PART I READING MACHINE DRAWINGS BY FREDERICK H. EVANS, M. E. THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PEORIA, ILLINOIS D R A F T IN G R O O M S E R I E S, P A R T I READING MACHINE DRAWINGS J - By Frederick H. Evans, M. E. Assistant Professor of Manual Arts, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ill. Formerly Draftsman for the Ironton Engine Co., Ironton, O., the Link Belt Machinery Co. and Sarge and Lundy, Chicago. nt 2 Q s J. o s THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PEORIA, ILLINOIS coPYRIGHT, 1913, FREDERICK H. Eva N.S. FOREWORD. On account of the recent increase in the use of the language of mechanical drawing in technical literature, and its wide adoption in construction work there are many persons who need to know how to read it, yet comparatively few need to be able to use mechanical drawing instruments. In learning to read mechanical drawing, as it is usually taught, the greatest obstacle in the way of many is the cost of a set of instruments and the time and care required to learn to use them. This pamphlet is designed as a text to teach reading of machine drawings without the use of any other materials than an ordinary lead pencil and a pad of cross-lined paper, preferably ruled with uniform lines of about five to the inch. MACHINE DRAWING. 1. Purpose. It is the purpose of machine drawing to accurately represent the shape and size of machine parts. 2. The Means of Representation are straight and curved lines of different weights or widths made on a plane surface, such as a piece of paper or cloth tacked to a board. FIG. 1. 3. Representation. A familiar representation of a rect- angular block is shown in Fig. 1, the straight lines representing its edges. Such a drawing gives an idea of the shape of the object, yet exact proportions can not be determined from it. If, however, a view of the block is drawn as seen from a great distance along OY in Fig. 2, the top view Y of Fig. 3 is obtained which shows the exact ratio of the width to the length of the block. The side or end view X of Fig. 3 is drawn from a point of sight a great distance along OX, Fig. 2, and shows the exact ratio of the thickness to the width of the block. In a similar manner the front view Z, Fig. 3, is drawn from a point of sight along OZ, Fig. 2, and shows the exact ratio of the length to the thickness of the block. READING MACHINE DRA WINGS 5 Any two of these views show completely the exact proportion of the block, and if the drawing is made to a known scale the exact dimensions of the block can be determined. Other views * FIG, 2. called auxiliary views can be drawn from points of sight not on the axes OX, OY, or OZ. A draftsman in making the top view of an object may imagine the paper on which he is drawing to be in the position 6 READING MACHINE DRA WINGS Y of Fig. 4, and that he is looking at the object along lines perpendicular to the paper. In a similar manner, he may imagine his paper in the position X while drawing the front 21 21 | | 2( 2 2% C. >4. 21 ye N N y FIG. 4. 2' view, and in the position Z while drawing the side, or end view, each position of the paper being perpendicular to the other two. Another way to state it is: The top view is projected on a horizontal plane, the front view is projected on a vertical plane, and the side, or end view is projected on a profile plane which is perpendicular to both. READING MACHINE DRA WINGS E. | | | tºil #—! | ſº * --|| || |||—| #—H li Hill li #–H H I F - ww. e; - - - * t ~3 * Pºe - - -- - , - $ - *;. i- - -- - - - - x- | š. - t t * 3. x * - 3. - r * , ,3 . • § 3. *š. - - -8. - “. . . 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" . * †. ::: *...*"º:, ; ºf , º, . *:::#sº .*.*.*, *, *...* : 5 * : . . . . .';* * * ". . . . . . . . . . . * * *, *, . **-*.--> **::::. . . . . . . . . . . . .' * * * * - § 3 ; - ~ ... x - 3 $ ** }: § -- le.-: , ; f a'ºxº §: * xº-. ...ºr ºf * --> , “. 4 * f 3. f - 4 * ~ J 3. THE DRAFT IN | MACHINE FREDERICK F THE MANUAL A PEORIA, IL D R A FTI N G R O O M S E R I ES, P A R T I I MACHINE DRAFTING THE DRAFTING ROOM DETAILING TRACING THE GEOMETRY OF DRAFTING KINKS AND SHORT CUTS By FREDERIck H. Ev ANS, M. E. Assistant Professor of Manual Arts, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ill. Formerly Draftsman for the Ironton Engine Co., Ironton, O., the Link Belt Machinery Co. and Sargent and Lundy, Chicago. THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PEORIA, ILLINOIS coPYRIGHT, 1913, FREDERICK H. EVANS. FOREWORD. To learn of the modern drafting room, and to do the work that is done there, is worth while, for the drafting room is the “thinking shop” of any large organization doing construction work. The thinking in the drafting room directing the skill in the shops produces modern machinery, and machinery characterizes modern civilization. The most valuable thinkers in the drafting room come from the shops. The student will find in the use of this book that while shop experience is not essential to its beneficial study, yet, it is essential in order to derive the greatest benefit from it. Few students, having had plane and solid geometry, are able when beginning machine drafting to efficiently apply their knowledge of geometry to the drawing board. In the text that follows are presented geometrical problems that have risen in the author's work in machine drafting, covering a period of over ten years, and the solutions given are the best solutions arrived at after many hours of study. The problems are presented in their own language, in the drawing board language of conventional lines. In Kinks and Short Cuts are presented some time-savers and error-reducers. Draftsmen are so in the habit of thinking of paper as a material that they generally neglect its use as a tool. The “templet methods” here shown make very useful tools out of paper. THE DRAFTING ROOM. 7. The Work of the Machine Draftsman lies between the conception of a mechanical idea in the mind of an inventor, and the giving of comprehensive detailed instructions to the men who are to build and set to work the machine that em- bodies the idea. The inventor may be the president of a manufacturing con- cern, or a man in the shops who makes a suggestion. The drafting room work may be done by a large office force con- stituting the drafting room, or it may be done by one person who may be both the inventor and the maker of the machine. We may for convenience consider the drafting room work divided into five classes, as follows: the work of the (1) designer, (2) detailer, (3) tracer, (4) blue-printer, and (5) checker. This classification is not a rigid one. One person may do two or more classes of work, or the work of any or all classes may be subdivided. 8. The Designer. The designer must, in his imagination, see the completed machine as a whole. He generally makes freehand sketches which he changes and modifies until the proper relation of parts is obtained. He calculates certain im- portant general dimensions which are determined by the kind of work the machine is to do, the space it is to occupy, the necessary strength and weight of parts, etc. After his idea of the machine is formed, he consults with the inventor, and then gives his sketches and necessary explanations to the detailer. 9. The Detailer. It is for the detailer to work out the parts. He makes an assembly drawing accurate to scale, tests for interference of moving parts, and decides how each part can be most easily and cheaply made. He must consider the shop equipment and facilities for doing work. He makes de- tailed working drawings in pencil, grouping on one sheet the pieces that will be made by one person, or in one part of the 5 6 MACHINE DRAFTING shop. He must, in his mind, go thru the process of manufactur- ing, and place the dimensions and notes on the drawings so that they will be most convenient for those who are to work from them. He suggests to the designer any alteratoins in design that are necessary, or, that will be an improvement. When his work is completed he submits it to the designer for approval. The pencil drawings are then turned over to the tracer who traces them on tracing cloth in ink. The tracings are given to the blue-printer who makes a set of blue-prints for the checker. 10. The Checker. It is the work of the checker to find things wrong with drawings. He plainly and prominently marks all of the mistakes, omissions, and errors that he can find. After he corrects them, the blue-prints go to the persons who made the mistakes to be approved and altered or redrawn. New prints are then made and sent to the shops. 11. Erecting Card. For a complicated machine, an erect- ing card is made and sent to the erecting floor. An erecting card is a drawing showing how a machine is assembled, and having on it dimensions to aid in fitting the parts accurately to place and detecting any errors of construction. 12. Mistakes on drawings are generally found in the shops, and improvements in the design are suggested. A list of these mistakes and profitable changes is kept in the drafting room, and the tracings are altered when convenient. 13. Foundation Plans and Limit Drawings of large machines are sent to prospective purchasers. These give all of the information necessary to lay the foundation, shows how much space must be allowed for the machine when set up, and what connections must be made to it. 14. Lay-out Drawings. Where a number of machines are being installed, a lay-out drawing is made which shows the positions the machines occupy in relation to each other and to surrounding objects. Title. On drawings that are to be filed for reference a space should be left for a title. In the title is placed the in- formation one needs before using the drawing. The uses to MACHINE DRAFTING 7 which the drawing is to be put, and the system of filing de- termines the character of the title. The title should be placed in a corner of the drawing— generally the lower right-hand corner, for then it can be seen by lifting the corners of the drawings, making it unnecessary to remove any drawings from the drawer. In the title the number of the drawing should be placed nearest the corner. In some systems the title contains, the name and address of the company, the name of the machine, the type of drawing (detail, lay-out, or assembly), the names of parts drawn, the scale or scales used, date of completion, drawing number, and initials of all persons responsible for the drawing. Besides this, there is often a bill of materials. On the other hand, where it is desirable to save space on the drawing, the drawing number only is necessary. All other information can be kept in the card index which includes all drawings. In the problems at the end of this chapter, the title should be considered and a form selected and rigidly adhered to, in order to make the drawings uniform. 15. Records. Drawings not only serve the purpose of a set of instructions to workmen, but they serve as a complete record of the machine that makes it possible to replace broken parts from the factory without having the broken part returned. Factories manufacturing high grade machines generally keep drawings for this purpose for many years, and thereby many bad deeds of draftsmen live after them and are multiplied many times. 