaole att the Castle of Yorke for 20 days without bale or mainprise; and then after also until he shall enter bond &c to appear at the next Qu. Sessions for the Division of Richmond- shire &c. Tho. Croft of Hunton, gent"., one of the Overseers for Pattrick Brompton, for neglect of his office &c, be fined 1os.; and whereas he failed to appear at this Court upon bond by speciall warrant for good behaviour, which the Court conceives was done in some contempt, and to frustrate the fees due for the same-Ordered that he shall pay such fees as had bene due if he had bene taken bound &c; and also that he shall presently pay to Rob. Pearson, a poore blind man in that parish, all the arrears of 4d. a week now due to him. [115.] Elias Squire, Constable of Lynnton, for neglecting to execute a warrant from Sir A. Dakins, fined 6s. 8d.; also the Constable of Fyngall, for the like (Tho. Davile the Justice), fined 20s. and to bring the person named in the warrant before the said Justice &c. Brian Stapleton of Bedall (See Vol. I. p. 54) refusing to keep the watch in his course-Ordered on lawful warning to do as the other inhabts, there. Edm. Williamson, one of the poore of Fearby in Massam parish, petitioning the Court for arrears, as also for his wekely pay due unto him-Ordered that, if the Churchwardens and Overseers of the said Parish do not forthwith pay the same, they shall be brought before Sir A. Dakins or Tho. Davile, Esq., to be taken bound to appeare &c. Rob. Kendraw of Osmotherley, Recusant, takes the Oath of Allege- ance. [115.] Affidavit made by Will. Lumley that the highwaie within the township of Ainderby Steple, presented to be in decaie, is now sufficiently repaired-Ordered therefore that the issues now in the parchment estreites ready to be certified shalbe discharged, so as they pay for writing the same over againe; the same also in the case of Warlaby and Screwton, the latter on the affidavit of Tho. Screwton, Constable there. John Metcalfe, L. S., on whose behalf an Order for £4 was made at the last Qr. Sessions [See p. 29], having, through lack of money in the Treasurer's hands, received only 40s., the remainder to be paid D 2 36 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. at the next Qr. Sessions after payment to the other pensioners of their quarterly payments, on promise given to be no more chargeable &c. Next Qr. Sessions at Richmond, 14 Jan. next. Roll signed by Arth. Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., and Tho. Davile, Esq. [116.] HELMESLEY, Qu. Sessions at, 11th and 12th Jan'. 161. Before Will. Eure, Knt., Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Will. Bamburgh, Rich. Cholmley, John Gibson, Rich. Etherington, Knts., and Rich. Darley, Esq. John Camaige, gent., Deputy for Sir Geo. Savile, Barronett, Sheriff. PANNELL. Rob. Butler, Staingrave, Gent". Jas. Butterwick als. Gibson, Gt. Busby, Yeom". Chr. Postgate, Great Yeom". Great Ayton, Nich. Leavens, Great Ayton, Yeom". Yeom". Will. Grindall, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Chr. Hobson, Dowthwate-dale, Yeom". Tho. Wilson, Nawton, Rob. Young, Busby, Yeom". "" "" "" Will. Dighton, Thirske, Geo. Sunley, Nonnington, Rob. Hick, Kirkby Mooreside, John Colton, Brotton, Leon. Gamble, Thirske, "" Pet. Hopperton, Hovingham, Yeom". "" Rob. Mercer, Rosdale, Geo. Sheppard, Peter Craven, Frerehill, Yeom". Helmesley, [116.] WHO PRESENT— An alehouse-keeper of Hutton juxta Rudby for that he doth accos- tomably harbour men's servants and children at unlawful times of the night, and keeps them drincking and playing in his house in time of Divine Service &c. Ralph Bransby, Thirske, SECOND PANNELL- Gent". Yeom". Rob. Cotes, Swinton, Rich. Bell, Thirske, Will. Metcalfe, Tilehouse, "9 "" "" Valentine Morrell, Morrell, Thirkleby, Yeom". Tho. Faceby, Hewby, Rob. Bossall, Yeom". " Geo. Stoope, Brotten, Ralph Willis, Lofthouse, Will. Mawmond, Thornton, Lanc. Foxton, Hovingham, Steph. Jackson, Dunsley, Rich. Jackson, Ruswarpe, John Stockton, Pottoe, Rob. Hugill, Linthropp, "" "" "" "" "" HELMESLEY, JULY 11 AND 12, 1612. 37 WHO PRESENT John Thompson al. Baxter from Brenckhill Close in Cuckwold for stealing a bay mare with a starre and a snippe,* value 53s. 4d., &c. [117.] A man for stealing a gimmer,† worth 12d., from a garth ‡ at Sheriff Hutton; another for an assault with "a two graned § staff (uno bacculo bidente)" on one James Constable, &c; and a third for an assault and affray on a married woman in her husband's house at Marton. [117] An Oldstead man for brewing &c; a Great Thirkleby husband- man for taking a woman servant for a whole yeare since Martinmasse last and giving her 30s. wages contrarie &c; a Guisborough talor and alehousekeeper for suffering great misorder in his house on Sunday 2 Jan. 1613, in the time of afternoon service &c, and for not selling ale according to the rate limited &c. The names of the Jury in the case of Rex v. Geo. Tonge, prisoner at the barr now to be tried: Will. Heworth, Stockton, "" Tho. Kirkby, "" "" John Garbut, Bilsdale, PANNELL. Tho. Scarth, Hinderwell, Yeom". John Smith, Kirk Lethom, Yeom". Tho. Marshall, Thirske, "" Marm. Fewster, Easingwold,, "" Tho. Frost, "" Tho. Cawton, Scawton, "" Rob. Atkinson, Kirkby Moorside, Abr. Meede, Lastingham, Yeom". "" Rog. Moorhouse, Helmesley,, "" who find the said Geo. Tonge not guilty, who is therefore acquitted by judgment of the Court. [118.] ORDERS made &c. Henry Davison, Baliff of Birdforth, fyned 40s. for not making suffi- cient retourne of freholders' names for his Maties Service at thes Session[s]; Will. Hornby, Baliffe of Rydale, the same. * "STAR. A white spot on a horse's forehead." Halliwell. "SNIP. A white streak or stripe running down the face of a horse." Jamieson. † See Vol. I. p. 14, note. "GARTH. An enclosure; as Kirk-garth, Stack-garth, &c. &c." Cleveland Gloss. The enclosures from the Common, taken up on sufferance, are garths. The Latin word in the minute is croftum. S "GRAIN. A separate linear portion of a thing, as of a tree, or fork." Clevel. Gloss. It is not quite clear what this baculus bidens, or "two-graned staffe," really was. 38 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Ordered that a warrant &c to bring John Fowberie of Swinton, gent"., before &c, to be bound to keep the peace, and especially towardes James Constable of Cliffe, gent”., &c. · That an Ellingthorp gent". pay his late servant in husbandry the wages yet due to him for last year's service, and also the like proportion of wages from Martinmasse last to Christenmasse now past, deducting the value of a hatchet and a spade alleged to be lost by the said servant. • Geo. Watkin, a L. S., to have a gratuitie of 20s., promising to be no more troublesome except he can show good cause att Easter Sessions to induce the Court to allow him to be a Pensioner: [118.] a precisely similar entry touching Marm. Bellerby, L. S.; two poore lame men have each 10s. as a gratuitie, and no more &c. That a Warrant &c. to attach Will. Key of Oldstead &c to appear at the next Qu. Sessions and show cause why he refuseth to deliver unto Nath. Fenner, late Thres". for the Hospitalls, an acquittance from the Lo. Cheife Justice for 20s. delivered unto him by the said Nathaniell to pay for releife of the prisoners in the Kinges Bench, as appeareth by a note under his hand. That the sureties of a Gisboroughe man who was bound but did not appear at the Malton Sessions be, on consideration, discharged of the recognizances forfeited thereby: due fees &c to be paid for rewriting the rolls. [119.] Whereas Mich. Brodbelt was convented in open court to keep the peace towards two persons, but departed without leave in contempt &c, a Warrant &c to attach him &c to enter bond for due appearance at the Easter Sessions &c. A similar entry to the last but one, touching the non-appearance of one Anne Fotherley at Michaelmasse last. Roll signed by Will. Eure, Will. Bamburgh, Rich. Etherington, John Gibson, Knts., and Rich. Darley, Esq. [119] RICHMOND, Qu. Sessions (by adjournment) at, 14th and 15th Jan. 1612. Before Fr. Bointon, Coniers Darcie, Tho. Metcalfe, Arth. Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., and Adam Midleham, Esq. John Camaige, Deputy for Geo. Savile, Knt. Baronett. RICHMOND, JANUARY 14 AND 15, 1612. 39 PANNELL. Arth. Bainbrigg, Coverham, Gent". Geo. Danby, Barton, "" Chr. Mitchell, Skabd Newton,,, Tho. Hutchinson, Screwton,„, Geo. Awderson, Cogden, Geo. Firbanck, Sutton Howgrave, Yeom". John Sadler, Burneston, Yeom". Fr. Smith, Exilby, John Rymer, Screwton, "" "" Rob. Nicholson, Stanfrey, Yeom". John Bindlosse, Sutton How- grave, Yeom". Rich. Grainge, Hornby, Tho. Best, "" Rich. Miles, North Cowton, Tho. Stephenson, Fencote, Edw. Allen, Thurne, Will. Firbanck, Melsonby, [120.] WHO PRESENT- "9 99 "" "" "" Rich. Mettrick of Readholme for an assault &c on the servant of a Whinholme man; a Northallerton man for trespass with damage by sheep to the growing crops in a garth there; the above-named Mettrick for breaking the common pindfold (parcum) of North Cowton, and rescuing three horses legally impounded there. [120] A Yarm yeoman for trespass and wilful damage to the crops · growing in a close at Howdenside with horses &c. John Blaides of Grinton, Geoff. Garth of Reeth, yeomen, Bigot Blades and Edw. Blades of Hull "in Com' de Kingston super Hull," cordiners, for riotous assembly and assault on the wife and servant of one Geo. Alderson of Cogden, gent"., breaking the windows, &c. A West Rounckton alehouse-keeper for breaking the assise of ale and suffering evill companie and unlawful games in his house; [121.] two other precisely similar entries; a fourth person from the same place, for brewing &c; an Exilby 'inholder' for suffering unlawfull games in his house on the Sabaoth day, and for selling ale at 8d. a gallon. ORDERS made &c. A warrant &c having been ordered at the last July Sessions at Rich- mond for the apprehension of Peter Thornton of Kidston and his wife Jane for their appearance at the Michaelmass Sessions, who made defalte, the same order to be renewed, &c. [121] Rich. Mettrick of Readholme to be by warrant taken &c and to enter bond to appear at next Sessions, &c: a like order in the case of Fr. Williamson of Fearby. Whereas an Order was made at the Oct. Sessions at Richmond 1606 for the repaire of a Lane or Highwaie neare Canswick Parke-nooke [See Vol. I. p. 57] leading towards Nosterfeild, and the same being 40 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. yet unrepaired-Ordered that the former Order be againe revived and a warrant &c. That a warrant &c to attach Rich. Garth and John Blaides [See above, p. 39] and bring them &c to be bound to appear &c; and the like in the case of Jeffrey Garth, &c. [122.] That the arrears due to Powle Speck for Chr. Kidd's pension be forthwith paid by the Thress. for Richmondshire; and that a warrant &c to sommon the Executors of Marke Rawson, late of Northallerton, to appear at next Sessions and to pay such monie as the said Marke formerly received for defective armour. * Next Sessions at Thirske, 4 May next. Roll signed by Sir Francys Bointon, Sir Arth. Dakins, Sir Tim. Hutton, and Rob. Pepper, Adam Midleham, Esquires. [123.] THIRSKE, Qr. Sessions at, 4th and 5th May, 1614. Before Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Tho. Dawney, Rich. Musgrave, Rich. Vaughan, Arth. Dakins, John Gibson, Henry Tanckard, Henry Franckland, Knts., and Rob. Brigges, Esq. * The expression is one not previously met with, and it is not quite certain to what part of the High Constable's duties the reference is. It would be abundantly obvious from divers entries in Vol. I. that he was charged with the collection of various assessments and fines, inasmuch as the amount of his percentage on the sums so collected by him is dealt with in divers Orders, to say nothing concerning the state- ment of his duties in divers statutes, and such books as Lambard's "Duties of Con- stables, Borsholders," &c. (See, inter alia, pp. 28, 30, where "all forfeitures rising in the Sessions of the Peace" are specially mentioned as to be collected by the Bailife or High Constable of the Hundred, Leet, &c.) The "defective armour" of the present Order probably refers to the default in the case of bows and arrows, pre- sentments and fines on account of which are not infrequent in these minutes; which also, in the language of more than one old statute, as well as in that of the Bible (1 Sam. xx. 40), are called artillery. Note also there were divers statutes prescribing the keeping of horse (or horses), armour, weapons (according to social position), which were confirmed 4 and 5 Phil. and Mary, c. 11, and not repealed till 1 James, c. 25, under which men might be impeached for default. In 1392 the Manor of Castle Levington was held of the King by the service of supplying a man-at-arms "armatum cum aketon', pallet', lancea et cirotecis de plate" in time of war with Scotland, the aketon being "a quilted leathern jacket, worn under the mail armour; sometimes used for the armour itself." Halliwell. As to the pallet :—“ PALET ; armoure for the heed. Pelliris, galerus. A Palet was a kind of head-piece usually formed of leather, or cuir-bouilli. Pelliris, galea ex coreo et pelle.' 'Pelliris, a helme of lethere. Galerus, a coyfe of lethere.' Med." Pr. Pm. and note; [too long to be quoted entire, but full of interesting matter bearing on the word and its meanings.] THIRSKE, MAY 4 AND 5, 1614. 41 Henry Davison, Deputy for Sir Geo. Savile, Bart. PANNELL. Will. Brandsbie, Thirske, Gent". Tho. Williamson, Yeom". "" James Duck, Newham, Geo. Power, Ainderby, Yeom". "" Rich. Crosbie, Flawith, John Raper, Sinderby, "" "" Henry Grame, John Harrison, Middleton Whern- how, Yeom". John Fosse, Marryforth, Yeom". Peter Hunter, Hutton Rudby, Yeom". Rob. Dobson, Frearhill, Rob. Dobson, Slingsbie, Will. Coates, Brompton, Geo. Fothergill, Hulme, Peter Craven, Frerehill, Rob. Mercer, Rosedale, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Tho. Richardson, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". [123] WHO PRESENT— Rinian Wilson of Hutton Rudby for an assault; an Ainderby man for building &c three cottages without laying to them &c. [124.] John Bell of Thirske for keeping a common house of play for cards, tables, &c; a man from Great Cracall, for breaking, and driving forth from, a close there, called le Vevers, two horses; Massom (Massam) Bridge over the Yore as in great ruin and decay &c, and ought to be repaired by the country. [124] Whereas the late Rich. Aldbrough of Ellingthorp, Esq., built a cottage there in a place called Whinclose without laying to it &c, and his son and heir William continues the same, the Jury pre- sent the latter; Tho. Cowby of Borrowby, for stealing two whies,* the property of some one unknown, from a close of Ralph Rookby's, Esq., at Earby, worth 33s. 4d. [125.] A Cuckwold man, already discharged from brewinge to sell, for brewing &c; a Hutton Rudby alehouse-keeper for receiving into his house men's sonnes and servantes, and using playing at cardes on the Sabaoth day; a yeoman of Thirske, and two other men of the same, for playing and betting at cardes, and other unlawful games, at an alehouse there. [125] Two other Thirsk men for the same at the same place and time. A Haram (Harome) man for harbouring rogues &c; the inhabt. of South Holme for not having a Constable; the Constable of Wood "WYE. A heifer, of any age up to three years: qualified as Yearling Wye, Two-year-old Wye. O.N. quiga, a heifer. The Lincolnshire form is quee or quey.” Cleveland Gloss. 42 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Appleton, and of Rosdale, for non-appearance at the Kirkby Moorside Statute Sessions. [126.] The Constable of Hutton in le Hole for the like; Marie wife of Raph Hurst of Sunley Cote as a Recusant, Lancelot Bullocke of Muscottes and Marg. his wife, for the same; the Constable of Hovingham, and of Amotherbie, for suffering rogues and vagrants to passe unpunished; and the inhabts. of Tirrington for not repairing Mowthropp Laine, being the Kinges Strete. [126] Names of Jurymen empannelled to try prisoners at bar :- Yeom". James Smith, Yeom". John Stockton, Richard Bell, John Monckton, "9 Will. Dunning, Will. Kitchingman, "" "" Barth. Awmonde, Tho. Carter, "" Ralph Bell, Rich. Clapham, "" Will. Smith, "" Will. Jackson, who find Tho. Cowbie (See above, p. 41) not guilty. SECOND PANNELL. Ralph Turner, Hauxwell, Gent". Tho. Jackson, Ilkton, 99 Will. Dunninge, Moorhouse, Yeom". Tho. Carter, Carter, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". Will. Marsingill, Newham, Yeom". Will. Kitchingman, Thirkleby, Yeom". Rob. Thompson, Catton, Yeom". John Wells, Ainderby, Henry Best, Melmerbie, "" "" Rich. Clapham, Cracall, "" Chr. Palliser, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". "" Fr. Tebb, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". Anth. Cooper, Sand Huton, Rob. Bell, Thirske, James Smith, Sowerby, John Monckton, Bagby, "" "" Rob. Hick, Kirkby Moorside, Yeom". Rob. Robinson, Hutton in le Hole, Yeom". Edw. Hutchinson, Brompton, Yeom". [127.] WHO PRESENT— Henry Gill of Gr. Cracall for ditching in the groundes of John Scur- feild of the same, he being lawfully possessed thereof (by vertue of a warrant from Sir Geo. Saville, Bart., High Sheriff of York, dated &c) without his consent and knowledge &c.* Ulsey als. Howsey Bridge near Midleham as in ruine and decay, and ought to be repaired by the country. ** An obscure entry, and therefore given, all the material part at least, verbatim. THIRSKE, MAY 4 AND 5, 1614. 43 [By the oath of diverse persons . . whose names are under- written, they do present that the decaies of the said bridge will amount in reparations to the full valew of threescore Pounds and upwardes : Jur' Nicholas Middleton, Cha". Watson, Simon Middleton, Ralph Robinson, [all] of Midleham; Chr. Pickarsdall, Lawr. Pickardsdell, Carpenters.] Sixteen persons, male and female, all of Thirske, as hedge breakers, and filchers of rayles, trees, and topps of trees, and verie evill disposed persons livinge upon the spoile of men's fences, and by filchinge, and such like. [All to be whipped.] [127] ORDERS made &c. Geo. Brodebelt of Thornton Beanes, appearing on his recogces, and being enjoyned to find further securitie for good behaviour, yet depart- ing in contempt &c, to be fined £10, and a warrant &c to take him bound &c to appear at next Sessions at Helmesley, and not to departe &c. The said Geo. Brodebelt hath in open Courte this day taken the Oath of Alleageance. A warrant &c to apprehend Will. Cotes, Constable of Thornton Beanes, and Rich. Cotes of the same, and bring them &c to be bound to appear at the next Sessions for the Division of Richmondshire to answer &c many matters objected against them upon the relation of Geo. Brodebelt. To renew the warrant against Rich. Mettricke of Readholme ; and that all matters in variance betwene Ja'. Constable of Newsame, gent"., and John Fowberie of Swinton, gent"., be referred to the Order of Sir Will. Aldburgh, by consent of both parties. [128.] Nich. Middleton, Cha³. Lobley, Ralph Robinson, who stand indicted, crave copy of Indictment and a day ad traversandum, &c. A Hutton Rudby alehouse-keeper to be discharged from brew- ing, &c.; £3. 6. 8 to be paid to an Egton man by reason of loss by fire. Whereas Massam Bridge is presented as being in great ruin and decay, Ordered that £40 be presently estreeted &c throughout the N. R. [Mem. that whereas Tho. Tutinge, Rich. Watton, Tho. Cooke al". Chapman were at this Sessions named Surveyours for this bridge, now the Justices in that Division have since altered them and in their places have putt the parties named in the margent; viz. Rog. Beckwith and Anth. Beckwith, of Rukwith, gent"., Chr. Beckwith of Romer, yeom"., and Rob. Teasdale of Massam, yeoman. Whereas Kirkby Overcarr als. Kirkby Misperton Bridge is in great 44 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. ruin and decay, Ordered that £4 be presently paid to the handes of Tho. Clarke, gent". and Coroner, towards the repair &c. [1280] Thirty pounds to be assessed &c for repair of Ulsey al³. Howsey Bridge near Midleham : Order for the sound whipping of the Thirsk hedge-breakers on the markett day in open markett by the Constable of Thirsk, so manie of them as are not able to make resti- tution to the parties grieved; and so many as now appear to be kept in safe custody until they can be whipped, and the rest to be whipped as they can be taken, and warrants &c. Ordered that Mich. Jackson of Cuckwold, presented for brewing &c, and being committed for the same, doth refuse to enter bond &c not to brew any more, shall be sent by a Mittimus to York Castle &c; and that a warrant &c to apprehend Fr. Smith, Jane his wife, and Tho. Monckton (the women being of the party of Thirsk hedge-breakers) and bring them &c to be taken bound &c to appear &c. [129.] Marm. Bellerby and Geo. Walker (both L. S.) to be allowed 20s. each, till further order be taken &c. Next Session at Helmesley 8th July next; and adjourned thence to Richmonde, 12th July next. Roll signed by Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Rich. Vaghan, Arthur Dakins, Henry Tanckrede, Knts., and Rob. Briggs, Esq. [129] THIRSKE, Special Brewster Sessions at, 9th May, 1614. Before Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Henry Tanckard and Rich. Vaghan, Knts., It was Ordered that Will. Cotes of Knaton, blacksmith and alehouse-keeper, shalbe put in proces to appeare at the next Qr. Sessions for disorders and misdemeanours committed in his house, and a warrant &c. [On the testimony of Edm. Dighton, Rich. Kilvington, who are commaunded to give evidence.] A similar Order touching John Barnes and Anth. Dent of Welburie, alehousekeepers, for keeping alehouses and brewing &c. [On the testimony of John Bower, Constable there, who is com- maunded &c.] : HELMESLEY, JULY 8 AND 9, 1614. 45 [130.] HELMESLEY, Qu. Sessions at, 8th and 9th July, 1614. Before Will. Eure, Tho. Posthumus Hoby, Will. Bamburgh, Rich. Vaghan, Rich. Etherington, Knts., Rob. Brigges and Tho. Davile, Esquires. Will. Robinson, Bailiff,* Deputy for Sir Geo. Savile, Bart. PANNELL. Ralph Bransby, Thirske, Gent". Rob. Butler, Staingrave, John Wightman, Yeom". "" Ampleforth, Geo. Sunley, Nunyngton, Yeom". Tho. Ellerby, Ampleforth, Will. Medd, Lastingham, "" Nich. Barker, Bewdlam, John Hopperton, Hovingham, "" Henry Bickers, Thirske, Yeom". Chr. Carleton, Thirkleby, Tho. Hornby, Sowerby Parke,,, John Humphrey, Thornton,,, Rob. Younge, Gr. Busby, Rog. Armstrong, Hutton Rudby, Yeom". Rob. Fawdington, Yeom". "" Aldwarke, Yeom". [130°.] WHO PRESENT Rob. Turner of Slingsby for stealing a sheepskin worth 6d. at Harom Groundes. [Pleads guilty: therefore adjudged to be set in the stocks and whipped at Helmesley. Arraingned and tried by Will. Dringe, gent"., and his fellows.† Eliz. Dale for stealing the wool of three sheep, worth 6d., from the bodies of the same at Le Hirst Nooke at Synnington. [Similar side- notes as in the last entry, and also below.] [131.] Two men for taking and drivinge away "a weather lambe," value rod. [One of them throws himself on the mercy of the Court and is fined 2s.]; a woman for stealing a goose, value 6d. ; a man for trespass and damage to the growing herbage in le High Wood at Hovingham and taking thence twenty sparres of oake wood, value 20d. [131] A Knaton man for assault &c in the Towne-gate there upon Rich. Kilton, Constable of the town, and also for assault &c on Emmanuel Dighton of the same at the same place and time, he being engaged in the execution of a warrant &c. ; .the inhabt. of Milby for * See the Order below, whereby the High Sheriff is fined £10 for making this appointment. ✦ These two entries, apparently inconsistent in the order in which they stand, are made on the margin. Below will be found a note of the trial and its result. 46 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. non-repair of the highway called Milby Moore betwixt Burow-brigg and Thornton-brigge &c. [132.] A woman of Heworth for not having for diverse yeares caused to be scoured, clensed, and made current and passable one ancient water-sewer running through the field in her possession called the Grainge feild, &c, and also for not scouring &c the ditches of the said field, so that they have become stopped, whereby the More called Heworth Moore, lying betweene Heworth and the Cittie of Yorke, is so drowned and overrun with water in many places that the Citizens and inhabts. cannot passe over on foote, being likewise great losse to such as have common of pasture there, and a hinderance to the laud- able practise of Artillerie, being an usuall place for that purpose. A gent". of Little Habton for refusing to keep His Maties watch. [132] The inhab's. of the same for the like; a butcher for dam- ming the course of a stream at Knaton called Dovebeck, so as to divert its course and flood the meadows &c. The names of the Jury impanelled ad inquir' inter D'num Regem et Rob. Turner, et Elizabetham Dale, prison' ad barrum nunc triandos. Rob. Dringe, Hawnby, Will. Smith, Thornton Beanes, Yeom". "" "" Gent". Tho. Wilkinson,'Carleton, Yeom". Giles Milner, Bagby, Jas. Bayley, Helmesley, Mich. Barehead, Harom, John Niccolson, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Laur. Barnby, Tollerton, Tho. Wilson, Thirske, Rich. Tennison, Marton Grene, John Jackson, Tholthropp, Yeom". Will. Sharpe, Shipton, Yeom". who found both Turner and Dale guilty of the felonies charged, the sentences being as above. [133.] ORDERS made &c. Ninian Etherington, Dep. Balife of Birdforth, fyned 6s. 8d by reason he did not race * forth of the returne, ready made and to be delivered into Court, one Will. Metcalfe of Tylehouse in that Wapp., gent"., whom he had somoned and retourned as Juror &c. Sir Geo. Savile, Bart., High Sheriff, fyned £10 for deputing Will. Robinson, one of his Baliffes for Bulmer, to attend this Courte as Deputy Sheriffe, being adjudged insufficient for that service, and not able to make any sufficient returne modo et forma &c. * Erase. This Etherington is frequently in trouble: See Vol. I. pp. 84, 135. At p. 97 also he is seen to be involved in a dispute. HELMESLEY, JULY 8 AND 9, 1614. 47 The inhab's of Normanby, presented on account of the ruinous condition of their highways, discharged of the same on payment of their fees, the highways being now certified as sufficiently repaired. Ordered that the inhabts. of all such townshipps as have not Con- stables shalbe somoned to appeare att the next Qu. Sessions there, to show cause why they have no Constables. [133] Will. Baites applies to be relieved of the office of High Con- stable; the Court concurs and orders that Will. Foster of Towlsby, gent"., shall be appointed in his place, and directed, on notice of the same, to repair to Sir Tho. P. Hobby, Will. Mauleverer, Chas. Laton and Marm. Constable, Esquires, all J.P., and take the oath &c. A warrant &c to attach Will. Browne of Thornton and him bring &c to be of the good behaviour and appear &c. That Will. Barker, Constable of Farnedale, receiving a warrant from Tho. Davile, Esq. and refusing to execute it, being convented before this Court for his contempt &c and submitting himself, be fined 6s. 8d. [134.] Christabell Snowball, a poor widow with six children, peti- tions for relief; she has dwelt and bene settled in Kirkby Misperton for six yeares; has no house for habitation since her husband's death, and no meanes for reliefe of herself and children: Ordered that the Churchwardens and Overseers shall provide a sufficient dwelling &c. Order made at last Sessions that the Thres'. for the Hospitalls should pay £4 to Tho. Clarke, Coroner, for repair of Kirkby Misperton bridge [See p. 44], which was done, but which, according to the Statute and a former Order of this Court, ought not to have been done— Ordered that the said £4 shalbe levied as other monies ar levied for the repaire of Bridges by the said Tho. Clarke, and to be repaid by him unto the Thres'. &c. [134] Reference to a former Order [See p. 38] in the case of Geo. Watkin, L. S., and on production by him of a pasport under his Cap- taines hand and a letter from Sir Will. Wade, a further gratuitie of 20s. allowed him: 5s. to be paid to Tho. Dun for the present releife of himself, wife, and five children. By a former Order £100 was granted for repair of Malton Bridge, but is found to be insufficient: therefore Ordered that a further sum of £40 be raised for the purpose throughout the N. R, if the Justices of Richmondshire consent: in like manner the £50 formerly granted for repair of Howsam Bridge is insufficient, and £20 more to be assessed, subject to the same condition. [135.] Similarly, £50 formerly granted for repair of How Bridge, which has been effected, but £5 extra spent on the work, disbursed by 48 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Rob. Brigges Esq., Surveyour for the same: Ordered that the said sum of £5 be presently levied and paid to the said Rob. Brigges. Eight pounds to be allowed to Tho. Williamson of New Malton on account of his loss by fire; and also 40s. to be allowed to a poor widow living in the next house to Williamson's and suffering like loss by the said fire: a like grant of £4 to a Helmesley man whose house and goods had been damaged by fire. [135] Ordered that Nicholas Binkes, a soldier serving in the Low Countries as a gent". of a companie, and travailing into Northumber- land to his freindes as a passenger, and to returne againe to his coloures within a short time, shall have 6s. 8d paid to him as a gratuitie &c. Apeley footebridge presented as in decay, but thought unnecessary because of two other bridges near and thought more convenient, and as it is chargeable on the inhabt. of Keldholm, no further presentment to be made &c. Tho. Wighell, Constable of Osmotherley, fined 12s. for suffering a prisoner taken for felony to escape, and the township fined 40s. for appointing an insufficient Constable. Ordered that the warrants to apprehend Geo. Brodebelt of Thornton Beanes, with the two Smiths and Monckton of Thirske [See above, pp. 43, 44] be renewed in the same form as before. Next Sessions at New Malton, 4th Oct. next. Roll signed by Sir Will. Eure, Sir Will. Bamburgh, Sir Rich. Ether- ington, and by Rob. Briggs and Tho. Davile, Esquires. [136.] RICHMOND, Qu. Sessions at, 12 July, 1614. Before Coniers Darcy, Arth. Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Rob. Pepper and Adam Midleham, Esquires. Will. Robinson, Bailiff, Deputy for Sir Geo. Savile, Bart. PANNELL. Henry Coniers, Holtby, Gent". John Hirdman, West Rounckton, Yeom". Rich. Grainge, Hornby, Yeom". Will. Miles, Miles Smith, Leminge, Chr. Watson, Yeom". Ellingstringe, Yeom". Brian Clerke, Fingall, John Messenger, Newsome, Arthur Linskell, Cawdwell, Ralph Johnson, Newsome, Ralph Shaw, "" "" "" "" "" "" Will. Hunton, Theakston, "" "" Tho. Williamson, Fearby, Tho. Williamson, Ellingstringe, "" Rich. Miles, North Cowton,,, Yeom". "" RICHMOND, JULY 12, 1614. 49 [136.] WHO PRESENT- Will. Dinsdale of Hawes, lab'., as a barrator and common disturber &c; a Midleham man for keeping a common tipling-house and selling beer &c; [137.] two similar presentments from the same place; [137] a Northallerton man for selling beer &c; a Barton alehouse- keeper for harbouringe a tinker and his wife till they had soe much drinke that they did abuse diverse of the inhabitants. [Per Jur' pro Recusantibus et Cervisiatoribus, viz. Cuthb. Browne et socios suos.*] Rob. Farran of Barton for denying to aid the Constable there and assist him to punish the tinker and his wife of the above minute. [Per Jur' &c, as above.] [138.] ORDERS made &c. Forasmuch as Grindon bridge was fallen in decay, and if present remedy had not bene had, a great summe of monie would not have bene sufficient to repaire the same: and for a present helpe therein Sir Tim. Hutton did take such order as the decay thereof is repaired, and by this meane £13 is disbursed for the same, which appeared unto us att this time: Wherefore it is thought good that a rate should be made for repayment of the summe of £13. Whereas diverse Constables being sommoned to appeare att this Sessions, and to give in presentments of Recusants and alehouse- keepers, made defalt :-Ordered that 10s. fine shalbe imposed upon every such Constable, and also new proces be awarded against them for their appearance at next Sessions. The Kinges high-strete between Bowes and Spittle in great decay and troblesome to passengers, arising by a sodaine inundation of waters by reason of a great snow † there :-Ordered that 10 be levied &c. Ordered that a warrant &c to attach Geo. Barker of Hunton &c to appear &c and answer for . . . . ejecting Margt. Denny, widow, &c. [138.] A former Indictment having been preferred against Tho. Wal- worth of Langthorne for stopping the way on a part of Hallay moore betwene Cracall and Hornby :-To the end that it may be remembered that there ought to be a way there, Ordered that the said Walworth, * There is an intimation here of a Jury specially sworn for dealing with the two classes of offenders specially named-Recusants, and persons presented under what we should speak of as the licensing acts [See below; the second order]. In this year the volumes separately devoted to the record of proceedings against Recusants com- mence, and this circumstance may be coupled with the foot-note here commented on. † A meteorological memorandum which may have its interest to some, on different grounds. VOL. II. E 50 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. now in possession of the ground where the way lieth, shall leave the way open for the country to the use and passage of cartes and cariages, both in regard it was an usuall way heretofore, and that the said Wal- worth, in the allotment and division of the said ground unto him, had fower acres more than measure allowed in consideration thereof: And farther that the said way ought to lie open and be used from the first corner, being the south-east corner of the said ground next unto Cracall, unto the north-west corner of the same leading to Hornby Castle. Ordered that a warrant &c to attach Geo. Metcalfe of Firb y, gent., for refusing to execute the office of Overseer of the Poor, being duly nominated &c, and bring him &c to answer for &c, and that he did con- temne and scorn that office, saying He would not stirre to the doore about it. [139.] Whereas the Earl of Rutland's officers att Helmesley have taken a horse from Geo. Thackwray of Skipton on suspicion of its being stolen, but it appears to this Court, after enquiry, that it was not stolen :-Ordered that letters be written to the said officers for re- delivery of the horse to Thackwray. Ordered that a warrant &c to attach Will. and Chr. Atkinson of Healey &c to appear at next Sessions &c. Tho. Waggett, Dep. Baliffe for Gilling East for his neglect of service and insufficient returne of Jurors, be fined 10s. Next Sessions at Richmond, 7 Oct'. next. Roll signed by Sir Arthur Dakins; Adam Midleham and Rob. Pepper, Esquires. [140.] SNAINTON. Special Sessions at, 1 July 1614, for PICKERING-LIETH and WHITBY STRAND. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby and Rich. Etherington, Knts. Will. Hornby, Bailiff, Deputy for Sir Geo. Savile, Bart. * This entry is valuable as shewing that the process of enclosure and subdivision of the common fields of the various townships, which have been named and adverted to on previous pages and in the notes, was already in operation; and the special reference to the four acres extra awarded to one of the allottees in the present instance, on purpose to save the ancient or "usuall" right of way, is quite worth passing notice. SNAINTON, JULY 1, 1614. 51 Sam. Lacy, Irton, Will. Marshall, Pickering, 99 Tho. Parke, Yeom". John Gill, "" "" John Hutchinson,,, "" Chr. Cowlson, Gristropp, John Candler, Seamer, 1 PANNELL. Gent". Tho. Hinderwell, Scawby, Yeom". Tho. Beswicke, Hutton Bushell, Yeom". John Thompson, Ruston, Yeom". Rich. Dixon, Ebberston, Phil. Niccolson, Brompton, "" "" Edm. Hodgson, Burneston, "" Tho. Richardson, Pickering, "" Fr. Browne, Osgerby," * " WHO PRESENT- Will. Gascoigne of Hutton Bushell for having a metinge of younge people + on S. Peter's day, and a piper with them,-one Lawr. Johnson of Scarbrough a similar entry touching Emott Jackson of Pickering, Lawrence Hicke being the piper, and Midsomer day the occasion; the same touching two other Pickering men (Will. Ward of Middleton, piper) on S. Peter's day; and another touching a Thornton man (Gilb. Theaker the piper) on Whit Sonday last. [141.] Gilb. Marsingale of Whitby, butcher, for an assault &c on Rob. Berry of Whitby; Anth. Marsingale of Whitby, alehouse-keeper, for allowing disorder in his house, and Peter Stitchell, a fisherman there, to get druncke &c [fined 3s. 4d.]; a Kirkby Misperton alehouse- keeper for receiving into his house on a Sabaoth day, and in time of Evening Prayer, divers persons, being no travalers, and had withall in his house a piper, one Henry Foster, being no inhab'. there but a wanderer, and suffered the said piper to escape, and did not apprehend and carrie him to the Constable &c. [Fined Ios., paid over for the poor in the said parish.] [141.] A publican of Marton in Pickering-lieth, for keeping an un- licensed alehouse, without license in the Brewsters tickettes in the Sessions Rolls holden at Snainton. [Submitted, and fined 3s. 4d: paid to the Sheriff]: a Seamer man as a common drunckard [See the alehouses ticket for Seamer]; a Pickering man for keeping an ale- house without &c. [Submitted, and fined 1os.: paid to the Sheriff. See the bill for Pickering brewsters]; and a Habton man for brew- ing &c. * Osgodby. + All these presentments are made on the ground, it is probable, of interfering with the hours of Divine Service. Hence it appears that Rolls of the Special Sessions were kept at the places where they were held, as well as of the Quarter Sessions at the more important places selected for the holding of them. E 2 52 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. PANNELL for Whitby Strand. Rich. Sneaton, Ewcote, Gent". Yeom". Rog. Carliell, Newham, } Yeom". Chr. Stonas, Whitby, Geo. Hill, John Boyes, "" 99 Rich. Grene, Jas. Postgate, Sleights, Edw. Dowthwait, Newham, 99 ", Will. Archer, Filingdale, Rich. Ellis, Kirkby Misperton, cliffe, Yeom". "" John Dowe, Newton subtus Ro- 99 Ambrose Thorpe, Cropton, Yeom". Stephen Pode, Allerston, "" Pet, Harrison, Fylingdale, "" "" Fr. Noble, Snainton, [142.] WHO PRESENT- An Eskdale-side man for brewing &c. [Submitted and fined 5s. See this fine in the Brewsters ticket for Eskdale-side]; John Fewster of Ugglebarby for the like. [See the Brewsters tickett.] Ordered that Henry Robinson of Cropton shalbe committed to Yorke Castle for brewing &c, and a Mittimus &c. [143.] MALTON. Qu. Sessions at, 4th and 5th Oct., 1614. Before Will. Eure, Will. Bamburgh, Rich. Vaghan, Knts., Rob. Brigges, Rob. Hungate, Rich. Darley and Tho. Norcliffe, Esquires. Will. Henlake, Gent"., Deputy for Geo. Savile, Knt. Bart. FIRST PANNELL. John Heslerton, New Malton, Gent". "" "" Rog. Ringrose, Amonderby, Gent". Walt. Best, New Malton, Alex. Orricke, Yeom". Rich. Best, Hutton super Dar- went, Yeom". Tho. Wate, Old Malton, Yeom". Will. Cuthbert, Kirkleadam, Yeom". Geo. Liones, Skelton, Will. West, Loftus, "" 29 Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moorside, Yeom". Tho. Morrell, Thircleby, Yeom". Will. Mawmond, Thornton, "" John Smith, Kirkleadam, [143] WHO PRESENT— (Quoting the Statute of 13 Rich. II. touching the keeping of grey- hounds &c) Tho. Agar of Ampleforth for breaking and entering a MALTON, OCTOBER 4 AND 5, 1614. 53 close of Henry Pensex, gent"., there, contra fornam* &c.; Tho. Ledell of Ampleforth, rough waller, for refusing to work for statute-wages; for beginning divers woorkes and leaving them unfinished, going forth of the N. R. into other cuntryes to worke in sommer so as his neigh- boures cannot have his worke in hay-time and harvest; and using to digg pittes and gett upp stones, and building houses upon the commons of Ampleforth for leaud and idle people to dwell in &c. [Exon' per Curiam sine fine quia pauper.] [144.] Whitwell Beacon, Ampleforth Beacon, and Isington Beacon, as all in decay; an Amonderby butcher for being a drunckard. Rob. Freman, New Malton, Gent". Chr. Usher, Yeom". SECOND PANNELL. Valentine Morrell, Thircleby, Yeom" Tho. Bell, Dalton, Tho. North, Butterwicke, Will. Hall, Brotton, "" John Atkinson, "" "" John Gowland, Carleton, " Tho. Woodcocke, Amonderby, Will. Wilson, Crambe, Yeom". Geo. Mawmond, Thornton, Will. Wilkinson, Claxton, Yeom". >> Will. Talor, [144.] WHO PRESENT— A man, late of Whenby, and his wife for stealing in a certain toft,† at Cuckwold, tres subuculas, Angl. thre harden shirts ‡, value 6d., be- longing to Chr. and Rob. Smurke. A tanner from Linton on Owse and a yeoman from Yolton for killing a rabbit, value 6d., with nets and a ferret, &c.; Rob. Driffeld, a brew- ster of Easingwold, for suffering unlawfull games att cardes to be used at unlawfull times in the night in his house. * The entry closes thus, no further offence than the illegal entrance being stated. + "Each cottage stood in its own 'toft,' by which is meant an enclosure of vary- ing size, while in the rear of this toft stretched the croft, a long narrow enclosure usually under pasture."—(Atkinson's Handbook to Ancient Whitby.) "Sw. Dial. toft, Sw. tomt, Norw. tuft, tomt, a toft, a space marked out for building. The Icel. and Sw. tomt point to the original sense as being simply a clearing,' a space on which to build a house, which would often be a knoll."-Skeat. " "HARDING. A coarse linen fabric used for making wrappers, &c." (Clevel. Gloss.) The old Yorkshire Hob (Brownie) couplet obtained by the Editor from an old female parishioner, dead now many years since, introduces the hardin' as the material of the hamp, or kind of smock-frock worn (often as his only garment) by the country labourer in old times. It runs- 'Gin Hob mun ha'e nowght but a hardin' hamp He'll coom nae mair,' &c. See Whitby Handbook, p. 98. The price of these harden shirts shows how inferior the quality of the material necessarily was. 54 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [145.] Three persons for joining in the said unlawfull games in the said house, and the wife of the said Driffeld for that she will not sell anie of her ale forth of doores* except it be to those whom she likes on,t and makes her ale of 2 or thre sortes, nor will not let anie of her poore neighbours have anie of her drincke called small ale, but she saith she will rather give it to her swyne then play it ‡ for them. The Jurie &c do present and finde Brotton Beacon § to be in decay. [145] Raph Lambe of New Malton, lab., for buying of neine sheepe of Mr. John Cholmley, and sellinge. of them againe within eight daies; a butcher of the same for buying of two oxen and two steeres of the same person, and selling them againe within fourteen dayes. Will. Hall, Constable of Old Malton, for suffering unlawfull games to be used and exercised upon Sabaoth daies and other festival daies, especially upon the feast day of S. Michaell Tharchangell, &c. [146.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that the two men convicted of killing a rabbit (See pre- vious page) shall pay to the owner of the close 18d. før treble damages allowed by the Statute, and 20s. costs and charges, and shall stand bound to appear at the Michaelmas Sessions in 1615, and in the mean- time &c. Whereas Will. Simpson of Ryton, gent"., complains that he is wronged in being summoned to serve as a Juror, being one of the Verderers for the Forrest of Pickering-lieth, and the Court concurs in thinking him privileged: ORDERED that he be discharged from that service as long as he holds his office. Edw. Browne of Yolton hath taken the oath of Alleageance. * An obsolete idiom, but one well worth passing notice. † A phrase still of familiar occurrence in this district, and equivalent to has a liking for or favour towards. In such expressions as "a fountain plays," the "fountains played with wine instead of water," we have the presence of the same idea as in this curious phrase; only here the verb is active. Dryden's "At noon of day, The sun with sultry beams began to play" affords another illustration. But there is no other instance of such a use of the verb as here in any of the usual books of reference. § It would be noted a little above that three other Beacons were presented, as in the present case, for being in decay. The use of the beacon is of great antiquity, but it is of interest to note how the care of the beacons in this country and at the present date, was a matter of public magisterial duty. RICHMOND, OCTOBER 7 AND 8, 1614. ·55 [146.] Geo. Watkin, L. S., has had relief on former occasions, but for his importunate clamor and faithfull promisse never hereafter to demand pension &c, he is to have 40s. given him. Whereas John Turner of Garton in the East Riding, gent"., stands bound by recogce. for the appearance of one John Lant of York, gent", at the last Qu. Sessions, and Lant was unable to appear as being a prisoner in York Castle, Turner petitions not to have his recogces. estreated: Ordered that he be discharged on payment to the Clerk of the Peace of his fees and charge for re-writing the parchment estreats, and a new warrant &c for the apprehension of Lant to be bound &c to appear at the next Sessions. [147.] Whereas Jas. Harwood of Danby Forrest, yeom"., was bound &c to keep the peace and appear at the Sessions held at Malton 30 Sept. 1613, and for that he was in danger of law and other proces he durst not appear; and forasmuch as none appeared that did crave further peace against him, therefore as his forfeiture amounts to £40 for him- self and £20 for either surety, which would be an overthrow to his estate if the same should be estreated against him, the said Recogce. to be discharged on payment to the Clerk of the Peace &c as above. Whereas Will. Whitton of Kirkleventon was fined at Thirske Sessions last for that, being called as a Juror, he did not appear upon the Panell, nevertheles he or some other answered for him: Now, forasmuch as it was not he that answered but another for him without his privetie, whereby the Court was deluded not by him but by another unknowne : Therefore the said fine is discharged &c. Next Sessions at Helmesley, on Wednesday next before the Feast of the Epiphany next. Roll signed by Sir Will. Eure, Sir Will. Bamburgh, Sir Rich. Vaghan ; and Rob. Briggs, Rob. Hungate, Tho. Norcliffe, and Rich. Darley, Esquires. [147] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions at, 7th and 8th Oct. 1614. Before Rich. Vaghan, Arthur Dakins, Knts., Adam Midleham and Rob. Pepper, Esquires. Will. Henlake, gent"., Deputy for Sir Geo. Savile, Bart. 56 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. PANNELL. Rich. Miles, North Cowton, Gent". Geo. Danby, Barton, Will. Cotes, Brompton, John Loftus, Swineside, Gent". Edw. Talor, John Metcalfe, Sowerby, . "" Yeom". Rich. Mitchell, Cracall, Fr. Smith, Exilby, John Fosse, Marrisforth, Henry Raper, Exilby, Edw. Gill, Barton, "" "" Edw. Hawe, Screwton, "" " "" Ralph Scrapton, Ellerby, John Close, Whitaside, Simon Close, Yeom". "" 29 "" "" John Jaque, Burton Constable, Yeom". John Messenger, Newsom, Yeom". [148.] WHO PREsent Chr. Rockley of Danby on Wiske, Informer, for taking 12d. from Rich. Bagley of Cowburne not to give certain information against him : [Confesses, and submits himself &c, and is sentenced to be set in the Pillory the next day for an hour.*] A Leminge man for stealing from a dwelling-house unam diploidam ceruleam laneam (Angl. a doublet of blew cloth), value rod. [Sub- mits, protesting he is not guilty, but is fined 12d.] [1486.] An Askrigg labourer for a common assault on two females in the churchyard there; four Eppleby men for riotously assembling themselves and committing an assault on Fr. and Rob. Emmerson [each fined 5s.] &c; [149.] an Askrigg man for drunkenness (cum vino et cerevisia,-Angl. with Wine, Beere or Ale-ebrius fuit ita quod incedere non potuit); John Metcalfe als. Low-in of Askrigg † for that, accompanied by others of leaud life, shooting at buttes on the Sabaoth day, and (by report) drincking in his house in time of Divine Service &c, and also for assisting and rescuing one James Mason, being the same day druncke, and to be put into the Stockes for his drounkennes * The Statute 18 Elizth. c. 5 ("made perpetuall" by Statute 27 Elizth. c. 10), under which this presentment is made, is largely quoted from at the beginning of the minute. The full penalty for the offence alleged is to stand two hours in the pillory in the nearest market town, to be disabled from further action as an Informer, and to forfeit 10. The mitigated penalty in the present instance no doubt depends upon the man's submission to the Court. From an Order abstracted below it will be seen that this man is there described as "John Metcalfe of the Low Inn in Askrigg, alehouse-keeper," whereas here 'Low-in' is his alias. The same kind of distinctive by-name is even yet quite common in this district. Thus, when the Editor came into it, there were in his parish -to quote but the one instance two persons with the same Christian and surname living on the same side of the Dale, and they were distinguished the one from the other, according to their comparative distances from the upper or higher end-or 'head of the Dale as High William and Low William. Such cases indeed abound. RICHMOND, OCTOBER 7 AND 8, 1614. 57 and quarrelling, whereby great bloodshed was likely to have bene committed, &c. [1496] Will. Thompson, Constable of Northallerton, for refusing to pay to the Head Constable monie due for the provision of the King's Houshold, for the prisoners in York Castle, and the Rates due for fower bridges according to a precept delivered to him by the Head Constables of Allertonshire; and the same man, as Churchwarden of Northallerton, for refusing to pay to the Head Constables monie due for the L. S. and Hospitalls. [150.] ORDERS made &c. Whereas diverse warrants have been awarded by Sir Arthur Dakins, J.P, to attach Chr. Atkinson of Healey Cote to appear before some J.P., and they have been all disobeyed by him-Therefore, on his submission he be fined for the said contempt 13s. 4d. Bastardy case: Fr. Dobson of Newton and Elizth. Metcalfe of Pat- trick Brompton: the former to pay to the latter for a year and half 6d. weekly, and after that time to take the child and maintain it at his own charge. [Bond entered accordingly.] Ordered that Geo. Barker of Hunton provide a place of residence for a widow of the same place, so as the said Barker be agreed withall for such reasonable rent as the Overseers there can elsewhere provide her another. And until thatt specified time (St. Ellenmasse) the said Overseers shall provide her a house att the charge of the said parish of Pattrick Brompton.* [150b.] Forasmuch as Geo. Preston of Eppleby and others have in open Court threatened to put Rob. White, a poore man, out of his habitation-Ordered that if anie of the inhab's. there do go about to put the said poor man and his wife forth of their house, then on com- plaint made to any J.P this Court requires the said J.P to send for them by warrant and take them bound to appear at the next Ses- sions, &c. Fr. Knight, Thres'. for L. S., not in attendance to discharge his duties :-Therefore fined £3. Margery Atkinson of Fremington in open Court swears the peace against John Douglasse of Grinton, Therefore a warrant &c, to attach him &c, and take him bound &c; a similar warrant to attach Ellen Sampson &c and have her bound to appear at next &c. [151.] The Court being informed of divers misdemeanours committed by John Metcalfe of the Low Inn, Askrigg, alehousekeeper, namely shoot- * Patrick Brompton not specifically named in the Order; but Hunton is a Town- ship in that parish. 58 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. ing at the buttes on the Sabaoth day &c [See above, p. 56] as also for giving countenance unto diverse drunckardes and leaud persons— Ordered that he be discharged from keeping an alehouse, and a warrant &c to the Head Constables of the Wap. so to discharge him. Whereas a warrant has been directed by Sir Arth. Dakins against Geo. Mitchell of Bellerby, alehousekeeper, for divers misdemeanours, outrages, &c, putting his neighbours out of their houses, harbouring of rogues, keeping his neighbours of the said towne drinckinge in his house, selling ale above the rate (viz. 8d. in the gallon), as is affirmed by the oath of diverse persons-Ordered that henceforth the said Mitchell shall not keep any alehouse or tipling-house &c, and beside is fined 10s., to the use of the poor there. Whereas none of the several warrants to attach Geo. Brodebelt [See above, p. 48] have been executed ;-Therefore a new warrant to attach him &c to appear at next Sessions. [151] On the oath of Rog. Gill, one Tho. Hodgson of Bellerby lately committed an assault on John Dawson of Richmond, and did breake his head; Therefore the said Hodgson be fined 5s., and bound in the Roll to keep the peace &c. In re Chr. Kidds pension (See above, p. 40, &c) of £10. 10, arrears of which to the amount of £7. 11 are still due to Powle Specke, 40s of which John Cowell, gent"., Thres¹. for the Hospitalls, hath now paid in Court to the hands of Chr. Blackburne, deputed by the said Speck to receive it &c, and the remainder, £5. 11, to be paid by the new Thres. for L. S. Next Sessions at Richmond on Tuesday next after the Feast of the Epiphany next. Roll signed by Sir Rich. Vaghan and Sir Arth. Dakins; and Rob. Pepper and Adam Midleham, Esquires. * [1.] HELMESLEY, Recusantes indicted at the General Sessions of the Peace entered * There are two volumes, bound in vellum, of Indictments of Recusants only, one of them, the first, comprising all the indictments of that kind made in the year 1614. The following year has no similar record of such proceedings, and the second volume, beginning with 1616, contains the corresponding records of that and the fol- lowing years (1617 only excepted) down to 1628. It is thought better to give in some detail the entries made upon the earlier pages in the first volume, and then to adopt a system of coimpression, so far as is consistent with giving a fair view of the condition of the N. R. as connected with the question of the numbers and the social position of the Recusants spread over its length and breadth. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, 1614. 59 on and held at Helmesley, Friday 8 July 1614. Before Will. Eure &c and thence adjourned to Richmond. [1] WAPENTAKE OF BULMER. SKELTON-Will. Nelson,. gent"., householder, and Margt. his wife, each about 37 years of age, non-communicant 20 months; Bennett Harecoat, gent"., sojourner with the said Will. Nelson, about 30, non- comt. 16 months; Austin Grime, labr. and housholder, and Isabell his wife, each about 60, obstinate Recusants 12 years; John Baxter, tailor and housholder, 53, non.-comt. 12 months; Alice his wife, about 50, obstinate Recusant 8 yeares. [2.] WHENBY-Alice wife of Tho. Barton, Esq., about 36, Rect. 2 yeares, and Elizth. his daughter, 24, Rect. 6 monthes. SCACKLETON-Elizth. Holtby, gentlewoman and widdow, 55, Rect. 30 yeares; Tho. Hick, lab'., about 40, Rect. 20 yeares; Jane Edward, spinster, in house with Tho. Hicke, 40, Rect. 20 yeares; Katherin wife of Guy Geldart, lab'., 50, Recht. 24 yeares; Katherin, wife of Rob. Davison, lab*., 40, Recht. 15 yeares; Ann wife of Gilb. Almane, cooper, 40, Rect. 8 yeares; Margt. Peckett, spinster, 60, Rect. 16 years. GRAINGE-Phillis Weldon, widow, 35, Rect. 14 yeares; Annas wife of Rog. Minthropp, lab'., 23, Rect. 8 yeares; Elizth. Freare, widow, 55, Rect. 5 years; Cuthbert Talor, lab., 60, Rect. 20 years; Diana Harrison, widow, 60, Rect. 8 years. BRANDSBY [2ª.] Rich. Chomley, Esq, and Alice his wife, both 30 and more, Rect. for 12 monthes; Geo. Pearson, Will. Butler, Arthur Stromanby, Morgan Thorehill, all above 24, and servants to the said Rich. Cholmley, Isabell Wright, spinster, and Ann Morton, both above 16, and servants &c, Thomesin Gower, widdow, sojourner with the said Rich. Cholmley, 26, all Rects. for 12 monthes; Rachell wife of Chr. Hebdon, tanner, 30, Rect. for 7 yeares; Isabell Boyes, Alice Crathorne, Elizth. Murton and Margt. Barker, all spinsters above 40, and Rects, for 12 months. [3.] STEARSBY-Ann Gooddericke, widow, above 40 (R. 7); Phillip † Gooddericke her dau"., and Jane another daut., both above 17, Rects. for 2 yeares; Tho., John and Fr., children of the said Ann, aged eight yeares: Ann Younge, widow, above 50, (R. 3); Isabell Martin, widow, above 40 (R. 7), Ursula her daut., 23 (R. 4); Rog. Coniers, non-com. for 2 monthes, Averill his wife, 40 (R. 6 monthes), Tho. Coniers sonne of * See p. 45 for the names of the Justices present, the Deputy of the High Sheriff, and the Pannell. + Correctly copied, and there can be no mistake on the part of the scribe, as is seen from the next clause. + QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. 60 the same, aged nine yeares; and Will. Dobson, talor, supposed husband of Ann Goodericke, above 40, Rect. for 3 yeares. HUNTINGTON—Annas (Agnes) Foster, 80, and Margt. Pearson, 60, both widows and Rect. for 20 yeares; Wilfride Lasenby, supposed servant of John Lasenby, 27, Rec. for 10 yeares. [3] HINDERSKELFE-Jane Vertey, spinster, 60 (R. 20); Will. Rosse, yeom"., Rect. for 3 yeares, Ursula Bainton, spinster, 40, Rect. for 10 yeares. HEWORTH-Jane wife of Will. Thwinge, Esq., about 50 (R. 2 mo.); Elizth. wife of Henry Parker, lab., 40 (R. 7 mo.); Tho. Thwinge, 90 (R. 10). STOCKTON-No Rects. there. SUTTON GRAINGE-Katherin Browne, widdow, about 50 (R. 10), and Elizth. Browne her daut., spinster, 24, Rect. 4 yeares. SKEWSBY-No Recusants. [4] BIRDFORTH WAPENTAKE. THORNBARGH-Elizth. Tiplady, spinster, 24, R. 12 months. THIRLBY-Tho. Carleton, weaver, 24, Rec. 12 monthes. Bilsdale *—Will. Niccolson, yeom"., 50, and his wife Bridgett, 40, BILSDALE Rects. for 14 monthes. EAST HARLSEY-An Wilson, widdow, 60 (R. 20), and Margt. Dowthwate, widdow, about 80, Rect. for 6 yeares. SAND HUTON-Marie Mitchell, widdow, 60, Rect. for 3 yeares. BAGBY-John Hesle, carpenter, 50, obstinate Rec. 3 yeares. [5.] WELBURY-Fr. Atkinson, lab'., 40 (R. 2 mo.); Elizth. wife of Will. Keirton, yeom"., 24 (R. 2); Elizth. wife of Rob. Clarke, husb"., 60 (R. 12 mo.), and Ann wife of Leon. Groson, lab'., above 55, Rect. 12 monthes. CARLETON MINIOTT-Margt. Danby, widdow, 60 (R. 11), and Brian Danby, baker, sonne of the said Marg., about 40, Rect. 9 yeares. NEWSOM CUM BRAKENBARGH-James Rowntre, yeom"., about 21 (R. 2); Elizth. wife of Will. Lascells, gent"., 35 (R. 10); Will. Lassells, sonne of the said Will., about 18, Dorothy Lassels, spinster and daut. of the same, about 16, Thomas, 14, and John, 12, sonnes of the same; [5.] and Gilian servant to the same, Rect. 7 monthes. UPSALL-Lady Jane, wife of Sir Ralph Constable, 30; An Robinson, widow, 40; Will. Jackson, webster, 34, and Marie his wife, 40; Margt. * Bilsdale West Side. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, 1614. бі wife of John Johnson, 30; Frances wife of Chr. Jackson, webster, 35; Jane Jackson, widow, 80; Ellen Sampson, widow, 40; Chr. Carter, glover, 40, and Jane his wife, 40; Jane Lawe, widow, 50; Jane wife of Will. Bassett, yeom"., 50, and Élizth. daut. of the same, 30; Marie Stephenson, widow, 60,-all Rect. for 12 monthes. [6.] KIRKBY KNOWLE-Mary Constable, widdow, 60 (R. 3 mo.), and Margt. wife of John Constable, Esq., 30 (R. 4); Mary Ward, spinster, 20 (R. 3 mo.); Elizth. Williamson, widow, 60 (R. 20); Elizth. wife of James Clarkson, glover, 40; Isabell wife of Henry Warde, talor, 60 (R. 10); Marie Warde, spinster, 20 (R. 3); An Bradley, spinster, 30, non-com. 3 yeares; Ann Mason, spinster, 30, fugitive * and carier of newes, Rect. 3 yeares. HAWNBY-Elizth, wife of Edmonde Mennell, Esq., about 30 (R. 2); Will. Bowes, gent"., about 50, and Mary his wife, about 40; John Jennison, gent"., about 18, and Margt. his wife, 17; Ann Bowes, spinster, about 18, dau". of Will. Bowes, gent"., all Rect. 1 month. [6] Mary Bowes, spinster, dau". of the same, about 14, Cha³. Bowes, sonne of the same, about 17; Ann Warcopp, spinster, about 16, all Rect. 1 month; Alex. Wilson, talor, about 26, and his wife, about 23, Rect. for 2 monthes. THIRSKE-Jennett Wilson, widdow, 60, Rect. 2 yeares. DALTON-No Recusants. [7.] RIDALL-SPAUNTON cum membris. ROSDALE-Will. Turner, carpenter, above 20, and Elizth. his wife, 20, with Agnes Agar, above 30, all Rect. 7 yeares. HUTTON-Tho. Dobson, above 40, Rect. 7 yeares. COULTON-Ann Stibbin, widdow, 60, Rec. 3 yeares. STAINGRAVE-Dorothy wife of Rob. Thornton, gent"., about 30, Rect. 12 months. NORMANBY. THORNTON RISBARGH-Rob. Lassells, gent"., 20, and Douglasse his wife, Rect. 2 monthes. [7] BILSDALE-Nich. Biarley and his wife Ellen, both 60 (R. 7); John Fletcher the elder, 40 (R. 6 mo.); Margt. Kirke, 40, Rect. 2 yeares. BARTON IN LE STRETE cum BUTTERWICK-Rich. Collison, lab'., above 20, Rect. 20 yeares.† * A fugitive would appear to be one who acted in contravention of the Statute 35 Eliz. c. 2, which restrained Recusants to a distance of five miles from their dwell- ing, and, if they had no dwelling of their own, required them to repair to the place they were born, or where their father and mother might be dwelling, subject to the same regulation. + There is obviously a mistake in the numbers. Either the age is wrong, or this second numeral. 62 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. HOVINGHAM-Jane Clarkson, widdow, 60, and Alice wife of Tho. Grene, 50, both Rect, 21 yeares; Kath. wife of Rob. Hardwick, 60 (R. 15); Isabell wife of Geo. Filliskirke, 40 (R. 11); [8.] An wife of Will. Docker, 40 (R. 8); Margt. wife of Henry Filiskirke, 50 (R. 4); Elizth. Liefe, widow, 60 (R. 3), and her daut. Jane Ranson, 30 (R. 4); Margt. Todd, widow, 50 (R. 5); Chr. Carter, lab., 60 (R. 3); and Elizth, wife of Will. Drewe, 50, Rect. 11 yeares. EAST NESSE-Mary wife of Geo. Spenceley, 40, Rect. 21 yeares. GILLING-Kath. Lady Fairfax wife of Sir Tho. Fairfax, 30 (R. 8 mo.), and Thomesin Dakins, spinster, 30, Rect. 6 monthes. CAWTON-Margt. wife of Anth. Lowdy, butcher, 40, Rect. 7 yeares. [9.] HELMESLEY—Anth. Jackson, cordiner, and Isabell his wife, both 30, Will. Browne and Isabell his wife, both 40, and all Rect. 2 yeares, Charles Banckes, 50, Rect. 6 monthes. MUSCOTTS-Laur. Bullocke, 20, Margt. his wife, 20, both Rect. 3 yeares; Isabell daughter of the same, 10;* and Elizth. Talor, spin- ster, above 30, Rect. 3 yeares. SUNLEYCOTE-Marie wife of Raph Hurst, gent"., 30, Rect. 2 yeares. [9.] LANGBARGH. BATTERSBY-Elizth. wife of Chr. Gregge, above 17, Rect. 7 yeares. MARTON-No Rects. there. HILTON-Henry Pressicke, yeom"., 50, and Averell his wife, 50, both Rect. 3 yeares. THORNABY-Margery Appleby, widow, 52, Phillis Pallaser, widow, 34, Julian Palliser her daut., 17, Marian Caley, spinster, 54, all Rect. 12 monthes. WORSALL Const'.: HILLEY-LEAS-Henry Clifton, lab*., 40, and his wife Dorothie, 45, both Rect. 12 monthes, Jane Headlam, spinster, 70, Rect. 3 monthes. PICKTON-James Hall, carpenter, a houskeper, aged 50, and his wife Frances, 44; Barnard Pearson, lab'., a houskeper, 40, and An his wife, 34; Margaret Whitton, widow, 60, Jane wife of Tho. Hurd, husb¹., 70, all Rect. for 12 monthes; Ellen Hall, daut. of James Hall, 12, and Geo. sonne of Barnard Pearson, 10. STAINTON Parish: MAULTBY-An wife of Will. Ashley, gent"., 38, Rect. 12 monthes. [10b.] STAINSBY-Mary wife of John Gower, Esq., 32, Rec. 12 monthes. LOFTHOUSE Parish: SKINYNGRAVE-Tho. Gibson, cordiner, 34 * The incongruity here is so great as to compel the inference that the ages must have been recorded very loosely. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, 1614. 63 (R. 11), and his supposed wife, above 17; Dorothy Hart, widdow, 52 (R. 52 mo.); Jane daut. of the same, 17, Josiiec* Pattison, spinster, 42, Ann Robinson, spinster, 45, all Rects. for 12 monthes, Elizth. Harrison, widdow, above 17t (R. 24 mo.), Elizth. Simpson, widdow, 52 (R. 30 mo.), John Gibson, batchler, a fisherman, 28 (R. 12 mo.), Alison Gibson, widdow, 60 (R. 30 mo.), Will. Deane, 60 (R. 50 m0.), and his daughter, Mary Deane, spinster, 16, Rect. 12 monthes. [11.] Oliver Pattison, milner, 42, and Marg. his wife, above 17, Rect. for 20 monthes; John and Ann Pattison, son and daut. of Oliver, severally 18 and 16, Rec. 10 monthes, also Laurence, another son; Margt. Robinson, widdow, 58, and Rob. Walker, cordiner, 32, with his wife Elizth. 30, all three Rec. 20 monthes; Jane wife of Rowland Punder, 36, Rect. 16 monthes. [Vide fol. 17.‡] EGTON §-Will. Salvin, gent"., about 22, and Dorothy his wife, of the same age, both Rec. 12 monthes; John Hodgson, yeom"., 60, and Jane his wife, 56, both Rec. 24 yeares; Will. Lieth, servant to the said John Hodgson, 21, with Emott White, another servant of the same, 18, both Rect. 12 monthes. II [11.] Ann Cooke, widdow, 40, and her son Will., 17, Rect. 10 years and 12 months, with Peter and Marie, other children, above 4; Emott Cockerell, widow, 72 (R. 24); Rob. Hodgson, tanner, 40, and his wife Isabell, 24, Rect. 20 years, and 8, severally, with Dorothy White, his servant, 35 (R. 12); Isabell wife of Raph Milnes, yeom"., 24 (R. 4); Ellen Meade, spinster, 24 (R. 2); Will. Lomley, lab'., and his wife Mary, both 30 (R. 8), with their son John, 10; Katherin wife of Chr. Harland, lab'., 50 (R. 10); Elizth. wife of Rob. Peacocke, tanner, 34 (R. 6); John Whitfeild, yeom"., 54, and his wife Jane, 50, Rect. 7 years, with their son Tho., 21, and dau". Jane, 17, Rect. 4 years and 12 mo. respectively; Laur. Harrison, pedler, 32, and his wife Kath., * This name is unintelligible. The letters are apparently as here printed, but they give scope for no probable guess even. + Persons above the age of 16 years became liable to the penalties enacted against Recusants by the Statute of 35 Elizth. c. 2. This reference depends upon the fact that Skinningrave lies part in one parish, namely, Lofthouse, and part in another, that is to say, Brotton, which latter place is at the fol. cited styled a parish, though in later years it has been looked upon rather as a township in the parish of Skelton (See Graves, Hist. of Cleveland, p. 362). It is now a parish, with its own vicar, and independent of Skelton. § We have now a very long list of Recusants from this place, and it is followed by a proportionally long one from Ugthorpe-lists quite sufficient in length and impor- tance to give emphasis to a remark in the Introduction to Vol. I. as to the insufficiency of the returns of Recusants therein contained to enable any one to come to a conclu- sion as to their numbers and social position. 64 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. 30, Rect. 12 mo.; Annas Pearson, widow, 56 (R. 6); Edw. Simpson, cordiner, and his wife Kath., both 50, and Rect. 16 years. [12.] John and Rich. Simpson, sons of the above, cordiners, 22 and 20, Rect. 2 years, with Cuthbert and Edward, other sons, both above 9; Margery Hodgson, widow, 60 (R. 10), and Geo. Hodgson, cordiner, 28, Rect. 6 years; Raph Cooke, lab'., 50, and Kath. his wife, 40 (R. 4) ; Jane Grason, widow, 40 (R. 9); Will. Wright, carpenter, 28, and his wife Margerie, 26 (R. 2); Elizth. wife of Geo. Knagges, cordiner, 54 (R. 10); Will. Whitfeild, cordiner, 50, and Margerie his wife, Rect. 20 years, with Edw., Geo., and Will., sons of the same, all cordiners and above 18 (R. 10), and Mich. and Luke, also sons of the same, cor- diners, and above 9, as also Joane, a daut. of the same age; Tho. Whitfield, 22, and Geo., both cordiners and sons of Mich. Whitfeild, deceased, Rect. 9 years. [12.] Ellis Concett, widow, 40 (R. 14), and Elizth. Concett, spin- ster, 18 (R. 7); Will. Cooper, lab., 50, and his wife Annas, 50 (R. 12), with their son Tho., a tailor, 20 (R. 8), and their children, Will. and Mary, both above 9; Alex. Hoggard, lab'., 30, and his wife Margerie, 30 (R. 6); Emott Harwood, widow, 50 (R. 12); Fr. Harwood, pannier- maker,* and his wife Annas, both 26 (R. 5); John Rawe, lab'., 50, and Elizth his wife, both 50 (R. 16), with Chr. and Math., sons of the same, about 9; Edw. Nickson, schoolemaster, 50 (R. 3); Rich. Smith, yeom"., and Ann his wife, both 50 (R. 7), with their son Will., batchler, 17 (R. 4), and their dautrs. Bridget, Annas and Sara, all above 9, and their servant, Mary Marshall, 16 (R. 4); Frances wife of Will. Boyes, yeom"., 26 (R. 4); Fr. Tomlin, tanner, and Marian his wife, both 24 (R. 6); Annas Wethat, widow, 50 (R. 7); John Marshall, lab'., and his wife Ellen, both 50, Rec. 16 years. [13.] Gregorie Marshall, batchler, 16 (R. 12 mo.); Margt. and Annas, dautrs. of the aforesaid John Marshall, and John a son, aged above 9; Will. Wilson, husb"., and Elizth. his wife, both 50 (R. 12), with their servant Ellis Lithe, 16 (R. 12 mo.); Geo. Lieth, tailor, and Marian his wife, both 26 (R. 7); Will. Atkinson, tailor, 20 (R. 4); Ellis Dickinson, widow, 46 (R. 3); Elizth. wife of John Boyes, yeom"., 50 (R. 2); Will. Courscy, gent"., 46 (R. 16); Margt. wife of Jas. Ricatson, tanner, 40 (R. 3); Math. Linton, carpenter, and Jane his wife, both 34 (R. 6), with their servant, Mary Harwood, 16 (R. 2); * See Vol. I. p. 2, note, where the phrase 'pannier-man's causeway' occurs, and also the note on p. 197, where reference is made to the former mode of carriage of coal. All the beasts of burden thus employed were equipped with a pannier, which, in point of fact, seems to have been a packsaddle, possibly with no pannel of wood belonging to it—rather what would be called a pad at the present day. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, 1614. 65 Fr. Marshall, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, both 40 (R. 2), with their, sons Rich. and John, both above 9; Margerie, wife of Chr. White, fuller, 50 (R. 7); Will. White, fuller, 24 (R. 5); Ann wife of Will. Pearson, yeom"., 50 (R. 12); Elizth. wife of Edw. Kildale, glover, 44 (R. 10), with his dau". Mary, above 9. [13] John Rickeson, knitter, 28 (R. 6); Emott wife of Will. Fetherston, husb"., 50 (R. 12); Elizth. wife of Henry Pearson, husb"., 60 (R. 14); Elizth, wife of Fr. Pearson, husb"., 28 (R. 5); Chr. Talor, tanner, and Jane his wife, both 30, Rec. 10 years; Jane Burton, widow, 60 (R. 20); Tho. Knagges, husb"., and Margery his wife, both 30 (R. 6); Ellis Coulson, widow, 50 (R. 8); Will. White, fuller, and Ellis his wife, both 50 (R. 3); John Tomlin, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, both 46 (R. 10), with their son Will., above 9; Fr. Pearson, yeom"., and Elenore his wife, both 34 (R. 2); Chr. Simpson, cordiner, and his wife Dorothy, both 34 (R. 12); Margt. Postgate, widow, 40 (R. 12), with Tho. Calvert her servant, 24 (R. 7); Rob. Lieth, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, both 30 (R. 8); Raph Harwood, pannier-maker, and his wife Ellen, both 40 (R. 12), with their children, Will. and Ellen, 9; Jane wife of Will. Dawson, 22 (R. 4); Margery late wife of Edw. White, 46, Rect. 7 years. [14.] LIETH-Elizth. wife of Rowland Gill, about 46 (R. 5), with Elizth. their dau"., 20 (R. 2); Edm. Marshall, yeom"., 70, Rec. 10 years. BARNBY-John Fulthropp, gent”., 50 (R. 10). UGTHORPE-Kath. Radcliffe, gentlewoman, spinster, 60 (R. 24), with Raph Hardinge, gent"., 60 (R. 10), Henry Ridley, yeom"., 58 (R. 10), Francis [sic] Salven, gentlewoman, 26 (R. 10), Dorothy Men- feild, spinster, 60 (R. 20), Cha³. Forrest, yeom"., 30 (R. 5), and Jane Harding, his supposed wife, 26 (R. 3), all sojourners with the said Kath. Radcliffe. [14] Simon Ridley, about 41 (R. 20), Mary Willie, about 24 (R. 4), Elizth. Hill, spinster, 26 (R. 3), and Tho. Readman, 18 (R. 4), all servants to the same; Chr. Thorpe, yeom"., about 50 (R. 10), with his wife Agnes, above 17 (R. 10), and Cuthbert his son, about 12; Barnard Atkinson, 41 (R. 7), and his wife Grace, 40 (R. 10); John Hogg, yeom"., 50, and Jane his wife, 30, both Rec. 20 years; John Ray, yeom"., and Jane his wife, both 60 (R. 30); Greg. Wardill, yeom"., 50, and his wife Elizth., 36, both Rec. 10 years; Fr. Lecke, yeom"., 30, and his wife Elizt., 32, both Rect. 3 years; Will. Radcliffe, gent"., 35 (R. 2), and An his wife, 34 (R. 12); Tho. Readman, gent"., 45 (R. 10), and Isabell his wife, 40 (R. 20); Margt. Pickeringe, spin- ster, 40 (R. 20). [15.] Will. Cotes, husb"., 28 (R. 5); Will. Stanghaw, husb"., 28 VOL. II. F 66 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. (R. 4), with Margery Walker, his supposed wife, 28 (R 2); Will. Day, husb"., 26 (R. 2), with Margt. Marwood, his supposed wife (R. 2); Elizth. Pearson, 34 (R. 2). NEWTON-Elenor Sampson, widow, about 26 (R. 7); Jane, wife of Will. Bell, aged. . . . Rec. 4 years. BORRABY-Jane Fisher, widow, 60, Rect. 7 years. MICKLEBY, ELLERBY, and HUTON,* parish of Lieth. No Recusantes there. [15.] DANBY-Geo. Postgate, husb"., 27 (R. 3), with his sons, Barth., 16 (R.), Fr., 12, and Geo. above 17 (R. 3), and Kath. Jefferson, his servant, above 17 (R. 3); Elizth. wife of Will. Hargill, gent"., Elizth. wife of Nich. Rudd, husb"., and Elizth. wife of the abovesaid Geo. Postgate, ye. father, all above 27, and Rect. II years; Ann Stewart, spinster, above 17, Rect. 11 years. + AISLABY-Lawr. Knagges, yeom"., and Dorothy his wife, both 60 (R. 9 mo.); Rob. Thistle, lab'., 70, and Margt. his wife 40, both Rec. 12 months; Kath. Nelson, widow, 40, Rect. 12 months. [16.] AISLABY WOODES-Rich. Knaggs, yeom"., 40 (R. 12 mo.), with Tho. Mercer, 23 (R. 12 mo.), and Jane Cooke, 20, his servants, both Rect. 12 months; Isabell wife of Jas. Cooke, 24, Isabell Tiplady, his servant, 20, and Jane Atkinson, servant to Fr. Cooke, 18, all Rect. 12 months. GISBROUGH-Will. Baites, husb"., 51, Margerie his wife, 49 (both R. 19), and Margt. their dau"., about 14, with Emott Kildale, about 18, John Hyndson, about 14, servants to the said Baites; An wife of Geo. Hugill, lab'., 61 (R. 15); Geo. Tockettes of Tockettes, Esq., 61 (R. 13); Meriall wife of Sim. Clarke, husb"., 51, Rect. 13 years. [16] Tho. Hudspecke, bracier, and Jane his wife, both about 51 (R. 11); Meriall wife of Marm. Bowes, gent"., about 37 (R. 30 mo.); Raph Jowsie, carpenter, about 60 (R. 2); Tho. Man, husb"., and Susan his wife, both about 51 (R. 2), Munda, 19, and Rosamunde, about 17, his dautrs., both Rects. 2 years, with his sons, Peter, about 12, and John, about 10; An wife of Henry Fotherley, yeom"., about 40 (R. 21 mo.); Chr. Dawson, yeom"., about 40, and Gilian his wife, about 30, both Rect. 2 months. EASINGTON-Trinian Smith, 60, An his wife, about 17, and Rich. his son, 17, all Rect. 2 months. [17] MARSKE-Raph Rookby, Esq., and Jane his wife, each about 48 (R. 5), with their son Rob., above 16 (R. 4), Marm. Squire, 40 (R. 12 mo.), John Buckham, about 24 (R. 4), Isabell Dun, about 22 (R. 4), and Ursula Smith, about 20 (R. 7 mo.), all servants to the same. * Hutton Mulgrave. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, 1614. 67 SKINYNGRAVE✶ in BROTTON parish-John Hauckrigg, lab'., and Kath. his wife, both 70 (R. 20); Chr. Simpson, cordiner, and Jane his wife, each about 30 (R. 6); John Hart thelder, fisherman, and Margt. his wife, both 60 (R. 20); Will. Harte, fisherman, and Jane his wife, both 70 (R. 20); Tho. Garbut, lab'., and Alice his wife, Rect. 2 years. [17] Geo. Hull, cordiner, and Mary his wife, 30 (R. 6); John Hart, younger, fish"., and Mary his wife, each 25 (R. 7); Jennet wife of Rob. Pattison, milner, 60 (R. 10); Elizth, wife of Will. Rash, fisher- man, 40 (R. 7); Marm. Harrison, fish"., and Phillis his wife, each 60 (R. 10); Hellen wife of Tho. Westland, fish"., 50 (R. 7); Rowland Pattison, milner, and Jane his wife 40 (R. 5); Emme Pinder, widow, 60 (R. 2); Rob. Harte, fish"., and Jane his wife, 26 (R. 4); Will. Harrison, fish"., 50 (R. 12), and Ann his wife, 24 (R. 12 mo.); John Punder, fish"., and Agnes his wife, each 40 (R. 3); Rog. Stephenson, fish"., 50 (R. 2); Fr. Trewett, jeater,† and Isabell his wife, each 60 (R. 10); Agnes Harrison, widow, 80, Rect. 22 yeares. [18.] Tho. Simpson, cordiner, and Elizth. his wife, 50 (R. 10); Jane Hobb, widow, 60, Rect. 10 yeares. BROTTON-Roger Eston, weaver, and Margt. his wife, each 50 (R. 6); Alice wife of John Nanson, husb"., 30, was a Recusant and is now conformed; Elizth. wife of Tho. Simpson, cordiner, 24 (R. 4). KILTON John Simpson, cordiner, and Jane his wife, each 60 (R. 12); Margery Harrison, widow, 50 (R. 8). WILTON MILNE-Lawr. Pattison, milner, and Isabell his wife, 50 (R. 12), with Isabell Cocke, widow, sojourner with the said Lawrence, 60 (R. 2). SKELTON-Rob. Allanby, glover, and Agnes his wife, 50 (R. 14); Alice Milner, widow, 40 (R. 10); [18.] Jane Nelson, widow, 60 (R. 20); Isabell wife of John Porter, lab'., 50 (R. 10). STANGHAW-John Stonas, lab'., 60 (R. 12); Isabell wife of Tho. Chapman, husb"., about 30 (R. 12); Agnes Appleby, spinster, 24, (R. 12 mo.). MOORSOM-Geo. Calvert, lab., 40 (R. 4); Isabell Lecke, widow, 60 (R. 6); Geo. Jackson, gent"., and Jane his wife, each 50, with Chr. Gale, about 22, An Gray, 20, and Margt. Simpson, 15, all Rect. 12 months. KIRKBY cum DROMANBY, Broughton Gr. and LITTLE-Jane wife of John Walker of Little Broughton 40 (R. 14 mo.). [19.] HINDERWELL-Dorothy Nightgale, widow, 36 (R. 2); Isabell Stillill, spinster, 50 (R. 4); Isabell Snowdon, spinster, 48 (R. 7); An * See above, p. 63, note. + This term probably means the jet-digger or miner, rather than the 'jet-worker' of the present day. It will be found occurring again below when we come to New- holm and Dunsley in Whitby Strand, and elsewhere also. F 2 68 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Dobson, widow, 40 (R. 12 mo.); Alice Snowdon, widow, 36 (R. 5); Will. and James her sons, about 12 and 7 severally. APPLETON SUPER WISKE-Tho. Bowes, gent"., about 54 (R. 2), and Isabell his wife, about 35 (R. 6), with Eliz. Ulliot, their servant, 66 (R. 3); John Steward, pauper,* 43 (R. 12 mo.); Will. Porter, pauper, 45, and Jane his wife, 38 (each R. 12 mo.); Marm. Lodge, batchler, about 53 (R. 24); Francis [sic] wife of John Dawson, Jun'., 26 (R. 2); An Best, spinster, sojourner with Tho. Johnson, 46 (R. 2); Elizth. Sennerheweth,t widow, 70 (R. 10). [19] Brian Gaire,† pauper, 70 (R. 16); Ann Cornforth, spinster, 60 (R. 4); Phillis Loftus, spinster, 40 (R. 2); Margt. wife of Marm. Lowicke, about 60 (R. 12 mo.); Jane dau". of John Dawson thelder, about 22 (R. 12 mo.). HUTTON RUDBY-Averell Peacocke als. Cutler, wife of Jas. Pea- cocke, 52 (R. 69 mo.). KILDALE—Tho. Hugill, husb"., about 56, and Elinor his wife, about 46, each Rect. 2 years. SEAMER-Margery Jenn, widow, sojourner with Tho. Jenn, 66 (R. 10). [20.] CRATHORNE-Kath. wife of Tho. Crathorne, Esq., 34, Fr. Moore, gent"., sojourner with the said Tho. Crathorne, 46; Alex. Welfoote, lab'., and Margt. his wife, both 40, and Henry Willoughby, lab., 28, all Rec. 12 months; Tho. Crathorne, Esq., 32, and John Buttry, yeom"., 30, each non-communicant 6 years. STOKESLEY-Sir Will. Eure, about 44, and Lady Katherin his wife, 40, each Rec. 7 years; Pet. Brasse, draper, about 44 (R. 8); Will. Bartram, pewterer, about 40, and Meriall his wife, Rect. 7 years; Leon. Hutchinson, chandler, about 34, and Isabell his supposed wife, 26, each Rect. 7 years. [20] Geo. Harrison, pedler, and Jane his wife, 54 (R. 16), with Rob. his son, 20, Jane, 38, and Alice, 34, dautrs. of the same; Margery, wife of Will. Swinbancke, badger, 46 (R. 8); Margery wife of Barth. George, 40 (R. 10) [In Castro Ebor]; Rob. Warmouth, non-com*. 2 months. EASBY-Elizth, wife of Lawr. Ratche[s]ter, lab'., 60 (R. 8); Elizth. wife of Tho. Marshall, lab'., 44 (R. 12 mo.); Will. Pillie, yeom"., 44, and Constance his wife 40, each Rect. 2 years; Elizth. wife of Tho. Campion, milner, non-com'. at Easter last. TAUNTON-Agnes Ronetre, widow, about 70, sojourner with Geo. Bowes, Rect. 6 months. Simply with the meaning, poor man, and not in the modern sense of the word as now adopted and employed. + Two remarkable names, the origin or connection of which is not at all apparent. WAPENTAKE OF BULMER, 1614. 69 [21.] YARME-John May, yeom"., sojourner with Tho. Grindall, 60 (R. 12 mo.); Edw. Bucke, lab'., a houskeeper, 68 (R. 12 mo.); Tho. Robinson, cordiner, Rect. 12 months. AITON parish-Chr. Lowicke, pedler, and Margerie his wife, each 56 (R. 2), with Chr. and Rob. his sons, 16 (R. 2), and 13, and his daut. Mary, 14; Edith Bulmer, widow, 60 (R. 3); An Harrison, spin- ster, 34 (R. 13). NUNTHROP Constablery-Meriall Yoward, widow, gentlewoman, of Rie Hill, 65 (R. 13), with An Theaker, spinster, sojourner with her, 50 (R. 2); Dorothy Cooper, spinster, 64 (R. 14 mo.); Meriall wife of Will. Simpson of Nunhouse, lab'., 50 (R. 10). [22.] PICKERING LIETH. THROSSENBY-Geo. Boyes, yeom"., 62, and Isabell his wife, 60, both Rect. 20 years. SEAMER Parish, AITON EAST-Alice wife of John Ripley, yeom"., 28 (R. 7). GOTELAND—Ja³. Crosby, lab'., houskeper, and Dorothy his wife, each 63 (R. 16); Rob. Lieth, talor, houskeper, and Jane his wife, both 69 (R. 11); Tho. Wilson, houskeper, and Elizth. his wife, each 43 (R. 9); Ellis wife of Will. Workefolke, housek'. 63 (R. 13); Jane wife of Raph Skinner, housk., 67 (R. 7); Elizth. wife of Rob. Newton, housk., 43 (R. 9); Cicilie wife of John Skinner, housk'., 57 (R. 7); Mary wife of Rob. Monnckman, housk"., 47 (R. 8). [22.] Rich. Sleightholme, 83 (R. 8); Jas. Postgate and his wife, both 41 (R. 14 mo.); Ja³. Brewster, waller, 71 (R. 2); Rich. Stockdale, gent"., housk'., and Ellen his wife, both about 55, and Rect. 2 months. [23.] WHITBY STRAND. Ugglebarby—An wife of Tho. Cockerell, yeom"., 52 (R. 4); Rob. Cheseman, tanner, 57 (R. 21 mo.); Margerie wife of Anth. Todd, whelewright, 60 (R. 4). RUSWARP-Elizth. wife of Geo. Cockerell, yeom"., about 40 (R. 12). FILINGDALE-Fr. Aislaby, gent"., 80 (R. 20), and Susan his wife, 30 (R. 10); Rob. Twhinge, gent"., and Bridget his wife, both 30 (R. 8), with Tho. Dringe and Jane Sheildes, his servants, both 40 (R. 4); Elizth. Chapman, widow, 60 (R. 12); Jane wife of Will. Man, about 30 (R. 6); Will. son of Elizth. Chapman, widow, about 20, Rec. 3 years. [23.] Margt. wife of Edw. Harrison, yeom"., about 50 (R. 10); John Lion, talor, and Elizth. his wife, both 40 (R. 10); Agnes White, Ellis Chapman, Barbara Beauty, widows, all 60 (R. 12); Ellen wife of Chr. Pate, husb"., about 80 (R. 20); Emott Holford, widow, about 40 (R. 8); Kath. wife of Tho. Huntrodes, about 70 (R. 4); Elizth. Watson, widow, about 50 (R. 6); Marian Lawnd, spinster, dau". of Will. Lawnd, about 20 (R. 6); Rob. Cockerell, lab'., and Susan his 70 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. wife, each about 80 (R. 4); Rich. Huntrodes, fisherman, and Jane his wife, about 30 (R. 6); Margt. Smith, spinster, about 40 (R. 10), with Ellen Harwood, spinster, her servant, 20 (R. 4); Elizth. wife of John Carleill, about 50 (R. 3); Ellis Huntrodes, widow, about 80, Rect. 12 years. [24.] ESKDALE SIDE-Ja³. Hebborne, gent"., about 53, and Elizth. his wife, 47, with Kath. his daut., 21, all Rect. 2 months; Margt. Tailforth, widow, 49, An Cockerell, spinster, 53, Edw. Goodier, yeom"., about 48, and Mary his wife, 44, John Goodier, yeom"., about 48, Tho. Maister- man, talor, 36, and his wife, 30, all Rect. 2 months; An wife of John Hill, yeom"., about 39 (R. 8); John Chapman thelder, 72, non-com'. 2 months; John Chapman younger, 42, and Elizth. his wife, 37, both Rect. 8 years; Ann wife of Raph Hill, weaver, 30 (R. 6); Will. Hill, glover, about 29 (R. 4), and Elizth. Todd his supposed wife, about 24, non-com¹. 2 months; Elizth. Hill, widow, 68 (R. 8); Francis wife of Rob. Hudson, lab'., 54 (R. 14). [24.] Will. Postgate, butcher, 48 (R. 14); John Maisterman, weaver, 26, Rect. 2 months. NEWHOLME CUM DUNSLEY-Henry Fairfax, gent"., 50, and Edith his wife, about 30, both Rect. 14 years, with Ann Carleill, and Kath. Hird, his servants, both about 20 (R. 2); John Lambe, glover, 30 (R. 10); Tho. Dowthwarde, talor, 24, and Ellis his wife, both Rect. 7 years; Alice Wright, widow, 60 (R. 20); Elizth. Dowthwarde, widow, 50 (R. 14); Will. Man, lab., and Ellis his wife, both 50 (R. 7); Ellis Marsingale, widow, about 44 (R. 20); Will. Cooke, jeater, and Jane his wife, both about 40 (R. 20); Lucrece Wright, spinster, 27 (R. 10). [25.] Grace Wright, spinster, 20 (R. 5); Chr. Stonas, jeater, 50, and Ursula his wife, 47, both Rect. 20 years, with Tho. and Cuthbert, his sons, both 20 (R. 3); John Stonas, lab'., and Alice his wife, each 60 (R. 20); Isabell wife of Tho. Thistle, 20 (R. 6); Bettrice Bell, spin- ster, 50 (R. 10); Rich. Jackson, talor, and Elizth. his wife, each 50 (R. 20); Tho. Tiplady, talor, 20 (R. 3); Percivall Cockerell, cordiner, 60 (R. 7); Tristram Bullocke, Elizth. his wife, and Mary his dau"., 20, all Rect. 6 monthes. [25.] Mem. That at the aforesaid Sessions at Helmesley public proclamation was made that Austin Grime, Isabel his wife, Alice wife of John Baxter and the rest of the Recusant persons before named, should appear at the next Sessions to be held after Michaelmas, or otherwise should be convicted as obstinate Recusants, &c; And that, inasmuch as at the said Sessions held at New Malton on the 4th Oct. 1614 before &c (See above, p. 52), the aforesaid Austin Grime and others, as aforesaid, did not any of them appear, each and every of them was accordingly convicted &c. ? RICHMONDE, JULY 12, 1614. 71 Mem. That all the Rects. before named from the first leafe hitherto, proclaimed as abovesaid, were certified into Thexchequer and Crowne Office in Michaelmas Terme 12 James, 1614. [26.] RICHMONDE. Recusants indicted at the adjourned Sessions held there 12 July, 1614, before Coniers Darcy &c. [See above, p. 48.] PANNELL. Cuthb. Browne, Gent". Kirtlington, Steph. Metcalfe, Chauntre, Yeom". Gent". "" John Metcalfe, Sowerby, Cuthb. Anderson, Gailes, Will. Firbancke, Melsonby, Yeom". Ralph Smith, Exilby, Rob. Lodge, Burton in Bushop- dale, Yeom". ་ Henry Loftus, Studday, Yeom". Rob. Atkinson, Ainderby Steple, Yeom". "" Rob. Wright, Melsonby, "" Math. Foxton, Brompton, "" Rob. Niccolson, Stanfrey, Yeom". Geo. Danby, Barton, ALLERTONSHIRE. LAMOTH, ROMANBY, DIGHTON Chaplery, HUTTON CONIERS, WEST ROUNCKTON, THORNTON BEANES, HOLME cum HOWGRAVE, SIGSTON- No Rects. at either of these places. BIRKBY―Gartred wife of Chr. Simpson, about 30 (R. 4); Brian Simpson, batchler, 40 (R. 6); Tho. Lowicke, gent"., 24, and Mary his mother, 55, with Marie his wife, 22, all Rect. 2 months. [27.] KEPWICK-Rich. Askough, Esq., houskeper, and his wife Agnes, both 60, and Rect. 5 and 3 years, severally. LEAK-Ann, wife of Tho. Danby, Esq., 60 (R. 12). OSMOTHERLEY—Merrie Lowicke, widow, gentlewoman, 51 (R. 2); An Lowicke, spinster, about 22, and John Lowicke, about 18 (R. 2); Bridget, Mary, and Margt., spinsters, daughters of the said Merrie, 16, 16 and 13, and Rich., son of the same, 14, also Elenor wife of Edw. Aier, sojourner with the said Merrie, 20 (R. 2); Elenour Crosby, widow, gentlewoman, 51 (R. 3), with Elizth. and Ellen, spinsters, her dautrs., 19 (R. 3) and 13. [27.] Jane Brathwate, widow, sojourner with Ja³. Wasse of Osmoth- erley, 71 (R. 3); Rich. Sample, yeom"., about 31, and Barbara his 72 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. wife, about 25, each Rec. 2 years; Tho. Browne, yeom"., about 51 (R. 4). NORTH ALLERTON-Cicilie wife of John Eshall, yeom"., about 60 (R. 3), Margt. Lanchester, widow, her servant, 60 (R. 3); Jane Reynold, widow, 50 (R. 3), An wife of Chr. Reynold, draper, 50 (R. 2); Tho. Scott, sadler, and Jane his wife, each about 30 (R. 3); John Wasse, yeom"., about 40 (R. 2); Isabell Maxwell, a Scotish woman, sojourner with Tho. Scott, Rect. 2 years. [28.] WORSALI. MAGNA-John Sayre, Esq., 68, Elizth. Sayre, widow, 50, Ellen Sayre, widow; An wife of Will. Sim, yeom"., about 40, Mary wife of Cuthb. Potter, talor, 35, Isabell Cocke, widow, all Rect. 12 months. BORROWBY-Mary wife of Rob. Metcalfe, lab'., about 45 (R. 5). SEASEY-Cicilie Bainbrigg, widow, gentlewoman, 60 (R. 3 mo.). GIRSBY-Geo. Stockdale, gent"., 66 (R. 40); Geo. Hodgson, jun'., 38 (R. 8); Tho. Kilburne, talor, Margt. his wife, 38, each Rect. 12 years, with John, 13, and Raph, 11, his sons. [28] An wife of Rich. Wilson, 33 (R. 12 mo.); Margt. Harrison, widow, 56 (R. 4); John Crawforth, lab'., 42 (R. 20); Will. Wetherell, lab'., 26 (R. 2); Ellen Hodgson, spinster, 23 (R. 6); Mary Wilkinson, spinster, 26 (R. 2). DINSDALE Susanna wife of Will. Killinghall, gent"., 32 (R. 7). KNATON-Elizth. wife of Tho. Jackson, yeom"., about 56 (R. 13). BRAWITH-Mary Danby, spinster, 52 (R. 10). [29.] THORNTON IN LE STRETE Constablery-Rich. Talbott of the Wood End, gent"., and Isabell his wife, each 50 (R. 20), John 23, an Geo. 22, his sons, Rect: 4 years, Ann and Elizth. spinsters, 21 and about 20, his dautrs., Rect. 12 months; Elizth. Palliser, widow, 60 (R. 6); Dorothy Scroope of Calvis, houskeeper, wife of Fr. Scroope of Spennythorne, Esq., 60 (R. 20), Dorothy Eshe, spinster, 50 (R. 15), Rich. Thompson, lab'., 50 (R. 7), An Atkinson, spinster, about 23 (R. 12 mo.), Whitlin, spinster, 20 (R. 6 mo.), all servants to the said Dorothy Scroope; Tho. Palliser, webster, and Dorothy his wife, each 30 and Rect. 6 months. · [29] THORNTON STRETE-Leon. Brakenbury, gent"., 50 (R. 16); Jane Webster, widow, 50 (R. 12). NORTH KILVINGTON-Tho. Mennell, Esq., houskeper, about 49 (R. 20), and Mary his wife, 50 (R. 10), Tho. Lionesse, lab'., his servant, 40, and Grace his wife, about 40, both Rec. 20 years, also Fr. and Chr., sons of Tho., both under 9, and an infant daut.; Dorothy wife of Chr. Jefferson, yeom"., about 40 (R. 17); Rob. Lionesse, lab'., 40, and Phillis his wife, 35, each Rect. 4 years; Margt. wife of Sim. Cracall, lab., 70 (R. 12); Rich. Cracall, husb"., 24 (R. 3), Chr. Cracall, RICHMONDE, JULY 12, 1614. 73 husb"., 22 (R. 12 mo.), Gilb. Browne, husb"., 22 (R. 2), An Hutch- inson, spinster, 18 (R. 6 mo.), all servants to the above-named Tho. Mennell; Rich. Palliser, webster, non-com'. 12 months. [30.] HORNBY-Will. Watinge, miller, 40, and Jane his wife, 50, each Rect. 12 years; Will. Anderson, gardiner, 40 (R. 4), and An his wife, 30 (R. 6 mo.); John Burdon, talor, about 30 (R. 7); Isabell Talor, spinster, 70 (R. 7); An Kendraw, widow, 60 (R. 12); Margery Kearton, widow, 46 (R. 4); John Watinge, son of the above-named Will., about 14. NORTH OTTRINGTON-Elizth. wife of Mich. Metcalfe, gent"., 33 (R. 3); Tho. Daggett, tailor, 34, and Elizth. his wife, 30, each Rect. 2 years. HUTTON BONVILE-Fr. Storie, gent"., housholder, 46, and Mary his wife, 40, with Henry his son, 20, all Rect. 2 months. > [30b.] Ambrose, son of the same Fr. Storie, 15 (R. 2 mo.), and Marie his dautr., 12, with Bridget. servant to the same, 20 (R. 14 mo.); Isabell Wright, widow, houskeeper, 48 (R. 5); Mary wife of Rob. Coniers sen., gent"., 50 (R. 4); An wife of John Arthur, lab., 30 (R. 5); John Bussy, gent"., houskeeper, 27, and An his wife, 30, both Rec. 2 months; Margt. Pearson, spinster, 20 (R. 15 mo.); Rich. Hutton, lab'., 100 (R. 5); Thomesin Pibus, widow, 50 (R. 4); Barbara wife of John Coniers, 50 (R. 5); Ellen Cussen, spinster, dau". to the wife of the said John Coniers, and sojourner with him, 24 (R. 5), also, Francis dau". of the same, 18 (R. 5); Ann wife of John Marshall, 50 (R. 4); Elinor Grime, non-com'. 2 months. [31.] HANG EAST. Ellingstring, AISKEW cum Parva LemingE, BURRELL cum Cow- LING, NEWTON cum RUSWICKE, COLBURNE, CRAKALL, SCOTTON, WELL, KIRKBY FLETHAM, SNAPE, and BROMPTON-No Rect. in any of these places. [32.] CATTERICK Parish-Lady Elizth. wife of Sir Raph Lawson, Knt., 64 (R. 12 mo.). TUNSTALL-Rich. Cholmeley, Esq., above 40 (R. 12 mo.), and Francis his dau"., 20 (R. 4). HACKFORTH-Tho. Pudsay, Esq., about 40, and his wife, 40, both Rect. 3 months. [Side-note. Quere-Vide notam annexed. He is conformed by certificat, under Sir Conyers Darcyes handes and others. Vide notam.]* There is pinned to this leaf a certificate, of which the following is a copy :- Whereas Mr. Thomas Pudsay of Hackforth of the Parishe of Hornbie, Esquire, haith beane in our parishe of Hornbie thre monthes or thereabouts, and was pre- sented by the Constable at the laste Sessions holden at Richmond the xiith day of 74 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. ARRATHORNE-Elizth. wife of Will. Covell, gent"., non-com. WATLAS-Barnard Williamson, lab., 60 (R. 6). BEDALL—Leon. Hodge, husb"., about 40 R. 6); Elizth. Younge, widow, sojourner with Geo. Yeoman,* 70 (R. 16); Isabell wife of Henry Peares, yeom"., 42 (R. 5). [32b.] HIPSWELL Constablery, Parish of CATTERICK-Will. Atkinson of Caudbecke, yeom"., 80 (R. 16); Bridged Atkinson, spinster, 50 (R. 16). FEARBY-Will. Winterskell, weaver, 50 (R. 6); Marm. Winterskell, lab'., 40 (R. 2). BURTON SUPER YORE† cum AUDBROUGH, Parish of MASSAM-Rob. Wivell, gent"., 55, and Jane his wife, about 50, each Rec. 2 years; Tho. Spence of Nutwith-cote, yeom"., and Jane his wife, each 50 (R. 2); Julian wife of Chr. Beckwith of the same, yeom"., about 19 (R. 2). [33.] ELLINGTON, Parish of MASSAM-John Gleadston, webster, 74 (R. 34); Tho. Jackson theldest, husb"., 70 (R. 18); An wife of Will. Cooper, lab'., 56 (R. 24); Kath. Langdale, widow, 80 (R. 30) and Jane her dau™., 34 (R. 20); Will. Challener, husb"., and Kath. his wife, each 32 (R. 6). [Side-note touching Will. Challener :-In Castro Ebor. Indictatus de Premunire ad assisas 13° Marcii, 1614]; John Danby, gent"., 28 (R. 8); Mabel Boggle, spinster, 76 (R. 30). SWINTON-Kath. wife of Rob. Norton, gent"., 40 (R. 13); Chr. Ringer, webster, 53 (R. 20), and Chr. his son, webster, 30 (R. 6); Margt. wife of Raph Slater, lab'., about 60 (R. 16); Chr. Theakston, talor, about 70 (R. 30); Dorothy Brounton, spinster, 40 (R. 14). [33°.] MASHAM-Isabell, wife of Chr. Danby, gent"., 34 (R. 6); Constance wife of Rich. Beckwith, yeom"., 52 (R. 10); Tho. Walker, weaver, batchler, 30 (R. 6). HEALEY-Lambert Wade, lab'., about 38 (R. 8); Luce wife of Edw. Jackson, talor, 46 (R. 14); Frances wife of Chr. Danby, Esq., 26 (R. 3), with Grace Copley, spinster, 18 (R. 3 mo.), Elizth. wife of Julie last, and there was indited by the Jurie for that time,—Since which tyme the said Tho. Pudsay haith come to our parishe Church of Hornbie and haith hard Publyke and Divyne service there with the residew of the congregation there assembled, as we whose names are heare under written will testifie when we are thereunto called. In witnes whereof that this our Certificat is true, we have set our handes this xxixth day of Julie Anno D'ni, 1614. WILL'M SEWELL, Vicar there EDWARD GYBSON, Clark there. CONYERS DARCY. [These signatures are all autographs.] * It is not quite clear there is not an omission of the surname here, and that yeom". is not the description rather than a personal name. ↑ Burton on Ure. RICHMONDE, JULY 12, 1614. 75 Will. King, lab¹., 44 (R. 14), his servants; Jennett wife of Rich. Smithson, webster, 40 (R. 14); Jennett Jackson, widow, 70 (R. 28); An wife of John Haw, 32 (R. 10); Rob. Jackson, 28 (R. 10); Raph Lucas and Dorothy his wife, each 50 R. (30). [34.] ILKTON-Rich. Atkinson, lab., and Agnes his wife, both about 44 (R. 10); Margt. Atkinson, widow, 60 (R. 20), with Marm. her son, 30 (R. 12), and Jane her dau"., 22 (R. 6); Chr. Johnson, lab., and Elizth. his wife, both 70 (R. 10); Anth. Crosbie, lab'., and Frances his wife, both about 46 (R. 12); John Crosby, about 18 (R. 2); Tho. Wade, servant to Mr. Danby, 60 (R. 4), and Elizth. Hopwood, spin- ster, about 26 (R. 6), sojourner with the same. [35.] HALIKELD. WATH, MELMERBY, LANGTHORNE, KIRKBY SUPER MORAM cum LANGTHORPP, BALDERSBY, Midleton WherNHOW, HUNBURTON cum MILBY, SINDERBY, RAINTON Cum NEWBY, SUTTON cum HowGRAVE, Kirtlington, DisFORTH, AINDERBY How and SWAINBY, [35º.] Asenby, BURNESTON, CATHROPP; CUNDALL, THORNTON et LETBY; NORTON in LUTO; No Recusants in any of these places. PICKHALL cum ROXBY-Rich. Martin, lab'., about 40, and Elizth. his wife, about 50, both Rects. ; Mary wife of Will. Grant, gent., 40, Rect. NEWTON-Jane Mitchell, gentlewoman, widow, 60 (R. 20). LEMINGE-An wife of Will. Valiant, talor, 46 (1 mo.). THEAKSTON-Geo. Warde, weaver, above 50. No Rect.; he is in debt and therefore refraines to go to the Church: per veredictum Cuthberti Brown, et soc' Jurator'. [36.] GATENBY-Isabell wife of Will. Mason, about 60 (R. 7). MARTON SUPER MORAM-Leon. Horseman, lab'., and Ann his wife, both 70 (R. 10 mo.); Barbara Capper, spinster, 46 (R. 6 mo.). TANFEILD WEST-Elizth. Snelgate, widow, 50, non-com. 12 months. [37] AINDERBY STEPLE, COWTON EAST, BARTON CUTHBERT, ERY- HOLME, LANGTON MAGNA SUPER SWALE, WARLABY, BARTON MARIE, SMETON, BOLTON SUPER Swale, Newby suPER WISKE, COWTON SOUTH Parish. No Rects. in either of thes places. KIRKBY WISKE-Barbara Cooke, widow, 50 (R. 10) [Vide postea]. [37.] CROFTE-John Wetherell, shoomaker, 40 (R. 13), and Jane his wife, 40 (R. 8), with John his son, cordiner (19), and also Tho. (9) and Will. (6), other sons; Margt. wife of Rowland Dodsworth, gent"., 40 (R. 14). STAPLETON-Allison wife of John Potter, weaver, 50 (R. 16); Elinor Jackson, spinster, 30 (R. 9); Elizth. wife of John Robinson, yeom"., 60 (R. 30); Henry Pudsay, gent"., 62 (R. 40). 76 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. DALTON-Elinor wife of John Burnett, gent"., 66 (R. 40). [38.] Geo. Lambert, gent"., 60, and Elizth. his wife, 40, both Rect. 12 years; Elenor, wife of Ja'. Cleasby, gent"., 40 (R. 8); Anth. Burne, tailor, and Edith his wife, about 40 (R. 16), with Tho. Younge, his apprentice, 20 (R. 4); John Thirkell, mason, and Isabell his wife, both 60 (R. 12 mo.); An Wales, spinster, sojourner with Leon. Robinson, lab., about 40 (R. 12 mo.). MANFEILD-Dorothy wife of John Witham, Esq., 30 (R. 2); Margt. wife of Nich. Tindell, yeom"., aged 32 (R. 5); Cicilie Norton, widow, 66 (R. 40), with Elizth. her daut., spinster, 40 (R. 20); Grace wife of Chr. Miles, husb"., 60 (R. 16); Margt. Hewetson, spinster, 40 (R. 12). [38b.] Percivall Cuthbert, mason, and Margt his wife, both 40 (R. 12); Rob. Elstaby, yeom"., 43 (R. 20), and Grace his wife, 40 (R. 14); Marg. wife of Raph Wilson, husb"., 60 (R. 20); Elizth. Pereth, spinster, 64 (R. 16); Tho. Bales, husb"., 65 (R. 16), and Jane his wife, 60 (R. 30); An Bales, spinster, 36 (R. 12); Dorothy Wilson, widow, 66 (R. 20); Fr. Richardson, 30, and Elizth. his wife, 26, both Rect. 6 months; Tho. Jackson, 33, and Mary his wife, 23, both Rect. 6 months; An Remerson, widow, 43 (R. 6 mo.). [39.] DANBY WISKE-Henry Whorleton, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, both 60 (R. 10). KIRKBY WISK Parish [antea]-Frances wife of Henry Mitchell, husb"., 40 (R. 10); Jane wife of Fr. Gatenby, husb"., 40 (R. 7). MIDLETON TIAS Parish: KNETON-Margt. Francke, widow, about 80; Elizth. Francke, widow, about 50; Tho. Francke, gent"., about 45; Joane Francke, spinster, about 40; Ellen Swainston, spinster, about 40; John Swainston, lab'., servant to the said Tho. Francke, 40, Joane Danby, another servant, above 17, all Rect. 10 years. [39] Tho. Middleton, carpenter, about 47 (R. 4); Jane Haine, widow, about 60 (R. 4); Alice Cade, widow, about 70 (12); John Hutchinson, lab'., 32 (R. 12 mo.). COWTON GRAINGE-Brian Smithson, yeom"., 60, his son Chr., 28, Geo. another son, 22, and An a daughter, 24, all Rect. 7 years. MOULTON-Will. Colson, lab'., about 60 (R. 10). YAFFORTH-Edith wife of Will. Robinson, gent"., 50, and Christa- bell Gateherd, widow, 40, both Rec. 2 years. [40.] GILLING WEST. BRIGNELL, HARFORTH, MARSK, GILLING-No Rects, in either. MELSONBY-Margerie wife of Edw. Gowre, gent"., 40; Elizth Gatered, widow, 70, with her son Will., 30, and dau". Jane, 20, all Rec. 4 years; Tho. Browne, lab'., and Frances his wife, both 54; RICHMONDE, JULY 12, 1614. 