CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. THE MILITARY ORDER LO Y. A L L E G I O N UNITED STATES. PHILADELPHIA : I88I. 4–23, , 2, . A 2.2. \$2 \ Fº º * *-º-º-º: - jº º:22 :=s* - rº --> % e? ź £% ºr ; ; ; ; ; ; -----.º. – . ==Sº CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE L O Y A L L E G I O N OF THE UNITED STATES. PHILADELPHIA : I88I. Antered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, for THE MILITARY ORDER of THE Loyal LEGION OF THE UNITED STATEs, By Sam. B. Wylie Mitchell, M.D., Acting Recorder-in-Chief of said Order, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, jor the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1881, &y JOHN P. NICHOLSON, Acting Recorder-in-Chief of The Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, in the office of the Ziºrarian of Congress. First Edition, 1865. Second ** 1866. Third “ 1867. Fourth ** 1868. Fifth “ 1870. Sixth “ 1874. Sezenth ** r&z7. Eighth “ 188o. Minth ** 1887. Congress, 1869. tº ºf 1873. . & º 1877. | A o + 2s ** 1881. \ -- f* \º .i§ sS-: s&- º, ºr ºv. , - 2 - #2's t CoNSTITUTION. ammºmºmºmº *, PREAMBLE. WE, OFFICERS AND HONORABLY DISCHARGED OFFICERS of THE ARMY, NAVY AND MARINE CORPs of THE UNITED STATES, whose names are hereunto annexed,—having aided in maintaining the honor, integrity and supremacy of the National Government, at a critical period of its history; and holding in remembrance the sacrifices in common made, and the triumphs together shared, in the support of this sacred duty, do unite in order to ordain and es- tablish a permanent ASSociation for the purpose and ob- jects hereinafter set forth, and to this end, pledge our honor, as officers and gentlemen, to be governed by the following Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE I. TITLE. This Institution shall be known by the name, style and title of THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. * *c.: 3. Hiſt 6 ARTICLE II. PRINCIPLES. This Order acknowledges as its fundamental principles– 1st. A firm belief and trust in Almighty God; extolling Him under whose beneficent guidance the sovereignty and integrity of the Union have been maintained, the honor of the Flag vindicated, and the blessing of Civil Liberty secured, established and enlarged. 2d. True allegiance to the United States of America, based upon a paramount respect for and fidelity to the National Constitution and Laws, manifested by the dis- countenancing of whatever may tend to weaken loyalty, incite to insurrection, treason or rebellion, or in any manner to impair the efficiency and permanency of our Free Institutions. ARTICLE III. OBJECTS. The Objects of this Order shall be, to cherish the memories and associations of the war waged in defence of the unity and indivisibility of the Republic; to strengthen the ties of fraternal fellowship and sympathy formed from companionship-in-arms; to advance the best interests of the soldiers and sailors of the United States, especially 7 of those associated as members of this Order, and to extend all possible relief to their widows and children; to foster the cultivation of Military and Naval Science; to enforce unqualified allegiance to the General Govern- ment; to protect the rights and liberties of American citizenship, and to maintain National Honor, Union and Independence. ARTICLE IV. ORGANIZATION. The several constituted bodies of this Order shall be designated as Commanderies, and shall consist of Ist. State Commanderies, to be known as “The } } Commander y of the State of 2d. A Wational Commandery, to be known as “The Command ery-in-chief.’’ ARTICLE V. MEMBERS. The Members, or Companions, of this Order shall be of three (3) Classes:— First (1st) Class: Commissioned Officers of the United States Army, Navy or Marine Corps, Regular or Volun- teer, including Officers of assimilated rank by appointment 8 of the Secretary of War or Navy, who have been actually engaged in the suppression of the Rebellion, whether as Commissioned officers, Non-commissioned officers, Warrant officers, or Enlisted men. The eldest male lineal descendants, according to the rules of primogeniture, of deceased Companions of the First (1st) Class, upon attaining the age of twenty-one years; and if there are no descendants, male or female, then the male heirs of such deceased Companions in the collateral branches of their families in the order of genea- logical succession according to the rules of primogeniture: Provided however, That in cases of representation through females the eldest branches shall be preferred to the younger, and intervening female lives through whom the inheritances would be derived shall be disregarded ; that any person eligible for membership by inheritance, if he have no descendants male or female living may, by writing filed, waive and renounce his right in favor of the next entitled person; and that in case one already a Companion of the Order is next in the line of inheritance from a deceased Companion, the eligibility of membership in right of such deceased Companion shall devolve upon the person next entitled other than such living Companion or his descendants. 9 The eldest male lineal descendants, according to the rules of primogeniture, of Officers who have been killed in battle or died while in the service of the National Govern- ment during the actual existence of the Rebellion, and who would have been eligible for membership in the Order had they survived. Second (2d) Class: The eldest sons of living Compan- ions of the First (1st) Class, provided they be twenty-one (21) years of age. Upon the death of the Companion of the First (1st) Class through whom eligibility of membership is derived, a Companion of the Second (2d) Class shall become a Companion of the First (1st) Class. Third (3d) Class: Gentlemen in civil life, who, during the Rebellion, have been specially distinguished for con- spicuous and consistent loyalty to the National Government, and who have been active and eminent in maintaining the supremacy of the same. ARTICLE VI. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. * SECTION I.-Every application for membership shall be made in writing, signed by the applicant, who shall be recommended in writing by three (3) Companions of the IO Commandery to which he shall apply, who shall vouch for the candidate's eligibility. The application shall be referred by the Commander to a Committee of Investiga- tion, consisting of three (3) Companions of the Order, none of whom shall be of the recommending Companions. If the applicant be a candidate for the First (1st) Class, the Committee shall ascertain the date of his appointment or muster into the United States service, and if discharged, the date of the same, and the reasons therefor. In all cases, they shall make a careful examination of his standing and moral character, and shall report in writing at the next stated meeting of the Commandery. After the reading of the report, the Commander shall formally request any Companion of the Order who has any objection to the report, or reasons against the election of the candidate, to then state the same if he so desire. Upon the adoption of the report, the candidate must be balloted for if the report be unfavorable, every Companion of the Order present, shall, unless excused by a vote of the Commandery, deposit one (1) ballot for or against the candidate. If he be a candidate for the First (1st) or Second (2d) Class, and not more than two (2) black balls be deposited against him, he shall be declared duly elected; but if three (3) or more black balls be deposited against him, he shall be I I rejected and so declared. If he be a candidate for the Third (3d) Class, and one (1) black ball be deposited against him, he shall be rejected and so declared. SEC. 2–An application for membership may be with: drawn before report thereon; or after report and before ballot, if the report be favorable. SEC. 3.—A Companion-elect of the First (1st), Second (2d) or Third (3d) Class, before being admitted to the privileges of membership, shall subscribe to the Constitu- tion and By-Laws of the Order; pay an admission fee of at least twenty-five dollars ($25.oo) which shall entitle him, during membership, to a Diploma, Badge and Ribbon ; be presented at one of the meetings of the Commandery, and there make the requisite declaration. But if he shall neglect or refuse to comply with these conditions for the period of six (6) months, unless prevented by sickness or other unavoidable occurrence, his election may be declared null and void :— Provided, That Companions-elect of the Order who may be stationed or who may reside at a distance too great to be present at the stated meeting of their Commandery next succeeding their election, and who are thus unavoida- ably prevented from complying in full with the above requirements, may, in lieu thereof, make in writing the requisite declaration of membership. I 2 SEC. 4.—If a candidate for membership be rejected, he shall be forever after ineligible for proposal in any other Commandery of the Order, and not eligible in that in which he was rejected, until a period of one (1) year shall have elapsed from the date of his rejection; after which, in the event of the rejected candidate applying for membership, he shall comply in all particulars with the forms hereinbefore prescribed; and, to be elected, must, when balloted for, be approved unanimously. SEC. 5. When the fact of the ineligibility of any can- didate for membership of the Order shall be certified to before the Council of any Commandery, by a Committee of Investigation duly appointed, it shall be duly and properly recorded, and a copy of such record shall be forwarded, through the proper channel, for the information and guidance of the several Commanderies. ARTICLE VII. MEMBERSHIP. SECTION I.- The right of a member to resign, or to withdraw from the Commandery for any stated period of time, on application made as hereinafter directed, shall be given at any stated meeting, two-thirds (%) concur- ring in the same; and this, with the understanding, that, I3 during such time, the Companion withdrawing shall not enjoy the rights and privileges of other members. In case of the proposed withdrawal or resignation of a member, before the same shall be allowed or accepted, he shall return to the Commandery of which he is a member, his Diploma, Badge and Ribbon of the Order. SEC. 2.-All applications for permission to withdraw or resign from the Commandery, shall be made in writing and accompanied by a certificate from the Recorder that all dues to the Order have been satisfied. But no member shall be permitted to withdraw or resign while charges are pending against him. SEC. 3.—Membership shall be forfeited only for a viola- tion of any of the obligations taken on entering the Order, or for other conduct unbecoming a gentleman and inconsistent with that of a man of honor. In such cases the Diploma, Badge and Ribbon, and all other property belonging to the individual as connected with this Order, shall be returned to the Commandery of which he is a member. SEC. 4.—Commissioned officers of the Regular Army, Navy or Marine Corps, members of any Commandery, upon being ordered to a station where there is a Com- mandery with which they desire to affiliate, shall be I 4. entitled to a temporary transfer thereto, upon written appli- cation to their Commander, accompanied by a certificate from the Recorder that all dues to their Commandery have been satisfied; and during their absence they shall not be liable for dues to their Commandery. Companions in civil life, changing their permanent residence to a place within the jurisdiction of any other Commandery, may in like manner receive a transfer. In no case shall a Companion be exempt from his obligations to his Commandery solely on account of absence therefrom. & SEC. 5.—In case of the death of a Companion, his heirs shall be entitled to retain possession of his Diploma, Badge and Ribbon. ARTICLE VIII. IMPEACHMENT OF MEMBERS. SECTION I.-If the conduct or character of any Com- panion of this Order shall be impeached, the accusing member shall prefer his charge in writing to the Council, who shall notify the accused of the same ; and if, after a due investigation, the Council consider the charge to be sustained, they shall report the case, with their decision, to the Commandery, notifying the accused of the time when I5 the report is to be made. If the accused member shall fail to come forward and exculpate himself, he may be expelled by a vote of two-thirds (33) of the members of the Commandery present. But no vote for the reprimand, suspension or expulsion of a Companion, shall be taken except at a stated meeting. SEC. 2.-The dismissing, cashiering or dishonorable discharge from the service of the United States, of any officer who may be a Companion of this Order, shall con- stitute a sufficient ground for his expulsion without further investigation. If such officer shall be reinstated, he may thereafter resume his membership in the Order, should there be then no objection to his so doing. SEC. 3.−A member who has been expelled, may be reinstated only by a unanimous vote of the members of the Commandery at the next stated meeting after he shall petition in writing for reinstatement. ARTICLE IX. FHONORARY MEMBERS. Companions of the Third (3d) Class in any Commandery shall not exceed in number the ratio of one to thirty-three (1:33), to those of the First (1st) Class. I6 ARTICLE X. MEMBERS–AT—LARGE. The Diploma of Membership and the Insignia of the Order may be conferred upon any foreign officer, and also upon any gentleman who served on the general staff without a commission but who is otherwise eligible to membership, by a vote of the Congress of the Order, the necessary action to be taken by the Commandery-in- Chief. The vote shall be by ballot and three black balls shall exclude from such membership. Members-at-Large shall be recognized as Companions of the First (1st) Class and may affiliate with any State Com- mandery, upon assuming the prescribed financial obliga- tions thereof. ARTICLE XI. DIPLOMA OF MEMBERSHIP. SECTION I.-Every Diploma of Membership shall be signed by the Commander-in-Chief, and shall have the seal of the Order affixed thereto, and be attested by the Recorder-in-Chief. SEC. 2.-The FORM OF THE DIPLOMA shall be as follows:– 17 AVo.— In the Mame and by the Authority of (COAT OF ARMS.) THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. THE COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF. To all to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING: KNow YE, THAT Having been specially distinguished for faithful services in maintaining the honor, integrity and supremacy of the Government of the United States of America, was received as a COMPANION OF THE CLASS OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATEs, on the day of , Anno Domini thousand hundred and , through the Commandery of the State of IN TESTIMONY whereoF, the names of the proper Officers, and the Seal of the Order are hereunto affixed. GIVEN at Philadelphia, this. day of , in the I8 year of our Lord thousand hundred and—, and of the Independence of the United States of America the , and of the Order the y Commander-in-Chief. Attest:— 2 Recorder-in-Chief. SEC. 3.-For Companions of the Second Class, and those admitted to the First Class by right of succession, the form of Diploma shall be varied by the Commander-in-Chief, so as to state the name of the officer who has rendered faithful services, together with the name and relationship to the ancestor of the Companion admitted. ARTICLE XII. IDEATH OF MEMBERS. Upon notice of the death of any Companion of the Order, the Commandery shall be convened for the purpose of attending the funeral ceremonies. The Companions, wearing the usual badge of mourning, will march in the order prescribed for such processions. If agreeable to the family of the deceased, the coffin I9 shall be draped with the United States flag, and the pall supported by eight (8) Companions of the Order. r ARTICLE XIII. OFFICERS. SECTION I.-The Officers of the St a fe Commanderies shall be a Commander, a Senior Vice-Commander, a Junior Vice-Commander, a Recorder, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chancellor, a Chaplain, and a Council con- sisting of five (5) Companions, of which Board the other Officers shall be members. They shall be elected annually, as hereinafter directed. SEC. 2.-The Officers of the AV at i on a / Commandery shall be a Commander-in-Chief, a Senior Vice-Com- mander-in-Chief, a Junior Vice-Commander-in-Chief, a Recorder-in-Chief, a Registrar-in-Chief, a Treasurer-in- Chief, a Chancellor-in-Chief, a Chaplain-in-Chief, and a Council-in-Chief, consisting of five (5) Companions, of which Board the other Officers shall be members. They shall hold office during the term of four (4) years, or until their successors shall be duly elected and invested. ARTICLE XIV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. SECTION I.-It shall be the duty of the CoMMANDER to 2O preside at all meetings of the Commandery and of the Coun- cil; to enforce a strict observance of the Constitution and By-Laws; to appoint all Officers and Committees not otherwise provided for; to sign all orders drawn upon the Treasurer for all sums necessary to defray the expenses, and for other appropriations made and passed at a stated meeting of the Commandery; and to perform such other duties as custom and parliamentary usage, or his charge, may require of him. SEC. 2.-The WICE-COMMANDERS shall, when called upon, assist the Commander in the performance of his duties. The SENIOR VICE-COMMANDER is, in the event of the death, resignation, or absence of the Commander, his plenary representative. In the event of the death, resignation, or absence of the Senior Vice-Com- mander, the JUNIOR VICE-COMMANDER succeeds to all his powers and duties. If none of the above-named Officers be present, a Com- mander pro tempore shall be appointed. SEC. 3.-It shall be the duty of the RECORDER to keep in books provided for the purpose,— 1st. The Constitution and By-Zaws, Rules and A'egula- Žions of the Order, to be signed by every Companion on his becoming a member thereof. 2 I 2d. A Journal of the proceedings of the Commandery, after the same have been corrected and approved. 3d. A Zetter-Book of copies of all official letters sent and received. 4th. A Zedger, to contain the accounts of the Com- mandery with its members. 5th. A Receipt-Book, in which to take the Treasurer's receipts. 6th. A Book, in which shall be recorded the names and rank in the service of all that at any time may be declared ineligible for membership in the Order; and also of those members who may have been expelled from any Command- ery, together with the reasons therefor. * It shall be his duty to keep these books in readiness at all times for inspection by the Council; to care for and ar- range the archives of the Commandery ; to keep all accounts between the Commandery and its members; to receive in trust all moneys of the Commandery, and pay the same without delay to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. He shall attest all orders drawn upon the Treasurer for money ordered to be paid at a stated meeting, and none others, except those hereinafter specially provided for. He shall give due notice of all meetings of the Com- mandery, and shall furnish in the said notice the name, 22 rank and command in the service, and address of each candidate for membership, together with his or their Re- commenders, and the Committee of Investigation ; and in the notices of the first stated meetings in May and Novem- ber, he shall state the amount due by the Companion to whom issued. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Commandery, and shall notify the National Commandery and each State Commandery, from time to time as they may occur, of every admission and rejection, suspension and expulsion, resignation and withdrawal, restoration and death. He shall, at the last stated meeting in his term of office, make out for the Commandery a full report of all moneys received during his term, and also the arrearages of every member; and shall transfer to his successor in office, within two (2) weeks from the expiration of his term, all books, papers, or other property in his possession belong- ing to his office. He shall notify the family of a deceased Companion of the First (1st) Class, of the provisions of Article V., paragraph 2d.; and shall perform such other duties as the Commandery or his office may require of him. SEC. 4.—The REGISTRAR shall procure and keep a Regis- zer of the members of the Commandery, ruled to embrace 23 every material fact relating to or growing out of their mem- bership. In the absence or disability of the Recorder he shall officiate in his stead. SEC. 5.