MUSIC MT A 1,232,887 30 .682 1879 . sinners. Mursia Premiers The dol-ja vyetiw ef lenching Kinging av ured in Kaneashese aut Yvykahise, By Jours Gunurra 1 .1 SUV ------- - or -. .. .- - - . - - - -- hlunninminuuumUHHHnatinmunouumilauntruninununun timikatet .. . . ........ .......... . ... . .. . ....... ..... ... . .. ...... .. WAV VE For 1S .' AL!!! SUTTITUTI . . SCIENTINS 2 Carhm . KUTYA V 23 1837 LIBRARY VERITAS 7 OF THE 780 INNERSITY OF MICR E PLURIBUS-UNUH OLAERIS-PENINSULAM AMOENAME CIRCUMSPICE CIRCUMSPIC FUUUUUUUUU...10VDCIM103 . .... ... IULUI OOOOOOO iniyotininkurruttolintunutmani O NUM 2 . N zi ARTES MA • V minimum X . LAVI HUNTITITIVITITI W AHILIBRUMUTANMATUMLINTI វររារាពិជ័យហើយរកល maitinibiniliitinititititiilit in chovudWERS/ NOW TILNIUtiliTV *MUSIC ** PRIMERS . OUUUUUUUUU بمشاممند میمالنا 14 UMTIMONI NOVELLO, EWER AND CO.'S MUSIC PRIMERS. EDITED BY DR. STAINER. A DICTIONARY MUSICAL TERMS, BY DR. STAINER & W. A. BARRETT. - (Compressed from the Imperial 8vo Edition by K. M. ROSS.) ONE SHILLING; PAPER BOARDS, 15. 6D. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. . "A careful and judicious abridgment of the larger work, and will be found i useful to those by whom the original is inaccessible.”-Atheneum. "A most serviceable abridgment of Stainer and Barrett's well-known Dic- tionary. Few, if any, words that the student can wish explained are absent froin this little volume, which should be in every amateur's library.”—Daily Telegraph. “Of even more general utility is Musical Terms. As a dictionary of re- ference this little volume should be on the table or shelf of every musician.”- Graplic. "Most of the special information contained in the large volume has b. n re- produced in this shilling pamphlet, the compression having been judicio era Pys made by Mr. K. M. Ross.”-Illustrated London News. "In its condensed form the work contains a mass of information which is rarely to be met with in books of the class. It is particularly copious in German terms, which are now becoming of nearly as much use as the Italian."-British Λαil. “ The musical learner will find much useful information on the principles of music and on many technicalities of the art only to be found in high-priced productions.”—Perthshire Advertiser. "No individual with any pretensions to a musical taste should be without this excellent book of reference.”—Perth Citizen. “An important addition is made to Messrs. Novello's series of Music Primers' in the shape of an abridgment, or rather compression, of Messrs. Stainer and Barrett's well-known Dictionary of Musical Terms. That work has ranked as a standard one ever since its publication, and Mr. K. M. Ross, who has performed the task of reducing it to the slim dimensions of its 'primer' form, has executed the business with evident care and intelligence. For its dimensions, this little, - book is unquestionably the best dictionary of musical terms in our language."- The Scotsinan. • The issue of this abridgment of Messrs. Stainer and Barrett's dictionary was a decidedly' happy thought. Many amateurs cannot well afford the price of the complete work, while many others find its varied contents, if not super- fluous in themselves, an embarras des richesses as part of a book of reference for words in common use. The present issue exactly meets the wants of the many. Its pages are crowded with succinct definitions of musical terminology, hardly a word being omitted. ..... No other work of the kind conveys so much accurate information within the same compass. The little book is the best shilling's worth in all musical literature."--The Musical Times. - LONDON; NOVELLO, EWER AND CO. SIXTH THOUSAND.. NOVELLO, EWER AND CO.'S MUSIC PRİMERS. Edited by DR. STAINER. 4095-52 THE SOL-FA SYSTEM OF TEACHING SINGING' AS USED IN LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE BY JAMES GREENWOOD. PRICE ONE SHILLING.. In paper boards, One Shilling and Sixpence. LONDON: NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., I, BERNERS STREET (W.), AND 80 & 81, QUEEN STREET (E.C.) BOSTON, NEW YORK; AND PHILADELPHIA: DITSON AND CO. SONS, *** Hosominaispit NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., TYPOGRAPHICAL MUSIC AND GENERAL PRINTERS, I, BERNERS STREET, LONDON (w.) Transfer to . mita's 11-9-64 AUTHOR'S PRÈFACE. In bringing this little book to the notice of the Public, I am complying with a wish that has been expressed to me by many professional and other musical friends who have witnessed the good results produced by the Lancashire and Yorkshire system of Sol-fa. Being convinced of its superiority over all other systems, I earnestly recommend an investigation of its merits. JAMES GREENWOOD. .BRISTOL, September 25, 1879. 37. reeber os a-10-37 PREFACE. In re-issuing the Lancashire Sol-fa Primer, it seems to me advisable to say a few words in answer to the criticisms which were made upon it on its first appearance. First, as to the name given to the system. The reason for its being called “ Lancashire" Sol-fa is that it has been handed down from genera-, tion to generation orally in that county. It would no doubt have been right to have called it the "Old English,” considering that it was the system taught by Thomas Morley and Henry Purcell, men whose works shed a lustre on the times in which they lived, and whose names adorn the brightest pages of England's musical history. But from the fact of its having been used in Lancashire principally, and to such good purpose that those who used it earned for themselves the honourable desig- nation of “The Lancashire Sight-singers," I think it will be admitted that the title “ Lancashire Sol-fa” is not wholly inappropriate. In answer to the observation that the exercises given in the former edition were all in unison, I have only to say that my intention was but to show the leading principles of the system, and to give exercises the practice of which would enable pupils to apply those principles; but I am glad to be able to say that a Primer containing two-part exercises only, and capable of being used in conjunction with any system of Sol-fa, will shortly be issued. With the view, however, of making this edition of the Lancashire Sol-fa Primer as complete as possible, I have inserted a couple of two-part exercises* as examples of the appli- cation of the Sol-fa syllables to modulation, believing that a candid examination of the same will prove the “ Lancashire " to . be more simple, more flexible, and more consistent than any system which uses seven names for diatonic purposes, in forget- fulness of the fact that there are six notes which may belong to either of two keys. One reviewer of the Primer wrote as follows:-“ Any system not possessing a separate and distinct name for the different sounds of the notes in scale, and that name always the same one, whatever the key may be, is not likely to be very successful." This means, that as there are seven distinct notes in the diatonic scale, it is necessary, in the reviewer's opinion, to use seven distinct names. I grant that this opinion is held by many persons, and that at first sight it seems well founded; but I know from experience that it is no more correct than would be the assertion that, because there are seven notes in the scale of * Pages 75-78. PREFACE. C major, it is necessary that a person who wishes to play those seven notes on a pianoforte should have seven fingers on his right hand. Let anyone commence playing on the pianoforte the scale of C major (ascending) with his right hand. The note C will be played with the thumb, D with the first finger, and E with the second, after which the thumb will pass under the hand and play F, the first finger G, and the second A; the third finger not being used until the seventh note of the scale is required. So it is, analogically, with our system of Sol-fa. Fa takes the first, Sol the second, and La the third ; then Fa, Sol, and La are applied to the foạrth, fifth, and sixth notes respectively—the Me not being used until the seventh note of the scale is used. It will be seen that the distances between Fa and Sol, and Sol and La, are always the same that is, whole tones ; and that the semitones are always between La (third) and Fa (fourth), and Me (seventh) and Fa (eighth) whatever the key may be. Fingering. X x| 4 F 2 x 1 2 3 -ooooo semitone. 6 semitone. 