77 Margt. Gatered, servant to the said Tho. Browne, 15; Grace Arm- strong, spinster, 40, all Rect. 4 years. FORCETT-John Warde, yeom"., 30 (R. 5); Rob. Wiseman, tailor, 30 (R. 4); Dorothy Jackson, widow, 60 (R. 10 mo.). BARFORTH-Elizth. Pudsay, gentlewoman, widow, 80 (R. 20), with Will. Walker, and Isabell Harrison, both above 30 (R. 3), her servants; Will. Dixon of Moore Rawe in the same Lordshipp, milner, and Dorothy his wife, both 60 (R. 10); Mary Dent, widow, 60 (R. 10), with her son Fr. Dent, tailor, 24 (R. 12 mo.); Margt. Shutt, widow, 60 (R. 4); Fr. Newcome of Old Garthe in the same Lordshipp, weaver, 30 (R. 10); Ann wife of Fr. Slinger, yeom"., 29 (R. 3); Elizth. wife of Chr. Key, yeom"., 29 (R. 2); Rob. Clayton of Hegholme in the same Lordshipp, yeom"., above 60 (R. 7). [41.] HUTTON PARVA-Isabell wife of Tho. Newcome, yeom"., 50 (R. 2 mo.); Ellen wife of Tho. Slinger, yeom"., about 50 (R. 6); Jane wife of Geo. Slinger, yeom"., 30 (R. 4). EPPLEBY-Will. Wright, lab'., 40 (R. 6); An wife of Anth. Gibson, yeom"., 40 (R. 10): Alice Lowis, widow, 60 (R. 10); Grace Barker and Jane Beane, both widows, 60 (R. 5); Alice wife of Rob. Oving- ton, 50 (R. 4), Elizth. wife of Will. Fishburne, yeom"., Rect. 6 years; Margt. Morley, widow, Rect. 6 months; Rob. Younge, lab'., and Ann his wife, each 56 (R. 8). OVINGTON-Isabell wife of Will. Ovington, yeom"., 50 (R. 4). HUTTON LONGVILLERS-Kath. wife of Marm. Tonstall, gent"., 25 (R. 12 mo.); Elizth, wife of Chr. Wilson, lab'., 80 (R. 10). LATON-Elizth. Willaws, widow, gentlewoman, 60 (R. 7); An Nesom, widow, 60 (R. 6); Jane wife of Will. West, lab'., 60 (R. 10); Jennet Metland al³. Robinson, widow, 50 (R. 4). [41] KIRKBY-Fr. Goodericke, tailor, and An his wife, both 50, with Elizth. Harrison, widow, all Rect. 12 years. NEWSAM-John Smithson, yeom"., 90, Margt. Smithson, widow, 50, Mary, wife of Anth. Smithson, yeom"., about 50, all Rect. 12 years. DALTON- wife of Geo. Mennell, gent"., and Will. Mennell, gent"., 40, both Rect. 8 months. KIRKBY RAVENSWORTH-Gawine Collin, yeom"., about 50, and Eden Ponsonby, spinster, about 50, each Rect. 7 years. ARKENGARTHDALE-Elizth. Barningham, widow, 60 (R. 2). [42.] ROMALDKIRK-Will. Binckes of the Cragg, fletcher,* 20 (R. 12). * The first occurrence of this trade-designation, which, considering the instances of enforcement of the Statute touching archery met with in Vol. I., is somewhat remarkable. "FLETCHER. An arrow-maker. Properly the person who put on the 78 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. MARRICK-Alice Dent, widow, 60 (R. 20). ROOKBY Parish-Lady Margaret Rookeby, wife of Sir Tho. Rookby, Knt., 40 (R. 12); Margery Yerker, widow, 60 (R. 12); Tho. Bransby, yeom"., 60 (R. 12). [Took the oath of Allegiance 13 March 1614, at the Assizes in York Castle.] BARNINGHAM Parish: UREBY-Elizth. wife of John Johnson, yeom"., 80 (R. 20). BOWES-An wife of Will. Dent, 60 (R. 10). [42.] STANWIGGS Parish: KIRKBRIGG-Rich. Niccolson, yeom"., and Grace his wife, both 60 (R. 20). CARLETON-Anth. Cattericke, gent"., and Joice his wife, each 50 (R. 12). ALDBROUGH—Anth. Metcalfe, gent"., and Elinor his wife, each 40 (R. 12); Grace Lambert, widow, gentlewoman, 80 (R. 20); Tho. Sadler, yeom"., and Margerie his wife, each 50 (R. 12); Alice wife of Anth. Wilde, yeom"., 36 (R. 10); Will. Atkinson, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, both 50 (R. 10); Dorothy Wilson, spinster, 60 (R. 10); Ellen Walton, widow, 40 (R. 10); John Dalton, yeom"., and Margerie his wife, each 50 (R. 10). CAUDWELL-Kath. Constable, widow, gentlewoman, 50 (R. 12 mo.), with her children, George, Margt. and Bridget, all above 9; Dorothy wife of Anth. Linskell, yeom"., 50 (R. 12 mo.), and Elinor his daut., above 16 (R. 12 mo.); [43.] Rob. Smith, lab'., about 40 (R. 10); Jennett, wife of Tho. Robinson, 60 (R. 2). EAST LATON-An Garth, widow, 60 (R. 10); Dorothy Mettam, widow, gentlewoman, 50 (R. 4). BARFORTH-Ambrose Pudsay, gent"., and Jane his wife, both 40 (R. 10); John Helcott, carpenter, and Frances his wife, both 40 (R. 10); Marian Appleby, widow, 60 (R. 10); Ambrose Newcombe, yeom"., and Jennett his wife, both 40 (R. 5). WICLIFFE Meriall Wicliffe, widow, 60 (R. 6); Geo. Smithson, gent"., 70, and Margt. his wife, 50, both Rect. 8 years; An. Swallow, spinster, 80 (R. 6 mo.). [43] Parish of EASBY: BROMPTON-Jane Harrison, spinster, 40 (R. 20); John Watson, joiner, non-com®. [44] HANG WEST. HUNTON, ARATHORNE, HAUXWELL parish, BELLERBY, AGGLE- THORPP, FINGALL, HUDSWELL, CARPERBY, CALDBARGH, BUrton in feather." Halliwell. The immediate derivation, however, is Fr. fléche, an arrow, with which collate Germ. flitz, Pl. D. flits, Piedm. fleccia, It. freccia, &c. RICHMONDE, JULY 12, 1614. 79 BUSHOPDALE, MELMERBY, THORNTON RUST, WEST WITTON-NO Recusants. DOWNHAM PARISH cum WALBURNE Constablery-Kath. wife of Tho. Coniers of Stainton, Esq., 56 (R. 14 mo.); Annas wife of Fr. Cosen of Walburne, 50 (R. 3). [44] ASKRIGG Parish-Elizth. Metcalfe of Worton, widow, 50 (R. 12 mo.); Edm. Allen of Newhouses, lab'., batchler, about 26 (R. 3). THORALBY-Valentine Fawcett, batchler, of the parish of Aiskarth, about 50 (R. 36 mo.). AISKARTH-Elizth. Metcalfe, widow, about 40 (3). CARLETON IN COVERDALE-John Gristwhit, milner, 60 (R. 12 mo.). WENSLEY Parish-An wife of Tho. Rogerson, husb"., 50 (R. 3); Math. Sicker als. Fisewick, lab., 60 (R. 3); Margery wife of Chas. Jake, weaver, 30 (R. 2); Dorothy Atkinson, widow, 60 (R. 3); Anth. Broderigge, lab*., 46 (R. 12 mo.); John Ellay, lab'., 80 (R. 18 mo.). [45.] An Wate, widow, 80 (R. 20), and her sons, Geo. Wate, gent"., 24, and Ja³., 20, both Rec. 3 years; Alice Fawcet, widow, 60 (R. 10), and her dau". Frances, 18 (R. 12 mo.); Dorothy wife of Tho. Faw- cett, lab'., 60 (R. 10); Mary wife of Rob. Waller, lab'., 60 (R. 14); Elenor wife of Will. Harrison, piper, 50 (R. 12); Isabell wife of Fr. Hopps, husb"., 60 (R. 20); Jennet wife of Raph Dighton, yeom"., 50 (R. 10); Dorothy Coates, widow, 60 (R. 12); Isabell Wilson, widow, pauper, 80 (R. 14). PRESTON, BOLTON and RIDMER-No Rects. there. [45] EAST WITTON Parish-Rich. Danby of the Moore House, linnen-draper, and Alice his wife, each 50 (R. 6). THORNTON STEWARD-Jane Chambers, widow, 50 (R. 10); Rich. Skelton, butcher, 44, and Margery his wife, 36, both Rect. 12 years. GRINTON—Salomon Swale, gent"., 40, and An his wife, 42; Alison wife of Raph Collier, yeom"., about 56, all three Rec. 10 years. REETH-John Garth, yeom"., 70, and Ann his wife, 60; Jenet Gibson, widow, 62, Dorothy Metcalfe, widow, 59, all Rect. 16 years; Jeffrey son of John Garth, 20, and his dau". Margt., 18 (R. 12 mo.). HEALEY-Lancelot Wilson, yeom"., 50 (R. 3). WHITASIDE-Cicilie wife of Rob. Braderigg, yeom"., 50 (R. 10). [46.] GUMERSIDE—Alison late wife of Raph Kearton, deceased, 60; Agnes Kearton, widow, 80; Isabell Alderson, widow, 50; Isabell Robinson, spinster, 60; Elizth. wife of Jeffrey Metcalfe, yeom”., about 74; Epham Wharton, widow, about 60; Alison wife of John Addison, lab'., 68; Ja. Harrison, sen., weaver, about 76; Margt. Metcalfe, widow, 70; Agnes Hutchinson, widow, 74,-all Rect. 16 years. 80 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. MEWCARRE—Margt. Metcalfe, widow, about 70; Mary wife of Raph Alderson, yeom"., about 50, both Rec. 10 years. GUMERSIDE (adhuc)—John Kearton, son of Alison Kirton, widow, 26, also Edw., 20, Elizt., spinster, about 22, and Jane, spinster, about 38, other children of the same, all Rect. 8 years; Agnes Metcalfe, spinster, about 40 (R. 4). [46] BURTON CONSTABLE-Jane wife of Chr. Wivell, Esq., about 40 (R. 3); Meriall Lucas, widow, above 17 (R. 2). BARDON-Bridget wife of Raph Spence, gent"., about 40 (R. 10). [47] CONVICTIO RECUSANTIUM. Mem. That at the General Sessions &c at Richmond, 12 July 1614, Proclamation was made that Gartred wife of Chr. Simpson, Brian Simpson, Tho. Lowicke, gent"., and others named above were to make appearance at the Michaelmas Sessions, to be holden at Richmond &c or otherwise stand convicted as Obstinate Rects., and did not appear &c, they are therefore, each and every of them, convicted accordingly. Mem. That all these Rects. before named from the 26 leafe hitherto, proclaimed as above said, were certified both into Thexchequer and Crowne office in Michaelmas Tearme, 1614. [48°.] BULMER. ST. MARIGATE, Parcell of the Constablery of CLIFTON-Mary Wither, spinster, about 40 (R. 16). LANGBARGH Liberty. BROUGHTON MAGNA-Jane wife of John Walker, 50 (R. 14 mo.). LEVERTON-Jenett Trewett, widow, 50 (R. 7). WHORLTON-Will. Wilson, lab'., 50 (R. 7). POTTOE CUM GOULTON-Margt. wife of Geo. Gale, husb"., 22 (R. 4), with his children, Tho. of 11, Peter of 20 months, and Ellen of 8, and also Syth Hall his servant, 40 (R. 4). [49.] CONVICTIO RECUSANTIUM. Memª. as above touching the conviction of the aforesaid Mary Wither, Jane Walker and others. [50.] RICHMOND. Rects, indicted at the Qr. Sessions there, 7th. Oct. 1614, before Arthur Dakins &c. See above, p. 55, and for Pannell also. [50] THORNTON WATLAS Parish; THIRNE, ROOKWITH CUM CLIFTON, WEST SCRAPTON, HORNBY: No Rects, there. MIDLEHAM-Chas. Hobson, husb"., about 40 (R. 12), with Isabell HELMESLEY, JANUARY 10 AND 11, 1614. 81 his wife, above 17 (R. 2), and his son Will., 12; Dorothy wife of Will. Lockey, above 17 (R. 12 mo.); Henry Harrison, servant of John Har- rison, chapman, about 30 (R. 3). STAINTON in the Parish of DOWNHAM--Nath. Smith, 40, and Ann his wife, about 24, both Rect. 5 months. [51.] SPENITHORNE-Chr. Scroope, gent"., about 50, and Margt. his wife, about 44; with Margt. Brand his servant, about 21; Ann Scroope, widow, about 64; Edw. Esh, gent"., about 50, and An his wife, about 48, with his dau". Dorothy, about 27, all Rect. 7 years. [51] CONVICTIO RECUSANTIUM-Similar mem. to those above, as touching the conviction of the aforesaid Charles Hobson, and others; and a further mem., as above, touching their being certified into Thexchequer &c. [152.] HELMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, 10th and 11th Jan". 161. Before Rich. Vaghan, John Gibson, Knts., and Tho. Davile, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq., Sheriff. PANNELL. Robert Butler, Staingrave, Gent". Peter Hopperton, Hovingham, Gent". Lanc. Foxton, Hovingham, Yeom". Geo. Sunley, Nunyngton, Nich. Barker, Bewdlam, Marm. Dowsinge, Flaxton, Yeom". Jas. Stafforth, Alne, Tho. Grene, Loftus, Geo. Stoope, Brotton, "" "" "" Rob. Bossall, Huby, Tho. Kitchin, Alne, "" 99 John Marshall, Flaxton, "" Jas. Williamson, Boltby, Tho. Wilson, Nawton, Rob. Robinson, Hutton-in-le- hole, Yeom". [1526.] WHO PRESENT A Harom man for stealing an andyron,* value 4d. [Confessed the felony, and to be whipped: arraiat' per Jas. Denton, gent"., et socios, "AWNDERNE (awndyryn, R. awndyrn, P.) Andena, ipoporgium. Among 'thingis that ben used after the hous,' in Caxton's Boke for Travellers, 'upon the herthe belongeth wood or turves, two andyrons of yron (brandeurs), a tonge, a gredyron.'. . . It appears that andyrons and dogs were not identical, as generally is understood, for in the Inventory of Sir Henry Unton's effects, 1596, the two are enumerated as occurring together, and both occur also singly. Cotgrave renders 'chevets, and landiers, andirons; harpon de fer pour retenir et arrester un poultre, dogge of iron.'” (Pr. Pm., and note.) VOL. II. G 82 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. • fo. 154. See next page]; Will. Wilson of Wayworth in Commondale, Gisbrough parish, for stealing two geese, value 6d. [arraiat' &c as above]; a Conistropp lab'. for stealing an ewe, value 10d. [arrait' &c, as above. Ordered that he shall be sent to Malton and whipped at a cartes tale till his body blede, in full market time, and to be set in the stockes there, with a sheepes skin on his body, for 3 houres after, to testifie to the quality of his offence.] [153.] Will. Aldburgh, gent"., and the other inhabt. of Ellingthorp, for that the highwaie in Ellingthorp feilds is in decay, called Elling- thorp Furres, on the road to Rippon; the inhab's. of Skelton for non- repair of Skelton Lane from the windmill in Skelton feild to Shipton Lane; a Flaxton butcher for exercising his trade, not having served &c; a Stayngrave man for the same as to the trade of weaving or webster- craft, buying &c, beaminge and stretchinge of linnen cloth &c; the inhabts. of Foston for not scouringe the water-sewers at Thornton Carr, between Foston field and Stitnam Bridge. [153] The inhab's. of Mowthropp, for the same, on their side, running from Sheriff Hutton Carr to Thornton Carr, between Stitnam and Mowthropp; a Yarm alehouse-keeper for suffering play at cards &c; another for selling ale above the price &c; Rich. Chaviner for shooting att pigeons with a gun, killing 14 at one shott and hurting many others, and another man for the like; a Thirske butcher for stopping his neighbours' waie, by laying his dounghill in the very way where they should go. [154.] SECOND PANNELL Gent". Cockerell, Cockerell, Sommer-close House, Yeom". Yeom". Tho. "" "" Geo. Hill, Whitby, "" Rob. Barker, Dunsley, "" Ralph Parkin, Leverton, Will. West, Loftus, "" "" "" Rich. Johnson, Boltby, Will. Wasse, Easterside, Will. Dringe, Hawnby, Will. Metcalfe, Tilehouse, Rich. Allanson, Ampleforth, Chr. Carleton, Thirlby, Yeom". Geo. Sheppard, Helmesley, John Robinson, Hutton-in-le-Hole, Yeom". WHO PRESENT— Jas. Trainholme of Hutton Rudby for stealing from the barn of Tho. Crathorne, Esq., a bushel of wheat, value rod. [Confesses : arraiat &c, as before. Ordered that he shall be whipped the next markett day at Stokesley.]; a man from Sheriff Hutton for stealing an ewe, worth 6s., belonging to some one unknown [arraiat' &c. Ordered to be whipped at Sheriff Hutton on Candlemas day next at a cartes HELMESLEY, JANUARY 10 AND 11, 1614. 83 tale till &c, and im[me]diately after sett in the stockes for thre houres with a sheeps-skin &c]. b [154.] A lab'. from Barugh for stealing a pair of breches, value 4d. [Confessed. Ordered that he shall be presently whipped at Helmesley]; a labourer from Whorlton for stealing a woman's gown, value 6s. Names of the Jurors empannelled to enquire &c between the King and the several indicted parties above. James Denton, Gent". Rob. Butterwicke, "" Will. Grindall, Yeom". Rob. Atkinson, PANNELL. John Wightman, Peter Barker, Mich. Barehead, Peter Walkinton, Yeom". "" Will. Bentley, "" John Harrison, "" John Cornforth, " Rich. Judson, "" [155.] ORDERS made &c. Upon a petition from Mr. Jacy, Preacher at West Rounckton, con- firmed on oath by Tho. Carter of the same, for misdemeanours and misbehaviour by Rob. Niccolson of Stanfrey, yeom". :—A warrant &c to attach Niccolson and bring him &c to be taken bound to appear at next Sessions &c; a warrant &c to attach two men and bring them before Sir Will. Eure or Rob. Briggs, Esq. to be bound &c to appear &c. [155] In a case of contemptuous disobedience to a warrant by Sir Rich. Vaghan a warrant &c to take him before the said Sir Rich. to be bound &c and also to answer for his contempt. Ordered that an aged man, lamed by a fall from a horse, have 40s. paid him, by the hands of his son. A warrant &c to attach Westrop Lacock of Little Burgh and bring him &c; a poor man with a broken leg to have ros. paid him. [156.] Three kyne, the property of Jas. Ponsonby of Ravensworth, distrained by Henry Davison, one of the Sheriff's deputies, for a debt due unto his Matie; the kine remain a long time unredeemed in Davison's keeping, and the Court is informed that Davison hath the said summe duet unto his Matie, nevertheles the said kine have been A Westropp Lacopp of New Malton is named Vol. I. pp. 103, 144. This name is suspiciously like that, notwithstanding the difference of residence. + The meaning obviously—and indeed, from the facts, necessarily—is that the sum remains still due. The kine were still unredeemed when taken away, and no money could be in Davison's hands. G 2 84 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. since taken away from Davison's custody by the said Ponsonby or his son-A warrant &c to attach both the said parties and bring them &c. The Court is informed that Helmesley is overcharged with poore people so as they ar not able to releive them :-Therefore 20s. to be paid to Mich. Kirk for the use of the said poore. Ordered that a warrant &c be directed to the Dep. Baliffe of Picker- ing-lieth to attach and bring the inhabts. of Little Habton before Sir Rich. Etherington and Tho. Davile (or thone of them), to be taken bound to appear &c for not keeping the watch &c. [156] A spinster, late, and for six or x yeares, servant at Yolton in Alne parish, but now removed to Newton-upon-Ouse to be releived there, to the grievance of the inhabts. thereof who crave redress from the Court:-Ordered that she be sent back to Alne, where the Church- wardens and Overseers are charged to receive and releive her &c. Will. Smith and Will. Meeke of Thornton Beanes, who were 12 months ago bound to appear at this Sessions, and in the mean time keep the peace towards Geo. Brodebelt, have, the former of them, appeared, the other failed by reason of sicknes, and none ready to prosecute or crave any further peace against them, to be discharged of their Recognces. &c. [157.] Will. Sigswick of Cam House presented by the Constable's ticket at Midsommer Sessions last for brewing &c, and the Court now informed by Mich. Kirke and John Simpson of Helmesley, gent"., that the said Sigswick did never keep alehouse, otherwise then about 3 or 4 yeares since that he did brew for the provision of the Lord Rutlande his workmen there-as he was presented in July last and his supposed offence committed thre or fower yeares since-Ordered that he shalbe discharged &c. Next Sessions at Thirske 18 April next. Roil signed by Sir Rich. Vaghan and Tho. Davile, Esq. [157] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions at (by adjournment) 13th and 14th Jan. 161. Before Coniers Darcy, Arthur Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., and Adam Midleham, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq., Sheriff. RICHMOND, JANUARY 13 AND 14, 1611. 85 Tho. Hutchinson, Scruton, Gent". Tho. Claxton, Fencote, Yeom", FIRST PANNELL. Geo. Dobson, Burneston, Yeom". John Sadler, "" Tho. Stephenson, Edw. Beckwith, Romer, Edw. Haw, Scruton, Arthur Linskell, Cawdwell, "" "" "" "" John Manfeild, Aldbrough, "" "" Ralph Johnson, Newsom, Tho. Orton, "" Tho. Edling, Melsonby, "" Math. Pibus, Kirkby Fletam,,, Cuthb. Anderson, Gales, "" Fr. Smith, Exilby, [158.] WHO PRESENT— Daniell als Barnabas Scott of Askrigg, and John Maxwell late of the same, labs., for stealing at Kettlewell in the West Ridding, from the common field there, a black stott, value 50s.; Geo. Scarr of Litherskew, in Aiskarth parish, for an assault on one John Metcalfe in Askrigg Church-yard; a butcher and a yeoman of Osmotherley for that they commonly used to sitt drincking in alehouses upon Sabaoth-daies and holie daies in time of Devine Service &c. [Super relationem Will. Dixon, Vicarii ibidem, et Edw. Grant, Cap. Const., ac non per hom.] "" [158b.] SECOND pannell. Geo. Danby, Barton, Gent". Chr. Gill Yeom". Rob. Welbancke, North Cowton, Yeom". Math. Foxton, Brompton, Yeom". Jas. Hirdman, West Rounckton, Yeom". Tho. Grainge, Hornby, Yeom". Will. Miles, Hornby, Yeom". Tho. Best, John Robinson, Walden, John Tuke, Napper Scarr, Geo. Close, Whitaside, Ralph Scrafton, Bellerby, Gawin Spence, Coverham, "" "" "" "" WHO PRESENT- Tho. Foster of Horsehouse for converting his own dwelling-house into a cottage, now occupied by one Tho. Swan, without laying to it four acres of land &c. [159.] A Hardraw publican for suffering disorder in his house and drincking in the time of Divine Service &c. ; a man living at Launes in Askrigg for badging and carieing of butter and chese without license. &c. [Per Ad. Thomlinson; non per hom.] 86 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. ORDERS made &c. Generall complaint being made of the misconduct of Rob. Bainbrigg, an Informer for the Court of Exchequer, and Chr. Rocliffe his man, it is thought fit that Certificate be made by the Justices, and letters written to the Lord Chief Justice and Lord Chief Baron, praying that the said Bainbrigg and Rocliffe may be disallowed &c. [159] Bastardy: Ordered that the father shall take the child from Candlemas next and maintain it &c.; a warrant &c to attach a man and bring him &c. Bastardy: Ordered that the father pay 6d. weekly, for the ensuing year, and then further order &c: the 20s. already paid by him to be part of the payment now ordered; a fine of 10s. (for his Maties use) to be inflicted on a Thoralby man, on account of his out- rages and assaults on men named Chr. Warehorne and Edw. Robinson, and a further fine of 10s. to Robinson for his wrongs, and 2s. 6d. to Warehorne for his. [160.] Forasmuch as Math. Metcalfe of Kitlades in Askrigg parish, yeom"., was convented before us and charged, on the oath of two witnesses, with apparant suspicion of divers felonies &c; and forasmuch as it is also testified on oath that he hath given forth speches that he hath bought seaven penniworth of gunpowder to burne the house and all the haystackes of one Will. Robinson, sometime of Worton, gent”. ; and that he would kill either Sir Tho. Metcalfe or the said Will. Robinson: and also forasmuch as Adam Midlam, Esq. J.P., hath now likewise informed of many other great and leaud misdemeanours by him committed: therefore he shall be bound to the good behaviour &c and to appear &c: But for that he could not finde suerties &c as also that he semed penitent, therefore the Court remitted the behaviour quousque And for that during his commitment at Richmond he did steale a pare of stokins of one of the servants of the person to whom he was committed as gaoler, and also for other misdemeanours &c—It is Ordered that a warrant &c directed to the Constables of Askrigg and Bainbrigg to set him, the said Metcalfe, in the stocks there, and to be whipped at a cartes arse * there. [160.] That a warrant &c to attach a man from Crosby Coate and bring him &c to be bound &c to appear at next Sessions &c: reference made to the case of assault by one Geo. Scarre noted above (p. 85) in the church portch (cemetery, above) there, and a warrant &c to bring Scarr &c to be bound &c to the good behaviour and to appear &c; a warrant &c to take Anth. Gibson and bring him &c. to be bound to appear &c. * Even yet in this district this word is used without the slightest idea of coarseness or vulgarity. The Editor has heard it in such terms as "arse-end of a sheaf," &c., ag in and again. THIRSKE, APRIL 18 AND 19, 1615. 87 ) [161.] Forasmuch as Will. Challoner of Ellington, a convicted Re- cusant, the oath of allegeance being severall times tendered to him, and by him deliberately refused-Ordered that he be committed to Yorke Castle there to remaine without bále or mainprise. [A Mittimus made.] Whereas some question hath bene touching the laies and assessmentes of Scorton with Uckerby and Grenebury, and that divers witnesses. have bene this day produced and examined in open Court, on oath, touching the custome, usage and payment of the said laies there,— whereby the Court doth find that the occupiers of Grenebury have anciently accustomed to pay the fourth part of the said laies, Uckerby another fourth, and Scorton two partes-Ordered therefore that the said payment of the said laies shalbe continued accordingly. Next Sessions at Thirske 18 April next, pro corpore totius North- ridding. Roll signed by Arthur Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., and Adam Midleham, Esq. [162.] THIRSKE. Qu. Sessions at, 18th and 19th April, 1615. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Tho. Belassis, Tho. Metcalfe, Rich. Vaghan, Arth. Dakins, Henry Franckland, Knts., Rob. Briggs, Walt. Bethell, Tho. Davile, Rob. Hungate and Nich. Coniers, Esquires. Will. Henlake, Deputy for John Armitage, Esq., Sheriff. FIRST PANNELL. Ralph Bransby, Thirske, Gent". Jas. Best, Sawcocke, "" Rob. Dobson, Frerehill, Yeom. Philip Craven, "" Will. Metcalfe, Tilehouse, "" John Fosse, Marriforth, "" Fr. Hall, Worsall, "" Geo. Fothergill, Holme, Rob. Metcalfe,,, Geo. Watson, Blackmanlee, "", Math. Pibus, Kirkby Fletham, Gent". Fr. Smith, Exilby, Yeom". John Sadler, Burneston, "" Tho. Frost, Easingwold, Chr. Mitchell, Skabd Newton, Yeom". Tho. Williamson, Firby, Yeom". Will. Atkinson, Thornton Rust Yeom". 88 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. رو [162b.] WHO PRESENT, Two Cattericke men for assault &c on Ralph Sutton, Constable of the same; a woman of Thirske for stealing a piece of woollen cloth, value rod. [163.] Two Bransby men, father and son, for stealing from a close there called Downe Woodes a burthen of hay, value 4d., of Rob. Fewster's; a Northallerton woman for an assault &c on another woman of the same town; Will. Dinsdale of Kidstons and another for steal- ing from a close at Kidstones called le West Grene, three cows, value £8. [Dinsdale ponit se in m'ia Curiæ, and is fined 12d. [163] The same Dinsdale for an assault &c on Arth. Skarth, Con- stable of Thoralby, then engaged in the execution of a warrant from Adam Midleham Esq. J.P. [Fined 20s.]; Henry Spence, father and son, of Bardon, gent"., Geo. Barker, Tho. Scrafton, husb"., and two laborers of the same, for riotously and violently entering, and trespassing there, on a close and lands belonging to Rich. Robinson, gent"., treading down and wasting the hay; and Geo. Barker also for an assault &c, at the same time and place, on Will. Scrafton &c. [164.] A Thirsk labourer for stealing a coverlett and a blankett, each worth 4d. [arraiat' et triat' per Chr. Wright, gent"., et socios suos. To be whipped at Thirsk.]; a Cawthropp man for stealing half a bushel of pease [tried as above, pleads not guilty]; Henry Abram als. Hebburne for maliciously setting fire, in Oct., 1602, to a water mill at Kildale, so that it, with all the grain &c there, was entirely burned. [164.] Mark Dixon, apprehended by Cuthb. Kendraw, late of Romonby, as an incorrigible rogue &c, and conducting himself inso- lently to Kendraw; Thornton Brigg over the Swale in Brafferton, as in great ruin and decay, and ought to be repaired by the country; Gromond bridge over the Esk, parish of Lieth, on the highway leading from Seamer * to Gisbrough, as also in ruin &c. [165.] Normanby bridge as in decay, and ruinated now more than it was att anie time before, or since the building thereof, by force of this last flood, and ought to be repaired by the country; Newsom bridge now greatly weakened by the force of the late flood,† whereby the same is likely, without speedy releife, to be caried away:—to be repaired by the country; Tho. Salperwick al³. Gillam, of Healey in Massam, Overseer, for that he and his fellowes have beene very negligent in their places, and have not mett monthly, nor sett anie poore on worke that lacked * At first sight it is not apparent why the name of so unimportant a place as Seamer should be thus mentioned. But there are reasons for assuming that, at the date of these Minutes and Orders, Seamer was an important corn-market, and Seamer Fair is yet a fair of note. + Another record of interest in meteorological connection. THIRSKE, APRIL 18 AND 19, 1615. 89 worke, neither have releived the impotent as they ought to have done, nor have put children to be apprentices.* [165] Precisely similar entries touching Fr. Baine of Ellingstringe in Massam, Overseer, Rich. Warton of Massam, and Henry Wray of Ilkton; Raph Smith of the Street-house, Exilbie, for keeping a common carding-house, and for other unlawfull games on the Sabaoth-day &c; his wife Elizth., Stephen Smith and Richard Brakand,† all for common players at cardes. [166.] The towne and inhabt. of Spennythorne for not repayringe a waie, being the Kinges Strete in Spenithorne-feild betwixt Bedall and Laburne. [Ex test. Joh. Fosse, unius Juratorum.] "" Tho. Lumlay, Warlaby, "" Rob. Fawdington, Awdwark, Will. Dobson, Tollerton, Yeom". "" SECOND PANNELL. Rob. Colling, Ravensworth, Gent". Henry Metcalfe, Maunby, Will. Prest, Thornton fabis,‡ Yeom". Henry Lucas, Cracall, Jos. Umphrey, Thorneton, Yeom". "" Rob. Fawdington,,, "" Chr. Poskett, Great Aiton, Rich. Walker, Maunby, "" "" Chr. Palliser, Kirbky Wiske, "" Mich. Lieth, Morton, Tho. Richardson, "" 99 Edw. Hutchinson, Brompton, "" Will. Chapman, Maunby, "" John Jackson, Tholthropp, "" [166.] WHO PRESENT A Northallerton man for stealing two stones of hay, value 6d., from a close there called Flatt-ing Close, and also four other stones from Oxe-close; Hutton Rudby bridge over the Leaven as in great decay, and ought to be repaired by the country. [167.] Healey Greene bridge over the Darwent in Hacknes and Wikeham parishes, as in ruin &c, but it is not known by whom it ought to be repaired; an East Laton man for keeping an unlicensed tipling-house. [Admits the fact, throws himself on the mercy of the Court, and is fined 20s.] [1676.] Morton bridge over the Swale, as &c : repaired by the country. Fr. Rookby of Wood Appleton, gent"., for not paying his sessments for a parcel of grounds which he occupies in the Lordship of Nor- manby; and being assessed for payment of the Purveyors, Massam bridge, New Malton bridge, How bridge, Howsom bridge, and divers * An instructive entry as to the duties of the Overseers of the poor. + This form, with Bracand in Vol. I., is the older form of the modern common Cleveland name of Breckon. Thornton Beanes. 90 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. other sessmentes for his Matie., the year 1613; Chr. Rumfrey of Sawton for non-payment of his sessments, due to the L. S., to the Churchwardens of Sawton and Brawby; the inhabt. of Ellingthorpe for non-repair of the highway called Ellingthorpe Firres, als. Water- firres Lane, and the feild thereunto adjoyninge called the West feild, being the highway to Rippon, &c. [168.] The inhabts. of Tollerton, in Alne parish, that occupy the landes which were accustomed to maintaine and uphold the Banckes and Mill-dam of Alne, betwixt the said Mill and Mill-yate of Alne, being in decay these two yeares past, and being the usuall Church way;* a West Hauxwell man for both brewing and keeping an ale- house without &c. [Per. Rad. Turner, Cap. Const. et non &c.] Names of the Jury empanelled to enquire &c. ་་ PANNELL. Chr. Wright, Gent". Will. Yates, Yeom". Rich. Mitchell, Geo. Armitt, "" "" Chr. Lionesse, Yeom". Rich. Gale, "" Tho. Watson, Rob. Tireman, "" "" Tho. Kilburne, "" John Butterwicke, "" Tho. Doncaster, "" John Johnson, [168b.] ORDERS† made &c. ORDERED that the inhab's. of Mowthropp shall have tyme given * This term is one of suggestive interest, and its occurrence in these Minutes more than justifies the insertion of a note. The Church-road or Church-way, mean- ing the way or road by which the dead are carried to the Church-yard (called leach- way in the West, lich-road in Cheshire [Pr. Pm. p. 303, n.], and church-road in Cleveland) has ever been, and is still in many districts looked upon with peculiar— indeed, superstitious-regard. Grimm, D. M. p. 796, says, "It was a popular belief that conveying the body by any unwonted way-i.e., by any other than by the Hell-road (hellwege)—was a sore scathe to the souls of the dead. And as to the idea involved in the term hellwege, at p. 761 he says, "From the fourth to the tenth century helle, halja, hella was simply the other or nether world (unterwelt), the realm of the dead (without any notion of penal torments). And still in some districts the word hell, among the people, maintains its ancient sense. For instance, in West- phalia there occur yet many ancient highways which bear the name of hellweg, which is much the same as high-road, but originally meant the road of the dead (todtenweg), the broad road along which the dead could be borne. The earliest noted occurrence of the word is in a Chronicle of the year 890, the phrase being, 'helvius, sive strata publica'" [See Clevel. Glossary, ii. p. 593]. The sense in the Minute is obviously equivalent to, if not the same as, that in high-street, as used in these Records, or public highway, and the interest originating in the coincidence is obvious. + The handwriting alters at this point, and the orthography alters more still, as will be freely observed wherever copy is given, instead of abstract, of any of the entries. THIRSKE, APRIL 17 AND 18, 1615. 91 them till Michaelmas Sessions to scour the water-sewer presented above. In re the dispute between the inhabts. of Scorton and Uckerby, and those of Grenebury, part of the Constablery of Scorton and Uckerby: Ordered, with mutual consent of the parties, that the matter be referred to Sir Raphe Lawson and Sir Tim. Hutton, who shall, after due exami- nation, decide what proportions of every laye hereafter assessed shall be paid by the several parties, their award to be certified to the Court at next Qr. Sessions to be holden at Richmond: and that in the meantime Fr. Wright, gent"., shall pay his proportion for Grenebury of all former rates according to the Order made at the last Richmond Sessions; a warrant &c to apprehend Rob. Niccolson and him take before Will. Mauliverer, Esq., to be bound &c to appear &c; another like for one Tho. Spofforth. [169.] As to the dispute between the inhabts. of Great and Little Habton, Ordered that a watch be kept in each town by the inhabts. there, and that when there is a Constable in the one towne he shall make a deputy in the other; that John Lowson, of Little Habton, pre- sented for not keeping the watch there, be discharged; that Chr. Ellis, Constable of Towlerton, having been very negligent, and behaved him- self in very contemptuous manner towardes Sir H. Franckland and Walt. Bethell, Esq., two &c, shall be bound to be of good behaviour and to appear &c; that a warrant &c to apprehend Henry Bussy, indicted for felony, and carry him to York Castle; a warrant &c to apprehend James Bossall and bring him &c to appear at next Ses- sions &c; a warrant &c to send Will. Agar to York Castle &c until he doe find two subsidy men to be bound with him for the good be- haviour and to appear &c : but afterwards, on further consideration and his humble suyte, he was discharged. [169] A warrant &c to take Geo. and John Husband and bring them &c to be bound &c to keep the peace &c and especially towards John Conyers of East Layton, gent".; Rich. Lockwood of Sowerby, gent"., Treas'. for L. S. for this Division, hath perfected his account, and is ready to pay over the balance of £30. 5 to Will. Awdbrough of Ellingthorpe, Esq., who is appointed Treas. for L. S. for the year following, is acquyted and discharged [And at Thirsk Ses- sions, 5 May, before Sir Henry Tanckard and Sir Rich. Vaughan he shewed an acquyttance for the said £30. 5 under the hand and seal of the said Will. Awdbrough, so that &c]; Ordered that Will. Awdbrough, Esq. shalbe Treasurer for this Division &c; Fr. Bulmer of Eureby (Yearby) in Cleveland, gent"., is likewise appointed Treas'. for the Hosp's. for this Division; Tho. Lumley of Warlaby, gent"., and Henry Davile of Kirkby Fleetham, are appointed sever- 92 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. ally Treas. for L. S. and the Hosp's., for the Division of Richmond- shire. [170.] Forasmuch as, by Certificate from the Lords of the Privy Council and letters from Sir Will. Wade, it appears that Tho. Steele, L. S., is of good service and desert, &c, he shall have a pension of £5 yearly, his first payment at Midsomer next, &c; Ordered also that Chr. Wyvell, who was bound at the Richmond Michaelmas Sessions for the appearance of Fr. Dobson at the Christmas Sessions next en- suing, and also for the payment of 5d. weekly to Elizth. Metcalf, and, being deaffe and infirme, did not rightly understand the conditions of his recogne. and so made default, though the weekely payment hath byne [sic] duly kept,-shall appear &c.; also that £30 shall be assessed and levied towards the re-edifieinge and newe buyldinge of Gromond bridge; £5 for the repayer of Normanby bridge; £5. 13. 4 for the repayer of Newsam bridge; and £20 for Healey Greene bridge; also that Rich. Sneaton, High Constable of Whitby Strande, and Tho. Ricardson of Egton be Surveyours for Gromond bridge. [170b.] Ordered that Tho. Rowth, High Const., and Rob. Butler of Snaynton be Surv's. for Healey-greene bridge; Tho. Clarke, H. C., and Will. Nesse of Hutton Magna for Newsam bridge; and Will. Hudson of Normanby and Walt. Cheeseman for Normanby bridge: Also, whereas it was Ordered at the Thirsk Easter Sessions that £30 should be levied &c for Ulsey bridge, which sum is found to be insuf- ficient, that £30 more shall be levied on that score, as likewise that Raphe Turner, H. C., and Henry Turner of Midleham, gent"., shall be Surveyors for the same; John Mudd of Akebargh-losse by fyer- shall have £4 paid him: Ordered also that Jane Walker of Hunton, spynster, for her offence of bastardy, shalbe whipped at Midlam in full markett tyme, and Rog. Whitey, Bayliff, is to see the execution thereof by the Constables of Midlam. [171.] A warrant &c to apprehend Tho. Cotes of Allerton and him bring &c to be bound to appear &c; whereas the High Constables of the N. R. have petitioned the Lord President of these North Partes, shewing that they are often put to great charges in collectinge and levyeinge of money for his Maties service, and have had no allowance for the same and praying for redress herein, whereupon it pleased his Lo: to commend the consideration thereof to the Justices of the N. R.-Ordered therefore that the H. Constables shall for the time to come have 12d. in the pound allowed them on all sums collected by them for his Maties Service. It was further Ordered that Geo. Brodbelt have copy of Indictment and a day &c. Next Sessions at Helmesley 11th July next, and also at Richmond, 14th July next. KINGSBY, APRIL 17, 1615. 93 Roll signed by— Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby. Sir Tho. Metcalfe. Sir Rich. Vaghan. Sir Arth. Dakins. Walter Bethell. Tho. Davile. Knts. Esquires. Rob. Hungate. Nich. Coniers. [171] SLINGSBY. Special Sessions at, 27th April, 1615. Before Rob. Briggs and Tho. Davile, Esquires. Will. Bellase[s], gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq. Tho. Clarke and Henry Cowpland, gent"., Chief Constables. PANNELL. Rob. Robson, Slingsby, Gent". Geo. Sunley, Nonnington, Yeom". John Hopperton, Hovingham, John Fox, Tho. Bickers, Slingsby, Rich. Temiswood, Marton Grene, Yeom". Rob. Robinson, Hole, Yeom". Yeom". "" "" "" John Fawcett,* Laur. Jackson, "" Tho. Woodcocke, Amonderby,,, Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moorside, Yeom". Hutton-in-le Lastingham, Chr. Meade, Lastingham, Yeom". Will. Grindall, Appleton, "" WHO PRESENT- Two Kirkby Moorside Alehouse-keepers for brewing &c. [172.] Three Bilsdale innkeepers, one from Slingsby, and one from Harom, for the like; Elizth Atkinson of Kirkby Moreside for receyving Alice Atkinson, apprentice unto Tho. Denton, Parson there, being put unto him by the Overseers and Churchwardens &c. * The name Fawcett is repeated: doubtless by oversight. 94 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. SNAINTON. Special Sessions at, for PICKERING-LIETH and WHITBY STRAND, 28 April, 1615. Before Tho. Posthumus Hoby and Rich. Etherington, Knts. Will. Bellase, gent.", Deputy for John Armitage, Esq. Bailiffs of the Liberties Rich. Cholmley, Knt,, for WHITBY STRAND. (Rich. Etherington, Knt., for PICKERING-LIETH. Tho. Rowth, Gent". "} for PICKERING-LIETH. "" for WHITBY STRAND. Chief Constables Robt. Hunter, Rich. Sneaton,,, PANNELL. Rob. Hunter, Thornton, Gent". Ralph Langdale, Snainton, Tho. Dowe, Newton super Rocliffe, Yeom". Tho. Balke, Ebberston, Yeom". "" John Storer, Thornton, "" 99 99 Math. Cooper, Wrelton, Yeom". Alex. Smithson, Cawthorne, Tho. Lainge, Caiton, Ralph Concett, Levisham, John Cockerell, Stoop-brow, Yeom". 99 "" Tho. Stainhouse, Whitby, Yeom". Geo. Hill, "" 99 Tho. Maulle, Scawby, Geo. Lucke, Seamer, John Parke, Pickering, Tho. Beswicke, Hutton Bushell, Yeom". Will. Moone, Kirkby Misperton, Yeom". [173.] WHO PRESENT— Two alehouse-keepers of Pickeringe, and one each from Cropton, Farmanby, Thornton and Seamer, for brewing &c. * A Wrelton talor for reteyninge one apprentice, he (the tailor) not being a housekeeper and under twenty-four years of age, and a man from Cropton for the like; a man from Lebberston and two from Yrton for selling ale at 6d. a gallon; an Ebberston man for using the trade of rough waller and slater without &c; and another for brewing &c. [173] A Cropton glover for reteyninge an apprentice &c (as above); Edw. Eldrington, and Peter Covell, Constables severally of Ugglebarby By the Statute 5 Eliz. c. 4, it is enacted that "every person, being an house- holder, and xxiiii yeeres old at the least, dwelling or inhabiting . . . in any city or towne corporate, and exercising any art, mystery or manuall occupation there. shall have and receive the sonne of any freeman, not occupying husbandry, nor being a labourer, inhabiting in such a city or towne, to serve and be bound as an apprentice &c." SUTTON, MAY 8, 1615. 95 } and Eskdaleside, for not punishing rogues and vagabonds &c [Per Rob. Hunter, Cap. Const.]; three men from Whitby, two from Eskdale- side, one each from Sneaton, Hauskarr and Stanscar [Stainsacre], and four from Ruswarpe, for brewing &c. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posthumus Hoby and Sir Rich. Ether ington. [174.] SUTTON in the FORRESTE of GALTRES. Special Sessions at, 8th May, 1615. Before Will. Bamburgh, Henry Franckland, Knts., Walt. Bethell and Robt. Hungate, Esquires. Will. Bellase, gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq. Chief Constables, Tho. Wate, gent"., and John Agar, gent". PANNELL. Seth Lazenby, Earswicke, Gent". Will. Dawson, Heworth, Will. Faceby, Huby, Yeom". Leon. Abbey, Newton, Yeom". Will. Heward, Stockton, "" Will. Mease, Lillinge, "" Fr. Dodgson, Alne, "" Chr. Day, Flaxton, "" Rob. Lucocke, Ganthropp, Will. Flesher,* Huby, "" Geo. Garnett, Skewsby, "" John Agar, Earswicke, "" Rob. Simpson, Sutton, Will. Cowlby, Bransby, "" Edw. Grime, Farlington, "" [174°.] WHO PRESENT John Ledham (or Leadham) of Newton upon Owze, for that he hath, att diverse and sundry times, bene earnest and very importunate in speaches to have the use of the body † of Elizth. Smith, wife of Tho. Smith of the same place, as appeareth by her examination on oath before Sir Henry Franckland, J.P. A woman and five men from Crake, and one from Sheriff Hutton, * This is a distinct name, and should not be confounded with or taken as a cor- ruption of Fletcher. The origin is in "FLESHER, FLESHOUR. The common designation of a butcher. 'James Ker, Deaken of the fleshirs' [A.D. 1583] It is reckoned an insult (in Scotland) to call a man a butcher. He is merely a flesher, i.e. a dealer in flesh, one who sells animal food." Jamieson, Scottish Dictionary. † A singular presentment and singularly worded. It is not apparent under what Statute the presentment is framed, or whether the terms employed have reference to those used in such statute. 96 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. for brewing, &c; and Elizth. Colly of Tollerton for refusing to lodge travailers for their monie, and for deniyng to do any service for the King, viz for keeping the watch, and sending away hue and cryes att the Constable's commaundement, having a sonne twenty yeares old or theiraboutes &c; [175.] and further, for selling ale above the rate of id. a quart, viz: for 8d. a gallon; eight Tollerton men for sell- ing ale at 6d. a gallon; a Stearsby man for brewing &c; and six men from Alne for selling ale at 6d. a gallon. [175] Another Alne man for refusing to lodge travilers &c, and for keeping unlawfull games viz: the Tables; a Stockton [on the Forest] man for selling ale &c, and for harbouring vagrants without the Con- stable's consent; another of the same place for selling ale &c, and one from Newton on Owze. ORDERS made &c. Whereas on Fryday last at the Sessions held here att Sutton before &c it was Ordered that Chr. Ellis, Constable of Towlerton, should be fined 20s. for not executing a warrant directed to him by &c for &c during a space of six months, it is this day further Ordered that an additional fine of 20s. be imposed for his "scoffing, scornfull and disdainfull speeches towardes the Courte and the censure of the Justices" occasioned by the former fine; and also that he be com- mitted to the Sheriff to be by him conveyed to Yorke Castle &c: And a Mittimus to be made &c. [176.] Ordered that Tho. Niccolson, Constable of Crake, be fined 20s. for refusing to appear at this Sessions, when warned to present the brewsters' names that sell ale in Craike &c; also Marm. Fewster of Easingwold, being warned to appear here to enquire for our Sove- reigne Lord the King* and making defalt &c, be fined 10s. ; that a man of Newton upon Owse be committed to the Sheriffe to be by him carried to Yorke Castle &c until such time as he enter bond &c to appear at the next General Sessions for the N. R., for obstinately refusing to give recognces. to appear at the next Sessions to answer &c concerninge the payment of monie to the poore assessed upon him &c.; that a warrant &c to attach John Ledam of Newton on Owse (See above, p.95) to bring &c to be bound to appear &c; and another warrant &c to the Constable of Stearsby to arreast An[n] Gothericke, widdow, and bring her &c to be bound to appear &c for brewing without license. Roll signed by Sir Henry Franckland, and Walt. Bethell and Rob. Hungate, Esquires. * Refusing to serve on the Jury. HELMESLEY, JULY 11, 1615. 97 [177.] HÉLMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, 11th July, 1615. Before Will. Eure, Tho. Posth. Hoby, Will. Bamburgh, Tho. Belassis, Rich. Vaghan, Henry Franck- land, Knts., Walt. Bethell, Tho. Davile, Rob. Hungate, Tho. Norcliffe and Nich. Coniers, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq. Marm. Bell, Eldmer,* PANNELL. Henry Lassells, Ganthropp, Gent". Will. Day, Jordan House, "" Fr. Tiplady, Leverton, Will. Dringe, Hawnby, Yeom". Will. Faceby, Hewby, "" Rob. Butler, Staingrave, "9 Peter Hopperton, Hovingham, Chr. Carlton, Thirlby, "" Gent". John Wightman, Ampleforth, Yeom". Geo. Sunley, Nonnington, Yeom". Rob. Merser, Rosdale, Tho. Williamson, Thirske, Will. Ripley, Dale-house Milne, Yeom". Will. Ducke, North Loftus, Yeom". Rob. Webster, Brotton, Geo. Sheppard, Helmesley, [177.] WHO PRESENT- 99 A certain wooden bridge † (pons lignificus), called Bense Bridge, over the Leaven in Stokesley parish on the road from Gisbrough to Thirske as in ruin, &c: repaired by the country; an Ampleforth man for building a cottage on the common there &c without laying to it &c. [178.] Two yeomen from Lockton (Rob. and Henry Pearson), and a labourer from Hartoft, for an assault &c on three persons, the depu- ties of Will. Hornby, Bailiff of Rydall, who had it in charge under a warrant from the High Sheriff to collect certain sums due to the King, the said three deputies having seized, under distraint in the execution of said warrant, two mares, three stotts and two whies, to the value of £11, rescuing the same &c. [The two yeomen surrender, submit to the Court and are fined, Rob. in the sum of £6. 13. 4 and Henry, £3. 6. 8.] [178.] A woman of Aldwarke for stealing two pounde of black and green wool, value 2s. [arraiat' &c per Joh. Agar, gent"., et socios * Doubtless Elmire in Topcliff parish. † Another direct specification of the material of which the bridge was made. As noted in the Introduction to Vol. I., wooden bridges, reckoned among the County bridges, were the reverse of unusual at this date. VOL. II. H 98 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. suos]; a man and his wife, late of Stokesley, as rogues and vagabonds &c: [arraiat' &c. and sentenced, the man to be branded on the shoulder with R]; Rich. Longbones of Beverley with Math. Grainger of Bird- forth, for stealing at Dalton ten yards of harden cloth, value 6s. 8d. [179.] Peter Wood of New Malton, being warned by Chr. Milnes, the deputy of the Constable there, for not only refusing to keep the watch enjoined but striking the said deputy and breaking his head; another Malton man for refusing to keep the watch &c; a tailor of Ampleforth, as also a lab'. and a widow of the same, for building cot- tages on the common there, contrary &c; and a Cuckwold man for brewing and selling ale &c, being forbidden to brew and sell ale by the Justices. [179] Rob. Cockerell of Stoup-brow for harbouring rogues &c; three Ingleby Grenehow men for bur[n]inge the common stockes upon May-day last at night. [To each of the three last minutes is appended the note, 'Per vered. Joh. Agar, gen', et soc. suorum (wr. suos) inter Const. tickettes.] Names of the Jurors empannelled &c. PANNELL. John Agar, Stockton, Will. Wasse, Easterside, Will. Yates, Banke, Rich. Johnson, Boltby, Tho. Scarfe, Hynderwell, Gent". " "" Will. Grindall, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moreside, Yeom". "9 "" Nich. Barker, Budley,* "" Will. Mead, Lastingham, Yeom". Edw. Mead, 99 John Niccolson, Wood Appleton, Gent". John Glover, Whitby, WHO PRESENT- Longbones and Grainger (see above) for a further felony in stealing at Carlton Miniott a woman's overbody,† value 8d., and a pare of sleeves, value 20d. [180.] That when Sir Will. Eure and the other Justices named above had tendered the oath ordained in a certain Statute passed in the third year of his present Matie. intituled an act for the better dis- covering and repressing of Popish Recusantes, and commonly called the Oath of Allegiance, to one Will. Turner of Rosdale, it was by him * Otherwise Bewdlam or Budelam,-now Beadlam, in the Parish of Helmsley. + Halliwell gives "OVER-BODIED. When a new upper part is put to an old gown. Lanc." Taking a suggestion hence, the over-body in this minute will mean what is now called the 'body' of the dress, or sometimes the bodice.' HELMESLEY, JULY II, 1615. 99 obstinately refused &c: Whereupon the said Turner was then placed at the bar before the said Justices [180b.] by the High Sheriff, and on being questioned by the Justices, pleaded guilty. Therefore it was considered by the said Justices that he be placed without the King's protection, and all his goods and chattels, lands and tenements be forfeited to the King, that Turner himself be committed to perpetual imprisonment according to the form of the Statute &c and Turner is committed to York Castle accordingly, quousque.* Names of the Jury impannelled to enquire between our Lord the King and Will. Turner, prisoner at bar. Will. Foster, Towlsby, Rob. Lieth, Lockton, Will. Wasse, Easterside, Nich. Barker, Bewdlam, Gent". " "" Rich. Johnson, Boltby, Walt. Cheseman, Normanby, Rob. Thompson, Stokesley, Tho. North, Butterwicke, Yeom". "" John Glover, Whitby, Yeom". Geo. Lockwood, Helmesley, John Atkinson, Carlton Miniott, Yeom". Rob. Anderson, Stokesley, Chr. Mead, Lastingham, Rich. Longbones and Math. Grainger presented a third time for stealing at Topcliffe one pair of linnen sheetes, value 12d., and two shirts, value 12d. * A somewhat fuller abstract than usual is given of this minute, as it is the first of the kind which has occurred; and it is perhaps desirable to give some extracts from the act on which the proceedings are founded. The said statute declares that "it shall be lawful for any Bishop in his diocesse, or any two Justices of the peace . . . to require any person of the age of eighteene yeares or above, being convict or indicted for any Recusancy, for not repairing to divine Service according to the Lawes of this Realme, or which shall not have received the Sacrament twice within the yeere then next past. . . . that being examined by them upon oath shall con- fesse, or not deny himselfe or herselfe to be a Recusant &c, to take the oath here- after following upon the holy Evangelists," and a record to be kept of every person taking such oath. "And be it further enacted that if any such person shall refuse to answer upon oath to such Bishop or Justices examining him or her, or to take the said oath duly tendered unto him or her by the said Bishop or Justices out of Sessions, that then the said Bishop or Justices shall and may commit the same person to the common gaole there to remain &c untill the next Assizes or General or Quarter Sessions to be holden &c, when the said Oath shalbe againe in the said open Assizes &c be required of the said person by the said Justices of Assize or of Peace present or the greater number of them: And if the sayd person or persons shall refuse to take the said oath, every person so refusing shall incurr the danger and penalty of Premunire," that is to say, "shall be put out of the King's protection, and their lands and tenements, goods and chattells forfeit to our Lord the King, and shall be attached in their bodies, and brought before &c." • H 2 100 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. : [181.] ORDERS made att the same Sessions, 14 July, 1615. ORDERED that a fine of 20s. be imposed on Rog. Smales, Constable of Whitby, for that being summoned to appear at this Sessions to pre- sent the names of such Recusantes and alehouse-keepers as remaine within his Constablery, he did not appear; and similar fines in the case of James Barker, Constable of Hauscarr and Stanscarre [excused]; of Nich. Pinckney, C. of Brotton [Stet usque Sess". post festum Epiph.]; the C. of East Rounckton [Stet &c]; of Rich. Gascoigne, C. of Ingleby cum Barwicke [excused]; of John Hoope, C. of Ormsby [excused]; of Tho. Haxby, C. of Skelton cum Rocliffe; of Leon. Heddon, C. of Welbury; and of the C. of Birdforth cum Huton.* Richard Cornforth, C. of Conistropp, for deliveringe an insufficient Bill, is fined 20s. Nevertheless if the said Rich. do appeare att the next Gen. Qu. Sessions and bring in a sufficient Bill under the Minister and Churchwardens handes, his fine is to be remitted. [1816] ORDERED that a warrant &c the inhabt. of Ingleby cum Barwicke to appear &c to shew cause why they did not send a Con- stable to this Sessions to make presentment, as he was commaunded to doe by the Baliffes of Langbaurgh; that Humphrey Warton, gent"., and Raph Smith, Baliffes of the Liberties [sic] of Biland shall nomi- nate a Constable for the said Libertie and shall appeare &c and bring the said person so nominated to be sworne. [Respited till the Epiph. Sess¹s.]; that a warrant &c to attach John Bowes and Oswold Win of Welbury &c and take them bound to appear &c to tender then and there an honest and able person to be sworne Constable of the said towne, and also to present all the popish Recusantes within their parish that have not come to the Church since the Midsomer Sessions in 1614. ns [182.] That Will. Moore, Constable of Terrington, shall have day given † till the next Sessions to bring in his Bills of presentment of all the popish Recusantes within &c, and the same touching the C. of Ganthropp; that £5 shall be assessed on the inhabts. of Butterwicke cum Newsam for default of a Constable, provided that if they do. bringe to the next Sessions a sufficient person to be sworne Constable and make a true presentment of the names of all the popish Recu- * These entries, like to which very many more will be found among the Orders made at the Sessions next after those now in hand, as well as the minute of proceed- ings in the case of Will. Turner, and the general tenor of several of the succeeding Orders, sufficiently indicate the inauguration of new and much more stringent measures against Recusants. + "DAY. Day; time. Takyn a day,' to take an appointed time." Hall. Compare Cæsar's "diem se ad deliberandum sumpturum," where the dies extends over several days. HELMESLEY, JULY 11, 1615. ΙΟΙ santes and brewsters within &c; also that a man of Filingdale shall pay 4d. weekly for a yeare towardes the releife of a base child sup- posed to be begotten by his sonne Richard &c: and if at the yeares end he shall not bring in his said sonne, he is to stand to and abide such further order as shalbe sett downe by two of the next Justices &c. [182.] Ordered that there shall be a Constable for the township of Southolme, the expense to be borne by the owners of the lordship according to their several proportions in the ownership, and if they cannot agree to chuse a Constable before the next Sessions, then the Bench to appoint one: and notice of this Order shalbe given to Tho. Bullocke, Fr. Moyser and Will. Weddell, owners of the said lordshipp ; that a warrant &c to apprehend a Rosedaleman &c to appear &c; that another man of the same place shall pay 8d. weekly to the mother of the bastard child begotten by him, till the next Sessions, at which he must appear to answere such matters &c. [183.] Rich. Trattles of Spires in the lordship of Spawnton-loss by fire-to have 40s. paid him; Westrop Lacock (See above, p. 83 and note) to pay 50s. into the hands of Tho. Woolfe of New Malton before Sept. 1 next, towards the releife of a base child &c, and Woolfe to free Lacocke from all future charge in the matter; Ordered that, as the inhabts. of Carleton Miniott have paid their fine for their decayed highways, the fines not estreated shalbe spared; that John Ledam of Newton super Ouse (See above, pp. 95, 96) shall enter bond for himself and one Tho. Smith in £40 unto Laur. Wells of the same with condition that they shall stand to the Order, doome and judgment of Tho. Driffeild of Easingwood, and Tho. Wate of Haxby, one of the High Const. of Bul- mer, arbitrators indifferently appointed to end all controversies between them; and if the said Arbitrators cannot agree, the umprage of the said busines to be referred to the Award &c of Walt. Bethell Esq.; and a similar Order that Wells enter into a like bond with Ledom, before the next Sessions. [183.] It being found on the information of Sir Will. Bamburgh that the £70 previously ordered for repair of Howsam bridge is insufficient, £10 more to be allowed; on similar information by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, the £30 allowed for the building of Gromond bridge, is insuf- ficient and the workman requires £20 more, the said £20 is allowed; also yet 40s. more to be allowed for the repaire of Normanby bridge, on the inform". of Tho. Davile Esq.; and on the inform". of Tho. Clarke, gent"., one of the High Const. for Rydall, £3 more to be allowed for Newsam bridge: Ordered that, whereas Chr. Farnaby late of Stokesley, who was indicted at this Sessions for an incorrigible rogue and burned on the left shoulder (See above, p. 98), after that io2 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. punishment, in his departure forth of the Court, he protested that he would be the death of him that was the cause of his punishment, and that he would sett the towne on fire where he was apprehended :- Ordered that a Mittimus &c to carry the said Farnaby to York Castle there to remaine without bale &c. [184] On the Petition of Christabell Snawball of Riton, widow, Rob. Brigges and Tho. Davile, Esquires, two &c, to take order that the Overseers of Riton shall releive hér as heretofore, paying up all arrears, and to examine if she ought otherwise to be releived, and by whom; and either to sett a finall Order in the busines, or to certifie the Court at the next Sessions in whose defalt they cannot end it; And if they finde that she ought to be releived otherwise then by the inhab's. of Riton, Ordered that the releife she now hath from the said inhabts. shall be no more allowed unto her. Next Sessions at Helmesley, 3rd Oct'. next. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, Sir Tho. Bellasis, Sir Rich. Vaghan, Knts; Tho. Davile, Rob. Hungate, Tho. Norcliffe, Nich. Coniers, Esquires. [186] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions (by adjournment) at, 14th July, 1615. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Coniers Darcy, Tho. Metcalfe, Tim. Hutton, Arthur Dakins, Henry Franckland, Knts., and Adam Midleham, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq. PANNELL. Arthur Bainbrigg, Coverham, | Steph. Metcalfe, Chauntry, Gent". Yeom". Edw. Wilkinson, Barton, Gent". Rich. Walker, Maunby, Yeom". Tho. Best, Hornby, " Fr. Smith, Exilby, "" Jas. Pratt, Askrigg, "" Geo. Mitchell,,, Peter Hanley, Ilkton, Yeom". Miles Smith, Leminge, John Spence, Walden, John Robinson, "" Rich. Pearson, Langthorne, "" "" John Wilson, Cathropp, 33 [185.] WHO PRESENT— Chas. Atkinson, Marm. Batmanson, and Ralph Atkinson, yeomen, and a laborer named North, for stealing two geese, value 1od. [Cha'. Atkinson indicted at Richmond Jan. 1612; tried on the present charge RICHMOND, JULY 14, 1615. 103 before Fr. Wright and his fellow Jurors and acquitted: Ralph Atkinson and North plead guilty]; a lab' from Barton Marie for stealing from a barn there two peckes of oates, value 1od. [Tried, convicted, and sentenced to be whipped.] [185.] Rich. Cuthbert of Northallerton for pulling up the mill-clowes* in the possession of Rob. Lambert (accompanied with a person un- known) with a piked staffe of thre yeardes longe, whereby the mil-stones were almost broken &c; Leon. Greathead of Melsonby for brewing &c, with two from Cawdwell, one from Laton, two from Gilling, one' each from Hartforth and Marske, five from Bowes, one each from Hegholme and Kirkby Hill, for the like. [186.] Five from Midleton for the like; the inhabt. of Barforth for not keeping the watch nor punishing rogues; Fr. Firbanck, Constable of Audburgh, for the like; the inhabts, of Dalton cum Gales, Cawdwell, Melsonby, Ravensworth, all for the like; the inhabts. of Bowes for not having wrought their common dayes woorkes &c, and those of Cawd- well, Hartforth, Rookby cum Eggelston, and Audbrough, for the like. [186] Will. Metcalfe, Constable of Askrigg, for not punishing vagabonds and rogues, and Will. Harrison, Tho. Dawson, and John Russell, Constables of Witton, Melmerby, and Burton in Bushopdale, for the like; Rich. Metcalfe, Tho. Rogers, Chr. Metcalfe, and Edm. Coates, Churchwardens of Askrigg, for suffering a markett to be kept in the Church-yearde there; Coverham bridge as being in great decay. Jury impanelled ad inquir.' inter D'num Regem et Car. Atkinson, and Joh. Hardy, pris' ad barrum. Fr. Wright, Grenbury, Gent". Math. Foxton, Brompton, Yeom". PANNELL. Tho. Welbury, Danby super Wiske, Yeom". Tho. Grainge, Hornby, Chr. Gill, Barton, Ycom". "; Will. Miles, "" "" Fr. Mansill, Newton, "" Rob. Wright, Melsonby, Arthur Linskell, Cawdwell, "" "" Brian Clarke, Fingall, Rich. Hill, Scruton, "" "" John Tucke, Nappey Scarr, The Jury present an alehouse-keeper of Kirkby Ravensworth for brewing ale to sell, but doth denie to sell it either in the house or forth of the house under 9d. a gallon; also another man of the same place, * "CLOW. A floodgate. North." Hall. "CLOWYS, waterschedynge. Sino- glocitorium." Pr. Pm. "A clowe or flodezate Singlocitorium, gurgustium.” Cath. Angl. "CLOUSE. A sluice. Anent the slayaris of smoltis in milndammis, Clousis, and be nettis, &c.' Act James IV., 1503, c. 197. 'Will. Lord Rothven gert summond the provest, bailyeis, and consale of Perth tuiching the watter passagis and clousis of thar millis, &c.' Act. Dom. Conc. A. 1493, p. 314." Jamieson. 104 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. and two from Whashton, for the like; a Carlton in Coverdale man, one from Horsehouse and two from Melmerby, for selling ale at 8d. a gallon. [Inter Constab. tickettes. Per veredict. Rad. Turner, gen., et socios suos, et per hom.] [187] ORDERS made &c. Forasmuch as Chr. Gatenby, Const. of Burneston, sommoned to appear &c and make presentments of such popish Recusantes and ale- house-keepers as remaine within &c made defalt, Ordered that he be fined 20s.; and also Chr. Raper, C. of Cathropp, Edw. Atkinson, of Gatenby, John Fall, of Theakston, Chr. Tennant, of Leminge, Tho. Whitlin, of Pickall, John Raper, of Sinderby, John Vepin, of Swainby, Geo. Power, of Ainderby, Tho. Branston, of Kirkby on the Moor, Raph Ward, of Wicliffe, Thorp and Girlington, Fr. Gilling, of Cawdwell cum membris, Rob. Pyburne, of Forcett cum membris [comparuit], Rich. Thwaits, of East Witton, and Fr. Scurrey, of Thornton Steward, all fined 20s., for the like. Ordered* also that there shalbe a Constable chosen for the Kinges service within ten daies upon paine of £5, and that there be certificate made of this election to the next Justice of Peace. [188.] Richard Trotter, Constable of Croft, being sommoned to appear &c is fyned 20s. ; and precisely similar entries as to Tho. Pitty, Constable of Bedall, Fr. Haw, of Massam, and John Coniers, of Cattericke. Fr. Powley, Clark, Minister of Hipswell, is fined, for the like, 20s. The parish of Hornby have time given them till next Sessions to make their bill of Recusantes perfect. Tho. Carnaby, Constable of Hackforth, Chr. John, of Kirkby Fletham, Rob. Dodd, of Hunton, Patterick Jeffe, of Newton cum Rus- wicke, Rich. Pibus, of Well, John Rowth, of Screwton, Chr. Hall, of Long Cowton, the Constable of Hutton Longvillers, are all fined, for the like, 20s. Chr. Rookby, Clark, minister there (Hutton Longvillers), is fined, for the like, 20s. The Constable of Bolton in Wensladale hath time given to make his bill for Recusantes perfect. Ordered that a warrant &c to attach two Middleham men and them bring &c to answer &c for their brewing without license. [188.] Ordered on the information of Sir Coniers Darcy that John Johnson of Langton Magna, plaisterer, having undertaken to repair the * The precise application of this Order is not evident. No place wanting a Con- stable is named, and the Constable of the last place specified is mentioned by name, and as fined moreover. RICHMOND, JULY 4, 1615. 105 north piller of Cattericke bridge for £130, and to enter bond in £260 for performance thereof, and for keeping the same in repair for seaven yeares, and then to hand it over in sufficient repare, that the said sum of £130 shalbe levied &c. A warrant &c to attach Edw. Grant, High Const. of Allertonshire, and bring him &c to enter bond &c to appear at next Sessions to make his accompt for whatever sums of money he has collected &c by vertue of his office. [189.] That a Bellerby man for disobedience to a warrant under Sir Arthur Dakins' hand be fined 6s. 8d. and bound to the good behaviour, or if he refuse be sent to Yorke Castle; that a warrant to attach John Hardy of Barton Cuthbert and bring him &c to be bound to keep the peace &c and especially towards Geo. Danby, &c; that whereas a Cattericke woman was bound in recognces. to appear at this Sessions, she be discharged of those recognces, and required to enter bond anew to appear at the next Sessions for Richmondshire and answer &c for the suspicion of stealling mutton, and in the mean time not to b[r]ew or sell or utter anie ale. [189.] Whereas James Cleasby of Cleasby, gent".,† was bound &c to appear att this Sessions, being disallowed to brew and keep an alehouse in respect of his wives Recusancy, and his owne disorderly cariage and behaviour Ordered, for certain reasons, that his recognces. be respited till the next Sessions for Richmondshire, and that a warrant &c to attach him and bring him &c to be bound to appear accordingly, &c. James Pratt of Cote, gent"., Surveyour for Yore bridge, has tendered his accompt for the same, which is perfected and allowed. Discharged accordingly. Respite of Rog. Fawcett's recognces, till next Sessions. Ordered that a warrant &c to attach Will. Dinsdale of Gale &c to be bound &c at next Sessions and show cause why he hath not perfected his bond of good behavionr. [190.] Two cases of loss by fire: £4 to be paid to the sufferer, in the one case, 13s. 4d. to the other, that of a widow; whereas Fr. Dobson of Newton and Chr. Wivell of the same, gent"., as his surety, * " BARTON is a township, parish and village, situated near Leeming Lane in Gilling East Wapentake. There were formerly two churches here, dedicated respectively to St. Mary and St. Cuthbert. At the rebuilding of the church in 1840, the two livings were united and the church dedicated to both saints." (Kelly's Directory to N. & E. Ridings.) The place here named is obviously the second of the two townships named. + This Order affords a passing glance at the social conditions of the time. A man described as generosus—a gentleman-keeping a low public-house, conducting him- self accordingly, and partly on that account and partly on account of his wife's Recusancy, in trouble with the Justices. 106 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. were bound &c for the appearance of the former at the last Christenmas Sessions at Richmond, and for the payment of 6d. weekly to the mother of Dobson's bastard child-Ordered that the recognes, be discharged, and Dobson forthwith to pay 6s. arrears due to the mother, and take the child off its mother's hands. [190b.] Ordered that a warrant &c to attach Tho. Atkinson of Leminge &c to appear &c and in the mean time to be of good behaviour, and to surcease from brewing; that a warrant &c against Henry Knaisdale of Leminge, Clerke, and Chr. Tennant, Constable of the same, to appear &c to answer for not making such presentments of Recusantes and alehouse-keepers as they ought and as they were com- maunded by the Baliffe of their wappentake. Next Sessions (by adjournment) at Richmond, 6th Oct*. next. Roll signed by Sir Arthur Dakins, Sir Timo. Hutton, Sir Hen Franckland, Knts., and Adam Midlam, Esq. [191.] HELMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, 3rd Oct. 1615. Before Will. Eure, Tho. Posth. Hoby, Will. Bamburgh, Rich. Vaghan, Henry Tanckred, Knts., Tho. Norcliffe and Will. Aldburghe, Esquires. Will. Henlake, gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq. FIRST PANNELL. Fr. Pinckney, Nether Silton, Tho. Thompson, Bulmer, Yeom". Gent". Rich. Best, Hutton on Darwent, Yeom". Pet. Barker, Harom, Tho. Faceby, Huby, Geo. Sheppard, Helmesley, >> "" Tho. Wilson, Nawton, "" "" "" Chr. Newton, Whitby, "" "" Tho. Trotter, Thirske, "" "" John Mountaine, Bagby, "" Geo. Warde, Westerdale, Yeom". Tho. Hart, North Loftus, Rog. Reveley, Farlington, Fr. Cooke, Eskdale-side, Tho. Barber, Farlington, WHO PRESENT- [191'.] WHO Ralph Ronetre of Stokesley, yeom"., and Egedius (Giles) Thompson of Gr. Browghton, whelewright, for breaking the park of one Magdalen Bruce, there dwelling, and hunting and chasing her deer with a gray- HELMESLEY, OCTOBER 3, 1615. 107 hound; Will. Orwaine of Osgodby for burglary, stealing two cheeses, value 6d, and a groat in money. [Pleaded guilty, and to be whipped at Helmesley.] [192.] A Gristropp woman for stealing there a peck of barlie, value 3d., a pecke of malt, value 3d., and halfe a pecke of rie; and another woman of the same place for instigating and abetting her to and in the said felony; Rob. Mennell of Thornaby, gent"., and two yeomen of Hilton, for breaking the park of Tho. Crathorne, Esq., of Crathorne and hunting his deer with greyhounds. [1926] A tailor of Staingrave, and divers other persons unknown, for playing att cardes, dice, and other unlawful games in time of Divine Service &c; three Gisbrough men all named Lincolne, as common. drunckards; a Gysbrough alehouse-keeper for harbouring vagrants and naughty persons; two other Gysbrough alehouse-keepers, one a widow, and the other a man, for keeping unlawfull games in their houses. [193.] Henry Fotherley of Gisbrough for brewing &c, his wife being a Recusant. Cuthbert Beale, Constable of Habton, for suffering rogues and vagrants to pass unpunished; a New Malton man for refusing to pay such sessmentes as he is rated to pay by the Sessors and inhabt. of the said place, and demaunded by the Constable there; the Church- wardens of Ampleforth for not paying the monie due for L. S., the poore in the Hospitalls, and the prisoners in Yorke Castle. [1930.] A Lastingham man for breaking the common pinfould there, and, being reproved by the inhab's., did in outragious manner say that he would do the like againe. ORDERS made &c. Memd. that Marg. Todd of Hovingham, wydowe, Will. Cotes of Ugthorpe, husbandman, Rog. Eston of Brotton, weaver, Rog. Harte of Skynnygrave and Will. Harrison of the same, fyshermen, have brought into Courte a certificate of their severall conformyties to the Church, and have obedyently and dutifully in open Courte taken the oath of alleagiance &c; a Gysbrough mason, indicted for an affraye made upon a female, submitted himself and is fined 3s. 4d.; a Gisbrough man, presented for a disorderly house and selling ale above the rate, is dis- charged without fyne, because the presentment is insufficient in lawe. [194.] Two Redcarre men, presented for keeping alehouses without license, are discharged upon their submissions without fine, by reason of their poverty: Edw. Snawden, John Thorpe, Tho. and Geo. Snawden, all of Wood Appleton, having confessed that they made a forcyble entrye and forcyblye took possession of Elizth. Snawden's house there, Ordered that they shall be bound to appear &c; also 108 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. that the two women implicated, the one as principal, the other accessory, in stealing corne [See above, p. 107] shalbe, the former of them well whipped in Hemsley, the latter sett in the stockes there for three howers. Forasmuch as it was Ordered at the last Sessions held here at Hemsley, that Fr. Moyser and Will. Weddle of Southolme should choose a Constable [See above, p. 101] before these Sessions, which they have not yet done-Ordered that a warrant &c to attach them and take securyty of them for their appearance &c to show cause why they have not obeyed the said Order. Next Sessions at Hemsley on Wednesday after Epiphany next. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, Sir Wm. Bamburgh, Sir Hen. Tanckred, Sir Rich. Vaghan, Knts., Tho. Norcliffe and Will. Aldburghe, Esquires. [194] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions (by adjournment) at, 6th Oct. 1615. Before Tho. Lascells, Fr. Bointon, Coniers Darcy, Arthur Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Will. Aldburgh and Adam Midleham, Esquires. Will. Henlake, gent"., Deputy for John Armitage, Esq. PANNELL. Rob. Lightfoote, Yeom". Miles Metcalfe, Cracall, Gent". John Metcalfe, Sowerby, Rich. "" Miles, North Cowton, Yeom". Cuthb. Anderson, Gale, Yeom". Melsonby, Geo. Jackson, Newton Morker, Yeom". Peter Pibus, Fletham, Yeom". Chas. Lonsdale, Bellerby, Rich. Dawson, Rookwith, Ralph Shaw, Newsam, "" John Wilson, Cathropp, "" "" Will. Denton, "" "" "" Arth. Linskell, Cawdwell, "" Tho. Edling, Melsonby, Rob. Smithson, Laton, 22 "" [195.] WHO PRESENT— Two men from Middleham for using the art &c of a blacksmith, not having &c; two Grinton men for playing cards &c. [195] Margery Atkinson of Grinton, for selling ale at 1od. a gallon; two Forcett men as usuall prophaners of the Sabaoth day by RICHMOND, OCTOBER 6, 1615. 109 bowlinge all the afternoone till night, and did not repaire to the Church to Eveninge prayer. ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that two men, one from Kirkby on the Moor, and the other from North Cowton, for disorder in their houses, be disqualified to keep alehouses; that James Cleasby of Cleasby [See above, p. 105] shall enter bond &c to appear &c and in the meane tyme shall not utter, sell or brewe, &c untill he find sufficient sureties &c and untill he soe doe he shall be commytted to the Sheriff, and after which Order was made he stole oute of the Court-therefore a warrant &c. [196.] The Treas*. for L. S. (Tho. Lomley, gent".) having disbursed more money than he has received or is due to him on that behalf, is to have any deficiency made good out of the money in the hands of the Treas. for the Hospitals; a warrant &c to attach a Smeaton man &c to appear &c and in the meantime &c; a like warrant in the case of a Manfield man; a former order of 2d. weekly for the relief of a poor woman to be paid by the inhabt. of Screwton having been made, which hath not byne paid unto her-Ordered that all arrears shalbe paid her by the Overseers, and that for the time to come the said Overseers shall pay her 4d. a week. [1960.] Ordered that, a poor man of Hauxwell being charged with the keepinge of a childe borne in Constable Burton, the said child be sent back thither; the Overseers of Leake to pay 6d. weekly to a poor man there and provyde him a sufficient lodging; a warrant &c to attach Will. Hutchinson, Math. Harrison and Cicylye Hutchinson, all of Reeth, and bring them &c to appear &c and answer for the takinge away of one Joane Sympson, a woman childe under eleven yeares of age, from Math. Owderson, her grandfather and lawfull tutor ;* request having been made by the inhab's. of West Appleton for enquiry into the rate after which they ought to be charged in levyes and other taxa- tions for his Maties service, and it having been shewn by the High Constables of Hang East that East and West Appleton are rated at £30 rent,† the Court ratyfyes and confirmes such rate or chardge, and, that is, £15 uppon the inhabt. of West Appleton. * In Middle English a guardian. Compare "Now I say that the heir as long as he is a child.... is under tutors and governors until the time appointed by his father." Gal. iv. 2. "For rigtful resone shulde rewle 30w alle, And kynde witte be wardeyne. 30wre welthe to kepe, And tutour of goure tresore." P. Plowman, Pass. I. 54-56. + "East and West Appleton form a joint township [in Catterick parish] . . . . the area is 1,583 acres of superior land; gross estimated rental, £2,917; rateable value, 110 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [197.] Ordered that a warrant &c to attach Chr. Scarlett, Rich. Cuth- bert and Edw. Temple of Northallerton and bring them &c to be bound to appear &c to answer for wilfully breakinge and spoylinge the milne-clowes of Rob. Lambert [See above, p. 103]; that a Howse of Correction shalbe erected within the N. R., which is thought fyttinge by this Court (for the tyme beinge) to be the howse called The Frieries in Richmond, for the which house Sir Tim. Hutton is to have the rent of £8 per annum; and this Order is to contynewe untill the next Sessions at Thirske; also that a Mittimus shalbe sent per Curiam to the Sheriff of Yorkshire to take John Hutchinson of Reeth [See above] to York Castle there to remain &c till he become bound &c to. present himself before Sir Tim. Hutton within ten dayes after his delyverie and with him bringe the bodie of Jane Sympson &c. Next Sessions for this Division at Richmond on Friday after the Epiphany. [198.] HELMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, 9th Jan. 161. Before Rich. Vaghan, John Gibson, Henry Tanckred, Knts., Tho. Davile, Will. Aldburgh and Nich. Coniers, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope, High Sheriff. Tho. Rowth, Aiton, Gent". Ralph Bell, Thirske, Tho. Trotter, "" FIRST PANNELL. "" Yeom". Rob. Younge, Busby, Yeom". Rich. Wate, Thornton, Will. Mawmond, "" 99 "" "" Will. Med, Lastingham, John Hall, Hutton, Fr. Hall, Worsall, Rob. Harrison, West Cotam,,, Pet. Waineman, Loftus, Tho. Grene, Tho. Eden, Easington, "" Rob. Thompson, Catton, "" "" John Dunning, Balke, "" "" [1986] WHO PRESENT— Geo. White, weaver (24 years of age), John, Rich. and Cuthbert Simpson, cordiners (25, 24, and 18), all of Egton and Recusants, Nich. Postgate, lab. (13), Edw. Concett, tailor (30), also of Egton, Rob. Simpson, cordiner, of Staithes (7 and upwards), and Rob. Harbutt £2,628." Kelly's Directory to the N. and E. Ridings. The population in 1881 was 104. HELMESLEY, JANUARY 9, 1615. III al. Cawdmer, lab'., of Goteland (7 and upwards) as players of enter- ludes, vagabonds &c; and Ralph Rookby, Esq., of Marske, for receiv- ing them in his dwelling-house, giving them bread and drink, and suf- fering them to escape unpunished, &c. [199.] Will. Stephenson of Wilton, gent"., for receiving the same persons in his dwelling-house, giving them &c. [1990.] A precisely similar entry touching John Wildon of Marton, Gent". [200.] Another like entry touching John Gower of Stainsby, Esq. [200] The like touching Will. Chater of Croft, Esq. [201.] The like touching Marm. Vincent of Smeton, Esq. [2016.] Also as to Tho. Best of Hornby, Gent". ; [202.] Rich. Lodge of Appleton on Wiske, yeoman; and [202.] Rich. Stringer of Lealam (Lealholm), yeoman.* [203.] A Pickering weaver for stealing 4 ewes there, value rod.t; an Egton lab¹. for stealing an ewe there, value 4d., the property of some man unknown; and a Thirske lab'. for stealing from a close there one rale and two stoops, value 4d. [203.] Fr. Knight of Northallerton, gent"., for not paying 18s. to the Treas'. for L. S.; an Egton woman for stealing a goose there, value 6d. ; an Egton weaver for stealing a sheep there, value 4d. [204.] A Lastingham butcher for using the trade not having been duly apprenticed; Will. Spavin of York, tailor, claiming to be a common informer, for receiving divers sums, varying from 1s. up to 9s. 6d, from seven different persons living at Thornton near Pickering, and making composition with them without authority. [Submits him- self, and is fined 10s.] [204] A Newton on Ouse lab'. for stealing from the house of one Tho. Watson there two pounds of line,‡ value 6d., &c. [Tried &c by *It would appear that these players of Interludes had been making a progress through the country, and had everywhere met with a hospitable reception. The Egton 'Plough-stotts,' no long time since, made like peregrinations, and met with a similar welcome. Dr. Young (Whitby, II. p. 880) gives a detailed notice of the Plough-stots and their performance, and at the close adds—“ Sometimes the sword- dance is performed differently; a kind of farce, in which songs are introduced, being acted along with the dance. Egton Bridge has long been the chief rendezvous for sword-dancers in this vicinity." + Sheep worth 24d. each seem to present an anomaly; but two of the closely suc- ceeding entries show there is no mistake. ‡ “LIN (pr. line). Flax; the plant (Linum usitatissimum)” Clevel. Glossary. In the text it is clearly flax as prepared for use, and the same sense is obtained from both the instances given by Halliwell (who explains the word by "Flax; linen”). "He never wered cloth of lyn” (Cursor Mundi, fol. 79). "Both pallis, clothes and bandekyn, And other of wolle and of lyn" (MS. Addit., 10,036, fol. 49), where the opposition of "wolle " and "lyn" makes the sense entirely clear. 112 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Rob. Butler and associated Jurymen: pleads not guilty]; a Sawdon lab'. for stealing a goose, value 2d. [Tried &c: pleads guilty. Sen- tenced to be whipped forthwith]; two Thirske lab's.-Math. Skales and John Whitehouse-for breaking into a kiln and stealing a mett of barley, value 8d., and three pecks of coals, value 3d. [Plead guilty]; and Simon Lion, lab'., of the same, for receiving and harbouring the aforesaid two after the felony; [205.] and the same two men for breaking into the Tythe barn at Thirske, and stealing thence three pecks of wheat, value 3d., with the same charge as before against Lion [who is to be whipped on either charge]. [205.] A third presentment of the same parties, the two principals for breaking into a house and stealing three pieces of bend-leather, value 8d., and Lion as before, who has a third sentence of whipping passed upon him; one Will. Harland having been arrested at Egton by Rob. Peacock, Constable there, and four yeomen of the same, on suspicion of felony, and being in their custody in the house of a Hacknes yeoman, and being suffered to escape through their negli- gence, they are presented for the same. [Each fined 1os.] [206.] Will. Lockwood, Constable of Crake, Giles Parker and John Overam, Churchwardens for this year 1615, for refusing to pay their money for L. S. and Hospitalls, for the quarter ending at Christmas last, being 4s. 4d.; also Will. Niccolson, late Constable there, and Tho. Crake and Rich. Grayson, Churchwardens for 1614, for the like as to the quarter ended at Michaelmas last; Rob. Spaunton of South- holme for digging of a pitt in a wath-stead, called Crooke-holme Wath, whereby men cannot passe, being an usuall waie from Holme to Malton; a Beaudlam man for brewing without license &c. [206.] SECOND PANNELL. Rob. Butler, Staingrave, Gent". Rob. Simpson, Sutton, Will. Dunning, Moorehouse,,, Yeom". John Hopperton, Hovingham, Will. Wasse, Easterside, Yeom". "" Will. Dringe, Hawnby, "" Anth. Rudsdale, Ampleforth, Rich. Allanson, Ampleforth, Yeom". Will. Burnett, Catton, Yeom". Yeom". Nich. Barker, Beaudlam, Yeom". Pet. Barker, Harom, "" John Robinson, Alne, "" Rich. Johnson, Boltby, Rich. Anderson, Aldwarke, "" John Wightman, Ampleforth,,, WHO PRESENT- Two Helmesley butchers for stealing an ewe there, worth 3s., of Henry Brabiner's. HELMESLEY, JANUARY 9, 1615. 113 [207.] A Sutton le Forrest lab'. for stealing a wether, value 4s., &c. [Pleads not guilty: arr. and tried by Tho. Rowth and his &c.]; a Dringhuses lab'. for stealing a capon, value rod., &c; a lab. of Aislaby,* parish of Midleton, for stealing at Wrelton a steer, value 20s., belonging to some one unknown. [Pleads not guilty: arr. &c, as above.] [207] A lab'. of Newgate-foote, Helmesley parish, for stealing an ewe there, worth 10d. [Pleads not guilty, &c]; a yeoman and a glover of Skewsby for stealing there an ewe, value 12s.,† &c. [208.] Rog. Lecke, als. Leckby, als. Letby, late of Stearsby, lab'., for stealing 255. in money from a cupboard in the house of one Tho. Gooddericke ; a milner of Aiton for stealing from a water-milne there a peck of malt, value 4d., and a pecke of bread-corne,‡ value 4d. [Pleads guilty ad val. 6d., and to be whipped in the nearest market town.] [208b.] Elizth. widow of the late Edm. Mennell, Esq., of Hawnby, for that she did contynue for many yeares togither in her husbandes life-time an obstinate Popish Recusant convicted, and hath bene pro- clamed accordingly, and since the death of her husband hath so persisted contemptuous in her Recusancy, and hath not made anie submission nor conformed her selfe according to the lawes &c. [209.] ORDINATUM est per Curiam ut sequitur. Forasmuch as uppon the certificat of Mr. Leake, Preacher of God's worde and Mynister of the parish of Lyth, and the testimony of Mr. Haslam, Steward to Lo. Sheffeild,§ yt doth manyfestly appeare that John Challoner of Myckleby is a person of a turbulent spirit, and a common mover and styrrer up of suytes and contentions amongest his neighboures—Ordered that he be bound to his good behaviour, and to appear &c; that the two parties in a case of bastardy stand to an Order sett downe by certain referees named as to the maintenance of the child; whereas Geo. Marshall was bound by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby to be of good behavyour towardes Rob. Robson, Constable of Whitby, Ordered that all suytes &c betwixt the two parties be referred to Sir * This is Aislaby near Pickering, there being another place so named near Whitby, and a third in the county of Durham, not far from Yarm. There is a fourth near Sleaford in Lincolnshire. + The discrepancy between the price of an ewe in this and in the preceding instances is so great as to lead to the suspicion that the scribe has inadvertently put s. instead of d. : especially as the very highest valuation of a sheep hitherto has not exceeded 6s.; and in that case it was a tup (or ram) so valued. + Wheat, as appears from the Latin word employed, "frumenti," as well as other- wise. § Edmund Lord Sheffield, of Butterwick, Lord President of the North; created Earl of Mulgrave, I Charles I. (ob. 1646). Graves' Hist. of Cleveland, p. 301. I 114 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Rich. Cholmley; a warrant &c against Edw. Bolbye of Hutton in le hole, to bring him &c. and to appear &c for using the trade of a butcher not having byne seaven yeares apprentice &c; that the reputed father of a base child (a Lockton man) shall take the said child and be responsible for its maintenance, without chardge to the parish, having allowed him by the mother of the said child 10s. yearly, to be paid unto him out of her wages at Martymas. * [209.] Ordered that the eight persons presented as players of enter- ludes (See above, p. 110), having submytted themselves to the mercy of the Courte, be each of them fined 10S. Whereas a former Order touching the assessment of Northholme was made that that township should be adjoyned and contrybute to and with the Constablery of Edstons in manner therein sett downe, but the Order has not been performed &c-Ordered now that, if the inhabt. of the said place shall hereafter refuse to pay such assesse- ments uppon demaund thereof, the Constables of Edstons be autho- rised to distreyne for the same. Ordered that the Overseers and Churchwardens of Kirkby Misperton provyde a convenyent lodging for Christabell Snawball and her children and sufficient mayntenaunce &c, which if they refuse to do, then it is further Ordered that they shall appear before the next Justice to shewe cause &c. An impotent poore man of Staithes to have 10s. allowed him for present relief. Next Sessions at Thirske, 10th April next. [211.] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions at, 12 Jan., 161. Before Fr. Bointon, Arth. Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., and Adam Midleham, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope, High Sheriff. PANNELL. Gent". Math. Pibus, Kirkby Fletham, Chr. Topham, Barton, Ralph Smith, Exilby, Ralph Shaw, Newsham, Ralph Johnson, Yeom". Geo. Danby, Barton, "" Yeom". "" Tho. Stephenson, Fencote, Yeom". "" Will. Buckle, Massam, "" Chr. Gill, Barton, "" Math. Foxton, Brunton John Flower, "" "" "" Chr. Wilkinson,,, Tho. Best, Hornby "" Rob. Miles, North Cowton, "" Tho. Grainge,,, "" * A somewhat remarkable arrangement, but quite consistent with other recorded instances of Justices' practice in similar cases. RICHMOND, JANUARY 12, 161. 115 [211.] WHO PRESENT- A Massam lab'. for stealing at Burrow-brigg a barrell of tarr, value 28s.; a Northallerton yeoman for an assault &c. [Submits &c, and is fined 40s.]; Tho. Wrather, Constable of Massam, for not executing a warrant directed to him by Sir Rich. Musgrave for the apprehension of a man charged with felony, when the said man was in his sight and might easily &c. [Submits &c, and is fined 6d.] [212.] Peter Pigg of Cowsterdale [Colsterdale], collier, for stealing three mattocks, value 8d., belonging to Chr. Danby, Esq.; the inhabts., of Rookwith cum Thirne for that the high-waie on the Moore is in decay, from Clifton Lane towards Richmond, and ought to be repayred by the said inhabts.; the inhabts. of Newton cum Ruswicke, for that the waie in a place there called the Oxe pasture is in decay from the East-gate towards Midleham, &c. [212.] The inhabt. of Snape for not keeping the watch, &c; and those of Massam, of Well, of Healey, of Fencotes, of Aiskew, and of Ellington, for the like. [213.] The inhabts. of Brompton Pattericke for that Moore Lane is in disrepair, &c; the occupiers (or tennantes) of Staney for not scouring a water-sewer called Ranker in Langton Parish; Rob. Wood, Robert and Marm. Cusson for fishing within the pond of Tho. Best of Hornby. [213] ORDERS made &c. Information given that John Turner of Whytwell in the Whynnes ys a man of loose and uncyvill behavyour, and a common shooter in a gonne, and hath of late stolne Lord Burghley's deare :-Ordered that a warrant &c to the Sheriff and all other officers &c, and especyally to Rich. Watson and four others, to apprehend the said Turner and him bring &c; John Hutchinson sturdily refusing to performe the Order sett downe at the last Sessions, whereby he was enjoyned to bringe Joane Sympson, taken away &c, (See above, p. 110), before Sir Tim. Hutton, a further Order now made that a Mittimus shall be directed to the Sheriff to carry the said Hutchinson to York Castle, there to remayne &c. [214] Whereas it was Ordered at last Sessions that Alice West of Screwton should have 4d. weekly, until now, by the inhab's. thereof, Ordered now that the same stand good till next Sessions; also that all persons in Cundall who have refused to pay such layes and sess- ments as were imposed on them, and a sessment made by John Palfry- man and seven others, and confirmed by this Courte, shall forthwith pay the same, or else a warrant &c to bring them &c; a warrant &c I 2 116 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. to answer to apprehend John Cade of Middleton Tyers, and him bring &c, and the same against Will. North of Great Smeaton; also a warrant &c to apprehend Will. Spenceley of Fremyngton, and him bring &c there for not repayringe of Grynton and Reeth bridges. [214] A Northallerton man fined 40s. for an assault and to be bound &c for good behaviour and to appear &c; a letter to be written to Will. Aldburgh, Esq. to call Rob. Standringe before him and take him bound to appear &c and shew cause why he has not repayred the north end of Burrow-bridge; the father of a base child to pay 6d. weekly to the mother for so long as she keeps the child, and that he shall take the said child from her and discharge the parish &c; Fr. Butterfeild of West Wytton makes oath that John Preston of the same made a previous assault on his (Butterfeild's) wyffe (she being with child) and beat her on the face and sydes, so that she was in great danger to be disburdened before her tyme, and did also threaten and beate Michaell, son to the said Butterfeild, and under 12 years of age :-Ordered that a warrant &c and him to carry before &c to be bound &c to appear &c. [215] A warrant &c against Ottivel Metcalfe, Constable of West Wytton, for not executing a warrant of Mr. Midlam's, for the appre- hending of John Preston &c. (See just above); that John Hodgson's wife Jane shall keepe the child appoynted to be kept by the parish of Constable Burton, and have 3d. weekly for keeping it, to be paid her by the inhabts. of the said parish; and yt is further ordred that all layes and assessmentes to be made within the said parish shalbe reason- ably and conscionably rated according to every man's ability in a due and orderly proportion; John Arondale, L.S. (See above, Vol. I. p. 210), to have £4 yearly allowed him, quousque; Margery Dobby (a poore lame woman) to have 4d. weekly allowed her and paid by the Overseers of Great Lanckton; also that another poor lame woman is to be sent to Midleham, where she was borne, there to be relieved &c. [215] Also that a Snape man-loss by fire-have 40s. allowed him &c. Next Sessions at Thirsk, 10th April next. HUTTON BUSHELL, APRIL 4, 1616. 117 SERIES A.-MINUTES AND ORDERS.-VOL. A³. [1.] HUTTON BUSHELL. Special Sessions at, 4th. April, 1616. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Knt., and Tho. Davile, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. FIRST PANNELL. Rob. Hunter, Jun., Thornton, Gent" • Geo. Smales, Thornton, Fr. Moore, Pickering, Tho. Foster, Midleton, Nich. Preistman, Aislaby, Marm. Wilson, Newton super Rocliffe, Yeom". Yeom". Will. Boyes, Goteland, Yeom". "" John Birkill, Kirkby Misperton, Yeom". "" "" Rob. Peckston, Little Bargh, Yeom". Will. Nendicke, Habton, Yeom". Edw. Marshall, Riton, "" "" "" Rog. Keddy, Farmanby, "" Rog. Marshall, Wrelton, Steph. Pennocke, Synnington,,, Tho. Emmerson, Cropton, John Tesh, Lockton, John Read, Levisham, [1ª.] WHO PRESENT— Fr. Moone, Constable of Pickeringe, for keeping an alehouse there and selling ale above 4d. the gallon in pottes not sealed,* contra formam Statuti &c; Rob. Parkinson of Pickering for selling ale in pottes † un- * By the Statute 11 Henry VII. c. 4, that "a weight and a measure according to the Standard of the Exchequer shall be sent into every City, Borough, &c, and that every City, Borough and Markett Towne shall make common weights according to them, and shall marke them, and that none shall buy or sell, but with weights and measures sealed, signed, printed, or marked by the Mayor, Baylife, or other head officer under the sign and print for the same, with a letter W crowned," &c. Other statutes fixing the weight or measure of an English Peny, an Ounce, Pound, Gallon, Bushell &c are found 12 Henry VII. c. 5, and the Statute intituled Assisa Panis et Cervisia, 51 Henry III., gives many minute particulars touching the matters which were to regulate the price of bread and ale. See Vol. I. p. 150 n. + Still a familiar word in the district for a mug. It is quite common, on occasion of an intended school-treat, for instance, to hear the children told to bring their pots 118 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. sealed above fowerpence the gallon, contra &c, and fourteen others of the same place, for the like. [2.] Seven others of the same place, for the like; Geo. Smales, Constable of Thornton, for keeping an alehouse and selling ale in scales * and pottes not sealed, above 4d. &c, and eight others of the same place for the like. [2] Two presentments from Thornton for brewing &c; a man of the same place for using to distemper himselfe with drinkinge; another for the like; a Farmanby man for selling ale in scales and pottes not sealed, above 4d. &c; four others for the like, one of them besides as having no stable, a second for "wanting stable and lodginge" both, and a third for brewing &c; and two other men of the same place for sitting drinking in the house of one of the five aforesaid. [3] A man for abusing himself with drinking, having gott too much ale; another for brewing &c; a third for selling ale in potts and cuppes + unsealed above the rate of 4d. &c; two more for the like, and the second for wanting stable-room; two others for brewing &c; an- other for drinking till he laid druncke at the townes end; a man from Lockton, three from Aislaby and one from Cropton for selling ale above the rate &c. [3] A Rosedale man for brewing &c; two Kirkby Misperton men, two from Synnington, three from Marton, two Riton persons, three Goteland men, and two from Wrelton for selling ale above &c, and another of the same place for brewing &c. [4.] A Wrelton man for entertayninge a female into his service with- out a tickett; and ten others from various places in the same neigh- bourhood, for the like. with them. The terms “quart-pot," "pot of beer," &c., are all survivals of this use of the word "Por, a vessel for cooking, or drinking from. This is one of the homely Celtic words." Skeat. * Probably the word we have here is one of very considerable interest. It is true Halliwell gives "SCALE. To weigh as in scales. A scal'd pottle, a pottle of the right measure," with the instance, 'Plague, not for a scal'd pottle of wine. The Honest Whore, i. I ;" but there is little doubt that the reference here is not to the inspection, by the proper authorities, twice each year, of all weights and measures (and necessarily the scales or balance also) prescribed by the Act quoted in the last note but one, but rather to the meaning of the word scale which is presented to us in the term bowl. Skeat gives this as the first meaning of Scale, and adds, "the plural of A. S, scale, sceála, is in Diplomatarium Ævi Saxonici," and collates Icel. skál, a bowl, Dan. `skaal, Swed. skůl, a bowl, cup, as well as Dutch schaal, Germ. schale, a cup or bowl. "Scales" in this Minute, then, is almost certainly used with the meaning bowl or drinking- cup. See next note. + The phrase here lends any confirmation that may be thought necessary to the view taken in the preceding note HUTTON BUSHELL, APRIL 4, 1616. 