ARTES 18176 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SPLURIBUS UNDI 上 ​за TUENOR I:QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM AHŒNA! CIRCUMSPICE ♡ An Eafy and Pleafant INTRODUCTION ΤΟ SIR ISAAC NEWTON's PHILOSOPHY: CONTAINING THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS, TRIGONOMETRY, OPTICS, and ASTRONOMY. By a Fellow of the Royal Society. WITH An ESSAY on the ADVANCEMENT of LEARNING, In various Modes of Recreation. By JOHN RYLAND, A. M. of Northampton. THE SECOND EDITION. To this New Edition An APPENDIX is added, to render the Book more uſeful to Schools. LONDON: Printed for EDWARD and CHARLES DILLY, in the Poultry. 17720 3 "Q (157 R99 1772 1 ور نام نگم نکلوار قرن 25-22 History of Scrince Bowers 10-20-31 24455 (iii) ADVERTISEMENT. THE HE APPENDIX, which I have now added, is taken, by the confent of my intimate and ingenious friend Mr. JAMES FERGUSON, F. R. S. from his excellent Lectures; and I am happy in having his per- miffion for this purpoſe: No perſon can write with greater fimplicity and clearness of thought on theſe ſubjects.—I have, after many years experience and labour, en- deavoured to propoſe his thoughts and words in the eaſieſt manner, knowing that young people are apt to be terrified with imaginary difficulties, at their firft fetting out in the ſtudy of the Newtonian Philofophy. I know, if we can but prevail on them to get the firſt principles in their heads, the power and beauty of Truth will irrefiftibly charrn them to go on with admiration and incredible delight: And I would earneſtly perfuade the ingenious (IV) ingenious and virtuous Youth of Great Britain and our Colonies to diſdain fenfual pleaſures, and fordid purſuits, and make a trial of theſe rational and manly entertain- ments. If once they come to tafte that ſweetneſs there is in the natural truths of GEOMETRY*, MECHANICS, and the other branches of PHILOSOPHY, they will find their underſtandings fo ftrengthened and improved, as to aftoniſh even them- felves; and they will be thereby fo prepared for all other kinds of ftudies, and important employments of life, and fee fuch folly and mifery attending ignorant Libertines, as will produce a rich abundance of happy con- fequences to themſelves, their parents, and their country. Northampton, January 1. 1772. JOHN RYLAND. * EUCLID'S ELEMENTS contain the greateft num- ber of natural truths of any book in the Pagan world, and is moſt wifely adapted to habituate the underſtand- ing to the contemplation of TRUTH. In this view it is far fuperior to any other production of the Greeks or Romans. THE ! } PREF A Ċ E. THIS ſhort treatiſe was drawn up, at my houſe, by a judicious friend, who is well acquainted with thefe fciences, and has a happy talent for communicating know- ledge in the moft clear and eafy manner. I am not at liberty to mention his name, which would do me honour-excite the at- tention of the public-and very much pro- mote the fale of the book. I had long wanted an eaſy and familiar treatiſe of this fort, for the ufe of my ſcholars, and it gave me a móſt ſenſible pleaſure, when I had prevailed on my friend to execute it. The book with all the drawings, was begun and finiſhed in leſs than fix weeks. It is not defigned for the learned; it was writ- ten for the uſe of boys, and, with no de- fign to go any farther than my own ſchool; but a 2 [ i ] but the trouble of tranfcribing, with ex- actneſs, by each youth that wanted it, would be fo great, as to prevent the eaſy commu- nication of this kind of knowledge. I am convinced, by more than nineteen years experience in the province of inftructing youth, that much more may be done, than has been done, towards furniſhing and- adorning the human mind, in the early part of life. It is a grievous thing to confider, how we are fuffered to waſte ſeven or ten years, in learning little more than meer words, whilft the improvement of the un- derſtanding and the reafon, is almoſt en- tirely neglected in moft fchools, through this kingdom. The minds of youth are happily vacant of the cares and buſineſs of life; they are very receptive of ideas of all kinds, pro- vided you propoſe them in a fimple and familiar manner, and avoid every thing that is abftracted and remote from fenfe. Logic, and metaphyfics, though ex- tremely uſeful to perfons of riper under- ſtanding, are, by no means proper for young minds; almoſt every other branch of ici- ence, in the whole circle of learning, may be [iii] 1 be propoſed and communicated to ingeni- ous youth, from ten to fixteen years of age. The natural hiſtory of the air, the waters, minerals, plants, and animals, which is what we call fenfible knowledge, may be infuſed with eaſe and pleaſure into the infant mind, and certainly we have fome of the beſt books for this purpoſe that can be well ima- gined.-I mean Mr. Pluche's beautiful work intitled Spectacle de la Nature, in 7 vol. 12mo. Dr. Brookes's System of Natu- ral Hiſtory, in 6 volumes, 12mo, with the beautiful ſketches of every part of the creation in Mr. Hervey's works; as we never had a more paffionate admirer of the beauties of nature, fo ro man perhaps in our nation had a richer imagination, or a better talent of ftrong and delicate expref- fion than himſelf. Arithmetic, and, geometry, are exceed- ingly uſeful and important fciences for youth, and they may be taught in a more pleafing and infinuating manner than they ufually are. Every thing fhould be mixed with pleaſure, and familiarity, that belongs to youth. a 3 Arith- [ iv ] Arithmetic can never be enough taught; it deferves more attention than is given to it; we have two authors, who have made the ſcience more eaſy and pleaſant than ever -the one is the Rev. Mr. Stephen Adding- ton of Market Harborough, in Leicester- ſhire, the other is Mr. Daniel Fenning of London, their books in my opinion are the beft adapted for the inſtruction of youth.- I beg leave to infert here a general canon for the rule of proportion, which I con- ftantly uſe in my own fchool, and I would recommend it to mafters of the younger clafs to infift upon it, that their fcholars work every queftion in fingle proportion, in four different ftatings, this will ftrength- en the mind, and is the firſt and beſt method of teaching them the uſe of their reafoning powers that I am acquainted with. GENERAL CANON OR RULE FOR SINGLE PROPORTION TRANS- POSED FOUR WAYS. If four numbers or quantities are pro- portional, their order may be fo tranfpofed that each of thofe numbers or quantities. may be laſt in proportion. And fo of any four proportional numbers or quantities of liquids [ v ] liquids or folids, if three be given the other that is wanting may be found thus. FIRST AS FIRST 1 SECOND 4 : 8 THIRD 8: FOURTH 32 AS SECOND FOURTH THIRD 32 : 8 AS THIRD 8 FOURTH FIRST SECOND 4 : 1 :: 1 :: 32 : 32 :: I : 4 AS FOURTH 32 THIRD SECOND FIRST : 8 :: 4 : I Geometry, or the doctrine of extended or continuous quantity, including the con- fideration of lines, fuperfices and folids.- Next to divinity and hiſtory, this is certainly the very best ſcience in which youth can be inftructed. It has a prodigious tendency to fix the attention, to ſtrengthen and enlarge the mind, to improve the memory, to teach clear ideas, and an habit of juſt reafoning. It is furely the best logic that ever was in- vented for the ufe of mankind. a 4 The [vi] The firſt fix books of Euclid's Elements may be taught to fchool boys, in a way of play, by working all the problems, and moſt of the theorems, in the fand. Let a young mafter of a ſchool provide himſelf with a large pair of compaffes, and a long ruler. Let him firft take Le Clerc's Prac- tical Geometry printed for Meffrs. John and Carington Bowles, work one or two pro- pofitions, in the court yard, or playing place of his ſchool every day, and in about fix weeks, or two months, his ſcholars will be able to enter upon Euclid's Elements in the fame manner. In a year's time, he may have twenty or thirty boys able to give a good account of the firft principles of geo- metry, and plain trigonometry, without lofs of time, or interrupting the buſineſs of their ſchool hours. I ſhould reckon it a great honour to my ſchool, to have it juſtly faid, "that the boys are taught geometry, as a recreation, and, that Euclid's Elements were as familiar as the Latin accidence, or the numeration table. I am very fure, that all the parts of philofophy may be taught in the moſt eaſy and familiar manner, if ſchool mafters had but public ſpirit, good humour and con- defcention. In a word, if they had but a fatherly [vii] 1 fatherly heart, and as much concern for the pleaſure and improvement of their ſcholars, as they have for their own private gratifica- tion, and the inferior amufements of life. For inftance-a fire fhovel, tongs, and po- ker, will fhew the foundation of the me- chanic powers; eſpecially the nature of levers. A fpinning wheel, will clearly fhew the power of the wheel and axle-A brick bat on a table, will fhew the advantage of broad above narrow wheels.-marbles, will teach a ſchool boy the nature of percuffion, and the laws of motion.-By the whipping and ſpinning of tops, we may fhew the di- urnal and annual motion of the earth.- The twirling of a chamber maids mop, will ſhew the nature of the centrifugal force of the planets. The fall of a farthing ball, teaches the doctrine of gravitation, and the laws of falling bodies.-A pennyworth of quick filver, divided on a table, and fome bits of cork in a bafon of water, will fhew you the attraction of coheſion.-A fpunge will teach the rife of water in capillary tubes. A fyringe, or a fquib, or fucking with a reed, or a wheaten ftraw, will fhew the nature of pump work.-A fchool boy's jews harp, will ferve to teach us, thofe tremulous motions, which are the cauſe of founds; a 5 [ viij. ] founds; and a glafs prifm, and foap bub- bles *, a looking glafs, and an oxe's eye, from the butchers will be a happy foundation for optics.-A few hoops, from the cooper's fhop, placed with ſkill, will fhew the grand circles of the ſphere, viz. the horizon, the meridian, and equinoctial line, the ecliptic or fun's path, the two tropics, and the polar circles. A fmall pillar, of the fame fize which is uſed for a barber's block, with a few rings of leather, or of horn, with fome wires and wooden balls, will make a tole- rable good orrery, to fhew the fituation, the diſtances, the motions, and magnitudes of the heavenly bodies, in the Newtonian ſyſtem of aſtronomy. Thus, I have given a few brief hints, how younger mafters may purſue the moſt popular methods, with lit- tle expence, for the inftruction, pleaſure, and vaft profit of their pupils, which would iffue in their own honour and temporal ad- vantage, and be an unfpeakable fatisfaction to the parents who entruſt them with their deareſt earthly treaſure. * Note, Let the man that laughs at this; be told that Sir Ifaac Newton made a fine improvement in optics by feeing fome boys blow up foap bubbles in the air. I [ix] I will, (now I am on the head of teach- ing the fciences, by way of recreation) ad- vance this affértion, that all the branches. of knowledge may be taught by cards. The method of teaching the fciences, by the uſe of cards, is fuch as, perhaps in no other way can be fo eafy, fo popular, fo pleaſant, and fuccefsful. By cards I do not mean the common playing ones for gaming, which were firſt invented for the ufe of a lunatic French king, and continued in vogue to this day by millions of mankind, infected with a worfe fpecies of lunacy;, nothing but the height of raging madneſs could ever fpred fuch a foolish diverfion fo wide, or continue it ſo long, to the deftruction of the peace of the mind, the pleafures of friendſhip, the health of the body, and the horrible ruin of thouſands of fine eftates and fami- lies. But to fuch a height of infanity are multitudes arrived, as to render all means for their cure ineffectual; I therefore dif- ;. mifs them in defpair, with this one reflec- tion; that, were I capable of wishing the greateſt mifery, to the worst enemy upon earth, and that he might be one of the moft uſeleſs and contemptible animals in the [ x ] ទ : ' the world, I would with him to be a con- ſtant and infatuated card-player. But whilſt common fenfe, and the love of one's country can defpife and abhor fo fooliſh and infipid a diverfion, this fame common fenfe, and public fpirit can in- vent a thouſand ways by which cards, that is to fay, the fame kind of blank papers, which are ufed for cards, may with very different kind of furniture and application, be promotive of the glorious purpoſes of fcience and virtue, fome of theſe pleaſant ufes we will now explain. FIRST, GEOGRAPHICAL CARDS. Take a pack of blank or meffage cards, write on them the principal cities of Eu- rope, Afia, Africa, and America, one city on each card, with the latitude, longitude, number of inhabitants, and their religion. When you have compleated the furniture of theſe cards, the manner of playing with them is as follows. In a rainy day, or a winter evening, when the weather does not permit them to play in the open air, let iwo, three or four boys, agree to play at a game [ xi ] game of geography; deal out the cards and let the firſt boy begin, draw a card, inſpect it, name only the city, and turn it's face downward on the table. The ſecond boy muſt anſwer, thus for example. Suppoſe it was London. London (replies the ſecond) is the capital city of the kingdom of Eng- land, it's north latitude is 51 degrees, and 32 minutes, it's longitude is nothing, be- cauſe the firſt. degree of longitude, or the firſt meridian, begins at London. The number of inhabitants in the city and fu- burbs, are reckoned near a million, or ten hundred thouſand; and the people profeſs the proteftant religion, If the fecond boy, gives a true account of what is upon the firft card, he has a right to play one of his, and the third boy muſt anfwer. But if the fecond boy miffes, and the third boy anſwers truly, then he fits above him, or takes his place, plays his card, and the ſecond boy is obliged to anſwer, if he miſtakes again, and the fourth boy names right, he takes his place, and the fecond boy is put lower with difgrace. And thus let the boys go on, till their cards are all played out; and let him that has made the feweft blunders, be called the captain for that day. II. CARDS [ xii] II. CARDS OF ANTIENT HISTORY, WITH THE ANNEXED. CHRONOLOGY The furniture of a pack of blank cards with antient hiſtory muſt be thus ordered. On the firſt card write on it thus: FIRST EPOCH. ADAM, OR THE CREATION, FIRST AGE OF THE WORLD. ANNO MUNDI, YEAR OF THE WORLD, O ANTE CHRISTUM. BEFORE CHRIST, 4004 On the fecond card write, Second epoch, Noah, or the deluge, with the year of the world, and the years before Chrift.-Third epoch, the call of Abraham.-Fourthepoch, Mofes, or the written law. - Fifth epoch, the deſtruction of Troy. Sixth epoch, Solomon, or the temple finiſhed. Seventh epoch, Romulus, or Rome founded. Eighth epoch, Cyrus, or the Jews reſtored. Ninth epoch, Scipio, or the conqueſt of Carthage. Tenth epoch, the birth of 1 Jefus [ xiii] Jefus Chrift; which is the feventh age of the world ANNO MUNDI ANNO ROMÆ 4004 754 ANNO CHRISTI I Let every young perfon, according to his ability, after he has placed the above furniture on one fide of his cards, write fome peculiar felect facts which happened in each period, on the other fide. By this means he will have many of the moſt beautiful and delicate parts of antient hiftory at an eafy rate within his power; and fchool-boys may play at cards of this fort with as much pleaſure and profit, as, with the geographi- cal ones firſt mentioned. III. CARDS OF MODERN HISTORY, WITH THE ANNEXED. CHRONOLOGY The beſt way of treating modern hiſtory, is to divide it into centuries, beginning with the birth of Jeſus Chriſt, and to denominate every century according to the principal facts tranfacted in that century. And I can think of nothing better than the epithets of that learned hiftorian, Dr. William Cave, viz. He [ xiv ] He ftiles Century I. Sæculum Apoftolicum. Century II. Sæculum Gnofticum. Century III. Sæculum Novatianum. Century IV. Sæculum Arianum Century V. Sæculum Neftorianum. Century VI. Sæculum Eutychicum. Century VII. Sæculum Monotheliticum. Century VIII. Sæculum Eiconiclafticum. Century IX. Sæculum Photianum. Century X. Sæculum Obſcurum. Century XI. Sæculum Hildebrandinum. Century XII. Sæculum Waldenfe. Century XIII. Sæculum Scholafticum. Century XIV. Sæculum Wicklevianum. Century XV. Sæculum Synodale. Century XVI. Sæculum Reformatum. Century XVII. Sæculum Doctiffimum. I add to Dr. Cave, Century XVIII. Sæculum Luxuriofum. IV. GEOMETRICAL CARDS. The firſt and eaſy principles of geometry may be placed on cards in the following fimple manner, and a figure ſhould at- tend each definition to make it more eaſily understood. On the first card fix a point.- On [ xv. ] On the fecond, a fecant point. On the third, a central point. -a right line- a circular line curve line a mixed line-a plumb line a perpendicular line-horizontal line oblique line- parallel lines a baſe-line finite lines a infinite lines apparent line occult line diagonal line diameter line ipiral line chord line an arc tangent linea fecant line-a right lined angle a curve lined angle a mixed angle - a right angle an acute angle -an obtufe angle - and from thence pro- ceed to all forts of furfaces. This will lay a fure foundation for plain geometry, and pre- pare the ingenious boy for reading Euclid's Elements with pleaſure and fuccefs. V. OPTICAL CARDS. Optics, or the confideration of the na- ture of light, and the human eye, is one of the moſt fublime ſciences in the world. Its first principles may be infuſed into fchool-boys in the following eafy manner: take fome blank cards, let any ingenious man draw the figures, and write under- neath, the eaſieſt definitions, from Dr. Ru- therforth's Syftem of Philofophy, viz. - a ray [xvi ] the inflexion of a ray of a ray of light light-the refraction of a ray of light-the reflexion of a ray of light the angle of in- cidence the refracted angle the angle of refraction --the angle of reflection diverging rays of light-converging rays of light parallel rays of light-a radiant point - a focus a focus changed into a radiant a double convex lensa plano convex lens a double concave lens-a plano-concave lens - a menifcus, or con- cavo-convex lens a plane glaſs - a flat convex glafs — a priſm the axis of lens glaffes the poles or vertexes of a lens diverging rays falling on a lens form a cone, whofe apex is the radiant point, and the lens is its baſe the axis of a beam of light- direct rays upon a lens-oblique rays upon a lens a pencil of rays the human eye -the outer coat of the eye, called the Sclerotica- the middle or black coat of the eye, called the Choroïdes the inner coat of the eye, or net work, called the Retina the three humours of the eye, viz. the Aqueous, or watry humour of the eye- the Chryſtalline, or brighteft humour of the eye, in the form of a double convex lens — the Vitreous, or glaffy humour of the eye. N. B. When theſe firſt principles and defi- nitions are clearly underſtood and well re- membered, it will be eaſy and pleaſant to proceed [ xvii ] proceed even to Sir Ifaac Newton's moſt beautiful and incomparable Treatife on Optics, which is much more within the power of good common fenfe than is uſually imagined. VI. CARDS OF ANATOMY. The ſtructure and beauty of the human body ought to be ftudied with delight and admiration by every man; and the knowledge of this elegant fabric may be conveyed into the minds of youth, with great eaſe and pleaſure, by the uſe of cards. I fhall only exemplify it a little with regard to the bones, and refer my ingenious young friends to that moſt exquifitely delicate and alluring defcription of a human body, which he will find in Mr. Hervey's Theron and Afpafio, Dialog. XII. Let an ingenious young man take Chef- elden's Anatomy, or the Tables of Anatomy engraved by Mr. Tinney, in Fleet-ftrect, on folio fheets; with his pencil copy on a blank card one bone, with its name; and thus proceed with his cards through the principal bones of the human body. And left I ſhould not be thoroughly underſtood, ar [ xviii ] } or the minds of young perfons be too indo- lent to purfue my advice, I will lead him farther, and mention the names of the bones, which are thefe: Os frontisos bregmatis -os temporis - os occiptis -os jugale clavicula, or collar bone- fternum, or breaſt bone-feven vertebræ of the neck twelve vertebræ, or joints of the back bone five vertebræ of the loins, in all twenty-four joints-feven true ribs of a fide five falſe ribs the fcapula, or ſhoulder- blade — os humeri, or bone of the arm above the elbow the radius and ulna, the two bones of the arm below the elbow bones of the carpus or wrift-bones of the metacarpus or hand bones of the fingers -the os facrumos coccygis os iliumos pubis os femoris, or bone of the thigh-the patella, or knee-pan the tibia, or largeſt bone of the leg fibula, or leaſt bone of the leg the foot – the os calcis, or bone of the heel- the tarfus, or fix inſtep bones the metatarfus, or bones of laftly, the bones of the toes. Thefe, with the fmaller bones, may be numbered thus: about fixty in the head and neck; fixty in the arms and hands; fixty in the trunk of the body; and, fixty in the thighs, legs, and feet; in all, about two hundred and forty. And with thefe the [ xix ] the all-wife and powerful God has built the ftructure of the human body; and for which he deſerves eternal love and adora- tion. I do not adviſe young men to ſtudy this ſcience with the accuracy of anatomiſts, but as a profitable and rational recreation, in order to increaſe their veneration for our omnipotent and good creator; and, I can affure them, after more than twenty years experience, that the pleaſure and profit of this ſtudy will richly reward them for their labour. VII. CARDS OF ASTRONOMY, AND A LIVING ORRERY, MADE WITH SIXTEEN SCHOOL-BOYS. Aſtronomy is a moft fublime and deli- cious ſcience: To form a juft idea of the magnitude, motions, and diftances of the heavenly bodies, has a powerful and happy tendency to enlarge and elevate the foul, and to give us ftriking thoughts of the wiſdom, goodneſs, and univerfal agency of God. But can any notion of this fcience be conveyed into the minds of ſchool-boys? Will it not rather puzzle and confound their brains, and unfit them for the more important employment of ftudying dry- words [ xx ] words for ſeven years together? I anſwer, No. It may be taught them in their play hours with as much pleaſure as they learn to play at marbles, or drive a hoop for an hour or two; and this may be done in manner and form following: Take fixteen blank cards; write on one, the fun, a ſeventeenth boy of a large fize muſt be uſed for the fun in the center, with his diameter, which is feven hun- dred thousand miles. On another card write mercury, with his period, eighty-eight days, diſtance from the fun thirty-two mil- lion, diameter two thouſand fix hundred miles, and hourly motion, which is one hundred thousand miles. So go on to ve- nus, our earth, mars, jupiter, and faturn. Then write on your other cards the names and periods of the ten moons in our ſyſtem. Having thus furniſhed your cards, then provide the orbits for thefe fham planets, go into any plain field, or place, where boys can play, draw a circle of two hundred feet diameter, which you may eaſily do with a cord and a broomstick, ordering one boy to hold the cord in the center, while you defcribe the circle with the ftick at the other end of the ftring. When you have formed your circle, divide the femi-diame- ter into a hundred parts; if you chuſe exact- nefs, [ xxi ] nefs, take five of theſe parts from the cen- ter and deſcribe a circle for mercury's or- bit, take ſeven parts for the orbit of ve- nus; ten parts for our earth's orbit; fifteen parts for the orbit of mars; fifty- two parts, that is fifty-two feet for the or- bit of jupiter. And