JU L 3 0 1923 \\ 91.37 A O GENERAL INDEX TO Journals and Sessional Papers 1913-192 O AND TO Debates and Speeches 19 O 6 -192 O \ c & GENERAL INDEX º. Journals and Sessional Papers Legislative Assembly, Ontario 1913 to 1920 3 GEORGE V, to 10 GEORGE V, ALSO Index to the Divisions in House and Lists of Appendixes to Journal for same period Together with Index to Debates and Speeches, 1906 to 1920 COMPILED FOR THE USE OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE BY ARTHUR H. SYDERE, Clerk of the House TORONTO : Printed and Published by the Ryerson Press 1 9 2 0 Printed by THE RYERSON PRESS. *. NOTE. Previous Indexes, from 1867-68 to 1888, and from 1889 to 1900, and from 1901 to 1912, are to be found in separate volumes, which, used in conjunction with this compilation, form a complete reference to the Ilegislation in Ontario from Confederation, in 1867, to date. ARTHUR H. SYDERE, Clerk, Legislative Assembly. G E N E R A L IN DE X TO THE Journals and Sessional Papers OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE Province of Ontario FROM THE SESSION OF 1913 TO, AND INCLUSIVE OF, THE SESSION OF 1920. 3 GEORGE V to 10 GEORGE v ABERY, Mr.:—See Gore Bay. ABITIBI LAKE : Question as to fishing rights granted in (1918), 111. ABSENTEES: Bill (No. 171), introduced respecting persons who are, and whose whereabouts are, unknown (1920), 179. Second reading, 231. House goes, into Committee on, 237, 277. Third reading, 277. R. A., 294. (10 Geo. V, c. 36.) A CCIDENTS BY FIRE:—See Hotels. Fire. ~---, ACCOUNTS, PUBLIC:-See Public Accounts. ACIRES, H. G.: His study re overflow of Grand River, presented (1913), 231. (Sessional Papers, No. 86.) Printed. See Grand River. ACTON, WILLAGE OF: & Petition for Act to ratify By-law (1917), 16. Iteported, 38. Bill (No. 4), introduced and referred, 40. Reported, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on, 77. Third reading, 194. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 64.) ACTS OF PRESENT SESSION: Bill (No. 216), introduced to amend (1913), 399. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 399. Third reading, 399, R. A., 406. 6 ADDING—AGRICULTURAL. AIPBING MACHINES: Return ordered, shewing number of, purchased for Departments (1920), 244. Presented, 249. (Sessional Papers No. 84.) Not printed. ADDRESS:-See Lieutenant-Governor. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE:—See Judicature Act. Statute Law Amendment. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE EXPENSES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 166), introduced to amend (1917), 189. Second reading, 210. House goes into Committee on, 218. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 256. Third reading, 253. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. 52 * V, c. 29.) * 2. Bill (No. 54), introduced to amend (1918), 21. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 56. Reported, 70. House goes into Committee on, 75. Third reading, 152. See below, 4. 3 . Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend, (1918), 37. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 57. Reported, 92. House goes into Committee on, 96. Third reading, 139. See below, 4. 4. Bill (No.” 106), introduced to amend (1918), 93. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Com- mittee and referred to Bill, 148-9. Second reading, 153. House goes into Committee on, 153. Third reading, 153. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 25.) Abolescents: Bill (No. 162), introduced respecting the Compulsory School Attendance of (1916), 161. Second reading, 216. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 239. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 62.) See Education. AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS ACT: Bill (No. 223), introduced to amend (1920), 250. Second reading, 283. House goes into Committee on, 287. Third reading, 311. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 27.) AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE: 1. Bill (No. 107), introduced respecting (1913), 13. Second reading, 19. * House goes into Committee on, 23. Third reading, 206. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 76.) - 2 . Reports presented (1913), 333; (1914), 324; (1915), 262; (1916), 181; (1917), 261; (1918), 97; (1919), 147; (1920), 197. Printed. 3. Question re Beekeeping Instruction at (1914), 158. 4. Question as to date of establishment of: total expenditure, etc. (1915), 81. 5. Question as to construction of Chemical Building at (1916), 187. 7 AGRICULTURAL. AGRICULTURAL ANI) EXPERIMIENTAL UNION: Reports presented (1913), 333; (1914), 324; (1915), 262; (1916), 204; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 147; (1920), 190. Printed. AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCH00LS: Question as to how many established (1916), 89. AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF PROVINCE:-See Organization of Resources. AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS: Question as to promotion of Emigration of (1920), 64. AGRICULTURAL MATTERS: Question as to number of calendars sent to Farmers as a means of disseminat- ing information regarding (1920), 77. AGRICULTURAL POLICY: 1. Motion proposed and superseded by amendment, that great advance in, is needed, etc. (1915), 235-9. 2. Motion that a great advance in, is one of the most vital needs of Ontario, etc., superseded by amendment (1916), 140. AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES, LOANS FOR: Bill (No. 148), introduced respecting (1917), 138. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 158, 198. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 25.) AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVES: Bill (No. 46), introduced to provide for the appointment of (1918), 7. Second reading, 27. House goes into Committee on, 35. Third reading, 139. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 19.) AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES: Bill (No. 190), introduced respecting advertising of, by Counties (1914), 290. Second reading, 311. House goes into Committee on, 327. Third reading, 356. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 19.) AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL LIFE : Motion for Commission to enquire into; superseded by amendments (1914), 165–6. J AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES: Reports presented (1913), 61; (1914), 238; (1915). 175: (1916), 181; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 30; (1920), 176. Printed. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES ACT: Bill (No. 219), introduced to amend (1920), 243. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 282. Reported, 289. House goes into Committee on, 307. Third reading, 310. R. A., 383. (5 Geo. V, c. 28.) 8 AGRICULTURE–ALGOMA. AGRICULTURE: 1. Reports of Department of, presented (1913), 333; (1914), 324; (1915), 262; (1916), 204; (1917), 261; (1918), 97; (1919), 147; (1920), 190. Printed. Af 2. Report of Statistical Branch presented (1920), 197. (Sessional Papers No. 46.) Printed. AGRICULTURE, BOARDS OF: Question as to expenditure on, in 1918 (1919), 68. AGRICULTURE AND COLONIZATION: Committee on, appointed (1913), 18, 26. No report; (1914), 16, 27; (1915), 16, 20; (1916), 25; (1917), 31; Report, 173; (1918), 9, 20; Report, 148. Member added (1918), 95; (1919), 12, 32; Report, 160; (1920), 42. Report, 134, 144, 178, 224. AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF: 1. Bill (No. 178), introduced as to District Representation of the (1914), 242. Second reading, 270. House goes into Committee on, 283. Third reading, 355. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 20.) 2. Bill (No. 65), introduced respecting (1917), 12. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 25. Debate resumed and amendment proposed and negatived, 102-3. Second reading, 104. House goes into Committee on, 107, 158. Third reading, 213. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 23.) 3. Question as to cost of administration of (1917), 153. 4. Question as to amount expended on, in 1917-18 (1919), 95. 5. Return ordered, shewing number of persons receiving salaries 1901 and 1911 to 1918 (1919), 95. Not brought down. AGRICULTURE, MINISTER OF: Return ordered, shewing whether he, or the Minister of Education communi- cated with the District Representative of Agriculture of Welland re attitude to the Canada Temperance Act (1914), 99. Presented, 161. (Sessional Papers No. 76.) Not printed. AID TO RAILWAYS:—See Railway Aid. ALBION TOWNSHIP3—See Power. ALGOMA CENTRAL RAILWAY : Resolutions introduced, Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Statute Law Amendment Act (1913), 335-7. ALGOMA-AMHERST. 9 ALGOMA, EASTERN RAILWAY: Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Statute Law Amendment Act (1913), 335-7. - ALGOMA SHRIEWALTY: Question as to vacancy, etc. (1920), 64. ALGONQUIN PARK: 1. Bill (No. 82), introduced respecting the Limits of J. R. Booth in (1913), 175. Second reading, 203. House goes into Committee on, 208, 365. Third reading, 366. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 16.) 2. Return ordered, of copies of reports received upon timber in, covered by certain agreements (1913), 222. Presented, 250. (Sessional Papers No. 91.) Not printed. 3. Papers and correspondence presented, re Forest Reserves and Pembroke Lumber Company (1914), 149. (Sessional Papers No. 72.) Printed. See Pembroke Lumber Company. ALLISTON, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 22. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 35), intro- duced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 79. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 107. Reported, 158. Second reading, 169. House goes into Committee on, 176. Third reading, 212. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 46.) AIMONTE HIGH SCHOOL: 1. Question as to engagement of A. H. Walker at (1914), 143. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence, with Board of Trustees of, etc. (1914), 272. Presented, 389. (Sessional Papers No. 103.) Not printed. ALMONTE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Petition for Act to vest certain lands in Trustees (1916), 13. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 8), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 31. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 43. Reported; fees remitted, 84. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 103. Third reading, 179. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 113.) AMASA WOOD HOSPITAL :—See St. Thomas. AMHERSTBURG POLICE MAGISTRATE: Return ordered, shewing who is, when appointed, etc. (1915), 156. Presented (1916), 143. (Sessional Papers No. 82.) Not printed. AMHERST ISLAND, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act to confirm a certain By-law (1920), 26. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 21), introduced and referred, 63. Reported, 125. Second read- ing, 140. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 162. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 110.) _*.* * 2 D.S. 10 AMUSEMENT—ARMSTRONG. AMUSEMENT TAX ACT: * 3. 1. Bill (No. 105), introduced (1916), 99. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Com- mittee and referred to Bill, 114-15. Second reading, 115. House goes into Committee on, 146. Third reading, 237. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 9.) - 2. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1920), 248-9. Bill (No. 222), introduced to amend, 249. Second reading, 283. House goes into Committee on, 287, 312. Third reading, 312. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 11.) - ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED workMEN:-see United workmen. ANDREW MERCER REFORMATORY: Bill (No. 121), introduced respecting (1913), 13. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 43. Third reading, 341. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 78.) ANDREWS, W. R.:—See Smuck, William. ANGUS:—See Timiskaming and N. O. R. ANIMALS, CRUELTY TO: Petition for Act to incorporate the Ontario Society for the prevention of (1917), 9. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 26), introduced and referred, 53. Reported, 102. Fees remitted, 110. Second reading, 106. House goes into Committee on, 168. Third reading, 173. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 124.) ANTI-TREATING: Questions as to legislation (1914), 143. See Bar. Lieutenant-Governor. Liquor License Law. APPEALS: Bill (No. 120), introduced to abolish to His Majesty, in His Privy Council (1920), 82. Order for second reading, discharged, 279. APPoinTMENTs of OFFICE:-see Civil servants. ARBITRATION ACT: Bill (No. 160), introduced to amend (1914), 96. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 229. Reported, 251. House goes into Com- mittee on, 292. Discharged, 352. See Statute Law Amendment Act. ARCHIVES:—See Provincial Archives. ARMSTRONG, RICHARD: 1. Question as to his being charged with offence against Liquor License Act (1913), 108. 2. Question as to his being charged before Harkness (1913), 184. 3. Question as to name of Inspector who laid information against (1913), 221. ARMSTRONG—ASSESSMENT. 11 -Q ARMSTRONG, SAMUEL H.: Question as to receipt of salary by (1917), 118. ARNPRIOR, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to consolidate indebtedness (1914), 17. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 8), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 64. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 104. Reported, 135. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 150. Third reading, 285. R. A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 58.) ARTS, COLLEGE OF:—See Education. ART GALLERY:—See Toronto. ART PURPOSES: Committee appointed (1913), 18: (1914), 16; (1915), 20; (1916), 11: (1917), 13; (1918), 14; (1919), 18; (1920), 25. No report. ASSESSMENT LAW = - 1. Report of Committee of Session of 1912, presented (1913), 54. Resolution re payment of members of, introduced and referred to Statute Law Amendment Act, 307-8. 2. Bill (No. 140), introduced to amend (1913), 66. Order for second reading discharged, 217. 3. Bill (No. 144), introduced to amend (1913), 66. Order for second reading discharged, 79. 4. Bill (No. 147), introduced to amend (1913), 81. Order for second reading discharged, 305. 5. Bill (No. 152), introduced to amend (1913), 84. Order for second reading discharged, 217. 6. Bill (No. 155), introduced to amend (1913), 95. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 124. Reported, 203. House goes into Committee on, 320. Order for third reading discharged, 343. See below, 9. 7. Bill (No. 176), introduced to amend (1913), 130. Order for second reading discharged, 204. 8. Bill (No. 191), introduced to amend (1913), 175. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 256. Reported, 203. Order dis- charged, 339. See below, 9. 9. Bill (No. 200), introduced to amend (1913), 271. Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 320. Third reading; amendments negatived, 373-7. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 46.) 12 ASSESSMENT. _º - ASSESSMENT LAW-Continued. 10. 11 12. 13. * 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 23. 24. Bill (No. 72), introduced to amend (1914), 16. Order for second reading discharged, 170. Bill (No. 77), introduced to amend (1914), 41. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 118, 133. Second reading negatived, 137-8. Bill (No. 78), introduced to amend (1914), 41. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 79. Bill (No. 83), introduced to amend (1914), referred to Municipal Committee, 112. 5 #5 Second reading and Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend (1914), 55. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 102. Reported, 301. House goes into Committee on, 364. Third reading, 365. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 34.) Bill (No. 90), introduced to amend (1914), 69. Motion for second reading; point of order raised; section of Bill eliminated and Bill withdrawn, 133. Amendment in re proposed and negatived, to motion for Address to His Honour, the Lieutenant-Governor (1914), 28-9. Bill (No. 124), introduced to amend (1914), 111. Motion for second read- ing, 157. Speakers decision on point of order raised, 168. Second reading negatived, 169. Bill (No. 130), introduced to improve system of in Northern Ontario (1914), 130. Second reading negatived, 178. Bill (No. 76), introduced to amend (1915), 37. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 73. Reported, 202. Bill (No. 78), to amend (1915), 39. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 71. Reported adversely, 202. Bill (No. 89), introduced to amend (1915), 61. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 97. Reported, 202. . Bill (No. 111), introduced to amend (1915), 104. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 132. Reported, 202. . Bill (No. 129), introduced to amend (1915), 146. Order for second read- ing discharged, 162. Bill (No. 132), introduced to amend (1915), 146. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported adversely, 202. Bill (No. 140), introduced to amend (1915), 168. Second reading and referred to Committee of the Whole, 195. Order discharged, 207. ASSESSMENT. 13 ASSESSMENT LAw—Continued. 25. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. &Y t) 39. 40. Bill (No. 164), introduced “The Assessment Amendment Act, 1915,” (1915), 205. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 224. Third reading, 224. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 36.) . Bill (No. 67), introduced to amend (1916), 33. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 71. Reported, 206. . Bill (No. 76), introduced to amend (1916), 37. Second reading, and referred to the Municipal Committee, 72. Reported, 206. . Bill (No. 73), introduced to amend (1916), 49. Second reading, negatived, 86. Bill (No. 109), introduced to amend (1916), 103. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 129. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 110), introduced to amend (1916), 106. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 129. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 163), introduced to amend (1916), 161. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 191. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 164), introduced to amend (1916), 171. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 191. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 177), introduced “The Assessment Amendment Act, 1916,” (1916), 207. Second reading, 216. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 239. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 41.) Bill (No. 84), introduced to amend (1917), 50. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 76. Reported, 185. . Bill (No. 58), introduced to amend (1917), 54. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 76. Reported, 185. 36. Bill (No. 61), introduced to amend (1917), 54. Negatived, 89. . Bill (No. 63), introduced to amend (1917), 55. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 95. Reported, 185. Order discharged, 249. See below, 2. . Bill (No. 101), introduced to amend (1917), 62. Order for second reading discharged, 150. Bill (No. 114), introduced to amend (1917), 82. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 120. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 129), introduced to amend (1917), 105. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 140. Reported, 185. 14 ASSESSMENT. -- - - - - - - --> *** * AssBSSMENT LAW-Continued. 41. 42 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Bill (No. 134), introduced to amend (1917), 108. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 140. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 165), introduced “The Assessment Amendment Act, 1917 ° (1917), 188. Second reading, 210. House goes into Committee on, 245. Third reading, 245. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 45.) Bill (No. 55), introduced to amend (1918), 21. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 35. Bill (No. 63), introduced to amend (1918), 32. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 57. Bill (No. 64), introduced to amend (1918), 32. Order for second reading discharged, 84. Bill (No. 68), introduced to amend (1918), 35. Order for second reading discharged, 84. Bill (No. 74), introduced to amend (1918), 50. Seeond reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 71. Bill (No. 81), introduced to amend (1918), 53. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 88. Bill (No. 96), introduced to amend (1918), 84. Order for second reading discharged, 113. - Bill (No. 98), introduced to amend (1918), 98. Order for second reading discharged, 146. Bill (No. 122), introduced to amend (1918), 105. Order for second reading discharged, 145. Bill (No. 124), introduced to amend (1918), 105. Order for second reading discharged, 145. Bill (No. 127), introduced to amend (1918), 105. Order for second reading discharged, 137. Bill (No. 55), introduced to amend (1919), 28. Order for second reading discharged, 198. Bill (No. 161), introduced to amend (1919), 165. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 196. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 50.) Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend (1920), 48. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 116. ASSESSMENT—ATTORNEY. 15 ASSESSMENT LAW-Continued. - & 57. Bill (No. 94), introduced to amend (1920), 55. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 116. 58. Bill (No. 143), introduced to amend (1920), 135. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 152. 59. Bill (No. 149), introduced to amend (1920), 145. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 184. Reported, 281. 60. Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend (1920), 145. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 184. Reported, 281. 61. Bill (No. 151), introduced to amend (1920), 145. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 184. Reported, 281. - } 62. Bill (No. 145), introduced to amend (1920), 135. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 165. Reported, 281. 63. Bill (No. 240), introduced to amend (1920), 289. Second reading, 330. House goes into Committee on, 345. Third reading, 362. See below. 64. Bill (No. 237), introduced “The Assessment Amendment Act, 1920," (1920), 281. Second reading, 316. House goes into Committee on, 317, 328. Third reading, 341. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 63.) 65. Select Committee appointed, with power to meet during Recess and consider the question of, etc. (1918), 182. 66. Report of Special Committee of Session of 1918 presented (1919), 149. 67. Petitions respecting (1913), 46, 81; (1918), 23. Assign MENTS AND PREFERENCES ACT; Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend (1917), 143. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 155. ASSURANCE FUND : Return ordered, shewing amount of, under Land Titles Act; how invested, etc. (1919), 122. Not brought down. ATHLETIC COMMISSION: Bill (No. 217), introduced to establish (1920), 243. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 261. Reported, 295. House goes into Committee on, 331. Third reading, 341. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 30.) ATTORNEY GENERAL : Question as to official income (1916), 17. 16 ATTORNEY-GENERAL–AUXILIARY. ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT: Question as to appointments in, etc. (1920), 216. AUDIT ACT: - * 1. Bill (No. 160), introduced to amend (1915), 193. Second reading nega- tived, 205-6. 2. Bill (No. 104), introduced to amend (1916), 99. Order for second reading discharged, 159. \ AUDITOR, PROVINCIAL:—See Provincial Auditor. AUTOMOBILES: 1. Question as to amount received by Government for taxes in 1910 to 1914 (1915), 75. 2. Return ordered, of copies of Petitions, etc., re imposition of tax on (1915), 93. Presented, 139. (Sessional Papers No. 6].) Not printed. 3. Question as to number of, owned by Government and to what Departments allotted (1920), 33. 4. Question as to use of, by Government (1920), 113. 5. Question as to purchase of, from Chappel & Harrington (1920), 150. 6. Petition as to re-adjustment of fees (1920), 40. AUTOMOBILE LICENSES: 1. Question as to amount of money collected for (1917), 74; (1919), 178. 2. Petitions for reciprocity with U.S., in automobile licenses (1916), 23, 36, 40, 55, 122, 137. See Motor Vehicles. AURORA, TOWN OF: 1. Petitions for Act respecting and the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works (1913), 60. Reported, 160. Bill (No. 57), introduced and referred, 271. Reported, 293. Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 319. Third reading, 351. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 89.) 2. Petitions for Act to ratify certain By-laws (1916), 13, 36. Reported, 92. Bill (No. 47), introduced and referred, 93. Reported, 138. Second reading 150. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 237. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 65.) - f = \ AUXII,IARY CLASSES: Till (No. 194), introduced respecting (1914), 302. Second reading, 328. House goes into Committee on, 352. Third reading, 365. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 49.) AUXILIARY-BAR. 17 AUXILIARY CLASSES ACT: Bill (No. 90), introduced to amend (1917), 55. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 76. Reported, 116. House goes into Committee on, 196. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 62.) AYLMER, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to consolidate floating debt (1914), 40. Reported, 119. Bill (No. 48), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 121. Reported, and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 263. Reported, 269. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 356. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 58.) ALA, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to incorporate (1913), 20. Reported, 219. Bill (No. 21), introduced and referred, 219. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 244. 2. Petition for Act of incorporation (1914), 94. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 93), introduced and referred, 142. Reported, 234. Second reading, 257. House goes into Committee on, 298. Third reading, 355. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 59.) BAGLEY, JAMES GEORGE GUISE: Petition for Act to authorize Law Society to admit him as a Student in his final year (1914), 18. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 10), introduced and referred, 34. Reported, 269. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 356. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 88.) BANIK BALANCES: Question as to total amount of, to credit of Government (1919), 69. BANIKERS TRUST COMPANY: Petition for Act to authorize doing business in the Province of Ontario (1920), 26. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 45), introduced and referred, 48. Re- ported, 92. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 130. Third reading, 150. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 156.) BAR, ABOLITION OF: 1. Motion in re, amendments proposed and Debate on adjourned (1913), 109–10, 133. Debate resumed and amendment carried, 163-7. 2. Amendment proposed and negatived to motion for Address to Lieutenant- Governor (1914), 23-4. 3. Motion proposed and superseded by amendment (1914), 257-62. 4. Question as to the publishing and mailing of an Address to the Provincial Secretary in re (1915), 74. 18 BARBERS–BEES. IBARBERS: - Bill (No. 122), introduced respecting (1917), 92. Order for second reading discharged, 141. - BARRIE, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to confirm certain By-laws (1913), 33. Reported, 82. Bill (No. 26), introduced and referred, 84. Reported, 128. Second reading, 142. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 207. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 90.) I; AIRTON, TOWNSHIP OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 16. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 3), intro- duced and referred, 40. Reported, 53. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 65.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 39. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 51), introduced and referred, 63. Reported, 125. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 162. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 111.) H}EACH PROTECTION ACT: Bill (No. 175), introduced to amend (1920), 182. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 226. Reported, 243. House goes into Committee on, 256, 282. Third reading, 311. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 91.) BEARDMORE, WALTER D.: Petition for Act relating to estate of (1916), 14. Reported, 30. Bill (No. 45), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 32. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 39. Reported, 84. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 103. Third reading, 179. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 116.) 13ECR, SIR ADAM: Question as to statement of, at North Bay, re development of power (1913), 69. IBEECHWOOD CEMETERY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 17. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 4.), intro- duced and referred, 33. Reported, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. Third reading, 284. R. A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 127.) IBEES: * - 1. Bill (No. 230), introduced for the better prevention of diseases among (1920), 257. Second reading, 287. House goes into Committee on, 292. Third reading, 341. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 95.) 2. Question as to instruction in the industry, at Agricultural College (1914), 158. BEE-KEEPERS–BILLS. 19 13EE-KEEPERS: * Reports presented (1913), 334; (1914), 324; (1915), 262; (1916), 181; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 147; (1920), 197. Printed. BELLEVILLE, CITY OF: Petition for Act respecting (1913), 104. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 56), intro- duced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 130. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 159. Reported, 190. Second reading, 202. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 220. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., v. 91.) BERLIN, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 45. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 32), introduced and referred, 129. Reported, 155. Second reading, 178. House goes into Committee on, 202. Third reading, 211. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 92.) 2. Petitions for Act to change name of (1916), 14, 40. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 44), introduced and referred, 49. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 138. See Statute Law Amendment Act. Kitchener. BERLIN ANI) NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1919), 18. Reported, 50. Bill (No. 12), intro- duced and referred, 52. Reported, 160. Second reading, 175. TIouse goes into Committee on, 203. Third reading, 203. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 115.) - BERLIN AND WATERLOO HIGH SCHOOL ACT: Bill (No. 186), introduced (1914), 270. Second reading, 293. House goes into Committee on, 311, 357. Third reading, 357. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 29.) g BI-LINGUAL SCH00LS: 1. Return ordered, of correspondence with Bishop Fallon (1913), 48. Pre- sented (1914), 354. (Sessional Papers No. 101.) Not printed. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence, between Bishop Scollard and the Gov- ernment (1913), 77. Presented (1914), 354. (Sessional Papers No. 102.) Not printed. 3. Motion for Return of copy of letter addressed to Minister of Education, written after interview with Bishop Fallon; negatived (1913), 222. See Education. Ottawa. IBILLS: 1. Fees remitted on Bill of former Session (1913), 68. 2. Introduced on suspended Rule (1913), 317; (1914), 88, 109, 222, 235, 265, 281; (1916), 110 ; (1919), 128. 20 BILLS.–BLIND RIVER, BILLS.–Continued. 3. Motion asserting right of members to introduce, etc., Superseded by amend- ment (1913), 192-6. See Consolidated Revenue Fund. 4. Time extended for introduction of Private Bills (1915), 72. 5. Objection taken to withdrawal of (1914), 213. 6. Passed with unusual speed (1914), 93, 110, 390; (1918), 6; (1919), 193, 194, 195, 196, 216-17, 225. 7. Petition for reported adversely by Standing Orders Committee (1916), 98. 8. Introduced nem con. (1916), 171; (1917), 138; (1920), 166, 170. 9. Mr. Speaker’s rulings regarding points of order raised in connection with (1920), 135, 263, 364. BINDING, RULING: Agreement and Contract for, presented (1915), 167. (Sessional Papers No. 63.) Printed. Ratified by House, 180. BIRDS, INSECTIVOROUS: Bill (No. 93), introduced for the protection of (1918), 71. Second reading, 101. House goes into Committee on, 108. Third reading, 152. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 50.) *. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS: 1. Reports presented (1913), 102; (1914), 148; (1915), 120; (1916), 34; (1917), 260; (1918), 59; (1919), 147; (1920), 336. Printed. 2. Return ordered, shewing how many copies of Report published, etc. (1918), 166. Presented, 186. (Sessional Papers No. 87.) Not printed. 3. Bill (No. 97), introduced respecting the registration of (1919), 83. Second reading, 105. House goes into Committee on, 107, 229. Third reading, 230. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 23.) BLACK, GEORGE: Question as to position of, in Department of Provincial Secretary (1916), 52. BLACK ANI) WEEGAR: Question as to privilege to cut timber at mileage 79% on T. & N. O. Railway (1914), 144. BLIND, ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR: Report of Commission presented, (1917), 28. (Sessional Papers No. 57.) Printed. RI,IND RIVER: Question as to license fee payable by hotel-keeper, at, etc. (1914), 87. BOLGER—BRADLEY, DR. 21 BOLGER, BRIDGE AT: Question as to timber in (1913), 254. BOND, JOHN MARTIN: - Petition for Act respecting the Estate of (1920), 26. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 4), introduced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 46. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 71-2. Re- ported, 131. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 162. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 165.) B00TH, T. R.: Bill (No. 82), introduced respecting the Limits of, in Algonquin Park (1913), 175. Second reading, 203. House goes into Committee on, 208, 365. Third reading, 366. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 16.) BOSWELL, A. R.: Question as to his employment (1920), 67. BOWMAN, CHARLES M.: 1. His charges against Provincial Secretary (1914), 373-77. 2. Motion for Commission to enquire into, superseded by amendment (1914), 377-81. BOWMAN WILLE, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 94. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 94), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 154. Re- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 188. Reported, 264. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 355. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 60.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 40. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 58), introduced and referred, 56. Reported, 119. Second reading, 126. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 180. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 66.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 40. Reported, 50. Bill (No. 42), introduced and referred, 54. Reported, 189. Second reading, 203. House goes into Committee on, 203. Third reading, 203. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 85.) ſ:0YD, E. W.: Question as to his removal from position of Judge of Juvenile Court (1920), 65. See Juvenile Court. Blt ADLEY, DR.: Question as to his being License Inspector in Centre Bruce (1916), 33. 22 BRAMPTON.—BREAD. *= a, “sºme smº as as -º- BRAMPTON. TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to confirm By-laws (1914), 17. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 3), introduced and referred, 33. Reported, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. Third reading, 284. R. A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 61.) 2. Petition for Act to validate certain By-laws (1914), 94. Reported, 161. Bill (No. 69), introduced and referred, 162. Reported, 211. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 285. R. A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 62.) 3. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 551 (1915), 22. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 2), introduced and referred, 36. Reported, 58. Second reading, 73. House goes into Committee on, 81. Third reading, 154. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 47.) BRANTFORD, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 65. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 42), introduced and referred, 106. Reported, 156. Second reading, 179. House goes into Committee on, 202. Third reading, 211. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 93.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 40. Reported, 119. Bill (No. 44). introduced and referred, 184. Reported, 264. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 329. Third reading, 356. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 63.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 22. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 20), introduced and referred, 59. Reported, 158. Second reading, 170. House goes into Committee on, 194. Third reading, 233. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 48.) & 4. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 21. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 36), introduced and referred, 82. Reported, 189. Second reading, 203. House goes into Committee on, 203. Third reading, 203. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 86.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 36. Reported, 148. Bill (No. 50), introduced and referred, 149. Reported, 191. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 112.) 13 it EAI) SALES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 106), introduced to amend (1917), 68. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 140. - 2. Bill (No. 132), introduced to amend (1917), 108. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 157, 216. Third reading, 216. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 53.) 3. Bill (No. 73), introduced to amend (1918), 49. Order for second reading discharged. 94. BREAD–BROWN. 23 *** *** **s sºme w- BREAD SALES ACT-Continued. 4. Bill (No. 82), introduced to amend (1918), 56. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 71. Reported, 92. House goes into Committee on, 101. Third reading, 139. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 43.) 5. Bill (No. 132), introduced to amend (1919), 120. Order for second read- ing discharged, 180. - BRITISH AMERICAN NICKEL CORPORATION, LTD.: & Return ordered, of correspondence, regarding the refining of Nickel by, etc., (1919), 95. Presented, 199. (Sessional Papers No. 76.) Not printed. BRITISH EMPIRE TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED: Petition for Act to authorize Company to do business in Ontario (1913), 20. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 9), introduced and referred, 35. Reported, 68. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 120. Third reading, 207. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 140.) BRITISH METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Petition for Act to incorporate (1913), 28. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 11), introduced and referred, 56. Reported; fees remitted, 105. Second reading, 119. House goes into Committee on, 222, 230. Third reading, 364. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 147.) BRITISH RED CROSS: 1. Report presented (1916), 214. (Sessional Papers No. 56.) Printed. 2. Report presented (1917), 63. (Sessional Papers No. 55.) Printed. BROOKWILLE, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 22. Reported, 87. Bill (No. 34), intro- duced and referred, 88. Reported, 121. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 194. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 49.) BROPHY, GEORGE B. C. D.: Bill (No. 127), introduced respecting certain bequests by (1915), 140. Second reading, 157. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recom- mendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 170–3. House goes into Committee on, 228. Third reading, 228. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 10.) BROWN, ARCHIBALD C.: Petition for Act to authorize the Law Society to admit him as a Student in his third year (1917), 16. Reported, 38. Bill (No. 1), introduced and referred, 40. Reported, 68. Second reading, 76. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 108.) 24 BROWN BUFFALO. r— BROWN, WILLIAM WALTER: 1. Petition for Act to increase borrowing powers of Trustees of Estate of (1913), 94. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 52), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 107. Reported and referred to Com- mittee on Private Bills, 114. Reported, 155. Second reading, 178. House goes into Committee on, 202. Third reading, 211. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 151.) 2. Petition for Act to confer certain powers on the Trustees of the Estate of (1917), 23. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 42), introduced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 61. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 72. Reported, 137. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 216. Third reading, 238. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 109.) BRUCE, COUNTY OF: 1. Question as to occupant of office of Sheriff, etc. (1913), 88. 2. Question as to occupant of office of Registrar, etc. (1913), 89. f}RUCE MINES ANI) ALGOMA RAILWAY : * 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 50. Reported, 55. Bill (No. 41), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 101. Second reading, 119. . House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 281. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 128.) 2. Return ordered, of copy of Reports in reference to general character of country through which projected line runs (1913), 259. Presented, 334. (Sessional Papers No. 99.) Not printed. See Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway. BRUNNER MOND CANADA, LIMITED: Petition for Act respecting (1919), 30. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 33), Intro- duced and referred, 44. Reported, 160. Second reading, 175. House goes into Committee on, 193. Third reading, 202. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 116.) BUDGET SPEECH:—See Financial Statement. Supply. BUFFALO AND FORT ERIE FERRY RAILWAY: 1. Petition for Act to increase capital stock (1913), 94. Reportéd, 104. Bill No. 53), introduced and referred, 107. Reported, 134. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 179. Third reading, 211. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 129.) 2. Petition for Act of incorporation (1916), 36. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 56), introduced and referred, 56. Reported, 166. Second reading, 211. House goes into Committee on, 219. Third reading, 219. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 101.) BUILDING—BURNT. 25 z- BUILDING SOCIETIES:—See Loan Companies. BUILDING TRADES PROTECTION ACT: Question as to appointment of Inspectors under the (1914), 74. BULK SALES: 1. Bill (No. 169), introduced respecting purchase, sale and transfer of stocks of goods in bulk (1913), 113. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 153. No report. 2. Bill (No. 188), introduced respecting (1914), 281. Order for second reading, discharged, 311. 3. Bill (No. 167), introduced respecting (1915), 211. Order for second reading, discharged, 231. 4. Bill (No. 125), introduced (1916), 110. Second reading, negatived, 212. 5. Bill (No. 100), introduced (1917), 62. Second reading, and referred to the Legal Committee, 106. Reported, 185. House goes into Committee on, 254. Third reading, 254. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 33.) BURDEN, S. K.: Question as to employment of (1920), 56. BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ACT: Bill (No. 75), introduced (1917), 26. Second reading, 70. House goes into Committee on, 95, 214. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 14.) See Municipal Bureaus. BURLINGTON, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 13. Reported, 91. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred, 92. Reported, 160. Second reading, 167. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 235. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 67.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 26. Reported, 62. Bill (No. 38), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 63. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 143. Reported, 201. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 113.) BURNS, W. J. DETECTIVE AGENCY: Question, as to license of, to do business in Ontario (1919), 34 BURNT RIVER BRIDGE:–See Somerville. 26 BURWASH-CANADA. BURWASH PRISON FARM: 1. Return ordered, shewing the number, kind and cost of buildings, comprised in the property, etc. (1917), 88. Presented, 121. (Sessional Papers No. 70.) Printed. 2. Report of Commissioner Coatsworth presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers No. 56.) Not printed. 3. Question as to shooting and death of Joseph Paquette at (1918), 165. 4. Question as to services of F. M. Stafford, re supplies (1920), 86. ANADA COPPER COMPANY: 1. Question as to amount paid by, to Government (1915), 45. 2. Question as to amount paid by, to Province under Mining Tax Act (1916), 50. 3. Motion for return of copies of correspondence in reference to tax to be paid Province and debate on adjourned (1916), 121. Debate resumed and return ordered, 124. Presented, 137. (Sessional Papers No. 80.) Not printed. 4. Return ordered, of correspondence as to damage done to property by (1916), 164. Not brought down. 5. Question re connection with Standard Oil Company (1916), 120. 6. Question as to amount, in pounds, of nickel matte, produced by (1916), 152. 7. Motion proposed and negatived, re increased Provincial Tax (1916), 234. 8. Return ordered, shewing all statements furnished by, International Nickel Company, Mond Nickel Company and any other company producing nickel, under Sec. 8 of Mining Act; reports, correspondence, etc. (1917), 21. Presented, 120. (Sessional Papers No. 69.) Not Printed. 9. Question as to amount paid by, under Mining Tax Act (1917), 43. 10. Return ordered, shewing what lands patented to, etc. (1918), 58. Presented, 73. (Sessional Papers No. 73.) Not printed. 11. Motion respecting agreement between Government and Company, etc., with- drawn (1918), 178. See Mining Act. Mining Tax Act. Nickel Mines Act. Nickel. International Nickel Company. Imperial Oil Company. CANADA FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, LIMITED: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 168. Reported, 183. Bill (No. 161), introduced and referred, 184. Reported, 234. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 286. R. A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 128.) CANADA—CANADIAN 27. --- CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT:–See Liquor License Law. CANADIAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION: Bill (No. 140), introduced to confirm Agreements between, and His Majesty the King (1919), 121. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 140–1. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 167, 192. Third reading, 193. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 3.) CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE:–See Soldiers' Aid Commission. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES: 49 Petition for Act respecting, under suspended rule (1917), 108. Reported, 115. Bill (No. 56), introduced and referred, 116. Reported, 200. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 240. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 99.) CANADIAN NATIONAL ExhibiTION Association: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 38. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 81. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 18. Reported, 41. Bill (No. 7), in- troduced and referred, 43. Reported, 81. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 126.) CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY: 1. Questions as to application by, to have lands designated under Cap. 71, 9 Edw. VII, sec. 3 (1913), 71; (1914), 37; (1915), 46; (1916), 21. 2. Resolution re time for earning Subsidy to, introduced, passed through Committee and referred to Statute Law Amendment Act (1913), 309-10. See Railway Aid. 3. Question as to grant of right to cut timber, to Foley Bros., etc. (1914), 363. 4. Question as to whether Company has applied to have lands designated, etc. (1916), 21. 5. Return ordered, shewing if the Company applied to Minister to designate lands, as provided in Sec. 3, 9 Edw. VII, c. 71, and if any lands designated, etc. (1917), 24. Presented, 141. (Sessional Papers No. 73.) Printed. 6. Motion proposed, protesting against approval of plans of, for a line of railway from Toronto to Niagara Falls, etc., carried as amended (1917), 48–9. 7. Question re compliance by, of Sec. 7, of its Land Grant Act (1917), 220. 28 CANADIAN–CARRIQUE. -4 CANADIAN WASHING MACHINE MANUFACTURING ASS00IATION:—See Combines. CAPEWELL, HERBERT: Return ordered, of copy of proceedings in Toronto Police Court, in charge made against for demanding Commission on certain Government Mili- tary Contracts (1915), 234. Presented (1916), 10. (Sessional Papers No. 59.) Not printed. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Motion proposed and negatived in re (1917), 146. CAPREOL, TOWN OF: Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1920), 247-8. Bill (No. 221), introduced to guarantee certain Municipal Debentures, 249. Second reading, 282. House goes into Committee on, 286. Third reading, 311. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 7.) CARLETON, COUNTY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 46. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 47), intro- duced and referred, 61. Reported, 115. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (? Geo. V, c. 66.) 2. Petition for Act exempting County and City of Ottawa from the operation of section 381 of the Municipal Act (1918), 11. Reported, 49. Bill No. 11), introduced and referred, 49. Reported withdrawn; fees re- mitted, 157. 3. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 18. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 21), introduced and referred, 53. Reported, 81. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 87.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 26. Reported, 125. Bill (No. 15), introduced and referred, 125. Reported, 156. Second reading, 165. House goes into Committee on, 186. Third reading, 192. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 114.) 5. Question as to appointment of Registrar of Deeds for (1920), 114. CARRICK, J. J.: Return ordered, of correspondence relative to sale of Pic River and Black Sturgeon River timber limits (1920), 34. Presented, 118. (Sessional Papers No. 72.) Printed. See Pic River. CARRIOUE, J. H.: Return ordered, of correspondence re extradition of R. M. Catts and E. C. Hill (1916), 127. Presented, 148. (Sessional Papers. No. 83.) Not printed. CASUAL–CENSURE. 29 p- CASUAL REVENUE : Motion proposed and negatived, re handling of (1919), 65. CATTLE, PURE BRED: Bill (No. 184), introduced for the protection of (1914), 265. Second reading, 282. House goes into Committee on, 294. Third reading, 355. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 43.) CEMETERIES : Bill (No. 90), introduced respecting and the interment of the dead (1913), 75. Second reading, 124. House goes into Committee on, 137. Third reading, 364. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 56.) CEMETERIES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 154), introduced to amend (1914), 163. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 193. Reported, 301. House goes into Committee on, 327. Third reading, 356. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 45.) 2. Bill (No. 67), introduced to amend (1915), 83. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 98. Reported, 193. House goes into Committee on, 219. Third reading, 219. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V. c. 42.) 3. Bill (No. 152), introduced to amend (1917), 143. Order for second read- ing discharged, 199. 4. Bill (No. 168), introduced to amend (1920), 174. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 189. Reported, 228. House goes into Committee on, 245. Third reading, 310. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 96.) CEMETERY OFFICIALS: - Proceedings of second Convention of, presented (1915), 200. (Sessional Papers No. 68.) Not printed. ("ENTRAL CANADA EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 22. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 25), introduced and referred, 59. Reported, 96. Second reading, 104. House goes into Committee on, 109. Third reading, 205. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 85.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 59. Reported, 101. Bill (No. 45). introduced and referred, 103. Reported, 127. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 202. R. A. 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 125.) (ENSURE, WOTE OF:—See Privileges and Elections. 30 CENTRAL–CHILD. p-— -— -- CENTRAL 0NTARIO POWER ACT:-See Electric Power Company. ('ENTRAL 0NTAR10 RAILWAY : Resolution re time for earning Subsidy to, introduced, put through Com- mittee and referred to Statute Law Amendment Act (1913), 209-10. ("ENTRAL PRISON: Return ordered, showing amount received by government, from Taylor Scott and Company, for work done by prisoners at (1914), 43. Presented, 118. (Sessional Papers No. 68.) Not printed. CHAMBERS, W. C.: Question as to his being a shareholder in the Chambers-Ferland Manufacturing Company, etc. (1913), 149. (HA PLEAU, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act to consolidate certain By-laws (1916), 14. Reported, 46. Bill (No. 13), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 48. Reported and referred to the Private Bills Committee, 122. Teported, 149. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 180. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 68.) CHAPPLE ANI). HARRINGTON:—See Automobiles. (HARITABLE GIFTS: t Bill (No. 128), introduced, respecting Accounting by persons administering (1915), 140. Second reading, 170. House goes into Committee on, 180, 195, 219. Third reading, 219. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 23.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. CHATHAM, CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Petition for Act to enable the Trustees of to sell certain Glebe Lands (1913), 16. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 12), introduced and referred to Commis- sioners of Estate Bills, 83. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 144. Reported; fees remitted, 210. Second reading, 223. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 253. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 150.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. CHATHAM, URSULINE ACADEMY OF: Petition for Act of incorporation (1916), 16. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 3), introduced and referred, 31. Reported; fees remitted, 44. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 68. Third reading, 178. T. A., 256. (6 Geo. V. c. 111.) CHEESE FACTORIES AND CREAMERIES. Question as to number of, in 1919 (1920), 216. CHILD LABOUR: Question as to certain paragraphs appearing in report of Committee on (1913), 235. CHILDREN’S—C1TY. 31 CHILI)REN'S COURT: Question as to appointment of Commissioner (1914), 97. CHILDREN NEGLECTED: 1. Bill (No. 73), introduced for the protection of (1913), 228. Second read- ing, 256. House goes into Committee on, 275, 285, 318. Third reading, 318. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 62.) 2. Bill (No. 179), introduced to amend (1916), 207. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 229. Third reading, 229. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 53.) 3. Resolution in appreciation of good work done by social workers, etc. (1918), 184. 4. Reports presented (1913), 180; (1914), 268; (1915), 210; (1916), 169; (1917), 261; (1918), 171; (1919), 199; (1920), 336. Printed. CHILDREN'S PROTECTION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 165), introduced to amend (1919), 172. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 216. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 65.) 2. Bill (No. 205), introduced to amend (1920), 215. Order for second reading, discharged, 263. CIII ROBRACTIC, COLLEGE OF: Petition for Act of incorporation (1915), 22. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 29), introduced and referred, 60. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 122. ChiroprACTIC WORK: Petition respecting (1919), 98. CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD, CHURCH OF: Petition for Act to incorporate the Church of Jesus Christ (1919), 19. Re- ported, 41. Bill (No. 6), introduced and referred, 43. Reported; title annended ; fees remitted, 58. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 120.) CIRCUSES AND TRAVELLING SHOWS: Bill (No. 89), introduced respecting (1920), 192. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 258. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V. c. 77.) ("ITY AND SUBURBS PLANS ACT:. Bill (No. 179), introduced to amend (1913). 130. Second reading and re- for red to the Municipal Committee. 248. Reported, 303. House goes into Committeo on. 352. Third reading. 365. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. W. e. [ 5.) Soo S/af life Lant. A mond ment Act. 32 wº- CIVIC–CIVIL. CIVIC EMEPLOYMENT BUREAUS: Question as to how many Municipal, established, etc. (1915), 38. CIWII, GOVERNMENT: Motion proposed and negatived, re great increase in cost of (1917), 145; (1919), 65. CIVIL SERVANTS AND SERVICE, ONTARIO: 1. 2 S 10. 11. 12. Bill (No. 79), introduced respecting Superannuation and Retiring Allow- ances (1913), 206. Order for second reading discharged, 248. See Public Service. Return ordered, showing number of permanent officials, of all classes, in inside and outside service on 1st days of January in the years 1905 and 1915 (1915), 70. Presented (1916), 249. (Sessional Papers No. 90.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing how many persons in employment of Proyince, are now serving with Canadian or Allies Armies (1915), 234. Pre- sented (1916), 109. (Sessional Papers No. 78.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing names of those enlisting (1916), 101. Presented, 109. (Sessional Papers No. 79.) Not printed. Question as to payment of salaries, to those enlisted (1916), 41. Return ordered shewing total number of members of, in 1914 and 1917 (1917), 154. Presented, 263. (Sessional Papers No. 86.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing how many were released for work on Farms (1918), 89. Presented, 186. (Sessional Papers No. 86.) Not printed. Tesolution that appointments should be given to disabled members of Expeditionary Force, etc. (1920), 89. . Return ordered, shewing names of dismissed, retired or resigned since January 1st, 1914, date, reason, etc. (1920), 80. Presented, 375. (Sessional Papers No. 92.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing appointments made to Departments, since 1st December, 1919 (1920), 89. Presented, 375. (Sessional Papers No. 93.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing names of Deputy Ministers and Clerks who applied for leave of absence on medical certificates (1920), 115. Pre- sented, 257. (Sessional Papers No. 85.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing appointments made since November, 14th, 1919 (1920), 326. Presented, 374. (Sessional Papers No. 90.) Not printed. CIVIL–COBALT. 33 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: 1. Motion proposed and negatived re creation of (1913), 367. 2. Motion proposed and superseded by amendment (1914), 66-7. 3. Question as to appointment of (1920), 30. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER: 1. Report presented (1919), 159. (Sessional Papers No. 72.) Printed. 2. Question as to presentation of Report of (1920), 30. 3. Report presented (1920), 69. (Sessional Papers No. 65.) Printed. 4. Statement of, presented (1920), 200. (Sessional Papers No. 82.) Not printed. CLARKSON, E. R. C.: Question as to his report on audit of Hydro Accounts (1919), 34. See Hydro- Electric Power Commission. Question as to employment by Board of License Commissioners (1920), 68. CLERK OF THE HOUSE : Directed to send copy of resolution to clerk at Ottawa (1916), 27. Acknowl- edged, 35. & CLUB LICENSES:—See Liquor License Law. COAL: 1. Return ordered, shewing names of tenderers for supply of, for Government Institutions; amount of tender, etc. (1914), 38. Presented, 160. (Sessional Papers No. 74.) Not printed. 2. Question as to overcharges on, sold in Winchester, etc. (1919), 169. COATSWORTH, COMMISSIONER: Report presented re Burwash Industrial Farm (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers No. 56.) Not printed. COATSWORTH, JUDGE: Question as to payments through, to Toronto and York R. O.'s. and Enum- erators (1920), 68. COBALT WATER COMMISSION: . Petition for Act giving control over certain property (1917), 16. Reported, 40. Bill (No. 9), introduced and referred, 41. Reported, 157. Second reading, 199. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 238. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 67.) 3 D.S. 34 f COBOURG-COLLINGWOOD. p- - - - - - COBOURG, TOWN OF: º Petition for Act respecting (1920), 26. Reported, 124. Bill (No. 40), intro- duced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 126. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 147. Reported, 201. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 115.) CoCHRANE DEBENTURES:—see Municipal Debentures. COCHRANE, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 17. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 21), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 141. Reported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 173. Reported, 234. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 286. R. A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 64.) 2. Question as to license granted to King Edward Hotel, at (1913), 236. 3. Question as to license granted to Hotel in (1913), 246. COLC00K, N. B.: 1. Questions as to position of, as Immigration Agent in London, England (1913), 68, 139. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence relating to reorganization of London office (1913), 255. Presented, 302. (Sessional Papers, No. 98.) Not printed. 3. Return ordered, shewing to whom $19,946.18 was advanced by (1913), 295. Presented (1914), 46. (Sessional Papers, No. 60.) Not printed. COLLINGWOOD, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting the floating debt of (1913), 45. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 31), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal . Board, 95. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 209. Reported, 244. Second reading, 273. House goes into Com- mittee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 94.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 40. Reported, 64. Bill (No. 47), introduced and referred, 65. Reported, 234. Second reading, 257. House goes into Committee on, 267. Third reading, 286. R. A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 65.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 18. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 15). introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 83. Reported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 108. Reported. 116. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 164. Third reading, 164. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 55.) COLONIZATION.—COMBINES. 35 wºrs-- * * COLONIZATION ROADs: 1. Bill (No. 72), introduced respecting (1913), 233. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 275. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 11.) 2. Bill (No. 75), introduced respecting certain (1914), 235. Second reading, 270. House goes into Committee on, 283. Third reading, 298. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 17.) 3. Bill (No. 251), introduced to amend Colonization Roads Act (1920), 326. Second reading, 365. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 369. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 25.) - 4. Question as to number of men employed on, in Temiskaming.T)istrict (1915), 177. 5. Question as to how many men employed under Roads Branch (1915), 178. 6. Motion proposed and negatived re system of expending moneys voted for (1917), 110-11. COLONIZATION TOWNSHIPS: Question as to those lying north of the Transcontinental Railway, between the boundary of Quebec and Cochrane, being divided (1917), 116. COMBINES : 1. Return ordered, of copies of letters furnished to Attorney-General, in proceedings against (1913), 66. Presented, 154. (Sessional Papers, No. 78.) Not printed. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence in connection with prosecution of Canadian Washing Machine Association, etc. (1913), 77. Presented, 397. (Sessional Papers No. 111.) Not printed. 3. Return ordered, of copies of agreements entered into by Saw Manufacturers’ Association, Canadian Churn Manufacturing Association, etc., which were seized by Toronto Police (1913), 123. Presented, 250. (Ses- sional Papers No. 90.) Not printed. 4. Return ordered, of findings of Grand Jury in prosecution against Tack Combine (1913), 230. Presented, 250. (Sessional Papers, No. 92.) Not printed. & . Return ordered, of information and proceedings before Police Magistrate of Toronto, with respect to members of, committed for trial, etc. (1913), 42. Presented, 154. (Sessional Papers No. 79.) Not printed. 5 6. Question as to interview with Attorney-General re discontinuance of pro- secution (1913), 157. 7. Motion re prosecution of (1913), 355. 8. Motion proposed and negatived re abandonment of investigation and pro- secution of (1917), 168. 36 COMMERCIAL–COMMUNITY. COMMERCIAL HIGH SCH00LS: - * Question as to how many established and where (1916), 180. COMMITTEES, STANDING: (1913) Resolution for appointment of, 19. Striking Committee, 18. Ite- port, 24. Report amended, 398. (1914) Resolution for appointment of, 11. Striking Committee, 16. Re- port, 25. Member added, 41. *. (1915) Resolution for appointment of, 16. Striking Committee appointed, 20. Report, 29. Members added, 44, 76, 92. (1916) Standing, appointed, 6. Striking, appointed, 10. Report, 23. Mem- bers added, 121, 126, 133. (1917) Resolution re appointment of, 10. Report, 29. Members of, sub- stituted for those absent, 69. To have power to sit concurrently with sittings of the House, 193. (1918) Resolution re appointment of, 4, 14. Report, 18. Member added, 95. (1919) Resolution appointing, 12, 17. Report, 30-1. Members added, 70. To sit concurrently with sittings of House, 217. (1920) Select Committee appointed to strike the, 20, 25. Report, 40. Mem- bers added, 119, 132, 162. Members substituted, 281. To sit con- currently with House, 214. COMMON GAOLS:—See Prisons. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: 1. Copy of Order-in-Council presented, approving regulation for control of (1913), 292. (Sessional Papers, No. 96.) Not printed. 2. Report of Board of Health on, presented (1919), 65, 236. (Sessional Papers, No. 66.) Not printed. COMMUNITY HALLS: 1. Bill (No. 80), introduced for the establishment of and Athletic Fields in Rural Districts (1919), 67. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 104. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 55.) 2. Bill (No. 83), introduced respecting the establishment of, and Athletic Fields in Rural Districts (1920), 48. Second reading and referred to Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 120. Reported, 178. House goes into Committee on, 193. Third reading, 310. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 72.) COMPENSATION.—CONSOLIDATED. 37 w- COMPENSATION TO WORKMEN: Further interim Report presented (1913), 223. (Sessional Papers, No. 85.) Referred to Printing Committee with instructions to print, 223. See Workmen’s Compensation. CONFEDERATION: Resolution re appointment of Select Committee to report on fitting com- memoration of, etc. (1917), 155. Committee named, 245. Report presented (1918), 90. CONSOLIDATED REWENUE FUND OF ONTARIO: 1. Bill (No. 133), introduced to amend the Act (1913), 50. Motion for second reading and Bill ruled out of order by Mr. Speaker, 98-9. . Bill (No. 172), introduced to amend (1913), 116. Motion for the second reading and Bill ruled out of order by Mr. Speaker, 121-2. 2 3. Bill (No. 171), introduced for raising money on the credit of (1914), 221. Second reading, 293. House goes into Committee on, 312. Third reading, 355. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 9.) 4. Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend an Act for raising money on the credit of (1915), 19. Second reading, 32. House goes into Commit- tee on, 52, 55, 82, 216. Third reading, amendments negatived, 24.1-5. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 6.) 5. Bill (No 123), introduced respecting certain loans raised on the credit of (1915), 131. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 156, 232. Third reading, 232. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 5.) 6. Bill (No. 163), introduced for raising money on the credit of (1915), 194. Second reading, 223. House goes into Committee on, 224. Third reading, 224. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 4.) 7. Bill (No. 152), introduced to amend (1916), 143. Resolutions intro- duced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 144. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 162. Third reading, 237. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 2.) 8. Bill (No. 160), introduced for raising money on the credit of (1917), 160. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 163-4. Second reading, 175. House goes into Committee on, 197. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 2.) 9. Bill (No. 136), introduced for raising money on the credit of (1918), 110. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 142-3. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 184. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 2.) 38 CONSOLIDATED–CONSUMPTIVES. CoNSolIDATED REVENUE FUND of ONTARIO-Continued. * 10. Bill (No. 144), introduced for raising money on the credit of (1919), 121. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 136-7. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 191. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 2.) 11. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1920), 202-4. Bill (No. 203), introduced, 202. Second reading, 231. House goes into Committee on, 237. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 6.) 12. Motion asserting right of members to introduce Bills, etc., superseded by amendment (1913), 192-6. 13. Motion re placing in hands of Executive so large a sum as $5,000,000, negatived (1913), 215. 14. Question as to appointment of persons to administer provisions of 2 Geo. V, c. 2. (1913), 14. 15. Question as to moneys borrowed under (1913), 273. 16. Question as to moneys unexpended (1913), 281. 17. Question as to estimated amount of Statutory Expenditure for the year ending 31st October, 1913 (1913), 281. 18. Order-in-Council presented, issued under provisions of (1913), 99. (Ses- • Sional Papers, No. 68.) Not printed. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 19. Question as to how much of the $5,000,000 authorized to be raised by 2 Geo. V, c. 2, has been raised, etc. (1914), 60. 20. Question as to what amounts Government had on hand unexpended, in respect to the sale or other disposition of securities (1914), 61. 21. Order-in-Council presented under 2 Geo. V., c. 2 (1914), 80. (Sessional Papers, No. 63.) Not printed. See Statutory Earpenditures. CONSOLIDATED TELEPHONE COMPANY, LIMITED: Petition for Act respecting (1913), 45. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 38), intro- duced and referred, 129. Second reading, 223. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 139.) w CONSUMPTIVES, SANATORIA FOR; 1. Bill (No. 94), introduced respecting (1913), 12. Second reading, 44. House goes into Committee on, 49, 342. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 86.) CONTINENTAL–CORNWALL. 39 CoNSUMPTIVES, SANATORIA FOR-Continued. 2. Bill (No. 139), introduced respecting (1914), 136. Second reading, 177. House goes into Committee on, 187. Resolution introduced; Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 190. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (3 Geo. V, c. 56.) 3. Bill (No. 238), introduced respecting The Consumptives Sanatoria Act (1920), 281. Second reading, 317. House goes into Committeee on, 328. Third reading, 341. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 109.) CONTINENTAL GUARANTEE CORPORATION: Petition for Act authorizing the carrying on of business in Ontario (1919), 30. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 13), introduced and referred, 44. Reported, 109. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 136. Third reading, 174. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V. c. 127.) C0-0PERATIVE ASS00IATIONS:–See Farm Products. COREY, T. F.: Question as to employment by Board of License Commissioners (1920), 67. CORN GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION: Reports presented, (1913), 334; (1914), 324; (1915), 262; (1916), 181; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 220; (1920), 213. Printed. CORNWALL, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH: Fees remitted on Bill of Session of 1912 (1913), 68. CORNWALL, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting and McGill Chairs, Limited (1914), 40. Re- ported, 140. Bill (No. 43), introduced and referred, 142. Reported, 264. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 329. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 66.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 22. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 36), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 88. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 98. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 50.) 3. Petition for Act to confirm a certain By-law (1920), 26. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 44), introduced and referred, 47. Reported, 70. Second reading, 81. House goes into Committee on, 83. Third reading, 149. R.A. 383., (10 Geo. V, c. 116.) - CORNWALL TRINITY CHURCH: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 16. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 32), intro- duced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 61. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 123. Reported; fees re- mitted, 142. Second reading, 149. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 102.) 40 CORONERS–CORPORATION. P- f CORONERS AND CORONER'S ACT: 1. Resolution introduced, Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1913), 306-7. Bill (No. 205), introduced to amend the Act, 317. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 344. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 21.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. * 2. Bill (No. 159), introduced to amend (1914), 164. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 237. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 22.) 3. Bill (No. 53), introduced to amend (1914), 15. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 35. Reported, 70. House goes into Committee on, 74. Third reading, 152. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 24.) 4. Bill (No. 204), introduced to amend (1920), ,215. Second reading, 231. House goes into Committee on, 250. Third reading, 310. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 39.) 5. Return ordered, of names and addresses of all, in the City of Toronto, in- quests held, etc. (1918), 112. Presented (1919), 15. Not printed. CORPORATIONS: Bill (No. 190), introduced to prohibit political contributions by (1913), 175. Order for second reading discharged, 295. See Political Purposes. Elections. CORPORATION TAX ACT: 1. Bill (No. 169), introduced to amend (1914), 212. Second reading, 256. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signi- fied; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 243-55. House goes into Committee on, 320. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 11.) 2. Bill (No. 146), introduced to amend (1915), 169. Second reading, 195. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signi- fied; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 196-200. House goes into Committee on, 229. Third reading, 229. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 8.) 3. Bill (No. 106), introduced to amend (1916), 100. Resolutions introduced; º Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 112-14. Second reading, 115. House goes into Committee on, 133, 216. Third reading, 216. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V. c. 8.) 4. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1920), 205-6. Bill (No. 200), introduced, 202. Second reading, 250. House goes into Committee on, 255. Third reading, 260. R.A., 294. (10 Geo. V., c. 9.) COTE–CREAM. 41 C6TE, LOUIS: Return ordered, of correspondence, relating to appointment of, as Crown Attorney in Prescott (1919), 116. Not brought down. COUNSEL, CROWN: Return ordered, of names of, retained on behalf of Crown, at Criminal Assize (1913), 58. Presented, 292. (Sessional Papers, No. 97.) Not printed. COUNTY COUNCILS: Petitions re representation in (1916), 56. COUNTY COURTS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 194), introduced to amend (1913), 220. Second reading, 291. Reported, 335. House goes into Committee on, 353. Discharged, 395. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 2. Bill (No. 66), introduced to amend (1918), 32. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 88. Reported, 157. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 21.) 3. Bill (No. 154), introduced to amend (1920), 156. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 199. Reported, 228. House goes into Committee on, 245, 277. Third reading, 277. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 32.) COUNTY JUDGES ACT: Bill (No. 113), introduced to amend (1919), 113. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 182, 193. Third reading, 193. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 26.) - COUNTY OFFICIALS:—See Crown Attorneys. COUNTY ROADS: Petitions respecting maintenance of system of (1913), 20, 29, 81, 94. COURRAIN, A.: - Question as to connection with Board of License Commissioners (1920), 325. COURT HOUSES: Bill (No. 113), introduced respecting the erection of, in Territorial Districts (1913), 17. Second reading, 23. House goes into Committee on, 43. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V. c. 82.) CREAM: 1. Bill (No. 117), introduced to regulate the purchase of (1919), 105. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 183. Third read- ing, 229. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 63.) 2. Bill (No. 82), introduced respecting the purchase of cream and milk (1920), 48. Second reading, 91. House goes into Committee on, 115. Third reading, 162. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V. c. 85.) 4 D.S. 42 CREELMAN–CRYSLER. CREELMAN, GEORGE C.: Question as to his resignation (1920), 75. CROWLAND, TOWNSHIP OF: 1. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 5 (1914), 52. Reported, 119. Bill (No. 54), introduced and referred, 122. Reported, 363. Second read- ing, 365. House goes into Committee on, 365. Third reading, 365. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V. c. 67.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred, 63. Reported, 82. Second reading, 93. House goes into Committee on, 101. Third reading, 111. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 56.) 3. Petition for Act to constitute a Board of Commissioners of Police for (1919), 19. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 15), introduced and referred, 44. Reported, 58. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 88.) CROWN ATTORNEYS ACT; Bill (No. 116), introduced to amend (1920), 82. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 146. Order discharged and Bill with- drawn, 244. CROWN ATTORNEYS, REGISTRARS AND SHERIFFS: 1. Motion re payment of, by salary instead of fees; withdrawn (1919), 180. 2. Resolution re payment to Crown Attorneys and Constables (1919), 232. CROWN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY : 1. Question as to whether license granted to, etc. (1913), 89. 2. Question as to conspiracy to deceive Insurance Department (1913), 117. 3 . Question as to whether Department of Insurance advised J. C. Corley that charge laid against Brodie, et al., should be withdrawn (1913), 132. . Question as to amount of paid-up capital, etc. (1913), 139. ! . Question as to publication of its summary annual return as required by Insurance Act (1913), 140. CROWN TIMBER: Order-in-Council presented, relating to the preservation of (1920), 71. (Ses- sional Papers No. 67.) Not printed. CRYSLER, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act to incorporate (1915), 22. Petition against, 83. Reported, 121. Bill (No. 53), introduced and referred, 122. Reported with- drawn; fees remitted, 159. CRYSTAL–DEAD. . 43 CRYSTAL BEACH, WILLAGE OF: 1. Petition for Act to detach certain lands from (1917), 16. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 22), introduced and referred, 41. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 53. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 49. Bill (No. 17), introduced and referred, 49. Reported, 82. Second reading, 93. House goes into Committee, on, 96. Third reading, 126. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 57.) 3. Petition for Act of incorporation (1920), 26. Reported, i3. Bill (No. 5), introduced and referred, 74. Reported, 201. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 117.) CUSTODY OF DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS: - Bill (No. 139), introduced respecting (1916), 130. Second reading, 146. House goes into Committee on, 154, 222. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V. c. 25.) Al RYMEN'S ASSOCIATION: 1. Reports presented (1913), 334; (1914), 324; (1915), 263; (1916), 204; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 148; (1920), 213. Printed. 2. Question as to grants made to, East and West, in 1901 and 1918 (1919), 68. DAIRY PRODUCTS: - 1. Bill (No. 98), introduced to regulate the manufacture of (1913), 13. Second reading, 19. House in Committee on, 48. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 58.) 2. Bill (No. 103), introduced to improve the quality of (1916), 99. Second * reading and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Coloniza- tion, 115. Reported, 139. House goes into Committee on, 162. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 52.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. | DAIRY STANDARDS ACT: - Bill (No. 180), introduced to amend (1917), 42. Second reading, 70. House goes into Committee on, 95. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 52.) DANE, FRED: Question as to official position of (1919), 56. See Temiskaming and N.O.R. DAYLIGHT SAWING: Petition in favour of (1917), 18. DEAD, INTERMENT OF:—See Cemeteries. 44 DEBENTURES.–DESERTED. sy- DEBENTURES: Bill (No. 138), introduced to authorize the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council to guarantee (1919), 120. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 138-140. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 167, 192. Third reading, 192. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 4.) I) EFICITS; Motion in amendment to motion to go into Supply as to (1913), 126. DELORO, WILLAGE OF: Petitions for Act of incorporation (1918), 26, 74. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 34), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 116. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 164. Third reading, 164. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 79.) DEMONSTRATION FARM: Return ordered, showing in what year operations commenced at, in Northern Ontario (1919), 179. Not brought down. DEMPSEY, POLICE MAGISTRATE: Return ordered, of complaints received, regarding conduct of (1913), 41. Presented, 143. (Sessional Papers, No. 76.) Not printed. DETECTIVE AGENCIES : Question as to number of, with licenses, names (1919), 47. I) ETROIT AND WINDSOR FERRY COMPANY: Question as to application by, for purchase of certain water lots, at foot of Oulette Avenue (1917), 74. I) ENTAL SURGEONS: Bill (No. 244), introduced respecting the Royal College of (1920), 290. Second reading, 330. House goes into Committee on, 345. Third reading, 362. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 46.) - I) EPENDENT CHILDREN : Bill (No. 225), introduced to provide for the payment of an allowance to Mothers of (1920), 250. Second reading, 292. House goes into Committee on, 296. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 89.) DEPUTY MINISTERS, CHIEF CLERKS, ETC.:—See Civil Servants. DESERTED WIWES MAINTENANCE ACT: Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend (1920), 37. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 115. Reported, 161. House goes into Committee on, 168. Third reading, 215. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 44.) DEVOLUTION.—DIVISION. 45 ºm- - - - DEVOLUTION OF ESTATES ACT: Bill (No. 139), introduced to amend (1919), 120. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 167, 192. Third reading, 192. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 28.) DEWONSHIRE RACE TRACK COMPANY : * Return ordered, of correspondence between the Government; the Company and J. T. White, Solicitor to the Treasury (1917), 125. Presented, 236. (Sessional Papers, No. 81.) Not printed. See Race Track Companies. I)ISABILITY PENSIONS: Question as to attempted taxation of (1920), 370. IMISTILLERS AND BREWERS: Bill (No. 138), introduced respecting business assessment of (1920), 132. Second reading, 168. House goes into Committee on, 169, 183. Third reading, 183. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 79.) DISQUALIFICATION ACT: Bill (No. 175), introduced (1919), 201. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 235. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 6.) DISTRICT REPRESENTATION ACT: - Bill (No. 178), introduced respecting the representation of the Department of Agriculture (1914), 242. Second reading, 270. House goes into Committee on, 283. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 20.) - IJITCHES AND WATERCOURSES ACT: o 1. Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend (1913), 84. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 203. Reported, 232. House goes into Committee on; 248. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 68.) 2. Bill (No. 140), introduced to amend (1913), 126. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 145. Reported, 158. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R.A., 191 (8 Geo. V, c. 47.) 3. Bill (No. 89), introduced to amend (1920), 54. Second reading and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 138. No report. INIVISION COURTS: 1. Bill (No. 151), introduced to amend (1913), 84. Order for second read- ing discharged, 142. - 2. Bill (No. 91), introduced to amend the Act (1914), 69. Second reading - and referred to the Legal Committee, 193. Petition respecting, 233. 46 DIVISION.—DIVISIONS. * = - sºme emº .* DIVISION CourTs—Continued. 3. Bill (No. 88), introduced to amend (1916), 71. Second reading, 104. House goes into Committee on, 133, 221. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 26.) 4. Bill (No. 78), introduced to amend (1917), 42. Second reading, and referred to the Legal Committee, 75. 5. Bill (No. 95), introduced to amend (1920), 55. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 116. Reported, 161. House goes into Committee on, 168, 175, 295. Third reading, 310. See below. ſ 6. Bill (No. 160), introduced to amend (1920), 166. Second reading, 193. House goes into Committee on, 225. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 34.) 7. Reports presented (1913), 67; (1914), 68; (1915), 33; (1916), 53; (1917), 63; (1918), 59; (1919), 30; (1920), 218. Printed. 8. Revised Rules presented (1914), 139. (Sessional Papers No. 71.) Printed. See Statute Law Amendment Act. DIVISION IN HOUSE. The House divided upon the Questions set out as follows: This table of reference to the Divisions proposes only to point to matters in dispute upon which the House actually divided. If it be desired to consult the Press for speeches or details, the date of the Debate in Chamber is shown upon top of page of Journal, and the day following, will, in almost all cases, give report of proceedings in the Press. For table from 1867-8 down to 1900, see General Index to Journals 1899 to 1900 and from 1901 to 1912, see General Index to Journals 1901 to 1912. See also, Index to Debates, published separately. See Supply. º By rule 88, on Questions of Adjournment of the House, or Debate, the number only of Division List, shall be entered on the Journal. Session | Page of of Subject Matter of Question. Journal 1913 | 15, 30, DDRESS TO HIS HONOUR : On motion to add certain words to, regretting that Govern- ment has failed to propose legislation amending the Assessment Act, authorizing municipalities to assess or to tax buildings, business and incomes on a lower basis than land. See below. DIVISIONS. 47 sººn ... Subject Matter of Question. 1913 || 31, 51-2 On motion regretting that Government has failed to intro- duce legislation, pursuant to Resolution, to prevent and put a stop to treating habit. See below. 1914. 14, 22, On motion to add certain words to, re present conditions of unemployment, and emphasizing the need for the creation of a Department of Government for betterment of workers and transference to, of Bureau of Labour and Factory Inspection. See Workers. 1914 || 23, 24, On motion to add certain words to, re prevention of treat- ing habit and abolition of the bar. 1914 29, 30, On motion to add certain words to, re assessment reform in taxation of buildings, business and income, on a - lower basis than land. 1917 | 15, 26-27. On motion to add certain words to, re legislative and muni- cipal franchise to women. 1917 33 On motion and amendment, to add certain words re the refining of nickel in the Province. AGRICULTURAL DEPOPULATION:—See Rural Population. AGRICULTURAL POLICY : 1915 236-8 On motion and amendments re change of and addition to. AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF: 1917 102-104 On motion for second reading of Bill respecting and amend- ment. ASSESSMENT LAW : 1913 15-30 On motion to add certain words to Address to His Honour, 1914 29-30 regretting that Government has failed to propose legis- lation amending the, authorizing the assessment of buildings, business and income upon a lower basis than land. 1913 373-8 On motion and amendments on third reading of Bill. 1914 || 118,137-8 On motion for second reading of Bill to amend. 157,169 78 AUDIT ACT : * 1915 206 On motion for second reading of Bill to amend. BAR, ABOLITION OF: 1913 || 109-10 On motion, amendment and amendment to, re immediate 164-7 abolition of, including hotel and club licenses and treat- 1914 23-4 ing system:-See Intocicating Liquor. º 257-62 48 Session of Page of Journal DIVISIONS. Subject Matter of Question. 1913 1914 1916 1917 1913 | 1914 1917 1914 1915 1915 1913 192–96 373–81 212 233–35 366-7 66–7 110-11 366-7 242–43 244 126, BILLS, INTRODUCTION OF: On motion, amendment and amendment to, asserting the right of members to introduce Bills dealing with matters of public policy; dissenting from direction of Mr. Speaker and ordering restoration of Bill to Order Paper. BLIND PIGs:—See Liquor License Law. BOWMAN CHARGES : On motion and amendment for Commission to enquire into, etc. BULK SALES ACT: On motion for second reading. CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT:—See Bowman. Liquor License Law. Snider. CANADIAN COPPER COMPANY : On motion to institute proceedings against, to recover from, the arrears of taxes due for the years 1912-15 and as to filing sworn returns:—See Nickel. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: On motion re appointment of. COLONIZATION ROADs: On motion deploring waste and misuse of funds, arising out of system of expending moneys voted. COMPENSATION TO WORKMEN: On motion in amendment to third reading of Bill res- pecting. CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND : On motion for third reading of Bill to amend Act, re assistance to settlers. On motion to amend Northern and Northwestern Develop- ment Act, 1912, by striking out certain words and sub- stituting “Legislative Assembly.” CREDIT OF THE PROVINCE:-See Provincial Credit. EFICITS, PROVINCIAL: On motion re growing, without adequate provision to meet. 135-6 Session | Page of of Journal 1914 1913 1919 1916 1914 1913 1913 1914 1913 1913 1914 1913 DIVISIONS. - 49 Subject Matter of Question. 347-48 179,212 25 244-6 106-7 63 379-86 368-71 230, 240-2 376 62, 69-71 106-7 157,168 EDUCATION : On motion in amendment to resolution of supply, protest- ing against unfair attack by Superintendent of, upon and of the Members of the House. ELECTIONS AND ELECTION ACT : On motion for second reading of Bill to amend Act. On motion that the Act of 1918 should be repealed and provision made for voters’ lists by municipalities. ELECTRIC POWER CO., LTD. : On motion and amendment re third reading of Bill. ESTIMATES AND ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE : On motion that House should not be called upon to vote further supply until a fuller statement of the total esti- mated expenditure for the year is supplied. See Statutory Appropriation. ACTORIES, SHOPS AND OFFICE BUILDINGS: On amendment proposed to second reading of Bill, that it is the duty of the Government to introduce a measure embodying modern principles of factory regulation re the safeguarding of men, women and children em- ployed in. On motion and amendments for third reading of Bill to amend the law re employment of children under age. FAIR WAGES AND HOURS OF LABOUR : On motion and amendments on second reading of Bill. FARM LANDS IN NIPISSING: On motion in re assessment of lands, residences, buildings, etc., in. FERGUson, GEORGE H. :-See Legislative Assembly Act. FINANCIAL RELATIONS:-See Subsidy. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: On motion disapproving of presentation to House of, which do not set forth the real character of financial trans- actions of the Government. See Estimates. FISHERIES, PROVINCIAL: On motion regretting the rapid depletion of, owing to ex- ploitation by Chicago Fish Trust and the lax enforce- ment of regulations. 50 *— Session | Page of DIVISIONS. Subject Matter of Question. of Journal FRANCHISE:—See Women. OVERNMENT HOUSE : 1913 | 127, On motion condemning expenditure of over $700,000 in 135-6 site, erection and furnishing of and condemning site as unsuitable, etc. 1913 | 277-8 On motion to re-commit resolution of supply striking out $150,000. 356–57 On motion to re-commit resolution of supply for the pur- pose of striking out $100,000. - 1914 62, On motion disapproving of extravagant expenditure on. 69-71 1915 || 348-9 On resolutions of supply. - 191 1916 || 87-8 1915 163 On motion to re-sell and build a suitable. HAMILTON, CITY OF: 1914 | 150-171|** On motion for second reading of Bill respecting. 291 NCOME TAX: 1913 || 374-5 On motion re exemption. O INTER-PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE:-See Subsidy. INTOXICATING LIQUOR: 1920 | 151, On the motion relating to importation of and request for a 175-6 referendum and amendments. 193-7 || | AKE HURON AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY : 1913 || 347–50 On the motion and amendment re second reading of Bill. 387-8 On motion and amendments re third reading of Bill. 1914 || 315-16 On motion condemning policy of Government in alienating large areas of public domain to railway exploiters. LAND IMPROVEMENTS AND INCOMES: 1913 377 On motion re assessment of. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ACT: 1914 | 84, 93 On motion for first reading of Bill to amend without notice, and Mr. Speaker’s decisions in regard to practice, etc. 392–406. On motion for third reading of Representation Act and amendments proposed. 1918 85 On motion for second reading of Bill to extend the duration of the Assembly until after the close of the war. DIVISIONS. Session | Page of of Journal 1913 | 186, 188–9 1913 || 31, 51 1914 23-4 1913 || 109-10 164-7 1914 || 257-62 1913 274 1913 299-300 1913 390-4 1914 || 319 1915 213–15 24.6–57 1920 313-14 1916 || 209-10 1915 128 1913 || 369 1915 | 1.4% Subject Matter of Question. LIVING, COST OF: On motion and amendment re appointment of a Commis- Sion to investigate the causes of increase in. LIQUOR LICENSE LAW : On motion and amendment proposed to address re legisla- tion in direction of preventing the treating habit. On motion and amendments to, re immediate abolition of the bar, including hotel, and club licenses and treating system. - On motion for second reading of Bill to amend. On motion that the violation of the law by open sale of liquor upon steamboats and railroads, is bringing the administration thereof into disrepute and that the ad- ministration of the law in Northern Ontario should be investigated with a view to putting an end to “blind pigs.” On motion and amendments for third reading of Bill. On motion for Committee to enquire into circumstances of visits of W. K. Snider to companies of Welland, Huron and Peel in connection with the voting on the Canada Temperance Act, etc. On motion that Bill fails to meet public demands in several instances cited. - * On the several proposed amendments to motion for third reading of Bill appointing a Commission. LONDON, CITY OF: On motion for third reading of Bill respecting. ARRIAGE ACT : On motion for third reading and amendment to strike out the figure $5 in certain sections and substituting the figures $2.50. MARRIED WOMEN : On the motion for second reading of Bill to extend the municipal franchise to. MONEY BY-LAWS : g On motion to strike out certain clauses of the Municipal Act re vote on. MoRATORIUM –See Mortgage. MORTGAGE: i. On motion to strike out certain words in Bill to give further power to Courts, with respect to the recovery of money secured by. 52 Session of 1913 1914 1915 1920 1915 1914 1914 1917 1917 1916 1915 1915 Page of Journal DIVISIONS. Subject Matter of Question. 213 369 76,155-6 372-3 162 153-55 162 178 272-78 33-4 221-2 24? 242–3 244 MUNICIPAL ACT: On Bill to amend. On Bill to amend. On Bill to amend. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS : On motion for second reading of Bill, re property qualifica- tion in and proposed six months’ hoist. MUNICIPAL OFFICE: J On motion for second reading of Bill respecting qualifica- tion for. NEW ONTARIO : On motion for second reading of Bill to improve conditions of assessment and taxation in. On motion and amendment re duty of Government to devise and carry out comprehensive settlement and develop- ment policy of road construction; character and re- Sources; immigration, etc. NICKEL: On motion and amendment to add certain words to Address re the refining of in Province. On motion re acquisition and control of mines and pro- duct, etc. See Canada Copper Co. NIAGARA FALLS WATER POWER : On motion for third reading of Bill respecting and amend- ment. NoFTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT ACT, 1912 : On motion to amend in the direction of assistance to settlers. On motion to amend, by striking out certain words and substituting “Legislative Assembly.” NTARIO AGRICULTURE:—See Rural Population. Agricultural Policy. ORDER, PoſNTs of:—See Speaker. DIVISIONS. 53 sº i. Subject Matter of Question. OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOLS: 1917 | 183-84 On motion for second reading of Bill respecting the ap- pointment of a Commission for and six months’ hoist proposed. * 1917 | 201-2 On motion for second reading of Bill respecting, with six months’ hoist proposed. OWER COMMISSION ACT : 1916 241-3 On third reading of Bill to amend. 1917 || 251-2 On third reading of Bill to amend. See Electric Power Co. PROPERTY QUALIFICATION: 1920 | 153–5 On motion for second reading of Bill to reduce, of candi- dates for membership in municipal councils and six months’ hoist proposed. |PROUDFoot, WILLIAM : & 1913 || 395-6 On motion for Address to His Honour, praying that he will be pleased to issue a Commission to enquire into and investigate certain charges made by and amend- ment referring statement to Committee on Privileges and Elections. 1914 || 411–15 On motion and amendment re adoption of Report of Com- mittee and censure of Mr. Proudfoot. PROVINCIAL CREDIT: * 1914 || 62–67-71 On motion disapproving of vicious system of raising money on, for particular purposes and then applying funds to other purposes. *~ PUBLIC MONEY: 1913 | 192–96 On motion and amendments re appropriation of, by Bill. 1913 || 215-16 On motion that the placing at the disposal of the Executive, under 2 Geo. V, c. 2, of so large a sum as $5,000,000 without the vote of the House appropriating the same to particular work, is contrary to constitutional usage, etc. PUBLIC SERVICE: 1913 || 366-7 On the motion and amendment for third reading of Bill respecting. EFERENDUM : 1920 | 151, On motion relating to importation of intoxicating liquors 175-6 and request for a. 193-7 ** REPRESENTATION ACT: 1914 || 392–406 On motion for third reading of and proposed amendment. 54 DIVISIONS. Session | Page of e - G of j Subject Matter of Question. 1914 | 194 ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM : . - On motion for second reading of Bill respecting and pro- posed amendment. TURAL POPULATION: 1913 || 311-14 On motion and amendments re decrease in and the appoint- 1915 236-8 ment of a Commission to enquire into. T. CLAIR BEACH, VILLAGE OF: 1914 223-4 On motion for second reading of Bill to incorporate. SNIDER, W. K. : 1914 || 319 On motion for Select Committee to enquire into circum- stances of visits of, to Counties of Welland, Huron and Peel re voting on Canada Temperance Act. 1914 373–81 On motion and amendment for Commission to investigate. matters set forth in statement of Mr. Bowman, etc. SPEAKER, MR. : 1913 | 192–96 On motion dissenting from direction of, that Bill be re- moved from Order Paper. 1913 276,286 His rulings sustained by standing vote. 1914 84-93 On the several motions dissenting from rulings of. 1917 27 t STATUTE REVISION: 1913 91, 92 On motion and amendment re completion of work of. STATUTORY APPROPRIATION: 1914 || 346-7 On motion in amendment to resolution of supply, that - amount appropriated for 1914-15 be shown. i STATUTORY EXPENDITURE: 1914 || 106-7 On motion that a fuller statement of, be presented to the House before further supply voted. SUBSIDY, PROVINCIAL: 1913 71-73 On motion and amendment respecting the readjustment of. SUPERANNUATION: 1917 | 243–4 On motion for third reading of Bill respecting the, of teachers and inspectors. & ſº 1920 343 On motion for third reading of Bill respecting retiring allowances of Civil Servants and six months’ hoist pro- posed. 4. Session of Page of Journal DIVISIONS. 55 Subject Matter of Question. 1913 1913 | 126-7, 134-6 157-168 215 SUPPLY AMENDMENTS:* This Assembly, while prepared to approve of all reasonable expenditure to increase the efficiency of the public Ser- vices of the Province, and to improve the conditions of both rural and urban life, views with apprehension the growing deficits in the Provincial finances as disclosed in the financial statement presented to the Assembly in 1911, 1912 and 1913, without any adequate provision being made for securing the necessary revenue to meet the increasing expenditures. That this Assembly condemns the extravagant and wasteful In In expenditures of the Government, as illustrated by the actual and prospective expenditure of over $700,000 in the site, erection and furnishing of the new Government House; and this Assembly further condemns the un- businesslike and improvident action of the Government in placing the new Government House on a site which is entirely unsuitable for the purpose, by reason of its inaccessibility and its immediate proximity to the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, the Grand Trunk Railway, (Belt Line), the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway, and the Don Valley Brick Works. view of the rapid growth of the industrial population of the Province and the great value of Fish as a cheap and wholesome food product, this House views with alarm and regret the rapid depletion of the Provincial Fisheries owing to their exploitation by the Chicago Fish Trust, or Combine and the lax enforcement of the Fishery regulations as revealed in the Report of the Fish and Game Commission, 1909-11; and this House is of the opinion that the Government in failing to take any action upon the Report of the Fish and Game Commis- sion to protect and preserve the lake fisheries of the Province has been derelict in its duty and has proven itself indifferent to the best interests of the people of this Province. s the opinion of this House the placing at the disposal of the Executive of the Province, under the Act passed in the second year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth and chaptered 2, of so large a sum the same to particular works, is contrary to our Con- 1913 *The amendments here set out are “Want of Confidence” motions, to which no amendment can be made, proposed in amendment to the motion “That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair.” 56 Session of Page of Journal DIVISIONS. Subject Matter of Question. 1913 1913 224. In stitutional usages: subversive of the right of the people as $5,000,000 without a vote of this House appropriating through their representatives in the Legislative Assembly assembled to control and direct the expenditure of public moneys: in contravention of the accepted principle of voting supply for the ensuing year only, and is inimical to the best interests of the Province. view of the immense unoccupied areas in the Northern and North Western parts of the Province awaiting settle- ment and development, this House regrets that the Government has so far failed to devise and submit to the House any comprehensive or adequate policy for the settlement and development of these new territories. This House deprecates the attitude assumed by the Govern- ment, as set forth in the manifesto of the Prime Minister on the 31st October, 1911, that “the only result of the additions to our population in the newer districts, as far as the Government of the Province is concerned, is that the annual general Provincial expenditure is in- creased, while the Dominion Treasury receives large sums annually by reason of the increased consumption of goods paying tariff duties, and in the older sections of the Province the amounts received for municipal taxation are increased. This House believes that good settlers are real and valuable assets and not liabilities, and that it is the duty of the Government, in addition to what is now being done in the construction of roads, to devise and carry out: (1) An aggressive publicity campaign to make known the char- acter and resources of the Province; (2) An intelligent and vigorous immigration policy to secure the right kind of settlers; (3) Adequate transportation, and drainage facilities, to promote settlement; and (4) Improved con- ditions of settlement. 299 This House is of the opinion that the Violation of the License laws by the open sale of liquor upon steam- boats and railroads within the Province, and the policy of the License Department of imposing one fine yearly on the steamboats, apparently as a license fee, is bring- ing the administration of the License laws into dis- repute throughout the Province. This House is further of the opinion that the administration of the Liquor License law in Northern Ontario, and the relation of the Provincial Police thereto should be thoroughly in- vestigated by an impartial tribunal with a view to cor- DIVISIONS. - 57 Session of Page of Journal Subject Matter of Question. 1913 1914 1914 324 62, 69 107 In recting the serious abuses which are alleged to exist, and putting an end to the open and flagrant violations of the law through the operations of the so-called “blind pigs.” view of the increasing danger of floods in many sections of the Province, due to certain of the rivers and streams overflowing their banks at the period of the spring freshets, causing serious destruction of property, and in view of the representations made to the Government by representatives of the Municipalities on the Grand River in the year 1908, and subsequent years, urging an investigation of the matter by the Government; this House is of the opinion that the Government should no longer delay a thorough investigation of the causes of these floods and of the procedure which should be adopted in order to avoid the danger of flood and to regulate and control more effectively the flow of water in the rivers and streams of the Province. This House disapproves of and protests against (1) the In presentation to this House by the Honourable the Pro- vincial Treasurer of financial statements which do not fairly set forth the real character of the financial transac- tions of the Government; (2) the extravagant and waste- ful expenditure of public money by the Government, as illustrated by the expenditure on new Government House, when important public services such as Education and Agriculture are in great need of further funds; (3) the vicious system of raising moneys on the credit of the Province for particular purposes authorized by the Legislature, and then applying these trust funds to other purposes—as illustrated by the use during the year 1913 of over $600,000 raised for Northern Ontario, for other purposes. view of the fact that the Financial Statements and Esti- mates presented to the House by the Government are so incomplete that it is not possible for the Members of the House to properly estimate the total expenditure for the year, this House should not be called upon to vote-further supply until the Government lays before the House a fuller statement of the total estimated expenditure for the current year, particularly the statutory expenditure, which for the year 1913 amounted to $4,694,676.79, in order that the Members of the House may see what will be the prospective deficit on the year's financial opera- tions. 58 DIVISIONS. Session | Page of Subject Matter of Question. of Journal 1914 315–16 1915 1916 tº gº e 1917 110-11 In view of the statements contained in the prospectus Qr memorandum offering $1,000,000 of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway Company (which prospectus or memorandum includes the statement of the Vice-President and General Man- ager and the Engineer’s Report), and in view of the further statement of the Engineer’s Report that ‘the cash subsidy and land grant associated with this charter gives us a basis of estimating an unquestionable present worth value of $9,338,400, made up as follows:— 306 miles at a subsidy of $6,400 per mile. $1,958,400 00 1,230,000 acres of land at $6 per acre. .. 