119 | [4.] A Lockton man for putting awaie a female servant before the end of her tearme; An Shaw, an Ellerburne widow, for entertayninge Edw. Lister, Rich. Hudson, with the rest of their company, to act a stage-play or enterlude in her house; a Pickering man for intertayning and sufferinge a wanderinge fellow to play trickes of legerdemaine or juggling in his honse, &c. Tho. Rowth, Aiton, John Smith, Lebberston, Mich. Carre, Caiton, SECOND PANNELL- Gent". Tho. Temple, Huton Bushell, Yeom". Will. Burge, Wickham, Peter Jerom, Brompton, Fr. Raine, Snainton, Rob. Walker, Ebberston, Alverius Yeom". "" "" "" Yeom". John Pennocke, Seamer, "" Arthur Hall, Yrton, Tho. Hall, Newby, "" Chr. Court, Burneston, "" Will. Bland, Cloughton, John Hopper, Aiton, Yeom". "" "" Rob. Dowson, Wilton, Yeom". Will. Yonger, "" "" Sampson, Allerston, [5.] WHO PRESENT An Yrton alehouse-keeper for not having his pottes and measures sealed &c; another from Scalby for selling ale at 6d. a gallon &c; two of Burneston and one of Cloughton for brewing &c; with three others of East Aiton, three from Huton Bushell, and one of Wickham, for selling ale at 6d. &c. [5] Six others from adjoining places for the like; two for brewing &c; three for selling ale at 6d., and five for charging 8d. a gallon; a servant of Sir Rich. Etherington's, being Dep. Baliffe of Pickering- lieth, for being a brewster. [6.] Five Seamer men for drincking in an alehouse there at unlawful times of the night; Edward Lister, weaver, and his son Roger, both of Allerston, Rich. Hudson and his sons Will. and Geo., with Chr. Hutchinson, all of Huton Bushell, and Rob. Skelton of Wilton, for goinge abroad wandering in the cuntry as common players, and for playing of Enterludes. [6] A Caiton woman for having two beddes for lodging of tra- * This is an unusual name. The connection may probably be with the "ancient Spanish Christian name Alvar, which, with its patronymic Alvarez, may be remote descendants of Latin Albus. Old Spanish genealogies have Albar or Alvar very early, and therewith ladies called Alvara, Alberia, or Elvira" (Yonge's Christian Names, i. 335). Miss Yonge gives this as a surmise only, and mentions other suppositions connected with the question, but on the whole appears to incline to the Latin origin. 120 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. * vellers, and sufficient meanes for meat, but no stable-roome nor horse- meat; a Newby man for having neither lodging nor stable-roome; one of Scalby for having one bedd, but neither stable-roome nor horse- meat, and a widow of West Aiton for the like. [7.] HUTON BUSHELL. Special Sessions at, for the Liberty of Whitby-Strand, 5 April, 1616. Before Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, Knt., and Tho. Davile, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. PANNELL. Rich. Sneaton, Ewcote, Will. Noble, Whitby, Gent". "" "" Tho. Shiminge, Henry Smales, Newholme, Yeom". "" Rich. Jackson, Ruswarp, Henry Robinson, Hauscarr, "" Ja". Harrison, Filingdale, Tho. Hill, Sneaton, Pet. Harrison, Suthward House, Yeom". Will. Archer, Normanby, Yeom". Pet. Huetson, Filing Raw, Leon. Huntrodes, Staixby, Gawin Noble, Cock-milne, John Glover, Whitby, "" "" John Cockerell, Stoopbrow, "" "" Rob. Barker, Dunsley, "" "" [7.] WHO PRESENT- Ja³. Willie al³. Grenebancke of Whitby for an assault &c on Will. Noble, yeom"., Overseer of the same, in the execution of his duty, and taking from him in the way of rescusse a pewter dish by him seized in virtue &c; two Whitby men for brewing &c. [8.] An Ugglebarby alehouse-keeper, two of Eskdale, two of East Row, one of Dunsley, one of Robinhood Bay,† ten of Filingdale, for selling ale at 6d. &c. [8] Twenty Whitby alehouse-keepers for the like. * The Preamble of the Statute I James, c. 9, runs thus :- "Whereas the ancient, true and principall use of Innes, Alehouses and Victualling houses was for the receit, reliefe and lodging of wayfaring people travelling from place to place &c."; and in accordance with the principle thus stated divers enactments were passed in different reigns having for their object the regulation of Inns and Alehouses, and, inter alia, authorising “Rulers, Constables or other officers of townes" to compel the reception and entertainment of bonâ fide travellers; and under such authority these present- ments (and others like on former pages) were made. + The first mention of this name is in MINISTER'S ACCOUNTS, 31-38 IIenry VIII., No. 179. The only probable theory of its origin would seem to lie in a known practice of story-tellers and legend-makers, of fitting places with legends, and legends on places. TIIRSKE, APRIL 10, 1616. 121 **** [9.] John Bearparke of Whitby for selling ale, who being servant unto Sir Rich. Cholmley, Knt., as his Baliffe, and wears his cloth; and three Sneaton alehouse-keepers for selling ale at 6d. a gallon. ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that Isabell Grainge of Ruswarp, widdow, John Smith and Tho. Gage of the same, shalbe sett in the stockes in Whitby towne on Sat. 13 April instant, and there shall sitt from eight of the clocke in the morninge untill five of the clocke in the afternoone, and that they shalbe brought by the Constable of Ruswarp unto Whitby, and there shalbe delivered by him to the Constables of Whitby to se execution done. [9.] Similar order in the case of a Cropton man to be set in the stocks at Pickering; and that two men, one from Cropton, the other from Farmanby, shalbe sent to the gaole for thre dayes, for brewing &c, and until they pay their severall fines of 20s. a pece before they be thence delivered &c. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, Knt., and Tho. Davile, Esq. [10.] THIRSKE. Qu. Sessions at, 10th April, 1616. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Rich. Musgrave, Rich. Vaghan, Henry Jenkins, Henry Tanckred, Henry Franckland, Knts., Walt. Bethel, Will. Aldburgh, Rich. Darley, Nich. Coniers, and Rog. Gregory, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. Tho. Fox, Marderby, FIRST PANNELL. Gent". Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moorside, Yeom". "" "" John Metcalfe, Sowerby under Whistoncliffe, Yeom". Chr. Bright, Sowerby, Will. Bransby, Thirske, Will. Metcalfe, Tilehouse, Henry Metcalf, Maunby on Swale, Yeom". Mich. Lieth, Morton on Swale, Yeom". Math. Pibus, Ainderby Steple, Yeom". Will. Wood, Bransdale, Edw. Hutchinson, Brompton, Yeom". Geo. Fothergill, Holme, Yeom". Ralph Bell, Thirske, "" Will. Browne, Raskall, Chr. Johnson, "" "" "" Yeom". * See note in Appendix at the close of the abstracts from the present vol, of Minutes and Orders. 122 QUARTER SESSIÓNS RECORDS. WHO PRESENT- Rich. Hudson of Huton Bushell, weaver, 49 years of age [pleads guilty, and sentenced to be whipped in the towne of Thirske], Will. Hudson, 12, Geo. Hudson, 11, Chr. Hutchinson of the same, 16, Edw. Lister of Allerston, weaver, 46, Roger Lister of the same, 7 and upwards, and Rob. Skelton of Wilton near Pickering, 7 and upwards, as players of Enterludes, vagabundes and sturdy beggars &c, and Will. West of Buttercrambe for harbouring them and supplying them with food &c. [11.] Precisely similar presentments of Will. Story of New Malton, yeom"., for entertaining and supplying food to the said seven persons; of [11] Ralph Bulmer of Hovingham, yeom"., [12.] of Jane Strang- waies of Gillinge, widow, of [12.] Thos. Barton of Whenby, Esq., of [13] Rich. Cholmley of Bransby, Esq., of [13.] Will. Slater of Easing- wold, yeom"., of [14.] Peter Langburne als. Nesse of Thirske, yeom"., of [14] Fr. Tebbe of Kirkby Wiske, yeom"., of [15.] Rich. Cape of Ainderby Steple, yeom"., of [15.] Mich. Martin of Thornton in le Moore, husb"., of [16.] Ralph Sadler of Burneston, yeom"., of [16º.] Fr. Turner of Midlam, yeom"., of [17.] Rich. Lodge of Massam, yeom"., of [17.] Mich. Todd of Bedall, yeom"., of [18.] Henry Ward of Bolton on Swale, yeom"., of [18.] John Welfoote of Audbrough, yeom"., of [19.] Tho. Rimer of Brompton near Allerton, yeom"., of [19.] Edw. Peighen of Osmotherley, yeom"., of [20.] Will. Thompson of Swainby ycom"., of [20.] John Wildon of Marton, gent". [pleads guilty at Guisborough 2 May 1616, and fined 10s.], of [21.] James Stubbs of Wilton in Langbargh, of [21.] Chr. Hobson of Skelton in Cleveland, yeom"., of [22.] Chr. Foord of Danby, yeom"., of [22b.] Fr. Tomlin of Egton Brigg, yeom". [pleads guilty and fined as above], of [23.] Will. Gascoign of Hutton Bushell, yeom"., of [23".] John Beanes of East Aiton, yeom"., all for entertaining and supplying food &c to the aforesaid Rich. Hudson and company. [24.] John Turner late of Bedall, lab'., for breaking the chase of the Rt. Honble. Lord Burghley, and, with a gun charged with powder and hale-shott, shooting a sorell* there, value 10s.; Chr. Tennant of Leminge, acting as Dep. Bailiff for Hang East Wapentake, for extorting as his fee 16d. from Will. Pibus, Constable of the said towne; the occupier of a messuage in Great Broughton, for permitting an inmate to dwell in a barn adjacent to the said tenement. * "SORELL. A young buck. Palsgrave. It is properly one in its third year." Halliwell. But note also, on the same authority, "SPAIE. A red deer in its third year. According to Harrison, the young male is called in its first yeere a calfe, in the second a broket, the third a spaic." THIRSKE, APRIL 10, 1616. 123 \ [24] John Kell and Alice wife of Chr. Roger, both of Whitby, for entering a mill of Sir Rich. Cholmley's at Whitby and stealing thence six peckes of malt, value 3s., &c; a Disforth lab'. for stealing a plough there, value Ios., &c; a wooden bridge in the vill of Thirske, called Barker Bridge, as in great ruin and decay, and ought to be repaired by the country. [25.] Peter Man, Constable of Tollerton, for that, when he had in his custody delivered to him by Sir Henry Franckland on a charge of felony, two men to be taken to York Castle, he negligently suffered them to escape. SECOND PANNELL- Rob. Ringrose, Amotherby, Gent". | John Preston, Witton, Yeom". Fr. Smith, Exilby, "" John Raper, Sinderby, "" Walter Cheseman, Normanby,,, Will. Henlake, Jun., Dunsforth, Henry Pibus, Brompton, Rich. Walker, Maunby on Swale, "" Yeom". Yeom". John Funtance, Tholthropp, Mich. Parvine, Morton, Yeom". Yeom". Tho. Bell, Tholthropp, Yeom". Rob. Lightfoote, Melsonby, John Haggett, Gilling, "" "" John Robinson, Waldon, "" Tho. Frost, Easingwold, "" [25] WHO PRESENT Certain wooden bridges, called Synnington Bridges, over the river Seaven, as in great ruin &c, and ought to be repaired by the country; John Thompson als. Mason of Raskall, butcher, for stealing five ewes, value 30s.; a Wentbrigg lab'. for stealing unam suellam, Angl. a libbed gilt,* value 11s. &c. [26.] A Sowerby webster for stealing two geese, value 4s., &c. [fined 12d.]; a Yarom yeom". for stealing twelve stone of hay, value 4s. &c; Rob. Wright, Constable of Melsonby, for non-appearance att a petty Sessions holden 2nd Jan., 1615, by the High Constable of Gilling *"GILT. A female pig of any age under maturity; when herself a mother she becomes a 'sow.' Sw. D. gyllta, a spayed sow; a young, half-grown sow-pig, which has not yet borne pigs, O. N. gilta, a sow, Dan. D. gylt, a young sow, the first time she goes with young, A. S. gilte, &c." [Cleveland Gloss.] "LIB. To castrate. 'To capon, to geld, to lib, to splaie.' Florio, p. 5. Item pro lybbyng porcorum • xd.' Whitby Abbey Disbursement Roll. Young, Hist. of Whitby, II. 924.” (Ib.) The verb to splay takes also the form to spay, and is in use in the sense of removing the generative parts from the female as well as from the male. Thus the expression a spayed bitch' is one of the earliest in my recollection as connected with an Essex myth, while Halliwell gives the form 'splayed bitch,' quoting a Lin- colnshire notion. The combination of terms in the text is curious, and reminds one of the term 'sow-gelder,' also a well-known one. 124 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. East, and again for the like, 2nd April, 1616; James Dent, Constable of Mickleton, for the like. [26] The Churchwardens of Eryholme for not paying their L. S. money; the Churchwardens of Barton Maries for the like; those of the Chappelry of West Laton, and those of Kirkby Ravensworth, for the like. [27.] ORDINATUM est &c. ORDERED that Fr. Smyth of Exilby, gent"., shalbe High Constable of Hallykeld instead of Tho. Sowerby, and that Tho. Lomley of War- laby, gent"., shalbe High Constable of Gilling East instead of Tho. Ward [both sworn accordingly, Sowerby and Ward being discharged]; further, that Geo. Chambers at his own suyte be discharged of the High Constableship of Burdforth, and Will. Kaye of Olstead, gent"., succeed him, repairing to Sir Rich. Vaughan to be sworn; also that Geo. Metcalf of Sowerby under Cotcliff be High Constable of Allerton- shire, vice Edw. Graunt, and James Wylson of Allerton, gent”., the other, vice Fr. Knight, both being sworn in open Court accordingly ; that a warrant &c to attach Fr. Knight and Edw. Graunt aforesaid and bring them before Sir Rich. Musgrave to be bound &c to appear at the next Sessions and yeild up their accompts &c; and that a similar warrant &c to attach Tho. Ward and Geo. Dobson, gent"., and bring them &c, as above. [27] That a warrant &c to all Bayliffes, Constables and other Officers to attach Geo. Dobson of Burniston &c to appear &c and answer for his contempt in refusing to obey a warrant from the Court &c. Forasmuch as in a case of assault with a crab-tree staffe (produced) by Leon. Dunninge on Pet. Hobson in the sight of Cha³. Dunninge, Hobson being charged with letters missive from the Council of the North to the said Leonard, recognces. were entered into at Helmesley Sessions, Jan. last, it is thought good that the said recogces. be estreated; and forasmuch as the said Leon. did strike both Hobson and Charles Dunninge, since the recognces. for good behaviour were taken, whereby he obtained a Supersedeas, the Court orders that the said Leon. shall find suerties for his good behaviour and to appear at the next Sessions &c; [28.] and if he refuse, to be committed to York Castle until &c: Now upon the humble submission of the said Leon. sonne of Geo. Dunninge, made unto his father upon his knees in open Court, and by him accepted, It is agreed before the Justices in Court by and betwene Geo. Dunninge thelder, John Dunninge, Tho. Dun- ninge Rich. Trewman, Rich. Phillip, Peter Hobson, and Geo. Dunninge the younger that all matters of dispute between them shall cease, being THIRSKE, APRIL 10, 1616. 125 referred to the arbitrament of Sir Henry Tanckard and Rog. Gregorie, Esq., the compromise to be completed before the Midsummer Sessions, the said parties to enter bond &c. That a warrant &c. to attach Geo. Talbott of Woodend, gent"., and him bring &c to answer for publishing a scandalous writinge, and there to abide such further Order as &c. [28.] That the inhabts. of Watlas ar to certifie at the next Rich- mond Sessions whether the highwaie be repayred on the Moore from Clifton Lane towardes Richmond, and on such certificate dis- charged &c; that an answere shalbe written to my Lord of Durham that the Surveyors for the N. R. will give meting att Crofte Bridge on Wednesday in Whitsun-week by 9 A.M., and thence to goe to Peirce Bridge, to view those two bridges; and that likewise a motion shalbe made to my Lord in the same letter that the same order may be taken for all the bridges over Tease betweene the Counties of Yorke and Durham [letter made, written and sent accordingly]; and further, that a letter be written to Sir Tim. Hutton and Humphrey Wharton, gent"., to give a metinge to certaine gent". appointed by my Lord of Durham for the survey of Crofte and Peirce Bridges &c as above; and also that Rob. Mountaine of Snape (who is appointed to be workman for the said bridges) shall attend the said gentlemen at the day and place &c. [29.] Ordered that Sir Will. Bamburgh, Sir Henry Jenkins, Sir Henry Franckland, and Walt. Bethell, Esq., and any other Justices who are so disposed, shall meet at York Minster, on the 16th Inst. at 9 A.M., and there compound with such as they shall think fitt for the rate of oxen to be sent forth of the N. R. for the provision of his Maties Houshold, so as the prises be made according to the rate allowed to Chr. Walton for the last fower yeares [Side-note: £3. 3. 4 for everie one.], and to give such gratuitie for the first year onely as in their discretions. shalbe thought fittinge. Whereas John Twentiman, his Maties Dep. Purveyour of Wax, hath brought down sundry commissions and letters from the Lords of the Grene Cloth for taking wax in the County of Yorke for his Maties pro- vision; and although the Justices assembled at this Sessions do finde that the said County was never charged with anie other purveyance for his Maties Houshold excepting oxen, which, as they conceive, were imposed upon the County in liew of all other purveyance; yet in respect that the said John Twentyman hath bene at much charges in presenting the said commissions-IT IS ORDERED, with the consent of the said John Twentyman, that he receive forth of the N. R. £33. 6. 8 for his travaile and charges, on condition that neither he nor his assignes [29.] shall at anie future time troble the cuntry in making 126 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. anie further demaund for anie wax for his Maties Houshold. In witness whereof the said Mr. Twentyman has set to his hand &c, the Justices having promised the said John Twentyman that if the West Riding shall give him anie further gratuitie for anie travaile which he shall hereafter take for the good and ease of the country, the N. R. shall yeild him the like gratuitie, according to their proportion used in such paymentes as are imposed upon the thre Ridinges of the County. It is this day ORDERED that no retayner or servant to anie Lord, Knight, Baronett, or Gentleman, or belonging to anie other person whatsoever, nor anie High Constable, or Baliff of any Wapentake or Libertie, Pariter or Somoner, shalbe licensed to keep an alehouse. Rog. Fawconbridge of South Ottrington, gent"., to succeed Will. Audbrough, Esq., and shall stand Thres'. for L. S. for the N. R. Devi- sion for the year 1616; Rob. Coltus of Upleathom, gent"., to succeed Fr. Bulmer, Thres'. for Hospitalls, for the same Devision; Rog. Robin- son of Hackforth to succeed Tho. Lomley, Thres". for L. S. for the Devision of Richmondshire, and Richard Best of Midleton, gent"., to succeed Henry Davile as Thres'. for the Hospitalls for the sarne Devision. [30.] It is agreed by the Justices, and, with the consent of Sir Rich. Vaghan, Sir Henry Tanckred, and Rog. Gregory, Esq., it is ORDERED that Sir Henry Belassis, Knt. and Baronett, Sir Tho. Belassis, Sir Rich. Vaghan, Sir Henry Tanckred, Rog. Gregory, Esq., and every of them, shall have full power and authoritie to treat and bargaine with the inhabt. of Thirske for the purchase of so much ground within that townshipp either in fee simple or fee farme as shalbe fitt to build a House of Correction upon; and that such of them as shall treat about the same shall certifie their proceedinges at the next Qu. Sessions. The next Sessions at Helmesley 9th July next. Roll Signed by— Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby Sir Henry Tanckredd Sir Richard Vaghan Sir Henry Franckland Walt. Bethell Will. Aldburgh Knts. Esquires. Nich. Coniers Rog. Gregory SUTTON IN LE FORREST, APRIL 22, 1616. 127 [30] SUTTON IN LE FORREST SUPER GALTRES. Special Sessions at, 22nd April 1616. Before Will. Bamburgh, Henry Franckland, Knts., Walter Bethell, Rich. Darley, and Will. Aldburgh, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. PANNELL. Rob. Browne, Sutton, Will. Bell, Raskall, Anth. Wright, Miton, Gent". Yeom". Rich. Smith, Newton on Ouse, Yeom". Will. Browne, Linton, Yeom". "" Tho. Faceby, Huby, "" Will. Hewitt, Stockton, "" Anth. Allanson,,, "" John Richardson, Holtby, "" Tho. Kitchin, Alne, Rich. Anderson, Audwarke, "" Fr. Power, Farlington, "" Rob. Fawdington, Tollerton,„, Tho. Nichols, Huton on Darwent, Yeom". Tho. Bell, Tholthropp, WHO PRESENT- A Raskall man for refusing to pay his sessment of 2d. weekly unto the children of Tho. Watson. [31.] John Todd of Hemsley, Will. Faceby of Stillington, and Tho. Kirk of Hewby, for that they have nott accompted for 30s. yearly, to be paid to the poore of Hewby, given by Rob. Thompson by his last will, yearly to be paid to the said John Todd; Jas. Sharp of Raskall for coming into the house of Cha. Talor, with a staffe in his hand, and threatened to strike him therewith, for setting the said James in the stockes when he misbehaved himself; Margt. daut. of Will. Fountaines of Alne, for being vagrant and out of service, and Grace Ward and Jane Dodshon als. Ward, both of the same, for the like; an Alne man and one from Skelton for not paying their sessment to the poor; Geo. Hall of Strensall for denying to pay his sessmentes to the poore of Farlington; a Towlerton (Tollerton) man for selling ale above 4d. &c; John Saunder and Rich. Lazenby, last year's Overseers of Stock- ton, for not gathering a laie in Sandburne which was due to the poor. [31.] ORDINATUM est &c. ORDERED that a warrant &c to attach a Stearesby widow, being a Rect., for brewing &c and to appear &c; another warrant to attach 128 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. a Raskall man &c to appear &c; that three persons named shalbe discharged out of proces by the Clarke of the Peace without fees, and that a fourth shalbe discharged out of the exigent by Supersedeas. Roll signed by Sir Henry Franckland, Knt., Walter Bethell and Rich. Darley, Esquires. [32.] WATH. Special Sessions, for the Wap. of Hang East, at, 28th April, 1616. Before Rich. Musgrave, Henry Franckland, Knts., Walter Bethell and Will. Aldburgh, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. PANNELL. John Dodsworth, Langthorne, | Henry Yeom". Tho. Thackwray, Exilby, Yeom”. Ralph Smith, "" "" John Wilson, Cathropp, John Tanfeild, "" John Rowth, Kir[k]linton, Edw. Killington, Melmerby Fr. Binsley, 39 39 Yeom". Thompson, Sinderby, John Gale, Screwton, Rob. Collison, Cracall, Chr. Hird, Hipswell, Chr. Walker, Colburne, Yeom", "" "" "" John Kenraw, Thornton Watlas, "" "" Yeom". Tho. Allan, Thirne, Yeom". WHO PRESENT- Two Fingall men and one of Bolton for harbouring vagrant rogues &c. [32] A Sinderby man, one of Cathropp, two of Thirne, one of Cracall, three of Thornton Watlas, for selling ale above 4d. &c; the last Watlas man for keeping Mr. Dodsworth's servantes att an unlawfull time of the night; a Thornbargh man for receivynge of a felon which was taken in his house; two Exilby men for selling ale above 4d. &c; and the Thornbargh man just presented for brewing &c. [33.] ORDINATUM est &c. ORDERED that the recogce. acknowledged by John Thompson of Massam, clothier, before Sir Arthur Dakins, 16th Nov. 1615, shalbe stayed by the Clarke of the Peace because the Court is satisfied . . . RICHMOND, APRIL 29, 1616. 129 that the peace was released and the parties agreed before the day of appearance; that a warrant &c to attach two persons for brewing &c to bring them &c to be bound &c to appear &c; that John Beckwith of Massam, being an ancient alehous- keeper there, shalbe allowed to be an inkeeper there and to be stayed forth of proces, &c; that a Mittimus be made per Curiam to convey five persons 、 specified, for brewing &c, to York Castle for thre dayes, and to remaine untill [33] they shall pay their severall fines of 20s. a pece for a fyne upon their contempt, and to enter bond &c not to brew or sell ale for thre years. Roll signed by Sir Rich. Musgrave Sir Henry Franckland S Knts., Walter Bethell Will. Aldbrough } Esqs. [34.] RICHMOND. Special Sessions at (for the Liberties of Gilling East and Gilling West), 29th April, 1616. Before Coniers Darcy and Arthur Dakins, Knts. Chr. Mitchell, Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. Chr. Smith, Moulton, Tho. Lomley, Warlaby, Rob. Cowlinge, Woodclose, Jas. Dent, Micleton, John Appleton, Newsam, Henry Kidd, Gillinge, PANNELL. Gent". Rob. Buttery, Ainderby Steple, Yeom". "" "" Yeom". Rich. Richardson, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". Thos. Johnson, Scorton, Yeom". "" John Pereth, Manfeild, "" Greg. Horne, Lartington, John Cowpland, Reeth, Anth. Hillary, Marricke, "" Will. Mease, Barton, "" "" Chr. Kirkby, Danby Wiske, "" "" WHO PRESENT- Two Croft alehouskeepers for selling ale above 4d. &c. [34] Two others of the same place for the like; ten from Kirkby Wiske and neighbouring places for brewing &c, and for selling ale above 4d. &c; a Yafforth man for refusing to sell ale forth of his house when it was required; four Scorton men for selling ale above 4d. &c. [35.] Thirteen persons from Cowton, Barton Cuthbert, Newton Morrell and Middleton Tias for brewing &c, and for selling ale above 4d. &c; four from Bolton and Manfeild for selling ale above 4d., and Percivell Cuthbertson of Manfeild, a Rect., for brewing &c. [35] Eight persons of Newsam, Hackforth, Gunerside, the Strete VOL. II. K 130 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. house neare Jack-dike in East Laton, Romerchurch and Micleton for brewing &c; three Gilling persons for selling ale in cannes unsealed, above 4d. &c; five Arkengarthdale men for selling ale above 8d. &c, and four others of the same place for often abusing themselves by drunckenes. [36.] Eighteen alehouskeepers of Cotherstone, East Laton, Aud- brough, Barforth, Eppleby, Forcett and Cawdwell, for selling ale above 4d. &c. [36] Eight persons of Heghholme, Cawdwell, Scargill, Greta Brigg, the Bowes, and Easthope, for brewing &c, and one Jane Atkinson of Greta Brigg for the same during the space of thirty years last past. Roll signed by Sir Coniers Darcy and Sir Arthur Dakins, Knts. [37.] ORDINATUM est &c. ORDERED that a Warrant &c to Rich. Webster, Constable of Ellerton and Bolton, to apprehend Tho. Newton, Deputy Constable of Bolton, with two other men of the same place, for suffering the escape of a felon, in their custody under a warrant from Sir Tim. Hutton to be by them conveyed to Yorke Castle &c, to take them &c; also that all the Petty Constables within the Wapentakes of Gilling East and West that have made defalt in presenting the names of all the alehouses of their severall constableries shalbe fyned 5s. a pece for their negli- gence. Roll signed by Sir Coniers Darcy and Sir Arthur Dakins, Knts. [38.] GISBROUGH. Special Sessions (for the Liberty of Langbargh) at, 2nd May, 1616. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Knt., Henry Franckland and Marm. Con- stable, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. FIRST PANNELL.* John Coniers, Marton, Gent". Tho. Hall, Aiton, "" Fr. Welbury, Kirkleathom, Yeom". Will. Webster, Brotton, "" Will. Thompson, Marske, Yeom". John Craw, Uplethom, "" Tho. Harrison, Broughton, Tho. Simpson, Marske, "" "" Mich. Jackson, Linthropp, Rob. Younge, Busby, John Thompson, Marske, Rob. Stoope, "" "" "" "" John Stoope, "" "" Will. Harrison, Kirkleathom, Chr. Bardon, Stainton, Ralph Greneside, Broughton,,, "" Written so but no other Pannell is recorded. GISBROUGH, MAY 2, 1616. 131 [38b.] WHO PRESENT— Anth. Dixon of Gisbrough, cordiner, as a common barrator, &c [Submits himself and is fined 12d., besides paying 35. to one Cuthbert Ingledew]; an Ugthorpe man, a convicted Popish Recusant, for brew- ing &c; a Gisbrough alehouskeeper for making a feast upon a Sabaoth day; and an Egton man for making a drinking upon the Sabaoth. [39] An Eston alehouskeeper, one (a widow) of Normanby, three of Marske, eleven of Redcarr, and three of Brotton, for selling ale above 4d. &c. [39] A fourth Brotton alehouskeeper (a widow), one of Kilton, three of Loftus, one of Skiningrave, one of Leverton (Ann Petch, widow), and another of the same, two of Skelton, one of Easington, one of Rowsby (Roxby), one of South Loftus, one of East Cotam, and two of Ellerby, for the like. [40.] Nine of Egton, two of Hinderwell, and eight of Staithes, for the like. [40°.] Four others of Staithes, five of Runswick, six of Danby, and one of Wilton, for the like. [41.] Fifteen of Gisbrough, and two of Kir[k]leathom for the like; and every Petty Constable within the East part of the Libertie of Langbargh for not punishing rogues and vagrantes according to the forme of the Statute therein provided, &c. [41.] A Normanby man, one of Redcarre, one of Kirkleathom, and a Loftus widow, for brewing &c; two Kirkleathom men as insufficient to be alehouskeepers, having no beddes nor stable-roome for travailers; one of Earby, three of East Cotam, one of Loftus, two of Wilton, one of Leverton, one of Moresam, and one of Easington, for the like. [42.] Nine Skelton persons, one of Egton, and eight of Staithes, for the like. [42b.] Three of Danby, one of Lakenby, and nine of Gisbrough, for the like; and an East Cotam man for selling London Beere* for 2d. a quart, contrary, &c. [43.] A Brotton man, and three persons of Skynningrave, all Recu- sants, for brewing &c; a widow of Kilton, two Egton men, and one of Tockettes, for selling ale above 4d. &c. [Huc usque for the East part of Langbargh.] This is probably the original of "London Porter." At what precise date London Porter, so called, began to be brewed seems to be uncertain, but the varying tales or myths concerning the origin of the name seem to show that the period was a remote one. Supposing the suggestion is a reasonable one, this entry is of interest as tending to give some sort of definite date to the existence, if not to the origin, of the drink since called London Porter, and since that again London Entire or Stout. K 2 132 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [43] Twenty alehouskeepers and others of Yarom for brewing ale to sell above the rate of 4d. the gallon. [44] Seven others of Yarom, one of Pickton, two of Crathorne, one of Scarthwood, one of Fowgill, three of Swainby, one of Maltby, and one of Thornton, for the like. [44°.] Two Thornaby alehouskeepers, one of Hilton, two of Midleton, three of Seamer, and nine of Stokesley, for the like. [45.] Three others of Stokesley, one of East Rounckton, one of Faceby, two of Carlton, two of Hutton Rudby, two of Pottoe, one of Midlesbrough, two of Acklam, one of Kirkby juxta Dromanby, and one of Little Aiton, for the like. [45] Five of Great Aiton, two of Ingleby Grenehow, one of Battersby, one of Kildale, one of Ingleby Arncliffe, three of Kirk- levington, one of Appleton on Wiske, and two of Great Broughton, for the like. [46.] A Crathorne man as insufficient to be an alehouskeeper, having no beddes &c; four of Yarom, three of Whorlton cum Swainby, one of Stainton, one of Thornaby, one of Leaven-brigg, one of Midleton, five of Stokesley, and one of Carlton, for the like. [46°.] Three of Huton Rudby, one of Pottoe, two of Airsom, one of Busby, one of Marton, one of Nunthropp, one of Ingleby Grenehow, one of Easby, one of Ingleby Arncliffe, one of Newby, two of Kirk- levington, and one of Appleton on Wiske, for the like. [47] A Yarom man for brewing without &c; one from Hilton, one from Kildale, and one from Great Broughton, for the like; two Kirk- levington men for brewing one bushell of malt in ale to sell without license; a Marton widow for making a banquett upon the Sabaoth day, and a man of the same for the like; the latter of these last and another of the same place for suffering disorder in his house by drinkinge; and a Great Broughton man for making a banquett for football players on. the Sabaoth. [47.] An Ingleby Grenehow man, one from Battersby, and one from Hutton Rudby, for the like; a Stokesley man for brewing &c; and every Petty Constable within the West part of the Liberty of Langbargh for not punishing rogues and vagrants &c. ORDINATUM est &c. ORDERED that Math. Dickinson, Constable of Egton, for not execut- ing a warrant from Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, J.P. for the apprehension of Edw. Simpson of the same and Kath. his wife, Rects., and bringing them to this Sessns., be fyned £5; but yet so that if the said Math. bring them before some Justice to be bound to appear at the next Qu. Sessions, and not to keep an alehouse in the mean time, upon their CUCKWOLD, MAY 8, 1616. 133 appearance the fine to be remitted; that a warrant &c to apprehend the said Simpson and his wife, and also Tho. Whitfeild sonne of Margery, Rects, and bring them &c to be bound to appear &c and in the mean time the said Edw. Simpson to be discharged from brewing ale to sell; in re a complaint by the inhabts. of Gt. Broughton concerning the Con- stable, ORDERED that there shall be one Constable sworne for Broughtons ambo that shall do his Maties Service, and execute all precepts, and attend the Sessions when [48.] his Maties Service &c, and that the said Constable shalbe chosen at Michaelmas, and that the occupiers of the lands lately belonging to St. John's att Jerusalem* shall find Constable and Churchwarden according to the proportion of their land. Elizth. wife of Tho. Simpson of Brotton, a convicted Rect., came this day into Court, and in open Sessions did take the oath of Alleageance, &c. Forasmuch as divers Rects. in Hang East Wape. do comonly brew and sell ale without license, ORDERED that several warrants shalbe made &c to attach all the said parties and carry them &c to be bound &c at the Qu. Sessions at Helmesley &c. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, Knt., Marm. Constable and Nich. Coniers, Esquires. [49.] CUCKWOLD. Special Sessions at, 8th May, 1616. Before Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Rich. Vaghan, Henry Tanckred, Knts., and Rog. Gregory, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. PANNELL. Henry Smith, Thirske, Gent". "" Tho. Jackson, Edm. Stephenson, Topliffe, Pet. Stephenson, Tho. Hornby, Bagby, John Yates, Thircleby, Yeom". Ottivell Smith, Welbury, Yeom". Will. Lieth, Ampleforth, Will. Browne, Carlton Miniott, Yeom". Yeom". "" "" "" "" Tho. Trowsdale, Over Silton, "" 99 Will. Barker, "" "" Rich. Scott, Biland, Yeom". Geo. Arnett, Sowerby, "" Will. Raper, Catton, "" Ralph Errington,,, Rob. Browne, Yearsley, "" John Davison, Skipton, "" John Steadman, Cuckwold, * The fact involved here is one which has not been noted in any local history or Gazetteer. Neither Graves nor Ord appear to have been aware that the Preceptory named had any property, and especially to the extent this Order seems to infer, within the parish of Kirkby in Cleveland or its township Broughton. 134 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [49] WHO PRESENT— A man of Thirske, one of Sowerby, three of Car[1]ton Miniott, three of Welbury, two of Topliffe, and one of Skipton, for brewing to sell &c. [50.] Seventeen alehouskeepers of Thirske for selling ale above 4d. &c. [50] Twenty others of the same place for the like. [51.] Four of Sowerby, three of Bagby, two of Skipton, four of Carlton Miniott, one of Cuckwold, two of Biland, and four of Welbury, for the like. [51] Eleven of Topliffe, two of Kepwicke, two of Yearsley, and one of Catton, for the like. [52.] Four of [illegible], and two of East Harlsey, for the like. Roll signed by Sir Rich. Vaghan, Knt., and Rog. Gregory, Esq. [52] NORTHALLERTON. Special Sessions at, 1 May, 1616. Before Rich. Vaghan, Tim. Hutton, Henry Tanckred, Knts., and Will. Mauleverer, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. PANNELL. Geo. Wilson, Northallerton, Gent". John Metcalfe, Sowerby, "" Will. Flower, Northallerton, Yeom". Lancelot Danby, Northallerton, Yeom". Tho. Marshall, Northallerton, Yeom". Tho. Robinson, Northallerton, Yeom". John Clarke, Dighton, Yeom". Ja. Hirdman, West Rounckton, Yeom". Will. Hopps, West Rounckton, Yeom". 22 Edw. Dunnynge, Sigston, Yeom". Jas. Lanchester, Lanmouth, Edw. Stockdale, Girsby, John Simpson, Dinsdale, "" "" John Hackforth, Huton Bonvile, Yeom". Geo. Brodebelt, Thornton Beanes, Yeom". Tho. Kay, West Harlsey, Yeom". Tho. Flower, Brompton, "" [53.] WHO PRESENT— Two Northallerton persons, one of Knaton, and two of Thornton Beanes, for brewing &c; a Northallerton widow and four others of the HELMESLEY, JULY 9, 1616. 135 same for harbouring rogues and suspicious persons; and a Lanmouth man for selling ale after the rate of nynepence the gallon, &c. [53] A Thirske man, one of Borrowby, one of Allerton, and one of Kirkby Knoll for selling bread contrary to the assise, &c; Rob. Binckes, one of the Overseers of Sigston for 1614, for refusing to pay 225., being in his hands and part of the stock of the poore of the same parish; five Northallerton persons for harbouring of roagues and suspicious persons. [54.] ORDERS made &c. Forasmuch as Tho. Appleby hath in open Court made affidavit that he heard Chr. Lazenby of Whit[well in the] Whinnes (a man of very disso- lute behaviour) utter and speake many raling and opprobrious speaches against Will. Mauleverer Esq., an ancient and renownd Justice of Peace within the N. R., that is to saie, that he, the said Will. Mauleverer, is a knave and a badd Justice of Peace, with manie other vile scandalous and leaud speaches against the said Mr. Mauleverer, which is not thought fytting by this Court to be tollerated and suffered without some [illegible] punishment and reproofe in a man of so leaud condition as the said Lazenby is; And also the Court is informed by credible report that he useth daly to ride swaggeringe up and downe the cuntry with a pistoll charged att his girdle and a long staffe, and two or thre swaggeringe companions (like unto himselfe) in his companie with gunnes charged, to the terror of his Maties subjectes and ill example of others: Therefore it is ORDERED that a warrant &c to attach the said Chr. Lazenby and him to bring &c to be bound &c to appear at the next Assizes or generall gaole delivery &c, to answere &c. [54] That two Northallerton persons be discharged of the proces for brewing &c. Roll signed by Sir Rich. Vaghan and Sir Henry Tanckred, Knts. [55.] HELMESLEY, Qu. Sessions at, 9th July, 1616. Before Henry Belassis, Knt. and Bart., Tho. Post. Hoby, Tho. Belassis, Rich. Vaghan, Knts., Walt. Bethell, Tho. Davile, Rich. Darley, Marm. Constable, Will. Aldburgh, Nich. Coniers and Roger Gregory, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. 136 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. FIRST PANNELL. Rich. Ridley, Stokesley, Phil. Craven, Frerehill, Tho. North, Butterwicke, Mich. Trattle, Rosedale, Rob. Mercer, Rob. Webster, Brotton, Gent". Yeom". John Dodshon, Catton, Will. Burnett, Yeom". "" Rob. Thompson, "" " Tho. Trattle, Rosedale, "" 99 "" "" "" "" Fr. Metcalfe, Thornton in le Moore, Yeom". Mich. Martin, Thornton in le Moore, Yeom". John Robinson, Huton in le Hole, Yeom". Nich. Barker, Beaudlam, Yeom". Peter Barker,. Wombleton, Tho. Wilson, Nawton, "" Marm. Wilson, Whitby, "> [55] WHO PRESENT— Rich. Levens of Great Aiton, yeom"., for harbouring Rich. Hudson of Huton Bushell, weaver, &c (as above, p. 122) common players of Interludes &c, and supplying them &c. [56.] Ralph Stubbs of Marske, yeom". ; [56.] Cuthb. Thompson of (illegible); [57.] Rog. Fawconbridge of South Ottrington, gent".; [57] John Garbutt of . . . . yeom".; all for the like in respect of the same players. [58.] A Midleton on Leaven man for an assault &c on a watchman of the same town; a West Girrick (parish of Skelton) man for stopping a foot-path in East Girrick in a certain close called Folde leading to Gisbrough, being a King's highway &c; two laborers, one from Bootham in York and one from Alne, for an assault on an Alne gent". former fined £10, to be paid at the next Sessions.] [The [58] Three men (condition and residence illegible *) for a riotous affray at Spiers; an Aiton man for exercising the art or mystery of marcery &c, not having been apprenticed. [59.] A yeoman of Skelton for a trespass of battery &c on a certain man of the same; a Midleton on Leaven lab'., and a widow of the same, for stealing a lamb, value 3s., &c; the same man for stealing a wether lamb (agnum vervicem), value 6d., &c, and the aforesaid widow as an accessory to the felony. [59] A Swinton butcher for stealing two calves, value 13s. 4d. &c; a Thirske yeom"., for carrying a loaded gun, shooting at doves, and * This Volume of the Minutes and Orders is grievously damaged, apparently by the action of some fluid, which has led to the utter decay and destruction of many pages, and the damage of not a few others to such an extent that in many cases the writing is obliterated even where the substance of the paper is not reduced to a con- dition approaching that of tinder. As will be seen in the sequel, almost nothing of the entries for 1617 and 1618 remains to be deciphered, the greater part having as completely disappeared as if the book had been exposed to the action of fire rather than of water (or other fluid). HELMESLEY, JULY 9, 1616. 137 killing one of them, &c.; a Flawith lab'., for uttering opprobrious, presumptuous and disgraceful (ignominiosa) words, viz., “I (meaning himself: seipsum innuendo) care not for the Constable or the King," &c. [60.] Three labourers of Tirrington for that, having in their custody a man arrested for felony at that place, they culpably suffered him to escape, &c. Croft Bridge as in a ruinous and decayed condition, but that it is not known by whom the said bridge ought to be repaired. [60] A similar presentment touching Peirce Bridge; and another touching Burrow-brigg, except that it is added that half of it ought to be repaired by the "Liberties within the N. R." [61.] Five Yarom men for refusing to pay the sessments levied on them; another for refusing to watch, and yet another for abusing his neighbours. That, at the present Sessions, before the Justices above named, the oath of allegiance having been formally tendered to Meriall Clarke wife of Simon Clarke of Huton (Lowcross) and by her obstinately refused &c [61.] she be placed without the protection of the King, all her goods, chattels &c forfeited to the King, and herself* adjudged to perpetual imprisonment, and committed accordingly to York Castle. Names of the Jury impannelled to enquire between the King and the said Meriall Clarke. Hesleton, Nether Silton, Fr. Gent". Rob. Butler, Staingrave; Gent". Rich. Bell, Thirske, Yeom". Valentine Morrell, Bawke, "" John Dunninge, "" 99 Fr. Hall, Worsall, 22 Brandsby, Thirske, "" Ralph Johnson, Hilton, Yeom". Geo. Sunley, Nonnington, Edw. Elrington, Ugglebarby,,, Geo. Sheppard, Helmesley, "" Rob. Hill, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Ralph Awmond, Thirske, Yeom". [62.] SECOND PANNELL. [Rob.] Butler, Staingrave, Gent". Geo. Sonley, Nonnington, Yeom". Edw. Elrington, Ugglebarby,,, "" Geo. Sheppard, Helmesley, [Fr.] Pinckney, Nether Silton, Gent". [Rich.] Bell, Thirske, Val. Morrell, Bawcke, John Dunninge, Fr. Hall, Worsall, Yeom" "" Rob. Hill, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Ralph Awmond, Thirske, Yeom". Fr. Poore, Farlington, "" "" "" "" Edw. Gryme, "" "" Ralph Johnson, Hilton, 99 "" * The Scribe introduces the name Will. Turner twice towards the latter part of this Minute, and evidently by mistake, for in the second instance (in the concluding paragraph) he crosses that name out, inserting Meriala Clarke in its place. In the other instance the mistake is left standing. 138 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. WHO PRESENT- A Daletowne lab'. for stealing four ewes and four lambs, value 20s., &c; and two Bransby men for selling ale at 6d. a gallon. [62.] Five persons of [illeg.] for making a banquett &c; and a Yarom man for harbouring rogues. [63.] BULMER.* SKELTON in OVERTON parish-John Baxter, tailor, and Alice his wife : WHENBY-Alice wife of Tho. Barton, Esq., Eliz. Barton, spinster, and Jane Donkin, spinster: BRANSBY-Rich. Cholmley, Esq., Mary his wife, Geo. Pearson, lab'., Will. Butler, yeom"., and Arthur Stromanby, his servants; Isabell Wright, sp., Thomasina Gower, widow, Isabell Martin, sp., Ann Martin, Ursula Martin, sp., Ann Young, widow; Averill wife of Rog. Coniers, gent"., Rachel wife of Chr. Hebdon (Hebden), tanner, Isabell Boyes, sp., Alice Crathorne, sp., Elizth. Morton, sp'., Marg. Barker, spr., Ann Goodericke, widow, Phillip Goodericke, talor, Jane Goodericke, sp., and Will. Dobson, tailor : EASINGWOLD-Isabell Hardy, widow. SHERIFF HUTTON-Jane Roberts and Elizth Gibson, widows. HUNTINGTON-Agnes Foster, widow, Marg'. Pearson, widow, Wilfrid Lazenby, servant to John Lazenby, yeom". HEWORTH in ST. SAVIOUR'S parish, York-Elizth, wife of Henry Parker. ST. MARIGATE, in ST. OLAVE'S parish, York-Maria Wither, sp., ser vant to Jane Wither, widow. [63.] HINDERSKELFE, in CRAMBE parish-Will. Rosse, gent"., Ursula Bainton, sp., and Jane Vertey, spinster. BIRDFORTH. OLD BILAND-Magdalen Smith. HAWNBY—Will, Bowes, gent"., and Mary his wife; John Jennison, gent"., and Margt. his wife, Ann Bowes, sp., Chas. Bowes, gent"., Jas. Harden, tailor, Ann Warcopp, sp., Alex. Wilson, tailor, and his wife. * This is the same list as is given in the second Vol. (Register B in Mr. Jefferson's Report) of Recusants, and therefore, instead of appending it to the Minutes and Orders for the year 1616, as in the case of the list given in Register A for the year 1614 (See above, p. 58), I print it in the place it occupies in Vol. III. of the Minutes and Orders. There appears to be no variation whatever in the names, although on account of the utterly hopeless and ruined condition of the paper in Vol. III. (already adverted to), it is impossible to be absolutely certain. But wherever comparison is possible the nominal identity is complete. In the Minutes and Orders all the persons named are described as "late of" such and such a parish. In the Register the names are in double columns, in Vol. III. of the Minutes in consecutive order as the line of the writing ran. HELMESLEY, JULY 9, 1616. 139 NEWSHAM, in KIRKBY WISKE parish-Ja". Ronetree, yeom". BRACKENBARGH, in the same-Elizth. Lascells, widow, Will. Lascells, gent"., Juliana Horner, sp., servant to the above Elizth. Lascells. CARLTON MINIOTT, parish of THIRSKE-Margt. Danby, widow, Brian Danby, baker. East Harlsey-Ann Wilson, widow, Geo. Grainge, husb"., and Jane his wife, and Will. Rawlinge, lab'. KEPWICK, within the Chapelry of OVER SILTON-Elizth, wife of Rog. Cotes, gent". KIRKBY Knoll-Margt. wife of John Constable, gent"., Mary Con- stable, widow, Mary Constable, sp., Elizth. Williamson, widow, Alison Humble, widow, Elizth. wife of Ja³. Clarkson, glover, Ann Mason, sp., Isabell wife of Henry Wood, tailor, Mary Ward, sp., Ann Bradley, sp., Ralph Neville, gent"., Ralph Ward, lab'. BAGBY, in the said parish-John Hesle, carpenter. THORNBARGH, parish of SOUTH KILVINGTON-Eliz. Tiplady, sp'. UPSALL, same parish-Chr. Carter, glover, and Jane his wife, Jane wife of Sir Ralph Constable, Knt., Ann Robinson, widow, Jane wife of Will. Bassett, yeom"., Elizth. Bassett, sp., Mary Bassett, sp'. [64.] Ellen Sampson, widow, Jane Lawe, widow, Jane Jackson, widow, Mary Stephenson, widow, Margt. wife of John Johnson, yeom"., Frances wife of Chr. Jackson, webster, John Crathorne, lab'., Rich. Carter, glover, Chr. Carter, glover. BILSDALE, parish of HAWNBY-Will. Niccolson, yeom"., and Bri[d]get his wife. WELBURY-Fr. Atkinson, lab'., Elizth. wife of Will. Kearton, yeom"., Tho. Towers, gent"., and Ann his wife. HUTTON within the Chapelry * of BIRDFORTH-Anna Hird, widow. RIDALL. KIRKBY MOORSIDE-Jane wife of Tho. Nendick. GILLINGE-Katherine Lady Fairfax, wife of Sir Tho. Fairfax, Averill wife of Tho. Smith, yeom"., Thomasin Dakins, sp., Margt. wife of Anth. Lowdy, butcher, Frances Rose, sp'. NEWTON, parish of STAINGRAVE-Jane wife of Rob. Thornton, Esq. HELMESLEY-Anth. Jackson, cordiner, and Isabell his wife, John Mountaine, lab., Geo. Mountaine, lab'., Will. Browne, lab'., and Sibill his wife, Cha³. Banckes, yeoman. ROSEDALE, parish of LASTINGHAM-Will. Turner, capper,† and Elizth his wife, Agnes Agar, widow. Rather a mysterious entry, as it is quite uncertain what the Chapelry of Bird- forth can mean, or what Hutton it is that is denoted. + "CAPPER. A cap-maker. See the Chester Plays, i. 4; Minsheu and Miege, in v." Halliwell. - 140 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. HUTON IN LE HOLE-Tho. Dobson, lab'. EAST NESSE, parish of KIRKDALE-Mary wife of Geo. Spenceley, husb". MUSCOTTES, same parish-Lanc. Bullocke, lab'., and Margt. his wife, Elizth. Tailor, spinster. WELBURN, same parish-Mary wife of Ralph Hirst, gent". BARTON-Rich. Colson, lab'. ERIHOLM (or ERYHOLME), parish of Hovingham-Jane wife of Tho. Lasscells, gent"., Rob. Lasscells, gent"., and Douglasse his wife. HOVINGHAM-Jane Clarkson, widow, Alice wife of Tho. Greene, lab'., Kath. wife of Rob. Hardwicke, yeom"., Isabella wife of Geo. Filliskirke, tanner, Margt. wife of Henry Filliskirke, yeom"., Elizth. wife of Will. Drewe, lab., Ann wife of Will. [64º.] Docker, lab*., Chr. Clarke, lab'., Ann Hibbin, widow, Margt. Robinson, widow, Ellen wife of Chr. Bowerman, husb"., Jennet Clarkson, widow, Margt. Hunter, sp. Kath. wife of Guy Geldart, yeom"., Ann wife of Gilb. Almond, lab., Kath. Davison, widow, Tho. Hicke, yeom"., Jane Edwardes, sp., Phillis Wildon, widow, Elizth. Frier, widow, Diana wife of John Harrison, lab., Ann wife of Rog. Minthorp, lab'. PICKERING LIETH LIBERTIE. SCALBY-Geo. Boyes, yeom"., and Elizth. his wife. GOTELAND-Rich. Stockton, gent"., and Ellen his wife, Will. Keld, weaver, and Jane his wife, Elisia [Ellis] wife of Will. Workfolke, husb"., Jane Lieth, widow, Agnes her daughter, and Jas. Brewster, rough mason. WHITBY STRAND LIBERTY. WHITBY-Henry Fairfax, gent"., and Edith his wife, Ellis Marsingale, widow, Margery Coniers, widow, Will. Cooke, jeat-worker, and Jane his wife, Rich. Jackson, tailor, and Elizth. his wife, Elizth. Dowthwate, widow, Henry Jackson, glover, John Lambe, glover, Chr. Stainhouse, jeat-worker, and Ursula his wife, Elizth. Stockdale, sp., Grace Wright, sp'., Tho. and Cuthb. Stainhouse, sons of the aforesaid Chr., Beatrice Bell, sp., Tristram Bullocke, yeom"., and Elizth. his wife, Mary Bullocke, spr., Ann Carleill, sp., Kath. Hird, sp., Elizth. wife of Geo. Cockerell, gent"., Edw. Postgate, lab'. UGGLEBARBY-Margery wife of Anth. Wheelewright, Emma Cockerell, widow. ESKDALE SIDE-Jas. Hebburn, gent"., [65.] and Elizth. his wife, Rob. Thwinge, gent"., and Bri[d]get his wife, Margery Thwinge, sp., Jane Sheiles, sp., Ja³. Postgate, yeom"., and Margery his wife, Elizth. Weth- HELMESLEY, JULY 9, 1616. 141 erell, sp., Elizth. wife of John Chapman, yeom"., Ann wife of John Hill, yeom"., Ann wife of Ralph Hill, weaver, Tho. Maisterman, husb"., and Elizth his wife, John Maisterman, weaver, Ann Cockerell, sp., Will. Hill, glover, and Elizth. his wife, Frances wife of Rob. Hudson, lab., Will. Postgate, lab., Jane wife of Tho. Todd, lab'., Henry Chap- man, tailor, Parcivall Chapman, tailor, Emma Cockerell, widow. FILINGDALE-Susanna wife of Tho. Aislaby, gent"., Kath. wife of Tho. Huntrodes, husb"., Geo. Russell, yeom"., and Elizth. his wife, Rob. Cockerell, husb"., and Susanna his wife, Josua Lion, tailor, and Isabell his wife, Agnes White, sp., Ellis Chapman, widow, Elizth. Beautie, widow, Barbara Beautie, widow, Margt. wife of Edw. Harrison, husb"., Elizth. Chapman, widow, Margt. wife of Tho. Spenley, husb"., Will. Chapman, yeom"., Tho. Dringe, husb"., Ellis Huntrodes, widow, Rich. Huntrodes, fisherman, Margt. Smith, sp., Elizth. wife of John Carleill, carpenter, Ellen wife of Chr. Pate, husb"., Ellen Harwood, sp*., Will. Aislaby, gent"., Emott Holforth, widow, Dorothy Kendall, sp*., Ellis Huntrodes, sp., Elizth. Marshall, widow. [65] NORMANBY, parish of ESTON-Ellen Addison, wife of Tho. Addison, gent". AITON-Edw. Lowicke, lab'., Margery his wife, and Chr. his son, Edith Bulmer, widow, Dorothy Cooper, sp., Merial wife of Will. Simpson, lab., Ann Theaker, spinster. STOKESLEY-Sir Will. Eure and Kath. his wife, Peter Brasse, yeom"., John Fletcher, milner, Rob. Warmouth, tailor, Will. Bartram, pewterer, and Merial his wife, Geo. Harrison, lab'., and Jane his wife, Rob. Harrison, lab'., Henry Harrison, lab'., Jane Harrison, sp., Alice Har- rison, sp., Leon. Hutchinson, yeom"., and Isabell his wife, Margery wife of Will. Swinbancke, baker, Margery wife of Barth. George, pew- terer, Will. Pilley, yeom"., and Constance his wife, Elizth wife of Laurence Rochester, lab'., Elizth. wife of Tho. Marshall, labourer. WHORLTON Chapelry *-Will. Wilson, lab., Oliver Smith, sheath- maker,† Jane Stockton, widow. * This is marked in Register B as in the "Parish of Huton Rudby." Graves (Cleveland, p. 147) remarks—“This Church has been supposed by some to be a chapel under Rudby; but it being called in the Archbishop's books sometimes a free chapel in the Castle of Whorlton, where there was a chauntry, and sometimes a parish church, it is now considered to have no dependence thereon. The chauntry, thus mentioned, was called D'Arcy's chauntry, founded, according to Torr, 'in the free chapel of St. within the Castle.'" One would have thought there was no necessity for confounding a free chapel within the Castle" with a parish church without the Castle. But so it is. Probably the connection with Rudby is explained by the Domesday fact that Whorlton as well as Rudby were sokes of the Manor of Hutton, which at an early period became of the fee of the Meinills, lords of Whorlton. "" + The Pr. Pm. word is "SCHEDARE, or schethare," explained by Vaginarius," meaning a sheath-maker, as Jeater above is a jet-worker. • 142 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. EASINGTON-Trinian als. Ninian Smithson, yeom"., and Ann his wife. YAROM-Edw. Bucke, husb"., Tho. Robinson, husb"., Fr. Saier, gent"., Will. Saier, gent"., and Gartred his wife, John Maie, yeoman. GISBROUGH-Will. Bailes, husb"., and Margery his wife, Margt. Bailes, sp., Geo. Tocketts, Esq., Ann wife of Geo. Hugill, lab'., Tho. Jowsie, carpenter, Tho. Hudspeck, brasier, and Jane his wife, Merial wife of Simon Clarke, husb"., Ann wife of Will. Currey, husb"., Tho. [66.] Man, yeom"., Susanna his wife and Munda his dautr. LIETH-Elizth, wife of Rowland Gill, lab., Ann, Lady Ingleby, widow, John Fulthropp, gent"., Ralph Harding, gent"., Henry Ridley, yeom"., Dorothea Harding, sp'., Frances Salvin, sp., Dorothea Menfeild, sp., Chas. Forrest, yeom"., and Jane his wife, Simon Ridley, yeom"., Ralph Wilkes, lab., Mary Willis, sp., Elizth. Hill, sp., Tho. Readman, jun'., gent"., Geo. North, lab*., Geo. Wainworth, yeom"., Chr. Thorpe, yeom"., and Agnes his wife, John Ray, yeom"., and Jane his wife, Fr. Lecke, yeom"., and Elizth. his wife, Ann wife of Will. Radcliffe, gent"., Tho. Readman, sen., gent"., and Isabell his wife, Mary Pickering, spinster, Tho. Story, tailor, Beatrice Bell, Dorothy Crosby, widow, Ellenora Sampson, widow. EGTON Chapelry-John Hodgson, yeom"., Ann wife of Rob. Milnes, carpenter, Rob. Hodgson, tanner, and Isabell his wife, Elizth. wife of Ralph Milnes, husb"., Ellen Meede, sp., Fr. Pearson, yeom"., and Ellen his wife, Kath. wife of Chr. Harland, husb"., Jane wife of John Whitfeild, yeom"., Lancelot Harrison, lab'., and Kath. his wife, Ann Pearson, widow, Elizth, wife of Rob. Peacocke, husb"., Edw. Simpson, cordiner, and Kath. his wife, Margery wife of Tho. Knagges, yeom"., Ellis wife of Rob. White, fuller, Elizth. wife of John Tomlin, lab'., Margery Wright, widow, Will. Whitfeild, cordiner, [66.] Margery his wife, and Edw. and Geo. his sons, Tho. Whitfeild, cordiner, Ellis Consett, widow, Will. Cooper, lab'., Ann his wife, and Tho. his son, Margt. Postgate, widow, Emott Harwood, widow, Fr. Harwood, lab., and Ann his wife, John Rawe, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, Elizth. Kildale, widow, Rich. Smith, yeom"., and Ann his wife, Frances wife of Will. Boyes, yeom"., Agnes Wasitt, widow, Ellenor wife of John Marshall, yeom"., and Geo. her son, Elizth. wife of Will. Wilson, yeom”., Geo. Lieth, lab'., Mariann his wife, Will. Atkinson, lab'., Ellis Dickonson, widow, Jane Linton, widow, Chr. Simpson, cordiner, and Dorothy his wife, Edw. Kildale, glover, and Elizth. his wife, Margt. wife of Chr. White, fuller, Barth. Holland, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, Ellis Cowlson, widow, Emott White, sp., Margery White, widow, and Will. White her son, Ann wife of Will. Pearson, husb"., Emott wife of Will. Fetherston, husb"., Robert Aske, yeom"., and Dorothy his wife, Elizth, wife of Henry HELMESLEY, JULY 9, 1616. 143 Pearson, yeom"., Elizth. wife of Fr. Pearson, yeom"., Edw. Tailor, yeom"., and Jane his wife, Jane Burton, widow, Rob. Lieth, tailor, Mich. Whit- feild, cordiner, Lara Whitfeild, cordiner, Will. Whitfeild, cordiner, Ann Laund, servant of Will. Laund, Kath. Bird, sp'., Marm. Beane, tanner, Dorothy wife of Will. Salvin, gent"., Tho. Lowick, gent"., and Mary his wife, Marcia Lowick, widow, John Postgate, lab'., and Ann his wife. KIRKBY *-Jane wife of John Walker, yeom". LOFTHOUSE-Tho. Gibson, cordiner, and Margt. his wife, Dorothy Hart, widow, Jane Hart, sp., Ann Robinson, sp., Elizth. Harrison, widow, Elizth. Simpson, widow, Alison Gibson, widow, John Gibson, fisherman, Will. Deane, fish"., Maria Deane, sp., [67.] Oliver Pattison, milner, Ann his wife, John his son, and Ann his daut., Rob. Walker, cordiner, and Elizth. his wife, Jane wife of Rowland Punder, fisherman. SKELTON-Rob. Allanbie, glover, and Agnes his wife, Alice Milner, widow, Geo. Jackson, gent"., and Jane his wife, Margt. Simpson, sp*., John Stainhouse, lab'., Isabell wife of Tho. Chapman, husb"., Jane Lecke, widow, Geo. Calvert, lab'., Chr. Gale, yeom"., Rosamunda Man, John Pibus, labourer. BROTTON Chapelry-Frances wife of Will. Ducke, lab'., Lawrence Pattison, milner, Elizth. his wife, and Ann his daut., Isabell Cocke, widow. MIDLETON SUPER LEAVEN, parish of HUTON RUDBY-Margt. wife of Tho. Midleton, gent". HUTON RUDBY-Averill wife of Jas. Peacocke, weaver. MALTBY, parish of STAINTON-Ann wife of Will. Ashley, gent". HILTON Chapelry-Henry Pressicke, yeom"., and Averill his wife. KILDALE-Tho. Hugill, husbº., and Ellenor his wife. CRATHORNE-Kath. wife of Tho. Crathorn, Esq., Fr. Moore, gent"., Alex. Welfoote, lab'., Margt. his wife and Greg. his son. WORSALL, parish of KIRKLEVINGTON-Henry Clifton, lab., and Dorothy his wife. APPLETON ON WISKE-Isabell wife of Tho. Bowes, gent"., and Elizth. Olliot her servant, John Steward, lab., Marm. Lodge, lab'., John Dawson sen., lab., and Jane his dau"., Chr. Dowson, yeom"., and Juliana his wife, Elizth. Kenraw, sp., Brian Gaire, Ann Cornforth, sp., Phillis Lofthouse, sp'., Margt. wife of Marm. Lowicke, butcher, Frances wife of John Dawson, jun'., husb". [67] PICKTON, KIRKLEVINGTON parish-Barnard Pearson, lab'., and Ann his wife, Elizth, wife of Tho. Hird, lab'., Ja³. Hall, carpenter, and Frances his wife. * This entry is not found in the Minutes and Orders; at least in the same place. But the Vol. is so utterly defective here and for many pages forward that it is not possible to decide what the entries on the upper part of the leaves were. 144 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. POTTOE CUM GOULTON, parish of HUTON RUDBY-Margt. wife of Geo. Gale, yeom"., and Sitha Hall his servant. THORNABY Chapelry- Margery Applebie, widow, and Geo: her son, John Palliser, yeom"., and Phillis his wife. SEAMER Chapelry-Margerie Jenne, widow, Jane wife of Chas. Sowley, husb". HINDERWELL-Alice Snowdon, widow. DANBY-Elizth. wife of Will. Hargill, gent"., Ann Heward, sp., Elizth. wife of Nich. Rudd, lab'., Geo. Postgate, husb"., Isabell his wife, and Geo. and John his sons, Kath. Jefferson, spinster. AISLABIE, parish of WHITBIE-Lawrence Knagges, yeom"., and Dorothy his wife, Rich. Knagges, yeom"., Elizth. Marcer, sp., Mary Wilkes servant to Rich. Knagges. MARSKE-Ralph Rookby, Esq., and Jane his wife, John Barkham, labourer. BROTTON Chapelry-John Hawkrigg, yeom"., and Kath. his wife, Chr. Simpson, cordiner, and Jane his wife, John Hart, sen., fish"., and Margt. his wife, Will. Hart, fish"., Tho. Garbutt, lab'., and Alice his wife, Geo. Hall, cordiner, and Mary his wife, John Hart, jun., fish"., and Mary his wife, Jenett wife of Rob. Pattison, milner, Jane Stephenson, sp., Marm. Harrison, fish"., and Phillis his wife, Alice wife of Tho. Westland, fish"., Rowland Pattison, milner, and Ann his wife, Emma Punder, widow, [68.] Rob. Hart, fish"., and Jane his wife, Emott wife of John Simpson, cordiner, John Punder, fish"., and Agnes his wife, Rog. Stephenson, fish"., and Elizth. his wife, Fr. Trewhitt, jeat-worker, and Isabell his wife, Agnes Harrison, widow, Munda Man, sp'., Margt. wife of Rog. Eston, weaver. BATTERSBY, parish of INGLEBIE GREENHOW-Elizth wife of Chr. Gregg, lab'. INGLEBY BARWICK, parish of STAINTON-Phillis Massam, spinster. 11th July, 1616, the aforesaid, being of the age of 16 years and up- wards, were presented for that they did not repaire to their parish churches or chapels during the space of the preceding thirteen months. but have forborne the same, contrary &c; and moreover, proclamation was made at the General Sessions held at Helmesley the 9th of July, before the Justices aforesaid, that they should appear at the ensuing Michaelmas Sessions, or otherwise should be convicted &c. [70.] [The upper part of this leaf, as of many before and far more to follow, is entirely decayed, and much of what is left is illegible. There is no doubt, however, that the Orders made at the present Sessions. commenced on this folio.]* Whereas John Markham of Kilholme, gent"., had been bound by *For the future such lacunæ will be indicated by * RICHMOND, JULY 9, 1616. 145 recognces, to appear &c, and his father, Jerom Markham, gent"., ap- peared and made affidavit that the aforesaid John had been compelled by urgent reasons to travaile unto Brill beyond the Seas :-Ordered that his recognces, be discharged by the Clarke of the Peace &c. [70b.] *** A warr* &c. for the appearance of Ann Goodericke &c.; Ordered that two persons named shall attend Sir Rich. Vaghan and Thos. Davile Esq., on notice served. [71.] * * * Dorothy Salvin, Lawrence Knaggs, and Rob. Warmouth (the latter of Stokesley) take the oath of Allegiance; Tho. Hoggart of Farndale gives notice of traverse: Will. Kay discharged of the office of High Constable of Birdforth, and Peter Parker of Kilburne appointed in his place, and to take his oath before Rog. Gregory, Esq., on warning given him; no monie to be paid to the Hospitall of Scarborough until further Order be made by the Justices in Qu. Sessions. I [71º.] *** One Tho. Lonsdale for speaking scornfull and scan- dalous words to the Justices in open Court, saying that he was sorry that they would not heare the truth: Ordered to pay a fine of £10, in default be committed to York Castle, and not to be liberated till the fine is paid and he has entered recognces, with ample sureties to appear at the next Sessions &c. [72.] * * * Warrants &c to attach three different persons, &c. Next Sessions at Helmesley, 1 Oct'. pext. Roll signed by Tho. Posth. Hoby, Tho. Belassis, Rich. Vaghan, Knts., Walt. Bethell, Tho. Davile, Rich. Darley, Will. Aldburgh, Marm. Con- stable, Nich. Coniers, and Rog. Gregory, Esquires. [73.] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions (by adjournment)* at, July 9, 1616. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Coniers Darcy, Arthur Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Henry Franckland, Knts., Will. Aldburgh and Adam Midleham, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, Deputy for Sir Edw. Stanhope. * This date, and the complete list of Justices' names is derived from Register B, f. 6, the paper of the Book of Minutes and Orders being greatly disintegrated, and the writing on what is left being partly illegible. VOL. II. L 146 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. FIRST PANNELL. Will. Rimer, Morton on Swale, Gent". Fr. Mansell, Newton Morrell, Gent". Fr. Tindall, Danby, Yeom". Will. Lomley, Ainderby Steple, Yeom". Peter Handley, Ilkton Esh-head, Yeom". Chr. Brunskell al³. Clark, Thirne, Yeom". 19 John Tailor, Little Cracall, Yeom". John Manfeild, Audburgh, Rich. Johnson, Newsham, Ralph Shaw, "" Arthur Linskell, Cawdwell, Rich. Brignell, Melsonby, Cuthb. Anderson, Gailes, Ralph Smithe, Exilby, Steph. Metcalfe, Chantre, "1 "" "" "" 19 ," "'". WHO PRESENT the following Recusants: [73°.] ALLERTONSHIRE. WORSALL *-John Saier, Esq., Elizth. Saire, widow, Ellen Saire, widow, Isabell Cocke, widow, Mary wife of Cuthb. Potter, tailor, Ann wife of Will. Sim, yeoman. OSMOTHERLEY-Ellenor Crosbie, widow, Dorothy Crosbie, sp'., Ann Lowicke, sp., John Lowicke, gent"., Ellenor wife of Edw. Aire, gent"., Mary Mitchell, widow, Rich. Sample, yeom"., and Barbara his wife. ALLERTON-Cecilia wife of John Eshall, gent"., Margt. Lanchester, widow, Jane Reynold, widow, Ann wife of Chr. Reinold, lab'., Tho. Scott, sadler, and Jane his wife, Isabell Maxwell, spinster. BIRKBY― Gartred wife of Chr. Simpson, gent"., John Gower, gen"., Brian Simpson, yeoman. LEAKE-Ann wife of Tho. Danby, Esq., Rich. Askwith, gent"., and Ann his wife, Mary wife of Rob. Metcalfe, yeom"., Elizth. wife of Tho. Jackson, yeom"., Mary Danbie, spinster. GIRSBY, parish of SOCKBURNE-Geo. Stockdale, gent"., Ann wife of Rich. Wilson, husb"., Margt. Harrison, widow, John Cornforth, lab", Tho. Kilburne, tailor, and Margt. his wife, Will. Wetherell, lab'., and Ellenor his wife, Mary Wilkinson, sp., Geo. Hodgson, jun'., hus- bandman. [74.] NORTH OTTRINGTON—Elizth. wife of Mich. Metcalf, gent"., Brian Battie, his servant, Tho. Daggett, tailor, and Elizth. his wife, Chr. Harbert, gent"., and Elizth. his wife. * This again, at this part of the folio noted, is derived from the same source, and for the same reason as is named at the foot of last page. An interesting memorandum touching licence granted to Mr. Saier, in 1617, to pass and repass between Worsall and his other Yorkshire residences, and also to exceed the limits of five miles from either of them in the pursuit of his game, will be found in the Appendix. RICHMOND, JULY 9, 1616. 147 THORNTON IN LE STRETE-Leon. Brackenbury, gent"., and Mary his wife, Jenet Webster, widow, Tho. Mennell, Esq., and Mary his wife, Dorothy wife of Chr. Jefferson, lab., Tho. Lionesse, yeom"., and Grace his wife, Margt. wife of Simon Craikall, tailor, Elizth. wife of Tho. Cooke, lab., Phillis wife of Rob. Lionesse, lab., Rich. Crakall, husb"., Elizth. Palliser, widow, Tho. Palliser, lab'., and Dorothy his wife, Ann Hutchinson, sp., Dorothy wife of Fr. Scroope, Esq., Rich. Talbott, gent"., and Isabell his wife, John Talbott, gent"., Geo. Talbott, gent"., Ann, Elizth. and Winifred Talbott, spinsters, Dorothy Eshe, sp., Will. Whitlin, labourer. HUTON CONIERS, parish of RIPON-Jane, wife of Geo. Mallorie, yeoman. HUTON BONVILE Chapelry-Fr. Storie, gent"., Mary his wife, and Henry his son, Elizth. Malam, sp., Edw. Pibus, husb"., Jane Coniers, widow, Rich. Hutton, lab., Isabell Wright, widow, Barbara [74] Coniers, widow, Ellenor Cousen, sp., Mary wife of Rob. Coniers, gent"., John Bussie, gent"., and Ann his wife, Ann wife of John Arther, lab., Marg. Burdon, widow, John Marshall, lab'., and Isabell his wife, Margt. Pearson, spinster. SESSAY parish-Cicilia Bainbrigg, widow. HALIKELD. PICKALL-Rich. Martin als. Smith, lab'., and Elizth. his wife, Mary wife of Will. Grant, gent". BURNESTON-Jane Mitchell, widow, Jane wife of Rich. Robinson, yeom"., Henry Warcopp, gent"., Isabell, wife of Will. Mason, labourer. MARTON chapelry-Barbara Capper, sp., Leon. Horseman, lab'., and Ann his wife. BRANTON, parish of KIRKBY ON THE MOOR-Ann wife of Tho. Tanckard, gent"., with Mary Robinson, Grace Williamson, and Rob. Bell, his servants, Jas. Tanckard, gent". WEST TANFEILD-Edw. Fox, collier, Mary wife of Tho. Browne, lab'., John Wolley, labourer. GILLING EAST. HORNBY, parish of GREAT SMETON-Will. Watinge, miller, and Jane his wife, Will. Anderson, gardiner, and Ann his wife, John Johnson, tailor, and Ann his wife, Isabell Tailor, sp., Margery Kearton, widow. YAFFORTH chapelry-Christabell Gatered, widow, Henry Whorlton, lab'., and Elizth, his wife. [75] DANBY WISKE-Rich. Best, gent"., and [75.] Faith his wife, Tho. Trainham, yeom"., and Margt. his wife. * Entered as Fides" in the Latin of the original entry. + Almost certainly a corruption of Traneholm or Trenholm. L 2 148 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. KIRKBY WISKE-Barbara Cooke, widow, Frances wife of Henry Mitchell, husb"., Jane wife of Fr. Gatenby, gent". AINDERBY STEPLE-Ann Midleton, widow, Rich. Curwen, gent"., Mabel Gibbon, John Cooper, Edwin Haddocke, and Elizth. Haddocke, all four servants to Ann Midleton, Ann Squire, widow. KNEETON, parish of MIDLETON TIAS-Margt. Franck, widow, Elizth. Franck, widow, Tho. Franck, gent"., Joanna Franck, sp., Jane Younge, servant to Elizth. Francke, Joanna Dalton, sp., Tho. Tailor, servant to Joanna Francke, John Swainston, yeom"., Ellenor Swainston, sp., Joanna Dalton, servant to Tho. Francke. COWTON GRAINGE, last-named parish-Brian Smithson, yeom"., Chr., Geo., and Ann his children. MOULTON, in the same parish-Will. Cowlson, lab. MIDLETON TIAS-Tho. Midleton, carpenter, John Hutchinson, lab'., Jane [or Janey] Staney, widow, Alice Hall, widow. MANFEILD-Dorothy wife of John Witham, Esq., [75] Pentecost Jackson, sp., Elizth. Norton, sp., Margery wife of Nich. Tindall, yeom"., Grace wife of Chr. Miles, yeom"., Marg. Huetson, sp'., Parcivall Cuthbertson, mason, and Margt. his wife, Rob. Elstabie, yeom"., and Grace his wife, Margt. wife of Ralph Wilson, yeom”., Elizth. Pereth, sp., Tho. Bailes, husb". and Jane his wife, Ann and Alice Bailes, sp., Anth. Jackson, yeom"., Elizth. Richardson, widow, Dorothy Cuthbert, sp., Margery Rutter, sp'., Munda Hur- worth, sp., Tho. Jackson, yeom"., and Mary his wife, Ann Reynardson, widow. CROFT-Ellenor wife of John Burnett, gent"., Marg. wife of Row- land Dodsworth, gent"., John Wetherell, cordiner, and Jane his wife, Elizth. wife of John Robinson, yeom"., Alice, wife of John Potter, weaver, Ellenor Jackson, spinster. CLEASBY chapelry-Ralph Rookby, gent"., Ja³. Cleasbie, gent"., and Ellenor his wife, Elizth. Lambert, widow, Anth. Burne, tailor, and Edith his wife, John Thirkeld, lab'., and Isabell his wife, Elizth. Wilson, widow, Ann Metcalfe, sp., Ann Walles, spinster. BARTON CUTHBERT chapelry-Margt. Wright, spinster. [76.] GILLING WEST. MARRIGG-Alice Dent, widow. ROMERCHURCH-Will. Binckes, jun'., fletcher. BROMPTON ON SWALE, parish of EASBIE-Jane Harrison, spinster. KIRKBY RAVENSWORTH-Fr. Gooderick, tailor, and Ann his wife, Ann Laton, widow, Will. Collinge, yeom"., Elizth. Harrison, widow, Jane Atkinson, widow, Gawin Collinge, yeom"., Edith Ponsonby, sp., Ann wife of John Reynoldson, yeom"., Rob. Dun, blacksmith, and Jane his wife, Margery Allen, widow, Elizth. wife of Geo. Mennell, Esq., RICHMOND, JULY 9, 1616. 149 Will. Mennell, gent"., Mary wife of Anth. Simpson, yeom"., Ellen wife of Cuthb. Pudsey, gentleman. ARKENGARTHDALE-Elizth. Barningham, widow, Margt. Barningham, spinster. ROOKBY-Margt. Lady Rookby, wife of Sir Tho. Rookby, Tho. Branch, yeom"., and Kath. his wife, Margt. Yarker, widow. WICLIFFE-Ann wife of Geo. Horseman, yeom"., Geo. Smithson, gent"., and Margt. his wife, Ann Swallow, spinster. BARNINGHAM-Elizth, wife of John Johnson, yeom"., Jane Barker, widow. MELSONBY-Margery wife of Edw. Gower, gent"., Elizth, Gatred, widow, Rob. Gatred, yeom"., [76.] Tho. Browne, yeom"., and Frances his wife, Alice, wife of John Shutt, husb"., Grace Garbutt als. Arm- stronge, widow, Elizth. wife of Jas. Thompson, lab., Margt. Gatred, spinster. Bowes-Ann wife of Will. Dent, yeom". HUTON LONGVILLERS chapelry-Kath. wife of Marm. Tonstall, gent"., Elizth. wife of Chr. Wilson, lab'., Margt. wife of Tho. Ovington, weaver, Jenett Robinson, spinster. WEST LATON chapelry-Elizth. Willance, widow, Tho. Laton, jun'., gent"., Ann Newsham, widow, Jane wife of Will. West, lab'. FORCETT chapelry-Elizth. Pudsey, widow, with Will. Walker, yeon"., and Isabella Harrison, sp., her servants, Will. Dixon, milner, and Dorothy his wife, Mary Dent, widow, Fr. Dent, tailor, Margt. Shutt, widow, Tho. Shutt, weaver, Grace Berrie, sp., Chr. Dent, yeom"., Rob. Claton, yeom"., Isabell wife of Tho. Newcombe, yeom"., Ellen wife of Tho. Slinger, yeom"., Jane wife of Geo. Slinger, yeom"., Fr. Newcombe, weaver, Ann wife of Fr. Slinger, yeom"., Elizth. wife of Chr. Kay, yeom"., [77.] Ann* wife of Edw. Shutt, yeom"., Will. Pearson, lab'., and Mary his wife, Isabell wife of Will. Ovington, husb"., Will. Wright, lab'., Ann wife of Anth. Gibson, yeom"., Alice Lowis, widow, Grace Barker, widow, Jane Beane, widow, Alice wife of Rob. Ovington, lab'., Elizth. wife of Will. Fishburne, labourer. ST. JOHN'S parish-Ambrose Pudsey, gent"., and Jane his wife, Rob. Applebie, yeom"., and Margt. his wife, John Hilcote, carpenter, and Frances his wife, Mariann Applebie, widow, Jenett Newcombe, widow, Dorothy Metham, widow, Ann Garth, widow, Ann Thompson, * The order in which the names occur appears to vary at this point. In the Minutes and Orders the catch-word at the foot of the page to carry on to the next page is Elizabeth instead of Ann as here. But the destruction of the paper at the upper part of the leaves precludes the possibility of ascertaining what name came next; but as the destruction becomes less complete, it becomes apparent that many of the names on the present folio in the Minutes are those that have been given just above. 150 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. sp., Brigett wife of Rob. Simpson, yeom"., Isabell wife of Simon Pearson, yeom"., Chr. Lightfoote, yeom"., and Margt. his wife, Ann wife of Chr. Wiseman, lab., Robert Younge, lab., and Jenett his wife, Rich. Niccolson, yeom"., and Grace his wife, Ann Niccolson, sp., Chr. Niccolson, yeom"., and Edith his wife, Ralph Manfeild, tailor, and Jane his wife, Kath. wife of Rob. Cotes, yeom"., Anth. Catterick, sen., Esq., and Joyce* his wife, Anth. Metcalfe, gent"., and Ellen his wife, Grace Lambert, widow (of late Rob. Lambert, gent".), [77".] Mary Met- calfe, sp., Elizth. Metcalfe, sp., Tho. Sadler, lab'., and Margery his wife, Edw. Dalton, lab., and Dorothy his wife, Simon Dobbison, petty chapman, and Jane his wife, Margt. wife of John Manfeild, jun., husb"., Margt. Fowler, sp., Ellen Walton, widow, Mary Greene, sp., Dorothy Wilson, sp., Will. Atkinson, lab'., and Elizth his wife, Merial wife of Will. Wilde, lab'., Mary, wife of Math. Todd, lab'., Mary wife of John Manfeild, sen., husb"., Jenett Bates, widow, Dorothy wife of Tho. Manfeild, lab'., Elizth. wife of John Simpson, lab., Tho. Carter, tailor, Elizth wife of Will. Monson, yeom"., Alice wife of Anth. Wilde, yeom"., Jenett Wilde, widow, Chr. Thompson, blacksmith, John Firbancke, sen., husb"., Ellen wife of Roger Manfeild, lab'., Dorothy wife of Arthur Linskell, yeom"., Rob. Smith, lab., Tho. Robinson, lab., and Jenett his wife, Elizth. Linskell, sp., Frances wife of Simon Simpson, labourer. • HANG WEST. ASKRIGG-Edith wife of Will. Robinson, gent"., Elizth. Metcalfe, widow, Mary Metcalfe, sp., Geo. Thwaites, sen., yeom"., Geo. Thwaites, jun'., yeoman, Edm. Allen, lab., Tho. Thwaites, tailor. AISKARTH-Val. Fawcett, lab'., Ann wife of Vincent Metcalfe, gent". [78.] WENSLEY-Math. Fishwicke, lab., Anth. Braidrigg, lab., Dorothy Atkinson, widow, Ann wife of Tho. Rogerson, lab., Mary wife of Chas. Jaque, weaver, Geo. Wate, gent"., Ann Wate, widow, Alice Fawcett, widow, Frances Fawcett, sp., Dorothy wife of Tho. Fawcett, lab'., Dorothy Cotes, widow, Isabell Russell, widow, Jane wife of Ralph Dighton, blacksmith, Mary wife of Rob. Walker, lab., Isabell wife of Fr. Hopps, lab'., Ellenor, wife of Will. Harrison, lab'., Jas. Wate, gent"., Ann Wate, widow, John Hopps, lab'., Margt. Hopps, "" * The Latin form is "Jocosa." "From jocus," says Miss Yonge (Christian Names, i. 395), speaking of the class of names she terms “ names of joy," came Jodocus, an Armorican prince, belonging to a family which migrated from Wales: and the feminine, Jodoca, is not yet extinct in Wales. Neither is the very similar Jocosa, once not uncommon among English ladies, by whom it was called Joyce." • RICHMOND, JULY 9, 1616. 151 sp., Alice wife of Giles (Egedius) Hearon, cordiner, Margt. Hast- whittle, widow, Margt. Robinson als. Patty, sp. SPENNITHORN-Chr. Scroope, gent"., Margt. his wife, and Margt. Brand his servant, Ann Scroope, widow, Edw. Ashe, gent"., and Ann his wife, Jane Jackson, widow. MIDLAM-Jane Metcalf, widow, Margery wife of Chr. Barrisse, cordiner, Chas. Hobson, lab'., and Isabell his wife. HAUXWELL-Brigett wife of Ralph Spence, gent"., Grace wife of Chr. Spence, gent”. GRINTON—Salomon Swale, gent"., and Ann his wife, Alison wife of Ralph Collier, yeom"., John Garth, yeom"., and Ann his wife, Geoffry Garth, yeom"., Margt. Garth, sp., Jenett Gibson, widow, Dorothy Met- calfe, widow, [78.] Lancelot Wilson, yeom"., Cicilia wife of Rob. Braderigg, yeom"., Alison Kearton, widow, Agnes Kearton, widow, Isabell Alderson, widow, Isabell Robinson, sp., Elizth. wife of Geoffry Metcalfe, yeom"., Ephama Wharton; widow, Alison wife of John Addison, lab'., Jas. Harrison, sen., weaver, Agnes Hutchinson, widow, Margt. Metcalfe, widow, John, Edw., Jane and Elizt., children of Alison Kearton, Agnes Metcalfe, sp'., Mary wife of Ralph Alderson, yeom"., Isabell wife of Geo. Kearton, yeoman. DOWNHAM-Kath. wife of Tho. Conyers, Esq., Agnes wife of Fr. Cosen, yeoman. COVERHAM-John Gristhwate, millner, Ann Allen, widow, Lucy Atkinson, sp'. EAST WITTON-Rich. Danby, linnendraper, and Alice his wife, Margt. Theakston, widow, Merial Coniers, widow. THORNTON STEWARD-Jane Chambers, widow, Rich. Skelton, butcher, and Margery his wife, Ann Chambers, widow. BURTON CONSTABLE, parish of FINGALL-Elizth. Lucas, widow. HANG EAST. AINDERBY MIERS, parish of HORNBIE-Math. Williamson, tailor, and Jane his wife, John Sutton, tailor. HACKFORTH, same parish-Ann wife of Tho. Pudsey, Esq. MASSAM-Isabell wife of Chr. Danby, gent"., Constance, wife of Rich. Beckwith, yeom"., Tho. Walker, weaver, John Smurthwate, lab., Kath. wife of Rob. Norton, gent"., Chr. Ringer, weaver, and Chr. his son [79.] Chr. Theakston, tailor, Margt. Chater, widow, Dorothy Brunton, sp'., Ann Norton, sp., Ellenor Norton, daut. of the aforesaid Rob.; Rich. Atkinson, yeom"., and Agnes his wife, Margt. Atkinson, widow, Grace Atkinson, sp., Lambert Wade, cordiner, Jenett Jackson, widow, Jane wife of Rich. Smithson, weaver, Frances wife of Anth. Crosbie, lab'., Jane Wivell, widow, Ralph Lucas, lab'., and Dorothy his wife, Chr. Johnson, lab'., and Jane his wife, Ann 152 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Gowland, widow, Elizth. wife of Will. Kinge, yeom"., Lucy Jackson, widow, Frances wife of Chr. Danby, Esq., Marm. Wintersgill, lab'., and Jenett his wife, Will. Wintersgill, weaver, John Gleadston, weaver, Tho. Jackson, sen., husb"., Ann, wife of Will. Cooper, lab'., Kath. wife of Will. Challoner, yeom"., John Danby, gent"., Kath. Langdale, widow, and Joan her dau"., Rob. Wivell, gent"., and Alice his wife, Elizth. wife of John Winne, yeom"., Tho. Spence, gent"., and Jane his wife, Juliana wife of Chr. Beckwith, yeom"., Elizth. Hopwood, sp., Mark al³. Arthur Bretton, yeom"., Marm. Atkinson, lab'. BEDALL-Isabel, wife of Henry Peares, yeom"., Leon. Lodge, yeom"., Elizth. Younge, widow, Mary wife of Geo. Metcalf, gent"., Ellenor wife of John Beckwith, yeom"., Ann wife of John Lucas, yeom"., Ann wife of John Hawe, husb". CATTERICK-Elizth. wife of Sir Ralph Lawson, Knt., [79.] Rich. Cholmley, Esq., and Frances his wife, Brigett Atkinson, spinster. BROMPTON PATTERICK-Elizth, wife of Henry Wilkinson, yeom"., Dorothy wife of John Greathead, labourer. The aforesaid on July 11, 1616, were of the age of sixteen years and upwards and did not repaire &c for the thirteen months last past &c, and moreover at this General Sessions held at Richmond 9th July proclamation was made that they should appear &c or otherwise be convicted &c. Mem. That all the Recusantes from the 63 leafe hitherto were certified both into the Crowne Office and Exchequer in Mich. Tearme 1616. [From f. 81 to f. 124, both inclusive, merely the inner edges of the leaves are left; and from f. 125 to f. 209, both inclusive, only a part, but an increasing part, of the entries can be deciphered, even where the pages are not, as they mostly are, very defective in the substance of them. From f. 210 to f. 223 all but a few words here and there can be made out. So far as it is possible, the general purport of the remaining entries in the portions still existing, as noticed above, will be given in due sequence in their proper order. Only, whatever is printed in the foremost of the following pages is derived from Register B of Recu- sants, proceeding consecutively with the entries therein found to the end of the year 1616.] HELMESLEY, OCTOBER 1, 1616. 153 HELMESLEY. [Register B, f. 11.] Qr. Sessions at, Oct. 1, 1616. Before Rich. Etherington, Rich. Vaughan, John Gibson, Henry Tanckard, Tho. Gower, Knts., Will. Aldburgh, Marm. Constable and Rog. Gregorie, Esquires. IT WAS CERTIFIED by Patrick Robinson, Minister of Seamer in Pickeringlieth, and by Will. Dixon, John Candler, Tho. Harnett and John Milles, Churchwardens † of the same, that Alice wife of John Ripley of East Aiton, Popish Recusant convicted, conformed and went to her parish church (that of Seamer) in time of Divine service and there received the Sacrament &c. It was further certified by Nich. Lewes, Minister of the chapel of Egton in the parish of Lieth, and by Tho. Dickinson and Will. Coverdale, Churchwardens, that John Whitfeild, yeoman, with Thomas and Jane his son and daughter, Rich. and Cuthbert sons of Edw. Simpson, cordiner, all of Egton, Rob. White, fullor, John Tomlin, lab'., both of Westonbie in Egton parish, Tho. Knagges, yeom"., Peter Colson, yeoman, both of Shortwhate, Margery Hodgson, widow, Geo. Hodgson, cordiner, Elizth. wife of Geo. Knagges, shoemaker, Ellis Marshall, widow, Alex. Hoggard, lab'., all of Egton aforesaid, and John Marshall of Egton-brigge, lab'., Popish Recusants convicted, conformed and went to their parish church &c as above. [11] It was further certified by the aforesaid Minister and Church- wardens that Margt. wife of Jas. Riccatson of Leasrigg, Jane Grason, widow, Margery wife of Alex. Hoggard, Mary Birkell, spinster, John Riccatson, lab., Agnes wife of John Knagges, yeom"., Kath. wife of Rog. Airsome, tailor, Marm. son of Math. Beane, carpenter, all of Egton, Chr. Harland of Horsmirehead, and Rob. Dale of Shor- twhate, Popish Recusants, conformed &c; and also that Bridgitt, wife of the said Rob. Dale, and Ellis wife of Rob. Thistle of Sandhill in Egton aforesaid, likewise conformed &c. [12.] Further, it was certified by Rob. Reynard, Minister of Lieth, Fr. Smalewood, Edw. Thornhill, Edm. Jackson, and Henry Moone, Churchwardens, that Will. Cotes and Mary his wife, Will. Stanghaw and * The word employed in the original is parochus, which is defined in Facciolati thus:-"Parochi in ecclesia nunc dicuntur, qui curam animarum suscipiunt, et fidelibus necessaria ad salutem suscipiunt." Possibly the word minister may be as good a rendering for the term parochus as any other that can be supplied. + Ediles in the original. 154 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Margery his wife, Will. Day and Margt. his wife, Barnard Atkinson and Grace his wife, Greg. Wardell and Elizth. his wife, Rob. Jeffrey and Margery his wife, John Hogg and Joan his wife, Elizth. Pearson, widow, Will. Wilkes, Will. Radcliffe, gent"., John son of Will. Wilkes afore- said, Elizth. dau". of Rowland Gill, Cuthb. Thorpe, Margery dau". of Will. Jefferson, Jane wife of Will. Bell, Ellenor Sampson, widow, Ann Dowson, spinster, and Edm. Marshall, all of Lieth, Popish Recusants convicted, conformed themselves &c. Forasmuch as at the Sessions held at Helmesley, 9 July 1616, before Sir Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart. &c [See above, p. 135] John Baxter and Alice his wife, Geo. Grainge of East Harlesey, husb"., Lawrence Knagges of Aislabie, yeom"., Rich. Knagges of the same, yeom"., Ellenor Sampson of Lieth, widow, Will. Man of Dunsley, lab'., and Ellis his wife, Alison Stonas and Ellis Smith, of the same, widows, Tho. Dowthwate, tailor, Lucresia Wright, spinster, both of the same, Rich. Tipladie [12.] of East Raw, jeat-worker, and diverse other persons were indicted for not going to their parish churches &c, and proclamation was made before the said Justices that John Baxter and all the other persons then indicted should make their personal appearance at this Sessions, and the aforesaid Geo. Grainge, Lawr. and Rich. Knagges, Ellenor Sampson, Will. Man with Ellis his wife, Alison Stonas, Ellis Smith, Tho. Dowthwate, Lucresia Wright and Rich. Tipladie, made their personal appearance &c, and it was certified by their several Ministers and the Churchwardens &c that they had gone to their parish churches &c, whereas neither the aforesaid John Baxter nor the others indicted with him, had made like appearance, Each and every of them are convicted &c. [13.] RICHMOND-Qu. Sessions (by adjournment) at, Oct. 1, 1616. Before Rich. Musgrave, Tim. Whittingham, Arthur Dakins, Knts., Will. Aldburgh and Adam Midleham, Esquires. IT WAS CERTIFIED by Henry Wray, Minister of Thornton in le Streete, Anth Bell and Lancelot Lanchester, Churchwardens, that Rob. Lionesse of the same, had conformed &c. Forasmuch as at the adjourned Sessions at Richmond on July 9, 1616, before Tho. Posth. Hoby &c [as above] John Saire, Esq., Elizth. Saire, widow, Ann wife of Will. Valiant of Leminge, Henry Warcopp of Skabbed Newton in Burneston parish, gent"., and divers other persons were indicted for that they did not attend their parish churches &c, and proclamation &c for their appearance &c, and the aforesaid Ann Valiante and Henry Warcopp, previously to the present Sessions, duly went to their parish church of Burneston, but neither the aforesaid John Saire nor the other persons indicted made their appearance &c, they are therefore now convicted &c. HELMESLEY, OCTOBER 1, 1616. 155 [13.] HELMESLEY--Qu. Sessions at, 9th Jan. 161%, before Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart. &c (as before). IT WAS CERTIFIED by Nich. Morris, Minister of Gisbrough, Will. Hesleton, Math. Bawmer, and Tho. Thompson, Churchwardens, that Ann wife of Henry Fotherley of the same, yeom"., had conformed, gone to church &c. [14.] THIRSKE-Qu. Sessions at, 8 July, 1616, before Henry Belassis &c (as before). It was certified by Geo. Sadler, Minister of Hovingham, Henry Skelton and Will. White, Churchwardens, and by Will. Moone, Con- stable of the same, that Rob. Lascells of Erriholme in the said parish, had conformed &c. [MINUTES AND ORDERS, Vol. A³, f. 125.*]-ORDERED by the Court that Henry Trotter of Skelton in Cleveland, gent"., shalbe Thres'. for the Hospitals for the Division of Langbargh, and Tho. Danby of Leake, Thres. for L. S., and shall stand Thresors, for the yeare 1617. That Geo. Metcalfe of Firby, gent"., shalbe Thres'. for the Hospitals for the Division of Richmondshire, and Rob. Durham of Spenni- thorne, Thres'. for L. S., for the said year. [125] A long entry concerning the inhabts. of (it would appear) Grenebury, "touching the rates, sessmentes and charges imposed on the said townshipp for bridges, maymed soldiers, the Marshalsey, Purveyour, common armour, and other charges shalbe rateably paid and borne by the inhabts of the said townshipps and hamlettes and members thereof according to the proportion in quantitie, qualitie and true values of their severall lands which they do or shall holde and enjoy within the said townshipp: And that the farme called Grenebury Grainge, being parcell of the said townshipp, the owners and occu- piers of the said Grainge shall from henceforth be sessed and rated for the same accordingly, and not after the value and proportion of the fowerth part of the said Lordshipp, which, as the most part of the Justices present att this Sessions did holde and conceive to be an intollerable surcharge and oppression to the owner of the said Grainge undewley laid upon him by the rest of the said Townshipp and Constablerie :-And this Order to stand untill sufficient cause to the contrary &c. [126] Next Sessions at Thirske July next. * The writing on the lower part of this f., and onwards to f. 137, is partly decipherable. 156 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Roll signed by Sir Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart. Sir Tho. Belassis Rob. Hungate Tho. Dav[ill] Will. Aldbu[rgh] Math. Jop[son] Sir Coniers Darcy Sir Rich. Vaghan Knts. Sir Arth. Dakins Nich. Con[sta]ble Sir Henry Tanckred Rog. Greg[orie] Sir Walt. Bethell Geo. El . . . Esquires. [126] SUTTON. [Special] Sessions at, for Bulmer Wapentake. PANNELL. . Huby, Gent". • Allanson, Bossell, " "" Yeom". "" Fr. Power, Farlington Tho. Brice, "" Will. Tart, Humph. Brabiner,,, Tho. Barber, "" "" John Brown, Sutton, "" Rob. Simpson, Sutton, Rich. Simpson, Edw. Scadlocke,,, Henry Stockdale, Whenby, Yeom". "" "" "" "" "" "" Geo. Porter, Warthill, " Humph. Clark, "" WHO PRESENT- A Huby alehousekeeper for selling ale above 6d. a gallon, and for suffering ill and leaud companie to play unlawfull games &c. [127.] Another on three charges (illegible): Rob. Fawdington for that, being sent for by Fr. Sharp to play att cardes, he did spend in drinke, in thre houres or thereaboutes, in Tho. Atkinson's public-house at Alne, 8s. 8d. [127] About twenty-seven persons for selling ale above the regu- lation price. [128.] Fifteen persons, most, if not all, for brewing &c. [1286.] * * * * * A warrant &c against the aforesaid Tho. Atkinson for insolence to Sir Walter Bethell when charged with permitting card- playing &c. KIRKBY MOORSIDE. 157 [129.] KIRKBY MOORSIDE, Special Sessions at, * * PANNELL. Rob. Hick, Kirkby [Moorside], | Henry Hicke, West Nesse, Yeom". Edw. Medd, Lastingham, Hugh Ellerbie, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Will. Cheseman, Yeom". Will. Grundall, "" "" "" Yeom". "" "" "" Rich. Clarke, Edw. Johnson al. Parkinson, Lastingham, Yeom". Will. Manners, Scawton, Yeom". Geo. Baine, Kirkby Moorside,,, John Robinson, Hutton in le Hole, Yeom". Tho. Atley, Scawton, Will. Wawne, Pockley, John Kirke, Bilsdale, Tho. Wilson, Nawton, John Sonley, Ampleforth, John Hicke, Staingrave, WHO PRESENT- "" "" John Wightman, a butcher, for a common drunckard, and goeth roaging up and downe and will not fall to anie labour; a Bilsdale man for brewing a bushell of malt into ale, to sell. &c. [129] Illegible. [130.] COCKWOLD. Special Sessions at, [illegible]. PANNELL. Ch'. Wright, Rob. Kay, Cracall, Yeom¹¹. Will. Jackson, Yeom". "" Geo. Arnett, Fr. Jackson, Carlton Miniott, Will. Power, "" "" 99 22 "" Rich. Wrightson, Thirske, "" John Stephenson, Petty. Rob. Bell, Dalton, Mich. Kay, Newsham, Will. Burnett, "" John Bowes, Welburie, Tho. Watson, "" "" Arthur Harrington,,, "" "" "" Giles Milner, Bagby, "" 158 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. WHO PRESENT A Thirske widow for harbouringe of rogues &c, and a Sandhutton man for selling ale &c. [130] Twelve persons for selling ale &c, and three for brewing &c, and an alehouse-keeper, Sowerby, near Thirsk, for enticing a man's wife to his house, giving her stronge ale to drinke, making her an habitual drunkard, and leading her on to steal her husband's goods and sell them at the said publican's house. [230.] Illegible, all but— Roll signed by Sir Henry Bellasis, Knt. and Baronett, Sir Tho. Bellasis, Sir Rich. Vaghan, Sir Henry Tanckred, Knts., and Rog. Gregorie, Esq. [132.] THIRSKE. Qu. Sessions at, July, 1617 [all the rest gone or illegible]. FIRST PANNELL. Will. Thircleby, Yeom". Rob. Pursglove, Ellerby, Yeom". Rich. Lockwood, Sowerby by John Mudd, Aiskew, Thirske, Gent". John Bowes, Welburie, Gent". Kitchingman, Rich. Bromton, Aiskew, Chr. Wilson, Melsonby, Henry Lightfoote,,, Oliver Laiton, Gilling, James Hill, Rawith, Yeom". "" "" "" Edw. White, Westerdale, "" Miles Metcalf, Cracall, Math. Pibus, Kirkby Fletham,„, Gawin Noble, Cock-milne, Rob. Niccolson, Stanfrey, Will. Prest, Thornton, "" "" "" John Johnson, Brompton, "" [132] WHO PRESENT [after-part gone]— Five men of Northallerton and one of Thornton Beanes for drinking in Rob. Gamble's alehouse on a Sunday morning, and the latter for permitting it. THIRSKE, JULY, 1617. 159 Will. Burnett, • [133.] SECOND PANNELL [after-part gone]— James Fr. Power, Edw. Shadlocke,. John Wightman, Amp[leforth],. Rob. Dobson, Frerehill, Philip Craven, "" Rich. Burnett, Catton, Rich. Bell, Thirske, Greg. Awmacke, Sand-huton, Yeom". Yeom". John Newsome, Greg. Jackson, Sand-huton, Yeom". "" Mich. Lieth, Morton, "" Yeom". Rich. Walker, Maunby on Swale, "" Yeom". Chr. Palliser, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". John Husthwait, Sowerbie, "" Tho. Bell, ", >> WHO PRESENT- A woman for stealing ten yardes of linnen cloth, value 15s., &c. [133] [After-part gone.] A man for extortion under colour &c, and a Sneaton Thorpe man and one from Whitbie, for using the trade of a joyner, not having been apprenticed &c. [134.] [Nine presentments gone.] A man for using the trade of badger without license; the inhabts. of Gatonbie for that the laine betwene Gaitonby and Swainby is in decaie, &c, and those of Swainby for the same as regards the laine between Mawnbie and Swainby. [134] [Three presentments mainly gone.] James Peckett, Constable of Marton cum Moxby, for refusing to pay the money for L. S. for that parish; John Donnington of Huntington, gent"., for refusing to pay his sessment which concerneth the King, which hath bene an ancient custome for to be paid of that livinge* on which he now dwelleth; and a man for harbouring rogues &c. [135] SECOND PANNELL [gone]. WHO PRESENT- Henry Rowth of Screwton, yeom"., Mary his wife, and John and * The sense borne by this word in its present application is perfectly familiar in the every-day phrases "patron of a living," "a good living," "So-and-so has so many livings in his gift," but the word itself, so applied, is not at all familiar to modern ears. Halliwell gives a Leicestershire usage of it, which is perfectly coincident, in "LIVING. A Farm." An analogous usage is in the phrase "to make a living," or "make a living out of" this or that. If not applied to a Churchman, Richardson's quotation from Corbet. Iter Boreale contains an instance where the word takes the same meaning as in the text :- "For us, let him enjoy all that God sends, Plenty of flesh, of livings, and of friends." 160 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Elizth, his son and daut., for an assault on Rob. Screwton and Chr. Tennant, Bailiffs of Hang East, in the execution of a warrant of distraint from Adam Midleham, Esq., J.P., &c. [135] [One entry gone.] A person for stealing a pair of shoes, value 15d.; a man and his wife for an assault on the above-named Rob. Screwton when executing a like warrant signed by Sir Coniers Darcy. [136.] A man, his wife, and a third person for some offence against the highway laws, apparently in stopping up a public way or strete by aid of an yron teame and otherwise [much of the entry gone]; the inhab's. of Tollerton for that the highwaie betwixt the water-milnes of Alne and the milne yate, being the common highwaie for the inhabts. of Yolton, Flawith, Aldwarke, and Tholthropp to come to their parish church of Alne is in great decaie &c. [136.] [All gone or illegible.] [137.] Rich. Staveley, Rich. Clarkson, Henry and Ambrose Lan- chester :-Traverse of a former indictment: the entry gone or illegible, and the reference to f. 124 unavailing, as that f. is altogether gone. The case goes before a Jury, Stephen Hill being Attorney for the King. [137°.] All gone or illegible at top; and below, an application for relief as a L. S. disallowed, but in consideration of the applicant's [name illegible] qualitie and good service at home and abrode, £10 allowed. On ff. 138 to 142 both inclusive almost nothing left that is decipherable. [143.] NORTHALLERTON. Qu. Sessions at, 1 Oct. 1617. All illegible save parts of a few of the names of Jurymen. [143] Mostly illegible. [144] Gone or illegible above: on the lower part of the folio three persons presented for an assault, as before, on Rob. Screwton, Bailiff &c. [144.] Illegible except the last two entries, one of a man brewing &c, the other John Donnington of Huntington again, for refusing to pay his sessments for L. S. &c. [145.] Quite illegible above. ? 161 NORTHALLERTON, OCTOBER 1, 1617. SECOND PANNELL. Geo. Wilson, Northallerton, 'Gent". Fr. Knight, James Mede, sen*.,, John Bowes, Sawcocke, >> Rob. Atkinson, Ainderby Steple, Yeom". John Morland, Hawnbie, Yeom". Chr. Tailor, Swineside, Geo. Dobson, Burneston, "" "" Yeom". Math. Foxton, Brompton, Edw. Hutchinson, "> "" "" Chr. Johnson, Raskall, Tho. Best, Hornbie, "" Will. Lomlie,Ainderby Steple, Yeom". Edw. Williamson, Ellingstring,,, Fr. Metcalfe, Thornton in-le-More, Yeom". [145] WHO PRESENT— A man for shooting doves with a gun &c, and another for playing cards. [146.] One entry illegible, a second of trespass and damage. [1466.] All illegible above; a man for forestalling the markett by buying corne at men's houses &c; seven persons for brewing &c. [147. REGISTER B. of RECUSANTS, f. 146.