5, la Now this is not only a perfectly intelligible and sound system of Sol-fa, but it is also more easily adapted to the major diatonic scale than any other system; because the learner can more easily remember that in ascending the scale he must say twice Fa, Sol, La, and in descending, twice La, Sol, Fa, than he can remember Do, Re, Me, Fa, Sol and La, both forwards and backwards. Other objectors to our system say, “ How do you distinguish between one Fa and the other in any given scale?” We answer, “ As we profess to sing at sight, we distinguish, in the key of C major; for instance, between the first leger line below and the first space on the staff;” and we add that “Anyone who is incap- able of drawing that distinction can never learn to sing at sight. from the staff notation, either with or without any system of Sol-fa." But the adaptability of our system to any given major scale is its smallest recommendation. We say that by its means we can impart a practical knowledge of modulations much more easily than we could by the use of a system having seven syllables. In teaching the major scales, and modulations from one major key to another, we have only to lay down the principle that, when- ever the note above La is to be a whole tone above it, it must be called “ Me," and when a semitone “ Fa”; and in a very short time modulation throughout all the major keys, whether with sharps or flats for signatures, becomes quite easy to the pupils. This is the way with the sharp keys :- PREFACE. Vij Example 1. C major.. G major. E G major. D major. D major. A major. o tone #22-a M Fa sol la me fa A major. fa sol la D major. tone me fa fa sol la me fa G major. C major. #t s hom20-2Hee fa, sol la me få Fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la This is the way with the flat keys :- Example 2. C major. . F major. BD major. Eb major. orazones en Fa sol la fa, sol la fa sol la Eb major. B) major. . . . fa sol la fa sol la F major. . . . me fa C major. tone toke n .come gegen 107b tonetom fa sol la me fa Fa solla me fa fa sol la me fa It will be seen from Example I that the notes C, D and E which form the first, second and third notes of the scale of C major, form also the fourth, fifth and sixth notes, of G major, the F deciding the key: also that the first three notes of the scale of G niajor form the fourth, fifth and sixth notes of D major, &c., &c. From Example 2 it will be seen that the fourth, fifth and sixth notes of the scale of C major are the same as the first, second and third of the scale of F major, the B b deciding the key. Similarly, the fourth, fifth and sixth notes of F major are the same as the first, second and third notes of B b major, the Eb deciding the key; and it will be observed that the syllables: as applied in the Lancashire system are in entire agreement with these important facts. Careful consideration will prove the impossibility of adapting a system of seven distinct names to the notes of the above examples without a sacrifice of consistency. Further, the fact of the Fa, Sol, and La being repeated in the scale not only gives us these facilities for teaching the changes of key, and establishing in the pupils' minds the positions of the semitones, &c., in the keys through which we pass; but it also enables us to teach easily all the different notes of the chromatic scale, ascending and descending, from any starting-point. It will be seen by reference to the following example that for this purpose we only use ten syllables. Any enquirer may ascertain how many are required to teach the same by other systems. PREFACE. Chromatic scale, ascending and descending. - Fa "fe sol se la fa fe sol se la le me fa Fa me mo la lo sel so fa la lo sad sofa Some critics have expressed the opinion that the system is un- suitable-in practice. The following account of the performances of twenty-eight boys from a school in Bristol, at an exposition given by myself some time ago, will, I hope, be a sufficient answer to this objection. J. G. Bristol, February 16, 1883. “ NARRATIVE OF Facts.-One of the boys wrote on the blackboard the changes of key from C to C flat major, and another wrote the changes back to the original key. The twenty-eight boys then sang the exercise, and when the keynote was sounded at the finish it was found that they were just a trifle sharp. I then asked another boy to write the changes of key from C to C sharp major, and one of his schoolmates wrote the changes of key back to C major. The twenty-eight boys, after being cautioned to be less excited, sang through the different keys to and from C sharp major; and when I sounded C on the piano- forte it was a perfect unison with the note on which they ended. I wrote exercises in three-four and common time, and in different major and minor keys, introducing the intervals of major sevenths, diminished sevenths, minor sevenths, augmented fourths, augmented seconds, &c., all of which were sung at first sight correctly, both as to time and tune. 'I wrote the chromatic scale with C as the tonic (ascending and descending) giving the note C to start from; and, after singing the scale (ascending and descending), the boys ended in perfect tune. This was done three times with the same result. I then wrote the chromatic scale (ascending and descending), commencing on E, which the boys sang with the same result of ending in perfect tune with the instrument from which the pitch was taken. "I invited any gentleman in the room to write on the black board a figured bass. Mr. Cayzer (head-master of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital) wrote a figured bass in G major. A boy, fifteen years of age, harmonised it in four parts, and the boys sang the four parts (bass, tenor, alto, and treble) in correct time and tune at first sight. (I may here mention that three of the youths had only recently lost their boys' voices, but so good was their know- ledge of the relationship of the different clefs, that both tenor and bass parts were sung firmly in tune in this exercise and in the choruses named below. This exercise was unaccompanied. I accompanied the choruses on a pianoforte. Of alto and treble of course we had abundance.) My youthful choir then sang with precision of attack, and in good tune, 'We never will bow down,'. We worship God,' and 'O Father, Whose almighty power'( Judas'), They loathed to drink of the river' (' Israel in Egypt'), and Hallelujah' ( Messiah). . " It is certified that the above is an unexaggerated narrative of facts by “C. E. HEY (Precentor of Bristol), “Geo. RISELEY (Organist, Bristol Cathedral), "J. BARRETT (Organist, Christ Church, Clifton, and In- structor of Class-singing at High School for Girls), WD. W. ROOTHAM (Conductor, Bristol Madrigal Society, and Chorusmaster, Festival Choir), * Hy. FRANCE (Lay Clerk, Bristol Cathedral)." TREBLE AND TENOR. THERE are two kinds of scales, viz., Diatonic and Chromatic. Scales which are composed of tones and semitones are diatonic. Diatonic scales are of two kinds, Major and Minor. Scales which contain only semitones are chromatic. A Semitone is the difference in pitch between any note and the next step to it in the chromatic scale. A Tone consists of two semitones. Facility in singing all the scales is most easily obtained by the practice of sol-faing. Sol-faing means using a distinguishing name to each note sung. The relationship of the sol-fa syllables to each other is always the same, whatever the key may be. The major diatonic scale has semitones between the third and fourth and seventh and eighth notes reckoning upwards ; all the other five intervals being tones. The five lines and the spaces between them form the staff: Lines temporarily made above or below the staff are called leger lines. When the G or Treble Clef is written on the second line of the staff, reckoning upwards, the second line takes the name of the seventh letter of the alphabet, G, and the other lines and spaces are known by the first six letters. G a b c d e f -o When the For Bass Clef ©: is written on the fourth line of the staff, thus, the lines and spaces are named as follows:- & a b c d e LL 1 1 1 1 е d с ъ a g THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE The note on which a diatonic scale is constructed is called the 'key-note or tonic. The major, minor, or chromatic scales may commence on any line or space. The scale of C major is written thus, with the treble clef:- -3- -- Tonic, or key note... ook d e f g a b c and as follows with the bass or F clef:- Tonic, o key note... or 3- c d e f g a b c The lines between E and F, and B and C indicate semitones. The pupils are recommended to practise the notes of this scale ascending, with the sol-fa'syllables under them, reading from left to right, say a hundred times. Fa and la to be pronounced fah and lah. 4 Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. After which they may sing the scale descending, as follows :- 1. 