let the outward circle of a hundred feet reprefent the orbit of fa- turn, which is the boundary of the New- tonian ſyſtem. After this draw your circles for our moon round the earth, for jupiter's moons round him, and laft of all for faturn's five moons. There is no occafion to be fcrupulouſly exact till the boys are well verfed in theſe firſt eaſy notions, reduce them to accuracy by degrees. Mr. Whif ton's Aftronomical Principles of Religion, andMr. Ferguſon's Aftronomy will furniſh you with ample materials for all your pur- pofes. Now begin your play, fix your boys in their circles, each with his card in his hand, and then put your orrery in motion, giving each boy a direction to move from weft to eaft, mercury to move fwifteft, and the others in proportion to their diftan- ces, and each boy repeating in his turn the contents of his card, concerning his diſtance, magnitude, period, and hourly- motion. Half an hour ſpent in this play once a week will in the compafs of a year fix fuch clear and fure ideas of the folar fyftem 1 [ xxii ] fyftem as they can never forget to the laft hour of life. And probably rouze fome fparks of genius, which will kindle into a bright and beautiful flame in the manly part of life. · AN ADDRESS TO THE INGENU- OUS YOUTH OF GREAT BRI- TAIN. Young Gentlemen, The defign of this addrefs to you is to give you a few brief hints concerning fome fome felect books on the principal branches of ſcience in order to fhorten your path to good learning and ftrew it with flowers. I know by the painful experience of above thirty years what it is to pant for know- ledge and books, fometimes without any guide, fometimes with infufficient and ig- norant ones, fometimes with men of learn- ing without genius, fometimes with men of genius and furniture, but too lazy and indifferent, or fwelled with pride and a haughty ſtiffneſs, or poffeſt of no ta- lent for the communication of knowledge,or no [ xxiii] no inclination or condefcenfion to accom- modate themſelves to the capacity and taſte of enquirers after truth. But the greatft defect I have ever found in learned men is a want of public fpirit, and a fervent love to the rifing generation: this is the worst part of their temper, and an indelible ſtain in their character; for which they deſerve the ſevereſt rebuke. We have in this nation men well verſed in all the ſciences, and all the branches of learning were never better underſtood than at prefent. But if every learned man had a true love to the rifing generation and a condeſcending temper, I will venture to aver that in feven years time, where we have one man of real knowledge now, we night have an hundred, or perhaps five hundred then. We ſhould not fee fuch ig- norance in thouſands of our minifters of religion nor fuch wretched and ſhameful unacquaintance with the hiſtory, laws, - and government of their country, as hath fully appeared in multitudes of our young nobility, and I am forry and grieved to fay it, in the majority of the reprefenta- tives of a brave and powerful people. b Now [ xxiv ] Now my dear ingenious youths, let me offer you a little affiftance, give me your hand, and let me lead you into a moft beautiful and pleafant path, which I my- felf have trod. I do not pretend to write for men, nor for thoſe young perfons who have ſkilful tutors always to attend them. I write for all thoſe who have a good na- tural taſte, and a paffionate fondneſs for real knowledge, but want an experienced guide, to fuch the following hints will not be unwelcome, nor unferviceable. Do you in the firſt place wiſh for two or three excellent books to guard you from errors in ftudy, and to be your faithful guides in the purfuit of folid learning then my dear boys read above all authors Dr. Watts's Improvement of the Mind, 8vo. Mr. Locke's Conduct of the Under- ſtanding, izmo. and John Clarke's Effay on Study, 12mo. Would you gain clear and beautiful ideas of the works of creation, read Plu- che's Nature Difplayed, 4 vols. 12mo. Dr. Brooks's Natural Hiftory, 6 vols. 12mo. Ray on the Wifdom of God in Creati- on, 12mo. Wefley's Compendium of Natural Philofophy, 2 vols. 12mo. Dr. Cotton [ XXV ] Cotton Mather's Chriftian Philofopher, 8vo. 1721. Dr. Derham's Phyfico Theology, 2 vols. 8vo. Cambray on the Exiſtence of God, 12mo. a new beautiful edition of which is juſt publiſhing. Martin on the Exiſtence of a Deity, from Sixteen Fountains of Evidence, and his Young Gentleman's and Lady's Philofophy, 2 vols. 8vo. Theſe are the best books, and the eafieft to introduce you to Voltaire's Ele- ments of Sir Ifaac Newton's Philofophy, tranflated from the French, 8vo. 1738. an excellent book. Algarotti's Six Dia- logues on Sir Ifaac Newton's Philoſophy, 2 vols. 12mo. 1739. Rowning's Com- pendious Syſtem of Natural Philofophy, 2 vols. 8vo. Martins xii Lectures on all the Branches of Experimental Philofophy, intitled Philofophia Britannica, 2 vols. 8vo. and to crown all, Dr. Rutherforth's Syſtem of Natural Philofophy, 2 vols. 4to. 1748. If your inclination ſhould lead you to enquire farther after books on natural philoſophy, you may be directed to the utmoſt of your wiſhes, in Johnſon's Quæf- tiones Philofophicæ, 12mo. Cambridge, 1735. b 2 If [ xxvi ] If ever your genius fhould grow ſtrong enough to taſte the pleaſures of ſcience, abſtracted from fenfe, and the rational entertainments arifing from the confidera- tion of the doctrine of being and of fpi- rits, I adviſe you to read but a few ſelect books, the beſt I am acquainted with are Dr. Watts's Scheme of Ontology, at the end of his philofophical effays, and Dr. Dod-. dridge's Pneumatology in his Lectures, 4to. 1762. I have in MS. Mr. Henry Grove's beautiful Syſtem of Pneumatology. I wiſh from my heart that fome bookfeller would venture to print it, on the footing of a fubfcription from the learned world. This ingenious writer certainly was one of the cleareſt thinkers on metaphyfical fubjects that our age has produced. Have you a tafte for the knowledge of numbers and quantity? Read and ſtudy theſe books, Mr. Addington's Syftem of Arithmetic, 8vo. Le Clerc's Geometry, 12mo. Dechale's Euclid, 12mo. Whifton's Edition of Euclid, 8vo. 1714. Theſe two editors of Euclid, fhew the practical ufes of the problems and theorems; and will remarkably ftrengthen your habit of attention, teach you to fift and compare your ideas, and enlarge [ xxvii ] enlarge your reafoning powers in a re- markable manner. Do you defire to form a familiar ac- quaintance with the firft principles of na- tural religion, and moral philofophy? Read Sir Richard Blackmore's Natural Theology, 8vo. 1728. Wollafton's Reli- gion of Nature Delineated, 4to. Reima- rus on Natural Religion, 8vo. Fordyce's Elements of Moral Philofophy, 12mo. 17. and to compleat your ftudies on this head, read Grove's Syftem of Moral Philo- ſophy, 2 vols. 8vo. I freely own I prefer this for the favour of piety and delicate compofition, beyond Dr. Hutchenſon's Syſtem, 2 vols. 4to. Do you love the grand fcience of fo- ciety, government, and the laws of your country? This is indeed a moft noble and important object of the human underſtand- ing: it gives an amplitude to the foul, and leads to a moft exalted idea of the divine government of the univerſe. I am ſo far from advifing you not to study politics, that on the other hand, I counſel you to employ your powers very often on the glorious ftructure and excellence of the Britiſh conftitution; and to affift you in your b 3 [ xxviii] your views, read the beſt books that were ever written, fince Britain exiſted, Mil- ton, Sydney, Locke and Dr. Campbell, Sydney's Treatife on Government, folio, 1696. Locke on Government, 8vo. Dr. Campbell's Prefent State of Europe, 8vo. 5th edition, and his excellent Sketch of Laws and Government publiſhed in the Preceptor, vol. 2. to thefe books add Dr. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, 2 vols. 4to.-Theſe are cer- tainly ſuperior to every work of the kind, that have appeared in our language. Above all things my dear young friends, ſtudy the evidences and contents of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION. The greateſt and beſt ſtep you can take for this purpoſe, is to confider deeply and accurately, the in- fufficiency of human reafon to lead you to eternal happineſs, in the full fruition of the fupreme good; ſtudy this ſubject to the utmoſt of your capacity, I can affure you after twenty-two years inceffant labour and thought on this moſt important and momentous point, that nothing does more mortify our native pride, and conceit of our ſtrength of reaſon than a juft and im- partial view of its infufficiency, to conduct us to the higheſt end of man. If you do not [ xxix ] # not believe me, try what you can do with- out your bible; fummon up your beſt pow- ers, and exert the utmoft force of your genius to attain a clear and extenſive knowledge, of the attributes and provi- dence of God; find out the true way of worshipping God; tell me in the moſt convincing manner, wherein conſiſts the folid happineſs of human nature; declare to me and the world, the chief good of the foul; draw out a fyftem of true morality without any defect; explain every duty we owe to God and mankind, produce the richeſt, and moft perfuafive motives to excite to the exerciſe of every virtue; dif- play fuch powerful reafons, as fhall pre- vail with every man, to diſcharge the whole of moral obligation, and perfevere in virtue and goodneſs to the laſt moment of his life; give me a moſt fatisfying ac- count of the origin of moral evil, which has ever raged with fuch dreadful power and malignity all over the rational world; and fhew me how this may be pardoned fo as to fatisfy a ferious enquirer, and calm a guilty confcience; demonftrate to me by the ftrength of your reafon, how one finner, how millions of finners, may be introduc- ed into the favour and friendship of God, notwithſtanding all their paft offences, b 4 and [ xxx ] and be happy in him for ever; affure me of an effectual means to curb every licen- tious paſſion, every vile appetite, every vicious inclination, every impure imagi- nation and tafte; fhew me a fufficient fund of moral and proximate power, to raiſe me above the wicked ſpirit and polluted man- ners of the whole world, and to perfiſt in virtue and goodneſs in ſpite of all temp- tations, to my last hour. If you think the powers of reafon are fufficient to conduct you to the fupreme good and final happineſs of man; try your utmoſt ſtrength to fupport yourſelf under the troubles of life, and the vexations and croffes, you meet with in mind body, and eftate; fortify yourſelf againſt all the ter- tors and ftings of death; act a courageous part, when that ghaftly monarch, who is ftiled by an ancient and very acute philo- fopher* the terrible of all terribles, fhall come to ſeparate your foul and body; to turn the mortal part of your nature into corruption and duft, and fix your charac- ter and ftate in another world, which you muſt enter into with all your thinking powers, and moft lively conſciouſneſs for evermore. Now if you have fortitude enough, * Ariftotle. [ xxxi ] enough, meet this king of terrors, and without the affiſtance of divine revelation, addreſs him boldly. O! death, where is thy fting? O! grave, where is thy victory? This method of proceeding in order to prepare you, for ftudying the evidences and contents of the chriftian religion, is the beſt that can be thought of; becauſe it has a direct tendency to humble the pride of your nature, to abaſe the high conceit which every man forms of his own ftrength and goodneſs of heart; and fuch confide- rations as thefe, will bring you to the duſt as a guilty ruined creature; utterly infuf- ficient to conduct yourſelf to the final per- fection of your faculties, and the ulti- mate happineſs of your immortal ſpirit. In this temper of mind fet yourſelf to examine the evidences of the truth and divine authority of the chriftian religion. To affift you in this affair of infinite moment, I recommend to your perufal Dr. David Jennings's two difcourfes intite- led, An Appeal to common Senfe for the Truth of the Scriptures, and Dr. Doddridge's three fermons on the Evidences of Chriſtianity, 12mo. price 8d. Theſe are perhaps the moſt b 5 clear [ xxxii ] clear and convincing of any fermons in our language; but the moſt extenfive view of the whole fubject, in all its parts and con- nexions, that has appeared in our world, you will find in Dr. Doddridge's Courſe of Divinity, 4to. 1763. including LIII. lec- tures (viz.) from lect. CI. to lect. CLIV. It is an act of juſtice to acknow- ledge, that no one fingle book of a theo- logical nature has equalled this in our land and it is an honour to the good fenſe and candour of fome gentlemen, in public feminaries, that they have paid a proper attention to this excellent courfe of lectures on pneumatology, ethics and divinity * In order to make your enquiries more eafy, pleaſant and fucceſsful, I will lead you on a little farther. Our moſt learned and judicious divines have a thouſand times obferved, that revelation ſtands on four principal pillars, or, in other words, is fupported and confirmed by four ca- pital arguments, viz. the fulfilment of prophecies the working of miracles- *This celebrated work was the refult of thirty years accurate ftudy and labour, with the revifal of all his best friends and correfpondents. the [ xxxiii] the goodneſs of the doctrine- and the moral character of the pen-men,-efpeci- ally the divine character of the great foun- der of the chriſtian religion. I. FULFILMENT OF PROPHECIES. This is a glorious argument to demon- ſtrate the divine truth and authority of the holy fcriptures; and it has this excellence, that its evidence is ever growing by the ac- compliſhment of many prophecies now in the world. No age or country has been bleſſed with a brighter diſplay of this evi- dence in its vaft extent and connexion than our own. It is enough to name Dr. Newton's 3 vols. of Differtations on Pro- phecy; it would be an affront to common fenſe to ſay any thing in favour of a work which is fo generally known and efteemed, and which furpaffes all commendation. However, it will be no difparagement to that incomparable work, to mention Dr. Gill's Treatife on the Prophecies fulfilled in the Meffiah, 8vo. 1728. The judicious Mr. Robert Fleming's Treatife on the fulfiling of the Scripture, a fmall folio. And the excellent Mr. Benjamin Bennett's Diſcour- fes on the Fulfilment of Scripture, towards good [ xxxiv ] good and bad Men, in his Sermons on In- fpiration, 8vo. 1730. Let me adviſe you to ftudy this argument throughly: make yourſelf maſter of the fubject in all its parts. Nothing ftrikes a wife man's mind fo ftrongly as facts, and it muſt give you un- utterable pleaſure to obferve how the biſhop of Bristol confirms and illuſtrates the prophecies and facts of fcripture, by a judicious and moft happy application of paffages felected from antient hiſtory. It is no difhonour to this great man to fay, that our learned Dr. Prideaux, and an au- thor who is the glory of the kingdom of France, and whofe naine and writings will ever be dear to me, paved the way for Dr. Newton and pointed out the method which he has fo well purfued. Would you know this laſt author? He is the amiable, I had almoſt faid the DIVINE, ROLLin. II. THE WORKING OF MIRACLES. This is another excellent and moft con- vincing argument to prove the divine in- fpiration of the holy fcriptures; and taken in connexion with the fulfilment of pro- phecies on the one hand, and with the goodneſs [ XXXV ] goodness of the doctrine on the other, it rifes up almoſt to irrefiftable demonſtra- tion. I will not mention a thouſandth part of what has been faid for or againſt this head of argument; but will fhew you the plain- eſt and moſt pleaſing method of beginning your confiderations upon it, fo as to pro- duce the moſt ſtriking conviction of its glory and evidence, only remarking, by the way, that the Deifts have of late, as well as in former days, employed their utmoſt art and force to overthrow this argument, particularly David Hume, and Rouffeau. The former has been fully anſwered by the late Dr. Leland, in his View of the Deiſtical Writers, Vol. II. 8vo. and by the Rev. Mr. Richard Price, F. R. S. in his Differtations juft publiſhed. The latter i. e. Rouffeau has been effectually con- futed by one of his own country men and fellow citizens, Dr. Claparede, profeffor of divinity at Geneva, whofe work has been tranſlated from the French, and printed this year in London for Mr. Newbery, 8vo.-I would adviſe you to read this little treatiſe on miracles with attention, as it is written with remarkable clearnefs and precifion and contains [ xxxvi ] contains the ſubſtance of what you will find in larger volumes. But fuppofe you had no book on mira- cles except your bible, what would you do in order to have a clear and extenfive view of this fubject, and anſwer your great end, which is a full and compleat con- viction that the facred fcriptures are in- fpired from heaven? I will fatisfy you, my dear young friend; I will point out to you the moſt eaſy and effectual method of ftu- dying this fubject. The first thing I adviſe you to do is this, endeavour to attain the cleareft idea of a MIRACLE. The learned and judicious Mr. John Hurrion* defines a miracle thus "Mi- racles are extraordinary works of God, above, beyond or contrary to the courſe * His fixteen excellent fermons, p. 436, intitled, The ſcripture doctrine of the proper divinity real perfonality, and the external and extraordinary works of the Holy Spirit, ftated and defended at Pinners-hall, 1729, 1730, 1731. 8vo. Ofwald in the Poultry, 1734.-Note. Few people in the world know the worth of thefe fermons. On the fubject they have no equal. of [ xxxvii ] of nature, or the power of fecond cauſes, done to confirm the truth." Dr. Doddridge * defines a miracle thus, "When ſuch effects are produced as (cæteris paribus) are ufually produced, God is faid to operate according to the common course of nature: but when fuch effects are produced as are (cæt. par.) con- trary to, or different from that common course, they are faid to be MIRACULOUS." Dr. Claparede's definition is the ſhorteſt and moſt eaſy to be underſtood, "A miracle is a fenfible change in the order of nature." Nature is the affem- blage of created beings. Theſe beings act upon each, other, or by each other, agreeable to certain laws; the refult of which is what we call the or- der of nature. Theſe laws, being a confequence of the nature of theſe beings, and of the relati- ons which they bear to each other, are * See his lectures, part V. lect. CI. definition LXVII. Read his confiderations upon the miracles of the gofpel, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Newbery, 1767. invariable: [ xxxviii] invariable: it is by them God governs the world. He alone eſtabliſhed them. He alone therefore can fufpend them. The proper effect then of miracles is to mark clearly the divine interpofition, and the fcriptures fuppofe that fuch too is their defign. Hence I draw this confe- quence, that he who performs a miracle. performs it in the name of God and on his behalf, that is to fay, in proof of a divine miffion. But what are the characters of true mi- racles? How may we know that the maf- ter of nature hath been pleaſed to modify or fufpend its laws? A queſtion of the higheſt importance! We have a clue to guide us in this re- fearch fince the end of miracles is to mark the divine interpofition, the miracle muſt have characters proper to mark this in- terpoſition. 1ſt. It muſt have an end impor- tant and worthy of its author. 2. Be fenfible and eaſy to be obferved. 3. Be in- dependent of fecond cauſes. 4. Be inftan- taneouſly performed. Now, my young friend, proceed to take afurvey of the miracles in what I would call A [ xxxix ] A COMPENDIOUS VIEW OF THE MIRACLES RECORDED IN THE BIBLE. Deluge confufion of languages-fire burning bufh-rod turned rivers made blood - the duft turned into lice - fwarms of flies-murrain on the cattle- boils on man and beaſt-hail mingled with fire locufts- darknefs to be felt death of the first born red fea divid- on Sodom-burning buſh into a ferpent plague of frogs ed - bitter waters of Marah fweetened -rock gufhes out with water-law gi- ven at Sinai with thunder, fire, and earth- - quake. quails given to eat for 600,000 men-manna given every morning for 40 years - Nadab and Abihu burnt with fire-earth opens to fwallow up Korah, Dathan, and Abiram-brazen ferpent cur- ing-a dumb aſs fpeaking with an human voice Jordan divided fun and moon ſtanding ſtill for a whole day Gideon's fleece-powers of Sampfon-water flowing from a jawbone-meal and oil multiplied- widow's fon raiſed-no rain for three years Shunamites fon raiſed the wonders of Elijah and Elifha Naaman's leprofy cured [ x ] 3 ค cured-Gehazi made a leper for life- one hundred fourfcore and five thoufand Affyrians killed in one night the fun on the dial of Ahaz going ten degrees back- ward three heroes in the fiery furnance -a man's hand writing on the wall-lions refufing to devour Daniel in the den—a fiſh fwallowing Jonah, and after three days and three nights vomiting him up alive upon the dry land! MIRACLES OF THE NEW TES- TAMENT. The man Jefus born without an earthly father-water turned into wine-a noble- man's fon reſtored- leper cleanſed - cen- turion's fervant healed burning fever in Peter's wife's mother removed a raging tempeft calmed-legion of devils driven out -palfy cured with a word-Jairus's dead daughter raiſed-iffue of blood of twelve years ſtanding effectually removed-dumb man made to ſpeak-two blind men made. to ſee withered hand reſtored a man, made blind and dumb by the devil, reftor- ed to fight and ſpeech-five thousand fed with a few loaves and fishes-Jefus walk- ing [ xli ] ing on the watry world a poor woman cured by touching the hem of his garment- Syrophoenician woman's daughter reftored a man by the devil made a lunatick cured a fish bringing the tribute money in his mouth fig tree withering away- deaf and ſtammerer reſtored to hearing and free fpeech four thousand fed wonderful draught of fiſhes-widow's dead fon raifed-feven devils caft out of Mary Magdalen a woman crooked for eigh- teen years made ſtraight ten lepers cleanfed a man impotent for thirty- eight years healed a man blind from his birth made to fee buyers and fellers whipt out of the temple,-(this is thought the greateſt miracle)- Lazarus dead and putrified reſtored to life darkneſs at Christ's death-Chrift's own refurrection, a glorious miracle !-the Saints arifing with Jefus-a net full of great fifhes, (one hun- dred and fifty three) yet the net not broken. Note. 1. Explain the precife circum- ftances of each miracle. 