*] Recusants indicted at the General Sessions held at Northallerton 1 Oct., 1617. Before Henry Belassis, Kt. Bart., Coniers Darcy, Tho. Belassis, Knts., Will. Mauleverer, Will. Aldburgh, Will. Tanckard, Nich. Coniers, John Clough and Will. Robinson, Esquires. The Jury present Recusants as follows :- BULMER WAPENTAKE. BRANSBY-Will. Rawdon, lab'. TIRRINGTON-Margt. wife of Jordan Metham, gent". SANDHUTON Chapelry-Gartred wife of Chr. Simpson, gent". BIRDFORTH. EAST HARLSEY-Lawr. Marshall, lab'. OVER SILTON Chapelry-Amabell wife of Peter Wicliffe, gent". UPSALL in SOUTH KILVINGTON-Ellen wife of John Richmond, milner, and Ann wife of John Crathorne, lab'. FELIXKIRK-Jane wife of Chr. Oxendale, lab'. * Nearly two-thirds of f. 147 of the volume of Minutes and Orders is illegible, but from the parts decipherable it is apparent not only that a general presentment of Recusants is recorded, but that it is identical with that given here. From the same source is derived the list of Justices present, the names of the Jurors being those of the Second Pannell just given. But the name of the High Sheriff for the year does not appear. VOL. II. M 162 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [157.] RIDALL. SCACKLETON GRAINGE in HOVINGHAM-Ann wife of Chr. Collierson, lab'. LANGBARGH LIBERTIE. UGTHORP in LIETH parish-Ellen Massam, spinster, Edw. Thompson, lab., Ellis wife of Will. Jollie, lab*., Jane Fish of Borrowby, widow. EGTON Chapelry-Chr. Pearson, lab'., Luke Whitfeild, cordwainer, Ellen wife of Ralph Harwood, lab'., Tho. Calvert, lab'., Alice wife of Peter Colson, yeom"., Ellis Cowlson, widow, Rich. Cowlson, labourer. STOKESLEY-Ralph Lambert, gent"., and Margery his wife. LOFTHOUSE-Ellen wife of Rob. Simpson, lab'., Margt. Robinson, spinster, Alison Bennison, widow. BROTTON Chapelry-Phillis Harrison, widow, Rob. Hart, fisherman, and Jane his wife, Jane wife of Will. Hart, fisherman, Lawr. Pattison, milner, and Elizth. his wife, [147.] Tho. Man, milner, Susan his wife, and Peter his son. KILTON within the said Chapelry-Mary wife of Edw. Goodier, lab"., Frances wife of Will. Ducke, labourer. SKINNYNGRAVE within the aforesaid Chapelry-Will. Hindson, fisherman. DANBY-Barth. son of Geo. Postgate, husbandman. INGLEBY GREENHOW-Rob. Younge, labourer. GISBROUGH-Anth. Bailes, yeom"., and Ursula his wife, Jane Hudspeck, spinster. SKELTON-Elizth. Allanbie, spinster, Ellenor Milner, spinster. AITON-Mary Lowicke, spinster. PICKTON in KIRK-LEVINGTON-Jane Hird, widow. PICKERING-LIETH LIBERTIE. GOTELAND Chapelry - Agnes Ducke, widow. WHITBY STRAND LIBERTIE. WHITBY-Dorothy White, spinster, servant to Henry Fairfax, gentleman. Eskdale Side Chapelry-John Chapman, sen., lab'., Will. Postgate, yeom"., Margery Coniers, widow. FILINGDALE Chapelry-Brigett Kendall, spinster, Jane Smith, spinster. [15.] ALLERTONSHIRE LIBERTIE. WORSALL Chapelry-Ellen wife of Anth. Cocke, yeoman. ALLERTON-John Wasse, yeoman. LEAKE-Mary wife of Will. Green, Esq., Elizth. wife of Tho. Danby, Esq. NORTHALLERTON, OCTOBER 1, 1617. 163 HANG EAST WAPPE. HORNBY-Elizth, wife of Will. Covell, gent". ELLINGSTRINGE in MASSAM parish-Mary wife of Will Stable, milner. HALIKELD WAPPE. BRANTON in KIRKBY ON THE MOOR-Tho. Bell, lab'., servant to Tho. Tanckard, Esquire. GILLING EAST WAPPE. KNEETON in MIDLETON TIAS-Marm. Franck, Esquire. BARTON CUTHBERT Chapelry-Fr. Wright, tailor. MANFEILD-Jane Norton, spinster. [148.] GILLING WEST WAPPE. HUTON LONGVILLERS Chapelry -Jenett Robinson, spinster. ST. JOHN'S parish-Mary Applebie, widow, Ann wife of Rob. Younge, lab'., Tho. Younge, tailor, Ann Younge, spinster. KIRKBY RAVENSWORTH-Edw. Bell, tailor. MELSONBY-Rob. Gatred, gent"., and Elizth. his wife, James Thomp- son, yeom"., and Elizth. his wife. ROOKBY-Ralph Rookby, gent"., Chr. Rookby, gent"., Alice Rookby, spinster, James Allanson, lab'., servant to Sir Tho. Rookbie. [16.] HANG WEST WAPPE. LABURN in WENSLEY parish-Margt. Eshe, servant to Geo. Wate, gent"., Dorothy Waller, spinster. DOWNHAM―Tho. Coniers, Esq., and Kath. his wife, Isabell Jefferson, widow, Nath. Smith, yeoman. FINGALL-Merial Lucas, widow. SPENNITHORN-Ellen Eshe, spinster, daut. of Edw. Eshe, gentleman. HAUXWELL-Rich. Cholmley, Esquire. These all on 9th July 1617 were of the age of sixteen years and upwards, did not repaire to their parish churches &c within the space of fifteen months &c. [148] And moreover, at this General Sessions at Northallerton held 1 Oct., proclamation was made that Will. Rawdon, Margt. wife of Jordan Metham, gent"., Gartred wife of Chr. Simpson, gent"., and the other Recusant persons above named should make their appear- ance at the next Sess". to be held after the Feast of the Epiphany, or else &c. [16.] It was certified at this Sessions by Sir Tho. Post. Hoby that Elizth. Marshall of Robin Hood Bay, widow, had conformed &c. M 2 164 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. HELMESLEY-At the Gen'. Sessions at, 8th Jany 1617, before Tho. Belassis, Rich. Etherington, Rich. Vaghan, John Gibson, Tho. Gower, Henry Tanckard, Knts., John Clough and Will. Robinson, Esquires. Forasmuch as at the last Sessions &c Will. Rawdon, Margt. Metham, Gartred Simpson, John Wasse, yeom"., and divers other persons were indicted for not repairing &c and were publicly summoned to appear at this Sessions, and the aforesaid John Wasse of Northallerton did so appear and was certified as having attended his parish church &c, but neither the said Rawdon, Margt. Metham nor the other Recusants before named made appearance, therefore they were con- victed &c. At foot of f. 148b :-Thèse Recusantes were certified both into the Crowne Office and Exchequer in Hillary Tearme 1617. I [149.] At top illegible, and nearly so below, but Orders inflicting fines of £10 on L. Scrope, presumably Bailiff of Richmondshire, for not returning a sufficient number of freeholders to serve as Jurymen, of 40s. on Will Hornby, Baliffe of Rydall, for non-appearance, either personally or by deputy, at this Sessions, and of 40s. a pece on the bayliffs of all the Wapentakes, Hallykeld only excepted, for not executing and retorning such warrants and precepts as were directed and delyvered to them. [149.] Illegible at top. Below an order of 12d. weekly on the putative father of a bastard; a warrant &c to attach three Thirsk men &c, and a like one against a Snape man. [250.] Mostly illegible. Where decipherable, recording Orders for warrants &c. [150º, 151, 151º.] Mostly undecipherable, so that no connected sense can be made, until near the bottom of the f. last written, when an Order to discontinue the hitherto usual payment of £5 a year to the Scarborough Hospitall, on the representation of Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby shewing it to be unnecessary, is met with, and another, discharging the Tenants of Ellingthorpp Furres, seeing they have well amended the high waye for which they were presented. [152.] Altogether illegible. HELMESLEY, JANUARY, 1617. 165 HELMESLEY. [153.] Qu. Sessions at, January. ... 161. [Illegible.] FIRST PANNELL. Rob. Butler, Staingrave, Gent". Rich. Banckes, West Nesse, Will. Wasse, Easterside, " Peter Hoperton, Hovingham, Yeom". Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moorside, Yeom". Chr. Mede, Lastingham, Yeom". Will. Burton, Wood Appleton,,, Tho. Wilson, Nawton, *Yeom". Geo. Mamond, Thornton, "2 Edw. Blenkorne, Tirrington, Rob. Thompson, Catton, 99 "" John Huswhate, Sowerbie, Tho. Bell, Dalton, Chr. Manners, Carlton, "" John Butterwicke als. Gibson, Busbie, Yeom". [153] WHO PRESENT— a man for stealing a sheep, value 6d. ; an Aldwarke lab'. and his wife for breaking into a barn and stealing two pecks of rye, value 16d. [154.] . . [154] [155.] • a man for shooting in a gun. . an alehouse-keeper for permitting drunkenness. Egton Bridge as in great decay, but it is not known by whom it ought to be repaired. [155b.] [156.]. a man for stealing a peice of beefe, value rod., &c. • Rich. Maddox, Geo. Hall, Will. Dringe, THIRD PANNELL. Gent". Will. Yates, Tollerton, Chr. Ellis, Yeom". "" Yeom". Geo. Sheppard, Tho. Jackson, "" "" "" John Armstronge, Clifton, " "" "" Chas. Chapman, Helmesley, Tho. Atkinson, Tollerton, "" Geo. Harland, . [156b.] . . . . . two persons to be whipped for felony; the same two acquitted of a second felony. [157.] . • on a second charge. a person to be whipped as above, and is acquitted * Only eleven names given. 166 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [157] Mainly undecipherable, but containing a further entry touch- ing the convicted Recusants above. [158.] . . . . . . A fine of £10 inflicted on Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby for an insufficient summons on Freeholders within his baylywicke to attend at the present Sessions &c; Tho. Franckland and Nich. Stringer to abide by the arbitrament of Sir Rich. Etherington and Sir John Gibson in all matters of controversy depending between them. [158b.] . ..; that the Bayliff of Whitby Strand be fyned 40s. for departing the Court without licence; that a warrant &c to attach Henry Moore, Constable of Tyrrington cum Ganthropp, for not executing a warrant from Sir Tho. Gower for the apprehension of Henry, Rob., Rich., Geo. and Francis Lascells, gentlemen, all of Ganthropp, and bring him &c; that another warrant &c for the appre- hension of the said gentlemen, to appear &c. [159.] . . ; also ORDERED touching the decaye of the high wayes betwixt Kirkby Mylnes and Chaw-yate adjoyning Syn- nington Common, that Sir John Gibson shalbe requyred to survey the same and to certefye the decaye or repayer thereof to this Court before Michelmas Sessions next, and in the mean tyme all proces to be stayed against the inhabt. of Keldholme; that 20s. be allowed in a case of loss by fire. [1590.] · ; renewal of an Order [see p. 164] for 12d. weekly to be paid by the putative father of a bastard child. Next Sessions at Thirske for all the N. R. 14th April next. [160.] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions at, by adjournment, January 1617. All illegible. 160³, 161ª, b, 162ª, b, all illegible save one entry at the foot of the last, in which the Jury present James Atkinson, Constable of East Wilton, for refusing to cess such cessments as are imposed upon his Constablerie, as well for the House of Correction, as for monie due to the Purveyour, to the evil example &c. [163.] Nearly all illegible: at the lower part of the page is a long entry, probably recording proceedings against Recusants, and con- taining the names of Geo. Stockdale, John Crawforth, Mary Wilkinson, Tho. Kilburne and Margt. his wife, John and Jane Kilburne, Will. Wetherell and Ellen his wife, Geo. Hodgson, jun'., and Mary his wife, THIRSKE, APRIL, 1618. 167 Margt. Harrison, Ann wife of Rich. Wilson, John Dalton and Margaret his wife, all of Sco. * in Allertonshire. [163] All illegible, save a few words which serve to show that the conviction of the above-named persons is recorded. [164.] All illegible. b [164°.] . .; a man discharged of certain affiliation charges imposed on him, on condition that he finally undertakes the main- tenance of the child; the inhabt. of Swainby to have till Michaelmas to amend their highwayes. [165.] . . . .; forasmuch as 33s. 8d., with 6s. 4d. charges, was levyed by the Deputy of the County of York of the goodes and cattells of a poor widow of Reeth, which money was estreated against all the inhab's. of that towne and ought by them joyntly to have byne payde, which they have refused to pay or contrybute with her thereunto- Ordered that the said inhab's. shall pay their due proportions &c. [165b.] ; a very old and poor person to have relief; John Arondale, a L. S., producing references and letters from the Lordes of the Pryvie Councill, to have £7 yearly pension, until the Court take further order in the matter. [166.] All illegible, save that the next Sessions are to be held, for the entire N. R., at Thirske, on April 15th 1618. [167.] THIRSKE. Qu. Sessions at, April 1618.. FIRST PANNELL. "" Gawin Spence, Coverham, Yeom". Rob. Burton, Letbie, "9 Rich. Lockwood, S . . . ., Gent". Henry Metcalfe, Maunbie, Tho. Richardson, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". Rich. Lightfoote, Grainge, Yeom". Rich. Bell, Thirske, "" John Barrowbie, Disforth, "" Mich. Lieth, Morton on Swale,,, Rich. Brompton, Aiskew, "" Rich. Walker, Maunbie, "" Anth. Lofthouse, Ilkton, "" Will. Webster, Brotton, "" John Wightman, Ampleforth,,, Anth. Ridsdale, "" "" * On reference to the list of Recusants given as presented at the Richmond Sessions, 9 July, 1616, it will be seen that many of the names here noted are iden- tical with those of the Recusants presented from Sockburne in Allertonshire. The Sco... in the text, then, probably involves a mistake of the scribe through which the letters cand o are transposed. 168 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. • [167.] WHO PRESENT— ; Margt. wife of John Dunning and Will. Belt, both of Thirske, for an assault on one Richard Barker, and rescuing the said John Dunninge from his custody. [168.] Illegible. [168b.]. .; a Thirske man for stopping a common and usuall high waie lying on the south side of Stangbaurgh in the common feildes of Thirske, to the great annoyance &c. • [169.] Illegible. [169]. .. ; a man and his wife as common scolds, malitious and unquiett towards most of their neighbours, and especially to Raph Richardson, Constable . . . insomuch that he cannott goe about his busines quietlie, nor yet about his Matics. affaires; the inhab's. of Dromanby in Cleveland for that the lane called Bense Bridge Laine is ruinous and in great decay, &c; those of Busbie for that the lanes there called Little Busby Lane and Goose-nooke Lane, are in great decay. [170.] . .; ; the inhabt. of Osmotherley cum Ellerbeck, and those of Thimbleby, for the like, but the notice of the localities in either case is illegible. [170".] Illegible inclusive of Second Pannell; below, a Knaton man is presented for stealing four bushels [modios] of coles, value 10d. [171.]. ; a man convicted of felony to be whipped forth- with, and another acquitted of a similar charge. [171]. • ; two or more entries touching the taking of the oath of Allegiance by Recusants, the only legible names being Rich. Askwith (whose widow Agnes conforms &c). [172.] ORDERS made &c :-two touching the House of Correction, their purport not discoverable; and a third like, touching Rippon North Bridge. • [172.] Mainly illegible: a further notice touching Agnes Askwith; John Beckwith of Massam sworn Bailiff of Hang East in open Court. [173.] . . ; that a Fearbie innkeeper shall enter bond to surcease to keep an alehouse; that two persons, sureties for a man who was bound to appear at this Sessions, but is now dead, be dis- charged of their recognces [173°.] . . ; Ordered that Mark Liell and Will. Foster, late High Constables of Langbargh, shalbe discharged, and Samuell Brasse of Ilkton, gent"., and Rob. Stoope of Marske, gent"., shalbe sworn High Constables of the said Libtie. in their places. [174]. . ; It is also ORDERED that Special Sessions of the . . for the Wap. of Bulmer upon Monday peace shall be held .. THIRSKE, APRIL, 1618. 169 • this month of April; and likewise. 29th Aprill; and the like Sess". • and Hang ; And the like Sess". to East at Bedall upon Midlam for Hang West upon Friday be holden att . . . on Saturdaie the second of Maie; And. . . fourth of maie the like Sess". at Stoke[sley] for Langbargh; and upon Wednesday the sixt of Maie att Northallerton for Allertonshire Sessns, to be holden att Cockwold for Birdforth upon Fryday the 8th daie of Maie. ... [174°.] The upper three-fourths gone or illegible; below-ORDERED that Nich. Coniers, Esq., Ralph Salvin, Esq., and Fr. Gargrave, gent"., shall make appointm'. of a metinge to view the decay of Egton bridge and to make certificate at the next Sess". thereof, and what summe of monie will, in their discretion, by skilfull workmen's judgment, suffice for the re-edyfying of the said bridge, and that such sum as they deem meet shall be estreated &c. [175.] Gone; except at the bottom, where the fixture of the next Sessions for 9th July at Helmesley, with adjournment to Richmond on the 13th July, is met with, and also Roll signed by Sir Hen. Belassis, Kt. and Bart. Sir Tho. Belassis Sir Conyers Darcy Sir Rich. Vaghan Tho. Davile W™. Aldburgh Roger Gregory Esquires Sir Hen. Jenkins Knts. Nich. Conyers Math. Jopson Wm. Robinson Sir Wm. Sheffeild Sir Walter Bethell Sir Tho. Laton [175] Quite gone or illegible over more than half its extent*; a man discharged of his recognces, having been bound to maintain a bastard child, the said child being dead; Rob. Lomley, gent"., sworn Chief Constable for Gilling East vice Tho. Lomley, gent". Roll Signed by Sir Coniers Darcy Sir Hen. Franckland } Knts. Tho. Davile, Esq. [176.] MIDLAM-Special Sessions at fillegible]. The remaining names of the Jurymen (their quality and residence being in each case unde- cipherable) are John Watte, Anth. Slater, Fr. Watson, John Smithies, * Doubtless Minutes of the Special Sess". appointed to be held at Beedall for Hang East Wapentake, 170 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. John Becke, Geo. Cagill, Tho. Cagill, Jerome Richardson, Ottivell Metcalfe, and Fr. Butter, sen*. [1766.] . ; a man presented for an assault &c; and a warrant &c for the apprehension of another on a similar charge. [177.] Illegible throughout, save only- Tho. Davile Roll signed by Sir Coniers Darcy Knts. Sir Timo. Hutton Adam Midleham Esquires. Mat. Jopson RICHMOND. [177] Special Sessions at, [illegible]. ORDERS made &c. Ordered that John Harrison of Kirkby Hill, yeom"., fined at last Qu. Sess". for not appearinge as a freholder to serve on the Jury, be now discharged of his fine of 6s. 8d. &c. ; and a like Order in the case of Geo. Slinger of Ainderbie Steeple under the same circumstances. [178.] All illegible save— Roll signed by Sir Conyers Darcy Knts. Sir Timo. Hutton Adam Midleham Math. Jopson Esquires. STOKESLEY, Special Sessions at, &c [illegible]. The names of the Jury mostly gone; Lancelot Younge of Aiton, Will. Tonstall of Huton, Will. Barker of Seamer, Tho. Wilcocke of Stainton, Rog. Armstrong of Huton Rudby, Tho. Simpson of Marske, Will. Cuthbert of Kirkleathom, and Rob. Chapman of Stanghaw, all yeomen, being all that are left. The Jury present a Whorlton alehouse-keeper for entertainynge a man suspected for dear-stealinge. [179.] All illegible except— Roll signed by Sir Da. Foulis Sir Hen. Jenkins Sir Hen. Tanckard Knts. Sir Tho. Laton Nicholas Coniers, Esq. HELMESLEY, JULY, 1618. 171 [180.] HELMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, July . . ., 1618. Before • John Camage, gent"., deputy for Sir Rob. Swift, Sheriff. FIRST PANNELL. Henrie Lascells, Ganthropp, Gent". John Dale, Lilling, Yeom". Tho. Fisher, Huton Many Geese, Yeom". Will. Burnett, Catton, Yeom". John Fawcet, Lastingham, John Park, Aiton, "" "" Peter Waineman, Lofthouse,, Rob. Dobson, Frerehill, Yeom". Phil. Craven, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "} Will. Massinger, Newham, Geo. Hill, Whitby, Will. Allatson, Filingdales, Geo. Sonley, Nonnington, Rob. Marrer, Rosedale, Tho. Coultus, [180b.] WHO PRESENT— An official of the Archdeacon of Cleveland's for extortion in obtain- ing, under colour of his office, from one of the Churchwardens of Topliff 5s. 4d., and 2s. for the Paratour's call, no such sums being due ; Henry Jeffrey of Alne, Clerk, being Commissary of the Peculiar Juris- diction of the late Treasury of the Cathedral Church of S. Peter at York, for extortion in obtaining under colour of his office 4s., as his fee for writing of proof of the will of Mary Hall, widow, lately deceased, all whose goods, rights and credits at the time of her death were under the value of £5, &c. [181.] A man for felony [nearly all illegible]; eleven persons of Dalton in Topcliffe for not leadinge, each of them, fower waine-loads of cobble stones for amending of the high waie in the said parish, called Broken Bankes, &c. [181.] Seven persons of Eldmire, seven of Catton, three of Skipton, eleven of Asenbie, for the like. [182.] Twelve of Disforth, fourteen of Rainton, for the like. [182] Six of Baldersbie, six of Marton on the Moor, for the like; the inhabts of Wigginton for not repairinge one usuall waie leading to the Cittie of Yorke, without one yate called Breck-yate, lyinge within Wigginton parish, &c; a Skewsbie innkeeper for selling ale above 4d. the gallon &c. 172 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Rob. Butler, Stan . . [183.] SECOND PANNELL. John Dobson, New Malton, Alex. Orricke, Will. Wasse, Easterside, Tho. Edon, (?) Easington Will. Webster, Peter Barker,. Walter Cheseman, Tho. North, Butterwick, Leon. Huntrodes, John Sheppard, New Malton, Yeom". Tho. Ellerbie, Ampleforth, Yeom". Fr. Challoner, Marton Grene, John Dowe, Newton, WHO PRESENT- A Newton in Rocliffe man for building a cottage and not laying &c. [183] A New Malton butcher for an assault; Will. Denton of Kirkby Moorside, Clerk, Archdeacon of Cleveland, for extortion in taking, colore officii sui, 5s. 4d. from Chr. Atkinson, Churchwarden of Carlton Miniott, viz. 3s. 4d. as a fine and 2s. for the Paratour's call, &c; an East Harlsey man for stealing an yron teame, value rod., &c. [184.] An Ugthropp man, and another of Thirsk, for assault &c; a Dalton man for the like on Ralph Richmond, Constable of the same. [185.] Five persons for not fulfilling their daies works; another for not sending sufficient persons to worke his daies workes, being appointed by the Overseers of his parish (Thirske), and also for not sufficientlie scouring his ditch in Haggberry-how Laine, whereby a common water-sewer is stopped; a Thirske tanner for an assault on Tho. Watson and Tho. Williamson, Churchwardens of the said parish, being about to levie diverse summes of monie of severall persons, being negligent commers to Church, by warrant from his Maties Justices of Peace. [185] The inhab's. of Topcliff for not repaireing the high strete in a place called the Broken Banck &c. Names of Jurors to enquire &c :-Rex v. Fr. Browne, and Will. Kay, prisoners &c. Gent". Tho. Williamson, Thirske, Yeom". Yeom". Tho. Bell, "" "" Sam. Brasse, Hilton, Rich. Waind, Foulrice, Will. Medd, Lastingham, Nich. Barker, Beaudlam, Rich. Phipps, "" "" Will. Wainde, Dawby (Dalby),,, "" John Kilvington, Broughton, Anth. Harrington, Sowerby, >> "" Tho. Watson, Thirske, Chr. Atkinson, Carlton, "" Who find Fr. Browne guilty, to the value of 4d., and as he has no goods &c the Court sentences him to be whipped forthwith; and Kay is acquitted. HELMESLEY, JULY, 1618. 173 ORDERS made &c. A case of bastardy (illegible); Sam. Brasse and Rafe Seatone, High Constables of Langbargh, to pay. . monie for the buildinge of the House of Correction unto Mr. Simond Humble, appointed to receive. the same; that the Petty Constables within the N. R. who have not brought in their presentments for Recusants and brewsters, being lawfullie somoned by the baliffes of the severall Wapentackes and Liberties, shalbe fined 20s. a pece; a man of Skelton in Cleveland (loss by fire) to have 20s. &c; that a warrant &c to the Constable of Thornabie in Stainton parish to distreigne the goodes &c of Cuthb. Browne of Kirklington for refusing to pay sundrie cesmentes at Thornaby, &c. [186] It is Ordered that no Baliffe, Deputy-baliffe, Baliffe of anie mannour, servant nor reteynour of any Lord, Knight or Principall gent". of the country, nor anie one that hath been convicted and presented for brewing ale to sell without license shalbe licensed to sell ale . . . for the space of thre yeares: And if anie such be already licensed that then shall surcease and brew no more on notice given of this Order, which if they do not forbeare, then they are to be bound &c; a warrant &c to attach a man for escaping from the Constable when he was arreasted, &c; a Thirske man to be bound &c; the inhabt. of Oswoldchurch to be discharged of all former pre- sentments for not repairing a highway &c. • [187.] A warrant &c to attach Will. Denton, of Kirkby Moorside, Clerk,* to have him bound to appear at the Assizes, and answer such things &c, and specially for diverse vile and scandalous [speaches] published against his Matie [illegible]; that Fr. Norton, Marm. Bell, Geo. Burneston and Chr. Maisterman of Topcliffe, presented for not repairing the highway called Broken Banckes shalbe [per]mitted to traverse the same Indictmtes and to prosecute the same Indictmtes with effectt† and to stand to the order of the Courte &c; also that Tho. Speight, gent"., an ancient and impotent soldier, shall have a yearlie pension of 40s. allowed him &c; that twentie markes be estreated &c towards repair of Essell Bridge according to an Order made last Sessions; and if it cannot be proved at the next Sessions that it ought to be repaired by the Countrie in right of law-That then twenty nobles more shalbe allowed towardes the same, and the countrie never anie more charged therewith. * See last page, where the same person, described as Archdeacon of Cleveland, is presented for extorting money from a Churchwarden. + Much of the entry is defective, and other parts of it almost indecipherable, but the above seems to be the true copy. 174 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [187] That a warrant &c. to bring a man to be bound &c; that a warrant &c to attach three persons appearing on their recognces, and departing without license or payment of fees, &c; that £50 be estreated &c towards the repair of Egton Bridge, to be paid over to Rog. Salvin of Newbiggin, Esq., and Fr. Gargrave, gent”., for the said purpose; that Will. Grene of Whitby, an old impotent man, who had served and been wounded in the Low Countries in her late Maties reigne, shall have 30s. as a gratuity. [188.] A further Order touching the arrangement between the in- habts. of North-holme and Edstons Ambo (signed by Sir Will. Bamburgh and another):-Mr. Stillington did offer to prove that Edstons Ambo are worth £296. 12. 6, but yet upon his proufe it appeared to us that they are worth but £276. 12. 6. Mr. Stillington saith that North-holme is now letten* for £160, and that it is worth no more, but proved to be worth £180, and so made of it the last year 1616. By Order of the Sessions 1611 Edstons to be rated at £20 and North-holme at £24. THO. GOWER. Letters from Sir Will. Waad, Knt., for and on behalf of Tho. Speight, gent., a L. S. [188.] Next Sessions at Northallerton, 1st Oct". next. Roll signed by Sir Henry Belassis, Knt. and Bart. Sir Rich. Vaghan Willm. Aldburgh Sir Tho. Gower Knts. Sir Walter Bethell Sir Willm. Sheffeild Nicholas Coniers Esquires. Willm. Robinson Qu. Sessions at, Before • ham [189.] RICHMOND. July, 1618. Darcy, Tim. Hutton, . . . Davile, Adam Midle- John Clough and John Camage, Deputy for Rob.. • * Another instance of the old form of a participle. See stooden, Vol. 1, 205 n. "LET. M. E. leten (with one t) a strong verb; pt. t. lat, let, leet; pp. laten, leten, lete." Skeat. RICHMOND, JULY, 1618. 175 PANNELL. Leon. Cleasbie, Cleasbie, Gent". Rich. Miles, North Cowton, Yeom". Henry Metcalfe, Mawnbie, Yeom". John Flower, Brompton, Yeom". Will. Miles, Hornbie, Tho. Plumber, Cathropp, Fr. Mitchell, Exilbie, Miles Metcalfe, Cracall, "} Geo. Kitchinge, Screwton, Yeom". Tho. Theakston, Ellingstringe, Yeom". Cuthb. Anderson, Gales, Yeom". John Manfeild, Aldbrough,,, Geo. Todd, Gillinge, John Robinson, Walden, "" Rich. Whitwell, Ainderby Steple, Yeom". [1896.] WHO PRESENT- A man for stealing a peck of rye, value rod.; a Kirkby Fletham man for stealing six yardes of wollen cloth, value 18s., and another man and a woman of the same, as accessories after the fact. [190.] A Redmer man for stealing a wether shepe value 9s. ; another for stealing, at a place called le Gill in Bellarbie, the wool of ten sheep, value 10s.; Fleake bridge, over a river called le Gote, being in the greatest ruin and decay; and that the inhabt. of the parishes of Bedale and Burneston have been used, time out of mind, to repair the said bridge; and that that part of the bridge appertaining to Burneston only is in disrepair, not that which belongs to Bedale. [196b.] A Brompton man for an assault; Henry Harland of Ellerton Abbey for building a cottage &c. [191.] A Northallerton man for an assault on the Constable of the same place (in whose custody he was at the time), and another man present at the time for aiding in rescueing the said prisoner; a man of East Stonesdale in Grinton for assault and affray &c. [1910.] A man for stealing a stone of hay, value 2d. ; another for stealing a gray horse, value £4; and a third for stealing a stone of haie, value 2d. [192.] A Gillinge man for pilling* of the barke of thirtene hollinget * PILL, to peel. A common North Country word. 'PEEL, to strip off the skin or bark. Two Fr. verbs are mixed up here, viz. peler and piller. It is true that peler and piller are now well distinguished in French, the former meaning 'to peel, strip,' and the latter 'to plunder,' a sense preserved in Engl. pillage. But in Old Fr. they were sometimes confused, and the same confusion appears in M. E. pilien, pillen, used in the sense of 'peel.' Rushes to pilieto peel rushes, P. Plowman C. x. 81. A clear case is in Palsgrave, who has: "I pyll rysshes, le pille des ioncz',' Skeat. +"HOLLIN. The holly. In the plural HOLLINS, holly trees. O. E. holyn, hollen; W. celyn." Cleveland Glossary. • A. S. holeyn; 176 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. · trees; a Fingall man for harbouring rogues &c; two Melmerbie men for not scouring a water-sewer called Walbecke from Walbeck to Halikeld. [192] Cuthbert Browne of Kirklington, yeom"., and Brian Staple- ton of Bedale, gent"., for not scouring a water-sewer called the Lower Goate* from Firbie to Exilbie . . . goate at any time within the space of three yeares last past, &c; two presentments for harbouring rogues &c; the Churchwardens of Marske for refusing to make their pre- sentments for such as do absent themselves from Divine Service upon the Sabaoth daies, being often thereunto required by Sir Tim. Hutton. [193.] Names of the Jurymen impanelled to enquire &c. in the cases of Rex v. Tho. Palliser, Chr. Mountforth and Henry Milnerson, prisoners &c. Rich. Michell, Cracall, Yeom". Pet. Manfeild, Newton Morrell, Yeom". Henr. Bland, Whiteside, Yeom". Edm. Jefferson, Yeom". Chr. Gill, Barton, Downholme, Yeom". "" " Ralph Wharton, Skewby, Yeom". Ralph Shaw, Newsam, Math. Shaw, Dalton, Rich. Clapham, Cracall, Ralph Kiplin, Gales, Geo. Marshall, Swetinge, Tho. Atkinson, Reeth, " "" "" Who say that Tho. Palliser is guilty to the value of 3d. [To be whipped forthwith]; that Chr. Mountforth and Henry Milnerson are not guilty, but that in the case of a second indictment the latter is guilty :-[To be whipped forthwith.] [1930.] ORDERS made &c. That four persons named, presented for takinge of kipper salmons shall (payinge their fees and fine of 6d. a pece) be discharged before Sir Tim. Hutton; that a warrant &c to apprehend Raph Raper of Bedale, and him bring &c to answere touching his negligence in the wilfull escape of Brian Grindall &c; and another, to be directed to Will. Peacocke for the apprehension of Rich. Gale of Beedale, and to bring him &c to give evidence for the escape of the aforesaid Brian Grindall. GAUT. A narrow opening, whether in a row of houses, or in the soil, sufficing to afford a passage, for men &c, in the one case, for water in the other. Spelt also GAWT, GOTE. Compare Sw. Dial. gåte, a strait or confined passage between two houses. Rietz gives the word in question as connected with gatt, gåt, or gad; O. N., N., and Dan. D. gat, an opening or hole through. Compare Hind. gât, a pass or defile. There are several GAUTS or GOTES in Whitby." Cleveland Glossary. RICHMOND, JULY, 1618. 177 [194.] An order touching the maintenance of the infant son of the late Peter Thornton [the general purport hard to make out owing to the causes before-named]; license to keep an alehouse and to brew withdrawn; whereas Ja³. Atkinson, Constable of . . . . was pre- I sented for dilatory payment of certain laies and cessments which he was commaunded by precept from the High Constable of the Wapp. to collect; and that it doth appeare to the Court that the said Atkinson is verie painfull* and carefull in the said collections, yet nevertheles he cannot collect the said summes by reason that certain groundes in Jarvax (Jervaulx) of the same Constablery, being late in the tenure of the Rt. Honble. Edward Lo. Bruce thelder, of the yearlie rent of £11. 13s. 4, being now in the tenure of Henry Scayffe and Will. Scafe, which auncientlie and time out of the memory of man have alwaies bene contributing to the townshipp and constablerie of East Witton: And now of late the said Henrie and Will. Skafe have refused to contribute in the said cessmentes: This Court doth ORDER that the said Scaiffes shall from henceforth paie and be [194] con- tributorie in all cessmentes and laies according to the quantitie of their said groundes to Church and Kinge proportionablely and indifferentlie as the rest of the groundes in East Witton do contribute thereunto. Forasmuch as the persons hereafter naimed, viz: Edward Simpson of Aiskarth, and sixteen others, have bene longe in proces and are neither able to pay fees to the Court nor fine to his Matie for their offenses :— It is therefore ORDERED that they shalbe discharged and putt forth of proces: And that Sir Tim. Hutton, Adam Midlam, Tho. Davile and Math. Jopson, Esquires, shall take such order for the discharge of divers other poore persons within the said Wapckes, as to them or anie two of them in their wisdomes shalbe thought fittinge. And it is also ORDERED that James Warrener, and seven others, shalbe likewise put forth of proces and discharged. [195] That relief be given in a case of loss by fire; that whereas a surplus of £17. 14 remains in the hands of Henry and Raph Turner. of the money levied for repair of Ulsey bridge, it is Ordered that the said surplus shalbe paid to Rob. . . . . . and Rob. Anderson, Over- seers of Dalton bridge now in decaie, to be bestowed in the repair of the said bridge; that, whereas Geo. Ward is greatlie surcharged with children, and beinge verie poore, doth want an habitation, the parish * Painfull, that is full of pains, careful, industrious, painstaking. Hence the old phrase "a painful preacher." Painful, formerly used with the sense of indus- See examples in Trench's Select Glossary." [Skeat.] "The Germanes are very painfull in making pitts to take them (elephantes), and so kill them " Goldinge. Cæsar. fol. 196. "In temperance, sobriety, and in painfulness, he (Caius) excelled all them that were elder than he." North, Plutarch, p. 690 [Richardson's English Dictionary]. trious VOL. II. (( N 178 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. of Burneston shall weeklie give 12d. to the said Ward &c untill they shall provide a house for him to live in, and that then the said parishioners shall pay him 6d. wekelie. [195] A like Order in the case of another poor man and his family belonging to the same parish; a draper of Richmond having had three yards or thereabouts of broad-cloth gotten from him by a false, counterfeite and deceiptfull message, which is since, by some indirect meanes, come unto the handes and custodie of Reginald Lancaster, Clark, Parson of Fingall, who hath no right to it—Therefore a warrant &c to commaund the said M'. Lancaster to deliver up the said piece of cloth whole and uncutt to the said draper, and if he refuse, then to bring him &c; also that all such monies as have been formerly col- lected, and unpaid, in whose handes soever the same be; and also all such monies as are dew by Geo. Dobson of Burneston, received by him for building Morton bridge; and likewise all such old timber as did belong unto the said bridge; and also all new timber as now lieth neare to the said bridge, formerlie provided for the repaire of the same; and £200 more shall presently be estreated and paid unto Tho. Ward, Will. Lomley, and Tho. Hutchinson, gent"., nominated Surveyours, towards the building of the said bridge of stone.* [196.] Ordered that £30 be presentlie estreated &c towards the repair of Bawder bridge; in a case of dispute between John Blades of Grinton and his sister Isabell, of the one part, and Reynold (or Reginald), Rob., and Nicholas Buckle, on the other, the said parties having submitted and compromitted themselves to the Order of the Court-It is Ordered and agreed that all suits, quarrells, wronges, injuries and trespasses heretofore committed or done &c shall cease and be at an end; And that Reynold Buckle shall pay 14d. wekely towards the maintenance of his bastard child by the said Isabell Blades until it be seaven yeares old, and shall also pay to the said Isabell £6. 13. 4 in equal portions at Michaelmas and Lady day next; and that the said Reynold shall further enter bond, with his father Rob. and his brother Nicholas, to the amount of £40, for the performance of this Order; and at the seaven yeares end the said Reynold is to take the filiation of the said childe; and that all suits commenced before the High Commission shall cease. [1960] That a warrant &c to apprehend a Northallerton man &c; also another, in a case of assault and battery; that Tho. Jackson of Wath, gent"., and Rich. Best of Midleton, Surveyours and Accomp- tantes for Rippon North Bridge shall forthwith repair to John Clough, Esq., to make their accomptes &c touching the said bridge; that the * An apparent instance of the replacing of an old wooden bridge by one of stone. MALTON, OCTOBER 1, 1618. 179 Overseers of Kirkby Ravensworth shall provide a suitable house for a poor man named, or else a warrant &c. [197.] An order, partly illegible, touching a sum of money estreated and collected for the repair of Willow bridge, a part of which remained in the hands of . High Constable, the High Constables that • were in the year 1613 having to take some steps in the matter. Next Sessions at Richmond, 6th Oct., 1618. Roll signed by Sir Tim. Hutton; Tho. Davile, Adam Midlam, Math. Jopson, and John Clough. [198.] MALTON. Qu. Sessions at, 1 Oct., 1618. Before Tho. Belassis, Knt. Bart., Rich. Etherington, Tho. Gower, Walter Bethell, Rich. Darley, Knts., Will. Tanckard, John Clough, Will. Robinson, and Tho. Heblethwaite, Esquires. Will. Henlake, Deputy for Sir Rob. Swift. Yeom". FIRST PANNELL. Henry Marshall, Eskdaleside, Gent". Rob. Robson, Slingsby, Yeom". Rob. Robinson, Huton in le Hole, Yeom". Jas. Swale, Aislaby, Mich. Jackson, Airsom, Yeom". Tho. Dowe, Newton, "" Will. Chapman, Eskdaleside, Will. Burnett, Catton, 99 Alex. Orricke, New Malton, Rob. Stubbs, "} "" Will. Mawmond, Thornton, Rob. Usher, "" " "" Fr. Power, Farlington, " Tho. North, Butterwicke, 33 Rob. Wilkinson, Stockton, "" [1980.] WHO PRESENT— The Rt. Honble. Will. Lord Eure of Owlde Malton, being above the age of sixteen, for not repairing to the parish church of Owlde Malton aforesaid, &c; a Clifton yeoman for stealing, at le Ellicorne Banckes in Heworth, an ewe, value 5s., and a lamb worth 25., &c. [199.] Essell bridge as in ruin and decay &c, and that the said bridge ought to be repaired by the country; the Constable and Church- wardens of Marton cum Moxbie for not paying the monie due for L. S. and Hospitalls for Easter Q., 4s. 4d, and Michelmas Q., the same; a like presentment in the case of Geo. Scott, Constable, and N 2 180 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Will. Hurst, Churchwarden, of Strensall cum membris, the calls being for 2s. 2d. each quarter. [199b.] Two Whitby men for brewing &c. SECOND PANNELL. Tho. Pilley, Skelderskew, Gent". Will. Dunninge, Moorhouse, Yeom". John Wright, Bagby, "" John Dunninge, Bawke, John Sheppard, Malton, "" "" Tho. Morrell, Thircleby, Rob. Hicks, Kirkby Moorside, Yeom". Tho. Storr, Aiton, Yeom". Nesse, Newton, "" Tho. Gibson, Pickeringe, Yeom". Rich. Best, Huton on Darwent, Yeom". Mich. Martin, Thornton in le Moore, Yeom". Ralph Greneside, Broughton, Yeom". Henry Younge, Great Aiton, Yeom". Chr. Newton, New Malton, Yeom". WHO PRESENT- David Hall, a Scot, of Edinbrough, for an assault &c on Tho. Heblethwate, Esq., J.P., drawing a dagger upon him, &c. [200.] John Easington of Kirkby Moorside, being more than sixteen years of age, for not repairing to his parish church &c; a Bolton on Swale man for stealing a webb of harden, containing twenty yards, value IOS. [200] Brian Rose of Husthwate for stopping a part of the usual way or road in a place called le Cart Close, leading from the hamlet of Angram in Birdforth to the said close, with stoopes and railes; and also for enclosing and obstructing with a hedge and ditch a part of the highway lying "juxta pallias* de Thornton," between the vill of Husthwate and How Hill, &c. [201.] The same Brian Rose for building a cottage to be used as a habitation without laying four acres &c; Will. Wivell of York, Esq., for an assault &c. [2016.] RECUSANTS.† * What is here meant seems to be quite obscure. † It may be noted here that, in Register B of Recusants, f. 17, it is recorded that at the Thirske Sessions, held April 15th, Anth. Crosby of Moorehead in Massam parish was certified by Gilb. Horsman and Will. Flavell, Ministers of Massam, as having attended Church; and moreover had taken the Oath of Allegiance in Court; and a like certificate by Will. Snowdon, Minister of Leake, Tho. Dennison and Will. Talbott, Churchwardens, is given touching Ann Askwith, widow, late of Kepwicke, who likewise takes the oath &c. At the Richmond Sessions, 13 July, certificate is given [f. 176.] by Valentine Wood, Minister of Kirkbie on Wiske, that Frances Mitchell of Maunbie on Swale had conformed &c, and had taken the oath of allegiance before Sir Coniers Darcy. Also, on f. 18, the presentment of Will. Lord Eure is recorded; while on ff. 18b, 19ab, the same list is given as is printed above. MALTON, OCTOBER 1, 1618. 181 BULMER. BRANSBY-Ambrose Story, gent"., Geo. "Robinson, lab'., Will. Hardwicke, lab'., Marm. King, lab'., Ann Carter, spinster (all servants of Rich. Cholmley, Esq.), Thomasin Thompson, widow, Ursula Crathorne, spinster, Elizth. Sonley, spinster, Rich. Dobson, tailor, Ann wife of Tho. Cholmley, Esq., Ann Martin, wife (as sup- posed) of Geo. Shawin, Margt. wife of John Geldart, lab"., Jane Roberts, widow, and Jane Bowes, spinster (both living at Rich. Cholmley's). BIRDFORTH. BRACKENBARGH in KIRKBY ON WISKE-Dorothy Lascells, spinster, Brian Battie, lab'., Will. Jackson, lab'., and Mary his wife, Will. Ripley, lab., and Dorothy his wife. EAST HARLSEY-Kath. Lazenbie, widow. KIRKBY Knoll-Peter Smith, lab'., and Alice his wife, Will. Tocketts, gent". RIDALL. LASTINGHAM-Jane wife of John Sim, yeom"., Margt. and Elizth. Sim, spinsters. [202.] WOMBLETON in KIRKDALE parish-Marg. wife of Anth. Simpson, yeoman. BILSDALE Chapelry-Ellen Biarley, widow. HOVINGHAM-Isabell wife of Chr. Carter, yeom"., Mary wife of James Raines, Ludimagister (schoolmaster). [19.] SCACKLETON in HOVINGHAM parish-Jane wife of Tho. Nen- dick, gent". SOUTH-HOLM in the same parish-Elizth. wife of Tho. Bullock, gent"., Rich. and Rob. Bullock, gent"., Elizth. Bullock, spinster, Lancelot Holtby, gent". LANGBARGH. UGTHORP in LIETH parish-Ann Smith, spinster, Ellen Storie, spinster, Isabell Roll, spinster, Brigett Postgate, and Jane Ray, spinsters. LOFTHOUSE-Jane Stephenson als. Gibson, supposed wife of John Simpson, labourer. SkynninGrave in BROTTON Chapelry-Tho. Wilton, lab'. KILTON in the same Chapelry-Jane wife of Will. Boswell, labourer. AITON-Averill Pressicke, widow. EGTON Chapelry-Jane Tailor and Ann Postgate, spinsters, Ellen wife of Edw. Whitfeild, cordwainer. SKELTON John son of Rob. Allanbie, glover. [202b.] MOORSAM in the same parish-Isabell wife of Tho. Chap man, husbandman. KILTON Chapelry-Ann wife of Ralph Johnson, labourer, Peter Pressicke, labourer. f 182 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. STOKESLEY-Elizth, supposed wife of Rob. Harrison, cutler, Leonard Hutchinson, chandler, and Isabell his supposed wife, Rob. Howe, pedler. WESTERDALE Chapelry-Barthol. Postgate, tailor, Fr. Postgate, labourer. APPLETON ON WISKE-Phillis Lofthouse, widow. YAROM-Barbara wife of Rich. Gower, gent". PICKERING-LIETH: CRAGGCLIFF, within the Chapelry of GOTELAND— Margt. Ducke, widow. WHITBY STRAND: FILINGDALE Chapelry-Elizth. wife of John Carleill, gent". ESKDALESIDE Chapelry-Margery Lawson, spinster, Frances wife of Rob, Hudson, yeom"., Edw. Chapman, yeom"., Mary Stonas, spinster, daut. of Tho. Stonas, jeat-worker :-all the above, as above sixteen years of age, and who did not repaire &c, during twelvemonths last past &c. [203.] And moreover at the said present Qu. Sessions public proclamation was made that the aforesaid Lo. Eure, Ambrose Storie, &c should make their appearance at the next (Epiphany) Sessions or stand convicted &c; a long formal Minute touching the prosecution of the traverse by Fr. Norton, Marm. Bell, Geo. Burneston and Chr. Maisterman (See above, p. 173): no result stated. [203.] A similar Minute touching traverse by Tho. Watson in re a presentment for stopping a certain high way lying on the south side of Stangbargh in the common fields of Thirske. [204.] Names of the Jury impanelled in Rex v. Tho. Olliver, and Rex v. Simon Batty. Tho. Dowe, Tho. Kitchin, John Robinson, Tho. Waite, Rich. Best, Rich. Dobson, John Crosse, Math. Bamber, Tho. Clarke, Rich. Hampton, Rich. Fairpoint, and Tho. Maddison, who find both Olliver and Batty guilty of the felonies they are indicted of. [Both sentenced to be whipped forthwith in the market place at New Malton.] [204.] ORDERS made &c. In a case of assault, sedente curia, the offender, a man of "ill cariage and hath no certaine place of dwelling but liveth ydlie," to be bound &c, and if he refuse, to be conveyed to Yorke Castle &c by the Constables of New Malton: forasmuch as Will. Denton, Clarke, has appeared to answere for some scandalous speaches against the N. R. Justices, a matter referred by the Justices of Assize to be examined by the Justices of Peace whether he spake anie such wordes, . . . three witnesses have been examined, and their depositions to be certified to the next Assizes, and the said Denton to be bound &c. MALTON, OCTOBER 1, 1618. 183 [205.] A warrant &c to attach Oswold Collinson &c; Ordered by the whole Court that a House of Correction shall be erected .. att Richmond, as hath bene formerly ordered, and that £100 more shalbe presentlie levied &c, togither with all the remainder of £200 formerly estreated and not yet levied nor collected, and all to be paid forthwith to Sir Coniers Darcy for the speedie finishinge of the said House, and also for a stocke of monie to be readie for the same; also that all such monie as is due unto the Purveyour shalbe presentlie collected and paid to him within a fortnight at the house of Elizth. Tholthropp of Thirske, widdow, which wilbe a great ease and benefitt for the countrie, the said Purveyour putting in securitie before two Justices of Peace to discharge the countrie thereof; also that the Treas. for the Hospitalls for this Division shall pay to the Hospitall of Old Malton five marks, as a gratuitie or charitie att this time, for one quarter's allowance to the said Hospitall; and then, if it be not proved att the next Sessions that it is a lawfull hospitall and been fullie founded, the Thres'. shall paie no more monie unto the same, untill further Order be taken by the Court for the same. [205] Whereas Henry Nesse of Newton in Rocliffe is indicted for erecting a cottage &c-Ordered that he shall, att the ende of seaven yeares, pull it down, or not suffer it to be inhabited; and in the meane time, and after, discharge the towne of all charges that may happen by the dwellers in the said cottage &c; also that a fine of 5s. be imposed on James Hall, a Scotishman, for disobeying the Constable of Malton (to be distributed to the poore of Malton); that the inhab's. of Wigginton shall sufficientlie repaire the highwaie in a place called Breckyate before S. John Baptist day next, and bring certificate &c; that all matters in controversie betwene Michaell Askwith and Rich. Stavely shalbe referred to the hearing &c of Sir Henrie Tanckred, Sir Walt. Bethell, Knts., Will. Tanckard and John Clough, Esquires, three or two of them, to be determined by them before Easter next: other- wise the case to be finally heard at the next Sessions without further delaie; or els, if Mr. Staveley do not then presente his traverse his recognces. to be presentlie estreated. [206.] Ordered that the inhabt. of Miton on Swale be discharged concerninge the highwaie in the Oxe-pasture there, the same having been repaired; forasmuch as Ambrose son of Will. Robinson, the late deceased of Bulmer, hath upon a Venire. . . distreyned the inhabts. of Wigginton and taken some of them bound to appeare at these Sessions, and made no returne of the said bond or proces, and hath taken 2s. 4d. by extortion of the said inhabt.-Ordered that a warrant &c to attach him &c; that the severall . . . . for the repaire of Bow-bridge the repaire of Shakinge bridge. 184 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. forthwith collected and levied [and paid] over to Geo. Heard of New Malton, who hath undertaken to finish the said bridges, putting in securitie to Sir Henry Tanckred for performance thereof. Mem". That Henry Moore, a Popish Recusant, has appeared at this Sessions and taken the oath of alleageance, and was thereupon dis- charged, and promissed to confine himselfe to his dwellinge house in the Bushopricke of Durham. [206b.] Ordered that a gratuitie of 20s. be paid to a L. S. on condi- tion he be no more &c; also that the inhabt. of Keldholm shall pay 40s. to John Cotes, everie one his proportion ratablelie according to an assessmt. alreadie made by Mr. Jerome Markham and other inhabt. of the said towne; and on refusal by anie of the said inhab's. to comply, then a warrant &c. Next Sessions at Helmsley upon Thursdaie after Twelft-daie next. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Belassis Sir Rich. Vaghan Sir Walter Bethell } Will. Robinson Knts. Tho. Heblethwayte } Esquires., [207.] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions (by Adjournment) at, 6 Oct. 1618. Before Tho. Wharton, Coniers Darcy, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Tho. Davile, Adam Midleham, and Math. Jopson, Esquires. Will. Henlake, gent"., Deputy for Sir Rob. Swift. Cuthb. FIRST PANNELL. Browne, Kirklington, | Geo. Squire, Ainderby, Gent". Anth. Applebie, Thorprawe, Gent". Calverley Hutchinson, Screwton, Gent". Tho. Stephenson, Fencote, Yeom". Rich. Brompton, Aiskew, Henry Wray, Ilkton, "" Yeom". "" Gawin Spence, Coverham, Geo. Fothergill, Holme, John Winde, Sinderbie, Rich. Kay, John Sadler, Burneston, John Robinson, sen., Walden, Yeom". [207b.] WHO PRESENT- "" "" John Wasse of Northallerton, yeom"., for an assault at Stainton on one Rob. Buckle and unlawfully taking from him a black mare, value £6. 13. 4; a man of Burrell for stealing from a shop three yardes of brode cloth, value 24d. RICHMOND, OCTOBER 6, 1618. 185 [208.] [Outer edge of leaf gone.] Marm. Wivell of Nesam, and Geo. Chipchase , yeom"., for an assault with rescusse on Ninian Etherington and John Wasse, Deputy-bailiffs of . executing a warrant of distraint granted by the High Sheriff. RECUSANTS. engaged in [208°.]* ALLERTONSHIRE. OSMOTHERLEY-Ellenor Crosby, spinster. DIGHTON Chapelry-Frances wife of John Dawson, labourer. GIRSBY-Barbara wife of James Jackson, labourer. THORNTON IN LE STREETĖ-Grace Lionesse, widow, Ann wife of Tho. Hardie, labourer. GREAT SMETON-Pentecost wife of Will. North, weaver. HUTON BONVILE-Isabell Marshall, widow. HORNBY in GREAT SMETON-John son of Will. Watinge, milner. [20.] HANG EAST. THORNTON WATLAS-Isabell Williamson, widow. AISKEW in BEDALL parish-Alice wife of Will. Hargrave, gentleman. MASSAM-Margt. wife of John Smith, husb"., Edwin Horson, lab'., Ralph Wildeman, webster, Lucy Jackson, widow. LOW BURTON in the same parish-Jane Wivell, widow, Agnes Hodgson, widow, Ann Atkinson, spinster, Cuthbert Palmarie, milner, Chr. Watson, labourer. BEDALL-Jane wife of Leon. Hodge, husbandman. THORP PARRY in WELL parish-Elizth. Hopwood, spinster, servant to Chr. Danby, Esq. NOSTERFEILD in the same parish-Ann wife of Tho. Biarley, gentleman. HALIKELD. BRANTON in KIRKBY ON the Moor—Ann wife of Will. Slator, labourer. GILLING EAST. CLEASBY Chapelry-John Todd, carpenter, and Elizth. his wife, [209.] Elizth. Lambert, and Elizth. Wilson, widows. Barton Mary Chapelry-Margt. wife of Rob. Spence, yeom"., Ellen wife of Chr. Wilkinson, yeoman. KNEETON in MIDLETON TIAS parish-Tho. Midleton, carpenter, and Ellen his supposed wife, Tho. Franck, gentleman. THIRNTOFT in AINDERBY STEEPLE parish-Ann Fairburne, servant to Ann Midleton, widow. * So much of the outer edge of the page being lost, the list of Recusants is made complete by a reference to Register B. f. 20, from which also the abodes of the second, third and fourth Jurors in the above Pannell are supplied. 186 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. KIRKBY ON WISKE-Will. Gatonbie, yeoman. DANBY ON WISKE-Frances wife of Marm. Simpson, yeoman. MANFEILD-Geo. Woordie, lab'., and Ann his wife. GILLING WEST. CALDWELL in St. John's parish-Ann wife of Rob. Langstaffe, husb". LATON in the same parish-Elizth. wife of Simon Pearson, labourer. MELSONBY-Elizth, wife of Rob. Gatred, yeoman. [21.] STANWIGGS in St. John's parish-John Shutt, yeoman. AUDBROUGH in the same parish-Geo. Metcalfe, gent"., and Kath. his wife. KIRKBY RAVENSWORTH-Elizth. wife of Will. Chutton, labourer. MARIGG-Geo. Dent, labourer. HANG WEST. GRINTON-Rich. Swale, gent"., Ann Atkinson, spinster. SPENNITHORNE-Kath. Belgrave, spinster, servant to Chr. Scroope, Esq., Ann wife of Rich. Pulleine, gent"., Elizth. Plewes, spinster. BELLARBY in the said parish-Elizth, wife of Fr. Morland, labourer. SEDBUSK in Askrigg parish-Grace wife of George Thwaites, sen., yeom"., Margaret Todd, widow. [209.] LITHERSKEW in the said parish-George Scarr, yeoman. NEWHOUSE in the same parish-Mabel wife of Phil. Allan, yeom". These all on Oct. 1, 1618, were of the age of 16 &c, and did not repaire &c. [21] And moreover proclamation was made at this Qu. Sessions held at Richmond 6 Oct., 1618, that they should appear &c, or else stand convicted &c. [210.] The Jury further Present Fr. Slinger, Constable of Barforth, for not appearing at the Petty Sessions held at Newsam, and Henry Browne, Constable of Caldwell, for the like; also the Churchwardens of St. John's for not paying their L. S. money due at this Sessions. Geo. Slinger, Ainderbie, "" SECOND PANNELL. Gent". "" Will. Firbanck, Melsonby, Yeom". Ralph Shaw, Newsam, "" Chr. Shaw, Gales, John Barrowbie, Disforth, Henry Gillinge, Yeom". John Robinson, jun., Walden, Yeom". Rich. Hill, Scruton, Rob. Wright, Melsonby, Rob. Plewes, Sutton, "" "9 Rich. Gale, Carthropp, Audbrough, Steph. Metcalfe, Chauntree, Yeom". John Manfeild, Yeom". RICHMOND, OCTOBER 6, 1618. 187 : [210] WHO PRESENT— Two men of Simondston for trespass in a garden, &c; and a Wath man for an assault &c. in Morefeild-side in the said parish. [211.] A Thornton Steward man for stealing, from a place in the same called Brode-miers, a bay mare with a starr,* value £5; a Grinton man for making a rescue by night of twelve stirkes,† value £12, two kine, value £7, and a bull, value £3, his own property, but seized by the Bailiff of Birdforth by virtue of a warrant from the High Sheriff &c, and putting to flight Ninian Etherington, Deputy-bailiff, who was in charge of the same, &c. [211] A West Stonesdale man for stealing after midday two blanketts, value 45. &c; Ninian Etherington of Screwton and John Wasse of Northallerton, yeom"., for unjustly taking away two stagges,‡ value £4, of Mary Lightfoote's, [212.] a colt, value £3, of one John a mare, wall-eyed with a starr, value 30s., of Rich. Pibus', another of Geo. Pinder's, value 40s., a third worth £3, of John , one whie-stirke, value • • ; the and two same two men for the like in the case of an ox worth 30s., whies, worth 50s., of Will.. of Rob. Holdsworth's, Clerk, three kine, worth £4, of Will. Apple- garth's. [212.] It is certified by Fr. Kay, Minister of Northallerton, that Tho. Scott of the same, sadler, Popish Recusant, has conformed &c. ORDERS made &c. Ordered that Fr. Dodsworth being fallen into povertie, and aged, and farr from his birth-place, having bene a man of good estate, shall have 40s. out of the Hospital monie; that John Easterbie shall have 4d. weekly of the Churchwardens and Overseers of Ainderby Steple ; that a fine of 40s. be imposed on Marm. Wilson of Tanfeild, Treas'. for L. S., because he neither payeth the quarterly pensions of L. S. and others, neither giveth anie attendance to the Court as he ought to doe att everie Qu. Sessions. " [213.] That a warrant &c against Will. Knight of Northallerton, Rob. Kid of Brompton, Will. Stephenson of . and Chr. Husband of Hunton, Overseers of Brompton, to bring them &c, for neglect of their duty; that the parish of Burneston shall pay 12d. * See supra, p. 37. "STIRK. Properly a heifer, between the ages of one year and two. Some- times loosely applied to animals of either sex, as in Scotland," Clevel. Gloss. Averia is the Latin word employed in the Minute, which leaves the sex uncertain in this case. But it is almost safe to infer the creatures were male, as the word "whie" (wye) is employed for heifers at p. 41 above. But see, a little below, "whie-stirke." ‡ See Vol. I. 55 n. 188 . QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. weeklie to Geo. Ward towardes his releife according to the former Order, together with arrears; that the inhabt. of Walden shall keepe the daie watch for their owne towne and dale themselves, and that they shall contribute with the towne of Burton for laies and cessmentes hereafter; that the sum of £200 lately Ordered at Malton shalbe likewise estreated &c for repaire and finishinge of the House of Correction and for makeing a stocke of monie for the said House, and that the yearlie rent for the said House shalbe yearlie paid by the Thress. for the Hospitalls of both Divisions ratabably; also that John Arondale, and John Coale of Snape, shall each have 20s. paid out of the Hosp. Money. [213] That a warrant &c to attach Ralph Raper of Bedall for his contempt in stealing out of Courte the last Sessions and without paying anie fees; that forasmuch as John Blades of Grinton, this day com- mitted to the Sheriff's custodie for want of suerties for the good behaviour, and verie contemptuouslie brake loose from the Sheriffe and ran awaie in great contempt of the Courte, therefore a warrant &c; that the inhabts. of Brompton on Swale shall provide a competent dwelling for a man, his wife, and three children, and that, if they fail to do so, then, on notice given to Sir Tim. Hutton, he shall send his warrant to take them bound to appeare &c. [214.] That the inhabt. of Ainderbie Steple shall provide a dwelling for a man, his wife and child, with like further order, as above: a like order on the inhabts. of Melsonbie, with like rider; that the Overseers of Scorton shall pay 9d. weekly to a verie poore man with fower motherles children, until further orders by the Court. Next Sessions for this Division at Richmond, Tuesday after Epiphany. Roll signed by Sir Tim. Hutton; Tho. Davile, Adam Midlam and Math. Jopson, Esquires. [215.] HELMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, 7 Jan. 1618. Before Rich. Vaghan, Walt. Bethell, Tho. Laton, Knts., Will. Aldburgh, Nich. Coniers, Rog. Gregorie, Tho. Heblethwaite and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. John Barber, gent"., Deputy for Sir Will. Alford, High Sheriff. HELMESLEY, JANUARY 7, 1619. 189 : Will. Dringe, Scawton, FIRST PANNELL. Gent". Will. Burton, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Lawr. Otterburne, Yeom" ,, "" Tho. Baker, Nawton, Nich. Davison, Fr. Dunninge, Thirske, Val. Morrell, Thirclebie, ❤ Chr. Richardson, sen., Great Aiton, Yeom". Chr. Postgate, Great Aiton, Yeom". Rich. Wainde, Foulrice, "" Fr. Challoner, Marton Greene, Yeom". Rich. Simpson, Alne, Will. Yates, Tollerton, Yeom". "" "" Chr. Richardson, jun., Great Aiton, Yeom". John Dobson, 39 [215] WHO PRESENT A Lemmington (Warwickshire) man as a vagabond &c; a lab'. and a pinner * from Swainbie, and a Scarthwood lab'. for stealing a weather shepe, value 26s. 8d., from a close called le High Sexhowe, &c. [216.] A Thirske woman for stealing six threaves + of hempe, value IOS.; Newsham Bridge over the river Rie as in great ruin and decay &c, but it is not known by whom the said bridge ought to be re- paired. [216] The inhab's, of the townshipps of Whorlton cum Swainbie for not sufficiently repairing the highwaies from the topp of the Scarth- nicke downe Scarth-laine and Swainbie Ellers, being the high-strete leading betwixt the cittie of York and Stokesley, a markett towne, &c; the inhabt. of the townshipps of Pottoe cum Gowlton for the like in * Another form of the word 'pinder' or 'pynder.' "PYNDARE of beestys (pynnar, P.). Inclusor, CATH. inclusarius, UG." Pr. Pm. In a note is added— • • A pynder, inclusarius, inclusor, inactor. A pynfolde, catabulum, testula, inclusorium." CATH. ANG. "To pin cattel, vide To pound. A pinner or pounder of cattel, inclusor." GOULDM. Amongst manorial or municipal officials the pounder of stray cattle is still in some places, as in Warwickshire, termed the Pinner In these midland parts the money that is given to the Heyward, or to any person who locks and unlocks the pound gate, is called Pinne lock." + Halliwell gives Threave (and Threve also) with the note-"The same as Thrave, q.v." Under THRAVE he says "Twelve fads of straw. Also, twenty-four, or twelve sheaves of wheat. North." As an Essex lad, and with knowledge of Suffolk, the Editor was quite familiar with the word Thrave as synonymous with shock (Northern stook) of corn, meaning twelve sheaves as set up to dry after reaping, preparatory to carting. Just as in the same district a 'hank' of string was com- posed of so many 'knots,' each knot being of a given uniform length, and kept separate from its neighbour by an easily undone ligature with two plies of string, so I take the threave of hemp to contain a given number-12, 20, or 24-bundles of prepared, or duly retted and collected, hemp, as six threaves or 'stooks' of hemp, as grown, cut, and 'stooked,' would probably require more carriage than a woman was capable of. 190 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. the case of the highwaies from Swainbie Ellers unto Facebie field, &c; the inhab's. of Oswoldchurch for non-repair of the highwaie in a place called Claris, in a yatestead there betwene Claris and Oswoldchurch feildes, &c [217.] The inhabts. of Gisbrough for that the lane betwixt Marton and Gisbrough, and that betwixt Gisbrough and Kirkleathom are &c; the inhabts. of Ormsbie for that the laines lying through Upsall to Gis- brough are &c. SECOND PANNELL. Ralph Bransbie, Thirske, Gent". Rich. Allanson, Ampleforth,,, Will. Yates, Bawke, Pet. Hodgson, Galloegreene, Yeom". Yeom". Tho. Gamell, "" "" Rob. Hudson, Godelande, Yeom". Rog. Reveley, Farlington, " Will. Skelton, Wrelton, Rich. Otterburne, Scackleton,,, Rob. Bossall, Hubie, Chr. Meedd, Lastingham, "" Will. Tarte, sen.,,, Will. Medd, "" "" Geo. Postgate, Ruston, Peter Barker, Harom, " [217] WHO PRESENT- An old Malton man for stealing a gimmer hogge,* value rod. ; the wife of a Wickham lab. for stealing a goose, value 12d.; a Thirske lab'. for an assault &c, in the King's highway, on one James Townend, and taking from him a webb of woollen cloth, containing five yards, value 12s. 6d. [218.] A Borrowby spinster for stealing 12d. in money; a South Kil- vington yeoman and a labourer of Thirske for an assault in Thirske church on James Clark, parish clerk there, &c; another Thirske lab. for an assault &c, in le Towne-gate there, on &c. [218] A Sowerbie yeom". for hiring a female servant, already in service, contrary &c; a Stearbie man for keeping a common tipling-house without license, &c. [219.] Tho. Thwinge of . . . . for not going to his parish church &c; a webster of Sowerbie near Thirske for harbouring rogues &c; a Thirske marcer, and a glover of the same place, for not paying the L. S. money, having the same in their handes. [219] That public proclamation was made that Tho. Thwinge, gent"., Recusant, should appear at the Sessions to be held next after Easter now ensuing, or be convicted &c; that whereas, at the late Sessions at Malton, Ambrose Storie, gent"., Geo. Robinson, Will. Hard- wicke, and divers other persons were indicted as not having attended their parish churches &c, and public proclamation was made that they should * For 'gimmer' see Vol. I. 14n. HOG, a sheep of a year old." Clevel. Gloss. 1 HELMESLEY, JANUARÝ 7, 161§. 191 appear at the present Sessions or stand convicted &c, and whereas they did not so appear, they are therefore now convicted &c. [Mem. that the Recusants hitherto from the leafe 201 were certified into thexchequer in Hillarie tearme, 1618.] [220.] Mem. that Will. Lord Eure having been indicted as a Recu- sant, and public proclamation &c, and since the said last Qu. Sessions the indictment was removed by Certiorari, and that the said Lo. Eure did not appear &c. Names of the Jurors empanelled to try the cases Rex v. John Wilson, Will. Sheppard, Tho. Sheppard, Ralph Hodgson, Ephama Wilson, Margt. Boyes, and Jane Bailes, prisoners at the bar :— Geo. Coniers, Filingdales, Gent". Tho. Fawcett, Lastingham, Yeom". John Robinson, sen., Huton, Yeom". Rob. Robinson, Huton, Yeom". Rich. Clarke, Lastingham, Yeom". | John Nickolson, Wood Appleton, Nich. Barker, Budlam, "" Chr. Cooper, Huton, Yeom". Will. Thorpe, "9 John Robinson, jun'., Huton,,, Yeom". "" Edm. Snawdon, Lastingham,, Lawrence Coltus, Rosedale, "" [220] Who find John Wilson guilty "pro rogando” (of being a rogue and vagabond &c), who is therefore sentenced to be branded with the Roman letter R on his left shoulder &c; Will. Sheppard guilty of the felony he is charged with, who is therefore to be set in the stocks at Stokesley next market day, and then whipped; Tho. Sheppard not guilty of the felony &c; Ralph Hodgson guilty of the felony he is charged with, therefore to be set in the stocks at New Malton and whipped &c; Ephama Wilson and Margt. Boyes, not guilty; and Jane Bailes guilty of the felony &c, who is to be whipped at Gisbrough &c. [221.] Traverse by Tho. Watson [see above, pp. 168, 182] touching stopping a certain high way: the traverse maintained. [222.] Long formal minute recording the conviction of Will. Lo. Eure as a Recusant. [2226.] ORDERS made &c. Anthony Besson, an ancient soldier, petitions for help-maimed and wounded in the warres in divers countries beyond the seas in Queen Elizabeth's time: Ordered that a gratuitie of 20s. be given him and his case further considered at next Sessions &c; that 6s. 8d. be granted in a case of loss by fire; a warrant &c; that a warrant &c to attach Will. Tailor and John Pape, Constables of New Malton, for not executing a warrant of Mr. Heblethwaite's against Simon Smart, and 192 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. another against the said Simon &c; that the fines imposed upon Tho. Savile of Welborne, gent"., and Tho. Baker of Nalton, yeom"., at the last Sessions, be spared and not estreated, as it appears they were not lawfullie sommoned; that Tho. and John, sonnes of Tho. Clarke, late High Constable of Ridall, shalbe bound in £40 a peece to pay all sums of money received by their father in the said Wap". in his Maties service &c; and if they refuse, then a warrant &c to levie on the goods &c of the said late High Constable, and for want of such goods, then of the proper goodes of the said John Clarke. [223.] A warrant against a Muskottes man, to keep the peace; that the inhabt. of Whorlton cum Swainbie, and they of Pottoe cum Goulton, shall well and sufficientlie amend &c their highways through Scarth-nicke down Scarth Laine and Swainbie Ellers unto Facebie Feild &c (See above, p. 189); that Will. Workfolke of New Malton shall be licensed to brew and sell &c; that the Hospital of New Malton shalbe utterlie dissolved and disallowed: yet, in respect of the old and impotent persons, viz. Will. Cooke, Guider of the house, Rob. Newdicke, Jane Cooke, Elizth. Atkinson, widow, and Jane Tailor, now living therein, that the Thres'. for the Hospitalls shall pay yearlie to each of the said five persons 40s. as long as they live, and no payments to be made after to anie other person; that a fine of £10 shalbe imposed on the High Sheriff (Sir Rob. Swift) for suffering the escape of a prisoner com- mitted to his custody; that a warrant &c; that Will. Wilkin shalbe committed to the Sheriffe, by him to be conveyed to York Castle for his manie contempts and misdemeanours, for disobeyinge the Justices' warrantes and assaulting and beating the Constable of Carlton Miniott, and a warrant &c. [223] Forasmuch as Peter Wilson, Tho. Wood, Fr. Peacocke, Nich. Stokell, Geo. Wilson, and Will. Simpson of Wombleton have verie rudelie and verie disorderlie behaved themselves before the Justices in the face of the Courte, they are severallie fined 20s. a peece, and committed to the Sheriffe's custodie until they paie &c; that a warrant &c to attach John Mintofte and Will. Gibson of Wim- bleton, yeomen, for making an escape from the Sheriffe, being com- mitted by the Courte for misbehaviour there, and to binde them with good suerties to appear &c; that a warrant &c to apprehend Rob. Ellis of Kirkby Misperton, and bring him &c to answere such matters as shalbe objected against him by Tho. Jefferson for the wrongfull takinge a distresse of Kath. Swale's goodes at Grinton, not beinge a sworn baliffe, &c; that a warrant &c to the Constable of Marton cum Moxbie to distreigne the goodes of such of the inhabts. there as refuse to pay their proportion of L. S. money for the last year when Will. Fisher was Constable there, &c. RICHMOND, JANUARY 12, 161§. 193 The next Sessions at Thirske, 7th April, 1619. Roll signed by Will. Aldburgh Sir Rich. Vaghan Sir Walter Bethell Knts. Nich. Coniers Sir Tho. Laton Tho. Heblethwaite Esquires. Steph. Norcliffe [224] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions at (by adjournment), 12 Jan. 1618. Before Tho. Wharton, Coniers Darcy, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Will. Aldburgh, Adam Midlam and Math. Jopson, Esquires. John Barber, gent"., Deputy for Sir Will. Alford. "" FIRST PANNELL. "" Leon. Cleasbie, Cleasbie, Gent". Rich. Johnson, Newsam, Yeom". Ralph Shawe, Will. Hunton, Theakston, Chr. Tanfeild, Caithropp, John Raper, Exilbie, Tho. Harrison, Harmbie, Yeom". Brian Harrison, "" "" Alex. Burrell, Melsonbie, John Gale, Scruton, "" John Jake, Burton in Bushop- dale, Ycom". "" Tho. Atkinson, Disforth, John Morland, Harmbie, "" John Foster, Fencote, "" Chr. Haw, Scruton, Yeom". "" [225.] WHO PRESENT, A man from Shawe within the parish of Marrige for stealing two handfulls of oore sand,* value id., &c; Bow Bridge over the Scurfe, lying between the lordships of Hackforth and Ainderby, as in great ruin &c; a Hutton Rudby man for an assault &c. [225] Chas. Kendraw of Brompton by Northallerton for an assault on Geo. Sigsworth and Leon. Bell, Constables of the said town, &c; Tho. Clark als. Brunskell, yeom"., Margery Clarke als. Brunskell, widow, Chr. Clarke als. Brunskell, yeom"., Marm. Allan, yeom"., and * The Latin entry here is "duos manipulos arenæ.” What the special sort of sand denoted by the term "oor sand" may really be, must be a matter of conjecture. Halliwell gives "ORE. Seaweed, used for manure," the derivation of which is quite uncertain. The Lat. word employed in the text can scarcely mean sea-sand, and there is, at present, no explanation apparent. VOL. II. 194 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Isabell his wife, all of Thirne, for an assault &c on John Beckwith Deputy-bailiff of Hang East, when engaged in a distraint issued from the Sheriffs' Turn for defect of pinfold there, on a warrant under the hand of Adam Midlam, Esq., J.P. [226.] Rich. Metcalf, Constable of Grinton, for not levying such monies as are due to be collected within his constablerie. SECOND PANNELL. Tho. Best, Hornbie, Gent". Oliver Laton, Gillinge, Yeom". John Stephenson, Cleasbie, Yeom". Will. Bargh, Disforth, "" Rog. Leadley, Rob. Collinson, Cracall, "" "" "" Will. Cotes, Brompton, Pet. Pibus, Kirkby Fletham, "" John Flower, "" "" Edw. Welbancke, North Cowton, Yeom". Ralph Gale, Redmer, Henry Calvert, "" Will. Claxton, Exilbie, "" WHO PRESENT- A Kirkby Ravensworth man for stopping a water-sewer in a meadow there called Tofthowe or Toftoe, so that the water is diverted from its ancient course and drowneth the groundes of one John Reynold- son, &c. [226.] Henry Temple, Constable of Bardon, for not paying such cessments as his Constablerie is chargeable with; the inhab's, of Great Leminge for not repairinge their towne-gate, being the King's high- strete leading from York to Richmond, &c; the inhabts. within Cattericke parish for not repairing a high waie above Sandbecke, betwixt Sandbecke and Fr. Calvert his groundes, &c. ; John Niccolson of North Cowton, yeom"., for not repairinge the high waie in the Oxe- pasture (latelie inclosed*), being the Kinges high strete betwene Stokesley and Richmond, &c. [227.] CONVICTION OF RECUSANTS.-Whereas at the Qu. Sessions at Richmond, 6th Oct., 1618, Ellenor Crosbie, Frances wife of John Dawson, Barbara wife of James Jackson and divers other persons were indicted for not frequenting their parish churches &c, and proclama- tion was made &c, and notwithstanding they did not appear at the present Sessions &c, therefore they stand convicted &c. [2276.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that Rich. Shawe, Minister of Tanfeild, shalbe discharged * Intimations as to the process of enclosure, apparently pushed on with activity, have been met with in divers previous Minutes. Here a distinct statement to the same effect is met with. See supra, p. 50. RICHMOND, JANUARY 12, 161. 195 of his recognces. for his appearance at the lest Sessions quia partes antea concordantur; that a warrant &c to attach Will. and Henry Scaife of Jarvauxe for refusing to pay their laies and cessmentes, and to be bound &c; that another &c to attach Peter Thornton of Askrigg, yeom"., and Math. Spence,* and bring them &c to appear at the next Richmond Sessions, and in the meane time to be of good behaviour, for extortion, briberie, and abusing the Bushopp of Exeter his Commis- sion &c, by enterlyninge and alteringe the Retorne of the same; a like warrant against Dorothy Rawlinson of Askrigge, spinster, for sundry rescousses, disorders, and misdemeanours, and to appeare &c; that the £30 formerlie allowed for Balder brigge shalbe presentlie collected and paid over to Mr. Chr. Tutell of Romerchurch: and John Ronethwaite and John Parker are appointed Surveyours of the same. [228.] That Tho. Lomley, gent"., Purveyour for oxen, shall forth- with repaire with good suerties unto Sir Henry Belassis, Knt. and Bart., and there be bound to discharge and save harmles the countrie for the whole three yeares provision, accordinge to his offer now in Courte and his former promisse; that a warrant &c to attach Chr. and Widow Margerie Clarke al³. Brunskell, and bring them &c to appeare att the next &c for their contemptuous stealinge out of the Courte, and from the Sheriffe, at this Sessions without license, nor paying anie fees either to Sheriffe or Clarke of the Peace, &c; that the recogces. versus Chas. Scott and his suerties, forfeited at the last Sessions, shalbe respited untill the next Sessions &c; that Steph. Hill, gent"., Clarke of the Peace, shall paie to Sir Tim. Hutton all such monie as he hath, or shall hereafter receive of the High Constables towardes the building of the House of Correction: And all other that have or shall receive anie monie for the use of the said House of Correction shall likewise pay the same unto the said Sir Tim, Hutton and take an acquittance under his hand writinge for the same. [228] That Fleake Bridge on the way betwene Bedall and Exilbie shalbe sufficientlie repaired by the inhabts. of Burneston before Michaelmas next upon paine of 40s. to be levied of their landes and goodes &c; that Rob. Suttle of Midleton, licensed alehousekeeper, who dwelleth in Leaminge Laine, be forbidden to brew or sell anie more ale or beere, and utterlie suppressed from this daie forward, forsomuch as the Courte is well informed of manie disorders in his house, and much il companie resortinge to it, which standeth verie daingerous, and verie suspitious to be a receptacle of theeves and vagrant persons; that a warrant &c to attach a Scotton man &c, according to a former A third name, James Wetherell, stands in the margin, but is not inserted in the Minute. 0 2 196 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. warrant, also to attach the Constable of the same, and binde him over for his negligence and contempt in refusinge to execute the said warrant &c; that a warrant &c to attach Chas. Kenraw of Brompton &c, for making an assault on the Constable of the same, whereof he stands indicted; a like warrant to attach Chr. Robinson of Hutton juxta Rudbie for an assault upon the Baliffe of Allertonshire, whereof &c. [229.] That 20s. be paid to Cuthb. Coniers, gent"., being fallen into povertie and blindness; also 1os. to a poor man of Newton; that Tho. Lomley, gent"., and Rob. Durham, gent"., late Thres's. for Richmondshire, shall, betwixt this and the next Sessions, perfect their accompts, or els a warrant &c to make their accompts accordinglie; that on the information of Margt. Hood, widdow, a warrant &c to attach Chas. Coniers of Jarvaux, yeom"., and Chr. Askwith of Newstead, gent"., to appear &c and answer such matters as shalbe objected by the said Margt., and in the mean time &c; that Will. Skafe of Jarvax shall pay all the cessmentes proportionablie for the demaine of Jarvax which he possesseth, which is due to be paid forth of the said demaine, to the Head Constables of Hang West, and the arrearages thereof &c; that John Cole, L. S., shall have ros. allowed him until further Order &c. [229] That the inhabts. of Goversett shall forthwith provide a Constable and have him duly sworn, and shall likewise make a paire of Stockes † for the punishing of rogues &c within the Constablerie of that towne; that the former warrants against Will. Stephenson of Scotton, Rob. Kidd of Brompton, John Wright of Burrell, Chr. Husband of Hunton, and Geo. Simpson of Grinton shalbe renewed &c for them to appeare &c. Next Sessions at Thirske, 7th April, 1619. Roll signed by Sir Conyers Darcy } Knts. Sir Tim. Hutton Will. Aldburgh Esquires. Math. Jopson * The word may be Gouersett, but it is probably as printed. The locality is uncertain. + The expression "paire of Stockes" is worth noting. See Vol. I. 87, note, for remarks on the use of the word “pair.” : THIRSKE, APRIL 7, 1619. 197 [230.] THIRSKE. Qu. Sessions at, 7th April, 1619. Before Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Tho. Posth. Hoby, Will. Bamburgh, Rich. Vaghan, John Gibson, Henry Franckland, Henry Tanckard, Tho. Norcliffe, Will. Sheffeild, Walt. Bethell, Tho. Laton, Rich. Darley, Knts., Will. Aldbugh, Nich. Coniers, Rog. Gregorie, John Clough, Tho. Heblethwaite, and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Will. Alford. FIRST PANNELL. Marm. Dowsinge, Crambe, Gent". Tho. Facebie, Hubie, Yeom". Will. Mawmond, Thornton, Ralph Bell, Thirske, "" Guy Bell, Fawdington, Will. Wade, Sand Huton, "" John Willey, South Ottrington,,, John Wightman, Ampleforth, „ "" ,, "" Tho. Ellerbie, Ampleforth, Yeom". Laur. Foxton, Hovingham, Geo. Sonley, Nonnington, Will. Wood, Bransdale, Tho. Ingledew, Normanbie, Tho. Lightfoote, Gillinge, Tho. Grene, Lofthouse, "" "" " [230.] WHO PRESENT— Edw. Lister, aged 52, of Allerston, Rog. Lister of Buttercrambe, Tho. and Luke Burdsall of Thornton in Pickering-lieth, all weavers, Marm. Paley and Rob. Marchand, both of Bridlington, tailors, all above the age of 7, as common Players of Enterludes &c, playing at New Malton and divers other places. [231.] John Lee of Pickering, alehouse-keeper, for receiving into his dwelling-house, and furnishing with food there, the aforesaid Players of Enterludes, together with an eighth, Will. Dickonson of Bridlington, tailor, contrary &c. [231] A like presentment against John Beanes of Aiton in Picker- ing-lieth. [232.] Tho. Banckes of Helperbie, yeom"., for shooting with a hand- gun &c a duck and mallard in the Swale within the lordship of Hun- burton. [232] A Sneaton man for stealing a petticote, value 10s. ; a Stain- grave man for hiring a person, already servant and apprentice to another, without leave or license &c; Elizth. wife of Tho. Boyes of Marske in Cleveland for stealing five bushells of malt, value 10s., two peckes of 198 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. rie, value 12d., two peckes of barley, value 8d., and two peckes of oats, value 6d., &c. [233] Jos. Evernden of Sheriff Hutton for stealing an yron vice, value 20s.; Will. Niccolson of Helmsley for stealing four ewes, value 20s.; Dorothy English als Denton of Midleton on Leaven, widow, for stealing five and thirtie harrow teeth (dentes occarios), value 12d. [233] Henry Fotherley of Gisbrough, yeom"., for obtaining by means of letters forged in the name of Will. Baites of Eston, gent"., sealed with a counterfeit seal, from John Crispe of Gisbrough, with the intention of defrauding him, three yardes of green Devonshire carsey,* value 15s., six yardes of lace, value 2s., one yard of linen cloth, value 3s., one pair of knitt stockinges, value 4s., two pintes of wine and sugar, value 2s., &c. ; and Rich. Sawer, late of Eston, lab., for aiding and abetting the said Fotherley in the forging of the said letter &c. [234.] John Donnington, of Huntington, gent"., for not sufficiently repairing the highwaie in Hartrigg Moore leading to the Brecke-yate in the said Moore, that two waines, cartes, or cariages cannot meete upon the said waie, &c. SECOND PANNELL. Trinian Wilson, Ainderbie Steple, Gent". John Dent, Barningham, Yeom". Will. Firbancke, Melsonbie, John Manfeild, Aldburgh, Tho. Storr, Aiton, Tho. Richardson, Kirkby Wiske, Yeom". Chr. Palliser, Kirkbie, Will. Archer, Normanbie, Tho. Grainge, Hornbie, Yeom". "" >> " "" "" Geo. Fothergill, Holme, "" Tho. Jackson, Pickering, Mich. Lieth, Morton, 3:3 39 John Robinson, Walden, John Raper, Sinderbie, "" 99 John Harrison, Midleton, "" [234] WHO PRESENT— Rudbie bridge over the Leaven as in great ruin &c, but it is not known by whom the repair ought &c; the highway lying in le Marishe within the Constablery of Pickering commonly called Virgo Lane, between the market towns of Pickering and New Malton, as in very bad repair &c. • * "CARSEY. Kersey carsey clothe, cresy,' Palsgrave." Halliwell. "KERSEY, Coarse woollen cloth. The word is certainly English, and the same word as the personal name Kersey; perhaps from Kersey, 3 miles from Hadleigh, in the S. of Suffolk, where a woollen trade was once carried on." Skeat. Under the next word, Kerseymere, which he defines as "a twilled cloth of fine wool," Mr. Skeat points out that the corruption —viz. of Cashmere, Cassimere, to Kerseymere -"is clearly due to confusion with Kersey, a coarse cloth of very different texture." THIRSKE, APRIL 7, 1619. 199 [235.] Gregory Ingledew of Midleton on Leaven for keeping an ale- house without license &c; a Burrowbrigg man for an assault, sedente Curia, on one Brian Nelson, &c. [235] Another man from the same place for the like; Dorothy Denton als English of Midleton on Leaven, widow, for stealing a pigg worth 2s. 4d., belonging to Will. Sloman of Hunter-banckes. [235.] A Huton Bushell labourer's wife for breaking into a barn and stealing thence halfe a pecke of unwinnowed barley, worth 3d. ; John Stephenson of Thorpfeild for enclosing and stopping a certain highway, used time out of mind, leading from the town of Carlton Miniott to Sowerbie, through and across a certain close of pasture in Carlton called le Oxclose, and thence through and across diverse closes of pasture in Sowerbie called Oliver Moore, and so into the Common Fields of Sowerbie, through and along which way the inhab's. of Carlton have ever been used to have access to a way called Gristwhate, &c. [235] Fourteen persons, all named, for that they, with other persons unknown to the number of a hundred, were riotously assembled &c, and made an assault &c on Will. Dent and Anth. Thwate, Bailiffs deputed by a warrant from the High Sheriff to attach Tho. Browne of Askrigge, gent"., and carry him &c, and rescued him from their custody &c. [Two of the number submit themselves to the Court and are each fined 100s.] [237] Names of the Jury empannelled in the cases Rex v. Eliza- beth Boyes, Jos. Evernden, Will. Niccolson, Dorothy English als Denton, and Ann Witham, prisoners at bar. Rich. Lockwood, Sowerbie, Gent". Chr. Wright, "" "" John Hainsworth, Welburne, Will. Burnett, Catton, Yeom". John Husthwate, Sowerbie, Fr. Norton, Disforth, Will. Wade, Sand Huton, Jas. Pratt, Thornton in le Moore, Yeom". Val. Morrell, Thirclebie, Yeom". Tho. Williamson, Thirske, Rich. Wainde, Foulrice, 59 "" "" "" Chr. Johnson, Rascall, "" "" Who find Elizth. Boyes guilty of the felony &c [To be whipped at Marske]; Jos. Evernden not guilty; Will. Niccolson guilty &c [To be branded in the muscle of his left thumb (in musculo pollicis sinistri), sedente Curia, with the Roman capital T]. [237] Dorothy English als Denton guilty, &c [To be whipped at Midleton on Leaven]; and Ann Witham guilty [To be whipped at Hutton Bushell]. 200 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [239.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that Cha³. Kenraw (See supra, p. 196] be fined £5, to be paid to the Sheriff, and 10s. to the Constables assaulted by him; that the father of a bastard child shall repair to two of the next Justices and abide their order touching the education of the said childe; two warrants &c to the Baliffes of Pickering-lieth and Ridall to apprehend Rob. Ellis and Tho. Johnson, to be bound &c to answer for the levying of a distresse, being no sworn baliffes, &c. [239] That Will. Cotes of Old Malton, pleading that the words alleged as spoken by him in his exam", before Tho. Heblethwate, J.P., were so spoken when he was drunck, be fined 5s., to be paid to the said Justice and by him distributed to the poor of the said parish; a warrant &c for the apprehension of three persons named; that Will. Lambe of Oswoldchurch shall enter bond &c, to appeare &c and answer . . . for not executing a warrant from Mr. Heblethwate for the apprehending of one Tho. Vincent; and another like against Geo. Hall of the same place. [240.] That Chr. Laton of Butterwicke shall paie 6d. weeklie for the next seven yeares to Chr. Vincent towards the education of a bastard called Alice Laton, supposed to be begotten by Tho. Vincent on the body of Dorothie Laton: or, otherwise, to keep the child; that, by the consent of Lancelott Belt,* Will. Bell, and others of the most of the best inhabts. of Thirske, the remainder of the monie for the repaire and finishinge up of Barker bridge shalbe levied and collected amongst the inhabt. of the said towne, and the work finished &c; that all matters of controversy betwixt Will. Bell, Thomas Jackson, and Tho. Cawton shalbe, by mutual consent, referred to the arbitration, order, doome and judgment of Rich. Lockwood of Sowerbie, gent"., John Nelson, Will. Hunton, and John Collier, gent"., arbitrators by them indifferentily chosen, with the umperage of Sir Henrie Tanckard and Sir Will. Sheffeild, Knightes, the said award to be made before Pentecost next, and in the meane time &c. [240.] That if Fr. Norton of Disforth, Geo. Burneston of Skipton, Chr. Maisterman of Dalton, Marm. Bell of Eldmer, and the rest pre- sented for not repairinge of a high-waie called Broken-banckes in the parish of Topcliffe, do not well and sufficientlie repaire &c the same before next Sessions and bring certificate of the same under the hand of Sir Will. Sheffeild and Will. Aldburgh, Esq., or thone of them- That then their recognc. shall be estreated; that a warrant &c against Tho. and John, sonnes of Tho. Clarke, late High Constable of Ridall, So written, but it may be open to question if the name ought not to be Bell. THIRSKE, APRIL 7, 1619. 201 to appear personally at the next Sessions, and there deliver in a true and just accompt of all such monies as were received &c; that John Bates of Kirkby-moorside, who has admitted in Court that he was druncke in that towne, shall paie to Sir John Gibson 5s., to be by him distributed among the poore of the said parish &c. [241.] Tho. Banckes of Helperbie, indicted for shooting a duck and mallard, to be bound to appeare at next Sessions, &c.; a warrant &c to all Baliffes and Constables against Rog. Matson, to appeare &c the cause [sic] for his insolent behaviour towardes the Justices sitting in open Courte; a minute of the sentences upon An Witham, Elizth. Boyes, and Dorothy Denton; that Will. Lee of Fencote be committed to the Sheriff's custody until he be bound, with good suerties, that neither he nor his mother Jane shall kepe an alehouse there, and to be of good behaviour &c, and to appear &c. [241] That a Mittimus be made to carry Dorothy English als Denton to York Castle, &c; that Henry Fotherley, indicted for writing forged letters &c (See supra, p. 198] shalbe taken to York Castle to remain there till the next Sessions, to which he must be brought by the Sheriff, and from thence be taken to Gisbrough, to stand in the Pillorie the next market day after, in the full markett time, with a paper on his heade having written upon the same, in faire Capital letters—FOR WRITINGE COSENING LETTERS; that Tho. Banckes, desiring to be admitted to his traverse to an indictment found against him for shooting in a gun, shall have admittance to doe the same. [242.] That Raph Bransbie, gent"., be discharged of the office of High Constable of Birdforth, and John Wright of Bagbie, gent"., shalbe sworn in his place; and that Mr. Bransbie shall make his accompt perfect and even before Rog. Gregorie, Esq., before Pentecost, or els Mr. Gregorie to bind him over to next Sessions; that a warrant &c to apprehend Will. Denton of Kirkby Moorside, Clarke, to appear at the next Sessions after St. John Baptist day to shew cause why he hath procured Tho. Fairfax, John Easington, Will. Wood and Chr. Wright to be bound to the peace, alleadginge nothing against them in this Courte for the breach of his Maties peace; that Brian Nelson, gent"., shall forthwith pay 5s. to the Sheriff to be dis- tributed by the Justices to the poor of Thirsk, having voluntarily admitted in open Courte that he was overtaken with drink, sitting the Courte; and further that he shall enter bond, with good suerties, to appear &c. [242] Edw. Wilkinson and Will. Blaids, yeomen, for the like:- a fine of 5s. a pece to be distributed as above, and either of them to pay 40s. fine for making an affraie in Thirske, sedente Curia; Rob. Freeman of New Malton nominated as one of the High 202 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Constables for Ridall in stead of Henry Cowpland late H. C., or Will. Sturdie of Kirkby Moorside, gent"., and is to repaire to Mr. Heblethwate to be sworne; Nich. Marson als. Massam, L. S., to have 50s. upon his voluntarie promise to be noe more troublesome &c, and for confirmation hereof he hath subscribed to this Order :- Nich. Moorson x his m'ke; that Rob. Butler of Staingrave, gent"., shalbe elected Thres'. for L. S. for Langbargh, for the year 1619, and John Turner of Waterford, gent"., Thres'. for the Hospitalls, for the same Division; that Rog. Beckwith of Audbrough, gent"., shalbe Thres'. for L. S., and Rich. Bland of Exilbie, gent"., Thres'. for the Hos- pitalls, for the Division of Richmondshire, for the same year. [243] That as the pensions payable to L. S. within Richmond- shire exceed the receipts by £6, a greater rate shalbe assessed; that Tho. Jackson of Wath shalbe apprehended and carried before Mr. Aldburgh and pay to him all such monie as is remainynge in his handes that was collected for the repaire of the north end of Rippon bridge, and to put in suerties to appear at the next Sessions at Helmesley and make accompt there &c; that John Marshall of New Malton, L. S., having become blind, shall have his pension of 40s. augmented to £5 per annum; that Chr. Kidd, L. S., having volun- tarilie offered to forego his pension of £7 on condition the arrears due to him, £12 in all, be presently paid, the terms are accepted, and his mark subscribed to the Order. [243] It is agreed that the Justices of Peace inhabitinge within everie Wape. and Libertie in the N. R. shall divide the severall parishes of such Wap. or Libie. amonge themselves, and shall take order accordinglie for levyinge of 12d. of all such persons as shall abscent themselves from the church,* and shall dispose of the same according to the Statutes in that behalfe &c: and that no Justice clarke shall take anie fee for making anie warrant for the performance of this service: And if there be anie Libtie, that have no J. P. inhabitinge within it, then the two Justices that dwell next unto the same shall take order &c; that warrants shalbe made for the keepinge of the daie watch as hath bene accustomed for the three yeares last past, sealed with the * The various Statutes dealing with forfeitures to be exacted from Recusants are 1 Elizth. c. 2, 29 Eliz. c. 6, 35 Eliz. c. I, I James, c. 4, 3 James, cc. 4, 5; and the following abstract from 3 James, c. 4, gives the authority for the Resolution of the text :—“If any subject of this realme . shall not resort every Sunday to some church, chappell, &c, that then it shall be lawfull for anyone Justice of Peace of that division or liberty wherein the said party shall dwell, upon proof or con- fession of the party, to call the said party before him, and if sufficient excuse be not made and proved, that it shall be lawful for the said Justice to give warrant to the Churchwarden of the said parish wherein the said party shall dwell to levy 12d. for every such default by distresse and sale of the goods of every such offender, rendering to him the overplus &c." THIRSKE, APRIL 7, 1619. 203 seal of the office and signed by the Clarke of the Peace; Upon a peti- tion this day exhibited to the Courte by Henry Gillinge thelder of Disforth, and Rich. Ray of the same, betweene the husbandmen and grassemen concerning their assessments in the said towne-Ordered that all matters of controversie dependinge amongst the said husb”. and grasmen shalbe referred to the arbitrament, doome &c of John Clough and Will. Aldburgh, Esquires, arbitrators indifferentlie chosen by the Justices &c. * [244.] That Abr. Storie, Chr. Metcalfe, and Jas. Rawlingson, indicted for a rescue made upon Anth. Thwaite and Will. Denton, speciall Bailiffes, shalbe fined £5 each to be paid forthwith, or else to be com- mitted to the Sheriff untill &c; and further to enter bond &c for good behaviour and to appear &c; that the proces against the inhabt. of Gisbrough be staied till next Sessions, when they must produce certi- ficate, under the hand of the two next Justices, that they have suffi- cientlie repaired their highwaies for which &c; Forasmuch as Edw. Wilkinson and Will. Blades were by the Courte committed to the Sheriff, and by him delivered to the custodie of John Grant, Dep. Baliffe of Allertonshire, and suffered to escape by him, the Court therefore imposes a fine of £5 on the said Grante and Orders that he have a warrant &c for the apprehending of the foresaid parties. &c. [244] That a warrant &c against Oswold Collinson of Raskall, to appeare &c; the same in the case of a Stokesley man; that £50 be presently levied towardes the new buildinge of Newsam bridge; and further that if Sir Will. Bamburgh, with Tho. Heblethwaite and Steph. Norcliff, Esquires, shall certifie at the next Sessions that a greater sum will be necessarie for the finishinge of the bridge, then such further sum shalbe allowed and levied as the said Justices shall certifie to be needfull &c [Rob. Geare of Bargh, gent"., and Sam Wade of Great Habton, gent"., Surveyours for the said bridge]; also that £6 shalbe levied for the finishinge of Gromond bridge and the cawsey at the end thereof. [245] That £30 shalbe levied towardes the re-edifyinge and re- pairinge of Rudbie bridge; and further that if Sir David Foulis, Sir Tho. Laton, and Marm. Constable, Esq., shall certifie the Courte at the next Sessions that a larger sum &c as above, [Edmond Richardson of Saxey [Sexhow], Esq., with Sam. Brasse and Rob. Ridley, gent"., Surveyours.] The next Sessions at Helmesley, 8th July, and by adjournment at Richmond 12th July, 1619. *See Vol. I., 94, note. 204 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby Will. Aldburgh Sir Rich. Vaghan Nich. Conyers Knts. Sir Walt. Bethell Rog. Gregorie Esquires. Sir Tho. Laton Tho. Heblethwaite Steph. Norcliffe [246.] HELMESLEY. Qr. Sessions at, 8 July, 1619. Before Sir Henry Belassis, Bart., Tho. Posth. Hoby, Will. Bamburgh, David Foulis, Rich. Vaghan, Tho. Norcliffe, Will. Sheffeild, Tho. Laton, Rich. Darley, Knts., Will. Aldburgh, Nich. Coniers, Rog. Gregory, John Clough, Tho. Heble- thwaite and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Will. Alford. FIRST PANNELL. Gent". Rob. Parkinson, Yeom". "" "" Tho. Savile, Welburne, Chr. Waine, Great Bargh, Rob. Dobson, Freare Hill, John Holmes, Cawton, Yeom". John Hall, Huton in le Hole, Yeom". Will. Hopper, Pickering, Tho. Gibson, Pickering, Yeom". Rich. Tenniswood, Greene, Yeom". Marton Steph. Hall, Old Malton, Yeom". Will. Stibbin, Wigginton, Hovingham, "" Yeom". Tho. Storr, Aiton, Yeom". Godfrey Stainhouse, Alne, Chr. Ellis, Tollerton "" "" [246.] WHO PRESENT— A Bagbie man for stealing a wether sheep, value 5s. ; a yeom". and a lab'. of Tollerton for breaking &c a sheepfold at Newton on Ouse and stealing the wool of twenty sheep, worth 5s., from the bodies of the said sheep; a Thirske man for stealing a woman's gowne, worth 26s. 8d., a petticoate, value 12s., and "unum gremiale" (? a stomacher), value 3s. [247.] A Pickering man for breaking into a barn there and stealinge a hancke of yarne, value 6d. ; the wife of a Stillington petty-chapman for stealing a pettycoate, value 2s.; the wife of a Wombleton yeom". HELMESLEY, JULY 8, 1619. 