16. System. When one considers the many tracings that accumulate in a drafting room, that they are constantly being sent to the blue-printer, that they are frequently corrected and altered, thereby invalidating all prints made before, it can readily be seen that not the least of a drafting room is its system. 8 MACHINE DRAFTING DETAILING. The first work the detailer should learn to do is to make pencil drawings ready for tracing, either from scale drawings or from dimensioned sketches. 17. The Tools used by the detailer are the drawing board and tee-square, 30°–60° and 45° transparent triangles, 4H and 6H pencils, scale and pricker point, bow-pencil, bow- dividers, hair-spring dividers, pencil eraser, thumb tacks, and sometimes an irregular curve. 18. The Paper should be tough, and should withstand erasing. Brown, or cream color is less trying on the eyes than white. 19. Aims. In detailing drawings that are to be traced and blue-printed, the results to be striven for, in order of im- portance, are: (a) To arrange the drawing so that it will be most con- venient for those who are to work from it. (b) To lay it out so that the tracer can do his best work. This requires that the drawing be neat, and that the centers of arcs be accurately and visibly located for tracing. (c) Speed and ease of execution. (d) Accuracy to scale. THE INSTRUMENTS. 20. The Drawing Board should be about six inches larger each way than the drawing paper sheets. It should be made of soft wood, should have one edge true, and be con- structed so that it will not warp. * 21. The Tee-Square should be light, and the blade should have transparent edges, and be no longer than to reach over the longest drawing for which it is used. 22. The Triangles should be transparent. It is con- venient but not essential to have two pairs of triangles, one with edges long enough to reach across the drawing, and each of the other pair much smaller for small detail work. MACHINE DRAFTING 9 23. The Scale may be made of boxwood, steel, or boxwood with white edges. The 12” triangular boxwood scale gradu- ated to 12”, 4”, 3”, 2”, 14”, 1”, #”, #", 3”, +”, and 4”=1: is a good all-round scale. For small work, a 6" flat boxwood scale with bevel edges graduated to 3”, 1}^, #”, and 3’’=1’, is very convenient. Flat boxwood scales as long as 12” are apt to warp. * |- mTºmmy'ſ O } 7/re "Av// Scaſe ºraavarea’ fo six fee/7//is. O S | sº | \) | | "In '1'1' 1" | 1 | | | | º HTTTTTTTI-I-I-II r", &raa'ozarea’ fo . or # 3/ze ana. 3. ... .ºrf & orsz Jize #.6' == FIG. 44. In Fig. 44, is shown two edges of a draftsman's scale. The edge shown in the top figure is graduated to sixteenths. In the lower figure, on the left from 0 to the left a space of three- fourths of an inch is laid off and graduations made as tho the three-fourths of an inch were one foot laid off to read down to half-inches. To the right of 0, the figures 1, 2, 3, etc., repre- sent feet to the same scale. In the same way, three-eights of an inch is laid off to the right of 0 near the right end to represent one foot graduated down to inches, and the figures 2, 4, 6, etc., to the left of this 0 on the right, represents feet to the three-eights-equal-one-foot scale. The distance between the line AB and the line CD, by the #” scale is 3'-74”. The distance between CD and EF by the 3’ scale is 7–5”. 10 MACHINE DRAFTING 24. The Pricker Point. In marking off distances from the scale, the conical pencil point should be used, or, for very accurate work, the pricker point. A very good pricker point can be made by removing the eraser from a hexagonal pencil and inserting a needle held by sealing wax in its place. An ordinary sewing needle is best on account of its flexibility. The side of the needle can be pressed into an indentation of a division on the scale without digging into it. This is a very handy instrument, in many ways, to have on the drawing table. A * Z3 sº º' .5ecr A-A sº-sº ºmº Weſz Gar CTO/Y / CT/4 4. Æ4 G GATA’ Aro//v7r /*o//yr A-2//yr FIG. 45. 25. The Hard Pencil. The accuracy and neatness of a drawing depend largely on the point of the pencil with which it is made. In Fig. 45 are shown three pencil points, the wedge, conical, and dagger points. In sharpening a pencil point to any shape, the wood is first removed with a knife, after which the lead is brought to the correct shape by rubbing it over a file held in the left hand. A file is much better for this purpose than either sandpaper or emery paper. No at- tempt should be made to cut the lead with a knife. 26. The Wedge Point. In unskilled hands, difficulty is experienced in keeping the flat side of the wedge flat against the ruler edge of the triangle or tee-square, as it should be. MACHINE DRAFTING 11 It is also more difficult to sharpen than the conical point, can- not be used to point off distances, and renders it difficult to stop a line in exactly the right place. On the other hand, it can be sharpened to a more acute angle than the conical point without weakening it too much; it does not wear dull so rapidly, requires less sharpening, and, carefully used, makes lines more sharply defined. It should be held flat against the ruling edge and only slightly inclined in the direction in which the lines are drawn. 27. The Conical Point. The conical point should be twirled while drawing a line, and slanted in the direction in which the pencil is being moved. In sharpening, care should be taken not to file the point so sharp that it will immediately break on using. A test will best demonstrate the relative merits of the different kinds of points. 28. Accuracy Test. Plate D–13 shows how the tee- square and the two triangles may be used to obtain the half, fourth, eighth, sixteenth, etc. of a line AB by a series of bi- sections. By reversing the process, a line GH may be multi- plied two, four, eight, sixteen, etc. times. This problem is a test of a draftsman's accuracy and his ability to sharpen a pencil to do accurate work. The student should use the problem to experiment on different shapes of pencil points. 29. The Compass Lead. Fig. 46 shows steps in sharpen- ing the lead for either the bow-pencil or the compass. This is done by holding the file in the left hand and rubbing the lead back and forth over it. The edge ab should be less the smaller the circles to be drawn. The point should be finished by very lightly rubbing the back of the lead c over the file, giving it a rocking motion to round it. The lead should be brought to this shape before inserting it in the instrument. When the lead wears dull, it should be sharpened without removing it, by filing the back. It is essential that the edge de be kept perpendicular to a 12 MACHINE DRAFTING line passing through its center and the needle-point of the compasses and that the face gf, as well as the needle-point, be kept perpendicular to the paper. 30. Making a Detail Drawing from the Sketch. The following steps are given as an example of the process of making a detail drawing. The method should be studied, yet 77/E COM/FAS.5 / FTAA’ (£ º —z—, J it should be borne in mind that each drawing is a problem in itself, and no set of fixed rules can be laid down by which to proceed. For rapid and accurate work, not only should the correct use of the instruments be reduced to a habit, but, also, the use of plane geometry in the preliminary construction. The light construction lines here plainly shown are mis- leading, for on the drawing they are done with a very sharp 6H pencil, and are made with a light touch only heavy enough to be barely visible. MACHINE DRAFTING 13 Fæ ºv.-- { * § \\ yº 2A. AT&2/~7 AA-2/P/Y& A-Zoº. 23 // A/ */ &/o/* fy f'ſ 2-2. 2222222 22-22,222 °33/.3T yezºe:- dºes oºza era&memočevo Žev THE SKETCH AS THE DETAILER GETS IT. Fig. 48. SPACING. 14 MACHINE DRAFTING (1). Light Penciling. A horizontal and vertical line drawn in each view, from which it is convenient to measure. (2). Light Penciling. The principal vertical distances laid off with the scale and pricker point, and horizontal lines drawn thru the dots as shown. (3). Light Penciling. Horizontal distances laid off and vertical lines drawn thru them. The space the drawing is to occupy is now laid out and there should be enough room left for dimensions and notes. If the space is likely to be crowded, lines should be drawn for the lettering. There is nothing more annoying than to work a drawing out in detail and find at the last that it must be done over because “there isn't room.” Such a waste of time can be prevented by doing the spacing first. Fig. 49. BLOCKING OUT DETAILS AND GEOEMTRICAL CONSTRUCTION. (4). Light and Heavy Penciling. Centers located. Con- struction lines that are to be object lines should be drawn heavy. - MACHINE DITAFTING 15 Fig. 50. FINAL CONSTRUCTION UP TO STRAIGHT OBJECT LINES. ( 5). Light Penciling. Geometrical construction finished. ( 6). Heavy Penciling. Circular arcs drawn. Fig. 51. THE FINISHED DRAWING. ( 7). Heavy Penciling. Horizontal object lines drawn. (8). Heavy Penciling. Vertical object lines drawn. ( 9). Heavy Penciling. Slant lines drawn. 16 MACHINE DRAFTING (10.) Heavy Penciling. Freehand arcs drawn. See Fig. 52. w (11). Medium Penciling. Dimension lines drawn. (12). Heavy Penciling. Dimensions and arrow points. (13). Freehand Penciling. Cross sectioning. (14). Indicated but not drawn in pencil. Threads. It is convenient to do light pen- ciling with a 6H pencil, and medium and heavy penciling with a 2.H. | In inking and tracing the final steps beginning with (6) are followed. For methods of sectioning, see Art. 56. 31. Dimensioning. Plates D–14 to D–18, inclusive, should be carefully studied. It is important that the student study out “the reason why” in each example where “Avoid” is used. Plate D–14 shows different methods of dimensioning, and what to avoid. Where all dimensions are in inches, the inch mark (*) should not be used. Each drafting room has a style of its own which a new draftsman is supposed to adopt. - In Plate D–17 “polish” indicates that the surface is to be polished without conforming accurately to any dimension. “Fin. & Polish” means, finish to dimensions before polishing. “Fin. & Scrape” means, finish to dimensions and scrape until the surfaces are in contact over their entire area. “Fin. & Grind” means, finish close to dimensions and com- plete the machining process by grinding. - “Spot Face” means, finish to dimension only the spot so designated. “Trim” generally means, trim with a cold chisel. A “Cored” hole is made in casting. A “Drilled” hole is drilled from solid metal. FIG, 52. MACHINE DRAFTING 17 “Bore” indicates that the hole is to be “Cored,” allowance being made for finish. TRACING. 32. The Work of the Tracer is to copy pencil drawings in ink. This is generally done on transparent tracing cloth, or tracing paper, securely fastened over the pencil drawing. The traced drawing is called a tracing. Blue-prints are made from tracings by a process similar to the way in which photo- graphs are made from negatives. 33. Legibility. To the tracer belongs the art of delinea- tion, and his first concern should be to make his tracings legible. This is done by choosing the proper weight for each kind of line, and drawing it accurately; by making neat legible letters and figures; and by placing dimensions, notes, etc. where they best serve their purpose. The tracer should consider who is to read his drawings, and make them accordingly. The con- ventions of drawings are not everywhere the same, because mechanical drawing is a language, and must necessarily have different “dialects” in different localities, and under different conditions. The drawings in this book were traced according to what the author believes to be the most generally used standard. 