2. Make perti- nent and ſtriking reflections on each. III. GOOD. [ xlii ] III. GOODNESS OF THE DOC- TRINE. This is the moſt popular, convincing and attractive argument, to prove the di- vine infpiration of the fcriptures. Good, in its moft fimple idea, fignifies any thing that is fuited to pleaſe our taſte or promote our happineſs-natural good, is any thing that is fitted to anſwer its end metaphyfical good is whatever is agreeable to the intention of the great and wife creator natural good, as confidered with relation to fenfible or rational and intel- ligent beings, fignifies what is pleaſant, or that which tends to procure pleaſure or happineſs. Good, in a rational fenfe fignifies any being or thing that is poffeft of fuch per- fections as are proper for any valuable and important end. The goodneſs of a thing is its fitnefs to produce any particular end that is valuable and important to a reaſonable creature. The goodneſs of the doctrine of revealed religion is its fuitableness to increaſe our pleaſure, [ xliii ] pleaſure, diminiſh our pain, continue the prefence of good, and to remove the pref- fures of evil. Goodneſs, in the ſenſe in which we uſe it on this occafion, fignifies fuch a revelati- on or diſcovery of God, as hath an exqui- fite tendency to pleaſe a rational taſte, ele- vate and extend our perceptions, remove the preffures of guilt, fupport under a fenfe of pain, and particularly affift and animate us, in the purſuit of the nobleſt ends of our exiſtence, and carry us on to the final deftination of our nature, in its reft in the fupreme and eternal good, who is the final cauſe of our immortal fpirits. That which has the fitteſt tendency to carry us with the fureft fuccefs to the higheft end, muft be eſteemed the richeft and moſt abundant good to man. In order to know the chief good of the human kind, we muſt confider what we are; what are our chief ſprings of action; what are our principles of fruition; and what is the last end of man. We find that there are three conſtituent principles, or properties, which diftinguiſh human nature from the beafts that periſh. Man has a perception of a firſt cauſe, whom [ xliv ] whom we callGod-he has a moral ſenſe, or perception, of the difference between moral and a lively appre- henfion of immortality in a future world. good and moral evil But in fpite of human pride man is a guilty creature; he has fwerved from his trueft and nobleft end; and has infinite need of a divine revelation, to reftore him to his original ſtate, and raiſe him to an immortal dignity. The gofpel is adapted to this end, with the moſt exquifite delicacy and wiſdom. It teaches us to confefs the depravity of our own nature, and the rectitude and beauty of the divine; to acknowledge the holi- nefs of the law, and cover ourſelves with fhame, for all our deviations from the wife and excellent order of heaven-it infpires us with fentiments of veneration for the excellencies of God; and obliges us to fee and own the tranfcendent beauty of his perfections, as the object of our choiceſt thoughts and higheſt eſteem. This bleffed revelation perfuades us to truft in the fupreme mind, and commit all our concerns in life and death into the hands of that God, who is a Being of infi- nite tenderneſs and fidelity; it animates us to 1 [ xlv ] to a generous zeal for the honour of his perfections, when they are denied or de- graded by the tongues and actions of in- fidels, who fet themſelves againſt him. It teaches us to improve all our talents of nature, literature and goodneſs, all our power, wealth and reputation for the divine honour; and to produce the glori- ous fruits of knowledge and benevolence, proportionable to the advantage we enjoy; and thus to reprefent the beauty of God's moral perfections to mankind. } This excellent religion perfuades and affifts us to acknowledge our infinite dif tance from God, our utter unworthineſs before him, and univerfal dependence on his vital prefence, and inceffant energy to preſerve, enlighten and extend our pow- ers; it teaches us to give him the higheſt glory, as the generous author of all our good, the fource of all our bleffings; to ex- prefs the utmoſt gratitude for his benefi- cence; to fet an extreme value on all his bleffings of nature and grace; and to pre- ferve a deep fenfe of the precious benefits of health, wealth, and happineſs. * See Dr. Ridgley's body of divinity, p. 1-7. This [ xlvi ] This generous religion pours a torrent of pleaſure through all the mind and foul of man; it breathes eternal chearfulneſs into the diftreffed confcience; it recommends God's fervice as moſt agreeable to our fa- culties, moſt ſuitable to our rational pow- ers, promotive of our beft intereft, full of folid fatisfaction; and it ſweetly conſtrains us to avow in the face of the whole world, that we do not repent of engaging in the ſervice of our adorable mafter; that we do not wish we had purfued the paths of vice, and pleaſed the grand apoftate, the firſt rebel in the world, rather than our omnipotent and good Creator, the ever bleffed and immortal GOD. A MINIATURE PICTURE OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, OR A VIEW OF THE BEAUTIFUL PERFECTIONS OF CHRISTIAN- ITY. The goſpel is a bright diſcovery of a benevolent provifion of happineſs for man; -a provifion of happinefs confiftent with eternal rectitude, and founded upon the invariable juftice of the divine nature; a provifion replete with wonder ani- mated [ xlvii ] mated by love, made effectual in its inten- tions by omnipotence, and carried on to its final iffue under the conduct of the moſt exquiſite wiſdom and prudence. This revelation gives us the best ideas. of God's perfections, it unfolds God's full character, it diſcovers all of God at once, as far as man in his prefent ftate can appre- hend.-This glorious inftitution teaches us the feveral relations of God to our world, as its almighty creator, proper owner, wife governor, generous benefactor, and im- partial judge. This divine religion afferts the original dignity and happineſs of human nature, it shows the revolt of all mankind from God, and their deviation from the eternal order of beings and the beautiful fitneſs which the will of God has crdained to run through his univerfal empire.-It opens to our admiring eyes, God's infinite compaf- fions to miferable man, and the harmoni- ous affemblage of the divine perfections to recover us from ruin and raife us to final felicity. It gives a wonderful view of commanding authority to awe the mind, and of love to allure the heart to obedience. Chriſtianity € [ xlviii] Chriſtianity throws open the moſt ſub- lime truths to aſtoniſh and yet improve the human underſtanding, and elevate the mind to its higheſt perfection; it draws the moſt beautiful image of God upon the foul, preſcribes the moſt intenfe ado- ration of man to his creator, and trains him "p to the moſt generous devotion and the pleaſures of angels. This lovely ſcheme of religion prefents us with the moſt perfect ſtandard of beauti- ful and found morals, it holds up to our view the beſt ſyſtem of true virtue that ever appeared in the world, a fyftem without redundancy, without defect; a ſyſtem ad- jufted to the nature, the powers and the connections of man, and that is calculat- edfor the perfect felicity, as well as the per- fect rectitude of human nature. It like- wife provides the beſt fuccours for our feeble powers, and gives the fureſt aids, the richest affiftances to attain the glorious holinefs it preſcribes, and thus equally prevents a bold prefumption of indepen- dence, and a cowardly indolence and dreaming inactivity, arifing from a want of ftrength, or a confcioufnefs of weaknefs. This [ xlix ] This chriſtian revelation difcovers un- utterable encouragement to diftreffed fin- ners in the divine obedience of the Lord Jefus Chrift; it opens a ſcene of the moſt glorious actions performed by the fon of God in the nature of man; or in other words,it fhews us the bleffed Jefus filled with heavenly dignity, and greatnefs of mind, animated by the moſt burning love to God and mankind, performing a regular courfe of the moſt beautiful actions and fervices; or you may view his whole life as one entire grand action performed for the honour of God's moral attributes, fuffering a death the moſt terrible and alarming with in- vincible refolution and fortitude, and fol- lowed with the most precious confequences to man, for it ſhews us that this one grand action and ſuffering compleated in death, it fhews us I fay all this terminating upon us, as made rich by theſe meritorious actions and divine fervices which entitle us to the full fruition of God! What a contrivance of God's fuperla- tive wiſdom is this? to give us all the infinite benefits arifing from the glorious obedience, and moft agonizing death of the higheſt perfonage in the world! Thus by reaſon of our relation to him and his con- nexion C 2 [ 1 ] nexion with us, we are made rich with his riches, and heirs of all God's empire by virtue of our relation to him who is the heir of all things. This divine inftitution humbles the finner and exalts the redeemer. It teach- es us to form a very low opinion of the extent of our own knowledge and good- neſs, and to feel a deep ſenſe of our con- ftant and abfolute dependance on God's univerfal agency, and a conſciouſneſs of our guilt: that we have offended the infinite majeſty of heaven, and deferved his contempt and indignation. That we ought to be treated with abhorrence, and puniſhed with the lofs of all poffible and infinite good through an eternal du- ration. In a word, this religion plainly fhews us that fin is an infinite evil, as it ftrikes at an infinite God, expofes us to infinite lofs, fixes a ftain in the foul through an infinite duration. Such views of fin lay the foul in the duft at the foot of God, and teaches us to adore and love that Saviour who with almighty power and boundleſs love hath reſcued us from eter- nal and overwhelming deftruction. Our [i] Our bleffed religion ordains the moſt excellent buſineſs and uſeful employment for every day of our fhort life upon earth, it teaches us to fill up every hour with fuch generous deeds as fhall follow us with honour into eternity and enlarge our glory and felicity for ever. Upon the chriftian plan of principles and actions, we are taught that a contemplation of the moral perfections of God, devotion to him through Chrift, and unwearied bene- volence to man, are the only ends for which life is worth a wifh or a rational thought. Confequently This divine fyftem propofes to us the nobleft fprings of action, and directs us to the moft exalted ends of our exiſtence, it teaches us that God is the father and au- thor of our being, that we fprang from his breath, fhould refemble his virtues, and tend towards him as our final reſt and infinite good. This bleffed gofpel raifes us to a daily correfpondence with heaven, a fublime converfe with the great father of reafon, and the fountain of im- mortal fpirits. This precious fcheme of falvation, is ex- cellently adapted to the welfare of the fouls of individual perfons, to ftrengthen the understanding; } [ lii] ftanding; to brighten our genius; re- fine our reaſon; to enlarge the heart with benevolence; fortify the foul with cou- rage; and ſweeten all the devout and fo- cial affections. This divine religion, gloriously pro- motes the good of all civil focieties, unites all ranks of men in one bleffed band of fathers, brothers, fons and fubjects; it teaches the rich to be generous parents to the poor, and the poor to be dutiful, grateful children to the rich; it teaches kings to be fathers, and ſubjects to be fons, and turns all mankind into one ge- neral family of friendſhip and love. NORTHAMPTON, Jan. 1. 1768. JOHN RYLAND. Note, This difplay of the beautiful perfections of the CHRISTIAN religion will be continued in the SECOND ESSAY on the ADVANCEMENT OF LEARN- ING, and prefixed to a book now printing, entitl- ed a Compendiun of Natural Philofophy, contain- ing Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics and Aftronomy. By John Horfley, A. M. adapted to a courfe of Experiments performed in Glafgow, 12mo, PART 1 PART THE FIRST, OF MECHANICS. CONCERNING THE ? MECHANICAL POWERS. A NY machine or engine by which a man can raiſe a greater weight, or overcome a greater reſiſtance, than he could do by his natural ftrength without it, is called a mechanical power: To every machine of this fort, a power is applied, in order to raiſe a weight or overcome a refiftance. And the ma- chine is fo contrived, that the power which works it, fhall move through a greater ſpace in the fame time, than the weight or reſiſtance moves through : for without this, no advantage can be gained by it. * B 2 1 The ? [ 4 ] The power or advantage gained by any machine, let it be ever ſo ſimple or ever fo compound, is as great, as the ſpace moved through by the work- ing power is greater than the ſpace through which the weight or reſiſtance moves, during the time of working. Thus, if that part of the machine to which the working power is applied, moves through 5, 10, 20, or (if you will) 1000 times as much space as the weight moves through in the fame time; a man who has juft ftrength enough to work the machine will raife 5, 10, 20, or 1000 times as much by it as he could do by his mere natural ftrength with- out it. But then, the time loft will be always as great as the power gained. For it will take 5, 10, 20, or 1000 times as much time for the power to move through that number of feet or inches, as it would do to move through one foot or one inch. The [ 5 ] The fimple machines called mecha- nical powers, are fix in number, viz. the lever, the wheel and axle, the pul- leys, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the ſcrew. And of thefe, all the moſt compound engines do confiſt. J 4 { १ B 3 THE PLATE I. t Fig. 1. E 4 6 MECHANICS. A B b B 1 Fig. 2. ク ​E 6 F 1.2 A B Fig.3. 3 E D A e Fig.4 *、 » « L**བོན་ B d Frig. 5. 4 6 d 5 6 Fig.6. E 1 D nce page 7 OF 3 Fig. 8. 3 E Fig. 7. 4 J.Mynde foulp. • THE 1 さ ​L E V VER, OR FIRST MECHANICAL POWER. A LEVER is a bar of iron or wood, made uſe of for raifing great weights a little way from the ground, and fupporting them until ropes be put under them, to raiſe them higher by other machines, if required. Fig. 1. ABC is fuch a bar, placed upon'a ftone D in the ground E. The ftone muſt be firm in the ground, to fupport the lever or bar; and is called the prop. The parts AB and BC, on different fides of the prop, are called the arm's ¡ B of 4 [ 8 ] of the lever. The end of the ſhorteſt arm AB is put below the weight F, and the hand (which is called the working power) is applied to the end C of the longeſt arm BC. Here it is plain, that if the hand at C either pulls or puſhes down the end C of the arm of the lever BC, the end A of the arm AB will raiſe the weight F. And, by means of this fimple ma- chine, a man will be able to raife as much more weight at F than he could raiſe by his natural ſtrength without any fuch machine, as the arm BC is longer than the arm AB: and the power or hand at C will move through as much more ſpace than the weight F moves through, as BC is longer than AB. Hence, the power or advantage gained by this lever, or added to the natural ſtrength of a man, is as great as [ 9 ] } as the arm BC is longer than the arm AB. To prove this by experiment, provide fuch a bar as ABC (fig. 2.) and divide its length into any number of equal parts, as fuppofe 7, of which AB hall be one part, and BC the other fix. Let the part AB be made fo thick and heavy, as juft to balance the part BC, when the bar reft on the prop D, having the part AB on the left fide of the prop, and the part BC on the right fide. Then hang the weight E of one ounce, on the end of the arm BC at 6, and hang the weight F of fix ounces at A on the end of the arm AB; and the weight E will juſt balance and ſupport the weight F which is fix times as heavy. Here, E may be called the power, and F the weight. F being as much nearer the prop than E is, as E is lighter than F. B 5 There [ 10 ] 1 There are four different kinds of ĺevers: the one here referred to is called a lever of the first kind, in which, the prop is between the power and the weight. The deſcription of the other three kinds follow in order. THE SECOND KIND OF LEVER. In this machine, the weight is be- tween the prop and the power. Thus, the bar ABC is fupported at the end A by the table D, a weight as E is hung any where upon the bar, as at B, and the power or hand is applied to the other end C of the bar, to lift up that end, and raiſe the weight. The power or advantage gained by this machine is as great as the diſtance of the hand from the table or prop D exceeds the diſtance of the [ 1 ] if the weight from it. Thus, if the power or hand at C be feven times as far from D as the point B of the bar is, on which the weight E is hung, a power equal to the feventh part of the weight will fupport it. So that a man, taking hold of the end C of the bar or lever ABC, and pulling upward, could fup- port ſeven times as much weight hang- ing for the point B as he could carry in his arms without fuch a machine; and he muſt raiſe the end C feven in- ches, in order to raiſe the weight E one inch. To confirm this by experiment, di- vide the length of the bar ABC (fig.4.) into feven equal parts, and place the end A on the prop D: then tie the ftring dd to the other end C of the bar, and put the ſtring over the pulley e which turns freely round its axis ƒ; the ſaid axis being ſuppoſed to be fixed in [ 12 ] in the wall of the room. This done, hang a weight F of one ounce to the end of the ſtring at I; and hang a weight of 7 ounces on the point B of the bar AB, at a feventh part of the length of the bar from the prop D; and the weight F by endeavouring to defcend, and raife the end C of the bar, will ſuſtain the weight E; fo that, between theſe weights, the bar or lever will remain immoveable. THE THIRD KIND OF LEVER. In this machine, the power is be- tween the prop and the weight. It cannot properly be reckoned a mecha- nical power, but rather the reverſe thereof; becauſe a man can lift as much more by his natural ſtrength than he can by this lever, as the diftance of the [ 13 ] the weight from the prop is greater than the diſtance of the power from the prop. So that it is the lever of the fecond kind reverfed. For, if the end A of the bar ABC (fig. 5.) be placed below the table D, and the bar be divided into feven equal parts, from A to C; and there be a weight of one ounce, as E hung upon the end C of this lever, and a man takes hold of the lever at B, which is only a ſeventh part of the whole length from the end A, and pulls upward, he muſt pull with a power or force of feven ounces at B to fupport one ounce at the end C; and then, if he raifes his hand one inch higher, the weight C will be raiſed ſeven inches. To prove this, divide the bar ABC (fig. 6.) into feven equal parts, put the end A under the table D, and tie one end [ 14 ] end of the ftring dd to the divifion 1 at B, and tie the other end of the ftring at 7 to a weight F of feven ounces. Then, tie the weight E of one ounce to the ſeventh divifion at the end C of the bar, and put the ftring over the pulley e which is at liberty to turn 'round its axis f; and the weight F which acts as a power of 7 ounces to pull the lever upward, will be balanced by the weight E which is but one ounce, and pulls the lever downward with the force of one ounce. So that, if the part AB be made thick enough to balance the part BC without any weights, and the weights E and F be hung on as in the figure, they will just balance and ſupport each other. And if the weight F be pulled one inch downward, it will raiſe the weight E feven inches. THE [ 15 ] THE FOURTH KIND OF LEVER. This lever differs in nothing but its form, from the lever of the firſt kind : its power is the fame, and its ſhape is reprefented in fig. 8. and is applicable to that of drawing a. nail out of wood by a hammer. Suppoſe the ſhaft AB (fig. 7.) of the hammer ABC to be five times as long as the iron part BC, which draws the nail D; the part B of the hammer reſting on the point 5 of the board as a prop. Then, by pulling backward the end of the ſhaft at A, a man will draw the nail D with a fifth part of the power that he could pull it out with pincers, in which caſe, the nail would move as faft as his hand does; but with this hammer, the hand moves through five [ 16 ] five times the length of the nail by. the time the nail is drawn out of the wood. ነ To confirm this, make AB (fig. 8.) five times as long as BC, bending the bar ABC to the form of a carpenter's fquare. Then let the heel B turn on a pin b, as a fixt axis or prop, driven in- to the wainſcot of a room, and let a ftring fixt at A go over the pulley D which turns on the pin d alſo fixt into the wainſcot. Then hang a weight E of one ounce to the lower end of the ftring, and a weight of five ounces as F, to the end C of the bended lever; and theſe weights will balance each other. Here the axis or prop b is be- tween the weight F and the power E, (whofe action is at A) as in the lever of the first kind. All fciffars, pincers, and fnuffers, are levers of the firſt kind, and the nail which [ 17 ] which holds them together is the ful- crum or prop. Bakers knives, which are fixed by a ſtaple at the point of the blade, act as levers of the ſecond kind, in cutting loaves. Rudders of fhips, and doors turning on hinges are levers of the fecond kind, and fo are oars of boats. The bones of a man's leg or arm act as levers of the third kind, and ſo do the pinions and wheels of clocks and watches. < THE THE WHEEL AND AXLE, } OR SECOND MECHANICAL POWER. C N this machine a cord C goes round IN the wheel A, and another cord E goes round the axle B, which is fixt into the wheel; ſo that for every time the wheel is turned round, the axle muft turn round alfo. A weight F (fig. 9.) is fixt to the cord E that goes round the axle, and a power is applied at D to the cord C that goes round the wheel. If the power D bears the fame proportián to the weight F that the diameter of the axle bears to the diameter of the wheel, } the ་་་་ I'LATE II, Fig.9. 8 E H MECHANICS. Fig.10! A a лъ D Fig.15. To face page 19. 1 D 8 F 10D D Fig.16. B G Frig.13・ D D É E 4 Fig.11. 4 F B C Fig 12. I Fig.14. F A ! 8 K } } B D E B D B Fig.17. : E J. Mynde fculp [ 19 ] the power and weight will balance each other. Thus, fuppofe the diameter of the wheel to be eight inches, and the diameter of the axle to be orie inch; then, one ounce acting as a power at D will balance eight ounces of weight at F; and a ſmall additional power at D will cauſe it to deſcend, and turn the wheel and its axle, and fo raife the weight F. And for every inch that Frifes, D`will fall eight inches: fo that the velocity of the power D will exceed the velocity of the weight F as the circumference of the wheel exceeds the circumference of the axle, which we here fuppofe to be eight times. And by fuch a machine a man pulling the cord C at D would be able to raife eight times as much weight at Fhung to the cord E as he could raife by his natural ſtrength without ſuch a machine. Hence, the power and ad- vantage gained by this machine is as great [ 20 ] great as the diameter or circumference of the wheel exceeds the diameter or cir- cumference of the axle. It is eaſy to conceive that the power of the wheel and axle is the ſame with that of a lever of the firft kind. For, (in fig. 10.) let HC be a wheel, and Ab its axle. Draw the ftraight line ABC; then, as B is the center of the wheel, AB is the femi-diameter of the axle, and BC the femi-diameter of the wheel; and here, AB may be confi- dered as the ſhorter arm of the lever ABC, BC as its longer arm, and a the prop. Now, if BC be eight times as long as AB, a weight D of one ounce hanging from C will balance a weight F of eight ounces hanging from A. THE THE PULLEY, OR THIRD MECHANICAL POWER. A Single pulley as AB (fig. 11.) that turns round its axis in a fixt block as C, and does not move out of its place, ferves only to change the direction of the power, but gives no mechanical advantage thereto. So that a man can raiſe no more weight by means of this pulley than he could lift by his natural ſtrength without it. For, if a rope DE goes over this pulley, and has the two equal weights F and G (ſuppoſe four ounces each) hung to its ends, they will balance each """ [ 22 ] each other; and if either of them be pulled down, through any given ſpace, the other will rife through juſt as much ſpace in the fame time: and therefore as the velocity of the weight is equal to the velocity of the power, the po- wer muſt be as great as the weight to balance it. But if (as in fig. 12.) one end of the rope ABC be tied to a fixt hook D, and the rope goes under the pulley E which turns in the moveable block F, and over the pulley G which turns in the fixed block H, a power equal to one ounce at the end of the rope C at I will balance a weight K of two ounces hung at the moveable block F. So that, where a pulley is ufed that will rife with the weight, a power equal to half the weight will balance'it. For the weight K of eight ounces hangs by a double rope AB, and there- fore, [ 23 ] * fore, the part A of the rope fuftains one half of the weight, and the part B the other. And therefore, if a man was to take hold of the rope at B, and pull upward, he would only feel half the weight K, becauſe the other half hangs by the part of the rope at A. But as it is more convenient to pull downward than upward, if the rope be put over the pulley G, which turns in the fixt block H, and ferves only to change the direction of the pull; a man pulling by the rope at C will raiſe twice as much weight at K as he could lift by his natural ſtrength without any machine. If there are two pullies in the lower block F, there must also be two in the upper block H; and then, as the rope will be twice doubled in going over and under all theſe pullies, the weight will hang by four parts of the rope, and [ 24 ] and a power equal to a fourth part of the weight will balance it. Hence, the power of this machine is as the number of parts of the rope by which the lower block F hangs; and this will be always equal to twice the number of pullies in that block.