205 for stealing 2s. 6d. in money; a Pottoe lab'. for stealing certain iron instruments, viz. unum dentale (Angl. one coulter), value 12d., one le shackle,* [347.] value 4d., two yron teames,† value 3s. 4d. ; a Thorn- ton lab'. for stealing, on the 19th May, five ewes, value 20s., and five lambs, value 10s. ; a Whorlton lab'. for breaking the park of the Lady Bruce there, and assaulting the park-keeper. [248.] John Garforth of Castle Levington for inclosing with ditches and hedges and stopping part of the highway in a certain field called Mill-feild in the said lordship leading between the market towns of Northallerton and Gisbrough, by which the inhabts. of Hilton, Maltbie, Thornton cum Stainton, Seamer cum Newbie, Acklam, Leaventhropp, with many other towns, have been used time out of mind to get to or from Castle Levington aforesaid; Henry Fotherley of Gisbrough for defrauding, by aid of letters forged in the name of Will. Baites of Eston &c [as in the former case: See supra, p. 198], one Tho. Agar of a pare of bootes, value 8s. [2486.] After reciting the Statute of 10 Elizth. [c. 5, touching "the duty of an Informer in prosecuting a suit upon a penall Statute, and his punishment if he abuse it"] the Jury present the same man for extortion practised on Will. Stearbie of Stokesley, to the extent of 5s., under colour &c. [249.] Tho. Marwoodd of Scalbie, lab'., as a common barrator, &c; and also for an assault and affray on one Ann Sawmon there. [249] The same person for breaking the stocks at Scalbie afore- said, and liberating a man placed therein for safe custody by Geo. Dickinson, Constable of Scalby, for breaking the orchard of one Ralph Loste, &c. [250.] A widow of Lower Kilburne for receiving into her dwelling- house the Players of Enterludes named above [See p. 197], supplying them with food &c. [250] Like presentments against Jas. Stubbs of Wilton in Cleve- land, alehouse-keeper: [251.] Rob. Anderson of Stokesley, vintner : [251] John Cobham of Burneston in Richmondshire, alehouse- keeper [252.] John Linskell of Skelton in Cleveland, another ale- house-keeper. [252] Names of the Jury impannelled to try the cases, Rex v. Will. Simondson, Lanc. Barnbie, Tho. Barnbie, Will. Hoggart, Rob. Scales als. Locksmith, Ann Gray, and Dorothy Petch. Tho. Thornton, Ralph Greneside, John Geare, Tho. Cawton, Chr. Wright, Dan. Bell, Will. Kitchinman, Will. Frere, John Dale, Will. Daye, Anth. Ridsdale, and Peter Wainman. Who find Will. Simondson not guilty; Lanc. Barnbie guilty [To be * See Vol. I., 26, note. + Ibid. and p. 141. 206 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. whipped at once at Helmesley]; Tho. Barnbie, the same; [253.] Will. Hoggard, the same; Rob. Skales als. Locksmith pleaded guilty [to be whipped at once at Helmesley]; Ann Gray guilty [the same]; Dorothy Petch not guilty :-Rowland Sewell, Clarke, Viccarr of Brompton, for brewing and sellinge of ale, being unlicensed; and two other persons of the same place, for the like. [253] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that whereas Henrie Fotherley was committed to the gaole by the Sessions at Easter last, and that the Sheriff should have had his bodie here at this Sessions; but because the Courte is in- formed by Chr. Mitchell, Deputie for the Sheriffe, that there is an execution come to the Sheriffes handes at the suite of one Rich. Atkinson of Rippon for staying of the fore-said Henrie Fotherley, so that he cannot have the said Henrie here according to the warrant &c : Therefore it is now further ORDERED that a new warrant shalbe directed to the Sheriffe that, when the said Henrie shalbe discharged of the foresaid execution, he shall still detaine him in his saife custody, so that he have his bodie at the next Sessions &c; that Will. Blackburne, Dep. Baliffe of Langbargh, shall be fined 10s. for his negligent service. [254.] That John Gower of Stainsby shall be fined £10 for not appearinge att this Sessions, and being warned by the Baliffe gave these contemptuous speaches followinge ;-that he scorned to come, and he marvelled that Sir Tho. Belassis would returne him to serve amongst such a sorte of flatcapps, he being an Esquier (as by the oathe of Will. Greeneside was affirmed in Courte), conditionally that if he appeare and do service att the next Sessions, the fine shalbe remitted; Mem. That Mr. John Clough, Esq., redd in open Courte a submission injoyned him by the High Commission att London; that a warrant &c against the inhabts. of Thornton cum Baxbie to bring them &c to shew cause why they have not a Constable; another against the inhabts, of Geldable de Borrowby, for the like; John Ward, Constable of Southholme, is fined 20s. for not appearing at this Sessions to make presentment of Recusants within his Constablerie. [254] That the Petty Constables shall, upon their oathes att their entrie, present to the High Constables all offenses of alehouses, and for the intertayninge and escape of rogues, and all misdemeanours by them presentable, and that those presentmentes so by them made shalbe by the High Constables presented at the next Sessions; and that those Petty Constables, which shall not appeare at the Pettie Sessions to make presentmentes, shalbe, by the same High Constables, HELMESLEY, JULY 8, 1619. 207 presented at the said next Generall Sessions; that, whereas Henry Cornforth. and John Scarth have submitted themselves to abide the end and order of Sir David Foulis, either of them shall, before their departure, enter bond, either to other, in £40 to performe that Order which he shall sett downe betwixt them; that Will. Simon (See below) shall make his submission in open Courte to his father, and shall pay to him henceforth 5s. everie weeke towardes his main- tenance, so longe as the Bench shall thinke fitt, and further shalbe bound with good suerties to his good behaviour untill his father shalbe pleased to release him. • [255] That the £30 which was appointed to have bene paid for the repaire of Rippon bridge shall now be allowed for the repare of Newsam bridge; that Rog. Kidd shall pay unto Tho. Bartindale 5s. in open Courte, and shall bring a good suertie to enter bond with himself for the payment of 30s. to the foresaid Bartindale, who is freed by the Courte from Kidd's service; three men fined 20s. each for brewing &c, and sentenced to sitt in the stockes at Thirske next markett-daie from morning untill even in the markett-place; that John Cuthbert shall pay a fine of 40s. and enter bond &c for making an assault and batterie upon one Leon. Walker, keeper of my Ladie Bruce her Parke att Whorlton. [255] That Sir Rich. Etherington, Baliffe of Pickering and Picker- ing-lieth, shalbe fined £5 for not apprehending Tho. and John Clarke of Habton by vertue of a warrant to him directed; and also that a new warrant shalbe directed in the same manner for the same purpose to cause the said Tho. and John Clarke to appeare &c to answere such contemptes as then shalbe objected against them &c: And if the said Baliffe shall duly see to the execution of the said warrant the Courte will take full consideration for mitigation of his fine; the like Order against Ambrose Robinson, Baliffe of Bulmer, for the appre- hending of Oswold Collinson, bricklayer, to enter bond to appear &c. [256.] Whereas it appears to the Justices at this Sessions that John Simon, an old man, hath sett over his whole estate unto his sonne Will. Simon, and that since, his said sonne, being very wealthie and of good abilitie, hath suffered his said father to live in great wante and miserie, and doth carrie himself verie disobedientlie and un- naturally towardes his said father: And whereas the said Justices, in open Sessions, did, according to the law, order that the said Will. Simon shall releive his father from time to time as should be thought fitt by the Justices, and shalbe bound with good suerties in good summes of monie &c until his said father shall release him: And for- asmuch as the said Will. Simon did in Courte obstinatelie refuse to 208 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. performe the said Order &c-Ordered that a Mittimus shalbe made to convie him to York Castle there to remain &c. [256] Whereas Will. Bartram of Stokesley, being a convicted Popish Recusant, hath in open Courte confessed that he hath baptized one of his owne children by himself and not in the Church accord- inge to the Ecclesiasticall Ordinances of the Church of England, it is Ordered that a Mittimus &c to carie him to Yorke Castle, there to remaine untill by due course of law he shalbe thence delivered; the inhabt. of Whorlton discharged as touching the presentments against them in the matter of their highways (See above, p. 189), the same being certified to the Courte as duly repaired. Next Sessions at Thirske 30th Sept. 1619. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby Sir David Foulis Sir Rich. Vaghan Sir Will Sheffeild Will. Aldburgh Nich. Conyers Knts. Rog. Gregorie Esquires. Tho. Heblethwhate Steph. Norcliffe [257.] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions (by adjournment) at, 20 July, 1619. Before Coniers Darcy, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Will. Aldburgh, Adam Midlam, and Math. Jopson, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Will. Alford. FIRST PANNELL. Leon. Cleasbie, Cleasbie, Gent". Marm. Wilde, Hunton, "" Geo. Danby, Barton, "" Rich. Miles, North Cowton,,, • Rob. Atkinson, Ainderby Steple, Yeom". Jas. Hirdman, West Rounckton, Yeom". Will. Miles, Hornbie, Yeom". Tho. Thackwraie, Exilby, Will. Wood, Kirkby Wiske,,, Chr. Mitchell, Skabd Newton,,, Chr. Gill, Barton, "" Jas. Ridsdale, Ainderbie Steple, Yeom". Adam Cappe, [257] WHO PRESENT— Yeom". "" Elizth. Cooper of Ellingstring, sp., for stealing fifteen yards of linen RICHMOND, JULY 20, 1619. 209 cloth, value 30s.; Ralph Mason, lab'., of Caithropp, for stealing a lamb, value 4s. ; a Thoralbie lab'. for stealing a whie stirke, value 25s. [258.] A Melmerbie husb". for an assault &c on Edw. Iles, Dep. Baliffe of Halikeld, when engaged in levying a distress on the said husb". for non-appearance &c; two Midlam women for trespass with damage, &c, in a close of Chr. Todd's there, called le Garth-endes or Backside. [258.] Brian Stapleton of Bedall, gent"., for an assault and affray there in le High Strete juxta Burrell, on Rob. Screwton, and also for another assault on the same person in a place at Bedall called le Pym. [259.] Fr. Turner of Spennithorne for inchroching and takinge upp the Kinges high-strete in Spennithorne towne feild called Bedall-hill- feild, and hath made the waie unpassable both for travilours and neigh- boures &c; and another man of the same place for the like. SECOND PANNELL. Ralph Kiplin, Gales, Cuth. Anderson,,, Jas. Close, Whitaside, Yeom". Rich. Mitchell, Little Cracall, Gent". Henry Lucas, Gent". Rich. Brompton, Aiskew, Yeom". Rob. Teasdale, Massam, Arthur Linskell, Cawdwell, John Lightfoote, Gillinge, "" John Johnson, Patterick Bromp- ton, Yeom". Tho. Stephenson, Fencote, Yeom". Mich. Parvin, Morton, [259.] WHO PRESENT "" Two Sigston men for refusing to pay their cesment for the poore; a Northallerton man for keeping a house of incontinencie, and har- bouring rogues, and another man of the same for the latter offence; John Marshall, Constable of Appletons ambo, and Miles Stryckland, Constable of Cottericke (sic), for non-appearinge (sic) at a Pettie Sessions; a Kirkby Wiske man for non-payment of assessmentes and laies &c; a Warlabie man for selling ale at more than 4d. the gallon, in pottes and cupps unsealed. [260.] A Yafford man for sufferinge play att cardes &c, and doth allure men's children unto his house by night; a man of Gale in Bain- brigg township for harbouringe of idle, wanderinge and suspected persons; Phil. Allen, Churchwarden of Snaisholme, for not paying L. S. monie; a Wensley yeoman for not paying castes* imposed on * This word is very clearly written, so that the idea of error seems as much out of place as is that of mis-reading. It is, however, an unusual word in its present VOL. II. P 210 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. him by the parishe for releife of the poore; a Midlam yeom". for trespass and damage there in a close of Will. Forrest's called le Cal- garth. [260°.] Another Midlam man, a tailor, for a like offence there in a close of Will. Forrester's called le Floodgates. Names of Jurymen empanelled to try the cases Rex v. Elizth. Cooper, and Ralph Mason, prisoners &c. Leon. Waistell, Scorton, Gent". Will. Forrest, Midlam, Yeom". Jas. Winne, Tonstall, Tho. West. Watlas, Yeom". Geo. Twhate, Skelgill, Simon Hauxwell, Tonstall, "" "" Anth. Twhate, Ellingstring, Chr. Anderson, Dalton, "" Fr. Wilson, Thirne, Geo. Brignell, Nesham, Edw. Gailes, Watlasse, John Johnson, Bardon, "" [261.] Who find Elizth. Cooper not guilty, and Ralph Mason guilty. [To be whipped.] ORDERS made &c. Ordered that Tho. Waggett, Bailiffe of Gilling East, be fined 40s. for not somoninge such Jurors as was sett downe and nominated by the Sheriffe's warrant to him directed; that Will. Collier shall pay 6d. weekly for the maintenance of a bastard supposed to be begotten by his brother Jeffrey, until the next Sessions, when he must produce his said brother to be charged for the further maintenance &c. [261.] Whereas by an Order at the Richmond Sessions of July 13, 1618, that Peter the infante son of Peter Thornton, late of Browne Moore in Wensladale, parish of Askrig, the father not being able to releive yt, that the said parish should be charged with the said childe : -Now forasmuch as it appeareth that Anth. Metcalfe, James Hutchin- son and John Husband, havinge the livinge of the said father by grante from him for diverse yeares yet to come, and that they have assigned the same to John Robinson of Worton, gent". (by which assignment it appeareth by a covenante therein conteyned that the said John Robin- son is to bring up the children of the aforesaid Peter Thornton with the profittes of the tenementes aforesaid to him assigned); Therefore application. Still, Nares gives it in precisely the same sense, viz., as "a share or allotment," with an example from Beaumont and Fletcher- "For your cast of manchets out of the pantry, I'll allow you a goose out of the kitchin." Halliwell also gives a meaning which at least involves the same sense, even if it might not be correct to say that, in reality, it depends on the same. RICHMOND, JULY 20, 1619. 211 it is now Ordered that the parishioners of Askrigge shall still keepe the said childe untill next Sessions, and in the meane time to shewe this Order to the forenaimed Metcalfe, Hutchinson and Husband to give them notice that they take order for bringinge up of the said childe alwaies after according to their covenante, or els att the next Sessions to give satisfaction to the Courte why the parish should be further charged with the said childe. [262.] Ninian Etherington of Screwton, bound to appear &c but hath made defalte; therefore a warrant &c to appear &c and in the mean time to be &c, and especiallie towardes Edw. Smelton; Whereas the Cheife Constables within Richmondshire have levied certain monies for repairinge and watchinge of the Beakons in Richmonshire which remaine in their handes not ymployed, Ordered that the said monies shalbe paid to the Surveyours for Norton Bridge soe remaininge for the finishinge of the said bridge; forasmuch as Rich Dobson of Burrell hath sworne the peace against Jas. and Ralph Lobley of the same, therefore a warrant &c against the Lobleys &c. [262] Whereas Leon. Burgh of Brompton on Swale hath by Order of the Justices erected a house there for John Wright and Tristram Wood, and whereas it was also ordered that the Church- wardens and Overseers of Easbie should for the buildinge thereof assesse and collect in the townships &c of Easbie, Wath-cote, St. Trinions, Langmoores, and Wrangacre the summe of 37s. 6d., and in Brompton 25s., and in Aske 10s. 2d., and also in Skeabie 10s. 2d., which has not been done: Ordered now that speedy execution of the said levy and collection be made, and a warrant &c in case of failure by the said officers to obey this Order. [263.] That the Churchwardens and Overseers of Startforth shall provide a convenient dwelling-house for Ellen Winter before Michaelmas next, failing which a warrant &c; that John Cole (or Coale) shall become a pensioner with £4 a year, to be increased when the funds in hand warrant such increase; that a warrant &c that the inhabts. of Kirkby Wiske shall presently allowe unto Will. Wood, gent"., 4s. in payment of his cesment imposed on him by the said parishioners and formerly disbursed by him for the behoof of the parish, or else to appear &c. [263] That whereas Chr. Metcalfe, Jas. Rawlingson and Abr. Storie were fined at Thirske Sess". £5 a peece, and for want of pay- ment thereof were committed to Yorke Castle, whereupon shortly after the said Story entered into bond for the payment of his fine, and the other two, not being able to pay, have ever since remained in prison to their great charge and long punishment, whereupon they petitioned the Justices of Assizes for some releife, who referred the ordering thereof to the consideration of the Justices of Peace: Ordered therefore that P 2 212 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. the said fines be mitigated to 20s. a peece, and that to be estreated against them and themselves discharged; and the Sheriff to re-deliver Abr. Storie's bond and his suerties, &c; that Geo. Smith being presented for stopping a water-sewer in a place called Toft-howe or Toftoe (See supra, p. 194), and having now submitted himself to the mercie of the Court, and thereupon fined 2s., and promised to amend the said water- sewer before Michaelmas next; failing which he is to be presented again &c. [264.] The inhab's. and Overseers of Barningham to provide a dwelling-house for a man, his wife, and fower smale children, which if they refuse, a warrant &c; that the inhabts. and Overseers of the Chappelrie of East Laton in the parish of St. John, shall do the same in the case of a poor man named; that Martin Besson, L. S., shall have a yearlie pension of 40s. &c; that the wife of John Arondale, L. S., and pensioner lately deceased, shall have the 10s. paid her which was due to her late husband; that Cuthb. Coniers shall have 5s. paid him for his releife; that Brian Allison, L. S., shall have a gratuitie of IOS. [264] That John Ingram L. S., shall have five markes of the arrears due to him, and then there will be more due to him in October, the summe of £10 which must be likewise paid unto Mr. Raph Turner for him as soon as the Threser. can spare it: and then his pen- sion to be paid to Mr. Turner on his oath that Ingram shalbe then livinge. The next Sessions at Thirske, 30th Sept. 1619. Roll signed by Sir Tim. Hutton, Knt., Adam Midleham, Esq. Certified to this Sessions by Valentine Wood, Minister of Kirkby Wiske, that Frances, wife of Henry Mitchell of Maunbie on Swale, within the said parish of Kirkby on Swale, Popish Recusant convicted, has conformed, attended church, and taken the oath of allegiance before Sir Coniers Darcy. [265.] HUTON BUSHELL. Special Sessions at, 20th July, 1619. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Knt., and Steph. Norcliffe, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Will. Alford. STOKESLEY, AUGUST 12, 1619. 213 Samuel Lacie, Yrton, PANNELL. Gent". John Storr, Huton Bushell, Yeom". John Hopper, Aiton, Tho. Storr, "" Geo. Lucke, Seamer, Henry Parke, Pickeringe, Yeom". Rob. Bruister, Midleton, Tho. Robinson, Thornton, John Haggis, Whitby, "" "9 "" "" "" Henry Alder, "" "? Gawin Noble, "" "" Yeom". Will. Niccolson, Brompton,, Tho. Dringe, Cloughton, John Covell, Newbie, John Parke, Pickeringe, "" Rich. Marsingale, Newholme, Geo. Welburne, Caiton, [2656] WHO PRESENT- Yeom". Four men from Whitby for brewing &c; one from Ebberston, two from Cropton, one from Seamer, one from Allerston, one from Bromp- ton and four from Wickham, for the like. [266.] Will. Eldrige of Aiton for refusing to serve Tho. Rowthe, gent"., and John Baines of the same for hiring the said Eldrige without certificate; a Ruston man for lodginge of tinklers and pedlers. ORDERS made &c. Ordered that a Whitbie man pay a fine of 13s. 4d. for not appearing at this Sessions, and the same in the case of an Ibrondale (Iburndale) man. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, and Steph. Norcliffe, Esq. [266] STOKESLEY. Special Sessions at, 12 Augst. 1619. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, David Foulis, Tho. Laton, Knts., Marm. Constable and Nich. Coniers, Esquires. Will. Rippon, Yarom, John Biggins, Mickleby, PANNELL. Gent". John Stowpe, Marske, "" John Allan, Thornaby, Will. Ducke, Lofthouse, Yeom". Fr. Hall, "" Yeom". "" Will. Whitton, Kirke Levington, Yeom". Fr. Hall, Kirke Levington, Yeom". Will. Emerson, Skelton, "" "" Will. Cuthbert, Kirkleathom,, Will. Pressicke, Maltbie, Will. Tunstall, Huton Rudbie, Rowland Willas, Brotton, Geo. Watson, Blackmanlee, Raph Hall, Worsall, "" "" >> 214 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS, : [267.] WHO PRESENT— An Aiton man for brewing &c, and a second for making a drinkinge on the Sabaoth daie, having a piper and he himself being druncke; a third also for making a drinking &c; a man of Huton Rudbie, two of Skelton, five of Thornaby for brewing &c; Jas. Hill, Constable of Upsall, for not punishinge rogues, and a man of the same for brewing &c; Rob. Thompson, Constable of Mickleby, for neglecting his office in looking to the watch, both daie and night. [267] Three Yarom men for brewing &c; Chr. Busby, Constable of the same, and Raph Thompson of the same, for suffering wan- deringe straingers to begg within his Constablerie. ORDERS made &c. Whereas a warrant has been granted by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, for the apprehension of Geo. Cockerell of Staixby, gent"., and Elizth. his wife, which has been returned by Will. Laund, Baliffe of Whitby Strand, saying that neither of them could be found-Therefore Ordered that a new warrant &c for their apprehension &c. [268.] Mem. John Gower of Stainsby has paid 10s. fine &c; Ordered that Peter Campion shall be fined 20s. and imprisoned for three daies for brewing &c; that severall warrants &c for the appre- hension of two Skynningrave men, two Danby persons, a Redcarr man, a man from Huton in Lieth parish, and one from Egton cum Glaisdale, and to bring them &c to answer for their contemptes in brewinge &c; that, forasmuch as Geo. Knagges, Constable of Egton, hath confessed to omitting to bring a man from Huton in Lythe parish to this Sessions, the said George shall enter bond not to keep an alehouse any longer, and to appear &c. [268] That a Yarm man, having confessed to his being a common drunckard, and unable to pay a fine, shalbe sett in the stockes for six houres; that Will. Greneside, Baliffe of Langbargh, for having suffered a prisoner to escape, shalbe fined 20s., unles he bring the said prisoner &c. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby, Sir David Foulis, Sir Tho. Laton, and Nich. Conyers, Esq. THIRSKE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1619. 215 [269.] THIKSKE. Qu. Sessions at, 30 Sept. 1619. Before Henry Belassis, Knt. Bart., Tho. Posth. Hoby, Will. Bamburgh, Tho. Belassis, Coniers Darcie, Rich. Vaghan, Henry Jenkins, Tho. Gower, Tho. Norcliffe, Will. Sheffeild, Walt. Bethell, Rich. Darley, Knts., Henry Bankes, S. T. P., Will. Aldburgh, Nich. Coniers, Rog. Gregorie, John Clough, Tho. Heblethwate and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, Deputy for Sir Will. Alford. Fr. Dodgson, Alne, Jas. Bell, Dalton, FIRST PANNELL. Gent". Yeom". John Fawdington, Alne, Yeom". Tho. Craven, Miton, Rob. Miles, East Harlsey, "" Will. Denton, Caithropp, Will. Dunninge, Hunycarr, Marm. Bell, Elmire, "" Jas. Caley, Thormanby, "" "" Rob. Bargh, Disforth, "" Rob. Lieth, Lockton, Tho. Exilbie, Norton, "" "" Henry Nesse, Newton, "" Rob. Burton, Leckbie, "" Marm. Dowsinge, Crambe, [269] WHO PRESENT- Five Gisbrough persons for keeping common tiplinge-houses, and selling ale and beer &c. [270.] Twenty-one other persons of the same place for the like. [270] Four other Gisbrough persons for the like; and one for drunkenness. [271.] Six Gisbrough men for drunkenness; [271b.] two more like cases; [272.] three others; [272b.] three more ; [273.] two more ; [273º.] three more; [274.] one more; and two of the men named in the pre- ceding cases, as common drunckardes and common haunters of ale- houses; [274] the like as to three others; Will. Salvin late of New- biggin in Egton Chapelry, Popish Recusant, did conform &c, went to the Chapel of Egton &c, [275.] but did not from Sept. 8 to Sept. 30 receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper [fined £20]; Jane Robertes of Bransbie, widow, Will. Butler, yeom"., Ambrose Story, yeom"., and Will. Hardwicke, yeom"., all of the same, as Recusants for a year and half, not having repaired to any church &c; and that Rich. Cholmley of the same, Esq., knowingly received the aforesaid Jane Robertes, Will. Butler, Ambr. Storie and Will. Hardwicke [275°.] into his dwelling- 216 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. house, retained, releived, kept and harboured them* &c; Elizth. Las- cells of Brackenbargh in the parish of Kirkby on Wiske, widow, for the like in the case of Brian Batty, lab'.+ [276.] Will. Radcliffe of Ugthorpp, gent"., for the like as touching Bridget Postgate of the same.‡ [2766.] Eighteen alehouse-keepers from Alne, Bransbie, Conistropp, Clifton, Easingwold, Hubie, &c for selling ale and beer without license. [277]-[287.] Four hundred and thirty others, from various places, for the like. § [287.] [23. in Register B.] RECUSANTS. || BULMER. ST. MARIGATE, parish of ST. OLAVE-Ellen Branton, spinster. TIRRINGTON-Will. Proude, yeoman. BRANSBY-Jane Morris, spinster, Margt. wife of John Goddard, yeoman. BIRDFORTH. BRACKENBARGH, parish of KIRKBY. ON WISKE-Margt. Richardson, spinster, servant to Elizth. Lascells, widow. UPSALL in SOUTH KILVINGTON-Jas. Carter, glover, Jane Cleveland, widow, Alice Horne, spinster. KIRKBY KNOLL-Ann wife of Math. Parker, yeom"., Tho. Cra- thorn, gentleman. [24.] RIDALL. Chapelry of ST. MICHAEL, NEW MALTON-Katherine Applebie, widow. The marginal note here is "9 menses, £360," which no doubt records the amount of the fine levied on Mr. Cholmley for his contravention of the Statute quoted in the third note on p. 95 of Vol. I. + The marginal note is "7 menses, £70." '9 menses, £90.” § There is nothing of general interest involved in these presentments; they all run in the form "Jana Scott de Hawnbie, cervisiarius," and involve merely a repe- tition of personal and place-names. Among the former these following may merit passing notice :-" Cuett, Sevier, Billop, Fewler, Watter, Ledell, Smiddies, Grime, Mirrelew, Willas, Havelock, Pursley, Faver, Vittie, Mease, Peighen, Mitinge, Tessimond (modern form Tessiman), Suttle, Blenckorn (modern Blenkiron, Blenk- horn), Sigswith (modern Sigsworth), Gelsey or Galsay, Parmeley and Brill. || The following list is identical with that in Register B of Recusants. For the sake of uniformity and for greater ease of reference the arrangement in Register B is followed here as before. THIRSKE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1619. 217 Chapelry of ST. LEONARD, ibidem-Martha wife of Steph. Bush, yeoman. WELBURN in KIRKDALE-Isabella and Barbara, dautrs. of Laurence Bullocke, yeoman. HOVINGHAM-Chr. Hicke, lab., Chr. Aske, gent"., and Phillis his wife, Jane Simpson, spinster, Grace Peacocke, widow, Tho. Worsley, Esq., and Katherine his wife, Elizth. Worsley, spinster. BILSDALE Chapelry-Isabella Biarley (or Bierley), widow. LANGBARGH. MARSK-Will. Walworth and Rich. Smith, labs., servants to Geo. Jackson, gentleman. LOFTHOUSE-Jane wife of John Gibson, fisherman, Margt. wife of Oliver Pattison, labourer. [288.] BROTTON Chapelry-Jane wife of Will. Hart, fisherman, Jane wife of Will. Simpson, cordwainer. MIDLETON ON LEAVEN-Margery wife of John Fox, husbandman. LIETH-Cuthb. Readman, lab'., Mary Readman, spinster, Ellen wife of Rob. Jollie, lab'., Isabell Salvin, spinster. CRATHORN-Fr. Welfoote, labourer. MARTON-Margt. wife of Chr. Page, yeoman. STOKESLEY-Elizth, wife of Rob. Harrison, cutler. APPLETON ON WISKE-Kath. wife of Rich. Lodge, yeom"., John Dawson, jun., yeoman. EGTON Chapelry-John Whitfeild, yeom"., Geo. son of Will. Whit- feild, cordwainer, and Joan his daut., John son of Rich. Smith, yeom"., and Ann and Sara his dautrs., Tho. Browne, lab'. (servant to Rich. Smith), John Lieth, glover, and Ellen his wife, Elizth. Kildale, spinster, Ralph Kildale, lab'. (son and daut. of Edw. Kildale), Tho. Dawson, tailor, Will. (son of Margt.) Postgate, lab"., [288.] Ellis wife of Rich. Thistle, yeoman. [24.] PICKERING-LIETH. GOTELAND Chapelry-John Keld, lab., and Jane Keld, spinster, son and dau™. of Will., Jane Petch, widow. WHITBY STRAND. ESKDALE-SIDE Chapelry-Ann Wardell, spinster, John Watson, lab., and Ann his wife, Chr. Suggitt, wheelwright, Elizth. Watson, spinster. ALLERTONSHIRE. HUTON BONVILE Chapelry-Dorothy Wright, widow, Alice wife of Geo. Huton, lab'., Elizth. Burdon, widow. 218 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. GIRSBY, parish of SOCKBURNE-John Dalton, labourer. HORNBY in GREAT SMETON-Will. Best, gentleman. THORP RAW in the same parish-Mary wife of Anth. Appleby, gent"., Margt. Bone, spinster. LITTLE SMETON, parish of BIRKBY-Margt. Harrison, widow. OVER DINSDALE, parish of SOCKBURNE-Ann wife of Alan Ascoy, gentleman. THORNTON IN LE STREETE-Anth. Palliser, lab'., Jenett Browne, widow. HANG EAST. CRAKALL in BEDALL-Rob. Scott, labourer. FIRBY, same parish-Leon. Metcalfe, yeoman. WELL-Jane Hopwood, widow. HALIKELD. MILBY, parish of KIRKBY ON THE MOOR-Ann wife of Will. Slater, labourer. GILLING EAST. MANFEILD-Will. Witham, Esq., Ann Dun, spinster, servant to John Witham, Esq. GILLING WEST. BARNINGHAM-Ann wife of John Pinckney, yeoman. BARFORTH in ST. JOHN'S parish-Isabell Machell, widow. BARNINGHAM-Kath. wife of Fr. Tonstall, Esq., Fr. Maddison, yeom"., servant to the said Fr. Tonstall. [289.] and [25.] WICLIFFE—Mary Smithson, spinster. MARRIGG-Ann Metcalf, widow, Jenett Orton, widow. ROMERCHURCH-Tho. Binckes, yeoman. HUTON LONGVILLERS Chapelry-Elizth. wife of John Newton, husbandman. MICKLETON in ROMERCHURCH-Rich. Lumniske, lab'., Chr. Nelson, webster, Elizth. Tailor, spinster. BRIGNELL-Jane Langstaffe, widow. HANG WEST. DOWNHAM-Fr. Robinson, yeom"., Jane Franckland, spinster, Marg¹. wife of Geo. White, yeoman. HAUXWELL-Bridget Constable, spinster, Alice wife of Fr. Plewes, labourer. THIRSKE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1619. 219 REETH in GRINTON parish-Fr. Jefferson, yeom"., Rob. Simpson, lab'., Elizth. wife of Rich. Metcalfe, yeoman. NEWCARR, same parish-Edw. Alderson, lab'., James Metcalfe, labourer. HUNTON in BROMPTON PATTERICKE-Jane wife of Tho. Croft, gentleman. WENSLEY-Will. Walker, lab'., Anth. Robinson, yeoman. EAST WITTON-Will. Staveley, milner. All the above, on April 9, 1619, were above the age of 16, and did not repaire &c; [25.] and further, proclamation was made at this Sessions that Ellen Branton and the other persons named above should make their personal appearance or else stand convicted &c. [289] The Jurors present a Pickeringe man for stealing octo peceas maheremii (Angl. eight halfe-ynch boardes), value 5s. [True bill per Rimer et socios suos: fol. sequent.]; a Leminge widow for stealing from a dwelling-house a petticoat, value 18d. Will. Rimer, Morton, John Kettlewell, [290.] SECOND PANNELL. Gent". Yeom". Tho. Walker, Allerton, "" Anth. Applebie, Thorp-Raw,, Rog. Hamond, Newbiggin, Yeom". John Stephenson, Cleasbie, "" Geo. Squire, Ainderbie Steple,,, John Todd, Siddall, "" Tho. Grainge, Hornbie, "" Edw. Willey, South Ottrington, Gilb. Annison, Ruswarpe, Yeom". "" Ch'. Newton, Whitbie, "" John Kettlewell, Topliffe, Yeom". "" Rob. Lodge, Burton in Bushop- John Nelson, Thorpfeild, dale, Yeom". [Vide priorem paginam-Veredictum.] WHO PRESENT-- The Leminge widow of the last presentment for stealing a smocke, value 6d. [290] The same widow again for stealing a black hatt, value 8d., a pare of grene stokinges, value 2s. ; a Farndale lab'. and a New Malton yeom". for stealing a bay mare, value £3. 6. 8. [291.] A stone bridge called Spittle bridge on the high strete betwixt the citties of York and Durisme, and betwixt the lordshipp of North Kilvington and Thornbargh, as in great ruine &c. 220 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. THIRD PANNELL. Will. Bell, Thirske, Gent". Rich. Bell, Thirske, Yeom". Will. Wood, Kirkby Wiske, "" Leon. Gamble, "" "" John Hustwhate, Sowerbie, Yeom". Rich. Tailor, "" "" Rich. Nelson, "" "" Will. Dighton, "" "" Tho. Jackson, Thirske, Geo. Burneston, Skipton, "" Tho. Moore, "" "" John Stephenson, Pettithorp, Anth. Warde, "" "" Tho. Sharow, Disforth, "" WHO PRESENT- Geo. Ledine of Inglebie Greenhow, weaver, and his wife Elizth, with a man and, his wife from York, for stealing [291.] a shirte, value 6d., and a linnen shete, value 6d. &c. Names of the Jury empannelled in the cases Rex v. Will. Stephenson, Mary Hunter als. Walton, Rich. Marshall, Geo. Ledine and Elizth. his wife, Rob. Simondson and Beatrice his wife, prisoners &c. Marm. Bell, Eldmire, John Bell, Dalton, Yeom". Marm. Dowsinge, Crambe, Yeom". "" Will. Denton, Caithropp, "" Rob. Miles, East Harlsey, Jas. Kaley, Thormanbie, "" Will. Dunninge, Homecar, "" Rob. Bargh, Disforth, ,, Tho. Exilby, Norton Luton, >> Rob. Burton, Letbie, Rob. Lieth, Lockton, Henry Nesse, Newton, Who say that Will. Stephenson is guilty [To be whipped]; [292.] that Mary Hunter als. Walton is not guilty of the first felony she is charged with, but is guilty as to the second and third [To be whipped forth- with]; that Rich. Marshall is guilty [same sentence]; and that the other four prisoners are also guilty [same sentence]. [292.] Proclamation (as above) of the Recusants presented at the present Sessions. ORDERS made &c. Ordered that the Sessions for the whole N. R. to be kept next after Easter, and next after the Feast of St. Michaell, Tharchangel, shalbe held at Thirske onelie, and in noe other place for the said Ridinge; that Sir Coniers Darcie and Will. Aldburgh, Esq., shall take and audit the accomptes of Marm. Wilson, Thres'. for L. S. for Richmondshire. [293.] Mem. that Averell Pressicke hath this daie taken the oath of allegiance, and hath brought a certificate from Tho. Butler, Curate, THIRSKE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1619. 221 Rich. Jackson, Churchwarden, Fr. Wilson and Rich. Smith, that she hath conformed herself &c; Ordered that the monie to be levied within everie Wapentacke of the N. R. for the purveyance of oxen for his Maties household for the year 1620 shalbe made according to the rate that was levied for 1619; and shalbe levied and brought by the Head Constables to the next Qr. Sessions; that Sir Tho. Wharton, Sir Coniers Darcie and Sir Tim. Hutton, with Adam Midlam, Math. Jopson, and Chr. Pepper, Esquires, shall consider of some fitt person to become the Maister of the House of Correction, and what summe of monie wilbe sufficient for a stocke, and other thinges convenient for finishing the same: And to certifie their opinions and doinges therein to the Justices which shalbe present att Malton the next Qu. Sessions of the Peace. [293] That a warrant &c to attach Caleb Prockter of Kirkby juxta Dromanby, gent"., &c, to answer for the breach of the peace against Henrie Blackburne &c; that John Agar of Danby, for brewing &c, shall be fined 20s. &c and be further imprisoned for three daies; the like in the case of a Glaisdale woman; Mem. that Raph Stubbs and the other occupiers of a close at Topliffe called Kelbrough Bancke als. Kelbrough Hill, hath appeared to an indictment for suffering the bridge and the scite in the King's highwaie near to Top- liffe to be in decaie, and is admitted by the Courte to his traverse; two persons referred to Sir Coniers Darcy and Sir Tim. Hutton for settlement of matters concerned in a former Order. [294] That a widow of Welburne shall not keep an alehouse; that the controversies betwene John Challoner and Peter Biggin and others be whollie referred to Mr. Leake, Preacher of Lieth, and Mr. Toes, Preacher of Whitby, and if they cannot settle the matter the umperage to be referred to Sir Tho. Posth. Hobie, and in the meane time Chal- loner is to pay all the fees for himself and Biggin, and others whom he hath troubled without cause to come to this Courte, and if the said Arbitratours and Umpirer shall thinke fitt it shalbe repaid him againe, otherwise not; that 10 shalbe levied through the whole N. R. for the finishinge of Egton bridge, and that if anie shall offer to drive anie cartes or waines over the said bridge, those so offeringe shalbe bound before some Justice to appear &c to answere their contempt, because the same hath beene heretofore used for a foote and horse bridge; and a warrant &c to be awarded to the Constable of Egton, his deputie or deputies, for the better performinge this Order :-the £10 to be paid over unto Raph Salvin, Esq., Surveyour for the said bridge. [294] That £10 be levied for the repair of Yeddingham bridge, to be paid to Tho. Rowth, gent"., one of the High Constables of 222 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Pickering-lieth, who must render accompt of the surplussage at the next Qu. Sessions; also £20 for Newsam bridge, and a warrant &c to apprehend Tho. Jackson of Wath, yeom"., to carrie him &c to pay £20 more for the finishinge of the said bridge which he hath in his hands, or els to enter bond &c to appear &c; that the procedinges against John Donnington concerning the repaire of the highwaie in Hartrigg-moore leading to the Breck-yate in the said moore, for that two waines or cartes cannot meete togither &c shalbe staied untill the next Sessions, and in the mean time Sir Tho. Gower to viewe the suffic- iencie of the said repaire, and to certifie &c; that Edw. Hornbie of Dalton shalbe sett in the stockes at Thirske on the next markett- daie from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. for assaulting Raph Richmond, Constable of Hornby; that £6 be levied for the repair of Spittle bridge in Birdforth Wap., and that Mr. Bramhall, Parson of South Kilvington, and Tho. Rowth, gent"., High Constable of Pickering-lieth, shall be Overseers for the layinge out of the said monie, &c. ; Tho. Speight, L. S., and having a pension of 40s., having petitioned the Lo. Scroope, Lo. President of the Councell in the North, who hath referred the same to this Sessions, and also having humbly requested the Justices- Ordered that he have £5 paid him by Rob. Butler, gent"., Thres". for L. S., the said Speight engaging not to demaund his said pension of 40s. anie more. [295b.] Next Qu. Sessions for Langbargh et al. att New Malton on Tuesday next after Twelfth-daie; and for Richmondshire the same daie seaven-night after. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby Will. Aldburgh Sir Rich. Vaghan Sir Tho. Gower Sir Tho. Norcliffe Nich. Conyers Knts. Rog. Gregorie Esquires. Tho. Heblethwhait Henry Bancks, D.D. Steph. Norcliffe It is certified at this Sessions by Rob. Toes, Minister of Skelton in Cleveland, Chr. Bosman and Phil. Pibus, Churchwardens, and Geo. Bosman, Constable of the same, that Rob. Allanbie of the same, Popish Recusant convict, has conformed and attended &c. [296.] Traverse by the inhab's. of Pickeringe touching a presentment made at Helmesley Sessions, held 7 Jan., 16 James [Side-note: Entered in the Helmsley Roll, July], touching the disrepair of the highway in le Marishe, commonly called Virgo Laine. The Pickering people contend they are not bound, nor have been wont, to repair the said Virgo Laine, and make their case good. [A long entry of two pages.] MALTON, JANUARY 11, 1618. 223 [297.] MALTON. Qu. Sessions at, 11 Jan., 1618. Before Rich. Etherington, John Gibson, Tho. Gower, Tho. Norcliffe, Will. Sheffeild, Knts., Henry Banckes, D.D., Tho. Davile, Nich. Coniers and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram, High Sheriff. James Harton, Ruston, Marm. Harton, 99 Edw. Raper, Angram, Marm. Dowsinge, Barton, FIRST PANNELL. Gent". John Sheppard, New Malton, "" "" Sam. Crosthwate, Lofthouse,,, Peter Hopperton, Hovingham, Yeom". Yeom". Yeom". Peter Barker, Harom, Yeom". Fr. Challoner, Marton Grene,,, John Marshall, Flaxton, Pet. Wainman, Lofthouse, Will. Wade, Sand Huton, Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moorside, John Dowe, Newton, "" "" "" "" John Parke, Pickeringe, " [297] WHO PRESENT— A Marske lab'. for stealing fower geese, value 4s. ; a Sowerbie car- penter [Rich. Carleill] for stealing an ewe, value 75., and a lamb, value 4d. ;* the wife of a Normanby lab'. for stealing a goose worth 4d.† [298.] A New Malton woman for stealing a pound weight of red wooll, value 4d. ; an Egton yeom". for an assault &c, in a place there called Harding, on Will. Salvin, Esq.; a Crambe yeom". for the like on Marm. Dowsing.‡ [298] SECOND PANNELL. Gent". Will. Bell, Thirske, Phil. Craven, Frerehill, Yeom". Rob. Robinson, Hutton in le Hole, Yeom". John Niccolson, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Rob. Robson, Slin[g]sby, Yeom". John Osburne, Wapley, Will. Day, Jordanhouse, "" John Stockill, New Malton, Yeom". "" "" "" Walt. Best, New Malton, Yeom". Geo. Haliday, Will. Ducke, Lofthouse, Tho. Storr, Aiton, Henry Parker, Cloughton, Rich. Clarke, Lastingham, John Fawcett, "" "" "" "" * The date of the felony is 10th July, which makes the discrepancy between the value of the ewe and the lamb more noteworthy. + In the entry just preceding each of the fower geese may be taken as worth a shilling here the value of a goose is 4d. "Aucæ "is the word used above, anser that applied here. What the difference may be is not easily inferred. One of the Jurymen in the First Pannell. 224 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. WHO PRESENT- Tho. Greene of Easingwold, tailor, for stealing an ewe, value 9s.* [299.] Names of the Jury empanelled to try the cases Rex v. Tho. Greene, and Rich. Carliell. John Wiles, Wilton, Yeom". Rich. Fairpointe, New Malton, Steph. Hall, Old Malton, Yeom". "" Raph Woolfe, New Malton, Steph. Sleightholme, Yeom". "" Will. Workfolke, وو "" Tho. Dodgson, "" "" Rich. Dobson, "" Lawr. Munckas, 99 "" Will. Bovell, Will Dobson, Leavisham, "" "" Will. Clifford, 99 John Paicocke, Habton, "" Who find both Greene and Carleill not guilty. It is certified at this Sessions by Geo. Sadler, Minister of Hoving- ham, with Chr. Raines and Chr. Beane, Churchwardens of the same, that Chr. Aske of Scackleton Grainge, gent"., Popish Recusant, has conformed, repaired to church, &c. Inasmuch as, at last Thirske Ellen Branton, Will. Proude, [299.] CONVICTION OF RECUSants. Sessions, proclamation was made that Jane Morris, Chr. Aske and diverse other persons were indicted as Recusants, and that they should appear &c, and (except the said Chr. Aske, whose conformity &c have been certified to this Court) none of the said parties have appeared, they are now each and every of them convicted &c. Mem. These Recusants, from the leafe 287, were certified into Thexchequer in Michaelmas Tearme, 1619. [300.] ORDERS made &c. Ordered that Rob. Wright's recognc. shalbe respited because Tho. Wright and Rich. Lanchester have made oath that the said Rob. is imprisoned att Rippon, and therefore could not appeare; loss by fire -£5 allowed on the testimonie of the applicant's neighbours, gentle- men worthie of creditt and satisfied of her losse, povertie and honestie ; that a warrant &c to attach Rob. Franckland of Danbie Forrest and take him bound &c at the next Sessions to make accompt of such monie as he hath remayninge in his handes, levied of the countrie, and should be paid to the High Constables, &c; that one hundreth. * The values asigned to the ewe here, and in the entry on the previous page, should be noticed as greatly in advance of any corresponding estimate hitherto met with. MALTON, JANUARY 225 II, 1618. 11, poundes shalbe levied &c for the repair of Morton bridge, and if that prove insufficient a further Order to be considered at the next Sessions, &c. [300] That all the Head Constables shall forthwith pay to Sir Henry Belassis, Bart., or his assignes all such monies as are due for the Purve[yo]r for oxen for his Maties household for the yeare 1620, who hath, upon the receipte of the foresaid monie, undertaken to discharge the countrie of the said provision; forasmuch as Raph Whittle hath deposed, and Mr. Ingram Lister, Preacher at Staingrave, hath informed the Courte that Tho. Worsley, Esq., Kath. his wife, and Elizth. his daut., who are now indicted for Recusancie, are no Recusantes but goe orderlie to Church, as some of the Bench knowe, by reason whereof the Courte standeth doubtfull of proceeding anie further as yett against them :-Therefore further proceedinges to be staied &c until next Sessions &c; that all matters of controversie betwene John Simon and Will. Simon his sonne [See above, p. 207] shalbe referred to the determination &c of Sir David Foulis and Sir Tho. Laton, and that until they do so determine &c the said Will. is to pay to the said John all such summes of monie as are due and sett downe by former Order in the said matter; that as Charles Barrie has sworn the peace against Tho. Harrison and Tho. Burne of New Malton, butcher, there- fore a warrant &c. [301.] That whatsoever the Justices of Richmondshire shall sett downe concerninge the House of Correction, as in their goode discretions shall seeme meete, this Courte will ratifie and approve the same, in regard this Courte much desireth the expedition of the busines; forasmuch as at last Sessions it was Ordered that £20 should be levied, and that a warrant &c against Tho. Jackson of Wath to compell him to paie other £20 remaining in his hands, both for the charges in finishing Newsam bridge, but neither of the said summes ar paid: Ordered therefore that the said sum of £40 shall be paid to Mr. Rob. Geare, Surveyour of the said bridge, at the next Sessions, and a warrant &c against the said Jackson &c. Next Sessions at Thirske the Wednesday seaven-night after Easter next, being the 29th Aprill. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Gower Sir Tho. Norcliffe Knts. Sir Will. Sheffeild Tho. Davile Nich. Conyers Steph. Norcliffe Esquires. VOL. II. Q 226 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [302.] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions at, 8 Jan. 1618. Before Coniers Darcy, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Adam Midlam, Math. Jobson and Chr. Pepper, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. FIRST PANNELL. "9 Leon. Cleasbie, Cleasbie, Gent". Rich. Miles, North Cowton, Adam Squire, Ainderbie Steple, Yeom". Tho. Harrison, Harmbie, Yeom". Rob. Niccolson, Stanfrey, John Kettlewell, Northallerton, Yeom". "" Northallerton, Will. Meade, Yeom". Tho. Grainge, Hornbie, Tho. Johnson, Scorton, Rob. Shawe, Dalton, John Dent, Barningham, Rob. Anderson, Gale, Fr. Lucas, Nosterfeild, [302b.] WHO PRESENT Yeom". "" "" "" A Gatonbie gent". for an assault &c. in a place there called Rash close &c; Tho. Richardson, Constable of Kirkbie on Wiske, for not appointing or causing the men of Kirkby Wiske to keep the watch. [303.] A Sawcote (or Shawcote) lab'. for stealing one sheeps skynn, value 16d.; the same for stealing quatuor peceas movilli, Angle, two shoulders and two hinder legges of mutton, value 16d., &c; John Yates and Tho. Rainforth, Constables of Topliffe, for that when a petty chapman, late of Manchester, had been committed to their custody for an assault on one Fr. [303.] Atkinson, they suffered him to escape; the said petty chapman and the wife of a Topliffe lab'. for the assault above named. [304.] Rich. Ward, Churchwarden of West Rounckton for 1619, for not paying L. S. and Hospitalls monie to the High Constable of Allertonshire, &c; a West Rounckton alehouse-keeper for suffering Tho. Haistinges, gent"., Jas. Grason, tailor, and Rich. Ward, yeom"., all of the same place, to sitt drinkinge in his house untill they were druncke, and after did come to the house of Rob. Niccolson, yeom"., and broke the glass windowes of his house, &c. [304°.] That Jas. Cleasbie of Cleasbie doth malitiously and of evill will fell ash-trees and willow-trees growing within the Lordshipp of Stapleton, belonging to Leon. Cleasbie, and in the occupation of Chr. Piburne, and sold parcell of the said wood to Fr. Dineley at an under RICHMOND, JANUARY 8, 1618. 227 value, which the said Dineley well knoweth the said James has no lawful property in; that John Pease of Cleasbie on Oct. 2 did burne and sett on fire most part of the firres or whinnes growing on a pasture of Leon. Cleasbie's within the Lordshipp of Cleasbie, called the Middle-Moore, to the number of 200 waine-loades or thereaboutes, which pasture he hath letten out unto Fr. Dineley and John Stephen- son, and in the same demise reserved the whinnes which was then growing for his house use, having occasion yearlie to use 30 waine loades, &c. "" Cuthb. Yeom". Browne, [305.] SECOND PANNELL. Kirklington, John Lightfoote, Gilling, Yeom". Geo. Todd, Rob. Smithson, Skeabie, Raph Kiplin, Gales, Fr. Mitchell, Exilbie, Rich. Mitchell, Crakall, Yeom". Tho. Stephenson, Fencote, "" Math. Pibus, Fletham, "" John Adamson, Swinton, 99 "" John Sadler, Burneston, Geo. Dobson, Anth. Beckwith, Nutwithcoate, Yeom". "" "" WHO PRESENT- Anth. Wallis als. Willoughby and Geo. Wrightson, both labs. of Northallerton, for an assault &c on Chr. Harbert, gent". (or Esquire), breaking his arm &c. [Both put themselves on the mercy of the Court, and are fined, the first 100s., the second 40s.] [305] An Ellingstringe lab. for stealing two stottes,* value £4, and two whies, value £4; a Rookwith yeom". for stealing by night from a certain close belonging to Chr. Danby, Esq., four oxen,† value £16; an Easbie lab'., occupier of a cottage there, for taking in two sub-tenants or lodgers. "" *❝STOT. An ox ; but rarely applied except to one that is not very old.” Clevel. Gloss. The Latin word employed in the Minute is juvencus. Halliwell's definition is "a young ox ; Jamieson's, "a young bull or ox; properly one that is three years old"; and he adds further " more generally [it] denotes a bull that has been castrated." The word 'bullock,' as commonly understood at present, is quite sufficiently to the point as an explanation. The following lines from Piers the Plow- man are equally good as an illustration : "And Grace gaf Piers. of his goodnesse foure stottes; Al that his oxen eriede. thei to harewen after." What the oxen ploughed out, the stots harrowed after them. + The Latin word here is "boves": the "juvenci" of the former Minute were clearly younger, and their comparative value-£2 each against £4 in the present case-should be noted. Q 2 228 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [306.] The same for keeping a common tipling-house without licence. 1 [306b.] ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that a poor man of Fingall shall have 13s. 4d. paid to him by the Overseers of Bedall, and the said parish to be no further chargeable on his account; whereas an Order was made at Richmond Sessions, Jan. 12, 1608 [See Vol. I. p. 178], that Edw. Topham and Fr. Atkinson should view Coverham Bridge, in vertue whereof they viewe the same, and have certified that the said bridge is in great decaie, and that £10 will serve for repaire, £10 to be levied accord- ingly. [307.] That, in a case of bastardy in Grinton, the said parish shall pay 40s. to the brother of the putative father, who shall discharge the parish for ever of the maintenance of the child: but if the parish refuse to pay the said 40s., then the child to be chargeable on it from henceforward; a formal minute of the fines inflicted on Wallis als. Wil- loughby and Wrightson: (See above, p. 227). [307] That a warrant &c to apprehend Jas. Lepton of Gatonbie, gent"., and bring him &c to answer &c and especially for his heynous assault on Henry Warcopp [See first presentment this Sessions] &c. ; the Rookwith yeoman indicted for stealing Mr. Danby's oxen [supra, p. 227] enters a traverse. [308.] Forasmuch as it was Ordered at the Richmond Sessions, 20th July last year, that the pension of John Ingram, L. S., should be paid to Raph Turner, gent"., yearlie, as long as Ingram lived, and it is now alleged that Ingram is dead, no further payment &c; foras- much as Sir Tim. Hutton hath brought in to this Courte his accompt for his receiptes, being £162. o. 3, and disbursementes being £163. 14. 7, concerning the House of Correction att Richmond, which accompt the Courte verie well liketh of and alloweth: Ordered that the accompt be passed, and the balance of 34s. 7d. ob. allowed to him. [308] That the overseers of Wensley shall pay a poor honest man, fallen into decaie, and by reason of lamenesse and weaknesse not able to gett his living, 6d. weeklie &c; a Melsonbie smith, indicted for brewing &c, shalbe discharged &c; that a warrant &c, against John Douglasse of Grinton, &c; that Cuthb. Coniers shall have 20s. to releive his povertie, and be no more troublesome &c. [309.] Whereas Rich. Best of Middleton and Tho. Jackson of Wath were appointed Surveyours and Collectours of £30 towardes the repaire of the north end of Rippon North-bridge, according to the Order made at Thirske 30 April, 1617, and the said Jackson has now RICHMOND, JANUARY 8, 1618. 229 tendered his accompt of £15. 17. 4, which is to him allowed for so much as he received and paid of the said £30: and for that, upon the same accompt, there is £5, parcell of the said £30, in the hands of the foresaid Rich. Best, wherewith he chargeth himself, as by his hand writinge, dated 21 Julie, 1617, likewise appeareth: Therefore the said Jackson is as to this accompt discharged, unless it hereafter appeareth that he hath received more &c: and a warrant &c against the said Best &c to appear at next Sessions and tender his accompt of the said £30; loss by fire at Grinton-25s. allowed. [309.] Leminge Chapel certified to be in great ruine: the inhabts., by reason of the great charge required, and their povertie, unable themselves to repaire yt: Therefore the Courte (for the furtherance of soe charitable a worke) Orders that 40s. be paid by Mr. Rich. Bland, Thres'. for the Hospitalls, and if more be wanted, further considera- tion &c; forasmuch as the Overseers of Cleasbie have disobeyed diverse warrants under Sir Tim. Hutton's hands, for payment of a cessment for the releife of a poor infante named Marie Cleasbie, daut. of James Cleasbie: And it was Ordered at the last Sessions at Thirske that the entire case should be referred to the said Sir Timothy, it is now Ordered that the said Overseers pay the said cessment for the said child, and also for the cure of John Chambers his legg which was broken by misfortune: Otherwise they are to appeare, upon sight hereof, before the said Sir Tim. Hutton and there show cause to the contrarie; that a warrant &c to attach Anth. Pratt &c. [310.] Forasmuch as the House of Correction at Richmond is now almost finished, and that the Justices of that Division have written to the other Justices att the Session holden att Malton the last weeke, to move them to agree and sett downe some order both for a Maister or Governour of the said House, as also for providing a stocke, and all things necessarie and needfull for the same: whereupon the said Justices att Malton, by a generall consent did order that the same should be referred to the consideration of the Justices of Richmondshire [See above, p. 225] to determine and order touching the said Maister or Governour, and all other things belonging thereunto, promising to ratifie and confirm &c: It is therefore Ordered that Geo. Shawe of Leeds, clothier, shalbe Maister or Governour of the said House, who hath put in securities &c : and that he shall have allowed him for his paines and care, for the first yeare, £60; and yearlie after, £50, to be paid at each Qu. Sessions; he, the said Shawe, finding a sufficient stocke to be imployed in the said house. And if, at anie time, the countrie shalbe charged to levie a stocke for the said House, That then, for everie 100 that shalbe putt into the said Shawe's hands, he shall putt in good securitie &c, and shall abate out of his yearlie pay £10 for everie hundred that -230 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. 1 shalbe so putt into his hands: And that presentlie all such monie as hath been collected and is yet in the hands of Sir Henry Belassis, or anie others, shalbe forthwith sent and paid to Sir Tim. Hutton, to the end that present provision and necessaries for the House may therewith. be made: And that, whereas the said Shawe doth desire to have a certaine time limited for his continuinge therein, which we cannott grante, but have promised, and have so ordered that, if att anie time hereafter, he shalbe put forth of the same to his losse and hinderance (and without just cause by him given), that then such reasonable con- sideration shalbe taken for him, as may reasonablie content him for his damages thereby susteined. [310] That a warrant &c against John Yates, Tho. Rainforth, and Jane wife of Will. Ray, all of Topliffe, to bring them &c to answer such matters as may be objected against them by Fr. Atkinson. Next Sessions at Thirske, 25 April next. Roll signed by Sir Conyers Darcy Knts. Sir Tim. Hutton Math. Jobson Chr. Pepper Esquires. [311.] HACKNES. Special Sessions at, 19 April, 1620. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby and Rich. Etherington, Knts. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. PANNELL. Rich. Hunter, Whitbie, Gent". Rob. Fotherley, Newholme, Jas. Alder, Yeom". Yeom". "" John Haggis, "" "" Jas. Hill, Rathwate, Yeom". Gilb. Marsingale, Will. Salmon, "" "" Henry Alder, "" Rob. Alder, James Harrison,,, Will. Marsingale, Newholme, "" Peter Hewitson, Yeom". John Watson, Filing-raw, Yeom". Will. Allatson, Filing-thorp, Normanbie, "" "" John Cockerell, Stoup-brow, Yeom". Yeom". EBBERSTON, APRIL 20, 1620. ` 231 [311] WHO PRESENT- Seven Whitby men, a woman of Filingdale, and one of Hawscarr with Stanscarr, for keeping unlicensed alehouses. Roll signed by Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby and Sir Rich. Etherington. [312.] EBBERSTON. Special Sessions at, 20 April, 1620. Before Tho. Posth. Hoby, Rich. Etherington, Knts., and Steph. Norcliffe, Esq. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. Geo. Osburne, Snainton, PANNELL. Gent". Will. Readhead, Scalbie, Yeom". Tho. Watson, Huton Bushell, Henry Parke, Pickeringe, "" Yeom". Geo. Mitchell, "" Tho. Storr, Aiton, Yeom". Ambrose Marshall,,, "" Geo. Welburne, Caiton, "" Rob. Darrell, "" "" Chr. Cowlson, Gristropp, "" Rob. Kinge, "" "" "" "" Henry Boyes, Thornton, " John Anderson, Will. Niccolson, Brompton, [312] WHO PRESENT Edm. Hay of Newton for that, being appointed Overseer of Picker- inge, he refused to meet monthlie with the rest of the Overseers of the parish att his parish church for the releife of the poore, &c; a Pickering tailor for (being no houshoulder) keeping and maintaininge two servants or apprentices &c; another tailor of the same place for that, being no apprentice, he useth the said trade of tailor &c. Roll signed by— Sir Tho. Posth. Hoby) Sir Rich. Etherington Knts. Steph. Norcliffe, Esq. 232 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. SERIES A.-MINUTES AND ORDERS.-VOL. A¹. [1.] THIRSK. Qu. Sessions at, 26th April, 1620. Before Henry Belassis and Will. Bamburgh, Knts. Bart., Tho. Belassis, Coniers Darcy, Rich. Vaghan, Henry Jenkins, Tim. Hutton, Henry Franckland, Henry Tanckard, Tho. Norcliffe, Tho. Laton, Knts., Marm. Constable, Will. Aldburgh, Nich. Coniers, Will. Robinson, Tho. Heblethwate and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. FIRST PANNELL. Will. Yates, John Kettlewell, Topliffe, Gent". John Dunninge, Bawke, John Bell, Dalton, Yeom". Tho. Best, Hornbie, Tho. Robinson, Thornton, Anth. Denham, Yeom". "" "" "" "" 19 "" Will. Atkinson, Carlton, Rob. Stowpe, Marske, Will. Jackson, Thirske, "" Will. Emerson, Skelton, "" John Hustwith, Sowerbie, " Tho. Maisterman, Gt. Aiton, "" Jas. Raper, Holme, Mich. Lieth, Morton on Swale, Yeom". "" [1b.] WHO PRESENT- A Raskall lab'., named Tho. Watson, for an assault on Sir Henry Franckland, J.P. &c. [throws himself on the mercy of the Court and is fined £20: Sent to York Castle]; Kirkby Misperton bridge, over the river Costa, as in great ruin &c; Dorothy Bonwell of-Osmotherley for stealing two blankettes, value 3s. [2.] Geo. Lionesse of Kirk-levington,. lab., for stealing an ewe, value 5s.; John Younge and Rob. Ashwell of Kirk-levington, labrs., for stealing a weather hogg, value 5s.; Rob. Wright, a Raskall lab'., for stealing a pare of bootes, value rod., and a pare of spurres, value 2d.; Tho. Woolfe, a New Malton tanner, for stealing a wood planke of ten foote longe, value 2od., one and twentie free stones, value 21s., six plankes, value 1os., one planke, value 12d., and five free-stones, value 5s., &c. THIRSKE, APRIL 26, 1620. 233 [2] The same man for stealing one corslett, value 1os., one peece of harnesse, called a head-peece, value 3s., one muskett, value 75., seaventy foote of wood-rales for wainscott, value 5s., one wainscott doore, value 5s., twelve peices of square timber, value 8d., one milne- planke, value 2s., seaven boordes, value 3s. 4d., fower peeces of shorte milne timber, value 2s., one stowpe, value 4d., one bedd teaster, value 5s., and three jeestes of timber, value 18d. * SECOND PANNELL. ´Leon. Cleasbie, Cleasbie, Gent". John Manfeild, Audbrough, Yeom". Rich. Lomley, Warlabie, Yeom". John Rimer, Scruton, "" John Clarke, Newton Morker,,, Rob. Lodge, Burton in Bushop- dale, Yeom". Jerome Simpson, Burton Burton in "" وو Geo. Mitchell, Exilbie, Yeom". Will. Raper, Howe, Chr. Medd, Lastingham, Geo. Sonley, Nonnington, John Dobson, Tollerton, Chr. Ellis, "" "" "" "" John Wightman, Ampleforth,,, Arthur Ridsdale, "" "" • Bushopdale, Yeom". [3.] WHO PRESENT— Jane Phillip of Nunthropp for stealing ten table-napkins, value 5s., one croscloth,† value 4d., two pounds of butter, value 6d., one pare of laune biggins,‡ value 6d., one childe's shirte, value 6d., one linnen sheete, value 3s., and one shirte, value 2s., the property of Marm. Constable, Esq., &c; the aforesaid John Younge for stealing a stone of wooll, value 6s., the property of some one unknown; Will. Rimer of Morton on Swale for an assault on Mich. Parvin, Constable there. [3] A New Malton cordwainer for an assault &c; Willow bridge over the Clow-becke in Crofte parish as in great ruine &c; unknown A curious and instructive entry throughout. Jeeste is, there is little doubt, a form of joist, in M. E. giste, gyste. "Gyyste, balke, trabes." Pr. Pm. "O. Fr. giste, a bed, a couch, place to lie in (Cotgr.); also a joist, as in Palsgrave." See Skeat in v. + “Cross-cloth, Cross-clouT. A kerchief, or cloth to wrap round the head or bosom. A crosse-cloath, as they terme it, a powting-cloth, plagula. Withal's Dictionarie, Ed. 1608, p. 275. Thy crosse-cloth is not pinned right before. Cranley's Amanda, p. 33.” [Nares' Glossary.] "BIGGEN, or BIGGIN. A kind of close cap, which bound the forehead strongly; used for young children, to assist nature in closing the sutures of the skull. It is now used only for a child's cap. Shakespeare seems to have used the term to express any coarse kind of nightcap, 2 Hen. IV. It seems also to have been part of the appropriated dress of barristers-at-law, perhaps the serjeant's coif." Nares' Glossary. · 234 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. by whom &c; the like, in both parts, as to Normanbie bridge over the Seaven. [4] Tho Farnam, a Thornton Watlas lab'., for cutting and stealing in Watlas Springe* two ash-spires,† value 20d., belonging to Chr. Danbie, Esq.; Tho. Clarke als. Brunskell, a Thirne yeoman, for as- saulting John Beckwith, Dep. Bailiff of Hang East, who had at the time a prisoner in his charge by virtue of a warrant from Sir Will. Alford, late High Sheriff, and rescuing the said prisoner. [4] Four Hardraw innkeepers, one from Burter-side, one from Cams-house, and two from Dale-grainge for keeping common tipling- houses, &c; seven from Whitbie, one from Filingdale, and another from Hauscarr, for the like. [5] A Conistropp man for selling ale above 6d. the gallon; two New Malton alehouse-keepers for disorders in their houses; the Churchwardens of Eriholme, of Barton Marie (Rob. Spence, Church- warden), and of North Cowton for not paying their L. S. monie; Will. Robinson of Cawdwell, Gabr. Applebie of Barforth, Mich. Pearson of Laton, and Anth. Jackson of Forcett, Churchwardens of St. John's, for the like; also John Lademan and John Boswell, C. W. of Bowes, Henry Cuthbertson and Henry Parker, C. W. of Melsonby, Raph Sadler and John Lightfoote, C. W. of Gillinge, all for the like; Edw. Hart, Constable of Huton Longvillers, for not appearing at the New- sam Petty Sessions, 20 April; Rich. Heatherington and John Harrison, Constables of Gillinge and Melsonby, for the like; East and West Laton for want of a Constable; Tho. Clayton, Constable of Barforth, for not appearing at the said Sessions, and not paying monie due for the bridges sessed upon the said Townshipp; John Shutt of Stanwickes for the like; Chr. Metcalfe of Laton for refusing to record his servantes' names. [5] Names of the Jury empanelled in the cases Rex v. Dorothy Bonwell, Geo. Lionesse, John Younge, Will. Ashmell, Rob. Wright, Tho. Woolfe, Anth. Pratt, and Jane Phillip, prisoners &c. Rich. Bell, Thirske, Yeom". Fr. Arnott, Thirske, Yeom". Fr. Raper, "" "" Fr. Cawton, Will. Gamble, "" "" "" Barth. Herringe, Thirske, "" "" Raph Anderson, Thirske, "" Henry Bell, "" "" Rich. Barnes, "" Jas. Clarkson, "" "" Rich. Phipps, "" "" Will. Wood, Bransdale, "" "SPRING. A young wood. Still in use in Suffolk." Halliwell. So it is in Yorkshire; e.g. 'Skelton Springs' near York. + "SPIRE. A young tree. A young tree. North." Halliwell. THIRSKE, APRIL 26, 1620. 235 Who find Dorothy Bonwell not guilty; Geo. Lionesse, guilty [To be whipped at Kirk-levington]; John Younge, guilty on both charges [To be whipped &c]; Will. Ashmell not guilty; [6.] Rob. Wright guilty [To be whipped forthwith at Thirske, then to be set in the stockes at Raskall, and whipped again there]; Tho. Woolfe and Anth. Pratt not guilty; Jane Phillip guilty [See the judgment below among the Orders &c]. ORDERS made &c. ORDERED that a warrant &c to arrest Ambrose Robinson, to take him bound &c, and a fine of £20 is imposed upon the Sheriffe for wante of a Baliffe of Bulmer at this Session; a dispute between two persons touching the propertie of a vice, now in the custodie of Sir Will. Bamburgh, the one to appear at next Sessions and show cause why it should not be delivered to the other. [6.] That Tho. Watson of Raskall, charged with an assault on Sir H. Franckland, shall be imprisoned for a year, and on his liberation pay a fine of £20, and be bound with good suerties to keep the peace in the future &c; whereas Mich. Thackwray is convicted of brewing &c, and the Court is informed of diverse other foule misdemeanours done by him, he shall pay 20s. fine, and enter bond &c not to brew again, and to appear &c; in the case of the disputes between Rob. Wray and Marm. Dowsinge, the matters in dispute to be referred to the arbitrament of Sir Will. Bamburgh, &c; that Tho. Waggett shalbe fined 40s. for his negligence and ill answeres to the Courte. : [7.] In reference to the Order made at Richmond Sessions touching the £60 to be paid to the Governour of the House of Correction (See above, p. 229) no time having been fixed nor provision made for the collection of the same, it is now Ordered that it be forthwith estreeted &c and be made ready for payment at the next Sessions and it is further Ordered, by consent of the said Governour, that he shall furnish the said House with beddinge, and maintenance of meate and drincke, and such like necessaries to those which happen to be com- mitted, convenient for a House of Correction: And this Courte doth request Sir Coniers Darcie and Sir Tim. Hutton, Math. Jobson and Chr. Pepper, Esquires, to provide before next Sessions loomes* and yrons for imployinge and ruling, from time to time, those who shalbe com- * It is, on the face of it, improbable that every person committed to the House of Correction could be employed in weaving, and consequently some inquiry as to the meaning of the word "loomes" is at once suggested. Clearly the "yrons" would be for the coercion of the prisoners, and the loomes for their employment. Accordingly, Halliwell gives, as one meaning of the word Lome, "an instrument or weapon; a 'Loom, any utensil, as a tub;' Grose. Still in use." household utensil. 236 4 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. mitted: and after such loomes and yrons provided to certifie the par- ticulers thereof, that the beforesaid Governour may be bound for the repare thereof, and to leave the said loomes and yrons so repaired att his departure, &c. [7.] Whereas it appears by an awarde made by Sir Henry Tanckard, after reference made to him att a Generall Sessions, that Rob. Franck- land, late Constable of Danbie, hath collected &c diverse sums of monie, to the amount of £12. 6. 8 which he ought to have paid over to Marke Liell, Chief Constable of Langbargh, but has not paid and is unable to discharge himself of the receipt thereof, and refuseth either to pay or putt in securitie for paying the same-Ordered that he be committed to prison, there to remain until &c; forasmuch as the Courte is crediblie informed that John Bate als. Pearson is a rude, desperate and an evill-demeanoured young fellow-Ordered that a war- rant &c to apprehend him and bring him bound &c; that Will. Rimer (See supra, p. 233), indicted for an assault &c on the Constable of Morton in the execution &c, shalbe fined £4, &c. [8.] Touching the case between John Simon and Will Simon, father and son, and the Order made therein by Sir David Foulis, Bart., and Sir Tho. Laton [See above, p. 225], that if the said John Simon could putt in sufficient suerties worth fortie poundes by yeare in Landes (ultra reprisas) before Dec. 14th, to paie to the said Will. his sonne the summe of twentie markes by the yeare, att Michaelmas and Ladie day, by even portions; and also to discharge the said Will. of a yearlie rent of £3. 17, and to keepe and leave the houses well and sufficientlie repaired, and the groundes in husbandlike manner well maintained, that then the said Will. should give unto his said father the full and peaceable possession of all the whole farme and houses in Kirkleav- ington during his life: But if the said John should faile in finding suerties as aforesaid, then the said Will. should finde good suerties to pay unto his said father 10s. monthlie (4 weeks to the month), and also to suffer his said father to occupie the house he now dwells in rent-free during his life; all which at the time of making the said Order they both willinglie agreed to &c: Now forasmuch as both the said parties have appeared at this present Session, and it was clear to the Courte that the said John Simon hath broken the Order, on his behalfe, Therefore for ending of all controversies and troubles (which have been manie), and for the absolute establishment of an exhibition to be paid by the said Will. the sonne unto his father, it is Ordered that the son shall pay to the father the said sum of 10s. monthly, for his life, together with all arrears since the said 14th Dec"., and also that the said father shall occupie the house in which he dwelleth during his life; and that the said Will. shall enter bond to THIRSKE, APRIL 26, 1620. 237 his father in the sum of £40, with condition to performe this present Order. [8] That Mr. John Crosland shall deliver to Will. Neesam all such goodes as he deteineth from him and Geo. Idle, which he seized for my Lord of Rutland, and the partie lawfully acquited and delivered, or else to appear at the next &c; forasmuch as Meriall Calvert was enjoyned by the Courte to find suerties for the peace at the instance of Will. Simon, notwithstanding she departed before such suerties were found: Therefore a warrant &c; Rob. Freeman of New Malton, gent"., elected Treas'. for L. S., and Rob. Butler of Staingrave, gent"., Thres'. for the Hospitals, for Langbargh; Rich. Wandesford of Pickall, gent"., Thres". for L. S., and Rob. Willie of Newby on Wiske, gent"., Thres'. for Hospitalls, for Richmond- shire; that Jane Phillip, convicted of felonie and petit larcenie, for wch she hath beene whipped here at Thirske, and besides is to be taken to Stokesley and there sett in the stockes &c (See above, pp. 233, 235), [9.] yet the Courte is pleased that if she shall make humble acknowledgment at the Markett-crosse in Stokesley that she hath wronged Mrs. Constable, her late Mrs., by laying an unjust imputation upon her for those matters conteyned in the indictment, whereof she herself was founde guiltie, and desire forgiveness of her said Mrs. for her said offence, then the further sentence to be remitted; An Order having been made at Malton Sessions last Jan". that £40 shalbe paid to Mr. Geare, Surveyour of Newsam bridge, of which he has received £20, and for the other £20 it shall be presently paid him by John Turner, Thres'., by waie of loane out of the Hospitalls monie, which said sum we do order that a warrant shalbe made per Curiam unto Mr. Aldburgh to call before him Tho. Jackson of Wath and Rich. Best, and to take their accompt for £20 remainyng in their handes, which if they shall refuse to paie, then to committ them until they do paie the same: And if anie part thereof be unlevied, that present course be taken for thestreating and levying of the same throughout &c; £20 to be presentlie estreated &c for the repaire of Normanbie Bridge, and that Tho. Davile, Esq., shalbe Overseer; and also that Mich. Willan, Clarke, and Walt. Cheesman. be Surveyours of the said bridge. [9] That £20 be levied for Kirkby Misperton bridge, and that Sam. Wade and Fr. Johnson, gent"., be the Surveyours; £30 for Essell bridge, and Tho. Wate and John Agar, gent"., Surveyours; £10 for Coverham bridge, and Chr. Croft and Anth. Bainbrigg, gent"., Surveyours; £10 for that halfe of Kirkham bridge belonginge to the N. R., and John Cholmley, Chas. Radcliffe, Rob. Stamper, and Rich. Williamson, Surveyours; Rob. Hall of New Malton, L. S., to be 238 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. admitted as a pensioner, and to have 50s. a year &c, and in regard of his present necessitie, he is to have 25s. paid him for two quarters pay beforehand; 40s. allowed in a case of loss by fire. [10.] In a case of losse susteined by robbers, 30s. allowed to the man robbed; whereas Will. Rimer (being presente in Courte) was enjoyned (for just causes which seemed fitt to their discretions) before his departure to enter bond &c to appeare &c, and in despite of the Courte departed &c, therefore a warrant &c; Will. Laund, Baliffe of Whitby Strand, fined 40s. for setting att libertie Simon Smarte, who stood committed by the Courte, except he shall bring the said Smart to the next Sessions, and for better authoritie of the said Baliffe for the apprehension of the said Smarte, a warrant &c; Mem. that the accompt of Tho. Jackson for the monie received for repair of the north end of Rippon North bridge, and a note under the handes of Rich. Best, gent"., for his receipt of £5, are delivered to Will. Aldburgh, Esq., sedente Curia; Mem. the 7th daie of Maie, 1620, that Marke Liell hath paid to Sir Tim. Hutton £24, being arreare in his handes towardes the repaire of the House of Correction. [Vide notam in tergo originalis Ordinis, Domus Correctionis in hoc Rotulo.] [10.] Ordered that Will. Browne of Raskall and Tho. Watson shalbe by the Sheriff conveyed to Yorke Castle, there to remaine untill they performe the several Orders made by this Courte against them. Next General Sessions at Helmesley 11 July next, and at Richmond on the 14th day of the said month. Roll signed by Sir Rich. Vaghan Sir Henry Jenkins Marm. Constable Will. Aldburgh Sir Tho. Norcliffe Sir Henry Tanckard Sir Tho. Laton Knts. Nich. Coniers Tho. Heblethwate Steph. Norcliffe Esquires. [11.] HELMESLEY. Qu. Sessions at, 11 July, 1620. Before Will. Bamburgh, David Foulis, Knt. Barts., Tho. Belassis, Tho. Gower, Henry Franckland, Tho. Norcliffe, Will. Sheffeild, Rich. Darley, Knts., Nich. Coniers, Will. Robinson, Tho. Heblethwate, and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. HELMESLEY, JULY 11, 1620. 239 1 Tho. Storr, Aiton, Yeom". John Ellerton, Pickeringe, "" Tho. Gibson, "" "" Will. Nesse, Newton, FIRST PANNELL. Geo. Hall, Oswoldchurch, Gent". Will. Becke, Whitbie, Rich. Jackson, Ruswarpe, Geo. Burneston, Skipton, Chr. Sharpe, Yeom". "" "" "" "" Will. Wade, Sand Huton, 99 Rich. Allanson, Ampleforth, "" Will. Burnett, Catton, Val. Morrell, Bagby, "" Rob. Thompson,,, " John Atkinson, Carlton, Tho. Bell, "" "" "" Geo. Hill, Whitbie, [II.] WHO PRESENT- A Pickeringe husb". for hiring another man's servant without his license, &c. [fined £5]; a Cropton yeom". for an assault &c [fined 10s.]. [12.] Oswold Collinson, a Raskall lab., for shooting with a gun "quosdam pardalos, Angl. vocatos plovers" on a certain water called Kile within Galtres Forest; a Whitbie fisherman for refusing to assist Rob. Bushell, Constable of the said towne, in the punishmente of one An Metcalfe, being druncke. Rich. Bankes, Nesse, Yeom". [12.] SECOND PANNELL. Gent". Lanc. Foxton, Hovingham, Phil. Craven, Frerehill, Fr. Challoner, Marton, Rich. Tenniswood,,, Will. Medd, Lastingham, John Fawcett, Yeom". Will. Grundall, Wood Appleton, Yeom". Tho. Ellerbie, Ampleforth, Yeom". Rob. Hicke, Kirkby Moorside, Yeom". Nich. Barker, Beaudlam, Yeom". Nich. Davison, Nawton, "" John Otterburne, Wood Appleton, "" "" "" John Robinson, Huton, Lawr. Otterburne, Wood Appleton, Yeom". "" Yeom". Rob. Hugill, Linthropp, Yeom". Tho. Ingledew, Marsk, "" WHO PRESENT- Henry Blanshard, John Hauxwell, and John Barker, all of Oswold- kirke, yeomen, for "riotously assembling &c," and assaulting one Geo. Hall, gent".; [13.] the before-named Blanshard for shooting with a gun at a hare. [Side-notes to both these cases. See below in the Orders.] [13.] Nich. Hartus, a Farndale carpenter, for an assault at Round Hill in the same place on one Geo. Coltus, &c [See the Orders below]; 240 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Ellis Hartus for the like on the same Geo. Cowltus in Hartus-close there. [14] Will. Fetherston of Nether Silton Pannell for trespass and damage at West-feild in Nether Silton, to the amount of 20d.; twenty- five alehouse-keepers from Habton, Aiton, Helmesley, Kirkby Milnes, New Malton, Worsall, Gisbrough, Yarom, Ampleforth, Bagby, Upsall and Thirske, and [13.] seventeen others from Topliffe,* Sowerbie, Newsham, Dale-town, Skipton, Bransbie, Huntington, Bulmer, Raskall, and Tollerton, for keeping common tipling-houses &c. [14.] Traverse entered by John Stephenson, yeom"., the presentment made at Thirske Sessions, 7th April, 1619. [See above, p. 199]. [14.] ORDERS made &c. Whereas Will. Becke of Whitbie, yeom"., was bound &c to keep the peace &c, especially towardes Will. Robinson and Phebe his wife, the parties all appearing, the wrongs &c mutually complained of to be referred to the decision and order of Rich. Leake of Lythe,† Clarke, Miles Cosen of Seaton, gent"., Rich. Jackson, yeom"., John Glover, marchant, with the umperage of Nich. Coniers, Esq., to be made in writing under their hands and seales upon or before Michaelmas-day, and that the said parties shall wait upon the said Arbitratours to enforme them &c where and when they shall appoint them &c; Will. Browne of Raskall to enter bond &c to appeare at next Sessions, and have there his wife and daut. to answer &c. [16.] That Oswold Collinson, indicted for shooting &c [See above, p. 239] on his submission to the Courte, be fined £10, and to enter bond with good suerties &c [committed quousque]; that Nich. Hartus, for an assault &c [see above] be fined 20s., and to enter bond &c: and because Geo. Cowltus is in some danger by reason of the foresaid batterie, to answere it if the said Cowltus should die thereof, &c; that a warrant &c to apprehend Edw. Dunninge and Leon. Smith and carrie them before Sir Henry Tanckard and Rog. Gregorie, Esq., to give a true accompt for the monies received by them for the use of the poore, and also to stand to and performe such Order as the Justices &c. [16] That £30 be presentlie estreated &c and paid unto Sir Tim. Hutton, for the buying of some necessarie tooles and instrumentes for the House of Correction for clothworkinge &c; and that the said Sir Tim. Hutton shall take sufficient securitie of Geo. Shaw for the deliverie * All these persons presented from Topliffe have other descriptions besides that of "cervisiarius" attached to their names: thus the first is a whelewright, the next a draper, the third a glover, the fourth a tailor. + Graves gives an imperfect list of Rectors of Lythe down to 1537, and a still more imperfect one of Vicars from 1544, there being no nomination to the Vicarage noticed between that date and 1707. HELMESLEY, JULY 11, 1620. 241 of all such necessaries in good repaire as shall so be delivered to him, if he happen to depart from the said House, and to take any further order therein &c; forasmuch as Chr. Robinson of Huton Rudby was bound &c to appear &c att the request of Rowland Atkinson and John Stockton, and the recognces. are forfeited by reason of non-appearance, and many other complaints are alleged against him-Ordered that a warrant &c for his apprehension &c; that whereas Henry Blanshard, John Hauxwell, and John Barker were indicted for riotous assemblie and assault &c [See above, p. 239], each of them shall paie a finé of 20s. [17.] As to the indictment of Blanshard for shooting with a gun, on his submission to the Courte, it is Ordered that he pay a fine of £10, and have three months' imprisonment, according &c; whereas it was Ordered at the Helmesley Sessions, 8th Jany. 1619, that Chr. Wood of Farndale should pay to Marie Hoggard, for the releife of a base child by him supposed to be begotten on her body, 12d. weeklie for two yeares next following, and to continue the said payment thereafter so long as the Courte should thinke fitt-Now as both the parties have appeared at this Sessions, and Wood is in arreare to the amount of £5. 4, which he hath now paid, yet still the Courte sees good to Order that the said Wood shall continue to pay 6d. weeklie, until the Courte · shall take further order &c; whereas it appears by an Order made 26th Aprill, 1620, that Tho. Weldon should have brought into this Courte at this Sessions some thinges in his custodie which belonged to a vice, the same being in Sir Will. Bamburgh's keeping (See above, p. 235), and that the said vice should be rendered unto the partie that had the best title to it and because no clame nor title is made to the same, there- fore it is Ordered that the vice be delivered unto Mr. Steph. Hill, Clarke of this Courte, to be by him kept untill further Order &c. [17] Forasmuch as Tho. Jackson of Wath, who, with Rich. Best deceased, was made Surveyours and Collectors for the repaire of the north end of Rippon North bridge, hath received certain summes for which he hath not accompted, but has admitted that £5 remains in his hands, it is Ordered that he pay the said sum at the next Sessions; that Geo. Hick, indicted for reteyninge into his service the hired servant of another person without license of the latter, having sub- mitted &c, be fined £5; £4 more to be allowed for the repaire of one halfe of Kirkham bridge, and to be levied &c with the £10 allowed for the same at the last Thirske Sessions; case of loss by fire, to the value of £100, five markes allowed. I [18.] Whereas the sum of £30 allowed for the repaire of Essell bridge at the Thirske Sessions on 26th April last is found to be insuffi- cient, £10 more to be allowed &c: And the said monie to be delivered to Will. Robinson, Alderman, and if £40 be not enough, then upon VOL. II. R 242 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. certificate to that effect from Tho. Wake and John Agar, Surveyors of the said bridge, more to be allowed; that whereas £30 was allowed at Thirske April Sessions in 1619 to repair Huton Rudby bridge, which sum is insufficient, and as it is certified that £50 will not finish the same with wood,* and that £23 more or thereaboutes will build upp the same of stone-Ordered therefore that £43 shalbe presentlie estreated &c to build and finish the said bridge of stone; whereas by a former Order £4 pension was allowed to Jas. Ridsdale, L. S., but by further consideration of the Courte at another Sessions the same was abated to five markes, now in consideration of his lameness and age the pension is restored to its former amount. [18.] Six applicants for relief in cases of loss by fire receive each 20s. &c; that the Overseers and Churchwardens of Kirkdale shall build a convenient house in Wombleton Lane neare unto Gildersdale for Will. Thompson to dwell in. This Order is founded on a warrant formerly made by Sir John Gibson and other Justices. Since the entring of this Order the said Thompson has had Ios. of the Overseers and Churchwardens, and dischargeth the parish of any further charge concerning the buildinge of the house abovesaid; a similar Order on the Churchwardens and inhabts. of Boltbie in favour of Cicilie Harri- son, on the ground that her late husband lived there for 12 years, and if they refuse, then a warrant &c. Next Sessions at New Malton, 3rd Oct'. next. Rolled signed by Sir David Foulis, Bart. Sir Tho. Norcliffe 1 Nich. Conyers Will. Robinson Tho. Heblethwate Esquires. Steph. Norcliffe [19.] RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions by adjournment at, 14 July, 1620. Before Coniers Darcy, Arthur Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Knts., Adam Midleham, Chr. Pepper, and Will. Robinson, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. * Former references to the material with which so many of the County bridges were constructed at the date of these Minutes and Orders will be in the mind of the reader. Here again wood as the material of the existing bridge is specially named, and an interesting instance of the supersession of wood by stone is met with. RICHMOND, JULY 14, 1620. 243 FIRST PANNELL. "" Rob. Niccolson, Stanfrey, Gent". Tho. Grainge, Hornbie, Yeom". Math. Foxton, Brompton, Will. Claxton, Epplebie, Raph Johnson, Newsham, Cuthb. Anderson, Gales, Rob. Shaw, Dalton, Rob. Smithson, Skeabie, "9 "" "" John Robinson, Walden, Yeom". John Jaque, Burton, John Battie, Swineside, Rowland Jefferson, Thorpe, Rich. Jefferson, Geo. Close, Whitaside, " "" "" "" Sampson Dun, Romanbie, "" [19.] WHO PRESENT- Cuthb. Browne of Northallerton for acting as Baliffe under a warrant of distraint from the High Sheriff, having no legal qualification as such; a Midlam woollendraper for exercising the art or misterie of draperie, not having &c. [20.] Four Midlam lab's. for breaking the park of Fr. Scroope, Esq., at Danby on Yore, and cutting down and taking away an elmetree, value 2s. ; a West Rounckton man for keeping an alehouse without &c; and another man of the same place for placeing a man and two women as inmates &c. [20] A Siddall man for stopping the river Wiske in a place called the Calfe-close Nooke, and a Trainholme man for the like; a Whita- side man for burninge Moor-burne on the moore there on 11th Maie last; and two other men of the same place for the like, one on May 4th; a highway between Worton and Askrigg, within the township of the latter, at a place called Holmesike, the decaie whereof came (by report of the neighbors) that one Will. Bateman and others did take upp two great stones upon a Sondaie, the want whereof stoppeth the highwaie; Math. Twhate of Colsterdale for keeping an alehouse &c. SECOND PANNELL. Geo. Danbie, Barton, Chr. Wilkinson,,, Rich. Curle, Scorton, Geo. Sparrowe,,, Math. Pibus, Fletham, John Foster, Fencote, Marm. Miller, Ilton Rob. Plewes, Catton, Gent". Yeom". John Rowth, Screwton, Yeom". John Slater, Swinton, "" "" Chr. Milner, Aiskew,. "" "" 36 "" "" 39 Henry Warcopp, Gatenbie, Tho. Bell, Melmerbie, Will. Aickrigg, Caithrop, Geo. Dun, Sinderbie, "" "" R 2 244 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. 1 [21.] WHO PRESENT, A Northallerton painter for placeinge a man, his wife, and two bastards in his own dwelling-house as inmates; another for placing a man, his wife and child &c; a widow of the same for the like as to a man and his wife; another man there for the like as to a woman and three bastards; a man of Bolton on Swale for placing a man and his wife in his house at Northallerton &c; a Bowes man for neglecting to keep the daie-watch &c. [21] and [22]. Traverse by Brian Stapleton of an indictment at the July Richmond Sessions, 1619, for an assault on one Rob. Screwton. The Jury give their verdict in Stapleton's favour. [See p. 209.] [22.] ORDERS made &c. Whereas the parishioners of Askrigg was (sic) ordered at the Rich- mond Sessions in July, 1619, to keep Peter Thornton, an infant, untill the Sess". then next following, and in the meane time to give notice to Anth. Metcalfe, Jas. Hutchinson, and John Husband that they should take order for the bringinge up of the said infant, that the parish might be freed from the charge, or els to have appeared at the said follow- ing Sessions, to shew cause to the contrary &c: And for that the said parties did not either take such order or appear, notwithstanding notice given-Therefore it is Ordered that the said parishioners shall still keep the child until the next Sessions, and that a warrant &c to take the said three parties and carry them &c to enter bond to appear &c there to give a reason why they have not performed the before-recited Order: and if they fail therein &c then the parishioners shalbe discharged of the said child, and the said three parties shall pay all charges &c; that a warrant &c to the Baliffe of Northallerton to apprehend Cuthb. Browne and take him &c to appear &c and answer for his servinge of warrantes for taking and driving awaie the goodes of diverse persons by colour of the same, and be of the good behaviour &c. [23.] Forasmuch as Jas. Rowley and Tho. Barston, Constables of Northallerton, have informed the Courte that diverse cesmentes have been made of the inhabts. of the said towne for common armour,* to the repaire of bridges, and for common armes,* by most part of the inhab., that everie one should pay proportionablie according to the * It is likely that sufficient, if not full, explanation of these terms will be found in the abstract which will be given some few pages below, from the Volume which is lettered LAME SOLDIERS AND HOSPITALLS ETC., towards the end of which specific mention is made of Corslettes, Callivers, Archers, Billmen (all grouped together under the general designation of "Common Armor "), and of the number of each which it is incumbent on each Wapentake to provide, &c. MALTON, OCTOBER 3, 1620. 245 discretion of the Cessors, amongest which Tho. Walker, mercer, and Will. Nelson, glover, denie to pay their partes-Therefore it is Ordered that a warrant &c to take the two persons named and carrie them &c; forasmuch as Rich. Wandesford of Pickall, gent"., Thres". for L. S., hath earnestlie intreated to be discharged of the said office-Ordered that his request be granted, and Tho. Harrison appointed in his place; that Fr. Dodsworth have 10s. towardes his releife; that 13s. 4d. be paid, in like manner, to Brian Allison; that the Thres. for the Hospitalls shall pay to Raph Turner, gent"., £3 18. 3, part of satisfaction of John Ingram his pension, arreare and unpaid. [23.] Whereas there is a fee of 20 nobles yearlie, due by Order of the Courte to the Clark of the Peace, whereof fower markes is to be paid by the Thres'. for L. S. for his Division of Richmonshire, and because it appeareth that there remained 5 nobles for the yeare 1618 unpaid by Marm. Wilson, gent"., then Thres'., as it appeareth by his accompt-Ordered that the said five nobles arreare and the fower markes due for this yeare shalbe paid to the said Clarke of Peace by the Thres'. of the Hospitalls of the first monie he shall receive; that a warrant &c to take John Douglas of Grinton and bring him before Sir Tim. Hutton to be bound to appear &c. Next Sessions for this Division at Richmond, 10th Oct'. next. Roll signed by Sir Arthur Dakins Sir Tim. Hutton } Knts. Chr. Pepper, Esq. [24.] MALTON. Qr. Sessions at, 3 Oct. 1620. Before Tho. Gower, Knt. Bart., Rich. Darley, Knt., Henry Banckes, D.D., Tho. Davile, Will. Robin- son, and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. FIRST PANNELL. "" Marm. Dowsinge, Crambe, Gent". Marm. Bell, Eldmire, Anth. Betson, Holtbie, Geo. Porter, Warthill, Yeom". Will. Workfolke, New Malton, Yeom". Raph Rutter, New Malton, Yeom". "" John Wilkinson, Claxton, John Dunninge, Bawke, John Bell, Dalton, "" Will. Lotherington, Butterwick, Yeom". 99 29 Geo. Hallidaie, New Malton,,, Tho. Sheppard, New Malton, Yeom". John North, Butterwick, Yeom". Walt. Cheseman, Normanby, Yeom". Chr. Pressicke, Thornabie, Yeom". 246 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [24] WHO PRESENT- A Whitwell yeom". for an assault at Crambe Becke on one Marm. Dowsinge; a Whitby lab'. for stealing a white horse, value 205. [25.] A Normanbie yeom". for an assault &c [fined 20s.]; two Pickeringe labs., and one from Kirkby Misperton, for an assault &c. [Side-note :-Admitted to traverse, and the latter did not appear. Further note:-Removed by Certiorari the Octaves of S. Hillary.] [25] A Kirkby Misperton yeom". for an assault. SECOND PANNELL. Tho. Savile, Welburne, Gent". Chr. Ware, Bargh, John Parke, Pickering, Rich. Wetherell, Yeom". "" 99 Rob. Robson, Slingsbie, Yeom". Tho. Hall, Gt. Aiton, "" Yeom". Henry Hird, Whitbie, Yeom". Chr. Richardson, sen., Gt. Aiton, Will. Kitchingman, Thirclebie, Yeom". Will. Yates, Bawke, Rob. Stubbs, New Malton, Will. Dobson, Yeom". "" "" Tho. Storr, Huton Bushell, Will. Trewhett, Tollerton, "" Anth. Denham, Thornton, [26.] WHO PRESENT— Six alehouse-keepers from Sowerbie by Thirske, and five others from Great and Little Thircleby,.for selling less than one full quarte of ale and beere for a penny. [26b.*] RECUSANTES. BULMER Wapentake. • BRANSBIE-Fr. Knagges, Tho. Martin, Rog. Elwood, all labs., and servants to Rich. Cholmley, Esq., Margt. Hebton, and Elizth. Boyes, spinsters, Edw. Cornforth, lab'., and Jane his wife, Tho. Cholmley, Esq. BIRDFORTH. BRACKENBARGH in KIRKBY ON WISKE-Mary wife of Will. Lasscells, gentleman. SOUTH KILVINGTON-Elizth. Marshall, widow. KIRKBY KNOLL-John Goldsbrough, sen., weaver, Cicily Chapman, widow, Isabell wife of Rowland Webster, linnen-weaver. Singularly the number of the folio on which the following entries are found in Register B of Recusants is also 26. The arrangement of the latter, as in former cases, so also here, is the one that is followed. MALTON, OCTOBER 3, 1620. 247 [27. Reg. B.] RIDALL. LASTINGHAM-Elizth. Agar, widow. 1 HELMESLEY-Mich. Earnsley, gent"., and Ellenor his wife, Isabell wife of Tho. Fisher, butcher, Dorothy wife of Tho. Jackson, labourer. SLEIGHTHOLM-DALE, parish of KIRKBY MOORSIDE-Isabell Simpson, spinster. LANGBARGH Liberty. WESTERDALE Chapelry-Fr. son of Geo. Postgate, husbandman. LIETH-Isabell wife of Raph Salvin, Esq., John Hogge, yeom"., and Jane his wife. NEWBIGGIN within the Chapelry of EGTON-Will. Salvin, Esq. EGTON Chapelry-Rich. Simpson, lab'., Cuthb. Simpson, lab., Ann Simpson, spinster, Raph White, Will. White, and Chr. White, all three labourers. THORNABY Chapelry-Ann wife of Geo. Horsman, labourer. CRATHORN-Jane Starforth, spinster, Jane Hurd, widow. [27.] GIRRICK, parish of SKELTON-Brigett wife of Rob. Dale, labourer. STANEY in the aforesaid parish-Ursula wife of Edw. Goodyeare, lab'., John Fletcher, milner. SKYNNINGRAVE in BROTTON Chapelry-Jane Pattison, spinster, Margery wife of Rob. Boyes, lab'., Ann wife of Tho. Wilton, fisherman. BROTTON Chapelry-Rob.. Braton, weaver. YAROM-Mary Wilden, spinster. PICKERING-LIETH Libertie. LOCKTON Chapelry-James Hebburn, gent"., and Jane his wife. GOTELAND Chapelry-John Hodgson, lab'., and Ann his wife. WHITBY STRAND Libertie. RUSWARP in WHITBIE parish-Elizth. Sneaton, spinster. ESKDALE-SIDE Chapelry-Margt. White, spinster [27. in Reg. B], who all, on July 8, 1619, were of the age of 16 years and upwards, and did not repaire to their parish churches &c, and who were at this present Sessions by proclamation summoned to attend &c. [27.] Thirty-eight alehouse-keepers; [28.] forty-two others; [28.] forty-three others; [29.] forty-eight more; [29.] twenty others, from all parts of the Allertonshire Division, for keeping common tipling-houses &c. * * The most noticeable names in this long list are Bowston, Cuett, Seavier, Fewler, Rame, Orrick, Mirrelew, Adrianson, and Carrock. 248 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [30.] Inquisitio pro D'no Rege capta apud Slingsbie, 14 Sept. 1620, on the oath of the following Jurymen :— Tho. North, Butterwicke, Gent". Rich. Banckes, West Nesse, Rich. Whitwell, "9 Tho. Ellerbie, Ampleforth, Will. Medd, Lastingham, Chr. Medd, "" Yeom". "" Yeom". John Stockell, New Malton, Yeom". Tho. Robinson, Huton in le Hole, Yeom". John Robinson, sen., Huton in le Hole, Yeom". John Robinson, jun., Huton in le Hole, Yeom". John Hall, Huton in le Hole, Yeom". Will. Grindall, Wood Appleton, Yeom". John Otterburne, Wood Apple- ton, Yeom". Rich.Tenniswood, Marton Greene, Yeom". Tho. Baker, Nawton, Rob. Hill, Wood Appleton, Yeom". (before Tho. Gower, Knt. Bart., Tho. Norcliffe, Knt., and Tho. Davile, Esq.) who say that twelve persons named * [30.] were riotously as- sembled &c, and made wrongful entry in a close called le Wath Flatt in the manor or lordship of Hovingham, reaping one acre of wheat and four of masseline,† to the great loss &c; It is certified by Tho. Smith, Minister of the Chapelry of Eskdale-side in Whitby parish, Rob. Hudson and Henry Woodhouse, Chapelwardens, that Parcivall Chapman, of the said Chapelry, tailor, has conformed &c. [31.] Traverse by John Stephenson [See above, p. 240] who makes his case good. ORDERS made &c. Forasmuch as Will. Bell of Baldersbie hath, of his owne accord, offered to pay £5 at Easter next, being formerly collectted for the repaire of the north end of Rippon North-bridge and delivered over * One of these persons is described as "point-maker." No doubt a maker of the laces named in the following extract from Nares' Glossary :— "POINT. A tagged lace, used in tying any part of the dress. Thus the busk-point was the lace by which the busk was fastened. 