34. Lines. The general shape of the object represented is the first thing looked for on a drawing, hence, the object lines should be the most prominent lines. The object lines are: visible lines, shaded lines—if used, and hidden lines. All other lines are auxiliary lines. These are: projection lines, dimension lines, extension lines, center lines, cross-section lines, and leading lines. These lines should be made so as to be readily distinguished from each other. It is not good practice to ink a drawing that must be ac- curate to scale; such drawings are generally made in pencil. If inked at all, they should be inked with as fine lines as will serve the purpose. 18 MACHINE DRAFTING Most of the tracing done is of working drawings. If the drawings are fully dimensioned, as they should be, neither the tracings nor the blue-prints should be scaled for exact dimen- sions by persons who read them. &o/e7 //me of Cy/maer &emſer //mes Jeaſon //memofon Line, 4//7e5 W3///e//ne /// A//7e eaa/72 4//7e A xfension or Projection Al//7e FIG. 53. In inking, for the sake of legibility, the object lines should not be so heavy as to obscure the smaller details, nor so light as to necessitate making the lighter auxiliary lines too light to be easily followed, yet, there should be an easily discernable contrast between them. For expediency, lines excessively heavy should be avoided because of liability to blots, and the longer time required to dry. Unnecessarily light lines should be avoided because of the extra time required in cleaning and refilling the pen, for the ruling pen clogs more often in drawing light lines. Other determining factors are the kind and the size of the drawing, the kind of surface on which it is drawn, the quality of work that should be done, and the time limit of doing it. MACHINE DRAFTING 19 Until the young draftsman has had sufficient experience to temper his taste by good judgemnt and develope a “line sense,” it is well to follow some arbitrary standard such as is given in Figs. 53, 54. The figures in dimensioning should be large enough to be distinct, yet, not large enough to crowd. The arrow points should catch the eye but not disfigure the drawing. 35. Rapidity. Next to legibility the tracer should strive for rapidity of execution. Time should not be spent in making short dashes in auxiliary lines when longer ones will do just as well. Before starting to trace, the drawing to be traced, and the process by which it was made should be thoroly understood. The instruments should be in good condition and adapted to the work to be done. Care should be taken to eliminate unnecessary motion. Correct habits of work should be formed. This chapter should be carefully studied, for, what does not apply to the quality of a tracer's work, applies to ease and rapidity of execution. 20 MACHINE DRAFTING 36. Light. The ideal source of light is the one that will, while at work, evenly light the field of vision with the proper intensity. Too bright a light is as bad as not enough. Light concentrated on the drawing, with dimly lighted sur- roundings should be avoided; nor should any object in sight, while the eyes are on the work, appear brighter than the drawing. The light should be diffused and in such a position that if a mirror were laid flat on the table just beyond the upper left hand corner of the drawing, the center or brightest part of the source of light could be seen in the center of the mirror when the draftsman is in a working position. This position of the light will cast the fewest annoying shadows from the hands and the instruments, and will not be reflected directly into the eyes by the drawing. Whatever the light, the draftsman should be careful to shade his eyes from all glare. The best source of light is daylight thru high north windows. If a draftsman has any choice in the location of his table, he should choose a position by a window with a northern exposure —provided that the room has ample heating facilities. A draftsman should bear in mind that his eyes are his greatest asset, and that they are subject to greater strain in drawing than in most kinds of work. 37. Position of the Board. The drawing board should be a little higher than the elbow in its natural position when the draftsman stands or sits ready for work. The board should not be slanted more than twenty degrees, a greater slant causes the ink to flow down vertical lines, and any objects on it to roll or slip. Draftsmen often injure their health by leaning on the draw- ing table while at work. This is a bad habit that should be avoided. 38. Preparation of Tracing Cloth. The tracing cloth should be cut large enough to allow for trimming square when MACHINE DRAFTING 21 the tracing is finished. The extra margin is very convenient to try the pens on when adjusting to the proper weight of lines. When a number of tracings of the same size are to be made, it saves time to cut a number of pieces of cloth to the most economical size and lay them away flat in a drawer or envelope. For a small tracing, square up the drawing to be traced, inserting a tack in each of the upper corners, place the tracing cloth—glossy side up—over the drawing, insert a tack in each of the lower corners, remove the upper tacks, draw the cloth tight and re-insert the upper tacks. A large tracing should first be drawn tight by placing a tack about the middle of each of the longer edges, then, draw- ing from the center, insert a tack near the middle of each of the shorter edges, and finally tack down the corners. This prevents the cloth from wrinkling. Opinion differs concerning the proper side of tracing cloth to use. The glazed side was glazed for the purpose of being used, and, lacking other information, the beginner should use it. There are purposes for which the unglazed side is better, these will be learned by experience. Before tracing, sprinkle fine powder such as chalk dust, talcum powder, or soapstone on the cloth and rub it with the fingers until the cloth loses its oily feeling. Brush off loose particles with a lintless cloth. - 39. Uses of Instruments. The drawing table should be kept as clear as possible of things seldom used. The in- struments and articles for tracing are: For Applying and Preparing the Cloth; thumb tacks and some finely pulverized powder. For Guiding the Ruling Pen; the tee-square, 30°–60° and 45° triangles, and irregular curves. For Applying the Ink; the ruling pen, compasses with pen point, bow-pen, and freehand pens. For Filling and Cleaning the Pens; the ink bottle with a quill, and a lintless cloth pen wiper. 22 MACHINE DRAFTING For Removing Ink Blots, Cleaning, Erasing, and Burnish- ing; a piece of absorbent cotton rolled in a paper, or a blotter, an ink eraser, an erasing shield, a soft rubber eraser, a sharp steel eraser, a dust cloth, and a burnisher. - 40. Arrangement on the Table. No definite rule can be laid down as to the exact spot each article used should occupy on the table, yet, for easy, rapid work there should be a system in laying down and picking up instruments. Bad habits formed in handling instruments are as fatal to a drafts- man as the “forefinger” habit is to one who would become an expert on the typewriter, or a pianist. In the groups named above, there are instruments for the right hand, and instruments for the left hand. In moving instruments out of the way it is natural for the right hand to move about the elbow as a center to the right, and the left hand to move about the left elbow as a center to the left. There- fore, the right-hand instruments should be placed in an arc that the right hand will sweep over when moving about the elbow in its natural position on the table. The instruments oftenest picked up and laid down should be nearest the draw- ing. The same principle holds for left-hand instruments. When done with an instrument, it should be carried to its place in the same motion that another one is picked up. The draftsman should be able to pick up any instrument without taking his eyes from his work. A natural and handy arrangement is shown in Fig. 55. 41. Instrument Testing. Ruling Pen Points. With a piece of white paper for a background see that the point is as follows: The nibs are of equal length when closed. The profile of the nibs is regular and without sharp angles. The nibs are not too blunt, nor yet so sharp as to cut into the paper. The screw works smoothly and without slipping threads. 42. Bow-Pen. Test the pen point and screws as above. Fic. 55. MACHINE DRAFTING 23 See that there is sufficient tension in the springs to open to the widest. That the needle point and the pen point come together when closed. Adjust the needle point so that it is about ºf" longer than the pen point when closed. * The needle point should be sharp enough not to slip with the weight of the instrument. 43. Compasses. Make the same tests of the pen point and the needle as of the bow-pen. º The compass has three joints, to test for alignment, see that the pen point and the needle point can be brought together when the lower joints are straight, and when they are bent to nearly their limit. The lower joints should not bend when the upper one is bent while holding the compass by its points. The tighter the joint, the less accurately can measurements be made. The looser the joint, the more delicate must be the handling of the instrument to prevent its slipping. To obtain the proper adjustment, a number of concentric circles should be drawn in pencil and traced very accurately in ink, trying different adjustments of the upper joint until the right one is obtained. - 44. Order of Procedure in Tracing. The same order should be followed as for pencilling after the construction lines are drawn. See Art. 30. For particular work, the detailer should mark centers and points of tangency of arcs, tho as a rule it is not done. One soon acquires the ability to find centers and radii by guess. The width of lines should be decided upon before beginning to trace, drawing them, if necessary, on a scrap piece of paper for comparison. It is very convenient to have a mark scratched on each of the ruling pen adjusting screw heads. By remembering the position of the mark for a certain weight of line, the adjustment can be easily and quickly made. See Fig. 56. 24 MACHINE DRAFTING 45. Balky Ruling Pen. Causes:–A great deal of a tracer's time and patience is wasted by the ruling pen refusing to draw a line. Such a failure is caused by a lack of contact between the liquid ink in the pen and the surface being inked. This trouble may come from either a solid or a liquid, over which ink will not flow, coming between the liquid in the pen and the surface to be inked. Ink is composed of a solid coloring matter held in solution by a volatile liquid. When an ink line dries, the liquid evaporates and leaves the solid coloring matter clinging to the surface to which the ink is applied. While ink is in the ruling pen, the part that is exposed to the air is drying and forming a film or crust around the liquid ink, which sometimes clogs the pen. If the stopper is left out of the bottle the ink becomes too thick, or dust and lint may get in, either of which may clog the pen. If the nibs of the pen touch each other by too fine an adjust- ment, or by pressing the pen too hard against a ruling edge, the pen balks. Oil on the nibs of a ruling pen prevents the ink from flowing. The surface being inked should neither absorb nor repel ink. Tracing cloth and some papers have oil in their composition that works to the surface and repels ink. The moisture from the hands sometimes has the same effect. 