7,380,000 00 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,338,400 00° And in view of the further statement that ‘the bond issue is protected by a subsidy of $6,400 per mile granted by the Dominion Government and 4,000 acres of land per mile granted as a bonus by the Province of Ontario, which land is adjacent to the line and which, at a reason- able valuation is worth from $8 to $10 per acre.” This House condemns the policy of the Government in alienating large and most valuable areas of the Public Domain to railway exploiters without adequate return to the people of the Province. NONE. NONE. This House condemns the deplorable waste and misuse of public funds of the Province, arising out of the present system of expending the moneys voted for colonization roads, whereby the moneys are distributed among the political supporters of the Government, a few hundred dollars each and disbursed as they think best without having regard to the development and maintenance of an adequate system of roads in each district; and this House is of the opinion that the continuation of the said system, which involves the annual loss to the Province of thou- sands of dollars is wholly inexcusable and indefensible, particularly at war time when it is the duty of the Gov- ernment to lead the country in the practice of economy and thrift; and this House is further of the opinion that the best interests of the Province demand that the whole system should be immediately discontinued and that in organized townships moneys voted by the Legislature for colonization roads should be paid to and expended by DIVISIONS. 59 Session of Page of Journal Subject Matter of Question. 1917 1917 168 205 1917 221-2 the municipal corporations of such townships, under the Supervision of the Government, and that in unorgan- ized townships the work should be let by tender after adequate public notice so there may be free competition. In view of the present high cost of living and the increasing burden upon the working classes and those in receipt of limited incomes, due to the high cost of the necessaries of life, this House condemns the abandonment by the Government of the investigation and prosecution of the illegal combines formed to limit competition and to en- hance prices, notwithstanding the advice of the then Crown Attorney of the City of Toronto that these com- bines were violating the provisions of the Criminal Code, and that the Government was in possession of the neces- sary evidence to proceed with prosecution; and this House is of the opinion that these illegal combines to enhance prices still exist in the Province, and that it is the duty of the Government to investigate all alleged illegal combinations in restraint of trade and to prose- cute vigorously all those which appear to be violating the law, and to take all such further action as may protect the consumer against the cost of the necessaries of life being unduly enhanced by monopolies and combines which unfairly limit that competition. This House regrets that notwithstanding the war the Gov- ernment has continued its extravagant and wasteful expenditures in the building and furnishing of Govern- ment House, over $400,000 having been expended since the outbreak of the war with a total cost to date of over $1,000,000; And this House is of the opinion that so expensive a Govern- ment House is out of harmony with the democratic spirit of the people of the Province. In view of the finding of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commis- sion that any of the processes now in use for refining nickel could be successfully worked in Ontario, and that conditions and facilities are at least as good in this Province as in any other part of Canada, and “there is reason to believe that the cost of refining in the Inter- national Nickel Company’s new plant at Port Colborne will be less than at their existing works in New Jersey;” And further referring to future wars, that ”If the United States were to decide she needed for her own use the nickel now being refined there from Canadian ore . . . the result might well be a shortage of nickel, while the 60 Session of Page of Journal DIVISIONS. Subject Matter of Question. 1918 1919 1919 64-5 need was at its height; and a shortness of nickel might be a weakness sufficient to determine the issue of the war;” And in further view of the finding of the Commission that the nickel ore deposits of Ontario are much more exten- sive and offer better facilities for the production of the nickel at a low cost than do those of any other country, “and that when normal peace conditions are fully restored, the demand will be greater than it was before the war”; And in further view of the interest which the Government of the United Kingdom has taken in recent years in the Ontario nickel deposits, and of the financial interest they have recently acquired in one of our Canadian nickel companies; This House is of the opinion that negotiations should be at once entered into by the Government of this Province with the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Dominion of Canada to secure united action to acquire the absolute control of the nickel mines and nickel pro- duct of the Province of Ontario; and that, in the mean- time, the Government of Ontario should take proceed- ings to acquire, construct or otherwise secure the control of nickel refining plant in this Province where all nickel mined in this Province could be refined. NONE. In the Accounts for the years 1913-14, 1914-15, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18 and for the portion of the year 1918–19, down to the 28th day of February, 1919, relating to the License Branch of the Provincial Secretary’s Depart- ment, the enforcement of the Liquor License Act and the enforcement of the “Ontario Temperance Act” and all matters relating to the administration of the “Ontario Temperance Act,” down to the present time, be referred to a Special Committee of this House, composed of nine Members of the Legislative Assembly, five of whom shall be nominated by the Premier and four by the Leader of the Opposition, with instructions to enquire and report upon the same and upon all matters and things which relate thereto or effect the same and with power to send for and examine all necessary persons and papers in or concerning the premises and to examine witnesses on oath and with power to sit for such purposes during any adjournment of the House. This House disapproves of and protests against (1) the pre- sentation to this House by the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of financial statements which do not fairly. DIVISIONS. 61 Subject Matter of Question. –––.4° set forth the real character of the financial transactions of the Government; (2) the extravagant and wasteful expenditure of public money by the Government, as illustrated by the annual expenditure on maintenance of the Government House, when important public ser- vices such as Education, Agriculture and Roads are in great need of further funds; (3) the concealment of specific and important items of current receipts in re- spect of any Department under the heading of “Casual Revenue,” as illustrated by the entries made of revenue from work done by tractors, sale of seed wheat and the Dominion grant for food production, in the statement for 1917-18; (4) the treatment of receipts from the dis- posal of capital assets, such as timber, as current receipts, while at the same time treating the payments as on capital account when it is apparent from their nature they should be disbursed as payment out of current revenue; (5) the exhorbitant cost of civil government at the present time. NONE. TEMISKAMING AND N. O. RAILWAY. On motion that Commission be instructed to prepare for publication in Public Accounts, a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures. On amendment re exemption from taxation of lands or pro- perty of, not in use. On motion for second reading of Bill to amend Act. THISTLE AND MCWILLIAMs, Township of : e On motion that Reports in Department on quantities and value of timber in, be produced before Committee on Public Accounts. TIMBER:—See Thistle. TRUST FUNDS : Session Page of of Journal 1920 1913 || 321-3 1913 || 373 1914 || 100-1 1914 || 309–10 1914 || 62, 69-71 1914 1915 1916 14, 22 261 247 On motion disapproving of misapplication of. U NEMPLOYMENT: On motions re Enquiry into and creation of Department of Government for. ATER POWERS: & On motion for third reading of Bill and amendment, re development of. 62 DIVISION.—DOWER. Sessi Page of €SSIOIl age 0 Subject Matter of Question. of Journal WOMEN: 1915 128 On motion for second reading of Bill to extend Municipal Franchise to married. 1917 26–27 On motion to add certain words to Address re conferring Legislative Franchise on. WORKERS, BETTERMENT OF: 1915 261 On motion re creation of Department of Government to study and promote action for, etc. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: - 1914. 366-7 On amendment to motion for third reading of Bill respect- ing. I)0G TAX AND SHEEP PROTECTION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 146), introduced to amend (1916), 131. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 56.) 2. Bill (No. 39), introduced to impose a tax on and for the protection of sheep (1918), 52. Second reading and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 80. Reported, 148. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 168. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 46.) 3. Bill (No. 135), introduced to amend (1919), 120. Second reading, 156. Reported, 160. House goes into Committee on, 175. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 69.) 4. Bill (No. 164), introduced to amend (1920), 170. Second reading and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 193. Re- ported, 224. House goes into Committee on, 254, 344. Third reading, 362. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 92.) I)0MESTIC SERVANTS: Question as to how many came to the Province, etc. (1914), 79. DOMINION PERMANENT LOAN COMPANY: Return ordered, of correspondence, statements, etc., on file in office of Regis- trar of Loan Corporations, showing what enquiries made, etc., touching assets and securities of (1919), 122. Not brought down. p DOMINION FISH COMPANY:—See Game and Fisheries. DOMINION RAILWAY ACT:—See Highways. DONNELLY, JOHN: Order-in-Council presented, re appointment of, to School of Mining at Kings- ton (1913), 340. (Sessional Papers, No. 10.) Not printed. DOWER ACT: * - Bill (No. 158), introduced to amend (1913), 95. Order for second reading discharged, 120. DRAINAGE–DWELLING. 63 I)RAINAGE, MUNICIPAL: Petition respecting (1915), 107. See Statute Law Amendment Act. I)RAINAGE WORKS: Question as to what Municipalities have applied for grants in aid of (1916), 41. See Municipal Drainage. I) UCKS: Report upon increase of food supply for, in Northern Ontario (1913), 127. (Sessional Papers, No. 72.) Not printed. DUNDAS, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 23), introduced and referred, 82. Reported, 102. Second reading, 106. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 89.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 24), introduced and referred, 82. Reported, 102. Second reading, 106. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 90.) I) UNNWILLE, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 45. Reported, 55. Bill (No. 30), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 100. Second reading, 119. House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 95.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 17. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 34. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 57. Re- ported, 105. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 68.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 26. Reported, 133. Bill (No. 25), introduced and referred, 134. Reported, 201. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 118.) DUNNWILLE, WELLANDPORT AND BEAMSWILLE ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 17. Reported, 53. Bill (No. 33), intro- duced and referred, 55. Reported, 95. Second reading, 112. House goes into Committee on, 128. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 114.) I)WELLING HOUSES: Bill (No. 50), introduced to provide for the erection of (1919), 14. Second reading, 21. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recom- mendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill 38-9. House goes into Committee on, 22, 37, 55. Third reading, 55. R.A., 62. (9 Geo. V., c. 54.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 64 EASTERN-EDUCATION. EASTERN 0NTARIO ELECTRIC RAILWAY: 1. Petition for Act to extend time for commencement and completion of road (1913), 16. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 3), introduced and re- ferred, 35. Reported, 100. Second reading, 119. House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 130.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 23. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 4), introduced and referred, 36. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 211. EASTWIEW, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 73. Bill (No. 14), intro- duced and referred, 74. Reported, 156. Second reading, 165. House goes into Committee on, 187. Third reading, 192. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 119.) EDINBURGH ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 39. Reported, 148. Bill (No. 52), in- troduced and referred, 149. Reported, 220. Second reading, 231. House goes into Committee on, 251. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 157.) EDUCATION: 1. Bill (No. 80), introduced respecting, for Industrial Purposes (1913), 201. Second reading, 228. House goes into Committee on, 249, 321. Third Reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 73.) 2. Bill (No. 197), introduced respecting Continuation Schools (1913), 252 Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 320. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 72.) 3. Bill (No. 104), introduced respecting Separate Schools (1913), 286. Second reading, 319. House goes into Committee on, 339. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 71.) 4. Bill (No. 203), introduced to amend the School Laws (1913), 294. Second reading, 319. House goes into Committee on, 339. Resolu- tion introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 343-4. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 70.) 5. Bill (No. 122), introduced respecting Special Classes (1914), 111. Order for second reading discharged, 190. 6. Bill (No. 194), introduced respecting Auxiliary Classes (1914), 302. Second reading, 328. House goes into Committee on, 352. Third reading, 365. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 49.) 7. Bill (No. 106), introduced to amend the Board of Education Act (1915), 104. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 133. No Teport. 8. Bill (No. 149), introduced to amend the Department of, Act (1915), 191. Order for second reading discharged, 207. EDUCATION. 65 z- EDUCATION.—Continued. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend the Public Schools Act (1915), 191. Order for second reading’ discharged, 207. Bill (No. 151), introduced to amend the Continuation Schools Act (1915), 191. Order for second reading discharged, 208. Bill (No. 152), introduced to amend the High Schools Act (1915), 191. Order for second reading discharged, 208. Bill (No. 153), introduced to amend the Board of Education Act (1915), 192. Order for second reading discharged, 208. Bill (No. 154), introduced to amend the Separate Schools Act, (1915), 192. Order for second reading discharged, 208. Bill (No. 155), introduced tº amend the Truancy Act (1915), 192. Order for second reading discharged, 208. Bill (No. 156), introduced to amend the Industrial Education Act (1915), 192. Order for second reading discharged, 208. Bill (No. 157), introduced respecting the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the City of Ottawa (1915), 192. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 226. Third reading, 227. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 45.) Bill (No. 168), introduced respecting an Administration Building for the Board of (1915), 212. Second reading, 230. House goes into Com- mittee on, 230. Third reading, 230. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 44.) Bill (No. 169), introduced to amend the School Laws (1915), 212. Second reading, 230. House goes into Committee on, 230. Third reading, 230. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 43.) Bill (No. 171), introduced respecting Superannuation of certain Teachers and Inspectors (1915), 258. Ordered to be printed and distributed, 258. * Bill (No. 101), introduced to amend the Public Schools Act (1916), 99. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 157. Reported, 206. House goes into Committee on, 218. Order for third reading, discharged, 248. (Bill (No. 113), introduced to amend the Board of Education Act (1916), 107. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 151. No report. e- Bill (No. 117 ), introduced to amend the Public Schools Act (1916), 107. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 141. Reported with recommendation for delay, 206. 5 D.S. 66 EDUCATION. EDUCATION.—Continued. 23. Bill (No. 162), introduced respecting the compulsory school attendance of adolescents (1916), 161. Second reading, 216. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 239. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, e. 62.) 24. Bill (No. 116), introduced respecting Education for Industrial Purposes (1916), 107. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 144. No report. 25. Bill (No. 181), introduced respecting the superannuation of certain teachers and inspectors (1916), 249. Ordered to be printed for distribution and consideration, 249. 26. Bill (No. 89), introduced to amend The Public Schools Act (1917), 55. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 88. Re- ported, 116. House goes into Committee on, 242. Third reading, 242. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 57.) * *: 27. Bill (No. 90), introduced to amend the Auxiliary Classes Act (1917), 55. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 76. Re- ported, 116. House goes into Committee on, 196. Third reading, 214. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V; c. 62.) 28. Bill (No. 98), introduced to amend the Boards of Education Act (1917), 62. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 94. Reported, 116. House goes into Committee on, 150. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 61.) 29. Bill (No. 112), introduced respecting the Superannuation of certain Teachers and Inspectors (1917), 74. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 96-101. Second reading, 102. House goes into Committee on, 145, 198. Motion for third reading and amendment proposed and negatived; third reading, 244. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 58.) , 30. Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend the Public Schools Act (1918), 56. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 71. Re- ported, 95. House goes into Committee on, 147. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 52.) 31. Bill (No. 87), introduced to amend the Board of Education Act (1918), 56. Second reading negatived, 156. 32. Bill (No. 101), introduced to amend the School Laws (1918), 87. Second reading, 101. House goes into Committee on, 147, 152. Third read- ing, 153. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 51.) -* 33. Bill (No. 117), introduced to amend the Public School Act (1918), 100. Order for second reading discharged, 137. 34. Bill (No. 53), introduced to amend the Separate Schools Act (1919), 25. Order for second reading discharged, 47. EDUCATION. 67 EDUCATION.—Continued. 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Bill (No. 81), introduced to amend the Public Schools Act (1919), 71. Second reading, and referred, 112. Reported, 135. House goes into Committee on, 175. Third reading, 229. See below, 43. Bill (No. 90), introduced respecting Consolidated Schools (1919), 72. Motion for second reading and debate on adjourned, 129. Debate resumed, motion carried and Bill referred to Committee, 166. Third reading, 229. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 75.) . Bill (No. 91), introduced respecting School attendance (1919), 72. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 229. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 77.) Bill (No. 104), introduced to amend the Teachers and Inspectors Super- annuation Act (1919), 94. Second reading, 112. House goes into Committee on, 119. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 74.) Bill (No. 120), introduced to amend the School Sites Act (1919), 110. Second reading and referred, 129. Not reported. Bill (No. 124), introduced to amend the College of Arts Act (1919), 111. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 229. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 82.) Bill (No. 130), introduced to amend the Public Schools Act (1919), 116. Order for second reading discharged, 180. Bill (No. 148), introduced to amend the Department of Education Act (1919), 128. Order for second reading discharged, 181. Bill (No. 158), introduced to amend the School laws (1919), 165. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 204-5. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 73.) Bill (No. 162), introduced respecting the Compulsory School attendance of Adolescents (1919), 166. Second reading; House goes into Com- mittee on; third reading, 195. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 78.) Bill (No. 71), introduced to amend The Public Schools Act (1920), 37. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 260. Re- ported, 289. House goes into Committee on, 317. Third reading, 327. See below, 47. Bill (No. 130), introduced to amend the Public Schools Act (1920), 122, Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 165. No report. Bill (No. 190), introduced to consolidate and amend the Public Schools Act (1920), 198. Second reading, 330. House goes into Committee on, 344. Third reading, 362. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 100.) 68 EDUCATION. EDUCATION.—Continued. ' 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Bill (No. 191), introduced to amend the School Laws (1920), 198. Second reading, 306. House goes into Committee on, 314, 341. Third read- ing, 342. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 99.) Bill (No. 231), introduced for the Establishment of Provincial Technical Schools (1920), 257. Second reading, 292. House goes into Com- mittee on, 296. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 102.) Bill (No. 234), introduced to make provision for the Payment of Scholar- ships for post-graduate study in France (1920), 275. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 277-8. Second reading, 307. House goes into Committee on, 314. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 103.) - *. Bill (No. 250), introduced to amend the Separate Schools Act (1920), 316. Second reading, 330. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 363. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 101.) - Reports of Department presented (1913), 102; (1914), 73; (1915), 262; (1916), 204; (1917), 259; (1918), 94; , (1919), 134; (1920), 197. Printed. Orders-in-Council and Regulations presented, under Department Act (1913), 32, 243; (1914), 24; (1915), 33; (1916), 12; (1917), 28, 195; (1918), 17; (1919), 22; (1920), 35, 124, 169, 249, 346, 374. Order-in-Council presented appointing John Donnelly to School of Mining at Kingston and respecting publication of school readers (1913), 340. (Sessional Papers, No. 100.) Not printed. t Return ordered, of number of meetings of Advisory Council (1913), 58. Presented, 93. (Sessional Papers, No. 67.) Not printed. Return ordered, of correspondence with Bishop Fallon re bi-lingual schools (1913), 48. Presented (1914), 354. (Sessional Papers, No. 101.) Not printed. Return ordered, of correspondence with Bishop Scollard, re bi-lingual schools (1913), 77. Presented (1914), 354. (Sessional Papers, No. 102.) Not printed. Return ordered, of correspondence with Trustees of schools in Plantagenet fe teaching of French (1913), 77. Presented, 153. Sessional Papers, No. 77.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing average grant per pupil made to Public Schools, other than bi-lingual, for 1910-11-12; what to Separate Schools other than bi-lingual, etc. (1913), 90. (Not brought down.) Return ordered, of correspondence relating to investigation made by Dr. Merchant, of bi-lingual schools (1913), 98. Presented (1914), 238. (Sessional Papers, No. 86.) Not printed. EDUCATION. 69 EDUCATION.—Continued. 61. Return ordered, of correspondence re certificate granted to Jean McGregor (1913), 142. Printed, 237. (Sessional Papers, No. 87.) Not printed. 62. Return ordered, showing names of Professors of the Faculty of Education at Toronto University, etc. (1913), 197. Presented, 416. (Sessional Papers, No. 113.) Not printed. 63. Return presented, to an Order of the House of the Session of 1912, of cor- respondence with respect to efficiency, or teaching in schools in Simcoe, Stormont, Prescott, etc. (1913), 143. (Sessional Papers, No. 75.) Not printed. - 64. Question as to number of Model Schools in Province, 1905 to 1913 (1913), 123. 65. Question as to regulations providing for Medical inspection of Public Schools (1913), 123. 66. Question as to number of teachers teaching in schools, without having taken Departmental courses (1913), 131. 67. Question as to explanation of Circular No. 17 (1913), 158. 68. Question as to teachers on permits in Bruce and Grey (1913), 173. 69. Motion for Return of copy of certain letter to Minister, negatived (1913), 222. 70. Motion proposed re scarcity of Teachers, etc. (1913), 282-3. 71. Motion to amend Resolution of Supply re attack of Superintendent Of Education upon a Member of the House (1914), 347. 72. Motion proposed re the handicapping of progress of Education in the Province (1914), 219. * 73. Return ordered, of correspondence between the Minister of Education and Henri St. Jacques; number of English-French Schools complying with Regulation No. 7, etc. (1914), 139. Not brought down. 74. Return ordered, showing conditions upon which grants are made to rural public schools, etc. (1914), 144. Presented, 172. (Sessional Papers No. 77.) Not printed. 75. Return ordered showing schools from which Government grant withheld, etc. (1914), 165. Presented, 312. (Sessional Paperss, No. 98.) Not printed. 70 EDUCATION. EDUCATION.—Continued. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. Return ordered, of correspondence with Board of Trustees of Almonte High School (1914), 272. Presented, 389. (Sessional Papers, No. 103.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing practise of Department of, in regard to number of Text-books authorized, etc. (1914), 310. Presented, 389. (Ses- sional Papers, No. 104.) Not printed. Question as to number of Model Schools established in 1913 (1914), 60. Question as to Boards of High School Trustees being informed that grants reduced (1914), 117. Question as to engagement of A. H. Walker, at Almonte School (1914), 143. Question as to filling position held by Henri St. Jacques (1914), 151. Question as to investigation into Technical Education by Dr. Merchant (1914), 185. Question as to when English-French Model School was established at Wankleek Hill (1914), 213. Question as to when English-French Model School was established at Ottawa (1914), 214. Question as to when English-French Model School was established in Essex County (1914), 214. Question as to when English-French Model School was established at Plantagenet (1914), 306. Question as to when English-French Model School was established at Sturgeon Falls (1914), 307. Question as to how many training schools existed prior to 1905 (1914), 215. See Statute Law Amendment Act. Question as to Collegiates given approved school standing, etc. (1915), 109. Question as to two teachers High Schools given approved school standing, etc. (1915), 110. Return ordered, showing number of English-French Schools, which have complied in the year 1914, with Regulation No. 17 of the Department; those who have not complied, etc. (1915), 226. Presented, 263. (Ses- sional Papers, No. 74.) Not printed. Question as to $67,000 paid to teachers of English Separate Schools at Ottawa (1916), 50. - EDUCATION.—EGAN VILLE 71 EDUCATION.—Continued. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Question as to percentage of amount authorized to be paid to Public Schools (1916), 50. Question as to how many Commercial High Schools have been established and where (1916), 180. Question as to trouble between High School at Plantagenet and the Depart- ment (1916), 219. - Return ordered, showing total amount of grants refused to English-French Schools in County of Prescott, since 1914 (1916), 220. (Not brought down.) w Return ordered, showing amount of arrears of teachers’ salaries of Separate and Bi-lingual Schools, in Ottawa (1916), 220. (Not brought down.) Return ordered, of correspondence regarding enforcement of Regulation No. 17, in Ottawa (1916), 220. (Not brought down.) Question as to number of pupils, who lived beyond the three-mile limit, attended the Model School at Bracebridge (1917), 87. See Statute Law Amendment Act. Resolutions introduced re salaries of Director of Technical Education and Chief Inspector of Public and Separate Schools (1918), 161-2. See Statute Law Amendment Act. Question as to consultation with Inspectors of English-French Schools, re Regulation No. 17 (1919), 178. Question as to publication of Reports in connection with inspection of Bi- lingual Schools (1919), 179. Return ordered, showing total amount of grants withheld from Ottawa Roman Catholic Schools (1919), 117. Presented, 159. (Sessional Papers, No. 71.) Not printed. Question as to number of Public School teachers, etc., who have contributed to the Superannuation Fund (1920), 83. Motion, deploring unsatisfactory results of, etc., and debate on, adjourned (1920), 256. Not resumed. EGAN WILLE, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act to validate By-law No. 598 (1916), 14. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 7), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 48. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 117. Reported, 149. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 69.) 72 ELECTIONS. ELECTIONS ANI) ELECTION ACT: 1. 10. 11: 12. Bill (No. 126), introduced to amend the Act (1913), 27. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 179. Debate resumed and second reading negatived, 211-12. . Bill (No. 136), introduced to amend (1913), 57. Order for second reading discharged, 120. Bill (No. 157), introduced to amend (1913), 95. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 178. Reported, 271. House goes into Committee on, 296. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 5.) . Bill (No. 166), introduced to amend (1913), 107. Motion for second reading and amendment proposed and negatived; second reading nega- tived, 214. . Bill (No. 189), introduced to require the publication of contributions for (1913), 175. Order for second reading discharged, 295. . Bill (No. 190), introduced to prohibit political contributions by Corpora- tions (1913), 175. Order for second reading discharged, 295. . Bill (No. 73), introduced to require the publication of contributions for Political Purposes (1914), 20. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 157. . Bill (No. 86), introduced to prohibit Political Contributions by corpora- tions; certain associations and Government Contractors (1914), 55. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 156. . Bill (No. 136), introduced to amend the election Act (1914), 136. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 156. Reported, 363. House goes into Committee on, 372. Provisions incorporated with Bill No. 181. See below, 12. Bill (No. 137), introduced to prohibit political contributions by Corpora- tions, License holders and Public Contractors (1914), 136. Second readng and referred to the Legal Committee, 156. Reported, 334. House goes into Committee on, 357. Third reading amendment nega- tived, 358. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 6.) Bill (No. 148), introduced to amend the Act (1914), 155. Second read- ing negatived, 190. Bill (No. 181), introduced to amend the Election Laws (1914), 265. Second reading, 293. House goes into Committee on, 327, 358. Third reading; amendment negatived, 383-6. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 5.) Bill (No. 156), introduced to amend the laws (1916), 150. Second read- ing and referred to the Legal Committee, 168. Reported, 171. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 6.) *13. —A *The Female Suffrage Acts. ELECTIONS. 73 ELECTIONS AND ELECTION ACT-Continued. *14. Bill (No. 57), introduced to provide for the preparation of lists of Voters, at Elections to the Assembly (1917), 188. Motion for second reading and six months’ hoist proposed and negatived; second reading, 203. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 253. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 5.) 15. Bill (No. 175), introduced to amend the Election Act (1917), 257. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 257-8. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 6.) 16. Bill (No. 138), introduced respecting elections to the Assembly (1918), 116. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 163-4. Second reading, 155. House goes into Committee on, 174. Motion for third reading, amendment proposed and negatived, 175. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 3.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. Legis- lative Assembly. - 17. Bill (No. 166), introduced to amend the Act (1919), 172. Second read- ing; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 225. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 7.) 18. Bill (No. 61), introduced to amend (1920), 30. Order for second reading, discharged, 57. 19. Bill (No. 68), introduced respecting Elections of Members to the Legis- lative Assembly (1920), 36. Second reading and referred to a Select Committee to be named, 175. Committee named, 347. 20. Bill (No. 69), introduced to amend the Representation Act (1920), 36. Second reading and referred to a Select Committee, 189. Commit- tee named, 347. 21. Bill (No. 103), introduced respecting Elections and the preparation of Provincial Voters’ Lists (1920), 60. Second reading and referred to a Select Committee, 190. Committee named, 192. Reported, 329. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 367-8. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 2.) 22. Bill (No. 144), introduced to amend (1920), 135. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 159. No report. 23. Notifications of vacancies by death and resignation (1913), 2, 180; (1914), 2, 3, 4, 5; (1915), 13-15; (1916), 2 ; (1917), 2-4; (1919), 2–6. 24. New writs and certificates of elections (1913), 4, 5, 181; (1914), 5, 6, 7; (1915), 10-15; (1916), 3, 12; (1917), 5-7; (1919), 6-9, 23, 40; (1920), 16-20. *The Female Suffrage Acts. Jº ºr 6 D.S. 74 ELECTIONS ELECTRIC. ELECTIONS AND ELECTION ACT-Continued. 25. Returns from records laid on table (1913), 9; (1914), 11; (1915), 16; (1916), 19; (1917), 15; (1918), 4; (1919), 48; (1920), 21. Printed. 26. List of members returned at the General (1915), 1; (1920), 2-5. 27. Motion that Act of 1918 should be repealed; negatived (1919), 25. 28. Return ordered, showing amount expended in certain By-elections, etc. (1919), 70. Not brought down. 29. Question as to amount paid Enumerators in N.E. Toronto (1919), 177. 30. Question as to payment of Returning Officers (1920), 51. 31. Question as to payment to Toronto and York R. O.'s, through Judge Coatsworth (1920), 68. 32. Question as to total cost of General Elections (1920), 84. 33. Question as to payments to and services of J. E. Lawson for election ex- penses (1920), 113. 34. Question as to moneys expended on General Elections of 1914 and 1919 (1920), 126. ELECTRIC POWER: s 1. Bill (No. 204), introduced respecting Contracts for the supply of, to Municipal Corporations (1913), 294. Second reading, 320. House goes into Committee on, 339. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 42.) 2. Motion as to return of Water Powers to produce, etc. (1913), 247-8. See Power Commission Act. ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, LIMITED: Bill (No. 180), introduced to confirm an Agreement between, and His Majesty the King (1916), 216. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 229-31. Second reading, 234. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading; amendments negatived, 244-46. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 18.) See Power Commission Act. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS: 1. Bill (No. 207), introduced respecting the public construction and opera- tion of (1913), 303. Second reading, 338. House goes into Com- mittee on, 350. Third reading, 350. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W., c. 38.) 2. Bill (No. 192), introduced respecting the public construction and opera- tion of (1914), 291. Second reading, 328. House goes into Com- mittee on, 364. Third reading, 364. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V. c. 31.) ELECTRIC–EMPLOYER. 75 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS-Continued. 3. Motion that cheap transportation facilities is one of the most urgent needs in rural sections, etc., superseded by amendment (1914), 132. 4. Return ordered, showing for what Municipalities was the report of Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council, in favour of or against building (1914), 66. Presented, 80. (Sessional Papers, No. 62.) Printed. 5. Motion respecting the granting of Charters to Local Electric Railways, save through the action of Legislature, withdrawn (1916), 27. 6. Resolution approving of action of Government in opposing extension of certain charters at Ottawa (1916), 27. . Copy of Resolution ordered to be sent to the Clerk of House of Commons, at Ottawa (1916), 27. Acknowledged, 35. ELGIN COUNTY SHRIEWALTY: Question as to length of time office vacant, etc. (1918), 166. ELGIN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 43. Reported, 125. Bill (No. 57), in- troduced and referred, 126. Reported; fees remitted, 220. Second reading, 231. House goes into Committee on, 251. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 161.) ELK LAKE BRANCH: Return ordered, re telegram from one Rowlandson (1913), 48. Presented, 48. (Sessional Papers, No. 58.) Not printed. ELLIOTT, J. C.: Question as to appointment of (1920), 31. ELLIS, JAMES ALBERT: Petition for Act to authorize the Law Society of Upper Canada to admit to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor (1915), 22. Reported, 27. Bill (No. 27), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 92. Second reading, 98. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 97.) ELLIS, J. A.: gº Question as to special allowance to (1920), 136. EMBALMERS’ AND UNDERTAKERS’ ACT:—See Statute Law Amendment Acts, (1913), (1914). ** ~ *stºº. EMPLOYER: Return ordered, for 1912, showing number of cases in which damage suits were entered in Court, against whom damages obtained, etc. (1913), 141. Presented, 415. (Sessional Papers, No. 112.) Not printed. 76 & EMPLOYMENT—ESSEX. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES: 1. Bill (No. 199), introduced respecting (1914), 390. Second reading, 390. House goes into Committee on, 390. Third reading, 390. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 38.) - 2. Bill (No. 57), introduced to amend Employment Agencies Act (1919), 40. Second reading, 54. House goes into Committee on, 158, 191. Third reading, 191. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 38.) 3. Question as to number of; names, etc. (1920), 369. ENGLEHART, J. L.: Question as to resignation of (1920), 31. ENGLISH-FRENCH SCHOOLS:—See Education. ENTOMOLOGY: Reports presented (1913), 334; (1914), 324; (1915), 263; (1916), 204; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 147; (1920), 197. Printed. EPILEPTICS: 1. Bill (No. 142), introduced respecting the Hospital for (1914), 137. Second reading, 177. House goes into Committee on, 187. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 55.). d 2. Reports presented (1913), 231; (1914), 359; (1915), 262; (1916), 102; (1917), 260; (1918), 148. Printed. ERIEAU, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act of incorporation (1917), 46. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 49), introduced and referred, 62. Reported, 173. Second reading, 199. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (7. Geo. V, c. 68.) See Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918. ERIE BEACH, VILLAGE of: Petition for Act of incorporation (1916), 14. Reported, 92. Bill (No. 15), introduced and referred, 92. Reported, 138. Second reading, 150. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 239. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 70.) ESSEX BORDER. UTILITIES ACT: Petition for Act to amend (1920), 27. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 23), intro- duced and referred, 47. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 131. ESSEX BORDER. UTILITIES COMMISSION: 1. Petition for Act respecting and the Township of Sandwich East (1917), 16. Reported, 59. Bill (No. 23), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 142. Second reading, 149. House goes into Committee on, 216. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 69.) ESSEX—EVANGELICAL. 77 EssEx BoFDER UTILITIES COMMISSION.—Continued. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 14), introduced and referred, 44. Reported, 110. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 136. Third reading, 174. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 91.) - 3. Petition for Act to consolidate Acts respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 35), introduced and referred, 63. Reported, 253. House goes into Committee on, 308. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 120.) ESSEX, COUNTY OF: Petition for Act respecting (1918), 26. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 30), intro- duced and referred, 37. Reported, 66. Second reading, 71. House goes into Committee on, 74. Third reading, 126. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 59.) & ESSEX TERMINAL RAILWAY : Petition for Act respecting, and the City of Windsor (1916), 14. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 34), introduced and referred, 48. Reported, 160. Second reading, 168. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V. c. 102.) ESTATES BILLS: - Referred to Commissioners (1913), 83, 95, 107, 138, 161, 201. Reported, 102, 114, 144, 181, 205, 226. Reported adversely, 102-3; (1914), Referred to Commissioners, 55, 163. Reported, 76, 209; (1915), 36, 61. Reported, 40, 85, 106; (1916), 31, 32, 66. Reported, 39, 43, 53, 70; (1917), 41, 61, 85. Reported, 45, 72, 90, 122, 123; (1918), 24, 34, 92. Reported, 25, 59, 115; (1919), 45, 53. Reported, 49, 97; © (1920), 46, 149. Reported, 71, 110, 172. ESTIMATES : Presented and referred (1913), 92, 268, 286; (1914), 35, 236, 305; (1915), 32, 130, 160; (1916), 20, 131, 161; (1917), 36, 155, 194; (1918), 15, 66, 97; (1919), 29, 121, 181; (1920), 144, 279, 333. Printed. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ST. PETER'S CHURCH, BERLIN: Petition for Act to change provisions of certain Deeds (1913), 45. Reported, 105. Bill (No. 36), introduced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 138. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 226. Reported; fees remitted, 270. Second reading, 284. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 149.) EWANGELICAL LUTHERAN SEMINARY OF CANADAs Petition for Act to incorporate (1913), 16. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 4), introduced and referred, 35. Reported; fees remitted, 156. Second reading, 179. House goes into Committee on, 202. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 145.) 78 EVANs—FACTORY. EWANS, KELLY: Question as to amount paid for services re Game and Fish (1913), 184. EWANTUREL, GUSTAVE: His statement to House (1914), 47. His letter quoted, 50. EWIDENCE ACT: Bill (No. 77), introduced to amend (1916), 49. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 72. Reported, 182. House goes into Com- mittee on, 191. Third reading, 236. See Statute Law Amendment Act. - EXECUTION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 161), introduced to amend (1913), 96. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 229. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 2. Bill (No. 199), introduced to amend (1920), 202. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 261. No report. º EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ACT: Resolutions introduced re salary of First Minister (1918), 175-6. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION: Bill (No. 177), introduced respecting (1920), 183. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 226. Reported, 274. House goes into Committee on, 328, 330, 342. Third reading, 342. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 64.) EXPORT WAREHOUSES: Question as to number of certificates authorizing establishment of, by License Board (1920), 32. FACTORY, SHOP AND OFFICE BUILDING ACT: 1. Bill (No. 124), introduced for the protection of persons employed in (1913), 11. Second reading; amendment proposed and negatived, 63. House goes into Committee on, 82, 177, 199. Third reading; amendments proposed and negatived, 378-85. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 60.) 2. Bill (No. 155), introduced to amend the Factory, Shops and Office Build- ing Act (1914), 163. Second reading, 193. House goes into Com- mittee on, 212, 293. Third reading; amendments negatived, 368-371. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 40.) 3. Bill (No. 126), introduced to amend (1918), 105. Second reading, 145. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 154. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 44.) ſº 4. Bill (No. 58), introduced to amend (1919), 40. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 96, 229. Third reading, 229. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 64.) FACTORY-FALL. 79 FACTORY, SHOP AND OFFICE BUILDING ACT-Continued. - 5. Bill (No. 151), introduced to amend (1919), 136. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 171, No report. 6. Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend (1920), 82. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 138. Reported, 243. House goes goes into Committee on, 259. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 86.) 7. Bill (No. 117), introduced to amend (1920), 82. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 139. Reported, 182. House goes into Committee on, 199. Third reading, 215. See above, 6. 8. Bill (No. 166), introduced to amend (1920), 173. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 200. No report. 9. Reports presented (1913), 334; (1914), 324; (1915), 263; (1916), 204; (1917), 260. See Trades and Labour. 10. Question as to certain paragraphs in Réport on Child Labour in 1907 (1913), 235. \ 11. Question as to how many female inspectors employed (1914), 95. 12. Question as to how many Inspectors employed, etc. (1915), 45. FAIR RENTALS COURT: Bill (No. 207), introduced to establish (1920), 215. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 244. No report. FAIR WAGES AND HOURS OF LABOUR REGULATION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 188), introduced (1913), 175. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 231. Amendment proposed and declared out of order, 236. Amendment then proposed as to appointment of Com- mission and amendment for six months’ hoist and Debate on ad- journed, 237. Debate resumed and amendment to amendment carried, 240-2. 2. Bill (No. 149), introduced (1914), 155. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 237-8. Debate resumed and amendment re appointment of Commission proposed and negatived, 297. Second reading negatived, 298. FALCONBRIDGE, TOWNSHIP: Question as to ore body in, being part of land patented to John E. Hodge (1917), 189. FALL FAIRS: Return ordered, showing names of persons who attended short course of instruction for, at Agricultural College, Guelph, and Experimental Farm, Ottawa (1916), 42. Presented, 69. (Sessional Papers, No. 69.) Not printed. 80. FALLON.—FEMALE. FALL0N, BISHOP:—See Bi-lingual Schools. Education. FARLINGER, ISABELLA FINDLAY: Petition for Act respecting the Estate of (1920), 27. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 46. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 110. Reported, 178. Second reading, 184. House goes into Com- mittee on, 187. Third reading, 192. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 166.) FARM LABOUR: Motion re general scarcity of, and appointment of Commission to enquire into situation and amendments (1913), 311-14. Motion re difficulty in obtaining and suggesting a Commission to enquire into causes; superseded by amendment (1919), 169-70. FARM LABOURERS: Question as to how many came to Province, etc. (1914), 79. FARM LOANS ACT: Question as to moneys advanced under (1918), 53. FARM PRODUCTS : Bill (No. 233), introduced to assist co-operative associations in marketing 1920), 274. Second reading, 307. House goes into Committee on, 314. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 54.) FARMERS' INSTITUTES: Reports presented (1913), 61; (1914), 238; (1915), 175; (1916), 214; (1917), 261. Dropped. FARMERS’ WIWES:—See Women. FARR, MICHAEL: Return ordered, of report of Mr. Saunders re investigation of certain charges made by as to renewal of license (1913), 48. Presented, 65. (Sessional Papers, No. 63.) Not printed. FEEBLE MINI) ED: 1. Reports presented (1913), 231; (1914), 334; (1915), 262; (1916), 102, 165; (1917), 259; (1918), none; (1919), 147, 199; (1920), 346. Printed. 2. Motion proposed, requesting Government to formulate suitable plan to meet condition; superseded by amendment (1916), 223. 3. Motion re adequate care of, superseded by amendment (1917), 125. 4; Question as to services of Justice Hodgins, in re (1920), 86. FEMALE FRANCHISE:—See Elections. Women. Married Women. FEMALE-FIRE. 81 FEMALES AND FEMALE REFUGES: 1. Bill (No. 106), introduced for the protection of females, in Institutions subject to Inspection (1913), 12. Second reading, 18. House goes into Committee on, 42. Third reading, 206. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 80.) 2. Bill (No. 123), introduced respecting Industrial Refuges for (1913), 12. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 43. Third read- ing, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 79.) See Married Women. 3. Bill (No. 155), introduced to amend (1919), 165. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 194-5. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 84.) FERGUSON :—See Timiskaming and N. O. Railway. FERNOW, B. F.: 1. Question as to intention of Government, to hold investigation relative to statements of, re Northern Ontario (1913), 14. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence with, regarding re-forestry work (1913), 109. Presented, 358. (Sessional Papers, No. 38.) Not printed. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: . Delivered and Debate on adjourned (1913), 102; (1914), 45; (1915), 32; (1916), 20, 27, 34, 45; (1917), 37, 52, 56, 63; (1918), 16, 17, 22; (1919), 29, 45, 49, 59, 60, 63, 65; (1920), 146. Resolution approving of (1915), 260. (Sessional Papers, No. 73.) Printed. See Supply. FIRE : Return ordered, showing what areas of land, of Government, in Forest Reserve sections, were overrun by, in years 1910 to 1916 respectively (1917), 75. Presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 60.) Not printed. FIRE, ACCIDENTS BY: Bill (No. 148), introduced respecting the furnishing of certain appliances for protection against (1915), 175. Second reading, 209. House goes into Committee on, 220. Third reading, 220. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 41.) FIRE DEPARTMENTS: Bill (No. 182), introduced respecting hours of labour of employees in (1920), 185. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 230. Re- ported, 243. House goes into Committee on, 260. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 88.) FIRE MARSHAL: 1. Bill (No. 214), introduced to provide for the appointment of, for Ontario (1913), 317. Second reading, 338. Discharged, 352. 82 FIRE–FISH. FIRE MARSHAL–Continued. 2. Bill (No. 129), introduced to provide for the appointment of (1914), 130. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation sig- nified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 130-1. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 267. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 41.) 3. Bill (No. 69), introduced to amend (1916), 33. Second reading, 85. House goes into Committee on, 104. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 55.) 4. Bill (No. 81), introduced to amend (1917), 47. Second reading, 70. - House goes into Committee on, 95. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (? Geo. V, c. 55.) 5. Bill (No. 54), introduced to amend (1919), 29. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 47-8. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 67.) 6. Bill (No. 185), introduced to amend the Fire Marshals Act (1920), 186. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 232, 275. Third reading, 276. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 90.) FIREMEN : Bill (No. 96), introduced to exempt from certain local services (1913), 12. Second reading, 18. House goes into Committee on, 27. Third read- ing, 206. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 50.) FISH AND GAME: 1. Bill (No. 103), introduced respecting fur-bearing animals and fisheries (1913), 130. Second reading, 153. House goes into Committee on, 176, 365. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 69.) 2. Bill (No. 159), introduced to amend (1913), 95. Second reading and referred to Committee on Fish and Game, 229. Reported, 244. House goes into Committee on, 296. Discharged, 395. See above. Wolf Bounty Act. 3. Bill (No. 133), introduced to amend the Act (1914), 130. Second reading and referred to the Committee on Fish and Game, 172. Reported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 268. Provisions embodied with those of Bill (No. 162.) See below, 4. # 4. Bill (No. 162), introduced to amend (1914), 177. Second reading, 217. Resolutions introduced re salary of Deputy Minister; Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill 225-6. House goes into Committee on, 282, 357. Third reading, 357. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 46.) 5. Bill (No. 42), introduced respecting the distribution and sale of fish (1918), 38. Second reading, 155. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 155. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 49.) FISH. 83 FISH AND GAME-Continued. 6. Bill (No. 133), introduced to amend the Act (1918), 110. Second 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. reading, 145. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 155. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 48.) . Bill (No. 186), introduced to amend the Act respecting (1920), 191. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 246. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 97.) . Reports presented (1913), 64; (1914), 39; (1915), 262; (1916), 96; (1917), 260; (1918), 108; (1919), 171; (1920), 165. Printed. . Committee appointed (1913), 26; (1914), 27; (1915), 51; (1916), 26; (1917), 32; (1918), 4, 21; (1919), 12, 33; (1920), 42. Question as to shooting of game in Rondeau Park (1913), 184. Question as to amount paid Kelly Evans (1913), 184. Question as to jurisdiction of Inspector of, to try an offence (1913), 234. Question as to permit granted, allowing pound and gill nets to be fished east of Brussels Point (1913), 245. Question as to permit to fish in Lizard Preserve (1913), 245. Question as to number of boats purchased for fisheries service (1913), 253. Return presented, re correspondence respecting the establishment of Hatch- eries (1913), 31. (Sessional Papers, No. 54.) Not printed. Return presented, of correspondence respecting the granting of a permit for a tug owned by Dominion Fish Company to fish in Lizard Island Preserve (1913), 32. (Sessional Papers, No. 53.) Not printed. Return ordered, of copy of license, or permit, granted to Dominion Fish Company (1913), 199. Presented, 340. (Sessional Papers, No. 102.) Not printed. Return ordered, re renewals of license to Lapointe (1913), 255. Presented, 340. (Sessional Papers, No. 108.) Not printed. Amendment proposed re rapid depletion of ; and Debate on adjourned (1913), 157. Debate resumed and amendment negatived, 168. Mr. Speaker rules against discussion on Resolution of Supply (1913), 276. Question as to placing pound nets in Bay of Quinte (1916), 71. Question as to revenue received from pound net fishing in West Elgin (1916), 187. .84 FISH-FOREST. FISH AND GAME–Continued. 24. Committee recommend same open season for pickerel in St. Lawrence River (1919), 160. 25. Petition respecting trout fishing in Beaver River (1919), 93. FISHING LICENSES: 1. Return ordered, showing what fishermen have received licenses in Mani- toulin Island for the season of 1914 (1915), 234. Presented (1916). 10. (Sessional Papers, No. 60.) Not printed. ** 2. Question as to the granting of, in Lake Nipigon (1920), 325, 370. FLAX: 1. Return ordered, showing the acreage sown to, by Department of Agriculture in 1918, etc. (1919), 222. Not brought down. See below. 2. Return ordered, showing acreage sown by Department of Agriculture in 1918 (1920), 128. Presented, 133. (Sessional Papers, No. 74.) |Printed. FLOUR: Return ordered, showing if any statement received from Government of Great Britain with reference to use made of, contributed by Ontario, etc. (1916), 188. Presented, 250. (Sessional Papers, No. 93.) Not printed. *~. * * JFOLEY BROS:—See Timber. FooD PRODUCTION: Resolution respecting (1918), 159-60. FOODSTUFFS: Motion re construction of elevators for, withdrawn (1920), 252. FOREST FIRES ACT? Bill (No. 110), introduced to amend (1914), 95. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 153. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 42.) - Bill (No. 97), introduced to amend the Forest Fire Protection Act (1918), 84. Second reading, 101. House goes into Committee on, 108. Third reading, 139. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 45.) See Forests and Forest Reserves. - FOREST HILL ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act of incorporation (1913), 16. Reported, 55. Bill (No. 10), introduced and referred, 56. Reported, 156. Second reading, 178. House goes into Committee on, 201. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 131.) FOREST FORT. 85 Forest HILL ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY–Continued. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 17. Reported, 53. Bill (No. 16), introduced and referred, 54. Reported, 130. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 150. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 115.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 22. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 26), introduced and referred, 43. Reported, preamble not proven, 168. Re-committed for further consideration, 176. Again reported, pre- amble not proven; fees remitted, 211. FOREST RANGERS: Return presented, showing number of, and timber cullers, employed by Gov- ernment (1913), 65. (Sessional Papers, No. 62.) Not printed. FORESTRY, FACULTY OF: Question as to employment of Graduates of, in Government service (1917), 74. FORESTS AND FOREST RESERVES: 1. Bill (No. 109), introduced to preserve from fire (1913), 13. Second read- ing, 19. House goes into Committee on, 23, 206. Third reading, 206. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 64.) 2. Bill (No. 138), introduced to amend the Forest Reserves Act (1913), 57. Second reading, 70. House goes into Committee on, 79. Third read- ing, 207. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 9.) See Townships. 3. Bill (No. 83), introduced to preserve from destruction by Fire (1917), 47. Second reading, 70. House goes into Committee on, 128, 215. Third reading, 215. R. A., 273. (? Geo. W, c. 54.) See Fire. Forests Fire Act. 4. Bill (No. 176), introduced respecting Private Forest Reserves (1919), 220. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 220. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 68.) -- 5. Papers and correspondence presented re Algonquin National Park and Pem- broke Lumber Company (1914), 149. (Sessional Papers, No. 73.) Printed. 6. Return ordered, shewing what areas of land, of Government, in Forest He- serve Sections, were overrun by fire in the years 1910 to 1916 respec- tively (1917), 75. Presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 60.) Not printed. See Fire. FORT FRANCES LUMBER COMPANY : 1. Return ordered, of copies of Culler's report, made by (1913), 97. Pre- sented, 102. (Sessional Papers, No. 69.) Not printed. 86 FORT FRANCE. ForT FRANCEs LUMBER ComPANY–Continued. 2. Return ordered, showing Culler's return made by, for season of 1907-8; copy of Camp Book and evidence taken before Commissioner Price, etc. (1913), 198. (Not brought down.) 3. Question as to Culler’s return (1913), 162. FORT WILLIAM, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 16. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 14), in- troduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, as to section 10 of the Bill, 35. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 125. Reported, 210. Second reading, 222. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 253. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 96.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 18. Reported, 33. Bill (No. 13), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 34. Ite- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 134-5. Reported. 211. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 226. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 69.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 23. Bill (No. 6), in- troduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 24. Reported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 51. Reported, 82. Second reading, 93. House goes into Committee on, 101. Third reading, 127. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 60.) FORT WILLIAM LAND TITLES AND REGISTRY DIVISION: 1. Resolution introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1913), 205-6. Bill (No. 206), introduced to established, 317. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 344. Third reading, 352. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 25.) 2. Bill (No. 133), introduced respecting the Registry and Land Titles Office in (1917), 108. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 150. Third reading, 212. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 32.) FORT WILLIAM AND PORT ARTHUR: Bill (No. 65), introduced respecting the boundaries and registry divisions of (1919), 46. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 168. Third reading, 190. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 33.) FOXES AND OTHER FUR-BEARING ANIMALS: w Bill (No. 101), introduced, relating to, kept in captivity (1919), 93. Second reading and referred, 117. Reported, 160. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 205. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 71.) FRANCE POST-GRADUATE STUDY IN :—See Education. FRASER—FULFORD. 87 FRASER, ALEXANDER: Question as to identity of (1917), 190. FRAUDS AND PERJURIES : Bill (No. 211), introduced for the prevention of (1913), 317. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 345. Third reading, 352. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 27.) FREE POSTAGE:—See War, The. FRENCH, CAROLINE SOPHIA:—See MacNab Estate. FRENCH-ENGLISH SCHOOL:—See Education. FRIENCH RIVER: * Question as to requests made, relating to development of electrical power on (1919), 46. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES : Reports presented (1913), 137; (1914), 113; (1915), 92; (1916), 69; (1917), 260; (1918), 58; (1919), 114; (1920), 242. Printed. FRIENDS? SEMINARY: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 47. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 40), intro- duced and referred, 61. Reported; fees remitted, 68. Second reading, 76. House goes into Committee on, 204, 240. Third reading, 240. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 103.) FRUIT BRANCH: Report on the Fruits of Ontario, presented (1914), 238. (Sessional Papers, No. 33.) Printed. FRUIT AND DEMONSTRATION FARMS: Question as to ownership and operation of (1914), 66. FRUIT GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION: 1. Reports presented, (1913), 334; (1914), 324; (1915), 263; (1916), 204; (1917), 262; (1918), 98; (1919), 148; (1920), 197. Printed. 2. Question as to amount granted to in 1918 (1919), 68. Q FUEL RESOURCES: ºr - Bill (No. 118), introduced for the better development and preservation of, (1918), 100. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 146. Third reading, 152. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 13.) FULFORD, GEORGE TAYLOR: Bill (No. 170), introduced to enable the executors of, to make a certain gift out of the estate for Patriotic Purposes (1915), 215. Second reading, 225. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 240. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 11.) 88 FUR-GANANOQUE. *— FUR-BEARING ANIMALS: Return ordered, showing number and kind of pelts, or skins, coming into the possession of Government, 1910 to 1916, because of violation of law (1917), 75. Presented (1918), 186. (Sessional Papers, No. 84.) Not printed. See Foaces. Gait, CITY OF: - 1. Petition for Act of incorporation (1915), 25. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 6), introduced and referred, 36. Reported, 58. Second reading, 73. House goes into Committee on, 141. Third reading, 194. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 51.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 14. Reported, 20. Bill (No. 9), intro- duced and referred, 31. Reported, 44. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 68. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 71.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 31), introduced and referred, 82. Reported, 102. Second reading, 106. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. It.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 92.) GALT, Y.M.C.A.: Petition for Act of incorporation (1913), 28. Reported, 160. Bill (No. 23), introduced and referred, 161. Reported; fees remitted, 227. Second reading, 240. House goes into Committee on, 246. Third reading, 253. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 144.) GANANOQUE AND ARNPRIOR RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act of incorporation (1913), 16. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 17), introduced and referred, 56. Reported, 100. Second reading, 1 19. House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 207. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 132.) 2. Petition for Act to amend Act of incorporation (1914), 18. Reported, 81. - Bill (No. 14), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 130. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 150. Third reading, O 284. R. A., 290. 4 Geo. V, c. 116.) 3. Petition for Act to amend Act incorporating (1916), 14. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 48), introduced and referred, 32. Reported, 138. Second reading, 150. House goes into Committee on, 207. Third reading, 238. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 103.) GANANOQUE, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 65. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 43), introduced and referred, 129. Reported, 190. Second reading, 202. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 220. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 97.) GANANOQUE–GERMAN. .* 89 • - - --~~~~. GANANOQUE, Town of-Continued. 2 Petition for Act respecting (1915), 23. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 21), in- - troduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 37. Re- ported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 95. Reported, 130. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 195. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 52.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 23. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 16), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 63. Re- ported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 86-7. Reported, 104. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 117. Third reading, 183. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 61.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 20), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 47. Re- ported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 58-9. Iłe- ported, 92. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 130. Third reading, 150. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 121.) GAOLS, PRISONS AND REFORMATORIES: 1. Bill (No. 110), introduced respecting (1913), 12. Second reading, 18. House goes into Committee on, 27. Third reading, 206. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 81.) 2. Reports presented (1913), 231; (1914), 312; (1915), 262; (1916), 165; (1917), 257; (1918), 148; (1919), 147; (1920), 346. Printed. 3. Official Regulations presented (1914), 279. (Sessional Papers, No. 92.) Printed. sº GARDEN ISLAND: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 73. Bill (No. 28), intro- duced and referred, 74. Reported, 131. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 162. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 122.) GAUTHIER: Question as to the granting of a fishing license to, in Georgian Bay (1913), 239. - GENERAL PURCHASING AGENT: 1. Bill (No. 49), introduced to provide for the appointment of a (1918), 13. Second reading, 27. House goes into Committee on, 36, 140. Third reading, 140. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 7.) 2. Questions as to appointment of (1919), 33; (1920), 30. GERMAN LANGUAGE : Bill (No. 83), introduced respecting the use of, in Ontario (1918), 56. Order for second reading discharged, 181. 90 GILFILLAN–GORE. sm • * --& GILFILLAN :—See Guelph Prison Farm. Question as to amount paid to, for preparation of Text Books (1916), 89. G00DMAN AND McKELWIE : 1. Question as to conviction of, for having furs unlawfully (1913), 190. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence, relating to prosecution of, and conduct of McKelvie, etc. (1913), 355. Presented (1914), 39. (Sessional Papers, No. 59.) Not printed. 6400D ROADS: 1. Motion that time has come for more and adequate policy to promote con- struction of, etc., superseded by amendment (1913), 76-7. See Highways. 2. Report of Commission presented (1914), 220. (Sessional Papers, No. 84.) Printed. GOODS, SALE OF: Bill (No. 65), introduced for codifying the law relating to (1920), 36. Second reading, 91. House goes into Committee on, 123, 157, 180. Third reading, 310. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 40.) GOODS AND CHATTELS IN BULK: 1. Bill (No. 169), introduced respecting purchase, sale and transfer of stocks of goods in bulk (1913), 113. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 153. No report. 2. Bill (No. 188), introduced respecting the purchase, transfer and sale of (1914), 281. Order for second reading discharged, 311. 3. Bill (No. 167), introduced respecting the purchase, transfer and sale of (1915), 211. Order for second reading discharged, 231. 4. Bill (No. 125), introduced respecting (1916), 110. Second reading nega- tived, 212. 5. Bill (No. 100), introduced (1917), 62. Second reading, and referred to the Legal Committee, 106. Reported, 185. House goes into Com- mittee on, 254. Third reading, 254. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 33.) See Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918. GORE BAY REGISTRAR: Return ordered, of correspondence, in reference to appointment of, to succeed sº Mr. Abery (1919), 180. Not brought down. GORE BAY RIDING AND DRIVING ASSOCIATION: Return ordered, of copies of charter of and changing name, etc. (1917), 161. Presented, 262. (Sessional Papers, No. 82.) Not printed. See Rac- ing Associations. GOVERNMENT. g 91 GOVERNMENT DISPENSARIES:—See Ontario Temperance Act. Government House: 1. 3 . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Bill (No. 134), introduced respecting the property of (1913), 57. Second reading, 64. House goes into Committee on, 70. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 13.) . Question as to expenditure on new (1913), 36. . Amendment proposed condemning expenditure on (1913), 127. Negatived, 135. . Motion to strike out $150,000; negatived (1913), 277. Motion to strike out $100,000; negatived (1913), 356. . Question as to expenditure on, re furnishings, etc. (1914), 35. . Motion re expenditure on (1914), 62. . Motion to strike out $125,000 for (1914), 303. Motion against concurrence of resolution of supply (1914), 348. Question as to how much expended on site, grounds, buildings, etc. (1915), 37. Question as to cost of heating and ventilating systems (1915), 136. Return ordered, of copy of Order-in-Council appropriating and transferring to Government of Ontario, the lands and property known as (1915), 164. Presented, 200. (Sessional Papers, No. 69.) Not printed. Motion proposed and negatived, that House be sold and new one built from proceeds of sale (1915), 163-4. Motion proposed and negatived to strike out $100,000 to be voted for (1915), 190-1. Question as to expenditure on (1916), 37. Question as to completion and further cost of (1916), 88. Motion proposed and negatived re expenses of (1916), 86-8. Question as to total expenditure to date on, for land, improvements, build- ing and furniture, etc. (1917), 23. Question as to item of $24,027.22, being included in the item of $83,470.29 (1917), 48. Motion proposed and negatived re extravagant expenditure on (1917), 205. Motion proposed and negatived, to reduce expenses of (1918), 169. Question as to total expenditure on (1919), 36. Motions proposed and negatived re expenditure (1919), 64, 218. 92 GOVERNMENT—GRAVENHURST GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS: Motion proposed and negatived re multiplication of (1917), 145. See Inside Civil Service. GOVERNMENT STOCK: Bill (No. 87), introduced respecting the redemption of (1917), 51. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 109. Resolutions intro- duced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 164-5. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 3.) - GOVERNOR-GENERAL: Message to, on occasion of visit of their Royal Highnesses to England (1913), 174. Reply, 204. GRAND JURIES: Return ordered, showing all presentments made by, in 1912 (1913), 58. Pre- sented, 341. (Sessional Papers, No. 105.) Not printed. GRAND RIVER: 1. Question as to appointment of Commission re conservation of waters of (1914), 75. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence re floods on, etc. (1913), 198. Pre- sented (1914), 39. (Sessional Papers, No. 58.) Not printed. 3. Acres study on overflow, presented (1913), 231. (Sessional Papers, No. 86.) Referred to Committee on Printing, with instructions to print, 231. - 4. Question as to steps taken to carry out suggestions of Mr. Acres (1914), 320. 5. Return ordered, of correspondence, relating to floods in, etc. (1918), 94. Presented, 98. (Sessional Papers, No. 75.) Not printed. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY : 1. Question as to compliance by, with Sec. 22, Cap. 18, 4 Edw. VII, (1917), 220. 2. Question as to recovery of land from (1920), 150. GRANGER, L. E.:—See Guelph Prison Farm. GRAVENHURST, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to consolidate the floating debt of (1915), 23. Reported, 57. Bill (No, 48.), introduced and referred, to the Railway and Muni- cipal Board, 60. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 144. Reported, 158. Second reading, 169. House goes into Com- mittee on, 177. Third reading, 205. R.A., 173. (5 Geo. V., c. 53.) GREATER—GUELPH. 93 GREATER WINNIPEG WATER DISTRICT: Bill (No. 62), introduced respecting (1916), 9. Second reading, 42. House goes into Committee on, 85. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 17.) GRIMSBY, WILLAGE OF: 1. Petition for Act to confirm By-laws of and Township of North Grimsby (1914), 105. Reported, 161. Bill (No. 98), introduced and referred, 163. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 302. - 2. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 291 (1916), 14. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 6), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 31. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 83. Reported, 105. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 125. Third reading, 209. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 72.) 3. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 451 (1919), 19. Reported, 50. Bill (No. 22), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 148. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 148. Reported, 189. Second reading, 202. House goes into Com- mittee on, 203. Third reading, 203. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 93.) GRIMSHAW, T.: Question as to employment of, by Province (1916), 95. GUELPH, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 94. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 54), introduced and referred, 126. Reported, 210. Second reading, 223. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 98.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 94. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 95), introduced and referred, 189. Reported, 264. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 70.) 3. Petition for Act to authorize the levying of an assessment for Patriotic Fund (1916), 17. Reported, 30. Bill (No. 50), introduced and re- ferred, 33. Reported, 44. Second reading, 58. House goes into Committee on, 68. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 73.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 16. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 13), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 81. Second reading, 88. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R. A., 373. (7 Geo. V, c. 70.) - 5. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 3), introduced and referred, 62. Reported, 82. Second reading, 101. House goes into Committee on, 117. Third reading, 127. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 62.) 94 GUELPH. GUELPH, CITY OF-Continued. * 6. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 32), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 53. Re- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 97. Reported, 126. Second reading, 142. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 94.) 7. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 39. Reported, 73. Bill (No. 54), introduced and referred, 74. Reported, 144. Second reading, 165. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 170. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 123.) GUELPH CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL: Question as to how maintained (1914), 184. asº GUELFH HOMEWOOD RETREAT: Question as to status of (1920), 174. GUELPH GENERAL, HOSPITAL: Bill (No. 92), introduced respecting (1915), 61. Second reading, 97. House goes into Committee on, 111, 232. Third reading, 232. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 88.) GUELFH PRISON FARM: 1. Return ordered, showing what buildings erected; total cost, etc. (1914), 38. Presented, 160. (Sessional Papers, No. 75.) Not printed. 2. Question as to total amount expended at (1914), 115. . Question as to total expenditure on, for the year 1914 (1915), 65-8. 3 4. Question as to number of prisoners, buildings at, will accommodate (1915), 69. 5. Question as to employment of Watt, Balfour, Barr and Tweedley at (1915), 82. 6. Question as to number of prisoners, committed to, through drink (1915), 173. 7. Question as to number of prisoners escaped from (1915), 233. 8. Return ordered, showing total number of herd, for dairy purposes at (1915), 173. Presented, 227. (Sessional Papers, No. 72.) Not printed. 9. Return ordered, showing total capital expenditure to close of fiscal year (1916), 34. Presented, 136. (Sessional Papers, No. 86.) Not printed. 10. Return ordered, of names of officials connected with (1916), 101. Pre- sented, 165. (Sessional Papers, No. 85.) Not printed. GUELPH-HAMILTON. 95 GUELPH PRISON FARM-Continued. 11. Question as to employment of William Watt and Thomas Barr (1916), 51. 12. Question as to employment of Gilfillan (1916), 51. 13. Question as to L. E. Granger, being purchasing agent for (1916), 57. 14. Question as to how many free labourers employed at (1916), 163. 15. Return ordered, showing total capital expenditure, to end of fiscal year, for all purposes; number of prisoners, etc. (1917), 24. Presented, 172. (Sessional Papers, No. 75.) Printed. *. 16. Question as to average number of prisoners at, November, 1915, to March, 1916 (1917), 161. See Ontario Reformatory. GUELPH RADIAL RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 18. Reported, 53. Bill (No. 28), intro- duced and referred, 54. Reported, 162. Second reading, 186. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 117.) GUELPH WINTER FAIR: Question as to additional accommodation for (1914), 38. GUNN, RICHARDS & CO’Y: Return ordered, showing what amounts have been paid to ; dates; amounts owing, etc. (1917), 44. Presented, 142. (Sessional Papers, No. 74.) Not printed. Halleybury TURF ASSOCIATION: Petition for Act of incorporation (1914), 18. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 1), introduced and referred, 33. Reported withdrawn, fees remitted, 302. HALL, ALFRED: Petition respecting and the Rolls of the Law Society of Upper Canada (1920), 27. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 1), introduced and referred, 45. Re- ported preamble not proven, 92. HALTON, COUNTY OF: Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 387 (1914), 105. Reported, 161. Bill (No. 99), introduced and referred, 163. Reported, 234. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 286. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 71.) See Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918. HAMILTON ASYLUM: Report of C. G. Snider on, presented (1920), 346. (Sessional Papers, No. 87.) Not printed. - - 96 HAMILTON. HAMILTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: Return ordered, of correspondence relating to, regarding which legislation is sought (1914), 170. Presented, 181. (Sessional Papers, No. 79.) Not printed. HAMILTON, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 16. Reported, 55. Bill (No. 8), introduced and referred, .56. Reported, 81. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 120. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 99.) See Coroners’ Act. 2. Petitions for Act respecting (1914), 18, 53. Reported, 54. Bill (No. 19), introduced and referred, 120. Motion for second reading; amend- ment to recommit and Debate on adjourned, 180. Second reading. 171. House goes into Committee on, 223. Third reading; amend- ment negatived, 291. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 72.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 23. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 17), introduced and referred, 59. Reported, 102. Second reading, 108. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 54.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 16. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 19), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 115. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 71.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 33. Bill (No. 19), introduced and referred, 34. Reported, 55. Second reading, 64. House goes into Committee on, 101. Third reading, 126. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 63.) 6. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 27), introduced and referred, 53. Reported, 81. Second reading, 96, House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 95.) 7. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 112. Bill (No. 22), introduced and referred, 112. Reported, 288. Second reading, 307. House goes into Committee on, 318, 330. Third reading, 341. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 124.) HAMILTON HOTEL COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 16. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 34), intro- duced and referred, 42. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 53. HAMILTON JOCKEY CLUB: Question as to application pending, re increase of capital stock (1917), 93. See Racing Associations. HAMILTON.—HAWKESBURY. - 97 HAMILTON MOUNTAIN ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act of incorporation (1913), 20. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 20), introduced and referred, 106. Reported, 134. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 179. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 133.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 23. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 12), introduced and referred, 59. Reported, 168. Second reading, 176. House goes into Committee on, 195. Third reading, 233. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 81.) HANNA, HON. W. J., PROVINCIAL SECRETARY: 1. Questions as to printing and mailing certain addresses of (1915), 74, 134, 135. 2. Question re his connection with oil company (1916), 120. 3. House adjourns out of respect of memory to (1919), 63. - HANOWER, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 191 (1915), 23. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 23), introduced and referred, 59. Reported, 88. Second read- ing, 94. House goes into Committee on, 98. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 55.) HARDING, ROBERT T.: Question as to identity of (1920), 324. HARKNESS, R. E. L.: 1. Question as to employment of, as lecturer, at Agricultural College (1913), 295. 2. Motion to strike out salary of (1913), 356. See Jordan Harbour. Ea:- perimental Fruit Station. HARRIS LITHOGRAPH COMPANY: Question as to work done by, on agricultural pamphlet (1920), 77. HARVEY, ALBERT:—See Sudbury, District of. HAVERGAL LADIES” COLLEGE : Petition for Act of incorporation (1917), 16. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 38), introduced and referred, 42. Reported; fees remitted, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213, R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 104.) HAWKESBURY, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 23. Reported, 87. Bill (No. 28), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 88. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 144. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 159. 7 D.S. - 98 HAWKESBURY_HEATON. HAwkESBURY, TOWN OF-Continued. 2. Petition for Act to confirm an Agreement between and the. Riordan Pulp and Paper Company, Limited (1920), 27. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 31), introduced and referred, 47. Reported, 191. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 125.) HEAL, JAMES: Petition respecting Estate of (1917), 16. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 30), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 61. Re- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 90. Reported, 200. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 240. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 110.) HEALTH, PUBLIC: 1. Bill (No. 181), introduced to amend the Act (1913), 131. Second read- ing and referred to the Municipal Committee, 178. Reported, 232. House goes into Committee on, 249. Third reading, 253. See below. 2. Bill (No. 77), introduced to amend (1913), 228. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 275. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 55.) 3. Copy of Order-in-Council presented, approving of Regulation for control of communicable diseases (1913), 292. (Sessional Papers, No. 96.) Not printed. 4. Reports presented (1913), 302; (1914), 80; (1915), 120; (1916), 12; (1917), 260; (1918), 37; (1919), 147; (1920), 110. Printed. 5. Report of District Board of, presented (1915), 262. (Sessional Papers, No. 21, A.) Printed. 6. Regulations presented (1920), 110. (Sessional Papers, No. 71.) Printed. 7. Question as to names of officers now in office (1915), 136. IHEALTH AND TOURIST RESORT: Motion re direction of attention of people to Ontario as a ; withdrawn (1915), 200. *. HEARST, ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCOPAL CORPORATION OF DIOCESE OF : Petition for Act of incorporation (1920), 54. Reported, 112. Bill (No. 58), introduced and referred, 112. Reported, 254. Second reading, 262. House goes into Committee on, 308. Third reading, 311. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 155.) HEATON, FIRE MARSHAL: Question as to service rendered to, by Superintendent of Ontario Provincial Police Force (1917), 87. HERLIKY—HIGHWAYS. 99 HERLIKY, D.: Question as to employment of (1915), 136. HESPELER, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 39. Reported, 133. Bill (No. 56), introduced and referred, 135. Reported, 201. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 126.) HIGHGATE, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act of incorporation (1917), 17. Reported, 84. Bill (No. 11), introduced and referred, 85. Reported, 138. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 156, 215. Third reading, 216. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 72.) HIGHWAYS AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT: 1. Motion that House memorialize Government of Canada, to amend Dominion Railway Act, so as to secure to municipalities, control of their own; superseded by amendment (1913), 96-7. See Good Roads. Public Highways. . Bill (No. 69), introduced respecting excessive injury, or wear of (1915), 83. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 123. Re- ported adversely, 202. . Bill (No. 94), introduced to regulate the load of vehicles operated on (1915), 83. Ssecond reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 123. Reported adversely, 202. . Bill (No. 159), introdućed to amend the Highway Improvement Act (1915), 192. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 218. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 16.) . Bill (No. 79), introduced to amend (1916), 50. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 94. Reported, 166. House goes into Com- mittee on, 190. Third reading, 238. See Public Highways. . Bill (No. 128), introduced to amend The Highways Travel Act (1916), 120. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 142. Reported, 178. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 236. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 46.) Bill (No. 76), introduced to regulate the load of Vehicles on (1916), 49. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 94. Re- ported, 178. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 236. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 40.) Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend The Highways Travel Act (1917), 86. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 144. Re- ported, 186. House goes into Committee on, 242. Third reading, 242. T. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 48.) 100 EIIGHWAYS. HIGHWAYS AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT—Continued. 9. Bill (No. 71), introduced to amend the Act to aid in the improvement of 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. (1918), 38. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 57. Reported, 158. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third read- ing, 180. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 15.) Bill (No. 78), introduced to authorize and regulate the use of Traction Engines on (1918), 50. Second reading and referred to the Legal Com- mittee, 71. No report. Bill (No. 90), introduced to amend (1918), 63. Order for second reading discharged, 89. Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend (1918), 100. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 128. Reported, 158. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 17.) - Bill (No. 130), introduced to amend the Highway Travel Act (1918), 110. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 155. Reported, 158. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 36.) See Public Highways. Bill (No. 123), introduced to amend (1919), 111. Second reading, 143. Reported, 159. House goes into Committee on, 175. Third reading, 202. See below. Resolution introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1919), 181-2. Bill (No. 167), introduced to amend, 182. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 233-4. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 18.) Bill (No. 102), introduced to amend, 60. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 105-6. Motion for second reading and Debate on, adjourned, 123, 130. Second reading, 145. House goes into Com- mittee on, 152, 192. Third reading, 215. R. A., 294. (10 Geo. V, c. 20.) Bill (No. 133), introduced to amend, 122. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 141. Reported, 173. House goes into Com- mittee on, 199. Third reading, 215. See above. Reports presented (1913), 350; (1914), 279; (1915), 139; (1916), 142; (1917), 260; (1918), 72; (1919), none; (1920), 249. Printed. Petition respecting (1919), 21. See Ontario Highways Act. HILL-HORTICULTURAL. 101 HILL, FRED: ‘Return ordered, of copies of reports relating to dismissal of (1917), 139. Pre- sented, 263. (Sessional Papers, No. 88.) Not printed. HODGE, JOHN E.:—See Sudbury, District of. HODGINS, JUSTICE: 1. Report of, presented, on Medical Education (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 57.) Printed. 2. Question as to period of time covered by legal services of, in connection with the feeble-minded investigation (1920), 186. HOISTING ENGINEERS: Bill (No. 129), introduced respecting (1913), 36. Order for second reading discharged, 98. HOLY BLOSSOM, TRUSTEES OF CONGREGATION OF: Petition for Act to amend Act to authorize the Trustees of to convey certain lands (1913), 65. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 45), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 95. Reported adversely, 102-3. Fees remitted, 156. HOLY TRINITY, CHURCH OF:—See Toronto. HOMESTEAD INSPECTOR: 1. Question as to additions made to staff of, in Cochrane agency (1920), 56. 2. Question as to L. E. Vanhorne's residence at Cochrane (1920), 114. HOMEWOOD SANATORIUM: Questions as to status of, 174. HOPKINS, J. C.: Question as to payment to, for 10,000 copies of “The Province of Ontario and the War” (1920), 75. HOPS: Bill (No. 151), introduced respecting Actions-at-Law upon Contracts or Agreements for the purchase of (1917), 143. Order for second reading discharged, 219. º HORTICULTURAL, EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION: Question as to amount granted to, by Government (1919), 69. HoRTICULTURAL ExPERIMENTAL STATION: 1. Question re establishment of, at Jordan Harbour (1913), 41. See Jordan Harbour. Vineland Station. 2. Reports presented (1918), 98. 102 HORTICULTURAL–HOSPITAL. • – ——— — — — —-4 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES : 1. Report presented (1913), 334; (1914), 324; (1915), 263; (1916), 204; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 148; (1920), 190. Printed. 2. Bill (No. 79), introduced to amend the Act respecting (1917), 42. Second reading and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Coloniza- tion, 76. Reported, 173. House goes into Committee on, 197. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 26.) 3. Bill (No. 116), introduced to amend the Act (1919), 105. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 183. Third reading, 229. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 21.) HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 182), introduced to amend (1913), 131. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 173. Reported, 203. House goes into Committee on, 339. Third reading, 342. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 87.) 2. Bill (No. 220), introduced to confer certain powers respecting on the Lieutenant-Governor in Council (1920), 243. Second reading, 282. House goes into Committee on, 287. Third reading, 295. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 108.) 3. Bill (No. 228), introduced to amend the Hospitals and Charities Institu- tions Act (1920), 254. Second reading, 288. House goes into Com- mittee on, 292. Third reading, 326. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 107.) 4. Orders-in-Council presented (1920), 155. (Sessional Papers, No. 77.) Not printed. 5. Order-in-Council presented, designating Hospitals, Refuges, Orphanages, etc., to which aid may be granted under (1918), 185. (Sessional Papers, No. 83.) Not printed. Order-in-Council ratified by House, 181. - - 6. Reports presented (1913), 269; (1914), 262; (1915), 262; (1916), 177; (1917), 260; (1918), 148; (1919), 147; (1920), 346. Printed. 7. Official Regulations presented (1914), 279. (Sessional Papers, No. 91.) Printed. HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN : a Petition for Act respecting, and the Estate of John Ross Robertson, deceased (1919), 20. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 34), introduced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 45. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 49-50. Reported; fees remitted, 58. Sec- ond reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 121.) HOTELS-HOUSE. 103 * HOTELS: 1. 2. HOURS HOUSE, 1. 2. . 5. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 18. Bill (No. 118), introduced for the prevention of accidents by Fire in, and other like buildings (1913), 12. Second reading, 18. House goes into Committee on, 42. Third reading, 206. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 63.) Bill (No. 161), introduced respecting (1916), 160. Second reading and referred to Committee of the Whole House on Bill (No. 100), “The Ontario Temperance Act,” 191. OF LABOUR:—See Fair Wages. Underground Labour. THE : Proclamation calling for Despatch of Business, (1913), 1; (1914), 1; (1915), 1; (1916), 1; (1917), 1 ; (1918), 1 ; (1919), 1 ; (1920), 1. Adjourns out of respect to memory of Hon. A. J. Matheson, (1913), 11. Adjourns out of respect to memory of Sir George Ross (1914), 56. Adjourns out of respect to memory of Sir James Whitney (1915), 19. Adjourns out of respect to memory of deceased members (1917), 12. Adjourns out of respect to memory of Hon. W. J. Hanna (1919), 63. Adjourns to an earlier hour next day (1920), 118. . To meet at 2.30 p.m. (1913), 31, 50, 52, 59, 60, 64, 67, 74, 167, 174. . To meet at 11 a.m. (1913), 412; (1914), 315; ((1916), 172, 213; (1917), 193; (1918), 171; (1919), 215; (1920), 316, 328, 345. To meet at an unusual hour (1914), 101; (1920), 118. Government business to be on Monday’s Order Paper (1913), 17; (1914), 148; (1915), 26; (1916), 19; (1917), 19; (1918), 17; (1919), 17; (1920), 43. \ Government business to have precedence (1913), 176; (1914), 195: (1920), 214. Adjourns over Easter (1913), 174; (1920), 119. Adjourns over a day or more (1915), 18, 21, 261; (1916), 12, 95, 249; (1917), 255; (1918), 13, 185; (1919), 66, 220; (1920), 34, 374. Adjourns over the Proudfoot investigation (1913), 398. . New Rules relating to Printed Bills adopted (1914), 363. . Select Committee appointed to revise Rules (1916), 21. Reported and referred to Committee of Whole, 143. House goes into Committee on, 168. Order for further consideration cancelled, 218. Clerk of, directed to send copy of Resolution to Ottawa (1916), 27. Ac- knowledged, 35. 104 HOUSE—HUTTON. Hous E, THE-Continued. 19. Sits after midnight (1913), 225, 302, 348; (1914), 139, 171, 225, 259, 274, 298, 320, 321, 359, 379; (1916), 62, 141, 192, 212, 231; (1917), 56, 114, 171, 182, 195, 210, 222, 225; (1919), 59, 171; (1920), 219, 227, 242, 293, 309, 344. 20. Sits all night (1914), 93. 21. Sits from 3 p.m. until 10.55 p.m. without adjournment (1918), 174-186. 22. Committee to sit concurrently (1919), 217; (1920), 214. 23. Adjourns over Victoria Day (1920), 326. HOUSING ACCOMMODATION: Bill (No. 69), introduced to encourage (1913), 238. Second reading, 291. r House goes into Committee on, 310. Third reading, 318. R. A., 406. (3 Geo.V., c. 57.) HOUSING COMMITTEE: 1. Report presented (1919), 119. (Sessional Papers, No. 65.) Printed. 2. Report presented, of Bureau of Municipal Affairs, in re, including Acts, rules, etc. (1919), 199. (Sessional Papers, No. 75.) Not printed. See Dwelling Houses. HOUSTON, M.: Return presented, of correspondence with respect to certain charges against (1913), 53. (Sessional Papers, No. 60.) Not printed. HUMBER WALLEY ELECTRIC RAILWAY: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 25. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 7), intro- duced and referred, 43. Reported, 211. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 241. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. v, c. 82.) HUNTSVILLE, TOWN OF:. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 358 (1915), 23. Reported, 42. Bill No. 14), introduced and referred, 43. Reported, 72. Second reading, 81. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 100. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 56.) HURON AND ERIE LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 26. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 22), intro- duced and referred, 43. Reported, 121. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 194. R. A., 173. (5 Geo. V, c. 86.) º HUTTON, LINCOLN: Petition for Act to authorize the Law Society to admit to practice as a Bar- rister and Solicitor (1915), 23. Reported, 120. Bill (No. 39), intro- duced and referred, 122. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 159. HYDRO. - 105 HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION: 1. Question as to Mr. Sothman's appointment, resignation, etc. (1913), 57 . 2. Question as to amount in dispute with McGuigan Construction Co. (1913), 3 4 5 6 7. 58. * . Question as to statement of Mr. Beck at North Bay re development of power, etc. (1913), 69. . Question as to Commission's estimate of cost of construction of Niagara transmission lines (1913), 146. . Question as to location of transmission line, St. Thomas to Windsor (1913), 245. . Question as to exempting various municipalities from paying to commission, their annual proportion of charges (1913), 304. Return ordered, of expenses incurred by, in connection with passing of by-law at North Bay, etc. (1913), 78. Presented, 217. (Sessional Papers, No. 84.) Not printed. 8. Return ordered, of copy of settlement with F. H. McGuigan, etc. (1913), 117. (Not brought down.) - 9. Report of Commission presented (1913), 113. (Sessional Papers, No. 47.) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Printed. Matters of Expenditure, in Report of, referred to Committee on Public Accounts (1913), 133. Motion proposed and negatived, that certain detailed expenditures be laid before the House (1913), 140-1. Return ordered of copies of Orders-in-Council passed under section 8 of the Power Commission Act (1913), 198. Presented (1914), 312. (Sessional Papers, No. 97.) Not printed. Motion that Commission be instructed to prepare for publication in Public Accounts, a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures; super- seded by amendment (1913), 321-3. Report presented (1914), 80. (Sessional Papers, No. 48.) Printed. Financial Statements referred to Committee on Public Accounts (1914), 293. Question as to compliance with Resolution of House re statement of ex- penditures (1914), 65. Question as to payment, by Toronto, of annual proportion of charges (1914), 330. Question as to payment, by municipalities of interest charge (1914), 331. 8 D.S. 106 *– HYDRO. HYDRO-ELECTRIC PoweR CoMMISSION.—Continued. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 Question as to payment, by municpalities of proportion of sinking fund (1914), 331. Question as to whether Government transmitted to Government of Canada, Resolution of House (1914), 406. Question as to municipalities in Niagara District which have not paid proportion of sinking fund (1914), 407. Question as to what amount of sinking fund due by city of Toronto (1914), 407. Return ordered, of correspondence relative to the statements of receipts and expenditures, of etc. (1914), 152. Not brought down. Return ordered, shewing how much Commission spent in building trunk line from Morrisburg to Prescott, etc. (1914), 217. Presented, 238. sional Papers, No. 97.) Not printed. Motion to amend Resolution of Supply, by inserting certain estimates (1914), 303. Return presented to an Order of the House of the Session of 1913, for copies of Order-in-Council under Section 8 of Act (1914), 312. (Ses- sional Papers, No. 97.) Not printed. Question as to compensation to members of Commission (1915), 178. Return ordered, of requests made to enquire into and report upon pro- posed Electric Railways, etc. (1915), 235. (See below, 31.) Report presented (1915), 181. (Sessional Papers, No. 48.) Printed. Question as to the $2,000,000 borrowed for and advanced (1916), 124, 159. Question as to what Municipal Corporations have been authorized by Lieutenant-Governor in Council to enter into agreements with, for construction and operation of Electric Railways, etc. (1916), 139. Return presented, to an Order of the House of Session of 1915, shewing if any requests made to Commission under Sec. 3 of the Act, 1914, to enquire into and report upon proposed railways in Ontario, etc. (1916), 22. (Sessional Papers, No. 67.) Not printed. ... Report presented (1916), 49. (Sessional Papers, No. 48.) Printed. 33. Bill (No. 171), introduced to authorize the construction and operation of works for the development of electrical power by (1917), 193. Sec- ond reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 252. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 21.) HYDRO. 107 HYDRO-ELECTRIC Power CoMMISSION.—Continued. 34. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Return ordered, in reference to purchase of the Seymour Power Company property, etc. (1917), 44. Presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 62.) Not printed. . Return ordered, of copy of Order-in-Council and correspondence, relative to the Toronto-Niagara Falls line, etc. (1917), 127. Presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 58.) Not printed. Report presented (1917), 211. (Sessional Papers, No. 48.) Printed. Report presented (1918), 171. (Sessional Papers, No. 49.) Printed. Question as to when Aduit of accounts of, will be completed (1918), 111. Clarkson’s report upon audit of accounts presented (1919), 24. (Sessional Papers, No. 57.) Printed. Question as to report of Mr. Clarkson (1919), 34. Question as to how many motor vehicles used by (1919), 221. Clarkson’s report presented (1920), 81. (Sessional Papers No. 68.) Printed. Clarkson’s report presented, on Ontario Power Company (1920), 124. (Sessional Papers, No. 73.) Printed. Report of Commission presented (1920), 293. (Sessional Papers, No. 49.) Printed. . Correspondence presented, re Midland Municipal Association (1920), 218. (Sessional Papers, No. 83.) Not printed. Question as to purchase of power by, etc. (1920), 56. Question as to amount of power exported from Niagara Falls (1920), 229. Question as to necessary authority to proceed with construction of line, Port Credit to St. Catharines (1920), 244. Motion re more equitable distribution of power in province (1920), 217. Committee named, 347. t Return ordered, relating to any transaction concerning the sale, or deal- ing in certain tracts of lands, river improvements, etc., in County of Haliburton (1920), 371. (Not brought down.) Motion for Committee to enquire into difficulties between, and employers on the Queenston-Chippawa Development Works, and Debate on, ad- journed (1920), 288. Debate resumed and amendment proposed and Debate on, adjourned, 290. Debate resumed and motion and amend- ment withdrawn, 291. * 108 EIYDRO–INDUSTRIAL. HYDRO-ELECTRIC RAILWAY ACT: 1. Bill (No. 162), introduced to amend (1915), 194. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 218. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 32.) 2. Bill (No. 167), introduced to amend and confirm certain By-laws and Con- tracts (1916), 171. Second reading, 212. House goes into Commit- tee on, 231. Third reading, 239. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 37.) 3. Bill (No. 170), introduced to amend (1919), 198. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 234. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 45.) - 4. Bill (No. 239), introduced to amend (1920), 289. Second reading, 365. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 368. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 57.) HYDRO-RADIAL, TORONTO TO NIAGARA FALLS: Return presented, to an Order of the House of the Session of 1917, for copies of Orders-in-Council approving of the agreement for construction of (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 58.) Not printed. plors AND EPILEPTICS: Reports presented (1913), 231; (1914), 389; (1915), 262; (1916), 102; (1917), 260; (1918), 148. Printed. IMMIGRATION POLICY: Motion re vigorous; negatived (1913), 224. IMPERIAL 0IL COMPANY:—See Provincial Secretary. IMPROVEMENTS, TAXATION OF:—See Taxation. INDEMNITY, SESSIONAL: Question of an increase to, discussed (1920), 227. INDIAN LANDS: Bill (No. 102), introduced to confirm the Title of the Government of Canada to (1915), 97. Second reading, 133. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 235. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 12.) INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION ACT: Bill (No. 107), introduced to amend (1920), 173. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 200. No report. See Industrial Schools. - INDUSTRIAL FARMS ACT? 1. Bill (No. 141), introduced to amend (1914), 137. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 292. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 52.) 2. Official Regulations presented (1914), 279. (Sessional Papers, No. 93.) Printed. INDUSTRIAL–INSANE. 109 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING PURPOSES : Bill (No. 104), introduced respecting the settlement of claims arising out of the use of land for (1918), 93. Second reading, 107. House goes into Committee on, 116. Third reading, 139. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 11.) INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS: Motion proposed and negatived re creation of a Department to study and promote action for the betterment of the condition of workers of the Province (1915), 260. - INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES:–See Education. INDUSTRIAL REHABILITATION BOARD : Motion re establishment of, amendment proposed and carried referring to Special Committee (1920), 139-40. Committee named, 161. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 140), introduced to amend (1914), 136. Second reading, 177. - House goes into Committee on, 187. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Com- mittee and referred to Bill, 191. Third reading, 365. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 48.) 2. Bill (No. 227), introduced to amend (1920), 254. Second reading, 287. House goes into Committee on, 292. Third reading, 341. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 104.) INDUSTRIES, BUREAU OF: * Report presented (1913), 334; (1914), 334; (1915), 263; (1916), 205; (1917), 262; (1918), 98; (1919), 220. Printed. INFANTS: - Bill (No. 64), introduced relating to the guardianship and custody of (1920), 36. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 184. No report. INGERSOLL, TOWN OF:. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 14. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 20), intro- duced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 66. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 70. Reported; fees re- mitted, 170. Second reading, 211. House goes into Committee on, 219. Third reading, 219. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 74.) INSANE, THE: - 1. Bill (No. 111), introduced respecting Provincial Hospitals for, and the custody of insane persons (1913), 12. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 49. Third reading, 342. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 83.) 110 INSANE–INSURANCE. *-- —a º INSANE, THE-Continued. 2. Bill (No. 143), introduced respecting Reception Hospitals for (1914), 137. Second reading, 177. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Gov- ernor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 192. House goes into Committee on, 187. Third reading, 292. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 54.) 3. Bill (No. 152), introduced to amend the Hospitals Act (1914), 155. Sec- ond reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 292. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 53.) 4 . Bill (No. 178), introduced to amend the Act respecting (1916), 207. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 219. Third reading, 239. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 64.) ſº 5 . Reports presented (1913), 231; (1914), 262; (1915), 263; (1916), 165; (1917), 259; (1918), 148; (1919), 147; (1920), 346. Printed. 6 . Special Report presented (1915), 210. (Sessional Papers, No. 71.) Printed. - 7. . Official Regulations presented (1914), 287. (Sessional Papers, No. 95.) Printed. 8. Return ordered, shewing number of Patients now under treatment in Hos- pitals for, etc. (1914), 100. (Not brought down.) See Hospitals. 9. Question as to superintendents of, engaging in private practice (1920), 230. INSIDE CIWIL SERVICE: -- 1. Return ordered shewing total number of members of, in 1914 and 1917 (1917), 154. Presented, 263. (Sessional Papers, No. 86.) Not printed. 2. Question as to number of enlisted, etc. (1917), 153. See Civil Servants. INSURANCE AND INSURANCE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 143), introduced to amend (1913), 66. Second reading and re- ferred to a Select Committee, 118. Reported, 252. House in Com- mittee on and Bill recommitted to Select Committee, 296. Reported, 335. House goes into Committee on, 352. Discharged, 395. See below. 2. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1913), 130. Second reading, 153. House goes into. Committee on, 158, 365. Third reading, 365. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 35.) 3. Reports presented (1913), 137; (1914), 113; (1915), 92; (1916), 69; (1917), 260; (1918), 58; (1919), 114; (1920), 242. Printed. INSURANCE—HRONDALE, 111 INSURANCE AND INSURANCE ACT-Continued. 4. Resolution that enquiry should be made into control exercised by Under- writers’ Associations over the regulating and placing of, and for ap- pointment of Commission (1916), 158. 5. Return ordered, shewing what building it is proposed to cover by, etc. (1919), 116. Presented, 199. (Sessional Papers, No. 74.) Not printed. INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY: 1. Return ordered, of correspondence between Government and, or Canada Copper Company, re damage done to property of farmers, etc. (1916), 164. Presented (1917), 63. (Sessional Papers, No. 65.) Printed. See Provincial Secretary, Canada Copper Company. Nickel. 2. Question as to collection of taxes from (1920), 66. 3. Question as to payment of $40,000 by (1920), 88. 4. Motion re collection of certain taxes from ; withdrawn (1920), 332. INTERPRETATION ACT: Bill (No. 156), introduced to amend (1913), 95. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 119. Teported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 249. Discharged, 395. See Statute Law Amendment Act. INTER-FROWINCIAL CONFERENCE: 1. Minutes of proceedings presented (1914), 109. (Sessional Papers, No. 67.) Printed. 2. Question as to Resolution of, re Salary of Lieutenant-Governor and Sub- sidies (1914), 37. INTOXICATING LIQUOR: 1. Motion re prohibition of importation of and Debate on, adjourned (1920), 151. Debate resumed, amendments proposed and Debate on, adjourned, 175-6, 181. Debate resumed, amendments negatived and main motion carried, 193-7. 2. Bill (No. 142), introduced respecting certain transactions in (1920), 135. Second reading, 212. House goes into Committee on, 225, 259, 307. Third reading, 326. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 80.) See Ontario Temperance Act. - IRON INDUSTRY: Resolution that the development of, would be stimulated, etc., by assistance from Parliament of Canada (1914), 72. IRONDALE, BANCROFT AND OTTAWA RAILWAY: Resolution introduced re extension of time for earning Subsidy; Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Statute Law Amendment Act (1913), 309-10. 112 ISOLATION-JUDGES. ISOLATION HOSPITAL: Question as to licensing and inspection of, on Selby Street, Toronto (1917), 118. Jackson, WILLIS K. : 1. Return ordered, showing number of acres occupied by bona fide settlers, on lands purchased by, from Province, etc. (1916), 128. Presented (1917), 71. (Sessional Papers, No. 68.) Not printed. See Timber. -2. Question as to company having carried out terms of agreement (1919), 46. JAMES BAY: - Report presented, of J. G. McMillan, covering investigations at (1913), 127. (Sessional Papers, No. 71.) Printed. JAMES, CLARKSON: Question as to what military status held by, during recent visit to Great Britain, etc. (1916), 51. JEANNETTE: Return ordered, of copies of petitions, etc., passing between British settlers at, and the Government (1913), 62. Presented, 243. (Sessional Papers, No. 88.) Not printed. JESUS CHRIST, CHURCH OF:—See Christian Brotherhood. JEWS, THE : Resolution expressing satisfaction with action of Supreme Council at San Remo, etc. (1920), 186. e JOHNSTON, W. I.:—See Temiskaming and N. O. Railway. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES:—See Timber. JORDAN EXPERIMENTAL FRUIT STATION: 1. Question as to establishment of Horticultural Station at (1913), 41. 2. Question as to statement of A. D. Harkness (1913), 117. 3. Return ordered, of copies of Resolutions at Board meeting (1913), 124. Presented, 397. (Sessional Papers, No. 109.) Not printed. 4. Motion to strike out salary of Director of Station at (1913), 356. 5. Question as to expenditure at, and re Harkness (1914), 80. 6. Return ordered, of correspondence with reference to resignation of Mr. Harkness (1914), 146. Presented (1915), 264. (Sessional Papers, Wo. 78.) Not printed. See Horticultural Experiment Station. . JUDGES: Return presented, of copies of papers ,etc., with respect to increase in num- ber of, etc. (1913), 80. (Sessional Papers, No. 64.) Not printed. JUDICATURE-KAPUSKASING. 113 JUDICATURE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 78), introduced respecting the Supreme Court of Ontario and the Administration of Justice (1913), 206. House goes into Com- mittee on, 229, 242, 297, 354. Third reading; amendment negatived, 388-9. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 19.) See Judges. 2. Bill (No. 120), introduced to amend (1914), 111. Second reading nega- tived, 365-6. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 3. Bill (No. 125), introduced to amend (1920), 113. Motion for second reading and Debate on, adjourned, 145-6. Debate resumed and order for second reading discharged, 185. JURORS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 146), introduced to amend (1917), 127. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 148. No report. 2. Bill (No. 50), introduced to amend (1918), 15. Second reading, 48. House goes into Committee on, 173. Third reading, 173. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 23.) 3. Bill (No. 58), introduced to amend (1918), 21. Second reading, 57. Order for House to go into Committee on discharged, 181. See above. 4. Bill (No. 208), introduced to amend (1920), 218. Second reading, 237. House goes into Committee on, 246. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 35.) JUSTICES OF THE PEACE: 1. Bill introduced pro forma (1913), 9; (1914), 11; (1915), 16; (1916), 5; (1917), 10; (1918), 4; (1919), 12; (1920), 20. 2. Power to take affidavits (1913). See Statute Law Amendment Act. JUVENILE COURTS: Bill (No. 81), introduced respecting (1916), 56. Second reading, 86. House goes into Committee on, 104, 132. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 54.) JUVENILE COURT, TORONTO: Question as to Resolution of City Council, for Commission to enquire (1919), 35. See Boyd. Karuskasin G: 1. Return ordered, showing how much money spent in connection with soldiers’ land settlement at, etc. (1919), 69. Presented, 114. (Sessional Papers, No. 67.) Not printed. 2. Report presented of Commission appointed to enquire into affairs of Soldiers’ Settlement at (1920), 43. (Sessional Papers, No. 61.) Printed. 114 IXAPUSKASING—KINGSTON. RAPUSKASING—Continued. 3. Evidence before Commission presented (1920), 110. (Sessional Papers, No. 61.) 4. Motion re adoption of Report of Commission and Debate on, adjourned (1920), 132-3. Debate resumed, amendment proposed and Debate on, adjourned, 142-46. Debate resumed and amendment carried, 155. $ 5. Recommendations as a basis of settlement presented (1920), 146. (Ses- sional Papers, No. 76.) Not printed. KELLY, CORON AND DUQUET: Question as to fining of, for infraction of Liquor law (1913), 304. KEMPTWILLE: Question as to work in connection with agricultural buildings at (1919), 221. KENDRY AND HAGGART, TOWNSHIPS OF:—See Jackson, W. K.—TIMBER. KENORA, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 75. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 47), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 84. Re- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 183. Reported, 210. Second reading, 223. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 100.) 2. Return ordered, of correspondence with Counsel for Keewatin and Hudson Bay Power Companies, re action against Town, etc. (1913), 185. Pre- sented, (1914), 129. (Sessional Papers, No. 70.) Not printed. 3. Return ordered, of correspondence, relating to the enforcement of the Liquor License Law in, etc. (1914), 179. Not brought down. 4. Question as to who is Ticense Inspector at; date of appointment, etc. (1914), 198. KINGSDALE, POLICE WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act to erect (1916), 64. Reported, 97. Bill (No. 41), intro- duced and referred, 99. Reported, 160. Second reading, 167. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 75.) KINGSTON ASYLUM: 1. Question as to filling Bursarship at (1914), 144. 2. Motion proposed and negatived, to strike out $30,000 for purchase of additional land (1918), 65. 3. Return ordered, of correspondence in reference to purchase of additional land for (1918), 97. Presented, 102. (Sessional Papers, No. 77.) Not printed. s 4. Question as to acreage of land, held by Crown for (1918), 112. ECINGSTON.—LABOUR. 115 KINGSTON, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 14. Teported, 65. Bill (No. 19), in- troduced and referred, 66. Reported, 119. Second reading, 126. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 76.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 17. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred, 41. Reported, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on, 77. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 73.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 33. Bill (No. 5), in- troduced and referred, 34. Reported, 55. Second reading, 64. House goes into Committee on, 72. Third reading, 110. R.A., 191 (8 Geo. V, c. 64.) - RINGSTON SCHOOL OF MINING AND AGRICULTURE; Petition for Act respecting the amalgamation of, with Queen’s University 164. Presented (1917), 63. (Sessional Papers, No. 65.) Printed. Reported; fees remitted, 44. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 68. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 110.) KINGSTON Y.M.C.A.: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 17. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 27), intro- duced and referred, 41. Reported; fees remitted, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 106.) KINGSTON Y.W.C.A. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 17. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 28), intro- duced and referred, 42. Reported; fees remitted, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 107.) º LAHATT. CHARLES BAGOT: Petition for Act to authorize the Law Society to admit him as a barrister (1916), 15. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 22), introduced and referred, 48. Reported, 105. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 166. Third reading, 180. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 118.) LABOUR, BUREAU OF: 1. Reports presented (1913), 167; (1914), 68; (1915), 180; (1916), 204; (1917), 260. See Trades and Labour. 2. Petitions for creation of (1916), 23, 36, 40, 46, 56, 64, 71, 91, 97, 102, 118, 122, 149, 165, 170. LABOUR, DEPARTMENT OF: Bill (No. 52), introduced to establish (1919), 14. Order for second reading discharged, 228. See Ministry of Trades and Labour. 116 LABOUR-LAND LABOUR, HOURS OF: 1. Return ordered, of correspondence relating to the question of, being limited to eight hours per diem (1920), 53. Presented, 346. (Sessional Papers, No. 89.) Not printed. 2. Teturn ordered, of copies of requests or memorials filed with Minister of Public Works, or Labour Department, from labour organizations (1920), 57. Presented, 160. (Sessional Papers, No. 79.) Printed. See Fair Wages. Underground Employment. LARE HURON AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY: 1. Bill (No. 202), introduced respecting (1913), 281. Second reading; amendment proposed and negatived, 347-50. House goes into Com- mittee on, 354. Third reading; amendment negatived, 386-7. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 134.) 2. Questions as to commencement of construction, progress, settlers, etc. (1914), 43; (1915), 69. 3. Motion condemning policy of Government in alienating large and valuable areas of the Public Domain (1914), 315-16. 4. Question as to bringing into force, amendment passed last Session (1916), 21. 5. Motion that Company should be notified that Act respecting land grant to, will not be renewed, etc.; withdrawn (1916), 154. LANARK, COUNTY OF; Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 719 (1913), 17. Reported, 160. Bill (No. 24), introduced and referred, 161. Reported, 189. Second read- ing, 202. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 220. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 101.) LANDLORD AND TENANT: 1. Bill (No. 60), introduced to amend the law of (1918), 24. Second read- ing and referred to the Legal Committee, 50. No report. 2. Bill (No. 95), introduced to amend the law relating to (1919), 83. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 96. Not reported. LAND TITLES AND LAND TITLES ACT : 1. Bill (No. 158), introduced to amend (1914), 164. Second reading, 193. House goes into Committee on, 236. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo V, c. 24.) 2. Bill (No. 142), introduced to amend (1917), 126. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 31.) 3. Bill (No. 105), introduced to amend (1918), 93. Second reading, 107. House goes into Committee on, 117. Third reading, 139. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 28.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. LAND–LAURIER. 117 LAND TITLES AND LAND TITLES ACT-Continued. 4. Return ordered, showing number of instruments registered at office of Land Titles, etc. (1913), 142. Presented, 296. (Sessional Papers, No. 94.) Not printed. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 5. Return ordered, showing amount of Assurance Fund under, etc. (1919), 122. Not brought down. LANDS, FORESTS AND MINES: 1. Report presented (1913), 350; (1914), 268; (1915), 209; (1916), 69; (1917), 120; (1918), 97; (1919), 236; (1920), 374. Printed. 2 . Minister of, announces Prorogation of House (1916), 258. 3 . Question as to appointment of Law Clerk for Department (1920), 64. 4. Question as to items of Profit Tax under (1920), 137. 5. Question as to purchase of an automobile (1920), 150. 6. Question as to investigation into, prior to 1905 (1920), 324. LAND INCREMENT WALUE DUTY ACT: Bill (No. 193), introduced (1920), 198. Ruled out of order, 263. LAND TITLES: Resolution that the Government should take steps to wipe out the present system of, and introduce the Torrens system (1920), 332. LAPOINTE, JOHN: 1. Question as to his fishing license at Spanish (1913), 191. 2. Question as to infraction of game law (1913), 229. 3. Question as to date of his admission of guilt as to infraction of game law (1913), 238. 4. Return ordered of correspondence, re renewal of license (1913), 255. Pre- sented, 340. (Sessional Papers, No. 103.) Not printed. LATCHFORD, A. M.: Question as to identity of (1920), 251. LATCHFORD, JUSTICE: Question as to his having been a member of the late Ross Government (1920), 324. LAURIER, TOWNSHIP OF: 1. Question as to granting, or patenting lots 32 and 33 on 14th Con. of (1914), 271. 2. Return ordered, showing applications received by Department for lots 32 and 33 on 14th Con. of (1914), 320. Not brought down. 118 LAW-LEGAL. LAW CLERKS: ſº Authorized to make certain corrections in Bills (1919), 224. LAW SOCIETY ACT: 1. Bill (No. 183), introduced to amend (1913), 131. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 178. Reported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 249. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 31.) 2. Bill (No. 116), introduced to amend (1915), 107. Second reading, 134. House goes into Committee on, 134. Third reading, 216. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 26.) 3. Bill (No. 133), introduced to amend (1916), 123. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 141. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 33.) ſº LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA: Bill (No. 111), introduced respecting (1919), 99. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 201. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 36.) LAWSON, JAMES E.: *- Question as to services performed by, and moneys paid to (1920), 113. LEAMINGTON, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to provide for the withdrawal of, from jurisdiction of County of Essex (1914), 18. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 36), introduced and referred, 74. Reported withdrawn, fees remitted, 211. LEASIDE, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to incorporate (1913), 94. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 55), introduced and referred, 120. Reported, 270. Second reading, 284. House goes into Committee on, 353. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 102.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 43), introduced and referred, 47. Reported, 70. Second reading, 81. House goes into Committee on, 83. Third reading, 149. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 127.) LEGAL COMMITTEE : Appointed (1913), 18, 26. Report, 233, 251, 275, 335; (1914), 28. Report, 313, 334, 363; (1915), 16, 20. Report, 221; (1916), 26. Report. 170, 182, 206; (1917), 32. Report, 160, 185; (1918), 4, 20. Report, 70, 157; (1919), 12, 17. Report, 135, 189; (1920), 42. Report, 161, 228, 295, 329. LEGAL OFFICES: Reports presented (1913), 180; (1914), 172; (1915), 175; (1916), 90; (1917), 151; (1918), 97; (1919), 65; (1920), 190. Printed. LEGISLATIVE. 119 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY : 1. Motion for leave to introduce Bill (No. 106), to amend the Act, on sus- pended Rule; objections taken; Mr. Speaker's ruling sustained, and Bill introduced (1914), 84-8. Motion for second reading and adjournment of House proposed and negatived, 89. Amendment then proposed and negatived, 89, 91. House goes into Committee on division, 91. Motion for third reading and amendment proposed and negatived, 92-3. Third reading, 93. R.A., 94. (4 Geo. V., c. 7.) 2. Bill (No. 138), introduced respecting Representation of the People in (1914), 136. Second reading and referred to a select Committee, 177. Reported, 325. House goes into Committee on, 359, 387, 392. Motion for third reading and afmendments proposed and negatived, 392–406. Third reading on division, 406. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 4.) 3. Bill (No. 111), introduced to amend (1917), 74. Second reading nega- tived, 149. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 4. Bill (No. 51), introduced to extend the duration of the present, until after the close of the War (1918), 15. Second reading on division, 85-6. House goes into Committee on, 88. Motion for third reading and amendment proposed and negatived. Third reading, 167. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 4.) 5. Resolution introduced and referred re Honorarium to certain Officers of (1918), 176. 6. Resolution extending congratulations to Clerk of and Serjeant-at-Arms (1918), 177. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 7. Bill (No. 253), introduced to amend (1920), 329. Resolutions intro- duced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 371-2. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 373. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 3.) 8. Return ordered, showing who are the members, other than Mr. Ferguson, who had incurred disqualification (1914), 387. (Not brought down.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 9. New rules adopted, relating to Private Bills (1914), 313. 10. Select Committee appointed to revise Rules (1916), 21. Reported and referred to Committee of Whole, 143. House goes into Committee, 168. Order for further consideration cancelled, 218. 11. Clerk of, directed to send copy of Resolution to Ottawa (1916), 27. Ac- knowledged, 35. 12. Motion re regulation as to dress of women at opening of; superseded by amendment (1919), 108-9. 13. Motion re reduction of members of ; withdrawn (1919), 113. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 120 LEGISLATIVE–LIBRARY. LEGISLATIVE FRANCHISE TO WOMEN:—See Women. LEWIS, EDWARD: Question as to employment of, by Board of License Commissioners (1920), 68. LIBEL AND SLANDER ACT: 1. Bill (No. 146), introduced to amend (1919), 128. Order for second read- ing, discharged, 180. 2. Bill (No. 153), introduced “The Libel and Slander Amendment Act” (1920), 149. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 189. No report. LIBRARY: 1913 1. Report on state of, presented, 10. (Sessional Papers, No. 51.) Not printed. 2. Committee appointed to act with Mr. Speaker, 18. No report. 1914 1. Committee appointed, 16. No report. 2. Report of Librarian presented. (Sessional Papers, No. 52.) Not printed. 1915 1. Committee appointed, 20. No report. 2. Teport of Librarian presented, 33. (Sessional Papers, No. 52.) Not printed. g 1916 1. Report on state of, presented, 6. (Sessional Papers, No. 52.) Not printed. 2. Committee appointed, 11. No report. 1917 1. Committee appointed, 13. No report. 2. Report of Librarian presented, 13. (Sessional Papers, No. 52.) Not printed. 1918 1. Committee appointed, 64. No report. 2. Report on state of, 9. (Sessional Papers, No. 58.) Not printed. 1919 1. Committee appointed, 17. No report. 2. Report presented, 13. (Sessional Papers, No. 53.) Not printed. 1920 1. Committee appointed, 25. No report. 2. Report presented, 21. (Sessional Papers, No. 53.) Not printed. LICENSE—LIEUTENANT. 121 LICENSE BOARD : 1. Question re issue of Certificates for establishment of Export Warehouses by (1920), 32. s 2. Return ordered, showing how many licenses issued by, under the now repealed License Act (1920), 52. Presented, 69. (Sessional Papers, No. 63.) Not printed. 3. Return ordered, copies of correspondence between the present holders of export license warehouses and the Board, etc. (1920), 57. Presented, 375. (Sessional Papers, No. 91.) Not printed. See Ontario T'em- perance Act. LICENSE BRANCH AND LIQUOR LICENSE ACT: Amendment proposed and negatived, as to reference of accounts of, to a Special Committee (1919), 63-4. See Public Accounts. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR: 1913 1. His speech at opening, 6. 2. To be taken into consideration, 9. 3. Motion for Address in reply; amendment proposed re tax reform and Debate on, adjourned, 15, 27, 28. Amendment negatived, 30-1. Amendment then proposed re liquor traffic and Debate on adjourned, 31. Amendment to amendment proposed and carried; main motion as amended carried; Address passed and ordered to be engrossed and pre- ' sented, 51. 4. Transmits Estimates, 92, 268, 286. 5. Recommends Resolutions re Expenditure of Public moneys, 287, 289, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 335, 343. 6. Assents to Bills, 406-7. 7. Speech at close of Session, 416-18. 1914 1. His Speech at opening, 8. 2. To be taken into consideration, 11. 3. Motion for Address in reply; amendment proposed re employment of those willing to work and Debate on adjourned, 14. Amendment put and negatived, 22. Debate further adjourned, 22. Amendment proposed and negatived re treating habit and abolition of the Bar, 23. Debate further adjourned, 24. Amendment proposed and negatived re Assess- ment Reform, 29. Motion carried and Address ordered to be engrossed and presented, 30-1. 122 LIEUTENANT. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNOR-Continued. 4. Transmits Estimates, 35, 236, 305. 5. Question as to Resolution of Inter-Provincial Conference re increase of salary, 37. 6. Recommends Resolutions involving expenditure of Public Money, 122, 123, 130, 175, 190, 191, 192, 225, 226, 227, 243, 255, 390. 7. Assets to Acts, 94, 110, 290, 413. 8. Speech at close, 413. 1915 1. Directs a Speaker to be chosen, 5-6. 2. Speech at opening, 7-9. 3. To be taken into consideration, 16. 4. Address carried and ordered to be engrossed, 21. 5. Transmits Estimates, 31-2, 130, 159. 6. Recommends Resolutions involving expenditure cf public moneys, 49, 51, 124, 125, 151, 171, 196. g 7. Assents to Acts passed, 273. 8. Speech at close of Session, 273. 1916 1. Speech at opening, 4. 2. To be taken into consideration, 6. 3. Motion for Address in reply and Debate on adjourned, 8. 4. Address carried and ordered to be engrossed and presented, 11-12. 5. Recommends Resolutions involving expenditure of Public Moneys, 111, 112, 114, 133, 134, 135, 144, 145, 189, 227, 229. 6. Transmits Estimates, 20, 131, 161. 7. Assents to Bills, 256. 8. Speech at close of Session, 257. LIEUTENANT. 123 1917 LIEUTENANT-Governor—Continued. 1. 2. 3. 9. Speech at opening, 7. To be taken into consideration, 10. Motion for Address in reply, 14, 27. . Amendment proposed re franchise to Women, 15. Declared out of Order, 26. . Amendment proposed and superseded re Nickel industry, 32-3. . Address carried and ordered to be engrossed and presented, 34-5. Recommends Resolutions involving expenditure of public moneys, 96, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 174, 246, 256. Transmits Estimates, 36, 155, 194. Assents to Bills, 273-4. 10. Speech at close of Session, 274. 1918 . His Speech at opening, 2. . To be taken into consideration, 4. * . Motion for Address in reply and Debate on adjourned, 6. Debate resumed and motion carried, 10-11. Ordered to be engrossed and presented, 11. . Assents to Act passed with unusual speed, 7. . Transmits Estimates, 15, 66, 97. Recommends Resolutions involving expenditure of Public Moneys, 105, 140, 142, 143, 148, 149, 150, 151, 160, 161, 162, 163, 175, 176. . Assents to Acts at close of Session, 191. . Speech at close, 191-3. 1919 . Speech at opening, 9-12. To be taken into consideration, 12. . Motion for Address in reply and Debate on adjourned, 15, 18, 24. Amend- ment proposed and negatived, 25-7. Motion carried, 27. 124 LIEUTENANT—LINE. *-- LIEUTENANT-GoverNOR—Continued. 4. Transmits Estimates, 29, 121, 181. 5 . Recommends expenditure of public moneys, 38, 111, 136, 138, 140, 141, 181, 227, 232. 6. Assents to Bills, 62, 243. 7. Speech at close of Session, 243. 1920 1. Speech at the opening of Session, 7. 2. To be taken into consideration, 20. 3. Motion for Address in reply to Speech and Debate on, adjourned, 24, 25, 37, 39, 43, 61, 69, 71, 109. Address carried and ordered to be pre- sented, 109-10. -- \ 4. Recommends expenditure of Public Moneys, 90, 92, 10?, 103, 105, 106, 119, 202, 204, 205, 206, 247, 248, 277, 296, 371. 5. Assents to Bills, 172, 294, 383. 6. Transmits Estimates, 144, 279, 333. 7. Speech at close of Session, 384. LIMITATIONS ACT:—See Statute Law Amendment Act (1916). LINDSAY HOME : Petition for Act respecting (1916), 15. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 25), intro- duced and referred, 32. Reported; fees remitted, 138. Second reading, 150. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 180. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 107.) LINDSAY, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 18. Reported, 33. Bill (No. 17), intro- duced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 34. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 57-8. Reported, 136. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 73.) LINE FENCES: Bill (No. 95), introduced respecting (1913), 12. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 43. Third reading, 363. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 67.) 2. Petition respecting (1916), 40. LIONS-LIQUOR. 125 LIONS HEAD, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act of incorporation (1917), 17. Reported, 38. Bill (No. 6), introduced and referred, 40. Reported, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on, 77. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 74.) Petition against, 46. LIQUOR DISPENSARIES: * Question as to opening of, at central points (1920), 88. See 0. T. Act. LIQUOR LICENSE LAW : 1. Bill (No. 145), introduced to amend (1913), 75. Order for second reading negatived, 274. 2. Bill (No. 164), introduced to amend (1913), 101. Order for second read- ing discharged, 142. 3. Bill (No. 198), introduced to amend (1913), 252. Resolution intro- duced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 289-90. Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 350, 354. Third reading; amendments mega- tived, 390-4. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 54.) 4. Bill (No. 82), introduced to amend the Act (1914), 52. Second reading negatived, 152. 5. Bill (No.191), introduced to amend (1914), 290. Second reading, 311. House goes into Committee on, 327. Third reading; amendment negatived, 386. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 47.) 6. Bill (No. 138), introduced to amend (1915), 159. Motion for second reading; amendment proposed and negatived, 212-15. House goes into Committee on, 225. Motion for third reading, amendments proposed and negatived, 246-57. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 39.) 7. Reports presented on the working of the Acts (1913), 93; (1914), 39; (1915), 33; (1916), 12; (1917), 63; (1918), 94; (1919), 148; (1920), 124. Printed. 8. Amendment proposed to Address and superseded by amendment (1913), 31, 51. 9. Motion re open sale of liquor on steamboats and railroads, and as to blind pigs in Northern Ontario; negatived (1913), 299. 10. Question as to dismissal of Inspector of Licenses for Huron (1913), 22. 11. Question as to who is holder of shop license at New Liskeard, etc. (1913), 132. 126 LIQUOR. LIQUOR LICENSE LAW-Continued. 12. Question as to license granted to King Edward Hotel at Cochrane (1913), 236. 13. Question as to license granted to one of the hotels in Cochrane (1913), 246. ſ 14. Questions to what dates, fines were imposed on owners of vessels (1913), 290, 345. 15. Question as to fining Kelly, Coron and Duquet, for infraction of (1913), 304. 16. Return ordered, shewing expenditure on private detective work in 1910-11-12, etc. (1913), 98. Presented, 133. (Sessional Papers, No. 74.) Not printed. 17. Return ordered, shewing all tavern or shop licenses, the renewal of which has been prohibited (1913), 222. Presented, 340. (Sessional Papers, (No. 101.) Not printed. 18. Return ordered, of copies of Order-in-Council, 1906 to 1912, increasing or decreasing duties payable for tavern or shop licenses (1913), 230. Presented, 250. (Sessional Papers, No. 93.) Not printed. 19. Motion for Select Committee to enquire into visits of W. K. Snider, to Welland, Huron and Peel, negatived (1914), 318-19. 20. Mr. Bowman makes certain charges, and motion for Commission to en- quire into, superseded by amendment (1914), 373-381. 21. Question as to fines imposed on vessels, for violation of (1914), 65. 22. Questionſ as to who is License Inspector at Kenora (1914), 98. 23. Question as to who is License Inspector at North Waterloo (1914), 98. 24. Question as to any action by Government in matter of inspection in North Waterloo (1914), 117. 25. Question as to seizure of liquor in Local Option Territory in North Grey, etc. (1914), 20. 26. Question as to application of William Smuck as Inspector for E. Elgin (1914), 36. - 27. Question as to appointment of W. K. Snider, as Inspector, etc. (1914), 41. 28. Question as to anti-treating legislation (1914), 143. LIQUOR 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. LIQUOR. 127 LICENSE LAw—Continued. Question as to open bars in roadhouses on Sandwich, Windsor and Am- herstburg Railway (1914), 158. Question as to the sale in quantity by holders of shop licenses (1914), 164. Questions as to who is Inspector in N. Essex (1914), 164, 270, 388. Question as to inspection of Woodbine Hotel (1914), 321. Question as to who are License Commissioners in Toronto (1914), 322. . Question as to prosecutions re McConkey license (1914), 322. Question as to J. E. Stowe being Treasurer of Essex Conservative As- sociation, etc. (1914), 388. Return ordered, of correspondence with Ferdinand Walter, as to adminis- tration of law in N. Waterloo (1914), 176. Not brought down. Return ordered, shewing application for license of William Smuck for 1913-14; the granting thereof, etc. (1914), 55. Presented. (Sessional Papers, No. 66.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing whether the Ministers of Agriculture, or Educa- tion, communicated with the District Representative of County of Wel- land re his attitude to the Canada Temperance Act (1914), 99. Pre- sented, 118. (Sessional Papers, No. 76.) Not printed. Return ordered, shewing names of liquor license holders in Toronto, from 1908 to 1909, etc. (1914), 99. Presented, 118. (Sessional Papers, No. 69.) Not printed. Return ordered, of correspondence, re enforcement of law in Kenora (1914), 179. Not brought down. Return ordered, shewing number of convictions for intoxication in Local Option Municipalities (1914), 222. Presented, 262. (Sessional Papers No. 89.) Not printed. Return ordered, of correspondence with J. A. Smyth (1914), 407. Not brought down. Return ordered of correspondence with Paul Morand (1914), 408. Not brought down. Question as to Club Licenses issued and where (1915), 76. Question as to Club Licenses issued in Essex (1915), 155. 128 LIQUOR—LOAN. LIQUOR LIGENSE LAW–Continued. 46. Return ordered, shewing how many convictions for violation of, in North Essex since re-appointment of Morand, etc. (1915), 179. Presented, 210. (Sessional Papers, No. 70.) Not printed. 47. Question as to Dr. Bradley being Inspector in Bruce, and shewing licenses cut off (1916), 33. 48. Amendment proposed and negatived, as to reference of accounts of and Ontario Temperance Act to a Special Committee (1919), 63-4. LISTOWEL, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to consolidate certain debenture and other debts of (1915), 25. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 50), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 44. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 153. Reported, 210. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 241. Third reading, 241. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 57.) LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATIONS: Reports presented (1913), 61; (1914), 46; (1915), 263; (1916), 204; (1917), 261; (1918), 102; (1919), 148; (1920), 213. Printed. LIVE STOCK: 1. Bill (No. 134), introduced respecting the branding of (1919), 120. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on; third reading, 194. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 70.) LIVING, COST OF: Motion that Commission should be appointed to investigate; superseded by amendment (1913), 186-9. LIZARD ISLAND PRESERVE:—See Fish and Game. LOAD OF WEHICLES:-See Wehicles. L0AD OF WEHICLES ACT: Bill (No. 99), introduced to amend (1919), 93. Second reading, 106. Re- ported, 135. House goes into Committee on, 197. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 59.) LOAN COMPANIES : 1. Motion re appointment of Committee to enquire into subject of returns of Companies to Government (1918), 179. Committee named. 2. Report of Special Committee presented (1919), 78. LOAN CORPORATIONS: g 1. Bill (No. 93.), introduced to amend the Act (1919), 78. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 99, 123. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 42.) LOAN–LOCAL. 129 LOAN CORPORATIONS-Continued. 2. Report presented (1913), 93; (1914), 113; (1915), 92; (1916), 69; (1917), 260; (1918), 58; (1919), 114; (1920), 242. Printed. 3. Question as to amount received in connection with the issue of Letters Patent, etc. (1919), 177. LOAN AND TRUSTS CORPORATION ACT: Bill (No. 82), introduced to amend. (1916), 67. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 101. No report. L00AL IMPROVEMENT ACT: 1. Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend (1913), 116. Second reading, 153. House goes into Committee on, 177, 298. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 44.) 2. Bill (No. 171), introduced to amend (1913), 116. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 203. 3. Bill (No. 180), introduced to amend (1913), 431. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 248. 4. Bill (No. 196), introduced to amend (1913), 233. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 256. 5. Bill (No. 118), introduced to amend (1914), 111, Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 146. 6. Bill (No. 168), introduced to amend (1914), 211. Order for second read- ing discharged, 267. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 7. Bill (No. 90), introduced to amend (1915), 61. Order for second reading discharged, 108. * 8. Bill (No. 95), introduced to amend (1915), 83. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 108. Reported, 202. See below. 9. Bill (No. 108), introduced to amend (1915), 104. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 133. Reported adversely, 202. 10. Bill (No. 112), introduced to amend (1915), 104. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 132. Reported, 202. See below. 11. Bill (No. 134), introduced to amend (1915), 147. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 162. Reported, 202. See below. 12. Bill (No. 143), introduced to amend (1915), 168. Second reading and referred to Committee of the Whole, 195. Order discharged, 207. 9 D.S. Q 130 LoCAL–LONDON. & LoCAL IMPROVEMENT ACT-Continued. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Bill (No. 166), “The Local Improvement Act, 1915,” introduced (1915), 205. Second reading, 225. House goes into Committee on, 225. Third reading, 225. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 35.) Bill (No. 66), introduced to amend (1916), 26. Order for second read- ing discharged, 72. Bill (No. 118), introduced to amend (1917), 86. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 140. Bill (No. 89), introduced to amend (1918), 63. Order for second reading discharged, 88. Bill (No. 108), introduced to amend (1918), 95. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 113. No report. Bill (No. 86), introduced to amend (1919), 71. Second reading, 156. Reported, 159. House goes into Committee on, 175. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 49.) Bill (No. 124), introduced to amend (1920), 113. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 141. No report. Bill (No. 172), introduced to amend (1920), 179. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 230. No report. L00AL 0PTION:—See Liquor License Law. L00KHART & CO.: Question as to Culler’s return in certain years (1913), 162. I.ONDON ASYLUM: - Report presented, of T. Macbeth on (1920), 346. (Sessional Papers, No. 88.) Not printed. LONDON, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 94. Reported, 200. Bill (No. 51), introduced and referred, 201. Reported, 227. Second reading, 240. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 103.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 46. Reported, 82. Bill (No. 51), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 141. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 74.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 23. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 41), in- troduced and referred, 80. Reported, 121. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 216. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 58.) w LONDON. 131 LONDON, CITY OF–Continued. 4. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 14. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 23), in- troduced and referred, 66. Reported, 106. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 77.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 17. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 36), introduced and referred, 85. Reported, 137. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 75.) 6. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 24), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 104. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 127. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 65.) 7. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 22. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 29), in- troduced and referred, 82. Reported, 110. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 136. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 96.) 8. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 148. Bill (No. 48), introduced and referred, 149. Reported, 191. Second reading, 230. House goes into Committee on, 251, 255. Motion for third reading and six months’ hoist proposed and negatived, 313. Motion for third reading proposed and negatived, 313-14. LONDON, GRAND BEND AND STRATFORD RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act of incorporation (1914), 58. Reported, 120. Bill (No. 53), introduced and referred, 121. Reported, 162. Second reading, 186. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 118.) LONDON, HOTEL DIEU ST. JOSEPH, OF DIOCESE OF: Petition for Act to incorporate (1917), 17. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 2), in- troduced and referred, 40. Reported; fees remitted, 53. Second read- ing, 65. House goes into Committee on, 77. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 105.) LONDON ROMAN CATHoLic EpiscoPAL corporations Petition for Act respecting (1914), 59. Reported, 119. Bill (No. 61), intro- duced and referred, 122. Reported; fees remitted, 141. Second read- ing, 150. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 136.) - LONDON, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting (1916), 14. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 17), intro- duced and referred, 66. Reported, 105. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 125. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 78.) 132 LONG—McKINDEY LONG BRANCH, VILLAGE OF: - Petition for Act of incorporation (1916), 15. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 39), introduced and referred, 66. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 119. L0WE, WILLIAM: 1. Question as to candidature in Muskoka by-election (1913), 149. 2. Question as to employment of, as Superintendent of Colonization Roads, etc. (1913), 191. 3. Question as to request to him to withdraw from by-election (1913), 221. McARTHUR, JOHN: *. Question as to timber taken from, to build bridge at Bolger (1913), 254. McCAFFERY AND McQUIGGE:—See Timiskaming and N. O. Railway (1913). McCONKEY LICENSE: Question as to how many prosecutions instituted (1914), 322. McCUTCHEON BROTHERS: Questions as to cost of trial of (1917), 117. McEVOY, J. M.: Question as to identity of (1920), 323. 1ſcr’ARLANE, WILLIAM ARCHIBALD: Petition for Act to authorize the Law Society to admit as a student in his third year (1915), 24. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 32), introduced and re- ferred, 37. Reported, 58. Second reading, 73. House goes into Com- mittee on, 81. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 98.) McGIBBON & SONS: Return ordered, of correspondence in reference to renewal of license granted to McGibbon Lumber Co’y., etc. (1918), 184. Presented (1919), 16. (Sessional Papers, No. 68.) Not printed. McGREGOR, JEAN: Return ordered, of correspondence relative to certificate granted to, etc. (1913), 142. Presented, 237. (Sessional Papers, No. 87.) Not printed. McKELWIE : Question as to his being an overseer of Game and Fisheries Department, at New Liskeard (1913), 185. McKINLEY, DARRAGH-SAWAGE MINES: Petition for Act respecting (1913), 17. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 19), intro- duced and referred, 84. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 270. / McKINNON.—MACNAB. 133 McKINNON, SYDNEY FINLAY: Petition for Act respecting the Estate of (1920), 72. Reported, 148. Bill (No. 107), introduced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 149. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 172. Reported, 220. Second reading, 231. House goes into Com- mittee on, 251. Third reading, 311. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 167.) McMASTER UNIVERSITY: Petition for Act to amend Act incorporating (1916), 23. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 51), introduced and referred, 49. Reported; fees remitted, 106. Second reading, 125. House goes into Committee on, 127. Third read- ing, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 109.) * McPHERSON & FRIENCH: Return ordered, of correspondence and documents relating to matters arising, etc. (1917), 139. Presented, 196. (Sessional Papers, No. 78.) Not printed. MACHINE GUNS: 1. Question as to how many purchased by Province (1916), 11. 2. Return ordered, with reference to purchase of (1916), 100. (Not brought down.) 3. Return ordered, of correspondence in reference to, purchased out of moneys of Proviñce (1917), 22. Presented, 56. (Sessional Papers, No. 68.) Not printed. 4. Return ordered, shewing on what dates purchased, etc. (1917), 154. (Not brought down.) 5. Question as to inspection of (1917), 118. MACLEAN BUILDINGS: Question as to rental of (1920), 136. MACKAY, HON A. G.: Resolution that a Committee be appointed to draft a resolution which will express to the Government of Alberta, the appreciation of the services rendered to Ontario, by the late, etc. (1920), 186. MACNAB ESTATE : Petition for Act to declare contingent remainder good and valid (1913), 110. Reported, 200. Bill (No. 58), introduced and referred to Commis- sioners of Estate Bills, 201. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 205. Reported, 270. Second reading, 284. House goes into Committee, 290. Third reading, 294. Fees remitted, 359. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 152.) - 134 MAGNETAWAN–MARRIAGE. MAGNETAWAN, WILLAGE OF: * - 1. Fees on Bill remitted (1917), 53. (Not proceeded with.) 2. Petition for Act of incorporation (1918), 12. Reported, 23. Bill (No. 1), introduced and referred, 24. Reported, 55. Second reading, 63. House goes into Committee on, 72. Third reading, 110. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 66.) Petitions against, 12. MANH00D SUFFRAGE REGISTRATION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend (1915), 146. Order for second reading discharged, 170. 2. Bill (No. 78), introduced (1916), 49. Second reading negatived, 94. 3. Bill (No. 126), introduced to amend (1917), 96. Order for second read- ing, discharged, 219. MAIL DELIVERY: Contract and agreement presented (1918), 66. (Sessional Papers, No. 70.) Not printed. Ratified by House, 67. MANITOULIN ISLAND: 1. Return ordered, shewing what fishing licenses granted in, for the Season of 1914 (1915), 234. Presented (1916), 10. (Sessional Papers, No. 60.) Not printed. 2. Question as to survey of islands adjacent to (1917), 190. MARMORA MINING AND RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 40. Reported, 120. (Bill (No. 46), introduced and referred, 121. Reported, 162. Second reading, 186. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 119.) MARMORA, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act to consolidate Debt and to create a Patriotic Fund (1918), 26. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 20), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 34. Reported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 99. Reported, 116. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 164. Third reading, 164. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 67.) MARRIAGE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 146), introduced to amend (1913), 81. Order for second reading discharged, 199. 2. Bill (No. 76), introduced to amend (1913), 228. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 276. Third reading; amendments negatived, 371-2. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 28.) ^*. MARRIAGE–MARTIN. 135 MARRIAGE ACT-Continued. 3. Bill (No. 26), introduced to amend (1916), 110. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 141. Third reading; amendment nega- tived, 209-11. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 32.) 4. Bill (No. 113), introduced to amend (1918), 100. Order for second reading, discharged, 156. . Select Committee appointed to sit during Recess, and consider Bill (1918), 181. Report presented, of Select Committee on, of Session of 1918 (1919), 215. 5 . Bill (No. 156), introduced to amend (1919), 165. Second reading, 176. Reported, 189. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 225. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 35.) 6 7. Bill (No. 110), introduced to amend (1920), 71. Order for second read: ing, discharged, 142. MARRIED WOMEN: 1. Bill (No. 115), introduced respecting the property of (1913), 17. Second reading, 23. House goes into Committee on, 49. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 29.) 2. Bill (No. 116), introduced to facilitate the conveyance of land by (1913), 20. Second reading, 50. House goes into Committee on, 52. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 30.) 3. Motion to extend Franchise to (1913), 370. See Women. 4. Bill (No. 73), introduced to extend the Municipal Franchise to (1915), 26. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 84, 94, 105, 111. Second reading negatived, 128. Petitions in favour of (1915), 26, 34, 41, 53. 5. Bill (No. 63), introduced to extend the Legislative Franchise to (1916), 7. Second reading negatived, 68. 6. Bill (No. 65), introduced to extend the Municipal Franchise to Married Women (1916), 26. Motion for second reading and Debate on, ad- journed, 95, 101. Negatived, 108. Petitions respecting votes for (1916), 96. - MARTIN, CHARLES J0SEPH: Petition for Act to authorize him to practise dentistry (1916), 15. Reported adversely by Standing Orders Committee, 98. Fees remitted, 119. 136 MASSEY-MECHANICS. MASSEY TRUST: Petition for Act respecting and the Methodist Union of Toronto (1918), 12. Reported, 23. Bill (No. 10), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 24. Reported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 25-6. Reported; fees remitted, 55. Second reading, 64. House goes into Committee on, 72. Third reading, 110. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 85.) MASTEN, JUSTICE: Question as to time covered by legal services of, in connection with Ontario Insurance Commission (1920), 77. MASTER-IN-ORDINARY: . Question as to who fills office of, at Osgoode Hall (1920), 79. MATCHEDASH, TOWNSHIP OF: * Bill (No. 66), introduced respecting certain leases of lands in (1913), 244. Second reading, 319. House goes into Committee on, 344. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 7.) MATHESON, HON. ARTHUR J.: House adjourns out of respect to memory of (1913), 11. MATHESON DEBENTURES:—See Municipal Debentures. MATHESON, TOWN OF: - Resolution introduced re purchase of Debentures of (1918), 162-3. See Statute Law Amendment Act. MEAFORD, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1913), 66. Reported, 105. Bill (No. 46), introduced and referred, 155. Reported, 178. House goes into Com- mittee on, 202. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 104.) MECHANICS AND WAGE-EARNERS’ LIEN ACT: 1. Bill (No. 138), introduced to amend (1916), 130. Second reading, 146. House goes into Committee on, 154-222. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 30.) 2. Bill (No. 61), introduced to amend (1918), 64. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 57. No report. 3. Bill (No. 116), introduced to amend (1918), 100. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 117. Reported, 157. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 29.) 4. Bill (No. 102), introduced to amend (1919), 94. Second reading, 121. Reported with recommendation that Committee be appointed to sit during Recess, 135. MECHANICS-MEMBERS. 137 MECHANICS AND WAGE-EARNERS’ LIEN ACT-Continued. 5. Bill (No. 128), introduced to amend (1919), 115. Second reading and referred to Committee, 156. - 6. Select Committee appointed and Bills referred to (1919), 224. Member added, 233. MEDICAL EDUCATION: Report of Mr. Justice Hodgins presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 57.) Printed. MEDICAL, HEALTH OFFICERS: Question as to amount paid by Counties, for salaries to (1918), 111. MEDICAL INSPECTION:—See Education. MEDICINE AND SURGERY: Bill (No. 160), introduced respecting the practice of (1919), 165. Order for second reading discharged, 196. 1913. MEMBERS: 1. Mr. Speaker informs House of vacancies, 2. 2. That certificates of elections of, had been laid upon Table, 4, 5, 181. 3. Take oaths and seats, 5, 10, 181. 4. House adjourns out of respect to memory of deceased, 11. 5. Sessional indemnity paid to, 415. 1914. 1. Notifications of vacancies, 2, 3, 4, 5. 2. Certificates of Election, 5, 6, 7. 3. Take Oath and Seats, 7. 4. Added to Committees, 41. 5. Mr. Evanturel makes statement to House, 47. 6. Return ordered, showing who are the members, other than Mr. Ferguson, who had incurred disqualification, 387. Not brought down. 7. Sessional Indemnity paid to, 406. 10 D.S. 138 MEMBERS. 1915. MEMBERs—Continued. 1. 2. 3. List of, elected at General Elections, 2-5. Certificates of Election of, 13-15. Take Oaths and Seats, 15. . Added to Committees, 44, 76, 92. . Sessional Indemnity paid to, 226. 1916. . Notifications of resignations, 2, 3. . Take their seats, 4, 22. . Certificates of elections, 3, 12. . Added to Committees, 121, 126, 133. 5. Sessional indemnity paid to, 248. See Statute Law Amendment Act, 1917. . Notifications of vacancies and issue of new writs, 2-7. . Take oaths and Seats, 7. House adjourns out of respect to memory of deceased, 12. Names of, substituted on Committees for those absent, 69. Resolution conveying good wishes to those absent on account of War, 255. . Full Sessional indemnity paid to, 259. 1918. Full Sessional Indemnity to be paid to, 185. 1919. Take Oaths and Seats, 9, 23, 41. Added to Committees, 70, 224, 233. House adjourned out of respect to memory of deceased, 63. Resolution that House desires to record in some appropriate manner, the services of and sons and daughters of, who served in recent War, 224. Sessional Indemnity paid to, 236. -** For remuneration, attending Committees during Recess, see Statute Law Amendment Act. Sec. h. MEMBERS–MEREDITH. 139 1920. MEMBERS–Continued. - 1. List, of, as sworn, 2-5. 2. Take Oath and Seats, 20. 3 . Resignation read by Mr. Speaker, 21. 4. Resolution of sympathy to member for North Lanark, 183. Ordered to be engrossed, etc., 183. . Added to Committees, 119, 132, 162, 281. 5 6. Full Sessional Indemnity to be paid to, 174. See Elections. MENTALLY DEFECTIVE: Report presented, on care of (1920), 35. (Sessional Papers No. 56.) Printed. MENTAL DISEASES: Bill (No. 125), introduced respecting Private Sanitaria for (1913), 60. i Second reading, 70. House goes into Committee on, 137. Third read- * - ing, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 85.) MERCER REFORMATORY: 1. Official Regulations presented (1914), 279. (Sessional Papers, No. 90.) Printed. - 2. Return ordered, shewing total cost of knitting plant installed at, etc., (1917), 161. Presented, 184. (Sessional Papers No. 76.) Not printed. 3. Question as to identity of R. Waldron re materials furnished, (1920), 87. MERCHANT, DR.: 1. Question as to investigation by, into Technical Education (1914), 185. 2. Return presented to an Order of the House of the Session of 1913, of correspondence relating to the investigation made by, re bi-lingual Schools (1914), 238. (Sessional Papers No. 86.) Not printed. MEREDITH, SIR W.: 1. Question as to compensation to, as Commissioner on Workmen’s Compen- sation Act (1914), 164. 2. Return ordered, showing moneys paid to, etc. (1914), 165. Presented, 181. (Sessional Papers No. 80.) Not printed. 3. Question as to amount paid to, re Workmen’s Compensation (1915), 45. 4. Question as to period of time covered by legal services of, in connection with the O. T. A. (1920), 85. 140 MIEREDITH-MIDLAND. MEREDITH, SIR W.—Continued. 5. Question as to period of time covered by legal services, in connection with Police Commission, etc. (1920), 85. 6. Report of, presented, in the matter of the O. T. A. (1920), 69. (Ses- sional Papers No. 66.) Printed. 7. Report of, presented, on Police Commission (1920), 169. (Sessional Papers No. 80.) Not printed. MERRITTON AND PORT DALHOUSIE, WILLAGES OF: 1. Petition for Act to exempt from all liability, for or in connection with the Queenston and Grimsby Road (1915), 24. Reported, 41. Bill (No. 9), introduced and referred, 43. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 210. 2. Petition for Act to limit liability of, for and in connection with the Queenston and Grimsby Road (1916). (Not proceeded with.) Fees remitted, 45. MERRITTON, TOWN OF: - Petition for Act of incorporation (1918), 12. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 7), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 157. Second reading, 172. House goes into Committee on, 172. Third reading, 173. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 68.) METAL REFINING BOUNTY ACT? Bill (No. 48), introduced to amend (1918), 7. Second reading, 27. House goes into Committee on, 54. Third reading, 139. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 10.) - METHODIst Book Room: Contract with, ratified, re increase in prices (1920), 327. METHODIST CHURCH: Petition for Act to amend, 47 Vic. c. 88 (1913), 94. Reported, 200. Bill (No. 49), introduced and referred, 205. Reported; fees remitted, 251. Second reading, 273. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 146.) - MIDLAND LAND COMPANY: Petition for Act to amend Act incorporating (1916), 15. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 21), introduced and referred, 32. Reported, 84. Second read- ing, 94. House goes into Committee on, 103. Third reading, 179. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 105.) MIDLAND, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 45. Reported, 55. Bill (No. 28), in- troduced and referred, 94. Reported, 126. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 179. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 105.) MIDLAND–MIMICO. 141 MIDLAND, Town of—Continued. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 25. Reported, 54. Bill (No. 41), in troduced and referred, 110. Reported, 174. Second reading, 186, House goes into Committee on, 223, 286. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 75.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 15), in- troduced and referred, 58. Reported, 92. Second reading, 98. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 205. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 59.) 4. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 919 (1916), 15. Reported, 30. Bill (No. 32), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 32. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 45. Reported, 84. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 103. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V. c. 79.) | 5. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 91. Reported, 114. Bill (No. 55), in- troduced and referred, 116. Reported, 143. Second reading, 149. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 194. R. A., 273 (7 Geo. V., c. 76.) MILDMAY, WILLAGE OF: & - - -r Petition for Act of incorporation (1918), 52. Reported, 62. Bill (No. 36), introduced and referred, 63. Reported, 92. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 114. Third reading, 127. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 69.) MILITARY HOSPITAL: Question as to establishment of, in Great Britain (1916), 56. MILK : $ººs. Question as to supply of free, to needy children attending schools in Toronto (1915), 233. See Cream. MILK, CHEESE AND BUTTER MANUFACTORIES : Bill (No. 99), introduced respecting (1913), 13. Second reading, 19. House, goes into Committee on, 49. Third reading, 364. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 59.) See Cream. MIMIC0, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to incorporate (1917), 17. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 25), introduced and referred, 41. Reported, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on. 204. Third reading 213. R. A., 273. (? Geo. V. c. 77.) - MIMICO, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 114. Reported, 161. Bill (No. 113), introduced and referred, 163. Reported, 234. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 286. R. A., 290 (4 Geo. V. c. 76.) - 142 MIMICO—MINES. MIMICO AND NEW TORONTO, WILLAGES OF: Petition for Act respecting (1916), 15. Reported, 30. Bill (No. 36), intro- duced and referred, 32. Reported, 160. Second reading, 167. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 238. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 80.) MINES, MINING AND MINING ACTS: 1. Bill (No. 81), introduced to amend the Act (1914), 47. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 153, 353. Third reading, 355. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 14.) 2. Bill (No. 83), introduced to amend (1915), 44. Second reading, 71. House goes into Committee on, 105, 240. Third reading, 240. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 13.) 3. Bill (No. 148), introduced to amend (1916), 131. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 162. Third reading, 237. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 12.) 4. Bill (No. 170), introduced to amend (1916), 171. Second reading, 211. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 236. See above. 5. Bill (No. 163), introduced to amend the Mining Tax Act (1917), 160. Second reading, 195. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified, passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 246-8. House goes into Committee, 249. Third reading, 249. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 11.) 6. Bill (No. 167), introduced to amend the Mining Act (1917), 189. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 220. Third reading, 255. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 11.) 7. Bill (No. 47), introduced to amend (1918), 7. Second reading, 27. House goes into Committee on, 54. Third reading, 139. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 9.) 8. Bill (No. 75), introduced to amend (1918), 50. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 96. No report. * 9. Bill (No. 148), introduced for the better regulation of Mines and Mining Works (1918), 177. Ordered to be printed for circulation, 177. 10. Bill (No. 64), introduced for the better regulation of Mines and Mining Works (1919), 46. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 62, 104, 168, 230. Third reading, 230. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 12.) 11. Bill (No. 140), introduced to amend The Mining Act of Ontario (1920), 132. Second reading, 168. House goes into Committee on, 181. Third reading, 341. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 13.) *-* MINES-MINING. 143 MINES, MINING AND MINING ACTS-Continued. 3r 12. Bill (No. 188), introduced to amend (1920), 191. Order for second reading, discharged, 308. 13. Return ordered, of copy of Order-in-Council, reducing Royalty payable to Timiskaming and N. O. Railway Commission by mining companies (1913), 196. Presented, 397. (Sessional Papers No. 110.) Not printed. 14. Question as to amounts received under Mining Tax (1915), 46-9. 15. Return ordered, of copies of statements furnished by Canada Copper Com- pany and others producing nickel under sec. 8, of the Act (1915), 70. Presented, 144. (Sessional Papers No. 67.) Not printed. 16. Return ordered, shewing how many Patents of lands have been issued under the Mines Act, in the District of Sudbury, to Corporations since February 8th, 1906, in addition to the six patents issued to Canada Copper Company in December, 1916, etc. (1917), 75. Presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers No. 61.) Not printed. 17. Report presented, on the mining industry served by the Timiskaming & N. O. Railway (1913), 127. (Sessional Papers No. 70.) Printed. 18. Reports of Bureau presented (1913), 204; (1914), 172; (1915), 153; (1916), 249; (1917), 260; (1818), 138; (1919), 147; (1920), 169. Printed. MINES, DEPARTMENT OF: \\ 1. Bill (No. 77), introduced respecting the Department of Lands, Forests and Mines and to establish the (1920), 48. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Commit- tee and referred to Bill, 90-1. Motion for second reading and Debate on, adjourned, 117-18. Debate resumed; Motion for second reading carried and Bill read the second time, 120. House goes into Commit- tee on, 122. Third reading, 341. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 12.) MINIMUM WAGE BOARD:—See Women and Girls. MINING COURT OF ONTARIO: Bill (No. 216), introduced to establish (1920), 243. Order for second read- ing, discharged, 308. MINING LANDS: Question as to number of permits, or licenses of title to, issued by Minister of Mines since appointment (1920), 38. MINING TAX ACT: 1. Bill (No. 209), introduced to amend (1920), 225. Second reading, 250. House goes into Committee on, 255. Third reading, 311. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 10.) 144 MINING—MORAND. MINING TAX ACT –Continued. - 2. Motion that the Government institute proceedings under, to recover from International Nickel Company of Canada, certain arrears of taxes; withdrawn (1920), 332. MINISTERS OF THE CROWN : Question as to what sums of money have been granted to (1920), 83. MINISTRY OF LABOUR: Bill (No. 169), introduced to provide for a (1919), 172. Resolutions in- troduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 227. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 228. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 24.) MODEL SCHOOLS:—See Education. } MORRISON, GEORGE E.: Question as to his employment, by Board of License Commissioners (1920), 67. MOND NICKEL COMPANY: 1. Question as to amount in pounds, of nickel matte produced by (1916), 152. 2. Question as to amount paid by, in respect of tax profits (1916), 152. 3. Question as to amount paid by, under Mining Tax Act (1917), 42. See Canada Copper Company. Nickel. MONTEITH: . Question as to when Demonstration Farm at, was established (1913), 89. MONTEITH DEMONSTRATION FARM: Report presented (1916), 181; (1917), 262. Printed. M00RE, WILLIAM J.: £3 Petition for Act respecting the Estate of (1917), 57. Reported, 84. Bill (No. 53), introduced and referred, 85. Reported; fees remitted, 137. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 216. Third reading, 238. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 111.) M00SE RIVER: Question as to Harbor reservation, etc. (1913), 88. MORAND, PAUL: 1. Return ordered, of correspondence with relation to performance of his dut- ies (1914), 408. Not brought down. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence in reference to resignation and re-ap- pointment of (1915), 111. Presented, 120. (Sessional Papers No. 62.) Not printed. See Liquor License Law. MORRISBURG-MOTOR. 145 -——º MORRISBURG AND OTTAWA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 109. Reported, 183. Bill (No. 109), introduced and referred, 184. Reported, 269. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 356. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 120.) - 2. Petition against extension of franchise (1916), 102. 3. Petition for extension of time, presented under suspended rule (1919), 127. Bill (No. 47), introduced under suspended rule, and referred to Com- mittee on Railways, 128. Reported, 160. Second reading, 176. House goes into Committee on, 193. Third reading, 202. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 117.) MORATORIUM :—See Mortgagors and Purchasers Relief Act. MORTGAGES ACT: Bill (No. 80), introduced to amend (1915), 44. Second reading, 54. House goes into Committee on, 71, 216. Third reading, 217. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 21.) *. MORTGAGORS AND PURCHASERS RELIEF ACT: 1. Bill (No. 72), introduced to give further power to Courts with respect to the recovery of moneys secured by Mortgage (1915), 20. Second read- ing, 38. House goes into Committee on, 73, 105, 147. Motion for third reading: amendment negatived, 147-8. R. A., 273. (5 George V, c. 22.) 2. Bill (No. 135), introduced to amend (1916), 123. Second reading, and referred to the Legal Committee, 142. Reported, 206. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 236. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 27.) 3. Bill (No. 59), introduced to amend (1918), 21. Second reading and re- ferred to Legal Committee, 57. Reported, 70. House goes into Com- mittee on, 75. Third reading, 152. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 26.) 4. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1918), 104. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 145. See above. 5. Bill (No. 100), introduced to repeal (1919), 93. Order for second reading discharged, 113. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 6. Bill (No. 152), introduced to extend and provide for the termination of (1920), 149. Second reading, 181. House goes into Committee on, 190, 232. Third reading, 275. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 38.) MOTOR WEHICLES: 1. Return ordered, shewing how many are the property of the Province, or kept in use for different Departments, etc. (1919), 179. Not brought down. 2. Question as to how many used by Hydro-Power Commission (1919), 221. 146 - MOTOR. MOTOR WEHICLES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 127), introduced to amend (1913), 29. Second reading, and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 59. Reported, 232. House goes into 'Committee'on, and referred to Bill No. 167, 248. See below 3. 2. Bill (No. 141), introduced to amend (1913), 66. order for second read- ing discharged, 79. 3. Bill (No. 167), introduced to amend (1913), 113. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 178. Reported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 342. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 52.) 4. Bill (No. 80), introduced to amend (1914), 44. Order for second reading discharged, 79. 5. Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend (1914), 155. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 218. Reported, 301. House goes into Committee on, 359. Third reading, 359. R. A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 36.) 6. Bill (No. 164), introduced to amend (1914), 184. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 218. 7. Bill (No. 107), introduced to amend (1915), 104. Order for second read- ing discharged, 133. 8. Bill (No. 89), introduced to amend (1916), 84. Order for second reading, discharged, 117. 9. Bill (No. 114), introduced to amend (1916), 107. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 141. Third reading, 236. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 47.) 10. Bill (No. 129), introduced to amend (1916), 120. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 142. Reported, 178. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 236. See above. 11. Bill (No. 116), introduced to amend (1917), 86. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 144. Reported, 185. House goes into Committee on, 241. Third reading, 241. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 49.) 12. Bill (No. 117), introduced to amend (1917), 86. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 140. Reported as embodied in Bill No. 116, 185. See above. 13. Bill (No. 129), introduced to amend (1918), 109. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 155. Reported, 158. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R. A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 37.) e MOTOR-MUNICIPAL. 147 MOTOR VEHICLES ACT-Continued. 14. Bill (No. 60), introduced to amend (1919), 45. Second reading, 79. Re- ported, 190. See below. 15. Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend (1919), 136. Second reading, 156. Reported, 190. Motion for third reading and amendment proposed and negatived; third reading, 226-7. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 57.) 16. Bill (No. 101), introduced to amend (1920), 60. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 123. Third reading, 166. See below. 17. Bill (No. 212), introduced to amend (1920), 229. Second reading, 261. House goes into Committee on, 277. Third reading, 295. R.A., 294. \(10 Geo. W, c. 74.) * , 18. Bill (No. 215), introduced to amend (1920), 243. Order for second read- ing, discharged, 316. See Automobiles. ſ 19. Petitions respecting (1916), 97, 122, etc. MOUNT McKAY AND KAKABEKA FALLS RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 15. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 12), in- troduced and referred, 48. Reported, 138. Second reading, 150. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 237. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 104.) 4. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 112. Bill (No. 46), in- troduced and referred, 112. Reported, 161. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 258. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 151.) MOYES, JOHN W.: Return ordered, of correspondence relating to the attempted arrest of (1917), 66. Presented (1918), 9. (Sessional Papers, No. 65.) Not printed. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 51), introduced to amend the Bureau of (1919), 14. Second reading, 22. House goes into Committee on, 37. Motion for third reading and six months’ hoist proposed and negatived; third reading, 55. R. A., 62. (Geo. V., c. 48.) 2. Teport presented (1918), 185; (1919), 36; (1920), 24. Printed. MUNICIPAL ARBITRATIONS: 1. Bill (No. 71), introduced respecting (1913), 233. Second reading, 273. House goes into Committee on, 285. Third reading, 318. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 49.) 148 MUNICIPAL. MUNICIPAL ARBITRATIONS.–Continued. 2. Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend the Municipal Arbitrations Act (1916), 67. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 116. Re- ported, 166. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 238. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 44.) 3. Bill (No. 109), introduced to amend (1920), 70. Order for second read- ing, discharged, 152. MUNICIPAL AUDITOR:—See Provincial Municipal Auditor. MUNICIPAL. AUTHORITIES: Question as to jurisdiction of Government over the Toronto (1920), 128. MUNICIPAL BURE AUS: Bill (No. 92), introduced respecting Private, Voluntary and (1917), 55. Sec- ond reading, 70. House goes into Committee on, 95. Third reading, 212. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 37.) See Bureaus of Municipal Af- fairs. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS: 1. Bill (No. 74), introduced to authorize and confirm grants by, for Patriotic Purposes (1915), 26. Second reading, 39. House goes into Commit- tee on, 54, 220. Third reading, 220. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V. c. 37.) 2. Bill (No. 84), introduced to amend the Act to authorize grants by, for Patriotic Purposes (1916), 67. Order for second reading discharged, 130. g 3. Bill (No. 111), introduced to amend (1916), 106. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 129. Reported, 166. House goes into Committee on, 189. Third reading, 238. See below, 6. 4. Bill (No. 112), introduced to amend (1916), 106. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 129. Reported, 166. 5. Bill (No. 141), introduced to amend (1916), 130. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 141. Reported, 160. 6. Bill (No. 165), introduced to amend (1916), 171. Second reading, 212. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 239. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 40.) 7. Bill (No. 59), introduced to amend the Act to authorize and confirm grants by, for Patriotic Purposes (1917), 54. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 88. Reported, 116. House goes into Committee on, 196. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 41.) 8. Bill (No. 57), introduced to amend the Act to authorize and confirm grants by Municipal Corporations for (1918), 21. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 48. Reported, 70. House goes into Com- mittee on, 112. Third reading, 183. R. A., 1914 (8 Geo. V, c. 34.) MUNICIPAL. 149 MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS—Continued. 9. Bill (No. 95), introduced to amend (1918), 84. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 90. Reported as incorporated with Bill No. 114, 158. 10. Bill (No. 114), introduced to amend (1918), 100. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 128. Reported with provisions of No. 95 incorporated, 158. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. Amalgamated with No. 57. See above, 8. 11. Question re construction and operation of Electric Railways (1916), 139. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS: Bill (No. 90), introduced to reduce Property Qualification of Candidates for membership in (1920), 54. Motion for second reading and Debate on, adjourned, 121. Debate resumed; six months’ hoist proposed and negatived; second reading, 153. House goes into Committee on, 225, 246. Third reading, 275. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 59.) MUNICIPAL DEBENTURES: Bill (No. 158), introduced to authorize the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, to guarantee the payment of certain (1917), 160. Second reading, 174. House goes into Committee on, 198. Third reading, 214. R. A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 9.) See Capreol. - MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT: o 1. Bill (No. 192), introduced to amend (1913), 176. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 203. Reported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 249, Third reading, 253. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 48.) Petition respecting, 29. 2. Bill (No. 130), introduced to amend (1916), 120. Second reading and re- - ferred to the Municipal Committee, 142. Reported as embodied in Bill No. 151, 166. See below. 3. Bill (No. 151), introduced to amend (1916), 143. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 166. House goes into Committee on, 209. Third reading, 238. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 43.) 4. Report of Decisions under, with Rules, presented (1916), 155. (Sessional Papers No. 84.) Printed. 5. Bill (No. 76), introduced to amend (1919), 60. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 79. Reported, 190. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 205. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 52.) 6. Bill (No. 149), introduced to amend (1919), 135. Second reading and re- ferred, 171. Reported, 190. See above. 150 MUNICIPAL. MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT-Continued. 7. Bill (No. 137), introduced to amend (1920), 132. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 165. Reported, 182. House goes into Committee on, 189. Third reading, 341. See below. 8. Bill (No. 195), introduced to amend (1920), 201. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 230. Reported, 243. House goes into Committee on, 255. Third reading, 275. R. A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 67.) - 9. Question as to who is Referee under (1920), 138. 10. Orders in Council presented (1914), 233. (Sessional Papers No. 85.) Printed. See Statute Law Amendment Act. MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE AID ACT: Bill (No. 145), introduced to amend (1916), 131. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Com- mittee and referred to Bill, 133. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 237. R. A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 22.) MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS: Bill (No. 93), introduced to extend the right to vote at (1920), 55. Second Reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 117. No report. & MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 93), introduced to amend (1915), 73. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 97. Reported, 193. House goes into Committee on, 209. Third reading, 212. R. A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 38.) 2. Bill (No. 88), introduced to amend (1919), 72. Second reading, 156. Reported, 159. House goes in to Committee on, 175. Third reading, 202. R. A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 51.) 3. Bill (No. 256), introduced to amend (1920), 347. Motion for second reading; objection taken and Mr. Speaker rules in favour of; ruling sustained and Bill ruled out of Order, 364. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT: Motion for Commission to enquire into; withdrawn (1914), 220. MUNICIPAL HOUSING ACT, 1920: Bill (No. 106 ), introduced (1920), 60. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 119-20. Second reading, 139. House goes into Com- mittee on, 158. Third reading, 162. R. A., 172. (10 Geo. V, c. 84.) MUNICIPAL. 151 MUNICIPAL OFFICE: Bill (No. 94), introduced to abolish property qualification of candidates for (1918), 71. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 88. No report. MUNICIPAL LAW : 1. Bill (No. 100), introduced “The Municipal Act, 1913.” (1913), 12. Second reading, 52. House goes into Committee on, 59, 60, 64, 67, 137, 297, 366. Third reading; amendments negatived, 369-70. R. A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 43.) 2. Bill (No. 139), introduced to amend (1913), 66. Motion for second reading negatived, 213. 3. Bill (No. 162), introduced to amend (1913), 101. Order for second reading discharged, 217. 4. Bill (No. 168), introduced to amend (1913), 113. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 124. 5. Bill (No. 173), introduced to amend (1913), 130. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 229. 6. Bill (No. 177), introduced to amend (1913), 130. Order for second reading discharged, 204. 7. Bill (No. 213), introduced to amend (1913), 317. Order for second reading discharged, 338. 8. Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend (1914), 15. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 76, 152. Second reading negatived, 155. 9. Bill (No. 74), introduced to amend (1914), 21. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 79. Reported, 301. 10. Bill (No. 76), introduced to amend (1914), 35. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 79. Reported, 301. - 11. Bill (No. 100), introduced to amend (1914), 83. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 112. Reported, 301. 12. Bill (No. 102), introduced to amend (1914), 84. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 152. Reported, 301. 13. Bill (No. 104), introduced to amend (1914), 84. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 153. Reported, 301. 14. Bill (No. 116), introduced to amend (1914), 111. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 146. Reported, 301. 15. Bill (No. 117), introduced to amend (1914), 111. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 146. Reported, 301. 152 MUNICIPAL. MUNICIPAL LAW-Continued. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1914), 111. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 146. Reported, 301. Bill (No. 121), introduced to amend (1914), 146. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 146. Reported, 301. Bill (No. 126), introduced to amend (1914), 122. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 153. Reported, 301. Bill (No. 127), introduced to amend (1914), 122. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 146. Reported, 301. Bill (No. 128), introduced to amend (1914), 122. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 301. Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend (1914), 130. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 177. Reported, 301. Bill (No. 132), introduced to amend (1914), 130. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 172. Reported, 301. Bill (No. 185), introduced to amend (1914), 269. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 273. Bill (No. 193), introduced “The Municipal Amendment Act, 1914 ° (1914), 302. Second reading, 328. House goes into Committee on, 359. Third reading; amendments negatived, 372, 383. R. A., (4 Geo. V, c. 33.) . Bill (No. 68), introduced to amend (1915), 83. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 123. Reported adversely, 202. Bill (No. 84), introduced to amend (1915), 53. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 71. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend (1915), 55. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 81. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 86), introduced to amend (1915), 61. Order for second reading discharged, 123. Bill (No. 88), introduced to amend (1915), 61. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 84. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 91), introduced to amend (1915), 61. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 123. Reported adversely, 202. Bill (No. 93), introduced to amend (1915), 73. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 97. Reported, 193. House goes into Committee on, 209. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 38.) *- MUNICIPAL. 153 MUNICIPAL LAW-Continued. - 32. Bill (No. 97), introduced to amend (1915), 93. Second reading and 33 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. referred to the Municipal Committee, 108. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 99), introduced to amend (1915), 97. Order for second reading discharged, 124. Bill (No. 101), introduced to amend (1915), 97. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 108. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 103), introduced to amend (1915), 103. Motion for second reading and debate on adjourned, 129, 139, 158. Debate resumed and motion for second reading negatived, 162. Bill (No. 104), introduced to amend (1915), 103. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 161. Reported adversely, 202. Bill (No. 109), introduced to amend (1915), 104. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 132. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 110), introduced to amend (1915), 104. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 158. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 117), introduced to amend (1915), 122. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 141. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 118), introduced to amend (1915), 122. Order for second reading discharged, 141. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1915), 131. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 120), introduced to amend (1915), 131. Order for second reading discharged, 161. - Bill (No. 124), introduced to amend (1915), 131. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 125), introduced to amend (1915), 139. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 130), introduced to amend (1915), 146. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 133), introduced to amend (1915), 146. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 201. Bill (No. 135), introduced to amend (1915), 147. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 201. 154 MUNICIPAL. MUNICIPAL LAW–Continued. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. Bill (No. 137), introduced to amend (1915), 159. Order for second read- ing discharged, 207. Bill (No. 189) , introduced to amend (1915), 159. Order for second read- ing discharged, 207. Bill (No. 141), introduced to amend (1915), 168. Second reading and referred to the Committee of the Whole, 195. Discharged, 207. Bill (No. 142), introduced to amend (1915), 168. Order for second read- ing discharged, 207. Bill (No. 165), introduced “The Municipal Amendment Act, 1915” (1915), 205. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 224. Third reading, 225. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 34.) Bill (No. 71), introduced to amend (1916), 37. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 72. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 74), introduced to amend (1916), 49. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 72. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 75), introduced to amend (1916), 49. Second reading nega- tived, 102. Bill (No. 93), introduced to amend (1916), 85. Order for second reading discharged, 248. Bill (No. 97), introduced to amend (1916), 93. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 116. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 99), introduced to amend (1916), 93. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 116. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1916), 107. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 141. Third reading, 237. See'below, 62. Bill (No. 124), introduced to amend (1916), 110. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 142. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 132), introduced to amend (1916), 123. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 142. Reported, 206. Bill (No. 176), introduced “The Municipal Amendment Act, 1916” (1916), 207. Second reading, 216. House goes into Committee on, 228. Third reading, 228. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 39). Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend (1917), 14. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 50. Reported, 185. MUNICIPAL. 15 5 fl. MUNICIPAL LAW-Continued. 64. Bill (No. 91), introduced to amend (1917), 55. Second reading and re- 65 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 78. 79. 80. ferred to the Municipal Committee, 119. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 95), introduced to amend (1917), 62. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 141, 158. Order discharged; provisions incorporated with Bill No. 164. See below, 81. Bill (No. 96), introduced to amend (1917), 62. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 94. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 97), introduced to amend (1917), 62. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 106. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 99), introduced to amend (1917), 62. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 106. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 104), introduced to amend (1917), 68. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 106. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 107), introduced to amend (1917), 69. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 155. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 108), introduced to amend (1917), 69. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 110), introduced to amend (1917), 73. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 119. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 113), introduced to amend (1917), 82. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 119. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 120), introduced to amend (1917), 91. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 128), introduced to amend (1917), 104. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 138), introduced to amend (1917), 126. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. . Bill (No. 143), introduced to amend (1917), 126. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 144), introduced to amend (1917), 126. Second reading and re. ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 145), introduced to amend (1917), 126. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. Bill (No. 149), introduced to amend (1917), 138. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 185. 156 MUNICIPAL. MUNICIPAL LAW-Continued. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 96. Bill (No. 164), introduced “The Municipal Amendment Act, 1917” (1917), 188. Second reading, 210. House goes into Committee on, 245. Third reading, 245. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 42.) Bill (No. 52), introduced to amend (1918), 15. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 35. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 62), introduced to amend (1918), 32. Order for second reading discharged, 88. Bill (No. 79), introduced to amend (1918), 50. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 88. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 80), introduced to amend (1918), 53. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 96. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 91), introduced to amend (1918), 70. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 93. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 92), introduced to amend (1918), 71. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 107. Reported, 158. . Bill (No. 100), introduced to amend (1918), 87. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 96. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 107), introduced to amend (1918), 95. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 145. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 109), introduced to amend (1918), 95. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 107. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 110), introduced to amend (1918), 95. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 107. Reported, 158. Bill (No. 120), introduced to amend (1918), 104. Order for second read- ing discharged, 145. Bill (No. 123), introduced to amend (1918), 105. Order for second read- ing discharged, 145. Bill (No. 125), introduced to amend (1918), 105. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 128. Reported, 158. . Bill (No. 145), introduced “The Municipal Amendment Act, 1918” (1918), 158. Second reading, 182. House goes into Committee on; third reading, 182. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 32.) Bill (No. 59), introduced to amend (1919), 45. Order for second reading discharged, 198. MUNICIPAL. 157 MUNICIPAL LAW-Continued. 97. Bill (No. 61), introduced to amend (1919), 45. Second reading and re- 98. 99. 100. 101. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. ferred, 79. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 66), introduced to amend (1919), 48. Second reading and re- ferred, 79. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 67), introduced to amend (1919), 49. Second reading and re- ferred, 79. Reported, 190. * Bill (No. 68), introduced to amend (1919), 49. Second reading and re- ferred, 79. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend (1919), 49. Second reading and re- ferred, 79. Reported, 190. . Bill (No. 73), introduced to amend (1919), 60. Second reading and re- ferred, 96. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 74), introduced to amend (1919), 60. Second reading and re- ferred, 79. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 77), introduced to amend (1919), 66. Second reading and re- ferred, 96. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 78), introduced to amend (1919), 66. Second reading and re- ferred, 155. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 94), introduced to amend (1919), 83. Second reading and re- ferred, 106. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 98), introduced to amend (1919), 84. Second reading and re- ferred, 106. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend (1919), 103. Second reading and re- ferred, 156. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1919), 110. Second reading and referred, 129. Reported, 190. Bill (No. 126), introduced to amend (1919), 115. Order for second read- ing discharged, 155. Bill (No. 168), introduced “The Municipal Amendment Act, 1919.” (1919), 190. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 216. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 46.) Bill (No. 66), introduced to amend (1920), 36. Second reading and re- ferred to Committee, 57. 4. Bill (No. 67), introduced to amend (1920), 36. Second reading and re- ferred to Committee, 57. 158 MUNICIPAL. MUNICIPAL LAW-Continued. Bill (No. 72), introduced to amend (1920), 37. Second reading and re- 114. I 1.5 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. ferred to Committee, 57. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 74), introduced to amend (1920), 42. Second reading and re- ferred to Committee, 129. Reported, 280. jº Bill (No. 81), introduced to amend (1920), 48. Second reading and re- ferred to Committee, 116. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 97), introduced to amend (1920), 55. Second reading and re- ferred to Committee, 116. Bill (No. 113), introduced to amend (1920), 74. ferred to Committee, 129. Second reading and re- Bill (No. 114), introduced to amend (1920), 74. Second reading and re- ferred to Committee, 129. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 122), introduced to amend (1920), 113. referred to Committee, 139. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 123), introduced to amend (1920), 113. referred to Committee, 139. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 126), introduced to amend (1920), 119. referred to Committee, 141. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 129), introduced to amend (1920), 121. referred to Committee, 165. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 136), introduced to amend (1920), 131. referred to Committee, 152. Bill (No. 147), introduced to amend (1920), 144. referred to Committee, 165. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 148), introduced to amend (1920), 145. referred to Committee, 199. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 157), introduced to amend (1920), 166. referred to Committee, 200. Reported, 280. Bill (No. 163), introduced to amend (1920), 170. referred to Legal Committee, 189. Bill (No. 169), introduced to amend (1920), 179. referred to the Legal Committee, 230. Bill (No. 170), introduced to amend (1920), 179. referred to Committee, 261. Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading Second reading and and and and and and and and and and and MUNICIPAL. 159. MUNICIPAL LAw—Continued. 131. Bill (No. 210), introduced to amend (1920), 225. Second reading and referred to Committee, 261. 132. Bill (No. 236), introduced “The Municipal Amendment Act, 1920.” (1920), 281. Second reading, 315. House goes into Committee on, 317. Third reading, 329. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 58.) 133. (1913.) Committee appointed, 18, 25. Report, 232, 303. Petitions re- specting, 29, 46, 110. (1914.) Committee appointed, 27. Report, 301. Petition respecting, 78, 268. (1915.) Committee appointed, 30. Report, 193, 201. Petition respecting, 53. (1916.) Committee appointed, 25. Report, 166, 178, 206. Petitions repecting, 15, 56, 96. (1917.) Committee appointed, 31. Report, 116, 185. (1918.) Com- mittee appointed, 4, 20. Report, 92, 95, 158. Petition respecting, 13. (1919.) Committee appointed, 12, 32. Report, 135, 159. Petitions repecting, 28, 66. (1920.) Committee appointed, 41. Report, 148, 173, 182, 213, 242, 274, 280, 289. Petitions respecting, 29. MUNICIPAL OFFICE: Bill (No. 103), introduced to amend the law respecting property qualification for (1915), 103. Motion for second reading and debate on adjourned, 129, 139, 158. Motion for second reading negatived, 162. See Muni- cipal Councils. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS: Bill (No. 92), introduced respecting the time of filing of Qualification for (1920), 54. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Commit- tee, 117. Reported, 280. See Municipal Law. MUNICIPAL POLICE FORCE: Report presented, of Messrs. Meredith and Gunn (1920), 169. (Sessional Papers No. 80.) Not printed. MUNICIPAL SCHOOL ACCOUNTS AUDIT ACT : Bill (No. 192), introduced to amend (1920), 198. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 68.) MUNICIPAL SECURITIES: Bill (No. 159), introduced respecting the rate of interest payable by Ontario on (1917), 160. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s rec- ommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 162-3. Second reading, 174. House goes into Committee on, 198. Third reading, 214. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 8.) MUNICIPAL WATERWORKS ACT: Bill (No. 175), introduced to amend (1913), 130. Order for second reading discharged, 179. 160 MUNITION_NATURAL. MUNITION PLANTS, ACCIDENTS IN :-See Workmen’s Compensation Board. MUNN LUMBER COMPANY : -- Return presented, of correspondence respecting quantity of timber cut by, in the years 1909-10-11 (1913), 64. (Sessional Papers No. 61.) Not printed. MURRAY, MATHER AND COMPANY: Return ordered, shewing if option given to, to purchase certain Government securieties, etc. (1914), 145. Presented, 188. (Sessional Papers No. 82.) Not printed. MUSKOKA, DISTRICT OF: Petition for Act respecting the Townships of Medora and Wood in the (1920), 27. Fees remitted, 125. Not proceeded with. RIUSKOKA AND PARRY SOUND : Return ordered, shewing how many Crown Land Agencies in, etc. (1919), 70. Presented, 114. (Sessional Papers No. 68.) Not printed. MUSKOKA ROAD : Return ordered, of copies of correspondence in connection with construction of, under the Northern Development Branch of the Department of Lands, Forests and Mines (1920), 80. Presented, 142. (Sessional Papers No. 75.) Not printed. ATURAL GAS: 1. Bill (No. 81), introduced to amend the Act to prevent the wasting of (1913), 190. Second reading, 203. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 66.) Second reading; House 2. Bill (No. 45), introduced respecting (1918), 6. (8 Geo. V., c. 12.) goes into Committee on ; Third reading, 6. R.A., 7. 3. Bill (No. 146), introduced respecting (1918), 158. Second reading nega- tived, 174. 4. Situation in Kent, Essex and Lambton presented (1918), 138. Papers No. 79.) Printed. º, 5. Bill (No. 98), introduced to amend (1920), 55. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 120. Third reading, 170. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 93.) 6. Bill (No. 229), introduced (1920), 254. Order for second reading dis- charged, 330. See below. NATURAL GAS AND OIL WELLS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 61), introduced to amend (1916), 9. Second reading, 21. House goes into Committee on, 85. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 57.) 2. Bill (No. 163), introduced respecting (1919), 166. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 226. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 13.) (Sessional NAVY-NEW. 161 NAVY LEAGUE : - Bill (No. 176), introduced to authorize Municipal Corporations to grant aid to (1920), 182. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Com- mittee, 218. Reported, 280. See Municipal Law. NEEBING, MUNICIPALITY OF: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 27. Reported, 111. Bill (No. 11), in- troduced and referred, 112. Reported, 144. Second reading, 164. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 170. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 128.) NEELANDS, SUPERINTENDENT: Question as to any action taken, concerning, of Burwash Farm (1919), 176. NEPIGON LAKE : Question as to whom and on what dates, permission given to fish in, etc. (1919), 221. NEWILLE, R. S.: Question as to what Acts drafted by (1913), 139. NEWFOUNDLAND:—See Statute Law Amendment Act of 1914. NEWMARKET, TOWN OF: Petitions for Act respecting (1913), 175, 200. Reported, 232. Bill (No. 64), introduced and referred, 271. Reported, 293. Second reading 310. House goes into Committee on, 319. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 106.) NEW ONTARIO COLONIZATION COMPANY:—see Jackson Lumber Company. NEW, OR NORTHERN ONTARIO AND NORTH-WESTERN ONTARIO: 1. Motion re settlement and development of, etc., negatived (1913), 224. See Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway. 2. Bill (No. 130), introduced to remedy and improve conditions of assess- ment and taxation in (1914), 130. Second reading negatived, 178. 3. Motion re settlement and development of, superseded by amendment (1914), 272-78. 4. Whitson’s Report presented, on road construction in (1914), 154. (Ses- sional Papers No. 73.) Printed. . Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend the Northern and North-Western Ontario Development Act (1916), 143. Second reading, 161. House goes into Committee on, 172, 240. Third reading, 240. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 11.) 5 6 . Question as to estimated expenditure for roads in (1915), 53. y . Question as to number of men employed under Whitson (1915), 138. Re- ports presented on Northern Development (1915), 143; (1916), 42. 11 D.S. * 162 NEW NICEQEL. NEW TORONTO, WILLAGE OF: - Petition for Act repecting (1916), 15. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 37), intro- duced and referred, 66. Reported, 119. Second reading, 126. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 81.) See Mimico. NIAGARA FALLS AND STAMEORD: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 29. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 15), intro- duced and referred, 60. Reported, 81. Second reading, 88. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (? Geo. W, c. 78.) NIAGARA FALLS AND SUSPENSION BRIDGE COMPANY : Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 10), intro- duced and referred, 44. Reported, 58. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 97.) NIAGARA FALLS WATER POWER:—See Power Development. NIAGARA FALLS, WELLAND AND DUNNWILLE ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 218. Reported, 221. Bill (No. 55), in- troduced and referred, 221. Reported, 269. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 121.) NIAGARA FRONTIER ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY : Petition for Act respecting (1914), 78. Not proceeded with. NIAGARA RIVER: Question as to investigation by Board of Health, into water supply of, etc. (1920), 332. NIAGARA RIVER BOULEWARD : A Question as to contruction of (1914), 361. NIAGARA, WELLAND AND LAKE ERIE RAILWAYS:—See Welland. NICKEL: 1. Return ordered, of copy of correspondence, with reference to the use of, by His Majesty’s enemies in the present war, etc. (1915), 28. (Not brought down.) 2. Return ordered, of copies of statements, furnished by Canada Copper Com- pany, International Nickel Company, Mond Nickel Company, under section 8 of the Mining Tax Act, etc. (1915), 70. Presented, 144. (Sessional Papers No. 67.) Not printed. 3. Resolution re production and sale under Government control; negatived (1916), 127. See Canada Copper Company. Mond Company. NICKEL–NORFOLK. 163 NICKEL–Continued. 4. 5 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Report of Commission presented (1917), 157. (Sessional Papers No. 62.) Printed. Question as to time of appointment of Commission to investigate manu- facture of; meetings; cost of, etc. (1917), 19. . Question as to process of refining, proposed to be adopted at Port Colborne Nickel Refinery (1917), 219. . Return ordered, of statements furnished by Canada - Copper Company; International Nickel Company; Mond Nickel Company; and other companies, producing, under Sec. 8 of the Mining Act; reports, cor- respondence, etc. (1917), 21. Presented, 120. (Sessional Papers No. 69.) Not printed. . Return ordered, shewing cost of Commission, etc. (1917), 191. Presented, 236. (Sessional Papers No. 80.) Not printed. . Motion proposed and negatived, re action to acquire absolute control of nickel mines, etc. (1917), 221-2. Motion proposed and negatived, re agreement with Canada Copper Com- pany, by Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, and the institution of proceedings to recover arrears of taxes (1917), 233. Motion urging Government to take proceedings to acquire control of plants, etc., withdrawn (1918), 179. Motion that Government should enter into negotiations with Governments of United Kingdom and Dominion of Canada re control of mines, with- drawn (1918), 179. Question as to collection of taxes from nickel companies (1920), 66. Question as to agreements with any company (1920), 66. NIEU STEEL COMPANY:—See Tilley, Johnston. NIPIGON LAKE: . Questions as to fishing licenses and rights in (1920), 325, 370. NOMINATION PAPERS: Bill (No. 91), introduced respecting, in Cities and Towns (1920), 54. Order for second reading, discharged, 159. NORFOLK CANNERS’ LIMITED: * Petition for Act to abolish common stock (1913), 94. Reported, 200. Bill (No. 50), introduced and referred, 244. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 316. 164 NORTH. agº. NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1919), 19. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 9), intro- duced and referred, 44. Reported, 57. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 128.) NORTHERN LIGHT RAILWAYS COMPANY: Petition for Act of incorporation (1920), 36. Reported, 62. Bill (No. 9), introduced and referred, 63. Reported, 161. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 232, 245. Third reading, 246. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 152.) NORTHERN AND NORTH-WESTERN ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT ACT: 1. Bill (No. 150), introduced to amend (1916), 143. Second reading, 161. House goes into Committee on, 172, 240. Third reading, 240. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 11.) See New or Northern Ontario. 2. Bill (No. 111), introduced to provide for development work in (1918), 95. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 105-7. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 146. Third read- ing, 152. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 8.) g 3. Bill (No. 169), introduced to amend (1917), 189. Second reading, 210. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 253. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 12.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 4. Bill (No. 103), introduced to amend (1919), 94. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 168. Third reading, 229. R.A., 243, (9 Geo. V., c. 14.) NORTHERN ONTARIO DEMONSTRATION FARM: Return ordered, shewing in what year operations commenced at (1919), 179. Not brought down. NORTHERN RIDING AND DRIVING ASSOCIATION:—See Gore Bay Riding and Driving Association. NORTH BAY, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to confirm certain By-laws (1913), 75. Reported, 200. Bill (No. 63), introduced and referred, 201. Reported, 251. Second reading, 273. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 107.) 2. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 339 (1914), 264. Bill (No. 179), introduced on suspended rule and referred, 264. Reported, 301. Second reading, 329. House goes into Committee on, 351. Third read- ing, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 20.) 3. Bill (No. 189), introduced on suspended rule respecting a School Site for the Roman Catholic Separate School Board of and referred to Com- mittee on Private Bills (1914), 290. Reported, fees remitted, 301. Second reading, 329. House goes into Committee on, 351. Third reading, 365. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 78.) NORTH-NOXIOUS. 165 NORTH BAY, Tow.N OF-Continued. 4. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 25. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 19), in- troduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 36. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 76. Reported, 122. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 61.) 5. Petition for Act respecting the water supply of (1917), 17. Reported, 38. Bill (No. 20), introduced and referred, 41. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 158. e * 6. Question as to statement by Mr. Beck at, re development of power (1913), 69. - 7. Question as to who supplied coal to school and offices at (1913), 282. NORTH ESSEX: Questions as to who is License Inspector and if he applied for loans (1914), 164, 270. NORTH GREY: - Question as to seizure of liquor in Local Option Territory of (1914), 20. NORTH MIDLAND, RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 18. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 23), intro- duced and referred, 64. Reported, 95. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 128. Third reading, 284. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 106.) NORTH TORONTO, CITY OF; . Petition for Act to separate certain territory from the City of Toronto and to incorporate the (1920), 28. Reported, 124. Bill (No. 32), introduced and referred, 126. No report. NORTH WATERLOO : 1. Question as to who is License Inspector in, etc. (1914), 98. 2. Question as to any action proposed by Government (1914), 117. 3. Return ordered, of correspondence with Ferdinand Walter, as to adminis- tration of Liquor Law in (1914), 176. Not brought down. NOTCH, THE: Return presented, of correspondence with respect to the water power known as (1913), 53. (Sessional Papers No. 59.) Not printed. NOXIOUS WEEDS ACT: -- 1. Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend (1916), 107. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 129. Reported, 166. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 59.) ,” 166 NOXIOUS—ONTARIO. Noxious WEEDs ACT-Continued. 2. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1920), 82. Second reading and re- ferred to the Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 139. Re- ported, 144. House goes into Committee on, 158, 188. Third reading, 215. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 94.) NURSERY STOCK: Bill (No. 184), introduced to regulate the sale of (1920), 185. Order for second reading, discharged, 262. - AKWILLE, TOWN OF: Bill (No. 173), introduced on suspended Rule and referred (1914), 235. Re- ported, 264. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 79.) 0°FLYNN, JOHN DALE: Petition for Act to authorize the Law Society to admit to practice as a Bar- - rister and Solicitor (1920), 28. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 2), introduced and referred, 46. Reported, 92. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 129. Third reading, 150. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 164.) - OHIO, STATE OF: Message of sympathy to Government and people of (1913), 210. No acknow- ledgment. OJIBWAY, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to incorporate (1913), 82. Reported, 94. Bill (No. 25), introduced and referred, 94. Reported; title amended, 126. Second reading, 142. House goes into Committee on, 179. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 108.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 15. Reported, 28. Bill (No. 1), in- troduced and referred, 30. Reported, 44. Second reading, 129. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 180. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 82.) 3. Petition for Act to amend Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 3), introduced and referred, 43. Reported, 57. Second reading, 60. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 98.) OLIVER, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 23. Bill (No. 4), intro- duced and referred, 24. Reported, 55. Second reading, 64. House goes into Committee on, 72. Third reading, 110. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 70.) ONTARIO CIVIL SERVANTS: 1. Return ordered, showing number of officials of all classes, in inside and outside service on 1st days of January, 1905 and 1915 (1915), 70. Presented (1916), 249. (Sessional Papers No. 90.) Not printed. ONTARIO. 167 ONTARIo CIVIL SERVANTs—Continued. - 2. Return ordered showing how many persons in employment of Province, are now serving with Canadian or Allies armies (1915), 234. Presented (1916), 109. (Sessional Papers No. 78.) Not printed. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 3. Question as to payment of salaries to those enlisted for O.S.S. (1916), 41. 4. Return ordered, showing names of those enlisting (1916), 101. Presented, 109. (Sessional Papers No. 79.) Not printed. 5. Return ordered, showing total number of members of inside service in 1914 and 1917, 154. Presented, 263. (Sessional Papers No. 86.) Not printed. 6. Return ordered, showing how many were released for work on Farms (1918), 89. Presented, 186. (Sessional Papers No. 86.) Not printed. 7. Resolution that appointments should be given to disabled members of Ex- peditionary Force, etc. (1920), 89. * 8. Return ordered, showing names of dismissed, retired or resigned since January 1st, 1914, date, reason, etc. (1920), 80. Presented, 375. (Sessional Papers No. 92.) Not printed. 9. Return ordered, showing appointments made to Departments, since 1st December, 1919 (1920), 89. Presented, 375. (Sessional Papers No. 93.) Not printed. 10. Return ordered, showing names of Deputy Ministers and Clerks who ap- plied for leave of absence on medical certificates (1920), 115. Pre- sented, 257. (Sessional Papers No. 85.) Not printed. 11. Return ordered, showing appointments made since November 14th, 1919 (1920), 326. Presented, 374. (Sessional Papers No. 90.) Not printed. ONTARIO COMPANIES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 193), introduced to amend (1913), 201. Order for second read- ing discharged, 229. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 2. Bill (No. 187), introduced to amend (1914), 280. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 311. Reported, 364. House goes into Committee on, 387. Third reading, 387. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 29.) 3. Bill (No. 175), introduced to amend (1916), 187. Second reading, 211. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 217. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 35.) 168 ONTARIO. ONTARIO COMPANIES ACT-Continued. 4. Bill (No. 66), introduced to amend (1917), 12. Second reading, 25. House goes into Committee on, 109, 215. Third reading, 215. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 38.) 5. Bill (No. 164), introduced to amend (1919), 172. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 223. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 41.) 6. Bill (No. 173), introduced to amend (1920), 179. Second reading and referred to Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 200. Re- ported, 214. House goes into Committee on, 231. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 53.) 7. Bill (No. 174), introduced to amend (1920), 182. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 244. Reported, 295. House goes into Committee on, 315. Recommitted to Legal Committee, 327. No report. ONTARIO, COUNTY OF: Tetition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 112. Bill (No. 6), intro- duced and referred, 148. Reported, 253. Second reading, 261. House goes into Committee on, 308. Third reading, 311. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 129.) ONTARIO ELECTION ACT; Bill (No. 175), introduced to amend (1917), 257. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 257-8. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 6.) See Elections. Statute Law Amendment Act. Elections and Election Law. ONTARIO GAME AND FISHERIES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 157), introduced to amend’ (1916), 155. Second reading, 211. House goes into Committee on, 216. Third reading, 216. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 60.) 2. Bill (No. 159), introduced to amend, (1919), 165. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 196. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 72.) See Fish and Game. ONTARIO HIGHWAYS ACT; 1. Bill (No. 149), introduced to amend (1916), 139. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 157. Reported, 178. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 15.) See Vehicles on Highways. 2. Bill (No. 94), introduced to amend (1917), 55. Second reading, 106. House goes into Committee on, 109. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 18.) See Highway Improvement Act. Highway Travel Act. - .ONTARIO. 169 ONTARIO HIGHWAYS ACT-Continued. 3. Bill (No. 106), introduced to amend (1919), 98. Order for second reading discharged, 122. 4. Bill (No. 107), introduced to amend (1919), 98. Second reading, 112. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 19.) - 5. Bill (No. 121), introduced to amend (1919), 110. Second reading, 129. Reported, 159. House goes into Committee on, 175. Third reading, 202. See above. 6. Bill (No. 112), introduced (1920), 71. Resolutions introduced; Lieuten- ant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 103-4, 106-9. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 152, 180. Third reading, 180. R.A., 294. (10 Geo. V., c. 22.) 7. Bill (No. 194), introduced to amend (1920), 198. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 230. Reported, 242. House goes into Committee on, 259. Third reading, 275. See above. 8. Bill (No. 127), introduced to amend the Highway Improvement Act (1920), 121. Order for second reading discharged, 159. 9. Bill (No. 128), introduced to amend (1920), 121. Order for second read- ing discharged, 262. See Provincial Highway Act. 10. Petition respecting (1919), 109. ONTARIO HOMES COMPANY, LTD.: 1. Return ordered, of copy of Charter of (1914), 309. Presented, 325. (Ses- sional Papers No. 99.) Not printed. 2. Question as to article appearing in “Saturday Night” (1914), 309. ONTARIO HOUSING ACT, 1919: 1. Bill (No. 105), introduced to amend (1920), 60. Second reading, 129. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 162. R.A., 172. (10 Geo. V., c. 83.) 2. Return ordered, showing how many persons having expert or technical knowledge, were appointed under, etc. (1920), 53. Presented, 58. (Sessional Papers No. 62.). Not printed. See Dwelling Houses. {}MTARIO INSURANCE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 143), introduced to amend (1913), 66. Second reading and re- ferred to a Select Committee, 118. Reported, 252. House in Com- mittee on and Bill recommitted to Select Committee, 296. Reported, 335. House goes into Committee on, 352. Discharged, 395. See below. 12 D.S. 170 ONTARIO. ONTARIO INSURANCE ACT-Continued. 2. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1913), 130. Second reading, 153. House goes into Committee on, 158, 365. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 35.) 3. Bill (No. 160), introduced to amend (1914), 164. Second reading, 217. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signi- fied; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 255-6. House goes into Committee on, 237, 326, 382. Third reading, 382. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 30.) * 4. Bill (No. 182), introduced to amend (1914), 265. Order for second read- ing discharged, 358. 5. Bill (No. 66), introduced to amend (1915), 131. . Motion for second read- ing and debate on adjourned, 170. Debate resumed and Bill with- drawn, 206-7. * 6. Bill (No. 121), introduced to amend (1915), 131. Second reading and referred to a Select Committee, 176. Reported with recommendations, 221. House goes into Committee on, 222. Third reading, 222. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 30.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 7. Bill (No. 83), introduced to amend (1916), 67. Second reading and re- ferred to a Select Committee, 101, 117. Members added to Select Com- mittee, 121, 126. Reported, 213. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 36.) - 8. Bill (No. 119), introduced to amend (1917), 86. Second reading and re- ferred to a Select Committee, 120. Committee named, 127. Reported adversely, 200. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 9. Bill (No. 214), introduced to amend (1920), 229. Second reading, 282. House goes into Committee on, 286. Third reading, 341. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 55.) 10. Reports presented (1913), 137; (1914), 113; (1915), 92; (1916), 69; (1917), 260; (1918), 58; (1919), 114; (1920), 242. Printed. ONTARIO INSURANCE COMMISSION: 1. Report presented (1919), 15. (Sessional Papers No. 56.) Printed. 2. Referred to select Committee to meet during Recess (1919), 195. Mem. ber added, 224. 3. Question as to services of Mr. Justice Masten on (1920), 77. ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB: . Question as to increase in capital stock (1917), 92. See Racing Associations. ONTARIO. 171 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS’ ACT: 1. Bill (No. 146), introduced to amend (1914), 142. Second reading, 172. House goes into Committee on, 187. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 26.) 2. Bill (No. 135), introduced to amend (1917), 108. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 150, 238. Third reading, 239. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 36.) 3. Bill (No. 179), introduced to amend (1920), 183. Second reading, 231. House goes into Committee on, 237. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 49.) ONTARIO MEDICAL ACT: Bill (No. 79), introduced to amend (1915), 44. Second reading, 54. House - goes into Committee on, 71. Third reading, 216. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 27.) ONTARIO MILITARY HOSPITAL : Return ordered, showing payments in respect of (1916). Presented, 96. (Sessional Papers No. 76.) Not printed. - ONTARIO MINING ACT: 1. Bill (No. 148), introduced to amend (1916), 131. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 162. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 12.) 2. Bill (No. 170), introduced to amend (1916), 171. Second reading and referred to Committee of the Whole, 211. House goes into Commit- tee on, 218. Third reading, 236. See above, 1. See Mines and Mining. ONTARIO NIAGARA DEVELOPMENT ACT:—See Public Development. ONTARIO PAROLE BOARD : Report presented (1918), 171. (Sessional Papers No. 79.) Printed. ONTARIO POLICE ASSOCIATION: Petition for Act of incorporation (1920), 29. Reported, 133. Bill (No. 29), introduced and referred, 134. Reported, 280. Second reading, 307. House goes into Committee on; third reading, 363. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 159.) º ONTARIO POWER COMPANY: 1. Clarkson’s Report presented (1920), 124. (Sessional Papers No. 73.) Not printed. 2. Question as to Directors of (1920), 163. See Power Eaſport. 172 ONTARIO. ONTARIO, PROVINCE OF: 1. Motion as to directing the attention of the people to, as a health and tourist resort; withdrawn (1915), 200. 2. Return ordered, showing population of, for each of the years 1900 to 1916; public debt and public debt per capita (1917), 119. Presented (1918), 19. (Sessional Papers No. 63.) Not printed. ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE:—See Ontario Civil Service. Civil Service. ONTARIO RAILWAY ACT: 1. 10. 11. 12. 13. Bill (No. 87), introduced to amend (1915), 61. Order for second reading discharged, 123. * . Bill (No. 105), introduced to amend (1915), 103. Order for second read- ing discharged, 133. Bill (No. 92), introduced to amend (1916), 84. Second reading and re- ferred to Legal Committee, 151. No report. Bill (No. 120), introduced to amend (1916), 107. Order for second read- ing discharged, 163. . Bill (No. 121), introduced to amend (1916), 107. Order for second read- ing discharged, 163. . Bill (No. 127), introduced to amend (1916), 119. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 191. No report. . Bill (No. 105), introduced to amend (1917), 68. Order for second read- ing discharged, 156. . Bill (No. 121), introduced to amend (1917), 92. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 186. House goes into Committee on, 197, 239. Third reading, 239. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 39.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. . Bill (No. 144), introduced to amend (1918), 158. Second reading, 173. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 174. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 30.) Bill (No. 62), introduced to amend (1919), 46. Second reading and re- ferred, 78. Reported, 159. House goes into Committee on, 175. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 44.) Bill (No. 118), introduced to amend (1919), 105. Second reading and referred, 128. No report. Bill (No. 79), introduced to amend (1920), 48. Second reading and re- ferred to the Railway Committee, 115. Reported, 161. House goes into Committee on, 167, 171. Third reading, 171. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 56.) Bill (No. 242), introduced to amend (1920), 289. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 361. See above. ONTARIO. 173 ONTARIO RAILWAY ACT-Continued. 14. Bill (No. 235), introduced to amend (1920), 275. Second reading and referred to the Legal. Committee, 307, Reported, 329. House goes into Committee on and rises to ask Mr. Speaker’s ruling, 364. New Bill introduced, (No. 235), in deference to ruling and defeated on motion for second reading, 364. ONTARI0 RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD: 1. Bill (No. 102), introduced respecting (1913), 13. Second reading, 52. House goes into Committee on, 74, 152, 172. Third reading, 318. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 37.) 2. Bill (No. 82), introduced to amend the Act respecting (1915), 44. Sec- ond reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 84. Reported, 193. House goes into Committee on, 209. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 31.) 3. Bill (No. 82), introduced to amend the Act (1917), 47. Second reading, 156. Not proceeded with. 4. Bills referred to (1913), 35, 84, 95, 106. Reported, 114, 125, 154, 159, 183, 209. ſº . Bills referred to (1914), 34, 121, 141, 142, 155. Reported, 57, 104, 134, 173, 182, 188, 263. 5 6. Bills referred to (1915), 36, 37, 43, 44, 60, 78, 80, 103. Reported, 76, 95, 144, 153, 201. 7. Bills referred to (1916), 31, 48, 99. Reported, 45, 55, 83, 117, 122. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 8. Bills referred to (1917), 42, 60, 85. Reported 89, 124, 152. 9. Bills referred to (1918), 24, 62, 63, 83. Reported, 51, 86, 99, 108, 138. 10. Bills referred to (1919), 53. Reported; 100, 148. 11. Bills referred to (1920), 47, 63. Reported, 58, 143, 147, 177. 12. Reports presented, (1913), 302; (1914), 354; (1915), 263; (1916), 102; (1917), 259; (1918), 102; (1919), 79; (1920), 253. Printed. ONTARIO REFORMATORY: 1. Bill (No. 122), introduced respecting the (1913), 13. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 27, 42. Third reading, 341. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 77.) 2. Bill (No. 151), introduced to amend (1914), 155. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 51.) --- 174 ONTARIO. ONTARIO REFORMATORY-Continued. 3. Official Regulations presented (1914), 279. (Sessional Papers No. 94.) Printed. - 4. Return ordered, of names of officials connected with, etc. (1916), 101. Presented, 165. (Sessional Papers No. 85.) Not printed. 5. Question as to amount of wool purchased for (1917), 43. 6. Question as to number of prisoners at (1917), 161. 7. Return ordered, of copies of pay rolls of Industrial Department of, etc. (1917), 44. Presented, 64. (Sessional Papers No. 67.) Not printed. See Guelph Prison Farm. 8. Motion proposed and negatived, to reduce expenditure at Ontario Reforma- tory Industries (1918), 169. ONTARIO’S SONS, WALOUR OF:—See War, The. ONTARIO STALLION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 180), introduced to amend (1914), 265. Second reading, 282. House goes into Committee on, 299. Third reading; amendment nega- tived, 360. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 44.) 2. Petitions for repeal of (1914), 354. See Stallion Enrolment. ONTARIO TELEPHONE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend (1913), 238. Second reading, 273. House goes into Committee on, 296, 342. Third reading, 351. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 40.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 2. Bill (No. 195), introduced to amend (1914), 313. Second reading, 328. - House goes into Committee on, 358. Third reading, 358. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 32.) .* 3. Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend (1915), 107. Second reading, 134. House goes into Committee on, 141, 147, 217. Third reading, 217. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 33.) 4. Bill (No. 140), introduced to amend (1916), 130. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W., c. 38.) 5. Bill (No. 102), introduced to amend (1917), 64. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 110. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (? Geo. W, c. 40.) n 6. Bill (No. 110), introduced to amend (1919), 99. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 201. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 43.) ONTARIO. 175 ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 100), introduced (1916), 93. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 147, 172, 213, 229. Resolutions introduced and put through Committee, 227-28. Third reading, 229. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 50.) 2. Motion in re Compensation; withdrawn (1916), 105. 3. Bill (No. 155), introduced to amend (1917), 147. Second reading, 182. House goes into Committee on, 192, 218, 253. Third reading, 253. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 50.) 4. Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend (1918), 110. Second reading, 145. House goes into Committee on, 168. Third reading, 168. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 40.) 5. Bill (No. 49), introduced to amend (1919), 172. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 223, 234. Third reading, 234. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 60.) 6. Bill (No. 213), introduced to amend (1920), 229. Motion for second reading and Debate on, adjourned, 262. Debate resumed and motion carried, 278. House goes into Committee on, 291. Third reading, 341. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 78.) 7. Return ordered, showing how many persons convicted and sentenced to im- prisonment under, etc. (1918), 94. Presented (1919), 15. (Sessional Papers No. 60.) Not printed. 8. Motion proposed and negatived, to reduce expenditure re machinery of, and to reduce number of Commissioners (1918), 170. 9. Return ordered, showing number of physicians who issued prescriptions under (1919), 113. Not brought down. 10. Motion proposed and negatived re expense of enforcing and reduction of Commission, etc. (1919), 219. 11. Question as to existence of certificates under sec. 46 of, on November 13th, 1919 (1920), 49. 12. Question as to certificates for liquor warehouses under sec. 46, in force, be- tween 16th September, 1916, and date of Dominion Order-in-Council prohibiting importation (1920), 49. 13. Question as to how many Government dispensaries operated under author- ity of Board of License Commissioners (1920), 77. 14. Question as to profit and loss upon running Liquor Dispensaries by Board (1920), 78. 176 ONTARIO. \ ONTARIo TEMPERANCE ACT-Continued. 15. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Question as to purpose of advance of $150,000, made to Board (1920), 78. Question as to time of taking over stocks of license vendors by Board (1920), 78. . Question as to legal services rendered by P. White, K.C., in connection with (1920), 85. Question as to period of time covered by Sir William Meredith, in connec- tion with (1920), 85. Question as to services of Pinkerton National Detective Agency, in connec- tion with (1920), 87. Question as to opening of dispensaries at certain points (1920), 88. Question as to prosecutions for violation of, in district of Kenora (1920), 325. Returnſ ordered, showing how many persons employed, in enforcement of, salaries, revenue, etc. (1920), 52. Presented 91. (Sessional Papers No. 70.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing quantity of liquor passed through hands of Gov- ernment vendors, etc. (1920), 52. Presented, 69. (Sessional Papers No. 64.) Not printed. Return ordered, of names and addresses of distillers and brewers, who have made returns to Board, of liquor sold, etc. (1920), 88. (Not brought down.) Report presented of Commissioner Meredith, in matter of certain charges (1920), 69. (Sessional Papers No. 66.) Printed. Report presented, on operation of (1920), 124. (Sessional Papers No. 28.) Printed. Orders-in-Council relating to remission of fines under, referred to Commit- tee on Public Accounts (1920), 279. Resolution that it is desirable that there should be a thorough enquiry into the working of, and Committee appointed to meet during recess (1920), 347. Motion that the House is of Opinion that the machinery for the enforce- ment of the O. T. A., is *cessarily expensive and that number of commissioners should be reduced, etc., negatived (1920), 359. See In- toricating Liquor. License Board. ONTARIO-ORANGEVILLE. 177 ONTARIO WOTERS’ LISTS ACT 3–See Woters' Lists. Elections and Election LaW. ONTARIO WEST SHORE RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Bill (No. 215), introduced respecting (1913), 317. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 354. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 135.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 68. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 63), introduced and referred, 142. Reported, 269. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 306. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 122.) 3. Bill (No. 114), introduced respecting (1919), 103. Second reading and referred, 128. Reported, 135. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 205. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 118.) 4. Bill (No. 255), introduced to correct an error in Act respecting (1920), 344. Second reading, 344. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 365. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 153.) OPPOSITION, LEADER OF, ADDITIONAL SESSIONAL INDEMNITY TO:—See Statute Law Amendment Act, 1919. OPTOMETRY: 1. Bill (No. 195), introduced respecting (1913), 233. Order for second read- ing, discharged, 320. 2. Bill (No. 105), introduced to regulate the practice of (1919), 98. Second reading and referred, 117. Reported, 135. House goes into Commit- tee on, 197, 205. Third reading, 205. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 39.) 3. Bill (No. 218), introduced to amend (1920), 243. Second reading and t referred to Legal Committee, 282. Reported, 295. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 363. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 52.) 4. Question as to proclamation of Orders-in-Council (1920), 51. ORANGEVILLE, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 1003 (1914), 18. Reported, 54. Bill (No. 9), introduced and referred, 54. Reported, 105. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 128. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 70.) 2. Petition for Act to confirm By-law (1919), 20. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred, 52. Reported, 58. Second reading, 61. Recommitted, 116. Reported, 126. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 99.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 26), in- troduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 63. Re- ported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 177. Reported, 236. Second reading, 250. House goes into Committee on, 263. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 130.) 178 ORE–OSGOODE. ORE BODY :—See Falconbridge, Township of. ORGANIZATION OF RESOURCES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 171), introduced for the creation of a Provincial Commission to secure (1916), 178. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 215. Third reading, 239. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 4.) 2. Resolution, that the most thorough, should be secured, etc., and referred to Select Committee (1916), 108. Report, 178. 3. Return ordered, showing in detail, all payments and disbursements made under, etc. (1920), 308. Presented, 309. (Sessional Papers No. 86.) Not printed. ORIENTALs:–see Women. ORILLIA INSTITUTE : - Question as to number of patients undergoing treatment in (1914), 97. ORILLIA, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 95. Reported, 221. Bill (No. 96), introduced and referred, 221. Reported, 264. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 81.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 5), in- troduced and referred, 59. Reported, 88. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 62.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 12. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 22), in- troduced and referred, 83. Reported, 104. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 117. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 71.) ORPHAN'S HOME:—See Toronto. ORPINGTON MILITARY HOSPITAL : 1. Question as to total capital expenditure (1917), 43. f : 2. Question as to amount expended on; persons employed, etc. (1918), 10. 3. Question as to number of employees at (1918), 53. OSG00DE, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting (1916), 15. Reported, 97. Bill (No. 24), intro- duced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 99. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 117. Reported, 149. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 83.) OSHAWA—OTTAWA. 179 OSHAWA, TOWN OF: *. * 1. Petition for Act to enable the town to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the County of Ontario (1916), 40. Reported, 91. Bill (No. 43), in- troduced and referred, 92. Reported, 149. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 180. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 84.) 2. Petition for Act to amend Act, enabling the town to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the County of Ontario (1919), 28. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 41), introduced and referred, 55. Reported, 127. Second read- ing, 242. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 100.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 40. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 43), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 102. Second reading, 107. House goes into Committee on, 119. Third reading, 174. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 101.) ſº OTTAWA, BEECHWOOD CEMETERY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 17. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 4), intro- duced and referred, 34. Reported, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 127.) OTTAWA, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 116. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 60), introduced and referred, 190. Reported, 251. Second reading, 273. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 109.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 39), in- troduced and referred, 64. Reported, 280. Second reading, 329. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 82.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 69. Reported, 120. Bill (No. 64), introduced and referred, 162. Reported, 264. Second reading, 328. House goes into Committee on, 351. Third reading, 365. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 83.) 4. Bill (No. 114), introduced, on suspended Rule, respecting Water Works (1914), 109. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 110. R.A., 110. (4 Geo. V, c. 84.) 5. Bill (No. 177), introduced respecting (1914), 235. Order for second read- ing discharged, 358. 6. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 56. Reported, 79. Bill (No. 59), introduced and referred, 80. Reported, 130. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 194, R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 63.) 180 OTTAWA. OTTAWA, CITY OF-Continued. 7. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 36. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 55), introduced and referred, 67. Reported, 149. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 85.) .* 8. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 38. Reported, 84. Bill (No. 39), introduced and referred, 85. Reported, 157. Second reading, 199. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 79.) 9. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 26. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 25), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 104. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 127. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 72.) 10. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 28. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 38), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 127. Second reading, 142. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 102.) 11. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 73. Bill (No. 10), in- troduced and referred, 74. Reported, 178. Second reading, 189. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 131.) 12. Petition for Act enabling the Corporation to acquire and manage a trans- portation system (1920), 28. Reported, 112. Bill (No. 24), intro- duced and referred, 112. Reported, 178. Second reading, 189. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 132.) OTTAWA CITY ELECTRIC RAILWAY : Petition for Act respecting (1919), 66. Reported, 101. Bill (No. 46), in- troduced and referred, 103. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 127. OTTAWA CIVIC HOSPITAL: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 59. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 44), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 127. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 122.) Fees remitted, 233. 2. Petition for Act to amend (1920), 28. Reported, 134. Bill (No. 47), in- troduced and referred, 134. Reported; fees remitted, 178. Second reading, 189. House goes into Committee on, 251. Motion for third reading and amendment proposed and negatived; third reading, 312-13. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 162.) 0TTAWA LADIES COLLEGE: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 18. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 5), intro- duced and referred, 34. Reported; fees remitted, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 130.) OTTAWA. . 181 ()TTAWA ORPHANS” HOME : Petition for Act respecting (1914), 18. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 32), in- troduced and referred, 142. Reported, fees remitted, 234. Second reading, 257. House goes into Committee on, 298. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 129.) 0TTAWA, RIDEAU LAKES AND KINGSTON RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 15), intro- duced and referred, 83. Reported, 129. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 149. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 . Geo. V., c. 123.) * 0TTAWA, ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCOPAL CORPORATION: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 46. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 48), intro- duced and referred, 61. Reported, 115. Second reading, 141. Fees remitted, 200. House goes into Committee on, 216. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 100.) 0TTAWA ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLS: 1. Bill (No. 157), introduced respecting the Board of Trustees of the (1915), 192. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 226. Third reading, 227. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 45.) 2. Bill (No. 153), introduced respecting the appointment of a Commission for (1917), 144. Motion for second reading and six months’ hoist pro- posed and negatived, 182-4. Second reading, 184. House goes into Committee on, 202. Third reading, 249. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 59.) 3. Bill (No. 154), introduced respecting the (1917), 144. Motion for second reading and six months’ hoist proposed and negatived, 220-1. Second reading, 202. House goes into Committee on, 248. Third reading, 255. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 60.) *. 0TTAWA, ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH: Petition for Act respecting (1916), 15. Reported, 91. Bill (No. 49), intro- duced and referred, 93. Reported; fees remitted, 138. Second read- ing, 151. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 180. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 114.) OTTAWA AND ST. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 20. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 15), in- troduced and referred, 56. Reported, 101. Second reading, 119. House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 136.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 25. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 52), in- troduced and referred, 60. Reported preamble not proven; fees remit- ted, 211. ,-- 182 e OTTAWA—PALMS. 0TTAWA, ST. PATRICK'S ASYLUM: Petition for Act to amend Act incorporating (1916), 23. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 40), introduced and referred, 66. Reported; fees remitted, 118. Second reading, 126. House goes into Committee on, 127. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 108.) OTTAWA SCHOOLS:—see Education. OWEN SOUND, CITY OF: Petition for to incorporate (1920), 64. Reported, 133. Bill (No. 59), intro- duced and referred, 135. Reported, 220. Second reading, 231, House goes into Committee on, 251. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 133.) OWEN SOUND, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to ratify and confirm By-law No. 1581 (1913), 146. Re- ported, 218. Bill (No. 61), introduced and referred, 219. Reported, 270. Second reading, 284. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 318. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 110.) * 2. Petition for Act respecting the Assessment of the Canadian Pacific Railway property in (1915), 25. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 44), introduced and referred, 37. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 211. 3. Petition for Act to confirm certain By-laws (1915), 25. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 45), introduced and referred, 44. Reported, 96. Second read- ing, 105. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 64.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 16. Reported, 30. Bill (No. 33), in- troduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 32. Re- ported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 55. Reported, 106. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 125. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 86.) 5. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 1833 (1918), 13. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 14), introduced and referred, 34. Reported, 92. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 101. Third reading, 111. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 73.) Puroonge, MUNICIPALITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 26. Not proceeded with. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 41. Bill (No. 1), intro- duced and referred, 43. Reported, 57. Second reading, 60. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9. Geo. V, c. 103.) w | , , " | PALMS AND PLANTS: : Question as to disposition of, from Central Prison Greenhouse (1919), 116. PAPER—PATRONAGE. 183 PAPER CONTRACTS : Copies of presented (1917), 141. (Sessional Papers No. 72.) Printed. Rati- fied by House, 162. PAQUETTE, JOSEPH: Question as to shooting and death of (1918), 165. PARENTS: Bill (No. 104), introduced respecting the maintenance of, deserted by their offspring (1920), 60. Second reading and referred to the Legal Com- mittee, 116. No report. - PARIS, TOWN OF: r Petition for Act to vest certain lands in the corporation of (1917), 17. Re- ported, 38. Bill (No. 7), introduced and referred to the Commission- ers of Estate Bills, 41. Reported and referred to Committee on Pri- vate Bills, 45. Reported, 68. Second reading, 76. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 80.) PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS: Question as to total cost of erection, as originally built, etc. (1915), 75. PAROLE, ONTARIO BOARD OF: Bill (No. 140), introduced respecting (1917), 126. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 150, 215. Third reading, 215. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 63.) PARRY SOUND, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 17. Reported, 55. Bill (No. 16), in- troduced and referred, 56. Reported, 100. Second reading, 119. House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 111.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 54. Bill (No. 29), in- troduced and referred, 54. Reported, 141. Second reading, 150. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 85.) PARTNERSHIP: Bill (No. 60), introduced for codifying the law of (1920), 29. Motion for Second reading and Debate on, adjourned, 58. Debate resumed, mo– tion carried and Bill read the second time, 81. House goes into Com- mittee on, 91, 122. Third reading; title amended, 219. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 41.) PATRONAGE SYSTEMI: Motion that it is inimical to the efficiency of the Public Service; negatived (1914), 66-7 ; (1916), 19; (1917), 66-7. 184 PATRIOTIC–PEMBROKE. PATRIOTIC PURPOSES: Bill (No. 249), introduced to amend the Act to authorize and confirm grants by Municipal Corporations for (1920), 316. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 362. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 61.) See Municipal Corporations. PEACE CONFERENCE: Report of Mr. Justice Riddell presented, as representative of the Province, at Ceremonies at New Orleans (1915), 120. (Sessional Papers No. 60.) Printed. PELEE, TOWNSHIP OF: 1. Petition for Act to authorize the Public School Board to use the McCor- mick School Trust Funds for certain purposes (1917), 46. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 50), introduced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 85. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 122. Reported, 142. Second reading, 149. Provisions Amalga- mated with Bill (No. 51), 173. See below. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 46. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 51), in- troduced and referred, 85. Reported, 138. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 81.) PEMBROKE LUMBER COMPANY : 1. Resolution introduced re purchase of rights of and amendment proposed and negatived (1914), 175. Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 175-6. Bill (No. 147), introduced, 143. Second reading, 177. House goes into Committee on, 225. Third reading; amendment negatived, 360. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 13.) 2. Return ordered, showing consideration paid by licensee to Government, etc. (1914), 362. Presented (1915), 265. (Sessional Papers No. 80.) Printed. 3. Papers and correspondence presented, re Forest reserves, Algonquin Park and Pembroke Lumber Company (1914), 49. (Sessional Papers No. 72.) Printed. 4. Question as to original date of issue of license to, etc. (1914), 215. 5. Question as to negotiations re sale of timber rights (1914), 361. See Timber. tº PEMBROKE, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 45. Reported, 105. Bill (No. 29), introduced and referred, 106. Reported, 156. Second-reading, 179. House goes into Committee on, 202. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 112.) PEMBROKE–PETERBOROUGH. 185 PEMBROKE, Town of—Continued. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 149. Reported, 161. Bill (No. 134), introduced and referred, 163. Reported, 264. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 86.) PENETANGUISHENE, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 17. Reported, 38. Bill (No. 8), intro- duced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 41. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 89. Reported, 138. Sec- ond reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third read- ing, 194. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 82.) PENSIONS ACT : Resolution re request for revision of and investigation into, etc. (1920), 80. PERTH, COUNTY OF: Petition for Act respecting the debenture debt of (1913), 45. Reported, 105. Bill (No. 34), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 106. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 154-5. Reported, 190. Second reading, 202. House goes into Com- mittee on, 208. Third reading, 220. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 113.) PERTH, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 13. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 12), introduced and referred to Private Bills Committee, 109. Reported, 115. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 147. Third reading, 152. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 74.) * 2. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 3), in- troduced and referred, 46. Reported, 70. Second reading, 81. House goes into Committee on, 129. Third reading, 149. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 134.) PETERBOROUGH, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 45. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 37), introduced and referred, 116. Reported, 316. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 353. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 114.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 59. Reported, 64. Bill (No. 58), introduced and referred, 136. Reported, 211. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 266, 325. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 136.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 25. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 54), in- troduced and referred, 60. Reported, 88. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 232. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 65.) 186 PETERBOROUGH_PETROLIA. PETERBOROUGH, CITY OF–Continued. 4. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 40. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 57), in- troduced and referred, 67. Reported, 106. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 125. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 87.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 17. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 29), introduced and referred, 42. Reported, 53. Second reading, 65. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 83.) * 6. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 13. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 23), introduced and referred, 35. Reported, 66. Second reading, 72. House goes into Committee on, 94. Third reading, 111. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 75.) 7. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 54. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 76), in- troduced and referred, 121. Reported, 191. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 135.) PETERBOROUGH RADIAL RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 11), intro- duced and referred, 34. Reported, 95. Second reading, 112. House goes into Committee on, 128. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 124.) PETERBOROUGH, ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCOPAL CORPORATION OF DIOCESE OF: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 38), in- troduced and referred, 60. Reported; fees remitted, 88. Second read- ing, 94. House goes into Committee on, 98. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 94.) PETERBOROUGH, ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Petition for Act to enable Trustees to sell certain lands (1916), 19. Reported, 53. Bill (No. 30), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 55. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 76-7. Reported; fees remitted, 120. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 149. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 137.) PETRE ISLANDS: Question as to Government ownership of, in the Ottawa River (1913), 162. PETROLIA, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 37), intro. duced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 42. Reporter and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 152. Reported, 173. Second reading, 199. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 84.) PHARMACY-PLANNING. 187 PHARMACY ACT: 1. Bill (No. 128), introduced to amend (1913), 35. Second reading, 60. House goes into Committee on, 64. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 32.) 2. Bill (No. 96), introduced to amend (1915), 93. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 123. Reported, 221. House goes into Committee on, 222. Third reading, 222. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 28.) 3. Bill (No. 88), introduced to amend (1917), 52. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 76. Reported, 185. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 253. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 35.) 4. Bill (No. 158), introduced to amend (1920), 166. Second reading, 190. House goes into Committee on, 193. Third reading, 215. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 47.) PIC RIVER AND BLACK STURGEON RIVER, TIMBER LIMITS : 1. Question as to disposal of certain pulpwood limits in (1919), 34. 2. Question as to what payments have been made in respect of (1920), 84. 3. Question as to ownership of, etc. (1920), 162. 4. Motion disapproving of agreements relative to sale of and amendment proposed and carried (1920), 159-60. See Pulpwood. Carrick. PICKERING COLLEGE:—See Friends' Seminary. FINKERTON NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY: Question as to professional services of, re O. T. A. (1920), 87. PLANTAGENET, WILLAGE OF: …~" Return ordered, of correspondence re teaching of French in the schools of (1913), 77. Presented, 153. (Sessional Papers, No. 77.) Not printed. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT : 1. Bill (No. 79), introduced to amend (1919), 66. Second reading, 105. Reported, 135. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 201. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 53.) 2. Bill (No. 78), introduced to amend (1920), 48. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 141. Reported, 182. House goes into Committee on, 188. Third reading, 192. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 60.) 3. Bill (No. 245), introduced to amend (1920), 290. Second reading, 261. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 241-2. See above. 188 POLICE—PORT. POLICE COMMISSION: - 1. Question as to services of Sir William Meredith (1920), 85. 2. Report presented (1920), 69. (Sessional Papers, No. 80.) Not printed. POLICE MAGISTRATES ACT: Bill (No. 86), introduced to amend (1918), 56. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 71. No report. See Statute Law Amendment Act. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS:-See Elections. POLITICAL PURPOSES: 1. Bill (No. 189), introduced to require the publication of contributions for (1913), 175. Order for second reading discharged, 295. 2. Bill (No. 190), introduced to prohibit political contributions, by Corpora- tions (1913), 175. Order for second reading discharged, 295. See Elections. .** PONTIAC:—See Ojibway. PORCUPINE RAND BELT ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: Bill (No. 254), introduced respecting (1920), 333. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 365. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 154.) PORT ARTHUR, CITY OF: - . 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 53. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 40), introduced and referred, 106. Reported, 190. Second reading, 202. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 220. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 115.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 135. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 34), introduced and referred, 142. Reported, 211. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 88.) - 3. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 79. Bill (No. 46), introduced and referred, 80. Reported, 121. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 232. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 66.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 35), introduced and referred, 61. Reported, 115. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 85.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 18. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 27), introduced and referred, 63. Reported, 157. Second reading, 172. House goes into Committee on, 172. Third reading, 173. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 76.) PORT-POWER. 189 PORT COLBORNE, WILLAGE OF: Petitions for Act respecting (1913), 20, 28. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 7), introduced and referred, 35. Reported, 100. Second reading, 119. House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 116.) PORT McNICOLL, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act of incorporation (1917), 18. Reported, 84. Bill (No. 31), introduced and referred, 85. Reported, 157. Second reading, 199. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 238. R.A., 373. (7 Geo. V, c. 86.) Petitions against, 56, 91. POUND NETS:—See Fish and Game. POWER COMMISSION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 201), introduced (1913), 271. Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 320, 343. Third reading, 343. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 12.) 2. Bill (No. 196), introduced to amend and to confirm certain Municipal By-laws and Contracts (1914), 320. Second reading, 364. House goes into Committee on, 364. Third reading, 364. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 16.) 3. Bill (No. 144), introduced to amend (1916), 169. Second reading, 176. House goes into Committee on, 209. Third reading; amendment nega- tived, 246. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 19.) * 4. Bill (No. 95), introduced to amend (1916), 85. Second reading, 172. House goes into Committee on, 192. Third reading; amendments negatived, 240-43. See below. 5. Bill (No. 169), introduced to amend and to confirm certain By-laws and Contracts (1916), 171. Second reading, 212. House goes into Com- mittee on, 231. Third reading, 239. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 19.) See Power Development. Public Development. 6. Bill (No. 137), introduced to amend (1917), 124. Order for second read- ing discharged, 243. 7. Bill (No. 170), introduced to amend (1917), 193. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 250. Third reading; amendment negatived, 250-2. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 20.) 8. Bill (No. 134), introduced to amend (1919), 110. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 168. Third reading, 168. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 14.) 9. Bill (No. 171), introduced to amend (1919), 198. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 235. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 16.) 190 PoWER—PRESTON. PoweR CoMMISSION ACT-Continued. 10. Bill (No. 241), introduced to amend (1920), 289. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 361. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 18.) 11. Return ordered of copies of Orders-in-Council, under section 8, (1913), 198. Presented (1914), 312. (Sessional Papers, Mo. 97.) Not printed. See Electrical Power. 12. Questions as to date of borrowing $2,000,000 under (1916), 124, 159. POWER DEWELOPMENT: Bill (No. 166), introduced to regulate the use of the Waters of the Province for (1916), 171. Second reading, 212. House goes into Committee on, 231. Third reading, 239. R.A., 256. . (6 Geo. V., c. 21.) See Power Commission Act. Public Development. POWER EXPORT: Questions as to amount of exported from Niagara Falls, etc. (1920), 229, 323. PREFERENTIAL WOTING: 1. Bill (No. 96), introduced, allowing Municipalities to adopt (1916), 93. Order for second reading discharged, 191. 2. Bill (No. 74), introduced, allowing Municipalities to adopt (1917), 19. Order for second reading discharged, 219. 3. Bill (No. 69), introduced allowing Municipalities to adopt (1918), 35. Order for second reading discharged, 114. 4. Motion re election of members of Legislature and Municipal Councils by ; withdrawn (1919), 217. See Elections and Election Law. PRESCOTT, TOWN OF: - Petition for Act respecting (1913), 28. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 2), intro- duced and referred, 35. Reported, 68. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 120. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 117.) - - PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL, COUNTIES OF: 1. Question as to appointment of Crown Attorney and dismissal of pre- decessor (1919), 56. 2. Question as to who is agricultural representative in Prescott (1919), 69. PRESTON, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 26. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 30), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 60. Re- ported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 95. Reported, 130. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 205. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 67.) PRESTON.—PRINTING. 191 |PRESTON, Town of-Continued. 2. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 13. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 8), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 62. Re- ported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 86-7. Reported, 103. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 127. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 77.) PRICE, S.: Report presented, re limitation of hours of underground labour (1913), 174. (Sessional Papers, No. 82.) Printed. * 3 PRIME MINISTER, DEPARTMENT OF: Motion proposed and negatived, to strike out certain items of expenses of (1919), 218. PRINTING: 1913. 1. Committee appointed, 18, 26. Report, 111, 359. 2. Recommend purchase of certain publication, 111. 1914. 1. Committee appointed, 28. Report, 239, 334. Concurred in on division, 282, 337. 2. Recommend the purchase of certain publications, 242, 336. 1915. 1. Resolution for appointment of Committee, 16, 20. Appointed, 31. Re- port, 202, 227, 228, 265. Recommend purchase of publications, 205. 2. Binding Contract presented, 167. (Sessional Papers, No. 63.) Printed. Ratified by House, 180. 1916. 1. Committee appointed, 26. Report, 182, 224. 2. Recommend the purchase of certain publications, 186. 3. Recommend the printing of a Bill, 186. 1917. 1. Committee appointed, 31. Report, 186, 211, 237, 264. 2. Recommend purchase of publications, 188, 237. 3. Recommend printing of certain documents, 211. 4. Recommend extra charge on book, 212. 192 PRINTING—PRIVATE. PRINTING—Continued. & 1918. 1. Committee appointed, 4, 20. Report, 122, 172. 2. Recommend purchase of certain publications, 126. 1919. { 1. Resolution appointing committee, 12. Appointed, 33. Report, 160. 2. Recommend purchase of certain publications, 164. 3. Suggest mode of keeping certain accounts, 164. 4. Renewal agreement ratified, relating to increased prices, 142. 1920. 1. Committee appointed, 42. Report, 221, 228, 336, 366. 2. Recommend the purchase of certain publications, 224, 229. 3. Recommend the compilation of Municipal and Assessment Acts, 228. 4. Recommend the printing of Public Accounts Committee Reports of 1919 and 1920, 228. * PRISON FARM:— See Guelph. PRISONERS IN GAOLS: Return ordered, showing what number of, on 30th September, 1916 (1917), 94. Presented, 262. (Sessional Papers, No. 85.) Not printed. PRISONS AND REFORMATORIES : Reports presented (1913), 23; (1914), 312; (1915), 262; (1916), 165; (1917), 257; (1918), 148; (1919), 147; (1920), 346. Printed. PRIVATE BILLS: 1913. 1. Committee appointed, 18, 25. Report, 68, 81, 100, 105, 126, 155, 189, 210, 227, 243, 251, 270, 293, 316, 359. 2. Time extended, 100, 106, 227, 270, 294. 1914. 1. Committee appointed, 16, 26. Report, 59, 105, 120, 135, 141, 174, 211, 234, 263, 280, 301. 2. Recommend extension of time, 106, 121, 174, 234, 269, 363. 3. New rules adopted, 313. PRIVATE. 193 PRIVATE BILLs—Continued. 1915. 1. Resolution for appointment of Committee, 16, 20. Committee appointed, 29. Report, 52, 78, 88, 92, 96, 102, 121, 130, 158, 210. 2. Time for introduction of extended, 93, 159. 1916. 1. Committee appointed, 24. Report, 44, 83, 105, 118, 138, 149, 159, 170, 205. 2. Time extended, 30, 119, 149, 160, 170. 1917. 1. Committee appointed, 30. Report, 52, 67, 81, 107, 115, 137, 142, 157, 173, 185, 200. 2. Time extended for Petitions, 54. For Bills, 81. For Reports of Com- mittees, 107, 143, 173. & 3. Recommendation re fines, etc., 200. 1918. 1. Committee appointed, 4, 19. 2. Report, 55, 56, 82, 91, 103, 115, 157. 3. Recommended extension of time, 82, 92, 116. 1919. 1. Resolution appointing Committee, 12. Appointed, 31. 2. Report, 57, 81, 102, 109, 126, 189. 3. Introduced on Suspended Rule, 118. 1920. 1. Committee appointed, 40. Report, 70, 92, 125, 130, 143, 156, 178, 191, 201, 220, 236, 253, 280, 288. 2. Time extended, 70, 131, 178, 201, 254, 280. 3. Recommend that no extra fee be charged by reason of extension of time for receiving reports, 289. PRIVATE DETECTIVES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 172), introduced to amend (1916), 186. Second reading, 212. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 217. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 34.) 2. Bill (No. 112), introduced to amend (1919), 103. Second reading and re- ferred, 176. Reported, 189. House goes into Committee on; third reading, 205. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 40.) 13 D.S. 194 PRIVILEGES PROVINCIAL PRIWILEGES AND ELECTIONS: 1. Committee appointed (1913), 18, 24. 2. Certain charges made by Mr. Proudfoot, M.P.P., referred to (1913), 395-6. 3. Personnel of Committee changed (1913), 398. 4. Report presented (1913), 407-11. 5. Motion for adoption and amendment proposed to substitute Minority Re- port, and Debate on adjourned (1913), 411. Debate resumed and amendment to amendment proposed and carried, censuring member for Centre Huron, 412-14. See Proudfoot, William. Committee appointed (1914), 25. No report. (1915), 22. No report. (1916), 24. No report. (1917), 29. No report. (1918), 18. No report. (1919), 31. No report. (1920), 40. No report. PROCREATION: 1. Bill (No. 142), introduced concerning operations for prevention of (1913). 66. Order for second reading discharged, 199. 2. Bill (No. 123), introduced concerning operations to prevent (1914), 111. Order for second reading discharged, 213. PROFIT TAX:—See Lands, Forests and Mines. PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: 1. Bill (No. 160), introduced allowing Municipalities to adopt (1916), 160. Order for second reading discharged, 192. 2. Petition presented (1920), 40. See Preferential Voting. PROUDF00T, WILLIAM: 1. Motion that Commission issue to enquire into certain charges preferred by, against certain members of Government, superseded by amendment to refer charges to Committee on Privileges and Elections (1913), 395-6. 2. Personnel of Committee altered (1913), 398. 3. Resolution of censure (1913), 412-14. 4. The Thorne letter placed in custody of Clerk of House (1913), 415. Seo Privileges and Elections. - PROVINCIAL ARCHIVIST: 1. Report presented (1913), 351; (1914), 268; (1915), 263; (1916), 159; (1917), 262; (1918), 72; (1919), 114; (1920), 346. Printed. * 2. Question as to identity of (1917), 190. PROVINCIAL. 195 PROVINCIAL AUCTIONEERS: Bill (No. 147), introduced respecting the licensing of, for Pure Bred Stock (1916), 131. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 158. Order for third reading discharged, 240. PROVINCIAL AUDITOR: 1. Statements of presented (1913), 93; (1914), 109; (1915), 40; (1916), 53; (1917), 37; (1918), 37; (1919), 79; (1920), 185. Printed. 2. Resolutions re salary of, introduced, etc. (1913), 308-9; (1914), 390. Sed Stat. L. A. Act. 3. Motion proposed and superseded by amendment, for copy of statement pre- pared by, and delivered to Government, showing receipts and expendi- tures for 1914 (1915), 259-60. 4. Question as to audit by, of Departmental Books (1917), 191. PROVINCIAL BONDS: Question as to sale of, etc., value, dates, interest (1920), 50. PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE: 1. Question as to Resolution of re Salary of Lieutenant-Governor and Provin- cial Subsidies (1914), 37. 2. Minutes of Proceedings presented (1914), 109. (Sessional Papers No. 67.) Printed. PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 108), introduced to amend (1919), 98. Second reading, 122. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 17.) 2. Bill (No. 111), introduced (1920), 71. Resolutions introduced; Lieuten- ant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 102-3. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 193. Third reading, 215. R.A., 294. (10 Geo. V., c. 23.) See Ontario Highways Act. PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM : 1. Bill (No. 123), introduced to provide for (1917), 92. Second reading. 110. House goes into Committee on, 144, 158. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 16.) 2. Question as to intention of proceeding with Provincial Highway during present year (1919), 178. See Highways. Public Highway. PROVINCIAL AND OTHER HOSPITALS: 1. Bill (No. 108), introduced to provide for the inspection of, etc. (1913), 12. Second reading, 18. House goes into Committee on, 42. Third reading, 341. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 88.) 196 PROVINCIAL. PROVINCIAL AND OTHER HOSPITALs—Continued. 2. Report presented (1913), 269. (Sessional Papers No. 24.) Printed. See Hospitals. PROVINCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Return presented, showing how many patients admitted to, etc. (1913), 93. (Sessional Papers No. 66.) Not printed. - PROVINCIAL LOANS ACT: --- 1. Bill (No. 172), introduced to amend (1914), 222. Second reading, 267. House goes into Committee on, 294. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W., c. 8.) sº 2. Bill (No. 172), introduced to amend (1919), 200. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 200. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W. c. 10.) 3. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1920), 204-5. Bill ; (No. 202), introduced, 202. Second reading, 227. House goes into ! Committee on, 233, 276. Third reading. 276. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 5.) 4. Question as to what amounts Government has been authorized by Statute to borrow (1913), 273. 5. Question as to how much raised and expended of the $5,000,000 authorized under 2 Geo. V., c. 2 (1915), 27. PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AUDITOR: Reports presented (1913), 217; (1914), 279; (1915), 262; (1916), 23; (1917), 260; (1918), 185; (1919), 199; (1920), 227. Printed. PROVINCIAL PARKS: *. Bill (No. 88), introduced respecting (1913), 95. Second reading, 159. House goes into Committee on, 176. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 15.) PROVINCIAL PARKS ACT: Bill (No. 63), introduced to amend (1919), 46. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 61. Third reading, 190. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 24.) PROVINCIAL REGISTER: * * Bill (No. 90), introduced for the compilation of (1916), 84. Second reading, and referred to a Select Committee, 108. Reported, 178. See Organ ization of Resources. PROVINCIAL RESOURCES: - Resolution respecting, referred to a Select Committee (1916), 108. Reported 178. See Organization of Resources Act. PROVINCIAL. 197 PROVINCIAL SECRETARY: 1. Announces prorogation of House (1914), 414; (1915), 275; (1917), 276; (1918), 193; (1919), 245; (1920), 386. 2. Question re his connection with Oil Company (1916), 120. 3. Motion proposed and negatived re expenses of Department of (1919), 219. See Secretary and Registrar. * PROVINCIAL SECURITIES: 1. Return ordered, showing what have been sold by Province, since October 31st, 1912, date, name, etc. (1914), 44. Presented, 80. (Sessional Papers.No. 64.) Not printed. 2. Question as to what sold, since January 1st, 1915, etc. (1915), 26. 3. Question as to commission on sale of (1915), 93. 4. Question as to total amount sold during current fiscal year (1915), 135. 5. Question as to returns received, by sale of Bonds by Home Smith & Co. (1915), 233. * 6. Question as to total amount of, sold by Province, etc. (1916), 37. PROVINCIAL TAXES : Return ordered, showing details of receipts by Corporations of, etc. (1919), 69. Presented, 115. (Sessional Papers No. 70.) Not printed. PROVINCIAL WOTERS’ LIST:—See Ontario Election Act. PROVINCIAL WAR, TAX: º 1. Bill (No. 77), introduced to levy, to supplement the Revenues of the Crown (1915), 37. Resolutions introduced, Lieutenant-Governor's recom. mendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 125-8. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 128, 141. Third reading; amendment negatived, 245. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 3.) 2. Bill (No. 142), introduced to amend (1916), 130. Resolutions intro- duced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 145. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 237. R.A. 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 10.) 3. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1919), 111. Bill (No. 125), introduced to repeal, 112. Second reading; House goes into Com- mittee on, 143. Third reading, 190. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 5.) 198 PROVINCIAL–PUBLIC. PROVINCIAL WAR TAx—Continued. 4. Question as to total amount received for 1915-16 (1917), 21. 5. Return ordered, showing amount actually paid since January 1st, 1916, for war purposes, out of, etc. (1917), 21. Presented, 263. (Sessional Papers, No. 89.) Not printed. 6. Question as to amount received under (1918), 10. 7. Return ordered, showing what amount has actually been paid for war pur- poses under; how expended, etc. (1918), 10. Not brought down. See War, the. PRUDENTIAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED: * Bill (No. 183), introduced and referred (1920), 185. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 158.) PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: 1913. 1. Committee appointed, 18, 25. Report, 251, 407. (Appendia. No. 1.) 2. Public Accounts presented and referred to Committee (1913), 79. (Ses- sional Papers No. 1.) Printed. 3. Receipts and expenditures of Timiskaming and N. O. R., referred to (1913), 228. 1914. 1. Committee appointed, 26. Public Accounts, 1913, presented and referred to Committee, 45. Public Accounts, 1912, referred to 44. Report, 364. (Appendia, No. 1.) 2. Motion proposed and negatived, that Deputy Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines produce quantity and value of timber, 309. 3. Financial statements, etc., referred to, 287, 293. 1915. 1. Resolution for appointment of Committee, 16, 20. Committee appointed, 30. Report, 358. (Appendir No. 1.) 2. Public Accounts presented, 28. (Sessional Papers No. 1.) Referred to Committee, 28. 1916. 1. Presented and referred, 20. (Sessional Papers No. 1.) Printed. 2, Committee appointed, 25. Repôrt, 248. (Appendia. No. 1.) 3. Auditor’s Statements referred to, 104. PUBLIC. * 199 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS-Continued. 1917. 1. Committee appointed, 30. Report, 259. (Appendia. No. 1.) 2. Accounts presented, 37. (Sessional Papers No. 1.) Printed. 3. Teferred to Committee, 37. 1918. 1. Committee appointed, 4, 19. Report, 181. (Appendia. No. 1.) 2. Accounts presented and referred, 16. (Sessional Papers No. 1.) Printed. 1919. 1. Resolution appointing Committee, 12. Committee appointed, 32. Report, 233. (Appendia, No. 1.) 2. Presented and referred to Committee, 29. (Sessional Papers No. 1.) Printed. 3. Accounts, 1913-14 to 1917-18 referred to Committee, 66. 1920. 1. Presented, 53. (Sessional Papers No. 1.) Printed. Referred to Com- mittee, 53. 4 2. Committee appointed, 41. Report, 336. (Appendia. No. 1.) Member added, 162. PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT: Bill (No. 168), introduced respecting the Public Development of Water Power in the vicinity of Niagara Falls (1916), 171. Second reading, 212. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading; amendment nega- tived, 247. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 20.) See Power Commission. Power Development. PUBLIC HEALTH: 1. Bill (No. 181), introduced to amend the Act (1913), 131. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 178. Reported, 232. House goes into Committee on, 249. Third reading, 253. See below. 2. Bill (No. 77), introduced to amend (1913), 228. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 275. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 55.) 3. Bill (No. 126), introduced to amend the Act (1915), 139. Second read- ing and referred to the Municipal Committee, 161. Reported, 193. House goes into Committee on, 229. Third reading, 229. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 40.) 200 PUBLIC. PUBLIC HEALTH-Continued. 4. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. Bill (No. 64), introduced to amend (1916), 26. Second reading, 42. House goes into Committee on, 85, 227. Third reading, 227. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 51.) . Bill (No. 122), introduced to amend (1916), 108. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 142. Reported with recommendation for delay, 206. . Bill (No. 153), introduced to amend (1916), 150. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 161. Reported, 170. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 238. See above. . Bill (No. 77), introduced to amend (1917), 32. Order for second reading discharged, 77. . Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend (1917), 50. Order for second reading discharged, 77. . Bill (No. 60), introduced to amend (1917), 54. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 94. Reported, 186. House goes into Committee on, 254. Third reading, 254. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 51.) - Bill (No. 109), introduced to amend (1917), 73. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 94. Bill (No. 157), introduced to amend (1917), 160. Order for second read- ing discharged, 199. Bill (No. 84), introduced to amend (1918), 56. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 88. Reported, 95. House goes into Committee on, 113. Third reading, 139. Provisions embodied in Bill No. 139. See below, 14. Bill (No. 121), introduced to amend (1918), 104. Order for second read- ing discharged, 156. Bill (No. 139), introduced “The Public Health Amendment Act” (1918), 116. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 184. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 41.) . Bill (No. 69), introduced to amend (1919), 49. Order for second reading discharged, 95. Bill (No. 85), introduced to amend (1919), 71. Second reading and re- ferred, 105. Reported, 135. House goes into Committee on, 175. Third reading, 201. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 62.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. # PUBLIC. 201 PUBLIC HEALTH-Continued. & 17. Bill (No. 87), introduced to amend (1920), 49. Second reading and re- ferred to Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 129. No report. 18. Bill (No. 118), introduced to amend (1920), 82. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 139. Reported, 242. House goes into Committee on, 255. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 81.) 19. Bill (No. 162), introduced to amend (1920), 166. Second reading and re- ferred to Legal Committee, 184. No report. 20. Bill (No. 197), introduced to amend (1920), 202. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 341. See above, 18. 21. Copy of Order-in-Council presented, approving of Regulation for control of communicable diseases (1913), 202. (Sessional Papers No. 96.) Not printed. 22. Resolutions introduced respecting salaries of certain officials of (1918), 161-2. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 23. Reports presented (1913), 302; (1914), 80; (1915), 120; (1916), 12; (1917), 260; (1918), 37; (1919), 147; (1920), 110. Printed. 24. Report of District Board of presented (1915), 262. (Sessional Papers No. 21A.) Printed. 25. Regulations presented (1920), 110. (Sessional Papers No. 71.) PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICERS: Petitions re appointment and dismissal (1916), 23, 97, 102. PUBLIC HIGHWAYS : Bill (No. 134), introduced to provide for the removal of trees and obstruc- tions from, or from lands adjacent thereto (1920), 122. Second read- ing and referred to the Municipal Committee, 141. Reported, 173. House goes into Committee on, 198. Third reading, 215. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 21.) PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES : 1. Bill (No. 178), introduced to regulate travelling on (1913), 130. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 178. No report. 2. Bill (No. 118), introduced to amend the Act in aid of the improvement of Public Highways (1916), 107. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 111. Second reading, 132. House goes into Com- mittee on, 141. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 14.) 14 D.S. 202 PUBLIC. PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES-Continued. 3. Bill (No. 93), introduced to amend the Act in aid of Public Highway Im- provement (1917), 55. Second reading, 106. House goes into Com- mittee on, 109. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 17.) 4. Bill (No. 38), introduced to amend the Act to aid in the improvement of Public Highways (1918), 63. JResolutions introduced; Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 64-5. Second reading, 85. House goes into Commit- tee on, 88. Third reading, 139. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 16.) 5. Reports presented (1918), 72; (1919), 171; (1920), 249. (Sessional Papers No. 15) Printed. See Highways Improvement Act Highway : Travel Act. Highways, Vehicles on. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS: 1. Return ordered, showing names of tenderers for supply of coal for, etc. (1914), 38. Presented, 160. (Sessional Papers, No. 74.) Not printed. 2. Bill (No. 136), introduced relating to (1919), 120. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 168, 230. Third reading, 230. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 83.) 3. Petition re admission of certain patients to (1914), 74. PUBLIC LANDS AND DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS AND MINES: 1. Bill (No. 92), introduced respecting (1913), 81. Second reading, 158. House goes into Committee on, 176, 275, 365. Third reading; amend- ment negatived, 368. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 6.) 2. Bill (No. 168), introduced to amend Public Lands Act (1917), 189. Sec- ond reading; House goes into Committee on, 220-1. Third reading, 255. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 10.) PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 154), introduced to amend (1913), 95. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 118. Reported, 232. House goes into Committee on, 249. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 51.) See Statute Law Amendment Act—Acts of present Session. 2. Bill (No. 86), introduced to amend (1916), 67. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 125. Reported, 206. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 45.) 3. Bill (No. 159), introduced to amend (1916), 155. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 191. Reported, 206. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 236. See above, 2. PUBLIC. 203 PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACT-Continued. - 4. Bill (No. 232), introduced to amend (1920), 258. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 360. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 69.) PUBLIC MONEY: *. Amendment approving of Rule that no Bill can be presented to House, for appropriation of, without recommendation of Crown (1913), 193-6. See Consolidated Revenue Fund. PUBLIC PARKS ACT: Bill (No. 141), introduced to amend (1920), 132. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 152. Reported, 213. House goes into Committee on, 245. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 70.) PUBLIC ROADS AND HIGHWAYS : Bill (No. 147), introduced respecting (1915), 175. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 218, 220, 240. Third reading, 240. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 17.) See Highways. PUBLIC SCHOOLS:—See Education. PUBLIC SERVICE, ONTARIO: 1. Bill (No. 117), introduced respecting the (1913), *11. Second reading, 23. House goes into Committee on, 43, 303. Third reading; amend- ment negatived, 366-7. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 3.) 2. Bill (No. 44), introduced to provide for the better regulation of (1918), 27. Second reading, 56. House goes into Committee on, 65, 140: Third reading, 140. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 5.) 3. Motion proposed, that the Patronage System is inimical to; superseded by amendment (1914), 66-7; (1916), 19; (1917), 66-7. 4. Motion proposed and negatived, re appointments to, etc., (1919), 218. 5. Report on classification presented (1920), 43. (Sessional Papers No. 60.) Not printed. See Civil Servants. Superannuation. PUBLIC TRUSTEE: *- 1. Motion re appointment of officer to act as executor, etc., withdrawn (1917), 139. 2. Bill (No. 71), introduced for the establishment of the office of (1919), 54. Second reading, 93. House goes into Committee on, 108, 222. Third reading, 223. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 32.) 204 - PUBLIC. PUBLIC UTILITIES : 3. 1. Bill (No. 87), introduced respecting the construction and operation of works for supplying municipal corporations and companies (1913), 95. Second reading, 153. House goes into Committee on, 177, 297. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 41.) 2. Bill (No. 84), introduced to amend the Public Utilities Act (1914), 55. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 101. Reported, 301. House goes into Committee on, 352. Third reading, 365. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 35.) 3. Bill (No. 98), introduced to amend (1916), 93. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 125. No report. See Statutº Law Amendment Act. A. 4. Bill (No. 130), introduced to amend (1917), 105. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 147. Reported, 186. House goes into Committee on, 197. Discharged, provisions embodied in Bill (No. 156), 218. See below. 5 . Bill (No. 156), introduced to amend (1917), 160. Second reading, 174. House goes into Committee on, 198. Third reading, 214, R.A., 273. (? Geo. V., c. 47.) 6. Bill (No. 67), introduced to amend (1918), 35. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 57. No report. 7. Bill (No. 73), introduced to amend (1920), 37. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 138. Reported, 145. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 162. R.A., 383 (10 Geo. V, c. 73.) 8. Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend (1920), 122. Second reading, 145. House goes into Committee on, 158, 180. Third reading, 186. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 71.) 9. Petition respecting (1915), 34. PUBLIC UTILITIES WORKS: Bill (No. 139), introducing respecting the assessment of (1920), 132. Order for second reading discharged, 200. PUBLIC WEHICLES: Bill (No. 187), introduced to regulate the operation of (1920), 191. Second reading, 245. House goes into Committee on, 260. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 76.) *A. PUBLIC WATERS: Bill (No. 75), introduced for the better regulation of the use of (1915), 32. Second reading, 133. House goes into Committee on, 156, 239. Third reading, 239. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 15.) PUBLIC–QUEEN’S. 205 PUBLIC WORKS: Reports presented (1913), 74; (1914), 68; (1915), 85; (1916), 90; (1917), 141; (1918), 59; (1919), 59; (1920), 118. Printed. PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN: Motion re carrying out, etc., negatived (1913), 224. PULPWOOD: Question as to any reduction made, since January 1st, 1916, in dues paid or payable on, etc. (1917), 105. PULPWOOD, EXPORT OF: dº 1. Bill (No. 111), introduced respecting (1914), 95. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 153. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 12.) 2. Bill (No. 174), introduced respecting the exportation of (1919), 201. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 201. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 11.) 3. Bill (No. 248), introduced (1920), 310. Second reading, 365. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 368. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 14.) 4. Return ordered, of copies of documents covering the original sale to J. J. Carrick, of limits in Pic River and Black Sturgeon River Districts of Thunder Bay, etc. (1919), 70. Presented, 199. (Sessional Papers No. 73.) Not printed. 5. Question as to disposal by Government, of limits in District of Iroquois Falls, to Abitibi Pulp Company (1919), 94. PURCHASING AGENT OR COMMISSIONER: 1. Bill (No. 49), introduced to provide for the appointment of (1918), 13. Second reading, 27. House goes into Committee on, 36, 140. Third reading, 140. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 7.) 2. Question as to appointment of a Purchasing Commissioner (1920), 30. Oueenston-chippawa DEWELOPMENT: Motion for appointment of Commission to enquire into difficulties and Debate on, adjourned (1920), 288. Debate resumed and amendment proposed and Debate on, adjourned, 290. Debate resumed and motion and amendment withdrawn, 291. QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO: 1. Bill (No. 74), introduced relating to the Avenues and approaches to (1913), 228. Second reading, 248. House goes into Committee on, 268, 363. Third reading, 363. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 75.) 206 - QUEEN’S-QUESTIONS. QUEEN’s PARK, ToRONTo—Continued. 2. Bill (No. 163), introduced to amend the Act relating to the Avenue and approaches to (1914), 184. Order for second reading discharged, 312. QUEEN VICTORIA NIAGARA FALLS PARK ACT: * 1. Bill (No. 84), introduced to amend (1913), 157. Second reading, 177. House goes into Committee on, 275. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 14.) - 2. Bill (No. 98), introduced to amend the Act (1915), 93. Second reading, - 108. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 216. R.A., $ 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 14.) - 3. Bill (No. 258), introduced respecting; second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading (1920), 366-7. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 31.) 4. Reports presented (1913), 180; (1914), 268; (1915), 262; (1916), 214; (1917), 260; (1918), 55; (1919), 21; (1920), 280. Printed. 5. Report of 1912, referred to Public Aécounts Committee (1914), 172. 6. Question as to appointments made in Police Force at (1918), 89. QUESTIONs by MEMBERs. . 1. As to intention of Government to hold investigation into statement made by Dr. Fernow, re Northern Ontario (1913), 14. - W 2. As to appointment of persons to administer provisions of chap. 2, 2 Geo. W, re Northern Ontario (1913), 14. 3. As to application of Government, to the Dominion Government, to secure an increased Subsidy for Ontario (1913), 21. 4. As to any reports or information, prior to agreement with W. K. J ackson, et al., as to character, extent and value of timber on lands sold to (1913), 21. 5. As to dismissal of Inspector of Liquor Licenses for Huron (1913), 22. 6. As to bringing into force of chap. 21, 2 Geo. W, re Timiskaming (1913), 23. 7. As to expenditure on Government House (1913), 36. 8. As to companies under obligation to pay special royalties to Government, or to the Timiskaming and N. O. R. Commission (1913), 36. 9. As to application by Canadian Northern Railway, to have lands designated under sec. 3, 9 Edw. VII, c. 71 (1913), 40. QUESTIONS. 207 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 10. As to salary of F. Walter, License Inspector of Waterloo, etc. (1913), 40, 69. 11. As to time of establishment of Horticultural Experiment Station at Jordan Harbour (1913), 41. 12. As to appointment of Statute Revision Commission; amount expended, etc. (1913), 46. 13. As to decision of Judicial Committee of Privy Council in case of Toronto and Niagara Power Company vs. North Toronto (1913), 4% 14. As to interview with Attorney-General re discontinuance of prosecution against Tack Combine (1913), 57. 15. As to appointment of Mr. Sothman, Chief Engineer of Hydro-Electric (1913), 57. 16. As to amount in dispute between Hydro-Electric and McGuigan Construc- tion Company, re construction of Niagara Power Transmission line (1913), 58. 17. As to payment of purchase money under agreement with W. K. Jackson (1913), 61. 18. As to lease of Water Power on east branch of Winnipeg River (1913), 62. 19. As to Mr. Colcock's position as Immigration Agent (1913), 68. 20. As to statement of Mr. Beck at North Bay, re development of power (1913), 69. 21. As to conserving waters of Grand River (1913), 75. 22. As to water powers leased; names of (1913), 84. 23. As to the quantity of timber in townships of Haggert and McKendry (1913), 87. 24. As to license fee paid by hotel keeper at Blind River (1913), 87. 25. As to how many shops under Shops Regulation Act (1913), 88. 26. As to who is sheriff of Bruce (1913), 88. 27. As to harbour reservation in Moose River (1913), 88. 28. As to one Stone, charged with violation of the Liquor License Law (1913), 88. - 208 QUESTIONS. . QUESTIONS BY MEMBERs—Continued. As to who is registrar of Bruce (1913), 89. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. As As As As As As As As As As As As As As As As As As As As to granting of license to Crown Fire Insurance Company (1913), 89. to when Demonstration Farm at Monteith established (1913), 89. to who is sheriff of Waterloo (1913), 90. to F. Walters’ candidature in North Waterloo (1913), 107. to extension of Timiskaming and N. O. Railway, from Cochrane to James Bay (1913), 107. to Richard Armstrong being charged with offence against liquor law (1913), 108. to Sheriff Lackner being Coroner of Waterloo (1913), 108. to information being laid against Crown Fire Insurance Company (1913), 117. to employment of Charles Sharp at Central Prison (1913), 108. to statement of A. D. Harkness, re Experiment Station at Jordan Harbour (1913), 117. to number of Model Schools in Province, 1905 to 1913 (1913), 123. to Regulations for Medical Inspection (1913), 123. to date of completion of work of Statute Revision (1913), 131. to number of teachers teaching in Public Schools, without having taken, Departmental examination (1913), 131. to whether Provincial Secretary saw Dr. Lackner re Walters’ salary (1913), 132. to who holds shop license at New Liskeard, etc. (1913), 132. to whether Insurance Department advised Corley re withdrawal of charge against Crown Fire Insurance Company (1913), 132. to paid up capital of Crown Fire Insurance Company Goia), 139. to Statutes drafted by R. S. Neville (1913), 139. to Colcock's employment in Immigration Office, London, Engl (1913), 139. QUESTIONS. 209 . QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS—Continued. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. As to publication, by Crown Fire Insurance Company, of annual return (1913), 140. As to estimate of cost of construction of Niagara Falls transmission lines (1913), 146. As to knowledge of Minister of Crown Lands re F. Walters’ candidature in N. Waterloo (1913), 147. As to employment of one Ferguson on Timiskaming and N. O. Railway (1913), 147. As to employment of one W. T. Johnston on Timiskaming and N. O. Railway (1913), 147. As to settlement with McCaffrey for work done on Elk Lake Branch, T. & N. O. R. (1913), 148. As to employment of Angus by T. & N. O. R. (1913), 148. . As to membership in Company of W. C. Chambers, M.P.P. (1913), 149. * As to candidature of W. Lowe in Muskoka (1913), 149. -“I As to prosecution of owners of vessels for violation of liquor laws (1913), 150. *. As to explanation of Circular No. 17 (1913), 158. As to ownership of Petre Islands (1913), 162. As to culler’s return, Fort Frances Lumber Co. (1913), 162. As to culler’s return, Lockhart & Co. (1913), 162. As to number of teachers on permits in Bruce and Grey (1913), 173. As to diversion of water of Lake Temagami (1913), 183. As to shooting of game in Rondeau Park (1913), 184. As to amount paid Kelly Evans (1913), 184. As to charge against Armstrong before Harkness (1913), 184. As to one McKelvie being overseer of Fish and Game Department (1913), 185. As to conviction of one Goodman, for having furs in his possession unlaw- fully (1913), 190. 210 QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERs—Continued. 71. As to what period William Lowe employed as Superintendent of Coloniza- 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. tion Roads (1913), 191. As to license to John Lapointe at Spanish (1913), 191. As to recommendation for appointment of W. H. Whiteside as Police Magistrate (1913), 203. As to name of License Inspectors for Grey (1913), 220. As to Government contract with Clemens and Fraser, for clearing lots, 220. As to fifty boys brought out from London, Eng., to work on farms (1913), 221. As to request to William Lowe to withdraw from Muskoka by-election contest (1913), 221. As to John Lapointe being guilty of infraction of Game Law (1913), 229. As to jurisdiction of Inspector of Game to try an offence (1913), 234. As to ownership of Hughes Block by T. & N. O. Railway (1913), 234. As to what extensions of T. & N. O. R., are under construction (1913), 235. As to paragraph in report of Committee on Child Labour (1913), 235. As to tavern license granted to King Edward hotel at Cochrane (1913), 236. As to date of Lapointe’s plea of guilt (1913), 238. As to granting of a fishing license to Norman Trotter, etc. (1913), 238. As to the granting of a fishing license to one Gauthier (1913), 239. As to permits granted to any person allowing pound and gill nets (1913), 245. --~ * As to permits to fish Lizard Preserve (1913), 245. As to location of transmission line from St. Thomas to Windsor (1913), 245. As to license granted to hotel at Cochrane (1913), 246. QUESTIONS. 211 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 106. 107. 108. 109. As to number of boats purchased for fisheries service (1913), 253. As to failure of Clemens and Fraser to carry out contract (1913), 254. As to bridge built at Bolger, with McArthur's timber (1913), 254. As to amounts borrowed, authorized by Statute (1913), 273. As to what part of loan under 2 Geo. W, c. 2, is unexpended (1913), 281. As to estimated amount of statutory expenditure for year ending 31st Oc- tober, 1913 (1913), 281. As to who supplied coal for school and offices at North Bay (1913), 282. As to what dates were fines imposed for violation of liquor law, on vessel owners (1913), 290, 345. As to employment of Harkness at Agricultural College (1913), 295. As to fining of Joseph Kelly et al., for offence against liquor laws (1913), 304. . As to exempting various municipalities which contracted with Hydro-Elec- tric, from paying to Commission their annual proportion of charges, etc. (1913), 304. - . A question directed to be removed from Order Paper (1914), 143. . Questions as to amount expended on Statute Revision, etc. (1914), 20. 106, 257. . As to seizure of liquor in Local Option territory in N. Grey (1914), 20. . As to visit of Provincial Treasurer to Europe, re Public Ownership of Telephones (1914), 21. As to expenditure on Government House (1914), 35. As to total capital cost of T. & N. O. Railway, etc. (1914), 36. As to appointment of William Smuck, as License Inspector for E. Elgin (1914), 36. As to application of Canadian Northern Ontario Railway re land granted (1914), 37. As to Resolution of Inter-Provincial Conference re Salary of Lieutenant- Governor and Subsidies (1914), 37. 110. ū 212 QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. As to additional accommodation for Winter Fair at Guelph (1914), 38. As to appointment of W. K. Snider as Provincial License Inspector, etc. (1914), 41. As to expenditure on Workmen’s Compensation Commission (1914), 42. As to construction of Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway, etc. (1914), 43. As to application by Municipalities to Hydro-Electric Commission for con- struction of Electric Railways (1914), 45. As to amount raised of the $5,000,000 authorized under 2 Geo. V., c. 2 (1914), 60. As to number of Model Schools established in 1913 (1914), 60. As to amount in hand, unexpended, under Statute (1914), 61. As to estimated Statutory Expenditure for 1914 (1914), 61. As to sale of pine timber at Emerald Lake (1914), 61. As to publication of Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of T. & N. O. R. and Hydro-Electric Commission (1914), 65. As to fines imposed for violation of liquor law on vessels (1914), 65. As to ownership of Fruit Demonstration Farms (1914), 66. As to radium-bearing ore in Ontario (1914), 66. As to appointment of Inspector under Building Trades Protection Act (1914), 74. As to Statutory Expenditures for 1913 (1914), 75. As to item of $11,000 in name of Mr. Reaume (1914), 75. As to amounts Government authorized to borrow (1914), 75. As to supplies furnished to officials at Whitby Asylum Farm (1914), 79. As to domestic servants and farm labourers admitted to Province (1914), 79. As to expenditure at Jordan Fruit Experimental Station and re Harkness (1914), 80. QUESTIONS. 213 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. As to number of female factory inspectors employed (1914), 95. As to persons interviewed by Mr. Snider in Welland (1914), 96. As to persons interviewed by Mr. Snider in Huron (1914), 96. As to persons interviewed by Mr. Snider in Peel (1914), 96. As to number of patients in Woodstock Hospital for Epileptics (1914), 97. As to number of patients in Orillia Institute (1914), 97. As to appointment of Commissioner for Children’s Court (1914), 97. As to present license inspector at Kenora, etc. (1914), 98. As to present license inspector in N. Waterloo (1914), 98. As to time of distribution of Revised Statutes (1914), 106. As to expenditure in connection with Asylum at Whitby (1914), 114. As to expenditure in connection with Guelph Prison Farm (1914), 115. As to notification to High School Trustees that grants will be reduced (1914), 117. As to persons interviewed by Mr. Snider in Huron (1914), 117. As to persons interviewed by Mr. Snider in Welland (1914), 117. As to action of Government re license inspector for N. Waterloo (1914), 117. As to Anti-treating Legislation' (1914), 143, 308. As to engagement of A. H. Walker at Almonte School (1914), 143. As to privilege to cut timber granted to Black and Weegar (1914), 144. As to filling Bursarship at Kingston Asylum (1914), 144. . As to capital expenditure on T. & N. O. R., amount, etc. (1914), 151. . As to filling of position vacated by Henri St. Jacques (1914), 151. . As to instruction in bee-keeping at Agricultural College (1914), 158. . As to open bars in road houses on Sandwich, Windsor and Amherstburg Railway (1914), 158. 214 QUESTIONS. A * wº QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS—Continued. 156. 157 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 372. 173. 174. As to compensation to Sir W. Meredith as Commissioner on Workmen’s Compensation Act (1914), 164. As to sale in quantities by holders of shop licenses (1914), 164. As to present license inspector in N. Essex (1914), 164, 270, 388. As to maintenance of Consolidated School at Guelph (1914), 184. . As to investigation by Dr. Merchant, on question of Technical Education (1914), 185. As to time of establishment of French-English Model School at Wankleek Hill (1914), 213. As to time of establishment of English-French Model School at Ottawa (1914), 214. As to establishment of English-French Model School in Essex County (1914), 214. As to time of establishment of English-French Model School at Plan- tagenet (1914), 306. . As to time of establishment of English-French Model School at Sturgeon Falls (1914), 307. As to number of training schools in Province prior to 1905 (1914), 215. As to date of issue of timber licenses to Pembroke Lumber Company (1914), 215. As to granting or patenting lots 32 and 33 in Township of Laurier (1914), 271. As to Ontario Homes Company, Ltd. (1914), 309. As to steps taken to carry out suggestions of H. G. Acres re Grand River (1914), 320. As to inspection of Woodbine Hotel (1914), 321. As to personnel of License Commissioners for Toronto (1914), 322. As to prosecutions against McConkey license (1914), 322. As to whether Toronto paid to Hydro Commission annual proportion of charges (1914), 330. QUESTIONS. 215. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERs—Continued. 175. 176 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. I88. |89. 190. 191. 192. 193. As to whether Municipalities paid an interest charge to Hydro Commis- sion (1914), 330. As to whether Municipalities paid proportion of sinking fund to Hydro Commission (1914), 331. As to construction of Niagara River Boulevard (1914), 361. As to negotiations with Pembroke Lumber Company (1914), 361. As to sale of timber in Townships of Thistle and McWilliams (1914), 362. As to J. E. Stone being Treasurer of S. Essex Conservative Association, etc. (1914), 388. As to whether Government had sent to Government of Canada, a Resolu- tion in reference to Hydro-Electric Railways (1914), 406. As to names of those Municipalities in Niagara District, which have not paid their proportion of sinking fund due to Hydro Commission (1914), 407. As to amount of sinking fund due to Hydro Commission, by City of Toronto (1914), 407. As to securities of Province sold since January 1st, 1915, etc. (1915), 26. As to how much of the $5,000,000 raised under 2 Geo. W, c. 2 (1915), 27. As to how much expended on Government House, for site, grounds, etc. (1915), 37. t . 4 * As to which Municipalities established Civic Employment Bureaus, etc. (1915), 38. As to amount paid Province by Canada Copper Company (1915), 45. As to number of Factory Inspectors employed (1915), 45. As to amount paid Sir William Meredith re Workmen’s Compensation (1915), 45. As to application of Canadian Northern Ontario Railway to designate lands (1915), 46. As to amounts received by Province under Mining Tax (1915), 46. As to estimated expenditure for roads in New Ontario (1915), 53. 216 QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. As to total expenditure on Whitby Asylum (1915), 61. As to total expenditure on Guelph Prison Farm (1915), 65. As to total expenditure on Statute Revision (1915), 68. As to number of prisoners, buildings at Guelph Prison Farm will accom- modate (1915), 69. As to beginning of construction of Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway (1915), 69. As to printing address of Mr. Hanna re unemployment (1915), 74, 134. As to printing address of Mr. Hanna re abolition of the Bar (1915), 74, 135. \ As to amount received by Province for Automobile taxes (1915), 75. . As to total cost of erection of Parliament Buildings, etc. (1915), 75. . As to what clubs, licenses issued to (1915), 76. . As to date of establishment of Agricultural College (1915), 81. | . As to employment of Watt, Balfour et al. at Guelph Prison Farm (1915), 82. { . As to Commission paid on sale of Government securities (1915), 93. As to Collegiates given approved School standing (1915), 109. As to two-teacher schools, given approved school standing (1915), 110. As to ages, Salaries, of Commissioners under Workmen’s Compensation Act (1915), 110. \s As to sum directed to be paid to Workmen’s Compensation Board, to as- sist in defraying expenses (1915), 110. As to Provincial Securities sold during current fiscal year (1915), 135. As to date of receipt from Government of Canada, of subsidy for T. & N. O. R. (1915), 136. As to amount of Crown Timber Dues past due and unpaid (1915), 136. As to names of Medical Health Officers (1915), 136. QUESTIONS. 217 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. As to cost of heating and ventilating systems for Government House (1915), 137. As to employment of D. Herliky (1915), 137. As to number of men employed under J. F. Whitson (1915), 138. As to club licenses in Essex County (1915), 155. As to number of prisoners committed to Guelph Prison Farm through drink (1915), 173. As to number of men employed on Colonization Roads in Timiskaming Division (1915), 177. As to total number of men employed on Colonization Roads (1915), 178. As to compensation received by members of Hydro-Electric Commission (1915), 178, As to intention of Government to make any expenditure, on Capital Ac- count, on T. & N. O. R. (1915), 178. As to total cut of timber in years 1912-13-14 (1915), 179. As to how many prisoners escaped from Guelph Prison Farm (1915), 233. As to returns received for sale of Bonds of Province to Home Smith & Co. (1915), 233. As to supply of free milk to needy children in Toronto (1915), 233. As to Government expenditur for War Purposes (1915), 234. As to number of machine guns purchased by Province (1916), 11. As to amount received on account of War Tax (1916), 17. As to official mary of Attorney General (1916), 17. As to Dr. Bradley being license inspector for Centre Huron (1916), 33. As to bringing into force, amendment of last Session, relating to Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway, re land grant to (1916), 21. ! . W . y As to application of Canadian Northern Ontario Railway, to have lands designated (1916), 21. ! As to amount expended upon Government House (1916), 37. tº: 218 QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERs—Continued. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. As to total amount of securities sold in 1915 (1916), 37. As to expenditure upon Toronto and Hamilton Highway Commission (1916), 38. As to payment of salaries of officials who enlist for O.S.S. (1916), 41. As to applications by Municipal Corporations for grants in aid of Drain- age (1916), 41. As to $67,000 being paid to teachers of English Separate Schools, Ottawa (1916), 50. As to amount authorized to be paid to Public Schools (1916), 50. As to amount paid by Canada Copper Company (1916), 50. . As to status of Mr. C. James in Great Britain (1916), 51. . As to William Watt and Thomas Barr, guards at Guelph Prison Farm (1916), 51. As to Gilfillan at Guelph Prison Farm (1916), 51. As to position of George Black in Department of Provincial Secretary (1916), 52. & g { | x i. As to establishment of Military Hospital in Great Britain (1916), 56. As to L. E. Granger, purchasing agent of Guelph Prison Farm (1916), 57. As to arrangement with Dominion Government, re placing of pound nets in Bay of Quinte (1916), 71. As to estimated cost of completion and furnishing Government House (1916), 88. As to number of Agricultural High Schools established (1916), 89. As to amount paid Dr. Goggin for preparation of text books (1916), 89. As to employment of T. Grimshaw (1916), 95. As to whether loan raised under Provincial Tax Act was paid off at matur- ity and re new loan (1916), 100. \\ As to number of Accident Prevention Associations formed (1916), 103. As to duties and salary of T. & N. O. Commissioner (1916), 123. QUESTIONS. 219 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. As to Provincial Secretary’s connection with Standard Oil Company (1916), 120. { * | As to the $2,000,000 borrowed for the Hydro-Electric Commission (1916), 124. As to what Municipal Corporations have been authorized to enter into agreements with Hydro (1916), 139. As to amount in pounds of nickel matte produced by Canada Copper Com- pany and Mond Company (1916), 152. As to amount paid Province-by Mond Nickel Company, in respect of tax (1916), 152. As to quantity of arable land in Timiskaming district (1916), 153. As to number of labourers at Guelph Prison Farm (1916), 163. \ As to how many Commercial Schools established (1916), 180. As to cost of Revised Statutes (1916), 187. As to revenue received from pound net fishing in West Elgin (1916), 187. As to construction of Chemical Building at Agricultural College (1946), 187. sº As to trouble between Department of Education and Plantagenet High School (1916), 219. As to time of appointment of Commission to investigate manufacture of nickel, meetings, cost, etc. (1917), 19. As to total amount received by Provincial Treasurer, under War Tax, for 1915-16 (1917), 21. . As to total expenditures to date on Government House, for lands, improve- ments, etc. (1917), 23. . As to amount paid by Mond Nickel Company (1917), 42. . As to amount paid by Canada Copper Company (1917), 43. . As to capital expenditure on Orpington Hospital (1917), 43. . As to quantity of wool purchased by Ontario Reformatory (1917), 43. . As to capital expenditure on Whitby Asylum (1917), 47. 220 QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS—Continued. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 287. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 2.94. 