—The TREASURER shall receive from the Recorder all moneys belonging to the Commandery, giving receipts for the same. He shall pay all orders signed by the Com- mander and attested by the Recorder, and none others; and must retain, in a book provided for the purpose, these orders as his vouchers. He shall keep fair and regular ac- counts of his receipts and expenditures, making a quarterly statement thereof. He shall perform such other duties as the Commandery or his office may require of him. He shall pay over and deliver to his successor in office, on the night of investure of said successor, all moneys, vouchers, books and papers belonging to the Commandery, in his hands at the close of his term of office. For the faithful performance of his duty, he shall give such security as the Commandery may direct. SEC. 6.-The CHANCELLOR shall have the care and cus- tody of the Seal of the Order, together with the Diploma- plate, Dies, Badges, Ribbon and Rosettes. He shall issue, on proper requisitions, the Diploma of Membership and the 24 Insignia of the Order; and shall keep in a book provided for the purpose, a full and complete record of the same. In no case shall he issue a duplicate Diploma or Badge except by a vote of the Commandery of which he is a mem- ber, based upon the statement, upon honor, by the appli- cant, that the original has been either lost or destroyed:— A rovided, That a Companion receiving such duplicate, shall pay the actual cost of the same. In the absence or disability of the Treasurer, he shall officiate in his stead. SEC. 7.--It shall be the duty of the CHAPLAIN to open and close the meetings of the Commandery in the manner prescribed, and to perform such other duties as general custom may require of him. SEC. 8.--The COUNCIL shall exercise a general inspection and control over all property belonging to the Command- ery. The five members elected as the Council shall be constituted a standing Committee on accounts, and shall audit and adjust the Commandery's books semi-annually, or oftener if required to do so, rendering reports of the same. In dissensions between Companions, it shall be the duty of the Council to act as a Court of Honor for the just and amicable settlement of the same, but where charges are preferred against a Companion, it shall be constituted a 25 & Court of Inquiry for the Commandery, and shall proceed to act according to the laws and usages governing similar courts in the Army and Navy. It shall have power to fill vacancies in any of the offices of the Commandery, except in cases provided for in Article XIV, Sec. 2., until the time of the next annual election. ARTICLE XV. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. Any Officer of the Order who shall neglect, or improperly perform the duties incumbent upon him, may be removed by a vote of two-thirds (%) of the members of the Com- mandery present. ARTICLE XVI. MEETINGS. SECTION I.- The stated meetings of the several Com- manderies of the Order shall be held monthly, unless any Commandery, by a two-thirds (%) vote, shall otherwise direct:—Provided however, That every Commandery shall hold a meeting in the month of May of each year for the election of Officers. SEC. 2.-Special meetings may be convened at the pleasure of the Commander, or at the written request of 26 eight (8) members of the Commandery, three (3) days previous notice being given in every case. SEC. 3.-Eight (8) members of the Commandery shall Constitute a quorum at any meeting at which business is to be transacted. ARTICLE XVII. SECRECY. SECTION I.-The proceedings of the Order shall, as a general rule, be kept secret. SEC. 2.-Any member who shall disclose the name of a Companion who has been instrumental in causing the rejection of any candidate for membership, or give infor- mation that may lead to such disclosure, shall be expelled from the Order, and the Commander shall cause the provisions of this law to be read immediately after the rejection of such application. ARTICLE XVIII. FUNDS. SECTION I.-Funds for defraying the current expenses of the Order, and for the relief of the unfortunate, shall be raised by an annual assessment of at least five ($5.oo) dollars upon each Companion, which shall be paid in 27 advance ; but any Companion of the Order who shall pay, at one time, one hundred and fifty ($150.oo) dollars over and above his admission fee, shall be exempt from the payment of all further dues. SEC. 2.-All sums paid for the commutation of annual assessments shall be transferred immediately to the Treasurer for investment in United States or other approved securities under the direction of the Council. ARTICLE XIX. ARREARAGES. SECTION I.-Any Companion who may be in arrears at the time of holding the annual election for Officers shall be prohibited from voting, and ineligible to any office until such dues shall be paid or remitted. SEC. 2–Any Companion, who may be one (1) year or more in arrears at the first stated meeting in April, shall be specially notified of the fact; and if the same be not paid within a reasonable time thereafter, the Commandery may, by a vote of two-thirds (%) of the members present, suspend the Companion until such arrearages shall be paid or duly remitted. SEC. 3.-If the Companion shall neglect or refuse to pay such arrears, he may be dropped from the roll by 28 order of a majority of the members of the Commandery present, unless it shall appear that the delinquency has occurred through unavoidable disability, -in which case the Commandery may remit the whole, or any portion thereof. Companions so dropped from the roll may, however, be reinstated by vote of the majority of the members of the Commandery present, upon payment of such arrears. ARTICLE XX. RELIEF. SECTION I.-Every Companion who has been a mem- ber of this Order for one (1) year, and has conformed to to its laws, shall, in case of misfortune and distress, be entitled to such relief as may be deemed expedient. SEC. 2.-The widow and the children of a deceased Companion shall be entitled to such relief as the Com- panion, if living, would have enjoyed. ARTICLE XXI. R E L I E F C O M M IT T E E . Immediately after the installation of the Officers-elect, the Council shall, by and with the approval of the Com- mandery, appoint eight (8) Companions, who shall con- stitute a Relief Committee for the ensuing year. All appli- 29 wº | cations for relief shall be referred to such Committee. The Committee shall be empowered to order temporary assistance only in cases which will admit of no delay, and shall immediately report the fact to the Council. The expenses for such assistance shall be paid by an order on the Treasurer, approved by the Council; but the said Committee shall draw no other orders upon the Treasurer, except by a resolution of the Commandery. ARTICLE XXII. STATE COMMANDERIES. SECTION I.--To further its designs, this Order shall, as far as it is consistent with its principles and objects, institute Commanderies in all the States of the Uniqn. State Commanderies shall be organized upon applica. tion, signed by at least thirteen (13) Companions of the Order, made to the Commandery-in-Chief, or if such body be not already established, then to the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, and granted by a two-thirds (%) vote of the same. The charter for such shall be at once issued. SEC. 2.-The FORM OF CHARTER shall be as follows:– 3o In the Name and by the Authority of (COAT OF ARMS.) THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE |UNITED STATES. THE COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF. To a/Z and singular to whom these Presents shal/ come, GREETING: KNow YE, that our worthy Companions, 5 2 5. y 3. 2. are hereby authorized and empowered to institute, or- ganize and establish a Commandery in , to be known as THE COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE LINITED STATES. WITNESS the name of the Commander-in-Chief, and the Seal of the Order, attested by the Recorder-in-Chief, at Philadelphia, this Lord day of in the year of our thousand—hundred and , and of the 3I Independence of the United States of America the 5 and of the Order the 3. 5 Commander-in-Chief. Attest:— 5 A'ecorder in-Chief. SEC. 3.—Upon issuing the Charter to any Command- ery, the Commander-in-Chief shall direct at what time and place the same shall be organized. The Officers then chosen shall enter on their duties at once, and hold their offices until the annual meeting. All Officers shall subsequently be selected at the annual meeting. They shall be chosen by ballot, by a majority of all the valid votes given; and should no candidate receive a majori- ty of all the votes polled at the first ballot, then the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped, and so on at each successive' ballot. The Com- panions so elected shall enter upon office at the next stated meeting after their election, and shall hold the same, until their successors shall be duly elected and invested. SEC. 4.—Each Commandery shall have power to adopt 32 whatever Rules and Regulations may be deemed necessary for its own special government:—Provided, That the same do not in any way conflict with or impair any part or portion of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Order. SEC. 5.—Each Commandery shall make a full report of its condition, accompanied by a general history of its proceedings, to the Commandery-in-Chief annually in May. ARTICLE XXIII. COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF. SECTION I.-The Commandery-in-Chief shall consist of the ex-Commanders and Commanders of the several Commanderies, and also of such other distinguished Companions of the Order as the Commandery-in-Chief may elect. SEC. 2.- The duties of the Officers of the Commandery- in-Chief shall be as prescribed in Article XIV of the Constitution for State Commanderies. Sec. 3.-All legislative power, except as provided in this Section and elsewhere reserved to the subordinate Commanderies shall be vested in the Congress of the Order; and the chief executive and supreme judicial power, in the Commandery-in-Chief:— 33 Provided, That when a contingency shall arise which shall in all honor and fair dealing seem to the Com- mandery-in-Chief to demand instant and imperative action, it may, with the approval of a majority of the several State Commanderies, adopt measures to meet the contin- gency, which shall be binding until the next meeting of the Congress. Sec. 4.—The Commandery-in-Chief shall, in the name and by the authority of the Order, issue all Diplomas of Membership and Charters for the institution of new Com- manderies. SEC. 5.-Should any State Commandery cease to hold regular meetings as provided by this Constitution for a period of one year, the charter of the same may be revoked by the Commandery-in-Chief, and the Companions thereof in good standing shall be transferred to such Commanderies as they may elect. SEC. 6.-In order that the several Commanderies shall be brought into as direct communication as possible, it shall be the duty of the Commandery-in-Chief to have each Commandery notified of any new organization that may have been effected; and on the receipt of such official information, they shall communicate, with the least possible delay, with the new Commandery, tendering greetings on its entrance into the Order. 34 SEC. 7.—The Head-Quarters of the Commandery-in- Chief of the Order shall be in the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, at which place it shall assemble at least once in every two (2) years. The Council-in- Chief shall meet at least annually. Its members may be represented by letter. SEC. 8.-The actual and necessary expenses of the Commandery-in-Chief shall be provided for by a pro rata assessment upon each State Commandery, according to the number of the members in such Commandery. ARTICLE XXIV, CONGRESS OF THE ORDER. SECTION I.--A Congress of the Order, to be composed of the Commander-in-Chief, Recorder-in-Chief, and three (3) Representatives from each and every Commandery, shall assemble at least once in every four (4) years, on the Wednesday next following the 9th day of April, in such place as may be designated by the preceding Congress, and shall act on whatever business may be laid before it. SEC. 2.-Commanderies unable to be represented by their own special delegation, shall be required to select as substitutes a full delegation from another or other Commanderies of Companions not delegated from their 35 own Commandery, who shall, in all matters appertaining to the Congress, enjoy the rights and privileges of other representatives. ARTICLE XXV. COAT OF ARMS OF THE ORDER. The Coat of Arms of the Order shall be :— Arms. Gironné, (symbolical of unity.) of thirty-four, gules and argent, (representing the number of States forming the National Government at the commencement of the Rebellion i) a twisted pillar irradiated in pale or, environed by an orl or clouds proper. (v. Exodus XIII, 21-22.) Crest.—Upon a wreath, argent and gules, a hemisphere or, charged with the legend AMERICA in letters azure; thereon the National Eagle in the position of defense, proper; all within thirteen étoiles of eight points archwise of the first, on a field of the fourth. Supporters.—D exter; A soldier under arms, his dexter hand supporting a lance, therefrom flying the Standard of the United States: Sin is ter; A sailor equipped for gen- eral quarters, his sinister hand supporting a pike thereon. hoisted the National Flag:-all proper. The equip- age of each as prescribed by the Regulations of 1861 and 1865 for the government of the Army and Navy. 36 Motto.—LEX REGIT, ARMA TUENTUR,-in letters argent, charged upon a scroll purpure. (v. Frontispiece.) ARTICLE XXVI. SEAL OF THE ORDER. The Seal of the Order shall be one-and-three-tenths (11%) inches in diameter, and shall consist of the CREST, as hereinbefore blazoned, the letters MDCCCLXV. in base; the whole encircled by a band one-eighth (#) of an inch wide, thereon the legend—SEAL OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE XXVII. INSIGNIA OF THE ORDER. SECTION I.-The INSIGNIA of the Order, shall consist of the Badge pendant by a link and a ring of gold from the Rzhàoz. SEC. 2–The BADGE of the Order shall be as follows:– O b verse.—A Cross of eight (8) points, gold, cantoned with rays of gold, forming a Star—its long diameter one- and-three-tenths (11%) inches, its short diameter eight-tenths (º) of an inch. The Cross enameled, azure, charged with a smaller cross of like proportions, enameled white and edged with gold. In the centre thereof, within a circle four-tenths (º) of an inch in diameter, enameled gules, 37 the National Eagle displayed gold. On the circle, gold, one-tenth (ºn) of an inch wide, the motto—LEx REGIT, ARMA TUENTUR.—in relievo. (v. page 40.) Reverse.—The Star as above described. In the centre thereof within a circle four-tenths (#) of an inch in diam- eter, enameled gules, two (2) sabres in saltire, their points in base; surmounted by a fasces pale-wise, ensigned with the Phrygian Cap; environed in chief with an arch of thirteen (13) stars; in base, a wreath of laurel:—all of gold. On the circle, gold, one-tenth (I'm) of an inch wide, the legend—M. o., Loyal LEGION, U. S.–MDCCCLXV.—in relievo. (v. page 41.) - SEC. 3.-The reverse of the link of each Badge shall bear an engraved number corresponding to that of the registered number of the Companion to whom issued, and, when such badge shall have been worn by an ancestor, the obverse of the link shall bear the number of the Companion entitled to it in succession. SEC. 4.—The RIBBON of the Order shall be of watered silk, one-and-a-half (1}) inches wide. For Companions of the First (1st) Class, a red ribbon eight-tenths (;) of an inch wide, bordered with white and edged with blue; each three-and-one-half-tenths (#) of an inch wide. (v. page 40.) 38 For Companions of the Second (2d) and Third (3d) Class, a blue ribbon eight-tenths (º) of an inch wide, bordered with white and edged with red, each three-and-one-half-tenths (#) of an inch wide. (v. page 41.) ARTICLE XXVIII. UNIFORM OF THE ORDER. SECTION I.-On occasions of ceremony, the Companions of the Order may wear the uniform of their respective arm and grade whilst in the service, subject to such regulations as may hereafter be enjoined The INSIGNIA of the Order shall be worn conspicuously and only on the left breast, except, that Officers of the Order, when in uniform or full dress at meetings of the Commandery, shall wear the Badge suspended by the ribbon round the neck. SEC. 2.--When not on duty as Companions of the Order, the members may wear on the left lapel of the coat, one (1) inch from the top of the lapel, parallel thereto and one-half (%) of an inch from the front edge of the same, the prescribed Ribbon of their respective Classes, or, in lieu thereof, Officers and Companions may wear a rosette of the prescribed Ribbon and pattern, in the upper button-hole of the left lapel of the coat. 39 ARTICLE XXIX. AMENDMENTS. No alteration, addition or amendment shall be made to this Constitution, unless agreed to by three-fourths (%) of the whole number of Commanderies represented in the Congress of the Order. INSTITUTED APRIL 15th, 1865. 40 º | | | | | |\ ! łł if & O B VERSE y? 4I “REVERSE.” 42 B Y - L. A. W. S. ARTICLE I. INSTALLATION OF MEMBERS. The Companion-elect, being formally presented at a stated meeting of a Commandery, shall then and there make a declaration upon honor that he will maintain the Constitution of the Order, and conform to all its By- Laws, Rules and Regulations, and will use his best endeavors to promote its objects and advance its interests. ARTICLE II. INVESTURE OF OFFICERS. A Companion elected to any office in the Order, before being invested with the authority of the same, shall make a formal declaration upon honor that he will well and faithfully perform the duties of the office on which he is about to enter, and comply with all the established laws and usages of the Order. 43 ARTICLE III. FINES. SECTION I.-The fundamental principles of this Order being recognized as its only test of loyal citizenship, the discussion or introduction of sectarian or partisan topics within the precincts of a Commandery is prohibited, and this under a penalty of such fine, not less than fifty dol- lars ($50.oo), as may be imposed by order of the Council. SEC. 2. —All other violations or neglects of duty may Be fined at the option of the Commandery. ARTICLE IV. ORDER OF BUSINESS. At stated meetings, the business shall be conducted in the following order:— I. At the time appointed, the Commander shall take the chair and call the Commandery to order. 2. The Recorder may call the Roll of Members. 3. The Chaplain shall pronounce the opening prayer. 4. The Minutes of the last stated and all subsequent meetings, shall be read and disposed of. 5. Companions-elect shall be installed. 6. The stated business of the meeting, if any, shall be considered. 44 7. Unfinished business shall be taken up. 8. Reports of Officers and Committees shall be heard. 9. Written communications shall be presented. Io. Candidates for membership shall be balloted for. * II. Applications for membership shall be received. I2. Admission fees and semi-annual dues of Compan- ions shall be called for payment. 13. New business may be introduced. 14. The Recorder shall register the names of the Com- panions present. I5. The Chaplain shall pronounce the closing prayer. I6. Adjournment. ARTICLE V. GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS. SECTION I.-The general parliamentary law shall govern the transactions of the Congress of the Order and the Commanderies. SEC. 2.—All official orders, communications, records and proceedings, of whatever character, shall conform as nearly as possible to the general regulations, usages and customs of the military service of the United States. 45 ARTICLE VI. THE ACTING COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF OF THE ORDER. Until the 4th day of July, 1876, the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania shall act as the Commandery- in-Chief of the Order; but if on the date above specified, the Commandery-in-Chief of the Order be not organized, the said Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania shall continue to exercise said functions until the organization of the Commandery-in-Chief shall have been effected. ARTICLE VII. AMENDMENTS. No alteration, addition or amendment shall be made to these By-Laws, unless agreed to by three-fourths (34) of the whole number of Commanderies represented in the Congress of the Order. 46 IN DE X. CONSTITUTION. PAGE. PREAMBLE, e © e tº º © e tº 5. ARTICLE I.—Title, . . . . . . . 5. ( 4. II.—Principles, - e e Q o 6. tº III.-Objects, O º e º 6. 0 & IV.-Organization, . o º o { } 7 f{ V.—Members, • • e © 7. £ 6. VI.-Election of Members, º e 9. & & VII.-Membership, transfer and termination of 12. “ VIII.