46. Remedies. If the ink it too thick, thin according to the directions on the bottle. If it has been in the pen but a short while, squeeze the nibs together to break the crust, or touch the point to the back of the fingers to start it—black ink will wash off. In making heavy lines with the compass or with the bow-pen the ink can be started, while the instrument is in position, by running the pricker point or pen point between the nibs to the paper. If these fail, clean the pen and refill. FIG. 56. MACHINE DRAFTING . 25 The pen should never be laid away without cleaning. There is a trick of creasing the pen wiper with the left hand, passing it between the nibs of a ruling pen—without its adjustment being changed—and cleaning the inside and the outside of the pen with one motion. this can be acquired with practice and the ordinary ruling pen cleaned as quickly as one with a hinged joint. Adjusting screws should not be lubricated with oil, but by rubbing a lead pencil point over the threads. If the trouble is with the surface to be drawn upon—if it is a glazed one, powder and rub it; if unglazed, use a sponge eraser or art gum. - 47. Blots. Blots may be caused by any one of the follow- ing conditions: The ink being too thin for the quality of work being done. Too much ink in the ruling pen. Lint or dust in the pen, in the ink, or on the surface. Rough spots, due to erasing, on drawing paper; small pro- jecting threads on tracing cloth; or, minute holes in tracing cloth. Moisture on the surface. Ink on the outside of the pen. The remedies are obvious. 48. Erasing. To erase a blot, if a large one, proceed as follows: (a) Absorb superflous ink by absorbent cotton or the corner of a blotter, being careful not to touch nor disturb the softened surface of the paper or cloth under the ink. (b) After the ink is perfectly dry, slip a triangle, or other hard smooth surface, under the area affected, and erase clean with a rubber composition ink eraser. - (c) Brush off loose particles and clean with a soft rubber. (d) Burnish with a burnisher made for the purpose, or with the thumb nail. 26 MACHINE DRAFTING Erasing shields are a help in some cases, but in general, less time is wasted by erasing too much and inking again than by taking the pains to erase no more than necessary. A knife or a steel eraser requires skill and experience in using. It should be very sharp and care should be taken not to abrade the surface of the paper or cloth—just barely skim off the ink. Its use should be restricted to removing “squips,” that is, over-run lines, and the little trimming up to be done in places that will not be inked over. GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTION. 49. Machine parts are largely made up of solids bounded by plane and cylindrical surfaces. The reason for this is that these surfaces are the easiest to construct and measure. The chief uses of the planer, shaper, and milling machine are to construct plane surfaces, while the drill press, boring mill, and lathe are to construct cylindrical surfaces. An object, the surfaces of which are planes, has sharp corners. Sharp corners are avoided in machine construction, being either rounded off or filled in. The rounded corners are generally represented on drawings by circular arcs which are tangent to straight lines. * If an object is bounded by surfaces other than planes, in order to avoid sharp corners, the surfaces must be tangent to each other. For these reasons, methods of passing circles and lines tangent to each other are important to draftsmen. The essential steps in drawing a circular arc tangent to two lines are as follows: (See Prob. 2.) Determining the radius, Locating the center, Locating the starting point of the arc, Locating the stopping point of the arc. The starting and stopping points are points of tangency. MACHINE DRAFTING 27 Tangent problems involving straight lines and circular arcs are solved by an application of the following general rules: 1. (a) If a circular arc is tangent to a given straight line, its center must lie on a line parallel to the given line and at a distance from it equal to the radius of the circle. (See “Another Way” Prob. 2.) (b) The point of , tangency must be at the foot of the perpendicular dropped from the center of the arc to the line. 2. (a) If a circular arc is tangent to a given circle, its center must lie on one of two circles concentric with the given circle; its radius being equal to either the radius of the given circle plus the radius of the arc, or, the radius of the given circle minus the radius of the arc. (b) The point of tangency must be at the intersection of the line joining the two centers, with the given circle. Solutions to a number of typical problems are here given. If the student is to enable himself to solve problems that he meets in practice, he must not follow these solutions blindly but must grasp the underlying principles and see the reasons why. -. These are not the only possible solutions. The merit of a geometrical solution consists in its fewness of steps and its avoidance of multiplication of errors. Compare the two methods of Prob. 10. 50. Checking. Before beginning his work the checker should have outlined a method of checking that will test every detail of the design and the drawing for errors and inac- curacies. It saves work for the tracer to have the pencil drawings checked before they are traced. It is best to begin by broadly criticising the design as a whole, going more into detail as the work progresses, and finally considering the most minute details. Some such outline as the following should be in sight of the checker while he is at work. 2 MACHINE DRA, FTING / f 2, f ** My $ 7.24, 244, 4 & 62.4% % & £4 //2 2% ecºnca 44 acc/ /3. & e »azza, a 4. MACHINE DRAFTING 29 ASSEMBLY DRAWING. 1. Question the general effective- ness and fitness of the design to accomplish the purpose for which it is made. - 2. 'Question Strength, º Rigidity, Lubrication, Adjustability to wear, Adjustability to different kinds of work. Is the material trimmed to the minimum consistent with cost of material, cost of labor, and the appearance and quality desired in the finished machine? (214. 6 gºs º ºs ºf (7) - - l: = § -US) - * *| | - FIG. 58. Can a different design serve the purpose and be more cheaply made? - In applying these tests make note of the changes and ad- ditions to the drawings that would make it more legible. Make note of all errors that are easily discernable, and everything that is questionable and needs further consideration. 3. See that it is possible to assemble the machine. 30 - MACHINE DRAFTING 4. See that the moving parts will not interfere. 5. Determine from the overall dimensions whether or not the machine can be placed in the position intended for it. DETAIL DRAWINGs. 1. Are the different views sufficient and accurate? 2. See that the details are properly grouped and are to such scale as will go on the standard size detail sheet without crowding the title. 3. Sufficiently dimensioned 2 4. Clearly dimensioned 2 5. Over-dimensioned 2 6. Could the dimensions be followed and pieces unlike be produced 2 (See Plate D–16.) 7. Compare dimensions of parts that join together, and with the assembly drawing. 8. Are there finish marks where needed ? 9. Are there sufficient notes on material and workmanship? 10. Is the number of pieces wanted designated 2 11. Is the piece number or the pattern number given 2 TRACINGS. 1. Is the tracing to size? 2. Compare with detail drawing by superimposing. 3. Check the title, number of tracing, and date. 4. See that the tracing is signed by the proper persons. 51. Checker’s Notes. Fig. 57 shows the notes made by the checker in checking the drawing shown in Fig. 58. The notes should be made on a separate piece of paper and pinned to the drawing. The numbers on the drawing, unless it is a blue-print, should be made in pencil so that they may be easily erased. The drawing and notes are given back to the person responsible for the mistakes. When he corrects a mistake he makes a check mark opposite to the note referring to it. When all of the mistakes are corrected, the checker checks the corrections, drawing a line thru his note and erasing the corresponding number on the drawing as he approves each one. When all is correct he indicates it on the drawing. MACHINE DRA FTING 31 KINKS AND SHORT CUTS. 52. The French or Irregular Curve. The French curve is used as a ruler for drawing non-circular curves. When a curve is determined by a number of points, a smooth freehand curve should first be drawn lightly in pencil thru the points. The French curve is then fit to a part of the curve by trial and 3 SS FIG. 59. a line drawn as far as the French curve follows the general direction of the curve. The French curve is then moved to another position so that it fits farther along the curve and also follows the part of the curve just drawn for a short distance. This operation is repeated until the curve is completed. The heavy line a, c, b, e, d, f, g, Fig. 59, is being inked. Position 1 of the curve is drawn in light lines and shows only a part of the curve. Position 2 in heavy lines shows the entire curve, and position 3 in light lines shows only a part. 32 MACHINE DRAFTING In position 1 ab is drawn, in position 2 cd, and, in position 3 ef. 53. Fig. 60 shows an instrument designed by the author. Its outlines consists of tangent circular arcs of different radii. The small blackened areas at A, B, C, D, etc., are holes cut f 6 thru the instrument. The corners of these holes are centers of the arcs a, b, c, d, etc. Its operation is as follows: Use the instrument as a French curve to pencil the curve to be inked, marking the ends of the arcs (1, 2, 3, etc.) passed over by the pencil, and also their respective centers (A, B, C, etc.). After penciling the result is as Fig. 61. The centers and tangent points being given, the curve can now be inked with the compass. A trial will convince the experienced that this is a saver of blots and a preventive of their accompanying losses of time and temper. This instrument may be made out of MACHINE DRAFTING 33 cardboard, and by following the solution of Prob. 27, Plate D–25, its outline may be made to approximate any curve. 