8 7 ooo Fa 'me la sol fa la sol fa. When the pupils have well practised the above, they may be tested in singing the notes in the following order :- - -oao- Fa sol fa la fa fa fa sol fa la fa me fa fa. If they are at all uncertain of singing any interval in the above, the pupils must not be allowed to go a step further until SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. the uncertainty has been removed. This can be effected by getting them to practise singing the intermediate notes with their names, for instance :- Pa sol la sol la fa fa sol la fasol fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la me fa sol- la fa sol la me fa. This difficulty having been surmounted, the following will be less difficult :- . Fa me fa me la fa me la sol fa me la sol fa 1 fa me la sol fa la fa me la sol fa la sol fa me la sol fa la sol. fa.. The pupils must master all these intervals before they go further. Nor must they suppose that the use of fa, sol, and la, twice in the scale, is an accidental circumstance. They will, as they advance, find out for themselves more than one good argument for such an arrangement. The following exercises may be used as tests in singing intervals in the key of C major, but on no account should the pupils guess at the intervals. They inust learn them by the process named above. 04 Me When the intervals have been accurately sung by the pupils, the master may direct their attention to the Time-table, which appears at p. 27, and the exercises in time on page 28. Let the teacher now sound the note C, and let his pupils find out for themselves without the slightest assistance, the following THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE tune; of course taking care that they give a sol-fa syllable to each note :- - Then the following:- fool sooooooooo sol la (For further Exercises in the key of C major, see p. 30.) . Having mastered the above, and a few other exercises in the key of C major, the pupils may, at the discretion of their in- structor, be led to the use of such accidental sharps as occur on fa and sol, calling a sharp fa, fe, and a sharp sol, se;, the teacher explaining the effect of the sharp in each instance. Thus :— 1 Fa sol la "se la fa sol fe sol la se la me fa me la solfe sol fa la se la sol "fe sol 'fa me fa. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. It will be advisable now to show how to change the key from C major to F major. To do this we must flatten the seventh note of a given key to make it the fourth note of another key. Pupils to repeat the words in italics twenty times. The effect of this flat is to make the distance from A to the note above it a semitone instead of a tone, as it was in the key of C;- C major. F.major. --2- mtooo ooove o Fa sol la fa sol la FA LA SOL FA. It will be noticed that the first six syllables in the foregoing example belong to the key of C major; but the moment the Bb is introduced, the key is changed to F. Now in sol-faing in the previous key, the fourth note of the scale was called fa; and to be consistent we must now call the BD fa. When the scale of F major is to be used, the Bb must be written at the commencement of the staff. When it is so written, it is called the Key-signature:- : F major. G11 3 Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. It will be observed that the relationship of the syllables to each other is the same as in the previous key, the semitones falling - 3rd 4th 7th between la and fa, and me and fa. Students are recommended to find out for themselves all the intervals in the following exercise, giving to each note its dis- tinguishing name, in its relationship to the key of F major :- Having found out all the intervals in the foregoing, the pupils' THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE experience will enable them to sing the following at sight, and in regular time :- Fa sol la sol la fa sol fa la sol la fa sol la sol fa 1 11 1 e la sol fa sol la fa sol la sol la sol fa la. Fa sol la sol fa me la sol la me fa sol la sol fa me la sol fa sol la me fa me la sol la me 'fa. (For Exercises in F major, see p. 35.) We will now change the key from F major to Bb major. We must flatten the seventh note of the given key to make it the fourth note of another key. The seventh note of the key of F is E:- . -3 - 2 - -- 1- F major. BD major. coe oo ora o 5 - 6 I Fa sol la fa sol la FA LA SOL FA. The first six syllables in this example are in the key of F major; but when we meet with the Eb, the key is changed to BD major; the Eb being the fourth note of the key. The key of BD major will require a signature of two flats, thus:- BO major. 1 Fa sol Exercise in Bb major. la fa sol la me fa. - Fa sol la sol la fa sol fa la sol fa sol la fa sol fa la sol fa. sol la me fa sol la sol fa me la (For Exercises in B major, see p. 41.) SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. We now flatten the seventh note of the key of BD major, in order to change to the key of Eb major. BD major. ED major. . 1 11 Fa sol la fa sol la FA LA' SOL FA. The signature for Eb major will be three flats, namely, Bb, E5, and Ab, and must be written in that order. The semitones will be between G and Ah, and D and Eb la fa' me fa Eb major. OUT 1T Fa sol la fa sol la me Exercise in Eb major, Fa me fa sol la fa la fa sol fa sol la sol la me fa me la me la sol la sol fa sol fa la fa la sol fa. (For Exercises in Eh major, see p. 48.) The next change of key will be from Eb major to A major, by flattening the D, which is the seventh note of Eb major :- Eb major. Ab major. 700 - 2- 5a Fa sol la fa sol la FA LA SOL PA. The signature will now be four flats, Bb, E!, Ab, and Db, and the semitones will be between C and D9, and G and Å) :- fame fa 3 la 1.22 o re Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE Exercise in Ab major. Fa sol la sol la fa la sol fa me la sol la me fa sol la fa la fa sol fa la sol fa. (For Exercises in Ab major, see p. 51.) We will now change the key to DD major. This will be done by flattening the G, the seventh note of the key of Ab major :- Db major A D major. anonooooo 2 3 4 5 6 sol la fa sol la FA 11 Ha LA SOL FA. The signature is now five flats, Bb, Eb, AD, Db, and G). The semitones are between F and b, and C and Db :- 3rd semitones are between | la fa me Db major. la fa sol la me fa. . Fa sol Exercise in Db major. Fa sol la sol la fa sol la me fa me la sol fa la sol la fa sol la me fa sol (For Exercises in Db major, see p. 54.) Change to Gb major :- ene Db major. Gb major. ooooo o 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 Fa sol la · fa sol la FA LA SOL an T FA. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. The signature now is six flats, and the semitones are between 3rd 4th 7th 8th Bb and Cb, and F and GD :- la fa m e fai G major. Doo 1 la fa sol la me 'fa. Fa sol Exercise in Gb major. Fa me fa sol la fa la fa sol la sol fa la sol la sol fa sol fa me fa. (For Exercises in Gb major, see p. 56.) The next change is from Gb major to Cb major, by flat- tening F:- Gb major. Cb major. oooo The signature, therefore, for Cb major, is seven flats, and the semitones are between E and fb, and By and Ch :- 8th es a fa cb major. oo sol la fa sol la me fa Fa Exercise in Cb major. och Fa sol la sol fa sol la fa sol fa la fa sol la me fa sol la sol fa me la sol la sol fa la fa la sol fa. (For Exercises in Ch major, see p. 57.) We will now briefly make the changes of key, back from Cho major, to the key which was first introduced to the pupils' notice, IO THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE viz., C major. The process will.of course be exactly opposite to the one by which we arrived at Cb major. If we take the flat off the fourth note of one key, it will become the seventh note of another key. Let the pupils repeat the words in italics'twenty times. We begin with a signature of seven flats, the semitones being between El and F me cb major. 