'Their points being broken, Down fell their hose.' Twelfth Night, i. 5. To truss a point, or the points, was to tie the laces which supported the hose, or breeches, and to untruss the contrary." Another is described as "sivegar," a word on which it seems difficult to throw any light. Several of them, females, are designated as servants of Tho. Worsley, Esq., one of whom is named Geaste. † "MASHELSON, MASHELTON. A mixture of wheat and rye, usually grown together, and applied to the purpose of making brown bread. Called also 'maslin,' 'meslin'; by Brockett 'masselgem,' in the Craven Glossary 'masselgin,' &c." Clevel. Glossary. MALTON, OCTOBER 3, 1620. 249 1 ! to Rich. Best, deceased, by Tho. Jackson, formerlie ordered to be paid to Tho. Jackson-therefore Ordered that a warrant &c to bring the said Will. Bell &c to enter bond to appear &c, and if he refuse then to convey him to Yorke Castle, there to remaine till he shall willinglie become bound as aforesaid. [32] That a warrant &c to take Rog. Darrell of Kirkby Misperton and bring him &c, and if he refuse, to take him to Yorke Castle, &c; that the fine of £20 imposed on the High Sheriff at the Helmesley Sessions for the negligence of his Baliffe of Bulmer, be remitted, as the Courte has been satisfied by his (the Bailiff's) better service since; forasmuch as Will. Robinson of Yorke, gent"., was bound to appear at this Sessions and hath made defalte-Therefore a warrant &c to apprehend him and bring him before Henry Banckes, D.D., or Tho. Davile, Esq., to be bound &c, and in the meantime to keep the peace, especially towardes Jane wife of John Robinson of Thornton by Pickering, Clarke; a like Order in the case of Henrie Chapman of Nawton, at the sute of John Swanland of Danby Forrest. : [33] Forasmuch as Jas. Durham of Lincolne was committed to the House of Correction at Richmond-Ordered by the Justices that the said Durham should be bound apprentice to Geo. Shawe, Maister of the said Correction House, for nyne yeares next cominge; that £20 be estreated &c for Essell bridge, the Surveyors to pay back any .surplus, and the said £20 to be paid over to Will. Robinson, Esq., Alderman of Yorke, according to the former Order; forasmuch as the Richmondshire Justices have written to the present Court for a further supplie for the finishinge of Morton bridge-it is Ordered that £roo shalbe estreated &c; whereas there is £60 to be paid unto the House of Correction which is yet in arrear, and must be paid &c and forasmuch as the monie is now readie in the handes of the High Constables, and the Courte, finding that Mr. Butler, the Thres'. for the Hosp's., did, upon the request of Sir Thos. Norcliffe and Steph. Norcliffe, Esq., lend and laie downe for the use of the House of Correction, £30 to supplie their present necessitie-Ordered therefore that the Wapes. of Langbargh, Ridall, and Pickering-lieth shall presentlie paie unto the Clarke of the Peace £30 for the use of the House of Correction, viz., Langbargh £15, Ridall £9, and Pickering- lieth £6 15, and the rest of the Wapes. in this Division ar to paie [33] unto the said Mr. Butler the said sum of £30, lent as afore- said, before the next Sessions, and the odd 15s. to remaine in the hands. of the Clarke of the Peace, quousque &c; as the sums already allowed for the repair of Romanby bridge fall short, and as the Court is in- formed that £22. 15 will finish the same--Ordered that the said sum - 250 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. be estreated &c; that all the money now in the hands of the High Constables for the repair of Kirkham bridge be paid over to some of the Surveyors of the said bridge, to the end that they may dulie paie the workmen their wages. Next Sessions at Helmesley, on Wednesday next after the Epi- phany. Roll signed by Henry Banckes, D.D., Tho. Davile, Will. Robinson, and Steph. Norcliffe, Esquires. RICHMOND. Qu. Sessions, by adjournment, at, 10 Oct., 1620. Before Tho. Wharton, Coniers Darcy, Arthur Dakins, Tim. Hutton, Tho. Laton, Knts., Adam Midleham, Will. Aldburgh, Math. Jobson, Chr. Pepper, and John Dodsworth, Esquires. Chr. Mitchell, gent"., Deputy for Sir Arthur Ingram. Miles Metcalf, Burstall, Henry Wray, Ilkton, Raph Durham, Ellington, Tho. Harrison, Bromton, John Langdale, Scorton, John Robson, Gillinge, FIRST PANNELL. Gent". Yeom". Henry Lightfoote, Yeom". Melsonbie, Parcival Cooke, Skeabie, Yeom". >> "" John Robinson, Waldon, Will. Metcalfe, Askrigg, "" Jas. Rawlingson, "" "9 Tho. Fletham, Audbrough, Chr. Noulson, Melsonbie, "" Will. Medd, Northallerton, " "}, John Flower, Brompton, " [34] WHO PRESENT A yeom". (Raph Hutton) and a lab'. from Dalton on Tease, and a yeom". from Longe Cowton for riotously assembling &c and pulling down the dwelling-house of one Will. Dawson, &c; a Brompton Pat- tericke lab'. for stealing a cloke, value 20s. [35.] Nine persons from Well for riotously assembling &c, and assaulting one Will. Hargreaves, gentleman. [35] A Marton on the Moor yeom". for an assault &c; Ulsey al³. Owsey bridge leading to Midlam, a markett towne, as in ruine &c; the inhabt. of West Hauxwell for not repairing the highway in their West-feild, betwixt Midlam and Richmond; the inhabts. of Hipswell in Cattericke parish for not repairing the highway betwixt Midlam and RICHMOND, OCTOBER 10, 1620. 251 1 Richmond in a place called Calvert Bancke, and so on alonge to a place called Rysdell, &c. [36.] Anth. Pratt of Shaw-cote for an assault on Ja³. Stockdale, Constable of Bainbrigg, for serving a warrant of him, and after he had assaulted him run awaie from him; alehouse-keepers from Dale- Grainge, Sedbuske, and Shaw-cote for keeping alehouses &c; Wiske bridge betwene Richmondshire and Allertonshire, being an usuall highwaie for the Kinges post, and all other cariages passing the Kinges high streete, as in great decaie. SECOND PANNELL. Adam Squire, Ainderby Steeple, John Blades, Grinton, Yeom". Gent". Chr. Sadler, Exilbie, John Bargh, Disforth, Rich. Gale, Caithropp, Henry Robinson, Scotton, Rob. Collinson, Cracall, John Alton, Healey, Yeom". Will. Collier, 22 Tho. Best, Hornbie, "} "" Tho. Mothersall, West Rounck- ton, Yeom". "" "" Jas. Raper, Holme, "" "" Tho. Welburie, Warlabie, "" [36º.] WHO PRESENT- An Askrigg lab'. for stealing a pair of stokins, value 20s. ; a Sigston yeom". for not paying his assessments &c. [37: 28 in Reg. B.] RECUSANTES. ALLERTONSHIRE Libertie. HUTON BONVILE Chapelry-Ellen wife of Will. Hugill, lab'., Isabell wife of John Marshall, husb"., Alice wife of Geo. Huton, lab'., Simon Sowlbie, labourer. THORNTON IN LE STREETE-Will. Withes, lab., Rich. Palliser, lab'. GIRSBY in SOCKBURNE parish-John Kilburne, tailor, John Craw- forth, yeom"., and Mary his wife. OSMOTHERLEY-Ellenor wife of James Conway, gent"., Rob. Crosby, gentleman. HANG EAST Wape. HIPSWELL Chapelry-Ann Allan, widow. BEDALL-Miles son of Leon. Lodge, husbandman. WELL-Rob., Thomas and Mary, children of Will. Hargrave, gentleman. 252 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [28.] HALIKELD_Wap. Norton Conyers in WATH parish-Chr. Cooke, lab'., servant to Sir Tho. Musgrave. WEST TANFEILD-Ellen Snelgate, widow, Ann wife of John Bucke, webster. GILLING EAST Wap. AINDERBY STEEPLE-Mary Horner, spinster, servant to Ann Midle- ton, widow. BARTON MARY Chapelry-Rich. Carter, lab'., Margt. wife of Rob. Spence, yeom". MANFEILD-Ann Midleton, spinster. GILLING WEST Wap. ROOKBY-Jane Branch, spinster. MARRIGG-Ann wife of John Startforth, lab'. STANWIGGS in ST. JOHN'S parish-Ann wife of Chr. Atkinson, labourer. [37] AUDBROUGH in the same parish-Steph. Firbancke, yeom"., Elizth wife of Henry Smith, yeoman. FORCETT Chapelry-Jane Bell, widow. LATON Chapelry-Margt. wife of Tho. Laton, gent"., Ann Nesome, widow, Alice wife of Will. Wilson, lab'., Jane wife of Will. West, labourer. HANG WEST Wap. 1 ASKRIGG Chapelry-Mary wife of Geo. Thwaites, yeoman. FORSDALE within the preceding chapelry-Cha³. Atkinson, yeoman. LABURN in WENSLEY parish-Ann wife of Geo: Wate, gent"., Will. Walker, lab., Alice wife of Rob. Pearcie, yeoman. SPENNITHORN—Mary Scroope, spinster, Rich. Pullein, gent"., Joan Jackson, Margt. Addison, and Margt. Dighton, spinsters. GRINTON-Isabell wife of Geo. Kearton, yeom"., Margt. wife of Chr. Atkinson, lab'., Agnes Atkinson, spinster, Elizth. wife of Will. Stephen- son, labourer. MIDLAM-Ann Seavier, widow. Who all, being on the 20th July, 1619, above the age of 16 years &c, and had not attended &c, and moreover public proclamation having been made at the Richmond Sessions, 10th Oct. 1620 &c. [38.] Thirty-three alehouse-keepers; [38.] thirty-six others; [39.] thirty-six others; [39.] forty others; [40.] thirty-nine others; [40º.] forty-one others; [41.] and eight more, for keeping common tipling- RICHMOND, OCTOBER 10, 1620. 253 . houses without license &c.; a Brompton near Allerton husbandman, and a yeoman of the same place, for not keeping the night watch. [41.] ORDERS made &c. That the Constables of Hornbie shalbe discharged of the fine of 20s. imposed on them at last Sessions for not bringing in their present- ments; that a warrant &c to attach the Thress. that have not accompted &c; that whereas there was a frame erected for a house to be builded upon a waiste peece of ground in Long Cowton (See above, p. 250) to harboure and releive Will. Dawson, his wife and children, which was late pulled downe by Raph Huton, gent"., and others-on full con- sideration by the Court, it is Ordered that the said house shalbe pre- sentlie built up againe by the parishioners of Long Cowton at their own charge, and sett in the same place where it stood before, and that house for ever hereafter to remaine and be to and for the use of the poore of the said parish.† [42.] That a warrant &c to attach a West Witton woman and bring her &c to show cause why she hath left a childe at West Witton; that forasmuch as Raph Monckton hath not appeared &c according to his recogne. taken before Sir Edw. Yorke, yét upon the letter of the said Sir Edward to the Courte for the excusinge his appearance att this Sess". -it is Ordered that the said Raph shall, within one moneth, appear before Mr. Aldbrough and enter bond &c to appear at the next &c : and if he performe not this Order, his former recogne. to be estreated; that the Thres'. for the Hosp's. shall forthwith pay to the Clarke of the Peace, in part of payment of his pension, £3, and also shall give unto Cuthb. Coniers, towardes his releife, 20s., and this Order to be his sufficient discharge for the same; that a fine of 10s. shalbe imposed on Will. Metcalfe of Askrigg, for departinge from his fellowes, being sworne and impannelled upon a Jury for service, before a veredict was given into the Courte. * The few noteworthy names in this long list are as follows :-Ellon, Sicklin, Bownas (now Bonas), Marrinell, Cawstocke, Autherson, Fetham, Hakin or Hakinge, Fothergale. The list begins with thirty-three presentments from Northallerton alone (while near the end there are nineteen from Askrigg), giving some idea of the extent to which the abuse aimed at in these wholesale presentments was prevailing. Among the place-names only New-forest and Ivelett seem to crave notice. + There is an explanation here, which usually is not now to be obtained by enquiry on the spot, as to the origin and original intention of sundry small houses, dotted about in various parts of the district, and which are, or have been held to be, within the control of the parish authorities. Two such exist (to specify no others) in this parish, any authentic history of the origin or proprietorship of which it has been hard to obtain. Both are on the very verge of the Common, and no doubt the sites are on the original Common. 254 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [42] That a warrant &c shalbe awarded against all the riotters mentioned in the Indictment preferred by Will. Hargraves, gent". [See above, p. 250], to be taken bound &c to appear &c. Alteration of Rates in Richmondshire.* Whereas it doth appeare by a letter sent to Emmanuell Lo: Scroope, L. President of the Councell of the North, that sundrie complaintes have been made to his Ho[nour] that the Cessmentes and Rates within the Division of Richmondshire have been raised more now of late then ancientlie they have beene accustomed to be cessed in that Division, the complainantes required his LOPP, said letters for redresse thereof:-Now this Courte, having considered thereof.. do Order that the said Division shall, in all rates and cessmentes from henceforth, pay as they have formerlie paid for the most part of fortie yeares last past; that on petition from John Harrison, a warrant &c to apprehend Tho. Tailor of West Tan- ffeild and to bring him &c to appear at the next Richmond Sessions to answer . . . for the escape of Geo. Bawke, being apprehended and in his custodie for a supposed ravishment of one Jane Harrison; that 20s. be paid in part payment of John Ingram's arrearages. [43] That Geo. Dobson, being vehementlie suspected for killing two horses of Raph Vickars', shalbe committed to the Sheriffe, there to remaine untill he enter bond &c to appear &c; that Raph Vickars, in respect of the losse of his horses, latelie killed by some mischevous bodie, shall have 53s. 4d. as soone as it may be spared out of the stocke of the Treasurie for the Hospitalls. Next Sessions at Richmond on Friday next after the Feast of the Epiphany. Roll signed by Sir Tim. Hutton Sir Tho. Laton } Adam Midleham Will. Aldburgh Knts. Esquires. John Dodsworth Math. Jobson * There is a side-note below this, as follows :-Vide litteram in hoc Rotulo. It is most unfortunate' no trace of these Sessions Rolls can be found. RICHMOND, OCTOBER 10, 1620. 255 Further Notes to "MINUTES and ORDERS" up to the end of 1620. "Wears his cloth." See above, p. 121. This note was accidentally omitted in its proper place, and is therefore subjoined here. "LYVEREY of clothe or other 3iftys.. Liberata (liberatura, P.)" The note to which is—“A livery denoted whatever was dispensed by the lord to his officials or domestics annually, or at certain seasons; whether money, victuals, or garments. Even in the Saxon times there appears to have been a distribution of this nature, the 3afol-hwitel, saga vectigalis, of the Laws of Ina, which was, as Spelman observes, a kind of livery. The term chiefly denoted external marks of distinction, such as the roba estivalis, and hiemalis, given to the officers and retainers of the Court, as appears by the Wardrobe Book, 28 Edw. I. p. 310, and the Household Ordinances. The practice of distributing such tokens of general adherence to the service or interests of the individual who granted them, for the maintenance of any private quarrel, was carried to an injurious extent during the reigns of Edward III. and Rich. II., and was forbidden by several statutes, which allowed liveries to be borne only by menials, or the members of gilds, &c. The 'liverée des chaperons,' often mentioned in the documents referred to, was an hood or tippet, which, being of a colour strongly contrasted to that of the garment, was a kind of livery much in fashion, and well. adapted to serve as a distinctive mark. This, in later times, assumed the form of a round cap, to which was appended the long liripipium, which might be rolled around the head, but more commonly was worn hanging over the arm, and vestiges of it may still be traced in the dress of civic livery-men. The Statute 7 Henry IV. expressly permits the adoption of such distinctive dress by frater- nities, and 'les gentz de mestere,' the trades of the cities of the realm, being ordained with good intent; and to this prevalent usage Chaucer alludes where he describes five artificers of various callings, who joined the pilgrimage, clothed all 'in o livere of a solempue and grete fraternite.' Prol. v. 365. By the same statute lords, knights, and esquires were allowed, in time of war, to distinguish their retainers by similar external marks, the prototypes of military uniforms. In the metrical paraphrase of Vegecius, entitled 'Of Knighthode and Batayle,' Cott. MSS. Titus, A. xxiii., f. 22, it is said that ancient usage hath ordained three kinds of signs in an army, vocal, semivocal, as trumpet or clarion, and a third which is noiseless, 'And mute it hight, or dombe, as is dragoun, Or th❜egil, or th'ymage, or the penoun, Baner, pensel, plesaunce, or tufte, or creste, Or lyuereys on shilder, arm, or breste.' In this passage the collar is evidently one of the liveries to which allusion is made. It was much in fashion at the time when the Promptorium was compiled. A lyveray of clothe, liberata; hic et hæc liberatalis, Cath. Ang. 'Lyveray gyuen of a gentylman, liuerée.' Palsgr. Pr. Pm. >> At p. 41, "defective armour. Full illustration of what is really meant here will be found in different entries towards the close of this volume, derived from the "Lame Soldiers" and "Bridge Accounts " Volumes, and in the note touching pre- paration to meet the apprehended invasion which culminated in the Armada. At p. 112. "Wathstead." For Wath see Vol. I. 204, 204n. "Stead. A set place; the true or peculiar place for a thing. Of perpetual use as a suffix; as in Front- stead, Gate-stead, Fire-stead, Door-stead, Farm-stead, Midden-stead, &c." (Clevel. Gloss.) We have here one other illustration of the said use. At p. 146. John Saier, Esq. In 1607 licence was granted to John Sayer of Worshall, Esq., a convicted Recusant, who was not allowed to depart out of the compass of five miles from his dwelling-house at Worsall, to pass and repass, within 1 256 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. ten years from the feast of the birth of our Lord God then next ensuing, from his houses of Worshall, Colborne and Marrick, in the County of York, and to any other places within five miles of them: And also to hunt, hawk or course his game he shall fly out of the said compass of five miles, and to follow his said chace, game or sport; and to go to any hunting matches near the places abovesaid, returning again after such his sport ended. (State Paper, James I., Warrant Book, i. 199.) It will be noted that the presentment in the text is dated something within the ten years specified in this notice of the licence granted. [The Editor is indebted for this note to W. Brown, Esq., the Secretary of the N. R. Record Society.] At p. 193, and note. "Oore sand." As an attempt at a possible explanation of this word, it may be observed that Jamieson gives "Ure, soil," adducing "Isl. ur, gravelly soil" in illustration. On reference to Rietz's admirable Swedish-Dialect Lexicon we find Or, stony ground, and ora, a stony wooded bank. Further, he adduces Norse ur, urd, or, a stony surface, such as is met with at a hill-foot. It is at least possible that the oore in "oore sand" is connected with the word thus quoted, and that the meaning of the phrase may be 'sharp sand,' or sand consisting entirely of particles of silex. And it is worthy of note that, in different parts of the hills surrounding the district wherein this is written, large masses of stone or rock are met with consisting entirely of siliceous particles of various sizes, and of so little coherency that even the pressure of the thumb and finger will, in many cases, reduce the fragments to sand; and not only so, but the sand thus obtained is, when of the proper degree of fineness, in general use throughout the district—under the name of lae-sand-for sharpening scythes (See Strickle, and Lae or Lee-sand, Cleveland Glossary), but that in no very distant times it was an article of export for use in other districts. One informant tells the Editor that he remembers cart-loads of it being fetched away by persons coming from a distance purposely to obtain it. This then might be the "oore sand" of our Minute. [First leaf.] LAME SOLDIERS AND HOSPITALLS.* Langbargh 'et alibi 1608. AN ABSTRACT of the Thres. for Lame Soldiers. Rece[ipts] and paymentes to Pensioners-Mr. Holtby, Thres". * It is thought better to introduce here, at the end of the Minutes and Orders up to 1620, an abstract, or a copy in certain instances (as the case may be), of the entries in the Book headed thus, and then, as space will permit, of the entries in the Book which is lettered "BRIDGE Accounts, 1575-1626";—so far, that is, as to the end of the year 1620. Both these Volumes contain matter which is not indicated in their respective titles, but matter notwithstanding of no little interest, whether as regards the history of the district, the history of the country, or the matters which attract the antiquarian enquirer or the seeker-out of things forgotten or fallen into utter desuetude. It will be observed in the following pages that there is a great mixture of matters, and even of dates. It would almost seem as if the volume had been at some period or other remodelled, and that various documents, which could hardly have been intended originally to form a part of any volume whatever, have been introduced and bound up with the more formal leaves of the book at the period indi- cated. To cite but two instances in which something of this sort is observable, the sheet which is marked fo. 41, and the second half of it, fo. 42, is not only of such a 1 ! LANGBARGH, 1608. Receipts, viz.: per quarter. Langbergh 3 0 6½ Bulmer Rydall Birdforth 3 0 8 per annum. } Pensions to- Will. Reynolds. £ s. d. 12 2 2 12 2 8 Fr. Rashe. 39 o 7 16 Chr. Kabery 30 4 6 o 16 Math. Wood Pickering-lith 36 10 Whitby Strand 13 O 7 7 4 Nath. Hoggard. 52 O Will. Ratcliff Allertonshire 19 o Summa 318 о £51 19 6 257 per annum. £ s. d. 40 4 0 0 40 40 O 4 0 0 53 4† 3 6 8 Jas. Riddesdale Bryan Bevis Rob. Wasson Rich. Smith John Marshall Summa • 3 6 8 40 Ο 30 O 30 £28 6 8 Allowed 10 July, 1610, Hum- frey Warren a pension 53s. 4d. per annum, (Mr. Brigges, Thres"., his charge is £51. 7. 4. Rich. Cotes, Thres., his charge is £51. 5. 4. HOSPITALLS Receiptes per Mr. Brigges ac- Payment, viz.: compt, viz. : per annum. per quarter. per annum. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. The Hospital juxta Langbergh 57 6 II IO O Malton. 13 6 8 Bulmer 60 8 12 2 8 Rydall. 39 O 7 16 0 brough. 7 7 4 Hospitall of Skar- The Marshallsey 5 o o 20 O 52 3 18 0 Summa £51 7 4 Summa £19 6 8 Pickering-lith 36 10 Whitby Strand 13 O Allertonshire 19 0 size that both the halves require to be folded in two to lie within the edges of the other leaves of the book, but is written only on what must be termed the inside of the sheet. It is in reality made up of two folios, each double the size of the other folios of the book, and the second of them tacked on at the bottom of the first, so as to form one continuous sheet. The other special instance referred to is met with in fo. 52, which is neither more nor less than a Maymed Soldier's Certificate-the name is John Huntley-given under Sir W. Waad's hand, and endorsed by various "Treasurers" who advanced money to the bearer to carry him on his journey. Besides this, the endorsement on the parchment cover of the book-that, namely, to which this note is appended-is, as the book opens, not on the first half of the said cover, but on the last, and upside down-as it would of course be if the volume had been in some sort, if not pulled to pieces exactly, yet still, reconstructed with such and such additions, and the cover accidentally stitched on wrongly. Other notes will be appended as matters seeming to call for special attention are found to occur. * Side-note :-Allowed to him 26. Aprill, 1609, £3. per annum. + Side-note-Mortuus 1609. VOL. II. S 258 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Ꮮ . [Second leaf.] Richmondshire, 1609. AN ABSTRACT of the Thres'. for Lame Soldiors: Receiptes and pay- mentes to Pensioners. Receiptes per compotm. Geo. Pensions per comput. Tho. Slinger, viz. : Smelt, viz. to per quarter. per annum. per quartr. per ann. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. Hang East. 22 8 4 10 8 Hallykeld IO 4 4I 4 John Arondell 35 0 Lanc. Thomp- 7 0 O Gilling East. son IO 4 26 8 5 6 8 4I 4 5 19 8 Raph William- Gilling West. 29 11 Hang West. 27 10 5 II Summa per an™. £20 4 4 Se more perfect account fol. 7. in toto £22. 10. 8. Richmondshire. HOSPITALLS. Receiptes, viz.: Hang East. 4 son See quo warranto 26 8 5 6 8 Tho. Bland, for Oct. 9th, 10s., other ios. in J. . ., 1609, for an- other quarter, and also Ios. in Aprill, and ros. in July, 1610. per ann. £ s. d. Chr. Kidd 7 o o, once discharged in the lame Soldiors Book, f. 56, but brought in a new order at Thirske Sess., Aprill, 1610. Vide Order in novo libro Sess'., fo. 5to. Anth. Atkinson, Thres., 1605. per ann. Paymentes, viz. : to 4 10 7 The Marshalsey. £ s. d. Hallykeld • Gilling East Gilling West Hang West. 41 2 4I 2 5 19 5 5 II 3 Summa £20. 3. 7. Receiptes for L. S. per Mr. Midlam his accompt, and as followeth :— s. d. S. d. Gilling East, quarterly IO 10, per annum 43 4 Hallykeld in toto "" IO IO "" 43 4 Hang East per ann. "" 23 10 22 Gilling West Hang West "" 37 II "" 7 II 8 4 15 4 £22. 15. "" 30 4 60 16 RICHMONDSHIRE. 259 Remains unpaid in the Highe Constable's handes in Mr. Midlam's accompt } £13 [Four leaves follow in which an Index is compiled, and then the regular pagination begins with [fo. 1] North Ridding Com. Ebor. Ad Sessionem tent. apud Hemsley, 1 July, 36 Eliz. [1594], before Will. Belassys, John' Dawney, Knts., Henry Belassys and Rich. Vaghan, Esquires. BIRDFORTHE. Will. Thornton, gent"., H. Const. of Birdforthe, att this Sessions did tender his accompt of suche somes of monie as he haithe levied within the Wapentacke of Birdforthe for the releafe of the Soldgiours accordinge to the Statute in the xxxvtie year of her Maties reigne.* His charge is quarterly 30s. 4d. Which amounteth in the hole yeare to £6. o. 16. By the Statute quoted (35 Eliz. c. 4) it is enacted that "Every Parish shall be charged with a summe weekly towards the reliefe of sicke, hurt, and maimed souldiers and mariners." By the Statute 39 Eliz. c. 21, there was to be " a further taxation for the releife of Souldiers and Mariners, where sufficient was not provided by 35 Eliz. c. 4. The greatest rate of every parish to be taxed, shalbe 8d. and the least 2d. weekly. Another provision if the rate be not sufficient for the Souldiers and Mariners in London. Treasurers shalbe appointed by the Justices. The Justices may alter the releife of Souldiers or Mariners." By the Statute of 43 Eliz. c. 3, both these acts were repealed, "and forasmuch as it is found more needfull than it was at the making of the sayd Acts, to provide reliefe and maintenance to Souldiers and Mariners that have lost their limbes, and disabled their bodies in the defence and service of her Majesty and the State, in respect the number of the said Souldiers is so much the greater, by how much her Majesties just and honourable defensive warres are increased: To the end therefore that they the sayd Souldiers and Mariners may reape the fruits of their good deservings, and others may be encouraged to performe the like endeavours,-Be it enacted &c." that every Parish be charged with a weekly summe towards the reliefe of Souldiers and Mariners at the discretion of the Justices in Qu. Sessions at the Easter Sessions in each year, so as no Parish be rated at more than 1od. weekly, nor under 2d. weekly, the assessts, to be made "by the agreements of the Parishioners within themselves, or in default therof by the Churchwardens and the pety Constables of the same parish, or the more part of them, or in default of their agreement, by the order of the Justice or Justices in the said parish or most nearly adjoining." The Churchwardens are to pay over the money raised according to such assesst. to the H. Constables, and the H. Constables to Treasurers duly elected by the Justices at the said Qu. Sessions, and who shall be chosen from among such as, at the last taxation of the Subsidy next before their election, "shalbe valued and sessed at £10 in lands yeerly, or at £15 in goods." Provisions are then made for the accounts of the said Treasurers, for default of the Churchwardens, or of the Treasurers themselves, and as to terms of eligibility of applicants, certificates, allowances, &c, to the same, and all other matters necessary for the working of the Act. S 2 260 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Whereof he haithe receyved for the firste quarter, betwene Midsomer and Michalmass A° xxxvto Reg. Elizabethæ 30s. 4d., which some he had redy at the Sess". att Malton att Michalmas in the said year, and the Tresorer being then absent he cold not be discharged of the said some, and sence ytt haithe not bene demanded, and so remaineth the said 30s. 4d. in his handes. [fo. 1.] Wapentag'. de BULMER. Geo. Reynolde, H. Const. of Bulmer, haithe receyved not above 1os. of his hole charge and con- fesseth the receyte of the Streate from Mr. Doctor Gibson for the hole year from Midsomer 35 Eliz. tyll Midsomer 36 Eliz. RIDALL, Will. Nendicke and Rog. Ringrose, H. Constables of. John Arrondall, a mamed soldyur, haithe the yearly allowance of £6. 13. 4. [fo. 2.] John Arrendall forthe of Richmondshire £6. 13. 4d. yearly. Ad Sess. tent. apud Hemesley, 9 Jan. xxxvii Eliz. (1595), coram Joh. Dawney, Mil., Henr. Belassys, Rob. Brigges, et Ric. Vaghan, Arm. Edw. Stringer, a mamed Soldgier, 40s. per ann. allowed to Leonard Dickynson Rog. Simpson Chr. Taylour. Tho. Simson . John Arnold . £6 £6 "" £6 quousque. £6 "" £4 "" Thies portions are allowed to the above-named mamed Soldgiers for their yearly mayntenance quousque. The Justices above named have allowed the Tresorer to deliver unto Nathanyell Hog- gard, a wounded Soldgier, 20s. for his presente releafe. J. Dawney. Hen. Belassys. Robt. Brigges. Richard Vaghan.* Ad. Sess. tent. apud THIRSKE, 30 Apr., 37 Eliz. Tho. Cowper of Sutton, a mamed Soldgier, for his yearly allowance £6. quousque. [fo. 3.] Ad Sessm. tent. apud BEDALL, 21 Julii, 37 Eliz. The Justices whose names are herunder wrytten have here made choise of Mr. Talbott Bowes, Esq., to be Tresorer for this year fol- lowinge, for gatheringe of alle suche somes of monye as is charged upon the severall parishes in Richmondshire for the reliefe of mamed * All autographs; as is the case, indeed, through the greater part of the Volume. RICHMONDSHIRE. 261 } ¡ Soldgiers, accordinge to the forme of the Statute in yt case made and provyded. Thomas Lascelles. Nicholas Girlynton. Christopher Wandesford. Timo. Whittingham. Ad. Midleham. [fo. 3.] Apud THIRSKE, 23 Jul., 37 Eliz. Before Ralph Lo. Ewre, Will. Fairfax, John Dawney, Knts., Tho. Lascells, Henry Belassys, John Constable, and Tim. Whittingham, Esquires. The estreat of the weaklye charge of all the parishes within the wap. of Rydall, made under the handes of Sir 3S. Will. Fairfax, Knt., and Rob. Brigges, Esq., bearinge date weakely. 25 July, 1593, for The like estreat &c. Pickering-lithe, made &c. Henry Belassys and Rob. Brigges, 25 July, 1593. 2s. Iod. weakely. Will. Maleverer, Esq., appointed Thres". for all the Wapes. in the N. R., saving Richmondshire, for this year followinge. Ra. Eure. W. Fairfax. J. Dawney. Tho. Lascelles. John Connstable. Hen. Belassys. [fo. 4.] Apud THIRSKE, 13 Aug., 1593. Before Ralph Lo. Ewre, Will, Fairfax, John Dawney, Knts., Tho. Lascells, Will. Maleverer, and Rob. Brigges, Esquires. The N. R. charged to the releife of mamed soldiers with thies somes of [monie] following yearly to be payde by everie Wapentacke. £ s. d. Richmondshire . 22 10 8 ΙΟ £15. 12. £12. 2. 8. recd. Ridall 7 16 o Birdeforthe 6 0 16 £7. 16. 0. "" £14. 14. 8. Allertonshire Pickering-lithe 3 18 0 35. weekely 30s. 4d. quarterly 18d. weakely Langbarghe Whitby Strand 7 7 4 17 6 8 2s. 10d. weekely £21. 13. 4. " Bulmer • 12 52 O 28 Remayneth beside Somma totalis of Richmondshire charge-£57. 4. £57. 4. all the Wapontackes ablie upon the N. R. before and per an- £79. 14. 8. num The charge of the N. R. for two yeares £159. 9. 4. 262 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Mr. John Constable of Dromanbye beinge Thres'. appointed for one yeare begynninge att the Sessions, in 1593, for Rydall, Birdforthe, Allertonshier, Pickering-lithe, Langbarghe, Whitby Strand and Bulmer-£57. 4. The charge for two yeares is £114. 8. [fo. 4b.] Mr. Tim. Whittingham his charge, beinge the Treasorer appointed for Richmondshier for maymed souldiers and marryners, 36 Elizth., for one hole yeare cometh to £22. 10. 8. He haithe receyved more of Mr. Midlam, Tresorer in the yeare before him, £50. 8. So his hole charge £25. 7. 4. Whereof disbursed £7. 3. 4 Remainethe not disbursed £18. 4. 0 viz.: to John Arrendall, a mamed soldier, for his maintenance for one hole year £6. 13. 4 To severall soldiers licensed by pasportes IOS. Of which said some not disbursed thier remaneth in the handes of the said Mr. Whittingham £10 17. 4. Remaneth uncollected of the parishes in the severall wapontackes in Richmondshier for this year £7. 6. 8. Whereof in Hang West Hang East £30. 8 Gilling East. 5. 8 Gilling West £3. 11. 8 8. 8 Mr. Whittingham haithe receyved more of the foresaid some of £7. 6. 8, which was uncollected of the parishes in Richmondshier, the some of £3. 15. 0. So their remaneth uncollected of the Wapentackes in Richmondshier, viz. in Gilling West £3. 11. 8. : [fo. 5.] Itt is agreed that the olde Churchwardens and the olde Highe Const. for the two yeares by past shalbe charged to gather and paye to the Tresorer appointed for thies yeares the somes wherewith they are charged by the estreates under the handes of the Justices of Peace; and that everie Tresorer shall hearafter be charged with his hole year's charge, and to account for the same, and the Churchwardens and Highe Constles, for the time being with the like. The Highe Const. of Bulmer are enjoyned* to paye over thier hole charge for thies two yeares last by past to the Tress. within thies 20 dayes next cominge. The charge pro uno anno integro £7. 16 for the wapentack of Ridall. Payd [by the Heighe Consts. ] for Ridall to Mr. Brigges all the some * Written emioned. RICHMONDSHIRE. 263 for two yeares last by past, the moyitie whereof the said Mr. Brigges is to pay over to Mr. Constable, being appointed Tresorer the year before him. The charge pro uno &c for Pickering-lithe to Mr. Brigges £7. 7. 4. Payde by the Heigh Const. of Pickering-lithe to Mr. Brigges £11. 15. 94. Remanethe unpaid for thies two yeares by past for the said Wap. 58s. 34d.* Mem. That Mr. John Constable, Thres"., is to have the moitie of all this receyved and to be receyved for thies two years last by past for Pickering-lithe. Allertonshier charged for two yeares with £7. 17, which is paide to Mr. Brigges, whereof Mr. Constable is to have the moytie as Thres*. for one yeare. The charge of Birdforthe for two yeares is £12. 2. 8. Whearof payd by the H. Constes, to Mr. Brigges £7. 11. 8. Remaneth unpaid £4. II. Ra. Eure. W. Fairfax. J. Dawney. Thomas Lascelles. Willm. Mauleverer. Rob. Brigges. Apud THIRSKE, 13 Augst. 1593. Before Ra. Lo: Ewre, Will. Fairefax, John Dawney, Knts., Tho. Lascells, Will. Maleverer and Rob. Brigges, Esquires. Allowed to Fr. Rashe, a mamed soldier, and commended by letters from the Lords of her Maties Privie Counsell, and by warrant according to lawe, for his yearlie mayntenaunce, £10 per ann., to be paid quarterly. Allowed to Chr. Caberye, M. S., commended by sufficient warrant, for his yearly maintenance, quousque, £6. 13. 4 per ann., to be quarterlie paide. Allowed to John Arnold in encrease of his former allowance for his yearly mayntenaunce, which was butt £4 per ann., nowe encreased quousque £6. 13. 4 per ann. to be quarterly paid. Ra. Eure, W. Fairfax. J. Dawney. Mauleverer. Rob. Brigges. Thomas Lascelles. Willm. [fo. 6.] Apud MALTON, 30 Sept. 1593. Before Will. Fairefax, John Dawney, Knts., Will. Maleverer, Will. Hillyarde, Esquires. The charge of John Constable and Rob. Brigges, Esq., Thres™., appointed for two years, viz.: in June 24, 1593, endinge the 24 June, 1595, cometh to £114. 8. * The arithmetic is not quite correct here, but it may be owing to the difficulty of deciphering precisely the amount paid over to Mr. Briggs. If the figures are cor- rectly copied, and all but the at the end of the sum paid are quite clear, the balance ought to be 10%, which is certainly not what the scribe wrote, allowing for the difficulty of deciphering occasioned by an alteration in the figures as first written. 264 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. It is agreed that Edw. Stringer, being heretofore allowed to have releife as a mamed soldgier quousque, shall hereafter have no forther allowance, for that he had monye delivered by his owne cousene to go forthe of the contrie, and not to requier eny forther contribution. Payde to Mr. Constable, as appeareth upon the veiwe of his account, £7. 5. 0. Payde more to the Clerke of the Peace, £4. 0. 0. Remaneth in the hand of the said Mr. Constable, £5. 2. 8. Payde by Mr. Brigges, as appeareth by his account, £43. 10. 2. Paide by them bothe, £59. 17. 10. Remaneth to be paide to Mr. Maleverer, £49. 19. o. Whereof to be paide by Mr. Brigges, £29. 18. 6 (which some is paide to Mr. Maleverer save 2s.). By Mr. Constable, £5. 2. 8. (which sum is paid to Mr. Maleverer). By the H. Const. of Bulmer 52s. By the H. Const. of Langbarghe in A°. 1593, 53s. 8d. [fo. 6b.] By the H. Const. of Langbarghe in A° 1594, £8. 0. 4. By the H. Const. of Whitby Strand, 31s. 10d. W. Fairfax. J. Dawney. Willm. Hyldyarde. Willm. Mauleverer. It is agreed that the Heighe Constles. shall have 12d. att the pound for gatheringe of the somes within thier severall Wapes. for the tyme to come. Chr. Taylour, a M. S., discharged for his allowance. [fo. 7.] Apud RICHMOND, 6 Oct. 1593. Before Tho. Lascells, Talbott Bowes, Nich. Girlington and Cuthb. Pepper, Esquires. The charge of the severall Wapes. in Richmondsh, for the year be- ginning 24 June, 1592, in which Mr. Tim. Whittingham is the Thres., cometh to £22. 10. 8. To be proportioned into severall Wapes., ut sequitur :- Gilling West Hang West Hang East • £ s. d. s. d. • 7 11 8 5 17 0 4 15 4 Hallikeld Gilling East. 43 4 · 43 4 Mr. Whittingham, Thr. in A° 1594, chargeth himself to have re- ceyved £10. 17. 4 of the £18. 4 not discharged in his former account, and sence acknowledged him self to have receyved of the said £18. 4 which remaneth undisbursed £3. 15: So resteth in toto in his handes not disbursed £14. 12. 4: And so thier is of the £18. 4 the some of £3. 11. 8 which remaneth uncollected within the Wap. of Gilling West, which being allowed, the said Thr'. decessit a compotu quietus. RICHMONDSHIRE. 265 [7.] Paide by Mr. Whittingham and Mr. Midl[e]ham to the Clarke of the Peace for his paynes for two yeares by past, 53s. 4d. So Mr. Whittingham haithe payed over to Mr. Talbott Bowes, Thr. for this year, viz. 1595, the some of £11. 19. o. Thomas Lascelles. Talbot Bowes. Nich. Girlyngton. Cuthb. Pepper. [Side-note.] Mr. Midleham, Thr., his charge is £22. 10. 8, whereof he haithe payde to Mr. Whittingham 16s. 8d. So thier remaneth to be accounted for by Mr. Whittingham £19. 14. John Arrendall, M. S., beinge allowed the some of £6. 13. 4 for his yearly mayntenance, is now encreased 6s. 8d., to make ytt £7 per ann. quousque. Mr. Midleham, Thr. in A° 1593, haith paid to John Arrendall, M. S., for his allowance for that year £7. So thier remaneth to be accounted for by Mr. Midleham the some of £12. 14. Thomas Lascelles. Nicholas Gyrlyngton. [fo. 8.] Apud RICHEMONDE, 13 Jan. 1595. John Langstaffe, M. S., being commended by the letters of the late Earle of Huntingdon as servinge beyonde the seas in her Maties service, as a Lewetenant of a Companye under Capteyn for his yearly mayntenaunce the some of £10, quousque., · is allowed " Thomas Lascelles. Nicholas Gyrlyngton. I Cuthbt. Pepper. Chr. Ashe. [fo. 9.] Apud HEMESLEY, 12 July, 38 Eliz. [1596]. Before Will. Fairfax, John Dawney, Knts., and Will. Maleverer, Esq. The account of Wm. Maleverer, Esq., Thr. for this last year by past. A Breife note of the yearly Pencyons of all the lame Soldiers. £ s. d. reformed. Leornerd Dickinson, per ann. 60 Ö 4 IO O Roger Simpson, 6 o taiken away. Tho. Sympson, 600 "" 400 John Arnold, 6 oostet. "" Tho. Cowper, 600 "" 4 0 0 Fr. Rashe, IO O O "" 7 0 0 Chr. Kaybery, 33 Edm. Stringer, Tho. Smithe, "" 6 13 4 stet. IO O O taken away. "" 5 o o 4 IO O Gawin Ednam, "" 6 13 4 stet. 266 t QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Mr. Davyll, Clerke of the Peace, for his paynes, £4. o. o. Somma totalis £72. 6. 8. To everie H. Const. for collectinge, thier charge for every pounde I2d. [The charge more then the recept cometh to, £15. 2. 8.] Whitby Strand Langbarghe Allertonshier Birdforthe £ s. d. 52 0 17 6 8* 3 18 O Bulmer Ridall 6 0 16 £ s. d. 12 2 8 Pickering-lithe 7 7 4 7 16 0 The charg of all the Wap. is £51. 19. 6.† The hole charge for the N. R. in Aº 37 was £57. 4, which now in regard that Langbarghe is charged butt with £12. 2. 2, cometh to £51. 19. 6, which last some is Mr. Maleverer his charge. Itt appeareth that the Thr. haith disbursed to M. S. and fees for gatheringe, the some of £75. 7. 8. So that the charge of the disbursement to soldiers and for gatheringe the monye cometh above the some receyved to £23. 8. 2. Abated the some of £10 which heretofore haith bene allowed to Edm. Stringer, and nowe is taken from him in regard he is by her Maties bountie otherwise preferred. Taken from Fr. Rashe the some of £3; so his allowance beinge before this tyme £10 per ann. is now but £7. ΙΟ Taken from Tho. Cowper 40s. ; so his allowance &c is now £4. Taken from Leon. Dickinson 30s., &c; and from Roger Sympson, 40s., &c. [fo. 10.] Taken from Tho. Sympson 40s., &c; from John Arnold 40s. &c; from Chr. Kabery 13s. 4d. &c; from Tho. Smithe, 1os., &c; and from Gawen Ednam 33s. 4d., &c. The some deducted from the soldiers is £25. 6. 8, whereof deductinge the surplus, which the Thr. accounted to be more then the receptes by £23. 8. 2, thier remaneth of the monye taken from the soldgers 38s. 6d. W. Fairfax. J. Dawney. Will. Mauleverer. Delivered to the Clarke of the Peace £4 for his paines taken in makinge up the account for this year by past. Mr. Maleverer appointed Thr. tyll Michalmas next by his owne consente. * A side-note to this charge is "reformed to £12. 2. 2.” + This sum is found to be correct on substituting the "reformed" charge of the last note for the figures standing in the column. RICHMONDSHIRE. 267 [fo. 10.] Apud RICHEMONDE, 12 July, 38 Eliz. Allowed to John Langetofte, M. S., commended by the Lo: Arch- bishopp of Yorke and the Counsell thier, the Musterm[aste]r where he served, and others of good accounte, for his yearly mayntenuance, the some of £10. Talbot Bowes. Nicholas Gyrlyngton. Apud HEMESLEY, 17 Jan. 39 Elizth. Mr. Maleverer, beinge Thr. from Michalma's A° 37 Eliz. tyll the Michalmas then next followinge, chargeth him self with the recepte of £82. 16. 4. Itt appeareth that he haith disbursed all the some last above wrytten, beinge his charge, save £4. 15. 10, which is yet remaninge in his handes. Thier remaneth in the handes of the H. Const. of Bulmer thier arrerages and last year's charge, ending att Mich³. last, £3. 2. 0. This was mistaken, for thier is payable for the tyme abovesaid and the arrerages £6. 2. 8. [fo. 11.] Remaneth in the handes of the H. Const. of Langbarghe for the arrerages and thier receipt last year ending at Mich. £4. II. 10. Remaneth in the handes of the H. C. of Whitby Strand for arrerages and thier last year's charg 53s. 10d. The H. Const. of Allertonshier haithe paid his hole charge for the year by past. The H. Cs. of Birdforthe haith done the like. Remaneth in the handes of the H. Cs. of Pickering-lithe for the last year ending att Mich³. 16s. Remaneth in the handes of the H. C. of Ridall for this last yeare's charge ending att Michs. £7. 6. Taken from Rog. Symson his allowance, which was £4. Allowed to John Arnold his old allowance, which is £6. Allowed to Chr. Kaybery his former allowance, which was £6. 13. 4. Allowed to Gawen Ednam his former allowance, which is £6. 13 4. The yearley allowance to the Soldgiers cometh to £42. 6. 4. [fo. 11.] The yearly charge of all the wapontackes is £51. 19. 6. Remaneth of this some, allowynge the contribution to the soldgiers and other fees, the sum of 40s. 2d. W. Fairfax. Willm. Mauleverer. [fo. 12.] Apud ALLERTON, II July, 39 Elizth. Mr. Lascells, Esq., Thr. from Midsomer in A° 38 Eliz. until Mid- somer A° 39 Eliz. The charge of Mr. Tho. Lascells, Esq., as Thr. for the monye 268 } QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. assessed upon Richmondshier for the releife of M. S., cometh to £22. 10, 8. Itt appeareth that he haithe paide his hole charge save £10. 7. 4. The which some of £10. 7. 4 is payde over to the handes of Chr. Ashe, Esq., who is appointed Thr. for this year next followinge. Et sic prædictus Thomas Lascells arm'. decessit a compotu quietus. Talbot Bowes. Chr. Ashe. Jhon Mansfelde. Timo. Whittingham. [fo. 13.] Apud PICKERINGE, 28 July, 39 Elizth. Before John Mans- feild and Tho. Davylle, Esq. The account of Mr. Edw. Gate, Esq., Thr. for the gatheringe of the monye assessed upon thies Waps. below named for the releife of M. S., from Mich³. in A° 38 Eliz. to Midsomer next following. Langbarghe, for three-quarters of a yeare Bulmer, for the like tyme . • Rydall, "" Birdforthe, Pickering-lithe Whiteby Strand, Allertonshier, 33 "" "" In toto £ s. d. 9 0 1921 9 20 5 17 0 4 II O 5 10 6 39 O 58 6 £38 19 7 Charged with the arrerages of the last two yeares in the handes of Tho. Cockerell, H. C. of Whitby Strand, with 53s. 10d. Charged forther with the arrerages for the year past before his en- trance to the Tresorershippe, remaning then in the handes of the H. Ces. of Bulmer, with 52s. Charged for the arrerages of Bulmer dewe before Mich³. and recª. of R. Hebborne, £3. 10. 8. Charged likewise with the arrerages for the year past before his entrance to the Tresorershippe, remaning in the handes of Seathe Chernocke, H. C. of Ridall, with £3. 18. o. Charged more for arrerages of Rydall and paide by Rog. Ringrose, £3. 18. o. So Mr. Gate his hole charge cometh to £57. o. 181.* [130] Receyved as followeth, viz.: Of Langbarghe £6. o. 13..... [So remaneth not paid £3.0. 61.] "" Bulmer in parte of the charge of the last three quarters with the arrearages, £20. 8. 9. [So remaneth unpaid by Hebborne for Bulmer £4. 5. 11, whereof in the handes of John Lynam 3s.] * There are no less than six deletures as regards the total sum, besides three others affecting only a part of the final one. But the figures given appear to be those intended. THIRSKE, APRIL 27. 269. Of Ridall in part of the last year arrerages and of the last three quarters £5. 17. [So remaneth to be paid in Rydall £7. 16. 0.] Whereof to be paid by Geo. Chernocke £5. 17. 0. And by Rog. Ringrose 19s. 6d. "" Birdforthe: nothing paide. [So remaneth £4. 6. 0.]' Pickeringe-lithe . £6.6.6. [Remaneth nothing.] And Whitby Strand, 20s. [Remaneth in the handes of Tho. Cockerell, £4. 5. 10.] "" Allertonshier: nothing receyved. [So remaneth in the handes of the H. Constables, 58s. 6d.] Mr. Gate confesseth to have receyved of his hole charge the some £30. 3. 4. [Remaneth not recd. by him, and in the handes of the H. Constables, £25. 6. 31. Payde to the M. S., and to the Clarke for his fee, and the H. C³. for gathering acquittances, £28. 2. o. Allowed to Mr. Gate his man for his charges in getting this money, 20s. [Stay the allowance of this untill the Justices do agree at the Sessions.] And remaneth in his handes the some of 20s. 4d., which is paid to E. Stringer for his presente releife. Jhon Mansfelde. [f. 14.] Payde by Mr. Gate £30. 3. 4. Tho. Davylle. Remaneth in the handes of the H. Cs. £26. 17. 91. Apud THIRSKE, 27 April, 40 Eliz. [1598]. Ordered that Fr. Rashe, M. S., shall hearafter be allowed his old yearly rate of £10, which is granted upon the receptes of letters from the Lo. of her Maties Privie Counsell. Apud HEMSLEY, 11 July, 1598. Ordered that the Hospitall of Malton shall have for their mainte- nance for this next yeare £10. Allowed to Math. Wood, a man decayed, forth of the surplusages of money chardged for the releife of Hospitals, 40s. per ann., quousque. Apud THIRSKE, 27 April, 1598. Ordered that the like taxation shalbe assessed and levyed on the N. R. for the releife of Hospitalls, the Kinges Bench and Marshallsea, Houses decayed by fier, and such charitable uses, as is set downe for M. S.: Provided, that, if there be want of money to releive the M. S., it shall be supplied of this that is set downe for Hospitalls &c, and the surplus onelie to remaine for Hospitalls. Mr. Tim. Whittingham is appointed Thr. for Hospitalls, and Mr. Fr. Topham, Thr. for M. S., in Richmondshier, to begin at Midsomer, and to finishe their account at Easter next. 270 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Mr. Chas. Laiten, Thr. for Hospitalls and M. S. within the rest of the Wapes. in the N. R., to begin, and present his account, ut supra. [fo. 14.] Apud BEDALL, 4 Oct. 1598. Math. Jackeson, M. S., is allowed for his yearlie maintenance, quousque, £5. 6. 8. ns Cuthb. Pepper. Chr. Ashe. Timo. Whittingham. Itt is agreed in favour of John Arrendall, M. S., that forasmuch as he now dwellethe near Durisme, and can not repaire to the Qu. Sess¹s in thies partes without his greate charge-Therefore he is allowed to send for his pension by a letter of Attorney, signed by the Clerke of the Peace by our direction so as his sayde Attorney, being certificate under the handes of some of good creditt that the said John Arrendall is living when he shall so demaund his allowance, or if the partie that bringeth the letter of Attorney wilbe sworne that he is livinge. Cuthb. Pepper. Timo. Whittingham. Chr. Ashe. [fo. 15.] Compotus of Chr. Ashe, Esq., Thr. for L. S. for Rich- mondshier from S. John Baptist day 1597 to the same day 1598. Remayninge upon the last Thr. his account and delivered over unto my handes at my entrie, the some of £10. 7. 0. Item receyved of the H. C. for thre quarterlie collections for the said yeare, beinge chardged upon the five Waps. within the Liberties of Richmondshier, in toto £22. 10. 8. Summa totalis, £32. 17. 8. Of this some, disbursed as followeth :- Imprimis, paied to Geo. Metcalfe for the use of one Pickeringe, M. S., for his pension for this yeare, £4., and £3 behinde and arere when Mr. Bowes was Thr., in the hole, £7. 0. 0. It. paied to John Arundell for his hole yeare's pension ended at Mid- somer last, £7. 0. 0. It. paied to Mr. Davylle, the Clerke of the Peace, for his fee for entringe the account pro hoc anno, 53s. 4d. It. to the severall Head Const. for the collectinge of the whole chardge, being £22. 10. 8, after the rate of 12d. the pound, in toto 22s. 6d. It. paide and allowed unto one Will. Johnson, a travallinge Soldier, commended unto us by the Counsell's letters, and from the Counsell at York, 30s. It. paied unto Math. Jackson, another L. S., commended to us by letters from the Earle of Essex, at Allerton Sessions, ros. [fo. 16.] Allowed and payed to other travaylinge L. Soldiors by Mr. Whittingham in my absence at London, 9s. 1 271 -HEMESLYE, JULY 9, 1597. It. paied and allowed by myselfe at severall tymes to diverse travaylinge L. S. the some of 31S. It. to one John Watson, a Soldior cominge from the sea, and tra- vaylinge to Seamer, where he was borne, 6s. 8d. Summa totalis £22. 2. 6. Sic computatis computat' allocat' allocat' remanet de claro }£10. 15. 2. which is paid to Mr. Topham, as may appear by his confession. [fo. 18.] Apud HEMESLYE, 9 July, 1597. The yearlie chardge of these Wapes. hereafter followinge for the releife of M. S. and Maryners. Langbarghe. Bulmer Ridall. Birdforth £ s. d. I2 12 2 2 28 7 16 0 60 16 Pickeringe-lithe £ s. d. 7 7 4 Whitbie Strand 52 O Allertonshire 318 O Forth of this some to be disbursed as followeth :- To the H. Cs. of every these foresaid Wapes. for gatheringe their chardge, 12d. at every pound, in toto 52s. To Fr. Rashe, M. S., for his yearly &c, £7. o. o. [This some is increased to £10 at Thirske, 27 April, 40 Elizth. To Tho. Cowper, M. S., for his &c 29 Leon. Dickinson, "" "" Tho. Simpson, "" "" "" John Arnold, "" "" } "" "" 99 Tho. Smithson, "" "2 "" "" [fo. 19.],, Chr. Kaberrie, Gawen Ednam, To the Clerk of the Peace for his paines takinge in £ s. d. 400 4 IO O 4 O 60 O 6 13 4 4 IO O 6 13 4 £40 £49 18 8 40s. Iod. makinge up the bookes and the accountes The some of the disbursmentes cometh to And so remayneth more then the disbursmentes [fo. 19.] Apud TOPCLIFFE, 12 April, 1598. Allowed Rowland Ward, Nathaniell Hoggard, Rich. Smithe, and Stringer, 20s. a man, tyll Mydsomer, and after to everye one £6. 13. 4 yearlye, quousque. Edw. Yorke. Willm. Mauleverer. Cha. Layton. Jhon Mansfelde. Apud STOKESLEY, 26 June, 1598. Itt is agreed that Rich. Vaghan of Byland, Esq., shalbe Thr. for this next year following, for L. S. and the Hospitalls in all the N. R. 272 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. save Richmondshier, to enter to his charge att this tyme, and to perfect his account this tyme twelmonth. Ra. Eure. Hen. Cholmeley. Itt is agreed at the forsaide Sess". that the Hosp'. of Malton shall have yearly £3: 6. 8 allowed theim for their forther mayntenaunce over and above the £10 allowed to them, which is sett downe, in regard the parishe of Malton, where the said Hosp'. is, is greatly over- charged with poore, and for that the necessitie of those in the Hosp'. is very great. [fo. 20. Apud RICHMOND, 29 July, 1599. Anth. Byerley is appointed to be the Thres'. for L. S., this year followinge, for Richmondshire. Mr. Timothie Hutton, Esq., is appointed Treasuror for the Hosp's. &c as above. Allowed to Geo. Pickering for this last yeare, being a L. S., the some of £4, to contynue quousque. Talbot Bowes. Timo. Hutton. Timo. Whittinghame. Adam Midleham. Apud TOPCLIFF, 29 May, 1599. Before Raph Lo: Ewre, Will. Mauleverer, Rich. Aldburgh, Tim. Whittingham, and Hugh Frankland, Esquires. Due to the Spittlehouse of Old Malton att Easter last the some of 41s. And it is ordered that Mr. Layton, Thr., shall pay 22s., parcell of the said some, and Tho. Clerke, H. C. of Ridall, 19s., which is the residew. This Order is sett downe in the booke of account for bridges. [fo. 22.] Apud HEMESLEY, 8 Jan³., 42 Eliz. (1600). • Itt is agreed that the surplusage of mony beinge more then the some sett downe in this part of the N. R. for the releife of M. S. shalbe taken forthe of the some assessed for the releife of the Marshalsey and Hosp's. untill the next Sessions, and then to be forther determined by a generall consent, for that the presente necessitie of thoes alreddy agreed upon to be supplyed is to be releived, we . . *them in great want. Henry Belassys. Willm. Mauleverer. Davylle. Richard Vaghan. John Connstable. Tho. Itt is ordered that the H. C. of everie Wape. in the N. R. shall have allowed of the some assessed for the releife of M. S., 12d. att the pound for the paines taken in receivinge and payinge of the charge, for that ytt haith bene formerly allowed them sence the making of * This word cannot be made out. It appears to begin with s and ends with g, and there is a dot, as for an i, as one of the other two letters :-the word 'find,' which had been first written, has had the pen passed through it. RICHEMOND, JANUARY 5. 273 the Statute, provyded that everie H. C. do quarterly discharge all within their charge. Hen. Belassys. Willm. Mauleverer. [fo. 22b.] Apud RICHEMOND, 5 Jan³., 42 Eliz. John Connstable. The account of Mr. Fr. Topham, gent"., Thr. for the monyes assessed for the releife of M. S. within the Wapes. in Richmondshier. Firste he is charged with the receyt of £22. 10. 8. More he chargeth himself, putt. over to him by Mr. Ashe, £12. 9. 10. So is (sic) hole charge amountethe to £35. o. 6. It appeareth upon the viewe of his account that thier remayneth in the handes of thies severall H. Cs. herunder written thies somes followinge :- In the handes of the H. Cs. of Hang East "" "" "" "" 25s. 4d. Hang West 44s. 4d. Gilling East. 16s. 8d. Gilling West. £4. II. 8. Hallikeld "" 16s. 8d. [fo. 23.] Thies somes last wrytten on the other page beinge deducted forthe of his charge, it appereth upon the particler viewe of his account that he haithe disbursed all this hole charge save 2s. 7d., et sic a compotu decessit quietus. Thomas Lascelles. Timo. Whittinghame. [fo. 24.] Apud THIRSKE, 28 March, 42 Elizth. A note of such somes of money as was sett downe by the Lo: Ewre, Mr. Cuthb. Pepper, Esq., and others, in the absence of the Clerke of the Peace, whoe came to the note hereof at the handes of Mr. Rich. Vaughan, Thr. for this yeare. Allowed to Rich. Richardson, M. S., for his present releife, and here- after not to chardge the cuntrie, 48s. Allowed to Jas. Riddesdale, M. S., &c., as above, 45s. "" "" Will. Cholmley, M. S., for his present relief, £10. Bryan Bevis, M. S., for his maintenance for one yeare onelie, £6. 13. 4. Allowed to Rowland Ward, M. S., for his maintenance and present releife, and hereafter not to chardge the cuntrie, £5. o. o. [Side-note :-Dischardged then of his pension, and this given for his present releif.] [fo. 24.] Apud HEMSLEY, 8 July, 42 Elizth. Rich. Vaughan, Esq., Thr. from the Midsomer Sessions 41 Eliz. untill these Sessns., tenderinge his accompte for money received for M. S., maryners, Marshall[sey], Kinges Bench and Hosp's., is charged in the whole with £104. 5. 8. VOL. II. T 274 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. } Mem. that the accompt for the Kinges Benche, Marshallsea and Hosp's. &c begins at the Easter Sess., and so from Easter to Easter, and Mr. Vaughan is to make his account accordinglie. It is agreed that Mr. Will. Thorton [? Thornton] of Newton, Esq., shalbe Thr. for L. S. for this Division for this year, and present his account at the Sessions after Midsomer. Also that Mr. Geo. Franckland, Esq., shalbe Thr. for the Hosp¹³. and Marshallsea, to begin his receyt from Easter Sessions, which some is to ... att this Sessions and to present his account att Easter Sessions next. Edw. Yorke. Mauleverer. J. Posth. Hoby. Henry Belassys. Willm. Cha. Layton. Henry Jenkins. Richard Aldeburgh. [fo. 25.] Apud RICHEMOND, 12 July, 42 Eliz. Mr. Rich. Menell of Pickall, gent"., appointed Thr. for L. S. for this next year, beginning att thies Sess". and to account this tyme twelmonth. Mr. Anth. Biarley is to deliver his account to the said Thr. this day fortnight att Bedall Church, in the presence of Sir Tho. Lascells and Mr. Whittingham, at 10 a.m. The Clerke of the Peace or his deputy to be thier. Mr. Talbott Bowes, Thr. for the Hosp's. and Marshallsee &c, to take his charge from Easter last, and to perfect his account att Easter next. Mr. Tim. Huton to deliver his account att Bedall the day above- named. Thomas Lascelles. Talbot Bowes. [fo. 25. Apud BEDALL, 26 July, 42 Eliz. Timo. Hutton. Before Sir Edw. Yorke, Tim. Hutton and Tim. Whittingham, Esquires. Mr. Anth. Bierley, Thr., appointed at the June Richmond Sessions, 41 Eliz., for M. S. in Richmondshier, for the yeare following, confesseth his whole chardge beinge £22. 10. 8. Whereof paide to John Arrundell, M. S., &c £7. o. o; to Math. Jackson, another, £5. 6. 8; to Geo. Metcalfe for Geo. Pickeringe, for a half yeare ended at Candlemas, 40s. [Side-note :-This some to be noe more paied]; to the Clerke of the Peace for makinge up the booke 53s. 4d. Summa of his disbursmentes £17. 0. o. Soe remayneth in his handes £5. 10. 8. Which same is to be paied over to Mr. Rog. Mennell, which beinge accordinglie by him paied, the said Anth. Bierley decessit &c. Edw. Yorke. Timo. Hutton. Timo. Whittinghame. [fo. 26.] Mr. Tim. Hutton, Esq., Thr. for the Marshallsea, Kinges BEDALL, JULY 26. 275 i Bench and Hosp's. from the June Sessions at Richmond 41 Eliz. until the Sessions here holden 12 July, is charged with £22. 5. 8. He confesseth the receipt of £10. 11. 3. And there remayneth not paied unto him £11. 19. 11., which some remayneth in the handes of these H. C. followinge, viz. :— Symond Dowglasse and Rob. Shawe, H. Cs. of Gilling West, for their whole chardge £7. 11. 8. Fr. Blaides, H. C. of Hang West, for parcell of his chardge £4. 7. 9° [fo. 26.] Paied by Mr. Hutton to Rich. Vaughan, Esq., for the thirde parte of the N. R., towardes the Marshallsea, 6s. 8d. Paied more by him to decayed pore people, travellinge by lawfull warrant, to releive their present necessities in their passage, as appeareth by the note showed to the Court contayning the names of such as had releife, wherein it also appeareth that some had given 2s., some 12d., accordinge to their want, and to him that had the most not above 3s. : the whole whereof cometh to 27s. 6d. So yt appeareth that there remayneth in the handes of Mr. Hutton, accomptinge that which he hath disbursed and yt. which remayneth in the H. Constables' handes, as is aforesaid, to be deducted out of his chardge, the some of £8. 17. I. Which some the said Mr. Hutton payeth here in open Court to Mr. Talbott Bowes, Thr. for this next yeare. Et sic præd. Tim. Hutton decessit &c. Edw. Yorke. Talbot Bowes. Timo. Hutton. Timo. Whittinghame. [fo. 27.] The yearlie charge of these Wapes. &c (as before; see p. 262).* Forth of this some to be disbursed to the M. S. hereunder named :- £ s. d. o £ s. s. d. To Nath. Hoggard, per ann. 5 0 0 To Fr. Rashe, per ann. 10 o "" John Arnold for one year onelie, from Easter 42 Eliz. Chr. Kaberrie, per "" ann. "" Tho. Smith, per Rich. Smith for one onelie from Easter 42 Eliz. one year onelie &c 6 13 4 Martin Walker, "" 300 year 4 0 0 40 о "" Tho. Pattrick for 4 0 0 "" "" Math. Wood, per yearlie 368 ann. ... 40 O Will. "" Ratcliffe, yearlie 53 4 · ann. The whole some of these disbursmentes cometh to £42. 13. 4. * There is an error in the total sum as stated here, probably a mere scribal error. The amount is put down as £52. 19. 6. instead of £51. 19. 6. as before, and correctly. T 2 276 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Willm. Thornton, Esq., Thr. appointed at the Sessions at Stokesley 8 July, 42 Elizth. [fo. 27.] The same some of the Waps. on the other side is to be charged on them for the rèleif of the Hosp's., Kinges Bench, &c, and allowances made to the said Hosp's. &c as followeth :- To the Hosp'. at Malton for the releife of the pore there for this next yeare, quarterlie to be paied, £12. 6. 8. To the pore of the Hosp'. of Skarbroughe for their present releife 20S.* To be further considered of at the next Sessions upon viewe of their foundation. Allowed to the Kinges Bench 20s. The Thr. is to receive of the Thr. of Richmondshier 6s. 8d., parcell of the said some of 20s. Some of the disbursmentes £16. 6. 8. Mr. Hewghe Franckland, Esq., Thres"., his chardge from Easter to Easter.† [fo. 28.] Apud MALTON, 30 Sept., 42 Eliz. Rich. Vaughan, Esq., Thr. for M. S. from the Sessions after Mid- somer, 41 Eliz. until the like Sessions 42 Elizth., and Thr. for the Marshallsea and Hospitalls from the Easter Sessions 41 Eliz. to the like Sessions 42 Elizth., is charged with the sorne of £104. 5. 8. He alledgeth that he hath not received of this some— For Birdforth 35s. 4d., for Allertonshire 19s. 6d., in all 49s. 1od. (presented by the Thr.). Which some of 49s. 1od. being deducted out of the £104. 5. 8, there remayneth to be accompted for by him £101. 15. 10. ΟΙ. And by him disbursed, as appeareth by a particuler note by him delivered into the Cort showing to what M. S. he hath paied pensions by warrant, and what hath been given to passengers, with the allowance to the Kinges Bench and Hosp., and fees to officers, [fo. 28.] Itt appeareth by the particulers of the said Thr. his accompt, being perused and cast over by the Justices, that he haith disbursed all his charge save 25s. 2d. Which he is to paye over to the next Thr., et sic a competu decessit &c. Ra. Eure. Wyllm. Hyldyarde. Henry Jenkyns. Ric. Etheryngton. Jhon Mansfelde. [fo. 29.] Apud HEMSLEY, 8 July, 42 Eliz. Allowed to Jas. Riddesdale, M. S., for his yearlie &c, £4 per ann. *The side-note here is-Allowed at the Sessions holden at Hemsley, 8 July 42 Eliz. + Side-note-Appointed at the Sessions at Hemsly, 42 Eliz. HEMSLEY, JANUARY 12. 277 - Apud HEMSLEY, 12 Jan³., 43 Eliz. (1601). - Ordered that, whereas the Thr. for M. S. has payed £5 upon my Lo: Burghley his letters to one Richardson, a M. S., the said Thr. should have it repaied him by the Thr. for the Hosp's. &c. Apud THIRSK, 29 April, 43 Eliz. Adam Midleham, Esq., Thr. for the Hosp's. &c, for the next yeare for Richmondshier. Tho. Norcliffe, Thr. for the same in the other partes of the N. R. Apud THIRSK, 9 July, 43 Eliz. Mr. Rich. Wansforth appointed Thr. for the yeare followinge for the M. S., and Mr. Rob. Trotter for the other partes of the N. R. [fo. 30.] Apud MALTON, 30 Sept., 42 Elizth. Itt is ordered that the Hosp'. of Scarbrewghe shall have yearlie for thier mayntenaunce £5, quousque. Ra. Eure. Wyllm. Hyldyarde. Henry Jenkins. Jhon Mansfelde. [fo. 30b.] Apud MALTON, 1 Oct., 43 Elizth. Allowed to Rich. Smith, M. S., for his present releif, and to troble the cuntrie noe more, 20s. Apud HEMSLEY, 12 Jan., 44 Elizth. (1602). Allowed to Bryan Bevis, M. S., till next Sessions, Ios. Ordered that the Thr. for Hosp's. shall pay to Isabell Lambert of Nonington-loss by fire-50s. [fo. 31.] Apud MALTON, I Oct., 43 Eliz. Chas. Layton, Esq., Thr. 40 Eliz., chargeth him self with £105, which some he haith disbursed save 20s. Will. Thornton, Esq., Thr. for the L. S. from Midsomer 42 Eliz. until the like Sessions the year after, chargeth himself with the receyte of £56. 17. 61½. Itt appeareth that he haithe disbursed £56. 13. 9. So there remayneth &c, now paied over to Mr. Trotter for the year following, 3s. 94. Ra. Eure. Henr. Belassys. Willm. Bamburgh. Ric. Etheryngton. [fo. 31.] Apud MALTON, I Oct., 43 Elizth. Allowed to Will. Masson,* M. S., for his yearly &c 40s. "" Tho. Bickerun,t for his present &c, and to troble the cuntrie no more, 30s. Allowed to John Arnold &c as above, 20s. Willm. Bamburgh. H. Tankarde. Ric. Etheryngton. Thomas Norcliff. Henry Jenkins. Richard Vaghan. * The side-note here is-Commended by my Lo: President; and the foot-note is— To begynning att this present to receyve for the last quarter. + Same side-note as above. The name is not plainly written, but this form seems to be a true copy. 278 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS, [fo. 33.] Apud RICHEMOND, 15 Jan., 44 Elizth. Orderd that Ninian Sponer, M. S., commended by Mr. Wayde, Muster Marshall, shall have 20s. for his present releife. Chr. Ashe. Timo. Whittinghame. Ad. Midleham. Adam Midleham, Esq., being Thr. for the L. S., 35 Eliz., in the Division of Richmondshier, haith tendered his account and requiereth that itt may be perfected. He confesseth his charge of £22. 0. o. Itt appeareth that he haithe disbursed £9. 10. o. There remayneth in the handes of thies H. C. of thies Wapes. next following, viz. : For Gilling West £4 18s. 8d. Hang West 4 5 O in all £12 10s. Hang East 3 5 4 This some being added to his disbursment of £9. 10. 0, ytt appeareth he haith paid his whole charge, et sic decessit &c. Talbot Bowes. Timo. Whittinghame. Chr. Ashe. [fo. 34.] Apud RICHMOND, 14 July, 44 Elizth. Allowed to Lancelot Thompson, M. S., &c yearlie £5. 6. 8, of which some he is presentlie to receive 26s. 8d. And so much more as upon the veiwe of the accompt can convenientlie be spared. Edw. Yorke. Tho. Lascelles. Cuthbt. Pepper. Francis Boynton. Talbot Bowes. Timo. Hutton. Timo. Whittinghame. [fo. 34.] Apud RICHMOND, 12 July, 44 Elizth. Leonard Calverd of Kiplinge, gent"., appointed Thr. for M. S. for this yeare followinge: his chardge to begin from Midsomer last. [fo. 35.] Apud RICHMOND, 13 July, 44 Elizth. The same appointment as just noted for the day previous. The Justices signing are:- Tho. Lascelles. Cuthbt. Pepper. Timo. Hutton. Talbot Bowes. [fo. 36.] Apud RICHMOND, 7 Jan., 45 Elizth. (1603). Rich. Wansforth, gent"., Thr. for L. S. within Richmondshier in A° 43° Elizth., chardged with £22. 10. 8. Yt appeareth, by the particuler of the said Mr. Wansforth his accompt tendered before Sir Tho. Lascelles and Talbott Bowes, Esq., that he hath disbursed all his whole chardge, save 275. 10d., which he hath paied over to Mr. Calverd, Thr. &c, et sic decessit &c. This accompt was allowed on before the Lo: President and others of her Maties Counsell in the North. Tho. Lascelles. Cuthbt. Pepper. Chr. Ashe. Timo. Hutton. Timo. Whittinghame. [fo. 37.] Apud THIRSKE, 19 May, 1 James (1604). NORTHRIDINGE. 279 Tho. Duffeild of Bolton upon Swayle, gent"., appoynted Thr. for M. S. within Richmondshier, for this yeare followynge, his chardge to begin from this Sessions and to contynew till the Sessions after Easter next. Tho. Lascelles. Wyllm. Hyldyard. Hugh Bethell. Richard Vaghan. Henery Franckland. Anth. Atkinson of Wensley, gent"., appoynted Thr. for Hosp's. within Richm. for this yeare &c, to begin his year from this Sessions and to contynewe tyll the Sessions after Easter next. Tho. Lascelles. Wyllm. Hyldyard. Hughe Bethell. [fo. 38. A.] NORTHRIDINGE. Com: Ebor'. A breife abstract of the names of all the Thrers. for Maimed Sould- iours and Hospitalls &c which have bene within the N. R. since the maikinge of the Statute to that end provided for ther mayntaynance and releife; vidz.: from Mydsomer in the 35th yeare of our late Soveraigne Lady Elizth. &c, untill the same feast in the first yeare of the reigne of our most dread Soveraigne Lord James &c, with a particuler of their charges and disbursementes as followeth, vidz. : John Constable and Rob. Brigges, Esquiers, Thrers. for the L. S. in all the partes of the N. R., vid. save Richmondshier, in annis 35to, 36to of Elizth., charged with £118. 8. Of which some by them disbursed, as appeareth by a particuler of their severall paymentes, £69. 17. 10. Item, paide by them to Will. Mauliverer, Esq., Threr. for the yeare followynge, £35. o. 14d. And remaynynge in the Heighe Consts. handes followynge the some of £14. 14. 10; vidz. :— In the handes of the H. C. of Langbarghe 35 Elizth "" " "" "" "" 36 "" 53s. 8d. £8. 0. 4. 52s. Bulmer Whitby Strand . 3IS. Iod. Summa of the disbursementes and that in the H. C's. handes is £109. 16s. 10S. So remaynes not accounted for £4. 12. 2. Adam Midleham, Esquier, Threr. for the M. S. within Richmondshier 35 Eliz., £22. 10. 8. Whereof paid to John Arundell, L. S., £7. 0. 0. To Tymothie Whittyngham, Esq., Threr. for the yeare followynge, 56s. 8d. So remayninge in his handes not accompted for £12. 14. [fo. 38. Ab.] Tim. Whittingham, Esq., Threr. for the M. S. within Richmondshier 36 Eliz., is charged with £25. 7. 4. * QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. 280 Whereof by him disbursed £9. 16. 8. And remayninge in the H. C. handes of Gilling West the some of £3. 11. 8. And by him paid over to Talbot Bowes, Esq., Threr. for the yeare followinge, £11. 19. So his disbursements, and the money in the H. C. handes, and that paid over to Mr. Bowes, cometh to as much as he is charged with; et sic decessit &c. Will. Mauliverer, Esq., Threr. 37 Elizth. in all partes of the N. R. save Richmondshier, charged with £82. 16. 4. All which he hath disbursed save £4. 15. 10, which is yet remayn- ynge in his handes. He begun his charge after Midsomer and contynued the same tyll Mychaelmas twelvemonth after. Talbot Bowes, Esq., Threr. for the L. S. within Richmondshier, 37 Elizth. I finde no mention maide of his accompt, neyther what he receyved nor what he disbursed. Edw. Gate, Esq., Threr. for all the N. R. save Richmondshier, 38 Eliz., charged with £37. 0. 13. Of which some he hath receyved £30. 3. 4. And by him disbursed, as appeareth by his notes upon the tender of his accompt, £30. 3. 4. The remaynder of his charge, amountinge to £26. 17. 94, re- mayneth in the handes of thes H. C³. viz. : Langbarghe. Bulmer Ridall £ s. d. £ s. d. 30 6/1/2 4 5 II 7*16 o Birdforthe Whitby Strand. Allertonshier 3 II O 4 5 10 58 6 in all £26. 17. 9. [fo. 38. B.] Tho. Lascelles, Esq., Threr. in Richmondshier 38 Eliz., is charged with £22. 10. 8. It appeareth by a particuler of his disbursementes that he hath paid, his whole charge save £10. 7. 4, which some he hath paid over to Chr. Ashe, Esq., Threr. for the yeare followynge. John Mansfeild, Esq., Threr. for M. S. in all other partes of the N. R. save Richmondsh., 39 Elizth., hath not as yet presented his accompt. He maid tender of yt in open Sessions, but tyme did not serve to take yt: And he then promised to paye the remaynder over unto Mr. Layton, who was Threr. for the yeare followynge. Chr. Ashe, Esq., Threr. for M. S. in Richm. the same year, chargeth himself with the receipt of £32. 17. 8. NORTHRIDINGE. 281 Whereof he hath disbursed £22. 2. 6. And by him payd over to Mr. Topham, Threr. for the year follow- ynge, £10. 15. 2. Chas. Layton, Esq., Threr. for M. S., 40 Eliz., for the N. R. save Richm., hath not profited his accompt, but tendered the same in open Sessions, wherby yt appeareth that he hath paid all his charge save 20s. 6d. And he hath paid 20s. unto James Riddesdell, L. S., by the letter of the Lo: Ewre. Tim. Whittingham, Esq., Threr. for the Hosp's. &c within Richm. in the said yeare, hath likewise his accompt to perfecte. Fr. Topham, gent"., Threr. for L. S. in Richm. in the said yeare, is charged with £35. 0. 6. Of which some ther remayneth in the handes of the H. C. of the Wapes. followinge, viz. :— Hang East. 25s. 4d. Hang West. • Gilling East. 44s. 4d. 16s. 8d. Gyllinge West Hallykeld. £4. II. 8. 16. 8. The rest of his charge, amountynge to £25. 6. 10, he hath receyved, and disbursed all the same save 2s. 8d., as appeared by a partyculer of his disbursmentes shewed at the Richm. Sessions, 14 Jan., 42 Elizth. [fo. 38. Bb.] Rich. Vaughan, Esq., Threr. for the Hosp's. and L. S. in all the N. R. save Richm., 41 Eliz., is charged with £104. 5. 8. Of which sum he hath receyved £101. 15. 10. The rest remayneth in the H. C³. handes of Birdforthe 30s. 4d., and Allertonshier 19s. 6d. Yt appeared &c that he hath all the some receyved save 25s. 2d., wch, he paid over to Mr. Franckland, Threr. for the Hosp's. for the year followynge. Tim. Hutton, Esq., Threr. for the Hosp. within Richm. in the said yeare, is charged with £22. 10. 8. He confesseth the receipte of £10. 11. 3. The rest remayneth in the handes of the H. Cs. of Gillinge West,* £7. 11. 4, and Hang West,† £4. 7. 9, amounting to £11. 19. 5. His disbursements amounteth to 33s. 2d. The remayne is £8. 17. 1, which he hath payd over to Mr. Bowes, Threr. for the year followynge. Anth. Byerlawe, gent"., Threr. for L. S. within Richm. the same yeare, is charged with £22. 10. 8. It appeareth that he hath disbursed £17. 0. o. * Side-note :-Simonde Dowglasse and Rob. Shawe. + Side-note :-Fr. Blaides. 282 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. The rest, amountynge to £5. 10. 8, remayneth in his handes, or els is payd over to Mr. Mennell, Threr. for &c. Will. Thornton, Esq., Threr. for the L. S. in all the N. R. save Richm., 42 Eliz., is charged with £56. 17. 6. Which he hath disbursed, as appeareth &c, all save 3s. 9 d., which he paid over to Mr. Trotter, Threr. for &c. [fo. 39.] Rich. Mennell, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for Richmond- shier. And it appeareth that the H. C³. of thes Wapes. followynge hath not payd thes somes which ought to have bene payd unto the said Threr., viz. :- Allertonshier Birdforthe • 19s. 6d. 30s. 4d. Of the Churchwardens of Thornton in Picker- inge Lythe 25. 2d. Rich. Mennell, gent"., Threr. for L. S. in Richm. in the said yeare, is charged with £26. 3. 4. His accompt not perfected as yet. Rob. Trotter, gent"., Threr. for L. S., 43 Eliz., for all the N. R. save Richm., but I find no mention neyther of his receypt nor accompte. Rich. Wandesford, gent"., Threr. for L. S. within Richm. in the said yeare, is charged with £22. 10. 8. It appeareth &c all the saide some save 27s. 10d., which he hath payd over to Mr. Calvert, Threr. for &c. Leon. Calvert, gent"., Threr. for L. S. within Richm., 44 Eliz., is charged with £24. 18. 10. It appeareth &c that he hath disbursed all &c, et sic decessit &c. Edw. Barton of Whenby, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for all the N. R. save Richm., the same yeare. His accompt is not as yet perfected. I find no mention therof, neyther of his receipt. [fo. 41.] NORTHRIDINGE. Com: Ebor. A note of the names of all such M. S. as have allowance for their maintenance out of the N. R., from Midsomer 42 Eliz. untill Mids'. now last by past, and of the particuler some allowed them, viz. :— To Fr. Rashe, M. S., yearlie, to be payed quarterlie ,, John Arnold, M. S., for his allowance for one yeare onelie, from the Easter Sess¹s. "" Chr. Kaberrie, M. S., yearlie &c. "" Tho. Smith, M. S., "" "" 42 Eliz. £ s. d. 5 0 0 3 0 40s. ** 40 ot * Side-note :-The said Arnold is now discharged and to troble the cuntrie noe more. + At Sessions holden at Malton last, abated to £3. NORTHRIDINGE. 283 } To Nath. Hoggard, M. S., yearlie &c. "" Rich. Smith, M. S., for his maintenance for one year onelie from the Sessions aforesaid Tho. Pattricke, M. S., for his &c as above "" "" Bryan Bevis, M. S., "" " "" Martin Walker, M. S., yearlie &c "" Will. Ratcliffe, M. S., "" "" "", "" "" "" ,, Ja'. Ridsdale, M. S., ,, John Arondell, M. S., [fo. 42.] To Lancelot Tomson To Math. Jackson, M. S., yearlie &c Geo. Pickeringe, M. S., "1 "" Summa totalis, £69. 13. 4. ** £ s. d. 5 o o 0* 4 0 6 13 4+ 6 13 4+ 36 8 53s. 4d. 4. 0 o§ 7 0 5 6 8|| 5m 6 8 4 0 0¶ But the some of £24. 6. 8. beinge deducted, which is taken from the several soldiors abovesaid, there now remayneth to be yearlie payed £45. 6. 8.†† The disbursements are £52. 6. 8, viz. {in the other partes £40. 0. 0. in Richmondshier £12. 6. 8. The whole chardge of the N. R. is £74. 10. 2. Viz. Richmondshier £22. 10. 8. The rest of the N. R. £51. 19. 6. [fo. 43.] Ad Sessionem prædictam.‡‡ Tho. Pearcy of Ryton, gent"., appointed Threr. for L. S. in the Wapes. of Bulmer, Birdforth, Rydall, Pickering-lith, Langbarghe, Whitby Strand and Allertonshier for this yeare followinge, to begin now and contynewe untill Easter Sessions next. Geo. Hall of Strensall, gent"., appoynted Threr. for Hosp's. within all the Wapes. abovesaid, &c as above. [The same signatures as on fo. 37.] * Dischardged and to troble the cuntrie noe further. + Dischardged as aforesaid. Dischardged as aforesaid; and on the other side-now but £4. Malt[on] ultimo Sept. 1604. § Another side-note occurs here which is probably correctly read as-Rob. Wasson, 40s. Will. Reignold, 40s. : Malt[on] ult. Sept. 1604. Side-note:-At Richmond, 14mo Julii, A° 44°. ¶ Side-note :-At the Sessus. holden at Bedall the 26th day of Julie, 42 Eliz., there was a stay made of this. ** The pen has been passed through these figures. + The same is true as to this sum, and one stroke of the pen is drawn transversely across the entry itself. The reference is to the Sessions noted on fo. 37. The "breife abstract" and foregoing "note" are interpolations. 284 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [fo. 43.] Apud MALTON, 30 Sept. 1 James I. Forasmuch as it appeareth unto us that a warrant showed by Will. Hodge, one of the H. Cs. of Birdforth, under the handes of Sir Edw. Yorke and Rich. Aldburgh, Esq., that he, the said Will. Hodge, by vertue of the said warrant, payed unto Rich. Richardson, a man de- cayed by casualtie, and thought fitt to be releived for his necessitie, the some of 345., and doe allowe the payment thereof, and doe dischardge the said H. C. of that some, upon his accompt to be made for the money to be gathered within Birdforth Wap for the releif of the prisoners in the Marshallsea and Hosp's. and others, and have de- livered the Clerk of the Peace the said warrant to be showed upon the accompt of the Threr. of the Hosp's. for this yeare. Rob. Brigges. H. Tankarde. Rich. Darley. [fo. 44.] Apud RICHMOND, 25 May, 2 James I. Before (see below). Wheras it was required by the Justices of Peace ther warrant, whose names are hireunderwritten, that the Threr. for L. S. and H. Cs. for this Devision should yeild up ther accomptes this day for this yeare last past: And forasmuch as the Threr. hath, since his entrance unto his charge, receyved but the allowance for thre quarters and no more, and so his accompt cannot be perfit untill the full end of the yeare from his entry-We thinke yt goode that the said Threr. shall contynew in his place untill the next Qu. Sessions to be holden for this Devision after Mydsomer next, as well for the perfectinge of his accompt for the whole yeare, as also that we shalbe assisted with such Justices of Peace as may then be assembled, and learned in the lawes for the settinge downe of better courses for that purpose. Tho. Lascelles. Francis Boynton. Timo. Hutton. Mem. that the arrer* in this hath bene from the beginnynge of the Statute, which did begin at Midsomer. And the last Statute doth appoynt to begin at Easter. [fo. 44.] Apud THIRSKE, 29 May, 2 James I. The names of such L. S. as ar allowed pensions. Imprimis, Will. Reynoldes, for his yearlie &c 40s. Fr. Rashe, for the like Chr. Kabery, "" Tho. Smythe, "" £4. 0. 0. 40s. 50s. : [A note follows here to the effect that Smythe's pension is allowed for the current year only and then follow the names of Wood, Hoggard, Walker, Ratcliffe, &c, as in former lists, with the amount of pension allowed in each case, the only new name being Cuthb. The word is hard to be deciphered. The reading here is not altogether certain. THIRSK, APRIL II. 285 Wylkinson, who has 50s. allowed him. Below is a certificate pinned on to the page as follows :-John Ingram, L. S., had allowed in Mid- somer Sessions, 1603, a pension of £3. 6. 8. per ann. quousque, whereof was payd him at Mids. Sessions, 1604, 26s. 3d. Per me names. Will. Bradley, Clericum Pacis.] [fo. 45.] Apud THIRSK, II April, 1605. Another list of the same kind, and comprising mainly the same Chr. Kydd, however, is mentioned as commended by the Lo: Presidente's letters, and as having a pension of £7 allowed him; and Will. Reanould's pension to be continued on his bringing certificate "that he hath not sould his yearly pension"; the other new names are John Marshall, Marm. Stepper and . . Blackburn. John Ripley is allowed 20s. for arrears of his pension, and henceforth to have no further allowance, a side-note to which runs-This order was repeated at Easter Sessions at Thirske in 1606, his former pension of 40s. to stand quousque. Edw. Yorke. • Rich. Cholmeley. Richard Vaghan. Cha. Laton. Walter Bethell. Chr. Ashe. John Constable. Tho. Norcliff. [fo. 45.] Apud HEMSLEY, 10 July, 6 James I. Before John Gibson, Knt., Rob. Hungate, John Constable, Henry Tankard, John Gibson and John Theaker, Esquires.* Ordered that Tho. Pattrick, L. S., shall have the 40s. set downe on thother syde of leafe, as a gratuity by the appoyntment of Sir Edw. Yorke, Sir Rich. Cholmeley, and others, payd nowe, and content him- self therewith without clame of any more charge of the N. R.; and in testimony hereof he hath hereunto set his owne hand [his mark is affixed]. [fo. 46.] Apud THIRSKE, 29 May, 2 James I. (1604). Mem. That Will. Baytes, gent"., hath receyved of Will. Mauleverer, Esq., late Threr. for L. S., to the use of Edm. Stringer, L. S., as appeareth by an acquittance dayted 12 Aprill, 39 Eliz., £3. 6. 8, and that the said Will. Mauleverer is discharged therof, for that he payd the same [in the presence] of Sir Henry Belassis, Rob. Brigges, Tim. Hutton, and others. And the said Will. Mauleverer hath payde unto Fr. Rashe, M. S., 13s. 4d. at the request of Edw. Gate, Esq., by his letter, which some was parcell of Mr. Mauleverer's accomptes, and wherof he is likewise discharged. So, this added unto his former accompt, he hath payd all his receipt save 15s. 10d., which we do allow unto his man for his paynes taiken therin. * There is a much longer list of Justices given, Vol. I. p. 40, as attending this Sessions. Those named here were doubtless a quasi Committee deputed to attend to the L. S. and Hospitals part of the business. 286 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Mem. That upon accompt of Mr. Tho. Pearcy, Threr. for the Hosps. for this Devision, doth charge Threr. for Richm. to be behinde 13s. 4d. for two yeares past, payable unto the Threr. for this Devision. Item, Allowed unto the H. C. of Whitby Strand, for his collection of money for the Hosp³. &c. 2s. 6d. Mem. That wheras in regard of some letters sent unto the Justices of the N. R. from the Los. of the Privy Counsell, Sir Fr. Ver, and Mr. Waade, on the behalf of Tho. Pattericke, M. S., we doe allowe him £6. 13. 4, he promisinge to be no further chargeable &c; and at his requeste the said letters ar re-delivered unto his handes. We do allowe to John Marshall, L. S., pressed out of Malton for the Service in Ireland, ros., and to be further consydered &c. [fo. 46°.] Chr. Kidd, M. S., to have £6. 13. 4; on his promise &c; Rob. Atkinson to receyve of Tho. Ward, H. C. of Gyllinge East, and Tho. Jackson, H. C. of Hange East, 13s. 4d., and to be further considered at next Sessions; Rich. Smythe of Yarme to receyve from the Threr. for L. S., forthe of the pension dew to Tho. Smythe, M. S., 20s., and it shalbe payd by two of his first receyptes, viz. 10s. quarterlie. And if the said Tho. Smythe do refuse to allowe hereof, he shalbe discharged of his whole pension; John Watson, M. S., to have 40s. &c, and Marm. Bellerby and Tho. White, M. S., 30s. each, and not to be any more chargeable &c. And if any of them do maike meanes for any further mayntenance within the N. R., he or they so doeynge to be dismissed with punishment. Item, it is Ordered that Rob. Haryson-losse by fyer-shall have 40s. [fo. 47.] Ordered that Will. Parcyvall shall have of the Threr. for Hosp's. £8. 7. o, for money laid downe by him for the repayre of Topcliffe and Skipton bridges, to be paid him at the next Sessions. Ordered that, accordinge to my Lo: Presydent his letters, the com- position for Saltpeter workes shalbe in the whole N. R. proportioned at £53. 6. 8, the whole county beinge £160. Coniers Darcy. Rob. Brigges. Chr. Ashe. H. Tankarde. Apud RICHMOND, 6 July, 1604. Ordered that Fr. Askwith, gent"., shalbe Threr. for L. S. within Richm. for this year followynge, his charge to begin now and continewe till Easter Sessions next. Geo. Slinger of Bolton, Threr. for the Hosp's. for this Devision, and to contynew tyll Mydsomer Sessions next. Tho. Lascelles. Coniers Darcy. Chr. Ashe.. [fo. 47.] Apud HEMSLEY, 9 July, 2 James I. Mr. Geo. Hall, Threr. for L. S. for this yeare last past now ended, 1 287 RICHMOND, JULY 22. his whole charge £51. 19. 6. He hath disbursed to the pensioners £39. 17, and to the passengers £16. 9. 2, and more to one Tho. Wilson, L. S., upon my Lo: President letter in his behalfe, 30s. Allowed to the H. Cs. for collecting, 50s.; all which somes of his disbursmentes amounteth to £60. 6. 2. So that he hath disbursed more than he has received by £8. 6. 8, which is to be payd him by the Threr. for the next yeare for the Hospitalls. Will. Bamburgh. Will. Mauleverer. Tho. Davylle. Walter Bethell. [fo. 48.] Apud RICHMOND, 22 July, 3 James I. Before Tho. Lascelles &c [see below]. John Arrundell, L. S., to have his quarter money payd him, so soon as it cometh to the Threr's hands, for that which he alledgethe to be arreare, becawse it is thought to be stayd upon good considerations : Therfor it is thought good by the Court, and by his own consent, that it stay and be no more clamed, but his pension to be payd still, quousque. Myles Browne, L. S., demanding relief, is sett over until next meting for the allowance for the N. R., and in the meane tyme hayth allowed IOS. toward &c [Side-note: Allowed 26s. 8d., per Rotulum Richmond. July, 1608]. Tho. Bland, L. S., being hurt and never recovered, is allowed 20s., and to be no more chargeable &c; and if he disobeys then to be punished. Marm. Bellerby, in respect of his hurt, and for that he is a poor man, is allowed 20s. &c, and by reason we find him discharged by a former Order, therefor he is to be no more chargeable &c. Tho. Lascelles. Cuthbt. Pepper. Timo. Hutton. Ordered that a woman child called Mary [Milner],* remayning [in] the custody of one Buckle's wyffe, shalbe relyved in manner and forme following, that [is] to say, that the inhabt. of Hudswell and Hipswell [shall pay] 4d. weekly, Kyrkby Ravensworth 6d. we[e]kly, and St. Martyns 4d. we[e]kly, quousque. Also Ordered, by the consent of Mr. John Wiclif, that widow Waide of Thorpe in Wiclif parish, and her children, shall remayne in Mr. John Wyclif his house wheare nowe they ar until next Mids'. Sess., and in the meane tyme a howse to be buylt at the common chardge of the parish in suche convenyent plaice as Fr. Waide and Anth. Guylpinge shall thinke meit, and yff they cannott agre thereof, then the said howse Among the orders made at the Richmond Sessions of Oct. 11 and 12, 1608 (Vol. I. p. 137), will be found one bearing on the provision for this same child. The present order, made at Richmond July 22, 1605, is carelessly written and is not easy to make out, partly by reason of the careless handwriting and omissions, and partly through the interlineations, one of which runs thus: "the tenantes of the possessions of the "-what, is not specified. } 288 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. to be buylte in suche a convenyente plaice as Mr. Tim. Hutton, Esq., shall thinke meit. [Signed as before.] [fo. 50.] Apud THIRSKE, II April, 3 James I. * Whereas it was allowed at Myds': last that John Ingram should have the pension of £3. 6. 8 per ann., durante bene placito Curiæ-Now the Court doth thinke fytt that ye. arreares of his pension shalbe payd untill this day, being 33s. 4d. RICHMONDSHIRE. Fr. Askough, Esq., Threr. for L. S., for the year ended 11 April inst., hath delivered in his whole accompt, his charge being £15. 13. 6, whereof disbursed £10. 14. 7, and so remains £5. 3. 11, which he payd &c. LANGBARGH et alibi. Tho. Fox, Threr. for L. S. &c (as above) his charge, being £51. 19. 6, whereof disbursed £50. 19. 4, so remayns 20s. 2d, which &c. Geo. Slynger [Threr. for the Hosp¹.] to be redy with his accompt at the next Richm. Sessions. John Conyers of Appleton, gent"., to be Threr. of Hosp's. within Richm. until Easter Sessions next. Chr. Croft of Skotteskewe, gent"., is appointed Threr. for L. S. within Richm., and to contynew &c. [His charge is nil, for that no arrerages are depending on the former Threr's accompt.] Fr. Lascells of Allerton, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for Langbargh and the rest, and to contynew &c [his charge is nil &c. ut supra. And Edm. Clough to succede pro anno sequente, viz., pro hoc anno, 1606]. Rob. Hunter of the Marresse shalbe Threr. for the Hosp's. within Langbarghe &c, ut supra; and John Heslerton of Malton to succede him pro anno sequente, 1606. [fo. 50b.] Apud THIRSKE, 29 April, 4 James I. Will. Tyndall of Danby Wiske, gent"., appoynted Threr. for L. S. within Richm. for this yeare &c. Leonard Waistell of Ellerton on Swaile, appoynted Threr. for the stock of the County within Richm., Threr. for the Hosp's. for this yeare followynge. A warrant &c to command the said Thrers. to be at Richmond on Saturday, 10 May next, to taike ther charge upon them. Tho. Lascelles. Arthure Dakins. Anto. Besson. [fo. 51.] Apud RICHMOND,† 10 May, 1606. Before Fr. Boynton, Coniers Darcy, Knts., and Antony Besson, Esquire. * See Vol. I. p. I, where a fuller list of Justices present is given than appears here. + There is no reference to this Session in the Minutes and Orders of the corre- sponding year. MALTON, OCTOBER 8, 1606. 289 Chr. Croft of Scotscue, gent"., Threr. for L. S., hath accompted for £20. 4. 4, whereof disbursed £17. 16. 6. So remeyneth 47s. 1od. which is paid into the Court. And he is quitt and discharged. Out of which paid in Court to John Ripley, L. S., 10s., the rest, being 378. 10d., which restes in Sir Coniers Darcie's hands. And the same is by him paid over to Will. Tindall of Danby on Wiske, now chosen Threr. for L. S. John Coniers of Appleton, gent"., Threr. for Hosp., hath accompted for £29. 10. 9, whereof disbursed £16. 16. 4. So remth. £12. 14. 5, which is paid in Court over to Leon. Wastell, Threr. for this yeare, and so &c. [f. 51.] Apud MALTON,* 8 Oct. 1606. Rob. Brigges, Esq., Threr. for the Hosp's. for the year ended in July 1605, hath accompted for £78. o. 4, whereof disbursed £48. o. 4, and so remth. £30, whereof he paid to Mr. Hunter in July, 1605, £25, and this day £5 likewise to the same, and so &c. Rob. Hunter, gent"., Threr. for the Hosp., &c, as above, hath ac- compted for £76. 7. 4, whereof disbª. £61. 13. 8; and so resteth £14. 13. 8, unto which is to be added £5, recª. of Mr. Brigges, both which sommes he hath paid to Mr. Johnt Heslerton now in Court, and so &c. [fo. 52.] HUNTLEY.‡ Whereas it appeareth by the Certifficate of Sir Thomas Dowton, Knight, that the bearer of this, John Huntley, Corporall of the§ . . . Company of Sir Tho. Dowton, is so hurt and maymed in the warres as he is not able to serve anye longer, forasmuch as by reason therof he is to be releived by virtue of the Stattut established in the last Session of Parlyament for releiffe of hurt and maymed Souldiers. It is therefore not to be doubted but that you, the Justices of the Peace, and others the Treasorers for the County of Yorck, where he was impressed, will have a care to see him provided of such a yearly stipend for his releiffe and mayntenance as by the tenour of the said Stattut is ordained to a Servitour of his place and quallety.|| From the Tower in London this vith of September, 1606. W. WAAD. To the right wo[rshipfull] the Justices of the Peace and otheres the * See Vol. I. p. 48; and for the mere notice of presentment of accounts by the Treasurers named, see page 54. + Written Richard, which is scored under, and John interlined above. This is the Soldier's "Certificate" referred to in the note above (p. 257), as in- serted and sewn into the Volume itself. $ The symbol here used is not easily made out. It might stand for 'Sd.' and mean 'Second.' || On the broad margin by the side of this Certificate is written crossways—13th Jan., 1606, apud Helmesley, The bearer hereof, John Huntley, came into the open VOL. II. U 290 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Treasorers of the monie collected for the releiffe of hurt and maymed Souldires in ye. County of Yorck. Mid'sex. Geyen this berer to passe this cowntye, 11th September, 1606, 9d. Wm. Megges, Thresour'. Hertfordshire] the 14th of Sepetember to the bearer, 12d. [Undecipherable.] Cantebr'. Given this bearer the 15 of September for his releife to passe this Countye, 12d. William Pitcher, Treasorer. Richard Gr. . Tresurer. Cambridg. Given to this bearer to passe this towne, 6d. [fo. 52.] Countie Hunt'. Given this bearer the 19 of September, 1606, to passe this counte, 12d. Mathewe Marshall, Tresurer. I pray you give the bearer hereof halfe a crowne out of your mony.' This shall be atte ye Sessions a discharge to you. Ra. Eure. Geven this bearer to pass this Northrydding of the County of York, for his releif, the 22 of Oct., 1606, 2s. 6d. Edmunde Cloughe, Treasurer. Mr. Clugh, we pray you give this bearer 2s. 6d. for his releife unto the Sessions, and this shalbe your discharge at the Sessions. Willm. Mauleverer. Cha. Laton. John Constable. More payd to this bearer, 25th of November, 1606, for his releife till the next Sessions by the comandment abovesaid, 2s. 6d. Edmunde Cloughe. Ad general' Sess' pacis tent' apud Helmesley, xi° die Januar', 1624. John Huntley came into the Courte and desired further pension, having one Petition, one Passe, two severall Certificates, and one Letter from the Lordes of his Maties most honble. Privie Counsell, which being showne unto the Courte, and compared with Sir Will. Waade's Certifi- cate, and finding that he had received a gratuitie from the Countrie after the Justices had granted him £5, in regard he should never require anie further pension, he stole forth of the Courte, and left his writinges, for feare that he should have bene sent to the House of Correction. Which see in the bundles amongst L. Soldiers passes and certificates. } Se an Order in libro presentationum 1605, fo. 59. [For this, see Sessions the said day and shewed forth this letter, and upon or at his owne request, he promising not at any time to trouble this Ryding, if he might have 20s. paid to him: Whereupon the said 20s. is nowe paid unto him accordingly, and [he] hath subscribed to the Roll. 1 291 THIRSKE, APRIL 29, 1606. 1 Vol. I. p. 64, where Huntley "consents to take 20s. in full satisfaction of all claim, and subscribes the Roll to that effect with his own mark."] [fo. 55.] Apud THIRSK, 29 April, 1606. Edm. Cloughe of Skipton, gent"., to be Threr. for L. S. for Lang- barghe &c for the yeare &c. John Heslerton of Malton, gent"., Threr. for Hosp's. &c. (as above). Leon. Wastell of . . . . Threr. for Hosp's, for Richm. &c. Will. Tyndall of Danby on Wiske, Threr. for L. S. &c. Recd. by him in Court of Sir Coniers Darcy, at his entrance, by Chr. Crofte, gent"., 36s. 10d. Pro Anno 1607. Apud THIRSK, 14 April. Tho. Barker of Cawton, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for Langbarghe &c. Tho. Hesle of Conystrop, gent"., Threr. for Hospitals, &c. Rob. Wayd of Yafford, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for Richmondshier. Rog. Sturdy of Yafford, gent"., Threr. for Hospls. &c. [fo. 55.] Apud THIRSK, 14 April, 5 James I. Edm. Cloughe of Skipton, gent"., late Threr. for M. S. for Lang- barghe &c, chargeth himself with £51. 19. 4, and hath disbursed all save 20s., which he is to pay over to Tho. Barker of Cawton, Threr. for the year followeing. And this accompt was taken by Rob. Brigges and Tho. Norcliffe, Esquires, and allowed &c. Chr. Ashe. Robt. Brigges. Tho. Norcliffe. Walter Bethell. 26 July, 1607. John Heslerton of New Malton, gent"., Threr. for Hospls. &c, presented his accompt before Rob. Brigges, Tho. Davill and Tho. Norcliff, Esq., and charged himself with £71. o. 14, having disbursed all save £11. 15. 6, which he has paid over &c. [fo. 56.] The names of such L. S. as are allowed pensions &c. 14 April, 1607, and formerlie allowed by the Justices as appeareth in this Book. Imprimis :-Will. Reynoldes, per ann.* 40s. Fr. Rash, per ann.