295. As to item of $24,027.22 being included in item of $83,470.29 re Govern- ment House (1917), 48. - As to amount of money collected for automobile licenses (1917), 74. As to graduates of Faculty of Forestry of Toronto University, in perman- ent Government service (1917), 74. As to application of Detroit and Windsor Ferry Company for purchase of water lots (1917), 74. As to rental paid by T. & N. 0. R. Commission, etc. (1917), 86. As to what service rendered Fire Marshal Heaton, by Superintendent of Police (1917), 87. As to number of pupils, living beyond three mile limit, attending Brace- bridge Model School (1917), 87. As to increase in capital stock of Ontario Jockey Club (1917), 92. As to application pending, for increase of capital stock, by Hamilton Jockey Club (1917), 93. - . As to any reductions made in dues paid or payable on pulpwood (1917), 105. As to townships of colonization, north of Transcontinental Railway, being divided (1917), 116. . As to payment, to Dr. Ryan, of his salary (1917), 117. As to total cost of trial of McCutcheon Bros. (1917), 117. As to inspection of machine guns purchased by Province (1917), 118. As to licensing and inspection of Isolation Hospital on Selby Street, To- ronto (1917). 118. As to S. A. Armstrong drawing salary from Province (1917), 118. As to amount of insurance carried by, and on behalf of, the T. & N. O. R. Company (1917), 138. As to estimated cost of administering Department of Agriculture (1917), 153. As to number of members of inside civil service enlisted, etc. (1917), 153. QUESTIONS. 221 QUESTIONs By MEMBERs—Continued. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 3.10. 311. 312. 313. 316. 317. 3.18. As to number of prisoners at Guelph Reformatory in 1915-16 (1917), 161. As to Ore body in Township of Falconbridge, being part of acreage pat- ented to John E. Hodge (1917), 189. As to survey of islands adjacent to Manitoulin Island (1917), 190. As to identity of Alexander Fraser (1917), 190. As to inspection and auditing of books of Departments by Provincial Auditor (1917), 191. As to process of refining to be adopted at Nickel refinery at Port Colborne (1917), 219. As to compliance, by Canadian N. O. Railway, and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, with provisions of Section 7 of Act (1917), 220. As to amount expended on Orpington Hospital (1918), 10. As to amount received under Provincial War Tax Act (1918), 10. As to moneys advanced under provisions of Farm Loans Act (1918), 53. As to names of employees at Orpington Hospital (1918), 53. As to when Charter granted to Union Stock Yards (1918), 74. As to connection between Young & McCoy and McGregor Young of the Royal Nickel Commission (1918), 89. As to appointments made in Police Force at Queen Victoria N. F. Park (1918), 89. As to time of completion of Audit of Hydro-Electric Commission Ac- counts (1918), 111. As to amount paid, by Counties for salaries of District Medical Health Officers (1918), 111. As to fishing rights granted in Lake Abitibi (1918), 111. As to acreage of land held by Crown adjacent to Kingston Asylum (1918), 112. . As to shooting and death of Joseph Paquette (1918), 165. . As to number of loans applied for, under Development Act, in Electoral District of Sturgeon Falls (1918), 165. As to length of time office of Sheriff of Elgin vacant (1918), 166. As to appointment of General Purchasing Agent for Ontario (1919), 33. As to disposition of pulpwood limits on Pic River (1919), 34. 222 QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS—Continued. 3.19. 320. 321. 322. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. As to report of E. R. C. Clarkson (1919), 34. As to W. J. Burns, International Detective Agency (1919), 34. As to appointment of Commission re Juvenile Court (1919), 35. As to total expenditure on Government House (1919), 36. . As to name of Commissioner appointed to find employment for Canadian Expeditionary Force (1919), 36. . As to carrying out terms of agreement, by Jackson Lumber Company (1919), 46. . As to electric power development on the French River (1919), 46. . As to number of private detective agencies with licenses (1919), 47. . As to appointment of Crown Attorney for Prescott and Russell and dis- missal of predecessor (1919), 56. As to official position of Mr. Fred Dane (1919), 56. As to expenditure on Women’s Institutes (1919), 68. As to grants made to Eastern and Western Dairymen’s Associations (1919), 68. As to expenditure on Board of Agriculture (1919), 68. As to amount granted to Ontario Fruit Growers’ Association (1919), 68. As to amount granted to Ontario Horticultural Exhibition Association (1919), 69. As to who is agricultural representative in County of Prescott (1919), 69. As to total Bank balances to credit of Government on 31st October, 1918 (1919), 69. As to disposal of pulpwood to Abitibi Pulp Company (1919), 94. *** *-ºs- As to permit granted to James Horrigan to cut spruce in District of Nipigon (1919), 94. * As to expenditure by Government under Department of Agriculture (1919), 95. As to total cost of Toronto and Hamilton Highway (1919), 113. --- 339. * QUESTIONS. 223 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERs—Continued. 340. 341 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. As to disposition of palms and plants from Central Prison Greenhouse (1919), 116. As to overcharges on coal in Winchester, etc. (1919), 169. As to any action re Superintendent Neelands, of Burwash Farm (1919), 176. As to total amount received by Province for fees for issue of Letters Pat- ent from Loan Companies (1919), 177. As to amount paid for Services of Enumerators in N.E. Toronto by-election (1919), 177. As to any report of Soldiers' Aid Commission (1919), 177. As to amount received in respect of automobile licenses (1919), 178. As to construction of Provincial Highway during year (1919), 178. As to consultation with English-French School Inspectors re Regulation No. 17 (1919), 178. As to publication of reports in connection with inspector of bi-lingual schools (1919), 179. As to whom and on what date, permission granted to fish in Lake Nipi- gon (1919), 221. As to number of motor vehicles used by Hydro-Power Commission (1919), 221. . As to work in connection with the Agricultural building at Kemptville (1919), 221. As to report of Civil Service Commissioner (1920), 30. As to appointment of Civil Service Commissioner (1920), 30. As to appointment of Purchasing Commissioner (1920), 30. As to appointment of J. C. Elliott (1920), 31. As to resignation of J. L. Englehart (1920), 31. As to acquisition of T. & N. O. Railway, by Dominion Government (1920), 31. As to certificates authorizing the establishment of Export Warehouses (1920), 32. 224 QSESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERs—Continued. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. . 378. 379. 380. As to combination of East and West Toronto Registry offices (1920), 32. As to abolition of fee system of payment of Registrars (1920), 32. As to number of motors owned by Government and their use (1920), 33. As to expenditure made for purchase of road machinery (1920), 38. As to number of permits or licenses of title to mining lands made by Mr. Mills (1920), 38. Q As to cost per yard of rubble stone in Township of Cornwall (1920), 38. As to existence of certificates under section 46 of the O. T. A. (1920), 49. As to certificates for liquor warehouses in force between September 6th, 1916, and date of Dominion Order-in-Council (1920), 49. As to sale of Provincial Bonds, since November 19th, value, etc. (1920), 50. As to payment of fees earned by election officials (1920), 51. As to Optometry Act being proclaimed by Order-in-Council (1920), 51. As to time of distribution of Sessional Papers of 1918 (1920), 55. As to whether S. K. Burden is still in the employ of the Government (1920), 56. As to purchase of power by Hydro Commission (1920), 56. As to additions made to staff of Homestead Inspectors in Cochrane Agency (1920), 56. - º As to vacancy in Algoma Shrievalty (1920), 64. As to appointment of Law Clerk in Department of Lands, Forests and Mines (1920), 64. As to promotion of emigration of agricultural labourers from Great Brit- ain (1920), 64. As to removal of E. W. Boyd from position of Judge of Juvenile Court (1920), 65. - As to opening of Abattoir in connection with Speedwell Hospital, Guelph (1920), 66. As to exaction from Canada Copper Company, or International Nickel Company, of taxes (1920), 66. QUESTIONS. 225 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 381. 382. 383. 384. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. As to any agreement between Government and Nickel Producing Company (1920), 66. • . - As to retirement of George C. Morrison of Board of License Commission- ers (1920), 67. As to employment of A. R. Boswell and W. J. Vale (1920), 67. As to what capacity T. F. Corey is employed by Board of License Commis- sioners (1920), 67. * . As to employment of Mr. Cleland, by Board of License Commissioners (1920), 68. . As to employment of Edward Lewis, by Board of License Commissioners (1920), 68. . As to audit of accounts in connection with His Honour Judge Coatsworth (1920), 68. . As to resignation of George C. Creelman (1920), 75. . As to payment made to J. Castell Hopkins (1920), 75. - . As to payment to Clarkson & Co., re race tracks (1920), 75. . As to payment to W. N. Simpson and M. E. White (1920), 76. As to nature of legal services re Referendum Act, paid to Tilley & Co. (1920), 76. As to how many Government dispensaries operated under authority of Board of License Commissioners (1920), 77. As to how many copies of calendar re agriculture, were purchased (1920), 77. As to period of time covered by legal services of Justice Masten re insur- ance (1920), 77. As to profit and loss in running liquor dispensaries (1920), 78. As to advance made to Board of License Commissioners of $150,000 (1920), 78. As to time of taking over stocks of license vendors by Board of Licens Commissioners (1920), 78. r te As to parole system in force at Toronto Gaol Farm (1920), 79. 399. 15 D.S. 226 QUESTIONS. .* w- QUESTIONs By MEMBERs—Continued. $ y 400. As to purchase of vitrified sewer pipe by Department of Highways (1920), 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 79. As to who is filling office of Master-in-Ordinary at Osgoode Hall (1920), 79. As to contributions to Government Superannuation Fund, by teachers and inspectors (1920), 83. As to moneys granted to Ministers of the Crown (1920), 83. As to payments in respect to Pic River and Black Sturgeon River timber limits (1920), 84. As to cost of Provincial General Election (1920), 84. As to legal services of Peter White (1920), 85. As to legal services of Sir W. Meredith, re O. T. A. (1920), 85. As to legal services of Sir W. Meredith, re Police Commission (1920), 85. As to legal services of Justice Hodgins, re Feeble-minded (1920), 86. As to remarks of one of University Staff (1920), 86. As to identity of F. M. Stafford (1920), 86. As to identity of R. Waldron (1920), 87. As to professional services of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency . (1920), 87. As to nature of Power Lease drawn by P. White (1920), 87. As to payment of $40,000 by International Nickel Co. (1920), 88. As to opening liquor dispensaries (1920), 88. As to use of motor cars (1920), 113. As to payments to J. E. Lawson for election expenses (1920), 113. As to appointment of Registrar of Deeds in County of Carleton (1920), 114. As to time of residence, at Cochrane, of Lorne E. Vanhorne (1920), 114. As to moneys expended on General Elections of 1914 and 1919 (1920), 126. QUESTIONS. 227 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERs—Continued. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 1 436. 437. , 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. As to services of Tilley & Co., re Nieu Steel Corporation (1920), 127. As to Returns ordered in Session of 1919 (1920), 127. As to jurisdiction of Government over municipal authorities (1920), 128. As to allowance to J. A. Ellis (1920), 136. - As to rental of Maclean Buildings (1920), 136. As to cost of advertising vaccination truths (1920), 136. As to receipts from corporations, with items of profit tax (1920), 137. As to identity of referee under Municipal Drainage Act (1920), 138. As to purchase of motor car from Chapple & Harrington (1920), 150. As to recovery of lands from grand Trunk Pacific Railway (1920), 150. As to ownership of Pic River and Black Sturgeon River timber limits (1920), 162. As to Directors of Ontario Power Co. (1920), 163. As to status of Homewood Retreat at Guelph (1920), 174. As to dates of subvention to publishers of text books (1920), 187. As to rights of Spanish Pulp and Paper Co., to cut pulpwood (1920), 187. As to relationship of E. C. Vanhorne to Minister of Lands (1920), 188. As to appointments made and moneys expended in Department of Attor- ney-General (1920), 216. - As to number of cheese factories and creameries in Province, in 1919 (1920), 216. As to statements re Hydro, at Welland meeting (1920), 229. As to Superintendents of Provincial Hospitals, engaging in private prac- tice (1920), 230. As to authority secured by Hydro, to proceed with construction of line from Port Credit to St. Catharines (1920), 244. As to identity of A. M. Latchford (1920), 251. As to identity of J. M. McEvoy (1920), 323. 228 QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS–Continued. 445. As to amount of power exported from Niagara Falls (1920), 323. 446. As to identity of Robert T. Harding (1920), 324. 447. As to investigation into Department of Lands and Forests, prior to 1905 (1920), 324. 448. As to Mr. Justice Latchford having been a member of the late Ross Gov- ernment (1920), 324. 449. As to fishing licenses in Lake Nipigon (1920), 325. 450. As to prosecutions for violations of O. T. A., in Kenora (1920), 325. 451. As to A. Courrain and moneys paid to (1920), 325. 452. As to report, by Board of Health, on question of water supply from Niagara River (1920), 332. 453. As to number of employment agencies in Ontario (1920), 369. 454. As to attempt of any municipality to tax disability pensions (1920), 370. 455. As to fishing rights on Lake Nipigon (1920), 370. ACETRACK GAMBLING: Motion proposed and negatived in re (1917), 254-5. RACING ASSOCIATIONS: 1. Return ordered, showing how many charters issued to, etc. (1917), 48. | Presented, 56. (Sessional Papers, No. 64.) Printed. . Return ordered, of correspondence re Devonshire Race Track Company (1917), 125. (Sessional Papers, No. 81.) Not printed. 2 . Return ordered, of copy of charter of Gore Bay Riding and Driving Associa- tion (1917), 161. Presented, 262. (Sessional Papers No. 82.) Not | printed. 3 4. Return ordered, showing date of incorporation, etc., of Thorncliffe Park | Racing and Breeding Association (1917), 258. (Not brought down.) 5 . Question as to application pending re increase of capital stock, of Hamil- ton Jockey Club (1917), 93. ; 6. Question as to increase of capital stock of Ontario Jockey Club (1917), 92. ! 7. Motion proposed and negatived re race track gambling (1917), 254-5. 8 . Question as to payments in re to Clarkson & Co. (1920), 75. RACING—RAILWAY. 229 RACING ASSOCIATIONs—Continued. - 9. Clarkson's Report presented (1920), 81. (Sessional Papers No. 69.) Not printed. 4 - RACING COMMISSION: Bill (No. 186), introduced to establish (1913), 168. Order for second read- ing discharged, 291. RACING SUPERWISORS: Bill (No. 145), introduced to incorporate a Board of (1914), 142. Order for second reading discharged, 213. RADIUM: | Bill (No. 88), introduced respecting (1914), 60. Resolutions introduced, Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendations signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 122-3. Second reading, 124. House goes into Committee on, 153, 353. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 15.) RAILWAY EMPLOYEES: Bill (No. 142), introduced to enable, to vote at Municipal Elections before Polling day (1918), 139. Second reading, 155. House goes into Com- mittee on; third reading, 167. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 33.) RAILWAY EMPLOYEES WOTING ACT: Bill (No. 86), introduced to amend (1920), 49. Second reading and refer- red to the Municipal Committee, 138. Reported, 148. House goes into Committee on, 164, 167, 174. Third reading, 186. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 62.) RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD : 1. Bill (No. 82), introduced to amend the Act respecting (1915), 44. Sec- ond reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 84. Reported, 193. House goes into Committee on, 209. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 31.) See Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. 1913. 2. Report presented, 302. (Sessional Papers, No. 18.) Printed. Bill referred to, 35, 84, 95, 106. Reported, 114, 125, 154, 159, 183, 209. 1914. 3. Report presented, 354. (Sessional Papers, No. 49.) Printed. Bills referred to, 34, 121, 141, 142, 155. Reported, 57, 104, 134, 173, 182, 188, 263. 1915. 4. Report presented, 263. (Sessional Papers, No. 49.) Printed. Bills referred to, 36, 37, 43, 44, 60, 78, 80, 103. Reported, 76, 95, 144, 153, 201. 230 RAILWAY-RALEIGH. t– RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BoARD—Continued. 1916. 5. Report presented, 102. (Sessional Papers, No. 49.) Printed. Bills referred to, 31, 48, 99. Reported, 45, 55, 83, 117, 122. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 1917. 6. Bill (No. 82), introduced to amend the Act, 47. Second reading, 156. Not proceeded with. Report presented, 259. (Sessional Papers, No. 49.) Printed. Bills referred to, 42, 60, 85. Reported, 89, 124, 152. 1918. 7. Report presented, 102. (Sessional Papers, No. 50.) Printed. Bills referred to, 24, 62, 63, 83. Reported, 51, 86, 99, 108, 138. 1919. 8. Report presented, 79. (Sessional Papers, No. 50.) Printed. Bills referred to, 53. Reported, 100, 148. º 1920. 9. Report presented, 253. (Sessional Papers, No. 50.) Printed. Bills referred to, 47, 63. Reported, 58, 143, 147, 177. RAILWAYS AND RAILWAY AID: 1. Bill (No. 101), introduced respecting (1913), 13. Second reading, 52. House goes into Committee on, 70, 74, 153, 318. Third reading, 318. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 36.) 2. Bill (No. 209), respecting aid to certain (1913), 303. Second reading, 333. House goes into Committee on, 339. Third reading; amend- ment negatived, 389. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 39.) 3. Resolutions re subsidies to certain roads introduced; Lieutenant-Govern- or's recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Statute Law Amendment Act (1913), 309-10. I&AILWAYS : Committee appointed (1913), 18, 24. Report, 100, 134, 156, 270, 316; (1914), 16, 25. Report, 95, 129, 162, 174, 268; (1915), 16, 29. Re- port, 168, 193, 211; (1916), 24. Report, 137, 166; (1917), 29. Re- port, 172; (1918), 4, 18. No report; (1919), 31. Report, 159; (1920), 40. Report, 161, 281. RALEIGH, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting the Raleigh Plains Drain (1916), 109. Bill (No. 123), introduced upon suspended rule, and referred, 110. Reported, 160. Second reading, 168. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 88.) RANDALL–REGISTRARS. 231 wr RANDALL, SAMUEL WILLLIAM: - Petition for Act to change name (1914), 19. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 2), introduced and referred, 33. Reported, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. Third reading, 283. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 140.) READJUSTMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION: Motion in re, superseded by amendment (1919), 144-6. REAL ESTATE : Bill (No. 93), introduced respecting the partition and sale of (1913), 13. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 49. Third read- ing, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 23.) REAUME, HON. J. 0.: & - Question as to item of $11,000 appearing in Public Accounts, in name of (1914), 75. RECORDS:—See Custody of Documents. RECRUITING: Return ordered, showing amounts of payments to aid in (1916), 94. Pre- sented, 96. (Sessional Papers No. 75.) Not printed. REFERENDUMI2 1: Bill (No. 48), introduced to provide for, upon certain questions (1919), 165. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 217. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 61.) 2. Question as to payment to Tilley & Co., for legal services, re Referendum Act (1920), 76. REFORESTATION: 1. Return ordered, showing expenditures made in 1901 and 1911 to 1918 (1919), 72. Not brought down. 2. Petition in represented (1920), 29. REFUGE, HOUSES OF: 1. Bill (No. 154), introduced to amend (1916), 150. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 168. No report. 2. Petition re admission certain patients to (1914), 74. 3. Return ordered, respecting the establishment of, in Municipalities (1915), 235. Presented (1916), 10. (Sessional Papers No. 58.) Not printed. REGISTRARS OF DEEDS: 1. Question as to abolition of fees, 32. 2. Resolution that Government should take steps to wipe out the present sys- tem of Land Titles and introduce the Torrens system (1920), 332. 232 REGISTRY RELIGIOUS. REGISTRY ACT: - 1. Bill (No. 120), introduced to amend (1913), 244. Second reading, 291. House goes into Committee on, 296, 321. Third reading, 321. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 24.) 2. Bill (No. 163), introduced to amend (1913), 101. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 119. Reported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 255, 272. Order for third reading discharged, 319. See above. - 3. Bill (No. 206), introduced to amend and to establish the Land Titles and Registry Division of Fort William (1913), 317. Resolution intro- duced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 305-6. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 344. Third reading, 352. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 25.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 4. Bill (No. 105), introduced to amend (1914), 84. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 170. Reported, 301. House goes into Committee on, 352. Provisions Embodied in Bill (No. 157). See below. 5. Bill (No. 157), introduced to amend (1914), 163. Second reading, 193. House goes into Committee on, 236. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 23.) 6 Bill (No. 141), introduced to amend (1917), 126. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (? Geo. W, c. 30.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 7. Bill (No. 103), introduced to amend (1918), 93. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Com- mittee and referred to Bill, 151-2. Second reading, 153. House goes into Committee on, 153. Third reading, 184. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V. c. 27.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. REGISTRY OFFICES: 1. Question as to combination of, for East and West Toronto (1920), 32. 2. Question as to abolition of fees of Registrars of Deeds (1920), 32. Reports of Inspector presented (1913), 351; (1914), 287; (1915), 210; (1916), 109; (1917), 151; (1918), 72; (1919), 65; (1920), 190. Printed. See Land Titles. REGULATION 17:-See Education. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS ACT; w Bill (No. 206), introduced to amend (1920), 15. Second reading and re- ferred to Legal Committee, 261. Reported, 295. House goes into º on, 315. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 106. RENFREW–RIDDELL. 233 -w RENFREW, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to authorize the issue of debentures (1913), 45. Re- ported, 105. Bill (No. 33), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 106. Reported and referred to Committee on Pri- vate Bills, 209. Reported, 243. Second reading, 272. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 118.) - 2. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 41. Reported, 79. Bill (No. 31), introduced and referred, 79. Reported, 102. Second reading, 108. House goes into Committee on, 134. Third reading, 175. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 68.) REPRESENTATION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 138), introduced respecting representation of the People in the Legislative Assembly (1914), 136. Second reading and referred to a Select Committee, 177. Reported, 325. House goes into Committee on, 359, 387, 392. Motion for third reading; amendments proposed and negatived, 392–406. Third reading on division, 406. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 4.) A. 2. Bill (No. 81), introduced to amend (1915), 44. Motion for second read- ing and six months hoist proposed and negatived, 54. Second reading on division, 54. House goes into Committee on, 71. Third reading; amendment negatived, 241. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 2.) See On- tario Election Act. -- REPRESENTATION IN LEGISLATURE; Motion re reduction of ; withdrawn (1919), 113. REPLEWIN ACT; Bill (No. 96), introduced to amend (1920), 65. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 116. Reported, 161. House goes into Committee on, 168. Third reading, 215. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 37.) ' * RETURNED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS LAND SETTLEMENT ACT; Bill (No. 155), introduced to amend (1920), 156. Second reading, 168. House goes into Committee on, 169. Third reading, 170. R.A., 172. (10 Geo. V, c. 16.) eºs RETURNS ORDERED: Question as to their being brought down (1920), 127. REX VS. FRIEDMAN : Return ordered of correspondence re the granting of bail in case of (1916), 89. Presented, 96. (Sessional Papers No. 74.) Not printed. - RIDDELL, MR. JUSTICE: Report of presented, as Representative of the Province at New Orleans (1915), 120. (Sessional Papers No. 60.) Printed. 16 D.S. 234 RIGHT-RONDEAU. RIGHT OF WAY MINING COMPANY: Return ordered, of copy of Order-in-Council reducing royalty paid to Timis- kaming and N. O. Railway, by (1913), 196. (Not brought down.) RIOTS: Bill (No. 146), introduced to provide compensation for loss by (1920), 139. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 168. No Teport. * RIVERS, STREAMS AND CREEKS: 1. Bill (No. 187), introduced for the protection of the public interest in (1913), 168. Order for second reading discharged, 229. 2. Bill (No. 75), introduced respecting Dams and Works thereon (1913), 228. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 276, 285. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 26) See Timber. 3. Bill (No. 139), introduced to amend (1917), 126. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 151. Order discharged, 243. ROAD CONSTRUCTION: º 1. Report presented, under 2 Geo. V, c. 2 (1913), 167. (Sessional Papers No. 80.) Printed. 2. Petitions respecting (1913), 82. See Highways. 3. Question as to expenditure made for purchase of machinery for (1920), 38. 4. Question as to cost per yard, of rubble stone delivered in Township of Cornwall for (1920), 38. ROADS, BRIDGES AND DRAINS: Return ordered, showing amount expended by Government, in construction, or repair of, in the Districts of Sudbury, Nipissing, Parry Sound and Sturgeon Falls, in 1911 and 1912 (1913), 78. Presented, 341. (Ses- sional Papers No. 106.) Not printed. * ROBERTS, HENRY H.:—See Norfolk Canners, Limited. RODD, J. H.: Return ordered, of correspondence in the matter of an alleged conspiracy, etc. (1918), 112. Presented (1919), 16. (Sessional Papers No. 62.) Not printed. ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, OTTAWA: Return ordered, showing total amount of grants withheld from (1919), 117. Presented, 159. (Sessional Papers, No. 71.) Not printed. RONDEAU PARK: Question as to shooting of game in (1913), 184. Regulations presented (1914), 39. (Sessional Papers No. 57.) Printed. ROSS—ST. CATHARINES. 235 *— ROSS, SIR GEORGE W.: e - House adjourns out of respect to memory of (1914), 56. ROWNTREE, DAVID: º Petition for Act respecting the estate of (1916), 16. Reported, 29. Bil) (No. 5), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 31. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 53. Re- ported, 105. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 125. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 117. ROYAL 0NTARIO MUSEUM : - - Bill (No. 87), introduced respecting, 60. Motion for second reading and amendment proposed and negatived; second reading (1914), 194-5. House goes into Committee on, 212. Third reading, 362. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 50.) ** . RUBBLE STONE *—see Road Construction. RULES OF HOUSE:—See House. RURAL POPULATION: Motion in re decrease of ; superseded by amendment (1913), 311-13. See Farm Labour. RUSSELL, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act to confirm certain By-law (1914), 78. Reported, 82. Bill (No. 66), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 136. Second read- ing, 148. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 89.) RUSSIA, DUMA OF: Resolution congratulating the, upon establishment of free institutions, etc. (1917), 192. RUTHENIAN GREEK CATHOLIC PARISHES AND MISSIONS IN ONTARIO: Petition for Act of incorporation (1913), 17. Reported, 83. Bill (No. 13), introduced and referred, 83. Reported; fees remitted, 293. Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 319. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 148.) RYAN, DR.: Question as to payment of salary to (1917), 117. T. CATHARINES, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 59. Reported, 140. Bill (No. 60), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 142. Re- pored and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 182. Reported, 280. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 306. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 90.) 236 ST. CATHARINES-ST. JOSEPH. wº- ST. CATHARINES, CITY OF-Continued. © 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 53. Reported, 102. Bill (No. 63), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 103. Re- ported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 144. Reported, 158. Second reading, 170. House goes into Committee on, 177. Third reading, 232. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 69.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 36. Reported, 64. Bill (No. 54), introduced and referred, 67. Reported, 106. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 125. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 89.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 49. Reported, 84. Bill (No. 43), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 85. Re- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 124. Reported, 157. Second reading, 199. House goes into Committee on, 217. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273: (7 Geo. V., c. 89.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 17), introduced and referred, 44. Reported, 102. Second reading, 106. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W., c. 104.) º: 6. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 39. Reported, 124. Bill (No. 53), introduced and referred, 126. Reported, 156. Second reading, 165. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 170. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 137.) ST. CLAIR BEACH, WILLAGE OF: Petition for Act to incorporate (1914), 69. Reported, 119. Bill (No. 62), introduced and referred, 136. Reported, 174. Second reading on division, 223. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading on division, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 91.) ST. JACQUES, HENRI: 1. Question as to filling position occupied by (1914), 51. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence with (1914), 139. Not brought down. ST. JOSEPH DU CANADA: Petition for Act respecting the Union of (1919), 19. Reported, 50. Bill (No. 20), introduced and referred, 53. Reported, 110. Second read- ing, 117. House goes into Committee on, 136. Recommitted, 174. Reported, 189. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 129.) ST. JOSEPH, SISTERS OF, DIOCESE OF LONDON: Petition for Act to amend Act of incorporation (1915), 23. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 3), intróduced and referred, 36. Reported; fees remitted, 102. Second reading, 108. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 95.) ST. JOSEPH-SALARIES. 237 ST. JOSEPH, SISTERS OF, DIOCESE OF TORONT0: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 41. Reported, 87. Bill (No. 62), in- troduced and referred, 89. Reported; fees remitted, 121. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 96.) y St. Joseph HoTEL DIEU-see London. ST. JULIEN, BATTLE OF: Two minutes prayer in commemoration (1920), of. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, MONTREAL: Petition for Act to amend Act incorporating (1914), 18. Reported, 53. Bill (No. 37), introduced and referred, 74. Reported; fees remitted, 120. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 189. Third read- ing, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 132.) - ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, TORONTO: Petition for Act to vest certain lands in (1914), 95. Reported, 161. Bill (No. 97), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 163. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 209. Re- ported; fees remitted, 263. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 329. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 138.) ST. PETER's LUTHERAN CHURCH, BERLIN: Petition for Act respecting (1913), 45. Reported, 105. Bill (No. 36), in- troduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 138. Re- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 226. Reported; fees remitted, 270. Second reading, 284. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 149.) ST. THOMAS, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 17. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 6), in- troduced and referred, 35. Reported, 68. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 120. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 119.) 2. Petition for Act respecting the Amasa Wood Hospital (1919), 20. Re- ported, 42. Bill (No. 16), introduced and referred, 44. Reported, 102. Second reading, 106. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 123.) ST. THOMAS, RAILROAD AND CITY Y.M.C.A.: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 26. Reported, 56. Bill (No. 13), intro- duced and referred, 59. Reported; fees remitted, 88. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 98. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 92.) SALARIES: Motion proposed and negatived, re increase of (1917), 145. 238 SANATORIA—SANDWICH. SANATORIA FOR CONSUMETIVES: Bill (No. 139), introduced respecting (1914), 136. Second reading, 177. House goes into Committee on, 187. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Commit- tee and referred to Bill, 190. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 56.) SANDWICH, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 17. Reported, 55. Bill (No. 5), in- troduced and referred, 56. Reported, 68. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 120. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 120.) &; 2. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 16. Reported, 91. Bill (No. 26), in- troduced and referred, 92. Reported, 119. Second reading, 126. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 180. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 90.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 23. Reported, 103. Bill (No. 26), | - introduced and referred, 104. Reported, 115. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 147. Third reading, 152. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 78.) *4. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 62. Bill (No. 33), in- troduced and referred, 63. Reported, 144. Second reading, 164. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 170. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 138.) - SANDWICH EAST, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting (1918), 52. Reported, 103. Bill (No. 35), in- troduced and referred, 104. Reported, 116. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 164. Third reading, 164. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 79.) SANDWICH SOUTH, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 62. Bill (No. 42), in- troduced and referred, 63. Reported, 253. Second reading, 261. Recommitted to. Committee, 283. Reported, 288. House goes into Committee on, 317. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 139.) SANDWICH WEST, Township of: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 41), in- troduced and referred, 47. Reported, 92. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 130. Third reading, 150. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 140.) SANDWICH, WINDSOR AND AMHERSTBURG RAILWAY: 1. Petition for relief re insufficient accommodation for the public on (1914), 74. & 2. Question as to open bars in Roadhouses on the (1914), 158. SARNIA—SAULT. 239 SARNIA, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act to incorporate (1914), 46. Reported, 119. Bill (No. 52), introduced and referred, 121. Reported, 224. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 286. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 92.) ...” 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 10), introduced and referred, 36. Reported, 72. Second reading, 81. House goes into Committee on, 84. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 70.) 3. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 819 (1916), 16. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 16), introduced and referred, 32. Reported, 44. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 68. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, 6, 91.) SARNIA, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 20. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred, 46. Reported, 100. Second reading, 119. House goes into Committee on, 122. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 121.) 2. Petition for Act to confirm a certain By-law (1914), 95. Reported, 119. Bill (No. 92), introduced and referred, 122. Reported, 141. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 93.) See above. SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL : Petiiton for Aid respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 27), in- troduced and , referred, 63. Reported; fees remitted, 125. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 152, 164. Third read- ing, 167. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 164.) SAULT STE. MARIE, CITY OF: - 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 33. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 27), introduced and referred, 129. Reported, 210. House goes into Com- mittee on, 246. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 122.) 2. Petition for Act respecting the City of, F. H. Clergue and the Lake Superior Dry Dock and Construction Co., Ltd. (1914), 25. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 42), introduced and referred, 65. Reported, 106. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 148, 233. Third Reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 95.) 3. Bill (No. 50), introduced on suspended Rule (1914), 281. Reported, 301. Second reading, 328. House goes into Committee on, 351. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 94.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 55). introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 102. Second reading, 108. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 169. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 71.) diº 240 SAULT—SAW. SAULT STE. MARIE, CITY OF-Continued. 5. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 23. Reported, 92. Bill (No. 52), introduced and referred, 93. Reported, 170. Second reading, 211. House goes into Committee on, 219. Third reading, 219. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 92.) 6. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 36. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 44), introduced and referred, 61. Reported, 137. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 216. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (? Geo. V, 9. 87.) 7. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 18. Reported, 103. Bill (No. 28), introduced and referred, 104. Reported, 116. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 164. Third reading, 164. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 80.) 8. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 50. Bill (No. 11), introduced and referred, 52. Reported, 81. Second reading, 96. Re- committed, 107. Reported, 110. House goes into Committee on, 119. Third reading, 174. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 105.) 9. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 12), introduced and referred, 46. Reported, 236. Second reading, 250. House goes into Committee on, 263. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 137.) SAULT STE. MARIE AND STEELTON Y.M.C.A.: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 53. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 39), introduced and referred, 129. Reported; fees remitted, 210. Second reading, 223. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 142.) 2. Petition for Act to confirm a Mortgage made by (1914), 135. Reported, 162. Bill (No. 59), introduced and referred, 162. Reported; fees re- mitted, 280. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 306. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 133.) SCARBOROUGH, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 28. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 13), in- troduced and referred, 46. Reported, 130. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 162. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 141.) SCARBOROUGH AND ETOBICOKE, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act respecting (1918), 23. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 29), intro- duced and referred, 52. Reported, 82. Second reading, 93. House goes into Committee on, 101. Third reading, 111. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 81.) SAW MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION:—See Combines. SCOLLARD–SIMPSON. 241 SCOLLARD, BISHOP:—See Bi-lingual Schools. Education. SCOTT ACT:—See Liquor License Law. Snider, W. K. SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR: Report presented (1913), 231; (1914), 268; (1915), 143; (1916), 148; (1917), 260; (1918), 72; (1919), 147; (1920), 346. Printed. See Provincial Secretary. SEED: Bill (No. 129), introduced respecting the testing of (1919), 115. Second reading and referred, 156. No report. SEDGEWICK, THOMAS E.: * Question as to his bringing out a party of fifty boys to work on farms (1913), 220. SEPARATE SCHOOLS:—See Education. SESSIONAL INDEMINITY:—See Members. SESSIONAL PAPERS:—See Index to, at end of this Index. SESSIONAL PAPERS, 1918: Question as to time of distribution (1920), 55. SETTLED ESTATES: Bill (No. 105), introduced relating to leases, sales and mortgages of (1913), 14. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 23. Third reading, 206. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 20.) SETTLEMENT OF NORTHERN ONTARIO: s Motion re policy for, etc., negatived (1913), 224. See New, or Northern Ontario. - SEWER PIPE : - Question as to purchase of vitrified, or glazed, by Department of Highways (1920), 79. SEYMOUR POWER COMPANY:—See Hydro-Electric. SHARES, BONDS, DEBENTURES: Bill (No. 92), introduced to regulate the sale of (1919), 72. Order for sec- ond reading discharged, 203. SHARPE, CHARLES: Question as to employment of, at Central Prison (1913), 108. SIMPSON AND WHITE : s Question as to their identity with Employees Detective Agency (1920), 76. 242 * SHEEP—SIMS. SHEEP, PROTECTION OF: 1. Bill (No. 39), introduced to impose a tax on Dogs and for the (1918), 52. Second reading and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 80. Reported, 148. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 168. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 46.) 2. Petitions respecting (1918), 15, 27; (1919), 54. See Dog Taz. SHEWLIN-CLARKE LUMBER COMPANY:—See Timber. SHOP AND OFFICE BUILDING ACT: Bill (No. 87), introduced to amend (1919), 71. Second reading, 105. House goes into Committee on, 112. Order for third reading dis- charged, 231. See Factory, Shop and Office Building Act. SHOPS REGULATION ACT: * Question as to how many shops come under, etc. (1913), 88. See Liquor License Law. SHUNIAH, MUNICIPALITY OF: * 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 31), in- troduced and referred, 64. Reported, 211. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 96.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 16. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 2), in- troduced and referred, 31. Reported, 44. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 68. Third reading, 178. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 93.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 41. Bill (No. 4), in- troduced and referred, 43. Reported, 57. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243, (9 Geo. V, c. 106.) \ SIMCOE, STORMONT, PRESCOTT, COUNTIES OF: Return presented, as to efficiency of teaching in, etc. (1913), 143. (Ses- sional Papers No. 75.) Not printed. SIMCOE, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 673 (1917), 18. Reported, 39. Bill (No. 16), introduced and referred, 41. Reported, 68. Second read- ing, 76. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 88.) SIMS, GEN. MANLEY: Return ordered, showing if appointed Agent-General for Ontario at London, England, etc. (1919), 37. Presented, 114. (Sessional Papers No. 69.) Not printed. SISTERS–SNOW. . . 243 SISTERS ADORERS OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD: Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 41. Bill (No. 2), intro- duced and referred, 43. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 102. SMITH'S FALLS, TOWN OF: z Petition for Act to consolidate floating debt (1918), 70. Reported, 103. Bill (No. 37), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 104. Reported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 138. Reported, 157. Second reading, 172. Third reading, 173. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 82.) 2-> SNIOKY FALLS WATER POWER = Return presented, of correspondence with respect to development of (1913), 50. (Sessional Papers No. 57.) Not printed. SMUCK, WILLIAM: 1. Question as to appointment of, as License Inspector for East Elgin (1914), 36. 2. Return ordered, showing application for license of; the granting thereof, etc. (1914), 55. Presented, 149. (Sessional Papers No. 66.) Not printed. SMYTH, J. A.: Return ordered of correspondence with reference to performance of duties (1914), 407. Not brought down. SNIDER, W. K.: & 1. Question re appointment of, as Provincial License Inspector (1914), 41. 2. Questions re persons interviewed by, in Welland, 96 (1914), 117. 3. Questions re persons interviewed in Huron (1914), 96, 117. 9. Questions re persons interviewed in Peel (1914), 96. 5. Motion for appointment of Committee to enquire into circumstances of visits of, to Welland, Huron and Peel; negatived (1914), 318-19. SNOW FENCES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 91), introduced to amend (1916), 84. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 116. Reported, 166. House goes into Committee on, 190. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 48.) * 2. Bill (No. 158), introduced to amend (1916), 155. Second reading and “referred to the Municipal Committee, 191. Reported, 206. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 236. See above, 1. 244 soldiers. x- SOLDIERS AID COMMISSION ACT: 1. Bill (No. 137), introduced (1916), 123. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 147, 162, 172. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 3.) 2. Bill (No. 224), introduced to amend (1920), 250. Second reading, 287. House goes into Committee on, 296. Third reading, 326. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 29.) 3. Report presented (1917), 262. (Sessional Papers, No. 84.) Not printed. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 4. Report presented (1918), 186. (Sessional Papers, No. 85.) Not printed. 5. Report presented (1919), 236. (Sessional Papers, No. 78.) Printed. See Statute Law A memdment Act. 6. Question as to employment found by, for Canadian Expeditionary Force (1919), 36. - 7. Question as to any Report of (1919), 177. 8. Return ordered, showing amount expended in travelling and other ex- penses (1919), 37. Not brought down. 9. Return ordered, showing amount expended in travelling expenses of (1920), 128. Presented, 156. (Sessional Papers, No. 78.) Not printed. SOLDIERS’ LAND SETTLEMENT:—See Kapuskasing. SOLDIER PATIENTS: Resolution against moving from Toronto to Burlington (1920), 219. SOLDIERs, RETURNED: Return ordered, with reference to care of, and provision for, etc. (1916), 42. Presented, 53. (Sessional Papers, No. 68.) Not printed. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS: 1. Bill (No. 67), introduced for the enfranchisement of soldiers (1917), 12. Second reading, 94. Order for House to go into Committee on, dis- charged, 219. See Elections. 2. Bill (No. 73), introduced providing for the Agricultural Settlement of, serving overseas (1917), 19. Second reading, 50. House goes into Committee on, 128. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (; Geo. V. c. 13.) j s SOLDIERS–SPANISH. 245 w” SOLDIERS AND SAILORS—Continued. * 3. Bill (No. 109), introduced, respecting proof of death of, while on active service (1919), 99. Second reading, 112. House goes into Com- mittee on, 119. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 30.) 4. Bill (No. 173), introduced to authorize Corporations of Counties to enter into agreements for settlement of (1919), 200. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 200-1. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 15.) - 5. Return ordered, of correspondence in reference to care of returned, etc. (1917), 25. Presented, 195. (Sessional Papers, No. 77.) Not printed. SOLICITOR'S ACT? } Bill (No. 198), introduced to amend (1920), 202. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 244. Reported, 295. House goes into Committee on, 315. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 45.) SOMBRA AND SARNIA, TOWNSHIPS OF: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 102. Bill (No. 33), introduced and referred, 103. Reported, 130. Second reading, 140. House goes, into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 232. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 72.) SOMERWILLE, TOWNSHIP OF: 1. Petition respecting Burnt River Bridge in (1918), 13. Reported, 23. Bill (No. 2), introduced and referred, 24. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 66-7. 2. Petition for Act respecting the Burnt River Bridge in (1919), 22. Re- ported, 51. Bill (No. 35), introduced and referred, 54. Reported, 81. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 118. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 107.) SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMs;–see Unemployment. SONS OF SCOTLAND BENEWOLENT AOSSCIATION: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 6), intro- duced and referred, 34. Reported, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. W, c. 134.) S0THMAN, MR.: Question as to appointment of, and resignation, etc., from Hydro-Electric Commission (1913), 57. SPANISH PULP AND PAPER COMPANY: Question as to acquired rights on Spanish River (1920), 187. 246 SPEAKER, MR.: 1. SPEAKER. 1913. * & Informs the House of vacancies, 2, 180. . That certificates of elections had been laid on Table, 4, 5, 181. That Return from Records of Elections had been laid upon Table, 9- (Sessional Papers, No. 49.) Printed. . Communicates Report of Librarian upon state of Library, 10. (Sessional Papers, No. 51.) Not printed. . Rules upon points of Order, 98-9, 121-2, 276, 286. . Acquaints the House that Reports had been received from Commissioners of Estate Bills, 102, 114, 144, 181, 205, 226. . Acquaints the House that Reports had been received from Railway Board, 114, 125, 154, 159, 183, 209. . Presents Supply Bill to His Honour, 406. 1914. . Reports that he had obtained copy of Speech, 10. . Reads letter from Sir James Whitney, 15. . Resolution asking Mr. Speaker to convey gratification of House, upon recovery of Sir James, 15. . Informs House that he had acted in accordance therewith, 17. . That Reports had been received from Railway and Municipal Board, 57, 104, 134, 173, 182, 188, 263. . That Reports had been received from Commissioners of Estate Bills, 76, 209. . Rulings of, 84, 86, 87, 133, 143, 157, 168, 170, 405. . Pro tempore Speaker elected, 133-4. . Directs the Clerk to remove Question from Order Paper, 143. . Presents Report of Librarian, 325. 1915. . Election of Mr. Jamieson, 5. . Returns acknowledgments, 2. SPEAKER. 24? SPEAKER, MR.—Continued. 3. 4. 10. Addresses His Honour, 6. Informs the House that he had obtained copy of speech, 10. . Of issue of Writs for by-elections, 10. . That Certificates had been laid on Table, 13. . That Returns from the Records of the General and By-elections, had been laid on table, 16. . Requested to cable Imperial Authorities congratulating Ontario officers, etc., 44–5, 52. . Informs the House of receipt of Reports of Railway and Municipal Board, 76, 95, 106, 144, 201. i . That Reports had been received from the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 40, 85, 106. . Gives ruling upon point of order, 260. . . Asks assent of Lieutenant-Governor to Acts passed, 268. . Presents Supply Bill, 273. 1916. . Informs the House that he had obtained copy of His Honour’s Speech, 5. . Of vacancies and issue of warrants for new Writs, 2. . Communicates Report of Librarian on state of Library, 6. . That Certificates of Election had been laid upon Table, 3, 12. . That Return from the Records of By-elections had been laid upon table, 19. . That Reports had been received from the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 39, 43, 53, 70. . That Reports had been received from Railway and Municipal Board, 45, 55, 83, 117, 122. jº . Instructed to send copy of Resolution to commanding officers of troops in France, Great Britain, etc., 223. . Asks assent of Lieutenant-Governor to Acts passed, 250. Presents Supply Bill, 256. 248 SPEAKER. 1917. SPEAKER, MR.—Continued. 1. 2. 3. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Informs the House of vacancies and issue of new Writs, 2. That he had obtained copy of Speech, 10. That Return from Records re Elections presented, 15. . Presents Report of Librarian, 13. Gives ruling as to amendment offered to Address, 26. . Ruling sustained on division, 26-7. . Ruling re amendment to motion, 67. . Informs House of Reports received from Commissioners of Estate Bills, 45, 72, 90, 122, 123. . Of Reports received from Railway Board, 89, 124, 152. In absence of, Mr. Crawford elected pro dem, 121. To forward copy of Resolution re War, to Prime Minister of Great Britain, etc., 83. To forward copy of Resolution to President of Russian Duma, 192. To convey to absent members good wishes, etc., 259. Asks Lieutenant-Governor’s assent to Bills passed, 268. 1918. . Reports that he had obtained copy of Speech, 4. That memorandum re elections had been laid on Table, 4. . Requests Lieutenant-Governor’s assent to Aets, 7, 187. Presents Report of Librarian, 9. . Informs House that Clerk had received Reports from Commissioners of Estate Bills, 25, 59, 115. . That Clerk had received Reports from Railway and Municipal Board, 51, 86, 99, 108, 138. . Speaker elected pro tem, 99. SPEAKER—SPECIAL. 249 1919. SPEAKER, MR.—Continued. 1. 2. 3. 9. 10. Informs House that he had copy of His Honour’s Speech, 12. Presents Report of Librarian, 13. Informs the House of vacancies and issue of writs, 6-9, 23, 40. . That Returns from Records re Elections, presented, 48. That Reports had been received from Commissioners of Estate Bills, 49, 97. That Reports had been received from Railway and Municipal Board, 100, 148. Addresses His Honour, asking his assent to Acts passed, 62, 243. 1920. Election of, 5. Returns acknowledgments, 6. . Informs the House re issue of writs, 9. That certificates of elections had been laid on table, 16. That he had received resignation of member for N. E. Toronto, seat “A,” 21. Presents Report of Librarian, 21. That reports had been received from Commissioners of Estate Bills, 71, 110, 172. That reports had been received from Railway and Municipal Board, 58, 143, 147, 177. Addresses His Honour re assent to Bills, 171, 294, 375. Rules on points of order, 135, 263, 364. Resolution of appreciation, etc., 373. SPECIAL CLASSES ACT: Bill (No. 122), introduced to amend (1914), 111. Order for second reading discharged, 190. d SPECIAL WARRANTS: * Return ordered, of those issued from 31st October, 1919, to 29th February, *-* 1920, with details of purposes (1920), 34. Presented, 35. (Sessional Papers No. 59.) Not printed. \ 250 SPEECH-STANDING. SPEECH:—See Lieutenant-Governor. SPEEDWELL, HOSPITAL: * Question as to operation of Abattoir in connection with (1920), 66. $PRING FRESHETS: 1. Return ordered, of correspondence relating to floods on Grand River, etc. (1913), 198. Not brought down. * 2. Motion re investigation into; negatived (1913), 324. See Grand River. Ohio, State of. SPRUCE TIMBER: Question as to permit granted to James Horrigan & Co., to cut upon Black Bay timber limit (1919), 94. STAFFORD, F. M.: t Question as to identity of, in connection with Burwash Farm (1920), 86. STALLION ACT: Petitions respecting enrolment (1913), 29, 81, 138. STALLION ENROLMENT: Report presented (1915), 175; (1916), 181; (1917), 259; (1918), 98; - (1919), 30; (1920), 75. Printed. * STAMEED WARE ASSOCIATION: Return ordered, of copies of letters, furnished to Attorney-General, in pro- ceedings against (1913), 66. Presented, 154. (Sessional Papers No. 78.) Not printed. See Combines. STANDARD MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY: Return ordered, of correspondence between the Department of Insurance and the Company (1913), 123. Presented, 340. (Sessional Papers No. 104.) Not printed. STANDARD OIL:—See Provincial Secretary. STANDING ORDERS: 1913. 1. Committee appointed, 18, 25. Report, 33, 55, 82, 104, 105, 128, 160, 200, 218, 219, 232. 2. Recommend extension of time, 34, 83, 105, 161, 218. 3. Recommend suspension of Rule, 105, 201, 219, 232. STANDING. - 251 1914. STANDING ORDERs—Continued. 1. 2. 2. Committee appointed, 26. Report, 32, 53, 63, 18, 119, 140, 161, 183, 220. Recommend extension of time, 33, 82, 120, 183, 221. Recommend that the attention of the Private Bills Committee be called to certain matter, 141. 1915. Resolution for appointment of Committee, 16, 20. Committee appointed, 30. Report, 34, 41, 42, 56, 57, 78, 79, 87, 102, 120, 121. Recommend that attention of Private Bills Committee be called to certain matters, 42-3, 58, 79, 121. . Time extended, 42. 1916. . Committee appointed, 24. Report, 28, 46, 47, 64, 91, 97, 98. . Recommend extension of time, 30, 65. . Recommend that attention of Private Bills Committee be called to certain discrepancy, '97. . Recommend that Petition be not further proceeded with, 99. 1917. . Committee appointed, 30. Report, 38, 57, 59, 83, 85, 114, 115. . Recommend extension of time, 40, 59. . Recommend that attention of Private Bills Committee be called to certain matter, 59, 84. Petition reported irrespective of advertising, 115. 1918. Committee appointed, 4, 59. . Report, 23, 33, 48, 61, 62, 80, 81, 103. . Recommend extension of time, 23, 49, 81. Recommend that attention of Private Bills Committee be called to certain matters, 62. 252 STANDING—STATUTE. 1919. STANDING ORDERs—Continued. 1. Resolution appointing, 12. Appointed, 32. Report, 41, 50, 51, 80, 101. 2. Time extended for petitions, 43, 52. For Private Bills, 52, 81. For re- ceiving Reports, 81. 1920. 1. Committee appointed, 41. Report, 44, 61, 62, 73, 111, 125, 133, 147. 2. Time extended for petitions; 45. 3. Recommend that the attention of the Private Bills Committee be called to certain matters, 62, 74. STATIONARY ENGINEERS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 156), introduced to amend (1914), 163. Second reading, 225. House goes into Committee on, 237. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 28.) 2. Bill (No. 89), introduced to amend the Act respecting the Board of (1919), 72. Second reading, 105. House goes into Committee on, 123. Third reading, 228. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 37.) 3. Bill (No. 252), introduced to amend (1920), 326. Second reading, 356. House goes into Committee on; third reading, 369. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 50.) STATUTE DISTRIBUTION: Statement of, presented (1914), 312; (1915), 263; (1916), 177; (1917), 28; (1918), 37; (1920), 35. Not printed. STATUTE LABOUR: 1. Bill (No. 135), introduced respecting (1913), 57. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 79. Reported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 255. Third reading, 318. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 47.) 2. Bill (No. 149), introduced to amend the Act (1913), 81. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 118. No report. 3. Bill (No. 89), introduced respecting (1914), 65. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 102. No report. 4. Bill (No. 72), introduced to amend (1916), 49. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 72. Reported, 166. House goes into Committee on, 189. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. } V, c. 42.) STATUTE. 253 STATUTE LABOUR-Continued. 5. Bill (No. 64), introduced to amend (1917), 55. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 119. 6. Bill (No. 136), introduced to amend (1917), 116. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 140. Reported, 186. House goes into Committee on, 197. Third reading, 214. R.A., 273. (7. Geo. V, c. 46.) 7. Bill (No. 77), introduced to amend (1918), 50. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 71. Reported as embodied in Bill No. 72, 92. See below, 9. 8. Bill (No. 65), introduced to amend (1918), 32. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 50. Reported as embodied in Bill No. 72, 92. 9. Bill (No. 132), introduced to amend (1918), 110. Order for second read- ing discharged, 156. 10. Bill (No. 72), introduced to amend (1918), 38. Second reading and re- ferred to Municipal Committee, 57. Reported, 92. House goes into Committee on, 113. Third reading, 139. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 35.) 11. Bill (No. 88), introduced to amend (1920), 54. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 138. Reported, 173. House goes into Committee on, 199. Third reading, 215. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 65.) 12. Petitions respecting (1918), 15. STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT; 1. Bill (No. 199), introduced (1913), 271. Resolutions introduced; Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Commit- tee and referred to Bill 287-9. Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 320, 339, 353, 366. Third reading, 366. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 18.) See Acts of the present Session. 2. Bill (No. 197), introduced to confirm the Revised Statutes, 1914 and to correct certain clerical and typographical errors (1914), 325. Second reading, 258. House goes into Committee on, 387. Third reading, 387. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 2.) 3. Bill (No. 167), introduced “The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1914” (1914), 189. Second reading, 224. House goes into Committee on, 237, 328, 387, 391. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 390-1. Third reading, 392. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 21.) 4. Bill (No. 161), introduced (1915), 193. Second reading, 218. House goes into Committee on, 220, 258. Third reading; amendment nega- tived, 258. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 20.) 254 STATUTE. STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT-Continued. 5. Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend the law (1916), 123. Second read- ing and referred to the Legal Committee, 132. Reported, 206. Order for House to go into Committee on, discharged, 248. See below, 6. 6. Bill (No. 136), introduced “The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1916” (1916), 123. Second reading, 146. House goes into Committee on, 162, 208, 221. Third reading; amendment negatived, 240. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W., c. 24.) * 7. Bill (No. 162), introduced, “The Statute Law Amendment Act, 191?” (1917), 189. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recom- mendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill 166-7, 174, 257. Second reading, 235. House goes into Committee on; third reading, 258. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 27.) 8. Bill (No. 56), introduced to amend the Act of 1916 (1918), 21. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 56. Reported, 70. House goes into Committee on, 75. Third reading, 152. See below. 9. Bill (No. 137), introduced, “The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918” (1918), 116. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recom- mendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 149, 150, 151, 160, 175, 176. Second reading, 155. House goes into Committee on, 168, 177, 182. Third reading, 182-3. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 20.) 10. Bill (No. 143), introduced, “The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1919° (1919), 121. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 226, 235. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 232-3. Third reading, 236. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 25.) No Act introduced in 1920. STATUTE REVISION: 1. Bill (No. 208), introduced respecting the Revision and Consolidation of (1913), 303. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 344. Third reading, 352. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 2.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 2. 2. Question as to date of appointment of Commission; amount expended, etc. (1913), 46. 3. Question as to date of completion of work (1913), 131. 4. Motion that Address be presented to Lieutenant-Governor, praying that he will cause instructions to be given to complete work; superseded by amendment (1913), 191-2. 5. Motion re failure to secure completion of (1913), 283-4. STATUTE–STONE. 255 STATUTE REVISION.—Continued. 6. Question as to amount expended on the Statute Revision (1914), 20. 7. Question as to time ready for distribution (1914), 106. 8. Question as to estimated cost of completion (1914), 257. -- 9. Motion to strike out $35,000 estimated for Revision (1914), 304. 10. question. as to total expenditure on (1915), 68-9; (1916), 187. STATUTORY APPROPRIATIONS: 1. Motions to amend Resolutions of Supply, so as to show (1914), 346, 350. 2. Point of Order raised re certain statements made by “Toronto Globe” in re (1914), 270. STATUTORY EXPENDITURE; 1. Question as to estimated amount of, for year ending 31st October, 1913 (1913), 281. 2 . Question as to amount on hand, unexpended, etc. (1914), 61. 3 . Question as to amount estimated for 1914 (1914), 61. 4 . Question as to amount of for 1913 (1914), 75. 5 . Question as to amount authorized to borrow (1914), 75. 6. Motion in re proposed and negatived (1914), 107. See Supply. STEAM BOILERS: s 1. Bill (No. 91), introduced respecting (1913), 68. Second reading, 124. House goes into Committee on, 158, 272. Third reading, 351. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 61.) º 80), introduced to amend (1916), 50. Second reading, 86. House goes into Committee on, 104. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 58.) 2. Bill ($ STEELTON, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to ratify By-law (1913), 146. Reported, 218. Bill (No. 62), introduced and referred, 220. Reported, 270. Second reading, 285. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 319. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 123.) STONE: 1. Question as to his being charged with violation of Liquor Law (1913), 88. 2. Return ordered, of copy of information laid against at Collingwood (1913), 117. Presented, 204. (Sessional Papers No. 83.) Not printed. 256 STONE–STURGEON. STONE, J. E.: Question as to his being Treasurer of the S. Essex Conservative Association (1914), 388. STRATFORD, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act to consolidate Debenture Debt of (1914), 59. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 57), introduced and referred to the Railway and Muni- cipal Board, 121. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 182. Reported, 234. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 286. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 97.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 56. Reported, 87. Bill (No. 64), in- troduced and referred, 89. Reported, 122. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 73.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 14), ln- troduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 60. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 89. Reported, 138. Sec- ond reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third read- ing, 194. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 90.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 29. Reported, 45. Bill (No. 39), in- troduced and referred, 47. Reported, 92. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 130. Third reading, 150. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 142.) STRATFORD RAILWAY COMPANY: Petition for Act respecting (1913), 75. Reported, 104. Bill (No. 48), in- troduced and referred, 113. Reported, 134. Second reading, 143. House goes into Committee on, 179. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 137.) STREET RAILWAYS AND ELECTRIC RAILWAYS: Ǻ Bill (No. 235), introduced in substitution of Bill to amend Ontario Railway Act, on ruling of Mr. Speaker and defeated on motion for second reading (1920), 364. See Ontario Railway Act. STUBBS, RICHARD, ESTATE OF: Petition for Act respecting (1918), 27. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 32), in- troduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 92. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 115. Reported, 157. Sec- ond reading, 172. House goes into Committee on, 172. Third read- ing, 173. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 86.) STURGEON FALLS, ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF: Question as to number of loans applied for in, under Development Act (1918), 165. STURGEON–SUCCESSION. 257 STURGEON FALLS, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 34. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 60), in- troduced and referred, 53. Reported, 210. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 241. Third reading, 241. R.A., 272. (5 Geo. V, c. 74.) SUBSIDY: ,- 1. Question as to application made to Dominion Government for increased (1913), 21. 2. Motion that House memorialize Government of Canada, to readjust upon same basis as that paid to Manitoba, and amendment proposed and carried re consideration of, by Inter-Provincial Conference (1913), 70-4. SUCCESSION DUTIES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 165), introduced to amend (1914), 189. Second reading, 218. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signi- fied; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 227-32. House goes into Committee on, 236, 311, 327. Third reading, 382. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 10.) 2. Bill (No. 122), introduced to amend the Act (1915), 131. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 151-2. Second reading, 170. House goes into Committee on, 195, 231. Third reading, 231. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 7.). 3. Bill (No. 107), introduced to amend (1916), 100. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 147, 211. Third reading, 221. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 7.) 4. Bill (No. 135), introduced to amend (1918), 110. Tesolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Come mittee and referred to Bill, 140-1. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 184. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 6.) 5. Bill (No. 141), introduced to amend (1919), 121. Resolutions intro- duced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 141-2. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 191. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 9.) 6. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1920), 92-102. Bill (No. 121), introduced to amend, 102. Second reading, 212. House goes into Committee on, 225, 254, 311. Third reading, 311. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 8.) 17 D.S. 258 SUCCESSION.—SUDBURY. SUCCESSION DUTIES ACT-Continued. 7. Return ordered, showing if Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council made any arrangements under Sec. 9 of Act, with any part of the British Domin- ion, etc. (1914), 216. Presented (1915), 265. (Sessional Papers, No. 57.) Not printed. Aº 8. Rules and Regulations presented (1915), 40. (Sessional Papers, No. 57.) Not printed. SUDBURY COPPER CLIFF SUBURBAN ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act respecting and to consolidate By-law No. 343 of the Town of Sudbury (1914), 23. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 40), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 129. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 125.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 28), introduced and referred, 53. Reported; 160. Second reading, 176. . House goes into Committee on, 203. Third reading, 203. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 119.) SUDBURY, DISTRICT OF: 1. Return ordered, showing if any part of the 32,000 acres, being cleared in vicinity of, is to be set apart, or used, to give work to the unem- ployed, etc. (1915), 27. Presented, 85. (Sessional Papers, No. 59.) Not printed. - 2. Return presented, to an Order of the House of the Session of 1917, show- ing how many patents, under Mines Act, issued in to corporations since February, 1915, etc. (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 61.) Not printed. See Mines and Mining. 3. Return ordered, showing what lands patented in 1917, to Albert Harvey, R. McConnell et al (1918), 53. Presented, 59. (Sessional Papers, No. 69.) Not printed. * 4. Return ordered, showing what lands patented to “Sudbury Nickel, Limited,” in 1917, etc. (1918), 57. Presented, 73. (Sessional Papers, No. 72.) Not printed. 5. Return ordered, showing what lands granted to John E. Hodge, etc. (1918), 58. Presented, 72. (Sessional Papers, No. 71.) Not printed. SUDBURY NICKEL LIMITED:—See Sudbury District of, 4. SUDBURY, NIPISSING, PARRY SOUND AND STURGEON FALLS, DISTRICTS OF: Return ordered, showing amount expended in, in repair or construction of roads, bridges and drains (1913), 78. Presented, 341. (Sessional Papers, No. 106.) Not printed. SUDBURY_SUPERANNUATION. 259 SUDBURY SACRED HEART COLLEGE: Petition for Act to incorporate (1914), 19. Reported, 53. Bill (No. 38), introduced and referred, 55. Reported; fees remitted, 120. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 189. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V, c. 131.) SUDBURY, TOWN OF: 1. Petitions for Act to confirm By-law No. 400 (1915), 24, 83. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 8), introduced and referred to Railway and Municipal Board, 43. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 76. Reported, 130. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 75.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 16. Reported, 64. Bill (No. 35), introduced and referred, 66. Reported, 119. Second reading, 126. House goes into Committee on, 152. Third reading, 180. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 94.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 64. Reported, 115. Bill (No. 54), introduced and referred, 116. Reported, 143. Second reading, 149. House goes into Committee on, 156. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (? Geo. V., c. 91.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 27. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 31), introduced and referred, 83. Reported, 104. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 117. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 83.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 29. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 36), introduced and referred, 47. Reported, 70. Second reading, 80. House goes into Committee on, 83. Third reading, 149. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 143.) SUGAR : Resolution that Dominion Government be petitioned to take action (1920), 214. SUMMARY CONWICTIONS ACT: Bill (No. 159), introduced to amend (1920), 166. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 184. No report. SUPERANNUATION: 1. Bill (No. 79), introduced respecting superannuation and retiring allow- ances to civil servants (1913), 206. Order for second reading dis- charged, 248. 2. Bill (No. 181), introduced respecting and retiring allowances of Civil Servants (1920), 185. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 296-306. Second reading, 238. House goes into Committee on, 315. Motion for third reading and six months’ hoist proposed and negatived; third reading, 342-3. R.A., 343. (10 Geo. V., c. 4.) See Education. 260 SUPPLEMENTARY-SUPPLY. SUPPLEMENTARY REVENUE:—See Amusement Tax Act. SUPPLY:* 1. 2. 10. 1913. House resolves to go into Committee, 52. Goes into Committee, 136, 168, 216, 224, 268, 278, 300, 314, 324. . Estimates presented and referred, 92, 268, 286. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. Financial Statement delivered and Debate on adjourned, 102, 113. Resolutions reported, 256-67, 279, 324-33. . Concurred in, 267, 276, 277, 280, 283-4, 333, 355-7. Postponed for concurrence, 267, 280, 333. Amendments proposed and negatived to the following Resolutions:— (1) To strike out $150,000 for Government House, 277. (2) Re scarcity of Teachers, 282-3. (3) Re failure to secure completion of Statute Revision, 283-4. (4) Re prosecution of Combines, 355. (5) To strike out salary of Director at Jordan Harbour Station, 356. (6) To strike out $100,000 for Government House, 356. . House resolves to go into Committee of Ways and Means, 52. Goes into Committee, 358. Bill of Supply (No. 210), introduced and read a first, second and third time, 358. R.A., 406-7. (3 Geo. V, c. 1.) 1914. . House resolves to go into Committee, 31. . Estimates presented and referred, 35, 236, 305. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. . Goes into Committee, 71, 72, 102, 108, 125, 159, 180, 278, 286, 295, 317, 322, 331. * For the several amendments proposed to the Motion “That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair,” vide pages 265-68 et seq., see also Divisions under head of “Supply.” SUPPLY. 261. SUPPLY-Continued. 4. 5. 6. ray ( . Financial Statement delivered and Debate on adjourned, 45, 51, 52, 61. Resolutions of Supply reported, 195, 295, 337. Postponed for Concurrence, 209, 297, 346. Motions proposed and negatived to the following Resolutions. (1) Re handicapping Educational progress of Province, 219. (2) To strike out $25,000 for Government House, 303. (3) To add Estimates of Hydro-Electric Commission, 303. (4) To strike out $35,000 for Statute Revision, 304. (5) To show amount appropriated by Statute, 346, 350. (6) As to unfair attack upon a Member of the House by Superintendent of Education, 347. (7) As to control over finances of Provincial University, 348. (8) As to Government House, 348. House resolves to go into Committee of Ways and Means, 31. Goes into Committee, 350. . Bill of Supply (No. 198), introduced and read a first, second and third time, 350-1. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 1.) 1915. Committee of Supply and Ways and Means formed, 21. . Estimates presented, 32, 130, 160. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. . Motion to go into Committee and Debate on adjourned, 32, 38, 39, 55, 76, 89. Resolutions reported, 112, 149, 181. Resolutions postponed for concurrence, 119, 190. . Motion proposed and negatived, that Government House be sold, etc., 163-4. Motion proposed and negatived to strike out $100,000 to be voted for Government House, 190. 262 SUPPLY. SUPPLY-Continued. 8. 9. º House in Committee of Ways and Means, 223. Bill of Supply (No. 136), introduced, 223. Second and third readings, 230. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 1.) - 1916. . House resolves to go into Committee, 12. . Estimates presented and referred, 20, 131, 161. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. . House goes into Committee, 52, 68, 69, 147, 164, 168, 173, 180. . Motion “That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair " and Debate on adjourned, 20, 27, 34, 45. Motion carried, 52. . Resolutions reported, 72, 192, 195. Postponed for concurrence, 194, 204. Concurred in, 82, 194, 204, 215. Amendment proposed and negatived re Government House, 86. . House in "Committee of Ways and Means; amendment proposed and nega- tived, 234-5. Bill of Supply (No. 173), introduced, 186. Second and third reading, 235. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 1.) 1917. House resolves to go into Committee, 35. Goes into Committee, 63, 70, 77, 112, 159, 169, 175, 181, 205, 223. Estimates presented, 36, 155, 194. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. Financial Statement delivered and Debate on adjourned, 37, 52, 56. Motion carried, 63. Resolutions reported, 128, 175, 182, 223. Resolutions postponed for concurrence, 137, 181, 232. . Resolutions concurred in, 137, 146, 181, 182, 192. . Amendments proposed and negatived:— (1) Re system of expending money voted for Colonization Roads, 110. (2) Re multiplication of officials and increase of cost of Civil Govern- ment, etc., 145-6. SUPPLY. 263 SUPPLY-Continued. (3) Re large capital expenditures, 146. (4) Re prosecution of illegal combines, 168. (5) Re expenditure on Government House, 205. (6) Re action to acquire control of nickel mines, 221-2. (7) Re agreement with Canada Copper Company and Minister of Lands and Mines, 233. 9. House resolves to go into Committee of Ways and Means, 35. Goes into Committee and reports Resolution, 240-1. 10. Bill of Supply (No. 173), introduced and read first and second times, 241. Third reading, 255. R.A., 274. (7 Geo. W, c. 1.) 1918. 1. Motion that House will go into Committee, 10. 2. Financial Statement delivered and Debate on adjourned, 16, 17. Motion carried, 22. 3. Estimates presented, 15, 66, 97. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. 4. House goes into Committee, 22, 25, 27, 36, 38, 67, 75, 114, 118. 5. Resolutions reported, 39-48, 76–80, 128-137. 6. Concurred in, 65, 80, 137, 169. 7. Resolutions postponed for concurrence, 48, 137. (1) Motion to strike out $30,000 re purchase of land for Kingston Asylum, 65. (2) Motion to reduce expenditure of Ontario Reformatory Industries, 169. (3) Motion to reduce expenditure on Government House, 169. (4) Motion to reduce expenditure re Ontario Temperance Act, 170. 8. House resolves to go into Committee of Ways and Means, 10. Goes into Committee, 170. 9. Bill of Supply (No. 147), introduced and read first, second and third times, 171. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 1.) 264 SUPPLY. SUPPLY-Continued. 1919. . House to go into Committee, 10. Estimates presented, 29, 121, 181. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. . Motion that Mr. Speaker do leave the Chair and Debate on adjourned, 29, 45, 49, 59, 60, 63. Motion carried, 65. . House goes into Committee, 65, 72-8, 123-26, 183-8, 197. . Amendment proposed and negatived re License Branch and Ontario Tem- perance Act accounts, 63-4. . Amendment proposed and negatived re misleading financial statements, Wasteful expenditure, etc., 64-5. . Resolutions reported and concurred in, 83-94, 129-34, 206-15, 218, 219. . Resolutions postponed for concurrence, 215. (a) Amendment proposed and negatived, re expenses of Department of Prime Minister, 218. (b) Amendment proposed and negatived, re Government House, 218–19. (c) Amendment proposed and negatived, re expenses of Provincial Secretary’s Department, 219. . House resolves to go into Committee of Ways and Means, 10. Goes into Committee, 231. . Bill of Supply (No. 177), introduced and read a first, second and third time, 231-2. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 1.) 1920. . Committee of, formed, 110. . Estimates presented and referred, 144, 279, 333. (Sessional Papers, No. 2.) Printed. . Financial statement delivered and Debate on, adjourned, 146, 157, 171, 200, 213. Motion carried, 219. Af . House goes into Committee, 219, 227, 235, 238, 252, 256, 264, 283, 288, 293, 309, 334, 337, 348. . Resolutions reported, 264-74, 318–23, 349-58. SUPPLY. 265 SUPPLY-Continued. 6. Motion for concurrence in Resolution, 96. Amendment proposed and lost on division; resolution concurred in, 339. 7. House goes into Committee of Ways and Means, and Resolution concurred in, 359. 8. Bill of Supply (No. 257), introduced, 360. Second and third readings, 360. *Amendments proposed and negatived, to the motion “That Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair.” 1913. 1. Re growing deficits and condemning extravagant expenditure on Govern- ment House, and Debate on adjourned, 126-7. Negatived, 134-6. 2. Re depletion of Fisheries, and Debate on adjourned, 157. Negatived, 168. 3. Re placing at disposal of Executive so large a sum as $5,000,000, etc.; negatived, 215. 4. Re comprehensive, or adequate policy for settlement of N. and N. Western Ontario; negatived, 224. 5. Re sale of liquor on steamboats and railroads, and “blind pigs” in Northern Ontario; negatived, 324. 6. Re Spring freshets; negatived, 324. 1914. 1. Disapproving of presentation to the House of financial statements which do not set forth the real character of the financial transactions of the Government, etc., and Debate on adjourned, 62, 67. Negatived, 69. 2. As to incompleteness of Estimates and that House should not be called upon to vote further supply until the Government lays before the House a fuller statement of the total estimated expenditure for the current year, particularly statutory expenditure, negatived, 107. 3. Condemning policy of Government in alienating large and most valuable areas of the Public Domain to railway exploiters. Negatived, 315-16. See Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway. 1915. This being War Session, no amendments were offered. *The Amendments set out here are “Want of Confidence” motions. 18 D.S. 266 SUPPLY. 1916 SUPPLY-Continued. No amendments offered. 1917. 1. That this House condemns the deplorable waste and misuse of the public funds of the Province, arising out of the present system of expending the moneys voted for colonization roads, whereby the moneys are dis- tributed among the political supporters of the Government, a few hundred dollars each and disbursed as they think best without having regard to the development and maintenance of an adequate system of roads in each district; and this House is of the opinion that the continuation of the said system, which involves the annual loss to the Province of thousands of dollars is wholly inexcusable and indefensible, particularly at war time when it is the duty of the Government to lead the country in the practice of economy and thrift; and this House is further of the opinion that the best interests of the Province demand that the whole system should be immediately discontinued and that in organized townships moneys voted by the Legislature for colonization roads should be paid to and expended by the municipal corporations of such townships, under the supervision of the Govern- ment, and that in unorganized townships the work should be let by tender after adequate public notice so there may be free competition. Negatived, 110-11. 2. That in view of the present high cost of living and the increasing burden upon the working classes and those in receipt of limited incomes, due to the high cost of the necessaries of life, this House condemns the abandonment by the Government of the investigation and prosecution of the illegal combines formed to limit competition and to enhance prices, notwithstanding the advice of the then Crown Attorney of the City of Toronto that these combines were violating the provisions of the Criminal Code, and that the Government was in possession of the necessary evidence to proceed with prosecution; and this House is of the opinion that these illegal combines to enhance prices still exist in the Province, and that it is the duty of the Government to investigate all alleged illegal combinations in restraint of trade and to prosecute vigorously all those which appear to be violating the law, and to take all such further action as may protect the consumer against the cost of the necessaries of life being unduly enhanced by monopolies and combines which unfairly limit that competition. Negatived, 168. 3. That this House regrets that notwithstanding the war the Government has continued its extravagant and wasteful expenditures in the building and furnishing of Government House, over $400,000 having been expended since the outbreak of the war, with a total cost to date of over $1,000,000; and this House is of the opinion that so expensive a Government House is out of harmony with the democratic spirit of the people of the Province. Negatived, 205. SUPPLY. 267 SUPPLY-Continued. 4. That in view of the finding of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commission that any of the processes now in use for refining nickel could be successfully worked in Ontario, and that conditions and facilities are at least as good in this Province as in any other part of Canada, and ‘there is reason to believe that the cost of refining in the International Nickel Company’s new plant at Port Colborne will be less than at their existing works in New Jersey;’ “And further referring to future wars, that “If the United States were to decide she needed for her own use the nickel now being refined there from Canadian ore . . . the result might well be a shortage of nickel, while the need was at its height; and a shortness of nickel might be a weakness sufficient to determine the issue of the war;” “And in further view of the finding of the Commission that the nickel ore deposits of Ontario are much more extensive and offer better facilities for the production of the nickel at a low cost than do those of any other country, and that when normal peace conditions are fully re- stored, the demand will be greater than it was before the war’; - “And in further view of the interest which the Government of the United States has taken in recent years in the Ontario nickel deposits, and of the financial interest they have recently acquired in one of our Cana- dian nickel companies; “This House is of the opinion that negotiations should be at once entered into by the Government of this Province with the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Dominion of Canada to secure united action to acquire the absolute control of the nickel mines and nickel product of the Province of Ontario; and that, in the meantime, the Government of Ontario should take proceedings to acquire, construct or otherwise secure the control of nickel refining plant in this Pro- vince where all nickel mined in this Province could be refined. 221. Negatived, 222. 1918. No Resolutions offered. 1919. 1. That the Accounts for the years 1913-14, 1914-15, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917. 18 and for the portion of the year 1918-19, down to the 28th day of February, 1919, relating to the License Branch of the Provincial Sec- retary’s Department, the enforcement of the Liquor License Act and the enforcement of the “Ontario Temperance Act,” and all matters relating to the administration of the “Ontario Temperance Act,” down to the present time, be referred to a Special Committee of this House, composed of Nine Members of the Legislative Assembly, five of whom shall be nominated by the Premier and four by the Leader of the Op- position, with instructions to enquire and report upon the same and upon all matters and things which relate thereto or effect the same and with power to send for and examine all necessary persons and papers in or concerning the premises and to examine witnesses on oath and with power to sit for such purposes during any adjournment of the House. 63. Negatived, 64. 268 SUPPLY SURROGATE. SUPPLY-Continued. 2. That this House disapproves of and protests against (1) the presentation to this House by the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of financial statements which do not fairly set forth the real character of the finan- cial transactions of the Government; (2) the extravagant and wasteful expenditure of public money by the Government, as illustrated by the annual expenditure on maintenance of the Government House, when important public services such as Education, Agriculture and Roads are in great need of further funds; (3) the concealment of specific and important items of current receipts in respect of any Department under the heading of “Casual Revenue,” as illustrated by the entries made of revenue from work done by tractors, sale of seed wheat and the Dominion grant for food production, in the statement of 1917-18; (4) the treatment of receipts from the disposal of capital assets, such as timber, as current receipts, while at the same time treating the pay- ments as on capital account when it is apparent from their nature they should be disbursed as payment out of current revenue; (5) the ex- orbitant cost of civil government at the present time. Negatived, 64-5. 1920. No Resolutions offered. First Session of U. F. O. Government. SURROGATE COURTS ACT: * 1. Bill (No. 166), introduced to amend (1914), 189. Second reading, 218. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signi- fied; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 226-7. House goes into Committee on, 237. Order for third reading discharged, 357. 2. Bill (No. 86), introduced to amend (1917), 50. Second reading, 9 House goes into Committee on, 109. Third reading, 212. R.A., 27 (7 Geo. W, c. 28.) 4. 3. 3. Bill (No. 102), introduced to amend (1918), 92. Second reading and re- ferred to Legal Committee, 107. Reported, 157. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 22.) 4. Bill (No. 75), introduced to amend (1919), 60. Second reading and re- ferred, 79. Reported, 135. Order discharged, 231. See below. 5. Bill (No. 96), introduced to amend (1919), 83. Second reading and --- referred, 106. Reported, 135. House goes into Committee on, 175. Order discharged, 231. See below. 6. Bill (No. 147), introduced to amend (1919), 128. Second reading and ferred, 156. Reported, 189. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 205. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 27.) 7. Bill (No. 161), introduced to amend (1920), 166. Second reading, 245. House goes into Committee on, 282, 311. Third reading, 312. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 33.) SURROGATE–SURVEYS. 269 SURROGATE COURTS ACT-Continued. 8. Bill (No. 165), introduced to amend (1920), 170. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 189. Reported, 228. House goes into Committee on, 245. Third reading, 259. See above. 9. Orders-in-Council presented, re fees to be paid to Judge Sutherland (1913), 44. (Sessional Papers No. 56.) Not printed. 10. Order-in-Council presented, under sub-sec. 6, of sec. 78 (1913), 292. (Ses- sional Papers No. 95.) Not printed. 11. Order-in-Council presented re payments in York and Simcoe (1914), 62. (Sessional Papers No. 61.) Not printed. 12. Order-in-Council presented (1915), 33. (Sessional Papers No. 55.) Not printed. 9 13. Orders-in-Council presented, under Cap. 72. R. S. O. (1916), 22. (Ses- sional Papers No. 6...) Not printed. 14. Orders-in-Council presented, authorizing payment to Junior Judge of Mid- dlesex (1917), 28. (Sessional Papers No. 68.) Not printed. 15. Orders-in-Council presented, under sections 78, 59 (1918), 186. (Ses- sional Papers No. 68.) Not printed. 16. Orders-in-Council presented (1920), 78, 53, 155. (Sessional Papers No. 40.) Not printed. SURWEYS ACT: 1. Bill (No. 68), introduced to amend (1913), 268. Second reading, 273. House goes into Committee on, 285, 298. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 33.) 2. Bill (No. 144), introduced to amend (1914), 142. Second reading, 172. House goes into Committe on, 187. Third reading, 292. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 27.) 3. Bill (No. 113), introduced to amend (1915), 104. Second reading, 123. House goes into Committee on, 133. Third reading, 239. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 29.) 4. Bill (No. 137), introduced to amend (1919), 120. Order for second read- ing discharged, 204. 5. Bill (No. 63), introduced to revise and amend the Act respecting (1920), 30. Second reading, 159. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 341. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 48.) 270 TACK–TECHNICAL. ACK COMBINE : 1. Return ordered, of information and proceedings before Police Magistrate of Toronto, with respect to members of, committed for trial, etc. (1913), 42. Presented, 154. (Sessional Papers No. 79.) Not printed. 2. Return ordered, of findings of Grand Jury, in re (1913), 230. Presented, 250. (Sessional Papers No. 92.) Not printed. 3. Question as to interview with Attorney Generál re discontinuation of pro- secution (1913), 157. See Combines. TAY TOWNSHIP AND PORT McNICOLL : Petition for Act respecting (1919), 24. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 39), intro- duced and referred, 83. Reported, 127. Second reading, 142. House goes into Committee oh, 174. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 108.) TAYLOR, ARCHIBALD: Return presented, to an Order of the House of the Session of 1917, of corres- pondence with Workmen’s Compensation Board and the personal rep- resentatives of (1918), 19. (Sessional Papers No. 6].) Not printed. See Workmen’s Compensation. } TAYLOR, SCOTT & CO.: 1. Return ordered, showing amount received by Government for work done by prisoners at Central Prison (1914), 43. Presented, 118. (Ses- sional Papers No. 68.) Not printed. & 2. Return ordered, of copy of evidence given before Penetanguishene Investi- gation Commission by Mr. Taylor, etc. (1914), 145. Presented, 188. (Sessional Papers No. 83.) Not printed. TAX REFORM: * Amendment as to, proposed to address in reply to Speech and Debate on ad- journed (1913), 15, 27, 28. Negatived, 30-1. TAXATION, EXEMPTION FR0M: Bill (No. 177), introduced respecting (1920), 183. Second reading and re- ferred to the Municipal Committee, 226. Reported, 274. House goes into Committee on, 328, 330, 342. Third reading, 342. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 64.) TECHNICAL EDUCATION: 1. Question re investigation by Dr. Merchant (1914), 185. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence, with reference to Report of Dominion Government Commission on, etc. (1916), 121. Presented, 249. (Ses- sional Papers No. 91.) Not printed. See Education. TELEPHONES.–TEMISKAMING. 271 TELEPHONES AND TELEPHONE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 70), introduced to amend the Ontario Telephone Act (1913), 238. Second reading, 273. House goes into Committee on, 296, 342. Third reading, 351. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 40.) 2. Bill (No. 195), introduced to amend the Act (1914), 313. Second read- ing, 328. House goes into Committee on, 358. Third reading, 358. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 32.) - 3. Bill (No. 140), introduced to amend (1916), 130. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 158. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 38.) 4. Bill (No. 41), introduced respecting (1918), 49. Second reading, 80. House goes into Committee on, 84. Third reading, 166. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 31.) 5. Question as to visit of Mr. Lucas to Great Britain, to look into question of public ownership and operation of (1913), 274. 6. Question as to visit of Provincial Treasurer to Europe re Public ownership of (1914), 21. 7. Motion regretting that the Treasurer has not submitted to Legislature a report of the result of investigations in Great Britain, etc., amendment proposed and Debate on adjourned (1914), 179-80. Debate resumed and amendment carried, 185-6. & 8. Telephone systems presented (1915), 263. (Sessional Papers No. 76.) Printed. 9. Statistical information in re ordered to be printed (1918), 172. (Ses- sional Papers No. 81.) 10. Petitions respecting the assessment of Telephone Companies by municipali- ties (1917), 47, 52, 64. See Ontario Telephone Act. TEMISKAMING AND COCHRANE, DISTRICTS OF: Question as to quantity of arable land, and how much taken up, etc. (1916), 153. TEMISKAMING, JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF: *- 1. Bill (No. 130), introduced to amend the Act to create (1913), 36. Sec- ond reading, 50. House goes into Committee on, 52, 138. Third read- ing, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 22.) 2. Question as to bringing into force of Cap. 21, 2 Geo. V., (1913), 23. See Statute Law Amendment Act. TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY: 1. Bill (No. 137), introduced to amend the Act (1913), 57. Second reading negatived, 203. * 272 TEMISKAMING. TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY-Continued. 2. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Bill (No. 79), introduced to amend the Act relating to (1914), 41. Sec- ond reading negatived, 100. . Bill (No. 103), introduced to amend the Act (1917), 73. Second reading negatived, 149. . Bill (No. 178), introduced to provide for the extension of, to James Bay (1920), 183. Second reading, 226. House goes into Committee on, 237. Third reading, 259. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 17.) . Reports of Commission presented (1913), 137; (1914), 118; (1915), 84; (1916), 90; (1917), 259; (1918), 171; (1919), 171; (1920), 346. Printed. . Question as to what mines, or mining companies, are under obligation to pay special royalties (1913), 36. Question as to extension of to James Bay (1913), 107. . Question as to employment of one Ferguson (1913), 147. Question as to employment of W. I. Johnston (1913), 147. Question as to settlement made with McCaffrey for work on Elk Lake Branch (1913), 148. Question as to employment of one Angus in Engineer’s office (1913), 148. Question as to ownership of Hughes Block at Cochrane (1913), 234. . Question as to what, extensions under construction, etc. (1913), 235. Return ordered, of copy of telegram from Rowlandson, re Elk Lake branch (1913), 48. Presented, 48. (Sessional Papers No. 58.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing number of passes issued by (1913), 77. Pre- sented, 243. (Sessional Papers No. 89.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing all lands owned by, etc. (1913), 79. Presented, 124. (Sessional Papers No. 73.) Not printed. Return ordered, of correspondence relative to appointment of W. I. John- ston (1913), 133. Presented, 167. (Sessional Papers No. 81.) Not printed. Return ordered, of copy of Order-in-Council reducing royalty payable by Right of Way Mining Co., etc. (1913), 196. Presented, 397. (Ses- sional Papers No. 110.) Not printed. Motion that Commission be instructed to prepare for publication in Public Accounts, of current year, a detailed statement of receipts and expen- ditures; superseded by amendment (1913), 321-3. TEMISKAMING. 273 TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY—Continued. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Motion that Commission should be requested to investigate and report re building of the Lake Huron and N. O. Railway (1913), 348. Expenditures and Financial Statements of, referred to Committee on Public Accounts (1914), 287, 293. Mining Engineer Coles report presented (1914), 389. (Sessional Papers No. 88.) Printed. Question as to total capital cost of, Elk Lake Branch, etc. (1914), 36. Question as to compliance with Resolution of House re statement of ex- penditure (1914), 65. Question as to privilege to cut timber at Mileage 79% (1914), 144. Question as to Capital Expenditure on ; amount, etc. (1914), 151. Return ordered, relative to statement of receipts and expenditures, etc. (1914), 152. Not brought down. Return ordered, showing Passes issued over (1914), 272. Not brought down. - Return ordered, showing quantity of settlers’ effects delivered over (1914), 272. Presented, 354. (Sessional Papers No. 100.) Not printed. Question as to date of receipt of Subsidy from Dominion Government (1915), 136. Question as to intention of Government to make any expenditure on Cap- ital Account of (1915), 178. Return ordered, of copy of Order-in-Council, in reference to the retirement of F. Dane and the appointment of Mr. Lee (1915), 99. Presented, 153. (Sessional Papers No. 65.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing how many dining-cars purchased by and in use (1915), 179. Presented (1916), 22. (Sessional Papers No. 65.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing with what Insurance Companies, Commission placed its insurance, etc. (1915), 179. Presented (1916), 22. (Ses- sional Papers No. 66.) Not printed. Question as to duties, total salaries, etc. (1916), 123. Motion that Estimates and Expenditures of, should be submitted to Legis- lature for consideration; withdrawn (1916), 139. 274 TEMISKAMING—THEATRES. TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY—Continued. 37. Return ordered, as to quotation by, of shipment of 6,000 tons of fabricated steel (1916), 162: Presented, 250. (Sessional Papers No. 92.) Not printed. 38. Return ordered, showing if any special rate quoted, not authorized by - tariff, and to what shipper (1916), 220. Presented (1918), 28. (Ses- sional Papers No. 60.) Not printed. 39. Return ordered, showing town sites established by ; those sold, etc. (1917), 22. Presented, 137. (Sessional Papers No. 71.) Not printed. 40. Return ordered, showing tenders received for lots advertised by G. H. Lee in “North Bay Times” (1917), 119. Presented, 263. (Sessional Pap- ers No. 87.) Not printed. 41. Question as to amount of rental paid by or charged to, for 1914 and 1915, for use of offices, and what rental paid now (1917), 86. 42. Resolutions put through and referred to the Statute Law Amendment Act (1917), 256-7. 43. Question as to resignation of chairman (1920), 31. 44. Motion re extension westerly, from North Bay to Parry Sound and Debate on, adjourned (1920), 89. Debate resumed and motion withdrawn, 129. 45. Resolution as to extension of, from Cochrane to Moose Factory (1920), 114-15. h TERRITORIAL DISTRICTS : Bill (No. 113), introduced respecting the erection of Court Houses in (1913), 17. Second reading, 23. House goes into Committee on, 43. Third reading, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 82.) TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS ACT: Bill (No. 183), introduced to amend (1914), 265. Second reading, 282. House goes into Committee on, 294, 382. Third reading, 282. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 3.) TEXT BOOKS: Question as to subvention to publishers of (1920), 187. See Education. THEATRES AND CINEMATOGRAPHS ACT: - 1. Bill (No. 155), introduced to amend (1916), 150. Order for second read- ing discharged, 163. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 2. Bill (No. 127), introduced to amend (1919), 115. Second reading; House goes into Committee on, 143-4. Third reading, 190. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 66.) THISTLE-TILE. 275 THISTLE AND McWILLIAMS, TOWNSHIP OF:—See Timber. THORNCLIFFE PARK RACING AND BREEDING ASSOCIATION: Return ordered, showing date of incorporation, etc. (1917), 258. (Mol brought down.) THORNE, L. E. C.:-See Privileges and Elections. Proudfoot, William. THORNLOE, WILLAGE OF; Petition for Act of incorporation (1916), 16. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 4), introduced and referred, 31. Reported, 84. Second reading, 93. House goes into Committee on, 103. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 95.) THOROLD, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 19), intro. duced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 53. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 100. Reported, 126. Sec- ond reading, 142. House goes into Committee on, 174. Third reading, 202. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 109.) TICKET SEPECULATION: Bill (No. 135), introduced for the better prevention of (1914), 136. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 178. Reported, 313. House goes into Committee on, 352. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 39.) - TILE DRAINAGE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 184), introduced to amend (1913), 161. Second reading, and referred to the Municipal Committee, 178. Reported, 233. House goes into Committee on, 249. Third reading, 253. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. W, c. 17.) 2. Bill (No. 176), introduced to amend (1914), 265. Second reading, 282. House goes into Committee on, 294, 382. Third reading, 382. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 18.) * . Bill (No. 144), introduced to amend (1916), 131. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Com- mittee and referred to Bill, 134. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 23.) 4. Bill (No. 124), introduced to amend (1917), 92. Second reading, 110. House goes into Committee on, 120. Resolutions introduced; Lieuten- ant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 167-8. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 24.) . Bill (No. 80), introduced to amend (1920), 48. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 129. Reported, 148. House goes into Committee on, 164. Third reading, 167. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. v., c. 26.) 6. Petitions respecting (1917), 36, 114. 3 5 276 TILLEY_TIMBER. TILLEY, JOHNSTON & CO.: 1. Question as to payment to, re legal services in connection with Referendum Act (1920), 76. 2. Question as to payment to, relegal services Nieu Steel Corporation (1920), 127. TIMAGAMI LAKE : 1. Question as to diversion of water of, into the Montreal River (1913), 183. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence respecting, etc. (1913), 192. Presented, 351. (Sessional Papers No. 107.) Not printed. TIMBER AND TIMBER LIMITS : 1. Bill (No. 86), introduced respecting Joint Stock Companies for the con- struction of works to facilitate transmission of timber down rivers and streams (1913), 101. Second reading, 159. House goes into Commit- tee on, 176. Third reading, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 34.) 2. Bill (No. 89), introduced respecting on Public Lands (1913), 102. Sec- ond reading, 159. House goes into Committee on, 176, 298. Third reading; amendment negatived, 370-1. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 8.) 3. Bill (No. 147), introduced respecting the purchase of the Pembroke Lum- ber Company Rights (1914), 143. Resolutions introduced; Lieuten- ant-Governor’s recommendation signified. Amendment proposed and negatived, 175. Passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 175. House goes into Committee on, 225. Third reading; amendment nega- tived, 360. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 13.) 4. Question as to reports, or information, prior to agreement with Jackson, et al., as to value and extent of, on lands sold to (1913), 21. 5. Question re payment of purchase money under agreement with Jackson, etc. (1913), 61. 6. Question as to quantity of, in townships of Haggart and Kendry (1913), 87. 7. Return presented, showing quantity cut at or near mileage 81 on T. & N. O. R., during the seasons 1907-8 to 1910-11, by the North Land Mining Co., Limited; price, etc. (1913), 32. (Sessional Papers No. 52.) Not printed. 8. Returns presented, showing number of cullers employed (1913), 65. (Ses- sional Papers No. 62.) Not printed. 9. Return presented, of correspondence respecting quantity cut by the Munn Lumber Co., in season of 1909-10 to 1911-12; amount received for dues, etc. (1913), 64. (Sessional Papers No. 61.) Not printed. TIMBER—TIME. 277 TIMBER AND TIMBER LIMITS-Continued. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Return ordered, of copy of agreement, between the Crown and W. K. Jackson, et al., for sale of townships of Kendry and Haggart, reports on land or timber, etc. (1913), 196. (Not brought down.) Return ordered, of copies of reports upon, in Algonquin Park, covered by certain agreements (1913), 222. Presented, 250. (Sessional Papers No. 91.) Not printed. Motion that Director of Forestry should report upon, on route of Lake Huron and N. O. Railway; negatived (1913), 348. Return ordered, showing what limits, or areas, sold by Government since January 1st, 1913; total area; price, etc. (1914), 38. Presented, 104. (Sessional Papers No. 65.) Not printed. ~. Return ordered, showing what consideration paid to Government by Pem- Lumber Co’y., to cut, etc. (1914), 362. Presented (1915), 265. (Ses- sional Papers No. 80.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing if Government granted right to cut, to Foley Bros. or Northern Construction Co’y., etc. (1914), 363. Presented (1915), 263. (Sessional Papers No. 77.) Not printed. Question as to pine sold at Emerald Lake on Timigami Reserve (1914), 61. Question as to privilege to cut, granted to Black & Weegar (1914), 144. Question as to date upon which Government decided to sell, in Townships of Thistle and McWilliams (1914), 362. Motion proposed and negatived, that Deputy Minister attend before Public Accounts Committee and produce quantity and valuation of, in Town- ships of Thistle and McWilliams (1914), 309. Question as to amount of dues past due and unpaid (1915), 136. Question as to total cut in 1912-13-14 (1915), 179. Return ordered, showing how many berths sold since January 1st, 1914, etc. (1915), 138. Presented, 264. (Sessional Papers No. 75.) Not printed. Return ordered, showing amount of, cut by Shevlin-Clarke Lumber Co., in District of Rainy River, etc. (1919), 222. Not brought down. Order-in-Council presented, relating to preservation of (1920), 71. (Ses- sional Papers No. 67.) Not printed. TIME DEFINITION ACT: - Bill (No. 88), introduced to amend (1918), 63. Second reading and re- ferred to the Legal Committee, 85. Reported with certain amend- ments to be embodied in Statute Law Amendment Act, 157. See Stat- wte Law Amendment Act. 278 TOLL TORONTO. TOLL ROADS ACT: Bill (No. 122), introduced to amend (1919), 111. Second reading and re- ferred, 143. Reported, 190. House goes into Committee on; third reading, 205. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 58.) TORONTO ART GALLERY: Bill (No. 247), introduced to confirm an agreement between, and the Council of the Ontario Council of Art (1920), 295. Second reading, 331. House goes into Committee on, 345. Third reading, 362. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 105.) TORONTO, BARRIE AND ORILLIA RAILWAY COMPANY: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 78. Reported, 120. Bill (No. 68), introduced and referred, 122. Reported, 174. Second reading, 186. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 126.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 34. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 40), introduced and referred, 80. Reported, 211. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 241. Third reading, 241. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W, c. 83.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 46. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 52), in- troduced and referred, 104. Reported, preamble not proven; fees re- mitted, 172. TORONTO, BOYS' HOME: Petition for Act to amend Act of incorporation (1913), 110. Reported, 200. Bill (No. 59), introduced and referred, 201. Reported; fees remitted, 293. Second reading, 310. House goes into Committee on, 319. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 143.) TORONT0, CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 11), intro- duced and referred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 36. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 40. Reported; fees re- mitted, 72. Second reading, 81. House goes into Committee on, 84. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 93.) TORONTO, CITY OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 46. Reported, 160. Petition re St. Patrick’s Market property, 138. Bill (No. 35), introduced and re- ferred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, as to Section No. 1, 161. Re- ported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 181. Reported, 244. Second reading, 272. House goes into Committee on, 290. Third reading, 294. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 124.) 2. Bill (No. 212), introduced respecting (1913), 317. Second reading, 318. Referred to Private Bills Committee, 351. Reported, 359. House goes into Committee on, 363. Third reading, 363. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 125.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. TORONTO. 279 TORONTO, CITY OF-Continued. 3. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 40. Reported, 82. Bill (No. 45), in- troduced and referred, 83. Reported, 234. Second reading, 257. House goes into Committee on, 352. Third reading, 365. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. W, c. 98.) 4. Petition respecting the Street Car Service upon Queen Street East (1914), 69. Reported, 82. Bill (No. 65), introduced and referred, 83. Re- ported, 162. Second reading, 186. House goes into Committee on, 223. Third reading, 285. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 100.) 5. Petition for Act relating to purchase of Lombard Street land (1914), 222. Bill (No 170), introduced and referred, 222. Reported, 264. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 329. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 99.) 6. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 24. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 43), in- troduced and referred, 37. Reported, 93. Second reading, 98. House goes into Committee on, 142, 176. Third reading, 176. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 76.) See Toronto Suburban. -- 7. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 16. Reported, 46. Bill (No. 46), in- troduced and referred, 49. Reported, 149. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 96.) - 8. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 64. Reported, 98. Bill (No. 59), in- troduced and referred, 99. Reported, 160. Second reading, 167. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 236. See above, 7. 9. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 17), in- troduced and referred, 60. Reported, 185. Second reading, 199. House goes into Committee on, 149. Third reading, 249. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 92.) 10. Petition for Act respecting (1918), 13. Reported, 61. Bill (No. 9), in- troduced and referred, 63. Reported, 157. Second reading, 172. House goes into Committee on, 172. Third reading, 173. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 84.) 11. Petition for Act to penalize the Toronto Street Railway Company (1918), 13. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 21), introduced and referred, 83. No report. See Railway Act. 12. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Feported, 41. Bill (No. 5), in- troduced and referred, 43. Reported, 189. Second reading, 202. House goes into Committee on, 203. Third reading, 203. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 110.) 13. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 20. Reported, 51. Bill (No. 25), in- troduced and referred, 53. Reported, 189. Second reading, 203. House goes into Committee on, 203. Third reading, 203. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 111.) 280 TORONTO. ToRoNTo, CITY OF–Continued. * 14. Petition for Act respecting, and the Transportation Commission (1920), 29. Bill (No. 7), introduced and referred, 46. Reported, 280. Sec- ond reading, 307. House goes into Committee on, 317. Third reading, 327. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 144.) 15. Petition to authorize the Corporation to erect dwelling houses (1920), 29. Reported, 62. Bill (No. 8), introduced and referred, 62. Reported, 131. Second reading, 141. House goes into Committee on, 151. Third reading, 162. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 145.) 16. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 82. Reported, 134. Bill (No. 108), introduced and referred, 134. No report. 17. Question as to who are License Commissioners for (1914), 322. 18. Return ordered, of names and addresses of Coroners in (1918), 112. Not brought down. - TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC:-see Toronto University. TORONTO GAOL FARM: Question as to system of Parole in operation at (1920), 79. TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL : Bill (No. 114), introduced respecting (1913), 12. Second reading, 18. House goes into Committee on, 42, 297. Third reading, 341. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 84.) TORONTO AND HAMILTON HIGHWAY COMMISSION: 1. Bill (No. 71), introduced respecting (1915), 19. Second reading and re- ferred to a Select Committee, 39. Resolutions introduced. Lieuten- ant-Governors’ recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 49-52. Reported, 103. House goes into Commit- - tee on, 133, 152. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 18.) 2. Bill (No. 174), introduced to amend (1916), 186. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Com- mittee and referred to Bill, 189. Second reading and referred to a Select Committee, 211. Reported, 214. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 239. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 16.) 3. Bill (No. 161), introduced to amend (1917), 193. Second reading, 219. House goes into Committee on, 242. Third reading, 243. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 19.) * 4. Bill (No. 43), introduced to amend (1918), 37. Second reading, 67. House goes into Committee on, 102, 183. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 18.) 5. Bill (No. 157), introduced to amend (1919), 165. Second reading; House goes into Committee on; third reading, 198. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 20.) 4, TORONTO. 281 ToRoNTO AND HAMILTON HIGHWAY COMMISSION.—Continued. 6. Bill (No. 243), introduced to amend (1920), 290. Second reading, 331. House goes into Committee on, 345. Third reading, 362. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 18.) 7. Question as to amount paid on account of (1916), 38. 8. Question as to total cost of Highway (1919), 113. 9. Resolution that it be replaced by a temporary Commission (1920), 373. TORONTO HARBOUR COMMISSION: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 29. Fees remitted, 125. Not proceeded with. TORONTO, HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 23. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 18), introduced and referred, 36. Reported; fees remitted, 58. Second reading, 73. House goes into Committee on, 81. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 89.) 2. Petition for Act respecting, and the Estate of John Ross Robertson, de- ceased (1919), 20. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 34), introduced and re- ferred to the Commissioners of Estate Bills, 45. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 49-50. Reported; fees remitted, 58. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 121.) TORONT0, INCORPORATED SYNoD OF DIOCESE OF: Petition respecting vestry meetings (1917), 47. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 5), introduced and referred, 59. Reported; fees remitted, 68, 81. Second reading, 76. House goes into Committee on, 106. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 101.) TORONTO MUNICIPAL LOAN ASSOCIATION: Petition for Act of incorporation (1915), 24. Reported, 34. Bill (No. 1), introduced and referred, 35. Reported; fees remitted, 58. Second reading, 73. House goes into Committee on, 81. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 87.) TORONT0, NIAGARA FALLS HYDRO-RADIAL: Return ordered, of correspondence and Orders-in-Council, approving of agree- ment for construction of (1917), 127. (Not brought down.) TORONTO AND NIAGARA POWER COMPANY: Question as to decision of Judicial Committee of Privy Council in case of, vs. Town of North Toronto (1913), 47. TORONTO PROTESTANT ORPHANS” HOME: Petition for Act respecting (1915), 25. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 57), intro- duced and referred, 37. Reported; fees remitted, 58. Second reading, 73. House goes into Committee on, 98. Third reading, 154. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 90.) 282 TORONTO. TORONT0 RAILWAY COMPANY:—See Toronto Surburan Railway Company, 2. TORONTO, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH: ,” Petition for Act to vest certain lands in (1914), 95. Reported, 161. Bill (No. 97), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 163. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 209. Re- ported; fees remitted, 263. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 329. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 138.) TORONTO SUBURBAN RAILWAY COMPANY : 1. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 34. Reported, 87. Bill (No. 49), introduced and referred, 89. Reported, 193. Second reading, 208. House goes into Committee on, 219. Third reading, 219. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 84.) 2. Petition for Act respecting and to compel the Toronto Railway Company to give extensions contracted for (1915), 25. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 56), introduced and referred, 80. No report. See Toronto, City of. 3. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 26), in- troduced and referred, 60. Reported preamble not proven; fees remit- ted, 172. TORONTO, SYNOD OF DIOCESE OF: Petition for Act respecting (1916), 17. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 42), intro- duced and referred, 67. Reported; fees remitted, 106. Second read- ing, 116. House goes into Committee on, 125. Third reading, 179. R.A. 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 115.) TORONTO UNIVERSITY: - 1. Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend the University Act (1913), 46. Sec- ond reading, 52. House goes into Committee on, 59, 157. Third read- ing, 364. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 74.) 2. Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend the Act (1914), 115. Order for Second reading discharged, 148. 3. Bill (No. 134), introduced to amend (1916), 123. Second reading, 146. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 63.) 4. Bill (No. 143), introduced to provide for the payment of an Annuity to (1918), 156. Resolution introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recom- mendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 143-4. Second reading, 167. House goes into Committee on, 177. Third reading, 177. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 53.) 5. Bill (No. 154), introduced to confirm an agreement between Toronto Con- servatory of Music and (1919), 165. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 194. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 79.) TORONTO TRADES. 283 ToRONTO UNIVERSITY-Continued. 6. Reports presented (1913), 31; (1914), 104; (1915), 33; (1916), 9; (1917), 28; (1918), 8; (1919), 15; (1920), 35. Printed. 7. Return ordered, showing if there was a deficit in financial operations, etc. (1914), 145. Presented, 180. (Sessional Papers No. 81.) Not printed. 8. Return ordered, showing cost of heating plant for the, etc. (1914), 151. Presented, 173. (Sessional Papers No. 78.) Not printed. 9. Motion to amend resolution of supply re Control of finances of (1914), 348. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 10. Question as to certain remarks made by member of staff (1920), 86. TORONTO WESTERN HOSPITAL: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 7), intro- duced and referred, 34. Reported; fees remitted, 301. Second read- ing, 328. House goes into Committee on, 351. Third reading, 351. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 135.) TORONTO AND YORK RADIAL RAILWAY : 1. Petition for Act respecting (1913), 82. Reported, 128. Bill (No. 22), introduced and referred, 129. Reported, 270. Recommitted, 291. Reported, 316. Second reading, 338. House goes into Committee on, 353. Third reading, 365. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V. c. 138.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 41. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 47), in- troduced and referred, 80. Reported; preamble not proven; fees re- mitted, 211. TORRENS SYSTEM :-See Land Titles. TOWNSHIPS, FIRES IN: Bill (No. 112), introduced to provide means for extinguishing (1913), 27. Second reading, 44. House goes into Committee on, 49. Third read- ing, 207. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 65.) See Forests. TOWNSHIP ROADS: Bill (No. 182), introduced to provide for the construction of, by local assess- ment (1916), 249. Ordered to be printed for distribution and consid- eration, 249. TRACTION ENGINES : Bill (No. 156), introduced to authorize and regulate the use of, on high- ways (1920), 157. Second reading and referred to Municipal Com- mittee, 200. No report. TRADES AND LABOUR BRANCH: 1. Bill (No. 60), introduced (1916), 9. Second reading, 38. House goes into Committee on, 82. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 13.) 284. TRADES TRUSTEE. TRADES AND LABoup BRANCH-Continued. 2. Bill (No. 62), introduced to amend (1917), 54. Second reading, 94. House goes into Committee on, 107, 108. Third reading, 212. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 15.) 3. Reports presented (1918), 94; (1919), 171; (1920), 346. Printed. TRAVELLING SHOWS ACT:—See Statute Law Amendment Act (1914). TREATING HABIT: Amendment proposed to motion for Address to Lieutenant-Governor (1914), 23-4. See Bar. TREES : Bill (No. 97), introduced to encourage the planting and growing of (1913), 13. Second reading, 19. House goes into Committee on, 43. Third reading, 363. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 53.) TREES AND OBSTRUCTIONS:-See Public Highways. TRENTON, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to confirm a certain agreement and By-law (1914), 19. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 12), introduced and referred, 82. Reported, 234. Second reading, 257. House goes into Committee on, 266. Third reading, 286. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 101.) 2. Petition for Act to confirm a certain agreement and By-law (1914), 109. Reported, 220. Bill (No. 108), introduced and referred, 221. Re- ported, 280. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 306. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 102.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 47. Reported, 59. Bill (No. 46), introduced and referred, 81. Reported, 115. Second reading, 140. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 93.) TROTTER, NORMAN: Question as to grant to, of fishing license and territory covered (1913), 238. TRUANCY ACT: Bill (No. 112), introduced to amend (1918), 100. Second reading negatived, 181. TRUSTEE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 87), introduced to amend (1916), 68. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 101. Reported, 171. House goes into Committee on, 191. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 28.) 2. Bill (No. 142), introduced to amend (1919), 121. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 204. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. W, c. 31.) * } *- TRUSTS UNEMPLOYMENT. 285 TRUSTS: Bill (No. 102), introduced to facilitate the execution of, during the War (1916), 99. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 129. Reported, 206. House goes into Committee on, 218. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 29.) TUCKETT, GEORGE ELIAS: Petition for Act relating to Estate of (1918), 13. Reported, 33. Bill (No. 13), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 34. Reported and referred to Private Bills Committee, 59-60. Reported, 91. Second reading, 96. House goes into Committee on, 114. Third reading, 127. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 87.) TUCKETT, GEORGE THOMAS: - Petition for Act respecting the Estate of (1915), 41. Reported, 57. Bill No. 61), introduced and referred to Commissioners of Estate Bills, 61. Reported and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 85, 106. Re- ported, 130. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 99.) NDERGROUND EMPLOYMENT: 1. Bill (No. 83), introduced to amend the Mining Act in respect to hours of (1913), 168. Second reading, 256. House goes into Committee on, 292, 340. Third reading, 342. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 10.) 2. Report of S. Price presented, re limitation of hours (1913), 174. (Ses- sional Papers, No. 82.) Printed. UNDERWRITERS’ ASSOCIATIONS: Resolution that enquiry should be made into control exercised by, and for appointment of Commission (1916), 158. UNEMPLOYMENT: -—- 1. Amendment proposed for motion for Address to Lieutenant-Governor in re (1914), 14. Negatived, 22. 2 . Motion in re proposed and declared out of order by Mr. Speaker (1914), 169-70. 3 . Questions as to publication and mailing of an address of Provincial Secretary (1915), 74, 134. 4 . Return ordered, showing how much of the 32,000 acres, being cleared in the vicinity of Sudbury, is to be set apart to give work to (1915), 27. Presented, 85. (Sessional Papers, No. 59.) Not printed. 5. Return ordered, of copies of petitions, Orders-in-Council, etc., in reference to condition of; action taken, etc. (1915), 82. Presented (1916), 9. (Sessional Papers, No. 57.) Not printed. 286 |UNEMPLOYMENT—URSULINE. ºr- |UNEMPLOYMENT—Continued. 6. Return ordered, of copies of correspondence, with reference to carrying out recommendations of Commission (1916), 154. (Not brought down.) 7. Report of Commission presented (1916), 9. (Sessional Papers, No. 55.) Printed. UNION STOCK YARDS: Question as to when charter granted to (1918), 74. UNITED WORKMEN, ANCIENT ORDER OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 23. Reported, 30. Bill (No. 53), introduced and referred, 36. Reported with recommendation that Report of Sub-Committee be printed for distribution, 205. Second reading, 216. House goes into Committee on, 232. Third reading, 239. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 106.) 2. Petitions praying repeal of 6 Geo. V, cap. 106 (1917), 23, 47. UNIVERSITY ACT: Bill (No. 115), introduced to amend (1914), 115. Order for second reading discharged, 148. See Statute Law Amendment Act. Toronto University. UPPER CANADA COLLEGE ACT: 1. Bill (No. 128), introduced to amend (1918), 105. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 45. Reported, 157. House goes into Committee on, 180. Third reading, 180. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V, c. 54.) 2. Bill (No. 152), introduced to amend (1919), 155. Second reading, 176. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 225. R.A., 243, (9 Geo. W, c. 80.) UPPER CANADA RELIGIOUS TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY: Petition for Act respecting (1913), 66. Reported, 160. Bill (No. 44), introduced and referred, 161. Reported; fees remitted, 190. Second reading, 202. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 220. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 144.) URBAN MUNICIPALITIES : 1. Bill (No. 127), introduced respecting surveys and plans of land in (1917), 96. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 156, 239. Third Reading, 239. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 44.) 2. Bill (No. 98), introduced respecting Surveys and Plans in or near (1918), 84. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 146. Third reading, 183. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. W, c. 38.) URSULINE ACADEMY:—See Chatham. VACANT—VENEREAL. 287 AC.W. NT LAND: 1. Bill (No. 144), introduced respecting the cultivation of (1918), 126. Second reading, 144. House goes into Committee on, 154. Third reading, 184. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 39.) 2. Bill (No. 56), introduced to amend (1919), 40. Second reading, 48. House goes into Committee on, 56, 172. Third reading, 172. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 56.) 3. Bill (No. 135), introduced respecting the cultivation of (1920), 126. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 141. Re- ported, 182. House goes into Committee on, 188. Third reading, 192. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 66.) WACCINATION TRUTHS: Question as to cost of advertising, under heading of (1920), 136. WANHORNE, LORNE E.: Questions as to length of residence at Cochrane, etc. (1920), 114, 188. WEGETABLE GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION: Report presented (1913), 334; (1914), 279; (1915), 262; (1916), 204; (1917), 261; (1918), 98; (1919), 147; (1920), 190. Printed. WEHICLES ON HIGHWAYS : 1. Bill (No. 76), introduced to regulate the loads of (1916), 49. Second reading, and referred to the Municipal Committee, 94. Reported, 178. House goes into Committee on, 233. Third reading, 236. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 49.) See Highways. 2. Bill (No. 100), introduced to regulate the load of operated on highways (1920), 60. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Com- mittee, 117. Reported, 213. House goes into Committee on, 246. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 75.) WENEREAL DISEASE: * 1. Bill (No. 40), introduced for the prevention of (1918), 52. Second reading and referred to a Select Committee, 85. Reported, 109. House goes into Committee on, 137, 168. Third reading, 168. R.A., 191. (8 Geo. V., c. 42.) 2. Interim Report on, presented (1918), 86. (Sessional Papers, No. 7].) Printed. 3 . Report presented (1919), 15. (Sessional Papers, No. 58.) Printed. 4 . Report of Board of Health presented (1919), 65. (Sessional Papers, No. 66.) Not printed. 5 . Regulations of Board of Health presented (1920), 176. (Sessional Papers, No. 81.) Printed. 288 WENEREAL–WOTERS’. WENEREAL DISEASES PREVENTION ACT: * Bill (No. 132), introduced to amend (1920), 122. Second reading, 159. House goes into Committee on, 164. Third reading, 215. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 82.) * WESSEL OWNERS: Question as to prosecution for violation of Liquor Law (1913), 150. WETERANS’ LAND GRANT: Bill (No. 180), introduced to amend (1920), 183. Second reading, 329. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 363. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 15.) WE'I'ERINARY COLLEGE : Report presented (1913), 333; (1914), 324; (1915), 262; (1916), 249; (1917), 261; (1918), 97; (1919), 220; (1920), 197. Printed. WETERINARY COLLEGE ACT: Bill (No. 133), introduced to amend (1919), 120. Second reading, 157. House goes into Committee on, 183. Third reading, 229. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 81.) * WETERINARY SCIENCE: Bill (No. 84), respecting the practice of (1920), 48. Second reading and referred to Committee on Agriculture and Colonization, 116. Re- ported, 134. House goes into Committee on, 174, 184. Third read- ing, 184. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 51.) WICTORIA ROLLING STOCK COMPANY OF ONTARIO: Petition for Act to amend Act of incorporation (1920), 40. Reported, 124. Bill (No. 55), introduced and referred, 126. Reported, 204. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 234. Third reading, 258. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 160.) WICTORIA UNIVERSITY: Petition for Act to consolidate and amend Acts relating to (1915), 56. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 51), introduced and referred, 80. Reported; fees remitted, 96. Second reading, 105. House goes into Committee. on, 109. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 91.) WINELAND EXPERIMENT STATION: Reports presented (1917), 62; (1918), 98; (1919), 236; (1920), 197. Printed. WOTERS’ LISTS ACT: i 1. Bill (No. 153), introduced to amend (1913), 84. Order for second reading discharged, 217. 2. Bill (No. 170), introduced to amend (1913), 116. Order for second reading discharged, 217. VOTERS’—WAGES. • 289 *— wº- VOTERS’ LISTS ACT-Continued. 3. Bill (No. 174), introduced to amend (1913), 130. Order for second reading discharged, 204. 4. Bill (No. 185), introduced to amend (1913), 162. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 229. No report. 5. Bill (No. 67), introduced to amend (1913), 238. Second reading, 284. House goes into Committee on, 292, 311. Third reading; amendment negatived, 372. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 4.) 6. Hill (No. 71), introduced to amend (1914), 15. Order for second reading discharged, 170. 7. Bill (No. 101), introduced to amend (1914), 83. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 112. 8. Bill (No. 103), introduced to amend (1914), 84. Second reading and referred to Municipal Committee, 157. See Election Law. 9. Bill (No. 68), introduced to amend (1916), 63. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 72. Reported, 182. House goes into Committee on, 208. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 5.) 10. Bill (No. 94), introduced to amend (1916), 85. Order for second reading discharged, 248. 11. Bill (No. 125), introduced to amend (1917), 96. Second reading and referred to Legal Committee, 140. Reported, 160. House goes into Committee on, 196. Third reading, 253. Provisions embodied in Bill No. 172. See below. 12. Bill (No. 172), introduced to amend (1917), 235. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 258. R.A., 2^3. (7 Geo. V., c. 4.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. 13. Bill (No. 72), introduced to amend (1919), 58. Order for second reading discharged, 107. 14. Bill (No. 153), introduced to amend (1919), 155. Order for second reading discharged, 204. See Ontario Election Act. AGES ACT: 1. Bill (No. 174), introduced to amend (1914), 235. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 267. 2. Bill (No. 62), introduced to amend (1920), 30. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 80. 10 p.s. 290. WAGES-WALKERVILLE. WAGES ACT-Continued. - 3. Bill (No. 196), introduced to amend (1920), 201. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 261. Reported, 295; House goes into Committee on, 331, 342. Third reading, 342. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 42.) WAGONS: Bill (No. 132), introduced regulating width of tires of and other vehicles (1913), 50. Order for second reading discharged, 124. WALDRON, R.: Question as to identity of, in connection with Mercer Reformatory (1920), 87. WALKER, A. H.: 1. Question as to engagement of, at Almonte High School (1914), 143. 2. Return ordered, of correspondence with Board of Trustees of Almonte High School as to engagement of, etc. (1914), 272. Presented, 389. (Sessional Papers, No. 103.) Not printed. WALKER AND CLERGUE, TOWNSHIPS: - 1. Question as to contract with Clemens and Fraser, to clear lots in (1913), 220. 2. Question as to non-performance of contract (1913), 254. WALKERTON, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to consolidate the general debenture and floating debt of (1915), 26. Reported, 102. Bill (No. 58), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 103. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 201. Reported, 210. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 229. Third reading, 229. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 77.) - 2. Petition for Act respecting (1916), 17. Reported, 91. Bill (No. 28), introduced and referred, 92. Reported, 118. Second reading, 125. House goes into Committee on, 127. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. W, c. 97.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 21. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 8), introduced and referred, 44. Reported, 57. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Recommitted, 107. Reported, 110. Third reading, 201. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 112.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 28. Reported, 42. Bill (No. 40), introduced and referred, 45. Reported, 58. Second reading, 61. House goes into Committee on, 67. Third reading, 173. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 113.) WALKERVILLE, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 29. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 34), intro- duced and referred, 47. Reported, 253. Second reading, 261. House goes into Committee on, 308. Third reading, 311. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 146.) WALLACEBURG–WAR. 291 WALLACEBURG, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to ratify certain By-laws (1913), 227. Reported, 232. Bill (No. 65), introduced and referred, 252. Reported, 270. Second reading, 284. House goes into Committee on, 305. Third reading, 319. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V, c. 126.) 2. Petition for Act to confirm a certain By-law (1914), 46. Reported, 82. Bill (No. 56), introduced and referred, 221. Reported, 264. Second reading, 300. House goes into Committee on, 329. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, c. 103.) 3. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 84. Bill (No. 33), introduced and referred, 85. Reported, 200. Second reading, 217. House goes into Committee on, 240. Third reading, 240. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 94.) WALTER, FERDINAND: 1. Question as to salary of and protests re conduct of (1913), 40. 2. Question as to application for increase of salary (1913), 69. 3. Question as to knowledge of Minister of Crown Lands re candidature of, in North Waterloo (1913), 147. 4 . Question as to candidature of, in North Waterloo (1913), 107. 5 . Question as to whether Provincial Secretary saw Dr. Lackner, re salary of (1913), 132. - 6. Return ordered, of correspondence with, as to the administration of the liquor license law in N. Waterloo, etc. (1914), 176. Not brought down. WAR, WAR TAX AND WAR PURPOSES: 1. Resolution that Mr. Speaker be requested to cable congratulations to Ontario's Officers and men (1915), 44-5. Mr. Speaker informs House of compliance, 52. 2. Bill (No. 77), introduced to levy a Provincial War Tax to supplement the Revenues of the Crown (1915), 37. Resolutions introduced, Lieu- tenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Commit- tee and referred to Bill, 125-8. Second reading, 128. House goes into Committee on, 128, 141. Third reading; amendment negatived, 245. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 3.) 3. Bill (No. 142), introduced to amend the Act (1916), 130. Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor's recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 145. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 10.) 4. Question as to Government expenditure for (1915), 234. 292 WAR. WAR, WAR TAx AND WAR PURPOSES-Continued. 5. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Resolution expressing grateful appreciation of courage and valour of On- tario's sons, etc. (1916), 222. See Organization. Question as to how much of the War Tax has been received (1916), 17. Question as to whether loan raised was paid off at maturity, etc. (1916), 100. *- . Return ordered, showing how much of the sum received by Province has been expended and for what purpose (1916), 18. Presented, 82. (Sessional Papers, No. 70.) Not printed. . Petitions respecting (1916), 40, 102. 10. Resolution affirming belief in righteousness of cause, for which Great Britain and her Allies are fighting, etc. (1917), 82-3. Copy to be forwarded to Prime Minister of Great Britain, etc., 83. Resolution congratulating the Duma of Russia upon establishment of free institutions, etc. (1917), 192. Copy to be sent to President, 192. Resolution conveying good wishes to absent members of the Legislature (1917), 255. Resolution re-affirming belief in righteousness of cause (1918), 32. te -* A Resolution re food production (1918), 159. . Motion re free postage to relatives overseas; withdrawn (1918), 170. Return ordered, showing special warrants issued and for what amounts, in connection with, etc. (1918), 166. Not brought down. Motion that House memorialize Government of Canada, to have tabulated war profits, etc., withdrawn (1919), 222. Resolution, that House desires to record in some appropriate manner, its appreciation of services of members and sons and daughters of, who have served in (1919), 224. Resolution that House desires to place on record its appreciation of dis- tinguished services of His Majesty’s forces and that a Committee he appointed to report at next Session (1920), 179. Committee named, 198. Two minutes prayer to commemorate Battle of St. Julien (1920), 157. Resolution against moving invalid soldiers from Toronto to Burlington (1920), 219. Resolution that the Motherland maintains her high pre-eminence, etc., and address to be presented to His Honour, etc. (1920), 367. WATERLOO—WAYS. 293 ºr WATERLOO, COUNTY OF: 1. Question as to occupant of office of Sheriff (1913), 90. 2. Question as to Sheriff being still Coroner (1913), 108. WATERLOO, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 53. Bill (No. 27), intro- duced and referred, 54. Reported, 120. Second reading, 147. House goes into Committee on, 149. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 104.) WA'TERLOO AND WELLINGTON RAILWAY COMPANY: - Petition for Act respecting (1920), 29. Reported, 73. Bill (No. 37), intro- duced and referred, 74. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 281. WATER POWERS: - 1. Question as to number of, leased since February, 1905; names of (1913), 84. 2. Motion as to retention of control of, to assist in securing benefits of cheap electric power for rural sections of Province and amendment welcoming acceptance by Opposition of policy of Government; amendment to amendment proposed and negatived and amendment carried (1913), 247-8. 3. Bill (No. 174), introduced to amend the Water Powers and Water Powers Act (1917), 252. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 25.2-3. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 22.) 4. Bill (No. 246), introduced to amend the Water Powers Regulation Act (1920), 294. Second reading, 365. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 368. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 19.) 5. Return ordered, showing how many leases of, were issued, 1912 to 1916: to whom and where (1917), 154. Presented (1918), 8. (Sessional Papers, No. 59.) Not printed. See Power Development. Public Development. Power Commission Act. WATERLOO, COUNTY OF: Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 709 (1917), 18. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 41), introduced and referred, 61. Reported, 68. Second reading, 76. House goes into Committee on. 106. Third reading, 194. R.A.. 273. (7 Geo. W, c. 95.) WATERLOO, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 59. Bill (No. 10). introduced and referred, 59. Reported, 68. Second reading, 76. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 96.) - WATT AND BARR:—See Guelph Prison Farm. WAYS AND MEANS:—See Supply. 294 WELLAND–WHITBY. WELLAND, CITY OF: • Petition for Act of incorporation (1917), 18. Reported, 57. Bill (No. 24), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 81. Second reading, 88. House goes into Committee on, 204. Third reading, 213. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 97.) See below. WELLAND, TOWN OF: 1. Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 632 (1914), 20. Reported, 32. Bill (No. 22), introduced and referred, 35. Reported, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. . Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 105.) 2. Petition for Act confirming an Agreement with Niagara, Welland and Lake Erie Railway Company (1915), 25. Reported, 35. Bill (No. 16), introduced and referred, 36. Reported, 58. Second reading, 73. House goes into Committee on, 169. Third reading, 194. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. W., c. 60.) WELLESLEY HOSPI'TAL: Order-in-Council granting aid to (1916), 188. WESTON, WILLAGE OF: - * 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 47. Reported, 162. Bill (No. 49), introduced and referred, 263. Second reading, 299. House goes into Committee on, 329. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V, C. 107. 2. Report of Commissioner presented, appointed to enquire into financial affairs of (1915), 120. (Sessional Papers, No. 61.) Not printed. WHEATLEY, WILLAGE OF: - I Petition for Act to ineorporate (1914), 20. Reported, 33. Bill (No. 20), introduced and referred, 41. Reported, 59. Second reading, 78. House goes into Committee on, 112. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 108.) WHITBY ASYLUM AND FARM: 1. Question as to supplies furnished to officials at (1914), 79. 2. Questions as to total amount expended at, etc. (1914), 114; (1915), 61. 3. Return ordered, showing total capital expenditure on, to close of fiscal year (1916), 34. Presented, 169. (Sessional Papers, No. 87.) Printed. } 4. Return ordered, showing how many patients regularly cared for at (1917), 24. Presented, 64. (Sessional Papers, No. 66.) Printed. 5. Question as to capital expenditure on (1917), 47. WHITE–WIDDIFIELD. - 295 WHITE, PETER: 1. Question as to legal services rendered by (1920), 85. 2. Question as to nature and parties to Power Lease (1920), 87. WHITESIDE, W. H.: Question as to recommendations for appointment of, as Police Magistrate at Delhi (1913), 203. WHITNEY, LADY: Bill (No. 114), introduced to provide for the payment of an annuity to (1915), 104. Resolutions introduced, Lieutenant-Governor’s recom- mendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 124-5. Second reading, 123. House goes into Committee on, 134. Third reading, 216. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 9.) WHITNEY, SIR JAMES: 1. Mr. Speaker reads letter from, to the House, expressing appreciation of sympathy, etc. (1914), 15. 2. Resolution that Mr. Speaker be asked to convey to Sir James, gratification of House upon recovery (1914), 15. 3. Mr. Speaker informs House that he has acted in accordance therewith (1914), 17. 4. Leave of absence granted for the Session (1914), 106. 5. House adjourns out of respect to the memory of (1915), 19. WHITSON, J. F.: 1. His Report presented on road construction in Northern Ontario (1914), 154. (Sessional Papers, No. 73.) Printed. 2. Report of presented on Northern Development (1915), 143. (Sessional Papers, No. 58.) Printed. 3. Question as to number of men employed under (1915), 138. WIARTON, TOWN OF: Petition for Act respecting and the Canada Casket Company (1914), 154. Reported, 221. Bill (No. 153), introduced and referred, 235. Re- ported, 280. Second reading, 301. House goes into Committee on, 306. Third reading, 356. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 109.) WIDDIFIELD, TOWNSHIP OF: Petition for Act.to consolidate debt (1913), 17. Reported, 33. Bill (No. 1), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 35. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills, 114. Re- ported, 155. Second reading, 178. House goes into Committee on, 202. Third reading, 211. R.A., 406. (3 Geo. V., c. 127.) 296 WILLS.–WINDSOR. wºr- WILLS ACT? Bill (No. 145), introduced to amend (1919), 128. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 156. Reported, 189. House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 205. R.A. 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 29.) See Statute Law Amendment Act. WINDSOR, CITY OF: 1. 5 º ; . Petition for Act to confirm By-law No. 1538 (1914), 19. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 24), introduced and referred, 64. Reported, 105. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 128. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 110.) . Petition for Act respecting (1914), 19. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 25), in- troduced and referred, 64. Reported, 105. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 148. Third reading. 284. R.A. 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 111.) Petition for Act to confirm a certain By-law and agreement (1914), 20. Reported, 63. Bill (No. 26), introduced and referred, 64. Reported, 105. Second reading, 113. House goes into Committee on, 128. Third reading, 284. R.A., 290. (4 Geo. V., c. 112.) . Petition for Act limiting duration of Franchise, granted by By-laws. 64 and 898 (1916), 16. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 14), introduced and referred, 31. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 160. Petition for Act respecting, and the towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City and Ojibway (1916), 16. Reported, 91. Bill (No. 27), intro- duced and referred, 92. Reported, 160. Second reading, 167. House goes into Gómmittee on. 208. Third reading, 238. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 98.) |Petition for Act respecting (1915), 26. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 24), introduced and referred, 79. Reported, 121. Second reading, 132. House goes into Committee on, 155. Third reading, 205. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 78.) Petition for Act respecting, and the Board of Park Management thereof (1920), 29. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 16), introduced and referred. 46. Reported, 70. Second reading, 81. House goes into Committee on, 129. Third reading, 149. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 147.) Petition for Act to confirm By-law Number 2510 (1920), 54. Reported. 112. Bill (No. 75), introduced and referred, 113. Reported, 156. House goes into Committee on, 167. Third reading, 170. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 148.) . Petition for Act respecting and the Hydro-Electric Power Commission (1914), 114. Not proceeded with. WINDSOR-WOMEN. A- 297 WINDSOR POLICE MAGISTRATE : - Return ordered, showing who is; when appointed, etc. (1915), 156. Pre- sented (1916), 142. (Sessional Papers No. 81.) Not printed. WINGHAM, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to consolidate the floating debt of (1915), 25. Reported, ; 8. Bill (No. 37), introduced and referred to the Railway and Municipal Board, 80. Reported and referred to the Committee on Private Bills. 144. Reported, 158. Second reading, 169. House goes into Com- mittee on, 177. Third reading, 212. R.A., 2:3. (5 Geo. V. c. 59.) WINNIPEG:—See Greater Winnipeg. WINNIPEG RIVER: Question as to lease of water power on (1913), 62. WOLF BOUNTY ACT: 1. Bill (No. 148), introduced to amend (1913), 81. Second reading and referred to Committee on Fish and Game, 118. Reported, 244. House goes into Committee on, 292. Discharged, 352. See Statute Law .4 mendment Act. 2. Bill (No. 143), introduced to amend (1916), 131. Resolutions intro- duced. Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified; passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 135. Second reading, 151. House goes into Committee on, 157. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 61.) . Resolutions introduced (1918), 160. See Statute Law Amendment Act. 3 Bill (No. 99), introduced to amend (1920), 55. Second reading, 117. House goes into Committee on, 120. Third reading, 170. See below. 4. . Resolutions introduced; Lieutenant-Governor’s recommendation signified: passed through Committee and referred to Bill (1920), 205. Bill (No. 201), introduced to amend, 202. Second reading, 227. House goes into Committee on, 233, 276. Third reading, 276. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 98.) 5 WOMEN: 1. Bill (No. 165), introduced to prohibit employment of, by Orientals (1913), 101. Order for second reading discharged, 199. 2. Bill (No. 126), introduced to extend Franchise to (1913), 27. Motion for second reading and Debate on adjourned, 179. Debate resumed and second reading negatived, 211-12. 3. Bill (No. 139), introduced to extend Franchise to (1913), 66. Motion for second reading negatived, 213. 20 D.S. 298 WOMEN. Wom EN–Continued. - 4. Bill (No. 166), introduced to extend Franchise to (1913), 107. Motion º 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. for second reading; amendment proposed and negatived and second reading negatived, 214. . Motion re extension of Franchise to Married Women (1913), 370. . Bill (No. 70), introduced to entitle married women to vote at Municipal Elections (1914), 15. Motion for second reading and debate on adjourned, 76, 152. Second reading negatived, 155. . Bill (No. 75), introduced to entitle married women, who are property owners, to vote at Municipal Elections (1914), 21. Order for second reading discharged, 213. . Bill (No. 125), introduced to prohibit the employment of women by Orientals (1914), 114. Order for second reading discharged, 212-13. . Petitions respecting enfranchisement of (1914), 47, 233. Bill (No. 73), introduced to extend the Municipal Franchise to Married Women (1915), 26. Motion for second reading and debate on ad- journed, 84, 94, 105, 111. Second reading negatived, 128. Bill (No. 158), introduced to extend the Legislative Franchise to, entitled to vote at Municipal Elections (1915), 192. Second reading negatived, 231. Bill (No. 63), introduced to extend the Legislative Franchise to (1916), 7. Second reading negatived, 68. Bill (No. 65), introduced to extend the Municipal Franchise to Married Women (1916), 26. Motion for second reading and Debate on, ad- journed, 95, 101. Negatived, 108. Petitions respecting votes for (1916), 96. Bill (No. 68), introduced to grant to, the right to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly (1917), 14. Second reading, 51. Order dis- charged, 243. \ Bill (No. 69), introduced to grant to, the right to vote at Municipal Elections (1917), 14. Second reading and referred to the Municipal Committee, 51. Reported, 116. House goes into Committee on, 242. Third reading, 242. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V., c. 43.) Bill (No. 71), introduced to extend the Legislative Franchise to (1917), 14. Second reading, 51. Order discharged, 243. Bill (No. 72), introduced to extend the Municipal Franchise to married (1917), 14. Second reading, and referred to the Municipal Com- mittee, 51. WOMEN_WOODBINE. 299 WOMEN–Continued. 19. Bill (No. 76), introduced to remove the disqualification of, as candidates for the Legislative Assembly (1917), 32. Motion for second reading, and six months’ hoist proposed and carried, 80. 20. Bill (No. 76), introduced to remove the disqualification of, as candidates for the Legislative Assembly (1918), 50. Motion for second reading and six months’ hoist proposed and carried, 174. 21. Bill (No. 82), introduced to enable to be elected to the Assembly (1919), 71. Second reading, 99. House goes into Committee on, 104, 108. Third reading, 190. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 8.) --~" 22. Bill (No. 83), introduced to enable, to be elected, or appointed, to Muni- cipal Office (1919), 71. Second reading, 99. House goes into Com- mittee on; third reading, 193-4. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 47.) 23. Bill (No. 84), introduced to render Farmers' Wives eligible as members of School Boards (1919), 71. Second reading, 99. House goes into Committee on, 104. Third reading, 190. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 76.) 24. Resolution congratulating, on services during War, etc. (1919), 108-9. 25. Amendment proposed to address to the Lieutenant-Governor, re franchise to (1917), 15. Ruled out of order, 26. 26. Petition that municipal franchise be granted to married (1917), 18. - Petition that equal franchise be extended to, 47. WOMEN AND GIRLS: Bill (No. 226), introduced to provide for a Minimum Wage Board, to regulate the minimum wage for (1920), 250. Second reading, 316. House goes into Committee on, 328. Third reading, 344. T.A., 383. (10 Geo. V, c. 87.) WOMEN'S HOSPITALS: ~ Copy of Order-in-Council presented, designating, etc. (1919), 236. (Ses- sional Papers No. 77.) Not printed. WOMEN'S INSTITUTES: 1. Reports presented (1913), 61; (1914), 238; (1915), 175; (1916), 181; (1917), 261; (1918), 102; (1919), 30; (1920), 213. Printed. 2. Question as to expenditure on, in 1918 (1919), 68. WOODBINE HOTEL; Question as to inspection of, for safety appliances (1914), 321. 300 WOODSTOCK–WORKMEN'S WOODST00K, CITY OF: Petition for Act respecting (1920), 29. Reported, 44. Bill (No. 19), intro- duced and referred, 46. Reported, 92. Second reading, 116. House goes into Committee on, 130. Third reading, 150. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 149.) WOODSTOCK HOSPITAL: Question as to total number of patients in (1914), 97. WOOL: Question as to amount purchased for Industrial Department of Ontario Reformatory (1917), 43. J* WORKERS OF THE PROVINCE: Motion proposed and negatived, re creation of a l)epartment of Government to improve conditions of (1915), 260-1. WORKMEN: Bill (No. 100), introduced for the better protection of, having claims for compensation against their employers (1915), 97. Second reading and referred to the Legal Committee, 131. Reported, 221. IIouse goes into Committee on, 222. Third reading, 222. lt.A., 273. (3 Geo. V., c. 25.) WORKMEN, ANCIENT ORDER OF:—See United Workmen. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: 1. Further interim Report presented (1913), 223. (Sessional Papers, No. 85.) Referred to Printing Committee with instructions to print, 223. 2. {eport of Commissioner presented (1914), 148. (Sessional Papers, No. 53.) Printed. 3. Bill (No. 107), introduced to provide Compensation to Workmen for Injuries sustained (1914), 84. Resolutions introduced, Lieutenant- Governor’s recommendation signified, passed through Committee and referred to Bill, 123-4. Motion for second reading and debate on adjourned, 125. Second reading, 127. House goes into Committee on, 134, 157, 266, 283, 326. Third reading; amendment negatived. 366-67. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 25.) 4. Bill (No. 145), introduced to amend the Act (1915), 169. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 219. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V, c. 24.) 5. Bill (No. 108). introduced to amend (1916), 100. Second reading, 115. House goes into Committee on, 147. Third reading, 237. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V, c. 31.) 6. Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend (1917), 105. Second reading, 120. House goes into Committee on, 150, 210. Third reading; amendment negatived, 150. R.A., 273. (7 Geo. V, c. 34.) Bill (No. 131), introduced to amend (1919), 116. Second reading, 156. House goes into Committee on, 166, 191. Third reading, 191. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V, c. 34.) 7. WORKMEN’S. 301 WoRKMEN’s CoMPENSATION.—Continued. s 8. Bill (No. 211), introduced to amend (1920), 226. Motion for second reading and Debate on, adjourned, 262, 280, 291. Debate resumed and motion for second reading carried, 331. House goes into Committee on, 344. Third reading, 362. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. V., c. 43.) . Bill (No. 259), introduced to amend (1920), 374. Second reading; House goes into Committee on ; third reading, 374. See above. 9 10. Report of Board presented (1915), 28; (1916), 181; (1917), 262; (1918), 185; (1919), 236; (1920), 200. Printed. 11. Question as to expenditure by Commissioner (1914), 42. 12. Question as to compensation to Commissioner (1914), 164. 13. Question as to names, ages, etc., of Commissioners appointed (1915), 110. 14. Question as to sum paid to Board to assist in defraying expenses (1915), 110. 15. Question as to number of Accident Prevention Associations formed (1916), 103. 16. Return ordered, showing what officers appointed under section 59 of Act (1915), 111. Presented, 143. (Sessional Papers, No. 66.) Not printed. 17. Return ordered, showing number of employers under schedule 1, etc. (1915), 173. Presented (1916), 90. (Sessional Papers, No. 71.) Not printed. 18. Return ordered, showing number of employers under Schedule 2, etc. (1915), 174. Presented (1916), 90. (Sessional Papers, No. 7.3.) Not printed. 19. Return ordered, showing if Board levied its assessment upon employers upon basis of current cost or the capitalized value, etc. (1915), 180. Presented (1916), 90. (Sessional Papers, No. 72.) Not printed. 20. Return ordered, of correspondence re appointment of members of Board (1915) 208. Presented (1916), 77. (Sessional Papers, No. 77.) Not printed. 21. Return ordered, of copies of documents and correspondence between the Board and the representatives of Archibald Taylor and the Grand Trunk Railway (1917), 105. Presented (1918), 19. (Sessional Papers, No. 64.) Not printed. 22. Return ordered, showing amount paid in by Massey Harris Co’y., John Inglis Co’y. et al., in 1917 (1918), 54. Presented, 102. (Sessional Papers, No. 76.) Not printed. 23. Return ordered, showing number of accidents reported and dealt with, by Board (1918), 147. Presented (1919), 16. (Sessional Papers, No. 61.) Not printed. 3()2 WORKMEN'S YOUNG - WoRKMEN's CoMPENSATION.—Continued. 34. Return ordered, showing what amount of surplus, if any, shown by books of, for 1918 (1919), 179. Not brought down. WORKS FOR THE GENERAL ADVANTAGE OF CANADA:—See Electric Railways. WORKS FOR SUPPLYING PUBLIC UTILITIES:—See Public Utilities. WYCLIFFE COLLEGE : Petition for Act respecting (1916), 17. Reported, 47. Bill (No. 11), intro- duced and referred, 48. Reported; fees remitted, 149. Second read- ing, 156. House goes into Committee on, 166. Third reading, 186. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 112.) YARMOUTH AND MALAHIDE, TOWNSHIPS OF: Petition for Act to confirm certain By-laws (1916), 17. Reported, 29. Bill (No. 10), introduced and referred, 31. Reported, 44. Second reading, 57. House goes into Committee on, 68. Third reading, 179. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 91.) YORK, TOWN OF: Petition for Act to incorporate (1919), 24. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 37), introduced and referred, 83. Reported withdrawn; fees remitted, 189. . YORK, TOWNSHIP OF: 1. Petition for Act respecting (1914), 20. Reported, 81. Bill (No. 35), introduced and referred, 114. Reported, 234. Second reading, 257. House goes into Committee on, 298. Third reading, 355. R.A., 413. (4 Geo. V., c. 113.) 2. Petition for Act respecting (1915), 25. Reported, 78. Bill (No. 42), introduced and referred, 80. Reported, 102. Second reading, 108. House goes into Committee on, 142. Third reading, 160. R.A., 273. (5 Geo. V., c. 80.) . Petition for Act respecting (1916), 17. Reported, 65. Bill (No. 38), introduced and referred, 66. Reported, 170. Second reading, 211. House goes into Committee on, 219. Third reading, 219. R.A., 256. (6 Geo. V., c. 100.) 4. Petition for Act respecting (1917), 18. Reported, 58. Bill (No. 13), introduced and referred, 60. Reported, 142. Second reading, 148. House goes into Committee on, 216. Third reading, 238. R.A., 273. (7. Geo. V, c. 98.) 5. Petition for Act respecting (1919), 22. Reported, 80. Bill (No. 30), introduced and referred, 82. Reported, 102. Second reading, 107. House goes into Committee on, 119. Third reading, 174. R.A., 243. (9 Geo. V., c. 114.) - 6. Petition for Act respecting (1920), 40. Reported, 134. Bill (No. 49), introduced and referred, 134. Reported, 220. Second reading, 231. House goes into Committee on, 263. Third reading, 275. R.A., 383. (10 Geo. W, c. 150.) © º YOUNG & McCoy: - Question as to connection with McGregor Young of Nickel Commission (1918), 89. 3 \ GENERAL INDEX TO THE SESSIONAL PAPERs 1913 to 1920 (BOTH INCLUSIVE). THE FIGURES WHICH FOLLOW THE YEAR, REFER TO THE NUMBER OF THE SESSIONAL PAPER. Accounts, ONTARIO PUBLIC:-see Public Accounts. ACRES, H. G.: Study by, re local flow characteristics of Grand River (1913), 86. Printed. See Grand River. ADDING MACHINES: Return showing how many purchased, or ordered, by different Departments; how allotted, etc. (1920), 84. Not printed. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE: Reports (1913), 29; (1914), 30; (1915), 30; (1916), 30; (1917), 30; (1918), 30; (1919), 30; (1920), 30. AGRICULTURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL UNION: Reports (1913), 31; (1914), 32; (1915), 32; (1916), 32; (1917), 32; (1918), 32; (1919), 32; (1920), 32. Printed. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES : Reports (1913), 42; (1914), 42; (1915), 42; (1916), 42; (1917), 42; (1918), 42; (1919), 42; (1920), 42. Printed. AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF: Reports (1913), 28; (1914), 29; (1915), 29; (1916), 29; (1917), 29; (1918), 29; (1919), 29; (1920), 29. Printed. AGRICULTURE, STATISTICS BRANCH: Reports (1919), 46; (1920), 46. Printed. ALGONQUIN NATIONAL PARK: - 1. Copies of reports upon the timber in, covered by certain agreements between the Crown and the Bank of Montreal and others (1913), 91. Not printed. 2. Correspondence and papers relating to timber in (1914), .72. Printed. AiMONTE HIGH SCHOOL:—see Education. 304 AMHERSTBURG-BIRTHS. AMHERSTBURG, Town of: Return showing who is Police Magistrate of; when appointed; whom did he succeed; convictions, fees, fines, etc. (1916), 82. Not printed. ANDREW MERCER REFORMATORY: Official regulations of (1914), 90. Printed. ARCHIVIST, PROVINCIAL: Reports (1913), 50; (1914), 51; (1915), 51; (1916), 51; (1917), 51; (1918), 52; (1919), 52; (1920), 52. Printed. ASSIZE, CRIMINAL: lłeturn showing names of Counsel employed at, in 1912; assize; amounts paid, etc. (1913), 97. Not printed. AUDITOR, PROVINCIAL: Statements of, under Audit Act (1913), 65; (1914), 54; (1915), 53; (1916), 53; (1917), 53; (1918), 54; (1919), 54; (1920), 54. Printed. AUTOMOBILES: Return of copies of petitions, requests, etc., received by Government since 1st January, 1914, from any municipal authority, or body, in reference to the imposition of a tax upon, or, as to the distribution of the tax to municipalities maintaining the roads (1915), 64. Not printed. BEE-KEEPERS’ ASSOCIATIONS: Reports (1913), 37; (1914), 37; (1915), 35; (1916), 35 ; (1917), (1918), 37; (1919), 37; (1920), 37. Printed. * * . 3.5 2 BI-LINGUAL SCHOOLS: 1. Return of correspondence in the years 1910-11-12, relating to the investiga- tion made by Dr. Merchant and to Regulation No. 17 (1914), 86. Not printed. 2. Return of correspondence with Bishop Fallon, of London, since May 1st, 1910 (1914), 101. Not printed. 3. Return of correspondence with Bishop Scollard, of Sault Ste. Marie. since March, 1907 (1914), 102. Not printed. 4. Return showing number of English-French Schools, complying with Regula- tion No. 17 in the year 1914; number not complying; what schools have received grants in 1914. Reports; correspondence with Henri Saint Jacques, etc. (1915), 74. Not printed. BINDING: - - Agreement and contract with Litho-Print, Ltd., in connection with the, for the several Departments of Government (1915), 63. Printed. BIRTHS. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS: 1. Reports (1913), 19; (1914), 20; (1915), 20: (1916), 20; (1917), 20: (1918), 20; (1919), 20; (1920), 20. Printed. BIRTHS—CANADIAN. 305 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS-('ontinued. 2. Return showing how many copies of report published, distributed, etc. (1918), 87. Not printed. - BLIND, THE ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR: BLIND THE, ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR: Report of Commission to investigate administration, etc. (1917), 57. Printed. BRITISH RED CRoss FUND; Reports (1916), 56; (1917), 55. Printed. BRUCE MINES AND ALGOMA RAILWAYºr Return of copies of reports with reference to the general character of the country through which the projected line runs and of the land proposed to be granted, etc. (1913), 99. Not printed. BURWASH PRISON FARM: 1. Return showing number, kind and cost of buildings comprised in ; number of acres; how many prisoners at and number of employees, etc. (1917), 70. Printed. 2. Report of Commissioner Coatsworth re investigation (1918), 56. Not printed. See Kapuskasing. CANADA COPPER, COMPANY : 1. Return of correspondence with, or the International Nickel Company, with reference to the tax paid to the Province in respect of the profits made in nickel mining, by either company (1916), 80. Not printed. 2. Return of correspondence with and the International Copper Company, as to damage done to property of farmers adjacent to plant of, with cor- respondence with Charles McCrea, et. al., etc. (1917), 65. Printed. 3. Return showing all statements furnished by International Nickel Co., Mond Nickel Co., or other Company, producing nickel under section 8 of Mining Act; reports, correspondence, etc. (1917), 69. Not printed. 4. Return showing what lands, if any, have been patented to, in 1917, dates, etc. (1918), 73. Not printed. See Nickel. CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT: Return showing whether the Minister of Agriculture, or any official of his De- partment, or the Minister of Education, communicated with the Dis- * trict Representative of Agriculture in the County of Welland, with reference to his attitude to the, or vote to be taken, etc. (1914), 76, Not printed. CANADIAN CHURN MANUFACTURING ASS00IATION.—See Combines. CANADIAN CLOTHES WRINGER MANUFACTURING ASS00IATION: See Combines. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY: 1. Return showing if the Government granted the right to cut pine, or other timber, to Foley Bros., or Northern Construction Company, Ltd., or others, in connection with the construction of, in the vicinity of Duchesne Lake, etc. (1915), 77. Not printed. 306 CANADIAN–COAL. CANADIAN NoFTHERN ONTARIo RAILwAy—Continued. 2. Return showing if the Company applied to the Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, to designate lands, or any part of the lands to be granted to, as provided in Section 3, 9 Ed. VII, cap. 71; total acreage of suc lands, etc. (1917), 73. Printed. CANADIAN WASHING MACHINE MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATION:—See Combines. CAPEWELL, HERBERT: Return of copy of Police Court proceedings in charge made against, for de- manding commission on certain government military contracts for supply of boots, and before &ounty Judges Criminal Court (1916), 59. Not printed. - CARRICK, J. J.: 1. Copies of documents covering original sale to, of pulpwood limits in Pic River and Black Sturgeon River districts, etc. (1919), 73. Not printed. 2. Copies of correspondence, etc., subsequent to above return (1920), 72. Printed. CARRIQUE, J. A.: - Return of correspondence between and the Department of the Attorney Gen- eral, in connection with a request made by, to have Robert M. Catto and Edward C. Hill, extradited from U. S. A., etc. (1916), 83. Not printed. CEMETERY OFFICIALS: Proceedings of second annual convention of (1915), 68. Not printed. CHILDREN, NEGLECTED: * Reports (1913), 26; (1914), 27; (1915), 27; (1916), 27; (1917), 27; (1918), 27; (1919), 27; (1920), 27. Printed. CIVIL SERVANTS:—See Ontario Public Service. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER: 1. Report (1919), 72; (1920), 65. Printed. 2. Classification of Public Service (1920), 60. Not printed. 3. Statement of in re service (1920), 82. Not printed. º CLARKSON & CO.: 1. Reports of, on Hydro-Electric Power Commission (1919), 57; (1920), 68. Printed. 2. Report of, on Racing Associations (1920), 69. Not printed. 3. Report of, on Ontario Power Co. of Niagara Falls and Ontario Transmis- sion Co., Ltd. (1920), 73. Printed. COAL, TENDERS FOR:—See Provincial Institutions. COATSWORTH COMPENSATION. 30? COATSWORTH, COMMISSIONER: Report of, on investigation at Burwash Farm (1918), 56. Not printed. COLCOOK, N. B.: 1. Return of correspondence with, relating to the re-organization of the Lon- don Office of Colonization and Emigration; his resignation, etc. (1913), 98. Not printed. 2. Return showing in detail the persons to whom the sum of $19,946.18, page 323 Public Accounts, 1912, was advanced by and the purposes for which ; also, to whom the sum of $11,060.85 was paid by (1913), 60. Not printed. COMBINES : 1. Return of copies of letters referred to on last page of Brief furnished to Attorney General by Crown Counsel, in proceedings against the Stamped Ware Association; correspondence, etc. (1913), 78. Not printed. 2. Return of copy of information, depositions, etc., with respect to the mem- bers of the tack combine, committed for trial; correspondence, etc. (1913), 79. Not printed. 3. Return showing copies of agreements entered into by (a) Saw Manufac- turers’ Association; (b) Canadian Churn Manufacturing Association; (c) Haime and Saddlery Hardware Manufacturing Association, seized by Toronto Police; correspondence, etc. (1913), 90. Not printed. 4. Return showing findings of Grand Jury in the prosecution against the Tack Combine (1913), 92. Not printed. 5. Return of correspondence, etc., seized by Crown in connection with the prosecution of the Canadian Washing Machine Manufacturing Asso- ciation and the Canadian Clothes Wringer Manufacturing Association, etc. (1913), 111. Not printed. COMMON GAOLS: Official regulations of (1914), 92. Printed. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES : Report of Board of Health on (1919), 66. Not printed. COMPENSATION TO WORKMEN: 1. Interim Report of Commissioner with Draft Bill (1913), 85. Printed. 2. Final Report of Commissioner (1914), 53. Printed. 3. Report of Board (1915), 54; (1916), 54. Printed. 4. Return showing what officers have been appointed by Board, with names, dates, salaries (1915), 66. Not printed. See Workmen's Compensa- & 308 CONSOLIDATED–DOMINION. CONSOLIDATED REVENUE ACT: 1. Report on road construction under, being 2 Geo. V, c. 2 (1913), 80. Printed. 2. Copies of Orders-in-Council in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 2, Cap. 2, 2 Geo. V., (1914), 63. Not printed. CORN GROWERS: Reports (1913), 35; (1914), 35; (1915), 33; (1916), 33; (1917), 33; (1918), 35; (1919), 35; (1920), 35. CORONERS: Return showing names of, in Toronto; number of inquests held during the last five years and amount of money received (1919), 59. Not printed. COUNSEL: Return showing names of all, retained by the Crown at any Criminal Assize in the Province in 1912; assize; amount paid : names, etc. (1913), 97. Not printed. CROWN LAND AGENCIES:—See Muskoka and Parry Sound. CROWN TIMBER: Order-in-Council relating to preservation of (1920), 67. Not printed. DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATIONS: Reports (1913), 38; (1914), 38; (1915), 37; (1916), 37; (1917), 37; (1918), 38; (1919), 38; (1920), 38. Printed. DAMAGE SUITS: - Return showing, for 1912, the number of cases in which damage suits were entered in the Courts against the employer; where damages obtained and amount, etc. (1913), 112. Not printed. DANE, FREDERICK: Return of copies of Orders-in-Council and correspondence with the Temis- kaming and N. O. Railway Commission in reference to the retirement of and appointment of Mr. Lee (1915), 65. Not printed. DEMPSEY, POLICE MAGISTRATE: Return of copies of complaints regarding the conduct of ; prosecutions; pro- tests, etc. (1913), 76. Not printed. DEvoNshire RACE TRACK Coy. Return of correspondence relating to (1917), 81. Not printed. See Racing Associations. IoIVISION COURTS; 1. Reports (1913), 5; (1914), 5; (1915), 5; (1916), 5; (1917), 5; (1918), § 5; (1919), 5; (1920), 5. Printed. 2. Revised Rules, Orders and Forms of (1914), 71. Printed. DOMINION FISH CO'Y.:—See Game and Fish. DOMINION.—EDUCATION. 309 DOMINION PENITENTIARY INVESTIGATION COMMISSION: Return of copy of evidence of Mr. Taylor, given before; correspondence with Jasper Downey, etc. (1914), 83. Not printed. l)0NNELLY, JOHN:–See Education. DUCKS: Report on the increase of the food supply for, in Northern Ontario (1913), 72. Not printed. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF: 1. Copies of Orders-in-Council and Regulations made under the authority of the Department (1913), 55; (1914), 55; (1915), 56; (1916), 61 ; (1917), 61, 79; (1918), 66; (1919), 64; (1920), 57. Not printed. 2 . Return showing the number of meetings of the Advisory Council of Edu- cation, 1909 to 1912, etc. (1913), 67. Not printed. 3. Return of correspondence with respect to the character, efficiency or teach- ing in the schools in Simcoe, Stormont, Prescott, Russell and Glen- garry; orders, regulations, grants withheld, etc., in 1910, 1911, etc. (1913), 75. Not printed. 4. Return of correspondence with the Board of Trustees in the Village Schools of Plantagenet, regarding the teaching of French (1913), 77. Not printed. - 5. Return of correspondence with J. Russell McGregor of Gore Bay and the Public School Board of Gore Bay, concerning the granting of a tem- porary teacher’s certificate to Jean McGregor, etc. (1913), 87. Not printed. ſº 6. Copies of Orders-in-Council appointing John Donnelly, one of the Gov- ermors of the School of Mining, Kingston, and agreements with the Canada Publishing Co. respecting the right to print, publish and sup- ply the Ontario High School English Grammar and High School Reader, and with Copp, Clark & Co., Ltd., to print High School Reader (1913), 100. Not printed. 7. Return showing the conditions upon which grants are made to rural and public schools; if less in 1913 than in 1912, how much and if Depart- ment notified Boards, etc. (1914), 77. Not printed. 8, Return of correspondence during 1910-11-12 relating to the investigation made by Dr. Merchant of the bi-lingual or French-English Schools and with regard to Regulation No. 17 (1914), 86. Not printed. 9. Return showing all schools, public and separate, from which the Govern- ment grant has been withheld in 1912-1913 respectively; grounds for withholding, etc. (1914), 98. Not printed. 10. Return of correspondence with Bishop Fallon of London (1914), 101. Not printed. 310 t EDUCATION FARMERS’ EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF-Continued. * * e 11. Return of correspondence with Bishop Scollard of Sault Ste. Marie (1914), 102. Not printed. tº 12. Return of correspondence with Board of Trustees of Almonte High School, and teachers of, with reference to and application of Miss Eade, etc. (1914), 103. Not printed. 13. Return showing the present practice of Department in regard to the num- ber of text books authorized for use in each subject, etc. (1914), 104. Printed. 14. Return showing number of English-French schools which have complied in the year 1914, with Regulation No. 17; number not complying; num- ber receiving grants; reports; correspondence with Henri St. Jacques, etc. (1915), 74. Not printed. 15. Reports of Department (1913), 16; (1914), 17; (1915), 17; (1916), 17; (1918), 17; (1919), 17; (1920), 17. Printed. ELECTIONS: Return from Records (1913), 49; (1914), 50; (1915), 50; (1916), 50; (1917), 50; (1918), 51; (1919), 51; (1920), 51. Printed. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS : Return showing from what municipalities, was the Report of the Lieutenant- Governor in Council, in favour of, or against building of (1914), 62. Printed. ELK LAKE BRANCH, T. AND N. O. RAILWAY: g & Return re telegram from Rowlandson to Premier, in re the construction of (1913), 58. Not printed. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES : Reports (1913), 36; (1914), 36; (1915), 36; (1916), 36; (1917), 36; (1918), 36; (1919), 36; (1920), 36. Printed. ESTIMATES : (1913-14), 2; (1914-15), 2; (1915-16), 2; (1916-17), 2; (1917-18), 2; (1918-19), 2; (1919-20), 2; (1920-21), 2. Printed. FACTORIES : 4- Reports (1913), 45; (1914), 46; (1915), 46; (1916), 46; (1917), 46. Printed. See Trades and Labour. FALL FAIRS: Return showing names and addresses respectively, of the persons who attended the short course of instruction for Judges at, given at Ontario Agricul- tural College and at Experimental Farm, Ottawa, in 1915 (1916), 69. Not printed. FALLON, BISHOP:—See Education. FARMERS' INSTITUTES : g Reports (1913), 40; (1914), 40; (1915), 40; (1916), 40; (1917), 40. Printed. Dropped in 1918. *- FARR—FRUIT. 311 FARR, MICHAEL: Return of copy of report made by Eudo Saunders re investigation into certain charges made by, of an attempt to procure from him in conversation of renewal of license for Union Hotel, Goderich; correspondence, etc. (1913), 63. Not printed. FEEBLE-MINDED : Reports 1913), 23; (1914), 24; (1915), 24; (1916), 24; (1917), 24; (1919), 24; (1920), 24. Printed. See Idiots. & FERNOW, DR.:—See Forestry. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: By Treasurer (1915), 73; (1918), 80. Printed. FIRE 3–See Forest Reserves. FISH HATCHERIES : gº gº Return of correspondence between Province and Dominion, regarding the es- tablishment of, in Ontario (1913), 54. Not printed. FISHERMEN : Return showing what fishermen received licences in Manitoulin Island in 1914 and 1915 and upon what dates (1916), 60. Not printed. FLAX: Return showing acreage sown to, by Department of Agriculture in 1918, etc. (1920), 74. Printed. FLOUR:—See War, the. FOREST RANGERS: Return showing number of, employed in 1903-4, 1904-5; feet measured, money paid, etc.; also, for 1919-10, 1910-11 (1913), 62. Not printed. FOREST RESERVES : Return showing what areas of land in the, were over-run by fire in the years 1910-16 respectively (1918), 60. Not printed. FORESTRY: Return of correspondence with Dr. Fernow, regarding re-forestry work (1913), 33. Not printed. FORT FRANCES LUMBER COMPANY: Return of copies of cullers’ report made for the, for the logging seasons 1909- 10 to 1911-12 (1913), 69. Not printed. FRENCH, F. W.:—See Ontario Reformatory. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES : Reports (1913), 10 (a); (1914), 11; (1915), 11; (1916), 11; (1917), 11; (1918), 11; (1919), 11; (1920), 11. Printed. FRUIT GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION: Reports (1913), 32; (1914), 44; (1915), 44; (1916), 44; (1917), 44; (1918), 44; (1919), 44; (1920), 44. Printed. 31 2 FRUITS GUELPH. FRUITS OF ONTARIO: Report (1914), 33. Printed. FUR-BEARING ANIMALS: 2. Return showing number and kind of pelts coming into possession of the Gov- ernment, 1910 to 1915, because of violation of the law, etc. (1918), 84. Not printed. GAME AND FISHERIES : 1. Return showing copies of all licences, or permits granted to the Dominion Fish Co., or any person on its behalf, during the seasons of 1910-11-12 (1913), 102. Not printed. 2. Return of copies of correspondence relating to the application of John Lapointe, of Spanish, for a renewal of his fishery license for 1911 and 1912; reports, etc. (1913), 103. Not printed. 3. Return of correspondence relating to the prosecution of one Goodman for an offence against Game Laws; the conduct of one McKelvie, or his dismissal; the prosecution of Eli Tibbs, etc. (1914), 59. Not printed. 4. Reports (1913), 13; (1914), 14; (1915), 14; (1916), 14; (1917), 14; (1918), 14; (1919), 14; (1920), 14. Printed. GAOLS:—See Prisons. GOOD ROADS COMMISSION: - - Report (1914), 84. Printed. See Highway Improvement. GORE BAY RIDING AND DRIVING ASSOCIATION: Return of charter and supplementary letters patent changing name to North- ern Riding and Driving Association and increase of capital stock (1917), 82. Not printed. See Racing Associations. GRAND JURIES : Return of all presentments made by, in 1912, stating assize, where made (1913), 105. Not printed. GRAND RIVER: 1. Preliminary study of H. G. Acres, dealing with the possibility of improv- ing the general regimen and local flow characteristics of the, by means of storage and training work (1913), 86. Printed. 2. Return of correspondence relating to the floods on the, or any other river. during the years 1908 to 1912; petitions, reports on behalf of the Hydro-Power Commission, etc. (1914), 58. Not printed. 3. Return of correspondence relating to the floods on, since return of the Session of 1913 (1918), 75. Not printed. GUELPH PRISON FARM: 1. Return showing what buildings have been erected at; total cost and whether by prison labour, etc. (1914), 75. Not printed. GUELPH-HOSPITALS. 313 *— A GUELPH PRIsox FARM-Continued. 2. Return showing total number of herd for dairy purposes at; how many pur- chased and how many raised on farm, respectively (1915), 72. Not printed. - [* 3. Return showing names of officials connected with the, positions and salar- ies (1916), 85. Not printed. 4. Return showing total capital expenditure on ; if any further contemplated; number of prisoners, etc. (1916), 86. Not printed. 5. Return showing total capital expenditure to end of fiscal year for all pur- poses in respect of ; how many prisoners at, etc. (1917), 75. Printer, GUNN, RICHARDS & CO.: Return showing what amounts have been paid to the firm, or to any one on their behalf, on account of any Department of Government; dates; amounts still owing; services rendered, etc. (1917), 74. Not printed. HAME AND SADDLERY 3–See Combines. HAMILTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: Return of correspondence regarding certain legislation sought for, during current session (1914), 79. Not printed. HAMILTON HOSPITAL = Report of Commissioner Snider re enquiry respecting (1920), 87. Not printed. HARKNESS, Mr.:—See Jordan Harbour. HEALTH, BOARD OF: 1. Copy of Order-in-Council approving of Regulation of, for the control of communicable diseases; also regulations (1913, 96. Not printed. 2. Reports (1913), 14; (1914), 15; (1915), 15; (1916), 15; (1917). 15: (1918), 15; (1919), 15; (1920), 15. Printed. HILL, FRED:—See 0ntario Reformatory. Hodge, John E.t-see Sudbury, District of. HODGINS, JUSTICE: 1. Report on Medical Education (1918), 57. Printed. 2. Reports on Venereal Disease (1918), 74; (1919), 58; (1920), 81. Printed. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES : Reports (1913), 43; (1914), 43; (1915), 43; (1916), 43; (1917), 43: (1918), 43; (1919), 43; (1920), 43. Printed. HOSPITALS AND CHARITIES : 1. Reports (1913), 24; (1914), 25; (1915), 25; (1916), 25; (1917). 25: (1918), 25; (1919), 25; (1920), 25. Printed. 2. Official Regulations (1914), 91. Printed. 3. Orders-in-Council designating certain houses (1918), 83; (1919), 77; (1920), 77. Not printed. 314, HOUSES-INSANE. HOUSES OF REFUGE:—See REFUGE. HOUSING: Report of Bureau of Municipal Affairs, in re (1919), 75. Not printed. See Municipal Affairs. r HOUSTON, M.: Return of correspondence with respect to certain charges against, commis- sions issued, evidence, etc. (1913), 60. Not printed. HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION: 1. Return of all expenses incurred by, re passing of By-law at North Bay in January, 1913; names of persons employed; correspondence, etc. (1913), 84. Not printed. 2. Return showing how much the Commission has spent in building the trunk line from Morrisburg to Prescott and to Winchester and Chester- ville and re agreement with New York and Ontario Power Company, etc. (1914), 87. Not printed. * - * 3. Return showing if any requests have been made by the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor-in-Council to the, under Sec. 3 of the Act of 1914, to enquire into and report upon the proposed electric railways in Ontario and if so, upon what dates and with respect to what railways, etc. (1916), 67. Not printed. r 4. Correspondence between and others, respecting meeting of Midland Muni- cipal Association at Peterborough (1920), 83. Not printed. 5. Reports (1913), 47; (1914), 48; (1915), 48; (1916), 48; (1917), 48; (1918), 49; (1919), none; (1920), 49. Printed. 6. Clarkson's Reports (1919), 57; (1920), 68. Printed. HYDRO RADIAL LINE :—See Toronto. IIDIOTS AND EPILEPTICS: Reports (1913), 22; (1914), 23; (1915), 23; (1916), 23; (1917), 23; (1918), 23; (1920), 23. Printed. IMPERIAL PAPER MILLS COMPANY: Return of correspondence with, in 1910-11 with reference to the diversion of water from Lake Timagimi into Montreal River, also, with or on be- half of the Town of Sturgeon Falls, etc. (1913), 107. Not printed. INDUSTRIAL FARMS: Official Regulations for’ (1914), 93. Printed. INDUSTRIES, BUREAU OF: Reports (1913), 44; (1914), 45; (1915), 45; (1916), 45; (1917), 45; (1918), 45. Printed. - INSANE, FEEBLE-MINDED AND EPILEPTIC HospitaLs: Special Report on organization and administration of (1915), 71. Printed. INSANE–JORDAN. 315 INSANE HOSPITALS: 1. Reports (1913), 21; (1914), 22; (1915), 22; (1916), 22; (1917), 22; (1918), 22; (1919), 22; (1920), 22. Printed. 2. Bulletin of (1914), 56. Printed. INSURANCE: 1. Reports (1913), 10; (1914), 10; (1915), 10; (1916), 10; (1917), 10; (1918), 10; (1919), 10; (1920), 10. Printed. 2. Report of Commission, (1919), 56. Printed. 3. Return showing what building it is proposed to cover by insurance, out of certain items in Supplementary Estimates (1919), 74. Not printed. INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY: Return of correspondence in reference to damage done to property of farm lands adjacent to the plant of, etc., also, of correspondence with Charles McCrea, M.P.P., et. al., (1917), 65. Printed. See Canada Copper Co. JACKSON, WILLIS K.: - Return showing number of acres occupied by bona fide settlers on lands pur- chased from Government by, etc. (1917), 68. Not printed. JAMES BAY: Report of T. G. McMillan covering investigations at, during 1912 (1913), 71. Printed. JEANNETTE : Return of correspondence, petitions, etc., with reference to the conditions at, in the County of Kent (1913), 88. Not printed. - JOHNSTON, W. I.: Return of correspondence relative to appointment of, on T. & N. O. R., at North Bay (1913), 81. Not printed. JUDGES, SUPREME COURT: e Return of memorials or memoranda, etc., received by Government, with re- spect to the increase of the number of, or with respect to the changes in the Constitution of the Supreme Court of Judicature, etc. (1913), 64. Not printed. JORDAN HARBOUR EXPERIMENTAL STATION: * 1. Return of copies of resolutions, if any, adopted at the Board meeting held at the Horticultural Experimental Station in December, 1912 (1913), 109. Not printed. 2. Return of copies of correspondence with reference to the resignation of Mr. Harkness; reports of committee; statement of expenditure, etc. (1915), 78. Not printed. 316 KAPUSKASING—LIQUOR. KAPUSKASING: 1. Return showing money spent in connection with the Soldiers’ land settle- ment scheme at; how many acres cleared; how many soldiers availed themselves, etc. (1919), 67. Not printed. 2. Report of commission appointed to enquire into affairs of (1920), 61. Printed. 3. Recommendations as a basis of adjustment of difficulties, with open letter (1920), 76. Not printed. KENORA, TOWN OF: Return of correspondence between Government and Counsel, or Solicitors of Keewatin Power Co.; or Hudson Bay Co., with reference to the action brought by, against the town of, re ownership of Winnipeg River, etc. (1914), 70. Not printed. KINGSTON HOSPITAL FOR INSANE : - Return of correspondence with reference to the purchase of additional for and erection of buildings thereon, etc. (1918), 77. Not printed. LABOUR: Reports (1913), 15; (1914), 16; (1915), 16; (1916), 16; (1917), 16; (1918), 16; (1919), 16; (1920), 16. See Trades and Labour. LABOUR, HOURS OF: - º & Return of copies of correspondence relating to the question of, being limited to eight hours per diem (1920), 89. Not printed. I, ABOUR ORGANIZATIONS: º - Return showing all requests or memorials filed from, during the years 1916 to 1920 (1920), 79. Not printed. LAND, FORESTS AND MINES: Reports (1913), 3; (1914), 3; (1915), 3; (1916), 3; (1917), 3; (1918), 3: (1919), 3; (1920), 3. Printed. LAND TITLES OFFICE: e - Return showing number of instruments registered in the years 1909-10-11 in office in Toronto; fees, disbursements, etc. (1913), 34. Not printed. LAPOINTE, JOHN:-See GAME AND FISH. LEGAL OFFICES: Reports (1913), 6; (1914), 6; (1915), 6; (1916), 6; (1917), 6; (1918), 6; (1919), 6; (1920), 6. Printed. LIBRARIAN: w Reports on state of Library (1913), 51; (1914), 52; (1915), 52; (1916). 52; (1917), 52; (1918), 52; (1919), 53; (1920), 53. Not printed. LICENSE BOARD:—See Liquor Lieense Law. Ontaro Temperance Act. LIQUOR LICENSE ACT: t Reports (1913), 27; (1914), 28; (1915), 28; (1916), 28: (1917), 28; (1918). 28. See Ontario Temperance Act. LIQUOR—LIZARD. 317 as LIQUOR LICENSE LAW = 1. Return of copies of Orders-in-Council passed during the years 1906 to 1912 increasing or decreasing the duties payable for tavern or shop licenses, in any provincial or judicial district under 6 Ed. VII, c. 47, Sec. 10; dates; place; amounts, etc. (1913), 93. Not printed. 2 . Return showing how much spent in private detective work in connection with administration of, 1910-1912, etc. (1913), 74. Not printed. 3. Return showing all tavern and shop licenses, the renewal of which has been prohibited by Provincial Secretary (1913), 101. Not printed. 4. Return showing application for license of William Smuck; the granting thereof; withdrawal; correspondence and application to be appointed license inspector for East Elgin; protests, etc. (1914), 66. Not printed. 5. Return showing names of license holders under the Act in Toronto, May 1908, to May, 1909, with place of business; licenses cut off with names; licenses transferred, etc. (1914), 69. Not printed. 6. Return showing number of convictions for intoxication in local option municipalities and for other offences (1914), 89. Not printed. 7. Return of correspondence with reference to the resignation or dismissal and re-appointment of Paul Morand as License Inspector for North Essex, etc. (1915), 62. Not printed, 8. Return showing how many convictions for violation of, in the electoral dis- trict of North Essex, since the re-appointment of Paul Morand, etc. (1915), 70. Not printed. 9. Return showing how many licenses were issued by the License Board under the now repealed “Liquor License Act,” during the years 1905-1910, 1910-1916; cost to Province (1920), 62. Not printed. 10. Return showing quantity of liquor passed through the hands of Govern- ment vendors each month, September 1st, 1919, to March 1st, 1920 (1902), 64. Not printed. 11. Return of correspondence between the present holders of export warehouse licenses and the license board, or between such applicants and the Gov- ernment (1920), 91. Not printed. LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATIONS: Reports (1913), 39; (1914), 39; (1915), 38; (1916), 38; (1917), 38: (1918), 39; (1919), 39; (1920), 39. Printed. LIZARD ISLAND RESERVE: © º Return of correspondence with respect to the granting of a permit for a tug owned by Dominion Fish Co. to fish on, or permits to any other body. etc. (1913), 53. Not printed. 318 LOAN–MEREDITH. LOAN CORPORATIONS: Reports (1913), 11; (1914), 12; (1915), 12; (1916), 12; (1917), 12; (1918), 12; (1919), 12; (1920), 12. Printed. L00AL OPTION MUNICIPALITIES : Return showing number of convictions for intoxication in, and for other of fences (1914), 89. Not printed. LONDON HOSPITAL : -> Report of Commissioner Macbeth relating to enquiry, etc. (1920), 88. Not printed. McGIBBON LUMBER COMPANY: º Return of correspondence in reference to renewal of license granted, to cut timber on Franklin Island, copy of agreement, license and correspond- ence with Hope Lumber Co., etc. (1919), 63. Not printed. McGREGOR, JEAN : Return of correspondence concerning the granting of a temporary teacher’s certificate to, etc. (1913), 87. Not printed. McKELWIE:—See GAME. McPHERSON, ALEXANDER:—See Ontario Reformatory. MACBETH COMMISSIONER: - º Report of, relating to London Hospital, etc. (1920), 88. Not printed. MACHINE GUNS: Correspondence with reference to, purchased out of the moneys of the Pro- vince, etc. (1917), 63. Not printed. MAIL DELIVERY: Contract with Mounce Cartage Co., relating to, from Toronto P. O., to the Parliament Buildings (1918), 70. Not printed. MEDICAL EDUCATION: Hodgins’ report on (1918), 57. Printed, MIENTALLY DEFECTIVE: Report of Justice Hodgins on care and control of (1920), 56. Printed. MERCER REFORMATORY: IReturn showing total cost of knitting plant at, from whom purchased; when installed, etc. (1917), 76. Not printed. MEREDITH, SIR WILLIAM: 1. Return showing what sum of money received by, in addition to salary as Chief Justice; capacity in which received (1914), 80. Not printed. 2. Report of, in the matter of certain charges, as to administration of O. T. A. (1920), 66. Printed. 3. Report of and J. Gunn, in the matter of administration of Municipal Police Force, etc. (1920), 80. Not printed. MIDLAND–MURRAY. - 319. MIDLAND MUNICIPAL ASS00IATION: Correspondence respecting meeting at Peterborough (1920), 83. Not printed. MINES ACT? Return showing how many patents of land have been issued under; in the District of Sudbury to corporations, since February, 1905, etc. (1918), 61. Not printed. See Sudbury. MINES AND MINING: 1. The mining industry in that part of Ontario served by the T. & N. O. Railway (1913), 70. Printed. 2. Reports of Bureau (1913), 4; (1914), 4; (1915), 4; (1916), 4; (1917), 4; (1918), 4; (1919), 4; (1920), 4. Printed. MOND NICKEL company:-see Canada Copper Company. MONTEITH DEMONSTRATION FARM: Reports (1916), 62; (1917), 56. Printed. MONTREAL COBALT POWER CO., LTD.—See Notch Water Power. MORAND, PAUL.; Return of correspondence in reference to resignation or dismissal of, in April, 1914, as license inspector for North Essex, and with reference to the re-appointment of, etc. (1915), 62. Not printed. See Liquor License Law. MOYES, JOHN W.: .* Return of correspondence relating to the attempted arrest of, etc. (1918), 65. Not printed. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS: * 1. Reports (1918), 82. Not printed. (1919), 47; (1920), 47. Printed. 2. Report on Housing (1919), 75. Not printed. MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT: 1. Copy of Order-in-Council under provisions of, Sec. 18 (1914), 85. Printed. 2. Report of decisions in cases arising under, etc. (1916), 84. Printed. MUNICIPAL POLICE FORCE: Report of Commissioners Meredith and Gunn, in matter of administration of and constitution of Police Commission (1920), 80. Not printed. MUNN LUMBER COMPANY: Correspondence respecting quantity of timber cut upon the Munn Limits 1910-10 to 1911-12, dues, etc., with return made to Departinent of Provincial Secretary, 1909-11 (1913), 61. Not printed. MURRAY, MATHER & Co.: Return showing whether an option was given to, to purchase certain Govern- ment securities; date, character, etc. (1914), 82. Not printed. 320 MUSKOKA—ONTARIO. MUSKOKA AND PARRY SOUND : * Return showing how many Crown Land Agencies existing in; names of agents, etc. (1919), 68. Not printed. MUSKOKA ROAD : Return of copies of correspondence; tenders, contracts, etc., in connection with the construction of the road from Severn Bridge to Orillia, known as the (1920), 75. Not printed. NATURAL GAS: Memoranda on the situation in Kent, Essex and Lambton (1918), 78. Printed. NEW, OR NORTHERN 0NTARIO: sº 1. Report on road construction in (1914), 73. Printed. 2. Report of Northern Development Branch (1916), 63. Printed. NICKEL: 1. Return of correspondence between the Government and the Canada Copper or International Nickel Companies, in reference to the tax to be paid to the Province in respect of the profits made on the nickel mining operations in the Province by or on behalf of the companies (1916), 80. Not printed. 2 . Report of Royal Commission (1917), 62. Printed. 3. Return showing cost of Nickel Commission (1917), 80. Not printed. 4. Return of correspondence with British America Nickel Company, Ltd., regarding the refinement of nickel by, etc. (1919), 76. Not printed. See Canada Copper Co. International Nickel Co. Sudbury. 5. Return of statement furnished by Canada Copper Company and other com- panies producing nickel, under section 8 of the Mining Tax Act, respecting taxation; reports with reference to royalties or taxes to be paid by the companies, etc. (1915), 67. Not printed. t NORTH LAND MINING COMPANY.-See Timber. NOTCH WATER POWER: t Return of correspondence with respect to the, on the Montreal River; applica- tions for lease, etc., to the Montreal-Cobalt Power Company, Limited (1913), 59. Not printed. s OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS:—See Ontario Public Service. ONTARIO HOMES COMPANY, LIMITED: * e Return of a copy of the letters, or charter of the, giving the corporation license to promote a company for purchase of real estate, etc. (1914), 99. Not printed. ONTARIO HOSPITAL: Official regulations for (1914). 95. Printed. ONTARIO. 321 ONTARIO HOUSING ACT: - & Return showing how many experts were appointed under; names, salaries, etc. (1920), 62. Not printed. ONTARIO HOUSING COMMITTEE : * Report of, including standard of inexpensive houses (1919), 65. Printed. ONTARIO MILITARY HOSPITAL: s Return showing what were the dates and amounts of the several payments made by Government in respect of, and to whom (1916), 76. Not printed. See War, the. , ONTARIO PAROLE BOARD : Report of (1918), 79. Not printed. ONTARIO POWER COMPANY: § Audit and report of Mr. Clarkson, and the Ontario Transmission Company, Ltd. (1920), 73. Printed. ONTARIO, PROVINCE OF: Return showing population of for each of the years, 1900 to 1916; public debt for same period and debt per capita (1918), 63. Not printed. ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE: 1. Return showing how many persons in, who are now serving with the Canadian or. Allies' Army (1916), 78. Not printed. 2 . Teturn showing names of all persons employed in the Civil Service of the Province, who have enlisted for overseas service (1916), 79. Not printed. 3. Return showing how many permanent officials and employees, of all classes, engaged in inside and outside service, 1905 to 1915 respectively (1916) 90. Not printed. * 4. Return showing total number of the inside Civil Service on 31st July, 1914; 31st July, 1916 and 28th February, 1917 (1917), 86. Not printed. . Return showing how many were released during 1917 to work on farms, etc. (1918), 86. Not printed. 5 6. Return showing names of all Deputy Ministers, Chief Clerks and Clerks who, during the years 1916-17-18-19 applied on medical certificates for leave of absence in respect of certain departments; to whom granted, etc. (1920), 85. Not printed. 7. Return showing how many appointments have been made by Government since November 14th, 1919; names, positions, etc. (1920), 90. Not printed. 21 D.S. 322 ONTARIO-PAROLE. ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE–Continued. 8. Return showing the names of civil servants dismissed, retired or resigned, from January 1st, 1914, date; reasons, etc: (1920), 92. Not printed. 9. Return showing how many appointments made to the several Departments since December 1st, 1919, how many given to returned soldiers; salary (1920), 93. Not printed. ONTARI0 RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD; Reports (1913), 48; (1914), 49; (1915), 49; (1916), 49; (1917), 49; (1918), 50; (1919), 50; (1920), 50. Printed. ONTARIO REFORMATORY: 1. Official regulations for (1914), 94. Printed. 2. Return showing names of officials of; salaries (1916), 85. Not printed. 3. Return of copies of pay rolls of the Industrial Department of ; services rendered, etc. (1917), 67. Not printed. 4. Return of correspondence referring to Alexander McPherson and Fred. W. French (1917), 78. Not printed. 5. Return of correspondence relating to the dismissal of Fred. Hill from the staff (1917), 88. Not printed. *º: ONTARIO. TEMPERANCE ACT: 1. Return showing how many persons have been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment under, have been discharged without completing term for which sentenced, etc. (1919), 60. Not printed. 2. Report of Commissioner Meredith in the matter of certain changes (1920), 66. Printed. 3. Return showing how many persons employed in enforcement of (1920), 70. Not printed. See Liquor License Law. Intowicating Liquor. ONTARIO TRANSMISSION COMPANY, LIMITED: e Clarkson's Report on (1920), 73. Printed. See Ontario Power Co. ORGANIZATION OF RESOURCES COMMITTEE: © a tº Return showing all payments and disbursements made under head of Patriotic Fund and Red Cross, for expenses to increase food production, etc. (1920), 86. Not printed. PAPER CONTRACTS : * * - e Copies of, with Kinleith Co., Georgetown Co., and Provincial Paper Mills Co., for supply of paper (1917), 72. Printed. PAROLE, BOARD OF: • Report (1918), 79. Not printed. PEACE–PROVINCIAL. 323 PEACE CONFERENCE: Report of Mr. Justice Riddell, as Ontario’s representative, at New Orleans ceremonies (1915), 60. Trinted. * PEMBROKE LUMBER COMPANY: Return showing what consideration paid by licensee to Government, in respect of the issue of the original licenses respectively, of the territory in- cluded within the proposed agreement with company; how much paid and what amount of timber cut, etc. (1915), 80. Not printed. Pic River AND BLACK STURGEON RIVER: 1. Copies of documents concerning original sales to J. J. Carrick, of the pulpwood limits in, etc. (1919), 73. Not printed. 2. Copies of correspondence, agreements, etc., subsequent to foregoing (1920), 72. Printed. PLANTAGENET SCHOOLS:—See Education. POWER COMMISSION ACT: Return of copies of Orders-in-Council passed under section 8 of the, (1911). 97. Not printed. PRICE, S.: Report of, re limitation of hours of labour of underground workmen (1913). 82. Printed. PRISONERS: gº Return showing number of, in all gaols and reformatories, on 30th September, .916 ((1917), 85. Not printed. PRISONS AND REFORMATORIES : Reports (1913), 25; (1914), 26; (1915), 26; (1916), 26: (1917), 26: (1917), 26; (1918), 26; (1919), 26; (1920), 26. Printed. | PRIVATE DETECTIVE WORK: tº Return showing how much spent on, in 1910-1912; how much spent in con- nection with the administration of the Liquor License Law, etc. (1913), 74. Not printed. PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE: ë g Minutes of the proceedings of the Representatives of the Provinces (1914). 67. Printed. PROVINCIAL INSTITUTIONS: iº 1. Return showing how many male patients have been admitted to each of the for the Insane, Feeble-minded and Epileptic, January 1st, 1909, to December 31st, 1911, together with the number of female patients, for the same years; patients discharged, etc. (1913), 66. Not printed. 2. Return of names of tenderers for supply of coal for, in Toronto during the vears 1910 to 1913 respectively; amount; names of contractors, etc. (1914), 74. Not printed. 324 PROVINCIAL–RACING. PROVINCIAL LOANS: Return of Orders-in-Council under sections 10 of 2 Geo. V, c. 2 (1913), 68. Not printed. See Consolidated Revenue Act. PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AUDITOR: Reports (1913), 8; (1914), 8; (1915), 8; (1916), 8; (1917), 8; (1918), 8; (1919), 8; (1920), 8. Printed. PROVINCIAL SECURITIES : 1. Return showing what securities has been sold by Province since October, 1912; dates; names of purchasers; prices, etc. (1914), 64. Not printed. 2. Return showing if an option was given to the firm of Murray, Mather & Co., to purchase certain Government securities in 1913; date of option: character, etc. (1914), 82. Not printed. PROVINCIAL TAXES : Return showing details of receipts by corporations, included in revenue of Department of Lands, Forests and Mines (1919), 70. Not printed. PROVINCIAL WAR TAX: Return showing what amount actually paid out of, by Government for war purposes, since January 6th, 1916, with dates of payments (1917), 89. Not printed. º PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: * For (1912-13), 1; (1914-15), 1 ; (1915-16), 1 ; (1916-17), 1; (1917-18), 1; (1918-19), 1 ; (1919-20), 1. Printed. PUBLIC HIGHWAYS:—See Highway Improvements. PUBLIC SERVICE: 1. Classification of (1920), 60. Not printed. 2. Statement of Commissioner (1920), 82. Not printed. See Ontario Public Service. PUBLIC WORKS: Reports (1913), 12; (1914), 13; (1915), 13; (1916), 13; (1917), 13; (1918), 13; (1919), 13; (1920), 13. Printed. QUEEN VICTORIA, N. F. PARK: Reports (1913), 9; (1914), 9; (1915), 9; (1916), 9; (1917), 9; (1918), 9; (1919), 9; (1920), 9. Printed. - QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY: * Return showing names of Professors of the Faculty of ; education at ; hours of teaching; number of students, etc. (1913), 113. Not printed. RACING ASSOCIATIONS: .. 1. Return showing how many licenses issued to, since the year 1912, names, dates, etc. (1917), 64. Printed. RACING—SAW. 325 T RACING Associations—Continued. ~. 2. Iłeturn of correspondence relating to Devonshire Race Track Association (1917), 81. Not printed. 3. Return of copies of Charter of Gore Bay Riding and Driving Association and supplementary Letters Patent, changing name to Northern Riding and Driving Association and increasing capital stock; correspondence, etc. (1917), 82. Not printed. 4. Clarkson’s report on (1920), 69. Not printed. IRECRUITING: Return showing dates of payments and amounts made by Province to aid and to whom (1916), 75. Not printed. See War, the. REFUGE, HOUSES OF: - --> º Return of correspondence in reference to establishment of, in municipalities, etc. (1916), 58. Not printed. REGISTRY OFFICES: Reports (1913), 7; (1914), 7; (1915), 7; (1916), 7; (1917), 7; (1918), 7 : (1919), 7; (1920), 7. Printed. REX Y.S. FRIEDMAN : e Return of correspondence in reference to the granting of bail in the case o' heard at Sault Ste. Marie, etc. (1916), 74. Not printed. RIDDELL, JUSTICE: Report of, as representative of Province at New Orleans ceremonies (1915), 60. Printed. ROAD CONSTRUCTION: 1. Report on under 2 Geo. V., c. 2 (1913), 80. Printed. 2. Whitson’s reports on (1914), 73; (1915), 58. Printed. ROADS, BRIDGES AND DRAINS: Return showing amount of money expended by Government in 1911 and 1912 in the construction of, in each of the Districts of Sudbury, Nipissing. Parry Sound and Sturgeon Falls; amount spent by way of aid to municipalities in said districts, etc. (1913), 106. Not printed. Rodd, J. H.; Return of correspondence in the matter of an alleged conspiracy on the part of, against Maisonville and St. Pierre, etc. (1919), 62. Not printed. IROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: Return showing total amount of grants withheld from at Ottawa; what years, etc. (1917), 71. Not printed. RONIDEAU PROWINCIAL PARK : Regulations respecting (1914), 57. Printed. S.A.W MANUFACTUREIRS ASSOCIATION:—See Combines. 326 SECRETARY-STANDARD. SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR: Reports (1913), 18; (1914), 19; (1915), 19; (1916), 19; (1917), 19; (1918), 19; (1919), 19; (1920), 19. Printed. SEYMOUR POWER COMPANY: º Return of correspondence in reference to the purchase of properties of; reports; valuations, etc. (1918), 62. Not printed. SIMCOE, STORMONT, PRESCOTT: * - Return of correspondence with respect to the character, efficiency or teaching in the schools in ; orders; regulations; grants withheld, etc. (1913), 75. Not printed. ** SIMS, MANLEY: Return showing if he had been appointed Agent-General for Ontario in London, Eng., etc. (1916), 69. Not printed. SMORY FALLS WATER POWER: - Return of correspondence respecting development of, on Sturgeon River (1913), 57. Not printed. SMUCK, WILLIAM:—See Liquor License Law. SNIDER, COMMISSIONER: Report of, re Ontario Hamilton Hospital enquiry (1920), 87. Not printed. SOLDIERS AID COMMISSION: 1. Return showing amount expended in travelling, office and other expenses of (1920), 78. Not printed. 2. Reports (1917), 84; (1918), 85; (1919), 78. Not printed. SOLDIERS, RETURNED: 1. Return of correspondence with reference to care of, or provision for and assistance to secure employment, etc. (1916), 68. Not printed. 2. Return of correspondence with reference to care of and establishment of convalescent homes, etc. (1917), 77. Not printed. See Kapuskasing. SPECIAL WARRANTS : Return of all issued from 31st October, 1916, to 29th February, 1920, with details (1920), 59. Not printed. SPRING FRESHETS:–See Grand River. STALLION ENROLMENT BOARD : Reports (1915), 39; (1916), 39; (1917), 39; (1918), 33; (1919), 33; (1920), 33. Printed. STAMPED WARE ASS00IATIONS:-See Combines. sTANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY: w Return of correspondence within the years 1907-8-9; reports made by in- spectors, etc. (1913), 104. Not printed. STATUTES–TAYLOR. 327 *— * —º 7 STATUTES: Statement of distribution of, Revised and Sessional (1913), 108; (1914), 96; (1915), 81; (1916), 88; (1917), 59; (1918), 67; (1920), 58. STONE : Return of copy of information laid against, before Police Magistrate at Collingwood re violation of Liquor License Act; copy of judgment of Magistrate (1913), 83. Not printed. SUCCESSION DUTIES : 1. Rules and regulations under cap. 24, R.S.O., 1914, as amended by 4 Geo. V, c. 10 (1915), 57. Printed. 2. Return showing if Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council made any arrangement under Sec. 9 of the Act, with any part of the British Dominions or foreign country, etc. (1917), 79. Not printed. SUDBURY AND SUDBURY DISTRICT : 1. Return showing if any part of the 32,000 acres cleared by Government in vicinity of Sudbury, is to be set apart or used to give work to the un- employed; how many acres, etc. (1915), 59. Not printed. 2. Return showing what lands, if any, patented in, in 1917 to Albert Harvey, R. McConnell, A. H. Beath and R. J. Tough; dates; terms imposed, etc. (1918), 69. Not printed. 3. Return showing how many patents of land issued under the Mines Act in, since February, 1905; to what corporations; dates, etc. (1918), 61. Not printed. 4. Return showing what lands, if any, granted to John E. Hodge since March 1917; terms imposed, etc. (1918), 71. Not printed. 5. Return showing what lands in, if any, patented to “Sudbury Nickel, Limit- ed,” in 1917; dates, etc. (1918), 72. Not printed. * SUDBURY, NIPISSING, PARRY SOUND AND STURGEON FALLS: Teturn showing amount of money expended in, in construction or repair of roads, bridges and drains in 1911-12, etc. (1913), 106. Not printed. SURROGATE COURTS: 1. Order-in-Council re payment to Judge Sutherland (1913), 56. Not printed. 2. Orders-in-Council re payments, Courts of York and Simcoe (1914), 61. Not printed. 3. Orders-in-Council under s.s. 6 of sec. 78 of Act (1913), 95; (1915), 55; (1916), 64; (1917), 58; (1918), 68; (1920), 40. Not printed. SUTHERLAND, JUDGE:—See Surrogate Courts. TACK COMBINE :-See Combines. TAYLOR, ARCHIBALD: º Return of documents and correspondence with Workmen’s Compensation Board and personal representatives of and the Grand Trunk Railway (1918), 64. Not printed. 328 TAYLOR TEMISKAMING. TAYLOR, MR., AND TAYLOR SCOTT & COMPANY: 1. Return showing amount received by Government, from, for work done by prisoners from Central Prison, under its contract with, for each ye. during which contract in force, etc. (1914), 68. Not printed. 2. Return showing copy of evidence of, given before Dominion Penitentiary Investigation Commission; with copies of correspondence with Joseph Downey in reference thereto, etc. (1914), 83. Not printed. TAWERN OR SHOP LICENSES:-See Liquor License Law. TECHNICAL EDUCATION: Return of correspondence with reference to the report of the Dominion Gov- ernment Commission on and as to any action, etc. (1916), 91. Not printed. & TELEPHONE SYSTEMS : 1. 2. Report of Ontario Railway and Municipal Board upon; specifications, etc. (1915), 76. Printed. Statistical information; acts (1918), 81. Printed. TEMISKAMING AND N. O. RAILWAY : 1. 10. 11. Reports of Commission (1913), 46; (1914), 47; (1915), 47; (1916), 47; (1917), 47; (1918), 48; (1919), 48; (1920), 48. Printed. Return as to telegram from Rowlandson to Premier in re the building of the Elk Lake branch of (1913), 58. Not printed. Mining industry in that part of Ontario, served by (1913), 70. Printed. . Return showing all lands other than the right of way, owned by the Com- mission in the Province; area; value, etc. (1913), 73. Printed. Return of correspondence with officials of, at North Bay, relative to appointment of W. I. Johnston (1913), 81. Not printed. . Return showing number of passes issued and to whom, from July 1st, 1911, to July 1st, 1912 (1913), 89. Not printed. Copies of Order-in-Council reducing the Royalty payable to the, by the Right of Way Mining Co. and other companies (1913), 110. Not printed. . Cole's Report in re (1914), 88. Printed. . Return showing quantity of settlers’ effects delivered over the, at New Liskeard and Cochrane respectively, in 1913 (1914), 100. Not printed. Return of correspondence, etc., in reference to the retirement of Frederick Dane and the appointment of Mr. Lee, as one of the Commissioners (1915), 165. Not printed. Return showing how many dining or buffet cars have been purchased by: date of purchase and price paid (1916), 65. Not printed. f TEMISKAMING—TIMBER. 