3rd zth 8th between Ét and f', and Band ©* :- ), and BD and la fa - Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. We take the flat, off the fourth note of the scale of Cb by placing a natural 4 before the note, thus :- . cb major. Gb major. 8 fa. Fa sol la ME Now as the Fb is the seventh note of the new key, the Gb above it is the new key-note; hence we call the F5 me, and the Gb fa. The flats in the signature are reduced to six :- Gb major. Fa sol la fa sol la mé fa. We will now go straight through the changes of key till we get to the key of C major, merely remarking, that the note on which the natural comes, will be in each case the leading-note, or as 'some call it, the sensible note :- Gb major. Db major. - Db major. P3-4- 1 V य 010111 1 1 12 378 Fa sol la ME fa. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. Do major. Ab. major. Ab major. 3 icdilo 1 2 3 78 Ta Fa sol la ME fa. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. SYSTEM OF SOL-PA. II Ab major. Eb major. Eb major. VOD 1 1 - 13- Fa sol la ME fa. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. ED major. B) major. Bb major, Fa sol la Me fa. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. BD major. F major. F major. 3- 4 1 2 3 Fa sol la ME Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. F major. C major. C major. A 3-4-aas 1 2 3 Fa sol la ME fa. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. Having arrived at the end of our journey through the major keys which have signatures consisting of flats, we will now start out in search of what are commonly called the Sharp Keys. The journey back from the key of Cb major to the key of C major will in some measure have prepared the minds of the pupils for what follows. The flats being all taken away, we shall, by placing a sharp on the fourth note of a key, make it the seventh note of another key. Pupils to repeat the words in italics twenty times. C major. G major. Fa sol la ME fa. . 8th In the key of G major, therefore, F# will be the signature; and the semitones will be between B and C, and F# and G. lafa'am G major. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. 12 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE Exercise in G major. 31 Fa sol la fa sol la sol fa la sol fa me i fa me la sol la me fa sol la fa. (For Exercises in G major see p. 58.) . From the key of G major, we go to the key of D major by the same process of placing a sharp on the fourth note of the key from which we wish to change, thus:- 1 Fa 2 sol 3 la ME · fa. The signature will now be two sharps, viz., F# and C#, and the semitones will be between F# and 3rd 8th la me D major. 1 la fa sol la mefa. Fa sol Exercise in D major. 1 17 110 Fa sol la sol la fa sol la me fa me fa me la sol fa la fa la sol fa. (For Exercises in D major see p. 62.) We now change the key from D major to A major, by placing a sharp on G:- D major. A major. El # Fa sol la ME fa. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 'IŽ The signature for A major will be three sharps, F#, C#, and G*; and the semitones will be between G# and A:- 3rd 7th " '8th me fa A major. * ST la fa sol la me fa. Fa sol Exercise. in A major. Fa sol la sol la fa la sol la sol me la sol la me fa sol la fa la fa sol (For Exercises in A major see p. 65.) The next change is from A major to E major, which is brought about by placing a sharp on D:- A major. E major. * # Tao Fa sol la ME fa. The signature will now be four sharps, F#, C#, G#, and the semitones will be between &# and A, and D and E :- E major. een Gw sol la fa fa Exercise in E major. sol la me fa. Fa sol la fa sol la sol la me fa me la sol fa la fa la sol la sol fa me fa sol la fa sol la me fa. (For Exercises in E major see p. 67.) We will now go from the key of E major to that of B major. As A is the fourth note of the scale of E major, we must make 14 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE it the seventh note of the key we want, by placing a sharp before it:- E major. s B major. 78 3- - 2- a solº la ME fa. The signature for B major will be five sharps, F#, C#, G#, D#, and A#; and the semitones will be between D# and E, and A and B – mē . B major. ' ajor. o o Fa sol la fa sol la me fa . . Exercise in B major. Fa me ta sol la fa la sol fa me fa me la sol fa la fa la sol la fa sol fa la sol fa. (For Exercises in B major see p. 69.) The key of F# major will require a signature of six sharps, E# being the last sharp :- B major. F# major. The semitones will be between 6 and 8and B) and 13– ween me F# major. # Fa sol la fa sol la me SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. Exercise in F# major. Ha 2 me fa sol la fa sol la me fa me la • sol fa la fa 'la sol la sol f a. (For Exercises in F# major see p. 72.) The next key into which we shall modulate will be C# major. We shall get to it by placing a sharp on the fourth note of F# ; major, namely B :- F# major. c# major. # I Fa som lå med få The signature for C# major will consist of seven sharps, F#, · C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, and B. The semitones will be between É # and F#, and B$ and 4th 7th me c# major. YOO Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. Exercise in c# major. - ER - Fa sol la fa sol la me fa sol fa sol la sol fa me la sol la sol fa fa fa la sol fa. (For Exercises in C# major see p. 73.) We will now modulate from the key of C# major to the key of C major, by gradually taking away all the sharps. This will be done by substituting a natural (1) for the last sharp of the signature in each key that we come to, and instead of calling the seventh note me, as we should have done had the sharp 16 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE c# major. * F# major. F# major. : 2 sol 4 fa 5 sol 6 la 4 FA 3 LA la 2 SOL 1 FA. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. F# major. * B major, B major. ooooo toare 4- O o oooo. 2 sol 3 la 4 fa 5 sol 6 la 4 FA 3 2 1 LA SOL FA. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. fourth note of the key we want:- remained, calling it fa, because it will in each case become the B major. * Ę major. E major. a 5 6 4 3 2 Fa 2 sol 3 la 4 fa sol la FA LA SOL FA. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. E major. * A major. A mai #_# A major. 3 I FEE TH # # 9 Fa # 1 Fa # 4 CO 1 Fa 2 sol 3 4 la · fa 5 sol 6 la 4 FA 3 2 1 LA· SOL FA. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. SYSTEM'OF SOL-FA. |_ A major. __otte D major._ र एक #_D major oo -1- Fa 2- sol 3- la 4- fa 5-- sol - la 4- FA 3- 2-- - LA SOL FA. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. G major. ed 11 It will be of use to name the different intervals more parti- D major. G major. ao o te oo 3 4 5 6 4 3 2 1 " la fa sol la FA LA SOL FA. 1 Fa 0 2 sol Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. - C major. - de- ___ ----4-- G major. _ooooo ooo! 1 Fa 2 sol 3 la 4 fa 5 sol 6 la 4 FA 3 2 1 LA SOL FA. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE cularly than we have hitherto done. A given note is called the unison, the note above it a second, and so on, as follows:-- 1 Given ote d I am noi The different degrees of the diatonic scale are also named as follows, reckoning upwards :- Tonic (or key-note), supertonic, mediant, sub-dominant, dominant, sub-mediant, leading-note, tonic. TABLE OF INTERVALS. This column shows. the Sol-fa syllables used in ascending the chromatic scale from the Tonic C. (To be read upwards.) (This part of the table to be read: ' upwards.) This column shows the Sol-fa syllables used in descending the chromatic scale from the Tonic C.. (To be read downwards.) 8 7 . Fa Me Mo 8 7 . 6 6 . . La: Lo . . Sol . . 5 5 . . So O Fa C to C is a perfect octave . . . . . Me B C to B is a major 7th . . . . . B . . . . . C to Bb is a minor 7th ...... . Bb Le A C to A# is an augmented 6th. ... La A C to A is a major 6th ......A . . C to Ab is a minor 6th ......! | AD Se G# C to G is an augmented 5th. . . . . . Sol G C to G is a perfect 5th ......G . . . . C to Go is an imperfect (or dim.) 5th. . C to F# is an augmented 4th. ..... Fa C to F is a perfect 4th ......F La E C to E is a major 3rd ..... HE C to ED is a minor 3rd ...... Se C to D# is an augmented and ... Sol Dº C to D is a major 2nd . . . . . . D · · C to Do is a minor 2nd. ..... Fe C to C# is an augmented unison. .. Fa C C is the unison. .. . c O 4 Fa 3 La 3 Lo . . . Sol 2 2 · · Fa I The difference between the sharp fa (fe) ascending, and the SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 19 flat sol (so) descending constitutes an enharmonic change; and so with the other respective chromatic intervals.