-Impeachment of Members, º e I4- a t IX.-Honorary Members, e o o I 5. & 6 X.—Members-at-Large, . e º º I6 t & XI.—Diploma of Membership, . t I6 tº 6 XII.-Death of Members, . © © o I8. “ XIII.—Officers, º e g º º I9 “ XIV.-Duties of Officers, . e º º I9 tº ſt XV.-Removal of Officers, º © O 25 “ XVI.-Meetings, . © e e e o 25. 47 ARTICLE XVII.-Secrecy, & 6 XVIII.-Funds, . e XIX.-Arrearages, XX.—Relief, . XXI.—Relief Committee, . XXII.-State Commanderies, XXIII-Commandery-in-Chief XXIV.-Congress of the Order, XXV.-Coat of Arms of the Order, . © XXVI.-Seal of the Order, * º º XXVII.-Insignia of the Order, g º O XXVIII.—Uniform of the Order, . º © XXIX.—Amendments, . e e C e BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I.—Installation of Members, : e II.—Investure of Officers, III.-Fines, IV.-Order of Business, V.—General Rules and Regulations, . VI.-Acting Commandery-in-Chief of the Order, VII.-Amendments, TAGE. 26 26 27 28 28 29 32 34. 35 36 36 38 39 42 42 43 • 43 45 45 ILLUSTRATIONS. Coat of Arms of the Order, , c e © Frontispiece. Seal of the Order, º & & e tº e Page 39 Obverse of Badge of the Order, and Ribbon for Com- panions of the First (1st) Class, e & g “ 4o Reverse of Badge of the Order, and Ribbon for Com- panions of the Second (2d) and the Third (3d) Class, “ 41 E R R A T A . Page Io. — For Elward L. Molineaux, read Edward L. Molineaux. Page 12.—For John J. Aebrcrombie, read John J. Abercrombie. Page 22. Insert before the name of Asch, Meyer, the mark 9 instead of * Page 24. For Christensen, Frederick K., read Christensen Frederick. Page 28.— For Even, Matthias S , read Euen, Matthias S. Page 32. Insert before the name of Kneeland, Samuel, the mark f instead of * Insert before the name of Loring, Charles H., the mark f instead of * Page 33. — For A. C. S., in the column “I)epartment,” against the names of Langdon and Lord read C. S. Page 3 v.–Insert before the name of John B. McIntosh, the mark f For Mason, Theodore B. M., read Mason, Theodorus B. M. Page 4o. —For Treicher, Charles, read Treichel, Charles. Page 47.-For Eliott S. Mc K., read Elliott, S. McK. For Elliott, H. H. Jr., read Elliott, H. H. Page 48.-For Sharp, J., read Sharpe, J. Page 50.—For Tibbitts, W. B., read Tibbits, W. B. Page 54 —For Evelyn N. Bissell, read Evelyn L. Bissell. For James E. Jovett, read James E. Jouett. QUADRENNIAL REGISTER, ( , F THE N E W Y O R K C O M M A N DE RY, MILITARY OF DEF, OF THE L O Y A L L E G I O N, OF THE UNITED STATES, INSTITUTED J A N UARY 17, 1866. Prep a red by C. A. C A R L E TO N, FR e c or der. --- NEW YORK CITY: MAY. 1881. CHARTER MEMBERS. *Brevet Major-General CHARLES G. HALPINE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General ISRAEL VOGDEs, U. S. Army. I3revet Major-General DANIEL BUTTERFIELD, U. S. Army. Major-General HENRY E. Davies, Jr., U. S. Vols. Brevet Major-General Marris T. McMAHON, U. S. Vols. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel WILLIAM C. CHURCH, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel Joseph A. SLIPPER, U. S. Vols. Commander GEORGE M. RANSOM, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel JACOB F. KENT, U. S. Army. Brevet Brigadier-General OSCAR V. DAYTON, U. S. Vols. Captain JOHN L. WoRDEN, U. S. Navy. Captain C. R. P. Rodgers, U. S. Navy. *Deceased, Bl : OFFICERS. #ian {}iº. Hºl Hºn. {lid Šute, Headquarters Commandery of the state of New York. *. -wº- Officers Elected for 1882–83. Commander: Brigadier-General Jolin Cochrane, U. S. Vols. Senior Vice-Commander: Chief Engineer CHARLES II. LokING, U. S. Navy. junior Vice-Commander: Brevet Brig.-General WILLIAM N. GRIER, U. S. Army (Retired.) Recorder.’ Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLEToN, U. S. Vols. A'egistrar: Second Lieutenant J.OYALL FARRAGUT, late U. S. Army. 7?reasurer.' Paymaster George De Forest BARTON, late U. S. Navy. Chancellor. Major Ivan TAILof, U. S. Vols. Chaplain: Chaplain JoHN FoRSYTH, D.D., L.L.D., U. S. Army (Retired.) Council: Brevet Brigadier-General ChristiAN T. CHRISTENSEN, U. S. Vols. Captain CHARLEs SHALER, U. S. Army. Captain DAvid B. HARMONY, U. S. Navy. . Brevet Lieut.-Colonel AUGUSTUs M. Clark, Surgeon, U. S. Vols. Paymaster THEoDoRE S. THOMPson, U. S. Navy. ELECTED . Web. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. Nov. 21, 1868. May 5, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. PAST OFFICERS. -—--->–— — * GQºl{\N)0E?. 16, 1866. Brevet Brigadier-General IsrAEL Vogdes, U. S. Army. *Admiral DAvid G. FARRAGUT, U. S. Navy. *Admiral DAVID G. FARRAGU’r, U. S. Navy. *Admiral DAvid G. FARRAGUt, U. S. Navy. *Admiral DAVID G. FARRAGUT, U. S. Navy. *Admiral DAVID G. FARRAGUT, U. S. Navy. *Major General SAMUEL P. HEINTzELMAN, U. S. Army (Retired). Brevet Major-General WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN, late U. S. Army. Brevet Major-General WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN, late U. S. Army. Brevet Major-General WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN, late U. S. Army. Commodore HENRY EAGLE, U. S. Navy (Retired). Brevet Major-General WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN, late U. S. Army. Brevet Major. General GEORGE H. SHARPE., U. S. Vols. Brevet Major-General GEORGE II. SHARPE., U. S. Vols. Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. Army. Major-General JOHN M. Schofield, U. S. Army. $ENDQB WICE-COMMANDER. Major-General HENRY E. DAVIES, Jr., U. S. Vols. Major-General HENRY E. D.Avies, Jr., U. S. Vols. *Colonel BURR Porter, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major General MART:N T. McMAHON, U. S. Vols. Brevet Mºj9r-General WillIAM B. FRANKLIN, late U. S. Army. Brevet Major-General WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN, late U. S. Army. Brevet Major General ALEX \NDER S. WEBB, U. S. Army. Vice-Admiral STEPHEN C. Row AN, U. S. Navy. *Commodore ALEXANDER M. PENNoCK, U. S. Navy. Vice-Admiral STEPHEN C. RowAN, U. S. Navy. *Deceased. 7 ELECTED. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. Oct. 4, 1871. May 8, 1872. Commodore HENRY EAGLE, U. S. Navy (Retired). Brevet Major-General GEORGE H. SHARPE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major-General GeoRGE H. SHARPE, U. S. Vols. Commodore GEORGE M. RANsoM, U. S. Navy. Brevet Major. General MARTIN T. McMAHON, U. S. Vols. Rear-Admiral STEPHEN D. TRENCHARD, U. S. Navy. Brigadier-General John CochRANE, U. S. Vois. JUNUQR, WüCE-COMELANDER. Brevet Major-General MARTIN T. McMAHON, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major-General MARTIN T. McMAhon, U. S. Vols. Commander DAVID B. HARMONY, U. S. Navy. Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major-General WillIA M H. Morris, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLEton, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel Rober T WATTs, U. S. Vo's. Major JAMES E. Montgomery, U. S. Vols. Major JAMEs E. Montgomery, U. S., Vols. Brevet Major-General JAMES McQUADE, U. S. Vols. Rear-Admiral HENRY WALKE, U. S. Navy (Retired). Brevet Major-General JAMES McQUADE, U. S. Vols. Surgeon HENRY M. WELLs, U. S. Navy. Major-General HENRY W. Slocum, U. S. Vols. Captain HENRY ERBEN, U. S. Navy. RECQRDER. *Brevet Major-General CHARLEs G. HALPINE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel Joseph A. SLIPPER, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLETon, U. S. Vols. Prevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLEton, U. S. Vols. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert C. PERRY, U. S. Army (Retired). Brevet Colonel Robert WATTs, U. S. Vols. Major JAMEs E. Montgomery, U. S. Vols. * Deceased. 8 ELECTED, May 7, 1873. “Brevet Brigadier-General John H. BELL, U. S. Vols. May 6, 1874. *Brevet Brigadier-General John H. Bell, U. S. Vols. May 5, 1875. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLEToN, U. S. Vols. May 3, 1876. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLETON, U. S. Vols. May 2. 1877. Brevet Brigadier General CHARLEs A. CARLETON, U. S. Vols. May 1, 1878. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLEton, U. S. Vols. May 7, 1879. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLEton, U. S. Vols. May 5, 1880. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLETON, U. S. Vols. f CQRRESPONDENT". Feb. 16, 1866. Brevet Colonel Joseph A. SLIPPER, U. S. Vols. May 2, 1866. Brevet Major General ALFRED PLEASANToN, late U. S. Army. April 30, 1867. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel STUART M. TAYLOR, U. S. Vols. May 6, 1868. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel STUART M. TAYLOR, U. S. Vols. j REGISTRA}. May 5, 1869. Surgeon GEORGE PECK, U. S. Navy. June 21, 1869. Paymaster John S. CUNNINGHAM, U. S. Navy. Oct. 13, 1869. Major JAMES E. Montgomery, U. S. Vols. May 4, 1870. Major JAMES E. Montgomery, U. S. Vols. May 3, 1871. Paymaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. Navy. May 8, 1872. Chief Engineer Willi.AM W. W. Wood, U. S. Navy. May 7, 1873. Commander HENRY ER BEN, U. S. Navy. Dec. 6, 1873. Brevet Brigadier-General John J. MILHAU, U. S. Army. May 6, 1874. Brevet Brigadier-General John J. MILHAU, U. S. Army. May 5, 1875. Brevet Brigadier-General John J. MILHAU, U. S. Army. May 3, 1876. Brevet Brigadier General John J. MILHAU, U. S. Army. May 2, 1877. Brevet Brigadier-General J. HN J. MILHAU, late U. S. Army. May 1, 1878. Brevet Brigadier General John J. MilHAU, late U. S. Army. May 7, 1879. Brevet Brigadier-General John J. MILHAU, late U. S. Army. May 5, 1880. Second Lieutenant Loy ALL FARRAGUT, late U. S. Army. *Deceased. i Office abolished by Congress of the Order, April, 1869. # Office created by Congress of the Order, April, 1869, - 9 ELECTED. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. Dec. 1, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. Feb. 25, 1881. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. May 4, 1870. March 1, 1871. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880, TREASUBER, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM C. CHURCH, U. S. Vols. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM C. CHURCH, U. S. Wols. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel WILLIAM C. CHURCH, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLEs A. CARLEton, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. LockwooD, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. LockwooD, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood. U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. LockwooD, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. Lockwood, U. S. Vols. - Paymaster GEORGE DE For EST BARTON, late U. S. Navy. CHANGELLOR. Brevet Major-General I)ANIEL BUtterfield, U. S. Army. Brigadier-General JAMES H. VAN ALEN, U. S. Vols. Colonel Lloyd Aspinwall, N. Y. State Militia. Brevet Brigadier-General CHARLES A. CARLETON, U. S. Vols. Captain Robert A. RIPLEY, U. S. Vols. Surgeon Joseph B. Morrison, Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General JACOB SHARPE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General JACOB SHARPE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General OSCAR V. DAYTON, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. DAYTON, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel MoRRis H. ALBERGER, U. S. Vols. T}revet Colonel MoRRIs H. ALBERGER, U. S. Vols. Major Ivan TAILor, U. S. Vols. Major Ivan TAILOF, U. S. Vols. Major Ivan TAILOF, U. S. Vols. Major Ivan TAILOF, U. S. Vols. Major Ivan Tailor, U. S. Vols. IO F.LECTED. Oct. (3, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. GłłAPLAN). Chaplain Willia M H. THOMAs, U. S. Vols. Chaplain WILLIAM H. THOMAs, U. S. Vols. Chaplain WILLIAM H. THOMAs, U. S. Vols. Chaplain DANIEL O. FERRIs, U. S. Vols. Chaplain DANIEL O. FERR is, U. S. Vols. Chaplain WILLIAM II. THOMAs, U. S. Vols. * Chaplain WILLIAM H. THOMAs, U. S. Vols. Chaplain DANIEL O. FERR is, U. S. Vols. Chaplain Wii.I.I.AM II. THoMAs, U. S. Vols. Chaplain WILLIAM H. THOMAS, U. S. Vols. Chaplain DANIEL O. FERRIs, U. S. Vols. Chaplain DANIEL O. FERRIS, U. S. Vols. ÇQUNG|L. Commander DANIEL AMMEN, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel JACOB F. KENT, U. S. Army. Brevet Brigadiel-General OSCAR V, DAYTON, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. *Brevet Major-General CHARLES G. HALPINE, U. S. Vols. Captain JoHN L. WoRDEN, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant. Colonel J Acol; F. KENT, U. S. Army. Commander DANIEL AMMEN, U. S. Navy. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Major-General HENRY E. DAvies, Jr., U. S. Vols. *Paymaster GARRETT R. BARRY, U. S. Navy. Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. Vols. Commander ALEXANDER C. RHIND, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel STEPHEN C. LYFORD, U. S. Army. Surgeon GeoRGE PECK, U. S. Navy. Brevet Brigadier-General OscAR V. DAYTON, U. S. Vols. Captain SrepHEN D. TRENCHARD, U. S. Navy. Brevet Major-General Elward L. MoLINEAUx, U. S. Vols. Brevet Major HENRY C. LockwooD, U. S. Vols. *Deceased, 1 I May T)ec. May May ELECTED, 5, 1869. 13, 1869. 1, 1869. 4, 1870. 3, 1871. 8, 1872. 7, 1873. 5, 1874. 6, 1874. Commodore AUGUSTUS L. CASE, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel LOOMIS L. LANGDON, U. S. Army. Captain JoHN J. ALMY, U. S. Navy. *Brevet Brigadier-General John H. BELL, U. S. Vols. Paymaster JAMEs H. WATMOUGH, U. S. Navy. Commander DAVID B. HARMONY, U. S. Navy. Brevet Brigadier-General WILLIAM W. BURNS, U. S. Army. *Major-General SAMUei. P. HEINTZELMAN, U. S. Army (Retired). Surgeon HENRY M. WELLs, U. S. Navy. *Brevet Major-General GoRDON GRANGER, U. S. Army. Paymaster Joseph C. ElDREDGE, U. S. Navy. Brevet Major. General RUFUS INGALLs, U. S. Army. Brevet Major-General WILLIAM F. SMITH, late U. S. Army. *Commodore ALEXANDER M. PENNock, U. S. Navy. Brevet Major-General SILAS CASEY, U. S. Army (Retired). Chief Engineer WILLIAM W. W. WooD, U. S. Navy. Lieutenant-Colonel GEORGE W. PATTEN, U. S. Army (Retired). Brevet Brigadier-General CHAUNCEY McKEEveR, U. S. Army. Commodore HENRY EAGLE, U. S. Navy (Retired). |Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KiNg, U. S. Vols. Commander DANIEL L. BRAINE, U. S. Navy. Brevet Brigadier-General JAcob SHARPE, U. S. Wols. Commodore HENRY EAGLE, U. S. Navy (Retired). Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Captain George M. RANsom, U. S. Navy. Brevet Brigadier. General JACOB SHARPE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel Robert WATTs, U. S. Vols. Paymaster CHARLEs W. HASSLER, late U. S. Navy. Brevet Brigadier-General JACOB SHARPE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Acting Passed Assistant Surgeon NICHOLAS L. CAMPBELL, late U. S. Brevet Colonel Robert WATTs, U. S. Vols. [Navy. Paymaster CHARLEs W. HASSLER, late U. S. Navy. *Deceased. I 2 ELECTED, May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. Feb. 2, 1877. May 2, 1877 May 1, 1878. Sept. 13, 1878. May 7, 1879. Nov. 14, 1879. May 5, 1880. 17, 1881. Jan. Brigadier-General John CoCHRANE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General JACOB SHARPE., U. S. Vols. Surgeon HENRY M. WELLs, U. S. Navy. Brevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Major Ivan TAILOF, U. S. Vols. Brigadier General John CochRANE, U. S. Vols. *Brevet Brigadier. General JoHN J. AEBRCROMBIE, U. S. Army. Brevet Brigadier General EDwARD JARDINE, U. S. Vols. [Retired. Captain DANIEL L. BRAINE, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John L. BROOME, U. S. M. C. Brigader-General Joseph B. KIDDOO, U. S. Army (Retired). Brigadier-General JoHN COCHRANE, U. S. Vols. *Brigadier-General Joseph B. KIDDoo, U. S. Army (Retired). Brevet Brigadier-General Edward JARDINE, U. S. Vols. Captain DANIEL L. BRAINE, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel JoHN L. BROOME, U. S. M. C. Brigadier-General JoHN CoCHRANE, U. S. Vols. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John L. BROOME, U. S. M. C. *Brigadier-General Joseph B. KIDDoo, U. S. Army (Retired). Paymaster JoHN H. STEvENSON, U. S. Navy. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. For D KENT, U. S. Army. Brevet Major Joseph P. SANGER, U. S. Army. Brigadier-General JoHN Cochran.E., U. S. Vols. Lieutenant-Colonel JoHN L. BROOME, U. S. M. C. Brigadier-General Joseph B. KIDDOO, U. S. Army (Retired). Brevet Major JOSEPH. P. SANGER, U. S. Army. Captain HENRY ERBEN, U. S. Navy. Paymaster JoHN H. STEVENSON, U. S. Navy. Brevet Brigadier-General John J. MILHAU, late U. S. Army. Paymaster John H. STEVENSON, U. S. Navy. Brevet Brigadier-General FREDERICK T. LOCKE, U. S. Vols. IBrevet Colonel HoRATIO C. KING, U. S. Vols. Brevet Brigadier-General CHAUNCEY McKEEveR, U. S. Army. Major ASA BIRD GARDNER, U. S. Army. *Deceased, ExtRACTS FROM THE MINUTEs of CoMMANDERY of THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. At the Stated Meeting held March 2, 1870, the fol- lowing Resolution was adopted :— “Resolved, That all Applications for Membership to this Comm undery shall be forwarded to the Recorder, endorsed with the signatures of the Recommenders, or in lieu thereof, that written authority be furnished from the latter for the use of their names as such, and the same be filed with the Application, for the information and guidance of the Committee of Investigation.” At a Stated Meeting held January 7th, 1880, it was ordered :- ‘‘T at hereafter the names of Candidates for Mem- bership in this Commandery, shall be published in two consecutive Monthly Circulars from the Recorder, be- fore reported upon by the Committee of Investigation.” MEETINGS. At the Stated Meeting held October 6, 1869, the fol- lowing Resolution was adopted — I4. “Resolved, That the Stated Meetings of this Com- mandery shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise ordered.” At the Stated Meeting held March 1, 1871, the fol- lowing Resolution was adopted : ‘‘A’eſo/ºed, That hereafter, and until otherwise ordered, the Business Meeting shall close promptly at 9.30 o'clock, P. M., unless the session shall be extended by a vote of two-thirds of the Members present.” RESIDENT MEMBERS, At a Stated Meeting held December 5, 1877, the fol- lowing Resolution was adopted :— ‘‘ Resolved, That Companions when residing, or on Army or Navy duty, within the corporate limits of the cities of New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City, shall be classified and assessed as Resident Members.” FUNDS. At the Annual Meeting held May 30, 1871, it was resolved :— ‘‘ Resolved, First, That the Admission Fee to this Com- mandery, for members of the First (1st) and Second (2d) Class, shall be Thirty-five Dollars ($35 OO), Ten Dollars ($10.00) of which shall be deposited to the credit of the Relief Fund. 15 “Second, That the dues shall be, for Resident Mem- bers, Ten Dollars ($10.oo), and for * Non-Resident Members, Five Dollars ($5.00), payable annually, in May, in advance.” “Third, That such Annual Dues, Five Dollars ($5.00), from Non-Resident Members, together with Ten Dollars ($IO.OO) appropriated from the Initiation Fee, shall be deposited to the credit of the Relief Fund, neither prin- cipal nor interest of which shall be applied to any other purpose, except by direction of the Commandery ; and it is further provided, that the said fund shall be invested in United States Bonds, or other approved securities, to accrue at compound interest.” At a Stated Meeting held April 3, 1878, it was ordered :— “That Part Third of the Resolution adopted May 3d, 1871, be so modified, that the expenses of this Com- mandery, except for monthly entertainments, shall be charged equally to the Resident and Non-Resident Fund.” At a Stated Meeting held March 5th, 1873, it was further resolved :— * Non-Resident Members are those who are unable, by reason of distance from this city, to attend the regular meetings of the Commandery. I 6 ‘‘ Resolved, That when the Permanent Fund of this Commandery shall be deposited in the Savings Bank, it can be withdrawn only by the adoption of a Resolution of this Commandery, stating the amount, and for what purpose; said Resolution to be signed by the Presiding Officer and Recorder The draft or check to be signed by the Treasurer, and the Commander, or Senior Vice- Commander.” The above Resolutions have been strictly complied with, and the following is the sum accumulated :- To the Credit of the Relief Fund. On deposit in Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, . • º , $2, 198 24 $ & Merchants Clerk's Savings Bank, . º * I, 505 62 & a German Savings Bank, º 1,392 65 & & Seamen's Savings Bank, . 