→ THE THE INCLINED PLANE, OR FOURTH MECHANICAL POWER. I' F a wedge ABC (fig. 13.) be cut lengthwife through its middle AED, it will be divided into two equal- ly inclined planes, one of which is ABC (fig. 14.) whofe acting fide is AEDB. The power of this machine is as great as the length AB of the act- ing fide exceeds the thickneſs or height of the back BCED where the blow is given. For (fig. 15.) if a moulding D was to be ſplit off from a thick plank E, by driving the inclined plane ABC be- C tween [ 26 ] tween the plank and moulding, the moulding will be as much eaſier fepe- rated from the plank by this means, than it could be pulled off by a cord fixed to a ſtaple in the moulding at D, as BC is longer than AC. To prove this by experiment, let the inclined plane A (fig. 16.) run upon wheels, and be drawn forwards by means of a weight G, to which the line EE is fixed, and alſo to the in- clined plane at B; the fixed pulley F. the line going over Let one end of the line D be fixed to a hook in the wall, at five or fix feet from the in- clined plane, in fuch a manner, that when the other end of the line is tied to the frame of the roller C the line, may be parallel to the acting fide A of the plane. Now, if the weight G be as much lighter than the roller C and its frame, as the height or thickneſs a, of [ 27 ] t of the plane is less than the length of the fideA,the plane will reft under the Load C, fo as the load can neither make it run back, nor can the weight G draw it forward. So that, if the length of the fide A be four times as great as the perpendicular height a, a power at G equal to one fourth part of the weight of the load C will balance the plane under it. If you fet the inclined plane (fig. 17.) againſt the piece A to keep it from moving backward,, and let the roller be drawn by the line BB go- ing over the fixed pulley D-by means of the weight C. If C be as much lighter than the roller as the in- clined fide of the machine is longer than the machine is thick at A, the load will be fupported on the plane by the power of the weight C. C. And thus we find, that in drawing a cart C 2 or [ 28 ] } or waggon up-hill, if the power of the horſes be proportioned to the weight of the waggon as the perpen- dicular height of the hill is to the length of its fide, the waggon will be kept from running back. And as much additional power as will over- come the friction of the axles, will draw the waggon up the hill. 1 t THE PLATE II. B Fig.18. L 1 " Fig.19. d C Frig:20. M A Fig. 24 K A MECHANICS Fig.21 A A C Fig.23 B d EC B IP d b a B B D Fig. 22. • To face page 29. A E F B G H h E M N L Fig.25. 0 J. Mynde fails. THE 14 WEDGE, OK FIFTH MECHANICAL POWER. I F two inclined planes (fig. 18.) which are equal and fimilar, aṣ ABd and CBd be joined together at their bafes Bd, they will become a wedge as ABC. Therefore, in cleaving wood, the power of the wedge will be to, the re- fiftance of the wood on the fide BC as the length of that fide is to the half back Cd of the wedge; and as the refiftance of the wood againſt the fide BC is to the half back Ad. That is, the power or advantage gained by the C 3 wedge [ 30 ] wedge is as great as the fide BC or, BA exceeds the half back Ad or Cd. Or, putting the whole together, as great as the length of both the fides AB and BC exceeds the length of the back AC where the blow is ftruck by the hammer or mallet. For, in fig. 19, before the wedge ABC enters the wood EHG that is in- tended to be cloven, the parts EF and GF are in contact; but when the wedge is driven into the wood, the part G is removed as from a to C, and the part E is removed as from a to A: d fo that, the velocity of E or G (go- ing off obliquely) is to the velocity of the wedge, as the length of the fide of the wedge BA or BC is to the half back dA or dC. And, in this, as well as in all the foregoing mechanical powers, the power or advantage gained is [ 31 ] is as great as the velocity of the power exceeds the velocity of the refiſtance. To prove this by experiment, let the two pieces of wood (fig. 20.) EH and GH be joined at HH by band or hinge, and be drawn together by the fmall cords Efgf and Ghi, going over the pullies g and i, and having weights as K at the lower ends of the cords, (the weight on the line Ghi, equal to the weight K, being hid from fight by the table M) and let the light wedge ABC be drawn into the wood EHHG by means of the weight L hanging at the cord DDB, faftened to the wedge at B, and going over the pulley e. If the weight L be in the fame propor- tion to the weight K as the half back Ad of the wedge is to either of its fides AB or CB, the weight L which acts as a power for making the wedge go into the wood, will balance the C 4 weight [ 32 ] weight K which pulls the fide EH of the cleft EHHG, as a refiftance, againſt the fide AB of the wedge; and will alfo balance a weight equal to K hanging at the cord Ghi, and pulling the fide GH of the cleft as a reſiſtance againſt the other fide BC of the wedge. { THE THE L SCREW, OR SIXTH MECHANICAL POWER. F IE a piece of paper be cut into the ſhape of an inclined plane ABC (fig.21.) and wrapped round and round the cylinder AB (fig.22.) from the per- pendicular AC to the point B, the fide CB being ſtill kept upon itſelf in wrap- ping, the inclined fide AB will form a fpiral or fcrew as abcd around the cylinder AB. If theſe ſpirals be cut deep into the wood, as at abcd, as in fig. 23, and the gudgeons g and b of the wood do turn in a frame; if the cylinder AB C 5 be [ 34 ] be turned round and round by the winch W, the ſpirals or threads of the fcrew abcd will have a progreffive mo- tion, as from A toward B, advancing through the ſpace ab, or bc, or cd, always in being once turned round. And, if the top of the ſtrong ſpring D (whofe foot is fixed into the heavy and immoveable block F) be put be- tween any two of the fcrew-threads, as at e, and then if the fcrew be turned once round, the top of the fpring will be moved from e to f, through a ſpace equal to the diſtance between any two of the threads ab or bc; and the fpring, which acts as a refiftance againſt the power that turns the ſcrew, will be bent into the form GEƒ. Now, fince the refiftance moves only from e to f, in the time that the ſcrew is turned once round, it is plain, that the power or force gained by the fcrew is [ 35 ] is as great as the circumference of the cylinder AB on which the fpirals are cut, exceeds the diſtance or ſpace be- tween the neighbouring ſpirals, if the ſcrew be turned round by hand, taking hold of the end of the cylinder at B. But, as the fcrew is never turned in that manner, but by means of a lever or winch W, the power of the ſcrew is increaſed as much as the length of the lever from / to the handle W ex- ceeds the ſemi-diameter of the cylin- der AB. Thus, in fig. 24. the weight G is fixt to the end of the rack F whofe teeth work in the fcrew E belonging to the axis CD, on the top of which is the handle or winch AB, which being turned once round, will turn the ſcrew one round, and lift the rack and weight through the ſpace of one tooth, as from F to f. Now, fuppofe this ſpace to [ 36 ] • to be one inch, which is lifted at one turn, and the length AB of the handle to be feven inches; then the circle de- ſcribed by the power that moves the handle will be forty-four inches in circumference. So that, as the velo- city of the power is forty-two times. as great as the velocity of the weight, a man could raiſe forty-two times as much weight [allowing for friction] by this engine as he could do by his natural ſtrength without it, A A POWERFUL ENGINE FOR RAISING VERY GREAT WEIGHTS. C N the axis C of the winch AB is a pinion Ð turning the wheel E, on whofe axis is a pinion F turn- ing the wheel G, on whoſe axis is a pinion H turning the wheel I, on whoſe axis is a pinion K turning the wheel L, on whofe axis M the rope N coils or winds (as the machine is turned by the winch) and draws up the weight O. Now, fuppofe each pinion to have eight leaves (fometimes called teeth) and each wheel to have eighty teeth, it is plain that the pinion turns ten times [ 38 ] times round for once that the wheel can turn round in which the pinion works. Therefore, the pinion D will make ten revolutions for one of the wheel E and pinion F; the pinion F will make ten revolutions for one revo- lution of the wheel G, which wheel, together with the pinion H will make ten revolutions for one of the wheel I and pinion K, and the pinion K will make ten revolutions for one revolution of the wheel L and its axle M. theſe four tens being multiplied into one another give a product of 10000. So that the winch AB muſt be turned round ten thouſand times, in order to make the wheel L turn once round, which will only raise the weight O through as much space as it takes length of the N to go once round the axle M. rope And Hence, [ 39 ] 1 Hence, if the axle C was to be turned round by hand, without a winch, a man could raiſe ten thousand times as much weight by the rope coiling round the axle M as he could do if it coiled round the axle C. But if he makes ufe of a winch as AB, of which the length AB is ten times as great as the femidiameter of the axle C, the power of the engine will become ten times as great as before; and ten times ten thouſand is an hundred thoufand: fo that, by this engine a man could raiſe an hundred times as much weight as he could do by his natural ftrength without it: and, for every inch that the weight rifes the handle B of the winch would move through an hun- dred thouſand inches, or almoft 2778 yards. Suppofing all the axles equally big as the winch ufed, the rope going round [ 40 ] round the axle C would enable the man to raiſe ten times as much as he would do without it: round the axle d 100 times as much; round e 1000 times; round f 10000 times, and round M 100000 times. So that the power may be increaſed at pleaſure by ma- chinery; but we fee it may be made fo great as to be ufelefs, on account of the time that would be loft in working it for the time loft is always as great as the power gained. • PART PART THE SECON D. GEOMETRY, BY SCALE AND COMPASSES. TRIGONOMETRY, MEASURING OF HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. } ; GEOMETRY. K PLATE IV. Fig. 2. Fig.3. ፣ A OF 60 B A 8,0 B* 00% 8'0 5'0 Line of Chords Fig. 1. 70: θα Line of Kines 10 90 H B 40 Line of Fangents 20 60 160. 230 260 190 220 120 250 150 180 210 240 Fig.4. 50 80 110 140 170 200 23 H b face page 43. 160 190 220 130 100 210 180 170 150 50 200 120 170 40 90 140 190 160 110 180 60 130 .80 150 170 100 -40° 120 140160 30 50 70 99 Ito 130 150. The Line of Chords 50 140 30 120 80 100 90 6a 130 11.0 40 90 20 260 120 80. 100 20 50 8.0 110 60 70 100 -10 30 80 Go 40 190 50 60 D 70 80 50. 10 40 30 30 40 50 50 60 40 Bo 50 20 10 40/30 པ།བ ? 60 40. 30 50 20 40 30 10 20 30 10 20 20 20 10 10 10 سلسل A 10 15 • O CED DEF 20 30 35 of blot 1253##121 10. Ch : K 50 I J. Mynde foulp THE CONSTRUCTION f t O F ANGLES, SINES, TANGENTS, AND CHORDS. FIĠ. I. EXPLAINED. E's divided A 14 VERY circle, great or fmall, is divided (or ſuppoſed to be di- vided) into 360 equal parts, called degrees. Thus, the quadrant DE of the large circle ABDE contains go degrees, and fo do the ſmaller quadrants G, H, I: and 4 times 90 is 360. An angle is the ſpace intercepted by two lines, as CD and CF, meeting one another in the center of the circle at f [ 44 ] → at C and its meafure is the number of degrees contained in the arc DF, (as fuppofe 45) which is the fame number as is contained in the arc G, or H, or I, bounded by the lines CD and CF. So that, the angular point C where theſe lines meet, is always fup- poſed to be in the center of a circle; and the meaſure or quantity of the an- gle is the number of degrees in the circumference of the circle intercepted between the two points (as D and F) where theſe lines meet or cut the circle. The diameter of a circle is a ftraight line, as ACD, paffing through the center C of the circle, and meeting its periphery in two oppofite points, as A and D. The radius of a circle is half its diameter, as CA or CD. The [ 45 ] The chord of an arc is a ſtraight line drawn from one extremity of the arc to the other. Thus, AbB is the chord of the arc AeB: and as the arc AeB contains 90 degrees, its chord AbB contains the fame. number alſo. And if one foot of the compaſſes be conſtantly kept in the point A, where the arc and chord meet at one end, and the other foot be opened fuccef- fively to all the 90 degrees of the arc, and theſe diſtances of opening be tranf- ferred from the arc to the chord line, as in the figure, the chord line will be divided into 90 degrees. N. B. Sixty degrees on the chord line, taken from A to b, are equal to the radius of the circle from which the Thus, Ab is line of chords is made. equal to AC. The right line of an arc is half the chord of double that arc. Thus, df is [ 46 ] is the right fine of the arc Dd; and is half of Dfg, which is the chord of the arc dDg. To make a line of fines as for the go degrees of the arc AE, draw ftraight lines, parallel to the ra- dius AC, from every degree of the arc AE to the radius or femidiameter CE, and they will divide CE into a line of fines, as in the figure. A tangent is a ſtraight line as DK, touching the circle into any given point as D. It may be divided into degrees by ſtraight lines drawn from the center C through the degrees of the arc DB, as in the figure. But you can never get to the goth degree on the line DK, becauſe it is parallel to the radius CB. So that the tangent of 90 degrees is infinite. : 1 PROBLEM [ 47 ] PROBLEM I. To lay down an angle of any given number of degrees lefs than 90, as ſuppoſe of 25 degrees, fig. 2. Draw the ſtraight line AB, and let the angular point be at the end A. Open your compaffes from A to b (fig. 1.) that is, from the beginning of the line of chords to the 60th degree thereof and with that extent, fetting one foot of the compaffes in the end of the line at A (fig. 2.) with the other foot deſcribe the arc def. Then, ſetting one foot of the compaffes in the beginning of the line of chords, extend the other foot to 25, the given number of degrees thereon: and, with that extent, fet one foot in the end of the arc at d (fig. 2.) in the line AB, and [ 48 ] 1 and make a mark with the other foot as at e, in the arc def. Laftly, from A, draw the ſtraight line AeC, through the mark e; and the line AC will make an angle of 25 degrees with the line AB as was required. N. B. Where an angle is marked by three letters, as CAB, the middle letter A always denotes the angular point, or meeting of the lines which make the angle. PROBLEM II. To meaſure the quantity of an angle (as CAB in fig. 3.) by the line of chords. With the chord of 60 degrees (that is, by taking 60 degrees of the line of chords in your compaffes) fet one foot in the angular point A, and with the other [ 49 ] other foot defcribe the arc de from one leg (or fide) of the angle to the other: then, fetting one foot in the end d of the arc, in the line AB, extend the other foot to the other end of the arc at e, in the line AC. Laſtly, apply that extent to the line of chords, from the beginning of the line toward 90 ; and the number of degrees in the chord line that are intercepted between the points of the compaffes will be the meaſure of the angle CAB, as was required. Which meaſure, in fig.3.will be found to be twenty-eight degrees. ! D PROBLEM [ 50 ] PROBLEM III. To make ſcales of equal parts, for meaſuring lines; or for laying down lines which ſhall repreſent given dif- tances taken in feet, or yards, or miles, &c. fig. 4. Draw feveral ſtraight lines on a flat fmooth piece of box-wood, and, at one end, place the numbers 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, as in the figure. Set off a whole inch at A, two- thirds of an inch at B, half an inch at C, four tenths of an inch at D, one third of an inch at E, three tenths of, an inch at F, and one quarter of an inch at G ; and divide the ſeveral lines ABC, &c. into as many of theſe ſpaces as they will contain. Then divide each of the firſt ſpaces as ABC, &c. into ten [ 51 ] ten equal parts, and put the numeral figures to them. So fhall the lines or fcales ABC, &c. be divided in fuch a manner, as that one inch ſhall be contained in ten parts or divifions of A, in 15 of B, in 20 of C, in 25 of D, in C,in 30 of E, in 35 of F, and 40 of G. The line of chords may be taken from fig. 1. and inſerted on this ſcale. The equal divifions either of the lines A, B, C, D, E, F, G, may be taken for feet, or yards, or miles, in plotting or meaſuring of any figure. And as the first space at each of the above letters contains ten equal parts, all the other ſpaces being equally large in each particular line, is fuppofed to contain ten equal parts alfo. To take off any given number of parts with your compaffes, from either of theſe ſcales, as fuppofe 26 from the fcale A, which contains ten parts in an D 2 inch [ 52 ] inch, fet one foot of the compaffes in 20 on that ſcale, and extend the other towards A, fo far, as till it reaches the fixth divifion counted from o to a, and then you will have the given number of parts between the points of the compaffes. In plotting maps or figures fo that up a large fhare of room on paper, the ſcales A or B may be uſed; but where a great deal is intended to be put in little room, the ſcales For G are to be made uſe of. Thus, fuppofe I wanted to lay down a ſmall part may take 50 feet of diſtance, and had about as much ſpace allowed for it as from H to I I take that extent in the compaffes, and find by trial that it will agree with 50 parts of the ſcale A. But if I had no more ſpace than KL for repreſent- ing that diſtance, I find by trial, that I muſt lay it down from the ſcale G. and PLATE V. A M OF CH A 3 Fig.5. h . Fig. 6. A } C B 49 Deg. } ! GEOMETRY. - very set of To face page 53 Fig. 7. go Deg 114 Feet 75 Feet A 30 7 Frig. 8. 81 49- Deg a 104 : 41 Deg 100 Deg go Deg 86 Feet B 20 AD : 50 B Fug: 9. F OD -D 40 50 60 70 80 Fig.10 F E J.Minde/culp. Ї ] Ï 5353 ] and which-ever fcale is begun with, the whole map or figure muſt be drawn by that fcale. PROBLEM IV. To raiſe a perpendicular BC on the end of B of a given ſtraight line AB fig. 5. Open the compaffes to any con- venient width, and fetting one foot in the end B of the line AB, let the other foot fall any where above the line (no matter where, in reaſon,) as at d, and make a mark there. Then, without altering the compaffes, fet one foot in the point d, with the other foot defcribe the circle efgh; and, lay- ing the edge of a ruler to the interfec- - tione (of the circle with the line AB) D 3 and [ 54 ] and thro' the point d, draw the diame- ter edg. Laftly, laying a ruler to B, at the end of the line AB, and to the end g of the faid diameter, draw the right line BgC, which fhall be perpedicular to the line AB, as was required. DESCRIPTION OF A RIGHT ANGLED PLAIN TRIANGLE. The fide AB (fig. 6.) is called the bafe, the fide BC the perpendicular, and the longeſt or oblique fide AC the hypothenufe. The angle at B is called a right an- gle, which contains 90 degrees; for as BC is perpendicular to AB, the point B may be made the centre of a quad- rant def, or quarter of a circle, con- taining 90 degrees. The angles at A and C are called acute angles, becauſe each of them is lefs than 90 degrees: for [ 55 ] for, if they be made the centres of the arcs klm and ghi, neither of theſe arcs contain 90 degrees; but both of them taken together always do. 3 I Thus, if the angle at A contains degrees, the angle at C contains 59, which being added together make 90. And as the right angle at B contains 90, all the three angles taken together contain 180 degrees. And hence it is, that if either of the acute angles of a right angled triangle be given, if its quantity be ſubſtracted from 90 degrees, the remainder will be the quantity or number of degrees in the other acute angle. D4 SOLU- [ 56 ] SOLUTION OF THE SEVERAL CASES OF RIGHT ANGLED PLAIN TRIANGLES. N. B. In all the following feven cafes, we ſhall keep by the ſcale C (fig. 4.) in meaſuring the fides of the triangle; and by the line of chords (fig. 4.) in meaſuring the angles; and ſhall make the triangle (fig. 7-) ferve for all the cafes. CASE I. FIG. 7. The two acute angles at A and C, and the baſe AB, being given, to find the perpendicular BC. In the triangle ABC the given angle at A is 49 degrees, and the given an- gle 1 [ 57 } gle at C is 41 degrees, and the baſe AB is 75 feet. Quef. The number of feet in the perpendicular BC ? Make AB equal to 75 parts of the fcale C (fig. 4.) and make BC per- pendicular to AB by Prob. IV. Then, fetting one foot of the compaffes in the beginning of the line of chords, extend the other foot to 60 degrees (which is called the radius, or chord of 60) and with that extent, fetting one foot in A (fig. 7.) fweep the arc ab with the other foot, and taking 49 degrees from the line of chords in your compaffes, fet that extent from b to a, and through the point b, from A, draw the line AaC, meeting the perpendicular at C. Then, taking the line BC between the points of your compaffes, apply that extent of the compaffes to the fcale C (fig. 4.) and you will find it to be 86 parts or divi- D 5 fions • [ 58 ] fions of that ſcale. And as the bafe AB is reckoned in feet, fo muſt the perpendicular BC be. Hence, the perpendicular is 86 feet; which was required to be found. Quod erat demonftrandum. CASE II. FIG. 7. The two acute angles at A and C, and the baſe AB being given (as in cafe I.) to find the hypothenuſe AC. Project the triangle ABC, as taught in cafe I. Then take the hypothe- nuſe AC in your compaffes, and apply- ing that extent to the ſcale C in fig.4. you will find it to be 114 parts, which are feet if the bafe AB be taken in feet, or yards if the baſe AB be taken in yards. CASE [ 59 ] CA SE III. FIG. 7. The two acute angles A and B being given, viz. A 49 degrees, and C 41; and alfo the hypothenufe AC 114 feet. Quef. The number of feet in the baſe AB? The triangle ABC being projected (as fhewn in cafe I.) take the baſe AB in your compaffes, and by meaſuring it on the fame ſcale (C, fig. 4.) as above, it will be found to contain 75 feet. CASE IV. F 1 G. 7. The baſe AB being given, viz. 75 feet, and the perpendicular BC 86 feet. Quef. The number of feet in the hypo- thenuſe AC? Make [ 60 ] Make AB equal to 75 parts of the above fcale, and draw, BC perpen- dicular to AB, by Prob. IV. mak- ing BC 86 parts of the fcale. Then draw the hypothenuſe AC, and mea- fure its length by your compaffes on the fame ſcale, which length will be found to be 114 parts, which are feet, becauſe AB is reckoned in feet. CASE V. F1 G. 7. The baſe AB and perpendicular BC being given (as above) to the two acute angles at A and C. Conſtruct the triangle as directed in cafe IV. Then, with the chord of 60 degrees taken in the compaffes (fee cafe I.) fet one foot in the angular point A, and with the other foot de- ſcribe