54. Templets of Standard Parts. The templet method is a means of reduplicating small drawings. The drawing to be reduplicated is made and trans- ferred to another piece of paper by pricking thru the essential parts. Fig. 62 shows a templet devised by the author. From this a bolt head or nut can be laid out by pricking > thru the holes surrounded by the -7 S. - small circles. The process is as follows: The pricker point is placed at A, Fig. 63. If it is a bolt head to be FIG. 61. drawn, the notch H of the templet is slipped against the point; if a nut, the notch below H is used. The holes are pricked thru as shown. Lay out lines and arcs are drawn. Fig. 64. Lay out lines and arcs are drawn. Fig. | 64. * O O O O The finished head. Fig. 65. A templet when made should be filed //E AD away for future use. 55. A Master FIG. 62. Templet. Where there are a number of sizes of standard parts a master templet can be made from which different sizes can be laid off direct or from which individual templets can be made. Fig. 66 shows such a templet of a nut. In making this templet, the smallest and the largest standard size nut were accurately laid out to scale from a table of /2 =/ 34. MACHINE DRAFTING dimensions. Lines were then drawn connecting the principal points of each. To lay out a nut of any other size, the process is as follows: ~~|~~~ T i - Aft FIG. 63. FIG. 64. FIG. 65. From A and B on the line AC lay off the bolt diameter of the required nut and draw the lines FG and DE. DE marks the top of the nut, and the intersections of FG with the lines connecting the corner layout points of the largest and smallest sizes, locates the corner layout points for this particular one. C × ! ^k % | /r - /T ^ Iz 4. N |W 4. 6 * | * | i § S. S -> +4+ A FIG. 66. A vertical line dropped to the line K from the intersection of FG with the line H locates the center of a small arc. The center of the large arc can be found by the intersection of a 45° line, drawn from an outside corner, with the center line. See Plate D–19. By laying off the proper height this same templet may be used for a bolt head. MACHINE DRAFTING 35 56. Section Lining. In section lining or “cross hatching” the spacing is generally done by eye. Where a great deal of hatching is done it saves the eyes to use a mechanical device to do the spacing. There are a number of section liners on the market, but most of them have other objectionable features besides the price. 72: E. Jø0/AAPA- FIG. 67. Fig. 67 shows a common and simple device for mechanical spacing. It consists of a piece of wood or celluloid that will not quite fill up the space inside of a triangle. With the middle finger of the left hand on the piece of wood, and the index finger on the triangle, one is slipped while the other is held, thus “walking” in steps of equal length. If a piece of wood is not available, should the draftsman be so fortunate as to possess a few coins, he can make use of the same principle and get the right spacing by some such combination as shown in Fig. 68. 36 * M. H. CHINE DR 4 FTING 57. Fig. 69 shows an adjustable three-piece section liner. It can easily be whittled out of hard wood. The author has used one made by himself for ten years. To set it to a given space proceed as follows: Draw two lines a and b at the proper distance apart. Set the triangle on b. Slip clamp c to the left to loosen the device, and spread d and e as far apart as the tri- angle will permit. Hold d fast, slip the triangle to a, move c to the right, and the liner is set. 5¢ — FIG. 68. |sº wºme ammº sºme é, f*=N / Problems. Make drawings of the problems named below, following the steps as given. 1 to 10. See plates marked Problem 1, Problem 2, etc. to Problem 10. 11. Draw the examples on Plate D-23. MACHINE DRAFTING 37 12. Draw the examples on Plate D–24. 13. Draw the examples on Plate D–25. 14. Draw to scale Plate D–26. 15. Draw to scale Plate D–27. 16. Draw a light horizontal line AB about 3" long. By the method shown on Plate D–13 obtain one thirty-second, GH, of AB. . Draw another horizontal line EF, transfer GH to EF and by the reverse of dividing, multiply GH by thirty two. Com- pare the lengths of AB and EF. This as a test of a draftsman's skill in sharpening a pencil and using the instruments. Before working problems 17 to 26 study carefully pages 40 to 48. 17. Make a drawing of the bolt heads, screws, and nuts as shown on Plates D–19, D–20, and D–21. The student may choose the diameters and work out the proportions from the plates. The diameter of slotted screws should not be greater than 3”. 18. Make a detail drawing of each piece shown on Plate D–9. Draw each piece separately to the scale that seems best. 19. Make an assembly drawing of the connecting-rod de- tailed on Plates D-1, D–2, and D–3. 20. Make a detail drawing of the cross-head casting de- tailed on Plate D–8. Draw the one piece only. 21. Lay out an assembly of a bearing like that drawn on Plate D–4. Diameter of shaft 4”. Use about the same thicknesses of parts as is used in the 34” bearing detailed on Plates D–5, and D–6. See also Plates D–7a, D–7b, and D–7c. 22. Detail the parts of Prob. 21. 23. Check Plates D–22a, D–22b, and D–22c. These plates are an assembly drawing of a shaft turning attachment for a lathe. This attachment carries two tools with separate feed screws. The regular cross-slide is removed from the lathe and is replaced by the attachment. There are V blocks which fit into the yoke to steady the shaft. These are not shown. 38 MACHINE DRAFTING Place a piece of tracing paper over the drawing and number the corrections as shown in Fig. 58. 24. Detail pieces No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5, shown on Plates D–22a, D–22b, and D–22c. Proportions may be obtained from D–28, D–29, D–30, and D–31. 25. Detail the pieces on Plates D–22a, D–22b, and D–22c, that are not detailed in Prob. 24. 26. Make an assembly drawing from Probs. 24 and 25. For tracing problems, trace the drawings done by some one else. THE FOLLOWING ARE ADDED IN THE FORM OF BRIEF NoTES AND SKETCHES. THEY ARE INTENDED To ENRICH THE CourSE OF PROBLEMS BY POINTING OUT A FEW FUNDAMENTAL MECHANICAL PRIN- CIPLES AND SOME OF THEIR MORE COMMON AP- PLICATIONS IN MACHINERY. 40 MACHINE DRAFTING When a machine parf has nor 30fficiemſ J/renºſh // 'FA/L5.” Hºi- © A rod beſnº broke” by an ÖVERLoA2" 7his piece is subject fo TENS/LA 57RESS" 2^ ø º 42/22 $22.2//A C & D A Shorf piece crushed” 7% riveſ/5 &eing a V/3e Co/wea's SS/ow or 5HEAAE/2"arºſs 50%- Žoo/*a-E-55/VE 57RE55 year ſo ''SHEAA/V< 57/F553" MACHINE DRAFTING 41 7%e resisſance of a g/ven piece ſo rºoſ/e &y ſension or by compression varies a/- /ec//y 23 ſhe area of ſhe sma//esſ secſion fhaf can be co/ from ſhe //ece &ºy a p/ame Azerpend/cu/ar ſo ſhe direcſon of ſhe ///7– furſ”? force. * 7%e res/s/ance of a 2/ve/7//ece ſo rup/Ure // Shear/17 varies direcſ/y as ſhe area of ſhe sec//o/7 50//ec/ ſo Shear & 7e5/5 have been made o/7 2//fere/7/ /77aſer/a/5 ſo deſer/7//7e //e/r/e3/3/a/7ce Azer 39Jare ſnch fo ſension, com/zress/or. and shear/ng, respec//Ve/y. Arom dafa ſhus oºſa/nea/ 3/remºſh of /77ach/ne 2arfs are compuſed. 42 MACHINE DRAFTING A/VALYS/5 OF J 7TPE’s SATS Ż ſom/ressed///ers * Ş Nº. No.5ſº ſº Öfreſched/ff/ers – 7e/75% A 6AEAM / 04/2Ep/W 7//5 ///ø/ A. Ny Q § —s º NS: š s ſº *S S Sº? Š%NS §s sº $ wo S 2== SR 7 % gº *\ S >--> N Ż2 Żyż e 7%é.3%ze ºffer ſhe § head//5, com/essed. SS S. Le § § Jeaſ A-A /3/772/75/27 tr. 2” Ş V 7///TEA/7 Š Aſo, 7 //EAD \ MACHINE DRAFTING 43 77+E WE/7&E /*//VC/PLE W. % A fami/ar /08/raſon of ſhe acſion of ſhe Wedge ~~T * emº sº. 4 º \ | ! | | 1 \–L 77e wedge used for bind/m/ % % —r- – “tº (–===biº A camp /a/ //, on ſhe Wed/e///mcſp/e *— — —% 4 x ––––– =le 62 — — —z7 7he eage a/c of a wedge shaped"/"ſece of paper wrapped on a cy/nder/zroa/ces a /e/x, Wºh /5 ſhe corve of ſhe screw firead 44 MACHINE DRAFTING 77+E WAE/GE PAINC/PLE Wedgea"&/eler//7”. © *—- aſpe 0.5ed/m b// am 4700ſ/Jarew - O &nd/yde/ce = I Adjusſing Wedge Wedge 3%zed &A"fora/s/a/ binding N- º AN — § APE 7/-/Are A/75 7his ſhow's ſhe use of ſhe meage/mo/e/7 ma/- -/ng a figh/Azpejoſmſ. MACHINE DRAFTING 45 7AE WE/73E Pºr//wc/PLE g-z & := * 7. & §-> Z º A.4/77/4/ /75 VFLO/~/Máſſy 77 /50L7 A/V/7/YU7' OF O/VA 77//TEA/7 A/ove / ſhow/7 ſhe medºng acſºn of Jarew ſhread; |W a tº N / EA/7 Ja/TE VV * F SNSS slº. ZATV:///V6 BY WE/26//VG Where a greaſ fºrceſ; re/rea//z move an offeº/ 3/2/2/2/20/a/e/ ſhe meage 277/7% ſo 0.5ea. [- L 7/5 shows ſhe wedge principe of a 2%//a27/27 §SSN s 46 MACHINE DRAFTING A5E4/7//V6.5 *---, F---, % wº-ºº: J//p/NG 6/ocar JHAFT AND AEAA/VG U/yWO/ſ/y Wo/TN A/ove /5 shown fºe effecſ of wear Aze/ween rubbing 5urface5. // /wo pieces A and 8 rub fogeſher, Aoſh being e2//y haza, a rough 32.2f on on A roughens à, B/n form abrades A, and go fºie process goes on Unf/-//re /he 717/Aemſ,2y Caſs"- ſheby eaf each offier 22 /ſ, 27 ſhe o/her/a/7Z A/S soffer ſham A. a rough 5poſ on 5 coſs a paſh in A which ſm furn does noſ affade 5. Arough 2/aces on A are 3/mooſhed ov/ by A. MACHINE DRAFTING 47 AEAA/NGS | Bear/17//eſa/ A/ove ſs shown a means of faſting Up near and prov/a/ ///caſion 7/e bearing Show/2 no/ be Go Gma// nor ſhe pressure so greaf ſhaf ſhe ſubricanſ /5 570eezed' &// 7%ere show// be no sharp corners ſo scrape ſhe ///canſ from ſhe mov/nº part 7%e bearing show///e so designed ſhaf ſhe heaf generafed by ſºc/27 w/ be conducted and rad/aſed away. 48 MACHINE DRAFTING //07/0/y of /MAC////YE A24/77.5 &emera/y a pomſ on a mov/, parſ of a ſma- a/re moves back and forſ/ ſm a straigh/ /me. /7 a 2/ra/e, o, /7 a./aff ſhaf is a com/maſon of Cºrzw/zra/ rec//mear moffo/7. &7 474//r (2/ec//ſº 4-7 V2 Nº/2/2/4" /3% of 7° flºº % 4725.5//ead/ A/o reſs 3hown a a/agrama/c zepresemſaffon of ſhe 5-ſpea &Awar/Mozzow” 7he paths of ſhree/o/ö, ä"4"a/?”e///a/2; shown 7%e 3/4er cra/7/r/moffo/7/3 Used//n "Aſºc/2- Aoaſ/wa. Éné/ME5"ſo converſ ſhe expand//77 moſon of a gas ſolo com/wos ſoºr, moſon /ſa /øy revº/eº U//fºrm/y 2/20/272,73 w//e/0/a/200/ moves Jr.//07// a7227 ſhe axis, every// of ſhe Zody aesarſ/es a //E//x. - The Drafting Room Series By FREDERICK H. EVANS, M. E. I. READING MACHINE DRAWINGS. Pamphlet of 20 pages and 17 plates. Price, in Filing Box, 75 cts. Without Box, 50 cts. II. MACHINE DRAFTING. Pamphlet of 48 pages and 44 plates. Price, in Filing Box, $1.25 Without Box, 1.00 III. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS AND TOOTH GEARS. Pamphlet of 40 pages and 21 plates. Price, in Filing Box, 90 cts. Without Box, 65 cts, THE SERIES COMPLETE WITHOUT DUPLICATE PLATES. * Pamphlet of Parts I, II and III, with 54 plates. Price, in Filing Box, $2.00 Without Box, $1.75 ... º. ººk: * * : - 3. * * > . T * *** * * * * * x-r - is ** ...' * - ~ Tº º * * ~ *, *, r*.*, < ** - - . . . . . ;- - - -º r + T " " . . * * * -, * *, * x * . . . .” “* * * —- * - * , -" - ... 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" 3. -- *ws - s—k , sº | - º r F & ~ * r - - - * , - * . 3. .. : º : - ~, - * — tº - - - * 1: ... 'T' s. º s º - - i g•ºr § . *. - - # g º 3, ... . . .” - ºr # *ſ, *ā, sº * & - * -- *- ... < *.* **'. . . * sº º º, sº I 3: Tº...º. ...," " . , it: ; : * * ~ ; *. # * – -- g ** ºt * , , *... ." . . . ºilº. º. - .º ſº . . . . . . 'ºvº. 2 :-.... . . ºf 2: I . . . . . " If..."---. ... -- . . - * - *::::: - ; - lººkº it, a . +, 4 - > *"... . . . . . . . . . * = . . . . . . * . k. _ " - * ** * *...* # - * : ~ † 3. **** * * s. sº s—" º ſ: § : %3 3 * * is * *; c. * * ; ºne g "... -º-º: ; : . # -, *" º fº "...º. *. *- *...º.º. * ..., º :*. ** - *... & . tº E.I." 'º jº. . - - -º “...º.º. tº . ..- : **** Tº 5 * * - E- * * *- * @., §§ : º ºt * “t. ‘. . º.º. 5 º', ; - *. % : `-- … #so s ºf: **** , º, *r- .g. + ... : : - « º —- 3. “ xº~ ºś, źtº ºil sy ...º.º. - #: * . . . :* .-- º $3 =&# ºf ... * ..º.º. 7 – ... - ***T* * - . º-ºº-ºº:: *, *-*...*.*. - ºg - # , * * -- - & $ • *āº. - * º ºf sº ... *s A ºf: sº tºº. . . . . ài. ::º-ºº...H. f.º. sº, $3. T. &. - i; ຠ'º' ſºft. lfº º: ...” . . - r ºf: i- º:*iº 1 ºr - º ºg º żºł .