* Chromatic Scale with C as the Tonic.. U peu sol se la fa "fe sol se la le me fa me mo la lo sol so fa la lo sol so fa. When it is desired to lower by one semitone the pitch of a note which by the key-signature has already been made flat, a double flat bb is used. When it is desired to raise by one semitone the pitch of a note which has a double flat before it, a natural and a flat are used, thus: 40. sollo sol la When it is desired to raise by one semitone the pitch of a note which by the key signature has already been made sharp, a double sharp x is used. When it is desired to lower by one semitone the pitch of a note which has a double sharp before it, a natural and a sharp are . used, thus : 68 -NEU la se la sol * The author of this little book designedly omits mention of the intervals of diminished and augmented thirds, and also of the diminished seventh, reckon- ing from the tonic, as these intervals are never met with in this relationship. The interval of an augmented third is never used. The interval of a diminished third does sometimes occur, as in Spohr's “Blest are the departed," where the tenor has the following; but it will be seen that this is not a diminished third reckoning from the tonic:- sleep_ . ing. 8ve. lower. 4 sol lo fe sol sol. As to the interval of a diminished seventh, it can only occur when the lower of the two notes of which it consists is a major third, and the upper a minor ninth, from the dominant of the key. If therefore we were to call Bha diminished seventh to C, the note C would no longer be the tonic of C, but the leading note of the key of Do minor. 8ve. lower. 76 bis 2 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE Chromatic Scale with DD as the Tonic. Fa "fe sol sé la fa fe sol se la le me * pਣੇ ਐ fa me mo la lo sol so fa la lo sol so fa. Chromatic Scale with B as the Tonic. 1111 # o Fa fe sol se la fa - fe sol se la le me Hoe dhe A ll fa me mo la lo sol so fa la 'lo sol "so fa. Every major scale has a relative minor scale, This relative minor scale begins a minor third below the first note of its relative major, and has the same signature (if any). If the major scale has no signature, its relative minor will have none. We will now give each major scale with its relative minor scale under it; merely remarking, that although in ascending the minor scale, the sixth note is raised a semitone, it will be found in the practice of music generally in a minor key, that as frequently as not the sixth is not so raised. This will be the case principally in descending passages. It is not within the scope of this work to give the scientific reason for this, but rather to put the student in possession of the means whereby he may learn to sing it as he finds it, that is, whether it be raised a semitone or not. A note which without an accidental sharp or natural would be called fa, must, if a sharp or natural is placed before it, be called fe; similarly, a sharp or natural placed before a note which would otherwise be called sol, makes it se. Each note that is not raised in pitch by a sharp or a natural, will be called by the same sol-fa syllable as if it were in the relative major key. C major. _ Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. A minor. o La me fa sol la la te se fe se ia bol fa la sofa me la. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA, 20 Exercise in A minor. - 1 HILL La se la sol fa la "fe se la me fa sol 2 11 se la fa la sol fa me la (For Exercises in A minor, see page 33.) . F major. o minor. Fa sol la fa sol la me fan hatoooooo fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. La me fa sol la Exercise in D minor. La "se la me fa sol la fe se la solfa me la sol fa me la “se la fa (For Exercises in D minor, see page 38.) Bb major. -6- Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. G minor. looooo fa la sol fa me la. 111 se la sol La me fa sol la , fe Exercise in G minor. SV 1 e La me la “se la me fa sol la fa la 1 1 fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la "se (For Exercises in G minor, see page 45.) THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE Eb major. an ogen Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. F La me fa otos sol la fe e bebe la sol fa se la sol fa me la. Exercise in C minor. se la me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la fe se fa sol la me fa me ſa se (For Exercises in C minor, see page 50.) Ab major. IS Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. F minor. oooooo pobozos La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. Exercise in F minor. La me fa sol fa mela se la me fa sol la 1 la. fa la sol fa me la se la me sol fa me (For Exercises in F minor, see page 53.) DO major. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. B minor. La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA, Exercise in Bb minor. 1 La se la sol fa la sol la fa la sol fa 1 la. sol la fa sol la me fa me ia se la me (For Exercises in Bb minor, see page 55.) Gb major. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. Eh minor. fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. La me fa sol la Exercise in Eb minor. La me la se la me fa sol la fa la me 'se la. . fe se la sol fa la sol fa (For Exercises in Eb minor, see page 57.) cb major. Fa . sol la fa sol la me fa. Ab minor. rorogorooo La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. Exercise in Ab minor. 1 La se la me fa sol la fa la sol fa me la RITI se fe se la. se la me fa sol fa mela (For Exercises in Ab minor, see page 58.) THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE We will now take the sharp keys, and their relative minors. G major. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. E minor. 游 ​La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. Exercise in E minor. SRE E Toll : La se la me me fa sol la fe . la “se se la sol fa la sol fa me (For Exercises in E minor, see page 6o.) D major. 7 9 0001|| - Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. B minor. 1 1 1 3- 0 ooo to to totoo La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. Exercise in B minor. La me ia se la sol fa sol fa la fe se la. la me fa mela se la me fa sol fa me (For Exercises in B minor, see page 64.) A major. . - Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. F# minor. La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. Exercise in F# minor. La me la "Se la me fa sol la fa la sol fa sol SA la. la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la se lame (For Exercises in F# minor, see page 66.) E major. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. c# minor. aap La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. Exercise in c# minor. 1 E La se la me fa me la sol fa la sol fa me la me fa sol la fa la fe se la me fa mela se fe se la. (For Exercises in C# minor, see page 68.) B major. o -o o Fa sol la fa sol la, me fa. minor. T oto to o too ! Iooo La me fa sol la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la. 26 . THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE Exercise in G# minor. La me la se la me fa me la me fa sol la. la fa la sol fa me la se la me fa me la se (For Exercises in G# minor, see page 71.) F# major. 1. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. الحمص #حماه 1 se la sol fa la sol fa me la. La me fa sol la fe Exercise in D# minor. La se la me fa sol la fe se la se la # SH 1 UTID se la. sol fa la sol la fa la sol fa me la (For Exercises in D# minor, see page 72.) c# major. * 11 Fa sol la fa sol la me fa. A minor. Foot to o oo se la sol fa' la sol fa me la. La me fa sol la fe Exercise in A# minor. La me fa me la se la me fa sol ' la fa la sol # * I T* se la. fa me la me fa sol la sol fa me la (For Exercises in A# minor, see page 74.) TIME TABLE. A semibreve . . . . must sound as long as two minims. Two minims . . . . . . ſour crotchets. Four crotchets ....... eight quavers. sixteen semiquavers. Eight quavers . . . . . thirty-two demisemiquavers. Sixteen semiquavers ... Thirty-two demisemiquavers le A rest of the same duration as a semibreve is written under a line . minim is written over a line. . crotchet turns to the right . . quaver turns to the left . . . semiquaver is written thus . , demisemiquaver is written thus . - and is called a semibreve rest. .. and is called a minim rest. and is called a crotchet rest. and is called a quaver rest. and is called a semiquaver rest. and is called a demisemiquaver rest. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. A dotted semibreve . . . . . is equal to three minims . . . . . . ppp A dotted minim . · · · · · P. is equal to three o. is equal to three crotchets . . . . . . A dotted crotchet .. · p is equal to three quavers · ·.·. A dotted quaver. ....l' is equal to three semiquavers. .... A dotted semiquaver ...e is equal to three demisemiquavers .... THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE HOW TO BEAT THE TIME. 11 Down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, : 1 1. down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, i ! down, up, down, úp,, down, up, down, up, down, up. No. 2. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 Down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, 1 1 1 1 . down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right up, down, left, right, up, 2.4 1 1 1 1 down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 down, left, right, up, down, left, right,up, down, left,right,up,down,left,right, up. i 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, · 1 2 1 2 & 3 down, left, up, down,left,up,down, left, up, down left, up, down, left, up, 13 1 & 2 & 3 & 1 2 3 down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA: No. 4. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 11 Down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, , 2 & 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up. No. 5. en 1-2--3-11-2-3-4- 1- 2- wn, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, 31 1 - 1 down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, 1 down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up, down, left, up. . Accent on the ist and 4th quavers. * No.6., 3.4 5 Down, left, up, down, right, up, down, left, up, down, right, - up, 11 down, left, up, down, right, up, down, left, up, down, right, up, . down, left, up, down, right, up, down, left, up, down, right, up, - 3 4 - 2 3 5 down, left, up, down, right, up; down, left, up, down, right, up. * When a piece of music in time is to be sung quickly, it is right to make two beats to a bar, one down and the other up. 30 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE 30. THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No.7. HOW TO BEAT | TIME. Down, left, up, down, left," up, left, down, left, up. down, No. 8. up, down, left, up, HOW TO BEAT 12 TIME. Down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, up. EXERCISES IN C MAJOR. No. 9. sol la sol la fa la fa sol fa sol la la me fa me la sol fa la sol sol No. 10. la sol fa. No. II. No. 12. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 13.. 1 se se sol fe fa sol No. 14. 23 I D 1 1 se se No. 15. Se. i No. 16. Diatonic .. Chromatic. 1 la me me mo se 11 No. 18. . * 32 32 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 19. - 11 1 1 1 se sol MTI1 fe fa 1 11 . 1 . 1 1 1 lo No. 24. JA- 11 se se OS SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 25. No. 26. EXERCISES IN A MINOR. o La "se la me fa me la "se la fa la sol la fe se la me fa me la. No. 27. La me se No. 28. Hte La me fa se i - se se . 1 se No. 30. ed 1 # 1 1 Se 1102 se se 34 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No 31. - 1 se se e se No. 32. # se se 11 1 1 5 1 No. 33. se * se se . se se KTI se se 1 # se 11 11 SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. , No. 37. se se 11 1 1 fe se se EXERCISES IN F MAJOR. No. 38. Fa sol la fa sol la sol fa sol 1 1 1 fa sol la me fa sol fa la sol # = TE TE No. 39. No. 40. ) No. 41. 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 36 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 43. . 1 T se No. 44. No. 45. 1 No. 46. se se No. 47 se No. 48. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 37 :. No. 49. No. 50. No. 51. No. 52. 1 No. 53. LLLL se lo Diatonic NH E - me me No. så THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE. No. 55. No. 56. + No. 58. BERADA se SA EXERCISES IN D MINOR. No. 59. La me fa sol la fa la sol fa me la mise fa sol la fe se la me fa me la. la me No. 60. 80%ATS DE se * se se SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 39 No. 61. Zooq 'fe se No. 62. WIU No. 63. Zoe se No. 64 se sol i - No. 65. 1 1 1 "se fe se. No. 66. HE se THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 67. se se No. 68 se. se 1 e. No. 69. 11 se se solfe fe se. No. 70. 7 Heta se No. 71. se # se No. 72. lukan se se. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 73- se Il se. No.74. se SA No.95. TIT No.76. A1 14N se EXERCISES IN Bb MAJOR. No. 77 Fa sol la fa me fa sol me fa me la fa me la sol fa la la sol fa la me fa fa la sol fa. No. 78. fa : THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 79. No. 2 ve sol No. 81. No. 82. No. 83. 1 No. 84. se sol SYSTEM OF SOE-FA. No. 85. No. 86. 1 No. 87. se: sol fe No. 89. UU No. go. • Toll 2N THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No: 91. . . mo se se solfe se No. 92. Robo 1 - No. 93. 1 se 1 1 1 1 se se sol No. 94. se 11 No. 95. 1 7 duro No. 96. 1 . SYSTEM OF SOL-PA. 45 SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 97. EXERCISES IN G MINOR. No: 98. La me fa la sol fa me fa me la la me fa sol la sol fa me No. 99. 11 se gol No: 100. se Se se se No. 101. JJ se se se THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 102. se se ise No. 103. SC se No. 104. se se se No. 105. se se ge No. 106. se SOT SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 107 se 11 se No 108. SA No. 109. se 1 se. se No. IIO. Ayo TITI . se No. IIC. se tha THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE. No. 112. se se EXERCISES IN ED MAJOR. No. 313. el TTO Fa la sol la fa la sol fa sol la 114 IL la me fa me la sol fa sol sol No. 114. No. 115. No. 116. 4 1 1 Na. 117. fe fa SYSTEM OF SOL-PA. No. 118. No. 119. No. 120. se fe se se Chromatic. No. 121. be mo mo se mo se fe se No. 122. i 11947 . se lo fe SA No. 123. Ab se Diatonic. - U 50 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 124. No. 125. EXERCISES IN C MINOR... La me fa me fa sol la fa la fe se la sol fa No. 126. la sol fa sol la sol fa me la No. 127. 1 1 se fe . fe se No. 129. 1 an ſe se SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 130. 1 wat L No. 131. :se se se EXERCISES IN AD MAJOR. No. 132. Fa sol la fa sol la fa sol fa la sol fa me fa la sol la me fa la sol fa sol fa. No. 133. 1 No. 134. No. 135. 11 52 : THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 136. bb solfe se No. 137 No. 138. TOLL .la te fa se sol No. 139. se fa No. 140. No. 141. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 142. 1 No. 143. EXERCISES IN F MINOR. No. 144. La me fa sol fa 11 se la sol fa la sol fa me la se l a. No. 145. No. 146. se No. 147 sol No. 148. se hise THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 149. 1 1 se EXERCISES IN Db MAJOR No. 150. Fa sol la fa sol la me fa sol fa me fa No. 151. mela' soľ fa la sol la sol No. 152. No. 153. 1170 TO fa No. 154. se fe fa 1 "fie se se fe se se 10 sol . SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. • Diatonic. SYSTEM OF SOLFA 55 No. 155. se EXERCISES IN Bb MINOR. No. 156. La se la me fa me la sela me fa -US 1 fa me la sol fa la sol fa me sol No. 157. se se 1 1 se se No. 158. se se No. 159. 1 se 11 No. 160. se se se 56 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE EXERCISES IN Gb MAJOR. No. 161. Fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la sol fa la sol fa me fa sol la fa sol fa la sol fa me fa. No. 162. No. 163. - No. 164. + No. 165. 1 se se No. 166. se SO se se sol SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. EXERCISES IN EL MINOR. No. 167. La me fa sol la fe se la sol 'fa la sol fa me la 'se la me fa sol la fa la sol fa me la 'se la. No. 168. 