the arc ab; then, without alter- ing [61] ing the compaffes, fet one foot in the angular point C, and with the other foot deſcribe the arc cd. Lastly, take theſe arcs at their extremities in your compaffes, and by meaſuring them on the line of chords (fee Prob. II.) you will find ab (the meaſure of the angle at A) to be 49 degrees, and cd (the meaſure of the angle at C) to be 41 degrees. Or, having found either of theſe angles, ſubſtract it from 90 de- grees, and the remainder will be the meaſure of the other. CASE VI. FIG. 7. The baſe AB and the hypothenufe AC being given, the former being 75 feet, and the latter 114, to find the acute angles A and C. Make [ 62 ] Make AB equal to 75 parts of the above-mentioned fcale, and from the end B draw BC (long enough, be fure) perpendicular to AB. Then, taking 114 parts from the fame ſcale in your compaffes, fet one foot in the end A of the baſe AB, and with the other foot cross the perpendicular BC in C, and draw AC. Then meaſure the angles at Aand C, as directed in cafeV; and you will find that the former con- tains 49 degrees, and the latter 41. CASE VII. F I G. 7. The baſe AB and hypothenufe AC being given (as fuppofe of the above meaſures) to find the acute angles A and C, and the perpendicular BC. Project the triangle ABC as directed in cafe VI. Then meaſure the angles A and [63] A and C, as in that cafe; and the for- mer will be found to be 49 degrees, and the latter 41. And by taking the length of the perpendicular BC in your compaſſes, and applying that ex- tent to the ſcale C (fig. 4.) it will be found to be 86 parts, which are feet, as the bafe is taken in feet. HERE ENDETH ALL THE CASES OF RIGHT ANGLED PLAIN TRIANGLES. SOLU- [ 64 ] SOLUTION OF THE SEVERAL CASES OF OBLIQUE ANGLED PLAIN TRIANGLES. In all theſe cafes we ſhall keep by the fame ſcales of equal parts and chords which were uſed in the folu- tion of right angled plain triangles. N. B. In every oblique angled plain triangle (as ABC, fig. 8.) the fum of all the angles make 180 degrees, which is equal to two right angles, or twice 90 degrees. CASE I. FIG. 8. Two fides and an angle oppofite to one of them being given, to find the angle oppofite to the other fide. In [ 65 ] In the triangle ABC there are given the fide AB 104 feet, the fide BC 53 feet, and the angle at A 30 degrees. Quef. The number of degrees in the angle at C? Take 60 degrees from the line of chords (fee Prob. II.) and, with that extent, fetting one foot of the com- paſſes in the angular point C, with the other foot deſcribe the arc efg; then fetting one foot in the extremity e of the arc, extend the other foot to the other extremity g thereof, and apply that extent to the line of chords. But, as it happens at prefent, this extent is greater than 90 degrees, which is the whole length of the chord line, and confequently the angle at C is greater than a right angle. Therefore, tak- ing the whole length of the line of chords in your compaffes, fet that ex- tent from e to ƒ on the arc efg; and then, [ 66 ] then, taking the remainding part fg of the arc in your compaffes, meaſure it on the line of chords from the begin- ning thereof, and it will be found to be ten degrees; which added to the former 90 makes 100. So that the angle C contains 100 degrees: which was to be found. CASE II. FIG. 8. The three angles and one of the fides being given, to find either of the other fides. B In the triangle ABC there are given the angle at A 30 degrees, the angle at 50, the angle at C 100 degrees, and the fide AC 81 feet (by the ſcale C in fig. 4.) Quef. The number of feet contained in the fide AB? Take [ 67 } Take the line AB in your compaf- fes, and meaſure its length on the ſcale C in fig. 4, and it will be found to contain 104 of the equal parts of that ſcale, which are to be eſteemed fo ma- ny feet, becauſe the given fide AC is reckoned feet. CASE III. F 1 G. 8. Two fides and an angle oppofite to one of them being given, to find the other fide. t In the triangle ABC there are given, the fide AB 104 feet, the fide AC 81 feet, and the angle at 30 degrees. Quef. The length of the fide BC in feet? Take BC in your compaffes, and meaſure its length on the aforefaid ſcale, and you will find it to be 53 parts or feet: which was required. CASE [ 68 ] CASE IV. F I G. 8. Two fides and the angle included between them being given, to find the other angles. In the triangle ABC there are given, the fide AC 81 feet, the fide BC 53 feet, and the included angle at C 100 degrees. and B ? Quef. The angles at A Meaſure theſe angles as fhewn in prob. II. and you will find the angle A to be 30 degrees and the angle B 50: which was to be done. CASE V. FIG. 8. Two fides and their included angle being given, to find the third fide. In [ 69 ] In the triangle ABC the fame things are given as in cafe 1V. And it is required to find the third fide BC. Take BC in your compaffes, and meaſure it on the fame ſcale as you have hitherto uſed for this triangle, and you will find it to be 53 feet. CASE VI. FIG. 8. The three fides being given, to find the three angles. In the triangle ABC are given, the fide AB 104 feet, the fide AC 81 feet, and the fide BC 53. Ques The number of degrees in each of the angles AB and C ? Meaſure the angles as taught in Prob. II. (anfwering to fig. 3.) and will find the angle at A (fig. 8.) you to [ 70 ] to be 30 degrees, the angle at B 50, and the angle at C 100: which was to be done. HERE ENDETH ALL THE CASES OF OB- LIQUE ANGLED PLAIN TRIANGLES. We ſhall next defcribe the quadrant, and then fhew the method of finding inacceffible heights and diſtances; in which, fome of the foregoing cafes will be found uſeful. PRO- [ 71 ] PROBLEM V. A QUADRAN T. FIGURE 9, 10. This is a fourth part of a circular plate, divided into 90 equal parts or degrees, which is a fourth part of the number contained in a circle. A thread Cd hangs from its centre C; and the end d of the thread is fixt to a little weight D, called the plummet. The thread is called the plumb-line, and the general ufe of the quadrant, thus fitted up, is to take the angular height of objects above the level of the center C of the quadrant, or their de- preffion below it. Let GCE (fig. 9.) be an horizon- tal Fine, and EF an upright object. It [ 72 ] } It is plain, that if a man puts his eye to the corner A of the quadrant, and holds its face perpendicular to the ho- rizon, ſo that the plumb-line may hang freely and perpendicularly on the face of the quadrant, and hold the quadrant ſo as that looking along the fide AC he may juſt ſee the top of the object at F, the plumb-line will ſhew the angle of the object's height above the horizon, which will be equal to the number of degrees counted from B in the arc Bd. For, juft as many degrees as the corner A of the quad- rant is depreffed below the horizontal line GCE in the arc GA, fo many de- grees will the fide CB of the quadrant deviate from the perpendicular Cd. And fince ACƒF and GCeE are ſtrait lines, the angle fCe muſt be equal to the oppofite angle GCA; and there- fore the arc ef muft contain the fame number [ 73 ] number of degrees as AG does; which is equal to the number of degrees in the arc Bd of the quadrant, namely 20. So that the angle of the height of the object EF above the level of the center C of the quadrant is 20 degrees. The depreffion of any part of a vi- fible object below the level of the ob- ferver's eye may be eaſily found by the quadrant, thus. If the obſerver be on the top or fide of a hill (fig. 10.) as at C, and fees an upright object as EF at the foot of the hill, and wants to know the angle of its depreffion be- low the line СbD which is on a level with his eye at C. Let him hold the quadrant fo, as that by looking along the edge CB, he may juft fee the foot of the object at F, if he wants the depreffion of the foot; and the plumb line hanging freely on the face of the quadrant will fhew the angle of de- preffion, E [ 74 ] preffion, by the number of degrees it hangs upon, counted from A in the arc Ad (which is here reprefented to be 29 1-half) for the arc of depreffion is bB, which is equal to the arc Ad; as is plain to fight by the figure. The quadrant has generally two thin braſs plates with holes in them (called the fights) to look through at the object. And a line drawn through theſe holes is parallel to the ftraight edge of the quadrant. PROBLEM VI. To find the height of a houſe or tower, provided it ſtands on level ground. Fig. 11. Retire to fome convenient diſtance from the tower, on level ground, as fup- poſe PLATE VI. A 30 Degrees 70 Yards By the Scale B (Plate IV) of 15 parts in an Inch. Fig.11 TRIGONOMETRY. A 3 Yards 40 B By the Scale B (Plately) of 15 parts in an Inch. h d ! رماس By the Scale Plate NV) of 35 parts in an Inch Fig. 13. A 30 Degrees 1 * 15 Feet convenient To find the Height of the Obelisk D C The Observer measures off any distance, as suppofe 75 feet from the middle of the foundation (at D) of the Obelisk, &. C placing himself at A, he observes the top of the Obelisk through the Sights of his Quadrant, and writes down the Angle of its height above the level of his Eye. which we shall suppose to be 30 Degrees, as in the Figure. Then, working according. to the Directions in Prob.NI, he finds the real height of the Obelisk above the point B which is on a level with his Eye,to be 43 feet, to which he adds the height of his Eye above the Ground, which is equal to BD.and then he knows the whole height of the Obelisk A 29 Degrees 100 feet D Sa Degrees Fig.14 By the ScaleFPlate of 35 parts in an Inch. 28 Degrees. : 75 Yards D 40 Degrees 77 feet 100 feet 700 Yards 100 Yards C To face page 75 Fig. 12 12. : [ 75 ] 1 pofe feventy yards, and ſtanding there, obſerve the top of the tower through the fights (or along the edge) of the quadrant, and take the angle of its height, as ſuppoſe thirty degrees, above the level of your eye, as directed in the laſt problem (page 73.) Then go home, and project the triangle ABC, (fig. 11.) as follows: the larger the better. Suppoſe the given diſtance AB from the tower to be feventy yards, and the angle A of the height of the tower to be thirty degrees. Quef. The height of the tower BC in yards? From either of the ſcales of equal parts, B, C, or D, (fig. 4. page 50.) as fuppofe from the ſcale B, take feventy parts in your compaffes, and make the line of diſtance AB equal thereto. Then draw the line AC, making an angle of thirty degrees with E 2 the [ 76 ] the line AB, and raiſe the line BC (for the tower) perpendicular to AB, drawing it on from B till it meets the line AC. Laftly, take the length of the line BC in your compaffes, and meaſure it on the fame fcale from which you laid down the line AB, and you will find it to be forty parts and about two-thirds of the forty-firſt part, which is to be eſteemed fo many yards, fince the diſtance was taken in yards. So that the height of the tower, above the level of the obſerver's eye, is forty yards and 2-thirds; to which add the height of the obferver's eye above the ground, and the whole will be the height of the tower BC. When larger diftances are taken, fome of the fmaller fcales, as C, D, or E, &c. muſt be uſed, that the figure may come within the compafs of the paper. This [ 77 ] This problem anfwers to cafe I. of right angled plain triangles, page 47. PROBLEM VII. To take the height of a tower ftand- ing at the foot of a hill, where no level ground can be had to obferve it by. In fig. 12, let AB be part of the fide of a hill, and Bk a tower ſtanding. at the foot of the hill; the height of which tower is wanted to be known in yards. Meaſure any convenient diſtance, as fuppofe eighty yards, from B to A, up the fide of the hill, which may be eafily done if the flope is even, as Abcd B. But if it has hollows in it, as at e, g, i, poſts muſt be fet up in E 3 them, [ 78 ] them, fo that their tops may be in a ftraight line with the little rifings be- tween them, and the ſtraight diftances nd, db, kc, &c. meaſured all the way from B to A. Standing at A, take the angle of depreffion (by Prob. V. page 73.) of B, the foot of the tower, by means of the quadrant, and alfo the angle of de- preffion of the top of the tower at k, both below the horizontal line AC: and write them down. Now let us ſuppoſe that the angle BAC of depref- fion of the foot of the tower at B was twenty-nine degrees 1-half, and the angle of depreffion CAk, of the top of the tower was three degrees 1-quar- ter; which being fubftracted from twenty-nine and an half, leaves twen- ty-fix degrees 1-quarter for the angle of the tower's height. Draw [ 79 ] Draw the ftraight lines AB and AC, making an angle of twenty-nine de- grees 1-half (Prob. I. page 47.) Then, from any convenient fcale of equal parts (as the ſcale B, page 50.) take off eighty equal parts for the yards of the obſerver's diſtance from the foot of the tower, and fet them off with your compaffes from A to B, and draw BkC perpendicular to AC. This done, take twenty-fix degrees 1-quarter from the line of chords, with your com- paffes, and fet them off from c to m, in the arc cml which meaſures the an- gle CAB: and, from A draw the ftrait line Amk through the point m; and it will cut the upright line BC in the point k: fo that the line Bk will repreſent the height of the tower. Laſtly, take Bk in your compaffes, and meaſure its length on the fame ſcale of equal parts by which you fet off ' E 4 the [ 80 ] the eighty yards of diſtance from A to B; and you will find the height of the tower Bk to be thirty-fix yards. PROBLEM VIII. To find the height of a tower as BC when the diſtance from it cannot be meaſured, on account of an inter- vening river as BD; and alfo to find the breadth of the river, Fig. 13. On the farther fide of the river, (at D) from the tower, take the an- gular height of the tower, by the quadrant, which angular height we ſhall ſuppoſe to be fifty-two degrees. Then, from D (the fide of the river BD) meaſure off any convenient number of feet, as fuppofe one hun- dred, to A and ftanding at A, take again [ 81 ] again the angular height of the tower; which we ſhall fuppofe to be twenty- nine degrees fields is done and your work in the ; Draw the ftrait line ADB ; and from any of the ſmaller fcales (as from the ſcale F, page 50, of thirty-five parts in an inch) fet one hundred parts which you are to reckon fo many feet. Then from A draw the ftrait. line AC, making an angle of twenty-nine degrees with the line ADB; and from D draw the line DC, making an angle of fifty-two degrees with DB; and the two obſerved angles of altitude will be projected. Now, as it is plain, that the top of the tower at C muſt be the oint C where the lines AC and DC interfect each other; therefore, from the point C let fall the perpendicular CB on the line ADB and taking CB in E 5 your [ 82 ] your compaffes, meaſure its length on the ſcale F (page 50.) and you will find it to be one hundred parts, which are to be reckoned fo many feet for the height of the tower above the le- vel of the obferver's eye. Laſtly, take DB (the breadth of the river) in your compaffes, and by mea- furing it on the fame fcale, you will find it to be ſeventy-ſeven feet. The following problem for find- ing the perpendicular height of a hill, and alfo for finding the breadth of that part of the baſe which is between the perpendicular and the obferver, is exactly of the fame nature with this problem. PROBLEM [83] PROBLEM IX. To find the perpendicular height of a hill, Fig. 14. $ Let E be a hill whofe perpendicular height BC is to be found. Place yourſelf as near to the foot of the hill (fuppofe at D) as you can, fee its top; and ſtanding at D, take the angular height of the hill by your quadrant, which we fhall fuppofe to be forty-two degrees and an half. Then meafure off any convenient diſtance, as ſeventy-five yards, towards A; and ſtanding at A, obferve again the angular height of the hill, which we fhall fuppofe to be twenty-eight degrees; and your work in the field is done. $ Draw [ 84 ] Draw the ſtrait line ADB, and taking feventy-five parts from fome of the fore-mentioned ſcales, as fuppofe from the ſcale F, fet theſe parts with your compaffes from A to D. Then draw the ftrait line AC, making an angle of twenty-eight degrees with ADB; and draw the ſtraight line DC, making an angle of forty-two degrees and an half with DB. And thus, having projected the two obferved angles, the top of the hill muſt be at the interſec- tion C of the line AC and DC. Therefore, from the point C draw CB perpendicular to DB; and taking CB in your compaffes, meaſure its length on the fame fcale from which you ſet off the feventy-five parts from A to D, and you will find it to con- tain one hundred parts, which are to be eſteemed fo many yards for the perpendicular height of the hill. By M : PLATE VIL Ъ By the Scale G (PLI) of 40 parts in anInch 202 Poles A106 Deg, BC 394 Deg. 150 Poles 43 Deg. B1084 Deg. 70 86 : 285 Poles TRIGONOMETRY, لعبة 10 20 40 Tä Fig.15. OK 60 70 80 910 Fig.17 265 Poles By the Scale G(P1.IV of 40 parts in an Inch 468 Poles 180 Poles 734 Deg. m , 276 Fathoms · h Fig.16. 964 Fathoms 120 Fathoms fromatВ e To face page 8 266 Fathoms 8 Deg. The B Myndefculp. [ 85 ] By the fame kind of meaſurement, the part Be of the baſe of the hill, from the perpendicular BC, to the place where the hill begins to riſe, on the fide next the obſerver, will be found to be one hundred and two yards. Thefe examples being fufficient to fhew the method of finding inacceffi- ble heights, we fhall next fhew how to find inacceffible diſtances. PROBLEM X. To find the diſtance of an inacceffible object, as fuppofe a fhip at ſea, Fig. 16. Provide a quadrant with two fights (fig. 15.) on each of its ftraight edges, as [ 86 ] as a, b, and c, d; and alfo with a moveable index as CD, turning on the center C, and having two fights as e and f, whofe holes for looking through are in a ſtraight line with the center C and the fiducial edge g which marks the degrees in the quad- rant. In fig. 16, at any convenient place as A on the fhore, lay the quadrant flat on a table, and from A meaſure off a convenient diftance, along the fhore, as fuppofe one hundred and twenty fathoms, to B, and fet up a mark at B. Then direct the edge Ab of the quadrant toward the mark at B, fo as you may ſee the mark through the fight-holes; this done, keep the quadrant fteady, and move the index Ad till you ſee the ſhip at C through the fight-holes of the index, and write down the number of degrees cut by the [ 87 ] the index on the quadrant, reckoning from b tod; which we fhall fuppofe to be ſeventy-one degrees and an half. Then remove the quadrant to B, having left a mark where it ſtood at A; and placing it flat on the table, ſet it ſo as you may ſee the mark at Á through the fight-holes on the fide Be.. This done, move the index till you fee the ſhip at C through the fight- holes of the index, and write down the number of degrees cut by the index in the quadrant reckoning from e to g, which number we ſhall fuppofe to be eighty-two. And you have done the part of your work without doors. Draw the ſtraight line AB for part of the ſhore, and taking one hundred and twenty parts, for ſo many fathoms, from the ſcale G, fet them with your compaffes from A to B. Then, from A, draw the ſtraight line AC, making an [ 88 ] 1 an angle of ſeventy-two degrees and an half with the line AB; and from B, draw the ftraight line BC; making an angle of eighty-two degrees with the line BA. This done, take the lines AC and BC feparately in your compaffes, and meaſure them on the fcale G: the former will be found to be two hundred and feventy-fix parts, for the number of fathoms that the ſhip is diſtant from A and the latter will be found to be two hundred and fixty-fix fathoms for the diſtance of the ſhip from B. The ſhip being fuppofed to be lying at anchor. Laftly draw Ce perpendicular to AB, and its length meaſured by the compaffes on the fcale, will be found to be two hundred and fixty-four fathoms and an half from that point of the fhore to which the is neareſt. ; In ' [ 89 ] In the fame manner may the breadth of a river be found, by ufing C as a mark or object on the farther bank of the river. If your ſcale be too fhort, fet its whole length as from A to b, and then meaſure the remaining part hC. PROBLEM XI. To find the diſtances of two inaccef- fible objects as C and D (fig. 17.) from two given points asA and B, and likewiſe the diſtance of theſe objects from one another. For this purpoſe, inftead of a quad- rant (as in the laft problem) you muſt have a femi-circle, devided into one hundred and eighty degrees, with a moveable [ 90 ] moveable index, and fights, as in the quadrant. Pitch on two places, as A and B, from each of which you may fee the inacceffible objects C and D, and mea- fure the diſtance from A to B, which we ſhall ſuppoſe to be one hundred and fifty poles *. Place the femi-circle on a table at A, in fuch a manner as that looking through the fights on its edge bc you may ſee a mark fet up at B. Then move the index till through the fights on it you can fee the inacceffible ob- ject D, and write down the number of degrees cut by the index, reckoned from c; which number we fhall fup- pofe to be thirty-nine 1-quarter. Then move on the index till through its fights you perceive the other inacceffi- * A pole or perch is five yards and an half, which makes fixteen feet and an half. ble [ 91 ] ble object C, and write down the number of degrees cut by the index from c, which we fhall fuppofe to be one hundred and fix. Set up a mark at A, and remove the femi-circle to B, and placing it there on the table, ſet it fo as you can perceive the mark at A through the fights on the edge de; and then, moving the in- dex till you can firft fee the inacceffible object C through the fights of the in- dex, and then till you can fee the other object D through them; write down the number of degrees cut by the in- dex at both theſe times, counting from d; as ſuppoſe forty-three degrees for C, and an hundred and eight 1-quarter for D, and your work in the field is done. From either of the ſmall ſcales (as from G, page 50.) take an hundred and fifty parts, for fo many poles, and fet [ 92 ] fet them with your compaffes from A to B, and draw the line AB. Then draw AD making an angle of thirty- nine degrees 1-quarter with AB, and draw AC making an angle of one hundred and fix degrees with AB. Draw alfo BC making an angle of forty-three degrees with BA and BD making an angle of one hundred and eight degrees 1-quarter with BA. The interfections of theſe lines at C and D are the places of the above- mentioned inacceffible objects, whofe diſtances from each other, and from the places of obſervation at A and B, are found by meaſuring the lines CD, AC, AD, BC, BD, on the ſcale G with the compaffes; which dif- tances will be found, from C to D two hundred and fixty-five poles, from A to C two hundred and two, from [ 93 ] from A to D two hundred and fixty- eight, from B to C two hundred and eighty-five, and from B to D one hundred and eighty, as in the fi- gure. } PART P PART THE THIRD. O F OPTICS, OR, THE CONSIDERATION OF THE HUMAN EYE AND THE NA- TURE OF LIGHT. } O F LIGHT. HE diſtance of the earth from TH the fun is upwards of 81 mil- lions of miles; and it is demonftrable that light comes from the fun to the earth in 8 minutes. Hence, the ve- locity of light is fo great, that it moves upwards of 10 millions of miles in a minute of time. A cannon ball could not move from the earth to the fun in lefs than 20 years. So that, light travels as far in 8 minutes as a cannon ball could travel in 20 years. But there are 10,512,000 minutes in 20 years. And this number be- F ing [ 98 ] ing divided by 8 minutes, quotes 1,314,000, for the number of times that light moves fwifter than a cannon ball. Now, fuppofe we fay (for the fake of round numbers) that light moves only one million of times as ſwift as a cannon ball moves; it is plain, that if a million of particles of light put together were as big as a fingle grain of