329 TEMISKAMING AND N. O. RAILWAY-Continued. 12. Return showing with what Fire Insurance Companies the Commission placed its fire insurance for the year ending October 31st, 1914, eté. (1916), 66. Not printed. -- 13. Return showing if the railway was, within the last twelve months, asked to quote rates on the shipment of 6,000 tons of fabricated steel from Sarnia to Regina, etc. (1916), 92. Not printed. 14. Return showing if the Commission quoted any special rate not authorized by tariff, etc. (1917), 60. Not printed. 15. Return showing names of all town sites established by ; town site lands sold by, etc. (1917), 71. Not printed. 16. Return showing what tenders were received for each of the lots advertised for sale by Geo. W. Lee in “North Bay Times”; those sold with prices, etc. (1917), 87. Not printed. TEXT BOOKS:—See Education. TIBBS:—See Game. TIMAGIMI LAKE: Return of correspondence with Imperial Paper Mills Co. and Town of Stur- geon Falls, with reference to the diversion of water of, into Montreal River, etc. (1913), 107. Not printed. TIMBER: 1. Return showing quantity of pine cut at Mileage 81 on the T. & N. O. Rail- way, 1907-8 to 1910-11, by North Land Mining Co.; price, etc. (1913 52. Not printed. *. 2. Return of number of timber cullers employed in seasons of 1903-4, 1904-5. 1909-10 and 1910-11, number of feet measured, etc. (1913), 62. Not printed. 3. Return of copies of reports upon the timber in Algonquin National Park covered by certain agreements between the Crown and the Bank of Montreal and others (1913), 91. Not printed. 4. Return showing what limits, or areas, have been sold since January 1st, 1913; price; names and if any were sold at public auction (1914), 65. Not printed. 5. Correspondence and papers relating to, in Algonquin Park (1914), 72. Printed. $ 6. Return showing how many timber berths, or locations, sold since J anuary 1st, 1914, if advertised, and sold without advertisement; dates of sales, etc. (1915), 75. Not printed. ... 330 TIMBER—VEGETABLE. * TIMBER—Continued. 7. Return showing if Government granted right to cut pine, or other timber, to Foley Bros., or to the Northern Construction Co., Ltd., or other persons, in connection with the construction of the Canadian Northern Railway Co. in the vicinity of Duchesne Lake, etc. (1915), 77. Not printed. 8. Return showing amount of timber cut by Pembroke Lumber Co. in each year since purchase by (1915), 80. Not printed. TORONTO TO NIAGARA FALLS HYDRO-RADIAL: Return of copies of Orders-in-Council approving of agreement for construc- tion of, through Hamilton; reports, correspondence, etc. (1918), 58. Not printed. TORONTO UNIVERSITY: - 1. Reports (1913), 17; (1914), 18; (1915), 18; (1916), 18; (1917), 18; (1918), 18; (1919), 18; (1920), 18. Printed. 2. Return showing the names of the Professors of the Faculty of Education at, and Queen’s University; hours of teaching; number of students, etc. (1913), 113. Not printed. - 3. Return showing estimated cost of heating plant for; actual cost; has total amount been paid and if plant giving satisfaction (1914), 78. Not printed. 4. Return showing if there was a deficit in the financial operations of, for the year ending 1912, if so, how much; if a deficit in 1913 and how much, etc. (1914), 81. Not printed. TRADES AND LABOUR BRANCH: g Reports (1918), 16; (1919), 16; (1920), 16. Printed. UNDERGROUND LABOUR: Report of S. Price relimitation of hours of (1913), 82. Printed. UNEMPLOYED, THE:—See Sudbury. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMISSION: 1. Report of (1916), 55. 2. Return of copies of Orders-in-Council, petitions, etc., in reference to con- ditions of unemployment and to Governmental action to relieve, etc. (1916), 57. Not printed. UNITED workMEN, ANCIENT ORDER OF: ... g Report of sub-committee on Bill respecting (1916), 89. Printed. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO:—See Toronto University. WEGETABLE GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION: Reports (1914), 34; (1915), 34; (1916), 34; (1917), 34; (1918), 34; (1919), 34; (1920), 34. Printed. WENEREAL–WESTON. 331 y WENEREAL DISEASE; Reports (1918), 74; (1919), 58; (1920), 81. Printed. WETERINARY COLLEGE: Reports (1913), 30; (1914), 31; (1915), 31; (1916), 31; (1917), 31; (1918), 31; (1919), 31; (1920), 31. Printed. WINELAND STATION: Reports (1906), 15; (1917), 83; (1918), 45; (1919), 45; (1920), 45. Printed. WAR, THE: 1. Return of correspondence with reference to the care of returned soldiers, or provision for and assistance to secure employment (1916), 68. Not printed. 2. Return showing how much of the sum raised by Government on account of tax in 1915, has been expended and for what purposes (191), 70. Not printed. 3. Return showing dates and amounts of the payments made by the Govern- ment in respect of the Ontario Military Hospital and to whom (1916), 76. Not printed. 4. Return showing how many persons in the employ of the Province, or Gov- ernment, are now serving with the Canadian, or Allies Armies; names, salaries, etc. (1916), 78. Not printed. 5. Return of names of all persons employed in the Civil Service of the Pro- vince who have enlisted for overseas service in the Canadian Expedi- tionary Forces (1916), 79. Not printed. 6. Return showing if any statement received from the Government of Great Britain, or from any source, with reference to the use made of the flour contributed by the Province to the Mother Country, etc. (1916), 93. Not printed. 7. Return showing amount paid out of Provincial War Tax and for what pur- pose, etc. (1917), 89. Not printed. WAR, TAX:–See War, The. WATER POWERS: Return showing how many leases of, were issued by the Government, 1912 to 1917; to whom, where and for what periods (1918), 59. Not printed. WESTON, WILLAGE OF: tº Report of Commissioner appointed to enqui (1915), 61. Not printed. re into the financial affairs of 332 WHITBY WORKMEN'S - WHITBY ASYLUM: 1. Return showing capital expenditure; if any further contemplated, how much; number of inmates (1916), 87. Not printed. 2. Return showing how many patients regularly cared for in, during the year 1916 (1917), 66. Printed. WHITSON, MR.: 1. Report of on road construction in Northern Ontario (1914), 73. Printed. 2. Report on Northern Development Branch, under 2 Geo. V, c. 2 (1915), 58. Printed. WINDSOR, CITY OF: Return showing who is Police Magistrate of; when appointed; whom did he succeed, with salary, fees, etc. (1916), 81. Not printed. WOMEN'S INSTITUTES : Reports (1913), 41; (1914), 41; (1915), 41; (1916), 41; (1917), 41; (1918), 41; (1919), 41; (1920), 41. Printed. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD : 1. Interim Report of Commissioner Meredith, with Draft Bill (1913), 85. Printed. 2. Report of Board (1915), 54; (1916), 54; (1917), 54; (1918), 55; (1919), 55; (1920), 55. Printed. 3. Return showing what officers have been appointed by the Board; names; dates of appointment and salaries (1915), 66. Not printed. 4. Return showing the total number of employers of labour coming under Schedule 1 of the Act, as reported to the Board; total number of em- ployees; total amount of assessment, etc. (1916), 71. Not printed. 5. Return showing if Board levied its assessment upon employers upon the basis of current cost, or capitalized value. If Board established a Re- serve Fund under Section 92, etc. (1916), 72. Not printed. 6. Return showing the total number of employers of labour coming under Schedule 2 of the Act, as ascertained by the Board; total number of employees under, etc. (1916), 73. Not printed. 7. Return of correspondence with reference to the appointment of the present members of the Board, or in support of their applications (1916), 77. Not printed. 8. Return of correspondence re Archibald Taylor (1918), 64. Not printed. work MEN's, 333 WoRKMEN’s CoMPENSATION BOARD-Continued. 9. Return showing amount paid by Massey Harris Co., Ltd.; John Inglis Co., Ltd., et. al., for all purposes under; amount paid out, etc. (1918), 76. Not printed. 10. Return showing what number of accidents have been reported and dealt with by Board, etc. (1919), 61. Not printed. APPENDIXES TO JOURNALS. List of, arranged according to year, from 1913 to 1920, both inclusive. | Session of No. Subject matter of 1913 1. Report of Committee on Public Accounts. 1913 2 Report of Committee on Privileges and Elections in the . matter of certain charges made by William Proudfoot. 1914 1 Report of Committee on Public Accounts. - 1915 1 Report of Committee on Public Accounts. 1916 1 Report of Committee on Public Accounts. 1917 1 Report of Committee on Public Accounts. 1918 1 Report of Committee on Public Accounts. 1919 1 Report of Committee on Public Accounts. 1920 1 Report of Committee on Public Accounts. IN DE X TO THE DEBATES AND SPEECHES IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE Province of Ontario From the Session of 1906 to and inclusive of the Session of 1920 (Extracted from the Globe and Mail and Empire.) PART III. 6 EDVARD VII. TO 10 AND 11 GEORGE V. MAIL AND JECT. LOBE. SUBJECT GLO EMPIRE. ACCIDENTS ON HIGHWAYS : On Bill to protect Municipalities. . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 2, 1912. . Accounts, PUBLIC :—See Public Accounts. Acoustics:–See Legislative Chamber. *** ADDRESS: 1. On the motion for, in reply to Speech from Feb. 17, 1906;|Feb. 17, 1906; the Throne. Jan. 26, 1907; Jan. 26, 1907; Feb. 7, 1908; Feb. 7, 1908; Feb. 18, 1909; Feb. 18, 1909; Jan. 27, 1910; Jan. 27, 1910; Jan. 26, 1911; Jan. 26, 1911; Feb. 9, 1912; Feb. 9, 1912; Feb. 7, 1913; Feb. 7, 1913; Feb. 20, 1914; Feb. 20, 1914; Feb. 19, 1915; Feb. 19, 1915; Mar. 2, 3, 1916; Mar. 2, 3, 1916; Feb. 16, 1917; Feb. 16, 1917; Feb. 7, 8, 1918; Feb. 7, 8, 1918: Feb. 27, 1919; Feb. 27, 1919; Mar. 11, 1920. Mar. 11, 1920. 22 lb.S. 336 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. M.AIL AND EMPIRE. 2. Amendment of Leader of Opposition ruled out of order. 3. On Amendment re Government control of nickel. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: Laxity of, spoken to on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE: 1. Appointments, expenditures and dairy work in, discussed in Committee of Supply. 2. Criticised on Budget * * * * * * * * * * * * > * * * * * * * AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: 1. Discussed on Budget e s m e º e e s = e s is a s e s s a a 4 2. On motion for Committee re organization of TCSOUTCéS. 3. On motion re advancement of e s tº tº e º 'º e º # * * AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS: On Bill respecting e e s tº e º a tº e s e º e º a º & e º 'º e º is e AGRICULTURE: 1. The fostering of, discussed on the Budget. . 2 . State of, discussed on the Address * * * * * * * * See 3 . Agricultural population decreasing. below, 12. 4. Amount of money invested in quoted 5. Expense of Winter Fair at Guelph spoken to. - - - - - - -- ~ x ~. 6. Increased expenditure advocated. . . . . . . . . . Feb. 21, 1917... Feb. 22, 1917. . Jan. 27, 1911... Mar. 16, 1906. . Mar. 15, 1912. . March 10, 15, 1916 Mar. 29, 1916. . Apr. 6, 1916. . . Mar. 28, 1906. . Mar. 28, 1906; Feb. 26, 1915. Jan. 26, 1907; Feb. 19, 21, 1908; Feb. 19. 1909; Feb. 1913; Feb. 20. 1914. Feb. 19, 1908. . Feb. 19, 1909. . Mar. 5, Feb. 16, 1910. 7, 1909; Feb. 21, 1917. Feb. 22, 1917. . Mar. 16, 1906. March 10. 15, 1916 Mar. 29, 1916. Apr. 6, 1916. March 28, 31, 1906. Mar. 28, 1906; Mar. 7, 15, 1907; Feb. 26. 1915. Jan. 26, 1907; Feb. 18, 1909; Feb. 7, 1913: Teb. 20, 1914. Jan. 26, 1907. Feb. 19, 1909. Feb. 16, 17. 1910. INDEX. 337 |MAIL AND T. * SUBJEC GLOBE EA1PIRE. 7. Parsimony of Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, 1910. . [Feb. 16, 17, 1910. 8. Success of, discussed on Address. . . . . . . . . . Jan. 26, 1911. . Jan. 26, 1911. - 9. Treatment of Farmers discussed on Budget. Feb. 15, 1911. . 10. Department of does not touch individual...Feb. 16, 1912...Feb. 16, 1912. 11. Appointment of Deputy Minister criticised. Mar. 13, 15, 28, Mar. 13, 15, 28, 1912. 1912. 12. De-population discussed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 13; Mar. Feb. 13; Ap. 17, 14, 27; Apr. 1913; Mar. 11; 17, 1913; Mar. Ap. 2, 1914, 11; April 2, 1914. 13. Conditions of, discussed on motion. . . . . . . . Apr. 2, 1915. . . Apr. 2, 1915. 14. Purposes of, discussed respecting loans for. March 22, 28. Mar. 28, 1917. 1917 15. Expenditure on, spoken to on Budget. . . . . . Mar. 7, 1919. . . Mar. 7, 1919 AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF: 1. On Bill respecting reorganization of . . . . . . . Feb. 20; Mar. Feb. 20; Mar. 14, 15, 1917. 14, 15, 1917. . Discussed on the Address tº $ tº ſº º e º º º tº a º e º & & 3 . Departmental ability and management dis- cussed. 4. Mr. Rowell’s offer re Minister * * * * * * * * * * * g. 5 * * * g e º 'º º e º ºs e º º ºs º ºs . Discussed on the Budget ALGOMA CENTRAL AND HUDSON BAY RAILwAY: On Bill to aid the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALGONQUIN NATIONAL PARK : Discussed on Address On the Budget * * * * * * * * e º is & e s e e º sº e s tº a * * * * * * * * e s s e º e s e a s & e g º e s e e e AMUSEMENT TAX : sºlº º sºm-º: sº- Discussed on the Budget tº a º e º e s e e º e º 'º e º 'º e º it ANTI-TREATING: On Bill to prohibit treating at bars. Liquor License Law. See Bar, 1. Feb. 21, 1917. . Mar. 1917. 14, 15. Mar. 14, 1917. . Mar. 1, 1917. . * e is a e º e º º sº e º ºs e & Mar. 8, 1916: Feb. 23, 1917. Apr. 5, 1906. . . Feb. 21, 1917. . Mar. 1917. 14, 15, Mar. 14, 1917. Mar. 1, 1917. Apr. 2, 1909. Jan. 26, 1911. . Feb. 25, 28, 1911. Mar. 8, 1916; Feb. 23, 1917. Apr. 5, 1906. 338 INDEX. SUBJECT- GLOBE. MAIL AND EMPIRE. ALCOHOL, SALE OF:—See Chemists. APPEALS : Discussed on Law Reform Bill. See Law Reform. AppEALS TO PRIvy CouncIL: On Bill to abolish • e º e º e º e º e º e s e s e º e º 'º e º 'º " " ARGYLL HOUSE:-See War, the. ASSESSMENT LAW : Mar. 17, 1909. . May 14, 1920... May 14, 1920. . 1. On Bill re exemptions from $400 to $1000. Mar. 13, 1906...|Mar. 13, 1906. --> See below, 6. 2. On Bill re assessment of stocks. . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 20, 1906...|Mar. 20, 1906. . . 3. Various measures to amend to be sent to the Mar. 6, 1907...|Mar. 6, 1907, - Statute Revision Commission. 4. Assessment of petroleum rights and naturell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 13, 1907; gas discussed. Mar. 18, 1910. 5. On Bill respecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 11, 1910...|Mar. 6, 1909: Mar. 9, 11. 1910. 6. On Bill to abolish tax exemptions. . . . . . . . . Feb. 17, 1911. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 7. On Bill re taxation on improvements. . . . . . Mar. 28, 1912...|Mar. 22, 1911; Mar. 28, 1912 8. Tax reform Bills explained. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 15, 1912... 9. The question of tax reform and taxation dis-Feb. 7, 12, 13, Feb. 7, 12, 13 cussed. 14; Mar. 12. 14, 1913. "| 1913. 10. On Bill to amend the law of . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 17, 18, Apr. 17, 18, 1913. 1913. 11. On motion advocating tax reform. . . . . . . . . Feb. 27, 1914. | Feb. 27, 1914. 12. On Bills re tax reform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 24, 26, 27; Mar. 24, 1914. Apr. 1, 2, 1914. 13. Mar. 10, 1917. Mar. 10, 1917. 14. On Bill respecting assessment of vacant lands. f Problem of, to be referred to Select Com- mittee. Mar. 6, 1918. , INDEX. 339 SUBJECT. globe. MAIL ANI) * - EMPIRE. V - ASSETS AND LIABILITIES : Discussed on Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 3, 1911;|Feb. , 3, 1911; Mar. 4, 1914; Mar. 4, 13, Mar. 8, 1916; 1914; Mar. 8, Mar. 7, 1919. 1916; Mar. 7, ASYLUMS:—See Public Institutions. Atkinson, Mr.: His Speech on the Budget AUDIT ACT : On Bill to amend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AUDIT AND AUDITOR: 1. Appointment of auditor discussed in Com- mittee of Supply. 2. On Bill respecting. See Audit Act . . . . . . AUTOMOBILES : On motion for return, re tax on. Vehicles, See Motor BALDERDASH: The word quoted in connection with mining, etc. - BANK DEPOSITS: Suggestion to tax as a source of revenue . . . . . BAR, ABOLITION OF THE : The closing of, during the War, Spoken to See Liquor License Law. BARNACIE: An obsolete word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BATTLEFIELDs, NATIONAL: - The grant to, at Quebec, explained . . . . . . . . . BALLOT: 1. Manipulation of, spoken to on Address . . . . 2. The numbered, discussed, on motion for facsimiles used in by-elections in Kingston and N. Toronto. 3. Discussed on Budget tº º e s a se e s = e s tº sº e º º º º & Mar 20, 1907. . . Mar. 30, 1915; Apr. 11, 1916. Mar. 8, 1906 . Mar. 13, . 1909. . Mar. 11, 1915. . Feb. 13, 1908 . . Mar. 6, 1914 .. Feb. 19, 1915 . . Feb. 8, 1911 . . . |Apr. 9, 1908 . . . Feb. 21, 1906 . . Mar. 22, 1906. . Mar. 28, 1906. . 1919. Mar. 20, 1907. Mar. 30, 1915: Apr. 11, 1916. . Mar. 8, 1906. Mar. 13, 1909. Mar 11, 1915. Mar. 6, 1914. Feb. 19, 1915. Feb. 8, 1911. Apr. 9, 1908: Mar. 12, 1909. Feb. 21, 1906. * * --s gº º ºs Mar. 28, 1906. 34() INDEX. w - MAIL AND SUBJECT. GLOBE. EMPIRE. Beck, Sir Adam : * - & 1. His speech on Local Municipal Telephone|Apr. 13, 1906 - |Apr. 13, 1906. Systems Bill. 2. On the Hydro-electric Power Bill . . . . . . . . May 8, 1906 ... 3. In re electrical development . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 3, 1908 . 4. On the Budget re Power Policy . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, 1910 . . 5. Urging prohibition of export of Hydro Mar. 21, 1917 . . power. Wide dates of March 23rd and 27th, 1917. ! 6. Replying to Sir William MacKenzie . . . . . . Mar. 30, 1917 . . BI-LINGUAL SCHOOLS: tºº 1. Discussed on Budget. See Education. Feb. 15, 1911; Language in the Schools. ate Schools. Ottawa Separ- 2 3 . Certain proposed questions in re, directed to be eliminated from Order Paper. Spoken to e e e e s e s - a a e s e e s e º e º s e e s • * * * * * 5 On motion for Return and on Budget . . . . 6. Dr. Merchant’s Report spoken to . . . . . . . . Dr. Merchant’s Report spoken to . Circular 17 spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On motion for return of correspondence in 7°0. 9. tº e e º e º e º º º e º 'º w = 4 In Committee of Supply 10. On Bill respecting appointment of Com- mission. re Ottawa Schools. BLAKE, Hon. EDWARD: Tribute paid to and House adjourns . . . . . . . . BLAKE, HoN. SAMUEL : His statement re abolition of the bar, etc. . . . . Mar. 20, 1912; Mar. 15, 1916. . . [Feb. 9, 21, 1912; Feb. 7, 1913; Mar. 2, 1916. * : *g, ** = . Mar. 15, 1912 . . Mar. 30; Apr. 10, 15, 1912. . Mar. 4, 7, 1913. Mar. 4, 1913 . Mar. 19, 1913 . . Mar. 25, 1914 . Apr. 12, 15, 1916 Mar. 23, 30: Apr. 4, 1917. Mar. 5, 1912 . . Apr. 4, 1912 . . . . Mar . Mar May 8, 10, 1906. . Apr. 3, 1908. Feb. 16, 1910. Mar. 21, 1917. Mar. 30, 1917. Feb. 15, 1911– Mar. 20, 1912 —M a r. 15, 1916. Feb. 9, 21, 1912 —Feb. 7, 1913 —M ar. 2, 1916. Mar. 15, 1912. Mar. 13, 1912. Mar. 4, 7, 1913. . 4, 1913. . 27, 1914. Apr. 15. 1916. Mar. 30; Apr. 4, 1917. 12, Mar. 5, 1912. Apr. 4, 1912. INDEX. SUBJECT. * BLIND INSTITUTE: Report of Commission to investigate discussed. BOARD OF COMMERCE: Discussed on Address s e º e s e e s e º e s tº e s e º is e º 'º BONUs SYSTEM : 1. On Bill respecting municipal bonuses to manufacturers. 2. On Bill to abolish s e e s e a e s e e s a e o e º 'º e º 'º º BOOK-KEEPING: 1. Different modes of, discussed in Committee of Supply. 2. Criticized on Budget a e e s e s e e s e s a e e º 'º º º Boun DARIES, PROVINCIAL: 1. The question of territory spoken to s a s tº e º 2. The boundary between Ontario and Mani- toba spoken to on Address. . Some questions by Opposition spoken to. . On motion that Ontario is entitled to her own hinterland, etc. e e º e º º º ſº & . The Dominion Order-in-Council e a e s e e º 'º The “Five Mile Strip ’’ spoken to s e e s e s e e e s • e º 'º' s a " * * Discussed on Budget . On Bill expressing consent of Legislature to an extension of. Bowman, Mr. (Bruce): 1. His speech on Resolution vs. Reciprocity Agreement. 2. On the Budget e s = º e s is e º sº º e º e s p * * * * * * * * GLOBE. 341 MAIL AND EMPIRE. Mar. 20, 1907 Mar. 31, 1920 .. Mar. 9, 1908– Feb. 25, 1910. |Feb. 24, 1911 .. a tº e s a tº e g tº e s tº & tº Mar. 23, 1906 . . Apr. 1, 1909 . . . Feb. 9, 1912 . . . Feb. 13, 1912 .. Feb. 22, 29; Mar. 6, 7, 1912 . . . . . . . Feb. 28, 1912 . . Mar. 13, 1912 . . Mar. 20, 1912 . . Mar. 10, 1911. . Mar. 4, 1914– Feb. 24, 1915 —Mar. 8, 9, 1916—Feb. 23, 1917—Mar. 12, 1919. .Mar. 20, 1907. Mar. 9, 1908— Feb. 25, 1910. Mar. 9, 1906. Mar. 23, 1906. Apr. 1, 1909. Feb. 9, 1912. Feb. 13, 1912. Feb. 22, 29; Mar. 6, 7, 1912. Feb. 28, 1912. Mar. 13, 1912. Mar. 20, 1912. Apr. 10, 11, 1912. Mar. 14, 1914– Feb. 24, 1915 —Mar. 9, 1916 Mar. 12, 1919. 342 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL AND EMPIRE. 3. His charges vs. Provincial Secretary re corrupt agreement with the liquor] interests. 4. Replies to attack of J. A. Currie . . . . . . . . º - | 5. Mr. Lucas explains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowman, Hon. Mr. (Manitoulin): Apr. 29, 1914 .. Feb. 17, 1917 . . Feb. 21, 1917 . . Apr. 29, 1914. His speech on the Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 5, 1919 . . Mar. 5, 1919. Bowyer, Mr. 1. His speech on seconding the Motion for Feb. 17, 1906 ...Feb. 17, 1916. Address. i 2. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 15, 1907. 3. On Bill to amend Pharmacy Act . . . . . . . . Mar. 4, 1909 . . Mar. 4, 1909. BREAD : On Bill respecting manufacture and sale of . . Mar. 21, 1908—Mar. 19, 1908. - | | Mar. 1, 1910. BRIDGES : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 22, 1910. BRITISH PREFERENCE: Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, 1911. BROKEN PLEDGES: * Discussed on Motion for Address. See Pre-Feb. 17, 1906 ...Feb. 17, 1906. election Promises. BUDGET:—See Financial Statement. BULK SALES: On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 12, 1912. BURLINGTON BEACH: - On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 21, 1907 . . Mar. 21, 27, 1907. BURWASH FARM : Purchase of discussed. See Kapuskasing . . CABINET CHANGEs: Referred to ... e. e. e. a e e º s e º a s e º sº e º e º a s a to 6 & © e. e º 'º Calder, Mr. (Ontario): His speech on moving Address e e a e o e º ºs e o e º s . Feb. 21, 1918 . . Feb. 7, 1918 . . * @ e s e s e º 'º e º e º e Feb. 27, 1907– Feb. 24, 1915. . Feb. 7, 1918. INDEX. 343 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL AND EMPIRE. Cameron, Mr. (Grey): CANADA, WoRKS FOR ADVANTAGE OF:—See Canadian Northern Railway. CANADA CoMPANY : 1. On Bill respecting sales of land by 2. On Assessment Bill re taxation of minerals. CANADA's RELATION TO THE EMPIRE: Spoken to on Address e e º e º e º ºs e º 'º e º e g º e º e a CANADIAN COPPER COMPANY : Taxation of nickel output discussed on motion for Return. See Nickel. CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY : 1. On resolution granting aid to . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Sir James Whitney states policy of Govern- ment re aid to. 3 & e º s e e s tº e s tº e º e º 'º . On Bill granting aid to 4. The two cent rate discussed & e e g º e e º e º e º º 5. On motion for Return re steps taken by company in Clay Belt. . Grant to discussed * * * * * * * g g g g º ºs º 'º e º ſº ſº tº º . On motion protesting against plan of, to build railway, Toronto to Niagara Falls, through Hamilton. 8. On motion for Return of Order-in-Council approving of construction of. CANADIAN PEACE AND ARBITRATION SoCIETY: Resolution of, carried in lieu of conference at the Hague. CAPITAL ExPENDITURE : Discussion on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CARRICK, J. J.: Correspondence with, re Pic River, discussed. . 23 D.S. Feb. 20, 1914 .. i. Mar. 19; Apr. 4, 1907 Apr. 13, 1907 . . e tº e º 'º dº ſº Feb. 18, 1909 . . Mar. 31, 1916 . . *. Apr. 10, 13, 1908 Mar. 19; Apr. 2, 1909 | * Apr. 7, 1909 Apr. 8, 1909 . . tº dº º e º $ tº Mar. 4, 1910 .. Apr. 17, 1913 . . Feb. 27, 1917 . . Mar . 21, 1917. . Mar. 16, 1907. . gº tº dº tº º ſº º e º tº g º º ſº Feb. 20, 1914. Mar. 19; Apr. 4, 1907. Apr. 13, 1907. Feb. 18, 1909. Apr. 10, 13, 1908. Mar. 19; Apr. 2, 1909. Apr. 7, 8, 9, 1909. Apr. 8, 1909. Mar. 4, 1910. Apr. 17, 1913. Feb. 27, 1917. Mar. 16, 1907. Mar. 5, 1909. ... 16, 1920 . . Apr. 16, 1920. 344 SUBJECT. INDEX. GLOBE, MAIL and EMPIRE- Carscallen, Mr. (Hamilton): His death and value as a Member spoken to. CARTER ENDow MENT:-See Education. CASH REGISTER: 1. The Treasurer compared to 2. The words quoted on Budget CASUAL REVENUE: Discussed on Budget tº e s tº e º e s a s e e º 'º e º e a CAUCUs: Attendance of certain Opposition Mem- bers at, spoken to. CENTRAL ONTARIO POWER SYSTEM :-See Hydro-Electric. CENTRAL, ONTARIO RAILWAY : On Bill to aid & s e º 'º e º s & e º e s s e º 'º e a tº e º e CENTRAL PRISON AND FARM : 1. Location of in north country suggested. 2. Work done at Prison Farm, at Guelph, explained. CHAMBER: Acoustic properties of, spoken to • * * * * * Chambers, Mr. : His speech on seconding Address CHARITY AID ACT: On Bill to enable Hospitals to collect from municipalities. CHATTELS: On Bill re conditional sales of s s s º ºs e º 'º CHEESE AND BUTTER: 1. Inspection of cheese factories discussed in Committee of Supply. 2. On Bill to prevent fraud in manufac- ture of. & e s e e º e º e s tº e º 'º e º 'º s sº a tº e º e º e g º e º & º º & Mar. 21, 1906 . . . Mar. 5, 1909 . . . . Apr. 6, 1906 . . . . • * * * * * * * a e g º ºs e s º º * * * * * * * * s tº tº e º 'º e & tº Apr. 27, 1906; Feb. 3, 1910. ge º 'º $ tº • * * * * * * e s e º e º e º & © s a s e e s e e º e º e º e º ſº tº • * ~ * * . |Mar. Jan. 30, 1907. Mar. 9, 1906. 21, 1906. Mar. 5, 1909. Apr. 6, 1906. Apr. 2, 1909. Mar. 11, 1909. Mar. 23, 1911. Apr. 27, 1906— Mar. 30, 1909– Feb. 3, 1910. Feb. 7, 1918. Mar. 2, 1910. Apr. 5, 1906. Mar. 9, 1906. May 5, 1906. INDEX. 345 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS: *. On Bill to stop abuse of Liquor License Mar. 1, 1911 . . . . Mar. 1, 1911. Act, by. CHILD LABOUR : . 1. On the motion deprecating . . . . . . . . Feb. 14, 1907 . . . . [Feb. 14, 1907. 2. On Bill to amend Shop Act . . . . . . . . Feb. 29, 1908 . . . . [Feb. 29; Mar. 4, W 1908. 3. Ages of Pages in Chamber spoken to. Feb. 21, 1912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Factory Act. CIVIL GOVERNMENT: 1. Estimates for discussed and extrava- gance charged. 2. Expenditure under discussed on Bud- get and in Committee of Supply. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: On motion re appointment of . . . . . . . . . CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER : On Bill re appointment of CIVIL SERVICE:-See Spoils System. Pub- lic Service. Patronage System. Clark, Mr. (Bruce): 1. His speech on moving Address . . . . . 2. On the matter of the Pettypiece Rail- way Taxation Bill. 3. On the Address • e º e s a a e s e º e º 'º e º & © e Clark, Mr. (Northumberland): 1. His speech on the Budget _* 2. Speech on FHis 3. His speech on the McCreary resolution. D CLosED Doors:—See Toronto University. . |Feb. 17, 1906 . . . . . |Mar. 6, 15, 1907– Mar. 9, 1906—Mar. 1, 1918. Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 2, 1915. Mar. 6, 1917 . . . . Feb. 19, 28, 1918. . Apr. 26, 1906 . . . . e s e s e º e s w a tº e º 'º º º º Mar. 5, 1909– Feb. 8, 1911– Mar. 6, 1914. Mar. 18, 1920 . . . . Apr. 28, 1920 . . . . Mar. 9, 1906–Mar. 1, 1918. Mar. 11, 20, 1908. Mar. 6, 1917. Feb. 19, 28, 1918. Feb. 17, 1906. Apr. 26, 1906. Feb. 19, 1908. Mar. 6, 15, 1907– Mar. 5, 1909. Mar. 18, 1920. Apr. 28, 1920. 3 |(} INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. CLUBs: The licensing of, discussed on Bill to amend the Liquor License Law. CoBALT AND KERR LAKES: 1. On Bill to confirm titles 2. Title to, on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Negotiations discussed on Budget. See Florence Mine. COBALT, TOWN OF : Territorial limits of, spoken to gº tº º e º 'º º ſº Cody, Hon. Mr. His speech on Education Bill COLONIZATION AND IMMIGRATION:—See Im- migration. COLONIZATION ROADs: 1. Vote for discussed in Committee of Supply. 2. On Bill respecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Building of, discussed on Address and in Committee of Supply. 4. Waste of money on, discussed on Budget. 5. On motion condemning waste and mis- use of money on. COLLOQUIAL SCHOOLS:—See Education, 44. COMBINEs: 1. Slow prosecution of, discussed on Budget. 2. On Address ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. On motion for Return. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. On motion condemning. See Race- © e º & e º is º is tº ſº tº e º 'º tº e Apr. 5, 18, 1907. . Feb. 12, 1908 Mar. 11, 12, 1909. Mar. 26, 1907. . . . Apr. 9, 1919. . . . . . Mar. 14, 1907. . . . Mar. 22, 27, 1907. Feb. 13, 1908; Apr. 11, 1913. Mar. 2, 1917 |Mar. 17, 1917. . . . Feb. 11, 17, 1910. Feb. 14, 1912; Mar. 31, 1920. Feb. 15, 25; Apr. 23, 1913. Mar. 29, 1917. . . . track Gambling. Apr. 4, 1906. Apr. 5, 18, 1907. Feb. 12, 1908. Mar. 11, 12, 1909. Mar. 26, 1907. Apr. 9, 1919. Mar. 14, 1907. Mar. 22, 27, 1907. |Feb. 13; Mar. 25, 1908. Mar. 2, 1917. Mar. 31, 1920. Feb. 15, 25, 1913. Mar. 29, 1917. INDEX. 34? SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 5. Discussed on a question of privilege. . 6. Discussed on the Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS: The tax on, in Quebec spoken to. . . . . . . COMMISSIONS ROYAL: On Resolution regretting practice of un- duly multiplying. Appointment of, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMITTEE REPORTS : Reference made to matter reported by to House—only such as favourable. See Private Bills. COMPANIES ACT: Amendments spoken to on Address. Prospectuses. See CoMPENSATION TO LICENSF HOLDERS: On motion to provide. See Ontario Tem- perance Act. CoMPENSATION To WoRKMEN:—See Work- 777,671. CONFEDERATION: On motion re commemoration of . . . . . . . . CONSCRIPTION: Discussed on the Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CoNSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT: Achievements of, discussed on Address. . . CoNSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND : 1. On Bill to borrow $5,500,000 on • * * * * * 2. On Bill for raising money on credit of CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE: On motion re increase in Mar. 25, 1920. . . . Apr. 29, 1920..... tº e º e s e e s s e s is a 4 & 9 º' Apr. 10, 1908. ... . \ º e º sº º Feb. 15, 1918 Feb. 16, 1907. . . . . Feb. 17, 1906. ... . Mar. 28, 1916. . . . Mar. 27, 1917. ... . Mar. 17, 1920..... e v c e s tº e s s e º e º e º e 9 Mar. 7, 1911. ... . . Apr. 21, 1914; Aſ -- - ſº -1 º' Mär. 3, 6, 1915. Mar. 27, 1908: Mar. 12, 1909. Mar. 25, 1920. Apr. 29, 1920. Mar. 22, 1906. Apr. 10, 1908. Feb. 15, 1918. Feb. 16, 1907. Feb. 17, 1906. Mar. 27, 1917. Mar. 17, 1920. Jan. 27, 1910. Mar. 3, 6, 1915. Mar. 27, 1908; Mar. 12, 1909. 3.48 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. CONSTRUCTIVE LEGISLATION: Discussed on Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 3. 1911. . . . . . Feb. 3, 1911. CONVEYANCING: On Bill respecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 26, 1906. . . . . Apr. 26, 1906. CO-OPERATION: Spoken to on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 12, 18, 1920. Mar. 12, 18, 1920. CORPORATION TAx ACT : 1. On Bill to amend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 25, 1915. ....|Mar. 25, 1915. 2. Racetrack taxes discussed under. . . . . . Apr. 30, 1920. . . . . Apr. 30, 1920. CORPORATION TAXES : Discussed on Budget. See Revenue . . . . . Mar. 23, 1906: Mar. 22, 1906. Mar. 12, 1909. The refusal of Insurance Companies to Feb. 24: Mar. 2, 3. Feb. 24; Mar. 2, 3, 1915. 1915. pay, discussed on Budget. CouxTY COUNCILS ACT: tº dº e º e º ºs º º ºs e º 'º e º ſº tº tº e º e º is º C tº dº º 'º º ſº º º 3. Discussed on Budget COUNTY COURT JUDGES : 1. On Bill to restrict the number of . . . . 2. On Bill to amend Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . COUNTY FAIRS: Reduction of grants to discussed Cox ESTATE:-See Succession Duties: CREAM AND MILK : On Bill respecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRIMINALs, CONFIRMED: On Bill respecting • a s = e a e e s e e s e º e º 'º e º 'º' Crockett, Mr. : His speech on seconding Address CROWN ATTORNEYS : On Bill respecting a e e s a s e s e e s e > * * * * * * tº Mar Feb. 17, 1906 gº tº * * > Mar. 13, 29; May 11, 1906. Apr. 6, 1906 * * * * ºr e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . 24, 1912. . . . . Feb. 24, 1915. ... . . 30, 1920..... Mar. Mar. 11, 1920. . . . Apr. 13, 1920. . . . |Feb. 17, 1906. Mar. 13, 29; May 11, 1906. Apr. 6, 1906. Apr. 10, 1906. Feb. 24, 1912. Feb. 24, 1915. Mar. 30, 1920. Mar. 3, 1910. Mar. 11, 1920. Apr. 13, 1920. INDEX. 349 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. CROWN COUNSEL PROSECUTIONS: 1. Appropriation for, discussed in Com- mittee of Supply. 2. On the Budget. See Crown Attorneys. CROWN LANDS RECEIPTS: Less on account of depression. . . . . . . . . . CURRENT REVENUE : Discussed on Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAYLIGHT SAVING: On Bill respecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEFENCE, IMPERIAL: The question spoken to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEFICITS : - Repudiated on Budget and in Committee. Possible in 1920. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEMPSEY, MR.: The case of, spoken to e e s a e s s e o e o e º 'º º DEPOPULATION: In rural districts discussed • e s ∈ is e e º s = * * DEPUTATIONS: Manner of receiving, without evasion, spoken to on Address. DEvoNSHIRE RACE TRACK :—See Racetrack Gambling. Dewart, Mr. : 1. His speech on the Address e e s e e º 'º e º a Mar. 12, 1908. ... . Mar. 27, 1908. ... . Feb. 16, 1911 Mar. 6, 1918. . . . . . e tº e º º is Apr. 1, 1909 Feb. 18, 1910; Feb. 3, 1911; Mar. 8, 1912 : Mar. 7. 12, 14, 21, 1913; Mar. 13, 1914; Feb. 24; Mar. 10, 1915; Mar. 8, 9. 1916; Mar. 3, 1917; Mar. 12. 1919; Apr. 14. 1920. Mar. 7, 1919. ... . . Feb. 15, 1913. ... . Feb. 13; Mar. 27; Apr. 17, 1913. Feb. 17, 1906. ... . Feb. 22, 1917; Mar. 6, 1919; Mar. 12, 1908. Mar. 27, 1908. Mar. 5, 1909. Feb. 16, 1911. Mar. 6, 1918. Feb. 18, 1910; Feb. 3, 1911; Mar. 8, 1912; Mar. 7, 12, 14, 1913; Mar. 13, 1914; Feb. 24, 1915; Mar. 8, 9. 16, 1916; Mar. 12, 1919; Apr. 14, 1920. Mar. 7, 1919. Feb. 15, 1913. Feb. 17, 1906. Mar. 12, 1920. Mar. 12, 1920. 350 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. | Pan and EMPIRE. 2 . On the Budget 3. On proposed amendment re Election Act. 4. Repudiates article in local paper. . . . . 5. His attack on Temperance Commission 6. His speech on dress reform at opening of Legislature. 7. Criticised by Mr. Ferguson. . . . . . . . . . 8. His speech on the Kapuskasing Colony matter. 9. His speech on the Pic and Black Stur- geon River limits. 10. His speech on the McCreary Resolu- tion. 11. His speech on the Queenston-Chippewa labour trouble. DISALLOWANCE: 1. Probable, spoken to. See Provincial Rights. 2. Ontario, will not submit to dictation from Dominion Government. DIVISION COURTS : 1. 2. 3. On Bill to extend jurisdiction dº e s ∈ & ſº as Advance in salaries of Clerks of, ad- vocated. On Bill to amend the Act * c e º e s s s e º ºs 4. The garnishee question discussed . . . . DOG LAKE: On Bill re development of Water Power OD. Mar. 2, 1917; Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 6, 1919. ... . . Mar. 8, 1919. . . . . . Mar. 21, 1919; May 19, 1920. Apr. 4, 1919 *º e º ſº º ºr Mar. 12, 1920. ... . Apr. 15, 1920 . . . . Apr. 16, 1920. . . . . Apr. 28, 1920.... . May 19, 1920 . . . . Apr. 4, 1907 e c e s º is s & © tº º Jan. 27, 1910 Apr. 12, 1906. ... . tº tº 3 & ſº º ſº º e º & e º 'º e º 'º' Mar. 4; Apr. 2, 1909. Apr. 8, 1909. . . . . . Apr. 3, 4, 1908. . . Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 8, 1919. Mar. 21, 1919; May 19, 1920. Apr. 4, 1919. Mar. 12, Apr. 15, Apr. 16, 1920. Apr. 28, 1920. May 19, 1920. Apr. 4, 1907. Jan. 27; Feb. 18. 1910, Apr. 12, 1906. Apr. 16, 1907. Mar. 4, 1909. Apr. 3, 4, 1908. INDEX. SUBJECT. Doherty, Hon. Mr.: His speech on the Address. . . . . . . . . . . . DOMESTIC SERVICE: Discussed. See Immigration DOMINION PERMANENT LOAN COMPANY : *...* g º e º tº & e Donovan, Mr. : - . His speech on seconding Address DRAINAGE: 1. On Bill respecting municipal & a s s s a s 2. Referees, improperly sent to the East, spoken to. 3. On Bill to amend Revenue Fund Act DRESS REFORM : On motion in re at opening ceremony of Legislature. DRUG HABIT, THE : Discussed on the Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . Drury, Hon. Mr. : 1. His speech on the Address tº tº º & tº tº it tº º 2. Explains the Election Act 3. His speech on the McCreary Referen- dum resolution. 4. Explains the Superannuation Act. . . 5. His speech on the Queenston-Chippawa labour trouble. Ducharme, Mr. : His speech re bi-lingualism Duff, Hon. James S. : Congratulated on recovery from illness. . Tribute to memory of * * * e º e º ſº tº tº e e * c s s e s e º e e s e e º 'º º º May 19, 1920 Mar. 15, 1916. ... . Mar. 2, 1916. ... . . Feb. 15, 1917 & e º tº º 351 GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, . Mar. 18, 1920.....|Mar. 18, 1920. . Feb. 23, 1910. . . . . Feb. 23; Mar. S, 1910. . Feb. 8, 1918. . . . . . . |Feb. 7, 1908. . . . . . Feb. 7, 1908. Apr. 28, 1906. ....|Apr. 28, 1906. May 2, 1906. . . . . . May 2, 1906. . Mar. 3, 1915. . . . . Mar. 3, 1915. Apr. 4, 1919. . . . . . Apr. 4, 1919. . Mar. 31, 1920..... Mar. 31, 1920. . Mar. 17, 1920.....|Mar. 17, 1920. • Mar, 24, 1920; Mar. 24, 1920; Apr. 27, 1920. Apr. 27, 1920. Apr. 22, 28, 1920.|Apr. 22, 28, 1920. •Apr. 27, 1920.....|Apr. 27; May 7, 1920. May 19, 1920. Mar. 15, 1916. Mar. 2, 1916. Feb. 15, 1917. INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. DWELLING HOUSES: On Bill re erection of inexpensive EAR TO THE GROUND : The Attorney-General explains his atti- tude. ECONOMY : Advocated on Budget. . . . . . . . . , - - - - - - - - Tº DUCATION: 1. Reform in, discussed on Address 2 5 ". 10. 11. . Technical education discussed * * * * * * The new Deputy Minister discussed on Address and in Committee of Supply . The new Inspector of Public Libraries discussed on Address and in Commit- tee of Supply. . Teachers, male and female, discussed on Address. . Crowded condition of Public Schools spoken to. Estimates discussed in Committee of Supply. Salaries of teachers discussed in Com- mittee of Supply and on Bill respect- ing. . School libraries discussed in Commit- tee of Supply. Public School maintenance discussed. On the Budget e e s e º e s s e e s e s e e s " " " " * . The question of establishing Normal Schools discussed on the Budget. l, Feb. 27; Mar. 1, 4, 8, 18, 1919. Feb. 16, 1917. . . . . Mar. 5, 1909. . . ... Feb. 17, 21, 1906; Feb. 28, 1919. Feb. 21; Mar. 7, 1906. Feb. 21, 1906. ... . Feb. 21, 1906. ... . Feb. 28, 1906. ... . Mar. 9, 1906; Mar. 18, 1908; Feb. 19, 1909; Mar. 13, 1912. Mar. 14; Apr. 11, 27; May 2, 9, 11, 1906. Mar. 14, 1906. ... . Mar. 14, 1906. ... . Mar. 14, 1906. ... . Mar. 23, 1906; Mar. 7, 1913; Mar. 14, 1919. Mar. 28, 1906. ... . Feb. 27 ; Mar. 1, 4, 8, 18, 1919. Feb. 16, 1917. Mar. 5, 1909. Feb. 17, 21, 1906; Feb. 7, 1913; Feb. 28, 1919. Feb. 21; Mar. 7, 1906. Feb. 21; Mar. 14, 1906. Feb. 21, 1906. Feb. 28, 1906. Mar. 9, 1906: Mar. 18, 1908; Feb. 19, 1909. Mar. 14; Apr. 11, 27; May 2, 9, 11, 1906. Mar. 14, 1906. Mar. 14, 1906. Mar. 14, 1906. Mar. 23, 1906: Mar. 7, 1913: Mar. 26, 1915; Mar. 14, 1919. Mar. 28, 1906. INDEX. 353 SUBJECT. GLOBE. 13. Free textbooks discussed on the Budget Mar. 28, 1906. 14. On the Bills respecting Department of Apr. 11, 27; May and providing for Superintendent; 2, 9, 11, 1906. Advisory Council; training for teach- ers and salaries. 15. Unrest in educational affairs spoken to Apr. 27, 1906. ... . 16. The appointment of a Superintendent|Apr. 27, 1906. ... . discussed. 17. Bank advertisement, in Scotland, for Apr. 27, 1906. ... . clerks, spoken to. 18. The personnel of Advisory Council May 2, 1906. . . . . . discussed. *- 19. Interest of University in, discussed...May 2, 1906. . . . . . 20. The franchise discussed. . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2, 1906. . . . . . 21. Appointment of examiners spoken to..|May 2, 1906. . . . . . 22. The attack of the “Orange Sentinel” May 11, 1906. ... . on Bishop of Ottawa spoken to. 23. Lack of Separate School legislation, May 11, 1906. ... . spoken to. 24. Grants to rural schools outlined by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Premier. 25. The system and Public Schools dis-Jan. 30, 1907: cussed. Mar. 11, 1909. . 26, Cheap textbooks discussed. . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 30, 1907. . . . . 27. Text books discussed on the Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. Technical education spoken to on the Mar. 1, 20, 1907; Budget and Address. Feb. 20, 1909; Jan. 27, 1910. 29. Fire drill for children suggested. . . . . Mar. 2, 1907. . . . . 30. Grants to discussed on the Budget....Mar 15, 1907; Mar. 20, 25, f 1908. MAIL and EMPIRE. Mar. 28, 1906. ... . Apr. 11, 27; May 2, 9, 11, 1906. Apr. 27, 1906. Apr. 27, 1906. Apr. 27, 1906. May 2, 11, 1906. May 2, 1906. May 2, 1906. May 2, 1906. May 11, 1906. May 11, 1906. Jan. 26, 1907. Jan. 26, 30, 1907: Mar. 11, 1909. Jan. 30, 1907. Mar. 15, 20, 1907. Mar. 1, 20, 1907; Feb. 20, 1909: Jan. 27, 1910. Mar. 2, 1907. Mar. 15, 20, 1907; Mar. 20, 1908. 354 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, 31. Salaries of teachers spoken to on Bud-Mar. 7, 1907. . . . . Mar. 7, 1907. get. º 32. On Bill to amend Public Schools Act.|Apr. 10, 1907. ....|Apr. 10, 1907. 33. Flags for schools discussed . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 10, 1907. ....|Apr. 10, 1907. 34. Power to print and sell readers by Gov-Apr. 18, 1907. Apr. 18, 1907. ernment discussed. 35. Industrial, or vocational, discussed on Feb. 12, 1908. . . . . [Feb. 12, 1908. Address. 36. Compulsory, urged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 14, 1908. . . . . 37. Model schools spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 19, 26; Mar. Feb. 19, 26; Mar. 18, 1908; Feb. 18, 1906; Feb. 20, 1909; Feb. 20, 1909; Feb. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. . On Bill respecting Policy discussed on Address. . . . . . . . . Cheaper school books spoken to Grants to rural schools discussed on Address. Grants to universities discussed e e s e s tº e e s e s e a e s a “ s • * * * * e is a e g º e º e º s º ºs e º 'º º º º On Truancy Bill The maintenance of colloquial schools suggested. Separate School text books and taxa- tion spoken to. e e º 'º e Age limit of Inspectors spoken to Normal Schools discussed on Address. t Truancy Officers’ appointment dis- cussed. 16; Mar. 1, 1912. Feb. 26, 1908..... Feb. 26; Mar. 20. 1908. e e a e e s e s a e º e º e º 'º - a e s s a e s e º e s a e º e º e s e e s e e º e < e º e º e º 'º º • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Feb. 18, 1909. ... . Apr. 3, 1909...... Apr. 6, 1909...... e s e e e º e s is e e º e º 'º " " • * ~ e e o e s a e s a e º 'º º º - Feb. 14, 16; Mar. 1. 1912. Feb. 26, 1908. Feb. 26; Mar. 20, 1908. Feb. 17, 1908. Mar 18, 1908. . 2, 1908. . 3, 1908. . 18, 1909. . 3, 1909. 19, 1909. Mar. 23, 1909. INDEX. 355 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 49. 51. 58. 59. 60. 61. 2. Bi-lingual The new Readers attacked on Budget. f . Public School conditions discussed on Budget. Restoration of Model Schools advo- cated. . On motion re abolition of Model Schools; School readers and estab- lishment of Technical Schools. See below, 54. . Exemptions and assessments re School taxes spoken to. . On motion re establishment of Techni- cal Schools . The Carter endowment scheme spoken to. . Technical education discussed on Ad- dress. . Technical education discussed on the Budget. On Bill re technical education. . . . . . . Rural School question discussed on Address. Increased grants to, discussed on Bud- get. Model Schools discussed on Budget. Wide Ante, 37. See schools discussed. below. Feb. 9, 11, 16, 18, 1910. Feb. 9, 17, 1910 .. Feb. 11, 1910..... Feb. 18, 1910..... Feb. 26; Mar. 10, 1910. Mar. 17, 1910..... º e g º º ºs e º e º e º 'º dº e º & Jan. 26, 27, 1911. Feb. 15, 16, 1911. . Mar. 3, 1911. ... . . Jan. 27, 1911..... Feb. 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 1910. Feb. 9, 17, 1910. Feb. 18, 1910. Feb. 26; Mar. 10, 1910. Mar. 18, 1910. Feb. 15, 16, 1911. Mar. 3, 1911. s sº e s tº e º s is e e º e º is tº º Feb. 10, 16, 1911. . Feb. 15, 1911; Feb. 9; Mar. 15, 20, 30; Apr. 10, 15, 1912; Mar. 4, 1913; Apr. 2, 1915; Mar. 15; Apr. 12, 15, 1916. Feb. 3, 1911. Feb. 16, 1911. Feb. 15, 1911; Feb. 9, 21; Mar. 15, 20, 30; Apr. 10, 13, 15, 1912; Mar. 4, 1913; Apr. 2, 1915; Mar. 15; Apr. 15, 1916. 356 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, 63. School holidays discussed on Bill to Feb. 17, 1911..... Feb. 17, 1911. extend. 64. On Resolution re use of English lan-Mar. 23, 1911.....|Mar. 23, 1911. guage only. 65. Policy of Government discussed. . . . . . Feb. 14, 16, 1912. . [Feb. 16, 1912. 66. Advisory Councils discussed on motion Feb. 20, 1913. . . . . Feb. 20, 1913. for Return. 67. Dr. Merchant’s Report the subject of Mar. 4, 1913. . . . . Mar. 4, 1913. discussion. 68. Circular No. 17 spoken to . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 19, 1913:Apr. 2, 1915. | Apr. 2, 1915. 69. The IIigh and Model Schools criticised Apr. 12, 1913. ....|Apr. 12, 1913. 70. Aid for Separate Schools advocated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 19, 1913. 71. Almonte High School discussed. . . . . . Mar. 21, 1914. . . . Mar. 21; Apr. 17, 1914. 72. English-French Schools discussed on|Mar. 25, 1914;|Mar. 25, 27, 1914: motion for Return of correspond- Apr. 2, 1915. Apr. 2, 1915. ence with H. St. Jacques. 73. Expenses of discussed on amendment|Apr. 8, 1914 . . . . . Apr. 8, 1914. to Resolution of Supply. 74. On amendment re attack, by Superin-Apr. 25, 1914. ....|Apr. 25, 1914. tendent of, on a Member. 75. Bi-lingualism spoken to on Address...|Mar. 2, 1916. ... . . Mar. 2, 1916. 76. Election of Boards of, discussed on Mar. 13, 1917. ... . Bill. 77. Estimates discussed in Committee of Mar. 30, 1917. ....Mar. 30, 1917. Supply. 78. Text books discussed on Budget. . . . . . Feb. 14, 15, 1918. Feb. 14, 15, 1918. 79. 80. Entire change of system spoken to. . . . English-French school grants discus- sed. Feb. 15, 1918 1918. Feb. 22; Mar. 1. Feb. 15, 1918. Feb. 22; Mar. 1, 1918. INDEX. 357 SUBJECT, GLOBE. |MAIL and EMPIRE, 81. On Bill amending laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 9, 1919. .....|Apr. 9, 1919. 82. School age discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 11, 1919. ....|Apr. 11, 1919. 83. On Bill re compulsory school attend-Apr. 16, 1919.....|Apr. 16, 1919. 8]]Cé. 84. On motion calling for reform in sys-May 12, 1920.....|May 12, 1920. tem of. EIGHT HOUR DAY : ! Discussed on the Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 12, 17, 19.jMar. 12, 17, 19, 1920. 1920. ELECTIONS AND ELECTION LAW : 1. Ballot manipulation spoken to on Ad-Feb. 21, 1906. ....|Feb. 21, 1906 dress. 2. The numbered ballot discussed on mo-'Mar. 22, 1906. ....|Mar. 22, 1906 tion for fac similes of those used in Kingston and North Toronto By- elections. See below, 6. 3. Interference of Sheriffs in elections, Mar. 22, 1906. ....|Mar. 22, 1906 discussed on Bill to amend the law. See below, 7. 4. Experts in, discussed on Budget . . . . . Mar. 23, 1906. ....|Mar. 23, 1906. 5. Official interference in, discussed on Mar. 28, 1906; Mar. 28, 1906. Budget. Feb. 26, 1915. 6. On Bill re numbered Ballot. . . . . . . . . Apr. 11, 1906. ....|Apr. 11, 19, 1906. 10. 11. . On Bill re appointment of others than . A prospective gerrymander spoken to. . Discussed on Budget Sheriffs and Registrars, as Returning Officers. * See Redistribution. • e º 'º e º e º e º is a e s e & e º e º e e º 'º º The student vote spoken to On the Bill to enfranchise women. See Female Franchise. May 3, 1906. ... . . Mar. 1, 1907 . . . Mar. 1, 1907; Mar. 11, 1909. s tº e e º ºs º a s e e º ºs º ºs e tº Apr. 17, 1907; Apr. 10, 1908; Mar. 22, 1911. . |Mar. May 3, 1906. 6, 1907. Mar. 1, 6, 1907; Mar. 11, 1909. Apr. 13, 18, 1907. Apr. 17, 1907: Apr. 10, 1908; Mar. 22, 1911. 358 . INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 12. Absentee vote discussed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 17, 18, 1907. 13. On Bill to amend the law . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 4, 14; Apr. Mar. 4, 14; Apr. 10, 1908; Mar. 10, 1908; Mar. 22, 1918. 22, 1918. 14. The right of certain officials to vote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 4, 1908. 15. The hire of conveyances discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 4, 1908. 16. Premier speaks as to probable date of Apr. 3, 1908 . . . . . Apr. 3, 1908. General. 17. All to be held on same day . . . . . . . . . Apr. 10, 13, 1908. Apr. 10, 13, 1908. 18. The result of the General spoken to ...Feb. 20, 1909 ....|Feb. 20, 1909. 19. The gerrymander spoken to . . . . . . . . Feb. 20, 1909 ....|Feb. 20, 1909. 20. Ante-election promises fulfilled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 20, 1909. 21. The Florence Mine case a question be-Mar. 3, 1909 . . . . . fore people. 22. Result of by-elections and absence of Jan. 27, 1910–Jan. 27, 1910– 23. 29. 30. . Corruption in, spoken to on Address. . . On Bill re campaign contributions . . . . Holiday on election day suggested ... . Discussed on Address and amendment electoral fraud, or graft, spoken to as an evidence of popularity of Government. Majorities in General Election of 1911 spoken to. The Elk Lake telegram discussed. See T. & N. O. Ry. M to Bill. On Bill to amend and the preparation of Voters’ Lists. Feb. 13, 19, 1913 Feb. 9, 14, 1912.. Feb. 9, 14, 1912– Feb. 7, 19, 1913. Feb. 20, 25, 1914. . . Apr. 1, 24, 1914 .. & e º 'º e e o e º e g º O 9 & 8 º' 1919. Mar. 24, 1920 . . . . Enumerator system discussed. Mar. 12, 1920 . . . . Feb. 28; Mar. 6, Feb. 13, 19, 1913. Feb. 9, 1912. Feb. 9, 1912–Feb. 7, 12, 15, 18, 19, 1913. Apr. 1, 1914. Apr. 21, 1914. Feb. 28; Mar. 6, 1919. Mar. 24; Apr. 27, 1920. Mar. 12, 1920. INDEX. 359: SUBJECT. GLOBE. ELECTRIC POWER : AND DEVELOPMENT OF: 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. . Mr. G. W. Ross’ speech on, alluded to. . Discussed on Budget . The position of the Government in re, . Some questions spoken to On Bill to secure & e º ºs e º 'º º e º e s e º 'º e º º On Address tº s vs. e. g. a = e º e º e º º e º e º E tº º º Watered stock in companies discussed. Policy of Government stated On Bill respecting e s º e º a tº e e º e º º e s is the subject of an editorial. e & e º 'º e º e º & Mr. Beck refers to certain statements of Mr. Smith (Sault). Certain estimates discussed on Dog Lake Bill. Toronto Electric Light Co’y. discussed on Budget. "...w On Bill to validate contracts made by municipalities. Expenditures of Commission explained on Budget. Ontario will not submit to dictation from Ottawa. Expropriation of easements discussed on Address and on Budget. Endeavour to injure Ontario’s credit spoken to. Cataract Power Co’y., hostile to . . . . MAIL and EMPIRE- May 8, 9, 10, 1906 Jan. 26, 30, 1907– Feb. 26, 1908. Jan. 30, 1907 . . . . Jan. 30, 1907 . . . . Mar. 1, 20, 1907 . . Mar. 21, 1907– Mar. 26, 27, 1908. Apr. 17, 1907 . . . . Feb. 19, 1908 . . . . 11; May 8, 9, 10, 1906. Jan. 26, 30, 1907– Feb. 26, 1908. Jan. 30, 1907. Jan. 30, 1907. Mar. 6, 20, 1907. Mar. 21, 1907– Mar. 26, 27, 1908. Apr. 17, 1907. Feb. 19, 1908. Mar. 7, 10, Apr. 13, 1908. Mar. 21, 1908 . . . . Apr. 3, 1908 a s e e s e º e º e º 'º e º 'º 8 ° Jan. 27, 1910 . . . . Jan. 27; Feb. 4, 11, 16, 18, 1910. Feb. 4, 1910 Feb. 16, 18, 1910. . Mar. 10, 11; Apr. 13. Mar. 21, 1908. Apr. 3, 1908. Mar. 12, 1909. Mar. 24, 27, 1909. Mar. 5, 1909. Jan. 27, 1910. Jan. 27; Feb. 4, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 1910. Feb. 4, 1910. Reb. 16, 18, 1910. 36ſ) INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 20. More developments promised . Discussed on Address . On motion re extension to farmers . . . On motion deprecating mode of secur- ing easements. . Policy and scheme of Hydro-Electric Commission discussed on Address. . Bill giving certain power to Railway and Municipal Board explained. . Expenditure on discussed on Budget. . On Bill giving certain power to . . . The proposal to turn over Hydro Commission to a Department of Government. On the item of $2,000,000 to be voted for. On Bill to amend Act • e o e e º e s e º 'º G = * e a e s e s e e s a 2 & " " e a e e s e e º e o t e º e º 'º & 8 No radial system Discussed on Budget The possession of Report of Commis- sion spoken to. 32. On motion for Return of detailed accounts. Policy of Government discussed. See Hydro-Electric Power Development. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS : On motion re cheap and convenient trans- portation, urgent need of rural sec- tions and urging importance of ques- tion upon Dominion Government. See Hydro-Electric. . |Mar. • Apr. Feb. 18, 23, 1910. tº e s & º ºs ºn a e º 'º e º e º 'º º Feb. 2, 1911 Feb. 3, 1911 . . . . . 23, 1911 . . . . Feb. Mar. 28, 1912 . . Apr. 3, 1912 Feb. s & e e e º e s e e s e s e º º " Mar. 5, 14, 1913 .. Mar. 12, 1913 . . . . Mar. 15, 1913 . . . . g tº is tº e Apr. 9, 1913 * c s & & Mar. . |Feb. 18, 23, 1910. Feb. 18, 1910. . . . Jan. 27, 1911. Feb. 2, 1911. Feb. 3, 10, 1911. Mar. 23, 1911. . Feb. 14, 1912. . Mar. 28, 1912. Apr. 3, 1912—Apr. 19, 1913. . Feb. 7, 13, 1913. Feb. 20, 1913. Mar. 14, 1913. Mar. 12, 1913. Mar. 15, 1913. Apr. 9, 1913. . 9, 1913. 26, 1914 . . . . Mar. 26, 1914. INDEX. 361 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. ELK LAKE:—See Timiskaming and N. O. Railway. Elliott, Mr. 1. His speech on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 14, 1912—Mar. 5, 1914—Feb. Mar. 5, 1914— 4, 1918. Feb. 14, 1918. 2. On the Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 7, 1913 . . . . . Feb. 7, 1913. 3. Claims many reforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 14, 1918 . . . . [Feb. 14, 1918. EMBALMERS: 1. On Bill to incorporate . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 20, 1909 . . . . [Mar. 20, 1909. 2. Bill explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 7, 1911. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES: On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 15, 1919. ENTERTAINMENT: Cost of spoken to on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 12, 1909. ENUMERATOR SYSTEM : Discussed on the Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . ESSEX MAGISTRACY : Discussed on motion for Return . . . . . . . . ESTIMATED AND INCREASED EXPENDITURE: 1. Discussed on Budget • e e < e e º 'º º º ºs º ºs º a 2. On motion that supply should not be granted until a more full statement of, is laid before the House. ESTIMATES : 1. Explained by Treasurer * * * * * * * * * * * *s 2. Discussed in Committee of the Whole. . Estimated revenue discussed on Budget 3 Mar. 12, 1920 . . . . Feb. 8, 1907 Feb. 3, 16, 1911— Mar. 8, 1912— Mar. 9, 1916— Feb. 23, 1917 . . Mar. 20, 1914 . . . . Mar. 6, 1906 . . . . . Mar. 7, 8, 9, 14: May 11, 1906– Apr. 18, 1907– Mar. 18, 1908— Mar. 21, 1913. Mar. 5, e - º º º Mar. 12, 1920. Feb. 8, 1907. Feb. 3, 16, 1911– Mar. 8, 1912— Mar. 9, 1916. Mar. 20, 1914. sº Mar. 6, 1906. Mar. 7, 8, 9, 14, 16; May 11, 1906; Mar. 6, 7; Apr. 16, 18, 1907 — Mar. 18, 1908. 362 INDEX. SUBJECT, GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 4. The Lobb, McCutcheon and Moyes cases discussed on. EVANS, KELLY: His report re Fisheries discussed Evanturel, Mr. 1. He charges alliance between Conserva- tive Party and liquor interests in Prescott. 2. His letter read to House and matter discussed. 3. His statement to House . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Attorney-General suggests his resigna- tion. 5. Mr. Rowell states his position . . . . . . . 6. Resignation in hands of Mr. Speaker. . EXECUTIVE CouncIL: On Bill to increase salaries of Members. . EXEMPTIONS: 1. From $400 to $1,000, discussed on Bill to amend Assessment Law. EXPENDITURE, INCREASED : * 1. Discussed and explained on Budget and in Committee of Supply. See Controllable Earpenditure. ExPERTS: Discussed in Committee of Supply and on Budget. EXPORT LIQUOR LICENSES: Issue of discussed on Address. License Board. See Mar. 17, 1916 . . . . Mar. 19, 21, 1913. Feb. 26, 1914 . . . . Feb. 26, 1914 . . . . Mar. Mar. tº e e º 'º Mar. Mar. 11, 1914 . . . . Apr. 4, 17, 1907 . . e e g º e º e s is e e s º is is s a Mar. 9, 1906— Mar. 20, 25, 27, 1908 — Mar. 5, 1909—Feb. 4, 9, 11, 18, 1910– Feb. 3, 16, 1911 —Mar. 9, 1916— War. 7, 1919. Mar. 7, 23, 1906. . Mar. 12, 17, 1920. Mar. 19, 21, 1913. Feb. 26, 1914. Feb. 26, 1914. Mar. 5, 1914. Mar. 5, 1914. Mar. 5, 1914. Mar. 11, 1914." Apr. 4, 17, 1907. Mar. 13, 1906. Mar. 9, 21, 30, 1906–Mar. 1, 6, 1907 — Mar. 20, 27, 1908 – Mar. 5, 10, 1909– Feb. 4, 9, 11, 18. 1910—Feb. 3, 16, 1911 — Mar. 9, 1916; Mar. 7, 1919. Mar. 7, 23, 1906. Mar 12, 17, 1920. INDEX. 363 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE- ExPRESS COMPANIES: On Bill to tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXPROPRIATION: Deprecated on Hospital Bill . . . . . . . . . . IEXTINCT VOLCANOES : The Opposition compared to . . . . . . . . . . EACTORIES ACT: On Bill to amend. See Child Labour . . FACTORY INSPECTION: Extension of, into New Ontario spoken to. FAIRS ASSOCIATION: Grant to discussed Supply. in Committee of FAIR WAGES AND HouRS OF LABOUR : On Bill respecting tº tº e º $ G tº º º of s is e e º e is a On motion and amendment in re legisla- tion for. FARMS, FARMERS AND FARM LABOUR : 1. Discussed on Address, etc. . . . . . . . . . . 2. Departure of young men from farms. . . Liberal treatment of farmers . . . . . . . Farming industries discussed on Budget. . Farmers “not the friends of the Gov- ernment.” 5 Import of farm labourers discussed . . ". On motion to extend Hydro benefits to farmers. Mar. 3, 1911 . . . . Mar. 26, 1909 . . . . Feb. 29, 1908— Feb. 22, 28; Mar. 26, 28, 1913 ... Mar. 9, 1906 Feb. 22, 1910 . . . . Mar. 18, 1910— Mar. 22, 1911— Mar. 5, 8, 1913– Apr. 21, 1914. Apr. 10, 1919 . . . . Feb. 23, 1910 . . . . Feb. 4, 1910—Feb. 13; Apr. 17, 1913. & e. e s e º is is tº e a tº e º 'º tº º Feb. 3, 1911 Feb. 25, 1911 . . . . Apr. 9, 1913 Apr. 26, 1906. Feb. 29, 1908– Feb. 22, 28; Mar. 26, 1913. Mar. 9, 1906. Mar. 18, 1910– Mar. 22, 1911– Mar. 5, 8, 1913. Jan. 26, 1907. Feb. 4, 1910—Feb. 13; Apr. 17, 1913. Feb. 9, 1910. Feb. 3, 1911. Feb. 3, 1911. Feb. 25, 1911. Apr. 9, 1913. 364 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. 8. Farm labour discussed s sº e e º e e s ∈ C is a s 9. Problems discussed on Budget. Rural Population. FARMERS BANK: The departure of President of, spoken to. FARMERS’ MOVEMENT: Discussed on Address FEEBLE-MINDED : On motion that adequate provision for is required. FEMALE SUFFRAGE: * * * * * * * * > * * * * * * * * * @ e s e º e º º tº a tº e º s e e Mar. 14, 1912 . . . . Mar. 12, 18, 1920. Mar. 20, 1917 . . . . 1. Discussed in Committee on Municipal Feb. 20, 21, 1913. . Act. 2. On Bill to extend to Women. Women. Ferguson, Hon. Mr. (Grenville): 1. His speech on moving Address & e s a e s e s e s a e s tº e º e º a 2. On the Budget Reads Mr. Evanturel's letter re offer for services to liquor interests. 3. . Charges Leader of Opposition. See Legislative Assembly Act. e e s tº s is a s tº e His speech on the Address 7. On the Kapuskasing Colony matter . . On the Pic and Black Sturgeon River limits case. Ferguson, Mr. (Simcoe): His speech on seconding motion for Address. See Apr. 2, 1913—Mar. 14, 31; Apr. 7, 1914 —M ar. 9, 11, 16, 1915– Mar. 18, 25, 1916. Jan. 26, 1907 . . . . Mar. 14, 1912 . . . . Feb. 26, 1914 . . . . Feb. 27; Mar. 1914. Apr. 29, 1914 . . . . 5. Mar. 12, 1920 . . . Apr. 14, 1920 . . . . Apr. 16, 1920 . . Feb. 16, 1917 . . . MAIL and EMPIRE- Apr. 17, 1913. Mar. 20, 1919. Mar. 12, 18, 1920. Mar. 20, 1917. Feb. 20, 21; Apr. 16, 1913. Apr. 2, 1913—Mar. 14, 31 : Apr. 7, 1914 — Mar. 9, 11, 16, 1915– Mar. 18, 25. 1916. Jan. 26, 1907. Mar. 14, 1912. Feb. 26, 1914. Feb. 27: Mar. 5. 1914. Apr. 29, 1914. ..|Mar. 12, 1920. Apr. 14, 1920. ..]Apr. 16, 1920. ra 16, 1917. INDEX. 365 SUBJECT- GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE- FERNow, DEAN : His opinion re soils in Clay Belt spoken to EIAT : - 1. On motion re denial of . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. The granting of in the Taylor-Scott case discussed. FINANCIAL CHAOS : Spoken to on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |FINANCIAL CONDITION: Spoken to on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINANCIAL DEPRESSION: Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: 1. Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Questionable, discussed on Bill to raise money on the credit of the Consoli- dated Revenue Fund. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1. Delivered by Hon. Arthur J. Matheson 2 . Delivered by Hon. Arthur J. Matheson Delivered by Hon. Arthur J. Matheson . Delivered by Hon. Arthur J. Matheson . Delivered by Hon. Arthur J. Matheson . Delivered by Hon. Isaac Bensom Lucas” . Delivered by Hon. Isaac Benson Lucas 8. Delivered by Hon. Thomas W. McGarry.} 9. Delivered by Hon. Thomas W. McGarry & B e º ºn tº a ſº tº º ſº tº e º 'º tº e Feb. 18; Mar. 17, 1910. Apr. 24, 1913 . . Jan. 27, 1910 . . . . Feb. 19, 24, 1915. . Mar. 20, 1908 . . . . Mar. 28, 1906; Mar. 20, 1908. Mar. 6, 1915 Mar. 21, 1906— Mar. 1, 1907. Mar. 20, 1908 . . . . Mar. 5, 1909 Feb. 4, 1910 Feb. 3, 1911 Mar. 8, 1912– Mar. 5, 1913. Mar. 4, 1914 . . . . Feb. 24, 1915 . . . . Mar. 8, 1916 Mar. 7, 1913. Apr. 24, 1913. Jan. 27, 1910. Feb. 19, 24, 1915. Mar. 20, 1908. Mar. 28, 1906— Mar. 20, 1908. Mar. 6, 1915. Mar. 21, 1906– Mar. 1, 1907. Mar. 20, 1908. Mar. 5, 1909. Feb. 4, 1910. Feb. 3, 1911. Mar. 8, 1912– Mar. 5, 1913. Mar. 4, 1914. Feb. 24, 1915. Mar. 8, 1916. e e is a º *Hon. Mr. Matheson absent through illness, afterwards deceased. #Succeeded Mr. Lucas in 1915. 366 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 10. Delivered by Hon. Thomas W. McGarry|Feb. 23, 1917 ....|Feb. 23, 1917. 11. Delivered by Hon. Thomas W. McGarry|Feb. 13, 1918 ....|Feb. 13, 1918. 12. Delivered by Hon. Thomas W. McGarry Mar. 7, 1919 . . . . Mar. 7, 1919. 13. Delivered by Hon. Peter Smith (Trea-Apr. 14, 1920 . . . . Apr. 14, 1920. surer of U. F. O. Government). 14. On motion re delivery of misleading,|Mar. 21, 1919 . . . . Mar. 21, 1919. etc. t FIRE ARMS: On Bill re sale of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Apr. 2, 1909. FIRE RANGERS:—See Forests. FIRE MARSHAL: The method of paying expenses of, by Feb. 16, 1918 . . . . [Feb. 16, 1918. taxation of insurance companies, discussed. FISCAL YEAR: 1. Change of discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Mar. 5, 1909. 2. On Bill to change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 24, 1909 ....|Feb. 24, 1909. FISHERIES : 1. Discussed in Committee of Supply. Mar. 6, 1907 . . . . . Mar. 6, 1907. See Game. 2. Establishment of hatcheries discussed.|Mar. 7, 1911 .... |Mar. 7, 1911. 3. On motion to go into Committee of Mar. 19, 21, 1913. . Mar. 19, 21, 1913. Supply. 4. On Bill to amend Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 26, 1913 . . . . 5. The Lapointe matter discussed. . . . . . . Apr. 10, 1913 . . . . Apr. 10, 11, 1913. 6. On concurrence in Estimates . . . . . . . . Apr. 11, 1913 . . . . Apr. 11, 1913. Purchase and sale of fish, production. etc., discussed. Feb. 1918. 21; Mar. 20, Feb. 21; Mar. 20, 1918. INDEX. 367 SUBJECT, GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. FLAGS FOR SCHOOLS:—See Education. FLORENCE MINE : 1. The Minister of Justice and his action discussed. 2. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. The Statute and the Judiciary de- fended. FOODSTUFFS: * 1. Increased cost of discussed on Address. 2. Increased production spoken to 3. Shortage of spoken to FOOTSTEPS OF LIBERAL ADMINISTRATION:— See Liberal Administration. FORESTRY AND REFORESTATION: 1. A Chair of, discussed in Committee of Supply. º 2 . Benefits of reforestation discussed on Bill to exempt woodlands from taxa- tion. . On the Budget . Discussed on the Address s e a e º e s a e e o e . In Committee of Supply . On motion for Return re officials and TeSeTVeS. . The problem of discussed * * * * * * * * * * * No reference to Policy in Address. . . . On Bill to preserve from destruction by fire. Mar. 3, 1909. ... . . Mar. 11, 12, 1909. Mar. 12, 1909..... Jan. 1910. . . . . Feb. 1915. . . . . Feb. 7, 8, 1918. . . . Mar. 9, 1906. ... . . e tº e º sº G & º ſº e º te e º ſº a tº Mar. 28, 1906: Feb. 3, 1911: Mar. 20, 1912. Jan. 30, 1907; Jan. 26, 27, 1911; Feb. 21, 1912. Mar. 6, 1907. ... . . Mar. 9, 1909. . . . . . Mar. 20, 1909; Feb. 21, 1912. Jan. 27, 1910. ... . Mar. 7, 1917. ... . . Mar. 3, 1909. Mar. 11, 12, 1909. Mar. 12, 1909. Jan. 27, 1910. Feb. 19, 1915. Feb. 7, 8, 1918. Mar. 9, 1906. Mar 15, 1906. Mar. 21, 28, 1906; Feb. 3, 1911. Jan. 30, 1907; Feb. 13, 1908. Mar. 6, 1907. Mar. 9, 1909. Mar. 11, 19, 1909. Jan. 27, 1910. 'Mar. 7, 1917. 24 D S. 368 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 10. Appointment of Fire Rangers dis-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 15, 1920. cussed. FORT FRANCES Liquor LICENSES: On motion for Return of correspondence Mar. 7, 1907 tº tº - relating to cancellation of. { ForT WILLIAM : * .* The Hydro case at, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 30, 1920..... Mar. 30, 1920. ForTy YEAR ANNUITIES:—See Railway Annuities. Foy, Hon. James J. 1. Explains the Law Reform Bill. . . . . . . Mar. 17, 1909.....|Mar. 17, 1909. 2. Tribute to memory of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 15, 1917. ....|Feb. 15, 1917. FRATERNAL INSURANCE:-See Insiurance. FREE TRADE : Spoken to on motion for Address. . . . . . . Mar. 24, 1920 Mar. 24, 1920 e 2 e is e º e 3. to FRENCH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOLS: —See Education. ERESHETs, SPRING: # On motion re investigation into. . . . . . . . Apr. 18, 1913 : FRUIT PESTs: & Expenditure on spraying to destroy, dis-Feb. 25, 1911 Feb. 25, 1911 cussed in Committee of Supply. • * ~ 3 • * * * * | *- C - . ~ * > ſº I'UEL AND Food: On Bill to give municipalities power to Mar 22, 1917 Mar. 22, 1917 purchase. - - • - - 2 • - - - - iv., ºn 1 - & rv 3 L J .L. v . FUEL, QUESTION: Discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 7; Mar. 1, 12, Feb. 7; Mar. 1, 12, GAME AND GAME LAW : 19, 1918. 19, 1918. 1. On Bills to amend the law. See Fish-Feb. 2s. Apr. 6, Mar. 29, 1906: (??"10S. - 10, 11, 1907: Feb. 28; Apr. 6, Mar. 6, 1908; 10, 12, 1907; Mar. 5, 12. Mar. 6, 26, 1910; Mar. 26. 1908; Mar. 5, 1913. 12, 1910; Mar. 26, 1913. INDEX. 369 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 2. Mr. Evans’ Report and presentation to Mar. 12, 1910;|Mar. 12, 1910; House spoken to. Mar. 19, 21. Mar. 19, 21, 1913. 1913. . Gamey, Mr. 1. Addresses the House on a question of privilege arising out of publication of a certain article in “Kingston Whig.” 2. His speech on the Address. . . . . . . . . . GAOLs, EMPTY: Discussed on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GARROW RESOLUTION: The spirit of the Resolution of 1897, dis- cussed in Committee of Supply. GERRYMANDER:—See Redistribution. GILLIES LIMIT : 1. Disposition of minerals and policy of Government announced with regard to. 2. Sale of discussed on Budget 3. On presentation of Report of Public Accounts Committee. GILLESPIE, JAMES, On motion for correspondence re dismis- sal of. GLOBE, THE : 1. Thanked by Premier for certain edi. torials. 2. Sermonettes alluded to 3. Off coloured theology of e a e < * * * * * * * * 4. Quoted re Power question * e e s is e e º ºs º º • e s = e º 'º e s -º 5. Criticised re liquor traffic º e º 'º, º e º e º e º & tº & º ei º Feb. 8, 1918. . . . . . Mar. 8, 1906. ..... Apr. 4, 1906. . . ... Feb. 4, 16, 1910; Feb. 8, 10, 1911 Mar. 18, 1910..... . . . 4 Feb. 20, 1907..... . 26, 1908. . ... . 19, 1909. ... . 20, 1909. ... . . 24, 1909. .. . 13, 19, 1913. Feb. 14, 1907. Feb. 13, 1908. Eeb. 8, 1918. Mar. 8, 1906. Apr. 4, 1906. Feb. 4, 16, 17, 1910; Feb. 8, 9, 10, 1911. Mar. 18, 1910. Feb. 20, 1907. . Feb. 19, 1909. Feb. 20, 1909. . Mar. 24, 1909. Feb. 13, 19, 1913. 37 () INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 6. Reflections upon statement of, re finan- Apr. 17, 1914. ....|Apr. 17, 1914. cial methods. GOOD ROADS: On motion re advantage of a thorough Mar. 27, 1912 . |Mar. 27, 1912. system. Discussed on Address and Budget. . . . . . . Feb. 13; Mar. 14, Feb. 13; Mar. 14, º 1913. 1913. On Resolution appropriating further. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 28, 1918. moneys for. GovKRNMENT: Achievements of Whitney, discussed on Feb. 17, 1906.....Feb. 17, 1906. Address. Elections. See Pre-election Pledges. GOVERNMENT HOUSE: 1. Maintenance and cost of, discussed on Budget. 2. On Bill re property of * * * * * * * * g e e s a 3, New site for, discussed in Committee of Supply. 4. On amendment to go into Committee of Supply. Feb. 9, 1910; Mar. 4, 1914; Mar. 3, 5, 1915; Mar. 0. 16, 17, 1916: Feb. 23; Mar. 1. 3, 1917; Feb. 15. Mar. 15, 1918. Mar. 17, 1910..... Feb. 21, 1911; Mar. 15, 20, 21, 1912; Apr. 21, 22, 1914. Mar. 12, 14, 1913; Mar. 12, 1915. 5. On motion to sell and build less costly Mar. 24, 1915. ... . structure. 6. On motion re wasteful expenditure. . . GOVERNMENT Own ERSHIP :–See Gillies Jimit. Mines and Mining. GOVERNMENT STOCK : Sale of Bonds discussed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAFTING: None going on..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e Apr. 4, 1917. ... . . Mar. 21, 23; Apr. 11, 1906. Mar. 21, 1906. ... . Feb. 9, 1910; Mar. 4, 1914; Mar. 17, 1916; Feb. 15; Mar. 15, 1918. Mar. 17, 1910. Feb. 21, 1911; Apr. 22, 1914. Mar. 12, 14, 1913 —Mar. 12, 1915. Mar. 24, 1915. 5 Mar. 8, 16, 21, 23 Apr. 10, 1906. Mar. 21, 1906. INDEX. 371 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Graham, Hon. George P.” 1. His speech on the Address 2. On the Bill to abolish the 3/5ths clause in Liquor Act. GRAND RIVER : Freshets discussed. See Freshets, Spring. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY : 1. Grant of lands and money to, discussed on Address. 2. Willingness of, to restore to Province certain area given, mentioned on Ad- dress. 3. Announcement of lands returned. . . . . 4. Liability of, discussed on Budget . . . . GRANTs to RAILways:–See Railway Grants. GRATUITIES : 1. The vote of $10,000 criticised e e º sº e º ſº tº 2. Discussed in Committee of Supply. . . . º GREAT LAKES PULP AND PAPER COMPANY: —See Pic River. Grigg, Mr. 1. His speech on seconding motion for Address. 2. His speech on the Budget. wskasing. See Kap- GUELPH PRISON FARM : Discussed on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAGUE CONFERENCE: Resolution of Canadian Peace and Arbi- Jan. 30, 1907. ... . Apr. 20, 1907. ... . Apr. 18, 1913; Mar. 8, 1918. Feb. 21, 1906. ... . Feb. 21, 1906. ... . May 1, 1906. ... . . Mar. 8, 16, 1916. . May 11, 1906. ... . Feb. 21, 1911. . Jan. 27, 1910..... e tº e g is e º s e e s e e s a tº º Feb. 16, 1917. .... 16, 1907. ... . tration Society carried. Mar. Jan. 30, 1907. Apr. 20, 1907. Mar. 8, 1918. Feb. 21, 1906. Feb. 21, 1906. May 1, 1906. May 11, 1906. Jan. 27, 1910 . . . . Feb. 9, 1911. Mar. 16, 1907. *Mr. Graham elected Leader of Opposition on January 25th, 1907, in the room of the Hon. George W. Ross, elevated to the Senate. 372 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Hall, Mr. (Waterloo) His speech on moving Address. . . . . . . . . . Hall, Mr. (Parry Sound) His speech on the Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . HAMILTON, CITY OF: On Bill re Athletic Association . . . . . . . . Hanna, Hon. W. J. 1. His speech on Liquor License Bill. . . . 2. On Prison labour resolution 3. On Resolution as to removal of liquor license administration from realms of politics. . On Bill to abolish 3/5ths clause in license Act. 5. On motion re abolition of the Bar. . . . 6. His statement re Proudfoot charges. . . 7. On Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. His statement re retainer as solicitor of Standard Oil Co’y. . As to Mr. Snider and Scott Act cam- paign. See Snider. 10. On motion re Snider enquiry 11. His defence re Bowman charges 12. On introducing “Ontario Temperance Act.” 13. Tribute paid to, deceased. . . . . . . . . . . . Harcourt, Hon. R. 1. His financial ability discussed on Bud. get. 2. His speech on Budget tº e º e º sm g e s sº º is e e | ſ Feb. 27, 1919.....|Feb. 27, 1919. Mar. 25, 26, 1920. Mar. 25, 26, 1920 Mar. 31 ; Apr. 9, 1914. tº ſº e º 'º e e º ºs e a s e e s ∈ s Mar. 30, 1906. Feb. 27, 1907. Apr. 19, 1907. tº it e º º ºs e is tº sº º ºs e º ºs º ºs Apr. 20, 1907. tº º e º 'º e s s e e s e e º e º a Mar. 6, 1913; Apr. 15, 1914. Apr. 24, 1913. Mar. 6, 1913: Apr. 15, 1914. tº tº º 'º e º ſº tº º is e º gº tº e º ge Feb. 20, 25, 1914...Feb. 20, 1914. Mar. 11, 1914. ....|Mar. 11, 1914. Mar. 13, 14, 1914. Apr. 23, 1914. ....|Apr. 23, 1914. Apr. 29, 1914.....|Apr. 29, 1914. Mar. 23, 1916.....|Mar. 23, 1916. Mar. 21, 1919. ....|Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 21, 1906. ....|Mar. 21, 1906. Mar. 21, 23, 1906 Mar. 21, 23, 1906. INDEX. ra- { 373 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. His defence of Liberal Administration . His agreement with Coates & Co’y. Tº Treasury Bills. . His defence of his position ſ & © tº tº ſº ſº tº gº tº º 6. His speech criticised by Premier * * g g tº ... His speech on the Education Bills. . . . . In re Sault Guarantee * * * * g º e º ºs º ºs e o sº . On the Toronto University Bill a & e º e º ſº º is tº º tº e º e º º . On the Power Bill 11. On the Address, re industrial or voca- tional education. Hartt, J. I. 1. His speech on seconding Address. . . . . 2. On the Budget * * * * * * e º e º ºs e º º ſº tº & © & = Mar. 23, 1906. ... . Mar. 30, 1906. ... . Mar. 30; Apr. 6, 1906. IIASTINGS, INSPECTOR THOMAS : 2. On Liquor License Bill * a tº e º is ſº tº dº e º e is IIAYS, GEORGE O. : His claim to a certain lot discussed on Apr. 4, 1906; Apr. 19, 1907. Mar. 21, 1907. ... . motion for a Select Committee. Hearst, Hon. Sir Wim. Howard 1. His speech on moving the Address. . . . 2. On the anti-reciprocity resolution. . . . 3. On the motion to adjourn the House out of respect to the memory of Sir James P. Whitney. i Feb. 18, 1909. . . . . * * * * * g tº e º is tº e º ſº º is tº Mar. 23, 1906. Mar. 30, 1906. Mar. 30; Apr. 6, 1906. Apr. 6, 1906. ... . . Apr. 6, 1906 . . . . . Apr. 11, 1906. ....|Apr. 11, 1906. May 3, 1906. ... . . May 3, 1906. May 3, 1906. ... . . [May 3, 1906. May 10, 1906.....|May 10, 1906. Feb. 12, 1908. . . . . [Feb. 12, 1908. Mar. 2, 1916. . Mar. 2, 1916. * * > * g º ſº tº sº tº e º sº º e º a Mar. 1, 1917. Feb. 21, 1906. ....|Feb. 21, 1906. Apr. 4, 1906; Apr. 19, 1907. Mar. 21, 1907. Feb. 18, 1909. Mar. 11, 1911. Feb. 18, 1915. 1915; |Feb. 19, 1915;|Feb. 19, Mar. 3, 1916 || Mar. 3, 1916: Feb. 16, 1917 : Feb. 16, 1917; Feb. 8, 1918: Feb. 8, 1918; Feb. 28 : Mar. 5, 1919. # Feb. 28; Mar. 5, 1919. 374 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 5. On the Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 10, 1915.....|Mar. 10, 1915. . 6. On the Liquor License Commission|Mar. 31, 1915 . . . . Mar. 31, 1915. Bill. Congratulated upon restoration to health. On the Ontario Temperance Act Congratulated upon his Knighthood. . 10. On War Resolution * e º e e s a tº e º e s ſº º O & 4 11. On the Women's Suffrage Bill • e ºs e e s tº 12. On the Bill relating to Agriculture and Department. HEARST ADMINISTRATION: Criticised on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hendrie, Hon. Sir John Explains the Bill re Electric Railways. . Henry, Hon. George S. His speech on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIGH CosT OF LIVING: Discussed on the Budget • tº e o e º & º e e º e s e HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT: 1. On Bill respecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. On motion censuring Senate for throw- ing out Subsidy for. See Provincial Highways. . - * Hill, Mr. His speech on the Address Hilliard, Mr. This speech on seconding Address. . . . . . . Hislop, Mr. His speech on the Budget & & © tº dº tº e º a tº º º s º Mar. 2, 1916. ... . . Apr. 5, 1916; Apr. 17, 1919. Feb. 16; Mar. 1, 1917. Mar. 9, 1917; Feb. 20, 1918. * * * * * * * * * e s e s a s a e * * * * * * * * * * * s º e s a s Mar. 12, 1920. ... . Mar. 24, 1906. ... . Feb. 20, 1914; Mar. 26, 1920. Mar. 21, 1919. ... . Apr. 11, 1912; Apr. 7, 8, 1920. Apr. 13, 1912..... Mar. 31, 1920..... Feb. 27, 1919. ... . Mar. 28, 1906. ... . Mar. 2, 1916. Apr. 5, 1916; Apr. 8, 17, 1919. Feb. 16, 1917. Mar. 9, 1917; Feb. 20, 1918. Feb. 28, 1917. Mar. 14, 1917. Mar. 12, 1920. Mar. 24, 1906. Feb. 20, 1914; Mar. 26, 1920. Apr. 11, 1912; Apr. 7, 8, 1920. Apr. 13, 1912. Mar. 31, 1920. Feb. 27, 1919. INDEX. 375 SUBJECT. HOLMES, SADIE: On Bill authorizing her to practise dent- istry. HomeR CASE:-See Ontario Temperance Act. HORSES AND RACING : 1. Discussed on Bill re Agricultural So- cieties. - 2. The purchase of the blind horse al- luded to on Address. 3. The sending of horses to International Horse Show spoken to in connection with Mr. Beck. . HospitaL, RECEPTION: * Establishment of, discussed. . . . . . . . . HOSPITALS : Aid to, discussed in Committee of Supply Hours of LABOUR: On Bill and amendment re appointment of Commission to consider. See Mines. Underground Work. House, THE : 1. Business of, to be expedited & e º e º e a tº 2. Night Sessions necessary. . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Proposed revision of Rules discussed in Committee. Hogses of REFUGE: Punishment of inmates discussed. See Victoria Industrial School. HOUSING ACCOMMODATION: On Bill respecting. See Dwelling Houses. HUDSON BAY TERRITORY: Disposition of spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Apr. 11, 1907. ... . Mar. 28, 1906. ... Feb. 12, 13, 1908. . Mar. 21, 1908. .... Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Apr. Reb. 19, 1918..... 16, 1906. ... . 5, 8, 1913. . . 18, 1909. ... . 8, 14, 1912. . 13, 1916. ... . 17, 1912..... . 8, 1913. . . . . . Apr. . Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Apr. Apr. 12, 1907. 28, 1906. 12, 1908. 21, 1908. 19, 1918. 16, 1906. 5, 8, 1913 18, 1900 8, 14, 1912. 13, 1916. 17, 1912. 8, 15, 1913. 25 D.S. e e s e e e s tº º is s s e º 'º º 1, 1909. 376 INDEX. SUBJECT, . GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. HYDRO-ELECTRIC Power CoMMISSION: 1. º S 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. . On Bill to amend Act . No radial system . Statistics discussed on Budget . Internal affairs of, spoken to . On Bill respecting . Discussed on the Budget . On Bill re accounting The proposal to turn over to a Depart- ment of Government. . On the item of $2,000,000 to be voted for. a e o e º e o e s e º e º & Discussed on the Address e sº e e s a e s º is a s s tº e º 'º & e e e º ºn e . The possession of Report of Commis- sion spoken to. . On motion for return of detailed ac- counts. On motion re extension of to farmers. . . Advances to, discussed on Budget . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * g g g s is a . On Bill respecting auditing of accounts a c is e º ºs e e º is tº e º e tº a tº e º ºs º º ºs e as The Lobb case spoken to The “McGarry Bill” discussed On the Power Development Bill . . . . The Seymour Power Co’y. Bill dis- cussed. The Chippewa-Queenston development discussed. Feb. 9, 14, 1912 . . Mar. 28, 1912 . . . . Apr. 3, 1912—Apr. 19, 1913. |Feb. 7, 13, 1913– Feb. 8, 1918— Mar. 18, 25, 26, 30, 31, 1920. & & tº dº & © tº & © tº e º & © tº gº tº Mar. 5, 1913 . Mar. 12, 14, 1913. Mar, 15, 1913 . . . . Apr. 9, 1913 . . . . Mar. 4, 1914 . . . . Apr. 18, 1914 . . Apr. 21, 22, 24. 1914 — Mar. 25, . (Apr. Feb. 14, 1912. Mar. 28, 1912. Apr. 3, 1912—Apr. 19, 1913. Feb. 7, 13, 1913– Feb. 8, 1918— Mar. 18, 25, 26, 30, 31, 1920. Feb. 20, 1913. Mar. 12, 14, 1913. Nſar. 15, 1913. Apr. 9, 1913. Mar. 14, 1914. 18, 1914. 24. 25, Apr. 21, 22, 1914 — Mar. 27, 1915. Feb. 24, 1915– Mar. 16, 1916. Mar. 22, 1916 . Apr. 11, 1916 . . . . Apr. 11, 1916 . . . . Apr. 14, 18, 1916. . Apr. 14, 1916. Apr. 20, 21, 1916. . 19, 20. Feb. 27, 1917 . . . . 1915. Feb. 24, 1915– Mar. 16. 1916. . |Mar. 22, 1916. Apr. 11, 1916. Apr. 14, 18, 1916. Apr. 14, 1916. Apr. 20, 21, 1916. 19, 20, INDEX. 37; SUBJECT, GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE- 21. In Committee of Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 5, 1918 . . . . |Mar. 5, 1918. 22. The Pic River concessions discussed . . Apr. 16, 1920 . . . . Apr. 16, 1920. 23. The Queenston-Chippewa labour trouble May 18, 1920 . . . . May 18, 1920. discussed. 24. The distribution of power discussed on motion for Committee. See Electric Power. Power Commission. - HYDRO-ELECTRIC RAILWAYS : 1. Discussed on motion Northern Railway. Te Canadian See 2. On motion for return relating to. dates of Mar. 23rd and 27th. HYDRO Power: On the motion for appointment of Com- mittee to consider the distribution of. TMMIGRATION: 1. Influx of immigrants, spoken to on Address. 2. Discussed on Address and in Commit- tee of Supply. •gº. 3. The grant of $10,000 to Salvation Army discussed. 4. Discussed on the Budget 5. Immigrant or settler, a liability or an asset. 6. Promotion of for New Ontario, dis- cussed on amendment. May 1, 1920 Feb. 27, 1917 . . . Mar. 21, 1917 . . . . May 1, 1920 Feb. 17, 1906 . . Jan. 30 ; Mar. 6; Apr. 10, 1907– Reb. 19 ; Mar. 25, 1908 – Feb. 20. 1909 – Feb. 23: Mar. 1, 8, 1910— Jan. 26; Feb. 25; Mar. 21, 1911— Feb. 14, 1913– Mar. 17, 1916. Mar. 20, 1909 . . . . Feb. 16, 1911– Mar. 14, 1912. Feb. 9, 1912 & e º tº º Apr. 3, 1913 . | Feb. May 1, 1920. Mar. 21, 1917. May 1, 1920. 17, 1906. Jan. 26, 30; Mar. 6, 1907 — Mar. 11, 25, 1908— Mar. 19, 1909– Feb. 23; Mar. 1, 8, 1910—Jan. 26; Feb. 25, 1911– Feb. 14, 1913— Mar. 17, 1916. Mar. 25, 1908— Mar. 19, 1909. Mar. 13, 14, 1912. Apr. 13, 1913. 378 INDEX. s SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMIPIRE. 7. Mr. Colcock's resignation spoken to . . 8. In the matter of shortage of farm labour. INCOME TAx: On Bill to extend e e º e º a ſº e e e º e s tº e s tº s e e Discussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INCREASED TAxATION: Discussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INCREASED ExPENDITURE: Discussed in Committee of Supply & & tº º ſe e . On the Budget * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INDEMNITY, INCREASED: 1. Discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Reduction of suggested • * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. Opposed to absent members e e º e s tº e º e 4. Spoken to on Budget tº & e º & e º 'º e e º e º a • * * * c º 5. The “Round Robin * discussed INDETERMINATE SENTENCE:-See Prison Reform. INDIAN TREATY AND RESERVES : 1. Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Refusal of Dominion Government to bear share of expenses in Reserves, spoken to. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL (VICTORIA): Management of spoken to • e s e e º e s e º 'º º e e is e > * * tº e º e º e º e º e º s e º e º e Mar. 4, 1909—Mar. 11, 1910. Mar. 8, 1916 Feb. 14, 1918 . . . . May 11, 1906 . . . . Mar. 1, 1907—Mar. 5, 1909–Feb. 4 9, 11, 18, 1910. Mar. 15, 16, 18, 1910 – Feb. 1, 17; Mar. 8, 11, 1911. a e e s e º 'º e e º e s is a º ºs & Mar. 22, 1918 . . . . Apr. 16, 1920 . . . . May 5, 1920 e e º 'º º Mar. 20, 1908 . . . . Jan. 28, 1910 . . . Mar. Apr. 3, 1913. Apr. 17, 1913. Mar. 4, 1909—Mar. 9, 11, 1910. Mar. 8, 1916. Feb. 14, 1918. Mar. 9; May 11, 1906. Mar. 1, 6, 1907– Mar. 5, 10, 1909 —Feb. 4, 9, 11, 18, 1910. Mar. 15, 16, 18, 1910 — Feb. 1, 17, 1911. Mar. 1, 1918. Mar. 22, 1918. Apr. 16, 1920. May 5, 1920. Mar. 20, 1908. . Mar. 29, 1912. INDEX. 379 SUBJECT. GLOBE, MAIL and EMPIRE, INSURANCE: 1. Inspection discussed in Committee of Mar. 7, 1906 . . . . . Mar. 7, 1906. Supply. 2. The question of Inspectors’ family ties, Mar. 7, 1906 . . . . . Mar. 7, 1906. spoken to. 3. Inquiry into affairs of Life Coy's. Mar. 17, 1906 . . . . Mar. 17, 1906. suggested. 4. On the motion re enquiry into question Feb. 15, 1907 ....Feb. 15, 1907. of life insurance by Fraternal Socie- e ties. 5. On question of keeping life policies in Mar. 28, 1907 . . . . Mar. 28, 1907. force. 6. On Bill to amend the law . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 7, 1911—Mar. 6, 1909–Mar. Mar. 8, 16, 1913. 7, 1911—Mar. 8, 16, 1913. 7. The failure to pay taxes, discussed on Feb. 24; Mar. 2, 3 Feb. 24, 1915. the Budget. 1915. 8. On resolution re enquiry into Under-Apr. 11, 1916 . . . . Apr. 11, 1916. writers’ Associations. INTERNATIONAL ANIMOSITY: The attempt to stir up, discussed on Address. TNToxic ATING LIQUORS: t On the Bill respecting the transportation of. IRON RESOURCES : On motion asking aid for development of from Dominion Government. BAY RAILwAy:—See Canadian Northern. JAMES Jamieson, Hon. David 1. This speech on moving Address a s e s s = * * * * 2. On his election as Speaker Jaques, Mr. sº His speech on moving Address s º is sº a 2 & 3 Mar. 12, 17, 1920 Apr. 30, May 13. 1920. Mar. 13, 1914 . . . . Feb. 9, 1912 Feb. 17, 1915 . Feb. 16, 1917 . . Mar. 12, 17, 1920. Apr. 1, 30; May 13, 1920. Mar. 13, 1914. Feb. 9, 1912. . Feb. 17, 1915. . Feb. 16, 1917. & 380 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, JEANNETTE SETTLEMENT: Discussed on motion for Return . . . . . . . . Feb. 22, 1913 . Feb. 22, 1913. JoBS: Some shady, discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 23, 1906. Johnson, Mr. & 1. His speech on seconding Address . . . . [Feb. 18, 1909 . Feb. 18, 1909. 2. On Reciprocity Resolution . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 15, 1911 . Mar. 15, 1911. 3. On single tax bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 28, 1912. JoſNT STOCK COMPANIES : 1. On second reading of Bill respecting. Feb. G. 1907 . . . . . Feb. 6, 1907. 2. On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 21, 22, 1907. Mar. 21, 22, 1907. JORDAN HARBOUR : Discussed on motion for return and on Mar. 11, 14, 1913. Mar. 11, 14, 1913. Budget. * Experimental Farm discussed on motion|Mar. 28, 1914. for return re Harkness. JUDGES : The necessity of appointment of discussed Mar. 3; Apr. 8, Apr. 8, 1913. 1913. JUDGMENTS, DELAYED : Spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUDICATURE ACT : Q. 1. On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. On Bill to repeal provisions re appoint- ment of additional Judges. JUDICIARY, THE : Defended re Florence Mine case s ſº º is a s sº º JUSTICE, ADMINISTRATION OF : JUSTICES OF THE PEACE: 1. Appointment and dismissal of, dis- cussed on Address. 2. On the Budget Reb. 26, 1909 . . . . Feb. 26, 1909 . . . . Mar. 21, 23; Apr. 15, 1912. Mar. 12, 1909. Jan. 27, 1911 . . . . Feb. 21, 1906– Feb. 19, 21. 1908. Apr. 6, 1906. Mar. 23; Apr. 15, 1912. Mar. 12, 1909 . . . . Tob. 21, 1906— Feb. 19, 21, 1908 Apr. 6, 1906 e e s m e o e s = e s a s is o a e s • * tº e º º ºs INDEX. 381 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, 3. Appointment and dismissal of, dis-Feb. 8, 1907 . . . . . Feb. 8, 20, 1907. cussed on motion for Return relating to Essex Magistracy. RAMINISTIQUIA BRIDGE: On proposal to remove from jurisdiction of Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. ICAPUSKASING COLONY : 1. The Report on conditions at, discussed. 2. Mr. Griggs’ action spoken to . . . . . . . . KENORA: On motion re administration of liquor law in. KERR, HoN. J. K. : The Premier pays some attention to . . . . RIDD, GEORGE N. : His death spoken to a e s s a e º e s a s e e º e s tº * RINGSTON ASYLUM : Purchase of farm for, discussed º, º e º ſº e º e LABOUR : 1. The problem discussed. 2. On motion re investigation into condi- tions of. See Fair Trades and 3. A Minister of suggested. Wages. Unemployment. Labour. 4. Recognition of, discussed on Address. . Apr. 17, 1907. Apr. 8, 9, 13, 14. 15, 1920. Apr. 19, 14, 1920. . tº º 'º º ºs . 12, 1907. Feb. 28, 1918 . . . . Mar. 11, 1909– Feb. 7, 1918 ... . Feb. 20, 25, 1914. . Mar. 11, 1916– Feb. 28, 1919. Feb. 16, 1917 . . . . LAKE HURON AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY : 1. On Bill and amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Timber area on grant to, discussed 3. On motion re land grant to • * s s e º 'º - e s a e s e s e º e º a s " * * * • A s a s e s e º e º e s " " e s Apr. 17, 1907 . . . . Apr. 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 1920. Apr. 9, 14, 1920. Apr. 3, 1914. Apr. 3, 1908. Feb. 12, 1907 . . . Feb. 28, 1918. Mar. 11, 1909– Feb. 7, 1918. Feb. 20, 25, 1914. Feb. 28, 1919. Apr. 22, 1913. Apr. 22, 1913. Apr. 23, 1914. 382 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 4. On resolution re extension of time for earning land grant. LANCASTER BILL :-See Marriage Question. LAND GRANTS TO RAILWAYS : Discussed on Canadian Northern Bill . . LANDS, FORESTS AND MINES : On Bill respecting creation of new De- partments of. t LANDS, WACANT: On Bill re assessment of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LANGUAGE IN THE SCHOOLS: 1. The use of French and English spoken to. 2. On resolution that none but English be used. See Education. LARDER LAKE: Recorder’s Office, surveys and roads into district spoken to. LARoSE MINING CoMPANY: The payment to explained . . . . . . . . . . . . LAURIER, SIR WILFRID: Tribute paid to, deceased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAW REFORM : 1. Discussed on Budget e e º e s ∈ e º e e º e º a e 2. On Address • , , , , , a • e s • * * * * * * s • * * * * 3. On Resolution respecting 4. On Bill respecting. See Judges . . . . . . LAW SOCIETY : On Bill respecting life membership of Benchers. Apr. 8, 1916 Apr. 7, 1909 *Mar. 7, 1906 Mar. 10, 1917. . . . Feb. 18, 1909 . . . . Mar. 23, 1911 . . . . Apr. 13, 1908 . . . . Feb. 27, 28, 1919. . Mar. 28, 1906 . . . Jan. 30, 1907– Feb. 26, 1908– Feb. 18, 19, 20 1909. Apr. 13, 1908 . . . . |Mar. 17, 24, 25; Apr. 3, 9, 1909. Mar. 10, 1910 . . . . Apr. 7, 1909. Mar. 7, 14, 1906. Feb. 18, 1909. Mar. 23, 1911. Feb. 23; Mar. 14, 1907. Apr. 13, 1908 Feb. 27, 28, 1919. Mar. 28, 1906. Jan. 30, 1907; Feb. 26, 1908 – Feb. 18, 20, 1909. Apr. 13, 1908. Mar. 17, 24, 25; Apr. 3, 9, 1909. Apr. 2, 1909—Mar. 10, 1910. INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. 383 MAIL and EMPIRE. LAw STAMPS: Abolition of, advocated gº tº e º ºs º º is a tº a g º º º LEGAL COMMITTEE : The function of, criticised LEGISLATION: - Certain measures to be anticipated in view of past policy. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: 1. 10. 11. 12. Business of, to be expedited On Bill to confer franchise on women. Acoustics of Chamber, spoken to. Legislative On Bill to redistribute constituencies. . tº º tº e º 'º a c & Increased indemnity discussed . Member reported to have characterized his fellow members as “a lot of loafers.” . On Bill to amend the Act in re in- demnity of member. . Reduction of membership suggested. . . Extension of until after the war dis- cussed. Reduction of indemnity to members of suggested. On motion in re “dress reform * at opening ceremony. On motion to reduce number of mem- bers of. Feb. 24, 1909 . . . . l gº º is tº & e g º º º is e g º e is tº Apr. 5, 20, 1906– Apr. 17, 1907. Apr. 27, 1906– Feb. 3, 1910. Mar. 13; Apr. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 1908— Apr. 23, 24, 28. 30, 1914. Feb. 18, 1909 . . . . Mar. 15, 16, 18. 1910 – Feb. 1. 17; Mar. 8, 11. 1911. Mar. 3, 4, 1911. Mar. 18, 19, 1914, Feb. 26, 1915 . . . . Feb. 8: 1918. Mar. 6 tº º ſº tº º e º e g º e º ſº tº ſm º º tº e > * * Apr. 4, 1919 Apr. 4, 1919 Feb. 21, 1906. Apr. 5, 20, 1906– Apr. 17, 1907. Apr. 27, 1906– Mar. 30, 1909– Feb. 3, 1910. Mar. 13; Apr. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 1908– Apr. 28, 1914. Eeb. 18, 1909. Mar. 15, 16, 18, 1910—Feb. 1, 17, 1911. Mar. 3, 4, 1911. Mar. 18, 19, 1914. Mar. 1, 1918. Feb. 7, 1918. 8; Mar. 6, Mar. 1, 1918. Apr. 4, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. 384 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Lennox, Mr. His speech on the Address His speech on moving Address º LEWIS GUNS, THE :—See Machine guns. LIABILITIES : 1. System of book-keeping criticised . . 2. Provincial, discussed on Budget LIBEL AND SLANDER: On Bill to amend the law of LIBERAL ADMINISTRATION: 1. Record and policy of, spoken to on Address and in Committee of Supply. Footsteps of, discussed on Address . . . . Discussed on the Budget a ſe is tº e º & e º Gº & tº On the Supplementary Revenue Bill.. . Liberal Party not to continue riding with its back to the engine. . The future of Party discussed on Budget. LIBERAL CONVENTION: Purpose of, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIBERAL PARTY : 1. Not to continue riding with its back to the engine. 2. Future of, discussed on Budget . . . . . . LIBRARY, LEGISLATIVE: Donations to, on account of fire, men- tioned. IIICENSE BOARD : The issue of certificates by, for export houses discussed. See Liquor License Law. |Mar. 23, 1906 . Feb. 19, 1908 . . . . Jan. 27, 1910 . . . . Mar. 20, 1908 . . . . Apr. 24, 1906: Apr. 2, 1909. • e º s is & w e s is tº e s e º e s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * = s e e s s e s e s = • * * * * * * * * e e s is a s = e . 30, 1907 . Mar. 16, 1909 . . . . . 6, 1906 . 30, 1907 . . . . Mar. 10, 1909 . . . . Jan. 29, 1910 . . . . Mar. 13, 17, 1920. . Jan. Apr. Feb. 19, 1908. Jan. 27, 1910. . |Mar. 23, 1906. Mar. 20, 1908. Apr. 24, 1906– Apr. 2, 1909. Feb. 21; Mar. 9, 1906. Feb. 21, 1906. Mar. 28, 1906. 1906. Apr. 26, 30, 1907. 6, 1906. Jan. 30, 1907. Jan. 29, 1910. Mar. 13, 17, 1920. INDEX. 385 | SUBJECT. GLOBE. |MAIL and EMPIRE. LIFE INSURANCE:-See Insurance. - LINE FENCES ACT : * Bill to amend, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 14, 1911 . . . . LIQUOR LICENSE LAW : 1. Proposed changes in and higher Feb. 17, 1906 . . . . [Feb. 17, 1906. licenses, spoken to on Address, 2. Appointments of Commissioners and Inspectors, discussed on Address. Enforcement of the law discussed on Address. Mr. Ross’ capacity for keeping both temperance and liquor interests, at- tached to his chariot; discussed on Address. . On Bill to prohibit issue of shop licenses in towns under 2,000 popula- tion. . On Bill to permit Councils to increase fees, for their own use. . On Bill to amend the law. See below. 11. 8 . Résignation of License Commissioners discussed. . Administration of Department dis- cussed on Budget. 10. The three-fifths vote on local option. discussed. 11. On Bill to amend the law * * c e sº e º is e e 12. The Commission to enquire into cer- tain rumours and the power and pro- ceedings thereunder discussed. Feb. 21, 1906 . . Feb. 21, 1906— Feb. 21, 1908– Jan. 27, 1910. Feb. 21, 1906 . . . . * * * * * * * * * g g g g g g g ge & e º º is is a s e s is e s e a s a Mar. 21, 30; Apr. 4, 31, 27, 1906– Mar. 16, 1910. Apr. 4, 1906 Apr. 6, 1906–Feb. 25, 26, 27, 1908 —Feb. 19, 20, 1909. Apr. 6, 21, 1906– Feb. 14, 19, 21, 26; Mar. 27; Apr. 10, 1908. Apr. 27, 1906. Feb. 13; Mar. 1907. ry 4 3 . |Feb. 21, 1906. Feb. 21, 1906– Feb. 7, 21, 1908 —Jan. 27, 1910. Feb. 21, 1906. Mar. 17, 1906. Mar. 20, 1906. Mar. 21, 30; Apr. 4, 21, 27, 1906– Mar. 16, 1910. Apr. 4, 1906. Apr. 6, 1906–Feb. 27, 1908 – Feb. 19, 1909. Apr. 6, 21, 1906– Feb. 14, 19, 21, 26 – Apr. 10, 1908. Apr. 27, 1906. Feb. 13: Mar. 7, 1907. 386 INDEX. SUBJECT. 13. On Bill. to amend re bonusing hotels. . 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Discussed on Budget On Bill to amend re protection of minors. On J3ill to amend re canvassers On Bill to amend On motion to remove administration of, from the realm of party politics. . On Bill and amendments to remove the three-fifths clause. See below, 31. Dismissal of Mr. Hastings discussed. See Hastings. Flirting with temperance and liquor interests. Participation of officials in elections spoken to. <> The cost of licenses in Toronto spoken to. Compensation suggested • * * * * * * * e s • * The abolition of the bar discussed. See below, 29. Local option discussed on Address ... . On Bill to impose taxes on bar receipts and to veto licenses. . Bar percentage receipts spoken to . . . . . On the motion to abolish the bar . . . . . Mr. Samuel Blake’s statement in re. . GLOBE. | Mar. 5, 1907 . . . . Apr. 5, 10, 11, 1909 Apr. 4, 1907 Apr. 5, 1907 . . . . . Apr. 17, 1907; Apr. 1, 6, 1909. Apr. 19, 1907 . . . . Apr. MAIL and EMPIRE, Mar. 5, 1907. Mar. 6, 15, 1907- - Apr. 11, 1909. Apr. 4, 1907. Apr. 5, 1907. 17, 1907– Apr. 1, 6, 1909. Apr. 19, 1907. Apr. 19, 1907–Apr. 19, 1907– • Apr. 10, 1908— Apr. 10, 1908– Apr. 8, 1909— Apr. 8, 1909– Mar. 16, 1910– Mar. 9, 1911. Apr. 19, 1907 . . . . Feb. 21, 1908 . . . . Feb. 19, 20, 1909. . Apr. 6, 1909 Apr. 1909 . . . . Apr. Jan. 27, 1911 . . . . Mar. 1, 2, 21, 1911. Mar. 20, 1912 . . . . Apr. 4, 1912–Apr. 15, 1914. Apr. 4, 1912. Mar. 16, 1910— Mar. 9, 1911. Apr. 19, 1907. Feb. 21, 1908. Feb. 19, 20, 1909. Apr. 8, 1909. Jan. 27, 1911. Mar. 1, 2, 21, 22, 1911. April 4, 1912—Apr. 15, 1914. Apr. 4, 1912. INDEX. SUBJECT. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 46. 47. 48. . “Blind pigs’ spoken to The three-fifths &lause discussed . . . . Club licenses discussed s ºr e º º ſº e º ºs e º 'º On Bill to amend the law Anti-treating and abolition of bar dis- cussed. The temperance question discussed on Budget. On Bill to prevent clubs in local option districts selling liquor. On motion re violation of law by steamboats and railways. e a e s a tº e º $ tº e On Bill to amend the law & e s m e º 'º º º º Anti-treating legislation spoken to on Address. Conservative alliance with liquor in- terests in Prescott charged. Counter charges and Mr. Evanturel's letter read. Receipts from, discussed on Budget . . On motion for return of correspon- dence re appointment of W. Smuck. . Mr. Snider’s connection with Scott Act campaign spoken to. See below. Question of privilege raised as to form of anti-treating question. On Bill to close bars on holidays . . . . On motion for return re administra- tion of in N. Waterloo. 387 GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Apr. 4, 1912–Mar. Apr. 4, 1912–Mar. 6, 13, 20, 1913. 6, 13, 20, 1913. Apr. 4, 13, 1912. Apr. 4, 13, 1912. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Apr. 11, 13, 1912. Feb. 7, 13, 19, 1913|Feb. 12, 13, 19, —Feb. 20, 25, 1913 — Feb. 20, 26; Mar. 4, 5, 6, 25, 26; Mar. 4, 1914. 5, 6, 1914. Mar. 7, 1913. Mar. 7, 1913. Apr. 11, 1913. Apr. 11, 1913. Apr. 16, 1913. Apr. 16, 1913. Apr. 16, 1913. Apr. 16, 1913. Apr. 17, 23, 1913. Apr. 17, 23, 1913. & Feb. 20, 25, 1914. |Feb. 20, 25, 1914. Feb. 26, 1914. Feb. 26, 1914. Feb. 26, 1914. Feb. 26, 1914. Mar. 4, 1914. Mar. 4, 1914. Mar. 7, 1914. Mar. 7, 1914. Mar. 13, 1914. Mar. 13, 1914. Mar. 28, 1914 . . . . Mar. 28, 1914. Mar. 31, 1914 . . . . [Mar. 31, 1914. Apr. 2, 1914 . . . . . Apr. 2, 1914. 388 INDEX. SUBJECT. * GLOBE. 49. On motion for return re administra- tion of in Kenora. . On motion for Commission to enquire into Mr. Snider’s visits to Huron, Peel and Welland. See Snider. 51. On Bill to amend the law . . . . . . . . . . 52. The closing of bars during the war spoken to on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . 53. The Bill re appointment of Commis- sion discussed. 54. On motion for return of correspon- dence re resignation, and re-appoint- ment of Paul Morand. 55. Prohibition spoken to on Address .. 56. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g & Q º * 57. A tribute to License Commissioners. . 58. Expense of inspection, etc., discussed. See Intoricating Liquors. Ontario Temperance Act. LIVING, CoST OF: 1. Discussed on Budget and Address .. 2. On motion for Commission to enquire into. See Unemployment. L0AFERs, A LOT of : * Member reported to have characterized his fellow members as. L0ANS FOR AGRICULTURE. See Agriculture. LOANs, PROVINCIAL: Spoken to on Budget * * * * * * * * * c e º e º e s e. LOBB, MR.: The case of, discussed * * * * * * e º e º e º e s a s • |Eeb. Apr. 3, 1914 Apr. 23, 1914 . . . . Apr. 24, 1914 . . . . Feb. 19, 1915 . . . . Mar. 24, 30, 31: Apr. 1, 2, 1915. Mar. 16, 1915 . . . . . Mar. 2, 3, 1916 . . Mar. 9, 1916 tº a e s s & e º 'º º Mar. 9, 1916 Feb. 14, 1918 . . . . 10, 1911– Feb. 14, 1912 . . Mar. 27, 1913 . . . . Mar. 3, 4, 1911 . . . Mar. 7, 1919 Mar. 17, 1916– Mar. 6, 1917. MAIL and EMPIRE. Apr. 3, 1914. Apr. 23, 1914. Apr. 24, 1914. Feb. 19, 1915. Mar. 24, 30, 31; Apr. 1, 2, 1915. Mar. 16, 1915. © º e º & is a s m e º e e º e s e . 14, 1918. Feb. 14, 1912. Mar. 27, 1913, Mar. 3, 4, 1911. Mar. 7, 1919. Mar. 6, 1917. INDEX. 389 | GLOBE. SUBJECT. MAIL and EMPIRE. IOBBYING: 1. Discussed on Ottawa Bill . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 9, 13, 1907 . . Mar. 9, 13, 1907. 2. The tag suggested for those engaged in Feb. 18, 1909 . . . . [Feb. 18, 1909. LOCAL COURTS ACT: On Bill to restrict number of Judges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 10, 1906. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS: On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 1, 23, 1911 . . [Feb. 23, 1911. LOCAL OPTIONS-See Liquor License Law. 10, 11. Single Taa. LONDON, CITY OF : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 21, 1920. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONES: On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 11, 1906 . . . . May 11, 1906. LOYALTY, PURCHASABLE: & Spoken to on Reciprocity Resolutions and Mar. 17, 1911 . . . . Mar. 17, 1911. amendment. Lucas, Hon. Mr. : 1. His speech on the Budget 2. On delivering the Financial Statement. 3. Reflects upon “Globe '' statement re financial methods. 4. His speech on motion re attack on Ontario Temperance Act. LUMBERMEN :—See Division Courts. McCormick, Mr. : His speech on the Budget • * * * * * * * * * * * > McCrea, Mr. : 1. His speech on seconding motion for Address. 2. On the Address . . . e e º e s e º e g º & tº * * * Mar. 1, 1907—Mar. 27, 1908. Mar. 8, 1912—Mar. 5, 1913—Mar. 4. 13, 1914. Apr. 17, 1914 . . . . Mar. 21, 1919 . . . . Feb. 10, 1911 . . . Feb. 9, 1912 . . Fo 22, 1917 . . . . Mar. 1, 1907—Mar. 27, 1908. Mar. 8, 1912—Mar. 5, 1913—Mar. 4, 13, 1914. Apr. 17, 1914. Mar. 21, 1919. . Feb. 9, 1912. Feb. 22, 1917. 390 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, MCCREARY RESOLUTION:—See Referendum. MCCUTCHEON CASE, THE : Discussed in Committee of Supply McDougal, Mr. (Ottawa): His speech on the Budget e e s is e s a tº e º 'º e McEwing, Mr. : 1. His speech on the Budget º, e s s s is e e º & 2. On Reciprocity resolutions McGarry, Hon. Thomas W. : 1. His speech on the Budget e e g g º is e is tº 8 2. Discusses lobbying 3. On the Address tº e º e º º ºs º º ſº tº a tº tº $ tº & © tº 4. On delivering the Budget tº ſº tº ſº a º e º e º º º 9. 5. His reply to criticism McGARRY BILL :-See Hydro-Electric. McKENDRY AND HAGGART, Townships of : Sales of to syndicate discussed & m e º sº º tº ºt McKeown, Mr. : His speech on moving Address . . . . . . . . McNaught, Mr. : 1. His speech on the Anti-treating Bill. . º, e is e e º 'º e º e º e g º e º e º & 2. On the Budget MacBride. Mr. : His speech on the Address s e e e s e s a ſº º a $ Mar. 17, 1916 . . . . Feb. 4, 1910–Feb. 3, 1911. Feb. 9, 1910 s & º & ºn Mar. 10, 1911 . . . . Mar. 23, 28, 1906— Mar. 5, 1909– Mar. 13, 1912– Mar. 5, 1913– Mar. 5, 6, 1914. Mar. 9, 13, 1907. . e e º e º 'º is is e º a tº e > * a s Feb. 24, 1915– Mar. 8, 16, 1916 —Feb. 23, 1917 —Feb. 13, 1918 —Mar. 7, 1919. Mar. 3, 1917 Mar. 15, 1913 . . . . Feb. 7, 1908 a dº e º ſº tº e º e º 'º w is º º e a s a tº º ºr Mar. 19, 1920 . . . . Mar. 17, 1916. Feb. 4, 1910—Feb. 3, 1911. Mar. 23, 28, 1906– Mar. 5, 1909– Feb. 3, 1911– Mar. 13, 1912— Mar. 5, 1913– Mar. 5, 6, 1914. Mar. 9, 13, 1907. Feb. 7, 1913. Feb. 24, 1915– Mar. 8, 16, 1916 —Feb. 23, 1917 —Feb. 13, 1918 —Mar. 7, 1919. Mar. 3, 1917. Feb. 7, 1908. Apr. 5, 1906. Feb. 4, 1910. Mar. 19, 1920. INDEX. SUBJECT. ſ GLOBE. 391 MAIL and EMPIRE, MacDiarmid, Mr. : His speech on the Budget tº gº tº e º e º ºs º ºs e º º Machin, Mr. : 1. His speech on seconding motion for Address. 2. His criticism of Ontario Temperance Act. MACHINE GUN's : Discussed on the Budget. See War, the. MacKay, Hon. Alexander Grant: 1. His speech on the Address . . . . . . . . . . . On the Redistribution Bill . On the Budget * * * * * * * * e s e s is e º e s e s tº * * * * * s e s e s a e e Re power development . On the Canadian Northern Railway grânt. . His rumoured retirement mentioned.. . His speech on motion re technical training. Tribute paid to on Address . . . . . . . . . . His speech on Reciprocity resolutions and amendment. * 10. On the Manitoba Boundary resolution. MAGISTRATES : 1. Appointment and dismissal of, dis- cussed on Address and on Budget. 2. On the motion for return re Essex Magistracy. \ Feb. 7, 1913 Mar. 5, 1919 Feb. 23; Mar. 3. 1917. Feb. 26, 1908– Feb. 20, 1909– Jan. 27, 1910– Jan. 27, 1911. Mar. 13; Apr. 7. 1908. Mar. 27, 1908– Mar. 12, 1909– Feb. 18, 1910– Feb. 16, 1911– Mar. 8, 13, 1912. Apr. 3, 1908 Apr. 7, 1909 * * * * is * * * * * * * * * * g º e º 'º e ſº Mar. 17, 1910 . . . . Jan. 26, 1911– Feb. 9, 1912. Mar. 17, 1911 . . . . Feb. 29, 1912 . . Feb. 21; Apr. 6 1906. Feb. 8, 1907 Mar. 15, 1907. Feb. 7, 1913. Mar. 5, 1919. Feb 23; Mar. 3, 1917. Feb. 26, 1908— Feb. 20, 1909— Jan. 27, 1910— Jan. 27, 1911. Mar. 27, 1908– Mar. 12, 1909– Feb. 18, 1910— Feb. 16, 1911– Mar. 8, 13, 1912. Jan. 27; Feb. 18, 1910. Mar. 17, 1911. . Feb. 29, 1912. Feb. 21; Apr. 6, 1906. Feb. 8, 20, 1907. 392 SUBJECT. INDEX. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. MANHOOD SUFFRAGE REGISTRATION: 1. On Bill to abolish tº e º is tº º e º e º e º e º 'º e & 2. On Bill making it applicable only to cities and towns of 9,000. , MANITOULIN AND NORTH SHORE RAILWAY : On Bill to aid the a s e s a e s e s e s s s a tº e º 'º e & MARRIAGE LAW : 1. Discussed in Committee . . . . . . . . . . . 2. On Bill to amend re union of incom- petents. 3. On Bill to increase license fee 4. On Bill to amend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARRIAGE QUESTION: 1. Communication from Minister of Justice read to House asking Govern- ment to appoint Counsel to repre- sent Province. 2. On motion in re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARRIED Wom EN:-See Female Suffrage. Women. Marshall, Mr. : 1. His speech on the Budget 2. On education "reform Matheson, Hon. Arthur J.: 1. His financial statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. His statement re issue and sale of Treasury Bills. 3. Discloses Mr. Harcourt’s with Coates and Co’y. agreement 4. Quotes the Hanson correspondence . ... (Apr. 6, 1906 Apr. 12, 1906 . . . . Feb. 9; Apr. 13, 18, 1907. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Apr. 17, 1907 .... Mar. 29, 1912– Mar. 28; Apr. 10, 1913. Mar. 30, 1916 . . . . Apr. 13, 1920... . . . Feb. 27, 1912 . Apr. 13, 1912 . . . . Feb. 15, 1918— Apr. 16, 1920. May 12, 1920 . . . . Mar. 21, 1906– Mar. 1, 1907– Mar. 20, 1908– Mar. 5, 1909– Feb. 4, 1910— Feb. 3, 1911. Mar. 30, 1906 . . . . Mar. 30, 1906 . . . . tº E tº ſº e Apr. 7, 12, 1906. Feb. 9; Apr. 13, 18, 1907. Apr. 2, 1909. Apr. 17, 1907. Mar. 29, 1912– Mar. 28; Apr. 10, 1913. Mar. 30, 1916. Apr. 13, 1920. . Feb. 27, 1912. Mar. 21, 1906– Mar. 1, 1907– Mar. 20, 1908– Mar. 5, 1909– Feb. 4, 1910– Feb. 3, 1911. Mar. 30, 1906. Mar. 30, 1906, Apr. 6, 1906. INDEX. 393 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 5. His statement re Sault guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 3, 1906. 6. House adjourns out of respect to Feb. 6, 1913 .....|Feb. 6, 1913. memory of. * MEDICAL ACT : 1. On Bill to amend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 12, 1912 . . . . Apr. 12, 1912. 2. On Bill respecting municipal control|Mar. 8, 1917 . . . . . Mar. 8, 1917. in appointment of Health Officers. MEMBERS: 1. Appointment of, to Senate, spoken to Jan. 31, 1907 . . . . Jan. 31, 1907. on motion for writ in West Middlesex - 2. How “tab’’ is kept on indemnity . . . . [Feb. 28, 1908 , Feb. 28, 1908. 3. The oath before taking seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 20, 1909. 4. Increased indemnity spoken to . . . . . . Feb. 1, 1911 5. Reported to be “a lot of loafers ” . . . . Mar. 3, 4, 1911 Mar 3, 4, 1911. .. 6. Reduction of indemnity suggested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 1, 1918. 7. Sessional indemnity to absent, opposed... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 22, 1918. 8. On motion re reduction of number of...|Apr. 4, 1919 . . . . . Apr. 4, 1919. MERCHANT, DR. :—See Education. METAGAMI TIMBER BERTH –See Timber. METALS : 1. On Bill to encourage the refining of ...Feb. 22, 28, 1907..Feb. 22, 28, 1907. 2. Export duty on minerals spoken to. Feb. 28, 1907 ....Feb. 28, 1907. See Mines. s: e MILL, ONE, ON THE DOLLAR TAx, THE :— Discussed on the Budget. See War Feb. 23, 1917 . the. MILITIA ACT : Enforcement of advocated . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 6, 1917 . . . . INDEX. 394. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. MILITIA LAND GRANTS: On motion for return re granting to Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 17, 1906. Guard during Fenian Raid. MILK, PURE: * 1. On resolution re appointment of Com-Apr. 2, 1909 . . . . . Apr. 2, 1909. mission. * 2. On Bill respecting inspection of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 16, 1910. 3. On Bill relating to a standard for . . . Feb. 24, 1911 . Feb. 24, 1911. MINES AND MINING: 1. Proposed changes in law spoken to On Feb. 17, 1906 . Feb. 17, 1906. Address. 2. A Minister of promised, discussed on Feb. 21, 1906 . Feb. 21; Mar. 7, Address. 1906. 3. The Bill creating a Departmental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 7, 1906. Minister of discussed. 4. Mining disaster in France spoken to...|Mar. 14, 1906 . Mar. 14, 1906. 5. On Bill re mining companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 22, 1906. 6. The Temiskaming reservation discussed|Mar. 23, 1906 . . . . Mar. 23, 1906. on Budget. * 7. The subject of discussed on Budget. . Mar. 28, 1906–Mar. 28, 1906. Mar. 27, 1908. 8. Policy of Government announced re. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 4, 1906. disposition of minerals on Gillies Limit. 9. On Bill to amend the law . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 19, 24, 25, 28. Apr. 19, 24, 25, 28, 1906 – Apr. 1, 1906 – Apr. 1, & 1908. 1908. 10. Duties of Commissioner discussed ...'. Apr. 24, 1906 . . . . Apr. 24, 1906. 11. Working conditions and absolute titles Apr. 28, 1906 . . . . Apr. 28, 1906. discussed. 12. Discussed on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 26, 30, 1907–Jan. 26, 30, 1907– Feb. 13, 19, 1908 Feb. 13, 1908– –Feb. 21, 1912 Feb. 7, 1913. º ------ –Feb. 7, 1913. INDEX. 395 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 30. . Title to lands spoken to Taxation of minerals and opening of roads in New Ontario discussed. Wildcat capitalization in Cobalt dis- cussed. - e s e e g º e s a s º & Smelter question discussed a s a e s e º e º a Disclosure of shipment by companies should be imperative. On Bill to amend the law e e s e s A e s - " " On Bill to encourage refining of metals Larder Lake conditions spoken to . . . . Export duty on minerals spoken to . . . Proposed mining tax spoken to on Budget. On the Bill to supplement the revenues of the Crown, by imposing tax on minerals. The output of the northland minerals spoken to • a a e s a e s a e o e e º s is e º 'º " * * * . The incorporation of companies and protection for the ignorant investor. The Florence mining matter and the Minister of Justice. The Florence Mine case discussed on Budget. The Florence Judiciary. Mine case and the On Bill respecting hours of labour in underground work. An eight hour day for miners discussed Jan. 26, 1907 . . . Jan. 30, 1907 . . . Jan. 30, 1907 . . . Jan. 30 ; Feb. 28 1907. Jan. 30, 1907 . . . . Feb. 2, Feb. 22, 28; Mar. 1907. 22, 28, 1907. . Jan. 26, 1907. . Jan. 30, 1907. . Jan. 30, 1907. Jan. 30; Feb. 28, 1907. Jan. 30, 1907. Feb. 22, 28; Mar. 2, 8, 1907. Feb. 22, 28, 1907. Feb. 23, 1907 ....Feb. 23; Mar. 14, 1907. Feb. 28, 1907 . . . . [Feb. 28, 1907. Mar. 1, 1907 . . . . Mar. 1, 1907. Mar. 8, 13, 1907 . . Mar. 8, 13, 1907. Feb. 18, 1909 ....Feb. 18, 1909. Feb. 19, 1909 Feb. 19, 1909. Mar. 3, 1909 . . . . . Mar. 3, 1909. Mar. 11, 12, 1909. . Mar. 11, 12, 1909. Mar. 12, 1909 . . . . Mar. 12, 1909. Mar. 22, 26, 1912. . Mar. 23, 27; Apr. 2, 1912. Feb. 7; Apr. 10.