1,630 I 2 * { Irving Savings Bank, º 1,485 68 On hand by the Treasurer, . e º 57 I 43 -* Total, $8,783 74 The above fund bears compound interest variously, at four (4) and five (5) per cent. To the Credit of the Resident Fund. On hand by the Treasurer, º ce . $ I, O29 2C 17 This fund pays the cost of the Monthly Entertain- ments, and divides with the Non-Resident Fund all the other expenses of the Commandery—stationery, printing, clerk-hire, &c. The Commandery is free from debt or incumbrance of any kind. RELIEF. At a Stated Meeting held April 30, 1878, it was ordered :— - “That applications for personal relief by any Com- panion shall be made in writing to the Recorder, and shall state explicitly the grounds upon which relief is asked.” - Companions changing their residences or stations are request- ed to no/i/y the Recorder promptly, that they may be correctly classified and assessed. Applicalions /or membership should be addressed to the Re- corder, /rom whom may be procured the proper blank /orms. 18 MILITARY ORDER, LoyAL LEGION, UNITED STATEs. Headquarters Commandery of the State of New York. NEw York, December 14, 1871. CIRCULAR ſ No. 6. The following Circular Letter, prepared under the direc- tion of the Council, by Junior Vice-Commander, Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A, Carleton, U. S. V., and adopted at the Stated Meeting held December 6, 1871, is published for the information of Companions of the Com- mandery. “In accordance with a recent vote of this Comman- dery, the Council desire to call the attention of Compan- ions to the provisions of Article VI., Section I., of the Constitution, relative to the ‘Election of Members.’ “It is therein provided, that the Committees of Inves- tigation shall make a ‘careful examination of the standing and moral character' of candidates proposed ; and it is further provided, that Companions having ‘reasons against the election of candidates,’ shall be requested ‘to state the same if they so desire.’ Instances having occurred in which candidates, after a thorough investigation of their C2S6S by the proper committee, with a favorable report thereon, have been rejected, it is the sense of this Council, that, in an organization like our own, which contemplates the association of officers and gentlemen who have aided I9 in maintaining the honor, integrity and supremacy of the National Government during the late war, it is the duty of any member having objections to a candidate proposed, to state the same to the proper Committee of Investigation, at, or prior to, the meeting at which said candidate is to be balloted for, to the end that the committee may be properly advised in rendering their report, and that it be made a maller of honor on the part of the committee, to disclose neither the names of the objectors, nor the nature of the objections, unless by permission of the members making the same. - - “Should any Companion be instrumental in rejecting a candidate, after having failed to state his objections to the committee, it is deemed that he will have violated his obligations as an honorable member, and laid himself open ſo just condemnation on account of such action, in direct opposition to the well-known wishes of the Commandery, as expressed in this opinion of the Council. It is, further, the sense of this Council, that when a candidate's military record is good, and his social and moral standing unex- ceptionable, that any question of purely PERSONAL feeling should Not influence members in attempting to cause the rejection of the same. “It is believed that there are few, if any, persons liv- ing not having some personal enemies; if, therefore, the spirit of individual pique is made to operate against a well- known worthy officer and gentleman, the comprehensive 2O principle of this Order will be violated, and its interests made to suffer from purely selfish considerations. “In short, the Council believe that this is a MILITARY organization, to which all officers, eligible, should be acceptable candidates for membership, without reference to personal objections on the part of any inconsiderable number of members. “Believing the principle embraced in the above sug- gestions to be for the best interests of the Order, the same are respectfully submitted for the consideration of this Commandery.” By order of Major-General S. P. HEINTZELMAN, $. Commander. Robert WATTs, Jºecorder. -) Elected. # Companions. Present Rank. Brevet Rank. Feb. 16, '66. 1st. || Ammen, Daniel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 4, '66. Ist. Aspinwall, Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 10, '66. Ist. |*Abercrombie, John J. . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Brig.-Gen Jan. 8, '68. Ist. *Albert, John S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut. Com’dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 1, ’68. Ist. Ames, Adelbert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major-Gen May 6, '68. Ist. Almy, John Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . July 1, ’68. 1st. “Allison, Thomas Stubbs. . . . . . . . . . Major. Lieut.-Col. Feb. 2, '70. Ist. Alberger, William C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. Mch. 2, '70. Ist. Abbott, Joseph C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Dec. 7, '70. Ist. Alden, Charles Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. Lieut.-Col. Apl. 5, 71. Ist, Abbott, Nathan Bangs. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 1, ’73. Ist. Alberger, Morris H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel May 6, ’74. Ist. Asch, Meyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col June 2, 75. Ist. Adams, Stepſ en I). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Sei vice. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 4, '77.| 1st. Asch, Morris J. . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * g º # Out of Service. Major Nov. 6, '78. Ist. Ammon, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . Jan. 7, '80. Ist. Astor, John Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Feb. 16, '66. 1st. Butterfield, T)aniel... . . . . . . . . e at e º sº $ Out of Service. Major-Gen. Feb. 16, '66, 1st. *Bell, John Hann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Apl. 4, '66.) Ist. "Barry, Garrett Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . June 6, '66. Ist. *Belden, Charles O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel July 2, '66. Ist. *Bird, Charles.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Lieutenant. | Lieut.-Col. Dec. 5, '66. 1st. ‘’Beebe, William S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. Nov. 13, '67.|1st. ‘’Barton, George De F. . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 1, ’68.]1st. *Bailey, Theodorous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 1, ’68. Ist. Biddle, George H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . . . July 1, '68. Ist. Bates, James A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. Lieut.-Col. Dec. 2, '68. Ist. Belknap, Augustus, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. Jan. 6, '69. Ist. *Barrett, Edward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . May 5, '69.]1st. Burns, William Wallace... . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Colonel. Brig.-Gen Nov. 3, '69.[1st. Bull, William S_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 1, ’69.[1st. Bissell, George Perkins... . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 6, ’70.|Ist. Barney, Albert M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Nov. 2, '70.|Ist. Burleigh, John L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. Jan. 4, '71. Ist. Brownell, Charles A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Captain. Feb. 1, ’71. 1st. Baker, Joseph S. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 1, ’71. Ist. Braine, Daniel L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 6, ’75. Ist. Broome, John L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Colonel. Lieut.-Col. Jan. 3, '77.| 1st. Barrett, Clarence T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. |Major. Nov. 7, '77.| 1st. Bliven, Charles H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Öut of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . *Deceased. iTransferred to Commandery State of Pennsylvania. °From Commandery State of Pennsylvania. 23 Arm of | Department, Original Entry into Service, Resigned cr Honorably | Corps or with . . Dischanged, Address. serie Regiment. Date and Rank. with Date and Rank. Navy. Line. July 7, '36, Midshipman.|Retired June 4, '78. Washington, DC Mil’a | 22d N. Y. S. M. May 22, '62, Lt.-Col. Aug. 18, '63, Col. |New York, N.Y. Army. '7th U. S. I. July 1,’22, Bt.2d Lt. I Inſ. Retired June 12, '67.|Roslyn, N. Y. Navy. |Chief Engineer. Sept. 8, '55,3d Asst.Eng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, Pa Army. 24th Infantry. May 6, '61, 3 Lt.2d Art. 1870, Lieut.-Col. New York, N.Y. Navy. | Line. Feb. 2, '29, Midshipm’n. Retired April 24,”77.|Washington, DC Army. Paymaster. June 1, ’61, Major V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga. Vols. 49th N. Y. V. M y 1 1, '61, Captain. Dec. 10, '62, Lt.Col. Kansascity, Mo. Vols. | 7th N. H. V. Nov. 7, ,61, Lieut.-Col. July 20, '65, Col. Wilmington, NC Army. Medical. June 20, '59, A. A. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, N.Y. Vols. 20th Conn. V. Aug. 16, '62, Private. June 13, '65, Ist Lt. Columbus, O. Vols. A. Q. M. April, '61, l'iivate. May 31, '66, Major. Philadelphia, Pa Vols. | 1st N. Y. Cav. Sept. 9, '61, 2d Lieut. Ma ch 29, '65, Capt. New York, N.Y. Vols. | 6th N. Y. Art. Jan. 6, '65, 2d Lieut. Aug. 24, '65, 2d Lt. Brooklyn, N. Y. Army. Medical. Aug. 5, '61, Asst. Surg. Mar. 31, ’73, A.Surg. |New York, N.Y. Vols. 16th N. Y. Art. April 25, '61, Captain. (Oct. 25 64, Lt.-Col. Collamer, O. Vols. Vol. A. D. C. Dec. 1, ’61, Colonel. July, '62, Colonel. |New York, N.Y. Army. 5th U. S. Infºy. My 14, '61, Col. 12NYSM 70, Col. Unassigned. |New York, N.Y. Vols. | 12th V. R. C. Nov.6, '61, I Lt. 57 NYV|Mar.30, '66, Lt.-Col. New York, N.Y. Navy. |Pay Director. Feb. 22, 19, Act. Purser. Retired List. New York, N.Y. Vols. 67th N. Y. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... July 4, 1864. Litchfield, Ct. Army. 23d U. S. Inf. May 20, '61, I Lieut. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Governor’sI, NY Army. Ord. Corps. June 11, ’63, 2d Lieut. Jan. I, '74, 1st Lt. Brooklyn, N. Y. Navy. | Paymaster. ſune 5, '61, Act. Paym. April 12, 1869. New York, NY. Navy. Line. Jan. 1, ’18, Midshipm. Retired Oct. Io, '66. Washington, DC Vols. 95th N. Y. V. March 6, '62. Oct. 9, '63, Colonel. New York, N.Y. Army. |Unassigned. Apl. 19, '61, P.12 NYM. Retired Dec. 15, '70.|Hadlyrue, Ct. Vols. |67th N. Y. V. Apl. 19. '61, P. 7 NYM. |Feb. 6, '63, Captain. San Antonio, T. Navy. Line. Nov. 3, '40, Midshipm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USS Alymouth. Army. C. S. June 30, '47. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore, Md. Vols. 12 N.Y.I.Bat’y. Mar25.’62,2dLt. 49NYV|March 25, '65, I Lt. Buffalo, N.Y. Vols. 25th Conn. V. Nov. 11, ’62, Colonel. Aug. 26, '63, Col. |Hartford, Conn- Vols. 142d N. Y. V. May 15, '61. June 7, '65, Colonel. Gouveneur, NY. Vols. 17th N. Y. V. April 26, '61. 2d Lieut. May, 1863, Captain. Ann Arbor, Mich Vols. 173d N. Y. V. Aug. 29, '62, Private. May 1, '64, 1st Lt. |New York, N.Y. Vols. 13th Conn. V. May 14, '61, 2d Lieut. Jan. 6, '65, Ist lt. W. Meriden, Ct. Navy. Line. May 30, 46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooklyn, N. Y. Mari’s. Line. Jan. 12, '48, 2d Lieut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooklyn, N. Y. Vols. | Staff. Aug. 20, '62, 2d Lieut. Nov. '65,Cap &ADC. W.N.B'gton, S.I Vols. | 13th N. J. V. June 2, '61,Priv.2dNJV. June 20, '65, Capt. (Plainfield, N. J. 24 ------- - ---------------—-------e. Companions. Present Rank. Brevet Rank. Braine, Lawrence F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldest son of Companion. Bagg, Egbert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col. Brown, Francis S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benkard, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Beers, Alfred B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butler, Benjamin C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker, Benjamin F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Church, William C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col. *Collins, Walter James. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. *Cornwell, John J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Com'dr. . . . . . . . & Carleton, Charles Arms. . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Clarke, Henry Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Colonel. Major-Gen. Casey, Silas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Major-Gen. *Cushing, Edmund II. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieutenant. . . . . . . . . . . . Cranford, Henry Loud. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major Case, Augustus L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Rear Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . Campbell, Nicholas Lafayette . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Coleman, Frederick William. . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. Clitz, Henry B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Brig.-Gen f(Xabot, Stephen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . Curtis, N. Martin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major-Gen founningham, John Scott. . . . . . . . . . Captain. |... . . . . . . . . . Cooper, Poinsett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Christensen, Christian T. . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. *Carleton, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut. Colonel. |Major-Gen Cochrane, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . “Corning, Clarence H. . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosby, Hiram B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . . Cooley, James C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Captain. Carlton, William I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. Clay, H. de Boisfiellet. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . g *Custer, George A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut. Colonel. Major. Gen Clark, Augustus M., M. D. . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col Colver, George B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . Curtiss, James E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig. Gen. Callahan, Charles M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. Captain. oCorse, John M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major-Gen. "[Christensen, Frederick K. . . . . . . . . Eldest son of. Companion. Campbell, Douglass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. Colville, John E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. IMajor. O Flected. § Apl. 3, '78.2d. May 1, ’78. Ist. Muh. 3, '80. Ist. June 2, '80. Ist. Feb. 2, '81. Ist. Apl. 6, ’81. Ist. May 4, '81. Ist. Jan. 17, '66. Ist. Feb. 16, '66. Ist. Apl. 4, '66. Ist. Apl. 4, '66. Ist. Sep. 15, '06. Ist. Sep. 15, '66.jist. Nov. 14, '06. Ist. Jan. 8, '68. Ist. Feb. 5, '68. Ist. Apl. 1, ’68. Ist. June 3, '68. Ist. July 1, ’68. Ist. Nov. 4, '68. Ist. Mch. 3, '69. Ist. Mch. , 3, '69. Ist. June 2, '69. Ist. Oct. 6, '69. Ist. Mch. 2, '70. Ist. Oct. 5, '70.|Ist. Oct. 5, 70.|Ist. Nov. 2, '70. Ist. Dec. 7, '70. Ist. June 7, '71. Ist. Mch. 5, 73. Ist. Mch. 1, ’76. Ist. June 14, '76. Ist. Jan. 3, '77.|Ist. Oct. 3, '77.|Ist. Oct. 3, '77.|Ist. Nov. 7, '77.| 1st. Jan. 17, '78. 2d. Feb. 6, '78. 1st. May 1, ’78. | 1st. *Deceased. ; From Commandery State of Massachusetts. . Transferred to Commandery State of California, Tſ From Commandery State of California. ° Charter Member Commandery State of Illinois. Resigned or Honorably Arm of Department, Original Entry into Service, Corps or W it Discharged, Address. Service. Regiment. Date and Rank. with Date and Rank. Capt. [D. L. Braine. U. S. Navy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booklyn, N.Y. Vols. || 17th N. Y. V. |Oct. 24, '62, I Lt & R QM|March, '65, Major. Utica, N. Y. Navy. |Line. Sep. 24, '56, Act. Md. (Oct. 12.’69, Lt.-Com. |New York, N.Y. Vols. A. D. C. Ap.,’61, Priv. 7 NY SMIApr. 29, '64, Capt. New York.N.Y. Vols. |6th Conn. V. Sep. 5, '61, Private. Aug. 2 I, '65, Capt. Bridgeport, C. Vols. 93d N. Y. V. |Feb. 3, '62, Lieut.-Col. |Feb. 2, '65, Lt.-Col. Luzerne, N.Y. Vols. 43d N. Y. V. Oct. 21, ’61, Major. Feb. 1, ’64, Colonel. BallsionSpa NY Vols. C. S. Sep., '62, Captain. June 18, '63, Capt. New York N.Y. Vols. |8th Vet. Vols. June, '61, Adjt. 6oth Ill. Apr. 18, '66, Capt. Chicago, Ill. Navy. Line. Feb. I, '47, Midshipm’n] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •e s = * * * Vols. A. A. G. Apr. 19,’61, Pr. 12 NY.M. Dec. 19,’65, Lt.Col. New York, N.Y. Army. C. S. July I,’43, Br. 2d Lt 2Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, N.Y. Army. |4th U. S. I. July 1,” 26, Br.2d Lt 7 In. Retired July 8, '68. Brooklyn, N.Y. Navy. |Paymaster. June 30, '63, Asst. P. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . U.S. S. 7zescar’a Vols. C. S. May 23, '61, 1st Lieut. July 6, '65, Capt. Brooklyn, N.Y. Navy. Line. Apr. 21,’28, Midshipm’n Retired Feb. 3, '75. Newport, R. I. Navy. |Medical. Nov. 1, ’61, A. A. Surg.[Mch.23,’69, APASur|New York, N.Y. Army. 15th Infantry. Sep. 5, '62, Cap. 15 ſ NY V|Mch. 31, ’74, Capt. Baltimore, Md. Army. || Oth Infantry. July I,’45, Bt. 2d Lieut. . . . . . . . . . . [Ft. Wayne, Mich Vols. I B. M's. H. A. |Feb. 27, '62, Captain. |Feb. 27, '65, Major. |New York, N.Y. Vols. |16th N. Y. V. May 15, '61, Captain. Jan. 15, '66, Brig. G. Ogdensb'gh NY Navy. |Pay Director. Mch. I 3, '57, Purser. e s - ºr a s is e s = e º ºs º º Philadelphia, Pa Vols. 42d N. Y. Vols. Sep. 1, ’61, 2d Lieut. July 20, '64, Capt. |New York, N.Y. Vols. A. A. G. Apr. 23,’61, I Lt. 1 NYVJuly 23, '65, Lt.-Col. |New York, N.Y. Army. |4th U. S. Cav. [Oct. 18, 39, Lieut. . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * San Antonio, Ts. Vols. 65th N. Y. V. June II, '61, Colonel. |Feb. 25. '63, Br. Gen|New York, N.Y. Vols. 114th N.Y. H.A. |May 14, '61, 1st Lieut. |Mch. 8,’65, Lt. Col. Albany, N. Y. Vols. |21st Conn. V. July, '62, Ist Lieut. July, '65, Colonel. New York, N.Y. Army. |5th U. S. Cav. Aug., '62, 2d Lieut. Mch. 1, ’67, I Lieut. New York, N.Y. Vols. 48th N. Y. V. Aug. 1, ’61, Sergeant. |Nov. 31, '64, Capt. |New York, N.Y. Army. |23d U. S. Inf. |May 14, '61, Captain. Nov. 25, '70, Capt. Jamestown. Va. Army. 7th Cav. June, '57, Cadet West P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FtAb. Linc'n DT Wols. Medical. Aug.,’62, Asst. Surg.Vols|July,’65, MajSur Vol. Belleville, N.J. Vols. 12th Tenn. Cav. Apr. 19,’61, Pr. 12 NYM. May 30, '65, Capt. |New York, N.Y. Vols. 152d N. Y. V. Sept. 10, '62, Captain. July 21, '65, Col. Can'daigua, NY Army. 4th U. S. Cav. Aug. Io, '61,2 Lt. I Mo. Ay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft. Clark, Tex. Vols. Brig.-Gen. May, '61, Maj. 6 Iowa VApr. 30, '66, Br. Gen|Chicago, Ill. Brew. Brig.-Gen. C. T. Christensen. U. S. V. New York, N.Y. Vols. 121st N. Y. V. Aug. 18, '62, Captain. Apr. 27, '63, Capt. New York, N.Y. Vols. 91st N. Y. V. April, '61, Private. Jan. 5, '64, Capt. New York, N.Y. 26 O Flected. § Companions. Present Rank. Brevet Rank. Apl. 2, '79. Ist. Clarkson, Floyd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col. Apl. 7, '80.|Ist. Corliss, Stephen P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. Dec. 1, ’80. |Ist. Carpenter, John B. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Commdr. ſ. . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 2, '81. ||St. Carr, Joseph B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major-Gen. Jan. 17, '66. ||St. |Davies, Henry E., Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . • * reb. 16, '66. ||St. Dayton, Oscar V. . . . . . . . . . . . |Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Mch. 18, '66, Ist. "Devin, Thomas C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Brig.-Gen. Apl. 4, '66. Ist. De Peyster, Johnston Livingston, . . [Out of Service. Lieut.-Col. Oct. Io, '66. Ist. |Dodge, Charles Cleveland. . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . Oct. Io, '66. 3d. |DePeyster, John Watts, Sr. . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. Gen. July 1, '68. Ist. Dixon, James Wyllys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Captain. Jan. 6, '69. || St. |*Davis, Charles H., LL.D. . . . . . . . . Rear Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 3, '69. Ist. *De Peyster, Frederick, Jr.. . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major Oct. 5, '70. ||St. |*Dumont, Robert S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 1, ’7 [...] I St. Dickinson, Leonard A. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . Apl 3, '72. |Ist. |*Davis, Jefferson C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Major-Gen. Dec. 3, '73. [[St. |Derrom, Andrew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . * * June 3, '74. Ist. DeKay, Sidney Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. Nov. 4, '74. Ist. DeQueralta, Fernando Lopez. . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . .* s is e Apl. 7, '75. |ISt. |Davies, Thomas M . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. May 3, '76. Ist. Duryea, George. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. Apl. 4, '77. Ist. |Davis, Alexander H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . . . May 2, '77.] [St. i. Denny, James H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 7, '77.|Ist. |*Du Bois, John Van D. . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 2, '78. Ist. |Delevan, J. Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 3, '79 Ist. Douglas, Archibald T. . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 7, '80. Ist. |DuBois, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . Eldest brother of Companion. Apl. 6, ’81. Ist. |Di Cesnola, Louis P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . ... * * * * Apl. 4, '66. Ist. |Erben, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . July II, '66. Ist. *Eversfield, Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . Sep. 15, '66. Ist. Elliott, Henry H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sep. I5, '66 |ISt. |*Elliott, Samuel Mackenzie . . . . . . . . Out of Service. |Brig.-Gen. June 6, '68. Ist. Eldredge, Joseph Conklin. . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . July 1, ’68. Ist. Elfwing, Nere A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col. Jan. 6, '69. Ist. Eldredge, Charles Henry. . . . . . . . . . Commander. s é º is e º s & Jan. 5, '70. Ist. [Eager, William B., Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . [Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 2, '70. 1st. *Ellis, Henry A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. Lieut.-Col. Nov. 2, '70. 1st. Eagle, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 4, '71.list.I*Edwards, David S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . *Deceased. f'Transferred to Commandery State of Mass, 27 Arm of Department, Original Entry into Service • Resigned or Honorably Corps or . wit Discharged, Address. Service. Regiment. Date and Rank. with Date and Rank. Vols. 12th N. Y. Cav. Nov. II,’61, Maj.6N.Y.C.|Apl. 22, '65., Major. New York, N.Y. Vols. |4th N.Y. Hy. A. Aug 12,’62 P. I I Ind. Baty; Dec. 9, '65, Capt. Albany, N. Y. Navy. Chief Engineer.|Feb. 17, '60, 3d Ast. Eng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, N.Y. Vols. Brig.-Gen. Ap. 24, '61Col.2d N.Y. V. Aug.24, '65, BrigGen|Troy, N. Y. Vols. A. of P. Apr. 23, '63, 5th N.Y.V.Jan. I,’66, Maj.-Gen. New York, N.Y. Vols. |19th V. R. C. Apr. 22, 61, Maj.62NYV.[Oct. 20, '66, Col. New York, N.Y. Army. Cavalry. July 19, '61, Capt.6N.Y.C.|Bvt. Maj.-Gen. Vols. Santa Fe, N. M. Vols. 13th N.Y. H.A. |May 10, '64,21. 13 NY HAJune 15,65, CapgoNYTivoli, N. Y. Vols. South. & ſº tº , & º e º ºs º º ºs s º º , . . . . [1864, Brig. General. |New Y, rk, N.Y. Mil’a. |N. G. S. N. Y. | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brig. G.N.G.S.N. Y. Tivoli, N. Y. Army. |4th Artillery. Feb. '65, I Lt.2Conn. H. AAug. 4, '70, 1st Lt. |Flushing, N. Y. Navy. Line. Aug. I2,’23, Midshipman] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington, DC Vols. |8th N. Y. M. April, '61, Hosp. Stew. 2d Lieutenant. | ivoli N. Y. Vols. |5th N. Y. V. May 9, '61, Captain. March 1, '64, Lieut. |New York, N.Y. Vols. |12th Conn. V. Nov. 21, ’61, Captain. Dec. 2d, '64, Capt. || | artford Cºnn. Army. |23d U. S. Inft. June 17, '48, 2d Lieut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omaha, Neb. Wols. 25th N. J. V. Sept. 29, '62, Colonel June 20, '63, Colonel Passac, N. J. Vols. |8th Conn. Vols. April, '63, Private. 1865, Captain. New York N.Y. Vols. 82d Penn. Vols. |May 18, '61, 1st Lieut. April, '63, 1st Lieut. New York N.Y. Vols. 14th N.Y. Vols. |May 17, '61, Captain. |May 24, '63, Lt.Col. Utica, N. Y. Vols. |5th N. Y. V. May 9, 61, Ist Lt. May 14, '63, Lt.Col. Glen Cove, L.I. Vols. 16th N. Y. Art. Nov. 22, 61. 1st L IONY BFeb. 10, '64, Major. Syracuse, N.Y. Vols. 2d Mass. Hy.A. Nov. 9th, '63, Ast. Surg. - ept. 3,'65, Asst. Sur. Boston. Ma-s. Army. 3rd U. S. Cavy. July 1, ’55, Bvt.2Lt-Mt R May 17, '76, Retired. Hudson, N. Y. Vols. Ist Conn. Hy:A. Apr. 7, '64, Asst. Surg. |Mar. 26, '65, Asst. Sur. Albany, N.Y. Vols. Ioth Conn. V. Apr. 22, '61, Sur. 2Conn. VJuly 21, ’62,Surgeon. New London. Ct. Vols. I4th N. Y. V. Apr. 30, '61, Private. Jan. 30, '62, Sergeant. Livingston, N.Y Major. J. Van D. Du Bois, U. S. A. (Deceased). § s a s sº & # * Vols. 4th N. Y. Cavy:|June,’62,Scott's 900Cav. Sept. 4, '64, Col. New York, N.Y. Navy. Line. June 17,'48, Midshipman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U.S.S St. Marys Navy. |Medical Direc. |May 29, '43, Asst. Surg | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . European Squad Vols. 1st La Vols. |May 19, '61, Q. M.9NYV. Dec. 23,263, Lt.-Col. New York, N.Y. Vols. 79th N. Y. V. 1861, Col. 79th N.Y. (July '65, Colonel. New York, N.Y. Navy. |Pay Director. Feb. 2, '47, Purser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooklyn. N.Y. Vols. 48th N. Y. V. Sep. 5, '61 Sept., '65, Major. Stock h’lm, Swe. Navy. |Pay Inspector. July 10, '61, Act. Pay’r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Norfolk, Va. Vols. |Medical. Sept. 2, '62, Surg. 162 NY|Feb. 7, '64, Sur 162NY|Middletown, NY Army. || 5th U. S. I. May 13, '61, Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft. Union, N.M. Navy. ||Line. Jan. 1, ’18. Retired Jan. 1, '63. |New York, N.Y. Navy. Medical Direc. 1818, A. Surgeon. gº tº º º ſº tº e º sº tº ºn tº e º ſº º sº º Washington, DC Companions. *Emanuel, Lyon L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellis, Henry C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estes, Stephen A Edwards, William S e ‘º e s s & © tº * * * tº e º 'º dº ſº * * * * * * * * * * * * * Flder, Robert B Even, Matthias S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Farragut, David Glasgow . . . . . . Febiger, John Carson. Franklin, William Buell. . . . . . . . . . . Ferguson, James F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freeborn, Thomas Farragut, Loyall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Foster, Edward Faulkner, Lester B Fernow, Berthold Ferris, Daniel Ostrander. . . . . . . . . . . Ferris, William G & e ºr e º a sº is e º is • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g º & ... s. sº s & t e º ºs e º $ e º 'º º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O Elected. § Feb. 7, '72. 1st. Dec. 3, '73. Ist. Mch. 7, '77.|ist. Oct. 2, '78. 1st. Dec. 1, ’81. Ist. Mch. 2, '81. |ist. Mch. 18, '66. 1st. Apl. 4, '66. Ist. Aug. I, '66. |Ist. Feb. 6, ’67. 1st. July 1, ’68, Ist. Feb. 3, '69. 1st. Mch. 3, '69. 1st. May 5, '69. Ist. Feb. 2, '70. Ist. Mch. 2, 270.|Ist. Oct. 5, '70. Ist. Apl. 5, ‘7 I. Ist. June 7, 27 I. Ist. June 7, '71. Ist. Nov. 7, '77.|1st. Apl. 2, '79. Ist. Oct. I, '79. Ist. Jan. 7, '80. Ist. May 2, '66. Ist. July 1 1, ’66. 1st. Jun. 9, '67.| 1st. Nov. 6, ’67.| 1st. May 6, '68. 1st. Jan. 6, '69. Ist. May 4, '70. ist. May 1, '78. 1st. Dec. 3, '79. 1st. May 5, '80. 1st. Dec. 1, 80. | 1st. Apl. 6, ’81. Ist. May 4, '81. Ist. Jan. 3, '66. Ist. Ist. Fitzgerald, Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fassitt, John B. . . . . sº e º s $ tº e º ºs s tº a y ç. French, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Follett, Joseph L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frothingham, William Forsyth, John, D. D., L.L. D. . . . . . . Fowler, Horace W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 9 * * * * * * * * * * * *Granger, Gordon Grier, William . Graham, Charles K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gardner, Asa Bird. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grant, Gabriel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Gill, Adolphus W. H. . . . . . . . . . . . Gardner, Robert P Gillis, George H. Gallaher, Benjamin D Grier, William N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gilmore, James R * g g g g tº º dº º º & Cº. ºº & gº tº * > * * *s a s sº tº e º e º ſº sº & * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s - is tº e º sº tº s is Jº º ºs e º º * * * * * * * * * * * s = g º ºs º gº 4 as tº e º e º & & Greeley, Edwin S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greene, David M. . . . . . . . *Halpine, Charles Graham e dº º º º dº gº & Present Rank. Brevet Rank. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Eldest son of. Out of Service. Out of Service. ... [Admiral. Commodore. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Commander. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. ... Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Chaplain. Out of Service. Colonel. Commodore. Out of Service. Major. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Colonel. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. * * * * * * * * * e s tº * * * * * * * * > & tº dº tº * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 º' tº g g g º gº tº tº dº º ºs º º ºs e º 'º & Major-Gen. Lieut.-Col. * e s is sº tº a sº sº sº tº ſº * * * * * * * * * g & © s º ºs & & s e º gº º º * * * * * * * * * * * * & s m º ºs º ºs s a e º ſº * * * * * * * * * * * * s & s º º s º e s is s & ſº tº a tº as as gº & Major-Gen. Captain Vol. Major." * * * * * tº e º ſº * * * * * * * * * * * Brig.-Gen. Lieut.-Col. Brig.-Gen. # * * = * * * > * e º is Major-Gen. Major. Gen. Feb. 16, '66. Major-General. *Heintzelman, Samuel Peter. . . . . . . *Deceased, -ºmrºws 29 Arm of Service. ===== ------ Vols. Vols. Vols. Act. V Med’cl Navy. Vols. Navy. Navy. Army. Vols. Vols. Army. Navy. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Army. Navy. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Navy. Vols. Department, Corps or 82d Pa. Vols. 65th N. Y. V. 12th N. Y. Inf. Act. A. D. C. Director. Line. 156th N. Y. V. Line. Line. I2th U. S. I. Surgeon. Ist N. Y. M. R. 5th U. S. Art. Pay Inspector. 136th N. Y. V. 3d U. S. Col’d. 133d N. Y. V. 6th N. Y. V. Ist Miss. Vols. 23d Penn. V. 81st N. Y. V. Ist Mo. St. Art. 44th N. Y. V. Chaplain. 16th N. Y. Art. | 15th Infantry. Med. Director. Line. Judge Adv. Medical. 14th N.Y. S. M. Ist Vet. Res. II th N. Y. V. 152d N. Y. V. 3d U. S. Cav. A. O. M. Ioth Conn. V. Engineer. A. A. G. Army. 17th U. S. I. Original Entry into Service, w it T}ate and Rank. Aug. 23, '61, 2, Lieut. June 17, '61, Sgt. Major. May 1, ’61, Private. Served during the war. David S. Edwards, Aug. 17, '62, Seaman. Aug. 20, '62, Capt. Dec. 17,’ 10, MRlshipman Sep. 4, '38, Midshipman Bvt. 3d lieut. U. S. E. May 8, '61, Asst. Surg. Sept. I I, '62, 2d Lieut. Sept. 1, ’63, Cadet. Oct. 23, '61, A. Paym’r. Sept. 7, '62, Private. July, '63, Private. Sept. 17, '62, Chaplain. Dec. 4, '62, 2d Lieut. Apr. 19, '61, Sergeant. Aug. 2, '61, Adjutant. Nov. 21, ’61, Private. Apr. 23, '61, Private. Aug. 29, '61, Surgeon. July 2, '62,Ch. 19 NYSM Dec. 18, '63, 1st Lieut. July 1, ’45, B. 2 Lt. 2 Inſ. Mch. 7, '38. Asst. Surg. Apr.,’61, Maj. 70th NY. May 6, '61, I Lº. 31 NY June 13, '61,S’g 2 N.J.V. Apl. 20, '61, Adjutant. Apl. 18, '61, Lieut. Sept. 24, '61, Private. Resigned or Honorably Discharged, with Date and Rank. Nov. 5, 64, Capt. Sept. 12, '74, Capt. May 13, '63, Capt. U. S. Navy (dec'd) Apr. 1,'68, Act. Ens’n Nov. 9, '65, Major. a tº ºr gº tº e & gº tº e º ºs e º sº as as e. • e º e º ºs e º 'º & e - © & e º º Mch. I5, '66, Col. Mch. 15, '64, M 1jor. April 28, '65, Capt. 2d Lieutenant. ſan. 14, '65, Lt.-Col. Nov. 30, '65, 2d Lt. May 9, '65, Chapl’n Mch. 9, '65, Capt. Feb. 27, '65, Lt. Col. Sept. 20, '64, Capt. June 3, '65, Major. July 28, '65, 2d Lt. Nov. 22, '62, Surg. * * * * * * * * * * * e = e º e º e º $ tº e s = e º a Retired Oct. 5, '78. Aug., '65, Brig. Gen. a s g º e º s = e º sº e = * * * Jan. 13, '65, Surg. Mch. 2, '65, Capt. Dec. 31, ’67, Capt. Dec. 13, '64, 2d Lt. Sept. 20, '62, Private. July 1,”35, B 2dLt U.S.D July 28, '62, Pr. 126 Pa V Oct. 2, '6t, 1st Lieut. May 21, '61, 3d A. Eng. Sept. 5, '61, Maj.A.A.G. July 1, ’26, Bt.2 Lt.3 Inf, July 13, '65, 2d Lt. Retired Dec. 15, '70. Nov. 3, '60, Capt. Oct. 2, '65, Col. Sept. 16, '69, IA.Eng. Sept., '64, Lt.-Col. Feb. 22,’69, Retired | ! | Address. Philadelphia, Pa New York, N.Y. Butte, M. T. San Fºncisco, Cal Newark, N. J. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Washington. DC Hartford, Conn. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. European Sq. New York N.Y. Albany, N. Y. Amityville, NY N. H’mb’h, NY New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Central City, Col Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N.Y. . W. Point, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Santa Fe, N. M. Washington, DC New York, N.Y. Gov’s Isl'd, NY New York, N.Y. Brooklyn, N.Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Sarat’aaS’gsNY New York, N.Y. Milburn, N. J. New York, N.Y. New Haven, Ct. Troy, N. Y. New York, N.V. Washington, DC *— -—— - -- - --- - - -------- - -–- - -- - c Elected. ; Companions. Present Rank. | Brevet Rank. Mch. 18, '66. 1st. *Hastings, George Granberry. . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. Apl. 4, '66. Is". Harmony, David B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 4, '66. 1st. Hubbell, Henry Wilson, Jr. . . . . . . . 1st Lieutenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 4, '66. 1st. 'I Halsey, Thomas H. . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. Lieut.-Col.Vs Aug. 1, '66. Is’. ‘Hamblin, Joseph E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major Gen. Nov. 6, ’67. 1st. Hunter, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Major-Gen. Dec. 4, '67. 1st. # Hutchings, William Vincent . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 7, '68. 1st. *Homiston, Joseph Mansfield. . . . . . [Out of Service. Lieut.-Col Nov. 4, '68. 1st. "Healy, William Joseph . . . *. . . . . . . Lieutenant. | . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 3, '69. 1st. [Heine, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen Mch. 3, '69. Ist. ‘Hamilton, William . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mch. 3, '69. 1st. Hassler, Charles William . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service, . . . . . . . . . . . May 4, '70. Ist. THinks, Edward W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Major-Gen Oct. 5, 70.|IS'. Hall, James F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Feb. 1, ’71. 1st. Hendrick, Albert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 5, 71.1s'. 'Hoyt, James Jauncey. . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col Dec. 6, ’71. 1st. *Hyde, Simeon T. . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . May 8, '72. Is". Haggerty, Robert A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out cf Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 6, ’72. 1st. Haight, Edward, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. |Lieut.-Col Feb. 5, '73. 1st. Hurlbut, Samuel D. . . . . . . . . . . [Lieuten nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 1, ’73. 1st. It Healy, Robert W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Nov. 3, '75.1 st. Hutchinson, Edwin. . ... Out of Service. Colonel. Feb. 2, '76. 1st. Hughes, Thomas W. 13 . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . June 6 '77.|ist. Handren, John Wells . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . reb. 6, '78. Ist. Holbrook, William C. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . June 12, 76. Ist. Hawes, Gardiner S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major. ( )ct. 2 '78. Ist. Halsey, Arthur C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldest son of. Companion. Ja v. 8, '79. Ist. Herron, Francis J . . . . . . . . . . . ... Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . t. 1, ’79. Ist. |Hedden, Warren R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . !) c. 3. '79. Ist. Hamilton, David B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . Jºne 2, '80. Ist. Hall, Jairus W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen Jan. 1, '81. Ist. Hull, Ha'mon I). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . July 3, '67.|1st. ‘’Ingalls, Rufus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Major-Gen. Dec. 4, '67.|Ist. [Irwin, Berrard J. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. Colonel. Feb. 16, '66. 1st. Jackson. Richard H. . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. Brig.-Gen. Apl. 3, '67. 1st. Jewett, Pliny A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. June 1, ’70.|1st. Jardine, Edward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [Brig. Gen. M 'h. I, 271.11 -t. Johnson, Charles Adams . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. "Brig.-Gen. f Charter Member of Commandery State of Mass. T Charter Member of Commandery State of Wis. * Deceased f(Sharter Member of Commandery State of Cal. °Charter Member of Commandery State of Ills. 31 Navy. Army. Army. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Navy. Vols. Navy. Navy. Army. Vols. Vols. Vols. V, ls. Army. Army. Navy. Vols. Vols. Vols. N ivy. Vols. Vols. P’ymr. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Army. Army. Vols. Vols. Vols. Line. 1st Artillery. Paymaster. Line. 6 h U. S. Cav. A. Q. M. Surgeon. Paymaster. to3d N. Y. V. Line. Paymaster. 25th U. S. I. 1st N. Y. Eng. 12 Conn. Vols. 156th N. Y. V. 15th Conn. V. Paymast, r. 16 h U. S I. Past Asst. Pay’r. 58th ill. Inſt. 137th N. Y. V. 99th N. Y. V. Engineer. 7th N. Y. V. 17th N. Y. V. T. H. Halsey, Maj.-Gen. 65th N. Y. V. 5th Conn. V. 4th Mich. V. 5th N. Y. V. A. Q. M. Medical. 5th Artillery. Medical. 9th N. Y. Vols. Arm of Department, Original Entry into Service, - orps or with Service. Regiment. Date and Rank Vols. [1st U. S. S. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 7, '47, Midshipman Dec. 4, '61, 2d lt. V. June 1, '61, P. Vols. May 9.’61, Adj 5 N.Y. V. July 4,’22, 2d lt. 5th Inft. Sept. 2, '61, I Lt. 24 Mass. May 18, '61,S g 14 NYM Sept. 23, '63, A.A. Pay’r. Nov. 5. '61, Captain. Aug. 26, '61. A. Master. Aug. 29, '61, Ass'. Pay’r. April 26, '61, 2 lieut. Oct. Io, '61, Major. ſan. I, '62, 2’l Lieut. Sept. 6, '62, lieutenant. Feb. 15, '65, Ist Lieut. Feb. 19, '63. Major. May, 1861, 1st Lieut. 1861, Vol. Service. Dec. 24, '61, Captain. Resigned or Honorably Discharged, with Date and Rank. Address. Oct. 21, ’64, Major. * e s is a tº it tº tº e s e s = º e a m = • * ºn e º 'º e º se e Retired Feb. 9, '77. Jan. 15, '66, Bg...Gen. Ret July 31, '66, Col. Apl. 3, '64, Lt. Col. Oct. 6,'65, 16NYCav. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * March 17, '65, Col. Apl. 15, '66, Lt.-Com. Feb. 10, '70, Paym'r. Dec. 15, '70, Retired. July 13; '65, Col. Dec. 2, '64, Capt. Dec. 22, '64, Capt. June 27, '65, I Lieut. Nov. 1, ’65, Major. Feb. 1866, Captain. |Roxbury, Mass. * * * * * * * * * * * a s Sept. 24, '61, Metſ. Cadet.June 9.'65, Maj.Surg. Apl. 19, '61, Pr. 7NGSNY May, '61, 3d Asst. Eng. Sept. 21, '61, 1st Lieut. April, '61, 1st Lieut. U. S. Navy (deceased). Apl. 23, '61, Capt. I la.V June I I, '61, Com. Sgt. July 22, '61. 1st Lieu'. April, '61, Private. May 9, '61, Captain. July 1, ’44 Bvt. 2d Lieut. Aug. 28, '56, Asst. Surg. Sept. 13,’59, B1.2 Lt.4Ar. Nov. 20 '62, Major. May 4. '61, Captain. Aug. 4, '62, 2 Lieut. June 3, '62, 3 A-st. E. Jan. 2, '65, Col nel. June 2, '63, I Lieut. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Feb. 28,' 66, BMGV Jan. 4, '66, Major. Ap. 12.'66 Capt VRC 25th N. Y. V. º 9, '47, 2d Lieu'. July, '63, Colonel. Sing Sing, N.Y. U.S. S. Zºennessee Gov’s Isi ’d NY New York, NY. New York,N.Y. Washington, DC Boston. Mass. Brooklyn, N.Y., Brooklyn, N. Y. Zimmerdorf, Sx. Jersey City, N.J. New York, N.Y. Milwaukee, Wis. Tarrytown, NY New Haven. Ct. St. Louis, Mo. Brooklyn, N. Y. Newark, N. J. New York.N.Y. Chattan’ga, Ten Utica, N. Y. New York, N.Y. |Junellen, N. J. New York N.Y. New York, N.Y. |Brandon, Vt. . New York, N.Y. Sept. I 3 '64, I Lieut. Jan. Io, '63, Capt. May 26, '66 Col. Dec, 30, '62, Lt.-Col. New York, N.Y. Waterbury, Ct. Jackson, Mich. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. |Chicago, Ill. Atlanta, Ga. New I laven, Ct. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. 32 Elected. ; Companions. Present Rank, June 7, 71.|Isl. "Jewett, Orville D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Jan. 6 '75. Isl. "Johnson, James W. . . . . . . . . . . . ... Out of Service. Apl. 5, '76. Ist. Jewell, William II. . . . . . . . . . . ... Out of Service. Oct. I I, '65, Ist."f Kiddoo, Joseph B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brig. Gen. Nov. 1, 65. Ist. IRInox, Kilburn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Jan. 17, '06. Ist. King, Horatio Collins. . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Feb. I6, '66. Ist. Kent, Jacob Ford. . . . . . . . . . . . ... Captain. Dec. 5, '66. Ist. || Kidder, Jerome Henry. . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Com'dr. Feb. 5, '68. Ist. Kendall, Frederick A. . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. June 3, '68. Ist. Ketchum, Edgar, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Apl. 7, '69: Ist. Keteltas, Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Out of Service. Apl. 7, '69: Ist. Kitchen, Marcus L. W. . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Apl. 5, ‘7 I. Ist. Kimball, James Putnam. . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Nov. 3, '75-list. *Kneeland, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. May 2, '77. Ist. Knowlton, Julius W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Oct. 2, '78. Isl. Kipp, Charles J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. | Feb. 16, '66. Ist. Langdon, Loomis L. . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. Mch. 18, '66. Ist. *Liebenau, Joseph H . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Apl. 4, '66. Ist. Lockwood, Henry C. . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Aug. 1, ’66 I St. Lyford, Stephen C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. Nov. 6, '67. I St. Lawrence, Albert Gallatin. . . . . . Out of Service. Jan. 8, '68. Ist. Long, John H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Com. Nov. 3, '69. Ist. Leonard, Robert Woodward . . . . . . . Out of Service. Dec. 1, '69. Ist. I*Lewis, William H. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut. Col. Apl. 6, ’70. Ist. Long, Owen Moxley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Mch. 1, ’71, 1st. Lawrence, Samuel B. . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Nov. 1, ’71. Ist. |Leavitt, Sheldon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. May 8, '72. Ist. Ledlie, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Feb. 4, '74. 1st. If Lillie, Abraham B. H. . . . . . . . . . . Lieutenant. Oct. 6, ’75. Ist. |*Loring, Charles H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commander. Oct. 4, '76. Ist. Locke Frederick T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Oct. 3, '77.|Ist. Lowery, Joseph S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Feb. 6, '78. Ist. Leland, Francis L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Nov. 6, ’78. Ist. Lockwood, John B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Nov. 6, '78. Ist. Ledlie, Gilbert W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Feb. , 5, '79. Ist. Lord, T. Ellery ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. June 2, 80.|1st. Langdon, Charles S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Feb. 2, '81. Ist. Lord, Henry E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Oct. 11, ’65. 1st. fMontgomery, James Eglinton. ... Out of Service. Brevel Rank. Lieut.-Col. • * * * * * * * * * * Brig.-Gen. Lieut.-Col. Colonel. Lieut.-Col. Captain. Captain. Lieut.-Col. Major. Lieut.-Col. • * * * * * * * * * * Lieut.-Col. Lieut.-Col. Major. • * * * * * Lieut.-Col. Brig. Gen. Lieut. Col. Lieut.-Col. Major. Captain. • * * * * * * * * * * Brig.-Gen. * @ e º 'º - © tº e º 'º' • e s tº * * - a tº º - * a t < * * * s tº e - Major. ffrom Commandery State of Pennsylvania. *Deceased, ... • * * * * * * * * * * f From Commandery State of Massachusetts. 3 3 A1 m of Service. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Arm v. Vols. Army. Navy. Army. Army. Army. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Navy. Vols. Army. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Navy. Navy. Vols. Vols. V, »ls. V ºls. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Department, Corps or Regiment. Original Entry into Service, with Date and Rank. 156th N. Y. V. 3 U. S. C. T. 38th Mass. V. Unassigned. 22d Infantry. A. Q. M. 3d Infantry. Surgeon. 25th Infantry. Signal Corps. 15th Infantry. 2d N. J. Cav. A. A. G. Medical. 14th Conn. V. Medical. 2d Artillery. A. A. G. A. D. C. Ordnance. 2d U. S. C. C. Chief Engineer. I62d N. Y. V. 19th Infantry. Medical. A. A. G. 4th Mass. Cav. Line. Line. Chief Engineer. A. A. G. 146th N. Y. V. Ist N. Y. V. Paymaster. 16th N. Y. Art. 3d N. Y. V. A. C. S. A. C. S C. *- A. G. A. May 12, '62. July, '61, Private. May, '61, Private. Apl., '61, Priv. 12 PaVols. Apl. 19, '61, Pr. Vols. Aug. 19, 62, Cap A Q M May 6, '61, 2 Lt. 3 Inf. May, '63, Io Md. Vols. Sept. 20, '61.2 Lt.4 N.H. March 3, '63, 2d Lieut. Aug. 5, '61, Captain. Oct. 13, '62, I Lt. 2N.J.C. April 14, '62, Captain. Mcb. 1, ’62, AA.S'g. USV Aug. 25, '62, Private. Jan. 16,’62, A.Sg.3NY At Apl. 18, '61, Adju.7NYM Mch.31, '61, Capt. ADC. June 24, '61, Bt. 2 Lt., Dr. Sept. 16 '61, I Lt. 54 N.Y. June I,’61, 1st Asst. Eng. Sept. I, '62, Ist Lieut. July 1,'49.Bwt 2d Lt. Inf. Sept. 25, '61, Surgeon. May 14, '61, Ist Lieut. April 9, '64, 2d Lieut. Apl., '61, Maj. 19 N.Y.V. Sept. 24, '62. Midshipm’n Feb.26, ’51, Midshipm’n. Apl. 19,’61, Ajt 12NYSM Oct. Io, '62, Sergeant. July 20, '61, Captain. Feb. 26, '63, Major. July 14, '63, 1st Lieut. Apl. 22, '61, 2d Lieut. Aug., '61, Pr. 55 N.Y.V. Nov. 7, '62, Captain. Apl. 19,’61, Capt.V.Art. July 1,”54, Bvt.2Lt. 4Art. |. Tischarged, with Date and Rank, Nov. 25, '65, Capt. Nov. 17, '65, Capt. July, 1865, Captain. '67, M.G. Vols. Bvt. April 1, ’69, Capt. June 2, '65, Major. • s > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Aug. 12, '65, 2d Lt. June 17, '67, Capt. June 30, '64, Lt. Col. Dec. 9, '63, Capt. Feb.21,'66, S'rgusV Mar. 29, '64, 2d Lt. Nov. 1,267,Surg. USV Oct., '63, Captain. Jan. 4, '67, Capt. • a e s a s - - - - * * * * * Feb. 5, '64, Major. May 5, '64,Surgeon. Aug. I4,'65, Lt.-Col. Aug., 9, '65, Ist Lt. B. G. Vols. * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * Jan. I 3, '65, Capt. |May 28, '63'Lºol. Aug. 6, '65, Major. Dec. I, '64, Ist Lt. Sept. 18, '65, Major. May 1, ’66, Capt. July 7, '66, Capt. July Io, '66, Major. * | Resigned or Honorably . |Ft. Lyon, C. Address. New York,N.Y. Monticello, Fla. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Brooklyn, N.Y., Ft. Shaw, M.T. Washington, IJC Cleveland, Ohio. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Bethlehem, Pa. New York, N.Y. Bridgeport, Ct. Newark, N. J. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa . Newport, R. I. . U.S.S. Pozcy/azan Mt. Kisco, N.Y. J. T. Washington DC New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Utica, N. Y. U. S. S. Mapsic. Navy Yard, N.Y. . . New York, N.Y. Utica. N. Y. New York, N.Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. E.Sagin'w.Mich Albany, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Leipsic, Ger. Q Elected. § | ? Jan. 17, '66. Ist. Feb. I6, '66. Ist. Mch. 7, '66. 1st Mch. I8, '66. Ist. Apr. 25, '66. Ist. May 2, '66. 1st. June 6, '66. 1st. July 3, '66 || 1st. July 11, ’66. 1st. Sept. 15, '66. 1st. Nov. 14, '66. 1st. Sept. II, '67. 1st. Nov. 6, ’67. Ist. Feb. 5, '68. 1st. Apr. 1, ’68. 1st. Oct. 7, '68. 1st. Oct. 7, '68. 1st. Oct. 7, '68. Ist. June 2, '69 || 1st. Feb. 2, '70. 1st. Mch. 2, '70. Ist. Nov. 2, '70. Ist. Jan. 4, '71. Ist. May 3, '71. Ist. Jan. 3, '72. Ist. Feb. 5, '73. 1st. Apr. 2, '73." Ist. May 2, '77.| 1st. June 6, ’77. 2d. Feb. 5, '79. 1st. Mch. 5, '79. 1st. Apr. 2, '79. Ist. May 7, '79. 1st. June 2, '80. 2d. Dec. 1, ’80. Ist. Jan. 5, '81. 1st. May 4, '81. 1st. Jan. 9, '67. 1st. Sept. II, '67.|1st. Nov. 2, '70. 1st. Companions. McMahon, Martin T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molineaux, Edward L. . . . . . . . . . . . . fMcCook, Anson G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McIntosh, John B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milhau, John J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morgan, Robert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Matthews, Joseph S Morris, William H. Mott, Alexander B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morrison, Joseph Barr. . . . . . . . . . . . . *Mead, George Lewis. . . . . . . . . . . . . Marvin, Selden E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Menken, J. Stanwood McMullan, Charles McQuade, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michaelis, Olho E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Mahnken, John H... . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCook, John James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . f Mason, E. Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f Mallory, William H. . . . . . . . . . . . McKeever, Chauncey Morris, Fordham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Miln, David Irving. Marthon, Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . * * McClellan, George B. . . . . . . . . . . . . McCarty, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manning, Henry S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McQuade, James, Jr., McKibbin, Gilbert H. Mather, Andrew E Morrison, David. . . . . . . Mason, Theodore B. M Martin, Edward W Meyer, Henry C McEwan, John S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendenhall, John * * * tº e s & tº 4 & tº e º 'º' e * * * * * * * tº s e º º ºs tº tº e e º 'º dº º - “s & # * & © tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º sº e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is tº e º & A is $ tº º ºs º º & * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º 'º e º 'º s * * * * * e s e º tº e s * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e e Noyes, Frank Gardner . . . . . . *Nesmith, Clarence Eugene Neville, Edwin M . • e º te is º ºs º ºs e º 'º º Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Captain. Brig.-Gen. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Lieutenant. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Captain. Captain. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. | Aeut. Col. Out of Service. Eldest son of. Lieutenant. Eldest son of. Out of Service. . Major. Out of Service. Captain. Out of Service. Present Rank. Brevet Rank. Major-Gen. Major. Gen. Brig.-Gen. Major-Gen. Brig.-Gen. Lieut.-Col. Lieut.-Col. Major-Gen. Colonel. Lieut.-Col. Colonel. Major-Gen. Captain. Out of Service. , lieutenant. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Major. Lieut.-Col. Captain. Captain. Companion. Brig.-Gen. * s sº we º 'º e º s tº º tº Companion. Major. Major Vols. Colonel. Lieut.-Col. Major Vols. tº e s tº sº e < * * * * * * Deceased. tfrom Commandery State of Mass. 4.From Commandery State of Penna. 35 *— Arm of Service. Vols. Vols. Vols. Navy. Army. Army. Army. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Navy. Wols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Army. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Navy. Army. Vols. Vols. B vt. V, »ls. Vols. Vols. Navy. Med’cl Vols. Army. Army. Vºls. Army. Vols. Department, Corps or Regiment. Original Entry into Service, with Date and Rank. Resigned or Honorably Discharged, with Date and Rank. Address. A. A. G. 159th N. Y. 194th Ohio V. Med. Director. Unassigned. Medical. A. Q. M. I 12th N. Y. 6th C. A. P. Medical. Medical. Pay Corps. Paymaster. 27th Ohio V. Surgeon. 14th N. Y. V. Ordnance. 8th Cavalry. 6th Ohio V. C. 1st Conn. Arty. 2d N.Y. Cavy. A. A. G. 6th N. Y. A. 65th N. Y. V. Line. Line. Io I St N. Y. V. 82d U. S. C. T. Maj.-Gen. A. A. G. 20th U. S. C.T. 79th N. Y. V. Line. Director. 24th N. Y. Cav, 4th U. S. Arty. 1st U. S. Arty. C. S. 6th Cavalry. 1st Conn. Cav. Captain, A. D. C. Apr. 16, '61, Prv.7 NYM. Apr. 17, '61, Captain. Sept. 5, '48, Asst. Surg. June 8,’61,2Lt. U.S. Cav. Apr. 30, '51, Asst. Surg. Apr. 1, ’47, IstLt. Ioth In. Aug. 25, '62, Captain." Apr. '62, Ist Lt., Ioth In. Apr. 16, '61, Major. June 27, '62, A. A. Surg. July 21,’61, Pay’r's Clk. July 17, '62, Major. May 3, '61, Captain. 1861, U. S. Surg., Vols. May 10, '61, Colonel. June 23, '63, P.24 N.Y.M July 18, '61, P.6 N.Y.C. Sept, 1, ’62, Private. May 22, '61, Private. Aug. 13, '61, Captain. July 1,’49, Bvt. 2dLieut. Aug. '62. Aug. 20, '61, 2d Lieut. Oct. 30, '63, Act. Ensign. June, '46, Bvt. 2d Lt. Feb., '62, Captain. Jan. 23, '64, 20 Lieut. James McQuade. Oct. 9.’61,2d Lieut.NYV Aug. 18, '62, I Lt. 121NYV May 13, '61, Captain. Sept. 20 °64, Midshipmn. Charles Martin. July, 19.’62, P 2NY Cav. Aug.9.’62, 1 Lt. 1 13 NYV. ſuly 1,’51, Bt.2Lt. 1st Dg. Nov. 26, ’62. Captain. May 18, '64, Capt. C. S. Aug. 5, '62, Private. March 31, '66, Lt.Col. Aug. 8 '65, Colonel. Oct. 21, ’65,Colonel. Retired July 30, 70. Oct. 1,'76, Maj., Surg. Captain, A. Q. M. June 30, '65, Major. Aug. 25,’65, Br.-Gen. Aug. 1,'65, Bvt. Col. Feb. 2, '66, Major. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |Oct. 26, '61, Captain. 1865, Surgeon. May 24, '63, Colonel. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Nov. 1, ’64, Captain. June 1, ’65, I stLieut. Jan. 28, '63, Major. July, '65, ist Lieut. July 17, '65, Lt. Col. Dec. 30, '65, Act. Mast Nov.,’64, M.G.USA |an. 15, '63, Captain. Jan. 25, '66, 1st Lieut. U. S. Vols. Sept. 19, '65, Captain Oct. 7, '65, Lt.-Col. May 29, '64, Col. U. S. Navy. Oct. 13, '64, Capt. Dec. 15, '72, 2d Lt. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Aug. 17, '65, Capt. New York, N.Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Navy Yard, N.Y New Bruns’kN.J New York, N.Y. Washington, DC Jamestown, N.Y New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Maryville, Mo. Mareſsland, Cal. Albany, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Geneva, Swd. New York, N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa Ft. Clark, Tex. New York, N.Y. New York, NY. Bridgeport Ct. Washington, DC New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. U.S.S., Catskill. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Utica. N. Y. New York, N.Y. Albany, N. Y. New York, N.Y. U.S.S. Pensacola New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Albany, N. Y. Gov. Island, NY. Clinton, Iowa. Ft. Wallace. Kan New York, N.Y. - --------------- ---- =------ *** „– ..- - - - - - - -------- Elected. # Companions. Present Rank. Brevet Rank. May 4, ’81. Ist. Newman, John L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . May 8, '72. Ist. Olmstead, Samuel H. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut. Col. Feb. 3, '73. Ist. O'Beirne, Richard F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Major. Leut.-Col. Jan. 5, '8I. Ist. Olcott, Dudley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut.-Col. Feb. 16, '66. Ist. *Prentice, Fowler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, '66. Ist. Phoenix, Lloyd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, '66. Ist. | Peet, Frederick T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Apr. 4, '66.1st. *Pennock, Alexander M. . . . . . . . . . . Rear-Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 4, '66. 1st. Patten, George W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Colonel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 4, '66.1st. Pleasanton, Alfred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major-Gen. Apr. 4, '66. Ist.* Porter, Burr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . May 2, '66. Ist. Perry, Robert C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Colonel. Lieut. -Col. V. July I 1, '66. Ist. * Porter, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig. - Gen. Sept. II, '67. Ist. Peck, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 4, ’67. Ist. Pyne, Charles March . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. Captain. Dec. 4, ’67. Ist. | Pratt, William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 5, '68. Ist. Pinkney, Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . July 1, ’68. Ist. |Perley, John K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. 4, ’68. Ist. TPatridge, John Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . June 2, '69. Ist. Porter, Henry M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. Oct. 6, '69.|Ist. Pope, Benjamin Franklin. . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mch. 6, '78. Ist. Pollock, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 6, '78. Ist. Perry, John L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 5, '79. Ist. Pritchard, Arthur J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Comd’r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 7, 8o. Ist. Pinto, Francis E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig.-Gen. Mch. 2, '81. Ist. Parker, Francis H. . . . . . . .. , , , , , , . Major. Major. Feb. I6, '66. Ist. Ransom, George M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodore. | . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, '66 Ist. Rodgers, C. R. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear-Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, '66. Ist. *Ringgold, Cadwalader . . . . . . . . . . . Rear-Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, '66. Ist. Rumsey, William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut. -Col. Aug. 1, '66. Ist. Roe, Francis Asbury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. I4, '66. Ist. *Rockafeller, Harry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut. . Col. Nov. 14, '66. Ist. Ripley, Robert Andrews. . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 7, '69.3d. Read, John Meredith, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2, '69. Ist. Rogers, William Findlay . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Brig. Gen. June 2, '69. Ist. Ring, George W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . W S II Dec. 7, '7o. Ist. Reeve, Isaac V. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Brig. -Gen. Dec. 7, '7o. Ist. Raymond, Charles H. . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . June 7, '71.'Ist. Robinson, John C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Major-General. Major. - Gen. *Deceased. Charter Member of Commandery State of Mass. TI From Commandery State of Mass. 37 Service. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Navy. Mari’s. Navy. Army. Army. Vols. Army. Army. Navy. Army. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Navy. Vols. Navy. Vols. Army. Navy. Navy. Navy. Vols. Navv. §. Vols. N. G'd Vols. Vols. Armv. $ºy Army. 25th N. Y. V. 73d N. Y. V. Line. U. S. M. C. Line. 2d U. S. Inf. 2d Cavalry. 3d. Mass. Cav. Unassigned. I6th U. S. Inf. Med. Director. Unassigned. A. A. G. Medical. 9th N. Y. V. 24th Mass. W. 7th Vt. Vols. Asst. Surgeon. Asst. Engineer. 115th N. Y. V. Paymaster. 32d N. Y. V. Ordnance. Line. Line. Line. A. A. G. Line. 2 Ist Wet. Res. 13th Conn. Inf. N. G. S. N. Y. 21st N. Y. V. 2d Wisc. Cav. Unassigned. 177th N. Y. V. 43d U. S. Inf. Nov. 28, '62, Captain. Sep. 24, '57, A.Mid’m’n. June 14, '62, 2d Lieut. April I,’28, Midshipm’n. July I,’30, Bvt. 2 Lt. 2 Im. July I,’44, Bt. 2Lt. I Drag ſune 2, '62, Major. Dct. 27,’61,75th NY.V. May 17, '46, I Lt. Mt. R. Feb. 25, '51, Asst. Surg. Aug. 5,’61,2 Lt. 6th Inf. Sept. 2,’61,24th Mass. V. May 27,’61, Asst. Surg. Apr. 23, '61, Pr. 9th N.Y. Sept. 2, '61, Ist Lieut. April 19, '61, Private. Jul.18, '64, A.Sr. Io NYA May 27, '61, 3 Asst.Eng. Jan. 20, '63, Asst. Surg. Oct. 7, '61, Asst. Paym’r. May 31, '61, Lt.Col. Jul. I,’57, Cad. U.S.M.A. July 25, 39, Midship'n. Oct. 5, 33, Midship'n. Mch. 4, 23, Midship'n. Sept. 26, '61, 1Lt. 1 NY.A. Oct. 19,’41, Midshipm’n. '61, Pr. 71 N.G.S.N.Y. Nov. 6, '61, 2d Lieut. A. G. State N. Y. May 20, '61, Colonel. Feb. 6, '62. 1st Lieut. July 1, ’35. Bvt. 2d Lt. Dec., '62, Lieutenant. Oct. 27, 39, 2d Lieut. July Io, '63, Capt. Surgeon, Major. June 27, '65, Lieut. Aug. 28, '69, Ist Lt. Feb. 17, '64, Retired. Jan. 1, ’68, Major. July 22, '65, Col. Dec. 31, ’70, Retired. Apl. 20, '64, Col USA April 2, '64, Capt. Dec. 29, '62, AS83NY May 20, '63, 1st Lt. Sept. 27, '64, Capt. April 6.’ 66, Lt.-Col. July 19, '65, A.Surg.V Aug. 9, '62. Aug. 2 I,’63, A.Surg. s = e g º is e < * * * * * * * e, e a e s e º 'º e º a e s = * is s is e sº e sº s º e º sº * * * * * * * * * * * & a tº e º e º de e e º gº e º e º & a n e e º ſº e º ºs º ºs e < * * * * * Aug. I5, '65, Capt. Jan. 6, '65, Capt. A. G. State, N. Y. May 19, '63, Col. Dec. 23, '64, Capt. Jan. 1,”71, Retired. Nov., '63, Lieut. Mar. 6,’69, Retired. } Department, Original Entry into Service, Resigned or Honorably Corps or with Discharged, Address. Regiment. Date and Rank. with Date and Rank. 43d N. Y. V. Sept. 14, '62, Capt. Jan., '64, Major. Albany, N. Y. 17oth N. Y. V. |Dec. I, '64, Surgeon. 1865, Surgeon. Brooklyn, N.Y. 24th Infantry. |May 14, '61, 1st Lieut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft. Sill, I. T. Albany, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Auburn, N. Y. Washington, DC Moulton, Me. Washington, DC New York, N.Y. Stamford, Conn. Paris, France. Mare Isl’d, Cal. N. H’mb'gh,NY Boston, Mass. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Ft. Sully, D. T. Brooklyn, N. N. Sar’gaSp"gs, NY Baltimore, Md. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dover, N. J. Boston, Mass. Annapolis, Md. New York, N.Y. Bath, N. Y. Washington, DC New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Athens, Greece. Buffalo, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Minneapolis, M. New York, N.Y. Bingh'ton, N.Y, 38 *-a- °From Commandery State of Pennsylvania. TCharter Member of Commandery State of Ills. Q Elected. § June 3, '74. |ist. Apl. 7, '75. Ist. Apl. 5, '76. Ist. Mar. 5, '79. Ist. Apl. 2, '79. Ist. May 7, '79. Ist. May 7, '79. 1st. Nov. 3, '86. 1st. Mch. 2, '81. 1st. Jan. 17, '66. Ist. Feb. 16, '66. 1st. Feb. 16, '66. |ist. May 2, '66. Ist. }. 2, '66. 1st. ec. 5, '66. |1st. Jan. 9, '67. 1st. Feb. 6, '67. 1st. May 1, ’67. Ist. Jan. 8, '68.3d. Feb. 5, '68. 1st. Mch. 4, '68. Ist. Mch. 8, '68. 1st. May 6, '68. Ist. Nov. 4, '68.3d. Dec. 2, '68. Ist. Jan. 6, '69. Ist. Apl. 7, '69: Ist. Apl. 7, '69. Ist. May 5, '69. Ist. June 2, '69. Ist. Oct. 6, '69." Ist. Jan. 5, '70.|Ist. Feb. 2, '70. Ist. June 1, ’70.|Ist. Feb. 1, ’71. Ist. Apl. 12, '71. Ist. May 3, '71. Ist. May 3, '71. Ist. May 8, '72.]1st. Dec. 3, '73." Ist. Apl. I, '74. Ist. Companiotis, Rathbone, Clarence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reed, James C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Rundlet, Taylor P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roome, Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Racey, William H... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roosevelt, Nicholas L. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ransom, Rastus S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robeson, John T. . . . . . . e e e s ſº dº º s e " Rand, Thomas B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slipper, Joseph Augustus. . . . . . . . . . Sanger, Joseph Prentiss. . . . . . . . . . . *Spencer, T. Rush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Stoughton, Edwin H. . . . . . . . . . . . *Smith, Melancton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith, Edward W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharpe, Jacob. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staples, Frank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fSmith, Charles A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a * ~ * s e a º e º 'º - * * * * *Smith, Joseph Rowe. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sawyer, James Estcourt. . . . . . . . . . . Schieffelin, William Henry. . . . . . . . Steiner, Lewis H.—M. D Smith, Andrew H Slocum, Henry W • e = < e < * * * * * * * * * * Sanford, Joseph Perry • * * * * e - s • * m e º 'º s e a tº e º a e º a s “ * * * - . e. e. e. - * s tº * *Snelling, Frederick Greenwood. . . Sharpe, George Henry. . . . . . . . . . . . Simms, William T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Staples, Samuel Chester Starring, Frederick A Sewell, George. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stevenson, John Henry • * e - e º e º 'º - a a - w w e s = a a “* * * * * • e e o a s e e º e º e a * Schuyler, Philip . . . #Schofield, John M Smith, Andrew J Swift, Charles N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Skelding, Henry T. . . . . . . tº a º A & a e a Stahel, Julius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spencer, Frederick A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - e tº e * Deceased. Present Rank. —- Brevet Rank. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Captain. Out of Service. Out of Service. Rear Admiral. Captain. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Major. 1st Lieutenant. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Captain. Lieut.-Com'dr. Out of Service. Major-General. Out of Service. Out of Service. Lieut.-Com'dr. Out of Service. Out of Service. * - ºg º º º & e º º & tº e º 'º - a º Lieut.-Col. Brig.-Gen. V. * * * * * * * * * * * * tº a ſº sº e º º ºs • * is tº e º a n e º 'º º Major. Brig.-Gen. • sº e º º is a ~ * * * * * g º e º 'º e º 'º e s & * a s e º s is º 'º e s tº e s s a gº tº e º 'º a ſº * * * * * * * is e s is dº • * p * * * e e s m e º e ºr e º e de Major. Colonel. Lieut.-Col. * * * * * * * * * * * * * e g º ºs & e < * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * *From Commandery State of Tenn. f From Commandery State of Cal, 39 Arm of Department, Original Entry into Service, Resigned or Honorably - & Corps or with . . Discharged, Service. Regiment. Date and Rank. with Date and Rank. Navy. Line. - Sept., '61, Midshipman.|Dec., '65, Ensign. Vols. 2d Penn. Cav. Jan. 1, ’62, Private. April,65, I Lt. and A. Vols. 38th Mass. V. Aug., 1862, Captain. July, 1865, Captain. Mil’a. 37th N. Y. S.M. May 27, '62, Colonel. July 24, '63, Colonel. Vols. 53d N. Y. V. Apl. 20, '61, Private. Mch. 30, '62, 1st Lt. Navy. Line. Sept. 27, '64, Midshipman.' Feb. 1, ’74, Lieut. Vos. 50th N.Y. Engs. Sept. 9, 61, 1st. Lieut. |May 31,”62, 1st Lieut. Vºls. 7th Tenn. Cav. Sep. 1,62, ILt.2W.Ten.C.|Aug.24, '65, Captain Vols. 33d Mass. V. July 24, '62, Captain. June 29,’65, Captain. Vols. A. A. G. Sept. 16, '61, Ist. Lieut. Sept. 19,’65, Major. Army.|1st Artillery. *|Aug. 5, '61, 2d Lt. 1 Art.j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vols. Medical. . . . . . . . . . . . * tº º e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Vols. 4th Vt. Vols. July 1, ’59, Bvt. 2d Lt. Brig.-Gen. Vols. Navy. Line. Mch. 1, 26, Act. Mids. Retired, May 24,”71. Army. |18th Infantry. 1861. * B. G. Vols. byt. '66, Vols. 156th N. Y. V. April 20, '61, 1st Lieut. Nov, 6, '65, Colonel. Vols. |4th N. Y. C. Aug.,’61, 1st Lt.4N.Y.C.|May 16, '65,2d Lieut. Vols. |5th Cal. Vols. |October, '61, Captain. |Dec. 14, '64, Captain. Vols. Brig.-Gen. Apl. 19, '61, Maj.7NY.M. Sep. I,’65, Brig.-Gen. Army. Medical. 1823, 2d Lieut., 2d Inft. Retired List. Army. 5th Artillery. |April 8, '65, Capt’s Clk. . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * Vols. 1st N. Y. M. R. Sept. 11’’62, Major. Mch. 17, '63, Major g is sº e º a Sant. Com. Aug. 15, '61, Med. Ins. July 12, '64, Ch’ſ Ins. Army. |Medical. Dec. 20, '61, Asst. Surg. April 24, '68, Capt. Vols. li.2th A. C. May, '61, Col. 27 N. Y. V. Sept., '65, Maj.-Gen. Navy. Line. Feb. I I,’32, Midshipman.|March 1, ’69, Capt. Vols. | Medical. an. 7, '62, Asst. Surg. June 16, '64, Surgeon. Vols. 120th N. Y. V. |April, '61, Captain. June, '65. Colonel. Vols. 59th N Y. V. Apr. 19, '61, Pvt.2 N.Y.M.July 10, '65, Major. Vols. Paymaster. Sept. 15, '62, Major. July 20, '66, Major. Vols. 72d Ills. Vols. Sept., '61, Major. Feb. 26, '66, Col. Navy. Chief Engineer.|March, '47, Ist A. Eng. . . . . . . . . . . . s tº dº ſº gº & Navy. |Paymaster. Sept. 19, '62, A. A. Pay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Army. 14th U. S. I. May 14, '61, 1st Lieut. June 30, '65, Captain. Army Major-General. July 1, ’53, Bwt.2d Lieut. . . . . . . . . . . . . Vols. A. A. G. July 25, '62, Adjutant. |Feb. 25, '66, Major. Vols. |30th U. S. C. I. Aug. 18, '62, Private. Mch. 18, '65, Captain. Navy. Paymaster. Dec. 31, ’62 Asst. Paym’r. . . . . . Vols. Line. April, '61, Lt.-Col. Feb.8, '65, Maj.-Gen. Vols. 2d Col’da Cav. May 15, '62, 1st Lieut. Sept.23, '65, IstLieut. Address. *—r- Albany, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Chicago, Iſls. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Leith, Scotland. New York, N.Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Newport, R. I. Santa Fe, N. M. New York, N.Y. S.Oyst’rB’y, NY St. Paul, Minn. Milwaukee, Wis San Jose, Cal. Chicago, Ills. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Monroe, Mich. Atlanta, Ga. ..]New York, N.Y. Frederick, Md. New York, N.Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Kingston, N. Y. New York, N.Y. New York.N.Y. London, Eng. Navy Yard, N.Y Brooklyn, N.Y. New York. N.Y. New Orleans, La Onandaga, Mºnt New York, N.Y. U.S. S. Wy'ng. Osaka, Japan. Waterbury, Ct. 4O O Elected. ; Companions. Apr. 7, '75. Ist. Sawyer, Frederick A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 3, '75. 1st. Scott, Eben G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 3, '75. 'Ist. Sheldon, Alvanus W. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jun. 26, ’76. Ist. If Simpson, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 6, ’76. Ist. i*Stockwell, Levi S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 11, ’77. Ist. ||Sterling, Alexander F. . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 2, '78. 2d. Sharpe, Severyn B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 6, '78. Ist. Sterling, William H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 6, '78. Ist. Shepard, Charles O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 8, '79. Ist. Smith, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 7, '79. Ist. Sears, Clinton B. . . . . . . . 2 tº º ºs e s is a • Oct. 1, ’79. Ist. Squire, Watson C. . . . . . . • e º 'º º º e s ∈ a Dec. 3, '79 |1st. Schuyler, Hermann P. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 5, '81. 1st. Smith, Henry E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 4, '81. Ist. Stevens, George T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, '66. Ist. *Tripler, Charles S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 4, '66. Ist. Trenchard, Stephen Decatur. . . . . . Sep. 15, '66. Ist. Tyler, Robert Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. Io, '66. Ist. Taylor, Stuart M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ec. 5, '66. Ist. Terry, Alfred H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 3, '63. 1st. If Townsend, Frederick . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 4, '63. 1st. Trimble, Joel G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 6, '69.3d. Townsend, Franklin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 3, '6).|1st. Tileston, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 6, '69. 1st. Thomas, William Harrison . . . . . . . . O St. 6, ’69 || 1st. If Thompson, Theodore S. . . . . . . . . . June 1, ’70.|1st. Truesdell, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1, ’70.|1st. Tailof, lvan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mch. 1, ’71.list. Tracey, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 5, 71. 1st. 'Tibbits, William B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 3, '77.|1st. Tallman, Edward A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 1, ’79. 1st. Tremaine, William S. . . . . . . . . . . . . May 5, '80. Ist. Treiched, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 5, '80. 1st. Ten Eyck, Jacob H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 3, '80.1 st. Tibbits, Le Grand C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mch. 2, '81. 2d. Trenchard, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mch. 5, '79. Ist. Ulrich, Charles F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 17, '66. Ist.IVogdes, Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Present Rank. Brevet Rank. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Eldest son of. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Captain. Out of Service. Out of Service. ... Out of Service. Out of Service. Major. Rear-Admiral. 3rig.-General. Captain. [lieut.-Com’r. Captain. Out of Service. Out of Service. Nephew of. Eldest son of. Out of Service. Colonel. Lieut.-Col. • * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * *, * Col. N. Y. S. M. Companion. • * * * * * e s a se e s • e e - as e e s a s a e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * Lieut.-Colonel. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Out of Service. Maj.-Gen.V. Lieut.-Col. Major-Gen. Brig.-Gen. Major. * * * * g e e º e º e ºs • * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º ºr as ºr & a º º sº s º a s & E & 4 * * * * * * * * * * * Companion. Companion. Major. Brig.-Gen. * Deceased. ; From Commandery State of Cal, † From Commandery State of Penna. * From Membership-at-Large, 4 I An m of Department, Original Entry into Service |, Resigned or Honorably Corps or wit Discharged, Address. Service. Regiment. Date and Rank. with Date and Rank. Vols. Iooth N. Y. V. |May 13, '61, Private. Sept. 16, ’,65 Major. New York, N.Y. Army. 5th Artillery. Apr.,’61, 1st Lt. 11 Pa.V. May, 63, 1st Lt. Wilkesbar, e, Pa. Vols. C. S. Apr. 16, '61, Private. March 20, '66, Maj. [New York, N.Y. Vols. 4th Mich. Cav. July o2, '62, Q. M. Sgt |Oct. 20, '65, Major S. Francisco, Cal Navy. Vols. Brevet Army. Vols. Army. Army. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Army. Navy. Army. Vols. Army. Army. Army. N. G’d Vols. Vols. Navy. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. Army. Vols. Vols. Brevet R. Ad’] Vols. Army. Paymaster. 4 Ist N. Y. V. Major-Gen. 1st U. S. Inf. 82d N. Y. V. 19th U. S. Inf. U. S. Engin’rs. OhioSharpsh’urs 1st Wis. V. 21st U. S. Inf. 77th N. Y. V. Medical. Line. Quartermaster. A. A. G. Dept. South. 9th U. S. Inf. 1st Cavalry. A. G. S. N. Y. 131st N. Y. V. Ch. 4 N. H. V. Paymaster. 65th N. Y. V. 2d U. S. V. 18th N. Y. Cav. Cavalry Corps. 24th N. Y. Cav. Asst. Surg. 5th Penn. Cav. 154th N. Y. V. Major-Gen. 31st U. S. C. T. Nov. 25, '61, Asst. Payn’, July 8, '61, Vol. Surg. Geo. H.Sharpe, U. S. V. May 18, '61, 2d Lt. May 20,61, P.21st N.Y.V. May 14, '61, Captain. July 24, '62, P.95th OhioV May 22, '61, Lt. 19 N.Y.V Sept. 25, '61, Private. May 14, '61, 1st L. 12U.S. I Oct. 8, '61, Asst. Surg. Oct. 30, '30, Asst. Surg. Oct. 23, '34, Midshipman. July 1, ’53. B,2d Lt. 2d Art • * * * = e º e s = e e s e º ºs e s = Nov. 21, ’65, Paym’r July, '63, Vol. Surg. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * July 28, '65, Capt. Apr. I2, '64, Ist Lt. IDec. 31, ’70, Capt. Dec. 13, '64, Surg. s sº e s sº e º e º 'º e º a dº e º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * May 7, '61, Col. 2 Conn.V May 14, '61, Maj. 18 Inf. Feb. 5, '55, Priv. I Drag. Jan. I, '69, A. G. S. N.Y. July. '62, 2d Lt. Nov. 16, '63, Chaplain. Oct. 9, '63, Act. Ast. Paym June 18, '61, Ist Lt. Aug. 20, '61, Sergt. September, '62, 2d Lt. May 14, '61, Captain, Apr. 23, '61, P. 14 N.Y.V. Aug.8, '63, A.S. 24 Mass V Sep. 14, '61, Maj.3 Pa. Cav Apr. 23, '61, Capt. 3 N.Y. Wm. B. Tibbits, U.S. V. Ste. D.Trenchard, U.S.N Nov. 11, ’62, P. 25 Ct.V. Oct. I, '66, Capt. M. G. Vols. Mch.27, '68, Lt.-Col. Aug. 21, ’79, Retired Ap.7,’79, A.G.S.N Y August, '65, Capt. June 28, '64, Chapl’n Sept. 12, '64, Capt. March 10, '66, Major Aug., '65, Lt.-Col. Jan., '66, Brig. Gen. June 26, '65, Capt Aug. 6, '65, M jor. Jan. II, '63, Major. (Deceased.) (Retired.) Nov. 7, '65, Capt. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Plainfield, N. J. Bradford, F. nº. Chappaqua, NY WestFoini N.Y. Ilion, N. Y. Troy, N. Y. New York. N.Y. Albany, N. Y. Detroit, Mich. New York, N.Y. S. Francisco, Cal S. Francisco. Cal St. Paul, Minn. Albany, N. Y. Santa Barbara,C Albany, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Mamaron’k, NY Navy Yard N.Y Brooklyn N.Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Troy, N. Y. Utica, N. Y. Kansas City. Mo. New York, N.Y. Albany, N. Y. Hoosac, N. Y. New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. 1st Artillery. July 1,'37, 2d Lt. 1st Art. Jan. 2, '81, Retired. Ft. Adams, R.I. 42 Elected. g Companions. I’resent Rank. Brevet Rank. Mch. 18, '66. Ist. Van Alen, James H. . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . July 11, ’66. Ist. Van Vliet, Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colonel. Maj.-Gen Dec. 5, '66. Ist. Van Winkle, Edgar Beach . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 8, '68. 1st. *Vidal, Theodore Charles. . . . . . . . Out of Service. Captain. Oct. 7, '68.]ist. Von Schirach, Frederick Charles... Captain. Captain.' Dec. 5, '77. 1st, Van Rensselaer, Kilaen. . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 5, '81. 1st. Van Antwerp, William W. . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major June 1, '81. 3d. Vanderpoel, Samuel O. . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 16, '66. 1st. Worden, John Lorimer. . . . . . . . . . . Rear-Admiral. Feb. 16, '66. Ist. Wake, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear-Admiral. I. . . . . . . . . . . Mch. 18, '66. |1st. [Webb, Alexander Stewart . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major Gen. Apl. 4, '66. 1st. Wagstaff, Alfred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Lieut. Col. Apl. 25, '66. 1st, if Wood, William W. W. . . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . July II, '66. 1st. White John P. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. |Lieut.-Col. Sep. I I, '67.|1st. Webster, Almer Preston. . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. I. . . . . . . . . . . . Sep. II, '67.|3d. Woodward, John Blackburne ..... Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. I, '68. |ist. Wells, Henry M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leut.-Com'dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . May 6, '68 |1st. Werden, Reed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear Admiral. l. . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 7, '68. 3d. “Wyman, Luther B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2, '69 |ist. 'Watts, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Colonel. Dec. I, '69" 1st. Western, Charles B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. I, '69. 1st. Woolverton, Theoron. . . . . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Com'dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 5, 70.|1st. Wheelan, James N . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain. Colonel Vols Feb. 2, 70.|1st. White, Charles Henry ... . . . . . . . . Lieut.-Com'dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1, ’70.|1st. Waters, William E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surgeon. Major. June 1, ’70.|1st. Wood, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. Major Gen. Nov. 2, '70.|ist. Ward, Samuel B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. [ . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 2, '70.|1st.|Wainwright, Charles S. . . . . . . . . . . Out of Serviee. Brig.-Gen. May 3, ‘7 I-list. Webb, Robert Stewart........... Out of Service. |Lieut.-Col. Qct. 4, 71. 1st. Wilson, Charles Irving........... Major. Major. Apl. 3, '72. Ist. *Wood, William M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodore. I. . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 6, ’75.|1st. Wise, William G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 3, '77.|1st. Wilson, Robert P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mch. 6, '78. 1st. Wright, Edward H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2, '78. |ist. Woodward, Edwin T. . . . . . . . . . . . Commander. * * * * * Dec. 3, '79. Ist. Warner, James E .......... . .....|Out of Service. Brig.-Gen Jan. 7, '80.|Ist. Wood, Edward E. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - Ist Lieutenant. | . . . . . . . . . . . . Apl. 7, '80.|1st.|Winne, Charles K............... Captain. Lieut...Col. May 5, '80.|1st. Wilson, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 1, '80. Ist." Wilson, Philip L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Out of Service. * Deceased, f From Commandery State of Penna. 43 Arm of Service. gºmºmºmº Wols. Army. Vols. Army. Army. Vols. Vols. N. Gd. Navy. Navy. Army. Vols. Navy. Vols. Vols. N G’d Navy. Navy. . |14th U. S. Inf. . Surgeon. . 2d U. S. Cav. . Surgeon. ..] Medical. .|Paymaster. . Surgeon-Gen. .6th U. S. Cav. ... [Line. ..]8th U. S. Inf. .18th U. S. Cav. ..] Medical. Department, Corps or Regiment. Original Entry into Service, WIt Date and Rank. Resigned or Honorably Discharged, with Date and Rank. Address. -ms Brig.-Gen. Asst. Q. M. G. io9 U. S. C. I. Signal Corps. Ret. Dec. 15,”o 39th N. Y. V. 4th Mich. Cav. Surg. Gen., N.Y. Line. Line. Waiting Orders. 91st N. Y. V. Chief Engineer. Ioth N. Y. V. 9th N. Y. V. Adjutant Gen. Surgeon. Line. s is is a tº e º g is sº tº tº 136th N. Y. V. Medical. 1st N. Y. A. Paymastor. 6th Mass. Vols. A. A. G. 3d N. Y. Aug. 23d, '61. July 1,’40, 2d Lt.3d Art. Dec.27, '62, I Lt. to3NYV Sept. 5,’61,2dLt.48NYV. April 19. '61. Pvt. Vols. Jan. 9, '64, 1st Lieut. Aug. 16, '62, 2d Lieut. Jan.’61, B.G. Surg. Gen. Jan. Io,'34, Midshipman. Aug. 3,'63. Brig. Gen Jan. 22,’81, Retired. July II '65, Cap ain. Aug. '65. Ist. Lieut. June 6, 67. B. Maj.V June 7, '65. July 1, '65, Captain. Jan. I,’63,Surg. Gen. * is sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * e < Feb. 1, ’27. Midshipman. July 1,’55, Bvt.2 L.4 Art. March 15,'45,Chief Eng. Ap.25,’66.A.Sg.9N.Y.V May 31, '61, ist Lieut. Ap.23,’61.2dL. 13 S.N.G July 30, '61. Jan. 9,'34, Midshipman. Aug. 28, '62, Surgeon. May 29,'62, P.8th NYSM. July 17,’ 62, Asst. Surg. July 17, '61, Private. Oec. 26, '61, A-st. Surg. Aug. 3, '61. Surgeon, V. Sept. 17, '62. S*pt. io, '62, Med. Cadet. Oct. 13, '61, Major. Sept. 5, '61. May 28, '61, Asst. Surg. July 1, ’29. May 27, '62, 1st Lieut. May 15, '61, E. 16.N.Y.V. Aug. 19, '61, Col. ADCV Sept, 20,’59, Act. Mid. July 1,”60, Bvt.2L. IoUSI Sept.8.’62,ComS. 17 Pa C Aug. 5, '61, Asst. Surg. June 13, '61, 2d Lieut. * * * * * * * * 2d Bat. Vet.R.C. Apr. 26,’71, Retired. Dec., '70, Lt. Cºl. July 5, '66, Major. Reſired. Feb. 25, '63, Surg. May 20, '63, Capt. Jan. 1, ’80, Maj.Gen. * e º 'º º º e s s is is sº a sº e º ºs * * * * * * * * is e º 'º º ºs & sº as a New York, N.Y. Washington. DU New York, N.Y. Minneapolis, Ma Ratzeburg, Ger. New York, N.Y. . Jackson, Mich. Albany, N. Y. Washington, DC Brooklyn, N. Y. New York.N. Y. New Y, rk, N.Y. Washington, DC New York, N.Y. IdahoSpring Co. Brooklyn, N. Y. Naval Lab.N.Y. Newport, R. I. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N.Y. Ft. Dougl., U.T. Philadelphia. I'a a s is s is a e s m s tº e is a s e º a une 13, '65. Oct. 7, '65, Asst.Surg. June 20,’65, Colonel. August 5, '67. Dec. 31,'70, Capt. Un May 27,’71, Retired. Jan. 28.’63. 1st Lieut. Feb. 18,’64, Captain. Apr. 25, '63, Major. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s s = e º e º s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * June 23, '64, Capt. May 9,’61. Priv. 5th NYV Jan. 18,’65,2d Lieut. & Ft. Ellis, Ma. USSL’Aawanna .#Ft.M’Kavett. I x *Geneseo, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. New York, N.V. lºsſ. Mass ev York. N. Y. Owing’s Mls, Md Auburn, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Newark, N. J. U.S.S. Wantic. Albany, N. Y. New Orleans, La Ft.Schuyler, NY New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y, 44 o - Elected. § Companions. Present Rank. Brevet Rank. w May 4, '81. 1st. White, Whitman V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 2, '81. 1st. Young, Charles L................ Out of Service. Lieut.-Col. May 4, '70. t "Zulevsky, Ladistas L......... .... 'Out of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Arm of Department, Original Entry into Service, Resigned or Honorably Corps or with Discharged, Address. Servic- Fegiment. Date and Rank. with Date and Rank. -— — — ” Vols. 57th Mass. V. July 15, '61,Surg.47NYV|July 30,’65. Surgeºn.|New York, N.Y. Vols. |7oth N. Y. V. June 13, '61, 1st Lieut. July 6, 64, Captain.|Toledo, O'hio. Wols. |82d U. S. C. T. March 28, 63, Lt. Col. Sept. 10, 66, Col. |Augusta, Ga. Total. . . . . . . . . . . . & Q ºn tº gº tº e º 'º e g º e 436. 47 No. o No. of Diploma Order of Membership. Diploma Order of Membership. and Badge. and Badge. 55 | f Montgomery, J. E. 239 Trenchard, S. D. 53 | "f Kiddoo, J. B. 323 Erben, H 68 f Knox, K. *Cornwell, J. J. I I I “Halpine, C. G. 1, or 4 || Febiger, J. C. 122 || Vogdes, I. 231 | *Barry, G. R. 639 | Butterfield, D. 2 I I | Carleton, C. A. 127 Davies, H. E., Jr. 322 || Harmony, D. B. I28 McMahon, M. T. 235 Patten, G. W. 13o | Church, W. C. 232 || De Peyster, J. L. I32 || King, H. C. 24o Wagstaff, A. I33 | Slipper, J A. 212 || Lockwood, H. C. 136 || Ransom, G. M. 229 | Aspinwall, L. 215 Kent, J. F. 233 || Hubbell, H. W. 366 Dayton, O. V. 303 | *Halsey, T. H. 220 | \Worden, J. L. 270 tWood, W. W. W. 57 I Bodgers, C. R. P. 272 | f McIntosh, J. B. 572 | f Ammen, D. 642 | *Granger, G 845 ‘Spencer, T. R. 3ol | Milhau, J. J. 296 | *Prentice, F. 839 *Stoughton, E. H. 218 Peet, F. T. . 367 | Perry, R. C. 216 Molineaux, E. L. 371 | *Belden, C. O. 217 Phoenix. L. 573 | *Porter, B. 213 | *Bell, J. H. 335 | Morgan, R. C. 365 | *Ringgold, C. 216 | f Smith, M. 224 || Langdon, L. L. . 745 Van Vliet, S. 223 Jackson, R. H. 792 | *Porter, A. 226 Sanger, J. P. 336 Morris, W. H. 849 “Tripler, C. S. 23o | White, J. P. P. 580 | Rumsey, W. 529 *Eversfield, C. 214 | "Collins, W. J. 790 Grier, W. 582 *Heintzelman, S. P. 532 | Lyford, S. C. I97 fMcCook, A. G. 1,050 | Ring, G. 221 *Farragut, D. G. 330 Roe, F.A 846 “Devin, T. C. 636 | *Hamblin, J. F. 3oo Walke, H. 789 Franklin, W. B. 225 Martin, C. 360 | *Eliott, S. McK. 630 | * Liebenau, J. H. 326 Mott, A. B. 3oz Webb, A. S. 635 | Elliott, H. H. Jr. 228 Van Alen, J. H. 850 *Tyler, R. O. 222 *Hastings, G. G. 37o Casey, S. 238 Pleasonton, A. 733 Clarke, H. F. 236 *Pennock, A. M. 746 | *Abercrombie, J. J. f From Commande State of Penna. t To Commandery State of Penna. *Deceased. 48 No of No. of Diploma Order of Membership. T)iploma | Order of Membership. and Badge and Badge. 444 || Taylor, S. M. 634 || Cranford, H. L. 737 Dodge, C. C. 626 *Vidal, T. C. 394 || DePeyster, J.W.Sr. (3d 7.43 Smith, W.C. (3d Class.) Class.) 64 i Shaler, A. 207 || Morrison, J. B. 637 Case, A. I. 53) | *Rockafeller, H. 7,6 Kendal. F. A. 219 Ripley, R. A. 7 59 || Pinckney, I 1. 443 *Cushing, E. H., I, 363 f Menken, J. S. I, II 2 Smith, E. W. 742 | *Smith, J. R. 44 I Van Winkle, E. B. 744 Sawyer, J. E. 1, 148 Terry, A. H. 727 *Bailey, T. 41 I | f Kidder, J. H. 7 : 2 Campbell, N. L. 409 fBeebe, W. S. 885 Wells, H. M. 578 Graham, C. K. 729 Ames, A. 574 Noyes F. G. 1,076 McMillan, C. 74.1 | Sharp, J. 638 || Biddle, G. H. 581 Ferguson, J. F. 738 Werden, R. 53 I Staples, F. 740 || Almy, J. J. 875 Jewett, P. A. 842 Grant. G. 494 fSmith, C. A. 735 Schieffelin, W. H. 588 Ingalls, R. 799 || £Townsend, Frederick. 290 tºurd, C. 73 i Eldredge, J. C. 584 *Matthews, J. S. 788 || Coleman, F. W. 57o Peck, G. 787 | Ketchum, E., Jr. 585 Webster, A. P. 1, c8 Clitz, H. B. 577 | *Nesmith, C. E. 886 | *Allison, T. S. 587 | *Mead, G. L. 796 | Dixon, J. W. 625 Woodward, J. B., (3d 797 | Elfwing, N. A. Class.) 840 | Bates, J. A. 579 Hunter, D. 793 | Freeborn, T. 575 Marvin, S. E. 84 I Perley, J. K. 624 / Lawrence, A. G. 861 | *Partridge, J. N. 586 Gardner, A. B 879 | McQuade, J. 543 fBarton, G. I.)e F. 941 | *Mahnken, J. H. 632 Hutchings, W. V. 882 | Michaelis, O. F. 844 Pyne, C. M. 877 Von Schi ach, F. C. 623 Pratt, W. 880 || | Homiston, J. M. 640 Irwin, B. J. D. *Wyman, L. B. (3d 627 Long, J. H. Class.) 730 ; *Albert, J. S. 948 *Healy, W. J. *Deceased. tfrom. Commandery State of Tenn. ÍFrom Commandery State of Penna. °From Commandery State of Mass. 49 A- TNo. of No. of Diploma Order of Membership. Diploma Order of Membership. and Badge. and Badge, 946 | Trimble, J. G. 1,150 | *Lewis, W. H. 881 | Steiner, L. H. (3d 1,192 || Western, C. B. Class). 1, 1 to lłissell, G. P. 923 f0abot, S. I, I5 I Wool verton, T. 1,081 || Belknap, A. 1, 1 15 | Eager, W. B., Jr. 883 Smith, A. H. 1, 163 || Starring, F. A. I, O22 *Davis, C. l I. I, II 4 Wheelan, J. N. 1,024 | *Barrett, E. 1, 153 | Fernow, B. 949 || Slocum, H. W. 1, 154 || Alberger, W. C. 94I Eldredge, C. H. 1, 155 Sewell, G. 942 *Gill, A. W. H. I, 152 White, C. H. 945 Townsend, Franklin I, 14o | IMason, E. P. (3d Class). 1, 158 | Ferris, D. O. 950 Farragut, L. 1, 157 | "Carleton, J. H. 1, 166 Heine, W. I, I47 * Ellis, H. A. 95 I Tileston, T. 1, 168 || Abbott, J. C. 1,017 Curtis, N. M. 1, 174 tMallory, W. H. 1,015 "Hamilton, W. 1, 165 long, O. M. 952 | *Foster, E. 1, 164 Barney, A. M. 1,016 |*De Peyster, F., Jr. 1,207 || Gardner, R. P. 1,047 | Hassler, C. W. 1, 167 Zulavsky, L. L. I,OI 3 Cunningham, J. S. I,205 Hinks, E. W. 1,020 | Sanford, J. P. 1, 191 Jardine, E. 1,046 Kitchen, M. L. W. 1,206 Truesdell, S. I,019 *Snelling, F. G. I,213 Waters, W. E. I,02 I Keteltas, li. 1, 188 || Stevenson, J. H. I,023 | Read, J. M., Jr. (3d 1,232 Wood, J. Class). 1, 189 || Tailof, i. I,049 Burns, W. W. . I, 21 O Cochrane, J. 1,077 Sharpe, G. H. I,209 *Dumont, R. S. 1, Io& Faulkner, L. B. I,295 Hall, J. F. I,05 I Rogers, W. F. 1,208 || *Corning, C. H. 1,086 Porter, H. M. I, 2 I I Ferris, W. G. 1,079 | McCook, J. J. 1,214 || Neville, E. M. 1,078 Watts, R. I,215 Crosby, H. B. 1,084 Simms, W. T. I,222 Ward, S. B. 1,085 Cooper, P. 1,223 McKeever, C. 1, 190 | Pope, B. F. 1,226 Wainright, C. S. 1,104 || "Staples, S. C. 1,224 Burleigh, J. L. 1,087 | Christen-en, C. T. 1,212 | Eagle, H. 1, 105 | Thomas, W. H. I,225 Reeve, I. V. D. I, Cog | f Thompson, T. S. 1,227 | Alden, C. H. I, Icó | Leonard, R. W. 1,246 || Raymond, C. H. 1, 113 | Bull, W. S. 1,250 | Cooley, J. C. * Deceased. # From Corrimandery State of Mass. ffrom Commandery State of Penna. 50 --- - - ------ ~~~ --~~~~-º-º-º: --- ---------------------"-ºm-º. No. of No of T)iploma | Order of Membership. Diploma Order of Membership. and Badge and Badge I,229 | *Edwards, D. S. I,445 Healy, R. W. I, 23 I Morris, F. I,447 Derrom, A. I,230 Brownell, C. A. 1,443 | Ellis. H. C. 1,248 || Baker, J S. A. 1,49; Stahel, J. I,247 Hendrick, A, C. 1,444 || Lillie, A. B. H. I, 25 I Dickinson, S. A. 1,489 || Spencer, F. A. I,249 Schuyler, P. 1,528 | f Asch, M. I,263 || Johnson, C. A. 1,541 || DeKay, S. B. I,261 Tracey, J. 1,542 || Rathbone. C. I,262 || Lawrence, S. B. 1,544 || De Queralta, F. L. 1,296 || *Tibbitts, W. B. 1,548 || "Johnson, J. W. I,294 || Kimball, J. P. 1,633 Sawyer, F. A. 1,266 Abbott, N. B. 1,546 Davies, T. M. 1,265 Hoyt, J. J. 1,545 | Reed, J. C. 1,264 Fitzgerald, L. I,547 Adams, S. D. 1,274 | *Schofield, J. M. 1,632 || Wise, W. G. I,359 Smith, A. J. 1,630 Broome, J. L. I,297 Webb, R. S. 1,693 fLoring, C. H. 1,298 || "Miln, D. I. I 635 | Scott, E G. I,335 Swift, C. N. 1,637 Hutchinson, E. I,340 || Robinson, J. C. 1,634 Sheldon, A. W. I,357 French, P. 1,695 °Simpson, J. H. I,337 Carlton, W. J. I,715 IKneeland, S. 1,362 Fassitt, J. B. 1,636 || Hughes, T. W. B. 1,299 || "Jewett, O. D. 1,641 *Custer, G. A. 1,356 || Wilson, C. I. 1,639 Rundlet, T. P. 1,358 | Leavitt, S. 1,638 Jewell, W. H. 1,338 || Braine, D. L. 1,640 | Duryea, G. 1,339 *Hyde, S. T. 1,642 | Clark, A. M. I,377 Marthon, J. 1,643 Locke, F. T. 1,360 *Emanuel, L. S. 1,644 *Stockwell, L. S. I,372 *Davis, J. C. 1,646 Barrett, C. T. I,442 *Wood, W. M. 1,645 Colver, G. B. I,439 Ledlie, J. H. 1652 Estes, S. A. I,492 || Haggerty, R. A. 1 650 Davis, A. H. 1,374 || Skelding. H. T. 1,647 Asch, M. J. 1,440 | Olmstead. S. H. I,654 TSterling, A. F. I,375 Haight, E , Jr. 1,648 Knowlton, J. W. I,441 ! ſurlbut, S. D. I,649 Manning, H. S. 1,373 || McClellan, G. B. 1,769 || Denny, J. H. 1,488 || O’Beirne, R. F. 1,653 || Handren, J. W. 1,446 | Clay, H. DeB, 1,651 McQuade, J., Jr. (2d 1,488 McCarty, T. Class). .376 || Alberger, M. H. 1,771 Wilson, R. P. * Deceased. * From Commandery State of Cala. f From Commandery State of Penna. f From Commandery State of Mass. T From Membership at Large. 51 ~ *=== No. of Diploma Order of Membership. and Badge. 1,772 | Curtis, James E. 1,783 || Lowery, J. S. 1,770 Tallman, E. A. 1,78o | Callahan, C. M. 1,776 Corse, J. M. 1,773 | Bliven, C. H. 1,774 || Follett, J. L. 1,775 | Du Bois, J. Van D. 1,777 Van Rensselaer, K. 1,778 || Delevan, J. S. 1,779 || Sharpe, S. B. (2nd . Class). 1,807 fChristensen, F. (2nd Class). 1,782 Leland, F. L. 1,788 || Campbell, D. 1,781 | Holbrook, W. C. 1,785 | Pollock, A. 1,784 Wright, E. H. I,79 I Sterling, W. H. 1,787 Shepard, C. O. 1,786 Braune, L. F. (2nd Class). 1,789 Gillis, G. H. 1,792 || Colville, J. E. I,824 || Bagg, E. 1,790 Hawes, G. S. I,825 Woodward, E. T. 1,827 Kipp, C. J. 1,793 || Edwards, W. S. 2,043 Halsey, A. C. 1,794 | Perry, J. L. 1,823 || Lockwood, J. B. 1,842 | Ammon, J. H. 1,839 || Ledlie, G. W. I,835 Herron, F. J. 1,828 Smith, N. 1,830 | Pritchard, A. J. 1,829 | McKibbin, G. H. 1,831 || Lord T. E. 1,832 | Ulrich, C. F. 1,833 Mather, A. E. 1,834 || Roome, C. I,845 Racey, W. H. No. of TXiploma Order of Membership, and Badge. 1,836 || Clarkson, F. 1,838 | Frothingham, W. 1,837 || Morrison, D. 1,843 | Sears, C. B. 1,840 || Roosevelt, N. L. 1,841 Ransom, R. S. 1,844 || Mason, T. B. M. 1,846 Forsyth. J. 1,910 | Squire, W. C. 2,142 | Tremaine, W. S. 1,847 | Hedden, W. R. 1,906 || Douglas, A. T. 1.914 Schuyler, H. P. 1,907 || Gallaher, B. D. 1,908 || Warner, J. M. 1,905 || Hamilton, D. B. 1,911 Fowler, H. W. 1,913' | Wood, E. E. 1,909 | Astor, J. J. 1,912 | Du Bois, H. 2,035 | Brown, F. S. 2,041 || Winne, C. K. 2,039 || Corliss, S. 2,040 || Pinto, F. E. 2,052 | Treichel, C. 2,042 Ten Eyck, J. H. 2,049 || Wilson, C. 2,046 Grier, W. N. 2,047 | Hall, J. W. 2,048 || Langdon, C. S. 2,044 || Benkard, J. 2,045 Martin, E. W. (2nd Class). 2,051 | Robeson, J. T. Tibbits, Le G. C. 2,050 | Elder, R. B. 2,056 Carpenter, J. B. 2,055 Gilmore, J. R. 2,054 Meyer, H. C. 2,033 || Wilson, P. L. 2,057 | Olcott, D. 2,058 McEwan, J. S. 2,059 || Van Antwerp, W. W. 2,033 Smith, H. E. pºw-wº- j From Commandery State of California. 53 Tºe. " No. of No. of Diploma Order of Membership. Diploma Order of Membership. and Badge and Badge. 2, 135 | Young, C. L. Butler, B. C. 2, 140 | Carr, J. B. 2, 145 | Newman, J. L. 2, 134 || Lord, H. E. Stevens, G. T. 2, I43 Beers, A. B. White, W. V. à. 2, I37 Rand, T. B. Baker, B. F. 2, 136 Euen, M. S. Mendenhall, J. 2, 139 Parker, F. H. 2, 144 Greene, D. M. Trenchard, E. (2nd Hull, H. D. 2,138 Class). Vanderpoel, S.O. (3rd 2, 141 | Di Cesnola, L. P. Class). Greeley, E. S. Total...... 436 CASUALTIES Since the Publication of last Register, May, 1877. ELECTION DECLINED. Mch. 29, 1880. Lieutenant Commander James Parker, late U. S. Navy. Total, I. ELECTION DECLARED NULL AND VOID. Aaving neglected to perfect their Membership for the period of six (6) months.-Const., Art. VI, Sec. 3. May 1, 1878. Brevet Brigadier-General James G. Grindlay, Col- onel I46th N. Y. Vols. May 4, 1881. Captain Leodegar M. Lipp, 56th Mass. Vols. June 4, 1879. Captain Edmund A. Morse, A. Q. M., U. S. Vols. May 4, 1881. Captain Julius W. Porter, 2d Louisiana Cav. June 4, 1879. First-Lieutenant Josiah T. Reiff, Adjutant 15th Penna. Cavalry. Total, 5. RESIGNED.—Const., Art. VII., Sec. 1. Feb 6, 1878. Brevet Major Robert L. Burnett, late Captain 25th U. S. Infantry. Mch. 5, 1879. Major-General Schuyler Hamilton, U. S. Vols. May 1, 1878. Colonel Charles B. Stoughton, 4th Vermont Vols. tº £ & & Surgeon Francis M. Weld, U. S. Vols. June 1, 1881. Brevet Colonel Henry C. Wood, Major and A. A. G., U. S. Army. Total, 5. 54 TROPPED FROM THE Roll. Having neglected, or refused, after due notice, to pay their arrears, -Const., Art. XVIII, Sec. 3. May 1, 1878. Surgeon Evelyn N. Bissell, 5th Conn. Vols. & 4 4 & Brevet Major. General James Bowen, Brigadier- General U. S. Vols. £ 6 “ Captain John W. Clous, 24th U. S. Infantry. € $ 4 & Major Sherman Conant, 3d U. S. C. T. 66 “ Lieutenant Commander Henry H. Gorringe, U. S. Navy. G & “ Captain James E. Jovett, U. S. Navy. $ 6 6 tº fLieutenant-Colonel Daniel S. Lamson, 16th Mass Vols. & & “ Lieutenant George B. Livingston, U. S. Navy. & 4 “ *Captain Reigart B. Lowry, U. S. Navy. § & & & Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Henry C. Morgan, U. S. Army. (Retired.) & 6 & 4 Rear-Admiral Alexander Murray, U. S. Navy. May 7, 1879. Commander Charles S. Norton, U. S. Navy. May 1, 1878. Brevet Brigadier-General James R. O’Beirne, 22nd Vet. Res. Corps. Total, 13. EXPELLED. Having been impeached, and the charge sustained of, “conduct unbecoming a gentleman, and inconsistent with that of a man of honor.”—Const., Art. VIII, Sec. 1. May 7, 1879. Brevet Major James B. Bell, Captain 24th Mass. Vols. Feb. 4, 1880. Captain Ezra Sprauge, 20th Conn, Vols. Total, 2. ***_* tThrough Commandery State of Massachusetts, *Deceased. 55 TRANSFERRED.—Const., Art. VII, Set. 4. June 4, May Dec. I, June 2, July 3, 1880. Mar. 31, 1880. July 11, 1879. Nov. 30, 1879. Apr. 4, 1878. July 31, 1879. 2, 1877. Oct. Nov. 19, 1877. May 1, 1880. Apl. 8, 1879. Sep. 15, 1877. Aug. 19, 1880. 188o. Zo Commandery State of Massachusetts. 1879. Second Lieutenant George Booth, 9th Lt. Batt’y, Mass. Vols. 1, 1878. Assistant Surgeon James H. Denny, 2nd Mass. Hvy. Artillery. 1880. B. evet Major George F. McKay, Captain 55th Mass Vols. Zºo Commandery State of Pennsylvania. Captain Prince R. Setson, late 15th U. S. Infantry. Total, 4. DECEASED. Chief Engineer John S. Albert, U. S. Navy. Commodore Edward Barrett, U. S. Navy. Lieutenant Colonel Clarence H. Corning, 14th N.Y. Heavy Artillery. Brevet Major-General Jefferson C. Davis, Colonel 23d U. S. Infantry. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas C. Devin, Colonel 3d U. S. Cavalry. Major John Van D. DuBois, U.S. Army. (Re ired.) Captain Lyon L. Emanuel, 82d Penna Vols. Major Thomas H. Halsey, Paymaster, U. S. Army. Major-General Samuel P. Heintzelman, U.S. Army. (Retired.) Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph M. Homiston, Surgeon 16th N. Y. Cavalry. First Lieutenant Simeon P. Hyde, 15th Conn. Vols. Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. Army. (Retired.) 56 Sep. 28, 1878. Lieutenant Colonel William H. Lewis, 19th U. S. Infantry. Dec. 13, 1878. Captain Joseph H. Liebenau, A. A. G. U. S. Vols. Mch. 16, 1880. Brevet Major John H. Mahnken, Captain 8th U. S. Cavalry. June 30, 1880. Lieutenant-Colonel David I. Milm, 65th N. Y. Vols. Nov. 16, 1878. Surgeon Frederick G. Snelling, U. S. Vols. Oct. 7, 1879. Paymaster Levi S. Stockwell, late U. S. Navy. Feb. 10, 1880. Brevet Major-General William B. Tibbits, Brigadier- General U. S. Vols. Mch. 1, 1880. Commodore William M. Wood, Surgeon-General U. S. Navy. July 27, 1879. Mr. Luther B. Wyman (3d Class). Total, 21. TOTAL CASUALTIES. Declined Election . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - ... I Election Declared Null and Void. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Resigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -º t e º 'º º 5 Dropped from the Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3 Expelled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Transferred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Deceased. . . . . . . . . . & e s tº G 3 & © a tº e º & © e. tº g º ºs º e o 'º & © & © º ºx Q & © e º e º a e < * 2 º' * * Total, 51. S U M M A. R.Y. *- ~ RESIDENT MEMBERS. First (ist) Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Second (2d) Class... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 5 Third (3d) Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total Resident, 169 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. First (1st) Class. . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s • * * * * * * * * * I95 Second (2d) Class..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Third (3d) Class..................................... 5 Peceased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 - Total Non-Resident,- 267 Total Members, 436 CLASSIFICATION BY ARM OF SERVICE. United States Army......... . . . . . . ................. 64 Ex- “ & C “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 United States Navy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . se tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 56 Ex- * * £ 6 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4 United States Marine Corps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ex- * * & & & & “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I United States Volunteers..... tº a se e s is e º e s a e s ∈ e s m = e º ºs e e º e s a e 245 New York State Militia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ I First Class–Hereditary............. - e º e º 'º e º & e º ºs e s tº s e º e s e 5 Second Class “ .................... ** e º 'º - e g g g g º e º ºs 6 Third Class-Citizen............................ . . . . . . . . 3 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 Gained since the issue of last Register, May, 1877. . . . . . . . . . I34 Lost since the issue of last Register, May, 1877 (exclusive of I N DE X. Charter Members, - - - - Officers, - sº - s - Past Officers, - - * - Election of Members, * - Meetings, - t- - * - Resident Members, - º - Funds, - - - - - Relief, - - - º - Companions changing residence, - Applications for Membership, Circular No. 6, of December 14th, “A ſection of Members,” - Tabular Register of Members, - Order of Membership, . - - Casualties, -- - - 1871, relative PAGE. I4 I4 17 17 17 Summary, - º -- º º - - - 18 * 47 53 57 . Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. (Acting Commandery-in-Chief. ) Aead-Quarters, Philadelphia. . . . Instituted April 15, 1865. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John P. Nicholson, TJ. s.v. y Recorder, 139 S. 7th Street, Philadelphia. . Commandery of the State of New York. Head-Quarters, New York City. Instituted June 17, 1866. Brevet Brigadier-General CHAs. A. CARLEton, U.S. V., . Recorder, 98 Broadway, New York City. . Commandery of the State of Massachusetts. Head-Quarters, Boston. Instituted Mar. 4, 1868. - Colonel ARNOLD A. RAND, late Mass. Vols:, . • * Recorder, 53 Tremont Street, Boston: Commandery of the State of California. Head-Quarters, San Francisco. Instituted April 12, 1871. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. SMEDBURG, late U. S. A., . . . . . . Recorder, 203 California Street, S. F. Commandery of the State of Wisconsin. Head-Quarters, Milwaukee. Instituted May 15, 1874. Lieutenant-Colonel Jos: MCC. BELL, U. S. V., Recorder, 82 Michigan Street, Milwaukee. Commandery of the State of Illinóis. - - - Bead-Quarters, Chicago. Instituted May 8, 1879. Captain RICHARD ROBINS, late U. S. A., Recorder, I41 East Kinzie Street, Chicago. QUADRENNIAL REGISTER, OF THE N E W Y O R K C O M M A N D E R Y, () F THE MILITA FY OF DEF, OF THE L O YA L L E G I O N, OF THE UNITED STATES, INSTITUTED JANUARY 17, 1866. Prep a red by C. A. C. A F L E T O N, Fre c or d e r. *º-º-º: NEW YORK CITY: MAY, 1881. | | | | | |