#s ºsº. .# 4 tº . § *sºcº-wº i. t * 2/ THE D RAFT IN G ROOM SERIES ºj. * .* r) gº #. p- C *. - PART III Interference of Moving Parts and Tooth Gears BY FREDERICK H. EVANS, M. E. THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PEORIA, ILLINOIs D R A FT IN G R O O M S E R 1 E. S., P A R T III Interference of Moving Parts and Tooth Gears By FREDERick H. Evans, M. E. Assistant Professor of Manual Arts, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ill. Formerly Draftsman for the Ironton Engine Co., Ironton, O., the Link Belt Machinery Co., and Sargent and Lundy, Chicago THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PEORIA, ILLINOIS coPYRIGHT, 1913, FREDERICK H. EVANS. FOREWORD. The principal problems of kinematics with which the drafts- man has to deal are in testing for interference of moving parts, and in the study of gears. In the following text the author endeavors to express himself chiefly by drawings. Mathematical formulae are reduced to a minimum. Kinks and short cuts demonstrate the use of paper as a tool in such a way as to render the mechanical work of solving the problems in this subject much more accurate, less difficult, and, we hope, more interesting. In making working drawings of bevel gears (especially when the axes are not at right angles) the draftsman finds himself facing a difficult task in computation. A method is here given that has been tested and found to be the simplest, shortest, and most accurate known to the author. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS. 58. It is necessary in the design of a machine to test for interference of moving parts. This can be done on the drawing board. º Plate G-1 is a diagramatic representation of the principal moving parts of a steam or gas engine of the reciprocating type. In this diagram cr represents the connecting rod, c represents the crank, f represents the frame, and ch represents the cross-head. A connects ch and cr; B connects cr and c, D connects c and f, and there is a sliding connection G between ch and f. 59. Motion is not Absolute but Relative. We can not think of a moving object without thinking of an object which it passes over, thru, under, at the side of, toward, from, or, around. The latter object we regard as being without motion, and we say it is fixed. Before we can conceive of, or analyze the motion of a body we must regard some other body as fixed with which to compare its motion. What do we regard as fixed in the following? 1. A locomotive runs sixty miles per hour. 2. The conductor moves thru the train. 3. The sun rises and sets. 4. The earth revolves. On Plate G–1 the frame f of the engine is assumed to be fixed in the plane of the paper, and c, cr, and ch moving. Either c, cr, or ch can be assumed fixed and the motion of the other parts represented. Problem 1. On a piece of tracing paper trace the heavy outline ABD as shown on Plate G-1: When c is fixed in the plane of the paper, show the positions of f, ch, and cr when brought to occupy the same relative positions to each other as is shown in ABD, A,B,D, etc. 5 6 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS ANALYSIS. If the triangle A,B,D be revolved about D as a center until B, coincides with B, and the triangle AaBal) be revolved about D until B, coincides with B, etc., the required positions are obtained. CoNSTRUCTION. Place D of the tracing paper on D of Plate G-1 and pass a needle thru D of both. Revolve B, of Plate G-1 to coincide with B of the tracing paper and mark the position of Aa. Proceed in like manner to locate As, A, and As. The different positions of cr, ch, and f may now be drawn. However, since motion is only relative, the result can be most readily obtained by tacking Plate G–1 to the board and revolving the tracing paper about D to the required positions. OBSERVE: (a) That D for all positions is a point com- mon to the tracing paper, the drawing beneath it, Plate G–1, and the drawing board. (b) That the result is the same whether the tracing paper is fixed and the drawing is moved, or the drawing is fixed and the tracing paper is moved so long as the proper points of one are made to coincide with the corresponding points of the other. Problem 2. The same as Problem 1 when cr is fixed. Problem 3. The same as Problem 1 when ch is fixed. PRACTICAL APPLICATION. Plate G–2 is a drawing deter- mining the limits of the frame of an engine in order to clear the connection rod in all positions. The heavy line in the top view bounds a section of the frame cut by a plane passing thru the center of the cross-head pin and the center of the main shaft. The heavy line in the front view bounds a section of the frame cut by a plane passing thru the center of the con- necting rod in different positions. In each case, the space inclosed by the heavy line is the space necessary for the moving parts to pass thru, clearance being allowed. Another way of looking at it is to regard the heavy lines as different views of a solid generated by the moving parts into which no other part of the engine can protrude. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 7 The frame is regarded as fixed to the paper because it is the part of the machine that is under investigation for interference of moving parts. Problems. Detail drawings of parts needed in the follow- ing problems are given on Plates D–1 to D–12, inclusive. No clearance to be allowed. 1. Draw the limit lines for the frame of the engine. 2. Draw the limit lines for the connecting-rod. 3. Draw the limit lines for the crank and counter-weight. INSTRUCTIONS. Draw only the moving parts that are neces- sary. Make the drawing in pencil and as simple as possible to obtain the required results. As a suggestion to the student an explanation of the making of Plate G–2 follows. A pencil drawing of the cross-head, connecting-rod and counter-weights was made, the center lines forming a diagram similar to the heavy lines of Plate G-1. An outline similar to the light lines of Plate G-1 was drawn on a piece of tracing cloth. The tracing cloth was moved so that the light lines representing the different positions of the connecting-rod came successively over the center line of the connecting-rod in the pencil drawing. The connecting-rod was traced in each of these positions. The same result could have been obtained by making a templet of the connecting-rod, placing it in the proper positions on the tracing cloth, and tracing around it. This is an easier method when the shape of the moving part is so irregular that it is less difficult to construct a templet than it is to draw the different positions of the part by other means. 8 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS TRANSMISSION OF MOTION BY MOVING CONTACT. 60. On Plate G–3 is drawn a lathe attachment that was devised to finish eccentric castings. A is a finished eccentric, B is a rough casting, R is a roller, D is a cutting tool, and E is an arbor between the lathe centers. A and B are fixed on the arbor E, R is constrained to roll against A, and the point of the tool D is constrained to move in a plane containing the axis of the arbor and the axis of the roller. Problem 1. Find the shape of B after finishing. Otherwise stated thus: Find the locus of the point of the tool D on the rough casting B. - This problem is to be constructed on the drawing board by the application of the same principles that were used in doing the problems in interference of moving parts. Problem 2. Find the shape of A so that B will be a perfect circle. The required shape of A could be obtained in the lathe by substituting a blunt tool to act as guide instead of the cutting tool D, placing A where B is and B where A is, and sub- stituting for R a driven grinding wheel of the same diameter. A will then be ground to the proper shape to act as a cam in this attachment to turn the eccentric casting B to a circle. 61. Observe. In Problem 1 the different positions of the connecting-rod was obtained by locating the different positions of its two centers. Notice that the centers of the bearings are represented by points on the drawing and are thought of as points, yet, in reality, they are center lines or axes perpendicular to the plane of the paper. * Every point of the engine parts which we have studied moves in a plane. So do most machine parts. The motion of a screw is a notable exception. In dealing with machine parts INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 9 having plane motion only, we draw the first part of the problem while regarding the plane of the drawing paper as being parallel to the plane of motion of any point of the part studied.* This being true, we may regard the motion of the axes of the bearings as the motion of points, since they will be so represented. From the preceding we may deduce the following rule: When two views of a body whose points have plane motion, are given, and one of the views is a motion view, any position of the body may be completely determined by locating any two of its points in that position on the motion view. * A view on a plane so taken will be called a motion view. 10 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS TOOTHED GEARS. 62. Spur Gears. It is the purpose of spur gears to trans- mit rotary motion from one to the other of two parallel axes. Gear teeth by acting one against another transmit the same motion as would be transmitted by their respective pitch circles rolling against each other. See Fig. 70. Aase Cir(f Ø / © /mo/uſe (ſm <) Ž i %N º: 3. fº = arch croſſ º $º a; šº s - Š-(LN&/ tº º * § {\ is gºeh acaw) e of Ac//or (P1) º /nvo/uſe (//7) &5e «Žr (AE) FIG, 70. Ordinarily we think of gear wheels as turning about fixed axes, but in studying the action of teeth against each other it is sometimes simpler to regard one wheel as fixed and the other one as moving about it. See Fig. 71b. Fig. 71 (a) shows teeth of two cycloidal gears in contact. Fig. 71 (b) shows the relative motion of one tooth of the gear INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS §i 4. 2% º C. O tº & ; SQ N % i M 1. i 12 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS A as it enters and leaves a space between two teeth of gear B. Fig. 70 shows two involute gears in mesh. The study of toothed gears is primarily a study of the relative motion between two bodies revolving about fixed axes and having a constant angular velocity ratio. There must be considered: the power to be transmitted, strength, friction, wear, velocity, available space for the gears to occupy, noise and vibration in running, and the cost of manufacturing. QS & N NS & S 23° i ^sº * N Sºyº Ş XX ź ſº º s: % FIG. 71 (b). In Fig. 72, let the circles M and N, with centers A and B respectively, represent the pitch circles of two gears. Pm is a point on the circle M that is in contact with the point Pn on the circle N. Suppose that N is fixed and that M rolls on N until A occupies the position A1. A will have traveled in the arc AA, (the center of which is B) and the point Pm will occupy the position Prm, in which the rectified arc KPn equals the rectified arc KPm. If any body, such as the pattern of a gear tooth be made fast to the circle M, then, as M rolls on N the locus of any point of the attached body may be found, for we have the INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 13 locus of A and may obtain the locus of Prm. See Art. 61. This is illustrated in Fig. 73. The locus of a point Qm on the contact surface of a gear tooth Trn is shown in Fig. 74. The circle MM to which Tm is attached is rolled on NN. FIG. 73. 