|Feb. 7; Apr. 10, 1913. 1913. 396 INDEX. SUBJECT. See 31. On Bill to impose mining tax. Nickel. MINIMUM WAGE : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MINISTER OF JUSTICE: His action re Florence Mine case criticized MINISTERIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Spoken to, on motion re attack of Superin- tendent of Education upon Member. . MoDEL ScHools:—See Education. MGNEYS IN COURT : The borrowing of, by Province, discussed. MONTREAL RIVER PULP CO’Y.: 1. Refund of $20,000 to, spoken to 2. Discussed on Address s a e s is a s e e º 'º º º MORAND, PAUL : On motion for return of correspondence re resignation and reappointment of. MoRATORIUM —See Mortgagors Relief Act. MORTGAGORS AND PURCHASERS RELIEF ACT : 1. On second reading of Bill, etc. . . . . . . 2. Extension of, discussed on Address . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g º º 3. On Bill to repeal MOTHERS ALLOWANCE ACT: Discussed in Committee e is e o is a s e s ſº º is a s MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS: Practice with regard to discussed. See Questions. MAIL and EMPIRE. GLOBE. Apr. 3, 6, 1917. Mar. 29; Apr. 6, 1917. • * * * * * * * g s ; : May 21, 1920. Mar. 3, 1909 ....Mar. 3, 1909. Apr. 25, 1914 . . . Mar. 21, 1906 . . . . Apr. 17, 1907 . . Feb. 19, 26, 1908. . Mar. 16, 1915 . . . . Feb. 25; Mar. 13, 20, 1915. Feb. 28, 1919 . . . . Apr. 4, 1919 * * * * * * * * * * * a sº e s a e * * * * * * * * s e s e e º e s , 5. Mar. 21, 1906. . Apr. 17, 1907. Feb. 19, 26, 1908. Mar. 16, 1915. Feb. 19, 25; Mar. 5, 13, 20, 1915. Apr. 4, 1919. May 20, 1920. Mar. 11, 1908. INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. 397 MAIL and EMPIRE- MOTOR VEHICLES: 1. On Bills to regulate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Teckless driving and its prevention dis- cussed. 3. On Bill to make drivers responsible for damage. ºr 4. On Bill respecting speed limit . . . . . . . 5. Reciprocity in, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. On motion to tax owners . . . . . . . . . . . 7. On motion for return respecting taxes. See Highway Improvement. MOYES CASE, TTIE : 1. Discussed in Committee of Supply . . . 2. The Lobb case and discussed on motion for Return. MUNICIPALITIES : Share of proposed railway taxation dis- cussed. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS: 1. On the Bill to establish a Bureau of . . 2. On Bill re purchase of fuel, etc. . . . . . MUNICIPAL BONUSES : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MUNICIPAL BY-LAWS : On Bill respecting * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º 'º MUNICIPAL COUNCILLORS: On Bill to regulate rate of payment to . . Mar. 22, 1917. 1910. Mar. 21, 1912 . . . Mar. 22, 1912 . Feb. 27, 1913 . . Mar. 11, 1915 . . . . Mar. 17, 1916 . . . Mar. 6, 1917 . . . . • a e e º e º e s a 4 tº e º 'º - * 13, 1917. Mar. 22, 1917 . . . . | |Mar. 19, 1908 . . . . |Feb. 19, 1910 . . . . Feb. 21 : Mar. 7. Mar. 26, 27, 1909. Mar. 31; Apr. 3; Mar. 31; Apr. 3, May 9, 1906— May 9, 11, 1906 Mar. 5, 12; Apr. 13, 1908—Mar. 1908 – Mar. 23; 23: Apr. 9, 1909 Apr. 9, 1909— —Feb. 23; Mar. Feb. 23, 1911– 3, 1911 – Mar. Mar. 21, 22, 1912 21, 22, 1912– —Mar. 5, 12, 5 —Mar. 22, 1917. Feb. 19 ; Mar. 10, Feb. 19; Mar. 10, 1910. . Mar. 21, 1912. . |Mar. 22, 1912. Feb. 20, 1913. Mar. 11, 1915. . |Mar. 17, 1916. Mar. 6, 1917. Apr. 26, 1906. Mar. 19, 1908. 398 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS: Change of date of discussed . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 9, 1911 . . . . . Feb. 9, 1911. MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE: On Bill to extend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º e > 0 & e e º ſº s | Apr. 1, 1920. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT: & On motion for Commission to investigate. Apr. 8, 1914 ..... MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND EXPENDI- 'TURE: Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 1, 1907 . . . . Mar. 1, 1907 MUNICIPAL LAW : 1. Amendments to, discussed on Bills to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 15, 22, 1906. amend. 2. Toronto's title to land through tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 12, 1907. sales discussed on Bill to amend the law. 3. On Bill to amend respecting liability Apr. 13, 16, 17, Apr. 13, 16, 17, of counties for accidents on highways 1907. 1907. 4. The smoke nuisance discussed . . . . . . . Apr. 13, 16, 1907. Apr. 12, 16, 1907. 5. The vote on by-laws, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teb. 24, 1909. | 6. Section 606 discussed and upheld ....|Apr. 9, 1909 ...]Apr. 9, 1909. 7. On Bill to consolidate the law . . . . . . Feb. 20, 21; Mar. Feb. 20, 21, 22, º 14, 16, 1913. 1913. 8. On Bill to amend re property qualifica-. . . . . * - - - - - - - - - - - Mar. 7, 1918. tion. MUNICIPAL LOANS: Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MUNICIPAL OFFICE: *. On the Bill to remove property qualifica- tion for. * MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS : On Bill respecting • e e s a e s e s e s e s = e = * * * Mar. 5, 1909 . . . . Mar. 5, 1909. Mar. 23, 1915–Apr. 2, 15, 1920. Apr. 2, 15, 1920. Apr. 13, 1906 . . . .]Apr. 19, 1906. Munro, Mr. : His speech on the Budget s e s tº e e s e s tº e º 'º Mar. 10, 1916 . . . . INDEX. 399 SUBJECT. | GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Musgrove, Mr. : His speech on moving Address . . . . . . . . . Feb. 7, 1913 . . . . . Feb. 7, 1913. NATION RIVER : Drainage in connection with, spoken to.. Apr. 16, 1907 . . . . Apr. 16, 1907. NATURAL GAS : 1. On Bill re plugging of wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 22, 1906. 2. Taxation of, discussed under Mining|Mar. 8, 13, 1907 . . Mar. 8, 13, 1907. Tax Bill. 3. Statement of Minister regarding taxa-l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 18, 1910. tion of. NAVAL DEFENCE: & The question of, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 1, 1909 . . . . . Apr 1, 1909. . NEPOTISM : Spoken to on motion for return re dis- missal of Sheriff of Prince Edward Feb. 20, 1907 . . . . [Feb. 20, 1907. County. NESBITT, BEATTIE:—See Farmers Bank. NEw or NoFTHERN ONTARIO : 1. Secession in, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 19, 1907. 2. The problem of, discussed on Address. Feb. 26, 1908—Feb. 13, 1908– Feb. 9, 1912. Jan. 27, 1910. 3. The mineral output of, spoken to . . . . [Feb. 18, 1909 . . . . [Feb. 18, 1909. 4. The agricultural possibilities of . . . . . . Feb. 18, 1909 . . . . [Feb. 18, 1909. 5. Opening up of, discussed on the Feb. 11, 1910–|Feb. 11, 1910– Budget. Mar. 7, 1913 ... Mar. 7, 1913. 6. On motion for return shewing expendi-Mar. 2, 1911, ....|Mar. 2, 1911. ture in. t 7. The “blind pig industry’ discussed. . [Feb. 9, 1912 . . . . . 8. The building of roads in . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 9, 1912 . . . . . 9. Government policy of opening up, an-Feb. 13, 1912 . . . . [Feb. 13, 1912. nounced. 10. North Bay “a God-forsaken place "...Mar. 1, 1912 . . . . . |Mar. 1, 1912. 26 D.S. 400 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. * 11. Warning to the optimistic, re rush for Mar. 8, 1912 ....Mar 8, 1912. " settlers. 12. On proposal to spend $5,000,000 in Apr. 12, 1912–Apr. 10, 12, 1912. development of. Feb. 22; Mar. 4, 1913. 13. The needs of, discussed on Address ...|Feb. 7, 1913 . . . . . Feb. 7, 1913. 14. Not the “land of the stunted poplar.” Feb. 12, 1913 ....|Feb. 12, 1913. 15. Dean Fernow on soils in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 7, 1913. 16. On amendment to motion to go into Apr. 2, 3, 1913 ...|Apr. 2, 3, 1913. supply re promotion of settlement . . 17. Expenditure in, discussed on the Mar. 11, 1914 . . . . |Mar. 11, 1914. Budget. • * - & --- 18. On Bill re tax reform in . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 4, 1914 . . . . . Apr. 4, 1914. 19. Money voted for roads in, the matter|Apr. 17, 1914 ...Apr. 17, 1914. of discussion. 20. On Bill providing for development of. Apr. 7, 12, 1916..|Apr. 12, 1916. 21. Development of, discussed . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 12, 14, 1919. Mar. 13, 14, 1918– - Mar. 12, 14, * 1919. 22. Works in, discussed on Address . . . . . . [Feb. 28, 1919 . . . . [Feb. 28, 1919. 23. Resources of, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 1, 1920 ....] Apr. 1, 1920. NIAGARA WATER Power: Discussed on . Address. See Power, Feb. 21, 1906 ....Feb. 21, 1906 Electric. - NICKEL: & 1. On motion for return relative to use Feb. 23, 1915 ....|Feb. 23,-1915. of, by His Majesty’s enemies. 2. On motion for return relative to Royal-Mar. 4, 1915 . . . . Mar. 4, 1915. ties paid, etc. 3. Taxation of output discussed on motion|Mar. 31, 1916 . . . . Mar. 31; Apr. 1, for return. | - 1916. 4. On resolution re control of production|Apr. 4, 1916 . . . . . Apr. 4, 1916. and sale.” - f d : * INDEX. 401 SUBJECT. . Taxation, refining and production of, discussed on Address. On amendment re Government control. & G e g º e g º e º º ºs & © & e º ſº º On the Budget Private prospectors spoken to tº is ſº G & º e Increased taxation on e sº e º 'º e º e º e º 'º & © 10. Higher tax discussed on Mining Tax Bill. 11. On resolution seeking to secure united action re control, etc. 12. Refining, etc., discussed on Budget . . . 13. Companies and taxes discussed on mo- tion for enquiry. NORMAL SCHOOLS: 1. On motion for return respecting . . . . . 2. The question of establishing discussed on Budget. 3. Location of new, spoken to Norman, Mr. : His speech on the Budget NORTHERN ONTARIO :—See New Ontario. |NORTH BAY : Stigmatised as “a God-forsaken place ’’. . NORTH GREY ELECTION: Discussed on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NURSES, GRADUATE: On Bill re incorporation of . . . . . . . . . . . . O’BRIEN MINE : 1. Spoken to on Address • a s s a e" º tº e º & 8 & GLOBE. Feb. 16, 1917 . . . . 3'eb. 22, 1917 . . . . Mar. 2, 3, 1917 . . Mar. 2, 1917 . . . . Mar. 29, 1917— Feb. 15, 1918 . . Apr. 3, 1917 . . . . Apr. 5, 1917 . . . . Mar. 14, 1919 . . . . May 27, 1920 . . . Mar. 17, 1906 . . . Mar. 28, 1906 . May 11, 1906 . . . . Peb. 9, 1910 sº tº e > a. tº e º & Mar. 1, 1912 Jan. 27, 1911 . . . 20, 24, 1906. Feb. 20, 1909 .... MAIL and EMPIRE. Feb. 16, 1917. Feb. 22, 1917. Mar. 2, 3, 1917. Mar. 29, 1917– Feb. 15, 1918. Apr. 3, 1917. Apr. 5, 1917. . May 27, 1920. . Mar. 17, 1906. . Mar. 28, 1906. May 11, 1906. Feb. 9, 1910. Mar. 1, 1912. . Jan. 27, 1911. Mar. 24; Apr. 20, 24, 1906. Feb. 20, 1909. 402 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 2. In Committee of Supply . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 20, 1909 . . . . Mar. 20, 1909. O.B.U. : The invasion of an American institution|Mar. 31, 1920 . . . . Mar. 31, 1920. spoken to. OFF-Colour THEOLOGY:-See Globe. OIL WELLS : 1. Taxation of, discussed on Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 13, 1907. Revenue Bill. 2. Minister’s statement regarding . . . . . . ONTARIO INSURANCE ACT : On Bill to amend e e s e. e. e. e. e. e s t e º s & e º 'º º ONTARIO AND MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY : On resolution and amendment re Bill to incorporate. ONTARIo Power CoMPANY:—See Electrical Development. Power Commission. ONTARIO, PROVINCE OF: Credit and debt of, discussed on Budget. See Provincial Loan. ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD : 1. On Bill to amend Act respecting e e º 'º e 2. Powers of, discussed on Budget 3. On Bill re Hydro-Electric Commission 4. Reorganization of, spoken to 5. Hours of labour for motormen, dis- cussed. ONTARIO RECEPTION HospitaL:—See Hos- pital, Reception. ONTARIO SECURITIES IN GREAT BRITAIN : Discussed on Budget e ſº a g º is tº º e º º ºs e º º º q Mar. 18, 1910 . . . . Mar. 25, 1916 . . . . Mar. 31; Apr. 1, 1908. Mar. 23, 30, 1906. Mar. 17, 1910 . . . . Feb. 10, 1911 . . . . tº e º $ tº e º 'º º e º ºs e º e s & tº e s e º e º e º e º ºs e e s sº e Feb. 23; Mar. 3. 1917. Mar. 18, 1910. Mar. 25, 1916. Mar. 31, 1908. Mar. 23, 30, 1906. Feb. 22, 1907– Mar. 17, 1910. Feb. 10, 1911. Mar. 23, 1911. Mar. 14, 1912. Mar. 30, 1912. Feb. 23, 1917. INDEX. 403 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. ONTARIO TELEPHONE ACT: On Bill respecting e s e s a s g º a s g º & e º 'º e º e ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT: 1. 10. 11. 12. . On Bill to amend . On motion to reduce . Discussed on the Address Discussed on Budget e s a e e s tº dº e e º 'º e º 'º On Bill • e e s • e s e e s a s e s e e s a • * * * * * * * . On motion to provide compensation to license holders. Prohibition discussed on Address . . . . e e a . e. e. e. e. e s s w w e º 'º " Expenses of inspection under, discussed . On motion to refer Public Accounts relating to License Branch and en- forcement of Act to Special Com- mittee. A Royal Commission discussed . . . . . . Policy of Government announced . . . . Law enforcement expense discussed . . OPPOSITION, THE : 1. 2. 5. The Leader of, congratulated Loyalty to, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . His rumoured retirement, spoken to . . Tribute to, on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claim they do not get fair play Feb. 24, 1910 . . . . Mar. 10, 1916– Mar. 19, 21, 1919. Mar. 23; Apr. 5, 7, 14, 20, 1916 . . . Mar. 28, 1916 . . . . Feb. 16, 1917 . . . . Mar. 30, 1917– Mar. 21, 1918–- Apr. 15, 17, 1919—Mar. 14, 19, 1920. Feb. 14, 1918 . . . . Mar. 21, 1918 . . . . Mar. 5, 1919– Mar. 17, 1920. Mar. 21, 1919 . . . . Feb. 19, 1908 . . . . Feb. 21, 26, 1908. . Jan. 27; Feb. 18. 1910. Jan. 26, 1911 . . . . Feb. 24, 1910. Mar. Mar. 1919. Mar. 23; Apr. 5, 7, 14, 1916. Mar. 28, 1916. 1916— 19, 21, 10, Feb. 16, 1917. tºº .aſº ºf wº-, -ī- Mar. 14, 19, 1920. Feb. 14, 1918. Mar. 5, 1919—Mar. 17, 1920. Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 28, 1919. . Apr. 8, 1919. May 12, 1920. Feb. 19, 1908. Feb. 26, 1908. Jan. 27; Feb. 18, 1910. Mar. 11, 1913. 404 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. OPPOSITION AND CRITICISM : Spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 26, 1908 . . OPTICIANS: On Bill respecting .......... . . . . . . . . . Mar. 14, 1911 . . . . OPTOMETRICAL ASSOCIATION: Its method criticized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 1, 1911 . . . . |Mar. 1, 1911. ORDERS OF THE DAY : 1. Convenience of calling, spoken to . . . . [Mar. 21, 1912 . . . . Mar. 21, 1912. 2. Mr. Speaker's ruling. See Questions. Mar. 22, 1912 . . . . Mar. 22, 1912. 3. Overcrowding of, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 26, 1913. 4. Amendments to Rules of House, spoken Mar. 21, 1913 . . . . to. ORDINARY REVENUE : Distinction between and Capital Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 11, 1907. discussed on Budget. ORGANIZATION OF RESOURCES: On motion for appointment of Commis-Mar. 29, 1916 ....|Mar. 29, 1916. sion. ORIENTALs: On Bill to prevent employment of white|Mar. 28, 1913 ....|Mar. 28, 1913. women by. OSGOODE HALL : The grounds in front of, suggested for park purposes. Mar. 25, 1908. OSTEOPATHS : & Discussed on Medical Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 12, 1912. OTTAwA, CITY OF : The question of lobbying discussed on Mar. 9, 13, 1907 ...[Mar. 9, 13, 1907. Bill relating to. OTTAwa SEPARATE SCHOOLS: On Bills respecting appointment of Com-|Mar. 23, 30; Apr. Mar. 30; Apr. 4, mission, etc. See Education. . . . . 4, 1917. 1917. INDEX. 405 SUBJECT. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS: 1. Sale of old site on Wellington Street, at a reduced valuation, spoken to. 2. The necessity for increased accommoda- tion at new buildings, discussed. 3. Expenditure additions to, on Budget. OIl PARTIZAN APPOINTMENTS: 1. Discussed on Address and in Commit- tee of Supply. 2. On Bill to amend Election law. See Spoils System. PATRONAGE SYSTEM :-See Public Service. Spoils System. Pattinson, Mr. : 1. Explains work and findings of Power Bill Commissioners. 2. His speech on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . PAWNBROKERS: On Bill respecting e e s e e s e º e a tº e o e s e º 'º " PAY-As-You-ENTER CAR:-See Street Cars. PEACE CONFERENCE: On resolution respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEAT PRODUCTION : Discussed on Address. See Fuel. PEMBROKE LUMBER CoMPANY : On resolution and amendment re purchase of company’s rights in certain lands and timber. Pense, Mr. : His speech on the Budget • sº e º is is a e º e º e º PENSIONS: Feb. 21, 1906 . . . . Mar. 22, 1906 . . . . May 10, 1906 . . . . e e a e e s s a s e º s e º a tº e Mar. 16, 1907 . . . . Mar. 16, 1907 . . . . Feb. 8, 1918 Apr. 3, 4, 9, 1914. Mar. 1, 1907—Mar. 20, 1908. Discussed on Labour Bill a s a e º e a s is tº e º a Mar. 11, 1916 . . . . GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Apr. 6, 1906 . . . . . Apr. 6, 1906. Mar. 5, 1999 . . . . . Mar. 5, 1909. Feb. 4, 1910 . . . . . Feb. 4, 1910. Feb. 21; Mar. 8, 1906. Mar. 22, 1906. May 10, 1906. Mar. 20, 1907. Mar. 16, 1907. Mar. 16, 1907. Feb. 8, 1918. Apr. 3, 9, 1914. Mar 1, 1907—Mar. 20, 1908. Mar. 11, 1916. 406 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. PER CAPITA EXPENDITURE : Increase in, discussed on the Budget . . . . PERPETUAL FRANCHISES : None to be granted & © a tº º e º e º e s sº e º 'º & e e PERQUISITES:—See Public Institutions. PETAWAWA CAMP GROUNDs: Expropriation of, by Dominion Govern- ment the subject of discussion. PETITIONS: The weight, or influence of, spoken to . . PETROLEUM RIGHTS:-See Canada Company. PETTYPIECE RAILWAY BILL :-See Eastinct Wolcanoes. Railway Tawation. PHARMACY ACT: On Bill to amend s e s e º ºs e is e e º is e º e º & © e º º PIC AND BLACK STURGEON RIVER LIMITS:.. On motion re concessions to • a s a s e e º is a & © POETRY : Mr. Ross’ and Mr. Leavitt's compositions, spoken to. | POLICE MAGISTRATES : 1. Appointment and dismissal of, dis- cussed on motion for Return. 2. Powers of, discussed on Bill respecting POLICE PROTECTION: POLICIES POLITICAL: 1. The stealing of, spoken to on Address. 2. Adoption of party policy, spoken to . . POLITICAL ALLIES : Discrimination in favour of, discussed in Mar. 27, 1908 . . . . Apr. 7, 1906 Apr. 17, 20, 1907. is e s e s tº c e a s is e º e s s & Apr. 19, 1906; Mar. 4, 1909. Apr. 16, 1920..... Feb. 21, 1906. ... . Feb. 8, 1907. ... . . Feb. 24, 1909. ... . Feb. 18, 1909..... Feb. 12, 14, 1908. . Apr. 8; 1916...... tº us tº & tº e º 'º & e º 'º e º e º e Committee. Apr. 7, 1906. Apr. 17, 19, 1907. Mar. 22, 1911. Mar. 22; Apr. 19, 24, 1906; Mar. 4, 1909. Apr. 16, 1920 Feb. 21, 1906 Feb. 8, 1907 Feb. 18, 1909 Feb. 12, 13, 1908. Mar. 9, 1906. INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. 407 MAIL and EMPIRE, POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS:—See Elections. POLITICS: The slimy pool of, spoken to on female franchise Bill. POOL ROOMS : The closing of, spoken to on Address and Budget. POPULAR WOTE: 1. Discussed re Distribution Bill tº º e º ſº tº º º 2. To each Party, quoted on Address. . . . POTATOES : The price of, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POWER DEVELOPMENT: On Bill respecting. See Hydro-Electric Power. Power, ELECTRIC, COMMISSION AND POLICY : 1. On Bill to solve problem of cheap power. 2. Discussed on Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. G. W. Ross’ speech on, alluded to 4. Watered stock, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 30, 1907. ... . 5. Discussed on Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 1, 20, 1907– Mar. 26, 27, 1908—Mar. 5, 1909—Feb. 9, 11, 16, 18, 1910— Mar. 5, 14, 1913. 6. Policy of Government stated. . . . . . . . . Mar. 21, 1907. ... . 7. On Bills respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 17, 1907– Mar. 17, 1910– Apr. 3, 1912. 8. The position of the Government, in re Feb. 19, 1908. ... . the subject of a certain editorial. 27 D.S. Feb. 17; Mar. 28, Apr. 9, 1908. . . . . . Mar. 12, 1920..... Apr. 29, 1920..... Jan. 26, 30, 1907– is s e º sº e e s tº e º e s is a s 1906. Apr. 14, 1916. ... . May 8, 9, 10, 1906 Feb. 26, 1908– Jan. 27, 1910– Feb. 7, 13, 1913. Jan. 30, 1907. ... . Apr. Mar. 22, 1911. Feb. 17; Mar. 28, 1906. Mar. 12, 1920. Apr. 29; May 1, 1920. Apr. 14, 1916. May 8, 9, 10, 1906 Jan. 26, 30, 1907— Feb. 26, 1908– Jan. 27, 1910— Feb. 7, 13, 1913. Jan. 30, 1907. ... . Jan. 30, 1907..... Mar. 6, 20, 1907– Mar. 26, 27, 1908—Mar. 5, 1909—Feb. 9, 11, 16, 18, 1910– Mar. 5, 14, 1913. Mar. 21, 1907. ... . 17, 1907– Apr. 3, 1912. Feb. 19, 1908. ... . INDEX. 408 SUBJECT. - GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 9. Some questions, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 7, 10, 11;|Mar. 10, 11; Apr. & Apr. 13, 1908. 13, 1908. 10. Mr. Beck refers to certain statements. |Mar. 21, 1908. ....|Mar. 21, 1908. ... . 11. Estimates discussed on Dog Lake Bill. Apr. 3, 1908. .....|Apr. 3, 1908. . . . . . 12. Toronto Electric Light Company *................. Mar. 12, 1909. cussed. ; - 13. On Bill re transmission of . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 24, 27, 1909. Mar. 24, 27, 1909 14. Ontario will not submit to dictation|jan. 27, 1910.....Jan. 27, 1910. from Ottawa. 15. Expropriation of easements, discussed Jan. 27; Feb. 4, 11, Jan. 27; Feb. 4, on Address and on Budget. 16, 18, 1910. 11, 16, 17, 18, º 23, 1910. 16. Endeavour to injure Ontario's credit, Feb. 4, 1910......Feb. 4, 1910 spoken to. 17. Cataract Power Co., hostile to . . . . . . . Feb. 16, 18, 1910..|Feb. 16, 18, 1910 18. On motion deprecating mode of secur-|Feb. 18, 23, 1910...Feb. 18, 23, 1910 ing easements. 19. More developments promised. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Feb. 18, 1910. 20. Policy and scheme of Commission dis-Jan. 27, 1911.....Jan. 27, 1911. cussed on Address. 21. Bill giving certain powers to Railway|Feb. 2, 1911......|Feb. 2, 1911. and Municipal Board, explained. 22. Expenditure on, discussed on Budget. Feb. 3, 1911......|Feb. 3, 10, 1911. 23. On Bill giving certain powers to . . . . . . Mar. 23, 1911.....|Mar. 23, 1911. 24. The proposal to turn over to a Depart-Feb. 9, 14, 1912..] Feb. 14, 1912. ment of Government. - 25. On the item of $2,000,000, to be voted Mar. 28, 1912.....|Mar. 28, 1912. for. . * 26. Statistics discussed . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . Mar. 5, 1913. ... . . 27. The possession of Report of Commis-Mar. 12, 1913. ....|Mar. 12, 1913. sion, spoken to INDEX. 4.09 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. On motion for Return of detailed ac- counts. On motion re extension of to Farmers 28. 29. 30. Government policy discussed • * g e i s tº º º . On Bill respecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. tion for Return. See dates of 23rd, 27th and 30th March. See Hydro- Electric. Pratt, Mr. : 1. His speech on moving Address . . . . . . 2. His speech criticising Argyle House . . PRE-ELECTION PLEDGES : 1. Performance of, spoken to on Address. 2. On Budget • e º e s e a e e e s e s a s & S + º 3. Fully carried out PREFERENTIAL WOTING: 1. On Bill to adopt 2. Discussed on Resolution. See Propor- tional Representation. Preston, Mr. (Brant): 1. His speech on the Budget e tº e º 'º e º º sº tº & 2. His speech on the Power Bill 3. On the motion re child labour Price, Mr. : 1. His speech on moving Address is tº gº tº G & º 2. Discusses War conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . Prohibition of Power discussed on mo- Mar. 15, 1913. ... . Apr. 9, 1913. . . . . . Apr. 9, 1913. ... . . Mar. 21, 1917 Jan. 26, 1911. ... . Mar. 28, 1919. .... Mar. 14, 1918. . . . . Apr. 17, 1919. ... . Mar. 28, 1906. ... . May 10, 1906. ... . Feb. 14, 1907. ... . Feb. 27, 1907. ... . Feb. 13, 14, 1908. Mar. 2, 1916. . . . . . Mar. 19, 1919. .... Mar. 15, 1913 Apr. 9, 1913. Apr. 9, 1913. Apr. 19, 1913. •|Mar. 21, 1917. Jan. 26, 1911. Feb. 26, 1908. Mar. 20, 1908. Feb. 20, 1909– Jan. 27, 1910. Mar. 14, 1918. May 10, 1906. Mar. 2, 1916. Mar. 19, 1919. 410 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. PRINTING COMMITTEE: Action of in not printing certain returns spoken to. PRISON FARM : Discussed on Address. Prison Labour. See Guelph. PRISON LABOUR : 1. On motion re contract system 2. On the Address and on Budget • * is p & & See Prison made goods discussed. Prisoners. On resolution re purchase of site for Central Prison. See Child Labour. . Location of Prison farm in north country suggested. . Work done at Guelph Prison farm explained. Prison reform discussed on Address. . The parole system discussed . . . . . . . . Payments to prisoners in support of families suggested. 10. Prison farm the, discussed on Address. PRISONERS AND PRISON-MADE GOODS : 1. The farming out of prisoners discussed. 2. The labelling of prison-made goods discussed on motion re ratification of agreement for manufacture of wooden-ware at Central Prison. 3. Prison labour discussed on Address .. 4. On motion that the contract system, as applied to prison labour, was harm- ful to prisoners, etc. Apr. 18, 1914 . . . . Feb. 16, 1917 . . . Feb. 27, 1907 . . . . Jan. 26, 30; Mar. 20, 1907—Feb. 4, 1910. • * * * * c e º e e º 'º e s e s e Apr. 2, 3, 1908 . . . Mar. 11, 1909 . . . . . 12, 1913 . . . . . 12, 1913 . . . . e e s e s e e < * sº e º 'º e º e Feb. 16, 1917 . . . . Apr. 20, 1906 . . . . Apr. 20, 1906 . . . . Jan. 26, 30, 1907. Feb. 27, 1907 . . . . . Feb. 16, 1917. Feb. 27, 1907. Jan. 26, 30; Mar. 15, 1907—Feb. 21, 1908—Feb. 4, 1910. Apr. 18, 1907. Apr. 2, 3, 1908. Mar. 11, 1909. Mar. 23, 1911. Feb. 12, 1913. Feb. 12, 1913. Feb. 12, 1913. Feb. 16, 1917. Apr. 20, 1906. . 20, 1906. Jan. 26, 30, 1907. Feb. 27, 1907. INDEX. 411 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, • a s s e e s e º º 5. Discussed on the Budget 6. Prison-made goods discussed • * ~ * e e s tº PRISON REFORM –See Prison Labour. PRIVATE BILLS : 1. The question of amended rules regard- ing, spoken to. e e e º e e º e º e º e º ſº e º e º 2. New rules added 3. Fines for delay suggested a e º e º s s e s = PRIVILEGE: 1. An article in “ Kingston Whig ’ dis- cussed under a question of. 2. Mr. Thorne's appointment discussed . . 3. Question of re Labour Bill 4. Re northern development e e s e a e < * * * * . Question of re Revenue Bill 5 . Re report of Hydro-Electric Commis- sion. 7. Mr. Dewart repudiates statement in local paper. PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE : 1. Mr. Proudfoot's charges referred to 2. On motion for adoption of report . . . . PROCREATION: On Bill re prevention of • a • e s a s • * * * * * * PRODUCER GAS : Discussed on Budget and in Committee. . PROHIBITION:—See Ontario Temperance Act. Liquor License Law. Refer- endum. | ..|Apr. 24, 25, 1913. Mar. 20, 1907 . . . . Feb. 16; Mar. 14. 1907. Mar. 28, 1907 . . . . Feb. 18, 1909 . . . . Feb. 21, 1907 . . . . Mar. 1, 1907 . . . . Feb. 3, 1910 . . . . e - e. e. e. e. e º e º & e º 'º e º e Feb. 22; Mar. 4. 12, 28, 1913. Mar. 12, 1913 . . . Mar. 8, 1919 . . . . May 7, 8, 1913 ... Mar. 28, 1913 . . . . Mar. 20; Apr. 18, 1907. Mar. 15, 1907. . Apr. 18, 1907. Feb. 16; Mar. 14, 1907. Mar. 28, 1907. Feb. 18, 1909. Feb. 21, 1907. Mar. 1, 1907. Feb. 7, 1913. Feb. 22; Mar. 4, 12, 28, 1913. Mar. 12, 1913. Mar. 8, 1919. Apr. 24, 25, 1913. May 7, 8, 1913. Mar. 20; Apr. 18, 1907. 412 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, PROPERTY QUALIFICATION: On the Bill to remove for municipal office|Mar. 23, 1915–Mar. 23, 1915– Mar. 7, 1918— Mar. 7, 1918— PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: On Bill regarding. See Preferential Voting. PROPRIETARY AND PATENT MEDICINEs: On Bill to enforce labels of ingredients on packages. * g & PROSPECTUSES : On Bill respecting, issued by companies. . Proudfoot, Mr. : His speech on Reciprocity resolution . . 1 2 . On the motion to abolish the bar . . . . e tº e º 'º e o a e s is e e º e º 'º º ºr . On the Budget Charges First Minister and Provincial Secretary with illegal acts. . On vote of censure of & s s is a e s we w is ſº º ºs e Congratulated as Leader of Opposition . His speech on the Address re extension of Legislature. PROVINCE, PROSPERITY OF: 1. Discussed on Budget 2. Cases won by * e º e s a e º e s e º e o e º 'º a s " * PROVINCIAL AUDITOR: Reduction of powers of, spoken to on Budget. PROVINCIAL BOUNDARIES : 1. Extension of, spoken to on Address . . 2. The question of distribution of Hudson Bay territory between Provinces, spoken to. Apr. 2, 15, 1920. Apr. 22, 1920 . . . . Apr. 12, 1906 . . . . Mar. 8, 1906. 17, 2 Mar. 15, 1911 . . . . Apr. 4, 1912 . . . Mar. 5, 1913 . . . . Apr. 24, 1913 . . & g tº $ tº tº s ºr º º sº e º sº tº tº e a tº e º ſº Feb. 8, 1918—Feb. 28, 1919. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is e º e º e º e º e º 'º s & a tº e º º ſº e º 'º e s & e º º ſº tº e º e s tº e º 'º e º & º e º 'º Apr. 2, 15, 1920. Apr. 22, 1920. Apr. 12, 1906. Mar. 8, 17, 27; Apr. 12, 1906. ..|Apr. 4, 1912. º Mar. 5, 1913. . Apr. 24; May 7, 1913. May 8, 1913. Feb. 7, 1918. Feb. 8, 1918—Feb. 28, 1919. Feb. 3, 1911. Feb. 3, 1911. Jan. 26, 1907. Apr. 1, 1909. INDEX. 413 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE: Discussed on Address g is g º º e º & © º 'º e º e º e e PROVINCIAL CREDIT:—See Provincial Loan. PROVINCIAL DEBT: Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROVINCIAL EXPENDITURE : Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS : On Bill respecting extension of . . . . . . . PROVINCIAL LIABILITIES:—See Provincial Loan. PROVINCIAL LOAN : 1. Discussed on Budget • e º & © e º 'º e º & © tº º . On motion deprecating at 96 . . . . . . . . . Treasurer’s statement re issue and sale of Treasury Bills . Commissions discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cablegrams and telegraphs, re Com- mission discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Harty’s offer spoken to. Temiskaming and N. O. Railway. See, Jan. 30, 1907 . . . . Feb. 4, 1910 . . . . Feb. 4, 9, 11, 18. 1910. Mar. 13, 1917. 16, 23, Mar. 21, 23, 1906 —Mar. 20, 1908 —Feb. 4, 1910— Mar. 5, 1913– Mar. 8, 1916. Apr. 6, 1906 2 . Spoken to, on Address . Provincial credit discussed on Budget. . Loan spoken to e e a e s e e s e e s e e º e º e º & 10. On Bill to borrow $5,500,000. See Revenue. 11. ºn tº s e º E & # e º The placing of, discussed * 15, 22, 1918.. * * * * * e o e s is t e e º e º 'º Feb. 24, 1915 . . . . Apr. 2, 1909 * * * * * Mar. 7, 1911 . . . . Jan. 30, 1907. Feb. 4, 1910. Feb. 4, 9, 11, 18. 1910. Mar. 13, 16, 23, 1917. Mar. 21, 23, 1906 —Mar. 15, 20, 1907—Mar. 20, 1908 – Feb. 4, 1910 — Mar. 5, 1913 — Mar. 8, 1916. Mar. 30; Apr. 6, 1906. Mar. 30, 1906. . Apr. 6, 1906. . Apr. 6, 1906. . (Apr. 6, 1906. Mar. 15, 20, 1907. Mar. 5, 1909–Feb. 24, 1915. Apr. 2, 1909. Mar. 7, 1911. Feb. 15, 22, 1918. # § 414 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. |MAIL and EMPIRE. PROVINCIAL PRISON: Discussed on Budget. See Provincial Feb. 4, 1910 . . . . . Reformatory. PROVINCIAL PROSPERITY: 1. Due to policy of Reform Government. . 2. Prosperity of and cases won by, dis- cussed on Budget. PROVINCIAL REFORMATORY: 1. Establishment of, discussed on Address 2. On the Budget. See Prison Labour. Prisoners and Prison-made goods. PROVINCIAL RIGHTS: 1. On question of charter given to Do- minion Transmission Co’y., by Federal House. On Mr. Lemieux’s arbitration measure. . On Bill respecting railway and other companies. On Petawawa Camp grounds expropria- tion. . On Address • e º ºſ º e s p * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . On resolution and amendment re On- tario and Michigan Power Co’y. Bill. Pirovise[AL SECRETARY : Replies to accusation re connection with Standard Oil Co’y. PROVINCIAL TREASURER : PROVINCIAL WAR. LOAN :-See War, the. PROVINCIAL WAIR TAX : Discussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUBLIC ACCOUNTS: A simplified system of keeping suggested. Feb. 4, 1910. Feb. 4, 18, 1910 ..|Feb. 4, 18, 1910. e e º 'º e º e º ºs e º e º 'º e º 'º' Feb. 3, 1911. Jan. 27, 1910 ..]Jan. 27, 1910. Feb. 4, 1910 . . . . . Feb. 4, 1910. Feb. 14, 1907 . . . . [Feb. 14, 1907. Feb. 16, 1907 Feb. 16, 1907. sº e º e s e a e º e º e º 'º e o º Apr. 4, 18, 1907. Apr. 17, 20, 1907. . Feb. 12, 1908 . . . . Mar. 31; Apr. 1, 1908. Apr. 1, 1916 • * * * * Feb. 16, 1911 . . . . * . . . Feb. 24, 1915. Feb. 14, 1918 . . Apr. 17, 19, 1907. Feb. 12, 1908– Jan. 27, 1910. Mar... 31; Apr. 1, 1908. Apr. 1, 1916. Feb. 16, 1911. Feb. 24, 1915. . Feb. 14, 1918. INDEX. SUBJECT. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE : Proceedings before, discussed . . . . . . . . . . PUBLIC DOMAIN : Management of, discussed on Budget . . . . PUBLIC HEALTH: 1. Discussed e s a e º e g is e º ºs e a s e º º ºs e º 'º º e s tº e e s e s e e º e a s e º s e º 'º 2. On Bill respecting PUBLIC HIGHWAYS : On Bill making counties responsible for maintenance of, for three years. See Provincial Highways. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS: 1. The question of perquisites to officials in, discussed on motion for return. 2. Discrimination in favour of political allies discussed in Committee of Supply. See below, 11. . Estimates for, discussed . Sale of Toronto Asylum discussed . . . . Closure of Mercer Refuge spoken to . . t. Increased asylum revenues discussed . . Share of railway taxes discussed . . . . . The admission, support, etc., of pa- tients at reduced rates, spoken to. Change of the name “Asylum ” sug- gested. 10. Supplies for, discussed in Committee of Supply. 11. Support of patients in, spoken to . . . . 12. Foreign population of, mentioned . . . . 415 GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Apr. 19, 22, 1913. , Apr. 19, 22, 1913. e s e º 'º e e º e s º e º 9 s & 8 Mar. 15, 1907. Feb. 16, 1912 . . . . [Feb. 16, 1912. Mar. 22, 1912 . . . . Mar. 22; Apr. 11, 1912. Apr. 11, 1907 . . . . Apr. 12, 1907. Mar. 2, 1906 • Mar. 2, 1906. e º e s tº e º ºs e º a s tº 8 s e a Mar. 19, 1906. Mar. 14, 1906 . . . . Mar. 14, 1906. Mar. 14, 1906 . . . . Mar. 14, 1906. Mar. 14, 1906 tº º is tº Mar. 14, 1906. Mar. 9, 1906 . . . . Mar. 9, 1906. Apr. 26, 1906 . . . . Apr. 26, 1906. Mar. 6, 1907 . . . . . Mar. 6, 7, 1907. Mar. 6, 1907 . . . . . Mar. 6, 1907. Mar. 13, 1908 . . . . Mar. 12, 13, 1908. Mar. 20, 1908 . . . . Mar. 20, 1908. Apr. 11, 1908 . . . . 416 INDEX. SUBJECT. PUBLIC LANDS ACT : On Bill to amend • * e s a e s e s e s s e e º 'º " " " PUBLIC LIBRARIES : Appointment of new Inspector discussed on Address. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP: 1. Suggested re Railway Bill e e g c e s e e º 'º' • , , , , , , , ~ * * * * * 2. Discussed on Address PUBLIC SERVICE: 1. The question of perquisites to officials in Public Institutions discussed on motion for return of. . Salaries of, discussed in Committee . . . Certain temporary (now permanent) appointments spoken to. Spoils system discussed. See below, 12. Dismissal of Clerk in Brockville spoken to. . Dismissal of officials spoken to on mo: tion for correspondence re dismissal of Sheriff of Prince Edward County. Increases of salaries and cost of living discussed in Committee of Supply. 7. Promotion for, spoken to in Committee . Dismissals discussed on motion ré liquor license administration. Official salaries discussed in Committee of Supply. 10. Superannuation spoken to. See Super- annuation. 11. On motion re spoils and patronage system. 2 GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Feb. 26, 1908 . . . . Feb. 21, 1906 . . . . May 9, 1906 Jan. 30, 1907— Feb. 20, 1909. Mar. 2, 1906 . . . . . Mar. 7, 8, 1906 . . Mar. 8, 1906 . . . . Mar. 23, 1906— Feb. 8, 20; Apr. 19, 1907. * * * * * * ë e º & © tº e º tº tº º Feb. 20, 1907 . . Mar. 6, 1907 . . . . Mar. 6, 1907 . . . . Apr. 19, 1907 . . . . Feb. 19, 22, 1910. . \ſar. 15, 1912 . . . Apr. 3, 1912—Mar. 12, 1914 – Mar. 6, 1917. Feb. 21, 1906. May 9, 1906. Jan. 30, 1907. Mar. 2, 1906. Mar. 7, 9, 1906. Mar. 8, 1906. Mar. 23, 1906– Feb. 8, 20; Mar. 6; Apr. 19, 1907. May 11, 1906. |Feb. 20, 1907. Mar. 6, 1907. Mar. 6, 1907. Apr. 19, 1907. Feb. 1 19, 22; Mar. 1910. 5 . Mar. 15, 1912. Apr. 3, 1912– Mar. 6, 1917. INDEX. 417 SUBJECT. GLOBE, MAIL and EMPIRE. 13. Patronage system discussed . . . . . . . . Feb. 8, 1918—Mar. Feb. 8, 1918–Mar. 12, 1920 12, 1920. 14. Discussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 12, 1919 . . . . 15. Reform in Civil Service system dis- cussed in Committee of Supply. PUBLIC TRUSTEE: On motion re appointment of & e e s tº e º 'º º º PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS: 1. On resolution respecting establishment of a Provincial Sanitarium. 2. On Bill respecting s & e º ºs e º & g º º º ºn tº ºn tº PULL AND GRAFT : Discussed on Budget tº sº tº e º e º t e s tº e s is e º 'º PULP POLICY AND PULP WOOD : 1. Discussed on Address and on Budget. . 2. Manufacture of pulpwood discussed on Address. PURCHASING AGENT: On Bill re appointment of Pyne, Hon. Robert A. : His speech on Education Bills s e º e º 4 & a e QUEBEC’s PREMIER: Visit of Sir Lomer Gouin spoken to on Address. QUEBEC TERCENTENARY : Grant for, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUEEN’s UNIVERSITY: 1. Pedagogical instruction for, discussed. e e e º sº e º sº e º e s e e s tº 2. Grant to, discussed QUEENSTON-CHIPPAWA DEVELOPMENT: The labour trouble at, discussed on motion for Commission to enquire into. Apr. 16, 1919 . . . . Mar. 22, 1917 . . . . Mar. 4, 1908 Mar. 11, 12, 1908– Mar. 3, 1910. Mar. 1, 15, 1907. . Feb. 21; Mar. 28, 1906 — Feb. 3 1911. Feb. 13, 26, 1908. . 2 . 21, 1918 . . . . Apr. 11, 1906 . . . . Jan. 27, 1910 . . . . ºn tº e º 'º e º e º g º e º º ſº º º . 10, 1907 . . . . . 18, 1907 . . . . May 18, 19, 1920.. Apr. 16, 1919. Mar. 22, 1917. Mar. 4, 1908. Mar. 11, 12, 1908– Mar. 3, 1910. Mar. 1, 15, 1907. Feb. 21; Mar. 28, 1906 — Feb. 1911. Feb. 13, 1908. 4) e); Feb. 21, 1918. Apr. 11, 1906. Jan. 27, 1910. Mar. 12, 1909. Apr. 10, 1907. Apr. 18, 1907– Mar. 18, 1908. May 18, 19, 1920. MAIL and EMPIRE. Mar. 11, 1908. Feb. 13, 15, 1912. Mar. 15, 1912. Apr. 12, 1912. Feb. 8, 17, 1910. 4.18 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. QUESTIONS AND MOTIONS: 1. The practice relating to, spoken to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Orders of the Day. 2. Some dissertation on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 13, 15, 1912.. 3. Mr. Speaker’s ruling on question ré Mar. 15, 1912 . . . . Bi-lingual Schools. 4. On motion protesting against Speaker's Apr. 12, 1912 . . . . ruling. 5. Amendments to rules discussed . . . . . . Mar. 21, 1913 . . . . RABIES : The epidemic of, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 8, 1910 . . . . RACE TRACKS AND GAMBLING: 1. On Bill to tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 3, 1911 . . . . . 2. Gambling on, discussed on motion for Mar. 20, 1917 . . . . return relating to Devonshire Co’y. 3. On motion re combines . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 29, 1917 . . . 4. On motion respecting suppression of.. Apr. 6, 1917 . . . . . 5. Tiscussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . May 4, 1920 . . . . TAILWAY ACT: 1. On Bill to amend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 5, 1910 2. Discussed in Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. On Bill re increase of fares . . . . . . . . . May 29, 1920 RAILWAY AID: 1. Grand Trunk Pacific releases certain May 1, 1906 . . . . . territory assigned to it. 2. Policy of Government outlined . . . . . . Apr. 18, 1907 . . . . 3. On Bill granting aid to Canadian Apr. 10, 13, 1908. . Northern. 4. Discussed on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 19, 1909 . . . . Mar. 3, 1911. Mar. 20, 1917. . Mar. 29, 1917. Apr. 6, 1917. . Mar. 18, 1910. Feb. 19, 26, 1913. .May 20, 29, 1920. May 1, 1906. Apr. 18, 1907. Apr. 10, 13, 1908. INDEX. 419 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 5. On Bills respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 2, 1909 . . . . . Apr. 2, 1909. 6. The Canadian Northern and other|Apr. 2, 1909 . . . . . Apr. 2, 1909. grants explained. 7. On the grant to Canadian Northern ..|Apr. 7, 1909 . . . . . Apr. 7, 1909. 8. Grants to railways discussed . . . . . . . . Apr. 22, 1913 . . . . RAILWAY ANNUITIES : Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 21, 23, 1906. . Mar. 21, 23, 1906. RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD : On Bill respecting. See Hydro-Electric Commission. RAILWAYS, PROVINCIAL: 1. The rights of the Province to manage its own affairs discussed on Bill. 2. Probable disallowance spoken to RAILWAY TAXATION: 1. Spoken to, on Address 2. On Budget * * s e º e o e º 'º e º º is e s tº e g º e º & 3. Discussed on Supplementary Revenue Bill. 4 . Petty piece Bill discussed in re . . . . . . . On motion for return re amounts credited to municipalities. 6. Greater advocated a e º e e º e º a e s tº 4 tº s & © 7. On Bill to increase & e e s e s ∈ is e º 'º e s tº e º RAILWAYS, STEAM AND ELECTRIC : 1. On Bill respecting g e º s tº e º e s ∈ º ºs e º e º ſº 2. Powers of Board discussed a e s is e º e º 'º " 3. Public ownership suggested tº e º 'º e º 'º & º Apr. 11, 1906– Mar. 17, 1910. Feb. 14; Apr. 4, 18, 1907. Apr. 4, 18, 1907. . Feb. 17, 1906– Feb. 26, 27, 1908 Mar. 28, 1906– Mar. 1, 15, 1907 Apr. 26, 1906 . . . . Apr. 26, 1906 . . . . * G - © e Mar. 9, 1907 Feb. 19, 20; Mar. 10, 1909. Mar. 3, 1911 . . . . Mar. 24; May 2 Apr. 11, 1906 — Mar. 17, 1910. Feb. 14; Apr. 4, 18, 1907. Apr. 4, 18, 1907. Feb. 17, 1906– Feb. 27, 1908. Mar. 28, 1906– Mar. 1, 15, 1907. 1906. Apr. 26; May 3, 1906. Apr. 26, 1906. Mar. 9, 1907. Mar. 3, 1911. ry Mar. 24; Apr. 7, 19; May 2, 9, 1906. Apr. 19, 1906. May 9, 1906. 420 INDEX. SUBJECT, GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, RAINY RIVER DISTRICT: Drainage of, spoken to e e s tº a e e s e º e º 'º e º 'º Raney, Hon. Mr. : 1. His speech on the McCreary Resolution, re Referendum. • * * * ~ * * * * * 2. His speech on the Budget READJUSTMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION: On motion and amendment in re * c e º ºs e a RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES : 1. Discussed in Committee of Supply . . . 2. On the Budget RECIPROCITY: 1. Spoken to on Address e e º ſº e º º ºs e º ºr e º & 2. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. On resolution and amendment adverse to agreement. REDISTRIBUTION : 1. A prospective, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. On Bill to re-distribute constituencies. See Elections. REFERENDUM : 1. Need for discussed tº º ºs e º e º e º 'º e º e º 'º º 2. The motion for spoken to 3. On the motion and amendment e u s e e º e º 'º e s º is e = e is Apr. 23, 1920 . . Apr. 29, 1920 . . . . Apr. 10, 1919 . . . . e º 'º e º 8 s tº e s tº e & © g º a . Apr. Mar. 21, 23, 1906– Mar. 20, 27, 1908 —Mar. 5, 10, 12, 1909 — Feb. 4, 1910 – Feb. 3, 1911 — Mar. 5, 14, 1913 — Feb. 24; Mar. 2, 10, 1915 – Feb. 13, 1918 — Mar. 7, 1919. Jan. 26, 1911 . . . . Feb. 3, 8, 9, 16, 1911. Mar. 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1911. Mar. 1, 1907 . . Mar. 13; Apr. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 1908— Apr. 23, 24, 28, 30, 1914 Mar. 17, 1920 . . . . Apr. 1, 15, 1920 . . Apr. 22, 23, 28, 1920. Mar. 25, 1908. 23, 1920. Apr. 29, 1920. Apr. 10, 1919. Mar. 9, 1906. Mar. 21, 23, 1906– Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 5, 10, 12, l909 — Feb. 4, 1910 – Feb. 3, 1911 — Mar. 5, 14, 1913 — Feb. 24, 1915 – Feb. 13, 1918 — Mar. 7, 1919. Jan. 26, 1911. Feb. 3, 8, 9, 10, 16, 1911. Mar. 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1911. . Mar. 1, 6, 1907. Mar. 13; Apr. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 1908— Apr. 28, 1914. Mar. 17, 1920. Apr. 1, 15, 1920. Apr. 22, 23, 28, 1920. INDEX. 421 SUBJECT. GLOBE. |MAIL and EMPIRE. REFORESTATION:—See Forestry. REFUGE, Houses OF: On Bill respecting e e º e is e s tº a s tº e º 'º e < * * * REGULATION No. 17:—See Bi-lingualism. REPRESENTATION ACT:-See Redistribution. On Bill to amend e tº e s is e º e s e e s tº 9 s s e e º 'º' RETURNED Soldiers:—See Soldiers, Re- turned. REVENUE : 1. The question of the non-printing of a Bill to amend Revenue Act, intro- duced by Leader of Opposition, spoken to. 2. On motion to go into Committee of Supply. 3. Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Taxation of bank deposits suggested, , as a source of. TEVENUE, ESTIMATED: 1. Discussed on Budget tº e º e º e º e º 'º s e º & . On Bill to supplement the revenue. See Mimes. Sources of, discussed on Address .. . Corporation tax discussed on Budget. . . Manner of increase to revenue sug- gested. 5 Current or capital discussed on Budget Feb. 17, 1912 . . . . Mar. 2, 4, 1915 Feb. 22; Mar. 4, 12, 28, 1913. Apr. 2, 1913. Mar. 4, 11, 13; Apr. 21, 1914– Mar. 8, 1916– Mar. 7, 1919. Mar. 6, 1914 . . . . Mar. 21, 23, 1906– ... Mar. Mar. 10, 1906— Feb. 17, 1912. 9) fº/ , 1915. Feb. 22; Mar. 4, 12, 28, 1913. Apr. 2, 1913. Mar. 4, 1914–Mar. 8, 1916—Mar. 7, 1919. Mar. 6, 1914. Mar. 21, 23, 1906– On Bill to supplement * * * * * c e e a tº a s & Mar. 1, 1907— Mar. 1, 1907– Mar. 5, 1909– Mar. 5, 1909– Mar. 8, 1912. Mar. 8, 1912. • * * u, º is e º ºs e º 'º is e º & e Mar. 8, 13, 1907. . Feb. 26, 1908 . . . . [Feb. 26, 1908. Feb. 4, 1910 . . . . . Feb. 4, 18, 1910. Feb. 8; Mar. 3, Mar. 3, 1911—Mar. 1911 — Mar. 7, 5, 7, 14, 1913. 14, 1913. Feb. 16, 1911 . . . . [Feb. 16, 1911. Mar. 3, 1911 . . . . Mar. 3, 1911. 422 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE, MAIL and EMPIRE, 8. On Bill to borrow $5,500,000 . . . . . . . . Mar. 7, 1911 . . . . [Mar. 7, 1911. IREX vs. FRIEDMAN: On motion for return of correspondence Mar. 22, 1916 . . . . re bail. $ s RIVER BEDs: Bill explained in re protection of public]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 17, 23, 1911. interests in. a ROADS AND BRIDGES: 1. Expenditure upon criticized . . . . . . . . Feb. 11, 1910 . . . . 2. Building of discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 9, 1912 . . . . . 3. Estimates for discussed in Committee Mar. 30, 1912 . . . f of Supply. Rollo, Hon. Mr. : His speech on the Address . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 31, 1920 . . . . Mar. 31, 1920. Ross, Hon. Sir George W. : 1. His speech on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 21, 1906 . . . . Feb. 21, 1906. 2. His translation to another sphere Feb. 21, 1906 ....Feb. 21, 1906. spoken to. 3. His poetry and that of Mr. Leavitt Feb. 21, 1906 ....Feb. 21, 1906. mentioned. 4. His speech on County Councils Bill . . Mar. 29, 1906 . . 5. On Liquor License Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 30, 1906 . . . . Mar. 30, 1906. 6. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 30, 1906 . . . . Mar. 30, 1906. 7. Explains position re Provincial Loan Apr. 6, 1906 . . . . . Apr. 6, 1906. matter. 8. His speech on the Education Bills . . . . Apr. 11, 1906 . . . .]Apr. 11, 1906. 9. On the Power Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 10, 1906 ....|May 10, 1906. 10. His elevation to Senate spoken to . . . . Jan. 30, 1907 ....Jan. 30, 1907. 11. On motion to adjourn House, out of Mar. 10, 1914 ....|Mar. 10, 1914. respect to memory of. INDEX. 423 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. Ross, George D. : His speech on Redistribution Bill . . . . . . Apr. 8, 1908 . . . . . Apr. 8, 1908. Ross, Hon. Mr. : (Kingston): His speech on the Address Rowell, Newton W. : 1. 10. 11. 12. . On the boundary resolution His speech on the Address e e º e º e º e º e & e º e º ſº tº º e On the Budget * * * * * * g º o e º ſº º º e º 'º º º . Support of late Administration by, spoken to. - . His speech on Bill to amend Assess- ment Law. . On the motion to abolish the bar . . . . On motion protesting against Speaker’s ruling in re Questions. . Denies his connection with the “Globe.” See “ Globe.” . His statement re Evanturel charges . . His tribute to Sir George Ross On motion re Snider enquiry . . . . . . . . His statement re his employment by Dominion Government re Oka litiga- tion. Mar. 19, 1920 . . . . Feb. 9, 1912–Feb. 13, 1913 — Feb. 20, 1914 — Feb. 19, 1915 – Mar. 3, 1916—Feb. 16, 1917. Feb. 22; Mar. 7, 1912. g Mar. 20, 1912– Mar. 14, 1913– Mar. 13, 1914– Mar. 10, 1915– Mar. 16, 1916— Mar. 3, 1917. Mar. 20, 1912 . . . . Mar. 28, 1912. Apr. 4, 1912–Mar. 6, 1913—Apr. 15. 1914. Apr. 12, 1912. Mar. 6, 1913 Feb. 26, 27, 1914. . Mar. 10, 1914 . . . . Apr. 23, 1914 . . . . Apr. 30, 1914 . . . . Mar. 19, 1920. Feb. 9, 1912—Feb. 13, 1913 — Feb. 20, 1914 — Feb. 19, 1915—Mar. 3, 1916 – Feb. 16, 1917. Mar. 20, 1912– Mar. 14, 1913– Mar. 13, 1914– Mar. 10, 1915– Mar. 16, 1916— Mar. 3, 1917. Mar. 20, 1912. Apr. 4, 1912—Mar. 6, 1913 — Apr. 15, 1914. Mar. 6, 1913. Feb. 26, 27, 1914. Mar. 10, 1914. Apr. 30, 1914. 424 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, respect to memory of Sir James 13. On motion to adjourn House out * 18, 1915 . . . .] Feb. 18, 1915. Whitney. 14. On Liquor License Commission Bill ... Mar. 31, 1915 . . . . Mar. 31, 1915. 15. On Trades and Labour Bill . . . . . . . . . Mar. 11, 1916 . . . . 16. on the Ontario Tºmºmº Act . . . . Apr. 5, 1916 . . . . . Apr. 5, 1916. 17. On the women's Franchise Bill . . . . . Feb. 28, 1917 . . . . [Feb. 28, 1917. 18. On the War Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 9, 1917 . . . . . 19. On the Mining Tax Bill . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 3, 1917 . . . . . 20. Makes offer re Minister of Agriculture. Mar. 14, 1917 . . . . Mar. 14, 1917. Roy AL Com MISSIONs:–See Commissions. ROYALTIES : - f Discussed on Mining Bill. See Mines. Apr. 19, 1906 . . . . Apr. 19, 1906. Roy AL ONTARIO MUSEUM : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 7, 1914 . . . . RULES OF PROCEDURE:—See Orders of the Day. Questions. RURAL CREDITS: Discussion on the Address . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 18, 1920 ....|Mar. 18, 1920. RURAL DEPOPULATION: 1. Discussed on Address and on Budget. . Mar. 11, 1914—Feb. 20, 1914– Mar. 18, 1920. Mar. 18, 1920. 2. On motion for Commissions to enquire|Apr. 2, 1914–Apr. Apr. 2, 1914–Apr. into. See Depopulation. 12, 1919. 12, 1919. ST. CLAIR BEACH: * On Bill incorporating village of . . . . . . . . Apr. 9, 1914 . . . . . St. John, Hon. Joseph W. : - ... " - His death spoken to and tribute to work..]Apr. 19, 1907 . . . . Apr. 9, 1907. INDEX. 425 SUBJECT- SALARIES, PUBLIC SERVICE: Increases in, discussed in Committee . . . SALARY GRAB :—See - Indemnity, Increased. f : . SALVATION ARMY :—See Immigration. SAN JOSE SCALE: Discussed in Committee of Supply is e º ſº gº ºf SANDY BILL :-See Intoxicating Liquors. SAULT GUARANTEE: 1. Discussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer’s statement respecting . . . . . The liability of Province on renewal certificates. Extension of announced 5. Discussed on Address s a e s a e s tº a tº * * * * 6. The settlement of, spoken to SCHOOL ATTENDANCE:-See Education. SCHOOL READERS:—See Education. SECESSION:—See New Ontario. SENATE: 1. Appointment of a Member of Legis- lature to, spoken to. 2. Abolition of, spoken to on Budget . . . . 3. On motions censuring, re Highway Improvement and Timiskaming and N. O. Railway. GLOBE. | . Mar. 7, 8, 1906– Mar. 6, 1907– Feb. 19, 22, 1910 —Mar. 23, 1917. Mar. 15; Apr. 19, 1907 — Feb. 16, 1910. Mar. 1, 1907—Mar. 20, 1908 – Mar. 5, 10, 1909. May 3, 1906 º e º º e tº º e º a May 3, Mar. Feb. 19, 26, 1908. . Feb. 18, 20, 1909. . Jan. * * * * * * c e º e º e s tº a º º 28, 1907 . . . . MAIL and EMPIRE. Mar. 7, 9, 1906— Mar. 6, 1907– Feb. 19, 22; Mar. 1, 1910 — Mar. 23, 1917. Mar 16, 1906– Mar. 7, 15; Apr. 19, 1907. Mar. 21, 1906— Mar. 1, 1907– Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 12, 1909. May 3, 1906. May 3, 1906. Mar. 28, 1907. Feb. 19, 26, 1908. Feb. 18, 20, 1909. . Jan. 31, 1907. Feb. 16, 1911. ...Apr. 13, 1912. 426 INDEX. | SUBJECT. olour. Man and enrine. SEPARATE SCHOOLS: 1. Taxation and the price of books spoken Apr. 3, 1909 . . . . . Apr. 3, 1909. to. 3. Inspection of, discussed in Committee Mar. 26, 1915 of Supply. 3. Bi-lingualism discussed on motion relApr. 2, 1915 . . . . . Apr. 2, 1915. Regulation No. 17. See Bi-lingual- ism. SESSIONAL INDEMNITY: 1. To absent members, opposed. See Mar. 22, 1918 . . . . Mar. 22, 1918. Members. 2. Round robin for increase discussed ...|Apr. 4, 1919—May Apr. 4, 1919–May 5, 1920. 5, 1920. 3. Discussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 16, 1920. Apr. 16, 1920. SETTLERS: 1. Hardships of discussed on motion for Feb. 8, 1907 . . . . . Feb. 8, 1907. return. 2. On motion that bona fide, should re-Apr. 19, 1907 . Apr. 19, 1907. ceive timber and minerals, etc. SEYMOUR POWER COMPANY : assº On Bill respecting. See Hydro Electric.|Apr. 20, 21, 1916. . SHEENY IRISH : The expression “Sheeny Iron Men’’ mis-Feb. 17, 1910 ....Feb. 17, 1910. understood. SHERIFFS: 1. Interference of in elections discussed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 22, 1906. 2. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 28, 1906 . . . . Mar. 28, 1906. 3. On Bill respecting, as Returning|May 3, 1906 . . . . . May 3, 1906. Officers. e SHOPS ACT: On Bill to amend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 29; Mar. 4, Feb. 29, 1908. 1908. SIIUNIAH, MUNICIPALITY OF: On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 21, 1911 . . . . INDEX. 42? SUBJECT, w. GLOBE. man. and EMPIRE. | Sinclair, Victor A.: His speech on moving the Address . . . . . . Feb. 19, 1915 ....|Feb. 19, 1915. SINGLE TAx: 1. Discussed on Bill re drainage tº º & © & tº g Mar. 22, 1916 . . . 2. On Bill to give municipalities right to exempt improvements. See Assess- ment Law. May 5, 26, 1920 . . SLAUGHTER HOUSES : Inspection of, discussed s e º 'º e º e º sº e º & © tº e Feb. 24, 1910 . . . . SLEIGH-RUNNERS: On Bill re width between e e o e e º e o e s a e s e s e º sº * * * * * * * * * * * * SMELTERs:—See Metals. Mines. Smith, Hon. Peter: His speech on the Budget Apr. 14, 1920 . . . . Smith, Mr. (Sault): His speech on the Address . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 12, 13, 1908. . SMokE NUISANCE:-See Municipal Law. SMUCK, WILLIAM :-See Liquor License Law. SNIDER, W. K. : 1. His action re Scott Act campaign spoken to. Mar. 13, 14, 1914. . 2. On motion for Commission to enquire into visits of to Welland, Huron and Peel. Apr. 2, 3, 1914 . . . 3. On charges by Mr. Bowman against Provincial Secretary. See Liquor License Law. Apr. 29, 1914 . . . . SocIAL ConDITIONS: Spoken to Feb. 13, 1913– Feb. 20, 25, 1914 e is is e º e s tº e & © tº e º º º ºs e º 'º e º 'º e º & SoLDIERs, RETURNED : 1. On motion for return of correspondence Mar. 14, 1916— 're care of. Feb. 20, 1917. Mar. 29; May 11, 1906. Apr. 14, 1920. Mar. 13, 14, 1914. Apr. 29, 1914. Feb. 13, 1913– Mar. 4, 1914. Mar. 14, 1916– Feb. 20, 1917. 428 INDEX. SUBJECT, 2. Scheme to enable them to establish themselves on land discussed. 3. Funds promised for • gº e g º is e. e. e s & © & ſº º 4. Care of, discussed on Address. See War, the. SoLICITOR AND CLIENT: Bargains between, advocated. Reform. See Law SPANISH RIVER RAILWAY TRAGEDY : Spoken to on Address e s a s e º e º is a º ºs e = * * * SPEAKER, MR. : 1. Address House on Graduate Nurses Bill. . Allegations of a “hold-up * re dismis- sal of Sheriff of Prince Edward County. . Receives an apology • a s a e s e s e e º e º 'º º . The election of a Member for the day on account of illness. . Speaker St. John’s death announced; Hon. Mr. Crawford elected and House adjourns. 5 On election of Hon. Thomas Crawford. . On election of Hon. William H. Hoyle. . His rulings in matters of practice . . . 9. On election of Hon. David Jamieson. . 10. On election of Hon. Nelson Parliament SPECIAL EXPENDITURES : Spoken to on the Budget * e º e g tº e º e º 'º tº ſº º GLOBE. MLAIL and EMPIRE. Apr. 1, 1916—Feb. 27, 1917. Apr. 1, 1916. Feb. 23, 1917. Mar. 17, 19, 1920. |Mar. 17, 19, 1920. Feb. 26, 1908 . . . . Feb. 26, 1908. Jan. 27, 1910 . . . . Jan. 27, 1910. * * * * * * * * * * * e e º e s a Apr. 20, 1906. Feb. 20, 1907 . Feb. 20, 1907. Feb. 21, 1907 . . . .]]Feb. 21, 1907. Mar. 26, 27, 1907. Mar. 26, 27, 28, 1907. Apr. 9, 1907 * > * * * Feb. 17, 1909 . . . . Feb. 8, 1912 . Mar. 15, 22; Apr. 12, 1912 — Mar. 28 ; Apr. 11, 1913. Feb. 17, 1915 . . . . Mar 10, 1920.... Apr. 9, 1907. Feb. 17, 1909. Feb. 8, 1912. Mar. 15, 22; Apr. 12, 1912 – Apr. 11, 16, 1913. Feb. 17, 1915. Mar. 10, 1920. Mar. 20, 1908 . . . . Mar. 20, 1908. INDEX. 429. SUBJECT, GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. SPEECII FROM THE THRONE:-See Address. SPEECHES : Long speeches criticised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 23, 1906. SPOILS SYSTEM : 1. Discussed on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . ..|Feb. 21, 1906—Reb. 21, 1906– Feb. 19, 1908. Feb. 12, 19, 1908. 2. Spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 28, 1906 . . . 3. Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 21, 23, 1906–Mar. 23, 28; Apr. Apr. 6, 1906— 6, 1906–Mar. 6, Apr. 16, 1919. 1907—Mar. 27, 1908 – Apr. 16, 1919. 4. Letter of supporter quoted . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 6, 1906 . . . . . Apr. 6, 1906. 5. Discussed on the motion for return . . . [Feb. 8, 1907 . . . . . Feb. 8, 1907. 6. On motion for correspondence . . . . . . . Feb. 20, 1907 . Feb 20, 1907. 7. On motion for remoyal of liquor license Apr. 19, 1907 ....Apr. 19, 1907. administration from party politics. S. Civil Service reform discussed . . . . . . Feb. 20, 1909 . . . . [Feb. 20, 1909. 9. On motion that system is inimical to Apr. 3, 1912–Mar. Apr. 3, 1912—Mar. public service. 10. Patronage discussed. See Public Ser- vice. SPRAYING:—See Fruit Pests. STAMPED WARE Association –See Com- bines. STANDARD HOTELS : Advocated on motion for Address . . . . . . STANDARD OIL Co’Y:—See Provincial Secre- tary. Vickel. *º- STAR, THE : Newspaper criticised for article reflecting on business of House. 12, 1914–Mar. 7, 1916—Mar. 6, 1917. Mar. 12, 1920 . . . . Feb. 16, 1917 . . . . Mar. 30, 1920 . . . . 12, 1914 — Mar. 7, 1916—Mar. 6, 1917. Mar. 12, 1920. Mar. 30, 1920. 430 INDEX. SUBJECT, STATIONARY ENGINEERS: On Bill respecting * * * * * * * c s sº e s is & e º e º e STATUTE REVISION: 1. On motion for address to Lieutenant- GLOBE. Feb. 17, 1911 . . . . Mar. 1, 1913 tº º te tº º Governor re completion. 2. On motion re continuation of Com- mission. STATUTORY EXPENDITURE : Tiscussed on Budget and on Supply Bill. STENOGRAPHERS: Fees of discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOCK, TRANSFER OF: On Bill to tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * STOCK, WATERED : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STREET CARS: 1. On Bill to provide a standard “pay- Apr. 12, 1913 . . . . Mar. 13, 20, 1914– Apr. 1, 1915. Feb. 24, 1909 . . . . Mar. 3, 1911 . . Feb. 22, 1911 . . . . Feb. 24, 1911 . . . . as-you-enter’ car. 2. On Bill to regulate passenger traffic on. See Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. STUDENTS: Enlistment of spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STUDENT WOTE: Discussed on Manhood Suffrage Bill . . . . Studholme, Mr. : 1. His speech on the Address * * * u ę & © tº * * 2. On the Budget • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STURGEON FALLS : Discrimination against, charged Mar. 17, 1916 . . . . Apr. 18, 1907 . . . . Feb. 21, 1908– Jan. 27, 1910-- Jan. 26, 1911— Feb. 14, 1913. Mar. 16, 1912– Mar. 14, 1913. | MAIL and EMPIRE. Mar. 22, 1906– Apr. 17, 1907– Feb. 17, 1911. Mar. 1, 1913. Apr. 12, 1913. Mar. 13, 20, 1914. ..|Mar. 3, 1911. Feb. 22, 1911. Mar. 22, 1911. * * * * * * * * |Mar. 30, 1912 . . . . Apr. 13, 18, 1907. Jan. 27, 1910– Feb. 14, 1913. Mar. 12, 1909– Mar. 16, 1912– Mar. 14, 1913. Mar. 30, 1912. INDEX. 431 SUBJECT. SUBSIDIES, PROVINCIAL : 1. Discussed on Address e e º e º e º 'º e º & º 'º - 2. Increased subsidy spoken to on Budget 3. On motion re increase e e s tº e º e º a tº * * e e SUCCESSION DUTIES : 2 . In Committee of Supply a e s s a s e º e s tº º . On Budget 3 & & e s - e º ºs º & tº e º º e º e º 'º e º 'º º 4. On Bill respecting e e e º e º sº tº e º e & e º 'º e e 5. The Cox Estate case spoken to 6. Revenue under discussed . . . . . . . . . . . SUGAR BEET INDUSTRIES : Discussed • a s e e o e e s • e s a s a • * * * * * * * * * * * SUNDAY STREET CARS: 1. Discussed on Railway Bill is a e s e º e º º & 2. On the Port Arthur Bill • e s is e s e e s e º & 3. The question of spoken to on Bill to amend Railway Act. SU PER ANNUATION: 1. The Bill respecting proposed, explained 2. On the Bill respecting Teachers and Inspectors. 3. On Bill respecting. as applied to civil GLOBE. Jan. 30, 1907 . . . . Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 20, 1912– Mar. 4, 13, 1914. Feb. 26, 1913 . . . . Feb. 17, 21, 1906— Jan. 30, 1907– Feb. 26, 1908. Mar. 21, 23, 1906— Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 5, 12, 1909 —Feb. 4, 1910— Mar. 4, 1914— Feb. 24, 1915– Mar. 8, 1916— Feb. 23, 1917. Mar. 19, 22, 1907 —Apr. 2, 1909. Mar. 8, 1916 º º º tº º c e e e º e º e s e º 'º e º e s = • a e º e s 2 & e º e s a e s e = May 7, 9, 1906. Mar. 27, 1907 . . . . Apr. 2, 7, 1909 . . . Apr. 1, 9, 1913 . . . Mar. 23, 1917 . . . . Apr. 27; May 7, 20, servants. 28 D.S. | MAIL and EMPIRE. Jan. 30, 1907. Mar. 20, 1908– Mar. 20, 1912— Mar. 4, 13, 1914. Feb. 26, 1913. Feb. 17, 21, 1906— Jan. 30, 1907— Feb. 26, 1908. Mar. 9, 1906. Mar. 21, 23, 1906— Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 5, 1909– Feb. 4, 1910— Mar. 4, 13, 1914 —Feb. 24, 1915 —Mar. 8, 1916. Mar. 19, 1907– Apr. 2, 1909. Mar. 8, 1916. Apr. 30, 1920. Apr. 19, 1907. Apr. 7, 19; May 9, 1906. Mar. 27, 1907. Apr. 2, 1909. Apr. 1, 9, 1913. Mar. 23, 1917. Apr. 27; May 7, 1920. 20, 1920. 432 INDEX. SUBJECT: GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. SUPPLEMENTARY REVENUE : 1. On Bill respecting * * * * e º e º º sº e º O e o 'º 2. On Bill to tax certain companies, race 3. Discussed on Budget tracks, etc. 4. On Bill respecting increase. See Mines. SUPPLY :* On the several amendments moved to the motion “That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair.” 1. Regretting that the Provincial Trea- surer, by selling the securities of the Province at 96 per cent. of their par value, lost to the Province the sum of at least $240,000, etc. 2. Regretting that the Government has not seen fit to require, in contracts for Central Prison labour, that all convict-made goods be labelled such. 3. Regretting that the Government has not shown greater diligence in dealing with the San José Scale and other pests that infest the orchards of On- tario, greatly reducing the quantity and impairing the quality of the fruit and entailing heavy loss on the pro- ducers. 4. That in the opinion of this House, as to lands now or hereafter opened for settlement, the bona fide settler should have the free grant of the lands, and all timber and minerals thereon or thereunder, including petroleum, subject to proper restric Apr. 26; May 3, 1906. Mar. 3, 1911 . . Mar. 4, 1914 Apr. 8, 1914 . . . . . Mar. 30; Apr. 6, 1906. Apr. 18, 1907 . . Apr. 19, 1907 . . . . Apr. 19, 1907 . . . . Apr. 26; May 3, 1906. . Mar. 3, 1911. Mar. 4, 1914. Apr. 8, 1914. Mar. 30; Apr. 6, 1906. ..] Apr. 18, 1907. Apr. 19, 1907. Apr. 19, 1907. tions and regulations to prevent loca- tion of lands unfit for settlement for agricultural purposes. That actual settlement in Ontario should be en- *These amendments are “Want of Confidence” motions. INE) FX. & 433 SUBJECT, GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. couraged, and nothing be permitted to prevent or retard bona fide settle- ment, or, the development of mineral properties, provided that where tim- ber licenses cover land required for settlement, or mineral development, equitable arrangements be made pro- tecting the just rights of licensees. 5. That this House regrets the alarming|Mar. 27, 1908 ....|Mar. 37, 1908. yearly increase in the ordinary con- trollable expenditures of the Province during the last four years, noticeably those under the heads of Civil Gov- ernment and Contingencies; the ex- penditure under the former (Civil Government) having risen from $344,006 in 1904, to $538,475 in 1907, and that under the head of Contingencies, from $78,442 in 1904, to $165,036 in 1907, and also regrets that the Government is open to the charge of carelessness and extrava- gance in several other items of large expenditure. 6. That this House regrets, that when a Mar. 13, 1909. Mar. 12, 1909 . . . . proper classification of current, as t distinguished from Capital Receipts and Expenditures has been made, it clearly appears that the Current Ex- penditures for 1908, exceeded the Current Receipts, and this House views with alarm the large increase in ordinary controllable expenditures of the Province during the past four years, particularly those under the heads of “Civil Government * and “Miscellaneous,” the expenditure under Civil Government having risen from $344,006 in 1904 to $518,823.91 in 1908, and that under the head of Miscellaneous from $139,007.17 in 1904 to $468,131.30 in 1908, and this House, especially in view of the deficit 434 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 7. That this House regrets that when a This House further regrets that, because This House further regrets that, after of last year, strongly urges a curtail- ment of expenses particularly under the heads mentioned. This House further regrets the tremendous in- crease in the expenditures of this Province that are made without the annual vote of this Legislature, which expenditures last year amounted, under the three heads of “Special Statutes,” “Treasury Board Min- utes” and “Special Warrants,” to the large sum of $1,486,804, or seventeen and a half per cent. of the total expenditure. proper classification of Current, as distinguished from Capital Receipts and Expenditures has been made, it clearly appears that the Current Ex- penditures for 1909 exceeded the Cur- rent Receipts, and this House there- fore regrets that the Government is gradually depleting our Forest Wealth, while doing nothing by way of Re-forestation, or otherwise, to make this large source of Revenue continuous and abiding. of the abolition of the Model Schools and of unwarranted and undesirable changes in Regulations, the result is, that about ten per cent. of the Public Schools of this Province are without qualified teachers and there is con- fusion generally as to text books and their supply. the Government had spent a large amount of the moneys of the Province in making the necessary literary selec- tions for the Public School readers, in furnishing illustrations, plates, electro-plating and in actually setting Feb. 18, 1910 . . . . Feb. 18, 1910. INDEX. 435 SUBJECT, * GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. up the type, etc., that it should have handed the printing of the said readers over to a Toronto Depart mental store at a price which does not at all represent the whole cost of the said readers, while regulating prices so as to induce the public generally to deal direct with the said Toronto Departmental Store, to the detriment and injury of the whole retail trade, in all lines, of this Province. This House further says that the said readers are inferior to the old readers, both as to contents and makeup, and the Primer is entirely wrong in con- ception, absolutely unfit for use in primary classes and should be im- mediately withdrawn. This House further regrets, that no practical steps have been taken by the Government to establish a system of Technical Schools throughout the Province, in which the mechanic and artizan may receive training supple- mental to his practical training in the workshop. f This House, while hereby approving of all legitimate means of supplying cheap power to the municipalities, further regrets that the Hydro-Elec- tric Commission in securing ease- ments for a transmission line did not pursue any systematic and equitable plan for the purpose of Said ease- ments, but practised a system of brow beating and dickering entirely un- worthy of this Province and one which has led to absolutely inequit- able results as to the amounts paid the farmers for the said easements. 436 INDEX. SUBJECT- GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 8. That this House regrets that the This House views with disappointment And this House recognizing the fact This House further regrets that neither and alarm, the denial in recent enact- ments of the fundamental right of the subject to access to the Courts of Justice for the determination of mat- ters in controversy between Subject and Subject and between Subjects and the Crown. Financial Statement issued by the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer is inaccurate and misleading, inas- much as when current receipts and expenditures are classified even as classified by the present Provincial Treasurer in his Financial Statement of 1905, there is a large deficit last year of $531,878.66. that our Forests are our greatest Source of Revenue, strongly urges upon the Government the adoption of a proper system of conservation and reforestation, in order that this Source of revenue may become per- petual and abiding. the Honourable the Minister of Edu- cation, the Deputy Minister, nor the Superintendent of Education has any practical knowledge whatever of the condition of our Rural Schools. and that the result of changes im- properly made by this Government has been to increase the cost of edu- cation in the Rural Schools by at least fifty per cent, and to necessitate the employing as teachers in a large percentage of said Schools of persons with no qualification whatever, either professional or non-professional. Feb. 16, 1911 . . . . Feb. 16, 1911. INDEX. 437 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. This House further regrets that this Government, while liberally aiding students in educational courses, that lead to the professions, has taken no practical steps whatever to establish a system of technical and industrial schools throughout the Province, in which the mechanic and the artizan may receive training Supplementary to his practical training in the work- shop. This House further deplores the fact, that this Government is apparently of the opinion that increased popula- tion is of no benefit to this Province, and this House strongly recommends the adoption of a vigorous and active colonization scheme for peopling Northern Ontario, and regrets ex- tremely that its settlement has been hitherto retarded by the enforcement of laws and regulations that are op- pressive to the pioneer, whether pros- pector, miner or settler. This House deplores the growing ten- dency on the part of Members of the Government to introduce Federal issues into our debates, and regrets the organized attempt of Ministers and their supporters to discredit the agreement for better trade relations made between Canada and the United States, which, if consummated, will prove so beneficial to Canada, and especially to the agriculturists. 9. That this House, in view of the decision|Apr. 13, 1912 . . . . Apr. 13, 1912. of the Government to appoint counsel to represent this Province on the argument before the Supreme Court and the Privy Council of the question of the power of the Parliament of Canada to enact in whole or in part ſ Bill No. 3 of the First Session of the 12th Parliament intituled “An Act to Amend the Marriage Act ’’ and 438 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, 10. That this Assembly, while prepared to That this Assembly condemns the ex- commonly known as “The Lancaster Bill’ is of opinion that in view of the importance of a uniform mar- riage law for the whole of the Do- minion of Canada, the Government should instruct counsel for this Pro- Vince to support the view that the Parliament of Canada has power to enact a bill declaring the validity of all marriages celebrated throughout the Dominion of Canada.* approve of all reasonable expenditure to increase the efficiency of the public services of the Province, and to im- prove the conditions of both rural and urban life, views with apprehen- sion the growing deficits in the Pro- vincial finances as disclosed in the financial statement presented to the Assembly in 1911, 1912 and 1913, without any adequate provision being made for securing the necessary revenue to meet the increasing ex- penditures. travagant and wasteful expenditures of the Government, as illustrated by the actual and prospective expendi- ture of over $700,000 in the site, erection and furnishing of the new Government House; and this As- sembly further condemns the un- businesslike and improvident action of the Government in placing the new Government House on a site which is entirely unsuitable for the purpose, by reason of its inaccessi- bility and its immediate proximity to the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Grand Trunk Railway (Belt Line). the Canadian Northern Ontario Rail- way, and the Don Valley Brick Works. Mar. 12, 1913 . . . . Mar. 12, 1913. *The amendment was proposed on motion to go into Committee of Ways and Means. See Journals of 1896, p. 185. INDEX. 439 SUBJECT . GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE 11. That in view of the rapid growth of Mar. 19, 1913 . . . . Mar. 19, 1913. the industrial population of the Pro- vince and the great value of fish as a cheap and wholesome food product, this House views with alarm and re- gret the rapid depletion of the Pro- vincial Fisheries owing to their ex- ploitation by the Chicago Fish Trust or Combine and the lax enforcement of the Fishery regulations as revealed in the Report of the Fish and Game Commission, 1909-11; and this House is of the opinion that the Government in failing to take any action upon the Report of the Fish and Game Commission to protect and preserve the lake fisheries of the Province has been derelict in its duty and has proven itself indifferent to the best interests of the people of this Pro- vince. 12. That in the opinion of this House the Apr. 2, 1913 . . . . . Apr. 2, 1913. placing at the disposal of the Execu- tive of the Province, under the Act passed in the second year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth and chaptered 2, of so large a sum as $5,000,000 without a vote of this House appropriating the same to particular works, is contrary to our Constitutional usages: subversive of the right of the people through their representatives in the Legisla- tive Assembly assembled to control and direct the expenditure of public moneys: in contravention of the ac- cepted principle of voting supply for the ensuing year only, and is inimical -- " := to the best interests of the Province. " ~s 13. That in view of the immense unoccu- Apr. 3, 1913 . . . . . Apr. 3, 1913. pied areas in the Northern and North Western parts of the Province await- ing settlement and development, this House regrets that the Government 29 D.S. 40 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. has so far failed to devise and submit to the House any comprehensive or adequate policy for the settlement and development of these new terri- tories. This House deprecates the attitude as- sumed by the Government, as set forth in the manifesto of the Prime Minister on the 31st October, 1911, that the only result of the addi- tions to our population in the newer districts, as far as the Government of the Province is concerned, is that the annual general Provincial expen- diture is increased, while the Do- minion Treasury receives large sums annually by reason of the increased consumption of goods paying tariff duties, and in the older sections of the Province the amounts received for municipal taxation are increased. This House believes that good settlers are real and valuable assets and not liabilities, and that it is the duty of the Government, in addition to what is now being done in the construc- tion of roads, to devise and carry out: (1) An aggressive publicity ‘campaign to make known the char- acter and resources of the Province; (2) An intelligent and vigorous im- migration policy to secure the right kind of settlers; (3) Adequate trans- portation and drainage facilities, to promote settlement; and (4) Im- proved conditions of settlement. 14. That this House is of the opinion that Apr. 16, 1913 . . . . Apr. 16, 1913. the violation of the License laws by the open sale of liquor upon steam- boats and railroads within the Pro- vince, and the policy of the License Department of imposing one fine yearly on the steamboats, apparently INDEX. 441 | SUBJECT. GLOBE. |MAIL and EMPIRE. as a license fee, is bringing the ad- ministration of the License laws into disrepute throughout the Province. t This House is further of the opinion that the administration of the Liquor License law in Northern Ontario, and the relation of the Provincial Police thereto should be thoroughly investi- gated by an impartial tribunal with ſ a view to correcting the serious abuses which are alleged to exist, and put- ting an end to the open and flagrant violations of the law through the operations of the so-called “ blind pigs.” 15. That in view of the increasing danger|Apr. 18, 1913 . . . . Apr. 18, 1913. of floods in many sections of the Province, due to certain of the rivers and streams overflowing their banks at the period of the spring freshets, / 4 causing serious destruction of pro- perty, and in view of the representa, tions made to the Government by i representatives of the municipalities on the Grand River in the year 1908, and subsequent years, urging an in- vestigation of the matter by the Government; this House is of the opinion that the Government should no longer delay a thorough investiga- tion of the causes of these floods' and of the procedure which should be adopted in order to avoid the danger of flood and to regulate and control more effectively the flow of water in the rivers and streams of the Pro- vince. 16. That this House disapproves of and Mar. 10, 1914 . . . . Mar. 10, 1914. protests against (1) the presentation to this House by the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of financial “t statements which do not fairly set forth the real character of the finan- cial transactions of the Government; ; sº INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. (2) the extravagant and wasteful ex- penditure of public money by the Government, as illustrated by the ex- penditure on new Government House, when important public service such as Education and Agriculture are in great need of further funds; (3) the vicious system of raising moneys on the credit of the Province for par- ticular purposes authorized by the Legislature, and then applying these trust funds to other purposes—as il- lustrated by the use during the year 1913 of over $600,000 raised for Northern Ontario, for other purposes. 17. That in view of the fact that the Fin- 18. That in view of the statements con-Apr. 22, 1914 ... ancial Statements and Estimates pre- sented to the House by the Govern- ment are so incomplete that it is not possible for the Members of the House to properly estimate the total expenditure for the year, this House should not be called upon to Vote further supply until the Government lays before the House a fuller state- ment of the total estimated expendi- ture for the current year, particularly the statutory expenditure, which for the year 1913 amounted to $4,694,- 676.79, in order that the Members of the House may see what will be the prospective deficit on the year’s finan- cial operations. tained in the prospectus or memoran- dum offering $1,000,000 of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Lake Huron and Northern Ontario Railway Com- pany (which prospectus or memoran- dum includes the statement of the Vice-President and General Manager and the Engineer's Report), and in view of the further statement of the Engineer’s Report that the cash Mar. 19, 1914 . . . Mar. 19, 1914. ..]Apr. 22, 1914. INDEX. 443 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, subsidy and land grant associated with this charter gives us a basis of estimating an unquestionable present worth value of $9,338,400, made up! as follows:— 306 miles at a subsidy of $6,400 per mile . . . . . $1,958,400 00 1,230,000 acres of land at $6 per acre . . . . . . . . . . 7,380,000 00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,338,400 00 And in view of the further statement that the bond issue is protected by a sub- sidy of $6,400 per mile granted by the Dominion Government and 4,000 acres of land per mile granted as a bonus by the Province of Ontario, which land is adjacent to the line and which, at a reasonable valuation is worth from $8 to $10 per acre. This House condemns the policy of the Government in alienating large and most valuable areas of the Public Domain to railway exploiters with- out adequate return to the people of the Province. H - H - 19. That this House condemns the deplor- Mar. 16. 1917 ....|Mar. 16, 1917. able waste and misuse of the public funds of the Province, arising out of the present system of expending the moneys voted for colonization roads. whereby the moneys are distributed among the political supporters of the Government, a few hundred dollars each and disbursed as they think best without having regard to the develop- ment and maintenance of an adequate system of roads in each district; and this House is of the opinion that the continuation of the said system. which involves the annual loss to the Province of thousands of dollars, is 444 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. '. wholly inexcusable and indefensible, particularly at war time when it is the duty of the Government to lead the country in the practice of econo- may and thrift; and this House is further of the opinion that the best interests of the Province demand that ; the whole system should be im- f mediately discontinued, and that in organized townships moneys voted by } the Legislature for colonization roads should be paid to and expended by the municipal corporations of such f townships, under the supervision of the Government, and that in unor- ganized townships the work should be let by tender after adequate public notice so there may be free competi- tion.* * 20. That in view of the present high cost|Mar. 29, 1917 . . . . Mar. 29, 1917. of living and the increasing burden upon the working classes and those in receipt of limited incomes, due to the high cost of the necessaries of life, this House condemns the abandon- ment by the Government of the in- vestigation and prosecution of the illegal combines formed to limit com- petition and to enhance prices, not- withstanding the advice of the then Crown Attorney of the City of To- ronto that these combines were violat- ing the provisions of the Criminal Code, and that the Government was in possession of the necessary evi- dence to proceed with prosecution: and this House is of the opinion that these illegal combines to enhance prices still exist in the Province, and that it is the duty of the Government to investigate all alleged illegal com- binations in restraint of trade and to prosecute vigorously all those * The Sessions of 1915, 1916, 1918, being the “War Sessions,” no amendments were moved. INDEX. 445 SUBJECT . GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. which appear to be violating the law, and to take all such further action as may protect the consumer against the cost of the necessaries of life be- ing unduly enhanced by monopolies and combines which unfairly limit that competition. 21. That this House regrets that notwith-Apr. 4, 1917 . . . . . Apr. 4, 1917. standing the war the Government has continued its extravagant and waste- ful expenditures in the building and furnishing of Government House, over $400,000 having been expended since the outbreak of the war, with a total cost to date of over $1,000,000; And this House is of the opinion that so expensive a Government House is out of harmony with the democratic spirit of the people of the Province. */ fºy 22. That in view of the finding of the Apr. 5, 1917 . . . . . Apr. 5, 1917. Royal Ontario Nickel Commission that any of the processes now in use for refining nickel could be success- fully worked in Ontario, and that conditions and facilities are at least as good in this Province as in any other part of Canada, and “there is reason to believe that the cost of re- fining in the International Nickel Company’s new plant at Port Col- borne will be less than at their exist- ing works in New Jersey;” | And further referring to future wars. that “If the United States were to decide she needed for her own use * *-*. f the nickel now being refined there from Canadian ore . . . the result might well be a shortage of nickel. while the need was at its height; and a shortness of nickel might be a weak- ness sufficient to determine the issue of the war :” 446 *. INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. |MAIL and EMPIRE. And in further view of the finding of the Commission that the nickel ore deposits of Ontario are much more extensive and offer better facilities for the production of the nickel at a low cost than do those of any other coun- try, “ and that when normal peace . conditions are fully restored, the de- mand will be greater than it was before the war;” And in further view of the interest which the Government of the United Ringdom has taken in recent years in the Ontario nickel deposits, and of the financial interest they have - } recently acquired in one of our Can- adian nickel companies; This House is of the opinion that nego- tiations should be at once entered into by the Government of this Pro- vimce with the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the Domin- ion of Canada to secure united action to acquire the absolute control of the nickel mines and nickel product of § the Province of Ontario; and that, in the meantime, the Government of Ontario should take proceedings to acquire, construct or otherwise secure the control of nickel refining plant in this Province where all nickel mined in this Province could be refined. 23. That the Accounts for the years 1913-Mar. 21, 1919 . . . [Mar. 21, 1919. 14, 1914-15, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917- 18 and for the portion of the year 1918-19, down to the 28th day of February, 1919, relating to the Li- cense Branch of the Provincial Secre- tary’s Department, the enforcement of the Liquor License Act and the enforcement of the “Ontario Tem- perance Act ’’ and all matters relat- INDEX. 447 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, -— ing to the administration of the “Ontario Temperance Act,” down to the present time, be referred to a Special Committee of this House, composed of nine members of the Legislative Assembly, five of whom shall be nominated by the Premier and four by the Leader of the Opposi- tion, with instructions to enquire and report upon the same and upon all matters and things which relate thereto or affect the same and with power to send for and examine all necessary persons and papers in or concerning the premises and to examine witnesses on oath and with power to sit for such purposes during any adjournment of the House. 24. That this House disapproves of and Mar. 21, 1919 . . . . Mar. 21, 1919. protests against (1) the presentation to this House by the Honourable the Provincial Treasurer of financial statements which do not fairly set forth the real character of the finan- cial transactions of the Government; (2) the extravagant and wasteful expenditure of public money by the Government, as illustrated by the annual expenditure on maintenance of the Government House, when im- portant public services such as Edu- cation, Agriculture and Roads are in great need of further funds; (3) the concealment of specific and import- ant items of current receipts in res- pect of any Department under the heading of “Casual Revenue,” as illus- trated by the entries made of revenue from work done by tractors, sale of seed wheat and the Dominion grant for food production, in the statement for 1917-18; (4) the treatment of receipts from the disposal of capital assets, such as timber, as current re- ceipts, while at the same time treat- INDEX. 448 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. ing the payments as on capital ac- count when it is apparent from their nature they should be disbursed as payment out of current revenue; (5) the exorbitant cost of civil govern- ment at the present time.* None in 1920–the first Session of the “ U. F. O.” Government. SURPLUS : 1. Discussed in Committee of Supply . . . 2. Exploded fiction—Mr. Ross to Univer- sity deputation. e e s a e e s tº e º e º 'º º 3. Discussed on Budget e e s e o e º e o e s e e º e º e º a 4. On the Address 5. Should be distributed Sutherland, Mr. : . His speech on seconding Address . . . . . . . TANSEY, JoBIN : The gratuity to, discussed º, e s a g c e s 2 & 3 tº TARIFF CONDITIONS: TAVISTOCK, VILLAGE OF: The location of, in Oxford, discussed on Mar. 9, 1906 . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * e s s e s • s Mar. 23, 28, 1906 —Mar. 1, 1907 —Mar. 20, 1908 —Mar. 5, 12, 1909 – Feb. 4, 1910 – Feb. 16, • 1911 – Mar. 8, 1912—Mar. 5, 7, 1913 — Mar. 4, 1914 — Mar. 8, 1916 — Feb. 23, 1917 — Feb. 13, 1918. Jan. 30, 190? . . . . Feb. 9, 1912 . . . . Jan. 26, 1907 . . . Feb. 12, 13, 1908. . Mar. 18, 1920 . . . . Teb. 20, 1909 . . . . Mar. 9, 1906. Mar. 9, 1906. Mar. 23, 28, 1906– Mar. 1, 1907– Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 5, 12, 1909 —Feb. 4, 1910– Feb. 16, 1911— Mar. 8, 1912– Mar. 5, 7, 1913– Mar. 4, 13, 1914 —Mar. 8, 1916— Feb. 13, 1918. Jan. 30, 1907. Feb. 9, 1912. ..]Jan. 26, 1907. Feb. 12, 13, 1908. Mar. 18, 1920. Feb. 20, 1909. Address. * This motion was proposed memine contradicente. Only one motion in order. INDEX. 449 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. TAXATION: Method and intention of, discussed on Mar. 8, 1916 . . . . . Mar. 8, 1916. Budget. TAX EXEMPTIONS: 1. On Bill to abolish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 17, 1911 . . . . [Feb. 17, 1911. 2. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Mar. 12, 1912 . . . . |Mar. 12, 1912. TAX REFORM : 1. On motion in advocacy of . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 27, 1914 . . . . Feb. 27, 1914. 2. On Bill respecting. See Assessment Law. TEACHERS AND INSPECTORs, SUPERANNUA- TION:-See Superannuation. TECHNICAL EDUCATION: 1. Federal aid to, discussed on the Budget 2 . Industrial, or vocational, discussed on Address. . Discussed on the Address . . . . . . . . . . On motion re non-establishment of Technical Schools. On motion re establishment of Techni- cal Schools. . In Committee of Supply e e e s e a tº º ºs & © rºy Y. On motion for Return TELEPHONES : 1. On Bill respecting municipal systems. 2. On Bill respecting long distance a s e º 'º 3. Ownership of, discussed on resolution for Address. On second reading of Bill relating to . . 5 . On Bill respecting a s e e º e º e s ∈ e s & e º 'º e . On resolution re public ownership. . . . Mar. 24, 26, 27; Apr. 1, 2, 4, 1914 Mar. 1, 1907 Feb. 12, 1908— Feb. 20, 1909. Jan. 27, 1910– Jan. 26, 1911. Feb. 18, 1910. hºw Mar. * * 1910— Feb. 16, 1911. Mar. 17, 1916 . . . . Mar 24, 26, 1914. Mar. 1, 1907. Feb. 12, 1908– Feb. 20, 1909. Jan. 27, 1910– Jan. 26, 1911. Feb. 18, 1910. ſ jºy Mar. 17, 1910– Feb. 16, 1911. Mar. 17, 1916. Apr. 1, 1916 . . . . . Apr. 1, 1916. Apr. 13, 1906 . . . . Apr. 19, 1906. May 11, 1906 . . . . [May 11, 1906. Apr. 9, 1909 . . . . . Apr. 9, 1909. Feb. 24, 1910 . . . . [Feb. 24, 1910. Apr. 16, 1913 . . . . Apr. 16, 1913. Apr. 4, 1914 ..... Apr. 4, 1914. 450 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE- TEMISKAMING AND N. O. RAILWAY :—See Timiskaming. TEMPERANCE QUESTION: 1. Mr. Ross’ capacity in keeping liquor and temperance vote attached to his chariot, spoken to. 2. Flirting with temperance and liquor interests. 3. Discussed on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. On the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. On Bill to amend Ontario Temper- ance Act. 6. Conditions discussed on the Address. . 7. The temperance policy spoken to. See Liquor License Law. TERRITORIAI, DISTRIBUTION: The division of Hudson Bay territory spoken to. - TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS: The refusal of Federal Government to bear share of expense re Indian Re- serves, spoken to. TEXT Books, FREE:-See Education. THEOLOGY, OFF-CoIOUR :—See Globe. THISTLE AND MCWILLIAMs, TOWNSHIPS OF:—See Timber. Thompson, Mr. : (Wentworth): His speech on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . THORNE, L. E. C.: His appointment discussed re W. Middle- sex election. Feb. 21, 1906 . . . . Feb. 21, 1908 . . . . Feb. 16, 21, 1917. . { Mar. 2, 1917 . . . . & e g º º Apr. 5, 1917 Mar. 17, 1920. 18, 31, Apr. 8, 28, 1920. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jan.-28, 1910 . . . . Mar 28, 29, 1906 —Mar. 6, 1907. Mar. 1, 1907 Feb. 21, 1906. Feb. 16, 1917. Mar. 2, 1917. Apr. 5, 1917. Mar. 17, 1920. 18, 31. Apr. 8, 28, 1920. Apr. 1, 1909. Mar. 6, 1907. Mar. 1, 1907. 451 INDEX. ! SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. TIMBER: - 1. Sales of, without public advertisement, Mar. 7, 1906 . . . . Mar. 7, 1906–Mar. or tender, discussed. 10, 1909. 2. The Sullivan case alluded to . . . . . . . . Mar. 7, 28, 1906. . Mar. 7, 28, 1906. 3. Policy of late Government discussed. . Mar. 28, 1906 . . . . Mar. 28, 1906. 4. Limits given away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 15, 1907. .5. Policy discussed on Address . . . . . . . . Feb. 19, 1908 . . . . [Feb. 13, 19, 26, 1908. 6. Dues not pressed on account of finan-Mar. 20, 1908 . . . . Mar. 20, 1908. cial depression. 7. The sale of certain limits spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 13, 26, 1908. 8. Discussed on the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, 1911 . . . .] Feb. 16, 1911. 9. Value and destruction of, discussed on Apr. 23, 1913 ....|Apr. 23, 1913. Lake Huron and N. O. R. Bill. 10. On motion that instruction be given to Apr. 22, 1914 ....|Apr. 22, 1914. supply figures on the quantities and value of timber in Townships of Thistle and McWilliams. 11. Policy discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 27, 1920 . . . . TIMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY : 1. Building of, etc., discussed on Address|Feb. 21, 1906 . . . . [Feb. 21, 1906. 2. On motion for correspondence relating Mar. 8, 1906 . . . . . Mar. 8, 1906. to sale of bonds. & 3. The sale of Ontario bonds spoken to... Mar. 16, 1906 . . . . Mar. 16, 1906. 5 6. 7. . Discussed on Budget. See below, 18. A subsidy to, from Federal Govern- ment spoken to. Earnings and cost of, discussed on Budget. Passes on, during elections, spoken to. Mar. 21, 30, 1906. Mar. 21, 1906— Feb. 9, 1912 . . . Mar. 21, 1906— Feb. 4, 1910– Mar. 8, 1912 . . . Mar. 21, 1906 . . . . Mar. 21, 23, 28. 30. 1906. Mar. 21, 1906. Mar. 21, 1906– Feb. 4, 18, 1910 —Mar. 8, 1912. Mar. 21, 1906. 452 INDEX. SUBJECT. S 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. . Flotation of loan in Canada discussed. . Depression in market for stocks dis- cussed. Commission charged on sales discussed Construction of, discussed on Budget. . See “Harty’ interview re sale of bonds and Premier’s statement. Government policy announced, re min- ing on right-of-way and on Gillies’ limit. The $3,000,000 loan in Canada spoken to. . On Bill to amend Act respecting . . . . Connections suggested The Treasury Bills for, discussed on Budget. Earnings of, discussed on Budget . . . . Monetary condition, operation and de- fective engineering of, discussed on the Budget. Extension of, advocated ............ Expenditure on, discussed on the Budget. . Proposed expenditure spoken to, on taking power to borrow. The Elk Lake extension and telegram discussed. • a • * Jan. b, Feb. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 21, 1906 . . . . [Mar. 21, 1906. 21, 1906 . . . . . Mar. 21, 1906. 21, 1906 . . . . [Mar. 21, 1906. 23, 1906 . . . . Mar. 23, 28, 1906. 11, 1906 . . . . Apr. 10, 1906. 4, 1906 . . . . . Apr. 4, 1906. e e e s e e s is e º e = * Apr. 25, 1906. • e e º 'º e º is tº e < * * Apr. 28, 1906. 30, 1907 . Jan. 30, 1907. 1, 1907 . . . . . Mar. 1, 1907. 1, 1907—Mar. Mar. 1, 1907—Mar. 1909. 5, 1909. 20, 1908 . . . . Mar. 20, 1908. 2, 1910 . . . . . Mar. 2, 1910. 3, 1911 . . . . . Feb. 3, 16, 1911. . 3, 1911 . . . . Mar. 3, 1911. Feb. 9, 14; Mar. 13, 14, 15, 20, 1912. The placing of, under Dominion Rail-Mar. 20, 1912 . . . . way Board advocated. Mar. 13, 14, 15, 20, 1912. Mar. 20, 1912. INDEX. 453 SUBJECT . GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 25. On Bill to give Grand Trunk running|Mar. 30, 1912 . . . . |Mar. 30, 1912. rights over. 26. On motion censuring Senate for throw-|Apr. 13, 1912 ....] Apr. 13, 1912. ing out subsidy for. 27. The Elk Lake telegram discussed . . . . |Feb. 7, 15, 18, 19, Feb. 7, 12, 15, 18, 1913. 19, 1913. 28. Opposition to, discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 19, 1913. 29. Car shortage spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 21, 28, 1913. ..] Feb. 21, 1913. 30. Statistics in connection with, discussed|Mar. 5, 1913 . . . . . Mar. 5, 1913. on Budget. 31. On Bill to amend Act regarding fiat relMar. 29, 1913 . . . . Mar. 29, 1913. damage claims. 32. Taxation of lands of, discussed. Seel................. Apr. 18, 1913. Lake Huron and N. O. R. 33. Decrease of revenue from, discussed . . Mar. 4, 1914 . . . . Mar. 4, 1914. 34. On Bill to amend Act re granting of Mar. 19, 1914 ....|Mar. 19, 1914. fiat. - 35. On proposal to submit estimates for, Apr. 6, 1916 . . . . . Apr. 6, 1916. to Legislature. 36. Financial affairs of, discussed on Feb. 23, 1917–Apr. 14, 1920. Budget. Apr. 14, 1920. 37. On Bill re accounts of . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 24, 1917 . . . . 38. On motion to extend from North Bay|Mar. 30, 1920 . . . . Mar. 30, 1920. to Parry Sound. 39. On motion to extend from Cochrane to Apr. 1, 1920 . . . . . Apr. 1, 1920. Moose Factory. TITLES, HEREDITARY : Spoken to, on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... |Feb. 16, 1917 . . . . [Feb. 16, 1917. ToRONTO ASYLUM : Expenditure explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 18, 1907 . 4.54 - INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE'. TORONTO, CITY OF : 1. Representations of, in Legislature, spoken to. 2. On Bill respecting and sale of feed at Western Cattle Market. 3. On Bill legalizing certain tax Sales. . 4. On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TORONTO ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY : 1. Capitalization of, discussed on motion for return. 2. Criticised on Budget. See Power Question. TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 14, 15; Torox To AND HAMILTON HIGHWAY COM- MISSION : On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ToroMTO JUNCTION CLUB: The closing of, discussed on Liquor License Bill. TORONTO RAILWAY : On Bill respecting stub line east . . . . . . TORONTO UNIVERSITY: 1. Salaries and expenditure discussed in Committee of Supply. 2 . On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. The granting of proportion of Succes- 11; May 2, Apr. 18, 1916 Apr. 4, 1906 Apr. 9, 1914 Mar. 14, 1906 Apr. 11, 1908 . . . . May 11, 1906 . . Apr. 17, 1907 . . . Apr. 11, 1908 . . . . Jan. 31, 1907 . . . . Mar. 12, 1909 . . . Mar. 29, 1906– Mar. 13; Apr. 11, 1908. ..|May 11, 1906. .|Apr. 17, 1907. Apr. 11, 1908. Jan. 31, 1907. . Mar. 12, 1909. Apr. Mar. 10, 14, 15; 1906. Apr. 11; May 2, 9, 1906. e e º º º Apr. 4, 1906. tº e º 'º º Apr. 9, 1914. . . . . [Mar. 14, 1906. May 3, 4, 11, 1906. May 3, 4, 11, 1906. May 4, 1906 sion Duties to, discussed. 4 . The system of aid to, discussed on Address. 5 of money. e e e º º May 4, 1906. Jan. 30, 1907—|Feb. 20, 1909. Feb. 19, 20, 18, 1907. 1909 . On the Bill to authorize the borrowing|Mar. 12, 14; Apr. Mar. 12, 14; Apr. 18, 1907. INDE X. TRAILER Gover NMENT, THE : Attended to on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TREASURY BILLS AND BOARD ORDERS: Issues of to meet shortages, discussed on Budget. See Timiskaming and N. O. Railway. TREATING: 1. On Bill to prohibit 2. On motion to abolish the bar and Mar. e e º º is Mar. 21, 23, 1906 —Mar. 25, 1915. Apr. 5, 1906 & e º 'º e * * * * * amendment to prevent. Apr. 4, 1912 SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. 6. Grants to, discussed on Budget . . . . . Mar. 20, 1907 . . . . |Mar. 1, 20, 1907. 7. “Closed doors” spoken to . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 20; Apr. 18, Mar. 20; Apr. 18, 1907. 1907. 8. Maintenance of, discussed on Budget. . Mar. 27, 1908 . . . . Mar. 27, 1908. 9. On resolution re system of financing. . Apr. 10, 1908 . . . . Apr. 10, 1908. 10. The Carnegie fund resolution . . . . . . . Mar. 9, 1909 . . . . |Mar. 9, 1909. 11. Behaviour of students spoken to . . . . . Feb. 9, 1910 . . . . . 12. Financial crisis spoken to . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 13; Mar. 14, Feb. 13, 1913. 1913. 13. Needs of, discussed on item of supply. Apr. 18, 25, 1914. . Apr. 18, 1914. 14. Concessions to, re examinations—extra Apr. 12, 1916 . . . . COU!I'Sé. TORONTO AND YoFK RADIAL RAILWAY : . On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 23, 1913. TOWN SITES : Expropriation of certain parcels in, dis-Mar. 4, 11, 1910.. Mar. 4, 1910. cussed. TRACTION ENGINES : On Bill respecting use of on highways . . . [Feb. 17, 1911 . . . . TRADE FOLLOWS THE FLAG : Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, 1911 . . . . [Feb. 16, 1911. TRADES AND LABOUR BRANCH : On Bill to establish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 11, 21, 1916. Mar. 11, 21, 1916. Mar. 21, 23, 1906– Mar. 25, 1915. Apr. 5, 1906. Apr. 4, 1912. 456 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE, TRUANCY : The Bill to amend Act explained. See Mar. 23, 1909 . . . . Education. TRUST FUNDS : 1. Discussed on Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 23, 1906–Mar. 23, 1906-- Mar. 20, 1908 . . Mar. 20, 1908— Mar. 5, 1909. 2. Judgment of Mr. Justice Burbidge announced re interest on. TUBERCULOSIS: 1. On Bill to prevent spread of e e º 'º e º e º 2. On resolution respecting establishment of sanitarium. e e º e e º e º e º e º e tº 3. Ravages of, discussed UNDERGROUND WORK : On Bill to regulate hours of labour in. See Mines. UNDERWRITERS’ ASSOCIATIONS: On resolution re enquiry into control exercised by. UNEMPLOYMENT: 1. On motion to investigate conditions of labour. 2. On motions for returns respecting ... 3. On Address • a e º e e e s tº s e º e a e g º ºs e º e & UNION GOVERNMENT: UNITED FARMERS: 1. Mentioned on Budget s e º e o e º e e º º º º 2. The U. F. O. party platform discussed. VACANT LANDs: On Bill re assessment of e e s a e e s e o e º º º Mar. 5, 1907—Mar. 11, 12, 1908— Mar. 3, 1910. Mar. 4, 1908—Apr. 1, 1909. Feb. 16, 1912 . . . . Mar. 23, 26, 1912. Apr. 11, 1916 . . . . Feb. 20, 25, 1914. . 8, 1916. Feb. 28, 1919 . . . . Mar. 31, 1909— Mar. 6, 1915–Apr. Apr. 10, 1906. Mar. 5, 1907—Mar. 11, 12, 1908– Mar. 27, 31, 1909 —Mar. 3, 1910. Mar. 4, 1908–Apr. 1, 1909. Feb. 16, 1912. Mar. 23, 26, 1912. Apl. 11, 1916. Feb. 20, 25, 1914. Mar. 6, 1915–Apr. 8, 1916. * Feb. 8, 1918 . . . . . Feb. 8, 1918. Mar. 7, 1919 . . . . . Mar. 12, 17, 18, Mar. 12, 17, 18, 26. 1920. 1920. Mar. 10, 1917 . . . . INDEX. 457 GLOBE. wan. and EMPIRE. SUBJECT . V ACCINATION: On Bill re compulsory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 11, 1912. VEAL: - The use of discussed on Bill respecting|Mar. 22, 1916 . . . . Mar. 22, 1916. public health. VENEREAL DISEASE: On Bill respecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 26; Mar. 16, Feb. 26; Mar. 16, 21, 1918. 21, 1918. VETERINARY COLLEGE: Bill respecting, explained . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 17, 1909 . . . . VICTORIA INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL:" Management of, spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 29, 1912 . . . . Mar. 29, 1912. VOTERS’ LISTS: 1. On Bill to amend Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 12, 1907– | Feb. 9, 1911. 2. On Bill re preparation of new for wo-|Mar. 31, 1917 . . . . men’s franchise. * 3. Discussed in Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 14, 1918. WAR, THE : 1. Discussed on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 19, 1915–Eeb. 19, 1915– Mar. 2, 3, 1916 Mar. 2, 3, 1916 ' —Feb. 16, 1917 —Feb. 16, 1917 –Feb. 7, 8, 1918 –Feb. 7, 8, 1918 —Feb. 27, 28, -Feb. 27, 28 1919. 1919. 2. Resolution of congratulation sent to Feb. 27, 1915 . . . . [Feb. 27, 1915. Ontario Brigade. 3. On Bill to levy war tax Discussed on the Budget s tº e º e º & 8 tº & º Feb. 25; Mar. 17, 19, 1915. Mar. 10, 1915– A war credit suggested • e e s e s a e o e < * * . Recruiting for, spoken to on Address. . T)irect taxation spoken to Mar. 8, 16, 1916 —Feb. 23, 1917 —Feb. 13, 1918. Mar. 20, 1915 . . . . Mar. 2, 1916 e e º & tº Mar. 2, 1916 Feb. 25; Mar. 17, 19, 1915. Mar. 8, 16, 1916– Feb. 23, 1917— Feb. 13, 1918. :58 INDEX. SUBJECT. 8 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. . Machine guns for GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE- Tribute to soldier members a s e º 'º 6 s tº º a e s e s e e e s & © a 6 º' & b & The Orpington Hospital e e s a e º e º e º 'º e On motion for return re care of re- turned soldiers. On motion re appointment of Commit- tee for organization of resources. Farming school for returned soldiers spoken to. Recruiting in French sections spoken to. On resolution expressing appreciation of courage of Ontario's sons. The one mill tax discussed on Budget. On resolution re-affirming righteous- ness of cause. Taxation of war profits suggested . . . . On resolution approving of war aims.. Reflections on sobriety of troops criti- cised. Argyle House criticised . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenditure discussed on Budget . . . . The one mill tax spoken to WATER Pow ERS: Management of discussed on Address and on Budget. WATERED STOCK : On Bill respecting. See Stock. Mar. 3, 1916 . . . . Mar. 8, 16, 1916– Feb. 23, 1917. Mar. ge e º 'º a Mar. 14, 1916 . . . . Mar. 29, 1916 . . . . Apr. Apr. Apr. 20, 1916 . . . . Feb. 23, 1917— Mar. 7, 1919 . . . Mar. 9, 1917 . . Feb. 15, 1918 . . . . Feb. 20, 1918 . . . . Mar. 1, 1918 . . . . Mar. 19, 28, 1919. Apr. 14, 1920 . . . . Apr. 14, 1920 . . . . Mar. 28, 1906 . . . . Feb. 22, 1911 .... ..] Apr. Mar. 8, 16, 1916– Feb. 23, 1917. Mar. 8, 1916. Mar. 14, 1916. Mar. 29, 1916. 1, 1916. ..] Apr. 19, 1916. Apr. 20, 1916. Feb. 23, 1917— Mar. 7, 1919. . Mar. 9, 1917. Reb. 15, 1918. Feb. 20, 1918. Mar. 1, 1918. Mar. 19, 28, 1919. Apr. 14, 1920. Apr. 14, 1920. Feb. 21; Mar. 1906. 28, Feb. 22, 1911. INDEX. 459 SUBJECT. GLOBE. Watson, Mr. : His speech on moving the Address . . . . . . WEBBWOOD RAILWAY TRAGEDY : Spoken to, on Address WEEDs, Noxious: A Commission to enquire into means of eradication suggested. Whitney, Hon. Sir James P. : 1. 3. 1(). His speech on the Address & e s is a t e º 'º e On County Councils’ Bill On the Budget • * * * * * * e º e º e º e º ºs & it is e Draws attention to conflicting state- ments, re Harty-Ross-Harcourt ne- gotiations re loan. His speech on Education Bills . On moving Toronto University Bill into Committee of the Whole. On the Power Bill IHis statement re grants to Rural schools. . Pays tribute to the late George N. IKidd. His statement as to attitude of Govern- ment re Provincial rights in the case of Dominion Transmission Company. Mar. 11, 1920 . . . . e s e º e a g º s e e º s e º 'º " Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. 21, 30, 26, 20, 27, 27, 9, Mar. 10, 1909 . . . . 1906— 1907– 1908— 1909— 1910— 1911— 1912– MAIL and EMPIRE. Mar. 11, 1920. Feb. Feb Jan. Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. Feb. Jan. 27, 1910. 21, 1906— 30, 1907– 26, 1908– 20, 1909– 27, 1910– 27, 1911— 9, 1912– May 3, 1906 1909 — Feb. 1910 — Feb. 1911 — Mar. 1912 — Mar. 1913. Feb. 14, 1907 . gº º 13, 1913. Mar. 29, 1906 . . . . Mar. 20; Apr. 6, 1906 — Mar. 12, 18, 16, 20, 14, Apr. 11, 1906 . . . . Apr. 11, 1906 . . . . May 10, 1906 . . . . . tº g e º sº e º e º ſº tº e º e º 'º tº u tº º e s m is e s is e is a º 'º a " 1906 — Mar. 1908 — Mar. 1909 — Feb. 1910 – Feb. 1911 — Mar. 1912 — Mar. 1913. Apr. 10, 1906. Apr. 11, 1906. 3, 1906. y 10, 1906. . 26, 1907. 12, 1907. . 14, 1907. . 13, 1913. Mar. 29, 1906. Mar. 30; Apr. 6, 27, 12, 18, 16, 20, 14, 460 INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE- 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 26. rºy 27. 28. . On motion to abolish the bar Re Railway Bill passed by Senate . . . . On the subject of the expropriation, of the by Federal Government, Petawawa Camp grounds. His statement re policy of Government as to aid to railways. On the Redistribution Bill a c e º 'º a 6 tº e is Explains the power negotiations tº gº tº $ tº His reputation and that of Senator Kerr. Congratulated upon his knighthood . . Speech on Bill to ratify contracts made Te power question. Explains grants to Canadian Northern. On resolution adverse to Reciprocity agreement. On Reciprocity resolution and amend- ment. . Compliments Hon. A. G. Mackay . . . . . On boundary resolution, Ontario and Manitoba. . His statement re Taylor-Scott charges. See Privileges and Elections. His illness spoken to, on Address . . . . His letter read to the House e is a e s e º & On the motion to adjourn the House Died out of respect to memory of. suddenly September 25th, 1914. s & e º & e º e º O p & © º ſº º º Apr. 17, 1907 e is © tº Apr. 18, 1907 . . . . Mar. 13; Apr. 4, 9, 1908. * * * * is e e s e º s & e a $ 5 m tº º ºs tº $ Mar. 10, 1909 . . . . Mar. 24, 1909 . . . . Mar. 19 ; Apr. 2, 1909. Mar. 10, 1911 . . . . Mar. 17, 18, 1911.. Feb. 9, 1912 1912. Apr. 4, 1912 • * c e º s s a s e s is e º e º 'º' Feb. 20, 1914 . . . . Feb. 21, 1914 . . . . Feb. 18, 1915 . . . . Feb. 29; Mar. 7, Apr. 4, 1907. Apr. 17, 1907. Apr. 17, 1907. Mar. 13; Apr. 4, 9, 1908. Mar. 11, 1908. Apr. 3, 1908. Mar. 10, 1909. Mar. 24, 1909. Mar. 19; Apr. 7, 1909. Mar. 10, 1911. Mar. 17, 18, 1911. Feb. 9, 1912. Feb. 22, 29; Mar. 7, 1912. Apr. 4, 1912. Apr. 22, 1913. Feb. 20, 1914. Feb. 21, 1914. Feb. 18, 1915. * INDEX. SUBJECT. GLOBE. WINTEE FAIR : WOLVES : On Bill re bounty Woyſ EN - • * e s , e. e. * * * * * s e º º 1. On Bill to confer Legislative franchise O3]. .)rientals. 3 See Female Suffrage. Bill to prohibit employment of by municipal franchise. ºn Bill to confer franchise, legislative. ! ºn Bill to admit to membership in lºgislature. y dress. 10. Nurses to vote Woon LANDs: On Bill to exempt from taxation. Forestry. . Jockeying for position claimed . On Bill re preparation of voters’ lists. . . Votes for advocated on motion for Ad- . Amendment by Leader of Opposition ruled out of order. • s a e º sº e º ſº e s is is ſº tº a See WoRK iN GMEN, CoMPENSATION TO : 1. Discussed on Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. On Bills relating to • s e e s a e s a e e s = * * * 461 |MAIL and EMPIRE. | Mar. 4, 1911. Apr. Apr. Mar. 17, 1907– 10, 1908— | 22, 1911— Mar. 26, 194'--- Mar. 14, 31; | Apr. 7, 1914– Apr. 2, 1915– Mar. 18, 1916 . . Apr. 8, 1914 i On Bill to give married women the Mar. 9, 11, 16, 1915 —Mar. 25, 1916. Feb. 28, 1917 . . . . Apr. 16, 1907. Apr. 5, 20, 1906–Apr. 5, 20, 1906– Apr. Apr. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Mar. 17, 1907– 10, 1908– 22, 1911– 26, 1912– 14, 31; 7, 1914– 18, 1916. |Apr. 8, 1914. Mar. 9, 11, 16. 5 191j. Feb. 28, 1917. Mar. 8, 1917—Mar. Mar. 8, 1917—Mar. 22, 1918. 22, 1918. Mar. 31, 1917 . . . . Feb. 16, 1917 . . . . |Feb. 16, 1917. Feb. 21, 1917 . . . .] Feb. 21, 1917. May 5, 1906. Feb. 21, 1917 . . . . Mar. 13, 1917 . Feb. 12, 1913. e e e g º e º e s & 4 º' & © e º 'º' May 13, 14, 1920. - `--- Jan. 27, 1910– Feb. 7, 1913. Mar. 12, 1910– Mar. 15, 1917– May 14, 1920. 462 INDEX. - ---- | ~ SUBJECT . GLOBE. MAIL and EMPIRE. i | 3. Probabilities of receipt of Report of Apr. 3, 1913 . . . . . Apr. 3, 1913. Commissioner spoken to. 4. Delay of Bill spoken to . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 15, 1913 . . . . Apr. 15, 1913. 5. On Bill respecting, founded on Report Mar. 25, 26; Apr. Mar. 25, 26; Apr of Commission. See above, 2. 1, 16, 29, 1914. 1, 16, 29, 1914. 6. Appointment of members of Board Mar. 30, 1915 . . . . * * criticized. 7. First aid discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 15, 1917 . . . . YORK LOAN CO’Y.: 1. Investigation into affairs of, spoken to. Feb. 17, 1906 . Feb. 17, 1: .. 2. Discussed in Committee gº is e º e º & © e º 'º e 3. The question of Inspector Hunter’s Mar. 7, 1906 . . . Mar. 7, 1906 . . . . family ties spoken to. i | l | | . Mar. 7, 1964, Mar. 7, 1906. +++--— -****--------- -- – ––– --- - - ------- ***** t ||||||||I|| |||||||||| 1 4 1699 | | | 3 9015 0148 *-*** ---