1 se No. 169. UNDO L101 se EXERCISES IN CE MAJOR. No. 170. Fa sol la sol la fa sol la me fa sol la sol fa me la sol fa la fa la sol la fa sol fa la sol fa. sol la No. 171. No. 172. JAY 1. fe fa AT se se THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 173. se lo fe -- se EXERCISES IN AD MINOR. No. 174. La fa me la se la me fa sol fa la sol fa me la se la me fa sol la sol fa me' la me se la. No. 175. thho 2 11 . se Se EXERCISES IN G MAJOR. No. 177. Fa me fa sol la fa sol fa la sol la fa sol la sol fa la fa sol fa la sol fa me la sol la me fa sol la sol fa. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 178. . Fa , la Sol sol fa la No. 179. No. 180. 1 se No. 181. No. 182. TE pe se . se sol fe fa se No. 183. 1 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 184. 11 ID 1 Sol fe sol me * 11 se se la lo Po po * 1 EE se 11 se lo sol No. 186. 11 No EX 11 EXERCISES IN E MINOR No. 188. La me fa sol la sol fa me la "se la me fa sol la fa la fe se la sol fa la sol fa me la "se la. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No. 189. the es el se No. 190. # Fe se EA se No. 191. 1 170 192. 1 11 # 11 11 193. DI mit . fe se No. 194. se se THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 195. 11 se 196. 1 1 1 1 fe se + 11 se se No. 198. EXERCISES IN D MAJOR. 1 Fa me la sol la me fa sol fa me la sol fa la sol 1 1 1 sol la fa sol la sol fa la fa la sol fa me fa. fa No. 199. . Fa sol la fa sol la sol la me fa' me la i fa sol fa me la sol fa la sol fa. me No. 200. 1 11 SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 63 63 No. 201. No. 202. TEH IT 1 No. 203. No. 204. leta No. - No. 206. 64 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 207. M f EXERCISES IN B MINOR. No. 208. . La se fa me la se la la fa sol 1 la No. 209. fa me la fa la fe se la me fa me la se · la. OWLLL La la la se la sol fa sol la la fa sol la I ll fa me fa me la se la fa sol la la fa me la me se la. T 210. O se No. 2II. se se fe se No. 212. Se se se se SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. . 65 No. 213. 1 se se - #W * se se EXERCISES IN A MAJOR. No. 214. Fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la fa sol la fa fa la sol me sol fa la sol la fa sol la fa sol me fa fa la No. 215. . I Fa la se fe se 1 1 1 - No. 217. No. 218. THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 219. piin 220. No. 22 # - EXERCISES IN F# MINOR. No. 222. La "se la me fa sol fa sol la fa la sol få me # la "se la me la se l a me fa sol la fa 1 me fa me la. la sol fa sol la fa la sol fa me la se la No. 223. 10 11 se SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. I No.224. 2 ||| #a se 1 -- -- se şe No.225. 「 1 TTO fe se sol fa # || 花 ​se |No.226. | #1|| 北 ​乎 ​* "se la sol" fe 并一 ​|| 用 ​辛 ​sol No.227. EXERCISES IN E MAJOR. || || 非 ​#二二 ​#|| sol la sol la fa la fa sol fa sol # 许 ​一 ​五一 ​me la sol fa la fa la sol fa. sol' la me fa No.228. - 北 ​井一​| 在一 ​# 比 ​No.229. se se 許 ​#111 第​|| se . . THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE I No.230. 1 t- =一一一 ​-- - ## 并 ​1 # | No. 31. 分步计步一 ​以一 ​11 二手 ​== |IPE lo fe se No.232. 洋一 ​TRIL TO 1 | No. 233. 五 ​| No.234 计 ​# me | 并一 ​一 ​第 ​se EXERCISES IN C# MINOR. No.235. ( #||| * 林​! 非 ​STIN se me fa me se HE 計 ​非一 ​比 ​la sol fa la sol fa me la "se la. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 69 No. 236. 11 SY se se i No. 237 . fe se se # ht I fa la la No. 238. # # # se LIES . 9. se * fe se se No. 240 2 11 se Se No. 241. EXERCISES IN B MAJOR. * Fa sol la sol la fa la sol fa sol fa me * !! - 1 la sol la sol fa la sol la sol fa. 70 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE No. 242. 1 . SER No. 243. . 11 11 1 # No. 244. . 244. E A - . No. 245. i 1 se la sol fe # No. 246. 1 1 fe - No. 247 EXERCISES I MINOR. # 1 La se la me fa me fa sol la fa la sol fa 'me la E # 11 se la me fa sol la fa la sol fa me la. SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 71 | No.248. #一 ​se se 比一 ​se se | No. 249. ZAW) se 曲​」 集 ​El se No.250. se se # 第一 ​} #一 ​1 X se | No. 251. 21 辛 ​se sol # 北一 ​十一 ​# se se EXERCISES IN F# MAJOR. No.252. 年一 ​一比 ​羊 ​Fa sol la fa la fa sol fa la sol la fa sol 体 ​非一 ​la me fa me la sol fa sol la sol fa la sol la sol fa. THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE ' No: 253. se fe se . fe No. 254. # se * se se sol fe No. 255. Oil fe e fe se se # # - * fe se EXERCISES IN D MINOR. • + 1 # La se la me fa sol fa sol la fe se la sol fa + 11 .: - - la sol fa me la me fa sol la sol fa me No. 257. 1 1 1 se = + it se SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. No.258. E生 ​并一 ​止​」 第一 ​五​」 # 80 第一 ​} se sol se 心 ​的学 ​*一一 ​se se No.260. | EXERCISES IN C# MAJOR. sol la fa sol la sol la me fa me la 一步 ​并 ​十一 ​- * sol. isol la sol fa la sol fa. I No.26T. ma| 非一 ​se I No. 262. #T# *1 出一二 ​# 11K 非一 ​se se se - 杂一 ​五一 ​# # No. 263.. | 一 ​* 「 * 弟一 ​** 年 ​lo se 74 THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE EXERCISES IN A# MINOR. No. 264. 11 La se la me fa sol fa me la se la sol fa la LICI Test 11 sol fa me fa sol la fe se la me fa' me' la. No. 265. Y * se se sol se fe se SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. 75 . In solfaing the following exercise in modulation the pupils must remember that when the next note above la is a semitone above it, it must be called fa, and when a whole tone me. The tonic will be expressed by capital letters, and the subdomi- nant by italics. An asterisk will show in each case by what means the change of key is effected. C major. - 11 Fa sol la fa' la fa sol la me sol Fa sol la fa. F major. * T . Fa la sol Fa me la sol fa Fa Sol E sol fa la fa sol la By major. la sol . Fa sol la fa la Eb major. 1 Fa sol la fa sol la sol fa la fa sol Fa la sol Fa T70118 fa sol Fa sol la Ab major. fa sol fa la sol me la me sol Fa' sol la fa la sol Fa la me sol sol fa Do sol la sol la fa la sol la fa la Db major. fa sol Fa Gb major. -* fa cb major. TDI la fa sol Fa sol la fa la fa sol la sol la fa sol sol Fa me Fa Fa fa la sol la me Gö major. Dh major. DO Fa me la sol fa' sol la fa la sol la me Fa fa THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE Leho *HT pa fa la sol la me Fa Ab major. Eb major. fa la sol la me Bb major. Finajor. . 'sol la me Fa fa la sol la me Fa * ] Fa fa la major. sol Fa me la sol fa la 'me Fa fa G major. D major. la sol la me ça me la sol fa la sol Fa fa la "me me me Fa fa "la me Fa fa la me Fa fa la A major. Emajor. B major. F#major.C#major. G#major. C#major. Fa fa "la me Fa fa la me Fa fa la me Fa sol la fa sol la sol la fa la fa F# major. me Fa "sol "la B major. fa E majør. 21 la la fa sol Fa sol me fa "la la fa sol i me Fa sol "la fa "la A major. D major. fa sol la fa sol fa G major. 1 I 1 "la fa "la fa sol Fa sol la fa sol Fa me sol - - - Fa me Fa. me Fa sol la fa la me Fa C major. F major. C major. _* Fa sol la fa la me Fa fa la Fa sol SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. At bar 4 of the following exercise the note E is at one time called la, and at another time me ; because, by the action of the iiwer part, the key has been changed. The Bb which is intro- duced being the fourth note of the key of F, the note E which was the third note of the original key is become the seventh of the new key. This hint will enable the student to analyze the remainder. C Major. на sol la fa sol la me Fa sol la la F major. fa sol la 'fa sol la me Fa sol la fa to sol la la sol la fa fa la Bb major. me Fa Eb major. Ab major. la me Fa sol la fa - la la me bo sol la la me Fa Db major. fa la Gby major. la me ср Fa sol la fa la la me Fa sol la fa KIT sol la fa la Fb major. cb major. Db major. -* INTOS la me Fa : f me Fa * la Ab major. me Fa fa la Ely major. · Bb major. me Fa F major. fa C major. lame Fafeclame Fa fa la me THE LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE SYSTEM OF SOL-FA. * OLU Fa Me G major. fa la C major. me Fa F major. fa la BD major. , 'Eb major. DO-Ed fa la me Fa fa la me fa fa Fa fa la Ab major. me Fa Ebmajor. fa la Fa BD major. , F major. C major. ITTO me Fa me Fa fa me 0111* "la me Fa fa G major. . D major. - Fa A major. fa E major. S a od to Fa fa la “me Fa fa "la me *TTO me B major. Fa „sol fa la sol fa me la me F# major. B major. TUTO fa "la me Fa sol la fa fa * Li * fa "la major. me. Få A major. fa "la D major. me Fa "fa G major. C major. la me fa fa "la me Fa fa la me EGG se se la Fa Fa me Fa. sol fa C major. A minor. Fa Fa me la sol Fa me Fa la sol sol Fa. R SH Novello, Ewer & Co.'s Music Primers Edited by Dr. STAINER. PRICE FOUR SHILLINGS. SINGING A. RANDEGGER . BY (PROFESSOR OF SINGING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC), OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " We have amongst us, fortunately, a good many more or less estimable professors of vocalisation ; but if merit may be tested by results few occupy a position so eminent as Signor RANDEGGER. Among the younger generation of English singers his pupils stand first in number and efficiency, and this fact alone justifies the choice which now brings him before the public in the capacity of an author. ... The vast majority of people who are anxious to sing well desire to do so only as amateurs, and cannot, owing to one reason or another, place them- selves under a master. For all such this work is specially adapted by the simplicity of its language, the limits imposed upon its contents, and the ample material for study and practice which it supplies. It cannot, in the nature of things, make a perfect vocal artist; but it can lead the earnest student, with no other aid than its pages afford, in the direction of all the qualities necessary to satisfy an amateur's modest ambition. This is the great merit of the book, and, if we rightly comprehend the author, it is also the main object sought to be achieved. ... Signor RANDEGGER fully redeems the pledge given in his preface, namely, to use concise and intelligible language,' and a plain and practical style.'" Daily Telegraph. “ Altogether the book is worthy of high praise, because, while unpretentious in its object, it attains that object with ease and perspicuity."-Sunday Times. « Few, if any, teachers of singing are more fitted for the task of writing and compiling a vocal instruction book than is Signor RANDEGGER. Vocal students cannot do better than peruse this clever volume, and having practised the lessons according to the directions given, will find themselves, if not positively finished vocalists, far advanced on the road to that state."-Graphic. "In a compact form, and at a reasonable price, the Primer now referred to comprises a comprehensive instruction book on the various forms of study and the management of the voice necessary to the formation of a cultivated singer. ... The work can scarcely fail to be in large request among singers, professional and amateur.”—Illustrated London News. “Signor RANDEGGER's Treatise on Singing is indubitably one of the best works ever issued on the subject."-Academy. 6 We have no hesitation in characterising this as one of the best books ever issued on the subject, and worthy to be placed on an equality with the elaborate and expensive works of Lablache, Rubini, Garcia, or Panseron."-Weekly Dispatch. LONDON: NOVELLO, EWER & CO. Novello, Ewer & Co.'s Music Primers Edited by Dr. Stainer. PRICE ONE SHILLING. THE RUDIMENTS OF MUSIC BY WILLIAM H. CUMMINGS. PAGB 5 - 6 16 CONTENTS. PRELIMINARY. Sound · · · CHAPTER 1. Pitch and Length of Sounds . CHAPTER II. Time or Duration - - .. CHAPTER III. Accent . - - - - - CHAPTER IV. Time Signatures - - - CHAPTER V. Syncopation, Ties, Binds, Slurs . CHAPTER VI. Intervals - - - - - CHAPTER VII. Scales . . . CHAPTER VIII. Signs, Abbreviations, &c. - - 29 . 31 -'. 34 39 Index - - - - - - 57 Imperial Octavo, 400 pp. Handsomely bound in Cloth, gilt edges, price sss. OF A DICTIONARY MUSICAL TERMS EDITED BY J. STAINER, M.A., Mus. Doc., MAGD. COLL., OXFORD, AND W. A. BARRETT, MUS. BAC., S. MARY HALL, OXFORD. The following Gentlemen have contributed to this Work :- BOSANQUET; R. H. M., Esq., | DONKIN, A. E., Esq., M.A., M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, F.R.A.S., Fellow of Exeter Oxford. · College, Oxford. BULLEY, J., Esq., M.A., Mag. | ELLIS, A. J., Esq., B.A., F.R.S., dalen College, Oxford. F.S.A., F.C.P.S., F.C.P., Trinity CHAMPNEYS, F., Esq., B.M., College, Cambridge. M.A., M.R.C.S., of St. Bartholo. GADSBY, HENRY, Esq. mew's Hospital, late Radcliffe HELMORE, Rev. T., M.A. Travelling Fellow of the Uni. HULLAH, JOHN, Esq. versity of Oxford. McNAUGHT, W. G., Esq. CHAPPELL, W., Esq., F.S.A. MONK, W. H., Esq. - “Among articles which, though not absolutely indispensable in a Musical Dictionary, are well worth reading as treated in the Dictionary edited by Dr. Stainer and Mr. Barrett, may be mentioned 'applause' and 'dedication. Indeed, apart from its high value as a work of reference, the Dictionary is interesting throughout."-Pall Mall Gazette. “The Dictionary of Musical Terms,' by Dr. Stainer and Mr. Barrett, comes to supply the deficiency just at-the time when people are waking up to the advantages of accuracy in all sorts of arts, and it is most welcome. Its title gives a very humble idea of its importance, suggesting rather dry definitions or technical explanations than what it really contains. The definitions and explanations are all there, and their multitude is truly astonishing, even the most out-of-the-way words receiving consideration; but besides this, there is a great quantity of valuable essays, not only by the editors, but also by men well known to the public for successful labours in the field of music and acoustics, such as Mr. Hullah and Mr. Ellis, the translator of Helmholtz, and Mr William Chappell and Mr. Helmore." -The Academy. “A Dictionary of Musical Terms,' by Dr. Stainer and Mr. Barrett (Novello, Ewer and Co.), deserves especial mention, as the first attempt to supply the English reader with something that is not a limited glossary of technical words, but an encyclopædic book of reference on matters musical, such as German and Italian students have for some time been fortunate enough to possess." -The Graphic. "In addition to this, the editors have derived information from many other equally good sources, so that the work is as trustworthy as it is complete, and professional and amateur musicians, will alike owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Stainer and Mr. Barrett for one of the most useful musical works ever produced."-Standard. "It is the general character and tone of the volume that concerns general amateurs, who, at a Attie cost of time, can obtain from this volume information on theoretical and scientific subjects. without having to wade through complex works. The Dictionary displays careful research gene- rally, and it is also imbued with an impartial spirit, which goes far to beget confidence in the writers. The book is illustrated with diagrams of instrumental workmanship, and is printed in very large and clear type."--The Athen@11111. LONDON: NOVELLO, EWER & CQ, NOVELLO, EWER & CO'S MUSIC PRIMERS EDITED BY DR. STAINER. 1. THE PIANOFORTE (Price 25.) - - - - E. PAUER. 2. The RUDIMENTS OF MUSIC (Price is.) W. H. CUMMINGS. 3. THE ORGAN (Price 2s.) - Dr. STAINER. 4. THE HARMONIUM (Price 2s.) . . . King HALL. 5. SINGING (Price 4s. Paper boards, 5s.) • A. RANDEGGER. 6. SPEECH IN SONG (SINGER'S PRONOUNCING PRIMER) (Price 25.) A. J. ELLIS, P.R.S. 7. MUSICAL FORMS (Price 2s.) . . . . E. Pauer. 8. HARMONY (Price 2s.) . - Dr. STAINER. 9. COUNTERPOINT (Price 2s.) . . . Dr. Bridge. 10. Fugue (Price 2s.) · · · · · JAMES Higgs. II. SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF Music (Price is.) · Dr. Stone. 12. DOUBLE COUNTERPOINT (Price 2s.) . Dr. Bridge. 13. CHURCH CHOIR TRAINING (Price is.) Rev. J. TROUTBECK. 14. PLAIN SONG (Price 2s.) . Rev. T. Helmore. 15. INSTRUMENTATION (Price 25.) . . . E. PROUT. 16. THE ELEMENTS OF THE BEAUTIFUL IN MUSIC (Price is.) . . . . . E. PAUER. 17. THE VIOLIN (Price 25.) . . . BERTHOLD Tours. 18. TONIC SOL-FA (Price is.) . . . JOHN CURWEN. 19. LANCASHIRE SOL-PA (Price is.) - James GREENWOOD. 20. COMPOSITION (Price 25.) . . . . Dr. Stainer. 21. MUSICAL TERMS (Price Is.) -STAINER and BARRETT. 22. THE VIOLONCELLO (Price 2s.) - JULES DE Swert. (TO BE CONTINUED.) otny of the alove may be had strongly bound in boards, price 6d. each expreso LONDON: NOVELLO, EWER & CO. 3739 52 DATE DUE . b UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IN DIE MIDI V IN NJ IND 3 9015 00959 6753 - L . . - 一 ​一筆 ​: : : : 是指 ​: : 制重​, :: 子 ​”, " 主持​: 普拿41: , - “警 ​13 .. .... ir,, ,, , a . | | 单 ​- - : 一 ​*, . , .. 一 ​「 . . ,, . . . -- - . : 「 - ... | . 鲁 ​: . ... : : : 11 . . 直 ​- * * " 「 重 ​. , , .. , . .. * t .. . . . …... .... . ... . . fi . 。 事 ​: “ 1”, 會 ​| . .. . : 1 : 有 ​“ . 鲁 ​重 ​。 m 萬​, . ” | T 重身 ​重量 ​*** . . |, 拳皇1 。 ” 中毒 ​「- - - 中​, -