14 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 63. The locus of Qm must be tangent to Tn since each point of the contact surface of Tm must touch Tn but not crush into it. If the locus of each point of the face and flank curve of a tooth be plotted, the face and flank of its conjugate tooth is the line tangent to these loci. FIG. 74. The conjugate curve of a tooth Tm, Fig. 74, may be obtained by regarding the disc N on which the conjugate tooth is to be drawn as fixed and trace the outline of a templet of the given tooth on M in a number of positions as M rolls on N. The common tangent to these curves is the outline of the face and flank of the required conjugate tooth. See Fig. 71b. The involute and cycloidal teeth are the ones commonly used in practice. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 15 64. Involute Teeth. Imagine a contrivance as drawn in Fig. 75. E and F are two discs mounted on the parallel axes AB and CD and connected by a thin, flexible band K which is wrapped around each. Trm and Tn are pieces fastened on AB and CD as shown. PG is a wire of very small diameter fastened on the band K and long enough to extend beyond Tm and Tn. M and N are two discs on AB and CD respectively that roll in contact with each other. Diam. of E. Diam. of M. Diam. of F Diam. of N. It can be proved that if E is turned in the direction of the arrow, K being kept taut, F will be caused to turn, and the angular velocity ratio of E and F will be constant and the same as would be transmitted by M and N rolling together. 16 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS If E is turned, K being kept taut, and the end of the wire fastened to K moves from L to T, the involute curves Im and In are such that the other end of the wire will be in contact with each during this movement. That is, Im and In may be regarded as generated simultaneously by the wire.” If the diameter of the wire is considered to be so small as to be negligible, then Im and In will be in contact during the movement. - Hence, Im and In by moving in contact will produce the same constant angular velocity ratio between AB and CD as is produced by M and N rolling together. Fig. 70 is a drawing of involute teeth in mesh. The letter- ing corresponds to Fig. 75. The part of the tooth that is beneath the base circle in each case does not enter into contact but is of such shape that it will not interfere with the meshing teeth. 65. Cycloidal Teeth. M and N, Fig. 71a, are two pitch circles of meshing gears. Imagine that a circle Q rolls simultaneously on the outside of N and the inside of M. In so doing M and N will be caused to roll together. Let Po be a point on Q, its locus on N is an epicycloid,t and its locus on M is an hypocycloid. Since these curves can be generated simultaneously by one point while M and N are rolling together, it can be shown by a line of reasoning similar to that given with involute gears that they are conjugate curves. Similarly, if a circle R rolls simultaneously on M and N a point Pron it will generate an epicycloid on M and an hypocycloid on N that are conjugate curves. Fig. 71a shows how these cycloidal curves go to form cycloidal teeth. * For a method of plotting the involute see Art. 73. † For plotting cycloidal curves see Art. 74. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 17 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CONJUGATE CURVES. 66. In Fig. 76 M and N are two discs which may be regarded as pitch circles. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are points fixed to M. When N is fixed and M is rolled on N each point moves in a trochoidal curve as drawn in the figure. The locus of any two points fixed to M, Fig. 77, equi-distant from A, may be made to coincide by revolving one or the other about B as a center. The subtended arc on N of the angle of revolution equals in length the subtended arc on M of the angle made by lines thru A and the respective points. Thus the locus of 4" may be made to coincide with the locus of 4 by revolving it around B thru the angle 8 where Rect. arc” PK’=Rect. arc PK. From this it can be seen that a templet of the locus of a point 3 on the line AB may be revolved about B to coincide with the locus q, q being the intersection of the circle rr thru 3 and any curve tt attached to M. t If templets of loci of a number of points on AB are made, the loci of a number of points of tt may be drawn by thus revolving the corresponding templet about B thru the proper angle. The common tangent to the templets thus revolved is the conjugate curve of tt. See Art. 63. Any curve fixed to N to which the templets can be thus revolved tangent may have a conjugate curve on M. Con- versely, any curve to which the templets can not be thus re- volved to become tangent can have no conjugate curve on M. 67. The distinctive advantage of involute teeth is that the distance between centers of meshing gears may vary, and they will still transmit a constant angular velocity ratio. This is not true of cycloidal gears. While cycloidal teeth have advantages, yet, there is no property of the cycloidal curves that makes them peculiarly fit to form the shape of gear * The abbreviation “Rect. arc” will be used for rectified arc. The author believes that by so doing the likelihood of mis-interpretation- by the student is less than if “arc” or “length of arc” were used instead. 18 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS FIG. 76. 20 - INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS teeth other than the fact that the cycloid is a geometrical curve, can be defined, and reduced to commensurate terms. An approximate cycloidal tooth on one gear and its conjugate tooth on the other gear, serves the purpose just as well. 68. Bevel Gears. It is the purpose of bevel gears to transmit rotary motion between non-parallel axes. Gears that transmit rotary motion between axes which are non-coplaner are called skew bevel gears. Skew bevel gears will not be studied in this chapter. For a comparison of spur and bevel gears, see Figs. 78 to 83. Two discs, Fig. 78, or the frustrums of two cones, Fig. 79, will roll together with a constant angular velocity ratio.” These cannot transmit much power on account of slipping. If projections are put on one disc (frustrum) and corres- ponding depressions are cut in the other disc (frustrum), slipping is prevented. If projections are put on each disc (frustrum) and corres- ponding depressions are cut in the other disc (frustrum), the result is the ordinary spur (bevel) gear. M and N, Figs. 78 to 83, in spur gears are called pitch circles, in bevel gears pitch cones. The part of the tooth added on to the pitch circle (cone) is called the addendum. The part cut out of the pitch circle (cone) is called the dedendum. The surfaces A and B are theoretically spherical surfaces on which the outlines of teeth are laid out as in spur gears. The surfaces of the teeth are such that if one end of a line is fixed at V and the other end is moved along the tooth outlines on A and B, the line generates the teeth. In Fig. 84 M and N are frustrums of cones. These cones have a common vertex V. A and B are spherical bases of M and N respectively. The spherical bases are a part of the surface of a sphere with center V. P is a point on the spherical base extended. * The vertices of the cones must coincide. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 21 22 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS FIG. 80. FIG. 81, INTERFERENCE NG PARTS º § ^-ºff 2 º 24 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS If N is fixed and M rolls on N, the point P describes a curve on the spherical surface of B extended. This curve is shown, also the surface generated by the motion of the line VP. Notice the similarity of the motion of the point P in Fig. 84 to the motion of the point 4 in Fig. 76. In Fig. 76 two discs, M and N, are rolling together. In Fig. 84 the frustrums of two cones, M and N, are rolling together. In Fig. 76 the point 4 moves in a plane, in Fig. 84 the point P moves on a spherical surface. The discussion of spur gears in Arts. 62–67 may be applied a-g sºs A ea s º 2 … 2 N FIG. 84. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 25 GAAA’.5 CowVE/VT/owAL /TAPAESENTATION Javar GaAA's FIG, 85. f /#/7 2 2O 7T y” 3 f | E. 3.07. gº 3o 7" 6/?-? 3 4. ſº ÆATV-L 65.4/7's FIG. 86. Æzz/; J/?aff Darreſer, and f/7e /Number of 7eefh, /7%mefrzz/ Pººh, aſz/ ſhe ſace of each gear 2 e //72%zzºa. 26 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS to bevel gears by substituting “frustrum of a cone” for “disc,” and regarding the trochoidal curves as described on spherical surfaces instead of planes. In practice the surfaces A and B, Figs. 78–83, are not spherical but conical. A and B are called back cones and their elements are perpendicular to the elements of their respective pitch cones. The tooth outline laid out on the back cone so nearly coincides with the theoreti- cally perfect tooth outline laid out . on the spherical base of a pitch AT- cone that no appreciable error is introduced, by this more practical ser method. Æ5), * A tooth outline on A will prac- tically coincide with a spur gear tooth outline having the same pitch and a pitch radius equal to the —A c_ slant height, SH, Fig. 79, of the /57- back cone A. FIG. 87. To make a drawing of a bevel gear that gives a view of the teeth is an excellent problem in projection but it is a task that a draftsman in ordinary practice is seldom called upon to do except for display purposes. Also, it may be said that it is unnecessary to draw the teeth of spur gears except in cases where the drawing is to be read by persons who are so technically illiterate as to be unable to read the conventional representations of drafting. Where such a drawing is required a neat approximate method should be used. 69. Gear Trains. When a large reduction or increase of angular velocity is made between two axes, it is done by con- necting the axes by a number of gears arranged as represented in Fig. 87. This arrangement is necessary where much power is transmitted since gears having less than 12 teeth do not work well. A number of gears so connected is called a train of gears. In Fig. 87 3ar /37. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 27 When axis A makes 1 revolution, axis B make;-2 revolutions. When axis B makes 1 revolution, axis C makes 39–3 revolutions. 