fand, we could no more open our eyes to receive the impulſe of light, than we durft to have fand ſhot point blank againſt them from a cannon. When any object is illuminated, either by the fun or a candle, every illuminated point of the object reflects the light in all manner of directions. And it is by this reflection of the light that objects become viſible. Thus, fuppofe the object ABC (fig. 1.) to be illuminated by the fun on the + PLATE VIII. B " OPTICS. Fig.1. > 1 H E F A m B D ୯ e B g 80 Hig⋅ 3· C A + Fig. 2. B b a Y To face page 98 T с -R. ? J.Mynde fouly હૂ OF [ 99 ] } the right-hand fide, the points A, B, and C, reflect the rays of light every way through the hemifphere DEFG; and therefore, theſe three points will be viſible to an eye placed any where in that hemifphere. But all the inter- mediate points of the object reflect the light in the fame manner: and there- fore the whole object will be viſible to an eye placed any where on the enlightened fide. The left-hand fide, on which the fun fhines not, would be altogether invifible, if it were not for the rays of light reflected upon it from the terreſtrial objects on that fide. But as the left fide is much dimmer than the right, we fee how much stronger the direct light of the fun is than the reflection of light from rough and un- poliſhed objects. Every object would F 2 be + > [ 100 ] be dark, and confequently invifible, if it reflected none of the light. CONCERNING THE REFRAN- GIBILITY OF LIGHT. The rays of light proceeding from a luminous body go on in ftraight lines, whilft they continue in any medium of an equal and uniform denfity or compactneſs. But when they pafs out of one medium obliquely into another, they are refracted or bent out of their rectilineal courſe at their entrance into the different medium. Let AB (fig. 2.) be a glafs cup, and Ca board fet up between the cup and a candle at D. The fhadow bilk of the board will fall into the cup, and if there be no water in it, the fhadow will reach to i. So that if a thread be ſtretched from i, ftraight over the top of [ 101 ] of the board, and continued to the candle, it will come into the flame thereof; which fhews, that the ray Dghi goes on from the candle in a ſtraight line. Moreover, if a perfon places his eye below the bottom of the cup, at i, and looks over the top of the board C, he will fee the flame of the candle even with the top of the board. Now let water be poured into the cup, fo as to fill it up almoft to the brim, and you will perceive the fha- dow move from i to k; which fhews that the ray Dghi is bent from its rec- tilineal courfe, into the form Dglk, and that the bended part is at the fur- face of the water at b. So that, if a perfon now places his eye under the glaſs bottom at k, he will ſee the can- dle D juft over the board; and the candle will feem to him to be raiſed from D to E, becauſe it will appear F 3 to [ 102 ] to him to be in the right line khE, in direction of the bended part bk of the now refracted ray. When a ray of light falls perpendi- cularly on the ſurface of water, or any other medium, the ray goes on in the fame perpendicular direction. Thus, the ray Ffm, falling perpendicularly on the furface of the water at f, goes on in the fame direction fm, without fuffering any refraction at all. Which fhews, that the rays of light muſt en- ter obliquely into a medium, if they are refracted by it. The rays of light come ſtraight from the fun, in the open ſpace, till they fall upon the earth's atmoſphere, and then they are refracted by the denfer medium of the atmoſphere, fo as to bring the fun in view every day, before he rifes in our horizon; and to keep him in view for fome time after he is really fet below it. And [ 103 ] And by means of this refraction, we have about a whole fummer's more fun- ſhine in 100 years than we would have if there were no atmoſphere. Let ABC (fig.3.) be a portion of the earth, whofe convex furface is gOh, and let debt be the top of the atmoſphere. Let alfo HOR be the horizon of an obferver on the earth's furface at O, and let S be the fun, below the hori- zon. A ray of light Sab comes all the way ftrait from the fun till it falls obliquely on the top of the atmoſphere, as at b, where it is turned out of its rectilineal courfe and fo, inſtead of going on in the fame direction be, it goes in the direction bo, to the obfer- ver's place at O, and therefore, to this obferver, the fun, even before he riſes in the horizon HOR, will appear a- bove the horizon at T; becauſe he will be feen in the direction of Ob, the re- fracted F 4 [104] and Ob fracted part of the ray ObaS produced ftrait outwards, will be in the rectilineal direction ObcT. If a ray of light Sikl falls obliquely upon the furface of a plane glaſs ABCD at / (fee the lower part of fig. 3.) the ray will not paſs through the glaſs` in direction ikl, but will be refracted in the direction Im in the glafs: and if the glafs be equally thick, that is, if the fide AD be parallel to the fide (or fur- face) BC, the ray leaving the glafs at m will be refracted the contrary way, and go on in the direction of mn, pa- rallel to the direction ikl in which it came to the glaſs. And, an eye at n will fee the fun S, not in his true place at S, but higher, in direction of the line must. If a ray op falls perpendi- cularly on the furface of the glaſs, as at p, it will ſuffer no refraction in paffing through the glafs, but will go on PLATE IX. F Fig. 4. A B Ꭰ . E Fig.5 Fig. 6. B b OPTICS. G Ꮐ Fig. 7. B D D H 1 : B To face page205- A Fig. 8. I 3 a b k F k A fo ed Β' do B Frig⋅ 9. E F J.Mynde foulp. [ 105 ] on in the ftrait line pqr continued: and an eye at r will ſee the fun in his true place at U. Fig. 4. fhews five forts of ground glaffes edgewife. A, is called a plano- convex glaſs, becauſe it is plane on one fide and convex on the other. Bis called a double convex glaſs, becauſe it is convex on both fides. Cis called a plano-concave glafs, because it is plane on one fide and concave on the other. D is a double-concave glafs, being concave on both fides. And E is called a meniſcus glaſs, which is con- cave on both fides; but more fo on one fide than the other. All theſe forts of glaffes are called lenfes, and the right line FG is their axis. The funs rays may be reckoned pa- rallel at the earth, as ABCD (fig. 5, 6.) at the earth's furface, on account F 5 of [ 106 ] of the fun's vaft diftance from the earth. If parallel rays, ABCD (fig. 5.): fall on a plano-convex glafs BDe, ſo as the middle ray def be perpendicular to the plane furface of the glafs, they will be fo refracted in paffing through the glafs, that they will meet in a point F, in the further fide of a circle BDkFiB, of which the convex fide of the glaſs BC is a part of a ſphere or globe whofe diameter is equal to the diameter of the circle. The point F where the rays meet, is called the principal focus of the glaſs; and, if the rays are not ftopt at the focus, but are fuffered to pafs on, they will di- verge from the focus toward the con- trary fides. Thus, the ray CDF will go on from the focus in the direction Fc, and the Fay ABF will go on from the focus in the direction Fb. The [ 107 ] The middle ray def is not refracted at all, becauſe it falls perpendicularly on the glaſs. Whatever fide of the glafs is turned toward the fun, the diſtance of the focus F will be the fame from the plane fide e of the glaſs. If parallel rays, ABCD (fig. 6.) fall upon a double convex glafs BDe, they will be fo refracted as to meet and croſs one another in a point F, which is the center of a circle BDkfiB, equal to the diameter of a ſphere, of which either of the convex fides BD or BeD is a portion. And the rays, after croffing, will diverge to the con- trary fides, in the ſpace Fgh, juſt as much as they converged in the ſpace BFD; and would continue to go on in this diverging ſtate. But if ſuch another double-convex glafs, gfb be placed in the fide of the circle oppo- fite to BeD, the rays, after paffing through } [ 108 ] through the glafs gfb will go on pa- rallel to one another, in the ſpace ghbc, continued in the fame manner as they came parallel to one another in the ſpace ACBD, to the glaſs BeD. But, becauſe they crofs in the focus F, they change fides afterward. Thus, the parcel of rays ABdeF, which are on the left fide of the middle ray deF, after meeting at F, cross over to the right fide of the middle ray, and in the ſpace Fbbff. dCDeF croſs the middle ray at F, and then go on in the ſpace FgcfF. So that, ABFbb is one of the outfide rays, and CDFge is another. go on And the rays A raidant point of any object is a point from which rays of light pro- ceed, as F, in fig. 7. And theſe rays CDE continually diverge in ftraight lines every way from that point. If راد [ 109 ] If the radiant point be in the focus F of a convex glafs AB, all the rays that fall upon the glafs will be rc- fracted in paffing through it, and af- ter leaving it they will go on in paral- lel lines in the ſpace GABH. If the radiant point R (fig. 8.) be further from the convex glafs than its focus F, the diverging rays RA, RB, &c. which fall upon the glafs AB, will converge after paffing through the glaſs, in the ſpace ABIA; and will all meet in a point I, where they will form the image of the radiant point R. If the focal diſtance aF is known, and alfo the diftance aR of the radiant point, from the glafs AB; the dif tance of the image J, of the radiant from the other fide of the glaſs, may be found by this rule: multiply the diſtance aR of the radiant by the fo- cal [ 110 ] cal diſtance aF, and divide the product by their difference of diſtance; and the quotient will be the diſtance bI of the image of the radiant from the glafs. Thus fuppofe the focal diftance aF to be two inches, and the diſtance of the radiant R fix inches; thefe being mul- tiplied together make 12. But the difference between two inches and fix inches is four; by which, divide the product 12, and the quotient is 3 in- ches for the diſtance of the image I of the radiant point R from the glaſs. If three radiant points (fig. 9.) as D, E, F, (or any other number) be placed at any diſtance, as AD, AE, AF from the glaſs AB, greater than its focal diſtance; all the rays which flow from theſe points through the glafs will form the images of theſe points in an inverted order, as d, e, f, behind the glafs. Thus, the rays DA, [ 111 I DA, DC, DB from the radiant D are converged in the directions Ad, Cd, Bd; and from the image of the point Dat d. The rays EA, EC, EB from the radiant E pafs through the glaſs and go on in the directions Ae, Ce, Be, and by meeting at e they form the image of the radiant E. And the rays FA, FC, FB from the radiant F, af- ter paffing through the glaſs, go on in the directions Af, Cf, Bf, meet in the point f, where they form the image of the radiant F. If more radiant points are placed between D and E, and between E and F, their rays will meet behind the glaſs, and form their refpective images between d and e, and between e and f. Hence we may eaſily apprehend how the images of objects are formed by the rays which flow from the object through a convex glaſs, and fall on a piece [ 112 ] piece of white paper held upright at a proper diſtance behind the glaſs. For, let ACB (fig. 10.) be a convex glaſs, and DEF an object farther from the glafs than its focal diſtance. The rays which flow from the extremities D and F, and middle point E of the ob- ject, and paſs through the glaſs, will be collected into points at d, f, and e behind the glaſs, where they will form the images of the extreme and mid- dle points of the object. But, as every intermediate point of the object between D and E, and between E and F, fend out rays in the fame manner, theſe rays which pafs through the glafs will be collected into all the intermediate points between d and e, and between e and f; and confe- quently, a perfect image def will be formed of the object DEF; but in an inverted form and the image will be¬ as 2 } PLATE X : OPTICS. fi Fig. 10. D > E Fig. 11 a 充 ​Fig.12. E a E E a B C } E Fig.24. P Fig 15 F AD Fig. 13. B 45 C To face page 2. B C B JMynde fail ง M H. [ 113 ] } 1 } as much leſs than the object, as the diſtance of the object from the glaſs is greater than the diſtance of the image from the glaſs.: * OF THE EYE, AND MANNER OF VISION. OF Fig. 11. repreſents a ſection of the eye, very much magnified, and cut quite through the middle from the vi- fible or fore part, to the back part which is concealed from fight in the head. The eye confifts of three coats and three humours. The outer coat A is called the fclerotica, the middle coat B the choroides, and the inner- moſt coat C the retina, which is only a continuation of the fibres of the tic nerve K, ſpread over the choroides like a fine net-work; and on this, the images of all viſible objects are formed. op- The [ 14 ] eye. The fore-part EEE of the fclerotica is tranfparent like fine thin clear horn, and is therefore called the cornea. The choroides B has a round hole in the fore part of it at F, and this hole is called the pupil, or fight of the Behind the pupil lies the cryftalline humour G, which is perfectly tranf- parent, and of the form of a double- convex glaſs or lens. From the edge of the chryſtalline humour, all around, there proceeds a membrane HH, cal- led the ciliary ligament, whofe outer- moft edge adheres to the choroides B, and keeps the chryftalline humour G in its proper place. Under the cornea EEE is a fine tranfparent fluid aaaa, called the aqueous humour, which alfo fills the pupil F, and the ſpace be- tween the choroides B and the chry- ftalline humour G and ciliary ligament HH; at the back of which is the vitrious } [ 15 ] vitrious humour HIII, which is tranf- parent, but of a confiftence as thick as jelly, and fomewhat of a greeniſh co- lour like glaſs. When an object, as ABC (fig. 12.) is before the eye, fome of the rays which flow from every point of the object on the fide next the eye (as Ac, AP, Ae, &c.) will pafs through the pupil P, and chryftalline humour G, by which they will be collected into as many points, a, b, c, and every where between, from a to b, and from b to c; and will form an inverted image abc of the object upon the retina or bottom of the eye: for the chry- ftalline humour G acts like a lens, or double-convex glafs (as in fig. 10.) and by this means the object ABC comes to be perceived; and the judg- ment tracing the rays back toward the object, in the direction they came from [ 116 ] from it, the object appears not in- verted, but direct. If the object ABC (fig. 13.) be brought nearer the eye, or the eye ap- proaches nearer the object, the object will appear fo much the bigger. For, the object ABC in fig. 12. is juſt equal to the object ABC in fig. 13. But the latter being twice as near the eye as the former, its image abc is twice as big on the retina. Let P (fig. 14.) be the pupil of the eye, and fdbace the retina. Now, it is evident by the figure, that the image of the object AB is limited to the ſpace ba on the retina: but if AB be brought nearer to the eye, as fup- pofe to CD, its image on the retina will fill the larger ſpace dbac: and if it be brought ſtill nearer, as to EF, its image will take up the yet larger fpace fdbace. So that, the greater the angle [ 117 ] angle be under which the object is ſeen, the larger the object will appear to the eye. In order that vifion may be quite perfect or diſtinct, it is neceffary that the which flow from every parti- rays cular point of the object ſhould be col- lected upon each particular part of the retina in fo many points of the image; otherwiſe the image will ap- pear confufed or indiftinct. Thus (fig. 12.) the rays Ac, AP, Ae which flow from the upper extremity of the object ABC through the pupil P, muſt be collected in a point a on the retina to form the image of the extremity A of the object and fo of all the rays which flow from every other point of the object. ´When the object is nearer the eye, as in fig. 13. the ciliary liga- ment contracts, and brings the chry- ftalline humour forwarder in the eye, and [ 118 ] # and farther from the retina; other- wife we could fee objects diftinctly at only one diſtance. But the author of nature has ſo ordered it, that by means of this ligament, the chryftalline hu- mour ſhall be ſo adjuſted (in young eyes where the fibres are not rigid) as to advance backward or forward as the objects are farther or nearer, and fo bring their rays to points on the retina. When people grow old, the aqueous and chryſtalline humours of their eyes grow too flat (fig. 15.) and therefore the rays flowing from an object, as ABC, are not converged into points on the retina abc, but form broad fur- faces thereon; which renders vifion imperfect and confufed: for, if the rays could penetrate the retina and other coats of the eye, they would from PLATE XI. M Ħ G E- M Fig.16. 1 1 OPTICS B Frig. 18 Fig • 20. D R 0 N K Fig. 21. H 1 Fig. 17. G E D m H. D H Fig.19. F E To face page ng. E : B A B C Tillynde faitp. [ 119 ] form the true image of the object be- hind the eye; as at def. This defect of the eye is helped by convex glaffes or fpectacles, which caufe the rays, after paffing through them, to come lefs diverging to the eye, or parallel, or a little converg- ing if the cafe requires it: and fo, being helped a little towards a con- verging ftate before they enter the eye, by means of a convex glafs at DE (fig. 16.) the humours of the eye converge them fufficiently after- ward, fo as to cauſe them to unite in points on the retina; and therein to form the perfect image abc of the ob- ject ABC. Although every point of an object AB (fig. 17.) reflects the rays of light in all manner of rectilineal directions, yet only thoſe which come in the fpace def from the point A can enter the [ 120 ] the pupil P of the eye, and be con- verged to a point for forming the ex- tremity a of the image AB. The like may be faid of the rays which flow from the point B by reflection; for only thoſe which come in the ſpace ghi can enter the pupil P, and be converged to a point at b, for form- ing the image of the point B of the object AB. And the like is true with reſpect to the rays which flow from every intermediate point of the object AB: but theſe are left out, to avoid confufion in the figure. If a double convex glafs as CD be placed between the eye F and the ob- ject AB, the object will appear to be magnified. Thus, all the rays that flow from the top A of the object AB, in the ſpace klm, and through the glaſs between C and d, will enter the pupil P of the eye, and be con- verged ← [121] verged into a point a on the retina, where they will form the image of the top of the object at A. And all the rays which flow from the lower point B of the object AB, in the ſpace nop, and paſs through the glafs be- tween D and e, will enter the pupil P and be converged in the point 6 where they form the image of the lower ex- tremity B of the object. And as the object is feen through the glafs under the angle GPH, equal to the oppofite angle bРa, the object AB will appear ſo magnified as to fill up the whole fpace GABH. The diſtances of the eyes E and F from the object are equal; but by means of the glaſs, the image ab on the retina of the eye F, is double the fize of the image ab on the retina of the eye E; and therefore, the object AB will appear to be twice G as [122] f as long and twice as broad to the eye F as it does to the eye E. The fimple microſcope is only a finall double convex glaſs or ſens, as CD (fig. 18.) beyond which, at a little leſs ſpace than the focal diſtance of the glaſs, is placed a ſmall object, as ab, from which the rays, flowing through the glaſs, and through the humours of the eye, are converged into points on the retina, where they form the image AB, greatly magni- fied, of the minute object ab. Since the rays diverge from every point of every viſible object, and fall upon the eye in a diverging ſtate, which (efpe- cially in young eyes) is neceffary for diftinct vifion, the object is always placed a little within the focal diſtance of this microſcope glaſs, which occą- fions the rays that flow through the glafs, from each point of the object, to diverge [ 123 ]. diverge a little between the glaſs and the eye. If the rays come parallel from the glafs to a common found eye, they would converge to points before they reached the retina, and would render the image indiſtinct thereon; much more ſo if they came from the glaſs to the eye in a con- verging ſtate. In the compound microfcope, (fig. 19.) the fmall object AB is placed a little farther from the con- vex lens than its focal diſtance, in order that the rays flowing from each particular point of the object may con- verge into each particular point be- tween C and D, in which ſpace they will form the image CD of the object. And if the focal diſtance of the other convex lens GH from the image, or rather a little within that diſtance, is the lens GH placed. Then, as the G 2 rays [ 124 ] rays flow from each point of this image, through the glafs GH, they will pass on to the eye in a ſtate of ſmall divergency; and entering the eye in that ſtate, they will be converged into points on the retina, by paffing through the humours of the eye; and ſo they will form the image de of the image GH of the obje& AB. Sound and perfect eyes perceive objects best, without glaffes, at ten or twelve inches diftance. But fmall microſcope objects are too minute to be ſeen by the bare eye at fuch a dif- tance. The magnifying power of the fingle microſcope is as great as the focal diſtance of the glafs CD (fig. 18.) is less than ten or twelve inches. The magnifying power of the compound microſcope (fig 19.) is compounded of the proportion which the diftance of the image from the object glafs EF bears to [ 125 ] to its diſtance from the eye glaſs GH, and of that which the diſtance of the object from the eye bears to its dif- tance from the object glaſs. The aftronomical teleſcope confiſts of an object glafs DE (fig. 20.) and an eye glaſs IK, placed at ſuch a dif- tance from each other, that their fo- cufes, or centers of double convexi- ties, may meet in a point as at G: and the pupil P of the eye is placed in the other focus of the eye glaſs. ABC is an object, fuppofed to be placed at a great diſtance from the teleſcope. The rays which flow from each point of the object ABC through the object glafs DE, are by means of that glaſs converged and crofs each other in all the points between H and F, in which ſpace an inverted image FGH of the object ABC is formed in the focus of the object glaſs DE; and thefe rays going G 3 [ 126 ] going on through the eye glaſs IK, will become parallel to one another between the eye glafs and the eye. That is, the rays from the point H will be parallel between I and P, the rays from the point G will be parallel between n and P, and the rays from the point F will be parallel between K and P; becauſe they flow from the image in the focus of the glafs IK; and croffing in the pupil P, they will be converged into all the points on the retina between L and N, where they will form the image of the object ABC. And this image being feen by the eye under the angle IPK, it will appear to be ſo much magnified, as to fill the whole ſpace OHGFO. To find the magnifying power of this teleſcope, divide the focal length Gm of the object glaſs by the focal length Gn of the eye glafs, and the quotient [ 127 ] quotient will exprefs the magnifying power. But this teleſcope fhews the object in an inverted pofition, becauſe it has only one eye glaſs. The common telefcope (fig. 21.) which fhews objects (as ABC) in their true pofition, confifts of an ob- ject glafs DE, and three eye glaffes IK, MN, and QR, fo placed, that the focuffes of DE and IK may meet in G; thofe of IK and MN may mect in L; and thoſe of MN and QR may meet in g. Then, the image of the object will be formed in an inverted pofition between H and F in the focus of DE; then the rays flowing through IK will become parallel which belong to each point of the image, and crof- fing at L, and going on, will pafs through the glafs MN, which will converge them into points in its focus, and will there form the ſecond image G 4 fgh 1 [ 128 ] fgh erect; which image will be viewed by the eye in the focus P of the eye glafs QR. And as this laft image will be feen under the angle QPR, it will appear for magnified, as to fill the whole ſpace OfghO. All the three eye glaffes, QR, MN, and IK, are of equal focal diftances; and to find the magnifying power of this teleſcope, divide the focal length Gm of the object glaſs DE by the fo- cal length gn of the eye glaſs QR, and the quotient will exprefs the mag- nifying power of the teleſcope. THE } PART THE FOURTH O F ASTRONOMY. OF THE 1 SOLAR SYSTE M. T HE folar fyftem confifts of the fun, fix primary planets, ten moons, and ſeveral comets, of which the number is not yet certainly known. The fun is placed in the center of the fyftem, and all the planets move round him, in different times, and at different diftances from him. One moon moves round the earth, four moons round Jupiter, and five round Saturn. The planets are moved by a pro- jectile force impreffed upon them by the deity at the beginning, which force would for ever have cauſed them to move in ſtraight lines: but the fun being endued with an attractive power 1 [ 132 ] power (no ways inherent in matter, or peculiar to` it) this power draws the planets toward the fun juft as much as the projectile force them off from the fun; would carry and fo com- pels them to revolve about the fun, in the fame orbits, over and over again, as they did at the beginning. Their periods round the fun compleat their years, and their rotations on their axes compleat their days and nights. The times in which the planets make their annual periods round the fun are found by obſervation; and their com parative diſtances from the fun have been alſo aſcertained by obfervation. And it is found, that the fquales of the periodical times bear the fame proportion to one another as the cubes of their diſtances from the fun do bear to each other. And hence it comes out, that the fun's attractive power, which [ 133 ] which retains all the planets in their orbits, decreaſes as the fquare of their diſtances increaſe from the fun. The times in which the planets per- form their revolutions about the fun, and their relative or comparative dif- tances from the fun, are as follows, fuppofing the earth's mean diſtance from the fun to be divided into 10000 equal parts. Periodical. Times. Comp. dift. as in the fcale days. hours. parts. of equal parts, Mercury 87 23 3871 in fig. I. where Venus 224 17 7233 each divifion The earth 365 6 10000 is fuppofed to Mars 686 23 15237 be fub-divided 52009 into one hun- dred. Jupiter 4332 12 Saturn 10759. 