† £4. o. o, and 40s., in toto £6. o. o; Chr. Calberey, per ann. 40s.; Math. Wood, Nath. Hoggard; Martin Walker and Will. Radcliff, both crossed out with the word 'mort.' adjoined; Jas. Riddesdale, Rob. Wasson, Brian Bevis, Rich. Smith, Cuthbert Wilkinson (mort.), John Marshall, Chr. Kidd, per ann. £7, * The note below this entry is—This pension was allowed for the yeare 1605, if certificate were brought that he had not sold the same; els then to cease, as appeareth by a former record. This proviso appears in the record in this book fo. 45 (supra, p. 285). + Side-note :—Ad Session' tent' apud Thirske, 14 April, 1613, allowed 40s. more per annum. Note :-Alloc' £3, 26 Apr., 1609. U 2 292 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. ! non ulterius alloc' [upon the Io. Presidentes letters allowed, quousque, at Richm. Sessions, 4 Oct., 1605],* John Ripley. Miles Browne, discharged 26 April, 1609, John Arundell per ann. £7, Raph Williamson, 53s. 4d., and Lanc. Thompson, £5.ª 6. 8, all Richm. pensioners. [fo. 56.] Apud THIRSK, 15 April, 1608. Geo. Holtby of Scackleton, Threr. for L. S. for this year, for Lang- bargh &c; and Rich. Cotes of Swinton, Threr. for the Hosp's. Henry Turner of Midlam, Threr. for L. S., and John Peycock, Threr. for Hosp's. for Richmondshire. Apud HELMESLEY, 12 July, 1608.. Tho. Barton of Cawton, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for the past year, chargeth himself with £52. o. 6. He has disbursed £39. 15. 4, and the balance of £12. 5. 2 is paid to Geo. Holtby &c. Also he is to be allowed 7s. 6d. more, viz: 5s. for passing this accompt, and 2s. 6d. for wryting of it, and so remayneth £11. 17. 10 to be paid ut supra. Apud RICHMOND, 15 July, 1608. Rog. Sturdy, Threr. for Hosp's. &c, hath tendered his accompt, which is allowed of, shewing a balance of £40. 4. 4, which is to be paid over &c. £3. 10 of the said sum is allowed for Vafforth bridge. Edw. Yorke. Tho. Lascelles. Richard Musgrave. Ad. Midleham. [fo. 57.] Apud RICHMOND, 15 July, 1608. Receiptes for L. S. in Court, in the absence of the Threr. The H. Constables of— Hang East Hang West Gilling West 22S. 8d. 27s. Iod. Gilling East Hallykeld. IOS. 4d. IOS. 4d. 39s. 6d. In all £5. o. 13d. Disbursementes of the former receyptes as followeth :- Myles Browne, John Arundell, Raph Williamson and Lanc. Thompson, as noted above. Remeyneth 19s. 5d., which is sent to Steph. Atkinson, Bailiff of Hang West, to be delivered from this Court to Tho. Askoughe, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for this yere 1608. Quinto die Septembris, 1608. Tho. Hesle, Threr. for Hosp's. (Langbarghe et al.) for 1607, has this day presented &c. He has disbursed £48. 15. 4, and the rem'. is 14. 7. 8, which is paid to Rich. Cotes, now Threr. Subscribed in Mr. Hesle book of accomptes by Rob. Brigges and Tho. Davile. *Note :-Allowed to him at Easter Sess., 1610, in part pension, 40s. Vide Ordinem in novo libro-fo. 5tº. SUTTON, MAY 2, 1609. 293 · [fo. 57.] Apud SUTTON, 2 May, 1609. • Geo. Holtby, Threr. for L. S., yeilded his act. before Sir John Gibson, younger, and Tho. Scudamore, Esq., wherein he is charged with £63. 17. 4, whereof he hath disbursed £43. 17. 4, and the balance paid over to Rich. Tanckard of Raskall, gent"., the succeeding Threr. for this year, &c. Apud KIRKBY MORESIDE, II May, 1609. A like entry touching Rich. Coates of Swinton, gent"., Threr. for Hosp's., Rob. Brigges and Tho. Davile being the auditors. Receipts £65. 13. 0, of which £40. 4 disbursed, and the balance of £25. 9 to be paid over to Mr. Simpson of Edston, Esq., and so &c. [fo. 58.] Apud BURNESTON,.. May, 1609 (at Alehouse Sessns.) Tho. Smelt of Ainderby, gent"., Threr. for L. S. in Richm., and Tho. Sowerby of Disforth, Threr. for the Hosp's. for this year. Apud THIRSKE, April, 1609. Rob. Simpson of Edston, Esq., Threr. for the Hosp's. for the year following, succeeding Rich. Cotes and Rich. Tankred of Raskall, Threr. for the L. S. Apud TOPCLIFF, 4 May, 1610. Tho. Smelt, gent"., Threr. for L. S., hath yelded his acct. before Sir Tho. Lascells, Sir Henry Bellassys and Rich. Aldburghe, Esq. He hath receyved £20. 5. 0, paid £18. 7. 1, and has in hand 37s. 11d., whereof he has paid this day to John Arrondell, by direction of the Justices, 35s., being last quarter's portion of his pension of £7. 0. 0, and the rem¹., 2s. 11d., he hath paid to the use of the poor. Et sic &c. W. Bradley. [fo. 58b.] Apud HELMESLEY, 10 July, 1610. Rob. Simpson, Threr. for the Hosp's. &c, hath yeilded his act. &c : Receipts £76. 14. 4, payments £52. o. 19; and soe remayneth £24. 12. 9 [Note. He is to contynew Thres'. another yere next coming]. His act. is surveyed and allowed by Sir John Gibson, Rob. Brigges, Tho. Daville and Tho. Norcliffe, Esq., &c. Ordered that, forasmuch as Mr. Rob. Simpson and Mr. Rich. Tankred did not tender their acts. in tyme, therefor they are to con- tinue still Thrers. for this year 1610. Apud NORTHALLERTON, 12 July, 8 James I. Before Sir Tho. Lascelles, Sir Coniers Darcy, Sir Rich. Musgrave, Sir Arthur Dakins, Tho. Davill, Adam Midleham, Rob. Pepper, and Will. Tankard, Esquires, Chr. Kidd, Lanc. Thompson, Raphe Wilkin- son, John Ingram, and John Arrondel were allowed pensioners ut supra. [fo. 59.] Apud RICHMOND, II Jan., 161. Entries touching John Arrondell's pension, a gratuitie of 10s. to 294 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Miles Browne, and another of 40s. to Tho. Bland on condition he is no further troublesome &c. [fo. 59.] Rates for levying of sessmentes. Apud THIRSKE, 10 Sept. 28 Eliz.* (1586). Before Ra. Eure, Esq., Will Fairfax, Will Bellassis, John Dawney, Raph. Bourchier, Chr. Wandesford, Knts., Henry Bellassis, Will. Malleverer, Chr. Wandes- forde and John Constable, Esquires. The charge of the whole N. R. for 2000 footmen charged upon private men :- Richmondshire. 667 Birdforth. Langbargh cum Whitby Allertonshire Straind. 400 Pickering-lith Bulmer 280 Scarbroughe Rydall 200 180 140 120 13 Apud THIRSKE, 3 April, 1611. Whereas the Rate before written was at the firste sett downe by the Lo. Eure [and the other Justices named above], being the most prin- cipall Knightes and Gentlemen then on the Commission of the Peace within the N. R., and was observed untill the Order made at Thirske at the Mich. Sessions, 31 Eliz., for levying of moneys (varying from the same) was conceyved: Now, forasmuch as the former Order doth appeare to be burthensome unto sundrye Wapes. or Libties, within the N. R., and that the said first rate doth appeare to be of the more equalitie in all places, yt is this daie therefore Ordered that the said first Rate, and no other shall henceforwardes be observed throughout the N. R., untill just exceptions may be taken against it in open Sessions: and that all charges hereafter to be assessed, as well for millitarie affaires as for other services within the N. R., shalbe pro- portioned into the severall Libties, and Wapes, accordingly. Neverthe- lesse it is ment that all the bridges [fo. 60] that are already rated shalbe estreeted and levied according to the former Rates. · And for the purpose, 2000 souldiers and £30 in money being sup- posed to be charged on the N. R., they are to be proportioned as followeth :- Richmondshire, one-third part of the whole Langbargh (half Richme.) 333 Menn. Money. £ s. d. . 666 / IO O 5 0 400 Whitby Strand (one-fift part of Langbarghe) 663} Boulmer wantes one-sixte part of Langbarghe 280 I O о 4 3 4 * This Minute is in the same handwriting as that below dated 3 April, 1611, and is indeed but a rehearsal of an old Statute, rendered necessary by the subject-matter dealt with in the said second Minute, and the manner of dealing with it. THIRSKE, APRIL 3, 1611. 295 ་་ Rydall half Langbargh and Whitby Strand Birdforthe wantes one-tenth part of Rydall Allertonshire half Bulmer . Pickering-lyth twyce as much as Whitby Straind and one 20th parte more In all I t Menn. 200 180 Money. £ s. d. 300 2 14 O 140 2 1 8 } 133/1/10 2 I 0 Men 2000 £ 30 Signed by theis Justices of Peace. Sir Tho. P. Hobby, Sir Rich. Vaughan, Sir Tim. Whittingham, Sir Rich. Etherington, Sir Henry Jenkyns, Sir Arthure Dakins, Sir H. Tankard, Knts., Rob. Hungate, Esq. Se the Order mayd at Thirsk 21 April, 1612, for a generall rate for the summes to be levyed. [See Vol. I. p. 255, where several variations are at once observed.] [fo. 60.] Apud THIRSKE, 3 April, 1611. James Pennyman younger of Ormesby, gent"., Threr. for L. S. for this yere, and hath recd. from Ric. Tankard, gent". (besides 20s. allowed, paid in Court to one Geo. Niccolson, L. S.), £19. o. o. # Fr. Lascells of Northallerton, gent"., Threr. for Hosp's. for this yere. The said accomptant is charged with the receipt of £51. o. 22, viz.: of thexecutours of Rob. Simpson £44. 18. 6, of Henry Cowpland 7s., Will. Nesse for Pickeringlith, 36s. 10d., and of the H. Cs. for Allerton- shire £3 19. 6, in all, £51. o. 22d. Also for his charge of receiptes for this present yere, 1611, without Summa totalis. [fo. 61.] Marm. Wylde of Hunton, gent"., Threr. for last yere, is con- tynued in office for L. S. for this yere; and Will. Graunt of Pickhall, gent"., Threr. for the Hosp's. Mr. Wild hath made acc. for both the Treasurershipps pro A° 1611. [This in another hand.] [fo. 61b.] Apud THIRSKE, 14 April, 1613. The act. of Jas. Pennyman, Esq., Threr. for L. S. for 1611. From the former Threr. Of this yere's charge pensioners In payments {To other persons And for rem'. £29. 3. 6, whereof £20 0 51 19 O 0 £71 19 £29 68 0 13 8 10 } £42 15 6 In the handes of the Hed Constes. of Northallerton, 78s., and in the handes of this accomptant, £25. 5. 6. 296 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [fo. 63.] Apud THIRSK, 21 April, 1612. · Rich. Ellerker of Yowton, Esq., Threr. for L. S. for 1612, and Nathaniel Farrer of Closehouse, gent"., for the Hosp's. For Richmondshire :-Chr. Bulmer of Upsland, gent"., Threr. for L. S., and John Smith of Easby, for Hosp's. [But by reason of his age and infirmity he was discharged of that office at Richmond Sessions, 6 Oct. 1612.] Apud RICHMOND, 6 Oct., 1612. Leon. Robinson of St. Trinyons is in the place of the said John Smith, he being &c as above. [fo. 64.] Apud THIRSKE, 14 April, 1613. For Langb. Division, Fr. Pinkney of Silton, Threr. for L. S., and Tho. Bylbey of Kyllerby, gent"., for the Hosp's. For Richm. Division, Will. Rymer of Morton, gent"., Threr. for L. S. (with Remaynder from Mr. Bulmer, 27. 4d., besydes his chardge per ann. of £20. 8. 4); and Geo. Barker of Scorton, gent"., for the Hosp's. (Remayning nothing to him, his chardge is £19. 2. 8). Apud THIRSKE, 4 May, 1614. Langbargh. Rich. Lockwood of Sowerby, gent"., Thr. for L. S., and Steph. Hutchinson of Wickham Abbey, gent"., Thr. for Hosp's. Richmondsh. Fr. Wright of Scorton, gent"., to succeede Will. Rymer, and John Covell of Ainderby Miers, gent"., to succeed Geo. Burton. [fo. 64.] Apud THIRSKE, 18 April, 1615. Langbargh. Will. Aldburghe of Ellingthorpe, gent"., to succeed Rich. Lockwood, and Fr. Bulmer of Ewerby (Yearby) in Cleveland, gent"., to succeed St. Hutchinson. Richm. Tho. Lumley of Warlaby, gent"., to succeed Fr. Wright, and Henry Davile of Kirkby Fletham to succeed John Covell. [fo. 65.] Apud RICHMOND, 6 Oct., 1615. Ordered that, forasmuch as John Arundell, L. S., sometime a pensioner in this Division, had allowed him £7 per ann., which cannot be longer contynued in regard the allowance of the countrey is not sufficient to support the same, and especially in regard that he hath a pension of 20 nobles allowed him els where, and hath meanes other- wayes, as hath byne informe[d] unto us, we doe therfore dischardge hym wholy hereafter of his said pension. Tho. Lascelles. Fr. Boynton. Conyers Darcy. Arthure Dakins. Willm. Aldeburgh. Ordered also that the pension of fyve markes per ann. shalbe con- tynued to John Ingram, and the arrerages payd unto him (which is £10), by the Tr. for L. S. for this Division, and by the Tr. for Hos- pitalls. [Same signatures.] HELMESLEY, JANUARY 9, 1619. 297 $ [fo. 65] Apud HELMESLEY, 9 Jan³., 1614. Ordered that, whereas it appeareth on the petition of Tho. Smith, M. S., he hath upon a sodain accident broken his legg, whereupon he is become very poore, 20s. shalbe given him for a gratuitie, upon con- dition not to troble the Country any more, being formerly disallowed to have his pension anie longer. Henry Belassis. Tho. Belassis. Tho. Gower. Henry Jenkyns. Nicholas Conyers. To Roger Fawconbrige, Threror. After this there are six blank leaves, and on the reverse of the seventh is :- PENSIONERS NAMES, 14 April, 1613, the only additions to the list given above from folios 56 and 58b being Humphrey Warrener, 53s. 4d. per ann., and Tho. Stile per ann. £5 (allowed att Thirske, 18 April, 1615). Then follow five more blank pages, after which comes one which is an inserted sheet of considerable length, folded, and written on both sides, the writing running of course in a direction transverse to that of all the other entries in the book, save only those on the inserted sheet marked as fo. 41ab, fo. 42ab. The contents of this said second inserted sheet follow. NORTH RIDINGE. COM. EBOR. The yearlie charge of thes Wapentakes hereafter followinge for the releife of the maymed Souldiours and Marryners, viz. : Langbarghe £7. 2. 2, Bulmer £12. 2. 8, &c, as in other places above, and then follows a list of M. S., the same as on fo. 18. for the nine named first, following whom are Math. Wood, Rowland Ward, Nathaniel Hoggard, Rich. Smythe, and Edw. Stringer. Next comes the charge to the officers for gatheringe, and Clerkes writinge, and other fees, £6. 12: And then The some of the disbursementes comethe to £81. 7. 0. The whole some to be paide dothe exceed the some assessed for M. S. bye £29. 12. 6. The same some which is assessed for M. S. is to be paide yearlie also for the releife of the Hospitalls, the Kinges Bench, Marshall-see, howses decayed by fyer, and such charitable uses, amounting to £51. 19. 6. Allowed to the Hosp. of Malton for this yeare, £13. 6. 8. Soe ther remayneth £38. 12. 10. The some of £30. 12. 6, which is a more some then is sett downe for the releif of the M. S., being taken forthe of this last some of £38. 12. 10, ther remaynethe £9. o. 4. 298 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. It was sett downe at the Sessions holden at Stokesley, 26 June, 41 Eliz., that Rich. Vaughan, Esquier, shold be Thresurer for the next year for the L. S. and Hosp., for all the N. R. save Richmondshier, and to enter to his charge from this said Sess"., and to perfect his act att the next Sess". after Midsomer. Per Ch. Davylle, Cler. Pacis. On the reverse of the sheet is first a statement of the charges due from the several Wapes., as above, and then- Ad Sess. tent. apud MALTON, 2 Oct., 41 Eliz. Allowed to Tho. Pattericke, M. S. (for one yeare onelie) £6. 13. 4 £3. 6. 8 53s. 4d. "" Martyn Walker, yearlie "" Will. Ratcliffe, "" Will. Lonsdale, for his present releife 40s. Chas. Percell, M. S. and he "" "" 2OS. • 5s. Ra. Eure. Mansfeld. to go forthe of the countrie Tho. Cowper his wiffe Jo. Gibson. Cha. Layton. Cha. Layton. Henry Jenkins. Jhon Charges of the bridges within the N. R. since A° iiii°. Eliz. untill 22°. This note followinge is written with Mr. Dalton his hand, butt no name sett to ytt. £ s. d. 20 о Topclyfe bridge Skipton £ s. d. • 54 o 16 "" Halfe Howsom bridge Kirkham Cattericke bridge] Att one 81 15 O 9 11 O • 152 o o Borrowe bridge Malton 60 о "" Ayton "" 30 O How 40 Newsam "" 40 Gretowe att sev- "" Richmond "" tyme erall tymes Croft bridge Whiteby,, • 308 10 IO 6 Morton "" 1,140 0 0 • . 184 2 O Grynton After, att an- 125 O O Leminge "" other tyme Youer . 160 0 Massam "9 "" 574 o o Bayne IO O "" Wensley "" 50 prestes and gent". Askarthe "" • 50 O Assessment besides of thought to be above 300 0 0 Yaram "" 95 o O Yeddingham and Nor- Levinge and Rudby bridge. Heland bridge. 73 16 o manby bridge Bow bridge 22 15 0 12 O O 630 Morton "" 86 0 12 Crofte 4I O O RITCHMONDSHIER. 299 } [Reverse of f.] £ s. d. £ s. d. Fosse bridge 20 Barnar[d]castell br. . 30 Grinton 252 0 0 Thornton bridge 30 Crofte and Wiske Egton "" 26 13 4 bridges. 48 O O Bowes "" 50 O O Helstome bridge 30 O Lune "" 13 6 8 Borow and Thornton Kilgram bridge. 29 40 O O { after 30 0 0 66 13 4 Skipton bridge 51 0 8 Kylvington bridge (blank.) Morton "" 74 0 0 Newsam 20 22 bridges. Morton and Leminge [Second leaf.] RITCH[MONDSHIER]. Thirske bridges 30 О 66 13 4 Thornton in le Street 16 14 O £ s. d. Bayne bridge IO O O Yower. Tease. Barneycastle bridge 30 50 o o o o Bowes 50 O o "" " 20 O o 20 oo " assessed at Ritchmond, 2 Oct. 7 Eliz. more assessed 27 Eliz. assd. 26 Eliz. to this bridge, Bowes and Lune bridges. ass. 20 Eliz. quarto Oct., 6. Eliz. a further chardge, at Yorke, 19 July, 23 Elizth. ,, 15 。 o apud Thirske, 19 Jan., 23 -Eliz., a further charge laide for this bridge. BYRDFORTHE. Byrdforthe bridge. Chardged on the Countrie. 28 10 0 24 April 1583. [Reverse.] RITCHME. Askerth bridge [illegible] uppon the river of Yower 120 。。 120 0 0 Ass. at Richm. 2 Oct., 7 Eliz. 32 Eliz. taken* that bridge, and after . . . advise the same some newe ass., because the first some was to Cattericke bridge, And after, this bridge was assd. at Thirske, May 3, 35 Eliz * The writing here is faded, and the inner edge of the leaf next the binding is much frayed and worn, whence it is impossible to decipher the entry with adequate accuracy. ! 300- QUARTER SESSIONS `RECORDS. Yower, Barroughe bridge £ s. d. [illeg.] Assd. at Ritchm., 4 Eliz. 40 PYCKRING LYTHE. Darwen, Aton bridge [Third leaf.] BYRDFORTHE. Cobb-beck, Barker bridge at Thirske.t ALLERTONSH.‡ Becke bridge. RITCHMONDSH. at Malton, 17 Sept., 19 Eliz. Never chardged upon the Countrie in any Record. [No entry.] 13 13 4 Assº. 31 Eliz. Swaile, Cattricke bridge 780 "" O 99 574 O 100 0 0 • 120 O O "" at Ritchm., 2 Oct., 7 Eliz. at Allerton, 12 Jan., 11 Eliz. § "33 Eliz. within 32 Eliz.|| RITCHM. Tease, Crofte bridge I22 O O : ,, 5 Eliz. and more "" 18 Apr., 13 Eliz. "" 11 Apr., 1575. [Reverse.] RITCH. Cover, Coram¶ bridge. BYRDFORTHE. Cottbecke, Dalton bridge 40 o o Ass. 29 Eliz. WHITBY STrand. Eggton bridge 16 13 4 13 April 1570. BULLMER. Fosse, Essall bridge • 20 0 0 30 Eliz. 20 0 0 9 May, 20 Eliz., at Thirske. BULLMER. Fosse, Fosse bridge * In another hand, the same as in the entry heading this notice of the bridges in the N. R. :-Charged upon the Countrie before my tymes, for I have some streetes for ytt in the keping of Mr. the yonger, £120, as appeareth in a note written with his hand. + Side-note :-Not accustomed to be chardged upon the Countrie. Not accustomed to be chardged upon the Countrie. § Ass. for the fynyshinge of Cattrick, Ritchmond, Morton, Grinton, Leminge, and Massam bridges. || Assd. for Askerth bridges and after putt over to this bridge, into Mr. Raufe Lawson his handes, then Coll'. at Thirske, 7 May, 4 Eliz. £100 more to this bridge. [The year is uncertain; but it would appear to be " "quarto." "More to this bridge is added in the hand before noticed.] ¶ Newly chardged upon the Countrie. "" NORTH RIDING. 301 [Fourth leaf.] RITCH. Swaile, Grynton bridge. £ s. d. 65 o o Ass. to this and Morton bridge. 148 6 8 200 O O 120 O 90 O O "" Eliz. ", 17 Eliz. 26 "" "" " 33 IOO O O "" RITCH. Uppon Gretoe, near Tease, Gretoe bridge* WHITBY STRAND. Gromond and Roms- worthe bridgest RYDALL. 2 Oct. 7 Eliz. 1 May, 7 Eliz. (1587). 26 Elizth. 230 10 30 6 I 99 "" } Darwen, Howe bridge. 52 o o RITCH'SH. » 24 Eliz.† IO O O 99 at Yorke, 19 July, 34 Eliz. 21 Eliz. Helstone bridge. 30 0 0 [Reverse.] Bullmer. Howsam bridge (dimid.) 9 II 4 » 4 Oct., 13 Eliz. RITCH'SH. Heland bridge 63 08 RYDALL. Rye, Hemsley bridge.|| BULLMER. Kyrkham bridge (dimid.) 152 ALLERTONSH. O At Hemsley, 1572. IO O O 22 Eliz. 6 13 4 A newe supply at Yorke, 2 July, 34 Eliz. Cottbecke, Kilvington 15 15 。 o Ass. 7 June, 22 Eliz., at bridge T [Fifth leaf.] Allertonsh. Cottbecke, Knaton bridge** Thirske. * To the supply of this, Barney Castle, Bowes and Lune bridges. + Never chardged upon the Countrie. Romsworthe must be a disguise for Rus- warp, many entries touching which bridge are met with in the Minutes and Orders, - and elsewhere. ‡ To this, Newsham and Syninthwaite bridges. § Never chardged upon the Countrie :—On which in the same hand as before it is noted-6. 3, old Mr. Dalton with his owne hande. Helam bridge was streated, in some wapentackes before my tyme. || Newly chardged upon the Countrie. ¶ Newlye chardged upon the Countrie. ** Never chardged upon the Countrie. 302 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. £ s. d. PICKERINGE-LYTHE. Kirkby Misperton bridge* 20 oo Assd. 17 Augst., 33 Eliz., at RITCH. Killgram bridge RITCH'SH. ! Thirske. 30 0 0 Ass. 12 Jan., 33 Eliz., at Ritchmond. 100 markes Ass. 2 June, 28 Eliz.,† at £ s. d. Lune, Lune bridge 13 6 8 30 O ot LANGBARGHE. Lelam bridge* [Reverse.] RITCH'SH. Morton and Leminge bridges Lemynge bridge LANGBARFFE. Allerton. Assd. 20 Eliz., at Bedall. 13 Jan., 26 Eliz., at Midlam. 30 o o Assd. 5 Sept., 26 Eliz., at Stokesley. } 66 13 4 Leavinge and Rudby 73 16 O bridge RITCH'SH. Swaile, Morton bridge • 15 Assd. 18 May, 13 Eliz., at Allerton. RITCH'SH. 20 o o Assª. 28 Feb., 24 Eliz., at Richmond. 26 13 4 Assd. 4 July, 31 Eliz., at Allerton. Yower, Massam bridge. 15 oo Ass". 12 Jan". 1580, at Rich- RITCH'SH. Swaile, Maske bridge* [Sixth leaf.] RYDALL. mond. 25 o 。 Assd. 7 Augst., 31 Eliz., at Thirske. Darwen, Mallton bridge. 60 60 o o Assª. 2 June, 27 Eliz., ac * Newly chardged upon the Countrie. Allerton. + After the date of the first assessment is added, and after that assessed at Allerton, 2 June, Aº R. R'ne Eliz. xxviii. Probably an x is omitted by oversight. To Barney-castle, Bowes and Lune bridges. NORTH RIDING. 303 RYDALL. Normanbye bridge £ s. d. 22 15 o* Assª. 14 Apr., 22 Eliz., at Allerton. 6 13 4 Assd. 19 July, 34 Eliz., at RYDALL. Newsam bridge RITCH'SH. Yorke. 52 o of Yower, Owlsaye bridge. 200 markes Ass. 14 Jan™., 31 Eliz., at PICKRINGE Lythe. £ s. d. Pickringe bridge 40 O O Ritchmond. Assd. 16 July, 32 Eliz., at Hemsley. 13 o o Assd. 19 July, 34 Eliz., at Yorke. [Reverse.] RITCH'SH. Pearch bridge (dimid.). 40 40 o o Ass. 18 Jan., 28 Eliz., at Ritchmond. RITCH'SH. Ritchmond bridget RITCH'SH. Ramaldchurche bridge. 40 markes Certifyed for the repaire, but not estreated.§ RITCH'SH. £ s. d. Reythe bridge|| 25 o o Assª. 7 Augst., 31 Eliz., at Thirske. LANGBARFFE. Ruddby and Leavinge 73 16 OT bridge [Seventh leaf.] RYDALL. Rye, Ryton bridget BIRDF. and RITCH'SH. Skipton bridge 27 5 8 Ass. 18 Apr., 13 Eliz.* 54 II 4 ** 20 O O 2 June, 28 Eliz., at Allerton. * Normanbye and half Yeddingham. + Jo[i]ned with Howe and Synington, as before. Never charged upon the Countrie. § Notes sett downe for streates, but no warrant appearethe as yet by the Recorde 23 June, 35 Eliz. || Newly charged upon the Countrie. ¶ As before in Leaven bridge at the charge of £73. 16. ** To this is subjoined-And after, because that some was not suffycyent, yt was agreed that that some should be dubled, and so the whole of the first and latter * 304 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. £ s. d. BYRDF. Rye, Shakinge bridge RITCH'SH. 6 。 o Assd. 27 Apr., 29 Eliz., at Thirske. Sandbecke bridge (East)* 25 。 o Assd. 18 Jan., 27 Eliz., at Ritchmond. Sandbecke bridge (West) 25 o o Assª. 18 Jan"., 27 Eliz., at RITCH'SH. Skeeby bridge [Reverse.] RIDALL. Ritchmond. 20 markes Assd. 12 Apr. 1585. Skawton bridget PYCKRING-LYTHE. Shinnington bridge BULLMER. Fosse, Strensall bridget BYRDF. and RITCH. 40 £ s. d. ,, 9 Jan., 29 Eliz. 52 。。 Jo[i]ned with Howe and Swaile, Toppclyffe bridge { 54 I 4 70 0 O BULLMER and RITCH. Newsam, as before. Assd. 18 Apr., 13 Eliz., at Allerton. Assd. 27 Apr.,.. Eliz., at Thirske. Swaile, Thornton bridge. 30 0 0 Assd. 2 July, 15 Eliz., at [Eighth leaf.] BYRDFORTH. Hemsley. Thirkleby becke, Thir- 22 o o Ass. 2 July, 28 Eliz., kleby bridge§ RITCH'SH. Allerton. at Yower, Wenesley bridge 40 oo Ass. 27 Apr., 29 Eliz., at Thirsk. WHITBY STRAND. Whytbye bridge 40 o o Assª. 8 June, 1571.|| 88 o o "" 8 Jan™., 6 Eliz. ALLERTONSH. Wyske, Wyske bridge 17 0 0 "" 11 Apr. 1575. cometh to £82. 16. [There is a mistake of £1 involved here. The sum total is but £81. 16.] * Newly charged and supposed to [be] neare togethers. + Never before charged upon the Countrie. Never charged upon the Countrie. § Newly charged upon the Countrie. || Whereof rated to Whitby Strand 20 markes. NORTH-RIDINGE. 305 RITCH'SH. Willowe bridge* [Reverse.] LANGBARFFE. Tease, Yaram bridge (dimid.†). PICK. LYTHE. Darwen, Yeddingham bridge (dimid.). RITCH'SH. £ s. d. 30 O 。。 Ass..... Eliz. . . . as before, in Normanby bridge. • 22 0 0 "" 50 o o Assd. 9 Jan., 31 Eliz., at Hemsley. Wyske, Yafforth bridge. 30 o o Ass. 7 Augst., 31 Eliz., at RITCH'SH. Thirske. Yower bridge. [Ninth leaf.] A note-of all the Beacons in the N. R., Com. Ebor. LANGBARTH. Oseburye§ Toppyne. Arnclyffe. Barrebye. BULLMER. Whitwell. RYDALL. Ampleforthe. BYRDFORTH. Sunclyffe. ALLERTONSH. Bullamoorre. PICKRINGLYTHE. Seamer. RITCHMONDSH. Pennell. Brampton. Danbigh Forrest. * Never charged upon the Countrie. + It is supposed there is land in the towne which is supposed to be chargable for the repaire of the said bridge. [See Vol. I. p. 7, and note.] Several of the Beacons here named will be met with in the 6-inch maps of the Ordnance Survey. But it is by no means easy to identify all of them. Thus it is doubtful what places both Barrebye and Brampton are intended to specify; and when the name of the Wapentake itself is so far disguised by the mode of spelling adopted, such doubt is seen to be not without reason. Perhaps, however, it is more than probable that Brampton may stand for Brotton, where there certainly was a Beacon (See above, p. 54, &c.), and Barrebye may be intended for Borrowby, where also, from oral testimony, there seems to have been one, as well as at Hinderwell— the latter on the evidence of the Ordnance Survey. It is probable that, at a later period, the list of beacons was longer than that given in the text, which would account for the Hinderwell Beacon as well as that at Sneaton, not to mention others. No notices of these Beacons seem to occur in the local Histories. Danby Beacon is a well-known name, and the eminence it stood on is still called Beacon Hill, or the Beacon. § This is another to be added to the already long list of forms of the name Rose- berry Topping. "Between the commencement of the twelfth century and the close X VOL. II. 306 QUARTER SESSIONS RÉCORDS. ་ [Reverse.] North Riding, 7th day of Sept., 1584.* The charge followinge is a full proportion for a 1000 footemen, and of the sixteenth, the name of this hill always appears under one or other of the forms Otneberch, Ohtnebercg, Othenbruche, Othenbrugh, Othenesbergh, Othenes- beryge, Ornbach, Onesbergh, Ounsberry, Theuerbrugh, Theuerbrught, Hensberg, Hogtenburg, &c. In the Cott. MSS. (belonging, I believe, to about 1640), the new form Roseberrye Toppinge appears; Rosebury Topping is Thoresby's form in 1680; De Foe, about 1726, writes Rosemary Torp; but, as far as can be ascertained, no form of Roseberry appears until after Camden's time-say 1600-and he is the only writer who, within our knowledge, connects the word Topping with the old form Ounesberry." [Atkinson's History of Cleveland, Vol. I. 95.] In the text a new form appears, which would be of great interest in the history of the name, were it not for the apparent carelessness of the writer in the matter of local names. * "" "The Spanish Armada, leaving Lisbon May 29, 1588, was first seen by the English fleet in the Channel July 20. As early as 1573 the Queen had committed herself to a line of policy which was sure, sooner or later, to bring upon England the hostility of Spain. "From the time that she made up her mind to espouse the cause of the Hollanders, Elizabeth, though still ostensibly at peace with Philip, had permitted her subjects to harass the trade and attack the possessions of the Spaniards in all parts of the world," and eventually that monarch "saw that to reduce the Low Countries, so long as England continued to support them, would be impossible; he therefore began to prepare, on a scale of unexampled magnificence, for the invasion of England itself.” But long before the storm broke, the warnings which heralded it were fully understood in this country, and preparations, however apparently inade- quate (and, in the sequel, dilatory too, as they appeared to have been), began to be made with the view of meeting it. And all these various entries touching propor- tions of footmen and horsemen to be levied, equipments for them to be furnished, in each district and its subdivisions; touching also the various beacons in the N. R. and their readiness for service if required (see preceding page), are but so many tokens of the prevailing apprehension, and the no less prevailing determination not to be found wanting when the time of trial came. In this entry, and the various others of the same general nature, which are met with in this part of the N. R. Records, we have a lively notice of the nature of the organization prevailing throughout a district such as the N. Riding, and in one of them a notice of that which held throughout an integral portion of the same, viz. the Wapentake of Birdforth. Through the kind- ness of the Secretary of the N. R. Record Society, himself a lineal descendant of that "ancient and renowned Justice of Peace," Will. Mauliverer, Esq., of Arncliff Hall (See above, p. 135), I am enabled to add to the notices just named a further notice of the interior organization of one of the parishes or townships comprised in Langbargh Wapentake, from an old and curious MS. book compiled or kept by the said Mr. Mauliverer, which will render the whole picture almost perfect in its minor or more private details. Without further preface I give the following extract, which occurs on the second leaf in the book adverted to :- June 11, 1588. A rate imposed by the Inhabitants of Whorleton to remaine for a precedent. For two Corslettes, one Head pece ten Swordes and ten Daggers "" two stele Cappes "" two Buffe Jerkins two Cootes of Plate. "" "" two Bylls . one flaske and ii touche bores • • · £3 13 4 300 6s. 8d. 13s. 4d. 40s. * * * * * * NORTH RIDING. 307 The Parke 35s. 38s. Tranholm. 38s. Henry Stranguishe IIS. to the furnyshing of everye hundreth dothe belong Corslettes xxv, Callevers xl, Archers xx, Billmen xv, that by this proportion the whole West Laythes Will. Wetherelt. Geo. Wilkinson Jas. Cutbert Gilles Wetherelt * * * * * ** * Oxell. I2S. Will. Lazenbie Chr. Peycock .8s. John Watson Will. Brathwayte 3s. 4d. Raphe Mawlam Anth. Bullock 6d. John Porrett Id. 8d. rod. Mr. Milner 16d. Duke Harperley 8d. Tho. Gibson 2s. Uxor Wetherolt Olyver Smythe • 3d. Uxo[r Blinkes 4d. Will. Phillippe 4s. Rob. Aysley Gilles Stubbes Will. Thompson Henry Heron 25. Charles • 5s. Rob. Smeton 3s. 4d. Will. Wilson 6d. John Thornabee John Simpson Will. Robinson Raphe Sheperde. Tho. Richardson Will. Chapman Will. Pearson Geo. Mainman Uxor Phillippe Gilles Nixon Jas. Liroe John Swane Coverdaylle Chr. Heron Henry Hunton Will. Heuthwayte • 2S. • 8d. ಸಕ ಕ ಕ ಹ ಹ ಹ ಹ ಸ ಸ ಸ ಸ ಸ ಸ 7d. Uxor Wetheralt 3s. John Heddon 8d. 6d. Rich. Hewthwayte 5s. 3d. John Wetheralt 20d. • Rob. Mothersall • 3[s.] 8d. John Rabie Will. Hugill 8d. Will. Cock 8d. 4s. t 2d. Geo. Hewthwayte 2d. John Barley 45. 2d. Bartle Pratt 2s. 2d. Edmonde Heuthwayte 3s. 2d. Will. Maddeson . 12d. 2d. Arwhay 9s. 8d. Walkmill 2d. Summa totalis £12. 0. 2. Úxor Hodgson Math. Hodgson 3s. 2s. 8d. 35. 2s. 20d. 14d. Leon. Dalton Whorleton must answere Inglebee Arneclyffe for a Callever, 8s. And must answere Potto, 7s. 6d. To be deducted out of the above written rate. Rated by Willm. Malleverer, Esquier. Rich. Heuthwayte. Geo. Heuthwayte. } Bate, Gentlemen. Tho. Bate, John Todd. Will. Thompson. Will. Phillipp. John Barley. Leon. Dalton. Rob. Ayslay. Will. Robingson, Edmonde Heuthway[t]e. Constable. Mem. Ther was a rate maid at Whorlton about 30 of May last, for these causes following For trayning soldiours, £3. 5. o. Articles for poor, 12d. "" the Beacon, 6s. 8d. "" "" 21 men's charges to musters, 5s. X 2 308 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. may be charged with a greater or lesser number, and was sett downe and agreed upon by thes Commissioners followinge :- For Cunstable's charges to Gisbrughe and Stoxlay, 7d. "" a Tickett, 4d. Summa, £3. 18. 7. The sum of the Rate is £4. 0. 10. So remaynethe 3s. Id. One further extract from the same source, which will serve to show more of the working of the interior action of the organization of the country at the date specified, will no doubt be pardoned. A rate of all charges the Cunstable haythe laid for the Demesne and Towne sense May 25 till July 21, 1588. Cunstable's charges to Stoxlay, 4d. ; once to Gisbrughe, 8d.; 5 men to Barnebee' Moor, 3s. 9d.; for oyling the Cailever, Id.; trayning money, IOS.; quittans for it, 4d.; I Tickett,² 4d.; i sheaf of arrowes, 2s. 6d.; I quarter black clothe, 6d.; Re- paring the Beacon,³ 2s. 10d ; Cote of plate, 14s.; Concerninge poor, 4s. 2d.; to Wm. Hewth[wayte] for a Sallett,¹ 3s.; to him for a swerd, 2s., [and] a dagger, 16d.; to Widow Richard[son] for a swerd, 2s.; to Wm. Weth[eralt] for i dagger, 14d.; for a lether to hing the flask in, 2d.; setting a chea[p]º on a dagger, id.; Armorer of Stoxlay,7 3s.; to Wm. Thomas for stockinge the gun, 2s. 6d.; to James Sander for mending the gun, and nales wanting, 10d.; Cunstable's charges Trinity Even and 5th and 6th of June, 12d.; one yard of harden, 6d.; 2 swerde girdels, 12d.; at plate-cote burning, 2d.; carrying it to Allerton, to Rich. Mothersall, Id.; lether for the archers Jirking, 6s. 10d.; I Braser, 2d.; to Rich. Ward for mending the gun, 2d.; for making the cote of plate, 3s. 8d.; canvasse, threde, wax and rosell,¹º 4s.; covering the skull" agane, 9d.; I dagger, 18d.; armorer of Stoxlay, 20d.; mowldes, 12 6d.; Cunstable's charges at Stoxlay, 15th, 22nd and 29th of June, and two dayes at Elerton [Northallerton], 20d.; 2 lyninges, threde and woll to the head- pece, 4d.; making the Jirking, 4d.; Cunstable for going over to Runckton twyse, to Pottoe twyse, to Swanebee twyse, to Scarthe Wodd, 6d.; to Tho. Wilson for a swerd-scaberd, 8d.; to Oliver for sheathing a dagger, 3d.; to Rich. Ward for the gun, 2d.; carrying it, Id; poyntes, 13 3d. 8 The half of the premisses is paid by the Demesne, and the town must have of the Demesne, 7d. 5 "HING. [Cleveland ¹ It is possible that this may refer to sending men to the musters for training pur- poses [see above]; or it may be that in the list of Beacons given above [p. 305] the name Barrebye there written may be meant for Barnebee. 2 It seems uncertain what this was. 3 Arnclyffe Beacon is mentioned in the list above cited. "SAlet. A light helmet. 'Salet of harnesse, salade.' Palsgrave." [Halliwell.] To hang. Simply a mode, and an ancient one, of pronunciation." Gloss.] Interesting here as showing that such pronunciation, three centuries ago, prevailed among the upper classes. 6 CHAPE is used by Chaucer as a verb, and as meaning to hilt or haft, which no doubt suggests the meaning of the word as used here. He says, speaking of certain "burgeyses "- • 'Their knives ychaped ne were not with brass, But all with silver wrought ful clene and wele." "" 7 This charge occurs twice. The local armourer lived at Stokesley, it would seem. Hall. gives "BURNED. Burnished, which of course is the meaning here. 9 Halliwell explains BRACER as "armour for the arms." Was it not part of the bowman's or archer's equipment, intended to save the arm from injury through the recoil of the string? 10" "ROSIL. Rosin. 'Rosina, rosyle,' Nominale MS. xv. NORTH RIDING. 309 Bullmer Rydall Byrdforthe, Allertonsh. Richmondsh. Corslettes. Callevers. Archers. Billmen. Total. 35 56 28 21 140 25 40 20 15 100 22 36 18 13/1/20 90 17 1/1/20 28 14 10/1/10 70 85 132 66 50 334 80 40 30 200 15 24 12 9 60 3 2 I 6 ~Langbarth and Whitby } 50 Strand Pickring Lythe Scarbroughe Mem. That Peterholde be charged herewith or ells to fynde of them- selves, and then their Wapents. to be eased of this charge. Sir Willm. Fairefax, Sir Willm. Bellasses, Sir John Dawney, Sir Raufe Bowrcher. [Tenth leaf.] Apud THIRSKE, 10 Sept., 28 Eliz. The charge for 2000 footemen for the comon armor of all the North- ridding. Ritchmondshyer Langbarthe 667 Byrdforthe. Whitby Strand) } Allertonshyer 400 Pickring-lyth Bulmer 280 Scarbroughe Rydall 200 180 140 120 14 Per Ra. Ewrie, Arm"., Willm. Fairefax, Willm. Bellasses, Jo. Dawney, Ra. Bowrcher, Chr. Wandesford, Milites, Henr. Bellasses, Willm. Mallyverer, Chr. Wandesford, et Joh. Constable, Armigeros. 1591. The comon charge for the armor within the Wap. of Byrd- forthe 180; unde- Byrdforthe Comon) Corslettes 63 Armor Callivers 72 Private Corslettes } Armor S Callyvers 20 Archers 18 Billmen 27 30 Archers ΙΟΟ Billmen 30 180 180 Bullmer Comon Corslettes 88 Armor Callivers 52 Archers 28 Billmen 45 280 Per Justic. prædictos. Cent." Hall. 11 The "skull" here is doubtless the sallet or skull-cap mentioned above. 12 Moulds for casting or 'running' bullets. 13 Probably the prickers used for probing the touch-hole-represented, I believe, still in certain parts of an officer's uniform as in "shoulder-points with longer taggs than " another's, from Beaumont and Fletcher. 310 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. [Reverse.] 1585. Apud THIRSKE, 10 Sept., 28 Eliz. [1585]. The division for the armor and wapent' for the severall wapent' in the N. R. for 2000 footmen for the private armor, viz. : In Call[i]vers 800 In Corslettes 600 In Archers 500 In Billmen ΙΟΟ [Side-note :-The cause of this division seaminge unequall was for that the L. Leivtenaunt commaunded that the shott shold be in the Wapentackes nearest the sea cost.] Ritchmondsh. In Corslettes 466 | Byrdforthe. In Corslettes 20 "" Archers 167 "" Callivers 30 Billmen "" 34 Archers 100 "" Billmen "2 30 667 Langbarthe cum Whitby Strand In Corslettes 20 280 "" "" Callivers 300 Archers 80 Allertonsh. In Corslettes 18 "" Callivers 23 "" Archers 63 400 "" Billmen 36 Bullmer In Corslettes 40 Callivers 200 "" 140 29 Archers 40 Pickring-lyth. In Corslettes 16 "" Callivers 84 280 Archers 20 "" Rydall . "" In Corslettes Callivers 150 20 120 Archers "" 30 Scarbroughe. In Callivers 13 200 Ra. Ewrie, &c as before. [Eleventh leaf.] 1586. Apud THIRSK, 20 March, 29 Eliz. Before Will. Lo: Ewrie, &c. See below. A division for the proportion of 400 horsmen in Yorkshyer, whereof 133 are allotted to the N. R. Ritchmondshyer . 44 | Byrdforthe. II Langbarthe cum Whitby } Allertonshire ΙΟ 26 Pickring-lythe cum Scar- Bullmer 17 broughe. } II Rydall 14 W. Lord Ewrie, Ra. Ewrie, Arm., W. Fairefax, Jo. Dawney, Chr. Wandesford, Millit[es], Ed. Gates, Hen. Bellasses, Willm. Malliverer, Chr. Wandesford, and Robt. Rokeby, Armigeros. NORTH RIDING. 311 [Reverse.] Byrde- The Lady Kath. Constable forthe, for light Sir Willm. Bellasses horse. Tho. Lassells, Esquier Ra. Tanckard, Gent". Oswald Metcalfe,,, • Bryan Askwith, "" John Cloughe, Yeom". • 2 2 2 2 I I I Summa II [Twelfth leaf.] The charge of all the Comon Armor with their par- ticuler furnyture as they are charged in every Towne, hamlett and grainge within the Wape. of Byrdforth, A.D. 1591. Corslettes 4 Katton Thirske Callyvers 3 { Cors. Call. I I Bylls I Sand Huton Woodallfeild {Call. Corsl. I {Call. Cors. I I I Cors. I Call. I Dale-towne Call. 2 Thorpfeild Bill I Archer I Corsl. 2 Call. I Hawnebye Sowerby .. Call. Bill Bill 31 I I Cors. 2 Cor. 2 Billesdaile cum Call. 2 Baggby, Baggby Call. 2 Snylesworth Bill I Coat and Faw- Bill I Archer I dington. Archers - I Cors. I Arden in Ard- S Corsl. I Call. 2 Upsall side Archers J Archer I S Call. I Thornebarghe Olde Bighland. Bill { Call. I I Bill I Kirkby Knowle. Bill Call. I Cors. I Kyerbye I Archer I Cor. I [Thirteenth leaf.] South Kilvington Call. Cor. I 2 Bill 1 Kepwicke. Call. I [Reverse.] Bill I Geldeble de Bor- S Bill rowby {Birchers I Cor. I I Call. I Thornton in le S Cors. Cowsbye 2 Bill I More Call. Archer 2 I Cors. 2 Cor. 2 South Ottrington Boltbye cum Call. I Call. Membris Archer Bill I 3 | 3 312 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Cor. 2 Cor. 2 Owlston cum Sutton Call. I Call. I Close-house Bill I Bill I Mount St. John S Call. I Cor. I Yearesley . cum Phillis- Archer I Archer I kirke Cor. 2 Ma[r]derby Cor. I Topclyff cum Call. 2 Grainge. Balkes Bill I Membris Bill I (Cor. I Archer I Call. I [Fourteenth leaf.] Cor. I Cor. I Osgodbye. 2 Call. I Call. 2 Hudd Grainge {Cor. Welbery cum I Bill I Membris Call. I Archer I Cor. 2 East Harlesey cum Siltons ambo Call. 2 Membris { Cor. 3 Call. 3 Archer I Cor. 2 Thirlby Newsome cum Call. I Call. 3 [Reverse.] Brakenbroughe* Bill I Ampleforth { Cor. I Cor. I Call. I Skipton Call. I Cor. I Bill I Thorpe Bill I Call. I Cor. [blank] 2 Bill I Ampleforth cum Call. 2 Cor. 2 Membris Bill I Dalton Cor. Carleton cum Call. 3 2 { Call. I Bill I Cor. 2 Husthwait Thorneton cum Archer I Call. I Call. Baxby • I Bill I Cuckwalde Bill I Cor. 2 Archer I Thirklebyes ambo Call. Angram Grainge Wildon Grainge Kilburne Parkes . [Reverse.] cum { Cor. I Bill 3 1 I Call. I Cor. I Birdforthe cum Cor. 2 Call. 2 { Heaton. Cor. 2 Archer I Call. 3 Summa. Cor. 63 Call. 72 Total 180. Bill 27 Archer 18 * Thes in Sir Jo. Dawney's charge. Į BRIDGE ACCOUNTS. 313 : The charge for the private armor within the Wapk. of Byrdforthe as followeth :- Cor. 20 Call. 3.0 Total 180. Bill 30 Archer 100 This charge which is to be imposed upon particuler men is to be altered from tyme to tyme as men's abillity growe or decrease, and no certeyne number holden in any towne, but charged on the Wape. where they dwell at the judgment of the Commissioners. The new Volume which is now begun upon is designated on the back BRIDGE ACCOUNTS, 1575 to 1626. But there are Minutes in it of an earlier date than that, and they are not, quite without exception, con- fined to matters connected with the Bridges of the North Riding. Thus on fo. 3b is a minute of a heavy assessment made 12 Jan., 11 Eliz. (1569), for the repair of certain bridges, while on the other or first side of the same folio are entries touching payments to maimed soldiers, assistance to one who had sustained loss by fire, and relief to a poor impotent and houseless woman, and on fo. 4b the proportions for 1000 footmen, as given already at a recent page. Still, the Volume is essentially a volume devoted to records connected with the bridges of the district, and will be found to contain a great mass of interesting details. In dealing with its contents the same system of compression as in the case of former volumes will be adopted, so far as it can be done without entailing omissions of matter or matters of interest. The contents of the first few leaves will, for obvious reasons, be given with but little abbreviation, and it will be immediately noticed that the date of the business described in the first three or four pages is very distinctly later than that quoted as printed on the back of the Volume. In fact, with the exception of a few pages at the end, the writing in the entire Volume is in the same hand, and obviously executed continuously, and not at the intervals of time indicated by the incidence of the several Sessions noted. To put this in other words, it is at once, on inspection, apparent that the Volume comprises a continuous copy of previous documents, though whether those documents consisted of entries in a book, or detached sheets or 'Rolls,' it is impossible to say. That this is so is obvious from-to name but a single instance or two—a minute of an assess- ment made 12 Elizth, and noted on fo. 5, beneath which, and immedi- ·ately preceding the names of the signatory Justices (which are copied, 314 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. not autographs), is the note-Concordat cum orig[inali]; while yet again, on the reverse of the same page, is a note in the same hand— Vide novum librum presentationum, fo. 137, the reference being to an entry in Vol. A' (MINUTES and ORDERS) touching the cawsey of Croft Bridge, a short abstract of which will be found in Vol. I. p. 149è and as the handwriting of this note is the same as that of the rest of the page, and indeed book, it is conclusive proof of the statement ventured a little above. As to what follows, a full abstract, and in parts a literal copy, of the contents of the first half dozen leaves is given, and after that the matter contained will be compressed as far as is possible consistently with giving all the real information contained in the Volume. In the case, however, of the entries touching Yarm Bridge, especially those near the end, they, with some few others of like or cognate interest, will be given in extenso, or very nearly so. [B¹. 1.]* May 25, 44 Eliz. (1602). Before Sir Tho. Lasscells, Will. Mauleverer, Rich. Aldburgh, Rob. Brigges, John Constable, Chr. Ashe, Hugh Franckland and Tho. Northcliffe, Esquires. Geo. Chater tenderinge the accompt of Henry Chather his father, and Fr. Dodsworth, Surv's. for AISKARTH Bridge, being charged with £120, confesseth the receipt by Henry Chater of £18. 18. 6: the particulers of the disbursmentes thereof being viewed, it appeareth that he hath disbursed the summe before by him received, and Fr. Dodsworth hath done the like for the residew of the said summe-Sir Tho. Lasscells and Mr. Wansforth being the Auditors : and Sir Thomas hath of his owne knowledge delivered that the said residew of the said £120, saving 40s. not yet levied in Bulmer, is bestowed for repaire of the said bridge, and is now sufficientlie amended. And so the accomptantes discesserunt a compotu quieti. Tho. Askwith, one of the Survrs. for KILGRAM Bridge, tendering the remainder of his act., being £11. 10. 8, saith that there is 44s. 4d. not estreated in Ridall; the residew being £9. 7. 4, it appeareth that he hath disbursed 18s. 6d., the residew whereof, being £8. 8. 10, he hath paid in Court, et sic &c. [B'. 1.] The same summe of £8. 8. 10 is now paid over to Raph Atkinson of Jarvax, to be imployed for the repaire of the said bridge when the Justices have informed themselves of the decay thereof. Tho. Ward, one of the Survs. of MORTON Bridge, with Mich. * For the sake of brevity, as well as with the intention of facilitating reference, the Volumes of Bridge Accounts will be distinguished by the letters B' and B2, in analogy with the marks A¹, A³, &c. for the Volumes of Minutes and Orders. BRIDGE ACCOUNTS. 315 Hutchinson and Raph Hutchinson, tendered the act. for them all, and confesseth his charge of £93. 6. 8; and saith he hath received of the said summe £81. o. 8: so there remaineth, which he saith hath not come to his handes, £11. 6, viz. :— • Bulmer Allertonsh. Birdforth £. s. d. 4 8 10 26 8 Pickering-lieth Hang West. 6 2 3 s. d. 5 0 3 4 And of the said £93. 6. 8 he hath disbursed £66. 12. 9, the balance remaining in his hands, and not levied, the said Ward is charged with; the counterpaine* of his accompt now tendered is under his own hand delivered to the Clerk of the Peace. John Constable, Esq., Surv. for BENSE Bridge, is charged with £10, whereof £8. 19. 2 recd., but disbursed £11. 11, and there remaineth not gathered in Bulmer 26s. 8d., and 5s. in Langbargh. [B'. 2.] Will. Mauleverer and John Constable, Esq., Surv's. for YAROM Bridge, are charged with £30, and, for the monie remainynge upon the arrearages of the stocke, with £71. 10. 10. On view of their act. they have rec., of the monie imposed upon the countrie, £22. 5. 8, and so remaineth unpaid of Langbargh £5 in the time of Tho. Smeaton and Tho. Stockton, H. Consles. ; and for Whitby Strand 25s. (which last summe doth appeare unto the Court not to be estreated): And for the said £22. 5. 8 recd., it appeareth that the same hath been disbursed: and for the said balance of the stock, viz. £71. 10. 10, deducting £11 remaininge in the handes of Raph Crathorne and Lawr. Thompson, and £5 in the handes of Fr. Metcalfe not yet due, and 16s. in the handes of the Executors of Fr. Ashley, they charge themselves with the rem". of the said stocke, viz. £54. 14. 10, which, being laide to the £22. 5. 8, cometh in the whole to £77. o. 6, and the viewe of their disbursementes being con- sidered of, it appeareth that they have laid forth £77. 2. 7, or 2s. id. more than they have received. And thereof they stand discharged. Et sic &c. [B'. 2.] Henry Strangwishe de Slathorne-bargh, gent"., cogn. &c, £10. The condition is that Tho. Smeton do pay unto the handes of Will. Mauleverer, Esq., one of the Surv's. for YAROM Bridge, £5 on Augst. I next, which summe is alleadged to be by him received in Langb. Wap. for the repaire of the said bridge :-That then this Recogne, to be void, or els to be in full force &c. * "COUNTErpane. The corresponding copy of a deed, now called the counter- part. Noticed by our old dictionaries, 'Schedule autographum.' Coles." Nares. 316 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Rog. Sturdie and John Constable of Lazenby, Surv's. for YAFFORTH Bridge, are charged with £30 in the 31st yeare of her Maties reigne: Rog. Sturdie confesseth the receipt of £6. 7. 8, parcell of the £30, and there is order taken that the 100 markes shalbe paid him betwixt this and Julie 1st next, till which time the taking of his acct. is respited. Ordered that Rob. Wadeson, gent"., shalbe joyned with Rog. Sturdie, gent"., for the surveyinge of YAFFORTH Bridge. Tho. Lasscells. Chr. Ashe. Willm. Mauleverer. Heugh Franckland. [B'. 3.] Ordered that Brian Bevis,* John Watson, Rich. Smith, Will. Rayner, M. Srs., shall have presentlie paid unto them 10s. a man by Jas. Hebbletwhate, gent"., Threror. for the Hosp's. &c, for their releife till the next Sessions. Ordered that Tho. Simpson of Budelam in Hemsley parish, having had his house latelie burnt, and all his houshold stuffe, which was his whole abilitie,† being a verie poore man and greatlie charged with children, shall have, out of the Hosp's. monie, £6. 13. 4, to be pre- sentlie paid him by Maister Hebbletwhait, now Theror. Tho. Lasscells. Chr. Ashe. Hugh Franckland. Ordered (under the same signatures) that Anne Laund shall have for her releife, being impotent and having no place of abode, to be paid presentlie &c, 20s. [Br. 3b.] Where[as], in the Sessions holden at RICHMOND, 2 Oct. 7 Eliz. (1565), sundrie summes were assessed for the re-edifyinge, repayringe, and amendment of the Bridges of CATHERICKE, RICHMOND, GRINTON, MORTON, MASSAM and LEAMINGE, which summes, for the most part, hath bene levied and bestowed in re-edifyinge &c of the said bridges, as appeareth by the accts. &c; and yet thre of the said bridges not fully re-edified or repaired :-Therefore the Justices for the N. R. att the Qu. Sessions att Northallerton 12 Jan., 11 Eliz., for the full per- fecting, repairing and amendment of the said bridges of CATHERICK, MORTON and GRINTON being begun and not finished, hath nominated, appointed and assessed the sum of £564 to be levied and taken by Geo. Bowes and John Sayer, Collectors before appointed, of the inhabt. in the Wapes. of the N. R., that is to saie of everie Wape. as is here- after mentioned, declared and sett forth :- * See above, p. 291. † “ABLE. ABLISH. Possessing a competency, in respect of competence or worldly means." Clevel." Gloss. We still hear of persons described as "Yabble bodies," meaning that they are well-to-do. Neither Halliwell nor Nares give the noun in the text, nor has the editor himself met with it before in the sense it takes here. It is clearly a word of considerable interest. BRIDGE ACCOUNTS. 317 Unde- Gilling West £ s. d. 56 O O Gilling East 46 о Hang West 5.6 O о Hang East • 46 • O Halikeld 40 o O £244 0 0 Ridall £ s. d. Allerton & Allertonshire 40 Langbargh Whitby and Whitby Strand Birdforth Bulmer. O 66 。 O 36 0 0 > 40 56 • Pickering and Pick- ering-lieth. 46 • 36 。 Q £320 0 0 In toto £564. 0. 0. Geo. Bowes. Willm. Belassis. Michaell Wandesford. John Sayre. [B'. 4.] 1 Oct., 1575. An assesst. for GRINTON Bridge upon all the Wapes. of the N. R. made by Tho. Layton, John Sayer, Henry Scrope, Anthonie Tailboys and Averie Uvedale Esqres. to be indifferentlie assessed, rated and taxed of everie townshipp within the said N. R., and hereafter enseweth upon the heades of everie Wape. to be collected by the Baliffes of the said Wapes., and by them to be paid and delivered without delaie unto John Swale, Tho. Colvill, gent"., Jas. Collinge and Ja³. Milner of Muker, Surv. appointed for the new buildinge of the said bridge of Grinton with stone with such expedition and diligence as in the like busines is requisite. Dated Oct. 1, 1575, 17 Eliz. £ s. d. 20 O O £ s. d. Gilling East Gilling West 15 O O 20 O Bulmer. Ridall • Hang East 15 Hang West 20 O O Halikeld IO O O Pickeringe and Picker- inge-lieth Allerton and Allerton- Langbargh 20 shire Birdforth 15 0 0 20 0 0* Whitby & Whitby Strand 15 15 0 о 15 * It will be observed, on comparison of this list with the one nearly preceding, that there is clearly no fixed rule for the apportioning of these several rates. Thus in the former list Gilling W., Hang W., and Bulmer are all assessed at £56, while in the second list Gilling W., Hang W., Langbargh, Bulmer and Pickering are all equally rated. Several other like discrepancies will be noted on the most cursory observation, as also will others be on closer examination. Thus, in the first list, while Gilling W. pays £56, Gilling E. pays £46, or something more than 82 per cent. of Gilling W.; and yet, in the second list, the proportion paid by Gilling E. is exactly 75 per cent. of the sum paid by the other Wape. Other inequalities of the same kind are so transparently evident that it is unnecessary to draw special attention to them. Of course there may have been local reasons or explanations for these dis- 318 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Summa totalis £200, to be paid in two years next followinge. John Constable. John Dawney. Chr. Wandesford. Anth. Tay[1]boys. John Sayer. Averie Uvedale. Thomas Laiton. John Constable. [B. 4.] The rate hereafter followinge was sett downe by my Lo: Eure, Sir Willm. Fairfax, Sir Willm. Bellassis, Roger Dalton, Roger Ratecliffe, Thomas Savile and John Constable for the 1000 footmen to be taken within the N. R., which was then thought to be verie indifferent for the whole, and to be followed in all other Cessmentes.* Richmondshire Langbargh and Whitby Strand Bulmer Ridall £ s. d. 90 O £ s. d. 234 oo 200 140 O O Birdforth Allertonshire Pickeringe-lieth Scarbrough • 70 O O 60 O O 600 100 O O 20 Jan³., 23 Eliz. A rate sett downe att Newbrough by Sir Will. Belassis, Rog. Dalton, Tho. Savile and John Constable, according to the rate above, for ONE HUNDRETH LIGHT HORSEMEN to be taken within the N. R. Richmondshire 33 Birdforth Whitby Strand and Langbargh 20 Allertonshire Bulmer 14 Pickering-lieth Ridall ΙΟ Scarbrough [Signed as above.] 8 7 7 I [B. 5.] The assess. for NORMANBY Bridge and halfe of YEDDING- HAM Bridge att the Thirske Sessions the sixt day of Aprill, 12 Eliz., by Sir Geo. Bowes, Sir Chr. Metcalfe, John Sayer, Michaell Wandes- ford, William Davill and Roger Dalton. Gilling West Gilling East Hang West 40s. 38s. 8d. Hang East Halikeld 40s. • 36s. 8d. 50s. Summe £10. 5. 4, to be charged upon Will. Gawle, Coll". for Mor- ton Bridge. Concordat cum Orig[inali]. John Sayer. Chr. Wandesford. Rog. Dalton. Tho. Laton. parities, but it seems more probable that, from their unequal and probably unfair incidence, they gave occasion to the divers attempts recorded in different places of the present series of Volumes to equalize the pressure by an assessment founded on nicer calculation, and, at least, presumably more fair and equitable each than its prede- cessor. See Vol. I. pp. 181-183; also p. 109 and note, p. 219, pp. 255, 256, as well as divers places in the present Vol. (II.) * See pp. 294, 295, 306 et seq. above. THIRSKE, MARCH 31. 319 1 £ s. d. Gilling West 4 o О Gilling East 3 9 Hang West 4 o Assessed within the N. R. towardes the repairinge of WHITBY Bridge, £40:—levied as hereafter followeth [Side-note:-8 Jan³., 1571]: £ s. d. 4 IO O 300 30 O Langbargh Birdforth Whitby Strand Hang East 3 9 O Bulmer 4 4 0 Halikeld 3 0 Ridall Allerton and Allertonshire 3 O 3 5 0 Pickering-lieth 48 O Collectors {Chr. Whitclif Chr. Whitcliffe (Nich. Coniers Rob. Bushell Surv's, { Math. Wilson Richard Cholmley. Willm. Belassis. Roger Dalton. Tho. Layton, Michaell Wandisford. b [B. 5.] Apud THIRSKE, 31 March, 15 Eliz. Where heretofore there hath bene two severall Assts. for the repair- inge of that part of CROFT bridge within the N. R., whereof the one was £122 and the other £41, and the bridge not sufficiently repaired- Therefore it is agreed by the Justices, and by them commaundment given to the Coll's. and Survrs. that, where there remaineth of the Wapes. here under written these summes of the first Asst. unpaid, as we be informed by Rich. Clarvax, Esq., Coll'. thereof, that he and others the Surv's. thereof shall forthwith see to the collection of such arrears and the same imediatelie imployed &c, and the levying of the latter asst. to stay untill it appeare upon their act. whether the said bridge shall require more or not— Whitby and Whitby £ s. d. 900 IO O O £ s. d. IO O O Strand Bulmer • Ridall Pickeringe and Picker- inge-lieth 900 in all £38, whereof there is no estreat to be found:-Therfore it is agreed that the Justices within every Wap., or next adjoyning to the same, shall make estreates within everie of their own Wapes. and deliver the same to the said Coll's. upon their repaire to them. Willm. Belassys. Roger Dalton. Michael Wandisford. Apud NORTHALLERTON, 12 Jan., 6 James. Allowed for repaire of the Cawsey and pavement of CROFT Bridge £3. 6. 8. Vide novum librum Presentationum: fol. 137 [Vol. I. p. 149]. [B'. 6.] The Surv's. of WHITBY Bridge, appointed by Rog. Radcliffe, Esq., J.P., are these-Rob. Sneton, Tho. Yeoman, Chr. Yeoman. We thinke fortie oke trees are as few as we can judge to serve for that purpose, which wilbe worth £20. 320 QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Also we thincke that the workmanshipp of the same will not be made wainemeete * under the value of £20. And likewise we thinke that the cariage thereof will lie in £20, because wood is farr from us † that must serve for our purpose. Further we do thinke that the timber, when it is laid on the ground, the workmanshipp thereof, to be sufficientlie done, will not be under the sum of £50. The totall summe whereof is £110. Signed in the presence of Geo. Anningson, Will. Blenkorne, John Fisher, and Chr. Blenkorne, with others. £40 is ass. upon the Countrie, whereof twentie markes is to be assd. of Whitby Strand. Tho. Layton. John Sayer. Roger Radcliffe. Antho. Tailboys. [B'. 6º.] For GRINTON Bridge: Whitby and Whitby £ s. d. £ s. d. Allerton cum Aller- Strand 8 0 Bulmer 20 о tonshire Birdforth 12 0 0 15 о Ridall 15 o o Langbargh 30 0 0 Pickeringe and Pick- ering-lieth • 12 0 0 But * The general meaning of the word is of course apparent: but the special appli- cation of it is less so-at least, until attention is given to that question. The first idea that presents itself is, that it is the bridge which is to be made wain-meete. such conclusion would be hasty, for it is evident that the cost of building such a bridge as should be wainmeete is noted at the close of this early 'specification.' It must of necessity be the rendering of the timber "wainemeete" that is intended, and the meaning of the phrase must be connected with the dressing, and perhaps squaring of the trees, so as to render them fit for the most commodious carriage possible by aid of the wains to be employed in their transport. As to the wain, and what it was, see Vol. I. p. 141 and note. † Full of interest, and not merely of local interest, as this entry is, perhaps one matter of special interest is opened up to us here, viz. that at a date certainly not 35 years later than the grant or sale by Henry VIII. of the Scite &c. of the late Monastery of Whitby, the large timber growing in the extensive forests forming part of the property had entirely disappeared. In the copy of accounts printed in Whitby Chartulary [Surtees Society], Vol. II. pp. 719-765, perpetual entries touching the sale of wood on the various manors comprised in the property are met with, and prob- ably the following extract, as bearing with a strong significance on the fact noted in the text, will be more than excused by the reader :- "Smethyholme Woode [in the Manour of Eskedalesyde, parcell of the possessyons of the late Monasterye of Whytbye] growinge aboute the scytuations of the seyde manour &c, there be okes of 1x and lxxx yeres growt, parte usually cropped and shred, whereof ccciiiixx reserved for the fermour and tenaunts there, for theyre fyreboote, houseboote and hedgeboote, whyche they have bene accustomed to have of the croppes and shredes of the same; and cccxx resedew, valuyd at iiid. the tree." This valuation-3d. per tree, as compared with the estimate of value of the oke-trees in the text, viz., IOS. each— sufficiently explains the statement under comment. Every tree fit to be felled had 1 BRIDGE ACCOUNTS. 321 Henry Gate. John Constable. W. Fairfax. Roger Dalton. John Dawney. Chr. Wandesford. Henry Scroope. John Sayer. Averie Uvedale. Yow must also remember to take order for BURROW Bridge, THORN- TON Bridge, MORTON Bridge, and for the bridge upon Fosse towards Sheriff Hutton. H. Huntingdon. [B. 7.] Apud MASSAM... July, att the Sessions holden there. Being found att the Session holden att BEDALL, BARNARD CASTLE Bridge to be repaired by the Countrie, the charge thereof upon survey appeareth to be £30-Rated as followeth :- Gilling East 36s. Birdforth £30 Gilling West 50s. Bulmer O 3 6 8 Hang East 36s. Ridall 3 0 O Hang West 50s. Pickering-lieth 5os. Halikeld 28s. Whitby Strand 35s. Langbargh £5 。。 Allertonshire . 35S. £30. 6. 8. Chr. Rookby Will. Ward Surveyors {John Phillipps Collectors {Nich. Appleby. Thomas Danby. Chr. Wandesforde. Henry Scroope. Chr. Wandes- ford. Averie Uvedale. been cut down, and of course converted to profit by the grantees, and nothing but the merest saplings, worth 3d. each, left, for miles and miles in the forests once belonging to Whitby Abbey, the fair buildings of which in like manner, after being duly plundered of everything valuable, had been converted into a stone-quarry. VOL. II. Y INDEX. A. Abduction of a woman child, 109, 110 Abram al®. Hebburn, Henry, 88 Abusing one's neighbours, 137 Accessory to a felony, 112, 136, 175 Accommodation in inns, Insufficient, 118– 120, 131, 132 Account of cess for the poor to be rend- ered on summons, 240 Affirmation by a Justice in Court, 16 Affray, Making an, 201 Agar, John, 221, 237, 242 99 Tho., 52; 205 Aiding and abetting in a felony, 107 "" "" forgery, 198 Aislaby near Whitby, 113 n. Pickering, 113, 113 n. Aldburgh, Aldbrough, Rich., 41 Will., son of Rich., 41, 82, 91, 126 Alderson, Geo., 39 Ale, Not to tipple, for three years, 29 ,, Making two or three sorts of, 54 ,, Refusing to sell, 5, 54, 129 ,, Selling, contrary to assise, 5, 12, 13, 25, 37, 39, 58, 82, 94, 96, 103, 104, 108, 117-121, 127-132, 134, 135, 138, 156, 158, 171, 209, 215, 234, 246 ❤ in pots &c not sealed, 117-119 without license, 10, 49, 98, 132, 206, 215, 216 of, by a servant of Sir Rich. Cholmley, contrary &c, 121 Alehouse, A curate keeping an, 16 Discharged from keeping an, 58, 105, 109, 214, 221 Alehouse, persons presented for keeping an, Discharge of, 107 ور " "" A gentleman keeping an, 105, 109 Keeping an unlicensed, 51, 90, 199, 231, 243, 251 No retainer of any lord &c to keep an, 126, 173 No bailiff or Constable &c to keep an, 126, 173 Recognces. taken of a man to cease keeping, 168 A Vicar keeping an, 206 Alehouse-keeper presented for entertain- ing a suspected deer-stealer, 170 See under Philology Ale-rod. Allan, Allen, Geo., 17 "" Isabell, wife of Marm., 193 "" Marm., 193 Phil., 209 Allegiance, Refusal to take oath of, 87, 99 Taking oath of, 9, 23, 35, 43, 54, 78, 107, 133, 145, 158, 180 n., 184, 220 Allison, Brian (L. S.), 212, 245 Anderson, Rob., 177; 220 Anningson, Geo., 320 Appleby, Gabriel, 234 Nich., 321 "9 Applegarth, Will., 187 Apprentices, Infringing the Statutes touching, 23, 93, 94, 231 Arbitration, Cases of, 101, 113, 125, 164, 183, 200, 203, 221, 225, 235, 240 Archdeacon of Cleveland's Official, Ex- tortion by, 171 Armada, The Spanish, 306 n. Armour, Defective, 255 Arms, Armour, Common, 244, 306-311 Assessmts; for, 244, 306- "" 31.1 Y 2 324 INDEX. Arms, Armour, Private, 309, 313 Artillerie, Practice of, 46 Arundell, John, Wife of, 212 Ashley, Fr., 315 Ashwell, Rob., 232, 234 Askrigge, Brockhall Cote in, 5 Helme in, 5 West Graunge in, 5 Askwith, Bryan, 311 Atkinson, Ralph, 102; 314 "" "" 99 Rich., 206 Rowland, 13, 14; 241 Steph., 292 Tho., 106; 156 Will., 50 Attorney in the North, King's, 12 Awderson (Alderson), Owderson, Math., 109 Chr., 196 Mich., 183 Tho., 314 Assault, 30, 34, 37, 41, 51, 56, 58, 88, 124, 136, 170, 172, 175, 180, 182, 184, 187, 190, 193, 194, 199, 223, 226, 233, 239, 246, 250 Assault and affray, 1, 2, 3, 11, 22, 25, 29, 31, 37, 39, 45, 85, 107, 115, 175, 178, 205, 207, 209, 227 Assault by a publican's wife on an officer "" 99 "" "" "" of the law, 31 in a church, 190 on a bailiff in execution of his office, 16 constable, 72, 233, 251 deputy bailiff, 97, 100, 185, 194, 196, 199, 209, 234 Justice, 225, 232 "" and drawing a dag- ger on him, 180 on an overseer, 120 on a pregnant woman, 116 ,, watchman, 136 Assessments, Confirmation of disputed, Refusing or neglecting to B. Badging without license, 12, 85, 159 Bagley, Rich., 56 Bailes, Jane, 191 Bailiff of Biland, 100 "" "" " " Birdforth, 37, 187 Bulmer, 207, 235, 249 Gilling, 210 Hang East, 26 "" West, 292 Pickering-lieth, 94, 200, 207 Richmondshire, 164 Rydale, Rydall, 23, 37, 97, 164, 200 St. Peter's Liberty, 34 Whitby Strand, 94, 166, 214, 238 Acting as, without authority, 243, 244 fined for negligence, 37, 50, 214, 238 Deputy, of Allertonshire, 196, 203 Birdforth, 187 210 109 "" Order to pay, 196 "" 99 Gilling East, 27, 50, pay, 23, 27, 89, 90, 107, "" "" Hang East, 26, 122, 114, 127, 137, 159, 160, 160, 168, 194, 234 173, 184, 195, 209, 245, 251 "" "" and laies, Questions touch- ing, 87, 91, 155 Atkinson, Alice, 93 Hang West, 11, 16,92 Langbargh, 16, 206, 214 Pickering-lieth, 84, 200 Richmondshire, II fined, 16 for negligence, 206, 235 for permitting a prisoner to escape, 203 presented for being a brewster, 119 ChaⓇ., 102, 103 19 "" "" Chr., 50, 57; 172 "" "" Edw., 104 "" Elizabeth, 93; 192 "" Fr., 228, 230 "" Jane, 130 James, 166, 177 "" "" "" ་ Margery, 57; 108 INDEX. 325 Bailiffs of a Liberty to nominate a con- Bainbrigg, Anth., 237 stable, 100 fined, 164, 166, 207 Rob. (Informer), 86 Baine, Fr., 89 Baines, John, 213 Baker, Tho., 192 Baldrigg, Elizth. w. of Tho., 21 "" Tho., 21 Banckes, Tho., 197, 201 Barker, Geo., 49, 57; 88 "" James, 100 John, 239, 241 Rich., 168 Will., 47 Barnby, Joan, 3 Lancelot, 205 "" Tho., 205, 206 Barnes, John, 44 Barrator, Barratry, 49, 113, 131, 205 "" fined, 131 Barry, Cha'., 225 Barston, Tho., 244 Bartindale, Tho., 207 Barton, Cuthbert, 105, 105 n. Tho., 122 Bastard, A man to pay for his son's, 100 Bastardy, Cases of, 3, 17, 29, 33, 57, 85, 92, 101, 106, 113, 114, 116, 164, 166, 167, 169, 173, 178, 200, 210, 228, 241 the mother charged with a payment to the father in a case of, 114 the mother whipped for the offence, 92 Bate al". Pearson, John, 236 Bateman, Will., 243 Bates, Baites, Baytes, John, 201 Will., 11, 198, 285 "" Batmanson, Marm., 102 Batty, Sim., 182 Bawke, Geo., 254 Bawmer, Math., 155 Beacon, Arncliff, 308 n. "" Brotton, and others, in decay, 53, 54 Beacons in N. R., List of, 305 "" Richmondshire, Money col- lected for, 211 Beale, Cuthb., 107 Beane, Chr., 224 Beanes, John, 122, 197 Bearparke, John, 21 Becke, Will., 240 Beckwith, Anth., 43 "> "" Cecily, 6 Chr., 43 John, 129, 168; 194, 234 Roger, 43; 202 1 Beer (London), Selling contrary &c, 131 Behaviour, A man of loose and uncivil, 115 Bell, Anth., 154 " "" Leonard, 193 Marm., 173, 182, 200 Will., 22, 200; 248 Bellasses, Sir Will., 311 Belt, Lanc., 200 "" Will., 168 Bequest to the poor, Not accounting for, 127 Berry, Rob., 51 Besson, Martin, 212 Best, Rich., 126, 178, 228, 238, 241, 249 Tho., III, 115 Betting at cards, 41 Biarley, Bierley, Anth., 274 Biggin, Pet., 221 Binckes, Binkes, Nich., 48 Blackburne, Chr., 58 "" Henry, 221 Will., 206 Blades, Blaides, Bigot, 39 Edw., 39 >> "" John, 39, 40, 178, 188 "" Isabell, 178 Will., 201, 203 Bland, Rich., 202, 229 Blanshard, Henry, 239, 241 Blenkorne, Chr., 320 " Will., 320 Blind man not duly relieved, 27 Blyth, Tho., 5 Bogett, Edw., 14 Bolbye, Edw., 114 Bond for the fulfilment of an agreement, 207 Bonwell, Dorothy, 232, 234 Bosman, Chr., 222 Bossall, Ja., 91 Boswell, John, 234 Bow, Not practising with, &c, 5 Bower, John, 44 Bowes, Geo., 316 John, 100 "" Rob., 10 Boyes, Elizt. w. of Tho., 197, 199 326 INDEX. Boyes, Marg., 191 Brabiner, Brabyener, Henry, 112 Humph., 3 Brakand, Rich., 89 Branding, 98, 101, 199 " with R on shoulder, 191 Branston, Tho., 104 Brasse, Peter, 23 Sam., 173, 203 Bread contrary to assise, Selling, 135 Breaking a close in pursuit of game, 53 into a barn, 165 cowhouse, II " "" Brewing, Discharged from, 10, 29, 43, 105, 106, 133, 180 discharged from, Refusing to find bail when, 44 without license, 2, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 27, 31, 32, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44, 51, 52, 90, 93-96, 98, 103, 104, 112, 118–121, 127–134, 156– 158, 160, 161, 213, 214, 221 without license, Committed to York Castle for, 52 " " " " without license, Fined for, 214, 221, 235 without license, Set in the stocks for, 121 without license, the wife being a Recusant, 105, 107 without license, Wrongfully presented for, 84 Brewester, Ja*., 2 Brewsters' Tickettes, 51, 52 Bribery, 195 Bridge Accounts, 256 n., 272, 313 71 "" General, 298 Notice of the Volume called, 313 Bridge, Egton, No one to drive carts or "" " "" waines over, 221 for foot and horse only, 221 Foot, at Apeley, thought unne- cessary, 48 Horse, 4 at Normanby out of repair, 32 over the Rye 32 Timber, money, &c, collected for Morton, 178 Bridges, Assessmts. for, 299-305 "" Collectors for, 29, 228 Not paying the money collected for, 234 Bridges over the Tees, All the, 125 Overseers of, 237 "" "" out of repair, List of :- Apeley, 23 Ayton, 17 Barker, 123, 200 Bawder (Balder), 177, 195 Bense, 97 Bow, 183, 193 Burne, 5 Burrow, 116, 136 Catterick, 105 Coverham, 103, 228, 237 Croft, 125, 136 Dalton, Dawton, 17, 177 Egton, 165, 169, 174, 221 Essell, 173, 179, 237, 241, 249 Fleake, 175, 195 Fosse, 8 Grindon, Grynton, 49, 116 Gromond, 88, 92, 101 Healam, 15, 18 Healey Grene, 89, 92 How, Howe, 15, 18, 47, 89 Howsam, Howsom, 19, 47, 89, IOI Hutton Rudby, 89, 198, 203, 242 Kirkby Overcarr al'. Misper- ton, 43, 47, 232, 237 Kirkby on Wiske, 4 Kirkham, 237, 241, 250 Lowney, 9 Malton, 47, 89 Massam, Massom, 41, 43, 89 Morton, 89, 178, 225, 249 Newsam, Newsham, New- some, 16, 88, 92, 101, 189, 203, 207, 222, 225, 237 Normanby, 88, 92, 101, 234, 237 Norton, 211 Owsey, Howsey, Ulsey, 26, 29, 42-44, 177, 250 Peirce, 125, 136 Reeth, 116 Rippon, 168, 178, 202, 207, 228, 238, 241, 248 Romanby, 249 Shakinge, 183 Skipton, 17, 286 Spittle, 8, 219, 222 Synnington, 123 INDEX. 327 Bridges out of repair, List of :— Tanfield, 29 Thornton, 88 Topcliffe, Topliffe, 17, 221, 286 Whitwell, 8 Willow, 19, 179, 233 Wiske, 251 Yafforth, 17, 292 Yeddingham, 221 Yore, 105 Bridges, General lists of, 298, 299–305 "" named in Bridge Book, List of:- Aiskarth, 314 Barnard Castle, 321 Burrow, 321 Bense, 315 Cathericke, 316 Croft, 319 Grinton, 316, 320 Kilgram, 314 Morton, 314, 316, 318, 321 Normanby, 318 Building houses on the common for idle people to live in, 53 Bullocke, Tho., IOI Bulmer, Chr., 14, 17 Fr., 91, 126 "1 Raph, 122 Burdsall, Luke, 197 "" Tho., 197 Burgh, Leon., 211 Burghley, Lo., 115, 122, 277 Burglary, 107 Burne, Tho., 225 Burneston, Geo., 173, 182, 200 Busby, Chr., 214 Bushell, Rob., 239, 319 Bussy, Henry, 91 Butler, Rob., 92; 202, 222, 237, 249 Butter, Carrying, without license, 85 Butterfeild, Fr., 116 Mich., son of Fr., 116 Buying sheep, and reselling within 8 days, 54 oxen and reselling within 14 days, 54 Richmond, 316 Thornton, 321 Whitby, 319 Yafforth, 316 Yarm, 314, 315 Yeddingham, 318 Bridges, Repair of, 244, 286 Wooden, 4, 26, 97, 123, 242 " " " Brigges, Rob., 48 "" Will., 18 Cade, John, 4, 116 Calvert, Fr., 194 C, Campleion, Henry, 32 superseded by stone, 242 " Meriall, 237 "" Simon, 2 Campion, Peter, 214 Candler, John, 153 Cape, Rich., 122 Broadbelt, Brodbelt, Brodebelt, Geo., 22, 43, 48, 58, 84, 92 Mich., 38 Browne, Cuthb., 29; 173, 176; 243, 244 Edw., 54 Fr., 172 " " Geo., 25 Tho., 199 Will., 238, 240 >> Canswick Park-nook, 39 Cards, Playing at, 3, 13, 16, 41, 53, 89, out of Christmas, 13 107, 108, 156, 161 "} " Suffering play at, 10, 34, 41, 209 Bruce, Edw., Lord (the elder), 177 Lady Magdalen, 106, 205, 207 Buckle, Nich., 178 Reginald, Reynold, 178 wife of, 287 Rob., 178; 184 Building cottages on the common, &c, 97, 98 Carleill, Carliell, Rich., 223, 224 Carter, Math., 18 "" Tho., 83 Catterick, Appletons East and West in, 109 n. Causey, Cawsey to a bridge, 4, 319 Cawton, Tho., 200 Certificate of Conformity, 153-155, 163, 180 n., 187, 212, 220, 222, 224, 248 328 INDEX. Certiorari, 191, 246 Churchwardens of :- Challoner, John, 113; 221 Chambers, John, 229 Chapel of Leeming in ruin, Grant towards repair of, 229 Chapman, Henry, 249 " Margery w. of Raph, 2 Raph, 2 Chater, Chather, Geo., s. of Henry, 314 Henry, 314 Will., III Cheesman, Cheseman, Walt., 92, 237 Child, Leaving a, 253 Chipchase, Geo., 185 Cholmley, Cholmeley, John, 19, 54, 237 Rich. (Bransby), 122, 215 " (Stearesby), 2 Church, Absenting oneself from, 7, 176, 1 179, 180, 190, 202 Fines for, 172, 216 n. Churchwardens of :— Ainderby Steeple, 187 Alne, 84 Melsonby, 234 Northallerton, 57 Raskell, 3 Raynton, 14 Rounckton, West, 226 Sawton (Salton), 90 Seamer (Pickering-lithe), 153 Skelton, 222 St. John's, 186, 234 Startforth, 211 Strensall, 180 Thirske, 172 Thorneton le Street, 154 Topliff, 171 not presenting absentees from church, 176 Churchyard, Suffering a market in, 103 Clarke, Ja*., 190 John, 192, 200, 207 19 Tho., 44, 47, 192, 200 Tho., son of Tho., 192, 200, 207 Will., II Clarke al®. Brunskell, Chr., 193, 195 Margaret, 193, 195 Tho., 193, 234 Clarkson, Rich., 160 Ampleforth, 107 "" "" Askrigg, 103 "9 " Barton Maries, 124, 234 Boltby, 242 Bowes, 234 Brawby, 90 Carlton Miniott, 172 Cowton, 234 Crake, 112 Croft, 29 Easby, 211 Egton, 153 Eriholme, Eryholme, 124, 234 Eskdale Side, 248 Clarvax, Rich., 319 Clayton, Tho., 234 Cleasby, Ja., 105, 109, 226, 229 Leon., 226, 227 Mary, 229 Clerk of Alne (Henry Jeffrey), 171 Brompton (Rowl. Clarke, Vicar), 205 Fingall (Reginald Lancaster), 178 Hornby (Edw. Gybson), 74 n. Gillinge, 234 Gisbrough, 155 Hilton (?), 221 Hovingham, 155, 224 Kirkby Misperton, 47, 114 Ravensworth, 124 "" Kirkdale, 242 Kirkleventon, 23 Laton, West, 124 Leake, 180 n. Lieth, Lythe, 153 Malton (St. Michael's), 23 Marske, 176 Marton cum Moxby, 179 Massam, 35 "" "" "" "" Kirkby in Cleveland (Mr. Jagger), 3 Kirkby Moorside (Will. Den- ton, Archdeacon of Cleve- land), 172, 173, 182, 201 Lythe (Rich. Leake. See Minis- ter), 240 Middleton in Pickering-lieth (Raph Chapman), 2 (?) Normanby (Mich. Willan), 237 Thornton by Pickering (John Robinson), 249 Rob. Holdsworth, 187 Clough, Cloughe, John, 178, 206, 311 INDEX. 329 Cobham, John, 205 Cockerell, Elizth, w. of Geo., 214 Geo., 214 Collier, Jeffrey, 210 John, 200 Will., 210 "" Collinge, Ja., 317 Collinson, Oswold, 183, 203, 207, 239, 240 Coltus, Cowtus, Geo., 239 Rob., 126 Colvill, Tho., 317 Common or Town field, 209 Concett, Edw., 110 Conformity. See Certificate Coniers, Conyers, Cha³., 196 "" Cuthb., 196, 212, 228, 253 John, 91; 104 Nich., 2; 319 Conn, Capt., 18 Conny, Jane, 192 Constables, List of :- Danby, 236 Edstone, 114 Egton, 112, 132, 214 Ellerton and Bolton, 130 Eskdale-side, 94 Farndale, 47 Forcett, 104 Fyngall, 35 Ganthropp, 100 Gatenby, 104 Gillamore, 9 Gillinge, 234 Grinton, 194 Habton, 107 Hackforth, 104 Hauscarr and Stanscarre, 100 Hornby, 222, 253 Hovingham, 42 .Hunton, 104 Hutton in le Hole, 42 Rich., 24 Constable, Ja., 37, 38, 43 " John, 314 Lady Kath., 311 Mrs., 237 Constables, List of :- Ainderby, 104 Amotherby, 42 Appleton, Wood, 41 Appletons ambo, 209 Askrigg, 86, 103 Bainbrigg, 86, 251 Bardon, 194 Barforth, 186, 234 Barton, 49 Battersby, 9 Bedall, 104 Birdforth and Hutton, 100 Bolton, 104 Brompton (Northallerton), 193, 196 Brotton, 100 Burneston, 104 Burton in Bushopdale, 103 Caldwell, Cawdwell, 104, 186 Carlton in Coverdale, 5 99 Miniott, 192 Cathropp, 104 Catterick, 88, 104, 209 Conistropp, 100 Cowton, Long, 104 Crake, 96, 112 Croft, 104 Dalton, 172 • Longvillers, 104, 234 Ilkton, 27 Ingleby Barwick, 100 Kirkby Fletham, 104 on Moor, 104 on Wiske, 226 Knaton, 45 Leminge, 104, 122 Lynnton, 35 Malton, New, 9, 33, 191 "" Old, 54 Marton cum Moxby, 159, 179, 192 Massam, 104, 115 Melmerby, 103 Melsonby, 123, 234 Mickleby, 214 Mickleton, 124 Middleton in Pickering-lythe, 2 Midlam, 92 Morton, 236 Nawton with Budlam, 3 Newton Morker, 35 " Rocliffe, 33 cum Ruswicke, 104 Northallerton, 56, 244 Ormsby, 100 Osmotherley, 34, 48 Oswoldchurch, 32 · Patrick Brompton, 12 Pickall, 104 Pickering, 31, 116 Rosdale, 9, 42 Rouncton East, 100 -330 INDEX. Constables, List of :- Ruswarp, 121 Scalby, 205 Constables, Head, High, or Chief, List of :- Hebborne, R., 268 Scotton, 196 Screwton, Scruton, 35, 104 Sinderby, 104 Skelton and Rocliffe, 100 South-holme, 206 Stanwickes, 234 Stearsby, 96 Strensall, 180 Sutton on the Forest, 3 Swainby, 104 Terrington, Tyrrington, 100, 166 Theakston, 104 Thirsk, 44 Thoralby, 88 Thornaby in Stainton, 173 Thornton Beanes, 43 Steward, 104 Tollerton, Towlerton, 91, 96, 123 Topliffe, 226 Ugglebarby, 94 Welbury, 44, 100 Well, 104 Whitby, 100, 113, 121, 239 Wicliffe Thorp and Girlington, 104 Witton, 103 Hodge, W. 284 Hooppes, Raph, 35 Hunter, Rob., 94, 95 Hunton, Fr., 29 Jackson, Tho., 5, 14, 27, 286 Kaye, Will., 124, 145 Knight, Fr., 3, 5, 124 Lomley, Rob., 169 "" Tho., 124, 169 Lyell, Mark, 2, 168, 236, 238 Metcalfe, Geo., 124 Nendicke, Will., 260 Nesse, Will., 295 Parker, Peter, 145 Rawson, Mark, 3, 17, 40 Reynolde, Geo., 260 Ringrose, Rog., 260, 268, 269 Robinson, Geo., 35 Rowth, Tho., 92, 94, 221, 222 Seatone, Raph, 173 Shawe, Rob., 275- Simpson, Rob., 295 Smeaton, Tho., 315 Smithson, Chr., 34 Smyth, Fr., 124 Sneaton, Rich., 92, 94 " East, 166, 177 "" West, 116 Worsall, 9 Yarm, 32, 214 of :- Constables, Head, High, or Chief, List Agar, John, 95 Baites, Baytes, Will., 2, 47 Bell, Will., 35 Blaides, Fr., 275 Bransby, Raph, 201 Brasse, Sam., 168, 173 Chamber, Geo., 124 Chernocke, Seathe (Geo.), 268, 269 Clark, Clarke, Tho., 3, 15, 32, 92, 93, IOI, 192, 272 Cockerell, Tho., 268, 269 Coupland, Henry, 3, 32, 93, 202, 295 Dodsworth, John, 12, 13 Sowerby, Tho., 124 Stockton, Tho., 315 Stoope, Rob., 168 Sturdy, Will., 202 Tayleur, Taylour, Oswold, 3, 17, 18 Thomlinson, Adam, 5, 85 Thornton, Will., 259 Turner, Henry, 5, 34, 92 "" Raph, 34, 92, 177 Ward, Tho., 124, 266 Wate, Tho., 95, 101 Wright, John, 201 Wylson, James, 124 Constable, Abusing the, 12, 168 " Assaulting the, 31, 45, 88, 175, 192, 193, 196, 236, 251 the deputy, 98 "" "" Deputy, negligent, 130 Dowglasse, Simon, 275 Foster, Will., 47, 168 >> Disobeying the, 12, 183 "" Dispute touching a, 91 Freeman, Rob., 201 >> Escaping from the, 173 Grant, Edw., 3, 5, 85, 105, 124 "" fined for bringing in an in- sufficient bill, 100 INDEX. 331 Constable fined for contempt, &c, 96 "" "" " " not attending Petty Sessions, 186 not attending Qu• Sessions, 104 not executing a warrant, 115, 116, 132, 191, 196, 200 not presenting Re- cusants, &c., 104, 173, 206 suffering wander- ing strangers, 214 suffering a prisoner to escape, 41, 226 Township fined for appoint- ing an insufficient, 48 Fined for not having a, 41, 100, 206, 234 Refusing to aid the, 49, 239 refusing to pay over over the money he had collected, 57 Interfering with, in execution of his office, 168 Constables fined for neglect, 32, 47, 49, "" "" " "" " " 96, 100, 104, 115, 130 guilty of contempt of Jus- tices, 91, 96 neglecting or refusing to at- tend Petty Sess¹³., 96, 123, I29, 209 Negligent, 12, 35, 91, 131, 132 not attending to the watch, 214 not paying over money col- lected, 159, 236 Orders to appoint, 100, 101, 104, 108, 133, 196 Presentments of Petty, 206 to be presented themselves if they neglect to make due presentments, 207 refusing or delaying to cess, or collect cessments, &c, 164, 177, 194 Constable (High), applying to be re- lieved of the office, 47 Constables (High), not executing the "" precept of, 13 Not paying money due, 224 Remuneration Conyhaie, Keeping or using a, 1, 2 Cooke, Will., 192 al'. Chapman, Tho., 43 Cooper, Chr., 25 "" Elizth., 208, 210 Cornforth, Henry, 207 "" Rich., 100 Coroner, 44 Correction, House of, apprentice to "" "" Master of, 249 House of, Cessments for, 164, 183, 188 House of, Money collected for, 173, 183, 195, 228, 238 House of, Orders touching, 110, 126, 168, 183, 221, 225, 229, 235, 240, 248 House of, Appointment of Master of, 221, 229 House of, Tools, &c, to be provided for, 235, 240 Cosen, Miles, 240 Cotes, Coates, Edm., 103 John, 184 Rich., 43 Will., 43; 44; 107; 200 Council of the North, Lo. President of, 222 Court, Contempt of, 13, 29, 145 "" "" Departing the, without license, 6, 38, 43, 174, 188, 195, 238 Neglecting an Order of, 108 Refusing to obey a Warrant from, 124 Cowby, Tho., 41, 42 Cowell, John, 58 Cowton, Long, West-myre in, 4 Crake, Tho., 112 Crathorn, Ralph, 315 Croft, Chr., 237 Geo., 5 Tho., 35 Crookdike, Hugh, 34 Cropton chappell-yeard, Stocks in, 20 Crosland, Mr. John, 237 Curate of Yarme, 32 Cusson, Marm., 115 Rob., 115 Cuthbert, John, 207 of, "" 92, 266, 271, 272 Rich., 103, 110 Cuthbertson, Henry, 234 1 332 INDEX. D. Dale, Elizt., 45, 46 "" Rob., 22 Danby, Chr., 227, 228 Geo., 105 "> "" Tho., 155 Darrell, Rog., 249 Davile, Henry, 91, 126 Davison, Henry, 37, 83 Dawson, John, 58 "" Tho., 103 " Will., 253 Days-work, Common, 23, 32, 103, 172 "" Not sending suf- ficient persons to do, 172 Deer in a park, Hunting, 106, 107 "" Shooting, 122 Stealing, 115 Default of attendance in obedience to a warrant, 211 Dennison, Tho., 180 n. Dixon, Will., 153; (Vicar of Osmother- ley), 85 Dobby, Margt., 116 Dobson, Fr., 57, 92, 105 "" Geo., 124, 178 Rich., 9; 211 Dodshon alⓇ. Ward, Jane, 127 Dodsworth, Fr., 187, 245, 314 99 John, 12 Mr., 128 Donnington, John, 159, 160, 198, 222 Dove, Tho., 33 Douglasse, John, 37, 228 Dowsinge, Marm., 223, 235, 246 Dowton, Sir Tho., 289 Driffeild, Tho., 101 Drink, Spending excessively in, 156 Drinking, Drunkenness, &c, 3, 12, 16, 20, 51, 56, 107, 118, 130, 132, 201, 214, 215, 239 Permitting, 19, 49, 51, 58, 118, 158, 165, 226 Drinkings, Making, 2, 27, 32, 131, 214 Drunk in Court, 201 Drunkards, Common, 107, 157, 214 Dun, Tho., 47 Dunninge, Cha'., 124 Denny, Margt., 49 Dent, Anth., 44 "" Ja'., 124 " Edw., 240 "" Geo., 124; Geo. son of Geo., 124 John, 124; 168 Dent, Denton, Will., 199, 203 Denton, Ja., 2 Tho., 93 Denton als. English, Dorothy, 198, 199 Dice, Playing at, 107 Dickenson, Dickonson, Geo., 205 "T Tho., 153 99 Will., 197 Dighton, Edm. (Emmanuel), 44, 45 Dineley, Fr., 19, 226, 227 Dinsdale, Will., 88; 105 Disorderly conduct, 22 house, Keeping a, 16, 34, 37, 44, 51, 85, 132, 234 Divine Service, Violations of, 2, 36, 37, 56, 85, 109 Distrain, Warrant to, 192 Distress on the goods of a widow, 167 "" inhabt. of Wigginton, 182 Wrongful, 182 Ditching in another man's grounds, 42 Dixon, Anth., 131 "" Mark, 5; 88 >> Leon., 124 "" Margt., w. of John, 168 Durham, Ja., 249 Rob., 155, 196 Durham, Bishop of, 125 E. Earl of Rutland, 237 Rutland's officers, 50 workmen, 84 "" Easington, John, 201 Easterby, John, 127 Egton, Long list of Recusants from, 63 Ejection, 49 Eldrige, Will., 213 Ellis, Chr., 91, 96 Ellis, Rob., 192, 200 INDEX. 333 English al❜. Denton, Dor., 198, 199 Enticing a child to bring stolen corn, 20 children to one's house at night, 209 a man's wife to an alehouse, making her a drunkard, &c, 158 Escape of a prisoner permitted by a Con- " "" Fine for harbouring players of interludes, 122 outrage and assault, 86 permitting prisoners to escape, II2 Fined for assault on a Justice, 232 contempt of Court, 192 insufficient summons of Jury- men, A Bailiff, 164 stable, 123 Deputy Con- not "" stable, 130 Permitting, aiding, conniving at, 112, 137, 176, 203, 205, 254 Escaping from the Sheriff's custody, 188, 192, 195 Eston, Rog., 107 Etherington, Ninian, 46, 185, 187, 211 Etty, Marm., 19 Evernden, Jos., 198, 199 Exeter, Altering and interlining the Commission of the Bishop of, 195 Eure, Lord, 281 "" "" attending to present Recusants, Con- stables, 104 Ministers, 104 not coming to church, 172 speaking opprobrious words when drunk, 200 Firbanck, Fr., 103 Fisher, John, 320 "" Will., 192 Fishing in another man's pond, 115 with nets, Wrongful, 15 "" Flunders, Flounders, Ellys, 4 Mich., IO Foord, Chr., 122 "" Tho., 8 Faceby, Will., 127 Fairfax, Tho., 201 Fall, John, 104 Farnaby, Chr., 101 Farnam, Tho., 234 F. Footway, Stopping a, 2, 34, 136 Forcible entry, 107 Forestalling the market, 161 Forging a gentleman's name, 198, 201, 205 Forrest, Will., 210 Forrester, Will., 210 Foster, Henry, 51 "" John, 19 Tho., 85 Fotherley, Anne, 38 Farran, Rob., 49 "" Henry, 107, 198, 201, 205, 206 Fawcett, Marm., 21 "" Rich., 8; (Vicar of Kattericke), 25 Rog., 105 Fawconbridge, Rog., 126, 136 Fees due to the Sheriff unpaid, 195 "" Clerk of Peace Fenner, Nath., 38 Fetherston, Will., 240 Fewster, Marm., 96 "" 195 Fine for assault, 115, 116, 136 assaulting a Constable, 88, "" "" "" 200 Deputy Bailiff, 97, 200 brewing without license, 121 contempt of a warrant, 57 discharged, 55, 170, 192, 253 Fountaines, Margt. dau'. of Will., 127 Fowberie, John, 38, 43 Franke, Elizth., widow of Geo., 5 Franckland, Geo., 2 "" John, 2 Rob., 224, 236 Tho., 164 Freeman, Rob., 201, 237 Freer, Raph, 9 Gage, Tho., 121 Gale, Rich., 176 Gamble, Rob., 158 G. 334 INDEX. Gamel, Rob., 12 Roger, 21 Games, Unlawful, 15, 26, 34, 39, 53, 54, Suffering, 54, 89 96, 107 "" Garbutt, John, 136 Garforth, John, 205 Gargrave, Fr., 169, 174 Garth, Geoff., Jeffrey, 39, 40 Rich., 40 Gascoign, Gascoigne, Rich., 100 "" Will., 51, 122 Guy, Ja., 5; II, 13 ,, John, 5 Guylpinge, Anth., 287 H. Haistings, Tho., 226 Haldore, Mary, 16 Hall, Chr., 10 Gatenby, Chr., 104 " Geo., 22, 24, 200; 127 Gawle, Will., 318 ,, Ja³., 183 Geare, Rob., 203, 225, 237 ,, John, 237 Gibson, Gybson, Anth., 86 Mary, 171 Edw., 74 n. "9 M*. D'., 260 Will., 192 "" Gill, Henry, 42 "" Rog., 58 Gilling, Gillinge, Fr., 104 .Henry, sen., 203 Glover, John, 240 Goodericke, Gothericke, Ann, 96, 145 Gower, Gowre, John, 111, 206, 214 "" Will., 31, 32 Grainge, Isabell, 121 Grainger, Math., 98, 99 Grant, Graunt, Edw., 5 "" John, 203 Marm., 4 Will., 18 Grassmen and husbandmen of Disforth, Question between, 203 Gray, Ann, 205, 206 Grayson, Grason, JaⓇ., 226 Rich., 112 Greathead, Leon., 103 Green Cloth, Lords of the, 34 Grene, Tho., 224 Grenebury, Grenebury Grange, 155 "" Harbert, Chr., 227 Harbouring felons, &c, 10, 128 idlers, rogues, &c, 23, 34, "" 19 39, 41, 58, 98, 128, 135, 138,158,159, 176, 190, 209 men's servants at untimely hours at night, 36, 41, 128 tinkers, pedlars, &c, 49, 213 vagrants and naughty per- sons, 96, 107 a wandering player of leger- demain tricks, 119 travellers, &c, Not, 3, 12, 96 Harbutt al. Cawdmer, Rob., 110 Hardy, John, 103; 105 " Rob., 10 Hargraves, Hargreaves, Will., 250, 254 Harland, Henry, 175 "" Will., 112 Harnett, Tho., 153 Harrison, Cicily, 242 "" Jane, 254 John, 170; 234; 254 Math., 109 Rob., 286 Greneside, Greeneside, Will., 206, 214 Greyhounds, Hunting deer with, 106, 107 Keeping, 5, 52 Grindall, Brian, 176 Guider of New Malton Hospital, 192 Gun, Carrying a loaded, 136 ,, Keeping a, 5 "" Shooting in, or with, 4, 5, 82, 115, 122, 136, 161, 165, 197, 201, 239, 241 Fined £10 for, 240, 241 "" Tho., 225; 245 Will., 103; 107 Hart, Harte, Edw., 234 "" Rog., 107 Tho. sen., 15; jun*., 15 Hartus, Ellis, 240 "" Nich., 239, 240 Harwood, JaⓇ., 55 Haslam, M. (Steward to Lo: Sheffield), 113 Hauxwell, John, 239, 241 INDEX. 335 } Haw, Fr., 104 Hawsker, Haskerth, Horskarse, 20 Haxby, Tho., 100 Hay, Edm., 231 Hay and harvest, Leaving home during, 53 Heard, Geo., 184 Heatherington, Rich., 234 Heddon, Leon., 100 Hedges, Breaking, damaging, '&c, 4, 8, 15, 43, 44 Helmsley, Newgate-foot in, 113 High Sheriff fined for appointing one of his Bailiffs Deputy Sheriff, 46 default of his Bailiffs, 32, 235, 249 permitting the escape of a prisoner, 192 Hobkin, Phil., 32 Hobson, Chr., 58 Peter, 124 Hodgson, Jane, w. of John, 116 "" John, 116 "" overcharged with poor people, 83 "" Raph, 191 Tho., 58 West-end Park at, 8 Hesleton, Will., `155 Hick, Hicke, Geo., 241 Lawr., 51 Highway, Not repairing, 5, 8-10, 12, 13, "" "" 22, 25, 35, 39, 42, 46, 49, 82, 89, 90, 115, 125, 159, 160, 164, 166, 168, 171-173, 182, 183, 189, 190, 194, 198, 200, 222, 243, 250 Damage to, through digging a hole in a wath-stead, 112 Deviation of or damage to, 11, 12, 16 Encroachment on, 25, 209 Not leading cobble-stones for the repair of, 171 out of repair so that two wains &c cannot pass, 198 Provision for, on allotment of lands, 50 Stopping, 11, 16, 25, 49, 82, "" 160, 168, 180, 199, 205 by laying dung on it, 82 Hill, Steph., 160 High Sheriffs, List of :- Alford, Sir Will., 188, 193, 197, 204, 208, 212, 215, 234 Armitage, John, Esq., 81, 84, 87, 93-95, 97, 102, 106 Hildyard, Sir Chr., 7, 10, 16, 19, 20, 25, 30, 33 Ingram, Sir Arthur, 223, 226, 230, 231, 238, 242, 245, 250 Savile, Sir Geo., 36, 38, 41, 42, 45, 48, 50, 52, 55 Slingsby, Sir Henry, I, 4 Stanhope, Sir Edw., 114, 117, 120, 121, 127-130, 133-135 Swift, Sir Rob., 171, 179, 184 Hoggart, Hoggard, Mary, 241 Tho., 145 Will., 205, 206 Hood, Fr., 23 " Margt., 196 Hoope, John, 100 Hornby, Edw., 222 " Will., 23, 97, 164 Horner, Fr., 6 " Geo., 5 John, 5 Horsemen, Light, 311, 318 (militia), 310, 311 Horse-stealing, 37, 175, 187, 219, 246 ,, Suspicion of, 50 Horses, Suspicion of killing, 254 Hospital of Malton, New, 192 "" "} Old, 183, 257, 259, 272, 276, 297 Scarbrough, Scarbrewghe, 145, 164, 257, 296 Hospitals, King's Bench, Marshalsey, &c, 274, 275, 297 Hudson, Geo. s. of Rich., 119, 122 Rich., 119, 122, 136 "" Rob., 248 "" Will., 92; son of Rich., 119, 122 Hue and Cry, 96 Humble, Mr. Simon, 173 Hunter al'. Walton, Mary, 220 Hunton, Fr., 18 " Will., 200 Hurst, Will., 180 Husband, Chr., 187, 196 "" Geo., 91 John, 91; 210, 211 Hutchinson, Hutchenson, Cha"., 25 Chr., 119, 122 "" Cicily, 109 336 INDEX. Hutchinson, Ja³., 210, 211 John, 26, 110, 115 "" Mich., 315 Raph, 29, 315 Tho., 178 "" Will., 109 "" Hutton, Raph, 250, 253 Idle, Geo., 237 Iles, Edw., 209 I. Importunate in craving carnal inter- course, 95 Imprisoned for a year and fined besides for an assault on a Justice, 235 Imprisonment, Cases of prolonged, 177 Inclosure, Process of, 50, 194 Incontinency, Keeping a house of, 209 Informer fined for corrupt practices, 56, III for the Court of Exchequer, 85 "" Ingledew, Cuthb., 131 Greg., 199 disallowed, 85 Ingram, Ingeram, Rob., 34 Inhabitants of- Acklam, 205 Ainderby, Aynderby Steeple, 12, 188 Aiskew, 115 Aldburgh, Audbrough, 9, 103 Appleton, West, 109 Askrigg, 210, 211 Barforth, 103 Barningham, 212 Barton, 9 Bedale, 175 Boltby, 242 Bowes, 103 Brompton-on-Swale, 188 "" Pattericke, 115 Broughton, Great, 133 Burneston, 175, 187, 195 Busby, 168 Little, 23, 32 Butterwicke cum Newsam, 100 Carlton, 199 Miniott, Mynyott, 9, 101 Catterick, 194 Cawdwell, 103 Constable Burton, 116 Inhabitants of- Cowton, Long, 253 Dalton cum Gales, 103 Dromanby, 168 Ellingthorp, 10, 82, 90 Ellington, 115 Fencotes, 115 Foston, 82 Gatonby, 159 Geldable de Borrowby, 206 Gisbrough, 190 Goversett, 196 Grenebury, 91, 155 Habton, Great, 91 "" Little, 46, 84, 91 Hartforth, 103 Hauxwell, West, 250 Healey, 115 Hilton, 205 Hipswell, 250, 287 Hovingham, 10 Hudswell, 287 Ingleby Barwick, 100 Keldholme, 9, 23, 48, 166, 184 Kirkby Misperton, 9 "" Moorside, 9 "" on the Hill, 9 Ravensworth, 287 Langton, Great, 12 Little, 12 Lastingham, 9 Laton, East, 212 Leminge, Leeming, 13 Great, 194 Leventhorp, 205 Maltby, 205 Marton, 23 cum Moxby, 192 Massam, 115 Melsonby, 103, 188 Milby, 45 Miton on Swale, 183 Morton, 12 Mowthropp, 82, 90 Muscottes, 32 Nesse, East and West, 32 Newbiggin, 5 Newby, 12 Newsam, Newsome, 12 Newton cum Ruswicke, 115 Normanby, 32, 47 North-holme, 174 Northallerton, 244 Ormsby, 190 1 INDEX. 337 Inhabitants of- Osmotherley, 168 Oswoldchurch, 190 Ottrington, South, 12 Pickering, 222 Pottoe cum Goulton, 189, 192 J. Jackson, Anth., 234 Ravensworth, 103 Reeth, 167 Riton, 102 " Edm., 153 Emott, 51 Geo., II "" 99 Henry, 3 Mich., 31, 44 Rookby cum Eggleston, 103 Rookwith cum Thirne, 115 Scruton, Screwton, 12, 115 Scorton cum Uckerby, 91 Seamer cum Newby, 205 Sheriff Hutton, 8 Skelton (near York), 8 82 Skipton, 8 South-holme, 41 Spennithorne, 89 Snape, 115 St. Martin's, 287 Stockton, 9 Swainby, 159, 167 Thirntoft, Thurntoft, 12 Thirske, 173, 200 Tholthorp, 8 Thornton cum Bagby, 206 ,, ,, Stainton, 205 Tirrington, 42 Topcliff, 172 Walden, 188 Warlaby, 12 Watlas, 13, 125 Welbury, 9 Well, 115 Whitwell, 8 Whorlton, 8, 33 Whorlton cum Swainby, 189, 192, 208 Wigginton, 171, 183 Inquisition taken at Slingsby, 248 Interludes, Players of, 110, 119, 122, "" 197 fined, 114 Harbouring,&c., III, 119, 122, 136, 197, 205 Rich., 221; 240 Tristram, 19 Tho., 200; 202, 225, 228, 238, 241, 248 Jacy, M. (Preacher), 83 Jake, Jaque, Leon., II Jefferson, Tho., 192 Jerome, Rich., 33 Tho., 18 Will, 33 John's (St.) at Jerusalem, 133 Johnson, Fr., 237 "" John, 104 Lawr., 51 1 Margt., 20 Rich., 3 Rog., 8 Tho., 200 Jury, Refusing to obey summons to serve on a, 96 Wrongfully summoned to serve on a, 54 Jurymen, List of :- Abbey, Leon., 95 Adamson, John, 227 Agar, John, (Earswicke), 95, 97, 98 (Stockton), 98 Aggeson, Will., 19 Aickrigg, Will., 243 Alder, Henry, 213, 230 " Ja*. 230 "" Rob., 230 Alderson (Awderson), Geo., 39 Allan, John, 213 "" Thos., 128 Allanson, Anth., 127, 156 "" Rich., 82, 112, 190, 239 Allatson, Will., 171, 230 Allen, Edw., 39 Alton, John, 251 Anderson, Chr., 19, 210 "" Cuthb., 10, 26, 33, 71, 85, 108, 146, 175, 209, 243 Z 338 INDEX. Jurymen, List of— Anderson, John, 231 Raph, 234 Jurymen, List of— Bell, Henry, 234 ,, Ja³., 215 John, 220, 232, 245 "" Rich., 15, 112, 127 Rob., 99, 226 "" Marm., 97, 215, 220, 245 " Raph, 41, 110, 121, 197 Rich., 15, 36, 42, 137, 159, Annison, Cuthb., 30 Gilb., 219 Applebie, Anth., 184, 219 Appleton, John, 129 Archer, Will., 52, 120, 198 Armit, Geo., 90 Armstrong, John, 165 "" Roger, 45 Arnett, Arnott, Fr., 234 "" Geo., 133, 157 Atkinson, Chr., 172 John, (Butterwicke), 53 "" "" "" (Carlton Miniott), 99, 239 Rob., 37, 71, 83, 161, 208 Tho. (Disforth), 193 "" "" "" "" (Reeth), 175 (Tollerton), 165 "" 167, 220, 234 Rob., 42, 157 Tho., 21, 53, 123, 127, 159, 165, 172, 239, 243 Will., 127, 220, 223 Bentley, Will., 83 Best, Henry, 42 ›› Ja³., 15, 87 "" Rich., 30, 52, 106, 180, 182 Tho., 25, 39, 85, 102, 114, 161, 194. 232, 251 Walter, 52, 223 Betson, Anth., 245 Bickers, Henry, 45 Tho., 93 Biggins, John, 213 Bindlosse, John, 39 Binsley, Fr., 128 "" Will., 87, 232 Atley, Tho., 157 Awmacke, Greg., 159 Awmonde, Barth., 42 Raph, 107 Bailiffe, Tho., 19 Bainbrigg, Arth., 37, 102 Baine, Fr., 26 "" Geo., 157 Baker, Tho., 189, 248 Balke, Tho., 94 Banckes, Rich., 165, 239, 248 Barber, Tho., 106, 156 Bardon, Chr., 130 Barehead, Mich., 46, 83 Bargh, Will., 14, 194 Barker, Nich., 21, 45, 81, 98, 99, "" 112, 136, 239 Peter, 83, 106, 112, 172 Rob., 82, 120 "" Will., 21 Birkill, John, 117 Blades, John, 251 Bland, Henry, 176 Will., 119 Blenkorne, Edw., 165 Boseman, Geo., 21 Bossall, Bossell, Rob., 36,81, 156, 190 Bovell, Will., 224 Bowes, John, 157, 158, 161 Boyes, Henry, 131 John, 52 Will., 117 Brabiner, Humph., 156 Brandesby, Brandsbie, Bransby, Henry, 131 Ralph, 1, 36, 45, 87, 137, 190 Will., 41, 121 Brasse, Sam., 172 Barnby, Lawr., 46 Barrowbie, John, 167, 186 Bayley, Ja*., 46 Becke, John, 170 >> Will., 239 Beckwith, Anth., 227 Edw., 85 Tho., 4 Bell, Daniel, 205 >> Guy, 199 Bright, Chr., 121 Brignell, Geo., 210 "" Rich., 140 Brodebelt, Geo., 134 Brown, Browne, Cuthb., 71, 74, 184, 227 Fr., 51 "" John, 156 "" Rob. (Sutton), 127 (Yearsley), 133 INDEX. 339 Jurymen, List of— Brown, Will. (Carlton Miniott), 133 " (Linton), 127 "" (Raskall), 121 Bruister, Rob., 213 Brunskell alⓇ. Clark, Chr., 146 1 Bryce, Tho., I, 156 Buckle, Will., 114 Burge, Will., 119 Jurymen, List of― Cleasbie, Leon., 175, 193, 208, 226, 233 Clerke, Brian, 48 Clifford, Henry, 19 Will., 224 Close, Geo., 85, 243 Ja., 209 "" John, 56 "" Rich., 33 Sim., 56 Burgh, Rich., 4 Burnett, Rich., 159 Will., 14, 20, 112, 136, 157, 159, 171, 179, 189, 198, 239 Burneston, Geo., 220, 239 Burrell, Alex., 193 Burton, Rob., 15, 107, 215, 220 › Will., 165 Butler, Rob., 36, 45, 81, 97, 112, 137, 165 Butter, Fr., sen., 170 Butterwick al³. Gibson, Jas., 36, 165 John, 14, 90 "" Rob., 83 Buttery, Rob., 129 Cagill, Geo., 170 Tho., 170 Caley, Ja"., 215, 220 Calvert, Henry, 194 Candeler, Candler, John, 19, 51 Cappe, Adam, 208 Carleton, Carlton, Chr., 21, 45, 82, 97 Carliell, Rog., 52 Carre, Mich., 119 Carter, Martin, 26 "" Tho., 42 Cawton, Fr., 234 "" Tho., 37, 205 Challoner, Fr., 30, 172, 189, 223, 239 Chapman, Chas., 165 "" Will., 89, 179 Chartley, Geo., 25 Cheseman, Walt., 99, 123, 172, 245 Clapham, Rich., 25, 42, 176 Clark, Clarke, Brian, 103 "" Humph., 156 "" John, 134, 233 "" Rich., 157, 191, 223 Tho., 182 Will., 4, 25 Clarkson, Ja³., 234 Claxton, Tho., 85 Will. 194, 243 Coates, Cotes, Cootes, Rob., 36 "" Will., 4, 15, 25, 41 Cockerell, Cockerill, Kockerill, " John, 20, 56, 94, 120, 194, 230 Tho., 82 Collier, Will., 251 Colling, Rob., 89 Collinson, Collison, Rob., 128, 194, 251 Rog., 19 Colton, John, 36 Coniers, Geo., 191 "" Henry, 48 " John, 25, 130 Cooke, Fr., 106 " Parcival, 250 Cooper, Anth., 42 "" Chr., 191 Math., 94 Cornforth, John, 83 Coultus, Coltus, Lawr., 191 Tho., 171 Court, Chr., 119 Covell, John, 213 Cowlby, Will., 95 Cowlinge, Rob., 129 Cowlson, Chr., 51, 231 Cowpland, John, 129 Craven, Peter, 36, 41 Phil., 21, 87, 136, 159, 171, 223, 239 Tho., 215 Crawe, Crow, John, 1, 15, 130 Cropton, Edw., 20 Crosbie, Rich., 41 Crosse, John, 182 Crossthwate, Sam., 223 Curle, Rich., 243 Cuthbert, Will., 52, 213 Dale, John, 171, 205 Danby, Geo., 4, 5, 10, 39, 56, 71, 85, 114, 208, 243 22 340 INDEX. Jurymen, List of— Danby, Lanc., 134 Darrell, Rob., 231 Davison, John, 133 "" Nich., 189, 239 Dawson, Rich., 108 Will., 95 Day, Chr., 95 Will., 97, 205, 223 Denham, Anth., 232, 246 Dent, Ja'., 129 "" John, 198, 226 Denton, Ja³., 81, 83 "" Will., 108, 215, 220 Dighton, Will., 36, 220 Dixon. Rich., 51 Dobson, Geo., 85, 161, 227 "9 "" John, 172, 189, 233 Rich., 182, 224 Rob. (Frerehilĺ), 30, 41, 87, "" 159, 171, 204 (Slingsby), 41 Will., 89, 224, 246 Dodgson, Fr., 95, 215 Rob., 19 Tho., 224 Dodshon, John, 136 Dodsworth, John, 128 Jurymen, List of- Ellerby, Hugh, 157 Tho., 45, 172, 197, 239, 248 Ellerton, John, 7, 239 Ellis, Chr., 165, 204, 233 Rich., 52 Elrington, Edw., 137 Emerson, Emmerson, Tho., 117 "" Will., 213, 232 Errington, Raph, 133 Exilbie, Tho., 215, 220 Faceby, Tho., 36, 106, 127, 197 Will., 95, 97 "" Fairpoint, Rich., 182, 224 Favell, Fawvell, John, 4, 10 Fawcet, Fawcett, John, 93, 171, 223, "" 239 Tho., 191 Fawdington, John, 215 ,, "" Rob. (Aldwark), 45, 89 (Tollerton), 89, 127 Fewster, Marm., 8, 14, 37 Firbanck, Firbank, Geo., 39 "" Will., 4, 10, 26, 33, 39, 71, 186, 198 Fisher, Tho., 171 Flesher, Will., 95 Doncaster, Tho., 90 Fletham, Tho., 250 Dowe, John, 52, 172, 223 "" Tho., 94, 179, 182 Dowsinge, Marm., 81, 197, 215, 220, 223, 245 Dowson, Rob., 119 Dowthwait, Edw., 52 Dringe, Rob., 46 Flintoft, Tho., 19 Flower, John, 14, 25, 114, 175, 194, "" 250 Tho., 134 "" Will., 134 "" Tho., 213 Will.. 8, 21, 45, 82, 97, 112, 165, 189 Duck, Ja'., 41 Will., 97, 213, 223 Duffield, Tho., Io Dun, Geo., 243 Sampson, 243 Tho., 4, 33 Dunnage, Will., 180 Dunning, Dunnynge, Edw., 134 "" Fr., 189 " "" John, 110, 137, 180, 232, 245 Will., 42, 112, 215, 220 Durham, Raph, 250 Eden, Tho., 110, 172 Edlinge, Tho., 4, 85, 108 Forrest, Will., 210 Fosse, John, 41, 56, 87 Foster, John, 193, 243 "" Tho., 117 Will., 99 Fothergill, Geo., 41, 87, 121, 184, 198 Fotherley, Rob., 230 Fox, Foxe, John, 93 "" Tho., 14, 121 Foxton, Lanc., 36, 81, 197, 239 Math, 14, 25, 71, 85, 103, 114, 161, 243 Freman, Rob., 53 Frere, Will., 205 Frost, Tho., 7, 30, 37, 87, 123 Funtance, John, 123 Gale, John, 128, 193 "," Raph, 194 "" Gailes, Edw., 210 Rich., 90, 186, 251 INDEX. 