13 When axis A makes 1 revolution, axis C makes;x*-6 revolutions. Notice in the train of gears that the drivers have 36 and 39 teeth respectively, and the followers have 18 and 13 teeth respectively. - 36.7" A _A^* 7– 3oz., fº |a f 6O7" 2.5 7" /272 Z7 8 /47: AT /27– FIG. 88a. 36 × 39 18×13’ ratio of A to C, we have a fraction the numerator of which is the continued product of the numbers of teeth of all the drivers, and the denominator, the continued product of the numbers of teeth of all the followers, hence, the following rule: The angular velocity ratio between two axes connected by a train of gears may be expressed by a fraction the numerator of which is the continued product of the numbers of teeth in all the drivers, and the denominator the continued product of the numbers of teeth in all the followers. In the quantity which expresses the angular velocity 28 INTERFERENCE OF MOWING PARTS 70. Cut gear teeth are cut by accurately formed cutters. It is only necessary that the pitch and the number and kind of teeth on a gear be known in order to select the proper cutter with which to cut the teeth. Patterns for cast teeth are generally laid out from either an accurately constructed templet made especially for that FIG. 88b. particular sized gear, or, from a templet odontograph which is a templet with a curve that can be adapted to various sizes of teeth. Printed directions accompany the odontograph. Tables have been compiled from which the radii and centers of circular arcs can be obtained to approximate various forms and sizes of teeth. Each shop has a method and a system of its own for doing this kind of work. When a young draftsman is required to lay out gear teeth accurately, he is generally given definite instructions how to do it according to the system followed by the concern with which he is working. Should he be left to take the initiative he should bear in mind that in gears, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. If he is able to obtain the pitch, form of teeth, and pitch diameters the general methods given in this book can be followed. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 29 71. Working Drawings of Gears. The dimensions that must be known in order to make a cut gear are shown in the working drawings in Figs. 89 and 90. r ſ § M s's H 6/~/7 a./-/–4377 a 77-y (44.7/vvolv7r-Aſ&SJ72 FIG. 89. e Number of teeth The Pitch Diameter== in both spur and Diametral Pitch bevel gears. 1 By the Browne & Sharpe Standard, Addendum= | H Diam. Pitch 1. 157 and the Dedendum= Diam. Pitch From this: The Diameter of a Spur Gear Blank= No. of Teeth-H2 Diam. Pitch - In making a working drawing of a bevel gear; a freehand sketch, similar to Plate G–6, of the meshing gears should be 30 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS made, then a, b, c, d, e, f, etc., of Plate G–5 should be com- puted and tabulated, after which the dimensions may be filled in by following Plate G–6. $ F- // # : N t— º - -—l J Al Taºy – /& 7FE-7-/-y /44"/w VOZ.4/7′ //w. ALZ. Ove/r FIG. 90. 72. To Rectify an Arc. It is theoretically as well as practically impossible to lay off the exact length of an arc on a straight line, or, a straight line on an arc. However, the degree of accuracy attainable is not limited by theoretical con- siderations, but, as in all other measurements, by the accura of instruments and the acuteness of sight and touch. - INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 31 The method generally used is that illustrated in Fig. 91, in which TO is the given arc and TQ a tangent at T. Starting at O small spaces are stepped off with the dividers until a point P, less than one step from T, is reached, from which point the same number of steps are taken on TQ. C O > O | As 'T' & | | A A3 FIG. 91. FIG. 92. Theoretically, by this method the error may be made less than any assignable value by making the steps sufficiently short, since the shorter the chord the nearer it approaches in length to the arc which it subtends. Practically, an error of measurement is made with each step and the resultant error is the difference between the algebraic sum of errors made in stepping off the arc, less the algebraic sum of errors made in stepping off the straight line. Hence, the probable sum total of errors in measurement varies directly with the number of steps. There are a number of approximate methods of rectifying an arc. The following is a method devised by the author: 73. The Rectifier. On a stiff piece of paper a circle of some commensurate diameter is drawn, Fig. 92. AB is drawn tangent to the circle and B is carefully located by an accurate scale so that AB equals the computed length of the semi- circumference AC. AB and AC are divided and subdivided into the same number of parts. Tangents are drawn to the circle at each division and 32 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS FIG. 94. FIG. 95. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 33 the proper lengths taken from AB and laid off on each to plot the involute CB. A templet is cut out as shown in Fig. 92. The following explains the use of the rectifier. To rectify on PQ the arc TO.” Fig. 93. Place the pricker point at K, Fig. 94, and slip the notch of the templet against it. ; Turn until R of the templet falls on the line KL. Draw AB by ruling along AB of the templet. Turn the templet about K until R falls on KO, Fig. 95, and mark where the involute in- tersects AB at N. Draw the line KN until it intersects TQ at Q. TQ is the arc TO rectified as required. Fig. 96 is an enlarged view of the notch K. 74. Plotting Trochoidal Curves. In Fig. 97, A, B, C, and D are points fixed to M. Let it be required to plot the locus of each when M is rolled on N. These loci may be drawn by plotting the loci of any two points fixed to M. See Art. 61. Let the locus of A and D be chosen. The locus of A is the circle AA’ with E as center. When A is at A’ D will lie on an arc of a circle with center A' and radius equal to AD. D will also lie on the line A^C' extended where Rect. arc FC’=Rect. arc FC. Any number of positions of A and D may be thus obtained. The accuracy of this method depends on the accuracy with which the locus of C, which is an epicycloid, is plotted. An easier and more accurate method is to plot the locus of A and E as follows: FIG. 96. * The same method is used when the radius of the arc is less than the radius of the templet circle. 34. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS With E, Fig. 98, as center, draw an arc thru A, and with A as center draw an arc thru E. angle AEK AC Lay off K and L so that— angle EAL CE Divide AK and EL into the same number of equal parts (1, 2, 3, etc., on AK, and 1’, 2’, 3’, etc., on EL). -T FIG. 97. ER RATU’ M Lay off K and L so that angle angle A. E. K. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 35 36 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS sº." - ‘o *0 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 37 With 1, 2, 3, etc., as centers strike arcs thru E. With E as center strike arcs thru 17, 2’, 3’, etc. The intersections of these arcs at a, b, c, etc., are points on the locus of E when E is a point on M, and M is rolled on N. 75. The Trochoidal Templet. The last method above was used in plotting the trochoidal templet, Fig. 99. The points in the imaginary circle U are in the locus of A fixed to M when M rolls on N. V is the imaginary circle described by E fixed to N when N rolls on M. W is the locus of E fixed to M when M rolls on N. X is the locus of A fixed to N when N rolls on M. Any trochoidal curves of M and N may be plotted as follows: Place the trochoidal templet over the paper on which the curves are to be plotted. Make a templet similar to that shown in Fig. 100 where FG=AE. Mark on this templet the points to be plotted. If M is to roll on N place the pricker point successively at 1, 2, 3, etc., of U in Fig. 99 and slip F of Fig. 100 against it while the sharp end is at the corresponding point of W. Prick thru the points on the notched templet in each position. This will mark points of the required loci on the paper underneath. In making Fig. 71b the points on U and the locus of a point on the circumference of M, Fig. 98, were pricked thru to the paper on which the drawing was to be made. A templet shown in Fig. 101 was then made to follow these points as just described, and with a soft pencil, the tooth curve on the templet was drawn in each of its positions. Problems. 1. (a) Construct a trochoidal templet for pitch circles 6 and 8 inches diameter respectively. See Arts. 74 and 75. (b) Plot a series of trochoidal curves using a moving templet with points located as in Fig. 100. (c) Make a templet of a gear tooth for the 6-inch pitch circle and find its conjugate tooth on the 8-inch circle. See Figs. 101 and 71b. 38 INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 2. (a) Draw Browne and Sharpe Standard involute teeth - of two meshing gears. Diam. pitch=2”; 12 and 16 teeth. See Fig. 70. For plotting the involute study Arts. 72 and 73. (b) In- ~y- | FI.J. 101. & F1G. 1 ()0. dicate on the drawing the exact length of wearing surface of each tooth. - 3. (a) Draw Brown and Sharpe Standard cycloidal teeth of two meshing gears. Diam. pitch=2, 12 and 16 teeth. (b) Indicate on the drawing the exact length of wearing surface of each tooth.* See Figs. 71a and 71b. * NoTE To TEACHER: In assigning this problem let one student make the describing circles as large as possible, and another as small. Compare and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS 39 4. Calculate the angular velocity ratio between the first and last shaft of Fig. 85. Fig. 86. Fig. 88a. 5. Calculate the different ratios betewen A and E in Fig. 88b. Gear No. 2 and No. 4 are loose on shaft B; and No. 8 and No. 10 are loose on shaft E. M. and N are sliding clutches on B and E respectively, the purpose of each being to engage either gear on the shaft with it, constraining the shaft and the gear to move together. 6. Make a layout drawing, similar to Plate G–4 of the gears shown in Fig. 88a. Dimension the gears, obtaining the dimensions by scaling. 7. Compute the dimensions of the gears shown in Fig. 88a and compare with the dimensions obtained in Prob. 6. See Art. 71. - 8. Detail the gears in Fig. 88a. * 9. Detail the gears in Fig. 88b. Would axes C and D lie in the same line? 10. Make a layout drawing of two bevel gears. Diam. pitch=3, 30 and 38 teeth, axes intersecting at an angle of 75°. Dimension by scaling. 11. Compute the necessary dimensions of Prob. 10, using Plates G–5, G–6, and G–7. JUN 2 1 1918 The Drafting Room Series By FREDERICK H. EVANS, M. E. I. READING MACHINE DRAWINGS. Pamphlet of 20 pages and 17 plates. Price, in Filing Box, 75 cts. Without Box, 50 cts. II. MACHINE DRAFTING. Pamphlet of 48 pages and 44 plates. Price, in Filing Box, $1.25 Without Box, 1.00 III. INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS AND TOOTH GEARS. Pamphlet of 40 pages and 21 plates. Price, in Filing Box, 90 cts. Without Box, 65 cts, THE SERIES COMPLETE WITHOUT DUPLICATE PLATES. Pamphlet of Parts I, II and III, with 54 plates. Price, in Filing Box, $2.00 & Without Box, $1.75 III, INTERFERENCE OF MOVING PARTS } { 2/3/4/2 77ły A/S/^//-/ | 9. . . 8. ) 8 zºzºï1 fãſ/nºži | 1 | | University of Michigan • * * * * * #}}// ±||8;“ įAº5ķo}}ºploo2/4 *%/',# #| ?? ) § 14| | | `ĀGOED 5°8 (~//ā2/A3 #4 ºffſ/M3. -77/vº . --r---+----*4.|- –{{{ſae}%}-! «),(\] || // S – OAVE / 7 * Ore 5# One 6 % 7òfa/Zººerſ, ºņi! S ſăi 5,5 –ſ). TAT№ſo ;ź-||-"7õſa/Zºer //J-ØVE ?/03 : / 9 * /f7/v/SA/ ALZ (2)/z/? University of Michigan GenCral Library Ann Arbor, Michigan & e a e º 'º' e ſº & e º & © tº e e C & © º →r47á• • 4.7 z9 ? —— 9.ſFeſt&ž+^*, ºs 8|-¿lº »| ## |- «æ • - • • • - - - - - --→ •-F|####º | ſiji -– — °'º-i2/2/%%^{f\} ^^)--/#!--∞ {3?||) { %ò ¿ \ /f7/v 44.4 67VÆA? /5xcae ºr} /face 5 /M/A/Rare-o “ſī’’’_|_--†}}-, -.• • •-, - { ••→3/3 3gºre øe ºg+24+?! rºž-|jº 32 & |-//J – Owae ȘI-ȘI… w-, -,# |3.||}/#$2 7 32"|R)'N SN §f7/y 44, 4. 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