7 95400 Having found the comparative dif tance of the planets from the fun, in fuch parts as the earth's diſtance from the [ 134 ] the fun contains 10000, if we can find the real diſtance of either of the planets from the fun in miles, we may find thereby the real diſtances of all the reft. By obfervations of the late tranfit of of Venus (A. D. 1761. June 6.) the earth's diſtance from the fun is found to be 95,173,000 English miles. Therefore, As 10,000 is to 95,173,000, ſo is 387, Mercury's diſtance from the fun in parts, to 36,841,468 his diſtance from the fun in miles. And, As 10,000 is to 95,173,000, fo is 7233, Venus's diſtance from the fun in parts, to 68,891,486, her diſtance from the fun in miles. Again, As 10,000 is to 95,173,000, fo is 15237, Mars's diſtance from the fun in parts, to 145,014,148, his diſtance from the fun in miles. Likewife, As [ 135 ] As 10,000 is to 95,173,000, fo is 52009, Jupiter's diſtance from the fun in parts, to 494,990,976, his diſtance from the fun in miles. Once more, As 10,000 is to 95,173,000, fo is 95400, Saturn's diſtance from the fun in parts, to 907,956,130, his diſtance from the fun in miles. As 7 is to 22, fo is the diameter of a circle to its circumference. Hence, from the above diftances of the pla- nets from the fun, the circumference of their orbits are as follows. Mercury's, 231,574,940 Engliſh miles; Venus's 433,032,198 miles ; the earth's 598,230,286; Mars's 911,517,502, Jupiter's 3,111,371,849 miles; and Saturn's 5,707,152,817. Dividing the circumference of each planet's orbit by the number of hours contained in the planet's periodical revolution round its orbit, we have the number [136] number of miles which each planet moves in an hour. And they are as follows. A Mercury, 109,699 miles; Venus 80,295; the Earth 68,243; Mars 55,287; Jupiter 29,0830'; and Saturn 22, 101 miles. 6 4 Venus turns round her axis in 24 days 8 hours, the earth turns round its axis in 24 hours, Mars in 24 hours 40 minutes, and Jupiter in 9 hours 56 minutes. The times in which Mer- cury and Saturn turn round their axes are unknown to us. To bring all theſe things together in view, the following table is con- ftructed. A TABLE ધ C H PLATE XII. 9500 Saturn L } TO OF 8,500 8000+ MA 1. E 7500- 7000+ T N 6500+ 6000+ Figs. The comparative Distances of the Planets from the Sun. 5500- 5000+ 4500 Jupiter S 4000 P 3500 3000- 2500 Fig.5. 1500 1000- Mars 500 TheEarth Venus Mercury ! 1 H ASTRONOMY N G \R K n H Fig. 2. Aug. 23 Sep 23 Oct.23 n 11 n 9 E n M 9 ་ Es Anf le suns ARIE S TAURUS Nov.29 GEMINI CANCER i To face page 137 Fig. 4. LEO VIRGO LIBRA Apr.20 Mar,20 Dec.22 Jan.20 Figs. Feb.19 S B 册 ​J.Myndefalp A TABLE fhewing the times in which the planets defcribe their annual periods round the fun, and their diurnal rotations on their own axes; their diſtances from the fun, their circumferences of their orbits, and the number of miles they advance every hour thereîn. Compara- Real Diſtances the Planets. al Periods. InalRotations fr. theSun Names of Their Annu- Their Diur-tive Dift. from the Sun in in Parts. English Miles. Circumference of Hourly Moti- their Orbits in ons in their English Miles. Orbits. Mercury. 87 23 Unknown 3871 36,841,468 Days. Hou. 231,574,940 109,699 1 6 TOU Venus. 224 17 24 Hou. 8 7233 68,891,486 433,032,198 80,295 24 Min. Earth. 365 6 24 '0 * 1000 10000 95,173,000 598,230,286 68,243 Mars. 686 23 24 Jupiter. Saturn. Hou. Min. 40 15237 145,014,148 Hou. Min. 4332 12 9 56 52009 494,990,976 3,111,371,849 29,0830 10759 7 Unknown 95400 907,956,130 5,707,152,817 22,101 6 4 T 911,517,502 55,287 T80 [ 138 ] The moon is the earth's fatellite ; her diſtance from the earth is 240,000 miles; and the goes round her orbit from change to change in 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 feconds. Jupiter has four moons, and Saturn five. As the ſquare of the earth's period round the fun (viz. 365 days 6 hours) is to the cube of its diftance from the fun, ſo is the ſquare of any other pla- net's period round the fun to the cube of its diſtance from him. 6 The fun's parallex, as deduced from the tranfit of Venus, is 8,5 feconds of a minute of a degree, which ſhews by calculations of a plain right angled triangle, that the fun's mean diſtance from the earth is 95,173,000 Engliſh miles. For, the logarithmic fine (or tan- gent) of 8 6 5 feconds is 5,6219140; which being fubftracted from the radius [ 139 ] radius 10,0000000, leaves remaining the logarithm 4,3780860, whoſe number is 2388284; which is the number of femidiameters of the earth that the fun is diftant from it. And this laſt number, 23388284 being multiplied by 3985, the number of Engliſh miles contained in the earth's femidiameter, gives 95,173,117 miles for the earth's mean diſtance from the fun. But, becauſe it is impoffible, from the niceft obfervations of the fun's parallex, to be fure of his true diſtance from the earth within 100 miles, we do at prefent, for the fake of round numbers, ftate the earth's mean diſtance from the fun at 95,173,000 Engliſh miles. 6 In ſo ſmall an arc as 8,5% feconds of fo a degree, the fine and tangent are fo nearly equal, that we may without any fenfible error confider them as equal. [ 140 ] equal. And there is no difference between them in the logarithmie tables. OF SIDEREAL AND SOLAR TIME. In fig. 2, let S be the fun, npqr the earth, turning round its axis ac- cording to the order of the letters, from weſt, by fouth to eaſt; let ʼn be any given place on the earth's furface, whoſe meridian is naq, and let N be a fixt ftar, at fuch an immenfe diſtance, that the whole orbit of the earth ABCDEFGHIKLMA is but a point in compariſon to that diſtance. Then let the earth be in any part whatever of its orbit, as at b, c, d, e, f, &c. when the faid meridian is in the poſi- tion bn, cn, dn, en, fn, &c. its plane will [ 141 } 1 will pass through the ftar; that is, whenever the meridian becomes pa- rallel to its pofition an, the ftar will be upon that meridian, let the earth be in any part of its orbit whatever. When the meridian, on any day, becomes parallel to the fituation that it had at any given inftant on the day before, the earth has made a compleat revolution about its axis; and this it always does, when any given meri- dian has revolved from any ftar to the ſame ſtar again; and the time of ſuch a revolution is in 24 fidereal hours, which is called a fidereal day. If the earth were always to remain at a, the meridian an would always revolve from the fun to the fun again in the fame time that it does from the ftar N to the fame ftar again; and then 24 fiderial hours would be the fame as 24 folar hours: for the plane of [ 142 ] of the meridian an continued, would paſs through the fun's center S, at the fame inſtant of its paffing through the ftar N. But as the earth has a progreffive motion in its orbit through ABCD, ſo as to go round its orbit in a year, ac- cording to the order of the letters, the faid meridian will revolve fooner and fooner every day to the ftar than to the fun; and fo much fooner every day, that in 365 days, as meaſured by the fun, the meridian will have revolved 366 times to the ftar. So that, what- ever the number of folar days in the year be, the number of fiderial days will exceed it by one. Thus, when the earth is at a, the point n has both the fun and the ftar on its meridian; but in a month after- ward, when the earth has advanced to b, the meridian will have made a cer- tain [ 143 ] ་ tain number of revolutions to the ftar, as often as it has been in the pofition of bn, parallel to an; but then when it is at bn, the point n (or place on the meridian) muft revolve from n to o before it has the fun on its meridian; and the arc no is a twelfth part of the earth's circumference, which is equal to two hours revolution. And there- fore, the number of folar days in a month is (among them all) two hours longer than the number of fiderial days in that time. When the earth is at C, the point n will be directed to the ftar four hours fooner than it can revolve through the arc no to the fun. At d fix hours fooner; at e eight hours; at ften hours; and at g the point n will have the ſtar N on its meridian at midnight; or 12 hours before it revolves half round, through the arc n to the the fun S. At [ 144 ] At b the accompliment of the fiderial day will be 14 hours ſooner than the folar, at i 16, at k 18, at /20, at m 22, and at a 24; for at a, one turn of the earth on its axis will be loft with regard to the number of days and nights in the year, on account of the earth's motion round the fun. OF THE DIFFERENT SEASONS. 8", In fig. 3 let S be the fun, &c. the earth's annual orbit repre- fented in a very oblique view; a,b,c, d, e, f, &c. the earth in twelve diffe- rent parts of its orbit; and ns the earth's axis, of which n is the north- pole and s the fouth pole. In the earth's whole annual courſe round the fun, its axis ns is 23 degrees in- clined from a perpendicular to its orbit; and [ 145 ] the figns ry and பத m and its axis ſtill keeps the fame ob- lique direction. Therefore, it is plain, that whilft the earth moves through the north pole of its axis conftantly inclines more or leſs toward the fun, and moſt of all when the earth is at d; as the earth moves through mand x its north pole n inclines more or leſs from the fun; and moſt of all from him when the earth is at k. This obliquity is the cauſe of all the vicif- fitudes of the feafons. In fig. 4, the obferver is fuppofed to be placed at a great diſtance above the center of the earth's orbit 8 where he fees the a m m I bom northern half of the earth, of which N is the north pole (fee the earth at March 20) where all the meridians meet. P is the north polar circle, T the tropic of cancer, and E the equa- H tor. [ 146 ] tor. The fide of the earth that is at any time turned toward the fun S has day, whilſt the fide that is the turned from him has night. On the 20th of March, when the earth enters the beginning of Libra, and the fun as feen from the earth, appears to be at the beginning of the fign Aries, the boundary of light and darkneſs cuts the earth in its north pole; and then all the places on the earth go equally through the light and the dark, which makes day and night then equal. In April the north pole is confiderably in the light, and the day is longer than the night; in May more fo, and on the 21st of June moft of all; the whole north polar circle being `then in the light, and the days at the longeſt in the northern half of the earth. From that time the days fhorten and nights lengthen, till September 23, when [ 147 ] when they are again equal as on the zoth of March. From September 23 to March 20, the north pole is con- tinually in the dark, but moſt ſo on the 22d of December, when the whole polar circle is in the dark, and the days at the ſhorteſt and nights at the longeſt, all the way between the equator and polar circle. At each pole there is but one day and one night in the whole year. { This figure fhews the pofition of the earth at the time of its entrance into each fign of the ecliptic, and how it is then enlightened by the fun. Its mo- tion round its axis being the cauſe of days and nights, and its motion round the fun on its oblique axis the cauſe of the different lengths of days and nights, and of all the variety of the feafons. H 2 When [ 148 ] When the earth enters any fign of the ecliptic, the fun then feen from the earth appears to enter the oppofite fign. OF THE MOTIONS AND PHA- SES OF THE MOON. Which ever fide of the moon is to- ward the fun S at any time, will then be enlightened by the fun; and the other half will be in the dark. And as the moon goes round the earth, ſhe will appear to be more or leſs en- lightened, as the enlightened fide of her is more or lefs turned toward the earth. See fig. 5. Let OPQR be the annual orbit of the earth E, and T the orbit of the moon, in which he goes round the earth from change to change, in 29 days, 149 ] days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3 ſeconds, according to the order of the letters fghiklmn. When the moon is at f, her dark fide is toward the earth, and ſhe becomes invifible, becauſe ſhe can then reflect none of the fun's light to the earth ; and has no light of her own to ſhine by. When fhe is at g, a little of her enlightened fide will be toward the earth; and he will ap- pear horned as at G. When ſhe is at b, half her enlightened fide will be toward the earth; and he will appear half full, as at H, when we fay fhe is in her first quarter, encreafing. When ſhe is at i, fhe will appear gibbous, as at 1, the greateſt part of her enlighten- fide being then toward the earth. When ſhe is at k, the whole of her enlighten- ed fide will be toward the earth; and ſhe will appear quite full, as at K. When ſhe is at /, her whole en- H 3 lightened [ 150 ] lightened fide cannot be feen from the earth; and fhe will appear gibbous, on the decreaſe, as at L. When the is at m, half her enlightened fide will be toward the earth, and the appears half decreaſed, as at M; when we fay ſhe is in her third quarter. When fhe is at n, the greateft part of her enlightened fide is turned from the earth, and ſhe appears horned, not far from the change. And when ſhe comes to f, fhe is all dark toward the earth, as at F; and then ſhe is quite inviſible; at which time we fay it is new moon. Both the earth and moon caft fha- dows directly outward from their dark fides. And hence, it is plain, that if the moon's orbit lay even (or in the fame plane) with the earth's orbit, the moon's fhadow would fall on the earth at every change, and the earth's fhadow would fall on the moon at [ 151 ] at every full. there would always be an eclipfe of the fun, and in the latter cafe an eclipſe of the moon. But one half of the moon's orbit is on the north fide of the earth's orbit, and the other half on the fouth fide thereof. So that the moon's orbit croffes the earth's orbit in two oppofite points, which are cal- led the moon's nodes. And there can be no eclipfe of the fun but when the moon changes in or near either of the nodes; nor can the moon be eclipfed but when he is full, in or about or about either of her In the former cafe nodes. The moon's orbit is elliptical, and the earth's center is in one of its fo- cufes. OBSERVA- H 4 [ 152 ] OBSERVATIONS ON THE AS- TRONOMICAL PART OF THIS WORK. I. If the earth were fixed immove- able in its orbit, fo as to have no pro- greffive motion therein, and to turn round its axis with the fame velocity it does at prefent; its axis being fup- poſed to be perpendicular to the plane of its orbit: and the moon were to re- volve in her orbit with her preſent velocity, her orbit being fuppofed to be circular, and fhe to be of the ap- parent bulk of the fun: In this cafe, the folar or natural day would be of the ſame length with the fiderial day; namely, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 feconds: the fun would always appear to revolve in the plane of the equator, and the days and nights would be always of an [ 153 ] an equal length. The moon would likewiſe revolve in the plane of the equator, from the fun to the fun again, or from change to change, in the time ſhe now goes round her orbit; namely, in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes. The diameters or breadths of the fun and moon would always appear to be equal. The moon would eclipſe the ſun to- tally, but without any continuance of total darkneſs, at the time of every new moon. Theſe eclipfes would be no where total but at the equator; and partial every where elſe, ſo far as they extended, which would be about 2400 miles on each fide of the equator; beyond which, farther north or fouth, the fun would never be eclipſed at all. The moon would be eclipfed by the earth's fhadow every time ſhe was full; and the eclipfe would be total, as feen from any part of the earth. II. If [ 154 ] II. If the moon's orbit acquired an elliptical form, and all the other cir- cumftances remained the fame as above. The length of days and nights, and of the lunations would be as above men- tioned. Whatever part of the moon's orbit was once between the earth and the fun would always be fo. If it was the apogeal point, the moon would be too far from the earth at the change to hide the whole body of the fun, even at the equator; at which all the fun's eclipfes would be annular. If the perigeal point of the moon's orbit was toward the earth, all the fun's eclipfes would be total at the equator, and the darkneſs would con- tinue about four minutes. If the middle point between the apogee and perigee were toward the fun, his eclip- fes would be total at the equator with- out [ 155 ] 1 out any continuance of darknefs. The lunar eclipfes total, as above. III. With thefe circumftances, fup- pofe now that the earth fhould revolve about the fun, with its preſent annual velocity, but in the plane of the equi- noctial. The days and nights would always be of equal length, only the 24 folar hours would be 3 minutes 56 feconds longer than if the earth had no annual motion: but there would be no difference of feafons. The lunations would be 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 ſeconds in length. The eclipſes of the fun would be ſometimes total with continuance, at the equator, fometimes total without continuance, and at other times annular. Thofe of the moon would be as above mentioned. IV. If now, the earth fhould go round the fun in the plane of the ecliptic, and the moon go round the earth [ 156 ] earth in the plane of the ecliptic; and the earth's axis fhould become in- clined to the ecliptic as it is at prefent. This would bring on all the inequality of days and nights, and all the viciffi- tudes of feafons we now enjoy: but ftill the fun would be eclipfed at the time of every new moon, and the moon at the time of every full. But the cen- tral éclipfes of the fun would not be confined to the equator; for, in our fummer, the center of the moon's fhadow would take the earth at the equator, where the general eclipſe would begin at the middle of the general eclipfe the center of the fha- dow would fall on the northern tropic, and thence it would move obliquely fouthward, and would go off the earth at the equator. In fpring, the center of the moons fhadow would go obliquely over the earth, from the fouthern [ 157 ] fouthern tropic to the northern: in autumn it would go obliquely over the earth from the northern tropic to the fouthern. And in winter it would first touch the earth at the equator, then bend fouthward to the ſouthern tropic; from thence toward the equa- tor again, and would at laft leave the earth at the equator. All the eclipfes of the moon would be total and cen- tral (as above) let them be feen from any part of the earth whatever. V. If the moon's orbit fhould be- come inclined to the ecliptic, as it now is, and all the other circumſtances re- main as above; the nodes of the moon's orbit having no motion, but always to keep in the fame oppofite points of the ecliptic; there could never then be above fix eclipſes in the year; and when there were that number, four of them would be of the fun and two [ 158 ] two of them of the moon. At other times, as the moon might happen to change in or near the nodes, there would only be three eclipſes; of which there would be two of the fun and only one of the moon. And the time between theſe eclipfes about the dif- ferent nodes would be half a year. So that, in whatever feaſons the eclipfes once fell, they would always do fo again. The moon's eclipfes would fometimes be total and at other times partial. VI. If the moon's nodes ſhould af- terwards acquire a retrograde motion, fuch as they now have, and every thing elſe continue as above: this would occafion all the variety of eclipfes of the fun and moon that we now have: to explain which, would require the writing of a large volume. TO [ با 159 ] 1 TO REPRESENT THE MOON's ORBIT ON A CELESTIAL GLOBE. Tie a filk thread round the ball of the globe on the ecliptic, and then find the place of the moon's afcending node in the ecliptic by an ephemeris. This done mark the place of the aſcending node in the ecliptic with a chalk, and alſo the oppofite points of the ecliptic for the place of the deſ- cending node: mark alſo the two points of the ecliptic which are half way be tween the nodes, or 90 degrees from each. Then, reckoning 90 degrees from the afcending node, according to the order of the figns, fet the filk thread 5 degrees northward there, or half way between the nodes; and on the oppofite [ 160 ] 3 4 oppofite fide of the globe ſet the thread 5 degrees fouth of the ecliptic: and laftly adjuſting the thread by hand to be like a great circle on the globe croſ- fing the ecliptic at an angle of 5 3 degrees in the nodes, the thread will truly repreſent the moon's orbit in the heavens for that time, and ſhew what ftars it paffes either through, or near to. And finding the moon's place by an ephemeris for the given time look for the fame place in the ecliptic, and right againſt it; under the thread, will be the moon's place in her orbit for that time. The diameter of the moon is to that of the earth as roo, to 365.-The moon's velocity is about 2200 miles an hour. Note, In 24 hours the moon moves 13 degrees, 10 minutes of a degree and 35 ſeconds; and every minute of a degree [ 161 ] a degree in the moon's orbit is equal to a whole degree on the earth's furface. Therefore in 24 hours the moon moves 47435 miles. FÌN IS. ERRAT A. Page v. (Preface) 1. 6. for, 31, r. 32. xx. (Preface) 1. 8, 9. A feventeenth boy of a large fize must be uſed for the fun in the center. This fhould have been printed as a note. 10. 1. 11. after, table D, add (fig. 3.) 11. 1. 10. for, hanging for, r. hanging on. 29. 1. 16. for, BC, ». BA. 36. 1. 7. for, forty-four, r. forty-two. 37. 1. 5. after, AB, add, (fig. 25.) 39. 1. 14. after, hundred, add, thoufand. 45. 1. 21. for, right line, r. right fine. 46. 1. 2. for, Dfg,,r. dfg. 77. 1. 2. for, +7, r. 56. 103. 1: 7. for, debt, r. debf. 138. 1. 13. for, parallex, r. parallax. 144. 1. 10. for, ¤‰, r. I‰¤N ™. 1. A¹ Shortly will be published, N Eafy and Pleafant COMPENDIUM of almoſt the whole HEBREW BIBLE. Containing in Select Verſes, a Quarter Part of the Book of PSALMS, divided into LVI. Short Leſſons of Ten Verfes each, including near 1200 Hebrew Roots of principal and frequent Ufe, with an Engliſh Tranflation of each Root. II. A COMPENDIUM of the GREEK TESTAMENT. Containing in near Two Thousand Select Verfes, a Quarter Part of that Sacred Book, including near Five Thoufand Primitive Words, with an English Tranflation of each Word. Both by JOHN RYLAND of Northampton. III. One Hundred and Forty Four Familiar Latin Dialogues, on the moft Common Subjects of Con- verfation, and on the Firft Parts of the Roman Hiftory. By Dr. Lange of Hall, in Saxony. Printed for E. and C. DILLY, in the Poultry, IV. Geography made a Recreation on Meffage Cards. V. Cards of Ancient Hiſtory in X. Periods. VI. Cards of Modern Hiftory, with the Chronology annexed. VII. Geometrical Cards. VIII. Optical Cards. IX. Cards of Anatomy. X. Cards of Aftronomy, and a living Orrery made with fixteen School Boys. By JOHN RYLAND of Northampton. Printed for and fold by CARINGTON BOWLES, at Nº. 69. in St. Paul's Church Yard. 3 EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY FOR SCHOOL-BOYS: OR, AN APPENDIX TO THE Introduction to the NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY. In two or three fhort and eaſy Lectures. The general Principles of MECHANICS have their valuable and excellent USES, not only for the Exer- cife and Improvement of the Mind, but the Subjects themſelves are very well worth our Knowledge, and are often made of admirable Service to human Life. Dr. WATTS's Improvement of the Mind, Part I. p. 327. * X 5 3 * 6 € / 2 X 5 3€ 253 LECTURE I The true Foundation IF Of all Mechanic Powers. On one eaſy Principle. } The whole of Mechanic's depends; Which we thus explain: we confider bodies in motion, And compare them together, We may do this either with refpect To the quantities of matter they contain, Or the velocities with which they are moved. The heavier any body is, The greater is the power required Either to move it or to top its motion. And again, the fwifter it moves The greater is it force. So that the whole momentum, Or quantity of force Of a moving body, Is the refult of its quantity of matter, Multiplied by the velocity With which it is moved: And when the products arifing From the multiplication Of the particular quantities of matter In any two bodies By their reſpective velocities are equal; The momenta, or entire forces are ſo too. An (-3)= } An example to explain this Law. HUS, fuppofe a body THUS, (Which we fhall call A) To weigh forty pounds (40) And to move at the rate of two miles in a minute * And another body (which we shall call B) To weigh only four pounds (4) And to move twenty miles in a minute; The intire forces With which theſe two bodies Would ſtrike against any obstacle, Will be equal to each other: And therefore it would require Equal powers to ſtop them. ༨. The Reafon of this FOR 40 multiplied by z gives 88, (The force of the body A) And 20 multiplied by 4 gives 80, (The force of the body B) Upon this eafy Principle depends the whole of Mechanics. AND it holds univerfally true That when two bodies are fufpended By any machine, So as to act contrary to each other, If the machine be put into motion, And the perpendicular afcent of one body Multiplied into its weight, Be equal to the perpendicular defcent of the other body Multiplied into its weight; Theſe bodies, how unequal foever In their weights, Will balance one another in all fituations;, For, as the whole afcent of one A 2 Is ( 4 ) Is performed in the fame time With the whole defcent of the other, Their reſpective velocities Must be directly as the spaces They move through; And the excefs of weight in one body Is compenfated by the excefs Of velocity in the other. Upon this eaſy principle, It is eafy to compute The power of any mechanical engine, Whether fimple or compound; For it is but only enquiring How much fwifter the power moves Than the weight does (i. e,) How much farther in the fame time; And juſt ſo much Is the power increaſed By the help of the engine. REM À R. K. + IN the theory of this fcience, we fuppofe All planes perfectly even, All boites perfectly finooth, Levers to have no weight, Cords to be extremely pliable, Machines to have no friction, And, in fhort, all imperfections Must be fet afide Until the theory be eftabliſhed; And then proper allowances are to be made. ** # } Mechanic ( 5 ) Mechanic Powers. (f THE fimple MACHINES, ufually called MECHANICAL POWERS, are fix in number, viz. the wheel and axle-the pulley- The lever The inclined plane the wedge--and the ſcrew. They are called mechanical powers,. Because they help us to raife weights, Move heavy bodies, And overcome refiitances, Which we could not effect without them. 1 First MECHANIC POWER. A The LEVER. Lever is a bar turning upon a prop Or centre of motion, And is uſed either to raiſe weights Or to overcome refiftances. There are three kinds of levels, And in each of them the velocity Of each point or end $ Is directly as its diſtance from the prop. AUS A lever is faid to be of the firſt kind, When the prop is between the weight And the power : Here the power and weight Ballance each other, . When the power is in proportion To the weight, As the distance of the weight from the prop Is to the diſtance of the power from the prop. Of this fort are our iron crows, fciffars, Pincers, fnuffeis, and the like. A 3. Second. ( 6 ) A 10c Second Kind of LEVER. · Lever is faid to be of the fecond kind, When the weight is between the prop And the power: Here the power and weight Ballance each other, When the power is in proportion to the weight, As the distance of the weight from the prop Is to the distance of the power from the prop. Of this fort are deers turning upon hinges, Rudders of flips, oars, and fuch cutting knives. As are fixed at the points. Third Kind of LEVER. A Lever is faid to be of the third kind, When the power is between The weight and the prop: In this the power and the weight Ballance each other, When the power is in proportion to the weight As the distance of the weight from the prop Is to the distance of the power from the prop. Of this fort are the bones of our legs and arms, And the wheels of clocks and watches. The bended lever differs in nothing but its form: From a lever of the first kind; Its power is the fame, and is fimilar To that of an hammer drawing a nail. Example of the third Kind of Lever, HUS, when the power is applied the z To a lever (of 24 inches long, weighing 2 oz.) At the diftance of fix inches from the prop, It will require four ounces to fupport the bare lever. If the power be applied at four inches from the prop, It will require fix ounces to fupport it ; Or if at two inches, it will then require No less than twelve ounces to balance it. And if at the fame time I put { ( 7 ) + :" I put on a weight of one ounce, At 24 inches diſtant from the prop, It will then require 12 ounces moreo né That is, 24 ounces in all, Twelve to ballance the lever. } { And 12 more to ballance the weight." ********* Second MECHANIC POWER. The WHEEL and AXLE, N the wheel and axle IN su is The velocity of the power is To the velocity of the weight, As the circumference of the wheel Is to the circumference of the axle; And the advantage gained by this machine Is directly in the fame proportion ; For the power and weight balfance each other, When the power is in proportion to the weight As the circumference of the axle Is to the circumference of the wheel. This machine is the principal part Of a common crane. An Example to explain this Power. Suppofe the circumference of a wheel To be eight times as great As the circumference of the axle: Then a power equal to one pound, Hanging by a cord Which goes round the wheel, Will-ballance a weight of eight pounds. Hanging by a rope Which goes round the axle. [To be continued in feveral Lectures.] EXPE ( 8 ) Ak kebettet tect tokekekeketek tetek EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY FOR SCHOOL - BOYS. LECTURE IL Third MECHANIC POWER. The PULLEY. A Pulley that only turns on its axis, And does not rife with the weight, Serves only to change the direction of the power ;, For it gives no mechanical advantage thereto. When, befides the upper pullies, Which run round in a fixed block, There is a block of pullies Moving equally with the weight;. The velocity of the weight is To the velocity of the power, As one is to twice the number of pullies In the moveable block; And the power and weight ballance each other When the power is in proportion to the weight,, As one is to twice the number of pullies In the moveable block, Or as one is to the whole number of cords. I. 3 A's. : 1 1 (9) As for EXAMPLE, SUPPOSE a weight of eight ounces, Be hung at the lower end of a moveable block, Which contains two pullies in it And another weight of two ounces, Hung unto the end of a cord Which goes round the pullies, H And two other pullies in a fixed block (To which the other end of the cord is faftened) Theſe weights will ballance one another In all fituations; And the weight of two ounces Will move through four times the ſpace, And with four times the velocity In the fame time that the other weight does. Fourth MECHANIC POWER. The INCLINED PLANE. A Weight raifed, or a refiſtance moved By an inclined plane, Moves only through a ſpace equal › To the height or thickneſs of that plane, In the time that the power drives The plane through a ſpace Equal to its whole length. Hence the velocity of the power Is in proportion to the velocity of the weight, As the length of the plane Is to its thickness or height; And the power and weight ballance each other When the power is in proportion to the weight, As the thickness of the plane is to the length. All edge-tools which are chamfered Only on one fide, Are inclined planes, As far as the chamfer goes from the edge. EX- ( 10 ) EXAMPLE. SUPPOSE a load or roller of thirty-two ounces To be ſtayed upon an inclined plane, Whofe height is half its length; Then it will require aweight of fixteen ounces, Acting contrary to the load, To ſupport it, and keep it from deſcending. } 00000000000:0000000000 Fifth MECHANIC POWER. The WEDGE. A Wedge, in the common form, Is like two inclined planes Joined together at their bafes, And the thickneſs or height of theſe planes Makes the back of the wedge, To which the power is applied in cleaving of wood, When two equal refiftances act perpendicularly Againſt the oppofite fides of the wedge, And a power acts perpendicularly against The back of the wedge, The velocity of the power is in proportion To the velocity of the reſiſtance On each fide, As the length of the wedge is To half the thickneſs of its back, And the power ballances the reſiſtance Of the wood, When the power is In proportion to the refiftance, As half the thickneſs of the back Of the wedge is to its whole length, If the harp edge go to the bottom Of the cleft in the wood; But when the wood ſplits before the wedge- 4 (As ( I ) (As it generally does) The velocity of the refiftance on each fide is To the velocity of the power acting on the wedge, As half the thickness of the wedge is To the whole length of the cleft; } And in this cafe the power and refiſtance' Ballance each other, When the power is to the refiftance, As half the thickness of the wedge (When it is driven quite into the wood) Is to the whole length of the cleft Below the back of the wedge. " EXAMPLE of the Law of the Wedge. THUS, fixteen ounces of refiftance, That is, eight ounces on each fide, Will ballance, or be equal to Eight ounces of power At the back of the wedge, When the back of the wedge Is equal to one of the fides. But when the back of the wedge Is but half the length Of one of the fides, Then four ounces of power Will be equal to Sixteen ounces of reſiſtance On both the fides. } - 1 1 bbbbbbbb Sixth MECHANIC POWER. The SCREW. HE Screw may be confidered as if it were Tan inclined plane wrapt round a cylinder; An inclined Hence the power muft turn the cylinder Quite round in the time that the weight Moves ( 12 ) Moves through a ſpace equal to the diſtance Between the fpirals or threads of the ſcrew; Therefore the velocity of the power is In proportion to the velocity of the weight, As the circumference of a circle Deſcribed by the power, In one turn of the ferew, Is to the diſtance between the fpirals of the ſcrew, And the power and refiftance ballance Each other when the former is to the latter, As the distance between the fpirals is To the circumference of the circle Defcribed by the power. This machine, befides the advantage Proper to itſelf, Has generally the benefit of the wheel And axle, on account of the handle Or lever whereby it is turned. 1 The Law of the Screw made eafy. THE power and refiftance ballance each other, When the power is to the reſiſtance As the diſtance between the ſpirals is To the circumference of the circle, Deſcribed by the power, cylinder, wheel, or lever, EXAMPLE. Thus if the lever which turns the fcrew Does in one rotation defcribe a circle 'That meaſures thirty times the diſtance Contained between any two fpirals, It will then gain thirty degrees of power. 墨 ​} > ነ 蒜​餅 ​All ( 13 ) All the MECHANIC POWER S combined together.. A S the fcrew includes the inclined plane, And two equally inclined planes make the wedge, We have all the mechanical powers combined Together in a common jack, If it be turned by the fly, for then wề Have alfo the lever, the wheel, and axle, And the pullies. If this machine, Be uſed for raiſing a weight, By means of a power applied to the fly, The power will ballance the weight, If it be in proportion,to, the weight, As the velocity of the weight is.., To the velocity of the fly. Now confidering how fast the fly moves, (With respect to the motion of the weight). It is evident, that a crane, Constructed in the manner of a common jack, Would be an engine of very great power:; But then the time loft Would alſo be very great For, in all engines, the time loft In working them is As the power gained by them. If machines could be made without friction, The leaft degree of power added to that Which ballances the weight, Would be fufficient to raiſe it. In the lever the friction Is next to nothing.; In the wheel and axle it is but ſmall¿ In the pullies it is very confiderable; And in the inclined plane, wedge, -And forew, it is very great. B Sir ( 14 ) Sir IS AAC NEWTON's } 2. LAWS of MOTION. 10 AC LA W. I. ALL bodies continue their ſtate of reft, Or uniform motion, in a right-line, 'Till they are made to change that ſtate By fome external force impreſſed upon them. LAW II. THE change of motion produced in any body. Is always proportionable to the force Whereby, it is effected; And in the fame direction wherein the force acts, } 2 13 + LAW III. RE-ACTION is always contrary and equal to action, Or the actions of two bodies upon each other Are equal, and in contrary direction. LAW IV. BODIES mutually attract each other 1 In proportion to their respective quantities of matter, And their attractions diminiſh In-proportion as the fquare of the distance between them increaſes. } See Dr. Cheyne's Philofophical Principles of Religion, and Dr. Cotton Mather's Chriftian Philofopher, 8vo. ༣ } A ASTRO- ( 15 ) ASTRONOMY for School-Boys; T OR, An INTRODUCTION to the Uſe of the WHIRLING TABLE. puit as se LECTURE ร่าง 37.05 £ 731.45 SE The Excellence and Uſefulneſs of Aftronomy. I' TO 10 C ་ F we look upward with DAVID to the world's above us, we confider the heavens as the work of the finger of GOD, and the moon and ftaus which he hath 'ordained." what amazing glories difcover themſelves to our fight! What wonders of wiſdom are feen in the exact regularity of their revolutions! nor was there ever any thing that has contri- buted to enlarge my apprehenſions of the IMMENSE POWER OF GOD, THE MAGNIFICENCE OF HIS CREATION, AND HIS OWN TRANSCENDENT GRANDEUR, fo much as that little portion of ASTRONOMY which I have been able to at tain. And I would not only recommend it to YOUNG STUDENTS for the fame purpoſes, but I would perfuade ALL MANKIND (if it were poffible) to gain fome degrees of acquaintance with the vaftneſs-the diſtances—and the motions of the planetary worlds on the fame account. It gives an unknown enlargement to the understanding, and af- fords a divine entertainment to the foul and its better powers. With what pleafure and rich profit would men furvey thoſe aſtoniſhing SPACES in which the planets revolve, the hugeneſs of their BULK, and the almoft incredible ſwiftneſs of their MOTIONS: and yet all theſe govern'd and adjuſted B 2 by ( 16 ) by fuch unerring rules, that they never mistake their way, nor loſe a minute of their time, or change their appointed circuits for feveral thouſands of years! WHEN we mufe on theſe things we may lofe ourſelves in holy wonder, and, cry out with the pfalmift, "LORD, what “is man that thou art mindful of him, and the fon of man "that thou ſhould'ſt viſit him!" Dr. Watts's Aftronomy, Preface, p. 7. THE immortal SIR ISAAC NEWTON, befides his other innumerable and wonderful inventions, has difcovered the fountain and Ipring of all the celestial motions, and the GREAT LAW which is univerfally diffuſed thro’- the whole fyſtem of nature, which the Almighty and wife CREATOR, has commanded alt bodies to obferve, viz. THAT EVERY PARTICLE OF MÁTTER ATRACTS EACH OTHER IN A RECIPROCAL, DUPLICATE PROPORTION OF ITS DIS- TANCE. THIS law is, as it were, the cement of nature, and the principle of union by which all things remain in their proper state and order; it detains not only the planets, but the comets within their due bounds, and hinders them from making excurſions into the immenfe regions of ſpace, which they would do, if they were only actuated by motion once implanted in them, which naturally they would always pre- ferve according to the firſt and principal law of motion. We are alſo obliged to the ſaid gentleman for the diſcovery of the law that regulates all the heavenly motions, ſets bounds to the planets orbs, determines their greatest excurfions from the fun, and their neareſt approaches to him.-To this fub- lime GENIUS we owe, that now we know the cauſe why fuch a conſtant and regular proportion is obſerved, by both primary and fecondary planets, in their circulations round their central bodies, IN COMPARING THEIR DISTANCES WITH THEIR PERIODS; and why all the celeftial motions are ſtill continued in ſuch a wonderful regularity, harmony, and order. Barrow's Dict. Aftronomy. Twelve ( 17 ) > Twelve Capital EXPERIMENTS on the WHIRLING TABLE.' 2 EXPERIMENT. Í, I be to,. fhew the propensity of matter to keep the ftate it is in, whether motion or reût, for ever. Tin, whether + # 7. 814 st dard འཏྭཱ{ ། 1 EX Y TO ſhew that bodies moving in orbits, have a tendency to Ay out of theſe orbits. EX P. II. ་ TO fhew that bodies move fafter in small orbits than in large ones. EX P. IV. On centrifugal forces. A TO fhew that when bodies of EQUAL quantities of matter revolve in EQUAL circles with EQUAL velocities, their cen- trifugal forces are EQUAL. 6 E X P. V. TO fhew that the centrifugal forces of revolving bodies are in a direct proportion to their quantities of matter multi- plied into their respective velocities, or into their diſtances from the centres of their reſpective circles. EX P. VI. TÒ fhew that a double velocity in the fame circle is a bal- lance to a quadruple power of gravity. 5 EXP. ( 18 ) E X P. VII. TO fhew, that if one body moves round another, both of them must move round their common center of gravity. Here introduce the demi-globe of two pounds weight, connected by a wire to a little, ball of one ounce : This ſmall ball, in a rapid motion, will carry off the demi- globe from the table. EXP. VIII. 专 ​TO demonftrate the abfundity of the Cartefian doctrine of the planets moving round the fun in vortexes. 0 MEX P. Maker IX. TO fhew the reafon why the tides rife at the ſame time on oppofie fides of the earth,. [This is the beautiful experiment invented by Mr. Ferguſon.] E X P. X. > < TO fhew that the diameter of our earth is longer at the equator than at the poles [This must be done on the whirling-fphere.] E X P. XI. Kepler's Grand Problem illuftrated, viz. } THAT the fquares of the periodical times of the planets round the fun are in proportion to the cubes of their diflances from him: and that the fun's attraction is inverſely as the fquare of the distance from his centre; that is, at twice the diſtance his attraction,is four times leſs-at flirice the dif- tance nine times lefs-at four times the distance fixteen times lefs, and—at five times, twenty-five times lefs, &c. E X P. XII. J } THE earth's motion round the fun demonſtrated from all the foregoing experiments. $ } " Exrt- ( 19 ) EXPERIMENT VI. p. 17. Explained. IF bodies af equal weights Revolve in equal circles With unequal velocities; Their centrifugal forces are As the fquares of the velocities. To prove this law by experiment, Let two balls, A. and B. of equal weight, Be fixed on their cords at equal distances + From their respective centres of motion; Then let the cat-gut ftring be put round the wheel, Whofe circumference is only one half · ˆ Of the circumference of the other wheel, And let four times as much weight Be put into the tower B As in the tower A ; Then turn the winch, Jul. And the ball B will revolve twice as faft' As the ball A in a circle of the fame diameter, Becauſe they are equidiſtant from the centers Of the circles in which they revolve ; And the weights in the towers Will both rife at the fame inftant; Which ſhews that a double velocity In the fame circle, Will exactly ballance A quadruple, or fourfold power of attraction, In the centre of the circle; For the weights in the towers May be confidered as the attractive forces In the centers, Acting upon the revolving balls; Which, moving in equal circles, Is the fame thing as if they both moved In one and the fame circle. See all theſe Experiments explained at length in Mr. Ferguſon's lar La&tures, 410. SELEC ( 20 ) མ 2 SELECT and EASY BOOKS for a YOUNG PHILOSOPHER. I .NEWTONIAN Philofophy, for Boys and Girls, by Tom Teleſcope, A. M. Twenty-fours Newberry.. 2. Martin's Lectures on all the Sciences, in his Introduc- tion to the English Language, 12mó. 3. Ferguſon's Analyſis of his XII, Lectures. 8vo. 6d, with his Lectures on felect Subjects, 8vo. 78. 4. Locke's Elements of Natural Philofophy, 12mo. 6d. 5. Martin's Familiar Introduction to the Newtonian Philo- ſophy, 8vo. 2s. 6d. 6. Martin's Philofophical Grammar, 8vo. 3d Edit. 7. Young Gentlemen and Ladies Philofophy, 2 Vols. 8vo. in Dialogues. In 'Martin's Magazine of Arts and Sci- ences. 8. Matho. 2 Vols 8vo, by Mr. Baxter. incomparable Strength and Beauty. { A Work of 9. Nature displayed; by Mr. Plache. 4 Vols. izmo. 10. Ray's Wiſdom of God in the Creation. 8vo. 11. Dr. Derham's Phyfico Theology. 2 Vols. 24. * * ་ 12. Dr. Cotton Mather's Chriftian Philofopher. 8vo. 1725. 13. Above all read Monf. Nollett's Laft Legacy to`young Philofophers. 3 Vols. 12mo, A 138 APR 6 6