34I Jurymen, List of Gamble, Leon., 36, 220 "" Will., 234 Gamell, Tho., 190 Garbut, John, 37 Garnett, Geo., 95 Jurymen, List of- Harton, Marm., 223 • Hauxwell, Sim., 210 Hebborne, Tho. (Stangay), 7 Henlake, Will., jun*., 123 Herringe, Barth., 234 Heslerton, Fr., 137 Geare, John, 205 Gibson, Tho., 7, 180, 204, 239 Gill, Chr., 85, 103, 114, 176, 208 "" Edw., 56 John, 51 Gillinge, Henry, 186 Glover, John, 98, 99, 120 Goodall, Will., 19 Gowland, John, 53 Grainge, Grange, Rich., 10, 15, 39, 48 Tho., 85, 103, 114, 198, 219, 226, 243 Grame, Henry, 41 "" Rich., 19 Grene, Rich, 52 "" Tho., 30, 81, 110, 197 Greneside, Ralph, 130, 180, 205 Grime, Gryme, Edw., 95, 137 Grindall, Grundall, Will., 21, 36, 83, 93, 98, 157, 219, 248 Hackforth, John, 134 Haggett, John, 123 Haggis, John, 213, 230 Hainsworth, John, 199 Hall, Anth., 119 "" "" "1 "" Fr. (Kirklevington), 137 "" "" (Lofthouse), 213 (Worsall), 87, 110, 137 Geo., 21, 165, 239 ,, John, 110, 204, 248 Steph., 204, 224 "" Raph, 137 "" "" Tho., 119, 130, 246 Halliday, Geo., 223, 245 Hamond, Rog., 219 Hanley, Peter, 102, 146 Harbart, Will., 20 Harland, Geo., 165 Harrington, Anth., 157, 172 Harrison, Brian, 193 "" Ja'., 120, 230 " John, 41, 83, 198 Peter, 52, 120 Mat., 110 "" Tho., 130, 193, 226, 250 "" Will., 30, 130 Hart, Tho., 106 Harton, Ja'., 223 " John, 21, 30, 52 Heward, Hewitt, Heworth, Will., 21, 37, 95, 127 Hewitson, Peter, 230 Hicke, Hick, Henry, 157 >> John, 157 Rob., 1, 7, 21, 36, 42, 52, 93, 98, 121, 157, 165, 180, 223, 239 Hill, Geo., 52, 82, 94, 171, 239 Ja., 20, 158, 230 Mich., 103, 186 " Rob., 137, 248 "" Tho., 120 Hillary, Anth., 129 Hilton, Raph, 137 Hinderwell, Tho., 51 Hird, Chr., 128 "" Henry, 246 Hirdman, JaⓇ., 4, 85, 134, 208 " John, 48 Hobson, Chr., 7, 36 Hodgson, Edm., 51 Pet., 190 ,, "" Rob., 19 Holmes, John, 204 Hopper, John, 119, 213 "" Will., 204 Hopperton, Hoperton, John, 45, "" 93, 112 Peter, 21, 36, 81, 97, 165, 223 Hopps, Ralph, 15 "" Will., 134 Hornby, Tho., 1, 45, 133 Horne, Greg., 129 Horner, John, 10 Hudson, Rob., 190 Huetson, Pet., 120 Hugill, Rob., 36, 239 Humble, Rog., 19 Humphrey, John, 45 Humpton, Rich., 182 Hunter, Pet., 7, 41 " Rich., 230 Rob., 94, 117 Hunton, Fr., 25 342 INDEX. Jurymen, List of- Hunton, Will., 48, 193 Huntrodes, Leon., 120, 172 Husthwaite, Huswhate, Hustwith, John, 159, 165, 199, 220, 232 Hutchinson, Calverley, 184 Edw., 25, 42, 89, 121, 161 John, 51 Tho., 39, 85 Ingledew, Tho., 197, 239 Jackson, Fr., 157 Geo., 108 Greg., 159 John, 46, 89 Josua, 20 Laur., 93 Mich., 139, 179 Rich., 36, 120, 239 Steph., 36 Tho. (Helmsley), 8 (Ilkton), 42 (Pickering), 198 " " "" "" " "" " (Thirsk), 133, 165,220 Will., 42, 157, 232 Jake, Jaike, Jaque, John, 26, 56, 193, 243 Jefferson, Edm., 176 " Rich., 243 Rowland, 243 Jerom, Pet., 119 Johnson als. Parkinson, Edw., 157 "" Chr., 121, 161, 199 John, 10, 90, 158, 209 19 " (Bardon), 210 Ralph, 48, 85, 114, 137, 243 Rich. (Boltby), 82, 98, 99, 112 ,, (Newsham), 146, 193 Tho., 129, 226 Judson, Rich., 1, 83 Kay, Mich., 157 Rich., 184 "" "" Rob., 157 Tho., 134 Keddy, Rog., 117 Jurymen, List of— Kettlewell, John (Topcliffe), 219, 232 Kidd, Henry, 129 Kilburne, Tho., 90 Killington, Edw., 128 Kilvington, John, 172 Kinge, Rob., 231 Kipton, Raph, 176, 209, 227 Kirkby, Chr., 129 Tho., 37 Kirke, John, 157 Kirkupp. Pet., 19 Kitchin, Kitchinge, Geo., 175 "" Tho., 81, 127, 182 Knight, Fr., 25, 161 Lacy, Sam., 51, 213 Lainge, Tho., 94 Laiton, Laton, Oliver, 158, 194 Lanchester, JaⓇ., 134 Langdale, John, 250 Raph, 94 Lassells, Henry, 97, 171 Lawnd, Rob., 20 Lazenby, Seth, 95 Leadley, Rog., 194 Leavens, Nich., 36 Leeming, Rob., 7 Lieth, Mich., 89, 121, 159, 167, " 198, 232 Rob., 99, 215, 220 Will., 133 Lightfoot, Lightfoote, Hen., 158, "" 250 John, 209, 227 Rich., 167 Rob., 10, 108, 123 Tho., 197 Linskell, Lynskell, Arth., 10, 48, 85, 103, 108, 146, 209 Liones, Chr., 90 "" Geo., 21, 52 Lockwood, Geo., 99 Rich., 14, 15, 158, 167, 199 Lodge, Rob., 71, 219, 233 Lofthouse, Loftus, Anth., 167 Kenraw, John, 128 Ketchenson, Edw., 14 Ketchingman, Ketchinman, Kit- chingman, Will. 14, 42, 158, 205, 246 Kettlewell, John (Allerton), 219, 226 " Henry, 71 John, 56 Lonsdale, Cha"., 108 Lotherington, Will., 245 Lucas, Fr., 226 Henry, 4, 25, 89, 209 Lucke, Geo., 94, 213 INDEX. 343 Jurymen, List of— Lucocke, Rob., 95 Lumlay, Lumley, Lomley, Rich., "1 233 Tho., 89, 129 Will., 33, 101, 146 Lyth, Lythe, Rich., 8, 20 Mackeridge, Rog., 15 Jurymen, List of— Metcalf, Metcalfe, Fr., 136 Henry, 89, 121, 167, 175 134 John, 56, 71, 108, 121, " "" Miles, 108, 158, 175, 250 Ottivell, 170 "" Rob., 87 Maddison, Tho., 182 Maddox, Rich., 165 Maisterman, Tho., 232 Steph., 4, 26, 71, 102, 146, 186 Will. (Askrigg), 250 Mamond, Mawmond, Geo., 8, 30, 53, 165 Will., 4, 15, 36, 52, 110, 179, 197 Manfield, Mansfield, Fr., 25 " John, 20, 85, 146, 175, 186, 198, 233 " Pet., 176 Manners, Chr., 165 " Will., 157 Mansell, Mansill, Fr., 103, 146 Marrer, Rob., 171 Marshall, Ambr., 231 "" ", "" (Craikall), 10 "" >> (Tilehouse), 36, 46, 82, 87, 121 (Worsall), 30 Michaell, Mitchell, Chr., 10, 25, 39, 87, 208 Fr., 175, 227 " Geo. (Pickering), 102, 231 (Exilbie), 233 33, Rich., 4,.26, 56, 90, 156, 209, 227 Miles, Myles, Brian, 8, 21 "" Edw., 117 "" John, 108 Geo., 20, 176 "" "" Rich, 25, 39, 48, 56, 175, Henry, 179 208, 226 " John (Aislaby), 19 "" Rob., 114, 215, 220 "" (Flaxton), 81, 223 "" Will., 10, 25, 48, 85, 103, Roger, 4, 117 "" Tho. (Northallerton), 134 " ,, (Thirske), 37 Will., 51 "" Rich., 213 Tho., 21 Marsingale, Marsingall, Gilb., 230 175, 208 Miller, Marm., 243 Milner, Chr., 243 "" Giles, 46, 157 Monckton, Mouncton, Mountaine, John, 14, 42, 106 Moone, Will., 94 Will., 42, 230 Massinger, Will., 171 Martin, Mich., 136, 180 Maule, Tho., 94 Mead, Meade, Mede, Meede, Medd, Abr., 37 ,, Chr., 93, 99, 165, 190, 233, "" "" 248 Edw., 98, 157 JaⓇ., 161 Will. (Lastingham), 30, 45, "" " 98, 110, 172, 190, 226, 239, 248 (Northallerton), 250 Mease, Will., 95, 129 Mercer, Rob., 1, 36, 41, 97, 136 Merrie, Rob., 20 Messenger, John, 48, 56 Moore, Fr., 117 "" Tho., 220 Moorewood, Tho., 20 Moorhouse, Rog., 37 Morland, John, 161, 193 Morrell, Tho., 30, 52, 180 "" Val., 15, 36, 53, 137, 189, 199, 239 Mothersall, Tho., 251 Mudd, John, 158 Munkas, Lawr., 224 Natter, Raph, 245 Nelson, John, 219 >> Rich., 220 Nendicke, Will., 117 Nesfield, John, 19 Nesse, Henry, 180, 215, 220 "" Will., 239 344 INDEX. Jurymen, List of— Newsome, John, 159 Newton, Chr., 106, 180, 219 Nichols, Tho., 127 Niccolson, Nicholson, John, 21, 46, 98, 191, 223 Phil., 51 Rob., 4, 39, 71, 158, 226, 243 Will., 213, 231 Noble, Fr., 52 Gawin, 120, 158, 213 Will., 120 "" John, 245 North, Tho., 30, 53, 99, 136, 172, 179, 248 Norton, Fr., 199 Noulson, Chr., 250 Orrick, Alex., 30, 52, 172, 179 Orton, Tho., 85 Osborne, Geo., 231 John, 223 Lanc., 19 Otterburne, John, 239, 248 Jurymen, List of Poore, Power, Fr., 127, 137, 156, 99 159, 179 Geo., 41 Will., 157 Porter, Geo., 21, 156, 245 Poskett, Postgate, Chr., 36, 89, 189 "" Geo., 190 Ja'., 52 Potter, Chr., 21 Pratt, Ja'., 102, 199 Priestman, Nich., 117 Pressicke, Chr., 245 Will., 213 "" Prest, Will., 89, 158 Preston, John, 14, 123 Pursglove, Rob., 158 Raine, Fr., 119 Raper, Edw., 223 "" Fr., 234 Henry, 25, 56 Ja'., 232, 251 "" "" John, 4, 41, 123, 193, 198 "" Lawr., 189, 239 Rich., 190 Paicocke, John, 224 Palliser, Chr., 42, 89, 159, 198 Parke, Henry, 213, 231 John (Aiton), 171 ,, (Pickering), 94, 213, 223, 246 Tho., 51 Parker, Henry, 223 Parkin, Ralph, 82 Parkinson, Rich., I "" Rob., 204 Parvin, Parvine, Mich., 123, 209 Pearson, Rich., 102 Peckston, Rob., 117 Pennock, John, 109 Steph., 117 Pereth, John, 129 Phipps, Rich., 172, 234 Pibus, Henry, 25, 123 Math., 26, 85, 87, 114, 121, 158, 227, 243 Pet., 108, 194 Pilley, Tho., 180 Pinckney, Fr., 106, 137 Henry, 33 Plewes, Rob., 186, 243 Plumber, Tho., 175 Pode, Steph., 52 Will., 133, 233 Rawlingson, Ja*., 250 Read, John, 117 Readhead, Will., 231 Reveley, Rog., 106, 190 Richardson, Chr., jun., 189 "" Ja'., 21 sen*., 189 "" "" Jerome, 170 John (Holtby), 127 "" ,, (Kirkby Wiske), 129, 167 Tho. (Kirkby Wiske), >> 89, 198 (Pickering), 51 Ridley, Rich., 136 Ridsdale, Rudsdale, Anth., 112, 167, 205, 233 JaⓇ., 208 Rimer, Rymer, John, 39, 233 " Will., 15, 146, 219 Ringrose, Rog., 52 Ripley, John, 21 "" Will., 97 Rippon, Will., 213 Robinson, Henry, 120, 251 "" John, jun. (Huton), 191, 248 (Huton le IIole), 82, 136, 157, 191, 239, 248 INDEX. 345 Jurymen, List of— Robinson, John (Alne), 112 Jurymen, List of— Skelton, Steph., 19 "" "9 "" (Waldon), 85, 102, "" Tho., 19 123, 175, 184, 186, 198, 243, 250 "" "" "" Will. (Thornton), I (Wrelton), 190 Leon., 4 Rob., 42, 81, 93, 179, 191, 223 Tho., 134, 232, 248 Robson, John, 250 "" Rob., 8, 30, 93, 179, 223, 246 Routh, Rowth, John, 14, 128, 243 "" Tho., 110, 113, 119 Sadler, Chr., 251 Slater, Anth., 169 John, 243 Sleightholme, Steph., 224 Slinger, Geo., 186 Smales, Geo., 117 "" Henr., 120 Rob., 19 Smith, Smyth, Chr., 129 "" John, 10, 39, 85, 87, 184, 227 ,, Salmon, Rob., 19 Fr., 10, 33, 39, 56, 85, 87, 102, 123 Henry, 133 Ja. (Brompton), 19 "" (Sowerby), 7, 42 John (Lebberston), 119 "" "" (Kirkleadom), 37, 52 Miles, 10, 25, 48, 102 Ottivell, 133 Ralph, 71, 114, 128, 146 "" Will., 230 Sampson, Alverius, 119 Savile, Tho., 204, 246 Scadlocke, Edw., 156 Scott, Rich., 133 Scarfe, Scarth, Tho., 30, 37, 98 "" Rich., 127 Will., 42, 46 Scrafton, Scrapton, Ralph, 56, 85 Smithson, Alex., 94 Seaton, Rich., 30 Rob., 108, 227, 243 Shadlocke, Edw., 159 Smithies, John, 169 Sharow, Tho., 220 Snawdon, Edm,, 191 Sharpe, Chr., 239 Will., 46 Shawe, Chr., 186 99 Math., 176 "" 29 Ralph, 48, 108, 114, 146, 176, 186, 193 Rob., 226, 243 Sheminge, Rob., 20 Shepherd, Shepperd, Shepperde, 99 Geo., 21, 36, 82, 97, 106, 137, 165 John (Malton), I, 172, 180, 223 (Stangrave), 8 Rob., 30 "" Will., 30 Sneaton, Rich., 20, 52, 120 Sonley, John, 157 Sowerby, Tho., 4 Sowley, Geo., 7 Sparrowe, Geo., 243 Spence, Gawin, 26, 85, 167, 184 "" John, 102 Squire, Adam, 226, 251 99 Geo., 184, 219 Stafforth, Ja., 81 Stainhouse, Godfrey, 204 Tho., 94 Steadman, John, 133 Stephenson, Edm., 133 Tho., 245 "" John (Cleasbie), 25, Shiminge, Tho., 120 Shotton, Leon., 20 Simondson, Tho., 30 Simpson, Jerome, 233 "" "" John, 134 Rich., 156, 189 Rob., 95, 112, 156 Tho., 130 Skelton, Henr., 19 194, 219 (Pettie Thorpe), 157, 220 Peter, 133 "" "" Tho., 29, 85, 114, 184, 209, 227 Stibbin, Will., 204 Stockdale, Edw., 134 "" IIenry, 156 346 INDEX. Jurymen, List of- Stockton, John (Hutton Rudby), 8, 42 (Pottoe), 30, 36 Stonas, Chr., 52 " John, 130, 213 Stoope, Stowpe, Geo., 8, 36, 81 Rich., 130 Rob., 232 Storer, John, 94 Storr, John, 213 " " Tho. (Aiton), 180, 198, 204, "" 213, 223, 231, 239 (Hutton Bushell), 246 Stubbs, Rob., 179, 246 Will., 19 Sunley, Geo., 21, 37, 45, 81, 93, 97, 137, 171, 197, 233 Swale, Ja"., 179 Tailour, Talor, Taylor, Chr., 161 "" Edw., 56 " John, 146 Rich., 220 Jurymen, List of— Trattle, Mich., 15, 136 Tho., 136 Traynholme, Will., 1 Trewhitt, Will., 246 Trotter, Tho., 106, 110 Trowsdale, Tho., 133″ Tucke, John, 85, 103 Tunstall, Will., 213 Turner, Henry, 33 Ralph, 42, 104 Twhate, Anth., 210 "1 Geo, 210 Umphrey, Jos., 89 Usher, Chr., 53 Rob., 179 Wade, Will., 199, 223, 239 Waind, Wainde, Rich., 172, 189, 199 "" Will., 172, 192 Waine, Chr., 204 Waineman, Waynman, Pet., 110, 171, 205, 223 Waistell, Leon., 210 Waite, Wate, Rich., 1, 30, 110 Tho., 52 Walker, Chr., 128 Rich., 33, 89, 102, 123, 159, 167 Rob., 119 Tho., I Will., 8, 53 Tanfield, Chr., 193 John, 128 Tart, Tarte, Will., 156, 190 Teasdale, Rob., 209 Tebb, Fr., 42 Temisswood, Temiswood, Rich., 30, 93, 204, 239, 248 Temple, Tho., 119 Tennison, Rich., 46 Tesh, John, 117 Thackwray, Tho., 25, 33, 128, 208 Theakston, Tho, 175 Tomlinson, Adam, 26 Thompson, Henry, 128 John (Marske), 130 (Ruston), 51 99 " Rob., 21, 42, 99, 110, 136, 165, 239 Tho., 106 Will., 130 Thornton, Tho., 205 Thorpe, Ambr., 52 Will., 191 Tindall, Fr., 146 Tiplady, Fr., 97 Tireman, Rob., 90 Todd, Geo., 175, 227 John, 7, 219 Topham, Chr., 114 Tho., 219 Walkinton, Pet., 83 Warcopp, Henry, 243 Ward, Warde, Anth., 220 Geo., I, 106 Ware, Chr., 246 Wasse, Will., 82, 98, 99, 112, 165, 172 Watson, Chr., 48 " Fr., 169 Geo., 21, 87, 213 John, 230 Tho., 90, 157, 172, 231 Watte, John, 169 Wawne, Will., 157 Weare, Henry, 21 Webster, Rob., 7, 97, 136 Will., 21, 130, 167, 172 Welbancke, Edw., 194 "" Rob., 85 Welburne, Geo., 213, 231 Welbery, Welbury, Fr., 15, 130 Tho., 103, 251 Wells, John, 42 West, Fr., 20 "" Tho., 210 INDEX. 347 1 Jurymen, List of— West, Will., 14, 52, 82 Wetherill, Rich., 246 Wharton, Raph, 176 White, Edw., 158 Whitton, Will., 213 Whitwell, Rich., 175, 248 Wightman, John, 30, 45, 83, 97, 112, 159, 167, 197, 233 Wild, Marm., 208 Wiles, John, 224 Wilkinson, Chr., 25, 114, 243 Edw., 102 "" Rob., 179 Tho., 46 Will., 30, 53 Willas, Rowl., 213 Willey, Edw., 219 John, 197 Williamson, Edw., 161 Jurymen, List of— Wynde, Oswold, 8 Yates, John, 133 " Will. (Bagby), 30, 90 (Bawke), 98, 190, 232, 246 (Tollerton), 165, 189 Yonger, Will., 119 Young, Younge, Henry, 180 Rob., 37, 45, 110, 130 Jurymen, Fined for not appearing to serve "" " as, 213 for departing before ver- dict given, 253 Insufficient summons of, 164, 166, 210 Not appearing when summoned as, 170, 206, 213 Justices, List of :- Aldburghe, Aldeburgh, Rich., 272, "" JaⓇ., 81 " Tho. (Ellingstringe), 48 " 274, 284, 293, 314 Will., 43, 91, 106, 108, "" (Fearby), 48, 87 110, 116,121,'126–129, " "" (Thirske), 41, 97, 172, 199 Willis, Ralph, 1, 37 Wilson, Chr., 158 Fr., 210 "" Geo., 134, 161 "" " John, 102, 105, 128 Marm, 117, 136 Tho., 7, 21, 37, 46, 81, 106, 136, 156, 165 Trinian, 198 " Will., 1, 53 Winde, John, 184 Winne, JaⓇ., 210 Wood, Will., 21, 121, 197, 208, 220, 234 Woodcock, Woodcocke, Tho., 30, 53, 93 Woodhouse, Ja"., 20 Woolfe, Raph, 224 Workfolke, Will., 224, 245 Wray, Henry, 184, 250 "> Jerome, 33 Wright, Anth., 127 "" "" Chr., 90, 157, 199, 205 Edw., 15 Fr., 103 John, 180 Rob., 4, 10, 26, 33, 71, 103, 186 Wrightson, Rich., 157 135, 145, 153, 156, 161, 169, 174, 188, 193, 196, 197, 200, 202-204, 208, 215, 220, 222, 232,238, 250, 253, 254, 296 Ashe, Chr., 265, 268, 270, 278, 285, 286, 291, 314, 316 Bamburgh, Bamburghe, Will., 1, 4, 14, 19, 36, 45, 48, 52, 55, 95, 97, 101, 106, 108, 125, 127, 154, 174, 197, 203, 204, 215, 232, 235, 238, 241, 277, 287 Banckes, Bankes, Henry, 215, 222, 223, 245, 249, 250 Belassis, Bellassis, Henry, 14, 19, 31, 36, 40, 44, 126, 133, 135, 154, 155, 156, 158, 161, 174, 195, 197, 204, 215, 225, 232, 259-261, 272, 273, 275, 277, 285, 293, 294, 297, 309, 310 Tho., 7, 14, 20, 87, 97, 102, 126, 135, 145, 156, 158, "" 161, 164, 169, 179, 184, 206, 215, 232, 238, 259, 297 Will., 294, 309, 317, 318, 319 Besson, Anth., 288 Bethell, Hugh, 279 "" Walt., 20, 87, 91, 93, 95- 97, 101, 121, 125-129, 348 INDEX. Justices,-List of— 135, 145, 156, 169, 174, 179, 183, 184, 188, 193, 197, 204, 215, 225, 232, 259–261, 272, 273 Bointon, Fr., 33, 38, 40, 108, 114 Bourchier, Bowrcher, Raph, 294, 309 Bowes, Geo., 317, 318 "" Talbott, 264, 265, 267, 268, 272 Briggs, Brigges, Rob., 20, 33, 40, 44, 45, 48, 52, 55, 83, 87, 93, 102, 260, 261, 263, 284-286, 291-293, 314 Will., 30 Cholmeley, Cholmley, Henry, 272 "", Rich., 36, 114, 121, 285, 319 Clough, John, 161, 164, 174, 179, 183, 197, 203, 204, 215 Coniers, Conyers, Nich., 87, 93, 97, 102, 110, 121, 126, 133, 135, 145, 161, 169, 170, 174, 188, 193, 197, 204, 208, 210, 215, 222, 223, 225, 232, 238, 240, 242, 297 Constable, John, 261, 272, 285, 294, 309, 314, 315, 318, 321 "" Marm., 47, 130, 133, 135, 145, 153, 203, 213, 232, 238, 273, 290 Nich., 156 Dakins, Arth., 1, 5-7, 10, 14, 19, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48, 50, 55, 57, 58, 80, 86, 87, 93, 102, 105, 106, 108, 114, 128-130, 145, 154, 156, 242, 245, 250, 288, 293, 295, 296 Darcy, Coniers, Conyers, 1, 5, 6, 11, 16, 25, 38, 48, 71, 73, 86, 102, 104, 108, 129, 130, 145, 156, 169, 170, 174, 180, 183, 193, 196, 208, 212, 215, 220, 221, 226, 230, 232, 235, 242, 250, 286, 288, 291, 293, 296 Dalton, Rog., 318, 319, 321 Danby, Tho., 321. Darley, Rich., 1, 4, 14, 18, 30, 33, 36, 52, 55, 121, 127, 128, 135, 145, 179, 197, 204, 215, 238, 245, 284 Davile, Daville, Davyll, Tho., I, 4, Justices, List of— 7, 10, 17, 25, 33, 35, 36, - 45, 47, 48, 81, 84, 87, 93, 97, 101, 102, 110, 117, 120, 121, 135, 145, 156, 169, 170, 174, 177, 179, 184, 188, 223, 225, 238, 245, 248-250, 268, 269, 272, 287, 292, 293 Davill, Will., 318 Dawney, John, 294, 309, 312 n., "" 318, 321 Tho., 40, 259–261, 263- 266 Dodsworth, John, 250, 254 Etherington, Rich., 1, 2, 7, 10, 15, 19, 20, 24, 36, 45, 48, 50, 84, 94, 119, 153, 164, 179, 207, 223, 230, 231, 276, 277, 295 Eure, Ewre, Ewrie, Ralph, Lo., 261, 263, 272, 273, 276, 277, 294, 296, 298, 309, 310, 318 Will., 14, 19, 30, 36, 45, 48, 52, 55, 59, 83, 97, 98, 106, 310 Fairfax, Farefax, Will., 261, 263– 267, 294, 309, 310, 318, 321 Foulis, David, 170, 203, 204, 207, 208, 213, 214, 225, 236, 238, 242 Franckland, Henry, 1, 3, 4, 7, 40, 87, 91, 95-97, 102, 106, 121, 123, 125- 130, 145, 169, 197, 232, 238, 279 Hugh, 272, 314, 316 Gate, Gates, Edw., 310 "" "" Henry, 321 Gibson, John, 1, 36, 40, 81, 110, 153, 166, 197, 200, 223, 242, 285, 298 jun³., 7, 10, 285, 293 Girlington, Girlynton, Rich., 261, 264, 265, 267 Gower, Tho., 153, 164, 165, 174, 179, 215, 222, 223, 225, 238, 245, 248, 297 Gregorie, Gregory, Rog., 121, 125, 126, 134, 135, 145, 153, 156, 158, 169, 188, 197, 201, 204, 208, 215, 222 Heblethwaite, Tho., 179, 184, 188, 191, 193, 197, 200, 202-204, 208, 215, 222, 232, 238, 242 INDEX. 349 Justices, List of- Hildyarde, Hyldyard, Will., 263, 264, 276, 279 Hobby, Hoby, Tho. Posthumus, I, 4, 14, 19, 20, 24, 45, 47, 50, 87, 93, 94, 97, 101, 102, 106, 108, 113, 117, 120, 121, 126, 130, 133, 135, 145, 154, 163, 164, 166, 197, 204, 208, 212, 213-215, 221, 222, 231, 274, 295 Hungate, Rob., 52, 55, 87, 93, 95- 97, 102, 156, 285, 295 Hutton, Tim., 1, 6, 13, 26, 33, 36, 38, 40, 48, 49, 57, 86, 91, 102, 106, 108, 110, 115, 125, 130, 134, 145, 170, 174, 176, 177, 179, 184, 188, 193, 195, 196, 208, 212, 221, 226, 228-230, 232, 235, 238, 242, 245, 250, 254, 272, 274, 275, 278, 279, 284, 285, 287, 288 Jenkins, Henry, 20, 24, 25, 30, 32, 33, 121, 125, 169, 170, 215, 232, 238, 274, 276, 277, 295, 298 Jobson, Jopson, Math., 156, 169, 170, 171, 179, 184, 188, 193, 196, 208, 221, 226, 230, 235, 250, 254 Lascells, Lassells, Tho., 1, 108, 261, 263-265, 273, 274, 278, 284, 286-288, 292, 293, 296, 314, 316 Laton, Laiton, Layton, Chas., 271, 274, 285, 290, 298 Tho., 47, 169, 170, 188, 193, 197, 203, 204, 213, 214, 225, 232, 236, 238, 250, 254, 317-320 Lawson, Raphe, 91 Mansfielde, John, 268, 269, 271, 276, 277, 298 Maleverer, Mauleverer, Will., 47, 134, 135, 161, 261, 263-267, 271-274, 290, 294, 309, 310, 314-316 Metcalfe, Chr., 318 Tho., 33, 34, 38, 87, 88, 93, 102 Midlam, Midleham, Adam, I, 6, 7, 10, 14, 25, 29, 33, 34, 38, 40, 48, 50, 55, 58, 86-88, 91, 102, 106, 108, 114, 116, 145, 154, Justices, List of— 160, 170, 174, 177, 179, 184 188, 193, 208, 212, 221, 226 242, 250, 254, 258, 259, 261, 272, 278, 292, 293 Musgrave, Rich., 14, 40, 115, 121, 124, 128, 129, 154, 292, 293 Norcliff, Norcliffe, Northcliff, Steph., 188, 193, 197, 203, 204, "" 208, 212, 215, 222, 223, 225, 231, 238, 242, 245, 249, 250 Tho., I, 4, 7, 10, 20, 24, 30, 52, 55, 97, 102, 106, 108, 197, 204, 222, 223, 225, 232, 238, 242, 248, 249, 277, 285, 291, 293, 314 Pepper, Chr., 221, 226, 235, 242, 245, 250 Cuthb., 264, 265, 270, 273, 278, 287 Rob., 1, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 25, 40, 48, 50, 55, 58, 293 Radecliffe, Ratecliffe, Rog., 318, 319, 321 Robinson, Will., 161, 164, 169, 174, 179, 184, 232, 238, 242, 245, 250 Rokeby, Rob., 310 Savile, Tho., 318 Sayer, Sayre, John, 317, 318, 320, 321 Scroope, Scrope, Henry, 317, 321 Scudamore, Tho., 293 Sheffeild, Will., 169, 174, 197, 200, 204, 208, 223, 225, 238 Tailboys, Taylboys, Anth., 317, 318, 321 Tanckard, Tanckred, Tanckrede, Tanckard, Henry, 20, 24, 40, 44, 91, 106, 108, 110, 121, 125, 126, 133– "" 135, 153, 156, 158, 164, 170, 183, 184, 197, 200, 232, 238, 277,284, 286, 295 Will., 20, 24, 25, 29, 32, 161, 179, 183, 293 Theaker, John, 2, 285 Uvedale, Averie, 317, 318, 321 Vaghan, Vaughan, Rich., I, 4, 7, 10, 14, 19, 20, 22, 24, 30, 33, 40, 44, 45, 52, 55, 58, 81, 83, 84, 87, 91, 93, 97, 101, 106, 108, 110, 121, 124, 126, 133- 350 INDEX. Justices, List of— 135, 145, 153, 156, 158, 164, 169, 174, 184, 188, 193, 197, 204, 208, 215, 222, 232, 238, 259, 260, 274, 277, 279, 285, 295 Wandesford, Chr. (of Kirklington), "" 261, 294, 309, 310, 318, 321 (of Walburn), 294, 309, 310, 314, 321 Mich., 317-319 Wharton, Tho., 184, 193, 221, 250 Whittingham, Tim., 1, 33, 154, 261, 267, 270, 272-275, 278, 295 Yorke, Edw., 253, 271, 274, 275, 278, 284, 285, 292 Justices, Meeting of, at York Minster, 125 of Richmondshire, 249 "" to divide the N. R. inter se, to find out absentees from church, 202 clerks to have no fees for their work in the same, 202 Kay, Tho., 16 Will., 172 Kearton, Chr., II Kell, John, 123 K. Kendrawe, Kenraw, Cha³., 193, 196, 200 >> "" Cuthb., 88 Rob., 34, 35 Key, Will., 38 Kidd, Geo., 12 Rob., 196 Rog., 207 Kilton, Kilvington, Rich., 44, 45 King's Attorney, 160 Bench, Prisoners in, 38 Kirk, Kirke, Mich., 84 Tho., 127 Knagges, Geo., 214 John, 31 Lawr., 145 Knaisdale, Henry (Clerk of Leminge), 106 Knife or dagger, Threatening to use, 30, 31, 34, 180 Knight, Fr., 57, III Will., 187 Knowles, Chr., 134 L. Lacocke, Westrop, 83, 83 n., 101 Lademan, John, 234 Lambe, Raph, 54 "" Will., 200 Lambert, Isabell, 277 Rob., 103, 11O Lame Soldiers, List of :— Arnold, John, 260, 263, 265-267, 271, 275, 277, 282 Arrendall, Arondell, Arundell, John, 17, 116, 167, 188, 258, 260, 262, 265, 270, 274, 279, 283, 287, 292, 293, 296 Atkinson, Rob., 286 Bell, James, 17 Bellarby, Marm., 286, 287 Besson, Anth., 191 Bevis, Bryan, 257, 273, 277, 283, 291, 316 Bickerun, Tho, 277 Bland, Tho., 258, 287, 294 Brown, Miles, 287, 292, 294 Blackburn, 285 Calberey, Cayberry, Kalbery, &c., Chr., 257, 263, 265-267, 271, 275, 282, 284, 291 Cholmley, Will., 273 Cole, Coale, John, 188, 196, 211 Cowper, Tho., 260, 265, 266, 271, 298 Dickinson, Dickynson, Leon., 260, 265, 266, 271 Ednam, Gawin (or Gawen), 265- 267, 271 Grene, Will., 174 Hall, John, 237 Hoggard, Nath., 257, 260, 271, 275, 283-285, 291 Huntley, John, 289, 289 n., 290 Ingram, John, 212, 228, 245, 254, 285, 288, 293, 296 Jackson, Math., 270, 274, 283 Kidd, Kydd, Chr., 14, 18, 40, 58, 202, 258, 285, 286, 291, 293 Langetoft, John, 267 Langstaffe, John, 265 Lonsdale, Will., 298 Marshall, John, 257, 285, 286, 291 Masson al³. Matson, &c., Will., 277 Niccolson, Geo., 295 Pattrick, Pattricke, Tho., 275, 283, 285, 286, 298 INDEX. 351 Lame Soldiers, List of- Langton Great, New-close in, 15 Percell, ChaⓇ., 298 Pickeringe, Geo., 270, 274, 283 Rashe, Fr., 257, 263, 265, 266, 269, 271, 275, 282, 284, 285, 291 Ratcliffe, Will., 257, 275, 283, 284, 291, 298 Reynoldes, Reignolds, Rayner, &c., Will., 257, 283 n., 284, 285, 291, 316 Richardson, Tho., 277 Riddesdale, Ridsdale, Ja'., 257, 273, 276, 281, 283, 291 Ripley, John, 285, 289 Simson, Simpson, Sympson, John, "" 260 Tho., 265, 266, 271 Rog., 260, 265-267 Smith, Smithe, Smyth, Rich., 257, 271, 275, 277, 283, 291, 297, 316 Tho., 265, 266, 275, 282, 284, 286, 297 Smithson, Tho., 271 Sponer, Ninian, 278 Stepper, Marm., 285 Stile, Tho., 297 Stringer, Edw., 264-266, 271, 285, 297 Taylour, Chr., 260 Thompson, Lanc., 258, 278, 283, 292, 293 Walker, Martin, 275, 283, 284, 291, 298 Ward, Rowl., 271, 273, 297 Warren, Warrener, Humph., 257, 297 Wasson, Rob., 257, 283 n., 291 Watson, John, 286, 316 White, Tho., 286 Wilkinson, Cuthb., 285, 291 Williamson, Raph, 258, 292, 293 Wilson, Tho., 287 Wood, Math., 257, 275, 284, 291, 297 Lame Soldiers and Hospitals Book, 256 money, Non- >> payment of, 9, 124, 179, 180, 186, 190, 192, 209, 226, 234 Lanchester, Ambrose, 160 Henry, 160 Lanc., 154 Rich., 224 Langburne al³. Nesse, Peter, 122 "" "" Wood-close in, 15 Lascells, Lassells, Elizth,, 216 " Fr., 6; 166 " Geo., 166 "" " Henry, son of Rob., 17, 23; 166 Rich., 166 Rob., 17, 23; 166 Tho., 311 Laund, Ann, 316 Will., 214, 238 Lazenby, Chr., 135 "" Rich., 127 Lecke al'. Leckby, al. Letby, Rog., 113 Ledam, Leadham, Ledom, John, 95, 96, ΙΟΙ Ledell, Tho., 53 Ledine, Elizth,, w. of Geo., 220 "" Geo., 220 Lee, John, 197 Leeming Lane, An inn there disorderly and the resort of suspected thieves, 195 Lepton, Jas., 228 Levins, Rich., 136 Levying soldiers or money, Rates for, 294 License to brew and sell ale, 192 "" " "" withdrawn, 3, 17, 105, 177, 195 to keep an alehouse withdrawn, 17 Lieth, Rich., 33 Lightfoote, John, 234 " Mary, 187 Linskell, John, 205 Lion, Simon, 112 Lionesse, Geo., 232 Lister, Edw., 119, 120, 197 " Rog., son of Edw., 119, 120, 197 Lobley, ChaⓇ., 43 Chr., 5 "" James, 211 Raph, 211 Lockwood, Rich., 20, 91 Will., 112 Lodge, Rich., III; 122 Loftus, Will., 31 Lomley. See Lumley Longbones, Rich., 98, 99 Lonsdale, Tho., 145 352 INDEX. Lounes, Lunds, in Aysgarth, 34 Lowicke, Tho., 34 Lowson, John, 31 Lucas, John, 26 Lumley, Lomley, Tho., 91, 109, 126, 195, 196 Will., 35, 178 Lynam, John, 269 - Metcalf, Metcalfe, Ann, 239 "" Anth., 210, 211 رو Chr., 103; 203, 211; 234 Elizth., 57, 92 Fr., 315 Geo., 15; 50, 155; 270, 274 Henry, 11, 13 Jas., II; 12 John, 85; (L. S.), 29, 35 Oswald, 311 Ottivel, 116 M. Maintenance of an infant orphan, 177, "} 210, 211 of a father who has de- mised his estate to his son, Question as tɔ, 207, 225, 236 of an infant orphan, Final Order touching, 236 Maisterman, Chr., 173, 182, 200 Man, Peter, 123 Mannour Court of Middleham, 12 Marchand, Rob., 197 Market Cross, Humble acknowledgment of misconduct at, 237 Markham, Jerom, 145, 184 * "" John, s. of Jerom, 202 Marshall, John (L. S.), 18, 202 Math., 290 Tho., 9 "" Marshalsey, 257, 272, 274, 275 Marsingale, Anth., 51 Gilb., 51 Marson, Massam, al'. Moorsom, Nich., (L. S.), 202 Martin, Nich., 122 Marwood, Tho., 205 "" Will., 32 Mason, Raph, 209, 210 Rich., 103; 194 Rob., 9; 22 >> Valentine, 6 Will., 5; 46; 103; 253 Mettrick, Rich., 39, 43 Middleton, Nich., 43 "" Simon, 43 Middleton Tyas, Chester-close in, 4 Mill-clowes, Pulling up, 103, 110 Mill-dam and banks, Not maintaining, 90 Milles, John, 153 Milner, Ja*., 317 "" Mary, 287 "" Raph, 29 "" Will., 2 Milnerson, Henry, 176 Milnes, Chr., 98 Minister of Egton (Nich. Lewes), 153 "" "" Eskdale-side (Tho. Smith), 248 Gisbrough (Nich. Morris), 155 ,, (?) Hilton (Tho. Butler), 221 Hipswell (Fr. Powley, Clerk), "" Massam, Jane, w. of Will., 13 "" "" Will., 13 Mawmon, Geo., 2 Maxwell, John, 85 May, Maie, Rich., 25 Meade, Jaº., 5 Tho., 18 Meeke, Will., 84 Meeting of young people, with a piper, Having a, 51 Megges, Will., 290 "" "" Metcalfe al'. Low Inn, John, 56, 57 104 Hovingham (Geo. Sadler), 155, 224 Hutton Longvillers (Chr. Rookby, Clerk), 104 Kirkby in Cleveland (Mr. Jagger), 3 on Wiske (Val. Wood), 180 n., 212 Leake (Will. Snowdon), 180 n. Lythe, Lieth (Mr. Leake), 113 (Rob. Reynard), 153 Massam (Gilb. Horsman), 180 n. (Will. Flavell), 180 n. 1 353 INDEX. Minister of Northallerton (Fr. Kay), "" 187 Seamer in Pickering-lithe (Patrick Robinson), 153 Skelton (Rob. Toes), 222 Tanfeild (Rich. Shawe), 194 Thornton le Street (Henry Wray), 154 Mintofte, John, 192 Misdemeanors, Fines for, 13 Mitchell, Geo., 57 Mittimus to York Castle, 44, 52, 96, IOI, 110, 115, 129, 208 Monckton, Raph, 253 "" Tho., 44, 48 Moone, Henry, 153 Moor-burn, 243 Moore, Henry, 166 Will., 100; 155 Mountaine, Rob., 125 Mountford, Cha³., 176 Moyser, Fr., 101, 108 Moysey, Tho., 9 Mudd, John, 92 N. Names, Lists of personal, 216 n., 247 n., 253 n. Nelson, Brian, 201 "" Rich., 12 Neesam, Will., 237 Nelson, Brian, 199 "" John, 200 "" Will., 245 Nesse, Henry, 183 "" Will., 92 Newbiggin Holmes, 5 Newdicke, Rob., 192 Newton, Tho., 130 Oates, Chr., 7 O. Obtaining goods by forgery of name and * seal, 198, 205 Olliver, Tho., 182 Orchard, Breaking an, 205 Order on all inhabitants of townships not having Constables to ap- "" "" ་ "" "" pear, 47 that the H. Constables shall have Is. in the pound for collecting, 92 to assess certain townships for the cost of a house for two poor men, 211 to pay wages due, subject to de- ductions, 38 touching assesst. of Burton Con- "" "" 33 "" "" "" "" " "" stable, 116 , in Cundall, 115 of North-holme in Edstons Constablery, 114, 174 in Keldholm, 184 cessments, &c. in Bur- ton and Walden, 188 Petty Constables' pre- sentments, 206 Purveyor and purvey- ance, 125 retainer or servant of any lord, &c., 126 Orwaine, Will., 107 Outrage and assault, 86 Overam, John, 112 Overseer, Assault on, in execution &c., Niccolson, John, 194 "" Rob., 83, 91, 226 "" "" Tho., 96 "" "" Will., 112; 198, 199 Nodding, Will., 17 Nolson, John, 2 North, Will., 116 North-holme, Order touching assessment of, 114 Norton, Fr., 173, 182, 200 Nottingham, Tho., 7 VOL. II. 120 fined for negligence, 25, 127 negligent in the execution of his duty, 89, 187 Refusing to act as, 49, 231 "" to pay over money collected for the poor, 135 to provide sufficient dwellings for poor persons, 109. [See Provide.] A A 354 INDEX. i Overseers, List of :— Ainderby Steeple, 187 Alne, 84 Park or chasé, Breaking a, 106, toy 122, 205, 207, 243 Parker, Giles, 112 Barningham, 212 Bedall, 228 Brompton, 187 Cleasby, 229 Croft, 29 Easby, 211 Hunton, 27 - Ilkton, 89 Kirkby Misperton, 47, 114 "" Ravensworth, 179 Kirkdale, 240 Langton, Great, 116 Laton, East, 212 Leake, 109 Massam, 27, 35, 88, 89 Patrick Brompton, 35 Pickering, 231 Raskall, 3 Raynton, 14 Riton, 102 Scorton, 188 Sigston, 135 Startforth, 211 Stockton, 127 Thirsk, 172 Wensley, 228 Whitby, 120 Owderson, Math. [See Awderson], 109 Oxen, money collected for, to be paid over to a Justice, 225 Purveyance of, 125, 195 Purveyor of, 195, 225 Paley, Marm., 197 P. Palfryman, John, 115 Pallias de Thornton, 180 Palliser, Tho., 176 35 Henry, 234 John, 195 Parkinson, Mr. (King's Attorney), 12 "" Rob., 117 Parson of Kilvington, South (Mr. Bram- "" hall), 222 Kirkby Moorside (Tho. Den- ton), 93 Girl apprenticed to a, 93 Parvin, Mich., 233 Patteson, Rob., 2 Paycock, Peacock, Fr., 192 "" John, II "" Rob., 112 "" Will., 176 Payment of Collectors, Receivers, &c., of assessments, 16 Peace, Clerk of the, 128 "" "" "" "" "" "" Bradley, Will., 285, 293 Mr. Davyll, 271, 266, 270, 298 Hill, Steph., 195, 241, 245, 249, 253 Fees paid to, 245, 253, 264, 266, 269-271 Order touching his duties, 18 Bound to keep the, 13, 29, 38, 55, 91, 105, 116, 124, 182, 192, 196, 211, 240, 249 Breach of the, 221 Ordered to find sureties for keep- ing the, and disobeying the Order, 237 Swearing the, 57, 211, 225 Pearcy, Tho., 18 Pearson, Henry, 97 Mich., 234 "" Rob., 35; 97 "" Palmer, Rog., I Pape, John, 191 Parish of Constable Burton, 116 "" Hornby, Time given to make perfect presentment of Recu- sants, 104 settlement, 84, 116 Parcyvall. See Percival. "" Park, Assault on keeper of a, 207 Pease, John, 227 Pearte, Rich., 22 Peckett, Ja., 159 Peighen, Edw., 122 Pensex, Henry, 53 Pepper, John, 26 "" Rich., 5 Percival, Parcyvall, Will., 17, 286 Petch, Ann, 131 INDEX. 355 Petch, Dor., 205, 206 Petition from the H. Const. to the President of the North, 92 Philip, Phillip, Jane, 233, 234, 237 "" Rich., 124 Phillips, John, 321´ Philological or other interest, List of wards and names of :— Ability, Able, 316, 316 n. Ale-rodd, 31, 31 n. Alum-trade, 22, 22 n. Alverius, Albery, Averie, 119, 119 n., 318, 321 Andyron, Awnderne, 81, 81 n. Armour, Common, 307, 309–312 "" Defective, 40, 255 Arse, Cart's, 86, 86 n. Artillery, 46 Baites, Baytes, Bates, Will., 9, 9 n. Beacon, Brotton, 54, 54 n., 305 Beacons in N. R., 308, 308 n. Beaming and stretching, 82 Beer, London, 131, 131 n. Biggin, Biggen, 233, 233 n. Body-full, 7, 7 n. Braser, 308 n. Breckon, Brakand, 89, 89 n. Burned, 308 n. Capper, 139, 139 n. Carrier of news, 61 Carsey, Kersey, 198, 198 n. Castes, 209, 209 n. Chape, 308 n. Church-way, 90, 90 n. Cloth, Wearing Sir Rich. Cholm- ley's, 121, 121 n., 255. [See Livery.] Philological or other interest,- List of words and names of : Gimmer, 37, 37 n. Grain, Graned, 37, 37 n.. Gresseld, Grizzled, 26, 26 n. Hamp, 53, 53 n. Harding, Harden, 53, 53 n. Hawked, II, II n. Hebborne, Abram als. Hebburne, 7, 88 Highway through the open fields, The old, 2, 2 n. Hing, 308 n. Hog, Gimmer-hogge, 190, 190 n. Hollin, 175, 175 n. House for his guard, To take a, 35 Interludes, Players of, III, III n. Jeater, 67, 67 n. Jeest, Joist, 233, 233 n. Jerusalem, St. John's at, 133, 133 n. King's-Evil, 28, 28 n. Letten, 174, 174 n. Libbed, 123, 123 n. t Likes on, 54, 54 n. Line, Lin, III, III n. Livery, 255 Clowes, Mill-clowes, 103, 103n. Common-field (Communis villæ campus), 31, 31 n., 34, 82, 89, 194, 209 Cony-haie, I, I n. Counterpane, 315, 315 n. Cross-cloth, 233, 233 n. Cups, 118, 118 n. Day, Day given, 100, 100 n. Enclosure, Systematic, 50, 50 n. Flesher, 95, 95 n. Fletcher, 77, 77 n. Forth of doores, 54, 54 n. Fugitive, 61, 61 n. Garth, 37, 37 n. Gaut, 176, 176 n. Gilt, 123, 123 n. Living, 159, 159 n. Loom, 235, 235 n. Masseline, Mashelson, Mashelton, 248, 248 n. Mett, 112 Oak-trees in Whitby district, Dearth of, 320, 320 n. Oore-sand, 193, 256 Overbody, 98, 98 n. Oxen, Price of, 125. Pair of Stockes, 196, 196 n. Painfull, 177, 177 n. Pannier-maker, 64, 64 n. Pannier-man's Causeway, 64 n. Parochus, 153, 153 n. Pilling, 175, 175 n. Pinner, Pinder, Punder, 189, 189 n. Play, v. a., 54, 54 n. Pointes, 308 n. Point-maker, 248, 248 n. Pottes, 117, 117 n. Purse-nette, I, I n. Race ( erase), 46, 46 n. Robin Hood Bay, 120, 120 n. Roseberry Topping, 305, 305 n. Rosel, 308 n. Salet, 308 n. Scale, 118, 118 n. A A 2 '356 INDEX. 1 Philological or other interest, List of words and names of :- Sealing of pots, cups, &c., 117, 117 n. Seamer, 88, 88 n. Sheath-maker, 141, 141 n. Skinyngrave, Skinningrave in two parishes, 63, 63 n. Skull, 308 n. Snip, 37, 37 n. Sorell, 122, 122 n. Spire, Ash-spire, 234, 234 n. Spring, 234, 234 n. Stagg, 187 Star, 37, 37 n., 187 Stirk, Whie-stirk, 187, 187 n. Stot, 227, 227 n. Syke, 9 Tenour, II, II n. Thrave, Threave, 189, 189 n. Tipler, Tipling-house, 29, 49, 89 Toft and croft, 53, 53 n. Tutor, 109, 109 n. Wafe, Waif, 22, 22 n. Waine-meet, 320, 320 n. Wath-stead, 112, 255 Whorlton Chapelry, 141, 141 n. Wra, Wraie, Wray, &c., II, IIn. Wye, Whie, 41, 41 n. Yate, 2, 2 n. Pibus, Pybus, Phil., 222 "" Rich., 12 "" Will., 122 Pickarsdell, Pickardsdell, Chr., 43 "" Lawr., 43 Pigeons, Shooting, 32 Pigg, Peter, 115 Pillory, Set in the, 201 Pinckney, Guy, 25 Nich., 100 Pinfold, Breaking the, 39, 107 Piper, Having a, among young people, "" 51 in the house on Sun- day, 51, 214 Not apprehending and handing over to the Constable, 51 Pistol charged, Carrying a, &c., 135 Pitcher, Will., 290 Pitty, Thos., 104 Play, Keeping a common house of, 41, 89 Suffering, 10, 82 Ponsonby, Ja'., 83 Porrett, John, 15 Postgate, Poskett, Nich., 110 Tho., 20 "" Power, Geo., 104 Powley, Fr. (Clerk), 104 Pratt, Anth., 11, 13, 229, 234, 251 "" Ja., 105 Preacher at Lythe (Mr. Leake), 113, 221 "> "" Staingrave (Mr. Ingram Lister), 225 Whitby (Mr. Toes), 221 of God's word` at West Rounckton (Mr. Jacy), 83 Presentment discharged, 91, 228 Pretences, Goods obtained under false, 178 President in the North, Lord, 24, 92, 278, 286, 292 Preston, Geo., 57 "" John, 11; 116 Prison, Committed to, for non-payment of rates collected, 236 Prisoners in the Marshalsey, 284 Privy Council, Lords of the, 92, 286 Process, Persons discharged out of, 128, "" 135 discharged out of the exigent by Superse- deas, 127 stayed, 129, 222, 225 Prockter, Caleb, 221 Provide a residence for a poor person, Order to, 57, 109, 114, 178, 179, 188, 211, 212, 242, 287 Provision for Maimed Soldiers and Mariners, Act touching, 259, 259 n. Publishing a scandalous writing, 125 Pudsay, Pudsey, Tho., 19 Pulling down a house wrongfully, 250, 253 Purveyor, Purveyance, 24, 34, 125, 126, 195, 221 Purveyor, His Maties., 6, 16, 24, 27, 34, 89, 125, 183, 221 for oxen, 195 Pyburne, Piburne, Chr., 226 "" Rob., 104 • INDEX. 357 Q. Quarter Sessions at`:- Helmesley, 1, 7, 20, 36, 45, 58, 59, 81, 97, 106, 135, 153-155, 164, 165, 171, 188, 204, 238 Malton, 30, 52, 179, 223, 245 Northallerton, 160 Richmond, 4, 10, 25, 33, 38, 48, 55, 59, 71, 80, 84, 102, 114, 154, 166, 174, 184, 193, 208, 226, 242, 250 Thirske, 40, 87, 121, 155, 158, 197, 215, 232 Quarter Sessions for the whole N. R. at Easter and Michaelmas to be held at Thirske only, 220 R. Rabbits, Hunting, &c., 2 "" "" Killing with ferrets and nets, 53, 54 Penalty for, 54 Radcliffe, Cha*., 237 "" Will., 216 Raines, Chr., 224 Rainforth, Tho., 226, 230 Rape, 21, 254 Raper, Chr., 104 "" John, 104 "" Raph, 176, 188 Recognisances, One not understanding "" the terms of his, to appear &c., 92. Refusing to enter, 96 respited, 105 To enter, 240 Recusants, Lists of, 2, 59-81, 138-144, 146-152, 161–163, 181, 182, 185, 186, 215, 216-219, 224 Addison, Alison w. of John, 79, 151 Ellen w. of Tho., 141 Margt., 252 " "" "" Agar, Agn., 61, 139 Elizt., 247 "" Aier, Aire, Elenor, Ellenor w. of Edw., 71, 146 Airsome, Kath. w. of Rog., 153 Aislaby, Fr., 69 "" "" Susan w. of Fr., 69 w. of Tho., 141 Will., 141 Alderson, Edw., 219 "" "" Isabell, 79, 151 Mary w. of Raph, 80, 151 Allan, Mabel w. of Phil., 186 Allanby, Agnes w. of Rob., 67, 143 Elizth., 162 "" John son of Rob., 67, 143 Rob., 67, 143 Allanson, Ja³., 163 Allen, Ann, 151, 251 "" "" Edm., 79, 150 Margt., 148 Almaine, Almane, Almond, Ann w. of Gilb., 59, 140 Anderson, Ann w. of Will., 73, 147 "" Will., 73, 147 Applebie, Appleby, Agn., 67 Geo. s. of Margt., 144 Rashe, Fr., 18 Rates, Alteration of, 294, 238 "" Kath., 216 99 in Richmondshire, Alteration of, " Margt., 62, 144 254 "" Margt. w. of Rob., 149 "" Inequality of, 317 n. Rawlinson, Rawlingson, Dorothy, 195 "" Ja³., 203, 211 Rawson, Mark, 3, 40 Ray, Jane w. of Will., 230 "" Rich., 203 Recognisances, Breach of, 4 "" Discharge or staying of, 38, 55, 84, 105, 106, Marian, Mariann, 78, 149 Mary, 163 "" Mary w. of Anth., 218 "" Rob., 149 Armstrong, Grace, 77 Arther, Arthur, Ann w. of John, 73, 147 Ascoy, Ann w. of Allan, 218 Ashe, Ann w. of Edw., 151 "" Edw., 151 Ashley, An w. of Will., 62, 143 128, 145, 148, 173, 183, 194, 195, 208, 224, 253 Aske, Chr., 217, 224 358 INDEX: Recusants :- Aske, Dor. w. of Rob., 142 "" Phillis w. of Chr., 217 Rob., 142 Askough, Askwith, Agnes (or Ann) w. of Rich., 71, 116, 168, 180 n. "" Rich., 71, 146, 168 Atkinson, Agnes w. of Rich., 75, 151, 252 Ann, 72, 185; 186; w. of Chr., 252 Barnabas, 65, 154 "" "" Bridget, 74, 152 "" Cha³., 252 "" "" "" "" "" Dorothy, 79, 150 Elizth, w. of Will., 78, 150- Fr., 60, 139 Grace w. of Barnabas, 6.5, 151, 154 Jane, 66, 148 Lucy, 151 Margt., 75, 151; w. of Chr., 252 Marm., 152; s. of Margt., 75 Rich., 75, 151 Will., 64, 142; 74; 78, 150 Bailes, Bales, Alice, 148 Anth., 162 "" Ann, 76, 148 "" Jane wife of Tho., 76, 148 "" 142 Recusants :- Barton, Eliz. dautr. of Tho!, 59, 138 Bartram, Meriall wife of Will., 68, "" 141 Wilk., 68, 141 Bassett, Elizth, dautr. of Will., 61, "" 139 Jane w. of Will., 61, 139 Mary, 139 Battie, Brian, 146, 181, 216 Baxter, Alice w. of John, 59, 70, 138, 154 Beane, Jane, 77, 149 "" Marm., 143; son of Math., 153 Beautie, Beauty, Barbara, 69, 141 Elizt., 141 Beckwith, Constance wife of Rich., "" 74, 151 Ellenor wife of John, 152 Juliana wife of Chr., 74, 151 Belgrave, Kath., 186 Bell, Beatrice, Bettrice, 70, 140, "" 142 Edw., 163 Jane, 252; wife of Will., 66, 154 Rob., 147 Tho., 163 Bennison, Alison, 162 Berrie, Grace, 149 Best, An, 68 "" Margt., 142; wife of Will., Tho., 76, 148 Ursula wife of Anth., 162 Will., 142 Bainbrigg, Cicily, 72, 147 Bainton, Ursula, 60, 138 Baites, Jennet, 150 وو Margt. dr. of Will., 66; w. of Will., 66 Will., 66 Banckes, Cha³., 62, 139 Barker, Grace, 77, 149 >> Jane, 149 "" Margt., 59, 138 "" Faith wife of Rich., 147 "" Rich., 147 Will., 218 Biarley, Ann wife of Tho., 185 "" "" Ellen wife of Nich., 61, 181 Isabell, 217 Nich., 61 Binckes, Tho., 218 Will., 77, 148 Bird, Kath., 143 Birkell, Mary, 153 Boggle, Mabel, 74 Bone, Margt., 218 Boswell, Jane wife of Will., 181 Bowerman, Ellen wife of Chr., 140 Bowes, Ann d'. of Will., 61, 138 Barkham, John, 144 Barningham, Elizth., 77, 149 "" Margt., 149 Barrisse, Margt. wife of Cha³., 151 Barton, Alice w. of Tho., 59, 138 وو ChaⓇ. son of Will., 61, 138 Elizth, wife of Tho., 68 Isabell wife of Tho., 143 "" Jane, 181 INDEX. -359 Recusants :- Recusants Bowes, Marm., 66 "" Mary wife of Will., 61, 138. dautr. of Will., 61 Meriall wife of Marm., 66 Tho., 68 Boyes, Elizth, al. Isabell wife of "" • Geo., 69, 140; wife of John, 64, 246 Frances wife of Will., 64, II2 Geo., 69, 140 Isabell, 59, 138 Margt. wife of Rob., 247 Bradley, An, 61, 139 Braiderigg, Braidrigg, Anth., 150 Cicily wife of Rob., 151 Brakenbury, Leon., 72, 146 "" Mary wife of Leon., 146 Branch, Jane, 252 Kath. wife of Tho., 149 "" "" Tho., 149 Brand, Margt., 81, 151 Bransby, Tho., 78 Branton, Ellen, 216, 219, 224 Brasse, Pet., 68, 141 Brathwate, Jane, 71 Braton, Rob., 247 Bretton, Mark al³. Arthur, 152 Brewster, Ja., 69, 140 Broaderigge, Broderigge, Anth., 79 Cicily wife of Rob., 79 "" Brounton, Brunton, Dor., 74, 151 Browne, Elizth, dautr. of Kath., 60, Bullock, Lanc., 62, 140 "" Laur., 62 Margt. wife of Lanc., 42, 140; wife of Laur., 62 Mary, 140; dautr. of Tris- tram, 70 Rich., 181 "" Rob., 181 Tristram, 70, 140 Bulmer, Edith, 69, 141 Burdon, Elizth., 217 John, 73 Margt., 147 "" Burne, Anth., 76, 148 Edith wife of Anth., 76, 148 Burnett, Elinor wife of John, 76, 148 Burton, Jane, 65, 143 Bush, Martha wife of Steph., 217 Bussie, Bussy, Ann wife of John, 73, 147 John, 73, 147 Butler, Will., 59, 138, 215 Buttry, John, 68 Cade, Alice, 76 Caley, Marian, 62 Calvert, Geo., 67, 143 "" Tho., 65, 162 Campion, Elizth, wife of Tho., 68 Capper, Barbara, 75, 147 Carleill, Ann, 70, 140 "" Elizth, wife of John, 70, 141, 182 Carleton, Carlton, Tho., 60 Carter, Ann, 181 Chr., 61, 139; 62, 139 Isabell wife of Chr., 181 Ja³., 216 181 Frances wife of Tho., 76, "" "" 149 "" Gilb., 73 Isabell al. Sibill wife of "" "" "" Rich., 139, 252 "" Tho., 150 Will., 62, 139 Jennet, 218 "" Kath., 60 "" Tho., 72; 76, 149; 217 "" Will., 62, 139 Bucke, Ann wife of John, 252 "" Edw., 69, 142 Buckham, John, 66 Bullock, Bullocke, Barbara dautr. wife of Tho., 181; wife of Tristram, Jane wife of Chr., 61, 139 Cattericke, Anth., 78, 150 "" Joice, Joyce wife of, 78, 150 Challener, Kath., wife of Will., 74, 152 Will., 74, 87 Jane, 79, 151 → Chambers, Ann, 151 "" Chapman, Cicily, 246 of Laur., 217 Elizth " "" 140 "" Isabell dautr. of Laur., "" 62, 217 Edw., 182 Eliz. 69, 141; wife of John (jun*.), 70, 141 Ellis, 69, 141 360 INDEX. Recusants :- Recusants: Chapman, Henry, 141 Colson, Alice wife of Pet., 162 "" Isabell wife of Tho., 67, 143, 181 "" Pet., 153 "" Rich., 140 John, jun., 70; sen*., "" Will., 76 · 70, 162 "" "" Ellis, 64, 142 Parcivall, 141, 248 Will., 69, 141 Chater, Marg., 151 Cheseman, Rob., 69 Cholmeley, Chomley, Alice wife of "," Rich., 59 Ann wife of Tho., 181 Francis dautr. of Rich., 73 " Mary wife of Rich., 138 "" " 73, 152 Concett, Consett, Eliz., 64 Coniers, Averill wife of Rog., 59, "" ་ "" 138 Barbara wife of John, 73, 147 Francis dautr. of John, 73 Jane, 147 Kath. wife of Tho., 79, 151, 163 · Margt., 140, 162 Mary wife of Rob., 73, 147 Meriall, 151 Rich., 59, 138, 163; Tho., 246 Chutton, Elizth, wife of Will., 186 Clark, Clarke, Chr., 140 "" Elizth, wife of Rob., 60 Meriall wife of Simon, 66, 137, 142 Clarkson, Elizth, wife of JaⓇ., 61, 138 Jane, 62, 140 Jennet, 140 Claton, Clayton, Rob., 77, 149 Cleasby, Elenor wife of Ja., 76, 148 JaⓇ., 148 Cleveland, Jane, 216 Clifton, Dorothy wife of Henry, 62, "" 143 Henry, 62, 143 Cocke, Ellen wife of Anth., 162 Isabell, 67, 143; 72, 146 "" "" Rog., 59 Tho., 163; son of Rog., 59 Constable, Bridget dautr. of Kath,, 78, 218 "" "" ་ Geo. son of Kath., 78 Jane, Lady of Sir Raph, 60, 139 Kath., 78 Mary, 61, 138; 138 Margt. dautr. of Kath., 78; wife of John, 61, 138 Conway, Ellenor wife of Jaº., 251 Cooke, Ann, 63 Barbara, 75, 147 Chr., 252 Elizth, wife of Tho., 147 Isabell wife of Ja³., 66 "" Cockerell, An wife of Thomas, 69; 70, 141 "" Jane, 66; wife of Will., 70, Elizth, wife of Geo., 69, "" 140 140 Kath. wife of Raph, 64 "" Emma, 140; 141 "" Emott, 63 Percivall, 70 " Mary dautr. of Ann, 63 "" Pet. son of Ann, 63 "" Raph, 64 "" Rob., 69, 141 "" Susan wife of Rob., 69, "" 141 Collier, Alice (or Alison) wife of Raph, 69, 151 Collierson, Ann wife of Chr., 162 Collin, Collinge, Gawin, Gawine, 77, 148 Will., 148 Collison, Rich., 61 Will., 70, 140; son of Ann, 63 Cooper, Ann, or Annas, wife of "" Will., 64, 74, 142, 152 Dorothy, 69, 141 John, 139, 148 Margt. dautr. of Will., 64 Tho. son of Will., 64, 142 Will., 64, 142; son of Will., 64 INDEX. 36r Recusants:- Copley, Grace, 74 Cornforth, Ann, 68, 143 "" Edw., 246 "" Jane wife of Edw., 246 John, 146 "" Cosen, Agnes, or Annas, wife of Fr., 79, 151 Cotes, Coates, Dorothy, 79, 150 Recusants :- Daggett, Elizth, wife of Tho., 73, "" 146 Tho., 73, 146 Dakins, Thomesin, 62, 139 Dale, Bridget wife of Rob., 153, 247 Rob., 153 Dalton, Dorothy wife of Edw., 150 Edw., 150 "" Elizth, wife of Rog., 139 "" Kath. wife of Rob., 150 "" Mary wife of Will, 153 "" "" John, 78, 167, 218 "" Joanna, 148; 148 "" Margt. wife of John, 78, 167 Will., 65, 107; 153 Coulson, Cowlson, Ellis, 65, 142, 162 Rich., 162 Danby, Alice wife of Rich., 79, 151 Ann wife of Tho., 146 "" "" Brian, 60, 138 "" Will., 148 Elizth, wife of Tho., 162 "" Courscy, Will., 64 Ellenor, 73, 147 "> Frances wife of Chr., 74, Coussen, Cussen, Cusson, Ellen, or 152 "" Isabell wife of Chr., 74, 151 Covell, Elizth, wife of Will., 74, 163 "" Joane, 76 "" John, 74, 152 Cracall, Craikall, Crakall, Chr., 72 "" Margt., 60, 138 "" Margt. wife of Simon, 72, 147 "" Mary, 72, 146 "" Rich., 79, 151 "" Rich., 72, 147 Davison, Kath. wife of Rob., 59, 140 Crathorn, Crathorne, Alice, 59, 138 Ann wife of John, 162 Kath. wife of Tho., 68, "" John, 139 "" 143 "" Tho., 68, 216 "" Ursula, 181 Crawford, John, 166 Crawforth, John, 72, 251 Mary wife of John, 251 Croft, Jane wife of Tho., 219 Crosbie, Crosby, Anth., 75, 180 n. "" Dorothy, 146; wife of Ja³., 69, 142 -Dawson, Chr., 66 >> "" "" "" Francis wife of John, 68, 143, 185 Gilian wife of Chr., 66 Jane dautr. of John, 68, 143; wife of Will., 65 John, 143; jun¹., 217 Tho., 217 Day, Margt. wife of Will., 154 Will., 66, 154 Deane, Mary dautr. of Will., 63, "" 143 Will., 63, 143 Dent, Alice, 78, 148 Geo., 186 "" Elizth., dautr. of Elenor, 71 "" Ann wife of Will., 78, 149 " Elenor, 71, 146, 185 "" Chr., 149 ,, Ellen daut. of Elenor, 71 Frances wife of Anth., 75, 151 Ja*., 69 "" Fr. son of Mary, 77, 149 "" John, 75 "" Rob., 251 Currey, Ann wife of Will., 142 Curwen, Rich., 148 Cuthbert, Dorothy, 148 "" "" Margt. wife of Percivall, 76, 148 Percivall, Percivell, 76, 129, 148 Mary, 77, 149 Dickinson, Ellis, 64, 142 Dighton, Jane, or Jennet, wife of "" Raph, 79, 150 Margt., 252 Dixon, Dorothy wife of Will., 77, 149 Will., 77, 149 Dobbison, Jane wife of Simon, 150 "" Simon, 150 Dobson, Ann, 68 362- INDEX. Recusants :- -Dobson, Rich., 181 "" Tho., 61, 140 "" Will., 60, 138 Docker, Ann wife of Will., 62, 140 Dodsworth, Margt. wife of Rowl., 75, 148 Donkin, Jane, 138 Dowson, Ann, 154 19 Chr., 143 Juliana wife of Chr., 143 Dowthwate, Dowthward, Elizth., "" "" 70, 140 Ellis, wife of Tho., 70 Margt., 60 Tho., 70, 154 Drew, Eliz. wife of Will., 62, 140 Dringe, Tho., 69, 141 Ducke, Agnes, 162 "" "" Frances wife of Will., 143, 162 Margt., 182 Dun, Ann, 218 "" "" Isabell, 66 Jane wife of Rob., 148 Rob., 148 Earnsley, Ellenor wife of Mich., 247 "" Mich., 247 Edward, Edwardes, Jane, 59, 140 Ellay, John, 79 Elstaby, Grace wife of Rob., 76, 99 148 Rob., 76, 148 Elwood, Rog., 246 Eshall, Cecilia, Cicily wife of John, 72, 146 Eshe, Ellen dautr. of Edw., 163 Esk, Eske, Ann wife of Edw., 81 "" Dòr., 72, 147; dautr. of Edw., 81 Edw., 81 "" Margt., 163 Eston, Margt. wife of Rog., 67, 144 Rog., 67, 107 Eure, Lady Kath. wife of Sir Will., 68, 141 Sir Will., 68, 141, 179, 180 n., 182, 191 Fairburne, Ann, 185 Fairfax, Edith wife of Henry, 70, 140 Henry, 70, 140 Recusants: Fawcet, Fawcett, Alice, 79, 150 Dorothy wife of Tho., 79, "" 150 Frances dautr. of Tho., 79, 150 Val., 79, 150 Fetherston, Emott wife of Will., 65, 142 Filliskirke, Isab. wife of Geo., 62, 140 Margt. wife of Henry, 62, 140 Firbancke, John, sen., 150 "" Steph., 252 Fish, Jane, 163 Fishburne, Elizth, wife of Will., 77, 149 Fisher, Isabell wife of Tho., 247 Jane, 66 "" Fishwicke, Math., 150 Fletcher, John, sen., 61, 141, 247 Forrester, Cha³., 65, 142 "" Jane wife of Cha³., 142 Foster, Agnes, or Annas, 60, 138 Fotherley, Ann wife of Henry, 66, 155 Fowler, Margt., 150 Fox, Edw., 147 "" Margt. wife of John, 217 Franck, Francke, Elizth., 76, 148 "" Joane, Joanna, 76, 148 Margt., 76, 148 Marm., 163 Tho., 76, 148, 185 Franckland, Jane, 218 Freare, Frier, Elizth., 59, 140 Fulthrop, John, 65, 142 Gaire, Brian, 68, 143 Gale, Chr., 67, 143 Ellen dautr. of Geo., 80 Margt. wife of Geo., 80, 144 "" "" "" Pet. son of Geo., 80 Tho. son of Geo., 80 Garbutt, Alice wife of Tho., 144 Tho., 144 "" al³. Armstrong, Grace, 149 Garth, Ann, 78, 149; wife of John, "" "" "" · Kath. Lady of Sir Tho., 62, 139 79, 151 Geoff. son of John, 79, 151 John, 79, 151 Margt. dautr. of John,79,151 Gateherd, Gatred, Christabell, 76, 147 INDEX. 363 Recusants :- Gateherd, Eliztb., 76, 149, 186; wife of Rob., 162. Jane dautr. of Elizth., 76 Margt., 77, 149 "" Rob., 149, 163 وو 99 Will. son of Elizth., 76 Gatenby, Gatonby, Jane wife of "" Fr., 76, 147 Will., 186 Geldart, Kath. wife of Guy, 59, "" 140 Margt. wife of John, 181 George, Mary wife of Barth., 68, 141 Gibbon, Mabel, 148 Gibson, Alison, 63, 143 Ann wife of Anth., 77,149; wife of Tho., 143 Elizth., 138 Recusants :- Grant, Mary wife of Will., 75, 147 Grason, Jane, 64, 153 Gray, An, 67 Greathead, Dorothy wife of John, 152 Greene, Mary, 150, 162 Gregg, Gregge, Elizth, wife of Chr., 62, 144 Grene, Alice wife of Tho., 62, 140 Grime, Austin, 59, 70 "" Elinor, 73 ", Isabell wife of Austin, 59, 70 Grindall, Tho., 69 Gristwate, Gristwhit, John, 79, 151 Groson, Ann wife of Leon., 60 Haddocke, Edwin, 148 "" Elizth., 148 Haine, Jane, 76 Hall, Alice, 148 "" "" Jane wife of John, 217 "" "" "" John, 63, 143 Jennet, 69, 151 Tho., 62, 143 Gill, Elizth, wife of Rowl., 65, 142; daut. of Rowl., 65, 154 Gleadston, John, 74, 152 Goddard, Margt. wife of John, 216 Goldsbrough, John, 246 Goodericke, Ann, 59, 60, 138; wife "" "" of Fr., 77, 148 Fr., 77, 148; son of Ann, 59 Jane, dautr. of Ann, 59, 138 John, son of Ann, 59 Phillip dautr. of Ann, 59, 138 Tho. son of Ann, 59 Goodier, Edw., 70 "" John, 70 Mary wife of Edw., 70, 162 Goodyeare, Ursula wife of Edw., 247 Gouland, Ann, 152 Gower, Gowre, Barbara wife of Rich., 182 John, 146 "" "" Ellen dautr. of Ja³., 62 Frances wife of Ja³., 62, 143 Geo., 144 Ja³., 62, 143 Mary wife of Geo., 144 Sitha, 144 Harbert, Chr., 146 Elizth, wife of Chr., 144 Harden, Jas., 138 Hardinge, Harding, Dorothy, 142 "" Jane, 65 Ralph, 65, 142 Hardwick, Kath. wife of Rob., 62, "" 140 Will., 181, 190, 215 Hardy, Ann wife of Tho., 185 Isabell, 138 "" Harecoat, Bennet, 59 Hargill, Elizth, wife of Will., 66, 144 Hargrave, Alice wife of Will., 185 Mary dautr, of Will., 251 Rob. son of Will., 251 Tho. son of Will., 251 99 Harland, Chr., 153 Kath. wife of Chr., 63, 142 Harrison, Agnes, 67, 144 "" Alice, 141 "" Margt. wife of Edw., 76, 149 Mary wife of John, 62 "" Ann, An, 69; wife of Will., 67 Thomasina, Thomesin, 59, 138 "" Diana, 59; wife of John, 140 Grainge, Geo., 139, 154 "" Elenor wife of Will., 79, "" Jane wife of Geo., 139 150 364 INDEX. Recusants:- Harrison, Eliztb., 63, 143, 148; 77, 143; wife of Rob., 182, 217 Geo., 68, 141 "" Henry, 81; 141 >> Isabell, 77; 149 وو "" "" "" 99 "" པ "" Jane, 78; 148; wife of Geo., 68, 141; dautr. of Geo., 68, 141 Ja³., 79, 151 Kath. wife of Lanc., 142; wife of Laur., 63 Lanc., 142 Laur., 63 Margt., 67; 72, 146; wife of Edw., 69, 141 Marm., 67, 144 Phillis wife of Marm., 67, 144, 162 Rob. son of Geo., 68, 141 Will., 67, 107 Hart, Harte, Dorothy, 63, 143 Jane dautr. of Dorothy, 63, "" "" 143; wife of Rob., 67, 144, 162; wife of Will., 67, 162, 217 John, jun*., 67, 144; sen*., 67 Marg'. wife of John, sen*., 67, 144 Mary wife of John, jun*., 67 Rob. al³. Rog., 67, 107, 144 Will., 67, '144 Harwood, Alice dautr. of Raph, 65 Ann, or Annas, wife of "" "" Fr., 64, 142 Emott, 64, 142 Ellen, 70, 141; dautr. of Raph, 65; wife of Raph, 65; 162 1 Recusants:- Hebborn, Ja*.,70, 140, 247 Kath. dautr. of Jaº., 70 Hebden, Hebdon, Hebton, Marg., "" 246 Rachell, wife of Chr., 59, 138 Helcott, Frances wife of John, 78 John, 78 "", Hesle, John, 60, 139 Heward, Ann, 144 Hewetson, Marg¹., 76 Hibbin, Ann, 140 Hick, Hicke, Chr., 217 Tho., 59, 140 Hilcote, Frances wife of John, 149 John, 149 "" Hill, Ann wife of John, 70, 141; wife of Raph., 70, 141 Elizth., 65, 142; 70, 141 Will., 70, 141 Hindson, Will., 162 Hird, Hurd, Anna, 139 Elizth, wife of Tho., 143 ,, Jane, 162, 247 "" Kath., 70, 140 Hirst, Hurst, Mary wife of Raph, 140 Raph, 42 Hobb, Jane, 67 Hobson, Cha³., 80, 81, 151 "" Isab. wife of Cha³., 80, 151 Will., son of Cha³., 80 Hodge, Jane wife of Leon., 185 Leon., 74 Hodgson, Agnes, 185 Ellen, 72 "" Geo., 64, 153; 72, 146; jun*., 166 Isabell wife of Rob., 63, 142 "" Fr., 64, 142 "" Mary, 64 Raph, 65 "" Jane wife of John, 63, 247 "" John, 63, 142, 247 "" Will., son of Raph, 65 Hauckrigg, Haukrigg, John, 67, 144 "" Kath. wife of John, 67, 144 Haw, Hawe, Ann wife of John, 75, 152 Headlam, Jane, 62 Hearon, Alice wife of Giles, 151 Hebborn, Hebborne, Hebburn, Elizth, wife of Ja³., 70, 140, 247 "" Margt., 64, 153 Mary wife of Geo., jun*., 166 Rob., 63, 142 Hogg, Jane wife of John, 65, 154, "" 247 John, 65, 154, 247 Hoggard, Alex., 64, 153 Margt. wife of Alex., 64, 153 Holford, Holforth, Emott, 69, 141 INDEX. 365 Recusants :- Holland, Barth., 142 Elizth, wife of Barth., 142 Holtby, Elizth., 59 99 Lanc., 181 Hopps, Isabell wife of Fr., 59, 150 "" John, 150 Margt, 150 Hopwood, Elizth., 75, 152, 185 "" Jane, 218 Horne, Alice, 216 Horner, Juliana, 138 "" Horseman, Horsman, An wife of Recusants :- Jackson, Elinor, 75, 148 "" • Elizth, wife of Rich., 70, 140; wife of Tho., 72, '146 Frances wife of Chr., 61, 139 Geo., 67, 143 Henry, 140 Isabell, 62, 139 Jane, 61, 139; 151; wife of Geo., 67, 143 Jennett, 75, 151 Mary, 252 "" Joan, 252 Geo., 149, 247 Luce wife of Edw., 74 "" Ann wife of Leon., 75, Lucy, 152, 185 "" 147 Leon., 75, 147 "" Horson, Edwin, 185 Howe, Rob., 182 Hudson, Frances wife of Rob., 70, 141, 182 Hudspecke, Jane wife of Tho., 66, 142, 162 Huetson, Margt., 148 Hugill, An wife of Geo., 66, 142 "" "" Ellen wife of Will., 251 Elinor, Ellenor wife of Tho., 68, 143 Tho., 68, 143 Hull, Geo., 67 "" Mary wife of Geo., 67 Humble, Alison, 139 Hunt, Jane wife of Tho., 62 Hunter, Margt., 140 Huntrodes, Ellis, 79, 141; 141 "" • Jane wife of Rich., 70 Kath. wife of Tho., 69, 141 Rich., 70 Hurworth, Munda, 148 Hutchinson, Agnes, 79, 151 Ann, 73, 147 Isabell, 68, 141, 182 "" John, 76, 148 Mary wife of Tho., 76, 148; wife of Will., 60, 181 Pentecost, 148 Rich., 70, 140 >> Rob., 75 "" "" Tho., 74; 76; 148; 152 Will., 181 Jake, Jaque, Margt., or Mary, wife of Cha³., 79, 150 Jefferson, Dorothy wife of Chr., 72, 146 Fr., 219 Isabell, 163 Kath., 66, 144 1 Margt. dautr. of Will., 154 Jeffrey, Margt. wife of Rob., 154 Rob., 154 Jenn, Jenne, Margt., 68, 144 Jennison, John, 61, 138 Marg, wife of John, 61, 138 Johnson, Ann wife of John, 147; "" wife of Ralph, 181 Chr., 75; 151 • Elizth, wife of Chr., 75; wife of John, 78, 149 Ellenor, 148 Jane wife of Chr., 151 "" Leon., 68, 141, 182 Hutton, Alice wife of Geo., 217, "" 251 Rich., 73; 73, 147 Hyndson, John, 66 Ingleby, Lady Ann, 142 Jackson, Anth., 62, 139, 148 " Barbara wife of Ja'., 185 "" John, 147 >> Margt. wife of John, 61, 139 Jollie, Ellis wife of John, 162, 217 Jowsie, Raph, 66 "" Tho., 142 Keaton, Keirton, Kirton, Agnes, "" 151 Alison wife of Raph, 79 Dorothy wife of Tho., 247; 77 :: "" Edw. son of Alison, 80, 151 366 INDEX. Recusants :- Kearton, Elizth, dautr. of Alison, "" "" "" 80, 151; wife of Will., 60, 139 Isabell wife of Geo., 151, 252 Jane dautr. of Alison, 80, 151 John son of Alison, 80, 151 Margt., 73, 147 Keld, Jane, 217; wife of Will., 140 "" John, 217 "" Will., 140 Kendall, Bridget, 162 "" Dorothy, 141 Kendrawe, Kenrawe, Kenraw, Ann, Recusants :- Lambert Geo., 76 "" "" Grace, 78, 150 Margt. wife of Ralph, 162 Ralph, 162 Lanchester, Margt., 72, 146 Langdale, Joan dautr. of Kath., 152 Kath., 152 ", Langstaffe, Ann wife of Rob., 186 " Jane, 218 Lasenby, Lazenby, John, 60 "" Kath., 181 Wilfrid, Wilfride, 60, 138 Lassells, Lascells, Dorothy, 60, 181 "" Douglasse wife of Rob., 61, 140 Elizth, wife of Will., 60, 139, 216 "" "" 73 Elizth., 143 Rob., 35 >> Jane wife of Tho., 140 "" John, 60 Key, Elizth. wife of Chr., 77, 149 Kilburne, Jane, 166 Mary wife of Rob., 55, 246 "" Rob., 61, 140 "" John son of Tho., 72, 164, 251 Tho., 60 Will., 60, 139 "" "} Margt. wife of Tho., 252 Tho., jun*., 149 Margt, wife of Tho., 72, 146, 166 Raph son of Tho., 72 "" Tho., 72, 146, 166 Kildale, Edw., 142 "" "" Elizth, wife of Edw., 65, 142, 217 Emott, 66 Mary dautr. of Edw., 65 Ralph, 217 Killinghall, Susanna wife of Will., 72 Kinge, King, Elizth, wife of Will., 75, 152 Marm., 181 Kirke, Margt., 61 Knaggs, Knagges, Agnes wife of John, 153 "" Laton, Ann, 148 Laund, Lawnd, Ann, 143 "" Marian, 69 Lawe, Jane, 61, 139 Lawson, Elizth, Lady of Sir Ralph, "" 73, 152 Margt. 182 Lecke, Eliz. wife of Fr., 65, 142 Fr., 65, 142 "" Isabell, 67 "" Jane, 143 Liefe, Elizth., 62 Lieth, Lithe, Agnes dautr. of Rob., 140 Elizth, wife of Rob., 65 >> "" Ellen wife of John, 217 "" Dorothy wife of Lawr., 66, "" Ellis, 64 144 Geo., 64, 142 "" Elizth, wife of Geo., 153 Fr., 246 "" Jane wife of Rob., 69, 140 "" John, 217 "" " Lawr., 66, 144, 145, 154 Margt. wife of Tho., 65, 142 Rich., 66, 144, 154 "" Tho., 65, 153 Lambe, John, 70, 140 Lambert, Elizth, wife of Geo., 76, 185 Marian wife of Geo., 64, 142 Rob., 65, 143; 69 Will., 63 Lightfoote, Chr., 150 " "" Margt. wife of Chr., 150 Dorothy wife of Anth., 78 Linskell, Arth., 150 "" INDEX. 367 Recusants:- Linskell Elinor dautr, of Anth., 78 "" Elizth., 150 Linton, Jane wife of Math., 64, 142 "" Math., 64 Lion, Elizth, als. Isabell wife of John, 69, 141 "" John als. Josua, 69, 141 Lionesse, Grace wife of Tho., 72, 146, 185 Phillis wife of Rob., 72, 147 Rob., 72, 154 "" "" Tho., 72, 146 Lockey, Dorothy wife of Will., 81 Lodge, Kath. wife of Rich., 217 "" Leon., 152' Marm., 68, 143 Miles son of Leon., 251 Lofthouse, Loftus, Phillis, 68, 143, 182 Lomley, John son of Will., 63 "} Mary wife of Will., 63 "" Will., 63 Recusants :- Lucas Elizth., 151 Meriall, 80, 163 "" "" Ralph, 75, 151 Lumniske, Rich., 218 Mace, John, 142 Machell, Isabell, 218 Maddison, Fr., 218 Maisterman, John, 70 Tho., 70, 141 Malam, Elizth., 147 Mallorie, Jane wife of Geo., 147 Man, Ellis wife of Will., 70, 154 "" "" "" "" "" Jane wife of Will., 69 John son of Will., 66 1 Munda dautr. of Tho., 66, 142, 144 Peter son of Will., 66, 162 Rosamunda dautr. of Tho., 66, 143 Susan wife of Tho., 66, 142, 162 Tho., 66, 142, 162 "" "" Will., 70, 154 Manfield, Dorothy wife of Tho., 150 Lowdy, Margt. wife of Anth., 62, 139 Lowick, Lowicke, Ann dautr. of وو "" >> Merrie, 71, 146 Bridget dautr. of Merrie,71 Chr. (or Edw.), 69, 141; son of Chr. (or Edw.), 69, 141 John son of Merrie, 71, 146 "" Ellen wife of Rog., 150 " Jane wife of Ralph, 150 "" Margt, wife of John, 150 "" "" Mary wife of John, sen., 150 Ralph, 150 Marcer, Elizth., 144 Marshall, Ann wife of John, 73 "" Annas dautr, of John, 64 "" Ellen, Ellenor wife of "" Marcia, 143 "" Margt. dautr. of Merrie, "" 71; wife of Marm., 68, 143 Margerie wife of Chr. (or Edw.), 69, 141 Mary dautr. of Merrie, 71; dautr. of Chr. (or Edw.), 69, 162; mother of Tho., 70; wife of Tho., 71, 143 Merrie, 71 Rich. son of Merrie, 71 "" "" Rob. son of Chr. (or Edw.), 69 "" Tho., 71, 80, 143 Lowis, Alice, 77, 149 Lucas, Ann wife of John, 152 Dorothy wife of Raph, 75, "" 151 33 "" "" "" 99 "" Edm., 65, 154 John, 64, 142 Ellis, 153 Elizth. 141, 163; 246; wife of Fr., 65; wife of Tho., 68, 141 Fr., 65 Geo. son of John, 142 Greg. son of John, 64 Isabell, 185; wife of John, 147, 251 John, 64, 153; 147; son of Fr., 65; son of John, 64 Lawr., 162 Margt, dautr. of John, 64 Mary, 64, 150 Marsingale, Ellis, 70, 140 Martin, Ann, 181 368 INDEX. Recusants :- Martin, Elizth, wife of Rich., 75, Recusants :- Midleton, Tho., 76, 185; 148 ` Miles, Grace wife of Chr., 76, 148 Milner, Alice, 143 147 Isabell, 59, 138 Tho., 246 "" Ellenor, 162 "" "" Ursula dautr. of Isabell, 59, 138 "" Will., 2 Milnes, Alice, 67 Ann wife of Rob., 142 al³. Smith, Rich., 75, 147 Marwood, Margt., 66 Mason, Ann, 61, 139 "" Isabell wife of Will., 75, 147 Massam, Ellen, 162 Phillis, 144 3, Maxwell, Isabell, 72, 146 Meade, Meede, Ellen, 63, 142 Menfeild, Dorothy, 65, 142 Mennell, Chr. son of Tho., 72 "" "" "" Elizth, wife of Edmonde, 61, 113; wife of Geo., 148 Fr. son of Tho., 72 Mary wife of Tho., 72, Mercer, Tho., 66 Metcalfe, Agnes, 80 Isabell wife of Ralph, 63, 142 Minthorp, Minthropp, Ann, Annas, wife of Rog., 59, 140 Mitchell, Frances wife of Henry, 76, "" 147, 180 n., 212 Jane, 75, 147 Mary, 60, 146 Monnckman, Mary wife of Rob., 69 Monson, Elizth, wife of Will., 150 Moore, Fr., 68, 143 "" Henry, 184 Morland, Elizth, wife of Fr., 186 Morley, Margt., 77 Morris, Jane, 216, 224 Morton, Ann, 59 Elizth., 138 Mountaine, Geo., 139 John, 139 Murton, Elizth., 59 Nanson, Alice wife of John, 67 146 Tho., 72, 146 "" "" Will., 77, 149 Ann, 148; 218 Anth., 78, 150 "" Dorothy, 79, 151 "9 Jane, 67 "" Elinor wife of Anth., 78, 150 "" Kath., 66 "" Margt. wife of Will., 59 Will., 59 Nelson, Chr., 218 1 Elizth. 79; 79, 150; wife of Jeff., 79, 151; wife of Mich., 73, 146; wife of Rich., 219 Geo., 186 Nendick, Jane wife of Tho., 139, 181 Nesom, Nesome, Ann, 77, 252 Neville, Ralph, 139 Newcombe, Newcome, Ambr., 78 Jane, 151 "" Ja³., 219 "" "" "" Kath. wife of Geo., 186 Leon., 218 "" "" Mary, 150; wife of Geo., Margt., 79, 151; 80 152; wife of Rob., 72, 146 Vincent, 150 Metland als. Robinson, Jennet, 77 Mettam, Metham, Dorothy, 78, 149 "" Margt, wife of Jordan, 161, 163, 164 Midleton, Middleton, Ann, 148; 252 "" ", Ellen wife of Tho., 185 Margt, wife of Tho., 143 "" Fr., 77, 149 Isabell wife of Tho., 77, 149 Jennett wife of Ambr., 78, 149 Newsham, Ann, 149 Newton, Elizth, wife of John, 218; wife of Rob., 69 Niccolson, Ann, 150 Bridget wife of Will, 60, 139 "" Chr., 150 Edith wife of Chr., 150 "" Grace wife of Rich., 78, 150 INDEX. 369 Recusants :- Niccolson, Rich., 78, 150 Will., 60, 139 "" Nickson, Edw., 64 Nightgale, Dorothy, 67 North, Geo., 142 Pentecost wife of Will., 185 Norton, Ann, '151 Cicily, 76 Ellenor, 151 Elizth, dautr. of Cicily, 76, 148 Jane, 163 Recusants :- Peacocke, Peacoke, al. Cutler, Averell wife of Ja³., 68, 143 Peacocke, Elizth, wife of Rob., 63, 142 Grace, 217 Pearcie, Alice wife of Rob., 252 Peares, Isabell wife of Henry, 74, • 152 Pearson, Ann wife of Barnard, 62, 143; 142; wife of Will., 65, 142 Annas, 64 Barnard, 62, 143 "" "" "" Kath. wife of Rob., 74, 151 "" Olliot. See Ulliot Chr., 162 Orton, Jennet, 218 Ovington, Alice wife of Rob., 77, "" 149 Isabell wife of Will., 77, 149 Margt. wife of Tho., 149 Oxendale, Jane wife of Chr., 162 Page, Margt. wife of Chr., 217 Pallaser, Palliser, Anth., 218 " Dorothy, 72, 147 Elizth., 72, 147 Ellen, Elenore wife of Fr., 65, 142 Elizth. 66, 154; wife of Fr., 65, 143; wife of Henry, 65, 142; wife of Simon, 186 "" John, 144 "" Julian dautr. of Phillis, 62 "" "" Phillis, 62; wife of John, 144 Rich., 73, 251 Tho., 72, 147 Parker, Ann wife of Math., 216 "" Elizth, wife of Henry, 60, 138 Pate, Ellen wife of Chr., 69, 141 Patteson, Pattison, Ann dautr. of "" "" "" رو 39 ,, "" VOL. II. Lawr., 143; dautr. of Oliver, 63, 143 Elizth, or Isabell wife of Lawr., 67, 143, 162 Jane, 247; (or Ann) wife of Rowl., 67, 144 Jennet wife of Rob., 67, 144 John son of Oliver, 63, 143 Josiiec, 63 Laur., son of Oliver, 63; 67, 143, 162 Margt, wife of Oliver, 63 Oliver, 63, 143 Roland, 2 Rowl., 67, 144 "" Fr., 65, 142 "" Geo., 59, 138 Isabell wife of Simon, 150 "" >> Margt., 60, 147; 73; 138 Mary wife of Will., 149 Will., 149 Peckett, Margt., 59 Pereth, Elizth., 76, 148 Petch, Jane, 217 Pibus, Edw., 147 "" John, 143 Thomesin, 73 Pickeringe, Margt., 65 "" Mary, 142 Pilley, Pillie, Constance wife "" Will., 68, 141 Will., 68, 141 Pinckney, Ann wife of John, 218 Pinder, Emme, 67 Plews, Alice wife of Fr., 218 Elizth., 186 "" Polmarie, Cuthb., 185 Ponsonby, Eden or Edith, 77, 148 Porter, Isabell wife of John, 67 Jane wife of Will., 68 "" ,, Will, 68 Postgate, Ann wife of John, 143, 181 Barth., son of Geo., 66, 162, 182 Bridget, 181, 216 "" "" Edw., 140 Elizth, wife of Geo., 66 B B 370 INDEX. "" Recusants :- Postgate, Fr. son of Geo., 66, 182, 247 Geo.,´66, 144; Recusants:- Raynold, Jane, 72, 146 Readman, Cuthb., 217 son of Isabell wife of Tho., 65, "" Geo., 66, 144 Isabell wife of Geo., 144 "" "" Ja³., 69, 140 39 John, 143; 144 ,, Margt., 65, 142 Margery wife of John, 140 Will., 70, 141, 162, 217 Potter, Allison wife of John, 75, 148 Mary wife of Cuthb., 72, 146 Pressicke, Averilla wife of Henry, 62, 143, 181, 220 Henry, 62, 143 Pet., 181 "). "" Proude, Will., 216, 224 Pudsay, Pudsey, Ambr., 78, 149 "" "" "" "" Ann wife of Tho., 151 Elizth., 77, 149 Ellen wife of Cuthbert, 149 Henry, 75 Jane wife of Ambr., 78, 149 Tho., 73, 73 n. Pullein, Pulleine, Ann wife of Rich., 186 Rich., 252 Punder, Agnes wife of John, 67, "" 144 Emma, 144 Jane wife of Rowl., 63, 143 John, 67, 144 Radcliffe, An wife of Will., 65, 142 "" Kath., 65 "" Will., 65, 154, 216 Rachester, Ratchester, Rochester, Elizth, wife of Lawr., 68, 141 Raines, Mary wife of Ja³., 181 142 Mary, 217 Tho., 65, 142; sen*., 65, 142 Remerson, Reynardson, Ann, 76, 148 Reynoldson, Ann wife of John, 148 Ricatson, Rickeson, John, 65, 153 Margt. wife of Ja³., 64, 153 Richardson, Elizth, wife of Fr., 76, 148 Fr., 76 "" "" Margt., 216 Richmond, Ellen wife of John, 162 Ridley, Henry, 65, 142 "" Simon, 65, 142 Ringer, Chr., 74, 151; son of Chr., 74, 151 Ripley, Alice wife of John, 69, 153 Dorothy wife of Will., 181 Will., 181 "" Robertes, Roberts, Jane, 138, 181, 215 Robinson, Ann, 63, 139, 143 "" "" "" Anth., 219 Edith wife of Will., 76, 150 Elizth, wife of John, 75, 148 Fr., 218 Geo., 181, 190 Isabell, 79, 151 Jane wife of Rich., 147 Jennett wife of Tho., 78, 149; wife of Tho., 150, 163 Margt., 62; 63, 140 Ranson, Jane, 62 Rash, Elizth, wife of Will., 67 Rawdon, Will., 161, 164 Rawe, Chr. son of John, 64 "" Elizth, wife of John, 64, 142 John, 64, 142 Math. son of John, 64 Rawlinge, Will., 139 Ray, Jane wife of John, 65, 142, 181 "" John, 65, 142 Raynold, Rainold, An wife of Chr., 72, 146 "" Mary, 147 "" Tho., 69, 141; 150 "" al³. Patty, Margt., 151 Rogerson, Ann wife of Tho., 79, 150 Roll, Isabell, 181 Ronetree, Rowntre, Agnes, 68 "" Ja³., 60, 139 Rookby, Alice, 163 "" Chr., 163 Jane wife of Raph, 66, 144 Lady Margt. wife of Sir Tho., 78, 149 INDEX. ,371 Recusants: Recusants :- Rookby, Ralph, 66, 144, 148, 163 Rob. son of Ralph, 66 Rose, Frances, 139 Rosse, Will., 60, 138 Rudd, Elizth, wife of Nich., 66, 144 Russell, Elizth, wife of Geo., 141 Geo., 141 Isabell, 150 Rutter, Margt 148 Sadler, Margery wife of Tho., 78, "" 150 Tho³., 78, 150 Saier, Saire, Sayre, Ellen, 72, 146 Simpson, Brian, 71, 80, 146 "" "" "" Bridget wife of Rob., 150 Chr., 65, 142; 67, 144 Cuthb., 247; son of Edw., 153 Dorothy wife of Chr., 65, 142 Edw., 64, 132, 133, 142 Ellen wife of Rob., 162 Elizth., 63, 143; wife of "" Elizth, wife of John, 72, 146, "" 154 Gartred wife of Will., 142 "" John, 72, 146, 154 Will., 142 Salvin, Salvine, Dorothy wife of Will., 63, 143, 145 Frances, 65, 142 Isabell, 217; wife of Raph, 247 Will., 63; 215 Sample, Barbara wife of Rich., 71, 146 Rich., 71, 146 Sampson, Ellen, 61, 139, 154 "" Ellenor, 66, 142, 154 Scarr, Geo., 185 Scott, Jane wife of Tho., 72, 146 "" "" John, 150; wife of Tho., 67; 67, 133 Emott wife of John, 144 Frances wife of Marm., 186; wife of Simon, 150 Gartred wife of Chr., 71, 80, 146, 161 Isabell, 247 Jane wife of Chr., 67, 144; wife of John, 67; wife of Will., 217 John, 67; son of Edw., 64 Kath, wife of Edw., 64, 132, 133, 142 Margt., 67, 143 "" Mary wife of Anth., 149, 181 Meriall wife of Will., 69, "" Rob., 218 "" Tho., 72, 146, 187 Scroope, Ann, 81, 151 "" Chr., 81, 151 "" "" "" Dorothy, 72, 147 Margt. wife of Chr., 81, 151 Mary, 252 Seavier, Ann, 252 Sennerheweth, Elizth., 68 Sheildes, Sheiles, Jane, 69, 140 Shutt, Alice wife of John, 149 Ann wife of Edw., 149 "" "" John, 186 Margt., 77, 149 "" Tho., 149 Sicker, als. Fisewick, Math., 79 Sim, Ann wife of Will., 72, 146 Elizth, 181 Jane wife of John, 181 Margt., 181 Simpson, Ann, 247 "" 141 Rich., 247; son of Edw., 64, 153 Rob., 219 Tho., 67 "" Skelton, Margery wife of Rich., 79, "" 151 Rich., 79, 151 Skinner, Cicily wife of John, 69 "" Jane wife of Raph, 69 Slater, Slator, Ann wife of Will., "" 185, 218 Margt. wife of Ralph, 74 Sleightholme, Rich., 69 "" Slinger, Ann wife of Fr., 77, 149 Ellen wife of Tho., 77, 149 Jane wife of Geo., 77, 149 Smith, Alice wife of Pet., 181 "" "" Ann wife of Trinian, 66; dautr. of Rich., 217; wife of Nath., 81; wife of Rich., 64, 142, 181 Annas dautr. of Rich., 64 Averill wife of Tho., 139 B B 2 372 INDEX. 1 Recusants :- Smith, Bridget dautr. of Rich., 64 "" Ellis, 154 "" "" Elizth, wife of Henry, 252 Jane, 162 Magdalen, 138 Margt., 70, 141; wife of John, 185 Nath., 70, 141 Recusants :- Spenley, Margt. wife of Tho., 141 Squire, Ann, 148 Marm., 66 Stable, Mary wife of Will., 163 Stainhouse, Stonas, Alice wife of John, 70´ "" Alison, 154 99 Chr., 70, 140 "" Oliver, 141 "" Cuthb. son of Chr., 70, Pet., 181 140 Rich., 64, 142; 217; son "" John, 67, 143; 70 of Trinian, 66 "" Mary, 182 "" Rob., 78, 150 Tho. son of Chr., 70, "" "" Sara daut. of Rich., 64, 217 "" Trinian, 66 "" "" Ursula, 66 "" Will. son of Rich., 64 Smithson, Ann daut. of Brian, 76, 148; wife of Trinian, 142 Brian, 76, 148 "" >> Chr. son of Brian, 76, "" 148 Geo., 78, 149; son of Brian, 76, 148 Jane wife of Rich., 151 ,, "" Jennet wife of Rich., 75 John, 77; son of Rich., 140 Ursula wife of Chr., 70, 140 Staney, Jane, 148. Stanghaw, Margt. wife of Will., 154 Will., 65, 153 Starforth, Jane, 247 Startforth, Ann wife of John, 252 Staveley, Will., 219 Stephenson, Elizth, wife of Rog., "" 144; wife of Will., 252 Jane, 144 Mary, 61, 139 Rog., 67, 144 >> "" 217 Margt, wife of Geo., 78, 149 Mary, 218; wife of Anth., 77 Trinian al". Ninian, 142 Smurthwaite, John, 151 Sneaton, Elizth., 247 Snelgate, Elizth., 75 "" Ellen, 252 Snowdon, Alice, 68, 144 ", Isabell, 67 Ja. son of Alice, 68 Will. son of Alice, 68 Sonley, Elizth,, 181 Sowley, Jane wife of Cha³., 144 Spence, Bridget wife of Raph, 80, "" 151 Grace wife of Chr., 151 Jane wife of Tho., 74, 152 Margt. wife of Rob., 185, 252 Tho., 74, 152 Spenceley, Mary wife of Geo., 62, 140 al'. Gibson, Jane, 181 Steward, Stewart, Ann, 66 "" John, 68, 143 Stibbin, Ann, 61 Stillil, Isabell, 67 Stockdale, Stockton, Ellen wife of "" "" Rich., 69, 140 Elizth., 140 Geo., 72, 146, 166 Rich., 69, 140 Storie, Story, Ambr. son of Fr., 73, 181, 182, 190, 215 "" Ellen, 181 Fr., 73, 147 Henry son of Fr., 73, 147 Mary, 73, 147; daut. of Fr., 73 Tho., 142 Stromanby, Arth., 59, 138 Suggit, Chr., 217 Sutton, John, 151 Swainston, Ellen, Ellenor, 76, 148 "" John, 76, 148 Swale, Ann wife of Salomon,79,151 "" Rich., 186 INDEX. 373 Recusants :- Swale, Salomon, 79, 151 Swallow, Ann, 78, 149 Swinbancke, Margery wife of Will., 68, 141 Tailforth, Margt., 70 Tailor, Talor, Chr., 65 Recusants :- Thwaites, Grace wife of Geo., 186 Mary wife of Geo., 252 Tho., 150 "" Thwinge, Bridget wife of Rob., 69, 140 Jane wife of Will., 60 Margery, 140 " Cuthb., 59 Edw., 143 "" Elizth, 62, 140; 218 "" "" Isabell, 147 Jane wife of Chr., 65, 181; wife of Edw., 143 "" Tho., 148 Talbott, Ann dautr. of Rich., 72, "" 147 Elizth, dautr. of Rich., 72, 147 Geo. son of Rich., 72, 147 Isabell wife of Rich., 72, 147 "" "" Rob., 69, 140 "" Tho., 60, 190 Tindall, Tindell, Margt. wife of Nich., 76, 148 Tipladie, Tiplady, Toplady, Elizth., 60, 139 Isabell, 66 >" Rich., 154 "" Tho., 70 Tockettes, Tocketts, Geo., 66, 142 Will., 181 Todd, Elizth., 70; wife of John, 185 Jane wife of Tho., 141 "" "" John son of Rich., 72, 147 "" John, 185 "" Rich., 72, 147 "" Winifred, 147 "" Ja³., 147 Tanckard, Ann wife of Tho., 147 Theaker, Ann, 69, 141 Theakston, Chr., 74, 151 "" Margt., 151 "" Margt., 62, 186 Margery wife of Anth., 69 Mary wife of Math., 150 Tomlin, Tomlyn, Elizth, wife of John, 65, 142 John, 65, 153 4. "" Fr., 2, 64 "" Marian wife of Fr., 64 "" "" Thirkeld, Thirkell, Isabell wife of "" John, 76, 148 John, 76, 148- Thistle, Ellis wife of Rich., 217; wife of Rob., 153 Isabell wife of Tho., 70 Margt. wife of Rob., 66 "" "" "" Rob., 66 " Tho., 70 Thompson, Ann, 149 "" "" Cha³., 150 Edw., 162 Elizth, wife of Ja³., 149, 163 Ja³., 163 Rich., 72 "" Thomasin, 181 Thorehill, Morgan, 59 Thornton, Dorothy wife of Rob., 61 >> Jane wife of Tho., 139 Thorpe, Agnes wife of Chr., 65, 142 Chr., 65, 142 Cuthb. son of Chr., 65, 154 Thwaites, Geo. jun., 150; sen*., 150 Will. son of John, 65 Tonstall, Kath. wife of Fr., 218 ; wife of Marm., 77, 149 Towers, Ann wife of Tho., 139 Tho., 139 Trainham, Margt. wife of Tho., 147 Tho., 147 "" Trewett, Trewhitt, Fr., 67, 144 "" ,, Isabell wife of Fr., 67, 144 Jennett, 80 Turner, Elizth. wife of Will., 61, 139 "" Will., 61, 98, 99, 137 n., 139 Ulliott, Elizth., 68, 143 Valiant, Valiante, An wife of Will., 75, 154 Vertey, Jane, 60, 138 Wade, Lamb., 74, 151 Tho., 75 Wainworth, Geo., 142 Walker, Elizth, wife of Rob., 63, 143 Jane wife of John, 67, 143; 、 80 374 INDEX. Recusants :- Walker, Margery, 66 "2 Mary wife of Rob., 150 Rob., 63, 143 "" Tho., 74, 151 "" Will., 77, 149, 219; 252 Waller, Dorothy, 163 "" Mary wife of Rob., 79 Walles, Ann, 76, 148 Walton, Ellen, 78, 150 Walworth, Will., 217 Warcopp, Ann, 61, 138 Henry, 147, 154 Ward, Warde, Wood, Isabell wife "" of Henry, 61, 139 John, 77 Mary, 61, 139; 61, 139 Recusants :- Wetherell, Jane wife of John, 75, "" 148 John, 75, 148; - son of John, 75, 148 Tho. son of John, 75 Will., 72, 146, 166; son of John, 75 Wharton, Epham, Ephama, 79, 151 Whelewright, Margery wife of Anth., 140 White, Agnes, 69, 141 "" "" 33 Chr., 247 Dorothy, 162 Ellis wife of Rob., 142; wife of Will., 65, 142, 247 Emott, 63, 142 Margt. wife of Geo., 218 Ralph, 139 "" Wardell, Wardill, Ann, 217 "" Margery, 65, 142, 247; wife Elizth wife of Greg., 65, of Chr., 65, 142 "" 154 >> Ralph, 247 "" Rob., 153 "" Will., 65; 65, 142, 247 Greg., 65, 154 Warmouth, Rob., 68, 141, 145 Wasitt, Wethat, Agnes or Annas, 64, 142 Wasse, John, 72, 162, 164 Wate, Ann, 79, 150; 150; wife of Geo., 252 Geo. son of Ann, 79, 150 "" "" Ja". son of Ann, 79, 150 Watinge, Jane wife of Will., 73, 147 "" John son of Will., 73, 185 Will., 73, 147 Watson, Ann wife of John, 217 Chr., 185 Whitfeild, Edw. son of Will., 64, "" "" 142 Ellen wife of Edw., 181 Geo., 64; son of Will., 64, 142, 217 Jane dautr. of John, 63, 153; wife of John, 63 Joane daut. of Will., 64, 217 "" John, 63, 153, 217 "" Lara, 143 Luke son of Will., 64, "", Elizth., 69, 217 John, 78; 217 Webster, Isabell wife of Rowland, 246 "" Jane, Jennet, 72, 146 Weldon, Wildon, Phillis, 59, 140 Welfoote, Alex., 68, 143 "" Fr., 217 Greg. son of Alex., 143 "" Margt, wife of Alex., 68, 143 West, Jane wife of Will., 77, 149, 252 Westland, Alice (or Hellen) wife of Tho., 67, 144 Wetherell, Elizth., 140 Ellen, Ellenor wife of Will., 146, 166 "" 162 Margery, 142; wife of Will., 64, 142 Mich. son of Will., 64, 143 Tho., 64, 142; son of John, 63, 153; son of Margery, 133 Will., 64, 142; son of Will., 64, 143 Whitten, Will., 72, 147 Whitton, Margt., 62 Whorleton, Whorlton, Elizth, wife "" of Henry, 76, 147 Henry, 76, 147 Wicliffe, Amabell wife of Pet., 161 Meriall, 78 Wilde, Alice wife of Anth., 78, 150 Jennett, 150 INDEX. · 375 Recusants:- Recusants :- Wilde, Meriall wife of Will., 150 Wildeman, Ralph, 185 Wilder, Mary, 219 Wilkes, John son of Will., 154 "" Margt., 144 "" Ralph, 142 Will., 154 Wilkinson, Elizth, wife of Henry, 152 Williamson, Barnard, 74 Wivell, Rob., 74, 152 Wolley, John, 147 Woordy, Ann wife of Geo., 186 Geo., 186 Workefolk, Ellis wife of Will., 69, 140 Worsley, Eliz., 217, 224 Kath. wife of Tho., 217, 224 Tho., 217, 224 Wright, Alice, 70 Dorothy, 63, 217 Fr., 163 Grace, 70, 140 "" Ellen, wife of Chr., 185 "" Mary, 146, 166 Willance, Willaws, Elizth., 77, 149 "" Elizth., 61, 139 "" Grace, 147 Isabell, 59, 138; 73, 147 Isabell, 185 "" Lucrece, 70, 154 "" Jane wife of Math., 151 Math., 151 "" Margt., 148 Margery wife of Will., 64 Willie, Mary, 65, 142 Willoughby, Henry, 68 Wilson, Alex., 61, 138 "" "" وو Alice wife of Will., 252 Ann, 60, 139; wife of Rich., 72, 146, 167 Dorothy, 76, 150 Elizth., 185; wife of Chr., 77, 149; 148; wife of Tho., 69; wife of Will., 64, 142 Will., 64; 77, 149 Yarker, Yerker, Marg¹., 78, 149 Yeoman, Geo., 74, 74 n. Younge, Ann, 59, 138, 163; wife of Rob., 77, 163 "" Elizth., 74, 152 Jane, 148 "" Jennett wife of Rob., 150 Rob., 77, 162; 150 Tho., 76, 163 Yoward, Meriall, 69 Recusants, Committed to York Castle, "" Isabell, 79 Jennett, 61 "" Lanc., 79, 151 "" "" " Marg, wife of Ralph, 76, 148 "" Tho., 69 Will., 64, 141; 80 Wilton, Ann wife of Tho., 247 Winne, Elizth, wife of John, 152 Wintersgill, Winterskell, Jennet wife of Marm., 152 "" Marm., 74, 152 "" Will., 74, 152 Wiseman, Ann wife of Chr., 150 Rob., 77 Witham, Dorothy wife of John, 76, 148 Will., 218 Wither, Mary, 80, 138 Withes, Will., 251 Witton, Tho., 181 Wivell, Alice wife of Rob., 152 Jane, 74, 152, 185; wife of Chr., 80 87, 99, 137 for baptizing his own child, 208 Conforming, 168, 184, 215 "" " "" "" "" >> 23 ,, confined within five miles of their dence, 184 resi- Lists of, 153, 154 Conformity of, testified to, 225 Conviction of, 154, 164, 167, 190, 194, 224 Harbouring, 215, 216 not receiving the Sacrament, 215 Obstinate, 87, 89, 113, 137 Order to attach all Reçusants in Ilang West brewing, &c, 133 to present, 100 376 INDEX. Recusants, Proceedings against, 160 holme, Langton "" "" Process against, stayed, 225 Recognces, in the case of, 24 Warrants, &c, for non-pre- Magna on Swale, Warlaby, Barton Maries, Smeton, Bolton on Swale, ! "" "" "" sentment of, 104, 106' widow, A, 127 Stringent Order touching pre- sentments of, 27 None at Stockton and Skews- by, 60 Dalton, Spaunton and Normanby, 61 Newby on Wiske, Cowton South, 75 "" Marsk, Gilling, 76 Hunton, Arathorne, Recusants, None at Brignell, Harforth, Marton, 62 Mickleby, Ellerby, Huton (Mulgrave), 66 "> >> Lamoth, Romanby, Dighton, ་ Coniers, Hutton West Rounckton, Thorn- ton Beanes, Holme cum Howgrave, Şigston, 71 Ellingstring, Aiskew cum Parva Lem- inge, Burrell cum Cowling, Newton cum Ruswicke,Col- burn, Crakall, Scotton, Well, Kirkby Fletham, Snape, Brompton, "" "" Hauxwell, Beller- by, Agglethorpe, Fingall, Hudswell, Carperby, Cald- bargh, Burton in Bushopdale, Mel- merby, Thornton Rust, West Witton, 78, 79 Preston, Ridmer, 79 Bolton, Thornton Watlas, Thirne, Rookwith cum Clifton, West Scrapton, Hornby, 80 Relief for a blind man, 27, 35, 38 "" father from his son, 83 Lame Soldier's wife, 33 impotent poor man, 114 infant, 229 man decayed by casualty, 284 with a broken arm, "" "" 73 Wath, Melmerby, Kirkby the "" "" 27 with a lame and dumb on Moor cum Lang- thorpe, Baldersby, son, 29 " poor man, 228 Midleton Whern- 33 "" how, Hunburton cum Milby, Sin- derby, Rainton cum Newby, Sut- ton Howgrave, Kirtlinton, Dis- forth, Ainderby How and Swain- by, Asenby, Burn- eston, Cathropp, Cundall, Thornton cum Letby, Nor- ton in Luto; Ain- derby Steeple, Cowton East, Bar- ton Cuthbert, Ery- * "" "" >> "" overburdened with children, 177, 188 with broken leg, 83, 229 lame men, 38, 228 a widow, 47, 102 a woman, 109 lame women, 116, 316 old and poor person, 167 person having King's evil, 28 Cuthbert Coniers, fallen into poverty, 196, 212, 253 Fr. Dodsworth, fallen &c, 187, 245 Math. Wood, a man decayed, 269 INDEX. 377 Rescue or removal of animals, &t, seized "" under distraint, 63, 187, 203 rescusse with violence, 11, 26, 29, 34, 56, 120, 168, 175, 185, 199, 234 Rescusses and misdemeanors, Warrant on account of sundry, 195 Reynolde, Geo., 260 Reynoldson, John, 194 Ricardson, Tho., 92 Richardson, Edm., 203 Rookby, Rokeby, Chr., 321 "" "" Fr., 89 Raph, 2, 41, III Rose, Brian, 180 Rowley, Ja*., 246 Rowth, Rowthe, Elizth, dautr. of Henry, 159 John son of Henry, 159 Henry, 159 "" Mary wife of Henry; 159 "" Tho., 213, 221, 222 "" John, 9 " Rich., 4; 17 "" Tho., 226 Richmond, Raph, 172, 222 Richmond, the Frieries in, 110 Ridley, Rob., 203 Ridsdale, Ja., 242 Rimer, Tho., 122 Rude, desperate and evil demeanoured, A man, 236 Rumfrey, Chr., 90 Russell, John, 103 Rymer, Will., 5; 29 99 Will., 233, 236, 238 Riotous affray, assault, entry, &c, 5, 22, 56, 136, 239 assembly, &c, 15, 39, 56, 199, 239, 248, 250, 254 Robbers, Loss by, 238 Robinson, Ambr., 235; son of Will., S. Sabbath, Drinking on the, 7, 27, 32, 85, "" 131, 158, 214 Making a drinking on, 132 a feast or banquet on, 131, 138 Playing at cards on, 41, 89 foot-ball on, 132 Receiving people, not tra- vellers, on, 51 183 Cha*., 196 "" Chr., 241 "" "" Edw., 86 "" "" Geo., 19 "" Jane w. of John, 249 "" Phebe w. of Will., 240 " Raph, 43 "" Roger, 126 "" Will., 46; 86; 234; (Alder- دو John, 24; 210 Leon., 5 man of York), 241, 249; 249 Robson, Rob., 113 Rockley, Rocliffe, Chr. (Informer's "" "" Shooting at buttes on, 56, 58 Taking cloth from the tenters on, 7 Using bowling, &c, on, 34, 39 Usuall prophaners of the, 108 Sadler, Ralfe, Raph, 12, 122; 234 Salmon, Taking kipper, 176 Salperwick al³. Gibson, Tho., 88 Saltpetre works, 286 Salvin, Dorothy, 145 man), 56, 86 Roger, Alice w. of Chr., 123 Rogers, Tho., 103 Rogue, Incorrigible, 88, 101 "" "" Raph, 169, 174, 221 Will., 223 Sampson, Ellen, 57 "" "" Margt. w. of Rob., I Rob., I Rogues and vagabonds, 98 "> Not punishing, 5, 9, 95, 103, 107, 131, 132, 214 Stocks to be provided for the punishing of, 196 Roguing up and down, 157 Ronethwaite, John, 195 Ronetre, Raph, 106 Saunder, John, 127 Savile, Tho., 192 Sawer, Rich., 198 Sawmon, Salmon, Ann, 205 Sayer, John, 316 Scafe, Scaife, Scayffe, Skafe, Henry, 177, 195 378 INDEX. 1 Scafe, Will., 177, 195 Scales, Skales al'. Locksmith, Rob., 205, 206 Scandalous writing, Publishing a, 125 Scarlett, Chr., 110 Scarr, Geo., 85 Scarth, Skarth, Arthur, `88 "" John, 207 Scolds, Common, 168 Scott, ChaⓇ., 195 Daniel al. Barnabas, 85 Geo., 179 Scrafton, Tho., 88 Thirske, 260, 263, 269, 273, 277, 278, 284, 285, 288, 291, 292–296, 309, 310 Topcliffe, 271, 293 Sessions, Petty, Statute, &c, 9, 42, 209 "" " "" Beedall, 169 n. Brompton, 19 at- "" Will., 88 Screwton, Skrewton, Rob., 11, 160, 209, 244 Tho., 35 Scrope, Scroope, Emmanuel Lo., 164,- 222 Scurfeild, John, 42 Scurry, Fr., 104 Seale, Will., 35 Sealing of pots, cups, &c, 117, 118 Seatone, Rafe, 173 Seized, Redelivery of goods, 237 Service, Dissolution of, 207 "" "" for the King, Refusing to do, 96 Offences against Statutes touch- ing, 3, 7, 13, 37, 51, 118, 119, 190, 197, 213, 234, 239 Sessions, Brewster, at Thirske, 44 Fixture of, 168, 169 "" "" "" noted in Bridge Book, at— Northallerton, 316, 319 Richmond, 316 Thirske, 319 noted in Lame Soldiers' Book, at- Bedall, 260, 270 Hemsley, Hemesley, Hel- mesley, 259, 260, 265, 267, 269, 271, 272, 273, 276, 277, 285, 286, 290, 292, 293, 297 Kirkby Moreside, 293 Malton, 263, 276, 277, 284, 289 Northallerton, 267, 293 Pickeringe, 268 Richemond, 264, 265, 267, 272, 273, 278, 284, 286, 288, 292, 293, 296 Stokesley, 271, 298 Sutton, 293 "" Cuckwold, Cockwold, 133, 157 Ebberston, 231 Gisbrough, 130 Hacknes, 230 Hutton Bushell, 117, 120 212 Kirkby Moorside, 157 Midlam, 169 Northallerton, 134 Richmond, 129, 170 Slingsby, 93 Snainton, 50, 94 Stokesley, 170, 213 Sutton, 95, 127, 156 Wath, 128 Quarter, Non-attendance at, 3 Sewell, Will., 74 n. Sharp, Ja., 127 Shawe, Geo. (Master of the House of Correction), 229, 249 Sheep, Price of, III, III n. Sheep-stealing, 7, 15, 21, 37, 45, 82, 111-113, 123, 136, 138, 165, 175, 179, 189, 190, 198, 204, 205, 209, 223, 224, 232 Sheppard, Tho., 23; 191 Will., 191 "" Sheriff's custody, Committed to, 192 Sheriffs, Deputy, List of :- Barber, John, 188, 193 Bellase, Will., 93-95 Camaige, John, 36, 38, 171, 174 Clarke, Tho., I, 4, 7, 10, 19, 20, 25, 30, 33 Davison, Henry, 41, 83 Henlake, Will., 52, 55, 87, 106, 179, 184. Hornby, Will., 50 Mitchell, Chr., 81, 84, 97, 102, 114, 117, 120, 121, 127-130, 133, 135, 197, 204, 206, 208, 212, 215, 223, 226, 230, 231, 238, 242, 245, 250 Robinson, Will., 45, 46, 48 Shott (Archers and Calliver-men) to be INDEX. 379 1 > es in the Wap nearest the coast, 310 Shutt, John, 234 Sigswick, Geo., 193 -Will., 84 Simon, John, 207, 225, 236 Will., 207, 225, 236, 237 Simondson, Beatrice w. of Rob., 220 "" Rob., 220 Will., 205 Simpson, Cuthb., 110 Edw., 177 Geo., 196 Soldiers, Nursing, 4 "" on their journey, 12, 48, 270, 271, 276 South-holm, Crook-holm wath in, 112 Spavin, Spaven, Will., III Spaunton, Rob., 112 Speck, Specke, Paul, Powle, 14, 18, 40, 58 Speeches, Railing and opprobrious, against W. Mauleverer, "" "" Jane (Joane), 109, 110, 115 "" "" John, 84; 110 "" Rich., 110 "" Rob., 110 135 Railing and opprobrious, 137 Scandalous, against the King, 173, 182 Speight, Tho., 173, 174, 222 Spence, Henry, 88; son of Henry, 88 Math., 195 Tho., 22 Will., 54; 192 Skales, Math., 112 Skelton, Elizth., 17 "" Henry, 155 Rob., 119, 122 Will., 7 Slinger, Fr., 186 "" Geo., 170 Sloman, Will., 199 Smalwood, Fr., 153 Smart, Smarte, Simon, 191, 238 Smeaton, Smeton, Tho., 315 Smelton, Edw., 211 Smith, Elizth, w. of Raph, 89; 95 "" Fr., 13; 44, 48 Geo., 212 Jane w. of Fr., 44, 48 "" Rob., 234 Spenceley, Will., 115 Spofforth, Tho., 91 Squire, Elias, 35 Stainforth, John, I Stamper, Rob., 237 Standring, Rob., 116 Stapleton, Brian, 35, 176, 209, 244 Staveley, Rich., 160, 188 Stearbie, Will., 205 Stealing :-Andiron, An, 81 "" Ash-saplings, 234 Ash-trees, 15 "" Barley, 30, 107, 112, 198, 199 Barrel of tar, 115 "" Bed-tester, 233 Beef, 165 Bend-leather, 112 Biggins, 233 Blankets, 187 Boards, 219, 233 "" John, 5 "" Leon., 240 "" Raph, 89; 100; 100 "" Rich., 20; 221, 286 "" "" Steph., 89 "" Boots, Pair of, 232 Tho., 95, 10I "" Bread-corn, 113 Will., 84 Smithson, Chr., 34 Breeches, Pair of, 83 Breeches and stockings, 16 Butter, 233 Calowne lace and caresey, 21 Rob., 32 "" "" Snawden, Edw., 107 "" Elizth., 107 "" Calves, 136 "" Geo., 107 Capon, A, 113 Tho., 107 Cheese, cheeses, 107 Sneton, Rob., 319 "" Cloak, A, 250 Snow, Tracing or killing hares in, 5 Snowball, Snawball, Christabell, 47, ?? Cloth, 185, 190 "" Coals, 112, 168 102, 114 "" Corslet, A, 233 Soldiers, Lame or Maimed, named, 4, Coulter, A, 205 160 Coverlett, A, 16 380 INDEX. Stealing :-Coverlet and blanket, 88 Cows, 88 Door-keys, 8 Stealing :-Vice, An iron, 198 "" "" Doublet, A, 56 Duck, A, 8 "" Freestones, 232 "" "" Geese, 11, 45, 82, 102, 111, "" 112, 123, 190, 223 "" Gilt, 'A, 123 Harden cloth, 98, 180 "> "" shirts, 53 "" "9 "" " "" "" "" "" "" Harrow teeth, 198 Hat, A, 219 Hay, 15, 16, 88, 89, I23, 175 Head-piece, A, 233 Hemp, 189 Iron, 22 Iron-team, 172, 205 Jeestes of timber, 233 Line, Lin, III Linen-cloth, 159, 208 "" web, A, 15 Malt, 107, 113, 123, 197 Mattocks, 115 Mill-timber, 233 Money, 26, 113, 190, 205 "" Musket, A, 233 Mutton, 226 "" Napkins, 21 Wheat, 31, 82, 112 - 'Whies, 41 Whie-stirks, 187, 209 Wood, 7, 45, 233 Woman's gown, A, 204 Wool, 97 from the sheep, 45, 175, 204 Red, 223 "" "" Woollen cloth, 88, 175 Yarn, 204 Steele, Tho., 92 Stephenson, Stevenson, Chr., 6 "" " John, 199, 240, 248; 227 Will., 187, 196; 111; 220 Steward, John, 33 Stillington, M., 174 Stitchell, Peter, 51 Stockdale, Ja*., 251 Stocks at Ingleby Greenhow, Burning the, 98 "" Setting a culprit in the, 20, 24, 30, 45, 56, 82, 83, 86, 107, 121, 127, 191, 214, 222, 235, 237 with a sheep- Oats, 7, 103, 198 skin on him, Ooore sand, 193 "" Overbody, An, 98 "" Oxen, 227 Pease, 88 Petticoat, A, 197, 204, 219 "" "" Pig, A, 21, 199 Plank, A, 232 "" Plough, A, 123 Purse, A, 15, 26 "" Rail and stoups, III " Rye, 107, 165, 175, 198 Shackle, A, 205 Sheep-skins, 45, 226 "" "" Shoes, Pair of, 160 * 39 ") Sheets and shirts, 99, 220, 233 Shirt, stockings, &c, 26 Smock, A, 219 Spurs, Pair of, 232 Steer, A, 113 Stockings, 219, 251 Stomacher, A, 204 Stotts, 85, 227 Table-napkins, 233 82, 83 "" to be provided, 196 Stockton, John, 241 Stokell, Nich., 192 Story, Storie, Abr., 203, 211 "" Raphe, 22, 24 Will., 122 Strangwaies, Strangwishe, Henry, 315 Jane, 122 Strensall man, A, presented for refusing to pay cess for the poor of Far- lington, 127 Strickland, Will., 31 Stringer, Nich., 164 Rich., III Stubbs, Stubbes, Ja., 122, 205 "" John, 16 "" Raphe, 136; 221 Rich., 2 Sturdy, Rog., 17, 316 Submission read in open Court, 206 Sunday, Taking up great stones and so damaging a highway on, 243 Supersedeas, Writ of, 128 21 -INDEX. 381 Suspicion of deer-stealing, 170 " of felony, A man convented on, 86 of stealing mutton, A woman summoned on, 105 Suttle, Rob., 195 Sutton, John, 20 Swale, John, 317 ", Kath., 192 Phillis, Phillice, 4, 16 Swan, Tho., 85 Swanland, John, 249 Swawdell, Henry, 25 Thornton, Will., 259 Thorpe, John, 107 Thwaites, Thwaits, Twhate, Anth., 199, "" 203 Math., 243 Rich., 104 Threatening to burn house and stacks, 86 " "" "" a town, IOI to put a poor man out of his habitation, 57 words, Uttering, 14, 102 Timber in Whitby district, Dearth of, 320, 320 n. Tipling-house, Keeping a, &c, 49, 89, 190, 215, 228, 234, 240, 252 Todd, Chr., 209 T. Tailor, Talor, Tailour, Cha., 127 Cuthb., 18 Geo., 18 "" Jane, 192 Oswald, 3, 17, 18 "" Tho., 8 Will., 191 "" Talbott, Geo., 125 Will., 180 n. Tanckard, Raphe, 311 Teasdale, Rob., 43 Tebbe, Fr., 122 Temple, Edw., 110 Henry, 194 Tennant, Chr., 104, 106, 122, 160 Thackwray, Geo., 50 "" Mich., 235 Theaker, Gilb., 51 Thirsk, Sparling Close in, 22 Tholthropp, Elizth., 183 Thomlin, Fr., 9 Thompson, Cuthb., 136 "" John, 127 "" Margt., 107 Mich., 122 Tomlyn, Tomlin, Fr., 2, 122 Tonge, Geo., 37 Topham, Edw., 228 Townson, Rob., 12 Trade, Using a, not having been ap- "" prenticed to it, 16, 23, 32, 82, 94, 108, III, 114, 136, 159, 231, 243 without license, 12, 159 Trattle, Trattles, Rich., 101 Tho., 9 Travellers, Refusing to lodge, 96 Traverse, 43, 92, 145, 160, 173, 182, 191, 201, 222, 240, 244, 246, 248 Treasurer for Hospitals, &c, 5, 18, 38, "" 47, 58, 91, 92, 126, 155, 188, 192, 196, 202, "" Egedius, 106 "" John, 128 Lawr., 315 Raphe, 214 "" Rob., 127 "" Tho., 155 "" Will., 122; 242 als. Baxter, John, 37 Thorneley, Geo., 7 Thornhill, Edw., 153 Thornton, Jane wife of Peter, 39 "" Peter, 11, 39; 177, 210; 195 ; son of Peter, 210 229, 237, 249 General List of :- Atkinson, Anth., 258, 279 Barker (Burton), Geo., 296 Bowes, Talbott, 274, 275, 281 Brigges, M., 257, 262-264, 289 Bulmer, Fr., 296 Bylbey, Tho., 296 Constable, John, 262-264 Conyers, John, 288, 289 Cotes, Coates, M*., 257 "" Rich., 292, 293 Davile, Henry, 296 Farrer, Nath., 296 Franckland, Geo., 274 382 INDEX. Franckland, Hewghe, 276, 281 Graunt, Will., 295 Hall, Geo., 283, 286 Hebblethwate, Hebletwhate, Ja*., 316 Hesle, Tho., 291, 292 Heslerton, John, 288, 289, 291 Hunter, Rob., 288, 289 Hutchinson, Steph., 296 Hutton, Tim., 274, 275, 281 Laiton, Layton, Cha³., 270, 272, 277 Lascells, Fr., 295 Midleham, Adam, 277, 278 Norcliffe, Tho., 277 Layton, Cha*., 281 Lockwood, Rich., 296 Lumley, Tho., 296 Mansfield, John, 280 Mauleverer, Will., 261, 264-267, 279, 280, 286 Menell, Mennell, Rich. (Rog.) 274, 282 Midlam, M., 262, 265, 279 Pearcy, Tho., 283, 286 Pennyman, Ja³., 295 Pinkney, Fr., 296 Rymer, Will., 296 Slinger, Geo., 258 Peycock, John, 292 Smelt, Tho., 258, 293 Robinson, Leon., 296 Simpson, Rob., 293 Slinger, Geo., 286, 288 Smith, John, 296 Sowerby, Tho., 293 Sturdy, Rog., 291, 292 Vaghan, Rich., 272, 274, 276, 281, 298 Whittingham, Tim., 269 Treasurer for Lame Soldiers, 3, 14, 17, "" 29, 40, 57, 91, 92, 109, 111, 126, 155, 187, 196, 202, 220, 222, 237, 245 fined, 57, 187 Non-payment of money due to, III Treasurers for Lame Soldiers, General List of :- Aldburgh, Will., 296 Ashe, Chr., 268, 270, 280 Askough, Askwith, Fr., 286, 288, 292 Barker (Barton), Tho., 291, 292 Barton, Edw., 282 Biarley, Bierlawe, Anth., 274, 281 Bowes, Talbott, 260, 265, 270, 280 Brigges, Rob., 279 Bulmer, Chr., 296 Calvert, Calverd, Leon., 276, 282 Clough, Edm., 288, 290, 291 Constable, John, 279 Croft, Chr., 288, 289, 291 Duffeild, Tho., 279 Ellerker, Rich., 296 Tanckard, Tankard, Rich., 293, 295 Thornton, Will., 274, 276, 277, 282 Topham, Fr., 269, 271, 273, 281 Trotter, Rob., 277, 282 Turner, Henry, 292 Tyndall, Will., 288, 289, 291 Vaughan, Rich., 272, 273, 276, 281, 298 Wandesford, Wansforth, Rich., 277, 278, 282 Wayd, Rob., 291 Whittingham, Tim., 262, 264, 265, 270, 279, 281 Wright, Fr., 296 Wyld, Wild, Marm., 295 Treasurers for L. S. or Hospitals fined for non-attendance at the Ses- sions, 187 Trees, Cutting or damaging, 234, 243 Trespass, 11, 187 "" of battery, 136 with damage, 15, 30, 34, 39, 45, 175, 209, 210, 240, 248 Indictment of, 13 Trewman, Rich., 124 Trotter, Henry, 155 Rich., 104 Turn, Distraint, issued from Sheriff's, 194 Turner, Fr., 122; 209 "" Henry, 92, 177 "" John, 55; 202, 237 "" Raphe, 177, 212, 228, 245 "" Rob., 43, 46 Fawconbrige, Rog., 297 Fox, Tho., 288 Gate, Edw., 268, 269, 280, 285 Holtby, Geo., 256, 292, 293 Lascells, Fr., 288 Tho., 267, 268, 280 Tutell, Chr., 195 Tutinge, Tho., 43 Twentiman, Twentyman, John, 24, 34, 125, 126 INDEX. 383 U. Ugthorpe, Long list of Recusants from, 65 Undersettle, inmate, &c, Taking an, 4, 5, 122, 227, 243, 244 Unlawful times of the night, 53, 119 >> "" 119 Unton, Sir Henry, 81 n. Ward, Grace, 127 "" Henry, 122 John, 206 Raph, 104 Rich., 226 Tho., 17, 314; 178 Will., 51; 321 Warehorne, Chr., 86 " Drinking at, "" Warmouth, Rob., 145 Warrant, Disobeying a, 105 "" Preventing service of a, 23 Vagabond, 189 V. Vagrant, Being a, 127 Vepin, John, 104 Ver, Sir Fr., 286 Verderer of Pickering-lythe Forest, 54 Vicar of Catterick, 25 "" "" Hornby, 74 Osmotherley, 85 Vice, Dispute about a, 235, 241 Vickars, Ralph, 254 Vincent, Chr., 200 Marm., III "" >> Tho., 200 Warrener, Warren, Humfr., 17, 33 Ja³., 177 Warton, Humphrey, 100 " / Rich., 89 Wasse, John, 184, 185, 187 "" Rich., 7 Watch at Bushby, Arrangement touch- ing the keeping of, 32 Constable neglecting to attend to, 214, 226 Not keeping the day, 34, 188, "" "" >> "" 214, 244 night, 12, 34, 214, 253 32, 35, 46, 96, Violent entry, 30 "" and threatening entry into a man's house, 127 W. z Wade, Waad, Waade, Waide, Fr., 287 "" Sam., 203, 237 "" Widow, 287 Sir Will., 17, 29, 33, 47, 92, 174, 278, 286, 289, 290 Wadeson, Rob., 316 Wages, Refusing to work for. Statute, 53 Waggett, Tho., 27, 50, 210, 235 Wake, Tho., 242 Walker, Jane, 92 "" Leon., 207 "" Tho., 245 Wallis al³. Willoughby, Anth., 227, 228 Walton, Chr., 125 Walworth, Tho., 16, 49 Wandesford, Rich., 237, 245 Wapentake payments, Order touching, 16 Wapentakes of Langbargh, Ridall, Pick- ering-lieth, Order touching, 249 Warcopp, Henry, 228 Ward, Warde, Geo., 75; 177 "" 103, 115, 244 Refusing to keep the, 98 Warrant for the better keeping of, 202 Wate, Tho., 237 Wath-stead, Digging a pit in a, Ii2 Watkin, Watkyn, Geo., 4, 33, 38, 44, 47, 55 Watson, Cha*., 43 "" Rich., 115 Tho., 3, 127; 111; 172, 182, 191, 235, 238 Watton, Rich., 43 Webster, Rich., 130 Weddell, Weddle, Will., 101, 108 Weldon, Tho., 241 Welfoote, John, 122 Wells, Lawr., IOI West, Alice, 115 "" JaⓇ., 14 Will., 122 Wetherell, Ja³., 195 n. Wharton, Humph., 125 Whipping, Public, 8, 44, 45, 81-83, 86, 92, 107, 108, 112, 113, 165, 168, 172, 176, 182, 191, 199, 220, 235, 237 Whitcliffe, Chr., 319 384 INDEX. White, Rob., 57 " Will., 155 Whitehouse, John, 112 Whitlin, Tho., 104 Whittle, Raph, 225 Whitton, Tho., 12 Whitwell, Will., 12 Whytay, Whitey, Rog., 11, 12, 16, 92 Wiclif, John, 287 Wife, A man using his, as an enticement to others to drink, 12 Wiggell, Wighell, Ja³., 34 "" Tho., 48 Wilde, Marm., 17 Words, Uttering scandalous and defama- tory, &c, 22 Work, Not coming to the Common, or Day's, 23, 103 Not warning to come to Common, &c, 32 Workfolke, Will., 192 Wrather, Tho., 115 Wray, Henry, 89 "" Rob., 235 Wright, Chr., 201 "" Fr., 27, 91 1 Wildon, John, III, 122 Wilkin, Will., 192 Wilkinson, Edw., 203 Frissy al. Friswith, 21 Will., 201 Williamson, Edm., 35 "" Fr., 39 "" John, 196; 211 Rob., 123; 224, 232, 234 Tho., 224 Wrightson, Geo., 227, 228 Wrongful distress, 192, 200 entry, 248 seizure, 11, 26, 41, 187 Wyld, Marm., 3 Rich., 237 Tho., 48; 172 Willie, Rob., 237 "" al³. Grenebancke, Ja'., 120 Wilson, Epham, Ephama, 191 "" "" Fr., 221 Geo., 192 John, 12; 32; 191 Marm., 187, 220, 245 Math., 319 "" Peter, 192 "" Tho., 3 "" Will., 5; 82 Win, Oswold, 100 Window by night, Breaking a, 30 Winter, Ellen, 211 Witham, Ann, 199 Wivell, Wyvell, Chr., 92, 105 Marm., 185 "" "" Will., 180 Wood, Chr., 241 Math., 269 Paull, 23 "" Peter, 98 Rob., 115 Tho., 192 Tristram, 211 Will., 201 "" Woodhouse, Henry, 248 Woolfe, Tho., IOI, 232, 234 1 Y. Yates, John, 226, 230 Yeoman, Chr., 319 Tho., 319 York, Archbishop of, 267 "" Commissary of the Treasury of St. Peter's Cathedral at, 171 Castle, Committed to, for-- Assault on a Justice, 232, 235, "" "" 237 Brewing, &c, 52, 129 Connection with the abduction of a young girl, 110, 115 Contempts and misdemeanours, 192 Contempt of a Justice, riding about with arms, &c, Felony, 91 135 of Justices, 96, 208 Obtaining goods by forging a name, &c, 201 Threatening violence and fire, 10I Prisoners in, 16, 23, 27, 55, 57, 107 Released from, 211 Younge, John, 233, 234 Tho., 9 Woodfall & Kinder, Printers, Milford Lane, Strand, London, W.C. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01805 1063 1 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD J